Miami Gazette July 6, 1910 - December 14, 1910

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Pe~sonal Mrs. Mary Brown Tay'l or was born ~--.-...-...-.-- - -~~+~-.-. -- .-. ------------ -- ---.- .•.- ., - - - - - - - - . - - . neal' Cent rvill e, Montgomery Co. , . f Ii t Ohio, May Hi, 1830. She was a Smoke Imparcial 5c Cigars. Smol<c "'area Fina 5c Cigars. M R th A • H ames, 0 ·1 '11 rs.AI bU h 't f un 9- d augIl t~r 0 f E• noch snu Mary B rown VI e • a ama . . member C . AR 1 't . D ay t on St0 k'es .S'I . f th' Gas wn tt ten or an- and was the last survIving . 0>1 zer was m 1 ve r was in incmnati on o th er year 0 e aze e. of that family . Thursday. Saturday.

Mention Here and There

I Former Citizens 1

Th e 'Bo well c mmen 'emenl h ,Id last Tu esday ' v nin g. was one of the pretti st com menc menU; pf he Rev. and Mrs. J . F_ Cadwallader year. Th e clasii w as omposed wholwere g uesL.q of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ly of girls. a nd there was nol a hitch Slllal·t al d inner Monday . from star t Lo fiuish . Whil t he e vell ing wa ~ hilt. yet July :30, 1848, she was married tv MI'ss Donna Hawke has been on M I·S. Wa rren Ra rn et t was q UI'l e Dl'. anrl Mrs. J. T. ElliRenlertained u good-sized. a ud i Il C wus PI' 'sen\ . Mrs. S. B. Thompson, of Seneca, Laban 'l'aylor. To this union were the sick list. sick last week. In fac t, it wa larger than f r mel'l~·. at d inn 'r :unuay, the following Kansas, writea that Mr. Thompson born five children . The youngest son died in childhood. The others J. M. Taylor visited his sister in Mrs . Seth FUI nas iRout again after T he hal l was pre~ li ly deco rated in glle;; L~: ~Il' . and [\11'5. Sam\. Me rehas had poor health all summ r. are. une daught !!r, Mrs. Frank Bur- X nia Sunday. a sei2'e of the measles. lhe class colo r!>. la nd·1' lUlL! uld dith. and family . und Mr . nd Mrs. nett, and three sons . Julius. Alli'lon gold. and Old Glo l'Y was conspicuo us (;rov l.!l' i'I\e l'elii lh and son. Tressler, Announcement was mad e at lhe and Waltel'. l'hereare eleven grand. Frank Zeu was in Lebanon ThursMrs. J . W. Hisey bas been inuis- and handsom ely draped on the stage. of oillmu us. commencement exercises of Rutgers childrl~n and six greal grandchildren day on business. posed for several days. Streamer s of the cl ass colorS! WC I' Colle&,e, held last week, that gifts Until twenty-five years ago, Mr. Carroll Smart, of Cincinnati, spen t Raymond Conner lef t Tu esday strung all over the hall, and the efA 'pleasant fam il y picni c was held amout:ltina-, to 157,000 have recently and Mrs . Taylor lived within a few the Fourth here. night for an outing ht Atlantic ·ity. fec t was fi ne. on the u ' auti ful lawn of Mr. and been received by that illstitution . miles of Centerville. Th en they The Springfield Cadet orchestra ' M1'5. J . A. 'oleman on the afternoon Hallett and I\.be Dakin. of Middl eCharles E. Merritt, Jr., is a member moved to Carlisle, Warren Co., Ohio. . Dr. Ellis and A. Maffit autoed to rendered a fin e classical prog ram. of the Fourth. Those present were town, spent several days hE're this Xenia last Thursday. of the incomina- class, and Lawrence and they r esponded to several enClJre. H . V. Waller and fam il y, of Lebanon Gillam has just passed his prelitnina- At their home, at that place, she week. paftSed aWIlY, June 23. 1910, at the Kenneth Ridge, of Dayton. is home during the evening . Ii'. B. Henderson and famil y. D. L. ry examination for admission a year age of 80 y ars, 1 month and 7 days. for a week'R vacation. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sh erwood and At 8:15 the curtain was rung UP. rane and fam ily a nd Mrs. Louise hence. Botb are Mt. lIolly boys. -She unitetl wi th the Presbyterian · dl M'II . ... h' d daug ht er spenl the Fourth in Or g - and after the in vocation by Rev. L. Woolley. L In ey I s IS vlsltmg IS gran ' - onia Mt. Holly Mirror. Chul'ch at Carlisle twenty years a20' O. Thompson, th e exercises com. Mr. Merritt is the son of C. E Hel' declilling health had not per- parents in Spring Valley. Each g rad~ate did her Mr. Walter J. Kilbon entertained menced. Mrs. Grace :ilt rawn and Miss May best, and not a break was made by handsomely at 6 o'clock dinner. MonMerritt, formerly of Waynesville. d Mr. Merritt Jr.spenc a year or 80 here mitte regular attendance at theserJ . E. Janney and family were shop· Strawn were visitor'! in Columbus one of them. The program was as day evening. Those present were: with his aunt, Miss Keziah Merritt vices of t?t:! church . f~r some time ping in Dayton Thursday. recently. follows: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Henderson and but she enjoyed the VISIts of her pas' during his early• life. tor when he read ~ith them from Messrs J. H. Coleman and D. L. W'II I'Ie Haines was overcome by daughter, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Hen_ • God's Word and offered prayer in Crane were in Dayton Sunday. the heat la'it week and was sick for U ncle Tascus and the Deeu ..... ..... . d rson and children and Miss Ethel FOR RAISINO BEST CORN their hOlJle. Messrs. J. C. Hisey and Jas. Sale several days. . ...... .. ... .. .... ........... Nina impki ns Wardlow. After dinner the 'guestl C -t A' Mrs Ta lor as of h f I k' d Saved and a ir .. .... ... Berth a Price were entertained by a fine display of The Warren oun y orn SSOCta. Y w ac eel' u, In were Lebanon visitors last week. tion has decided to otfer the follow- and sympathetic disposition. Her Warren Dakin is ba k working at The Old Stone Basin ...... ... ..... .. .. .. fi rewllrks . in&' cash prizes on corn cultivated by great love for her children was man· Miss Edith Mosher returned home the old stand again. Jimmie didn't ...... .... ....... . .. .... .. J. Ma rie Harner boys of the county and exhibited nl ifesled in har devotion to thein and from Cardington Saturday evening. like Middletown. The King's Pictul·c .... .... Edna Smith The following spent a most enjoyth . . t If f h . h The Living Prescnt ... Neva tanfield . the next co.unty fair, first. $3; second, . elr III eres.ts. .any 0 er nelg - MI'sseg L'llla Benham and Edna Miss Clara Hawke spent several Lighthou e May ... Hazel M.ari e hutts abl day last Sunday, the guests of b orswe..e SIC k ormtrou bl esh ewas Rob' $2; and thlrd .. $l;onthebef!ttenears "to T days last week in Lebanon, the guest Mr. and Mrs . Lester Surface: Mrs. , 1 d . h .' tnson were 0 ay to n VISI rs u~ of white corn; tirst $3; second, $2; a ~ays rea y to gIve . er assIStance. d of Miss Mary Hawke. Prof. W. R. McChesney, of the Hannah Rich and granddauchter , and third, $1, on the best ten ears of She has gone on before but the ay. Cedarville college was next intl'o- Inez Rich, of Wellman; Mr. Frank yellow com. The beat exhibitaof memory of her unselfiah life will be Mr. and MI"$. George Da~in, of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Starr, . of duced, and he made a fine talk, and Thomas and wife, Everett, Lowell. each kind can be exhibited at the cnerished by her aged husband, her Middletown. were guests of relkti:v .ndianapolis, were gupsts at the was given the utmost attent ion . Hi s Inez and Anna Thomas,' Mrs. Anna atate corn mow, to beheld in CoJum- children and aer many friends. here Monday. Friends' Home' Monday. talk was along educational and relig- M. Surface and aunt, Hannnah GrabUI next ·winter. Blanks for keep· Those who knew her as "Mother" M W 0 G t' dd ht U d M A M ffi t ded ious lines, and he was thoroughly 1ham. Following the dinner ice-cream ...I" '11 b f 'abed b . t I . th . d f th r s . . . us m an aug er , ".r. an rs. . a t at en a . h h' , .. ~ th .... e .recontO WI e urnj , can. ~u y . say m e wor s 0 ese of Lebanon, were guests of friends supper given by the Pythian Sisters, conversant WIt IS text. and cake were ' served in abundance, addre8lltn&' A. B. Graham, Columbus, famlhar hnes, hare Thursday of Harveys'oura- Tuesday evenin&,. Superintendent E. H. Colvin made ".ore of 0 S U . an approprl'ate speech I'n presentl'ng . Ohl'o ,.in ~ ··Dearest. Mother, thou hast left us,' • -. . • • Mr. and Mrs. Ollie ' Davis, and Harry Hamilton and friend, Miss the diplomas, after which the audi- ' A jolly crowd met 6n th e Cross Here thy loss we deeply feel; daughter, of CorYo'in were in Cincin- Bonnie Lee, of Dayton, have been enre was dismissed with the benedic- lawn at 11 Q'c1ock Monday, where ENOAOED AS SOLOIST . . But 'tis God that hath ~reft us; nati the Fourth. visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Hamil- tion they ate dinner. They had intended Wrs.' .Winifred F. Parry, daughter He.can aU our sorrows heal." ton. Thus ended a very successful year to &,0 down the river, .but ~oncluded of Mr. and Mrs. George H Funkey. A. N. Mr. and Mrs. John Liddy, of Dayin the township schooois for 1910. not to leave town, owmg to weathef , brother of Mr. J. k. Funkey, of Funeral B!!r'vices were held at the ton, spent the Four$ with Mr. ana Mrs. Mary E. Cadwallader, of •- . conditions. Conversationandgame9 Leipsic, Ohio, is gainin&' popular- home of her son Julius. Sunday, June Mrs. Michael Liddy. Morrow, was the&,uestofher sister, MORE HITCHING PLACES were indul&,ed in. Those present itv .... a sinO'er. She has been en- 26. th, Rev. Cotton, pastor of hu Mrs. Agnes Wright, Sunday and were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure \I • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irons . Mr. and M ~ed to sing the cont):alto solos in church in Carhllle, officiatina-, after Mrs Nicholas Jrons and Mrs. A. Wy- - onday. I Council should erect more bitching Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carey., Mrs. C.hrist M. E. church in Pittsburg. which the remains were tenderly song were Dayton visitors Thursday. Mrs. F. A. Brown and daughter places for farmers who come to town Euphemia Hou~h'MMrI' anAdScMrs • Mn'. Perry has been heard in and carefully laid to rest in a flower Irma, of Lebanon, were week-end Saturdays to do their trading. Sat- George Hartsock, r . . .. ot t , Miss Bene Gatch. of Xenia, and guests af Prof. and Mrs. L, S. urday night was an example of this, Mt·s. K. S. Hyatt, Mr. aAd Mrs. Robt . . I Waynesville churches, and her bellU- strewn casket in the family burial tiful voice mad~ a good impression. lot in Bellbrook cemetery. . Mrs. Wright, of New York, were Rhoades. when farmers bad to find a place to ross, Misses Alice Carey, Irma - - -...- . .-. week-e.nd guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. hitch as far up as Third street. Hough , Luella Janney, Masters Carl " WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT HAD NEW eXPERIENCE H. Allen. Mr. Ha.r ry Spencer, of Miamisburg It looks as though this could be ob- McClure and Holmes Stoops. . and Mr. r.has. Burton of Middletown, viated, for tbere are plenty of places --Mr. James A. StoOPR was eleete.1 Dr. L. E . Custer and hIS son LuMrs. Alma Bingamon, of Indianap· were Fourth of July KUests · of Mr. on Main s,treet to put up racks. Jf president and general managel' of zerne made a trip Wednesday in thei!' olis, was the guest of. her parents, and Mrs. Lon Burton. not, there is plenty of room on Miami Mr. and , Mrs. T. E. Cumminp the Interstate Canners' Co. last week. new 16,000 cubic feet balloon, "Lu- Mr. and Mrs. W, Elzey, Sunday and entertained a large · h street. We hope council will look I t th' . h crowd of ,oung M pIe M r. an d Mrs. Grover Mered It. thO e "ompany has J'ust been orgazerne," named for Dr.· Custer's son. Monday. . tt . . . peop e a elr near .a, Th .. d f Col b . IS rna er up as It IS a serIous ques1 Th orne d Dized, and will have their general The start ~vas made from Buck M·' d M J ff Th d an son, 0 us, were t' ' th h f ' h d Corner, ast urs ay evenmg lD r an rs e ompson an Fou th fJ 1 ts um fM dM Ion WI t e armer, W 0 oes not h fMC .,' M··.. offices in ' Cincinnati. The company Island and the t~ip was made w i t h - . · · r 0 u y &'\les 0 r. an rs. rk Ik f 1'5. ummmg s mece, 1.v r on or 0 is i ted t $2 000 000 d out incident the balloon alighting \ little d~ughter, of Lebanon, were Samuel Meredith and family. hleehl~toCh':~ hl, oOrrsfie , euspqUaan~~s dafowten Winnifred Macy, of Waynesville, O. , .' an , . guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. How..., u Numerous games were played. on , ncorpora. ~ . ' have cannenes m te,en dlfferen~ about two and one half mIles south I I I k ' M' Ra h 1 R' C the hill Waynesvill e depends on the ltatea. of WaynesVille, on the farm owned e ~t wee . ISS C e Idge, of incinnati,, ' . the lawn which was well lighted witb . and Mr. and' Mrs. Cliff Ridge, of farmer trade, therefore it is nothing J 1 Th h as , W. G • .Hall is secretary and treas- by Dr. Ellis, at 2 o'clock in the after- Mr. and Mrs. B; L. Cartwright, DaJton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. more than fair to gi ve them all the bapanese 'f 11 andterns. t d'e ouse 'nk w d urer and G. Ed. Guenther. vice-prest noon·. and grandson, Levering, attended Mahlon Ridge Sunday and Monday. convenienees that we can. eautt eh . 10 pI f anII h·t uThy ' ecora I C'" taenr. No effort was made to reach Children's Home board meetinc at __ • W I e. IS co or sc eme was u y a great h~ight, the highest altitude Lebanon Thursday. Dr and Mrs. Roy' Shepard and DESERVED COMPLIMENT carried out in the refreshments, • -. BOXWELL COMMENCEMENT attained during 'the trip' being apwhich consisted of ice cream and ed Mr. an d Mr sJ. .B. Ch apman start- Mrs. Eugene Foster, of Glendale. and .. , proximately 2,900 feet. The balloon Mr. and Mrs. J. H . askey and cak~. Lemonade was also serv ' \ The Warre~ County Boxwell com- did not strike a s Nift c'u rrent of air, ed for Montana last week via St. :~~t E~~~jayOfh:::S,h;~:tgO~~s~' C~f Mrs. Antram wer e I'e-employed last MISS Macy has been at the Cummencement Will be held at Le~anon, and a high rate of speed was impO!!- j' Paul, Minn. They': are making a so- relatives. Thursday by the county board of th e mings home for several weeks, but ~". u&'U S t 13thd' Dr. LotWhdeBn Wtlll de· sible. However, ev~ry foot of the cial.and business trip. Children's home for a period of two expects to return to her home before \~~ ; pillwiJIreceivetheirdiplomas. ver t h e ad ressan d e oxwe i pu wa~wasgre.'t a ' ed b " h 'MISS. ' E d' Ilon g '- Xenia Gazette Yl e~Joy. yt etwo Mr. and Mm. Chas. Cornell Miss naSat~rthwalte,whohad and.on~-halfyears ,whi h willmake . , .





• _. . LAROE AlTENDANCE , The attendance at the Lebanon UBi ersity is the lar&,est this sum. Vit h . bee f Its mer as . n or man~ years. I~dentsfl are stUfl' makmg Joodbst Yale as ve put 0 seven f rom Le a· non ;eceived first honors at Yale last

ael'lal enthUSIasts, It bemg the first Luella Cornell and Mr. and Mrs her tonSIls removed last week, is get- theIr tIme expire in March 1913. voyage ever taken by the father and Frank Zell spent Sunday with Rev. ting along nicely. She returned to The board surely did a wise thing Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown were son una~tended; Trout and family, at Monr~e. 1 Springfield 'fuesd.ay for a f.~w treat- ~ the ~a.<;!keys are th e r!ght. people host and hostess to a jolly · cempany The big gas bag pursued an almost \ ments, after. which sh~ wll,I be able I m the l'Ight· p\a.ce. A mce IIlcrease of fl'iends and relatives, Saturday uniform course, veel'ing a little .east I Mr. and Mrs. J. lL Coleman wer~ to sing ·again. in salary also followed the apTloint- ev~nirig June 25th Those present of southward_ called to Dayton last Thursday on ac. . mont The Miami Gazctte extends . and M~ Milton Clark The landing was made in a corn ~ count of the serious illness of Mr. Mrs. Addie Crago'. of Hun t ington, heartiest congratulati~n wl\. errea·nd Joshua' CheJloweth and . . . . ' C I ' b th M G Col I d d M W'l B k . f . 'I • , field, and. WIthin ashortttme a lar2e 0 eman s 1'0 er, r. eorge e- an ., an I drsi. Ibson :~c. ner, ~ - .- \ daughter Eth . el, Mr. and Mrs. Mc crowd of farmers gathered. It was man. .. . ~m~uo, n." av.e ee~ vlslttn~ their TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES Clelland Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. "Y~r. • _ • then concluded to ~ake a series of Mr. Fred B. Sherwood vi!ited in' COUSin, MISS Ahce Chenoweth for ' . Frank Smith and children, Mr. and THANKFUL To OLD FRIENDS ftighta, and about a score of the ib- GreenviJ1e. Ohio, last week, and wit- I a few days. T~ey returned home . The trustees me~ Monday evenmg Mrs Walter Janney, Mr. and Mrs. terested spectators were taken up in n eased th e corner-s··t··one Iaymg " f th e Wednesday evenmg. and transacted bUSIlle8S. · ml' ly 0 . b' lI . .' . After allow- Mon t T ue 11 an d f' a , also Mrs' . . . . Mr: Be1ij. Roberts wishes to thimk the balloon to varying altitud~, from Masonic Temple. The grand lodge M M . "'.3 ' h mg I s, the reslgnatuiln of Mr. C: Tuell's sister, Mrs Worley and daugh· ld f' d h 100 to 200 feet It was the luck of f Oh' .. . rs. N. H. Bunnell, rs. l!oUlt H. Clements was taken up and acf H ' II b M d M all of h IS 0 nen 8 w 0 re.em' . 0 10, was tn sessIon there alllO. Harris Miss Helen Stokes Mrs led M ' FC C . Iter, 0 1 S oro; r. an rs. hered him with posWards on his about 25 persons to get to go up, and · . .' . , . cep • 1... arey was e ect- Ralph Lewis and son Lealie Mr aq,d natAl day. It was anenjoyabfe oc- the experience ~as greatly enjoy.e d . Miss~ and ; Maria Stout. BenJ. Hawkms and Dr. Mary Cook ed to fill the vacancy. Mrs Frank Rogers Mr Jdhn Allen caston for 'bim. . byap ...· Dr. Custer ,a nd )lis sOn .re- Miss .Anna Vander¥oort, and Miss were among those ~ho attended the I Mr. Clemen~ has . faithfully pel'- Blake, of Indianapoiis, ~nd Mr. and . . • _. turned . home W~nesday · evening Ree~~~ o~ New B.urJington, leftFri- W• .C. T. U. meetmg at HarveYS- jformed the dutIes o.f clel'k for fourrs. F. A. Woolley and little daugh. BACK TO OLD HOME about 6 o'clock. Bot~ 'dec!ared it d~y mornmg for Bos~on; where the~ burg last Wednesday. . j teen year~, and he was successor to L,puise. of Dayton. Games a~d . was .o ne amona the mo~t delightful WIll att~nd th~ Na~lonaI Teachers · From 50 to. 100. "Solid Comfort" ~he late C. .D .. Woolley, who served musr~ furnished. the evenings enter· The Cl'088"Brol. ~ave leased t~~lr as~ensions theY 'had made . . : conve.t~:on. ~q Rocking pnairs to 'begiven free m that CtpaClty for over twenty t~inm~nt: olel plac~dn ~he p~I.!lI~ Bldg., an~ • - • . and M:". A". 'B. Chandler left tC:s 'our customerS after · they have yea 1's. - - -... - • wilImovebacktherethI8week. ·Thelr MAKINO 0000 CORN . '. ~~ . . . b . '. [ .. -... CHURCH OF CHRIST " t I' ti ,- . dan te .to · '. Sundayfol"atw.o weeks' vacatlOn' ln . Qu~ht$50worthof.goods. The's~c>DEATH preeen oca . on .18 tna . 'on corn ~e now , . th~ ."~t. "-- ·. "'h . " " . at d ' If . If yo."u, h ave. . b o~g ht thetr.llLtlre trade. .' v'Sua .. . . . Expertn.ents tieJ: ey we~t v~a. Buo;. 0, on - 0 er. : .. •... . . Bible Sc.hool at 9:30 a~ m .• preach. ' . • _ ,. ' . ing' cond~cted ~t t~e ~ounty in¢t:m-' Nlapra. Fan~," AI~any,'.Ne,,:.Yor~ to worth and are~nxlou~ for thIS Gi'~d . Mrs. Margaret ~. Brown, WIfe of ing at ,10:30 a. m~ and 8 Xl- m~:Young : KICKED BY HORSE . ary. E.l even. varietieS .• have beeh Ocean' Grove, ' wl),ete ~heY ·'Y.lll attend Rockef y~u can ,take· It home by .~~r l .!dr. NurBT0"Y~.' dIed at..her home 011 ' People's 'me~ting at..1:~ p': Ill. ~e .' . . ""., . " pl~tedby: ·the.Cou!l~y c&m" Assoeia- ~eF~~rlu.:' ~ie~ial, Conf~~~: ing$~.50lD~h •. , .The·. ro.~k~r-retatls I F~?rthsb:eet ~onday ,afternoon at 'SunsliineChorus wi . t at ~e .While J .. S. V~derv~rt was lead~ tion. · , ,,,. , , ( "', They· wdl tl.f~ go to W·ashmgtC:m, . at $6~60 • . You .c an see tM'first· I~b at 3 0 clock~ pea~ was due to p~raly- church ~t~rd~y 2:3'0 j1:,:u{ SubjeCt ," tq a horae to t9~ Tu_ay mom~ ,:: , . ;. - . '. .' : '. south tQ Noitolk and o~her. 'points of ~ur ,sto~)y ~uts9at, J uty 7th. ~JI sis. 'hie wi11ta.k e place this for Sunday evening', "Th~ Un~ it ~. U1lJll&llll&8&ble' and Ever, ~ip18 a man bunts f6q)1~1UI , interest before" 'their ' ' return home. Qd see t~e . rocker "nd get· 'your afternoon at the. Red Brick church. able Record!l 'What if it·is bot? kicked h;moJl ·tbe hand. breakiq a nre h8 bumpl lotO. ''Keep o. 'h.e 'They ' -we~ aCeompailiea QY ' Miss· .card·. Look ri~ w.eekfor ful~ Par- In~rment 'will 'be made 'in Miami Come to Sunday I School and cb~ , ..... ao4 bIa baIMi)wll,. srus" BJp'; . '.' . " . ~. RQ.tb"ChaDdl~ . . . ' . l~ulan, . JO~D A. ~rikey, ..Cemetery. . anyway. .L~ o.' Thompson, PastOr. '







$251 .





'ractical Fashions LADIES' TEN-GORED SKIRT.

'~H1f~RtJ • .) RlN£HART

!!!/!!!!!Kjf'1.!/,.!%.v/,f/~Y SYNOPSIS.

"~! Tnnl''', H I'I" ~ I.' r I1 n ,1 ~uardill n of O ·' r ru rl ' 111 1 J l u l ~ y. (' ' lIlhllshod SIIIlI1l1l'r h en d rllnrl.' rs Ill. Runll)·~ ld e . midst n u an "r, \I~ dlnln' l tI~s I It l' II III H d CNn rl.('rl. A ~1I58 lnll ch lock [I II I> (or lh,~ tllS'hl. 8h" wn_q .llI r tl pd loy A da"I, f1 !l url' on IIII' ,, ~,·.U\o.lll . Rh O P [I.,,~(,d n t el'r l lJl nrl!'ht . OW Ill'll WAR f,lI ed \\' Illt \lIIM' lI mly lI oiMNI . I" Ite n,,,,," ll1g MI"A Inn r!! f lind u et rnll/::p IInlt rufT bultoll In n c loth('>, ""'lII t','r. 0 ,,1'\1'11(1' li nd lI olsey o.rrl""11 ,,·!th .Indl 11 111\ ('Y. ,}'I,<, h outlo \\'I\R ow(\II pn e t! II)' It r ('''I, I'' o r ahot, A .. t rnng'e mlln (o nnd 81",[ 10 "nth In th hall. 1 I'r,\\,,'t! (4, h e I hI' body of Arnold A rm . t r,'nlr. wll('"" " " "ke r ff\1 her own cl1 the cOlJnlry h OIlSI· . MIss Innc8 f ou nd fTIlI"Y' revolver 1m lh I "w n . 11 0 nnll .Jac k










mYRl crlou " Iy dls:tIll)I'U rNI. DI'h '''' .laml '/lon unll Ih e co ron<,r Ilrrh' d . G ol'r t r ll,lo r " "l'I\Icd lh ul II1,IC wu.s ctl»og'ell t o .l nclt Ha ll c )', wit h whom aho had tal ke\! In Ih o billi a rd " OO Ul \l. mom " nls b ef\lrl' l ite- murd l' r . ,l nrnl~R() n t o ld IItI"

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1,ltIlng (", I,lonce 'rom him . 11 0 hll l'rilloncd 11Il Intl'ud,' r In a n empty ro om . 1'hc prison r ,.. ped b own 1\ Itlundl''' "',ute. It d('v~ l ope(1 that l{l ,


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th e fntnad (I I' \\ it" tlrobu.ll), 0.. wonUlU . Oerb'ud n Wil t! 6 USPOCtcc!. {OT tho Intrud I' print of u h lLTe foo t. Gertrude r l't u r tl~ 1I I"'lttl' wllh her I'lght ullklp . ap mln~ (J A I1l'gro f ounc! th l' 0 1h er h n lf ot whnt ' prov ed to b o JU 'k Bofley'8 ruff " Uti on.

left a

CHAPTER VIII.-continued.

·'l'lIuoubledly. Why. wbat could ft Il bUl filsl\l? Mias Jnnos. let me raconslnl t lbnt evening. as I aee It. IBalley and Armstrong bud quarreled Il t the club. I learned thJs to.iJay. ~our n phew brought Bnlley over. /PromJ)tell by jealoua. lnBaue fury. ~rmstrOlIlJ followed. coming across by !th E' paUl. He ontered the billiard I'oom' wing- perhaps rapping, p,nd bAIn admlttod by your nephew. Just 4ns lde he waB shot, by Bome one on Ith 'cIrcular Btaircaae. The sbot tired, (Your nepbew and Bailey lett the bouse at once, going ~oward the automobile .)Jou . - Tbey left by tbe lower road, :whlnh prevented them. being beard, ~nd when YOU and Misa ·Gertrude got Idowns~alrs everything was quiet" . , "But-Gertrude's story," I 8tamJIlered. "Mls8. Gertrude only brought for· wa.rd 'her uJ,llan;iUon the following !morning. 1 . do not" believe It, Miss :Inn s. It III the storr of n. loving and ingenious woman." "Alid- thls thing to-nlght?" "May upset my whole view or th ell e. We muat give the l)cnefit of every doubt 'a fter all. We may, for dnstance. : come hack to the figure ' on the porcb; if It was ~ . woman you saw Ithat night tbrough the window, we lmtgbt start with other Jlremlses. Or !:Mr. Innes' explanation may tum us 't n .a new direction. It Is poBslble that be 8bot ArnQld Armstrong as a burg· ar and then fied, ' frightened at what !be had done. In -any : casc. however:. I feel conlld~lDt tHat the body waa rh ere when he ·lett. Mr: Armstrong tert the' olub oste~8lblY for a moon' lfgh~ saunter, about bait after eleven ~'cloqk. It was throe when tb shot twas . fired." ., . .. I leaned ba'c k bewildered. It !leemed to me t.hat ~~e ev~nlng bad. b en fuB oC !llgnUlcuDt hapPQnlngs, bad I only .h Id the key; Had Gertrude been the ftugltilre In ' the clot'bea chute? Who ,wall the man on the drive . n..ear the ladg , aJ;ld ,\'( bose gold-mounted dress· lng-oag bud r seen In' tbe lodg s ilting room ? It was , liI.ICl wben Mr. Jl\mleBOn tiDally got up to go. I went with lilm to th dQor, and together we stood looking · out over the ,yalley. Helow lay HIe vUlage ot CaRIlDovn, with ittl Old World houseB, Its blosBomlng n cel:; and its Ileaco. A lJove on t he hill Rel'OSS tho vulloy were the ' lights of the G·roenwooel club. Jt was cven IIOS. slhle lO see th e curving row ot' paral'l eI lights that ' lIIUI'kod the cun'lagc road . RUnlors that I had heard about th e club came hnck-<>t drinking, of hIgh play, and once, It Yl'ar ago. ot a su lddl' und er t.hoRe very lightJ; . _II'. ,lamJel!on le ft. taking Il. s hort ut to th village. nnd J still . stood th el'll. It u\u~l . have hecn aft'r H, and tho nionotonous tick of l he big do k 011 tltCl .. tlLlrs behind mu was the only so und . Then 1 was con!lC'lous thal Rome I)nc was I'ullujng III) the drive . In II minuto a WIIUlItn dart d lnl t h" nroa of lig ht nlade Oy the Oll!! n doOl·. nud c:nught Ill > by the arm. 1 w, . ROHip.- HoHle In n HUll ot 'collaps fl'om lel' ror. nnd, not tbe 1 ast Importanl , cllltching on e 01 m y <:011.1· port plu te!> lind;) HiI\' o l' 1i110011 .

"\,Vll nl In tho lVQrld Is tl.l matter wltLt yon?" [ SDUllPed . " Uas Ih day o( good COlllmon sene gone b!t ! Sit up fin d t II me the whol hlo."." RosIe sat lip ·th n. and snlm d. " I wos omi ng up th drlve--" s be bC'gun . " You 1I 111 ~ 1 s tart with when you wl'n t. dowu the drive, wilb my dishes Rnd my s il ver." 1 Intel'1'upled. but. Rf.'e lng moru s i gns of byster!:\, T ga ve 10 . "V r y well. You w I' coming up tb e drlv - " "I had n lJaRket o(-<>f s ll\'er and dlshC's on illY arnl, nnd I was cUrI'ylng th e plnte , lJ call.o-because J was nfl'ald I'd broak it. Part· way up the rond U lIlon 8tol)111"11 out of tho bushes, tlnd h Id his arm II I{e t his, t> pread out, so I coultln 't g Ol pas t. He said- he suld - 'Not 110 fast, young lady : I want YOII to let me see wha t's In that ba I{CL '" She go t li P In her exci tC' 1ll nt a.n d took bold of my arm , " It wall Ilk thIs , MIss Jnnes," she said . "and t;ay you was the man. Wh n he a id t.hat. I scream d and ducked UDd er his arm like this. He caugbt at tbe basket and [ droppod It. T I'an s fast all T could , and b e camo afl or as far aB the t l' 'cs, Then he stop p d. 011, Miss Innes. It mu st have been th man that killed that Mr. Arllls tJ'ong l " " Don't bc fooli s h." I said. "W!:ioever killed Mr. Arm s trong would put as wuc,~ s pace be tween blmself and this hGuse as h ould. 00 up to bed now ; and mind. it I hear of this story being repented to the other maids I Bha'll deduct from your '" ,ages for every broken dish I fin4 In tbe dl·lve." I.could fnncy Llddy's tace when sbe missed the extra pieces ot china-she had' opposed Rosi e from, the start. If Liddy once finds a pI'opl;1ecy fulfilled, eBp clally an unpleasant one, she never allolVs me to forget It. It seemed to me that It WIlS absurd to leave that china dotted along tbn road for to SIIY the next morning; so wltb a sudden resoluUon, I oPl!ned ~ door "gain and stepped out Into tlUl darkness. A.s the door closed beh1n6 me I half regretted my Impulse; thoA t shut my teeth and went on. r bave never been a nerVOUB woman, as I said betor~. Moreover, a ml.nute or tIVO In ,the darkness enabl.ed me to see things talrly well. Beulah gave me rather a start by rubbing un· expectedly agaInst my feet; then we two. !llde by Ide, wenl down the drive. .



!II ill 11 Irl --I WI\:> u'l 11 0

It ; tbanle Ileave n. it h '1". ~ h · sUlJ'('d at


m·' . "T nllllll'uial!' YOIII' ne,.,ln> t bave ' ·f'r :'t hil1 l,. 1I1ce 1'01 bill1," I \~'. ~I\I. ' bu, "hut tb next Ilm t', }' 11 mig b t tak ' .thr LlUlO{;i' hlnn. n 't; 1001'0 p.a~UY · ·, !1l d Il ll(l Il'ss (,): \1I1'U . II' ." '. "1 bun' n'l 1\ y l:llg rI1U I( - Ul)t Iler .. " R ' , 1'1<. d 1; t h <l~' IJl'etltlt 1I0W, :ul !

Paris Pattern No. :l8:\~ . A ll Seam. Allowed.- sImple mod>! I, mndo wIth tbe fash lonabie ra is('d WlIlst Itn ill the form of a corselet. whI ch Is draped around t h Ilgure. i8 hero llIu8trated . The {ront hnll a box ·vlalt effect formed by backward.turulrtg tucks. lh back having the snme effect and finished In tab forlll a l th lop. Tho lower edg · la tlnls h d wIth a s imple hem. and th e model III adaptable to s rge., O\obalr. panama, !lann I or any of Ihe fancy worst d materials In plain or checked weave. Th pattern is In 7 slzes-22 to 34 Incbcs wo.lst measure. For 26 walst the skirt. mado r material 'With nap, requires 9 ynrds 20 Inches w¥ie, 4% yard!! 36 Inch s wide. H~ ya rd8 42 Inches wide. or 3'4 YllrdB 54 Inches wide: without nap It needs 7; yards 20 Inches wide, 4% yards 36 Inches wide. 3~ yards 42 Inches wide, or 3 'A1 yards 54 Incbe9 wid e. WIdth ot lower edge. ahout 3'1ft yards. To procure this patt' rn sond 10 cen!.8 to "Fllttern Deparunonl." or this pnp r. Wrtto name and address phunly. and be to ilve size and number ot pattaro. ?fO. 2834.

SIZE ..... __ .. . ...... .

N Aa.tE ........ . ........ ........................ .

TOWN ............ . .................. ........ .


AND NO.... _.••••• _.......... .

B'l'ATE ••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


BE C ONT[!\'tTTilD .)

. . . . . . . . .~ . ':t.• ,.J-

II • .,



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Honored by the Govornor. Effu i'v coull)Uments have ' be n paid to Gov rnor Marshall ' many tiDIes. but It romalned for an old [ris h woman to cap .the climax. The governor met her at Q (un rnl wblcll h ntt" nd ed tbe other day and IIh Vo' s full of rever lice tor the Indlano. executlve. "Ah." she said. "an' 'Us th guv·. nor," lind she swallowed )lP tho go.vernor's slim right hand In her own ri ght hand . ~ade large and muscul~ by ruany daY15 ot toll. "Yfs, 'tis tb guv'nor, an.' It'a glad I am to see ·ye. guv'nor. an~ Indade the corplle Is hon1_Y.!.!!aL..1lJ'-.;UlJ.LL,. prls Ince. "~ In d 10 na po11s Conditional Piety. cotch fi Bhermen. Jam s and Sandy. belated and be togged on a rougb wat r. w r e iu some trepidation 1 Bt t hey Bbould n ever get asbore again. At Ill!lt Jamie sald: "Sandy, ['m steorlng, and (think you 'd belter (lut up a bit ot prayer." '1 clon't lmow how." saId Sandy. "If ye ([Oll't ['II chuck y overboard." said ,Taml . Sandy h glln:' "Oh. Lord, r nev r naked anytblng of ye tor tlfteen yean. aod It yo'll only get us sate baok. ['II nev r trouble ye again. and- " . " Whist, Bandy." s\lld Jamt . "The boat's touched shore; don't be behold 0 to aoybod,>·.'l-Sbort Storie . . According to Her Count. "Y s," aid ·the young wife; "PhU/p and 1 have lived together a wbole year, and 'W'v never had tbe slightest Quarrel." "W hat (lr YOll talkIng about! You and Phllir' wer worried seven yeaI'll

Paris Pattern No. 2885. All 8el\ml AlIowed.-Cotton volle has been U8 d for this dall1ty frock. wh'lr:h Is adaptable to any ot the light summer mil· terlnls. Nnrrow tucks dlBtrlbute the fulness at the front nnd back. glvtns ample f\l lness to the skirt extension, wblcb 18 finished by a wide hem. The groups at tucking are separated by wide ribbon-run beading; the square ·Dutch neck and short . l1owlng' sleeves are trimmed with narrow rlbbon·run beading and finished with narrow edg1ng. The pattern Is In 4 slzesone·half to ftve years. For a child of three years the dress requires 2% yards of material 27 Inches wide. 21A1 yards 38 Incbes wide. or ·1 ~ yards 42 Inche wide; 1% yards of wldo boad· lug and 1% Y.lJ'ds of Dlurow beading, 4th yards of wide ribbon and 1% yards or narrow ribbon nod 3 yards ot edgIng. ,To procu ro th Is pattorn send 10 onts to "Puttern Departmenl.·· or this pap 1'.

A Burglar', Text Book. The pOlice of New York found upon [\ burg lar. arrested by them, a treatl!!e on safe·c raoklng that Is said to be ths ruos t r emarkable document that. bl1~ ever fallen Into thel!! bands. The con' tents nre so w!)ll complied that th~ pOli ce unhesI tatingly declare the autbor a past grand ma ter In bls pro> fesslo1\, ond . accord.lng ~o Popula, WrIte naUl a nd o.ddreSlI plainly. nnd be MeciH'nicl;!, are somewhat anxious to lIur.c to (ll"e sine a nd number ot pattera. tln.d ;,\1 just how mimr copies are 1111 etzEl,....... _....... . NO·2aes. Irculatlon throughout the country., For tb ' mos t pnrt tho manuacrlp\ NA.."dIil ....................................... .. Is in tL\e yegg code. a ILnl(o freely usell ~i till v 6 the country over,' rt ·de·. TOWN •..• •••. ". : ............. ; . .......... ,•• . scr ibes th two kind s ot safes reoog, 8TREE~ A ,N D ~O ..... _..... .. _....... _. nized by the protoaslon. namely. t.hlQ fir ep rQof a nd the burglar,pl'oof, a8s~r&' STATE... _.............. :................... . Ing. howlwet" that thtjre is .no ge.nwn. ;burglar·pt·~ot safe, at;ld ' ~a~ kind th~ . One on the Hotel, Man. nre •drill·proof are olily called so ' '''Thor~ 't~ ·' oP.e ~Illng IJ.bout tbls c;'\ir~eB)" . 'Mlaute · dLreoti'olla tQjf 'orackfng a sate" are given ·~ togeth." . 'pl\1co::, bQf.I ~ed. the hOt6i proprietor, with -diagrams- to ltluatra't e tho ~~'" "and Ulat III we neve r ornicO! any. clllhns. Anything . you aee · o~ Ise. u· c!Ui be serve,d Ilt once." ., Guilt Revealed. . "That 80?" chuckled tho bomorou• '\rohnny, do y6u smoke clgaretteJ 1· glle8l, all be looked ovet· tbe much.. II[ d-d-do ',a 'I.Hlttle. sir;" .tammere. uae4 card. . ·~W~ll;'· brlnl me lomt J'pbnny•. PAling th~ of the to\llbbprlnta." bllll~l1~n . t1eld> ,. , • ~l1e b04S flxetl h1.n ,,'lth hll ' _ .


'n til

"'0 hl: \\'uulll "1- L h. v 1I em ' b lll!p.d It~· .:1 IIJI f. Atftli! llln.elf." ' • "Diet lHl CIHtBO Y \I ollt of tile bouBe and bU ll, H1:\'nl n: " r ns1r ·d , .. ' " Ile li \tasll! II g'IUI to \,y~ not "I. len Ir, 11II t lIoitlil)" hy. tu·fc.:rlly. I \(\111""" \.1"$ ' ~ .:,\vlng 111';- D g Od T , ."



,VitMa -Saa,age


l :c .· I·OOC\ ~ IIIf'lng 11110 Ih ' daf'Iit\ Ofl~

w u.uu·t dlil'

a nervous .collal' that [ hard tbe fnmlLiar throbbing ot an automobll ngl n e. As It cam close r I r e ognlzed tbe outline of the Dragon Fly, and know lhat JJ al ey bad come back . Strange enougb It must have seem cd lo 'Inlaey. too. to come across me In tho mlddl of lhe night. wllh lbe' skirt of my gray s ilk gown OV ' j' my !iltollld·u s to k e ll oII th d w. holding a red snd green bask t und r on arm lI.nd ~ blullk cat IlIId I' Lhe ol he r. Wha t wltll, r e lief ILnd joy. r be· gnn to cry, r ight the re . UIH.! ve ry n nr. Iy wiped my ' y s on Ueuluh In the excitemen t.

said . " You and- and Jack le ft almost at We time II bapp ned . The detectlvo II(;r thin\( that YOu- lhat "'e- know somet hing nbout it." ',[h de\'tl he do s." Halsey·.s e yes \I' r faI rl y startin g t rom hIs hearl . " I b g yo ur JII\I'don, . unt Rny, but- tha fellow 's a lunatic." . "Tell Ole e verything, won't you , Hal· sey"?" I hpgg d. "T'II Ole where r Oil CHAPTER IX. went lhat nIght, or rath I' morn ing. Just L ike n Girl. a nd wh y you we nt as you Qld. Th Is "Aunt Ray !" Halsey Bald (r m tho has been a terrlb) .. hours for all gloom be hind the iamps . "W hat in or li S. " th world ar you dOing b 1'131" 1I s t ood sUll'ing at Dl , n nd r cou ld "Taking R walk ." I said, t ryIng to see lh e horror of tbe sit uation dawn· be composed. I don't thInk lhe a n. i ll ~ In his fa ce. swet· stru ck ('Itlt r or us us bl'lug rl- I "I all't t 11 )'ou wh re I ""mt. Aunt dl culou at lb e tim . "011. HalSey. , Rn~'. " he flair! atte r a mo~ nt. "As to where have you been?" why. you will learn that at'on enou gb. "Let me tak YOll up to ' the house." Bu t Gertrude Imows that lack and I He was In th e road and had Beulah I I ft lhe holise hefore this thlng- tblll • horrIble murder- o c lII'r d ." "1\1 ' i son d oes no t h AII eve," a nd the hasket out or my arms In a r. J am moment. I ould s ee the car plainly G t d Id d 1I "H I It now, and 'Warne r Wl\S at tbe wheel- ~ e r ru c s/\ rear ' y. a sey, 'l,V . a 1st and a pair ot tbe worst comes. If thcy should arrest arn er JD n II er you. you musl- t II." "I s hall tell thl "h 14 Ith s lippers. ov r b a\'en knows wha t. ,Tnck Dalley was not th r eo I got In. no ng. ~ sa " w nnd wc we nt s lo wl . and painfully up a new aternness In his vOIce. Aunt t U h Y Ra y. It wns necessary Cor Jaek and o OllS . . . me to I ave that night. I cannot tell " e did nOl talk. Wbat we had to YOIl why- jus t y t. As to wbere we Bay was too Important to comlll~ n ce went. It [ have to depend on that as there. and , bosld s. It took all k tnds an alibi, I s ha ll not tell . The whole of conxlng from both men to s et tbe thing Ir. an absurdIty a trum p d.up Dragon Fly up lhe last grade. Only c harge that cannot p~sal hlY b serl. when we bad closed the front door I OUS .. . and stood faCi ng ea ch otber in th "Has Mr. Bailey gone back to the ba ll did Halsey say anything. H e city," I de manded, "or to the c lub ?" s lipped hi s strong young arm aroundI •. , iUter." d tlantJy; "at tbe present my Shoulders and turned me so Glom III I do not know wbere h i!l." faced th IIgbt. "Hulsey." I asked gravely leaning "Poor ~ unt Ray!" he S~.ld gently. forwal'd, " hav you the BlIghtest sus. And I nearly wept again. . I-I mus t pl<:ion wbo k1lled Arnold Armstrong? Gertl'ud • tOo; we Will bave n Th pollee think he was admitted tliree-eornered tnlk." from within. and that ho was shot 'And then Gertrude hersoH came down dowl\ !rom above, by some one on tbe th~ stairs. Sbe bad not been to bed circular staircase." e'\1d nUy ; she sUll wore the white "J know nothing of It," he malnnet;llgee , she had worn earlier in ~he talned; but I fancied I caught a 8udevanlng. and she l1mped somewhat. den glnnce at Gertrude. a 8ash of Duffns ber slow pro'gress down the something that died as It' came. sta!J'iI 1 lIad time to notice one tblng : As Quietly, as calmly a8 I COUld. I Mol'. Jl\.tnleson had said the woman went over the wbole story. from tbe who oscaped from the cellar had night J..lddy and I Had been alone up worn no shoe on ber rlgbt foot. Gor- to the strange experience of aosle tru~e's rlgbt ankle 9.'as the one she and her purBuer. The baSket still bad. sprained! stood on the table. a mute wltness to There were DO fragments oC china, The m ee ting between brother and tbls last mysterlouB occurrence. but wbe(e the grove began I picked sister WAS tenBe, but without tears. "There Is something else," I sal4 up a silver spoon. So tar Rosie's Halsey k1ssed her tend9rly, and 1 no- hesitat1ngly, at tbe last. "Halley. J story wail borne oul; I began to won- tfced evidences of Itrnfn and anxiety have never told this even to Gertrud •• der It it. were not Indiscreet, to say In both young facea , . but the morning after: the crime I the leaBt. ~,f9-~td·~~I~ltrt-=~;~~~tir+--"I·s-·eVtBT1fuhrg;=irtgtrr~1iTieliSlffirit'fOilnil. In a tulip - Hed, a revolver. It~ a neighborhood with Buch a deserved· "Right as can be," wltb forced It was yours, Halsey." Iy bad r eputation. 'Then I saw some- cheerfurnesB. , For an appreciable moment HaJsOJ' thIng gleaming, wblcb prl)ved to be I I1shted the living room and we stared at m e. Tben be turned to Gel" the handle of a cup, and a step or went In there. Only a half-hour be- trude. two farthe.r on I found a V-iSbaped ott fore bad sat with Mr. Jamieson ~n '''My reVolver, Trude'" he exclalm.d. of plate. But the most BurprIsLng that v.'ry room. listening While he "Why, Jaek took mT revolver with thing of '011 was to find the basket 6ft· ovel'Ut accused both Gertl'ude and him. didn·t he?" tlng comfor.ta1>ly beside the road, with Hall!ey of at least IL knowledge of the "Ob, for heaven's sake don't BtJ.j the rest of the brOKen crockery piled death of Arnold Armstrong. Now Hal· tbat.'· 1 implored. "Tho detecUft neatly wlthln. and a handful of small sey wae here to 8peaK for himself: I tlll.nks possihly Jack Bailey oame bnak. silver, spoons. forks and the like, on shouM l~arn everytblng that had pua- and-and the thing llapl?ened tben." lop! . I ould only stand and stare. zled me. . "He dldn·t come back." Halsey s81/1 Then Rotl le's story was true. But "I SI\W it III th e paper to.nlght for sternly.' "Gertrude, wl1en you brought ,,,here bad Rosie ,carried her basket? th9 tlrllt tlmc, b.e was saying. "It down a revolver that night for Jack And' why had the thief, If he were a k.nockll6 me dumh. When I think of to take with him. what one did yO. thief. plcl,ed up the broken out this houseful of women. and a tlilng' bring? Mine?" . of the road and I ft It, 'yUh his llke that occurring!" Gertrude was denant now. boo,ty ·! ... Gertrude's face was stili stand '·No. Yours was loaded. and I wu It Wlt l! with my near st approach to white. "That Isn't all, Halsey." sbe afraid of what .Tack-might do. r gUf blm one 1 hav bad fOI' Ii year or two. It was ~mpty." Halsey threw up botb handB de spalrlngly, ' ' "If that Isn 't like 1', girl!" be said "Why dldn't you do wbat I asked Y(lu to. Gertrude? You 8 nd Bailey 911 with mpty gun. and throw mtl\e In a tulip bed. of all places on enrt"! 1\11110 was R 38 callbnr. The Inqu~t will show . of course. that the built!, tbat killed Armstrong was a 3. Theil where sball I be?" • " You forget." 1 broke in, "that I have the revolver, anu that no on. knows about it." But Gertrude had risen anlJrlly. "! cnnnot stand ' It: It Is alwayf with me," she cried . "Halsey, I did, nof throw your revolver Into the tuill1 'becl, I- think - 10u' - dld-lt- yoUI' \ self! "

bdlind , HUl l l,ol!1ln~ th e pllli '. I gOl h e:!' ill w I Ill' h O Il !W und !w('II1'l'd lb e i ol al.' : Ih ~,1t I ~loud a nu . Iookfid dow n u h,' 1' Wltl·f' \.' HIli! c !'OlIclll'd t l' ruoUng· Iy ~:!;' d l1 " t tb (' doorway . "\ ' " II ," ] R\:I' lJd. "dldn't Y<11J1' YOU fl,g ldlll! enjo) bill IOl'III '!" 8 h,· r Hlltln'( s Iwn l, . S II .' I()o!;.,.f at !l IP. "' Ilit 1\ .;hr' 1l11~:It ' I\,' a lH lut



"To bn sure we were. but you forget tblll he' a traveling ~alesman. " A good word Is an e asy obligation; out nol to s peak III requires only ollr s il o('P. whl b costa us nothlng,-TUlotson . l' It I" yo,lUg who take advice ar alalmost beyond tbe need of Il-George MacDonald .

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Populiir,pks,' 11c4\ FIllliU"'Il&e. ·11k'..,







I think a\l N a ture Itudenlll gront The cou rage or the Gombat-ant. H e wulks about by d\ly and night.

:Shoot. Straight and True and Can Be I n ~Cliroll ot somethtng elso to fight. Carried In Pocket-How to There's nothi ng In the wortd h e lovel So mu h lUI putting on tho gloves. Manipulate It. And th n, ot co urae. ho und eralond A DOV 1 toy which Is a crOlIS be· The ule or teet nil well lUI hun as. , ween a bow and orro'IV and a cross· ·bow, nnd wblch can b e made by any IMPORTANCE OF THE APRONS iboy. has been design ed by n Massa · o(!busetts man . It shoo ts stralgbt ' and At One Time No Lady'. Wardrobt true and can eallll y be !;!arrled In the Wal Complete Without 'Goodly }Jocket. Tal(E\ 11 round piecEt of wood Supply of Garment.. about three or tour Inches long and nn Incb or Inch and a bait thick- a Wb en little girls wear oprons now· l)loce at un old curtain pole will do adays thl!y n ever give n thought to nicely. Bore enough to admit the how ornamental or becomlog tbey ar!:!, sUck to b uRed as an · arrow. Then but they put them on because mamma ')r nurse wlsbes to protect tbel! pretty clotbes. But when there Is com· pany In the parlor and mamma sende for them, the aprons are laId allide and tbere tbey are In their olce tresh dresses, unhurt by theIr romping. Long ago, however, wben their great·grandmothers were young, aprons were consluered Important pieces of clothing. No lady's ward· robe was complete wltbout a goodl, supply of aprons; tb ey were made by th _ doz ens In every style an.d design; gold and silver brocade apron. wrought with gold; "minuet" aprons, worn In that good old-fashlobed dance. and coquettishly trImmed with bows and Ince to suit the fnncy ot the wear· r. and there w re gnuze aprons and lawn·e mbrohl ered aprons, and lessons wer given and patterns sold tor em· broidering tbem. . . / New Arrow Toy. Tbere Is no telling how long ago Tbey bore holes about bait an Incb d ep In aprons came Into fasblon. ellch end and bend a piece ot stout doubtless were among t be many thlnge ~Ire Into a long handl with the nds whlcb came from England In the May· turning In nnd forming the a:ds for flower. Queen Anne wore t.h em and tlI e roll to revolve on. To k a piece of course her loyal subjects follow ed of strong rubber, or sev r I pieces, to be r example and It Is prohnble the the nde of th wood n roll to form arly colonial dames put them to the bow. Finally. take a straight, 8t rner use in the pioneer days. slim. round stick, not hone nd . If some enterprisin g person underSlightly, tbrust. It through tbe hole in took to hunt up and classify tbe varl· the wood and ftt It In the rubber. ous styles of aprons, he would find his When tJole Is drawn buck a nd I t fly work as dltflcult a s the complltng of a It will be found tbat the guidance pro- dlcUonary. vided by the wooden roll will give YOU They bave been put to so many usee accurate alm. requiring variety In size and shape that volumes might be written about Women and children alike IAPANESE FISH IS ' CURIOUS thom. wear them even now, but the days of apron ornament are over-the apron )ntereatlng Specimen Uses Fin 81 Sail tasblon Ie no more. -Dorado II Caught by Hook and Squ id • . . ' One of th most Interesting of fish ot Japaneee waters Is the Oriental soU fiab (HlsUopborua Orientalls). . The generio name means the eall bearer and reters to the huge dorsaL fin poe· lIeesed by the specles. 'rhe fln stands blgber than tbe body ve It and la used as a sail b tore the wind. It Is a large flsh, ten feet to length and welgblng 164 pounds. 8aY8 Zoologist. They swim about usu· ally to pairs 10 rough and windy weatber with their huge fins above the 'w ater. It Is a favo rite food fish an!1 the annual catch Is nearly two million JKluniis. The sail fish is caught by means of a harpoon. Another tood fish known as a dol11n or , dorado Is sometimes caught tn a .curlous way. The flsbes congregate under a decoy bush and rart made of 'bamboos, and are then caught by hooks balted with squids. Or the decoy busb Is surrounded by !n selne net and tbe dolphins , are driven by beating the surfaoe of llIe 'Water with sUcks. This fish Is eaten both freah' anc1 salt and Is as grent a '1't1y~ welnern .lapan as the salmon Is In the northeast.



of Longevity I. Held by Tortolle-Elephant Believed to Come Next.

The maximum length of lite of some of the best-known animals Is as follows: The borse IIvee to a maximum ot 35 years IlDd the donkey a Uke period; the dog does not e:lceed twenty-five years, tbe 'rabbit trom eight to ten. the goose 80, IlDd the dnck, the hen, IlDd the turkey dozen years. Among the animal. baviog the best·establlsbed f8Putation tor lonlevItY are the crow, which Jives 100 years. and the parrot and tbe elepbant, which attain an age of 150 years. Carp, on the other hllDd, ap" lIear to huve usurped their reputation. which 'was based on lll·under8tood facts from CbanUlly and Fontainebleau. Tbey rarely becoll)e cen'lenanabs. ' , The 't ortoise appears to be tbe ani~al that lives the longest, and the record at longevIty Is surely' held by ooe welgblng 260 kilograms, whlcb "as presented In 1904 to the London Zoological gardens by ' Hon. Lionel Rothschild, 'and which ' s1 sai'd to have \sen born In ,1760.



A Prote..

~lo" Against u"gln I,

the Heal_ Il's n persounl rna tl r b LW n you nnd the suo to B \\'1)I (' h is tb h(.tt r , buy your. r , 8('lf a SI~I_' s or a bolt! of C()carCola. I t i!'l (' ouHII ' -r \I V !B fall'lIe lInu aut n II II lil t' thirst. Wilolel:;om Rlshways Belops to Ev,erybody, and Government, 'State. end th PUI'E' li t \\'[11 1" and IOt~) nj ar inlt. At ,;uda fOllnUlin !ol und oar· Townships Should ContrlbuLc Thelr bOll~t II In LUIII(·s-fl· vcryw her. I Respective Shares. :; nu!!c t:Jmp [or boolt1(' t "'fIJ 'frulb i\Lollt 'oca·(' la" lind tlw Cuca·Cola Un 'eLal Rec urd Huok for J!Jl O. 'fbe I l:lttCI' ontntu s th f!l lllol1!! flO CID I 'CIIS y At 'fh llllt ," rc> 'orJs, st llccJul s : ror hoth' I ngu 1'. aod ut Il l' I' vnluabl bus ball Information cOlllpi l d 1))" alllhorill s . Au 1ress, TI \" ("()(·n·Cola 0 . , I Atlanta. Ga. . I .,. .

" 'heu Y



1--'-'· I

The Ruling SpirIt. lim.ll:,lIlll ( l'ushlng l ulU l l~ Cl'UIC' uut. quiI'll. \ \' ir , - \\'hat's t lJe mat\ p r" '·Tht· hOll S'- III 011 fin', lLIIU we will be Lurn d ttl delltb if w e I) Kltntl! a Smoothing Drag. moment. Rlln, run for ) our IIf !" (By 1:1 WARD H . GROSS.) t hi s rnun~y nt fro m 212 to 3 per cenL "Y E'R. I'll hl' unt In n WIOlllP ; I'\'(> The split log drag Is a yery valu· 'fh e high er rat would Impose an In. got to Iidy liP th ' rooms a liltll' so th at ullie road Implement wblcb, If Inte l· terest charge of $15,000,000 pe r year. it will look decent wh en th" Ilrl'lI1Pll II gently and perSistently used, will be Th(~ r e are nearly ]00,000,000 of pe~ g(' t here."- l\1odl?rD Soci t y. or great benefi t to the hlgbways, and pie now to pay It aod SOun there wiU Mr. KIng, tbe man who produced It, he more. UfJo n this Lasls tb e Rnnual Thomas Hood's Oversight. Tbomas Hood gave to lit rnture tb e Is entlt(M to the tbanks at tbe pub· tJu for Interest would be 15 cents pel lie. The writer Is gllUi to take off his perRon . undying "Song of the Sblrt ," bllt h hat to him. The secr etary of agriculture saYI migh t have wrllten nn v('n sudder The road drag, bow ever, Is being that th e loss due to bud roads is more song. that of the washtub . Easy Task greatly ove rworked so far as th e than $a.50 p r peraoil pe T year. Sena. laundry soap was unknown In his day. press Is concerned and sadly under· tor Bankhead of Alabama, a ma n who It is only for the last qu arter century worked upon the highways. W e ought has given tbe s ubject n grc> nt dea l of that it has been r e llevin ~ women at to underst.aod ouce for all that the thought, says good roads would save backarb es and bruised hancJ s . It tak es road drag Is not tbe solutl on ot the th goverom('nt betwee n $7,000,000 th e dirt out or or ott of nnylblnggood roads problem. It Is merely one and $8 ,000,000 pe r year on tb cost actuully does most of the war ~ jl:l!el~. of several st ps before we reach sat- or rura.l delivery olone. This Is one. Your b'TOCer bas it isfactory conditions. , Such headline halt th e Inter est charg on th e bond s. - S-Im - "Good Roads Without Money" are Good ronds mu k th e parcel post pos E\' , - TbclI you ar not r nu or pn's ' d now r ? tommY'rot, and do more barm than sib le. gooel. No community ev r had or The stat of Illin ois, for instan ce. .laC'k- i'\o. til y nl\\'n)" ~ rC'loind me ever 'Will have ' good roads without could foll ow th e XnIDI}le of New York uf a ki ss throu gh a t el. llIIOfH.'. paying for tbem, and good roads are to advantage nnd Issue $2:',000,000 to El'lI- Grac\olls! 10 whnt WilY? •ex p nslve. We mll.Y as weU make up $30,000,000 of b onds to help build tll .l;wk- TrH'Y ha I' •. lust 11I t'lf sweet. our minds to that first as last; we road s. A tax rate of slx·tenths of a {l s. can not get sometblng for nothing, and mill would carry tb o bonds and IJa y 1\ It Is foolish to try. Let us be sen· tll m ott In du e cours wlthln:lO or Important to Mothers d 40 y ars. Tbl s s tat tax on aD nv· CASTOl1IA. Exomin cart'full y ev ry botll of sible, pract Ica I an d conservat i v an a l:!afl3 nnd sur remedy for meet the good roads qu estlon as It erage 160 a cre far m wou ld b I 5 S infanttl nuu children, and I!C'El tbat it ought to be met, with stout bearts than $2 a "ear. It would ne\' r b h ~ and .. well defined, comprehensive fell . Ben r s t y~~ _ pian and an adequate scheme of fl· With two.thlrds the mon y s nppli d ignature of • • ~ Dan Ing th e proposlllo'n . as Indicated, tbe towDsblp could take In t ill For Over 3t) Y are. Evory few days we note in tho liP tb e building of hard ronds to the The KInd YClOJ Have A!\ ays Bougbt press clippings wbere tbe bu siness full constitutlonal limit and In 10 '. nd Search uthcl's fur 1 II ir v rtucs, men'lt a ssociation 0 f som town J or or 12 years al1 the main roads of the h t an d ra Ise d state could b improved us flrst·class tb YIl If for t by vic' s.- f·'ull er. city has passed the a one or two thousand dollars tor road gravel or stone roads, and have to m Improvement. This. Is good 60 for as all pald for within 25 or 30 years, rna· It goes, but It Is only a drop In th e king a fair distribution hetween the bucket. You could not make bricks present taxpay rs and Wase who without strnw In the olden days, nnd com after liS. Th burd n would ~il you cannot build good roads now so dlstribul ed tbat no one would ,f el without money, and stone, gravel, It. T n cents per acre pe r ye r brick or Its eql,llvalent la necessary. would pay the tot al farm tax I reThe writer has spent years In the qulred. study of the good roads problem, and Th economies resulting from the parUculorly as to tbe best method ot building of roads would pay tor th em WITH DOGS AS PLAY HORSES financing ,the same, and bow this tre'l many times over, and tb building 01 mendous burden should be taken up tb e roods wouid add to the valo 01 Boys of South Side of Great City Clf and carried. Space does not permit the Jjroperty of tbe state an d th e na, New-York, 'Teach Dog. to Propel gOing loto details. tlon seve.t al Umes tb e amount of Them on Skates. ]t Is not fair nor equItable to J;. money eXllend d to build tbem. Good pect tb'e farmers unaided to build and roads are an Investment and nOl an ' Wben you con make a dog work ~are for th e roads. The roads belong while 'be fancies he's pl:Jylng you're to everybody.. Tbe government uses expense. - Jr tbe federal government were to doing tbe dog some kindness and most of th e maIn blghways - or rura nnn"Hl.I'R 'L,u.• v.-- ' su.ffered from your self some good. Just whlcb part mall delivery. It bas authority to issue the $500,000,000 of bonds, tbe in my back bonded debt per capita would be only right Bide and build and maintain post roads, hence one·tblrd that of Germany, one·fiftb to was ti red ali the tile government can, and In the judg· trme and nervous. ment, of tbe writer should, use Its rev- that or Great Dritaln and one·nlnth 1 could not sleep, enue and credits to h elp build tbe of France. and every month I ,Many hands make light work. Le t roads It uses. Tile IItate shoUld also hardly stand Ilelp by e ither a tax, or stili .better, all join In the work and let b alf the . Lj'd1a E. ex p nse go on to tbe next generaUon. 's V egetaa long time bood Issue placed against AS' an Implement tOT breaking down mpound reall the property of the state. Tbe smoll clods and maklng a fine lov I stored m e to h ealth initiative. and one·tlhrd ot th e exagain and made me pense, sbould be lett to the people of s urface tb e smoothing drllg af! s bown feel like a new wotile respective townships wbere the In the lilustrallon, Is wortby at a man. J hope this place on the farm . It Is mud of roal1s are located. letter wiJ) induce More than three-fourtbs or the pieces I) by I) in h s about 8 fe t in L,.,~""":="':""-;---Javan th mselves of m ilieine."-Mrs. E. lL tramc passes over one·tourth ot the lengib bound together by cross pieces . Iron pieces wltb eyes as sl10wu FJWIElItlClK., Bloomdale, Ohio. road mBeage. If tbese main high· Backacbe is a symptom of female Wayll were Improved the good roads at A are us d for the bitcb . weakness or derangem lit. If you question would be practically solved. have backache don ' t n eglect it. To Variety of Vegetables. About 160,000 miles of good roads get permaneI\t r elief! y u must reach Plan tor a variety of vag tables. Try the have already been constructed In the rOQt of tile trouble. Nothing we Unlteft States. 400,000 more were Swiss chard. kal , endive. Bru!!lIel~ know of will do this so safely and surely bullt---tt- would give 560,000 miles of prouts and Qthers not u ually found as Lydia E. Pinkham's V getable Com.. improved highways out of about 2,· In the home gard enf'. Veget ables pound. Cure the cause of these dis220,000. This would cover the main which are liked the be "t by y Olll' fam· tressing aches :mcl pains and you will Dog Pull. Boy. highways. The cost of construction Ily should' be planted In succcsRlon. hecome well and strong. of this arrangement appeals mOl!t to would be anywbere from $1,000 to This matter Is too oft n overloo,k d. The great volume of unsolicited tesaome small boys who have learned $8,000 a mile ; the uv erage something ThEore mIght be a fin e lot of peas for timony constantly ponrinll in proves the secret In the soutb part of ttie lesa than U,OOO. Hence If the ted· two weeks. but wby not hove them for conclusivel~ that Lyrua E . Pinkham's great city of New York is not known. "ral government should assume one- two or three months? Stich crops lUI Vegetable Compound, made from roota and herbs, bas re's tored henlth to thoubut they are making the most Alf It. third tbe expense of ImprovIng this lie as, bush beans, Ilweet corn, bee ts Tbelr plan ie to harness the house '00,000 miles of road, It would reQuire and 'radlshes s houlJ be Tllnnted at in· Bands of women. dog' and Induce him to pull tbelll down approximately $5,000,000,000 to do so. terval!! of t en days or two we lIS to , If you have the sligbtest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegethe sllgbtly Inclined hill on roller The federal government can borrow supply a succession . table Compound wlll help you, skates. The cllckety click of tlle roll· write to :ftlrs. Piukbam at Lynn, ers 00 the granitoid walk behind til Maas~ fol' advice_ YOlll' letter Butflclent stimulus to keep the <fog gawtll De absolutely confidential, and the advice free. Ing at tbe required pace. Psychologically It has the same etrect as a , can tied to bls tall. ' As for the boy he gets all the fun of roller ekating without tbe e:Kerllon, and perhaps some at the seosations at shooUng the chutel!, riding the scenlo railway and motorlog combined. Anyway It's a popular sport in many parts of town where there ate hills, dogs and boys.




. Had' I~cilnatlon, But ~o Room'. At a chUdren'1I PI'rti' o~~ of ' the' matrons. '· .ln ao eftort to ,aupply the ""an.s·· of ~ certa,ln, gr,o up ot ; the lI~tJe ' cuests: aJlproac.h ed a lad wJ)o bad aiready consumed sQme 'tbl'ee ,or tour plates ot Ice ' 'c ream; not· to IIpeak dJYeJ'll plecell of .Jolly caire. " "May] flot otreJ' ),Oll so'me relr.slaiDen~ WI1Ue~" s~.! ...ked. . , " r , ,' , I ' .. ,Willie'. counteD&Dce took on aD e.Tbe ~ reaUJtII io keelling mUtt I ting the Cab in col~ water. The' m,z ."...loD Of. cleep ."IJ'e~ "Tau 10110 'Wel1. well, went . II&IcI NeWtclD.11"eet ud malntalDtn, the' hl.he:-. ,_ pown aIIowd lie DeAl: w tbt\ pump lIla'aiD," Balli be. "I ca.r.:I aWl .w, "'Upon. my word, I thouP& cal luaUtJ., t ..... ue obtalDed b) ..t- Md Ice boue. ' 1 can" '.Ill~," .' ... tN"" " . , l.. . . I



lieUa' aad more ecenomlcal Uqold BDHsepUes





TOILET ANTISEPTIC Give. one a lwee't breath; clean, white. ,erm-free teeth-aalUeptlcally deaD mouth and throat-purifie. the breath after Imokin,-diapet. all d.iaqreeabJe penpir.tion and body odOR-much a~ preciated b, dainty women. A quidl remedy for .ore eyes aad catarrh. A Iiltle ~utiDII powder disaolved ill • a1uo 01 bot water malces (l delighlful anti&eplic eo• IUlion, po,~ exlt.ordinary clearuing, germicidal and heal,. '. ing power , and ahaolutcly hUIIIless. Try a Sample.. SOc. a



lallC box at cfruuUts or by mail.


30 ft. Bowels-

Biggest organ of the body-ijle bowels-and the.!!!Q!t importantIt 's K2! to be 10Qked nftet--neglect means suffering and years of misery. CAS CAR E T Shelp patm:e keep every part of your bowels clean .and strong-then they act r1(;!ht-means \lealtb to· your whole body. pu I CASCARRTS toe: Q box for R week's treatlIleul. All drultl!:lata. Biggest oc:ller iD &lie "orld - MilUOD bol<ca • monUl.

Pinkham's I I


Slightly Confu.ed. One day Isaac Newton teeUn& chUly, ordered his servant to .buJld a goo4 roaring fire In the grate, and when, his oi'ders had been obeyed be drew , bls cbatr up and enjoyed the ' cbeerfu·l . warmth. In a short whUe he dropped Into deep thought and becnme unnrtndful of , tbe fire until. It grew ao warm that he was compelled to noUce Jt. . He rang the bell violently, . and when his ser"ant came be orde~ him ~ move 'the ,rate. ,T he ,lIervant IIcratcbed "his .bead In pu!zie'd silence. and N~wton, ' becoin; Ing thoro\lghly angry with tJ.1e heat I and >the sarvanbl dlsobedlen'c e, 'shout-' eil: "WID you mo~e that .nate'" Th, ie~aot ~e..ecs to ' terror at firllt: theD" bally ' ~OW1DI calm, be ans",ered: . _ "Would,.. It Dot be ,' better, air, tor y~ to move yuull' ci~rr~



Send postal for Free Package of Pax tine.

e. Vegetable Compound

To Lydia'



' E E FR




DAISY FLY KILLER ~::;:;:r.;.·:rr.~!; ".' Il "',orOllmll'ut. I,ooD"CU'~ut .4:-bt."'~

w ... A .. H..... ... 0:~1.':!:,~n:IU :~~.e0 nj)tlMltoll,!Ju re



oTnDI.("HI ~~lu'


UAROLDRO ....U 150D.I(oIU... .

Broo'ba, J .. .-...

A Welcome ~O STROPPJN~



for An, Man

'.' 1 • NO HONING

I '!!:

STEEL ..d RUBBER TIlE We re-rubber old chann I til'cd wheels Buggy Tops, Cushions, Poles, Shafts,

and All ' Kinds of Trimmings, DUOB II. SCHEU CO.

c.,rt ..d ......"...

~CI.el ... LI,


Make the Liver Do its Duty











in llehlnr and Irrltlbte Condltlons of the aldn pftldvce.a f~ehnr of eomlort to tile IUIle,cor before uperlenc:ed. It Is I)le reCDlolled apedlJc lor l!ch lne' pile.. and Ih~ IItalIIIarJ re> madr II> lIeUI'M. 110 cenlS a )lr .n drueCllila. or!lllftt d l~1 on r~lpt of price . ' ,

CHEMtc~ WMPANY , 'BALTIMORE, MD. io~ ~ BUn. .;..' Scalds., J COUlJde~ '~'!S1~1 OI..rnM!Dt better IUD aDJIbiaI elle. . . ..... Gecqe H. Bn4Ia, ~ N,b.

, ,


As ID.~

I ...__-._aoQO_._~~



Notes 'fro~ the Cou nty Courts


TH.!: D lJ N8AR

.. ... ~:;:~';J:;~:urt. ~ . ~ 'I~:k~' ::~;: D:~ "d";ea:; id~be~~a!eo~r::tl::wF~~r~~:!r:~;' New Suits


La y

Ul .il 'wn lJenoaf (1 w1\ler i n d ~ ro'\s , W l1ah de . bmn cb 'I) go j ogi n us .it pAS j Au' w 'au 1 '8 n .ltlYl0 ' low, 1 kin' hyeah it u i g , I hon oy; t e k yo '


LIVERITES-.~"""--- •

Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness '


W ill IIdmlt ted to probate . . will doubtl oa u~o g ront r a ttend. . Estate of MIlHoda Pullen decease d IIlDC than e ver tL~ the Bum L lverlte s fo r a cold, Backach ~ and WeaK Liver' or Kldne mer ~e. n. The Me h odilit Home for tbe Aged j F. . Pullen appoin ted 'exeout or . or ts tJJls Fo urth : Cb ster Ptlrk, i n Cinolnn llt l. a ks for the s111~ of , M. J . Hut.chi n80n Henry Alwavs keep R eid un(1 tb e p lRoe of 100 joy devioes , offers An oun e of the Mllry R. Milt-en berger ftlrrn . R. W. Gilchri l!t . Pr v ntion i8 them in the . a (luuule b ure ll ed oelebr a t io n tbl worth a pound house I' ady r~bey allege .tbat at ths tim s of t ho E8tate of Mildred rlOe, et aI , mi. YOllr nl-! both Bn nday IlU el Monda) ; uf Cll r e. 'for us convey anoe that I t was the undllr. nors. J. D. rloe nppoin te!! gunr. will be obse r ved to gi va th e wage In mem or y of the illtnen~ed Panl standin g that th'e proper ty should dian. ----------------------------~ earne rs the full e t possi blc ben fi t Lau r en e Duuba r, Dayton 's negro be 801d Rnd J G,OOO retaine d bV them In matter of applloa t.ion for tbe of t b e out in g pont., n ll10vuruent hus boo ~ 8tn r ted and that all in excess s honld be gi v . 'a ppointm ent as trultee of Barry E. fh"e hundre d dollars wor t b of fi ro, fpl' tbe b tt rruout of tlJe neg r o moe on tho board of mis sioDs of the Dil atosh UDder will of Heury DUll.. wo rks will btl u d elloh nig bt in ro b e th r ougb edn" ilfil"ln The p" ul L ll ll lIlethod ist ohurch . Eltarot h &; Mil.. tush, deoease d. William H. McCa in gr etl te8 t di spll\y ever pla nned for re LlC O lluolm r ,,"ciJoltu'!<llip f\lOlll1u . pie are att orneys fo r t he plain'ii f . appoiD ted t ru tee. The Rope of Ocnull. Ci noionat i nn d t he d i81,ltly!! will b ueen urgu.ulf.I'U , wltb 1\ li!>t of com Mary E . Boltln VB. Demos then ese Ei~te of Albert LeRoy Reed, min. d lffer en\ on t hfl t wo dl\Ys. Ch09te r llli,,~1(Jlle f:! banded by "7ill P'('IV PC'rl<lIllS who 11t1l.' tho phrnRe H .lim 1) ta n .• Llkt' W eer, Rasey E. Boltln, Mary Heigh or. 'eoondo coount tiled tht' rope of (l('IIUS'" to ,klloto by Amand a i8 no w II.t it hest. The m nstol' H o\Vell~ . I I' l'uOIl " 5>1 I nhol' k ll 0 II' lilt' RJj.( II II1 C'ntH·(, 1y and Mahlon Geuha rt, I1dmini8tra. C. Reed, guardi an . GoudMrn5, bathin g beaoh is fl perfeot nn tiuo t Cood F.ulrrI3In· TU61110 lle.l' i·Il.ISAd by ~he 0 1111lnli:l (, r llu - '·!l. l'l'l'!,I!'llllI or lI s gr.'a t IIfl tor of the estate of Mary E. Boltln . menl.Acll. e U ~ C 01 Ellta'e 01 Almfld a Cllln, i mbeoile . for t h e bot_weathe r feeliug . Thirty ione l's wlllIJe devote d t tho tin. Ilqu ltl' . "TI1C ROlle rtf nl'I"I~" II'IIS m ~ Wl1 s nn d lll ' I1" "d s Petitio n Is filed for partitio n the acoonn t filed by The lin 1:a"1.t II.' !!lInt;: .. \\ hl.' h Henry K th o us tlnd peopl e were in the Cheste r dowme nt f tlc hol r~1 1 s 1'1 . will IIln l.\.! n IHUH uf ,"' u'lr 1111)1, Ih 11 ' 11111' of n pl·tuff' pnlllt"(\' hy plalntl1l' prayin i tha' the defen . Cain, guard ian . " • Scc: l rn Ills H\"dy IIl1i'rcr;t nnd w h ulu· r • 1 II . le III I'olygn l os , a rll !'ll nglllslit'ci Urerk ' beacb ltl~t 'Ill ee k . Wi t h its doze n fuu terest WI ll bo lonlt'lh:vc. lll lJ fIl 11 1 b)' ~IYh l" hi m U!ieu for the,ion ,-ho dipd In Ihe Oflh CPU \II'\' II. C. danta be oompelled to set up whbt Estate of Raoh el A. Burnet t. de. devices for bAth e rs a od 'fhe AME RICA N BOY swim mers of p ro mislp~ \'oung n ~l'O 111 1 ove r I h Is I"Pllt"<i Or ·t to interes ts they have if any, or olaim oea8ed. Report of salo ha \'1" g l~·I'I1 ·lIfP. I !·i~~::~:t approv ed by t he b each is no t onl , Ilo pl tl 6 to b e th L'lli t d I:ltatA. . .~~~ Itll~,(/,':~!" t'~'IJf~',T,.,:;; :~~~!;. 1~1~~'!~~~u111~~r"): < hnra('te r and pxpreH sioll to palutl n ~'1 t o have on oertain describ ed proper court. I'I ,tt nu r"II ( 1'\I'n t '. J'h utul.:r:IJlhy . ~la m V5 , t.: l cl.! . coo l, but 6 place for rure en j oy .u en l·. Bu lh In it-s senti ment nnll in as Ac' orrllng to Pliny h n OIlNI('(1 ~~I~'~~)" , ~'~I:I :;elll\ll~{ \l~:!~r:~. X~ In~II'nf~~~;!:ir~W:' 1\~:~ tv and aleo ask for possess ion of . EsLate of Mary C. Clemen ts de. IHouth nnci Rh WI ' ,j Ihl' IN'lh of til(' 1r-J. II',I. II tul ,' v ..' • t hl" In hurmollY wi th rc lh 'l' d By unanim ous vord ict of t he x. geu (,ol'ld \ll llll his I IHlIlI L' I rLltl til\! i " lIdol )(0(1 b)' ':\0 , 1)00 bOl'" "-li d Iih'lr , tblS mOI"elU ent i~ fl gures. IIn,1 hI' WU!l Ihp flrf<l 1(1 nol1lt tlu\ propert y. Brando n & IviDS, ceased. Court grants ezeou' 1).lrl' n t ~ . ~Cl\ci ,1.0tl f •• r u rull )'car. On JIl lu at I Bit or Wil. pert oriti cs of Cinoinn ati, th o Che pruiHew LHI h y "'·lthll"l. n I In ~f'u l i. . . ,,\torne ys for plaintif f. wome n fl~UI'09 vdth trallR llur nt elm" j THE 11t-'\ l liam H. Allen leave '0 sell \PiIJiU[ PUaUIHING to. ID! MJIuI ~ 1110.• D.lnlIt. lllc1\. oertain ter Opera Co. wbi ch will he in it A m o ng tIl" D,lyton iao!' whu are (l orl s . bll.nk stock. thad week t:lundtIY, is tb e best or· me Ul I)er, of th" e 1Il1ll :,,-sio fl 61'e Oellus WllS n noor but 1l\()ll~lrlol1~ ~~~~~~~~~-~ gl\nizn tion of its kind ever g ath red Court Procee dlniS. ' .... , 0 ......- Estnte of Amy A. Cowan , deoease d Gree k who tJ ex travaga nt wife S ll Olil J d U I{" .... ust 111, t h H.t'v in Dr the . We8t. Tho pre8enc e of ~Igi" ili on y as fnst us he cOl1 lci P:l1'll It find Yay Bardy VII. Gus I:)ieker et a!. Due proof of publi08 tion 1~ Beory If . 'o llJy, t. h e R e v. Dr. li. A . he rllinted bl s trouble!! of notice Bowen a!l bead of the Cheate r CO. to hIs C;'lend IS • Conrt overru les demur rer as no' of appoln tmeut of admini strator guaran ty of the wonder ful qUlil ity YUll klJouf1:lr, Mr . R 'ono v r the paInter. Polygol)tus t hereupo n well taken. El'l ra M. K n ll ns, Mr s. A . D. POi nce: )Jaln t'd th plc lun.' filed by Harry E. Cowan . or a mnn W ul'lng Unde rtake r and Emba lmer. and 6zoopti oDai comed y iu t h e Che " Mrs. 'fII . P . H.ll llo11£ln , lUr l!. J otle"b n r ope of st raw . while Sarah Daohtle r VI, R, A. McCu'o h. nn hIm ter sllo ws. ... - ou 'i'ho "tood - d - in J.he intornH.tion ttI 8U C· A donkey ellU ng titht' hlrope ns Marria~ Licenses. \V III he fo o ld eon. Defend ant given leave to file I . Gobhll rt, P r of. A. B. 8h~uok " , J' ast ns It WllS wovon. It Is pleasnnt 06S8 "rhe ~ultan of ~ulu ," Oeorge R B II n I{ B U1'Id mg, ' 0ppOI:! i te Moses fl . J on s , ' . H. B ig" itH!, E . 10 relnte t ha t tbe sll anlwer in 30 daYI. Arthnr A. Atkins on, 27, farmer Ade 's best work. wil l be nt I SI!OIl had Ih e N'lti ullltl Blink . t he F ou rtb W . DEutOIl , Cbll rle, B Ne t tleton, t h des h'en err ct upon the wi fe or of Oregon ia, II.nd AnDa Jones, 37, of offering . Alread y '.re~elllj one in ho Ui-lO. nml ofblessed wi th J1~dwiu ,1. Brown a nd 1\11;18 ~1l11le ()cn us nnd Ihat It wns through Probate Court. Way.eE lvllle. her {l e wh er e J CIUl be CI~lled splendi d street car flloilitl e in p ll t St,ut:!ma n . >, ubsel]lI III frugality and t hrift thll t ony or night. Estate of Caiher ine Mounts Kib. Uharle s Haoke. , 21, p owderm aJter years , Cheste r th is y ear nCDUS ul Imlltely rose to I\. po~ILl on of Vtlll o.~· I;'h ooo 14.-2. has u new bey, decease d. Cause heard upon of Kings Mills and Florano Mrs. Mn.t,ilda J. Dunba r , mothor gr at prosperIty. o Hopkin s and more direot line in tbe Vine of Lhe poet hll8 req M' St t ues terl thnt h er excepti ons of fint aoooun t and to 21, of Sont h Lebano n , am rec. Wnyne svillv, Ohio. Cheate r route whioh insu re s th n t grAnds on P liul L tl. ure noe Dnnb!1 r leoond and final accoun t of~ . Wood. Diamonds. Otis W . Living ston , 2 , lawy er of Cheste r will 'Ie best a ble "" -'-' , !"",,, ~ -~~~-~~ ~~~~~~ t o hanllle Tay lor, l'e tb e firs t "be nefioiar ward and Van Mounts, alJ adminl s. Cinoin nati and Mrs . Fannie y of T he diamon d Is pllro ca rhon nnd Johnso n the monste r crowd of ~ou day Bud the pro posed WAYN ESV ILLE CliURC HES, sohol u.r h ips . As Mr. Ihe hnrdest substan ce In nAtu r . It tratore of ~he will annexe d. Court 33, of Me.lnev llle. Monday . This will be 0. boon to ex· Dunbar hRd into oded to oduca te b i burns In a tpmpern ture ot 800 ('cntl" overrul es exoepti onll to item of '1400 /! rnde. prod ucIng carbon ic 1lC' ld . All St. August ine's Catholi oursion ls t s to Ciuoinn ati for th e c Church . nam esake, the oboice Besms a ppro· .liaman ds are not equally aa extra oompe nsa'ion to admini s. I·'/llller ' c( I'\: ~ ~I,,\'c n hoc f cr. PnSlor Real Estate Transfe rs. ha rd. a nd Fourth . priate. - D y t on .T ourna \. 'ratorl and Item of '1300 paid to ~1"~H ~VI'rV "0 "lI" l SU Illllq' of we mou t h ;U 111 re Is !10m U rnes n varyIng rl egl'l'e - - -• . ---- - .. _ _ \I :ou a. IU. Joeeph W. O'~ea.11 and Willard J. . IIf hardn !IS ln rl lf'ferent parts or ' a Henry C. Southa rd to Nettie R ' A Frightf ul Wreck CONSP WriRh t as a~'orney feee f()r legal S~ow, lQL in Lebano n. $1. IRE TO CAUS. E NOISE In largc dlnmond . Some diamonds gloW St. l\1ary's Episcopal Church. of train, I\utomo bile or buggy may 11 da rk room; BOlUe Ill' nml1'es\, pnl, eervloe s as nontaln ed In firs~ aoooun t Henry Reid to Albert Frenoh lot oause lIe,· . .J I'" L'ull" .•lillll er. 1<l'ctor. f outs, a ppeAri bruises ng , milky a,braslo in sunligh t. ns, i Lel>& [lin· 11 ' eprains or wound s that ' demund Treache ry ot Inanima te Object. When mond s ar.' of many 'olors- pure white. Sunlia ·(·hOol . 11 ::10 n. UI Morn ing Rer· or reason tbat eald aoooun t was n non , 1.50' Buokle n's Arnica Salve e arth's \: I cu. III :ao u. lB . tlolv OlU In UI1I1111 Lhll I1r~ l One f. 8eeklng to Avoid Awa kenpUlled upon and approv ed probate Y~ lI ow. jet hI nck, dark brown. ligh t Banry Reid and Lucy Reid to A 1· greates t healer. Q ulok !-;UUtlllY 01 ea II lIloULh , relief and Ing Nearby Sleeper. IO nnmon. grcpn, bIn. pl nlt an rl 0001'$ mOle thall eight months prior bert ]french , two tractl' in Turtle. promp t oore rellults . For burns, ll·nnge. th e dl nmonds ot en II ml ae ~ filing of th68e exoepU ons. Court oreek tow~ship, '1500. Method ist Episcop al Churcb . . boils, sor9S of all kinds, eozema , Wbo Is It that tells Inaoima te ob· having a dl sttnctl vo ha racter. An no v. 11. w. Dulloy, }lLl8tor. torUler finds thai 'he es:oepti olla to Mrs. Agnee Long and EmU Steger, ~~:C:~~ hands and li~II, sore ey68 or jeots when one Is trying to avoid !! xper t can usuall y tell the min e by • ulIlh,y Seh""I, II ::Hi a . 111 . Mo rnln!: e r the item ot oredit of ")000 'd 'J lot in Sonth Lebano n waking some ('xllmlo one In lng the G!1 the '" next \'ioc, ston. pal room? ~ 0 :ao a . rn . I'~pw\lr\.l l r-J "U,Auc, 7 :OU p . . Most of th S suprem e. Sureat ' .. . 250 at' Fred C . 8obwll rtz's pHe oure They always know and their ghoullsb dlumou dll nf toduy como . 1'. l't lll n ' "en·ltc. 7 : 00 p . UL MlltwL'Uk. W . O'Nea ll.nd Willard J. Wrigh t from th III ADna E. Roaoh to George ft. Eve. I' r \Yl! r M atLI II\{. 7 p. RI . • t rl ks are renlly horrid to see. Cha.lrs fa molls r{lrubel' l y lind D e BecTI; -. . l for lqa18e rvloee in second and finaljla nd, twotra otlin Hliml} ton town· HEED THE VOICE OF fa ll over ou mill no s. pretext in what o uth ever. Afrlca.The World· s FATIGUE mere brush Christi an Church . aoooun t 1& well taken and tbat said ship, of one's skirt and down Work. Hev. 1.. O. ·fhompsoll. J'nsLor. payme n' is exoessl ve and more than they go with nn awful crash. One'a JOleph L. Beaton to Susan Jane Good Advice If One Woul~ IJl b le School. 9 :3011\. m. Socll1l meal/III( Retai n own Innocence Is so cl ear to ehooJd be allowe d for service s reno Beeton aod Albert Beston 1 0:3 0 11. m . 'hrIRt lllll:Of~ nllll1\Vor 7 ' (lU I; m' one. bl1~ Tit for Tat. , traot in Youthful Lookll and Prelerv e iI ~rn on uy IU\Slur o v ry , .. ILurtll\I.o liuntln). .. ~ t he chairs know how dlftl cult It will dered and doee find tba~ sum of ,901 Clearor eek town8h ip, Strange r (to promi nent clergymAn) 10. 3U u. 111. ",ul! 7:30 V . m. Nervel and Temper. be for you to taste n th blame on - 1 came In here, sir, to I'ltl (' lsc your would be a proper allowed and oourt O. M . Bake and John C. 'Slayba ok H;"ksit e Friends Church . A certain busy woman, whose tale them, and with silent chuckl s they chu r h ma nageme nt and tell you bow allow8 oredlt of $901 inl;\tead ot '2000, to MaBon Lumbe r Co., F i rs t D ay M 'I'IItw . 1 (1..;.0.0 1\ . m. ~' lr8L nny lots in Mason of accomp lishmen t would sound Ilke a Implica te you a dozen limes. Doors It ought 0 b run. 11 :0(1 a. m. FClunb u ay Molt' l lng Court further find8 thltt item of P l'Oml nent Clergym an (amazed )- IlIcLool. fable If related here, says that she bang that at othr times close with on ' OOa Ul. Invariab le mou siness. Things a t keeps the uedit of .s75 paid to W. J. Wrigh t Wh In al conditio d o yo u n meo by never tailing to u, s Ir ? How dare Minnie Schwa rtz and J, Olareno e obey the first symptom of fatigue. No opposite 'end of th e room r enlt loudly YOII ? Who a re you, an yway? Orthod ox Friends Church for legal servioe e to adminl strlltor a Soh wartz to Amand a J. quite shamel ss In the openneS8 with BaysU t. lots matter how Importa nt the '" am tho hu mble editor of th e PR" l1e \·. B enja m I n lt alVl:lnN. PU~ lor, work on whi ch .. contain ed seodIid and final aoooun t in Lebano n, '1, they di spense witll nil cause per you ha\'e been wrIting to."-Llf e. Sa lJu aLh • f'llool . I' ::\0 which s he Is engaged - unless. of a . m . /( 'I! \l/ a r "hotch il not eX088sive and overru les ' ex , ~.~ \' I cr. 10 '/0 1\ . lIl . Frank Brando n and Howar d W. course, she Is giving the baby a bath- but their own wicked in ten lions, After C brlKLIan ll:1IIIe&\·o r• I • •J\) I) . llO a while one nbandon . ceptiOQ . Unur' further finds that Ivins to J, A. Runyan s caution nnd The Noise. , lot in Leba. ahe desists from her employm ent the gives up golng on tiptoe. It every" momen t that "that tired feeling" item of OJ'edit asked by said admin . non, '1, She (on the pnrlor' sofn. In . a very ""!~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!' . ' overtak e II her. Selectin g a deep, cozy thing is dete rmined to ~'ke such a low to ne)-S h! '\\'bat's that? Iltrato re for eztra oompe nsation of Martin Harner and Tirzah Har " chair, or even f artnl rumpus you mlgbt us well ac· a couch. she rests. ~ e (al so In a low tone) '7'\Vbnt? "'1.'18 ae oontain ed in s8CoDd and ner, ~raots in Cleraor eek townSh cept calmly th reputati on for thought· ip, often with closed eyes. ror fifteen That sou bd.. 1 thought it was papa WAL TER MCC LUR E, 6nalao oount is exooesi ve and does $12,200. minutes. arising refresh ed to slay the I ssuess whi ch will be laid at your comIng. dragon of work. Her allnt, a New door wltb enUre unjustn ess. Humans therefo re eUlltain exoepti on", (. Sums "N o, denr ; that was my last cigar Fune ral Dire-;tor. E ngland houseke eper of the old are not unktnd to Inanim ate objects . being broken In my vest pockel." CommlssJoners' Proceedlnil. of $901, 1376 aDd ,60 making total Why should th e latte r always behave school. Is often --+. scandal _ -ized to see the of $1326 be allowe d admini strator s dlehes half done. while the mIs tress RIl though they had a . grudge 0 pay R ead toe Millmi Gazett e for n eWR for p a1 m ent of balano e due their at. Contra ots-A contrao t was grant· of tbe house Is recllnln s on the sofa otT? It 'ls cburJ1sb . It makes one Tel eph ono dRY 01 uight. tomey8 . wonller If the Japanes e did not have ad Clinton Stunto n to oonstru ot with a magazin e. Valley phone No. 'I . Long deep for discard ing furn iture. Ee\a~ of Elizabe th A. Braden , im. a oonore te and stone repair "I relit when my work Is done" They reasons to steel belie ve In devils, but Distn.noe.No'. 69-'''. they prefer C. W. HEND ERSONt.~.D. beatle. Invent ory filed by ·James bndge sUbstru oture, east of Carlisl e critiCises .the visitor, ' lIeverely. :'1 having them on pedesta ls, wh ere they couldn' t Brown , guardia n. take any oomfor t In sllllng on upper Frankl in and Oar1ls1e road Wayn esvill e, Ohio . WAYN ESVILL E, atm. with. my kitchen cluttere d up oan be watched, ra.tber than lurking OHIO • Eetate of Marga ret .C lement s, de. in Fr&nkl in townsh ip, about In household effects, ready to like that." betray one I at a momen t's notice. Valley Phone 11 oeaeed . · Firat aoooun t filed by Il'. Bi1ls- W. l:l. Stanag e & Co., m Branch Office. Harveyllbul'l. O. Main Stre't hOlltess sptll es, knowing well There msy be a great deal 10 this AI, Hamilt on Jr .. execut or. mat· blanks for olerk, 15 i Johnso n & that when she shall have achIeved her ter. It should be oarefully lnvestl· 1n matter of will of . John lY . Wat-son , e1'8l1ers for survey or, 50 aunt's hlllf cenlury w11l seem at gated, and, If possIble. cleared up. cents; John W. Shawh an, prem,iu m least a decade youngeshe r than years I Bnd twenty years younge r her than her on nsnran oe, S50. F. J. Light worthy relative A Man'lI True Worth, does today. The tes· paintin g flagstaf f and oannon i~ tlmony of those who Every good act Is charity. Your live with her Do You Get Up Fr~nklln cemete ry, '10 i Don P . moreov er I.lI In favor of the littl e s miling III your brotber 's fa ce Is char· Ity; an e)( hortatio Bone, feea, S42 .56; The Raoket Store "rests by the way." which With a Lam e Back ? md preserve man to virtuou n of your fellow '2 56 R B s d ~ ed s Is equal to h ' nerves and temper. as weH as com· 1tl4nc1 Trouble llakes You IIlserallle. se., . ; . ars barger, salary plexlon. nlm B·glv lng : your puttlllg a wander er AlmOit everyone knowsoE 0,. Kilmer's $40 i James Fallen ~r, salary, In th rl ,,-bt rou d Iii charity; your as'50 i • SWaJD p-Root, thegrea tkidney ,liverau d N8~ional ' oflloe Supply (;0., penoil Horse Manure Best, Cow's Worst sistin g the blind Is charity; your rl!!IL-..Jl moving stones and \hqrlls and other bladder remedy, be· sharpe ner, '3 .50 i Daniel Arthur , re '=" obsLl'ucUons from the Ilibad is charlt.y ~ cause of its remark· pat rs D eerfield townsh ip, 119, 9.0', may It b e desirab le to know th e t\.. man's tn.le woalth her aproperti bl e h eI!olth g Nathan after Is tbe - i es. restorin SwampHarvey , oontrllo t, ,13'.50 why of the individ ual riohnes s Qf good he docs In this \yorld t9 hi s fel· Root fulfi1le almost F. D. Miller, repairs in Frankl in ~he manure s from farm animal s . low·mnn. Wh n he di es people Will every wisb in over· coming say : "What property hns he lett be rheumat ism, t OWDS h ip, '31 75 j Charle e Bende r. Th e h orse is at the top .on this ae hind him? t--ootIlI lII pain in the back , kid. son,oo ntraot, '127.15 But tlw angla will as k i E. M. Gaskill , oount. That of the hog oomes nex t., "What gOO<yd('eds h as be !;e l1 ~. bel'ore _ .. "'UII neys, liver, bladder oontraot, '111 i J. C . Kiphar t oon then that from the ox. The IUllnlHe 'l lm?" -JlfAl' ( 'm l" t • an~ every part oftbe trao' on repairs , '11 .85 ', L. L .' R"n from. the cow ill at the bottom of urtnary ~a8sage. It ,. . • corrects mability to dbll, land appr$is er, '63; Estle Snell , t?e hst, this belOg . due to the e n· AN . EN EM Y OF MOSQl Jl TOES bold water and scalding pain in passing it, land apprais er, ,63', G")ioll Iron rlchlng substo.n.oos 10 hel' f o ) goi ng or bad effects followin g ofliquor , wine or beer, and .overcomesuse .. ,that unpleas ant Wor.ks Co., sewer pipe, aB3 .40; to the formatI On of milk, lea.ving ObseL' v lt iou will oonv inc e fl n <>r neceaaity of being compelled to go often Ma.ry E . Waterh ouse through the day, and to get up many refund er the manur e oomptlr llt.ively weak. d ' " d timet during the night. Innn . ly n tt.oot·iv e pllIson tbatth e '15.99 i AIlD'l E. lwaob , refuud ar eue ,-Hom e and Ftlrm . bWflllow hould be 11 wel come bil'd Swamp -Root is not recommended for 19.28. I' • -.~---in OUl' m, ill " t,. Tho food 0 the l:iwa.l ' everyth ing but if you have kidney, liver -.... _ ••- - or bladder trouble, it will be founell'ust C.\BBA OE ClJLTI VA TlON lowl! ooa!\i til of the stlllllle e . t as been Napole t or. on's Grit th remed y you nee. d 1 b After setting out oabbage the cn utured in mid.air , or r Inseot8 perhap s oughly tested in private practice, and has was of the unconq uerable • • • • • • • • • • , never~say. plants require Bhn.Jlow, level cuI ti. pioked fl'olll • the tops (If til JI grllRs or prayed 80 lucceasEul that a special nr· die kInd, the langem ent has been maele by .which all kind that you need va t ion until the orop t h 1 m a tures. Too wee' s. '1'1 l i~ ObS61'V fl Lioll is born o. H .hit, is may paper, who have not al. oough mos ' worenlung .fell,ders ready tried you disease havea. bad bave a sample oold~ muoh oultiva boUle ; .' . W also ~av a tu]] and . cOl1lpl. lin' of all SUPPQS tion oAnnot be given, ou t b .Y an examinu~ioll o f stolDaoh~, lent free by ma~ also a book telling troolles , oough syrups , cod liver oil and espeoia lly ~her every rain wh loli sllQws kmds of ':Iarness and every thing .needed .for the 'that the fo od ('If aWI"l. more about Swam~Root. and how "to or doctors have all f~Ued. do.n ·t lose Ibould the ground be thorou ghly low ' , conl'lst .lI .of 'DilDY !lmall Bpel)ies . 6ndout if yolihav ekld. horse neyor bladi:1er trouble. , whIch we · are sellin", af ROCK BOTTOM. heart hope~~.T ~Sati8f ke D:~tion New or Ki n g ': !!tirred,. A fine tooth horse Dlsoove culM.v a · of .b lI U,les,. whl?h ore 00 Ih/'! wing When Writingmerition l tor 18 . l(uaran teed when UBed lorany throat :rRIC E~. Give us a caU. one of t~e most eatlsfll otory many species of Dipterl l (rnos'qu . . itoes or lung trOUble. It bl'8 saved thous- implem ents for this purpos e. At tire. and t , llllies), ' .. leIId your '&ddren. to ' tClg'e ther wit,h : Ilnd8 of hopele sl suA'e~ra . . It maa .Ma.ine experim ent _tation mulohi ng' IA.rge ' tj e8 or fi.yl n g nots fl.nd Dr. KUmer & Co;, ...... olb"-",, -, :rsstu~bornool~s, Obetina t!)OOugb8 the plants 'With straw of similRr a fewqJ1~nt. ,ilJS60tS, · of smalle r. kinds,' ,,'" mate. r ialln a dry . s. e aBon . tended' to are ~ ~druggtlte. Don't make IIny milltake and is tbe mOlt safe and oetSain rem. inoreas e the or size of tbe head. At tng I\nd the 'nnm ber destroy ed by . Dr• .~m:.~;;~~:~~::dfh!c::J! edy forall broDch ialaft'eo 1ld tion8. 500 the N~braska Itation also straw swallow 8 a~e not only beY9 ..._-a. '.Mllt....... J:iI'. y"OII-.w~'- '1.00 Trial boUle . tree at oalou · Fred c ' mulch wal found _ very • OOnefio -.lal._._, "">>Do SchWa rtz'.. ·l1\M0!l; ~ut a}mollt beyond imagtn a. .' . 01'~nle"nadFatmer. . tioQ. . . .

pl)sslbillti~. 'l'wenty~


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IH a )t~~ssl

Sp ec ia l fo r Ju ly

--- .. -+- --

A goo d ' $20 .00 Rubber-mQunted . Buggy Har ness for : :: $15 .00 A hea vy leat her Tea m Fly net per pair , for two horses, . $ ·5.0 0 \ ~ goo d roun d lash leat her Buggy . Fly net " · • · · .• · .' .. $ 2 00 t

"".. ~fie~i! t~~~=Z::d


~!dg~:~~i~'Ji~~t~f~~~~de:; u:a:~~~ ~::~I::di~:o~~~:~' ~a:!~h


eit~~r injn~iO ns ~~~Oy"




T~'e ' ~i\gaz~ne Rev iew s


for July

_ _ _ __ __"'If_ " -'O -Y-'l .'1111(" (11110 . ~~ ............. ... ~.:..... .:....~~ -


FimJinl: Jobs for ('he Crippled

M _\l~ . T I U; I~' I '



••'''' __. ''''''


lower rlltes f or ttl'l ~e of monry In fl. fulling secul'it y market , undf'r tlle presell t earnin g p OWi'll' of t he b unktl , the 4 per oon rute IS virtnul . Iy s1Jlciun l, for, genera lly Hpettkin g, uutll Ptt!:lt lOvt'st,m en ts, purch. seo upon low inoom e unEl~ , muture , '1 uffioiAnt IIT11()1I0 t clmn ot he earned II bove ·1 )1 r Or-Ill t '0 oil', et t be effect uf incl'ells ing dt-poslt s throug h n .J p er cent rut,s or dited, find the sbt'inkl lgo oonCUl' r 13ut w\tb Ii fallin g secur ity Itlllrleet .-From "Reduo ing Interetl t Rute!ol on ollvin~8 Deposi ts," by .John f:iurs pn Rboode s, 10 the Americ un Revie w of Review s for July.

NEW AND SECOND-HAND .' Comblnallm Ch.nge~ - Lockl Q'arbaultd.....:S..... tballt

Genial Philoso pher Proved That He Had C'ollege Professo r'S Reoord Beaten to a Frazzle,


I u til liist few y ors we have tillc. unotbe l' t.I)P of greL,t m om ollt. CHESHUT AND FRONT STS., COLUIISIlft, OHIO "Th re's romanc e ror you:" Bald lit.. D. L. CRANI!!, EdiLur and Mallag er W l\!~ ve Ilckn owleug ed the right of tie Bink , putting aside his mornin g I lUI c l'ip plnd om} Ihe deftlot.i ve ' to -------~ -papl:lr. "Tbls paper Ilos n story ot a wo r k . W IIr no long r Ilatj fled Rates of ubscrip tion college profes8or who met a beautifu l TWO EW STATES girt twenty yt'(lrB old, fell In lovo with 0111" Ynu.r l Htrltltly In UdVUIlI ' O) • •• •. .. f l.ll ff fur . III il' >l uk e!' or for society '/! to her at flrst sIght. and then lost sIght Si" J.;' I ~ f·UIIY . . .. . .. . . , •. , " . , . .. . , U!, \cl'e ll t hllli 1Iy oo n tinu UR lJurity but Two now st.llr i! wIll ho lI.dufl ll t o Roge~ ~~ (I f her flltOgether. Now, nfter waIting t.he - -- -1--- -- - I,ry t il h l' lp tlHlll) to IIll in(l pomlon t ilog of tbe Uni led tflt ~ on 20 y IIr!;!, he Is warded by leanIng Rates of Advert ising li vt lihn nU. her to th l' alta,' as hla bride. ,Just tho F Ollrth of ,J Illy. They B tl~lld f or It" adl ll j{ 1, .. ,· ,Is, f""' 1111 . • ... • . . . ... . roe A Ullin wh.-, l o~es uu orm is worRe Ihlnk of It, .waltlng 20 y ars for a Ariwnu 1\.011 ~ ew M XI CJ, lJl.Rt of tbifl If Y<' 1 wou ld lIke to supply Hcu,UIIJ: I.u l: ul~. hillel, IUl·U. 1M rill"' .. . wife." I lle I ir thnn It mnn wbo l oses It leg, contine n t pl'O» j. 10 ,tcq U1l'e s t!lt.E' . 'lu"sIJlu" Alb . /loL lIJ Il)o,, ·OOlI III e Unus your table:: wtth this high"What of It? .. nsked th e genIal phil· ho ud, groute r i n Th e r e are IDllny things II, lUun can 'I'hre hISllnlolJs . . . . . . ... . . , ~bl ' Ilwlr ros ut e . ns nSO/ln e r . "Th er 's noth ing extraord lOhllllllrl lll< . lI"~ 11I\'IlI's Ir !' ; ,," l'r IhO grade silverw are free of do wi tl\Otlt t-wo legs. but it t llk et! nury ubout thnl. I've waited 35 years te rl'l tOl' ies t Lull UUJ Ii va of UII lI n g- \ 11I (· lll's . IHlr fiuu . . . .. .. . 6c inal two llUOl.l I,hirtee 1:! n for w r O.. Tit " Ol i u ,lo f tor mlll c.'· almost I1n y trade cost, write us for our speC'urilill Ih llllkK. , . . • . . . .. . . .• , . . . . '" ~ f>c J'I,,;ulu1.lUI\ "' .... . . .. . . .. ' . ... . . . .. , . . . 60c y"t as one figurel:! IL t t b e problem of "You? Wail (I 35 years ? WlJY, I mun cann a co ooehrtl of t l ill J.(rowlh l cial offer. Address Soduls u l e . \\1H'ru duu"):o 1M 1I111(1t 1 • • • though you'd beea marrI ed that long," of thi8 U nion 110 Y l Jett l'T t,llo n by U ) ' fiuuiJlg employ ment for th e men ..... -,...-- - n l~ IIIIY .\ '1 \ IIrll H hl~ IMH' illl'll. • . . • . said )ftUe Dinl{s. 1 111' Ihm; orippl "d, wby IIhoul<1 II. yout,h a. oOlllparj !'! on of th o t ('rrttllr leS 01 n l><COllllill Hi I ' ll IlIl I ·Ulllrlll't. ACTRE5SBS OF TODAY ST!\Nil!\RD FASHION COMPANY "1 hnve," said the gen Ial ph lloBophe r. with f our intllot h mbs h a us h er at toda y Rnd t hA g rc n t, ~ tllr B of 100 12-1 6 VIlAdam Streel, New York, N, Y. how I know bow loug I' ve lit theater ~ 'fhre e lim hs, rightly di!!. EJ!lie Fergul'l on 'H num e is upon tbe "That'l! wnit d. I'\'(.! waited ror h .r to Ret h r YOllt·s u~ o ~D n y t() n ,! nul'n ,l! . t ri bu ted, would do the work jus t JlS li ps of ever y s t-uge Rtru ck gi rl these glo\,eR on about Ihr ' 0 yeurs . I've wai" THE BLUE .J AY III II. And as one 's ardor grows for midsum m er dll,Ys, II, nd ber story 1\9 ed tor ber to hang her hnt about 'fwo m ore s t41tes \'\oere 14ddod to disco vering Rpooill.\ empl four }C;Jrs. 1" ' 0 wulted wIT1\ e Rho said told in BUUllln Life for July, is one vy ment HAT HAW AY jus t one la!lt word to I he cook for at 'i lle bIlla juy, whORe fllr !} is lorg • the union this week . Fla!:::! with a dapted to the cri ppled, the mOHt intere ting thut hilS ap· I 'ust olle longs live yuars; I've wolled upstairs ; Iy of in ec t. , i tll e ono bird which new Mtllrl! ur I:! uow in demllnd . WA .t'l s ville's Leadinl l Dentist· t.o nm Q. teleph one switoh baliI'd boy p eared in the series entitled CIAo· l'v waited downatl1.irs; l '\'e waltcd at I destroy ing the urown tnil moth i n Offioe in K ya Bldg. church; I' ve wulted Ilt th e th eater, nut of t.he buildin g on bis two good tressss of T ndlty . .. Main Sl New Engla.n d . This Ul til Is one of Of all ntly sudden rises to nnd J have waited In all !! , mulbllses, I gEl llUll setl.t t4 ne.1 gger in hl ~ Wttyne sv\lIe hud Ii tolerllb ly so ne the m 08t dA tructiv 6 ku own , and pluoe. Tile inform ation man at t.h e fam e, h ers was t h e most s peotAo ular tuxl~s, motor cars and th Lord know ll \ hat el e besides. Fa tis, Dlnksy, its eggs hn toh i n t·be fa ll ; I,b e young FOUl·th, und nllthluK tlllt Sllll IIUery window could oi pe nse .w ith We Sl4Y 0Pllltre n t ly. beotlus e rises on I' ve waited so long, so orten anu so saf Iy winter in tbeir n ests in the Fourth! ! g o in Wllyno!! vllie I1ftllT n early tl.ll of bis IlDtl.tOIDY 1 ADd liS Ilny plan e of life are never reall y regula rly ·that b tw n you and lil e tbis . tree, to issue in th e spring, and be fo r Dewsta nds, wh ole men sh ou l'd b sudoen . 'rue publio knows nothin g that littl e coll ege professo r of yOUI'll, gin their d VII tation on tbe openin g. with cll! y one walt of 20 y ars, strll{ of es the years of prepara tion . They forbidd en to te nd tbem 1 me aB a miserab foliage . The blue jtl..v to!lrs tl1tlt!e T he work of cleanin tl' up the rub. oe.urm ed m en Clin be dis trict se'e onlv the fin ish of the ri!!e. A~l Harper't ! Wevkly. le II tt.l 0 p\la 'r."DeRts upon In the wiute r, !lnd feeds bish around' town lust Friday , WUlel m essen ge.r s. Indeed tbey would be t his 18 made very olear in t he com 0 '1 tho yOllug . Bow mu.ny vlllu'ge u good t hing, und tile mem ber s 01 Dl nob better aduvte d to that ser vice p ellin g s tory of Mis l1'er~uson'~ life, A London Begga r's Money. sbnd t r eet! Itn'] onnt.ry f relit 111'& the Uentur y Club nre to be cum tn tlnd. t.llfl n the presen t iuoumlJ eut~, the sttl.rti ng with tbe time When, at her Some unusual dis los nros wer . mnd e. Rov ed (rom ulJl:ltruc ed for the s u ggestio n, "nd Mayor mesHen t.ion by tbis g l' boys, as tbe m es!:Ien g"rs fti the r's i1 ell th sh e found bertlett In a begging cas heard at Westml n· humble bird , CMl n ot be estimot eu. .C urtwriYht fo1' bls lloti on in tIll' ti r e constan st r, withon England t money . Th or defenda influen tia l frie~ds nt, who tly /!le nt, especia llv Ilt JUtttLer . night., to plnces of d Ollbtfu l charao ter and obliged to faoe t.bis muoh nbu8ed was dress d In "rngs und htU ra." wn.s B en outside th Romnn Catholi c ca- WHERE SCRIPTURE IS to nil kitlu S of cafes, saloou8 IlDel old world and eftrn i ts buflets or r(l thedral on Sunday SILENT r peatedly 'l'he WIlYDesvill~ Nution al Bunk ~lInl blin g estab lishme wards . Her CornUy, in solem n oo n. In g his brimlesR hat to worshIp touch· nts, whose in · ers en- Philade lphian Supplie d the Omi ssion, sm nas aUi ong tbe best in the oountr, v ft uence is perDlQtous. Moreov er, cltt ve, deci ded t,h at s he. sbould b l:!- tering the saer d dlflce. Wh n tuand Most Men Will Think H e Old Just tblnk! It stands Aloue in War t h e boy wbo runs liS distrio t messen . oome a soh ool ma 'urn. So they bun. ken Into custod y h bad 68 s blllings In Exactly Righ t. hill pockot as well as two baole ren County , and u.t the bead of. tb ... ~er il! lea.rnin g DO trade with his two dIed he r off to u Normll l t:)ohool showing somethi ng like £ GO books to his banks of tbe st.nte. Tho oltlzon s 01 ba nds t·o Sllppor t An eld I'ly man ot Philade lphia, b,ini when he ie Bnt rig ht here Fute gil ve u new cred it. But more remnrk abl sUII wn.s who I!~ not d tor bls piety, was ao· Wayne town tlhip ou~bt to fee l n. JOllll, the luok of which s huftle to the c llrds , und deult, tb the story of h w the mOil y had been knowle dl{e eOHte<! th other venlng nt a lon ely . proud of h er "liono r Roll" bl~nk 1 way y t ullndion little !Dad. embryo Def stur, nel aot had fo r 12 yea l's S[1ot on Allegbe ny avenue who!!e w b .lle soul p \lis skill . -'J.'he liS he '\fRB L~dies! Save M~Dey and Keep·in even then was wrappe d up in tb l' been a sandwic h man, and he salel : : returnIn g from servtce and grossly In· lJ ,s igner for July . ''I've save! every s hilling at It ou t Bult mimic d with world r espect behind to hts t be Style by Reading McCaU'. religiou footligh s bet8 PU UP t\RCHES oC .th Oil shlllln g two IJC nce a day. li ef. a trump b I1nei. Wbat foll owetl wus { don 't d"lnk Magazin e and Using McCall ,.Uel1ll , a nd I save v I'Y half· THE BABY'S SEt;ONO SUMMER At t1rst. h paid no IItt nUon to the all very uuu sun l Ilnd romtl.nt io, and p nny . U's my money .' .Wby should If tba Powe r t\lld Light board ~ant McCall'. M., .. I .. will In 'lults and tried to paBs on. The M~t:S MAraAZIHE b e lp you dross 8Iyl- . to do 80meth ing I bu t will redoutlO "Durin g the first year, when the seems to d ov etllil fittingl y i n to tb e It be taken awuy ? I defy uny one to other JOlin wou ld not p rm lt !sil l y RL 1\ modoral8 It, howoXI.eO! by k ee p log to thetr oredtt Jl.nd olso belpim provt sterile milk of the mot-he r Is the ex· kuleido soopic ohunge s of h er profes arclls me of· getting It wrongtu lly. ever, a nd gTelv mol' abusive. con[ never begg d . J on ly raised my bat oludlng by givIng the old man a sUngthe town, let them put up tbst!t clusive ~ood of the obild, there Is lit· slonulJ ite r~l~~p~~~ h4oOuDs '~: to the Dlessed Sacram ent." c lothes nnd hnts. 00 Ing slap In t be face. The old man's Mi ss Ferg u on'8 philoso phy of arChei by 11011 mean., Six ~rohes, Ii!' tie donger o,f thA infeotio us dlnrrhe ll Fa., blou DolJlgua , NI II IVench paUeoc e gnve way at thht and he IStlUIl. AIlIO , ol oth meD~ionell in lllllt week'8 Mtllml Gil that finds its relidy · vlotlms es lEi so 1I1D1p'le Ilnd so practlot ll during Birds of Lite ra tu re, valuAblo larnrmall on spok a ngrily lo the fellow. o n BII lIorn e Bud perzstt , will be tho prop,er tbing, unll the second !l!-lmmer," says Oootor IlS to fit. perfeot ly the needs Of th e The world emIts a Shokesp eare, a ThIs seemed to be what the ruffinn 801101 mlHlOrs; · Only will help to make a more bAautlf uJ .J alln Wtlliam ll in the Womu.n '1'1 Hom e everydllY wome n. eve n t h ou~ h star . Sh en ey or Goethe but a Idom. We d eslr d , and h e retorted by Bay ing flOc 11 yonr . luc ludlug 8 rroo pHtlOrn. Subare suppos ed to ho gfl,rbed fILl' ab ve caunot expect every decade to produce that Inst ad ot gelling nnsTY, the old oity, CO'llpa nion for Ju~y. IICrllJe today or IlCDd a poetic genius. (or But rrno somllie COPY, man, w,bat accordi we ng ar to the Scriptu h eight!! t o whioh ordlnar v mOl'. ra l InJunc· '1'he86 little thioll8 nlllka an 1m "There are many reasonR for this Mcc.u Patt.... will enable you to mako ID your h arlng In 01,11' IItel'ary wodd today Is Uon , should have turned the other hIs pressio n on the t1trung er entetin g greuter ml1 Y OW a spire. II h(JIII . wll h yourowlI hnnds. c lotblng rur @u oeptlhi llty. ' For ODe perhalls just as remarka hle as though cbeek. yoursu lr nnll chlldr 0 whI ch will be porrect the town /lod wllilA tile OOlit III slit(bt, 'hing, weanin g has jllst besn aocom, In sl ), IO unr! flL. rrl co-lJ ono hlgbor tboo 16 there came a gush of eXQulsito mel. He die! so, and wss promptl y re'0 0 I.'i. SOlid rur rree Pullonl C'uLB lolltlO. ody from some master singer. It Is warded by onother Slingin g SUITS FOR Y,ACA TION WEAR -wttt make II. big show lind have more, plislu:d , l~nd the baby's system must blow, W. Will Gin Vo. FIH Pr._ (or It Uhl ir ~uh · a chorua of eI p ~ rt rhymste . r lnUons Il tn(lng you r rr louds. SOlid ror (ree rs mnny of attentiO n coiled to it, m!lkiDg strano beoome I1djoste d "Now," said the Injured man, "th/! to the more sover I'rUl111UID ("\LIllo!!lI !lUll R~h Prlzo Oll'o r. A ser ge Buit Is a useful thing on them worthy ot a frame th ey \\'11\ not Scriptu re do /I oat tell us what to do gers look up und tnke notice, TH! McCALL CO.PANY, 23910249 Wat 37. Sl..1I1W YOU strain imp.:~e d by nr t illoilll fO r)d: a Snmme r vnoatio n, but it doel!n't acbieve , but whl b would surely have n oxt, but I will ahow you." With Everyt hillg dODe along the line of then, too, t~e protect .iv t'l forc6s bave by rmy rue'ln s s upply the plllc~ of h en theirs had they II v d fifty or a that he Buddenl y seized ihe rowdy by "citify ing" our, is 0 help to unt been 10 s uoll ~rellt demo'1 d l Imen or pl)ngee s uits for every.d ay hu.ndred year s ago. . These are the the COIlRI' and beat him unmerCifully poets who chant or oblrp in the maga- with the heavy toe tow}' in many wllys . Tbe smltll .... blle the sonrcs of cane that he oarrled, supply has been wear, l:I.en.vy c rash linene: ou.ble zines or the columns of th e dally pa- and then went on his way. town can Il.lwuyll m!fke a show ifil a.bove Ilnspioi on , cord s h ant..tng s aud line silk sergAI! p r. Th y may not b nighti ngales, goes llfter it, 1l.1ld the only tronble '." fhe motber , in prepilr ing to car Bre the materia l8 m~8t one Acre. in deman d or gifted with th e divine sweetoesB with U8 i8 thl\t we wrllp ourselv es ry her baby safely over It Is p08slb1 to make a livi ng qn this crisis, fortl'ot ting suits this summe r. AI . of Shelley 's skylark . but they are songste rs al! ,the Bame. Ull in onr sMlls and stay there, Silt· must beware of lrre~nllLr one acre of la nd. Tbe thing Is being feeding , most all of them mMe witl..t the RusWe can offer you good accomplis hed in more places than one . . i8fied with wb"t we already have, overfae~lng and I~prop er or s~oiled sian bloose juokets or else with semi Those Pies of Boyhood A r esident of San Bernard ino, Cal., wi8hin g for nothlo g more, Payin g Empl oyme nt food . ~ he digc8tl ye funotio ns must fitted ooats belted inei ther How delloio us were tbe pie!l ot tor many years made a good living on all around We oan .hr.-ve soms of the8s small be kept. nt their 11 ighest level that you " ill enjoy and of effi the figure or just at the front and boyhoo d. No pies ever taste so goud a single acre of land. Around the things that oost but .8 small amoun t, oiency, Food must be kept Whl1t' aohang ed ? thepies ? No , U s ncre Was a row of t~ult trees, fr om or mad buok or at the side•. at home . Write to-day if we on1y go ufter them , . aere'jI as ~eRr1Y as mlly wllich he renilz d $400 for a season' s \)e germ free. Un. I've seen some very pretty figured y,0u. You've lost the ~ trong, healthy fruit, From a quarter ot an acre ,In hoping that we get ':he.8 e arohe]. stoma) b, the vigoroo 8 liver , the donbte dly all baoteri a are not vicious fonlard dresses m a de Add"" with . little tive kidney s, the regular bowelsIiC · strawbe rri es h e nlade $200. F rom ' of the rest Bome are even be~l1gn, \lut tbere coatl'l eitber of plt\ln colored at the acre he took th~e e The Butter lek PobUs hllig Co. silk or boVboo d, Your digestio n iM poor Work ,24 H.ours a Day must be, doring the summe r mouths of serge and lined with the foulard , aud you blam e the food. What 'l! dllTerent crops at vegctab les, and was Batterie S( Balldln g. New York, N. Y. .so Buccessful with them thnt he sold 'Tbe bU8Th9t little things .ev r whole~ale dtlstruc tl()O in order ~ho.t Bays Helen Berkel ey.Loy d in The n eeded? A Jomple te toning up by $1 ,000 worth, bes Id es keeping made nJie Dr, King 's New Life Pill!! none of the ell~eOial1Y perniCIO a pig Electrio BIUers \)f all organs of ill · US DelinAl Ltor for July, One ' of tlle gestio Every pill Is U Bogilr ooated globule n-~tom~oh, Li ver , Kidney ", and many fow ls. It Is said that In the ones or their pOison OUR produo ts, RO prettie st was I' willow of heaUh, tbRt obange s .w eaknef s green twtl\ed Bowels -Try the'll . They'll restore suburbs of P aris a mUll, on less tban 81.ollPlld In 3lmlDnt. ce sute with Dr. Bhooy'. into strongt h, lllngoo r Into energy , often lurking in Dlilk tluriug hot foulllrd with smMI 'w hite "pots on your boyhoo d ap peti te aud npp reoi u. un acre of land, un lier glass and heatOroup Hllmooy. OIl. brain fog into mental power; curing weathe r, shttll esoape Into the intes r,he ground work of the silk and tion of too(1 ttnd fairly satur.1t·e you r ed by tlnd rgrollnd pipes, makes ten tc..<t. will SJl ~ prov6., Conltip ation, Hea.dac he, Cblllll, OY8. timll tract of .the infant, tuere to set, ,luge ooln . No '(ll11itlD~I~ body with new herdth, str en gth oud crops of aspnrag us [\ yoar, for which tress. A 8~""ADdplcaslng spots formin t;yftlp-0600. g a b1rtJ er Il recelveB H 1,000. pepsla, MultL'rill.. 2uc at Fred C. up the aoute I~fecti ous diarrhe a. oom- at the t!elvage . The Wllist was eim vigor . flOo at Fred C. oh\'..urt z'8 Boh wttrtz 's. . monly known 8S oholera Infuntu ID . " ply laid In deep tuoks Young men ;h-; stli.y ont ulloigh t thnt ran out '!'be mlUl with u lo~ g haftd is aLle!S ubscri be for the Guet te • ~. CORN IN MEXICO 00 the arm, fOlmin g a abort kimono Will «oon b e dlID. to n e it on hort notice . LOWER INTEREST ON SA VINOS sleeve. The unders leeve : r e aohed \ _The oorn orop is o.n import tlnl just about to thA elbow and ended faotor in Mexlol ln agrlcu ltare . Few people rea lize that the great In B turned. baok out'f of knife Vll1it .Muob of the land is farmed by rent, growth o~ Sllvl.n gs deposit s halel been ed white batiste u,nd Illoe. The round ngo' tor instanc e the due only 10 small pal't to the eX0e~s open ers, In Dura neok was trimme d with aooth " . hd I b renter signs a oontrao t t,o "h~ the of deposit s over WI~ raw", s, ut er of thesein g(lllue frill8. lan~OWuer on·e .half the orop olear of largely to, the oredtt of ~n~er~st 'rhe skirt hll.d 11 short tunio drop aU expens es . The corn Is husked 0. ~rowth from l within . 'IbiS to · pin!!; into point at the center of the · by men who get GO oent• . or ease bll8 been fostere d by tbe ~x• . (ront and b a Ck, ~rhe selvtlge of tile Mexica n, money ~r ·day, ~y the cetlsive rate of 4 per oent. ~ Whl.O~l silk blld been out off "nd used ns time all expens es are paid the reot- h,as unt only b,'lilt up ~eposlt lllbill. H. band trimmi ng ut its lower edge . b ' little more than enoogb oorn ties too fllst Irom wlthlD, AU.' FOR: but hilS 'rhe bottom of the Idaited anuer skirt· er IlS tt ·.to last him uutilsp rtng: Tben. be is ao t e d lik e ~a mogne t ' t' In 11 rac IDS WIlS st.raiitb t, so that the horder ONLY oompel led to b~i of the I'imdow ner un~e8ir!lble depl.l~its from WithOU~. adtlpte d it.self to It very nloely, . t ' dvanoe of '40: '0 60 per Cent It IS Instruo ti ve to _note that tb 8 The 0 at was e. Elhort Russia. n :v::p~loas be ~eoeives for his , orop &nto~ntio,- ~ddltlon to urincip al or blouse of platn green Bilk serge lined, of the fall, Prtoea tn ' M.exloo dep08t t liabIlit y, throng h i~terest with the figured foulllrd , , rhe blouse around .0 oepts II. bU8hel In the fll.~l oreillte d, will be 1arger or sma}je r, was fitted into the fignre by .dart an~ 90 .oent!ll~ the spring. ·I.\s diYi~eDds ar~ raised or l.owere d. tnoks at the front and baok, startlu g Mcca ll's Maga zine • • - • ." StUlstl C8 c~ver&ng many years olear•. at tile belt and 8toppi~ g below the 'Is a large, artistic, h andsomely ilIu stmtl!d hundred -page monthly mn.gQ7.i R1aht Way 'to Qrow· Sweet ' Corl'! ly ~~ioate tbllt. genArll lly speakin g, n~.. , It con· bust a.nd should er blade!!. 'l'be lowtl\ins sixty Il'ew .Fashion Designs ill. ench issue. ,Every woman ' n~ed!; it for its up-tq-da te . ( , ou~ 8r.-vings blWlk8 oann~t .c~edit I\S er edKe of t.he ~eplum faiihlon lj, eutertai nin g stories and cqmplete informa tion on all home s'epellte d the. ShallQw CIl\tlva tion.of sweet'o or D Dlooli as" P.9~ oent, and Over-on e mUlioq subsctiber$. Acknow ledged the best Home a 'aud person,al topiCS. pointed UneR of th'e tnnio on the ' nd Fashion Magaziue. . should be prooUI,.'6d to pre8iJ.~ve t~~ any fixed rat~() of surplus Regula r' price, 5 cents ,a copy. Worth double . to deposlt a skirt. mOilltu te tpo 8011, 8inoQ this orop 'l'he,PB roenia& ets oerttiin todwiu dle \ ~ - ••- - MeCa lI Patte rns The Miam i Gaze tte r~ull'e~ " .large amoun t 01\ 'llVt\be~ in At tbQ8e ~rl6ds in the ,pu.t whEln HallPY ls th', man who Is tOI) bnsy So ,simple. ,~U canno~ misu~dersl1lDd tllem. ,,' . OltC! of . the 'best ,new'p,apers In this t1art 'of, its grp"th aDd liIlikely~o Buffer 3M per (lent, well otedite d, the rat!6. to dev6~ · any .t ime to worrYi ng. Abso.lutel, a4'lC\JTate. 10 ~t>,!e , irreproac hable, the State. ,i"e:.~. a)) tJUt nev, tha'\'s fit to.print. froin drougM~ . WIUI bat kept s~at'tonary, altllon gh yo~ ma, sel':!. free, any McCall Pattern you .' Interesting and li'rogre sive. Indispensable ' in • - ....- .. - - ., desire (r'otIIII ',\I , . . ,"'!"';. fint n\lmher 'of the magazine ever), Wa)' ne~y ille home. Regular. price, hi " d In many iustan0 88B rtBI~gbond ~Ilr. Grellt t,b&ngs aan be $1.00 8000mp Usbed which 1811. Rei".la.r price. 15 cents. '~bat W8 know I~ ~De t . nK,;D . ket prev~i1ed , It:ml18t ~ ·rem~m per yea~ . . by men with b~. little eilort. wbat we thinlr we II! 1l0~ t~- aDO . ~r.. tiered tbat wit.h .. rtiiDI bond mar • - ...- - - -r'-....,..~.---. . SolDe m'OD 1110 ..106. ther Gan ket. 'be earniD l .pow.i,r of tbe Bow mach better a tbtDg tae&es , aa vinls eV8ll dord &o'be l11l1~ ~.... 88D. illltin' loo' J. leUeDe 4. for' duoS wheo ,thedoo t.OI' forl>td. tbe eaUDg . '0

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' •

leronautics '. Boosted at Fort Omaha. War SchooL

...... ......

THE NEWER EDU.;..4 ... ·'ON.







Col. W. A. GlasafQrd,

CommandIng FLASHES 1000 WORD STORY OP Office r, Has Spent Life In Signal TAFT'S SPEECH TO NEWSPAWork- Studies M ~th ods In PERS IN ONE MINUTE-HAND Europe. TRANS~I\TTED STOflY CAM E ALONG HALF . HOUR Omaba. l'\eb.-Dalloooing and a LATER, general knowl dgo of aeronautics in the United States ai-my Is r celv·lng !l great boost from tb balloon s('hool At the Fnr mers' Convention h -Ill renow np n at Fort Omoba, tho bead· cently ill St. Louis, the 'felepost Allt~ quarters of tho I1lgnal corps of th ·maUc Telcgropb Co. pulled off alii Inarmy. Hundreds of officers trom th teresting lit tlo "scoop" on Its rlvlIl In different umy posts a re bing glv n conneclion with the sp ech of Prslthe Instrucllon and In groups- ot trom dent 'ruft. Before the newspllp I' men 26 to 60 are being tnllgbt to nRvlgate present got outside the building a UIOUthe air. sund word 1Il0ry of the President's reThe course includE's th building of ception aDd speech at tbe cOllventloll blllioon s, Inflation, the ascent. flight hall was fn Chicago, Indianapolis. and descent. During the flight hi· Springfield, Terre Haute and e very structlon is given In bandllng the bal- other point in the Middle West to loon and In s('archlng fol' d sired IIlr wbleh the autonlatic system ext nels. \\ Ith 'It went a special message 01 currents. At Fort Omaha tbe government bas greeting to the farmers ot Am rlca NITS m a v em e n t ereeted the largest b !~lloon house In given by Mr. Taft for transm Ission over th uneven surtbe world and has Iii stalled and over the uutomntlc lines. fa ce ot the lund the The feat was inte resting, as d mOD· equipped the only plant on the ,A mer· ice w b i c h flo wed strating the possibilities of the auto · for securing hydroge n . Ican conUnent sOlltlJward ovp.r so by the electrolysis of water. From matlc system in connecUon with rupLd gr e at a patt of this plant hydrogen, under e normous press ' York. In one minute fl'om It North America In pressure, Is Ihlpped In steel tubes t o start, tbe 1000 word story was 10 the tbe glacial period other posts In different portloos of clUes named, complete. From half to ground of! the prom · a filII hour later the press association tbe country. Inences and dra~ged r ports se t by han.l . telegraphy b The featur of the pres nt school the grIst along slowgan to come along. German balloon. It Is the imported ly under It, spread· This achievement fulfills the clalmfl Is so bullt In secUons that should any bIg It out over the section be torn by a shot or by accl· mad e . for the TelepQst r ecen tly by count ry Im'aded nnd d nt, tbe great bag would not collapse Professor Roym n Hitch ock. f rm r tend ing to fill up tbe valleys and and fall. The "Germar:" Is more tban Curator of the Department ot SeleD tl Tb r I al wa. s room 1l1!;1l r up fol' produc a gene ral level. It Is this aIle hundred feet In belgbt and is guld· and Industries or tbe Smithsonian InstI11Ie young Am I'lcan whu bus th\l ta l· action of the g lacier that bas large· ed alld controlled by a rudder com· tution. Testifying before a committee Ent and tbe dlsposltlol;\ to win. F w Iy prod uced the level plain, of tbe posed of numerous small parachutes. of the N. Y. Legislature he said Peary's of the Mississippi vall ey; so 6,000,000 square miles covered by glathe ad\' ent of man. Glacllll . m an fol· prlllries Enlis ted m n In the navy rise to comThe army 'd lrlglble No.1, weather 8,000 word story of his North Pole to speak, the glacier has "Ironed" clal Ice In North America /Uld Europe lowed up the retreating Ice border In missioned rank, for tbo way Is long balloons, sph 1'1 als nnd balloons of Discovery could have been sent from Qut the ruffies In tbe contlnent nnd to the depth of one mile (probably New Jersey, Ohio, Kansas and MlnDef\od arduous. But the prlz can be se lett It comparatively smooth. The an underestimate) would furnish sota as be Is now doing In Greenlond numerous shapes make their home in Lnbrador to the New Yorlt T imes In ten minutes by lhls systom Instead o. the bIg balloon house. cured by prop r elTorL oni! ot thes e whole glaciated area Is covered with 6,000.000 cubic mil es of Ice, all ot and Alaska.. Col. W. A. Glassford. commanding the three days it consumed In b nr: rt\1'e ca ell Is reported from An napolis, ancl nt ri ver channels an!l gorg B. which Is formed by wat r abstracted The glacters ot t.he ~· orld are now • ",bere Frederick M. Earl ot North· whl 11 have been ompl tely Oiled from the oc an. Thi s wOllld r educe. nearly all relr aUng. The front of the omcer at Fort 'Omnba, baa spent hla transmitted by hand . The Telepost transmits from 1000 to field, VI:., lately an apprentice In t he up with the grist of tbe glacier, the level of the ocean the world over Muir, which I vis ited In l8Se, and >lfe in s ignal work and' was {or sev· 2000 words a mInute, doing oV,er an, n avy; has passed the requisite exam' while to 1\ great depth It Is spread out 260 f et and add to the northern part descI'lbed in my "Ice Age In one wire, the same volum of buslnes8 ination and bas b en admitted to the over the centrlll . and southern por- of the continents two to thr ee times North America," is now th~ee miles done oveL' 65 wires op ra~d by thCl Naval academy as a mIdshipman, and tlollS to furnish the arable solis from the weight of the e ntire land surfaces farther back than It was at that time Morse hand method 'ot transmission. whl h the richness of the country Is of North America and Eur ope wblch and, ncconling to all accounts. It Is .n du tlmo of course, II all gO!)S w II, derived. The depth of these glacial are above sea level. This additional SO miles fnrtlJer 1>a ~k tban It was sttll largely used throughout the coun",m receive bla diploma and become deposIts south of the great lakes eight would be suoh a powerful at· wbeu Vancouver dlscovered It 100 try. . In tbe states whcre the system 18 lUI omcer. The young man Is said to probably averages more than 100 teet tracUng force that It would lower the years ago. commercially operating, it Is ffeotlng have gon through "with flying C9 1• and In some places where a burled general level of tbe ocean 50 feet We are not so fror separated trom a revolution with its rates of a quart r, ors,". nnd it may bs predicted that river gorge Is penetrated It Is known mol'. the glacial period all It w oul~ seem half, and one cent a word regardless' The weight of thIs Ice over "ery to the caBual ohserver. Probably it wth such pIll k and nergy he w'lIl to bave been more tban 600 feet In of time or distance. mak his mark 10 th ~ servl e of his deptb. Over northern ~rmany and s quare mile would be 4,000,000.000 would r equire but a slight Increass .o f Important extensions of the Telecountr>:, And ho has set an excellent northwestern Russia the depth of the tons, which ""ould have to be mulU- snowtall, combined with a slight 'lo'Ypost, It was sJ\ld today on good nuthoris estimated to averplied by 6,000.000 to get the total erlng of the temperature, to cause glacial d positS example to other ambitious lads. Ity. will be opened shortly betw e n age 125 feet. amount. TWs Is probably enough to glaciers again to form on the WhJte CWcago, Indianapolis and DetrOit. To·These glaCial deposI ts can be ea9- cause the crus t ot the ear th to sink mountains and In Labrador and the A.dvt~ by ,~n energ tic, eJficlent Dy recogn'lzed and dlstingulslled from under It whp-D ' the Ice accumulated alread)' existing glaciers to begin a ledo. Cleveland. Louisville; and other cltl s in MichIgan. Ohio, Indiana lind buslnes. man to a man 1I0W gOIn g those made by water by their unas- and to allow It to rise again wbe n it' r ead vance. When once begun It would Kentucky. The action last week 0 buck to wQrk atter a Ured out\ spell: sorted character, by the angularity of had melted orr. This perhaps of Itself' be dltncult to tell when the advance the Senate Committee on the District "Take things eas.ler and get more the Imbedded fragments ot stone an d accounts for the great changes ot would stoP. for glaciers ot them· of Columbia, favorably reporting tho the tTequ. e nt occurrence of scratches level In the northe rn b emlsphere selveB tElll,d to lower the temperatur~ tresh air.. No worry. Do tbe most 1mbin. to admlt t'be s ystem-to th National llOrtant thing 1\rst and then the next; upon them. D.~.wU.tILmade In. _Tlln- 11OhJch--ba¥e-t.ake~IBce slnce-tlte-be- -and-to ,Increase tbe snowfall. When Capitol presages the early completion Wtl reflect upon the way the heat or geo. !'lilly the things you don' t do nlng water are unUormly assorted ginning of the glacla] period. ot its line between New York and and stratified. but In the direct glacial The spring freshets ot this glacllll the tropics Is distributed by the Gulf aren·!.' worth doing. What you thInk deposits the pebbles and rock frag- period were ot enormous dimensions, stream and the Japanese current, It Wasblngton. you ought to do you want to do up to ments are Indlscrlml nat' Iy mlx'e d In · causing, as I bave r ecently ascer- Is not difficult to see how compara. Not Prepiilred to See. the handle Gnd ' do ' I t ' quick and tbe~ the whole mass like plums in a pud- talned, the Missouri r iver to rise an- tively s light changes In Innd level .afMarjorie-DIdn't you see th mou ? 10rget It. Don't putter. Tbe way to dinS. Dllally 200 feet Instead of 40, as it fectlng the co,urse of the oceanic curMadge-Why, dear, J just couldn't rents might bring on a glacial period A few facts concerning the glacJ al sometimes does now. get. ulong, In my judgmllnt, Is to work see It. 1 had myoId s tockings OU. . to the adage, The close ot the glacial period was again. But ot nny tendency lu thll perIod gi ve new forc e up to tbe limit tor a .cert.aln number To Mako Table Clothl Last, 01 bours and 'then stop. A mun csn get "Truth III stranger than fiction." The so recent that It. comes clown beyond direction 'we have no evi~ence. Table linen is expensive. It costs further In the long run walking three Col. W. A. Glallford. more today than It did five years ago. and a halt mil s an hour fo r eight When it begins to wear in holes. to boors out of Bcb twenty-rour tJlan he eral years stationed In Europe as come from the wasb with worn spots can going two miles an hour for six· the representative of this government that tell how soon It will b~ DO good, in st'udylng aeronautics as cracUsed DO wonder the housewlte despairs. teen boura In tw nty·rour. The first On May 11 fifty years ' ago a couple countenance, fearing to lose what had Into Palermo nnder dlmculUes ,that In the , great camps 'ot the armies of .Cbeap, common soaps full of caUSUC8 way he an keep ' going and Improve; steamers been gained by the 1869 campaign. seem~d In$uperable ; .t}lere at last ho England, France, GermallY and Jtaly. that eat the hnen are greatly to blame. the. last way he will doterlorlot e and of broken·down tramp slipped Into the harbor of Marsala at The arms and ammunition tliat had obtaJiled arms and equipment and reDnally bave to QulL" . Easy Task laundry soap is an enemy the extreme western Up of the Island been counted .upon were beld back, enforcements : froni that time on Slcl· to dJrt and stains and a friend to the of SIcily and Innded a small body of and the eXl?edlUon took by force trom iy and Italy were behind him and hil THE SELF-EDUCATED WOMAN table Unen. G ~t. two flve cent caltel!J; The night I tter telegrams have men, about a thousand In numher, un· a remote staUon what It carried with . red shirts and tbe rest of his trlum· try it. and if It does not surprise an_d Jlrov ~ d a boon to many, but there art! trained, 1ll equipped. poqrly armed. It. The reports of the Sicilian patrl- phant progress was comparatively A Library o{ Good Book~ for a Co .... satisfY you the makers will retur.1 llatrons tbat find them somewhat baf- BefoTe "il\..' disembarkation was fu lly ots who were urging his comIng were easy: .ner Out of Earshot of the your money. flin g. "Look nt that ' man biting the COmlJleted tbe vessels were captured untruthful and Garibaldi suspected To Italians dlvtn!l assistance seemed . Tea Table. Goodness Is the only Investment end of his ' pen 0\1 r th ere," the man· by a squudron ot Neapolitan warships. them. His few cannon were shams. manitest through him, as It did to tbat never falls.-Thorenu. ager ot a NewiYork 'offi ce saId. "He Is The thousand scurried Inlan'd out at When he bad landpd be found tbat m edieval France througb Joan of Arc_ Wben all Is said /Uld done. thoae '01 t.ryl ng to think what In tbe world to reacb' ot th e enemy's guns and within the Slci:tan peasants did not know To the historian wbo knows Garlhal- us who are really educated a.r e seU· tiny to \I e up the 60 word be Is en· three mon ths bad overrun tbe whole who he was or why he came and in di's later history his renunciation of educated. The best that schools and kIn gdom of t be Two Slcllles and en- the first fighting RoSOllno Plio. the Si- power to King Victor Emmanuel tn colleges can do Is to t each liS to read titled to. I like to wat ch 'e m In h re tered Naples, the capital. Th e most cll1an insurgent wbo had drawn Garl- 1860 seems also wonderful. Alrraya and tell us what b90ks to read and <Ilt nights. Mos t of t il m bave more lUIlazlng advOnture In modern history Candor II ever the brightest gem of baldl .on and whom the peasants tnlst- magnnnimous, be rarely was so ametr()ubl trying to think up 1i0 words bad been carried out successfully and ed, was killed. The fight at Calatannl nable to practical sense. It was a perhaps belp a little to form our taste. true crIUclsm.-Dlsraell. thliD th y ev r did In ke ping their was to be crown eil soon after b y the was very nearly a drawn battle and heroic epic In tbe ,mIddle ot aprosalo For those of us wbo bave, however, M .... 'WlallloW'. Boot". . 8yra)to missed 8chools and colleges, who have ebl14 ...... _Ibl .... lOt\!!aa It,.p.... ~u=~~ lilessag s down to ten. There Is only fultllm ent of Italian hopes and wishes there were times wh ~ n the Sicilians century and Italy has cause for won- been busy and perhaps wpn our leisure ror _aUOIl,aUaJIM1JI.oure."llI4aollo. ao. . (IDe man who COIll In' here, sits r!ght In th un ion of all Italy. Garibaldi were as likely to turn against the,·der, as well as thankfulnen. wllen sbe too late. there Is still education near :Unsunl 'songl cbesr 110 hearts.-A. Rnd his "thollsand" had won their thousand as to help them. Still Garl- celebrates the anniversary of Garllja,l- at lland and cheap. <l awn and wrHes Ollt his r;o words Wllliama. without bellit Ung. Out be's In bUill· eterna l fame, the New York Sun says. baldl did hold out; he made his way dl's thouliand. A half·dozen great books much r ead; ne88 do wn south , untl has b en In tbe a half-dozen or a dozen good books With Italy one of the great powers, habIt or s ndlllg long m Ilsuges for a factor to be r eckoned with In the conlltantly r e turned to nnd thoroughly '" politics of Europe, a unified and faIrly known, will be an educatIon to anyhomogeneous nation. It Is difficult to one. It has so otten been said that the Bible antI Shakeapeare furnlsb a Presiden t Schurman of Corll \I believe that the beginning was made ,p oints ol;lt that th scbolarsblr records only a half-century ago, In the years Some' Say It Began WIth Monkey An- suavlum. the kiss of loye. Allot wblch complete education, that It Is a truism Immediately preceding the Amerlcaa celtorl. Who Grasped Prey aim ply Implies that the Romans bad to .repeat It. For devoUonal books 01 the 1,020 men 'at the college who With Their Teeth. . three chances to our onl!. The an- everyone. Protestant no less than Civil war. To the generotlon tbat saw members of t he fraternfli es nnd clu bs It It seemed almost a miracle' and the clents, however, were not In favor Catholic. should own that wonderful cio nol compare t a v ~rably with UIOSe italia n peasants could bardly be The further away ""e journey from Of. a public display of tbe business; book. "ImitaUon ot Christ," and Catb· of tbe 2,316 men who are nut, and has blamed for their belief that Garibaldi the days of Eve, the more assiduously spooning was de~ldedly bad form. ollc no less than Protestant ahould warned the fraterni ty and club me, bad s uperhuman power and that hts the world seems to bave culUvated Plutarch 8ays that Cato e;,;peUed tbe o~n a "Theologlca Germanlca." Then. that tbey are In t rIal, and tbat t he) body could not be harmed. To the the habit of kissing; In other words, Senator Manlius for klsslng bls wUe because devotion Is not always at ,,;o uld better set hlg-n r Id eals In cbol students wbo have. Investigated the Idsslng 'ls a mark and a test of clvll- In the daytime and in the presence white heat,· "The Sayings ot Eplctetus" . and the "Thoughts of Marcus Aurell· al's lll p. ' There Is DO objectioD to lib· SIcilian elpGdltlon with calmer and Izatlon. Before the coming ot tbe of his daughter. This same Plutarch In our. author- ua" should be kept for strengthening tlJ'lY and equality at Cornell. but more critical minds Its s uccess r e- white '1I1an It apparently was totally 1,' fraternIty Is lOOked on with t;uSplclon. mai ns Inexplicable. History, to be unknown among the Indians of Amer- tty tor tbe · statement ~bat ' Rome and quiet. sur. has othel' records of the acbleve- lea and the savages ot Africa and founded the now antlq\lll~ed custom For the poets, ' after Shakespeare, a In vie w of tbe fa ct tbltt t hat Wa. b . ments of small band s ,agalnBt tremen- Australia; but who shall trace' Its be- ot wives saluUng their bUftbands with Milton and a Dante (preferably In the lI1gton soci IY girl's molhe r says t ha t' dOllS odds, but 'these usualfy were ginning among the peoples of Eurupe a Idss. The women. ar~er ' I,Uhig 'Utt,1e Temple' edItion, with the Italian 'h er daughter bas been absolutely (or· .aided b y s UPerior armam ent or knowl- and Asia? As fllr 8S we may go many seas and reachil." thl.. place. and English side by side). a ShelJey eEdge. Here In the middle ot dClvllldzed among these ancient· white ~aUons refused to tollow the1.r ~bandl ,fur- and a Keats, end .Palgrave'8 "Ooldel bidden by ber LO go on the stage, per· . urope a. stat e 0 t~ tbe secon or er. we shall find no age when this blgbly ther, and under tb~' lo!~"erahlp of ~ was tbought strong enough to ' ~ w" Treasury." , DftJIS It s Dot 8urpl'Islnl> tllnl th gi rl wblch '2.80 82 I unhygienic practise ' was not popular, Roma;-a "ne,. w,oman"-, burned tbe For amuseme nt, Bunyan's "PIl· IS, '4, Is ulerc. . res 8t tbe enlarged kingdom of Bar- Indeed , Darwin attempts to trace it · ship. Then. 8ays the bJB~an~ Ronia 'g rlm's Progress" and Defoe's "RobID. THE 8TANDARD (lin la, was overthrown In. a te w week's h.ack to ilie ' ha"lt our betnJled an. I.nve.nted this, pleasant l~~od of an.: . - --'--- - U ....son ~soe," Fielding's "Tom Jones." FOR ao YU••• . Lteutenant qackleloD lIay s steam by a bandfu!' of adventurers. There w r e only' too many Instances .ln 'ltal. cestors hlld at grasping TITey with peaslng the 'Yrath Of. ~ .U1I~dS: ' t.Uss AUBten's '''Prlde and Prejudice," w~:t..T.~ hent is the curs of American botell!. Ian bistory of despera.te eUorts by a their teeth! and · the ~medy, has bef:b used with ('.barlott~ Bronte:s ",.Tane Eyre," Tbaclt· Walt: until b get8 on lb e on&Dlgbt. few enthpslast8 to rous~ the ' people 'ThJs business 'of osculating beca~e' conBlderable , emcacy until . c9mpara- .ray's "V-anlty Fa.r," Dlcken'li! "Da\rld ~ 1II"ii:'""~ lI~nnd ' cJrcul t In me norUlwest next again st tyranny that failed as mat- so popular aplong the Greeks that It . ~vel.Y re~6Dt yearl.-:Carl BolUday.1D eopperfteld," George ~lIot's .' "MIll' 00. ~ ""jnter. ter of COUl'8e. 'i'bls ~ne, eqqally iool', Is laid many hUllban.ds, tieiqre atart- June SmUrt ·.~et. the Floss" an4 Mer.e dith's ' "EgOist'; ::'~v~· I~ , h1u'd y. succeeded. . ·Ins ont for ths ·da,·. work. corn~Jlec1 will serve well to give a good Idea O• ......... IaI!Id ....... -W... ·D__ Whetber or not n Ob.lcago m~o wearA A Newlpaper In Olden Til"... . ' .. theIr wlvel to eat pri,lo-a , lDo-.t . efthe Engl!l)l ~ovel. I . The latest bIBtorlan.~ o.L.GarlbnJ.d1. -fi!ctJve preventive" we cannot doubt: ''TelepboDe mesuge ior you, ....... .. Thls entire 'library could be bought c.-.. a ~l1nr two dpy-.s In 'li\ucceBslou de.......oo........ ·..... . ,"What III lU"· ·· 101' les8 than .,26, and would be Dot ~ pend . more 011 th mno. 11 rhaps, tbaD Mr. G. M, ·Trevelyan. bas ' recor~e~ the Th!l RomaDs .a ttempted to . be'. 1II0re !'Lot 88)'1 that be doeu't waDt'·&I17. only an ec1nca«oD, but a m1De at hap. ....·'... "",....11.,11, does on tbe condition of \lie colla.r, hopeless condition .of tbe e1pedltlop cold-blooded and dtgnl1led: 'l"hQ> were wben It IItArted. Ev.e n Garlb~dl him- at leallt more 8Yltemattc. for tbe1 ·dl· tlliDa priDted a}lout Ida wlte .tunalq pineal and JOJ.1' ODe cares to extend tltat 'I t . . . f&iDD:r ODe', Vie" a IIttl. bit. IDAJ ' ArgumelUs for l.nternatlooat ~ace lelf hesJtated ~11 the 1ut mom~t. vlded ' all< kh~lel Into three kiDd..-the to Ialt. He m Ul7 .Q ·add KlqlB1" Gnek HeraY ... ate popI/!nr t'~11 III wh ~ tbey are and with ROOcl reuon. , Tbe PlecI-.OD- OBouJUDl. the Ida, of frleDdlldp: tie atralr aDd doea', leU lluthOrW. wOvlct live . blm ao baafaln. the~. Of eertmcmr..... dlltuae pubUt:. w Plutarch'l L!v... • ad cu, tai ml1lt.aQ iIIOoIUlC4t The r lalioD of til lorg r u\v rsltl s Q{ the nit d S tlltltS to th llr ac tl· ~I pr hi ru t! ,of tls l oe Is lJ Ing m· Jlblll\lzlld In an as(u u l~hl n g nowadays; tl l1 )'8 Cb I . t~U Trlhuoe. the Dolloo of ch)lglt!r ' d ball.s wb re pal e·t ac ~ d s tud III pO,"d (' ..r must)' tom 8 00 ' held s a), . Illat Id'l\ ,) ItS nUr Iy d J~lIjl lJeDr ,I. Til dmnlu'lDt thotl g h t lljl llcll.r to t• . buw c n tbe trnlnlllg ot ( 0 scbool 1.J Olad m !I ~. llSetul In b l·(tdlug t lJ e cOIl 'lll IOliS .,( Imln lln life , TUf, fJul" n;l( y I) Wlt,to.)r,· IIln, fur ('xnlllplu, has bft n r ' nclcrlng gr at ervlcc 10 I II lIe ,lJ! "r (lllr 1101g bbOI'1 nlf c()m1JlOIl wtlflllb tD rough Its lll U1l1 Ipnl r r.. r ' ncll bur au. Recog· DI2rn g t he a c tIVity In the fl Id of city ad mln lstr:1tion, It bas collected infor· mUl lon froru all nvailabl sources, aDd I no w r ady to send out mat rlnl on Ilucb s ubjects as sewnge dIsposal. wa· ter lIupply and purIfication , stre t flprlnkl1ng nnd cl eanIng. tbe molle nuisance, parks and ploygrounds; care of trees. the commIssion form of gove rn m nt. pubUc utll1t1cs oDd publlc s rvlce rates. civIc c ntE'-rs and art corumlsslons, Tb s tat ment lbnt oDe mornlns's Ulall brought IpQulrles trom c:.Ity offi olais in nine dllf r nt common· 'Wealths Indl cat 8 th Importance of .ueb un iversity work..







W.. L. ·D'OUCLAS' ..



-sHdES ', 'a,


-..,. ............ ........... ...... ........:;


. . . . .....·c'







'. ,

Something About the "New

Las,f . Word In Hats

E HEAR nrJc b or

In a truly remarkable array of Indus· tries. These factories alone represent an Investment of over $40.000.000 an~ are employlng 60.000 workmen. It Is true tbat cotree 18 the staple, but these !actorles are turning out cot.ton and woolen tabrlcs; they are mn.· king rope. twines and papers. There ar breweries, marble quarries, metal Industries ot various natures ; vast es· tates that are devoted to the culture of r ice, and square miles of territory that produce enormous Quantities of fruits that are sh1pped In all dlrec· tlons. Sao Paulo has gone extensively Into grape culture, and Is turrung out wines that are becoming vastly JlOpu, lar In several countrlell. Agriculture or a general nature has engaged the attention ,o t the residents of the stale to a greater degree In the last few years, and as a consequence the rall· ways are e:rtendlng In el'ery direction throughout the state. As an Indica, tlon of the volume ot busIness trnns, acler through the port of Santos It last year reac~ed a grand total of five and a halt million tons. which com· pares very fa,'orably with the trade of Rio de Janeiro or Buenos Ayres. the two largest South American ports. lu great measure tbhs progress Is due to the fa r.slghted and patriotic efforts of those statesmen who have directed the destinies ot· the state. and It has been recently stated by a South American historian that the history ot th'e State ot Sao Paulo waa the history of all Brazll. ,



Hla Real Calling. There Is a wrlter 'ln New York who How the Late Popular Wrl~cr. O. has achieved little success, but who, being amply suppllcd with worldly _ ---I.H-"c....nry. Outwitted Unl!crupuioul goods. refuses to be discouraged. So Editor. he keeps turnIng out books the merits A friend of the l,.te O. Henry writes bt ' which be earnestly attests by word of h1m: "He wall reckloss In ,spendlng at "mouth and heavy purchllSes trom mane,. and treQuenUy gave elevator the publlsbers. He Is a long time bOY:1!I and bellboye $6 and $10 potes. friend ot Simeon Ford. boniface. wit But he w8sn't 'eas,.: despite his finan· nnd phllo!$opher. That Mr. Ford 18 clal regardlessness. His frIends nar- t.he only one who ever read all of his nted an Incident showing the man's friend's books probably turnlshes n .ahrewiinEi8s. A magazine I noted for reason why the altentuated hotel man 'slow pay: they say• .contracted with Is one of tbo most solemn looking of him lor a three·part story. {or which humans. They were at dinner recently wben he was to recelve fifteen hundred dol· lars, ' He got a five hundred doilar ad· the author eald: "Slm. you've been V!\Dce betore starting to work, and awfully kl.nd to me-you are my real ;when he turn~d in the second Install·' audience. for you've euttered lI~e a ment '( none of It bad been printed (rlend , and read all I have wrltt n' yet) got five hundred dollars more. So~eUmes 1 think tbat r have made a and asked for ' tbe third five hundred great mistake and I am not really ' 8Q dollars . as an advance before finishing author after all." ·.'rtWnk you're right,'· Deented Mr. the tale. Tho edItor. In an eltort to Bav,!- ~~~parCll!IY. declared tbat, Ford. "You're a born chemist." "How's '\ tbaU" suspIciously ask~d after all. the story didn't appear to be the author. worth ' more than one 'thousand dol· "V\'ell." remarked Simeon, "ever, lare-tbls wilen he had the two In· 'B tallments In bls office. 'AU ' rIght: book you write becomes a drug on the Bald ' O. Henry. \1 won't write the market." third one then.' A,nd' he didn't. He Putting It Up to Uncle. laugbed at the editor. 'Well then: Henry ·G. Brooke. the ' .well.known said the latter. 'I'll run the two parts New York lawyer. talklllg about do. and then let our readers have a guess· mestlc troubles. has had his share tng contest as to bow t he story ends- the servant problem. though he won·t , and put up, perhaps. a five hundred admit It. However, he Is frank enough , prize to the wInner.' For a moment to tell one on himself. as he did rotbe author thought he was outwitted. qently at the Waldorf· Astoria. Then he sald: 'Go ahead-and I'll w in "We have a mighty good girl who the prlz!J.' He Intended 'to win It. too," got word that ber uncle 'WaS' very ilt An Office Busincis Only. She asked to be allowed to go away A. young man eailed at the oroce at for a few days and go to tbe tuneral. a 3usUce of the peace and with some A.ftcr a week had passed we com, besltaUon made known his business, menced to get nervouli. So a. note whIch was to be marrIed. The justice was sent to her Inquiring when she reptled that he thought he could per. would be able to return and hew ber form the service, and asked If tbe uncle was. young 'man' had his lice·Dse. ' "We got a revly something like this: ' ''Yes, sIr ... · the youth, replied. " ' Dear Sir: I w1l1 be back lUI Boon as possIble. Uncle Is getting weaker "Well. where Is the 'young lady?" and weaker. ' Ma has told him I' can·t "She~she's at ' hel' father's." . stay her. e much longer. and I know h" l'Well, bNng her here.... , _ "She'd r~tber be mlll' ried at hom don't want rue to 10~e Diy Jol> .' .. '.qulre." Adornment. • "And yoU' eXpect me to go there and , To a dorn ourselves seems to \-Q A marrY YOu?" .part of . our patllrf;l, and thlll deq!(e seeDlS to .be everYwht.ll'1) and In eVOlI'Y' ·:Yes. slr. ,jf YO'U pleaBe." "Young mnn" sald' the Justice; ' ~U118 thing. : T'JlIlVf\' lliomelimes thollght lha; omc ' o~ .mhie 'is' like a "d t!partment the d", al r for b eau.ty covers tho (![ltUr state. We sell nlatches here; but. lIolUl flowers:~ palntl,l ~he wlolfs at' don't deUver,' them at the house."- moths,' tlnt~ t,b e chamber o{ ,the 6he1l YOlAth'BCo~panIOli. , ' ~nd glv~s 't~e blrtf rl\lnlA:~" Its \long, 9\ ,ctaugiH~ra ,and wlv s. ~L . Slightly .C ontuled,' , you '\\,0111d 'be 'l oved, 'tidbrn.,yourseh'cs; Mllrtf,l. wBS, making her fit'st vlalt t~ , If YOlt would b~ adorld • .!:!'e bilautlfu!:..L. , tbe beaob. ~he was fearless Of the Ro~ert 'G. Iilgersoll. · , , watel-. and spent as Dluch pf hertfme 0, ' • bathing as she waS allo;wed. 6ne " . Va"lty of Life. ' , morning" there ,was an unusually : How 8m 1l a portion' of ollr lite It Is IItrone , undertow. and ,many of tJte. that we realiy enjoy. In :yoqth we at'G . b~tlJerB, Ipuke ot ' It.: Marie, \leerlng lookl~ forward to thJnp- that are to UI~. sto'flod ' away thct it w phrase 'In ,'o ld age v,s'are 109k1nr back· ID Ilitt ~lnd. " ' : " ward to tbJtJga tbllt are 'wone past: ta ' When Sli, aame fn trom b.r ' b"tlt. man'hoqd,' .aJtbou&b ;'0' appear ~Odeed all tDlli bow tie the w,JLt,r w... and 'to be more occupied fn thlDp tha~ 'ate , the fUll uae hid ' bad; tbat Is tOct oft.eD ab



eome, ,




to be ,

A Case of Terrible

the "n'e w theology." It Is taught In lIlany chao Is; It Is heard from many IIUlpi ts ; It tllls th page or our curren t litera t ure ; It has pas· sess ion o f t he mind s of a large popu· lar audl ceo It Is not asy to d efine th e term, for th teaching is c mmon, Iy iudeflnlte, deciarcs a writ l' in t he Unit ed Pr :l byterlan . It carnes b ~for9 the p 'ople as a r e formation,!l I' ll statement or theolog ical doctrin e , III wllicll th e mos t clll'dinal [lart s of tho syste m of truth a re e t her omit cd or so set fo rth a:! to deR roy , th ei r \'i tul, it)' , It appeals to a n age wary of poslth·tl r e ligious tl'llth, ttiat c li s fo r the pleasant a nd ch eeri ng tea ' hlug Ca lle riling od, man a nd r edem ption . 'I'h age eeks afte r nc w things. It 1:1 a ma terialisti c age , nnd turns aw.:J.}' from tb spll'l tuu l. It has se n old sci ntltl c th orl e3 s t aside uy new dlscoverlcs. a ud, ap plyin g th same rul e, It r ej ects th old foundation In the world of faith a nd builds up a th eology whi ch has II t tl!) o[ God In It. The " ne w theology" very large ly IImlnates th e dl\'lne in our religion. Th Bible l'<l lowc red from Its old !!landlng as th o Ins pired and In fa \1ible WOrd of God, qnd given 11 place little above that or the books of m en. The "n w th eology" Is luu finite, but when summed up It Is pos ilive and des truc· t! \' 13 of Ca.l th and oC the solid founda· tlons of hope. It removes God far frOID us Instead of brlnglns hIm, nearer to us as n llersonal God, just and hol y, loving and judging m e n. The Saviour Is roulJ ed of his dlvlnltr and low cr d to the plane of a wIse t eac h ~ r and a good ma n. The atcne mcnt for sin Is rejected nnd salvation Is a n evolu· I tlon. The resurrection of the dead I It;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;jii;;;J;iLI. relegated to tbe IIl1t or beauUful. but NET and lace hats, ml' laoll {aced with ' d . Impol!slble, thtngs. All this Is POilU ' renture on midsummer hat.s. at tbe Lar and the "new the ology" 'Is making velvet, hair braids. leghorns and moment. Small June roses have boon headway. ' lingerie hats, and especially ne t and In demand and promise to continue In lace. these are the. words nlost otten demand until we say good"y to the Church Facing Crisis. U Under the heading, "Is It a Crisis?" on the lips ot the mmlner just now. summer months. ' rd To return t a the tiSetul m {Jan • e the Herald and Presbyter Bounds an Hair braids-for those who can a."o II vel . alarm. Rererring to numerous le t tthem-undisputed e r s "naeens among bats' lo vely example , faced with black . for the hot ' weat. h er, ~ ~o not pictured ,'et and trimmed with a garland of receIved l.rom widely different parts of .... , the church, It says : ··These letters In. ~ere. but e\'eryone Imows th II' beautl· pale pink tulle rolles Is about aM dlcate that the church Is alarmed. tul texture and their durability. happy a combination IlS hIlS spronl: Error Is Insidious. The age is tolerant. It Is pecuUa.r , that tbe milan. which ,from the fancy of mllllnery designers Ecclesiastical discipline Is unpopular. la heavier t han any other of the mid· so tar. The rose 'garland on bats and on gowns g·l ves most genuine People deplore looseness, but hesitate summer braids, IIhould be so o'te~ l ~ to say so. Man}, or the churches bave chosen. It Is really a matter of habit pleasure • .and In the de Uca.te tulle. grown rich and have ' drawn to them with the milliner to put betor her with pink at the center. shadlng out people who regard the m chleflr as so. people the mUan, large, comfortable to white In the outer petals. a rose of clal centers, Many exalt culture above and Simply trimmed, for an all·round talryland. a sort of rosy ghost of the piety, and popularltr above sound doc. midsummer hat. Vivid shades of blossom. charms everyone who BOOB trine. green. wUh the golden yellow of the It. It Is very lovely and very (ragUe. Big hats of net shlrrecl 't o frames of " Is It a crisis? We b elieve It Is. [f milan, gives a color combination that the church does no t stand (or evan. Is never tiresome. The decoration Is fine silk wire and bavlng crowns that gelleal truth, It has no gospel. It 11 usually a featber ot some sort In the are clouds ot llulted n et. torm back· dOeS- ni:ll :ell mlifHl-itift-and lost same color and a fiange or faclng ot grounds for tbe large tulle roa88 condWon and tbe gospel of salvation velvet. wblch stand at the side. Nothtng but througll the merits ot a dlvlne atoning Just now a pretty Idea Is a cl uster tbe flower and tbe foliage Is needed, 'S avlour, It has no mrsslon ." of lilac blossoms at the side ot a except the stems whlcb are made careThe words have a wider application broad brimmed shape wIth one or two fully llfellk ,even to the thorns. than that made u)' the writer; thlo sprays standing ; these blossoms are These ar of rubber and have no "new theology" Is no t restricted J: y tinted to the oolor ot tbe hat and sting. They do no t neet! It. In a denominational Unes; it finds tbe gen. s hade olt to ligh ter tones. A mUan. hand,mad lace or net hat there Is eral re l.!glous condition favorable to tor Instance, Is tr.1mm ed wltb liIac8 In stmg enough this season In the prtce Its development. We must recognize Itght yellow shading olt 'to whIte. A ticket. ' But the day at cheall luml· this fact. The Hera.ld and Presby tel' single Easter Illy In blacle ye lvet nery Is almost gone; people want fine forcibly says: " It represents a Syst m makes a telling touch, arrallged III the things nowadays and must pay tor of thought as tar removed from the beavler portion at tbe spra)'. skill and worle Perbaps they tlo so dootrlnes of a personal God, a dl~ Roses have not queened It as IIsual mar checrfully when the subject to vin e Saviour. a Yicarlous atonement this summer, {or all other blossoms he considered Is a bat than ut any and the resurrection. as the east Is :Jave claimed attention . Bllt rosa other time. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. from tbe west. and should such teach. 'Jl'reatho and sprays at large roses are Jngs prevail It wo uld be, not a criSis, but an apostasy." The re Is a lo ud can ... ENTS YOUNG GIRL'S ' DRESS FOR USE IN BATH tor adherenoe to th e old faith , and a ::>C real demand. if men would but hear It, (Qr the positive doctrines or hUman !Imple Mixture. That W il l Give Com· fort When One Comes in guilt, divine, Inexorable justice and reo Tired and W.Jrm. demptlon by the Son at God. Here we must stand firm. and preach the Word Nothing Is HO Invigoratlog when of God In ltd fulness and power. tired and warm n.s a sent d uatb or bot water. In summer daYB It proves particularly refreshing when taken beFollowing the Higher Plan , "He knoweth th way that I take; fore dressing tor the ev 'nlng, The simplest at these iJat.hs Is mude when lie hath tried m e. I shull CaDle by adding cologne, toilet wat r or via· forth as gohl.'·-Job 23.10, God h as a definite lIfe·plan set for Int IlwlUonla to ' the bath water, A good aromatic mixture to \cee p on every DIan : one that, bei ng a ccepted nnd tollowed, will conduct bim to the hund Is made from two ounces of best and nohlest elld possibl e: And so, tlncture of camph01:. four ounces of as you pass on, stage by stage, In cologne and aa ounce of tlnctur e or your course of expel·lence. 'IL is walk benzoin. Add enough of this to tbe clear to you that wllate\'er you havil bath water to make I mtllry. If you are presented with colognes 'laid upon you to do or sutftlr, what· ever to want, whnttlv er to sunelldt"f or tollet waters t hat are not espe·, or conquer. Is best for you , Your life dally fragrant, US6 tilem In th e bath , Is a school, e xactly adapted to YOllr The scent Is so fa.lnt as not to be lessou. aud thllt to the, h st. last end dlsngreeable •.and the r efreshing Qunll · oC your exlstenoe. No room for a dis· ties are as great a s C.rom mol" eX llen· cOflraged or depr ssed fee ting . th er e· slve colognes. nother 'refreshlng bath it! mad r' by fore, Is lert you . Enough that you ex· ist for a pW'pose high euough to give sfJueezlng the fillered juice of four meani ng to lIf~, anu' to supp ort !I S' n' lemons Into !l quarte r of a tuuful of uine inspiration , )( you r s phere Is Ollt water, Where t he arorontic bath s ems ex, wardly humble, Gml und erstand 11 be,Ltel' than YOll do, and It is /l pari travaglint. or ther Is uo tim for It, 0 '[ bls wisdom t~ bril!g our great l' D ' put a solution of ~o mlxt ur~ gI ve n Umonts in hl1mlJI condition , I' a l above Into a spray and s pr y I dver characters unde r g reat nd\'er ll itl ll ud face, neck nnd arms. PutUng logo bll Ie of th ~ car'. on beavy !pa.ds b! In cuUlbrau c~ . t.he t emple nnd all ' UPll r lip Is ex· tremely ,restful ll'!ld ,cooling, Fa ith Paralyie'd by Fam il,arlty. , The Lilac Popular. HIs .c"uutrymen coult1 no t be ll ev, In th El S llrch tor ~i gl" t et1 ct ' he that there was an j'cb ln divine II. ,Je~us" be, usa tbey kn e w ' him too lI1ao, with Its brlst lag .IH1.nlcl')G, hall weI: H e ~vas h c arl> Qter's ~ ()II : becom one ot h e mlllln r y fnvOliites . .' Llbtln cnslllntlre or sergI.! migh t be tbey weI' acgualnted wi th his' moth Cnste'ad at th.e normal pIJ rpl or ~\'hl~e'I ' up III this styl ; ,the skirt lias a er 'anll 81~ters an'd brotbera-. ~'alll one fmdS it 'gl'C n, crlmllon. y Ilow" , ,,We ' 'pUIl.el dOWI~ c nter f.1'~lIt wltb wa's paralY2ed ' by falllU'lnrl ty. uul 110.\\' " ill ......any color at all tbat th e ull11!ll'er rU,s sla braid flut 'o n In ' j\', wavy patt rD' tile 19 ' ntul'les have '. rolled "in' n e ds for 11 r . bem . 801l'l 0.. at ttl n,t tlw, cdg ; . tb slqes and back are blg , straw shllp s with, such 110vvei~ t1len ' slIgbtly gather d, O!llh '\.lodlce' between ' tb 'se day ' and ours, we , a wi J.l of' tuite; among tho on~ tuck ' is mnde 'Otl ach shoulder; Jesus. not· 38 ,'One whom w./! , hlWlO tnost ~tetcillng ' models. Th Indian ' the ' toD of ' tucks, I.'dge of o,versleeves. !mown. ~oy ' and wan" tor 'Si>;.!'ell.·s In the con'lmonpincils ot ,hla ,holj1e II e .turbnu 'looped ~vl ' P nnd UuJshet! an~ n!l It {ire tr~ulllle~ to Ill atcll.. Any alod surroundfng'.l; we lee h ,w a 101 w/tlt f!.U algrett~ \,. ' o,n e sill oontlnllf;s !Jort ml\t~rlal mlgh.t ~ I1sed for the 't ' ~'(l 11 dim an(l sllec:tral; lItmOllt unrel1l. .,er to tlOurtllb all n' J> cturesuu.e HeUl of U.", I: S · . , an14rt hat dltJpl~Y$. "nr;!. ther :..l th M"tertal requl~: 6 raj1Cls' 46 In bee .BOn lu that far Qrt I~na. among thoee nttl~' turban nlad. af a ban l lcercbiaf wide, · 1 dpz(ln yal'dB braJd, 1 Yllot"d m., It f ~Iel ",trang 'iarrO<J.llfllngJJ. tor. us to believe \n his (nv,IXle 0;.1 wound arouDd and, ;&roun~ U. frame In terlal 4~ Inches v.1d for aUp. rab ratbtoD. t.\tt the rban ts , lure mts.lo~ tbd .,It' W t o war. 110. cl vane tb. , pew barn la [; . Q,IlaQ 01a:1 ,tt It. y~ ~


Washlngton.-Fully tour and a half out ot every five pounds of coltee «runk In the United States comes trQm Brazil, and tho proportion Is growing steadily higher. principally because the Brazilian bean Is of a superior ~u aHty and flavor. The genernllty of coltee drinkers have a hazy Idea tha t "Mooha" and "Jata" enter largely Into the morning beverage, but It Is 11 fac t that all the Mocha and Java that reach this country In a year would not supply St. Louis lor six months. It Is generlllly known and Ilnder· ' stood that the greater proportion of flne Brazilian coltee comell" from the state ot' Sao Paulo In that country. and the statement that Sao Paulo, the riohest state In the BrazlUan Union, la "one vast oottee estate" has been made ' so frequently that the general lmpresslon h8S' gone abroad that l1ttle else but coltee Is produced I.n the state, It Is true that Sao Paulo alone, last year, produced 1.716,000.000 pounds of colfee tbat had a value ot t140,OOO,OOO. and that this vast ag: STegatl! found Its way outward through the greatest coltee port In the world. Santos: but It Is allo true that Sao Paulo haa a host of other Indus· trlel .that are de.,eloplng at a rate that fa astonishing. It Is In Sao,Paulo that the grel\t wheat growing conces· lions have bee ,granted; 'it Is from Sao Paulo that the enormous ship· menta~ lo Europe ot l1ve cattle wJll be made: ' 1t 1. 'Sao Paulo that now, main· talna thre.l' hundrecl ~aotorlea engage:!





I;~'~:;~~i~'dee;~' ..~ . ·





H Dry Palm r. Col :lnd Walnut Sts.• Barneavllle, 0., saYIl: "My kidney trouble Wil li c'llused by hardsh ip anci expos ure III th e army , Th e awfu l palns a . ro ~s my back grad· uall y became mortt ae \, N e until I was In cons tan t Ill ise ry. My feet a nd hands were swollen to t wi 'c their na tural sil.e', Tho kid , n cy se ret Ion:; we r In tL ter ribl ' co ndl , I \'·)lrl eLi what see melt c:ll'ar I>lood, I b,!ca me g.) dizzy c\,er Yl h ing- $(' ,' Ll Il:'Cl t o wh irl. 1\1 y ·on ' di,'loll waR " Iurtuiul,;' \\'h l' n I bL'ga u ll ~i ll "" 1)0:1 11 ''; I'iun,· y Pllhl , Befor lou!; t ill1l'l'o\'l'11 anu WaR so II "lrong lind well." I "II\t' I1IIJ,, 1'

For ~O l':'

h ..

n " I11 ( ' - /)Ol1 o·,. ,

by all d " 31 " n~ , (if) cent a Fllti te r·)Uiuuru ' 0 ., Bul'l'alo, N . Y. SII I ('

Not Trans fera ble, i\l h, .\ , h nl! 0 11 ;J s kir oi d ,lIcata fa wll ('Ollll', which h I" otiJ(' rs (' 0 \' ted. "Do bellul'utlt that 81, 11'1 to m . 11815' A ,," s a id Olle fri"1 U, "It I lia c he a. wulst of m inI' I.!lCutly ," "I don't !I(' ,' whal YOU want oC t bill old s k it t." 1iSt; A , 1'(' pll I' U, " It ':! on it>! last I l.!g~ 1l 0W , "-dllt'l" J , 1; Magllzlot'.

SKIN BEAUTY PROMOTED ' In the treatment of at::ectlons at thIJ akin and scalp which torture, d is tlg, ure, Itch. burn, Bcale and d ~B troy the balr, as well. as for preserving. purl. fyln g and beautifying the complexion. hal\ds and h air, uUcura Soap and Cu tlcura Olntmen ~ are well·nlgh infallibl e. Millions of women through. out the world rely on these pure, sweeb ond gentle emollients for all pur. poses of the tolJet. bath and nursery. and for the sanative, antiseptlc cleansIng of 1110 rated, InHame d mucous sill'fa ces. Potter Drug & Ohem. Corp.. BOStOll, Mass ., sole proprietors of the Cutlcllra R medies, will mall free, on r eQIl s t. th eir latest 32-page cutloura. Book on the skin and hair. Had a Realon. ' " Why don't you cull your ne wsp (I r the App Mix?" askcd the eneiny or tbe poll tical boss. "A.ny spe lal Na ' on for wauting me to ~c 1301" " Well, it's a useless orga n,"

How's This? We ,oITer O ne Hunilled Dolla", n oWlU'll lor ...,. _ or w,u tbat ... ooot · be cured by HaLl.. Cal&rrh :ureo

P . 1. COENEY Ii: CO" Toledo. O. Wt, tho unde"'lIInoo. bavo known b'. J . Obr.Dq I\)r the I...t 1$ l' 1'11. ""dONIUe,'. blm perfectly boooroble In ..11 bu.oln01!3 tm...... uoDl nnd OnaDclaltJ' .tile to r;a.ty OuL any obllpUOb8 made by hta linn. W -'LDINO. K'N"'AH 4: &IAltVlH.

Wbol I. Drulll!l".. Tole<'lo. 0Cure Is IAken tDlemalit.... UDS blood and roucou. ~u rtacee 01 tile ')'Item. 1·e.tlmoDlal.l "lit tree. PrIce 1~ ceDIAI _ bO ttle. So(d by Illl DruRRIJIUI. 'l'IJoe H ..U·, F .. mlly 'Plll!I lor MDJltlpatlOG. Rail', CtltMTh

4!recUy UIIOIl tbn

Right ,Nal)'le at Last. "Let me Mho w you our latest novel· t.y," .. aid th clerk In the haberdash· ery, "H re Is tb 'Ilol'tb pole' collar button. Naill d In honor of Cook aod Peary." "By Jove !" laughed the bu morous customer, "They Olldn't find a belter name for a collnr button." "Why nol?" "Because it Is so hurd to locate." Why He Whitewashed. A country .Loctor t ells a story of a man who love d luto a dilapidated old and was fouud by th doctor busily whit wash ing It Inside and out. "I'1lI glad to see YOll making t.his old place s o nice and n at:· s aid t:l physi· clan, " It's ueen n y 80\'8 In the n eighborhood for y r ." '''Taln't nothing to D1 nhout y'!lor e ," was t he r plr. "Tb e lusl cou(,lO what lived hel' hall twlns ' threa times, IHI I hope white wash Is a good dIs infectant. ¥& sec wu' \'e go t n child ren ." Paired . hc was nn a mla ul old lady, and volunteered mncb Information 't the fair s tranger who b ad com e do wlI to sec all im portant v nt ill the cou ntry towu- tlt la yi ng of t:' o foundation IHonEl of th e ne w church. " Y s ." prattled thl' old lady, " that Is th e dlll,c a ~d d Ul'11l!S!l. and tile cOllpl lleb iud tb tJ m:11' t h () mayor and mnyo re:!l: a ud t hose two to the ri ght nrc t ho vica r und -er- \·ixen."Id

'U K ,


_._--- -WOMAN -


F'lnally Found a Food That Cured Her. "Wb n [ first read of t he remark. null.' I.' I'f CUI or Grape,N uts rood. 1 U, t erntilJ cd to secure l;O IU () ," says a \Vom· an In ;~ ElI1 uury, !\Oln, " At tbat limo thf'rc .. us non e k <l pl in t hi" tow n, liut my hus bund orrh' rt.'d .,IHu e froIll a Ch!ca"o t ra\'c l ~'r "I h ~ld b e ll gl'l'..ltly am lct t1 wlt.h. '!UClQ C' l1 a I. chi 0 cr:lIU 'I!l, ua usl1n. \lOU vom iting, TrlNI all i;orts or r Illl!u l ' o anl l )Jhysiclau!:'l. bllt obt,lin d only t,e lll pOI'ury rf!lirL A,; soo n :1.' r began 10 usc t.h.' l1 l' \\' fond t ill cramp, dl apll 'ur U QU U l1a\'(' n ~ v .. r row I'll rl. " My old all:l cl{s oj' sic: k s tomach weI' a llUl s low't' to yil'ld, but by oootllll.\ lu' III [ (lad . Ihal lr'lllulp. , has disn.pp t'll red cnl I'\'!r. J am today per· f ctly well. CU ll C.l , II Ythlng n1Hl ev ryUllu I w i!:! ) • wi hOlil \;<l ylng ilia 1l(,1\~H y lilllL I \ls(.d 10. \\' . wO llld not kel'll hO IlR' without )· u,pe·Ku ld. " ~Iy huslJ n I o..'1)iO d Ilgh tetl wtUl. the b h ·tits 1 l'~celvl :~ , tbat be bn>l b \~n r COlU m nd ingGrn'p lh' lt to b l cus tom rs lind 'lIn 'built up n v ery larg tJ'nd e n h 1'00 , l[i sells them. by 1110 cuse \} lUauy 0 th leading IlhysI chl[l , of th cou nty, l\'b9 re om~l nd Grap ··~ut8 ve ry g 'erally. Thet'9 iN ~ome sat! IncUo',..: In us1ng really sci n'r 1llcallr 1Il'eptll'l1d food." Read the lilitle boOk. "The noad to Welht l1le,hin pk ..... "Tb rt."s a~ easOD."




:Cau.4~~,~: t,-ij~~~Jt'I'=:~~~,= Q1Io e I~t 'if ft&U




•• ••

~.~~~~~~o~~~.~:-.: I!~~~~~~e~~i~r




. Orego nia.



, .Way the Conditi un uf, th~ npsill, Nat illo'ul ank at Wavne:;ville in the .'tate uf Ohi • t h ' \0, of UU inc ' '', June


Mr. and Mrs. Otto aornic k w (e

Brice mlth is impr ving our town w ith u. new bJl\okslllith sh op . Bevera lof our homes are being paint d , J. G, Maoy is lmprov ing his prop· erty. Earl 'Ellison . of Columb us, v isited his unole, B J. Ellison last week . T he W, C. '1'. U, 1111 dllY m s ting was very muoh e nj oved by all wb o hau tbe privileg e to IIottend . We enjoYEd 1\ sane 4th of July . ur meroha nts are having B good t:rade

--- ---

DR. J. W ~ ,MII:.LER,, '


No. 222'0


.•. DENTlsT; .~ ,

0 f th 'n'd i\;ion of , the Ci Lizens e o , . ., e

Bunk, at Waynes ville III lhe .St&,t , Peuce BId,. ' of Ohio,. at t he c\os~ of buslOess, Oyer Oross Bros, Store June 30 1910,




Mr. liud Mrs. Edgar Tyndal l, nnd in Xenia Sunday . l~lO. ' Ron of Dayton , visited Mr. and' Mrs, Miss F lorence Wilson . of Gre nfiel e! Hl;"Ov .lW~: . EdWin A.rmIta ge Bunday , )lEBO n ES d 1.1~ns lind f)J 'u'(IUuIR .. " , •..• " 2 " . 636. 12 Mra. L . Ii. Holzliu a nd dl\ught erl'4, ,is vi itiRg frien s h ere. l..olltl!! -00 renl . tllte . .. . . , . . ...• • 0" . I' ,\ I'" ,,'I', ;,', 'I ,,"d u rlseCllrod 1,82 1, H , H. 1>1I11,J, 1" ,·.;t, l'II'Cultllh HL, ('O.OIJ\I,O Il LolUlS un cOlIaw rtol . " , " , ... ... ElI:tlLb th and Stella, spent l;)undBY F. C. Schwar Lz and family spen t I11{,UI.,"! tiber 1011 Uti lllle;! lI1K 0 1l 0t8 , . , ,. • • , ~, H i ': " , ;·l'l I 4 . \ ' \L' •••• • •• •• •.• ~ tdi.Oj! L h~ with l·eia.tives h er e, B'l,\l I nt ! 'I I · • " _ . . . • . . • • • . . •. at . the Fou rth in Lebano n. 3.r.OO.UO ()yerdrllt l,; . . .. . , . , . , , , . , , ' , .. , U n fr\ IlltO, cOllUIY IUIII ~lluul 'I r a1 I 'PI 'H'" tl·~t\t· ", (, UK"~Ut. 10.0UI.\ O Miss Ru$he Ke rsey a nd friend of ( litl'(')(SU!I 9 . 000,00 . lJoudg nut It't'f'J. d 1~1.." " "' . .. . III '111(\6(1 III rellerve j'(IOULl"'''( ur I': I"", :, :. {t. llld t ILllh. ~ .. I . TII'i'cr bmuls a lid Ii e urlllC8 ... ... . UOO.OO '\ncinD llti, visited Mr , und Mrs , :!2 r..l)ft Cha . Stansb erry, of Daylon , \ i," _L,'n'" 2, M36. 00 FurnlLu l'tJ ulIIJ II, ~U('(J:I , " , • , , ••• ,I " III I .... \ II' I un', uid" I•. (OsteopathiC Physician) Hen r y Kersey , ~undBY. ti. 70 0. 00 :\J "I I',.. ., ...... . . _, ited relative s h ere Sunduy . I I. I 7 Ulh r ['(JI\ I Wl IIl(Q uwlloU, . . .... , 161 , 90 I.nwi t ,1''' ,1 ,) \. t'll'r\· ill Bf" lk , \'~ : 'Mil iteI1lK" , . . . " , · , , ·, · ,· , '.' Mr: Ilnd Mrs. W . O. Kerfl6Y pllld SPt'l'io • DUll 1\'1/111 ruso r v" IJlU\k SO ,. , 8.ti~ . , • .• 11) 7 'H .. 'U a week end visit to Mr.nnd Mrs. Joe L.H:"u l · tt" , iw' IIp l,,-c • •. I. !\Utld )O 12, 4!41t. aO )~ .\ 'hlUIIlII c1U1U'llIg h 0l1110 ",0 •• U Miss Elsi Hartso ck pent ttl' i nl! ,II , " (~u lll 'lin ,., ., ... " . , \\: h I .b, 'l) 1Io~· ~60. 00 Tuesday and Frida y Kereeyoin Xenia, H" I'r( .1',,, I i ~ t\ HIH it fd. . , . Fourt h with fri ends in Lebanu n, a l ti.OO ~ 511(1.00 ~U I \' \l r dullnrs., .••. , ., l'IW.:UOIHII coin .. , , . , . . 'b.~ Prof. WIIliBll'~sls aoti ng BR "extr~" Of Each Week Totul , , , , , , , , •• , , . , , .111' . 137 . 1 oporllto r in B }inoinn atl offioe thlS l'. Sn~[:::!. "~~I,U.I~I~,~~I~k2 ,688.0 0 Miss Alicia Kell y, of ,inci nna l i. 10.5 19,1 7 1.1 1I11.1TI EH ~ ! week, Mrs , Wil1iam s ond ohildre u E, V. ROSIl, of Wursaw Ky" s pent are visiting in LebAnon wbile Totul •• , •••••• •• •• , •. , . • , • • , '10 2. 63.71 " . ; III, " ',. . " , r.l', " nn, llIl I' he Is spent Monday with Mi ss Elobe 'm i.-I. (' Office . at the Oustln Hou8I t wo dliYs here Ill. t week, with tbe away. :... ' , (I, OIlU.H I) ' , ~ Miss It ' : ' E ;\', lla . I; Reeves ~i . of al.thal! ', ;$ intenti on of putting In a bauk whioh U ,\ UJLlTlK S ,I .1 ....... , will be a ppreoia ted lind pat, roni'~ou 3 11.1 1 :I ,n ~ MISS G l li,d~~ Sherwo ?<l of Monr ofl, visiting F " . '. chwart :t and [Illn i l,v. ~" "'" "·:.",,,11" ,,>: :l1I , UIIO 1111 by our citizens of this VICinity . I I" . '1 .. ," ' " ' ' " " . " " I bas been Vl It\ng relativ es here tlJe l.;'OO.\' l · toCK\luld ln . .... , ... .... I 2500000 Hours . of Appoin tment, 11 a. m·I, ' ind,l 1' 100'00 ! . " . ;1I; , k "1 10 , !:Iurphl$ IUUIL ..... .. , .. , .... . pa " t week. Larenz o Medlcm e Co , showed her e , 1 il,II Mr. " O,OU Harley to 12 m. Smith, ' l ' lIdl\'lllulI pronto Ie&! OX1",U605, IDof Nl'w " B '-I . , IhlJU tlil 1 " t ",ii last w.ek leaving Sunday for Clarks , 1:"\L:'!~~. 9 :i t ores\. und to. us ....... ~1tss Mury Co~ner bas returne d lington , w calling on fl" ""U!:'o h (>~'I' 1< "" ' I' \\',f /IIr 1;1\ " ' ., ,.. " lu" . ::Otl.!H\ ~' 3.7' , •. , ~27;5 l d6J)OsJIJI SI1 -. 1 II ville where t hey wi1lsho w t his week to her h ome In Morrow 03 1 _ _\._ _ _ l mliviulIll JOCL to chock.. .. . 5 . ' a.fter Tuesday, . , , " . . , :los. I.'!7, ·I" lJeOllllld e"rtiUcut es .. . ) 1.6~~6· D;. Jam e Ward nnd wife are ' II. week 's visit with f riends :'(jl· • • 7D Y ~8 hete . S'I' .\ ', I'. I,' IIll, ), \\' ,\ :, 1.E.\ (,Ol ' :,\ ' l'\' ,~:: 1::i1l \' IU~~ deposits ••• " . II, . 4, u .u . . making great Improve~ents on 'beil I Mrs. John C\1nn ingham Miss Lorrain e Hamil t on, of Lobaa.nd little 'J'otul. T. ~ , . . .... ~ . .. , , . . , ..... . • , . ~ ' . ! ' II 'lil'" Ol. 8~3. 12 1,( \ht~ n1, 'y beautif ul form three miles north da?sht er, of Norwo od, l' are the non. spe~t Saturd ay Ilight and ~un­ n ullil I t. III : t: ':, ~ 'I~t" t.hut 1ho east of our Vil lage. nh{) 'I'" I II I, :~ . ..' ,U nu bl"'~ o f lUY guest£ of Mn. John Gill, TATE Of' o n) WARRE N OOUNTY , 811: "" .. day I.. uo \ :1' I • t~ at home. ,1,\ •. I. 1", • IlUrt.80ck . Severa l from h ere attende d Buffaas.hlor of thll aboveThe Missel! Lnollle Norton, Mllry IlILIIlOO bBuk. 110 eolomuly swear t hat t,he Ads will be In8erted uod or 1 ~. i '!', I· If' . tblll head for 10 Bill's show Tuesda y nt Dayton , Conner , u.~d SUIJ!S" I'Hwd .l f H\ ):11 Ii ,,):4.1 t1W IJ" .. :' UI.l IIbu\o Htllt-l)Ol lit Is Iru to tho bCII\. of my tw cn ty ·llve CC lltN Co r three InlMlrUou ., W. H. GarJ . of Monrov ia. a .. du Lucile MIlBon, spe~t y Itf July . l i d , l. J';, tc"·YH. Samue l Irons Ilnd Fred Shilpso o Friday WIth Mr , a nd Mrs. ",heu usl n!: not more lhau live IIDe •. l' I rrl'C~ .• tI, ;l : • 11«')' publi c. klto wludllO IiDI1 ~?lttfitA.RTSOOK, Cashl r, W ill arrived here last Thu rsday, f or a vi it two of emr County Comml l:l8ioner s ·M ooney. I -. II, .111 !" '\, of several weeks. J. \I' , \VII ' i'I!:, . \ lUIeI woru to beforo m o this 2nd and &muel Hinkle our County Bura dllYul)l!crl\)ll( Atto,rn eys Frunk Bundo S . 1.1::\' , ( .\1: I \\, 1: 1 oiL'}', of July, 19 1 0, Mahlon Rldge l , FOR SALE veyor were in this vicinity Wedne s- ard IvlUs Ilnd eth Brown, n, HowJ)1\ elora, Notary P ubuc. Mrs. Marion Hamilton and daug hof Lebaday, non, were in town ·rhursd ay . ter, of Lebano n. a re g uests of Mr. • - • Miss Edna opence r left. Bunday and U TOMOBlLE~AS 1 am prepar , Mrs. M, C. Liddy. for a week's vi it with Miss Edith KlNu 'S HG RA LDS MEET Bellbrook inK to move we.t uUI mouth ~mith. of Norwo od. l have the followi ng AUk)IDObU.. for Mr . and Mrs . . Burnet t and daugh Mrs. Laura Howla nd visited her sale The "KinO'- Heralds" wel'e enterIf you want a CoOd Dish Miss. Luoile Ml1:son spent t he tel', Bessie, a nd MI'S. W. G. H il l Bon Osoar and family in Dllyton Fourth 10 Cinolnn atl. ODe "Autoo ar" 1907 RUDab on' of Ice Cream or tlli ned very pleasan tly were at the g home u ests of Mr. and 111 I'S. Stacy of last week.' l..evers teer, 14 h, 2 oyltnd~r ,enllDe , ' A m erry orowd of twenty · nine Sherbe 1iss Grace rt '''' mal'l las Satul'd avafBurnet t and family. of Wel1man lasL t,op. 30x3X rear ilres, 2~x3 front. in Mi88 Je88ie Underw ood who has boys from the Dayton tind Piqua Sunday Lerna n. 'I'll room. we I'e at·tistlcal 1;ood condni on, tools, pllmp. j ,ok been very III with paralys is, is very , M. O. A 's, ~assed througJ ? here co TO Iy decorat ed with flags and, a short !lond 3 extra inner tllbet! go","Sh 'he low at this writing . Flid.BY on th~lr tromp f rom For.t oar. COIIU1,OOO, wilJ sell for m ,t iif It Vlllley . progra m consi ling of a song by lhe ;:Yw ---.......---..,...QIl i te 8. 1a.rge orow".> , 0 f poop e a - Anoum t to SprlDg , . . --~~ l!old at onoe !'ociety , ('ead in;r by Estla Haines and endedPenew the Reoital , giveR One "I!'ord" Mod"l T toudnR oal', by Mrs. , Miss Grao~ , tJohn Corbin , of 'W llmlngt l' a.t the on Town BalllfU lt IS ohapero a ~ong Dlng by a ~I crowd isses Helen Marlatt ., ~f young 1909 mOlltll with 1910 aped ... '.,ans Thursd ayeveD ing. people, ,who are oampin g 10 W, R . J anettc and Luella Janney was r enmiPtdon, BIIII t0l>, mllcue to, wlad I'~ ff' I K ersey s oottage netir, town . Carey ""ra eo hId I ren lire h II.vng ~bield , speedo meter, Iltetan k, dered . Dll r in t:lE' . social h ou r quite a seige WIth the whoopi ng Prof. and Mrs, ft . E . WIlson , of " nd lalDpe and toll 8et of .'0018 and gam weN play do he lawn t:ipring after boro, visited relativ es her e Mrs. Emma Dakin is visi "ing her extl'B tubes lind oh"ina. Price ''100 i oou g h , , la st week, son 'GUY and,family near 0 born. She whi b dairtty . freshm ents w l'e These OIU. are "rgato a, Either , Mr. and Mrs. UhaB. Brelsfo rd have , Mrs, Schuyl er, who hBS been Quite will alsoyis it f riends in I Day to n be- ser ed. _ _ _ _ O\ay be seen ,,' Spring. V.lIe), or by _ _~ ICE C'REAM PARLO R :\~m~ !~~e~~~~ ~~~C::nI~~~ ill, is jmprov~ng. "ppoin tmen' at Xent_, Dr , D. W. fore her return home. M~. A. L, liA!\\lL TON.TENENT Beding er, HprlDg V_Uey, O~io ham of Greenv ille. Miss Va.lha Craddo ok, of Leba· Fart is stayin~ at t he hoine of her ii1'8. ' B arry Th te tied Oscar nOD, sp.nt I;)unday with MISS Eme· daught er, Mrs. 'J. W. White, Denlinger, omaB en · ran Uue Jeffery duri ng OUSE AND WT-l n Cor'f!tn.l Mr. Fnmk Hamill on , a fo rmer AIn. Frank Lamme aud o hildren' 1 ' St the .BoQH 1'e08D'1, lJ!'iutel l, iD.po!1 absenc t e of 't H Mrs. Dakin. al80 lire. Ben Thoma s, of Spring Wuyrie ~ We M bo . • and Miss l':anl1ie Mrs . Emma Mote, of Dayton , is am r ee. OppOSI e • repair 'aDd nioel, looated , ..rood Tenant , of Newp I.t , Ky., Valley last'l'h uraday , were qui.P. Keys' ,residen ce. visi.tin&: her daught er, here, bome or al{nod iov8Rt meo'. Iilquire Mrll. Mauric e Silver ·and son Ly- etly mal'rie u b y t h Rev. Bolin, of Ii_• • • • • • • •__._ at th1s omoe. MiM Carrie Kable was shoppi ng Mellrs . OharJe e Bradbu ry, Rohert man w.ere recent g uests of friends in the Fil'st Baplist hurch in Newpo rt, 1n Day&On last friday. . Hhutts, Omar B ollings worth, Zain Columb us, and attende d the com. lira. Ge•.,trude Delane y of' near Armita De and Barry ~herwood, of , " June atten lants were DYSPE U.,nter vme haa been visiting her Lebano n, left SUnday fpr IndianB p. mencem ent exercis es of Ohio State M L29th_. The PSIA AS TIME SAVER iss orrEune 'I'enent , ~l. ter 0 f t h e mOlher , Mrs.. JQElephine Tate. oils, , 'Univer sity, when the degree of Mas- bride, and M.r. Sidney Kent, of Nor-' According to Thl., Undellr .ble Mrs. Emma Pe~erson and Mrs. AliMiss Lllcille oilton spent Bunday ter of Arts was conferr ed on Mr, d Halstea d were visiw'ng in Spring afterno on withNMi88 "'00 , ment I. POlltlve Benefit to MIn ES:r.ICRN llARE, dark brow", Gladya Spence r Benj. Stokes Silver. After a delight ful di nnet· the Who Hal to Work. whi'. 'ace, 6year. old, Up· Valley Jast Wedne sday afterno on, lIi88, Marie Olvis, of Dayton , is end both . r . off, braDd oa ..llbt young couple left fo r Way nesville One haa ao mueh more Ume on 'ttlouJd er. , FiDd"r • visiting relative~,:.h:e:r.:e~.-==;--__+~~f_a_-s1tate-iife'~1:t wlll telephO De . WO\IIO AgaTn. 1~m!4Jimi1'e~~~~~lern-Mich igan. They wil l "nEl's handa when 1I\:)r ,two hours CIIn WID. FurloD l, BeOtr oa. 8DlS"b le the fashionable lady one's appetite Ie e b h t th' .f ' d the state board of school examin ers e at . o_me o' ell' nen s a ft er bad than when It Is not. EatlIl, doea reward offered , \ Opt tU draper exhtbltl ng his gooda, FELT GRIEF HE EXPRESSED at Columb us at t heir June meeting . Augu ~Qt 1" t . __aDC1 at , the end of that period she not take up much time apparen U,. REAB TPIN- Sllver quarter , dat· - - -. and yet when one II eaUn, DOthin. Mr. Ivins hl.'lS been employ ed by the .weetly asked: ' ed 1~U ltanoel Under WhIch Verdi Initial. "0. W . , the days are 80 long a~d 10 mu.cb HAre ,ou quite lure you have shown Clr'cum . f A ' P I d J' d h AFTER. LO G CONfI NEME N T " gets !tsel. done. Of course, one 4oe. lA8t betwee nwith .. "State Depart ment 0 gncu t ure J.or me e.,.ryth lng you have?" A, E. Obeno wetb's ro uce t e Sublime Mlaerere ~ t he summe r and iR n ow located in "No, madam ," /lafilthe draper. with not wasle allY time In belog buDlJ1'1: and Red Briok ohore'" I'lnd~ will In "\I re." Columb u . Mrs. l1. C. L idd y, so long con· there Is thal to be thought eave at GaZl;'tte omOtt. aD 'lnllIlua tlng smtle,. "I baye yet an fi ned to h \' llOme from injurie s ,the does not tor three-Quarters of. 'O,n. : 014 aocount In my ledger -'hleh I Men or genll18 are contels edl, erea· of an hour re ul t of a fall, was in hel' invalid before each meal prowl tures of m~od G '-f lhan 'Yery gladly show. . you.".. d It y A grand gen uin around o· Icaran 'e sale· in . r... and aver. I Be M(l nOl need to 'show any more. hue often u I I "L chai b I' on i the t stl'e~t d 1 Tuesda y afterno on been a real help to them. order to clean up quickly OU t' lat·ge HELP WANTED a m ng: unc eon I no ~a, The lady lett the· isbOl>. saying she rather thaD • blndran ' dd I It Isn·t? How queer! Yes, I lEnow It ce. Poe. It Is tock of spri ng and sum mel' me '- prope et1 , by lr!r. would call again anotber day. gran aug 1tel' • Is not one by any or the clockB. but It ..Id produced "The Raven" whll. alt· chandi se. ' T a ke ad vanLag e cut M l·S. M 1'; , H nmtlton . of Lebano n. feels tearfully one to tlng t the bedalde of ble sleeplnp; but N In&el1lgeD' penoD iDa,. " ..n 1 thlIlk o. r . Liddy teaches u.s many b eauti- the whole you better me: d ... ,100 monthl y oorr..pondln l ".ng --r give m,' a but· ... e. Many similar Inltancell prices a nd secure one of the II o1id ,M ·'t iul and heipful l e..'ISOo bv her patient , ~red roll ." There Is that lor newsp ape". No oaD9ua1DJt. .,' might be cited, but an anecdote of Comfo rt" Reed Rocker thftl6-qu ars. Call a nd ubmi;s ion and chee ~f u l accepl,ance tera of an hour VerdI, told by Carlo Ceecarelll, wiD invest igate-g reat chance eave.d. Then there II ~Dd for PRr*lcnlara. 8)'odi. fot' ever y" '. " the Bctual time of eaUnl whicb, t. B 6791, Lockpo rt, N. Y. 8uftloe. home . J, A. Ful)Key . of a hut-In. sometimes uncoDsc lonably Jonl; .. On ODe occasion, when Verdi waa _ _ ~ _____- - - - - - - .. welt as all the Ume one would spend . enga,ed on hili well·known opera, "n NEW CROSS INGS DESCARTE , , ' Trcrvatore." be '8topped 's hort at tbe . dlgestln l' II one had eaten anythlDI S RULES OF LIFE ,tn worth digesting. Added to tbl. there pusa,e of the "~Ieere re," being at a Counci l has .ordere d new cemen t 'j. lOBI to combine notel of suftlclen a re a number of odd mlIlutel picked t Admi rable Guides for ' Conduct Set J' Ul) NEW COO DS la4neel and pathoe to ' express the crossin gs, and work was during the afternoon whlcb would NYON E, comme nced , Forth In Hls·· .. P rovlal o~al ' SelfWatch this space and you will otherwise have been apent In reIRt. grief ot tbe prl80ner, !.Ianrlco. in front of Funkey 's sto re Tuesda y . . Govern ftnd ~ Bome New Things we hanment," ' . mall 'Ung that ope had eaten 80 much aDd No call1val SitUnp; at his plano . In the deep mornin g. lilDI. dIe. Call and see them. determi sUllne8. of tbe winter nll'bt, hlB 1m· ning not to do It 88aln: Alto. '3end for free b01ii'uif'- --4 -- --In the dlsoour se of Descart s upon gether, dyspepsia Is al eftleacloua • Heaooo t, A 5820, Locitpion, ag1natlon wandered hack to the Itormy OCCUPYj E r EASON S "The MethQd of sIng One's Reason ' tIme saver Swansd own Cake Flout daye of his youth. endeavoring to ex. . as anything at the t . N STS BY S Rlghtiy ." he saYII A prepar ed cake flour. ready that he had always thought of. Not sleeping wellmomen tract from the past a ,plaInt. a groan, oUght hiW an Intense desire to 1enm bow to to help out tremendouely; t o use, ideal for Angel food like tholle which elcaped trom ble IBuzzards Seldom Use Same but It doe. "Home" dl'sllngl\llIh tnlt,h from falsehood In not, fOr If one loses Cakes. WANT ED breast when he 8aw blmlelt foreaken three hC!ur8' 81eep TlwllCe , Consecutlvel)' for , Some ord er tba~ ,. he might b clear about his at night one takes up 14 wakin. by the world. All In vain! Fhllson Unexpla ined. acllons and that Rippey's Va~llIa Icing be might be able to hours In explainIng what a martyr one One dlloY. at Milan, he was une.x. walk /jur footedly In tlllsllte , . . Fine fo r ' all kinds of Cake and GOOf) lid for p~.r..l lIoQN. pectedly caJled to the bedlld. of a Is, giving a minute description of bow The ~Ighq pf, the buz~ard Is+8.s well Th erefore be resolved to set up what el~epy Oll'e teels. and , this. comblned P~8try. . work. No wa.hiD I. Write .. ____' ___ _ dyIng friend. one of the few who bad ~!g~lIKll!J:~~c~:g~S~: '~~~I~~ I~O !~~; he termed "a provisional selt.govern- with on~ or two little napI one Sugar Cream or call remained faithful to him In adveralty h.. Ave" W. T. Sard", 8810 8penoe t .. ment," or which the c were to be the to take. wastea time shocklIl An icing and filling for Maple Norwo od, Ohio. and prosper ity. VerdI. at the sIght of perfehclt\ aerO!Plan~ In eXls gly. All tenthce. b T o rul es, 1 glv the rules as somewhat mention of Layer Cakes. bls dying friend. felt a lump rise In lice the time spent In eonm . .soaring between , ar \> broadly parul1brnsed by ~1.r. Huxley: , vlnclng people that hlB thr oat ; he wanted to weep. but 80. bllls" wfth a vastJlgr was awake een Fi rs t- That he would subm it blm- three hours. lin spite one Junket Tablets Intense was hie grief tbat not a tear below ·h1m,.1 and with thefe rtile valley of the fact that 8prln~ sun self to the "~ws and religion In which one did not hear a single Foamol ine. Gelatin es and Jello ftowed to the reller of hIe anguIsh. clock strike lIghtl~ l \lp l hls bJlO'Wn plumage as h£: he h:1(1 been brought Ice Cream P ower. liP, the quarter hour. haa been pllrpoMl, d N 0 t rou bl e aro llDd, with outsl) fcad In an adjoinIng room stood a ]llano, slow I'" " '8 al'" . "'1 to m ak e Ice cream 1'f you use VerdI, under one of those sudden 1m. plnIODll., Is h sight nevel' to 'b,e forgot- ' S(;!cond- Tbat be would act, all nil left out.. . either of these. occasions wh ich coiled f OT action P'IlIses to which men ot genIus are ,ten . • ----promptl y lInQ acco rdlng to lhe best It's el\t!iflr tor the averaK e girl lometlm es . s ubject. sat down at ' the Foulds Tomato Sauce Th& ! buzzard usually cboo" s a of his judgment. , -, • " n. bow than it is for her to uet I t or Iilstrument, and there and then 1m. Ie dgel~ a 0IIIe . b t In For Macaro ni and Spaghe tti. ... , an eyr u Thlrd. ThRl .. be wou ld certain 8 ek hRPPipallt8 h ers,e,l f tied to a. beau, provlsed the lubUme "Mllere re" ot ' , of Wales there are a tew In limit Ing his doslres 'ather Heinz' Spiced Salad Vinega r . tbe "Trovat ore," The musIcian had weill ed l nesta l In trees, and as ndss : 'M ""!!!!~~!!~~~~~~!'!'!!!~!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!~ ' the. lire generallly ulled b)' some than In nlle l1l Pting to satisfy them. ;;;; Someth ing fine for Salads. Ask , . a1ven utteran ce to hie grief., bird! oll.Pl'EYY eachtseasoD. they grow to Fou rtb- TI.:I he would make the 1 t o sample it when you call. an lenormOllll stze. The, puzz81'd does search afler truth tbe bus.llJOB Ii ot his I Edgem ont Butter Cracke rs John Welley '. Ascetlo Life. not1 aSf a rule. uee' the same nest two 1I1e. If you ,are, not using Edge8 .U NDA Y• D.urlng the whole of bis residence In ,co~edlltlve S88SaDS . bat ' returns to. p.scnrt J! ' .'l.9 just comIng ot :lge Georala Wesley slept monts, you ~are missing quite ,on bare . board s ' it t21e i l.hlrd, ad atte.r that"tallows a n- wb~n he la tel dOWIl tor. himselt .. .Train·l eave. w~ , a treat. ' l!lese 'm. and fed on the plaInes t vegetar ian other reasOn ~1.o1lelap!le before l ' , OCCUllY- rules of Ife,-;- li'rom "P~rBonal ~ower," I will offer at private sale food- aa a rule on ,bread. He drank ·t ng l~'i agaln. ' at my by William Jewett Tucker. " Fruits and Vegeta bles residen ce in 'Wuyne sville, th~ followneither wine nor beer. Htll firltac t Two, neatB. ia,r8! Often . coo.sttu ctedln Plenty at all times. Peache s, . .ing pr~perty: : , ' o~ ' Iandlng was to IImash the tw;a ~ne, dingle,ii/llld '. .' ~ iIi..lI!I,__~ fln amusIn g tnchle~t : TI;e For rest-Maeready' Riot. Melons , Banana s. Berries , ToeRika IlDd ,to 'lIJ)pose upon hlmselt and JlapPeD6d a-Qrew years ' . Rio 'ln' one ' qt Aator plao . not.' only rnatoes, Cabb~e, P otatoes , woe a aGefal 1 FamilyHorse, : perf~tlygent1e. his eomrades-;-alJ . membe rs of , the .thellet.ll1acee:· T:b6\ hen laJd Cantelo pes, ' Apples . If it is Holy cl,ulr-a vow:' of abl1tlnenc.. No ..eallll ~n'8t,~ i aa ,it ",al one\egg In center In th . "old , days, ,b ut" ~tSf' ·.the . i ,good Rubbe r·tire 'Carnage. . I' qlilt~ 1m·, bcj.tUtlgr:ound o~ the' ~art l13;nll' of. Fqr- i.Bugg~. ·" !.." , in the market y ou will find it trace can be di~covered of a IIlnll,, ' po88lbte fo • . ' ........ , : . ' ()n , both a onoe, r~t , llnq Mael'elld~. 'Forre!lt·MliCrea hert>. dy', l 'D eliverv',.Wagon ,' ", " ~ay, or hour ,gtven · to· r~ore.UoD.' All, we}did: b,.r ifooCl\'tm '\" "n' bT.·plac lng one riot ,Don't",forget t il get your Green on Miiy 1Q; ~8~!l. ; was 110 sP~lte'd , his readin&,' ht. · 'Converaatlon; , 'his, ot.'these-eg "an ~oo neat , ( i) wltb ,Its COD\' ~·~t.we n ' the paH.lSan l Of ; the" 1. set."smgIe C : . "' 0' Ticket with your purcha$ e and r ar~age wrlUni.1 eYfl n Ih the l1'",mmaJ'8·. "and ll~t.on: ; T a~~s a:~o!-" re.ult ,'of !S~r. ~ndn~ tWQ aoto,rs, In d there was a:- lle~ time, ,1, BabY"G vQte for your favorit e girJ'or' oatecb\ sml, b,e C«?ntptl~, ,. wer,e o·~rt·. l:": :' " . ' ' .. reUt- wu ,'that ' !l c~l1eeiof~ · p88s';d b~ :a~out ~n tl!1l Astor .t.r!ang ,e W~~~ the ' ~ot 1 T~in J3~by boy~ . Help them 'get : a nice IOUI,·. The nearest.: approac h, ' to Gab: '~, > two hours ' afterlwa r . 'lLnd', watcH It ys to't ad Ii ,put bOth, ,1M.too . . The tlgbtlng' occurred In 'f-r,ont llarg'e ref...:~rator unth 1()()'1". Jleative l'ea4big 'tba~ I haTe Jieen able- e,CI I in hJs 'collec~ box. ;.' . , ' , r ea iet ·'" l .• ' , . . "" .. f <!,~ : tb ~ .'olu .,;:ope!8 Luou,!e, Whl ~~ ' stood ' ., , to ~ecover In the d arlee Ie. ,.m.ton ,. bQx' in,.~ itood condiU ' When I bn. . Kh~ tile ima, t t~r over 1 ,"b ~r the ~erca nUle W ' .now ' ;:",', ' " " ;";':_.'1 ' and "he dlversloDa-ot-~Ue ' , ~t1 - , \1.lonl t~a't, that ,ol~ . ,.stands, "Now the two ·l.lbr. ,Mra-te D.DIs, cards...hootlnl actorl. the and '~e tiuuard w 1 Wheelb arro!l, ......... aa.,'D~w. hait i ~ a fool as oper~- hOI,I~~: the 'socJal 'ce,Ii~r, wblch , 2 taM). ",:owe~o ' . I re con.plo~0U8 ' by ,tIl.lii · ab- ;'e ' took .to be. l and 'If 'we : liad ;w~" sCB:D~lallled and ~rrol'JI'eCl bs<the 4IargeLC'C\lat;!,EreM. ~~; -~{it; 1.-' r.:, OF . .COITRS D. ...' ~. JOyen 'wileD .' , r. left '~ta." v .. ",e4fOll _ ...." "Iba't,'l q" la. nd them ~ b .... th. ~l ~ .. ,j. t; . ' ....__ _. -Ji' 'tha . riot,. 'and ,the ,pai\Ua8.ns who pariSoS-, does ,...,..~, .. " . ~-.. ""''''' .... _..&10 ~ ' , Rak"':',' "'hltmlll;~.~C. I


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1-----------+-----------Personal Mention Here and There '1




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SAfE CO. GROWI NG RAPIDLY • ..-..... - -.-. ~


: Social Events ... _. -


For many the 'Mi!\mi Valley Ma rgal'et.ta, daughter of Dennis Owing to g reat demand for exp rts .~-..-...-..~--Chautauqua hIlS been offering pro and Rebecca K~11Jall, was born in who can open I ck d out afe~, grams of ulIllsual merit The P if Way ne Co., Ind., January 4, 1850 Smol<c lrilpardal 5l: Cigars, r Smoke Marca Fina 5c Cigars. change combination~. a nd ove l' haul teenth Annual Assemuly to ue held Whil e yet in infancy, she with her I co mbi nation locks. ami for eXI rt vey Mr,burg and, Mrs. Ben ed Hawk, of Harh' k entertain undav the . MrR. J . H . C0 Ieman IR on l e SIC July 15th to August 1st, wi ll- appeal pa ren t 1, move( I t 0 Henry C0., w Ilere MI'. J e Re Bur ton was in Dayton safe rebuild ers ant! I' 'fin ish e r~ th ' Mon lay. ' '. W. Hain Safe Co. locaLc!d a t tl ll! foll owing gu e,'ls; Mr. and Mrs. JOt: to many 8S havillg eclip!:Ied a ll pre. ;;he liv ed un t il grown into young li st. vious efforts. Roger's Concert Band womanhood and hel'eft of a mother Corner of Chestnut &. F ronl Sl I'vel ~. Il aw ke anti 1\1 I'~. Ma ry Zl'Jl bmeyer and Orchestra. with more eXT)l:! rience at t he age uf sixteen years.' Uurn, lo'. C. M. 'hwarLz was a 'incinnati 'oum I Uus, Oh'10 , I1M a ld Cl I lxpel " ., ~ :tnd fUl11il y .. - - July 8th toa MI'. son and MI·g. r.. A.. Pel'l'Y i't d her I I deat h 0 fh er motler, thananY .otheruandilll:!lth.!toncl:!, will Af tertII:! ,. vSl or J oll .ay. in th >abo vc lines to aid :\IT1'. '.W. give conC!lrts each day Thl:! Hiblto horn e wa.'1 near Richmond, Ind., MiH8 Elsie Hartsock was on the 0 M 'l'u ~~- Hain, lhe wid ely known safe allll NIl'S. Jail!" Ilyke, f Lvtl e had fo r k'lI b where she spent twenty-foul' of the sick list lUit week . . . KiJge was ill Day ton ..., t ime lock expel' t and is ever r arl y h l S d M' .' d S d S I r~ c1lal~:e a: D~~o~. ;O~U;:I" beRt Yf'ars of her life in ~ducational day on busincss . to handle such busincRs . A nl'~v , 1'1 g-uesl'~ '. u,nl aM Y' I'M' Ahllll e Tay lor f .. k B' . II d d . h \ ant son I es , r. Ii on Rooks Bonebrake Seminary, Dr. H. T. Sell. whor: e1l1g r Ic 1 y en owe WI t Mrs. 8li~ab th KlIuffmnn is visitL. A. Zimmerman is ill Cincinnati lathe and other equipmen l has he 1\ and da ngh ter, Ethel Mr. alid MI'~ . off ing fl'iend~ in Dayton. theemiTlent Bible schular whose writ- t e g lf t 0.1 a teacher and leader on busin es.s today. in .stalled . By overhauling , repaint< 1:. ('' oll•• es t (J',l a ham. IMr'. COh ,~ , e rrnan Dyke. iniCS and addresses have done so much young p eop Ie, s h e f oun d exercls.e 0 in!!: and renickeling old safes theil' \ If '1 to stimulate interest in Bible work, her gif~ in the Bi~le schools alld d,ay Mrs, Harvey GusUn. who has been Elliott Wrigh t is in King~ Mills, aPl;earance is improved and their ane am I y. Dr. E. L. Eaton, of Chicago , Dr. s:hoo~s In her natIve count~ .. WIth q ui te sick. is improving. t he g uest of Haul Brulten. lllarket value g r eatly in creas d . At - -Philip Vollmer, Central Theological hIgh Ide~ls ami pure motives, she the company's . ales-room there is Mr. and Mrs , Chm-Ies Oglesuy, of Seminary, Prof. G. Frederick Wrigh t walked 111 the paths of usef.ulness Mi s::! Ann Phillips is lhe g uest of Mrs. J. F, Cadwallader was tlu ite Jisplayed a great variety of econd Xenia, Mr. 'T'olbel't Van Pelt and . KS id of Obflrlin Colleg@, Dr. Wm Spur. ever open t 0 th 09~ WI10 str Ive to relat iv s ill Xenia lhis week . SIC un( ay an Mon d ay . hand and new safes of all sizes and fami ly. of Xen ia , MI'. W. F.. Cornell e nter in. ~I'l'\. Lulu Davis has been visi ting Miss Katherine Evan5l, of Lebanon makes at all prices. Th e time lock anti f/imily, and H. A. ornell and geon: of Londtln, Mr. Lee Ii'rancis Lybarger, mem- "Honor t o her whose words anll in in('innali and Columb1ls. is the guest of relatives here. guarantee writt n by this concern family were Sunday g uests of Mr_ deeds applies to the automat i devices on and Mrs. Chas. Cornell. . bel' 0.1 the Philadelphia Bar, will give Ernest Ro ' nagle, of pringboro , Miss Lena Surface is visiting her safes and vaults. The majority of a course of le~tures on th e l'ariff and Thus help us in our daily needs." THE BATHING CLUB will also conduct round table disCIIH- She was married to Nul' Brown visited relatives here SU'hday. sister. Mrs. Chas. Brown. of orwin. the banks in olumbu. al'e protected si?ns ?n the samf. Dr. E L. Eaton May I, 1890. Since then her hom~ by their guarantee. They a lso have Will ~Ive a course of. popular aatro- here in Waynesville, has been a home Mr. Juhn Dodds, of Cleveland, Mis.'l Edith M. Davis is vi!cliting her rnany other of the InrgeHt time lock For several days a number of HI~ work appeals fragrant with motherly kindness to spent 'Sunday with relatives here. sister, Mrs. Fred Everhar t , of Frank'! g uarantee contracts in Ohio. This ~Ie in town have been talking of to the masses: _ He WI'! have. a large her family, and generous hospitality M88Srs. L 'A. Zimmerman and Geo. lin. progressive firm has made rapid a bathing club. Quite a Dumber Clark telescope for tile fr~ use. of to her friends and neighbors, of Oglesbee were in Cincinnati Sunday. Prof. C. E. BI'atten and son, Paul , st rid es sinre its incorporation in met Monday even ing and elected the patrons. Dr. Spurgeon WIll gIVe whom none knew her bu t to love February 1909. It is just completing fo llowing oft1cers: C. M, Robitzer ~e re calling on friend s in town Mondd . hIM 'dl d ' ·h p" a course of IElCtures on En g IIS oet- her and to emulate her virtues. Mrs. Elizabeth Clements was th e a splen i contract WIt t 1 I an pres.; F. B. Sherwood, vice-pres.; ical Life, Miss, 'G eorgene Faulkner. As a birthright member in the guest 0/ relat ives near Oregonia last ay. National BanK at- Washington . H. fred Hawke, sec.; Dr. H. E. Hathab~tter know? as the "St~ry Lady," "Society of Friends," she was truf' week. David Gaskill of Greenvi lle. is the and later will install il new vault in way, t reas. A special committee was Will tell stories ht the children and to its ~octrines and principles; and guest:. of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sher- the Reynold sburg Bank at Re) nolds- appointed to vote on new members. also meet with parents and teachers faithful to the work and responsibilMi!CW Hel~n Marlatt was the recip- wood. . burg, Ohio. In the past few months Theclub has leased the mill grounds givin~ iri.truction how to select and ity 'Placed upon her as a member, ient of a handsome new Richmond its specialty men' have completed and will have ab!lolute control of the tell stories. Mrs. Martini and 8ssist" always attending chureh servic~s piano last week. , Mrs. J. C. Hawke and daughter. large repair and finishing' jobs with same. The laws of the club have ant will conduct the Kindergarten when health and opportunity were Miss Clara, were Da) ton visitors the South Charleston, Ohi. The not been fuJly formulated but will department. I Mrs E . H. Baker hera to do so. Miss Winnifred Macy has returned Tuesday, . Buckeye Steel . Casti ngs Co., Colu.~- be given in the Gazette in aue time. . tan t teac hers WI'11 h ave after a delightful visiL with b Oh' d t he C0 Ium b li S CItIWI'th ,asslS She was .."n Elder whose precept home - .. l relati . X . Miss Mabel L, Smith. of Greenfield us; 10. an charge of the 8 rt . school. :I:of. Cd' and example were at once an ins piraves In ema. Ohio, is the guest of he r father, Mr. zens Telephone Co. The company l RESULT OF LYNt;;HINO W.,McClure the.0 hlO Teachter 8 Rea - tl' on alld encouraaement made po'" .Ra C IJ k f D to t has installed some special work in the • . C' I Athl t' . d t' .., ~ \ y . . :taw e, 0 ay n, spen John Smith. I B k d h N k Oh' Ing Ir~lel' de .llc an . aQ uahlc aible only by a "Life hid with ChrisC Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Commercial Nationa an an t e ewar, .10, is in the throes of a . Mrs. Nettie Kepler, of Morrow, Hunt ington National Bank , Colum- mighty shaking-up; ' Gov. Harmon · _porta WI occur al y. M188 Bert a in God" a Sabbath School superin. M J C H k b Oh' WL t d ffi left a I d I t I ' rs. . . awe. . w: ~ra u~ . 0 ~w aven tendent for years, with a devotion to spent Sunday with her R ister, Mm. U9, 10, I. en promp an e . coo a':l p eaaan p ace to gQ to , a H te f N d ope S L ~ool o~ Gymnastics and. In charge duty and the study of God's word. Mrs. Nettie Faun and son, of Brad- Ollie Davis. cient expert service' is needed the t hat city and stir things up. After o~ work' In Cleveland Pubhc Sch~,ls, She eDcouraged classes for bible ford, Ohio, are guests of David C. W. Hain Safe Co. is fully equipped the lynching there he appointed a I ~II ,haft eha..,e of the&ys : aDd st'Jdy in the home and in the Sab- Thomas and family. MisS Alli'e Frame ill the g uest of to' render it. ' _ _ _ _. new mayor and is making ~reat G~r18 Clu~ work • . ,Dr; Byron W. bath School, realizing that the best Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hugg, in DeA YOUNG ISAAK WALTON effhrts t o locate the persons who KID&', !resld~nt of Km~ a School. of preparation for life's work is learned MM!. Harvey Burnett and daugh- troit, Mich. were responsible for the Iynchin&,. Elocution anq Expression will !elVe from the 'lesson study of the Bible in ter were guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. A party from Wilminglon, con.. - • oune 'of Shakespearean readlllgs, the life of the Greatest Teacher ~. Hathaway Sunday. Mrs. Marr Zentmyer .and family sisting of C. J. Sabin, family and ORANOE NOTICE and. ass ..isted b¥ ~n~L Todd King an,d Her interest in ' the 'J.'empe;ance were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. g uests were camping recently on the f ffi t t h II Mrs. Martha Barnett, of Shawnee, H Farr Tuesday The leaders of toe Grange Co~test " banks of Caesars Creek, near the resh IS corps 0 e clen esc ers, WI Caw~e was ' m&nifest in her devotion request all members to bring am. ,) tb "' ~h I f EI t' d Okla., is the two-weeks' guest of · con e..,.;0 00 0C ocu Ion Mr. an d Mrs. Geo. Mills and son, I'dence of A. L. King. Mr. King's E d UC1. I . I G 'an I. to the work of the Woman's Chris- Warren Barnett and family. pies of flowers. vegetables and fruits ~pre&Slo!" r. aro),n. el~. tian Temperance Union, of which she Lindley, spent Sunday with relat ives stepson, Clifford Buzick, a lad of at the next regular meeting Satur. WIth tramed B88iatants, Will give was a member; '"ell.ri.g the white Mr. Dudley Artz and family, of in Sprin~ Valley: fourteen. was a daily visitor at the d yevening. Il.COUrse of Health l~turelJ and con- ribbon faithfully; and while she was Oayton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. camp, and oh the last day of their - - ...- - duct a Hom~ Nu~mg department helpful ' in various departments of Fraftk Zell friday ev~ning. Mrs. R. Jane Sides has just com- stay, accompanied them fishing, when and a DomestiC Science dl:!pal'tment. work that of the Flower Mission pleted a good wire fence around her h.e was fortunate enough to catch, BIDS FOR PLYING RECORD . Prot. G. Holden, of the State Ag was hers; for servIce. ' MiBS Marie Hornick, of South farm west of town. and land a t welve pound blue catfish. ricultural College of Iowa. who knows Her's Nas a useful life of active Charleston, is the guest of her uncle. Jt bro~e his line, but he sprang into Day ton , O. July- (Special.) "Give more about corn than any other liv- cheerful service for God and hom~ Mr. Ot to Hornick and family. . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke and Mr. the water and capturc>d it; and con- us the . greatest aviation meet that in, niah, will give two full day in- and humanity, both in the church , C. M. Robitzer attended lodg at veyed it to the Clomp, where it was the world has ever seen and name structions on corn afjd is the' way that . agricultuml an d ou t 0' f ' l I un t'l I th . e · ·summons S ·Messrs. . M' Cpas. Al Clements and Isaac Lytle It'riday evening' _ baked in a gasoline oven and fur- your own price," aa "xt"nsl'bn work "It' h h ' h " tout, last'S rna and Anna ClemF M Barn DI'rector GeneI'al 0 f "!' . . . . came IS enoug ,come up Ig er t8 F 'd . nished the "piece de resistence" for . . . . . . " Besides these courses there are and she entered into r'est July 4, 1910, en spent rl ay at Ft. AnCient. Mrs. Miranda Crane, of iricinnati, dinner for a party of eighteen. No the coming Exposition and Fall FesMr. and Mrs. J. V. Davis, of HiIls- is m.aking an extended visit to her doubt this was "the' fish that got Dayton, put the proposition daily lectures and en~rtainments .byl having lived a well rounded life of the best known tale~t, among Which sixty and a hulf years. boro, were the guests of Mr. and sister, Mrs. Richard Cross. . away" from some of WaynesviHe's of a flying machine exhibition up to ~Rl. Bryan, Dr. E. A. She was the eldest of a family of L. S. Rhoades Sunday and Mon- Mrs. C. M. Cartwright and daugh- expert fishermen. the Wright Brothers, d . tho . I at thejr testin~ • . . groun Sin 18 city ast week. Steiner, Dr Cunis.Lee Lans, .Bish- nine children. Her father, mother, day. ter, of Chicago, ate guests of Mr. LL 0 E M B . f Ch' h op J. M. Walden, Chicago Glee Club, two sisters and one brother preceded INSTA ED FFIC RS alld Mrs. S. L. Cartwright, I dlr. d arnea IR rom . f I Icago, as TyroleanYodlers and Alpine Singers. h~ . to the better land. With hu _ C. T. Hawke ant! family were at , lan e many success u expositions Dr. Tb08. E. Gr~n, Woman SuI· band and family and her remaining the Chautauqua grounds last Fridav C. H. Clements and fam ily spen t The Ladies of the Golden Eagle, at and 'is used to doing big things. The fra,ge Debate by Sen ~ G,illilland of five brothers and their wives, she getting their cottage ready for occu- Sunday with Ed Jeffery and family, Lytle, installed . officers fo l' the year Wrights appreciated this and Dayton Iowa. ~d Mrs. Von Petzold, The was permitted to carry out her Cher- 't pancy. of the Olive Branch neighborhood. at their meet ing Friday evening. being their own home city, they Houstons in 'M~ic, Muilie and Mim. ished wish for the celebration of her The otlicel''3 a re as follows: N. 1'., smiled in appreci'ation of what Di'icry, Ciricillo's Famous 1tal hm Band, twftntieth wedding anniversary, May Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith and Mrs. Thos . Sherwood, who has Mrs. Greathouse; V. T., Mrs. Thom-I rector Barnes had in mind. Their Sen. Theodore E. Burton, Rev Geo. ] 1910. Truly of her it maybe said: . daughter, Bessie, are gu~ts of Mr. been taking mud baths at Kramer, as; Prop" Mrs. J' oulks; Prie., Mrs. local pride was aroused. After a moR. Stuart, Sen. J. P. Dolliver. Gov. ':She hath done what she could, sbe aml Mrs Jas. Beirne, of 'Cincinnati, Ind., is much improved in health. McGinnis: G. of M. ,. William Duke; ment's whispered conference they R. B . Glenn, The" New Zealanders, rests from her labors and her works for a couple of weeks. G. of 1. P .. Cora Johns; G. of 1. p" agreed. To Dr. J. C. Eberhardt. Dr. J. M. Driver; Rev. D. A. Poli~g. do follow her." M d M S DE . I M Harold, Cook, of Milwauk ee, Wis . Zoe Duke; M. of C., Mrs. Sherman chairman of the aviation 'committee I r. an rs . . . ,ver y, r . arrived Friday fo1' a two w eks'visit Dyk e; trustee, Mrs. Hawk, they gave their assent to the propoFUll illustrated program may be obtained by writing to the General CAnD OF THANKS and Mrs. Earl Everly, Dr. and Mrs. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth After installation refreshmentl3 sition to try to break every previou'l were served and a good t ime en- flying record. l4 ..nager, F. Gillum Cromer, 1314 We wish to extend to our neighbors T.ate, of Dayton, autoed to Waynes- Cook. N. Main St. Dayton, O. and ' friends our thanlts fpr their i Ville Sunday and were guests of Mr. \ joyed. The great inventors and their pu_~_... _ . kindness durin~the recent illness andMrs.O. J.Edwards. Mr. ami Mrs. W.. H . Allen, Mr. -_.. pilswill,atDayton, during the week LOST VALUA8LE STOCK and death of our loved one. . . and Mrs. J. O. CartwnghtandpaughTWO SEVERE ACCIDENTS of September l~th to 24th, therefore N B Mrs. Seth Brown, of RIChmond, . tcr and Mrs. Hannah Rogers were --give daily exhibitions in their aero. b b' c.uli, Sh::~ood and family. Ind., and Mrs. Anna Mason, of Cam-' Dayton visitorR Monday. . As Mary Wharton was cr~ss- I d '11 b h I As the result 0 f havmg een Itten . _ .. bridgeCity,Ind.,attended the funermgMaln street Thursday evening, panesan WI e everont eaert, by a rabid du., . twenty-two head . of . MISSIONARV MEETING ' al of MM.. Nur Brown last week and Mr. and . Mrs. Arthur Hugg, of she tripped on a board.and fell,!ltrik- while flying. to seize upon the exact sto~k ~.longmg to ~~sse Bak~r, ___ _ were guests of Mr. and MrS: J. C. Detroit, Mich., were guests of Mr. \lng on her head 'and sid e. A gash weather and a ir conditions to enable a well known farmer 1.1VIn~ on .the The Women's. Foreign MiRSumary HawkE'. and Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall last was cut above lhe left eye, and her t hem to make the longest flight, atSpring Vall!y and Centerville p~ke, SOciety, (\f the M E. church met at we~k. Mrs. BugII:' is a niece of Mrs. cneek was severely bruised. She is tain the highest altitude, make the I),ave died of 'hydrophQbia since the the 'home of M;rs. ' F. H. Farr last Mr. and Mrs. Howard :Dyke. of Mendenhall. ' getting along nicely now. longest glide and achieve the neatmid~le.of M.ay. 'Assistat:lt Sta~ Vet Thursday ' afternoon. The meeting, 'Pittsburg, Pa., ·Mrs_ Ruth Carey and. . L tTl sd h'l M N tl est landing that ha.'3ever been known. erinarian Fitzgerald, who .vi8~~ed was oPened with:'devotional exercises. Mrs. flo Dyke~ of Spring Yalley were Those Jlr:esent from a distance at J as lUr t aY'h": fl e rd' . a lahn When these facts became publi(~ in .. Bak h . Th _..1 ad Gn .' ." ., f M d M FCC the . f e l f M M etta ones was ou at IS arm urmg t e thl's cI'ty the Wrl'ghts l)ecam at . t" e er ome . unlUay, m , e... A.fter the usual business an inte'reAt~ guesta 0 r. an . rs: '. . arey un l'8: 0 rs. argar I ' d . d St b d e gre er exa~liaatiop 9f'the .atock, . and in the iilg ' program ' rof .readinO"'· by. ' Mes- this w¢ek .. Mr. and Ml'jI. pyke left' Brown "were: Mr. and Mrs. ' Will i braIIn an . wlDd k orkmed, ah.arn cJ oor heroes than ever in the '. minds ' of '., • ' ,. h . . &..... 'f 'oj' • • K d II D bl· .' I d ; M dM ew open an noc 1m own'D t ' d II t" :h~I~lest appe~l'In~ .?tr f 0'Un d.' d.~-" dames ' Houg~,'Y :Furkev;. Ha~ke. l:\nd • Tuesd ; ay· Of v ~rgmla., ,I en a ." u .In! n., r.!!on . n. rHe fell Qn a shar stone and as a con- ay omans an a prepara Ions are .' clded symptoms of the ·dilJ8ase. ; He Fa"r inters' etSed with music on the '. r " • . ' ItIarmon Kendall, ,¥esdames Eva ~ .. being made to . entertain the great: 8~ot-~· ~rega~ hO' hon~, ~~ ~~nder.ed. ;., " :and . ~rs. A . . ~andsaker, ' ?f Griffin. Et~.Melb~~, Miss Eliza- sequence IS ' J:lursmg a·b~ back. It crowds of visitors who are expected , . j~ord~r~ .alf . cl~ly.w~t&hed '..Fqur~,n 'head of. g ~'ri~~" the. SOcial tlou·., cta~dy an~ r.. o1n..' .Ne~., . SP~Rt ,.:rh~rsd~Y I~ beth ~endall an~ M~rs. Joel, -Hen.! was. a hard kno,:~jor hIm·, here that wee.k. . . ' , . hop, (wo of;l,d8lX ' of: 8h~p lemonade Were.~r\ied. ". ' . ~ayn~~llle..., , ~~. H~n~saket',. wh\) 'ry, a!bert, ~d"Arthur K~dall, New . ICE, CR~AM SQCIAL; Spe~ial.prize\!lofg~eat valu~al'f'to . belongin&', ~. ¥r, . I;lIl~«:~c. ba~e ,f~lle9 .:-'. . : ',' ," ..' -:~ .,:' < . ' , " '• •: .w~ f?~~f1Y MJ8IJ, Sa,l he Car.~er;.left ~~l~, Ind.; M~:Ann,a ¥ason,.~m~ " ',' ,' . . be,otTered t:o the. ~rlght pup~!~ 'who. "\'ictima:tO the di8eall8,' Mr. Fitsier- ~ . ; PURCHASED 'NEW PIANO '·n~Vllle. about . t~enty-el~ht 'b~lqge; Ind., 7d'1'!Ii ~th Brown, Rlch- , The" ladles of, the Urpversal/st break the present rElC(;m ls dunn~ EXaid is oUhe~pini~n ~hatallthes~\t.: '. . r.'. " . • •• , . Y~~',8g0,' an<l h~ ~n" in LincolQ m~n?, ·Ind !: . Mesd8\DeS A,nand~ church. at Ri~geville., will ho!d .an ice lpositi~n week and plans' are now '~, WM ;'b!tjen by 'ri:a~id dog .p8,eslh~ ·, Tb~ Sun~a,·icljQOl of th~' M. E~ . for;several 'IY~1!I' ~~. a-~d~e.r. Gallimers, " Sarah . ·Lukeri8 · and cream soci~l at the hom~ of Mr. Ben i~g made to have Ii ser~es of lo~&,' ,tbroup thewoc)(n~.wbicb.~V were church Jlas RUn:~ a han~m~ fo~d m&flY cban~es 10 hel' nativ~ 'RB.chel. Sn0!lden' and Mr. ~d 14rs, James Wednesday evenlllg. All are distance balloon 'r~~ dllrmg the. ~ .' 1t!14iDi'.";"'Xen~ GaHtte• . ' .. . new 'Wchmohd pla'Do. . . . toWil~ '. . . , TUt Sewell, Wil~ington; 0., invited, . ' big days. . '



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M iss I nne>< r Ulln,1 HIII rC " cl lv or on Ih~ II1\\' n. lI o nnli JU C' k lo a d c\l s'II"",u r ccl. Th" link "lilY b lllt on m)'''t~rln ll ~ ly dl !1apl",n ,·od . 11 ~,.)"~

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.JfunletHlll u ucl t ll(' t'Ol'ont' r o r r! \' f',1. Grrl l'ud o ·n ' ,· eu IN I Ih n t Hhe' WIl S fl n!;I1!{('rl t,l ,IaC'lc Billie)' , wil h wholll 8 h' had tn lle,,(1 I n lh e I)lI1lnrd r oom IL f(' w m n"WillS h"fure ti ll Ulurder. .l n l11l ",'o n told M I!18 Inn 08 Iha ' .. 11 (' waR IIhlll\l: e\'lll n C'"

'(rOnl hl lll . li e Imprl~o n od I1n in ll'lIll ~ r In an III PI Y r(l()lIl. T h o "riuo lI "r e,,1''' p"d d ,~wn IJ. In u lla ry e hull'. It developrol th ~ Inl rlllit'f IVII" pro hlll,ly II WOlIlILn . (: !'r trud IVlIS flll bP O ·t N\' tor I h' IIIl ruder l ett a prInt oC II h a l'O Coot. Oerl rulle ri'turn i! II 0 llI e with h ~r right aok l" .prsl n d . I\. n g-ro (oUIl\1 th Olh,,! h n lf or Wh llt proved t o bl' J r. k Bult ,,}, !I "urr b Ull on. Tl u ls(l y !lulMo nly r l'lllJpPllr ,t. H e said 1\" und D u ll oy hnd Irt f! I ... en. ,,,,· th",,· I "HI r ecclv c(1 (\ tclt g l'lIm . ,~ I'I ... ,,10 IL8lri l hut Bh l' blld glv /I Dultry IlII " " I v I d r \,oll'('r, tl'nrl ng to gI l' IoIIll II ,LI -

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103(1(.'<1 woapon .

CHAPTER IX.-Contlnued.

They stared at each other across the bit: libra ry table, wllh young eyes \I at mice hard, 8uRplclous. And t h n Gerlrud hold out botl) hand s to bim appealingly. "We mus t not:' sbe said brokenly. " J\lst now wltb so much at stake, It -Is' I know YOli are as 11f· norant as 1 am. Make me bellevl> It, Halsey." Halsey soothed her 8S bes t h could. and the breach seemed ·healed. But long artel' I went to bed he sat downstairs in the living room alone, and I knew he was going over the case as be had learned It. Some things were clear to him that wer dark to me. H o knew, and Gertrude, too, wby Jack Bailey and he had gone away tbat night, as they diet He knew where they had b een fo~ the last 48 · hours, , an~ why Jack Dalloy hlld not returned with him. It seemed to mo that wltb'out fuller confidence from both the dlildren- tile)'. arc always children to me-I should never be able to learn anythlpg. As 1 was tlnally getting ready [or bed, Halsey CRmo upst;nlra and knocked at my door. When I had got Into Ii negllgee-l lIsed to ea,. wrapper before Gertrude came back from school - I let him in. He stood In tbe door· way a mom~nt, and tben he went into agonies or sllont mirth. I, lIat down on the side of the bed and waited in eevere silence for blm to stop, but he .>Dly seemrd to grow wors e. 'v\'ben b bad recovered be took 'Ole by the elbow and pulled me In front ~[ the mirror. .. 'How to be b eautiful:" be quoted. . .. ._ dv'ico to maids and matrons, by B eatrice Fnirfllx!'" And theJi I saw mysel[. 1 bad neglected to remov~ Uly wrinkle eradlcatorlJ, and I presumo my apPcllrance was Odd. I believe that' It h; It woman's dllty to care for her . looks. but It Is mu<;h like telling a De ol:lllllry falsehood-(lne must not be fouDd out. By the time I got them o'ff Hals<lY was serloua again, and I ~fsl D

it to his flloJ'Y.

" Aunt Ray," h began, oxllDgulsltlog hl9 cigarette on the back of my Ivory hllir-brush. "1 would give a lo t to t 11 you the wholo thing. But- I can·t . .for a dl\Y or so, any~ow . Out on tiJing 1 might have told YOII a long time n ago. H you had known it. YOll would not have suspected me for II mODle nt of-of having nnythins to do vdth t he attllck on Arnold AI· lu ~ t .. ong'. Goodness knows wllllt I might do to a fellll\\, like thai, If thcre wa ~ ('nOllg h p rol·ul·alton. auo I bud II gun In ·my hand - IIlldel' ordinary c irc uIDstanCf'!I. But - I c afC' n great deal abollt lJOlli H( A rmstrn ng. Aunt nllY. I hopp to 111 :1 f r y h OI' Rump clay . Is it like ly I lI'ouid kil l h ef bro the r?" ':H\lt lbe whole lhing It; a hRlI l'ri," I argIlC(\. "AIIII UCH ld c». Gertrud ("!! RW Ol'n s llll r' mcnt thaI YOU Icrt befol'C' Arnolll AI'IIIKlrong came' wUIlIt! dl'llr YOII n t 0 11(' (· ." l-i a ltl f'Y gut up anrl begu n 10 paCf' thC' rnoll' . no d the nlr of e ll f' r fll11lCls!< IhoPII 'u 1I1\(! il lUas k . " SII .. (;Oll' t Hwell r It." hr flillcl fina ll y. " "l' rtI'1I U (>'~ t; lury wa R true :I f! far a ~ It w · nl.. bll t !<Ill' tli dll'l t e ll eve rylh ill!;. >'1'110111 Al'lI w lro n g ca mn h t' r c III ~::I() .._(':t"", illl(. Ih,· billinrd '00111 and 'I 'fl In Ih·,· III i 1111 l\·I;. H e ca; u to IlI'Iog8(l IlIl' IIJlng .

" ll aI H'·Y." I (,1'i .'II , ' YOI nlll R!. 1,,11 m (' th" \\'!tol t· Irlllh . . 1~ v p. I· }' t l nt f' I . l'P It way Iu)' )'11 11 1.0 CSCul'P ) ' OU hlo ck It vo unwlf I, it ll this wnll of . mYSle ry. \ \ 'II ;\l (1\(1 Ill' llring?" " _II, ll'l 'grll ll l- for Hal ley," Iw said . ''It tl\l ll t· uS I' ll!lda! III Os~f' u g(' r from tnwn ;HlcI \\'(1:' - ruolll i lll por t,"11 I . n, II 'Y h a,1 tilu rl N! fol' her!', IIlld til(' 1Il (!~n 11 ~;' r hli ll 1-:0111' ha k t o lIl n ill'. TIt(, H·wan.l Till (' it to A ~ 1I0 1 d . Who hall bl' D drill itill!; ull ' Cllf and couldn·t I('('p, Ullli" waR ~oiJ\l~ ·foi- Ii S~l'o l1 in .h· (l1nocllon or'Sun nnldn." "Au (1 h . bl'Ollgl. t. It'l" ~ 'I ( 1\ 1\ I. \I

YOIl- as sc;lon a ('\·I't.t in tblng or made public ., l~ is only a maHer nl dlY M!lo\v:' J!(lnomtiy. G-t>f t ilde's · IIlory of a t(r l

., II."

~\ tlt' ~".

• l'L



hair whisjl'r pd . ~lrll Aunl n.lY.

'to'··.d e . II b.,

It\~ ;a

Pra~tica1 Fashions




DAt.lGER SiONAlS. Blck kidneY8 give unmlata)table .fA" · nals .ot distress: Top frequent or sc,\nt1 . urinary ' passage" backache, h, 'an'd dizzy 'spells tell of disordered ~d­ BATHING neys. Neglect ot these warnings may prove fatal. Begin using Doan'8 Kidney PUls. They cure sick kidneys. Mrs. M. A. Gam· b Ii n. Russell v111 0, Ark" says: "I was in such bad shape from kidney dlseasll that I gave up hope of my recovery. I could rest n elthel' nlgbt or day. the pains In my back n e arly driving me frantic. There were al symptoms j:!uch as ewellIng of my f et and ankles a~d my heart pulpilated violently. AIter doctoring wi thout b enefit, I began with Doan'S Kidn ey Pills and wben I had used two boxes I wns as well as ever." Remember the name-Doan's. For sale by all d ealers. 50 cents a box. Foslor-lI1ilbu.rn Co.• Buffalo, N. Y.




inp r was In possession of the books . bonk bacl nololl ned for blls ln 1i1' Tucsday. At 12 ::l0 o'cIOt' k lb~ Snt ll rday \w. fore, as soon as th o hll ~l n oss ot' thl' Ila)' \\'u s 10SI)d, ;Hr. ,John lIall ey, 111 ('all hl<,1' of th e def un ct bunk . had w l( n his hat and l1 >pa rt d . During lh e aflrnoou he hlld ca ll d liP Mr. Aron soll . a mU1l1 bl' r of lite hoa rd , li nd !<uid h t' wos III . an d mi ght )lOt bo at th o b~nk for a day or I IVO. As Da il ey wa ,; hig h· ly tho ug llt of. 1\11'. ArOllson Ill cl'nly ox· pr ss d a I'(lg rf'l . From tbat ti III IIU WI ;\I()nday ni ght, wben Mr. Ba\lpy bud slIrre nd ercd to lh e police, litli!' wa s kn ow n of his movements. III liUl af lPr ono on Saturday be ba d e n\\,,'st rn Union · offi ce at t r d tll 'hetTY li nd Whilc s treets and had Rf:'n\ lwo IC'I ('g ram s. Ho was at th o Green· wood COUnll')' ''Club on Sslul'day ni ght. ' and up peal' d unlike hlrusolf. It wa:; r eporled that h would be r eleased und r cnormous bond some time that d ay. Tu csday. The artlclc c\o!;crl by suying that ParlR Pattern N'o. 3300. All Seams whil e tit offie rs cif the bank refuscd Allowed.-The muterial most ge nera l· fl. to ta lk until th e xamln or had fini shed Iy used for a bathing 'sult at present hIt; work. It WIlS known that securities Is brilliantine. This fabric has man y aggr>gutl hg Il million and a Quarter advantages. It Is light In weIght and ,. wel'e wiSSing. Then there was a dIa- doe8 Qot hold the water. It does not t· (, tribe on th o possibility ot· s uch an cling to tile figure, and its many prel· occurren ce ; on the folly ot. a one-man ty colors bold tbelr own In fresh wa· bank, and of a board ot directors that ter or salt. For young ladles notblns met only to lunch togeth er and to Is prettler than ' a bathing suit 01 li s ten to a brief report from the cRsh- white. with tl'hJlmln~ of plaid, or 01 ·Ier, and on the poor poUey of a gov- a solid color. such as light blue or e rnm ent that arranges a three or four brown, black, r ed, e~c. For older dny exami nation twice a year. Tho women wha wish sometbing more semystery, It Insinuated, blUl not been date, dark blue and black offer the They Stared at Each Other Acroll the Big Library Table. cleared by the arrest of the cashier. best effects, and these In turn may be Before now minor omclets had been there was no s uch m'ssage. No doubt "Did you know of this!" I asked used to cloak the misdeeds of men trimmed wltb plaid, dotted material, your detective aIr ady knows that and Halsey. blgber up. Inseparablo as the words or with Borne bright colored braid. discredits all b~rtrude to ld him." "I-expected It.' But not so soon," "speculation" and "peculation" have The bloomers and waist are in one. "And wh en s he went ba k, it was to The pattern is cut In 7 sizes, 32 to .4 he r eplied. grown to b e, John Bailey .was not gel-the te legram?" "And you?" to Gertrude . known to be in th"ll stock market. ·'-HI. inches bust mea'sure. To make the "Probably," Halsey said slowl,.. "Jack-told us-sometblng," Ger- only words, after his surrender, had suIt In the m edium size will require "When YOU ge t to thinking about It, trude said faIntly. "Oh. Halsey, what' been: "Send for Mr. Armstrong at 3% y~rds of' material 44 Inches wide. Aunt Ray, It looks bad fol' all. three can he do now?" To procure this pattern lend 10 eentl once." The telegraph message which of us, do s n't It? And yet- I will take "Pattern Department," of lhlll paper. "Jack!" I said scornfully. "Your had finally reached the president of to my oatb non · of U 9 eve n Inadvertent- .Jack's filght Is easy enough to explain the Traders' bank, In an Interior town Write name and address plainly. and be lure to give Ilae and number of pattern. ly killed that poor devil." now. And you helped him, bot~ of In California, had been responded to I looked at th e closed door Into Ypu. to get away! You Ifet that f~ui by a telegrqm trom Dr. Walker, the NO. 3300. SIZE··········· .. •• .. l Ge rturd e 's dressing room, and low- your mother; It Isn't an Innes trait. young pbyslclan who was traVElling ered my voi ce. Do YOU know that every dollar you with the Armstrong family, saying NAME .... . .................................. . "Tbe same horrlbl thought keeps bave , bolh of you, Is In that bank?'" that Paul Armstrong was very III and TOW]'i .......... ~ ........................... . recurrin g' to me," I whispered. "Hair Ge rtrude tried to speak, but Halsey unable to travel. seY. Ge rtrud e probably bad ydur re- stopped her. . That was how things stood that STREET ' AND NO......... .............. volver; sh must have elCamlned It, "That Isn't all, Gertrude," he said Tuesday evening. The Traders' bank STATE .... .. ........................... .... . anyl\ow. that nIght. After you- and quie tly; "Jack la-under arreaL" ·had suspended payment, and John Jack bad gone , ~bat If-that ruffian " nder nrres t!" Gertrude screamed , Bnlley was under arrest, charged with came b ack. and she-and she-" and tore the paper out of his hand. wrecking It; Paul Armstrong lay very "IRL'S AND CHILD'S NIGHT GOWN, I couldn't finI s h. Halsey to!2.d..l-s:he>-JI:laJ1CE!(;41!e--bEtadlln!r.1hert-si~~~I~,n California, and his only son had looking at mc' wltb shut lips. , cruml,lled the newspaper into a ball been murdered two days belore. I sat "She mlgbt have heard him fum- and flung It to t.he flo<rr. While Ha- dazed and bewildered. Tbe children's bUng at the door- be had no key, lhe sey, looking strl!lken and white, ·wq_ money was gone; that was bad police sar-tUld thinking It was you, trying to smooth It out and read it. enougb, though I bad plenty, if they or Jack, she admitted him. When Gertrude had dropped her head on the would let me share. But Gertrude', she saw 'her mlstak sbe ran up the . table and was sobbing stormily. grief was beyond auy power of ml~8 • talMl, a step or two, and turning, like " I have the cUppIng somewhere, but to comfort; the man sbe had chosea an nnlmai at bay, s he tlred." just now I cnn remember only the es- stood ,a ccused of a colossal embezzl. Halsey bad his band over my \IllS sentials. ment-and e ven worse. For In tho ift' before 1 finls bed, and in tbnt position On the afternoon before, ?olonday. stant that I sat thore I 8~emed to IH we stared each at the other, our wbllo the Traders' bank was in .thc the coils closing around John BaIIlJ, stricken glances crossing. rush oJf closing hour, between two and as tho murderer of Arnold Armstronc Gertl' ~lde lifted her head at last an4 ''Tho revolver-my revolver-tbrowo three, MI'. Jacob Trautman, president stare.d across the tabte at Halsey. Into tbe tulip bed!" be muttered to "Why did he do It1" sue walled. hlmsolf. "Tbl'own pt'rllaps from an "Couldn't you stop him. Halsey? If. upper window: you say It was burled was suicidal to go back!" deel). H r prostration evel' glnc;:e, her -Aunt Ray. you don' t think it was Halsey was looking steadily throusr. Gertrud e wbo fe ll down the clothes the windows of the breakfast . room chute ?" but it wa,<:!vident be sllw nothing: "It was the oDly thing to do, Trude,' ould onl}' nod my h ad In la hope· be said at last. "Aunt R(ly, when ! less affirmutlve. found Jaek at the Greenwood c lub last Saturday night, he was frantic. I canCHAPTER X. not talk until Jack tells me I may, bnt I -he Is absolutely Innocent of all Ulls, The Traderl' Bank: belle\-e me. I ...thonght, Trude and 1 Thl'! morning afler Hals 'Y'R r oturn tbought, we were helpIng him, but U wa!l Tuesdu \'. Arnold Al'lUstl'ong had was the wrong way_ He camEl back ParIs Pattern No. 2462. All Seamr be(' n foulld ;11';\/1 at th e foot or th e cirIsn't that the act of 'an innocent Allowed. - .Nalnsook, peralan bP.wD, cular' sLlll l'l'ase at (bl'p.c o'd ock on man?" thin cambric or Jaconet are the best Sunday mOl'ning . Th,' funeral Re n ' iccs "Then why did he ·Ieave at. aU?" I materlall for this dainty lIttll!l night we re to b e held o n TlI f1S rlIlY, and the asked, unconvlneed. "Whot innocent. gown. The model may be made witb Intcrmcnt of th t' hod:,' w as to be dpman would run away from here at ,the neck cut out In sQuar~ Dutch out· fl'f(' ell un ti l till' ,\ rlllst rongs arrived three o'cloe in tbe morning? Does n't line !tnlsbed wIth an Insertion of em· from Califor ni a . ~o o n e, [ lIdnk. wa s It look rather as though bit thought broidery or lace, or, If desired, tbl. vE'r y !wrry that ,\1'11 0 111 Armstrong wall it ·imposslble to escape?" mllY be finIshed with a: ribbon-run dand . but 1111' ma nn \! !' of his dea lll . Gertrude rose angrlly. "YI)U are not beading, the bands on t~o short puffed arou!il.'d sornl' Hynt palh y and an nOI'· even just!" she flamed. 'You don't sleeves being trimmed to correl!pond. !II OllS lllOO\lnl of cu ri osity. 1\1 1' 5. Ogct p. n know anything about It, and yoU coho The tuJneaa of the tront and back .is j:'ilzhnp;h . a '·ousl n. took c hargc of th' ~ Sent Two Telegrams. demn him!" distributed In Founl of Imall tucks, nrra ngl·mp n lil. a nd c l'erythi(lg. [ be" r know that we have · all lost a and the garment f8ljt.ns at the center· lI \l \ ·(' . "as as qllil't ll.8 po.lI ible . r gavc of t111' Penrl Bre wing Company, came Thollla s .lohn. on a nd !\Ir~. · Walson into the bank to 11ft :l loan . As se- great deal or moriey," I said. "I shall front. The pattern Is In 8 slzea-twc p f' rrll i!<~io ll to :-:0 into lown to ]la y curity for tbe loan he b ad deposited belith'e Mr. Dalley Innocent the mo- to sIxteen years. For a girl .of elgbt th t·lr I. ls t r .... " !'t'<'t>' i ll lll' daad lIIan, ::;ome 300 Inte ruaUonal Steamship m nt be is shown fo be_ Yo,\ profeslI the night gown requires 9 )'ards hut ro t' S )111 " rCil xo n tb '-'r did nol care Company 6's, In lotal value ~~')O,O O O . to know the truth, but YOIl cannot tell of material 36 inohes wide or 2~ yards 42 Inches wide; lJAJ yard a of In· 10 :-:n. Mr. Trautman went to tho lon e' :Ierk, m!i ! What am r to think?" Hal. cy lean ed over and patted ru) sertion . Il alsl'.v SIJt'1I 1 pan oi Ihe day wit.h and, after cf:' rlam formaliti es had .'l ecn To proc ure this pattern lend 10 cent. Mr . I ;(m le~ "n . b il l II<' Hai d nothlllg of gnno through. the loan c l rk went to hand . " You must ta ke us on faith. " h. to "Pa ttern Department," oC tble paper. "b:l t lI a pP ' lIl'd . [1 1' 1"" lel'd g r a\'C~ nud tbe Tault. Mr. Trautman, who wal! Wrlto name and address plainly. and be o uxi o,,!'. a n,1 It hall a long con\·ersa · a large a nd genial German, waited rar said. " Jack Bolley hasn't a penny lure to alve .... IIond number of pattern. that do sn't belong to him ; the gun!.) tiO Il wltlJ Gertrudl' lUll"! In the after- a trllle, whistling under hiR breath . noon , The loa n clerk did not come lJack. man will be known In a day or so." SIZE . ............... . NO. 2462. " I s ha11 . be11eve lhat wh en It II Tut'Rrloy .'vl' n i ll ~ ((111\(1 liS 'lui t, Afte r nn inte rval, Mr. Trautman saw pro\'cd," T .sald grimly. ''In the, ruean. wi th th e qu i('t tlln t p '(le;:>,!!'!> B.D (' )(- th (' loa n clerk emerge trom til l'! vall it NA.ME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••. piosioll . Gf'I'U'uri e H lltl !llllsey W · re nuct go to lh e a ss istnnt cashi er : lb e ti me, 1 tak~ no ODe on fallb. Tbe In'tOWN ........................................ bot.h g lfJ(III1Y anti df slI'aught, anti as two we nt hui:rledJy • 0 tbe vault. A ues s n ~ VEr do." Gertrllde, wbo had b een , standlnl [,leid y hud alrcnc1.y di -('(>I'r r d lapse of anothel' ten minutes, and the STREET AND NO ..................... .. /,\Ollll' o f t h o cilillil wns bl·olc.e n- It is u,;slslant cashi er came out anil' ap- aloof at a . wlnd9~ , turn ed s uddenly. ftA'1'E .•••.••. ~ .•••..•••••••••• •.••••••• ~ ••• IlOpa ssl bflc! to ha ve auy spcrets fl'om proach d Mr. Trautman . He w a ll no- But ben ·the bonds are btre red f(ll ' rill old . 1'\'(lU - 1 V,'!l.· 'not In a plf:'Rs- ti ceab ly wblte and lre mblin g. ~I r. sqle, Halsey:, won't the " thief ' be de ' aut ht:Juor ILI Yf;f,'lf. War uel' brough t Tl'autman was ' told that throu g ll an teded at once?" . When He Need!,p Company. Halsey tUl'ned with ' a sUperlo, _ . "Brother l'hfla·nder.... · said the Os lip th e after noon Illall and th e cven· oversight lh bonds. ·had been mising pap .... ,· a s yc n- r was c ur ioU!~ to placed. and wns naked to r eturn the sm lf~ . · . borne ·Farmer!s · village ' dea~n. "OUI "It. wol,ildn't be, that wa):' ... h. minister. hu worked band a,nd seeml know wha t (h p a[)~ r s . !ial~ or tll.e following mornln!;.. wl1~n e vel'ytblng saId. "They would be taken 01 dlacpuraged. , Isn't thet~ ., spme 'waJ ;lI lfr" I'. W e hatf turned awo.y' at least wou:d be made aU right. . o dol'. n r oporters. Dllt I .read 'over Mr. 'l·ralitman·. · how ver: was a the· va.u lt by I!om~ ODe: wh() hild acce!!. we can sbow our a..ppreclaUon of hh lh ol!f\d-lIn c that ran' hnll'-\\-ay across slirt'wd bUlllness man, aud be did n'o l . to it, lind used as· coUMeral tor a. loa, worth and cbeer him .U11.?" "WeU," reiii 'ailotber bank. It would b~ 110fl'3lbl plied old Phllander. " W6 ml'lht'try. at· th o top of tilll ~a.,?ettC' . l w i , before 1, 11k" tp'6 1l1!.pea~anco of thfngs. comprl'!hcnd p(i ~'i., lIal y had opened let t the bank !Lpparently satisfied, Ilnd to· 'reallze 80 ·per . cent; of. their ~ac. 'tendlpg tb,, -. m.Id~eek prayer ~... Una , - - .. III Chronlcl ' a~d as arlng at It. within 80 minutes he had · cal:elf up ·yalue...· . , ' . 'l1bat la W. bour." . (TO BE <;:o,·rJt-ll!ED.) fix ed Iy. tb"ee' dUferent members of "the TrodT ra d rs' ' bank closea ita· e'd' ·board .of cilrector/l. At :1 :.'10 Uiere ,. Orlni .. GrIn. K~.p. on ~rln"'I!'. . Orlgll1 . "John Bull." d o r · '~ ' ''' whut I reat!, aDd 't bUl I was" hastily cOliv'~ned boara met!t1ng,. inll tbe wor'ld lau.hI! W1U1 ' " The name "JoI1n Biill," ~ am>liecl to. Laucb ·W..p and )'OU .-..p, ." . COli PUt !.I ( \lin tho 11:I.per and It'.:l.k~d~ aerols wltb some stormY- 'scene'!, and \at&.Ln tb~ ·EngUsti· lIaUoh, wal fIr_, ~ • .,.,. For Ollyer In edItor UYlq Lh taO\\! the aftel'lloon a D&Uooal bilDIc eso.m· 0( ' Iii. . :Will par ),QU to run a coL tell tJlL Tit /)





The Juvenile Buster_

The fJlIllOIIS Champ lal'lc, lit a dinne r nt UO\\' \llIg : I' C n, sa id ur the t rustl:l : "Th(' f 'f'ling' agai nst ulOnopoli s haA rAal'hed eve n h th e OUI'!; ry. J SIlW a lillIe girl tlto otbe r do)' s lip something ' Il t! u nth hr r "Iatc. Then !:Ibe Ulu r· 11\III'0 d angrily: .. .[ vis h th or ' was an :lIl U ·c nHlt law.'''

Casey at the Bat.

This falllous poem Is eontalned In th Coca·Cola. Daseball Record Book for 1910, together with r ecords, scheduleil . for both leagues and other valuabl ~ baseball In formatlou' compiled by authorities. This interesting beok s en t by the Coca·Cola Co., or AUauta, Ga .. on receipt ot !lc stamp for postag . Allio copy of tbelr bookle t "The Truth About Coca-Oola" which t ells aU about this delicious beverage and why it Ii so pure. wh\llesome and refreshing. Are you ever bot-t1r d-thlrsty: Drink Coca-Cola-It Is cooling, relieves fatigue and quenches the thirst. At soda fountains and car· bonated in bottles-5c everywhere. Hard Task, InCleed!

Little H elen was at the seasld with ber aunt, Rnd In the house where t hey were staying was 11 telephone. One day she heard her molher ta.lklng from th city, and she was so telTlllcd that she burst luto tears. "Oh, auntie. auntie!" she Bobbed. "how shall we ever get mamma ou t ot that little hole?"

- -- - - -

A Woman's AdvIce. A woman waBlooklng over tbe sboul· der of a man who was writing th1a Item. and Just wben he got to this pOint, and was writing the word "soap," ahe said: . "There's one great essential In a laundry soap. It must be a aoap tbat will not rot tbe eothes or the fabriC\),;, Some soaps will clean goods, but Uley rot tbem:-etbeN h.aYe sticky, yollow rOl!ln in tbem and stain the clothes yellow. Just you write that Easy Task soap saves halt tbe work and saYes all the clothes and drives away tbe dirt and keeps away the diaease germa, and is the best soap I ever found ." And so her advice hilS been followed, for w.omen know soap. The Modern Youth.

U nclE' Henry- So you arc going to scbool 110W Willie. Do YOll love your t eacber ? . Willie (aged seven)-l should say not. She's too old for me. The Gentle Game_

Knlcker- Dld he ,set foot wher m n never .trod b~tore? Bocker-Yes. h kicked anoth ,r player on lhe skull .


By Lydia E.Pinkbam'sVego etable Compound m.E. -Pinkham's "I want to ten ~" Vegetable COlmpl[)tiIlld






"em ..

was cn

dld for me. lwlUI 80 sick the best doctors in Oblcago if 1 did not have au operation. I had already had two operations, 'a n d they wanted me to go through a third one. I sutlered day and nIght from inflammation. 'a nd . a small tumor, and never thought. of seeing a well day in. A friend ·LJ'.dJa . J>lIilkhllm', VegbehlAdher, ~nd the third bott! SPERLlN(.l.

1468 Clybotlrne Ave., III 'I f you arc ill dQ not, drag along at hpmeor ~ youn pIllct;) of emp~01JDent lrotil an operation Is ne~Bsary, but buIld up 'the feminine system. and _f&. move tho cause of those dlatre881tlg acbes and jlaln.s by taking LY<lla' E. P1nldlam'a Vegetable ~ompoQI)a,mad~ ·from roobJ and herbs. . For.thirty ~rs it baa bl!en the II~• .ard remedy for, teDiale ills, and ba(I . P9al~

restored t1l"Ulealth ot.ti.aon..

siDdlof women'WbO ba.le b~tltrQ1lb~ · willi .u&p'JaceJQents, in~~

=:::., - .


~~lJ~ ;3-"\JO"'" , .


t:;. ,


• I



When,' Fate Relented

you~' !llate ana I!ltt pInk. mint be~ ·on".)'·o ur dE!sk..·' "Engraved '1 rove you:" IIhe a;. sented. . " And was there a g.lrl YOl1 made cart wh els In front of all tJlf way home-till whirling hands ariA legs?" By Ellen Henqy Bq\U Out ot Ordinary Farm Wason With Full "Gee, 1 wished you'6 gone to my Infants anel ChUctren•. Wheels-=May Be UtlUz~d {or-Many Dl{{eren~ 8 hool!" His eyes wer e shining deColl1ri Rbl , JOIO, b, ANOCialed Lil er,.". Pr ... Purposes. IIghtlldly, and )\11 ss Stiles sobered sud· "Oh , It's n s weet little r oom." said de nly. Miss SlUes Ironically, "But we're grown·ups now." she He r gaze roamc() pen "'ely over tb e s igh d, "Only sometimes we {orget." It tti tl bull room she dlV It In, from tbe "Wouldn't It be great to slid e back plump (\Ivan cIl s hlons to tIle book to tho ~e kid days, when everythlug t:belr nbov e ber cr e tonn e·c on ce a~~ wns what It seemed. when we cried washstnn tl . A trunk bump d on the when we w re hurt an'd laughed when laq dlng outside b r door und then pro· we were glntl, and beUeved In e very· ceedeu with a 8 rles of sma.ll r bumps body we kn ew nnd ev rythlng we we re up th e s tairs and Innd ed with a fin a l toltl 1" be asked. crush overhead. ~~~~' " . "Now I smile whon l'm hurt and cry Promotes DiGzstion,Cheerrul" ome one new." Fnlnt hope fil ck- wh en I'm glatl," she said. ness,and Rest.Conlains neither H ed up, to di e ins tantly. "B ut ot "W ell 1" he cballenged, his hands Opium,Morphine nor Mineral course no aile wOJ;th wblle would come sUIl thrust deep In his pocket nnd his hero to II\' ," .she mumbl ed scornfully. eyes dancing ag I'ly, "You don't ]<JOT NARC ~TIC " Bitter dlsta. te of bV surroundings, of look like a girl who would take s lfwtiN ./()ltI prSANlIEllrf!1lt'R· be r dally grind, of ber colorless days dare." A LOW WAGON, ,. '~,"'SH'~ Brose within her 1IDd jogged her mo"I'm no '," Ihe boasted. the timber with a tight floor Cover mentarily out of the rut of dogged A low wagon Is a decided advantage :1t:lU;"/../h' "I know wbere th re's a blrcb ." The IA.. ,i, ,f"l • hee rfllluess and acceptance of en· laugh in her eyeB flick ered IlDxiously, It tlmeB on ·the farm If the roads are eight feet wide, as far forward IlS :1:fn:J:!:t.~., vlronment tbat she had forced herself "Oh-o!" flr~, With a low wheeled rig a man possIble, without InterferIng with the f1f~ .r,,1l Into. turning of the front wheels against ('(_nli',J J'W!!~ Her little squelll at delight was gen· can 10 Into Ii hay field or corn field I w.;,It~,,, 'FIn v.,.,, "I bote 'em," thumping her bead ulne. "And we might Hnd some win· e.nd load the rack wllb half the labor the Umbers, Deck over the front .wh eels, rest1nto Ute pllJOW8 vIciously, "I bate tergreens, Tough. old ones, you know, Involved with high wheels, Of course Ape;rectRe~~-d-y-r-o-r-~onstipa. , everybody." Rising, she flleed berself wltb red berries. Oh, It'll fine to be Ii a. small wbeel wl11 sInk deeper into ing the decking on a fal se bolster. All tion, Sour Slomach,Dlarrhcitoll, lIceus lngly In the wavy·surfaced mlr· kid." the road and drop Into a furrow or the deck.lng Is of sound in cb boards, Worms ,Convulsions ,feverishror. "I hate myself, too. I'm even be· "Yuh betcbyu. 'Taln't no ralr tc Bmall depression that a large wheel with a strip nailed untler the enlls ot ness and Loss OF S~E_EI;'. boards to protect thom. gi nning to crook my little fingers like talk like grown,upl, though," he pro. wlll brl~ge over. .. For hay, use stakes In rear, wI th t lH:~ m -th ey l l1 be calJlng me gente el tested. . ';t"c Simi\e s;gnatuN oj ~ The wagon lIlustrated Is built out 2xG bolted cross·wlse, and 2x4 fas t· 11 ' xt. gb. I'd rather be bad-downTo think there was a man like thlll of the ordinary farm wagon with full ened tram top of same to the decl{ to right horrld-tban genteel, wi th a cot· In tbat grubbing cit)' beyond! Her size wheel: First, make an axle nIne ton 001 braIn and a sawdust beart." eyes were as chlld1sh and blue as the and a half feet long, with skeins that shield tbe wheels. This part may b4I removed when baullug commodlUes A soft wind stirred tbe rumed cllr· autumn sky as she protested. will tit your wheels. Take two tim- other than hay, t.'li n nnd whisked ber halr. and, turn''I'll beat you to that sumac, there, bers 18 teet long, relaUvely as s trong Three short posts may be set In ing, she thrust ber head out Into the little boy." pointing with outstretched as 6x8 pine (round tlmbers will an· EW -... . ground with Inclined bars aud tho 8u IJ shlne, finge r. "One. two, tbree. ready-go." swer It you have them on your farm ) , wagon driven or backed upon slUlle "Pooh, Sally girl, but you've got the With that mad scum per, Sarah Stiles hang these under the nxle near the to raise it from tbe ground, when the blues," she informed herselt. sniffing began an afternoon of unalloyed, rool· Bkelns with five-eighths round Iron wagon can be changed quickly and th crisp air eagerly. Ish tun tbat ne ver flagged until she ellps with burrs' underneath , Four much more easily toon the ordInary Wi t h the sUrrlng of spring sap was homeward bound, losded with the Dr slx·lnch blocks may be put between raclt can be lifted on or otr. ('omes an eagerness In the blood m·ay· gorgeous foliage ot the authmn wood~ the axle and timbers, which wHl make ThIs wagon may be used for hllullng bap, but It's . the fall for th e reckless· Tlley paused at 8. bend In the road. them sUIl lower, Chamfer the front sl1age, corn, and In tbe a bsence of R Surprise for the Deity. n . s and zest of adventure, with Its where coltages below were gUmpsed ends and bolt together, forming a tri- spreader, for hauling manuro (having "Popa," Eald a llttle girl, ru shln&, Insist nt warning whisper of depart· through the leaves and a sky of moltcn angle. no sideboards to both er wl~h). for root into the r oom with the air of one bringIng days, Its urge to make huste, that gold poured itself Into a glittering Hang the front. end under the front crops, and many unthought·of thlngE Ing valuable InformaUon, "did you opens one 's eyea to fleetin g youth, Its rlv r, Tbe laughter curves fell away axle by means ot a strong, short upon the farm, while lUI Il hay raclt know tbat tbe Brown's little baby wos ~, fann ing breath charged with the last tram Miss Stiles's lips In a Ured, satls· reacb bolted firmly to the timbers It Is a vel'Y great saving at energy, dead?" fa int scents of summer sweetness, fi ed lIigb, ,ust behind the circular part of front whether the pitching Is done by hand "Yes, dear, I h a rd of It. Ar n' t you And It moved unwontedly In Sarah "But It mus t be good·by," 'She was hounds, The king-bolt goes through or loader, sorry?" Styles's heart as she snllfed the keen Ins isting, ":MIracles cannot bear repe- the reach and serves to draw the rear Tbe ' r ear wbeels beIng so fa r apart "Yes, but. papa, It was ouly three air alld softened the repress ion of her tition, It's a rainbow afternoon for part, but the weight Is sup'ported 'by and tbe load so low that It rldea days ald." Ups. memory-let'a not touch It with the a' coupling in front at the axle, This easily, with no danger of ti ppIng over, " I know, love ." "Gird up your loins and put on your s tupld finger of reality and shatter It, consists. of a heavy eye bolt al)d large makes It much easier for meu to work "And don' t you thllJk God wlll be tan pumps, Sarah. and tare thee boy. Besides. if tate 18 eager IUld triangular l1nk, whIch Is looped ove r upon It when tbe loader Is used. The surprised to s ee It com e ba ck 110 willing," the projectlnlt end of the reacn in wheels being full size, the load will Boon ?" "You're a silly, little ~Irl," said the front of axle. pull as e asUy as upon any wagon. ulDl!lloaa bow, man Boftly. "YOu're cruel. too. Haven't A Trained Nurse'l Experlencea with Small PilL Doae, Small Pricel.' we grown up together?" Reslnol Ointment. GENUINE mUll beu Iiaoatute..,!. , I applied Reslnol to an ulcerated leg "Very Improperly- In one arter· of s ix months ' s ta nding. Almost e verynoon;' she pointed out. "But, dou't thing had been tried to heal It. Made you understand 1 .1 can't be the lItU(' two applications a day for four w eeks girl any more . Any way, I'm afraid, and leg was pe rmanently healed. T know-'t wouldn't last." I bave , used Resinol on children's "I can' .lure YQU aD)' more." be said faces to heal eruptions and for every· rnefully. "But I am sorry. ' Here." he thlnt; that see med to need an ointment What Governor Dene.n, of IIlIno~, drew out a card and ravidly wrote a S.y. About It. with sa tisfactory resul ts In every case. line upon It, "At least, you'll take Mrs. Isa dor E, Cameron, thle. And if you relent-rll be walt· Augusta, Me, (G raduated Nurse.) Ing! ' RunnIng lightly. sbe start ed down He Gets "Comme rcial Extra." the road. Tben sbe looked back and " J)on't y ou t OI,,:h th ul sprig of celwhile he watched, with a wistfully reo cry: " oln lTl und d Mrs. H ckpeu. gretful smile, sbe tossed the card Into " Wby no t ?" aH ked MI'. 11 c l{)I<JIl. th\! wayside busbes. "Ain 't I t good '!" She b d paused a scant moment In "GoOd '1 'er tallllY it' s good- it's th t e bOllrdlng ' house ball to' survey ber best t" ~' r Is. l' tll II pl ug that for th e tumbled hair when through the eur· canary." talned door sbe ' saw him coming, fumbltng a bnnch of· keys in Me hand. ned, Weak. W_q. Watr.1'J' 'EJ'ea. WIth a smothered cry, she 11ed up to Re l1l! ved By, Murine By R~ m ed y. Try Mur in ' "'o r Your l~y c Tro ubles, You Will her own room and waited. peerlns LIke Murine. It Soo lh r.s . GO<! III Your breathlessly tbrou~h a tiny crack, Drug g is ts. Writ . F or E y e Books. Froe, Murine Elre R eme dl' Co_. ChI Cll &~. , . It waS the same gray figure. ' with as one end of .the larie at all Umes. The chIcks bover under bands deep in bls pockets-the ver, The a" rage ma ll can't und e ~s tand ,h2=- £OOKcf- rR-' whistling man Into whose arma she brooder ho~· · In operation on the them In a very saUsfied way. ThE " 'ily he ha s n em ietl. .PP.?'.F"C"c/OL!7VTbad almost fallen two hours ' before, farm, of Henry D • .smitll of Plymouth first few days trom the Incubator eel· ~ ...Y.?'(?.L'7'> 1\1.... W1n ~low' . SouthlnJ1; 871'11P' ms heavy tread mounted slowly and county, MaBs., says' Orange Judd lar a cloth sereen Is frequently laid founded In the room overhead. where 1I'armer', At the left and 'Dear the oyer the pipes to bold In more heat. ~?,..;:::J~a~~:Jt~~~D~:~·,;r.::t~~:: ~~~h~ the craBb ot a trunk had driven ber to floor will be noted the line of pipes Mr, SmIth. wbo Is one of the most suc, forth ," she . murmured, "and perbapi despair ~that snme ·day. She burled whicb Is the sole means of providing cesstul poultry raIsers In New Eng· adventure will hit· you on. the shoul· h~r head .In tbe ctishions, laughlnl heat for the building and for the land. reports the system as eutlr Iy sat . i1'B; you poor. Ion samo tblni. and In· hysterIcally. Then arlBing. she Bur, young.-Ch1c.ks when they .com.1=-.........w.Lf..Al~~t!!o!!ry. · As the chIcks grow older troduce you to an amnlty. Any way, veyed be.r radiant face in the .tln) the Incubator. This la familiarly they are moved toward tll ' other en'l1 known as tbe open pipe system of of tbe house whe re It Is a little cooler ; tile fatl"aIr Is,glorlous ...• mJrror. 'From ' tbe woodlil came the ting· "What a dear. sweet. lovely 011 brooding. The baUer Is In o~ e end of finally they are placetl outdoors In tht the building and the plpl!l5 are warm colony houses, ling scent of autumn leaves and thing fate ie." she murmured. un·warmed mosses and cool·sbai:led deptbs. A ,,'oodpecker . accentUated Turkeys that are hatched early In The ArtlBt'. Compenaltlon. tbo sil eDee In tlilarply tjlpped meas. the spring would grow to weIgh from ures an(l a squIrrel darted across tbe · · Save In a few buslne's s concerns. H to 20 pounds by Thanksgi vIng week.. kr eat con cerns, Harrod's, the arm, s lIn.flecked road. MillioDs of people have CASThe~e weights are otte n e xceeded Miss ,S tiles kicked her b eels against and navy stores and t~e like. what by the best growers, but as they are CARETS do Health work for the feoce . sbe was perched on and 1a a strange 'Welter la In our wbole syath most popuiar and the most readily uncontrollable abandon ' threw back tem at pay~ent for work-more eape- No Other KtDd Ltve Stock that them. If ,on bave never tried pToduced, they are suggested as the Will RetDra So Muc:h MOD.." her head', pursed her lips and poured clally in the higher branches of work! this llreat hesiIth maker-Get a lOe mort advisable, &0 Suc:c:eesCul Produ"," forth a lUting, whistling refrain of ' her . Art and literary work are . terrible ez· .a Poultry, The average yield of turkey hens III box-nnd you will never usc any amples of this confusion and want of long ago school daYlI, frC'm 18 to 30 eggs, each of whlcb can Faintly fioatlng from the distance scIence, writes a pessimist In the Lon· other howel medicine, m , cton Saturday Review, The payments (By R. B. WEATHERFORD.) usuolly lie counted on to produce a CASCARF.TS roc 8 box for Il wm', another 'I9hJsUe chimed in, and she to many of the best workers In those There IB no other l:1nd of live stock living poult. Ire.uu~t . 1111 olrulrlClsts. Blg~t l\ell~r paused, the edges of . her s'oUI shell barren fields are BO bad that a man that ill the world. Million bo:us a monlb. will return so large a profit to The Question of profit trom keeping dl'awlng together Ips'lncUvely. but a Is Qult'e sanguine If he sees not at the tbe successful producer as will poul- turkeys simply resolves Itself Into the. emJle lingered on her lips, Plaintive- end of his career the madhouse or the t ...... and no \dnd of poultry Is more Dblltty of the owner to bring tbem tc' Iy rising and ' falling, the Dotes come ., a iuarketable sIze, nearer. Softly the girl crept to the pauper's ' grave .. pro11table than turkeys when handled Tbls can readily be done If care and frInge of bushes 'overh~nging the road If M paint without genfus, a paint· properly. nnd watcbed the whistler swinging er may. by attracting an ignorant 'pub'fhe fact tliat turkeys will from the nttentlon be given to all the requireI WILL MAKE YOU d lIt d b k bl b d lie, make himself secure. It he write !fme that they are six weeki! old till m ~Dts of succeSB, along, his bea ' t e ac.. s an S without Indlvi~uaUt.y 'or real force, the PROSPEROUS ""Inter sets In gain tbe great~r part of Blx standard varieties are more or bUl'led In bls ·pockets. . . .1OU .r. bon.. ' and ambl"oa. writ. m. "J wonder." she 's pel'ed ~ervouB' writer may likewise make himself se, ltvlng from bugs, grasshoppers leas 'grown In this country, No "latle, .... tlt,. ,ou U.. or wb~' J ,.\11 ... eb , ... lb._I ly., "11 I dare-um, . He 100Ks-er- cure by driving bard bargains with wsate grain t.hat they pick up In Bron~j ' Narragansett, Butr, wan : .~potQ' 10" S"petial ,In y-oar\O". ; Intelllgent-and nice. I bellev~ J will:' those :who buy and. sell bls wares, their wanderings over the range as- Wblt.e ..and .Bl!lck. of,OW' OW8. But for the most part good work III lures their existence through tbll DAISY FLY KILLER Jrtf~~;:r.i.!'!r.a= Tbe main dlffcrences are in' slze and ' Her sweet. shrill whistle joined his; tbese branches Is the work at Bensl. le.',clilali. (lr ....WIl... ... 1 . ~DY.u1 . n' .l!t....... breathlessly sho peered ' out. ""hen Uve . men. who are stl)). cblldren In period at llttle or ~o cost . t!J tlle color ilf plumage, Tho Bronze anlt the .... " , AI . Hea •• a.. Narragansett are the largest, the But! )la.a, O' IlM'ut,flOoN suddenly the elll'th crumbled beneath money ml\tters and wbo shrink from crower, . ". The, may be. termed self.sustalnlng and Slate are the medIum and the ~~li!'~i!!fqj:;;'':~~ teet and laughing, ball'·blown, bargaIning, . Politics and public· lite 0.1"1. O\tIr'DI~" ciutcliillg the. willowy sa,pllngl! In ber ana bu'sl'ness makes a much belte! foragera where tbey bave su~clent ~.lack a~d White the smallest. tHII'a.Ur.I ....I,.,. range. , . . Of late sQ much Improvement In or ~nlp.ff p.l'd tul Ia.. path. ~he deRcen~ed ·Into tlte : very. game th'a n art or letters. 1U1IIIJ,lI11OIua The chance for proHt In the produc- sj~ ba~ :been made In th e Wbltes that 'arms ' of the approaching , wplsth!r. 1S\lIIe'........ Droa" ...... I .... tloD of ttirkeys Is gfa.d, u ally Improving]l · have moved up to . otlteQd for Wblle she put':litralght' bel' hilt and -. ~..,~.--~. ~- "": The ,Leat V'orCf'. a ' result ot 'a more general UBe ot ih~r~ 'pOSition. so'ine of ' them havlllB tucked In stray h~rplnB .he pIcked uQ 18 WHAT W.E CA~ SAVE the nesh, , " . ' pass d " th~ 30-.poun~ .mark. the scattered \ crimson · l.e at_ clustel~" C~ee~ Intp thy ';J1t\rrow, bed, Cref!p and I~t no more " " 88.1<!. YOU ON ANY BUGGY They are now used not only for ~l1e ilame Btatement 'ruay soon be . and presented them to :h et. . Va," 'thy Q\,.ot! All sta,nd ·fa8t. . Top Buggies', nunabouts:. roosUn,. but to an Incredlng extent .made of the Blaclis, as they bave. UlYle ... \~UBt 'b1'eak at .... t.. "Dld you learn 'Tbe FIlrmer Boy~ . In Thou. . ..... . Carts Ilnrl . :Wa ~on~ a~ ' (fold c~ts' for tia~d'wl@es and for , gl'enU, Imllrove<l:'dllrlng the . past • little red school house ~o01" he. Let · the.,long oontentl~~ .'celll!~1 , . ~yb~eI9.TopTri~mUlg&. . Balad•• , anll :. larg~ n:llmber of' poulta YUlrB. _ , .iol\dlt.~, . and. at' the ' honest 4 ""Latf.ul. ae Be un Iwcin.. !In'd ~W8t18 are ~.... •. ,, . Wrllo f~' Prins are' uaed for rollers. . In addition to tbe fOI_ going there at,e/.!I In his volc~ , the ~Bt !e~lDan~ or. J~et them havQ it tJow theY wijll m. UJIA.l 2211. BU9B .. SCHEU co. 'Late b"tc.!hecJ pOults' do .well for 'this a. non-etandard variety 'known .a Tliou art tired; ~ltt ' ~e .Ull. . IIl11y', call~on meltell. . "FoollBh', redtle.~ ,horrid,'\' The. Th;Y outtalked tMe. lilu'lS thef', toft pUrpOae, .~d. 'I9l!lle ' iher~nnot be oB"rboD RedB, Tbey mIght well mu~ opportUDiU (or &1'Owln, pou~tJl · the poalUOD now-1te\d by tbe Buff "orld'. thau.and .'(o,oell crOoDed· ,t , th.. ' to maturity when , (he)' ate batched '1187" beiDI qul~e . like 'WarDIJlgI, .in ...... , but .he amued Bet.ter m~n tire\! fhull before thee: PIroe4 eSr rI~. shot ADd pa,u'", late IIi tile .-oD, t)ae, hlQ. be 101d more largely ' ~own for market baCk' lDto Hot17 cb~.d-l&ild '~nk at 1a8t.' for 'rollers at acood~ proOt. are til., Buff•• "It


lor Th8~Kind

You Have Always .' Bought









~~-CE· NT~""~l."

~ . '¥~ORK'

For Over • Ihir" Years

CASIQBIA Don't Persecute your BOwels




~~ -----------------'--


- ---------


Work While You Sleep





'$2 '. 0



. CD4 be


' No cI1IIa II IIlOMHlUtd ... cnar iarle at _ - . C dana tIaaD' brOUM

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1M. lfbt; .-111

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~eedet\ CC)


make a lb. mlUJ....


' .~~ ,Jotta



'. Notes' from the County Churts ~~

_ _~~_ _~~~~~~ ......,..."...,. .. ~...... .. ~ ........ 7»1.' -" -~~ _ _~_~4~4_4~ .. .,.--~ .. w ...... v_«W ...

.. .~~~


~tlmuAI 'r . Brown to Rlllpb P. Boot. tm Is ill oountiEis ' ct Wllrren . ' and

... J.n non Picas ~our.t"

New SuUs LeLlldo t)tookto n VS. Owen J..) titookto u. Petitio n ' for divuroe . Plainti ff SII.y8 tbat the two were Hl flfried De~mber 21l. 189U. and to t.Uem hll q been born oue ohild Letha ~tooktoll I\ged t . Sbe avers tbat detendu n : \8 gUllty of gross negl .. ot of duty auu nlUlles Li:.ezie Sams as one who had alienat ed hi!! afIill'tiou~ a!be nsk'! for reit u 1'11. 11\)1\ ul' \Ltl r maiden name Lathll W)llillll l :i UUU th"t defenda~t t;uppor t, LitH " hilU. M. C. 1)1'11 ke it! littOID V f ll t· lJlulOtiff. Probate Court. In mll\ter of will of Mdortllu D. Peuoe. deo6ft.Yoli. Will admit·tt 'd to probate . b:state of Mar'~11 Ward, lleoel1sed. Invenw ry and apprai8 ement filed by Martha Ridley. admini 8tratrix . In maUer of estate of Jamel! S. Wiotro w. et al. Barry M. Win$ro w admtni stl"\Or files appl1ol ltion to eell certliin 8~kI, whicb i8 gru.nte d. EsSilte of Wost Glenny , decel\8e d. t:\eooDd a060un t of Martin A . J llmfltlOn 8s80uto r. Estate of ltaohE:t1 ::!mhh, deoe. ed. invento ry lind apprai! lement filed by A. M. Lewis. admini strator . Estate of Jllmey H. Weer. de ceased. Deruos theDes Weor appoin t ed I&dwinilltrillur at bond of '2000. Estllte of Laura 8. Mtller, deceaae d 'rank L. MUler appoin ted admlDi a. nator at. bond :If $1600. Estllte of Ullris Ilnd M. A. Hum. bert, atIlIiglioTS. Second and final aecoont filed by Mutin A . , Jameso n. awgne e. In master of 8sYign ment of C. B. Humbe rt. A\I8ignee ordered to pay to t..'iti&ena Nation al Hank; ~29 . 82. Estate of Bdonnah Ireton. deoell.sed INnt and flnal acooun s flied by M. E. (iDltio , executo r. .&ate of WU80n Kirby, aduiini s. trator. '. Firt!t 1lDc,t final acooun t tiled by Jlartha Kirby, Ildmln istra'rl x. Eata~ of George Cook, insane. Fourth aoo:onn t flied by SUSIlIl Uook, guardi an. I Ji'.etate of Olaren ce E. B __ rgrade r ., al minore . Sixth account . flied br.Lau ra E. Ifarkra der, gua.rdi an. , E.tato Ilf Henry DilatuB b, de. oeued. Invent ory flled by WilJibm H. ~e,trU8See. In the mat~r of the will uf <Jath. - erine Taneet , deoea,e d, Will tiled .and dA~ aet t.or htfu1n g. 1p matter of will of Banna hWrig ht deOeaa ed. Will admitt ed to probat e .

,j~.J:v!~~~J.81lO01(·· ~" ,

~ ~..

Montrro mery, $ROOD . ' illl ie E'. Gunthe r I~ncl W. E'. Gun. ther lot in Leh'lno u, $lliOO.


~~J!. .

.~Kl~1 ~





Commi ssioner s' ~ Procce(Jinfs.

j " 'ls-W illlulll EV411~, ltunller , U7 It; W . I) BoOth, hl'l\lge rep"ir8 , 59.';',j; Ab ::;,HJIIII C utrt\ot .l 11..12; Bert RI'fHl , bridg rep:lirs Uii .75: 1'h Wet!tl;lJII .·tllr . ~tnlUppel1 e uvl;lllilies. ~:lI , :,U; R , , . uilohn I, rim! for pros utlUg IIttorutly't\ \l1li lU, ~2 :' ,,:r.~' ''''<. F 1' . It'orgy h orsoH IiIH.I vtlitlllias. ~ ':l5i If . P. Ifo rgy. UUllrul lull wutlluu g '2U. -111; J R. l:iunttll ', ~~rvioe!! llt in Ar~ YOU s till bre ding scrubs? flrmory , il25 i Pililip ::31'I3U(; • l(l;lutlrul 'rhe hop. killed th e weeds but mude indexet !. ~1\l3 115; Jol\ut!on u Wlltson Co .• 'e n velopet l. t l G. 50; J. D. DunUtll- little mulch. ly, refundl ;lr on perl>ona l propert y, If YOll are I'eady to vlnnt do not walt '17 7·1; W illialll Bulliug er. refuud ur upon tb moon. for dog, $1; Dr, Ellson Holbro ok, Boiled m ilk Is good tor chi ks and refund er ou laoo Iitltl;ld error, t;1l.7ti ; will help bow I ll'Otlu! . Sl1wue l D, R enkle, fe6.~ tlUd I;lx peny· es for June, '13G. 10. Colony hplls s nl' or two killdsstation ary 1\1)(1 m(}vnblo. Napole on's Grit Where thero Is a wtll th el'o Is n way was (th unoonq uerable, n~ver- !lY- to clean the tarm of w cds. die kind the klDd thllt you n e d most when you huve a bud oold. Where tb r Is a will thcro Is a cough or lunK dlseatle . I:luppose way to clean tbe farm ot w eds. troolles oOl1gh sy rup , cod 1iv~r oil or doct~rs all fuiled. don.'t 10tle A good tnrm level cos ts little comheart or hope. Take Dr. King's pared with tls wort.b and uso(uln css. New DiS\lov ery. t:iatisfll otion it! ~ua.rant-eed when utled for Ilny throut. There Is sorn thing ;.vrong on tbe or lung trouble . It has Stl ved tboUB- dairy farm that do s not haye a few Ilndtl of hopelel li suffere rs. 1t maB· hogs. ters IItubbu rn ooids, obstina te oough!:! hemorr hages, Illgripp s. oro up, asthIf there Is ma. hay fever and whoopi nl( oough neighbo rhood, on clenn farm In tbe lhey can all be clean. and is the most safe and oertain rem· or nearly so. edy for Illl bronob ial affeotio ns. nOo '1.00 Trial bot~le free at Frell <J . Do not plant trees when the 8011 18 Soh wartz ·s. wet and sUcky. or It Is lIablo to be ---.~---packed too flrmly. WOllld can AgaTn. lI'O.. two hours the fashion able ~ady Feeding the dairy cow Is ono of the kept tl;Ie draper exhlbitl ng hie goOJls. ftrst things tbat tbe success ful and at · the end ot that period ahe man must thoroug hly und erstand dairy_ IweeUy alked: "Are you Clvlte .ure you have shown Cow-testing aSBo lations. started me everyth ing you have?" some years ago. bave been a wonder"No, madam :' s.aId the draper, with ful help in weeding out unprofit able an ID.llnuati~g Bmlle, "I have yet an cows. old ttccount In my ledger which I lhall ,ery gladly show you." Roots ot young He did not need to show any mor•. be allowed to b trees should never come dry. Cover The lady .left &he Ihop, sayln, she with earth or wet sacks while waiting ~w1d call apln llDoth~r day. to be planted .

., .


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vi~it,o r8 IIr~

---:-0--- ---7 - -.- WAL TER M. I'Lun E,j

A large Dumbe r of are in Frunkl in to lIttend the Fune ral :tor . Home.o omlng eel bratv)n whiob taIH\S pl/\ e .fuly '12tb ,J. :.ltb 11l\,1 1..\th . Bnsiuelltl hous !I und resi -eL.C tI ill'S ' ;'. i U(lbc rie c.Il1~" 0' l1i~ lit. toing nlllhortlotely dooorn t d for tU Ij Valley plll'1If1 N,' l,lI" ll ooolttlion sud 1111 of the Tf s \(l nts of Distnn ~e 4 ' U. 0\\-" th,y littl vii1Il' ~1;l are tukitl g , ~pel'!!on. al int rtj~t in the oel<~br l \llIl WAYNESVILL E. UhHJ There will he Ilthll:t: ~ (lnt l)\ts Branch Office, H:uveY llbur,. O. suoh 1111 bOllt rltOlug, f uu(, rtHlIQg, jUI.nplll~ and other . ::levern l b Iuds htl ve bl3eu engllge tl for r.h (localli 11. among them tl.e \\ ell-kno wn Be~­ \ fA YNESVILLE CtWRCHES. Or. Bell's Ant:s epti\, ;Sa : Ie sl!" ~ I I " • t·ill c l~y. I'll ra will Good fol' aU Skin Disease.. St. August ine's Catholi c Church . l' d r UU lI 1 HI" . \lS tlvals U.n 1 Il!\lUBeI dlh~r --.,.ltCUI ;.( i' ;\lU\'(: lIlao,' rl 'r . P ~\ fil lor -. . .~..... loenttl IU wll .:h t u' )l1l~1:I IlWllY the ~ln .. ), c\'t'ry SOl ' UP" Suullur vi lll\.' 1111\11\11 .... L idle momen :" W. I . !: ' I.) • ..• ..)'/1'·1 U : OU.l W . • '4 , M • 0 • lin .1LI .y -ILl. tho Illst uuy of the St. l\1ary's Episcop al ChurCh. oelebra tluD. It big musk ed bull will Ohio . Wa:),n . I{ " , J . F . 'lu 1walJ .. ,Icr. l{l ;r \ n r ta ke pla cl;l iu the K. of p , hull, wuieu SUII,lay (I :;10 n, m ~IOrll l ll l: Nc r Main Strp t will be pr cedet! by Il larl;;e tJispluy VICI', 1\I : :10 Sullf'UI. a, III. 11011' (o,u lll llul"" 111 .. II nIl Vllllc" Phone 1r.:l of lireworll:tI. Prizes t·or. the bet;t ~uu d" y 01 l'a ' 11 UIUlltl1 . ! mll~ketl oouple lInu u thers will be \ethodi st Episcopal ChurCh . given, nnLl ill all tile 0 lebrllti ou will Rov. H. W. Bnlloy. PUloOr. be one big jolllflq lltion. '~UII\ IlIr ~cl\ll.JI. " ':to a. 10, • urulllJt ~C I' '""·C . 1U ::10 1\. . LU . J':Jlwcl n ,h r~e ug"c , 7 :UO p. A~ the old Mllio street tlollool hous e In. 1'~\,l'nl Il K t'crv icc, ':' : OU p. Ill . Mlflwuck toerl:) will be II. lurg t!xuluit ion of fOr I ' c r M6e~ln ~. 7 p. m . r ellC8 uf th l;l fo rm or dllYtl of tho Itt· We ca n Ilffer yo u g IOU Christi an Church . ~ tie vllll1!;;a wllioh lS ~ituated un the Ruv. L. O. 'l'hompSO ll. Pus\.()r. Payin i~ Empl oymt :nt bellutlf ul Mlflmi rlv~'I' lltl>uch Il pOint IllhlQ Schulll. 9: 30In. m . Sudal \lie Lll1g. 10:3u u. m. UhriKllulI l;JJ:utluu vur. 1:IIU I" 10. that where the soeuel'y II! tb~ most OD- I:lnrmu u by Jln.~lol· y u will enjoy and o"cry ,"ILU1'Uato !::l\l lllluy ilL I 10:30 a. m. \lIlt! 7: :10 p . UI. truoolU g . at home . Write to-day Hkksit e Friends Church . lu tll~ II 'hool Yllrdtl til ere will be I I'irsl \)ay NCCll n... I U :00 II, III. FlrsL Uay ( dillere nt eoncetStliuu!I whioh will Add"" J I Ill. I··ou nh Day Met'linK amu~e ~he old l1ud yonng ·alike. setout. \ The Botter lck Publls blno Co', IU :00 a. 01 .; 0(1 a. . Many former retiiden ts of tl,!.IS plllct' Batlerle k DuDdin g. New York. N. Y. Orthod ox Friends Church . bre expeotl;lu to be lu the oity nt the He ,'. UCIlJaUlI Il HawkIns . PIIKlM. time of ~he 8 0 01 -Uomiu g. :-;abbaLh 011001. lI :au a. m . HCRul:tr I!hurult D - Btl' -_. "Hon-e-y N rv'-" , JO " 1\ " I l l . ,hrl.KLI:lI1 Jo:uOI.!'l\'or. , r. e S Ina-T- c.r" 7 ::tU p. Ul All Skin Diseas es I For Cough s ond Colds. Yil;lld reudily to treatm ent with Dr. HI;lU'II Antil!elJtlO ·alve. We KUlullntl1e It. :&50 Ii box. 'old ev· - - - - - T R y LIVERITES


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p- . - -

"lUST DEMAND RECEIPT In the fu t ure In comphl ln06 WIth the new IIl.W , whioh b ou.meeft'eoLlve July 1. per~()U'tI Heudin g re~l!flered mail wi)1 be obligeu to deman d u reoelpt" uliuerw ise tile p\)lJt4,tliee olerks will itlsue none . TUh! lIootioQ Wtl8 deoided on us " wtmllt! uf outting down e~pen8el! of the ~oll~offioe d(>plirtme ut, It h'l villg OdeD n 'ted tb4t only 14 cOuipll ratl vtl fe w pertlon s cllre for &'11:1 eOill\,1ttl . A Frightf ul \\trcL:h. 01 t·1Uin. 1l0 l UIUUIJIlu 1)1' bugJ!.Y UH ., ouu"'e outlJ. llrUltles, II bl ll tll"lIl1 . tlvraiOI> ,'1' W OIl Ul1b tlillot llUW llud buck len 's Arulllrl till'l v tl. rt " ·,, ~rel\ttl t h~uler ~~uIOk rell . Hud pruwl,l t cure n~ ... ult" }!'ur burrul, boll<l. tsor.,t\ Ilt III I kIDLI",. I;l\ ~ .. mll, cbllPil eU UtlllIll> HUll IIlJ!!, vee t'lYfh or oorut!, It. z> ulJr.e II tj :::' Urt'llt pile oure 250 at Frs U. . u ll Wllrt.:t.'tj .

Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness . Llvertt es for a Cold, Backac he a.n d Weak Liver or

KI~nev ••

Alwavs keep th'm in the house rt'udy for URe. Prepar ed from Pure Native Herbs, they Clean8 e the SY8tem and Purify lhe Blood and thulf PREVE NT SERIO US SICKN ESS.

Summ er Colds Wbttew ash the trunks of the fruit Are harder to relieve thlln winter IUId orchard trees with lim o. This one8 but they yield just IlS readily will repel borers. bark beeUes ' and to treatm ent with Dr. Bell's Pine. other insects 'for a time. Tar. lIoney. Bold evuy where. Look Plant plenty ot hay crops. Work for the Bell ou tbe B'Ottle. stock and dairy cows must bave - - -... roughag e It they are to do tu Ir vart In making the farm profitable. Her Superio rity. .J ennle and Viola. both five years of a~e. had been mention ing th eir nil' . Perhaps th.e most etrectlv e and sat· merooll posllesslOIJS a~d mildly boaet: isfact'ory method of making n ewe Ini about them. "I've got the most own her lamb Is to plRee her In n clothe.... said little .Tennle. "Yes, but hurdle where she can ea.t and com{'ve gOl th!l most dolls," replied Viola. fortably lie down . 'l'b" mu,n wb .. 'lullUS to b~ ,II Na.yS Marrtq e Uua.e s. "Well, I've got more brother s tha.n right HI tll"w I Ii knowle dge . tue YOU," aIlllwered Jennie. Ten yea.r a ago the quality of the r I ~ utt! of ut.btlr ... Viola seemed Barry E, Grey, 22, farmer of done up for a minute. bul for a 'min. range horses on many of tbe large ,, - - . - _ .Frankl in Hara E. DODla!>, 21, of ute only. Then she caDle out with. western ranches was 110 tndltfere n Chroni c Sora Eyes Frankl in. "Well, t'.a got the biggest teet." In a that carload lots sold as low as $10 a Are elisliy anCtIl\ WI&Il1illtherl,,'n ll's John C. Beedl~, 27, hl.borer of proud tone that appeare d to settle the head . . Now they will bring $150. .l!1u"'ld I!!,ye SIIIV6. ' 1t IS IJ•.lIuh:,,\tj dowl , ,Rooth ~b&ooo aod Edna Johnso n, matter. And it did. eo fnr 8S Jennie bl1rrnl ~:I'Ul ' [f{ll llrd .. rtl"tj , ' ~;'ll B lhlX W88 concern ed, for she replied sadly. It will not cost tile furmer more Since 1847, the year : Rogers Bros. originat ed electro- lily.., 17, Sooth Lebano n. ·'Yell.) guesa you have." find nothing than ten oents an acre to s lect out l l:iOld ever.VW llere. . . • plating. silverw are bearing t.he trade mark "00 ROBERS BROS.· .:.. .. ''---Grover C. .F ox, 26. boo keeper of would console bElre.-T he Delineator. of his wheat· bin the phIlO\) st and . . h~ been renown ed for Cluali,ty, wearabi lity ,and beauty. heavies t kernels 'for ' seed. H will SOllth Lebano n and Rebepo a Snook. Bel4uty llllLy lJtl 111\ UO\l~U~lIt, but then Improve his crop and yi eld. nO'ooe h l-l ever t I "en )Ilt l ' I"UNnO S 111, of Sou'h ILebano n. INSECT l"OTES sgllintl t It Much 'klndne ss and res pect tor anl----- - - ---Estate TraJUfers. 'rbe loss to nursery men and or mals can be taught chlldrel l by gil'ln g A born 1>11 "' ltV OIlU oft-eu uvude ohardls ts ot the state from in seot them pets. A pet POllY has often George F. Mills to Ida Havens , lot pests during the stamped on forks, spoons and fancy servin~ pieces i•• hos been taught cblldren valuabl e l esso n ~ about II dutv bnt 111 " Il\duotu red buuuLII;,r; , guarant ee of heavies t plating, perfect workma nship and in Harvey sburg, II. 'a RerloU8 one. The toll levied by t,be the horse and gl veil them Incentiv es pay' I~ vy t.llrtff . exquisit e design, aSNring long and satisfyinir service. Any tor outing In the fresh air. Emil Hteler to C. U. Collins , lot in wllny differe nt t'peoiel< - - -,of a.phlds article of silverw are marked 11.119 ROIUS BROS:'. may be Two Deer.f leld, In One upon the vitality of plllnts was inselected without ~ther investig ation, '''Ie should s lect our hem; from llr B~II'>I Aur.I.Pu lll hi both 1111 ludeed heavy. Perhap S the g reatest some good floclc that Is IV01l br II und Sold by leading dealers everyw here. Send for cawOlU l ternu.l tlUU externl l! rt1111l;ldy , it I~ ~~~~~~~======== injury from this 01a88 of !nBeots " C-L" showin g all patterns . W88 where the hens have a uniform ap· un Kntisep tio r tlulIJdy Ilud de:4 t·ro j" tbat OR,used by tbe rosy a.pple apbtll pearanc e and then buy a II rst clllss ui:lel}se gerwtI ::)olu tlverv wher~ un .IIUDII I BRITAII .. il ·co., •• 'ld.lI~ c .... rooster from some l)rceder who hilS (IOUlrnaU onai SUTer Co~· 8Q_r.) II pUMiti ve' gUl1rlontel;l . . Uompla !nts and speoim ens of injury a differen t s train of the same breed. It wpre reoeive d from prao~ioally all 80 as to avoid Inbre ding. ',eotion s of the state. -_._ -""-- ... The Ullellth y KldDe1S JIakc Impure Blood. questloi l or tb llrOller amounl San Jose sOli.le, tbe apple le~f bop of seed to 80W Is nevel' se Wed. Two Weak and unbealt hy kidney~ are. re- per and w0~ly . apblsh ave IpOJIlible for mucb sicknes sandsuf ienng, wont offende rs against been the and one·half bushels of !Iverng(· oal ;;. nursery sown broadca st. are not too mil Ill'. Oil . therefor e, if kidney stook. Serious 10S£l, a6 u@ual, has average land. 1\ vCl'ugl! soasons : IInrl trouble is permitte d to I continue, serious re- rel:lulted to Ilvple stook frow ,wooly about one-half bllshel less ,when . sults are most likely Ilphis. In one nursery this inset t drilled in. Is loolled IIllon as abollt to follow. Your other WIlA found to. he Rifeotio g lle~r stock rll;bt by most OLI.tsgl·owel·s. organs may need atc; tentioll. but your kid- resultin g in oonside rttble Insy Commo n wood asbes ...... Ith n few in one neys most. because blook of pear seedlin gt! IUJd ahlo in poultry dropphl s. !Ire a- ch eop anti they do most and should have attentio n some ooe·yel u buds. P ellr S.t oc k most approv eu fertilize r for the gmpi! AIL'J •'Foil' ' , ~ first. Therefore, when does not easily withstl1 nd an attaok vlncB. Too rich a fertilize I'. such as stable manure alon e. produc S 11 1 your kidneys are weak or out of order. of this inseot a.nd seldom etNLY reoov9 rs growtb so rank tliat l'ot Is apt to bo_ you can understa nd bow quickly your en. f h tire body ill affectccland how every organ frolU serions lDfestllt-ion 0 t e ron( s . encoura ged, While the flavor of the ' teeml to fail to do its dutr" The apple leaf hoppbr contini !,IS fruit Is impaired by the nature and U you are sick or ' ~ fee badly," be~tl to be trQuble some to some nUfsery \ rapidity of growth. taking the great kidney remedr.. Dr. , Kilmer '. Swamp-Root. A trial Will con· men by ita Ilttaok up0n . , the leaves ot. Thoroug h tarring uf corn , will, to a vince you. of its gr~t me~t. ' nursor y stook. Its oontrol i8 rather.t great ell.ten~, pre,'ent pulling by crO\~8 The. mIld and unm"dl8 te. effect of di.ftl It d b ~ l'ttl effort bBI been , .m d blackbll'(ls, but pE;rbaps gophel a . Mc~all's Maga zine . Swamp -Root, the great . kld~ey and . ou lin u ~ e . nd ground sqnlrreJ s would only laugh ,: bladder Je~ed)'. is &OOD reallied. It. ,made to oheck lts rllvage , Is a large, artistic. 11~nd5dniely' iil\lstrat,e(l 'hundre d-page, mot.Jth1r s ,-0blO . magazine. It it. Molst~il the se d with warm .' .taDd.the .h~g~e&tbe~ause~tsremarkable Depart.ment of Agrioi'l lturl'. tains sixty I:'.ew FIl~hion 'Design!; in each iSliue. Every ' ~vo!nan needs it f<?r i~s up· ter: thim stir, In: coal at tlie ,tiealth restonh g ' propert ies havt: been fashions. : eutertil i' ories and complet e in[otmation on • _. . raven in thousan ds of the most distresshorne" r<~ of ...... 'teaspoon Cui. to thetarpO(1k. · be. , " Over Orie .riiillion ·f\ubsoribers. Acknowledged. lhe best Ho'me and and personal topics. ng cases. If you Deed a ' m,edicille" you Fashion - MagllZ~ne. A Pain Remed y In sure to stir. until evel'Y kernel Is Regular 'price,' 5 cents a COPYI W, rtb double; . ~ollid have th.e be~. . Both interna l and 'extern al iA need. blat . ' Dry' with ashes! , ., Ia.nd plaster . ~1a by cJ,rnggll!ts' In 'eQ daily by ~1.n08t every fILOiUy .. or S.aked lime. M~~I. 'P.tterOs . fifty-cent alid ,O UMO!'K ' b'" I ' f" D Bell' · A ti .Jar sizel. You mllY '. -:So simple ,all cannot mis~t;'derstand tllem. eep a. ott e o. r . , .. III , n , ', Do I't hnllglue . Orie of 'rhe best newspa\,ers in t\lis pari of ' . unless y.ou bave an have !' IBmple bottle Absolu~Jy ac'Curate. In ty Ie, Irreprbachable. '. Pain . Good f~r all kinds . Of.. .I)o,~el extrand lnllrr I~ge, )the Stat~. Give. 'all the neVis that's' fit to print.· bank account ; ' .. by mail fr(:C~ also a Y,ou rna, ~hct, f,ree, any,McC all Pattern you ' lnteresting and' progress trouble s. . Ex~ernally tor , iOUtEt, " tll'at , 'ou can ' go out. .anQ ive. Indi~pen5able 11) -:0;buy good . .....phlet telllng: you desire from 1"- fir ~ umber of the magazine evety Waynesville h~me. R"gular price~ burn~. SPUlDS aDd all pains. ~trong· d ' r " n~ tUne you 'l.OO . taJ(e a no. .. which bow to 6Dd oubt If you ~ave t~t!.y or ly aDtlsep tio. 'Sol\1 fCIU. ry ReiuJ/Ir pnlle. ~5 d:nu. per . y,~r. .-:.. everyw here .. . uaon •••~:so:I" way to get an eml'ient .. . , ' . ..: bladder trou t e. Mentlon DIe paper .: ' . _ . ' . " J wbeD 'writlllg 'to Dr. Kilmer & Co:'. . • . . . lierd III to raille ),our o,wn cows. " IJiDg~toa, N. V. Don't make any millYou ,Cbe.wi ng ~um may ~ot be a nice may sU.rt In ~ by some good' take, batremem~ the name, Swamp- habit, bot moat people would aoat._~ dOD~t.1et • desler lieU yo.u tee you doing it tban lilteil rather ioundat !vn stock,. but; wheo this h~ ' to you been don6 figure on Improv ing tile .~iD ,pJace!" Sw~Root-if ,i. - IJerd by burinll OOd bulla di_~ be ~ppoiDW. k.... helWa 'f rom 'rom' beat :1I


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'Pla te tha t Wear8-"







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01111 la KidDe,. Are ', '

WeakeDed b, Oyer-Wor..

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AN IRRESISTIBLE BARGAIN . $1.75 Value lor On ly $1~20 One Year's Subscripti~n . lor McCall's Magazine· Any lS~tent ~cCall Patter~ '. you may , s~~eel One . Year's' Subscription for .Miami Gazett~ ' cOn- "





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'tHE . MIAMI Publi.bed



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Hot W 'e'athe r ~ COU~TYj;, FAIRLEXHIBITSJ






AND , T he Ohio Experi ment Station ~a.1I Just illllued Combln.tlo Olroulu n Ch.nKed - locka Ourb.ul.d - S.... 1.~.lIt . r 101, desorlp tlve ' l' It B~:'1' DlI' III~ I, Il l,! tlU lllilnAr &e ll !<O Il t h .. r p OIellll lletbep lpeand t,rapco nneot. ofthefllir ex~ibitswblo b ara now lr ' mor n open d ,)Ors ROll window.." ed witb Ihe kitcheo ~in k often with being sent out anDual ly to a. num b~ r ¥ J\J.I.I£Y 'r1U.&l!-HONE-- O,'-LL No. 1I ~ !ll1lttll v"Ilt.i lllti ol I and Ulora :Ullt of b ot lIoupsudll. , of oounty ful r s, The iS8Ut1nCe uf this ,t, .. ", hi ,· thA n In cold wee·tho r, .lli of CHEST NUT UD fRONT STS:, COLUIISIlft, OHIO Spo that the garbag e Itl frequen tl y tli ronl~r oomme morate s, io a ensa. 1>, L. CRANB, Editor and Mamll!'cl wll1 c lo 'Utl lo1~hly ·iavl.)r,,(-,IA to lIIlln's remove d, the holding of the fin;t IIogr icultur lll lllJ }I>lcu l ",.· 11 h"l I~. hilll' o8t Cleanli nesll CObt.s lometh lng iu fuir in Amerlc ll, whloh \Va hold a t Rotcs of Subscr iption 01 ~l,tlt!e lIt1tnml IILd"JotB lie" 01 the tinle, mouey Cu ts ;!nd Cou rt Plaster. tllHl etIort, butsick uf'H$ Pittsfie ld, MllI!S" just one hundre ...,,-----------~-u llil Y"u r olrll'U)' ln Lulvanc:Il) .... , .. . * I.UI t1eOFo n . Many jlPopl" Illaka tb mls lake ot oostEl muoUll lore, ye ars " go i In Sl.ugle I;OIlY . . . ... . .... " ... ' . . , .. , .0 0 tbe SUlllIDo r of 1810. \I s ing . ' 0\11' 1 IIln!':lf'r over n cut. nn UIJ I II,· " .f ,.. , 11 "If nigh t "'ir The I V~,t A warm uath 8hould be taken III Th e \:itu tlOn made ex.-hibltl:l ut coun- plal'lle l' (' I o~ '!I rh(, wO'"1d prpl1latut'~'1 MltlElP In f " III ... wlH, 01.1 ' n W'1IIt1"W 1I leli s t on oe a week. The VJ safest tim p ty fnirtlus 'ea rl y uS 1 Il l , !lnd did so TlI'Cl'l!l1 tillg lb., 1l11111 1'111 rl"nn s rqg~, 6t RateR of Ad"l!rl i s iog {u"i",t " I It .. VII.~ cl • " ( rm.h IIU' in for taking 'it is just before r e tlr- oooll/du ually until 1\1 05, wu e u the geo Lh > woulld alief til" Pg"I' HH nf Ilny par· J( UllllIlIg LllI'ul~ , per IInu . •·. , . . , ' r l' k ] GI' lwulle, "WI 1- , " I, l et'. ft ud whel'IJ ver lng, ti el '!! of dirt \\'hl <:lI I, 'ay lo a' ,. ntlred . 1 ,! [ Y(" l " ,'O I'ClLdl .. " L" !Uld. hlllCk lun:. IlCr lI uB, ... U u.l l I'; tosup p Y erl1l , poli oy of muking fl~ ir exhi tJi t s It IMIII Iiec.1 (I • . "o ~ U, 11_ ul!;o Il eel1!! tho e d g,,~ "'IMlU Ih" 1IJ11lS l ue ~ " ll are. 'f'Lk .. : "lvIlUl,a!:lt' 1) ( wurm II .. I', l. I'ne-our A cool sponge bath ltl the> I ' : n l ng WtlS Ildo pted , !dilletl tUel\, v ,'Ir ~a lll e with this high,wheu ev e n nglllg th e po s 1'IlI'IIl"llu, .. ' I' hroo hu;erLIIJ Il" .. • . .•• ••. . ... ~!k W.'U.tLlI l tu h VI\.Ui III lh~ I "llellrly 11>' pOII",lhl e is a wholell ome sti mula nt I. C L,' ; "1" , hi ,f of OllilUlirl Cti, li ve Illd,CIl Iroo; ovur II\'u rl:! were v\l!ite<l , the r etluestl:! fur ll'un l llll)nl of a ellt do '1(. [ he III I()o ' gr : ~dr: :..liver ~a re ree uuder 0p .. II -IlIl· c·.onditi ons, Incl,,,,,, IlOr lill o . ...... . t'l1llttio n /Ln rl to t he JItUVOUI:I lIy ::!t.cIll . the ex.hibit hllve bean lllu rlJ uf 1\ 100 lIurry DUmOrO to ~ lfl il t il' hi ',ling. II UI:! C( ~t , \\.'rite US for our spe"rei of thunks . .. , . . . ... . . . , , . .... , , . ~~ Flies und 'WOI:!(luHOtll4 IoI h o'U li\ he In. /I \V 0 r,i , th e IIltill must be kept-lu::! to mllke it nooessl lry IflSt yeur to l; n)I'!lt' all Hrl "I')' b " ' V 'l'"rI, wh I c h . ' Resolutio n "' .... , ..... ". , . .. . . ,., .. . , CitlC k t' IJL o utol'th e Jl ouseby wlreHC reao t' olel1n b . . Olllt'!! el'ltl ' lIt h.l· I III' f(Jrdh le s ~l\l rt' l (;1.11 o ffc.; r. , 80 lal8 etc . whl;l'6 c hllr~u II! (1II11,1 ~ . . . . .. . Addre ss lIenu o u t du pli cate exhibltl :l, whioh Ing of lh l' 11 '00'1. I h" 1II Is rlil U(, NI of 2110 not only for tUtl <laka of oomfor t PI~"luy Ad vcrtlslng pt'r Inc h . . . . , Avolu tl lae l'lng tn o ll)thlnl.( that it! rellc h eu tweur.y fail't!, 1n all tlfty haslo, Eueh 111 rll II (' II I or (1',, (. ul llf'ctl ll g U tsco Ull1 8 gl on "II 1!IJ lll m .\. 1 00 UUI, uli!O t'or tjll.u!tar y reMIous . Sl',I\NDAf.O FASHION COMPANY They woru thr o ugh tile duy, ex bi bit,t! IH~va peen lIIade in fort V aid s In 1'. ' IIIIo'·rlng Ihl' wOlilld Illltl SI3 I)' lZ·16 VI.",! um SIreet, New York, N. Y. of t tl II oarrt ditlel1l1e Etlpecia l cltre WllHhing the bunds before eating, oo untles : For thi s yellr tic, a s lhe IJllioti " O il lug tro lll wIthin three exshould be t!lkeu to keep tbem out of keeping the moulh , tingerJ L V 13, I~I O, nails anl! hitJit3 (tr e bei n g prepllre d, which c1en$se s the wound 11 0 1 lI ," t ha n any other applica tion . Afl " . rre bleed. the < om . nlulal pll811uge s olello. are as hnpor- will reuoh ~6 fairs 'in the followi ng tieapil of houlleh old I1nd stable re- tant for ad ul tl:l atl for c hildren In g bas been aIJowcd for n f ew min · . c ouuties : Allen, Ash tlluala , Athens utes a . j f 'J'll AWA Y, 011> IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU fU8B afford breedin g pll\ces for files , let 0 stream of hot Will r , \ hl clo I" Per80na l oleanlin ess Is mora thun Augli.i~e, Bellllo n', Ohamp aign, hus previou sly beon lJOlll'd , rlln O V l'!' Water left in old tin QIl.DS, buoktlt8 , u fud o r 11 luxury -It m6dn8 'fhat our little city of Wayne sville healt h COl! h oc Lon , ~tllte, Vr t.ene, GuerDs ey, tb tl wouod , Thill will cleans lh e " .'~ \ '.1o!:! l'ille's Lellduw Do'i.&""I!5 is the most beautif ul. most pictur- bll.rrelt! and pools furnillh es breedin g and life, and ell 'clt th ~ bl e'dlng, -FlltD· O flice in K ey!:! Bld/o:, Bumilt oD, H UDcoc k, Bardin , H ar r!- Iledges Milin St l' lJoclor. esque little vil1ag~ in the Miami Val~ pluoe:4 fur ulol:!qultoes, 00 a WIIY Le~8 fo Jd is u eeded iu hot wellth- son, Locl1ln,LuC8s , Mari o n, Med lnu , le)"1 But thel'e are several thing3 with "lIl1oo h !!ouro8l:1of evil . er thun io cold. Meroer , Mi,umi, Morrow , Mns kingum Neglected. Proteo t the bl1lJy frolU exoel:lt!lve that must be added to make it u~ful Eat le8t! fat" sllga.r Ilnd ruellt 10 Potoum , Sclot" , Stlnecll und Wasb lJum e RumorOh, whut heat, kno'w and pretty, Some of the things are : damme r, l1ud mllre fruit Ilnd vagel - tngton . about you! 'l'he buby tl hould h,IVtl Il WllrOi ables, til me handso me electric ·ligh ~ arch"Irs. Grundy (cagcr ly) - III It loose, 'rhe ma te r ial cOIIIPQsing tb e ex. es to light tbe town and make for bllth tlvary dllY with p"rtlou ltu ' t my d ' art Slart somethi ng! Beware of un80un d fruit ILDd ve,.- hibits is n ot Imtered in ry It oompEl tit.ive frolll t-he taotion to fiuler-u luls Ilnd eyes , . et:abltl8, ' , 1 ho usetops ! Purvey th pub· a village beautif ul. cl1l8ses, It Is not n. di spll1Y of tioe !lelty to yo ur h a rt's con t lit! The food vl11ue of milk for older . Mfftt once It. dRY il:l enough . Some more hitchin g racks , in order except vroduot.!I, It is illu8t.rll t ive of the ' Du llle Hu mor- Don't you care? ohildre n Ilnll adults should he reoog· for tOQS6 d' in hard mU 8cuiur e xperUl thlll we may have more people come lUI'S. Grun dy- are nothing ! Why, len t work of the !dtllt.ion . ntzed, but this oautioo is to be beed. l.. bor, bere to do tht!il trading . Euoh f atnre is t1 grliphio present a. peo pl Wink so IItt! of m e nowad ays lhnt I r a.ll y require the serv It 18 nor simply /I, n of what "Ion of Rome great tru th. ~m6t band concert s, in orue r to ad: milk ill t tl be U8ed 88 a. too;;. oot of a T h ese busliing press agent to keep ices 01 0 tro m Ir ... c p in touch with our neighb oring 411'" drink. Ou' of tbe IItoUll1ch ooe may ellt, It is ofte n of morl' trutbs are so prese nted Ill! to mftke drift lug In lo Innocllou R des uetude! UlllII ill .. liquid; in tbe stolll"o h it is import ano" wheo towns, and h o w 'tbe food a most enduri ng impres sion on the " lIohd . it ill highly danger ous Is eaten , LotB of enthusi asm among our About the on ly way to e ve r g t a mind of t he visi"or . One Illustra tion rarm clenn Is to 1Il1l1(e Il de termine d mercha nts, in order to get the peo- when une is heated to drlDk severa. l, Do n ot out when very tirad. wi1lsh ow the ohllrllo tor of the whole f\'o rt from'th v ry first uny of s pring ple to do lht!ir trading . here, aIlver- Klalllltlll of oold Dlllk in lIuo06!!lIion to Ilnxiout l or angry, Ka.t IIlowly, chew exhibit : 10 the dillplay lilst ye"r - not to let weds grow an bour more quenob one's tblrdt- , til:ltll thoron ghly ( ol"rly brea/l o-ud was placed entire produo t of two lhan poss ible [L"te/~h ey first show. 8e oarefnl uot to eat, unripe or starohy fuods ,) Remem A good town hall, in order to have be r thut, apple trees which stood In tbtl l:lam e Ol'e r 4,000 pOl ato digge rs are used over-I ipe fruit It mlly OIlUlie bowel It. hlllih if! often bet.ter a pilice for large gatheri ngs, tbun d. pill to orohllr d onty 30 feet dpart- one In th Slat of l\lalne alone t harvest trouble d , M.un s~reet paved from end to end. aid digestlo .1 . spraye d and tbe other uuspra yed . tlle c r p, .If th se were Infectlo ull 1118ea8e s aro 80metim As all hooked Avoid t·b e ulle of intux lclIutS. Among the g od things we already Tbe remark able dI ffe rence in butb ,tog th I' with u team of ho rses W ' . ouovey ed by (1ir~y haodsl lud tloKHr· Drink plenty of WlUer, have are: a e h It would mllk~ a proc ssloo 15 quantit y un' l quality of the fruit mit e!; long. L~dies! Save Money and Keep·iD, nllilll '!'raln ohildre n tl' 'Ill IUb their 'I'htl 8ewerll~fI '"yste m 'of the bod'y spoke for het ter orchard Cood sidewal ks all over town. m ethods in bllnds bttfore ' Blitlug Ilud to keep shoulll be in good workin ====~= Style by Reading McCall'. g orde~. more eloque nt terms than the "latGood water and good light. If Y(JU hovo ple nty or room plant tbeir flnger.n ailtl short Ilno ~olean, Uonstlp ltt.lpn is lin fwil "lid form speake r or the Magazin e and Ulilll McCall Pattel'lll A good mayor and a good council . J')rlnted page n Va riety gll rd en . S lect several dlf. 1t 11Idilngerouit 10 tlulUlUer to over, a breede r of evil!!. ' McCaI1'. M.I •• I .. wl\1 Good churche~ und pl~oty of then' could employ , fol' lit va rietles of. encl! vegetab le and M~S MNiAZIHE billp 'OU dress BtylbelA' lohe blot)d tbroug h too vtolen\ .~ vo!'1 drlnltio lC water from well"4 I!Jbly at II ' modora16 and goo J lodge~" good swres and The .,xbibit is accomp anied by tesl them side by . side. In this way oI]Jenle by keopl n If exertlo o io work or pillY, Ol hyex- or etre"lll s expolle d tu filth oontnru - represe ntiv6s (If tbe Stlltion and YOli con ael t the e~r ll eat , latest. and good banka. yOU p0 81ed on the most reliabl e yurl tI s tor your · 6011. latest r ". bI00 8 In What w~ have not got, and what poente t-o ~ bi"h t,"ruliH rllture ~n ho~ tnution 8 otherR famihe r wltb its work to exclotbos and ball, 00 roolll:! or ill the IIUtl . On extrf'm ely b otd,IYIl \vAI\r lh!ht, plain the exblbit Ilnd New Fasblon De. lgn! we have got, all pu t toge t.her. would tell the The fBrU)best roos ter lhat In el can 'h Issue. AIIIO be found Do' \lot, hel1fru t.t of l·hA "'1I1Hhlu8 loose clothinl {, wltllt Oil 11111 tlh,uly ertl, and otberll interell ted make j or a beller cOlnlOunity_ valollblo InrOrmllU OII of the work tor what YO II can afford to pay sbould 00 all b omo and perin all rooms IIf yll'"' h"U8~ Sun- lIirIe 01 the strfl Rt Gil "Jowly \1\ ell. of J.h e Station . The StaMoo ho.s be select d. It Is ' ea sy to grade liP a sonal m8UOnJ. , OolY 'lilChl I... bt1 I1Avt'11 t,i he hltul t l Ol1i. · eryt,hiDJl (10 k to good be ns by using the best 000 II yeaf. locludlnlf Old Ulcera . provide d n.lnrge 35x60 f Poet t e nt un a (ree pattern, Sub· rooste rs very yea l' and seil ing nil of Are III1 .. ij,!ht.·y 1\111\ ,hlllecHr On\l, Iy "11 (Jltl f!"ill~ lJr')lluol"K hll olt" i,l Kerlb today or aIlnd Avo\(l lJroIlnO/ltlld ha.tbln~ "\ 00 1<1 der wbich to dlspla y -~t.he exhibit til , pull ts that ror free snmple COllY, are not up to t he Or 1:St1l .. ALII h· .. I-' II 0 :-\"IVH WIll bt'al Unl. wbile thp8tl hltot.tlrht Ilrt! ,I 'ln WItte r , Uolc.l bAthtl;l" III (lltUl(e rnll8 There is no obarge and e veryon e bl' ed stan dard. M<CaIl P.n.... will ollilblo you to mlko In YOllr UJl<m pr"""1 I \I JI, I" OIIl'HI bod g' r.rU " , thtlre 1M grt>nt ow n h lllllO, wit h YOUfOWIl hands . clotblo R (or to illlOled lut.ely aftel" bellony 1111'111. interes ted iEi weloom pl .. .,,.,HlI til 1I"j\ ~ 5( ! 'l II' ,X. l:iold }'ourso l( Ililfl chllllr n whflob will be porfuct e. Every farmThe l(Jv dog!; ha va fo r c hlldr II Is thl1 tlllllvhl u In stylo nnd flt , Prl ce-n ono blgher Iban 16 , .. 1 !lnll t" tb ·! publlo In W,,1t fLn bonr or two. flV, ry.,lwr p , er in thR above narned H.Dd in nnr J'emarkahl . Many C Dis. end ror tree P8\lurn'C a,aloeue, ' Instanc s are on abll'Hll 1nt IIUlllij(ht., ole>tnllOt'oIl4,IIII,1 l::Ieltltb 1M lIl'L~'1I0rfldl~RI , t,be BHnk by 'counti es should mn,ke W. Will Gi.. Yi. flMr PnMeb ror ' Konlor IIIIb· 1m eff Qrt to 'r or!! wh er e dogs hllve lost .crlptlon s RmllDg your fri e nd!!. Send (or (roo " . LJI"6.III1A 1(11. 111111 OIull·1 IOf Life their li 14uund MIlln GENERAL r:A~r\' NOTES Do lI ,lt overdr aw, yOI~I' I' , olllium '1I'''lo~'\IU Bnd Oosh Prllo·OJl'or. see the exhibit t·his year, \I lles In lin att mp t to 11J'ot ct ch ilply I"plrtl ,V hi dllril, Illl1llP ,,1111 til ' hv oouo,. T1I!.<CAll OO.rANY, 23hZ4" '.. 37110 SI., III1fYOII dl' n. A good , sell ble dog Is a de· The ilhlBtn ted ciroulu f 11:1 -being t;lrnbl e COOlIlllll'Jon si for chlldJ'en wh An , verule of 150 eggB per beo dur, ,)111 ("''', l'hHrt< ruJ'tI ttlt. 10 th'i tl UI\ · en ( A Ilipted frllm "u\leli n i8tlued by sent t·o tbe regula r mull in/{ llst Bnd left alone or wh n 1\ lit on eJ'J'ands , Ing the ft t ll1 y ar or .llIylng 18 fatrly h ll ll" flV'Au If It c.Io,·EI fade I Itt eM- 11(l1llt.ll-E<)uOlttlon Leltgu .. of BOEltoJ1, to others UpOD lV3CJnetlt to the Ohio .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-=~ goad laying. pulle t8 In good bealtl:o ~ta ~nd the wan p"per b,v Wilflen Col, Chl\lrl.n nn o f PIl\.lO- Experi ment ~tatioD. and vigor sbould ay I'IIgt! this numbel W oo!lter. Ohio Keep 'he bOUII" ·Ci,·'III. "!lp"o, " I1.v IlIr l1:rt1l08t i " D ')omml ttee,)f Amlniof ('.811. During tbe socond Yllllr tbey wlll IllY aboul lin Iler cenl , re wer eggll, ollllw t,l' , cellar ·, Itltl" t,"8 b .'l k y"rdtl Cull M·,uiolt l !\ ltllooiat ion ) Work 24 ~ours a Day and ('acb 8uce adlog YOllr col'l'espond, 'rhe BeartStre nlUl, or Bean Wea~ lJIeaIII~fII'ft blll4ie ~ t little t hing" ove~ Unde rtake In,ly le wer. r and 8trenstb, 01' NUTe Weakne.- 1\oUatuJ llON,i J'oI.' mltde Ilre Dr . King 's N:ew Lifa Pillil Wvel" Dot one weak hsn In. bUDdled It. In SEES ' PERIL eel', Ev ~ry pill Is " 8ogtll' cOMed globule actuall,. IN SHINY diseued. n II atm_ at..,.bo SHOES • Will be fo und . In the old Illggs trom vllry old bellS IIbollla hidden Un,. IItt!., nerve that naU, I. of b ealt,h . thnt obange~ weukn e~A fault. Thll obtCure nllJ'Ve-th ll cardiac. 01' Bean !fane Blink Buildin g. opposit e not be ulled for I bUlIlblug IluI'POllltlll, Take _Impl, Up Too Much of Wearer '. At. YOUThFUL VICTIM 'OF . CUPID Into "tlong th, Illn~n o r into energy . Deedl, and moo ba~ IlIOn DOWeJ', mon th e Nu.tio nld ~ nk. , ' Select I)~gfl from youllg bll'ds or gooa ItAbll~. mo.,., ooDtn>lIm.: mol'll " I0~ . tentlon, Say I a Writer In I New brain fag into m~ntnll)()~e r; c urin g , atren 1'elcph Without \bat Ule Heart Dill" OODUn. o ne in h OD e !LDtl t)lll , color, 10I',"1 aud bl'\:I~d cbarac· of And the Boy Wa. R.ady With the Ex· Conllt,ip Btion. B eadll obe Ohm-, DYIl&0 fa ,and the stomach and klGDeJI alIO baft York Ne\(1l,l paper, fice wher e J oa.n be oollerl terhlUca . SI) clal attentloll mUN. , bl' these tame controllln a IUIlTeIL CUll That Ha. Done Duty for papRf" , tliftLI .. riu 2fic at Fre d 0 d·n.yor night, This clearl, e:rp1tJill wh, mldtcIJ I=. given ·to 8eleclio~ II lbe breed III to 80 Many Centurl e •. ~ h W llrlz '~ Shoop'. Restorr.Uvo has In \he ... It has be!'ome a matter of 80me, . PNl done 10 VIl))ey be jm"rov e,!h. It paYII to UBII reallon doubt for l'honA weak and allln. Bea1'III. Dr. 8boop ft_ m 14-2. 10 the mlndll of many people Ule C&UJII of all thllpalnful. palp.II"Ia~w.., 1Ii!~ and Judgme nt In breedin g (owls whethe r patent leather sbO\!I lI!lould Ina heart dlstreu. Dr. Shoop', Main Street. ~U..-tbll John Duncan Is six yean ' old, and \Vaynes vill41, Ohio. popular prescript ion-fa .lone dlrIoIe4 to it.. \ bo worn In the streets . ts It safe or I. lives In a nice, comfort weak The Langua ge of Rapture , and wanlDIl able nerve bouse. oenten. at ' n buU4lJ _. ____ _ . _ Ordinar ily. Ir a farm Ill' BOWS ILtflllfa It .ol? Should we endang er our live. ~o , :l056 l~trcngt,be~ltolferareal,l8Dle:eJa.nllel ~ She ~8 Ellst one Ninetie of a Sundny th street, walking aay. In the spring, he bas hla old enomy, In tbe dls trllotlon of traffic when. by tbe --- -.701l~'Iehl~ ~.:~ Cl eveland Leader. lie started tn party which was we nding Its WilY the weed8, to COli ttl lid wllb lJ tb" wearing '1 IlIghtly le8s shiny 8hoell, we 0 gilt ~::,on.. D884ed, 11M ;,aernann educati on at ~olton scbool II Allon be damp Ilild dourly, lil t! uiralll' oould give our attentio n to ard to the bl'ow or West Rook. Good for Nothing but the dodging IIOt long Ilgo, I)ut the beauty of a lit· soutbw Eyes At a turn In the path there burst on may Dot grow rast, but wOtldll 11'111 automobiles nnd ducking street carl tie girl of about his .own age proved her view that vi sta which scld om fRils - -- - - - - 'l'be refore, JUD!! may lIee him Ulow:nJ,: Nfl child should be allowed out alone far Dlore attracti ve to him than did to Impress ~he one to retard a rampan t growtll of weed .. 10 ' patent leather shoes- that Is detor the firs ·b f ttRnythlng that bls plltieot tellcher heholdl ng It, a view hlu'dly ttotime be Su bSCrl e or th e- GIUlltead ot gllt.1lerlng a 11I'01lt trle cut· cldea wlthoul a momeri t'. doubt: but az~ e .. . auld orror. Whenev er tbe opportu nity aq ualed In this part of New England , tlog of prime bay. eVen people of maturer ,years are not 'came this youthfu l lover At her teet lay the resttng ci ty In Its ,would ,stonl Quite responi lble for their own ialety over to his heart's desire and fairly le ngth alld breadth , Its stre.ets and Tbe fact bll,S bllen cOllcluslvely, wh~ n wearing patent leatber. aboes. smothe r her wllh true · lover's kl!!ses, houses and public buildings sta nding M.~~U.~. proveD that It Is pra()Ucally IIII\losslble They cannot be, no matter what their In vain did the teacher protes t out 61eal' In the I o.l1 ess s pringtim e. to feed batter lat Into milk wben tbe strength of charact er, It one's shoes against these at'dent manifes tations of trastwa rd was sentine l East Rock, OOWII are alrelldy receivin g a good will fiblne, sO: one '''mullt watch them, affection: The kisBes multipl ied In wltb It's henven ward pointin g shl\ft lull ration ot proper feedlug stul'fl:. and If one 'walks with' ooe's eye, number and Increall ed In thetr."a rmtb r!!Hectin g the weste rln g sun . Sou th· 'fbo butter fat content of In.llk, llIlarg6· riveted 00', one's Hashing teet, one of until finally 8 oote was sent to Jobn's ward were the wate rs ot the bluo hnr· I), au Individual chllrlloclel'lullc, vary · necessit y bumpa Into .ometht ng, and father, wbo Is an erudite and dis. bor, and" furth er the bluer waters or lug, of cour.IIIl, wltti. the B aSIJn or the ,It 'Is nothing le811 tblin oold luck If l!nguhlhef\l ' lawyer with offices In the the sound, while ooe could Illmo!lt year. Ilnd the. Itlngth of tilD e tbe cow the somethi ng i. 8 lamp-po at or a Pollt. Perr;y-Payne dl8ce rn .In tbe dimm er dlstanco lhe building, by been olilked. man , Instead of a lIying fire engloe. "Why, my boy," said the rather, white · aands of Long Island , It WI\8 A nd tllen .0ne'(I pro,resl l II ao slow. serlousi y. "how could you diliobey an Impress ive vIsion, nnd the b('boldc r Absorbed, captiva ted, held spellbou nd your teacber ?" was visibly Impress ed. Her ruby lips .by one's own , boot tips, ona Is so very The slx·year -old Locblnv ar made no parted In a burst of fR'Pture , and thla ~.Ilt 'to,"arrl ve 'Int~ at - the place one reply'. la what sha s~ld:. '.:. ' was going to . or forget complet ely "Ain't It classy? "-New Haveo Reg"Wby did you keep on kissing thll one's . delUnat ion .and .Ioldn, ODto. little gtrl?" .· Ister. ~ park ' bench , wave one's II10wly "Well, papa," laid Johnny , ' joyous. about, bew.itched . by, theirfeet Iparklln lr . . When a Big Hotel ~lgb .lIgh~:, ', Hol1l!-tid b.',iQOst' "llely ~~,;:'Ihe . c~rtalnI Y did lcipk good to Talk 110tof lool till youFa,hIII, ave seen and Jdri41)' ,ol>enf'd ~p a ~lde ~bOl"Oul'" And the InqUisition. ended then ' and a ~I, ho~\ fashion 'are tor those pe~oD~ _who- "ref~r there. able restaur ant ' , In bankrup tcy! , The riot of plllago roller.. ska~e • •to ot·b er 'm~ell of coo- . th~t roi~OW8 ' thp .coll.apse of obe at veyp,nce, !lnd. Dothln; : mo... .thall -' , , thoae ,extensi ve ' 'olorprl ses Is, incred· lIuman~ pr~cau'~I()D\ the city' 0\1ltit ~ ~. '. .~ ~"I '~. d, Ible ' 'utitU' yo'li have verJfted 'tt with ·' et lislde ODe stt"t for tllole Inco... , And ttJflO no t~11I, ng~~I, w1;lft.t-:o-unle88 yonr ,' eYe,s. Tip- did n~t s e:e ' ' ' r.lllbl7: v~DtureBOQie ptIopie ' '"tio "wlll 10~ Dy ', JlelJ.'e PI1!.~ Tar,~ Boney" \lac~, of -,PekJn by wear,;pa teJit lea,ttier boot.I.D' . Uts ,the be,s~, '.Rek yonr ·t:tehthbor" h~lards the , ~8,aer.' tbe alll!3s. ' b~t,. he . ,. .. . tl~0 that ,New ' York 'li)yenlnc SUD; Lc;lOk . fO" ' ~h8 ~I,l on the ~ottle, . oo~ bav~ ~een a marker. .to It could the,:k~o ckt '. . ' , ' .~. ' Sold everyw her,e , . ,1, , .. '. Y()U ". .,down-an~-drag-out method~ , t11';\t fo~ '• . ' - , ' " lo,w the .JIPP9I~tme.nt .ot a r celver for ere,. ate·. m"n" kiDde of.beau~y, a twentIe th -century caravan , ~ sary. iAU .~ • 1lmoun o.f capl.tal , ln.veate4 In . • ~d many' beautl88 ."'h~ are 'u~hi~, vE\Dtur8t':-l8. lar,e, ~uJ:8e, and, i ot Jt i,&.,-Fepr eaented b)'IIQrt able til'_.e , . '. . ' tIol~. " ''n9aJl1t~ utma.t c.,.~; ',jt'~ !lext ·, ~x h to, Iblpoaai~e '~or a , ,tnulge r W I8t . ::: ::: ~ , Hoe o~ thole auete, act IIIIUl,. 0( ~ X y ~ole ~ be ..Iurn. · to :~r.~:':':':':'!'!'!'!'~'~~'):':'!-!':':-:4:':':':':':':':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:e:.:.:.:-:-.,-:-:·x*~ '1, the otten 1DJl1DUIcIrIl& -"",~ , wttb , . _ .- - -'

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J"he l\1iaml ' Gazette How the NonChurchgoer Robs Himself

. D. L. CRANE.


WAY~ ES \' lL.L E,



no writt en rl.'conl to prov e tha t lho Jnnl, PI S ot I be first That Is nn Int r stI ng and a l; l\g . Fourlh 01' Jul y were HE non-churchgo r shuts himself gesUve prop ~ nl \\,hl ' h ha s been m o dI! gl yen .10 'lIl1l1stlng ofT from t.h weeltly study of Ilt Alba oy- to I 1'\1. Inlo . aglllns t t lle au Ul th l'l r posses· God's Word ns It Is conta Ined In comm u uu and C,'en \\' I1 C' r;.h lp of slom!, If Ih Y w re the DIble. There Is word of In til ' bnlJ lt of writIng the Ill ge !l io ll~ dc\'I" c " bl ' b bas b eo God outsIde the Blbl , we will freely It'lI'rs to t heIr EugInvpnt d for sil enCi ng the Doise of n re· Il()mlt. Yet th o most Ubel'\\l at us Il s h cOllsln s, 1n whIc h (lU'ms, says :'\ w ): nrk Tribune. 'r hst know that the lllbl Is thl! one s reat tb y cafiUa ll y I' ,(cTred devIce Is saId to lie '0 ·r( ,'t l vt' flS to literary expression of r IIglous [eellnt,; 10 Ih e f o t th aI III y owncd a tPr rl\ory nnd the 10untaln at God's truth. Tbe mak t! th e dlsrburgc (a rifle or n pIs· of \, f; r "!l- OliO I\qu llrc mIl 's. or some ~, " man who do es not kn ..'W the DIble s lm· l ol n arly ll ol~(' Ic~s , WI' th OU l d cr~aB , ,' fi\'('tI li rn ps u s lar gE' as all Englun d a n d ply does not know the greattls t tog tbo lutha l l'tr ct\ l' cnesl! o f Ibe , \\'ol <,s , nl'hh e l' )'ocor HI ,hnr d nor an y, thoughts that have eve r been thougbt: .....·oapoo. I t Is 'asHy can " " 'able that of th e oth er dellr ull.! ch ron Ic! rs does not know th e best words God lIuch an a tlll ,hm nt to 'lJlll ln ry {Ire- mad nOI<' of til fllct. has ever spok n tllrough buma n li ps; Miss Caustlque-My friends IIhould arms wou ld ue or inestlmll bl e ndva n· Hut In asmuch as tb l' colonIs ts felt does not know th e most InspIrIng, be very thankful to me. ... lago In warf Irl.'. Ii nolst' less rIll us Ing bIg (' nough Ilnd s tron g pnougb and rich comforting, s ustalnlng truth at thtl Miss Anllque-For what? Bmoke l 5S powder g ivIng prac ti cally no en ough 10 pIt 'h Into .rClil IIrl ta ln, ages. NoW, In every church t hIs Miss Caustlquo-At the very !Teat ' nform ll tl on' as to the lOCAtion or Its nnd , not on ly dId pItch Into her, b~ word I. read and xpounded. It Dumber of dlsagreealJle things I tblnk er !:lut It Is ob ., lous that , precisely twnt It r uft!'r 1\ faIr Ilgbt. It woul passes Into the li ves of thousands of ot, but don't say. us , look to an unbl nsed per so n today as men, and makes th m strong and th e IlAme thlr.g would ma ke a gu n or It th e for ernth ers or th Ilrecrackers bravo and pure. BIble m n are 01· a plst ol a tAr mo re dangerous tool for had a pre tt y good opInIon or th emSKIN HUMOR 25 YEARS most always s trong men. Doctor U " u s~ at a ssass Ins. It mny, Indeed . sl'lvea nnd of wbnt Ih y 'hud III hand. Parler was right when he sold that be saId tbat In re Is no leglt lmn te use It Is quite like ly that utter the un. "Cutkurn (lid wonders tor m e, }. ..or there was something a,bout men [or ,e sil encing dev Ice, save In \.DIll- pleaso ntn ess known ns th Revolution, t·wenty-llve years I suttered agollY reared on the BIble t&lat (lilferentiated from n t errible humor, complet ely covtary doIng" and In. actua l wa r. It we wb 'n th e cOlin t ry waR strIding ahead them from other men. We have ob· ering my head, neck anet sbouldere, 5 1) fra u! thal citIzens now nnd th en need wIth Its cotnm erce, was selling Its I!erved thIs ourselveB, It Is a grea t even to my wife , (became an object 1.0 use ' firearms agaInst burglars, blgh· cotton and Its tobucco to everyone pity that any man should Impov erish of dread, At large ex pense I conSUlt'!l;ll.ymen and others It should be ob· that wore clothes or used t he weed, his mind and s oul by not comIng once ed the most able doctors tar and n ear. .Iou s thut th e most d slrAble and tb y f~lt tbe y had more rea son to pat • week to join In the common study Their treatment was at no avail, nor and exposition of Its transcendental JIlost a ttentive arm for such pllrposes theI mSf lves . ~~ t~~ey ~:~~. :rb:r:rem:; was that of the - - Hospital, durIng are v ous grow d b P Eople message, Ills Ul\n dl cap an urry. elghtc nth century was don e. lilx months' elforts. I suttered on AgaIn, the non·cburchgoer shuts nnd concluded there was no b elp far ~ett· . r. ba pl1ler, H they arc not getting But Just s uppos ing one of the blmselt ott from those hymns and me this s ide of tb e grave. The il I l cller, and tho torm er Is a goo_ om en trame r s at the Declaration could read prayers that have been the common heard of sOUle one who had been cured IIf tbe lalter. They have ple nty ot over a few statistics and obse rv e a few property of all noble souls since the by Culleura R emed Ies nnd thought Lme to work at that t hat Is wor th events that that nre nt hand today! psalmist wrote and Christian hymnol· that a trial could do no harm. Iu a IWhtl , or even to play, and It Is one ot If you told him that since his day the be worth I lbe t's UlII ntion of ,~hat Is t flll'm animals the re were producec) ogy came Into beIng. The ChrIstian s urpri singly short time I WIUI comthe who lesome IndIcations at A. healthY country- his country- hlUl Incl'eased known as th "per cutllta wealth:' lor th e market last year $4,525,269,000, church , began with the s Inging of a lite lbat people In thIs cOllntry pla y more than t n times tn aren, more AccordIng to the bureau of statlsHalt a century ago, wben the staUs- hymn. Our h ymns contaill the noblest pletely cured. S. P. Keyes, 147 Con, e. bard as lbey work. But bu sIness lban 30 Um es In population , and more tics' r eckonIng, YOU and 1 are worth ti cla ns first began to busy themselves aspiration the human heart has ex· gress St., Boston, Mass .. Oct. l!l, '09." h W a gat) d 'd ea I more th an we were ,..a,4n tbe about su ch thIngs, the record wa. and pleasure have turned theIr backs than n l h ousan d Umes In?wea.lth , 0 Face Covered with Pimples pressed and e nshrIne , In words 01 th k cker setting lbeh' faces would he take th e news. Would he days WhM th e country was young. In' $644.160,000, showIng that the farme r beauty, set to gold n m usic, th e solace "1 ongr'u tulate OutJc ura upon m ~ upon e no , 8t1Ll assert, as some of our friends 1800, or at the time whe n they have has II e n doing his duly by bls counpeace and prom Iso at th e Chris· speedy recovery from pimples whlcb ~ brighter skI es. So It you nre at IIDlong the oldest inhabita nts are the first r ecord of per capila wealth, try IUJd his family a s well as by th. and cov er ed my tnce. J used Cutlcura Soap, 'outs wIth somebody settle the matter prong to do, that the "good old days the citizens of th UnI ted States were manufacturer, the miner, nnd the rail. tJa.n faith, Once they were lbe com· Ointment and R esolvent for t en days DIan property at every man. Now, 'WIth hIm; do not bother me with It. were best" or would he not be more only wortb $5 npl ceo The gain In per road man. alns! so many know them n,ot. But and my faco cleared and I am perfectrrhat Is the answer of the world to- likely to ~allY forth In search of the capita wealth h as nnt always been The p08tofflce lias grown f'r om an In. poor, Indeed, that old age whIch finds ly well. I had tried doctors for sev· ~ay, a good one, too. Even In sports b ead le and make a peremptory , de- s teady during the decades, Certain stltul\on with 90S branches in 1800. to no OhrJstlan hymn sIngi ng Its sweet e.ral mon t h s but got no r esults. Wm . J. thIs wholesome spirit prevails; In- mand tor your incarceraUon as a dan- census years showed us poorer than nearly 70,000 today. Sadlier, 1614 Susquehanna. Ave., Philameasures In It.s heart. ~eed It dominates there perhaps more gerous lunatic? durIng the previous ten years, but The salarIes paid publ,lc school d elphia, May i, 1909 ." Shut Off From Inspiration. ban anywhere else. It lakes the form Surely H truth Is s tranger than flc· most of the time we have been getUng teacher s have Increased from $37,000,. And equally d eserving of notice SAMPLES OF COLLEGE HUMOR Intolerance, It Is so pronoun oed. It tlon figures are stranger still when aloug nlc Iy, thank you. In, 1810 we 000 In 1870, to $197,000,000 this year, Is the spirit of a manly age, a big age measuring the vast strides that our were worth $7.59 a h ead, 1820 bad fall- and the number of telegrams sent over with these other tblngs Is thIs: that I.-d ( t t bl'" and fast to slow up oountry has taken since the Fourth at en to, $6.94; In 1830 we were even a the wl,es has jumped from 9,000,000 the man wbo shuts hlmaelf ott from Professor's Somewhat Startling Re... ns, 0 0 " July 1770. What one of the signers Uttle llOorer at $6.79, but in 1840 had 40 years ago to 90,000,000, or there. common worship with his tellow-men quent-Student Phllosophy-Carefor tbe little fellow. drea'med that In 1803, or less than 30 jumJlf'd to $10.91. a.bouts, this year. Is d epriving himself of that one IUJd ful Wife's Warning. ever necessary Inspiration to the en· Practical jokes often are In very years atte r hi s Ink drIed upon that ' In thf'l middle of th e century we bad . Th lOe figure , while eloqu~nt, give thuslasm o'f service and the sacrificial A n e w German {Irotessor In a girls ' bad taste and not at all as funn y a8 historic document, the United States advanced to $12.0!! apiece, and from but a faInt Idea ot what has' hap- life, The author of "Ecce Homo" college wlBhlng to detaIn one of th would aOQuire a territory of 876,000 that time on there were no more barpened In our mat erIal welfaro) depart.. their perpetrators seem to think. Some· square miles. o~ nearly three times the galn drops or r edu ctions whatever. But ment ,,:lthln the space at ]34 Fourths was very near the truth when he s tud ents, said : "Oh, MlBs - -, may I -times such jokes Invite legal punishsize of all the 13 original states put while we are talking of what we are of Jul y. WIth alrsblps ftoallng, or showed the world that tbe r ea son t~ hold you n minute after class?" me nt. ' Down In Panama a party of together. But that was ,,;hat we got worth per capIta , It might not be nbout to fioat, above the clUes; with dJsclples loved thei r fellow·men 80 This advice was given by one or tb would·be humorists circulated the when we bought Louisiana for $16,QOO,- amiss to m n t lon the fnct that every mcssag s to Mars almOJlt release(l and ardently was because they loved students to hel' mates: "Glrl.s, take Itory that sels~ oJog\sts had predloted 000. In 1819, when we took In Florida, one of us here in the United States answered, wI th radium ready to revOo C~hrist first. It 'Is the man wbo In the all the courses you can 'wlth the m en that the country would be visited In we added more than 70,000 square bas also a debt per capita. In 1800 IUUonlze th El sc\entJlic world-why Is (/hurch contetlles hIs love to God, and professors, for t.he "lomen pf the facthe night by a great shock and that miles to our area; In 1845 we took In lbe per capita. deb 'IY~ 11563, oc ~oLlalr to preSUMe that before 134 ~'ecelves the impulse of love from ulty try to find out ho~much you Christ Jesus, and dedica t es hlm BGIC know, and Ule men try to show ort Colon would be wiped out of existence T exas wIth Its vast domaIn of 389,000 more than three times as m uch as the more annIversaries occur the United with other disciples to the life of how lUuch th y know," by a tid:}\ wave. Coming on the hee ls 8qu~re miles; and within three years wealth per cap ita, Now, thank good- States will show even more marveloulJ service, and r eceives before Christ's ther eafter had absorbed Oregon and 'ness and the statis ticians, we seem to progrcs In the world of nations? The wife of one of the professors of th ' Costa Rican cataclysm, thIs altar a "commission," wll0 goes forlb warned hlm as h e , went olf to .omclnte the Mexican concession, addin g In be well out .of the fin an cIa l woods, for prophecy threw the Ignorn.nt nnd BU' to bless and preach and h eal. When at a fun era l one rainy day: "Now, Words That Are, Out of Style. perstillous Into t error, and tllere was round numbers 00,000 sq uare miles each and all of us has a per capita worsbJp ceaseii' even tll0 humanitarIan debt or only $10.70, or considerably Most old ' English words ,have faileD Instinct will pass away. Our has· John, don't s tand wllb your bare h ead some thing O[ a llanlc. or course the more. on the damp ground; You'.ll Burely Every on ce In a little while Uncle less thau one-third of what we own. from their hlgh estate and are now convu lsIon s dId not oc<}ur. But the Sam "eemed to grow te rri torially hun· With a showIn g like t hat we may bl! banned In th e best society, at ' any pltals, colleges, re form agencIes and catch cold."-Llte. Pana ma author lUes took the mutt r In gry , and would lunch air u prom ls'l ng pardoned If we take th e day oft and rate In Mayfair and BelgravlL Of settlements got tilelr Impulse from the Church. They are bglng conducted No one need speak 'of monoton y if hand and the jokers are now In jail fragmen t of the con tinent. The Gads- go celebrate, these Is lbe Saxon word "lady," whlel now by men who, even If not attend· o~ly they just look , aroUnd for an· aWaltlng' the result of pr'o ceedin gs that den purchase of 36,000 square miles The biggest Ilgures that the govern- we are told Is de riv ed trom "loat. Ing church, are Uvlng on the church's , otller!s wanta.-.-Roystoo , will be brought against thew. And If wus mad In 1853; ,Alns ka wus bought ment hal! complied this , year nre prob· giver." . Impulse which once r eached them. In 1910 we spea of a "woman" an,d Tbe Impulse which sust,;ilus our c harthese humorists get a round sen t n ce for $7,200,000 in ] 867, adding nearly ably found in t he freight r ecords. Till!! FINEST FA BRIO , 1ft QOarttJ oom",..C!d "hb i be HnlDIl of I,he oo",.IL .the general verdict wUl be L4at It 600,000 square miles to our mnp, and They are so colossal lbat tbey really the word "Indy" has become almost trrltu t.Cld ... huo paIns, dIarrhea . co,n1\l"Ity and works for human welfare will WhUD In 1897 we took in the Hawallan Is- meata nothing to a n yone out side of term of reproach. A young single wane when men cease worshIping Wllale , or Ibo caUIO, lAke l'o'.. kUkr (l~fT1I .Da "" ·) • . se:-ved th em rlghL land s to Ilrov e that we , wer e not dis· the rllUroad busl n ss, and perhaps not woman Is a girl-pronounced "gylrl" God, We can see It In our own ac· A genius l ~ a Illan who tries to bar· The war against the whIte plagup. criminating again st the Pacific ocean so " ery much to the railway ex pert -as the' nam e "young lady" Is re- qualntances who are not churchgoers. row money-a nd gets It. In t h matter of our favor. Tben all except by way of comparison. Last served Cor barmnlds, sbop baDds and They are good, but the do not say .ul n ev r be effective while cOlltagion In a bunch, during the days of 1898 . year the railroad s hauled 236,601,390,· telephone operators, 1s allowed to be freely and wl1otonly and lS9~ w e took In Porto Rico, Guam lOa tons of freight one mlle. We can· ' Thein th e word "dress" us.ed to de- "Lord, I will follow thee whithersopread by expcctoratlon In public and the Pblllppines', and a few of the not easily om)Jare that showIng with scribe the outer garment or' OUll motli. ever thou - goest." They are kindly, IIlaces, cs pec.ially on the s~reel!J, where Sa.noan islands. The SandwIch lB· the amoun t of. fr eight hauled during ers and grandmothers, but "gowns" but they do not say I!Send me.'" The non·churchgoer shuts llimself olf tram till lungs are exposed to, InfectIon. lands wer e scarcely worth mentioning colonial days, for during colonial days and "frocks" are worn by wom~n of the one dynamo ot the sacrIficial lite. .Not until measures 'ure talle n se vere for l.hey added only a w ee mlto to our rallroltd fr eight was not known. pas· tbe twentietb century. Also we may eo l We might close this editorial here . state holdlngs-O,740 square slbly there we r e figures compiled talk of "relntion.s," but not of "nila. enough to chcck, If not to nllollsh, tbe f ~ut · we would like to remInd those mileS, to be exact-and Porto Rico showing how m Rny pounds of freight tlves;" and the most venerable of :habIt, objectionable uoth to heulth nu d parents who are not taking their chil·t o pulJllc deconc:i, \\'111 the fi g hl with Its 3,600, und little Guam wIth were carried by the coastw ise vE'sBels rooster must b e called a "chIcken," aa dren to the church servIce of how Its )76 mIght be lert out altogether or the ships th at plied ' between Am r- the word "fowl" has sunk almost to Ilgnins l tubercu losIs lie ta ken se· much they are robbing them of future and w("d hardly notice that we had lean and Engli sh, Dntch. Fren ch, and the level of low language.-Queen. rlous ly. joy and power and comfort and tradJ. lost th em. Pp rtu guese port s. Jf th e. e ligures tion. We see a great throng or chll· Th e PhlllpplneB totaled allout 143,· we re prepared , how ever, th ey have I f th grAndsons of the latEl ~la r s h a ll 000 sq uare miles, and you 'll hardl y be been lost in the dust of tl ~e a nd the People of Other Planets. dren growing up In New York who Calculations as to the size re qulr~d never are brought or sent to the Field, t.he Chi cago merchAnl prlnC'e, kbl e to suppress a smile when you B.r e world bns been t oo busy to bunt for for human beIngs on tbe other planets church services. We remember our lIve to be fifty, they wIll come loto Info r med that the Samoan "Island s" them. In thE' year 1 00 th e UnIted States vary widely accOl'dlng to the basis of own childhood, those bright and Bun· possession of Ihei r gf andfnth er 's resld· that we took ove r In 1899 had the normous area of 73 square miles . But colntld all of $317,600 worth of gold reckoning. According to those bastld ny momlngs In the little church, llury estate, wh Ich It is stlmn ted by YOID" upon tbe attraction ot gravity, Jupiter where we learned the great hymnB of that time will lie worth $';OO .OOU .OOO. even at that there's plenty of room That WBB going quite a bit. on ~ must should be ' peopled by pygmies of 28 the ages, where we heard the great At lhe age of fif ty the hap llY h Irs wi ll upo n those little ocean dots for ca· acknowledge. year we conve rted IDcbes, W011lue, on the otber hand, religious. truths ~ever to tor~et them, ,Because are made ule houses, dry docks and coaling sla· $131,GfsiS,632; the sllv r coinage r ecord ]Irobnbly hal''.! outliv ed th ei r uoyl sh tions, A few thoussnd . tons of coal was $224,294; las t year It was $1~,391 , argued. that Goliath blmself would be where we came under the spell of of the choicest materials folli es, 6(\ t)Jat tcey \\'OI~ ' l "a ~ te the s tored at anyone of those places may 777. accounted decidedly undersized UPOD ' music, where we looked with rapture money, that planet . . He worked from the at the, painted window through whlcb and guaranteed to ' Mor~ than $96,001),000 worth of gold a t some time In the future save the AllI erlC'on tlattl eship fieet and gtve It was taken from our terrItory last feebleness of the sun's lIgbt there, the lJght W(iS transmitted Into beauty, 'absolutely pure. There Is In the phYsiological la bora- th e power to over come a foe In the year. In 1810 when the gold mining which would demand t.hat the pupil or where we sang In the chOir (and every the eye should be much more dUata. boy and gjrl should be allowed In the tory uf th e University or f' cnnsylvanl a tar E'a2 t. Thu s, all told, when you add business was In its cradl e, tbe producmakes a !l mac!:iine that measures tha m!e fltal up the varlouB breakfasts, luncheons, tJon was $2,463; and e\'en that amount ble, Sincl? tAe i!~pU r.1tdde in can. chclr in every church) a~d learned ,itant Fl)portlon to the ball at the eye, the choruses from the oratorIos, delightful dish wr lunchand dinners of new land that our Is not vou ched for as sbsolutE'ly ac. CRlla billtlea of any perS'll l 10 wbom it un cle bas enjoyed sInce ] 776 we get Il.1Id that to ', the entire hody, sold where we read the pSlI.ll1ls In relSponss 18 applied . It would probably r glste r th' tidy s howIng of 2,93G,7S1 square curate, eon, and youwiU find WoUlus, a llttle calculation show. with the pastor, where we professed zeru It aJlpllod to pe l SOil S who (Jay In 1~20 t.he IJlg lI:on production of that Ul average 'J ovian must be nearly Christ as the master ot our lIte-:-ah, tbe entire country was estimat ed at l!lon ey (0 go tC' s hows th a t it Is nccC!s, ml1':ls . e ThI s ne w ter ri tory COBt the United 20,000 tons; last year It was a bout 16,- tblrtee. feet seven ' Inches tall--not how "r pity tlle boys ~nd girls who Mary tor the police to lry ID 6U!J' Statc!:> qUite Cov b)ches ,shorter 'than Og, kln'g g.row up ,with n?ne' ot th~s~ tra(Utlonl tre a sury exactly $87 ,Oa9,768, or Sauql : t 000,00\1. lIress. of .Basha1l. tic'c ordlng to the , l',IIea!lure 'il~poverlshed In .all meqorles of t~e II dd h ahout $aO a square m e. A w a I n th year ]810 there were said to of his b'e dstes4 Kiven I.n Deuteronomy. so~l! ' Pat~ nts would do well to conwp've bo ught to what we had during sider how 'easily One can rob a ,child ucl ·~ We are not ready to ae Hp t th e lbe R c,'olu tlon. and you ge t a lotal of" lie :169 ne wspapers In the country, as of these' 'sweetest r.e colle'ctlons · age Male F •• hlon. In 1850. tltatem<'nt thelt th l-! Ital se r hUll to utle a ltttlE' morE' than 3,000,000 squ are compared with 21,320 at the present Ume. The record do not attempt to Male fashions ot 60 years ago had knows.-1'he Christian Work an. e lnbora t . preplll'll UOnS to cut lb« s ub- mIl !! of t.e rrttory. h tell what kJnd of n ews papers the edt· other dlBcomforts besides , long hair. Evangelist. ' marine ca bl s In case Ge rmauy Is in· equally tempting fo~ any' The go vernment figur e ext) NB, W a tors IJrlnted 100 years ago, nor do they' Trousers 'Were tight and buttoned un•. volv d In n great war. tr t be kaise r JlI,!; bt to be tbe b Bt on ea rth, for they give any sworn statements of clrcula. del' the foot - 'Ith broad st1'a s. Eve • ., meal. . n YO .. . . Truet Tomorrow With God. .,bould Ul ,'be cRbles, how cOllld he get mOJ'e pay than any oChe r statlsu· man wbo ,a8P.l~ed. to bo well dressed "Take 'Ill) ',hOugbt : ror tbe morrow." let tho ' world lmow whut Ile bas 10 clans on th e globe, calculat that, lhe tion, a of.libh,'. tolal WQa}th ot the nlted States .. to- . ,T he war d Tlartru ent s pent $2,6~O,OOO , w.ore . his , coat so blgh .. In the colla~ This .. Is e Glaus~' In the 'secret ,ot ~n, B~Y? ' day Is onr $l1 Q,OOO,OOO,O O. 1:hey have In 1800 as fjgaln st mO,r e tha? , $17b,OO~,. ~at th~ uac~ pt ~e, bat rested upon, wxlous ilvlng and 8~ appUl1d ailmon: ' the 'hoUse 8l1c;l CODl O . i.e ~he coqcluslQn, "tie r going 000 ls st yesr. .' .' It. · T~ls , fallbJ~~ was 80 prevalent !ahes qplD8~ .' sapping 'forry an,it to ord e r tllnt a pbyslclll u ,mar treat ove r tl\;r~s uud acres of numerals that ~ Tha r.aTY 6Xpe~ded $3\44 8,000 .In ~~t, ac~,Qrdlng to , BI,I' A!ger~on ~est,. ceall~le8s ,frl}tUng. Do not 1001( (orhIs pati ent wltbout ,·lsit.!lIg oil1l, so eve!';.', roa n, wOlluin a.nd Child, 1n the, UOO, I\S compared w.~h $11:8,000,000 last &,ery ,Jiat, had a creace,nt ot cloth 'w ard to tlle" changes I1Dd cbances 01 for~ '· ~ ,gUest. , '. London' ID v ntion Il rrults uo e xamloa· nit etl State,A has $34,72. ' If you havel yea,,, while , the pen B ~on. .roll, ot, the two , o~ the : back of tbe brim t~ prev()nt ,thiB ilie ' lJ~ (ear;'. ratber look to tliem tlon of h ar l beuts Uy tel Ilboill.l. not au much all that you should go , to yel\rB ·. " 6 .$64,131 , and $1£>3,892,.67, . t he rubb!.Dr ' ot the beaver, ~r imlta· ftith fUJi iioPe that as the,. -anse. God, .Lov ,rs who I,lre not C flaln of ncb Wal1li!ugton O'J.1tl ,d mlUld t he .dltreren:ce Cdtt.(). ' consumed In 1800 amounted tion ~eaver, o~ , which the bat WBII 'whose you are, '~ll .deUver .' you out ~ gr~'8. them. 'H e bu' kept you blUlerto, ~bler'8 air ' talons shoul d borrow the frotn . MaJ_ O. .1'. Austin, c;.blet of t he to ' 18;8',9 pales; DO~ we use 4,600,000 m,ade, ~?r Illk.:Jlata were DQL1hen in· " . .f1ote.i1. . And t~m ..the lame bold fut to hIs h~Dd; ~d. he ' pplll1nclt from som~ (rlendly doctor. bure ari of Bt.a.t,\SUCS.' -~ -,on . halea. ,,-who hll.B more lban ' $34 ,72 lIhould ' go We .,·e ~onsulnlng, more ~n 6,000,-, i~ 'we learn t1i~t o~ra bats were 1\'Qllea4)'ou ~et, tbrou~ all thlngl, .Delaware repo rts J"arg'~ L stmw, to l>f~or Austin and ,jwhack up". wIth 000,0.00 pounds of sugar il year JUlt ~~OWD, "Llld 10 the eyoplD. ~ fold- ud '" lIep you .~aJloot ..taDd be wlll Leny 'ro, In U.s h) ~t ory, ThlB Is, ~ D' Wmr II) th~ xt-ent oJ every penny they: now·; ,to 18130, the first ~cord~ 1ea~, Iq cha~l!8q bra. "'.. alWayl Mmed lII_1' iou In 111. ~ .., Nelthel; not lIin e sbove thet 8Um be 'could make- the coDsumption for th9 12 ,mootbl under the :arm. . No~y , br,'/t aD look ~u4 to what happen l0C!OW'll~lng . . F '~rbllp.B \ 'h ell r be lJ~rrle. an· elUtct dJstrll.IUuan' of 6u~ national wa.,:~1.000,OOO .pOund.. Almost 8Qua). aPOthoeal'1' 01' a .ueltor would haft the ,amv lJltj ~ket ' l~e)' may be 1i0 n u' wealth aDd everybody mfsht be ·aau ... 1, enormous: !Uld 'untatllolD:llble ~ ~ed of lea~.hi. hat lA .-oua "l1d l atse that'll QUill' llol of Oed-lor a mfDute, 'T he cal(mlaUOD of are )1l'04l1ced to the anDual 'or th. . . . wlalN 1l. " •• '111JtlMiM , · WSU ·be r~. wbli' evil')' OIlI ,Ja a COlUltty · -. '.t,b" . 4IIilDI,- . ~EGULATINu







Bat For




Llblt1'. Veal Loaf


Vi_... Conaed Betf p,rk Enp'" Milk , .

Have SUPPly


you ~ 'preP,ated

You, eaD;,bUy LiItIIf.. at




LO~IDA v v

IC Ia N fA D



·Pre tty .

Ne ckw ear




Harvard's Strong Man's Food Costs 14 Cents a Day.

THAT CANADIAN TRIP SHOUL D NOW BE TAKEN , " yoU bad in tend ed going to Can· adD. for the purpose or purchas ing land on which to establis h a home and accomp a nying some land compan y, whose holdiug s yo u propose d to look over or La go up on your o wn a ccount to selec t one hund red and s ixty acres oC land fr ee, you s hould de lay no longer. Corn-pl a nti ng Is ove r. yo ur wh eat crOll Is well ahead, anti you have a few weeks' time before you a re required In th l) fl Ids a g ain. Now m ak e your In t nded tri p. Rep orts at hand s bow that t he crop prospec ts in Ca nada weI' ne ve r bell er tha n tho y a re tod lty. T he cool weath er has not alIccted · t be crOll , but If an ythin g, It bus lJ 'en a lJonofl t. Tbe re bas be'e n pi ULy of mois tu re a nd those wbo have had Lh ir land propnrly p r pared look upon this ye a l' as li ke ly 10 be one o( t ho best they hav had. A great ma ny are gOing up lhls season who expec t to pay two 01' th re tloliara a n acre more lbun they we re II sked to pay last yenr. Olh ers who . wi sh to hO Ul es tead are prepare d t o go fart be r from t he line of rnil way than would bave been necessa ry las t year. Stili It Is wor tb It. So It will be wit h you. N xt y a r la nd s w ill be hi gher-pri ced and homeste ads less accessible. The re Is a wonuel'(ul tide of Immigra tio n to Cen t ral Canada now. It Is e xpected that one hundred and fifty thousan d new !l etUere from t be United Sta tes will he n umbere d by the end of the present yea r. an Increas e (If fifty per cen t o" el' las t year. In addition te this there will be upward s of one i'tundred thousan d from the old countr y. whl!=u does not Include those who may come from the norther n countrie s ot the Contine nt. These an Intend to s ettle upon the land. The reader does not require an answer to the question s. "Why do they do It?" "Why are they goIng there In such large num ~e rs ? " Wester n Canada Is no longer an experim ent. The tact that one hundred and ftfty . million busheis of wheat were raised there last year as ' against ninety-five mUlions the year prevIou s, shows that the tiller of the soil In Central Canada is making money and It is sate to say that he is making more money than can be made anywhe re else on the ConUne nt In the growing of grains .. He gets good prices. he has a sure and a heavy crop, be enjoys splendI d railway privileg es, and he has also the advanta ges o( schools and church~ and such other social lite a8 may be found anywhe re. It Is dlmoult to laT what district Is the: best. Some are preferre d to others beoause there are fr iends already establis hed. n. Grand Trunk Paclflc. on Its way across the Contine nt. is opening up a splendi d tract of land, whIch is being taken up rapidly. The other railway . -Ule CanadIa n PacIfic and Canadia n Norther n are extendi ng branch Unes toto parts Inacces sible Ii couple of ' ye ars ago. With a perfect network of railway s coverin g a large area of the agricult ural lands It is not dlmcult to secure a location . Aqy ageD.t of the CanadIa n Govern ment will bit pleased to render you asslBtan ce bT advice and 8uggest lon, and a good plan Is to write or call upon ~Im. The Govern ment has located these agents at conven ient point's .through out the States. and their offices are well equippe d with a full suppl.7 or maps and uteratur e_

Countes s of Warwic k LIves on 48 Cents a Day-Av erage Man Paya 85 Cents and Fares .. Worle. WHAT A DAV'S MEALS COST THE HARVARD STRON G MAN. Breakfa st: Oatmea l, sugar, corn brend ... . .. .. . . . .. •. . ' . .... ... . 40 Dinner: Rico In milk, corn bread and butter . . . . . .. , . , ... . .. .... .. 4c Supper: One egg, potato, bread and butter, peanuts .... .. ___ . _....... 6c Total for the day .. .. _. . ....... . 14c Total of nutrime nt, per cent . ... 80 WHAT THEV COST THE COUNT ESS OF WARW ICK. Breakfa st: One pear, two teaspoo nfuls nuts, one large fig, one Japanese per.slmmon . .. . .. .. ... . . ... 110 Dinner : One banana with grated nuts, two ounces cream with one ounce figs. portion cereal with cream, ono glass butterm ilk . .. . . 19c Supper: Vegetab le salad. one banana, two ounces soaked prunes, two ounces cream ... , . . _....... 18c



UR Lhe last fou r years I bave earn d my pin mon ey out of chlcJ,t ns. My hens glvo me II proO t of more tha n Ove dolla rs a head. You think t ha t a n e uor mous yield for chi ck ns? So do I. for I had be n rIIl sing a few chicke n. ev()r Bln ce I W IlS n s mall .glrl; bul [ hav o my accollnt book tl nd so I kno w jus t wh at I ap nd a nd what I Total for the day ....... ....... . . .48c tn k In . Total nutrime nt, per cent . .... ... . 75 My chlckenR a re Rhocl o Island Reels WHAT THEV COST THE AVERAGE a nd bred from the bost layers . I have EATER . fO ll nd that th re Is more In the s train mnke sure she bad no Berksbl re blood Breakfa st : Ham and eggs, fried poI ba n In tbe breed ot cblcken H. I cartatoes, orange, coffee, bread and In her vein s. It s eems that In Florida , r lecl my chicken s with me when I If butter . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. 250 nowher e else. the Berkshi re hog has W' Dt to Florida . so I know n il a bout a reputati on of eating fiesh and beIng Dinner: One·hal f pound steak, potilt' lII for generat ions. tatoes, cabbage . apple pie, coffee. es pecfally fond of young poultry. Years a go I sold all my other bread and butter . . . . ...... ... . .. 30c I succeed ed In getUnA' a pig of no breedll. keep1ng onl y the Plymou th particul ar breed. nnd since then have 8upper: Lamb chop, potatoea , tur· Rocks and Rhode Island Rods . becau8e. hnd no trouble nlpa, baked applea, bread and butwith snnkes; iad~ed It I bad proved to my satisfac tio n that Is seldom ter, toa .. .... _••••••• _• _••.• _•... 30c that one Is seen In the t bolle two breeds gave most eggs In the place. That pIg and her success Ion of win te r wh n eggs are scarce and fetch families have driven away all that Total for the day .. . ....... ....... 85e th high s t prlcEW. I finally dIscard- they haven' t eaten up. Oh, yell, the Total nutrime nt, per cent .... _. .. 53 ed t.he Plymou th Rocks because I snakes fight Cambri dge, Mass.- Anothe r chamfor (o und the Rhode Islander s harMer and ~e pigs repeate their lives. strIkIng pion ot the simple table has come tordly. lighte r fe eders. or perhaps I should appear to Interrup but this doesn't ward In the person of Earl Van Meter t the teast. They say better foragers. <) " are calmly caught and chewed up. Long. a Harvard football player, baSElT his charaot erlstlo of their being They say the snake L' ball player and all·roun d strong diet doesn·t Inood forager s has had a good deal to Jure the quality <$!\ ". of the pork or afdo .wi th my large profits In Florida. I tect the taste In the slJghtes t, but I 4 ne ve r have gIven my flook meat. The" much preter to sell my pigs to sen· ftnd Insects enough fur their own Ing them on own table. • mcat supply. Sinco the first season I feed my poultry only once a day; down there 1 have never given them I mean the grown fowls. The chicks bit of meat except the fe w morsels are fed just as I did NE of the most popular forms of - a rule wbl ch In Massac husetts. holds good In a.1I .necktb.a are mixed In the table scraps This one meal Is given at night and neckwe ar In many a day Is tbe wear. which they havc regularl y overy day. they have all they will eat up. In Dutch collar. and It has come In Florida I have not raIsed my own the fall months One·hal t of the pattern and design baok thIs spring with all tbe poputhe grass seeds r ed but have bought It In small quan- are ripe the fowlswhen eat very lightly. At larity of last season. Hithert o there are glve·n . They inay be ' transfer t:ed ti tle at the regular retail prices. I tile beg!nnl ng of my venture here I has been little varlatlo n In these col- to the linen by means ot carbon pa· ha ve been forced to hire all labor did give a mornin g feed, but I soon la'ra except as to decoraU on; but now per and worked IIi eyelet and French done, such as building and repairin g . found that the chicken s preterre d to comes a model that Is distinct ly new- embroid ery. The parts of the design th houses . coops and fences. At my go to the grain patch and the orange It Is the square Dutch collar, and the to be done In Frenoh embroid ery or home In Massac husetts, being then groye when they first jumped down woman who appears In oae o( these saUn stitch, are lined tn. and tbe ey. compar atively strong woman. I was trom tbelr rooeta. emartly odd accesso rIes will at once let portion s are outlined . hIe to do all such thIngs myselC, and rf I were stronge r and able to do be ThOBe who are not expert e nough reoognl zed as being, It we may be ~ t my ohlcken s never netted me more all the work myself perml~ted the' phrase, "up to the wIth the needle to do the eyelet work I:!u,n J,1.60 a head all the years that I easily make eight I am sure I ·could dollars a head. I mlgbt do the whole deslgu In the nJnes" In fashion . . stru ggled ",Ith them. have heard of several Instanc es down satin stitch, though It Is by tar more They are made ot white IIneo. beauThere In the winter t.he birds had here In which . such a proftt Is mado tifully embroid ered. and edged at the etreotlv e with the openwo rk. The • to be housed and supplied wltb green regularl y and without a great amount. neck with a narrow It'lsb or cluny stems are kenSing ton outllno. • a nd ment food besides their regular of work. lace and a wider lace at the outer The lace sbould be rolled on to the rations of grain. In Florida the,y run MARV FINNV URMSTON. edge. Of course the lace must. be real edge. In the yards all the year long and gt tbeir. green (Pod from the amall lla tch oC grain which I keep for them RELATED BY OLD SETTLER SMALL FLOWERS ON HATS at the back of their yard .and their PRETTY WAIST MODEL own meat by catchin g Insects. Juat • little Happen ing In Which Someth ing of a Change In Faah!on 'a Norther n friends who have come to ThIB ' entirely new and origInal He and a Big She-Be ar Fancy Concern ing Milliner y vI sIt me ask It there Is not a · dllfermodel Is of silk volle gathere d. or Had Parte. Trimmi ng. e nce In the prices which I now replaIted. a t the top and bottom and ceive for my chicken s and those I Benator Doles Penrose, at a dinner "The larger the bat the smaller old while In Massac husetts. I am at the PhUade lphla club, Harvar d', Strong Man. the flowers. " remark ed an observi ng for ced to ' reply that I formerl y re- movem ent that he opposed said of • : cs lved somewh at higher prices than "rt promlae a Incredib le things. till l4'ho comes out with the stateme nt woman the other' day. Of course the are paid In F~orlda. Most of my fact. It makes me think of Jack that notwith standin g hIs activity on flower-t rImmed hat Is an establIs hed eggs and dressed fowll are bought by Travers of Pike ·county. the gridiron , the diamon d and in the fact. Slimme r glory Is never quite .80 From the G~ek. happUy epItomi zed as when .the colthe largest- hotel and thougp It Is run old nlall no'lV, He rememb Jack Is an gymnas ium. he lives on 14 cents a It is saId of the Inbablta n(s of lasus ers the time ors and by a norther n manage r, he expeots wben bears were as form of the garden and fteld orr Carla that when a ce rtain hal1lerplentifu l on the day! are fiaunted on milliner y. and gets souther n ndc~s . .. All that· barren mounta ins as The young physica l giant stand alx was perto~lng the people who were rattlers stilI are. The th hoter does not take Is readily Once, when I was flshlng .latest Impol'ta tion ot moliels lIstenJn g hoarCi the bell Cor the openat . Porter's feet In his socks and weighs 195 emphas sold to private families , so I never lake. I asked him If izes the diminut ive ·flowers. Ing of the flsh ma rket . Bud ruBhed olf. he had ever had pounds. His program Is even more bave the e xpense of shippin g. any remark able with the e xception of one llIon .:who adventu res with simple than the regime pursued by Lilies of the valle" are extreme ly popr do not think o.oy other breed bears. was a little denf. 'fhe harper. coming the beautifu l C'ountess of Warwic k ular. They are used In bunches on would do as well as my Rhode lsl"nd .. 'Well, no, senator : said the old . and her children . althoug h that Is far large. tlat bats .11l which the white tone up, address ed him thus: " My good sir. predom R eda. I let my hens sit on their own man. as he filled Inates. Then. again. the lilies I am mucll flattered b y your staying his pipe with cut less pretenti ous than the dally fare eggs. I have found thl ' hO{!t In a plug; "I can·t say as are fashion ed Into an entire crown on to hear rue whe n a ll the rest ran orr I ever had much of the average laborer' s family. large lace or straw shapes. When s mall flock. A hen must ave some to do with beara hereabo Ilt the sound of a bel I.". " What ?" said. uts. Wunst, Of the many unique exponen ts oC combin ed with pale·gre time for rest from laying. I never In my sparkln ' days, en leaves he . "has the a s h·b e ll rung? Th a.l'm me and a bear IIlmpllclty in diet, these two exll.mples they occur on turbans In fascina ting allow a ' hen to sit more tban once got togethe r-twa'n 't o ff too. Good·by."- Strabo. nothln', though. lltand out conspic uously- the case of In each year. because It Is not necescabocbo ns. .. 'It all come about over old Bukey, the Harvard strong man because It Bary where all are equally good moth- our cow. Wheat Is bunched In attracti ve manYour Great Grandm other Made Soap.' Bhe had a bad bablt of shows that It Is possible not only to era and where there \9 a good demand stayln' out la(e at night. ner on the crowns of many hats. Flne She would' fill a barrel with wood Then I'd exist on a frugal bIll at tare. but to for fresh eggs. grasses rise at the side. glvlug height ashes, let rain wllter soep through have to go to the woode and retch her achieve various teats of physica l prow- and the lines of the aIgrette without Hofore the chicken s are a muoth old home to the mllkln'. tbem to make lye, and ' Uien 'have a ess ,and that of the wealthy countes s the the mother Invariab ly has beglln to soap boiling duy. us ing all the bacoD. necessa ry cruelty entailed . •. ·Well. one · night when I wanted to because It shows that such a diet Is Tlulest roses are used as' an entire lay agaIn. rinds and scra\)!\ ot: fat meat and I have four hens that go sllarkhl ', Suke was ' late agln, Rnd sometim es' followed not from necessit y facing on gTel1se she had saved. She made soft some hats , and this can be or econom y, but from choice. on eIther under or upper su.rface. soap. Nowada ys women don't have to Th1! - Mr. Long, who comes from cen tral Buds are mo t her IS now (our years old I am and In about an · hour ruin tholr tempers and their health tavored for the discs. while I heerd her Il11nols. Is twenty- three years old, and the old-tlmo size or the silk'll)ade roses looking forward to the time when her snorUn' and pumn' In and the ir looks making soap. or tol11ng the thicket. tor the past 12 years has had to fighl. are used to outline yiel!! of eggs will drop off, but even all day 'ove r th washing . Easy Task th e orowns of .. 'I'd missed my gal by tha~ time, his own way In the world. Notwlth · bats of tbe Eugool p. style. then I think It will pay me to keep and I was riled clear trimme d In an odd way with hnn·l s ot soap-a . pure. whi te la undry soap made through . I cut tltandln g th.a t he started without a her. not only because of the strain, a saplln' and went tor Forget·m e·nots, v10Iet.'1 , t iny corn- silk of the same shade. of cI an tallo w. cocoaQu t oil, boro old Sukey. It penny to his name. he wus a ble to flowers hu t arso becnuse she Is an e:'tcelle nt was too dark and nnpb tha doe s ' the hard work 1n the and fln o mIgnon e tte A are wide rlbbou , also of tho same to see. but I knew her work his way through the Univers ity provlug tbe pow r of small flow ers. hrood I' nnd mother. The ordinar y anume. and I grabbed shade. Is pla ced underne ath the voll e laundry aD d IH'errwh ere e lse In tb.e her by the ear of Imnols, where be achie ved fam e aM h n I do not think It pays to keep and began to lay on wIth and, showing Ihrough . forms a sort o( h ouse tbal a safe and sure cleaner 18 my st,tck just fullback on the football team, and hus aft rills two enrs old. Use for corselet Silk about proper. . Tho elbow sl eeves plai t· n eeded. Fishnet . . IIpent three years at Harvard . where ( have found that In Florida the It lri your shoppin g tOil, S you are ed. or gath e r d. cr08swl s . an d al'e "'The old cow showed fight. She he pla.yed fullback and Gasol ine Engines . halfbac k on the houses have to be much more care- wrestle d me aroun", conside Oasolin cngilies ' r' onl y u ed to 11 rable. But learn last fall and Is a pitche r on this fortuna te enough to see a piece of untrimm ed . Th e yok Is of [ace fully attende d to thau in Massac hu- ! WIlS mad-m ad all II mit d t'xt.e nt ;.uI . ril l. They are JUlit over- nd I balf- year's basebnl l squad. , 'T hrougho ut silk fishnet, buy It! set ta liecause of the extreme dlmcuH y (IUS bed and half-dru g '1 he coarse In s h olTers Uttle covercorning Into 1\. o. On" df'lllCJ' s tlntates A Shining Nose. and h'a lt-can-Ie d Ills whole college career. Mr. Long hl!.s In keeping down vermin. My .houses her to the barn, and Summ er Is a sorry tlllle COl tile abollt ft ,:,: J1 'I' om. l'e [l1r~cl ll g wind· there I tied her SUbsisted on his slDlpllfied Corm or Ing. but much decorati on. when used ure aU of wood built for ventilat ion up tight and fast,. and over a contras Ung. shade of supple woma::! With, nose slllne. I She u:!ually Ill' II i). P 01111' : r \'ory conserv ative mot'e UUlU warmth . For the first four the _d ark. Afterwa rd m.lIlted her In diet, and 'wlth the money be was thu,> materia l. . resorts to powder. wh h:h COllI'S ns a bout i!Upro veruen li:! . l went to bed. able to put by, be has availed 'h imself , feet tbe boards are put on BoUd to , "'1 certainl y .did Iii gray or the ' :'avorllo twine color the pores, or she mops . have to laugh, of his ,summe r vacatio ns to trave l with. alcohol, all It' ilUows almost any co'mbln atlon. prevent the depreda tions of what the though. when·.,l come TAKE A FOOT·BATH TO-NIG HT which dries up the ·sl\lo. down the next o\'er the world. negr.oes dOWn he re call varnil,nlli, that mornl~· : ., Gos~ durned rtM £lI~ ~o !\'l n 'l (In ' ) 1' two A 111m'" 'FootFor entire turbans , for huge bows Instead of theSe. . It. I . hadn't try bathin g the 'I'nb" (Anll \It I ' tnbl t il The countes s of WarWick. who Is or (ot tra:nspa rent scarCs to be t he f oot -bath) I'll, mlnks. 'coons, foxes and . ·stray fotched hOJ.De and thrown nose wllh 'hot water. In which a· te a- In (1\ . w lu~ r . 1: w lll -tn ltt·tot' milked a big she- well and "favora bly o ut ull soren 88. known to Ameri- :lver gorgeou s evening oatumes , fish- spoonfu.l s mn dogs and cats- that may slip . throug~ l!~ar:' ": rting n nll w nO r n ·9S. · move toot oC powd ered bora x has been ndors BrIll f t·t·sIWfI th" C ·~ t. rll . cans. made a ·t horough . course , ~f' die· net III a valuabl e asset A \l eI"s .Footyour fence. . ~ bove this soUd lIbe In tbe . u~t~ dl.s solved to 'each pInt. T n bs Insta 1\ tty 1" ' lIe\,c wcar\nCIIIJ anc) tettcs so~~ yeara ago, when. sbe was late W01P ·nls wardrob e. 18 sllace Of. two Inches 'Is . allowed ' be: nU ng or Infltt nl d' teet and }'lot ne1V. Wiping ' the aurface of nose with a :1\Y (>" " nl.'''l'1 of ' the. t"'lf at nig ht. 'then tor threaten ed willi ,obesity , As the- reAntlqua tlld. • tween the boards untll on ' a line with J.' ' soft Hannel or . p~eee of !jUk keeps om-rort t hr ougho u t lh~ d rl~' s ba.k.. AII"n's the roosta. There again Is a solid . ·.·)4IIn ,,,a~ts but Ilttle bere beiowt' sult of her ' Invesd~t1ons ,he bec;ull~ oC\t - EJoll(' .h Il ntl ~ .. ptI p'H"'dllr Into Y1\ur . . Fue Lotion. down the shJne. Do not rub hard. or FshM"r Sold vl'Ir y whe r'._' !!!it.:. Avnld ,,~ . . a "raw-rood~r,'" and though she has 'b elt to prevent ' the chIcken s from quoted the poeUc person. B.e uz·lon and ... laiOnd meal ma:ke a l'ednes8 r e8'JIl8, " Utut\!s. Sarnpl . or AllIIn'" foot-Ta M "On the contr!lr y... ·a;ejoined tbe prao- long since ac'c ompltsh ecr ber orIginal roosting In a draft. mnllell FREE or our re~ular lOod lotion (or .the tace for warm I\ln .ent by ---"" tical " (l!lrty, : object !tIsH "the tor and claalilfe !!Gil. AddresS Allen S. Otm.te& . .regaln' d column s of lli ber -tormer grace. ,,-eathsr . ,it hi malle by rulxlng thre. aealClea the usual anemles bore a x..~" )1. '1'. Three Popular. Colora. • the modem . newspa p6l' prove conMU; ful lines .h~ bas lEePt .' to the meat- drams of aIiP.ond m~al with oble~n falser blla to flgbt snakes. one dl1l.m It Is difficult to Just what. "!"OOL ~ 'rllbs tor r\'oot~ Tub •. " Tbey'" allp into tbe Delta ani! Dot oDly sh'el)' that h .. WaDta are nutnero u .... less' reglmeD. and II ~1.I'Dg her ctll- or soft soap IUld eight oUDces of ro•• colors Ilre domina ntdeftn9 ' this yoar. It I. It IS, CUrlOulS to see bow tl\e apaC1t CIren on It. water: StraIn and add tour ~ram. ot a seallon ot brlUian cy. 8waUow the ega. but OUP-D devour. tor .... d .._ of mail, ton. . clenr around a or' declsl.,••ptrtt ,OUD. cblcta. - To ftabt tbem a FJor-- Til0 beaU, HDctur. of beillOlll . .In hot weatbe r and of much .uperf~ent oquua t .. 0.and leaves titm' room anil f~o~,­ . Ida trt~d told me to ' set a 'p ll pel' I• .at u.... Ule betl..... UaIIJ .. made more coolldl b.r addlllJ . .~ _. . . . . "Itll It II Hid the aGlors· that .... 801L~D' .fohn Foa~r . Ill- Ut 'tAt ruB 6t tJae ,.rd, but to tta. ~~o. • drlial-.Of b~ ot .$ora& ~lV" ~ an fabrics are -!pOD. :&a _ cnua~ of noUn..

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, New Burlington .

W o~de riul' Pr.e~ium Offer






Kenneth Ridg , 0f ,Dayton. wain WE ARE CIVINO T HESE ·,ELECANT. "SOLID COMFORT" . Delayed Mr. R. ,M. M~rtz who hl1lo bean town Sunday. . REED ROCKERS TO OUR CUSTOMERS AS PREMIUMS \tIS8 ,Bernioe 8/1.wklns enter- very sick w!'th pneumonia Is now Mis Helen Hawkins iRvisiting h tained the D. A . olos.q on Friday. getting bettor. Tf;lnnys en was tho SlllJjUOt of the MISS N elllo () onninlZhnm, of Green sist 1'. Mrs. Terrell, in New Vienna. We want at least one of these fine Rockers to go Into every home in this section afternoon. villi" is vi~itlOg Miss Edutl. lJinwiddie and you can get one for every room if you desh~e. Mrs. Ma ~ilda Hosier has be n in'rhe M. E ohuroh waA c l e~ned on for tl few dtlVs . Fl'idflY by LeWIS' VROUUIU olelloue.r . MrA . Mitlnil uglilY , and tlo n di posed for several days, No hom e is complt!te without a supply of rockinjl T_ K. Barlanllndfamily. f Mil1m- .l nshUI1 ~t4 ~1't.ed for her boslle Elpll80, chairs, t he more t here are. the more comfortable the fl,. L. Gil\eUe, of Dayton, is vi itleburg, spent ~he ~"ounh with reltt.· Text.s, Illst TuesulIY morn ing . home. MIs~ My r tle Bonk, of 'inoinnnti, inlC at the horne of O. Davis, in or'ives here. We have secured from the AMERICAN CHAIR Elmer Lema r bll bod II OO Ultmt is vi iti ng fri ends west of Bellbrook. win . CO .. of St. L ui . Mo ., the excl usive control for this pavement pu t i n , Benj. Lemar 1I1\s MrR . .Toe ?tW Is r en tertained sever · locality of their cel brated " SOLID CO MFORT' REED Mrs. Matthews. of incinnati, also had ono put In in f r or;tt of hie nllndies of the ol.tqbborh od ut her ROCKING HAIRS. Hke illustl'ation. ' .tore. bOllls wetlt of town iallt Frldl1Y . spent. unday with her aunt, Mr . These Rockers fairly breathe rest and comfort, tbey harold MoKn V of Wilmin!{ton, Mr 0 , It . P t.e r~ o n wi lll enve Mon Richard e ro s. ar e appropl'iat for all rooms and are also nn nttractive delt vered an II.fl dreSIi on Penoa Ilt the dllY t,o "'I .nu llls VIlOI1t!on up itl CUD · addiLion to the 1.1OI·eh. veranda and lawn. . Friends' ohuroh on ·unoIlY. Master Alva hampiolt. of Spl'ing They are strongly made of Singapore Reed, sup. ' ada, Miss Belen Blllir aooompanisl1 ber po rted by well-sealloned wood and are given a fine Shel· ' Miss !:it,e1\n 80wurds is visiting her- field is spending his vacation wit h aunt. Mrs. B . Keloh t,o her home in Rister, Mrs. Willis Blaok south of his uncle, Mr. Frank Smith. lac Finish. They have full, continuous roll arms well Chicago. braced and a solid reed seat in baRket form. The' back town . is woven r eed and of restful shape as well Q8 attraCtive Miss (jrace 'owgill it! bome for Mr. qnd MrR. F. C. Jones are nQaite u. good mlwy from l' ere atdesign. The stretchers a re neatly turned. 'fhe t<lP of tbe Mummer. Miss N lIie tended { purty I1t Alpha 8tevens' tertainlng th ir niec the rocker is 40 inches from t.he floor and the width be· . W . C. Miller and fnmily Jeft Sun luet BaturdflY Dlght. north of ,t own. Che'r ry, lof the . & . Home tween the ar ms is 21 inches. You would pay $6',50 for doy for a visit with Mrs . Miller's Miss Mary Baker, of Belmont, of Xenia. · t his Ro ker anywhere. sister in Mlohigan . WRS visiting here last Friday. Pasted und erneath the sent of every chair made by The M. E. • andll Y ~ohool gave Misses Loraine Hamillon and J en------.--~-----the AMERI AN CHAIR Co . , you will find their trade· a festival on the ohuroh gr~lU nds nie ook are at horne fro.m L banon mark. as shown in the illustrat ion which is vour safeHarveysburg. Monday night. guard against imitations and inferior goods. 'j nis tradehaving resigned their positions with Miss Eli7Abeth Resv s is tl.ttendmark is a sign you are getting the best reed furnitur~ MiRS Florenoe POling, of Bremen, the Valley Telephone Company. ing the National Teaohers' AS800ia l!'airfield made. CQ , was tbe goe t· of MillS tion at B os~on thill week . We are' very anxious to have you increase your trad_ Lessie Tooker last week . FOLLOW HIS E AMPLE Ed. Lampkin hlt.s ret urned from ing with UR and that is why we make this 'Iibel'al offer Mr. and Mrs. Alva Kennedy enthe west . F. W. Hathaway did the proper tertained several of their friencls Here is the Offer, Absolutely Free Mrs . Annie Blessing re~orned to Monday ni~ht, July 4th. thin g last week and cut the weeds on ber home in Dayton MondllY after With every·$50.00 worth of goods you buy from us The Pythlan slsterR initiated ODe the noith '.side of Corwin avenue. If a plOMant visit I1t the bome of ber for cash, whether bought at one time or differont times oandldate. and Installed their newly more people would follow his exam. brother Will Bawkins. we will give you one of these Rockers·FREE. • electecl omioers, Bud then enjoyed ple. there will be less hay fev r 'this Mr. and Mrs. Elijlt.b Hawkins are n If cu tom rs desir e the Grand Rocker after they have purcbased $25.00, they can tal{e the RockEr by paying well prepa,red banqoet. ' fall. guest8 of rela,tives 'in Wilmington. $1.50 in CR h, This would be the quick way to g t t his :5olid Comfor t Rocker and ready to t ry for H,e second Mr. E. V. Ross, of W~rs~w, Ky., Alvah Bll1ir spent the Foortli at rocker . A k your friends to help you . Every ne will want one or more. ' DEATH OF 'MR. GEST is here a.t work solioitlng stuok for Troy, Uhio. The Rockel' are on exhibition a t our tore. You are invited to call and see them and get a punch cartl Have the proposed bl1nk. all 'OUI' purch8i:!es punched on your eard . Do ,all of your trading with us and you will SOon have a Rucker for Daniel H. est who died in Xenia ev ri 'room. I Mr. and Mrs. Nate Lhlton, of Wil. Sprin~ Branch , mlngton, visited their dauJ(hter , last \vet!k . was buried .. t his form .. You wi ll alwa!\ find a chpic selection of dependable merchandise at our store and our prices mean asavin~ ' home. Spring VaJley, last Sunday. to you. Alwavs bring lhe punch c81:d . Mrs. ~1Ia. Rye WBS quite indis- Mrs. Rue Uarr, Wednesday. posed last week. Mr. and Mrs, W, W. Weloh at- Mr. Gest was weJl known to many Mr. and M('8. Frank Daki n and tended the j aneral of Mrs. Mar people here. He was laid to Large ohildren we're Sunda,. guesta of garetta K. Brown Wednelldayafter. rest with full military hOllors, lie L ar.gest Shoe Frank, Cook and family. noon . having been a member of t he 75th Best Goods at Lowest Prices and Very Mr. anll Mr8. Jonathan MoOray E.' B. Da.kin. of tbe firm of Weloh regiment 0. V. 1. Stock Department Anxious to Please . and Ion .were Sonday guest8 of •. & Dakin, hardware merohants). al80 --~--+---~----C, Dakin and family. mllnager of the Harveysburg Jferti Store In Town ~r. and Mr8. Daniel Morgan and lizer Co., il a vervbDllY man looking SAVES A BOY FRO'" DROWNING IOn KOIlel were oalling ' on Mrs. J. afte~ hill, intere8ts in bo~ plaoes . Mayor Wm .. V . Luce, of Spring Moore and lIr. Le"is Morray BuoJohn Cook representing the Gem day afternoon. 91~ Shirt Mf,. Co., ot O"yto.n. Valley, . saved from drowning in the DR. J. ' MILLER, Mr•. J. 1;1. {'''benoweth spent tlie· transacted busin6ls bere Thur8daY. Miami river. Earl. 8-year·old son of . 4th of July .very pleasantly with Mr8. ,Dr. S. · J. Elhson, with her Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hartsock of that Smoke ' Mr•• Ella Rye. ' .~ster, )fr8. Baird, aud young folks . . ..,DENTIST.•• village. a few days ago . . The mayor Mrs: Diokson Wliartoti was the 'sptlnt Thorl!lday the , guests of Mrs . was fisbing in the river below the Pellee Hhlj.C. ' waynesvl IIe, 0 • gueet of l1er granddaughter Aila Do.. Ann MoCone. Over Cross LJNR. Sl ro tin and family Thorsday. Mr. Frank Mills, our popular bug- village • .' about: t he ' distance of a (OsteopathiC Physician) - ANDMtesee MaUle and ,i'ay Re81 were gy painter i8 qoite busy · painting square from t he' " Elm Swimming ~============ ~llltlg on Ada Dakin Friday after- buggle~ and carriages. . Hole'" Do not vlant corn too deeply. DOOQ, Mr. and Mrs . Pead Stewart make The Hartsock child, with several Tuesday and Friday Few farmel's harrow quite enougb, Mrs. J .•. Chenoweth and daugh. · Mr". Mildred Eagle, Mrs. ~t~wart 's compan:ieAs-aOOut-h.ia..ow.n-ag , Of Each Week lie Ciga ~1'8 ,Bertha and ' ,ranoes and 80n grandmother a. visit· Wedn~sdllY of. whom were able to swim, Wa& Harsh tl'eutJllent never pays with a JaoQb were callinR on frieDd,in Mt. 'and Thur8~y of last week. Hand-Made Havana Ciga1'8 Morris Collett, of New York Uity, paddlinir about in the snallow water, cow. Bolly, Sunday afternoon , Office at the Oustln 1-loulC above the hole, when he ventured Mr. John SmUh i, vlsUing ' hi8 i8 the guest of his pareokt. Mr. and Keep the plow sharp and huve It too far, and was caught t)y the unMfg. by EUREKA CIGAR co. daughter Mis8 Bertha. ' ,.,RObert (JoUett, of near bere. e - • Barry E. Wilson hat been em dercurrent and carried into the deep cut all ot the furrow. Hours of 'Appointment, R B. m. Germantown, Ohio. Oregonia. ployed by one of thtl leading barber water. His frightened companions to 12 m. The most IlDl)Ortnnt citizen of Ame~ :1 shpp8 of Dayto., ran screanting for h~lp, and their tea today ls :the farmer... . &1. . .. Mr, anrl. }IrA. Frask Har~sook gll-ve cries reached Mr. 'Luee, who, runMiss AlOIa Krauee, -Who has been Provide sprlnlders, sprayers and I !'.~~,~~,!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!..!!.!!'!'~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!! tile gue.t ot Mrs. E~rl Boyer, has a ~arden . Pllt'.t y to many of their ning swift1>< reached t he ,p h~ce in retarDed to' her bome tn Indianap. friends a' &:hell' beau.tfa~ home near . , . - - . -• •----.~!I11II1 time to see the boy disappear be- stakes for your garden. • iI .! oli... Wellman Frldl1,. night. Ada'. Milll Edna Soonoor returned 130n. J'. A. Knowles, of (,'tncionfl&i'J Illfath the water f or the second time. Tile big shoveled oultlvator Is a w ... ,. f t . ' p ' • ..-.,. 'If you ant a QoOd Dlah day ~vening' from a round of festiv. tran8aotfld b08iDes8 ~ere Mond,RY. The child had enoug h presence of thing of the past. or should be. ,\ds will be ln8erl.(,d un.ier th ... • he"t1 for of ce Cream or itleeinNorwood. ' Mi8sEdith' Smi'h Mr:. aud Mrs. Frank Shldaker, mind to gras.p the; limb of l\ tree lwenlv·lIvc ce nts tot three 10llerllollti. Both tbe graSR and the exercise Sherbert aooompanied her. • . , spen'Saturday in Wilmington the ~anging over the river when he rose wlloo LlBI"" nOllOore than fl.\>" 110"8. gaIned In getUng It are belpful to the, Mrs. Jennie La Beur ano'MislI May eael;tts of MilS Anna HlI.r.vey. again. ,and cautioning him to hold ~og. CQ TO bave beeD vi8Iting relatlve8 here. -FOR SALE tight. Mr. Luce climbed out on the Camp Corbin has retarned to WIJ . There fs money fn hop. branch and lifted t he boy from the, .,. knowledge or marketing produclll mingkln; Oamp Regolar il expeotto the best advantage Is nn Important. water. The <,lhild was almo~t exTrade one of the pups for a pi,. OR ijALE or trade SOkli "ad Ltved here this week. . ery. Sarlalo.f Bold ,,'10.. It'. · hausted when brought to the bank, '. C. A. 8oeDoer and familY' 8uloed . Wean the colt at from six. to ./leven and had swallowed a great qua~ tity 61utln. Waynesville. Obiu " ' ovf,tr from Leb&non Sunday evening months. i:e::o;l: winners are usually '. , raised In. incubatol's. !'I , aDd called. on relative8 here. of water. ~Xenia Gazette. OUSE AND \"01'-111 Corwin, 1 • --~ --.---Mrs. Frank ' Cleaver visited in The old hens become averted more . JiOWle reoently paiu&','tI, io KOOd Remember tbe main object of fllmt- ~""",.............._ _..................,.,.,~' ........_ _! Xenia and !!:Iouth Lebanon last week. easily than pullets. rep"tr aDd nloel, loo..OO. ·/: A tt~ rt Is not too , late to prune the OT'- Ing thIs year Is ' to provide and mal. -. h,ome or a gf\Od hivB8'ment: Inqoire tain"a; comfortable home. ICE OREAM PARLOR , It you cOllld not do It 80oner. a' t~is omoe. . Be good if you woald be reepeoted ; Nothing stimulates tlie system of chard. do It , now. Gather liP Hie dead be good looking if yon woold be the hog like pasturage. Every farrowIng pen should have a branches and burn them. good fen der to Pl' vent the tlOW from Oscar . Denlinger, lOVed. In marketing mIlk both the producer lying on aod' smotherlng the ,pigs. Keep the walks itl your garden nent and consumer must be satisfied. Majn Street . OPPosite,B.. . and attractive. Fence corners with Ewes and lambs run well over ' P. Keys' residence., ESTERN MA,RE, da," ,browo, The finer the teeth of the culttvator weeds nnd poorly kept walks are sure young grass Inna, but they must be ," , evidences of a . careless gardener. '. . whlt'e fa08, ~ yea, .... old,' 'ip. the finer and more satisfactory the kept movi ng. so that all Is grazed .end ' both BIlrll (iif, ' bQinu on J'l,ht work. venJy. ' Tn all regions where snow 11 R long ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!W!~~~~!"!! 911o~lder. Find"r will Itllep1ioDe Hogs. especially brood sows. stiould on the ground, winter poultry keeping Wm. Furloog, Red Mon. Soit"ble l1ntli nbout Ileventy yeara ago poul. have salt wbere 'they can go to It at Is necessarily tntenslve. but (hat Is no try lteeping was almost whol1y a home DR. BELL'S ANTI·PAIN reward offered. reason for continuing Intensive meth· Industry, producing for hOID.e con.,\ For Internal and Extel'nal Pal..... any tlmA. Fancy Freestone Peaches reaRE . ods through the summer. slUnptlon. .' .- " A8TPIN-I3,l1vel' qUII rter , etat. ceiyed every day by exp~ .. ~-]Z'"-".~ . _o~~~~~~~!,,!,!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ , ad 11(44 with ' lDltial14 "0. Vi." A wIde sweepIng fine toothed harrow ~ ~ _ . -. •• _. . . - -- - . - ~,-- Loat between A. E. ObHlowetb's The corn plll.nt. as well as oUler "'! Waterm'e lon& Intelligently used is the gl'eatest en· and Red Briok ohuroh. It'luder wl1l ' Fancy Georgia MelonR. They plnnts. must draw Its nO\lrlshm nt emy of weeds. e~ve at GaZfltte oruoa. ' . are cutting fine; quality never from t he Roll. In order for th plant better. For egg farmIng , on . a large scale to be well nourished the 8011 ,must , , the colony system Is best Butted to have a large amount of plan t food. Pineapples HELP ,WANTED r permanent operations. Recommends , Fancy "' lorida Pinel!. Build a plnce for martins tb brood Drougbt bas 11ttle terror for the on your farm . TheIr "chlrps" are Apples ' ~ 'Jntelll"ent , pereOD Jllit" e'&ro : man whose farm grows few weeds cheerful and tbelr services ynl uable. Fancy Eating & Cooking Apples They drive or! ,blros of prey and 1100 month.IY corrt:"lMlDdiol and the soil ,Is well bandied. ' greatly reduce Insect depredations. tor newspapere." No Ga'lv'&881ng. Lemons . tlend for Pl'rt:louh~r8. Pi'.... ~ 8,JodlFor Weak~ llon·Down People~ The day of the ~ooden pail and the Plenty of Lemons for these 0 .. te, B 5721, Lockport, N. 'Y. .: It Is always perplexing to kN,w warm da'}·s. old dash churn that could be pur.. I ;vas run dow,n and w~k from, chased at , the cross·road store ·baa wbat ' varieties of strawberrles U\o ' ORANCE8 ~ANANA8 Indigestion and gerieral d~bllity, also plal).t. The old varieties which' arlt , gone by. ' sutler'ed fro~ vertigo.. I saw a aNt In the community should be r&, known Daisy Fly Killer , . tallied until the newer sorle are teBtliver preparatlbn called Vlnol adverTanglefoot Fly Paper . ti.,ed and decilled ~ give 'it ~ . ttlal, . ,PoilOn Flv Paper ' Horse Manure Best,. Cow's Wor~t ed on a small scalEl\

----- .. - --


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I :marta, ;tina


Ii_.........._._ :...........





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·The ~FaV'OIlI··t·e




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F H'







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' 8pecl~l ·th'a Week:



EaStern grower" mostly grow fruIt , It may be desirable to ' lcnow' the sa a side issue and take ' what they why of the indjvidnal riohn8ds of Lenox So~p both when they gatbe,r 'and 'when Bars for , , Co the manures from f~rm .a~i~ala. get t hey sell It. whll& the western grower No limit to customers; but none' '·T he hQreEl is at the top on this &0 •. makes Ii business .ot growi1}g hili fruit . sold to d~lers . . . , coont. That of the hog come8 next,; ,and. lets what he. aaks for It.. Vote wit!) yoUY gTeen tickets then 'hat fro~ the ox. The maDare' It pays~tOtrade at . from the oow ia a' the 'bottom of :Ail n~ded Improvement around th~ the 'list, this be~ng due to tlie' en~ plll:ce ahoultl. be made before the searlohiDg 8ubstances ill bel;' fold gOlD'" 80n for oultlvation arrive8_ Sheds . , "L .for manure. 8belt~1' for stoc1c and • . ~ the formation of milk, Jeaving room for ' hay should nOlr have atien01' COUBSS the DWlure oomparatlvely _eak. don. Let the .00 hate eou14eratlou ......~-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, nec1.-'Some aDd 1i'&I'~. wlaSlel'W .... baIidJq. .


'10 ' '



, .. " . and the results were most ~atlfylng. , Afte.r. taking, two bottle~ I rilg~i'1~ my .strenith. and a", now ,ee~lng ~nU'aually. 'w ell." - HENRY CUNNlNOHAM, e,der JJaPtJst:-Cburch, Kinston, N.C. ' .

Vinal.contains .the two most world'famed t,o nies-the. medicinRl, strengthening,. bOdy-buiiCli.p g .elements of Cod Liver Oll and 'ronic. oil" an~s 'by far 'th.e Best Strengthening 'Tron. Virial c~n~ains Tonic obtainable. We return your '!DOney withOut quJ.tioa


ll"Viiaol clOea D()t &ccoinplilh aU' 'we 'claim for it. . , J. E. JANNEY, Druggist, WayilesvlUe.




·1 \

J• •' -


:41 ' \' Y-E'lRt-: 'l' YEAH.



[~;~~n!~ ~~~~~:~~~=;~{!~~~] w. w<~::::' ~LaU:eU'htf"1 .: Social .Events ........,



e-- -- - --------


per'f ' ct peace. wilh loved ones fill' away! ....-.-. ..... Aft pl' SII tfP.I·i ng' for ai , 1l 0~t thl'e day for the July meeting of oUI' Clu b .-........ ,1 > sus keeping we are flafe , and In Mrs, Jason Sheehan has been quite Miss Martha Burnett was in 'Day- on the fifteenth, it having been post· yea rs with h an tl'oub le , Mr'f\ at.h · Dain ty invitations are out annoullclhey." e rinf" Th Imp~o n, wife of Ma-l>Rhal ton 'ruesday. poned a day that any members wishsick. ing the Go ld en weddin~ of Mr. anu Geol'ge 'L'holl'l!)fW n, was reli eved by In lhe dim twilight of July 15,1910 ing to attend the Franklin HomeMrs. Albert Cornell , of Lytle, Tu esAttend the Chapman horse sale. Jesse Lewill was in Dayton on bus- Coming. might do so without missing death Imlt l"l'id ay evening at her as the day was sinking into repose, day . August 2. 1910 at 10 o'cJocit. mess Tuesday. the Club. hom e on Thinl street. Althou g h the tired heart of Catherine Wise Saturday. he r relati ves ami fr iends kn ew that Thompson ceased to beat. and her We were most kindly greeted by Mr. and Mrs , J. C. Hawke were in Mrs. T. W. Raymond. of Cincinnadeal" was lik 'Iy to come at allY mo· spil'it returned 'to God. who gave it. Lebanon- Friday. Mr. and Mrs W. Crane and One of the first reunions of lhe ti, is visiting relatives here. ll1 ent; yet th e shock t.o then was very On July lIS. 1891. just nineteen daua-hter. Miss Edith. A half hour summer was held at the plea'lant g real years befqre, a nd almost the very Warren Keys. of Centerville. was Mr~ and Mrs. George Hawke visit- was spent in social chat, when dinner country home of Mr. and Mrs. Br'Mr·R. Thumpson It·aves beRiu eH h·.' hour, a t Dayton. Ohio, she plighted in town Saturday. ed Lebanon friends Sunday. was announced. It was quite eq ual nest Butterworth July 17th. No llUElbanu and two r hildren, h rmolh · h I' troth in holy wed lock to Geo rge to the ~ual standard. spot could be more appropri a te for er. t hl' e Ri"le r's lind a hos t of warm ThompRon. which vow she fai thfully Herbert Edwards was in Bellbrook Mrs. F. C. Schwarlz spent several At two o'clock the roll was called. :iuch a gathering and the host and friends to muu I'll lhei I' loss. , kepl and performed. Sunday afternoon. days last week in Cincinnati. and minutes of the June meeting hostesa were untiring in their efforts The funerul services were held at To this uni on two chill ren were read and approved. Current Events to make the occasion a pleasant one. . her late homf\ M<lndayafternoon at born. Marguerite and Milton , who Walter Kilbon was in Cincinnati on Mr. Raymond Conner arrived were given by Mrs. C. L. Duke and The cooler weather ,even added its business last Thursday. 2 o'cJo 'k, I{ev . J . F. Cad wallader, of with the husband survive her. home from Atlantic City Saturday. proved very interesting and complete charm. At noon a bounteous dinner St. Mary's Episcopal church of which Born in Waynesville. Warren Co .• Mr. Otto Hornick took in the race.'! Messrs. 'Jesse Thomas and Clul ~hweh stu~jetcht fortesdtiSc~ssikon . wahs. was served on the lawn after which she was a devou t member, officiating Ohio, December 22. with lhe u k ' C'" a IS e grea ,mlsta em t e music games and conversation were in Xenia the past week. e were 10 tncmnatt Sunday. f . f to d '1" Th I d Burial WI\S made in Miami ce91etery. exception of a few years of her mararmmg 0 - ay. e ea ers, enjoyed by all. ried life spent in Xenia and Dayton, J. E. Jann~y and family are spend- Mr. Swain and Mr. Zell being absent. Those present wer.e: B. F., Sarah N. L. Bunnell was in Dayton last she had al Nays li ved in the place of Wednesday ou business. ing a w~ at the Chautauqua at Mr. Riley, who presided ca!led u?on and Currie Mills, Eli, Hulda. Walter. STE LLA WlIl'I'E her bi rth. Tne hlst year, of ' her life Franklin. Dr. Clagett to open the dISCUSSIon, Cliff and Charley Burnett. Owen and Mr. Upshel' Whit e rereivpd word shp was a loyal and consistent com· F. C. Gons and Earnest Robinson after which it was participated in by Maggie Burnett. Louisa Burnelt, Su nd ay tha t hi sisler, Miss lelia municant of St. Mary's church, and were in Cincinnati Sunday. Messrs. W. H. Allen and John other membeTII, all deciding that the Samuel and Sarah Bulterworth, Whi le , had di tl 'utul'day e vening- at health permitting. every Lord's Day Pence were in Lebanon Monday on BOil was robbed too much, and the Milton, Emma and Warren Keys, 9:30, after undergoing an operation found het· in her pew in God's house Raymond Williamson, of Dayton, business. farm work negler-ted at times as no Frank and Minnie Coleman Sherman for appendiciti~. She was the e ldest at both Sunday School and service. spent Sunday with his parents here. .. ' other business could be, therefore Lucy, Ralph, Alvin ' and' Laverne daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A C. a devout worshipper and attentive . . Mrs. Sherman Dyke and when the latter mistake was made, Dyke. Francis. Lena. Ross. Heber. White. of OWElh-sboro, K-y., who for listener, hunge ring and thirsting for DbI'· Eilts adndFJesstee ~ulrtotn wFe.rde 10 ~vFremek'l~ttelnded thke Home-Commg the fanner did not succeed as he Alan and Helen Hartsock, Clem, Mios r s as a nu mber of yea~'s wel'e residents of truth. The last Sun·jay she spent on L e anon an 1'1 ay. In an ID ast wee . should. Miss Lucile Cornell kindly nerva and Hessie Burnett. Harl, EmWaynes ville, and had but recently earth she was gladdened by being '1 gave aS delightful selection Mrs. M. L . P ars h a II an d Mr sEd Rev . an d Mrs. W . H . Ea1 ey are. .. Le C .. b do~ the ma, Alvin and Doris Harvey, Stacy, retumed to her hnme afler a pl'!as- permitted to enter His sanctuary and Macy were Dayton visitors last Fri- spending a two-weeks' vacation with plano, '. v. artwrlg t rea ~n es Sparra, Homer and Chester Burnett, ant visil here . join in the worship ' of her Redeemer day: relatives at.Gret-nfield, Ohio. sa! tre~tmg of "P~t memorIes." Lillian, Bagford, Stephen, Adelaid~ . and Lord. MISS Edith Crane fimshed the pro- Harry, Russel, Mildred, Robert and Kate was a favorite wi th who Messrs. Ralph Smith and Terrel Mrs. W. H . Allen, Mias Georgia gram with music which all enjoyed. Ina Burnett, Charlie, Carl, Glen and GEO RGE L. OLEMAN knew her, cheerful, hopeful. genial, Macy attended th'e Xenia races lallt Ha4.den and Mi88 Lizzie Stewart when we adjourned. hoping to meet Gilbert Frye, Ernest, Stella and BurWednesday morning, July 13th, companionable to an unusual degree. week. were Dayton visitors Tuesday. in August. ... net Butterworth and Amos and Ella about 11 :30 eorge L. Coleman, of she made and held friends. Cook. Dayton, succumed to the effects of a Mis.q Goldie Haucky, of Cincinnati; The horse sal, at J. B. Chapman's ' I. O. '0. F. ENCAMPMENT paralytic stroke r~ceived ix weeks f Few knew her but to love her, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Hazel Saturday, July 23rd, will be the'sale THE CHAUTAUQUA . ago. He was 71 years of age an~ Few named her but to praise. Gustin. of the seuon. Don't fail to attend it The Encampment was held at Mllriwas for more than twenty years emPatiently and submissively bhe etta this year, and an interesting sesThe first week of the Miami Valley . , ployed at the Barney & Smith car bore the burdens. the disappoint- ' Mrs. Ed Hanby, of Day t;c)ll , attend),frs. Eva J~nel! arrived ~ome fr~m sion was held. The business of the 1Chautauqua saw many la~g~ c~qwd8 s hops as a t inn r. He was born in m ntq, the ills of life, until the sum- ed Mrs. Geo. Thompson's fqneral a visfs to her slster, Mrs. Llda McKm- week commenced on Tuesday at 10 to hear the lectures, entertiliDments. Waynesville, a nd lived in nayt,on moml carnes to her ~o welcome, "It Monday. sey of Dayton, Saturday even;n&'• .a. m, Reports were read from the avail themselves of the, morning edabout tw~nly·five years. is enough. come up, hig her." May , .. . various grand ,officers. The reports ueational work" or to enjoy the many , Miss Baker, of Lebanon, was ' the , Mr. olel1Jan resided at 204 Curtis light perpetual shine upon her. ~nd Mr, and fdrs. ~lIen W. Hrunel and ah \IF ..a, 'ded' ' . th tate outdoor pleasuJ:eS the iutitution af':' Sunday g;qest of Mr. Oren Strawn children, of Xenia, are · aPendin&" . °d a""~hl bettlncr.easeh ~ve~, es t- fords The annual wate" carnival avenue and was well known in that her end be.peace. . . .. an a mue er $ oWing IS e x p e c · , ann family. . th ei I' vacation nelgn'Dorhood . . Besides ,his wife' he With relatives here for ed tho will be one of the attractivefeat.ures a few days . 18 year. , is survived by two sons, D. Lester CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Edmund R e t a l l i c k ' Tuesday evening came the parade, of the last week. , and Waltet L. Coleman. two brothers . th hIt h M' . V II Ch ta . and. a "'orgeous spectacle it WM. The program ,of the second week W e d eslr, roug you'll co ums 0 are at t e laml a ey au uqua Mr. Lafe Nicholson attended I. O. AI h" d th d D is exceptionally good Thursday Alfred Coleman, of Springb(\ro. and thank,our many friends for their for a week. 0 F Encampment at Marietta Oh' 0 tel' t e para e e a-ran ecora' .. , ~ Coleman. of this place and one kindn~s to IlS in our late affliction 'ddl f I k H ' 1 tion of Chivalry was conferred. July 21st, the Hon. Wm. Jenn10gs sister, Mrs. Harriet Staley, of Miam- by the loss of wife and mother. Mrs. If you want a good animal to work a ti~e~ ast e reports On Wednesday the business ' was Bry~n speaks. He needs no i?tro~bu~. . Catherine Thompson. or drive, attend the Chapman h o r s e ' completed. and officers for the ensu- ductlOn to Chautauquans and hiS adThe funel'at was held at the resi· George Thompson and chiJdren. sale Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney and ing year were elected. dresses here are .alwaYi app.reciated dence Fridav afternoon at 2:30 and --- - -.. - • Miss Martha O'Neall arrived home- Mr. Late Nicholson was present by enormous audiences. Friday, 22, int~'ment wa.q in ' W. odland remeTHE ORANOE CONTEST Misses Edith and Rachel Sheehllfl Saturday after a de1.ightful :outing during the entire business proceed- Ci.rici11~'8 band of young Italians tery - are spending some time at Miami at Ocean Grove. ings. wlil dehght and please all who hear Last Saturday evening the Waynes· Valley Chautauqua. • _.. them. Saturday, 23, Senator T. E . •JESS IE UNDERWOOD Mr. Upshere White went to'OwensAFTER NEW MEMBERS Burton will deliver an oration in the ville Grange began anotl)el" contest, Miss Clara Hawke arrived home boro Ky. Sunday to attend the fuafternoon. Rev. Geo. R. Stuart, of Miss Jessie Underwood. aget.l 28, the captaim~ being Miss Ona Strawn daughter of ¥r. and MI'!:!. John Un- and Mr. Lyman Silver. assisted b) Tuesday after spending a week in nerai of his silter, Miss Stella White, The ~nior . Department of the !enn~ee, will lecture in the evenderwood, died at her, home near Bell- Miss Luella. Cornell. ' An excellent DayLon with relatives. who died Saturday evening. WaynesVIlle BIble School and the mg. Monday 25th Dr. E. L. , Eaton bl'ook Saturday.. She had been an paper was presented by Harvey BurLon Burton has decided not to go Ferry School bea-an what appears to will appear, and the annual Illumiinvalid for some time, and her death nett, readings by Ella Hisey and to I" ebanon to reside. but will reThe Waynesville European travel. be a ~ot Clontest . for new members nation Night, which has become so was"not unexpeoted. ¥isB Under- Warren ' Keys, recitations by Mrs. main at his ('Id stand instead. ers arrived at Naples on the 12th. last Sunday, , The contest is to con- popular will also take 'place Tuesday woo~ maue her hQme for a time, Frank THomas and Ona Strawn, They w~re all well, and commenced tinue th.r~ugh July and ~ugust. 26th Senator J. P. Dolliver, o~ Iowa, about six years ago, at Mr. ,md Mrs. a piano solo by Lucille Cornell and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman at- theirsigl)t-seeing immediately. The conditions are: one of the Insurgent leaders 10 Con•. ~J. Brown's. ~he 'Nas buried at a vocal solo by Louisa Stokes. tended the funeral of Mr. Coleman's ' The Waynesville Seniors against the gress will appear in the afternoon. Bellb~onday morning. Among the exhibits were fifteen brother, in Dayton last Friday. Our fonner town8man, Mr. C. W. whole Ferry school; each old scholar Dr. E. L. Eaton givt's an illustrated boquets of flowers, blackberries;' Randall, . of Lebanon, has recently present shall count 100, each visitor lecture in the evening. Wednesday raspberries and many varieties of Edward Ricks arrived home from been el~eted secretary of the Leba- 100, and each new scholar5oo points. 27th, and Thursday 28th. Prof. P. fl~ W. DARST vegetables. a six weeks' tour of the Western non Cemetery Association, at that A person is not counted a new scbol- C. Holden will lecture and do AgriThe entire brothel'hood today states and Canada, last Tuesday place. ar until present three Sundays. and cultural ~tension work. Wednesmourns the loss of E. W. Darst. who HAMILTON--LEE is counted 600 but once. day evening Rogers Concert Band died at Tucson, Arizona. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Cornell and Stat~ In~pector of .~orkshops ~d The side ,that has the most points and Orchestra appears. The proJune 2nd. In Northern California. . MLer. Harry Hamll~odn ~ndDM1SS Bon- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke attended Factones, W. F. Slekman, was In at the close of the session. August gram is indeed a banner one, the h i e was so well known the sor- ] me. e were marrle 10 ayton at Chautauqua at"Franklin Tuesday. to~n last week. He ordered seve!'lll 28th. wins in the contest and shall be camp and ~ottages are well filled, :o~:~: ~niverSilI. F'ew men 'Will ever the U. B. Parsonage by the bride's. , . thmgs to be done around town to 10- the guests at a union picnic to be and large crowds are enjoying to tht'! b dl ' missed 'rhe editor uncle. Rev. Geo. W. 'Zelf, Thursday, MISS Luella Cornen has taken MISS sure safety. held immediately after. utmost one of the assembly's most is\~Z~~e:~ t~s time t~ exp~ess t'iS jl July 1 4 t h . . . 1Marlatt's .place as clerk, at the p?st. Now every body get a "Dog Days" successful seasons . f thO . tl Mr HamIlton IS the son of Mr office durmg the latter s vacation. Stanley Sellei'll moved his furni•• , . t' OWl) apprccl8 Ion 0 IS salll y m a n ' . .' t . to th h M d t t move on you. The contest now s ree BAND CONTEST IN DAYTON b ecause of the grl'ef wI·th.' whl'ch hl'S \ andd Mrs. h .Geo. . Hamllton, h ffi of f thIS pJace f h Mrs. Patrick Gibbons and son" ure t 10 k eh' ouse h h onbee oun od led stand s: F erry. 6000 ; Waynesvi'11 e, heart is 'filled. One of God's noblest. an e IS 10 teo ce orce 0 . t e i .., as wee ,W IC as n rem e 3200 saintliest, kindliest men has gone. Speedwell Motor 0;>. They arrtv~d Waitflr. of Bellbrook, are v Rltmg by Foster Houston.-South Charles-' .-. • Dayton, O. July (Special.) Oneof MayHeaven be very near the,sorrow- here Saturday evenmgtos~end theIr relatIves in Kansas, for a few weeks. ton Sentinel. IS SELLINO 0000 BOOKS the attractions of tbecoming Indusing wife and fatherless children. honeymoon. The many ~rlends he~e Messrs. S. E. Alexander and Henry , Mr. and MTII. J, H. Smith accomtrial Exposition and Falll"estival to - The Pacific Christian, San Francis· of the happy coupl~. With the MI- Cooley of Middletown were the I 'ed M' M b IS 'th t 1.0 I d Mr. Wm. McH~rick, representing be held in this city. September 19lh ami Gazetee, extend congratulations. guests' of Mrs. Alethi~ Alexander ~an~ l~h a e ml °t ;: ~n the Collier Co., of Cincinnati, is here to 24th will be an inter-state ,band co. • _ ' .. , -- 1 un ay. e was enrou e er in town selling the books of the com- contest; open to brass bands in Ohio, STRUCK BY LlOHTNINU CHURCH OF CHRIST Sund~y. · ' home in Greenfield, Ohio, after pany. The books are mostly volume Indiana and Kentucky within a 2()OI J4 rs." Thos. Sherwooj arrived home a week's visit here. books, and are from the finest auth- mile radius. It is planned to make The finp. ) dairy barn of l·'rench at ,10:30 a ., m . and 8, Friday evening and we are glad to M r. an d Mrs., Chas. Co me, II M rs. ors. 'the mode of sellin'l is on the thiil the most comprehensive band Brothers, of Cincl~n"ti, was struck .p. m.; B,Ibl e Sc h I a t9:30; End eavor note that she is very much improved Frank Zell, MisS Lu~lla Cornell Or. payment plan, which enablps any one contest ever held in the middle West. by lightning and burned Saturday at ,7:80' p. ,m. Subj~ct for morning in health. ' d M ' p D CI tt M d M S to obtatn them on ' easy palma.n, ts. ,PrizE:S of cash and gold medals . 1 ed th '''rb Lo d' S ' Its an r s . . . ale rI.. morning. , The ocat . nor . f .;'mton/ .. e , : r suppe~~Th J .' MItt .. ed t L. Cartwright attended the Farmers' Dr. Elliot's five:.foot library in 50 vol: be offered f~lr bands of d,i fferent of. Lebanononthebl~. dairyf~m . o ' Creqdu~ncYf' -Tbevem~g se~mTon, e l, ISS. ~le : ara 'dJom adPahrY 'l clubatthe home.ofMr. and Mni. um~ isa dandy. Mr. McHedrickciasses. BandmasterR and leaders French Bl'othel'lJ l'hlsfarm former,- r~ , 0 , " e N.e~ , estament at Sprmgboro las,t Frl av, an t ey W W C · t P k' F'd comes well recommended and he may obtain:fuller ,information by ad-, " . . . k ' Oh h " v ' I '11 ' t th Ch ta ,~. • rane, a e 10 rl ay. Iy belonged to and,..llI now ,n?w,n as , ' ~rc • -' .. . : Wl camp .. , e au uqua K1:oun",11 ' will be bere for 'BOme time. H~ will dl easing F. M. Barnes, Director Genthe Milt Earn,h ar'tfarm,. Th~~¢ were . WN FEle l' fO~ two , w~k~; '.' M~rs. C. "A.': Costello 'an~ ROb visit even' ~~me in tow,n, and we,be· eral, at the. Chamoer of C?mmerce, 12() ' tons"" of . hay burned. The barn I LA ~ " '., U . J S'd t Sabbath d Costello. of ·Covlngton, Ky., Edpr apeak for hIm great success. naytl)n,OblO. ' 'd th to "~1 l . ' . - - - -,.. I .nrs ane I es s p e n . . . • MI h J B' ' . " I. " ' . _ • cost 110,000 . . an e · "" os~ lS over ',The ~. , E .._SundaY-8cliool w:m gitY~ 'Ii~htf~I1Y with the families of &pl __ Bel'Jl'~, of D,e trolt. c., 'o" I , . ~ ~ $12.0Q0. • -. ~: . a lawn fe,t e t1~iXt Tuesday. '~vening ~>Jl:, uel and, Lincoln Sidt,s. The dinner Cammm~ and Thos: Mason, of X~~la BASKI;T MEETIN9 ' . WILL 06T NEW ' S~Fe ." T ' tbe'Jawn 1)£ Mr. .. Wm. Madden. ' .,A\I . , I dr" • Mrs. Sarah Lafll)'etteand MTII. ('~rol , .' , . '. ' , -" - -, " ' , OO~Dl MEDAL ,C(>N!ES ' ,the delic8t'i,eS of. tn~, Season . . ,M.,usJc"as ~s~~ :~~ . ~ ICIOU8~ .: ' ,Cordner. of ~iddletQvm; Berf81~r~ Th~re will be ~n ~aske~ " P~tnlas~r .Farr ~enqlls., ,~e to . L 11 .C rnell ill be con.. will furnished by the band <J9tpe 'Miss May S~rawn the' Sunday of ~w 'B~,rhn&'tOIt; . Mrs "John Com·, ~~tmg at the Turtlecreek Fr:lenda ,' Hanillton, OIpo, Monday, r~ wdl . MIBS , ue a.~ W U 'ua ' ". _ ~ ~.. . . guest ot her ~nt8, Mr.,md Ml'8. fort- and Mrs; Jqlu:t Swindler, of' ctiqrch Sun~, ,July 24th. All-are repl~ced, by a new, on.~. :rile ~e '. ',The pPCUliartt.y of a crank if; ' MiSs May is clerkiu the fU,neral of M,r s. to come and bring damaged"· by'!wers. Cont~tr. . ' ' b.e hl.aY8 ,t.bin lEa i"~ hta t\lml , at the JackJon drill. store ~t Lebanol) "(:atb~rine W~ Thompson Mond:Bf., tlunr bukets, wtnter. " MHS , CA'I' IIEIlJNt-.: 'I'HflMI'S'O N








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teslt.a~:.t fni=, do~~e~~a~~~a~r. t:J



~bl\t. Or~riStraWJI.

X~ni&, attend~

co~ially i~vited


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Practical Fashions CHILD~EN'S




rul or mllirts that will boar watchin g, A few to t away In th hall was th e ·' . ._ ......."" on Bnd nil. ' Out the re lias been nO spot where the body oC mold Arm· s trang( woman near tbe house or strong had be n found . I was a bll Liddy would have s e n h er , you may nervous , a nd I put my haud on Hul· b ' s ure. She bas a lei scopi c oye." sey's sic ve. Sudden ly, frow tbe top Mr. J nml S Oil 10 k d thought ful, of the ata l rease above Ull came 'lllo "It may not aruount to anytb lug," sound of a cautiou s roots l p. At first lie said s lowly . "It Is dlt11cult to ge t I was not sur(', but Hal sey's alti tude 'any P CI'S I! c tlv e 8YNOP SIS. on tliln gs a.round to ld m he ha d h ard and was li s t n· \'CRted, and through an ugly 8tro, 11 (> 1'<', bernusc " ory 011 down In tb ' Ing . . The ste p, s low. m a s\ll' ~d. In· - f Mis!! InnclI. ~ pl n s l e r alHl l'. .Innes ca ll d and then rus b d at n rdi n.n or "llIugo I tiu rc h ' Rnll' t htl lIlurd re r. nn tt ely caullou s, wa nt' Gerlru,l u lint! 11111 :<1' ), . 8 1:0 10118· ~\l arer now. 10 1101 S III1l Ill1' r H ~prlngs. M!sB.-"Wo rds are llI e , I- I wa. alarmed , a ud flung the h end qu l\r lerli nl Sll ll ll YHld " . AlIll fl ~ l nu · d th e l' he ro!'e or !liIH' a th crim e. And [fnlsey lr le t! to loos 11 my finge r s , but bl:lnk t at him." fo r m e to expres8 what mcrnu!\ dltlll'lllll ('S t h r ~ .. n ·' U1 1R d s '! r !t'd . ha lf of I hem will s trete h a poin t o r I WIIS In u paralysi s of fright. As fl SM 10"<'6 l o d\"u d tip r o r tho n ll;h t , yourwo nderfnl medH a lsey WIlS xnmi nln g th e c ut on s ht' \\t U M $ l!1 r l l ~ tl lI v : 1 d ur l{ th ; urn o n IJ h ' t wo a s to fa c L'! , to b obligi ng. Dul Th e s wish of a b od y l\ pain t t hl' ioines have done for h!~ fo r h ad In 1\ ' sma 1\ mi 1'1'01' QO v "rRI1l1n . 8h r 1" ' bl'l ,1 II I ' !" r l b l o nl .. hl. th ma n who drlv c!! th ha(' k down ul'vlng rail, as If rol' mo. 'l'be doctors said g ulr.lllnre , w as th e wull. Jt whl,·" w as /I ll d w,lh " nMN 'II "Y " u l ~ ~:<. lh n ) l"lI was uot IllIlC' h of nn {no s u sto ry t hut Il1Il Y I o ti~ lbl y pla in E' n ollg h, und now \\'h In lhe Iilo r n ln,; ~ 1 1~" lll n(ls f ound 1\ J bad's tumor. and I o ,. ' I' it was Jury, 1>u t 1H ran~n U n It t' lIIT t " " h 'l tl Iii f\ c-lolh t' H pro\' o to U(.l illll'o rtanl." It h a d bl tI t'r('ely. a nd his h ad an operati on, lI ud I'e:l ch d the fo ot r th e s lnlr a sl' hnrn l h ' r . \~ (' r'I' I Hh.l u u d ll n l ~fI ~' ur r l\'I'<I a ppl:arnn (;t) '1\' 36 rath e r t rrifyln g. " I lI av' hpnr d It . I thlnl<. Was It and had cau ght a glimps but WIlS soon as bad \ v h l! .] th ""' ){ lt ul lC' ) ' , T hu h lH IS(, \\' a.~ a . w llJ( · of a li I' r igid agatnas over.lw roto " T ho mll s e ned h v n Tt' \' cd \' r ~ h \l l. the one th e \I lIrlo r m ail.! lIr o ll ~ ht up s llhoue tt s aga ins t ~ l r . l n h e 111 111\ th bill iard room ho uld,'r. ..\\ill'!" he s ll ld. 0\' r his w us r ou nd ~ Io " l h) ,to ·:! l lo . I II 110 (' Io n l l. toyoufo r ad vlce,aD d lIy, 1 thou g ht J aw Il pro \' (1 t o 11 t ht..' h t.,\ l y , \ ( " r nu h l "1'111 - YOI;tord a y, a bo\! :I g host w rin ill,. Its doo r wa y. H,1lsey thre w me 01Y to ' n b egan to take Lydia Tll omas. out the r e fiS you Ullld th a t 8Iro oS'. wll ot-:C" b nn h " I- f nl l w r O\\' l lfIU t ho ha nds o n lhe root"! D h Iw r hullS It'G and Atrode forw ard . c ountry Itt \I ("', E. Pinkha m's VegM i ~N 11111 ("'~ f ,UII Ht If n l · yclu th Jl e ic o no IJr t ak h 'oul mll k·boy of tb hea o doo l'll ; r a and t ra mp "Who Is it?" he ra iled Impl'rlo lJ Iy, .. ey· s I'e"o!\"' r n n I h ~ 111 11' 11 . It " fln ~ J ,u' k etable Compo und 0 \" 1' lh e pa r h." B rtlley h ad III ~ H l'lW ~lrl\d . slli rt, pr(>. uma bly nlul took n hn If dozen ra pi l! stri df' 'I ' tll"' lin uiT was hing a d ir ty as you told me to s tobll tto n 'n r" ' ~ rlull . ly <l ls :l "I " · n r~ dk. "lIr I ('oulll bl oo se · dy, th:lt In tb e cr eele lJelow lh unli e r prot<.> ns of do. I am glad to (p r' t h ' c .I n!1111·!ol0 I1 :'\ n d till "' C{,rlH1 0 r n rrl v t-:d wll rd th e foot of th e s ta lr'·:l se. Th n , I'x:lll1 inlllg' bi ll inj ury h was walch· <if Tt r u t111 n \ ,·t'nh' u th n e ti l l ~ was {, 11 t; ~l~N I /Jrid g c'?" Paria P,\( t e rn 1'\0. 3205, All S pu rns L-~--:----:r-rt. s81 that now I look I heard him m lltter sOll\ltlJ lng : t hl'rc t o J Ilc: I' IIlt ll ... " . w l l h w h o m .. " " lo u d I n~ h e l' thro ugh th e minor. T c;o lJld see t he gl ,'am of :\11'. Jaml . \\' IIS th crash . Allow ed. - Liltle peOIII \! of today my friends keep t~l1a\tl I n ( hI' blllln r d r o o m n.. f C' w 0 at a fa iling body, th ' 10 - S O il' " Is th iti Oll t! of th e Bena ntI!!' blnnk· mos t ass uredly look jllst IIk o pre tty asking me \Vha has belped me 90 " l('e lh ns h e "; Ill iletl . m ~n t .s twfnJ'(.l Ih . · 11 1ur\h .' r , .l Jl IH i t' Si ll1 l lll.! s laOl o[ th e ali t r door. [lnci . for an ~ I,.,. I nll r ti I lo u [ ,, 10 ... W "R hld lnK ""Id,, "c'' " Nl'i l hl' r." he· sait!. "n ut l\l a ltl1 w In s tant, clul e t. I sc r am >d, 1 think. !'ls, ]l.lrs . Watson ?" I a s l( ed, holding dolls lu tb e uew s tyl ' Ii cr t' al t'd muob, alld I gladly r ecomm end yottr fro m h i m , 11 ~ Ir Jl lll'iS\ 'llc d nil I ntl' wl pr In' for their benefit. This 5('[l50n th e , cgctable Compou nd."-M ns.WlL LIE ...nn f.' nlJ1lY nl(.un , 'I' h · %, rI SOll f! r • W' Up o d G(> ISl, wh ic h I s (\ur fr l! 'nd's nume. Th n I r mcmh ' r t urning on th e up its Iuxllriou s fold s to th e li ght. EnWARD B, 11011y Springs , Miss. do,vlI u l au1Hl r \, (' h u l l". It d ev ·lv rw d t hn t el nims th a " J~v ryt h lng Frencll Iso t on Is dross Is being lIs ' d In OInking Sa loclted t urd a y night, away." nt 9 : 30. lights a ncl flndlu g lIal sey, wblte with th t' InlrUlh ' r \\' i, ~ p ro!)n" y n. w Uln a n. (; " 1" One of the greates t triumph s of s he rE' 1>1I dr d. sses Whi of ch ftou trude w,.." . ~ 1I ~ PI· I· I , · cl . ( or tll o IrHru d" r a ve il d l:lllY-" was ncln g, nnd we ba ve Lvdia E. Pinkha m's Vegeta ble Comtrue e nougll, rury. try ing to un lungle him self from let! Il print oe 11 hnro f (l(.t. (1 ~ rlr l ,t1 1','no doubt. " [ kn pw it would be a v il ell la dy: ' sorn th ing warm and I bad r nled Ule house taken advnnta ge or thIs Id ea to pro- pound i s. tbe conqu ering of woman tu r nrd h OI1l (, II 'yo H had 's with h r rlghl nnkln vide n mod I whl h will be mos t ef· dread enemy - tumor. If you h~ve 1!IprnI n N l. A n ~!: ro f oulld thl:' o lhr r h n lr I broke In . cut hIs for e head a little on th lo we s t without bed furni s hings. of whut prr,vcd 1(1 hi' Jn r k ]111 11 .y.,. Clln: "lr Tit lllas is ill," Halsey said, fectlve In tbls materI al. Th o yoke myst riO IlS pnins,in flllmma tlon, ulcerD~ "A ve il d lady." he pers is ted, "",1I0 slep of th e IItalrs, b " \l" ". 1I 1\1 ~ Y nnd h was rat h r .. udd t1nl y r CIlppM r (ld . was appal' ti on or dlspla c ment, don't walt fOl' LI Iy youn g and beautiru l, a ghas tly H e sn.lll h(' (11111 Hulley hn d left h cc:ll u s sight. He flullg the whito "so me me mb ·r of th fam fly ou{;ht to nnd the pan e ls In fro n t 'wlll b PI' tty t!mo to confirm th ey had r\'<'l'h'~ " tl l '\(·g rllm. G ertr ud ee e ngag d his back a nd ask your fears and go go down to see him. If cut (rom tu cking. YOll while n eedn th o 't balance ed to be obj ct lit me, and. j e rking op u tb e tlal rt t hnl Rh ,· hil t! I{l v en Holl.~ Y an \In· through th ]lOrrors ota hospita l ~ra­ bOLh ~ r. MI'S . Watson . I will take llle may be of pla in or Bca\l ollcd flouncin load ed 1'(' vo h·~ r . (" .. ring t o " I\' o hIm }Inl· drll' n to Sunnys ide . N ' Ul' lhe gat , out '1' door, ra ced into t.iJ darkn ss g Uon . try Lydia E. Pinkha m's V ege. .. ).. " lood"" \\'(,·,po n . Rht !'r 13,,11 Y o f how e ve r. sb e mad e him s toP. Itl spite or 01 her fa brics. The tiny skir t Is table, but Gertrud e bad come on hearin g the bla nk e t." comp und at once. ] ' lI u l AI'm ~ tr o J1 g'~ h a nk. d o fll l lc t . was Q.I''h dr II' hc or haraly rself his r more up emonst quick ly. as If than n rume in Its elf nnd rances, saying s he 11re· noise, and no w w slood. s tari ng r "ted. c h a r gNl wllh e mbenl c l1l nL For th irty year s Lydia. E. Pinkha m's at In prot s t, but sho r rr d to walk to the hous ". Sh e paid each oth er over-o n ever ' lool( better than H made V eJt table Compou nd, made from roots found nothing to t all thlngll on say. be s tood s moothin g t.he folds of of flouncin g. CHAPT ER X.-Con tlnued. Pluln materia ls llIilY Bnd h rbs, hns boe n the standar d r e m edy he r dead black dress, he r fa e as ha ve the edges worl(ed by hand or for female ills, and Buch unques tlonwhite as chalk above It. The n she hemm ed, nnd a desIgn In colton braid abl testlmo uy as t he above proves tbe "Tn casbf" see m d to make up !le r mind. worl! cd a iong th e edg. 'T ho pattern value of this famous remedy. and "In cush." "V ry well . Mr.' Inn s ," she saId. Is Cl; t in 3 sizes, 2, 4 and G yonrs. should give veryone confid ence. "But tlle man who did It- h e would If you would like specia l advice "Perha ps you wou ld bolter go. I have To nulte the dress in th e medlulll 617:e about b e known '?" your case write a confide Ddon e all I cou "Y s, r tell yo n both. as s uro as I will r equire 2 yards of materia l 3' Ual lotter to Jlr8. PiDkb ld." amL~t And th e n s he tnrned a nd wont up In ches wIde. or If mad e ot f10uaclng 4 Lynn, Jla88. H er advice 11 stand h ere . I b lIe ve thnt Paul Arm· uae, th e circular stal r cas , moving slowly yards of 12·lnch floun ci ng, % yards aDd always helpfu L strong looted hIs own bank. I believe . and with n certai n dignity. Below. l S·lnch tucking . H~ yards ot beading h e bus a million at least, as the reo 'YOU OUOIIT T O KNOW A 1l0UT IT. W . .. the suit, and that he will never come three of us star ed at one another Bnd 4% yards of r ibbon. cuuutYl<' at In COD"" u t 1\\0 Gmndo Valle, 6001 lrrlacrOS8 the Inter vening white blanket . back. I'm worso than a panp I' To procuro this pattern sen<l Ia cont! rr:!~n~u~~l~:rM~,.:~l't~~~I! ~O~edb~:"u"~Dft" "Upon my word," Halsey broke out, to "Pal tern D~pl1.rtrn ent.: ' of uOW. I cnn't ask LOUiS\! to share thIs papcr. 11 ... \...,..,",,·••. •Iahunoullh to m 110 you rtch. W rt te " this place Is a walking nightma re. Wrltc namo Ilnd address plainly, nnll be [or bookl ut 11. qtflck. ca. .... Tow"elia Co., t'lo.pIa. Tn. notb lDg a yoar v.·lth m e, and whe n I I hsve th e feeling tllat we three out· eUTe to alve elao . and num~er .o t pattern. thl Ie of this disgrac e tor her, I'm siders who have paid our money for crailY." the privileg e of staying in this spook· T he most ordinar y events ' of lite NO. 3295. SIZE ......... .. ..... . INCOM PETEN T. factory. a r e livIng on the very top of s eemed pregnan t with possJbll ties that things. We'r e on lhe lid, ao to speak. day, and wben Hal sey WO ~j called to NA..KE .•••• , ••••. .••••••• ~ .................... . Now and the n we ge t a s ight of th8 the . telephon o. I ceased aU pre tense TOWN .......... .......... .......... ~ •.•.•.•• th Ings Inside. but we are not a pare at. eating. Wben he came back from of t he m." 'the telepho no his face s howed that BTREET AND NO.......·.......... ..... . "Do you suppose ," Gertrud e aske4 '69meili lng had ocourre d. He waited ftA.Tm •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••.• ••• _ ••• doubtCu lly, " that she really nieant that 'h owever , unlll Thomas le U the din· bla nke t ror Thomas ?" ( n g room.; then he told UB. "Thoma s was standin g beside that . "Paul Armstro ng Is dead," he anLADIES ' WORK APRON . magnOl ia nounce d gravely . "He died thIs morn· tree," Halsey replied. "when 1 ran after Mrs. 'vVatson . It'. Ing In CalLfor nla. Whatev er. ho did, dow n to thIs, Aunt Ray. Rosie's baBh e 18 beyond th e law now." k t and Mrs. Watson 's blanket call Oertrud o turned pale. only m ean one thing: Ther e is some• And the only man who could havo >1llear-cd Jack can ne ver do ttl''' s he body hiding or being hIdden In tb' lodge. It wouldn ·t surprise me If we oeald despaIr Ingly. hold the I\ey to the whole sltuatio d "Also," I r eplied coldly, "Mr. Arm· now. Anyhow , I'm going to tbe ·Iodg. strong Is ' for ever beyond tbe pow e r to In vestlgst e." • -of . defe ndin g himself. Wh en your Gertrud e wanted to go, too. but .h~ Jack cOilles to m'e, wltb some $200,000 lopked so BlIaken that I Insisted sbe 'In bls hands, which Is about wh a t should not. I se nt for Liddy to help you have los t, I shall b el1 e v~ him In· he r to bed, and the n Halsey and l ' Docent. " started for th e lodg'l. The grass wa. 1iiiiiiiI~ : ~~~ta:tIII\(I heavy witb de w, a nd, man·lIk e, Hallie)' CHAPT ER XI. Mrs. Hare-O ld Sn.ail got b ls boy a cltose th e shortes t way across . th~ pOSition last weel and h e only held lawn . Half way. howeve r. h e stopped Halley Makes a Capture . It Olle d ay. "We 'd b ette r go by the drive:' h. It was about half·pas t eight when Mr. H a re-Wh at was It? said. "Tills Isn't a law n; U's a field we le tt tbo dining room, and slll i e n· Mrs. Hare-A messen ger boy. Wb ro's tbe gardene r these days ?" . .grossed wi th one s ubject the [allure "There is n't any." I saJd meekl,. of t he bunk and its attenda nt e vils, When Father Helped. 0,;( , ' I "\\"e h ave b e'Jn thankfu l e nougb, 80 Halsey a nd I ' we nt out 'Into th o The fo nd futher held. t he manu· far, to bave our meals prepare d a nd ground s fol' a strolL Gertrud e rol · script wh il e 1I1s son pracUse d the ora· t owed us s bortly. " '1.'he light was served and th e beds aired. The gard· The Step, Slow. Measlolred, Infinite ly Cautiou s, Was Neare tlon. r Now. ener who belongs here Is working as tlllckcn l ng:' to lIppropr lato Shakes· " Sha ll we perm it the ruthles! j hand pear 's descrip tion ot tw iligbt , an d him, and be left h er the re. Now, Miss ear t h_ white silk and wool blaa k e t, tlle club." of tbe hydra·h eaded tyrant," c ried the "Remin d m e to·morr ow to send oul once again the tree.toa ds 'and t he In n. s, you had no such vis Itor, I b e· exquisit ely fln e! It was the most un· you th. "to-to -to-well, what l ls it ?" a man fro m tow n:' he aald. "1 know crlcketll we re making night lhrob lieve?" ghostly thiug In the world . with its the very Cellow." The father was wrestlin g with the ~1,th ~h el r tillY lIfe. It was a lmollL op· "NOLI e." I said dec idedly. manusc ript. lavende r bord er and Its faInt scent. I record lbis scrap of convers ation, presslve ly lonely, In spite ot Its beau· "Ge ist tbo ugbt ~t mi gh t be a maid, Gertru'd e wns tbe first " 'O b, yes," he muttere d, "h ere It Is: to speak. just as I have tried to put dO,w n auy tr; Gnd I felt 11 slcl,eoln g pang ot as you bad got a supply that day. Out "Someb ody-ba 'to deSSicate: Go on ." d It?" s he asked. thl ng and everyth ing that had a beat homesic kness for my city at nlgbt- he said he r getti ng Paris Pattern No. 2269, All Seams out near the gate Yes. Halsey tried to slop whoe ver Ing on what followed " It·s d esecrate ," orl ed the boy, In· puzzled him. Anyhow , we have now It "was . because th. Allowed .-Dotte d or figured gingham ffJr tb e clatter of horses' reet dn ceo one and [e ll. Gertrud e. that . dl gnantiy . "'Sball we permIt the bla nk· ' veiled lady, who, Wilit t he gllost. t I m cnled pavlug for tb e lights tho I I h garde Halsey sent the da)' plain chambr ay, !alatea. strIped ruthl ess band of tile hydra·h e aded e s not m n e. ave neve r seen It playedn er , ' I y Intrude r of Friday night, makes l>efore." an Importa nt part in next th e event. .madras and even denim all d eve lo~ tyrant v'lices. the sound of childre n playing . two assets t"ut I hardly know whut to to desecra te t be-th SI The counlry after dark oppress b Id I I es me. of the n ext te w weeks- eventll thai well In this 6tyle. Th e apron will be why don 'l you prompt meT" e-tbe -' u Ie e t up and · ook ed at It; th en culmina The Btors , quite ecli psed in the city do with ," ted as you know. by sUrrlna found " ery userul while perform Ina s be went t:> th e door on to th ve ra no th e count ry I)\·ofoun Th e fath el' was staring bard at the by the electri c lights. her e become In. dly. At that time, " It Is mystify ing," I admitte d, "al· da and threw It open. Perha ps 100 bowe ve r, I was busy trying to keep any little househo ld duty. th e square manusc ript. 6hte nt, a sscrtlv e. Wbe ther I want lo though I can think pockets either side or tbo front beIng or one possllJlo ex· feet th e house wer e two figu res, my s kirts dry, and paid little "The-t. he poodle -paddle -poodle or no convenl ont for boldlng dusters, and r th planatio n. The patb from the Green· that from t [ fi II d O1yse Ir I kJ 01' no . moved slowly um of our \lver ties," he stamme red. tOlVard 00 ng us or as we e atte wood ntion c lub to the vlllage enters tbe 1 k d Wh to what seemed fE'w I knoll' by name, and feeling rl. then a moat stowing th away any l!ttie article that la it ll 00 e. "It's the 'palladI um of our Uber· en ey came Win range trivial remark. dlcnlou s ly ne w ~nd 8 111011 by contras t road near tbe lodge found out of pllice while tld71ng up ties:" g \lt e. A woman at the light, I r ecogni zed Halsey, and roared the boy. "Olmme that At tbe lodge who everyth wished ing to reach the Country with him Mrs. , Watson , th e house· was quiet t.he rooUl. Tbe pattern 18 In 4 sl2:es- always an unpl ea sant sensatio n. pnper-I 'll say It meself." c lub. unpe rceived , might. choose such keeper . There was a ligbt In the sitting roo 11 82, 36, 40 and 44 Inches bust measure . . And h e stalked away After Gertr\1d c joIned liS, we avoid· a me thod. The re are angrily. ~ ple nty of wom. downsta irs. and' a faint gleam, as II For 36 bust the apron reqlll~es 4% ed any furth e r me ntion of the Illurd e r. e n tbore." CHAPT ER XII. yards or materia l 27 Incbes wide, or from a shaded It·s the To Halsey, as to me, th e r e was eve r lamp. things In one wo of don't the up get thAt I think this ga ve him someth ing to wc should someUm es be most thank. per rooms. Hulsey IItopped and ex 3'4 yards 36 Inches wide. present, I am 8w·e. tbe tbought or our ponder, for In il short tilDe he said One Mystery for Another . ami ned tbe lodge wIth calcula tln, c onve rsati o n of th o nl glit before. As good night and le rt. To . procure lbl.. pattern lIond 10 cent. ful for. But I myself wa~ Tbe mos t common place Incide nt e yes. to "Pattern Departm ent." of thla paper. "'OJ stroll ed hact( and for th along the Car Crom Ilatistl ed . I was de termin ed, takes on 11 ne w ap peara nc.e d r ive . 1111'. JaJUleso n en g d f m If th e at. "I don't know, Aunt Ray." he sal~ Write n/une and address plainly, and be ., 1'0 Bure to "Ive alzo and number ot pnttern. howeve r, on one thing. If my s usplc· tendant cIrcums tances dubIous ly; "this Is hardly a woman" tUe Rhlldow of th e trees Ie I' e are unus ual. . . . Ion s-for I hnd s lls piclons- wer e true, There was no r atralr. If there's a scrap of any kind. eason on earth why "Good v l1ing ," hc si~i d , managI ng I woulcl make my own IllV s tlgatlon s. Mrs. Watson s hould not have canled l on' NO. 2269. you hike for tb e timber." Wblch wal! I Il H I C ( •• .1' l rlllI O In hi II b ow. G SIZE . . . ..... ... ..... . c r· I and Mr. Jamieso n s hould learn only a blanket down th e east wing s tall" 'Halsey 's solie. ltous care tor me. put It'ude had /l C\'e r IlCe n oven orqlna rily what wall good I'or him to know. NAME cas e. •••••••••• If s he •••••••••• so desired. •• , .••••••••••••••• . But to talte into vern ac ular. Cl'ur teous to him . an d ahe nodded coldWe wont bac k to the house, and a blanket down ' at II o'cloclt at night, "I'll 1'/ . H a IHC' Y, I10WC\'er , was more stay right h ere," I said, TOw;N' and .......... .......... .......... ....... .. cor· Gertr ude, who was d ' al. altlJoug h we .wer e all constra ined sin :e lI e r talk with more li1(e Ilersoif with e ye ry Ilrecaut lon as to nOi se, and, cro!!slng the s lnall ".cranda . now H a lsey, sat down wh en dl sco l'e r ed, to fling It at Halsey STREET AND }" d O NO .......... .......... . .. t d I shade t d and fra grant wltb honey· e 'lOug I. ,e all '1' ru 0 we n or. al th o Ulahoga ny desk In the living and boll-H a ls y'S word, and a good suckle, I ha mm e red tbe knocke r OD t "go tllor , Icav Ing t h c de tective to wa ll: STATE .•.•••••••••••••••••.•••..••..••••••.• /'Oom to Ivrlte a letter. Hal sey prowl· one- Into the grounds th e door. - this ma Wlth DI·. A s SOOB as tlley were out of cd Ul1 !Lnd down t he enU re east wing, Incl/!e nt more than s igniflca nt. do tho Ifbomas eI1l'shot. he turned t o rue. opened the door hlmselC now III tb e cardroo m, now in the btl·· VI.ual Proof. They moved slowly acr oss th e lawn Thomas . fully dressed and In hIs ellS' "Do l ' UII know. Mi ss Innos," he liard rooUl. a nd now Sbe-M r. Sweetly has s uc h polis h and t he n blow· and up th e ~ te p!l . Halsey was ta lking tomal'Y b ealth. I had the blanket ove r Solid , "lhe de porI go Inlo t bls lbing, ing his c louds or r 8nd Buch finIsh. Haveu't , you obse rved U'o 010)"0. s tra nge it see ms to me. 1 a-lUollg lhe pink and toba cco s moke qui e tl y. and Mrs. Watson was 1001\I ng my arm: It? gold han gin gs of down and listenin g. Sho was a woman . " I bro!1ght the blanket . Tbomas ," J a.L\ vl!ry su rry rol' Mi ss Gertrud e: 1l lhe drawin g with Cream an.d Sllgar. He (aaVulSe/y) - No, room. After a \ittl ~ I of a certain amou nt of dignity, said; "I am haven't e-.orry· 1 L you • are so I Ill." , mORt ~,o cs n!! If Ba Icy . whom s he has tried join ed h im In mor' e 's tlle pity ! l"d like 1'0 sec The bls the ·old billiard mal). stood room, s taring ' at me and effic ient, so far l\a I could see, so ha rd 10 !;uve. is worse than IL ras· togcthe r we ~v e ut ove and . then at the blanket Adding strawb ertles Qr any . His con: finlsb! r the details ot tbough LIddy would have lOlin d falla~· it ~ .cal; a ud nftel' n r f lucky fJgM Cor the discove ry ki nd of fresh or stewed fruit fusion under of tile bocty. . other clroum stance. If G!le dared. nut just now Mrs . Wat· would have been ludlcrou B . . elm, II s '(!UJ 8 hard ." . . P·; 'otty Hard. ~akes a delici Us sUnlme r , Tile cardr oom was <lulte dark. son s face was nn e nigma. Sh e WM! f ".What! Not lll?" Halsey saId [rom I iool(ed through the du s k to w he.r e Wh I:e we sat. in l he dish. ,. Tl\o Fat her-Th is pa~er ""Y8 tbe 'h!lIinrd room. de tlant,. I ~hl nk. IInde r lle r mas k fir tbe step" ."Thom Ge rtrud ,·s II gllt dln n r .dress gleamed only one of the IIlde as I'm afraid you'l*o hardellt wood In the ' l:)l'sck ts was s ubmi ssi on . I\ud' she still. showod the been. . The . worlrl crisp, ' Is goldennot br;oWD mallnge rln·g." ' .a mong th ', tre S. She bad made a lighted ,' and we spok' . ".ebony • .but coeus. wblch Is U,\.uell used e In ~ubd;JEld e ~~ct of n rvous ..sho?k: hits have a Illost d elightf ul , .' Thomas seemed to hav.e be~n deb~l for making p luc lty t1gb~. POOl' c hild . Whateve l~ lones. as tl1e bOllr ll~t~~ 1 and sllI\lIllr Instru' a nd th e sub11'Ct .. IMlr El. Watsol1 , . 1- said ~ev rel.y, · It;lg fl~vou r-a fascina tion ' tbat so~~~li sho n'i~lil hav' 1>e 'n urlv~n to dc •. J lIefl,o't .1) to delTlnud. lng wltjl himself . Now ha . ments. ..., When I sPol{~ of w I y~u be eo .good ~s tq, ;~Pla \\l th!s ,stepl?ed . appe~ls . to' ,.the ~PI)et,ite. · '. could find llothl ng but a d p l:Iym· tbe ijgul'G Liddy' and out . on tbe PQroh .. an~ closed The ·Boy....:..1 guess that Bblnglo YOll r had se e n Dn rather. unusne..\ o ccurren ce. the door ' gellUy behind .hlm. II Ul} t!J.l' u(' r. If sh lIad only come 'the porch througb . use, .PQIl, I!i\ made . out of , that kind of tb e' cardroo m '" (n· "1 don' t th~nk I~ $0 tin~suaJ, Miss \0 mf. wltl.l Lhe whol t ru th eh II ! ere BE CONTIN UED.) Lhipn'~ dow J'Ti!la .y nI ght', Halsey IllI.u ntfJ:t1d Tnnes." Her voice "",?oil• .aln'i It?-Yon kera Statesm ail. :was dee p and very "Ml s Inn II: ' ~fl' , .Jam leson wllS'sa1 ' Into tho darkene d roo·nt. and' l' cle'a c Pllt l~ was some wha.t tre mulous. Sold by Grocers, hur. "h~ the last UlI'C duya. hll ,v ·y·:m we stood tbere. milch as i.ffil::· Were Not Needed . Nitw Unit of 'Mea.ur e. 0.11(1 was taking a . bla.nk;e:t down to It 'n 1I- lIny au pI lOll !! figures around had don "S l~lDtI'sts that w!UlJ~ 111 ' Dot . Tomdlx-~laDklelgb has JUl\t:bou ght lim ot.h t nIght Pkp. m.d I5c Tbomas , will) I.s..,-no~ · well t q:D1$bt. a; cure for' s nake bItes." &be "rollnu s? AnY-W oman?" . a lIew ' airship. Th ,lndow ' was th e sam' gmylsb <11'1'1 ( uSI!d t.hls staircas . . e, lis be Ing 1''Fhen that mus t 'be the reaao, "No" 1 rl· ·,11 d \'1 have a house· reclI:\:l\l lc In th<l b lilckn. Hojax-So~ 'HoW maq)' bUll ~w.r !ss as b::fo l" .. 1 7ar~r the llath to tue lodae. WheIlls nakes POSTUM CERBA L CO., Ll'D. were drlveD OIlC oC lrtimll. " . Is itT' . Battle Cleek, Idic&. .


Removed by Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound






--=I -


A Pleasing Com bin atio n '

Post Toasties

"The Memol')'








T!"y Thll, Thll .umr:t.... The very next Ume ~ou're hot, tired or thIrsty, step UD to Jl ,oda fountain WIt .. Prof. Kn!hm ...... the lOll get a ghlSS ot CO<18-Cola. It will eunurt.t. Says About Itt - - - - -... ' ~I :001 you olf, reli eve your Z\odlly and n nial fatigue 'Bnd cluen h your thirst lellgbtru lly. At soda fountai ns pr ted In bottles -5c everyw here. :arhonn May They s Humu of Decoy By Unles s Adds Form ed tn Soli s, refreshIng and wholeso me. Dt:!IIc1ou Ac:c:u mulat. e Suffic iently to Reuu- (i tb e Coca·Cola Co., Atlanta , to nd 3 . Grow th-'of- Plantsfree booklet "The Trutb their for ;0., By PAUL CALVIN ANDERSON !bout Coca·Coln." Tells what Coca· :iola Is and wby It is so delicious, raAnd ~r e6hlng and thl rst·quen cblng. (Copyright. 1910, 'by AssOCiated LiterarY Prells.) lo Base· Coca-Co the for stamp 2c lend When the tide Is out at Palm He advance d and raised hIs hat. The. )all Record Boole for 1910-c ontnlns Bach hundred s or ho tel guests walk be Inspecte d tbe tire. :he famous Doem "Casey At The Bnt," ot one by bit "I hope you were not up and down the hard, wet sanlls. cords, scbedul es for both league!l : Others &Ileed up and do wn In tb Ir au· the flying pieces," s8,id Miss KItty in OUl r va luable basebal l Informs,. \Od tos. Others, sUll, si t on hired ohalrs her most Ingratia ting mllnner . compile d by authorit ies, jon Imagine reply. No and gaze out seaward and the to back "Will we have to walk th ey cau heal' lba songs at mer. lightnin g Rods on the White HCluse, maids. botel ?" Th' Wb ile 1I0us Is going to have No answer. Th y will be put on .Ightnln~ I' ci s. On a certain dny In th e present "You aee we have a spare tire lOme tim e this summer . The dlsUn· tWentie th century Philip Gillett was {ulsb d occupan ts of the mansIon past nmong those who walked. He was a here." No answer. IDd present have nev er been pr()o young man at the beach with his Mr. Gillett owned an nuto hlmaelt. :ected agalDst Jupiter' s bo lts. The rods lUother and sIster, and his occupat ion ;vlll be tlut on e very part of the buildwhen at home In New York was pre- In fact, hIs moth£r and sister were Ing, exc pt the low offices where th e paring h lmsel! for architec ture . . He down the beach In It nt that very ?r sldent transac ts his official busl· dId that mostly by looking at one or moment . He knew all about tires. less. Col. Spencer B. olby, Uolled two skyscra pe rs a dllY trom the out- He took, the jack from Ita place, ant' public 3tates superl nt ndent ot "Ide aad spendin g ,600 per week al· without motionI ng the girls to derrouDds and building s, persuad ed MI'. lowed by his rather. It was hIs fa· scend he went at It and had the tire rnIl that the Wblte House ought to th r whq had Ins isted that the young replace d Inside of 12 minutes . )le :>e equippe d with the rods and execu: man take up arcbltec ture. There mlgbt have done It In ten except for N_ style of Lime and Fertiliz er Oil tributer , The cost ~Ive a)Jprova l was glvlln . never bad been an archItec t In the overbea ring such observa tions o.s' It with ,... \VIII be between $500 'nod $600.-P hlla· slRke and BEFORE BUYI"G A FARM I field the deat." In be one. plies ., must he wanted AgrlCUI he Edna, rginia and Vi , "Say, tamBy, ELLETT Gillett my W . B. water should of gallons five t {or my complete list of, bou A Send . ter ." pan . tin cnn Slallon.) old ent Amerl an wanted a.s Experim he North deaf and turnl lelpbia "Yes, He bad a manor house, lime 243 . acre~Ja I ot fal'lJ)s, bushel Ohio encb r ov poured be Do crops word at a to "And he hasn't spoken When plants or the r emaIns a hennery built, aDd he wanted uth, . 0 .• Portsmo from miles aud . pile, the Verdict n ia upon Hibern A emptied Is It decay In the Boll, certain acids are wben P<lmt to It after It was finlsbed and you think he's also dumll?" rol- ~ acres 36 bottom, acres 63 employhappy the then b e covered A New Yorker 18 l - "H,e looks It," s4y: "A GIllett dId that!·, balance cleared, land formed, especia lly humic acid, tram tbe whole pile should ling grows After a few dnYB er of an nged Irishma n, wbo U'IllesB with molsl soil. "Poor young man! It's just aVl tul! the . decay ot humuB. growth timber, two I On th is particul ar day Philip Gillett second of the Em· hou~e8, hnrn 4J!It'7Z, other buJlcio . had toothnc he nnd he set out to walk He's got consIde rable style aboul less these aelda are neutrali zed by a prilctica lly all of the lime In tbe pile eloqucn t over the woes IngB good . R . 11', O . .. ud phon .... Said the boss: .. Pat, th Isle. easily, erald spread to enough flnc he will ac· may It otr. His sister had told him to hold him." they Flne 8t~.!U ~!.' ...C(!o. Bnd 1fJ'B1D "base," such as lime, ." dad Is fun Englnnd It ot izer kIng fertil Innd . $I!,~,OOO down . n ..... pepWasn't with with d know. drill don't grain snturnte I a in "Oh, cotton a wad of sumcle nt quantit y to ba- either In te cumUla ovc r 100 r.. rm 8 ror snle nc"r C1nThe old mlln wos silent for a mop rmlnt essence In hlB mouth, and to ny to see him go over on his back come bnrmfu l to the growtb ot certain attachm ent, or' n lime and fertilize r clnnnL! nt r en90nnbl price... FRANK R. CROWE . ke p his mouth shut. He thought a ' If his hat hadn't blown otr he'd have kinds of plants. Most cultivat ed soils spreade r. It should be screene d first. ment. Then be took 01I his hat.n man " a31·E. Fourlh St. ClnClnnl ll,o.J ' "Well," he said slowly, "us good deal of bJs sIster, and he was swallow ed It!" this conditio n is unless the dis tributer has a acreen. and acid sllgbtly are g· En "Hush, yOU bad girl! I'll tell you favorab le tor tbe growth of .most obeying b r. Wh en a lim e spreade r Is not nVI1 Il· be WIlS a 11n bIt of 11 boy. As ' Tootbac he atrects a person pecu· what he Is. He's a professo r In Bome cro·ps. But plnnts excr ete trom tbelr able the burnt lime may be placed In IIsbmen go, he was as good IlS yez !Iarly-p nrtlcula rly a mao. It gives 'deaf nnd dumb scbool. And he owns roots sutllcle nt acids to secure this 25 pil es. of one bushel each, on each can make them. As a king, there was. him lim whut Is Imown as a grouch. He ,n n auto, too. See how handy he Is. cond ition, usually, BO the aIm should acre (",'hen the applica tion Is one ton nobody on earth as could benl " • so." him Gedfge. ed' on eye see either frighten me nnd be kcep hadn't may beach I'll es we the pli I wish But still, wants to stand on. be to k eep the soil In a neutral or p r acre . T ese covered be "If we had Bcared lllm worse, he may they a dentist drown' In the & 11. He Isn't or laked wnter-s can This n. slightly alkaline conclitio Childre n'. Skins. We tell you about bow good you'll to blnm e, but ev ryhody else Is, And mIght have got his voice and hearing be done by the use of Hme, It Is only ,,,Ith moist so.1I to a depth of three or Every now and then II. child's skin feel after taking a OASC ARETwbat mode young MI'. Gillett crOBser back. Thlnlt what It would be to mal" when. 1\ soil become s very acid that three to four inches. In a few dnys ..111 break out In some klDd of a rash that million s of people -buy, use sUIl wns the fact that be had to chew ry a deat and dumb man! ArO you crops do not tbrlve. the lime wlll be ufficlenUy powder ed lnd folks think It caught the trouble at and recomm end them-B ut that's It goIng to thank him?" cotton and keep hIs mouth sbut. are and can be spread wIth a shovel. 8chool or somewh ere away from home. whIch u buy' a bolt now-ta ke IIoS aolls, peat talk-yo and Muck "Not In words, but I'll just look WIIS not dignified. It was taking un· direct.ed to.",ight and geL the proof »y tbe decay at Quickli me may also be air·slak ed by Halt the time the trouble is caused wholly almost made IIU' thanks. " the aIr; but atrdue advanto ge ot a tellow. in the mornIn g-Afte r you know plants, are nearly always acid. But, expos ing it in.. piles to by the use ot unwhol esome yellow wa· as RETS you'll Dever be e Among tbose who motored that day As Mr. Gl11ett flnl shed and ilooc! valuabl OASCA as not Is lime slnked ilIe of as It may seem, some loaps for washJn g clothing . They leave III t.bem. lumpy without were Miss Edna BlaIr and MIs8 KItty back and ratsed his hat thff thankll s.trange usually Is and Itme, ed :lcid soUa ot the United . States ter-slak dirt In the goods and make the the Waldron, girl chums. They were In were duly ' loolted and the aute most spread· manure A CA8CAR J!TS _ '. boa fC!I' • week.. ' soils. ThlB Is because the and hard to npply. clothIng harsh and IrrltallD g to theskln . trutmetl t, aU Blaftt llell« whizzed along. He followed at a slow are upland these solis were e r can olso be use\1 for dl strlbuU ng No wonder the rnsb breaks out. Easy whtcb from rocks 6a &be, "wid. JIilUoA boUII .. moaUa. gone, all was he Is r pace. The toothac spreade the 6r bottom the It lime contalri ed very little ot the Task soap Is clean and while and sanl· but be had bee n humilia ted. He had made therefo re the aclda cover ed with chatr berore being fill ed tary and Is best tor children 's clothes ABSO RBINE been made to jump asIde Uke a kan· "bases, " and heen decay at plants growu with lime . . QuIcklime that has 'and ),oura, too. Get It at your grocer's , on garoo; he had been blown fiat 011 formed by the now Is ery machl by ed pulveriz zed. salls are 'not neutrali his back; he had been made to swal- upon these , The Luggag e Questio n. especIa lly soils derived the market. This form ot lime I!hould low wads at cotton; be had almos' Sandy BOI\S, sandsto ne, slates and, come Into more common use, as It ey NicolI, lawyer, Is always DeLanc granite, been called names to hIs very race. from than use to ent conveni ssed man, and abomin ates a more well·dre a much Is more be to quIte likely No wonder be wouldn 't speak to hie sbades, are la uBed be nce. At the Union can It appeara lime. slovenly Quick An appllcl\ t!on ot lime lump sister tor an hour after settlog back or less acid.soU gives Immedi ate and the distrIbu ter, manure spreade r. or club he said at a western er one day: acid an to to the botel, and that his mother laId "He bas come on to New York tor It makes the drill, without previou s treatme nt. But her materna J' band on his locks and marked results, because airall at not and fresh, Is 'Week and I don't believe he bfle It a sure be tl)e. soU "sweet, " and favorab le tor . saId: , . brough t a stitch of luggage with him." alaked. crope. ot _ growth Into . go . "Philip, I hope you won't of the ground Here Mr. NIcoli smiled. QuIck or burnt lime, If not bought . One gre.a t advanta ge decline. as your grandfa ther dId -at is It thl,1t Is shells "Unless , Indeed, " he added, "he's ground or ne limesto ery already pulveriz ed by machin this very place." from apply somethl nl; ' In the large bags to n stowed conditio a In be slacked already There III fate and there Is revenge . (which Is desirab le), muat r, fer· he carrIes In the knees ot hIs trou- Land in :Arkanaaa. 3~ acres in Oaachitll. spreade lime a In or wagon, the wa· be 8hould It ion. .Fate had come-r evenge bad to walt before applicat County, well located, good neighborhoodAltboug h tllIzer ' dIstribu ter, manure spreade r, sers," a day or two. Then the IllIter came ter-BI~ked, not alr·slac ked, ...--~ with piles 0 acres cnlti.~. Fine OI'cbardf;-,-1pi);laae trom spread or 4 drill, Danller oul Job. alr·slac ked lime may not be used, It grain valQO.l running to Phlll1l. PrIce fJ,ooo.oo. Other etc. Write tures, I It Is also less dIsagre eable . KInd L d b b b shovel. a I ing . H air-slak that ered rememb good. be as e, must a y- ere s a r u ar p "Oh, ,Ph,lll" she exclaIm ed; "I've quicklim e Is to apply. as It has none of the burn. Roc:IJ. ~ met jus' the nicest Ifrl you ever uw! means that part of the man. How did you get that SoatbeFa TI'1Ut Co•LlttJ podr my make whJch ! ies propert •• caustic Ing. car· actlng slower· the Into d arm? change In· your I've on wound Royal. the at She's stoppin g e so dIsagre eable to bnndle. quIcklim quan· larger a hence lime, at mum, bonate , au· the lookout In a TIred Tlm-I was vlted ber to take a spin than ot wa· Ground limesto ne, how~er, does not Kind Lady-A b, a lookout on a to,' nd )'011 are to be chaulfe ur, J . tit, ot It must be applied 11m. a from readily as te distribu aIrold Is It If e. ter-slak ed quIcklim r and there was a collisio n? steame want you to meet her." all carbona te, spreade r as slaked Ume, beIng much Tim-N o, mum, II. lookout for TIred As the aching tooth had gone out at slaked lime, It Is nearly by applied best perhaps Is It than ground heavier . story man an' de watchm an second· a buslneBI and the world looked r081 and IlO more valuabl e poundtl much sbould band trom piles. A pile of 100 again, Philip consent ed, though en· Umesto ne, hence twice as laked lime. each, 33 feet apart each way, wiU winged me. mum. tlrely to please the sister. They dlf· be ' ulled as ot freah water-s two tons pel' Import ant to Mome rs One of the best ways ot applyin g make an applica tion of tered on the girl q~elltlon. ncre. large Examin e carefull y every bottle of few a In It put to Is me It was only when they bad rolle'd Qul~kll . II! CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for around to J,be hotel and picked ,up . Relorte d to Mo~ PeppermInt" tnfants nnd children , and see that It pasring er that Mr. . Philip Gil· their Miss ' Kitty's auto, and ·.s he wal run· lett \'(ou1d have swallow ed a whole Bearsthe~~ • ~ nlng It berself. A1~er getting out of roll ot, cotton batting had It been Signatu re ot tbe crowd, and heading up the Ihore; handy. She wal the girl of the other Years. 30 Over For Use In they saw 0 young m'a n half. a mile auto--t he Ifrl who had looked her The Kind You Have Always Bought. abead of them. lie was scumng along thanks -Miss KJtt)' Waldro n! Decidedly So. on the hard track and wall in their , Mr. Gillett tried to say thIngs, and fIewltt -Are you ' sweet on that girl? ~th. The bonk! honk! was lOunded , Mls'll Waldro n dId likewise , and the Jewett -Sweet on her? The sugar &rut he paid noiltten Uon" FJli"waDted sleter sat There and wonder ed If both ....- .. tIf trust Isn't In It. . to be run over and have that acbln, or them ' had toothac he. And wben tooth emaehe d out. tbey lot back at last and Mr. Gillett Mrs. Winslow '. Sooth"" .. Syrup. .... The autmob lJe passed him wIthIn assisted MIBs Waldro n up the steps I!'ouhlldr eo fA!tltbl"". IDtleoUb u llUme, redu""!! oa,&lla,s ""'o.our.... "loll oo"eo lI5ca bow.. IlanU:UaU , two teet and tn IIplte of hlml8lf be of tbe veranda , she turned to him to gnve a jump .and 'swallow ed the pep- say: Don't throw kisses, my boy; pcrmlnt '/loaked wad of cottall. He them In perso~, have you aDy explana tions to ;'Slr. then bad to produce more cotton and mUke?" ' ruore pepperm int tor his achlug tooth. "I have, and will call thl8 evening two d extende had Mr. Gillett's walk to make tbem." miles whcm he Bat down on a hum· The eXplana tions must have .proven mock and resorte . to ,' more pepper- satllfac tory, as an auto ride became ~r~:~c~~~~e~..r~~&b!!i; mint. HIs sister was right; It began ' a thln'g ot dally occurre nce th....aft· 'l'e&cheJ'8, SteDogra phefll 'releRT"p h OJ)fll'a'''r... llal men or WOmeD eU· began proresHlo He · and 0lel'1<8 to bave a aootbtn g elfect! er, and the season had not 7et closed UOb.ual opp"rtu"l~y \(llneroolO JoarlnIrlbl.,. to feel glad that he wns alive and when . MlIlB Gillett ' put her arml .. oo~ . •PArUOD~ .Bo1 971, Los Ancel.I , Cal. away rrom tbe sn,91\' heaps of New around ber broth~r'B neck and m~ York cIty. Just then ' h~ caught BI,ht mured: ot tlIe 'auto returnin g. As It drew "Ob, Pbll, I'm so gilld-:-so glad! I near, he Baw that Miss Edna Blair Just boped )'OU two would take each was passabl y good looking and tbat other, and now you have!" open, suc:b aa In reply to a query as to tbe proba· L e., one tbat Is more MIss Kitty Waldro n was more so. The worked wadbe mlghj front, cotton a sheltor ble cost or B buildin g suitable A ' 8p."kln ll C"al,.. auto was aimIng to pass him wltf!ln In that more moderatf) cll· vantage the or EUord E. F. bens, 1,000 terIng a III Althoug h tbe whIppin g post 11 tew teet, b~t that waa all right. He here, 'or BcndHfui If yon 8ucccfO College, St. Anne de Belle· mate, We lU'e using two hOllses D1Y reasone d that the -'rls desired a near- tbJng of the p.a st, the ' prlnclpl e In re- Macdonald makes tbe followin g reply: one a little cheRper than the other pClIlIU'Y Dl cU",,1 Que:, vue, u. hey t · judlcfo whom and bow man, form telht young hat. t tbe :modem dt er view vised a8d We ~rchard Mucb depends on tbe style of build· and more Buitable ~for would be set '" mllto '00 hen.'"y SO eJ(IIQ "dn1. 811 mm Oro r "In""'. hnd so frighten ed, Qnd he was right 1;; applied Is expecte d to 'work wonhouses where or work, J "" .. d lIon Cre" trial "nel (l'l.• "mnIeO t<l u.nkf) lual' suitable building long A . erected Ing nbout It. Tl!ey ' dIdn't , stlem to lIee ders ,ln ' enforci ng good behavio r upon the bene I., bofo .... IOU PUI • •r.. II. '11'1, Now ........... . WIth trees. de alongsi or l\Dder most, the at tor, erected be that Lim, of course, but tlJat Was falle some of tb&o worst otrende rs brought should lumber ss first-cla ot price hfp;h are There . $2,00 per hen capacIty pretens e.' before the luvenlle court. our most ex· buildIng s In Souther n. Ontario we use' and· high labor $2 Jler ben: And after that fate ' stepped- In, The A '''apank ing chalf" has been aet up lome house cost about penajve .... per dollar , one over ntUe a «:Gat · Rich Boll. 81.& ...111 Heven ,:,uttl"if" Clr nHalt that ove, auto was exactly oppOSite ·.PbJllp to In the ~allemeDt .o r , the juvenile home ' trull&. Bn88'1To pa ' 'lNfI' al .... pOultry nnd dnlrl,COu nll)'. All tba 0lJ~ there are. man), .buildings" the less e:,cpenslve one a little ac. wblle hen, ~~ ... !:taLkt81., one Co., ' Trim· .. Searls and aad 1I01U.w,. feet Elisha .... U sit and torma. 0.. ' exac~IY Bae7 us, lind, Inch, Columb an at . n.60. Each house of 8x12 feet min.. , Bo\1occupy It. He prom· cos Un,; from $6 to ,10. ~8 to whether Inch and a balf away, :when · a tront was the first lee, Pole. commoc1ates 25 ~ hens and a suitable sya· colony the or houses ous· continu Top ,Two he 8baft., Ure ' explode d wIth . n· bang. Ised to btl' good tor all. time wben BUll lee, deoenil s on local con· numbet or males in the winter trom heDs ,oung ladies screame d. ' The auto ran bad been .glven a ,oo,d '''dreBsl ns,'' 'and tem' II the bettertbere t., el.e. Write for eat.the put RunaCu • , - -:.:,." ... Is Bumcle nt land In the summe r w'e IOllue aod prices. . wild until half buil,fld In the sand. he waa InBtruc ted to.relate - his experi. diUons. Where system 1 t\ilnI( It Is three bouses Into' two. "d. lrNfny, mllCl~••,~ .. W. N, U., CINCIN NATI, NO. 28-19tO. c.rl colony 400 the CO.; use to' SCHEU BUOB. on over blown ncU. 1 · was aD The young man ence to 'otJ1er l"ds who. bave mucb superio r to the lOng bouse sys' --------------------------~---hts "b\lck by the concuss Ion a~4 swal· natf~n to '00' v~l'J~ ,ery ·n~ught'. " Demand for .Helf~rt, llttle more Tho juvenile eourt' paddle coDslltii tem, 'though ' it ms.y cost a . lowed his wad ot cotton ' for the .eo· Tbe demand for promisi ng JleUers of ' ~ 10Dg lea1'her strap; wide anel to/rovl~e accommod~~on, . The col· . ODd tluie 1n an hour. even I'1\de stock Is vety great. In of In ge adVanta hu· the 10 bAs tlian telt leBs with Iyeter;n on 'aDd It .Is bollnd He would have been ('.ases a Jood profit can be made nIl there-. fa. ·It . the edges ·wlll bot cut or brul.. .preadi ng out ~. hena, man' It ,~~ hadn't 'arlsen with a tace l~es by feeding them skim&asb. ..The padllie. "IUnp rlaht," fore. eanter ta"~ ~eep them liealthy ; the 'tromca as ' red 81 paint and crosll all the way seUlng them , for veal. The and milk that feed ch and'mu .we~t alld mucll ke~t bat fa .. bJi' aud laIid foJ' 'eavel DO marb; through . He ira.1:Ibed put on~ tbeDi in ftDl bin. weight exP'8 an OD waste to the ~ ·' .~ 1lJp. a oter would 9therwl hmnane. tlian a Iwltch or might have gobe runnlng a ... . can One uU~zed. II farm T ordlnat Abd (lun.. ball not a 'sweet aDd plain- per-'o-auel more etrect1••. bUlbies s with col. .lbeJD tor veal ,represe nts .. all .much or pol1lb7 the THEY SAY 1'1' IS THE VERY, BEST OINTME NT .MADI(AN D Into '0 lUI c1m be b.1 feed, U,e voice reache,ct' bl8 eart!: '. . pin more u coat InltJal IT IS. 60 CENTS.A LL ORUCCIS TS OR SENT DJRECl' ON 1811 wtUl hou... C!D7' Mud Llv.. B,' . . aut .... . PIC to k '~Ob, Ilr, pleaBe do ~elp aal I REC!IPT OF PRICE, kIm·mll .. the IDehO~lel of DUDlber . nt It II tmpoul bl. to Ie. the IOq I&OIl ;.... 'lumo1e lave bursted a t.lrel" t. ~ lie .plat ap to accommodate the b-RlSlNOL CHEMICAL COMPANY" BAL~ORE, lID, y .., be "DUld beJp, .b a ...aU. ICrolll Ja' which 8YBrJ- CODtract •• Qath.rl"1II Nitroge n. ' 'IYJ, ....... ....... .reulq lIock. pI D~ .ppe -. I tIlelr all up with. bde h~ clud". but .0; do 1Il~.t; IQD ..,,. plaDta take "DItrclpn' rro~ . . All llaoat ....... .,--. ben l1Ie4 cW... ..... ~ "fOIl< eolaQ a---.. ''l'be ~ without .... ODI. b. atteltatl ta. aDd .'JJbat .-1. , ..f t W do DO more, INt 0I1l7 lCWDe I caD taU If BOD. or· tor ........ tQJabt .. 001e IDDaIII .,. or lb• • taaGle dertq ~


Deaf and Dumb-and Blind


... • IP"n ,. nft ftQ tr:. •••

rn ll'

orn lng ,





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FREE !~Iq~~~J}F~J~s~~;'~l~~









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County Courts

, 00 -:5HO :

ProcceOilll{SJ -;

--. n_tltl h lil 'll1

Proll~te Court.

I 'lldl

LydlJ\ Wrigl r. !~ppolntl:ld ex oatri:Ilnd B . G . E 'l tltOIJ, W . Ii t-io\glrl d Ilnrt J. E R obimwn IIPl'oint A<1 IIPp ruI 8er~.


Btlt. - - L.? wl .\, ( ') " )nl ll1\(1 \I}\'t I V P I' .. 10 il hdl~ Combln~trDn''d~ LoCk'· Omblul•• - Sfta .~..1It I !'If'''''r 1)1\11'1. 11:!1l ; Dr ' , R I,('\t (\ ' II o wn tir jl'lt'li InHf\I".lIll ,,,l . InR Hf8 Card Trlc'l< to a hill, ptlRt ur tnl,tm nt for Op&l ....Jlilb thH Jl(trn 'if III F llI m I 11 0\" Bunc~ of Girl. 'b f\t~ $l (oJ ; Dr. " IIIU'r ~TegH . ' ('Inntt'!1 rhO'I'(IJ ' J ,', LJ ~l~f\,. , ,.'~ ' . ) 1 J I '.' IS Trle tllI\'lhlll { 111 '11 " . " (Irld f'l CHESTHUT AND FRONT STS., COlU"BD~, OHIO 'pr of I'~ ,) UI) I , .r v\' ll-\ 'Ill. pn , 1(\ 1 ~ II ~! I 'I' Tn J>"l'fl UlI1l1 'l ci u It .,IntH)fI 'Ill ~'fll ,t'Ii ' I t; II;.' Iilel'I U<:I,' uf " l' lll,.~ $J 4 5; fIlr. , Mu . ';rt~"1 hll lllrl Ol lf"1IIi 'J\ U(lllI"Ihi D p,ll'tm u'l l. . 1111 hOlo,J II-: hI., IU\' 1·lit., mJ IIi" ()pld HII l' Hlllo tlt)ur( nt· , "Ii~, ).Allbll . 1£'11,;111 ('/lsh f,n:.' I'1< ' I ill! utl'll ( til .~ "liP II or J.!11·)H'! Th ,· 1<11 \I~lll 'r ' ___._ ..._.....","""''''''''r -_.................,.'?-.......",--..,,_::--=_.~.-...........~_...._'!!'._ _..... Ilt )JI ( -)IIl" 1', 1., I(I\"I 'nr j .td :f:t:I~ ;1 " III ('IlJ lll .,1 Tb . til II! lit I )" 1I 0. 1 g,,~ Iii" t lo! -":'ll :iI'I"d., til''' !: ~----.----------------;------., I ". " I \' I' I I),IUlI 10 Idll",· II I'! ,\\ I' l ridt wll h ' ~ !.l' hliUcll.l 1()(' ,,, ,- . /I ' U. ( '. un'!1 I )()lJflr~ 1~ ntl'1' ''' i'n',' l'; nl/ 1\'" " 1',1' !I~ h IJ I l ' v .. .. ( . \. k I .' s." IJ. , IOU"l' " r;UI '( Ilun ('on rl. II n n"I', :I- ~ .•\ ); • I tllil nr - " ll)~ I' J\ n~\I~ I, :.!I) 11.11. l l l l ....

I' 1 . !


E. t.jlte of B ll lln t} W righ t.. d aooos 11..

MAKE GOOD ' 6pe~t'H,I(\ of I/o Youth ShCJw.

CH-'l Ct 1





f ,. ·



Are You Looking fnl' a Position?

Estute nf El i1.u beth M , Bo rch, II • cea sed . FIr" lln rl lInnl a CO llnt. 1\1 - hou~, . hllll nl ill /.! prt"" I)l' 1' 1 1 \l 1 1ll~ \V h . II I h nl1:Clllldl; ue d .llltl1·~ nfl' l "J :lIla til '·hIH ..... • \. ,1 r; lI OliO?" I .lnn l',·· I :il)i "'tulmll 1) '111 ('I).lI\d".' " P":l l 1\lllIItll\plk rn'lu!>,llltll"lJl' I · \ .'y Otll.... l.ullh('.. ANIMAL S MAK E CO OO US E OF proved, lI 11 n \'I' ('r! li nd lo u llrJll 611 . III 't, fC) '; JI ~ n (l II 1\'\\ ,1011'Ll'" fill' ('/I, I "III {!Jl\I. ,':tll I kll. \'.lIt'u yuu .. how I .... THE I R LEI SU RE TIME. Eptn.t.e o f A (' I1J'Y M Hnnt , i mbp· f o r II 'c , ' I'IIl' I" 'l-!! 4(1; Fl'(I ll k ' hlll' 1 , c an ~ l fTe r yc u go LI o elrtl llnir . Do I~ n llw . I II'" \ till' I. l" \~ ,.ut! L1ll. h!\ekll .. I' ,· _ ___ _ _ { olle. F i rst. 1101'111111. lilt d, IIppJ'I)vetl . w Olld ;", II III " , 101' pilllllln l! hriCJ gH, Hi! .'XII..:tly ,,1I:'l"" . l'a.'i n g- F1I1 p loj'n1t:nt '.'\ I.',·, L' \ \ ' 'l'h')1I11) r')t1. oli' C' t rlCIlI ' l 'll Ilr It ' 1 t ull owerl at' d ounfirm <1 . '" , ' 1 IlI j.(~ \ .. )I'1i 11I \·'~ ,. In'' u . lUI( 1'1,,' U \II' :\l rnli nunJ," l\ u",c""r';':~ J , C"ee<; VVhlch Prove the tI at YOll wi \I enjoy, and EMt,llt o f 'IIroli n e ~ rn u nkll('cb t, f\'(J"rl', $1. 1[, ; l '(lth crinl' );'ll nh,' . 'fllt'lJlllr" 1II111 IJllllen :\''I t (.11" f Il' llI . 011. I., IlIIIl lair? \\'c d l. h 1111 '-1' ,·<) JIU'" ~, ~,,· .. s Arc I\w;:., of th e ! dene ul'Ied . F'lftb II oo)unt· "l'l,ro ve rJ., wllflllmg t I) Wt ll' . .UIl . I J; I·;. , ·. ('\luk - I II t. OIl i~ I lrql'tlu~hl.v cl IIUIW: . 1 \,,:_ g ul III" (JU C"ll )f ,II. llIoud ::." la l <' (If R-In~ ~1'n,-fIol(l r ry I at I 1, \\1 rite to-day lill. t< LulII)J~ . $:\ ; J , li n ;\1 Mulfurcl , i ll g Il\. ucI " III) !"X'P pta"" " Oil. ~' O ll WII " ln 't I,oll m e " ha l 1' 011 . tor ' ,eG of Mon key s. ~ll owod nnll 0 I1finu ed . "I 1' 0 1 t ll·ll Y OU t hat, y(m h,,~\\' .1 'I I · [II I ('(\ 11 t ~ ; t\ il l lit, Estate of J 1' . il l e brl ~l . do' pllt:!tllis f n r tlll(1Itor \\'tl ,.hlll g t nll , I It" ;"; 1It1"n'~ I ·/.I "l tlll.l 11:\\ l' lit l 1 J.d, nllll 1;\1" IIlloth r ." ",\ I tl flI1:;in " ", t H UII rnll (''' n n I[ I I F nnd . IIll 1 I ( I ; 1·!lII,I'". ;'r n'" ,,:,,~ "pin wh"I, s Pui l l s h '.'" ng Co. cellsed tiellolHI I\ml finll I U'l'IlI1nt ·'v r;;.· G'H l' ... <' ~ I I' l'l'II ( ' 1f'1 rO lll /LI1V lI n ., · I , CIW' t J I l'(1 1l tb ill 1I1ll'Y , II The Duftnrick ~ 1 r 11 ' J call I ')I:d • 1'1 tl .. I " I""" , ,,~, . , .,h.·r In YI II llh . · a.pproved , IIlI ow lld ullll Ollllfirn\llu . li o n. W Hlt " lIt 1l'fIVfllin" tlll'()!!lt Tl'llIellllJor It lH·tltr." I r fill 'f,I-I ItI ; Ilpprn' t' ll1g t 1'/11,' I llJl II tI : 11(' ." ,.' .,1'" fll" I c,f tnlllllg ~ II ,1\ cJ l· E"~llt.e uf J . R ut's L l\ w ll1r . d fllllU"' , 81. :,0 ; ('Io rk o f Iwunl )f !"1I11 llIil •• ~ IIf l· .'i:Il'~l1,.; h~ll u nc l"IIlln\loll '(I "1'11 ', 1 WIlI llc tn't u mi -" I·rl(·,k. VO • .1'1,. \'lli I I "tl".~ h , • II . ' .1' it ;· .. II ceased . First I\ nti ti n n l II ·'Ilwl. ap- cnt.lon .~ l · ; lunklDt-; tJ\kB .c\llplu : 'llt'~ . ~oll "'P,. )O U 'ire (0 t .. \ ',., :l<l th a t I I 11 j~t'l 'i':1 (:J :hp \\ l lI l d ('\\1 ( \ 1' a!1C1 1 ~~-""""'------~~~-~~~~ ~~) I ~; 'l'ru tje~ of l'uhh(' Alf uin', '1'11,) I'" t " I fW D lI .. tt l "!ll p ,, w nn] I dllll t ~c' o. un.! tll "11 I ' II~ l O tind Olle t he IIl '( 1I"t! 1I11l1· .. playrll l C' 1'r>atllrlls th oLll pro v ed. nll o\\ ed IUld oo u firmed . , -. yoU \Jok!)l! r uod lig h t, * 'J~ l Il.), ~l u r 'y b' \ Icr PII Y t o r I lIO T "I) Id I',xP('1lIII 10r Htll - o ne "llh \\'h Ill. " ' \1111'11 I co,; :111 ' , I( I 1I '· I1.~. hll t'( I'''1'., 111'.' IIlb · ,,~~~, ..:.C 'sPine-T&r- Honey ElI t.l\t,e of P lua s ltn t C. \Vel to o , im- watfl I • ... I ' y, I c!()n t h"I1 (;' ,,(\ ""U I I I dill ,'', II l1f" ; al ~ "h I" " nO I 1, ,,ly fl'i !l l{ beoile Secon d fl u d fina l tlCCUtlnt wu.>t!, raf u u( e l of t.l1xt):i uu Imru tWt\,.; hu rl ,t 'i '1 1 ., 11 of JIll lIl . tor 011 ,It ('nil ri o 11! , , :" Coughs a"d Colds. All rl ghl . I'v e a.noUll' 1' ,, 1t0"'. II I I\l'llllllly JI' ~c ' (,lId to prac. appro ved : allu wed a ud oon fi r med . burned . ~tj 7~J; Pony \ Volfe , 0 0- u o t 1lIt!\' III IlO l. "tIItt', IlI1t III 'v,'rI' OIl P " lil',l l illl, R. Estate of Lou it!IL Co w d eu, ba n e· t,r ll f , ~K; 'lint \ V . tllnton , con trl1 c t tltllto llf til l' oi, \1l " I.ou k 'tt I t nn Ll Pili IL 1'"CR jll lht' .\ HI':l /fl l.l ll pa l'l'o 011 ('(' ,-u"ce\, tl ~{j Vl'E R M U('LlTRE, fioiary. l:ieoood Ilcoolln t approved. ~ 7~; B · rt 1l0U Oella FI!.Ih r, rofuod'[, h o II \ 'tH ' /l gro I! rJ\ln t l'Up Yl,.ld lit'! I PlJ.~K :" In lIlaldlll\ n 1'IlII\\'IlY p:tny b II ' ,· th at' · . "U I.. II It 11 J PII t 1/II'Y h' ltl 1'I1n O" CI' a l'hU lL S nel lle n allo wed and confirme d . er on pro pe r t y t ' I Xc(I In wrong d IS· oef! i u lllli' l 1111 " h"lln I.[ r:uI UIII1\' I' ll! . h:l ,,' t I'l\rt or I II ... F k P F . '1 It Ill . c·I'I, ". i'o IJ()\\ I'll lJy 1\ low moa ning . f E tate o f Da v id Las hley, deoelLs rI t.rict., lc; r nn o r ~y. JUI ur.e ly <if'll' r e llllio :.: . '1'ho .' nt i re· 1!IIt' ",\ nywllL're YIHI wi s h." I:lllg Olll f rom uE'lIelllh l b p wit cJs. First /lccouot upproved all ow d n ud fees . :('17. -Iu . . Olno whll"t. c n)p W Ill lJD I·,\r llll/·l·" til "1 1m J s llou lll lblnk you'd wnut 10 Tit. 11',lIn WitS IOP fl' d. and th e ern· oontlrmed. M iH ol1nn ous-Pet.i ion 111 d by IHl~' the oll~ t !lf Iht1 t wo It:l1l lf,,, 1 fl ~ kno .\, HO YOII c')llld I I' LI whll'b cnrd It "1".\(,,, 11 rV OII ~ I.Y . ('nrch l'd llll tI'll k, E ttl.te of Abia h l::i. Wilkerson, de· c itizen s of West Franklin townsllip j u t (l rd rell lay ( ;,ml!r.,,, ' l ~. "'tIl-tht'I'p ! " but n ch ild \\ 0'" til be s n. 1':0 cill" '/',If'pltnH(' c111,V or ;li~ h t. "N"'I' I Rbll llll! them s o I'rc~lo! I !; \ 0 Ih .. Hltll:\ illll WRS 'to un found ull tIl ceased. Foarth a oooun t IIppro ved, a s k ed ha t. the cOllllulesi nllrs r eVa 1:",1' p\ttJlJO N n. ' . Loo(r How IlII:1UV f'"' IlH~ I'" r il l ,11 I' c r llp" ~ thl" Ih,) CH I'd YO' I' 'hos ' .!,, ' II l;J r~p gn~(' 11 parro t. Rw lngln g In his allowed lind c ntirl1J ~ rt . 1>1.. 1/111('" N, . G!)_'l' I ' (·ngc . IItrl'rl'c! II modl in g l n u~h . q tles t tile Big F Oll r l'tltilrOILd CO tllPtJ- H ow many II I' ') I' xhul1!' l n~ t Ilt' l e r . I "Oh I "c,n't k . tl ' , 'J no\\'- lorgot to louk . Estatl" of Elf zEI A nD Ul zar. d e ny to rua k tb e Ir c r oilRlUg 01 er . )I;l tl ltt.y of tht>lr fl lrll lil IlI 'H l"lll "I lll - " lid H 'C, VoIIIlI II' I tUl) l\. Oh! H er ' j; i\ !HOli k .. ), n s hlpbo l\l'd uNed to oep, ed . First Ilud tinal a cco unt filed pike j u st east o t 'I~rllslo all Lh cr I\!\in f{ It~ l\IIlY - 1I0l\' 11ll'1',.. a n' enou t; h to pla y nntll Sl' hll II; " In I he C ok'A u1Jl!CllCtJ VI\ Y ESV ILLE, OHIO by L. C Nixen . admini s trato r . Fra n k li n a nd (Je rmuoto lVu pike, Olltbt'o ~ k>c dh ll ~ ' rll ll " " nll (,,)11 11l·ld!;te. \IIlY. you l:iuuultl tllHe beon II." lumilJg' Ihl wnl (' r·coclcs In orde r 10 ~' Ihn t \\'o l' lhy'l< fHII'llI'l!'o wh l'n h .. Branc h n Otce, Uarvcy tl lmrs:, C. &itate of Mtlrtba Ward d oceliSed . planked a nd g. r a d e!! not Ie 13 t;hull ttll{1 UK Ol "l;lu,.;(t tl lIltltl :! IIVII Ht U0k 1ll'l'c 00lll;T - , r.II ·. .Junus bll',1 "u ,·fi rl '.'I\jl1 I' I I f I 1 sho \, lllg us lh e m():5t wI)1Ie1<)rl'ul a nI ' 11I1'11i'1 Il n( nunc I II' wn t r runnin g Due proof of pnhlia&tio n o f notloe fifty fee t w id e, al 0 tbe oth r fW O fholliu b tl r pilrt l'c1 '1 tll! !-I D , £l ' l- tti c, "I " (I\"'r Ilw fi ool'; nnd Ih 1'0 a r t' II 'ur ~ of tl.ppointme nt of admini stratrix, road I ad i n g f r om Cn~li s1e to Fl'Ilnlr. ml~ ot. "t (I I '~ . In >lc)l\l . " 'I~(,H the (lr anl\t" I1Urnt (I In stances of actual Martlltl. I(,idley, filed. \\. YNESY JLLE CHURCHES. 1l,Infilitboen Btabm epw l' kide t bf('omAloSOu t.BOI~ lb·kl·l~ 'ttll l'C11111 btll'>le!'l t he OWU ' I· . WHY MEN ARE NOT PRETTY ~::~~'I~~~:llc ~1::I~I~~~'~'n,I;~' IIl1lmnllS to Estate of Raohel l::imHh, d eoeased . • e I:l w m 'lll)' f/lr m l'r u klll1W px " t. A I th th e ru ilrolld oro si 0" 0 0 1'('1' 1:1 n ,kyt' tClTl l' USN\ to nt· . St. Au .. Isllne's Catholic Church. Due proof of publiQation .of notloe le vel ...... W'I .... nil I timl Vflri Iy ot t, w co ru th ey In vestigation Ascribes Laok of Good 1I' Il11't d r l'c lvln' It!! mastl'l' b, go ing ,.. of appointment of Itdmlnis tntor, A , the ,wes t s ide of traok li nd 00 east aro 1,:1 owi n g ? Looks to Mental Labo r a nd Close lhroll ' h tL(' fic llon of kllllllg n ny. lind 1·',Hhl.!r C" '"rlle Mu\,cnhOcfr.t·. 1'.1. tor ide of lon g s l llntio g fill. )ve r t e n t,h nu,;u n d i:\ WJn(\ b ll Vl" Atten t ion to 8 usiness. II'l'!1 IIHS I\l1I11I1; nn nlr of s u 'cess. 0111.' !I .:I':'I' :'~ :1:" ry "''''JlII) ",.UlJa\, II f lh.· ", ,," th :u M, Lewis, filed . scrl'p t of prooee(ll n g. b i d . 1 I 1 da y. how vc r. wh l' n /lroo f w as gi\'l'n . Estate of Theodore M.· MoC!lAdless (Je rtl'fled t rnn .. e e u illl Ulnn Zt' II glll n ;l C 10 ''I'll )V II lIs u Inves tlga t.or Is . un g IIlln t I III thnt hhl hrpoC'I'I 'y WR S d etel:t d . t. "la ....'l·s Episcopal CIItJr(-h. deoell.sed. First and final aeootl ~t Of t rustees of E'mn kjin t Wll . hip 1n thi N Dt pllrtUl ~ ot t'l n OI J IiUUIHY I , nA Bl'l I hf' "Iu n l lind I' th o furnl t ur , bvl,,'ont. . · f r f d d e oug b to sllll e llllt th e r cnson wily " " I(c'\· . .1 P'. 1·,lIlwall,"I,·r. Her'o r. appruved, allowed 8nd oonfirmed. It t t d re~ f1r 0 a e r n Ion 0 ( X; or r Il 11'110. women are as l\ rule of Il beauty not at. I )' '1ulte nsham d, • SUnll.,y !;I'IHI,'I . 0 :110 " . 01 I , wi ng r. Elltate ' of· George W. Gnl8singer, was wi t h (lr a wn Bnd lln £1.1'\1 nded ix: hnn cl rod IlDd ' eIghty -tw o t&.lned by man li e In t ha Cact that they The lOPlTY <\IIU CB of monkC'YB ure ' " Ie . to ·1 ., /II , ll ol l' 'ffim ll'I I, ,, Lhn IIr 'l d~. J1'lra~ and final acoount tra nsor"ipt W Il8 this d a.y fil d and b r aods of Co m m e r 'illl F~"Ttili z r ~ 11.1' mOI'e lodole nt and not so pron ·to IPtl llY un(l (JI\·E I·l lng. Humbol!1t \VIIS :"uIIllu\, u l <· ., c h nt l,'" th . .. x ris e tl1el r bruin s " ns m n ura, .In. nCfJuahl ll'(1 wIth a mo'nk y 11'1 Ind lll' approved, .allowed and oonfirmed. ren,d t o r th'" firs t t ime. and two l.tllodT (1 tint! uln e .V- i~ht \Vhl CII too I{ d C IIg 1It In rldlng .a pIg. Meth od ist Episcopal Churcb •. ~ te l1e o~ ua.1 labors Il nd n.s8lduous nttenJ:8*ate of Walter 6. Kinder et 61, It was orde r ed th" t $1 00 be t r au - bruud s uf Comme l'lIia l F eeJ'lii hll Vl' tl on t 0 b u In s s a re, according to thIs E\' lH'Y mornIng th e creat"r cnu ht. [( v. II . W . I)IlU y. !'/Wli llr, " minors,' Seoond aCcount a.pproved. ferred t e mpo raril y f r om the . ' 01- be u lIoense d by . D pl\rtul ut. ~\l ud "y ::;CIl"ClI. !J ::IU a. 10 . ,I ,' mllll! .. ~ r · uthorlty. mn tters olxtremely J)I'ejudl. 11, IOI\ /l('d !llllrlll u hi s back. nud I U ::111 .L . Ill , r-:lm'orL II !.l'tlll " ' . 7 ; 011 'p' '. allowed, and oon~med. diers ' .Monumen t Fqnd t o t l.te ooun~ sinoe .January HIlO, clal .'oJ tile deve lop", nt 0 IlhYl:llcal clin gIng tb nr with &1' a t firmness. ,·Icc. m . I~ \'c , ,,l lI ' .. er ,·\t;e. '; : 00 p . Ill. Mhl w' Ir ES$ate af W, Jay I;lall, !lSsigDor. by fund. Pr I}'ur "'l' ~ In~ . 7 I I, IU. Bulletins lind other pouliotLtioos beauty: took b.1 fill of rlellog. In t r hi b nolh l' l' mon l' tlY. doruesU a t d by Birst aoooont approved, allowed and of this DeJlu.rtm e ut ot free upon s uppor 0 . 8 t eory .llila Briton n m lsiilonnry. used to rllit th falll ily Christian Church. All Ski n 0 Iseases points to lh Zaros . a trIbe or B rltJs h oonfirmed, Ho\,. I.. O. ·I'hoUlll!lOn. l'IL,Ior. Yie ld r e dily to ~r ll t m nt· with applioatlo l.l . Ind ia . Anlon g them, It aplle{\I'b. WOIll. cn t. 11 I'! ron ' . good·nntured nnhnnl. to Utbl ::!chf'lo l. 9: 30. roo ro. () •.,.1 til Ullg, • tate of Krome, deceased. Dr. Be ll 's An t i e ptie I1 l ve, \V 1.'wo good farm pILl' r o r mol'" e n hoW the place that. In OUIEl r COUll. t ile Ram use . I O:~O II . 10, 'IIrl~U tI.1!lullOllvor. 7: UO p . m. F~al .aooonnt approved, allowed guarantee it, 25e tl. b ox . ' old av. o n !!ht to be in he hom o o~ very trl s Is ll\'eeUl).Jte d by men. 'I'he ZIlI'O 'rh favorite gnm e of oth r s se ros Sermon Ity IlII.~I(l r O" ury .1l1Wl'lI uW II nd"y 1I~ IO : ~V" III. lLUi.I 7:3U IJ. m. . erywhe re. ., fc~r Ul r . womllll m a n nge s the nlTa lrs ot· s tate. to uo \.ba t of Rlldlng down bUI. 1'hoy a .n 4 cOnfirmed. -.. -ng' ges In business on be l' OW II ac. climb \0 tho IOIl .of tl high snow-ridge. HI(ksito Friends Chu rch. Eltate· of Malinda PulleD, de~ TrIcks of th e Campau. Are you Ii nbsorlber to yonr OWl. . . .""it I, nd dOl's no I' st ric t he n ;olf In lie fi a t upon th stomucll . w ll h t he F ir l " l 1\I" l' IIII'-' 1II :(10 [I. m, 1.'lr ~ DOl)' ceued. Dne proof .of publioatlon Experts Bay th at th a steel hll Jl of n h OOle pupa!'? If 01 t, Ou 1t NQw thll ti El ro w ft e ld of w\>01an 1 C.!w he re. tore·fee bc nt bl\cInvard, and givIng Sul.uul. II :1/(1 il. II, . ~(J llnb Dn y 1\1 0" '"11[ of notice of appoint~ent, F . B. Pul. v81111el fs rtInd er ed roagneUc du r ing If 80, . is your I:!UU o ripti r.1O pu id to On /h e other hand. t be 7.:11'0 Ul a n has thems lves Il.D Impulse with the hlnd- IU:OO :\. UI ' to do but coole (b e Ul~.alu and legs, g Me down tba hlJI 'h ad fore· no .thlo" leD, filed •. tr U ( b th b cons uc on y e am.m e ring of tile dtltei'-A . P . 'nn d lEI ,'-' or tllry Jl l f o ' " .' ~ mo t 1 ' Orthodox Friends Chu l·ch . loolt afte r lli u c hil dren. The ontuml s . n s utnm r lh y sel ct n s loEstate ' of Belen Van ~orn ; bene~ metal and that ev ry 8teal v ssel has H· .. . II II j:un l n lia, 1;ln • Pit to r, to haTe Its compass corr ected to coun- 0 pII1·t.ment f A g ri ultur . rellu l t of a ll (hl l;l. !:1Il)'t1 our sci ntls.t, Is pIng rlv Ir bal\l{. wh ic h hilS cia)' Y Soli. fiolarY, Fjbllillcoonntfiltd by John eh"'lJl. II:l!O :I , lU . It Itula r hurch teraet Its own magnetJc lin es of fo r e. that th m l' lI of Ihls sl ug ular trlb c nl'O alld wh l:'rc tb e wat l' at \Ls base Is of gl! n:ahbaLh. ·lcu. III ~r, II. In. r;hrl~~la n ~D cI~I'O T. B. "ol{la~ey, trustee. The magneUc' lnn uence Is fU I·th I' COIDThose Pies of B oyhood 've ry 'pre tty" a nd the WOUlen unu s ually conSIc1e rab lc dep th. 'lI mblng thl!! '7 ::\ 0 p . It . Eef.a~ ' of John L . Merritt, de~ pIJcatod by the lond carrlcd b" the plain. ba n Ie, th ey 'sLu r t from the tOI>, s li p How dtlloiuus were tho Ilil II ul Ilwlftly ov r the s loplug grou nd a nd ~.==-=-::== . ~===~=~=~~~~ oeased. First RDd BDlll aooount ve8sol, it t hIs load Is m a .. ne i1c or ., boyhood. No pi AS over tllMle !ol1) 'II/J(l plllrlg 'Into the water. ' rued by Olara Merritt,' administra capable of be Ing magnetized. Tho ·ore· PHOTOGRAPHING ON WANE The gambollnp ot \Vhnl'e s Is of ten carrying vessels ot the great Inltes II - Whut's haog ed?t.bI~'pies~ 0 Itl" t It " trix, '. pe rl ence great dlffi culty on this ac. you . ' uu' vo lo t th o t l'o u g , ht' IIlth y ---IV 11 flse d by sa ilors. nnd Pnlcy says , 't Maniap Licenses. r OllR It ve l', tlHl II() It Is Reportod Tha t Amate urs Ar e th l nJIY observer ot fi h mUSl Itc· ~ t d th e U n It e d st a t r - h ydro- t oma)11 the. vi '" coun an ,., Sh 1 0 knowl ed ... o lhat . " the". al'e s o happ" ~ "'raphlc bur .. au Is endeavoring to t i va kidn y , the regul~1' bnwtJl ul ow ng ecre<'lsed I nterest In So· " ~. J J. ·fI • 11 es and at Exhibitions. th ey I\DOW !Jo t I\' ll ,.nt to (10 " 'Ith th 111ole Ne~n H. •awk, 26, maohinist of ..te ach P ilo ts .r-nnd cnptnlns o r veeaels b \'hoo(1 You.r tlil'l'!, tit:m iii pU I1r • ... .., <> s Ivea. 1'hc ir nttltud ' a nnd fl·... llc W b uI '. " ' . y 11 would lJke to supply Toledo, and Un. Dorotliy\ M. Mbban plying In this tra d e bow t o ·che k lIod yoa hluUl ~ t.b e fno,l omilla in ts ar rll t- of d eor aile d 1n- 111'(' Im ply th e tr ect f nn excess of n dell? A JOtnlllotl t o ning 111' b.v ' ~, of W ·aynesvllle . Martin A. tb I.' Ir course b Y m ean l! 0 r th e pe lorus . l I h s lllrlts." your t"ble Wl'th th's h.·gh Tb e pe loru s Is ,a rt ' Instrum ent simI. EI otr ic Bit ers wf II \I m' YIl.!1S Ilr' oi l E! 1' a t n p otogl'aph lc soclatl 9 and 10 _ • , lJameson, justioe of the peaoe, 1ar to the s un di a l, being provided gestion - t;touIllcll, Liv J' , l{idIIA.YJ ' \lho ograpblc o.·bllltJons. Ttl re are A Frightful Wrc"k grade silverware free of D.'IDed to perform the ceremony. w ith a gnoDlon and a grad uated nrc Bowela-Try theTTl . They' ll r a I I' ' c()r tllfnly I' WE'I' 0 tho tall r th an llier o ... ' . ,L I .COt; t, write us f r our speon whic h a shadow of th e g nomon Is yoar boyhood BPI' tit und .nppI'e lu we' l'c six o r Ig h',~,. aI'S agp, An ... socleo f t r'l ill , II UI,lllIlOIIlI " \l r bu)!!.! m IY cast . Th e instrume nt Is set In n north t,ion of f oor! lind fl,t irly utU f llttl.Y " r tlEls. Ii not notu(Llly 1 'ss rQus , f\re nU!,.\l (lUIIl' 1 lJl1t11, e". nhr ll t:\l~)L1S, cial offer. Address Real Estate Transfers. and s ou th dlreotlon. fUI ln ~lcatod by b od ,f w i th new bmdt.h. strengt.h nnl1 on Ih whole w a lcer both In. numbers "pr HluR Ill' w ounds Ihllt (I munel ., vigor , (,00 ut FTed ' . h Wllft».' nod In ntqlls lasll1. fn tbe ntten Buok le ll' ArlllCl l , 'I\ ; VO ' " r tl l '" Elsie F. Gnnther and, W. F , Gun· th e compass. STANDARD FASHION CO~IPANY _ _ _ States th eir' numb rs bavo d ecl'case d gI'ell t. t-t lleo lar <'~nt I "olillf lllJd By noUo g the shado w on the gr·a d u· ther to George P. Downy. lot In . 12-16 VandllM Strul, New York,·N. Y. ated Brc It II! possi ble to te ll h y com. i,l! (ll' 6) 'llt'r nl. ttt I a lit. II Is easy pr~1 ln pt,. r.urt.! l' bflll! tK F o r bllr n" LebanoD, 11600. parlson with t abl e" fur nis h II by th e RELlEF FROM HEAVES ru d fln ce f'J'01~ t his u d et'I!.Y of In ter at bCll l~, ;lor!';; 'I f u II k unl cz 111/1 ~Amnel T. Brown to ~alIJh P. go v rnm ent j ust how fnr from tbe 1[1 ph o ogrullby und u lessenl,ng ot the ObllJ ll,l'!I h lHlIt ll II nd IiPr'"SOI'6 eYf'f! 01' north IUld so uth p ositio n t he gnomon Bl'nv 8 oon be g rllllt.1 • I' l.'I l1 e I'd I'l r 1I IIIII1b r' 0 alll~teuJ' photog l'aphllrs,llud , Cl)ru~, I t!;l ... np r€II IC ' Su r Ht pl Io tire Beel, tWQ truots in oounty ,'SOOO . re Ally lies, thus s howIn g the compass ternpo r nrily remo veci uy lllfl(IICl ll e Ind eed. thI s .!tRY oper ation hus bee n 2nc tI ~ ' I' tI \ J • ('\lwl1rlz'8 George F . Mills to Ida Havens . Jot error. an d f! olol l\I ' mell lt" mont . If} "um l>'~I·formt''' . :m ple d duotlons on com· . ~. . in Harveysburg, P ' I 111cx 1111 0«11011<1 should 3twllYS be I'll, ---mor ",russ f\ b on Jrl furm th only f t'l'r! ' >::udcd wI h . IIllplcloll. a nd In th Is We re ,0 a d to End Seaso n. .' Minerva E. Htaoe to William B. Iron In Antiquity. d " t I II A No w YOI'k(l r who hns jus t r.... . t h- f d .-1." nglesby, lot In Franklin, I t T ile follo\vln g 1s "n b ri ef Il il mmar y lin JI) W I uteI' W t 011 tl t.1'1I W F; 11 ' I I !. ClIS sUI!Jllclnn dOl e lojJs 1.11 I0 In crcu\)l!· p,1 from I,ondon g lv<"s ontJ eX I)lav Inntl °YeI oNun a.u'UU, Md .tested anro for JlheQ. 1I f' ' . IfITl uta ramed)' thl\.t "'1ll ltm18htco&be C. O. Miles to S. Unglesby, lot in ot th e fact s kn own as t o tho li se o f b prefe rr e d t.n dr.l' hl/ y. F owler ';; l~' w h E-n II hi fouuLl that tl ld e llr 81 , Iroll uy th e au el n ts: so lutiuu uf 1ll'i:'Elll lO in IlIdf 0 1 IlN! ' Wll h Ih e cI !? l:'l'al loll of the Ilbota. li n on 0 tI e With whIch dlstortod lImm ofchrouICcrlp¥lcl,nCirtumlxlnT Fr8nkUn, a1. to t h 11 h . Il:'l'fllJh lC 80ciNy 1111 In CI'(!llsecl and eve r. Flngll s htn () n clo d th pll' lown bouses fMT:n~~~'~I~or:~r~ , ~at IJIlmllOlSlble, Interest In g e . g t of recent: do Of! twice rl u lly le!:'1l6 ns he t11~· ! ICl'cl\$lng lJ u 81 1H':"~ Iii ' lalll'u g done In aflC'r t he (If' nth of th king and so thladelllomblodllMlMO. PII,Qi IIt\dfPlUllll of Frank ,1, Brown to JOBPph R . OlDlllel' iul 111 11(110101111 Ii e I II I'~n.d ll y constl nl c<l to g iv e liP ull fln t r Da~~~'tf1Vlthd & ...ChOmlst In TlIe CIty of m etnllurgicRI practi se Is 11 par t of [\n traJii\ Lindsey and GertrUde A . Lindsey, Iro n tool found In t he Gr eat pyr amid. . r , I T' ut !l~ I \1,$ IlllcJ Illl pe]'/!. t I > I r . I - 'l lcl D <lI!D t.,~ ll\st Inp·.llen' , wI'~ nl,Jse It contai ns Do t only n Icke l ' !loIs Ilao fn l to thll t ext Ant. I, "a DlTlen s 01 I I r s t o f th a \lr 'sent \\ 1 If r. Shoop . llhoutnl\t!c Romedy was made 62,78 aores in Turtltloreek towns hip, be c .. t; IlSOIl. . th !lOr Ilcted. depeoc:Jnble \J ~8Crl vtlon, WithollC -.. ~61 hi f 8 " "LCllldoD(' ra \\' 0 1'0 In Ill anv Instnnces I:nnn~ca8ell I\t !lSt Incrcdl ent. 1 suec;e.i5(ull" \rented man., I bl b I I t I b 17010. U Il so !lom ne( cnr on. BlOW ng 9 pm n t 0 UllICH'. or'Rhcutnl\tlsm :butnow IHlatt.ltllnt! th at It Is m eteori c ori g in. A- Cough, A C old 1le l'e was It rUI' opportuni ty for nn VLl I'Y mu c h r )j('\'C',1 lo sh h:k !L 8~n s oll :;:~h7d~~'aS S1~t8~~lo",CflIIIeI of t~1s heretofore a n " hohl " J) " Bull lOll r'J t t l r II ,. . ' " ', 1\1 ~o . •' lo5e sund,lIkoJn'llnular U nd Ar a s phfrix at K a rn a lc an Iron • AIllI t lll'D 110 t(, ll in r Wltllt-lllll'\~ B 10(' i' . " '. 0 d 0 a 0 OX P'1f tHrc . be (wi. "b cnllR(' bls ;;'nnstce.roundlnliheulIlIltt CDlood.lIOOrn lOdISSOIVO 's lc kl e WIlS found. -yOO II II Dr . BolJ'!4 Pm, ·1'ILr-HIlIl f>V .! ".u lue 1)1 $10.:113.10) fol' th' Bank of has not bee u n good ) :HR I' fillR n cl im y , fTC~I~:: 3:':Y~d~r~Iil~~\~e8f~hJl~,~~n~~~. At Deihl th re st ill exists art Iron r" t lIS ' th (! b .. ~ t , ItS k- V0 llr n(' II{II IjIl'l' . I·.ugin tI wns Ilhl pppo to 1Atnd1thcn, ' when f't5s01ved. theso POIIO"o':-;o:. w"::~ . , I In I hn linc l' for them . They were not rl llV., IOllu a P888 f th -pillar. 1i0 teet IIIg I1 .a nd 1 6 'In rh es In l~lJ"k fo r Hltl St'll ;l U tb o l1 '1 ll ll " I' I.' ron pI Ill>"! ;~ In ( ' ('i 1 . wblc h Fln lle d Rpon d nny more rn on rr th u.n nect."s. RhaumnU m ~~on: f~J,~:.' ,gC:~1a ~~ diam eter. ma de of 50·pounil bloom. t:l lei evf'l' wb e re Irom N(' w '( ol'lt I'er'ntl y. 'I'll!> fn light Illl r y, and wb en court rnollrnlil ll ga,'o I ~J~'r'-\~oatt~wl exc"JJelollillaJ'lmll\lrWI&b_ we lde<1 togeth e r , T his pillar. It Is 0 "on !lldt 'd of 2UO kegs. enrb contaI n, thcm a d lgnlfl tl oPPol.tu nl ty to closo 0 P' , 88ol1,ll.Ilc1 In _6dence rtl\»mIQODd ., "'it, St. Au gus tine. li11l., su ggest ed. may b e r egarded us t he -_ .. li n!; ~50. )1)0 lit gold. nnd 505 U.U·S of up th e ir hOuses Ilnd s ldp n s as on June 1. 1909. doyen among products' of th e h'e avy KE EP TH E BEST E\VE ,.II" ' 1' . ('Ill'll I\(II'I h $620. The tl'eH8l1r they wcr ve r y \\'el\ sntl s fl ell t but 'l'h. Nature's Crclltion Co., . ' 1\ Ii. ~ LO rf' rJ ill Ii. S t!(~I·lllled room. eigbt could ' ) til l Ith t h i ' Gentlrmen :- We t h Ink your remedy Iron Indus try. 'Wonderful and /lave told OOZeD!! at peoThe use ot Iron ann steElI In ChIn a '1'00 o Neo eWA lambs born" ft "T b)' I ·n f e t. Ilnd \\'"s In Lbo car e of a J ple about It Dud GU" e t he m your adhas beeu tracecl to the year 2~57 B . c. the l'eg lllnr IUDlbiolY sau!:!on nm l't'\ .~"e cl al gUBl'1I ni ght a nd dny. tlonal p n t holr o~'u res))on f; lulllty. So . . .\. UI " ilr.... My daUghter 1I0W seem!! a s well .. ever and welShs 12 pou nda more Th\l J a pan ese ar e s aid to hnve hail ~ Ilobqtly need tblnk, th at EngHs h ' :. • thllll when IIhe commf,ncec1 tak Ing Na. Well .Equ lpped fo r Scratch ing. I' houses In I:6l1don w lII .b Of) n II Inter ~.:~~~~~~~".!'!!~~~~~~~~ tur,'s Creation. She was m a rri e d lal'l t a curious m Ihod of m RI( lng steel. tllhlned for . brl~edm g ewo b cause Thl:'Y burled forged Iron In mar s hy t ey are n ot ul r~e e n nu~ l1 to rnarI th m~ntb. " J 81n s end )n!!' Y QU her pletum. but don t know IlS It w ill 'Oe at any UI'l1 ~~~o.~h:~~ ;~~llnl~: , to ,ou. as R} e h l\S a i wtl l'" been thIn t. .1 'ground and after e ight or te n year fl. k~t w i t h t he re!!t. CJr tl1e 1iook.. Tlll'~l' c;~~tl ln~:~.l~~n:~~I~~~I~d ~tct:~a-:~~{~ 'a~ytb!; ~~; the tact!. We thll nk y o u Icll1dlv t o,' through s ome n lche my of nature. It d s lop in t o ewe t·bllt a r e u n ll l' qnlt e n. SUI' rlor scralcblng !?llulrHD n t. t he r e. '1our.teou!I tr ~ a tlll ('.n t Ilnd will al way. came out ste 1. recommend you hl lt"I >-, s izen !l o d Ill te brc ders u u d b n Cb Tile happ y tilrtl has three J gs. the .... - - - -,. Your grll totul frJ end. Stalwart Endeavor. ur e det.r lml;lntal to tbe uuUdi n g \1'\1 thlrll of whiQh has two ' 1 at. nOd . the . Two In One ~ "It's only a tew generati ons from of good ~took . t.oes to~al ., 13, ., D spl~e t h Is UI~IIICk y .. DI'. ~ell lR A nt:\, P ILin I b o t.l; an 10- - - -- - -nun~b~ r.. {he chlcl(Gln 1)0 tar spT,Je l.U'B t<;J ~ern '~l . I\nd · ,:x t r n ll ) r e u?ed ,v . It .h~ shirt sleeves to s hir t sleeves," said ; " st. GeorgI! Strcot. the unorlg'ln lll per son. Old Ulcers ' be str6ng o.nll . I~eal thy. ao d U!lUB each en fl n t.H' pU e r P1n edy Abel n ~Rtrovs (ChIli!. C. n otCh, l h" wll l1·known Plum·- · "Yea;" re plied ' MIas Caven ne. . Ar e un s ig htly nnrl d n,O€\e l·Ollf< . ot its th r ee I gs I)tIeQUvely. .' .di!1ell,s g.a l'm tl.'nld averywb s l'''<J o' n .-.:"J'r._ : > ': • \ '· ... ·.,e,. o.! .Tu u. e" to w n. .. Is this glr:'3 r Il p o. I.ti va g UILrl·l.ll t.e · I ,.r., ,': 'J ' ( t ' /1' ~ ALrnllllt ity Qnd . ' unele. I\nd to hJm {l<)ell. tIle cre It of . "Young m e n whose g rslld!atb e r.s t oll- D r . B 11 's A 0 f.i apt!o 8.Itl va.' il.1 h ,ti l , :attvl\lll' h ~ r ltt e. as It wa s h 6 Who J;'o t d t 'ttr ealth are n 'v seen ' d Y. N 0 bt ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _~._'_ . ,,~" P', II. 'I" " "'; ' , . ~ I ,I d n "cl'rly ". (the rue (elno (or her when sbe W itS e or,. e ve ry a th e m pl:omptj y. . It is c le lin and 0 au . ' , , ," "~ I.. "", U.. h,·u . la Ws "l,d . co.nfined to her bed .) with their coats off, on ' the "olt plell' "ulln t to u "e . .2 o · u~ b'''-. ..Jo - Id "Prete,lSso r Smart ls a man of large WHY S'WINE ' AR' P.. STU'NT.ED '" f. , 111111 .I'Y: ,"\. , • ' .I . ,l'd n r Q so},1 lI"'n 'l'.ra.ot1caIlY . • ... v... .., I t, )I;! ,,·. . ' . ff\' Ire' cat!,l\l"uc, ' e v er ywher e. . 10 n'lal Is )1a l;Iot 7" , _ _ ___" .~ r,~AG _ " .• · Nature'lI ~rc/1.lI(\ ri t'onJ (\ lns nQ creo- course." .. ate. morp jtl P. (\ 111 m or nny hlJIJI'lo ·l. • '. - - '., "Hl) cel· t~ItIIY , Is 11 big · bore."-p nf. . ~ , ·~ 't.,~ ,·n' r ' . ' , rty II ;, t h <Jw:1' hablt-forln lnl: drults ot any ki nd. Summer;:Colds . .' r . ~ __ .~ _ .. ... _, vGr llih, of M1n oeilOUl ;,\{!~ ·bEilin. . Mnn ~ flLrmer n gleot t b e lr .BWlne} :' ": ':,e-nlilliull '. . 'l'l~U '~~ bl~~s i:~ . , e ~1U'anteo It to t ha U. ' S. govern.,. ., '. .. i lob h f " t ·1'·!II"rl'" lI~" l nlt U1 I)l n " 1I1enl undeJ' t : !~od li nd dru gs ct. It Are 'harde r to 'r elieve thaD ·wlnte r Cruel Come tiac k. ... ~ . n ,e urry 0 ~ummer ,",ollk and ....,., . !Iln ry , ,veil "!'irdr Icry, .ettl by build nil' UP. not IIt lm\II"tlns, b . . r • • ChrOnic 'Sore E " es tb It i " h h b ' " I II>. "",.11 .1"rl ' 0' flO ' • nil', • · orb. Nat.u t" ·11 1·.ClllloH O.. Bf,l n)c Bldg.. ones . ut they yield Just t\~ readily ' "I aw doin&' my bes to gilt a head," . ~, e r.asa . t e Qgs ~o_ome 8tnn~ . ' r"{'"fh dd" phlc) :,:~; "inr. ~ t.t! .:;~a , ~O~ . ,!od HIgh, Golu mbus. (' 11 or - to treatmen t with Dr B ell 's pjne~ 18.!lseph)d CholU . . , Ar e e llR!)y our d w i~h ut.he~lllnd·'s ed. In the fllll they have' not mad~ . ' >ny, r " ,I for Iq'\\pi" cOP)': 'WrIt. tor hn nd. Onte l)(>oI( Ict. ",hleo " · of T II ' S 1 . ~ • W II h ' E I'" S I l ' .... 1 . .~ ,",'L INtJV~':1UlNTS ' " ~t InteN'.t fJX~F1. 0"''' • .M'" •• nil ar- oney. 0 d e verywhere, LuOk 'e, aven knows ) \0\1 need olle," ag e ... ye 11 v e, t 18 pa ..., eSl!l' l\n(} adeqUllte growth,aDd, besldes,stons. 'l I ',,,!n l " "I\ IrS preM ium cllalo ·~ . .tp&l~. for the Bel) OD. the' BOttle., . lUI en te l! DOlUl:!.~'foled.o Bla de. btlrm1e~ andguaranteed . 250!, box . ad s 'w lne do not finish well, :,." ~h 1",,,,0 ~(ler.., AcIoll'el4 " lIlIe . Sold every,w oere, ' . - - .::a. co.: =a ..... w. PIll .....' t . .




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~.---. -------............................................... ~ Why p.,lIahth roplcall y IncOned Pc,," I"I " , I I ml ·.t bll~ ;nuiw 'Orl, \ t,,)~ rh lI,ir o r: w~S. t:!"Ur. fr om Ion I Soon Come to Abomin ate the " n --~Profess ional Beggars , , NII,ILI ' it,l ~ /I r A oo u tf ut to Ii" t UVI;S I for UJ' J.lunl :- bfll t-1Jt. Today we " ,\ I.I , I~ l 'l'I':I IEI'IJ O. ' I~: - ( '.\LI , ," ". IlJ.2" tbH1 J'tIJUV: ngl:lrs llad do the work know ,Jill It; is becl1u~e of our Ut)Miss Mary Richmo nd ot the Ph ila- - - - - - or,,~ rh" fl~-\ Iln ~ und ourts, leou \Vuyf:ol tlhu t. ";;0 ar . vi 'ited by d elph ia society for organ izing charity , - -1-- - D . L , r;1(/\, I,: , ~';clit () r and Manu " ' }' \'0/" IHIVtll) fin j ontflo t,o I t, HilS I ' phuid fevAr, l:v Im ttlry, l.I.ud tbllt IlbOlllluat IS prof sBlon lll b gl:;llrs, and hRs 1I1l1limc mu ie s torl s In T,roof or tl . 11'\ 11 I~p III I I' till I' slcl ot lUI' 'n r elt.'8 II 8 prn!l(l ~ dt)lhttJ oriu , flal.t·1< of Ruh Rct:ipl illn th e lVorthl f's ' II ~s or III S III n. IIIHI :Arol't'le< !' t,,,hle ,m n, I~ nrl " 'lTll1t, ftlYll', uo 1 t b e like, '"" \ " ' lIr ISI'I'k ll) IIllItt va ll"" ) . . , ',. , Many of Mi ss Rl c hlllunt!'s s lol' l II .,. 1.111, fl 't our 11 0 11 1101< liy IIl1lllUI of tho;r It. iK n, ( II t ' hIl t ull th dil"eu8eS hav!) 0 h UUl/)I'OU B t rn , Thus. r c 'nt. I; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IIIr.!I• •flII. . . . . .. . . . .. Slliltli' 1',,1' )', . _ _ :~_'_' ' .. '_ .M, ,lil' ~.v r(\l~t , rn l~ht. bo 11I1n; IWII from lLOY om Iy, she ' I;old : "A s 8.n En , ,[,Ill fl y'!, 1f' 1-r~ IIru wnll ~H1it 11 t.o munit.\ ' if /Ill th P Rtltcs (If Adv('rti M in~ opl wouW ul1Ud Ing dowD g li Rh geotlemlln wa s walk· a QlIl l'l s lrpet he heol't! a ollrr)" bit l < of filth 11.1111 thAir h n l lit li"lid l n\.( t.,It'II'ls. Ill' r 1111 •. , . . ' t u/.( tb (~ '\' t, g t OISII Il uod ke~p 01 un ra ucous vole ' HU Y: ((I'lIdl!!\.( I ("'\lIH. IIllIdl (tH'" IX'I' lil'l' ,,~: : ul' rru WJiIl~ OV I r l l1illg!l Ult 'i ly in , Lilt u, r merno ' r thut t\1I~. io tIl e '" barity! Fur th e lov u of II ,I V n, , 11llHHilhul tiM . lin \; tu :S I ' 1 ,t! ' \\'11 IJIHIR fee t ... fdOl,1. har··y! ' ' h llt.\!le Ul l'.l pign of nntl dy w uy! unel '1'lIr(.o IUNI'I'!,IuIl. .. . . . ... . '" A t Ihe tilw, n f t h A i:)pn ni!lh Alll or_ t,hl\L Hi I< Illlly UI'IIlI'C di8eUi:'!6 Tb ge ntl milD , n true phllullth ro. 'hi'll:lI' II \' . 11\" iI \I' IIt,;,- rr.~ ' I : IH ,"I ' n tI , plst, tUl'oed lind fi ll \\' 0 t il III uu d rug· 1t ... 1" ...~ . PCII' !1I1 '. . .. ' " ... . nr' 101111 Wil l', w h l'o 110 IIIUU Y :!ol d itlr t! rlH1re fure, C VI r y 110118 6 should lIe ged flgur OIL t.'unl I.r I h h l l l~ " ·. . . ... . ' " .. . , .. . . .. , whuse bre us t h \lng a ~ :,t ' ,llI'rl I.f 111 111'111111' , lIi r''i w('ra pro ved to }ll'ovid d wi th SOl'(1 1Ji! for do ra /iIld cnrd slIylng Jt'*,flllllio Il J • • • • ~ • " • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • ' I aliI Lllnd.' The ..;enllc· htlll~. . .S:J&a• •D!D• •IaiI»ZSl nllt: h!! VA Jlllly cel II IOlullo g- ]Jllrt. in ollrryIlIlIlll• • • • • • • • • • • S(\d h'~ 11( ' , \\h "I'I , 4'lU U' J..:U IS Illacl u •.. ' " \ intlowli I,ltroug h the warm 8CIIpOn , Innn took a COin from hi s pocke l and ~:I( ' I>I, pI IlY ,\,1\ " 1'11 :11111; 1>"" 11 ,.. 11 .. " . 1/;, . In~ Infe Uo n fr om , th, l'efn!lQ pi tH to 'rill se s r nil mus t be k pt in dropped It Into the blind begga r's cup. J will Ililve al l'uuli Au ct ion at my rcsiol enc , on -halt Ih o food. !;uoll I' lltllr , "But lhe coin was droP 1l mil , psst of s\.at ion, at from too DIsllI!lB gorlll R from siok person s " 'pdog Ilbonld ' IIU (l th e soreen great a height, a nd It bounced out ,I PI.Y 211, I~IU . III'" d ll'lcbu I'g d in tb e eXOl'p,ti o u8; dl)ocl:! t o sb u t t igh again. It t ell and rolled aloDg tbe tly. 111:..1 V.hl~ U Hollll e uf ttlH linny ]lil s 011 pOil'!0n On f1 y -ldlle r nre b ,t. P!lV'9ment, the b ggar In pursu it. Fl· A wifu iH 1'1(11"" " IlIUII'~ hl>Ul' r wl' rtl ili"infl;l ot d with dry lim t,h e Al l uf I ui~ un 11t~ done with oh ea p na ll y It lodged In tb e gutter, whence th e blind mnn fished It out. NtI,,'" L, '1t whito Iru r:ks on tho (Qod, . m aterial! !, 1100 lit "'DUIII hlllf 01' I.IHI wh,l\ .. tltlP ", OOFt . " Th e g ntlemeu saId 111 a st e rn Tit hnuit:! of fli S <l rA t,b e 8111UO RemUJJ \hur l ~ac ' lJU' fuou e very voIce: If kif'S M w l' m 11 ' .' I t!IIU0I1:1 III 1111 e v n l'ywh l1 rl . \Vu llnvo thollg 1lt wb rp.- in t,h o mlll' KAt, on t h o Rt rflot "'Confo und you; you are no more on rtuk arR Wl\lIloI \lIIVII 10 work on'r r. h a lll Ilnnu ying, Im t hav o not known find AS)lI'O llt.ll y ill the bO\lRe,~ sho uld hllnd tban 1 am.' timo . "The beggar ot these words looked b o w mnc lldnllgo r 111 1'0 \VllS o f thot r .llll Jwpt. fr eo fmlll infectio n by nt Ute placard on hIs ~ - ----breast and gave bringi ng in 11I!I uso . 11 \AK. B eginnin g at 11 o'clock a start of surprIse. Bon.ol,y III IlUppU ed \1) 1m II UlIlt.I I' " N o w Ihot, w e (10 ku \V this w e Don't ullow horse IIlflUnr e o r "'Right you are, lK>ss,' 'he laid, of tUsto, but Willi ~ll lm~ It iii II lu c k uf :i LllInlt1 ever .V nUtI of u see 10 it tllut h tl'l )J1! of dirt to l'amnlO o u your 'Blamed It thClt' baven't put the wronc t.OHte, card on me. I'm d eaf Bnd dumb.' " OU1' pr mi seR Ill' o leH.n, Hod fwb pI' 'm i Hflll fnr Hi 8 to lI r ujD : Topeka Capital. I1 l:1ighLJ rh u d s h ould bli nd t Igetb l' OC tO'" fn il to cove r IIny bing Wh '0 Il Ill1 1eot,h il IIl'l tlS 11I1 IiiI' bip t o ke(lp It,!lelf oloul1 lIod thut< Ill or e which lllll t, b I ft IIhollfl 8flillllg Itw" y h tl 'IH jlll;t.lfil1 ll ill t,hillil. Ano ther quiet ' bunch of Westenl Horses and na1'1'00 fHIIO llie I Don't le t ihes come into tll h ou sl' THE STREWING OF FLOWERS tiveH, many of them b r oke n , consist ing o f som nice Fli Il I r Iltl 1lI1linly in hor!le mIL \\ h Rn to. I Sn!~ will Ic cpp Saddle Horses , Maret! and olts , Yearlin gs , Twos, Three, thf'm out Ruskin Telll of the Deep and Delight, and o lder ones, si r d by "orne of the b t import ed a nd nure , but eVAn I!Il;ubl eR u flnd .Dot btl Don't, I PIIVfl tbem in w h e n tit y ful Underm eanlng In the Old A mill! IIl1tnrn lly 1111,. II ~ruelgl' native studs. broodin g JlIII COS if w a ll olu'ed for. get 11l .- ( Adllpte d . CUltom . fr u m BulJ otltl A fancy match team of pUl e white geldings , geod ngllius t tll A 1J1I111 wbo W'IM OI ' (;1l Illl- Wir, I I If. t~mg muk es It )10 r;iIJle, I1t pnbli ~h l-! r.l hy B ult,h-Eu uca t ioo size , broken to rid or drive. ijtl~6tl to hi .. wHt'- lIuel dirlll'L 111'11'1',\ Have you ever conside red wbat II. ' '' 11111 (\ 11 I, to k flo p 1li 8 IlWILY fr om Leugne Team of bay gelding s, reliabl y broken , saddle or of 13o~ IO\) , by \Yllrren '0, deep htlr, uTJderm anln g !.here lies or, at 1\110eHt;Ury pile!! 'ut d1rt, drive , Some fancy broke s;lddle Ponies for ladies or C lll1il'111111\ of Public Hoalth Edu 11_ least, may be reud, It we choose. In our childl'e n, fine dapple gray mare, 8 y ars old, wight , L ot Vt' I Y mallY yell r " II go avery ' li o n CO lllllli ttee of Ame n cllstom o~ slr wing tlo~rs before A Pain Remed y nn Me,l ' 1400, brok very way, o,u !l llpp lisod t,hnb diRI.1 t11l0 cli me out ul R!:;ooillti on ) lboso wbom we think most happy? Uotll Inl llrrl id 1111 (11 XI," IIId iii 111'1\1' . ' Big 4-year- old roan Gelding , by Eckert , record '· Do you suppose It Is merely to de· .i dUlly uv ,.I II ":; I. 'TVl:'l',V 1 n.1I1 , ~~~, ~~~,2:07Y.; 4-year- old bar Mare. gentle to saddle, driven ~ -~~~~~~T', ~~~~-..." ~-,,,!-~~ -.!'!-.!'!.. !!'~~~ !!, ~~~~! celve them Int :> Ihe hope that happi· ,!!~~~~..._ ~..!'~ J tl l"~ "r Dr I:kll'/< AliI .• few tim 5, by s 11 of Minor Heir, RECOR D 1:59X , good ness Is always to fall thus In showers Ptlin Ol)d I'M" II klllcl l" uf \)t)wf'\ DEPARTMENT QF AGRIC prospec t, Many other s by same sires or good on~s. Ul TURE at their reetthat wherev er they pass l,rullhlo !$. Extolrll llliv rour Pintos, many fancy colors, l too numero us to til' UI~, th y will tread on b,erbs ot sweet barm", pruin,.lI l1d 11 111111111R .' t,ron ,.: . Th fl foll wiuU; r port rppref'l"l1l. describ e. scont, and that the rougb ground will J.1 ,.o tl !' Jltl ~01.1 "VI' ,vwh ' I'''. L~tl'I, prosp t. llnd c uditl o u tlf or )PS b made smooth tor' tbem by depth of -------~ ~ ------ olllll ed, II C mpli U from r e torn rtl SOME STORIE S OF THE! ' USEFU L, roses T So surely as they belleTe that, they ':ARROTS FOR CA rTLt O Bi Vl'rl from olll.oilli IF UNORN AMENT AL, ANIMAL. ~ rr I:')J Lmll II til will have, Instead, to walk on ,bItter of tbtl Oept1rt0 .l 6nt: Ev ryt hing to be old the one day- b e here prompt ly. herbs and thorns; Ilnd the only soft,., Thollil \,\,11 .. 11 .. I) I lie I I' lWO I!OWt-t A hippew a Ind ian rider will be here and break any Whont., pwspuo t oornptl r d w!t·b neSf! to theIr feet wtU be of snow. ",uti ,a. I iaoll llf grollnti th"t, may 11 n to saddle that hav e not heen handled . orm u I yl lel, \):\ Pll r uArI ; tlulllhg eu Razorba ck VarIety May Be Depend ed But It is not thus intende d they Upon to Furnlah Someth ing New TERM of tit :e sales are cash or approv ed note. till d AIJ.JUlu lIC1l, f'lll to !lOW II, f w by j ' lint w should believe; there 18 a botter mean· l:l rru, t.i 11 r o-ut, , -How Woodpe ckers Fooled rows of hllif I' lug C urrol, 0 d, It Ing In that old CUllom, The path ot 13"1'1 Y l,r apr c t corupn,r ed with , Drove cif Arkans as Man. ,t!own hy hllull till:! At'tlll , linn It! h, n(' lIntil , a good w"man Is Indeed strewn with VlOld, 92 per oen t . lIontl,Arati 110 liS II) 11I1l1( II ruw uf " flowers; but they rise behind herstep a, Hy e l ' proMpco t compar otl Winl 001'The group on the porch was talk· not ' . betore them; "Her foet have couple of il.lohfl hrC)IId . 'I'he:\' III") ' IlIld yll\ Ing about razorba ck bogs and the ld, !l4 1181' cen~ . toucbed the meadow s and l!ltt the bo Hown fift.~ .. n til ' .. ix\lJtlll iue lH'!daisIes rosy."-R uskLn, Uti', pl'O p aot com pn r ed wi tb n or - s torek pe r was te1l1ng a story. "The re was a feller travelln ' th rou gb tLpBrt, K!fJI.l them ltil111. put ctQ Il O' Itlld yiuld, 10,J prou t here," he said, accordi ng to the stthlu thern whou {, II~ IIA ~l 11", b Rell , 'orn, Urfllt in I !l09, 3, 05 , 25 ncres, LouIs Post· DIspatc h. "He WIlS II. There 18 noHome Vrud 6lltl,V' sowu . \\' htHI II utnulD plMeJoy.. In the world 4 ,.. 110 T, Hawke and E. B, Whipp, Auctio neers. t'(ovl'r, (illm " ~ tl by whIte t,lrub s tranger In these parts. One day h e comeR tho amoun t of j,fCllJcl food fur come acrOBS a bunch 0' hawga' that agret>able, these benign and tranaluW. E. ' Neall , Clerk. worm, 3 Jlel' C nt, eent morning 9.a atthe bome, Bittfng;r In wIndow oiHltt!d' wtll b,1'l II 1I111tter or Nurl'ri:! H h ad big slits s de 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ears. He figge'r ed 11 l,\ortb room,s, wltb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Potl\to R, nrelL in , 1909, 132,01::1 at th m slits.In their They wns loo big fer U ntil fre :r.idg w611thl lr tlln O>IrrOlf. open, nnd ILCrl'd , the fresh air sweeten ed by bmnas. What e lse coula they be ? mllY b simp!.v !lul !ed up I1nd feo tile sunsh,ln e , mtlng tbe curtaln s (and 'roLmccn, IIrAlt compli rNI wit.b 1,I!lt After a bit n native come down the wlt·hoQ ~ hO'JllJin~ lit ~II \IIIt ' trail. 'Jess lookln' Ilt them hawgs : strollin g In. like 11 spirit trom tbei bet· y ear, 10 per c nt, ter world, It Is a Bcene that h a s / m o r e . , Timoth y, pro!!Jl ot oompu r ed with sold tbe stl'nns r . 'You was: says th native. ID'y min' tellln' me wbat lovely drenms about It than ocean ' Napole on's Grit be'a eh, mounta in crest or trIp on the' Unde rtake r an d' E b I norlll,,1 ylllld, 7 P reBut. m a mer. t~ m big s ills In their ears Is ter?' WIIS of tit llnC)'JlIlll1( 1'/1 hI." II ver-lluy . tor It has no' anxIetie s, no tore. " PII tur el:!, oondltl oll compu ed said th e stl'nn~er. 'Not at all: says rl"er, bodings , no sense ot fading gilry. One ttl" kind . th o klUd t.hllt 'yon u(lt'd wit,h UII I.Ivemg WiJl be foun~ io tbe oJd th na tive . 'Have you noticed these doesn't need l' , 112 p er ' oeot anythin g elee to make J\lO~t Whllll yon hll VI~ 11 hud onld , Blink Bnlldm g, opposit e mean?' 'Noticed the 'experIe nce . happy- nO frIend Hor~ R, oonrliti, lO compll r e d NIIl' hills?' 'W hat d'ye COIlKh Or IUIII( .Ii!lI'IIt'fl or the Nation al Blink. 'llPpO t' how lit [I they Is ?' 'Yes, I bave.' 'Wal' feast, or book, or glimpse ot s~a or troolle" , {)ougU HI' rIlJl!<, eml I1vl1r '011 lID II vor" go , 9 11 r O'BO t . Telep11 0ne in house 11l1tl of, says tb native, 'that's It, We have TAAN:" MA!U'. .sky-on ly the t ender grace ot the orrloot ortlbllv 1111 fltll or l dOI1't, l o~e Col t", numb I' Ilmp'lr d with 1111 to put tbem fica wbet'.o J ron ue caUed s lits in the hnw co,.yr:.~:~~".'.t.c. gs' ears mornin g '01ld Its soft, cool hand on helirt or h op'" 'l'"ko Or King',. Ilverog , 97 p r I'lElot, dn.y or nIgh t , so th ey kin Slick the Ir hind legs Anyooo.onrlhl"aok olrh ,mil drlorl"Unn ma, NtlW IUs brow. It Is tbe most beautifU l gIrt ' DiMoove r,Y NIIIINlllotlon i .. VtLlley Phone 14-2, C(t.ttlP, oonditl on OOl,l lpltrlui with through ' m and , rough lock them· of the ft!'~~~.:fn\'i "~r;~~~~~\': ~,l~~~I~bf,~~co~~,~~o~l.:: year a. chalice fill d Ith 1 g'marlln te d whe n u IIAtl rtlr lillY I hroll I uo" •• trlotlycnll, IIAIIDBOUK' on ".~eur. selv s down Ul SP- hills to keep trom , e w w ne Main St:rel't ur Juo~ trl 0111&1,. It hl~~ Ii vt' d 1,1\1) 11, - lin n v rug/', 97, p ' r oen t. Wayne sville Ohio IO~~{.r.~~ :sd t hon~r Whl~b , ~ke~ one forget ?A~~~~ ~r.~::[.~lr6KI~~:r~It<fo~~~~... kUHn' themfje lves.''' ' . ' . 'lI~fllllWll'e, .. II,hout cbnrlle, Oltlvetl. II nillII!,I' OOJUp'll'tld with lin "Dd~ of hOJ)e h~lI t1 H IlI}'11~ rll , lu UU) It, \1111 11· T~ re was a salvo ot very hearly terl'lstu buurul l ,].1 ,OhqtillltAOIlU~ I Il' t1VMlIge, \J:l vel c ' nt joyS, ::ilee: outdoor 1I1ughter at this , and Mr. 'Antall this? The spIrit of content ment I hemorr llll1.(6l'1, lug rlPIH, 1lI'lIOP, IIHIIIW ool oliPll d' ooDlIJn red with IlIst, ' wine stlrr d beblnd hill A ,. A ""nd~o",olyllll\"tr81"'1 .rookl,. J JU'IIlIot """ the seren ast I t tl ne wspape r, mI•. h(lY rev e r und W"OUIlIlll{ 'IInglj _ru er 0 \);, . lese warm and' culntlon \ ,)e 01 lIIh.,SI. 000d fior Noth'109 b u t th'" lc' ,lIOo J"tlrlU'~ "1' r",., '3. ' "Thllt rem In's me ot one they used "" Eve. 101.. , t n urm"" 1. SIIIIlIl)'u)no".dIlAIOI'& al\!J hI thf\ I'1lJ ~t, ..ltfe .. nrll\lIl'lI Iin rnm- yal~r, • ,I per OPlH, to tell down on the Arlmns ns line," frngrlln t days, Let U8 bow. to Its ,gen: CO. 3818rolldway" ~ew tie sway,-{ iolum bUll State Journal , Wh at ahllwM Ule f a'n prospeo t- he BAld, "There WAS edt for all hrnnuh inl lifT "'0Ikll~ . nOI n. feller goln' Dtanob 001 eo. 621> II' At.. gl ..... n. Co ()O 'l'ril'l llLltl,le free 1\ t Frail U I ve yiClhf for I,ho Htlll,\I ilR n w110le n~ through there, too. He saw a drovEl 0' l:Iohwa rtv,'i\, , estln1fl t d 0111:1 month ' lIgo, Dlllnely , rnzorba cks , cltl'ryln ' Dlploma tlo 'Golalp. on mighty queer. , An English diploma t, Ilt a dinn er 1D 1):1 per nent ot 'n. st,f1I1Ullfll oompu lec'l ~here was about 20 of 'em. anll tb y it. HAT HAW AY ~ acted Ilke th ey was orazy. They would , Lennox , said ot Mrs, Langtry : upon [\ hB 81 or 1 u un~ h alll par nOftl I'un rust to one tree "When she was at the summit of nn' then to an. W !l,Y'.lOS villa '$ Landin I' nenu8 t b !in~ st~tndl~rd 1'( presl:lntetl by 100 othel', tryln' to climb I,t, .T hen th'ey hoI' b tlutl' and her fnme--v rhen crowds (ollowe d her In Bond street P 'I' Cilllt, ,Th e prese nt TI~ P (\ \'t Mhow$ would spIn nt'out!' on Offi ce in Keys Bldg. Main sa their poscs, and tb How-s b e met, at Lilllt, 2 per Cl:lllt, of t,lIll l)rl gi ll 111 11 nUl crack their tn.lls . an' squeal In the dinner , an Afrlcon king, a Bernl.royal se (1('0 t,n whl\II t IlI lIt, full WUI! pi we !flos t plnlntlv e way you ever hetlrd. "Mrs , Langtry , u!l2zllng In her , : . rl,le traveler .watche d them hnwgs fe r Dow To Plnd Out. up In tha foprlng , hono 1.11 tu tul 15 beauty, sat besIde thIs king. She was Sav~ Mon~t and Keep· ill minutes , an ' the more he saw ot Fill a bottloo r common glnss witbyol lr l>rodn tio'! fot' I·hll IJJ good s pirits, Md ahe dId her very HI! 0 hllrve13 1. 'em the mol'c they puzzled blm. ' Style by , Rea~ing McCall'. water aud let it st~M \W~lil~~~trit~!~~~~~li~ shOWN Il dp(ll1ue of r,a2, 17ti Imsh t<IH In "Finally be went on through the best to am~ se and IJle ase bJm, And Magazine and Usiog McCall PaHefD I Sil o must bav succeed ed, tor, at the melll,lIr scltling- , oompltr if' (l u with f,11U fls f;imnted pro woods till he llmo to 11 b';lUBO, There dinner's o stringy or milky McCaU', M~,,"I . . will '. . was a mlln out In front. He was Ulld 's aId Close, he h ltV d 11 deep sIgh M~GALCS MACiAZIItf h olp YOU ' Ilro.'IS Slyl· :'PI~e:lra llceoftt!n IIHJtlOU of III Ht. ul()l1th . to her: llasl<1n' hi the sun. 'Is them your Ish II' nt n rn.ndurato IIIdlcat ·s all Ull' .. 'Ah, mnunm , It haven had only ''fha l'roHlwot f '1' "ntH ill now e!lti .hnwgs up U1 0l'e In tt\,e CX1>OUHU by ke plUIZ bills ?' the strano Il colt h\' cOlllli· milt-eli fit 10·1 pur cent, bIIlIO(~ 11l>OIl ~ g er made yo u blncle and tat you would be '!.~~~~~'!"!!~~~~~ f~~~8t\l~~~ h~ aOu"a t1:~ . aal,ed. 'Yep,' says the native. ~_~~~~~!'!!!'!~_~ tion of the kidIrreslstl ble r'" , "A tb 8tn.o(I~ .. d of 10(1 " or clothes Dull blll.'l. fJO ' , s ut., r e"reH·'n l. t at nays : too fretbe tmvoler stepped up n.n' . . 1\ oiv Fft 'lI 1011 Doslreus .. I I d hi Bell's Antis eptic Salve ' . t cUIIU (If ao bu . 1,lul~ 11tl1 00 ee · , s man In the eye. 'Say,' he In aRch I!C 11 0. AIso I quell t (.cslre 0 n ·...r I I , , lIrorlil • , _. ... " _~_ , pA SS it or pninin said, 'whnt In tho Sam ,Hili's the mat' VII IUlll,lu lutumlRll oll The Childre n's Hall', Good for all Skin' Disease s. acre, ... the bOck are also liyUlptOll\fl thot t ell you o n nit homo nnd I' 'r~ome chll llren n.r liable to eatcll l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t e r wlql them hawgs l' 500111 mull 'I'll. Only the kidneys and bladder are out of order ~ C"o rTJ h Of< IllfHill TIll1lllr!>.lble gro "'1i 'eo. l d after having tholr 60c n foilr. 111 'ludlng "The nath 'e kin' 0' halt smiled. ball' wash ed. :;; and need alte'u tion, t \I (roo puLl,ern. 8ub· duriog {llIflt I' w w onkt<, und wh f" 'Tbey docs nc t queer, don't they?' b e In order ,to pre vent thIs the hall' C. W. HENDE~SONtM.O.I· _ _ ._ .... _ .... . scrlllo tudll Y or send ,. ,What '1-0 Do. ~hould be rInsed I~ warm WAter to I one m,o n tb ogq "h l.' ontluok wos v I'~ snld: " should ,say -=rll for (roo SIlIIII)lo COllY. they There iicomf( )rt in the kllowlcc1 ge 80 does.' 'WaJ, M<Call Pal.."" will 0110blo),01l to mako 111 your , It's this way,' sald the native, 'We had wblch Ii tew, ill'Ops alcohol has been ofteq exp,rcssed; ', that" ,Dr, J'!ltuer,' s' unpron,l isi1.1 j,!; I,t.!\ ' )In ·ow n 110111 0, wll\l )' ourO\V1I houdH, c lo thing (ur 8 nt' cOlid\ti lW a ' hard winter In here tbts time an' added, I.l.!~d wrUllg ItS !I.I'Y as Wayn esvill e, ,Ohio . possible , SWllmp-~oot, the grf'.at, kl~lIey\ relllt;.?y, ttl Irl, ()~t e n ol\l'lI~i yo nr./e lf and ahlldrun which will bo perruct ng /1,\)(1 I'll Ill ,) tbere \Vas no feed hi' the, hllls for tberu 11.1 .8\.)' 10 nncl nt. !'rlco-llu nu hl~h or 111 au 16 ld. tben be dIvIded and Valle v Tbe hall' sho'1 (I, '!116IJ~ "41lnto t e.v~~y wls,h Phone lU c(lt~ectUfg .'wen.~h er oonlUf;i ulhl I)l1tfUU ti 153 . C 11 IS. Snm1 for (reo puuorn Cnlnloguo. ' .beumatls~. paIn 1Il the ' back, kl~!leys, fl\vu'ru , tmw~s, Ah 'bad, to . let 'illn' hD.~e corn. ~nch strand wl,p. dwell ,.,Ith a dry , , W. Will Gin Yo. FiD. Pn~ (Or getllui: Bub· A ' l~ver;bladdcr !liJde,:eU'p'arl:oftheunn~ry bre. . I owe I. It t·he hui,v tit ' 1IIlIIU!tl th e chJ.ld Is' then allow d to scr\tIU OI1S nmonl1 yout (rl ntis, 800d Cor rroe ll\ OS ' , long late !n .. the wtriter Ah look such ~ge. ·. Corrc?ts~1Iabll.itr to ~loltl water· 'bullnti.f, ul : Promhllo nUl 10 1:110 lind e nsll, Prise OlTor. ' .,' a bad, col'-"fh , couldn' t holler pig· sit ID , a worUl r oom or go out in 'the .Su ·-'·'dl' · b ·s,. alll .. . I·be I" d 'nnssmg ~or It THE IIc£AIJ. COMPANY, zj9 .. 249 W. 3'" !I.. NEW YOII or Ga~et bad te sun · for an ...,.,.. ng,p (l few minutes tbe hal~ will ... 'z;~ooeeya ' ny .. more,,' ' L Ah 'Pll>lt'nrI . 'h a. I· "d to" call 'em !S tioe o. ndiU. D,' flSlti ~ ,effecta follpwu'tg use of,.l~qi;lOl:; .wine or" , dry very ,QulckIY ., l :.I0tn Chat. up by hltUn' ,t he corncrib , wlth a ax e be¢r, aDd overcom~s ' Plat" p,'lpleasanlil,e- mated a,.t 92 per . 'ceastty 'of ~ng compc;,Ued t9 go often an. v~rl,ge, ,I. .' ,c nt 'oowpllr ',~ ~,~tb handle, ,n.n' 90W,' he says, ,1ook!n' up J the hili, 'the~ , d~run \VOQdpe~kEjrs Is through . Ule (iny, ,a nd to get .up many ~Yldence of Long Servlc. . ~-~""""!"!"~-'!!',,"TRY LIVERI"ESi-~~~~ • _. \' settlb~,, pr,a~,," ~,;· , ' , : " , "~~ " Orco~rse you- wlll seek , to gain. ' . times ~uriDg' th~ night. T!le mild ':lnd " . . '. 1 ' , immedi ate effect, of :.s,vampooRoot , is . •, wi, a dorn ,1\*111 'e, m cleney. ln thti dIschar ge [' ,.~dy' , Sat'sf ~d . . 6O(ln. 'renli~ed, ; lt ~~nd& ,the lIighest b~ ' W1"" , E~ery' .,..; -' " or 'your ~uU~s," said· the 'membe r ot caueofitsreml1 J) H II' P r~abl. 24 ~ours e~ 10 ')'lu~tr~, '1 'a 'Day-··'. ( .1 r . ,. fI . m e..'l'ar , ~, ' s" •. Work " : \, , eOD,gr06 , , '. . " ltealt~ restorin g , ' ,. ' ,Bou.,y, , · for ~ , oughfl, . ;'. q[llds\ IlrIPJl1' ~n.\' r~l\\'l bll!!ie~'t, 'little ( thi'ng ever , " Yps," , ~epU 4 the -gOV0m meut ~> ettiea'. .rJ:YOil bb'rr\~t (r. hroT,lohilll tl'olllde , ~et. I' ,\l","J I Iverlte a "for a CO.ld. BackaC he &rn pr 'KinlX~if New Ufo pjJ]!4; {lIQY~, and W8Jlk LI, 'or KidneY .. I • , nlt.~iCine, ,:yo,tl , .. . ' ... b!)tt.II'I ·t, n~~I.v, l..op'k ' f.or ·t.!ul,'.lVlI t?1. llvA" W:'Tlilll~ II "IllltliY.c ;)OOte<l. ~)obnI8 "Bu~ Isn.'t : lt b est to be cauitou 8 IIllve ,4t~~st, " " ' \ ' " the' '¥'ttle, . '~ , Of. · h .. ml ' , thAt, ohR.ngsll w8ILkne ss about becoml pg wtse 6lId' dtuggt&t81n ' eMcien U It . An O.unce of tOf.O' flfrenllf ;h. lr,njlllo l' tnto energv, "may cause 8omebo d,1. 1wa)'8 keep 'and one-d911a.r R_.. to spot 70Q ~ No . ~ 'rJr(i'flli~ ' 'ooP'l d'O Ilot grow h , braiD fa~ into m~nll\l power ; ooring preve,n~io~ is " . . th.em in, ;:~~ . ~~ may.1UlveB8IltDt>le bottl e:, nuated ela8l1." I worth a pound , \ ' ~(,)n.t,ipq.tion. Fte8dnohe~ Chill", 1).y8-1 the IIuperan .. .' . . . .' byuuiil. ouae ft:aU,Y Addresil Pro Itilmer& _ , Co" 8ing, , "bllllroO ' D1J ' of. cure. . 'h amton,:' N. V. Mention tbis m&r and ....111OiR, • . MlSl, . u rilL 950 at .' ~red 0,/ Bt.twee o two' evils tt If be~k,r _for ' or 'use. .._.. '< J!': . . , .·~llnert.~wamP:' 'There a:reat.h! $11 good Ash ... ., . tn tbp ,~ll,wa~8'8, . '. ' " a woman to m'a rr;y a milD WII(,) Jloot, d, the addreI8 . BiDg~toD, Prepar ed .

1"l,' 1





" I' Ilt>;.I·;'1

'I' , L"


Annual Public Sale -OF -





W,a ynes ville , Ohio,

.- ..

---- .

Sa t, Ju ly 23 rd .



40 Head Horses and Colts






I J B" C ha pm an 'I • • I ...------.-




r~~d~~ ::t ':~t





lUTHERW 0II EABLE EYE S"Lv-E"- S(ltntifi( MUNN &

Jlmt'rl(an. W.'' '


D H.E.

,Thouunds, Havo Kidney Trouble and Never Suspoct H.










~ If. Y., Oil cvr;q boWt\

' .• ,_

S . 't p: ' 't: · S' " , " , k I'Verl \.rllven .erIOU,S'. Ie ·neS:'s d



11.1''IERllES 11


l from Plire. Native Herbe. they CleaM e the'S ,.u, __d . ~_ • ..t n,: N ' ,_ .~_ n...._.-£ • obe. tObaoOo I'&~b. * oDe ....h.o 1-" ~ have ever beeQ 1104!I'\!.abou', Purify the Blood and thus PREVENT SERIOUS SICUtEBS. , ~M& lOue· en au - ~,,&e til alwa,. ohew1Dtt tile ....;.;~;.. ~~~~ ~~.p,~~~~;.






The Miami Gazette - -'D. L. CRANE.




T. A, Irellnd, Rifle Shot, of Coif..... Walh., Tell. a StorY.1



~~~~~~~~~ :: : 5 OLD-AGE PENSIONa.

The expoc tt~d hJ\S hnpp ned . A bill tor old-age pensions bas been IDtre> d ue d In the bouse r re pr S nt ntivcs . T be Introducer Is Willi am J3 nuchop Wilson of Dlossburg. Pa., Corm r coul min r. !ormer Intern nl lonal 5 ' crctary 01 t b l 1nlt cd 111 tn e ,,' ortcC'Ts or Am rI · en. who now malies 1\ \l vlng for his t en chlldr n on :I. fnrm, wil en be Is no t lucky r.ollSh to be draw ing A rl'prc· 8 nl al lv 's sillary , SAY S nrooidyu En gle. The prov isIons of the bill give $120 a year 10 ('lIch mAn or womnn ov r ' t be nge of htS·fivc who h ilS nelth r prop rt y wor t b $1.500 nor nn Income or over $24 0 a y a f . !>10des t7 Is to be expected oC nn e ntericg w dge. But Wll son's Dl asure Is too modest by balf. This Is a ri ch coun'lry. Ho w cnn It xpect a pers on over slx ty- tlve yea rs old to JIve cpmforta bly on $1 20 a yea r T If tbe old-age pension In acb case were fix ed at, say $5.000 fI year, more money would be put In circulation and anyone would ha.vo a motive for seeldng longevity. Nobody w.:-uld be silly enough to nurse thrltt ~r to purs ue Industry any fa rtber than would be need (] to keep lite going UIJ the age of si xty-five should be renched. For tbat matt r, why not mnke the age 'forty? This Is an era at humanitarian ~X})erlm en ta lion.


CROSSED LONG BRIDGE FIRST One of General Kearney~. Men Relates Entertillnlng Tale of Events of Civil War.

Let me give the true statement of the first soldi ers that crossed the long bridge In 1861. The writer was a member of Company A, Third New J ersey, a portion at the New Jersey brigade, credtled with helping save Washington, writes Joeeph Lawton. In National' Tribune. Our r egim ent was the tll'St to cross the long bridge on the night of May, 23, 1861, at about eleven o'clock and ns we carried a company flag ours was the first fing to cross that brldge. A portion ot th.l s historic fiag Is st1l1 In Aaron Wilkes post room, at Trenton, In a glass case. The passing over the bridge was witnessed by President Lincoln and General Scott. When we got to the bridge General Sco~t called Captain

r-----,HE pow er of running wn,er

t o remove -s lufd, gravel and pebbles Increnses In a remarkable d greo wIth the Inor 'ase In velocity, so t hat mining engineers can mnke nccurate calculations can ernlug the ve· loclty wblch Is necessary to re move s tones or Il certain size Crom their sluJceways, The transportIng power Increases 64 Urnes with each doubling at the velocity; so that If you Increa se the velocity tbreefold I'OU have Increased the transporting power of the water 729 times and If you quadruple It you have Increased the weight of the pebble whlcb It would move 4,096 times. This at first thought seems IncredIble. but It · Is nevertheless true, and prepares us to appr eciate the astoni shIng results that nro produced by running water. Water mo vIng three teet In a second, or a mile In six hours, will carry along with it particles or fine clay aud keep tbe m In suspension. Water moving at twice that velocity will 11ft nnd carry along with It fin e sand; wlille a velocIty . four times as great wlll sweep along .fIne gravel and water movIng at the rate of two miles an hour will carry along stones as big as a heo's egg, There Is hardly any limit to the size of a pebble that would be rolled ,along by a _current of six or eight 'mlles nn hour, blocks as big as houses being sometimes set In motion and transported for considerable distances. In various ways one can obtain posltive evIdence of tbls power ot watet

tbe stream crosses this range with a gra'dlent that Is contlnuouf! with that or the 'vast prairie regions above and below. The Ye nlsel river has cut a ' simIlar gorge across the granite mountain chaln which rose up. to separate tbe fertile plains or Mlnu- other side at the Allegheny mOu.nslnsk trom the vaster plains at north- ta lns, one strikes Into thtl various ern Siberia. ' branches of the Oblo :'\ver and flnd9 Coming to our own cQuntry, we himself in 0. trenop se"'ral hundred. have In addition to the streams al- teet below the general ll!vel or the ready mentloned, gorges and canons land, and 'extendIng for 11l0re than on a most Impressive scale In the np- ' 1,000 mIles tn length unUl th.e rIver ver part of the Susquehanna river, emerges Into the center o~ Ute MIs-where the easl branch cuts across the s.fsslppl valley. The upper p-&rt not A1legbeny mountains south of the the MissIssippi occupies a slm ar state or New York, and forms the gorge tor a slm greater distance. beautJful Wyoming valley, which Is Everywbere alone this portion o[ their wbolly one at eroston. The west course on :l.scendlng either side or tbe branch. has likewise cut a gorge ot rivers to the summit, one wlll ' flnd dl equal dimensions 60 mUelJ or more In himself upon a vast phlln, .exten n. length west of Williamsport. which Is off In either dlrecUon, whoso main tully 1,000 feet In de:ptb, as one can superficial irregularities are those see by the fact tbat here the coal ",hlcb bave been produced by tbe ~romlnes on . either side Ilre that ' dis- sian of the connUess smaller streams tance above the bed of the IItream and wblcb joined together make the sreat ... Mvers. . . of the raUroad track. Coming to J<U9

The mosquito lIeason 18 at hand. and [New J ersey, where the objecllonable ~n s ct most abounds, Is movlng In the l.latter or destroying the pest. Bayonne ~ one of the towns In which energetic ~nd organized acllon has been taken. nfested sections are- to be oiled and d itched; and It is believed ·that by the met.bods employed millions oi' larvae ~m be kill d and thus grave consequences will be aver ted, It haa been ,&bown that combined IUId systemaUa . effor t, Incrudlng the most scientific beano ot 1)ghtlng the evil, can be very leff dive, ' lUId New Jers~)', which hIlS 'be'en a great sufferer from 't he ravages of· the mosquJlo, may add vastly to health and comfort by general war transportation. If, for Instance, be ataim d at ,e xterminating the mos· tempts to wade aoross the · Platte quito. river In Nebraska, which Is over~ In the Rnr of the Enemy. loaded with sand and has a gradient of seven or eight feet to tbe mile, and Is Cuba to furntsh tbe meana ot hence a very rapid current, he will J oseph Yard to bl m, w b 0 was R cI0 .. safeguarding the forests and producln! Ond hJs bare legs stung hy tbe partrlen~ and had served under him In paper at a moderate cost? It Is an· tlc~les or sand and fine gravel that are the Mexl.c an war.• The general ~ave Jlounced from that tsland tbat experI- driven against them. Or It after a orders to the captain to , tell the men ments In manufacturing pnper trom storm one pauses to listen he will not to mahe an", noise tn •"olng over ' Ii! sugar-cane; fiber have proved entirely bear what sounds I1ke distant canthe . brld&e. Our company WIUI staBuccessful,' and that the product can Donadlng, pJ:oduced by the Imocktng Uoned at General Lee's bome. ' Mrs. be turned out at much less cost than or the stones togetber as they are Lee was there at the time. At the end rolled along upOn tbe bottom at the . the three montbs I reenlisted In from wood pulp. Of· course the cane III stream. of what la left atter the sugar bas been Company B, Fourth New Jersey, for The erosive power of a stream flow· three years. Tlie reglment was In extracted, and thus another by-product over a rocky bed I' determined by Mr. Orlo Tamura, as we will call matters-consults bls wife. At laat. Gene'ral Kearney's brigade, and was Ing comes Into play. It has also been aaIts ability to shove along sand and our young gentleman, Is about twenty carefully consIdering the omclal , and In constant and active service. At lIerted that A.merlcan cornstalks may pebbles and gravel over Its bottom. It years old, an article In the Wide. loclal posltlon of the persons and (am- the batUe or Galnes' Mlll 'tt was Carbe converted lnto paper, there la IB these particles at solid matter that World says, He Is an up·to-date Jap- llfes Interested, be suggests that a cer· poral Joseph Lawton that went In practiQnlJy an unlimited supply at sucb accomplish the erosion, acting ali a anese, and has put orr all thougbts of . tain MilS Cbrysanthemum ' woul4 trent of the Fourth New Jersey, Ulnterial, ' .makJng good tbe assertion rasp, 'or sandpaper, or more properly , matrimony unttl ' this comparatively make a most desirable brlde for tjI. About three o'clock the regiment went sbould be a very Important step In Il Band blast, to remove the solid rock '; late date-tor Japall-ln order tQ fl~· "lea'r ned Ion of ,th~ hon6rable , hon80 Into a m9st hnportant pOIIIUon tor the beneath and deepen the channel 'or a ~sb his university studies. Now, ho",· of Tamura.... , protection of the brigade. It was -In con!'ervatlon. Once more Orlo's father 'consults htl atream. In order to do this, however, ever, he has finlsbed hi" tralnlng, and and, front of Geliera~ Lonptr~et'l Cllvislon. Orosshig tbe English channel In an there bas to be proper adjustment be- has I.ntlmated to hts tather, as a du~. wife a~d sundry otb.e r relations, b e g('l- The charged, but was driven the supply or loose' solid matter 'tul son should. that he would . like, to having .no ~ault to find with t back;enemy then there was liteady firing tor tween airship semes to have become almost to be transported and the volume and marry. That Is all he Is required to between's suggestion, .Instructs tbe awhile, when the enemy cbarged' a habit. Louis Blerlot led the wsy as driven back ' with velocity of the water, It tbli\re Is more do, at present; It Is tbe business or· latter to pr~eed. Tbe marrla!e 'ro- again, but nearly a year ago and '7as followed by Band and ""'avel than the current can his narents to take the next step. , ker's next step fa to approaoh tu Jacques de Lesseps May 21 last. Both handle this " 'upon " the enemy stopped wlll accumulate the Orlo's fatber, presumably, has some parentll of the young lad 't, h e b as .l n' Ileavy firing. lOIS. MajorThen 'Birney asked me U I those aviators were Frenchmen, and bottom' Rnd ftll up rather than deepen quiet talks wttb his wlte on the BUb- view and arrange a ' formal appointthey fiew from Fr8Jlce to England. the bed, - If there Is too little matllrlal ject. and then betakes himself to a ment for mutual Inllpention-It Is would go out and aee wby the enem,. thad atopped_ back told Now Oharles Stewart Rolls, an Eng- the stream will flow over the rocks professional matchmaker, or g,?,be- kno",n as th e'' 100k -at-e ac,b -0 ther mee· the major t'hat Ithecame enemy wasand getUnc lishman, bas made the ' trlp [rom Enit- wltbout effecting much erosion, whUe tween. Th.e se marriage brokers are a Ing"-between the ' prollpacUve brIde land to France and back again without If tbere Is just the right iunount of class apart-discreet men of the and brlde~oom at the house of t~. ready ' to march On our .right and solid matter to be sboved alOng It wlll world, ,wIth a good deal of InslgM In- brld;: ~ father, and tn the presence of In large n1,lmbers. I bad before gone " stop, and therefore holds the record deepen the · channel wltu , great rapid· to human nature. !!,or the sake 0 r th a t gen II eman an d tb e-go-b e t:weon tnto the enem""s lines over the I In this parUcular line of achievement. tty, his own reputation and tuture the hlmselt. QhlckahomlDy river. Captain Jobn· And he did the trick In a Wrlgbt aero" The meeting usually takes the form Ion of Company B and four men of my go-between usually does his best to There are many strlklng examples please all parties. or a conventloqal tea party. at wblcb company and my brother are still lIvplane, .so America gets at. least part of the work .... hlch has been accom · Sometimes, In the ellst as In tbe tbe prospective bride does the honorl. Ing as witnesses of thl1J statement. I of the credit pllshed by rivers In deepening and west, love laughs at restraInts, and It Is perhaps unnecessary to add that saw v.:bat the regiment bad ,done. Tbe Dispatches from Seattie report an ""Idenlng theIr channels. We look somebody or other conveys a: hint to she does not we~ the oldest clothes cround was covered with tbe dead and almost unprecedpnted rush to the gold upon the rise 'at mountain chains as the marriage' broker that a meeting on this occasion. Here, for the first wounded, some places two deep. It fields of Alaska. This does not look being most majestic illustrations of between Mr. A - - and ?tUss Z - Ume In their lives, the Joune lady and was the target-practise that m'a de the as though there were general accept- tbe power of natural forces, but the might not be unacceptablcl to botb; Orlo set eyes on each other. Etiquette regiment BO effective. The mllJor went fact Is equally Impress Ive that In many In which case the task is easy. Usual- . torblds them to speak to · each other. atter ·relnforcements: The Eleventh an ce at, that story that a Scranton al· cas~s rivers which run across the line · Iy however he takes time to look but nevertheless they are doubtlesl PennsylvanIa came and went In our chemist has dIscovered a method of of mountain elevation are able to wear a;ound him: and he I.n turn-how hi. very busy taking '''stock'' or tJ;le. front_ ' It ' was late In the day. The transmutJng baser materials Into gold down their channels as fnst as the dispensable the ladles are In these ,other's appearance and manners. enemy ,soon cb~ged on the Eleventb " Pennsylvania, . driving them hll(lk on lUll' sliver, which, If actuully done. mountains dae and thus maIntain UB; we again facing another charge. would Ine vitably minimize the value theIr anclelit onward course. The r' 116 r'e'" It was then dlBcovered that we were of tb e yellow and white metals . . In Hudson rIver has thus sawed down Ii. 0 lr~er,e r I 1M ~urrounded,. We were coml?el~e~ to sbort , the modern prospector or specu· channel through the saUd rocks which In ancient geolOgic times arose across surrender. The BufferIng In Libby lator bas no use for the philosopher's course at West Point and below, f F t /. b the time In simple 'games or cards or Its The merchants 0 ez are 0 e ,.nrlaoil and , Belle I.sland cannot be stene, so eal$erly sought 'by the nn- all that plctureEque vall ey at the Hudcourse d II In due In listenIng to the weird efforts of told. When exchanged "e marched occo f M son betng a valley at erosIon. The oun a over or . cI n tB. ... Ilmou d Iaunc b es a ut Into . busl- Itinerant musicians. . Our merchant from Belle Island to Harrison's Delaware river bas worn an even All .na The captain and men ness on a large scale, says the Lon- gets stout as he approaches middle ~andlng. T" ~ movement for the devIsing of more st.rlklng gorge through the Blue don Graphic. He prospers exceeding. age, One day his ' World tU1DJ>I",. of the boats waiting to take us ·shec. sanllary r ules for nil passenger trains Ridge at the Delaware Water Gap. Iy and presently purchases a black about him. Such la the uncertalntj tears to see a,ooo half-starved prlsonRnd railroad stations Is not aimed at 1t cuts directly across the very female slave to assist his wife In her of , tate In Morqcco, ,. er~. It was Uke beln, In Heaven to strata of Ridge. Medinaforming snnrlstone COD- dut Ies. All Ma h mou d t a k es a h ouse , H e was aerv 1ng In ht s· s h op WI h en see friends and the old fiag again. the carrying operations, because It hard stltuting Blue per penori gi nated among them. and was sug· dlcular wnlls ' on either side 1,000 fe et in the pleasant ·ollve. groves. In course the customer suddenl1 ra.lsed hla An officer came aboard and read a paof time he buys two more slaves and yolce and cried out thllt lie was ~et. per, saying I tbat there was going to ges ted by Dr. W. · A. Applegate, eulel tlng false-weIght. . 1:he I()c.uljatton be anotber' bnttle .tbat would decide If ul'g on of the South ern railway. Tne In helgl;1t. SImilar gorges are found Is fairly set up ,as a householder. When his first ' daughter Is , born t-errlble. and All Vehel(l.ently ' protest- the government sbould ' stand. ' . Tbe rail roads bave always been leaders In In the Susquehanna and Potomac and many other rivers along the Appa- there Is great rejOicing. The baby II ed his Innocenc~. It WIPJ an ~rranged omcer calied r~r all who would try to )lromoting the safety and comfort at lachlan' chain Just abo\'e where tbey Immediately stained all' over Its Ultre charge by an. enemy of. the', merchant, ,carrY. a ,gun, 8Jld said the government tbo tra veli ng p ublic. and they wlll co- emerge upon the surrounding lowland. body with henna and then smeared -'ho phllosonhlcally boW'!d hea" will reward. UB, the wagoDs cartY 'our W'e otten speak of Buch rIvers as ".. 'j opera te a rnesUy with the United "bursting" I hrough their barrier. But liberally with butter and wrapped In with this saying: ."KfaCJIfti MIIi.e en knapaa'cl£B~ Nearly all · tbe Fourth Stat s public bea!th and lIl a rine hOIl' woolen clotbes. On ' the seventh day emy has found me, s'n4! the. -serpent Nev.: Jersey and many more at the othbursting In cut the by operaJllI.a l servi ce In combating germ. dis· there tlon. was Tbesenogorges were the thes(i, are removed Rnd ,the, chtld is requires milk_it 'The ar~ttrators wert_. er reglme'n ts shouldered guns. After cas S. slow process which we bave descrlb'ed, washed, for' tho ' fir"t tim~. When the citlled, and, having beel! brlJ)ed prevf, I;Il8rcblng for a few days we got ' to , . the rivers lowering their channels girl has reached he.r first year ber au slY, they flnd Mahmoud 'gullty an" Orit.~pton'B Gap, September. 14, '1862. grad ually as the mountains slowly rose h~!1d Is shav~d:' ..Ieavtll~ a. , ILttle tuft _sElnt~nc~ him to .tl1e· 'usuR1 · ~unJshment Gen. Bloc,u m ~allted to us a" we were n ow will coming genera tions get across them. .. by wblo1l Mohammed CQuid ontch· her · meted out to givers ,ot r~IS6 r-elghl... ready to .lead_the , charge. We got the their- IIhyslcal exercise In outdoor rflC. up to he/lven ' It be 'were .,6 disposed. He.fs dragged (0 the southern ,wall 01 ord~r a~d made,ijle charge. . ,We got 4.mong the most strIking exampl.e s In her sev~nth' ;, ' her hair h-aa .the 91£1, to.'a<place whe.rt' a tall 'gibbet the stone wall at the foot or t~ rentlolls ? "rhe motorcycle t:w played bob with the bicycle; !lnll tne ' power of rivers wh,lch have by erpRion' kept grown long again: She '. ls ' ~en v.e~led, IB erected. 'By the IrQny at fate It I~ drhing ~~ enem), away an~ up n to . boat Las .the Ilallrng boa,t and th'e oara- pace \Vlth the . elevatl~n ot moulltsln!! ' and her proud tathor sets about 10011:- wltbln sight .of 'bla own house, A . the gap to the ~urn of the road: they across their course Is \hat of tbe Cilo- Ing for a husband for her. It Is still rop~ la made faat to hi. right wrIIIt a ,tand theNt. I was with thoae men on t.ho rUll. A Uny motor now got on top 9t the cut anci' we lum.bla river, In OrejfOr" where tor a the CUltom to betroth children from .'and hoisted up ~litJl hi. teles c~n just I1u Iles the lJa!lt Indian canu~ov er the long distance It occupIes ' a trouglr.'tnrati<ly. toucb th~ ground. 'Here he "left'tUI droYe - the Uile back. I saw Alfred 8hullow Jakes and streanlB, and for running directly through the mountain ' ':AU Mahmoud prospers, and, aay.e SUlIIlet. The Idler. Jeer .t him ad 'Holrman and got him to fire wltb 8001 t be paddle JI too ItrenuoOI or cbaln tbousands of feet In dept~. ~.' for '" tew domestic trouble" hi. ute tJle p,miDa of tbe . Quarter pelt ~Ia: .... at the omcer, ft. enemy aaw too low. Sball we Dext lee the pede. other 'very: stJ'lldng Instanoe Is tbat run. smoQthl),. In the eveulDp ~I with. ston.. ~d refule. A.t .-.410"., tIlelr doer 1aIl. aDd tlaat ·they were a· iIaDJt IN, . I belle" tlaat . trIaD luck' a motor III his pocket IAlld to be 'Ieen III the Amur .. rtver where wUJ .It and smoke In the DOIOm of hi. frieDdl cA1'1'7 him IKIme. BroW , ' tile poSDt or .... over tbe ..,au84 witiollt ~. iahor It erosles the Bureya mowitaJns In bl. fBmlly. OIl . ThurSdaYI and Ba~ alld aJ~.thu .ended ~ ~ eaatflrn SlberfL For Dearly 100 ' mil. dan he Ylatta ~I trladtl, Thq lUI ~1I1. r -,._ IaII , . ,

M atehm, a' Of J apanese



f a

hant of


' Mr. Ireland Is the bolder' of, tOUF world records and has yet to los& "KJdney hla tlrst match-says be: trouble 80 affectel! my vision as to lnt,or. tere ·w lth my sbootIng. 1 became sO' nerVOU8 I could hard· ly hold a gun. There wns severe paiD fill my back and heael an.d my kidneys were terribly disorder ed. Doan's KlUney Pille, cured me after 1 bat) doctored and taken nearly every remedy tmaglnable without relief. 1 wlll gl v further de~ns of my case to anyo~& enclosing stamp." . Remember ' the name-Doan's. I For sale by all dealers. 60 cents a. bOL Foster-Mllbur~ Co., Buffalo, N. Y. HIS HOPES.


-~.--.... . .--r----

,- --=:::- ='"

Jlnks-D;) you.- e xpect to move thIs Ip!'lng1 Flc)de-I expect to, yes; but bope> my wife may decide to grant me a. reprieve.





"When my boy was six years old, be surrered terribly with eczema. He could neltber sit stUl nor lie quJeUy in bed, [or the itcblng was dreadful. He would ' Irritate spots by scratching with his naUs and that only made them worse_ A doctor ~reated him and we tried almost everytblng, but the' eczema seemed to "pread. It Itarted. In a small place on the lower. extremities and spread [or two yeara untU It very nearly covered the back part ot his leg -to the ·knee. . "Finally I got Cutloura Soap, CuUcura Ointment and Outlcura Pll1s and gave tbedl according to dlrecUo~ I used them In the morning and that eyenlng, before I put lJlY boy to bed. .\ I,' u"ed them again and the Improvement even In those tew hours was a~ prlstnB', the Inftammation seemed ' to be so much leBs. I \!Bed two boxes of Cutloura Ointment, the same of the P111s and the Boap and my boy waa cured_ My Ion II now In bls seventeenth year and he has never had a return or the eczema. "I took care of a trlend's child that had e~zema on its tace and limbs and. [ used the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. Tbe,. acted on the chlld just as theT did on my son and It haa never returiled.. . I would recommend the Cut'" cura Remedl,es to anyone. . Mrs. A. ~. Cocbran, 1823 Columbia ' Ave., phlJa.. deipbla, Pa.. Oct. 20. 1909." . But He't. Senator Depew, In his Washington residence on . his seventy-sixth blrUl· . day, told a reporter that his health was perfect.. "You do, Indeed, sir," sald the re>porter, heartily, "look the picture ot health." "Yes," said the senator, "I shon.1d~'t bave said I was well It my appearance didn't bea'r me out. .A self-conttadlctory statement Is merely ludicrous. You· have' heard about the census takerT" . , "A. census t'a ker rang the beU of a. Hillyer place residence the other day and an elderly gentle}Ilan opened 'the door. .. 'I'd Uke to see' the head or the house,; said the census taker. .. 'S-Ib'! Not BO loud!' whispered th~ elderly gentleman. 'Now, w'hat fa Itt I'm the head of the house?' ,\ .

YQur Wife'. Plctare, . A man o~gbt -to be aBhamed to JlV& so that his wife Is oompelled to look ae, she does at housecleaning time; ·He'll allow .ber to buy cheap. old yellow loap: right along and fake twice ,as long tor her~ house'WOJ'k · and wasblng, wben: Easy Task soap ,wilt save tim!!. health and money for her. ..i marl WOuldn't tolerate olcl-(asbloned m.e tbods I.n hia pla.c e at buslQesB tor a minute, It your wife would use Easy 'raak soap' aJ) the' ,tlIDe. tbere wouldn't be. a ' tenth of th& dlrt to· get rid of at bouBecleanln~ time.



, WrOnll Angle. .


"There's a ~rlght sIde to everythln'g." , "i... bright sldel Bah!' . "Well, there 111." . "Do . you mean , to teli . me, doctott. tbat tliere Is a brigbt Bide to tr)y hay. ~ad my leg amputated!iI ''Indeed, there II; and if }fou could put 10uraelt In mt place YOU couJcl reaity .lee It." , , I .

Ideas in Blouses

,The Catastrophe· of 'Neglect



·Con stip atio n Van ishe s Fore ver Prompt

Relief··r. . . . . ~


fail. P_Iy orep..


able-xl lur..:!, but s=tiy era

F THERE Is anythin g that most of the liver. us dread and would avert with a ll Stop our might If we kn ew It was cowdinDQ IDg, It Is th' kind ot event t hat we cure incli. eall a catastro llhe. But our convenpboll- improYe the S::::Clenoo - bright... Uonal Id eas of such a n event are of the cyet. SmaD Pill! Do.t. SmaIJ Price lom~thlng s o violent and noi sy that GENUINE must bear .ignnlure I lVe could not 'tall to hear Its threateD Ing. We assume tbat we should know one It lVe saw It. There are certaI n tragic forms In whIch It sOmeUmElA ralls, like rlol or plague or disgrac e; but we are nol willing to attend to t he Send postal for less strlkJng fo rms In which wast such Free Packa ge happe nings fall uvon m ~ n' lives. The of Pax tine. worst and mos t far·r ea hlng catas ', Belter aDd more et!ODo mlt!a1 trophe Is on e which nobody !lotlces un· thlJD Uquld antise ptics ti l It bus done Its work. And that Is FOR AU TOILE T I1SES. the catastro phe of neglect. No man can be very wise or well· elluipiled for lire who Is s imple enough to sup pose that our worst perils 'will always COlU e rlnglDg a bell lo hcrnl~ LET ANTISEPTI their approao h, ·0 more can W9 tak~ our ease and trust that If there Is any· Givel one a sweet breath; clean, white. aerm-fr e. teeth- anli.epl ically deaD thing very serloult the matter with our mouth llDd throat-p urifies l.b e breath life, our friends and those who love us after smokin rr-dilpe ls all diNaree ablo w1l1 surely let us koow of It. For thtl perepiralion and body odors- much apo hardest thing to get througb anybod y's preciate d by dainty women. A quick head Is a realizat ion' of his worst fault, remedy for aore .:lea and catarrh. The lesser faults o ur fr leuds will dare A \iu.Je Putine jIOwder diato s peak of, as they s~meUmes do, , IOlved in • lliau 01 hot water !lnd we are quite hallPY to have gotten , mues a delightful anti.eptic eooff so easily. We know that the th ings lution, p<lUC$ling cstraordinary • . dUDsmg. germicidal aod hcaf. th y crlliclze are not fatal and may . ; ing power, and absolutely harm. easily be correcle d. But the closest leu. T I'J' a Sample. SOc:. a friend will hesitate before telling us ESE three hlouses mny be copied emhrold ery Ins rllon, l\'1aterla ls I' large box at dr~ or by maiL lhat W8 are degener ating, or that OUJ in most blouso materia ls. The qulred: 27i: ya rds 28 In ch s w Idf'. THE PAXTOr'll TOILET CO., Ba.TOH . M .... 1 whole level Is lowe red, 01' tbat we ari> first Is In white washing silk, tIne· dozen yard insertio n. One fll.r Cram being the men we used to be. Iy tucked and trimmed with Valen- of the buttons, most attracti ve blouses . All this we must fin d out mostly fro a. ciennes lace Insertio n. A frill of s ilk The thlrr! Is a style suitable for A Teache r In the Making. ourselv es a nd with th,e h elp ot God. finishes the right rroDt. The dcep volle She was a P')I}ular young normal Many a wife bas eve r berore her, nigh t cutrs are or wide insertio n. Mate· mad e or olher thin materia l, to be of lho aDd day. the sad r eali zation tbat It I~ rials r equired : 21,1 yards 36 Incbes It hilS first Bame as Is used for skirt. student , who had been to a party the a small round yok e an d night before. and as 0. ' consequ ence. not this or that, but the whole spirit wide. 4 yards narrow Insertio n, 1h yard collar of tucked net, then a shaped was "oat prepa red" In tbe geograp hy and Inmost llfe of her husband . tbat wide for cuers .. yoke of fancy silk or embroider ed net. class. Is deterior ating. She dreads the out The second ls In spotted zeph,YT, tbe materia l being arrange d In short The woman InRtructor, true to her look. but sbe dares not speak. Dolnlll made with two wide tucks over the tucks. The sleeves are gatherEhl.: Into method of drawing upon tbe general 010 definitely bad thing, the husband Is shoulde r that are stltohed to hust. A shaped cuffs to match the yoke. Ma· knowled ge of a ,studen t rather thaD to n eglectlDg the whole purpose of ute at wide box-plea t, stltohed a t each edge, terlals reQuJr ed : 1 ~ yard 44 IncheE permit a failure, after eliCitin g HE amount of stock which will be treated accordi ng to some two or a thousam l points. Who can tell us and o1"nawented with buttons, trims wide, % yard embroid one , of , ered net or silk, three Inconse quentia l "stahs" from be authori zed to graze on tbe the method s specifie d In Farme~II' that our tone is lowered . our spIrit the fron t. Collar band and cults ot % yard tucked net. nationa l forests during the Dulletin No. 378 (Method her fair but jaded disciple. Bsked tal' thWlged season ot 1910, determined by minatin g the Texas·F evers ot Exter- to&:'sen , our One ness turDed to the product s of ChIna. eS8 through remlss ~ess, JlO ODe Tick), In tbe secreta ry of ' agricult ure, order to secure per'ect The victim brighten ed. "Tea," she results. It la ot which In Itselt seems a aerlo~s EXTEN.DING THE CLOSET ROOM shows an Inc.r ease In the total neceasa O' to rememb er MADE HER OWN CHATELAINE asserted , preparin g to sit down. In this connec- thing, but whose total means tba.t we number which wl\l be allowed as tion tbat there "Yes, and what else?" encoura ged, are many unburn ed have become without knowin g it dlf· Good Plan by Wh ich Space compar ed with the nu mber last places. especia lly May Be Good Use of Sliver Orname nts by Girl the Instruct or. around tbe dwell- terent m en? We must find out for ourMade When the Compar tment year, ot apprOXimately Tbe young woman sro.Jled with Who Wall Poslels ed of 200,000 Ings. barns and other places where selvell with God's help how we stand, III Small. cattle and horses and 600.000 sheep ('atUe lie. ' sweet hopeles sness. Orlglna ll?" '.lnd ,remem her that more crises ID 111. and gonts. The total allowan ce for "Now you ca.n me ntion others, I am .. 'Whene ver the grass Is repeate dly fall to be met. and more tragedie s ocIt one Is short t he coming grazing sea son Is 1.967,OOQ Arrangi ng some of h er silver or lIure. Just think about It." burned, the roots /lecome eventua lly cur. through neglect than through aU good plan Is to of closet room a very bang sk.lrts sldewaYII nament s to be especially useful Is the cattl nnd horses and 8,323,000' sheep destroy "Tea.'" drawled t he flute Ike voice ed. the sweeter grasses give other forms of wrong-d olng put to- in the closet Instead Wl'l goats. of banglng skirts, work ot a girl who has just gone Into at the pretty gLrl, "and." puckeri ng , way to the more resistan t Wld finally gelh er. frocks and coats all fla t against the mournin g and does not wlsb to buy The most Importa nt Incrells es are the latte r perish. Not only a her forehea d with an Intellec tual tour Wherei n Failure Llel, does fire back wall of the closet. Frocks may nice black purse bag. Conside ring tho.' de force. "and la undry work." tn the states ot N~vada,. Colorado, destroy the scanty sod but In removIt Is not through lack of power to also be bung sidewaYs. Montan a. Utah and Washin gton, and, Ing the leaves as II protecti leaving only silver was llermlss lble with black In You th's Compan ion , ve coverin g think up new things and make great the coats to be ~cept In 'Ne vada, where over a mll-, the hot s stretche d on hangers whIch the re was no crepe, s he evolved un of summer is permitt ed to strokes of eDdeav or that we tall. Up to Date Milking Scene. More and suspend a chatela ine, using an oltldlzed s ilver lion acrell bnve been added to the na- dry the soil to a crust aDd conti Duell orte n It Is through Simple wearlDess of the closet. ed. tram tbe back wall ot chain on "What'S going on around here?" tlonal forest area of the state, through the devasta tion. The best whlcb ID to arder string to them. hang garmen ts grass I saw doing over a~d over a s long as we 11 e sideway s The chaIn was one that had been as ked tlt e surprise d visitor. "Is th is the creation of the Nevada forest. ,are . was In a place where tt Is necessa ry to hllve a the young the very things that have most ac. used .hl!lt"nC for keys by the dpparte d r ela· 11 hospltll 11" -the ~ at Improved range condl- growth was at least fOss the top at the closet and three years old. counted tor any success we have ever "Oh, no," answere d t he tall ma n In tiona due to regulate d grazing . In In so far as tick erndlcaU to small hooks on the under t1ve, and, In order that the cable It the on Is con- had. Worshi p ceases from a man's life aidescrew s ilk hat; "th is Is the stage setting represe nted of this shelf. /he other states nny local reductio ns cern ed. It seems to should he formed The hooks Into a are which hnn been necessa ry to snfe· that the necessIti es me an Injustic e because everyt.h lng seems lo be golnK arrange d In pairs along the under s ide hook, the girl remove d the original fast· for a New England farm drama. Th. ot the work well and there Is no trouble or dlaas. of nex t act will be the milking scene," g uard the torost range have been orr- s hould be quoted ns shelt, each pair of hooks ba- en lng and substitu ted a 8mall sliver b eing Iilpposed te r immine nt. It some catastro phe Ing the "But I tbought tbe young lady in meant tor a single s kirt or track. slip nng .. tprough which each end of set by Increase s on other portion s ot to the needs of the th range, 60 t In no state has th e Firin g he leaves has forest service. had falle n upon him or, his surroun d. Two loops ot braid are sewed In eacb the chain passed. Then It remaine d th e antiseptIc apron was a trained not eradica ted Ings he woul{\ return to his worship . skirt band and two hi each ' frock at only for her to put on a s li ver card nurse!" total numbe r ' of stock to bo grazed 'ticks, althoug h followM for ' "Oh, no; s ho Is tbe milkma id . Tlte years. It Is oue at the must subtle 03tas. the waist IIl1e. one loop being bung case, which depends from a short chain been materla Uy r duced. Instead of b ing beneOclal In the for- trophes wheD a man comes to teel like on each book. The garmen ts are much ot Its own; a sliver coIn purse, a tiny young man In the rubber gloves that It can be stated that the secretar y · est, It has killed fOU t hought was a doctor , Is tbe farm out tbe grasses and that. Little by little, with a clear s ky more easily gotten at In this way than box of tb e same metal, In which she boy. of agricult ure ' Is very solicito us to even the new growth As soon as tile), bring In tho sterof trees, whlch aud no clouds threate ning. he carries does not a when they are hung powder putr, and seoure the full est possible utilizati on s o Qrten furnish In spring the only reallze the slump and 'settl ing t hat ie at the back of the one over another backed Ivory memora ndum a s live r ilized stool and the pllsteur lz d palls of the range reSO\lrc es of ' til e nationa l s ource of noml shll)en closet. tablet. This meth· t-the buds upon taklDg place In his whole lite. He ad at hanging In h er card case she leeeps s uch and find the cow 's tooth brush the also permits the gar. foreats, In order t hat the fores ts may wh ich tbe catlle may browse whlle no alrront to his Maker, of but her money as Is I.n bllls, the coins, nllklng scene will begin ," be ments to hang perfectl y straight , and contribu te. just as far as Is consist nt the scapty he rbage grows. neglect s him. One 'thlDg and of ·course a nother , going Into the tiny purse. makes It possible to store a lal'ge with proper protecti on of the ran ge It· For the Dog's Sake. " ,( l)ave steadlly advised lieU and of the forest growth, to the tures, meadow s and growing that pas- mllY seem to go go on just as well In Quantity of clothes ID one closet. It When she wlsb s to have t he case "W her are you going fo r your sum· crops his life. be , but his whole s ituation baa t he closel ls deep enough the coats market s upply of beet and multon. prov ided, upon which also tor Its origi nal purpose, In the after· mer vacatio n tbls year?" allked Mrs. the cattle may he suspend ed on stretche ra trom noon, sbe Range-fed stock cqntrlb ute veT)' mate· coull! be he,1d and changed without his knowin g It. · For the shelt. This Is an Ideal arrange - ring and has only to open the sUp 30trol[. off comes. the s bort chain. "0, dear, I've not made up my mlDd 11ally to tbo rood supply of the co un- a round, and thus the ted the y.ear a long Ume It will seem as if nothing meDt, tor It leaves t he cl08et door free need for using yet," alghed Mrs. Ri ch wearily , " I try; and, under the' grazing methotis the range be obviated. and the farm- hc.d bappened. With a geueral feeling for a pier glasB, whlcb is a most ule. want to find some quiet. restful spot, of wishing well to his home or his which have been brought about by the er. by securin g cQntrol 1unct t n- girl's room. or the feed· children , anttJUs HAT FOR SUMMER where my deat· little Frenoh poodle t gov e rnmen~rol or the forest Ing and because they are alO-" . f-fIIrHI:II' breedin g factors, be able to ways there and the .surroun dlDgs of oan get plon ty of f.·esh air," range. a marked Improvement In the raise better cattle for the markets . tlae home seem so faIr that no partlcu, weight and 'Quality of the stock pro- Under present conditio In Place of a Knot. ns Love, whe n true. falt bfu l and weU The ulle of a knot Is to be avoid· duced as well as nn Increase In the taln farmera are saving the moun- lar palus or effort seem to be called fixed. Is em in e ntly the sanctify ing number at head Is being brought are making small crops, no manure . for, be does not suapect tbe extent of cd In sewing and not to be tolerate d In elemen t of human li fe; without It the about: Contrar y to a widespr ead be· Ing a very poor Quality and are rale- his Deglect or how silently cords are embrOiderY. The accomp lished needle ot cattle and anappln g between :n lnd cannot rea ch Its fu llest helgbt .woman lief, the United States departm ent of hogs. By attendin g to rarely kim and tbe best finds It necessa ry to John Rus kin, better cultlva- lltQ of his' dear ones. Out of auch sit· start with a knot. save In gatheri ng or agricul ture does not conllide r the burD- tlon, diversified crops, Ing over of napona l torest lands as stock on the farm, aDd and feeding uaUons come more domest ic tragedie s basting. Sometim es a tiny one Is abando ning the thaD come from anywbe re else. Oh. If slipped under a hem, but It will show an effectiv e means of dealing with prejudic ial burning of the woods the cattle tick anlt the dreaded fever range, they caD a ve ry high aDd when every thInK seems all rlgllt we on right side If, materia l Is sheer and qual- could just which It spreads . ThIs Is set forth \I,. Ity o,f live stock and acquire make vivid to ourselv es makes aD ugly lump In Ironing. Two a better what It was Secreta ry WIIBOD In tbe following pas- money crop than they that' made them all right or three over-an d-over stltcbes \taken have hereto- In the' first place . and do some more OD wrong side ot materia l Is as secure £!ages of a r ecent letter to Represe Dta- tore held. Uve Floyd of the Third Arkansa s d18"'From my ohservatloD Wld con· ot just those thlDgs! But It· seems as as a knot, and much more sightly. trlet: versatlo ns with the farmers of the It with most of us thinKS have to go ID embroid ery there Is no excuse for \ For those who know the wrong befo'r e we "I have just received a communlcn- OZark forest, on my rece do the shnple a k.lIot. Two or ttu:ee tiny stitches tao Dt trip, I am things that would will pleasu re and sat isfact ion Insure their , cantin· ken on outliDe or In body at work tlon ,from Dr. Cooper Curtice. veteran · led to believe that they there is iu a glas s of ary Inspect or ot the bUl:cau of anl- tick eradica tion as soon will take up ued rlghtnea s. If the house has fallen where It la afterwa rd covered will as they CWl dQwn, we will do mal Industry ,of this departm ent, eet- raise the necessa ry money. Picture bat for summe r wear of sometb lng; but thll hold an] stitches , Knots only tend to The l~g· Uttie attentio n whlc!l the house needs an uDtldy wrong sIde. which no good pale blue chip, lined with black chll>. Ing forth eertsln opinion s respeoti ng Islature meets In 1911 and they wtll at this point which tbe burning of forests nnd raDges , to, lhen ask for a Dew' ftve-ceD can be given In an embroid erer will tolerate , and malee Medalli ons of blue linen edged with laco and large chou of lace. destroy ticks which Infest cattle and In addition to state ,Iu.nds: t dllltrict hour or a balt da.y, or at some other tbe work rough In laundering. " polDt whe re barm can be kept from transm it disease, In wblch the departhappeni ng by a very sUght etrortment fully concurs , Doctor Curtice Embroi dered Pon'gee. Washin g Irish Crochet . Experim ental U nlonl Not New. these things seem beneath ' Uti . It It , bas had ' many years' experlene,e with PODgee frocks are DOW ready for !rlsh crochet collars nnd npckwe ar Marriag e contrac ts wrlften on all, were someth ing gr~at: we would do It: the departm ent, Is one of the 'orlg- traea or pots herds have th e last touch, which Is glv n by ,th l! may be the most du rable a gIrl can Inal InvesUgatora of tbe fever Uok, earthed at Lux'or. Egypt. been un. but we walt until wbat Is J\EJded Is so embroid erer. Handwo rk put upon, this use or the most unsaUs factory, It de, whIch ' con. great tbat we are stagger ed br' It. Make it as usual, d:\; k and has probabl y had more experie nce vlct the experim ental excellen t surtace Is neve r wasted, pends upon tb e launder ing, Let us drop all thought of great nd- tho lon'e of the pongee Is th.; and and ric h-bo il it thoroug hly in this line ot work than any olher unorlgln allty. They areunion man ot Wasb exact In thick hot s uds madl." two, thouaan d yenturo us things to do, and to bring Ollt th di s tinctive be content ba~kground ror the dull lenf green and from ' pure wblte soap, Rinse througt. acle!,Us,t. He has recently mad!! a years, old. Thus, ot , them: ". to 1':0 todny aud, tomorro w the only old tour through norther n Arkansa s and ' take th ee flavour rose and food value. ot the convent several ional runDlng wate rs and put through a thlr_ daughte r of Po.. tctud of tblngs that • In:vesUgated the conditio ns whi ch ex· m(,nthls I'nto my house starch water . Squeeze out exceJ~slv(J to be my law. greatne ss 10to us. bave ever put any vine ot the Tudor rOse desIgn. , Cool w ith cracke d ice, ' a n d It day by daY we lat In that 109allty, ,and bls ohserva · ful wife' for lIle te.r m This Is 'used success fully on the aide moist ure between c loths. ' add s u gar an d lemon; also a tlons ar~ therefo re Quite pertinen t to AccordiOMly '1 deposit of five months dread neglect and keep lt from creep· opening of ' a plnln Rllsslan blouse Pin the crocbet piece to a cush for you In th~ in" Into the little cream if d s i'r ed. Ufe of the Boul 'aDd the house frocl:. anll Its sectioDs aJ e re- heavily padded bonrd. Pull ion or the quelltion 'of ·confllc t In the pollclea Temple of Hathor" the out all sum of foul' perform ance of «;Iur taak, we 'need n'o t peated In sbort strips at on the polnl.R and edges, fastenin g of the bureau of anltual Industry and silver stater, w1llch wlll each be forfeite d fear any great cat&str ophe.-S Postum is really a food- drink the foreat service. Tbe observa tions to YOII It 1 dismiss Y<»:l1 uoday the 'tuDIG's side 'openIng . The ","ork III one with a pin to lbe cushion . Allow before with. the nut ritiv e ele m ents flat In . effflct, ,sugges ting very little It to remain until dry, when It will of Doctor Curtice are. In otrecl" as cllislon 'of the five mon~hs, the con: Schooi Times. ' and beof th e field grl\ins. I ce it, and pllddlng . to!lowI.: . look Uke neW, , . Iides this my bnnker shall do aome· YOu have a p,leasan t, ':safe. ,j'It is true that at c'e~taln. times or thing for you; but it Grow It 'the In , lace Grace. Is much yellowe d the you leave me on Tbe Word ot God :ailaurea us of tbe CODling dr:i.n k , for summe r the year burning 'the grass on an In· your own accoun t before cushion ca'n be slood In th" sun during A Bathing Hint. closed 1Ield may remove ' the tlckll lheOve ,,"ontbs the' abpv~ the end of Kl'aclo.u s posslbll ltlty 'of adding grace days-- an agreeab le surpris e the drYlnK A. hint prOcess ,(or women . who bathe In the su, m which to crace wherev er the ''Are travels, but even 1 h~ve deposite d ebaU A and cIrOI) thua of advancl {or those who have ne ve r bluIng brine og 'can by and almost b e at added timell to 8M tbe tempera · 'be ref,u nded to then many , places rema.1n unburne d me." · Imperce ptible 1ncre~ea to tl;le highest . ture of the water cbllltng ,II to weln tbe last rinsing water, or If a creamy . tried itand tbe ow'n er 'depend s on the Ore for attaln~ente In the Chrlatla n lICe. Well Ii close fttthig one-piec e gamen t- of tlnt ,III liked tbe ,ace can be put eradica tion' aud conaequ ently fan •. bas It been declare d tlJat this II thlt very thInk' bnnel under tbe aUk' bath~ tbrough u weak tea. "Tbu c·s a Reason" for Con.i.te nt. At m.eeUn p ot cattle men and othe~ areatea.. Imperat ive or all: ':Grow ID Ing suit. Tbls makes tbe salt water "Are you . afraId of ~o llKbtnJDS'" arace and In the. bowlee tce of our bath DO 1ell emcacloull and Ie J bave been ,spea1rtDg sPInaL tbe prac· a lar. Printed Net. Uae or bu'rnhis over 'the forest Kfoulld aaked one· womaD. Lord ao4 Savior' Jesus ('brilt." Tbe guard aplpet rheuma tlem. Tbe pre; PrInted nets It;! black and "hit" ef· , _nil have .heltl· that DO work would be " No," replied the other.; "but .. • OhmU a. muat. neYer 1M c9uteDt ",Iah eautloD ,Ia ... 'eapeclA llY ,lood ooe for 'tecta are 'f8j'y 8tJll.b and aN er..?emo-j waved 1ft the J'lroceeil of eradlcatioD membe r of the AnU·Nolae aocIel7 " ~ low dqree or srace "bUe God hold~ ~Ole wbo ., at f.he 'Malue l8U1cle ~ .mart when t'r1mme4 ..ltb blacJc beet,,,i INt • 1II&b ,~ .. auatpabllt. ' ,.ttl. abould D800aaarilJ l1rotelt apinat. the thuDder," ...... . " .... aa4 'lack nlYet. '



v\x TI ' N E TO I C





A "Corner" In Comfort










Rev . nnd Mrs . J. F. ndwallnder Dayton visitors Tu t' day.

W 're

Rais ·e rs Should Always ha ve a supply of Hygeno Anti septic 011 hand


I r. and Mrs . tahl, of lo'ranldin. were , unday g uest ' of 'II', 11l1d Mrs , W, H. All n,

W e want at least one of these fine Rockers to go into eyery home in this section and you ('n n get one for every room if you .desire.

M)·. and 1\11-. Wal t ' I' Zoll. of Ill . dianapulis, have been at Oc~an Grove for so me weeks. 1\11'. Zell, \ h hu!; been quite ~ i k. writes to r 'Ialiv 's here that he i' much impn)vpu.

Nu hOl lll' i!l '1l111pll'le w;L!wut a s upply nf rocking I' hai l's , lhl! IIHll'lJ tl li.! l' ~ :.11'<: , the lllore cOJl'forta ul e til ilU llH' .

We ha\'e' ';' 'ul"l'd fl'0111

--------79Tti O. V,

BE AU E it is th gl'l'atest healing agent fol'

uts, Wounds, e tc. BE AUSE it i!:'a powerful ger!l1ici(~e, de· . t royillg g erm. or bacteria WIthout injury to the skin. BE AUSE it is unequaled as an antis p . tic; it cleanses and purifies whereve r used. BECAUSE it is the most economical to u e. One gallon, when dil u ted wilh sufficient water, will make from 50 tu 100 gallons , depending upon the pur· poee for which it is to be used.



'H Al){

t'l. of.·t. 1.1lI1i~ , ;'\'1 , th e ex cilisiv CI ntrol fflr this Illc litv of thpi" l' ' lC' brall'r\ ., 'OLI I COMPOI 'l", REED l,lICK'1N ; I'll t\ II{S, lilH' illll ~tl·ation. Th esf' itoc' kf' rS' faHy lll'pal he I' '!'t rind com fO I' t, I hey


. ,u·t' approprial (' fil l' all morns alld are al su an attmctive addi t ion II) t h · 110 1'('h, \'er:mda and la wn . Thl!\' <II' str ongly marIe of ~ inga pol'e Heed, supporI d l)v well·,,; <I,,;Dn ' I \\Iuod and aI" giv n a fintl Shellac Finish . Th ey have' full, con~inuu u s roll al'ms, well IIl"tle,; d alld a :-;111 it! r~l'd ::; 'a t in ba ~ k e t form. T he back is W ()\' n rl'l'd lind "f r estful s hape us w , 1\ as attractive dl'sil!l l. T ht, !llret lll' r~ are neatly turned. of I he rO l! kl 'I' is . I\) illehl!s froll t t.1l 11001' and t he wid th b('I\\" pn l il,' al'm ;:; i~ ~ l inche· . You wou lt! pay $6.50 for this H CkN anywht'I·(, . l'astf'c1 und pl'n ath the !'Pat of v 'ry chair made by Ihl~ AM EI{I CAN C: 1-1." II{ '0 . , you wi ll lind thei r t!'ad . llllll'k , as Rhown in the ill\l ~ tl"ati()n whic'h is yo ur safegua rd ag-ai nst imitations and inferior g-ood ~ . This trude· roa rk is a sig-n you are g-ctting the beRt rceu furn iture " nlallt'. \V , aI" vc ~y allxiol l ~ t II have you in rcas yourtrading' with us and that is wily we mak this lib >ral offer.

The 29th annualreuni oll of til 79th O. V. 1. A ociation will be he lct in the Opera Hou~e , Wilmington. Ohio. Augu t 9, 1910. Address o f welcome by Mayor W . H. Hartman, Re 'ponse by comraue J. A. DeArmond . . C. A. Harris, ·ec .



For sale by

W . Beneoke bus put in mnohin r y for tll -purpose of U1IIUufllOturil1l.\ cement tiJe . SCHWARTZ, MI~s BeoriettfL MoKiusuy Is vl :;i Ohio. Waynesville, ing io D/lytoo tlUd Cllunt,IIUtlUtI Miss Almn Wtlterbuus pont I'U\'ernl days lust· WOPK in the oouulI'y H~re is the Offer, Abso lutely Free at tbe h owe of Ed. ELl wurdt! U IIll _ family. With v, ry ~';,o 00 wur'.h nf goons you · buy fl'Om liS !!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!~~~!!!~~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miss Ada 8nook, of t-ioutb L La nOll for c· sh , wll'thel' \.JOUg-hl a t one time or diff rent times , •• spent one duy In t w ek with L fIUJ"t1 •• •• MoKi nsey . we will g i E' you (Inc of th ~se ' l{ock 'rs FRF.E . •• •• If cu:,tOll1 I'S dc.'irc the Cram] I. o('h'r ;u'l '1' t1wy hu\'o purchased $~!'i .OO, t.h y 'nn take th RuckH by' pay ing R ober t Wernt.z h us nrrived home $l. GO in ca~ h . This would u . th e qukk wa.v to g-. t tlt i~ .'olid mfnrt Rock I' flnrl r eady to try for the e 'ond , from 'l'exa.s oft·e r speorli ng several r ocker. A.-I. YOUI' friend s Lo IWlp YUll. J-:\"!ry o ne will wan t on or mol' . months with bis siste r . Spring Valley. Oregonia. Th e Ro k 'rs til" nn 'x hiuitiull Ut"Oll l·. till" '. Y oll <11'.e invit d to call anti ~ e them and g ,t a punch ard . Have Wes . Biggs and fumlly vi Ited in a ll y uur J UI" 'hase!; pUl1ch cd on Y( ,lI l' c:; l·tI. 1)0 all of y ut' trading with us and y u will soon hav a RI)l~ker for \'e ry 1'011111 . Xu, Cody wasin Clark8ville Sun. The infant dauihter of Mr. and Dayton recently. Mrs. Wm. Bootes died Saturday Mrs. Viola Harlan is bOlDe after You w il l al\\":L" fin d l.I choi H Il'CI illn (If d 'J -'lIdab le me)' handise at ou r store and our prices mean a saving d ay. to y UU. :\Iwav: Irin g the punch ·anJ . morning. burial Monday, spending some time \vHh a siok Joe KerBey and wife, of Xenia, Bomer Walton aDd wife are the relative io Uayton . viaitini here, parents of alittle daughter . Mrs. Ellen bides /:!pent t:>undtty Mra. Charles. Villara II.nd 80n, Ger. Mra. Lewla Orane is very sick. with Mrs, Alioe MoKinsey . Largest Shoe Large a id, are tn from Chicago on a vlalt. Mrs. Solon O&rroll fell laat week W . . J . Kilbon was in Cinoirmu ti BeDry Welll, of Cinoinnatl, spent bre_king her arm . lust Wednesday on busiue~s . Cest (ioods at Lowest Prices nnd Very Stock Departnlent Sunday with friend8 here, P. A. Alexander and family aDd ... - -- Anxious to Please Mr . and Mn . Fred ~oveanddaugb Ohas. Crane and family are oamp For 8tllned Fingers. In Town Store ter, Dorothy, of Bothel are visiting tng ut the Chautauqua. The dayS of preserving bring h6re $lua week, .ta1ned fingers. A weak eolutlon ot Mr, and Mra. Co111n. are the uar· lOXalic acla used after preparing ber· Mise Laura Kibler 18 tho &U88t of enta of a little girl . her llater,)(n. Jaak Segale. of New. Miss GeorRia Snook day operator 11'les or discoloring vegetables Is a A FREE SCBOlA S~ IP at the Bell exohange IS taking her lQ,ulck stain remover. tonville. Aa tIM acid w a polson, label the PARSON'S SAVING Mrs. L. B, Bolzlin and ohUdren, vaoation. Mi88 Anna Anabee Is fill · !bottle plainly and keep It away trom A n.\' ..... ' 1l11~ J.l·, 11 n ,r "-0 111 0 0 wl\("l will lie Insl.'rU!d un,l ot" ~ht " h •.ad (or of Kin8& M.llla; paid a week end vi •. ing her place, ocbUdren. Where stains are under fln· Instil nce of the Funny Little Brt:aks IN tI lionEl 1i,1, {)Uri on (If tUI pup r AdR lWt·Uly · llvo ctnl. (ur ~hre'e l",wr\l · '!l~. John Re8T8s Jr. i8 8ufferlng with n rela'tvea here. Iler·nalls wrap a bit of absorbent cot· Preachers Occasio nally Make whlln usll1g nol mor lhnn IIv .. lin '8. a badly mashed foot . mn.lI!I ( 'U' l! 1,.0 iU!ltr ltl'rton In Mti~n on end of orange wood SLick nnd In the Pulpit. Tbe Jnlybn,ineu meellng of the hlC' O r l,ClllclHi n . C E lOOt , h ld t tbe home Bowa.rd Dyke a.nd wife are gue@ts ;dIp In solution. oi .:..~~~~.:wo~ Friday e"V. : of his mother, Mrs. Fiora Dyke A party of gC'nlal spIrits were gath. For minor stains lemon juice Is FOR SALE T Ill JthuclI ·( m ~ erv ll tllr.v r f Mu. ening. . , Mr, and Mrs, PhUtp Hawke were !helpful. Run ends of fingers Into half ered In 1\ h01 ' 1 th e oth er uflernoon ~I(', wlth tllll (11'. h e til tlt.l lllnlut.e thfl talkI ng ulJoul preacbers nud th funD), Sunday guelta of her parents Mr . 1& cut lemon. ~. HA LE - ·0 11 (;'"I1IIIY tlll' Hllr. Several small attain have beeD land lirs. E. M, Copsey. Tomatoes will also remove sto.lns, little br 'ulls they DC Rslonully make • fll(1 v IIf thf'~ " art!', olYe rfl I n 1I0hol. glTen 'he put week In 'h onor of • _ ..._ __ I ' y, with g r au n 01".11 t. lm ll1l1l '14 I8specfally thoso of parIng potatoes or in the pul pii. when Francis n. Lc , Ilr",hilJA tro up iOlllllR I'r om I.he ' tula Mila EdUh ~mUh, of Norw-ood, who ,other IUght discoloratIons. It Is a lnwyer lIud hIstorian, of Trent u, told of Ohio, " ldUI'll ut ." t OO ncb nn I tbou14,w.l -lOlle 14J'II1111 , ~p rltll; II ,uk New Burlington. c o ~lli n . ~ od MUltlW . lnqulr., W&8 tile guee' of Mi88 Edna Spencer /Whltener and lottena-tha-lla.n Alai a trlesEl ar h i:. once ~ ,' od til l' t ll(> t\~ rl1l i t wenty' weeks ",url ot J,un Linder. and Mi .. Helen Barria, of Barveys. The fume. from a lighted match or thr<!\v un unlntentlonal jolt In 0 8 lwglnn ing wIHI Ih ope nillJ,! of the . burg, Who viaited Mt88 (J!ady~. 'rhe W. C. T . U . met at the home ' two held under the finger s dampened well·ltn own and 110IJuiar secret organl· A RM ....Of 60 aor s,:3 mil t'a ~E of Tbnraday afternoon MI8B ~penoer of MrH, Lillie Compton last week. lin water without soap, w l1l remove zatlon. :-<,,11 11u l e,ll·. ·('p t·. J 5. flllO, i ll ,illY of 'e ut,ervi lle, D I:ipriD~ Vall ey enHrtalned a number of glrlB a' Mrs. W. H . Ioenhower and soo otItrawberry and other fruit stains. "The Il cret orga.nJzatloD," said Mr. thH fDlIowlll~ d", rtrp ~ uti!l: Voio. .PIke, lCood bouse, barn Imd onLbulld a patdotio party 1.n their honor, In Lester are ~ue8ts of relati vea here. When all else faUs to remove trult Lee, "wa about to have n public \ lohn, PtnUD IlOd Elocution illg4. All lond tilhlble. For InforUl"the H18~r,. Contest, Mias Belen Ul. Miss Emily Bosier was the gue8t .,talns. try rubbin g with liquid am· 8('rvlce, lind th committee In charge ' l 'Ilf''''l !! b o Jrlr~hipR Dr I\wl\l'Jed . tion WI'i te or otLIl 011 Mrs . i.tlll) t; . lUID captnred the tint prize, and of her grandmother in Bellbrook monla. then with pumice stone. asked his preacher friend to deliver 111l1li. Harril ,he booby prize. 'l'11ose lalt week ' • one of tho prayers. The dominie IlPflll r!lI rnpHt ir.ion wltkb III "pAn t.o Sellr!', R D . 1. Wnyn6i'1 vl1l" U present were the Missea Edith Smith ' read1\y consented, and. knowing that, lIlly 0 11 H dCl1i rIng n In olliclt I or Ii ter . Ancient ·Rome. of Norwood Belen Harris, of Bar. The Misl)es R;eeves are attending OR ~A L E or t.rnl ltl biotel tlod LivlWlong olh ' r worthy th ings the lodge Ilry \1ue.\ i n For the last year systematic excava· veyaburl, Belen Ullum and ' Kath. Miami ':~lley Cba.UktllQqua · ,\r • I cry . 6~r:.{tlhl If tio ld HOOD, Ii. prld d Itself on Its charity, he decided An .v ODfI wil'hlnr, til en tp. r the UU8tln, Wayne VIlle, Ohio. erine Will. of La.banon, Jennie aod Mrs, ~ura Lllo ey, o f Ae DlII. , s lions have been made at Ostia, the to make that R fenture of tho prayer. c, . io n OJ' d eRi r\ u L! informnti un Clam Hamilton, Luoille Maaon, Lu- vi8lting Ht the home of her Ron, ancient harbor of Rom e at the mouth "Need I ss to say, he did th thing ot the TIber. The ruins of n larg OUSE AND \.01'-ln Oorwin, oUle Norton, and Edna and Gladya Walter. heauUfully. Re paint d n realistic l;"hO ll \11 wri t l' t Ml' (~ ('o C, WII_ l:ioutle r eoentl.v lI(l.l llt.e(I. III I(I)0rt Spencer. Thursday evening the visOnr oommunlty was shooked city, b\4lt probably by HadrIan o\" 'r word picture of Lbe widow Imet orphan It 'LIII . . ( ,,' u P J" I Monngtl r I f th l tbu. iton were given a boat ·ride Plrty. Wednesday ta learn of the death of the old republlcnn town, have heel) nnd show'd the belplug baud extend. II . , \\1 ' tH' vn tory f Mulii~ . I t hooll. ftlpltlr onrl nioell7 looltttld. A 'gooo h nm tl or l ~ I(f'od i l\vtl!4t '"ent, Ioqulrtl Those who enjoyed tbe ride were Corll. Bchammehorn Crail{ U her unoovered. Archaeologists consider ed In genl!rous rollef. ]n a lmost evnry lit tblR offioe. the Misse. Edith Smith. Helen Hill'· home east of town Her sudden the discoveries aB Important ns tho!!", phrase and s entence he referred to the N . Y • h f . lT'I:~ '('pl." mbpI" I, lIllO. na, Edna and Gladys ~penoer~ and death waa caused by hell.r~ trouble . ot Pompe4l. Heretofore It has been be- charIty of th organtzati n. tn fact. Ill) 1.1.0 ' nl wo o s finrl enll ervnM88IIn, Barry Hearne and Will Funeralservioea were held at the lieved that Ostia was founded by An· ' the whole prayer br oUted nn atmosFruer, of Lebanon, John ~herwood, home on Friday-Jesse Hawkins of. CUB Marttus, the fourth king of Rom o. phere of charity. He-" tiye \-IOOl11e in It on~m·vutory. LOST and Zain' Armitage. fioiatiDg, Burial was made at Spring that It was dlstroyed by Marlus during "WeH, It he did nil that," Interrup,," the civil wars, rebuilt during the reo MI. Rn'h Edwllrdl win be "oon. Valley . • _____ __ 's hearers, "wbere publtc, Rank Into Inslgnlf18ance, a011 ed one of MI'. tea~t at the (Jold Medal Oratorical was burled In the sand and deposit et In the delle ~Id the jolt come In?" E TERN MA floE, dlnlt browD . DR. J . W. MILLER, ConSeahUhe Chabnqua at Frank. WHILE SOW'STEETH AilE GOOD In the Tiber when Trajan built the "In .tbe wln(lup," smilingly answered white fuoe, 6 YOUR old, Up Mr. Lee. "There Is wbere ho jumped lin July 28th. tmd both 611 rs hif, lrrn.nd OD l'lght nE'W port IlIld cIty of Portus. In stead Aa long as her teeth ~re good do ot this It Is now certain that Ostia the track and before he could get ... OENTI ST, .. s boulder. Flnll er will telephoD& Wm. FUrl f' n g, Red Liun . . /3llitlble Never oonfide a aeoret to II. woman not saorlfioe her, no ma.tter how not only continued to flourish Ullil er back on It again he had said: 'And J' 11\'0 ll\d l{. yoU n\1 know. my broUlOrs, tbat who 'ella her rMI age. The woman high the prioe of pork- may go or Ha(lrlan, but that the old level \Vas charity covers It multitude of sins.' ...... ,'cr U ru~s 111,\)8. Store Waynesville, O. r eward offered. raised six teet, and that the republic· who 408S thd would tell anything. how old she may be. an town served as a founrlatlon fnr PhliadelJJhl1l Tclegraph. ~~~~~~~~~=~~~~I BREASTP IN-t:>ilvor quarter, dut . a model city, with r ectangular wide ali H<44 with IOl tlu ls "0. W .. atreets, t emples, fora and S(IUares. CLEANLI NESS OF THE TURKS mWiaiii51ml2mBllBnmlll D l ! I _ / Lo t betw een A . E . CbeJ\owetb's I and Red Briok ohuroh. Finder will · Smol{e Wond.rfu lly Fastidious Habits Pracleave at Gazette Om Oh. All Signa Favored It, tised by Some of the Women of . It was the first anniversary of their Constantinople. matrimonIal, "Honry," said Mrs. Peckem, "d id HELP WANTED The bablts of the Turkish wom en of -ANDyou really expeat ma to accept you are wonderfully fas. Constantlnoplo the night you proposed 7" "I had every reason to I)ellev'e you tldlous. For InBtunce, wben thoy wnsh :N intellt",ent lJ6r8On mtty · ellrn • would. my dear," replied Henry. "On their hands at a tap from ~hlch wat r ~100 month ly correl'pondiog runs Into a' morble basin the rnlr ones my WI\Y to your house I wll.lked und er tor nflwspaperfl N (l olln 9'I1Rslng. 5c Cigars wl1l let th e water run ullUI a servant a ladder, SIl.'9 the new moon over my l:ielld for p~r t. iclllul·8, Prell!! Symllleft shoulder, a black cat crossed my shuts It off, In asmuch as to do tills H and-M a de Havana Cigars 1011 te, B 5721, Look porto, N . Y. themselveB would render thcm "un· ' path, and I heard a dog howl threu clean." They cnnnot open or sbut a tlmes."-Chlcago News. Worth of Edison Hecords door. as the handle would be unci 'an. • Mfg. by EU RE KA CIOAR CO • One of tbc!le fastidious women was BUSINESS Cruahlng. not long Rl!:O talking to a small niece Germantown, Ohio. Bortlelgh (tlmtdly)- ·Do you believe who bad just recei ved a presFJnt ot a In th\l mind cure, MlsB Sophy? doll trom Paris. By and hy the cblld NYONE. l1u y where, OlIn Ijt"rt Mlsa Sophy (meanlnily)-Yes, wheD laid the doll 10 tHe lady's lap. She l~ IDI1t1 order bnRi[\ easl~t homtl. the cure has som9thlng to work OD. Witll every 4-Minute was borrilled (lnd orderod the cltlld to No c!IiOVIlSSI11g. Be your 'own b SI.4. Attachment to an lake It away. As tbe II ttl 0 girl ould ~_mn~m. . . . . . . .. II!. ' Send for free b ooklet · TeUs. how . Never Heard It, not move It Rnd no servant was near Heacook, A 56~O. L ookport.• N, Y . . "Row dId you like the opera 1" ·and the lady would b doflled by "I don't know a thing auou! it." touching a d.~ll that had been brougl\t "But you werE' there:-l saw you." " from abroad, the only r sourCe left "Yes, but I was In a box party." WANTEP' her waS to jump up nnel let the doll Bring your machine in and have it tall. It bl't)ke In pieces . (OstcQpa thlc Physician) . . ,SELECTING THE" COW equipped with the attachment, so that Another TlJrklsh 'Woman would ' not you can play both the 2-Minute and the AN'L'ED TO BUY--Funi, about open 'a letter c0!DJJ}g by !;lost. but re- I • '1. 4·Minute Records. If you are buying B. cow lo.ok for qulred a servant to break the selll ~4 . . SO. acre!!, g'ooct hmd ·and .buJldM Tuesday and · Friday a long udder lengtbwise of ber body hold the IDtssive near her hat It tng8 on Main pi ke: Foll par.tlQuhit8 of Each Week et9· Alidress Lo~is May, , Piqu,,~ O. very . elastio, I\S this invaria.bly might be read. Also, should her hand· . .' kerchief fall to the ' ground It 'Vail 1m· ,. mean. q)llk j a. soft skiil; la'rge, medlate)y 'destroyed or gtven aW'Uy, SO • I "WA YNEBV I LLEl. OHIO ", II I r~omy dtges'ive orga.ns, . ~ith broad that "he mlgbtnot. again ·use ·ft.' .'. Office at the Gustin. Hou~ '" J ANTI.PAIN apa.r t . - -- ... - ...- --. ' I - ,. . I mal and External

F. C.

•• ••



The Neighborhood News







Olassifted Ads














jflarca jfina· 3J mparcial. ....


.... FREE ....



Edison Phonograph





.·.._---...III\I!I_.'-· -IIIIi...~-~•

"w' ...., '






.' .



'I .

A good workman is like a pat.. ot Why I n 't the prOftlBErOr of ustron. Hour 'o f Appointmen.t , 8. a. m ~ . .hear. j he shuts op whim be goes . OlDY in a ooJIege tneBsroom 8 ta.r to 12 m. . . . t.O ~ik. boarderP , . . ._ _. . . . .I111!1.·~_ii


or nte


. .


P...... '



fo.~~ ~~ Gue~




'IXTY -FlIU!'l' YEAH, '

.I Former ----. Citizens I . -----.-.







50,000 CAKES OF SOAP A most ulli lue anel attl'active diR' play occupies th' front window of the J. A. l'llnkey sto re thiR w eek. Th e exhi bi t, which will remai n in t.he wind ow during the week, is a " soap symphony",- a iac-simil of the Ilew United tates C~itorBuilding now in construction a? Washington arid which will be completed in 1911. I '1'1 ' f tl b '1.1 ' h . le vIew 0 ~e UI. ulng S own IS the front eleva~lOn WIth th e mam1T' 0th arch of trIumph a nd ornam en.tal colum'n of Liberty and t he Charjot of Progress. Fifty thousand cakes of Roya l ~uticl e Soap are used in the constructlOn. The vast hall and colonade , flanked with smaller halls running through the center of the building and reaching in height to the dome , which is crowned by an American



+-P;;;n~IM~:ti~~. +H~;;-~hd- Th~;;-I 'l'U~:;:;~ ~.





·:~-S-oc-I·-al-E;e-rrt;-i ~


- - - _. - - - - - ----+-.---:----~~-!t1iss ~nna Me r edith. i. the gu ' >It of .• - - - - - . - - - - _ ..... - - - • MiRs Annie Brown , waR in Dayton MISS Donna Hawke VISi ted rel nfl'lends In' Lehanun thl. we k. While lilt nding th e picni c 01 Mis..I.; Grace Suyd am, of Springfield Frid ay . tives in )Jayton last week . t he Ladies~ Ru1.Jicui, lub Ilf South was th e g uest at dinne r Monday of , Mr.. A. McSbl'l'I'y ancl the Misses P ark, Mrs. 'Uane Hichardsoll, of 4:3 Ur. Cad Hend erson was a Cente rMr. Upshere White returned home Willia msol\ w l" Ilayto n vis itol's Mr. allu Mrs. George Hartsock . Hughes street met with a painful ac: ville visitor Saturday. fro m Kentucky Sunday eveni llg . Friday . cidtmt. Sh~ wa.... entered ill the run, , . . t'illg to n test and Wall accidentally fred Hawke IS spendmsr a co uple Mrs. Jeff Smith , and daught I', I MI'. and Mrs. Le Hawke a nd MI'. Mr and Mrs. J. C. Hawk Mr. trippeu, rt!Ceiving injuries abuut the of d ays at Chaut~uqua. N ina, were Up.yton visitors last week. ; and Mrs. Rarl Con ner spent Monday and MrH. John Frumm and dayghte r che!!t and anns. - Uay lon H e rald. . lat hautauqua. we r e g uests of Mr a nd Mrs. Joe Mr , J ease Thomas spent last week MI·s . J. C. Hawke a nd Mrs . Ha rr Y at the io l'anklin Chautauqua. MUlTny were Day t on visiL<Jl's TlL~- j Mr. Ed Cook and family, of Ridge- Hawke at dinner Su nday . day. ville. wel'e guesl~ uf MI' . amI Mrs . C. Mrs. Kuthel'ine Murrell, an aged Mr. and Mrs . Robert , Crew we re . . W. Pratt S~nday. and highly esteemed resident of Chautauqua visitor , last week. MI!18 Ruth Ranker, of Lebanon, IS Mr. Allie Taylor and son ent('r. Spring Valley, died at 5:30 o'clock the ,guest of Mr . a nd l\Irs. . A. l Hat'r,) J acobsand b,·id e. of Maum ee tained the follo wing gues ts at dinner l;wt Thursday evening. She had Miss E mma Hawke spent several Perry . hio. ~er~ we k-end g ut's ts of Mi s Sund av : Mrs . .Jane Dyke, Sherman been in failing health for several days last week a t hautauqua. . E mma HeJghway . . Dyke and family a nd Mr. and Mrs. years but had not been confined to Dr. and Mrs .. A. T .. W l'lg~ t were Forrest Graham her bed until Sunday, whtm she sudEarl Immel. of Lebanon, was the guests of r lat lve .. 111 SJJl'lngboro. MI' . Geo. Gustin , of Monti e1\o, denly suffered a chill. From that gueRt of fri end her e I·ecently . Sunday . Ind . , is spending a f ew daYR with his time s he uecume rapidly weaker unaunt Mrs. Alethi a Al exande r. til the end. • MI'. and Mr . S. L. Cartwright, M i s.~ H.e:en Marlatt is at the Frank. Will Thorpe and wife lef t Tu esday The funeral took place Sunday aft- eagle with outstretched pinions, i lin Chau ta uq ua for a few days. for Darke Co .. to sp end a week with Rev . and Mrs. H. W. Baily have Mrs Chas. Car twdght and children, ernoon~ at 1 o'clock in the M. E. copied with exactness. relatives. r eturned from a two weeks' visit Miss Ki zzie Merritt and Mrs. 1. E. Even the archil:J!ctural adornment Miss Katherine Prendergast s pell t with relatives in Greenfield. church in Spring Valley and was conKeys enjoyed a picnic on the grounds A. A. McNei l,the g enial auctioneer ducted by Rev. FrenKel', assisled by of the structure , the int ricacies of Sunday with friend s in Lebanon. of the Whi te Brick Meeting House the divi~ionary room!fof the in te rior, of Cen te rville. made us a pleasant Deborah Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell, liss- last Wedn esday afternoon. including the handsome reading Miss Helle Mycrs , of Mt. Holly ha.C) call Saturd ay . --es Luella ann Lucile Cornell and MarSMILE THAT WONT COME OFF rooms, offices and various bureaus been visiti ng Miss Glenna Smith. t ha O'Neall spent Sunday at ehauare all well preserved. Handsome Henry Farquhar. of Wilmington, tauqua. silk fiai'S of the country wave from R. A. -' 1'08.'1 was in Dayton and was a guest a t the Friends' Boarding MI'. a nd Mrs. James Johns. of Th~ Wayne' fowll );hip farmer has every cornice. Grussy lawns and Col umbus Monday on a business t ri p. Home Saturday. Lytle, e ntertained at Sunday dinner Mr. J ohn Werkowitz b! Dayton , donned the pervetual sU'ile and ev ry was in town Tu esday ' looking after th~ following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Ronald Hawke and Miss Edith ' stranger who visit:3 this community graveled walks are seen , and t he . H. Clements and family and Mr. the stuccoing of the exterior of St. Chas . Rye, Mr. and Mrs. F. C:·Carey hears wondtl1'ful , . tales of the enor· Moshe r attended hau ta uqua Mon- Isaac Stou t left last Wednesday Mary's church . and daughte r, Alice, Mr, and Mrs. m~)Us c,ro~ which were thought to day evening. evening for California. Allie Hole and two children of humblest but most necessary of have been ruined. Miss Goldie Hauckey retut'l1ed to Dayton, and Mr , Lawrence Davis,.,f ma terials-sC\ap. Miss Mary Somermeir, of C olumMiss Mamie Wpodru ff , of Lebanon, The wheat crop is the b~s t it has In the interior of the store, a fac- bus , is the g4est of Mr. and Mrs. is pending t he week Here, thc g uest her horrte in Cindnnat i Tuesday after Dayton. for 'years alld many local farma pleasant visit with Mr. Harvey simiJie of M'a rtha W~hington standR Robt. ross. of Miss Katherine Prenilergast . ers are thl'Wlhing thirty Mnd more Gustin and famil y. len feet high in the section devo ted buahels to the acre. Wi th wheat 'A party composed of t he following to a~ticles of the toilet. This repro· J. O. Car twright went to ColumH. A. CorneJ) and family we re hoverinK around a dollar . this makes Mr. and Mrs. B. S. H owel\ and son young folks picniced ill Sheehan's duction of.the "first lady of th'e land" bu,? Tuesday to altenj the Republi. Kuests of Maurice Cornell and family quite a change in the iluatioll as Dean, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sherwood woods last Wednesqay aften'loon: . is also built of Royal utic\e Soap can conven tion . in Dayton Saturday and Sunday. compared with a few weeks aKO. and daughter Helen are camping Misses Irma Brown. of Lebanon. and makes an attractive addition to The corn is also promising large above town at the old dam. C"atherine Cordner, of Middletown, Mr. T. J. Brown and daugb~r, Miss Grace Suydp.m, of Springfield, the store worth a visit to see. divldendli. Oat» is alSo toeing the Mary, were guests of Hellbrook,iam. has been t he pleasant guest of D. L . . ' tl W It J Hauckey, of Cincinnati, Win· ------.~~ O ne ~vemng recen y . a er ~n- Goldie mark IIoI1d many rePorts ,of fifty nifred Macy, Eva Morford, Marguer. last week. " Crane and familv t he past week . . ilies COOPER-WILl.IAMSON ney dehghtfully entP.rtamed t he tn - 'te ' 'fh ' N' S 'th H 1 bush~18 to the acre have reached U9. t f th F" d' 0 di 1 · ompson, lOa m~ a'le In fact .. the entire uutlook is. unusu· S L C ' . h ~ d!l1a es . 0 e ~I ell S ...qoar ng Gustin Ed tha Maev ElSie Gustin Mra. Minervn Keys Mills, of -Fort M r. 'an d Mrs.... al'tWl'lg t an Home with a graphaphone musical. ' y . , '. ' A wedding that will interest many Wo.rth, Texas, ill visiting her s ister, ally'and that is excellent news Mrs, Chss. Cartwngh t and children Ma.qters Howard Gustm and Ethan ., Daytonians was celebrated at the M,rs. Eva Jones. tor ~~ local bUlliness men. attended hautauqua last Saturday, Mrs. Sarah Lafayette and grand- Crane. Sinton hotel in Cincinnati Saturday daugl.1ter, Miss Catherine Cordner. wJlen Pl'. T. L. Cooper, president of UNION DEPOT AT XENIA Miss Lillie Reed, of Cincinnati, is Mr. and M rs. John Fromm and who ' hav~ been guests of Macy One of t he most pleasant social the Cooper Medicine company, and the g uest of Mr. and Mrs. F. daughter, of Dayton were week-end ~nd ~amlly, returned to t heIr home events of the s ummer occured last c- - - A rumor thathas many times been Miss Ethel Williamson of Waynes- Schwar tz and family. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. m Middletown at urday. Ji'riday when Miss Kizzie Merritt en- '. discussed and dropped is again re- ville, were united in marriage. A viv8d in railroad circl~, that of pretty romance came to culmination Mr . and Mrs . B. S. Howell and M r. an d MrR. A. B . Chandl er and MI'. and Mr '. Chas. Ridenour, Mi s tertained a few friends at dinner in building a new Pennsylvania depot in this marrillge. Miss Williamson son, Dean, were guests of relatives Miss Ruth Chandler arrived home ~ildl'ed Ridenour and Mr. Albert honor of Mrs. Chas. C~twright, of in XeniM. 'I'he plan J)ow is to build was fltenographer and bookkeeper in Clarksv ille Sunday. . eastern trIp . Iast Wednes - Scpeerschmidt, of Springfield , were Chicago. Covers were laid · for ten f rom t h ell' a union depot for the PenMylvaiua for Dr. Cooper for the past five day. g uests of I rael Satterthwai te and and a delicious three ('ourse dinner and C. H. & D. trains. In connect.ion ye~. Rev: Dr. VI. A. Hale of the was served . Those present were, MI'. and MI·s. George Hartsock and · M rs. Ch. as. Car t wrlg, ' . bt M rs. S • L . Mr R. Ch as. H ames with this rumor it is also said that First Reforme.d church, went to Cin- Mrs . Ernest Ha r tsock and'daughte r , an d d auA' h LeI', family Sunday. the Pennsylvania is negotiating for "cinnati to perform the ceremony , spen t Friday at ·Chautauqua. of Dayton, were guests of Mr. and Mr. N. E. Al exander and wife, Cartwright, Mrs. J. F. CadwaIJader, the pUlchase of the old Ohio Cordage which took place in the hotel pa rlo l'5 Mrs . Gordon Joy a few days last Mr. 10'. M. Alexander and wife and Mrs. J. A. Funkey, Miss Letitill Mi. ~es Lillie Benham and Pearl week. mill 'and adjoining real estate, for at 3:30. Dr. and Mrs. Cooper left daughter Merle, a ll of Middletown, McKay , M1·s. ~. E. Hathaway, Mrs. A. T. Wright, Mrs, John H. Coleman the p~rpose of moving the Pendleton Cinoinnati S~nday for Boston and Car ey ar camping at the Miami Miss Grace Suydam, of Sprihgfie Id, 0, visi ~ed wit h th ir. mother, M.l's. Mrs. W. H. AIJen and Helen Louise car shops to ~enia. It is known from there will go to Maine to spend Valley Chnu tauqua for ten ~ays. spent Satur<l~ with her uncle Isaac ' A. J. Alexander and sIster Katherme Cartwright . . that the company is desirous of mov- a month or more on a honeymoon. '--- - - -- -Misses Clara Haw]re and Ellen Cartwright at the Friends' Bo~rding Saturday and Surlday. ing tl\e shops as P~mdleton is K poer The announcement of the wedding Sherwood were at Chautauqua from Bellbrook location. Xenia being the most cen- will come as a pleasant surprise to Home. MASHED -;-S FINGER tral point in the Cin'cinnati division, their host o~ friends as all arrange- Thursday until Sunday evening. Messrs. W•. H. Allen, A. Maffit - -Miss Ml1ry Tate and Miss Cl1rrie and the point where tile St. Louis di- ments were kept secret.- Dayton Jesse Bur ton, Mrs. Eliza Haines and While Bryon Prendergast, who is Kable were the guesls of Mrs, Mr. and Mrs . W. H . Allen and Mr. <=v·ition--and the Springfield branch News. Eva Morford motored t o Dayton la.')t employed at the Waynesville Mills, Frl1nk Collins, of nel1r Xenia, last join the, main me there could be no Mrs. Cooper is the eldest. daughter and Mrs. J. O. Cartw right attended Friday. was loading ice Monday, a Qig ahunk Saturday u.nd ~unday. better location found and the cord. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry' Williamson Miami Valley Chautauqua Sunday. fell, badly injuring one of his finBorn to Mr . and ,Mrs . HIlrry are mill site an ideal location for the and is very popular in this, her home Miss Leah Smith , who has been gel'S. It 'Was at first thoght that the Turner a fiue Bon last Sunday Miss Grace Harner. of Xenia. spent ahOplii sho\lld they be removed to town. 'Her many friends extend MISS Mettu. Ml1lsbl1s gone to POI ts. last wetk with her brother, Charley visiting her parent.s, Mr. and Mrs I finger was broken but it proved to Xenia. hearty congratulations. ' . m ou th to attend the funeral of her r. Harner an(l family, east. of he re. George Smith, left , Saturday ,f or be a dislocated j oin t. ., Michig an. · __ nephew Mr. Herbert Bummers. -A LAROE CORN CROP Mrs. Lida McKinsey returned to GREAT GAMES Miss Minnie Underwood 1s on the OLD HOMESTEAD BURNED siok list. · U n d erWOI, d an d her homE! in Dayton Tuesday, after a I 'M s . Caro I me I From preeent indtoatlon8 Warren. t' " t WI'th h e r s'ster . Miss from GraoeIl Ithorbaugh h. altwith reTl ' le 0 1u·1 H arner h omes t 0/\ d . '" tp i easan VISI I , , Mrs" granddaughter , . • Miss Ka te Sims . ' . of Durmg the past week the croquet turned pleasant viSIt oounty farmera will hli ve a larKe Cambytowo, Wtl.R burnt'd to the Eva Jones . I Sprmg Valley. were guests of frIends Iplayers have been having some good ber, sis tl'r, Mrs. Tom Hawker, of oorn orop. Our felrmen are muoh ground t:\uoday at 12 :311 p . m, The here last week. I i"ames at the Masonic croquet near Xenia. , IDoouragad at the 'out,look, and are family had been to ohurob, and on I Dr. and Mrs. John Hyatt spen t . grounds The grounus are in f8llt ' Raymond Crowl, wife, and fll.mily DOW busy oultivating the orop. TIl. returning bome hurl built 11 fire pre a delig htful day last WednPSdav in Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allp.n, MIscses d' .' d d i d of Dayton, a re visitin~ his parents. f.rmere of Southern Ohio have nA.ratory to getting dlDner In some Clifton t he g uests of Dr. and Mrs · K'a tht'rine and Rosamond Dakin and con ItdlOn, ,an goo pays are rna e Mr. l10ti Mrs . Osollr Crowl. r. . , . M'18S De U 11. e M'11 h h 0.8 b een I,MI" J , B. .Pence were at the Ch au- every ay. _ I 8 W 0 oome to look opon the oorn orop &8 manner p088ib\y 0. defeotive fiue. F. C. Adams . 'he oriterion on wbioh tbey base t~e house Ollught on tire and burneu ' . dJ . taqun last Wednesday, . ENTERTAINED SURVIVORS ~fl:fn l~t;e~~e~:s~ h~~nl::; ~o.:~:inOgn , I Messrs Lawrence DaVIS an eSSle , . tbeir pr.osperity. Wheat blld ,been down., .' C II f 'D t d' d M Ch Co I M' Miss .Mollta Kemp is IIpenaing her ootilpeJled to take second pIlloe. Guy i;larner livf's on the plllO", orne, 0 . ay on, are. spen mg I Mr. an rs. as. . rne I, ISS Mr. anel Mrs. Benry' Dunham en- vu.ontion here with her mother Mra, COrD, oats, oattle" and bogs are the 'and he pla08!4 bis J088 Ilt Ilbout 1200(\ a few da~'s With the famIly of Mr. Luella Cornell and Mr. ~nd. Mrs. J. tertained the survivors of the fa- 6, W . Kemp. mortgage Ilfte"8, t:\ome ~f the oontents of the houMe IF. C. Carey . H. Coleman attended MiamI Valley mous battle of PeRob 'I'ree ore'e k at Mi8~ Bertha Purdom, Chlls. Aus~ln were saved, mostlv olothes And forS H 11 S h C 1_ Chautauqua last Thursday. their pretty li'JoravllJe h ome . 'fbis and Wife, aud B. F. Jamel,! lind w1fe , "" ' Messrs. B. ,. owe, et 00 • . , a. 11 , attendfd the ChButauqna at HAD "FRIERS" STOLEN nlture. 'thare IS t1800 inRurBnoe Nul' Brown and George Mills attend. Mrs, I ,izzie Wellington and son b~t~le was oueaf t,be ?eroest Of. the FrankliD last Sunday. . on, ~he pl~oe. ' ed Chauta~ua at Wilmington Mon- Harry and daughter, Mabel, of Chi- Oi VII Wl\r, anci tbe ~eventy.n~nth Mr. Ilnd Mrs . Harry Thomas ,e n , e· n; Ihe ' loss to Mr . BornAr iM very day afternoon. . cago,' are spending week8 Thirty-fifth 0 : V. I. were right tertuiDed Mr and Mrs, Jobe 1n. gre"t, and tho · homestead hilS f)r ~ OJ 10 the frl)ot durlDg the oontiiot. Imd son, Willie, Mr. and Mrs . Hoshe diScovered that nearly all of her ,.earl l>een B fuintlillr IRndmt,rk Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coope r . of with ¥rs. Mary Satterthwaite. Many, Warren oountla':1s partioipat. mer 'Bond, Mr . ~nd Mrs. Fra.nk Cua. " best ';(riel'lf" were 'Kone. There is ' " ,.. -.. ' Ch,i cago, arrived Monday for a visi~ ed Mr •. and MrM. Dunham ~et n oth. tenborder last ~unday. =_'t f . . M'r. and Mrs. W. W .. Smith. and _ ...._ _~ no pUrii..,ment .too "Ki'e& , or a ml~ CARLOAD' OF PEAtHES I with Mrs. Cooper's, mother, Mrs. two ch~idren, of "Dayton, are spend- jng et,lOl1pe thAir attention tn milking SQUIRREL SE~.N criant who will do tl;1is kind 'of a joll·. .. . - , '" . Hester Ropi'.1.s on. mg their .vacl,ltiori' at . the home of the:lift'air a grlllidsuo06SS, and the " ' . ~ ~ .. ' . , , Char.~es Mad~en, of Harveysburg, . . ' " , Mrs_. Smith's lI1otper, Mrs. A . B. dinner s.erved WI\S most sumptuous. Some ioquiry has been made 88 to 'B ' A'OLY' CU ' T" HAND ' wI'11 have a carload of peaches from MISS Ella Reevt'.s, after a pleasant 1" , th f t . .. h th f I I' . . '. . . " Texas ' today, WednEsday. Now' is three weeks' visit at the home of Mr vmS,.. 80U 0 own. . Aut~. Knock Out Skeeter.. w en e open season or squ rre 8 , 0 . N J An 1 f be~ins . It 9xtepds from Ootober 1st Dean HoweU h~ t)te misforfune your time to get fine peaches. They _and ~ts. F: C. ,~hwa~, retu~ned Warren Edwards, who ' has , been Btat:a:f:hwa~ c~ml:~l~ner:e~~~~ar~a until Ootob~r 31st, although 'but lit to cut his band with a hatchet. last are the El~erb{ variet.y .to her . llome in Carthag~ Monday. working at 'Bowerston , OhiQ, has reo that oUiDg of road, to .Iay dust has tJe Ilttention ts' '1le1ng paid . to the Tburailay. It is' .getting along all " ' •- • d' W'II signed his position there and has ac. bad a. marked 'effeCt on Jersey mOl· Ilw . 'f.o rtle doves are nroteoted: the , right now., " , -. ' BIO HORSE SALE I Mr. Benj. Lippincott all , son, I, cepted a ' tl'8veling position with a ' qu~toes, d~vtJ;lg them away tro~ rell· year : rouod bllt ' 'not .the Carolina • - • '. who were to start Tu'esda'y for Sun. dentJal dl8trlc~s and confining, them to d whioh W1't.... Wood ' OAA1o. maw be . Th~ Jong Ireeo Ie the DlOlltTeatful The J-. B •.Cbapman, horae sale ,last field, Mich.; to visit relatives, were Michigan shoEl concern. will t~acts where the roads are not treat,. ove 11 , . ~ J , d SaturdRV wai w. ell attended, ' and .'\Jnable tn do 80 on' account,of the ill· make the .~te of Colorado his base ed. Smoke aDd Pl811 trom paaatq killed , f"pm ~p$ember; 18'. Utla alaad.' t.P, ~lte~." e~oev' the ron -, . . "t; Ll .of opeI:ation. ' automobllel ~ tIut,lIUDe eJreot. December 'tho luolosive" lenb~, horses ,broug~t a good p~ee. I n~of ~nj. prnc:ott., I .-.....-..-..~.-. ~


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:~~~Ii~e:t::r~,ur~lis c~;~~~;~~oil~ ~~:~










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The Miami


0, L. CRAN£;:,


Joy of .


~====---- ~--


the Chri stian Ministry

';; !~ fiERFJ ~

Ohio Teache'r s'. Association Adopt, Strong Resolution Against State Uniform ity of School Books.

nre two known Ilfeas 'at h 19b grode coni -th Bring , r lv r field, edal' Point, 0 .• -. .-Educ ators At vUl'lous pol illS tllrough out the In tbe Control ler ba y reor Ohio to the number of 2,000 BUend· coun try th re ure vivie! rq 011 'ctlons n"~"mnmmm:mumm~u:,~,UU"uIl d the (lnnllnl meoUng of the Ohio gion and t h 9 Intnnus ka of the dellt lis due to the myst rlous fi Id, north ot Coolt lu· EFOIt E procf'cdlllg to Slate Teacpor.s' Associa tion hOl'e. 'rhe outbrea k of In fan tile parnlysls. Not . ' spenk of SOR) of th es· sessIon was marlted by two Import4Dt let. Th e 13 ring river fi eld, lying auout 2li 1) only chlldr n, but eltl erly p rsons w re peclnl joys the min· Incident s- the teacher s l'efused to lismil es tram tid water at rl) latry nmong It s yl tim . At Ne w York those I confess right at the ten to au !\ddr 8 S on equal s u!rrage and Controll ~ bay, , em· bep;iilnlng thnt It pre· th y took unanim ous notion ngalnst who <11 d from the ml\lnd y In cluded n braces 26.4 square miles sents some problems to· state uniform ity of school books. promlu ent buslo 59 lUan ant.:. a prlns t und r lald by anthrac ite and 20.2 During the last sesslon. ot tbe legisday whIch the fathers hordly knew wbo had vi all d you ng member s ot bls squ nre mil es underla id by bitumin ous nnd Cor which the hurch itse lf Is part. lature the Yount unUormlt.y bill WIla 1)ock affli cted with In fantile parulys ls coal. Th e coal bea ring rocks trend Iy to blame, and which Is pnrtly a passed by the senate and was lost In lind caught tb o II1n e6s fr om them. ' to the nOI·thea st Into the unsurveyed product at the times, saYIl n writer ID the house. The educato rs of Ohio do There were nu mero us ' cuses In St. hlgb rn nges , Dnd It Is Quite possible the hrl stlan Work and Endeav or. not want uniform ity conside red again Pnul and 1lno 'nlloll 8. Speciali sts In that thore may be an extensio The church and not the mlnlstr y cnn (lnd they voice theh' protest In the foln of the h Rockefe ller IBborato rl s a t New IOn! i otde In thi s directio remedy It. Tbese problems wl\l fright· lowing strong resoluti on: n. 'York hav e been wor king on Infantll o "We believe that the educati onal Coal beds varying t'rom 6 to 20 feet eQ so me men, and rightly. They are hi thI ess are eXIlOs d In this roglon. now ry> doubt keepi ng young ruen from value of scllool proce8s sand pracl!ce a paralys is for a year. usi ng monkey:! "'lth ckn s me loca l SlY Illngs. giving Il lhe mlnll!try. Referen ce Is here made, s hould be paramo unt to every other .n experim ents which have demonst Tn' ~l\I c h hi gher max.lmum thlclmesB. In of course. to the almoBt Impossible de· conslde rnUon. W e are th erefore opt cd thnl It Is not due to IU ). ab norm nl Quality tb e canIs vary from an nnthra· mands the modern towu church makes posed to all efforts which would aim cond iti on of tho blood . but Is un In· cIte, with 84 per cent. of fixed carbon, upon one mnn. It expects hIm to be to establi sh (l Bystem of Slat Unl[ecllous dl elise or the 81l111UI cord. to a sem l·b'.!:clm.lnou tl, with 74 per cent. a good preach r. n good fil1nncler, a forOllty In tbe sel 'otlon of texl·boo ks, D e~ plte acrefu l microsc opIc. BellI' h or fix ed cnrbon. and In clud e some va· good exec ut Iv e and organl z r. a good hecause we bellc ve that s uch n 8YI'Ifor a disti nctive micro be , so fnr none rl eUes that will coke. pastor, a wOl'ker wllh children and tem would be a hindran ce to the vres' There has ' hR S been fOll nel . Experim ents nre now been much prospec ting ot these coals, young people, while 11e mus t attract ent progress of our schools." direc ted to th e dl scov ry at an allli. but In the llbsonce at the thotlght ful men by his serious rallwny s no min es have been develop ed, though a The Miser of Sag Harbor. thought . t.oxln for Infantll para lysis such as small output tram on e bed h as been' "~-:; (, o l\ o my:' anlel Daniel W . Field. that wbkh has bee n 1Ised wi th marlted laken Preaohl ng Must Be of High Quality, to the success III the treatme nt of dlphtb erln. coast In barges . ' ow, except In th e " '''; exceptional the millIona ire shoe munufn cturer of man, ,T he knowl dgo tha t hns been gained of th ese qualitie s are rarely united, Boston, who al the og at fort y·!] ve The Mutanu ska Rlid even more Infrequ ently n1'e the has entered Har va rd, " OCOllOOl Y Is es· t be natllr of th e disease Is expecte d coal field lIeB oLlomy I tast s for th e oth r thin gs present sellUal to wealth : but by to facil itate tbo dlscov ry of Its cure. about 26 miles don 't mean nlggu l'dlin f'ss. where that for one Is strong, Preach· trom the tldewa· "Too many lU eu fnll to n.ltaln to .Ing III thIs day of low.prlc ed boolts and It transpIr es \hnt the r ecent report tel'. howeve r, tbe wenlth ber.nlls(t I bey practi se a. univers al revi ews must be or h1gb .h.;osrp nrfng from German y that n c rtlficnte or In· IL 1l0rther1y em. nnll III an eco noUlY that qunllty to bold people and Instruct ge t ,, spectl on on Im portatio ns or pqrk from baymen t of Oook 'ryhody clowu on them, them . . It Inlet require As Cook s the almost Indl· "They (ll'l\ctl ~ , In fa t, 'Americ a would be deemed adequa te econom y provem ent or the vidual attentio n of lhe pren b er. Even Inlet Is lilt was rroneou s. The German govern· during thefrozell tr:'lIl!!po rtntiOli fa- large pastora l tasks may hind r, al· 'ag IItllnt of old \\'lIIlal11 Drcws tl;'r at win. nrbor. \\' lIlinrn, you kn w, would ment has not removed Its Interdic t In ter, howeve r tbo clUties. At least though pas tornl work Is oloBely aldn \l \' r buy oysters b cause ho couldn' t this r egard. Knowln , that the special distanc e to Iln m e rnllway must to preac hln~, as It dais wltb human e:l t " h lis nnd nIl." be built to the Yu. souls. Not s6 wltb execuU v WOl·k. ,Inspect lon Cor trichina has been aban· open s e a .p art gold fields, A college of four hundred men has a doned In this country , German y will must be m as. tho Inlnnd preside nt as exeoutlv e bead and finan· A BURNING ERUPTION FROM no longer r equest special certific ates ured to Resurre ". lode cUs. cl r; 11 tencher for every brancb, who HEAD TO FEET as to that disease, because It Is rea· tlon bllY, on the and coal does notblng but teach hi s subject ; a side of 11 zed' that 110 such certific ates can bo east fields must be con. chaplnln to give all bl s thougbt to ra"Four years ago 1 Bul'(ered se\"erely ,produce d. 'rhls, of courlle, leaves mat· Kenai 'penlnsu la, nected wIth Pa- liglolls Instruct ion; a. physlca I director wllb a l rrlble eczElwa, bing a mass · nbout 150 miles Iters unchang ed. But at present there trom the clllc ports that lire for 1he gymnnslum. Then, below the ef Bor s from head to fe·e t and for six coal Is no worry as to exporta tions of fields. throughciut college Is the prepara tory school, weeltll contlned to my bed. During the year. Then, wbElre ther Is ngaln an eutlrely new Ulat lime I suffer d continu al torture Americ an pork beoause a short supply The k now n Ilnd not until then, set of ornc rs and teacher s, e specially from Itcb Ing and burning . After be ln~ of hogs and an avid market· for pork com mer c I nlly can Alnska' s' mi. adapted to children . It Is Impossible given up by my doctor I was advised ' b~ve valuabl caused e coals prices of to mount nlng Industry be to think of Profess or Ge orge 'Po Fisher to try uU ura R medles. After the ito heights at whicll exporta tion Is un· the Mlltanuslul developed to the greatly Interest ing a crowd of chll· first bath with CuUcur a Soup and apIleld vary In Quality from a lub-bltu · on outside ooals gtve them ,profitab le. an ad van· ertent wnrrant ed by bel' known ' m1n· dren, or even mlnous to a seml.blt umlnou s, with tage; that Is, their markets boys In the high gchool; pllciltion of OuUcuro. Ointme nt I enmust be ernl wealth. but how great a teacher he WBS to the joyed the first good sleep during my Borne anthrllo lte, and are Included A New York yachtin g tn local and probabl wrller reo y small. These IIg· The total value of the enUre Illness. I nlso used Cuti curll marks that the scboo:le r Shamro ck, folded nnd 'faulted Tertiary (Elocene?) nltes and lower grade 'bitumin ous ductlon of the territor y mlnen l pro- enger student of senIor )'enr! Now ResQlve nl and the tr alment was conIIlnce l'rQducthe church shales, gives sandsto six nes, bundred and men, some can· coals have 11 wide onc& a proud bearer of the New York glomerate~, aggrega ting 3,000 feet 1n Alaska, and some of distribu tion 1n live mining begnn. In 1880, exceeds women and children to one man, and tinu ed fo r about three weeks. A,t th& them will have '147,000 ,000. Yacht club pennan~. has been "num· thickne ss, cud ot that Ume I was able to be 'BIn co the cburch, In a sense, gl'eat value to looal Industri es. The known mlnera1 weallh ot In. as muoh ,'arlety of function calls for nbout the house. entiroly cured, and bled" by convers ion Into a fishing boat The coni beds vnry tram 6 to 36 as a col· Peat Is very widely distribu ted In land 'Alaska Is embrace d with gasoline engine. The sorvlce may fe et In thickne ss, and in the two lege, exPects one man to bo everyth ing ha\'e f It no HI effects since. J would aren Alaska, having been roun(l 1n nearly copper bearing belts of Copper river, to all kinds and ages of people, the advise any person s ulterl ng from any 1;9 humble In compar ison with the 'known to be underla inthebytotal coal ag· · every part of the territor y. The cU. lying 100 to 300 mUes from tidewat er; wondllr Is that so many men' succeed form at sk In trouble to try tbe CuU1:oyal service of a well·ke pt racing gregate s 461h square mUes. However, matlc condltionB, as well as those of the Bering river ooal fields, 26 miles In being univers al in Ulelr function s cura HemeQles, n.s I know what ther , ' craft, but It is far trom humble In as much ot the field Is covered by IJlant lIflI. In toe centrnl and north· from the coast: of Control ler bay and as they ~o. But it gets hard er eVery did for me. Mrs. Edward Nennm g. compar ison with th\! fate of tbe latest gravels a.nd none of It bas -bee.n sur· ern part of the territor y, seem e9pe, 100 mUes tram a good hnrbor on year. There are very rew men wh~ 11111 Sallnn St.. Waterto wn. ·N. Yop racers tor the Americ a's cup, the mao "eyed In detail, the coal bearing area oIa11y favorab le for the accnmulBtil)n Prince WlUlam sound; the Matanu ska can be both accepta ble J.)reachers and Apr. 11, 1909." may l?e much larger. The total area of peal Everyw here the sollis clothed coal fields, 150 jorlty of which have sane to the scrap miles from an at the same time excellen t admlnls · yard with ,their first paint on their of what may p~ove to be ooal bear· with a dense growth of moss and port on the Pacillc, and the Yukon trators Ing rocks Is approxi mately 900 squar~1' small p ants, and Midas. the frozen can· pln.cers, f~om 400 to GOO miles by socratlo az:!d Young Men's Ohrlstla n pliltes. ' n miles. Up to the present time there dltion of the subsoil M.ldns bad com to that point In his and the sbor~ teaslble rallwllYs routes [l'om .the Pa. rectofs secreta ries and phYSical dl· bas been no means ' of transpo rting ness and \ beads of great parish career where everyth ing he touched A French nstrono mer announ ces that Ws coal to market, so that no mining decay.ot the summe r season prevenf clOc tidewat er by high. vered houses. 'l'here Is no doubt tbls e%' lurned to gold. ' . , ranges, broken. howeve r, by several treme diversit y of function the comet wblc~ was visible recently has been done, but man)' beds have "Wbat Shall you v r do with th& Is frighten · Alaaka cont&lns a large variety of rlVllr valleys. Ing mnny men, tor most Js not Halley's , and he promise s that becn opened In prospec tlng. stuff?" allked his entoura ge In visible ' mineral deposit s, and these, especially The full develop mentol the Dllnera: tastes nnd prefer to follow men have alarm. The anthrac ite from Matanu ska and gold !llld coal. nre widely the genuine, comet will appear in Au· them. They distribu ted. wealth of Inland Alaska must awnlt feel they can do Midas affected not to be uneasy_ one thing well and gust. We positive ly refuse to get ex· Bering rivers has no equival ent on the The aurifero us gravels are scattere d Improv ement. In means of communlcn.- preter to do It. But this conditio n "Just walt tm the boys begin to touell cited over any niore comet nnnoun ce· PllcLfic coast, and It compar es favor· over a very laree area, but much of It tlan, whIch will neell to be (;1- 0. very wlU pass. The church wUl bave to me!" quoth he, displaying an acments. It Is too late now to get ably with the P ennsylv ania anthra' 19 unprosp ected . There are some radlcnl charact er. make a readjus tment In this r egard. quainta nce Wltl1 eonomlc t('nd ncles cite. anytbln g Into the magazin es about an FrancisIt ought to be put Into the San large aurlt.ero us lode mines In south. Tbanks to the Alaska rond commis- Meantime. let DO young co nnd other Paciflo coast mnr· eastern Alaska and promisi ng man be too far In advance of his age.-P uck. lode sl,on, and In a lesser degree to local much afraid of It, August comet, anyhow. kets at a ost far below that of east· prospec ts In otb"t llarts for the joyS and op, at the terri. en~crpl'lse, much has been accom. portunl tles more than cOlbpen sate tor Watch Your Refrige rator. ern coal. In wblch case It should have tory. An Immigr ation Inspect or passed a no dlffi(',ult pll hed In the way of rOad and trail It: You'll save many a dootor's b1l1 br y In entirely supplan ting Copper minIng has been done In two bulhllng. Much, howeve ~oman who could not speak the watchin g your refriger ator, Keep it Ian· tbe lattnr. JOYI That Are Laltlng , widely separate rl coastal district s. be done, Cor In this r. remains to goage when ber parrot, weary of thl:' territor y. em. . These joyS are very great an'd are absolut ely clean all the time, The best The Bering river semi·an thraclte Very promisi ng lieposll s of copper are braclnll nearly 600,000 square miles, all remune rative. For' they hre parley, ejaculat ed, "Ollt thut out!" "All and part ot the semi·bl tumlnou s coni occur not way to olean It Is to take olean hot· ' _n two ,Inland belts right," said the Inspect or. "Your par· tram Mntanu ska Is also better than undevel oped bewuse tbey which are there al'e only 642 miles of wagon Joys whJch flood the soul with happl~ water. make a suds with Easy Task are not yet rot. speaks English . That shows you anythin g that Is being mined In the accessIb le by ) all, a~d copper pros. road, 391 of sled rand, nnd 255 at trail. ness and then pass; but thl.lY leave soap and wash every nook and corner The , oQas.n1 service of ocenn vessels solid contribu tion of I.n the ice box or refriger ator. west. These coals charact er are the equival ent pects have been fOUDd elsewhe re In and the have been In this country , as you say. river traMPo r-latioa systema power. First of 0.11, the ministe and the (ood doesn't get smelly and Thell at the Pocabo ntas, New River, and the territor y. r IIvea cartT ' You're admitte d." J.Jook for a boom In , of the Yukon and its tributar ies are In the compan lonsh'lp Georges Creek coals of the enst, and of the grelltes t dlse.ase germs ,to the table, Easy Task TI bl educate d parrots. being are eminen tly adapted for use on war. much Improve d. In addition to 80uls and minds and thougbt s of the Boap. being made ,of pure cocoanu t oll~ mar e, gypsum and petrolellm Bhlps and for other purpose s for which haven,been produ ced from Alaskan de· this, steamb oats bave been placed ages. Every mornin g he spends 'with borax. naphtha and clean tallow, Is anIngenui ty worthy of a better cause a high grade, pure, "smoke less"ste am. vasil,S; Iron and othel' mineral s prob· on .Copper and 8uabltn a rivers. Local the great books of the world. Ria tlsepUo a8 well as cleansin g. It Is & ably have future commer cial value. was that of n couple ot Jer~ey robbers Lng coni Is required transpo rtation facilitie s have also, ministr , and for these pur· y leads ,him Inlo every field of wonder lul soap-a nd' a nickel a cake_ been greatly who, on calling at a house and being Poses will com mand bothere d by short lines thought . The lawyer may keep to Mining began abollt 1880 and I)ro· a cons Id era bl Y of railway , such IlS those at the WhILtt his law books, the physlol an to admitte d, bound and gagged the In· hlgber slowly for nearly two decades , Tactful. his I d price th than P any III coal now being gressed since which advance ment bas 'been pass, at Falrban!cs, In Seward penln. mates, after which one joyously played m ne on A woman with a pronounced squint e ac c coast, or if of· medical books. the teacber of mathesula, fered and nt the equal Oopper prices, R'lver should rnllwny read. very rapid. Much of the Pacific sea. , matlos to bls math went to on fashionabl e photogr apher. the plano to deceIve the neighbo rs lIy drive the latter ti I b k b trom the market. board, wltb Its cheap . ema oa 00 s, ut transportll.~lon, which now extends from Cordova ..tOI ror the preache He looked Ilt ber 'and she looked at while the other gathere d up the loot. r tbere · d Is no one subof these coals lect nllfrow er than buman life Itselt. him und both were embarra ssed. t a bun ant water power Ilbout 70 mJles Inland. produce s l rang re II e, This is the whistle r at the plow with anPart excellen t quality of will coke-b etter, and timber, and equable climate , Is He spoke first. All these Improv ements 1:il means There Is no one class. a vengean ce. In fact (except possibly In content of most favorab le to 10IY of books for costs of "Won't mi. you permit me," he snld, "to of commu nication , togethe r with tho him. phospho rus. regardi ng wblch no data nlng. These conditio ns work will call him to read have resulted mllltlll'y telegrap h Unes, wlr.el~ sta~ continuHis take ' your portrait In profile " There It may become necessa ry for a be· are availab le), than coke whloh cun III the develop ment ally all the great poetry at the of one of the tions and long distanc e telepbo n. "ys· world. He must know the great fiction is a certain sbyness about one at your nlgn goverrim ent to arrange a system be produce d frpm any of the Wash. largest low grade gold mining enter. temB, hnve done much to ·advanc ' \he for Its IlIt()rpr etation or life's prob- eyes which Is ns dllHcuit in art as It ot pension s for tbose who are killed 'nglon or Vancou vcr Island conls, aud llrises Ir~ the world. as well as some Is fascinat ing In nature." B acon. mining Industry . They can, howeftT, lems.. He must know equal to the coke hIstory and from Crow's or wounde d In the war ·the automo bile Nest others or cOllslderable magnitu de. be regarde d only us supple mentar y" blograp pass. by. If au Imporlu nt smelter Indus. Thlly have also fnvor ed the success . a system . Is Waging on the human ra,ce. of railwaYlI, which alone cd TAKE A FOOT·BATH TO.NIGHT The OptllI,ts t remembefIJ how Docto! try grows up In Alaska, as now see11\S ful exploita tion of compar atively After dlesolv!ng on ~ or two Allen's Foot. low make availab le the minerni wealth of Hillis possible recen~ly , tha gave Alaska a. superb coking and cauls reTI abtt ~rllde (AnUljcpUo tablets copper A Nllw Jersey lDan receive ,200 for ores, even at the low extensi ve areas. In fact, they serve the tool-bnth) IIglously n the wa.t,'r. will lakeCor should out rul .0reneY n tooth bo I.os t in a fight wltli r street, quality have . the advanta ge, botb or market value of the metal during the to emphas ize the Inadequ acy of ,thl) on "The yaluabl e course at sermOD! smarUng nne]It tenderne ss, foot nnd of transpo rtation. Religio us Messag PP,llot year. odors a.nd freshon tho teet. remove Allen's 11'ootexisting transpo rtation systems. The Great Poetll"; how Doctor e or the Tal)s car conductor. This Is one of the Instantly Mining developments In the Bering relieve JefferBO n wenrlnes a nncl ' 'Though . placer m.lnlng has been Industri al sweating c.' '; dest as well as most ..;"pensl ve river cold fields of the Inflamed feet nntl hot nervControl ler bay carried on In Alaslra for nearly 30 munlca tlon demand s for better com· has recently preache d a great courslI ousness otor tlJe t eet at night. Ttion tOl" clln cases of dentistr y on record. be met (mly by rail· I)f sermon region nnd In the l\Iatanuskn. CaRl . yel\rs, It has bee n chiefly oomfort Ulroughoul the day shake AlIen'lJ by the crude ways which shall connect the' mineral ture of s on "The HJstory nnd Na· r-;0ot.En6 o tho antiseptlo powder Into yeur the Ohrlstla n Church "; how /; loes. Sold fields of the Cook Inlet region have mi\thodl\ of the pioneer everywhere 25c. Avoid lIubthat more than deposit s o;len ports on the Pa. IUlother Accordi ng to a physicia n everybo dy been prnctlca lly confined preache r bas preache d a stltutes. Snmples et Allon's Foot.To b. to surveys $100,000 .000 worth of gold haa been clfic seaboar d. Oh motle" . ' E or our regular size sent by wl\l be cruzy In 2175, If the prese ut for patents, ' assessm ent course on " rlstlan Apologetics .. motl tnrFRE worlc, and won fl'om the aurifero us gravels. The 25c. Addross Allen S Olulsted . Thl! Mecca ' of th. Fat. ratio ot lncrease does not decline, That trail building . The most Importa nt sbowlng tbe divinity of Christia nity LeRoy, N. Y. " modern epoch pf placer mining, with Mnrlenb ad Is a place "Foot-T o;of spc.clal abs tor Foot-Tu bs," In. will be a great year for musical com· features are connect ed with the prob. J,a bor saving machin ery. has only lust teres,t to English people, tor King Ell. b)' whlLt It hRS done In Boclal redemp· tlou; the men, the art, the poetry, the lem of rallwa, constru ction. edles. oegun. and the field In whleh such ward had tiesertlld Hom.~f Artistic Temper ament, g, whe.:i, literatu re It has No patents for coal land have yet metho~s are used Is capable of much for BO mnny years he did 11ls summe r lhe ; joy of these produced. Think of "Hamle t seemed to speak with auA Pi ttsburg sculpto r arrested on a been granted , three preache rs In thority expansion , Though the future dis· cure, and every Auguljt In his ndvlce to the players ,; saw hlbl In. prepa.rlng theBe sermons . What a The value of these high grade fut/Is covery of bonanza s, · such Parle street wore nothing but a pair of IlS have . stalled In the Church square at Ma. great, vnrled, . "Yes." replied Mr. Stormln gtQll of Alaska rich probabl world y they spent Darnes, "altholl exceeds thnt at mad e Alaska famous In the past, can· rlenbad socks. He probabl y 'though t IJe was at ~~ he was rather quiet and ' nrepare d to follow home arid sufficiently clotbed in th e gold deposits , and the e."r;olta . not b~ predIcte d, ·It Is certain ' that the somewh at severe regime , of out their morning s In. :And then, above !U~d patient. But In hts other Bcenes " the ~ll, the .mlnlste tlon r of spends these coal lIevernl fields hours Is of th ~ great. the possibil ities of neW' smoke. he was 8S nervous and Irascibl e al Ii est Importa nce to the entire western from being exhaust ed, finds are tar plnce. Twenty yeBrs ago this flUllOU/l a week In that greates t book of all regular Ilnd that there waterlo.g place was searcely known to that library stage manage r." . seaboar d of the contine of the soul's aaplrllUon~ Man gets five' year/, L prison for will furnish not only nt. T!1ese coala nre bundred s of creeks known to be foreign people; alth'ou~h It Is nearly a aud God's thought s tQward the high grade men, put ling dYllllnllte on car h 'ucks "Just Bteam coals needed for various indus. aurifero us which may 'YIeld gold In century since It was visited by so ~hlch, year by year, When read broad· ,AnnIe Telford , '!Queen'e Nu .... " C»t commer cial quantiti es when ' means great a . man as Goethe, Bally",ntral, Ayr8hlr~, England~ . The springs Iy and naturall y, become s .11 world of for fu,n/ ' It's horrible to think w.hat t ries, but also the coke tdr metaliu r- are rotlnd to reduce tbe present cost are owned by the Abbey of Tepl Write. aa Follow a:iI would have hoppen'<ld to hi ro Ie h e'd £Ic~l Iinlerpr lses. joy. unspealt able-~tl Ie Bible. The' 'Wrl· If the Iron oreB at operatio n. large monast ery some mUes I have grel.!-t plellsl.\re I.n tesWf! ng been in eal'D es ~ at the territor y prove valuable , tbe Tbe Inlan~ copper cUstrlcts. await and the good brother s evident aw~y,' ter once Ilpent :three mornipglJ a 'What a vnluabl e remedy: In. vnrlous ly . did week for a yeBl' studyll}g the "T~ach· west coast .)Day Yilt be supplied from the ranway transpo rtation. which will not underst and the art of advertis e. Ings . That ,Irofel>! or who 'wllnts Ir ,becHes' this s,o urce with the Jesus," satberJn g them. lmdor Skin Trouble s I have ,found Reslno l raw. mateJ;ia ls not only lead t(l the Ointme nt to be. ' I have used It In exdevelop ment ment, for the .plaoe. remaine d ,rao- sub~eots. He ~ben 'oollecte Jdll d at blrOl overloo ks the posslbUI. for the manufa cture of Iron ,and steel. known deposits , but also stimulaof d . from' tremely bad cases of te tlcally . unlm,own outside German- scholllrs, essayist s, Eczema IU!d' III ty that be might not ba\'e survl'r ed to In any event, preache rs and the poisoned wounds the copper smelter s can further searcb ror are bodies. Sucll , and always wIth Ipellklp g countri es until recent Umes. ptJota the rlltereno es to ~ake tb e suggest ion. be provide d with c2!e.....2J a hlgh I!~~e.lopm.ents of 11 lode those thlniB. mlnJng indus.- , But doctors began to .find out" howgrade. ucb happy\ ~rewardlng bours, full of most satlsfao tory relulta. I have the . try will gl"e a large:- ~ermanent pop- useful tta watera "er.e The ' sara Rod to, the man wbo discove ry. I . he never knew. Thul the highest opinion, ot ita curat1ve 'Value. Tbe coals from other Imown Alaska ulatinD-a~ preseD' Niaska' s greatea t love.4 hJs dInner an~ to the ladr wbcn.e mlDI~try Is sane COll mine 18jlleld lt than 'lheso nre so Iituated tbe only professi on. except or need. ..among th things ellgerly hopeu tor, are or Buch nual1ty tbat ft h dI Hot·He .aed If You Mention It. I occasIo nally the teachIn g IImes.l oD they can fio4 ' A. full <develop ment of ut t t b l r l " sure a oat t,a ll, Scott-J ones 11 a cool.bea ded ~p. n e~ Dowad .,. or that of the edltol':, wbel'e the -'-d' ali.1e 110 pro a e, mlAlq It bas become the Meooaand lIlcuketa onl1 where excealv e rates fnduat.r7 la pcJIIifbla oDlJ the b7 the S. Wide World UaKazln8., 01 th. ,¥- .lives dany In ...... Mott-N the great ltleratu r. of door:ItnD~atu.rall ,., He'. . . bal4 . . . tbe world. . INFANTIL E PARAL YS'S.







For .Pieces of Lace·

Practical Fashiolls



OMEN with cl ver Hngers will find It worth th Ir whil e to save all bits at lace, ribbon and em· broidery tha' are In good .condltlon. lor th ey can utilize every scrap In making tbe jabots, bows and collarll that are' now so muoh worn. The can· vll'uctlon Ic!t these trifles makes pleas· ont work tor the summer vacation, and they are as useful for gl fts as tor personal use. The tour designs given are not commonplace. yet they are easy to make. The 'jabot fs made of mull Valenciennes lace. with embrol· dered butterfly tabs of linen. The !.arge design hardly needs an ex plana· tlon. as It Is a working drawing tor " collar to be worn with a collarless ~---=:....----_...:..::::.. .J cown. The bow has ends of mallnes French knots In blue and Irish crochet under .sQuares of lace. Linen Is the lace motlts ornament It. The strap U1aterlal llsed for the standing collar. Is tastened by three pearl buttons.

W \


-1 --~o!'ltrolled

Paris Pattern No. 3301. All Seam ~ Allowed.-We Illus trate In the accom· panylng picture one of the pretty modi· fications of the popular Russian 8ult. It Is really not Russian at all; It Is more at a sailor suit. The center of the front Is In one long panel from the neck to thA bem of the jacket. On eacb s ide or ' this panel Is a box plait wblch runs to lhe shoulders, and trom this point back the enUre garment Is plain. the back having only a very lit· tle fulness. due to the cut, and held In by a belt. The one ornamental tea· ture of th e suit Is tbe large sailor cQI· lar. The small sleeves are very slightly gathered at the arJllhole, and at the wrist Is a group at small tucks to can· fine th e fulness . The small knlcker· backers worn underneath the jacket give a final touch at manliness to the little suit and tbus appeal to any proporly constructed boy. The pattern Is cut In 3 sizes, 2 to 6 years. To make the Bult In 4.year size will require 3 yards or material 36 lncbes wide, with 1 ~ Ylnds of contrastlng goods 2" Inches wide and 4 ' yards ot braid to trim as l\1ustrated. To procure this pattern send 10 cents

Newspapers. Th Al 'blsoll Glube sny .. that no ad. f ertl spr hn ev r tried to control ils ed. It orlal poll 'y, t b r ' ma rk bei ng occn.aloned by the charge otten made nowa· days, that t he big ndverlls rs dlrect the t.'(\ltor lal voll ey ot nowapape rs . Th e expe ri ence oCthe Globl] Is the experl nce of mos t n(lwspapors. Tho mercha nt who do s Ii great el eal of ad· vertltll ng Is mora In t rORted In the cll"CU lllllou d pnrlm ' ut or a newspaper th an III the dltorlnl dcpartw nl. It n. dully ll l~p('r gootl to t he homes at t ho peo pl e , a nd Is r nrt hy tIle m, he Itl sntls· fi cd. nnd It may chase after an y theory or fa d, for a ll h cu res. Hc has trou !>1 II at hi s own , Ilud h Isn 't t rying to shoul· del' t hose of lh dltor lnl brethr n. Th re a re n ws pnpers con trollcd by peo ple ou ts id e at the dlto rla l rooms, and a good ru an y or tll cm. more's tile pity ; hut Ib people ex rcfs lng th at con t rol are not the bus ln ss me n w ho pay t heir money for adver tis in g space. The n wspnpcrs whi ch a re establish d for politi cal pur poses are ofte n can· trolled by chroni c offi cescoker s . whose fir s t con cern Is their owu In teres ts. Th e re nre ne wspa pers controlled by great corporation s , and the voi ce of such news papers Is lIlways r a ised In protes t against any genuine reform. The ave rage was tern newspaper usu· ally Is controlled >by Its owner, and be Is supposed to be In duty bound to make all sorls ot sacrifices at all sorts at times; there are peoille who consider It his duty to Insult his advertisers, just to sbow that he Is tree and independent. It he sbows a d ecent respect tor bls patron It. who pay him their money. and make It possible tor him to carryon the business, be Is "subs.1· dlzed" or "controlled." The newspaper owner Is a buslnesa man, like the dry' goods IllUn or the grocer. The mercbanta are expected to bave conslderatlon for their customers, and they are not supposed to be subsidized by the man who spends five dollars with them, but the publlsher Is expected t() demonstrate his courage by ahowing that he Is ungratetul for the patton· age of bls fri ends. It Is a funny com. blnaUon when you think it over.-

RA7.1 L has practi cnlly a manop· Ity '~o be worlte-I. The first of thesa. (jly of the world's supply of which Is touud suitable for the dla· the blaclt diamond. while the mond·bearlng stream s at tbe Dlaman· Unit d Stat s Is It s largest tina district. som ewhat resembles marke t. It Is foulld In La placer gold washing. Th e process can· hn pada and Lnvras di stricts slsts primarily In digging out sand of th b provln at Bahia. Drazll, 'and gravel. which are put Into small whure It Is mined from river beds Ilnd wooden bowls, each capable of holding oth nr alluvium . . Th e miners sell their 8 or 10 pounds. The native miners find to agents of eIporting firms In th en proceed In Indian file with thejr the City of Dahla. It Is calculated that loads to some convenIent part at a thlH port ehlps annually abo\lt $4.000 •. river or stream, where they laborious· 000 to $4.600,000 worth of black dla· Iy wash out their material, gradually monds. nnel. with the adoptlon of getting rid of all lighter particles and mod I'll methods and machln ry In d~hrl$ Ilntll the ' hidden diamonds. place at tho extreme ly prlmltlve. ones whose specific gravity Is 3~, reveal formerly employed; the Industry will thorns Ives through the ir wight and SOME PARISIAN COIFFURES MA~TLE . USED IN MANY FORMS be tremendously stimulated. About peculiar luster. Iron pans with amall twenty·fiv e years ago a stone of 1100 perforate~ holes are some times used Tendency Now Show. a Leas Clo.e Transparent Wrap Haa Caught the carats was found. follow ed - by on~ of to hasten the process or extraction, A Ma•• of Hair 8urmounted by Fancy of Faahlon, and I. Surely 1,700 ca rats, and In 1895 a gigantic modification of this plan. wh r an Aigrette. Here to 8tay. a ston e of 3,078 carats. or 615 grams. consid erable pit hns b en x ' vl\t d, whIch was pur hosed by a New York co~ slst~ In finding a cur We turn to Paris tor the prevail. Chiffon, marquisette, eUk volle, or In U ': \'Iv· house for $32.000 and broken up Into er some dis tance abo v , with a nn\ Ar I Ing coiffure, and In turning we Hnd any other material that has not lfJmporta Gazette. plocos at s uitable size for diamond faU of 20 or 30 t ot. nd dl rlln g alight but noticeable changes. warmth, but a beautltul transparent Caring for the Baby. drills. At pr sent prices tbls ston e thither a part at the Bt earn through Tbe present tendency Is toward a coloI', Is now used ror outer wraps Old Lady- What a nice boy, to would be worth about $262.000. Dur· an artificial cbannel. less ' close mass at balr to which an that may not be uBeful f( tbe primary watch your little brother so careIng t he Pl\st t en y ars stones of 400 A dltTerent method at mIning has to to "}'att rn Dparlm ent," of Ihls paper. allr1'ette or plume' adds height. This use at dress be conSidered, but they Cully! l to 00 carats IlaTe be n discovere d. be employed In th e localiti es call d 'Vrlte n a me nnt! address plainly. and be decoration Is bere shown worn with are decidedly beautiful, which Is their Ni ce Boy- Yes, 'urn. H e just sWal· whll th y are frequetitly found weigh· .icbapada s," or plateaus, wh ere dla· aure to give slzo and number of pattern. a jeweled band of ribbon, which may own excuse for being. jawed u dime and I'm afraid of kid· ing fr om 100 to 200 carats . . monds are Imbedded In compact, some· be gold or silver or a color studded Mantles at beauti ful hues tall like napers. with brilliants or with Iridescent clouds around the forms of their torA fUZE ••• ••••••••••••• Previous to 1870 ' carbonado was what r esistant, conglomerates. ~O. 3301. gems. according to the gown. tunate wearers. They are weighted For n ...d ; ltchlnc Illyel ..l •• Cysts, IIty... pracli ally valueless. . From 1870 to smnll reservoir, or If necessary, two NAYE .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• . Particularly approprla.te for Hie with heavy fringe, silk or beaded, or Fnllln ~ Eyelash 8 and All Eyes That 1872 it was employ d as an abras ive or three reservoirs, are built. rude N cI ure 'r ry Mu rIne Ey e S alve. Alle pyoung girl Is the wreath ot roses worn they are adorned with mal'abon or ,tl for cut ting lind polishing the white dams are placed at various points c 'l' ulJeB-Trlnl Sl zo-26c. A .I~ Your DrugTOWN ...................................... . wltll a tlot·too-fiat coutur, ,but a h eavy oriental embr01(Jery. ' · ..Is t or Write MurIne Eye Remedy Co., g ems, and thousands of carats were across the nearest a\'allable rh·er. and t Chicago. TREET AND NO ...................... . simple one. Leaves are often subs .!. Tbe shapes are so vaned that 'were sold a 50 cents per carat, to bo crush· with tile Increased water power thus tuted for the ros es and to good e ffect. any attempt made to describe these (ld to powder tor this purpose. A few obtained the conglom erates are washed An Answ~r In Kind. STATE ..................................... . With two winged ends of black vel· mantles there would be no end. Suf· y'ears lator, whon carbonado was em· dOlVn a ravine to the desired lower "How did the trouble In the tamUy vet, altogether suitable for an older fice It to say that all lengths, degree. start ?" 1I10yed In diamond drl111J)g, It sold at level, where tho proces s at furth e r woman. It! that broad band of black ot tulness, varlatlons at the lower LADIES' SHIRTWAIST. ,from $2 to ,4 a earal Between 1896 diamond extraction may be continue d. "The wife. It seems, got tired of her ' tl111e wired along Its edges and line and disposition of ends are al· hus band's heavy wlt. Of ' " , Primitive as are the processes de· llnd tbe llr s ent the marke t value bas the Indlvl4uallty of the 4. lowable • . st.udded with jet. ~uctua~ed b twe n $26 ~d ,86 il carat, scribed, they 'have yielded In the past "Why didn't she sImply make a And last we recommend for tbe slgI\er coming into play al the 4e- , light retort?" ' . tbls high price being causod 11y the one hundred and eighty years sur. more youtbtul one a simple Hllet ot c/dlng voice. decline In the supply 'ol carbonado In prlslngly rich returns. According to "She dId. She tbrew the lamp at gold or silver gauze; with at each end The effect of these transparent him." the past ten years. while the demand the bost authorities, tbe tOlal Bra. a large rose, made of cloth at gold wraps over the filmy evening gowns has Increas d. In connection with thl! zllian . diamond productlon, Including - - - '" of the season Is Indescribable. Mere or silver; ~8tlbteet of black diamond consumption tho extensixQ contraband trade prac· Hou.ehold Consternation. man mlgbt ridicule and scorn the idea Time was when tbe young girl "Charley. deal'!" . exclaimed young In drilling, It Is Interesting to remark tlsed during the Portuguese colonial looked overdressed with her balr In of a chiffon cloak. but flaunt one at Mrs. Torklns, "tbe baby h/.UI swallowed that In djgglng tbe drl11 hole at Ryb· r glme. Is estimated at 12.000,000 'f, a l111et unless It was a very simple these betore the sensible creature, and a gold dol1arl" nlk (Patuschowltz), Upper Sllesla. c.amts, or 2 ~ metric tons: Tbe total If he have an appreciation at the affair, Indeed; but fashions have beexport value of diamonds at every sort "0 reat heavens t SOl)1ethlng must wblch attained a depth of uearly 7.000 come so much more elaborate that, beautiful he will uphold ' you In your be done. There will be no. end to the foet. upward of $26.000 worth of car· from Brazil. In 1906 Is cpnllervatlve ly choice of a lovely accessory. ",Ith a little discrImination. It Is quite calculate at about $5,000,000. bonado WIlB used, cost at living It 'be gets habits Uk!) possible to single out many simple One at the drst ent rprlses to Install that!" , Tho conditions are entirely differ. enough hair ornaments' for the youth· \ cnl frort) those of Africa. The' gravel, dredging and hydraulic machinery tor Coml~1i Down to ·"Earth. LATEST HAT MODEL ful face. sand, and other material containing the extraction at diamonds such as "Happln ss," d eclaimed tbe philthe alluvial dlamantlterous deposits or diamonds lie In or near the beds at osopher •• "Is In the pursuit of someslr ams and rivers, and have bOt3n th Re public requlrtl was ' the Boa Vis· Girls and Their Figures. thing, not In the catching of It." was bed down by eros'l on tram high ta company, In 1899. formed In Paris,' "Have you ev r." Interrupted the Btlff oorsets are unknown In France. with a capital of 2,000.000 trancs. or "cbapndas" or nlateaus. which are plain citizen, "chas d lhe last car on Fr nch corsets are always supple and $400,000. Their •. mining concessions probably th e original matrix III wblcb ' . a rainy pICht 1" bendable, and thIs accounts much tor Braznlnn diamonds were Corm,ed. As were situated at Boa Vista, on the the ease of French figures. which are Is · t:atural, gold and a variety of other north bank of the Sao Francisco river Real Reform. never tightened except at the waist, s ubstances, ~uoh all Itacolumnlte, above the Falls ot Paulo Alfonso. and Knl cker- Whnt Is your Id ea of mu· leaving the bust and hips Quite tree. olivine. 11.mes tono, hematite. granite, about :l00 mUes tram the Atlantic. nlclpal gov ernment? It the figure Is tightened In too muoh The Brazilian dlamond·bearlng de· gneiSS, and clay are associated wltb Backer-Firs t prolfde an auto anc! at the bust and hips, It gives too posits So tar discovered are all allll' the diamonds. ~he dlamond·bearlng ilien create an office to fill It. Paris Pattern No. 3285, Ali i 8eam.a stralgbt a look to the figure and material at Brazil consists of a can· vial and surtace. and they possess Allowed-;-Nmhlng looks cool.el"'-1I;fttI+lBakes It stUr and uncomfortable, Every mind has Its choice between ~Ioi'fre rnte, 60metlmes lnterbedded with many natural (ldv!lntagElS over tho din: more comfortable In bot weather than movement beIng rendered ungraceful truth and rel)Ose. Take which . you hard yollow sandstone, wblcn Is wash· mantlterous tJ,elds' at South Atrlca, a s·lmple shirtwaist of some smooth by this stiffness. Let any girl try to ~ p!I'l :rse-you con never have both.d do~n througb erosion by rivers. or, which, as has alreadll been explained, material. such as Itnen or percale. Our lace her corset only at the waist and· . Emerson. In' s.ome cases, ~ay be ballly decom· are "dry diggings,' requiring the most l\1ustraUon sbows a waist w1}lcb Is let her select It as soft . and IIgbt .. - - -- -"'- posed and rotten rock. Fossils are expensive processes and machinery Ideal for ' comfort. Tbe closing bas an possible. and then see If her figure be Thero Is always room at tbe, top generally lackIng. The deposits often and every device that human Ingenu· extra tuck on eacb side of the center not a,; graceful In shape as tbe Frollch and 1n l\ Ma.sonl c lodge a mun bas tel consist of schists ' and s cblstose clay, Ity enn Invent tor the 8uccessful ex. band. Tbe sleeves ore the regulation ftgure. work up to It lly degrees. traction of diamonds. In Brazil, ' on dlamond·bearlng clays, reddish earth, No tight. straight down. even ladng shirt sleeve and are finished at the granitic and gneissic formations, and the otber hand, the diamonds can· wrist with a cuft'. The neck offers the will ever make a pretty figure. It tbe cealed ~an be easily extracted b, llebbl s of v.a rlous sorts. only opportunity for the adornment of corset cannot be made exprel9Ur to The states of the republic whlcb means at hydraulic and dredgIng ap· ·thls waist. There may be either a Bult the figure, then let it . only be paratus. A network at rivers and have yielded diamonds are Minns "mall chemlsette with a standing col· laced In the middle of tbe waist. Even G raes, Paralla, ' Bahia, Goyaz, and streams affords an unfailing and co· lar, or the neck mny be cut out a lit· tileD DO rea.l corset should be worn by Matta Gras a. It Is In tbe first named pious water supply and power. There tie, as 8bo'\\'n In the large figure. anI! girls until they are well In their teens. comes to life when the body .that Dlamant1~a, celebrated tor the Is no deep minIng to be done. as la be finished with the broad sailor col· The lateet hat, of white chip lined feels the delicious glow of rich dillmond mines In Ita vicinity, Is tbe case In South Atrlca. Only a very lar; again the neck mny be blgh and with black chip, tha brim covered health, vi gor and energy. USCII of Cretonne. situated. The city Is well built and small portion of the probable total may have a small turnover coUar as a with valenciennes and a man of The "cretonne girl" Is trimming her white knotted feathar •. lies at the headwaters at the Jequltln· Drazlllan alluvium has' been explored, t1ilklb. Any of these methods will houba, or Diamond) river, a stream and the river gravels. except In the be stylhh. Any wash material may bo.~ to matcb her waistcoat, jumper. That·Certain .S ense 350 miles long, which empties Into the reaches at only moderat!! deptb. are be IIs"d In making a waist of this g1rdle. belt and collar and cuff sets. For Faahlon'. Sake. of-vigor in the brain and easy Atlantlo at Belmonte. To the east' of untouchud, Moreover, these gravels In style. The pattern Is cut In 6 sizes, With whatever materials sbe has left Too many women wear things beDlamantlnll Is th~ peak . ot Mount many cases carry enough gold to pay 32 to ~2 Inches "vust measure. To IIbe fashions a bag which fs mounted poise of ·the n rves comes for . dredging, and even platinum may on the gilt frame of a shoPlllng purse cause they attract the eye, with too lit, Jtanlbe, 6,960 feet.' ln the Serra Espln· make the waist In the m.;dlum size when the improper foods are be found. nco Hnnge. The mines are 'sltuated witi' I.'equlre !I~ yards at material 36 that Is out of commission b~cause Its tie consideration at the becomlngness. cut out and predigested handles are broken and Its leather \Valtlng for Ii c!ir at one at the su\). north ot Rio de Janeiro. · 800 kiloInchrnl wide. sides shabby. This does not matter, way s~t1ons the other day was a . The Diplomat and the Cat. motel's. or . 497 miles; north at Ouro To procure thtll JlBtl 'lrn lIend. 10 cents Preto, the oapltal . of Minas Geraea. 1n th~ biography ot Oscar BrOWning to '''»l1ttcrn DCJlarUnont." of ' lhlll papel·. because she throws the leath'er away young woman, rather unusually well Wrtre and addros8 plainly. and be and substitutes cretonne bands for the dressed. But her face was ' borribly The territory In 'whlch they are situ· It Is 'rolated that' Lord Odl) Russell, IIUHI to give 8ue and nuinber ot pattcro, broken or worn han.dles of leatber. It mlll'ked, eSl)eclally about the cheeks 'aLed forms a vasl ellipse, 80 ' klJo- prltlsb papal ambassador In 1M8 told the "(:ret.onne girl" fa ul'lus'.lally ener· and chtn. More than one of tbe walt· melers, or 50' miles. by 40 kllori}etera. him of tbe most delicate affair ~ had gellc she may contrive a parasol to Ing crowd looked ' curiously, and "no' SIZE ................ . NO. ' 3285. or 25 miles, I'n a plateau 1.000 to 1,200 ever adjusted . . The exll d quwtn of match her other ftowereel accessories doubt pitied her misfortune. Aa she, meters (3,280 to 3,937 feet>',. cont.ain· ~aples, an excellent pistol shot, IIve.d NA.Mm •• , ..................................... . by carefully matching the cretonne drew nearer the electric IIgbt, bow· take their place. Ing a number ot valleys out by. tbO near Carillnal Antonelll'8 mother, the figures upon the gores of an ancient ever. these markings resolved them· TOWN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••• •• Jeqlllntlnhonba abd Its left trlbutarlell, ' hOllses s~ndlng back to bnck. On the parasol colVer and then mounting It selves Into nothing more terrfble than If it has tal<e n you years Rlbelruo do Inferno, Rio ,Caetlle, etc., top .ot the boundary wall between the STREET .A.~D NO ...................... . upon the original trame. the pattern of her heavily embroidered to run down don't xpect one and ' ruso br .thu·, Sao Fi'ancll\co's, af· gardens: used,. to parade a fuagnlncent veU! Seen In the light, the .pattern~ mouth ful of th is great food flus n\s wbich fiQw to tbe northWest, ID PersIan ca~ th., property of the cardl. ftATE .•..•....•••.•.. '•• : •..••••• ·• ••• ·• •• •• a design that might bave been en. to bring y ou ba Ie (for it is 1\ \'el7 rlltteren~ ' basin. . ' nal's rtl'otber. .; . . With Manicure Sclalor•• larged t"i some purpose on a . pair n o t .n stimulant but a AlthOu~u 'd lamoIjd mhilng bas. .. "T~e queen. ,who r08~ very 'e arly, Tho small 'curved scl880rs Is an ·fn· .of 'curtains- was not beautlfy·l ng. Seeu Only Part cf the Truth. rebuilder.) rahlable little Jrpplement In the hands tram a Ilttie distance, ' or In a dIm more : extenslvely ' a.q~ . . sa~ the 'ca~ ) one ~o!nl';llf. nnd ' fhl! v08-I 8~W C a ptain D'leperr~s \0pursued ib tbe .t'jlt~S 'of Qt!r~e$ . tempta.tlon w_s too stro~g fQr her. Shq ;day. . Df th~ all·round capable woman. It . . '. light·. the etTsct was al described. T en day ~ trial s ho';vs such - and · aahla: thnn elscwhete,' In Brazil, 'fired, and It. fell The excitement was belClt1gs to tbe wor'k basket as well as what 'It YOII !lId? big r s\llts that one !Jtic \Cs MaU.o~ Orosso, doYJti. and f>ara~l\r bave trlllI)endoils,. tbe c~an~erle[l at tho . B(lets-Well, a stencl! cutter, and It wliI prove tves-What If I dld~ Didn't YOll tell ylolded 'sltmclent result. to justtty the,. Holy City were overwbelt.lled with cor. equally DecesAry for the cutU gout Innovation. In Ring.. to it. bclh!t that their, futttT~ as centera 'ot 'respondence, but the aftafr wa~ at me ibat hn was with hHl vessel wh-!n ~t embroldOQ', whether machine or '1'he Intelll j ewe lry novelty orlglnatea she 'w ent down last week with all on dlamon~ production wlll b prosper- last , oompolled by tht' ~ffQrta at Odo hand made, and tor the cutting away In German.y. snd i s a special tY1)e of "There's a ~eason" . . ous. , Russ~JJ. tbe unlvefllal' peacemalcer. board? of material under laces to make tbem ring tor the Qlvorc d and tbe widowed . . Deers- - Yes; but t dldn·t tell yau ·bls It Is claimed tl'lat these rings 8ave the-' Tbe l,rlmJtlv8 .i nethods M minIng He ·told me tbat up to tbat time the "e~lIlel 1I"a8 a s~bmarlne. transparent. . G et the Little boole, "Tbe ,There are curved Unes In ' .sewlns wearers. parth,,'.LIllrly the feminine ' sex: employed In ·qraan· until ",..t;ent yeats tlV o . PlOlt dlftlcult allalr. whto;h bad . Road ' to V':ellville, I' in pItgs. trom embarra 8~lng or painful explanathat wt\1 be mote . safely cut , out and ha.,.. . Jie.erth..le... · abundanti, .re- 'allen ~o h!1I lOl Co ananCIt were tho Excellent Rea.on. elnbrol.l ment o.t Ge~.r.l Fcix (who bad v,lllecl dfe' natural producUyeneaa wflAS ahe .BDY 1004 reason to ask • small apacel loto which no other lola· tion_. and In a delloate way Intorm Ill' the I1lamau~feroul bMII cblll,nsed ti, 111. I'rtDcb. com· divorce lr!)m blna t' IOn wlll .0 su.o cetsfully get .. &Jae t~re8ted pe1'8otlJl of theIr . 'cJroUll) ' POS't'l"lI C'ERlt,u. 00 .. LTD.. N . aDA. at ~. "Yet, l:"rleed. Sh8'i marl.ied tQ him. ~ muicW'1' lalad.. It.ail.... What Dast.! Da"l, ChoIl, JUA. .1f.·~~~DJ_







,Compound Interest


(jeape= Nuts

\I!.I!'~!!'C! ! ~! ! ! ! ! ! !t~!I!I!cl!! ! ! ! ! ! ~t~~~~A!!!!n~oe! t! ,! a! B! ! !'O~I~e! !m! e~ ~t~.~a'=::::O:·b~"~~:le~s~B:n~~ r-:::~~'t vaiu.~I~r"~:m~n 11 1~~r1~I!~=~!!~!s~ --. oun yo ur I ay~,

WAVN ESVIL LE CHUR CHE., (;lemen ts two "raoWl 1n .• 1 hi ' $1 'l'hirt:9 !feet ban Il'th the M\~rfll I of St. AugusUnc~s Catho:! \.Zburcb. ~ t wn~ P , B ' , 'IUtllentH I\nd Cha.rlo ' n n.ewlt · mil t railroa d in polllUl n. Fnlhcr 11I:,IrIl" Mnvcnh ... ·( ·r. t'1l81or . t Annet a , v u . w n' 'gi . B Clemen te \0 Olive T . Edwar da. ~_n u;!' !! Vt ' ry ~'U"I" . . U"'"\\ HI ttl,. Ulonth &, as ., a. n k go IeRf WIlS , f ouod h~. t. . ~ n.non- Pleas Court. ~C\ Osca r J . Edward ll, two t raots In spring, ~is lI11e bAIUg etI~lllll'tell l'I' 1 I \I ; lIil :1 . 'U hi Ol•' vid Walk t· "S. M. N.uU, .E\1a a ,1 100,000 year . "It b oa t' 1\ U1US8l1og St. Mary's Episcop al ' Cilurc Ii. . of more 0 rtainty thllt, tb u!)e ollrvod NoH and Barry W; Noll . PetitiOD Wayne towns p, • •1. ~'. Cnd\),.. lh.ll r. 1{61:ltlr. . ... Commi ssioner s' Proc:eedlnZS. I " 11I1.1111'\' recove r money un !seory in tablets of stone," v. rites Fred ;,y suboul. 0 :ilU n. IU Murnlll !!, Ntlr I d being 1145 PATTEN UNA:BLE TO KEEP 1 dult,. ". nnd 10 hlll' " NlIl rl' h'ed II plan ,", ,' c. IV ' :lO .. . III . Holy Ulullllluhm \h u IIrKt b id ' fS ·N. iederha user, io Harper '8 W ek ly note amonn t . 0 Ia,ma J;3i1lsJohn Wolfe, r .. ogecrep ~ll OUT 'I'bis OF di800v THE ery tends to subHtRntiu.·t" LIMELIGHT lJ y whl('h shu Ill ny hn 1t .1' rno (h r'8 S un,I"I' li t eacb 1lI0ULh , tnteres \ from May 12, 1UO . W iSh t b 'p $1 5 v' en~ra I . I vnluabl sId .· anti Il( lh o aaUl time owna , , 'J Methodist El1iscopa' Chun:b . Elt ..~roth and Maple, .ttorne ys for in Massie rIb Co 'olla for nne the theory tha t ihe ooast scotion hus A"II[l'; PAT· II om pll'to IW I" l"l lo'ge ('O Ul' lle n xl U nioD ' e ep oDe ., Hov, 11. W . U"UOY. 1'..\.Or. f ' betJn fotmed bysuoo plllio\U'f. easi ve upheav als 95 ts· J' P Rawlee md.M . or TI~N . tOl'IDe r yenr. SIIIl, III.I' s lIoul, \I :;111 11. Ill . ,"Uflllllg .C' f · Utll George K n.pp oen, . ' G' W of the earth '8 orust , ooourri ng sinc{l \'lee . 111 ' :1 11 :l. 111. ~:p\\'onll (.eIlKue. 7 :011 p' Wrlgh t .u .R. . oourt bonse, $13.0(;; eorge . 'be appear ance of the great l ea dyke '\ ~·W~(lnl. ~dn:t'~~ l~ 1 SECRETARYKNOX TO STAY 11.1. I.:"" "I,, \( "c rvl ·c. -: : lItl p . 111. !I\ltiwet: II te reoove r ,600 olaimed \0 P ""titlon t d d body of Wil ~ , Yl'r .\J c.: ~lnt( , 7 p. ,n. carey, tnquell on ea ' I. prlnc ," nud~ I I I b. due from defAnd ant who i8 I. 1IN PRESIDENT S CABINET b $7 " 5 Edwin' wbioh hRS now develop ed into the liam R . Golda IlmllOl!s erry, l bltl ... III ; rl" I .y8\om e"811 of the Rooky mon ntll. ins. ' · Christia n Church . l ., to have promia ed to pay plain, i L. 'I'homa l , rof uo d ar for tax , '1 . 18'. I tlre to hI t! hom ' Hov. 1.. O. 'l·ltomp!lOD. p .. t.or. ---. - • ---HEHI'; II! one tiff up on 881e of (Wrtaln . prop~rty D b Id . nn I C;\'Il11slo ,Ui 70 n. III .. E. B. Murrel l, r ge replhrB , 11 11)10 ISchool. 9 : 80 • •• m. Socl.l mOll ~llIlI • I' ('ord macte ; All Skin Diseas es amllton town~hip ill filed . 3U II . III . Uhrlath.Il:lEnlleavor. 7:011 p. nt. fUld shut oIT lh o by l' hod 0 r 0 H10;rlllU p",rl· ' ~ 10 ' Roy Jao k .oa. br Id ge re.. Ii lIy pu.ator ~very IIlIWrDllW Slimiay . , ,'" , Yield relldily to treatm ent with calcium rays. He· IU ; JU 11. III . 1\IlU 7; aU p. Ul . Hoosc\' It a e Jlreir Jerry M. Probate Court. Greeley , bridlle lumber , Dr. Bell 'l! Antisep tio Sal ve. ~C(,llU Y Mr. Putlen We Idellt whIch W II, $70.6~ i John Burnet t, 81,ima te 80ar8n 'oo it. 260 .'Iii_~. H~ite Friends Chun:h . ~ h e ld liP his hand : tl. box. ~old av · " II/un H . TaCt blls In matter of will of Martha D. on oontrao t. $7,; Bert \. KInd v i I"'I snl() 113Y Moc tlll ' . III :00 II. m. Flr.~ Day "uel'ur , Heed , oon. erywhe re. nu IlIllllltlo l1 oC at.. _ .. _ __ S"1. 0lll. II ; OC' _,I.,.II.;~.4-_......~.fd galn ." Penoe, decease d. W11l IIIdmitted to haot., 133.69 i Z O. uocl h (emollng lO break I U ' ''O ,I. IU . .. . 01 . I·' o unb OilY Mee'lni Worley , land -b;lrobnbly m lint It. \ pro~te . IlI Btuul of cllblnet appraia er, 196; !;amoe l Fox, same, WAS A FIEND FOR FRESH AIR H o wanted no morll lim eligh t. He ulllt·o c b!\ II g e s Orthodox Friends Church . 10 matter of will of Cathar ine ,70; Perry Bordeu , 180.50; was sn llsfic"(} wIth ·tbe mouey h hll d 1\ J. C. ROtJ8eve it bad 1I0t H"I·. IknJnml n Ilawkhlll, PR8 lor, Taosey , deoease d. Will admitte d to t;ale, '66.50; Alonzo CIUISeday, Tr.n .. tl.ntlo P .... nger Who In.lllted made and ho wnnlted to St:tt out of b .. n In nUlce as S.l hlJaLIt SellOol. U ::10 a . m . ttcl(\llar ObU fO h . / the publlo probate . yeo Upon H.vlng Opel Porthol e ,171 50 i E. C. Jeffrey , '11 2; Eatle long Ilti Taft bus ",'n \t., .. Itl ~o u. Ill . Cbrl8Uan ~Qllcayor. But you\' old Unclel8 1\01 hatl othe r O\o'er the 1>lnlng Table. 10 matter of will of Mary Ann Snell, ,14 i W . S. Whitao 1\ 'r vell IInlll he ~ ::tIJ )1 . IL r~, 1147; " Id ens conc ruIng M:r. Patlon. \Vh thStaley, deoeaee d. Will admitt ed w B. M. Dill, til; Frank had (IIrll ed the (Jalll\h er, A. man wbo formerl y WIUI a waiter er In rI led or UJllUlertted . jllllt or un· t lopsy, w rvy. ~'I' OIU lim e to t ime _ _.. _ _ ____ probat e. $87. 50 I W . 8. G aaklll, $35; Frank on a traneat1 antlo liner, told this just, lIHll'e Is no bHon tlon of sllylng ther£> have ' om rU lll orli thai 'ertaln Jl:8tate' of Mary Ann Staley, de· Zell, $98 ; David Roll, $59.50; B In thIs brIef . I!k et clh, .tor, bUl the the other faot ra· day: mel1lbtll 's oC th e mlJlnet wore goIng to . P. Ar~ rOll "00 a certain trtp over 1 had at my n:'alns thn.t .Mr. Paeten w t,~ IndIcted In . 'et out. fi'e w melllll rs of a oeued. Demos 'beD8e Weir appoln ' Early, ,a8.50 i JaoobR . aisey, PI' sl· '17.50 table an I'\ ew York Ion cllal'g 8 'ot con splrncy In I dent's cabIn t turn ov r th Ir port· traalbl e old gentlem an who eel e~eoutor; Okeyll oCabe , Geor,e W. L. Baney . $38 50. wa.4 frelh air flood. No matter what r straIn of trade unde r the Bh rmnn I folios volunlurlly . a I\tl rally th o pres Hildeb raD' aDd W. B. Dearth ap· the weather . he alwaYB Inslllted on antitrus t nct. lt Wlls nil g >d thal· Ident MkB r r tI; 111 . polnted apprallle1'8. ha.hl. the porthol e onr the table the aCCllS d men formed a pool to TholO Plolor Boyhoo d \ Vc can offer you good The latest rumor ODC roed I'hllan Illetate of Cathar ine Tanley , de. Bow delloio us were tbe pieR at OPeD. It wall no UBe to argue with arbItrar ily· fix tl16 prl e of cotton. d r Knox. lie I' ' lIIry ot slute. whIch Is Payin g Emp loym e nt Mr. Patt n. as dId tbo others. ve- til rllJlklng position In the 38&88d, Ell. 'Ian.ey appoin ted ex· boyhoo d. (:Ilblnet No pieeev er'a.te aogo oo blro, but ODe day. when thll B61lS were hement ly d olod , th charge. "It will The \ '118 om hA Rle for tbls .ery hl&'b and the IIhlp pitching and ecutrix aDd lnnnto ry disp8n .ed What '8 ohange that YO ll will enjoy and In that d Hhe pies ? No 1\s rollins. 1 .enture d to remuns trate. He be shown." slll.d h • "that I bad noth- I cert~ln ~nbllcans In PennsylvanIa . w"b. ,011. You've 1000Ube ~ trong, heal,hy at IDg homt!. Write to-day what 'er to do Iw llh lhlll all ged wa nted Mr. Knox as theIr calldlda up In te I Estate of· lI.rtba D. Pence, de. etoma) b, the vigoro o. bver, .' he ao· Are paid toarms in a minute, 'You cotton pool. I" am wll.lln g obey to let order!' the for he gCA'ernor. Wben the presIde nt r said ceued . Bo"ar d P. Early and John U"e kidney a, tbe regula r bowell of tartly. 'Open that port!' I did. The courts decldo. Add".. Th eu Mr. Pallen heard ot thIs pllm he put bl8 foot bo,hoo< 1. Yonr dileati on ill po~r gave '$6.000 IOUp ball I nnd retired to aw ait down 011 It In 11 hurry. It was barely B. Pence appoin ted execut or. and and oourS8 was S8I'Ved In safety. The Butter lek PubUa ltJag Co. you blame the rood. Wbat II Then I alked him If be would bave dey lopmen ts. William II. A.lleo, William H . lIelS· needed ? A Jomple te snnoll~ d tllat the Republ kans .of Bunate " BuUdta g. New V-!So N. Y. toning up by nill. 'Of oOUNe I w1ll: It was a serIes of success ful opera· P nn sytlvanl a wanted to lake Mr, ba snapped . fried and Joho Mot,'ur e, IppolDt ecJ Eleotrio BIUen of aU organs o( dt '~p4 I'll bave It In a burry. blcago Kn ox awuy from the Taft admlalstra.Don·t tlons In onts and /corn on th g88ttoD~tomaoh, Liver, Kidney s, appral .era. board of trud e, whI ch fi rs t brought UOll and put hIm In charge of ke.p me walUn. all day,' the Jl'.atate of John W. Scull Sr. d .• · Bowel s-Try tbem. they'll re.wre "JUllt at that momon t an unusual ly fortune to Mr .. Patten. For y ars h e stat ' 8.alfalr s at HarrIsb urg. wben the your boyhoo d appetit e and appreo ia bla lea rolled by. That Is. pa.rt of It was unluckY In whoat. tbe mark 1 sccreLW 'Y or state IS8ued a stateme nt. Dr. Bell's Pineoeued. J . Lee Thomp aon admtntl l- tion of food and fairly .atnrat e your For CoUCh . and COlds. &l'a\or files Invonw ry and appraie 8- body wUh new healtb. strengt h and 4t4. A .-o<>41y portion ceme throllsb geWng away from hIm just 119 b wae wllich Pres Ident Taft request d hl.m about to seize hIs profits. to nluk sayIng he would not leave vigor. 600 at .ired C. Mchwa r'z'e. the porthole . loakllll the old man a.nd JPeD'. In April . 1909. how ver. be put \ tb oabl~ t. The stateme depo! tUnl on tb~ table In tront of nt rollowed Eltate of Mary B. DonlOn, de. !lUll a UTe Ilah. No wMtct on board throu gh the most s \lccessf lll wheat a long contere nce between the preel· WAL TER MCn LIJR L't orner ChlcngOr ~,e l' has otUed. InveDt ory and appraiJ e:. ALFAL FA IS EXCEL LENT FEED of ou:- Iblp bad ever served an order won tbe. title at Wheat kIlOW~ lind den t wld bl8 8 cretnry of state In Q King .0 . Quickly H which before. 'l'att urged Mr: Knolt to remain meD' flied by Roben Irvin, euou· B ut 1 dldn't get forced tile price or Muy wheat to $1.34 at the head ot the .state department. Alfalfa il aD exoell _t feeding aDY credit. for It, The queer thing and unlonde d wIth It profit e/ltlmat tor. Sale bill flied. Fune ral Dlr~;tor. about tha~ .torr," b l) added •. "Is that h .$5 000 000 At the headd and In that connect lou th. e pretl Id t t .ta'e of O. ('borp, d8Q8&ll8d. i'l- daff where it can be obtaine d. Bog. a more t an . . . st '11I't " made snme very fiatt ring statemeen ItlQry at all. I never 'of DUI bear clique. opposed to Patlen with r gal'd to the service that nal aoOoun ' Bled by C. 0., Aroher , relllh " e"her wben peeD when told It yet to any one who believed It. In the KnOll thIs deal. was J . Ogd en Armour . I UneMe. " ha. beJIa proper, ly oured for hay. gut It le abeolute ald ly h ' true." t $2000000 Is r end ering to h s coun t ry In tbe 'l'ltlllph on6 dllY or night. . . II I to S a~e ~s Beta.. 01 llarpr ei BMDe. , de. U 11 -.ery helpful If U.e :11)09 'Patten by manage ment of Its foreIgn affaIrs. brood .ow VIIII"y phOll1l No.1. I.oDW n ep e er . . The nt without reserva tion oeued. 1Ilillhte eD,h acooun ' flied haa aOOIM \0 pu'ure ' It not KIt9Mn on Wheell . daring tradIng brought himself out ot sseured preside only Dilltnnoe No. 69-..... Knox of bls unqualif ied IUp' A. ,..It&ur aot k.eper In one of the , a bad bole . In September by Chari.. r . Chapm an. h"lpe provid e 'he proper rood, bot. wh~t l\I\d port and poInted Ol1t · to hIm that bla poorer quCtel'1l of ParIs haa hit upon \ added to hIs forlllne . • _ .. of WilHam E. S*nton , de. it aaorde a plaoe for exeroill AgaIn rmour succel!s 80 fa r has been so grent In WAYN e whioh "" orlllDat way of Increaa llll bl' ESVILL E, OHIO cus- was a heavy los r. • ~, Elgh'h AOOOunt flIed ' 1lY II veq _lHIDti al. tbe matter of the court ot arbitral tom. H. Dotloed that a large propor· Early In Mal'ch of the ~reBe nt year ~ nsUoe and all the other pellclel! bearBraDch 0Ilar1 . J'. Obapm aD, a4mln il'rawr . Uon of workme n had not the time to Patten decided Office, HarveY·lbul'l. O. • - • the 1010 ,wbe:\~rOp log Knox's Immedi ate prlmatu re that .It their midday meal at a restaur ant. was goIng to be I). failure 1D maHer of .'ale of .Amand a D. A ~. A,Cold an I g:n he Ie bound to rank among the great..4 oootent ed themsel ves with an al to buy boa vlly for delivery l'iau -AOOO ut flIed And then no telUnl wha\-u ultwl not II. er eet of A merlc611 secreta rlee atate it , , yOD 11M Dr. Bell'l PiDe Tar-Bo ney, Irweo lunoh on tbe paveme nt. IOU than September . He told close tr\ ads h will continu e In omce atofleut toJ' b,.·B . 8. 8Wf'en eon, ueouw r. I Ina Ute beet, s.t your Del~hbor. they have no time to come to ' me. I It would be hIs last d 61 In wheat. ~o- the r emaind er of hIs term. 1~ 47 IDuet ., to them" thought thl8 enter- ward the· end of May, .tate of l (..'h&l'l . Wtlla~ J)e; Look for the Bell on on th eve of ahe Bottl~. prtaIq oaterer ,' who .tbereup on had patten'sArettremeOt Board. ADd~w J. DeBoa rd ap · Sold' everyw here. e l fhrlometh l.J en ~coawrdheo~ GOV. HASKELL OOIlIItruOted a lar,e truck on wheels Trade, IN THICK rmour go pomMel admlD lI'rator a' bODd of 1 s r v ,., . • - ••- - pro~4ed witb a cbef In attenda nce. a Patten was STATE forc~d to unload at a loss CAPITAL ROW i OF tllO. If 01\ would llke to supply .ton and all the Implem entl of a rea· of $2,000.000. A Dlequlet'ftll Report. ID matier of .taM ot Cathar ine taurant ldtchen . With tbls he per. '1. It 'tru .... alked Ploddtn l Pete. Patteo's he.avy specula tions In cot· your table with this high- . H El R E' 8 a 1. Mouati. KIbbey deoeue d. b. Weod. "dat J~UI a. orrerln' work to anybod ambula ted the bualeat thoroug hfares ton fed blm last Maroh to y looklq for custome take a ways , 'T .ome" oW eo..... ~1 .. rs and with so "pleaau re" trIp to England to look ov er grad~ silverware free of ' wn, admiD tlkator , ."h wUl aD· thing doing In Ok· "Y.p:' repll.d lI'armer Cornto...l. much luaceall that. ~cordlog to the the sltuaMoo . In a s pIrit ot bravado I Deuel ....nted leave &0 8811 bonde. cost, write us for our spelahoma, Tile y Munltul. an italian review publish ed he deolded to vIsIt Manche "J'" tab oa ,our ooat u'-" ster, th e I bn vee n Joyed lCe_te of Barah E. 8nlder . de"Not ••• I'm , ..' • •001it MDt In flve lanfUA8el, he probabl y bir English cotton spinnin g cente " nd cial offer. Address stateboo d a ll~tle oeaeed. Lewil C.Kah an appoin ted . . . . b, 4.r other f.lI v ntured on the floor of tbe cotton x- I .... to 'nrlf1 a fore long have several Imitato rs. more than three change. adminl atracor at bond of 12000. " ~bI. rumor:' yeara. / but seldom STANUID fASBlaN C:eM P_ Patten dld~ot remaIn 10 llg after the 8 day passee tliat Not ,t Home In London. It· 11 " . . . .. SImt. New brokers recogni hIm. He was No Argume nt The... you cannot plok The maVin, wonder s of London. t he· "booed" ort the zed floor and out of the nw.en - 0IlC8 aked allIUI of a eour .Ireatee t olty In the world, up a newspa per ' do not buildIng by two score ot brokers who George All meyer, 27, ,-am.h r of tempere d lJUID. who uld: and find the new· oommeDd tbemsel ves to every visItor. bad lost lleavtly on account or hIs est atar 10 tbe "Try to eoa.IDoe me tbat 1 oUllht to "I had Denr dreame d tbere ~nkllD and M1'8. ~ Yeario n, 37 ( were so mani{lulatlons. OutsIde tbe crowd - ' . .... fiag doing eomeJU&I1)' . people In all the earth." eold a ' boole\! of J'rankl in. him as "That Yankee." and he ·'liad I thouIht. YOII lUIlenable to mld.Atrtoan vlllitor. reoently I bIng. . "You was rorced to take refuge hi an office J:dwAr d F. Stephe nlon, 21S, under· ,....on ... MId ~.., "1 lIhoald Charles N. Hnsk 11. gov rnor of the have dulleD tlle face of the slty, you sbut building to escape violence. state. Is one of those ' strenuous per· t '-luIr, . of Lonlal ld aDd Ruby M. hoOmmeDded you to ~ and · bu. out the .\JIl, and the cattle die In sons who keeps In the limeligh t, and lDa=~a:a;n~, lOQrMl t" Blaok, 27, or Loyela nd. yOW' pNHnc e. But 1 wut to go I~aa · tbe newt\pap' r men 10 Oklahom a con· ~1lmbe ~Ie~ptt:.-;: ~ -•• --_. bome wb..e the lun sblnel," And he HELEN TAFT IN Alben II. fOX, 66, laborer ' of t~ ROLE sider It a poor day when the oblef Ch_~~~ ~_'7 i I'nDkU n aDd EUen Cox, 41, or Frank. • What Keeps q.e World Alive ereat and stretobe d out his ; OF U S "FIRST LADY" exeouti ve doel\lI't do.. sometb lnl to ~~~_brn' _ banda. od41y enough. just. In the dl. ! ~~~" ~ ' ., Un, mnke a story. 1 There' l 'be world at large ; ~wn, reotlOll 1I4lere hili country . .......-........ ~ .. Iua I lay. "I In O,klnhomn hadn't shed Its terrltorJ al :~~~e Wh "" II W""'o .. home," he , . ...... , village , ooun'r y Ha. 0 C I. TY a' I .. ,b .." a "Hom. '" b, ro," It, "' g"'""' " ........ .." . ~ Was h I 0 gton passed thatloog David Lewi. to Edna II. Cutler, abou$? A man'.1I 81"oh for hi., God. banll deposit guarant y. ~c::......, :~~.:.-a:.. was greatly Inter· I Th t t l I tt bia struKK le to fill his .tomao h and t d some Ill'''' .. _ ......... ----1\"'. -....... a oer any a rac e u............ .. alx .iD aamilto D towDih ip, $50. h'- d-ire for hi. ""ate. I.t Is ested whQn MIse attentio n and . It got milch more pub- ""f0Wl on , ly r h 4lD~U~", Compot ltora. B'-'d Ell Hi ... _ . . . . Helen Taft, nine· lIclty "But wh~n you .. OI8p the must Democr n. at" UKly u tn conven. a ~r::. 881 l[)ve tbat keepa the wbole patheti C 8&PI). u he toyedadulit." Reggy ~waF£ :'~ t en ~ year old wltb hJP hatband . And "be nd. to J, Alber' ShDUlI, fi8.45 acre. in maauo are,her . Flne', _ . e' ....... , .tton at D nver made It the basis of ~~ elender ohordA ••that I blVe a great deal of ' selt.pos , .... tile ~ tile _ _ ell WA1 n e town.b lp, '1. :~u::~e ., ~e~tt. one o[ t\le party's plattorm planks. .... IOD... n;aru "=""; .. -~ Next cl\me the mUBS that resulted _blip, -~~a: J o.. - W, Wtl--n , Rlohar~ ROBe blndlnl ( men and'wo men. The Ught W. . . ..I4I1a.__... n_II__• "How fortuna te." re"Ued MJss T", lD a woman '. eyes, 'he .miles of turned to the In Haskell 's retirem ent a8 treasur er ".. WhIte House from or tb e ca~lpalgn commit tee. Then aDd T. II. Soofiel d to Flora W. T": childreD , the aolloDB men do from ~.::!= :on:!~ ~7!:~:~~d h::r:r:: ; ~!~~.I trio .8& aores iD Deer1le ld towDeh lp, affecti on-the ee things an~t at ~~: came the land fraud cbarges, which krep the po..... you."-8 tray Btorlel. . I took 'ull tbe S()r have nMer been thoroug hly thresbe d Lon M. lirilwo ld to B. E. Rapp world alive. Notllln g ma"era bu' • _ • \ clal duti es a~ the out. aDd '1'. U. Rapp, trae' In '1'Dr,le oreek that, The worsl man caPital to ald her Now it Is a figbt over the state lovee aome~ . \ A Frightf ul W~ body. I The f th I d" best man 10v88 every. cupltlll, and Ooverno r Haskell may. be. towalh tp, t.OO, mother 08 "first ady a r e Iln . found the thfck of the battle. Tbe of train, antomo bile or bugJi:Y may It was at a dInner to the Prince and capItalIII boe Barah A. Worley \0 Eleano r B. body. been located In GuthrIe cause onts, brutses , abrluiloDN. P rincess Fusbim l Japanes e royal vlsl· -•• - • sInce I: -WI"', Oklahom a beCame a slate. but in Unlo. eprains town.h or lp wound for s that demund to·rs. that Mias Tart U V _ N .... _ Old Ulcer~ ' Buokle n 's Ar~loa &Ive earth'8 role ot Wblte HOllsefirst 'entered the Oklahom a' CIty nl18 wanted love aDd --.....'on. the bQnor hostess . The I I d Are unll,ht ly and daDlerO Ul'. grea t 8lI t h. eft. Ier. Qu \0 k I II f b d . a\ld the perqll re s e tes an on oharmln g grace with whlob the pres!, lhe matt r wos left'to recenl y W CD William 8. UnKles by to Dallas Dr. Bell 's An'ieep tio Salve a vote of the will heal promp ' oure rellults For burns, dent'B daughte Snnbb erser aDd CharI" J. Brooki , them prompt lv. It r eonduct ed lhe funo' people Gulhrle lost. The ,matter waH la oleao and boll~, sores of all kIDds, eo~emll, . tlon (Iaus{ld 'rae'tn OOUDt.., much favorab le commen t carried to lhe courts and Injuncti ons. pleau n'to nee. 250 ' a box. t::;old ohll.ppe d handlil lind liplI, sore eyes or ~mong J eleot In ~he capltal' s socIal mandam uses und. suoh tblngs were everyw here. oorns, its enprem e. Surest pile oure circles. the In Her appeara nce may bo otten Georle O. Banker and Mary A, • -. 250 at Fred C. Mchwa rtz's . repente d from this time on durIng ber th~:1~~ on 1\.9 be l!eard BaDker to (''lDciDDati and SpriDI the result of AN OLD CHURC H • _.. fath,er's Incumhency. nccord.lng . to the vole Governo r Hasll field RaI1.a 1 Co ,'rae' In i'raDkU D ell prepnre d to FEEDI NO SWEE T CORN those well Iptonne d of officIal and S()r move to (jkluhomll City. 'OWDlIhlp '250, Bethel Old l.icbool Baptist obnroh He moved 1l1,,1 life In the oapltal. I'nDk Lei.t w AUie 8. Brinin ler, a' Ule .nmmi t of Fort , In an '"utomo bll e and establi shed hIs Anolen ' h. Ut, "I wonld Uke' to know wbllt' fa. ,At the . F.ushtm l dinner Miss Ta~t oft\ce In a hotel. The s,e cretary of 10' in Frankl in ,owneh ip ,5,0. . ' not wore ber fI.r st grown haa now passed the ceDtur y mark in 8ulta I woult get ·up eve- $tate went him . .but dldn't take froUl teedlO[{ nlog gown,. 'but bel' . first full . Ien.g th the s~al ot wIth CharI.. B. CoD over aDd Laura B. ttl exilMn~ and fJttlnal tbe ' common wflalth.. ·' ~n ' Ii y celebra ted sweet corn fodder to fa.ttenin~ lllmbli dress. and oarrled her!lelf wltb the 'Wlld ' mldnlgb t ButO, .rlde DO Olftclal Conov .r to Cincln utt aad Sprinl - lu cenHn nial Suoday ·. . lIany were or sheep. Would it do to turD in a grace .and di ~nity ot one aceustome~ -sped to GuthrIe . r:tl)1tllred the field Ilatlwa y Co. ,trao' in Frankli D ia .aUeDd anoe from selll and' Lebano n, Day- bunoh 6f sheep in a sweet oorn field to. th~ position of htO~Or In sucb tor, took 1t to <lklaboma CIty The' . towDlh lp,ll100 . as: .' mal' and trying fUDC Ions. ' Wo. W.t carroll toD,' Wayn. ville, in August . se'c retnry of state got n dupU, I , after the ooro b tUi been Her gown' of white was heoomln gly Blstant .. , . CharI.. 'V,. (Jpd.1~e aDd Katie Up Bl•.noh8l~r and MprlDg . '1 d" . h b d l" b' I '. ' , ' " cat-e ~ell. an atu, deepite ~e.rked and hauled O?t of the .fielil?" decollet e an~ ~a~~ 8S een 0 ng us nesll en tra~n. Her hair In ,Guthr:le: dyke to Ctnotnna~i and 8p~~eld the inolem elloy of the : .' " . ':'" " weathe r anc) There would be no di ffioult.y iJil was dressed hI keepIng "Ith the dIg· Ratlwa y Co., baot lD i'rukU D \oWD~ the oelebra tion wa. R:l\skell got· tnlo troubJ'e wIth deputy . , qnle' bu' eno. turDtng lamb!! ot' sbeep OIl stalk nlty ot her ~own, ~n:! I,t here w~1 nott- United Slates marshal s, nnd IblJl there:· · oeaful . The fea'ure of tbe mQrn· fleldef rom whioh s.weet ..... 'oorn had ~lnd.gnOtlff;hhee~OI~~e :e~ ~~'~vo~~at~~, o~ . was .tl\lk ,qf ~L cOJite~h Pt . 0iI0&r .J. IWwar de to Olin T, Ed.. Inlll81v iOe wa. the sermon .'or ,cc:iu.~t ' 'proe , . . . . . . . ceedlnp of ~v been jerked or remove d . OJ OOnr<lA ' Jkyo Mawr . s~tP~I~e agllinst· t e governo r. A .' warde 10' in W:ftJA.. vtlle, '1. d her . w"bll,e s he daughte r of the gavin'np W. J. CoraeU , of JackllO nvllle,l lI ., you would be able to turD r was atoned ." Into lI.n ob wos actIng as m1strl"9B ot Ute Wbl,te ai ' she. was Au.. B. Cook ei al to .()ac;Jar J. In 'he afterno on . Rider· about to board a ·tralD for ' Aylor waa 1\ _talk ' field muoh earlier than tbe 1;10uae and "flrst I;'~l i~ \l)e~:nd.; , Edward a 1Jao' iD Wa7De towoilh lp the ohlet llpelile r. The OOUDty lahoma City Iq Gutlirte. Tble'· and ordina r7 ~lBlk field, bot otberw lse ' ' b'ItU" 1 b~ontd~:te:e: . cOli~se a:~ B~ brougbt oU,t ta~ of !:DUnla tb tbaliltal.~ .1800. · · S a a '.. . the oomple te hl,to..,. wu revle _A ,. .. ~ I aee little advant age . in suob !l fi'1ld Mawr, but s11.e I. sllld to have reallzll8 order. (''''rl. . . . lro"GJ Ian E, BrO,!D , a' the IImoee A:ltolet bef tt hu beeD .. b.el, 11&".;1. over 'he ordina ry· ODe, ua.t ber mother must .not be ta~ed tle 'and' baa kept ' HaakeU ' aDel .0" .111111.... , wttb,:-U the~w;::!~.= . ~ t1l . . ~~Uo ere. '.





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O · HEALTHFUL HOMES EAJ;!NS 0000 SALARY TO MARRY ne of tb t1 eSHeoti als for fumil y AND Alt hol";gb he hils b en blind ~inoe A m .)n g the seoond cl1bin passen OFF I 'E Ilf.. ,',.. n hmne, \v!t,hln wbloh the be wile 9 montbl l of age, COllblullUI ChDC.d -:-lods Onrblul.d- hfu ~.bQ nt Ravmo nd gers a rri vi ng un th" Cunard liner _ _ _ _ _ _._ . MAl ' TIU£f.'I· bHuren , Hu.fel y llroteot ed, oRulltt ain Lellhey . who Wt>S burn Ilnd lived 1n !vernia at Boston the other day VA1. [.).;'\' 'rE I.E l'H ONF.-- '.\ LL 11\0. II- ~ t, their b tlH t morl11 nU ll physio" ,l de· XtlOiu , nu tilli yellr 01>0, is ~owRble wel'e m ore -hun ., ' .' velopm Ant. Everyt,hln~ within the til tllks It. positio n us singer one h un d d young in a tbe w omen from Eugll1ud' nndre lr~ltLnd CHEsnUT UD FRONT SIS., COlUIIBor,mno , n I ('I{ ' FAI' d n Olll e t!bouhl lIe uooe for the good of ater i n t:;oottle , W usl1 ., at a. sda.ry of mnn y of wb om declare d t hl1t tbey , 9 , , "NI-~, ' ILor an Manage r the f",Dllly ItH II, wholb, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!"! out fur the In- '30 a w eek . A ol\}IlJing fr om a VRn h od Oom '!'~~ e bere purpos ely to w ed , - - - - -' (}I vldulll alone. Elloh lunst, to a de· Co nver paper, reoelve • d by reilltiv es The first on e to m eet her sweeth eart RateI'! of Subscr iption LESS WHEAT EXPECTED '(r( fl, El ubor<li nnte hIM own wishes b e re, The Conse.rv atlve tell8 ChInes of th t! a ocepton 03 o f t,he was Miss Mllry Gr eave, Il s h 'i klng ... ll lie \' ~ur \strh'tl y Iii all VIII"'. ) , " ' , . , ' 'LOlL SII'Il I" I'IO UY. .. " " ' ". "." , "', ".. "., "00 'or t h,. good It.1\, eryone knows how In ten sely con. lif thl'! "ost.. It· is t ho p osition by the youn g mao, E.,"' port!:l of wh eat fr om tbe U n ited who Ie brunet te fro~ 01dhtl.m , Eng. Willservllt!\'e I.h Chln afllan Is, tllmll.v, not tb l\ individ ual, tbl\t Is 19 yeo,r8 of age. Ins tructio ing tes f Ol' the 12 mon t h s en(lIng 8hort of a c"lln rge ot dynam ite Noth n given lam AlexnO lier Abbott . Worce ster , will gilt th R unit of our oj vihzo.ti on . him at Infltitut ions fol"the eductl tion had pRid fo r ber pssa Rall's of Advert ising a new Id ea Into hI s II ud , and th o u ~h age here a nd wi th June, 1910, s h owed It reduoti on TbiH fl\QIIl ,v hfe iR posai ble only of the blind in this stllte, n uuclfug Im·IIIH. per 1f1L0 ,." • • • ," " , ", bl' Waabio g \Vos provide d wlt.h 1\ marrla. ge lioe ns e of obo u t 2 1,000,00 0 uutlhels iu qUILn- his ruler!! may be lIu tiollsl y tin ker in g fl lltL.lllng I Alca ls, lIlack lil.·O. liIlr lin. " . , '"C when there iF! u certl1ln degree of ii!- ton with Innovat ions . John hlnaUllI.n him. IlDd Oregou h avfl en~ble4blm t o when he met h er us s h e atepped off tity from t h e exports of the oo rres 'I&IIoIHilld Aug, not tu xc tl 111'0 IIl1!lIf eel( still jogs contcllt ec\ly a long' the oltttion , It is n ot pOBsi ble In a hotel hke tho positio n, The p o ndin~ ollppin m ool.hs or t,il e previ ous olc\-fashlon ed paths, It Is g SIlYS the gan g!>l" uk , Three III8tll'LfoLl 8. , . ,. . " , " .", typical of 2~r or a largH apartm ent house, Uhlt.lnrl llM. 1\\'0 Inl'l'l'l< In lo; oVllr Ih e or in "Youn g Leahey is a.ble to make hi - - - • . _+ - - Corn IIhowed u r ed uctiun of about tll to Chin ese Mlra l lito thnt tho farm er ILld.lltI. per IIno, , . , . , , ", , , , , " /1(' fln yollrnm un isti oket.tle mrmt . Prlva WI1V about the slreets wltb the boid DINING OUT WITH FRIENDS l,OUO,OOO l1Ush els for the same peri v.l shou ld use the primiti ve, Ineffici ent 'ard o r thauks. , ..• ,.",. ,". , . , , . • . " 26(: ov, Indepenileno(ll. bealtbf ul 8ur of Il onne, and has bee wooden p low that has been In use RlltIOlutlo n "' . " .•• . , ,. , .. , , • , . . , , . , , • , . DOc Mellt and dairy produo ts deoline d n a. famlllu r In th country for thnusa ndR of yeurs 80cl ..l~ 111<' , Wh UN cJu.rgll Is lILutlll, , , • , • • ~Utl roundi ng"" unselfi sh affeotl on-the 8e fig ure on tbe streetfl of How a Boardin g House Romano e B. In VA lu e of exports from ~14.(j,OOO,OOO Vanoou ver -- nrobllh ly wIthout any "iteration at l)ls VIIlY Ad vllrUs lng per Inch " , " , .. " , " • . Hie make fnmlly life more desirab gan Betwee n Two Homeleas Lodg· le tban during bis vucatio n periou s.-XeUla ID 11109. to SUO,OO O,OOO in 1\11 0 pat tern. Such plow!; as th s 'otUIIit'ollnt s Klvu Li .m co nt,rac ~ t. ers Who Had oue No Acqualn tanclli. Imliviciuo.l lifo . Gazette ,' ton whil e l1l!owin g!l tII.1I of 500,000. r.;ny IIlw lI)'8 se a ll lh tt banks ot ~be . EROh membe r of the fllmlly sboald Yang·ts e·kllmg ri ver. Not until boardin g houses oeaBe to ~OU p ounds in th e quantit y expol'te d J I,Y 1 7, 1910, ChronI c Sore Eyes fop I 8rme p er S0nfll res ponsibi lity for -exIst will all theIr romanc es be wrlt· d evelol)e d I1U ill cr el1s8 of 32,X mil. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' tll R bome, t1VflU tbfi ugb Are.BI1f'lIy oured with utberl/ lou's t en, Shabby romanc es , Bome of them it \s only to lions dollars In t,h e value of export Engle Ey e Stllve, It is l'oinleS 8 and nre, like thnt of the young woman w~o be I)romp t at meAls ~bortlll g htellue"1J 1\1 U,uRl1y vollln Imd to bo cheerbarmlel lll und guaran teed , 250a box got BO tired of being called "poor bU8inel'8 . ful. A greater son8e of re8pons lbll· Sold everyw tary , - --thIng" because 8he received no invi· here. --- .---~Ity in the home- tbis is whllt the ROCK tatlons and had to eat nil her meals EFELLER'S TAXES Unde rtake r and Emba lmer. A fnll MtnnlllOh i8 Il Une workin g nati/m ca1l8 at th boardin g house table that she for . 1'he ~Im of the CURIO SITIES OF LIGHT capitlll NING took to eating alone onoe In awt\lIe at Tllxes OD Forest Hill been 1I0bool 18 to train for lire and for olt. " Will be found in the old a ' cheap Bnnk Buildin g, opposi e IZllusbl ll, yet muoh of the alfort Orioln of the Electrlflclltion Manl· Iy Iylng resta urant ; and then brazen· Inoreas ed over 560 pFlr ceut uy the Taln ted money dllptmd 8 IIlthgel,her about the frlendll who bad Quodre t.he Nlltion al Bonk. nulal feated Apprl\ f"Us In i~ers. a for Thunde lllok T h r ev of Storm vnl right Is eXlunpl upon itM IOOlatlllll , e and lnvlted her to dinner. Toloph ono in house and of· Stili Unknow n. t~lllnlllg In tbe borne. There was a young man ln that ue tbe favorit e bome of John D floe where J OL\n bo oolled house wbo never went Weedil d ou'ttllk e rool in tbe worll' 'rhe sohools have mnde their 1:.eday or nigllt. re elth· Rookfe 1\er at ' 1,415,9;10, and 80 re A young glrl In charge of two cbll· er. The first night the anywbe girl stayed out portod to County i \ uditor Prest1e n, .oil they Olltl fiUlI ginnin g; l11/t,ny bOll108 bave not yet dren, Rrlelterlng under Va.lley P hone 1'-2. a tree on Ufe's desolati on nearly overpow ered ... July 1. The la8t apprais ment of st.arted . T bey I\wult 8n ImJlul~e to Chbloh urst Common, Bil YS tho London him. "Even Main Street, that Wayne sville, Ohio• poor little whlte Be sur., Y')\1 art! rllCht" the n £0 aot up to the rel'ponl lihll\ty of re"t- SIlh.ere, was 8truck by IIghtnlng and .faoed so\lI hl\s mnde frlends who want thil . prl)per ty, in 1900" W il l • bead aud v .. rifv It . klll~don~ of thOB'8 dreadfu '252,22 l Instance s her," be said. "Nobod 0, inK bel\ltby , vigorou s ohiltlrn n. of the sort of persona l touch wltb I'm no good on earth." y wantB me . 80 Uluoh for tbe spirit that Dlllkea whIch lightnin The IItree t. m ullius IIf to Utty .... u g sooms to select Its Then on rare occasIo ns hll plaee 'a t MARKET PIGS WHEN "RIPE " h\)wefl )Josllible. But there are DU1 victim, Cor though one child Is report· Good for Nothln c but the E,ea ' tbe Isallers of tnUlllrr ow t.he table was vacanL "New friendsY" ed to bave been thrown down, neither, asked the landlad y, terilll nf! d!4. .... AS SOOD al the pig8 are in Tlll1rket· apparen tly, was ' Injured . There are "Yes," lied tQG young man. Peophl bay .: "01101:1 III II clog',. able oondit ion-"ri pe," "8 the botch· 1'n te nOUS K mtut1 Instano es of t:ourse. or. this One night the man and the girl met age," but dOI('II ' I\I(t111 v ~ ry S ,) I rhe ~olllotiQo of the home mu· t Btrange selectio n, du ct in 1Il0st oases, 10 a 116-cent restaura nL They blusbed . ers Ray-le t m go . It does n ot C. W. HEN DER SON ,M.D . ---probl'.bly, to some acciden t pay to feed the animal a fter it is fit . cloth· they fenced. tbey ftnally canteue d. Buw OlitS Wl:lll! 111110 cJ" " IJi ~"8 all- hI'! mude wit,h grellt oore. After de lng. There IB" a weH·remE'lnbered case "We're a Wayn esvill e. Ohio . palr of frauds," OIdlng lIald bow the muoll y(\U oan offord to whIch happene d some years ago at other of tbll !C'UDe IItam \) ! girl. ''It'B awful to t.hlnk that ' toEvery Body 8atlsfl ed p>1y,Oh l) (Ie the he8t POtl lhle 10cII Ii I,y Cambrid ge, when three young men nIght when we go home we will bave Main StreIt Wbo has tried Dr. BI!I\'s Pine-T ar· Valle v Phon 153 A Pain Remed y in 1,oint of (1) hel1ltbt ulne"'8, (:!) onn were walking acrOS8 an Olllln Bpaoe of to Bwear that we have been dining wlth Boney for cough!! , ooIds, ~rlp or u.ny Both Intero!l l ~ .. d e.xtHrtllll ill l1PeU. vl1nltmce. Cboose Il 1>llIce where ground, and the middle one of the friends." throat cr bronoh lal tronble . Get a three WIl1I struck dead, while the otbed dally b,v "Ioost tH"'''Y ("mil,. pur~ air and sunligh "Well" IInld Ihe youns man, "aln't bottle t olln be had, ers were today. Look for the Bell on Keep II. bot.t.le of Ilr Rull',. Anti untouch ed. Tb e. InQuest weY" the BoUle. , Pain (1'')01) for 1111 kinll,. of bo~ p l where tbere i8 no marsb , dump oel Bhowed that -the young mall who was Il1r, or uKd odor. troobl0 8, Ext.MIl " II v or outl't kmed bad nails ln hIs boot ... wherea s ll'ASTE OF FLIRTING " EFFORT barDS, sprlilo8 IUll1 ,,1\ plllns , ~ trung · While ' four wall8 Rre to "Iva abel the others were wearIng " boaUng n African Boy Servant l, shoos. I Iy ~otlReptio ~ .. ILI evervw bRre. ter, they must not shut out The "boy" servant s at Nalrobl ln air llnd The pbenom ena or thunder stormll Married Womsn Who Acted on Maga· Central Africa, lIeem to have reaohed IOllltbi ne. 'fberef or6, lIeleot 11 hon!le been the 8ubject o~ much IItudy the limit.. of. 'ncompetence. "I used zlne Advice Find. Her HUlband STEERS FALL OVER BLUFFS Into whioh tbe sun oomes , Hunllhl ne have to lmprellB thoroug hly on my own In America. But It thunder storms Coldly UnlulOe ptlbl •. oolorll apples and the obeeb of the can be clasalned, they RCe IIUIl not peraona l servant ," writes an Engl18b TW(llit eere of the Polled 'Allgu" ohlldre n too , Sunsbl ne 8he had been readlng that a titled rellident, "that hs must never baod Ibf)Wll up thoroug hly underst ood. We do not IJreed, ~IODIIIDg to Frllnk Townsl ey the dirt: 80 Ihat 11 rOom English woman advises marrled women me anythIn g except on a tray. I yet Ie oleaned tionsknow what are the exaot condi- to ftlrat with thelr bUllbandl. As sh. hardly expecte d him. howev'!r, to bring which lead to a dischar ge of of ne..rUtfto p, lell tllty r~t over ofteDer . It trills many diseue electric Ity In the form of a llghtnln g- ftniahed the arUcle her husband" cam. my boots ln on one, and carefull y "00.,· .be pllfl• • t ,b.t pl"of\. few duy gArms. It mllkes plauts Ilrow, aDd flash from cloud to cloud or from home to dInner. She ran to meet hIm. ered with an afternoo n tea oloth! But. ago, and miracol ou81y ...t4C8ped with t 1M ODe of the bost medloi "A llttle late tonight, duckyd oo.el· atter all. theae boys 'Were raw naU.,ea, nes for the 'cloud to earth. We ('..annot reprodu ce ont tnjury. 'l'b!l .Dlwal .. wer~ Ick Bnd feeble Sunshi um," thunder ahe said wlth a dlmlllln , .mUe. perhaps a year bernre runnIng about and Hghtnln g In a laborato ry. ne saves We de. not kDow what Is the origin of ~ - ~ .... vtol'l~ , tlfe'"o)\lf'd nd it IA foel s180. "What'l l that ," he growled . with a spear attendin g to their cattle." She looked at hIm archly, the electrifi cation manifes ted In a A good many of tbem had not the ftppol8 d Mut to n.,,,r tbe edge. LIWS "remud a for factorll \s, sbors IItorm. "Don't ybu faintest dare DoUon of what eoap wa., or to klss me," abe utand tbe "00 unde. I,beir reet beOllme 80bool!l; and lodging boulum, tbat tered. bow to use It. One very busy Euro~ - - --d*obe d, preoipl tattr;" tbem over "Gee," he orled, "I don't Intend tol pean mother told a boy to wash the eaoh per800 shoold "t leallt 300 Work 24 Hours a Day 'be brink. Two. b,?9II, Lestflr Reed Wbat put that In your bead?" thUd'1 face. He simply covered the The busiel! t lItt,le things ever aDd Clal'l'n ce ~pariow fonnd , be oubio feet of sp8oe. She half closed her eyel aad 00111 chUd's face with soap and left 1(1 , Bftoaos e the in8pect or doe8 nol mLlde ure Dr King's New Life Pil\l~ 8urveyed hIm throU&h tb.e drooplD i .&881'8 at tba balle of tbe olitf~ clnd come Into your bome't o \lee bow Ever,V pill!a Ii sngl1r ooated globule lashea. took them back t.o their owner by yon Uv , y"n Lending HIs Face. ehould not dQ worMe by of health. t.hut change s weakne l'" "Do nt' you want to lIit here by me e The old professo r was very Ured. He bringin g tbem twO mtlea throuM b iuto h, Ilt.ogno r into energy , on the sofa '" abe cooed. exphdne d why. your ohildre n than tbe pottoe do for br~ln8tton~t fllg Into mental power ; ourlng the Olloyon Ilnd fordloK the ri ver "No, I.don't. Wby. you told me onl), "I baTe been Sitting tor four boure the poor hODlel!)!!s tramo. Conltlp lltinn, Headuo he, Chill., 0Y8- yesterd ay that the Iprlngs were .etwUb tbem this 8fterooo n," aald he. "for my por· It the wlndow ll well soreAne d til pAllAin, M"\lIrWl: 250 at Fred C. tlng weak. Aren't you feeling wenT" trait. .... I'll never do It again. I am keep out flies and mo nultoes WAre Sollwl\ rlz·s. She laughed 80rtly and sbot him " Ured to death.» Tvvoln One • ~ , . -----IIlde glanoe aDd drew In her oheen ''I wonder ed from t,he first." aald' Ill. .-- ---.--.Dr • .Bell s Ant,I.P aln ,itl both an in- kept open el!pech lly at n.igbt, t.l\i8 , ,-- - -----.. -and lIashed her wblte teeth and per· friend, "why you T ypewrlt ten Signatu terDal and ex~ r'b II I reDie d y . I t Is 8ma118 paoe would not b6 80 U~llJJful j should lend your res. "I had a lotter from a friend today;" ceptlbly winked. oounten ance to a thlng like thaL" .0 a8tillep tio remedy !tnel destroYIl but it i8 .. oommo n prnctio e to ~leep lIald a literary man, "giving me a wIg. He drew back luddenl y. disease germ8 ~old uveryw here on with windoW 8 closed. The efleot of ging tor sIgning my tYllewr ltt n let· "What's the matter with you T" he A po"ltI ve goullo t,ee M'ore Thin He Dar•. thiM 010s8 air HI not al w"'ys down. ter to him with the trpewrl demand ed. "Who Bre yOU Imitatin g? ter, anil J "Oh, love," - - - ~. slghed rhe flenUmental " right, IllnesS ; but it causea debillt.y noUned hIm at once Can't you make your face beha.,eT" tbat b e dIdn't lover. "I would these were the kDlght. Man bas DO l~Uenoe wltb a balk, aUli dlltinoJ \ndlon t,o move She picked up the paper Ihe or haG work, know what he was talking about, I b ly days of old. that I might go forth b t '1 I k bt ' , told him t had written the letter wlth l)een reading and lIung It Into the and (Jertorm OWN, u )" 8 WOW,,1l oug to Ilt/ld tbus glvtls ~' ohance for disease my some brave deed to prove own hand on the machIn e anrl It decorat ed' ,w aate b·asket. be Pfttlen~ with. b~~.V mHO, t J get hold of tbe ~er80n. "'08 flroller to IIlgn it In type, It I "There' s nothing the matter with my love." "- , _ "But 10 you may, George, " Inter, . N a one onli tell . where t.he mi8tl1 had ~rltten the letter with a pen, I me," ahe coldly replled. _oltio g " olg"r now lind then Is ken Idellltll rttJd that frmilh;les ville's LeadinJ l DaDUI ' "Just mur;ghig for fun, ehT Glad of .rupted the Ilr!. "Go fortb and Ipeu Illr means tolcl hIm, the signatu re wlth the flen to father." -Stray Stories, expelli lve, but notblu~ oompar flli t"klo~ oold It ill tbo sudden Office in Keys Bldg. . that. Malo 8& SUmBon wu tfll1lng m. t.oday obaDue s woul.l bave been all rtght, and a pen t&h Ii tl 200' t. t ~ about a lot of trouble .. was hili just wlfe 1\8 Is havmuch w au I ppor IJll a Implem ent of - Otl II elt.m 'hat we bave to f!lllr ; bu~, if ~he air wrlUng as a typewrl ter was. There- ing wltb her facial nerves, and I wall Old Fire Horae Dud. ~.obt. Is fres.b and swee t t~1l tbe tlme.?V e forf' my sIgnatu re In "Old Major," the favorite horse of type WIUI quite afraid you'd caught It. Atn't that con· do not tllke oold. tbe Hull (Eng.) tire brlgade , who ,WU' Dr. Bell's Antis eptic Salve " proper. though J admitte d It would founded 'dlnner ready T" able to find hls way from any part of 'l'be uD.o lvillzed tribe8 ~ho live not "nss as a legal signatu Good for an Skin DI.e..... re, How· the towa. to tho fire station, has JUBt O\'er, I was not wrIting a legal docu· Dlaclpll ne of Childre n. wbl're tbere Is .n u fnel oat wbale rat ment and a sIgnatu re riled after 20 years' service In the brl. In the text of For the good of the obUd. U for no ,ado. shot thernselvt>8 In ~nd keep eaoh the letter was perfectl . y good torm. other reason, dlscipl1n8 sbould begtn ., _ , otller wa~m by tlielr own breath nnd That ls my content ion now Save Money ~d lee,. iD and it 8S 800n as. a ehHd Is old enough to Ki~ trouble upon the mind, bOdies, :t>ut only h~ very sbiftltll l8 anybody Many a teaoher makes his mark can prove that I am wrong manifes t Its own will. That 1& earlier Style d1ec:otaIageeaadleueussmbition; beauty, need to do tbllt in"tAmerl0 by Reading McCaU'. 8. I'd like to hear , his, argume nt." than many people suppose. D1sclpUn8 on the rising genera tion witb a , vigor and cheerfu l. Ma,azin e and Ulin, McCaU Patte.... sbould be conform ed altogeth er to the birch rod, - - lOOn dil8 ~ rr....."-A"IMS ... D~ "0111' HOUle Many ' Yearl Old. OJ .cCaII'~ .....1.. 11'111 good of the chlld and not to the comwben the kidney. are ... M9G.\U:S MK..UIJt[ huhl yoU <lros., styl· There are at, least two famous dolls' fort and 'oonven lence of the Olean bomns for 01elln souls. parent, aiIs hly at a muderale oot of order or ' dia. houseB ln England ', one Is at Noatell The differen oe betwee n sleD(\e r though ~~!PIttt;;;:;"_ eased. ox.,ense by ko u V I D II these also are to be oonlld· Sunshi ne 'and tlrynf's s are gre"t prIory, the Yorkshl re home bony girl! YOI1 l' OS Lo d lin th o ia merely of Lord a ered, matter KidneytroUb\e"bas mlorob e kIllers, IBIllsL fa s hion s In and Larly St, 08wald. This dollB' of inoome Make, , a few c simple lr: th e. nlld balS. 00 rules for become. eO . prevale the nt t' N'sv'er 81eep' i·n" -her'e .be .room . . '. house dntes from 1690 and It contain s governm en t 0 r th • No w rils hlOIl Dos fJws '11~.~~~ that it 18 DO uncomhll d, and enforce e c III eaoh Issue. Also exquisit e Chippen dale furnltur e tliem. They can be added to " mon for a cbild'tQ be wliltloN will n.)t open from tbe t"l1 !lome SHEEP IN HOT WEATHI R valun blo InrormaLl oD as the born mllde In miniatu re. The dolls a1Bicted with ,wblAh Otl "If hOLllo atld .,or· " chlld groWB In strength ,.eak kidneys. ,If the Kuowl6 dW" 11.1111 ",otlOn, DOt money Inhablt It nre dressed ln knowl· sOIml nLllllors. Only ' gorgeou s old edge. And enforce ment of and With the blgb prloe of both wool these rulea c:bildlUinateelooofteil, ifth~ urine scald. W8 ke . , hfe 1&0.1 b. ppy liOc a yonr, Includlnl r bome . broc8de~ and the dinner service olr will be better through the a freo pallerD . Subthe 8eeb.C?r if, wheo .thecbll d reaches an "'~Qo8btne and 811uimt mean. of and lambs it i8 lmport unt tbat we scribe loday or !lOud iotl go h ,lUt! wblch they eat hi of stiver. The other commen _p ",hen It ahould be able t~ control the I b d dation or reward for for obedl· frce samplo copy. should give tbe sheep and lamb ex' dolls' hOll8e ls ~n a 'house Dear Peters· enoe than of pUlllshment ge, it Ie yet a1Bicted Wllb-fbed ·dV!emt- n liD . for dl80ltedl- trll attenM .cCall r.llaru will o"ble YOll to make 10 your • _ .. field and It not Quite so valuable III enoe. on during the most trying o"'u bomo. with your own h.lOtI •• c lOlhlDIt fur " den"ndu po' nit, tbecaus e 0 th e I N U .. '-I'''': ' novertb eles8 very beautifu l and 'e · th tr Lead the child onward rath. aeason8 Qf 'be ye"r, One ),o uf!lUlI an.' c bll.lrcn which will bo perfoct apoleo'n'8 Orit culty is kidney trou ble. au d thJ.., I!-t of ... these III Sl y lo Blit! nt, PrIce-ILO ilO bl gh c Ilh8D Ib an . y to fo , r , ce It forward . much cherish ed possession. A curl· .up .hould be towarda. ~i~~::!:{ was of the uno'mq~er"blf', nover-A cenlS" SOlid ror fr oo. PlHtern (;ataloIlU 8 . • ', trying seasons III during the l"titer AYOUB fact 10 connect ion with the Wa lovely Will GIft YM FlH r ....... ror Ilolllnil sub· ,:::~J:n::~I::-..ea pGn;lition of. difl, ,klJld, tb!" kw<J tbllt . yun 1J£:lt!d Chhipendale - ••- - - s 11100nll )' Ollr rrtends. Sood rorfme furnitur e • . BOrne of the CARE OF ANIMAL'S HOOF~ part oUhe hot months , when tbe ) scrilliloo the :idneY lind bladder and Dot to a " mC~8~ ""hen , you . h"~e,, rrelOlllm CalalnllO O ftnd Mh I'rllo Oft"er. weathe r i8 8xtl'em bud oold, e(y warm ·nnest· and specUM pas.. na known . at . TIl! Noatell . ~he / borse'Rh~;-lit'e import6 D, t Ik(A1L OlIPA"', 239 10 2C9 W.. 3.,. St..lIIWfOII habit. almost ~ple IUppote . . . " ,?ougb luog," (l18t1~88 , l::IuPVOII.e pr~i'y. II' that thl.l reeelpte ,d bl11s ture short. Women as well made miser- trocllel l,' or for ' ~ oough 8yro~, cod liver 011 it p,re also preserv ed there, conclus ive. \lllr".. of 'be anl~l\"l. Keep tbe fee' able with "ld4D'e"Y' and ,bladder trouble.' or .dootor s ba ve all fa 11M , dOD't Jose Iy proving that lt IB" genuine. of ,the "w ork borses well trl.m med or and both need , the aame& et rfiedY i beelr~ . ot bop" T..-k9:. Dr , KiDg'S • - • Ibod' as tbe case The mUd .l\nd . tb~ h~r=e ,~~r.ioid New '. DIt4oo~"ry , ~.tisfa LIVERITES---I!'1111--~otion til A GOOD PASTURE VALUABLE oolt's 'fee" must be dem~nd8. The looked a.ller as I " l1t1ed.ftl t: throat by liIl,. ::!iolJ!r ur lnnl[ 'rout)le , " It baa Raved tbons- ' old. Where, ,'c~!lt~d~.tll, oloyer " pasture , 'Pu,re water sQun as it ill few ~youmtlY . il!~(il!):' f hopelet u. tiQ",~re~A. U m8S. ,t he' "o olt i~ oompel l,e d to remllio In 'umpJe .bottle" t-erutu l)hl/rn 001<)1'-, ob9tiDl lte OOUlCh" to> drink ' Rnd ",11 the ". " l , ". . ' .' Oorn tbey will the ..table mORt of the time tLnd not ".' ' . bf "Dl8if free,al!lO '. b )illl( rr:l\llj(ftS, l~gripP l oroup, aat.h. ellt,oh'llf'l, ,two or :. " "I ..' three t~melJ "day, i,Uowe~l' \0' follow the 'mare U.- feet . " ptDP,iliet ,telling aU Llverlt ea for a Cold, Backac he and Weak Liver or Kldne) . i ~" hIt:, I~v"!' !lnll,whooplllW: 'oongh Will ptt-I,lllre 'piICA , quloldy and e()o. ilre ant to grow very" ". ' 10n"8 Bud be _boat \ \ ' .' .. ."" ~' . , ,ltgfIllny-Root, .o( the,choulI!Il,ldso'fril market , edv fctrall hf(lnolJ ",;., itll~IT ,·o~lmu•. GOo nomio" l1yfol' . ' . . _ ou'n ce of . oome crooke d. Keep Its fee' aDOJiIall~et:a , r~'R{vedt t'ro: IUjU8t~~! , ".Oll ,Tw-tlll hotitt! "rAt! ... t. rr>ed "C JA\'way s Keep In "An Preven tion is .' . , " them ",in. the aummer~'COIda , by regolar trimmi ng 'kerSvramp00 0 Dr. K~Uner ftme4foand . D~ed worth .. In wrtthlg a pound ' '. ' 1aWl'"~ I"~ .. • _ , . . " , ' IfOU96 ready Arp .h"r"~r b r ' d' &0 ~eltev8 k 'ban 1 ' d. wi 11 wear 0f cure, winter o..e ~D a or roo an " • co;' BlrigliflD!ton, N, Y" be 11111'1: and .'" " .' ' , tid or use. Oil"" h~t. rll~ ,I,eld jga. ' as' rea(JUy )beDUV ttn, Iaea~ . tbil ' piper. Don't ~e any It lake. a 8011(1 ded ,r " ' . Qf oon iaoa to trea.ln~l'It wltb Dr. DeW. Pille' . " • ~.. . ..m.take ; ' , aDd B' -W._ ,o,L Y• CI " ; h· Sy.~te Jour doUar ' Tar Boney .. 8o1d everywhere•. Loot . "· '" pDf own '6Dl'-






---_. - ...




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--- -...


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---- . - ..-------

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---_. - _-- -


, _ . 1111 a I ..... ..... ..1• . .. .w- lid. TnUII. prey'



--- -.. ...--- -





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.lCriarli~teed Wh~ri

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LeIVer ."l'tes .Pr"veot'sS'erI'O'US "S',"c:kness



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f~r tbe Bell ....' Bo~e.


1.'M~ *e"~. or otIaln worrr JOG"

and dOD"

~ t1~~~rtt:: PREVENT 8~U8t slcD~~8


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Ture F


Double. the · Wheat .y ield of Your Land

1 Y !p nd lng' h im to {Ix up the ('1.1. 1' "ol'l of a lllhulnn ce , In aAC the dn!' Ill' WUU lll allow the ~Ie k girl to be ul UI ,' c! . li e se nt C('r~rllu~ dOW D to III I' Ini1~(' Inadrc\ with a ll manner Qr 11IlpOSli lhlo th ings, Including an arm· ful or TlIl' ltish row Is a nrl a \lox ot lIl11 s lard pl a81 r s , and ns the two girls hut! 1(l1own ('nc h olh r SOUl what h e· ~YNOPSIS. fore , Lou is( brigh t n.!d Ilor ' pUbly Y Il'IS Tn lll''''. P llln~',' r II/HI ,fllsor,lInn of whrn,;h s nw G rtnu lc.'. (l l'rLrll \!(' !.od Il nh": ~' . ,·'I •• h l!~ h '· ,1 ~llrn1l1u r lVh r u th e do tor from Engl ('wondh udqUllrh' rs n t . .JIU r ~ I"1' r\ 1l1hJ s t 1\11 m"row" dllll, 'ulll, ''; 111(' ~ 'I'I "nl~ ,I,'~ ' rl "d. thl' {'il.a nUI·:l dot'lnr, Dr. \\'Hlker, be· ,A " 1\I1H8 I ll ...... 10rk .. ,1 ti l' rpr 11 ,,, 111):101. I I d t cl r S I" .he WI\.II 81 11 rU"d b y 1\ ,In.·k flJ{lIl'" ,"1 110,' n l; nway- 111 s nne or Il lrnys u E.' , verll.ltill. 1:11", l'us"",1 11 1"1"111>1 111~ ll 1. lint! I ha c1 got Til mas to Slop trying ,.,hl" h w n s 111111(t \\' 1, II lIn""f'mly 1... 1. ,·. ~ o I' xplain what h did not und e r~tll nd 1" the JTIC"rn fnjf M I~~ IIl J1I':'i (nunt' :l . "l.r"n~ 1' lIlli, ,' ufr b Ull,," 111 n cl" II... ~ hi III fH! If. I had 0. long with Ihe ha no[H'r. Il,' rlru,le nll· 1 II Jl IRcy arrll"',1 old man, a nd this Is wbat I learn d. w i th .1 n.rlc l C.d l (1 ~" . T lhl hOUSt ' \\' 111" H w nk omlld hy II "" \, ,.. I\·l'r I!lwl. A ~ Irllngo "lO ll On <:atll l'jay eve ning . b efor e, ubnut w ru; (ouud ~ Io ot to ,il-lIlh. 111 t il" hAIl. te Tl ,pr.wc.1 to bp tht. botly rof A rn "I ,1 ,\ I'm. no ." I 0(' k , IIe h a d b () n r!,!11 dnJ;l 'III -atr",,!;. Wh"M bU nlo,·,. r/llloc~ "wn",1 III" th r !>I tlln )!; 1'00111 uow llstn lrs , when '<JIlIllrr h""".... lII i,," Il1l1 e~ (ulI1II.1 1I al- so m on rapped at th e door. Tbe old 'Nry'a rt'vol\'l' f' Ctn tht' In wil . Il L HIHI In('h:. I D n.Jlry I'H,I ,flp.,J JlpNl rccl TI" Jlult "IIIY lIl a n was ulone , \ Varne r not having tJUti on m)':OI .. ""usly ,lIl'on I'll" " 1'0<1 . I)t'· Ilrl'l" II , nnd lit n!'flt he was un er taln t:rC'f iv(' .J nnlh?~ll)l nU ll t lH' (' o n\tl'~ r a r rl\ I'tl. eerlrll.!,' r~\'~l\l f d ll1l1t IIhe wu s (' nSIII:".1 abollt open In g t he door. He did so t o Jo elo nn fl ~:r. with whom Rho had tllI a ll y, nnd was a ma zed at bei ng contalked jn 111 bllJlllrol 1'00 111 n (' · W In", .nenUl hefort' th !! murd"r. ,I Amh·snn \<11, 1 fr(> ut d by LOll ifle Arms tro ng. Thomas MIss I nn s t hilt she \I'ns hl,JluK "I·rd"ll1''' was an old family servant having from 101m. 110 hnp rl fl' n d on IIlll'u,kr In I I ' • .n I11pty room. '1' ho Ilrl ~ on p. r cst'npcd 1e · 1J w th Ih 1)I":JSont 1111'S. Armstrong down II. Illundry ChUl ~. It d e\" Lnp .od thot since sh e was a ohlld , a nd he was th t' Intrt1(l ~ r wus probnbly n ",,)111 011. ,"1" II I trudo WIIS SUS!l('l'IN1 , for tho I l1trllu~ r ove rw 0 me t! at seei ng Loui s, He (crt print o C 0 bll re foot, r: l' rlrude re· sa w Ulat s he was xclted and tired turned home wIth her r Ight ank le d I h ' .prnlned. A negro found ti,,, olh~r half an 1 drmV er Into th e sltllng room o r whot prOl'cd lo b J ar k nnll ~Y ' R cu rT an d made her sit down . Arter a wh il e button. HaIney suddenl y rN. ppcll.rcd. t · h h H e srud ho nn" Ball~y had len be"IlUMC Ie " nt to t e ouse and ·b rought they had r o c~d a Lclegrn nr . Gerlr,," rvl"rs. \ Vatson , and th ey t alked . until saId that sho fllld gll'en Dalley n.n lin· lute Th Id • Id L i I l ond d revolvo /, fenrln g to gIve hI m HilI· . e 0 man 8a ou se was n _ y' S londed '''~ lI pon . 'ulIhlt'r Ball y at troubl, and seeme d fri ghtened. Mrs, P au l Arl1l8lro nA:' s bank, dl' t,11lcl. "'lUI rtr· Watson ma de some tea and took It to I"CIlted, chorg d wIt h mbezzl m('nt, Hnl~y sald Armstrong hnd wrecked hI!! OWII Ul e lodge, but Louise made them hoth b n.nk , and w all able 10 I~ nr Bolfey. A promise to kee p her presence n !Ieor et te legram coatniood IIOW6 Ihnt Paul Arm· . atrong WIlS dend. Hnlscy trapped Mrs. She had not known that ~unny s ld e WatHo n, Ihe houscl{ecl) 1', while she W11ll WIlS r e nted and whateve r her trouble ateallng from the h OU8 • ' I~· ,


CHAPTER XII.-contlnueci. "'I r e kon fOI.l b(\ttah come In Mis' Ton es," h e said, speaking cautiously. "U's got so 1 dunno what to do, and U's boun' to come out sOIDe time er ruth 1'." H e threw the dool' open then, nnd I stepped Insldo, Ralsey close b hind. In the sittl n" room th o old n egro turned with qulot dign Ity to HR.lsey. "You bettab sit down , sah," be .ald. " U's a place tor 0. woman, sab ." Things W()l'e not turning out tb e ~,ay Halsey exv ctod. He sat down on the center·lab le, with bls hands thrust In his pockets, nnd watcbed me as J followed Tbomas up the nar· row s tairs. At tb e top a 'woman was .. tanding, and a eecond glance s howed nle It was Rosie. Sbe sllrnnk back a 'Ittle, but 1 saId nothing. ~ nd then Tbomas motioned to a partly oDen cloor, and I went In. The lodge boast ed of thr 0 b ed· rooms ups tai rs, aU comfortably ful" n lshed. In this one, the . largest and airiest, a n'l gbt lamp was burning, and by lUI light I could make out a plain 'White metal bed. A girl ~vas asleep, there-ilr in a bait stupor, for she mutt er ed something now and then. Rosie ' bad tal. n h l' courage In h e r bands, a nd coming In had turned up tb light. rt was only then that I knew, F ever·flusb ed, III as she was, 1 r eoognlzed Loulso Armstrong. r stood gazing down at her in a slupor of amazemen t. Louise here , hiding al the lodge, III and a lone ! Rosie came up to the bed and smoottled ·the white counterpan e, " I am afraid s he Is worse to-night," s h e v entll~ d at last. I put my hand -on the sick girl's forehead. It was burning with fevor, a nd I turned to \Vherfl Thomas lingered In the hall· way. "wm you t ell me whllt you m ean, "{'bomas Johnson, by not t lIing me b fore ?" 1 demanded Indignantly, , Thomas Q\I&ll ed . "Mis' Louls jl wou ldn't let me," he 64ld urn ostly. "1 wa nted to. She ought to 'a' had a doctor t he night she ~m e , but s be " 'ouldn' bear to It. Is she very bad, Mi s ' Innes?" " Dad en(Ju,;h," I said coldly. "Send l\ir. Innes up," Hal sey lun e up the slalrs s lowly, loo king rntb r lut rested and incHaed to be amused. For a mo ment lie could Dot sec nn ythlug distin ctly In the darkc' ned 1'00111: h e s topped, g lanced at HOHle lind lit m e, and t hen hlR eyes f ell on tb e l'el; lh't;8 h 'ad on th e pll· low. I think he fell who It wall be (or h' I' Illly lJa II' 11cr : h o I'ossed We 1'00 111 In l\ cOll pl e o[ st rid es and bent (lv er th e b ,Ii. " I..oll lsc 1" 11e said RuftJy: but sh e odid II nl re pl y, il l,d he r eyes I;howed 11 0 .recogni lio n. Ha lsey ·w as you n g, und :U ln css wa s new 10 him . n e s lmjghl· e n ed hlJlI self 51') wl y. Hlill wal hillg ·b er, a nd cnught my arm. "SI1("9 dy in!;. AU/II. Hay! " h e sai d !h \ls klly. " r r Ing ! VI hy, Hho doosn' t Jwow DI ~ !" "FlIllge!" I SnUllPcO, being apt to crow 1frltnhle whell my sympa thl e fl n r ~ urolls d. ": h 'l; doing not hing of tbe 80rt- and d on't (lIn h my arlU. If .,Yoo wa n t 80m thi ng to do, go and, ch k e 'f hOIl1:U1. " [Jut a t th a t mom ent Loui se rou1(ld from h, t s~upor to co ugh, aud at lhe end ot tb paroxys m, us Hosie laid be r Ibac{l, ~ba ust o d, .sh e I(ne w II R. That 'W Uf! all .Halsey \\' nu r d : to him con· eclousnesB was I' ('o \·e ry. He uroll!> d on ' his kn es b !llde the bed, and tried to. t II l1'r s ho was a ll rig ht, 1111(1 we 'Would hrlng 11(>1' a rot'lOu In 1.1. burry, ...IUI how beauti fu l !1b' look '(1- only lo brenk !in"'n !Jltllrly a r).d li !\.V to , stop. Aud ut that I ('ulOe to my 'Ii USO\!; lind pu.t hlnl out, "-,)'bil,1 Insta nt !" I ul'dr'rcd, a s· he bes· 1tJ4tcd. " And . 1111 Rosie be re," It di~ 11.11 ~u fill'. H Silt on th ~ tOJ) step of tbe stnirs, DIlly I It 1'1 ng t(l ~ej 'plloue, (or (l tlo('tOI', alld gr;tti ng In '. Vt>t.ybld) ',. ~'\l)~ ill I If! , g 1'::1'0,8 to ~b r1 0: Til'. 1 glJlll!w aWIQ flu ..l-


Crop rot at ion a nd good tillag e wi ll not do it all , You n c d fer t ilizer-n 'ccI Armo ur' s , I n ,)rd r t o s ecllre. :t proper return on t he in v es tme nt in yom' land yOIl !II U;jT

lI er st prather and tb e pros p c t of Lbe lrum d la te r turn of Ul e family, thlugtl had bocome morc and more Impossl hle, I gathered thnt Thomas was as r ell yed as I at th o turn events had tnken. ' No, fl h did not know of Itil r of th o deaths In til Yamlly. Taken a ll Ilrou ud, 1 had on ly s ubsU· tut d one mysl r y for anotil r. Ie I kn ew now " hy n osh:! had luken tb e lJ!lsk t of dis h s, I dId n ot know wb{) h ad s po], n to h r and fnllowed her u long-. lh e drh' . l{ I k o IV thut ['{)ulsi was In tho locl!)r , I rli rt not Imow why ah ' wus th r . If I Ime w Iha t Arnold Armstrong had spent some lilli e Ig th e louge tb e n ight he fore It was mur· d ered, I wus no n £II' r th e solution of lbe r im e. Wllo \vali th midnight In· trurl er who ha rl s o a larmed J.Iddy and myself? \ " 110 hod fall n do\\'n th cloth es hul ? \\'U9 G ' I' lI'IIU '" lover a "i ll aln or a vic tim? Time was to answer all lh ese tbJngs.

incr 'lise t he yidd per acr e,

Armour's Fe tilizers

Old Ladl s' born and ruln 3 the ir dl, for wh eal lIa\' a rec ord o f nh\'ay s p rndll ing th e hl1~v i es t gesllon by !lending then Ice rcam nne! cake o n e \' ry boll d a7. Deyond yi e ld. U s e t h m thi s Fa llrow /livre wh e a tlake llial , und her r eputntion at brldg~ m or e m o n ey . Ask Yl)ur den ie r, whl h Is In s ulT I'ub ly bnd ~ h e is the WO('llt player a t the bridge club-J Armour Fczrtilizczr Works, . Chicago kn o\~ .HUe of her. It Wll~ s h e whit s· bad ln ken cho rge ot Arnold Arm· --- --_ ... - - - - - strong's fUD ml , howe ver, a lld 1 went HE'D HAD SOME HARD KNOCI(S, Wh at's the An swer? at o nce to lh tl'le phon e. WO're ready to fJlIlt! Aft r send ing "Yes," I said, " thi s Is Miss Inn es ." "Miss Innes," s he said volubly, " I t" 0 fe rCcclly rhymed, arcrully SCIl II · , ... t\ '~ . :'" , ,, bave juet rcc Ived a v I'y s tra nge lei . ned, 1;leasurably 8cntim nl nl 1)1 cps of ,I . , t\I gram from m y cous in , \\Irs. A rill· poeti c junk to sev ent e n magazInes . \ s trong. lIer husband di e d yestenlny und bavlng th ew return etl 'W I' lit en In a lifornla and-walt, 1- will r ead tim es, we turn to t ho c llrr(' nt i ~sll of a new monthy aull find 11 "pollle" YOll tile m !ls3ge ," CHAPTER XIII. 1 knew what was comi ng, and ) modeled ntte r Kiplin g's " " omplre," made iii) my mi nd a t onc. If Louise :lnd In whic h home Is slI pposed 10 Louise, Armstron g had a good and s uffi cient rhym wltll alone, ru n o n Ilug \ ele\' n Th e doctor from Englewood came r ea s on for I!.'a vlng h r p ople and wltll a ll tbe s well curly cues ordlnn rlly ve ry SO(lO , and I we nt up t o seo t he co ming home , a reason, moreover , s urrounding a piece of rcal urt. If s ick girl with him . Hal sey hat! gone that kept ber from going at once to poet izing Is a gift we are on\' ln cpd to s uperv ise the fittin g of the car wilh Mrs. Ogdon Fllghugh, and brought he r ttla. thla poe t's must h a " e be n. As blanke ts nnd pillows , and Gertrud e to the lodge at Sunnyside Ins tead, It for li S , we are .on our way to the wood· was opening a nd airing Louise's own wus not my Intention to betray her. shed to study tbe psychology of the rooms ut tbe house. He r 1rlvateBlt· Louise herseJr must noUty her people, ax (,r nny ot ber old thing thal hasn't ling room, b edroom and dr e~s ln g room I do not justify mys It now, but r eo to do with selling pOj:lt ry t o mas"" w re a s th ey h ad been when we came. member, I was In a peculiar position zlnes, They occliPled the nd of the east toward tl:\e Armstrong family. I was wing, beyon d the circular staircase, connected mos t unplensantly with " It I• • Mistake and we had not even opened th em. Manll bave tbe idea thut a nyUllng cold·blooded crime, an d my niece and "Fortun e kn'7,cktlOnce at every man's The girl herself was too 11\ to notice n eph ew were practically beggar ed, will sell if advertised strong enougb. what was being done. When, with e ithe r directly or indirectly, through This Is a great mistake, Tru, a door." "Fortune is a knocke r, all rlghl" fe w sales might b e made by advertls· the help at t he doctor, who was a fa· th e head of th e family, Mrs. Fitzhugh had found the mas- Ing un absolutely worthless article but A BAP THING TO NEGLECT. It Is only Lbe ar.tlcle ·tha.t is bougbt sage. ' "'Paul diQd yesterday. Heart dis. agl\ln and ogaln thot poys, An ex· Don't n eglect the kidn eys when you ease,' " she r ead. "'Wire at once It ample of the big success of a. worthy Louise Is with , you.' You see, Miss al'Ucle Is the enormous sale that bas no tice Inck of control over th e s ecreInnes, Louise nlust have sta rted east, grown up for Cascarets Candy Cath ar· tions, Pnssages bccome too frequen t tic. This wonderful record Is the r esult or scanty ; urIne Is discolored and sedl· and Fanny Is alarmed about her." of great merit successfully made known ment appears, No med icine for such "Yes," I said. troubles like ·Doan's "Louise is not h er e," Mrs. F itzhugh through persistent advertising and the Kidn ey Pills, They went on, "and none ot her frlen ds- mouth· to-mouth recomme ndation given quickly r emove kid· ascarets by Its fri ends and users. the few who are stt ll In town- ha ve ney dlsDrders. Li ke all great successes, trade Dl· seen her. I called YOl,l b eOB\1Se Sunny· Mrs. A. E, Fulton, sid e was not rented when s he went r ates prey on the unsuspeotlng pubUc, 311 kl u Ulore SL, away, and Louise I might have gone by marketing Iake table ts s imilar In Portland, Ore. , says: appearance to Carcarets. Care s hould ther e ," My limbs swelled 'I a Jl sorry, Mrs. Fi tzh ug h, but I al ways be exercised in purchasing well t erribl y an d I was ennnot help YOU," I said, and was 1m· advertised goods, es pecially an arUcle bloated over · tbe m dlately filled with compunction. that has a national sale like Cascnr· stomach and h od Suppose Louise gr ew worse? Who ets. Do not allow 0. SUbstitute to be puffy spot!; ben eath was I to play Providence In this palme d ' olr on you., th e eye8. My kidneys caso? The anxious mother certai nl y WeJl, Wasn't Ha Right ? wore very unh ealth y nnd the secrehad a right to know that hel' daughter The llIlnlster was addressing the tions much disordered. Th e dropsical \ was In good hands, So I broke In on Mrs . Fitzhugh's voluble excuses for Sunday school, "Cblldren, 1 want to swellings b. gan to abate after 1 bega.n a lk to you tor a fe w moments about u sing Doan's KIdney P ills and soon 1 dlsturbhig me. t "Mrs. ~'Itzhugh," I s aid. "I was go- ,:1e of tile most wondertul, one or the was oured." Remember the na me-Doan's, Ing to let you think I kn ew nothi ng ;;Jost Importaut orglUls In the whole For sale by nil d ~ l e r s. 50 cents • a bout Louise Armstrong, but I have ",.'orld," he said, "What Is that that /-)~~.......I'·'..j,I-------\-""" I+I-I·~II\c---""'l-j ch1t-nged"'"my min. oulse Is here. throbs away, beats away, never stop· box, Foeter·Mllburn C:o., Dilffalo. N, T, "-:~......-,,., with me," There was a clatter ot ping, n ever ceasing, whether YOll Unflattering Truth, jaculatlons at Lbe -bther end ot the wake or sleep, night or day, week In A hlcago physiCian gleefu lly tells wire. "She Is Ill, and not able to be and week out, month In and mon th moved , Moreover, s he Is unable to see out, year In and year out, without any a ch ild story at his own ex pen s , The any ono. I wish yoU would wire h er volition on your part, hidden away In fi ve c hildren of some fn ltl~r\l l pati ents ,mother that 8he Is with me, and tell t he de ptbs, as It were, unseen by yout had meas les, and during their ratber her not to worry, No, I do not kn"" throbbin g, throbbing r'h ythmlcaily all long s tay In the Improv ls d home hos· your Ufe long ?" During this pause pltal they never fail ed to greet his why s he came east," "But my dear Miss Innes!" Mra. ror orat01'lcal effeet a small voice was dally visit with pleased acclamation, heard: "I know. It's the gas meter,,, , The good dQctor te lt duly flatt ered, Fitzhugh hegan .• I cut In rqtblessly. but rashl r pressed tbe chllt!!'~ t1 , In W-1!. "I will send fo r you as s oon as s he ThOle Awful Roaohes. days ot cOhvalescense, ror lhe r eason can see you," I sol d. "No, sbe Is not :rhey s nea k out on th e kitchen elnk ot this sudden affection. Al la st the In a critical state now, but th e doc t or and look at you saucily sometimes. YOliDgelt Bnd most Indiscreet le t slip says she must have absolute quiet. W h en I had hung up tbe recelvor, I Don't fret your life away dusting pow- (jle better tl'lltb . "We fe lt s o sick that we wanted sat down to think. So Louise had fled deI'S in the crevices and buying Insecll. Make a ho~ suds with Easy awfully to ~o something naughty, but (rom her people In California, and bad cldes, come east alone.1 It occurred to me Task soap' an,d go after that 81nk, Mr. we w ere arrnld to b e bad for fear YOU that Dr. Walker might be concerned Roach and hla family thrive where :lnd t he nurse wotild give us more bor- _ _- 7"-<t In It, might possibly have bothered thlpgs are not clean, and It Is hard to rid luedlclne. S.O WI! were awtully her with unwelcome attention ; but clean the ,cracks and crevices with or- g lad to see you, always, 'cause you It seemed to me tbat LOuise was hard- dlnary yellow soaps-It Is Impossible I made us stick out our tongues, . We a girl to take refuge h~ flight ul)der Ea8Y 'l;'ask soap makes roaches hunt stuck 'em out awful far!" s uch circumstances, She had always other quarters, It keeps ID,oths out of, COlt of Spontaneity. been hlgh'splrlted, with the well· woolens, too, 11 you use it in your "I want th e office, of course," said pOised head and buoyant step of tbe laundry. the a s piring states man, "but not un· outdoors girl; It must bave been much Amazed Being Confronted by Louise Armstrong, less I am the poople 's choice." Looked I,.lke a Pattern, more in ke,eplng with Louise 's char· "We can. fix that, too," said his cam· "My dear," asks the thoughtful husW118, this complicated things. She the rly man with a family or girls at acter, as I knew It, to resent vigorous. seemed puzz led. He r stepfather and home , we g ot h er to th e house and Iy' any unwelcome attent.lons from Dr, band, " did you notice a large sheet ,p algn manager: "only you know It's b er mother were still In Clllifornla- up th e sta irs Into bed, sh e droppe~ Walker, -It was the suitor wbom I of paper with a lot of diagrams on It · a good deal more expensive to be the people's chelce than It Is to go In aa that was nil she would say about Into a fe\'e rlsh slee p, whi ch lasted should have expected to lIee in head· about mY 'desk?" the compromise candidate," "You mean that big piece with dots th e m. 'W hy s he bad run away no one until morning. Dr. Ste wart- that was long flight, not the lady In the case. co uld Imagine. MI'. Arnold Arms tl'ong the Englewood doctor-sta yed almost The puzzle was no clearer at the a~d curve's and diagonals and things Note. and Comment., . was at the Greenwood .club, and at last a ll ni ght, givi ng t he medi cine himself, end ·ot the bait hour, .1 picked ilp the all over It?" Church-Does your n eighbor pIal "Yes. IL was my map of the path Thomas, not Imowlng what else to do, a ud watching he r closely. Afterward morning papers, which were still fuU that corne t without notes? w nt over there along the path . It h e told me that s he had had a narrow ot the looting ot tbe Traders' banl5, ' of HaUey's comet. I wanted to-" Ootham- Yes ; bu t not without com· "My goodness! I I thougbt It was that was almos t midnight, Part way over escape from penuUlonla, and that ' the the interest at fever height a gain, Oft' he llI et Arms trong hi mself and cerebl'al symptoms bad been rather account of Pnul Armstrong's death. pattern I asked you to get, and the ments,-Yonkers Statesman, bro\l!;ht him to the lodge. IIIrs. " ' at· alarm ing. I said I was glad It wasn't The bank examiners were working Ob dressmaker Is ~uttlng out my new The morning after Is responsible son had gone to the house fo r some an "tUs" of som o kInd, anyhow, and tbe books, and said nothing tor publl, shlrlwalst by itl"-Chlcago Evening tor many good r esolutions. Post. be(1 linen , It having been arranged h e smiled Role rnnly. cation.; John Bailey bad been re l ease~ t.but und er tbe circum s tan ces Loui se He left afte r breakfast, saying that on bond, The body of Paul Armstronl He ROle to It. wou ld bo \> tter at th o lodge until h e t hou gbt the wors t of the danger would arrive SundllY and would ba "Do you know," said a little boy of morning. Arnold Armstron g an d was ove r, and that s he must be kept bUrIed tro~ the Armstrong ' town five to a companion the othel' day, "my Louise had 11 long confe rence, dlll'lng v el'y fJul et. house. There wer e rumors that the father and 1 know everything. What wh ich h wa s hea rd to stor m a nd be· " Th s hock o f two d eath s, 1 sup. dead man's estate had been a com· corne " e ry v iolent. W hen he left It pose, has done th Is," he re marked, pa~atlvely · 8mall one, The last para- I don't know my father knows, and 'vhat my tather don't know I know ." was after two. He had gone up to picking up his p.ase. " It has been very graph was the Impottant onEl. "All right! Let's see, tben ," replied th e house-Thomas did not know wh y d e plor~bl e. " Walter P . Broadllurs't of the Me. and many other plea, ing the olde r child, .skeptlcally, "Where's - and at three o'clock he was s hot a t 1 hnstfln ed to s et him ri g ht. rlne bank had produced 200 Amerl~s. Asia?" dishes can be made with th e foot of the circ ular slalrca. e. "S he 110es not know of e lUier, doc. Traction .bonds, wblch had been placed It was a sUff one, but the youngster The following morning Loui se h ad tor," I suld. "Pl ease do not mention as security with the Marine bank for. ,never faltered, ' loan of · '160.000, made to Paul Arm he en Ill. Sh e had a sked for Arnold, them t il her." "Well, tbat:' he answered coolly, strong, just before his CalifornIa trip. and was told ho had Ie.ft town. He looked as s urprised as a me dical The bonds wer,e a part ot the mlssln. "'s one of the things my lather Thomas had not the moral courage t o man ever doe8. knows,"-Harper's Bazaar, t II her of t ho crime. She refused a "I do not know the famllr," he sahl, traction .,bonds froni ' the T\,aders'· While ' tbls Involved the lat. doclol', a nd s llrank morb idly from ha"· preparing to «et Into his ~cp buggy, bankl p'~esldent ot the wreoked bank, to mi' , He H~d Bean Obaervlng, Ing her presence known. Mrs. Wat· " Young V\ allter, down in Casanovll, mln4 It by no n,tean8 oleared ita , 'Why don .t ·you catI your Invention son and Thomas had had their hands has been attending then . I under· · ·, .' , ' the , Bachelor's Button 1'" I ' 1U!~':ld ·n1'y. full" and at last Rosie · had been Em· stand he Is gOing to mal'~- this young '(TO ,B E' OONTINUl!:O,) friena, who, was a~6ut to put on th ~ IIs t ' d tob elp. th em. She c arrl ~d n ec· .lady." . : . 1\' .'.. market a button that a man could at· A cri; p, wholesome foodessa.ry prov1s ions - little enough :.... "You have been· mlslnformed;,, ' 1 ,:' • Why He Old Not . Come. tach wlfhout .neellle or thre ad. . , al.way,s, re'ady to serve, to the , lodge, and helped t o. keel) the 8ald stlmy. "~lfss Armstrong Is!9': "Why 'didn't YOir ccinie, Bobby, wbe.. ' ,"1, fear that the ' appellation would s cret. ., ' With frtiitsof betTies;"it ill log to' u1nrry my nephew." . . ' 1 first' called . to YOU 1" nsked ' R lOother Im,p ly tQo muoh 'restrlcHve nesil," , 1\e' Thomas told me qui to ,frankly tbfit T h doctor iimlled as he picked· up ofl ber slx:year·old ' 800, ' . answ~re~. "You· see," h e went on, glv~\ de~'id~·us. · . .' h hud b en a nxious to keep' Louise's the .rel ns. . . / . .. '.' .' ': Becaus$! ybu ·.to.1~ · m~. ,!ast . -"eel&, , ,Int; rpo one of bl,! kno""il1~ s~nes, " I pr 'senco hlddc n COl' this r ason: 1'bey' " Young laliles are. clill.ngeable tl:les,e , ma)lllDa," .. r.eplied · Bobby shrey ci11 eXllQct to do :lust as much · bus iness ·..·~The Memory LIDprs~~" hall nil !leen Arn old AI'/nstl:ong I,hat days," he 8al ~ , . " W e t hought t1~e wed., "ne ver to' accept ·a n hivltatlOJl unlass It with the married men as with t.he' .. A UtIle book-,..·',GoQc! Thing. ni g ht, a nd he, hlmsell, for one , was. ding wall to occur 800n, W 11 · I wlll was ·r epeated. 80 many people 'llQvlte bachelors," M!Ioda ·wi.tll ,Toasti~"-in ~aa, known to hu. -lllid no ver~nd ly .s tO'JTi1rtbls afttirn on to 'see how ' my y,ou once out Of ]lomeness but re~ --,.-- ---'-tells how, ' r; !.'1!1l.g for Lh de3d man : A p Lo ('h don't want xou . to come!' ' 0 At the &ummer Re.ort, P!ltient Is gettIng a l(,lng.': ·r 10 lio n for Louise's I1Igbt h'om Call· . , Soma tfm-e ahout noon oC that ~aY; ..;.'- - -.' - - - - - "I think I' ve s.een you betor. someSold G~~ lOe aucI 15c. fornlll, or wh y a,l.\ bad not gon to Wedn sdat, Mr8. Ogden .FItzhugH te\eMetl'opo~, of the Azor... . l\'hetc." th e F ltzhughs' , or lo SOlDO of II r p o· plloned Ille, J hav~ the barest I1CPouta Delgada, with a popuJatlon aI ' "'Yes, I',think 80, l.e~'11 aee, 70U aDd IJ~ In own. h e had no D1or(1 Informa· qualntllnce with her-sbe manage4 to' .:;8,000, Ii ' the 'larleat c1tJ &II u.. AlarM I were engaged to be ma1'l'le4 four tlou lbaL I had, WJt,h tbe death of be put ClD tue IOverniDI board of Ua. 1a1alada. leuona ago, weren't wer J






". \


Delightful Desserts

· }.lost







r, I



Wlt.ho ut Doub t Best and Most Pract ical Imple ment for Keepi uz Roads in- Snape -How One Is made and Its Vario us Uses.

By Litt ell McC lung


The Migh ty Trav eler Goes Buoy antly Thro ugh • Long and "Tryin g Rece ption -Para de, Show ing Livel y Inter est in Ever ythin g Amer ican

Cop)'d&1.u, I,UO. by A uoclalc .... Lh cr ar,. Pre ••

James Mercban t, "Prof ssor" Mar- and they rus hed up almost to the chant hi s scholars called him, despite ene my's tort. his youtb, longed to be out at doors. Ma rchant lunged forward , deter-. InsIde hi s room In tho Latin scbool It min ed was warm undO ullcolUtortuble. The momen t~ bit his oppoue nt again the t he s The Whit e Com pany Rece ives Uniq ue Com plime nt Janitor hud dono his best lbat da y and dre w back taggere d to bls feet. He his arm , and ns Hanson the radia tors were thr9wln g air lion scratnlJled for the Sturd y Relia bility of Its Steam Car out at the snow he let go unusual uDlOunl of beat. Outside the a ball with all his strength . But the air was co ld nnd clear and the snow, Icy sphe re slIpped From Mr. Roos evelt and Fami ly from his fingers on a foot deep, lay sparklin g like a jew- a tangent nnd flew straigh t Into the eled mU;ltlo In the a,rternoon sunshin e. ch eering crowd of spectato rs. Wbon tbe las t clnss was over MarThere was a scream . A young wornchan t arose wIth a ya wn nnd began to nn fell to the sidewal put on bls overcoa t. All tho boyg had forward and Instantak. Marcha nt ran n eollsly tho batrushed out Into th e snow- all save tle ended, for some of th e boy s wbo Walter Dea le. 1\ ha ndsome , qulck·wlt- had seen th e acciden t kne w that It ted lad or (ou rt e n. might be sel'lous. " Wijll, I sup pose you are going for a J!]verybo dy crowd ed around tb e prosslid e tb ls nrt rnoon. Wa lt 1'1" ques- trate figure and Marcha King Road Drag, nt pusbed his tion d his tl'n her pi naa ntly. wuy through the throllg to lJehold tho "No pe," rejOin d tbe lad. "GoIng sil ent l ace of a 'beaut iful youn (n y T•. W . I·l ASE. , U:-: IV ERS IT Y OF hitch, g girl. likew ise a heavy dou bl etree will KEUflA SKA "G R l ' L T UR AL snowba lling toduy, professor," he re- His snowball, whi ch mus E Xl'E I,lM cause the c utting edge to sellie d ep1 ' ; t r\T hnve STATI ON .) been pI: d. "Th ere's going to be a snow- ns hard as Ii baseba ll, had Th e Bpllt-Iog drag, or, as It Is com· er than a light One. at ru cll her. ' bnll bntll , between the L atin school All at once Wnl ter Dea m Ollly called, the "king" drag, Is wIthStrange as It Dlay seem, the heavi er le burN t and No. 33 ." out doubt the best Impl ement for the truffi c over n properly Ulrou gh th e crowd. d ragged • "YOII uon't say?" queried Marcha nt, "Sh e's my sister I" be cried, drop- keeping roa ds In shape and in mall Y road tile be tt r the road become s. at oll ce h\tel'ebt d. "I hOlle tjl e Latin pin g to a ls kn ees over lh e pros In stances Is 8S effici e nt ns an y othel' There aro very few periods of the trate s cbool drl vl:B No. 33 off tue field. We fi gure. " Some at you boys run Im pleme nt In the cons truction of yeur when tb e use or t he tor a drag does beat lh 'lLI III bllsebn ll, you kno w:' eartb roads. doctor I " nol beneflt the r oad, but It does the "Thut we uld ," agreed Walter, "bllt The Illng dra g ca n be constru cted at best work wbe n the soil Is While hi s classma tes started In s evmoist and we would n't It YOU hadn't been pitch· ernl directio ns for a physician, a mo- either n s plit log or a pla nk, bu t In yet not too sticky. Tbl s Is frequen tly Ing ngul nst Proresso r Hunson . . And tor ca r ca m chu gging up th rou gh the this s tato tb e plank is much easie r to wlth1n a half-dAY'S tim e after a rain. we won't bent 'em tills tllDO If you snow. Murcha nt ac ted at on ce. obtnJn Ihan the log, hence this brief When the earth Is In thi s state It don't ' ollle along nnd help us. Tbe "Quick ! Help me urt her In!" he descrip tion per tains to the constru c- wo rks th e best, and tbe elTects of 1}oyS told me to ask you a bout It. W com ma nded 10 the several tion fro m planks. workin g It are t ully 'as benefici a} as at do:en cer tai nl y do wll nt you , profess or, for frighte ned !Joys around him. Select n good yellow pIne, ash or any other time. The Neb rasl<n soils Prof ssor Hnll son Is going to lend' 'ns tanUy s trong young ha nds IItted oak plank two Inch es thlcl{, twelve whe n mixed wIth ~' a ter and thoroug hTheodo re Rooseve lt and Party In White Steame r,) the No. 33 nrmy ." Incbes wide, th e un conscIou s girl In lo t he Butorneand fourtee n feet long. ly wo rked become r ema rkably t ough " Th e La y s r a lly do wunt me, Wai- bll e before the owner kn ew what It Cut tbl s In two at nn angle so t hat on and Impervio us to rain a nd If comAfter fifteen mon t hs' absen e, exaotter '" naIr (1 I he tencher, joyfully; was a ll abou t. Waller Beale leaped edge of ach piece Is seven f et a nd Jlncl ed In this conditio n they become 1,. as schedu1 ed, Coloael Tbeodo re ImmediAte pa rty landed, they we re whi sked awny In Whlto St ame rs to"You just bet they do. professo r," In, s houting th e nu mber of his home six in cbes long and t ho other edge Is extreme ly hard. Rooseve lt disemb arked from the K al- t h e homo of M rs. DouglAS Robins on at. elrclahn d th boy. "They'v e jus t got to the ma n at the wheel. Five min- six feet and six In ches long. SpIke to Tbl s action serl n Au!;Uste Victoria , Satu rday mol'D- 433 Firth aveoue. A little later, when to ba va you, tba t's all there Is to It!" utes la te r a physIcia n entered the the back and along the cen ler of each s o h ard and of th e so il In b 'comlng lng, Jun 18, at 11 n. JD. To lhe keen th.e process ion' r enched the s moo h not only helps to corner of' "Th en )' 11 go," announ ced Marcha nt, warm room where Ethel Benle of these pla nks a two·lnch by s1Jt-lnch shed the wll te·!' during n min, but al so disappo intment o r a large group o t l" irty-nln t h street lay, nnd Fifth avenue.. taking off his overcol1 t. "Wult UII I sUIl un conscious. He set to work piece, whi ch reInforc es the pl ank. greally retards the {ormrnlou at newspa at per corresp onde nts, Mr. R oose,- Colonel Roosev elt again dust. get my sw(!nter out of the closet." once, for he r ealized that th case was Bore the holes for the cross stakes velt absolut ely r er-used, 8 S he retofo r.e, pr e fe~enc o for tho molar showed hJ~ The next momen t teacher and s chol· serious. Slowly the gtrl regained her about twenty-six In ches apa to b e Interviewed or to ta lk on poilU:' eral and tho White cars car ttl genrt an d In particu lar•. or joined a throng or boys kicking senses. tour In ches fTom each end wIth a two I enl subject s, but hIs rapid fir e of ques- wb en h e, Cornelius Vander theIr wa y through the s now to an For a night the doctor worked with and on e hnlf Incb auge r, usin g car e to tlons showed the same vlrl1& Interest loctor Loeb transfer red bilt and CoI-· tram their ca~ open lot near tbe school on which two his patient, and Marcha nt was keep the auger perpendi cular to In public nlfalrs as betore. rlage to W hi te Steame rs, wblon were Bnow torts had bee n built. The young him most ot the time, nsslstlnbeside plank. The t wo-Inch by tour- th g Incb It the welc;ome t endered by the In wrullng for them. warrior s bulll!d their teacher wltb ev ry way he cpuld. By the next in brace at the front e nd should day vast throng ma y be conside red a s tart After luncheo n at Mr. Robins on'. cheers and presscd forward to the bithel Deale was r e stln~ more Orc:ha rdtsts BeUev e That criterio n upon which to easily, from the m1ddle at the r ear plank and MaDY base a "re- house, th e enUre party, inclUdi ng Neare r to Groun d They CaD but the physicia n gave orders that drop to the bottom part of the tront turn from Elba," surely there was no Colonel Roosevelt agnln H~ad Trees the -entered Whlt& They Arc Short- Livod there most' be no exci tement around plank. The blli de, which Is general ly 'dIscord ant note In the Immens e r~I>- cars 'and were drlven and Unsigh her, and that careful nursing was nec- made of stock outter steel, should be tIon·par ade, nor In the wildly clamor- City. where they were to Long ~slanC1 to take a 8P~ essary to her rapid and complet e re- given t.he proper cutUng alope by ous crowd whioh cbeered at every clal train ' to the ex-Pres ldent's hom.. "lnclng a wedge.s haped strip between covery. glimpse and burlg .on his very. wQrd . (By E . R. CA NFIELD .) a Oyster Bay. Day atter' day Marchn nt visited tbe It and the ple:lk. One end of the At the present tlma ma ny orchard The Inciden ts of the day In New The suprem acy of the Whl e ca~ Beale home . He bega n to look on ber chaIn Is fas ten d to a cross stake and Ists believe ~ a t the nearer to tho York wer e many, but pe rhaps as "his" pntlent. He telt tha t nothln' lh e other passes through a ho~ In ground lhe y can head thel1\·. trees the better lIIustrn led the nervous none wtth the Roosev elt parly was ata1A energy de monlltr ated on Sunday" when thr. he could do would make up for the in- the plank and Is held I.n position by better and thou sands of trees buve and yltallty of the mb, the near-ma nla pa rty ' was driven to church In th.. grown up like busbes wI thout any to br up·andjury he had infli cted by his reckl es.,. meMIS of a pin. dolng, which be h as White Steame-I'll, and a group of ' sam.. 'i.'he use of the drag Is more satls- tralnlng at all, each shoo t. from near brough ness. But she assured him tbat his ntt back to us , than tentlon and kindnes s had amply re- illctory It the rand has first been the ground s triving to become tho Ing of borses and carria the dis card- forty promin ent Rough Riders were ges for tbe ~a ken In a WhIte Gasolin c rOWned wIth a blade grader , but body at the tree. paid her for her Bulfe rln g. Bwlfte r a nd more reliable alltomobll es. clllDlbake at the Traverse Truck to a Island clubwhenev er this Is not convenl e nt..,and Soon Marcha nt experie nced The trees grown In lhls way will The mo'm ent the Rooseve lt fa mily and house a of the New York Athletio Clut\. change at attitude. Instead of beIng the trnffic Is not too envrtln, !"o--l-"........ sooner Inla- bearing and bave sorry for what he had dorie he secrel.- may be gradual ly brought to a crOWll a greater bearlng s urface, but are Trying to Satisfy Him. Iy rejoiced . Throug h the acciden t he by means of the drag. short lived and unsight ly, are easily Squea mish Guest (as wall I' places Tb surface of the average COUll !ry broken down by the wind and had come to know Ethel Beale. She weight water before hlrll )-Wul tcr, ar you he rself made seem differen t to road should be cove red In one round of the trult. In certain parts of the sure thIs Is balled dl slfll d wa ter ? him by gently hInting th a t 111 winds with the dng. One horse should be country where the trees are exposed Wnltel' -I alll pos itive, s ir. That'. Why You're Tired-O at . , driven on the Insldo at lhe wheel to drough ts and hot winds, often do blow. up beautifu l clouds. Squeam ish Ou at (pllttlng It to his I would Sorta- Huo No track and the other on the outside advise low-hea ded trees, but A month later when Marcha nt prolIps )-But It seeDlS to taste prelly as a rule CARTE R'S posed Ethel accepte d hiDl. Tbe wed- tbe drag being set, by means ct th~ I am In favor of medium hIgh traln- hard faT distilled wa ter. UVER PlU.S cbsln, -so that it Is running at an an- Ing. Tbe brancbe s ding took place in June. Waite~- That's buca use It's hardafter tho tree wUI put you rianl '/Come, let me show you the most gle of nbout 45 degrees with the wheel com es into bearing si/ould protect the boiled dls lllied waleI'. s h·. ill. few day.. appropr iate present I have receive d." track and workin g the enrth toward trunk at the tree fro llJ the sun during . 1baydo whisper ed the bride to her husbnnd tbe center of the road . 10 the spring the summer. A Protecti on Against the Heat, their daty. wben the roads shorlly after the ceremon y. are more likely to be Cure The bending should be high enough When you begin to lhlnk It's It perSbe led him Into tlie receptlo n ,room rutty and soft It Is general ly better to s ecure a growth of branche s sonnl matter be tween )'ou and the sun C........ at tl.., BiIand pointed to the large table in the to go oyer tbe road twloe and In some nearly right angles with the trunk. to see wblch Is th e hotte r, buy yourplaces more tl31es. oenter. othe rwise they will form whnt Is term- s elf II. glass or a bottls, at Coca-Cola. leaau... hdIgeJtiee, . The dr~g should b.e floored with ad nlal-tol'med crotches, 5IW.L PILl. 5IWJ..DDU. SlL'lL Pllea "Why, tbey're IInywba llsl" he ex, owing to the It Is cooling- r elieves fatigue nnd claimed . "Whnt a beautifu l bunch! boards Which are 'sepnra ted by open natural tendenc y of the GENUINE mull bear lipature: Quenches the thirs t. \Vboles ome as branche s to spatles of lIufflchmt width so that the an upright growth. Every Who sent them 1" tree should the purest water and lot$ "Who?" she echoed. "wily, wh!) dIrt which tnlls over will ra't tle have a central phaft and the brahche drink. At · soda fountain nicer to scene of ImpendIng battle. ' AI~eady s and cars the forces 'of No. 33 were on band, led but little brother Walter, of . course! " ~rough and yet they should be olose should be evenly distribu ted. Care bonnted In bottles -5c eve rywhere . enough so that the driver can- mtlve must b exercise d in by their captain, Professo~Jlnson. YOU OUGrrT TO KNOW ~nOUT JT. )L'"., pruning ·not· to Send 2c stamp for booklet "The Truth w un~)' lICl\t In uuntqr of Rio 0"'0020 Y"llcy "od 1m. about upon the drag Quite freely. "Hello, l·i Thson: r-crled Marcha nt, allow a side' branch to get ahead of About Coca.-Cola" and the Coca-Cola p UOD ; rnll roBd, ""nlLl. Not Washin gton'. Leg., court. bUIlIO . bank. ""~ brl uk bO l iDe .. h Qu """, P eo pl e D6 ud c4 to bul 14 It To insure when he caught slgbt of tbe rlval the success ful operatio n the Kroall Basebal nlsour<:o• • r\ b ono"lIh to m"kc yon rich. WrI center. "Aprop os of nothing ," as the novell Record Book for 1910. The {or oo!,klc LU. qui ck. a._pia 'l'o ..... ti to. , 1lo0Jl1a. '1_ leader.' '''You out tor blood again? Re- 16f. says.. Champ Clark, of the drag It Is necessa ry for the latter contain s the famous poe m - -- ......:.- - wIth bis back drlvet: to use careful judgme nt. Some. membe r wtlat we did to you on the up Qgalnst a desk In "Casey A t The Bat," records , schedul es 8uccell ful Farming . the house and diamon d lact spring? " taclng a full-length portrait of Wash- times It Is essentia l thnt the blade be~ MallY a success ful railroad pres ident tor both leagues, and oth er valuabl e For answer the cohorts of ,No. 33' lugton, painted, by Jobn beld down so that the drag will cut would prove a failure Vander lyn, runnin g. basebal l informa tion compile d by auroots and weeds, 'whlle B.~ other tlmesl .chlcken fnrm. yelled dellaace at their oppone nts and which hangs to the rIght thoritie s. Address The Coca-Co la Co" at ·the speakscurried out of the for t to gather a er's cbah', s fd: "Sims, the tront edgl\ IIhould not bear too The middle- age city man on a sal- Atlanta , GA. do yop know fresb supply or missiles . The leaders tha t the legs Qf that picture orq not heavily upon the surface ns It wlll .dlg ary faces a terrifyi ng old age, but the out met and It was agreed that ten min- Washin gton's legs?" .The Inevitab le. SIms. a Ten- tor n 60ft place Whlcb would be bet- mlddle· age farmer can always make utes sho~ld be given tor "the making nessee congres sman, If left undistu rbed. ThIs . regula- the soil support him. Brlggs- l don't think much o{ Un· did not know, and storing up of ammuni tion. Both Sims doesn't assume Why should any farmer In good derhlos som . He's a scoundr eL. He to be authorlt ,- tlon of tbe cutUng edge can be acsides retired to the!r rampar ts, which on either art or hlstorl;compllslled by the drIver moving back health who has grown well off by ae- Uea In his teeth. espebin l\y IS WHAT WE CAN SAYS were about IIfty ynrds apnrt, aod each the history of Washin llDd Griggs -Why shouldn 't h e ? His gton's legs. the forth or to the right and lett on tlve worle move to town to go to YOU ON ANY BUOGY tloy began to make snowba lls as fast Continu ed Clark: "Those drag. t ee th are fal se.-Llf e. seed? le~s beM hIs flngers could wOi·k. If the rand Is to , be crowne d with Tbe sun longed to Gen~ral Smith of Marylan d. . . . Top BUggi es,.RuuaboDIII. was shIning brightly and the melting Washin gton ' dlan't have the drag It Is often well to plow a Surries, POllY Vehic1ea.. Import ant to Mothe rs Electric ity on Farm's, . Carts and Wagons. Examin e carefull y every bottle of snow on top made balls ot icy bard- legs, 60 when the artist very good light furrow along the sIdes Rnd work On the great truek farm s of Long CASTORIA, cnme to that a safe and sure re medy for this loosene d dirt to the cenler. DCSS. Plies of the mlsslies were part of the picture he Write for Prices. Island electriCity Is . used Oeneral stacked up I)ehlnd ,each fort, and Qn Smltlfs ."Ort roads with heavy traffic tile drag In nil farm operatio used v ry largely infants and children , aud lIee that It BUOB ... SCHEU CO. ns. On one farm sIgnal the battle began. Bears the ~ -'/fY~--­ 400 Court and Broadway Clnclnnat l.OlaJlt The picture shows General Wash- should be used much ottener and with a plant costing $1,600 has been Inmore care thnn on roads' with light stalled, but Led by Marcha nt and :Janson , tbe Ington In knlcker bockers Signatu re Of ~~ It does nearly all the and stock- trame. boys sn.lJled forth, and In Ii tew sec- Ings; with gold buckles In Use For Over 80 Yenrs. work on the farm The distance tram the drag at done by horses. ,that was formerl y onds the air was tull of flying bullets as was the 'f ashlon of on hIs pumps The KInd You Have Always Bought~ 'bls Ume. . It costs about ,GOO which the team Is hItched affects lbe a year to opernte of snow. A large crowd gathere d on was the first .Ume the thIs plant, but the men In the cutting. Theatri tbe adjoinin g streel to witness the group where Champ 'Clark A long hitch permits the owner estimat es that be savea three under thecal expense account s come was talkin, head of play bills. cont.est:.... that follows taking a dose of Caltor had heard that the father ot his coun- blade .to cut deeper t1lan a short 'tlmes this amount In In bar. Smar'Ung from memori es of defeat try ever had to borrow. a oil, salts or c~lomel. is about tba pair ot leLJ. M .... WlnaloW 's Soothing Syrup. on the diamond , tbe boys ot NO. 83 -Washi ngton Corresp ondence In St. For chlldren ti}ethlotl. e KUru .. , roducrsln w.orst you c~ endur e-Ugb --it made' a concert ed rush on their op· Louis Star. llaw.waUoD.a.J'ay . palu, curu» wlod coUc . ~. lNlLht. gives one the creeps, You don't Penents iuld ,drove them, sealtere d Many Q maIl. enjoys a pipe beoause have to have · it-CA SCAR ETS ' and running , behind their fort ot 'T.rlala Literatu re, his wt!'e bates It. move .the J)owel s-tone up th& BDOW, ,-he stone age poet, mallet· and ' But Marcha nt called to them to chl!lel In hand, waR laborIou liver-w ithout these bad feelinar.. sly ,com. rally and save their 'nmmun ltldn for a i1o,\ln.g a Bonnet, w,hen Try them . ilA charga. ' Tbough stung by, the shots ng,en t. ,of . the 'stonecu the busines s tters: CASCARUTS ' roc: a bo~ for Q .. ~ft·. uolon they had recet'ved, they resilond ed to happene d along. u.,ntm~nt. a\1 drul!ltlsta. DIJlgest ~ lJcr iD lh!l world. "liIlou bous a month. . his appeal. Hands ~d pockets full of '. "Let's ' see · YQur workln l card, ' o ld snowba lls, tb~y rushed tiravely on the man," sa:ld the agent bt1lskIY. '. ' rampar ts 'of No. 33, waiting \Intll tber "Forsoo th t.. haughU ly exc~alme4 the got ' wltbln fttty feet b~fore ,openlng \I~erateur: .~'why, ' :..1 01 this paper de.. a. poet":"oot a lire. Wh:en they dId fire t~e at US,~cllaDlc'.:' .ir~a!J to buy . . .. , their volleys was 1ns~ntaneous : The , "Well, you have 110 poetiC; myth"" Mlnl'license tp ti.ed 'in ita colutD.III abould iamt uPon bilttle Une .o f No. as . weaken ed and ru~ Ian open shop," . Bpapped the' lIavine .what they .... lor. rduaiua aU' Hanson , the leader, gpt back of . union man, "so If 10n don't want\IIa or irnilatiou. throng fn the ~8b. your .poetry boycott ed, ' ''At theID, bbYl1 At them!" meil .stlck to the thlDkiDI partyou'd MarcbaDt. runolng toyt ar 4 ),tt's riTal and hire a union amanu of the game pnera! aDd atlnl ILt him with .,en' tratecl . Bu~dllT Mapzln e. enaill, "-m. .-olD"' ........ ~ U oaa _ _• mcoe ... . . ~ • truck with '!D'PIANO~" .8 .uP••lOR · QUA"" "'• Blan(cl d by the MIIIIGII.


Your Liver


is Clogged up


Up -Se t Sic k Fee ling






~ :::)j~~T' "ent 'tllJDo Hare tIlu ,,000,000 ....... or .big. "JIII.'OWl' .. ill A lutt leu ' are WONt III tb ·tJIllte4 ..... IGIoOl -"_H·4c~ "~I


DEFlI.IE STiRI....~~:.:

The Createst Soap Sale ever held i~ Southern Ohio

. . · ·u no r . wif!' lUI tl Mlil8 HIl' 1 i U 8 d tiJroogh h &'N/ 'S unduy n - - - - ' - - - - - " . - - --'-...,.-~ y to W l hnin~t:r J~~ tboi" --,-~ ------'---c--~H.~ I " hor woorl, ~,fe ' n nd 1mby . . fI,nd Mr. , nn<l Mrs . ' Ony ~h rwood J spon t; t:\ nndBY WI b. R. .8, Ewmons , un e). fa.mily. 'Prof , HUt! MI" .'\ IlI iu.m nud hi). Ul' n 11 1'0 campi!' .g It t ' huutullq,u u, I 1]th ilh1 80tJ, 'u nd 8itltt1 r MI tis Lncii", h elLI·tl \ iJ\.! . 11 III J nni~g Bryun Wurlh of EJ i 'un Hecord:; ut Ghnutlluqua,' In t. ,w eek , 1\1 r . Wilbur .J ofTr y tLnd bildren h a v r turnoo , fr om n brief vis! tin Duyton. , l\1r . J ti Ck. ' Ii ynolds . or X n lrl, '1'1 . Ited All''! , Fr Auk Clt'nv" r lust w ek . Wi t h " ry ·1·Minut hlrl4 . ue r~e:)a ka r , of Mol'rOw, A tnch nwnt lo an sp li t , tiUlJ Ila y wit.h her hn!l l>llll' \ wb o i C>V " 11 Lur It r . The Royal Soap 0., of 'inci nll uli. has ap lJoinled J ohn A. Fu nkey, proprietor of the large department store, Waynesv ille, Ohio, sole agen t in t his distri ct fut· their Celebrated Miss) HUll Klhlfi r /lnd n iece Medicated Cuticle oap. ' , ~I\ve 1'8 ' l1rnfld I'rom n pl easull t Villlt 1 To h ro ughly inttod uce it to the people of Waynes ville ,they ha ve, instead of dIs trIbutIn N wJ "unvill e. Brin){ your machine in and have it ing . a mple from house to ho use, ,a llo Ned us price concessio ns wh ich enables U!l t o se!l Willi ar CIBIIVflr. nf tiprl llgti ulcl . equipped with the attachment, , 0 thhl full· s ize cake. during this ale at 5 ce nts each 01' one t hird t he r egular price, Royal CutiplIlIll\ \\' e k t Jll ll vi~it tu lti A p .. rents I yo u can pla y both tlw 2-Minute and t e cle Soa p is th(;l ' h ~a pes t , I urest, :>of test, most sooth ing soap you could put on your face ber . an J hands; no such for : hav ing 01' compl ex ion, all ays an y marting or itchin g of the ( -Minu te Record .. Mr. uod Mrs , Elwo tl Alli t. an te r · ski n it ha ' any and all 25 cent SQaps ex cell ed. Buy while itis dis tribut ed fo r only a nick Ie tninfJ(l Aillm KI hl tl r Ilml family II.t a cake . di nner l;;llndu.v. In John A . Vu nkey's large w indow yo u wi ll see lhe most wonderful exhibit, eve r seen E u gene J' IJury nn ri tUUlil .• Ap i n t in soup. ,VAYNE V I LLE. HI Sunday with MI', und Mrs . WIll Kar. , sey . ' Mis~ Edna 'pone r u ttenuEld he afterno n s :!1 Il o f t·be All d Ii w ting tLt thfl 'l' urtl o r eek <lltluker vel' 3,000 cakes used in construct ion. Be ure a nd see it and ' come in 1!nd t ry t his fine oh urcb 'llnuuy . oap at 5 cent a cak - wor th 15c 0 1' 2fic, MI' . ,1 e .McGill flU I rtutn l'd ut I I Ii flllUi!y ' ninn f'r 'uoday In 111)1101' •• , •• •• •• of Mr, M :tilt'!' tirthdu y. I The Infallible Lady. Prehlatorlc RemaIns Ollcovered. John Corbin, author and playwrlgbt. , Mr ,Mury MO"nIIY, of I, btl lon, I_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bome Interesting prehlstorlo reo aaid recently tbat he had resigned t he i~ vi iti g b r ,.on in 'rurt ) Crt' k I ItlA1na b, ave been dIBco~'ered in 1\ quar. / post of literary dIrector of , the New ry near Dunferm1lne. Scotland, The theater because he disliked t he su· skull wu that of a man who bad be n perlor air that such offices carry with w Mr. t W U 1r~ . ll'r d ~ ove and remarkably well developed. The body I them. dllllghter hllv r et.ur uAcl tI l their I had been ' placed In a recumbent posl· "You decline play after play," be bome in Bat.lHll n.f r a hrl f vi ·it- I UOD anlt bu11t In with rollgb pieces of said, "You make enemy after enemy, hQre , I 100M .h1n rock. It Is believed that You pretend to be Infallible, and tbe Or ver 'l en Vf!r w do wn frOIl! I t ile remahie are those of an aoc'lont pose of Infalllbtuty fa an ugly and un· Xenia undltY nigbt . For your Dinner \ chl"ftaln. Many .centuries must hl\ve popular one. Dr a nd Mr . Hhllok l fo rd took " elapMd alnce their Intermentt aa tbe "Nobody, you know, want!! to be di n n r with Sila R ok Imd ftlmily Threshing Day roell and earth have accumulated to a I like Blinn's wife, d~ of atx feet. I .. 'That wife of youra: salds friend 'n,?dAY W h8 that ood Cream hee e of Blynn'a sympathetically, 'never ad· New Burlington. Edgemon t 'Crackers, F ancy mite making a mistake, does ahe?' . Mualo Hath Charml, ak • Prunes, ApricQts, Evap. ' .. 'Ob: said Blyon, with bitter 'Prodlpl-Wherever I wan· ,' P a h, almol1 , a rdines smile, 'sne ocouionally allows that. Mi • otb Hltrlan r turned ,toh'a r dereel. tat-her, Ulere waa one song 1 Baked Bean , Olive , Pickle , sbe made one mIstake when she mar· h ome 'i ll Mllt mlt.+bnrg hi t week, af lI. .d to hear 1bat always mad e me Lemons, ''''ater'Melons, Peaches th1Dk of fOU. It wu "Home, Sweet r led me, but· sbe won't admU even ter 'li p lea n t Ti It with rclliti v ranges, Banana , h er . til~t outstde the family clrqle.''' Home." anned Goods of all kinds . Robert Reeve, 0 Riohmond, ......r-I uMd to bear a Rang while Ind ., ill vi lti ng at the h om e of bj you ..... a.ay that u~d to make me - -- - - -'!' DR. J. W. MILLER, gl.'and pllrent;!!, Mr. and Mrs. A . W , We have increased our prizes to tlllDk or 'you,· my bor. It lI'U, "If You Reeves. '. t he iris and Boy ~ll\(hvill g ive LOST AJa't Got No MODey. You Needn't Olal[lsiftad Ads Mr. a Dd Mrs a. a , tSrnttb , Mrs. .... DENTIST ... 4 Watches away in~tead of t wo. Come Around."-Phlladelphls Inquirer. Raohel S mith , For est Ilnd Carlton The contest i gettillg inter est.i\()R wlll h e ' 1 1l1I~ rt.c(\ untl 'r ~hl !l hrad (or Pence ~ldg, W '11 0 t;with Ilre lit.ten dlns. M'itlwi VulJey ing . Get yo ur Green Ticke ts twcn t y- lIv c n l. ror th r ee 1 1l~ r L/O)III. WESTERN MA RE, dark brown U ls'hard' work to dra w the line Over ross Bros: Store aynesvl e, • UhlLotauqu14 f . _a nd ,vote f or YOU1' f a vor ite: when usllllI no t uluro tlta u nve ll nek. " white flloe, 0 yellorll o~d, tip someti~es: this is ' espe<,ie.lly troe ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!'!!! Mr s, UUnt. leaver of 'Xentli, htl " end both eur8 uft', brand OD rliM s honlder, Flndtlr ,will telapboll6, Get t he habit , trade at wheD t~e fish are biting well , Subscribe for the 'GaLette been' tlpending Ii fe w wee~s a t t'be FOUND howe f h e r puren ts Mr Bnd Mrs r Wm Furlong" Rod LioD. Suit ltile rewIlrd oft'ered .

" .








Royal Cuticle Soap

EE ...~

.... F

Funkey's Department Store

Regularly sold at 15c a cake

Edison, Phonograph


• In

" OUrt national 'Capital






Waynesville, Ohio

Z:~i~ln A~I~;t'I~I~~f:~~IL;i:~I~~~to:~~ I ~'--Z-J'-M--M-E-R-M-'A-N-'-s-I

Miami Gazette





Ads Always Reach the People.

Tr:y it, once.

• J





!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~-~~~~~:~~~~~a~~bfD~e:~~!:1~'tO~:~.e-m-~-~-~:-~-nd-s-O-;:fO-h-U-:;:; -:7~- 1~:-~+Jh ZMM ER MA N 'S

I:'OUND-Two bltlok so ws Owne r OIt.n haVA sume by proving propert y . Inqolre of Berl t:inyder, R. D. 2, Ol'egonia .

I.::lunda-y. . ' HELP WANTED OF COURSE N il. than W hite, of iriciu nati, spent a few duys lus t week with hi mo'b er . A'~ in~elUgent person way e"rn W ayn e C; Sm ith our popula r ,. FOR SALE 1100 montbly oor~~8PODdID~ ha.rd ware w a n WitS mllrried on IF YOU ' WOULD KEEP YOUNG tor 116WIlp6p~rM No oanVttllMInI! , Wedn e~ dtl:l ' of l ~sli " week til MI!!I '" . ' . ' . ' ~nd ror plut.loultlrlil. Preils ~h" ill : ZElla. Wie r, of W ilwingte n Th y Throw Mental ' AnxIety and Be FnR I.::lALE - Oue Canopy top Hur- Ollte, B 5721, LoOk!)Url, 1'1, y, . are I'PElndinll th eir h one ymoon tL,t CRreful to Avoid Excealel of rey, with gtoeq oillih trimming" r ' Atlantic) oity , . All Klnda, thonRu.lld-mile tlilindle, spring b'iOJ[ A lit Itt ohlla of R IISS P ltI:n k . n ull ousbion. Good ILII new. Inqoire I BUSINESS 18 o t Jtlwes Linder. ve ry sick \'V ith 'fl nx. Coocl sound a dvice is given evident. ' , Friend s of Mr. Saw F r ed well · ' Iy by one who knows, .You aee, the ef·. FARM- f 60 Ileres a wiles 8E of known t~roug h trus seotion of con~- fe cts. Of on 's, mental atUtude. are 'em· Ceuttn'vqJe, 'O n 't:\pring Vulley ANYONE, IlDywbern, can "f~r' try, reoeived announcem en ts of h i . phasl:~ed , T he pbysical wnl take care Pike good house, bi\rn and ontbutld a mati order husine'lathom'tt. m . IJ.trillge to Miss Ha nntlh Simon, in of ~~s\llf. Ke p tn the sunlight; noth· ing~: A.t) land tilltlble. F ur infofJUI\- 'No Cj'DVR8tllng, ' Btt your own bottIH. ~hlcago July 11th , ' lug beautiful ,or ~.... eet 'GTowlJ or ripens tion write r call on Mr Robt. ~eQ(f for trp6 houklet TellM hnw, Thomas Dedrlok Jr whols s otl'er; In the darkn~ss" . S&lr!!, It, 1), 1, WIl.VDttIlV1,lle, U, H8Il0ook, A 5620, Lookport, N, Y . lng With a bone ca.ncer, is enj yi ng AvoId f jl'T In all Its varted (arms . I\, visit with hi s ' ~'Lo g hter, V io la f1~.d of expression; it is the great~st ene- FOR HALE or't-racle 'Butelond LiV-: I' little son whooame S Undu.y , · my ot th~ buman raco. Avoid excess~8 ery . Ba.rgain If sold 800n. H , WANTED ~ ___ _ ' of all hinds; theyare' injul'loue. The Oostlo, Waynesville, 011io, 'I long life must be a temperate, regular ' GAS' PIPE ITS OWN PLUMBER Ufe, . , J 'H ' OUSE AND LOT-In corwin' I - - - - - - - . - . ; . . - - Don 't live to eat, but ea.t f:o Uve. Boose r ecentl.v palnt,ad, in gaol! WANTED 1'0 BUY-Farm, aboot When Fire Came From Leak a Lead Many of qur JUs are due to over-eat· repair 80d nice!,,, loollted. A ' lood 80 aorett, !!tood hand alld boild. Jacket Plugged the Hole-Expl a· ing, to 'eaUng the wrong things and home or I~ gnod inv6stl.uent . Inquire lings on M"in pike. Full pnrtlcnhtr8 nation la Simple. to irregular eaUng. at- this offioe, etc. Address Loots MI\.v, PiqoR, O . Don't allow yourself to think on KanBas City, Mo.-Cbance some· your bIrthday that you are a year times \-Yorke ov~ rtlme t o produce v'ery older and sQ much nearer the end. 1nslgnlllcant r esults, and, as an exam· Naver look on the dark side; take pie. bere's the story Qf a flre In the sunny views at everything; a sunny join t basement below thfl Ec(>nomy thoul;bt drives away the shadows. Furniture company, 813 MaIn street, Be a child ; live simply an'd natural· nnd a pawnsho p owned by. O. A. ly, and keep olear of entangling alll· Slevens at 8]3t,2 Main Btre L. I\. I ud anoes and complications or all kinds. jacketed pipe run s th rough th e floor CUJU\'ate the spirit of contentment: of pawnshop to a steam rad lntor all dll1Content and dlssaUsfaoUon above. A space n ar th e pipe was bring age furrow. prematurely to the left when tjle plumbing wall done, 01· tace, . rectly below t he bole Is a gas pipe. Forni a hablt of tbrow!ng off before Now, at exa ll y two minuteR of 1'1 going to bed a t night' all the cares o'clock I'n th morni ng. Georg~ A. and anxieties of t he clay- everything . Stevens, Jr.• who cl erks In the paw n· whIch roan' possibly caulie mbntsl wear shop, dropped , a li ghted IgA l'ette . and tear or deprl ...e you of r est. through tbls hole; a t the sam e sec. Should Always have n supply ond the gas discovered a small leak of tiygeno Antl~ptlc on hand In t he pi p a nd vent ured out. The clgarotte set fi re to the gas an d III a tl)W moments a little blue fl ame wile BECAUSE it i.s the greatest he ling agent 'scorchlng the fl Qoi· ~f th e' pawnshop. for Cuts, Wounds, etc. By , the time se eral fire com panies BECAUS~ itisa po'~er1ul germicide, de· arrived Ute fire waR x tlngul sb ~ d nnd stroying . germs or bacteria without the gas pipe lenked ,no more. injury to the skih. ' (OsteQpathic PhYSician) NoW, bere's the xplanatlon : ' The BECAUSE it 'is unequa\ed as an antisepfl ame had ' m el t~cl the lead packet tic; it , clea~ses and purifies wherever ' about tbe steam pipe, tho , lead had used, . TtJe~day an~, t:'riday ~rlpped down on the gas 'plpe ' Rnd tbe ' lea.k was ·plugged. ,_ (.)~ Eacl) Week .' . BECAUSE it is the most· 'econo~jcar to 'use. ·One gallon .. wlieJl 'diluted with , ( Pigeon ', Intelligent. ' ~iJ.(Hc.i~n,t ,w ater,. will make I ro,m flO .to; 100' gallon~, depenqing upon" the purOffice at th" Gustin House, Vancouver. ' Wasb .-A!ls:w~lng .to po2e'for whicb: it is to be used. ' . : the name ot Tom. n ,carrier plgQon roUpwed 11'8 owner; LoIlIJ! Wit-II n, ' For ~~\e by " two miles and when IIDpken to p~rcbed 'Hours of Appointment, 8 fl. m, upon the bandle bRI'I! of his- bIcycle j o 12 m. F. and 'wM brought to this ' city, where. ; .. .III!IIIi. . . . . . . .~..lIIIIiilll Mr. Wallen worka In the' raj Iroad sbop!!, The bird "as left near t he shopa all day. He was taken bome Inside Mr. Wallen's coat, aa contentad sa kit.-







10 II



There ~i11 be lots of Free AttracUons,Exciting Races, Oood Music and a Big 1i me Every' Day of the Fair.,

Don't Miss the Experiment Station Ex. hibit and the Exhibits of Greene County's Public Schools,



........... ~,......."".......-. :.. ... 4 .... ,., ... - . _ ...... ", ... _ .... ___ .""""'~

A 'Great Exhibition of ,Live Stock, . Farm and Garden Products. Lots of Entertainment 'I nstructive.Fea,t ures




Stock Raisers .

Dr. J. S. MARTIN •


. t






AND WAYNE.SVIU..e N---rr. '"··.· I X ~' llt~T


WAYNK 711.LE, 01::11 ,


A Gu::;r



l llIO.


~--~~~~~~~~~~~.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~-~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



..... --



r f.itizens t .I-----Forme, ..... -- .... - ............. ......

Bln'EN BY HOG .1 - - L S f

+I·- p·· ,. ,.._ . 'I-'M-'--'-t ersona

e -



---'-- -d'-T --h~

en Ion H ere an


+--.-,-------+- - ---------



ToE' " ci ty tlads" m t at regular . . , . . meetmg 10nday ·veTlIng. Houtlne bu. mess wus transacted . antI ollis tO theamount ofabout$ Owereord re d •• I rIt.. J . 'I' . 1-'_11 IS ' b . d pal l, remem el.e th~ council, and sent lip a donallUn of Ice cream. The report of ,' la te I':" amine r of Publi' ollices was read . <l llti hi .. r~comm en da ions will be follt .wed. Several sidewalks wert' ordered t o be .. tartecl on wh re ow n '1'.' have not Lakl'n thl" wor~ up. This work will be pll shetl.-\s rapidly 8S pOBilible before cold weath er se ts in .

Lil t unuay as ester Ul' ace wa :ornmg along t IIe roulI near H arry , . / ;wk !:!' plac h noticed a you ng hog J. H. Opp \Vasin olumbus S unday . r.eol'g Z ,II auto ' d tCl Dayton UII. Mi s" Mllry MicllPner l1u~ re '.ul'lIeu tl h k· b the I'de of tlav, . J to her h.. mc in L hanun f · om a vigil J.pparen y c 0 mg, y Carl Hnwk vr R.'l 1l1 Dnyhm Sat'urt he road . He informed Mr. Stokes, of sev(>r nl week in 1Ilinois and ~oul.h inti t.he two went to where the' hog day. David Evans was a Dayton v isitOl' Dakota. Saturday. was . t 0 re I'leve the . Fred B. Hend rson haS' been very A·s t h ey were t rymg k Mr. and Mrs. T. .'OW1!nR, who hog in it.'! s uffe rin gs. its tooth SIC ', Dr. J. T. 811is and Jei:!Se Uurtoll mo v~u to lo' rt Wayne. Ind ., seve l'al were in Dayton Sunday. sc ratched Mr Stokes' hand. Dr. Mr. HaITY Stok s months ago, have returned l(l Xl:!nia has been on the Ellis wa!:! immediately call ed; ,and o~- sick Jist. MI'. Silas Surface isquitesil'l< with to reside. Mrs. Owens was Miss ~e l'ed the hog dispatched. 1 he al1lmalaria a t hiR home in Pekin. Opal Humilton, dalJg hle r of Mr mal had all the indi cations of hydroL. A. Zimme rm an was a olumbus Geo. Hallliiton, a :ormer re:;idellt of phobia, and afte r dinn e r Geo. Ze ll visitor ·nday. Hev. J . l' . 'adwallader and I::. V. Waynesville . took th e party to Dayton. The au· ~ .. Bamhar:. wpre in Hamilton Tuesday. thorities advis d them t.o go to 01· Harvey Gu~t ln was In n\ umbu Migg He len Stokes i' visiting relaMt·s.iAnna E. ~ill s , of the 'oldiE'rs ' umbus, and Dr E llis and Mr: Stokes anJ Delaware Sunday. Cf-J,URCH OF CHRIST tives in nionCity. lnd., foracoupl e Home at Ellswo lth. Kun . , writes as went on to that place. Mr. anrl Mrs Philip Hopkins were of weeks. Bibl e 'chool at 11: 30 a. m.; nd avo foil ws: "I am at present. on" fur· Mr. Stokes took a Pasteu~ trCla~- Lebanon visitors Thursday . or a t 7:30 p . m . lough, and am with my son, Mr. O. m('n~: and the Sta.le Vete rinary ~s O. W. Haltl ilLon visited his son and Th con test belween . Wayne.' ville ~. Milh~. at Sr. Joseph, Mo. Don ' t makmg an anaJyslii of t.he hog s Dr. and MI·s. J . T. Ellis were at ' dau ghter in Dayton Saturday and seniol' anti the Ferry 'choolls g row· send my paper until I get home, head, which they had taken with I"ranklin Chautauqua last we k. 'unday. . ing to gr at proportions . Aug-tst about Seplemb r 15th. We are ull thQm. well here." Mr. Stok ('am e home Monday Mr. Ri on Hoel. of Norwood , sp nt Mi Mary Gray wa at. the Chau. 31 st there wei' 7 present at Ferry , night, but went back Tuesday morn- Sunday with, Waynesville friend s. tauq ua from. Sunday until Thursday and 12,800 poirits to their credit. Waynesville had 113 present ' with At the Franklill haulauqua Fri- ing. No re port has been made a, to vening. 9000 poi nts. A they now stand: the analysis of the hog'l:! head'. Mrs. Doyl e mother of MI·s. Frank day afternoon at , he W. C. '1'. - -- - J ones. is visit ing in Wilmington. Leroy Irons helped to no min flte Ferry , 26,600; Wayne ville, 18,400. hour, a gold medal con I . twas hid. Good people th~r ill time enough DEATHS '1 'hose who spoke were lh~ Misses Harding for governor at Col umbus Ha rris Mosher returned home fl'om last week. yet to come three time~ and be in line l{uth Edwards. Oregonia; Agnes FraMr. Bushrod Singleton, a r espect- Delroi t, Mich., la t Thursday evenfo1' the great picnic . Get in the Ze.!, West Blkton; Mart ha. Propst; ing. Ray Hawke, of Davton, is at the ed colored man, of Harveysburg, band wagon now. Da) ton; Luella Cornell, Waynesville , home of hi ' parent., Mr. and Mrs . Alverday Wyle, Mason; Marie Sides, died al his home there last Friday at Mr. Gorge Hamil ton, of Xenia, J. C. Hawke. r.>EADY FOR BUSINESS Dayton. All the YOUl1g ladies ac· noon, aged 86 years. The funeral was t he g uest of friends h re la'lt quitted themselves nicely. Afterde took place Sunday at 2 p. m. Rev. week. Mel:lSl·s. J sse Thomas and Herbert The canning !actot'Y people hilvf' liberation; the judges awa, ded lh Sargent officiating. Th e in terme l t Edwards atten ded Franklin hau- been working hard for t he Ia.."t few was lTlade in Miami Cemetery. ' prize to MijIs Sides who gave a splen· Master Howard astin. a nd Miss l.auq ua Sunday. days to get in to shape for the coming did recitation .. Mary Eliaabeth." . Elsie Gustin were Columbus visitol ~eason. Monday, steam ' wa.." &,otten Miss Sides is the daug hter of Mr. S. E. Mart is running Harry Mul'The four-daYli-old baby of Mr. and unll ay . . and Mrs, Wilbur Side!:!, both former· Mr . Frank Kelll , "f Utica, was burTay's huckster rout during his ab· up, and the machinery started in motion, and verylhing went off like Mis." Lola Stokes, of p1'ingboro, s nce in t he W . t. 'Iy of Waynesville. ied in Miami cemetery Monday af. clock-work . The company expect to visited her brother, Mr. Joe l Stoke!'. ....~-l ternoon at 2·o'clo<;k. last week. Mr , Fannie Brown, of Urbana, commence canni ng about the fifis visiting at the h ome of Mr. and teenth of this monlh. - - - J __ r!'. Mrs. J. W. White. Mary Butterworth, daughter of Mrs. Wal t r McClure and. GRANGE PICNJC Thomas and Nancy Butterworth, F. C. Car ey were Dayton vIsitor .-...-.~~.....-. . ~~. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Zimmerman died Sunday at her home at Butter- Saturday . The Rosnaa'ie family of Springboro are spending several days with rela-, worth Station, and will be buried Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Rhoades and tive in 'Jamestown, ani Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B,urnet and tbi~ afternoon. little daug hte r spent last week ~t daughter, enjoyed an outing at No ChautaUQua. .' T rustees Frank Prat t,. Chas. rSCHOOL ENUI\\ERATION Men's Point, &outh of to~n n the nell and W. . Graham were in Leblittle Miami, und~y ~ .--.



... - ..


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._ - --- _. _.:-, ....-1- -_'_,'-"'-'.

I Social 'Events .1



Friends and ' relatives of Mrs. ahlon Ridge remembered that Monday was her anniversJu'Y, imu she was showered with PQstal cards. It waa quite a 8urprille to her:


TAb~~tP;~pl;- ~

f ----------oft + Miss Donna Hawke is slill on the list.

~ ick

J. E. Janney was over from Chaulauqu3. Friday. Miss Kathe1'i ne Alexander wa." in Cincinnati Tuesday. a n'oll Smart, of near Cincinnati. was ho me over ~u nJay. , Horace Pratt, of Cincinnati, vis. ited hi s mother he r e Sunday. Mess rs. J. E. Hockett and Olto Hurnick autoed to XenIa Tuesday. Miss Nellie Wilke rson, of Spring Hill is lheguest of Miss Eloise Smith. f L b H~n Seth Brown, 0 e ~non. was 111 town Monday on busmess. Thomas E nglish, of Badaxe, Mich ., has been visiting MI'. and Mrs . A. B, ides. Miss NeIJ ie MOI'ri!lon, of Carthage, is th~ guest of Mr. ang Mrs . F. C. , chwartz this week.

M I'. and Mrs. Arthur Anson and childt'en, of Cincinnati. we re Sunday .!ruests of Mrs. Lucy Pratt. D d M' H E H th r. ~n ~B . b . a~~~ w,ere I~ ~p~ng :~o ~~ ay gue ts 0 t e oc r s mo er.


Miss Ella Schwartz a~d 141': Cliff Martin, of Cincinnati: spent Sunday with Mr. F. C. Schwartz and family.


. Mr. and Mrs Edmund Retalliak bo f are home after spending a ut ourteen days at Miami Valley ChilUtau-



The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE.







And From Remark ,Made, AIIO. KneW' the Party _Was Not Engaged In prayer.

outld entl al fri ends at Louis B~ CC A SIO N Alr Shields [II tiling tbls story about 1)' you bear of I hut emInen t Republi can: men who, heed· TIM! Question of divorce s has been A at ateCO Dventioll at Columb us had just ad· lng the uncerta in· ti nder cntcr~ l conside ra tion for many jou rn ('d and tbo Cuyaho ga county ties of eXlstenoe, cenLurlf!s. Th e Pha risees tempted del gates were nil back home when' distribu te t bel r hrlst b y as king bls judgme nt on the BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS somebody s uggeste d a fri endly game propert y In t he life Mosaic lnw or divo rceme nt, a nd r eat [lolcer. The game was golng along, time, Instead of ceived au nnswe r direct an d Cunda· Wiscon sin Veteran Gives Graphic Ac- rig h t merril y at 3 a. m. dlreclln g t h a menta l. It bas been a 8er1olls, a concount of Struggl e and Death of . At that hour an officIous uttenda nt ma nn,er In which 't ln tl ons, a YCYSUOUB Ques tion fro m General Wadswo rth. cnlled up Mr. 8hlelds' r esldonc e, whlcb It sb all be dIs'tIme Imm morlal, says 'cwa rk Ne ws. hnllpcnod to b ~ almost next door. pos d after they Wad s worth 's dl"l s lolI fo ught on May "TlIls 19 l on ~ distanc e," said tbe· All governm e nts, cler ical and cl vil , have disappe ared foreve r from the /; In th e Fifth corps. a nd In i he ln te ser va nt with no warran t of l'Iutborlty 'ha y!! tried to se tll e It s nd hnve failed. earthly s cene. Such a. case ocourre d afte rnoon re rormed In th o Lac y fl Ill, wh ntevc r. "We are nil here In Co· Our own go\'crnmcut a nd each of the • r ew days ago In hlcngo wb en a man with Bax(e r's brlgalle 01 n ob ln S (~n ' 5 lumbus a ad can 'l get borne until morn· of means simply placed nn estate 6t :l le~ nnd nil t ho courts ba ve for division udd ed to hl ~ own dl \'Islon, Ing." valued a t $2,000, 000 In t he care of 0. Ol n llY ycu rs be n tr ying to es tablis h Hal1 cocl( wall fi ghting hnrd a u th trust com pany for the benefit of his "TlI at's n il r ight." came bnck the uniform di vorce Inws, a nd to lI isconr· Plank , rond, wllh hili I'I gh t II nn\! e x· reply, but If tha t voice I hoar In tbetour hlldren. Thus with one stroka age divor ·e a. DS mil ch as poss ible. he slltlsfi ttmded a short distan ce o r r ' the roal\. upa rtl11 ul house n xt door s aying: ed hlmselt t lla t his property Yct th y nrc Inc reasing Instead of would rench the ha nd Gencral Wa.lswort h wns Illl' c t J b y ·t ha t's good' Is o' t Mr. Sbleld s' til en I s of those for dimi nlsbi ng. A ' fe w deno ml nalions whom It was In tended, nnd no Wnrren to march aga in st tb conrcd· cn n' t recogn ize n voice when I hear It doubt <:! rnte left flnnk, then fi g h tin g 11 \Il CO CIL at night ," ",iii not tol ern te divorce s, but th e civil thi s was a g ratifyin g achieve ment. 'Vndswor(h tli.1 not go rur Into th e And th llt Is th e nd of th o story. fol" Inws recogni ze the m. From tb e poi nt For , aftcr a ll , the will that every sen· dense woods until he met n h 8V Y lho 1'01('0 Ruyl ng "th aL's goo d" WO!' of ,, 1C' w of til e latter 'tile In::locen t si ble Illan is suppose d to mak e does s kirmis h lin o lJrot ectlng t ll coufell· Jnd cd t hil t or 1\11'. ShieldS. nnd It wnt:: pa rty to dlvOl'CO procc dings is guil ty not al wnys fulfil Its obpect and thus e rnte fian l.. Th s l\l r ll1l s h er~ rleltl od gn nenr hom , sn t bo nnl'rnto l' relates.. the wo rld sees a contest of cla imants of no offense, ought not to be held In QuIckly , and r port er! th e approach ur th n l th ere wa s no UBO In o!rerlng a wbl ch Is often less desirab le to view dlsbonor an d Ilould bo permi tted to 0. forc e on th Ir fl a n \(. d('nial.- CI vC'laud Lcader. than a church quarrel. ma rry agui n. I t Is the abu s e of the Gen. Roy Stone c:o Ul mantl c.\ 1\ splcn· The will, a s an Instrum ent at the dlvorcc law s by Im moral, unconsc lon· di d Penn sylvania br lgnde, co mposed SOFT, WHITE HANDS Il ble, undesir a ble citi zens tbat has la,,' , owes Its developm ent to he of the Oue Hun dr d and F ort y·e lght. Romans . Indio. did 'UliJt know ot It boo brougbt the most serious dishonor May 8e Obtained In One Night. rare the conques t, a nd It was but a upon the dissolution or tb e marriage rudimen tar y atralr In Mosaic law and EVeR y TtlIN6 contmct. The Reform ed synod 's a tti- In ancient Athens. The For presen-I ng the hands as well early Roman I t1.t1J/E 13I:LON (jJ tude with referenc e to Innocen t will wa etrectua l durIng the life time ns fo r prevent ing r edness, roughne ss .. TO MY /JIIU6If TER parties In necessar y divorce procecd · ot tlle pers on who made it, and It was aud chapp lug, !Ind Im pa.rtlng thut vel· LIZZIE " ,'cty sortn ss a nd whltcness mu ch deIngs accords with gene ral public sent!· Irrevoca ble, Its objec t being to secure , .l lred by wome n Cutlcur a Soap, assistment. What should be done to the the perpetu ation of tho fa mily. Thu s kota Dan" to membe rs of the Roused by Cutl cura. Ointment, Is believed the heredit as was ves ted In 0. person senu famLly, and there ~uUty onas Is yet under discuss Ion , was, of course, who could be rolled upon to carryo n 0. "battle" of handwr to be superior to all other skJn soaps. lUng experts . For those who work in corroslv 8' the family name and tradlUo ns. Often each contrad icting the other. And The bill advocat ed by the Audubon luch wllfs were made on the eve lIquids, or nt occupa \lons whi ch tend ot "Dukota Iloeie tles' of tbe state of New York, battle, and they were publish ed In ae- show thatDan" brough t witness es to to Injure the hands, It Is Invnlua ble. the le tters were forgede s, rorblddl ng the sale within this state cordanc e with the law. Treatm ent- Batbe and soak lb. ' and that the address es had b een writ· When Constan tine th Greal caused ten on the e nvelope s alter hands on retiring In a strong, hot, of the plumag e of any wlld bIrd which the post· creamy lather of CuUcur a Soap. Dry Is protecte d within New York, has Ohrlstla nlty to b' recognI zed by tbe otftce cancelh itlon marks had been and anoInt freely with CuUcur a Ointpassed the legislat ure and Is awaltln l ltate, this act bad Its etreot upon will· stampe d thereon . ment, and In aevere cases apread th& To these letters were added an ap· the gover!lo r's signatu re. We trust It making , Inasmu ch as the duty ot giv. Cutlcur a OIntmen t on thin plecea ot, receive his approva l, says Rachel- Ing beQues u to the cburoh was en· plloaUon form ter membe rship In the Army blstory waa related In th, old Unen or cotton . Wear during thecourAged. Monks and hOJ;etlcs , how· Woodm en of the World. ter Herald. For many years the Audu· This con· will of,Brlg . Gen. Loomis L. Langdo n, night old. loose gloves, or a Ugbt bU., ever, were not allowed to make wills talned the tamlly hlst.ory of Roussea u who died on January 7, One para. ~n societie s have labored unceasln r;ly or to take bequest s. Then again, w1lls and said that be dage ot old cotton or linen to protect. had tbree brother s graph read: to educate the people of this state to were deposite d 10 churcbe s; the • clothing from staIn. For r~ Indeed, and two sisters living and that an· "I give to my 80n, Captain Lang lhe economlo as well as the senti· In lIIngand tbe ohuroh exercise d juris· rough, and chapped hands,' dry, fte. other brother mental value of wlld bird Ilfe. TheIr dtction In testame ntary matters tor railroad accidenhad been kllied In a don, t~e silver tea aervlce present ed sured, itching, feverish palms, and t. All of wblob was to me by the citizens ot Browns vllle, shapele ss nails with painful lIngezo progres s haa been very slow. The rural centurie s. Up tp 1868 the probate and apparen tly trua. "Dakot a Dan's" ex· Tex., for what they termed my 'dis. ends, this treatme nt Is most effective. a:ommunltles ot the state, even the custody of wllls lay with the English perts Bsserted that the answer had not Interest edness and patrioti c service s: Cutlcur a Remedies are Bold throUl'h . frult·ral slng sections of weltern New ecolesla stlcal courts, but the enreless - ben written by him, but had been ns they klnal)' chose to oharact erlze my ness to which The FIghtIn g Wal Hard. the out tl\e world. Potter Drug &: Chem. dooume nts were ex· ftlled In by others at a later period. acUon during York, have been atftlcted wlth almost the absence of the Rio posed Corp., aole propriet ors, Boston, M.... Incredib le Ignoran ce of the usefuln ess petent at the bands of lazy and incom· his handwr iting bavlng been Imitated . Granc!e garriso n 'In organiz ing the cit. One Hundre otftolols led to vigorou s crtt· Thereup on the Russell lawyers d and Forty·n lnth, 0 showed Izens of Browns ville Into an etrectlv e Hundre d and at blrdl. FarmefB ' boys· often rob Iclsm of the system by Cbarles Flftletb and One Hun· ONE THING CERTAIN. Dick· tbat the paper hl/od remaine d In the forc o and Rsslstin bIrds' nests of tbelr eggs, and amuse ens and other writers, and, g as 0. can· arcbJve s of the Woodm en of the lives and propert in defendi ng their dred and Futy·{ :st, I think, "rites y against the attack Maj. Earl M. Rogers ct Viroqua, Wis., . themsel ves by aIming their newly ac· sequenc e, the church lost Its ancient World until the court ordered Its pro- of the bandit, Juan Curtina s, tor in Nationa l Trlbu e . Qulred firearm s at birds of every kInd. prlvUelIe. ductlon . 'which I receive d the thanks of thl! In At midnigh t Wndsw orth sent an aid modern It Is seldom that a wor. days, by reason of the censure Is The trial dragged on tor several cIUzens." . back to Warren , notifyin g lIim that beard from the male . D t, whose prosaic languag e of legal draftsm en, months and 118 It was nearing the end His saddle also went to his son with "the density of the woods and darkness propert y the young mlschle f·maker Is wms have lost much of their Inter· a -second Daniel Blake RUBs'ell, who this comme nt: prevent ed further advance and reo Bst as purely human docume nts; but was to be called "Fresno bl!J!tenlng to destroy . Dan," came "The saddle I used during the great Quested orders. The aid returne d ,with if one. were to s et himself to the task out from his, fruit ranch of writing the social history of a great Cal. Out there he was ~ Fresno. Clvfl war was on the horse that wa. lustruct ions to mova forward at 4: :JO, . . known as kllled under me in the battle of 0111& and report A porous plaater worth $50 Is some- city like to Hancock.. Captllin Mon· New York, from Its begin· Henry Johnson , but in Melrose , the tree, or Ocean Pond, Fla., on Febr'~\l~'ut;e~lth~W~a~s~s~e~n~t~t~o~th~e~; thing of .. novelty In the curative nlng, he could do no better than delve home of the Russell s, he was recog· am~m~Un~It~IO~n~~t~ra~l~n~_ _--=--E~~~~~ ary 20, 1864. The horse was hit VJ agency lIne. A druggis t In Middle. Into the records 0 the 8urrOinteB nlzed as the missing "Dan" by the ratimes, and one or two shQtl\ went courts. train, awoke Sergean t Watrous . 'All wills are prol>ated there; sponslb le .oltlilens. He seemed town, N. Y., Is the ,POSSetlBOr ot this to be through , the saddle, but the bullet who ,h ad mules packed, nnd they mnde valuabl e arUcle, and he la about to c~Udren are adopted under the dlrec- well Informe d t.s to tbe aetalls of Dan· holes are conceal ed by a , new cover !lend It to th,e treasury departm ent at tfon ot the surroga tes; they appoint lel's early lite III Melrose , but "Dakota of leather which was put on the sad their way to the Une at tbe hour to move. It was but . a short march, guardia ns and dischar ge them again, Dan" declare d that, his rival had been die." Washin gton to be redeem ed. The when wbere connect ion was made with Han· minors reaoh the age ot legal brought on to clleat him out of his worthy druggis t waa troubled with a dlsoretl on; they settle and distribu te rights. Judge Lawton , before whom pieNot Infrequ ently you hear of peD oock. The confede rate lett flank be· who have been rewarde d In wtue Ing exposed , they withdre w lame back and had bJs wife apply the the estates of the poor and rich. during the Thus tbe plaster. The lady did not notice 0. $60 there Is to be tound In the probate cldedtedious case was tried, finally de· for a kind act long forgotte n, except night to a distanc e , that relieved their In favor of "Fresno Dan," and by the person wbo experie nced It. flank. • bUl which her husband bad placed on records the details at social life by 'tbat night the judge was hurned In In ali probabi lity UUI1\ Informa tion General Hancoc k a dresser to their room, and the note generat ions, and It Is possible to trace etftgy by an angry crowd of "Dakot a about Kln& Edward " wl\l Is llkely to to the left, with moved his troopB Ws right on the Waa sLicking to the plaster when the the evolutio n ot families , old and new. Dan's" support ers, If tho case Is car· come to light, for there Is no law In Plank road, and directed General latter was put where It might do the and their rise and fall on the tide ot rled to 0. higher court little may be England to compel the left of the estate, for the lltlgatlo n has such a kingly docume nt. probati ng of Wads~orth to make 0. change of (ront, Illost good. There was much mystery fortune. British sov. with left on the Plank road, and In The skeleton In the closet Is orten atready cost a h\lge sum. aIlIl a long bunt before tho bm waR erelgns are permitt ed to purchas e line with the SecQrds "Dou you know:' shouted the ellrno reveale d by legal prooedu re, and, corps. In ' exe. In the many etrorts of Albert T. Pat· propert y with the tunds of the privy cutlng located, but now plaster, bill and all though this change of front Wads· eEt orator, "what to do to tbe trust?" It cannot be avoided , the fam· rick to free himself trom a life sen· purae, and they b~ve the right to dis· worth's line will bt soot to the governm ent om· fly quarr.t Is bound "No, but I know blaple 'Well what became ' disconn ected , to be aired clals and "someth ing Just as good',' wUl contNte are tried betore a when tence tor the murder of William pose of thelr persona l estate without formlng gaps, OWing to the density of th y're doing to UB! " dald '0. man IQ surro- Marsh ' Rice, an aged recluse, people publicit y. It llil related of George n. the wildern ess, A perfect division the front row. will be SUbstituted. gate, Mllllly elemen ts enter Into these have almost forgotte n contest s--dlasa tlsfied heirs, forgery, was first charged with that Patrick that, with the consent of his minis· alignme nt or even brigade connectioD forget;)' In Clon· ters, he burned the will of his tather, seemed I. DIrt Good for Boy.7 Impossible. A forward move. undue Influence on the part of per· necUon wltll the old man's A Chtcugo doctor has arrange d tc Some folks say: "Ob. let the boy will. Pat· George I., beoause It contain ed certain me.Dt was made' sons who bave been associa ted with rick, 0. lawyer, ba(l learned of Marsh's scandal ous bequest s to court (avor· line, fQII baok. , when tho confede rate play In the dirt. It Is good Cor him. 1 gtve the dogs a drink this summer , tile propert y Tbe flghtlng was hard. wouldn owner; the 't give a cent for a ' boy that · He has bought a thousan d two-qua rt more than one will; vagueexlste,nce of wealth and his weak state of mind ites, and It Is not Improba ble that oth· Limbs and small trees fell from and Indefl· tbrough a suit In 11 Texas court; and er old kln"gB mus. adoDted slmUar meaaUNS ket firing, whioh added more contusio keeps big clothes clean." That may be basins and the' city council has aI, nite languag e In 0. man's last testa· n he gained the confide nce of Charles when they were deemed necessa ry tc to the battle. The dltftculty of a mount. all right, but what about the boy's lowed him to d~strlbute them about ment, for "all things whloh are so writ· F . Jones, valet to the recluse, Jones Dreserv e the reputati on O'f the nlgn· ed officer riding In the woods Ie!! mother? GettIng the dirt out of clothes the city In front of stores aud houses, ten In a will as to · be unintelllgl~le becomin g the lawyer' s tool. Ing house. Genera l Wadsw orth to reIn ,to the by the use of old·fashloned yellow soap Bnd the tenants will be expecte d to are to be on that account regarde d as RIce, In fact, never knew Patrick, and 0. Dickens tells In "Pickw ick Papers' dltcb though on the right side of the Plank bar. slow washda y method la hard III.. they were not written ." Bee tb,lt they are kept filled with wa· althoug h the latter posed as the mil· how Sam Weller saved If the boy's mother uses Eas)" his stepmot! .\· road, where his horae was shot. Tile Russell Sage, who dispose d of a 1I0naire's attorney , always ler fo~ the benefit o( the dogs. Tht.> Task laundry Boap, whloh does balf the working er's will tram destruc tion at tbe hand. gcneral mounte vast d estate a led wltbout horse. ,kept Indulgin g In BU· through Jones, who confess ed that he of his In doctor Kot the notion from the City of fattier, Tony. the ditch, and only went a lllw yards- worJ,c tor her Itself, and which reduces Mexico, where storekce))ers are re- perfiuou9 wurds, adopted a simple kllled his master at tbe lawyer' s In· wntlhday labor by flfty pe'r cent, It Is "This here Is the dockym ent, Sam when the second horse was , killed. method 1'0 prevent litigatio n over his st1gatlon. MoUve for the dlrtereoL Easy Task Is five cents a murder was my," said Mr. Weller. "l found It IT Mountin g Quired to keep s uch basins at their l'roperty 0. third horse, he was cau. . A clause of his will read: held to be desire on the part cake and is the grt'lalest mekel's worth of Pat· the little black teapot, on .the top shelt tloned of th~ doors. fhe Idea Is 0. good one, and "Should any ot the danger, and reined a few at soap ever benefic iaries un· rick to obtain control of Rice's for· of the sold, bar clost.>t. She used to keep feet to the right of the Plank should reduce the number of mad del' this, my will, other than my said road in tune by means of a forged will, and her bankno tes there afor!! she ma.. the thick timber. Tbe battle up to dog scareB In ChIcago this summer , wife, object to the probate thereof, or tbe Novelty. murder , was accomp There will be less hydroph obia If the In any wIse directly or Indirect ly con· Jonell at Patrlok 's commanlished by ried, Samlve l. 1've seen her take tht this time was well wltb Hancoc k's "I t~ought YOU told me you had d, chiaro· lid off to pay 0. b111, many and many a comman d. dogs can get water whenc\' er the" \est or aid In contest ing the same or torm being the death medium , Jones 80m ~thlng original In this time. ' Poot' creetur, she might hs' There was ,a lull; then the confed. said the ,managel', scornful libretto." (lny provisio n thereof, or the dlslrlbu · was allowed to go free, want It. ly. "Here wblle Patrick tlll<:d all the tea'p ots In the house _~tr erates pushed hard and fought fierce. nt the very outset yoU have a lot tlon of my estate thereun der, then and was sentenc ed to deanl. of In that event T annul any 'beques t In 1902. Govern or HIggins This was vms, aOO not have Inconvenlen(lll;i Iy. General Wadsw orth hod r eceived merry villager s singing, 'We are hap. commut ed herself neither, for sbe took wery Itt. troops trom ConneclicuL Is traditio nally th,e land h erein made to such benefici ary, and the the py and gay.''' Ninth corps. Word !lentenc e to lately, 'cep\ came to H~cock to look out tor his of etendy bablts, nod perbaps a "whop, It Is my will that such beneficI ary since tbat time iUA Impriso nment, and tie of I\nythln ' In that "You don't catch the Idea at all," Patrick has made 23 on ttle tempera nce ntclt, ven they left, as the per" of a fi sb s tory cornIng rrom tbat shall be absolute ly barred and cut off unsl!lCcessful attempt s to regaIn his just laid a foundat loll ~ tea to put nway. The Second corps was going replied the poet, wearily , "The 'g' I. confede rates were passIng soCt. ,It shou,d be pronoun ced 'hapP1 qua rter will get more credenc e thun 1\ from any share In my estate." There freedom. thtl spIrits a·top on!" ~tr lett when he ,t ried to wheel the and jay.''' It ori gI nated In a more s lnful s ource, was no contest, althoug h It was said Phonog raphtc records of tcstlmo ny "What doeR It sI\Y?" b1~lred Sam. ' troops to the left, when he Anyway, a resid ent of Wlnill ed states that the beneficI aries grumble d a lit· In a wlll- cas e were taken In Boston "Jist vat I told you, ~y boy," reo onto an Alabam a brigade,was close Ue How She Conciliated Them. bit. which , for lise at another trial, If p,e rmltted 10ined hIs parent. tha t b e found II fl sb In Ilis well. and "'r~o hundred charged and overlap ped Wadsw orth's Filmer -How did It happen that One of thll most dramati c will cases by the court. This unusual 'when he' hooked it he d:scove red tbal procedu re pounds vurth 0' reduoet counsel s to right. those five men who were so ' angr1 In the of Massac husetts was was the result of the Illness of opt.! lit was d trout 8 0 Inrge that the well tried 0. history . my son-In·law, Bamlv. " .and all t.he The Union line went back In much with the woman In the nickelod eon tew weeks ago In the probate of the princi pal witness es, who Wa.! rest 0' my propert y, of every kind and contusio .curb bdd to be re moved before tbe fis b court of East Cambri n. General Wadsw orth did not for not taking otr her hat became so dge, where two obliged to undergo 0. surgica l opera- descrip tion wotsoev er to my husband , rein In his horse to the rear could be bo uled out. The savlJJg grace claiman ts appeare d to flgllt tor (or ' an friend ly with her afterwa rd? a tlon Immedi ately after gIving evl- Mr. Tony Veller, who r 'applnt a~ my Installt. . His staff, save the writer of this fish tlIle Is that tbe narrato r share of Senator Daniel Russell 's es· Screen ers-It was raining like furY dence. Should It be necessa ry to In· sole eggzekJ ter." were away tryll)g to save the line, and When the show was over , and she In. dees nct attcm pt to give the weight of tate, valued at $750,000 . By his will troduce these records , the atUtude ' ot "That's 'all, Is itT" said Sam. the general did rein his horse to vlted them to take shelter with tiel' " the elder son, Wllllam C. Russell , was the court toward them Ow monste r ca tcb. Vim 'be of In· "That's all," replied Mr. Weller. when ' the rear every man Wntl making In under her hat. dIrected to share the estate eQuall): terest to the legal profElss lon geneI" "And 1 s'pose as It's all. right and that directio with his brother , DanIel Blake, who ally, for It might /Serve n. His last view was' his A Mean Man. !:ScIentists announ ce the prodUction to create a satls, factory to you and me as la the retreati ng division It flashed 'th had dIsappe ared In ,1885, after a quar· precode nt. h ' . pC edIble roscs. And nre Americ an , . only parties Interested" ve maY,8's vell my mInd, "Is your wlte -«oing to Europe this rei with ' his ,father. The tli'st olal$' "Two cannot live; one roug must summer ?" Nuncup ative or oral wills, tbe right booutJe s going to be ' cbeaper than put this . bit ~' papfM' into tbe fire." ' . f rom M d N g~t D .. when d a ball went through an t ,w h 0 came the "N ' I ear, . ., an . t~ make whlcb lies I .P~B' feet 'l :'Wot a~e yo,U II.-dOln' on, you luna: genen I' s bra.n ' 0 . . , 've bribed a tortunA teller to wall popular ly known as "Dakot a at sea or soldiers ,only with sailors and splashe d mt- coat. ,warn her to watch. tor a slim blonde tbe field, are tlc?" sald ~ Sam, snatchi ng the p'aper Then my ~orse .fell. 'Dan." ;dld not meet with the approvp \ somewh at rar~, but tn , one was admitte d , away as "hls parent In, all ' lnnocen ce, The Confed(lTntes could , not' have woman who Is comIng Into , JIjI JP!t'e of tbelr lrantli: ctrortF to ot WUllan1 ,G. Russell ~d his COUsll, , ~o probate my lire," ' III Kings county De· stu-r:~d the 6r~ pre~~ratory t~ suiting been more 'than 30 feet. The general ,keep apar~, ' Peru a nd t;:cuador are al· Ferdlnan~ B. AIm)" who asserte! ! th_ cemb6l' by 8't.!rro~te KetC?hbam. TbJs Th the action , t , o the W01'd. "You're a nice fflU the on man, 'bis s back. He had an outslde ' ~ e ~~row ~1Ul.hedges In Itl,s work· relll ,name ,was James D. , "rIll was , m~de by 'George O'OonJio lowed «.0 10 all making fRces at ODe ~, (lgpelil ter, )'ClU are," , . ' _ p.Joket In WI;1~ch he ,carrled his watoh RouBseau or RU8saw. and that h~ had ch,e! ,engineer: of the an 1V t restriCt • DQtbe r : steamsh ip Do~ ,11"1 not?"tnQu1re ~ Mr. Weller look. whlob 1'- reached ' to ttt\te, but. rffl~ ezpeot-J blm to do ions, and looUlhl y ranil1lartz'e~ blms,* with tb-:' history Oth~, wl1ll~ the vessel waa In ·mld. «reater' things when Ing .terD), round, With the poker In baU. an«:l ul\plerul"nt yeU, hal~ed at the Russell tarri.Jl)o befqre' putting ocean. ~ AlI that be said was: me" de.nled the right to be himself. ;'Every• ban\!. U .. only a ·,bod. dlstnn1!8 from NeVI his claim torward , . I ran back a short dlstanoe, Where l' . 'P botogra phs at 1bi~g that I bav.,--b olonp ~ mY daugh~ • I "Vy not!" eltclaiDied sam. '''Cu. It f(jUDd tlJe general '. horse York 10 Philade lphia. blJt Aylutol ROll.8seau were in.t roduced Witb th t';,,,-,,!::\Clor':~':~:':~_IJIo 'in eYI· ter. Lizzie," ilnd the will was provacl mUlt ·'" proved, ad probatecl aad' relit caugbt RamU!.OD 'tOW,ld It farther 101\1:1 !larlr dence; there were exhibits of leU6I.'a. with tbe aid IIIWI.OD.....lDdOOli: ZO: ......... at tw~ es, the ~~ 'wore to Ilnd all lIWUler 0' to~.u- ' ~e ..ddl on a Inag. I vaulted into alleged (0 b,.. b.~ writt,n ~~ "J>A. taln !lui! firSt omcerwitness .., 'aDd ".. 10011 wltb the ot '-the Dorotli1, U..." ' .. BlaUl WJ"cGliIlD, Mortgag e the _hlp fOr aU It" wOJth before Kivlq It Q. MARRI AGE AND ,DIVOR CE.




Deco-rative Idea :

Not Up to Money-Making and Free Advertising Tricks.


Didn't 0 on Vaudevlll" stage, But HII Fame Waa More Enduring Than the PresentThe sweet potato fi ea-beetle Is a Day Idol·l. email, bronzed or brassy-brown shInlng beetle, abont one-sixteenth of a n Kansas City, Mo.-In t hese uLllltar- Inch In lengt h. very acUve, somewhat Ian days tbe hero bus iness pays beavy c:hunky, with dceply ridged or striped di vidends- all of which Is fine for the Wing-covers, all these charncters , exberoes but bad tor that form of re- cept the general shape and bronzed ligion kn ow n as ber.o worship. Every- color, require a magnifying glass to body who has di scovered tbe north make a lit clearly. The h ind legs or polo has como back and by means of this beetl e have th e thighs very much lectures and books reaped a heavy '.hl ckened ' or enlarged, s o that It leaps bnrvcst of plec s at eight ; .Jack Hlnns, 115 readily us It III s. espocla lly In Lhe th e wlr less operator who sav d tbe \Iunny part of the uay. In tbe enrly pa ssengers of the s teamer Republic. morning and cv nlng and In wet or had no sooner got his teet on the firm cold cloudy ,,"eath r , It Is less acUve earth than he s igned up with a th e- Imd mny be r 'adlly taken on the atrical manage r nnd went on the leaves. In sl7.e. genera l appearance stage. ntH.\ methods or Dlotlon, It res mules For thi s reason the he roe's we are the fiea-beeUe of th e common or white manufnc turlng these days are not potato, and It Is supposed by some durabl e. They last a few days and growers to be the same. It has totheir glory fades. Our literature and 'nlly different breeding and feeding nrt would he pretty hard up tor hero material If tbe ancient forerunners ·In the hero business had acted this way. Imagine r eading anything like thi s In the morning . Dugle at Rome after Harotlous had pulled his fam ous stunt of holding the M,aln s treet bridge over

o 00






0 "


General Appearance and , Methods of Motion, It Resembles Flea-Beetle of Common or White Potat.o. h:\Tv esL It the plant Is vigorous and wt'(,the r cond itions are right, It takes hold b t aro the leaves bave d'led , and nftE:r It has once made a s tnrt, SOOIl go ts bl'yo nd rench of the Insects. EarIy In J t:ne the heetles begin to InCr(';l£l' In num ber, nnd, as th e blndwc c(l~ lire by this tim e growing vlg· orously, th o t cd ncy on thclr plLl·t Is 10 Jorsake tho cultlvated fo r th e wild plams, Dy tho mIddl e or .Tune th e beetles ha ve practically dlsnppeared and 1I 0th in g mora I s seen of th m until AII/-:lI Sl, and III n . they a re a gai n found nbu ndllnlly. not, ns a rule upon. IH: E't't Ilota toes, bu t upon the hedge and otber bl ndw eds and wild mornling glories. where tbelr cbara cterIsti c f '(;rling can bo B cn until October, al· lbough tile beetles themselv s dlsappear Into winter Quurters by mid·

to This Famous Remedy~


- Oronogo, Mo.-" I was simply a vous wreck. I could not walk a cros. the floor wit h 0 u b heart flutterl oa I could n ot even receIve a I e t te r. Every mont h I had such a bearing down sensatio n. as it the lower parts would fall out. Lyd1a E . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hal done my n erves " deal of good ..,.....;.,......:-"""""~_........ ~\J.basalsore lie ved recommended it to some and two of them bave been greatly benefited by it."-Mra. MAE M c K NIGHT, Oronogo, Mo.

Another G rateful \Voman.·

. terribly with a fema le weakness and had backache. benring down pains and pains in lower parts. I began taking Lydia E . P inkbam's Vegetable Compound regularly and u sed the Sanative Wash and now I have no more troubles that way." - Mrs. AL. HERZOG, 672i Prescott Ave .• St. LouIs, Mo. Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good. do not continue to suffer wi t hou\ giv ing Lydia E . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. ] t surely has cured many cases of female ills. such as Inflammation, ulceration, displacements. fibr oid tumors, irregularities, periodio palns. backache, that bearing-down feeling, indigestion. dlzzlness. and nerVOIlS prostration. It cost.s but a trifle to try it, and the result is worth mil· lions to many women.


:Added to the Long List due

St. L ouis, Mo. ~ .. I was bothered





VISIONARY. Destructive Flea Beetle. telg. 1. work of fl ea-beet! on .wec t potato l eav os; Fi g. 2. eweet potato tl Mt.-b ti e; Fig. 4. l arvn, onln r g d: ],'I g, r.. th e moltled t ortls o b ectl e, with "H ,'a fL nd PU Pil; FI ~. 6. Eluxoa. rn Hsorla. n , Its cu t -worm Irlrvu. b nod c. nat-

ura l alze.

OWADAYS. whEID the metal bed II the rule In almost all well ordered homes, there Is a constant cry among home decorators for Ideas as to Its suItable covering. Many women. handy with tlre embroidery needle, are buying a square of the widest, heaviest white sheeting. 'This Is cut out at the two lower cornera, so that the bottom of ~e oover 'Will h'ang tree, JlCr08, the ' fQijt of the bed below the mattreaa. A wide border la hemsUtched all around the edges of the cover. and the center Is embroidered as elaborately or aim· ply as one desires. A monogram Is ten used, ) and, ,when It combines three Initials Is most Iltrlklng. When a set design Is used tor tbe center the Initials can be put In one



corner In three separate letters, eaeb about four lnches In size. The desJA"Il given may be placed .. an Inclosing form arpuud ' the monogram .In the center of the spread. 9f several of the motifs may be used, with the I IUals In one corner. The work may be all white. or, in accord· anoe with the fashion for a touch 01 color. may be done tn a dainty shade on white; with a wide border of the scUne ehade used to decorate the edge of apread. One-balf of the design Is given, to be transferred to the material by means of carbon paper and embrold. ered In saUn stitch and kensington 'outline sUtch. Omit the dots In the center If the motif Is used with the monogram.

Horatlul iii" Developed a Dramatic Talent.


the Tiber while , his companions cut the piles beneath It. "The Homeric Amusement company announced that It had , secured the se"loe of Horatlua Cocles, the Infantry cal)tatn who will be remembered by the populi as having held the bridge aoross the Tiber a tew weeks ago, Mr. Cocles wtll- be --th'El-nelrdUner on an all-star vaudeville bill that will begin at the Circus, Maxlmus on the Ides at this montb, with a special matinee for slaves and freedmen. --Local Thespians deelare tbat Horatlus DON'T NEGLECT THE EYEBROW- COAT FOR SMALL GIRL bas developed a marked dramatic tnl_ _- - '.....' 1\ .. ent and that he Is especially good on the comedy sturr, with which his Attention Beltowed II Well Repaid by Initial sketch Is replete. The skit Is Improvement Made In Apcalled 'The Vlrs on the Pontus' and pearance. Inoludes s ome laugable sItuations. In one at these Horatlu8 fights ' Bpurlus Tbe most negleoted feature of the Lartual, who represents the enemy, face Is the eyebrows. ' Yot, perha,p s, with a newly-Invented slap sUck. more of one's express'lon depends Lartlus Is knocked to the stsge: landupon them than on any' other feature. Ing with a 100id 'Boomp! ' furnished by Do not omit a day without drawing the balls drum. The two then lock the eyebrows gently between thumb .arms and s ing the popular new song nnd tingers from the bridge of tbe "When · the Spooney Moon Is Shining 'Dose outward. Do this several times. O'er the Tiber.' Mr. Horatlus has seIf the eyebrpws are , thin and scant, cured a l,eave ot absence from the .cultlvate them with the same care a:m-,w'or the rest of ,. ~b.en.......t.o th hair. Rubbing with Or this little press dispatch from i'asellne at night and washing It orr Madrid· In ,the earlr days: with hot and t hen cold water In the "Madrid, May 1. 1493.-Chrlstoph r mo rnin g will Induce growth. Columbus of 3483 Grannda avenue deWbat Is more disgUsting than scaly livered his first lecture last night at eyebrows or signs of dandruff? Yet the Sl>nnlsh Bull Fighting association's who bas not seen these conditions on arena, In South Madrid. Their Roynl apparently well groomed women T Highnesses Ferdinand nnd Isabella Fight It as one would any oth~r germ. were not able to attend, 8S planned, Tonics used for the scalps can be car&on aocount of one of the young princes tully applied to the eyebrow I with a bavlJlg eaten too many ·green dntes clean camel's hair paint brush. Aftel'o the l1ay before and reqUiring the at· wards massage well. tendnnce of the royal M. D.'s all night. The Ideal eyebrow 18 thinly penciled Otherwise the event was a distinct and arched. Almost nny one can do succcss. Only standing room c.ould some training along these linea with be I!ecured after 7: 30 o'clock. Mr. promise at success. Columbus was a little hoarse, but hb , Shaggy brows and stray 'hair can delh·ery was earnest and , wltb thfi be removed with forceps and kept aid or his maps. It wall ev!dent that down In uil" way; When the ~owth .' be convinced even ' those anvil artist. III abnormally heavy:-always a bad de This little coat would be esceedlnl" who have been averring that he did fect tn a woman......bavtnl ,part of the balrs remov\ld by tllectrolYBls Is help- Iy useful tor slipping over ootton -not discover any new continent at all frocks; It Is made ' In rough f!.ced but hAS been In Gaftoa all this time ful serge, and Is worn with a white aaUor worltlng In his's wool war& collar edged with braid. houee." . Necklcartl. The hat Is a man-o'-war shape In "Oeneva, Sept. 6, a.good-long-tlm& serge. The »arlslenne so loves her winter "'hlta ,... ago.·-The pertomance of W IllIam Te1l Materials required: 2 yards serge at '-d appl rs that even In ' summer she finds. '1vW, arrow an e 'Lame. mad e fu '6 Incbes wide. 10 buttons. d Id d hit I t I ht Itha n au dl' It bard to give up a scart of some. kind a ec e as n g , w around her neck ' and shoulders. · Hence ence that crowded tbe Grand opera For the Pocketle... house to Its 'capacity. Mr. Tell's W&l .' the necksc.a r f, , . , The woman ' wbo laments ,the good . may be of mousseline de sole ' a 'sllent' act, and Ciame between the It old days of the pocket 8114 feels no Imper lIS a wIss bell ringers. a nd the g athered over satin_ Or' It 1may hbed of joy -In tbe. all-COntaining ·handbag. wlll Gordon ' brOthers. acrobats. Mr. Tell folded satin In two contrast ng s a es. weloome a new ' "wrinkle" from Paris, was assisted ' by his ten-year-old son, JI T II h h d th I :Again, Ulare Is the tulle rum. Inter- the home of IngeJloulty, ' , mmy e, on w os~ ea e app E laced wl"th saUn. And laoe and ' ribbon rrhis Iii the fiat outside' pocket, 'las placed at "the order of the Rt. tntertwlne~ give a charmlnJ effeet sewed on the tront of the ufldersklrt. .Hon; Gov. Gessler. The young man 'In any case. tbe ' coldrs JIlust 'be bril·· It '(Is large and of the s!,me material d'splayed a nerve worthy of his 0001 llant without b.e ln, "loud:" The end., ~ aa the J.I8ttlcoat and It fastena se- ··beaded sire. Not only did Mr, TeU may be f.rl~ged or ·betu.seled. . curely. b)~ means of Ilove olasps. which shoot repellted apples from the bOY'1 And to wear them? One drapes the maY be purohped .at ~y glovenia,' .8calp across the 30-foot stage, ' hut he scarf around', the }lh~ul~era" thrqws keT's; or the band ,.-tth the clup. in· ehot 'em' 'With his eyes shut, lying on one end by a dett ,t wist over the leU aerted Is &lao C)btasDable. ' , ' his back and puIllng his bow with hll and leavel thet dttier Uld shorter enel It I. ~arkable how much-"from., feet. a!1d from other novel positions, haliJ!ng down m h'aat; rather . to the haDdkerchief to ~"-TCIIl . be 'put lD .uter- thtli the ' ~1 threw apples In'ta right. ' ... one' o.t ".the.e ~ without elthe, tile air and Mr. .'I'e11 .plk~ them wltlf ODe ~~taa:e dO !laP: Tiley maldns ~ as'" IRllp Iia the .1drt unel'rlq arrow •• without mlssmS ' on6 ue eaaD1 00IIb'l.a _ a.. .-, 'c auetq lJi~ . . . . of carr;tq • The ,.CI1lQ man then retaliated bJ ~er &D4 ID~ elf~ ~ IootIIall aboUt wtth ~ Alad 0Ift&ln, abootlas apple. from bla falber'. oeal a worD coat aol1ar wltboat"1IYIDC lr aa& .....'uh 10 beacl ali" "0_ alMmt 8Y81'JtIlIq that .up!olOlt. to the carlou war14' , ' .....: ' , . lb'. ~t4 man'••• was 1IlIIt7 oc.


... -





u.." ..



habits, however, and the bronze color of th e sweet potato species contrasts strongly with th e dead black of the other , . These bee ties live through tbe wlnter, In rubbis h, under logs, stones or among masses of leaves and other vegotallon, and speclmens may be found at almost any time during that season by sl fttn g sucb rubblsb along the edge at woods, under fence rallB. along roadsides and In similar placeBo When the weather becomes r eally warm, these beetlea leave tbeLr winter quarters and seek food. As soon as the plants are set In the field the beetles attack them and begi n feeding. Their eating Is peculiar In character and easily recognized. On e ither upper or tinder side they chew 'out narrow grooves or channels, al first close to and parallel w1th some )f the principal veins ; Inter, when the ,eaf bas been pre tty well eaten Into, the chann els may run any way. This nttack, made as soon as the plants are set out, and while they are s uffering from the shock of t ransplantIng causes tho leat to lose vItality, turn brown, and die. rr the weather happens to be dry and hot the enlire plant dies, or It It does not, takes hold s o s lowly that the hill never catches liP and 1s a poor one at

S ptember.

Practically, the insects llisappear from the sweet potato fields about June 16. Spraying for Bllght. Spraying fo r early blight' on late varle Ues of the Rural New Yorker type of potatoes has proved profitable the past two years at the Mi nnesota experiment staUon. Spraylng late varletJo; of t he Rural New Yorker type may be d.elayed until the earliest planting of early varieties In the locality shows s igns of the presence of the disease, when spraying should be Immediately a.. . "'CJ'o_ applied at the rate of 60 to 76 gallons Jlggson-It a man could only sell ot Bordeaux mixture pe r acre. fol· lowed with spraying at an equal coa l nt the north pole or Ice In hades! Wlggson-But that's out ot t.he quesamount every ten days In good weather.. In ra iny weather spray more frOo tion. Juggson- I know; but, gee! juat quently. think at the prices he eould get!


Good Exercise. There Is no hurm In pigs rooting it they are In a field where rooting wlll do no hnrm. Pigs can secure much teed by rooting and the exercise will do them good. Where troublesome roots Infest the soil they will otten e radicate them If allowed to do so. The fnttenlng hog ahould not be allowed to root, ns the e xercise con· s umes too much fe ed and energy.


Old Advice. Manager-You never get this scene right. Your business with the sweet pens Is all wrong RlJd you forget when YOll are to speak- you get your line, all mIxed up. , Actress-All right, sir, I'll be more attentive and fix the sweet peas an" try to get my lines 1n the right place. Manager-y:our course Is ve ry simple. Just mind you r peas a nd cues.Baltimore AmerlclLn . Confused Impressions . "Of conrse, you know the story of WHllam ,T ell," said the serious oltl· zen . . "To tell you tho truth," repli ed Mr. Cumrox. "I'm not clear about him. I can·t exactly remember whether he was a great ma rks man or a fam o us opera s inger . " Not an ~bjeotlon . "I think he'u llke to jam your club, but hi s wife wou ldn't hear ,at It." "She wouldn't haal' of It ? W h y, I know of halt a dw;tJll wen who wOllld join our club It their wives couldn't henr of It ,"

A Dream of Ease-

Post .Toas·ties NO COOKING! An economical hot weather food that pleases an ~ satisfies nt any meal. So good yo u'll.want more.

luxury -

Served right from the Pflc\tage'With cream or Q1i1k. Especially pleasing with fresh berries. In slimmer ' !bere" may be ,seen on !ow, manhy ground "'p lants, . sb:owlns Ant. qprl,ht stalks, as shown ,at the leU. ud a few weeks later the bushy ' steins 1JI"lth flne needle-like leaves s"own at the 1'11f~t. Roraes often aoliiuIre ~ taste for thll pl:'Dt and eat wlUl btjui'J" to tbemsely'" TIle

effects are a gradual 10$s of oontrol ,oI the hind legs. ' ---:-.- - -rrofit In the or'1hard largely d.. pellcla upon tbe perfectlou of tile fruItII raised aod the Quantlty. Ii D~ Ute u.. CUlDot produce their. tull C&~ UDo I... well DaTed for•


Melilory Li..gers.. . _



Sol' ~ Orocen

.- "-

Poatum Cereal Co.. ~imhect ·B attl. Creek. Ioficb.


County Courts

Jalll ij· lil. Haynes, .a, carpenter of OilY ton Ilod Ann!tI Billokford , 2 , of 'pringb ~·o.



:5avln8 moved iuto u h a.ltl.lfn! }amuse .\\ ith rood Illr Illltl s nn h ne' Real Estate Tr.lnsfers..: ,.aim ,-,bont, the fl'l('lr pArR on HIll . t Com ilion Pleas Court. iJufOrl,l l himself tt.bout ordinary III Ln 'o.tberine TI tu and Timothy New Suits I It ' /.ii't1l1.ion nffiClent1y to sa 'Ie tl~e flLW · Titus t.o Mary G. Campbel, ' 0 lD , :lay from the ri t:lks or un whole OLlle .At. A. Jameson, admlniltrator of Eli Ii MMrow, 5l. /conditious within . the estate of I:3taniok Klublnllky, de Myrtle B uw urd Bnd Frank B ow U n cle!!nneS8 is Ilt thtl r oot 0"cell d v . King Powder Company . ani et ul to WiJlllllll E. McElfresh ImlWY of the evil which OUUS8 lIuf' t I IIll o· n lot in Roohester It. Petition filad to recover S10, (lOO qUi [ , ferlng Ilod iil·heaJt;h . The b "t Hope 0 J ookwood to Ethel M. . . d ll.mll.g . Plaintiff avers that Klub• J kr ,3 000 hoU!~e s(lt'edUy beoom oootnlOlOMtn' ky Wit Ob July 23, 190 an em Eldridge, lot In FrltD 1n ~ . ' ed if the people who dwell tber in "n I A oker to Ed wllrd CrIst, lot . I110ye f tb d fEnda n$ and through VQr U arA unolean in their perRon!!1 hllbltR. ttl! em~lloy(S brought to the cornio g Until the question of oleanline II IR in MasoD, mill wher the deooosoo W en tie (;t'Ilf to Elsie HiDes. tru.ot In . ' .. K . !\ . oourllgeou!lly denlt wltb by fumll!ell , gllged. gun powder to be sit ~d and De r6eld towntlhlll, by Sll nitllry lIouthuritiuti lUIII hy lug,,1 that, it oon tain d Il pebble whiob Russell Bo wver to Emma B. Boyer meusunJII W-t\ !Jbull m~ke n ~ I' nt ClluHed llD explollinn Bnd cost tbe lot In 1:30uth Lebunon, il. hoodwuy 'in !:Hl nl tary r eform . It ill life of Klubin kyo Wlnth1'op & Cn. u" ry J Burns to Wulter M. 1:300. . Wo.. • to sllve the Itve!l of '·he Inllocent bllll and Max Levy are Iltto r~eYI field, lot in~ason , obildren , to give them u fnir chanoe for plaintiff. Daisy K . tone and R . J . Stone to for g rowi ng up to • belr full hei gh t, Anna Btookton VI!. William B. F. W. M. tlOofield lJt In Muon, und weight., n ot !ltuute<l fmd uodert;tookton and Henrv Leonard StockEmma Van Born , Alioo 'l'hompsized, that effort!l ur ~ mnde to give ton 1\ minor. Petition filed to Issue son et al to Tbeodore Ehrenberg, light !lnd Ilir to Il II. deed to properly desoribe certain 127.02 aores in Deerfield township, I!'irs' Law of t:)!Lnitation : 'rhere real estate. Plaintiff ol~ims that 112,000. must be quiok rewoval f r om our J . J. I:)tookton exeouted anel dehooses of the IllILtenul we ha ve done CommlJliooen' Proceedln&s. livered to ber a deed WhlOh botb . with . part1es supposed oonveyed premises Contr.... t-Contraot was entered -Wuste from sinks. Illundry tu b"', in question to plaintiJf but nn error was la'er found and a oorrection is Into with John Bnrnett for puttin~ and water olose ts. Rhould b <h:! in & oorrugated sewer aout,h of 801>- obarged into tlgh' dmin p IpI' S . prllyed for. Willard J. Wright 18 at. klnsville al80 joist -.ud top aad rail. 'fhese pipes ' mus t J\8ver be allowed. torney for plaintiff. ing on bridge on HopklDa rOlld near t b olog ed so 8 to dela y, he '" . o ecome M"ineviUe aJ80 for s\on6 work ex - getting rid of the foul wl1ter, Ilnd to Probate Court. kmslon to oulvert OD Maineville and. permit deoay and the formllti on of Estate of Staniok Klnbinaky, de F08tU road near' Maineville at eatl- ga.ies whioh flow baok into the ceaaed. Kar'ln A. Jameson is ap· mate 141.85. hOUie. This ologging will be I1voidd i trat,or ! I dn l'n-ento PI ana, llpeoifioa~tio ....'tim·te . but I'lqu Id or d 11'80 ' I'Ie d poin ted a m'i ns . · n I and " ... ed, if notblDK




.1 .


Laborator)t-Open ed In Madison, Wls.Rear Admiral Stockton 15 Chosen P resi de nt of George WashIngton Univers ity .

Wnsh lngton.-U tl1l zu tlon of forost rtlaourcea to the rull ' s t possibl e ex· t nt Is to b th . a lm or nn exporlm ent sta ti on thnt under tbo nnme of lb tor 8t PI'Oll ll ' l s Inb orn lOl'Y has I' cent. ly bO'n estnlJllllhc d by t ho for es t se rvIco at ;)ladl son, \\·Is. H nry . Graves, chlet of the for Bt serv ice has reo turn d from openIng Iho laboratory .and spoke enthUSiastically ot th e outlook. The station Ie cull ed a laborlltory, but this Is hal'dly a descrIptive name. The word laboratory usuully InferB chemical or physlcul P:t p rlments on a very small 8cule, nnd laboratory work Is alwaYB dlll'ere nUnted from field work because It Is not always oertaln that an tl XP \'1m nt successful In the laboratory will be' a practical and comm rclal success. The work at the WisconsIn station Is on a scal e that Is large enough to show' whether the work carr I d on has a comru rclal future. Th ere are a number of varied Industries all conollct d with forest products carried on uoder the same root, bllt they are car. ned 00 In a larger way than Is common In n laboratory. There Is a practical pulp mill for making paper out ot woods torests. that arebut to that be found the national hav In never

ry is dispensed ,!itb. Ralph B. Parks, administrator of estate of Kittle O. Loehr, deoealed va.May E. Loehr,et ~l. Order 1@8ued for sala of 1\11 real estat. belonginK to the e8tate. ERtatc of KittieC_ Loehr, deceased 'Due proof of pubUootl_on of notice cf appointment of Ralph B. Parka admini8trator 18 rued. EstaM of N aDOY J. Maltbie, d.8 ~ Firat and fiDal aooouotfiled by Louis F. Coleman executor. S Wi n t row, d 8"taM of J amee. aeued. .Firat and'final aoooun' iUei by BarryK. WiD trow admluistrator In ~tter. of es~te of Jamea S. Wtntrow deoeaIed, RePOrt of -.1e , of real estate ~ by Ba",? M. Wintrow, adminlatratdr. lilew.ttI of Smith R. Bndah'eet de· cea-ed. Inventory and appraiaeMar· Jane B-..... treet men t rued bJ J ~.~

for oonorete faoe walla to bridle on mlltE'rial is allow~d to puss the grl1t. been utilized for paper making; there BarveY8bnrg and B~okoryvi.lJe road iug of the sink or do ... u tbe bowl f IB a plant w'h re n w woods are be. In Maesle townllJip were approved the oloset.. No) bits of meat o r of Ing. tried for llI:lklng .1 ad panclla, and oontract let to Na,han Harvey 1 th ~ olld Drel1se no matohell there are testing de\'lces for determln· .. ' , Ing the structural strength of woods, o 0 ,.no at eetimate $140 50. DO hair, should ever be put with the real cbemlcal laborator/ R for deter. . Bille-Frank Stokes, . oontract, water, but should be tbrowu in 11 mining chemlcnl compositIon and the 11~!I .50 i Oregonia Bridge Co., ~OD 8eparate plaoe. a~aptabllIty of woods for dyeing, tan. traot 131M I Bert ~d, bric;1ge repairs Get .r id of all wastes at Olloe. To nlng and other artll. nnd se tions for 113 60' Village of Franklin ontting d th'- tb::t " !It ... rk . kiln drying. firep~ooflng aOd . preserv· • , . • 0 &II, o~s ,0 \'1' -. ling woods from decay. There wlll be elown approaoh to Seoond IItreet an important branch devoted to sa. brldge, ,50 ; Franklin Electrio Llsht GARBAGE vlng wood refuse by dl/ltlllaUon, the Co., malelial for 111MB 04 IUlpen. Garbage, commonly !Jl1l1ed swill, making ot wood alooh\>l by chenp and slon bridge ,S3 17; James MoMullen coneist80hiefly ot the trimming of practical procesEles ana the like. '. . h 01188, 11 . 50''mMt and vege,,,ble8, an d t h e WEI t e In "The nlng aofnoticeable the laborato.ry was gold duat for oour. everyop way sucoess" Warren Oouoty Times, envelope~ for from the table: If st~red in open ,aid Mr. Graves. "It was partloipat~d appraillement phamphleta, '24.80·; :buo.kets, It 800D beoomes In by a 1I1rge nI,Imber of lumbermen. Maaon Lnmber 0o, ceQlent and throqgll deooJQpelltion, and is an , epr sentaUves of wood-using Indus. pipe '13.46' James rollen Sr. id 1 b eedinl plaQft in warm trIes and others Interested 10 a pr~~ Hwer ., ell. r , , tical w8l!.-ln what the Inboratory Is I&lary a8 janitor,at oourt house, 15Q i weatherl for 11iel. , intended to .do. I think thesll , ~en R. HarahbaJiger, 8alary lUI alsiatant ID order not to. furnl8h a breedl':lg were much impressed with the't'tnclJ\janUor at oonrt hoUse, 1..0; Valley pla)6 foz: tbeee osz:riere .of·disell8e, ties, tor studyIng pracUcal. problem. 'l'el"phone Co., rente and tolla, Ito.50 tbe garbage 8hould be 'keptln a OOy- on a 80ale which wtU make the resultll ~ '- P .0rIY. III for nor. A dt Innaed 'of befor:e valuable to usera o,t what the forest "'&'RDA, ,e"'peD888 .. "J ored '"'1qok e t , an,+s ..:-_ . , produces,

o~ estate of Geo.rJe MoClure, deoeu6d I VI. .M argaret Bever et aJ . , ., bo d George L. Sever fu! nllhea n.1 administrator and order l~l made to 8811 pr~perty at p~vate sale. Eetate of Nancy EUza~tb Ford, Qlinor. Anna F ord appo In ted gua.r.. diaD at bonel of ..,00. ,. .Rte of Mary 'AnD Sw.l~y, de· oeaeed. InTentory :and appraise ~eDt filed by Demoltbenes Weer, executor. . Eetatt? , of Eliabeth Mounts, imbeoile. Seventh acooUllt flIed by ilhoebe Harner, guardian. ElRte of Martha D. Penoe, deoeued. InventorY and &ppralsement fiJed by tioward P. Early ,nd John B. Pence, executor.. .. In matter of will of Mary C.

and is the natural ~o()~ of Iw'l ne or p Itry and they wUl aevour it in ou , the mO/ilt eco~omil) WilY, wit~out ob~eotto~aQle ,ffj&$qrel!l of any kind. Where these mean8 are Dot a.vail". ble the garbaf(e may be boried ·every , day or t~o in the eart b an'd coyered with tllree Qr foUl' i,nobe!t' Qf loil; B'llall qUlll1titl~ ~ay be burned: In the k'u Jhen range .





-----.. -- ...-----

.. nSyUththinerglabnudt 'tShEae ' egy!~I:is8:~vpee!::yr .. ..... and hll.rmless oure for gfannlUel\' Uds, sorofulous 80re eyes, styes, weak eyes and dlmne88 of vision. Sold everywhere 250. - - -... - - -.- - Don" aUempt to wear a halo un ' ,1~ for tu~rcul~la aDd ~eak laag•• . til you get your ' wingll. Jt .. aaTiDI' buadreda of ',our neigh- . . _ _ ....____ bon, wb, Dot ,-oa1 'DoDtt' walt QatU ·. Sutherfand'. Eal(le Eye Salve ' t -- I te. D.-n4 t A a " fOl' va1uble J • "'" a ~ o-:u " Is a 'or~my s'n ow whi"oln"ment' booklet OD tU~llioal., W. lend it """ _. 0_."';"" .... fIee .of put up tn all' hgh't sorew oap tnbea .----. WUl oure aDY 0&88 of sore e1811 ~d ~ The Watare'aCreatJoD Co. wlll not IDjure eyes of a babe. Sold Col....... Olilo. eftrywhere 2Po.

Nature.' s ·Oreation cb-.....











Don't Mitis the Woost

There will be lots of Free Altractions,Exciling


ces, Oood Music and

Station Ex.



Big T,mc Every Day of

hlblt and the ExhibltJ of Greene County'. Public

the Fair.


A Great Exhibition of Live Stock, Far.m and Garden Products. Lots of Entertainment Instructive Features



.. '"




----_ ..----- --_.., Arc You

Willi the aim of the staUon IB to do wOI1l:., oU n scale that will be large enough to' pr tty well establish Ita '~ O\C IdDg comm ercial possi bilities, there have been arrangements made with R number ot the commer,clal cQncerns Interested In the use of woods to carry out I on a commercial scale work that apo : We can offer you good pears promising hi ' the laboratory. Paying Employ men t There will be an additional omee nal ..I ntnJned 'in Chicago. The wor~ that you wi.J,1 enjoy and there will coosls~ of studies of the at home. Write to-day wood-us ing industries ot the "arioul states, the cbl\ecUon of statistics and I keepIng In general touch with the wood Dlarket, \ TIle . .ameli ...b ........

of wood whloh {ll'e' belng experimented ·,with to dJscover thefr value for thla purpose. Some ot the woods to bEl tested are national forest woods of telaUvely low value for Um~er. Othe1' tests were of construotlon timbers ot .large siZE!. "The d!lIlCOess was t th 'oth the rt opening t1 ue 0 e , ea Y C<H>pera on

I lor a PO~itioUl? .


4nother wllst e that Dloat n'ot r emain tn ou~ houlles i8 dnst, that i , fiDe dlrt. This com"s from tbe wear ot things. When it i8 drY, ·It blows about i when it ia wet, It Is grime or mud. Dust Is partionlarly hold di8eale germs The~efore, w~ should aV01d all furnishings thl\t , will aUr~(!t ~n4 dqst, SQoh liS carved woods, upholstered furni ture; and espeolally c8rp ~ ts, whioh oan be taken up Qnd oleaned only wltb the Kreate8t amount 'of labor. Bare fioore are easily dusted, and can be washed often . The smllll rugs or bits of oarpet milY be t·llken up and oleaped easily. Alas! to dust an tbings retu rn; bnt we do not wish to have this dQst tn our bouses, in \lnr lungs. or under oor finger nails . We briDg tn dirt on c ur shoe8 nn \ olothes j it blows in at the winriows . It must be wiped off or swept up and burnttd. Let it be put w~ ere it 08n do no harm to any one .else. It is a bad praotioe to sweep 'dirt Into 'he street or throw it out of the window.




adm1D~tratriX. ter, 1274. t4 i Lewis Drake, land apo. deoo~posltioD takee 1)1ao.e In . ~ ~or Instance, there WQS a papel' George L, Bever as admlnlavator praieer, ll0.50. fresh state garbaf(e i8 not nno181ln, machIne ' making Plltper ' from specIes

Mlso.llaneou8-lt was ordered .t"'llt 1800 be temporarily traDsferred ~ from the So14ier8 Atonument fUDd to oounty fyed. . TranlOript of proceedings of trus teee of Franklin township in regard to the alteration of the Oxford rca d wal thia QY read for tbe third timt! and on 'motioD following OQmpeD88~ tion and damages were allowed to iii. T. Doonant, W. L . Decba~t and Kargant ~baQ ,. i'or land appro · pria'ed, S100 i fi)r fenoe, ' 1l0. • - • Stru,k a Rl,b Mine Be'nd s, .0 f Coal C"t ~. W, J"y, Al a., says he struok a perfeot mine of beaah In Dr. King's New Life Pl1lR for they oured.him of Liver and Kidney·Trouble· after 12 years of 8uffaring. '1'hey 8rB the best pill" on BrowD, deceased. Papers pnrport earth for OonatlpatloQ, 14al.ri8, tng to be last will and testamen' Headaohe, Dyspepsia, Debility. -:250 filed aDd date 8et for bearing on Ju- at Fred C. ·t;obwartz's. 21l'h at II &. m . • - ...- - - In matter of e8tate of HaUIe E. Wet Weather Kill. Horae., Stephenl. 'InTentory and appraisePottaville, pa,-Over: a dozen borses ment filed by A nnioe M. Orosler, ex.. died in Pottsv ille apd vJclulty the otl)· er day of a strange, new IUse~ whl~b ecutrlx. _ Estate of Vesta Jane Spurling, la .ald to be cBused by the wet we!l~~­ er, arul different parts of the country minor. First aooountfiJed by Neally report .corea .a bavlng died ·trom the Spurling Boby, guardian. . .ame dtaeue. It begins like ,the Estate of Jeniva Cavolt, deoeased . mane. and loon atrects the eye,.. Firat and .flDal aooouDt filod by W. Croup W. ijhurta, executor. People with ohildren should keep Estate 01 Hannah Wright, de. ceased. Due proof of publiolltion pf a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pin8.Tar.B :>ney on band a'all tlmel. Oroup is worS6 appoiDtment of exeoutrl~, Lydi~ at night when it is lome times hard Wright. to get a physioian. Loolt f«n the George L . Hever as administrator bell on the bottle. of estate of George MoClure, de · Work. Both Way •• oeased vs. Marraret 8ever, et al. "Thell'e" a proverb that flta every AI. C. OraJ[e i~ appointed guardian man." ad Utem. "What one ftts meT" "To w:hom God gives omce, he rives bralDa." StI;'nley Washnook, 23, motorman . "But I bave no omee." "Well, doo't you see how It ftts'''of SilTerton and Leone Southard, 18, Cleveland Leader. , ,of Lebanon . • - • We Do Not Recommend

Greene County

Forest Service Plans to Conduct Large ' Experiments.



., I



• . . . .Iek ......... NewYarkeN.Y.

Young Gould al Meehanlc. !!:~~~~~!!!!!~~!!'!!~!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!! , l'ueblo, Col.-The exp rlence .gained by KIngdon Gould, eldest soo of George GOUld. In the shops of his fa Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honer For CouPs and Ool~' ther's road stood hIm In good st ad When the locomotive attached to the MIssourI Pacific tr\tln upbn' which he 'was traveling broke down a few miles east ot h reo A message was seot to WALTER M.Cf:LURB, Pueblo for another engine, but young Gould pulled off hlB coat and had the damago rap aired before the relief 10 Funeral Dlnr.tor. comotiv9 (irrlved. o·

- - -...

- ..- - -


Telephone day 01 flight. Valley pho~e No, J.oDR Distance No. 61l-~,



Aup,stlne's .Cathollc Churda. .' FBther George MnveDhoefer. Pastor Mi&88 evuf 6oo0D" SUodll}' of tile mouth a' W AVNESVILLE, II :~O a.. til.



• •


ot the represEmtatlves of WOod-usIng ~'a ,EpllCOpaJ Churc:h.' Branch Omce, U':rvef'lbul'l. O. _ ,n·c.'v.i'." , F, Oadwallooer. Reclor. Industries lind the lumherm~n,. One of the greatest advantages of the lab:'1 . " . S~n~a1 SChOOl, 9 :80 a. 10 Morning Mer oratory will be that It will bring -Cloll- vlce,~ ~o :80 a. m. Holy ComlDunlon the firs t er together those _who are ~tudyiU~ SundBY ot eacb manU! ' I. to promote the most !lCo~owlcal use . , , 1~47 of f9Uf fQrellts, for the sake ot mao MetbodlsteE~paJ Churcla. VB king our Umber suppll~.s last as loog , .. Re·v ,'B. W. Balle,., p ..ior. tSi~"erWare I', as possible and serve their best us~ . SfmllBY Sebool, 0 :30' a, 10 . • Mornlnl{ 60r. If and those who are engaged In ,the bUill- ylce, 10:80 :1, m. Epwortb 'League, 1:00 P ness or converting trees Into market- Pr lit. . Evening' 8crvlc:e, .?:0? p. m. , Midweek y ~ U WO,uld hke t08upply \yer A(oe~lng. 7 p •. m. able forms. The Intfustrles will gaIn -,' . ' ., your table with this high"Clean homes are most!y both greater assurance of permanence ChrlstJ~ ChuR:h. (, d'l free kept olean by no\ IlHowing them to Ilpd dlBco~ery of the methods whIch Rev. ~. O. TliomJllOD,.Put.or. gra e 81 verware, . 0 . beoome dirty" will pily Ulem best, while the pubUc Bible School, 9:801a. m.( IIoeSIIIlMetln&, cost, write 'US for our 8"""'a l f h tl ' t th 10: ao a. 10. Olu1atla.n;ll:Ddea?Ol'. 1:00 Po m ---- .. \VII I g n rom t e conserva on!l '. e 'Sermon by p~tor.evertlaltemaM, 8unday a~ cial offer. Add-- r-The Best Hour of Life forests." . . . -10:80 a. m. and '1:80 p, m. ' . is when you do some great deed or . The lumb rmen of the country a,:e .Hiduiite -Frtends' Chilrd.. . dillcover soms wonderful faot . Thi~ parUcularly Itltereated In tha work of F irtit Day Moctlnll;: 10 :00 a. m. FlR'Day STAND. fASIItN CtIIPAII hour oame to J. R · Pitt, of Rooky .snvlng ' whn~ III now . reru~e "rood. They School. ll':O{l a, m. Fou'rl.b'Day ¥'ee\lnr ' 1..... " ...... ,..... ', . . , _ ... ,: . '. . l ' _ _..., . . . " Mt ·, N, O. when he "a8l1uffering In .. figure that a thIrd of the ~oQd as It il 10:00 a. m. tebllely, 6S he says. "from the worst c utt I.nth ~he tkoret,Bt ndow finds Itjl raJ OrthOd~x . Friend. Chutch. . ,.r;!!!!!!~!!!!~ ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!~!! r!!!~!!!!,!!_ i 0 e mar e an _ th ey are us as cold 1 ever had . I then proved to Illyn ' ::: .._~ \ ,ereat lIatisfllo.tlon, ~h!Lt w qnderfill anxl!>us aa any other P\lopl~ to . . Rov. BenjamIn Ba:w~lpll, Plilltor, '>" Oold a'n d Cough ' oure Dr, Klng'~ , th~s.- tw~'~~lrds It .. lt . c'.ln be done .at Sabbath ,Sobool,'. 11 :30a. m. Reg)llarohurob' ~ew' DIEicovery is . Jj'or, Ilft~r tuktng. any pro~t to, themselves. They hav~ crvtce, \ 0 ·~o .a. QI. Cbr"~lao Frndoavor. , ~.~ . . . .Ii one boUle, I was entirely . cured . already furnlsh.e d ,a good deal of rna- 7130 p. Ill ' , GOod fop·. ~nc but .... ~ You can't Blly auythlnl! t oo gOQd 'of chlnery for teaUn& and 1lXperIJlle~ta a medtc.ine like that." 1t8~hes.nrellt,. and have .s':1ggeated a num~er Qf ' Uoe~ aod best remedy for' diseased lungll ' for Inve/ltlgaUon. , ·Be~01'rbIl8ea, ~(imtppe, A8thml\: The statton Is beIng conducted bJ ~ .Fever ' any Thl'odt or . I:mni the department ·of agliculture In conTronbJ:'. · ';"n;.;. 11 00. Trial b .... ttle jUlIctlO_D with the UI\.lv~r8Ity of .WIIIo+.-.,...• ' . n uYV, v free GUIllPnteed bi·F. 0 ~hw~rtz. coos1n. T hI e a~t ar Ins tit utI on bas f ~ -. , nlsbed the building and . will supplr • - • the light, beat and power and the deH&vJt y.o nr regret-a of yellterday partment will ' (urnlsh tbe1forkln. 1IDtU farce. TIle D811 the . _



I ..





.mr.,II_n BILE EIE ••••


• iI -


~- --


. 1


W ookl y


\\' hyOl'I< I' IIII"

Magazine -Reviews for August ... •

llh r.



'~EI,EPIIONJ£--()A I.J...




.....- - - - - ' T R Y


Liveriles Prevents Serious Sickness

It willl!urprise most penons who , know . something about oa k to be told that the sO-oalled white ollk timber of our mllrketilis often Il mix. Llverltee tor a Cold. Backache and Weak Liver or Kidneys. t·ure not only of various speoies ofAn ounce of ;A lway. kCC'1l the white oak group but attlo ofoth. Prevention is .th III iI. the er speoles, such I1S the red oak, worth a pound :hou. ·c I't:!ariy Thlt! gtlDerally unknowll faot 18 reo of cur·e. I Ifor U H~ • ported by the U. S. Department of Agrioul\ure. which. BS a pa.rt of its Prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they C I~an sc t he System anll foreetry work, Is frequently oalled Purify t he Blood arid thus PREVENT SE RIO US SICKNE S. upon to pa8s jQd~ment npou tbe . .- - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 identity of market woods ia dlsputlJ . Fore8ters diVIde all the oakl into Dr, Beli's Plne-Tar-Honey two distinot groups-tbe white oak Is the bellt for CO U ~h8. co ldl:!, orollfj L~dies! Save Money and Keep'in gropp and t·he blaok oak ' group, grip, whnoping cough, bl'onohitit., Style by Reading McCall's One ~ay of distinguishing the two "AthOla anll all throfLt and uronohlrd Magazine and Using McCall Patterns is by tbe fllot the blBok oaks troubles . !:iold everywherb look for McCaU', M•••• I •• will require two y e l.L~s to mature their the bell on *lIe ~o~l!. _ __

"AD effective pr~ervlI.*lve of IU Oh, Oi8h. PliO ! Brlght- Rolrtce of my lonely d"ys, frleD J IinestI is deferenoe," says," Annie tbmilton DonnelllD rhe De. D. L.' CltAN"E;' Edi to!' a nd Munage l' To t heA I Jloise This Dil'lJpllertll or llmisfJ, ISlgner f~r Au"ust . "'1 ollil It one of Th ou WArt not deemed of oIU . the cardinal virtues. If half the Rates of Subscription • A proper in loltrum 4;! ot fot' mun, the WOJ ld had deference to the other ue Yellr (1I1,rleUy IUllllvuuco) . . . . . , .. 1 1. 1111 hold , half, think what a world- what 81uglo 1: "11)' ... .. . ........ . . . . • . . . . . . . . U) Bllt fell to woml1n 'R lot, and sbe ... world it would be 1 Oefrt.v !lid wonders every dll.Y with ., As for example: 1 have a frlAnd Rates of Advertising Hl eA. I who beKllo by heing nearly 110 neigh. :Rondlnl: LOt'IIIH, per IIno .. " ' " . , . . .. . fil' Hlllllllug !.ucIlIK. bln'k rlLl·(1 . I"' f lin ... . l UI' Now, timeR hl1ve ohanged Bnrl I bor, Ilnd the dividing line between (,' I IU\8111~ 1 I\ IIH. uut to excooU 111'1.1 1111'0.0 21,1 ' MUtlt ' try the two r e l/l,tiontlhiplI-,he boundary 'I'h/'llil lu.60rtlouK . . •. .. . . . . .. .. UbllullrlcH. fll'll ItIl'hcH Iroe: II vur II\' T o Holve the wysterle8 in the im. st o ne~ wasa I.ombal'dy poplar tree. lllCllus, I" r lIull ...... .. . .. ... . &<: olllr sed _ My friond would beautify his law n 'ILrd or thnnks . . .. .. • ... .. . . , .. , ... _ . 2&<: nOe (I mUHt oo nfellslllk od It not lit nr~t. ) and tleleotecl oue of thollo trees t.hat ItWlOlutlo u '" .. ... .... . , . . . _ .... . .. , .. . SOCials Oll' . whOrl< I' hurgo 18 IIIftllu .. . . . . . 21',,' But ye t. seem always to m e to grow upside M~Lt:S MAGtUIHf ,''',,, j1I1U dn's~ Sl y lDispla y Ali vll rl l;lIl1g per. ludl. ... . .... , . Is hly III n 1I" "l o rUle 10<' 1 lun the husband of II. suffrugette, down . 10 my soul I groaned, for of 400rna, while the wblte ouks ·tllke HERE ARE TONGUE· TWISTERS · "X l ,C II . U loy kp O plll1( DlscouutK gll'cu UII COtHfnct, bot one. The woods of two groups Yh U V nS l l' « n n LI IO And sh e Dlllllt ~o all Gud's bef\utifnl crea.tions, tbat Inl""l ( R s hlnn s III Witb her \Vild slston, s hrieking, to alone 1 have much ado to call beau- of oakll are Illso IItrnoturally dlffer- Oreat Difficulty la Frequently Experl. I l'IOlho~ Rnd balS. /j() anced In Pronouncing a Certain AUOUS'!' 3. 1910, S' l'W I,'" s litu ll D~~ tt:l'S flnt. The true white ollk, known to 111\(1 fr o, tlfnl. I love trees, but I want them III 1'(1('11 I s.~ ul'. AllIO 8ucce.. lon of Worda. botanists IL8 Querous tllba , 18 merely vll ll1 l1 ltt, In(orm a tlun To IIflve our race to gr:Hv right (lide ul> ! "n nil ho m aud Iw r· one of the !!pemes whioh malte up !\Il1",1 1II11ll0rs. Oilly Money and Happlneaa. Whetber R. certain s ue esslon words i From everlus tlng dflilths of dire dl s-j "My nelgb bor (he WBS not vet 60c 1\ yon r. Inclulllllil It Is not the mere acoum'Jlation of grttce, a I riend ) IMrned of this prejudioe the wbite ollk grtlup, Red oak , on 1s dim cult to pronounce or not. largely I n (reu IIUllorn . \lb· 'money that hurls men. It 18 the lIacrl"..,..'CM ,.,.. ..... ~ (' rU JO tuf10)' or gO lld the other band, belongs to the blaok depends upon the rate at whlcb they (o r (rlt llli.'Unl1le COll Y. flcea . they aro willing to make tor And I am left wltlJ thee, oh, Di~h- of miDe ttgtliost Lombardy poplars oak group Red O/l,It has a number are uttered. A lecturer recently had McC.1I Pall...... wlll l' nnl)I ')'IllI til Illllk il in your 11 It 11 , dellr ; In some way-the. Medicine Man ,reat difficulty with a sentence In money. It Is tbe desire to abandon own hOIll U. wllh yu uruwlI h ll llil s. r l,,11J I II I: r,'r de liclltAly Iml:geRtH th"t I grOlLDed of other oom mon names, among whlob he descrl\)ed bow two sa vages tbelp8elves to unwholesome aelf-gratl- We tw o Jnlltlt stuy right h ore. )'u llr~H'Jr nncl ~' hl1l lnl n wh h-II ,,' III h' ()OrrCCl III 811' 11l nil" nl. l'rll'I'-IIIIII" hl ~lIe r thAn 15 'hem tnOUDtlliD ollk, blaok ol1k , and who had been converted fell tootb and fIcatlon ; to become walking appetites: Q,IOllrt Bllt n ot t oo Itloud, I 1Il1lill. ('e ll".,. l-Ie llr1 for f r eo J'ntwrn ('u luic)flU O. nail upon Images of their ancient to loae all obligation tor lIolt-restralnt, And in tby yawning deptbB 1 gaily tllio s hloo It bore s uoh b~a9tiful Spanlsb oalt, Wa Will Ci .. V•• fl .. P!'tHol' (or RO ltlm: s ubl s ... rIJlll ll u ~ RI1I""1: you r (rh·IIII. . Rund (ur frue aU obligation tor laborious dllY8 and pile There iR so muoh ormfulion in thfl heathen god8, "tbu8 totally repudlI' rl'm l ulU ( 'lHllltt5:u O nud 'ltld l Prlzp O lTr r. fruit-a Rplendld, !!trllight little out BUill tbelr two tutelary deities." It temPerate nlghts- tbls la what per· GlIlIUI. oblns, sliver (in my reokless led biroh! For when, key,ed up to ordlnBry u se of Domes of th j oaks he had spoken more deIJbera.tely, he " TH! McCALL mMPAHY. 2391.249 W... 37111 St., NEW YORI luadea pbtlosopbers tbat tbe root of Rtyll',) evil la money. For without· labor pnd tbe pi tob of bearing Il little Lom· tbat it is IIlmollt impos8ible tf) keep would not have had so mllCb trouble ael'-"mortlftcatlon" Rnd the acquire, Turn in hot wltt·er, set the soap btl.rdy tree in my view, I looked out them straight .wlt·hout resortiDg to gettln« past tbe ooncludlng words. A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:: poet once went and stood by tbe seR1111 lat·. ment of that strength, botb moral and of my window, 101 t·he little biroh the woieDtiflo names, but the mllr· shore, and Imagined that In the Quiet . physical, wblch cOlDes to him who has (I wish 1l lrnew why wOlllen WIlOt to WI\8 tbere inlltead 1 My neighbor keting of wood of the black oak husb ot' tbe twilight hour the sea I IlIal'Dlld to 8ay ' ''No'' to hla own appewae mv fr\ond. I have ,always group a's white oak 18 hardly fair to bade blm a. lingering farewell. Dut V(lte I) tJtei and his o",n deslre8, there Is no truer Ireatne.., no advanoe to tboso Bllt mon mere man must meekly wanted to plllnt something he likes, the oonsumer. Red oak, for iD- the line In wblch he expressed his Undertaker and Embalmer. Imagination I. practically Imblgl)er levels of character and aplrltbellr hit! l,t. . or leRve Ilnplontp.d 811mething h .. IltancEl, lis now muoh more Ilhundant poetlo Will be found In the Old ual dllcernment which marka men oft thaD while ollk, grows fallter, I~nd I. possible to read aloud rapidly : Bnnk Buildh:ig, oppolli tH "The sea ceaseth and dlsmlssetb us trom one another 88 they mark men (Gtsu·t. jumping ~arrots! that hot doesn 't, like, In my front yard. " gtlDerally regarded IlS inferior. The with .bla blessing." National &nk. 011 from the beaatsof the field.- Pltts, wllter's hot !) • - • two ~peole8 ofteu grow together an" Telephone in house and ofThill line, as Lowell said or a \lne \ ~~ r, Prll.a. 81", Oillh-plln, emulem of ollr Hearth DELICIOUS .ICEO TEA fioe where J can be calJed oooupy t.he 8ame general raglon, of Matthew Arnold's about Sbake- ' . anll Home, I day or nigb t . " Make tea by puttiDg the leaves Ipeare, hlues like an angry gander. In the e .. rly dlloYs of itsabundanoe, We Quarantee Every Box [0 tbee I dedioate tbls loving pome. Valley Phone 1'-2. In a stl'ainllr with pr()por'ion of two market white o!'k was derived al· It maklls suchl an awkward collocation qr: Bell's Aotillept.ia S,41ve t·o do And unto thee I bring of words aa ' ''Shave a cedar ahlngle whole 010ve8 to ellOD oup and pour Main Street, Waynesvilltl, Ohio. m08t entirely It 18 safe to say, from thin" aeem IcomparatJvely eaay to wba' \ 1) 8 018im 'fry it for oloer" , Tv thee 1 Bing, Ing the boiling water through the Qaerous alba, the true white oak. lay. bolli, rannlng lI.>rel4, tetter, riog worm, eozem", lIult rht'um, fev,,, All hlud and honor, praisellDd fame; leaves very slowly," says Woman'l! 'l'hi') species oombine8 approximateIt Is not_lwaya a "bard saying" sores, outs, brul'4efl, pi rupiaH, bl .. ok No longer thou "rt but an e npty BODle Companion for August. tbat lnvolvoes'the speaker In con(ualon. Iv t·he utm08t I!trengt,h II.nd t.()ugb. headl, ohap", fAlnof', hornll or ,my nam j I. While It is stIll hot, Ildd Rugar and nesa of any of the t,lmber oa"8, ex. He may trip up on comparatively akln ·dI8e.8tl 2rio " box: almplll, eaay words. The story I. told But stern reality. Though I might lemoD to t""te. Pour again throngb ceptlng p08f!ibly the southern live of the )'oung &ctor ~who 11188 promoted ohoose " piece of ohee@e.oloth to Itrah•. oak, whioh in the oolonlill days was trom a ;'DI7-lord~e-oarrlage -walta" A COmpollta Wadding Cak•. : SODlo nobler instrument each day to This makes it exquitlltely clear "nd so higbly prized lor ship buildtng part to fmperaonat.el .a nobleman. He At ~ a recent wedding tbe bride's ulle, callt,oontalned bealdes Ita own special of a preUy oolor. When It is 8Um that i* ~a8 proteoted by 8peolal laws was very DervoWl orer bll new dl,oomtonent pai1'a. amall portion. of the 'Till not for me, Not yet., olently 0001, put In refrigerator un. Tbe Immenoe inrolldl made uPon the n1.ty. When be waaa \uked aa he appeue4 on the stagef whether he bad wedlPn. cakel of tbe bride'. father For I'm tbe hUlhllnd of al4trft'rdgette. an4 ;'otber, ber alstera and brotbers, You bet I-From the Miln '8 Magllzloe til retUiy to serve. In eaoh glad then apR"Drently Inexhaultlble white brougbt anT lu,gage,l he W88 auppoaed put O1'u8hed 108, 'wo or three 8prlgs oak forest!', whioh 8tretched fro'!) to answer: "Onl), twG bags and a .. ~.1l .. the aUyer aDd golden wedPIlRe of the ' DelinAator. cliq eUea 01 the .,andparent•. of mint and Mar l80hlno cherries, 'be Atlantlo leabo..rd to abou' Mis. rq." . Wbat he laid' W&II: "Onl)' two In tbe wedding cake which the 8trawberrle8 or raspberries, as con. souri, gradually sO reduoed the sup. ragl and a buS." THE CONDIMENT KINO A clergyuan Intendlnr: to refer to brld. cuts, tbere are uluaU)' bidden a! veuient, as well atl a tbin slioe of ply that tbe use of oth'e r ~psoie. be· the I)tety In the course -of hla prayer plcl rID" a thimble. a dime, a ralsln Ttl few men oan the muob.abul!ed lemon" cllme Inevitable. 88 a "lo'f'tng' lhepherd" said a "shov· uul other tokens desired. These are leopard" Inltead. The worst ofwrapped In paramn paper, and the one epithet, "Capt.. ln of Indu!4try, It bf' HAYINO TIME ~~.------AT OYSTER BAY At the present time It 18 almoe' Ing the rtng Is properly expect. 10 flttin"ly applied as to H . J. Heinz, ____ impo88ible to obtain a oonslgnment tender wu perhapl a politicIAn who addressed a woman trullrqe convened to be the next bride. The thimble ,. We were unable to get an extrtt of white oak that does not ' OODtliin tion. and InteJided to' be exoruclatlngly - foretells ' aphillterhood, the dime. I\nd Arthur l'arbell's story of the wealth In proapeet, and the rallln an Condiment King, wbose 67 varieties hlr~ man this year," Mr. R008e\elt Vif08' of some other speoi8ll. Of the polite. 'He meut &fter a aomewhat unannounced engagement of palate tiokler. have become house said the other day, .IaO I had to help white o.. k grouD 'h08e most u8ed, lengthy omtlon to- todlcate that 'he • hold words, 114 one of the mOlt en. bring in the hay. We have jns' in addition to the true whUe oak, hoped he wu not, adreulDg "weary Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve But wlhat he . aald wu are bur'OftJ[, ohe8nut cak, ohiDquaplD benc~a. " Good for all Skin DI.e. . . . ter&alnlDg features of Human Life brought In the last load." Staggers Skeptics "beery wenchel." ollk, post. oak, IIwamp wliite oak, for August . ' 'ro work two afternoons In the Tba' ~ olean, Dloe, frligrant oom. It II an IDtimate 8tory. of the mup hBy6eld lIneler ' bakiDg SOD, elde cow oak, and o-.~roup oall: j of the pound like BuckleD 'e Arnloll tiIIlvE' wUlinl&antly r('llleve a bod burn, himself, of the flrst bumble begin by side wif.h his Own farm lllborer~1 blaok oak group, Texas red oak, red LEFT HIS SPEEX:H AT HOME out, eoaJd, wonnd c;lr pU",., 8tagger" nlDga of the great indo8try he found !louo.,ly ,mund8 like an attempt at a oak, aDd slhlttad or water oak. IImbryo Orator LOMa Out \aecauae of IkepttnfJ. But lf1'1'a~ OUrEl8 prove Its !teal white oak timber of number an Accident to Meaaengorl BearIng • a WObd~rful healer or lbe worst ed, and ot his I!teady olimb up the Ciuolnnatus pose. Facti like thie Hla ManulOrlpt. CMtlI(' " r.. one quamy i8 very largely out Into long ladder of suooe88. It Is, morro 'have bad muoh '0 do in endearlnK 8O~, uloer8, boil8, felons, eozema, ~ Enlc,"n, n mall.Actl"" lJ ~ ( of akiD eruptlou.,allaleo cbappNl hands over. t.hlokly strong with IDoitfents Mr. ROO8evel& to the great musel qOllorter sawed boardl . .while a com· "Mr. Toaltmaat4r and GeDltlemen." . BlsWII..nd H!s nallds apraiDI and oorns Try It, 250 at Ind anecdotes ill ul!lt~lltiDg the tastell of the Am .. rioan people. When we blna"oD of one or more white oaks Thole are I ho th lnJ,lIf WII II!\' aald the YOUD, maD who was. facing ""Ill moke • man or ye"ur IJ \.I )' , Fred C. Hohwartlll'. and hobbies 01 Mr. Heinz. and the refleot bow fA. Euro~n P9tentateor and red 'Oak may constitute other a crowd of llateners for the tlrst> time, .o!:C~I::e~:'-p~e~!r l~t:r~J~::~!~n 'Ilul • oots of "white oak. .. In many mar- "lmpre/laed by the-ah-lmportAnce Nothlnll troubhl811. hAnd80me man vh,ttor to hl8 palatial Pitts borg h(\we great mao, IlS the phr~88 goes, The AME.R lCAN BOY will be impres8ed by the faot thBt would I'eturn to his estate after suoh kets, the *erm "oa1}lnot whit., oak" of WI ooculon, I prepared a speech like the 10ft' or hlB 11000 looks. r!~~11:.Nb.l!':if)':~':~ f:~!!'J1:cts~~J~'y to-ah-be dellwred here this eveand current event.. l'h oto U'n lphy "ItI"'P!. elte· pursuIt of ODe O f them at least II. trlotDphli1 tour through lCurope 1s DOW understood to inolude a mix. nlns "'-1IJI-1 ;vould be very glad trl oll),. carpOn , !,)" , pOrll, Kllme». Ironl boy, \"' 1 what to do and nD w to do It. DUl uUfully nU lEver, "me .. mau gOtWl wrong .tbe hal brou~bt a gre~t deal of bappl. a(ter suoh a reoeptlon In hi8 ow~ tnre of white oak and red oat. while to-to-ab~ve it to you, but I· bave trat ed, Ind every line 10 harmon, "ltb r e Uned hom. traJnlnll ; cndonod b), 2SO,OOO bo), ...n Iholr it often tlignifies red oak only. for,otten it (Lolld applause). 1 would 0!luntry ·as Mr, RjlO8evelt had, Wtl womeD ill_lhe -ueigh borbond say "1 ne.sinto his life. I>ar~nts. Send fl.OO lor. full , ear. On ...1. at all n ewl-l iands a llO cent • . The question, "What is white read It to )'ou trom tbe manuscript If But the most dlst\nollve streak In Inevlt.ably picture lion in'anner of lux told 'OU so. " IME SmcUE PUIUSMI"' CO. 101 ....... 110 Mich. bl8 natore i8 bls· loyulty to the wei nry, a train of flonkles, and the Ukr. oak ?" 18 now coming np among oon· I had Dot-ah-u~rtunately lert It -------~.~-In my room at tbe botel. (Cries of OooiaIIQ&laJly a Woman 18 nnh"p py fare Idello . For yellrs he has oarrled Tbe rloture of Mr,..- lc.oose-.elt'8 somers aDd manufaoturers of oom"Good! Gooc!!") ButU bave telephoned beoaUII8 Ibe thlnll.o,ber WOOleD "re ont his "heart" working side with h~1I farm handa il merohl.l oak tlruber. The above· for It and-ah-a IDBBsenger 18 on his W, HEN DERSON,M. O. aot IS happy ae rhe is. plttn with oonsplouous SUOO6SIl. It 8urely II. more braoing ODe and a far named :white oaks are dl8Uno' bot way bere wltb It 1 expect him at an), minute. In the-e.h-meantlme I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ is no unoommon thing now to see more admirlible. At least it IR 80 in 0108ely related speolee, whioh tOKetb. Waynesville, Ohiu. wUl aay that It-a.b-gtves me great big Industriul plants paying Rtten· America, where the major"y happi er must be dep'ended upon for the pleaaure to be with you tonight. I of'Many tlon to the healtb Rnd welfare of Iy still beHtlvelt in that tYl)& of 8um . future supply. F'r the ordinary am-ah-hlr:hly bonored an4-ah-1 Valle v Phone 153 Main Stre, t . Sudden Deaths. their employeet!. but to Mr. Heinz mer holiday, rllthtlf more than In purpose8 for whioh 'rue whUe oak assure you tbat-J' "It the gentleman will pardon me w ___ . prevailing in thil belong, the hODors of the pioneer. that llpent about the Newport Casi 18 U8ed, praotloally 'he 'rees of COIID~ryDla.ldl'DltenllQ8.becaulle80decepThirty thousand visitor8 went nO.-FrolD ,IRoosevI'lt 'he Husbllond thl8 group yield woods thllot o~n be for a moment," Interl11pted the toastmaster, "I have an announcement to it. HA'J'HAW A Y live. Manyaudden deathl are cau~ over his worlls last year" Rnd the one mBn, .. b y 8 enry Jnme8 forman·, In interohanged and wiJl 8erve equally make tbat will be of Interest to him .. by it-heart di": lastinR impressioD they ,,11 carried th6 AmerioAn R9view of Revievrs well. Word haa ,ust eome by telephoDe that Wa.y 'jeSVille'8 Lell.dinll DeDms nBC, pnenmonia, ~w ..y was tbat of the manY .idells for AngoRt. the melaencer who was brlnglnlr his OtHee in Keys Bldg. Main 8& heart failure or . A Cold speech "'aa nm over by . an automoapoplexy are often employed to IIgbten and bright-en - - -... - • Is Dot neo888l1.rtly serious, prOVid- bile aDd tbe manuscript bas been the -reault of 'kid· tohe day's toiJ. , life on the Panlma Canal . ed it Is '-ken care of. It is frequent · loat." 'I'he figures relating to tbis busi- ta8 hnd onA fril(htfnl drawbaok l.v the ltarting Doint of many dan · [ t~ane~=ble ~ Aftllr 'the tumultuoul applause bad ,aUowedto·advance ne88 are simply Bst\Junding,-30,OOIl nlll)l\ria tl nnhle thllt hR8 brouHht 'Ierous (lI88ase8. When it oomell use been atlled a rellolution of sympatby thelridDey-poilOD- acre8 of land uuder oultlvatlon, 40 IIniterlDg IInll delltb to thoullands . Dr, Bell'" Pine.'i'ar Boney. Look tor tbe ch~lIeur was ollered and .ed blood will at- 0 1 I t I h f ' 1'be gl1rnlll cutllle ohills, f~ver and tolr the bell on the boUle. palled with a whoop.~lc ..o a.~ tack organa, eaumDg catarrh of 0 0 peop e to 8S8 8 n .. rvefj .lUll .gul', hi II nUt4ne8l1, jllundioe, 11l8s1 ord-Herald. the bladder, briCk-duat 01' sediment in the crops, eto , -and all thi8 I/\'l· ude oN 0" kllS8M and teener .. l debility 't be mae, head aehe., back ache, lame '·rom .. little horae radish Rarden auf But El~otrlo Ditter8 never fail to de An Obedient Patient. - .-- • Wh th bl ke s ~D~e borne to A Clean Shave back, dialaeu,, n e r v o o a - , Care should Deaa, . 01' the kidneYI themlelvea break behind hia f .. ther s hou8e flfty ye/lft. -troy them .. nd onre malarili troob. en e con ~ be exercised dOWD aDd waate away cell by cell. aio. los. I'Three boUle8 oompletely rooat they were astounded at finding Is desirable. Dr Bell 's Anti!lep when aelect• Bladder troublel almoat aiwaYI rel1lIt oured me of a very severe a tt ..ok of an owl occupying the best percb In tio &1 ve is a oreamy sn"w whUe inll forks, spoona .from a denngement of the kidneya and . Tblels tbe 'second 1n" Kerie8 .of milIaria, " writes Wm , A Fretwell, the houae. ointmen~ ..nd guarantfed for all and faDeY'iervillll better health in that organ ilobtained stortes relding " 0 Ired AmerioalJ >1f l.noam8, N. C, "and I've had "You're In wron" aren't you, BOnr skiD diseases, suoh a8 eozemllo, salt pieces 10 lee that - qllickeatbya~treatmeutoftbekid. p..~tai~s · of 1Dd1ll!!try tbat III to ruo good helilth .ever 8Inoe." O\1res coldly remarked the -Ier:horn rooater; rheum, O~lIops, ekl, 250. Ihe, always bear Dey.. ~....p.llooh:o,rec:ta inabilityr 'brou&b Huma.n I4fe. Stomllob, Liver lind KidDl~yTroob'eli "What brought you here, anyway?" • • • the famowlradelDut Jiolcl ariDe aad acalding pain fD pa8!liDg t, • _ ._ ,,,oil .prevents T"phold. 500.. Guar. "Doctor's adylce," replied the owl. Oood Dlalnfectant. and oVucomea that Dapleuant neCesii~y J I f b ' of beiag.c:ompe11ed to go often tIlroagb TO REMOVE COFFEE.STAINS "nteed by Fred C 8ohw8r~z. without rum n, a eat er. Eyeryone DOWS the value of burn· theday,aJidtogetuplllanytimeadurin,' , .. - . . "Hurl')' up with the further partlcu· lng coffee.1 dlalnfeotant, but It 1& ::' ediateeff..... lara!" barably oommanded the rooster_ 80 Identified with this use tillit one , tbe Digb t, The fIl ild auu mm , """.. 1I(:01f"';' Rf,atD's, ev.,n when oream' . . GfSwamp-Root.the~tkldneyremedy ...,.. Matador -Oeta Much .Money. "Keep four comb on, old chap!" lets to wondertng , wben snlmng Ita .. hlclI lIa"'\III Ibo ... th' ,.a. II lOOn reaUzed~ It ataadl the bighest be- hili beeD put In the ontree. " say, 8an Antonio, Tex.-According t'o ' 'uld the owl; . "you ..., tbe , terribl, odor, about the .ameli wblcb It may be uln. Ror ... all.elpl".d ".,.. 1'", ovor 60 na" 'auae ofiti r'emarkable betdtb restoring Woman'. Home COmpdDIOn fOI JO!l8 Ilel Rivero, manager of tbe City late bouR I'y ~en, keeping bepn to covering up, Eq~IIlI' pleasant and et. "!!!l ROGERS SROS. " properties. A trial will con,mce an)'on~. 'A . - be ~ r u ,of Mexloo bull ring, who ·11 now on 'bla ' affect my tlealth ,and tbe dootor 0.... fectJve Is lavender, .wbJcb may be. used bas b•• n int 10 tb e U~U8t, : 'mllY remov rom way to Spain, where be will book bull dered me to 10 to be4 wl~ the henll" nO.t onJyin the slok room,. but t~rougb 'Swamp-Root i. pbfant to take and is b., n 0; the _koepel bo lOW by .n druDi". ia fifty..c:ent ~d ble lin"n by rubblDR the ..p~l8 with 6ghtiJ, tbe highest salary ever paid a • -tbe ·bf,ule, to dl"""'lse the smell of ca_ 01 h . ....,I.rqu:olhY. "'",k",.i"blp • D d "",1.. _ aile and bOttle&. YOlt may have a .... . oaMollar ram te bottle a J,ook that. telta all p~l'e .g IYOAr'1D 81 Dse a 'f' ter"ar d i n matador will be r:1ven to Antonio Interrwty . _ food from the kitCben. To make ~e Sold _by Indlor "".10.. e'fIY"'o'O. !lead fpr cata......,.~It, ~tfreeby~h...Addre.., lukewarm ' willer. " - bentes dUring btll performances At Dr •.DeWa ADti.PalD o'orel collo, lavender cllslDfectaDt, aoak a heeta ot iope"O-l. " .... "" aU \!lIte"'; _.Dr, Kilmer &. Co., BilJghamtOD, .Nl , Y __ . • the -Meltlcan capital next September. ftux, 4ian'bea. orampltln4 aU bowel, common browD wrapping paper In ult. M.ERIDEN Wbea writing menUoa reading tbua na. h t 'Fuentes will app,ar tour timea, and oom'llaiata. . peter and water, then liet them a",aT ......... ill thia _nero DOn't aaa)ic U 1M 001.• VI en a per_OD • ver1 ~ th.. m 1 b . . BRITANNIA CO, .... 1tCMfIm~~ke. bat ~~ber the lI,8JD!z old ·.net verv flab 'baa he or Ibe t. oooor. or .1\'O,OOOree,eorY~.~he perlumro::'.~~·. £&......I1J :-(,'urllll IIOre breutl, to dry UlI wUl~ When ready to (1. . . .tIoD.1 IUm Ct.. , d I leU • ...... ..v oo~ bulou. toothacbe, DeuraJal. u.- throw OD ODe or til. . I• • • 01 '---.) ......~Raot. aad doa't let a ea er ', NPtdecl 'oolllla for ".DUDI '0 rbla II • b"~r remuneratfoa1baD II aDd'all pataa, IIIold every"bere, It lIQ8r 10m. 8ow. . of layaDder Ul4 p .....hl. . ~~of8W&111z:.~ . __.1 .. • .... 10 tile . . . .t openUo ItuL 18 uastrnUo. tIanI tbeal oil ••10_, U Ill. tb . . . . , ... ~_. . . ."..~ .. pU"",,~, . -r II . . ~-.VAL J. RY

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Famous Silverware




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Fertilizers Increase the y ie ld-Improve the quality~Enrich the soil. Can you afford to

EverY harvest proves it. risk your wheat? Be safe. SY NOPSIS. MI811 InnM.

,.pil1sl~ r

nnll gllnrllln n of

• O prll'lJ1 tc nnd 11 \,.I.I ",I ·Y. ,\~ C ahltsht',1 MUlIlIll o r

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1 H' 111Mltlng ~t l~:. j nn'!!; I"lIml 1\ . l r .l ll~ I' llT ~lti r' lIn' butt o n til n f ' l oth " ~ h i! n p l· r . 4;" r ( n111" II ntt 1 1 : tI~' · y H ITln"'d " 'III, .lArk H ',l1. " , T h ~ 1,('1\15(" \\' n~ Hwake nMj hv n rl " \l l\' ~ r shot .'\ :;t rnn~L' Juan ", a~ foun'\ ~IoO I tn ,1"lIl h . 111 ' 110., 1\1\11. il Il n n _if In bl' !(1 IJjHI ~' f1t J\ rn ol ,1 Arlll~ t Trill!.!. "h .... s,. b unt( f'I' falllf' r 11 \\' Iwcl t hi' (')\l nll" h01I..... . :\t1I:!01 l nnes f ountl llnl ~ JII''' ' 'OJ l:e \"I,1\ t .. (I n ( !I ll III \\' U, li t, n ntl J ud( ) IIIII,~' hn,l oI lslI"!,, "ro 'd T1H' link rul'!'


lIU ltil nlrS{(' rtplI , ly t1t~ nl'fl f: tn,HI. n€' · , " ,- Tl\ (" Jn111 i SH n !I!)j1 Lh o L'nl' un,"r n rrh' I·'1. ('; p rlrucln r /' \,pl\lpd t lll\ l she WUR rtlg' tlj.;''' . ' t o Joel' R " lIpy . wllh whom ~I'" hao! tn lk~d In Ihe hllilani rOil 111 1\ r,'\\' m n· m"nts l,("(orro fl iP Inur.h' r, .Jfu nhHw u t old 111 1, s Innes thnl Ril,' wns hl<lIl1g t,\, ld ' n('o 1rvm him . lit' lnlprhton.'(] n.n in trtlll" r In a n ' mpt ~' 1'00111. T he pl'IR01h'r !'SNIP <l .d,) w\l Il Inundry ('hUI~, It d \'ch' p('() Iltnt t h., Inlr ud~ r WIIS pfllllnbly n wo",nll. Crrt nu"h' "' Il~ R1I fl Pc t Pft !nr 1hc Intrudflor lef' n print of n bnre font, r.erlru ll" n'-

t ur40d hOIll!' willt \t" r righ t nll l<1 .. spnillcd A negro fOlllloi thE' ollter hntf or ... IUll' proved to bo ,l ark BIlIII'Y 'S (,1It'r ·b,,110n . H It I ~l'y .\lill' ~ l1ly rt'uppoar d. Be 8a.1d h nnd Bnil"y hnd ,I !l bl'!'llIIse 'th{',· ha ,\ reech' d a I/> I"grnm, ortr"de .. alri rhnt she hnd ,"VC ll Bo tl y nn IInload d revolver. r nrlng to gl\'e hi", lI a l... y '~ l'laded wcnpon, aRhl .. r Unllf'Y ,)t Pnul Armstrong's Mnk. deru nrl . wa.'l nr~e81 t>d , !'harg (] with ('mbezzll'Ol nt, Hnl",ey satd Arm ~ t .. o n~ hnel wr(>('kr,\ Ills own bnnk , nnel W IlS oble to elE'R.r TIallry, A t ~t "fo1T(\ m ('ontnlned 11(,"'8 th nt Pnu l Armetrollg Wns d oil . Holsey tl·"ppod Mr .. , Wnt ~o n, tho housetc c"pcr, while ~h,' ,,"us tltpllllng frolTl the hou",', At lh ~ lo,jge Miss Tnnes R.nd Hnlscy f Jllntl Hnlsey's tlnnc e. Lou is Armstr ng. s ister of the d nel mnn. Sh A wns brll ,.• ,] to b In a lIfot'n!:\, The \od/\,e kE'ep(' r told Miss Inn s Uwt Loul ~o nnel Arnold hod hntl R. long talk tho night of the lTl ureler. Lou ise W IUI prostra ted, CHAPTER XIII .-Continued,

•I '"

Am Very Sorry You Have Made This Decision," He Said ,

t and tIIlno hav!) !lulT rcd enough at th ' hands of tills family . I ,-en ted the hous at nn xorbltant figure and I htlv mov d oul here for Ihe RtIlnmer. My city homo Is disUtn ntl , and In tha hands of decorators, I haH bO:! n hera one weelt, durin !; will h' I bnve bad not a Sin gle night of unlutf'r rup tcd s l 'ep, and 1 int nd to stay unlll I have rec upf'rut d, :\lorl'over, If Mr, Arllls tron!; dl d Insoly nl , as I boll ewl was tb as , his widow ollght. to be glnd to be rid of so xpcnsl ve a pi ece of proper ly." T he lawyer clea red hi s throat. " I am Vf'I'y sorry you bavo made tltls decision." he sa id. "Mi ss Inn s, Mrs. Fitzhugh tells rue Loui se Arm, strong is with yOU ," "She is," " l:las s he boen inform d of l hlsdo ubl e bel' Iwement?" "No t y t, " 1 snid, "She has been very Ill ; perhaps to·n lght s he can be told." " It I Is vcry sad ; \'ery sad," he said, "I have a telegr a m for her, Mi ss Innes. Shnll I send it out?" "Bcller open It and rea d It to me," 1 s ugges t.ed. "rr It Is Imporlant, that will save time," The re wus a pause while Mr. Har; ton OJ! ned th e tell'grnm . Tllen he read It s lowly, jud jcially. "'Watch fo r ?\Ina arringto n, Home Monday. SJgned F . L . W: .. "Hum!" I said. "'Watch for Nina orrington . Home Mondl\f.' Very well. Mr. Harton, I will t ert her, but s he I s not In condition to watch for auy on e." "Well . Miss Innes, If ·you de Ide to -e r- rellnquls h tlle lease, let rue know," the lawye r said. lo t s hall not relinquish It," I replied, aud I imagined his Irritation from the way lie hung up the rEfcelver, I wrote the telegram down word tOl' word, afraid to trust my memory, and decided to ask Dr, Ste wart how soon Louise m.lght be told the truth. The closing of the Traders' bank I cons idered unnecessary for her to know, but the death of her stepfather and stepbrother must be broken to her soon, or she might hear it In some unexpected and ehocklhg manner. Dr, Stewart came about tour o'clock. bringing his leather satchel Into the house with a great deal of care, and opening It at the foot, of the staJrll Ito show me a dozen big yellow eggs nesting among the ~otUes, '

Jrlnours Fertilizers grow th e bi gges t c ro ps .

Armour Fertilizer Works Chicago


Autolng and Optics, "Is not auto driving terribly hard on t ho eyes? " we asked. " \V e il. I guess nol," "epllled tbe chuulTeu r, wllherlng us with scorn , 'Why, before I got lo rulmln' n car I w as th inlll ll' 0' gelti n' s pecks , my eye· sight was that poor I couldn't see the ontrlbutlon box In church until It was so lIea r past me It was too late' to dig fo r any man y. Bu t 1 hadn't bee n rUrlnin' (bllt wagon two days 'Ull I could see a policeman's little fingers sLicldn' out from behind a t ree rour miles away. I could ven Bee which way a COllP r 'B eyoballs were turnert If bo was s la ndln' in the shade three miles ott. Hard on the eyes ! W e ll, not much! Lt's the best medicine for ''Why, what's the matter, my lad?" weak e~s that was ver Invent ed • "Doo hoo! Ma sez I got to presi- don't you fo rget It ," dent when I grows up, an' I'd set my heart on heln' a prize fighter, Boo Casey at the Bit, hool" Tbls faluous poem Is cOl)tnlned 1.1 the Coca·Cola Bllsebnll Record Book for Alms and the Man, "Sure Father Flaherty 'was a good 1910, togetber with records, sched·ule. man,", MI'. l\lurpb y said of the deceased for both leagues and other valuable parish priest. "He hated sin but he baseball Information compiled by auloved til' Binner, an' he was all com· thorities. This Interesting book s ent pnsslon an' patience an' wisdom . by the Coca·Cola Co" of Atlanta, Ga" There never was another lolke '1m' f' r on r eceipt of 2c stamp fo r postage. boldin' liP hope to th' poor batthered Also copy of their booklet "The Truth About Coca·Cola" which tells nil about man that bad anny desire rr good. " 'Faith ,' said he to Con Meehan, th' this delicious beverngo and wby It is toime lh' bh'y was . down an' out, so pure, wbolesome and r freshlng. 'faith, this solde av paradise 'Ust all Are you ever hot- tired- thi rs ty? beginning again, over an' over, an' tin Drink Coca·Cola- lt Is cooling, r eo lIeves fatigue and Quench s the tolmes over!' "An' tha t keen,'! continued Mr. thirst, At soda fountalus and ': ar Murpby, "'twas nJver worth wholle to bona ted In botlles-5c everywhor : . keep baok part av th' price av th' Incorruptible. land! Wid n twinkle In his eye he'd 'l'he lady at the houn b esltated, see clean through anny Annnias that "Are my answer s all right?" Ibe Iver walked, ' "An' gln'rous!" Mr. Murphy's voice asked, "Yes, madam," replied the e_nsu~ dropped to a lower key and his eyes were wet 'as he added, "His hand was man. "Didn't bother you a bit, did n'; always In his pockut, an' whin they "No, madam ", prepared him f'r burial they found his "Feel under some o'bllgatlonR to me. rig ht arm longer than his left wid stretchln' It out to th' poor."-YQuth's don't yout" "Yes, madam." Companion. "Then, perhaplI, you woa't mind, tell· IIlg me how old ttie woman next door Didn't Care for Expenl.e, They were seated at the breakfaat claims to be?" "Good day, madam," said the cenllua table. . "John, dear," said the young wife, man. "thIs Is my birthday," Simple Truth. "I'm glad you mentioned It, darling," You cali only do clean washing with r ejoined her husband. "I'll buy you a pr sent the first thing when I get clean soap. You know that cocoanut all, borax and naphtha are natural ,downtown," "Well:' she said, "I hope you wont' cleansers and sterilizers and that they can't hnrm fabrics, Easy 'Task soap get any cheap 98'cent affair," ''~C 'course I wont," he replied, Is the only one that combines these "Why, I would be ashamed to, present scientifically, and for that reason it you with anything that cost less than cutS waahday work in two and does the work better than It ever has bee.1l a dollar." done, Ten cents to test it; money back Quickly If it 'isn't what Is claimed Back to the Tall Timber, Alfred-Are you going to pass your for it. vacallon at the seashore? We live truly In proportion aa we Gilbert-No, thank you. It's the go out of ourselves and enter Into the woods for ml.n e this year, fulneBs ot th'e experience of those Alfred-Don't Uke the shore, eh? whom we serve, and by whom In tUrD Gllbert-Oh, I like It well enougb, we are served.-Westcott. . but It's too risky. I passed my vaca· tion there last year and had several narrow escapes, Alfred~From drowning? Gilbert-N o; ' summer girls, Seven of them proposed to me, TOUGH LUCK.

O-/~ ~~?/->


Thomas has been almost crazy, Miss er than I deserve. And whatev er you Tho gardener menUoned by Halsey Innes. I did not know that Sunnyside hear about me, try to think as well cam out a bout two o'cloclt In tbe nft- was r ented . 1 kn ew my mother wishe d ot me as you can, I am going to mar· , ernoon , nnd 'a\leed liP from th e sta· to r ent It, without telling my-step- ry-another man . How you must hate tlon. I was fayornbl y Impressed by faUler, bu't th e news must have me-hate me! " , blm. His refe r nces were good-he rea hed 11 r afte r I left.' 'W ben I 1 could hear Halsey cross the room bad been employed by the' Brays' until started east, I had only one Idea-to to the window. Then, after a pause, tbey. we nt to Europe, and he looked be alone wllh my thoughts for a time, he went b{lck to h er agaIn, I could young and vigorous, He asked for to bury mysel! here. Then, I-must hardly sit still ; I wanted to go In elOti assistant, and I was glad enough have taken a cold on the train." and give her good shaking. , to t>et off 8,0 easily. He was a pleas"You came east In clothing suitable "Then It's nil over," he was saying ant-faced young fellow, with black for California," I said, "and like all with a long breath . "The plans we bair and blue eyes, and bis name was young girls nowadays, I !!bn't 'suppose made' together , the hopes, the-all of Alexander Graham, 1 have been par- you wear flann els." But sh'O' was not It-over! Well, I'll not be 8' baby, ti cular about Alex, becaQse, as I said lis tening. and I'll give you up the .o:!lpute you b efore, he played an Imtlor~nt par t "Miss Innes," she said, "has my say 'I <1on't love you and 1 do lovelater , stepbrother Arnold gone away?" some one else!'" ' That afternoon I had ' n ew .Insight "What do you mean?" I asked, , "I can not say that," she breathed, tnto the character of the dead banker, startled, But Louise wae lIteral. (' "but, ve ry lIoon, I shall ' marry-the J bad my first conversation with "He didn't come back that ntght," ot,h er nian." Louise. She sent· tal' me, and agaInst she said, "and It was 130 Important I could hear Hallley's low triummy better ju'd gment I went. that '1 should see him." ' phant laugh. She beld out her hand and I took "I believe he has gone away," I re~~~e ea4· ~~~~b~u+.~~~~~~~-w~~~~~~'NeIDe It between both of mine. plied uncertainly. "Isn't It something as long as yOU care for me, I am not of your anemic store eggs, but the real thing-some of them still warm, Felli "What can I say to you. Miss In- that we could attend to Instead?" afraid ," n es 7" she said slowly, "To have But she shook b er head. "I must do The wind slammed the door between them! Egg-nag for Miss Louise!" C?llle like thls-" , It myseU," she said dully, He was beaming with satlsfaotloft, the two rooms just then, and I could 1 thought she was go(ng \ to break Halsey came to the door at that mo- hear nothing more, alUiough I moved and before he left, he Insisted on goment and I could henr him coaxing my chaIr Quite close, After a dis- hlg back to the pantry and making ch~m" but s he , did no~. "You are not to think of anything Liddy for admlas lon to the sick room. creet interval, I went Into the other an egg·nog with his own hands. So~.. b 'J( ot geWng well," I said, patting "Shall I bring him In?" I asked room atid found Louise alone. She bow, all the time he was doing 1\. r b et band, "Wh en you clre belter , I Louise, uncertain what to do. The was staring with sa d eyes at the bad a vision of Dr, WlIIoughby, my am iolng to s cold you for not coming ' girl seemed to shrink back , amonr; cherub painted on the oelllng over the nerve specialist In the olty, trying to b(lr~ at once. Thts Is your born e, my her pilloWS at the sOund of his voice, bed, and because she looked tired ' 1 mak~ nn egg-nag, r Wondered If he ever prescribed anything sq pleblnan de,,"', and of all people in the world, I was vaguely Irritated with her; did not disturb her. - and so delicious. And while Dr. He.lsey's old aunt ought to make· you there are few young fellows lIlte Hal,.welcome." • , Stewart whisked the eggs he talked. sey-straigh tforward, 'honest, and willCHAPTER XIV. "I saId to Mrs, Stewart," he conShe s miled a little, sadly, I thought. Ing to sacrifice e't'erythlng for the one , fided, a little r ed In the face from the ·'1 ought not to sce Halsey," she woman, I knew one once. more than 'An Egg-Nog and a Telegram. lIald . "Mlss Innes. thero are a great ao years ago, who 'Was like that; he We had dIscovered LoUise at the exertlon, "after I went bome the oUler manr things you will never under- died a long tlme ago. And some times lodge Tuesday night. It was Wednes- day, that YOli would think me an old stllod, 1 am afi'ald, I alU an Imposter I tnlce out his picture, with Its cane day 1 bad my interview with l1er. gossip, fo r ,sayll)f( what 1 did about <Oil your sympathy, becouse I - I stay and its queer silk hat, and look Ilt It. Thursday and Friday were uneventful, Walker and Miss Louise." "Nothing of t he sort:' I protested. Ib r a nd I t you la vis b care on m , ,But of late years it has grown too save , as they marked Improvement ' in "The f,!>ct Is," he we nt on, evidently,and a ll the time J know you are going painful; he Is always a boy-and 1 am ' our patient Gertrude, spent almost 1.0 d .s pl s llI e." an old woman. 1 would not bt4Dg him all the tlme with her, and the two had justifying himself, "I got that piece of "~o n R en se!" 1 said briskly. "W by, back If I COUld. 1 grown to be great fl;lends. B ut cer- Information jus t as we · get a lot at Perhaps It was some such memo taln things lIun, over me constantly; t hings, through the kitchen end of the wlta wOllld Halsey do lo me if 1 ' \' n the coroner's Inquest on the death of hous. Young Walker's chautreur" nnt ured RIICh a th ing',' lI e is so big ory that made me call out sharply, "Come In, Halsey." And then I took Arnold Armstrong, to he held Satur- Walker's mOl:e fashionable than I am, " 'I ll llIast ' rflll hat If 1 dared lo be my sewIng and went Into the baud lor day, and the ar-rlval of Mrs. Arm- aud he goes around the country In a HARD TO PLEASE beyond, to play, propriety, I did not s tron g and young Dr. Walker, bring- Stanhope car-well, his cbauffe~r Regarding the' Morning Cup. try to hear wbat they said, but every ing the body of the dead president of comes to see our servant girl, and he word came through the open door with the Tra ders' bank. We ha d not told .told her tbe whole tblng. , I thought ' "Oh how bard It wall to part with curious distinctness, Halsey had cvl- Loui se of either death. It was probable, because Walker spent ti e ntly gone ove l' to tbe bed and 1 Th en, too, I was anxious about the a lot of time up here last summer, coffee, but the continued trouble with s llppose be kissed her, There was sl· childre n, Wllh t.h,lr moth er's Inherl- when th e family was loere, and bo- constlpation and belching was such lence for a moment, all If words were t ance swept away n th e wr eck of the sides, Riggs, that's Walk6T's man, hod that I finaily brought myself to leave SUI)er!luous things. bank, and with their love affairs In a a very pat little story ab-lut the doc- It off, " I have been almost wild, sweet· dlsas t,'ous condition, things could tor's., building a house on this proper. "Then the question was, what should heal't,"-Halsey's voice. "Why didn't scarcely be WOl'se, Added to that, the ty, just' at the foot 'o f the hili, The we use for the morning drink? Tea yo u trtlst me, and Bend for me be· cook and Liddy had ~ flare up over the sugar, please," was worse for us ~an co tree ; chocofor e?" proper way to malee beef·tea for The egg·nog was flnllhed. Drop by late and cocoa were soon tired <i; "It was b cause J couldn't trust my· Louise, and, of course, the cook left. drop, the liquor had c(.lIked the egg, milk was not liked very well, and hot selt" she so ld in a low tone. "I am Mrs. Watson had been glad e nough, and now, with a final whisk, a last water we could not endure. too weak to s truggle to·day; all, Hal· I think, to turn Louise over to our toss In the shaker, It was ready, "About two years ago we struck sey, how I bave wanted to see you!" care, and ThomaB went upstairs night symphony In gold and white. Th. upon 'Postum and have never been There was something I did not hear, and morning to greet his young mls- doctor sniffed It, without It slnce, • tress from the doorway. Poor "Real eggs, real milk, and a toucla then Halsey again. "We have seven children. Our baby " \Ve could go away," he was 'say· Tho~as! He had the f aculty-found of real Kentucky whisky," he saId . now eighteen months old would not il\ ~, ""Vhat does it matter about any still In some old negroes, who Cling to He Insisted on carrying It up hIm· take milk, so we tried Pas tum and onc In the world but just the two of the tratlltlons of slavery days-of sel(, but at. the foot of the stairs be found sbe liked It and It agreed with li S? To be a hvays together, like this, malting his employer's Interest his. It paused. )MIr perfectly, She Is today, and bas hUIIt! in hand ; Loui ~e- tjon ' t tell me was always "we" with Thomas. J "Riggs said the plans were drawn been,- one at ' th~ , healtblest babies In it i: II't going to be. I won't believe miss him Borely; plpe·smoklng, obse- for tlle house," he said, harking back the State. YOII , " qulous, not over rellnble, kindly old to the old subject. "Drawn by Hus, "I use about two-thirds Poetum and He looked Young oJ nd Vigorous. " You don't know '; you don't know," man! ton In town, So I naturally believed one-third milk and a teaspoon of sugar, 1lnylh ln g hill rap lUI'UII !! IJ l'pr you . he Louise repeat ed dully, 'Halsey, 1 care ' On Thursday Mr, Harton, the Arm- him ," and put it Into her bottle, If you could' "'Qu ~ d tllro\\' m e out 0 1' a windo\\' , In· - yo ll kno w that-but- llot enough' to' strongs' legal adViser, called liP from When the doctor came down, I wat ' have eeen her eyes sparkle and hear de'!ll. be would he (l lille t:a pa blc of It." lII arr y yon." town. Ile bad been advised, lie said, r eady with a question. her say "good" today· when I gave It 8 ha seem ,t! sca r ' I), til hear ltIy fa· "That Is not true, Louise," he said that Mr's. Armstrong was coming east "Doctor," I asked, "18 there any ana to her, you would believe me that c etlolls lon , SI1 hal! , 'Io'llle nt brown stfl rnly, ' ·VOII cannot look at me with with h er hus band's body and would In the ne lghborhoQil named Carring· sbe llkes It. eyoa ,th e Inn es Ii aru fail' . nn,1 prone . YOIil' honest eyes and say that." arrive Mond·a y. He oame' with some ton? Nina' Carrington ?" "If 1 was matron of an Infanta' to .. gTayis h'g'recn opll _ tbut Is b ttC!' "J ca nnot mllrry you:' she repeated hesitation, at last, to <he Cact ttint he "Carrlngt.on?" He wrinkled his fore: horns, every child would be raised on (01 111; tlmn a pp. a l'anc -ami th ey mi sera bly. "n's bad enOugh, . Isn't It? had bee~ furth lll' Insh'ucted to ask head . "Carrington? No, 1- don't re- ·P ostum. Many.. of my friends . say, . e. lDt.d now to bll r.:lu ud d with '(rOil' Don't make It' worse. 'Some day, be- me to r e llnq\1!s h my l ease on Sunny- member any such family. There Ullee! , '\\ou are looking so well!' I reply, 'I ' hi . fo r long, YOI1 -;v ill be glad ." , sld ~ , as it, was ' Mrs. Armstrong's 'de- . to be ,C ovlngtons down tbe creek.'1 am ""ell.; I ,!rlnk PO!'tQm, I have no " Pou r HlI.lsey !" ' h, fiai ll softly . ""l'h n It Is b cause YQU ha~e neve'r sire to come dlreotly there. ' "Thl) name was Cal'r.lngton," I said, more ' trouble , wI~h constipation, . and' -~o1f ss Jnnes, I caa bllt marl'Y hl lll, an d lovet! me," Tli el'e were depths of hurt I was a~hast. and tb e subject 'lapsed: . ' Jmow' that 'l owe my good health to I 8lJ;l arr~ l d to tell him , I am a cow· pride In hi s voice. " You S'lI,w how ,"H re! 'I I said. "Surely you arb {,ro BE ' ON TIN.OEO.~ qod and postum.' " .., ar4 -a nward!" mil ~ , I Iqred Yf?u, and YOu l. let me ,mis taken, Mr. H~rton . I should thlllk, . "I am wr1t1rig this letter because I " lent b ide tlJ ' h d and Slfll'cd nt , think YQu cllt'(:!d;-fol' II. while. ~o- 'aftel'- what happened here only ~ few W'>man a Man Carrier. 'wQnt . to tell you b'ow much good 1i ' r , ~h e wll,s ,toci l\I to urgu w i h, thut Is u' t Ilk you, Louise, '1'here Is days ago, s b'e would never wish to M-rs, Carrie Doherty King, of Cr,.. Postum baa done us, but If you- knew ~~, b "~ id II, sick 11 op~e take qlree r -somethJng you haven't told m e. ' ls It COOle baole." . stal Springs, Miss.; III the only woman bOw, I shrink from publicity, ' yoU .Iancle " - -because t hera is some one else?" :'Nevertheles8,' e replied, "she mati , carrier In he'. state. .She deil~. would not publish thl. letter, at leaat ','v. to WIll tulk about thal wb n YOU "Yes:' almost ' Inaudibly. IUOSt anxious tQ come, Tbls Is ers mati ,on a rural route, .maklng 11 DO~ over my nleme." " ' . . are: LI'ong ' r," r nlll gp r,t1y , "Louise! Db, I don't bellev It':' ah Sl'1ys:. 'lise every possible, meaoa clr9ult of ;about 2ji mllea " d('7, ' 'I. ,'~d the uttle boot; "The Ro&d to , '. "But lit r .. a1'+.' j; [r\ thing' I mus t ' " It Is true," s he sa id 'adly. "Halsey, to have Sunilyslde vacated_ Must 10 ber girlhood she w<', m.ny tl'Qphln WeltvUle,"III pkp_ "There's a ReIUlOD_" .teU ~'ou," Rhtt IlIlll>:!! d. "YOII mu>:!! you must no t ~y to s e m e again. As there at oncl\,'.. , ror ber horaemana~I&i, Q 8Ccqmplla,..' . " . .... t . . a1Mn'e lettft' A ..., YOQd r how I \,' I\Ult: her , and wliy 1 lIoon liS 1 can, 1 am ~olng away from "~r, Hanan," I said teatily, "J ·IUP ment tbat Is DOW' of ern' _ _ . ' .......-.n ......... to tIiIIeI. TIIeF ... ........,u-. ................. ."'l*1'd IUdd n at l.he lod..:e. Dl?ar old hure- wlll:U'O \ 'Otl are all so much kind- not aolng t<;. do IUl7tb~1 o~ the IdQd,







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Prac·tical Fashions


Ga ge 's


The King dom of God With in





The Wretchedness, of Constipation

No chat.n Is stronge r than Its weak· est; link. No man Is stronge r than hla kldneys . Overwo rk, colds, strain s, etc., I weaken the kidneys and the \ hole body sutrers: Don't n eglect the s llght· est kldn oy ailment . Begin using Doan's K idney Pills at once. Tbey are es pecially for sick kidn eys. Ted Hiatt, Oswe· go, Kaos., suys: " For many years I suf· fered from kidney d iso r ders. I was treat ed by s pecialis ts In Kansas City and Cb lcago, was told I an ubseolls or th e kidn e ys and an operatio n WIlS adv ised. 1 ther e upon began the use of Doan's Kidney Pills and gradual ly Improvc M Soon an op· " era tlon was unn e cessary as my kld· n eys wer e well." R cmem ber the name-D oan·s. For sale by all doalers. 50 cents a bOI. Foster·M.Jlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.

!Can ~y be OyercoIH h,


~.!.d~ :le

OIl OTHIl\G cnn be more cel'"Girl s, look quick I'" Cure Ua ll Spl'aul; 'lJ e 11 ma l·vel." Hll du Iifgbeo. taiu thnn tbat Jesus' " YUU teach· I . from ber chair and ran to th e window. tus te Itl mun Is 8 0 fastidio us. Mother ,ings concern ing the Chris· "Isn't tbat Anne Gage goltig by? It hall alwnys sa id you wo uld never mar: tian 11 fa prese nt It, and ache. is, as 1 live. Anne! Ann e! " sbe r y. becauso you wouid Dever were Intende d to present It. Dimfind aDY' called, thumpin g upon the window olle who ve n uPPl'oached your Ideal." - . eud lncflrtioa. as a thing of de p and do their duty. with all her might. Then Ehe (Jew to "la he tull and ulond e. Anne? And aboundi ng Joy. H e mea1;1t s-n PIlL J..D 0... s...n Price. r the fron t door and Hung It wIde open. hand some us La know thut re ligi on In Itself Is B '! Out, or course, be Is !" Genuine ID1IIt a-r Signature Anne turned and h r absorbe d fa ce GRII cri ed JOYou S experi ence. Reli gion Is the excitedly . brigh tened with a smile. She hud not "What does h e do?" Inquired Fanoy normal attitud e and exer cIse of the b efore beo n nware thut ber atte ntion " Is he u -Ia,,-ye s piritu a l nature. ' n other words, It Is l' or a clergym an or-" , being dcma u(led. And Ann e was Sbe pu spiritua l health . As It Is a joy to be used, trying to roca ll tb e pro always so qUick to hear a nd see ! fe ssion Anne hud alway!! show n most able to see and to hea r the beautifu l "Ob, I s that yOU, Gall ?" she ex· p'referenc:e tor. things In the natural .world, so It Is Send postal for clnllll lI . Sbe cum e s lowly up tbe "Oh, he Is a buslu ss man," Anne Imm e~u rab l y a grellter joy to be ab le Free Packa ge steps. 'hold out her hand. The re sll id, utili turning h r ring proudly . to hear and see th e glnd and beuutlfu l of Paxtin e. was Il genUe abstrac tion in hll r mall· '''I heu be Is rich, of course. Ob thIn gs In the kingdom of God- In the Beller _d more eeoDoml~ n er, n dreamin ess In bo r fa ce. n can· Ann e, bow lucky you are!" splri tual world . Reli gion Is Immeas· Hlldd Ill... Uqllld _tlaep Ue. sclous reserve In her voice that Gull Igsh ell. urably m ore than the means of secur· FOR AU. TOo.. n USES. noticed without b ing aule to d Iln ll. "Y G, I thi nk I am luc lty ," Ann£' Ing futur e happ lne'ss. It Is t.hat ; but and wh ich was new to bel'. Certa inl y, sn it], ('o mplllCen lly. It Is a lso bappln ss and wellbein g now Anne'l! three months r absence had She Li ves In B l ngvllle. "I Ul lnk h Is luclty to get Anne; ' Bnd h ~ l'e. an d a ll th e way along, until A South Missour i paper is carryin g cbnJ.lgcd II I' percep tibly . sa id loyal Gall. on e come s in to tlie fu ll enjoym ent of this ad.: "Attrac ti ve womnn, n ot a day ''[' m 80 g lart to see YOll ." Ga il said, "O il. Oall. you are partial," Anm th e bliss of b 'n \·en. over tblr ty. would b pI ased to carre· ki ssing her a iilll e IJreathl esHly. "I chi ded. "Walt till you see blm a nd J esus did te ll us, It Is true, of h ea· spond with cllglbl e mUll. did 1I0t look for you so sooo. When t il 11 yo u wl\l wonde r how ho could Not abso· Gi"u one a ."eet breath i clean, whit.. ven to como. H e said . ''In my Father's lu tely n ecessar y that he s hould be did you COlOe 7" . ever have cbosen we." .erm-fr .. tiaeptic ally d ... house are many man sions." He sa id , yo ung. 'Would preter ono with prop"Oh, we cam ,festerdny. fath e r and mouth and thro.t-p urifiel tho breath "Ha vo you got hla; picture ?" Fanny ' "[ go to prepare a place for you." But erly, but one with a good pay ing pos l· after Imokin .-di.po l. all Pari s Puttern No. 2%2, All Seam he also ·madc I . But It Is no soon er than \\: 0 X· IIs lt(od. It ver y plain thnt we do Uon would be s atisfac tory. The young penpir.t ioD .nd bod,. adorl- much a.,. Alio wed.-C loRlng at the left side of not pect ed to come." She followed Gall Anne sbook her head. have to walt till aftcr we di e for lady Is of medium height, has brown preciate d by dainty women. A qui_ Into tb e parlor. where Fann )' L a i, " ''''hut Is his nam e?" qu estioned the rront under the wide pun 1 effect h enven to begin with li S. remed)' for lore eyol and catarrh. Sald he, hair and gray eyes, not fat, a lthough , and made up lu nile green persia n who was a lw nys cold, and Hilda lIIllI a. "The kin gd om of Ood Is within you." most dec.lded ly, she Is not skinny. A Iiltle PuliDo ~wder c:IiaMains, who could never be ba ppy at "His name Is Tbeodo re Rlvlng~on iawn, this is a dainty tittle model. It Is a present b eaven IOlved iA a .Iau of hot wata tb e hrlsUan Her friends say she Is a tine looking any distance tram Fanny, were hover· He se." Anne anno un ced the name The first t.hree tu cks ellher side of enjoys, malta. de\iahlful utiseptic _ a n inner heaven In the heart. woman. Object matrimo n y. R enson Ing ov er tb e radlutor und eagcr ly slowly and with becomin g reveren ce the fron t a r e stitch e d the ir entire We , lutioa, PO~ utrao!dUwy n eed not for walt this unUI adverti we die sement, to taste t h e young awaitin g her entranc e. "Wbat a boa utlful name!" Gall' length , while the oth e rs a re s tltoh ed the joys of bliss. cleuuiq. germiddal ud heat:. woman lives In a little dinky town, "Oh, Annel " They both kissed hcr brealhe d. "Do you call him Teddy for to n early the bust line. . tq power, ud abaolutdy ~ The caps where the best catches are the boys The Dible ccrtalnl y warran ts us In to the n ew·fash loned sleeves are also rapturo usly. leu. T..,. a Sampl.. SOc:.. s bort 1" the belief that ther e Is a beavenl y behind the counter s In the dry goods box at dl'l.llliAa or by maiL "And you wrote me only two letters "Oh, no!" Anne looked startled . ' lucked and trimmed and Insertio ns THE PAXTON TOILn' 00., ...",.. Ih... in all tbose three months, " Fanny reo "No. Indeed! Teddy would be horribly of embroid ery, similar embroid ery place som ewhere In the univers e , and and clothing stores, and everyo ne of them Is spoken that all for by the Ume he the faithful shall be gathere d minded her r eproach fully. out of place-w ith him." trimmin g tbe cuffs. The pattern Is hom e to that better land. We know Is out of his short pants. Address "YOII wrote me only once, Anne." "Theod ore Rlvlngt on Reese," Hilda In 7 slzea-S 2 to 44 inches bust meas· not where It Is-. ' -we bave llttle IdeB Hazel Eyes, eox 23, BlngvU le, Mo.". Hilda took UP th'e complai nt. "And repeale d . "Why, tbat name mlghl ure. For 36 bust the waist require s what It Is. Only we know It Is very Kansas City Star. . Gall says you treated her a lmost aa hay!! come out of a novel! Mrs 6%, yards of materia l ~O Incbes wide, r blessed. Tbe Bible Is full of hints and badly. Such snippy letters too! Noth· Theodo re Rlvlngt on Reese! Doean'( Hi yards 24 Inches wide, 4 yarda 27 suggest ions and figurati ve express ions HI. Claim to Promine nce. Ing to them but beginni ng and end· It s ound grand 1" Inches wide, SIAl yards 96 Inches wide, In an attemp t to gIve At a social gatheri ng a certain man, Wipe it off your otherwise us some conceping." "Makes John Wilbur sound prett, or 2% yards 42 Inches wIde; 2\2 yards tlon of Its Infinite blessed ness. But Intent on knowin g every one, was In- good IooIn.·nK face- put on that "Well, now! By the beginni ng you shabby, doesn't It?" Gall qqprled ml& of Insertio n. thes~ are only hints and suggest ions, troduce d to Senator JUllU9 C. Burrow s knew I was alive and well, Ilnd by cblevou sly. good health smile that CASTo procure thlll pattern oend 10 centil • of Michiga n. Muat Be Blened Place. the endlD&' you knew I loved you In "Pl1ttcrn Departm ent," of thllJ paper. "Poor ~ohn!" Anne (pulled on her to h th gi I alld "The t Wrtte name and ndelros8 name Burrow s Is very plnlnl)', and ba famll· CARE T.$ will give you- u A litUe ea en r w ng OU un· gloves while the girls watched her .1lr8 to Klve III~ . and number of patl~ der the skies one night with her mls· lar to me," he said. "I am certain a result from the cure ~ with mingled feelings of envy and lDo slonary teacber , who had taught her that you are a man of some proml· Cons terest and regret. . tipati on-or a torpid liver. NO. 2962. . of heayen and heavenl )' things, ex· nence." 8IZE .•. •••••••••• •••• "Well, I must go." She ros. It's'so easy- do it-yo u'll see. "Yes," replied Senator Burrow s, "I elalmed as she looked up Into the "Come and see me and we'll talk It all NAME ,......... .......... .......... ......... . stars: "Dh, ~acher, If the outside of am the man that · 'died at first' just over. You haven't said a word about CASCAR ETS JOe a boa for a _II'. III beaven Is so fair, what must It be to before Casey came to bat In that celeTOWN .......... .......... ...... , .......... . . treatmeo t. aU cSruntata. B .....~~ yourselves." fD tile wod4. KWIoG boua • be there! " So can, we aay: "It the brated ball game In MudvIUe."-Su c· "Ho', could we when we were so In 8TREET AND NO.. .... .......... ....... suggest ions we get, the blnts and the cess Magazin e. terested In you?" Gall asked. "Yoe Intimat ions we get concern ing heaven are forgiven for your long neglect ot 8'l'ATE ........... .... .......... .......... ... Their Object. are so enticing , what must It be to be us, we underst and everyth ing, now ." Banks- Tbe women of my towD there?" " I knew YOI\ would," Anne said. have forined a lecret society. But, le t us rememb er that th.l s Is "And you are happy? But of count LADIES ' T.UCKED , SHIRTW AIST. Rlvers- A secret society? Surely, not the only heaven. There Is an In· that's 'you -are!" Fanny hung upon hel a misnom er ; women don't know ner heaven In the heart. There 1s a anxious ly. how to keep secreta. present h e~ven to be enjoyed here and "Happy ?" Anne's voice had tbf Banks- But they know how to tell now. hus h of exceedi ng joy. "My dears, them, and that'8 why they formed We have heaven, first In the heart the society. YOu . will never know how happy untll and then in the skf'es. It begins when YOU each find the one man for your we let the KIng at the kingdom come self." The sattrlst can .talk about th e "avIn. It Is leltIng Christ In; It Is let· erage man" with Impunit y, because "I suppose not," the girls said . The, tlng his will be done In our hearts as every man cohslde rs himself above followed ber to the door. When sht It Is now done In heaven. "The ldllg. the average . had gone they returne d solemnl y ta dam of God ls within you." Tbere Is UJDmI . .oJo.......lllouln.a oootr __ ao4 COIDJDIII'tbe radiator . Dlaloeoter~01&04e Va'Ie,. ,8pleoc1l4 ooot.rac\. where the klngdom of God Is and must And some people have too much reo Write "I knew no ordinar y man would CEIl tor 'B. CUfIa_ lello.. o.,Ie, ~- . be, or for us that Kingdo m la non· spect for other people's homes \ and ber," Gall reflecte d at length. existent . HaYe we thought of that! not enough tor their own. "Isn't It wonder ful?" Fann), mused. N. U., CINCIN NATI, NO. 80-1810 .. And Its JOY must w. It does "Fate does Indeed lurk In unexpec ted begin now. For what shall we fin<l places. Anne herself never dre~med In heaven that we may not begin to U~fPolVn"A!'~ of this wben she went Routh for her J" ~ AIY",vr -· \ enjoy now? Is there p'eace In heaven? father's health. Tall and blonde and "Tbe peace ·ot God which passeth all -' handllom e and rlch l Such a lucky und e rstandin g shall keep your hearts girl!" the same old way. What more would and minds In Christ -Jesus." It does "She didn't say," Hilda said, a little you have?'" Anne parried laughin gly, sharply , thinking of that now. Is there joy In heaTen ! plain good John, Ilt~lng down comfort ably and ioosen- who had courted "Ye rejoice with joy unspeak able and Anne unsucce ssfully. Ing her furs. full of glory." I We may' do that now. lOr know she didn't," Gall returD ed, Infan t. Ohllana,:~ "Lots more,". Hilda grumble d. "We flrmly. ,"Out we all Is there righteo usness In heaven? . know Anne wanted to know about your good Umes wouldn 't have h.lm "The righteo usness of the law Is ful· It he wasn't all and your beaux for surely' you must that nod more." ftlled In U8, who walk not after the Paris Pattern bave had both. No girl could spend No. 3321\ All Seams Desh, b\U. after the ~plrlt," We have WithIn a week the whole town wae Allowed .-Ther e are few women who that, In Christ, now. three months at a Georgia winter reo agog over Anne's unexpec Is there love ted engage- can-'pas s by Il coun~er where remn!1~ lort wIthout them." In heaven ? "The ment. And when abe began to pre. of (~od Is shed of pretty was materia ls are exposed lbroad In our hearts, A.l'fiie was '1310wly-jfulllf\g orr her pare {or her betroth ed:s by the Holy visit, her girl for sale 'Withou t the desire to buy one Ghost which Is given unto us." Iloves while she studIed a water color friends 'flocked to offer We upon tbe opposit e wall. Vet abe did service with no attempt their loving or more of them. Often they are enjoy that now. Is Christ In heaven? to conceal stopped from doIng not seem to see the picture so much tbeh' curiosit y to Ilee 80 by the thought "That Christ may dwetl In your hearts him. tbat they ' canont find a pattern simple by faith." "Christ as somethi ng far beyond It. In YOIl the hope As bls visit was only to last three e~ough for a cheap bit of gingham of glory." For the Christia n . to llve "Oh, beaux and good times," she days, on account of. his not being able Bnd an hOllr'lI , time . We have reo Is Christ- Christ wllh him, Christ for laid. "Yes, I suppose I had as many to leave his busines s for a longer moved this objectio Promotes Dige'sti n by supplyi ng a blm, Christ In him here and now. B eav· f both as were good for me ." She time. Anne had decided to hold a r~ model which Is not only very ness and Rest.Conlains neithfr wae fumblin g at ' ber left glove. It ceptlon for blm tbe simple, en In the heart first and then In the evening of hll ar- but very pretty Opium .Morphin~ nor Mineral as weli. The waist skies! "The kingdom ot God Is with· yielded suddenl y and slipped Crom hl'r rlvll\ . hand. NOT NARC OTIC .Theodo re Rlvlngt on Reese was met is cut on what Is known DS thl! Gibson In YOll." style. It has the deep tuckl at the "Anne! " the three girls cri ed In one at the station by a closed Itl Joy and Love II Within. "OltllJ;J'A~Elh~E(t: carr.tage , It shoulde r, which breath, starting. Anue looked down belog a rainy -day; o,'erlap the senm of Within j How full the Scriptu res and of course 110 the sleeve at her gleamin g riew ring with a flusb one caught a gU'inpse and are s titch ed down for are of the thought of this inner of him durlnK hll their king· entire lengt.h. In the tront and ' dom and Its blessed ness ! and smUe. Jj,:!::'t.~ ~ rapid passage to the Gabe home. "The kIng· also In the back. The pattern Is In dam of God Is within you." "He that A.mro,',J • And you never told us!" Fanny, Hilda and Gall, bravely ITir"'"-.J.J.. .. "It .happen ed just before came togged In Hnery frt'sh tor the oeca· 6 slzea-3 2 to 42 inches bust measure . believet h on the Son bath e verl as ting , "'_ ", ..1 • Size 36 .bust requires 2 V.'l yards of rna· Il!e"-h as It now .""ay," sbe expla ined shy ly. £1.",,'" " ..,,_. and here . "Th is sian: went togethe r, Husbed and Hut· t erlal 36 Inchel! wide. ' H/~""",,, , 77,,1'01'. "And you came awny to get ready t erlng with excitem ent. ill llfe eternal, that they may know' As th.ey en· to be married ! Gir ls, our Anne!" tertld tbe large old 'fo procure this pattern send thee. 10 the conts AperCec only true God, and Jesus t Remedy rorCon5l1pa; Gage parlor they to "l-'nttern Depnrlm ent." of Ihls paper. Christ wltom · thou Fanny turned aJld -awestr uck, fac ed bebeld Anne standin lion, Sour Stomach,DiarrhOea, hast sent." "With g very tall and Wr-Itc name nnd addrcss plall1ly, nnd be one and then the other. There was a stately In all tho g!ol;y Worms ,Conwlsions ,Feverishof pale yellow sur-c 10 "Ive s ize amI' nu.nber ot pntteru. loy shall ye draw wa ter out of the momen t's tense silence, then thl'Y fell orgaudy , a filiI' picture wells of salvati on-tha t Is get It surely ness , In and Loss OF SLEEP.' the 'upon her and kissed h er. . sight of all men. with ber betroth ed ' NQ. 3321. now and have It now . "VI hosoeve r .. SIZE .. . ........ .... .. : "I am sorry- l menn I'm so happy," bes!dEJ hl'r. drlnket h ' of the water that I flhall give fAt Simik Signatur e o~ Gall stamme red. 'IBut, An1'!e. you! I him shall n e ver thirst, but the water The girls stumble d t1irough their KAME .......... .......... .......... :..... .... that I shall give him shall be In him ''ta ~ never dreame d of suab ' II thing. after greeting s !lnd retired with precipit ate TO".. N ........ . .......... ...... . .......... ........ . you'd been about so much uud had haste to th e privacy a well of wnter springin g up Into ever · "I'm; CENTAUR COMPANY.) or'the corner b~ 1 10 lUany chances yOU wouldn 't take, hind the Instlng lite." "ChrfRt in you the hopc wlnd'ing slalrcns e, where STREET AND NO .......... .......... .. ~ NEW YORK . right _.hert> In thl's " town, too. Oh, they clung togethe r tor some momen ts of glorY"~th e maker of a present heav. - -- - ,\It> mUllth ,. old :Anne'" . STATE ............ ............ .. . ........... ... . speechl ess. en in your heart. "Tbo kingdom of . . . "Well?" ' 'Anne turned tbe rIng upon .. , "He Is nearly bait a God ' Is within you." The slnlessn ess ~a.d shorter !" ~_. 2.~~_t ~~ ber finger lovlngiy . , . gasped ·1l'an~)'. · Then; jerking her of the kingdom 1$ to be found within. ''well ; J - IIhould say!'" Hlldl\ IIald. black and , Illue arm Jrom Many Mlafort unes ·Attache d. . The poace at the klngom Is to bo Gnn's un· Then the' thrtle' 110... down aod atare.d· copsciou sly, cl,'uel .rlp. Th!! soda have Iltt.'\che d 'a l mos t found within. The love of the kin/.{· ..........jlw-n , . . . _ _ at her lis It sh~ : auddeu l, ,bad been : '''An~ he we ars eye g11ll8e S8n~ ho many rulsforiuJ'Jes to liberty as ~o dam Is ·to be found within . The satls' transfor med Into a . ne w' being. . tnction of heaven ' ls to 'be found with· 'Is get,tlng fllt ' and . bal4, BIid he, It liervltud e.":"Mon t.e sQuleu. ~q. ycnir 'lither 'pleased ?" demand · ~very d~y of forty,·6v 'In. Tho JOY of the kingdom Is to be e." , ~alled' HlIdIL ed Gall ftrqlly. '· ,. Fl,ldg'e l' . round within. ; . I "And <J'e keeps Ii hardwn re store. "Is be nice'" asked Fannie', ' Edna-A n amateu r at kissing, ehf Db," moa!1e~ Hilda. It 'has beautifu lly been said tb'a l . . ' . "II he a8 good '.1ooklng as Jo·bn . Katherl ne-l should say Sol.c, Why, .. he opening ot the ,street~ "But 81',e loves lilml" cl1ell ,G all tD. , ~f' 'hea,v en .' Wilbur'" HUda'l', tone was wistful. 'Vlndlcat~M.: bls' effort Wils' ably 1m apology !or . a are on earth.\' .Eterna NmLERA iH " .' " .o l ute In lieaven RINGWOR. ' ERYSIPELAS kl.. . . ' She : bad alwa,I' w~ted Joho WIl· . ERUPlIO"S :'Yes, ~~e ,loYe" 'bllll.'" FaDDy , qreecL ' .Is. plalnly .bbt a continU at1on and a de. POIIONIVY aBRASIONS b'u r beneIt. -Eana-A nd wer!! YO'u ani'ry, dear? . lTeffl"8' , , . "Glrl~. If ..'pv.e can .do ~t It can .do velopm ent of eternal life . on earth. . • CHAFING EelE •• . . "QI,11 watt! Tbree questio ns at ' aD)'thln g. .' Katherl n ...-oh~no. I acc:epted the "Blelle d are the pure HERJ:&I ,SCALDI '. . In heart, for .pololY . , o~oer 'How ~I!U I anlwer · .'tbemr ' • .'~Alld sbe ml,bt. b.a,.1Ia d, J,)hn . , th~y sh·a llle.e <104." The), see' him now ..ADa.e defende d. bur. . BJI4a lal4., and here. . The man wbo llnds <Dot GOd ~ Ume wlll cure·nearly everY.f onn of Ikln';. II" a wollller worker. ! '!H. Is cOm)aa 'u p' bere ID . • month . 8tralned . R.'atlon ,. A recoCni&ed apeclflo for \tobin, and Inllame~ pilei. TheD their solemn ity pve w&J to In hli OWD heart will Gnd blm no. or 80 aDd you, ,wW ... bYe . ' ebuce b~lteJ!ICJa1 ctcIllnc , l,.aUle WU1I~S.,.. pa. are ·wheN; but be who doel GJid blli! ~ere wblch ....ted UIIdl USIl.'OL to ... him "'4 julie, tor ,oursel f JOhD Wilbur. w,ho CHlMJO atratDd AL COMPAN relaUoD Y. ~mroRl, lID. I' . JlD4 bbD nel'71'h erei aDd tor blm ba4 been loolflpl whetller , Pa4'l• .~Uoublp oi ~ Ud 'wtl1 01' Ht. I thJDt It. • • ...,.btr e tor BII., ....... OlDtIIIeIlt, ...aD "W be bepa. 9MJdIII , Toilet Soap. ReelDol , .....- ' ; . . ""'" uqua4 the ,~ud ....... ...... I'OIlg ••D .lto .are dam .IN'otIIera TIl. . . t.It. iI.... ". -beu _ .ShaYIDa Stick ... .,.. at ~ ~ !'II . . . . .~ . ~










Sickly Smile





Th8 ~Kind

Yau Havi

AI~ays i_ausht'

Be~ -the




. 1'.tJ.rjJ:.!':~'&




--_00' __-


For 'Ovef

--_ _--






,can ,





tie aIll&J"'~' ..tttr.

ret". m,... . '


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.a e


, , , '

' .


aturday we will put on . al l;' ove'l' 200 Remnants of

Sateen, Lawn, Percale, Dress a nd Apron Cinghams, Calicoes, FlanAe !ettes, 'Or" gandies, Out ing Fla nnels, Muslin, Crash, Shirtings, Madras, Dimities and India Linen


•• ••

Rur MIIIt; nUldl~

And will Continue


O xfords and Pumps

In all Leath' rs , fo r Men, Women and h ildren. at and below cost. We want to clo e out every pair, and h ave c ut t he price so they will sell.


in and



dn y . .l ohn WCtlvel' vi Ited fri nIl. tJ t:lu r Gre uville ln ~t SauullY . '1'l1e -It·ll QUarterly ' l mmon ion fler·. ioe of tb M E. ohuroh will b e h Id bere J uh' :l1st ut !L30 o'o lock , Di t,rlot S up t. Royu I wil l he h e r e . MiFs Kntherino Morris, of ~b ru , II! v isitin g r eJativel:l sont,h of to ... n Mill/:! '!lrrle Kemp " pen t I::luturrlll Y and l::lundt1y In DII,yt.on . Mr . John UnderwOllrl a ud dlln~h­ t e r ~ wer e the g UElst/:! of Ml' . ,/ nbn K able lnst 'l'h nrtldny._ - -4 _ _ _ .. _

$2.. 50 $2.25 Over.

J. Kitb,,".


•• •• ......_

The l~eighbQrhood News

•• ••



•• Not to learn, But to Instruc ......,..;.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.N_ _........_ _ _ _ _ _ •_ _........_ _ _........ Young Chicago Pupils. Harveysburg: ' 1 New Burlington. •



OlassifiBd Ads


Win . "' lI llt4l1. (;If north of I,Own fl U tert,uiTl d his brother Rntl flillli Iy' Illtlt ~unday . Mrs . It;c1UIL b oplciTl Rltnlllnd y frienl1 of RIch mond, amI 1\1r,.. Win \l' nlkHr8011, of Spring \Tnl h~Y :'ij1 nt, tll fl d,IY with Mrs , T..e wi R llpe r Ill~t I!"dduy Mi!'lse. Hmce ,lOci Lullt Rl.lOrh,mgb Oltl led 0 0 Mrll. C h ,t B r el~fu r\l III I 'rburMdu.y . A m ed ici n e, how whl II 11 hf'lm 11 r for I h" })1It!t wm k h liH hI', u drawing htrge ol'o ..... d l' \'eTy vulin!! Mr. Imtl Mrtl. :vm '1'111.,1 lind ~Iis,.. Mar y 'rl~ t nor h o f t,t)wn ott.e ll ll AII th~ Chlill tlluqUtl ~ ridllV 111ll! }\lItnr-


b113ilJc~s trip til

~1r" L ydlo Gord U halO h QolI vi~it in g Te la tl \'( n(\l ~r Hll r v YSlllll'g - ,. - - - - -

Until Every Remnan t Is Sold

$3.50 Oxfords or Pumps, now $3.00 Oxfords or Pumps, now




Has opened: an o'mce in Waynesville for practice, ' l' l'eats nil dist!uses of doto gO d nccount us far as h Is canme. l ie a nima ls . 1 am not ' • ,' r I'd. but those wbo hav been foo lso common as you migh t I I.,h nough to bell e l'C hI s pl nllslbl imag ine. 1 have been in Slorl"H wIll lind thnt the Mon tl'zu01fi lJl'aclice for 20 years. 1 t!· A!<I II· . 18 IHI lllOI' thnn 1\ fable-Is. 'atls p romptly attended I In nC' l. a \\'Ioclh. rrobau ly 110 all t o duy Ot· nig ht . an Ant I 1" IwowR Mrxlcn h,' Ue r thlm .h. ILl; lin · 00 o. .-"ccordln g . to t1 , d I P ho ne No. 113. Jose HUlllon Pnlafox l\ l\l e.xlcan jour. H It< a n "W 1 ' 1'(' £I I' t l'~ dltl ons nlld IIn1lsl, wIll 1'0 DtI; 11IlIIRed th rough th Ilk \ hott ", r Ilr('scl' vt·il . In l'le w till :; rily Uti hIs wuy to Wfl s hln tOll of thl'I'I' fu 't It wllu ld b mul'!oI thn n l h '1" nr no hldd n Monl zUlIln l~ell~ ' At rRl1l;fl thnl t.hll 1 ' xlca n s holl ld se ll urcil. tnrm ma tton n" to tr 'IUHl rus whf' n ht' "" ) 1 I D,R. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN ."J c OU}t t 1 s torl II cll'clllat 'd I rOllld IHt tile' 1IIIIll'd I1lms If" . a bout tho hldd n treaallr a of the Az. I ,\ al{(·{\ whllt he thou~ht of thp. t'odC'x For Internal and External PAIns. til' e mp I'ors hIlI' tbe ll' orIgin In the ! nn w !;a ld to be! In th p PO!lB sslon of ijudly I xllgge rnl'd ac'cou uts or old Alup r1c'HII by lh > IInllle 0 1' '1' , A , ~ Ilan llih historians- men who swul. I h t; nyuu . Mr, PIIJufox ('Xf)l'Ossf'd hl lll ' low d til yarn!:! or th contjucrol's u f SI',f In ,the I' rfl'('\ t1Hlt In a ll pl'nlinhll · ..,.,.. lin b tl I' than otl ,0>1 . d P . ' ' 1 ..,....,.. .... Il:'xtco IlIId whose jll(lgm ' nl hnd bpC' n I lly It npft t hy l ho fow s blplllt'nls or' gO ld' 1 111 1'1I1" or lImt kInd. nlld th at quit e .hL'i wIll lie Ill ~ "n",1 uu.l 'r t iltH lleall (o r ' , 11 t wclil ·· tlvc ceil i s fur t hree IU ber tloD ~. a nd fillv., r mad La palu ahol't1y oft r . oftl'n n ~ ()· cll lI E' d c od~ \Ias \I e wt.w u Ubl l1 l: nu l Ihur,' l han Ih' e HUCH. he tnklllg of the Aitee capital" s'IId " ' nough <'X l't'lIt flct to 'ven rl{l(,.,h ' e th use Sello r pulurox . . falll lll,, 1' wi th lhe s uhJeuL ~J"ww"""""~ "'rho atnou~t of gold a nd Rllv I' In ' .. \ ~ I' ell t d II I of hnrlll has ue'll FOUND t he 110Rseslon or the Azt cs III lillY tlOII to l\lexll'a n InvE'lltm nt OIlPar· lllU e wns cOlll parn tlv Iy s mull Hnd III tllllltlp:; h.\' .f1 Il<'IC'lIl £II tn IIlId hidde n itl wwtllel! ." SHiel I r II I CI\SO ot lhe people cODslsLlIIl{ .of II' .. , flllll"<) '~ . ' . """ 11' . P un ox . FO UNU-'l~w o buwk BUWS. OWDItttll' nl ore tha n a fllw pel'snna l orn~. :'\n . 1111 mnll sholl ld lllke a ny stock Il l' 011. 11 hu VA l:I ullH3 by pro ving III nt s. Th o greatest store of th se III 1I b. 1'. MC' ' Ieo Is well Rtoclmd with }lrOptl l't y . Inqnll'u ,If U" rl tSJlyder, pl'eclou~ m l nls was fou ud by th" A :1Il' ril'ltll!:! who do lI()th ln l; Illtl bllt Lt. D . ~, Orui!:uutll . . panlnrdll In the Imp rIal jmlae IIl1d I ~~l> I O tl the ir l'oll ntrymc lI 00 th e oth r thIs was promptly s hIpped to Spain by I d ot he Hlo Grnndl'. ThlR nll>o or tez. om ll1ll'ed wltb tbe W Rltl! of I n)Jpllt's to SOlll td of th ' rubber laud IIUct FOR SALE today even tbls wa a me re dl'OD In , ~ol on l zatl on propositions. Alll erlclI DI! tbe bucket. Th (l~ s tate ment mnde by ' I \ ad)' to In ve t mu n y III th rePlI,ulie hi s torIans tbat H mnncIo ortez B lit s.loll ld flrsl put til LUsel 8 In tOllch I:i ALE-- Ouu CuuollY top Mursh ip loads of gold nnd s llv I' his I with lh M xl 11 £1 guver n1\1 nt. DOi ng I'UY, wnu Kreen olOiU niwmlngt4 t bl s will Sil l' th e m mon y nnll dlea p ~UOU!!llnU-illllll 1:1111001e , lIprwtC b 4011 ki ng shollid not b takeo literall y. for I polutm nt" . ' !lllli CUl:I lllun. (jood IUIU6W. IUllUlre . In 011 probablltty It means no mol' I ul Jtt.mU8 LIadar, lhan that h nvy sb lpments of these took plac . HOSP TALITY OF PORTUGUESE . 60 I&Cre8, 3 of "Th e accouots of the Montezuma \' UeDttlrville, on bpring Valley t I'ensnre Is merely 1\ count rpnrt or Courteous Welcome That a Tl"aveler J:'ike, j(ood hout!l.l, barn I&nd oULbuild sl ml1ur cxtravllgnnces found on 'mn ny Received From a Farmer ,and log3. AU lun<1 tilll&ble. For inform&-pag e or hIstory. W r nd of th His Family. fnbulolls w alt11 of the p opl of tb twu 'Wl'lttl OJ: call on Mr8 . Uobt _ I';uphrates valley. or tb an 'l lit Egyp· All travelers know that th POI.tu- .:it"1r<:l , H V. I, WttYlltltlVllle, U. Ilans, of India n)ld oth I' parts And so ,S'uelle. are a ourt (!lIJ S y eo pl . No UR. SA LE or truue Hotel aud Ltvfllr have n ver fou nd a truc at It: In betl I' example of delfl!lfte lIud g n. I:ry . It "Will 8000 . tL the Ir dny. no doubt. th se people ba d rOUB hospItality could b gI ven than a c rlal n amount of gold lin d s liver, th e ex perlenc ot John Labouche, .told \i U tw, WI~YUtlt>VIJ1tl, VtlIo. but til y uever had nough to cnuso hI hIs "Tra" , In Portugal." The U ' E ANt> ,.01'-ln Corwin, II ~ mode rlls lo a ll tit m rloh . DIS-\lIllthor was takIng u hQrs bll k trIp 10 tiuUdIl rtloeutjy palU' e(l l ill KOU/l persed among them In th ~ form of that cOllntry, and rIding toward .VIli lTeD y, aEj Is the case today. ,th II' nnnn Ihe nIgh tfall ov rtook him at f e lJlllr lIod nloely JOUllted. A 1(00<1 hOUltl ur Ii I((\od lliveMtua nt. loqulr" \\,f'nlth In pr cl ous m tals would hav QuIt tL distance fro III til cl ly . IlIn de II I' ry poor showIng. Gold and J n tered Into a fr ien dly converea, .. t I,hlll 0 111 ·U .

h ar fq r II week 'II viijit . Phi D Collin K.1I(i.f llmily . of ra· ' g 'lniB, y\ Ited \V , BlllgR lind fnmllv undnv . Grea test Store of PrecIous Meta l Was Mr . Hn rltlll . ofluc1lu,ott, W8 /:!1It;1l HI, Fo und In l";perlal Pa laeo and Promptly ShIpped to SpaIn by ro e n I y of hi ~ t· IILtiv ", irs Naoll\ I ' HIIl'llIo nn d fn,lull,}'. Co rtez-A mount Is Small.

Kl!l~ l1Il1 n "U,~ dny IIL<;t Wtt:lk

•• ••

•• ••

.. ,DENTIST .••

~~i:,I\ Vi~~III :~Il~I Y~O~inl!~:l~:A:;',~)~ ~~ Stories C7f Hidden Gold of Aztecs I Inventions of !i istorians.

.Jo'lPp h /Inc! FrnTlk l:I{\rrlR ClIID with

MI''; Allc i\l ' KiLlY "pint ,' lltUI' dn y II nd t)1l 11d flY· w it h r~ltl th'l'1I ill i::Il1r vl):>dburg

In short I ngth ~ from 1 yard to 10 ya nl!; I.e) the piece, at pric 's that will pay you to buy. :ale begins

•• ••


--~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------~---------OR. ~. W. MILLER, II Dr. M. Schumaker







I ' ---.----


~ilee ~E




~Ill·et. til n, as In Ule cas

of the tlon with a farmer who was ·rldlng Aztecs. W re not used at all as m dl· my wuy. nnd aslr d h·lm If he could LOST . ums of exchange or wer used only In teU lIl e where I ('ould get sbelte r for A lurprise. was MDdered. Mr. sJid Mrs. Isabel Collelt, of Xenia , s pent Bugs, Frogs, PuppIes, F':lttens. MIce n " ery limit d way. Rulers PlIl,d and t he night. He good humoredly Mre,' Chas. MoMilJan Monday night \lllllt week with h e r lilster, Mrs . and Other D~l1'Ib, CandIdates Adrecell'ed trtbutes In the form of gOld 11:lllgh d at the Idca or my putting UD EdT,E RN MA RE, dluk browu, befOl'e moviug to Edon, O. Wednee- Th08. Bilydooic. mltted to Inculcate Taste for I ~n d os a rule overted It Into articles at nny pl ace s hort ~ Vlanna: 1 told white fuoe, 6 you.rfl old tip day, where Mr. MoM.U1an has BeMr . and Mrs. . ha s. Mendenball Nature Study. or llrnc tl 1\1 value or objects of art. blm lbat I was not I'ery particular cured a good position in aoreamery. landMlsB Mattie Hie l attulded Miami The old rocords show thi s down to a and that my guld 's horse was too I! UU both atlrt! " ff, brllnd : Ob ;Ighf Frank L. Barr~, Oha •. ~Cker, )I Valley Chautauqul1 on FridllY ; Chtcngo.-K1tt ens, puppi es, pIgeons, I'ery late date. Th t.rlbu te colle ted 1 tired for furtb er traveling. H looked -IuoulC1 r. Fiml tlr will telephulllI Wm J.<'UI'~oog, Red Lion. ~Ult ,bltl P . V. Beason and, ()I~mFoley visit The hUle'daughter of Mr . ond Mrs ohlckens. rabbits. squirrels, g uinea ~: the ~~DgSd OC Egypt , tor xampl h~rd at me ancI tb en saId : il ~ Cinoinuati Sunday. . Chlls. Wilson died nt the home of pigs. Japanede mIce, wbl te rats, ta d· er go a ll Rver vases, stlt uettes "There Is a house auout "ne mile l' tl wu ra u!ferf1(j . Mr•. lI'Tank Wt]son joined her eon her grandpareD ts, ~r. and Mrs poles, salamandera, turtl 8 , toade, and th~ like. We see Rameses reward from lIru·e. You will get poor flU'e WUber, i~ OinoJnnatf Saturday, and Chlls . Robinson on Saturday. l!~n . frogs, bIrds, b\lga. ants and bees Ilre ~he !leII' I es of hIs g n rals by hang' j and poor ah Iter. but there la none 8anday they left to visit r.lo.tive~ in uero.l sflrvioes were held at the house lIome of the n w pupils wh ich a oom· a~g a golclen cbal n around th II' necks b tt r. I thInk, thIs side of Vtanna. I HELP WAN'fED Va~ Wert, Paulding and Booking on Sunday. mittee of prIncIpals a nd dI strict Sll' .d so on. will show yOU the wa ." counti~. .. . ' Born to Mr. and .Mrs . Chas. Wool. periotendents appoInted by Mrs .. E a 0 w len the con-I So we trotted on. alfd soon turning Dr. and)trs. Cla~ett, and Mr. aud ery, nee Bessie Robinson , July 27th, Flagg Young bas d clded to admit to qtJ ls tndor s got th ere were th sam. I as Ide from the malll road be guided ~ illtelJl~eJit person way . . rn Mrs. E_ Shldaker took an extensive a son. the Chlc,ago public schools. - Metals dId not n llre to I!ny tent 8S Ull a long a vile ox ca r t path. the worllt ~100 monthly oorr~poodiDg At the head of "Alice In Wonder- money or Its equlval nt. In . th e pa l· of a ll roads to rid on In a bad night. tor "t1W8(l1~p ll r8 . No oall_sslog. t id Sat d aD 0 r e D,r ay: . , Mrs. J. O. Comptou WIlS callerl land"- or WIlB It "Allee In the Looking ace of the emperor gold and s \lv r We went abollt a mile up the valley. bend fur puric ull&rtl, PreliM ~ymlj­ IAvi Battou, a.fter several weeks' away lust week by the seriout! illness Glass ?"- Lewls Carrol describes a were found In th shape or ooklng Presently the Ilnrrow way opened out Cn te, I:i u7~ 1 1 Loukport, 1'4. y, visit with relativeB, ~a8 returned to of a sister. ' court scene tn which the jury box Is \\tenl1 \18,. to ilet articles and wa.1l cov- Into a sqllare wtUled enclosure, em· bie home in Linooln"Ill,i nols. Mrs, Betty MpPhe r son visited just such a stra n.IJttle menagerie rIngs. P rhaps a sma ll store or gold bowel'ed with 'VInes running over d&lOeII. J ~Dtler, of Dayton, was over Sunday with friends in · Hig b 118 ' th1s. The Idea was one which ap. and sliver ingots was also dIsco" red rnft ra of wood supported by the 0. loestof the central hotel Sunday. lan~ oounty. pealed powerfully to the Imaginations lind so. uo doubt, was a small Quantity walls arid stone pillars. It was like a BUSINESS John ShaDk 8nd wife transacted John Powell. ~lUIt of toWn, hilS the of chllllran. pr "~rrhPelous stoncs. , h uge l'oom, the ceiling of which was bDliDe88 'b'are SatordAlY. ' banner wheat oro p in the oeigb bor Acting on the snme ' principl e, the e ~o·call c;l A~teo cor1l0es t ilin g vloes. It was' the courtyard of a Dr. J . G, lIaoy is inSpdngVal\ey hOOd. Tweuty-~ve acres Il,verllged school authorities have decided to give or the wh reabouts at hldd on tl'ens- good sl~ed tarmhouse. The farmer 'ANYONE anvwhfirA ' CA" lit"" this week. ' forty bnshels ; hl.8 en tire orop n ve r- the youngsters in the kindergarten ,ure are all SPlIl'lOllS and aro sold to stopp d. ', Il mlli!' ord 'r bUllin~8t1 at. bOlllu 'BQ8h~ S(ngJeton; one of ouf aged twenty-eig~:. ...._ ___ grades t his strange conglomeration ot unauspertln g for Ignere Cal' fltney "Why," saId I, "thIs Is " prIYate No 'OllnVIlf!Mlnl{. Btl your own boea: pioneer citizens, died Friday at the ~ Bchool companIons. Th y wIsh to In, prices. It Is an Ind ustry somewhat bouse." ':lend for free UOllklet Tell .. bow ag'e of 86 yeal.s. Serv, ioe , s from the Sprl·ng Branch culcate In the children a tust,!) for na- analogo lls to th muklt,lg of antique "It Is tbe .hous'e of your, e~cel1ency," Beacook) A 0020 , .... lokport,N . Y . • tUl;e study and they b elieve this the fUrnIture a nd jewels. Of COlil'se only repll e~ tpe rl\l'tner standIng uncov~~;~ Baptist' ohuroh,lit ;2 p. m . 15.0. best waf to do It. the /Uost credulous ar e taken 'In and ~J!ed , Wltb the tr~e court ous · hos· Ml'S . Ella Rye was very pleJistlnt,With nature's \Ivlng hAndcraft be- tlsually on xperl. n sufficell to tell pltallty of all old-tashlon d POftU' , WANTED ------~.~~ --~--Iy entertain~ by ~r . and Mrs. Mont. tore them, they feel, the youn gster&! the \J11l'chasElr of a codex that hE) has ,.guese. It was, In truth, thJs man's Bobli~ and family on Frll:l~y. " , Inter est wlil be QuIckened. In Ume been hUllJbugged . However. sOOlfltlmes :bouse, and ~e Bnd bls 'wife, cht1dre~ Oregonia . . Mn : J . B. Chenoweth and duugb. they wlll come to know their grotl'sQue n grent deal or bar.m Is" dOll by an aod dog stood to welC(ome' uS._ ' /' Mrs. Benry Shutt~ has been qtlttfl tel'S Bertha and Franoetl lind soo achoolmates as well 8S they do the unscrupu lous man getting pORses· ." 'la! Cen!" oalle~ out ttu~ farmer, WAN'l'EDTO BUY-Parm. aoont i ll the paat weelt. ' Jaoob ·spent lalit, TnesdflY with Mt. little boya aod g Irls who study with s1911 of u so·called <:odex. He IS,enter- _cheer,lIy; wblch, beln~ , Interpreted, Is .80 !tore", gpod llUlfl and hoJlIl. them, and from this will come not I lIrls lllg enough to turo his Vurchase "Su,pper!" "«ere III one who hBS Dot I iogs on Mniu pika Foil nAr' tloul~r~ .. H II f ' d Mi88 Luoile M"son paid week , 0 y rlen 8. . .. M d M N h A ti only knowledge that will be useful, eat~n s lnee be was tn Spain I" ·et.o. Atlclres!\ Lon.til M , "'y.,-,Plqu~,..O~~ end' viSit 't o the Ml' asos Bolzlin in r . ,an rs nt an, Ut n eo- ... .. . .. ter t8 ine d Eld er. T C·, Will lams ' A humanity t(lward all It yIn'" erea.'!!!!'!'!~~~~~~~-.~~~7~~~~-~!!!!!"!!!'!'!'!'!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~!!'! Kings Mills. ' flnhd but '" '" of til' ' F 'd i tur s which w11l make the lIveli r! , " w if e,, 0 f M 0G rew, Ob' 10. rI ay n g t _r. an d M rB. F ran k Cl eaver are . ture generations of frogs, tadpoles, Mr . '1homas I;1etls Ilt;ld daughter mice. turtles and even salama nders o;aoving to Xeni" where t,h ey will make their future home. ' ! Mattie spent Frldu~ nlgbt with ~Is better worth the livIng. Mrs. John Gill is enjoying a visit s on Wal~er and family ~f nellr XeD1~ . The list :ot the dumb candidates for from hAr daughters from Norwood Mrs . '1h omus .H~ss. IS Vl8it.ln S 10 ~!p dergarten work has just been made aDd Kings Mills, 'Mol'~anto~~, Vlrgln\1l at the tim e out and will 1)e s ubmit ted to a mass The Rherwood family hove had aR of thiS wr1tl~g . . . meeting of the princIpals to be held their gueste the p!lst week Mr and I There Will be meetlDg fit MIddle wIth , Mrs. Young. It IB expected that Mrs. Burroughs, of Jeft'e~sonVi11e' l Run next Satuld'IY II. 20'0100k and all of tbem will be allowed to matrl· ('! • •. SnndtLY 10 :30. Preaohing by Ellder eulate. F ran~ Aeaver enJoyed 00 Vlijlt George A. Bretz, of Indiana: In a hIgher grade of the klndergnr. ' f~om bIB aunt and cousin last week. MI8s Ma ttie Bee8 8pent Thursdll Y ten work lhe children will take up the MrR. Sarah Kersey, Mrs. Allen with H. U. Dukln and family . . feeding at caterpillars and the study Kibler, and the Misses Mabel 8her., . t th h bl • wood, Lillie Kibler, and EdnOo 8pen- , . Mrs . J. H . Ch~noweth .18 on .the 0 e a t s OL crickets and spIde rs, cer attended the Quarterly Meeting ' slok list at the time of thIS wlltln~ . The report In which the stran ge roster of the U. B. ohurob at Utioa. rfhurs_ ! Mr. Tom 'Cheooweth spent l:3uo- of kindergarten pupils Is suggested Rays: day. - . dny wit·h his Runt Ewwa Chenoweth "The Idnd er gl\rten shol\ld alm to de. ' J . K. Speucer and C. 0. Wi Ilium- Ii and family . velop the sense of delight In nature . 81!tn heard Senator Dolhver at Obau· - - -... • nod ,of Interesting plays with naturo ' tflOqUU. ODe day lfl.s~ week. A TrIal by RIce. material , also the sen Be of affectloo· They have pecull ur methods of try- ate kInship with all living thIJllgs." ~~~~~~~~~!!!'!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!'!~~!'!_~ Ing suspects 10 Bengal. Ooe of "Short excursIons SllOUld be taken ' , , ' i,' • these Is called "trial by rIce." Every often, especially In th spring a mI tnll, The Royal Soap CO'. , of Cincinnati, has appohited John A, FunkeY'. proprietor of the person sUBpected was ordered to be The purposes of these excursIons l arg~ departm~n t'store, Waynesvill~, Ohio, 'sol~ agentin this district for their Celeb." nted ,\ present, and all turned up. FIrst the should ~e to flee tl:e08, 1I0wel'!it gl'lISS Medll!ated Cuticle Soap. ' '..." »eople were lJ,lade to sit In a semicircle and to hnve motor and fiBnBe exp rl. I . To thoroughly int Toduce it to the peopl~' of Waynesville,they ,have ins~ad' ()f du;itriblit- , and a "plate" (a square of plantaIn ence In c:onnectioD wIth them . such \IS ' ' mg samples from hou!?e to hou se; allo~ed price 'concessions which enables u& to sell leat) was s et before each. Then a feeding the I'onghn e!ls of the ba~k, the 1ull ·size ~akes during t.h is sal!" at 5 cents ellch o'r on~ third the ~egu!~r'Prj.ce. ·;R('yaI'C~ti~ . priest walked up and down chanting ~oolness of 01 grails, and so oli; to cle Soap IS the cheapest, pure~t. softest, m~st soo~hmg s~ap you could put' on 'your', {ace · and scattering tlowers. The ceremooy gllther pods If Vo!!slble, to ,play with at:l.i ~ands; n~ such fOl; sh!1vmg or complexion. allays any smarting· or itching of, the ' (Osteopathic Physician) over one of tbe c lerks went to eaon "hadolVS nnd suo shIne" to Watch . the , .. ski n It hR any and a1126 cent s0f!.p~ excelled. Buy while itis ,distributeQ ·foronly 'anickh~. " , D)an and gave him raw ,'rlce and told'· cloud s, to feel tbe 'Yln.d and play :wIth a cake ' - . ' . ' . . , - ' ~' ,'. ".' " . ' ", ,'. him to chew It to a pulp. Alter about it. 'T\lere IJhould be many plaYB w ith . 1n J~hh A. ,Funkey!s large winqow ~jJ1 the most wond~rfq'J"~xhibit eve:- s~n', ten minutes they were told to IJtop lights ond' colors, ,blowhlg Boap bub. , In soap. ' - . ~ . , , • Tuesday and Friday and eje.c t It Into the plan,t aln ' leaf. bles, usIng' reflected aod tefraeted ,:,,~" ~, . , " '. " " '.... . ,. . ' " , ' Of ,Each Week llgbt 'an_d ......tr_a_ns_p_:r=c1_.e_s_ ...,_ _ " '" ::'\' : Iy commenced to · CfY and begged , for Th h f " " " Office at, the GlJstinHouse mercY, confessiog everythIng and say. e .. eart8 o. pten ollnDot 1Je •~ Over 3,000 cake~ used in constlitiction. , .. Be sure and, arid comEiin'and"k y this ftn~ ing that another ot the three was the wl1rmed with oold atorAge sermons, lWap at 5 cent~ a, cak~worth i6c 'or 25c~ · . , ."-


'. 1




======:,: .:-




The Greatest Soap Sale ever held in S.outhern Ohio



Funkets Department ·Store

Royal (;uticle Soap Regularly sold at 1'5<: a cake







Houl1l Qf 8 a. m. ' Appointment, 'to 12 rn,


' l~

~ U'1f :.p,at~ ~~'~'r .~a,pita ~i


chief Insttgator. curt9U8 fact' Otooorsea. that fear, aMstng It ' troma an· evll, conBclance" prevent8 sallva cOming to the ber very far baok i she isn't old J mouth.

w~~ ,the ~~t_~~~b_ed._ _ eu,?ugb.



J. A". 'ro',NK'EY '.


$~:a p~'

W.y·nea: -:-. 'JiII ' e', ,0"h'1·0

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WBOLE NUM BElt llufilo!

'r 10, H)IO .

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1---Personal Mention Here and There II - --------+------------+


auc;-:;,;;ii,.Penewitt w"'


About People

'1'1> bea.-urul" ib"', to M,·, . . I - - - - - - - ~ --- • .Vl rs. Mal'ga l' l ta Brown WII:; f)reborn ill t!wurk. LicI{ing Ohio . Mif<sN ina Smith is isiling- fri nds \ 11', J. T , Liddy , IIf LJaytoll, spent ~arch G~ 1 I~, died in Bellbrook, amu·1 Sm ilh was in Duy fXl n ~atThil'!~' I)f Ml's. \· Ii a ,I'nhum'f< pared' and I' atl by Mrs. A~JI1a CadSunday with ;V!r . anJ ' Mri<. M. C. Gre n Co. (hlO, AlIgUflt 2. 1910, urday . r it-mil:! Rur pri erl ht'r la.o:;t ThllrRday wu Jlader a L llw las t meet ing o( W. in Xl'nia. C. 'J', U .: ' j iudy aged 91 yf'ar ,5 mon ths a nti 26 days. nig ht. Liarlle:l \V~ l' plared. aft l' II is with pmfoll ndest sorrow, ann J e;;se BUI·ton wag a IIaytun vi sitor A L tAe agoe of 17 s he \Val'! united in Mr, Robt. CroR'1 was in Cincin nati whi 'h wntt'l' n1(:>l on and r >!\l'he~ we re a feding of deep personal atiii ction Monday. Mis.'1'y E. Smart , of :incinnali, marriage to Mal'k I'cnewitl. a nd to Monday. serveu. that t he org alli zation of t he Woman' s i: the gue.~ t orh ' I' cousin. '!\1 is!; l'Uce th is uni Il w 're uom th ree song, two MI', F, H. }<'an' was a Dayton viSlTemperance Union of Waynesville , M I·S. J. F. ' ad\\'a\ladcr ha beell Smart . of whom long ag'o. with Iwr hllHhand, Mi~s Nelli e GUI'd ente r tained th e Ohio, a"ain places on recoru the loss qUI'1 e I'11 , d I I ' I I t.OI· Monday. cnlcre t l C hOlTl(, W lll:h ~ 1 s now memb r!'l of th e King' s He ralds at of one of it.s me mbers. BIH'n to 1\11'. alld 1\l rs. James ('njoyillg with them , Mrs. M' linda Ollborn is visitins; the hm'lpitable home of Mr, a nd Mrs.. 011 July 4th. 1BIO, a t he r hom c in i\ll's. l\1al'g'l'f:t Wit~ l' 1<"1 '.' iHiling' rei· Ha wl,e (,) f Ht'lIefontaill(" Tu csllay" She uniletl with th e MitlJ le Run relatives in Sligo . AlI j!u:t :2nd. a sn n, l3l1p Li!it church in Lhe yea r 1 51. an d St.a·y Kincl le Satu rday aHern ·)Oll. Way n~v i lle , in the aflemoon of he r alive,; ncar liJdl el.uwl1 Gurnp~ were illuulgeu in, an u light life, ami j ll the aft ernoon of the day . : . I was ba f ti zed by Elder amuel Wil Mr. Nalhan Lupton is attendinit refreshm ents wl:!re tle l·vf'd. t he mes.o;age came to Margarelta l .M r, Fred 1,!al'l Sork mad t'a bu: 1O s~ Mids Mary Hawk. of Lebano n, liam, She was fa ithful in attend· a camp meeting in Indiana. Brown, "The 'Master is come anti t l'lP to SfH'\ngo(\ C'ld last WNhwi-Iday , was th' g-u cst of MI'. anti 1\-11':1. J. ance, and untler the ~weet spiri t () f , lh for Lnee, anti like Mary. th e l M N L " , II I J .. Hawke and (I,roi ly Sunday. t h ' Master Ih'ed a chri stian life. and. Geneva Rogers is spending this calle MI'. ~nd MI's . Elias Oglesbee enterf L h I l' e;;!; rs . . . ,U nJW am ,m . died a christian's u ath, Her dispoweek with Mrs, Adra Lewis . · t s wce sister 0 azaru s, s e arose I 0 . . F " ) J tained Sunday the following iluesls: quickly and com e 'u nto Him, " II ay OJ' w' re ay ll fl \'I!'ILuJ's 'l'l cay Mr . anu rill'S. r.cnrge Christman, sition endear cI her to all , and she Mr. and ' Mrs. Chus, Coniell. Mr. a nd ,I . 1 among th 08 Herm a.n Lewis was the ~est of I uau go h tel' 0 f Den'" , i" . . ,. d of Lebanon , \\'('I'e ..."u e~ lfl of ~1r. and WI'11 b e gorea tl y mll)l:!el M'. lrgal·etta. l1e Mrs . Sam Me l'ed ith, Mis.'!es Luell a . dR b J K j 11 b0 1 n 11:<::; lI d pn Ha\\I\lns h<ls rctulflC i\ll's. lJ an'cy (;ustin ·unday. with whom she,;;I)ent he r days. W, S. Graham and family Saturday ornell and Mar tha O' Neall, and Mr. ~I swan e cecal d'. enrJa ,was 4 t 1' home aft r a pi asunt visit in N \V night. Jr\ ayne 0, n lana. a nual'y ' 1, V. Warr en Key ~;o f Cent tvillc . 'I i~" Edith Harris, of "incinna ti. Dearest sister, thou h ru;t left us. 135U. She was t he eltl est of a fa mily ICl1na. is ~pendillg thi s weck al the hom· o f Hel'e t hy loss we deerJly f eel; Mrs . Guy Linton. nee Opal Stump, of nine children, and at the tend er 1\1 1' . a~d Mrs. E. \ _ Harnhart W 're Mr'. F, ~ . S ·hwartz an(1 fam ily But 'tis God t hat hath berflflu s, of Wilmington. was the guest of Mrs. Walttlr McClure ente r tained Ilnd beautiful age of sixteen . he was visito l' in Cincinll:lti ~llnday and Miss Mary Latchem Sat urday evenini I:lll our sorrows h al. He can a fe w gues ts last Friday ev ening in bereft of her m ot he r . Montlay. Dr. J[ el'sch I FLhcr has moved to honor of Miss N el li Morrison of Of bright mind and gootl edu catiun oHices in the new Monis bu il din g , Yet again w hope to meet thee. Miss Velma Smith ret urned home Cincinnati. Gallles and l)U tes!s she realized lhat the joy of livin g is Mr , Frank CrE\\V ill'l'i ved home next to th pos t nfllc ,Le banon. When t he day of life is fl ed; Saturday evening from Daylonafter were Ihe order of the evening, a nd t he opportuni ty we have of making 'from a t.WO Ill onllu; ' visit in t he West , Then in hea ven with joy to greet t hee. a pleasant week at her uncle's, WiU ' lig h t refreshme nts we re sel'v d at u t he most of life . and she spent the last we 'k, Miss . elli 101'/'ison I'eturllcu l o Where no farewell tear i ghed , Sidei. seasonabl e hour. years allotted hp.r in works of unselfhe r home in Cincinnali Sund AY after '11'. alld Mr . . D. Everly , of Day· a pleasant w k's visit with Mr, and Her fune ra l took p lace f rom her Mr. and Mrs, Frank Smith attend. ish d evotion, of lovin g sympathy . and tender ministra.tiolls lo· those about ton. were gue:tll I)f relative h'r Mrs. F. C, Sch wartz . old h on~ e, in Bell brook, Thu rsday, ed the funeral of ' the child of Mr. A party composed pf Mr . Annie he r. F r idayaft,ernoon . Augu st 4th, where in the midst of a and Mrs. J. Tracey. Burial at WinTborpe Mrs. DeCoursey and son AlShe wa married to Nur Brown • ... . !IIr. anel Mrs. J us. Hawk(' relurned large assembly, Elder Thos. C. Wil- ter cemetry. be rt of ~incinnati, MiRS Maria Stout. May 1st, 1 90, Loyalty to her Itu _ Mr . BanJ , LIPPlncott. ~nd 8.<>11 Will 'rucsday from' a visit Lo th ir son , Iiams. son of th one that bapti~ed . Mrs. GeOl'ge Stroud anJ Mr . O. S. band and home . t he gl'atilur! of he r ha~e r7tur~ e .from a VISit With l' I· Mr, James Hawke, a nd famil y of h l' 59 years ago delivered a disMrs. Jane Sides is expecting her Ricks went to Busch ubin camp kinsfolk, and t he t'esp ct of he r aLlves III MIchigan. I3ellefon taine, Ohio. course f rom 1st Cor.- xv. 57, after brother and wife, Rev. and Mrs .. L, Monday, Th party w re hig hly en· which hpt' remains were laid to rest M. Rhoades Of Kansas, to ; arrIve neig hbors , with t~e love of G d s ufMrs. Rach I I' w, arriv d ho me Miss Kati P ost, of Philadelphia, in the bell.lltiful cem etery ~djoining Thurs~ay for a visit with her, tertained .and 1111 had a tine time, ficed her, .' ' recently from a delightful Visit. to and Mrs. A. H. 'terrell, of N w Vien· the village wh ere she spent most of She was a birthrIght member of he r brother in ·IC'wa. . na, we re gue. ts of Rev Benj. Hawk- h d T C W Messrs George H8II'1i1ton, of Xenia, Mias li'dith Mosh er'S Sunday school the Society of Friends" and hers was ins and family Ia.c;t week. er ays . , . , Edmund Retallick and Mahlon Ridge class tendered her a very pleasant an unswerving faiLh, ever zealous in Mr and Mrs, Allie Hole anti fam iGOING TO THE FRONT attended the reunion of the 79th surprise Tuesday afternoon. of last a\1 good works . believing that a tru e Iy, of Day on, s pent 'aturday nd Mi- Jennie DinWiddie, of IndianO. V. 1. at Wilmington Tuesday. ' , htens t he Sunday with r elatives here. apolis, who is spending t he sn mmer Mr, and MI·s. Samuel " !'deredith week. by going to he r home with christian is a lig ht that brig well filled baskets and inviting her way so t hat oth ers will fo llow. He r in Bellbrook , spent a f w days last were delightfQllys urprised last week Mrs F. L. Mawhinney, of BlanchDr. and Mrs . C. A . H ough and Mr , week with Mis.'3 May Wrigh t. ' when they r eceived word that their ard. Iowa, with her niece, Mi88 Mary to picnic wilh them on the g round s sympathy with the tempe rance cause son . Mr. , T Meredith. of Colum- Smart, arrived Tuesday evening for ot the White Brick Meeting Hou e. led her to become an active member and M rs. S, Eaton. of Lebanon, wer of The Woman 's Christian Temper- calling on fl·j nd s h t'e und a) , Mr , and Ml's. S . L. artwright, bus, had been made asQistant 5th an extended visit with relatives. ance Union, .and her sel'vices in this , M' K I ' d L' S II' H.E!\' a nd MM. -J. ' adwllllader at;..~ Division Manager ot 1;lre-- A:ttterican - '......,.:.,._ - Mr. and Mrs. Frt:d Elbori, Misses Olltamzallon " . be h eId In f S I e1\I hI at 1r1nta an ma e 'tel s,f I tend e d Board meetmg . h'lI - Tobacco Company This means WI'11 Iong . vAf t h CHURCH OF CHRIS1 t. 1 a r ~s on, were gues s o , L b ' . Stella Lemmon, Alma Waterhouse, Itrateful remem b rance. She b e· 0M' ou H I H k ' I t F ·d. dren s Home, e anon, Jas Thurs· a big thing for Mr. Meredit h. d ay , B'bl I t 9 :.0 ' socie . ty t h e praise. ISS e en aw ms as rl ay , Nellie Vandervoort. Messrs. Edward queat hs to t h IS Mr. Meredith has been with the I e S c,h 00 a .. a. m.; presch Ricks, Raymond Davis and Harvey worthy r ecord of a sain tly life. Mias Dorothy Dakin, of H annibal, . company just four years. In that ing at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; ye compoae a jolly pal·ty camping Her work on earth is done. Th e l Mo is a g uest at t he home of her Mrs, J. W. Whi te wen t to Day ton tim e he has been constantly winning Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. ThE! along the Miami river on Chw;. Cor- ab 'ence of Margaretta Brown will ! gra'~dmothe t', Mrs , Ama nda Wrig ht. ' un~ ay eveni~g to s,e ~rs. E~ma favo r, a nd now has risen from t he Sunshine Chorus will have a special n~lI's farm above town. They have be t It in Lhe house of prayer . in the I Dakin, who I r ecove ring ~'ap ldly ' ~Company' s Kid" to one of its chief for Bible School. The contest grows named their retreat Busch Cabin. councils of the chul'ch and in every Miss Eva Funl< y of hicago. al'- . from t h,e .e~ects of an operation for ad visers. in interest. As they stand, Ferry, moral and · relig iouR uplift. of the l rived here Cor a two·weeks visit t o 1 a ppendICItis, - - 40,600, Waynesville. 33,100. communit ~v i th which she was iden- her parentg, Mr. and Ml .J, A, Fun. . ST. MARY'S CHURCH -. '-.-- - A parly of Uayton friends and tined, while her me mory will ever be key. . MISS . a ndance Baird. who f~r HATHAWAY REUNION relatives spent a delig htful day at the an inspiration to fidelity. " B1 es 'ed I some tlmB has been employed at WIIFor the l'emainderof August. with beautiful country home of Mr and De t he dead who die in the Lord '1 irs. Agnes Wrig ht and daughter , ming'ton college, severed hel' conn c- th exception of Sunday School t he The Hathaway reunion will be Mrs. Walter Janney near Lytle, Ohio ev~n so aith the spirit for t he; ; Miss Su a n we r in Morrow severa l t ion with that institution, and i' now services will be discontinued. . held at the home of Mr. J. B. Wills, Wednesday. A bountiful dinner was rest fr~m their labors 'and th il' days lAst week g uests of Mrs. Mary at lhe Friends' Hom e h e re. Su nday School every Sundav at on Thursday, August 18th. Everyserved at 12:80. Covern being laid works will foll'ow t hem." Cad\vall uder. " 9:30 a . m . body is cordially invited to attend, for twelve. Among the guests were , M I', and Mrs. S. M. MIller and famThere will be a meeting of • - • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parlette and "Passing Ol,lt of the shadow Ml:. C. A , Sellers, I~f S,;mgfi;ld" ily, Mr. and Mrs , Knowles Conn and St. Mary's Guild at the church Thurs- SHERWOOD-JEFFREY REUNION daughter Rhea. Mr. aDd Mrs . Jesse Into the purer light, l/ mMadesulsl a Pl,easant,cda t asf"t hhllt'AI aY' l famil y, MI' , amI Mrs. Ber t mith, dayafterilOftn at:J o'cl ock, _ ., Stepping behind the curtain r . e ers I PI·E!.' : I n 0 e pna M J C f S ' fi 1::1 tl A ' f II tt d . k d ' The Sher,. . L ood and Jeffrevfamilies Boomershine. Mrs. Ernest P. 8toke , \ Ch ' I f Lh t 't r, . . onn.o pl'lng e u, .were e u a en ance IS as e liS ImW "I Mrs. Abbie J. Stokes; Mrs. Hannah GetLing a clearer sight; I emlca 0.,0 a CI y. g ue.ts of Mr. and Mr's . Israel at~ por tant business will be considered. will hold their reuJlion anile Red Lewis, Mias Bess McFarland, Mrs. Laying aside the burdenMis es Donna Hawke and Edith' terthwaite and family 'unday, -... Brick church, Thursday, september .....Nevin Boomershjne and MI·s. Clara This weary mortal coil, Mosh er and Mr. Ronald Hawke ,ver e ' MITE BOX OPENING 1st. • __ - - t..:: --" . LeMIS. Done with the world's vexation -' week.end g ue ts of Mi.,s Sarah SelWe are in receipt of a card from EADNHART REUNION Done with its tears and toil. le rs in S')u th Charleston . .Ml . Cynthia Evans, dated July 27th , The Woman's Foreign Missionary '\ Onlast Tuesday, August 2nd, Mr. Tired of all earth's playthings, at Mila n, Italy, which r ead as fol- Society of the M, E. church wiJI meet h E h t ' '11 b held " Heartsick aitd ready to sleep; Mrs . Will. Moh r and daughter. 10w"l Arri "ed here last n ight. top- aot. the hom e of Mrs. Robert Cross T el am ar reunion WI e and 'Mrs. Albp.rt Cornell, of Lytlt!, \ '1 tl11'S Wednesday afternoon . This is at the hom", of Mr. ,and Mrs. Ray. celebrated their golden wedding In Ready. to bid our friends farewell Viola, and son. William. of Dayton, ping at the Hotel Du Nord et des H hb S t rd a .delightful ·manner:. About ten Wonde ring why they weep. were Sunday gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. Anglais, Qui te a sto rm last night. the regular time for the mite box mond ars !lrger on au ay, o'clock relatives and friendsnum.berPassing out of the shadow Sherman Dyk e and family. All well. opening which always takes place August 20, 191~. __ - - in. about sixty gathered at their Into the perfect day, just before Conference. home with well filled bask~ts, when Why should we call it dving. _.. ---- .-~-. J

l) .,


















about noon dinner was Rerved in the This going ?" PthLeUwGaSter .f yard to which everyone did ample TEACHER~'-I~STlTUTE justice. _ _,_ pl ugs in town Monday and found A't 12 o'clock Friday, the wedding Those participalit1g were: Mr, The 59th annual session of the them in g nod ~hape . Very little of Miss Mignonne Manington and mud was found in them, and in case W F I and Mra. Cliff LeWis, Mr. and Mrs. Teachers' Ins tit ute will be held at Harry Cornell and son, Mr. and Mrs. University Hall. Le banon, Augu st ' , f fire a ll could have been u 'ed with !~~~~O~~~he i~::e ~u~~: ~~::,; Al Cornell and daughte rs. Mr. anti 15th and 16th. A "ood progr'am 11 as, ,,' I afe ty M H dD : . . • - - - -- parents, Mr. and F rs.kl' owar .. Mrs. Pearl CorrieII and daughters, been prepared and '"a "ood attendance 'I ' I. and I> I GRANOE, PICNIC Manington, 1006 r, a n In a.ven. ue, M r. an d .M rs. All en E merlCK I'S' desl'red f I I t in the presence 9 twe ve re a IVes. ' M daughters~ MtS. We'b S quires, r. The I'nstructor<: for the 'Instl'tute' h P G 'II h ld 'ts h' v 'f e omona range WI , 0 . I The dllte chosen for t e marriage and Mrs. Minor RO'4e and children, are Hon. H. R. Paltengl'll "anel MI'ss tiL b h edd' ann ual su mme r plcmc a t 1e e anon was the twenty-fourt w mg anMr. Hlirrison Cornell, Mr . .and Mrs Lell'a E. Patrl'(lg'e, F ' d 'I' d A t b" d ' t d air grolln s. on lies ay. ugus niversary of the rl e 's paren san Joe McCray and children. Mr. and . Hon, H. R . Patengill is a m~n of 16t h, There will be plenty of good her mother's birthday anniversary. Mrs. Roy Cornell and childJ:en, Mr, w' l'de e,xperl'enc n~, I'n I'ns,tl'tute ·vo· rk . t.· d diG d L th " , spea"mg, agoo program, an pen· ltev. W. L. uar, a u eran mm, and Mrs. Lemiel Penny, Mrs , Vern wa ' s State ,S'u perl'ntend ent of Publl' c f ' D 't f t th d t . Oh' ffi . ted ~ ty 0 mUSIC, on orge e a e is~er, of Urbana, 10, 0 cIa • H6ughaDd children, Mr. and Mrs· Instruction for' Michigan, ,1 92-1 96 and bring plenty. tv eat , Mr, Arthur Faunce, of Detroit" .. rank Carman .a~d d~ughter, Mr. and is editor of Moderator-Topic. • _ .. - -brother of the bridegroem, was the , and Mrs Jasper Berryhill and daugh· 'T, ,, " • M" h . ' . r'OI<'ONED BY SPIDER I d b ' . ,...".nsmg, IC. , . ;, ." ollly attendant. Smi ax .· an ou. . : ,, ' ..ter, Mr. an~ Mrs. Henr~ ' Sld~' anji Miss Lelia 'E. Patridge isSupervIs, . , quets of flowers ' made a, chal'fl:lini ' .. Mr. an? .Mrs. Shelby. Cectl 'and .lIons. 1'1' of P.ractice T~aching. in the East\ VIEWE~ FROM A· 'HEIGHT .' OF 1,000 FEET. ~ee ~awke IS,a t h ome w.lth a bad~y, setting for th.ceremony. '" Mr~.Tma ~laloc", .Mr. HarO{. G~rnell . ~rn Kentuc.~ .y .State · N!'lrmal ' SchOol A BOV.~ cu:t Is r 'production ot pbowgrnpb :taken at Ilelgbt! ot 1.000 t ect. pOI~oned toe.; H e complatn~~ of !:tIS ' The' bride wore .a white ' linge~ie and daughter, Mrs. Rhod~amel all of, ahd is also' a well-,knoWn Institute in-' !l'h wns obt.n~ll~ by II dl\rlllg. n~wspllper c rre!lPondent durl~g the toe lust rri~lay ~nd the membe~ be.: own embroidered and lace trimmed ' Shelby cOQnty, and MIas ' Thdma t . t ' l'OlIt1uunJlC~ _ot th~ loon Olllo tate ~a1.r. . T,he l;Iu1\dlllb"S SbOW.II , are, mummot!l gan swelling. It is pr~sumed he w~ g . . . b' ~d ' " ' M " d. '. Wilderso~; of Day ton. . : s ruc 0 • ,..' . 8truutureS d " oied ,to borse nnd bce-p exblb,t8. 'rhe long she(1llke 8 r:ucture . .. ' " . ,' , . and carl'u,~l r~ ~ 8 '. ro~es.,. . . r. Jl~,. ~lie ho~t and hoste,as were the-, re- ' C:UNDA V.SCHOOL P'C~IC. 18 t he f.1repllOc,t' grund 8bl'nd. witb ,'scnthig capaCitY of' 10,000: ' '~'he Oblo t;tate pOisoned by a !l~'::' :' Mrs~ Faunce Ief~, f~t a lake.'trl.p and,' , , ~ ' Fnir Is . ~Qrl'd .tllmed. ami tbe ~.o l~ll~g exhlblt.1on to be Ilel ~ in ColumbUlt Sept. . ., will maKe their futur~ ho,l,he .in De:; ciPM.ri~n., tsco°rfn'l;lOellm,.p~r:'vesee'!Yn·tPerdeteao/cPhrO~n..n~~ ;" L-ytl'e' Su' no' (1a,:IS~ c~ ho" o'j ; '1'11 " 'hOld' l' ts .~5•. (I\:7. ~, ulld l1 'wlp .ad(l tUl'tbcr ·.uOJlor \~'..It~ cll~lnble I)08~tl6ID In tbe e~pO~l- .', . , COLL~TT·~CKAY .. P"IOW~ . troit • . M.-. Fa:unce travels in;lhe,in-' '. '" Ii 1 J tlou \\'ol;ld. .(ts ,cyen~e n maU1~nOt11 ex,blj)lt buildings ,wB , . be ~lIed with . , , : ' - : - - :- ,': ' f ;" f th . C · r ' boo ~com '.. '. the nine heirs with a ·five dollar goiQ annual picnic in Chai-lesHough's elaborate display!!. Harness 'races, bund concert8 and feature ncts wtll sen'~ l'h~ annual Collett-McKay ,terest G, ~ or ~ ~ . P.8!lY piece. ~ Mu~ic was fumi~bed by Litle grove,'Aultust 12, 1910., :" aM to np!use. wh1i~ eacb ulght PItln'1! "Battl,. In .lIae 010nds7 " wUl thr11l tJle tlJou- .picnic w11l. be held a~, th~ usua! ~Iace otTroy, Nfl", York.~.oI~~~q8 ~7 ol'Chestrl:l. ' have a .good time. uUds in attendance. . ,' on Saturday. August 13~b. ,patCh! - .






t '








BJ:MAR.Y' . .c;p. ROB£RXS (+


IllUJTI?IlTlOIM /JY 1<,.y~/TF:y

-(»/'Y~r,.,. .,...




SYNOPSIS, Mlqq In l\\'lI.

spln ~ l c r



n11nn ot

G "'rir lltl e nnd ll a l ~f· Y. C>H l a lJlt s l cLi SlIrn nll' r I' a l ..'unnYdlde. An\1t18l IIU · m er illS dillie ull l,'s I ll .. H" ,", !! d " ,.Il' I' 10 '(I. A s M IS8 I nn c" IIII' k ed lip (or th () nIgh t eh l' wnli 6 1H rl"' <1 lo y It ,Iurl(' lI<:uro on th c' h (l'CU' fJU CH~t

vt>rn nd II ~('c n ll>' nol!i('" dl sturbe(l 11 ,..1' the night. In the mo rnIn g MI :;~ Inn"8 rOllnd f\ at fans-o link oulT·butlon In , hamper. Gl'rtru dl' and 1I 1llsl'Y arrh'('d ""lIh Jnck Uuiloy, Tho houao w as awak· ened b>' 1\ re"ulver ahol and A.rnold Aron· tlt r ng wns roun" shot Lo deat It In the hall. Miss Innes round Halsey's r I'oll'er o n tho In wlI , Ho nnd J ack Bailey h. d dIs· apI)eArcd. 'rho IInlt cIIlY·button myaLerl. ollsly (llsnppeured , Do l~c llvo Jllm loso n a .... lvod, Gertrud' revealed ~ h e w t\8 e n · &nged Ie Ja.ok n allcy . wllh whom IIhe talked In the blilla rd room n tr w momenU! before tho mllrll!) r, Jaml ~O ll n . ()u.ed MIss Jnn {'!~ of holding b k 01'14~n e . li e Imprl80ne,1 nn Inlrudllr In an empty room, Th prisoner escaped down 8. laundry chute, Gerlrude wo.s 8u9Pccterl, A negro Cou nd the other hal t or w\Ul.t proved to be .lack Balloy's cul'f·button. Hulsey reappears nnd Bays h and Dal ley lett 11\ I't!spenso to a tolt'gt'am, Gerlrude aald 11110 Ita.<! given Bailey an unloa.<! d revolver, toarlng to give him a lonllod -weapon. Caahler Baffey of Paul Arm· atropg'l! bank, dotu nct, was arrcst d Cor ~m bbllzlomonl Halsey Raid Al'mfltronlr w reoked his own bank and could clear B alloy, Peul Armstrong's dcath wn.s a n· "tlouncell. Halsey's fiancee, Louise Arm· .lrong WIU! found at lhe lodge, Tho todgekceper enid J.oulae nnd Arnold lInd AI. long talk the night of the murder. Lou· 'Iso was pI'QBlrnted, Louise told Halsey, ~hat '''hlle she stilI lovell him she was to marry allothor, and that he would despIse tter when he lMrned Ulo wholo story. ~ u rlns

CHAPTER XIV.-Contlnued, Gertrude and Halsey went for a tong walk that afternoon and Louise elept. Time hung heavy on my bands, And I did as I bad (allen Into a habit of doing lately-l sat down and , thought things over. One result of my meditations was that I got up sud· d en'" and went to the telephone. 1 bad taken the most Intense dislike to this Dr, Walker, wbom I had never seen, and who was being talked of In the countryside as the fiance of Louise ArmStrong. I knew Sam Huston well. There bad ' been a time, when Sam was a COod deal younger than he Is yow, before he bad married Anne lilndlcott, 'When I knew hlm oven better. So now I relt no besltatlon In calling him over the telephone. But wben his office boy had given way to his confldentlnl derk, and that functionary had conde· <8cended to connect bls employer's <desk telephone, I was somewhat at a )los8 as to how to begin, ''Why, how are you, Rachel?' Sam ~d sonorouB~J'. "90lng to bu.lld that !house at Rock View?" It was a 2()' year-old joke of his. , "Sometime, perhaps," I said. "Just now [ want to ask you a question about some't hln!' which Is none or my ,1I\lB)ne8s." "( see you haven't changed an Iota 1n a quarter of a century, Rachel." 1:'hlB was Intended to be another jest. ·'Ask ahea.d; everything but my domestic all'alfs Is at your service." "Try to be serious," r said. " And tell me thts: Has your firm made any plans for a house recently for a Dr, Walker nt Casanova?" "Yes, we baTe." "Where was It to be built? I have • reason for asking." "It was to be, I believe, on the Arm· -strong place. Mr. Armstrong himself ' <tonsulted me, and the Inference was -In ,fact; I am qult~ certain-the b0\18e was to be occupied by Mr, Arm· strong's daughter, who was engagelt to marry Dr. Walker." Whon tbe archlt~ct had Inquired for the dUIerent members of my family, and bad' finally rung off, I was certain of one thing, Louise Armstrong was In lovc with Halsey, and the man sue was goIng to marry was Dr. Wallter, Moreover, this decision was not ne w; marriage had been contemplated for some tim e. The re must certainly be some ex planation- but what was it? Tbat day I repeated to Louise tbe 'telegram Mr. Harton had opened. Sbe :seemed to :' oderstand, but an unhap· pier faoo I bave never seen, She 100)(ed like a criminal whosp. r epri e ve is over, and the day or elCecution approaching,

race lu Ih e s hadow, and lIly ' lt Ol't fai r· ly nr h (I fo r ulU1 , 11 ' wa s so b ig and boyish! \\' h 11 I h ad fini s h d he drew tl long bl"'11 th , . " v\' hnl CH' r Louisa does," II so ld, "n oLuln!; 11'111 onl' inco lU e, Aunt Ra y , tb at s he doesn't care for m , nd UI) t two mOllt hs ngo. wb e n s ho and It r mothe r we nt IV s t, 1 lI'as the happl s t fell ow on nrtb, 'I' hen something made a d lftN nce: s he wrote me that her p eo llh~ we re o llPosed to the mar· riage : t but h r f ellug for me was what it had always been, Lut that something hnd Imppon d wh ich had cbnng d be r ideas BS to the future. I was not to write until she wrote me. a nd whatever occurred, [ was to think th o best I could or her. It sou nded lilw 0 puzz le. When I s aw bel' y s· terday, it was tho SUlUe tblng, only, perhal)S, wars' ," "Hals ey," I asked, "have you any Idea of the na t ure or the Intervi w between LOllise Armstrong and Arn· old the night b was murdered ?" " It was stormy. Thomas soys once or twlco he almost broke Into the room, h o was so a larmed for Louise." "Another thin" Halsey," I sold, "have you ever beard Louise mention a woman naJUed Carrington, Nina Car· rlngton!" "Nev er," be said positively. For try as we WOUld, our thoulhta always came baok to that fatal Satur· day night, nnd the murd er. Every con· versatlonal path led to It, and we all felt tbat .Jamieson was tightening the threads of evidence around John Bailey, The detective's absence was hardly r eassuring; he must have bad something to work on In town or be would have returned,

. -

tOlll e to IHI'e :\ Sin ister appearance, out we kept that wing we ll lighted, nad until th lights went ont at mldrllght it was really he rJ'ul, If 011 did not 1111011' Its his tory. n Friday night. the n, I had gon to bed , l' e~ o h'o d to ~o at once to sloep. Thoug ht s tbat Insist ed on obtrllding th emse l r es I push d I' s olutely to the back or my mind , and 1 srstematically r loxed every muscl. I fell asl ep soon , aud ~' n s dreami ng t ha t Dr. W alkl'r \\'as huildlng his n w hous Iwm{'dlalely In fro ll t oC my wludo\\'s ; [ could hoar the lhump·thump 'oC th hammer, and th en 1 waked to a kn ow ledge tha t somebody was pound· Ing on my door, I was up at once, and with tbe sou nd of my foo ts te p on the fioor th low knocking ceased, to, be tollowed Immediately by si l>l1ant whispering through the keyhole, ":\1I9S Rochel! Miss Rachel!" some· body was sllying, over and ol'er. "Is that you, Liddy?" I nsked, my ha nd on tbe knob, ' "For the 10l'e ot mercy, let me In!" sbe said In a low tpne, She was leaning aga inst the door, tor when'I open d It, 8h e fell In. She wos greenls h·whlte, and sh had a red and black barred !lann I petticoat over ber sboulders. "Listen," s he said , IItandlng In the middle of the floor and holding on to roe. "Ob, Miss Rachel, It's the ghost of that dead man hammering to get In!" Sure enought. there was a dull tbud -thud-thud-It came apparently from the wall. "It'll not a ghost," I said decidedly. "If It was a gbos It wouldn't rap; It

•. .


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Had a



Halley and I,

Appomattox, Scene of Historical Sur· render in 1865, Now Failing found In th tulip bed-and gave It to Into Ruins, him, H saw Liddy there nnd divined Baltimore, Md. - .. For four years at one tbat Louise was alone. Appomattox Is a l1ame that recall" my life was a misery to me, I su1f~red " 'lOll let me nlland to this fe llo"" bra\'e memories, There wore two AI)' from irregulari. who v r It Is, Aunt Ray, and go to pomattox towns In 1865 and there are ties, terrible drag. Louise, will you? She may be awake lwo In 1910, It was at Appomattox ging sen,sations, nnd ala rme d," extreme nenous. station on the railroad between Petors· ness, and that all So In spite of h er protests, I loft burg and Lynchburg that Sheridan's gone feeling In ml Liddy ,u loue and went back to tho cavalry ca ptured the supply train stolllJlch. I had east wing, Perhaps [ went a IItt! which stood betwoen Lee's army and given up hope at fuster past the yawning bla ckness of starvation, aild It was at Appomattox ever being. well Lha circula r staircase ; and I cou ld court house, about three miles north, when I began to hear Halsey creaking ca utio us ly down that Lee surrendered , The Appomat· take Lydia E.PUlk. t he main staircase. 'rile rapping, qr tax court house or today occupies ham's Vegetable pouudlng, had ceased, and the sllenco nearly the site of Appomattox station Compound. Then I felt as thougb was ulmost painful. And then sud· and tlle old town or Appomattox court denly, from appar ently under my very house Is a ruined village wltb a few L.J'..LJ.-'-_ _-'--', new life had been ' fe et. th ere rose a woman's scretl-m, a collapsed houses and about the sawe J!'iven me, and I am recommending it; to aU my frlends,"-Mrs. W, . FORD. ry of terror that broke olf as sudden· number of Inhabitants, The square In 2201 W. Franklin St., llaltlmore, Md. , Iy as It came. I stood frozen and stilI. The moat successtul remedy' in tWI which the old court house stood Is ~v ry drop ot blood In my body covered with heaps of broken brick country tor the cure at all forms of seemed to leave the surface and gatb· and ashes and Is ove rgrown with female complaints is Lydia E. P1nlr,. r around my heart. In the dead sl· scraggy trees, The old court bouse, ham's Vegetable Oompound. It baa stood the test ot years and to4aY .. lence that followed It throbbed as If ·1t with the county records, was burned more widell and succesllfully used tba.n would hurst. More .dead than all" , about fifteen years ago and the new any othe r female re~dy. It has cured I stumhled Into Louise's bedroom. Sbe court house was built on the line of thousands of women who have been was not there! tronbled with displacements, intJam· railroad. mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irThe McLean house, In which the CHA~TER XVI, regularities periodio pains, backache. terms of surrender were agreed on that bearlng-down feeling, flatulenoy. and signed, was torn dowp In 1892 for indigestion. and nervous prostration. I" the Early Morning. I stood looking at tbe empty bod. re moval to and reconstruction at the after all otber means bad tailed, The c verlngs had been thrown back, Chicago world's fair. 'but the Idea was I If you are suffering from any of these don't Illve up hope Wltll yon and Louise's pink silk dresslng·gown canled no further than the demolition ailments, have given Lydfa E, Pinkham's Vegewas gone from the foot. where it had or the house. table Compound a triaL lain. The pight lamp burned , dimly. The visitor to Appomattox has dlffi· Il you would Ilke special advlae revealing the emptinells ot the place. culty In learning the name at the pres· 'Write to Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn, I picked It up, but my hand shook SQ ent owner of the McLean house, or the Mass.. for it. She has guided that I put It down a(;oln, and got "surrender house," as It Is caUed in thoosanda to heBltb, free of charse. somehow to the door. that neighborhood. There were voices In the hall !&d It was on April 7, 1865, wben Grant AOnTII enn '1 a..,U lOLl In a OOUDt'1 Maund ClOUlmer. r"t Illo On1I1c1o V"lloy. pl~rulld ClODLJUO," Gertrude came running toward me. wae at Farmville, a tew mlleB east ot 0Ial<6Dlo WrllG for booklet Jj, IIUpia TU'fttI .. c.., a.p.. 'ha. "What Is it?" she cried, " What was Appomattox, tbat tbe federal ' com· that sound? Vlhere Is Louise!" mander opened the correspondence THE REASON. "She Is not In her room," I said with Gimeral Lee len.dlng up to the stu pidly. "I thln1!:-lt was she-who surrender. At five o'clock on the e ve· screamed." . . ' nlng of Aprll 7 Grant wrote to Lee on Liddy had jolnoo us now, carryJn~ a ,·'the hopelessness at further resis tance light. We stood huddled together at on the part ot the army of northern the head of the circular stalrcale, Virginia In this struggle." looking down Into its shad6ws. tTher, The same evening Grant received a was nothing to be seen, and It WIlS absolutely quiet down there. Then letter from Lee, In which the latter we hear", Halsey rumilng lip the main said: "Tb.ough not entertaining the s taircase. He came quickly down the opinion you ex press or the hopeless· ness of furth e r resistance, I reciprocate maB to where we were standing, "There's no one trying to ge t In. I your d sire to avoid useless eltuslon tllo ught I heard some one shriek, at blood and therefore, before can· slderlng 'your proposal, ask the terms Who was It?" Our strick 11 racell told him the you will olrer on condition of sur· re nder." truth . On the morning of April 8 Grant "Some one screamed down there" t: said, "And-and Louise Is not In wrote to 'Lee: "Peace ~~:!L:~~~~l-----\\tll:;., deslr , there Is but one er room." J Janltor-I know the water Is turned With a jerk !falsey took the light orr. I'm sorry, but It Isn't 'my fault. from Liddy and ran down the circular Tenant-:-l know, and r gueiS that'. staircase, I followed Um, marc slow· why you're sorry. ' ly. My nerves seemed to be In a state of paralysis; [could scaroely step. At Comparing Notes, the foot of th stairs Halsey gave an Mrs. Newly-My lItUe Robbie Is reexclamation and put down tbe light. markably strong; he Is only fOUf "Aunt Ray," he calle sharply! years old, but he co n raise his high At the toot of the stalroase, hud· chah: with one hand! died In a heap, her head on the lower Mr, Spoodler-Oh, that's nothing; in s tair, was Louise Armstrong. She lay the apartment house 'where 1 try to do limp and white, ,ber dresslng·gown my sleeping there's a baby that's onl1 dragging loose from one sleeve of her four months old, and tbat ohlld oan nlght'dress, and the heavy braid of raise the roof with no ha~d at all. ber dark hair stretching Its length a couple of steps above her head, as If Caught Too Quick. she had slipped down. ' "I pleads guilty ter 8lealln' dem She was not dead; Halsey put ber meloDs, jedge," said the prisoner, "but down on the door and began to rub I wants de mercy e r de ' court." her cold hands, while Gertru~e and "On what grouuds?" asked the ludge, . Liddy ran tor stimulants. As tor me, I sat' there the foot or tha ghOstly "On dese grounds," replied the prisstairoase-sat, , becau,se my knees oner: "I stole ,de m~lon8 , but de sherwoul~n't hold me-and wondered III' didn't give me a chance to eat where It would all end. Louise was 'emf"-Atlanta Constitution. still unconscious, but she was breath· Ing better, and I suggested that ' we DI,gnoall, get her back to bed before she came "Do you see that wan gOing alonr to. There was ,eomethlpg grisly 8Qd with his hend In the air, sniffing with horrible to me, seeing her then In bls nose?" 8'lmost the same attitude and In thor "Yes, I know him." same place where we had found her '" suppose he believes in taking in brother's body, And to add to the ' The Terml of Surrender Agreed tbe good, pure ozone." Upon and Signed, similarity, Aust then the halt clock. "No ; he's hunting for a motor tar orr, struck faintly three o'clock. garllge, I believe."-.T lt·BltB. I '\\'ould Insist upon-namely, that the It, was four before Louise was able Be t rue to the best of yourself, fearto talk, and tile first rays of dawn men and Officers surrenderlid shall be disqualified from taking up arms Ing" and desiring nothing, but Hving were coming through her wlJldows, aKalnst U1e government or the United up to your , best nature-then you will Stales until properly excbanged," At be happy.-~arcus Aur lius. mldnlgbt, April 8, Grant recehed a let. tel' from Lee 8sklng tor 8 c:onlerence on the subject or peace and ligree: There's vitality, snap and "go" Ing to meet Grant on tbc old stage a breakfast of . road to RIcllmond between the picket lines at the two armle'a, Grant an. swered that' he had 'no authority to treat of anything but the 8unender ot the army of northern VJrglnla. Lilter and cream. In the day Lee asked-for'1I.n interview. Why? Grant assented and sent I:Ils answer by CoL Orville E. Babcock of his starr. Because nature stores up .. Babcock found Lee by the roadside wheat and barley . under an apple tree. The Interview was nrranged and Lee, accompanied The Potassium Phosphate hy his military secretary, Col, Oharle!! In such form as to ,Marshall, ' m et Gra'nt ; at 'McLean's house In Appomattox at one o'clock brain and nerVes. Smlaay arternoo,l, April 9, Grant was The food eXpert who. originated aocompanled by General " Sberldan, , Gen: Edward O. C. Ord, Gen, RufuB Ingalls, Gen. John A. Rawlins, Ge!lSeth Williams, Qen. Jolm G. Barnard, 'Gol. Horaoe Porter, Oot , Orv/lle' E. , ,Babcocli:, . Col, Ely S, l'arker, COl. The. odbre S. Bowers, Col. Frederick T. w"t·c'" Obefor,e she could Dept and 001. .Adam .Badeau: 1"'" taced t'h e "aat, 'I' " Retained ,t~ valuable t'eU us tioherently, what: had occ\u:red , TJle :' conferen~e ,:' ~teci ttll fout, Element in the food. .. r ' ilve It as she. told It. Sbe lay ri~on""d i.o bed, and Halsey' sat 'beslde o'cl~k, 'At 4:30 ~'clock ~rlUlt sent ,a "Ther"'s a, Deason" "b" f'l'~ " . d '"I d ' h Id " r hand dlsfJateh to Sl:1cr:etar,y St4DtOn ' an. .. ~ er" unreuu.u.e ,an e ..,e DOuntlng 'Lee'e surrender. Then the Read the famous little boo~ While IIba talked. ' (TO BE CONTINUED,) name of A:p~mattox" was heard arou.n d "Th R d t ~elIvilJ " t,be world, e, oa 0 , ~ I , e, , ' On April 10 G~neral lAte rssued ble PackageS. "no GQ,o d , In Everything. b-- I yy uatever l1~pp'en8 to &D~ vu#, , farewell order to hla arm,. IUld on I ~ ADrl1 12 ,tho cODfederate BOJ4tersw.,., W~. be turne4 La beaG..... · . .

CUred' by Ly4ia ' E. Pink-

bam's VegetaJ)le Compound


Tbe papers reported that the cash· would (lome through tha keyhole:" ler of the Traders' bank' was III tn his Liddy looked at the keyhole. "But it apartments at the Knlc.k erbocker-a sounds very much as though some one condition not surprising, considering is trying to break into the ho se." everything, The guilt Qf the defunct' Liddy was shivering violently, I president was no longer In doubt; the told her to get me my slippers and m.lsslng bonds bad been advertised sh~ brought me a pair of , kid gloves, and some of them discovered. In so I tound my t hings myself aud pre. every Instance they had been used as pared to call Halsey. As before, the collateral for large loans, and the ,night alarm , had found the electric belief was ourrent that not leas than lights cone; the hall, save for its a million a'n d a balr doUars had been night lamp, was In darkness, as [went realized. Everyone connected with across to Halsey's rooDl. I hardly the banlt had been plaued under ar· know what I feared, but It was are. reat, and released on hea.vy bond. lief to find him there, very sound Was he alolle In his guilt, or wall asleep, and with his door unlocked. the cashier his accomplice? Where "Wake up, Halsey," I Bald, IIhaklng was the money? The estllte of the him. CHAPTER XV. dead man· was comparatively smallHe stirred a little. Liddy was haIr Il. city bouse on a fashionable street, In and half out of the door, afraid as Liddy Gives the Alarm. Sunnys ide, a .large estate largely usual to be left alone, and not quite Tho next day, Friday, G rtrude Ulortgaged, an Insurance of $50,000, darIng to enter, Her scruples seemed Ill'olte the neWI:l of he r Iltepfather's acd some personal property-this was to fad e. however, ali at once. She 11 ath to Louise. Sb did It /I S genlly all. The rest lost In spec ulation prob· gave a suppressed yell, bolted Into the a s s he 'could, telling lIe r fll'Ht that hA nlllr, the papers said. There was one room and stood tlgllUy clutching the was " ery ill, and finally Lha t he wall thing which looked un comfortabl~ for foot·board of th e Led. Balsey was d ead. Loui se received th e news in Jack Bailey: He and Paul Arlllstrong gradually waking. tb e mus t un ex l)ected mann <'r, a nd together hlld promotod i~ r a ilroad com· "I've ,seen It," Liddy wailed, ",uen' Gertrud o cnLO e Ollt to toll rn A [1a1iy in New Moxlco, and It wqs ru· wqman in white down the hall!" how Ahe had slood it, I tlllnic !ill ' was 1Il0l'lJd that tog~t.h r th ey had sunle I paid no atteutlon. , almolit shocked, la rg s ums of mouey there. The busl· "Halsey," I pe\;sevel·Pod. "some one " be just lay arid st:.l l' 'r] nt me, ness alliance betwe n tbe two 'men is breaking into the house. Get up, AUllt Ra y, " sho enid, " Do you know, ad,l d to th b.ellef that Bllll ey kn ew won't you'!" "It isu't OUI' hOllse," be said alenpl. I beli (>I'(' RilC' If! glnd . g !ru.l! And a ll iomelhing of the looling. Hi s ulle,,· I,!! too honof!t to pre t(' ll~ nnylI.Jlng ~IHlne(1 absence from the bank on Iy. And, th en ,he rOU8o:ld to 't.he exl\ ' 15(', Wbat sort · oC a IllnD was Mr. Monday lent colol' to the SUSDI Ion gellcy of the occasion. "All right, Paul Armstrong, jmyhol'?" ar;all\st ~ him . 'rbe · s trnngo thi,l!g I A unt Ray," he l)s id, still ya wning, "If "He waf! n bully as ,«'ell as a rl!.s, see roC'd to b his sU1'render lng himself YOU'U let me ,get Into somef.hlng-" l. Ge rtrude," I ! . " Out I nm ('on· on the point of depar ture. To me, It It was all I cCluld du to bet Liddy y,lnQ' d or one thing': Louise will s nd E'e med , th e shrewd cal ulatlon at a out of the rOOlll. 'rhe de mands of tbe for F(alAey n ow; and they will Illalte c1 evo)' I'~ r: c:al : , I wali ~ot . actively an· ' occasion had no Influence on her; sbe . 'h a ll u"." tarronlsl1c to Ge~·trude s 10l'.er, bu) I had seen the 'ghost, sh ' persisted, and li'ol' IJQ\iJs ba RteaCI ily r fus ed to If not to b onvlJl ced on way or the Ie er, J took , . no ~ne. ". s4e ~Qlng But 1!I "t! Hl\lseY,a li ll;lat dlIY, and tiH) bOY' 'oth on.fait"" I gotwasn't ,her, over ' to Into my 't~le roomhJAll. , at las, was (ro.nUc, That Dlght the Sunnyside «host be· more dead than allve and ande her rr~ 1'0" a Qui t hour HaLsey and J t L ' , h • U . , , 'gan to walk agaj~. Iddy , had been lie down on the bed. ' tllst l~venlng, , n.nd I told him sev r:ll sleeping in LOuise 5 drelisln,g room on The tappings which ' s emed ,to have ,t lliJl&a; ;\bout the requ ellt ,that we ' /l~' tll ' jl " h r d k ' gh·.e up. lb. lease to Sunny~id ,!!.bout 1\ couo ,an e ~p lQOC 0 1.\S ceased fQr a while, 'bad commenced lb I IcgraJll to, Tolouille, sMul til was a s ignal for hel to barl'lcade the again. , but ,they were {alnter. B,alsey. e ntire sUIte. 'Situated .';ls It was, be-. came ovel: In.. a .few minutes, ~nd /ltoad rUlliura Q( arr apPl'Oar.hlng '!1I1rrJnge yond the circular staircase, nothing l1stenin"" and tr"IJlg to locat6 the bet 11 th girl and Dr. WaHt r, otICl, • ~ lit ur all', mJ' 0\1; D inlervJew v,oJ"th her ,but till C'.xtremlty .. t e'Xcltement, would s o u n d , ' havc mallto' bel' pus It ruter ,he cJ.,. be rare. ' dark. I I "Give me my revo1nlr. A.unt ' R~," Ue fat beck III • bll cl,;alr, willi hW conle .. mYI.:Jt tbat 'hu place seemed 11" said; and [ lOt. l&-ttl. ODe I bad .'" ........._ .. ,









Found .in


paroled. • .





Dainty Embroidery.

PracticalFasliions IDouble the Wheat, ,Yield

The , Requirements of God ,


HAVE often thought of preachlng a sermon on "The "Holy Splrlt·s 8 e c 0 nd Cbolce"-not his first, but his second- taking for my text the message at · God to ~h e church In Laodlcea, "Be. cause thou art lukewarm. and neither hot nor cold, I will spew th ee out of my mouth ," Hot. the first choice; cold. the second; one thing or an· oth er; for or against; out In the open wit h God. or out In the open against blm. 1 have often thought of dOing this, but as yet have tound no time, writes Rev. Francis B. Upbam, D. D" In the Christian Herald. I bave a s eries on !land that wlll take all my sklll and energy [or at leas t fit ty years more. 1 have otten thought at paying my re.pects- under the Inspiration. 1 trust. at the Spirit of God- to the lazy man who occasionally comes to hear me; pleading with him to get up and go where he belongs; to do and dare\t ma y be for the devil. his master, mth er tban do or dare nothing tor Paris P a tlern No, 3023 All Seams anybody. Allowed.- The easy. comrortable lines For. brethren, there's nothing tbat at this pretty dressing sack at once stirs me more than laziness based commend It fo r prac tical use. White upon comm ercial cowardice-the cold· and blu e dotted French fl a nnel wns blooded estimate of r equirement and lh e ma te ria l used In the makln g. but reward from a personal standpol,n t th e da intily col~red flann elettes. as only; nothing tbat saems to me more well as cotton crepe cashmere, lawn foreign to the spirit of well:nlgh reck· and dotted 6wlss, will all make ' up less, sacrifice tha t Is In the very heart prettil y, The back Is seml·fitUng of th e Chris tian characte r. For the !lnd the fr on t fullness Is held In pl ac e huy man ever makes his defens e. He by blu e r lblJon attached to the under· did so In the tim e of our Lord, and he a rm seams. nnd tied In frpnt. A bow DAI NTY bit of embroidery to pick does so now, H e has the tem erity to ot simil a r rltJbon Is used at the necl{. up at odd moments Is a little seek to justlty him self- tem erity I. The patt ern Is In 4 sizes. 36 to 44 white apron tor s ewing. chafing the word I use tod ay ; talk to me to- Inches bust measu re. For 36·lnch dish or afternoon t ea wcnr. These are morrow abo ut this out on the street, bust the sack wll i r quire 3% yards not :neant tor r eal-utll1ty. fh ese wisps and I'll use ano ther , H e thinks, as at 'materia l 24 In ches wIde, 21,4 Yllrds of Illc;, a nd muslin- th ey aro .mereh' did the shirker In that parable of the 36 wide a nd 2 ya rds 42 Inchcs de llgh lfull y temlnlne little creations talents. tbat be should be comm end· wide. wi h 21f.J ya rds ri bbon. which women like to don. specially ed for his wl!ldom . " I knew thee." To procu r o th Is pattern sen d 10 conts wben they stir thin gs up with a s poon s aid the serv ant In this old classlo to " Pattern D e partme nt, " ot t h is P llp et·. In the popular chafi ng dish. Then. too. Wri te nam e a nd addr 88 plalnl y. a nd bo story-"I knew thee that thou art s they do protect the gown a lIltl , espe· h~d m an . and I was afraid, and went "ur to gl ve sIze a nd number or "attern. clally a light summery one. and hid t hy ta lent In the earth; 10, The apron must above aU else be SIZE ....••.•••••••••• NO. 3023, there thou hast that Is thine." the last word lnl flneness and exquls· Afraid! May God forg ive him! NAME ............................ ...... : ..... . He dalntlness-even though v ry Afrald! - and coolly s ays so l May God s imple the mnterlals mu st be fln e. pity him I AfraId. and thlnklng that 'tOWN ..................................... .. Hand embroidered aprons are the The material may be fin e handker- cowardice can e ver be accep ted as an prettiest models In the whole apron chief linen, muslin or baus te, as one excus e! May the good Lord lead him STREET AND NO ................... "' .. family. and any girl or woman wbo tancJ s. To transfer the design lay Into the light! STATE .. . ................................... . knows how to embroider s hould lose the pnper on a board or table with God Wants More Than He Gave, . no time In adding one of 4le eat· the d sign sid e up, pl p.ce the fabric God wants from- man more than he tractive trifles to her suro m r outfit. over It. ,and pin firml y In each corner. gave to him . H e gave blm life-he GIRLS' DRESS. or make one or two for th coming The design will show throucb the wants It back a gain; he gave him winter. mate rial ; with n sba rp j ad pencil heart power, brain forc e, the wlil to The apron sketched Is a becoming trace over every line. 'which will conceive and create ; he asks for all shape, and easily made. T h three leave a neat. olear tra,clng of the d. these gifts and graces to be returned, panels are joined by strips of lace and sign on the fabri c. and. wi th them, gifts and graces that \ edged with a lrJll of val ncJ nnes. Em broider In French embroidery for they have gathered for themselves. The belt 115 of fin e lace beading the dots and fiow ra and a wee Ken· "Touch not th e unclean thing, You through which a blue or pink saUD slngton outline stitch for the bow· cannot handle black pltcb without b. ribbon Is run, wblch forms the strings knot. The th read should be the fin est tng defiled." said an old minister not mercerized cotton. to tie the apron. long ago to a younger one. "That may , ~--------~ be," was the answer. "but this gem was In the pitch. and the maIn thing DAINTY IDEA IN LINGERIE THE ALWAYS USEFU L SERGE WBsnot whether my hands were clean, but whether or not they were empty." Combination Garment of Corset Cover Here Model for Dress That Will "Right you ore," said a rough old Make Up Admirably In That and Drawers Both U.eful and class leader who heard the conversa· Material. tiOD. "Next to having the marks of Practloal. the atoning blood upon my hands. I'd A serge dress, as well as being llke the scars and the stains that Among the barg Ins In lingerie to be found In the shLDS just now ' Is a smart and wearing we ll, Is always use. come through the attempt to save a combination garment of porset cover ful. The princess part ot our model 19 sinner tram his wretchedness," 'Tis the shin e upon the silver. the and drawers that Is both daln,t y and , taken to jus t pass the hips, where tho practical. The material Is a soft oaln· plaited skirt Is joined to It under a purity that suggests the sheller out lIook. sheer but firm, neatly fashtoned, hem. Straps wltoh 'pointed : ends are of sight. the n e~t In tho napkin, tbat stirs the Indignation of the Master. with n eck and sleeve edged with soal· He wants his ow. with what his own loped , embroidery and the drawers should win. He ,wants you with the finished with a rume of scalloped em· men ou might r escue from misery. broidery. HI. Love Unknown toM~y. A pretty waist of dressy descrlptlo_. The sin of inactivity, let me say. In though by no means elaborate, Is of Paris Pattern No. 3322. All 'Seame the second place. Is based upon a mls· Allowed.-In our lIiustration we show cable net, black, made over a found.· concention of God's characler, "I tfiiii ''Of-oJa-Dailese silk. Tucks of the a sailor suit which combines the ut· know thee." said the servant. "that most simplicity wlt.h some,of the novel net alternating with bands of black thou art a hard man-a hard man, features 01 the season. The blouse lIllk trim the' waist lengthwIse. reaping where thou hast not sown, bas the Gibson tucks at' the ,shoulders Tucks, headed by the Bilk bands, and gathering where thou bast not and closes down the center ot the run around the arms and the long. strewed," But was he? HE,l, gave to front. At the neck Is a shaped open· close-lUting cut'ls are trimmed pret.the servant a good start In life-a Ing around which the large collar Is tily with the cllk, good share of his own property. He placed. Inside this there Is also a An aocordlon pleated rume (gradugave to him absolute freedom anJ un. shield finished with a small standing ated) finishes the front.' limited opportunity. It was to a "far oollar. Both the shield and the stand· This Is an especially good modeJ country" that he went, and It was 'n ot Ing collar may be omitted It desired. for an elderly woman. and one that ~lntU "after a long time" that he re- The sleeves are ot bishop design and wlll be serviceable for many occa. turned. He took mto consideration may be worn long or short. They slons. his native capacity. To each one he are finished by a shaped band tastened gave "according to his several ability" with a ' button. , The 8klrt Is plainly -to the brilliant man, five talents; to tathered all around the waist and Is the rean of average ablllty. two; and attached to the waist beneath a belt. to the poor fellow who had never done The openlng at the skirt Is In the cen· .much. and of whom little should be ter of the front. forming a continuous required, one. He was ready with a line with the openlne ot the waist. heArty weloome. The man who The pattern Is In 4 sll:es-6 to 12 Scrim Is a (avorlte for summer cur· brought back two talents heard the years. Size 8 years requires 3 ~ yards talns. aame cheery qommendatlon that the of material 36 Inches wide. The black aatln coat of all lengths Is favored. man had won five talents heard. The '1'0 procure thlll pattern send 10 <lenta man ot one talent might have heard to "Pattern Department." ot this paper, About nine out ot' ten ' handsome the same. And yet, ,the servant ,caUs ' Write nllme and addreS8 plainly. and bo gow'ns are collarless. the "Master" a "hard ' man!" .ure to elve .lae IUld number of pattern. Black frllls are In demand for black So 1 say, God Is not knOWD. HIB gOWDS or "·alsta. ' thoughts. his love. his tender Interest !fO. 3322. SIZE ................ . Ainong the new vel\ll!gs are t~ose In the small details ot even a ~ with crepe like borders. lite, are no more known to many of NAME .. : ................................... .. Dyed lIne!l , laces are hlgb' style for us than the diVine dellberatlon before TOWN....,......... _ ...................... .. linen and cotton dresses. ' the fall. Even the saints know not Sometl~es the Du~ch neck Is out-. TREET Af!JD NO ...................... . God. 'M en wbl) have centuries of the lined , with ~ny rosebuds of ohl!fon, Acti vity of Jes~s Chrlst:to learn from. 8'I' AT,E ••• : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Foulards are much worn as shirt· men who have their own Chrlst!A.n ex. waists, matching In color the cloth ============~===--- ·perlence, read their New Test3ment. lIult. takep across the shoulder Ilnd, brought etudy every dllY, IUld dare to stt.nd tn Youthful , Depravity. Eyelet ~mbi-o'dery. Is ,' a fav~rlte In tb'r ough oPentngs , which are ~lUt eallh" Obrlst's ate.A 'SIId beseech men 't o be ' ''Your sl,s ter's grand 'plano." said the handsomest IJngerle ~OWIIS thiS, sidk front and buttonholed or bound. reconcUed ui Ood-even ' the saJnta do the young man who was 'waltlng I~ ee8&Gn. , ', , 'rhe mat~rlal ov,er-~lee\'es " are Q~lt, not know lllDt yet. Men who think the parlor, "baa a mahogany ' case, ' Ohlt'lon, .vollea, . m~qul'J~ttw. and liblln; tile under· Ie eves and yoke are that they ate commlsslone!! to ,analyze , hasn't tn" , , sllli crepes .." ba'V1ng a wonderful of lace. . " ' ' 'the brtlilancy of God's sunl1ght aee . "~o. It aln·t. mahoganr. Mr. Spoona· rage. , . . , " Hat with ulvet. brim. edged with ' through a elulI, darl~lf' mo~e"" answe~ed ~ommy. "I hlnk It·s 'Fiby ,lItt!e ~atet 'h,~e are Q~ stray;; It. has a chl,OD CrOWD aDd 1. ' "YOU)'"' Soil Is my denl," said " m~plgpny; Ita w~at they call a babl os tt1msnlJii ',tot emall plit' ever.rday , trimmed, ~tth rOBes ~d au atgrette. preacJi~r a hundred yean ago to ' KJ'&Il~. 1,OU ~oow. hatil. • ~U.,..-y-T-e~le...p-h-on-.-H-o-ur. The yoke· anel coUar matching ~. ' MateJ'ial" reQu~: ~x 18l'C1,1 1,,!'Se a man -.rho , wore holy llvery. A Jlun· 48 IDCh.. wid" 1%,,-aru lace. .' dred yean from DOW, \Vh"n people The bus/.at hour In the day tn tbe color of the ma~ are , Dot ·; • ",D DOW. , . "., " , 'reid "what BOme 'of u-called to ' b~, telephone len-Ice rs between io and . Tllen" ,JD_...-..e..uceabJe", 'UPOD all haadeome'or d~ JO~ \laDe u wel~: ~ t~~lIGrfousi, pro- 11 a: m.. and the _busiest' dll7 In Ua. feu to bold ae unalt&ka truth, lear 18 U:l' 0&" before etirlJlDlaa. at dle .u.wne '~ tlae .IOWDII.' aJaI8 BUb. Ktr41e. belt, ~ bow e#~ II ~. .. W la. of '~e 0. U1De. I ' Iioa apJ)QIIr• ..mmar.










of Your Land ,


Crop rotation and g ood tillage will not do it You n eed fe rtilizer-need Armour's. In orde r to s ecure a p rope r r e turn on th e invesh~ent in your la nd you MUST inc rea s e t he yie ld p e r acre .

Armour's Fertilizer fo r wheat ha ve a r~cord of always produc ing the h cavi es t y ield. U s e th em this Fall-Grow m or e wh eat-Ma ke m o re mon ey. Ask your d e aler. '

Arnlour F2rtiliz2r Wor·ks, Chicago Tit for ,.t. Being of a literary turn a nd having plcnty of leisure. both Mr, a nd Mrs. Gl upplns contributed specia l articles occasiona lly to lWo differ ent newspa.· pers In the town wh era tb ey resided. On e day Mr. G1upplns picked up a manusc ript his wife bad j ust finished. and proc eeded to look It ove r. "That·s very good, Bertha," he said. after compl eting his In spe tion. "but I see you use 'tbe phrase. ·well·known fact,' I wouldn't do that." "'Vliy nol?" she Bsked. "Well, It 11 thing Is well·known. why mention It?" His wlte said not hing In rejoinder at the time. but a tew days late r. while reading one ot hi s articles In print, sh e fo und some thi ng to critici ze. "H orace," said she. "I a m sur pri sed to see you us ing the phrase, ·setr·ev l· den t.' " "Wbat's th e ma t.t r Wltll tbat?" "Why. It a thing Is self·ev ldent. what Is the use of calling attention to It ?" Hora ce looked a t her sharpl y over bls glass es, hut made no verbal response.-Youth·s Companion.

A Knowing Girl. Wben young Lord Stanle igh ca m$ to vis it an Ame rlcun tamlly. the mis· tress told the servants that In ad· dressing him the y should always say "Your Graee," Wben the young geu· tI man on e morning met one of tbe pretty bouse servants In the hn\1wa Y' nnd told hel' that sbe was so aUrac· lI vo looking he thought he would k iss· , hcr. ahc demure ly re plied, olallplng her banda on her bosom and looking up Into his face with a beautlflc ex· pression, "0 Lord. for this bleSSing we are about to receive. we thanll. th ce,"- Ll pplncoU·s. The Home of the Cod. There' 18 j us t one othel' groat cf,d ' bn nl{ In the world besides tboBe /,ff N wfo undla nd , It li es ot'l Cape Agul· has which is the southern tip of Af· rl ~. and SOUUI ot the Cape of Good· Halle. 'l' he Agulhas plateaU' Is said tobe alm ost a duplicate In size n.lId rich· n 8B ot th e nor th cod banks. But th is Is too far ofr. so th er e Is lit tle promise or Its appeasing tho hungry appe tite of the world tor cod. Red, 'Veak,

Try Thll, This Summer. The ve ry next ti me you're hot. tired or thirsty, s tep up to a soda fountain and get a glass of Coca·Cola. It will cool you olr, re lieve your bodily and mental fatigue IWd Quench your thirst delightfully. At soda foun tains or carbonate d In bottles-5c e ver ywhere. DeliciOUS. refreshing and wholesome. Send to the Coca·Cola Co" Atlanta, Ga., for their free bciokle~ "The Truth About Coca·Cola." Tells what Coca· Cola Is and wh y It ts so delicious. reo (reshlng and thlrst·quenchlng. And send 2c stamp for Ule Coca·Cola Base· ball Record Book for 191O-contalns the famous poem "Casey At The Bal." records, schedules for both leagues and other valuable baseball in formll.o tloa complied by a.uthorltlel.


Wate ry E7e ••

By M u r I ne I~r.0 Rcm'dy. Try MurI ne I'or Your I£yo 'lroubl H. You w tIl 1.11(0 M urIn , 1t !'loothes. 60c nt Your DruggIsts, \Vr1te ]··o r Eyo Booke. Freo. Muri ne Eye llcmotly Co .. ChIcago.

R eli c \' d

Glvo yourself opportuulty-get out of lh nld road where tbe stink wag· ons go 'rus hin g by. nnd take the pa th acroBs tb field s of new thou ght. M .... WI01I10w', 8ootblnl' S7J'Qp. For abllil rA J\ teething. HOft.e oa t. bo auru fl, r ed ucea tn-

\Ia.wJl1I1Uoo ... 11"18 pILlIl. uur08 wloll ooUo. 160 .. boWo.

- - - - -- - ,

Knock a nd the world will join In the an vil chorus.

!The Army'of Constipation ~

How He K.tpt the Law, "I noticed." said the frl end·who. could·be trusted. after a trip through tbe factory wb re preserves are made. "that a white powder Is fi rst put In the cans, and that the preserves are then put In th e whi te powdel'," "Y B, " e xpla iued the proprie tor , to th e frl end·who.could·be-trusted. "that while powder Is a prese rvative. You see we are compelled to put the preser ves In a 'p resen ·atlve because an Idtollc requirement o( the government makes It unlawful for us to put a preservntl ve In the prese rves." Can' You Save? • CertaInly you can save, If there is an Incentive. Lots of women tn Co. lumbus are saving wrappers 1roql Easy Tasksonp, You know It you s end twenty· five of the wrappers and !l two cent stamp, tQ the Hewitt Brothers Soap Company, Dayton, Ohio, they will send , you a heautlful art reprodUction, all ready for framing. Some folks go to a picture store and )lay a big, fat price [or the same pictures. Your grocer keeps Easy Task soap; or he will keep It if you ask for it. . More Serious, "Ma thilde Browne WIlS very rud to an overdressed old woman she met on the street ~h e ot h r day," "I know the stor y. The old woman turned out to be Mat hild e's very rlcb aun t, and now s he's going to give all her money to a hos pita l (or decrepit dogs." , "Nothing of the s ort, Tn fa ct. It's worse, The old woman was the Brownes' new cook- and now they haven't any"

Busted -' Many n. man goes broke-Ln Health. -!.hen wealili. Blames bis mlndsays it don~t work right; but aU ~ time it's his bowels. They don't work -liver dead and the 'w hole system get& clogged with polson. Nothing kill~ good, clean-cut brain action like constipation. 'CASCARETS will relievs> and cure. Try 1~ now. 916 CASCARETS lOa a


treatmeot. AUdrullE'\ata.

for a week'a SoUlIt'


in tho world. 1tflWoQ bon• • moa!b. r Caught In tho RUsh. IS.WHAT WE O'A N SAVa "My poor man." said the sympa· thetlc woman. "and bow came you to YOU ON ANY BUGGY be crippled for life?" Top Buggies. Ruoaboub. ' ''I'll tell you. mlldam," replied the Carts and Wagons. Wheel" Top Trimmiogs. beggar, "Once I spent my vacation Wrltct lor PrIce. at a s ummer hotel and 1 was trampled • • down tryl'n g to ge t Into the dining Tn. CWl221t auoa II SCHEU Co. room afte r the first bell." 400 Court .nd Broad.a, CincInnati, Ohl~


Important to Mothers Examine carefully evel'Y boltle or CASTOR lA, a safe and sure re medy [or In fan "


A vacation necessity-the

~. th.~

Bears the ' Signature of ' • In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought.


Real Novelty. Knoc1uir- Say, be re's an original baseball story. Second Senlor- How's that? I(nocker-Hero wins game In eighth Inning Instead of nlnth.-Yale Record: If 'You Are a Trifle 8en.ltlv'e lIle alae of ~our lihoe., mau,. people eb:e A:ntllMlDitc Pow4U'·w aII_ke (nCo tbe abol'a. It (lure, '1'l~e4, 8 .. 01l.n, ,,a.ebtn. 4 lina rea' aD4 oomfort, . .'Jill' tbe lIlln'lf for Abo1I~

wear lIIIIaUer alloea!!,. lIalnlf Allen' .. Foo"Eaoie,

....t . .

1Ireaktq tn new aboea. 8014 eYerl'where, tac. Sample MD~ I'U& AIII4ft.., AUItD S. Olala&e4, I.e





. A cruy P':OD thJDke ·eve...,. one eREATEST ~1=P~~ I' , , else fa insane, and ' love Ie blind beW.t4, U., CINCINNATI. NO. 31-1'110. _\lie, tt 1maafDea eYU7bocl, olao 111.

Central Park View Ohio State

Fai~_L We~r's Prize Band Will Here Re~der Daily Concerts. Sept. 5,. 6.7, 8, ~,- 1910

. ., County Courts

COll lt

-- ....-

ordo":f pnvuto sa le of !,ropur-

ty .


htarrlage Licenses,



WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. Struck Rich Minc ~ W L I'nd", of 'oni ('!t.y, Alit ,. ~ ayH II .. t ru ck II perteot Ullnl ' IIf / St. Augustine's Catholic Church. 1It1/a11 1l In Dr. l!'iug-'s New Lire PIII~ ' PIIlherGeurj(c MIIl'cnhoct 'r.Pa>ltur f " " tlt!'y rl1rt,, 1 him of L1VAI' 8 .'11\ hl ·! - I MII" N evl'rV Ml'I'UII<I SIIOdl'I' uf lhe II/un til a' ncl.v Trol\ ul u I< fll:!r 12vel~rN ot Mlltl·" . , " :1111 a . II' iu~. 1'1If-1,Y .' 1' '' I ho' II(,fl t pili ... I) ' " St. Mary's Episcopal Chur(h. "', rt,1t f o l' 1 :,,1, 100 1Ipllr iun, MII1Brln, I rI,. 1,( /1('11", \ly ~ p, Jl ~i'I, I)nhliity :!fHl ! He \' ..1. f1' , '1I,I\\'all,,,lcr. ltil!'lur. li t 1.~ l'l!U l ; Sl'll~4/u ' I ~ ' . '1I'1tt.1~ ~(' hutJl. U :!JO 1\. tll f\turn l nl{ 8"r· , ,';. ,'Ie', . Il' :,10 II. III . Holy (.U 'UIII IIIIII'1i Lhl ' tint


------ . -

Edwurd'r. Grimm, :i4, fllrmer u/ Hopkinsville, Ky ., nnel Mutti Young ~6, of Klr gfl Mills. New Suits Orville M. Cav olt, '{3, raiJroud Lulu Girton, plaintiff vs. Edward trnOkJDtlD of South Le bunon nnd Girton, defflndfmt. PetItion for dl Mrfl Mabel FogelmuD, 27, of ~outh - -- SUII,IIIY of .. lich tnonLlt , vorce on grou nrlfl of ex treme oruel ty . Lebanon . \OVRIUHTSS VS ROO EVEL T Plaintiff l,verP that she WIlS nlln ded Methodist Episcopal Churcb. to the defendant Yay 14, 1905, and Huv. u. W. UlUley, I'utor. 'I'llI' HII'u MOil lint! the LIon H ut\t · Real Estate Transfers. SU lili tl y SchOtll . \1 ::10 iI . III . Murnllll{ Rer' HI' \ I I I h I' Aal' . l·II ' \ t1 ~ lit tfllp ~'tl!lr.t, t.hat one obild ha. been born, Beatrice ' ·[l'C. 111 ::10 ~ . III . !!:\J\\'unh I.,. 'little , 7 :00 II" 1. Girton on February 9, 1910. She VI&I thrH " :1 ,'"ul plllll,; fUr :"-Il'ptanl III. ~; \' ,· .. In ~ ,."n'h·,·. ; : ull I ' Ill . Mldwflnlr Lincoln Laokey to Lou Hull, lot l'r ly.!r I\'!"·lln ll. 7 p. Ill. J'rays for relief Ilud oustody of chIld. In LebllDc n , 51. Brandon & Ivins nttorneys for plLLin. In 111\,,: 1111 r.h .. I ·H I" olln~j" I'rnl.ll Christian Church. James Duke t·o Ohnrlee Htlb~ II11V. L. U. 'l'hulIIllfiUU. I'wnur. , ditlc n-Hioll /I" tn wit rhAr 'I'h 011 ore tiff. Thookmortou. Bnd Pallrl Leotll ~kh ..ul . II: 30 Il. Ill. l::IocIllJ meetloa Probate Court. R I/1MIIVI,lt ,,,. the \V1'l)1,ht Hrot,hers 10 nthl Throckmorton, lot io Sprlngboro,"l. : 3u Il. m. UhrIIlULlu !,l!:IIlJoavur. 'hU U p . m: Ity ,Inglllr u urv 11111.< rUIi\.(l Sunday ilL will he IIbl" tl; rll'I\;\' the larger ~IUOrllll)1I Elsie ,Hines to MrR, ,Kate Grof, lot : JU a III. will 1:3 111': lIl. In re estu.te of Jeniva Ca volt de. tllr nllJ.(s c f l)h'opl'i . 'l'ho Wright8 HORTICULTURAL BUILDING-OHIO STATE FAIR, ceaeed. Cour~ rules that Delindll. in ~ooth I,ebanoD, HKksite Friends Church. Philtp Bopkins 'to Elta Emley, lot 01110 'rule Fair bns muuy atll'uclh'c l'. hl\)11 , but It Is doublful I! Hny hVH III Dllytnn 1I1HI 11 Lve llromitled Rutman, owner of propcrty wUled FirAl Ilay M Il"Unl(. 10 :00 u. 10. Flr8~ Day commllnd more nttentiuD ancl IIctmlrutlou tlllln ~ li o dIsplay", or tb e stllte's till:! homn ful ~ rIl ICI V'" thorn 14 8erit!~ SlJ l. ool . I I :Oll :'. m.. Founb Day Me 'InC to her by deoellsed, before reOtliving in Waynesville, '1. bortlcu.!turnl products. The vIew ubove Is th e 110nctsoLUe tlll'uctltre devoted LO of 1l6J'o/lliwe fiig111 tI Uu 1'1 ng F ,Il! b'e@. III :no iI. W Irene V .. Osborne to William Shu· amount ot legacy must give bond to tbese dlspluys. ThIs bulllllug will be OIlI' U llotl.l duy Hod nl); durIng the tlvlll Wt k, ::;" pt !IIbl'l' lU tl1 J t I~ Orthodqx Friends Church W, W, Shurts as exeoutor in sum of maker, 8. 55 aoree in county, continullUce of the comIng e.xposltlon. to be h lel In Columbus Sept. 5, G, 7, eXJJt' .LlllI t 11 .r. (,11>1 WIll Ull t,b lJigj( st I(e ... U"nJamln Il awklll~, PII~lOr, J. N, Burch and ROSB Burch to 8 ,aod O. III addItion to the exhibit ot IU!iclo\ls frultR, 10'l\ted In tbls building t2000. Sallb:Hh ~,· huol. II ::111 il. Ill . He ~ lIl:lr I'hurch aVlutl Jn e~out thn wllrhl h, .. , ever will be tho booth of the NurReI'Y and Orchllrd Dh'1810n ot tbc Ucpurtmcut ot G~rge Aunker, as guardian of George Burch, lot in !be.o n, ('n-Ien. II) ' ''1 n, m . I !lIrIHLla " ~~ DII .. al'Ur. Agriculture, where experts w1I1 Impart free Iwowle<1ge us to ptantlng, pruning knOWII 8" ]JlIytOIl WII III" til" \Vrlgh l8 -; ::10 p . It Mrs . Permelin V. Wikoff to John' Winnie Aunker, imbeoile vs. Winnie and metbods tor combating Insect pests. . to bring 11 11 ,wrllplulI11 rpc OIdl t Aonter, imbeoilee'al, Applloatlon E, Bennett, 114 aereB In Deerfield tbelr hom!! "01 ty . 011 11 of t It t! not:· , r made to 8.e11 propertY' and oourt ap· township "Though this wIll ·Dtn;cm .... : -:;;- ~ blesllt thA If.lHt,iVi'11 Will bH Theo. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN · , .:~ ,, ; Edwin Anderson to Cltlrk J . Ben. Life on the Panama Canal 'pointe J, Lee Tbompeon, O. W, Gor. us In a straitened fi.nanclal condition. dIre l{,oosel'tllt, who is no\V prob:l. for Intemal ancI External Pam.. 8uoh and Berman Hendrioks to ap. nett and ~usa.n Jane Bennett, traot has had one fri",htfol drawbttok we believe ,that the public wlJl come t l bly tl1e bll!lt Imowo mil n In tbe "Vorld mlllfuia tlouble thnt hus brought to our ald. Whether the university pra188 undiVided one flfth intere8t ha Salem township, leooo. l , '.1 ,' Julia M, Henderson to P. Dunbar suffering Il-nd deatb to thousllnlls . thereafter succeeds or not will rlepend DIl:Y ton wonder:! wbether the fllme in _Id premises. Upon the support we obtain outside of 'l'eddy or tllitt of Orville dnd Wil germs cuu~e chills, fever un cI I • •ie of Mary C, BrQwn, im be- Clagett and Mary L. Clagett, 140 'l'he • c' Itgue, biliousness, j lLundioe, lu si and Inside. ;1. , bur will draw tile larger orowd, btlt -~oo~Jdnu ·oUe. Flnt and final account flied aores in Maeele township 11. "Cbanges will be made In the edutude. weakness and Renenl debility Mary Frances DuBois Mikeaell, But Eleotrio Bitters never fail to dA , cational administration and the uni- .meontimt! it! oontent in til., knowl. J, J.l. Ellis guardian, ". edge thn.t legIOn::! will viHit the city DeinOl'benes Weer, exeoutor of and Catherine DuBois to OlnolnnaU 8troy them ILnu oure malarill troub. versity placed on a solid basis In every way. In the administration of edto 800 tho notnbles tlnft to I\ttend the bottles completely the estate of Mary Ann Staley, de. & Springfield Railway Co tract In les, "Three I' cured me of a very sevel'e at-ttlck of ucational alfalrs 1 will be aIded by wonderfu\1 V good ' serll's of sbow!I ' / We can offer you good Franklin township. ~56 . 25. ~ VI. Max W. Boltln et a1. . mularla," writes Wm A , Fretwell, Doctor McBain, dean of the school of thut· tLrH hAing prepared. ~ political sciences, who Is an educator Copy of Franklin Ohronlole oontalll Paying hill ployment of Luoam8 , N . C., "and I've hlld .... <;OmmiJelooers' Proceedings. gOOd bealth ever since." Cures of marked abIlity." lng a no't loe of pendenoy and time of Croup that you wi.ll ell,ioy an .} Dorn In Philadelphia October 19, Stomaob, Liver lind Kidney 'i'rouble!! I· hearing'of 'this aotion ill mailed to People with children shonhl keep 1845, as the son of Rev. W. R. Stoc~­ t~ Contraots-Contraot WillI entered !Iont} prevents Typhoid. 500. GUM. at hornt!. W ritt to-day Mary bma Boltin, of Portland, Ind 11 bottle of Dr. Ball'", Pine· Tllr Et Joey ton, Rear Admiral Stockton was aPinto with Jake Monfort for repair anteed by Frec1U. Soh wurtz. and Boxe)' .l!,:. Boltin, of Portland, poInted to the UnIted ,States Nnval on hand H ta.1l time", (!roup is WlJrllfl r Add".. - - -_4_ ...- - - of bridge walls near the residenoe of academy when a young man and grad- ut night when It. is sOIDtltimeti btlI'd Ind. I:)lI.m Simpkins on tbe liamilton road to get 1\ VhYBiciun. Look f6r the . The Balterlek Co. ADMIRAL HEADS UNIVERSITY, uated In 1885. While sUlI a codet be Estate of Nancy E. Ford, minor, served abroad the Macedonlan In the bell on tbe bottle. Batterlck Building. New York, N. Y. in ;'l'urtleoreek township at estimate Firat'acoount filed by Anna Ford, summer of 1864 during the blockade WashJngton.-Rear Admiral Charles 13.50. 8uardian, TR AP FOR ANTS Plan8, speoifications and estimate Herbert Stockton, LL. D., U. S. N. ,re- of Confederate ports. After the wor In matter of will of Mary C. Ured, will succeed Dr. Cbarles W. he went to tbe Pacific squadron and for a conorete aroh culvert near the Needham ae acting president ot later was transferred to the Phlladel· ' n. Iltrge spongl\. wllHh it well, Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honer BroWll, deceased. Will admitted to residenoe ot George Veidt on the George WashIngton universIty. He Jlhla navy yard . After serving on sev· press it very dry i by so dulng the Probate and recorded, . For Coughs and Cold.. 08ceola and Middleboro rond in Har- 1Vlll take up the dulles of his offioe el'nl vessels at the New York navy 8mftl1 oells will be lett open. Pllioe Martha Ridley, admlnletratrht of lan township were approved ' I1nd ~eptember L On the same date Dr, yard anj at the byclrographlc office' he it un tlltl Ahelf where the lI.11tS 1\.1'0 eatate of ~rtha Ward, deceased "vs, WllS ordered to We WashIngton navy oontraot let to (}eor~e Veidt at esti. Howard ·Lee McBain, assistant pro· yard as li eutenant command r. troubJe'tll)me, ~prinkle ' fln!! white Harah Browder et 01, Court orders J!;!esor and dean of the 'College of mllte 183,50. In 1, 89 he was placed In command sugar on the lip ngo, lI.od your trllp WALTER MCnLURE, ,'. '" PoUtlcal ScleDces, will become pl'ofea· anlwer day fixed at Angust 13, Plans, speoifiolltlOtlB and estimate 1101' of poUtleal solences apd BSslstal)t ot th e Thotis, nnd three years later is mude. Two or thrlle timett a day E. B . Dakin, guardian of persoll he was order d to the Naval War 00.1· for B cooorete ~rch oulvert nellr the to the acUng presIdent. drop thtl Rpongo in "pni! ·of boiling and 88ta~· of Banks Dakin, habeoUe, Funeral Djre.;tor. The appOintments W./il rB made at a lege for special !.IlIty. After two years residence of Will\am O'Nell.ll on the Emma Dakin and W. B. Thorpe, de . In command ot the Yorktown he was wlItel' u.nd you willslBY 'hem by the special meeting of the board of trus· Waynesville and Henpeok rOI.,,1 in tEles of the unlverslt:y recently. As c hOf~on PI' ' shlent of th e Navnl War thou ~ tlnd, eql1oez~ t·he sponge in fendants. &le of real estate or , Wayne town8hip were approved Rear Admiral Stockton's name had <'oll ege In 18!l8. He WA~ then a rank- thtl wuttlr to 1'Iu I t of the pe~tt!, !let 'rlll~phonA dny or ofgbf.. dered. and contraot let to Uborles Lewis at not heen mentioned publicly as a prob- ing cn'pl a ln and served In the war col· the trap "lIoin, lind yon will so::>n be .~. Estate of Mary M, Mill8, deceased, Valley phone No. '. LODIt estimdte of f103 50. oble successor to Doctor Needham, I ge two yenrs. ee from the troublllllome inseots fr First aocoun~ filed by William 0, Dlstnnoe No. 119--"'. At the organIzation of tho "new Plans, speoUiootions Bnd estimate 1and as Doctor McBalD ls only thirty-~- .----Phillips, executor. for 11 concrete aroh oulvert near the one yeare old, both appointments were navy" Captain Stockton was placed In We Do Not Recommend . a surprtse In educational circles, but commnnd of the Kentuclty. Ilnd In Esta\e of Ellen V , White, deoeased WAYNESVILLE, OHIO • reSidence of Nathnn Gmy on oross· the opinion WIU1 general that the se· 1903 became naval Rttache at th e 8ntherlund's Ellgle llJ.v e SI.Llve for Frank V. White appointed adminls. Am erican cml.>lHlsy In Lon c lon. lie was Imy t, b j ll ~ but t,he eyes It itla speody road in East Wayne township were lectlons of the board of trustees are Draneh Office, Hane,'lbu,¥, C. trator at bond of 15000. recalled to accept the position of pres- !lnd b .. rml ps" oure fO.r granuillterl Ilpproved and contraot let to Uhll.rlel! excellent ones. George E. Yonn~, guardian of Ltlwts at estimate 1120.25. Rear Admiral Stockton will take up id ent of the board of In spection and .lid!!, Roro rul vu8 !.lore eye!!, Mtyefl, ',1, the work of reorganizIng the educa· survey. and was afterwa rd mad!) pres· wOllk tJyes Ilud dimness of vltllon, Sarah Jane Wihon. plalntlg, va. Plans, speoifioations and estimate tlonal and financial affaIrs of the unl· ident ot the naval exami ning and re- tiold everywhere 250. Gecrge Wilson et a1, defendants. for u. conoret.e aroh oulvert near the tiring boun\' .. - +- - - .Il ~tJ:o'? ~o~ers or th e 46 yonrs of bls service 21 PIGS USE NURSING BOTTLE reSIdence of Ed Grim on ZOILr and have b en spent at sea. He WRS r eo Hoptowu road in HlI.milton township I , .2 V :; r tv 3i:e tired In Octob er, 1907, wIth the rank A Minnetlotll. farmer is the owner were npprQved and oontraot let to ' of rear admIral. He edited a manual of a sow thtlt do AI! thlnge rl~ht . I:)hll Henry 0bristilln at etltimate S1uO. on International Ifnv aod has wrltteQ ,":T~ " vodd hke to supply St. Augustine-, Fla., several papers on "ubjeats relating to bad twonty-one little pigs, flntl nil Bille-John 'Burnett, contraot, 'nble with this highJuno 1, 1909. ' '69.50 i Ulint W. St.a nton, contraot, the Intercourse ot natioDB. In 1880 he ture hlld only provlrled feeding tH. ~he Naturo'3 Creation Co., : .. ~,; ! !)ihferware free of was married to Miss Pnullne L. ICIng oommodution!! for twelve. On~ I f Ocn lll' lIlen: - \\' o think your rOlJ)ed" 119".40 i F, P . Forgy, IDf.dntltlning ~! New York . .,on6Ar{u! nud h told dOJ<enll ot peo· horses and vehicles fOT July, !tHO, them uied. Tbe farmer's wHft ex;., ,r.t, write us for our spc>J ::-111 allout It and "ave them your ad· (Ires. ).[)f (hugh tor' now acems aa well '25 i W, 11: I:)tll.oage ·& Co, rubber teodtld m othelly 8ympllthy t o eight, ct'li offer. Address .. ~ eYcr :In,l \oI, lgh8 12 pounda mora Weather Observation, negleotorl · oneti from II. well.tilled . llian when Hhe comrn\lnocd t ..klnO' Na· bands for tllell.surer, Ii liO i "'uppUes \ , ure's l:rrui ion. 8ho was married lut "Tbls climate Is changIng," said a oQrsing b o ttle~ All arf:! s~id to be " Iouth. I UII\ send Ing you her picture. fOI treosorer, '10 .75 i 11. P. Lan!', STllNDARD FASHION COMPANY woman to ber husband at the brel1~' , hut don' t k no w as It will 1>e of any U5J t.hriving . land appraiser l!'ranklin Corporation TO )'ou, ns AI' " hOIl always b elin thin ID ~~ V:tndlllll Street. ·Ne. lei1&, No Y. [nst 'table one morning. ' " Ie ' tn(.'Q. \ ~ tha nk you Itlndl,. fol&' "Bl~t my dear," replied the husband, for June 1910, 1 7,50, • ' ):11'1 r·O 11 " trNIlmpnt and will alway. Sutherland's EaKle Eye Salve ~ !C() fnn " nd you hJgh1y. . "the weather records for the iast MlscelllLnAou8-lt Wu.s ordered , 70u r :rrateful friend. IS ,n orellmy S,IOW white ointment twenty years show about tbe same . tbat J90d be temporarily tran!:lferred average of temperature. 'Now It yeu put up In lilt' tIght. scrl"w Ollp t,ubeM from the Soldier~ Monument fund wlll-" Will oure 1I0Y ,ollt!e·of sore eyes aod .. U St. ' G(\corgo Street, to the county fnnd. "Ob, weather ·r ecords!Je fiddled," will not injure llY(l@of u babe. Bold I ' Good for1Notblnc but the ,,.. the wlte retorted, "don't I know t\lat everywhere 1!6c I (Cbnll. 0. ,Hatcb, tb~ wen-knoW\') Plum- . 'l'he accounts of the two depositor. , t ~ P . of Jan \'!I 1'J~' n, . 0., 19 .thl. ,lrI', I'm pu~tlng our wInter c10theB away , 'nl'\e, r tI,! to him goes the oredft of tes, Lebanon National Bank and C.l t· ,....Vld .. la e ' 11(0, B It was be who gilt later and later every year? 1 tell "ou izene National Bank for month of ,~h. u1l14lclne ~ot' her wben abe' wa. it's only a 'IIttle whUe before we're _' : NetlC'llU>,. cotUlned to ber bed.) . Rear AdmIral Stockton. 'July w,r~ audited and fou~d oarreot., gOing to have' Anoth!'r 'cot' Age." , ' N ..tiJ~e·!l (.r"~tJon ' ()ont"ln~' no c:reoFiniinolal I!ta'ement .of audito~ "erally, and when thlB Is eompleted AND I !. • ote, mortlbha". opium 01' nn,. InJurlou. l' blllIlt-ror:nlng dl'Ugs -.....Q.t· any kind. 'Will retIre In favor of a permanent Dr. Bell'. t:'lne-Tar-Ho"ey CllMlltiln C......-L.dllnnu.. ~. . . . . . and treastli'er for 'he ' m onth of July . W. l1I~n(e It ,to UtO U. S, goyer,,Is tbe beet for coughs, ooIds, croup . 'Dieat under t h" 1;Qod nnd drul\'" act. It the balanoe 1n eacll fund presIdent. ·.l'W !iF btllloJln~ up, not IIUJf!"latl,,1ro "The board of trustees contemplates g~lp, w,hooping oopgb, bronobltll!l, ~·h. Nntu :. -" (' I'ell on Co.. Balik Bldg.. 'and acoounht the begint1ipg ef the aDd bas for a long time contemplated, afJthma and all tbroat-a~d bronohi"l -;'0,", til1 ;1 'Hlrt l" Columbu.. dan or 'W~lt. for "A-I(l,o\'o,1 bno1:Iet, whlch: t" of monlh were presented 'nd ord~red restOratlon of the endowmentt roubles. Sold every whet'., look for IIUTlIT ~. MIl' r-::'~~I/' ~" gD.. ~ 11- I.d plaoed on Ale'. ' ~.. uY. "mlD' ~ _. __ "'-, .... be bell on the ~tle. --

C mmon Pleas Court.




,1. ,1.





Arc You


lor a Position?



' ..: t \
















.THE C~ "W~ ·HAIN. S)FE CO. m.. • .... _


~~.,~~,M~, ,,~~~,~~~,10::~:::k~::'::~::::~s :~~~' _~-_-.-.~~~-:-~~~~~:,s~~ ~




Liverites 'Prevents Serious Sickness

s tillltlon l! II! t \l b A br()u j.!'h l )Ir lIlli . I S'I·HJ·:I£'I' uantl,V before th e pll hlic ' \\" 1 P HCr t I!~ HI wl\.y w iHn I.f) 'Wlt h th fl hll n ds l The wntor Ul\l;;t n o t be R 11 w tl to ' tiodl d m'1I1!1t.r ;It lnof! lire ti l) li b Ulll d l~ "fI·el· I.n n( " ing u nv t,lI ing t hll t !loil a', got s n d i r ty- t h ll t, it put!! bll ck more 1 \".\LI. f1; V 'I'I': I.I·; I·IIIl ~ I'; 1 /\1.1. ;>;." I n as t,) thA bAlletir fl ll e Llverlt es for Cold, Back ache ancl Weak Liver or KldneY 8. rived from t.lw ,LO ll It. , ~ 111-' 1I!l!'ilr v t o W/\ h I,h e m b e di r t t h a n it I' !\lov ell . A go tl til ru b ---- - -- ---- - IlI r ge l~ p pr'lp t' I u r \l Ill A It nlll1l1 1\ .v IIIIH I II fOil t (l fl(; ltil w fl H'( 1. Lr\1s h wi II I II . t [I Il)fIg Ii ifi ll if prill' .., I I ! ,.- , : IlA I,:, Jo:diu .r al ,1l Ml1nage r ' lwa vs I< ('[1 'llildr(~ l1 l llmi d h e' t a u"'" bt u ot to l y rln sell lI u d IlrlHrl l~ ft(J r lI u b u" i og'r ·. An 111 t b fllr l'I lI l'l'lt rr. liS \.1](-1 I tlgl" I IHour . PI: 'volln ntion c ' ois f :t,h m in the '{'bis IS to be .~celJ lIIlJlI liCi,1 hy l-' x llib- w ip e tlll d r sl ioky wor th a (lllunrl lI un dH ou th ll ir : h o us e ' ready ({utl' 1" .,r t:;ubtlcr illlion ~ I AX I )I S of CU I·P. . It· (I f til t! hlln tJ i '.vo rk 0 1' inll"Itl ' ~ .. t. ·I otll pfl . bil L J or uile. to 1\·IH.b t h e m . 'rb i ' it it:l bott pl' t o k ell ol ou n lli ull t o 11"" Y " ~ l ' (stricti ." iu udvu llce) . . ... 1.111 ~ h~ Ohio l-t.d ., ~' 1I1I' to lie h ~ hl III he lps t tl koep th e o :-lll llo< h l 1 '411) )' . . • • • • • •• . • • . " • • ill t b e il fr ulll g e t- gel cl ' 1( 11 l ' n 'pa red fro m P ure N ati ve B or b s, th ey Clea nse the . " C\l lllIlIbulI , :-ip plm lllllll' n,n,. 7, 8 1uHl ~ ti n ~. ~ t,10 S ys t em aN' ' k .Y . . 1 t l 1 \1 ~ I1 0 II ' t{\I HIl /-{ e 1I tU Filth IS tt l AI. HlI lIlI l ' II:V ~ IL c;onVOll {' ur,' fy l h e B loo d a nd thus P lmVE NT SERIO US SICKN ESS. "fhll publi o ~ tllll\l"t 1I .v h~ Unlll' I\\llIllIt - . onP' tlirl, I,' hi' (J( nl' lIY I~1 1 uS th e tln /-{ur l! io nt I'o lli el u nf cli ... eIl Ao. =---~---------------------------~ edwitt l tllli ~U01 1 r e sultH IlC~O IlI tll t.bH 1I1 " IIIh . H ~ u ol I U M 1,'"!f'll IH. fl" r lIu II . . " Dirl . llu llll' lIlSS Imil II I AI lH~II (' " I ~:' pll~heu lI.v thtl ddfo r e ot. Ht·"tE' II1 l:4 li H.! u dil it-: 1.11 ' ul . IIl u d~ f lU'c . pt '" t l w' .. Hrflll sH h ollis lIi l't, l'I () Oltr A !'! h nnl,1 of t en l 'l! HVllld e ll II\' d Cl'oll oy. ll r y " IUM'h fl..,n t\ 11,. , III" t o 1' \ 1 tit 'tl 1)\ '0 lill f ' !'\ tUti OIlS. 'L'lIpy ku o w IiltlA ll ti III III I,uk o ll t.n I(nt-l p UI A nlnt.h in g fr o~ II H!i II Ill! d Rl urm illH t.iOlIl . ,,' hrtlt- h lSt' rl lnu!'C .. ~ ;" how th A 't"t e I .. 1' 11111mt.inl{ tlllil ( Ill' frlllll i t. ' ~ I Il IIl U I· I I' R . tln~ ir ll' l lt·" 'rt I ' ; fl \ ,' r 1\\,(' SNAKES CHANGE MAN'S VIEWS F h'b i.. 111 1' It,,,, t tl i.. tn fCI tlln t !\l ' iug for itt! w1II·ll .. , I," ·I" .... I.N I""· .. . .. . . . . ,[,hnt 1111 1II11'y ~" in !:\" r-I lldl !! !ih n ultl bO lltt,. ntled t n. ,, 'nrc) I lf tllU lIl ~:4 .. • ... , .. • , .. . II u p II .. ,,"n I-: 'l 't rIO ' hnvH ')VP'Ht,unlt.y I)f l't'Cd lUilll,{ P enn sylvan i a Farmer Puts His Hand f,,- fM t.h H flir t flint Kflt,R u lld nr tll nm iR ('11'11 H. t!.jl ltil l u lI~· .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .... . ... • . . . nOc Y UH 0 11 1111 11 1 c: h~ lI n wi lh 11i rt ~ \1·'It.or Into N est of Copperh eads Dnd millar wll.lJ 1 .1t ... wut'k ~ 'I l"h l h; o l c' , \ \> htU"u d liUlCU i N IInultt . . • . • • • ~ $c of tho in tl'·it.u o f te n v I' y I/lul; IInll 1.11 0 ulIgl'r tlo ft o n ito II nl \' nlllle .;o l/lld W()rtl H. Stops H Is Grumbl ing. I Ht'\ I'I u. .v Ad H ' rll r4 II1 Jot pu r hII'll . . .. .. Ilk.: t.iOllll, t.htl n\lllJlI~tlrt! Ojf th e 01110 Thirty · Tons of French Garden to dll 0 11111\·, IlitO . oOlltn ot with U I"I ~UIIIII l'\ f,th't," n o j'olllrlu ' t, 'J'h l~ fi r!! t, 1t' ''''l an fo r 1Ii ll.ll'01l itl St 'It~ l4'uir OClIIOtJ iVfl Cl the i(\ .• I~ o f Int hitq.~!' t.hllt go int,() th fl m o ul,h , III clell ll . t ld,v Yur k , P n.- Farme l· Willi am Tra(,t!1 Imlo' l . Be Transported. - ~--------------------------- IItIlllil1g dillpln .VII fWIlI th(lir fllr',,!! , th .. r li on~" d I , I ~ notlun:'! a bout th enro ,If I.h e .nllil ~ n. Hhar)) in l'l t,rn -'I Wn~ h th ll 1 1I 1. 1H1 ~ \01. fore' w IIl her en l ill i! tl' SObll.ll", 1\ lid wtlrlu,h n p" \\" ' II h .. r achl'd Into a Il es t of s ir. 1Il1 m l. Itlw It '''1111', !I \t nnlll n ot 111. prl' vi n t Jloll n lU ll lIf Ivn,l clIl'l'('r h l'acl ~ma k ('s In r c movlng an old ong I he e xlltllll.14 will hn th o. e I\ ~Ad I " (' 11-11111 LII !II. tt l< I ;IOY .tlln'l h f' Th o Ill II l! 110 t" 1,U u n ruly 111 IIl bn l' , Pl a.nts ' Un di.turbe d Whil e Earth s ur,l s l .. Ill' r<' l1 (· ... In Dover towns hip, and tiu pP I Il~' H" Luke fro II ~ohool luI' U" u.f, IIn.Vt! ' 11l11n ~ Q ' 111 1 I" ' 11~ l lnnll.l, 0 r o undi ng Them I s Re moved From I nIl f ,!rill l ' lll ~i Il g- illl r. t Iw h 'lIl1l o ft ntHI" ca n 'los (lirl, Itod pmmpll y r esIgned trom th Knooke ra· Whll, trial .' -oho ol, ::-lull 'JOI lor Bl; IIct , Hirl .. ' pltwp" Rea d ing to Birming h a m l o r d irt.. A ~n n ll brus lI Itnd I d l Rl~ lI tlO I c lltb. 1011ul't riul tiOln 'Onlu P llnit,tmt lnry . F a rm Demon stration . l h' [or p t tl !' IHh'ntu r p o in ted st i c k lire t il £: pr ol,e l' Impl s of his hund Do u 't k ,w p "'lIh h i ~ h . u n fl. n h o v e l:l.vmpa. thy I~ I,h e Vfr)' !lOU I u f life Mllnt'fi dl!l \ li'llrlll Pr Tracey's remarl( s at the ElUlt· Reforlll "tOl·.V, lu s tl tot,1l ment s . 11\1 do n ' t, k ~ p it. 01' 11Jly t.h in g el se -Curl.vlt! . Lo ndo n,-Som ' th ll'ty ton s of Fro 1 !IIou n t vllln,:;o store w ra those of a for Fst ble Mind" I, StLilors ' IUHll:lo lIt il:l u:4o lfl!:!s t o t r,Y to un Vf' II ole n n und e r th o lll'u gfl l'd II . ooa l'y with plnnl s as w o ll LIS w('nth r pcsOl lml s t. H dll'rs' Orphllo s H, Ole, lind oth e r ~ 'h Olllhl w i th "golden soIl." a r bIng I'urnove d 1'1'0111 w af! uns nkonubl y cool opIne d that It Only 1\ 11001(, ... .,turl;l Ottn IIttrlLct ut prop er u teD!' lI ,. . Firflt and that crops Wtd' >r h\l~ ~n n lllJ r L1 lio gs lll'o 8i g o s These ditlpltlY s will bo n fuund rIdi ng in to th OIrmln,g o h am. . t·be no1>l<1 -(~nl·'. h A wou lll Slt ft' r It a hot wave did oat tb el' m Ul! t \111 \VII t e l' lind h . t (.f lll nlea tllIf'SI'I . haodso me struotu re koowu n8 Ih e T h ga rd en. which sto od In a corn I' sonn (, onw a lotlg, - -- +- .. - - -water , th e n hru h es R UU olO l·h A h lli l Th o htt'" nf e t · IllII Y 1) du n- of Mcssrs.. Sutton's t rial ground !I t WomeD 's B11ll1l1n/o( . lI tlW VI' I' . If t hat We Cuaran tee Every Box particul ar hot onp. Rea dI ng. Is til best educationa l m od II Wll \, for wb lch Tracey Ohlo'l-\ Ex~)O"itiol1 WIll h o lllln h II.b ha nkered had . of Dr. B .. II' .. i\lIr. I ~ "·I)II' \ SIIIVA t·o 110 y t Sf' n. In ItB new alte In \\ ar ley 11" "\1 t h.·" wh n h put hIs. honel luto whllt we l'lnllll ' l'I' v it. 1'111' UIIlI'I"FI . dllY 8ncl nighl.• IIIHI It,ll pro/;CfIIllI i ~ pllrk . clO!,e. to t oe b an dsta nd. It Will i til t: o ppto r )1enlls ' n st. It Is probabl e bull ... nlfllltll " P' 'r.· ... ttlfl " r. I""g repllll," 'wttll 1\I 'ln,V II"VHI1· ove l' It 8tl'f;J1 J 60 feet lu longl h . a nd n t hl'Y wou 101 hn "e IJ rttH~'lti 111f11 u 11I:.ttve enough worm , 1'''''' '''111 '' . ".0\1 rh, " m, fflv .. r l\ndont good '.:. ;: th1'l' days' wo rll will b s)Jon t l In hOI' (' made Tru 0 )' the ertrtllll ll l!.Ir f'·'L· nrfl!1 . Alrl'm l! Hor e H, Cl U ' r! . UrUI .....·•· JlI"I).le s, hhn\( h ero ot a " . In s Illng t1 li P and, so to s p ak . i oI l lTer~' 1I1 lIort o f r ec ption. As It WaB, hPlld", Ohllll·, "'I " m, "mns "r 111 .V the l"tter w d l b" I-I pint"d hnl'n r sl' natu l'lI l1zln g It. Th e gnrrl n will b" I I·.,. ~ IX Hna ll l'ii \\' ('ra too sluggIsh from . rlloing. Ll\u rl f~H I U"rfM III' \" " hl' rl< ' IIklll diM''''''' ' :3f,1' ., ta"" op n cd by 't ll 100'd ma yo r nnd Ind YI I .'" rl lIl! " ) lIfl l'/) with tbelr suwme r tam 'u.. or~ ' LIli'" I tlrm, t.w uoty I rm' mayo ress or Hl rm ln J:h[l l!l . who WNll , ! .. ni l I". A b""11tl tulbt!h IVI .. r i. III ., IInAlit • oirolll! tlOttl . whtltlll••oh IIj~ht vh.if. .. ~ " orig Inall y In Oeref.lted In Ih e sc h em by of IIlll1rt.~.-l£m Ir .. nll Mr. h a nce-Uk e hi s COllsln , Sir .J o· will he tllrilll~ ll bv P llln '01 ~ IUp " fl f l " lH ----- - --seph hall ce. on of I3lrmlng h llm 's I 'riM III WilYI' IIl1lrlllll~ H,'luawh "p pyroteo hnic llrolluo t,.ill[), .. B 1HI H ill Dotab!e ben lors, 1 'he CI ' lll,IR " ['ni .. f" 'Lturfl lh'p l u t ~ in tb e wtJrhl ,.... H 111'1 I' Save Money and .Keep· ~ Th mod el Is d s.crlbed [I S "ed uoa· the plomin eut I)f~rt OlerOI)ll Inl'~ will - - ----,tlonal." designe d to "d mons trate the Style by Reading Mc:CaIl. We tU' tH, VHr h""'·" .1 tid by whitt j . plav III tilt. war of the futurl!. lind' contln ntal syst em .of Intensive cuI· Maga~ine and Mc:uU Patterns fal se wlt.hin -Merl' dl'h In I,be unfoldi nG rot its "tor'y 2;,11 Jl 0 tl va tlon ." and a s a ,de monstra tion It McCaII'l ...... 1•• will Is not less cha mlng \ thlln It Is edu, -. ---~ pIe lire emplny eil, IIIl1.klng it r,b e M5GALt.:S MN.UIHt h Ip you dres.~ slyl· Slaggcr s Skeptic s cational . ·1·"ut.o'1", t alid grtt.llde!4t fr ee tt.ttrlLO. Is lll y lH n moderllte expomlo by kee pln!: Ev rytblu g Is to be' transter r d jus t Tl\11t ,~ 01"1\ II, n inA. frllgrll lit. onm · tI "' liver prelleu tfld to an Arn£lI'io"n ro u post e cl on \\00 111 hlio. a s It Is. a nd not one' plant of the pi nod IIlla Hlwkl .. "·,, Am i 1\ s ,>Jv lalOl L (n s hlolls In C lulhes nnd billS. 60 . many tho usa nil s will InRt,Hn lh' rI ' I"' ''I' II lind hon l be disturbe d. New Frushlon DosllIDI The Best Hour of life The frnm es a nd cloC'.hes and open Ollt" flOI\ 1<1, W"lllld , ' I' 1111~". 1'11I1l1!f1r In el\c b I~no , Also I'ul uubl o 10Co nnnlioll \la tches of ground. a re to d emonBt rate flkeJlllf',tI Rut. I! ' tIlt. I1 nrt'I' 1)rov" Irl- 1!4 wltAn yon (i " f1 Il Jl1e ~rtl"t. t\ f1 All .)1' o n a It boUlo nud Jl{!r· the grow th and progl'e2 a of French a WO'Hlt,r ful h ,·,d.,r of . lb" w o rt' rliRollvI'r t!ollle wIIIHl erfn I fllot, , TIJi ~ 80 nll l UIRIIOI'll. Ouly hour 60c 11 yonr. Inoludlng OIHIII! t.o ,1: n. Plt.t. Ilf n .onk . gam Dln~ as we ll \ a s tbe r esult8j and fOor"li, nlcnr"', 1, .. 11.. .... 1" 111',"1 ZAlIltt ' 1\ Cr pnuorn. Sub' _ ...... _ _ _. _ for this roa80n all \ th sp ectators will ti 'ylbu wdny or BOnd akin arll III I, ''''','''' ,,1"11 n hll PI)fIt'l blll1ll0 Mt, , N. U wht n h" \'Villi "otffl rtnl( III POULTRY ~HIBIT BU,lLDING-OHIO STATE FAIR. follow OD6 path In one directio n, so Cor frco sUIDple COllY. Mprat nlHlIlIl ( .. " " . 'l'r.Y II, 2l'io III telllltliv . Ittl he "ltV R. "frnm Ihe wfltRI FANCI ERS of Ohio IIl1d udjolnln g RtuteR lire Illucll entllllsecl ol'el' the ponltry that ooltll 'AvAr hUll '1 Ulell provt\(\ to m y McCall P.II.... w ilt e nublc yolIlO make In YOllr jj'red . :-\('hwIIII)\'" th y 'may pass with ' th ~ explan· show ut the Ohio State FnJr to / be be ld In Columb n 'e(lt. 5, 01\'0 homll. wllh your 01\'11 hands. clothlnll rUf U, i. 8 and U. atory Ie t,ol'er . a s It 'W ACre"t I!Bt.\tifRotillll, whllt II w ()nrlflrf ul Llber!l.1 InCI'eusc - - -- - - + - - - oCre, yoursolr ami ' bllclroo whi Ch will he perrect from F ebru· B 1u pl'emlnt1ls ha\'c b en made ; nOl\' c ilia liicuUon s have been III style nll d Ill. Pr ico-nllllo .hlghe r lhaulC. ary to Novemb e r. Tbe liplrlt. ltf' dl · 1i~ht. O'JUl AI! oft n Unld tlnrt t:ou/.!h oore Or . King'" added. nnd tbeBe blll'e combine d to t r -ato CU OL!!. Senel (or froo PAtlum OllllollU. sucll un Inte l' Bt tbllt the show 11111 New [)IIlC()Vflry i.. }I'nr, Ilft.Ar tllklng exccl First, they will see .a.1bed 10 the rna· ou "'UIItIl win.,,, - :-It,pvPII Ilon nLlY or Its lll'ednce. sor s. 'j' he "nlldlng de"oled t o hous ing the W. wm c\,. Yoa FI.. Pnaab (Of /foulng Bub· birds ba s kin g . one part one bott-Ip, 1 was "nt.irel y oured . been serlr,Llon s Rm ollg your rrlonds. end ror rroe o06\par t heaped ma----.~'Premlum 'Ma lollu nnd ' uHh PrIze Orrer. Yoo o/\n't lIay l,nythlO Il too ~ood of coop gl'cully Imp,·o"W us to lig ht " nd. I' 'ntilntJoII, nnd nn up to du te BCOr1ng nur e., ooe part pit, comilieb et! with soli and hl1 R heml Ins tll II l'd . The mnl)l1gl'I'S confiden tl y predi ct tbut no Tbe miut} 1M" UlUltl, the dee, oAl tLmedic TH! McCALL CO.I'ANY, 239. U9 ~eoII37Wa SL.IIEW '011 le8s tluui tram e ..ineJik HtblLt· · Itlltbef lore8t fi,OOO ' lJh'ds will Next oomes B \ row of t'ro.mes b.l "o n ex hibItion . . one dAOOn-dM thf' ,I(\I"-Ir thA ora -Lee In whI ch three crops \8ne growing and baHthllge8, remed~LaGrip for dlsea8e d lungs, -. Bemorr pe, Asthma cheek by jowl- lettuces,. carrots and A mlln 's ~lIt thlUK~ .. ra nellrest . Bay Fever, !Lny Th1'o<tt or LtlD. HAD radl!;b a. This Is s ucoeOOed b y a row ? _ . ....... - ._. bim, Troubl e 5Oc, $1 00 Trlul bottle . TO MAKE CONFESSION "How long have you knowo hIm?" In wbl cb tour crops a1'l& g1!owln g to' i' " free Guaron teed by F . C t:!ohwa rtz. Lie ololle about bl8 feet gether, the fourth belngto autlfiow er. "Just me t blm yest erdoy." Not Only That But It Cost Hubby a • - Mnnot.o n Milnes. "And dId you as k blm th e n If be \laii From the fram es you , pass' to the Good Many Dollars to Squar~ A 81xteen th Century Corean Book. a wl te ?" cloch s. UDde r which thai seed 8 first r.oat' q . . , Himself . Of Beveral ohronlc les on the Corean "No; ho told me just now when we sown. 'makln g a c lOBe green mat. Next A Cold Good f.n!c IJ; h~ D1 tlll. t\cll ~tl ' I ~, "I we re talkJng over th wire that be was are the cloch es where these seedlin gs Is not necesRI lrlly t!erlonR, provhl· sIde of the Japanes e Invasion of . 111. l\'u,.I:11 1115I' w rtl "GeOl'ge," sh e asked, "why did you not marri ed," ad It III tltkeu Illi I'll of It. iH frequen t, Corea at the end of the sixteent h tell are pl'loke d out at even dlstano es, ,\\'t1 I~~~fl~ ~[~n~ :~ J}I I~~~tll:::'J: I.- mll n you were talking to ov er Securo hUt li ve ly In to r Uiet f\ !td ""h ul t "And you sa Id you envl d him!" sbowln g how the oloch eB I feed the I.v the .'n.r1iO Il Ill/iut of rilltOy dlln century r book entitled "Ching PI Nok" the tha DomO dcv otopmuut b)" u l\'inK him to l ~ .. hou Il moment ago that Is you conside red to be most trustwo rthy. " Y e ll~I mean no. no, Jose phine- fram es. At thl B stage the~ first part IIeronadlllellRHR. When itoume ll \lse en,,1 d hi m?" The AMEIU~AN . ~O\' honellt1y I ne ver-co me. d a rest, YOU of t h year Is comple ted. /fbe sucOr. Bell'" Pin ....'I·llr ·Honey . Look The author ot the book. Yu Song·yo ng. Filled ",Ilh fino reodlnll whIch f • • clnnl.1 boy., " I don 't r emembe r. Old I say I on· don ' t think I'd-c, was one of the ministe rs at that time £xcl' lIt!u t !l1orles of ad v enturo. tra ve l, hllll tury tor the bell au UlA hotf·le weU ceeding confoun beds d it, and If fram eB nJustra te and actually witness ed the progres s of vl ~ d him ?" you Ins is t 011 Quarreling, what's tbe how th e BOI\ Is used yet ag;al"", tor the :r~~,~~r~:~~c~~;cntlip:~~tO:~:.~YT:lr:1W:Y,,~:~~i - - --- - -," Yes. yoU did , lind you said It IlS If usc of d ellylng whot io do un:7\,oIY 103o ft. R. lulllull y tl lu" · the disastro us waf. It 1" ' luter part of the year. t rute d nnd e very IIn o In h.rmnn )1 wllh "'efltl The Hat and Royalty . you IIICllut It. Who was he ?" bomo \ raJlllu,," c.n d o..,e d by 1$0,000 boy. or/d Ih ul,Ir Not many coplEis of the origInal e dl· Ne verthe less sh e received perml&ThlB Is perhaps the most, novel and pare nt. . Send '1.00 lor . full yoar. 9" ...,. 01 Tbe hat plays a conside rable part tlon are now In exls\eno "Oh, It \\'118 a fellow I met at tbe s ian th e n Xl day nll ne wI .. tands at 10 t onl.s. e and they are to buy the $38 leg- Int r s ting part ot the deoJonErtrat1on, . In clvlUzaUon as a slgo and a symbol Consequ ently hIghly !HE athl SPtlGUE PUILISHING co. 101 III'Julle 11IIt., DDIrnn. ~"~. ' tlc club th e other night. His horD uat that had pi ased h er fancy,valued by hlstorlThe varl t y Is mos t st rlldng. One ot quite apart from itB purpoBe as a sh 1· anB and book lovers. name Is R1:> lJhl!' ! oo." The b.ocks used Chicago R cord-He rald . the late bed:s Is fill ed with cabbage s. ter agslnst the weather . In the moth, In printing , tbe book "What were you talkIng aj)out so were loog known b et.",ee n which a galh is 0 double crop long?" er ot parliam ents the etiquett e relard· to exlBt In Corea, but -' --, tbeir . wher.ea· lise of the Hardy Ferns. of radl Bh aDd endi ve . ThElSe cabbage s, log It 18 so elaborat ,e that new memo bouts WIU! unknow n. "No ~ hlng very Importa nt. He mere· --¥any will be Graceful errentB may be d veloped though they hav only been In the bere frequen tly flnd themsel ves 10' 'Interee ted to hear that Iy wante d to s ee me at lunch tlmo to- In they' were ra: foreg rou nd s, In dri ves throu gh ground sJx week s ore already a s big volved ID-:dllllculUes. .There are two c8ntly discove re d .In '~elr entire ty by morrow ." Unde rtake r and Embalmer~ g lad es. and In m nny other pogltl ons, a8 cabbage s which w~ re ploll ted peers who to thIs day possess the a Japanes e offiolal at last "And he dIdn't B ay why he wanted by t he ho ld use of a cert~ln remote tb e large r hardy Novemb er . Five mooths ' bave been right of remaini ng covered In the place and that they to see you?" Will be fonnd in , tbe old will be brought presenc e of royalty, If they care to ex, -. - : !:--.~ - I"n .. -R'!nul "No; I think he wRnts m o to s up· fel'08. Few peopl e s eem to give milch saved. Press. Bank , Buildin g, opposh " a tte ntion to hurdy fern s, and In mos erclse ·It. And the kIng always puts t port him Ifor some office ." Othe r fram es a Dd cloolJes COntaIn • - ••- - - I,he Nation al BlInk. gardens . If th ere are Ilny at all. th ey peas which are, already In pod, on his fteld marsha l's bat before he "Oh. he Is a politicia n 1" s traw· Interna lly '1'el phone in hoose !Lnd or· ar e usually plllnte d In some out of the b errl reads the speech to the IUIsembled "No. os which are just rIpe, tomatoe s no; I believe he Inteods to run way Dr Bel\'s Allti-P~ln cureM oolio, fioe wbere J oa.n be rolled s p t wllere 00 one sees them. In flow er, nnd /melons just beginni ng to lords and common s. day or oigbt. flux, diarrhe a, oramps and al\ bowel ror some office In the club." Rarely do we find tbe m we ll grown set. "Wns' that why you Sliid you envied MDl'lla lnts. Valley Phone 1~2. or an Impol'tn nt Item In the gal'deo hllll?" . Ext.ern ally :-Cnre s lIore brellRtR . , picllwe. Tb e bold and handsom e terDs "Certai nly not. I don't want to run Main Stre~t. Do You- Get Up Wayne sville. Ohio. corns, booionR , toothac he, neuralg itl of Olll' own nnd other countrie s de- TROUBLE ·FOR CENSUS ' TAKER for any office. I haven't time for that 'lnd "II pains serv !:Iold e !; Ottl everyw t hing here. b etter thao to he can· It 80rt or thing." With a Lam e Back ? it! !lin fFlf' . d roll ed lo a miserab le exIste nce One In State of Washin gton , Mlstako s "Well. bow can he take the time for K14DC1 Tnl1lbJc Jlalcs You JI1scnbIC. -... - -.- ••--:::=-a .,.'oll & a lot of d ecaying r oots, which Mar1'8 WIfe for 'Hls Moth a- and It. 1" t he cony n t! onal Iden always associaAlmoet evuyon e knowso fD.... Ki1mer'e CHILDISH Rumpus Follows . "You see, he hOB no LACK family. He Isn't t ed wll h . IIll.' m. OF LOGIC swamp- Root, the great kidne) , liver and nrd n Illus trated. bladder remedy , beWalla. Walla. .- Some curIous ~ ~ cause of it. remark· Often the' Little Folk 8ucceed In At· Informa tion was gathere d by the oen· t.lnlne- Conclu .lo ... by Proce.. e. able he~1tb rcstorin g sus enume rators In these parts. Ooe propertl et. .S wampof Pure RUlOn. found 3 gray-hn lred woman who had !loot fulfiU. almost b een mnrrlecl thr e times and had every wish in o.verA great deal Is said, not alwaY8 just· seve.ral grandch ildren, but who Insistconllng rheumat Ism, ly, about childish lack Of logic. As a ed on bIng called "Miss ," pain in the back, kid- ml\tter of fact, 'chlldre n otten ore highneys, liver, bladder ly logical, though oot quIte In the Another enumer ator mistook a man's and.every part oftbe adult manner . wIre for his motbe r. and . bllrely e B· Tbey attain conclu· urinary nusage . It CUlled dlr · cOllseq,t'e nces . Jt develop ed correcla 1nabilit y slons by those process es 0f " pur e Iha t the husband w'us fitty-on e yearB hold watu and lC81din gpain in passin~it, re8B01l," which, being quite uo~lase d old th e wUe e lghty·s eve n. and that or bad effects followiu guee of liquor. wme by the opInion s of otbers. sometim es . or beer snd overcom cs that unpleail ant result In startlin g the n11\n had been manled four Um es. truths. necessit y of being compell ed to go ofteD Tbls' last fact wus elicited with dlffi· Almoat everybo dy, for III stance, haa through the day, and t9. get up lD8Dy beard of 'tbe little culty. and preclpltll.te·d a family row, lad who, listenin g timei during tbe night. ELS th e hus band had told hie spouse . to tbe quesUo n of an Irrellglo u8 friend swamp-Root ia .not recomm ended (or. "f the family aa to wbat would that h e had been bound hi holy wed· hapeverytld ng but if have kidney. lock only twice, .pen supposi ng that one good Chrlstta n or bladder troubl"you , i£"will be'foun dl~,'er . 'lust , the remedy you. need. It ba~ been·tIt or. should pray tor an east, Se ve i'al tamillea of ,sixteen children anot~er tor a Dr. Bell's Antis eptic Salve oisgtilr tested in private pracpce , ~n.d has weat wind at ·sea. hinooen huve bee discove red. In one at these roved' 10 auccelaf ul that " special ar, ed that of course there'li tiY 'aoawer G~ode for .il a.k in Dise~ . the oldest chl'd IB a.bout ninetee n. and be' an awful fan ement baa been .snade by which aU tempe.t. . b~t 'Dot everyon thore afe but tWo pairs of twins. One e haa heard rea~e'rs of thia paper, who . have no~ al- of the equally pertine nt · and naive soother than, h.lnety·t~o ye.a rs old, was " ready tried it, have a sample bOttle lutlon recently offered 'by a tbought lis ted who "boards " with 'QIs "boy," ful :.ant free by . allO a ~lr. telling . '., . I I who Is ~rty·four ye ars 'old. and from -more about . swamidR...... HENDERSON,M.D. d h to 101l0 . .ter the c' .ever·pe rp ex ng ""~ U ow . CROWD' S ENTERING GATE'S ! OF OHIO"S ' EXPOS problem ' of tor whoD.\ he haci never· been separat ed. II Ar~ IIra)'eril answere d?" ITION. 'chUd wu ·taIklnc .Wlth anothsr . pAY as yoU IInter,,-'no Uckets. • • Tbnt 'WD8 tho When wriUnim~OD Wayn esvill e. Ohio• thllt vi.. who asked the yexed " and' pUlllIng . !tors at tbe Ilist Pblp . tute "~(\II'. No 'tedlou8 delRY.s in seet1rin A Clean Bhave reading tbl. geaeroa . g tI~ket& question . eiplaln ln, at the same time Simply drop yo'nr colo 181i~lr.ble. tir. Bell's An&is*,p Yaltev Phone In tbe WI·ostU tDstl\ptl y . unlocke d, ,!lncl )'.o ur entranc e offer bitW.~per ud, 153 't hat , he dldnrt believe. that prQ'era .was record 'd In trlpItC(l te. Tbls 8fstem met the ~pproval of aU viattors ond tic ~lve Is~ ' oreamy sno~ wbite MDd yoar aCldreM to .ere lUlSWerecl, beoauae ~e never 101 w1l1 be cont\lIu !'d ilt ofntme n h an. d the gaaran Coming tee.<l fQr all e:q50!!IUoD to be beld In Oolumb ua Sept 6, U. Dr. Kihqer & Co., '. - i~"fiit~t uytbl q he ukB4 tor. " . 'i, 8 arid n. The exposlt'lOJl tbla yenr will be. open both day BinSh am::':, Y. Th~regu_ and nlgJJt. w.ltb skin dIISSII88. Bnob 8M eozem_ , salt ' ~d bj "You . don't . ,pre7 .. for. the rtabt I pound! rbenm , opapsj etc'. 250. ! and lIntldin p br11nantly tllumtit ltcd. PaiD's "8l1ttle of the OIouclB,1t • _ • :iltake th1Dp," aD8Werecl 1It.t1e Ur. WIHiDU l. • stuPt!OOous produC!Uon portray ing the 'deadlr 'deet of a8l"Opl aD. ba\ remem'"* tbe ~p-~ Lile t. 88 & mirror tbat re11eot l, OOiU'H. aU .~leN .~_ ~..~ III fuhUe w..... wUl" rme" JM4tn ll Dr. KUmer'I~ be • Dlabtl1 1n18 attrac:tloL _11I ~_Un:' 8l' .. - ' _ _ .uQf ao'loa l .__ _.., ..•...."... O Jo' 111l' t::









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aa4 oh~tell,-Lle, UIloe ta Ke,P: Bk1C


Th~ Miami Gazette lW. C. HARDING •

~AYNES 1:~:




HASTE KIl:. LS T ASTE. Ev rywhere baste Dl ars a rt nmong

us. \\ bat Is tbe reason for so r · spl o d nt a failure as tb congresslon· al library at Wushington ? Imply t hnt bas te precl ud d a thorough maturin g of tho g neral Echeme anJ pr vt"nt('d tb m uml paint ers cltb er fl'om .bar· 1I10nlzing theIr work wltb tb wh ole or even doing th ei r Ind iv idu a l b es l. Wby Is til a\' e ragc tnl1 building . In snit of lts Imposing ma l'S , a poor thing to look at? Simply h cau e th o arcblt ect b os hurrtedly appll d Irr levnn t oruo · ment to th e w(1Tk oC th e n g l)1 'e \'. Und er. commercial condit lOll!! t lH's<! nlsk shirts mny se m Inevitab le. B Ill the vice oC predpltancy rUllS t brClllgh our wbole social structure. Acarl c rne flnd ParnO!l8U8 sulrer violence, and tb e \1101 nt take th m I y force. How many ccupled unlv rsHy chnlrs have b cn by glib young scbolars whose achieve· ment was mostly verbal, while sound lanrnlng languished In obscure pos l· Uon ? How mllny a n actress bas roll ed her pr tty eyes a't all aUdience, to be xtoll ed promptly as a star of m n~ nl ­ tude ? N \\. York nnd New Engla nd or tao king s teps to Impro ve th eir agricultural conditions. and, curiously 'enougb, th e lead ershIp In the movement Is laken by rail road presidents and mer chants. The other day a me tlog was held at the Produce Exchange of New York an d a permanent organ l· zatlon was effected to preach and llIus· trate the · gospel of Intelligent, In· t enslve farming. Among the able nddr Bees delivered the most striking was thnt of President Brown of the New York Cen t ral. He gave American, South Am erican and anadlan litatfstlcs pointin g tbo moral thnt we ilave I>urrendered our place as the first of the fo od-exporting natio ns; tha t food prodllctloll has n ot kept pnce wltb consum ption, and tbat In n few years \Ve s b\l ll be compelled t o Impor t graln: It seems tha t we have In the coun t r y a1;l0ut 10,000,000 a res at practically aban doned farm land, while the la nd that Is cultivated Is bled u r e nnd merely scratched there.

To the other ff\vorab le crop prospects must be added ' the prediction that cotton is likely to show t be largest yield on record. T here Is gene ral agr ement by experts as to t h outiook fo r "big supply, the estimates p lacing t he figures lle~w ee n 13,000,000 and 14,000,000 ba les, Should the latter t otAl be t ouched a n ew " high wa t er mark" will be r eached. T he great cotton OI'OPS b er etotore wer e 13,556,000 !lales In 1905, 13,550,000 bales In 1007 nod 13,:;28,84 6 .baI As In · ~ 9 09 . Notw lth· .standlng reports of r avages by the boll weevil and of a ttem pts at r estrictin g th e output cotton a ppears to be on the galn-an d Amer lcn runi:sh~s the chief supply for the w orld. Two sailing sh:vs, In coas t parlan ce " wind jam mers," have just gone to sea from Seattle provIded with wl r les9 telegraph equI pment- th e first craft of their characte r to be th us e qu l p~d . One of the sh1ps ..was prov ded with the apparatus by ,her Japa nese st ewa rd , who was formerl y a member of the . signa l corps of bls country's na vy. This Indicates th:lt th e Installation of wireless t~l egrapby on salllng shIps Is lIeitber complex nor costl y, and fore· s hadows qu ite ge ne ral Ilse of the val u. able means of com mu nl calion. Ro. man ce a nd mystery are being' drIv en f rom th e sea by steam and electrI city. The greM Oxford d Ictiona ry tb a t was begu n by Dr. Murra y In 1884 Is DOW completed a s far as "T." But It' Iii debatable ma tter wheth er mode rn E nglish was spoken fa r back as 1884.


Chauffeurs who find gasoline leaks by means of Ugh ted matches must be lineal descendants of those ho used to look Cor leaks In the gas pIpe wIth IJghted candles. . indIana polis doctors made a man a Dew nose from II cbunk of ,hIs leg. He llmps now , and he can't smell, but otherwise the opera tion wa s a success. It Is sign ifi cant that It Is the doctorp who are decla l"lng there ar e too ma ny pbYlllcian s and who' would make It yet more diffi cult to become Ol'~. . Ba lloOl~ pilots ol'e ~arefu l t!l ' avoid al l«bUn g when t he sh ip Is In motion.

The t erm "affinity" Is not libelous, decidel a New York court. . It's awfu'l bard to lnBult a New Yorke~, nOWfl' da, •. All penons WltO Bre affe cted by' sell .'ckueu . d ll look forward ~opefully to the development or; airship tra-n sporta· Uob acros. the E~gUsh cha nnel. Romallce Is .oot deal1!



people w1ll


Pretty soon

: .e6!D ~loplJ1&'




F. W, TREA DWAY FOR LIEUT. GOV. Cox Outmaneuvered and Outfougnt Burton, Bl oc~ i n9 an d Over t u rn ing the Carefu l Scheme of Ohio Men Close t o T a ft to Na me Longwo r th.

The conven1i<ln ' cheered tb e name or Hard ing Cor twea ly .econds, t h e gal, lerles lending much 8sslstance. 1II.a user's .speBell d elllt wIth Hard· lng's r ' ord as I g,lslator an d Heuten· nnt goyerno r. "H ,will unify nnd ·trcngth n all elements o f t be It ·pub· II l'flll party," be sni d. ·"Let me proph· (,EY tlla t ." ·!'rrell G. Har ding w!l1 1J ~ th e nomine , altd will bring all th e ki ck ers In to Ib told , and that Sena· tors 'B tII'lon nnd D! k will be In tbe for rt ont of th e figh l fo r ~ v ernor Harding," ] larding's n omination was dramntic. 1'h I't' \ as Int ens,' F:ll en ce 85 Hn.mllton coun ty was reacbed 4IiI the third roll. cal l. On th vot u r l1amillo n county deIJ ud d the nomin atio n. George B. .ox rosr, t he fi rs t time In Ihe ronv mlon. " Ha milton county c8s ls its !)1 \'ot es tor " 'ar r u G. Hard.


0 0 0



a 0



0 0


0 0

0 0 0 0


GRANVILLE W. MOON!Y, Alhtabula, 0,






For Gove rnorn Warren G. Harding, Milrlon, (r 0 Lieutenant GovernorCJ 0 "Fra n., Is W, Treadwa y, Cleve- 0 0. · Iil nd. ... (i ('I Secretary of State0 0 Gra nville W. Mooney, Aahta· 0 0 buta. 0 State Treas urer0 0 Rudy W. Archer, Belmont 0 0 County. 0 0 Attorney General0 0 · Ulysses G. Denman, Lucas 0 0 County. 0 0 JU6t lces of Supreme Court0 (I Judge W. B, Crew, Morgan 0 0 County; Judge A. N. Sum· 0 o. mera, Clark County. 0 o Clel k .Supreme Courtl) ing ," h said, 0 John S. McNutt, Columbi an a o . In st antiy , It WitS understood, ('ox 10 County. 0 hud ac kno\\'l dged defrat. T he \' t· 0 Dairy a nd Food Comm lssioner- 0 erlln of a hundred b~tt1 5 gaYe n o 0 - Re n ick W. Dunlap, Pl ckaway 0 County. 0 Sign or di sappointment, and his smile 0 was almos t g nlal. 0 Member Public Works0 o · George H, Watklnl, Scioto 0 The n ew Re publican State Central 0 CQunty. 0 com m ltt e . el , t d by th e dls trlct de l- a State Commissioner Public 0 egations, Is composed of tbe follow· 0 Schools0 Ing: First di stri ct, Fr d Bade r ; S c- 0 -John W. Zeller', Hanoock 0 ond, P. W . Durr; T h ird, D. W . Alia- 0 County. .0 man; Fourth, \\ . B . Morey; Filt h, W . 0 - Renominated. 0 H. P hip ps; ixth. !\tar us S houp ; S v- () 0 enth , R. H. 1\I c loud ; Elgb th, W. R. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wilson; Kl nl h, Walter F. Brown; T ent h , E dwin J ones; Eleventh , I sra el REPUBLICAN PLATFORM ON THE ADMINISTRATION, M. 'Foster ; 'l'w Iftb, R I hard L loyd; Thirteenth , C. F . Monroe; Fou r teenth, Columbu3 .- The fo llowing Is the A. R. Ga rford; Fifteenth, Wa lt r H. plan k of til OhIo Repub lica n 1)latfo r m Black; Slxt em h, Georg B. 'l' inl ln; r fe rrlng to the n a tional a dm1nl strn· Seven teent h, Georgo H_ Hamllton ; liun : Eighteentb, Alfred C. Ey non; Nine"We, th C:l Republl ans of Oh Io in teemb. T . P. Gilme r; Tw e ntieth , Mau· state con\'c ntion a Sge mbi d , commend ri ce Maschke ; T w nty-tirst, rl! ed r In h i ' h se ter ms the spl nd id adm inSaunder. i3.tratlon o f W illiam H. Taft , a re proud (I

The Te a c h e r~Who was It tbat ollmbed slowly up the ladder of s uoolum bus, D.- P iqu e a nd not part y oess, carrying his burden with b lm as p o lit!C~ rul d Ill· n 'publican staLe he w (lnt; who, when he reached t he Cul1\' ullon fi ud malie Warren G. Hardtop gazed upoa those far beneath j 'Dg, of ~la.rioll , til Domi nee fo r go vhim, and... I'llor. The Scholar (aged 8)-1 kn ow, Tllu game was played not fo r t he ma'am. It was P at O'Rourke, presi6'tl"Ollg ci t cand idate, although he may dent of the Hodcarrlers union. h a\, ... beeu ch OSe n. but fo r lhl:! prlvl· It-gc of naming him. An Easy Fit. '1'\\'0 strong m n contend d for th e A number of years ago there lived m aste ry, u ited States e nator T heaIn northern New Hampshire a notoridOI'C E. Burton a.nd George D. Cox, Repu b\iean Nominee for SecretilfY of ous woman·hater. It was before t he a.nd tbe Cincinnati man outmaneu verday of ready-made clothing, and wanted and outfoug ht his antagonis t. Ing a n ew suit, he was obliged to take " State, Detea t ed In lils boasted a lJl llty to the materIal to the vlJlage tn1loresl. nominate J udg Oren Brltlt B rown, 01 BURTON'S SPEECH She took hi s m easurem ents, and when Dayt on, through the intrigu es of t he she cut the coat, made a li ber a l als tate organ ization ca'plaln a nd th e On Ass um ing t he Pos ition of Perma, lowance on each seam. two senators, ox ex cut d the un xnent Cha irman. The m an's dislike of women In g enV cled stra.tegy of abandoning that eral prevented his having a ' fitti ng. In ta k ing th gavel fro m ongress· He took t he finis hed garme nt without candidate and throwing his fu ll mSon Long worth , Pe rmane nt Cbalrman trying It on. It was much too large, stre ngth to Hartling, who had not Burl on said , in part : looked for It nor requ sted It.. and his dIsgust was a ppar ent In the " It Is with some h asltan y that I ln so doin g be 'blo .ked and overanswer h e made to the frIendly loofer take this pos ition. T here Is JI lt I to turned t h e car fu ll y plotted purpose add to t he s))eech of you r temporary on his l1rst vis it to 0 10 pos'toffice, o f the m en in Ohio c losest to P r esi· chairman y s tenlay. A slugulnr sit· wh en he wore the des piled ·artlcle. "Got a n ew coat, Obed 7" saI d the dent. W n lla m H. Taft to nominate Conua lIon hns ari sen In the U n ited Stu tes cren ma.n NtchQlas LO.ngworth, the wblch m ill tnt s to t he d lsadvanral,;u loafer . HON. JAS, RANDOLPH GARFIELD, of the RepuIJllcan party. Grou n dlesa "No, I baln'l! " s ald Obed. "I' ve got .son·ln-Iaw ot torme r P resident Theo- UTILITIES COMMISSION ONE OF STATE ?lANKS. Cleveland, Ohio. dis content Is t h fru it ot this ontli· seven yards of cloth wropped round dore Roosevelt. tion. The COUll try was n ever more me," - Youth's Com panion. From the s tandpoI nt of political COIl· olumbus, 0 .-Th3 fol1ow l~ a re IHOSller ou. \ \'e n ve r W I'e so weU !ll'o\' id d wIth the things lhat p rtaln Re publi can pl atform planks d ealing The "Done Up" Shirt Waist. l:irec tly to human happin ess and hu· wi t h state Issues : Half the looks of n. shirt waist deman welfare. "We comm nd thl' present Oblo Laws have b en placed on ou r book. pend on the way It Is done up. If It 18 ~en eral ass mbly for lI s wise and ef· for bettering tbe condition ot men. . wash ed with cheap strong yellow soap, fective legislation , an d charge t ha t i t. women and chlldr n. Yes , j here Is all 60 that It geta streaked and s talned Inwas hlnfle.r d aud no t helped by. the unpr cede n ed degree of .socl I unre!Jt. stend of being cleaned and beau Ufied, Democra't state admi n istration. The In e njoying thl!> opportu n ity for m", It Is "done up" sure enough. The womRepublican stat 'o fficlals have p roved trial nrosperity Ihe people a re givins an who values h e r per sonal appearbut little attention to , pu bl ic at'fa lrs, ance-and that means every womanthemsel v s capabl e anel most e ffi cien t. EO a el v e r cartoon 01' an plgI'Bm at. will see to it that h er shirt waists are "Gra ft is not partisan; neither a re tra ts immedla.te atten tion. I h ea r a laundered with a soap that leavejl them gr afters confln ed 10 a n yone p olitical great deal about th Int r sts and the white and clean and sweet p.nd n ewparty party. The R epublican party charge that t bey }lave undue In(l u· lOOking. Easy Task soap Is! the only condemns a ll forms. ot dlsbone,sty ~nd pnce on our pulJllc men. Sp Ify the c orruption a nd lJellev s In punishing In e resls. T h ere n ever was a lime one that w1l1 do tbls. Srime price as the offe nders. W favo r makin g the when til Inter SIS of the veo1>le were others- live cents a cake, and the greatest enemy to dirt and irlend to pen a lty more severe. so c losely guard 1.1," Referring to th railroad s. R nator fabrics ever .made, "We denounce I~' n h'ing and m ob Burton Sllok of the Increased bu r· law, and demand that severe vcnlshImmenle Saving Poaalble. opn s and decrea sed bu Iness wh ich ment lJe Infl ict d upon a ll such offe ndIn a pr llmlnary bulletin on t be y confron t, alld of ~h e increas s In t h eTS. La w and ord r ritust be mainwages Which they have h ad to g ra ut. cost of maintaining a tub er cu losis tained . ' ·' It t here I rine thin g on w b l~h public sanatorium, the National Associ ation "An employers ' liability law wa s Garfield ' announ ced that he woult! cr itlcl III has rested, It ls the ta r iff for the Study li\nd Prevention of T~­ passed by th e present legislature and not per m it hi s nam e to be present d bill," h e said. "It waR s o In 1896, but berculosls announce. that the average 11 a ~ommlssl on w~s .a ppol nted to in- to the convontlon. and saId th at he when Novemb er the p ople cost per ' patient per day In thirty quire In to a work men's com voted fo r McKinley'." semi-charitable sanatoria scatter ed In Wd arren G~IHantl~1l1T'iuJJ';"""edtth0c....4~I~ a~w~.~w ~e:!.....!:f!:... a v..!0~r~sc!:u!l;c!<1h!o!~la-wl.i.l!!!!jaJ,!S:s.;.uWbJjla.!ILUL bl.l.e~b\>iIS:tttlpd~ : ~I~~~ a-statement explaini ng T h e ·nator produced flgureF, froIl\ an former I eu tenant governer, w 0 lus t and faIr t o all concerneu. tb bur au , of. tatls Ics showiug that aU parts of the U nited States is was n ominated for . gove rnor by the "Th~ agricultura l Institution s ah d - - - - - - - - - --'-- - - - - th e average duties have b en grea tly. $1.669. These Institutions represent R epublican state conventIon at Colum- the fa'rmln g Inter ests of the state of the r es ul ts he has al rea dy decreased. " Le t ou r oPllonents say an annual expenditure of over $1,300,· 000 and over 815,000 days 01 treat. bus. Ebould be libera lly encouraged In or- a chie\'ed in bls 17 months In office, wbether th y will put wool on the frp.e ment given each year. Tbe bulle tin, said tlle senator. "We can not list," del' to Inc rea se the p r oductJveness o f ond pledge h im Ollr hear ty and united st op progress. .W e would no t If we which Is part of an extensive s tudy v en tlon tact los It was perbaps th e b est th e soli. We fav or a gricultu ral e xten- sup port In b ls furth er efforts as cWet the National aSSOciation Is maldn" for 8'l.roke t hat Ohio h as wi t nessed for a slon work for the tea ch ing of sclen tiflc executi ve ot the nation. W e ren e w Ita bureau of in1ormatlon, points ~ut our pledge ot' loyal su pport given him d ecade. Its vllllue t o th e Repu'bJlcan farming. that the country could sli\ve ann~ly 'pal't,y remains to be de termlnea. " We favor: In 1908, a nd Indorse h im for renom· . at least . $160,000,000 If th e Indigent The ,b oldness and t he success ot. t he "A ssess ing a ll pr opert y, r eal and Ination In 1912. consumptives were prop'e rly s e ~e­ "Amon g the many a ccomplishments k een play forced e ven the ad miration personal, at .lts trn e , 'a lue in mon ey gated. of the manage r s ot t h e baffled forCel!. and limiting the tax r ate fo r all pur. .of Presid ent Taft 's administration No better Ill ust ra tion ca n be given poses to 10 mills. . wor thy of speCial prai se are: Prose· The Deaoon'l Parable, A self-conscious and egof4 stlcal than that of a battle s blp r iding along "Super vISIon and r egulation of cutlon and conviction or t hoile Im pll· young 'Clergyman was supplyln'g the In majestic strength, Its commander public uti li ties by a om m lsslon grant. ca te d In t h e sugar fr auds a ga inst the pulpit of a country church. AttN the absolutely cer ta in of vIctory, and en- Ing municipali ties th e r ight of hom e gove rnm ent and otbe r vlolaters of fed· se.r vlce be asked one ot the dea cons, coun te ring a s ub merg d m lnr. W ith rul e, llnd 10 ~h e people the ri ght ~o ral sta t U\.f!9; prompt and sllccessful a erlzzled. plaln.. poken man, what be its bot:tom blown In t he c raft goes Int er vention, to preven t arbitrary In· thought· of his mornIng effort. down wi th all on board a nd leaves no ( reases In r ailroad freight rates; et· ··Wan)." answered tbe old man, wr-eckage behind. fectlve en fo r cement of the law against m egal deallnl:j In stocks; In slowly, "11'1 tell ye In a ktnd ot paraTo complete t he pjctllre, Jot migh t dl ctm en t ot t hdtle . lnvolved in t he cot. ble. I remember Tunk Weatherbee's be added, tha.t the commande r was ton pool. form e d 1.0 raise the price of fust deer hunt, when he was green. lured onto th e field of dan ge r, bellevone o f th e necessities of m e In ever )' He follered the der's tracks all rlglit, 1ps that the e n emy and n ot himself Ame rI can family; impartial enforcebut he follered 'em all day In the was to b e the v lptlm of a d eadly surmont ot the all tHrust laws; substanwrong dlrectlon."-Housekeeper. pri se. lIa l reduc tion in government expenses, There were many politi cal r eputa· savin g a mllllon dollars a month) In Advice. tlons made and un made in t bls longthe postomce department, with Ii fair "Father," queried Bob, just bome drl\wn-out imd sudde nly ended contest, promise of w ipIng out tbe annual from college, "you've worked for me bu t th e grea test sufferer Is, lJeyond postal de fi cit ; such remarkable progpretty hard nearly all my lite.. haven't you!" 811 question, Se'n ator Theodore Burton. r ess In t he const ruction of the Panama "Quite right, quite right, SOD," Without going In to d e tail, It need ('anal as Insttres its early completion; mused tather restrospectlvely. only be said that he Is now r egarded wltbdrayal trom private entry In or· , '' 'Just so," returned Bob, brIskly. !\IS mer e ly a legi slator and not a lead· del' 'to preserve for .the public Ueneftt JUDGE OREN BRITT BROWN, "Now, you had better get 'b usy .and e r. Hes itatIng and Indecisive, his Fa· vl\llIable coal e.nd other minerai d~ Dayton, Ohio, work for yourself a blt-eh, dad 7"'b ian tactics p Teven1ed organization POl!lts, timber lRnds and water power and produced defeat. sites, of over 71,000,/)00 acres of 'the On<!) of the Candldatel for the Nomina, .Lite. tlon of 'Governor of O'hi'l. .A.s fo·r the progressive movement, public domain. It has strElngthened She'. a Fre. Lahoe, ~ed by James Rudolph Garfield, It was our prestige with foreign naHo'n s and "Would you have a pIckpocket artltte rly overthrown and di s persed. ',l'he has treate(1 with vigor and wIsdom could. . Let us explain to the people re acUonarles in t be commIttee on res(). Important and delicate I.n temational the difference be twe en being an oppo- rested ·It you' detected one In the act of going thrqugh your pockets?" lul1on8, dIrected by Unlted .S twtes ~en. THEODORE E, BURT-ON problems. It has.. dealt justly and lib· Sition and a constructive party," "With one exception." ator Charles Dick, r ejected and rePermanent Chillrmal!l of the Cone rally with our dependenCies, "What's that 1" pudlated the d e mands of t he new-<leventlon, "The ;~cord cit achievement of this "Not it It wall Diy wlte.~ parture supporte rs. I1dmlnlstratlon and the Sixty-tlrst con· Not only was 'the Payne-Aldrich tar- .vote direct on the granting of pubUc gress Is unequaled in our ~i~tory. and ---Iff law Indorsed In It.s enilrety, but H franchIs es. guarantees faithful adherence to all Ne w Yorl,(.-"Regg!e" Ronalds forwas fla.t1y de fe nded by the plwtform "Legislation for establishing good thl' pledges of the last Republl oan mer ROIlgh Rlder"wlth Col. Roos~"velt. writers, and Senator Burton, in hIs roads for the benefit of all the people, vlatform. The election of a Repub· well-known c)ubman and father ·of the . . IIcail congress next November. Is 1m· "trapped baby ," sailed on the>Adriatic. 8.ddress from th~ c h8llr, a querulous of the state. "nd Irrlto"'l d !! Ilv erance, b Y th "eces"ary nncompllsh An: Intimate frIend of the weal't h'" .. Q/U e . e way, "Enac tment or furth er laws peratl"ely , ,. .. . to . ' .... ¥ made It known t hat It Is the httentlon Ing to me.n, women and c hildre n. for the entire pregram of the Taft admln· "Reggy" said that a suit for separation had · been started by Mrs: Thora of the r egulars t o ma. . '-e " thl s d e f ense the .protec.tlon of l.ab or, th e bas is of IstrlltioD." . . Strong Ronalds, heiress to the vast t l Ie c hi e f Issue 0 f th- e campaign. all Indus .....' . The R epubll,can part." . , . th h f "¥ • JUD"E FEED$ MEN, fortune of her ·fa t her , ·tbe late WlJUam \ '''' 'v uen e our c~me or t he prog- has a record In tbls resp ect of whlch , '!' .' . . ress ive leaders to go bel'ore the con- It Is jusll" proud. '. \ L. Scott. H~r .fathe r wl\.8 presldant I ; Railway'; Tre"t~"nt of . Wo~km.n of ·the Erie ~ Pi~t5burg ralJroad ' and vent on and give their delegates the "The . admlnl s~ ratlon of our sta te ,' . also a m'il110n"lre," '. . ' I Draw. Indignation of JIl!fge, .. OPPol'tunlty of fighting out the con- I tit I n s u.t ons on strict y bll slness prJn- "Ka'n' !jas OIty, i Mo....:-T"'o. h.u ndred ', lnqulry ~ r.ev, ealed . tn. at . t ho COIIDI.." .' troversy, th ey ta Hed. . l i S b 6Olt! tl .. .., Garfield. rl'tused. to laun ch his can~ c pes. uc c ca on and reY-lsfon men, on the verge, 'of sta.rv,.tlon ;b6-. who ~ere marr ied In February, 1901l, cream or dldacy', .. tacIt d ecl~ratIon that the of t he tax laws of ~h';! state .QS wID da:use of ' a rallr,Oad's . re~. ~Jl'; were 1 11~d been , J1vl~g In, se parate establishJ1la tform wa s , on'e .ppon 'Whl bh he ~quallze .the burden.s of ,taxatIon and' herded Int o the •.crlminal court 1'00m ments. to~ s.ev,eral Jt\onthL ""ould not go to the ', e)eqtorate or the ~a~~ hpr~perty of ~n 'Itlnds bear ·its . 'and fed . at the exp.e~~e ) ;t 'Jaokson ' ., The smile that f~llows Will ' state. j:l~: , "" 0..1 e. • . county by or4e.z. of Judg~ Ralph S; lAt. Mistook ' Action ' of boetQrs: . , last all day-': . . .' ~.' . _ I ' N~w Y'9rk,-;Ros& Neme'th. a pretty . . . A, state .aw. requiring the pUblic- sba~, Con~resslDan Paul Howland', ot Ity 0( ' CAmpaign contributions l'f . pe.1aD tr ... . trl I I ' . . '" . . •... Judge Lalllhaw also announced later om ,I1,t1S a, . ' D • •el1oll. .Cleveland, who struggled with tbe 1'& ' tl ctl rf I til I tI ' ''Th,e ~tltlcat'fon of tbe il!('ome' -AX Ul&t' ~·nd JurY mve!rt,ga~on would condlU'?D, at E~Us - J81'nd, her (ace and a ~n. thea n e reao u . ons · comril~t.. amendment to the federal cdnstltu, be ' 9rderecl ' He W&J , iDtUpant b. arma torn !lY- window gla.1 thrOu~" tee n . e vain effort fo~ het ter e~. tlon; ': .. . use 20.Q, ~orkfn me bid been. wblch she lt~ape4 In terror atter .To IoN ~. GroeIn. 'PresslolU!~. decided to present a ~1~OI' "Individual punI9~meDt · for corpo. · ~ , d ~ J) k Ing .~Ddergone the uiu-.l phYllcal . , ,ty repqrt, but, an.!!r consultation ~ltb rate ·offenses. a a'J'ge _, m . .to!'od trac 'Wor~ by . amlnatt~ She had heard .man' ~IS coIleagues, o~nged hi. ·mlnd. and'i "!flle calling of a conitlttiHonal con. :..!,:::oc~;e:~ 'ir:~~~'C:;;'f)Ulh; ato~I~. of ImmJgra:nt girl. belba .old t~. the langua-g~ of tbe lime . rin" v~nUon .to .d ra.f t a Dew 1I1AttH:ODIiUtU' tolc! to '\Valt bftt'e tor - tbelr into white IIla~eJ7 ·on· thttlr amval "IQ ~.w up t.ha _ponge, . J t!OIl." ' .. h..6;" - fU- . J ' •'1' 04 10 lQI'toolc the ..,.




'For Breakfast~


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Is Not Uncommon In Bins and When Elevator Man Can Locate It Many Dollars Can be Saved-How Done.

" ' - - " L L adjectives and IlIa have

three degroes-save one. Seasick and sellRlc~lIeSB are always In the superlative. Even a "llght touch" Is agony to the victim, and to him Is just as bad as tbe wom "ase ever sutrered by mortal. . And yet, In itselt, lIeaslcltDess Is no more dangerous that: II. stubbed toe, snd not nearly as terrible In Its pos. sible effects as a severe bump ot the knee. For the knee Is one ot the mOSt sensitive portions ot the antatomy, while the much-abused, yet patie nt, stomach can stand a lot of bad treatment. Just wnat the percentage of av~rllge travelers Is who succumb to seasickness savants have neglected to figure, but a conservnUve may place Itt at about 90 per :<:ent. So. wben statistical steamIsblp agents tell ':rou tbat probabl1 "'00,000 persons Itravel by boat on ,the Atlanllo and Pacific 0 C e a n s and the great Ilakes each year, IYOU can easU, leompute the num'ber of seasick :sutrere rs at 360,:()OO pers01lS. A'nd seasickness Is no respecter of persons-prince aqd ,I> IL tl per, young Isnd old, man and Iwoman, all alike .utrer trom Its pangll. Even anlmalll Ifeel It. and feel It sorely, while some ;persons nO\'(l, r outgrow It no matter II f < ' ow 0 ten they go to sea. Sailing out o~ port · on regular trips lare more than half a dazen wellknown navigators who "pay tribute to !Neptune," as It Is euphemistically ex;pressed, every time they deep IWater. The attnck does not last long 'With these victims, but It Is doubly consplouous because of their pOSition. As everyone knows, seasickness Ie >caused by the motion of a vessel at ' !eea, uut just how the motion acts on the bodily organism is still an opGn

Apparatu8 for Testing Grain Temperature.

Ursin stored In one largtl bin will cult with one or the thermo-eleotrio lflen heat. A good many dollars would junctions down In the bin. A slight 'e sa\'ed If th e temperature down In current will then flow througb the gal· mtdl) sclutlon Is concentrated, it will ~he grain could be known at any tim e. vanome ter due to the heating of the make' him vomit agatn. while It It Is · fhls has been made possible by lhe junction and will deflect the galvansufficiently diluted he will retain -It. Zeleny tbermometer, ,says PO[1ular ometer mirror so that the scale as you Put him to bed and an hour or so later Electricity. A bout 90 years ago It loolc through the telescope wtll ap· give him another dose. ~Ine times was found that two me tnls, such as pear to move over. The distance out of ten he will drop otr to IIleep and 'Jtsmuth and antimony, If heated while whlcb It moves Indicates the temper· will cwaken W -31l and uunm·" !n contact would gene rat an electro· ature of the junction, as the scale Is By other good authorltlus this treat,. motlvo force and thIs principle, that calibrated to read In temperatures. Silo Corn. ment is said to be good In smooth of the thermo-electrlo pile, Is used In If for the silo the large .-rowing water. but Inetrectlve In stress of this device. litOI'm. when the)' aver, nature must In the Illustration one wiN! of nick- kinds of corn that wtll mature suffitake Its course, and the seasick vlo- el·copper Is run In a conduit for pro- ciently early are to be preferred, as a Ums can only endure In whllt palience tectlon down into a blu represented much greater amount can be grown on they may be able to muster. at the left. At various points taps are an acre, and the process of siloing will The growing custom of Caking sed- taken 011 with copper wlre.- AIl ordl- Ilut the crop In excellent condition for aUves and sleeping powders on shl~ nary galvonometer and scale Is placed feeding; but such are not usually the board cannot be too strongly con- on the wall near a contact board on best for curing to feed dry, as there Is demned. Cocaine, morphine and tlhich the wires terminate. When the a liability of being too much wa.ste. Tbls crop should not be planted too sImilar depressants are contained in lever Is In the position shown, all the th 1..... I most of these elixirs, anti, while er- circuits are open and the scale (S) thickly, but space allowed for all' and e UAur oU,8 bills of fare templin, t U h h d I ltd b their palatell and stomachs to over. ec ve enoug en a n~ n~I ere 1 is moved so that on looking . through sun, and a tail' amount ot ears wtll add 1 d I I od hi B th a regular phys clan, suc ngs are the telescope the scate Is shown by materially to the value of the fodder. n u gence n go t ngs. ut e extremely risky when employed In an reflection from the little mirror In the Plant In rows sufficlenUy far Apart to victim of seasickness cannot eat, and unscientific, haphazard manner. ~Ue .galvanometer. Then the le.ver is admit ot eultlvallon which should be an occasional fast Is a mighty good morphIne may make a porson sleep, moved over to point (1), for lustance, the same as for that grown [or the thing tor the system. Its other effects are often dissipation. Ws places the galvanometer In clr- grain. As far as Is known, no one ever died and In many persons If excites vomitof lIE:aslcknesll, although frequently Ing rather than ai.-tes It. In consethis cause III ascribed In reports of Quence, the prudent voyager win the death ot travelers. In practically steer clear of all "bracerto" lhat can. all such cases, however, some organic taln 1l. disease has been the real cause,. and So, too, are cocaine, chloral ane! not the simple seaslc.k ness Itself. ehlorotorm and simIlar "remedies" For example, a woman last summer open to largely the same objection. was carried ashore from an Atlantic albeit It Is the theory of those who liner. · unconscious and dying, atter recommend them that they deaden the ~uestlon . sutrerlng from sElaslck.ness tor the two , abnormal sensitiveness of the stomAccording to some authorities, the week8 of the voyag. When the end nc h lining and thus stOll the vomiting, 'Violent and unaccustomed movements came, her d eath was ascribed to ex· This may be all very true, but also it . ~f the stomaoh produce gastrIc dIS haustlon, fOllowing mal·de-mer, but tbe Is true that their etrects nr£' not 11m, rturbances. nnd these disturbances truth soon was demonstrllled that she !ted to .t he stomacb. whJlEl, further (Cause vomiting. . By others the theory !:fad been hopelessly III with a beart tllan this, with healthy persons the ~ s advanced that the center ot disturb· malady "'hen sbe had set ~all. , vomiting of seasickness Is by no ancs Is the central nervous system, Some veteran traveler once counted meand alarming. Indeed, severs which becomes demoralized by the one thousand and one alleged reme. "tetchlng' wlthont vomitIng, Is often tl"lLllge Impressions striking the eyes. 41es tor seasickness, but 8S the ,end more palnIul and harmful than th. Tne Implement here tlIuslrated Is a two or three weeks. Consequel!ltly, It Circulation ~n the medulla oblongata was Dot In sight be stopped counting vomitlng, and fully as disagreeable. mechan Ical substitute for a bumble· would take a vast army of bumble· lis Impeded, say stU! othere, with the and roughly guessed that tbere must "Hot water for mine when I'm sea. il'esult that a sort of lStorm CJevelops In be ten thousand and ten. And eacb Is ~Ick," says one man, nnd, "Hot, bee, and Its purpose Is to cross-pol· bees to carry the pollen from every head of clover to some oth er head, (the nerve controlling the stomach. as good as the other-ilr as usel ss. black colfee for mine," says another. lenlze clover. The machine consists of a platform, even In a small field. The pollen can,Finally, others aver that the Imaglna- Stili, each satisfies the patient's wild and th6re you are. Ion Is much to blame, or that the yearning to take Ilomethlng tor It, and A ilst ot all remedl'.ls for seasick. the under side of which Is covered, not be carried by the wind, and tbe :brain itself Is shocked, or that muscu- so eases his mind and contrIbutes ness would fill a large book, and with a myriad ot minute fibrous bumblebees are disappearing, there~ ar fatigue, caused by efforts to main- for lit, and so eases his mand ondsOea would Include all the bromides, ano< fingers arranged like the lJrlstles ot 8 fore, a machine to do the bumblebee's ltaln one's balance. Is the real caUSD In some 'degree to a sort ot faith cure. dynes. narcotics, opiates II.nd anesthet. brush, says Popular Mechanics. The work Is necessary. ()t the trouble. A glass of water given to a nervoull ics, to say nothing of n thousand and end of each fiber 1s covered wltb a Boom In Beet Sugar. On the whole, probably all of these woman relieves her Immensely, If she one other tearsome tWngs. Besides rubber·llke substance to which the Beet sugar factories are now In sue,things help. At all events, It makell Is led to belleve It contains In sol\1· there Is a long list of mechanical da- pollen ot the clover will cling. When driven across a field, the plat· cesst'll operation In 16 states, Colora· >DO dllference to the sufferer, and you tlon some subtle and powerful spe- vices for the prevention or cure of sea,. do, CaUfornla and Mlcblgan being the ,may select ypur own cause when you clfic; slckness.- Some persons \lse tlghC form, or frame, moves up and down, leader.a In the order named. The :next travel on the briny. So, too, with preventive measures; belts and others are addicted to Ica the little fingers reaching down Into largest of the faclorles handles three the heads or the clover. All that Is But the lint lIymptoms are some- they are as numerous as the vain bags on their backs, while another :equlred 01. the operator ot the mao thousand tons of beets per day. They what alarming. <!:lomes a . faint sense Imaginings of man. Some are absurd relies upon "Yet none of chine Is to know when the pollen Is pay the growers $6.36 per ton and the ot giddiness; a creepy, chlll1 teellng and others may really be usefu1. As a these , measures has a sound theory !n the proper state to be carried trom acreage has Increased to eight times d lIght-headedne.s s. Ofttimes a per- general rule, a landsman preparing to back It, and none r"ls been found one blossom to another by the ma- the area of ten years ago. The · busl· 1Iplration breaks out on hands and fore- tor a voyage should prepare by taking, gen'3rally efficacious. ness seems to be prOfitable tor the bead; your seems slnldng- . tor two or three days before sailing, Some_persons are- lWll;Y8 seaslc~ chIne. The clover pollen, unlike that of growers and Improves the market ·aDd tben comes nailsea, lIome mild aperient, preferably one no matter how many voyages ttwy most plants, Is heavy and has a ten· value of farm lands In the neighbor· Regardlels ot the direction of the of the less ardent bitter waters. The make; others have never bean seaslc' dency to adhere to the heart of tbe hood \If the factorIes. The bY'products, wind, the victim . rushf)s to the side sea air has the peoullnr effect ot 1m· and never will be, no matter hoW' The period In which the pulp and molasses, are) ted to stock, In'ot the ship and gives up his last meal. pedlng the Intestinal functions of most stormy the weather. May YO!l be on(1 blossom. pollen can be carried trom one blOB creasing the amount ot catUe kept and .Tears flU his eyes and his tace grows persons, and the aperient serves to ot the latter numoor. som to another lasts not longer than fed In the factory dlstrlc~s. '"RhUe and his whole body becomes counteract this tendencY. cold and clammy. As soon as the first symptom of disSo completely does the thresher man Hanging painfully to a atanchlon, comfort strikes you, retire to your WORDS OF MASTER OF SATIRE take this job olf our hands, that fre· t.lIe sutrerer wots not the passage of cabin and lie down-stretchIng at full que ntly only one man Is left to our time nor cares tor the coming of If)ngth on the couch. Lie on your sIde, George ,Bernard Shaw at His Bht crew to cbeck up the work done, wblle eternIty. He Is paralyzed, overcome with your face to the wall and close In Answer to InvItation of tbe other two are at work on another Frenchme.n. · :by the pangs ot a nameless, unearthly your eyes. If you use any pillow, let part of the farm. terror Then kind hands lay hold it be a fiat one, so that your head I Do", -Three Men and a Boy Operate 'on him and , lead him to his cabin, may not be elevated. Then try to Rodin's Parisian friends gave him. Su=ess{ully J 60-Acre Farm Prevents Potatoes Sprouting. ""here he Ues In moat abject misery sleep , luncheon In recognItion of his pr()o -Finds Ttme to Give Consul General Richard Guentber, at Nelahbor a Lilt. for periods varying frpm 24 hours to Should this treatment eaie you and motion to the rank of grand cross or Frankfort, reports tbat a German pubthe length of the voyage, be It six relieve you, give revel'ent thanks, and the Legion of Honor. O. B. Shaw, lication, the Practical AdvIser In Ji'rult days or sixteen, . .orver,t. 'If however, nausea de·v elohs. whom the French pap rs call merel, ~ .. ... an English humorist, declined an In', (By A HIRED MAN.) Sometimes, howover, nausea d oes preparo yourseU for the '\\"orst of sutThe owner or our farm and another ilalslng and Gardening, s tate!! that a new method for keepi ng potatoes nnd Dot develop, and this kind ot sickness ferln"" and console yourself with the vltaUon to attend, sayfhg he hlm a If I .. was already Rssllred ". f Immortality, man besides myself and a s xteen- pl'eventing sprouting consists In pia· 1s d es~r Ib e d b y It s v Ic tIm S a II even thou"ht that "you are not the only worse than that "tn which one «Ives one.'~ as the encyclopedias ~'1111 hencafo rtll year·old boy as chore boy and mes- clng them on a la ye r of coke. Doct.or up all -wIthin him. As the neuseated catalogue him : "Sha\\·. subject of ~ senger, farm 160 acr s of land and Schiller of Brunswlcll, who hM pub· While the bromides, Chloral, cocaine, bust by Rodin; otherwl'ni unkno"'n." rarm It right too. In the spring we lished the metbod. Is of the opinion lillltrerers say that their torm is' the worse, the question Is still open tor chlorotorm and other drugs are useful Shaw concludes :: "To entertajn put Cour good horses on a riding plow that the Improved ventlliulon by lDeans discussIon. In Ilombating some of tho more ,'10- Rodin seeDls to me to be ra ther pre. or three on the big disk and Iteep of coke Is not alone rcsponslble for the ,At all events, no pRng known to ter· IEm,t symptoms of seaslcltllcss, none sumpluous. It Is as If Adam, after ths them bustling along. We harrow result, but beli ves th at It Is due to . ra ·firma ~Quals In sbeer t,e rror and should be taken without the advice seven days of creation. Ilad orrer ' d Il mostly. with four horses. because In the oxidation of the coke, which, howmisery the despairing, lost sensatlon ot tho ship's surgeon. · Vuriou8 wines snulTbox to the Alml"!lf_ with the reo this way one man and the team can ever, Is a ve ry s low one. oke always ot tlie seasick. First, say those who and liquors also ar~ r ecommended · by m~rk: 'My congrntult:1l1n s ! It's quIte cover ne arly a!l much ground as two contains §ulpbur, and It Is ve ry possl· 'Iroow whereof tbey sllenk, the victim certnln authorilles, but to b elTecUye nic Iy done: Persor.lik~ I do not dare, men and, two t eams. We hitch two ble that tile minute quantities of oxid es hal'bors a horrIble fear that he Is go- they must be taken in large · quanti· but I tru~t Rotlln will t:\)O~lve yuu. He horses to· tho drill nnd always use R of cal'bon and s ulphur, which resllJt Ing ,to' die. In the next stage he he· ties. An\l the relief t il only ' tempor- already. has much to fo{;;lve hl 3 couu. two·hor e' rIding 'c ultivator for the ( I'ort) lhe oxldalion, mixing with the comes I\pathetic and ' doesn't care a ary, · the patient becomlu!!' glorIously try. DO he must be !H:\I~'stomed to it corn. . alt· and pe netrating aOlong t he pota· . When hayIng tilne comes we 11se loes, are sum lent greatly to retard plcaYllnf! whether 11e dies or no~; In drunlc ond sleeping orr his " bun," only bY"now:.' , the third st\lge 1.1e hopes that be .wlll .t o wnk,e up to r.enewcd I!iness :attd a hay load I' and Illlide delivery rake sprouting. Potatoes so tr atod are dIe, and praYB for SUrCeaS.8 f:om sut- ·nausea ·.. ,1 , • aud the hay !oi'k ·,,,ltb the horse .on Il3ld to keep In good 'oondlllon until . , ' . ' In 'some cases~ howev!!r, 'c hampague "H w~at he . W'sh~d to Know. tM end .. of the rope makes the job tbe f?lIowlrig -July. fering. "PI~ase thro~ me overbpard." Is thE! is really effectivG In~lievhlg· vIolent ere s ap article 1.11 thls magazl.p& c:omp,.l'atlvely easy. . --..:.~---plea frequently ,,urged upon' sea cap- nausea ·the effect being due t.o Ita car: entitled: 'How to Meet Trouble,' .. lIald SOll,etlmes we help out a tlelghbor Ingredients of Best Fertilizers. y talns by unhappy ' sufferers, aDd at the bonlo. ~jl\(l ,gas. ,and , pr~cUca1I,. ' the Mrs ...Wedderl . "Sl1/111 I read I, t?, IUld he ' gives us a 11U later. I notIce The hlgbest agricultural value In tim", .t.hey really mean it. . same result may be , oQtained by the ~o,~? , 1' . • • ' that the b08~ always takes care of fertilizers is found 1)1 those that are . No. tha.?,k you, replied his wlr(}S . his own oay aud .graln first befo~e manufactured mainly from animal . Flnal1r,·.th'e Victim fears t!iat he 19111 ,u~!! of. soda water. . ". not die, and longs for IItrenrth to enBelt 'ot all. lIa~ som!! E~I'~eons ot husband. How to ~Odge ,trollble Is be wOl'ks aut any trade. Son\ebow. · mattor, such . as animal i)one, dried able him teo ' rullh' ~ the _Ide and hurl v.ll!/t expertence, ,is' the- ~lau' l1t permit- the of Infor.m~on [~ tookln& ' he leems ,to be alwaYB a IIttJe ahead blood, ·a nlmal tankag , nitrate of Boda . himself Int(1 the depth lelia ocean. ting 1he initial vomiting to cuntinue. ",for. . of our neighbors so. that thfs nrranse· p.nd hlgh'r;rade potash sa:1~s. Far trom belnK , a dangerou_ ftf!lle"U,,, e the patient wone 1n liIs' mlll- '. ment works well. Our grain Is al· To Pl'event Gape ..· tton, howevtrJ lea.fclmes_ 111 beneficial err, (or & couple !)t 'heura," said one AvoidIng- Attention. wafs IItacked, although some of ollr Gapes have beau prevented and JD malll fCales, a~d a JarKa maJority. veteraD to the wrUer. '1)y that UlDe ''You look _""eet enough to klslI.Qel~hbors thr~sh rJghl out of the ·field. of tra,,6lerli are Improved I~ health.. hla iltomo,ch' wUI be emJ)ty. TIleD live "Well, bbre .. a rail"..y .tatlon.This saves -time. lIut our boss seemll .cured by using 011 Gt sassafras. Placo rather than llarme~,· " the Cl011lPlete a gflblet of warm watel', whlcb "What's that lOt to do wltb It?" to .thlu· that .wheat 'that lues throUCh 8 few drops In the food for preV&DtlOQ, .... del total abatlneDCe It 'WID at. once be After that "Stupid! We'll go ' In there. alld a ''Neat In tbe stuok k'Aeps better in aDd for a cure drop dOWD the windpipe . wlao DeVer JaaIf of 'bromlde,or wilen a \rain llODla to I .11 I'1IlIb UPJ ·,torace. Our thresblllg I, done by a 'WIth a med1c:al dropper Put It OD the nnc& UDder tile 1qa ·for lice; .ft1!fA11Y • qou_ to , . 0' orq.. ..,.eJr IPto. 70UI lUau ItJl 111. ·JI1t\c!JIn. &lid ...... '-"'~:;~ lt Gt . '








w . i






Writer Has Recorded Ten. of Which! Most of Us Assuredly Have Our Share. Some of UEI may be glad to be t()ld! th a L tbe re a re onl y 10 li fo 011 tak!!EI_ for there see m tl> l> Sl) ruany mo re. but. a re ' nt write r h as cat a lugued! ttl m. P rllaps these are only the l() lealli ng ooes from wh Ich the smaller errors arise. L et'll look over tb list autl 5 e how lIlaoy of th Ul al'o ou rs :' FI rst, to Bot up our OWII stnndard at ri ght and wrong a~d judge people BCCO I'dl ngly ; se ond, to mous ure t b e enjoyment of oth rs by our own; thIrd . to eX[1ect uniformity of opinIon In this world; fourth, to look fol' judgm e nt and flxperlence In yonth; !Hlh, ·to cndeavor to mold all dl s poaltl ons allku ;· s lxtb, to look tor perfectl tm lu ou r own actions; s e venth, to worry our· selves and others with wbat can not be remedied; eighth, to refuse to yl Id In Immaterial matters; nlntb, to reruse to a lle viate, so far as It li es In oll r power, all which needs alleviatlon ; ten b, to refuse to make allowance For the Infirmities of others.

SKIN TROUBLES A Healing Ointment With a Wide Range of Usefulness . A lelte r from Mrs. I. E . Camerol4 Grnduate Nurse, Augusta, Me., says: , "I must write nnd tell you the good Reslnol Ointment has done. I applledl (t to an ulcerated leg of alx months·: etandlng. Almost everything had beca' tried to heal It. Reslnol WD.s appll9~ twice a day for tour weeks, and the ul. cers are entirely healed. It Is noW" sLx months since the treatment and nC) Indication of a return of the trouble. I have used Reslnol for eruptions 011 chlldren'a faces, and tor everythine that seemed to need an ointment, with. satisfactory results in every case." Mrs. F. Cox, Chicago, Ill.. sa.ys fJa, another letter: "I cannot spea.k too highly of Reslnol Ointment and Soap_ They cured my baby boy ot Eczema. He had a very severe case. Numerous other remedies had been tried and failed to do any good. I would not be without them In the house. " The ant appUcatioa wilt rell., .... tile Itcblulr aad IrrUaUua la .kla die.,...,.. ftJId _top tbe pain la bul'II. or aeahl... CbnftDIr. Saaba.... PolaoD 1V7' _pUo. . a .. " of leD cared bT _ overallrllt a . . plleatloa, nulnol OIDt_nt, ne.laol 80ap aaa n .. alnol Medleatl!c1 ShaviJllr Stick are aold at an n .... 1r Sto...,.. Aak for bookl.,t OD care of tl•., 8kl. Ilael C.omplt".loll. 0 ...... el atamp to . . 10.. ..ampl" .. ad bookl ..~. ~al." Cbealcal Co" naltlmore, MeL


....\!: ne-Let me have the gas office, please. Operator--Certalnly. But you know we don't allow any swearing over our lines. -


"In Dowlals, South Wales, about flf. teen years ago, families were stricken wholesale by a disease known Q.8; the itch. Believe me, It Is the most terrible dIsease of Its klnd that I Icnow or, as It Itches all through your body and makes Y04r life an inferno. Sleep Is out of the question and you teel as If a million mosquitoes were attacking you at the same time. [ knew a dozen families that were so atrected. "The doctors did their best, but their remedIes were of no avail whatever. Then the families trIed a druggist who was noted far and wide tor his re marlcable cures. People cam& to him from all parts ot tbe cOlin try for treatment, but his medIcine made matters still worse, as a last resort they were advised by 11 fl'l end to use the Cutlcura Remedies. I am glad to t ell yoU tbat after a few days' tl'eatment with Cutlcura Soap, OIntment nnd Resolvent. the etIec: was wonderful and the result was a perfect cure in nil cases. "I may add that my three brothers, three sisters. myself and all our famili es have b en users of the Cuticura Rem diel! ' for ftfteen years. Thomas Hugh. 1650 West Huron St., Chicago. ,I ll.,' June ' 29, 1909." Silenced the Critic. hlll'les SUIllO I' , when in Loudon. gav a ready· re ply. At a dinn er! n in hIs houol', he spolte of "the :Isb es" or some dead hero. "Ashes! · ~, hat AmerIcan ' Elng a8 ~!" rudely brolte In an Eugllsb,U1an; "dust you · m'elln, Mr. Sum.u el'. , We don't burn our dead In tbls f!(Juntry." "Yet," In!ltantly replied Sumner, wIth . a courte'Ous smile. "your poet Gray teUa liS that: 'Eyeb In our ashes live tb,elr ,vonted firC}~. " 'rhe Amertcan was not ~ rltlclled aga~n tha! eveniq. Inltlall. "Wbat 1U1.. Mr. Wlle'll Inl&ll'" "Oan't sa1. He baa ))een ~q lDany coUeled~ tbat. 1lO~ k,.p I_II: at "em."



MiAM FJoronol' r.. lI.o], is visltinK her Fmok Cook Mit:lt\ Nutt·ie Curtis l:I wo rking tor '1'11 infltnt dllughte1' of M,·. llnd MI'll E ll/l Rye . Mnl . 1)1I1 ~ wus buri ell I'lst wuok . MrR . A d,~ Dakin lind MrR Momo . ' ~~ I'/\nk ~b pbnr,l . wite lind dl\ti~ h t,el', o f omn , Olin F x. of D,lyt II , Mllrtin wer e cu.lliog on rtlilltlve8 i n anll Mr .' nnil Mr!l. PhiJi\).Bnwktl Mt. HuHy 'ullIlllY uftel·noOIl . worn HnndllY gu lih;'of Mr. I\O~ Mrs Ii:. M . Uo psry . WILL SI-IOW HORSE !\lUI Olive Anllhee ral nrnell !4' 1t.. 1l l'l1uy ft'\l Il1IAuti o 'll wher !\he Ill ;; TE'nell Mary started for Xenia b e ll 'IU uudill g ~0 1 1\.I 1l 1 Mond ay with hi horse, " Black .'11'. Ar II 'o pll-l y W ilt> ll il thu iole C:YUl:i ," whure he wi ll place it' in the IL t 1n t wuul . s hl'w ring . He is ho p ing h e will Mr . null MfR. H . B r,;'lg le, of 011)' · tnn , wor e /.: I1 US t.1-I u vor ounullY o f 1\1 f . com hume wilh the dbbon. Spri~g

New Burlington . . , BOYS' STRAIGHT PANTS SUl1~S 4 to 16 years, $0 and $6 . valu ~, reduced to

RS. Kingsbury's






:'ln ~i


- --_. - ...----

Commenced Saturday, July 30, Closes August 15.



~ '/. l



./ f



It pays us to do this, and

certainly pays you.

Read the reductions -arcfully, as

we mean w hat ~ wc

say, a nd ca n SAVE YOU MONEY.



----- ..




Twice a yea r we "clean hou se' g iving our cu. tomcrs values regardless of profit a nd cost.

---- ------



stHt r, Mr

11' nou hJr!1. Jus. l' t n oD Jr . hI' pur lit· of /l l' 1I0U. I'll Infa n t, Ron i'f Bell ie i blDt-l011 'Votllo ry d l d o n ''';Itt,llrlli y twet Willi hu r ied n I:l nnu ny 'lft Ortll)on . . l\iiAIl B ril l Btl Wk ln tl b,\" li S J{ IH1i1tll, Mi!ll:leA ' In ti 'llndllrA, 1 nt,h 13ll1lr unel H,' ze\ Bu slley, of WilmlU g · tu n A I v b Bhlir Np U t. Curep H·t nf i Illlit WlIl'lt UL .·lll nIIY, T l'oy .lI l1llfi ndI lu.\' . I ~ln; . H ntu or j!un b u~ 1.J en vur y , ,;ick t he !lil,.;t wtJf\k . ~lIs~ MIL,." C.1mptllll, I f I lay t o n is Il n J Mrtl . H,IY 1:11 1;10. th " guotlt (11' n'l tivl H b ore. .11-lf;lIoruith 111'(1 wifo sp ut! ~Ull. tUSEY- WILLlAMSON R E UNION 1 \'~ . H n . · \ hi tll kll r rl' t'OTl 'l'rl <l'L Y \\' 1I·h JI1 ~ pllrontR The His y- Williamsun family reun· Th nr~(l nv f )'1I1II f\ Vi lli t wi th h oI' I fl r'£'lt 0 111I1 S Milirll oton un 1 wifn w(lrn ion will meel at t he residence of J . (, li t .. iu l\\' :('hu lli ()S tHl r ~ . ~ ll l's t .. . l::I ll ulillY uf h o I' 1lI0thOI III W. Hisey . 2 ;-~ mi les sou th east of ~:L1 B !,;tllI .11.1 11 fa lll ily v l,,!te d wHit ~" r1n ~ fwltl.. t hl for lll t'l"" ,. I!lt(· r IIUu l' CI,trk,.vI ll o !lli~ .~ 1l 1l1l. Aun UE'fl vil' itAd III X oni ll Waynesville , on Thursday, August ~lI tl1rd u 'y nUll t-'nnrlll .V. III R. \\' t\nk Hilh . All relatives are most cordial· Tho W 01l\\Jn '" :\1 1~f:lio u/lr y HO(l iot.y Mr,.. I~ n gt\ n ll Kout, nnll Ro n , Ilt Iy inviled to be presen t. t)f tho Friond" (' 11 )J'(' II III t. 'l t, r·11I 131: l1 u \' ml, '.'rtJfl l' o n l tin '~ ,.e v11l'11I wtl(Jk,. --It OIll O of Mrs A . U . H nrl ll ll (I ll ~lI t - wlI b fl·lutlvol:.' . DISLOCATED SHOULDER Hu htJ.I·t. MuG I' . \\. WIl "; II U,lyt,llll vis- . o r eillY · I';rnpst Huwk !u,. HIlll fll m ily ul Ilr ll' . )v tl r . ·l1u(IIIY Mr . I. E. K ey ' had the misfortun Bndgr pnrt, 111.1 , ilru 1/111 sts III' n ' I,, ~1i ,.s A d !! BI,,.; tllll lIu II Illdy friflml. to fall S unday agains t a g r ate a ~ his ti vl'R h f1f(' Il C DIl,Yto n . !l UOllt ~ llodlly With 111., 1' home , dislocating his l:ihoulder. It FIt)I' , nud \ V l l1 11l 1l1 Hlll lllu Il l'(' pilI' III >! • ~ A I)t\ l.I d lU ~ llJ( wl·pl, In Du y tol1 . I nt Mllso n 's llI toA of t.h n lt~ri f\ nc1l1 will be some a t ime before he will be 1\11'" 1\ I,rl' G n ~t. iu. of X e ll ill . i" lit ~ u l llln. v ' hfl'l l WIll hold u I,Hvn fete able to g et around a&,ain . till' h llllltl lOt' Itl' I' :<I~to r . MI'~ Bu . . I 111 L ·w \\' lll tlU u · r ~ ·H ynrtl Angnst I 13 I1 t ley :.lut h SEA RS REUNION I\II'A Ii r t .Bost n IIUll ch ildl·eu. of 1\1 111 1111 ll'lIlI'I P r1:t1 !l Ie lill g W ill UP The an nual ears reunion w ill be , Ill' lll tit t·IHI. II I" S Urpuk m eetill g h t) u ~1' Illtl hlllll u,lts, IIru Vl !1 1Llll~ l'elntiv ub . O il on tu ru u.\' IIJI( I ~Ul IlI IlY. 'l'h lj 0 111 · l1 e l H . held Salurday. A ugust Lhe 13th in ~ U1i ltlll'l 0 11 III I'll 11 "l:!l.UlJll t l! Xp E'Clt- 1<' ru 1\.' I A~e l HollILDd, w ife Imll ullby the GeorgI:! S ars gt'ove 2 miles south 111 ,)IIt HII 11 Frunk Mil II .., .. Lo lJe IJr e~ l:m t n~ g II , to'! of l'e ltlti ves ht're . list of Centerville. l' IlIl ~ . Crlll lind f"wily m oved Inll t --W Ql' " into the V. M on propt'rt.v ou Bellbrook AT RED BRICK CHURCH M uno ll :-\r.. Re v. Levi MiIlR, of Wilmington. l~llil l I ~ IlI r~n rn wu Iltt n n <1l~ rl tu e s u pe rintenuent of evange list ic work, f uu e rll l of !ll r... Nun oy PI' 1l0 wit Oregonia. 111M. 'I' unr!Hl ny uf te rn oo l1 . will preach at the Red Brick chu rch \ Jr . IHlll .In. N~) t\' t n ~ lI p i'hprd . MillS E va. '1\ rwoOll, of Woster Sunday. Everybody is cordially in· ·I·of I)"yl."" .•11'1' vl"il iug Mr:l 1 . hili'll VIII .· . p 1.1 Il we k. eml vlt;it. to r illa ' vited. L'nn.!"n , H OI til n f t.. ) \Vn t l V I S l.1l'l:e . Orl n'y P('t t' r;;t)n l1 1\ d wlf II ntl ~ 1) 11 .1 K . t-i pen otl r will r t urn lhll:l ~~=~,~,~~=~~~===~ nhY ut t l' lJ( h 'll tlltl it lltt·. !:' It 1' '; ' D WI:" k fl'lll ll IU) tlxte uued trip Lhroll'gh DR. J. W. MILLER, W u dllln ~ III UIl.Y tn n IU:lt 'L 'h n l' d llY A III OIlIl I U' U\'O I\l 11 I: ill l' 1 11 11 Mrs. :tt 01" W lll ktJ r Ilrt' ... DENTIST .•• A ],ll'ge or.l wd Iltten(lod 'tl 001 (11 \,1 ~" I IIh' II.! '1r to n Ill,rl hiS flUlilly given 111 tilt' 'l' W I1 U I~ll lo s t I:\utllr- hl'll' POI 0 nhlg. W Ilyncsv illc, 0 • <Iny fwe ll i . hy \.111'1 M. P . llUruh t 'h ', rl e ~ 'P U( leOl' nnd (llmi Iy, of o\' I' 'r"..~ Urns. Storo Mi £lS Luni:! Colliu s, 0 1 n UI Xenill , HII I'\' o ' H h ur ~, :<JlPnt ~ undu, v with baf brtlu vi81 Mng h er g rnnd po r ent!', hlr .11111 Mrs. \VI II R rN .'Y . J Jim 'l 'llteltnu fumily for /I f \II dn y h . nd l\1 rll Frmi B. h a r WOOd M rs . O'lll Jones Bod uu.llghter, unci tw o ohillir. u , of Wllyn s vllle, MJr in rn. of uetl.r Alpho, .He vh,it.ln > 111111 ~'i IN Anuu. :::lh e t·wo d, lit B'llti. h e r pllrunt s, Mr . nnd Mr ....J lin K il IIl ore. M. ,rlJle nt l<'ri<l tlY wlt,1t Mr!l bl ",. ~ UI ' 11 r wood und ollildron,' Mis~ LIl.M t t B Mil ls /lod s i ttl r Zl i n A[,lUl~I1' ptJut ~ lln duy With (OsteopathiC Physician) N .. onie bp 11 ~ III t ~nlld [ty ill Ouy tUlI. \\ 111 M. OIlI'Y Qnit.e It III1'ge cro wd o f y ouo" Mi:;s LUCI le MIIl!on has r tur ued Ptl pI ~lTton tled a 'llrpl'\Q on Mis t; I r'In1'L Vl flll .. ·.nt vi"it. With frien 'IS at Tuesday and Friday Be rth 11 P llrdum lu s t Fridu.y evening KingH MIlk Of Each Week MrR Frnok HUl't 0 k . of ne'lr MI's U. A. ~peuo tJ r lind c hlldre n ,1 WIlYo vill p, Visi ted 11 r mother. of Lehu noll, poot SlJ ndu.y witb Mrs. Mr~ . P ellper In:lt ~ atu\'dl~y. ,T. K :Speuc r unll dougbtonl The Office at tllet Gustin House Mrs Mul r of Duy ton, I tl) e Mi!iMeMHuz 1 nntl Pn ullne hn,Vfl r gU f}s t, of h e[' is ter , Mr . Cblls turned t o tllelr homo utter Ii brief vi.!f. wl \ h tb ir OO ll ID S here. --¥i-f-.l.L.1J' gil . '] h e r ef'(U I'll' prellobing ervices Hours of Appointment, 8 a. m. Mr 110ll MI·t\ Geor g Eu rnbllrt to 12 m. vi lla d h l' l!:l tu r)) II I' Uo u corviiJ wi ll be bl'lil fit the U . B ohu!'ch u·x t . ·uodIl Y Ulol'l:I1ngn tlO:80. 'I'h l' .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: lu t U Ut111Y . Mr . 1I 11l1 Mrs. F rit? 2tlrth ILJ1U t ll wo fl h p "unrl'lv 'oh un J convent.1 n .... ill · b b ehllli. Unio n n ext !:i uodliY ull ul< bte r , of Alph .LulllJ ed Oll nfte r n u,)n. R y nn nnu fUlIlily lus t !:; undny 1\1 rA. Haunr Elol1ingAwt>rt II , nnd i ll~. 'llilllt'f'1l h 'lve bee o the «uet;ttl of ............... - .................... ~ MrA WlIl No rton. Ads will lie In ~ 'n",1 unllor ~hl N hetHI l ur Harveysburg. twcu ly · llv · cen l. for ~hrce IU"J rtl·.n~. · Mr. Rnd I'll Oeol'glJ Suckar h rwe \\'hun UHI III; n ul muru lIH\U Ih'c Un · H. movHu iuto t il e h OUMli vuoltted by . (I' mnk Howe lind fumily will uur· io g t ha 111 utI! o f ::ipptembe r mov Mr . nnd MrA Fro.nk Cleaver . FOR RENT to CnlifOl'l1iu '1'11ey wil l bo lllll;!tled I,p ' a


Vll Iu

n·d ll c d ' t,



- --.- ...


CHOICE of all our finest su its, Spring anu medium wcigh~, Hirsh, Wickwire, L System and Hackett·Carhart hnes,

M~~k.J;!:n$~~i:~~~~~.~.~~'.. .... ............. $18.50


CHOICE of all our Hand-Tailored Suits, same make as above, new Tans, Serges, Grays, etc" $18.. $20, $22 and $25 values, Mark-Down PrI ce ...... •

$14 75

! .

CHOICE of all our $12, $14 and $16 Sui , a v ry large assortment in this range. now offered in this great Mark·down Sale at ... ..... · ... .... .. ... •

$9 75

,A SMALL LOT of Fancy Suits in s mall sizes only $10 and $12 values, now marked down to .... ..



, \

!.. ~ ......... ...... . :::::::.=. ::~.::.' ~:=~:::.::s:s.J ,




C ,.. ,,;:.AO O

Ages, 4·to 18

Boys' Bloomer Suits

The Best



All Boys' Bloomer Suits, formerly sold at $9. $10, and $12, now in Mark·Down Sale at ........ ..... . ...

$6 .a nd $7 Bloomer Suits ,

Mark-Down Price.. .... .... .. ... ..... .

$6• 98 $4• 75

An $4 and $4.50 Bloomer Suits

Marked down to .. .. ......... .. ... . ..


$2.50 and $3.00 Bloomer Suits Now ........ .. ................... .... .. .. .


$6, $7 t $8 grades, new ...... $4.98 ~

ana ~.50 grades, now·· · $2.50 and $8 grades. now· .. $1.40 and $1.75 grades now

2.50 1.98


Boys' Wash Pants Strailrht Style

60c values, now ...... : .... ....... 25c 25c values, now ... ......... ..... . 15c


. $1.50 and $2 grades, now ... $1.24 $1.25 and $1 grades, now .. · 8ge 76c grades, now .. · .... · .. ...... 64c 45c 60c and 50c grades, nO·N...

Fancy Shirts $8 and $2.50. values , now .. · $1.98 $1 .50, $L65 and $2 values .. 139 Wilson Bros. Fancy Shiru . $1 and '$1.50 valu es. now·.... 8ge A lot of Fancy and White Negligee Shir , $1. $1.25 and $1 50 r.-rades, now ·.... 69c 75c and 50c Famous Shirts .. . 45e

. . . . . . . . -.. - . . . . . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men's Underwear ~~~~: ..........


All $3.00 a nd $4.00 Hats now · .... · .. · .. · .... .. ....... ..


$1.00 and $1.25 Union Suits, now ........ .. ·.


All 60c U nderwear, now ... . ..

All 25c Under· wear, now .. · .. ·

All $2.00 and ·$2.~O Hats now .............. .. ....... . ..


All $1.00 and $1.25 Hats now ...... .... ........... .. .. ..

45c 19c

All 50c and 7Sc Hats now· ...... · .. · .. .... · ..... . ..

$1.48 89c

A1I25c Underwear now .................. .. . .. ....... . ..

fr o m \1 . Mr . 1m H u rt ~o ck und Mist! DUlsy L e vioy we re qni et)y llllrried Ilt tho brid 's hOlll " Thur!l(lay I1t 3 p . m Man y o[ t hei r 'n ell d wore lJr eut li n d wi t ne fled the eon ruooy . T hey le ft un tlHI 5 :1\6 t·rai n for Dn.yton . th eir fut-ur o b om e 'ril ey hH ve ttls b otl t wish !] o f I Ilis oornm aui tv. Dr , J am ~ Wurd trunsnoted bUSI n ill' 11 r ~l1r~ llu y . Jnmes ohulllu h:er lmd two 80 [1 8 • tl.utoou to l),l y tuU Wed nesdllY m orn. . ing Ilnd bac k h (l ru e for dion er. Howllru ~O Ar tl h.LUd le£l }II!.! Ford anto with ' I gr eu.t .leu I of sk ill. DtlVld Uomptoo, fo rm orly of this pl noe, out now DC Wilulingtou. span t Htwel'lll dn.Vs h ore IIrnoag old no· q Illl in tunoelS. M r. Wlll'1'eu vllntl'OS", uf Clifton, 's iu thl!i "oct.!cu doing 0 lIi~e bus i. nes!', U ' v c.te rillul'v d eo t,itlt. Be it! ./I II. gTilctullte of hi 'h hooorl:l, i!l well quu.l,fitltl to nt.t nrl a ll Cil II (I thll.t l11l1 Y us en t· rull ter! to hho . 'rho old Oyler hl'ln&st erl(\ of lj1t1st Mo il) treet·. la t ely pur 'bu sed h.v E . B Valdu i lJP.in14 t"ken down uy I,be E .1 . Cumpbell WreCki ng Co, nnd It III~ W m ode rn .h olls e WIll b e erect· d li t onOtl in Its pll,lce . R ev . B(' l1j . Hawkin!l fill ed the pul p it [l~ t,lI l' l'iends ohuroh b ere ~uo.

Fancy Hosiery

$2.98 $1.98

--76 and SOc values now ....... .. · .. ..



39c 19c

35c a nd 25c values now ..... . .... .. · ..


lSc Hose now .. ...... · ....


10c' HandkerchiefR now· .. · .... · .....



Xenia, Ohio

""_II!I_".!, IIII_"."___...____ ..

__" ________


Corwin. Mr. Alioe flY II od Mi s lj Be nri tt , lind M rs . I N Ih.rris .mrl ohiltll'en were In Uincinn II Intlt, t:)llt· urdu y . . Mr IInrl Mrtl. Will Philips IIml little grlllldd"ughtnr s pant ound,\y with Mr . Lydlu Gordon . Mrt" . 'Iultb nod fumily. of near Lytl e, Ptlllt o undny with h er dBUgb ter , Mrs. fiee llthol'ne Mt·s. 1. N. H'lll'itl, of Du.ytoD, s).IfJ n t thewe~k end wit.h h er m other lind IHer Miss Almu. W ILtol'bollSe pent last wel:lk with Mr. ·Ed . EUWlIl'ds lind flllllily . M r . nnd Mrs. Will Riel!, of Pekin, visit' cl the latter's parents . Mr. and Mrll . •Ia mes Morglt n . Mr8 Peut;e of Dayton, I u g n e~t ef lUlr s un, Mr . ~ eorve Pellllo nod

ranG pasture tor FJ R11 REN 'r -ofWlIlbbeep Inquire of nUOlb ~ r

.1. P. CumulIng .•, Phoue No aBO x, Leuauu~, hw. . FOR SALE GO Ilcrelil. 3 miles I3E of F ARM-Of Uente1'vllle, on tipring VIlUey

l:'ike, J{ood hOlltle, b l.u n IlDd oULbulld lug3. All luna tilluble. For Informa. l10n Wl'l te 01' culJ 00 Mrs . Roof,. I::lelirl!, H . D . 1, Wuynllllville, O.



or tradelilo&t¥ !lDd Llv.. FOR'dry.SALEB!l.rflBin It sold H. SOOD.

liostln, WayneSVille, Obio.

=============== FOUND

--------------auN D-'l'wo blnok !tows. OWIlf:lll rlnn , of Ind , /lnd tlr elm hu VfI IItllUe by proving Mr. G . MuNe il of KhA'IDIID, visited lJrol.lerty . Inquire or Berl dnydftt, tIt t il e h ome of Mn N tlomi 8I\T\lm l{. U. 2, OregoDili. se vern I d,\ys l'ISt weak. fam il y . .MI'. Geo r g~


.. - .. ---



Spring Branch

M r . and MfS . Newton Smith ell - WEkiTERN MA RE, ·d"rk brown, terttlined I \ t ~l1n dl\Y dinner Elder whIt., tuoa. G old, tip. G orlle A Bre tz und wife, .Ionu.thl\n anu both OIlfll "ff; hrand on rlght 8mith t\nu wi !e,Aunt Reheoof\ Boblit !I IlI/uIl.ler . Ftudl:lr will telephoou ldll McAclum!i. A\1ee Uha noweth lmd Wm Furlotlg, R ed Lion. ' SuitlbJe Bel'thn Rmith . . . rewurl.l offered . Mrs . .,J H Chenweh 1I1.l(1 cl.\ughter~ Berthll aod Frllo c6s I\od SO D, Jaco.b HELP WANTED IIpe nt last W duesdllY wIth h er broth er, TllOml\R Ll\ey and Jamlly . Mr. ll.od Mrs . Fr'o nk Dakin a r e ell~ ihtolll ~e ~t )1er son ' niay el\1'o f:ertal[)tn~ their c o usio~, Mr . Ilnd '.100 . mllntll lY . correspondiog Mrs': Frarik M(lI~ tin' frum Dl\yton. tor .1II1WSpaPtl t li.l· ~o OlinvallMlng. Veterinarian Misses AliQ6 Ohonoweth and end for pl\rt.loulurll: PreAS ' Syodl-. : Has opened,: an office 'in' Berthu. 'Smith entertained EilIer Geo. 0"00, B 5721, l...ockport, N . 'Y. . . Waynesville .for practice. A. Bretz and wH'e Bundl\Y nl gb.t "T reats all diseases of doSeveru l fr om tb,ia vicinity I\ttend. m estic animals. I am not ed t b e funeral of one of our oldest BllSINE$S so common as you might nlomb"rs of Mlrtdle Run churCh. .I. • ·imagine. I have been in aunt Nabcy Plmn6wit, of aellbrook . .-----~........:..-~---,.....'p ractice ' fo r 20 years. Ber' dear old face ~ill be lllis8ed In ANYONE,. anywhere, caD Itu' Calls promptly attended our church.. It. mllU order buslneu at hom~. to day or night. Mrs. Ada Daktn entertatned Mrl, No cliova8Blal. Be your o . boll• Phone·No. 113. .1 MiDnle Marl"tt and daugMer, ,L ena ':JeDd for free booklet TeJIe how. . . . ._____.......... of Mt. Bolly. . '. Beaoook, A 6820, Lookpon, N •. Y.

Dr. M. Schumaker

Closes August 15th.


day . Mi !'< s Uertrode MeReynolds, of Ued a rvill l\ li fter sev el'n l w.eektl vi"it ul11 0ng fri 11Illl h ore ret urned to her llollle~at, nrtlf1Y .

REMEMBER, Sale Begun Saturday, July 30th, , and

Olassifled Ads

- - -__ 4.- - --


$i.50 and $2.00 Union



$:i.00 grades, now ·.. .. ..... .. $1.98 $2.00 gradeR . now ... · ....... . 1.48 $1.50 g rades, now .. .... .. .. .. 1.24 $1.00 grades, now .. ....... .. . 9c

STRAW HATS ~no~~~~~~ .:....... .... .. .... ..


Boys, IWash Suits

All $5.00 and $6.00 Hats, Panamas $2.50 and $3 Union





AND WAYNESVILl.e NM'VIL :-, 1 ~1\ . 1 ' 1I 1:_ 1

Y~AI, .

WAY.Nli:t:i' IlLLE, UI:IIO,

.-: ....Social Events .... .--.._---. l ~--

. - ..... _--- --


-_.......... .,

WEV:t\EI::)DAY A ' UU ' , 17, 1!llO.


T,-p;;;~lii~~ti~;H~~~;d-Th~~-T, +---------. ----+------:-------+ X


'I~FAIR I'("a~on


~tJ li :l

il +l--A-b--t--P---I-i eop e t

h 'ld at OU low ing re. oluli ons u\lon th ' dea th of 'niu las l \\. 'l'k . waH t he lat'g't';;L a t· - - - - - - - - - - - . MI':i. J . W . Wh iLe \ ' ;LC; in Dayton :'Ili"s l\ a flH'r in(' Al exallu e l' wa~ in\lendt'd ill (h hi;;to ry llf tha t l'IJUnt'\" j 1-'1' 'II Wh it has been 111 \)aylor. I\hs , AllIIn O'Neall alld dnll g ht e r . Mi!'ls Stella Whit £> al he r la te hnm(>: Wh el'cas , Olll' Heave nly Fathe l' haR M( ndu,\'. i Cinci nna li 'l'u\;,SU:1v. On T hlll'sday Lh E'l'e ",e n' oV('1' ~:.1 . ( Jt )1I 1'0 1' a rou pl of days . 1\1is.., MaI'IIHI. wel't! g' lIP 'l-; (11 MI' :1I1d ' p aid ad ll1i "si oll ~, maldll j.!" it tlw - I cal l1'd f rom ou r unday School c)a s~ , M I'S. W, J.::. O' t"al l at .l in n 'I' ~1I1\{lay . Ollr friend ard co·worke r , or,e who Mr. Cliff HUl'll e ll W W\ In Le ban on Il a\\,IH" s g'l'occr), has a lot "I' !lI d nl' t· day. U U)'J1 Thu rsday , Au);us t 11th, to always look a g reat interes t in t.he Sut un lay ('ve ni ng' . wh eat 1Ioli l. Try it. '1'111' g'l'I.Il IU\:': \\' ,,1'(' flilly II ·(·Upil·d . I ~ lr. alld MI'H, Will lIay . a S (J Il A ft 'I' t pn days of pi ' ;!;; Ilre the wel fa re of the Alpha Delta ' Ius . l'\ (, I'Y L\\·aila l.>k S PUCl.· b ·ing- take-t 1'''1' I ' . . ll1 t' lllbNS uf t he Busch camp came he lpi ng in every way to bu il d it up. Mr. Albe rl Smi t h, of \Jayton , \V ,L", I I,;. E . Ebri g-lit. uf Fl'anklili . \Va ex hir.i L~ . whi ch W e l'C all "f the be;; L Alfred and 1',lll oU Wri g ht SPPrl'.: hOllie ~alll l'llay. 1'11\'Y had a Ihe tim e to ~ id us in r eaching out anu lo uch- in lown T uesday . Ia visiltll' he l' Tu eRday (~ uitp a 1l1ll11Uel' all t.: nd d [ro 111 ' ' I \JI~sda.\' at th e horne of I'~uwip ChaninK t he li ves of yo ung girl s . to make \ I L f' L I I t I Wa.v ncs\'ill e Amli n" , the m wcrl, l d lel'. \I () Jar... ;;a t a :l )a rgoaIl1, , :'I I, a.';l,PI' .J t)hn I, ,:()rn IJ(un . ,,[ jJa~' t '')11 . j' t he m bettf'r , to fi t thpm as flhl' hf' r· a LI I/ awk II ('I1<1",. (',...orne. II M r . alll I , ' .'1 g' l'oc(,l'.v. M 1'!4 . Mnr,\' ,-1al l' 1 ilt,' . ' I'an I{ " Z,(>, I) r. II e I'S(' 1lC II '"1'; h CI' h as mnv!'11 to The I( ing- ',; II ruld !'! h(:ld R ve r y [I I II'; VI: I t 1l1g' t l'l'llwn ' . I f fl i' a IlOm C Ill 1(' ' a, Sf' If' waR fitt t'r, !\11'S 1 ·.11111' 1 ' I·.n rn hal't. :'Ill'. Wil l ,or-, II' .' t l ' , M .' , h I r Y' pleasa nl pienu' a t th e hom e of th e the r' s bosom, and wlwr" us he r work Mr. alld Mrs, W.·'I t ('I' ('I II I noll all(\ f,'lm ' l ly. 1\11'. II . t\ . ('.01' 1 1 II \ (\ ICPS 111 1C ne\\fl' 0Ll l'1 S UI ( Illg, • , 1an( e r Mrs. Sh rl11an nyl (' Ilnd rl auorhter " I Missl-!!I F,Jilh and l{achat 'l Sh ephan 1 fol' , and int e res t. in th e 'Iass was flO w\ ' n' in [own Stfnday . ... I f 'I \ 'I II't I) l ' nt'xt to t 1e post o ICC. e mnon . I~ h c a arp visitin r friends in Da" ton . ant aml )' " . .\ a I. . ,. ranI' Saturday afte l'nuon. J I S,.1111 I. ,~' I,l11t 'I1 . J . Un.. g r eat, we wi ll miss hCI: m ore lhan ant1 son, I'·.llan.. N1i:;ses l\1 'al'y ant.! Opal Gray en tong ue can tell or wo rds eX I)r eSS Mr . and Mrs , II. V. \" a ILer an d U J I' (' d I ,I I' 1 [ 1 ( r ",ev . , " a wa laue r and 1\11'. e le l'!;o l~ a lll a llll Y. . : \1 aW k"0 joyed a pleasant visit with re lativ es Th e 1st bil'thtluy of Mildred, with non e t? take her place. Th er e- son Dal i. \\,ol'e in lown Sun d ay. f:. V. Barnhar t were in Xenia Tu os- anli family. Walt e r an d Cha::;. Bur· aL J)odu s th latte r part of last week . daugh te r of Mr. and Mrs . Freu Hart- fore l.>e it, I da v nel l. Perry and Al1Io;; ·ook . I'hinea: I f Hon. S "t h Brown , of Lebanon. , < , ' . tl . 1 Rock. waH ce l eb l'at(~d at the H ard s R eso Ive d , t h at 10 Ie u eal 1 0 ou r 'oo k, l; eo r),t'e Pra l t . OLto Ho r'nick Mrs. Harri el Linco ln. amI Mi s \\'a,; in town Th u rsday on hu siness ., M' B I homeRtead Su nday. I." p ie My.e rs. of ML Holl y. is and family, I'a'u I Wysung'. I' al ph llal.e l Harri s. were gues!:.c; of Mr. c Ias.c;mate. we h a ve I')st m ore t Imn a eo-worker, yea a sweet friend anu MrH..J. H. ask y, of Lebanon, th e g uest of MisR Nina. mith for a mith. He r ber l }-:d\\' <Il'd s. '. H 111'- ami Nil's . J. H. S mith , Thursday. face, Bert lI artso k . .Jos. Marshall , Dr. and Mr.'l. J . T . Elli ~ ent('rtain ed n.e church and our clmn an in terest· visiled fr iend s h e l'~ Thursday and few days. ed worke ranu l11 emlJPr,on e whow<ls Friday . Ceo. T hompson an d son, MiltOli. lVII'. and MI'R. W. H . Allen, Mrs. the following g'ue<lL"I at lJi ... ne r Tu es· always ready to do hel' w hl.l e duly Miss Tillie Sco l t . of Dayton . was lI a rd Mosher and Alfl' d WI·ight.. .J. H. oleman and Mrs. D. L. Crane d ay : Mrs. Ca rri e EvanR anJ family. for the cau se of the MasLer. We Mr. L' t f Hu f onI , 01' r:" (J' • S • cot ', 0 110 , th o g u e~ t of MI'. and Mr '. tu('y I\ inwer e Le banon visito rs Friday af terMI'!;. ~urah Smi th and MI'. Nur Brown deeply deplore he r untimt:!ly death, IS . t lle gues L 0 f M I'. an d M rs. W . E,. die over unda.v. OH IO MILITI A lIoon. but we feel t hal she has gone be f re O' Neall. Mi . Mar tha Burnett will lea v Final propa rations fur the maneuMrs. Saml. 'ook , of Washin gton, Mr . and Mrs . 0, J . Edwards ent e r· to better things. Miss Ma rg ueri te ThompH 11 is e n- Thur.'d ay for a month',.. \' i;; it wi th vcrR o f the Ohi u National Guard at D. ., and Mr. Ed 'ollett, of Wiltained at dinner last Friday, Rev . Resolved, that we extend lo he l' Fo!·t Ancient arc taking shape, But mington, were guesL'l of friends here and MI·H. L. M. Rhoades, of Kansas, famil y our heart felt sympathy and joyin g a Visit with relat.i ves in 'in- r elatives in Indiana. c innati , MI'. allu Mrs. Cha."', Rhoade'!, of Wil- Chrititian lo ve; be it furtner Mrs. Ca rrie Evans a nd chilrlren . of two we ks yet : emai n . in whi ch to Jast week. liamsburg, Ohio, ami Mrs. J ane Resolved , t hat a copy of these resoIndianalloli . . we re gue.Qt. of DI·. a nd g.e ~ ~he g l' s In re~d lne~ for t he Mr . Adelbert McKay. o f Dayton, Mr~ ..1. T . F.lI is Tuesday. MI'. and Mrs. George Daki n Jr" of luti l\1S be scnt to the famil y and Side:!. clVllll/.l1 so ldiery , which will sweep , down upon t he a ncie nt ear th work s" Dayton, sp nt t he weck·end with n copy spread upon our Sec retary 's was t he you Rl of MI'. an ti Mrs. T. J . Mr. a nd Mrs. It A. CroR.,) enter· books for Ste ll a White was a noble il rown Su nd ay . his father aod m olher. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and 'Mm. Harry Murray ar . Monday, Augu Rt 2!lth. tained at a dinn ' I' Sunday the follow· Christian g irl a nd t hc whole world Geo . Dakin Sr. A la r g e we ll ha,' b en dug neal' th e ri v d home Monday evenin ' (I'om an MI'. T J . Brown vis ited P r of. C. E: ingguelltR: Mr. a nd Mrs. Otho Hen- should know of her virtues and muextended visit in the West. stat ion, and t h th e water will b Bratten and family, at King Mills Mrs . Sam\. Hul i and two daughd erson, Mis':! Pearl Moore. Mrs la te her examp le. f orced over th e hill into t he fort. last Wednesday. ters and Mrs Robt. Rhoades, of InChas . Franks and Mr. and Mrs. R. MI' . and Mrs. Mau r ice o rnell and Thi ' will nec itatc t he laying of Fraternally submitt.ed. dianapolis, a re guests of Dr. and (;. ross. Dr. and MI'. C. E . White , of ]n- daughte r , of Dayton . a r e gues ts of 15,000 fe t of pip to a larg tank Alpha Ddta Cla ss Mrs. John Hyatt. ~. in the for : which will be elevated 30 dian a polis, arA guests of Mr. and Mr. a nd Mrs. Chas. Com eli. Mr. and Mrs. E V. Barnhart, Mr. I OBITUARY feet and whi ch will have a capacity Mrs . S, H owell. Mr . and Mrs. W. H. A,llen, MiMes and Mrs. J. H. Colem an, Mrs. Louise Miss I::.di,th Mosher left Tu esday of 10,000 gallon . J"etitia McKay. Emma McKay and Woo II Y. Mr and Mr . D. L. Crane morning for hicago wher she will Arnold James son of J am eH and MI'. Wal es Smart of Charlotte N. The Pen~syl vania railroad will Rosamond Dakin m o'tored to th~ Coland MastE'r Ethan Cran were g uests Elsie Trac·y .wa~ bQrn April 13, l!lm). : C., is visit ing his m~ lhor, Mrs . ('has. be t he guest of Mr . and Mrs. F rank commence in a few days laying a side ett-McK~y picnic Saturday. of Mr. and Mrs. J<'l 'ed H enderson at d: pa r ted t hlH life Au g ust 3, Ul10, Smart, and family. Taylor . t r ack for the so le use of t he provision dinner Sunday . ag 1 year 3 months , :'.1 day. Par- , Mrs. Emma Dakin is getting along The two·year old child of Mr. and train, which ruris up each d ay from ents reside at 437 Pontiac Ave , DayMr E. L. Allen. of NorwooJ . spen t Cinci~n ati. The task of feedinl{ 2500 1nicely a t th e Miami Valley hospital, Mrs. Guy Harner has been very sick Miss Henrietta McKinsey ente r- ton, Ohio. ' Services from David's Sat.ul'day and Sunday wi t hhis mo t hpr with choler a infantum. but IS much men IS a great one and great car e aud her many fri ends here are retained informally Friday evening. church by Rev. Yingling. Buria l at Mrs . . Cat herine Allen. will be taken t o make lhis featul'e joicing over t he possibility' of her rebetter now. The guests were Mis."Ies Edith MOl!her David's cemetery . complete and at th e sam time as t urn home t his week. Mi ss Helen Stokes arrived hom e Sybil Hawke, Stella Le mmon and easy as possible , Mr. anJ Mrs. J. O. Cart w rig ht and In realms supreme ly fa ir, lru t week after a d elig h tful vi.,it Messrs Edward I{icks, Rona ld Hawke Mrs. Jane ides and Rev . and Mrs. - - -- - . . da ughter, a t t nded a dinne r at the Where a mid t he gold en air with frieml s in· Indiana. and Crew. THE FARMl:RS' CLUB L. M. Rhoades attended the Lytle home of MI'. and Mrs. H . ' . Lackey , Angels float on wings of' liirh t; ' , S unday school picnic fast Friday afnear Ferry Sund ay . Mrs . H. E. Hathaway atDr. a nd The re in r ai men t pure and whit e The childre n, grandchildren and The Farm el'~' "' Iub l11et at t ho home te l'Ooon, where R ev. Rhoades was ,te nded t he f une r al of Mr. He nry great grandchildren of Mrs. A. B. Arnold free from all alarms, Mrs. Elizabet h Hartsock. of Birof Mr. and Mrs . A M. wal11 last greeted by many old f riends. Brinkman a t Lebanon Friday. afely r ests in J esus arms . Ivins had a big dinne r unday at the Thursday. 'lhe lay was an ideal one I mingham. Ala. , was t he guest of home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lackey, Now the m othe r 's WOl'k is j one Tuesda~, A~gust 16, bein,g Mr, T. MI'. a nd MI·s. Chas. Smartan(J fam- R V. and Mrs . J . F . Cadwallade r Sat- and the attendance was good . For her precious little one; .of near Fe rt'y. 1.'here we re Rix great Mi!>s Sy bil Hawke rend " Current ' J. Brown s birthday. and ruesday, ily auenti ell I he Collett-McKay pic- urday and Sund ay . And the father wakes t o find grandchildren presp.nt. Events." The di scu~ ion of "e rn' Aug ust 23, Mr. S. P . Kindle's natal \li c near Wil mi ngton Saturday. d M Self and mothe r left behind . Mr . an rs. Harvey Gu t in and COntribu t ion to the Table," led by ~ day, the two celebrated by dining Mav He through the shad o ws dim, Dr. 'and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway dauKhte l·. Hazel attended the funer- Mr!'! . Swain and Miss Blanc he Riley. tllgeth er a l t he home of Mr. Brown Mr. and Mrs . J. E . Janney. Dr . Draw th it broken hear ts to Him . wert' Sunday g'ues ts (1f Mr. and Mrs. a l of Mrs. Gustin 's brothe r's ch ild in was . pirit ,d and good point we re yest e rday. Mrs. Kindle and ' Mra. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. ---.brought ou t. Urit h Thoma.'l were also of the comHarvey nul'll at. Green Bri e l'. Blan ('hester, Monday. W. H. Allen, Misses Dorothy, KathNEW SCHOOL EXt\MINER Dr. P . D. Jag e t was the eso:: ayist pany. ryn and Rosamond Dakin, Edna, Lu- ---ella, Jeannette and Frances Janney PI·ofessorC.E. Bratton, s uperin . ' Mr. and MI's Ru fu s Ker~ey. of G. W.Hawkewillmove h isgl'ocery At noon a bounteou s repast w as and Dr. J. W. Miller enjoyed a pic- tendent of schools at King Mills hils Oregonia, spe nt Thursday and F I'iday soon in t he Pe nce building, lately va· spread, Mesdame Corn II, Riley, .~------.-. .-., .-..-..--.. nic on Dr. Ellis' farm Sunday. been appointed a member of the' War- wi th Mrs . Ethe l' Stout and family. cated by ross Bros. He will t hen and Mi s Edith r ane assisting th e ___ \ ren County Board of County School . . put in a lal'g~r line nf staple g rocer- hosth S. ~~ -..~------- . ~~. --. M WI' b J d AI B II MISS J es'ile Marlatt, who has been ies , Tuesday e.vemng, rs. a tel' exammers y u ge ex ' oxwe . confined to the house for several ~' FRIENDS' YEARLY I\\EETING ~ Elze,L.,and MISS Katherine Prender- Professor Bratton succeeds Prufessor d . hi ' . I b t Miss Peal'l Moore ancl M \'>' . has. Mr. George Dakin and family have . , . . W P V d M avs Wit l' leu ma t Ism, I: mu c 1 e gast whose blrthoay anOlversartes . . an ervoort, of orro N, who . F ranks, ne€' Genevieve Moor e , of At White Brick Meeting Hou!'.e, left Middletown and moved to Dayton com; on the same date, spent the has served long and creditably 10 t his ,tel'. Co lumbu s. are spending a couple of t wo sessions will be held , MI'. Da kin intends to leave the evening very pleasantly at the home I position. He will step down and out MI'. l( enn e th Ridge ' ret ul'Oecl t o weeks wit.h MI' ami Mrs , I{ichard 8 mo. 21 at 10 a . m and:3 p. m .; to : barber trade an~ has a g ood position of Mr. and Mrs: Elzey and e~tertained to a "-,an full~ ~cquitted fOI' th e rf!- i)ayton ' unday aft'rnor n afte r a Cross. wh ich the p ublic are in vited., All at the Cash Register Co. at luncheon MISS Edna Robmson and sponslble pOSitIOn . we(,k vacation ~ pcnt at his home meetings standard time. ' her cousin, Miss Neva Hardy, of c in- I • - .• he re . Mr. and Mrs. Chas . Co m e l\. MallTh Y I M t' '11 'nnati, who returned to 'her, hon . I.e, .... ,SEY.WILLlAMSON REUNION _ ' rice orn ell and family, W . E. Cor.e ear y ee 109 propedr WI Ml·S. JameHStoops and son Holmes, cl . open Second·day. 10 a. m. an con- of Dayton, Mrs. Martha Dodson and Tue'>day after a three weeks VISit Th H ' w'lr f'l Co lri weat her \\',111 soo n be he re. nell unci fami ly ann H. A. 'om ell tinu e from day to day unti l perhaps I da ug hte r, M i~ Minnie, of Indianapo, Y- It tlhamson 'daml y r efun - We have a lot of gnod kindling f ol' and family attended the Grange picwith relatives here. I'Ion WI~II Ise I m ee t a e res I ence 0 J , . , Fifth·day. Co me. lis, and Mrs. S. L . Williamson, of I W. Hisey. 2X mile" south east of sale , Call ami see It at Hawke R nic a t Lebanon Tuesday. - - - --Day t on, have gone to Bay View, Mr. a nd Mr . R. S. Howell at'tendCUT NOSE ' BADLY Mich., to escape the ravages of t he A pleasant p~rty of you~g people Waynesville, on Thursday, Aug ust grocery. attended Jonah s Run Baptist Church 18th All relativp.s are most cordialMI'!'!. Tom Owens and .'on a n I Mrs. ed a bir thd ay an ni versa ry d inne r at - - - h 1.1 b f hay-fever season. t Harveysburg Sunday and later Dunbal', the IS-mont s-o u oy 0 a Iy invited to be present. Lawrence Johns Ilnd daug hte r, of Port William Sun day, at the home of --picniced at "The Springs" the beau- \ • _ _ . . ' . . 01'. and Mrs . P. D. lagett, fell on 'f I h f M' Nellie Vander " Xema, are glle.c;ts of MI' . a 11<\ Mrs ' II1H:I Sister, MI'll. ChalmClr Hames. his play wagon Monday and cut Hand 'ol11e invitations have been tl u omeo ISS ' HATHAWAY REUNION . J W H' ~ , Th' . b ' . voort. Those in the party were the I ~e). ele'tVel ea outse\ enty·nme g uests a deep gash on t he nose between the issued r eadi ng III follows : · Ste II a Le mmon, Jos'e Th e H uth ~way reul110n . eyes. Dr. Ellis sewed the wound, Mr. and MI·s. Jos , J. Downing reI 0 g Ies-' WI'11 b e I' Mrs . F . B. She rwood and two chil- presen . MIsseS 'bee, Alma Waterhouse, Nel1!e Van- held at the hOl11e of MI'. J. B. WiIlS, .\ dren will leave ThurRday for a two I Mr. am! Mrs. Clyde Co leman and which, whil e very painf ul, is no t ques t th e honol' of your presence at ~ars Ronald Hawke ,!'h ~ .l A t 18th E conside r ed t.!angerous. the marriage of their daull:hter, d ervoor t an d Me""". " on ur:suay, ugus . very- weeks' Visit. with relatives in Chical:o son. of Cincinnati, a rrived here Mon- , Della Mae, to Prof. Maurice M. Wales Smart, Harvey Rye and body is cordially invited to attend. i. and Gale.:blll'g, III. d" 't ,- M d ward Ricks. - - ~ ay evel1lng on a VISI lAl )'. an SOCIAL :\ T LyTLE . Jones, on t he afternoon of .August EARNHART REUNION Mrs. J H. Coleman . Mr . and. Mrs . seventeent h, nineteen hundred and Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Sherwood, Coleman have also been makmg a I The ladies of t he church will have t t f . tl . t 'I k '129 E t Mr. J. L. Sams celebrated his 59th of Pittsburg, Pa., arrived her e Sat- .. I " CI I d en, a our 111' y 0 c oe ," as birthday, , August 14, 1910, at hiR The ,Earnhart reuni"n will be held urdayevening for a visit with Mr. VISit to I'e atlv es In eve an . an ice cr eam a nd waterme lon social Second str eet." At home after Sepcountry horrie, three miles southeast at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Ray- and Mrs, F. J. Sherwood. Saturday oven in'S on Walter Ken- tember twelfth, Sal em, Iowa. of Morrow. Those present were: mond Harshbarger on Saturday. Mr. L. A. Zimmerman left Sunday rick's lawn. If it sh ou ld happen to The wedding, to ~hich quite i h '11 h Id 't ' th h \l . ' . . evenin!!:, for Lebanon, where Mr_ ' Mr. and MrsJSolomonDass and son A ugus t 20 , 1910. Misses E va DaVIS, Mary DaVIS' \ J.H.caskey , jOined him and both ran t ey WI , 0 I to e a, anumberofguestshavebeenbidden A lpha Dl'lla Cia,.;!; pas.c; d th p f ol .

Th , fir. t fail' of th e

' I I




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---.- ..

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i' .

Ed- I

Ernest; of B1anchest~r; ~r. and Mrs' • - ,. Mrs. SHERWOOD-JEFFIlEY REUNION C'lem LI'ttle, of Level,' Mr. and ..... Ryman Ertal, Mr. J. R Mathews, of The 'Sherwood and JeffreYfami1;es Cincinnati; Mis.<teS Pearl and' Nettie . . . Sams, , Earl Sams, Mr, and ,Mrs. Mei- wBI~1 khOhld ~heTl~ .re~m~n ~t t~~t:: vi1\e Romohr and son Geor~e, Mr. 1 rIc c. urcn. urs ay, ep , st. and M rs. J • L ~ Sa ms. Th e a ftflr-, _ _ _ noon was spent in music and all enTOOK FIRST PREMIUM , joyed. good time. An elegant din- l '. nar was served. All returned home ' Terrell Milcy took the blue ribbon at a late hour wishing him many ' at the Xenia fair last Thursday. on more happy birthdays. : his gelding "BJ!1ck Eyes.,"

Eleanor Earnhart., Enna Stout, Hen- will go to , Devi!s Lake, Mich., ' for . t M K' d A V d ' ne ta c msey a.n nna an er; I a ten days fi shing t rip. Hope they voort are a ttend 109 the Teach e rs will send home a two ,pounder? Institute in Lebanon this week. .. A party com posed of t he 'following Among t,hose W?O attended Fl'lends I left here Sunday for an outi ng at 'AIQ u a r terly Meet ing at Selma last ' gonac, ' Mich.: . !'dr. and Mrs. F. C. ,, Sev~nth"day were: Ruth. Chandl~r, Carey, Mr. and Mr . Wal ter McClure Matilda Under,wood, Curtis Tom1!n- Mr and Mrs, .1. G. Hawke, Mr. and son, Mary Jessup, Rebecca Damel, Mrs. F. C. Schwartz, Mr. James Ben-' Lizzie Moore, Anna Kelly and A. B, h'am, Mi\!S Lilla Benham and Mrs. Chandler. I Chas. Rye, '




Everybodv com.::- •

will 'be one of the prettiest events of the late "unlnlel' MI'ss Downl'ng' !'s FEED GRINDING NOTICE ' " . ' an accomplished girl, agradul!ote of d 'Tl It.he Xenia High School, and for severI'eed groun .on ues. ay, mrs· \ al years an instructor. in the public day and aturday and I~ the ~fter- schools . Prof. 'Jones is a member Mills. I 0 f f t h e mos ' t prornmen . t' f atm. " 'noon only. • WayneSVille _ • one 0 THE SEARS REUNION , lies of West Milton, Ohio, .and '. a yoimg man of iplendirf ability. The Sears r~union was held near with a ' bri~ht future before him .. Centerville Saturday, 'and it was the He will be pl'incipal of the Salem. best reunionoUhis family ever held. Iowa, highschool next






The Mia~i Gaz ette D. L. ,CRANE . WAYN ESVlLL E, ~O OLING




v It-I~I~I-tl~I'-+1-+-1....I-t-I-I1f!-+1-I1~1"""lrv I


A Colonist of ,Canaan


No chain 18 stronge r than Its wouk· est 'link, No man Is stronge r tllan hIs kIdneys , OV(1r~""''''ft:!!:-r-':~~ work, colds, straIns, etc., weakon the kId· neys and the wholo body BUrreI'B. Don't neglect the slightes t Iddn ey ailment . ' De· gIn using Donn's 1<lIlnoy Il11s a t once. They are especlul ly for sick kIdneys . Mrs. George La· jole, 162 W. Gamble L--=~:::::==::::I St., Caro, !,1Ich ., says : "1 had lost In fl es b untll 1 was a mere shadow at my tormer self and too weak to stand more than a fow mlnut s at a tim e. My res t WI\S broken aud my nerVo us Systl' tn shatter d . Had Donn's Kid· lI l'Y Pills not como to my att('nllo n, I lirmly bolleve 1 wOlild be In my grave. They cured me after doctors had failed ." Remem ber the nam e-Doa n's, PO I' sa lo by all dealers. 50 cent s a box. Fostcr·M IllJllrn Co., Dutr::llo. N. Y.

'ow, wb n one comes to thInk of It. By bola there Is diffi culty In und erstand ing ",,' hy bumnnl ty hns always realized the Dt' d of mitiga ting the severity of cU· The Snuthw estern fli r dr w up at mat that tllk es the fo rm of cold, but CanDRn Jun ctIon. It neve r stol1ped 'GUCSli It's about th e ir now town ball. , for th e most part sti ll assume s t he 1m· merely slowed up long enoug h to it con s ists ot four flags on a cenler plot at present , with a gc ranlulU bed poss ibility of dolug anythin g to tem: tllrow out the mall snel<: nnd gi ve the In the middle. I suppose I'll ha ve to !1 r la'a t. rrom wblch we Bufter nl- curly-he adod boy In th e express car a go. Be nil right, won't you , I>;ell?" mos t as much. says !'\ w York 1'lme~ chance to cail hello to Nel l. Sh'J nodded aud smlh,d. It was 15 nut today It stopped , stopp~d while minut es now. A I less (' xpc nso tt>an t hat by which She watch d the road houses are wormed in win tor they cnn on(> m[\n swung ort B s lee pe r, nnd th o to I\l a ln s treet every no? aod thCD, porte r dropped a sui t case nnd grip half (';o.pectlo g Fate til play h er a trlcle b e cooled In summer, and.' whlle till! on tho plattorm b side him, and feDd the 10ng-lIm be'l stronge r wl nler lIeatlng , thanks to our strange TlJ e mun lert b blnl1 wn.s young, so buck ogaln. It wasn't wl'ong. refus al to 1 a rn the art of ,, ' ntllalion . She young that b e had ou tgrown b ls yeurs. told herself ov er and over again. It in\"olvc s th creation of conditio ns Ill ' and th ere was a la t e nt. careless wasn 't. ,jllrlou5 to hea lth, tb ose whi ch Bum , strt'n'lh , mixed with nwltwar dn ess A huuclrt'd sugges tion s and plans me r coolIng wou ld establis h would ab out him th a t remi nd ed one ot a cuI>. swept throulI:h her mind as she lis· :proba bly bo In eyery way b neficlal to N dl1 took on e look at him and tened to him ohat of tb e new town ball '\JR. At any rate. tb e Uling Is per· caught her hr e nth sharply, She kn e w at Alcazar , Then all at once there fo t ly practica ble. Ot course, Ii hIm In an Instant, but there was a was 1\ dea d silence, and s he turn ed adop t ed, It would a dd to th e cos ~ or bare ha n'co that he bad forgotte n her. quickly . The colonel titood In the cen· living. bu t It wou ld a lso Increase th ~ tt had be n tour years, and fOllr years ter ' at tho little de P'lt, hIs hauds THE LIMIT. clasped comfort ably und er hIs coat general stock of availabl e ene rgy . Is a lengthy stretch wben one Is 17. He set the suit case dow n under the talis, hIs lips pursed up for II whistle. , which would mean an In crease of arnl ng power to a more th a n com· ti cket sh('lr. and we nt bac k to the And he was looking I\t th e suItcase un· wate r bucket. der th e window ledge, a suitcase wIth vensall ng degree. Not muc h ot are , " It' s hot enough down h er e, Isn't the own er's name written boldly acrosl frlgeraU on plant wo uld be r eq uIred to It 1" She watch ed hIm dl oln the tin It, "J , p , Dexter: " bring the aIr of a bedroom to a tern , CliP a Nell lea ned her hand.; on the desk seco nd lime be fore sh e an· peratur e In which sleep wou ld be reo sWe'l'Eld: "We don't mInd and wait ed tensely , She had forgot· it much." fres hing. Inslead of Impossi ble or ex· "r euppese not. I cal1l~ from the ten to hid t' the DultcaS\!. naustln g, and th e wo nd er Is that the norlh. Don't suppose you kllow any. "Well, honey g1rl, tht! cnt wouldn· t stay pu t, would It? And you gOIDg to r Ic h and tbe well·to,do, at leas t, do not bod:? here named Acton?" The glrl'p hand closed ti gh tly ov er all this trouble just to try and save general ly, Ins t ead of hardly a t a I! , ctlllze a hen4lHt whleh science Is r eady th e package of letters jlhe had dra wn your dad from hImself ." The colonel to give them tor much less money th nn Crom tbe maH sack. !fur back was to· spoleo ,'ery calmly, very refl ec tiv e ly. they pay for a thousan d olher smaller ward him, Dut her voice was steady almost with n glint oC humor In his lind n atura l. blue eyes. as he saw tbe look on NeH's <?'" lux uries and conveni ences. "No, I don't." tace. "Whe n did Jack Dexter get HE embroId ery of fne lingerIe Is Landlad y- Mr. Hall Roome la about "You'd be. pretty like ly to know. he ro ?" one of the favorite blls of sum· the meanes t man 1 ever met. The first passeng er aIrshIp to b6 bandlln g all th e mall, and mer needle.w ork, nnd many worn' "Fattier . lis te n." so on, Mrs. S lo wpay-W hat's tho trouble ? She put both oPt'rate d, for r egular transpo rtation wouldn' t you 1" hands up on his shoulflc rs ond lean ed en are makIng daInty corset cove rs, LIIndlad y-Wan ts m e to r educe the purpose s has been put In commIs s Ion "Oh , yes, I would know. t know the he r face against his chIn. Sbe was \nd nightgo wns both for now and the price of his board becauso h e's los ll 1n German y, It ts a Zeppeli n dlrlgi. name ot e ve rybody In tbls town!" just about on :1 le vel with bls chIn. coming se as ons. two tee th. "Excep t mine." " You must take thIs train. Buro l}", ble and wl1\ run over a course that The design gIven Is for the front of He came over to the ledge and wben yOU know you're In the rigbt, I corset cover, the edges w 1l1 Include Frledrlc hshaten , Stutt· of whIch are SCRATCHED SO SHE COULD gart, Man nh e lm, Cologne ' and Dussel· leaned one elbow on It. smlJlng In at It doesn' t matter what other people to be buttonh oled and eyelets worked her chee rtully. She did not answer. SLEEP thInk. They don't know for sure that through which the ribbon Is run. d art. At first Count Zep pelin him· by m eans at carbon paper and embrolo "Maybe he's usIng a dlrre rent name," you, are here yet The nIght operato The design mIght nlso be applied to r ~elt, Inve ntor of the machin e whIch "I write to tell you how thanktu l I der In ' Frenc h embroId e ry, usIng the he went on, presenU y. "He had, said YOIl were, but I know he Isn't cer· " nlgbtgo wn or cheqllse bears bls name, will be nt the helm. . am for the wond e rful Cuticur a Remfin est mercerI zed cotton. One-hal taln. I can turn Jack Dex ter away. t of Transfe r the ~eslgn to the materIa l the deSign I~ rI'iJe alrsbip has capacit y for twenty edi es. My llttle niece had eczema for gIven. He dldn'.t know me at all. Tblnk of fiv e years and wh en her mother died lla 8sengers , for whom accomm oda. -,.,.. .... ........... them sending hIm down bere to bring I took ' care of the child. It was ' all tlons as luxuriou s as those of a Pull· you back, the boy that owed every· W~EN BLUNDER IN EXCES S. TO BE MADE UP IN GREEN over h e r tace and body, also on her man palace car have been provIde d. thing to you." head. She scratch ed so'that she could As the enterpr ise Is backed by a shIp"H03 had to do his duty If they sent Over-O rnamen tation II AI Foollah Effectiv e Style for VIsiting COltum s- not sleep nlghta. I used CuUcur a ping compan y of undoub ted standin g blm. I certainl y wish It. had been PaintIn g the Lily or Gliding Worn With Handao mely Trimme d Soap to wash her with and then all' some one else. I always sel a beap by there seems to be ample faIth In the Refined Gold. plied Cutlcur a Ointme nt. I did not. Jaeket. Jaok. He's a right tine boy. Studied success of th e enterpr Ise and belief use quIte hal! the Cutlcur a Soap and law with tbe judge after wo left. Nell. To know when to atop la just as 1m· that aerial navigat ion bas come to W11Iow Green cashD\eT e makes up OIntme nt, togethe r wIth Cutlcllr a ReI underst and he's prosecu ting atto1" portant as to be able to begtn. stay. That very elfectlv ely In thl. style ; the Bolvent, wh en you could see a change ney." Is a fact that appllea just as emphat ic· slightly trained skirt. Is trImmed round and th e y cured ber nicely. Now she From the brIdge came the whistle al1y to the making of a hat or gown as the foot by silk at color of the casb· 18 e leven years old and has n ever been Finland , In so far as the autonom y of tho 1: 10. She was on tlme to the to the actions of everyda y afe. Many mf re that Is lightly embroid ered with both ered ....·Ith eczema sInce. My enjoyed h e retofore \s conce rned, has minute. Tbe ticker was cvlllng th, women blunder In the wastefu l and friends think It I!I just great the way practica lly been wIped olf the map, Cannan operato r. anll she ' went to It. rIdiculo us ellcess of orname ntation the baby was cured by Cut.lour a. I tho , Douma first and the Council of the tears streami ng from her eyes. AI that Is aa foolish aa painting the lily l e nd you a pIcture taken whe n she was th e local pulled In tlie colonel Btood or gliding reflned lold against which the Empire finally havIng enacted tbe about 18 months old. In tha doorwa y and swept hla broad· the goet sings. law which turns over the admlnls tra· "She was take n wIth tbe eczema. brimme d felt bat off In 'a general sa. Just because a woman has bought tion of Finnish alfalrs to represe nta· , - -- I-..;;1;;;e:;;n"'w ""o years old. She wal! cover ea. lute. one dozen crochet ed buttons she, Jr Uves at the czar. Finland was torm· with bIg Bores and her mother had all And the 1: of 10 the pulled blunder out Ing without varIety, Ita must use thl! erly a grand duchy, and, though un· the bes t doctors and tri ed all kinds at extrn passeng er. twe lve. Perhaps ten can ' be dispose d der RussIan control, had a large meas· salves ' and Dledlclne~ without erteot Somebo dy came burrylu g along the of creditab ly, but the errect must be until we used Cutlcur a Re medies. Mrs. ure at sel.f·govern ment. The Flnna platform end into tbe depot. foolishl y sacrlHc ed Instead of two but· H . Kiernan , 663 Quincy St., Brookly n. are a sturdy, Belf·rel lant and Intel1\· "I can't locate him yot, but I'm going tons, and the result falls short always N. Y., Se pt. 27, 1909." gent people and bave made gre,,~ to stay over...:...... Jack Dexter stopped of the good style, - - -progres s In educati on and otherwI se. short and whistle d softly under his A wish to use as much as possIble Merely a Prevarl eator. breath. The oolonel held Nell close to on the little ' afterno on trock or the But the policy of Russia Is to ce ntral· A doctor r elates th e followln~ stOl'J': him. and smlled. "I had a pati ent who was very 111 alld evenIng gown Is the stumbli ng block ke control at 8 •. Petersb'urg, and the "How are you, boy, how are youT" for many home dressma kers. Certain · who ought to have gone to a warmllr I1lspos ltlon of Finland Is tbe latest climate, so I r esolved to try what hypIbe saId, heartlly . "I can't orr6r ,.ou my Iy there can be too much of a gooll e.-..empllficatlon at th e exIsting ten· noti sm would do for hIm. I had & I hand, because , you see, they're both thIng. If a little pIece of velvet or She Knew Him In an Inatant. 1fency. large sun paInted on the ceiling at hIs engaged . I'm mIghty glad to se. you maUne be left, keep It. Do not tack plenty ot cause to change It, the Lord again, Jack.. Just room and ,by sugges tion Induced him take your suitcase It on the trant, or wind It at the belt, When farm e rs turn to "buJllng " Imows, wben he started down thIs rIght over to think It was the sun whIch wCMlld to my house, sir, and we'll just to feel that econom y Is wortb wheat the specula tors In the grain way. I know he's here all right, and havo a good dinner clire him. 'rb ~ ruse su cceeded and beCore we start while. You can use these short ends exchang es ' hardly know where they I'm going to flnd him." he was getting be tter rapidly when north tonight. "He put up one hand to better advanta ge on another gar· The telegrap h Instrum ent set up ItI as Jack started to explain one day on my arrIval 1 fouud he wa. are aL Th ere seems to be s omethIn g , and shook ment. Better one·qua rter ot a yard ot dead ." like a com bIned effort on th e part ot call, and she sat down to answer It. his head warnIng ly. "No need for ex. rIbbOn not In use than a gown that When "DId It fall, after all, th en?" asked. she rose h er face was flushed planatio ns. I undt!rst and the situatio n has lost the Indefina ble touch of, the the big wheat·g rowe r s of the north· slightly , and anybody we H acquain ted ,t horough ly. I don't one of the doctor's bea rers. wllnt to disturb artist. The overorn amentaU on Is just west to k eep up prices,' says Mllwau · with Nell would have surmise d that Nellie bere, wIth any "No," r epli ed the doctor, "h& died! anothe r evidenc e of the use at ex· of the details " Ieee EvenIng Wlscnn sin. De legation s F,he was on the o[ sunstro ke." war pa't h. Jopman , the "But, Colonel tremes, Acton," a habit thnt sliould bo avoided Jack . ex. by trainloa ds are goIng to some at th e ~ow n nea rest the s~te line, was ask· claimed . "You don't know what I'm by all who aim at refinem ent nnd good large tradlng· cente rs lIke St. Paul anll Ing about Colonel Acton. Canaan A Protecti on Agalnlt the jHeat. atte!', s ir, I came down to let you taste. dealing In beavy lots. Some of these Junction agaIn stated th;! t the party know When you begin to think It's a perthat tbat Indlctm :::nt Is squashe d sonal matte r be tw oe n you and the SUll farmers a re rated as milliona ires> hav· was unknow n there. flatter tban a pancake . The whole olty "Is there a chIef of police h e re In Is w~ltlng to welcom to soe which Is th e hotte r, buy your· Ing mad e fortune s In graIn growIng , Wooden Beadl. e YUll back If seit a gllls8 or a bottle of Coca·Co la; A curIous departu re from the scln· a nd t hey also seem to und e rstand the town 1" you'lI cnly come. The pre~irleDt of the " ChIef at poli ce !" Sile flash ed a bank conresq ed to th It is cooling- relieves fatigu e and tlIlatlng glass forms are the bull and bea r bus Iness. At leas t th '.! wooden e full , amount , qu ench es th e thirst. Wholes ome as professi onal spec ulator s In th e "whea t startled glance at him. '·No. There's swore he bad made n scapcgo at at you beads thnt are In either nlltural color a constab th e pures t water and lots nicer to le. He's tha underta ker. sir, and the n &racefu lly commit ted sui: or any shade that Is delightf ully bal'pIt" find t ho till ers at tbe soil Coemen too." drInk. baric In At soda fountaI ns and ctu'· Its Intensit y. The texture clde. at It was the wlsellt thIng he'd worthy at tb e lr s teel. "Nlce, handy combin ation." he dond In flve yearB." bonsted In bottles -5c everyw here. the wood h:sures a lack at luster that -======-========== ==_ Send 2c stamp for booklet "The Truth laughed. "You people down here In "WeH, now. that's teo bad," hurts one's aestheti c' fee lings. Befor e you begIn to criticise avla· this small, new town certaInl y The ~'ooden beads' are strung on black; a ninOD blouse at same color Is About Coca·Co ln" and the Coca·Co la econo· colonel saId, regret!u lly. "Hto need not tion mee ts for not panning out as pe r mlze on public offices. 'rhqnks , Baseb!1ll Record Book for 1910. The I'll have done that. I was comfort able conrsll thread or string lind are used worn. promi ses, please kindly r e member bunt him up. Goodby ." The jacket Is trimmed with th e em- latter contain s the famous poem down here. It',3 home to N('l1 and my. for forming a cabocho n for a hat "Good by." She wal~hed hIm as he s('lf. In fact. we fe!'!1 bow many races tor the Amerlc a's cup rather reSpOD' or for draping the eastern ~urbans of brolder~d silk, and handsom e Bilk or- "Casey At The Bat," records , schedul es. ha ve been boring and Inconclu sIve went along the I'oad tQward s th e main sIble for th e future of Canann. Mighty coarse net, nament s In whIch a little dull gold tin. for both leagues , and other valuabl e Tucks are edged with wooden beana sel thread Is Introduc ed. basebal l Intorma tion complie d by audrifting matches . Both avIation and street, his long, easy strides kickIng flne cC you to come down Dnd let me dyed to luatch the color of the gown, know, Jack, though; mIghty nne." yachtin g ,depe nd on the wInd, and the up 11 flurry of dust btlhlnd him. The small collar and culfs are at thoritie s. Addres s The Coca·Co la Co., The wLlstie ovel' at the fnctory was Atlanta, Ga. "I wanted to be the first to tell yoU and on net, volle or chilton the co\. ' velvet. wind is mighty uncerta in. orp.d torms are decided ly elrectlv e. blowing tor noon. She caugbt up the sir," Dexter' s hand Hat of flne straw to !Datch the dress, grIpped the col: Bolts of rama are atudded with col. trImme d with a feather telepho ue receive r and culled anum. onel's clOSEly, "A He Knew the Kind. crowd of the neW8mount. A Mi c hi~an rarmer who sepamte n ored wooden beads, while handba gs: , Materia ls required ber. Little Edward . ~ed tour, waB an: pape r boys were : after 8 yards 48 your trail, i rom his wIfe and then became her but I linen buckles "I want to speak to father, please. knew you 'd be In the same and fancy clasps are ,nches wIde, 6 yards lining sllk He was anxious for a place where for only child. hired mun Is suIng be r for $500 back Is he there ? Well, baby sIster, and was talking' of It onewllit. Give him you loft word we CIluld find yoU It YOU but a few of the possibil ities sug· jacket. 8 silk orname nts. iJay. Perh a ps he coulll get he r to SN· a message . Tell hIm to come oyer to day wIth" friend at the family. In geBted to the clever ones. were wanted. " tI t' alit of court If he would agree to the Of-pot rIght noWay. the trlend'. famlly was a baby girl ot T611 him to Th;) colonel smiled In a plt'ased , com come around by th e rIver road, not rorta ble fashlun all . The Tailore d Parasol , take $499. one year. The lady saId: Edward , his own. A Hat for 20 oent.. In Paris, the home of taste and you may have my haby; she II pretty MaIn street. I want to show hIm "W4I keep our word, we Actons, " he This Is not strictly truo, for It was fasblon. only the very , plillnest flort of and sweet." Western bankers report that thb somethi ng there." said. "Doo 't we, Nen?" 1I0ed with black satin and had a huge sunshad e Is worn with t&Ul)red sultll.. "Oh," said Edward , "I' don't want aDo farmers of Kansas, Nebrask ll, Missour I , "h en she waltet!. It see med hours "I can u.ardly say that:' she taltered . draped ' bow of the samo, both takeD or simple morning dress. The para. old baby. I want a bran Dew one wit and Iowa have spent $15,000,000 tor before she caught Rigat ot the dear "1-1 dIdn't tell the truth to Mr. Delt. tram an old hat. But every woman 801 Is at silk or of silk 11M cotton and noffin on but ,tacum powder."-Re~ old f!gure, swIngin g alon!! the river ter when he asked me 'If 1 knew you. has these somewh ere, In her store. automob il es'. Tbere must be somethl llg matche s In tone the cblet color at the Hen. road, his gray fel~ hat well back on I just ceuldn't . I don't know what he room or I\crapba g. And the rest? tn tbat story after all. costume , The only decorat ion . al· bls head, hIs' s-ray lllu:1ta (; he and 1m. mu s t thlnl< at me." It was a bath\'!lg hat, purchas ed for lowed Is one easily llerl!ll gIvIng added dIstinct ion to the mllde at home; Elbert Hubbard on BufferIn g. "Think a! you?" gas pert Deltter, ' ''1 10 c'e nts and molded' ov~r a hat chat. three large hemstit ched tucks about Kidnapi ng Is still prevalle n t despite Hne, grac!ou's face. The tears rushed thlnle Elbert Hubbar d, editor of the PhlUsyou are the bravelt. , truest: lI!g dish to the required sCoop-boDnet four Inches from the edge. Match the tine, says: "Most of the sulferln g the dI scou ragem ents oC heavy Sl.!n· , to he!' eyes as she watch!!l l hIm, but buJlll!s t-" In. shape. Then the black satin WllS ap. Hllk and or.ply this Idea to y~r plain 'this Ute comes from too much work or tences. The only reme dy seems to In· she controll ed herseH, and met him The colonel coughed anI! ' glanced ai piled, "fore and ·aft," so to speak, and sunshad e . of the ~aUored SC6.tlOn of too' lIttle." He could have lett , olf" ~at with a smile. crease the penalty. his watch, In (rant was placed ' a Bquare' 'buckle' 1908, and you will "Sit down and r~t a minute, honey. he !n the latest "too little," and he' would have left, lt. "We will all lunch 'In h:lnor at tbe contriv ed from a 10 cent piece at Pa1'lslan mode- for abottt ,half a dollar oft had he reterred tQ wash·da You',,!! got ~ minutes , ThEly-t hey've occ'a slon oyer 'It the y aulfarbotei. sir. Jack, white chamoi s, purclias ed aUJo at the tuld The price of t.:!garet tes Is goIng up, an hour'a work. Ing. There' has been too much , work wlrell for yOU to come down to Alca· just give my little 'girl • YOUI' I&!I!I alan, ' ·6-and·l( ).oent atore. An.1 th\tre you but . thIs of cours(' won't bothe r tJie zar. It's on wash day for the ' women I but now Ilome commit tee meeting . I' Main stre!lt. 1111 lock up the atatiOD are! ' The- exact replica ot a 'SO ,maD who always got hIs from the oth· believe." She turned away, we h~ve EalY Taak loap that doel the New Effect. and bent and enrry tho aultcale until the nelli French hat: but 1uhlon ed by the fe~l o\V: over a time table. so that bEl should train comes alone. Wide Bhlrrlng haa found Ita way work easJI,..; 'qUlolqy, ,cl.,.nl,.. and. aureNo •. tilr. I' cau't ...s\ ,trl III town for 20 ,eents. not !'lee her tell~t.!.le E:yes. "You ('an permit H. as my guest, ,e\'en into the bolero. A P'luges bolero I1-1nd does halt the work all by It. ---~r--YO\1 11m all01l II1\lt ahowl this .hlrred c,trect every. lelt. It II the cleanes t; ,purest, whlteWhen airshIPS become so tti:ck thai make the 1: 10 local. dear, And-do n't me 00 Iin-ve my way." 'Jilek bealtate 6 Pakln. I where except In the. UPPer Dlee".!. lauDdry aoap made and .Iold" at flv. tbey , ehut out sunll;h l thP.II, Indeed. .hot~er ab(lut, coming bock tonight , 8tlll, looking 110wn at , tb., heavy suit Pektn .trlpe II a blue ' and , whit, ceDts a cake. ' I'm sure they need you Qown. there." case, and the ,1010nel . will 8\'I:\\lo n t,e well elllablls lled Silve ~im a dell .nk of ChIna or roulard weave ahow. TIlere are thrf'.e banda of 11I1",lnl ' "In ·n flush, aren't !.h(iy?" lauehed cate poke In ~e' aide, about halfway down the tunlo skIrt, "I.adle. arlt IDe a ~rrectly 0'''' ul'lUllem8Dt ot One ,ofteu wonder s why the womaD the (!GIonet. Wolprn. _ Ills forebe. d. Ilr, Illht abouU ace-tor alsO, and the enUre "lfeGt la cSaJn!J "ard. marcb! ' ..... ad wblte. membe rl of a burlell) ue iIIo" ·rfl!(i'~I... ' aDd .IUIDDlerUk, IlrAllln g TQor:"l,







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Wrong Conception 'of . Life '

CULTIVATE SUGAR BEETS' WIT,H' 'ELECTRICAL HOES More Depends Upon Physical C()ndltlon or Soil and Met40ds ot CulUvatlon Than Upon Particular Kind of SoiL

E had long b en called 8 TALE OF SOUTHERN CHIVALRY'I wise man , a man of tore· thougbt, far·s eelng and, full How General Eggleston Repaid Actl ot energy; one able to toreof Kindness Done by Young 5Mt the seasonR hnu the , Confedera te Soldier. markets, antI to make com· blnatlons to suit them; a man of General Eggleston of t he First Ohlati strong wl\l and power over wen to ca vn ll'Y, and some of his officers n.ndl make them his servants. He was a men were captured by the COllJ'edel'o! man of standln! In bls community, ates In Alabama. They were marcbedl and was much looked up to by those r)\'er Into Mi ssiss ippi, and beld 3S' &bout him. 80me, Indeed, did speak 'Prison ers of \Val' fo r some Urne a t.' 10 whispered tones that he was a hard Columbus until they could be sC'nt· master, but the popular voice was that mown to !\loblle. he was worthy of honor, and It was Torrents of abuse poured the Indigtreely accord ed to him. , He was point· na tion and enmity of tbe southernerS! ed out to young men as a successful upon tb e northern ers, and the open: man, and empbasls was laid on the catlle cars were not caloulated to< idea of success. Perhapi he was r eo soCten the angr y voices nor to prevent.. , ferreu to as a self·maue !nan, and he the prisoners from seei ng tbe sugges\ 80 thought of himself, once a poor Cultivating Beets With Electrical Hoe. tive actions In wblch the crowd! hoy, now the mas ter of millions and In the United States thero are firty· Tbe present average yield of beell sought to expr ss the antagonis m t bey' Beated with the rich and the great. felt, says II. writer In Na tional Trlir' seyen sugar-beet [Ilctorl es working per acre In this eoun t ry Is ab ullt 10 une. In .faot a fool. three months each year, grinding, ton R, and the percentage of sligar acSuddenly General Eggleston, whos~ Thinks of His Material Wealth: tually extracted nnd l'eH ned does IXlt We aee the man; we see blm every boiling and squeezing the sugar out exceed 12, making tbe average yield attention had been completely ab~ day; lI'e hear his praise in every of nearly forty thousand tons of beets of suga r per acre approximately 2,400 sorbed In cautioning his men to remain calm and show no resentmen t ofl breath. He Is a lantI owner, and that every working .:lay, but this does not pounds. gives position and dignity;' he has near fill our wants. These facts ought Yields of more than 30 tons of beets large possessions, and the harvest has to be encouraging to beet-growers. per acre are sometimes obtained, and I. been good; he teels there Is a neces· Thorough cultivation Is an Import- yields of more than 20 tons are com· slty tor plans for enlargement. He ant factor in producing good sugar mon. was the man of the parable, but he beeta. It is a common saying among From 20 to 21) pe r oent of the suo may be any man, our neighbor, our Germans that "tbe sugar must be gar In the beets has bene reported triend wbo has rapidly acquired hoed Into the beet." so frequently that It is safe to assu me wealtb, and still benda bls thougbts In no time of Itll life should a Sli- tha t an average sugar content of 18 antI energies for more. He Is now in gar beet be allow e-d to stop growing per cent., Is within the limits of possl· his home, his luxurious bome; all that for It it once becomes tltunted It Is bllIty. taste or des may suggest, or wealth doubtful wbether It will ever malee If an average yield of 20 ton s per aoqulre Is about him . As he sits alone 8S good a bee t as It would have beon acre and an average sugar content he tblnks of the day's labor, and hi!! under conditions of continuous of 18 per cent could be reached, we tbought goes out over his me, he growth . would have an average yield of 7,200 .thlnks ot his plans- atr<rwol'1rllnd of Another way the ee hilS been 1m· pounds of sugar per aore. the results, and Is well sallsfied. What proved Is by Increasing Its sugar conClay loams are very satisfactory for shall he do? His business Is crowd- tent. This has been done without In· sugar·beet production, provided other Ing him ; there Is only one answer; creasing the size of the beet. conditions are favorabl e; but mora he Is driven to it by all his past ute; H a largely Increased yield of beets depends upon tbe physical condition he could not make any other: "I will Is combined with a much hlgber su· of the soil and upon methods ot culIncrease my business, and gather gar content it Is entirely possible to Uvatlon than upon th e particular greater wealth; I will take lite easy obtain three times as much sugllr per kind or variety of soil used. The, TTEMPTS made last spring at wus (ound, bow ever, that to be suo· and command for myself all I desire." acre as Is produced on an average at soli, however, sbould be weU suppUed with hullius and well draIned. poisoning prairie dogs In ua· cessful the polson must be scattered As It has been, so It Is now; wealth the present time. tionnl forests on an extensive In the spring, wben the dogs first and selt sum up his thoughts and scale Beem to have been high· come out tram their winter quarten plans, his hopes, bls very life. fertilizers possessing the highest agConlclence Declares Him a FOOl,. ly sucoessful In ridding select- and before the green grass Is offered ricultural villue, consistent with their appetites. As he thinks and plans his head ~d areas of these small pests, and to appease their hungry faolllties . Next spring the llolsonlng WIll be un· drops, and he 'falls into a gentle ' slumplaos are now being made to c,a rry on The 811alY81s on paper does not de· th work much mora widely next year. dertaken much more extensively. A ber. · He dreams, or Is It a dream? He clde the agricultural value, n either The first e xperiments In this line weU-known stockman In northern Arl· feelll his hand losing its grip on his does the price ; two fertilizers of simi· "Good Luck and a Safe Journe,." were made In New l'tlexlco by a stock- zonli writing to the forest service of business, a great darkness rises up Should Be !first. and Last. Consid, lar analyses do not neoessarlly have eration of Farmer in Replac;· his stock range on the great Oanyon and wraps Itself about his wealth, He man who has slnoe entered the forest tbe same agr.lcultural value, nor sell lnll Plant. Food Taken the Ignoble treatment, noticed tha~ • service. In' 1901, . Dr. C. Hart Mer- Diablo plateau, says: "Five years ago starts, for he hears a. voice, a voice for the same money, ne.lther are tbe the a.buslve language was being cur-Fro"m SoU. such a thing as a prairie dog was un· which he heard In hls childhood, but riam, chief of the division of biological prices comparable as determining tailed. His men and the Insulted of.urvey of the department of agrlcul· known here. Two yearll ago there has forgotten long since. The tone III wblch of the two Is the most eoonom' ,The farmer when buying commer- ical, unless the quality of the raw mil.- ficers began to look about for the. ture, made a report upon "The Prairie were a few widely distributed over different, but he knows that It Is the ,cause of the soothing effect. Dog ot the Oreat Plains," In which the range. Last year they ,became nu· I!ame.: "l110u tool! This night sllall da! te rtl11zers to replace the plant terlal utiea In each Is known. For in'A tall young omcer, Major Murray merous, In fact, quite common. II thy lIoul be requlred of thee; then food taken from his Boll by previous stance, tile fertilizer made ot combl· the damage done by the dogs was whose manly beiulng graced the gra11 pointed out, and various methods of something Is not promptly done to de· whose shall these things be?" crops, should consider first the agrl- nations of rock phosphate, hair, leath· he wore, was · out on the platforms a1': A lIuccessful man-a stupendouB cultural value of the fert11lzer, not er, wool cllpplns, kalnlt and tiller, 1l0leonlng them were .suggested. This stroy them they will do great harm most before the train came up to the< tailure. report of Doctor Merriam's may 'be to the range." chemloal values on paper nor IQw mIght show as good analysis on paper stations. It was his considera=- 'saM-to have blazed .the way tor prac- It ie expected that the campaign This . stupendous failure ' was all prloes. It Is, of courlie, to the farm- as another made of pure animal bone, rude tion, his' sense ot justice, that madetical ,,'ork In prairie dog extermlna· against the dogs In the Arlzona and from a wrong conception of life. His dried blood, tankage, nitrate of soda, the progress of the northern soldlerSi New Mexico ,f orests w1l1 be most suc- (!onception ot lite was that It consist· er's Interest to get the best fertilizer ilUlphate of ammonia and high-grade tion. for tbe least money,.' which potash salts, but the agricultural va Iue endurable. Prairie dogs are very obnoxious to cessful, all It has .met with universal ed In the abundance ot possessions. he can Exchange r estored the soldiers to the stockmen, tor they devour much favor among the stockmen who are' He chose wealth and worked for it. fact Is also llaramount with the deal- of the latter would be far superior to their own army and war with Its dire giving every assistance to the forest er. Ih nine cases out of ten, howeve r, that of the, former. The price' of the Jesus said, and aU experience says. grass and undermine the surface of effect swept on through the south and' that a man's life does not consist In thEe' dealer handling fertilizers, ends two fertilizers made as suggested the ground with their burrows. ,Where sel'-vice men. Stockmen and others who wish to the abundance of the thlng~ which one up by buying those lowest In price, above, would no doubt vary. but In de- ' sent Its misery Into the north. At la\!~ they establish themselyea the destruc· Its dreadful story closed, but one of tlon of the range Is only a question try the poisoning on their own ac- possesses. This typical man chose regardless of the quality and, when clding which tel' buy" the agricultural Its fearful sequels was the lost health selling these to the farmers who do "alue of the latter would far .out. count can obtain the ~ormula tor Its mOlley Instead of manhood, and God of time. of the northern wife. Range Improvement In naUonal tor- preparation and dlreotlon for Its USll wrote him down 11 fool. The better not know what constitutes the best weigh any difference 1n price, no matGeneral Eggleston, with the belief> value In fertilizers, the dealer may In· ter how large" as upon the agricultural from the distrlot forester at Albu· \'oice of the Inner maJ;l, and the spoken ests Is one ot the' chief objects of regthat the southland possessed . the crease his profits, also may be saving value of tbe fertlUzer depends the raquerque, New Mexico, or from tho for· jUdgment of the multitude who uicHing the grazing. For this reason dlmate and conditions that would rethe farmer a dollar or two on his pursl.\lts that the farmer expects t.c. get breatbe more treely atter his the forest servloe is leaving no stone est service, Washington. store his wUe, bought a plal)tatlon In. cbase. but, unless tI!~, fertilizer pos· In the field . ' declare the same.-Unlted PresbyIInturned to prevent range deteriorasesses, the agriculturili value, that Is; The agricultural value of the fertl- Lowndes 'c ounty, MissiSSippi, just. terian. t ion. Stockmen who had suffered 'Catchlng Sea Bird .. . the ability of ~the fertilizer to produce IIzer purcbased should be the 11rst and about fourteen miles from the town. heavily from the prairie dog pest were An ingenious way of catohing birds \lILS the best results In the field, It Is 8 last consideration. The quality of the Columbus, where two years before he ~ollcltous to have the work taken 'lP, Is praotlsed In ' the Orkney islanils. lOBACC CAUSES MANY EIf question whether the dealer or farmer raw materials used In the manu(actur- had been held a prjsoner ot war. a nd gladly offered to co-operate with TheNI Is a large white bird who trav· No member ' of hIs family CAme In. benefited themselves. .Ing of fertilizers . concerns the dealer tile service In furnishing men and els with ' an :Irregular and heavy Many Volunteera for British Army have The dealer or local ~erchant·s suc- most, especially when the consumer for .more solicitous Interest In the borses to distribute the pols·on. filght, again and again rising and Unable to Pall Medical Examlnacess depends on the agrloUl.t ural pro- depends upon his good judgment 111 movl~g southWard than · did "CharUe," To ascertain what success could be taking a t~emendous plunge lnto the tlon Because of Smoking, I dl/etll or Q . community, and It Is to his selecting the brands needed for his a bealltlful · chestnut-brown KentuckY In J hlmng conSiderable areas ot blue depths of ·the ooean, where It raInterests, as well as to the farmer's, Boll. These fertilizers having the horse. ~ Born In the Bluegrass and' . Medical testimony says that: tbe Pest, a selection was made of parta mans out ·of sight for tho space of 15 to produce as heavy a yield, of as highest agricultural value which Is de- reared on tbe general's place In southThe use ot tobacco Is promp~d by of t he Leadville and ,PIke national Cor- seconds or so. ~Is bird Is the gan· termlned only by the quality ot the ern Ohio, this hor.s e bad carried him' good a quallty as p08slble. -ests, which were badly Infested. The net or Bolan goose, and It Is the only ~he unconsclous desire to tear down The farmer ' should make' a study of raw materials used In their manuCac- through the war. region In these forests upon which the aquatlo blrd that. takes its prey by danger signals that nature wisely fertilizers, familiarize himself with ' ture will be found the best, not only On one of the days when Generali uogs were located aggregated 300 headlong diving. The wily Orclldlan erects. what constitutes the best value, and for the farmers, but also for the deal. Eggleston had gone Into town be waa. square mil es ' 01' milre. In order to takes advantage- of the binI's peculiar Of nearly 12,000 volunteers for the when he demands a fertilizer ot this er~. The old axiom: "A satisfied cus· greeted by a gentleman whose very .demonstrate the e ffectiveness of the plunging habit by painting the ' por- British army only 1,200 were able to kind trom the dealel', the latter will tomer Is the best advertisement," Is familiar face refused to be' matched: work, an· area of saine 60 or 70 thou- 'tralt ot a herring on a »Iece ot plank pass the required tests, and the chief be compelled to disregard mere fin an. especially applicable to the fertillter with any .name his memory held. sand acres of actual dogtown was se- ilnd weighting It just sutnciently to cause of physical dlsablUty was offi- ~Ial gain and to study the agricultural business, as tn perhaps no other oom· For a moment his acquaintance leoted for the· test. From 80 to 90 keep· It the right dllltancl) under the cially, and medically declared ' to be value of fertUlzer,s for tbe benefit of modlty does the financial loss or ga.ln waited for him to recall his name. }leI' cent'. of the dogs wer~ killed with water. This Ingenious counterfeit Is smoking. "Major Murray!" And the tWG his customers and buy fertilizers only show up as sll'lltlngly as In the use ot tbe first dlstrlhutlon of the poison. It placed In a par~ of ttle soa Infested by Of 61 candidates for the medical de· from those conoerns manufacturing fertilize rs. shook hands with fervor. , -will be neoessary to go over the ground gannetp. and presently' along comes a partment ot the United S~ates army, "And you are at home on a visit?" a second time and by "spotting" the bird whose sharp eye quickly detects during the Spanlsh-Amerioan war, 43 the general asked, after Major Murray occupied holes the dogs wUl what h.e supposes to be 11 fine fat were rejected because of tobacco had explained th~t Columbus had' easily be killed with a very' small ring. Away up he flies IIntll he baa heart, oruclally and medically so debeen his home till after the war. a mount of the poisoning material. The reached a BUfIlclent altitude to enable olared. "On II. forced vls.!t, general. My average cost per acre for the polson· him to make a sucoessful dive upon Tobacco causes a slowing ot tho business demands my attention In Ing material was only one and o~a­ his prey. Down, down he cqmes heilrt, and an Increase of blood pl·es· Texas, but I am barred out by the ha lf cents, and' even then it was found .tralght as a plummet, and the sea Is Bure equaled by the 'Infectlon of only quarantine. No trains are allowed to that more material had 'been used ohurned into foam all arouud where one othel: drug. run-" thsn was necessary. Ile has entered it. But, alas! he The gromt Increase today of death "Why not ride througb, majorr The polson Is prepared by coating never .rlses more, 'poor bird! His. among men trom apoplexy finds par· was the practical Int.erruptlon . wheat with a preparation of strycll· sharp beak Is firmly imbedded In tho tlal explanation III' totiaceo. A second fiu.s h surged up the major'a ;nIne; Cyanide of ~otasBlum, anise f>1\ pieoe of timber, and his neck ls Tobacco 'kills; It is destructive to face. :nud molnsses. Wben a BuIDclent quan· broken.-London Telegraph. all torms of veget~ble. and anllDal "You see, .slr, It would take a very t.lty Iii ready, the poisoned ·wheat Is life . good horse to stand the journey, and [i .carried to the field of· operations. Carrying Plague From Rats, The common notion that smoking Is had saved only enough to take me '{'here the ,stockmen supply men an4 Egyptian or rat ·tleas had been advisable ' because It Is destructive to home by rail." horses, the Is given qut to the spread aU ~ver , the warm countries oll- disease germs Is exploded by the Wltl1 n oordlallty that came directly riders, and d,strlbutlon beginll. , ' the "orld by the rats wbich they wor- eyerlooked tact thl1t any polson that trom his heart, General Eggleston InIilach rJ~er carrl.e s th.e .wheat I~ a ry and rtae. It lIas~ beEm proved that III destruotlve to germ's Is equally devtted ihe man whose kindness to him -tin pan lIupported by 1\ gunny lIack, .man flells and cat l10as c,an. 'oarty .tructlve to lung tissue, had beeu so Invaluable In another day The tobacco desire can be dlmln <tIlung across his right shoulder and 1 but not so strong or ' deadly &8 to be bls guest. hanging at his left sl~e. His '. l~ft . rh:~:t .flea's plague. OnQ tlea;s atom. IBh~d or destroyed by a change til The next day Charlie, saddled and . . band Is ~ree for, t.he reins . . \V lth bls ach .and 'g izzard ' hpld ·6000 .pl.,ue !let. bridled, the major'~ bags across bla rlglit hand be uses. a tab~espoon to 'genns, where: germs .can. hirther Jt'Ow shoulders, ' was Ipoktng at" the t!!artul O ·U f'· Recompense, •. .' . 'measure out the polson and d~p It and keep alive' tor 16 days,. but "rter gr6up anil at the , general for the ex· There are trtlJa that come In ltte: neaf the entrance of the. hole". A l,t- 15 day" white blood cells In "the. rllt's' planation. 'tIe , I!r~ct1se enablet the .•men to drop .o,r ftea's' blood lr,lU the pl9'Ue gennll. hat come t9 human' hearts; "thatseeQi ' Qenera! Eggles.t on spoke to hla KUest: '. ~ , the wheat w~lIe keeping tll.e lr .horsell . Fleas su'c k th.e rjt's blood, and so get :.0 eat up 'every green ·thlng. But walt! at a 's b.arp trot.' By cr,o ss.l ng the ~Wl!, wbtte cella ' from the rata. ;. Both rate lite .1. nq* ...~~ugh yet: Th~rl! a.l'e "It 111 a' s1Jl'81l return' for your favor ' 'f.ears o~ plenty, as we~r u · )Oeara of . 'to ~nd fro, like a man ._sowln« lJ'aln, tJ,eaa :become so charged that to me and ~1 .men, but It w111' ~e"e raml~e, In' ou~ Pl!alm we are told to , , ~hey can cover a lar.g e area tn a .ur- pique stoPil owing to immunity. YQur pre.ent need. baa cal'~pl' ,aDel behold wbat ~e.olaUon • .be .. 'Ilrislngl1 shott · time. ' rted me through maiiY' hard places. 'bath made ID the earth. In the n~t The action of tbe poillon III almost and' "m take you' to ·your 3:o urneJ.'a Idle All the nme, ,!ene It ." ...Id, ~~ makeih wa... to ~ ~ tnstantaneou,i . 14ost ' of the: p~~ .. le end. The hone yourS. 'ma3or: ,do rnterloautol'-I hear that )'our brQtlao MUe. anto til, end. ot the earth. We ~ ., .' ) . . , ,dogS In ~ town Are de8!l ~I.t,hln an with him as you l'dU. I 'J i8"e ' no rear bour or two. after' the b4lf Is droPPed· er bu (IOtten ' to be a greau matlnee ooPt to belle.... that .h, WIll atva 10' . l'reG_nt buiUtde. receifed for a":r~ctlOIl ' by meau of willcb 'thrft ioi' hla !u~ · You ·see. I h4iTe known to tb. 7eara wbereba Wt.' •. . . , . tor three ~d four borse.. hera. are on· one alle ot the toque. bIa ne.w 'owner In the put. Ooo«l l~oII The work Ia conitdered to haYe demo 1c1~!t _ . Bon... Ad • -aale SOUl'DQt~· strated the entire feaBlblll~ or IIlbt- . IIU'. BoD.~Y... IndM«L 8 ... ItIt ~......n trquble. "u aorrow I. Jor IJ rile aboYe dla8ram show. the .cOD· land ODe on the otb. 81de. ~ JIt:~. ~ til. JOT Ja coJlliq ODI" . . the prairie dOli bl tbIa 'ftJ'. It .. 4, tIlDe 11... 4Q&















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Lflllthl\lI Rutbe", '2{1, fl1rme r or~1 TOCKING NATIONAL fOREST \ MUi llf'vllle nnll J o 6Vhi o6 L. Ha.nnt · . .' BOYS' ~TRAIGHT m 'lnn . <l • of Foster. . . I 1'litl IJ ;0\ U [ll1rt-ru lit, I.If Agri n I. BOrS' STRA:I~HT . l ''11 ',' I. ' using thit'4 yeur on th NBnno . PAl'I"S SUITS PANTS SUITS Real Estate Tr msfers. _ al For I.~ 0 ver ten ton~ of t,r s d . ':'J ,n Ilon Pleas Court. $3 an~ $3.50 values ,1 oh n R. Ros8 I.\nd M , G . R 88 to I M t of t'h i eed hn. 01 really been 4 to 16 years'. $5 and $6 New Suits valli H', reduc d t M ry J Mefford , 1(10 aores io Bllr- vlnnt ellor own. The r st will be r duced to llUl township , "'lilO. utiliI' . U Intel' iu·thB a on,.a fayor luoz Deib ld v. Loui P . Dtlibohl . Violl1 B Leev ru.udUltiude Leev- !lble uditlOns 111'0 IJro llotad, , Divor e.orutllty uud gr~tls neglect r to Alfred K . Le~ve r, tot io But,ler. It. tllke II grel1t wany tr e seeds to • _______~-----. uf-d uty . vi lle, U und other vuluf\ble oonsider- ullik tuu tons. Juok pine, the most Probate Court. tltinD t:!. il1lp urtll llt tree for plnntlD~ in the F ranklin Th omas t,o Lestor Kim · NeOrlltlkl\ III\Jld hills by the F ro t. E1'l t,BIR of Mllry ', Bro\vlI, (~eoe u l:I d o r gn A , Witc1'Ilfr. appoint d ad- ri k lind wi fo, 10\ in Lytl~, ~l null 'ar\'i 6, Wllll1YOfllgO sOUlet,hing lik e 12G,OOO to the pound . t Walt hern milll~'rtlt or Bo nd f ~5 ,O OO I. 'I\.rt- ol,her oostderllotions. Emtnl\ VtlnBOIn to liffotll :::itab. yellow plul', the tre UlORt extoDwri ght,Jlllll e!.!U Ro le Itnd J E Jan\er. lot in M.lsoD; U a.Dd other oon · Rlvely plunted throughout the n l\y 1l1lPoln tod appralserl:l Nntloll,d l<~orfl ts I\S 8 whole, 10,000 ' Estate uf M'~ry Ett>t. · Tb ompson Eliderflti ons . Elizilhe th BateR to Eli z'lbotll M. !:'uud ~ ill fUnke ... pi undo Altogether Moore, deo nsea . Will uil'erol\ for Updi ke, lot in Franklin, love anll U16 ten tODti of seed to bo usod tllil:! probate. George ~. Lever. ndlllini!:ltrl1tor affeotion. yoor r presliDt perhtlps ;l00 millhm V8 Margaret L ver ot ul t:;nle oonJonathon Morris IlUd Wife to John sin gle selidl!, fi rmed Imd deed and distriuution or- W . 'lluoker!.l Heinl, lot III Harvey!!' If every seed co nld ue u pend ell burg, uo oonsidepltions. ell to prod uce II. ytlun g tr e sui table dered . Estllte of Mary S, Donson, . de. Frederick r. Frieherg lind wifo to for plullt,ing-, Iho ro~ ul t wonld bn ceased . O n appUoatlou Albert '40- Everott L . ,Euglln nOll wife, 50 aores n 1:II1}>ply ('If uor .. ury s l.o k snlli<"ien t Gowen, Robert Clendenen I1nd N . in Saleln towDfl hlp, and other vtll · to pl!\nt th roe hunurec1 th ousllnd J. Duvall appointed toapproitle real uuble oouaidurntiout... tlores of lund , but no s unh resu lt 'UII bu looked I'or because IlII1UY e<e US tate. Comml~ioners' ProceedinJ,!s. Estate of Ellen V. White, decellsed uo not gormina te , Mo!.!t, of 1,ll e IItJod Inventory and apprl1isement filed . PhIlip t:;penoe, geneml iudexes to will be 80w n, tlither br o ~l(l otl !.lt tlr in Twice a year we Ilclean housc" giving" our cuslomcrs values Order granted to sell pers()nal prop- real estl1te, 1265,50 i The Franklin seed IlpO! , or pltln! ed with I~ ourn regardless of profit and C(ISt. It pays us to do this, and erty at pnvllte sale. <:: hro[,iole, vouoher books for re pll1nter, direotly in the plnce whure E~ tate of Jane MoM~hoD, deoea~ed corder, $9 i luquest over body of the trees are to stllnd. . certainly pays YOll. Read the rcliuclions carcfullYJ as Ml1rgaret C. Johnson. , i George Final acoount filed. Even when "ursery stock Is rni f.l ou w mean what we say, and can SAVE YOU MONEY. Estate of I..izzle Pittsfield, de- W . Carey, inquest o,·er body of a liberal allowanoe must he. mode • oelit4ed. Final aooount filed . John H . Jones, S8,50 i Lebanon loe for IOS8. In the first pilloe, tI oonEstate of Frank Clark, decea.sen. and .Con·1 Co" Ice for ooort house, siderable of the sods Final account allowed, .a.pproved . '4. ~O; J . R. Hunter, ohl1plaln at in · will be found to be iufertile. Of and confirmed firmury for Joly, '12.50 ;:F. P . Forgy those which germinate, many Will CHO ICE of all our finest suits, pring and medium weight. Hirsh, Wickwire. L System and Hackett· arhart lines, Estate of John Kibbey. benefioi ~ry boarding prisoners during July, die before they leave the nursery First aooouot allowed. approved and ' 51.80; Jake Monfort, oontraot 28, bedtl, and many more will be lost i~ ...... ..... ... confirmed. ' $3 .50 i John Burnett, oontraot ~6, trRutlpianting . If from 1.\ pounll of Estate of Josephus Witham de- and tlnal edtimate on contraot 12, Western yellow plDe seed tbat oon ' , CHOICE of a ll our Hand -Tailored 'uils, sam make us above, ceased . Final aOO3nnt allowed: ap $73 60 ; Henry llhri.stian, bridge reo tliins 10,000 indi vlduol Beeds , 4,000 n w Tans, Sel'g s, GrnYR , (c .. $1" ~~O , $22 and $25 values, Ma rk-Down Price.... .. • proved and oonfirmed. pairs in Hamilton townsbip $11; throe-yell.r.old transplant8 flre ItvailEstate of J. B. Vall, assignor, A. F. Meeker, contraot 104, speoial able for field planting, the De~l.rt CHOICE of all our $12, $14 nnd $ 16 'ui t.'l, a very large asFinal account aUowelt. approved and of 190 , '297.60; S/lm D.. Benkle, ment of Agrioulture has obtuined sortment in this r ange. now off red in ()Otltirmed. !\les and expenS8@ for July, 140 90 i satisfaotory results. this great Mark·down Sale at ......... ... ... .... .: • Estate of Margaret Clements, de Nathan liarvey, oontraot 27, SUO GO There are now twenty. four Nation cea8ed. / FlrsS a.ocount allowed, ap. The Charles A. P. Barrett Co., paint a1 Forest, norserie8 with I\n tlnnutd A SMALL LOT of Fancy ui t in slOclll l ZCS only 11;10 and $12 values, now mark rl flown to .. .. .. proved and oonfirmed. ,61; State vs Dauiel Ward, costs, producti ve capacity of over milhon :Estate of Albert Leroy Reed, mi. '6 .65 i State vs Clarence Parlett., seedling8. But there mnny Dor.. &coDd aooount allowed, apt oosts, '7.60. millions of old bnrn8 on the Nation proved and oonfirmed" The oontraot for a steel beam al ~orests whioh are 'Y~iting to be o Estate of Almeda Cain, imbecile. bridge with conorete fioor on the re8tooked, lind some quioker und 'r-eoth accouot allowed, approved HarveysQurg and Btokoryville road oheaper method th"n the aotual The Bflst Ages, and oonfirJDed, in MaBSie &ownlhip , was let to the planting or nursery grown treES is Makes 4 to 18 Estate .of West Glenny, deceased. Oregonia Bridge Co ,at ,theestlmlite urgently ' needed . ',rherefore the 8eooud account allowed, appro"led $193; aleo the bridge on Morrow foresters are making experiments and oonfirmed. road in Salem township for .1 9». on & large scale with different methAll Boys' Bloomer Suits, form Errly sold at $9, $10, All $4 and $4.50 Bloomer Suits Marked down to ................... .. Estate 01 C. B. and M. A. Bum. Charles HeDderson was awarded od8 of direct sowing and plantiog' l and $12. now in Mark-Down Sale at................. • bert. a8slgnors. Fibal a060unt al- the contraot for repairing stone cnl · ltnd most of the seed Rathered 1l1st lowed approved aud confirmed. ,' ert near Shaker Hill sohool house year was obtaiDed for this use. $' .50 and $3.00 Bloomer Suits $6 and $7 Bloomer Sui ts, Estate of George Cook, insane. at the est.imate $52.60. Broadoa8ting has already been Mark-Dow~ Price...... ... ...... ...... • Now ................ ......... ........... .. Fourth aooount. allowed, approved 'The oontraot for bridge lumber found to give good results I.n some and confirmed. was let to J . F. Spuhler; fiocring at regioas It was first trled in the Bltlo~ Bills of ~ooth Dilkota, with I..:.-.,...-_~...t&te of Habnah Ireton, deceased $2 75 per hundred. an encouraging outoome. Ttl broadI'tnal aooount .allowed. approved • - ••..:..- -Ol1st an uore ot lund wit-h yellow aud oonfirmQCi.. . Ufe on the Panama Caosl pine 8eed abont 8 pound8 of seed 1, Estate of Olarenoe E Harkrader. hBS ,h ad one frtshtfnl drawbaok used. One of ·the most formidable 3 to 17 years $6, f,7, $8 grades, now .... .. $4.98 milIaria trouble that has brought drawbacks to thlS metllod is the ex, et al minors. Mixth acoount allowed $4 and $4.60 grades, now ·.. 2.50 ,nfferlng aud death to thoU8ands . tent to which the seed IDtl.y be oon $1.50 and $2,grades, now .. . $1.24 approved and confirmed, $2.50 and $8 grades, now .. . 1.98 'I'he germa cause chills, fever and somed by bird. and roC1ents. If the $1.25 and $1 grades,' now... 8ge . Eetate ~f .Willlon Kirby, deoea8ed ague, bilioosness, janndioe, lassi. sesson happens ~o be one in whioh $1.40 and $1. 75 grades now 1.39 76c grades, now·.. ............. Me Final account a11o""ed, opprove~ tude. weakness and gEineral debihty. food for thede animals is scarco. the 60c and 50c grades, now... 45e But Eleotric Bitters Dever fai) to de· loss i8 very beavy. 'I'be problem of and confirmed. stroy them and cure malaria tronb. oontrol of t1.nimal pests, suoh uS field' Esta~ of Raohel SmUh, deceased. $3 and $2.50 values. now ... Sl.98 lest "Three ' bottles oompletely mioe, ground sqairrels, and g(lpbflrS, Sale bill filed. $1.50. $1.65 and $2 values.. 139 oured me of a very severe attaok of whioh eat tbe tree seed, IiOi! I\.lso Boys' Wash Pants Boys' Wash Suits Wilson Bros. Fancy Shirts, $1 malaria," writes Wm. A. Fretwell, the further problem of preventing , Marrlqe Liceoaes. anel $1.50 values , now.. ... 8ge of Luoama, N. 0 ., "and I've had the depredation" of rabbit-, whioh Straight Style A lot of Fancy and White $l.i,oo grades, now ............ $1.98 Ead 8eamaal.'4, 25, farmer of Wil- good health over since." Gures ara altogether too fond of the little Negligee Shirts, $-1. $1.25 Stomaoh, Li ver and Kidney Troubles $2.00 grades. now ............ ' L4S trees themselves, 'whether uurserv . miDgton and Leona Frye, 22; of SOc values, now ......... :........ 25e and $1 50 ~rades, now..... ·69c $1.50 grades, now ...... ...... 1.24 "nd prevents Typhoid~ 500. Guar. transpllUl~ or .field grown seedlings, : Pleasant Plain. Rev. Mr. Nash. of anteed by Fred U. Sohwartz. 25c values, now .. :............... 15e 76c and 50c Famous Shirts.. 45c $l.(l() grades, now ... ·.. ...... 890 is receiving the attention of the BI_ Blanohester, named to PJlrform oer· ological ~urvey ~~perts of the Deemony. USE PURE BRED DAIRY COW partment of Agricolture . Lewis A. Ro,bblns, 2/), laborer of In some looali.tiea the Depllrtm!3nt ..; . Mainevllle.and Mrs. Addie art Baker. , While ,a good grade cow is a prof. has had to purohase seed. but DlOl!t ~~---~..-......-.....~---:!---..-.~SO, 01 Mainnille. . Rev. Mr. Fulton itable milk produoing maohine, she of that used is gathered by Forest Service men themsel ves. The cost of MaiDeville named to perform the only brings profit from ooe soore, a. of gathering has varied for the differ oeremooy. you oanno' sell her oalf lor breeding eot regions from thiny.five cootl!' to Mortimer T. Hawthorne, 40, neW8- PO"P08~. By ueing the pure bred Olio dollar a pound. As a rule the paper man of,Middletown, IIond Lelia dairy oow you have three soorea of /ileed is collected in the f~l1 months, when most oonlfors ripen 'their seed. Pearl Mull, 36, of Lebanon, Rev. inoome, her milk, her calf and her Pur ties 6f three or four men ordi All $5.00 and $6.00 Hats, Papamas W. A. Cooper. " manure. narlJy work' together. Where lumGeorge 8 . Brubaker, 23, laborer of bering is in progress tl~e oolleotl)rs $2.50 and $3 Union Struck a ' Rich Mine follow the 8a wyers and take the Franklin and Mary A. Barlett, 1S,of All "8.00 and $4.00 Hats oones direotlyfrom the felle I.trees. Fmnklin. Rev. 'W .. A: Cooper. l:S. W. Bends, of Coal {,'tty, Ala., now ......................... .. 111 @tand,iog timber, the tflsk is muob. Robert E. Kohr, 24, papermaker says he 8truok a perfeot mine of mcrearduuus. 'fhe men must often $1.50 and $2.00 Union 76c and 60c values health in Dr, King's New Life PIJI" now ........... .' .. All $2.00 and $2.f)(I Hats of Franklin .and Mary A. Gaunt, 20, for they cured him of Liver and Kid. climb tall pinel! and pull the oones now .... ' .................... . trom f;he branohes I1S best they ol1n. of Franklin, Rev. W. A. Cooper. .ney Troublil after 12 years of suffar. S5c and 25c values $1,00 and $1.25 Union ing. 'l'hey Bre the best pill" on ,W here the!ole al e on the extremitiesAJI $1.00 and '1.25 Rats now· ............ . Suits, earth for Constipation, Malaria, !ind beyon'd the relloh of the band, now ............. -...... . .... .. pruning shears I1re u8"d . Tho oones now ........... . Headaohe, Dyspepsia, Debility. 250 are dropped to the gro'u nd anu then at Fred C. t:;ohwllrtz's. 15c Hose All 50c Under.· ~atbered, into bU<:lkets aod transAll 50c and 75c aats now ............. . --_ ferred t9 S3 )ks, io whioh tbey are wear~ noW ...... now ........................ .. St. Augustine. FIL. ( t\ LOVEOMETER carried to a centrlll pOint for further Juae · l. UO,~f AII"'25c Undertreatment. All 2.'5c Underwear 10c Handkerchiefs 1'lIe Nature's Cr~ll.tion Co., wear, now ...... Soience is slowly killing rQmanoe. The extraotion of the seeds is te now .... :........................... . Gentle men :-We think. ,"our reme4!" now ........... .. .. ,,; onder.l ul and havo told douns 01' peo- ['be latest inventi)n is an instrD- diOl;lS r"ther 't hlin dimcolt, In some p le about It and gavo th em your addres.. My dau gh ter now seems a. weli ment called a plethysmograph, fo~ case8 the oonea a'r e spread out upoo .flheets in the sun, wi:en, alter a time ." . ever an lt wChths lZ pountls more th~ when sho commenced taklnw Na- aOieI;ltifically testinK the warmth of they open and the seed drop out; in ture'" Creation. Sho was ma rrIed Jut :<.I onth. 1 am sendlnlr you her I/Ictu"" lovers' affections. l'hepersoD whose other ol1ses it" is neoe8sary to rliSOl t but don'l Itn 'l ~' liS It will tle 01' any u.u c() you. as IIh'" hll8 always been thin . . feeliDgs are to be weighed in tbe to artifioial heat. This is , applied the tace. 'V" thlink you k.lndly to't balanoe puts his or her arm tnto by plaoing the cones upon trays wit.h ·;ourteou" tl'eBtment IUId " '111 alwaY8 soreen bottoms and 'r aiSing the teml u c~nlm elld you biehlI', . a ~ubber bag whioh is then drawn pera't ure (f the r"om to the . proper Tour gra.t~tul trlen!!. tight a.nd filled with water. Names degree. The oonet! op~n, the winged A~ust ~ !/.: ~ of young men or young women, as seeds fall out, and the seed is separ the oase may be, are introdUQ~d, ated finally from wings and dirt by " St. George Street. a faooing mill. A good many saeds ;' COliu. O. Hatch. the ,,·ell·known Plum. .and if the name stirs the hea'r t the have been removed from the oone '\ ~r o~ J:\meelown. \l. . Is thla Itlrre pulse ~8 and the Indicator mounts by hand, but this is ' a sore trial to '1 IlC1 •• end , to him goes. the cr.dlt of ' ~"In~ her lIfe. as It waR he who ' Itrot tJi. me41c:ln. tor her wben sh. wa. up. If the na~e leaves tbe.8ubjee' the fiog~rs of the pillkers and an ,: /ractleally connned ' ,to her bed.) u~moved 'he pnlse remOlDS statlon- ceedingly slow process Nature's Crcs tlon contntn3 1'10 ~rl!C)o ·ary. tlot, morphlue . .opium or any InJurlou. " CrouP or bablt-formlnlr d\'ugs ot Ilny kln4. IW. ~arantee jt to the U. S. "overn. ORGANIZE COW TEST ' ASS'NS People with ohildren .should keep In~' uDdec the toDd and dl'1l"s act. It a bottle of Dr. ·Bell'8~De.Tar-H:)bey :aeq by baJJdln'1' UP. not atlmulatlns. ~h.'" Creation Co., Bank Bld~.. The beat thing for any , dairying o~ hand a. all times. "roup is worso "7'0_ anU Rlgh, Columbus. call 01' ;wnw tor hands om. boolrlet. whfClb g of 18O&11'y fa the , orgaDization Df oow at night when It JlI sometimes hard '}'Mt tntol'el, b 'UM" "a... lYe .... teet a.aooIatloDS, . .. atttf"Q. ._ . " to bellget on· athe physician. boUle. Look ,fer

County €ourts , _---

R. S. Kingsbury's



$, ~.98


maJt'k ·Down Sal¢



Commenced Saturday, July 30; ,Closes August 15.

M!~~J~~n$~'1 $~~~~~.~~~,......


$14 75

$9 75


B'o ys' Bloomer Suits


$6 98


$4' 75

Fancy Shirts


.. :

Men's ,Underwear

.- .






~~~~~~ ......... ...... ......

8ge 4Se

$2.9'8 $1098 $1.48 8ge 3ge '


~~~~:.......... $1.98







'REMEMBER, .Sal-e . Begun 'S'aturday, ~uly 30th, and·', Close$

-'. tJ1tu. 4-.


. :'



. -.


t~e "~.~~~.I!II.~~~~IIII!I!'I!~~"~~"'~IIII~~~"~

_ _"_ _ _ _


. m'





NE.W AND SECOND-HAND l:omblullo11 CnlnKed- loCkS Ol'lrnlulld- SIfIl



,·.""t.• Dr". p' ot ("'IIlP" I fHI with UUl'lllnl '·ltl \1 11 )1 · ,·, ·- ,, 1 - ---'-. ---~--V ,t,t!, PI" '''II'WI " " IUI""·. d wltlt I ur · /lI ,d "1 ' I" . t, l \111 " C" IIt. t111" " 'U " ( KI .. " :lI y ill otlI'lII\I·O) ...... . : 1.1 " c; i"v I' T' , " ,"' " :" , WII '" 'U i' 9 lI.l 1 f r' ' ) 11 1( 11. 41t11. ,v . . • . • ..•.• . .. . . ., h'IV , X:I )IN " 1' /' ''' . "ln v" I' It .. " p ",." lI i: L " ,., .. 11(11'1', I 5i:1 R.Rtl'~ · of Aolv(lflisin~~ tODS. l~f 'll tl rn L( I.llf"u ls. 1k' I' II : u' " '" ~If Hp,I,I,I1' L,, ·u lk. hlH'1t roU'' . Iwr 11111 ' ... . IUr Illtloth v. I" ~p, · (' t ( l llnlll\r l~ l l wlt,h l'I". " III .. d \01 1< , '1iII I" ,.,.1·".,, 1 II,,· Iilll'" ""rltl'd yll ' I, I, i,:! lI" r '·" nt, 2 ~" 'I'hroe 111';('1'11"" . IIl,lIuIU'h'., Ih e Il1d ...s h';'~ ·: · I" ';~ ~ · li ~.~ ·· Pdt ,d.L"'!' , P" II~JlPC't. Qlllll"trl II with • 1111'1,,",, , lQr IIII~ •....... • . . . ' I """"'" 1 .vl ... I'l , 7\1 1111" I!e nt.. • 'urol ,., II!IIIIIIN . . . .. • . .. . . . . . .. . .... . ~ ~" ' U" COl, (",,(llt"OIl Q" III\m"·t"li v..iLIJ ·1,. H esolutloll'" . . .• • ... • . . ' " .•. • .. • . , . .. 51k ~"I'\ul " ,.1,'. whc"'u l'I , u"~tll" ~",. lllll"I,, ), \d "'rIlRI I1Il I,,'r jlll'\, . , . ' " . , II ,,· I Jl M'UlIIII ", Jt!\, . ' 11 1111 , 't1l1 t" U«I .

"'h.k ...... .

,\ VC I ' >l'f Ii . ' :1 111

- ---- -- -_ . Chinese l'Ull r Two

Vt'1l1' "


Ulltlcrl!IlCS Challg.

,I,!" I It ,·

~' t' k 1" 1:' I)



oell.l1rl\l.,oI i I., 111111<" "1111111 Oril!in. "lly It 11\11'" If''' . I II' I l1tt>rvlI\ .. 'Ind In 1\


tll d IpIt1l ., t. 1I 1'\'


' l'uC1ll ~

it illlllflc1I'rll. i'" ,\illI,., .li II\lh'i O"'ln~ beln!.C thl'Hoi 11.1111'1".. re'l I ohllnl:t1~ h .. VH !JfI .. n '''"U'\ IU ,lO ,v1' III·H. /lllrl "Inoe Lhll 1I·,x"" l' il lll" III o1 11 t.he /111m ber.lua(1 \) .I"n,·.~" of 1l11" n · w.. p parI! have tnOI' Il "~t'll. 'l'tlf're Ilre I!even dlJItlrellt MI;VI !llll)f WI'liing, the nn. oleul, the htl'l'lu,V, th o flowe ry, rh e oe mmon, ~lJt' "II"lUl vul~uritl t ile f"mlliar liud Ihll 1l1'11'tu\ary . " 'l'h.· vaporM tor thu p60ple ule printf!ll iJ. tbe OOwlllon tll,.vl .... ,ulIl lIome hllvP Ildllptt4l1 tho rhlW 1I1phnlle l' "II notlonall by the ~f\v .. rlllll" ;'t, J • A Clean Shave

Is deelrlllJltl. Or titlU't\ Aut.tstlp tlo ~Ill vo il! Il (Ir(111 my 8U 0 W whitt olntoltlDt Ilnd guarunt.e.l'd fllr nil skrn dilleases, !Ill U IHI e('zama, salt rhtmm. chullll, etc. 250

GRASS FOR THe CALF 1'be' oalf 8110ulll bave Kra88 or boy to nibble at· wilen 'hreeurfoor weekI.' old. '1'1108 ltll hunger can he ap. peased and Ittl fAf !ci given leiS often


- ..---

The Best Hour of Life


ts wben yon do some R!'eat deed or difloover some wonderfnl faot. Tht.. hour ~ J. R Pltot; of RoQky Att , N. l:.' when be WIlS .. nJl'ering In teulely, liS he !I~y8, "froUl the worst oold l.ever hlld . 1 tbell proved to my Kre"t satlsfaot.ion, W II at a wonderful Cold and Cough oore Dr Klng's New.DilJOOvery III . .Itor, "fter tllklng one boUie, 1 Was entirely oured Yoo 'can't SIlY I1Dythin~ too good ot a medl('ine !ikt! tbat. " Itl' the soreAt and beltt remedy for dlseaeed lungs, Bemorrhllsel, LaUrippe, Asthma 8ay Fever, . nny rr~1'ollt or Luni Tronble. 600, t1 00 Trilll bottle free. Guar8uttled lJy F, O. &hwartz.

- - --.... - ...._--

Publlo abuse demonstrates that a man may be literally kloked into prominenoo.

----•. .We auarantee Every Box ~~ ----

of Dr. BeU's Antlseptio Sulve too do what we olaiul . 'fry it for oloers, boUlt, running sOlie!!. t.etter, ring worm, .eczema. suit rheum, fever 80r88, onts, bruiles, plwplell, blliok heade, ohapp, feloD!!, burns or olny akin dlseasth 2»0 a box, -

. - ..---


The doctor should see thtLt his Ptl. "aDts are weli heeled;

01111 III IIdDe" AIo laakaaed " Oyer-Iork.





lunn urticle on "Blltting" in t ll '! 1 St. Augustine's Catholic Churc.: . I\~a l hcr U eu rllc t\ Jl1 \' cuhoc f cr . P:. .. ,01 Mlignzin6 Hngll ~ . Full e!' i\la ",!o\ t v,' ry IoiI'c CIlIfJ SU lUln.\, o f lh t, t nll u lt ' .~ , .ton deloribos II !' foll o v.-R I.h e I nf'{e. I \I :011 a . IU hit eve r rO()l)ruolI : St. Mar-y's Episcopal Chur(, l. " I.on lo{e, who Wll ~ of th o lI1ir1 (11 .. agflN of th e gllnle, m tldo n hit I II 111'1' . •1. '" C;fI, l wa lhlll c r . H.·rl., Ciucinnnti whioh Itl 1'1'1o{''''dtll l bv !'II ntl ., y Sc lllil.1 \I ':I ll 11 . "' .\t urt " '" ' c r . . \' In', 1(1 :;JO a . III . Hh h ' C: UI U fJl U Jll ll tj t.h l' Il t'1. l DIOIlY u,. th ~ I O Dgo~t, lilt. l\"lIr 111 , ,,1, •. S"",la), ul C.i,· h "",,"h . Th bull (Jleuro(\ th o Cl1 l1ter Ii Iii fODca. whloh WIlH on t(.p of n h' gh Methodlst Episcopal ChurcD. I k I '1 d Ruv, U. W. Bldloy, P&8~OI mll JIUI men. tI.1l e 1I 0rm;!:! W tlHtu rn .' umlflY ·cllO,,1. )1 : :111 a . ID . Moru l ,,!! ~ , • . avenue. went throngu th e window ' d .'c . 111 ::111 u . III . 1 ; I) Wur~h 1.'''' 1(''', j :,l .. v· 1111. IJ: \,l' nltll: ~ cr\'IN' , 7 ' \111 \I m 1IIIc\wcel<. o f a 11I1100n llnel WIiR found hehinllll" ' ,y pr :IIue LI I1 I(. 7 p . "I:' . . th'" IlIlr. 'l 'llfl hit mn!le II fort,nn e ' Christian Church, for thn Ruloon, UR big orowd .. wont l Ilov. I,. O. 'rhoOlllSOU. I'llStor. to I!eo tho ball on exblbit.ion. " I~ IIJ I School, 9: 301 n. m.' 8uclnl mootlug. AUl~T1olln


,1.11" \'6r 'l.!f1 K:J P"" ot'nt HORSE PALACE':"'-OHIO STATE FAIR. PUHt.llrel', (!1lI111 il,j. III Cfllll JlUtl !tl with WITH til' advent or tue uutomouile It \\'us freely I)redlcted that the day" ot ,," uV l1 r/l~{t', ~HI IJfI " l1 "l1t the hunm wo,·o llumu erod. 'I'ho (nllncy or this 18 cleurly shown by a API''' ' '' ' I'1'1o"'P"1\I (," IlIIJllrHrl wi !l1 visit to thl' hlo State Fulr lind ao 108P('('l\oD of the olllgultlcent stock tlfere u, ' rlil" \ '1 ·ld.:l I/I'r cu nl, show II. 'fill! c'ut 1I10ve III n I'cproduc;tloll ot the bulldlug devote d to bouslng IJ, " ,, ", ~. \II,.,,,,,,·,,L " " 111\1111'1'" wltl, the 1I1l11111l1~. The !:Itl'ucturp Is 3:.12 tee t sq uare with stllll capacity ,.t iOO. At HIC (·oll,llIJ.: t xhllJltlUII, tn ue h'ld In ulumbu s Sept. 5. 6, 7. H aDd 9. the ""'· II.p d 5' ''-1'' , .{ ~ I"'" 01'11 1 fill 'HI. hul'SO . Bhow lu til' world Is promised. All breeds w1l1 'be represented 1'" " "14, Vro , )11·Ct. o'lu q,,,r eu wi tli tl'om lu e t.llmlllUU\·O Shetlalld to the heavy Percheron. .. UllflUld YII, III ·H per oent lir,,1-' ~, l'ro .. pect oUIIIJ.JUrIllJ wi.ll GOOD AIR OOI'WnJ yitlld, 51 pe roent Herrle,. prospeot oLlmpnred wlt.h I.... t ye"r, 57 ller oent. All wust'3. if allowed to rew~in With threHhing well udvllnof'd . about the h ouse. makes tbe air bad. OlJ rl'ot'lloDcJ ntll tl~ tilllnto til/it tilt' There if! dirty tt.!r just 8S muoh as Itvertlgo yit1lu of wlllttt per aoro (OJ' Established to . Guide Slatr Fair thore IlrA dirty olothes and dirty ::Itlllll Itll It whule Will bt1 lipproxi Visitors _ Free Messenger wtt.ter Dr . Jamos Johnson Bllye, in "A rr.lltoly 14 X bUilhels or 96 per oent tu uomp.Hlllon to II Bormul yield ot Service , a Feature , Diary of tl. Philosopher," that all 15 lJu,.hvJs pel: /lore, represented b.y "the del1tbs reilultinM from fevers 100 per ·Cont. One munth ago il Exposition Open Day and Night are but .Ui a drop In the OO~Bn com· WUIl elltlwuteu 1,682.ti74 aores would pured with the numbers who periah be h,uve8t.ed Tills should produoe from bad air .• , ~".4.(l\,678 bURhel!!, 1m Increuse of AntioipAting lurge numbersof VIS There ~ust be a oonstant supply tB 1,437 1J11sheis over the July est!. lOOrl4 Ilt thu Ohio State Fulr, reRident~ of freSh, pure air, and I II oonstant rUllte. 'l'bis ill lipproxlrnutely threE' of the oRpitnl olty ttre milking ell1h. removul of the used up air. mtUlon bus bel!:! sbort ot the esti. ora to plJID!! for their oore und 00111. We often fergllt tbat ILlr ill 1\ real mated 1909 blltvest. The prospeot' fort. lnforml.tion bureuus. will {e substance, jllilt uS real u.s water. i va Yield vl1ries ~reatly over the estlLbl: had at the Stilts Cllpitol Il'ld When a olln is full of water l no more st-ale . . Ashtl1bul~ oounty t!hould on ~he Exposition grounds These water 08n be put in. When 11 room pNduce the bl1nDer yield per aore, ~Ilre~us will btl in position to furnlsl), is full of I\ir, no more can enter. If while Jl1okson oounty has t.he poor• .f~ll lDformn.tion reference to the there is 8. ohanoe for a s'tream of est prospeot , Following Ine coun. ~Ity or Exposition. To aid in seour water to run out, it oan be replaoed ties "nd peroentage estimates report. 109 bOllrd ~nd lodging, E1Boh bureau by freeh. Jost so with air. hi~ average yield per Ilcre norml..1 will e!ltabhsh (ree messenger servioe Therefor", some. mellns must be or heUer : ' t o guide visitors to botels and pri.. devised to 08use a oonltant oorren' Ashlllnd, 119 i Ashtabula, 144 i vate residenoas, where aooommoda of air. . Olark, 108 i Columbianll. 117 i Oraw. tionR may be seoured. at reasonable ' Many persons trv to keep warm ford;109; Coyahoga, l2~ ; Delilware, rates . Maps of tho oity. street oar by keepi!)g oot the fresh air. Tbil 108; Erie 112 i Fulton, 121; Geauga, !lnd oity directories, railway sohed i8 wrong. More foel is required to 142; Bilmllton, 108 j Bolmes, 102 j UI98{t-elephllneand telograJ)hservioe make 8tale air feel warm. Huron, 107 i Lake, 110 j LiokinlC, 106 i will 0180 be foond at eaoh Boreau. Eacb morning every room shoold Lorain. 109· Mahoning 117' Medina The eduoll.tionallLnd II.mllflement be thoronRbly aired, , ,. ' \ . 112 j Mercer 111; Miami, 117; Idol" ·features (If the El':p08itlon this yMr Too ho& rOOIl1l wUh too liUle air ro.w. 100; Ottawa, 105 ; Porta,e. 113 i lire of suoh granlleur thu.t reoord. oomplete the maohief of the dust &ndnsky, 102; !:\eneoa, 107; Stark, breaking orowds are assured, and heap !lnd garbage piles, ] 10' Summit 119' Trumbull 135' DO Effort will be spared to sustain Dootors all over 'he world have Va~ Wert, 10'0 j W~rren, lOS j Wllyn~ the ol1pi~al Olty'S .proud reoord of oome to OI.>nsider fresh air ·8.I a great 126 i Wllliams, ) 16 j Wood, 111 i Wy h()SPlt"ht~ toward Its gU~St8. . remedy for many kinds of disea8e, II.Ddot, 112. Compared with ll&st Entries 10 the ~ompetltlve de}}llrt- espooially long troablell. It is not year t.he hll.rvest Is one week late, munts of lone &Xposition oloeo l !:)at- now ~nsldered n60eeMry to go Vats hlne lldvaocecl' fou~ pornttl ardllY, Aaga~t 20th. Pr,lNlent indi- away from horne to tie oured of 000. sinoe July repor t, 'prolpeot being oatlons ara t.b~t the 'Ullmmot.h build. sumptlon. now estimated at 108 pe" oent com. ings w,lI be oapaoity taxed to aooom. A lIeriona 108s of the sohool time pared with normal yield. COOl- mocla1ie nll exllibltl!. of ohildren Is 08.osed by lllD888; and plamta general of orop being badly The amosement and entertain- & los8 of t\te wages of the older iooged. t;ome damage by rust re. ment progr<inl of the ExpO'JUion is members of the familytendtl to low· ·ported. PresenUndicatlons are that. t,he grundest in i~ history. Spirited er the inoome eo that it is quite the harvest will equal if not excell bllrne!!s molng, twonty free oiroul worth while from & money point of the I&bundant one of 1909 '!lots, Wehe,··s prize band are pro. view to keep well. Oorrespon!len&8 notes' generlllly, gramed daily, wh11e eaoh night vi!!. Disea8e is often the oause of pov• referenoe to oorn are most en cour itofl will te thri lied with the presen- erty .. MAXtJrlS aglnM. In some s60tiooS of Stat.e tft tion of Pain's mastel'pieoe, "Bat. orop is suffering {or rain. th, in the O.louds." . ) lI'resh air ie the be8t and oheapest Clover hllY is of excellent qnahty. The Exposition open!! Monday, tonio. 1'he o.Terare prodootion J)t'r "ore is ~ptember 5th, to odntinue five foil Air can be dirty and stagnant as approximately one and one.halftoDs days. On toe opentng day .ladie8 well as .water. Pastores are in fair oondition. Rain will be Bdmitt'e d for h"lfprioe, while Olean air makes olean lungs, ' OD Friday, September 9th. ohlldren No room that seems "stuffy" when i8 needed. will be tl.dmltted free of ohll.rge yoo come from the outside air is fit pr08p60t~ disoouraglDg. Per. to' stay in. oentage estimates followlng: Ap. Suthertand'. Eagle Eye Salve It takes more tuel' to make fool plesl 38; peaohes, 42; pears, 44; Is a oreamy Snow white ointment air warm than fresh air. Kr!lpee, 51. with lll.tlt pat up in uir tlght sorew cap tubes _ _ __ _ .. year berry produot is eUimll.ted at Will oure 80y ca8e of sore eyes Rnd . will not inj are eye~ of u babe, Sold Many '~ rll mily tree would make 67 per oent. everywhere 250. mighty poor lumber.

Bureaus of


n ormation

. . -.··----d·.

.- ...----

UDlCaltll1 DtDc1S JIakc Impure Blood. Internally . Weak II\1d unhealthy kidneys are reDr Bell'M AD ti. Pa·tn oureM oolio • • pon.ible for much sickness and suffering, . therefore. it kidney flox. diarrhea, oramps and ,,11 bowel ;.w.r.-. trouble is pennitted to o 'm\llf}ints. Ex~erDtl.lly :-(;ur68 Rore breasts, r~~M~MlW continue, serious reo o!! aulta are most likely Q.Orn~l bonioDM. to.)thllobe, neurlligill to follow. Your other II.nd lill pRiDS ::;uld everywhere. It orgnns may need at· Ie a.ntlseptio tention, but your kid· neys most. because TRVINQ A HORSE · they do most and should have tttention - --first, Therefole, when A horse should al .vays be tie.1 til your kidneys are weak or out of order. hit hi . t you caD understand how quickly your en- a 0 ng POllt Wit] B strong slrlllJ tire body is affected and how everY organ or ro..,e whloh th't1r ... lS no p" /Ioti hl1\ty ~ms to fail to do its dutl' of its breH.klng' If 11 110r>le or 0" U you are sick or "fee badly," begin breaks loolleba hi upt. t~ it.cqllire t.II" taking the great kidney 'rc;medy, Dr. Kilmer', Swamp-Root. A trilll will con· bail h~b\t· of hrellk! olt e V6r.~ up vineeyoll.of.itsgreat.mer\t. . portunity . A upo\( !!trap or ",,1'" The l mild and ··im:medl8tt! effect of . . , Swam.,.ltoot. the . great kidney . a'nd , whiob p"fl8eS rounrl the lIt10k t.b rlJuK Ir bladder remedy, ' ia ;'!IOOO realized. It the ring' In thA 'bjt, i .. better than thl' etands.t he highest ~cauae i~~ remarkable di ' f . ". he8lth restoring properties have ' been or nary str~p llSte.lecl in the rtnll . prov~o in' thollslui~,~f them08t ,~istni81- IUQh as us".',l1y OODles ~ith brldle~ ing ca&ea. .If you need & medicine . you . If" ' horse h!\R ROQlltred the b,1t tilt 'ot . ehould hav~ the best · , Sold by, d~ggist8 i'; b e L\(lng 1008~ t,ry tbls plnn II.nd toot .. fifty..cent ,.ud ~ne;dol. hi In wb n be .triel \to IlgILt.n .. lar tizeI.. :Vou may' . • - •. . " , h8ve·.a ·..~plc · bo"lc· BRA·N " YEOETABLE . FOOD , " MACHINER.Y EXHIBIT . ;,BUILDING-4nIIO ·STATE ' FAiR~ .":'- b'y mail · free, all\O • . . . ~pll1et telling , YOIJ ~ , ' . '- - , --. ... , , A CRES, ot hummingi, clicking maohlnery 'l\'lll peet the e78 of. the,.ytll1tor ·t . how to find o~t -if you have kidney or Br,Hn 1a one ' of t~Il ', dill r1 o ,I w..' I' tbe. coming Oblo State Fall', to be beld In Columbu8 8eJlt. G. 6, 7. 8 aDd 9. , bladder trouble. ,KeutiOD ' . this pac!:.r belt fQadI: It OQ~~\III~ bulk t.1t Th~ DfR,mmotb bulldlngs, with a ' combined floor lpace, of 100,000 8QU~ feet, '!I'Bibe":ttjnl'~VDrDo' r'tilm: & , makel..td1gelltlble"'lct prl)teln and In ad,41t1on to twenty acre8 In the open, wUll;Mt devoted .to th... dl,pl&7" OD, N.. ~ n ma eany mil-I'" Heavy tbreelilng machinery In actual operatiOD will be a eGnsplcuclwi featun ng tak., but re.uiember th~ tll~me, Swamp- ub '0 form nltlk.. B~"n aJld oorn cot the..exbtbit. The 'macblne"" "epartment wUl be OpeD botb ,,-~ ·"d ..1_'Co • oot aDd don't Iet a' d~ler lell you f f t... .....;;,. . '.. ¥ ~, ID_place Of 8 __~JLoc)t-if m.,.~I o~ one 0 ,..~ -...t 'l'Omblna., Good waptl may be made b, epencUq a da7 ID IDIpectIoa aDll 8ta~ U. .,.. 40 'IOfJ wIJl Jf.u.ppobatIic1. . . $10D dairj (eodt, ' " 1IWDIDotii maeIlID817 estiIblt .t tb. Oblo itatft ~. , -'


.. ...----







~ :--

- .: ....... ~ . .... ...,..- - ...


.. . .-

- - .. _.-

. - p::::;':': - - -

. .



10:30 B. m. c.:hriBlinn~utloBvor. 7: 0U p . m. S rmon IW p lUItor ovory\u lLornnlo Suntlny",'

A Cold \ IU :30 110. m. nntl 7:30 p . m. Hi.cksitc Friends Churcb. 1.8 ~10t neceS!H1I'ily seriouH, pruvid· , ed lt lS t&ktln onre of. It itel frequent,· jo' ir~ l Uay roh 'c tln l( . )U :00 [I. 111 . Flr8~ DaJ tv the stll.rting Doint of many du.n· S uLou!. 11 ; 0(1 a, m. Founo Day MeClln&. ({erous diseases. When it oomos UBe Iu:0 0 a. 111. Dr. Bell's Pine.Tnr. Boney . Look Ortbodox Friends Church. tor the bell on the bottle.

----.--lilT'S THE CUT"


R c\·. U njawln H awk ins, Pastor, S hool. 0 :au a , m . ReRular oburcl1

a bba~h

Rcrduo. 10 ' ''0 ... Ill . 7 : ~0 p. III

Cbrl 8 ~lan

I~ ndoa\'o r.

An aged oountry reo tor

who hud old tailor 88 hl8 olerk, retnroiuf.{ DR. BELL'S ANTI-PAIN from his ohuroh one ::;unday with For Internal and External Pain.. t·he latter, thus addressed him: "Thomas I oannot think how it is thut our ohnroh should be getting C. W. HENDERSON,M.D. tbinner. for I am lIure I prelloh IlS Waynesville, Ohlu. weH as ever I did and ought to have far more experience tban I had when Vallev Phone 153 Main Stre' & I fir8t came among you . " , "Indeed," repUed '1 howas, "1'\1 tE'lll you what i 01r1 persons n owadlLYS Dr. ,J;Jell's Antiseptic Salve Rre just like old tailors, for I'm sure Good for all Skin Dlleaset. I StlW a8 well liS ever I did in my Ufe, and the oloth is the I16me,. but ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it's the out. sir. Ah, it's the new HA1~BAWA y oot. "-Pearsoo's Weekly, - -Wa.('1eso11e'8 Le&ldinjl DelltieS Staggers Skeptics Office in 'Keys Bldg. Maln 8& That ~ olean, nioe, fra.grant oom· pound like Buoklen's Arnioa t:;alve will 'inltantly relieve a bBd burn Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey out, aoald, wound or piles. stagger~ For Coughs and Colds. ekeptics. But great oures prove its a wonderfol healer of the worst 80res, uloers, boile, felon8 1 eozemu., 8kln erupUOUI I8.8 also obappE'ld hands sprains and oorne. Try it. 250 IH Fred C. t:Johwartz·s. aD

DR. H.E.

- ..---



Undertaker and Embalmer.

~----~.~-~ ------



Willie-I say, ma, if dad was to die would he go to heaven? MaBosh, WHUll I Who's been putting suob ridioolous thoaghts into your beRd I-London Upiniotl .




In sohool tbe other day n young Illd waa atlked what he would rather be when be grew up. ,. A stookhold. er," he replied .-Argonaut. e _ .... -

We Do Not



Will be fonnd in the old Bank BuUding, opposite the National Bank. Telephone in house and of· floe where I can be calJed day or night . Valley Phone 14-2• . Waynesville, Ohio.

Main Street.

· r

J" )~~:.!~ S;;;'·~:~:;aud Kee.,' in ====-.'-.. Style by Reatliog McCaU'. Magazine and Uaing McCall Pa«eras




" ,,11'1 y o u (irf'S/! Slyl· 1. /11 )' U ~ n 1l10<lorUIQ Ill' kII Illn g l'"'' I)O"lod on Lho U .~pl ' l1 .~ O

Sotherland's Eagle Eye Salve for anything but the eyes. 'I t is a speedy and harmless oure for RranulRteti Uds, sorofnlons sore eyes, styes, weak eyqe and dimness of vision, Sold everywhere 250,

------- --

McC.I1'. M .... lae will

1,1 1< ' 1



Inlh ..s uud bl\LlI. 60 l\ IIW I-'lJ.'!h 100 Dqslgns 111 0 II Issuo. . .t\ Iso \' u I II" lI10 luror'niaUon u n "II homu und per·

. unul lllBllOI'!i. OnlJ roc 3 y,,"r. Includlnll " froo IIBltern. · Sub-

" 'rlhu lod"y or send for froo hUlJJp lu COllY, McCall P.U.tIlI will c llllltl u ),(1U to mllko In rour own hOlllo. with YOll ruwn hAllds. ICllh hl1l rur l'ollrsc lr und clllhiren whl r- h will bllllorfooL ' 1),lu '"111 Ih. I'rlco-II""U "'gher lball 16 c(lIIUI. 'c n d rur rro l'U'h til CA laloglle. . .

1M . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . .

"My wife threatened if I didn'l get her a new hat she'd go home to h er mother." "W'hy didn't you let her?" "Her railroad fare would oost


w. wm CI.. Y08 FI.. P.....I. !lC rlr'Ilun ~

(or lIoltlnll sub-

nmonl! ynur fr lun,I9. Soud for rree " tlllIIllIlD 'n.fll ollu O nllll Cn~h I'rllo Olror.

IB! .CUU COMPANY, 239 Ie Z49 Will 37111 SI., NEW YOII

mOre than the hat. "-Boil ton . TransOript . - - -_e __- - Dr. Bell'8 Pine· Tar-Honey

Is the best for ooughA. ooids, oroup grip, whropiDg oODgb. br:onollitil', Ilsthma and all throat and bronohial ~rouble8. Sold everyw.her~ look for . he beJJ on the bot·tle.






Telephone dny or night • Vn.liey phone No.1. LODg , Distance No. 60-9,..

"Didn't you tell me Faro Joe Wlltl ODe of the lea"iug oltizens of Crim· WAVNESVILLE, OHIO . • Ion ~u]ob 1" "Well." answered Brooohu Bob, Branch Office. Harve)"lbul'lt. O. "he \!Vas. When he left town he led the ~igilanoe oommittee b.v B, qual'. ter of a mile elea n to the next OOIiD. ty. "-Wa~hlngtq~ Star. Good for NothlnJr but the . E,..




Liverites .Prevents·Serious Sickness ,



. Llverttea for a Cold, Back.ache and Weak Liver or KICIneye. · '

· OU~" ~f

Preventio~ 18 An wor~ a pound

of cure.






' . ' for use. .


~atlve Berba, they Cl,a"'~ the ~1~~1D and . Bloocl and thaa PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS.

Prepared ..trom Pure Parlfy we


them lD' the ouse . ready

Practical Fashions




.~~;;;C' + •


:;!/~~!'!-!!,~~/~V SYNOPSIS.

MI!s Inn e8. splnRtC'r tLn rl /:1 111r1l1 n n of Gertrude lind lI u l ~l'Y. C'sltlblis h U ~ 1I ' "m (o r headQuo.rl rrll at Sunnytllu,·. Amld8L tlu ' m rous t1l11h, u lli cs th u s n 'nnls dl'stl rt d. As Mias 1 nl1CII lork d up I'or t h ~ nll:llt .h W8S startled by u Ourl, fI';;lIn.) (In th veranda. Un s~ llll y n O i ~\!d utHl11 rh"d 11 r durinG' tho ni ght. In the mll rnln g MIIUI Innes toulld a strunge IInle clln:·hut ton In a ha.mpcr. rlrude a nd I luis y arrived wi th J ack BaJIIlY. The hOU Ma was uwak.. nrd by a rovolver shot a nd AnlO ld Arm · .lrOn" w as Cound shot to dr-n th In the llsl!. Miss Innes round Hulst·v·s rovol\'cr on tho Ia.wn. H e and J rL I, Ullilcy Imd dis· appcareO. Tho IInl, tturt·bulloll m)'H tcrl01l81y dlsnl pcarcd. Del cli ve Jamieson arrl\·et!. G.lrl rude r6vcalcd sho W I'S en· Cal;cd to J 'lek Btlll~y. wlLh whom s he t alked In til billiard room a few mo· menta hefore th'! murder. Jamieson ac' cused Miss Innc!! ot holding hack evidence. H e Imprison 1.1 a n Intrudcr In an et:r1PlY room. The prlAoner e9Cap d down • laundry chllte. .Gertrude waa NlJll pected. A oaKro founO the other halC or what pro\,ed to be Jack BaHoy's cuft-butt on. Ho. lsoy reappoars and sayN he and Bll.lloy l ett In re9ponse to a telegram. Gert rude "aid she had gtven Ball y nn unloaded r evolver. fearlnlr to give hIm a loadoc\ weapon. CashJer Bailey ot Paul Arm· strong's bank. defunct. was arrclltod tor 1lmbozzloment. Halsey sald Armslrollg WTecked his own bank and oO,uld oloar 1:I0.1Iey. PlI,.ul AnnstTon!:'!! death was announced. 'Ralaey's fian cee. Louise Armetrong. was found at the . lodge. The 10dgekeeper 88.ld Loulso and Arnold had a long the night or th murd r. Louise WBB prostTated. LoutBe told Halsey. that while she .UIl loved hIm she was to arry another. and that he would despise er when he· learned lhe whole story. . t devolOlled that Dr. Walker and LouIK~ were to b e marrIed. A prowler WIlS henrrl In the housc. Louille Wlul found at the bottom of the cIrcular IItalrcllBc.




CHAPTER XVI.-Contlnued.




stairs. 'I'h r w re I10 marks ot powd r. Tho bu llet. a 38 caillier. had been fo und In th dend man's clothing. and was s bowII to th jury, ~Ir. Jarvis was call d n xt. but bla testimony IllUou nted to IItlie. H had b' n sum ili on d by te l ilhone to Sun· nyslde. had om e ov I' a t once with the s teward and Mr. Winthrop. at ,'Il't!sellt out of to\~· n. Tltey hnd been admltt d bv tbe bouselteeper. and had found the 'body lying lit the foot ot the stalrcllli e. H e had made a searcb fot' a WC':'IVOll. but theTe was nona IIround. The out I' entry door In tbe ast wl;]g ha d bee II unfastened and WIIS open fl bout an Inch. I had been growin g more and more IH'I"I·OU S . Wh en tbe oro.ner called MI'. John Dalloy. tbe room wns Iilled with s uppr ssed excitement. Mr. .Jamlesou wont forward and spoke a f 'W words to tbe coroner, who nodded. TheIl HnlsC' y wns railed. "lI'Ir. Innes." the coroner said. "will you tell under what clrcumstnnc s you saw Mr. Arnold ArmstroIlg the nigbt he di ed?" "I saw him l1r!lt at the Country club." Halsey suld qui tly. He was ra ther pale. lIut very composed. "J stopped there with my automobile for gasole ue. 1\11'. Ar mstrong hnd been playing ca rds. When I saw him there he was coming Ollt of the cardroom talkIng to MI'. John Ball y." "Th e I1ature of the dtscusslonwas It amicable?" Halsey hesitated . "They we I' having a dispute." he snld . "( a!!l{ d Mr. Bailey to leave tbe club with me and come to Sunnyside over Sundny." "lsn't it a fact, Mr. Innes, that yO\: took Mr. Bnlley away trom the club· house be ause YOll were afraid there would be blows?" . "The situation was unpleasant.' Halsey said evasively. "At that time had you any suspicion that the Traders' bank had beer wrecked?"

For Benefit of Women wbo Suffer from Pemale Ills

Paris Patt ern No, 3330. All Seams Allow ed.-The dress ing sacque Is a garment whlcb mu)' bo clUBS d us abo so ilit Iy necessary to tb e comfort of womon. It Is as negUgee flS a wrap' per. bllt It doc!! not look so. In our IIlul:!lrution wc show an example which Is very !llmplo unci nlso very pretty and eusy to mak '. Tho front has a full v'est. whi ch meets the side secllons near the conter. TbeBe sldE!s have no ,1rnanrentaLion or aIlY kind. In tbe back th re Is a group ot smnll tucks in tbe center and at the neck Is a largo collar. whloh was made of a handker hi t. the border forming a novel trimming. The sleeves are pulTs and aro of tbree·quarter length flnlsb ed with a turn-llack cuff. The pattern Is In 7 s lzes-32 to H Inches lIust measure. Size 36 bust requires 314 yards ot malerlal 36 Inches wide. To procure this pattern send 10 cents to "Paltern D~ partmc nt." of this paper. Writ name and address plalnly. and btJ IIUI'O to give sIze ' and number ot pattern.

I Minneapolis, Mlnn.-" I was a. great Itlfferer trom female troubles wilit'b caused n weakness and broken down oondition of the system. I r ead so muchofwhatLJ'_di3 E. Pinkham's Veg. etable Compound bad done for othel suffering women l felt sure it would . belpme. anlilmust 6a.y it did help me wonderfully. Ml' ";~~~;;;7r;'rl ' pains all lett me, ) grew and witbln three montb( 1 was a tl:r well woman. . .. I want tWs letter made public to show the benefit women maY derive from Lydia E. Pinkham'8 Vegetable Compoulld.".,....Mrs. JOHN G. MOLDAN. 21111 Second St., North, Mlnneapoll8,



Thousands of unsolicited and genu,. Ine testimonia.1s like the abo~tE~ov. the efficienoy of Lydia E. Pi m'. Vegetable Compound, wblch is made ex()lusively from roots and herbs. Women who su1fer from those dI.. tressing ills peculiar to their sex should Dot lose eight of these faots or doubt the ability of Lyclia E. Pinkh~" Vegetable Compound to restore health. If you want IIpcclal advice wrlte


to Mrs. Plnkbam, at Lynn, lIas•• SbcwUl treatyoUl" letterasstrJctlJ confidential. For 20 years she bas been helping sick women In this way, free of charge. DOll'. htlsltate-'W1'lto at onOl).

"I was not sleeping well." sbe be.---gan, "partly, 1 think, because I bad slept during tbe afternoon. Liddy SIZE ................ . "My Homo 18 In Englewood,: the 000 tor Began. NO. 333G. Quantity and Quality. brought me some hot milk at ten Teacher-Willie. have you whls· o'clock aid I slept until 19. Then 1 had we not ourselves heard the rap· SIde, as there hud been an accident NA'KE .••••••••••••.•••••• , ••••••••• • ••• ••• •• •· pered today without permission? wakened und-I got to thinking about ping nolsos, I should have felt that there, and Mr. Arnold Armstrong had TOWN .••••.•••••••••••••••••• - ...... •·· .... Willie-Yes. wunst. things. and worrying, so I could not Loulse's imagination bad run away been shot. He dressed bastily. Teacher - JohnIlle, should Willie co to sleep. STREET AND NO ...................... . with ber. The outer door was closed ered up some instruments, and drove have saId "wunst?" "I was wondering why I had not and locked, and the staLrcase curved to Sunnyside. I • BTATE............................ ·· •• · ••• ·Johnnie (trlumphanUy)-No. ma·am. beard trom Arnold since the-since I above us. for all the world like any He was met by Mr. Jarvis, who took he should have sald twist. saw him tbat night at the lodge. 1 other staircase. at once to the east wing. There. 'Waa afruld be was 111, beHulsey. who had never taken sen· just as be had fallen, was the body of Important to Mothers was to bave done ously my account of the night Liddy Arnold Armstrong. There was ·cause-he LADIES' BATHING SUIT. Examine carefully every 1I0ttie of lIomething for. me. and he bad not and I were there alone. was grave need of the Instruments; the man was CASTORJA. Il safe and sure remedy tor -come back. It must bave been tbree enough now. He examined the punel· dead. In answer to the coroner's infants and cbJldren, and see that It when I heard some one rapping. I Ing of the wainscoting above and be- question-no, 'the body bad not been UNo." Bearsthe~""" at up anel listened. to be quite sure; low the stairs, evidently looking for a moved, save to tutn It over. It lay "What occurred next?" Signature of ud the rapping kept up. I was cau· secret door. and suddenly there fiashed at the foot of tbe circular stulrcase. '·Mr. Bailey and I talked In the bll· tlous, and I was about to call Liddy. into my mind the recollection ot a Yes, he believed death bad been In· liard room until 2: 30." In Use For Over 80 Years. Then suddetily I thO/lght I knew wbat scrap ot paper that 1\11'. JamIeson had stantaneous: The body was still some· The Kind ' You Have Always Bought. "And Mr. Al'Dold Armstrong came It was. The east entrance and clTcu· found among Arnold Armstrong's ef· what warm and rigor mortis bad not there, while you were talking'!" 8HOULD HAVE BEEN , BUSY. Iar staircase were always used by fects. As nearly as possible i re- set In. It occurred late In cases of "Yes. He came about half·past two. Arnold when be was out late, and peated Its contents to hJm, while Hal· sudden deuth. No. be beUeved the He rapped at the east door. and I ad· sometimes, when he forgot his key, ho sey took them down In a note·book. probability of suicide might be· elim- mltted him." would rap' and I would go down and Tbe silence In the room was lno "I wisb you had told me this be· inated; the wounds could have been let hfm In. I thouglit he had come fore," he saId. as he put the memo· selI·lnfllcted, but with difficulty, and tense. . Mr. Jamleson's never lett ~ack to 'see me-I dldn't think about randum carefully away. We found there had the time, tor his hours were always notblng at all In the house, and I e:t~ Tbe doctor's examination was over, ''Will you tell us the nature ot hfl erratic. But I was afraid I was too pected little from any examination ot but be hesitated and cleareAl his errand?" _ weak to get down the . stairs. ' The the porcil and grounds. But as we tbroat. "He brought 0 telegram tbat ltaO knocking kept up, and just as I was opened the outer door something fell "M.r, Coroner," be said. "at the risk come to tbe club for Mr. Bailey." about to ca\l Liddy, she ran through Into the entry with a clatter. It was of takln, up valuable time, I would "He was sobor?" the room and out Into the hall. 1 got a cue frol'\l the bllllnrd room. like to speak of an Incident {hat may "Perfectly, at that time. Not earl· up then, feeling weak and dh;zy, and Halsey picked It up with an e)(cla· or may not throw some light on this ler." put on my dresslng·gown. If it was matlon. matter." "Was not · his apparent frlendllneBl I Arnold. I knew I must see him. The audlenoe was alert at once. a ohange from his former attitude?" "That's careless enough," he said. "It was very dark everywhere. but. "Kindly proceed, doctor," tho 001'0' ·'Yes. 1 did not understand It." "Some of tbe servants bave been of course, I knew my way. 1 felt along ner said. "How long did he stay?" amusing themselves." !for the stalr·rall. and went down as "My home Is In Englewood. two "About five minutes. Then be len 1 was 'far from convinced. Not one 'Quickly as I could. The knocklng had miles from Casanova." the doctor be- by the enst entrance." of tbe servants would go Into that :stopped, and I wall afraid I was too gan. "In the absence of Dr. Walker. "What occurred then?" late. 1 got to the root of the stair· wing nt night unless driven by dire a number of Casanova people have "We taiked for a few minutes, dl ... necessity. And a billiard cue! As a -case and o?er to the door on to the been consulting me. . A month ago- cussing a plan Mr. B'alley had lJI weapon of elth r olTense or defense east veranda. 1 had never tbought of five weeks. to be exact-a woman mind. Then 1 went to the stables, It was an absurdity. unless one ac· .~" . ,anything but that it was Arnold. until whom 1 had never seen came to my where 1 kept my car. and got it out," Old Lady-What are you crying I reached the doOl". It WIlS unlocked cepted Liddy's hypothesiS of a gbost. office. She was In deep mourning and "Leaving Mr. Bailey alone In the about, my IItUe man? and opened about an Incb. Everything and even theIl. as Halsey pointed out, kept bel' veil down, Rnd she brought billiard room 1" Kld-Nothln· . . a ' bllllard·playing ghost would be a wa's black; It was perfeotly dark out· for examination a child. a boy ot six. !'My sister was there." Old LadY-Notblnl tilde. I fett very queer and shaky. very modern evoluUon of an ancient 'rbe little fellow was Ill; It looked like Mrs. Ogden 51tzbugb had the COUI' Kid-Yes. Me teaoher ast me what Institution. , Then I thought perbaps Arnold bad t}'Phold, and the mother <was frantic, I was doln' an' 1 told her D..Ilthln·, and That afterIloon we. Gertrude, Hnl· She wanted a permIt to admit the age to ' turn and eye Gertrude througb ulled bJs key; he dld-strango things her lorgnon, she saId I ought l\ been dolh' sumthln' sometimes. and I turned around. .Just sey and I, attended the coroner's In· youngster to the Chlldren's hospital "And then?" -an' give me a. IIckln'. quest In town. D .... Stewart had beeIl I'arls Pattern No. 3329. AU Seams as I reached the foot of the stairc~se In town here. wbere I am a member "I took tbe car along the lower roa4. _ The Rudy Theorist. I thought 1 heard some one coming. summoned also, It transpiring itbat In of the statt. and I gave her one. The not to disturb tbe housebold. Mr. Allowed.-Tbe waist of lhls charming tbat early Sunday morlllng, when "You see." explained the solentlst. My nerves were going anyhow, there Incident would have escaped me, but Bailey came down across the lawill model Is made with a group of tucl,s In the dark. nnd I could scnrcely Gertrude and I had gone to OUI" rooms, for 0. curious thing. Two days before tbrough the bedge, ond got Into the at tbe shoulder In front and a single "houso f.Aes are dangerous because GIllson tuck on each side in the back. they carry germs on their (eet." stand. I got up as. far as the third he had been called to view the lIody. Mr. Armstrong was shot, 1 was sent car on the road," "Ah!" exclaimed the ready theorIst; or fourth step; then I felt that some We weIlt, the four ot us, In the mao (or to go to the Country club; some "Tben YOIl know nothing of Mr, In the front there Is also a sort of one WIlS coming toward me on the 'cblne. preferring tbe execrable roads one had been struck with a golf·ball Armstrong's movements after he lett vest, In the center of which the clos· "then the remedy Is sImple. All you Ing Is arranged. It Is the divided need to do Is to make tbem wear staircase. The next instant a hand to the matinee train . wltb half of Cas· that bad gone Wild. It wa:" late when the bouse?" And on the way I left-I was on foot. anll about a mile skirt of this suit which offers the overshoes and leave them on tho porch Plet mine on the IItalr·rall, Some one anova staring at ·'Nothlng. I read of hIe death Mon· novel teature. For swimming It wl\l when they come In.'' • brushed past me. and I screamed . we decjded to say nothing of Louise from the club, on the Olayburg road. day evening for the first time. and het· intel·,-Iew with her stell- I met two people. The)' were dlsput· Then I mus t have fainted." "MI'. Bailey did not see blm on hll be found excellent, 'as It Is cut wltb the gores as straight as p·o sslble. and That wua Loulse's slory. Tbere brother the night he died. Tho girl Ing violently. and I had no difficulty In ,",ay across the lawn?" the leg openings nre left tree at the could b e uo doubt of Its trutb, and Ule was in trouble enough as It was. recognizing Mr. Armstrong. Tbe wom· "I think not. If he had seen him Irnee. Brilliantine Is about the best thing that made It Inex pressi bly awful an, beyond doubt. was tlle one who he would have spoken of It," CHAPTER XVII. to me wail that ttJe poor girl bad creIlt had consulted me about lhe child." "Thank you. That Is nil. Miss Gel' material for a bathlIlg 8ult, as It stands the frequent wettlngs In either down to nn weI' the Ilummons of a At this hint of scandal, Mrs. Ogden trude Innes." fresb or salt water without losing ns A Hint of Scandal. brother who would need her Fltghugh sat up very straight. Jilmle· Gertrude's replies were tully as coD' In giving the gist of wbat happened son was i'ooklng slightly ske ptical. clse as Halsey's. Mrs. Fitzhugh su~ color. and as it comes In many differ· kindly offices again. Twice, now. with· out appal'enl calise, some one had en· at th e Inquest. 1 bave only one ex· and the coroner made a note. jected her to a close inspection, como ent sbades. something cnn be found to tered the house by means of the east cus - to recall to tbe reader the "The Chlldren's hospital. you say, menclng with ber hat and ending wltb suit eve"',y taste. The pattern Is In 6 slzes-32 to 42 Inches bust measure. find delightful satisfaction· in ntrnllc.e ; had apparently gone his (H'eIlts of the night of Arnold Arm· doctor?" he asked. . her shoes. I flatter myself she lound Size 30 bust requires 4% yards ot rna·. way unhind ered through the house. strong's murder. Many things had a bowl of toothsome "Yes. But the child. who was en· noth.lng wrong witb either ller goW'll and gone out ~aln as he had entered . occurred which were not brought out tered a8 Lucien Wallace. was taKen or ber manner, but poor Gertrude'li terlal 36 Inches wide. To procure this pattern lend 10 centl Had this unknown vlsll.or beeD there at tbe inquest and some things were away by hlB mother two weeks ago. testimony was tbe reverse of com "Pattern Department." or this paper. a third time . . the nigbt Arnold Arm· told tbel'e that were new to me. AI· I have tried to trace them and failed." fortlng. Sbe had been summoned, tp Wrlle name and address plainly. and be st.rong .,.. ns ufurdered? Or a fourth. together, It waa a gloomy affair. and All at once I remembered tbe tele· abe said. by her brother. after Mr. .ure to gIve sIze Dnd number ot ,.attern. the six men In the corner. who con· the time · Mr.' J a mieson had locked gram sent to Louise by senie one Armstrong had gone. Sbe had waited &tltuted tbe ' coroner's jury. were evl· signed F . L. W.-presuma'llly Dr. In the billiard room wUh Mr. Bailey lome one In tho clothes chute? NO. 3329. stZE ....•••.••..••••• Sleep wn.s IrnDossibie. I think. for dently tbe merest puppets In the Walker. Could the veiled woman be until the automobile had been ready. any or us. Wn- dlsper8cd finally to hands of that all·powerful gentlemen, the Nina Carrington of the message? Then wbe had locked the door at the N·AME ........................................... . bath.e and drcal;, leaving l..oulse little the coroner. But it was only Idle speculatlon . .1 bad foot ot the staircase. ' and, . Qiklng a Gertrude and 1 sat woll back, with Ii.:> way of finding out, and tbe inquest lampil!ad accompanied ' Mr. Bailey t~ the ~' ors e for her experience. But I 'tOWN ...................................... . d etermined that bcfore the day was our ve ils dow"- There . were anum· . was proceeding. . the main entrance of the house, and STREET ' AND NO ...................... . ove r she mUllt know lh e tqle state of ber of people ( knew: Barbara Fltz· The· report of the coroner's physl· bad , watched blm 'e ross the lawn. In· When the children want affairs. Another doclslon j ruade. and bugh. In extrangaot mournlng~she 'clan came next. The post'mortem ex· stl!ad of going at' once to her room. BTATiD ...................................... . [ put It Inlo execution' Immediately always' went into black on the alight· a;nlnatlon showed that the bulJet had she - had gone back to the 'bllilard lunch', this wltolesome Dourtfte r bl'Onkfa8L. 1 bad one of the est provocation, because it was hecom· 'e~tered the chest In the fourth left room (or . sometblng which 'bad be~n. . ishing food js always ready to Heredity. . ilDusea bedrooms III the e:;\st wing. ing-and Mr. Jarvis •. the man' who Intercostal 'space and had taken an 'leri 'there. ThE! cardroom alid billiard The Doiitor ' (after ~xamlnatlori)­ 's erve i-ignt fr~m the' package' . back alollg the sUl ..1I corridor. pre· had come ovel' trom tb.e Greenwood oblique " course da.wmvard and . back· room were In '' darknesa. She hael pared u,r occupancy, and from t1l1lt club the night of tbe murder. Mr. ward;"'p(erclng t.he beart and groped around; fo~,l tbe 'article . shi You 'have tin exceedingly bad case ot without tooking, and saves . ' time on Alex, the gardenel', slept' Harton was tller~, too. looklilg I~· lImls. . T'he left IU~A "as collapsed, was lonklng ·for. and wus on the point -tobac;co hea·t. ~any s~ps- for motll~. . The r"Uent-But I never · ulle to. lher~. On l;1 man 10 that barn of a patient as the Inquest dragged;·: but and the exit · point of ~he ban bad bl:~ 9t retUrning to "her ' 'room, Vihen she boutle WDIS unabllurlHty, with things alive to every ' parUcle of ·evldence. tound in the ~uscles ot the · back to ~a~ ' b~rd some ODe f4~bUng at ~e baccol ~.. Let the youngters. bav~ The .~tor-But your fatber dId-I ' happen lug nil the Umo. and J must ea1 From iI. corner Mr. . JamJeso.n · 'Vas' the left of tbe spinal column. It was lock at the ea8t outer door, She had· Post : Toastii:;S:-superb BUmknew bltp well: watohlng the proceedings Inten~ly, ... that AIt!![ was af$ IInobjectlona.tll~ a6, Improbable that · such a woUAt ~ad thought It- ~a8 Jlrob,,»,y her brother, mer~: any OD." cOllld PDssll,ly have be~n . , Dr. SteWDl't was 'called Orst. His been 8elf.l~filcted, and Its oblique a~d -bad been abo~t ~o · ~ .tO the door. , Well.Dolng IU Own . Rew.ret. . The next morning. also. L-false)' aud evidence W11S told briefly, ond amount· downward COUr158 pointed to the fact when'· slie heard It OlJeD. Almost ImHe that does ,ODd' .t o anllther d66. "Tbe·~Uasers" I mad~ an exhaustl've examination of ed to this: On ' the Snnday morning that the 8hot. had been fired from mediately there was a ..~ot, eel Bh. the o1n:ular 8ta1rc8sc. the small entry previous. a't u Quarter before five, .be above. In other words, as th, mur- hili! rUD ·panlc.strle'ken throUl" th, also to ~lmJlel~, not ,only Jb the . .., . I. ·. t ttl. COI)t, and the cardroom opening had ·been called to tbe telephone. The derlld man had_ been found dead at drawtng .room and bad roUBed &be : aelt: for the eODllclou.Deal of 'well POIlUm Cereal Co., Limited. " dolD, II ID Itself' ampl. f81'Ud.. . ' front It. There was no evldesce of message was from a Mr. Jarvtll, who the foot o( a sl;alrcaae. It was prob,- bOWie. Battl. Creek, Mlch. ' 8n~L UI~'''- _UBllal the ulgb beforo And o.ailed hJin to come at oac~ to SUUD1' able that the. sbot had beeu Bred b, ('1'0 DB CQlftDiUIU).)



..~ .


Hll..gry Litde Folks

·Post Toasties





FOR' SHORTER TERM Gen. Wood Favors Smaller Period for Soldiers' t:nlistment. ,..--.. ,. f'F TEE N yeara

New He:ld of the United States Army Ta lk s of Air Machin es as War Craft-P refers Oirlgibl o Balloon s.

.A rln ou rs

Fe rt il iz er s

' had been allow· Increas e the yield- Impro ve the qualit y-Enri ch the soil. e d. und er tho Evel 7' harv est prOv es U. Can you afford to plan con t em· risk your wheat? Be safe. Illated, for wlp· Ing out or pacl· l\'cw YUI' I,,-1\18j . G n. Leona rd fylng ,the linT· Wood. lilt' u II' chi ef of s ta rt of th o ages oC FormoUulle d SLD les ur my, think s tb e term sa, But now It of enlist tlH n l 01' I' glli a rs ~ bould II ut grow the bi ggest crops. Ask your deale r. lo a ccompli shed In, do wn a nd fa vors youn ge r 'mcn for u· sid e uC a twelvem onth, and cip Sam's fig btlng for ces. Arm our Fert ilize r Wor ks the Japane se go\'ernm ent "Y ou knu w I ha ve I'ccomt, leod ed , In Chic ago hos road u a special. appro· form a l r l' flO l't ~. th a t th e te rm of enli st· prlatlon of 17,175,000 to m II I s bould be cut d own," said he. pay tho mllllary expense s , "Tlt ts wou id se rve to tu rn ba ck Inlo ThlH IR on nccount of AN INSURA NCE EXCEP TION. cb' lI life a large l' proport iu n ot m n In tho Night School. th e campho r businellll, Un· wh o In eme rg ency co uld be called Teache r (of night school} - Wba.t do til recenlly th e entire upon, Th ey wOllld con stltuto a r serv e. you underst and by the terms "lICe world has practica lly depende d for Ita 1I0w to arra nge that the y would be s entence ?" Give an examltl e of one. supply or campho r upon Japan. which 5 U hi , ct to a ca ll to th e colors for ocShaggy ·Hnlred Pupil- I pronoun ced hllll beld a monopo ly of the produc· casiona l ma neuv er s Is a me r ma tter you husba.nd and wlfe.-C hlca.go Trlb· tlon of that necessa ry article, But of detail. une. th e German s have begun to manufa c· Funh e r th an this Ge neral Wood ture artlflcla l (synthe llc) campho r on would not COlllow nt Ullon what he a large scale, and thus nre compet ing would ndvocal e wh en on e h e b as taIn the market to nn alarmin g extent. ke n II!) worlt a s chler or stair or the It Is very net'essa ry un~ e r tbe clr· ', A nagging wIfe makes ber hUllbani! l:n!t ed Stales a rmy. CUlOlitances thnt the supply from also contaIn s much cold. forget his other trOUbles. His recomm ' lldation s of a s hor ter It Ibould be tend to the upbring ing of her off. ,Japane s £ources shall be maintai ned, added tbat tbe Atayal tattoo tbelr spring. Twine are a bad omep, and enlistm ent would Bend back to tbe le st It bo r eplaced snd crowded out by taces very elabora tely. and build ele- among some of the tribes It bas been p pula tl oo 20 .000 to 30 .000 mon a yea r. synthet ic cllmpho r. Tbe campho r gant buts of bamboo , OTer the door- custom ary to tie them to a tree and The plan would cut orr n gr at er part trees which formorl y grew plentifu l\y ways of which are Send postal for of the "r tired pay" nnd 0. grea t er part hung as trophl(\s permit them to perish. Free Packa ge In South ern Japan hnve been to a ' the skulls of wild boars of lhe pens ion s. Tbe United States and apes. and of Parlln e. Sicknes s Is suppose d to be a punish. great extent destroy ed, owing to neg- ' sometim es thosc of "Now," Rta ndlng army Is now practica lly a Ic (luoter. "0. Japanes e ,a nd ment Inflicted by the spirits of tbe BeUer as. more eeeno mieal leci of a regulati on that used to re- ' Chlnam en- lhe latter man Is known compan y be with plgtnlls dead . iliaD Uqal. _lIse ptia Dreams afford a medium v .leran !l r my. quire the planting ot one seedling for s·tl1l pictures quely attache It n pp nrs to be General Wood's k eeps ." d. through ALL 'I'OILEI' USa.. which the spirits of the dead e\' e!'y tre o cut, and so the Japanes e "Say. I'm an Insuran ce policy hold· Id a that It should not be an army of Th ey make bags or a peculia r net· commu nicate with the living. Tbe are oblige d to look to Formos a. where work c xpres91y to carry er! Please don't class me with the human heads. Ataral and Palwan . groups believe the m n of t en to flfteen years' or tw e nty· th e cam phor laurel flourish es over Q On e I'hl er, when capture d and about Virgin fore sts to be the abode ot the {ive y a r s ' s ervice. Younge r s ine ws are compan y I keep." ~ent exte nt of territory , In vlrglr to be execule require d for spirit, das h and efficie ncy, d. said: "I have no fear spirits or tll Ir ancesto rs. and on thla ho be lieves. tor9sts. ' The Good Old Tlmell. (If death, I have taken nlnety·f our account tre es within certain deslg· Tal LET ANTISEPTIC Unfortu nately, It 18 In the moun · heads lind wanted only There ';\\ Is a lot of talk about the n eed extra omcers ." the g eneral six more to nated areas are never dIsturbe d. Old tnloous Inte rior of Formos a that the make the hundred ," "good old _Id, tim es." "'fhere There are weren't just officers any enough men and women hllve superna tural C'.Bl1Ivbor laurel grows- that Is to SIlY. "good old Umes," It you are talking History t ells U8 that the Spnnlar ds powers of the kind usually attribut ed In R region whi ch has· been since pre· tool' possess ion of Formos about wash day or bouse cleaning . a In the to witches . and tor this reason they hIs toric tim es. and Is today, under rear 1526. They were Those tasks meant r e d bands and expelled by the perform t~e religIou s rites tor the 'sa,' nge dominio n . The silvages who Dutch In 1642. Ninetee headach es and backach es and trouble. n years later a tribe. occupy tbls t erritory are very fl erce, 'hlnese plratll chief Easy Tusk laundry soap would bave named Koxlnga Spirits ot dead persons other tban and earnest ly addicte d to head ·hunt· drov e out the Dutch made them "good" old times Indeed. and vroclalm ed ancesto rs are dangero us and possibly :Ing. Hith erto the campho r of their himself king of the It docs half the work In washin g and Island, but In 1682 malevol ent. The Atayal conside r that 'forest8 has been obtaIne d only wltb the Chinese detbron cleanin g; It drives tbe dirt out and ed hIs success or. tbe gbosts ot their torbear s will not ,:helr consent . and It has been custo· and Formos a remaine not Ill; It doesn't shrink flannels or d a provinc e ot be saUslied unless a human head Is 'mnt)' to pay money to tbelr chiefs as the Middle Kingdo m streak linens. and It hasn't any rosin uJ? to the war be· pnrt of the offering made at ceremoIfIn Illducem ent to r efrain from destroy · tween China and Japan, In It to rot tbe fabrics. It your grocer as a rellult nlals. LikewIs e In the case of a dis. Ing tbe distillIn g outfits. Neverth e- of which It pnssed Into lsn't living In the good old times he the possele lon pute between two persons the spirIts less , trouble has' :leen frequen t. and of the Mlkado 's empire. Bella it-Iota of itl of bls ancesto rs will guIde and pro'the sUlls have been constan tly deA glance at tbe map will sbow that tect the one whose cause Is just. 110 '1Itroycd. There Should. Formos a Is really the norther most lsI· thnt he msy obtain the first bead and Fritz the gardene r was Ii stolid GerA~\ unlimit ed number of laborer s anll of the group which we call the thereby win. man who was rarely moved to excan tie hired In Japlln for ten centll a PlJllIpp lnes, beIng situated only a The Boll ot Formos a Is exceedI ngly traordin ary languag e. Even the ,noat .day; but not for any sucb price, nor abort distanc e to the nortb of Luzon. rich, and nowher e Is a liner QuaUty of provoca tive occae;lons only caused blm for n-any tlmell that much can men be Its wild people are undoub tedly oC tea produce d. The eastern batt 'of tbe to 'remark mndly on hla 1I1·luck. Not 'obtaine d to go Into tbe forests ot Malay ot1gin. But Its earliest Inbabl· Island Is covered with, In long ago be came Uack from the city 'Formos a, cut down the campho r trees. tantll were black dwarfs, I_NiDe ill eee "Lea .. ~ II riFt ~ belongi ng to which grows the valuabl e creeper _ btimea .m bowela are apt, tn tbe late evening after 0. hard day land distill the rum. at the serious risk tbe slUDe race' as the pigmy neg:ttos known as rattan . But the most prec· In the market place . He waa sleepy, 'of losing ~h e lr heads. It Is well known wbo!tl ll su.r vlve In CARTE R'S LlTtL& small number s In lous vegetab le product Is campho r. Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood. and the train being crowde d, the bagthat the Japanes e do not lack bravo Luzon. Many of theIr UVER PJU.S Bkelfltons have which Is tbe reslo of a tree tbnt grOWl gngema n gave blm 11 chair In his ery; but head·hu ntlng to the Formo· been found In the ply bat &ratly mounta inous Inte- to buge size. sometim es attalnln r a ror the present army. In time of war roomy car. 'In.n Bavage 10 II. religion ; rlor. lind It Is reasona .,.Ialuy lnar the army would be stripped ." ble to suppose diamete r of twelve fe et . FlnnJly the train re ach ed Dloom· Go ita duty. :from hIs point of view Is so IlDpor· tbat they were extermi Twenty om cera of the army of the nated by tbe The only way to get the campho r Is ~. Cu.a CoDfi eld. FrItz stili slept. as It pull ed In tanto and ll~ will lie In walt tor mnny savages who now occupy tbelr terri· to chQP..Jh.e .tr.e.e.JntQ....Chlps.~whlch are Arge ntine r epubli c are coming to tl1'a and bls fri end had to shake atipatloDo days &t a tfme near a lonely, patb In tory. 11101 and nlted States army to b e trained. ladil_ subjecte d to a crude process of dis· t ell blm wher e he was. the woods for the snke ot gettfng one This is one conss qu en ce of the om· As aJre ady stated, the'3e savages tlllatlon : the vapor, when lion. "I tanks you." said Fritz. as be rose chop at II. passing campho r·seeker . Side have n ever been subdued . From an being deposit ed In crystals condens ed. clal "Islt of General Wood to th e cen· slowly to hIs on bamboo feet. The open door o( qeadach Formos a Is a bIg Island- as large 8S eth no Iog Ica I po In e, aDd Dlatr... alter Eatlq. tennlal celebra tion ot the Indepen d· t. of v Iew, tb ey are screens . Thl~ Is crude campho r, the car W!'lS directly In front of · him. Sardina and Corsica put togethe r. It more than orulnar s..u PiD. S...u D-. SaalI PriM lly Interest ing. wblch comes to market In wooden ence of tbe souther nmost I nation pro- H e walked stl'Rlgh t out of It. Is 236 miles long and 76 miles wide. Their garb range a from te cted by the Monroe doctrine . Genuine ....Lou Signature nUdl~ to gay· tubs. 'rhe baggagemaiJ s prang to look art· It Is reflned by redistill ation. More than bait of Its sntire aren III to- colored garlDen ts of Th e slgnlflc anco at this was not al· their o,,"n weav- At the present time Japan e xports er blm. Fritz slowly picked himself day In the possess ion of tho savages . Ing. ma4e trom the luded to by ,G eneral Wood, but Cram fibers of banana about 6.000.00 0 pounds up from the sanll by the side of the F or Borne . yenrs pas t J pan hss pur and ramie. The women are kIndly annuall y, one·fou rth ot Itof campho r other sources It had been learned that track, looked up ut tbo door. and said being a ship· · ,aued a rather Interest ing th e h circums tances was Importa nt. as with metbod for treated IlDd have equal rights wit t h e pe d t a th U It d St t no wrath In his voice: e n e a es. It use d t 0 Ge rman s , who have been the purpose of bringin g about their men. But It a wife lOBes frequen tly her busband be refined In Europe and AmerIc a. but "There should here be Bome steps." eventua l subJuga tion. She has estat>- after the birth of a child re ported as unsymp athetic toward the -St. Paul Dis patch. Usbed a "guard line" all around the lowed to marry again. she Is not al· now the Japanes e refine tb elr own nlle d States polley r egardin g Euro· the Idea being compho r and sllip the finished proWhen millioDs of people use for mounta Inous InterIor . wltb amaU mill. that ber busines s thereaf pean ambitio ns In tbls hemisp here. ter Is to at- ctuct. Wife and Country . are now Instruct ors of the Argenti ne tary outpost s at Interval s along It. and .~ _. ____~ _ __ Paul D. Cavath, th e noted Ne w years a medicine it proves its merit;, _ ,.. _=army. and German y, next to England , York lawyer. bas pushed thIs art~ficlal frontier said at a luncheo n at tho People who know CASC ;ARET S" holds the . largest share of the , Argen· Lawyer s' cluh: IIteadlly forward . so BS to restrict the Vacatio n time Is value buy over a million boxes • lin e trade. wild people to a slowly but surely dl· h ere, and already that dreadfu l song month . It's the bigges t seUer be"Would YOU," Gene ral Wood was about· tbe wife gone to the mlnlshl nr domnln. country cause it fa the best bowel and asked liver . "go that for Ipto anny qu es· Is b eing resurrec ted. , But a variant By tbls meMS It was expecte d that medicine ever made. No matter· t.fons ns to say whnt you tblolt of fly· to the song was furnIsh ed by within fifteen years of the present n con· CAS· versatlo n J overbea rd the other night. what you're usina'. i!fs.t time the entire Island :would be LIke the Pestifer ous Sparrow , Thl. (long preserv ed In memory of Sit Ing machfr'l es as an adjunct In war?" William "Yes, I Keith will and say the tllat gay "'H I think th II"fe liera e llo. SOIlth,' said one mun to CARE TS onu-y ou 11 See. Import Also Has Become c br.o.ught. undei'· .ch' llIzed control. But lilt of the dashing , plessur e loving lieu. smalles t dirigibl e, on e that can carry anotber . 'I'm glad to seo you commer cial necessi ty has made neces· CASCAR RTS :JOe. a box for • _k'. back a Peat. tcnant governo r) has of late become tbe e ngineer nnd four or five men, Is at the club again. old re llow. trelltmoDt l ~ "runlata . B!n'o.t leller WUe eary a change of plan. Campho r muat III tho wor&a. AIJIllOD boua a mqptb. going to be Importa nt, es pecIally when off to the country eh?' From Memori al day to the Fourth known as "the bome ot the dalllY," be had, and It has been decided to we can get lhe m with n relnforcel1 en· "'No,' growled Smith. 'She's r;ot wipe out or pacify nil the sllvages of July the large white daisies In Bomo HIGH MORALS IN AMERICA velope able to withsta nd th e r equired back.' .. wIthIn thc coming year. They can form, dwarf or tall.grow lng varlotle s, pressur es. Th e ir utility Is already as· t31(e their oholce which It s11all b~. are found In abundan J ohhiapaperdece. decorat ln« Tbel,r number s aro not accurate ly th(> unimpro ved ground" Standar d Higher Than In England , sured for r econnoi tering. .irinlJ t 0 bu)' of suburba n "Our army's front Is nolV twenty or lIIIytblll!l ad_Americ an Tells Brltlllh Royal countrY sellte. lind yet prl)vlng a dally mown, cir course. but It Is undsr;tood annoyan tioed in ita c.oIumDa ohould illliA upon thirty mile s long. If we cao put up ce to fllr::neTs throug~out tbe Comml .. lon. that they are split up Into no ewer hills and wnlleys of Lavina what they uk men who can s wiftly sllip along over nfuaiae all eastern Pennsyl . tban 723 tribes. whose vlllnges com· ~ Of jmjterioN . R. Newton Crane, senior counsel to that and see the nemy's lines of com· d t th vania. aCC'I.'I'dl ng to a corresp ondent the America n embass y In London munlca tlon, b'ls prlso from three to upwar 0 ree of the Phil" 4elphiA fi eld works, bridges. . n-ord. No soon. ..... bundred houses. er aro the ....... on dIvorce ~ tc., ubvlous ly the informa tion would IAr"e daisies gone for the told the royal commis sion h I> ' " In England recently t at there III a bo of enormo us assistan ce. The trlbcs are divIded Into nine senson than the IItlle ox·eyes and the hl!'her standar d of moralit y In Amer. groups, which are mutuall y bostlle, other whlt(l and yellow "I don't think the aeropla ne. will be I blooms with lea than In England . When Summ ers sun and wblch differ one another In cus· dark centels. k'l1own as useCul as th e Small as July and Au· He admitte d that dIvorce Is more Is made large enough dirigibl e until It and daily toil heat the toms nnd languag es. Some of t11em, gllst dalsle.5. and only to carry at least exclama tions prevale nt In thla country than In any particul arly at th e south end of tbs ot dollght aDd rapture one man besIdes the driver. They blood to an uncomfortaoo heard from other country In the world except should also have 11 duplica te engine. IsIsnd, have alreRdy been pl\rtly clvl· ,the appreci ative youngs ters who are Japan, but contend ed this was due But able degre e, there is not~­ they are improvi ng aeropla nes s'o ltzod, and tbere Is even establis hed "out a·dalsyt ng." to the fact that persons ing so comforting and of among them a sort of rllro.l fres dellv· While tbe daisies have been well blllty had come to regard respecta . Cast that I don't prcdlct -I only speak divorce al ot tbe present mome nt, wben I Eay I ery mall service, by nlltl"e letter car· knQwn both In censurt! cooling as a glass of and praise tor a- 'drmly establis hed Instituti on. de- prefer riel'S. In the centrel range of moun· many. many summer the sma ll dirigibl e." s, It Is only very lil~tled to cure unhappI ness. talna dwell the tribes of lhe Voouum recently that the respons ibility of J. A. Barratt , ot cOllnsel to the group, which are very fierce and en· their Introd\\ ctlon Into Trial by Ordeal In Japan. thIs country Americ an embass y, poluted out that terprlBIJllt bead·hu nters. In 1906 tbey bas been credIbly Toklo.- Trlal by ordeal stili exists fixed. Horsha m there are more varied causeD for dl. became 60 troubles ome tbat n military townshi p Is declared to be th. offend· vorce III Europe an countri es than In In some parts of Japan, If a theft attack was made upon them. resull· Ing commun ity. and Sir Wflllam the United Statell. In Austria "In. takes ' place In a household, nil the 'Ing 'ln theIr partial pacifica tIon. !!crvant s Ilre re(lulr d to write n cer· Keith . first ' lleutena nt governo r of vlnc1bl(l aversion ," I,n Hungar y "vexa. The Atayal or nothern savages , are PennsylvlUlla. tbe Indlvldl lal who tlous mortlfic atlon." In France "prod I· taln word with th e same brush. The the largest a~d most powerru l group. brought "tbe flower weed" over trom go.lIty and violent dls}JOBltlon." In S've- con!>cle n ce Is 6uppose d tn be tray It" They l.:>ok upon head·hu nting as the England . working den "o'pposl te of feeling nnd thought grnpbs s. In the waves of I he Ideo· chief end and aim ot exIstenc e. A hu· '1(rltlen . 'I'raclng an Ideogrn pb It has been a myster~ to many , amount ing' to hate" and In Formos a luvolves ' im-:h man head Is necessa ry as an olterlng Pennsyl vanians , where an ell'ort of ' Dluscula r the dalsleR "loquac ity" are conside red sumclen t dIrectn ess anti undivid ed In aU their religiou s ceremon ials. are the thIckes t and attentlo n thefr hlstDry evl; ground8 for divorce . served with s~gar ' and a When a dispute arlles between Indl· dontly the most Camllla that the service orten leails to tbe dill' r, little lemon. '·vlduaJR decision III awarded to tho they bave become known ns to why ' In Algarla , where there are thirteen coV'ery or the guilty party. The test In tbe past cauaes "prevIo us wooing In whIch no one who first secures a head.. A lad 8S "park weeds." The Is. at nil events. more humane thl\n reason III ex· 'flnal ~cceptance or refusal has been , Surpr ising', too,' how Is not ,lecognl zed 8S adult until he ,has plnlned when their source o! Intro: made" "'!iB a 'caUS9' of dIvorce. Bar- the ordeal by boUing water, to wht.Cb taken a head, But' It must be the duction Is, taken tuto accused personl were tormerl y BUbo the food elements relieve BunTo p. consIde ration. ratt argued thore Is not a single CaU8(11 aDeI Trim· belld of a Japanes e or; Chinam an. They recel.ved 'tbe name fati~ue and sustai n one. ' ,f rom Graeme ,y d~vorce In IUIY . lltate In this eoun. ,mltted II! , Japan. mJiap. B'odo ' Their custom: lry method l.' to lie .In ~«J'~. the Montgo mery I.... Poloa county hom, lrY that cannot be ted ' In \ ,, Top • walt In the Jungt'e near a' treqtJen ted , of Govern or ~oltb. PUrOha l' Expen.l ve Snuffbo xes. The B •• lea, flavou r is deli. . . • 'p ath s~veral LOndo n,-The . craIe wblcb 'someth~m togetber . fn the SInce thu bl~tnrle Keith manllioll JilurQpe. a_~\IY , .te. ...,cat. ; 'dous -and Postu m IS ~eaDdp"e~ Umea ea rlcl) people to obtnfn . ho ~ of obtainin g the much-co veted Ma ~e"!n In ruin and eYen the &Dclent 8UOS . .CHEUCO' ....... ~ ....... ....... The Deft Hand. , really , a .food drink. ""urloll 'was exempIlftec1 tro"PbY. ' trees and shrubbe ry In .Ita ram~uII - ----, ~ The ~ Wldow -ob; Mr. Smith, )'ou'Il, wben .even anutr boxell In London xJetence anywhe re dooryar d have largely died out, the brousbt UP.' never make lIle belleye that? Thul cl.,tllzed e rder III beaet To·lth profusIo n ot italales, Burroun 000 each and the other Ave avert.~e(\ dlna the The Candld ate-J .ald I bad na.,er SlO.OOO eaeb. None of -oear to the lAnge ~ the' &rUcles me time the old home bave been tbe molt ~rl~llIIt Joyed a womaD till now: Dot that ao_ worth DO JltU. pet:\J. At ella partlcui arl)' monum ent to the d&JlI ot COIOD.1&1 .,y- wOlDan ever )0\,84 ·' me; 'coUJ'Q, I value VeJT mucb IDtrtnIIClaIl)'. tbetr I&Ild ot the Afa)'aI of ~ta ileha. . 113 erDllleDt In ~c11 Ill ' their a,e alld auo PtIuIa rI..... YO!dU'& "P QJtIl.. .. ao Itu»ld at ;:laUon8resting POSTUJI l CltlUtAL cO .• _____ Lt4 .. temtpf u. b, ....80U lal'wo .m"bo r It TIl., old iulD 04 a 1 w. _____ . _____ _____ ~ aaulOD Iaaut tbaL-'!' JlaWe ONeil. KJl!b. Canlt profluc'tl...l\4IC y broDe UI4 ODUIlb7. •

~rrnours Fer tili zer s

·FREE woa


--- ---

Make the Liver}; Do ita Duty ,

.~t?;~ '

----- ---

Millions Say SC'



Know How To Keep Cool?


Po,s,tum ' .




, _




!'!!I~!!!!,!~~~_~~~~~!"!!!~~~~~~~!"'!!!"'!!~~~!"'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~ "'Q


~ ,





The time honor ed p icnic f the lI e tl- Mc Kay f,¥uilies was held alul'day ncar Wilmi ngton. It w ~ a n id eal day ill t he woods , and the re was a large t u r no ut. -------.- . . -------

BROKE HER HIP A un t Mar y H a ines as sh e iR fnm ilia~Jy kno w n

hI' , fell Monday afld broh h e r hip. Mrs . Haines is 2 yea rs uld , a nd h all been a r es idenl of t he F riends Ho me fo r som e ti me ,


HANDSOME EXH IBIT BUILDING-OHIO STATE FAIR. OWo ::)lUte Fau' Is ullIIUrplll!8Cd · In archiot nrrnngement: Tbe s tructu re a bove Ihown Is t b WOJru>n's Dulldl ll l;. tll'voted to dIsplays ot woma n' s banc1lworll. It is equipped with un ll utllturluUl ur 1.000 Renti ng Cllpncl ty. where , lel/tures and prul'tlcll l delUOO!ltrntiolls of dumclltic sd ellcc will lle gi \'en encb d n1 ot the exposition, ept. li , n. i , Il lld O. Il en1 nlllo wlll be round dlsplaYI trom tho differen t stllte Instlt ullons, includ Ing t be instnllntlon nnd operation of a complete rall way telegraph sylilte.w by Inma tes of Ule lioYl' locluatrlal .cbooL ' 1\ '0

Harveysburg. . 'l'he Uolle tt- MoKIlY p 'on io w as w ell a t t ended tro m thi s vioinit y , Our town hus been r e m embe r ed by many of t,h e y oung men wh o b ave pol'i tton s in other t ow n ,spending their two w~e kt1 v Aoli ~i o n and bringing with them t h ei r fri ends on a visit, Fred Da ki n atte nded t h e Xenia Fair Thursday aod Frida" W . H , Allen and wi fe llutC'6d t o Bllrveysburg , Monday , Cb lls. B a mmt'r has m oved into I. N . Mill er '!! property o n eas t 8eOand s treet , Mr , and Mes. L A , I::h \f t sook came down from Q~y ton Sa turda y return tng home Sunday : Mr. Jos. Davis and Misll Milry Levioy spent 'he evening the guests of Mr. aod Mrs Httorvey G rn.ham FridllY evening. Mr, A , E, Moler aHerb.:ling absent for two daY8 returned b ome Friday night,

DR. J. W. MILLER, .•• DENTIST .•• }'ence Blr/g. Over Cl'OII8 DrOK, Storo

Waynesville, O.

FACING THE CUSTOM HOUSE American Women, According to a Magazine Writer, Find the CUltoml Law Peoullarly Oppre •• ,vs.

We Amerlc.n women flDd tbe cu. tom. law peculiarly oppreSllve be. cause It Is almolt the onl, law wIth whIch moet of us eyer oom. Into eon· tact, saye a wrlter In the Cent\lJ'1. We go about our talk at home, live out our da71 aD.d die, without a thought of obligation I. We are proud of oUr freedom, too, when we tral'el, ,loryfn. In It, boutinIII' of perlonal Ubert7 .. the yery b of our n.Uonal exlltence, demandl ... beoauae It, the overthrow of eo many soolal tradItion I abroM tbat our lea.f.vored sllte... on the other New Burlin~ton ~ s14. ,...... us wIth awe and envy. Then w. start for home. One da, • Ed BOgan and family had u their Iteamlhlp It.ward tnocllB .t oar guest lut week Hr., Bogan's sister. .stateroom door, handl us the 10,erQ' M. E. QQ~l'terly ~eeting was held 1m.nt's printed form of declaraUoa, bere on l.'bursday , I and the "Notice to Paslen.erL" SudA ten.montli·old baby of Mr, and 1denl,. tor the flrat time In our Ibel, Mrs. Jc,e Bntledgy 'w as buried from we flnel ourlelve. "bump up acatnst" 'he H . E, ohurch on Thursday morn· the law. Some of us cann.ot UJl4ertng. ltaod It. We tremble: our bear~ Wm. Smitb, of ~'aRtle City. Ind ., beat. We hav. cODlultaUonl wltb beld services at the Frlends ohuroh friends and lI~anprs. Blood-oUFd-lIn, he FridllY and Sat.urday evenin&s. ltorles are told. We can .thlnk of re DothlD, elae, talk of DothlDIr .lae. Rev. McColm , of Clarksville and Wher. have we packed our Dew Rev. Cowglll exohanged pulp1ts on thiqs, wbere our old' Will the7 dIS Munday, out eyer;rthlns? Will tbeT bellev. Mr. and Mrs. Mosas Fred of Day · u., Tho•• IItUe p....ents we have ton were calling on friends here the lD-are the, presenu until fore part of 'he week . w. ban declared tbem? And so on, .Nathan T . and Esther G, Frame, anel so on, until our l..t dA7s become of Riohmood, Ind,., were among a DI.htmare compared with whleb friendll here, Saturday and HundllY ....lcGen Sa • paradile. Nelth.r I. there an, man to protect u. with ai17 attending Quarterly Meel>ing. of tha.. liberal "IDterpretaUons" or~g;~la. whleh at&D4 most of us In stead. W. must 1'0 tbroqh the ordeal .. we 10 throl1ll'h death-alone! Mis8 Luoille N orion and Verne Armitage spent Sunday wi tb friends UN,EARTHED WHALE'S BONES tn Morrow. Mi88 Ruthe Kersey, of Cinoinnat,i , Dredgers Lay Bars 8keleton of was bome over Sundl/:y, • Twenty-Foot.r-One D...dgl Mr8. George Mote and 80ne, of Brings Up • DIamond. Columbus, are visiting relat! ves here The Sherwood tamUy motored to . In, cutUq .wa7 the bank ot til, Dayton Sunday, and spent the day creek"La mil. trom th. ocean on Hew. with Albert Smith and family. l.tta Bay, th. New York Sun sB78. Mr . L , C, WilkerElon, of Carlis le, workmen employed on the dredpr transacted business h ere ooe dliY Florida cam. acl'08S th. skeleton of a last week . 2G-foot whale 11 feet below the surMiss Mabel Sherwood Bnd Omll r face of the meadows. The men hact HOllingsworth atte nded t be ruwn secured the , vertebrae and head and Elhlp Sunday Sohool Convention at were dlg~nlll' tor t~e rest of the frame when the ltorm put an end to oper.. Union Suoday, Mr. and Mrs , L H . Bozlin . of tlonl, The large suction pipe of th. Kings MiHs, £pent Sunday b e re , dredger baa brought to many Elwood Ault Bod ohildre n a t tend- artlclel, some of them valuable. Two ed the Xenia fair ll\st wee k, weeks &11'0 a diamond rlq worth ,100 Pmf. and Mrs, W illiams had lIS was brought up. JUlt Inside the IU~ their Sunday gnests , Mor IJDd Mrs. tlon pIpe Is a box which contain I • Murrell, and their aunt . magnet and, all metal substancel drop Mrs, Rioe Steddom, of Washingt on Into the, box, while the mud and dirt D . C , who died a' Ashville, N, 0 , pais over It. was buried 81lturllay morning at the Quaker cemetery II.t Turt.ieoreek . LIghtnIng Doeln't StrIke In SIe.p. Doctor Brewer Ihould bave advised FLOWER OF THE AIR thoss who are nervous tn a thunder· ltorm to go not merely to bed but to There is a plant in Chile and a. sim- Ileep. There II a popular tradition ilar one in Japan oalled the "flower that Itghtnlnlr wtll not ktll anyone of the air." It is so .oll.l1ed beoause who Is .. leep. The folk lore of I"htnln, II eltit appears ,t o have no root Bnd is tenllve and pecuUar. Acoordlnr to Dever fixod to the earth , It twines one Ichool, the spllnters of a tr.e round a dry . tree or sterile rook. struck by lIgbtnlD, are an Infallible Eaoh shoot produces two or thrfie specUlo for the toothache. But the flowers lite a 1ily-whUe, transpar. most pleallnr supenUUon Is that which used to be chertahed by the ent an~ odoriferous. 'It i8 oapa ble bOYI of a YorkshIre vtllqe who .,. of be1ng tl'an"ported 600 to 700 mUes lIeved that If they mentIoned the aDd vegetatel' as it trll vela sU8pended U.htnln. immediately after a ~h the leat of their trousers would be tOrn on ,a twig. out, No boy could be lDduced to -------..~ -' -----make the .xperlm.nt.-LondoD ChrODo 101•• To Introd~ce our verY- complete F BIl ,Une of beautiful ,..001 aultlll"l. wUh fabrills, fancy wu.u.nP. slllla. bdkl• • pett lcoatll, etc, UpDO NOT LE;T MILK 51 AND t.cH1~ New Yam Olty pat tenul. 1I'I oIWt line , oil market. Detill~ direct wltb the ~m~: ;.~ton~°'fir.o~"=i1 ~~~~c'!.~ DO ,not allow ,n ew milk to 8tand aIIIe. 8amI!lBl, full IlIAnaettona' In neat aam-' for any length of time after milJdnB ~_8IllJ'~ ex~~. No mODeY , It.. roqU1NlL' ualVII ~~ Wrttefo~ante- tn the stable It 'quwld:r a1Hlorbe uIar& DeIlNUO.PIIIY. rAN'DARD DRESS . • " ,






0001)8 00..

u.9'. 000, B'qbamSOA, N. Y

----_e __ - - -





Dr.;M. Schumaker

Mr, C, 0 , D ray ton, of IDd ianapoli ~, w ill hold a F a rme rs' m eeting nlurday afte rnoon and e ve ning nt the T o wnship House. All a r t> co r diall y invited t o atte nd, who Ilr e intel't'Rl ed in tobacco-r a ising.


ROOSEVELT AND HARMON Clifford B. Harmon, of N ew Yo rk , the wealthy ama teur a e rona n t and aviator and presid ent of t he Ae ro Club of Ame rica,- t he In ternational body, - IR not going t o see hi cou ~ i n Gove rnor Harmon left behind whe n it comes to a matter o f ae ria l fligh t . Mr. Harmon the N ew Yo rker is to be in Dayton during t h e Fall Festival as the guest of t he aviation committee. H e is bringing his balloon "New York" wi t h him. It is t he largest in the world and holds all recorda for 'alti t ude , le ngth of flight and endurance. He has ag r eed to make several ascents . A fe w days alrO he heard tha t Theodore HOORevelt had been invited by Director


1F M B

ChI ngo,- T n dolla rs ' 'Wort h or d e~- I A curiosity In naturnl hIstory that tl st ry, su ppll. d by the CbUdr n's D{\y mllst s urpllss a l1 rocorda bas bean obasso latlon hns r tormed a d IInqu nt s rv d In a gal'den not far fro m Aid 1'Chlcngo urchl u Into au honest, Indus- .. ho t. tiu)"a t he LQutlon Do lly Mall. A trlou boy. A flv ·dolla r gold pi ce re- nllmb I' of wa V w r lieU I'd buzzing celved In Ch icago tb othe r day provos abou~ u pa rticulllr rhododoudro n blls ll . the transforma tion. T ho gllrde ut!I' s UlUlIloned tllO owner of Joseph D 'jlo l'o , allc t en y aI's old. the ganl n, lind the two proceed d to u Uohellllnn boy, Js the bero ot the s luugh te r. Wi thIn batt liD houl' fl fly story, Bl1jlov c was until 1\ s hort Q U 1\ wasps hall been killed. 1'ho neX L tin y a number 1lI0ro IV re lim ngo a d lInQu nt youth, spont bush und r t he most of his tim e dodging tb t ruant or· bu zz in g allout th fI r nnd t h r s t In ml8()hl r of more sllmo fat ui bill obscll{ nttrnctlon, ' It or I BS serious na ture. , 1I'I1S lI otl ced thn t lh' W RS P S were lI e WIlS art' ted a nd ta ken b tore Illy flltI'U.:I'11 lu lhls sing le bu sh ...................... ... the jtlv(,lIlJ c Oll,·t. T h re he WIIS )t - II'hlc:h Is on of IIl1i ny, A s ugl:' 's ted am Ined by the physicIan at tnched to rl' a~ III Is Ihnt til flow rs W re a lit, , \l1N will be I m\l' rL ~ 11 u llil ur lhls IUI:nt r", lwo'ulv ,II,·" cen l rll r l ll r e., Il1s~r ll \lIl'~, the co urt nnd hIs teo th touod to be In ti t' flll'thol' udv llll ccd und ti O more whco u1'4II\.: Iw t mut'" lila u 'h e Ji nc:c . bad condit ion. The physiCian s pol{ to fllll at' hall y, bu t u s IL rule colur Is HI.,., tho court nurse a nd the nurso tolcl th mUlll li S HLrollg a n nll uruUl ont n>! IIge nt or t he Chlldren's Day associa- s· lit or U10 hOlloy sc nse, LOST It Itl no t unu s unl fur a fe w q U " 1I tion , The ass ociation Is de votod to rell vlng mergency cnses that npp nr W IUj P S to b kIll d at lhlB SO II ';O Il before UI ourt, and th e agent was tn- wben tho ti m " ror nes t lIluk lug Is "('- Ill f l ou t, o f I' tI~I ,Je u ot1 of apPl'ollchlllS. but this qunllllt y hi 1111. lerest d imm dlat Iy. ~I r;\ ~; u;lh IllIn l;t, 1111 :lUl ut hYllt, She gave $10 to bl used In fi xing 1);1l'I1I 1 loel. The ox pel'lenco suggesls S I ' ' 11 1'1 ~· I"d'·. r pltlll".· ltHve ut H tt ze tLu s soon a s this \V IIS th nt th wnsp m ight b xl rmlnut d. Dejluvec's tee th. flI ro III ,e l ref t'l VfI ;tU II,IIJI" l'l Wlud , don th judge told th e boy he wou ld suppos ing this to be doslrubl , tr we 1I0t pun is h him. but would Re nd him all gr w specim ens of this fn vo red to a fnrtu nt Scberv llIe. In d,. wbl're 1flowe r. T he s lleclal fondness of queen FOR SALE he could work nnd It b e we ro w illin g \\,U N P fol' whlto tlow t! rs of pllrll culnr to d o so could save enoug b money to sOI'lt; bas beoll obt; l'ved befor e, and so me gurd ne,'s grow such on pu r pose. TU~ACL: U tin ' Kt:!-Auo o t ;; ,000 pay bnck th $10. n ejlov c went to tho ta rm . Th but fi fty III huH un hou r Is II ne w rocg lJu d to hlll' UIl tl ok.. ' til' 1<11 It " In olh r day n le tt r was rece lvod at the ord of slaughter, quire u t ' 1 ~IIl L tlu tttJ r wu rth , Wuyu R officos ot th e hlldreu's Day a8soclu, Til QII etH! we re kllled by pi nchI ng I vil le, O UI.I, !Ion In the WOnln n's Temple. Whell til fl ow I'S InlO whl cb UlO Y dlvcd Ilnd It W fI S op ned a Ilve-dolln r gold pi ce whl cb S n ed us 11 s bl'oud to the quan· F O l{ :-;A LE- P lun Cl , ~ IIt Il I1 Range roll ed, from the nv lope. It was from I tlly of bolil os lying urollnd thtl deadl y l; ()ll k ~ttlVIl , (cllld or .wootl ), Dejlovec. H Ra Id he wns wo rltl ng ll!l\buHh of t he rh otludondron, ,~ lJ lt1 rl!, 8 PI'IU I( ( 'LlL , l oq ulI e li t ltitl~e · .. U IIIf' ry. teadlly ; had Baved the fi ve dollurs; want d It to he ncc pled all hnlt payIn Dema nd , "Y om O l'I'OS tl to so lal dh; tlndlons m nt of bl s debt, and t hat he would III\,hutio have tbe other five dollars Bav d up of (' I' r)' ~u rt!" su ld th e FOR RENT wIthi n a shor t ti me a nd would send wornnll . It on , " /Jilt." pro t ted Mrs, rosslotR. " A li n , mlls t b .. dra wn : g ll P l lOSC YO ll RII C' JR RENT- Will r ent pas t u re fo r e.'p, IE' ,1 In get li n g 11 good cook . You II uUlll be r ot' IlheflJ) luq 'll ro o f HAWK SWOOPS DOWN ON HAT {'(," lcln't k 'I' Jl h I' n w('p l! If YO II Intro" , P . <':u mullog~, Ph u u lI NO l .l\iO x. tl U(' 1'1I b'r to yo ur fr ll;! nti s. " Lo bll l.lOn , O IJ Ill, Carrlell Off Ch an tec ler He adgear of Je rsey Miss and Drops It Into A Great Ob5tac le. Passaic River, LO llt! AI( nt- \VuIl1r , YOII IlIIow. Is FOUND . lil /ll'( of t h olp!> rt. Singac, N . J ,-Whllo on her way Icoho)1 AI- Thl'll, !lod" I'. thor al n~ t downtown Miss lI1argar t 1\11 Pbnll had lill Il!>e 0' m y buyln' t hat lot to pitt up OU N U- 'l'wo IJ lllok 1< 1IV. S . IV nlin exciting experie nce wIth a , hug . tlr UII O b ll V A tlU lIl tl by lJrot Vl ul.( II boor. j'l1I l t' IWlI 'f! t tb' boys. chIcken hawk, which made off with vrove rty Illq l1lre of Hur l ~ "yd " r , her chan t 01 r hat. t-l.. u . ~ , Ul'egunlli , W he n near the scbool hO~so on Pom pton t ur npike, she fi rst not! d the haw k hovering over her, but high HELP WAN'l'F.D up In the tUr. Th bIrd . after cIrcling about and sw in ging neRrer a nd nearer to her . s uddenl y swooped dow n on · ~ lu tl'l h .,:e llt I'tlr RllU J/lIt Y Illtru her head Rnd seized the hat. It fluttered a od pulled at t he h ad' I UO lDo nth oy Ollrrl '!!lKmd luu (Osteopath'c Physician) gear , while MIss McPball screamed, .Iul' II HWI' I:lI',pl'r tt No CIlIlV"IIH IIJ I{ OOtid for I "~rt, ' c u hutl. Pre"..::;y mllTwo girl frIends ra n to her ass istance, 0 '0 t~, B 57:.! l, Look por t., N, Y. MIss Minnie Hlirtdorf rea ched her T uesday and Friday fi rst , and she trle.d to drive ort the Of Reh Wee k blrlt, but tile hawk fl apped his Wings wildly sev(lraJ tim s. strIki ng 1\lIss B USINESS Hartsdorf In th face and blinding Office at th~ Gustin House ber for the Ume being, Miss McPh ail was 60 fl'l ~ hte o e d NYUN E, Il-0YlVbe r A. oo n IItlSr' tha t s he sank to th e /fround. By that u mllli orde r hURines8 a\ b Ollltl. Hours of Appoi nt m nt" 8 ~, time th hatp lns had work il l oo~e a nd .Nil C/LII VIl8R lIl g. Sa YO llr own b Otltt. to 12 m. the haw k n w away wI t h the head:onct ~l) r fr eo bouk let 'l'ttllH h o w . gear in Its claws, When over t he t:lell oook, A [i(j~O , Lookport, N , y , PassaIc r ive r the bird evIdently dl sclvered It had made a mistake and , dropped the hat, which fell t he wa ter. Subseribe for tbe Guette At that qloment Howard Jackson at Montclair, 11 membe r of the Sun· nys lde Canoe club, came around the ben!! of the ri ver In his canoe, Some men called out to blm to seouro the bat, whi ch he did nnd returned It to the owner, " Fl AI C , ,ARK"


Classified Ads







Veterinarian H as o ppn d un otH ~ i n Waynesv ille for pr llc t I'e. 1'i' Ills disea, es of dom e 'lic ani lllais . I am no t so com mOil as you m ight im:l t ille I have b 'ell ill prar t i 'e for 20 yeul·s. Cull ~ PI'Olll fl ll y attended, t o day 01' ni g ht. Ph n No, 11 3,



llU lldlug cQull1l1lCUl or I ho' T HIll tectu rul beauty alld CC'lI\' 'Ill


'a"III'e re will be an ic ream alld Delinquent Ohlcago Urchl " Testifies to Speola l Fondn.e.. of the Quesna fo r e a k e,socia l a t Mt, , H~lly alurd ay Good Done Hi m by Forwa rdRh ododendrona Leadl to Thel'r \ even mg. A ll a re m Vlted to corne , In 9 Gol d P iece. Death.


.Jenera • . ames 0 m e ae roplane flights a t the Wright Bro thers' testing grounds during the Fall Festival. As Gcwernor Harmon is also . to be ~ .guest of the city of Dayton exposItion week, and as t h e governo r ill a second cousin t o the rich a e ronaut the New York Harmon sent , 'I f' , . . C I a wann. etter 0 invitation to 0 uml)\J8 ~If.lng the governor to accompa ny him in a flight in the g rea t " N ew York." Thi8 is an invitation greatIy BOught after and it may be t hat , the governor WJl1 ~cctpt. -~-.....~-.


. ....







' I Dr.J. S.



m.1 A

l.'h08e who predicted the gi ving way of the hors e to the untort:\obile have been sadly:ntstall:onso fa r, and instead of the number of horses diminishing, the inorense hu s been won~erful. not only in number but in prioe, and there 1S Q, oODst ant d emand for high olass horses thnt h ~ 8 Dot been tllled for a long tinle, nor will be fllled for years to oomn. Aooording to the Department of Agrioulture the number of horses has 10 _ Or ~ IQr I9 oreased from 13,000,000 head to 21,I1'tnl.Aj' i,1 e I "'., r' ,, (;" .. '/ ~ ,Gon S &.0 000,000 head, and their avera~e vlllue DEAD FRO,M LACK OF SLEEP 81s \\',Iu nd I:: ,\ Ul ~o' 'I Ao'yon e ' e,"111111 n ~IH'\ ' ~ ",tot " . r,.tr" ,m. rna, Thei n urn tha th lu ' " .. " I, 1 q utuld y 0 8("01"'"1 11 flu r ,1,,11 I i '" t'''tHo r 'Ul , will hl. llo a ma n 01 II"'" I, I haa inoreased from U4.56 per head II,. tl tlnn II l,rnhr,1I1y T'I'''''''''''III ~ O n 1ll\1l1\lr" l lo l1 08L r (c Ll 7tJ 1111.IO UI I. l til q in) K J1V" ' '--II ~ .~:·3::e~:,s,,~:,v.'i:r ~~lllr::!c"&l~:"I .., fl· to '108,19 per head. According t o RUIBlnn LI't(ea 81x Yeara After Frac- .o.!~tJnr3 ~~~~ill ~~~:;:;i:l : ');:I~!~ . :r f,"i'~'.'~,!!~'{~·•• The AMERICAN BOY turing Skull In Railroad , peel(ll n~ lrf, 1I11('u, " .. r~'l, h t J\) ,'hell8 flgurflf', and in view of tlle FIlled wllh IInll reQdlnll ,..,,11lh ' _ " 'ale. IJlI1., AccIdent. Excellent I torle. or . dventu rc, h,.,,\ I, hl" lorr never oeasing demaod, It appears Ilid current event.. l' hotoa nl ph r~. I :Hnpa" n' ",", t rl cltl', ca r pcntry\ I J)On. , l um ci. ·.-elt* b o, ~ , ... 'hat the lut deys of the borlie are A hn" t1ltnm nl, 111 11'" r ut N1 1""(\ r'" J . Sl r a "~ L eft. "'hl l 10 <10 and DO... 10 do IL, n".ullfully Ith,.. C1I1,,1 11l 1l fi t u lI V tW lt" IllU n I· 1 1:r ~\ 'J'crilltl, ,3. ~t, Petersb ul'g,-A puzzle to phyIra le d a nd e ver y line In h aMII. ny ..'lIh n J b.,lo' not yet in sigM, or Dever will be . r cu r : ( n u t ", " til II., , L Soh! oYI\. lIo wl'utt'lnIOf" home i f'Ilnln i'J e ndorsed b)' 200,000 bo)'a Ud '.fl/t· IIlolan f'l was M , Petrono vltch , a lawyer - - --e.. _ ••_ _ _ _ :~r~::i .• ~"nnd' :~.~ ~g~,:, lull , ear. 0. •• Ie al CO. 30 W rondl'lllt. 1.3W YDr~ who died a te w daYR ago at Nlkolsk. Drancb ontcO. ~ I' " ,_ W' ...., uor'l. ,.. C. 1M( IPIJCIIl ,uaUSHIIIGCO, I ~ III,"" ", Midi. k. M . Pet ronovltch had harllly Ussurls The World'e Beat· Runner •. wl nlt or ale p s ince he r ra~. enjoyed a The best runners In the world are laId to be a race of Indians living near the Gulf of CalifornIa, They are ~~~~: C~I\~SI~;I~11l six year s ago In a 1 ~.\MZ.,~~.~~~M~~~.~"",k~ }o'or aome weeks h o was at t.he ~~~~~~~~~~~~~1tI\ known as Berll, and number only lome 400. 10 the open country the brInk of death . but his strong eonstt- ~. wpmep apd child reo catch hares by tu,t1on trlu mph ell and he reoovered ~ hand wltho\l~ -.oy utlflclal aid wha~· :~;.: :,. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.; ,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':':':':':':':':~.:;:;.'.: ever. The men, however, lopk upon ~u~::H~St~t~~~0~!~lf~~~:e~~~:~~~~ . this .. child's pl.y, and themselves a~· taok and capture antelopes, deer and not s leep. but th at did not wor ry ::: ::: wlld bull'alo. Tbe IwlUest horet: oan· him. as be dId not teel the need ot It, ~ Atter a ;v.'bllo. ho wever. he hegun " ., • not outrun thes. fleet-footed Indians, who perform on foot the s ame feats =t.j u the cowboy on his broncho, A boy · can be leen drIvIng horses SOllorlnos ha(t no effect on him. Tbey round and round lD an Inclosed track. made him III but cl ld not bri ng s leep. ~ .:••.::: ..•~:.~: • and when ther have got up a good For weeks at a time he never closed ~ speed one of the barriers Is removed hIs eyeR, Then he would drop orr I o t a . :.: and a hone daebes Into the praIrie at Il light dozo at two or t.hree 'hours' .:••~::' ~._:,;_. full speed. It hu not gone 120 yard8 dUl'atlon ond wake apl)areptly reo before ths IndIan haa caught up wIth It; another 60 yards and he has bound· s ome years and the n he ed on Its back, seized Its mane wIth began to complain of Intense fati gue, ::: ::: one halld and Its nostrils wltb the the only rem edy for wblch, he dls- ~ cov(>l'ed, was a vigorous massag e of ~ ::: ::: other and thrown It to the ground, tho heael, As he was talrl y well to do he ould afford to consult several eml, ::: Hletory of Three-DoIJar Gold Pieces. nant specIali sts. but hi s, caBe haffl ed ::: ::: Be~Dnlng with the year 1854 and tham all: After his death hIs skull :'. .:. endlq with the 1889, there were and braIn were dlsseoted,' but the sur, .~.i,~, :~;.':1 '689,792 of three-doUar «old colnl lent genllS could fi nd nothing to explain his ~OU P~per .'. Il)somola. · ••.A eut from the Un Ited Btatel mints, '. nerslstent , ' • _ _ ::: ::: total nlue of tl.119.376. A. few were , ." ., ••. ••• made lD the earl, yean of the mints 'MILO MAIZE FOR Hoas . '" ::: at ~loDep and New Orlean I and . . :'. qUIt. a number at the BaD Francisco How fond hogs are of milt'} maise' :~; i:~ mlDt up to 1810, bat the bulk of theae i8 demon8~~.atedbY tb" faot that if . ::; . ::: ' coins were turned out b7 tbe mint at ' d rb ' t d fl ld :.: .:. PbiIact.• lpht&. The; were 'never coIned It. rovp ,o Og818 urne ,on" l' ', .;. :.: !'.: , ':.• •' lD lumclent numbers, these fll'Ure* Pla~ted in Indian ~orn, KldRr oorn" Ibow, to beeom. reaU,l famlUai:. to the Bod milo tboy will l!E,vonr the en· ' ;t:.:-:.:.:.:.!.:.:.::~:.:.:.:.:••-:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:;:.;.:.:;:.:-:.:.:.:,;_:,:.:.:_:.:.:.:.:.:;;.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.~;; . peopie oublel. of banks, and It Ie tire milo orop'be~ore t dvcbing eJther bardly straop that the e~ltenoe ot , of the other grain8. ' ' ' ' , . , the colD lIbould be. now larIel, fQ'" • • • 1 ""!IiIl• • • •• • • • •_ ."tteD.-HOUH~!.per JI_~*.e. Read the New. 1n 'he Gazette . . . . . . . __ ~

CoMc;,~;\, , ~f: I


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AND WA VNE SVI U..£ N~ . WAYN &tHlL LE. OB! • WEDN ;ESDA Y .Au ..:w ~ r !!.J, 1010. WHOL E .N' U MB}~l( :J ~ o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ --~~.~ . ~~~-~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +..-.~..-...-....-.. ....... . _. -.-. ALLEN .-.+~.-.--------..- .... _. - -...~ .....+ IX FAMOUS AERON AUTS i 4!J _ _ _ _ _ _


Form er Res iden t -


1, Pers ona l Me~tion

Her e and The re

--- ---.j


. t Form ' er C'Ibze · ns

The commu nity was shocked Sun~t aptain Th om:.!s Baldwi n, " th e ~ tlay mo)'nin g when il b cnme known ~~~~~~~~-~~-+-~~~-~-~~~+ Dean of ,\ rona ul s," and the first .---~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 WI.itt~8 Enter tainin g'ly of Lhat MI'. E L. Allel1 had i.Jeen found Miss Lizzie Oa\'i: is crilical ly ill. Schoo l 'uppl es a l l, ilbun' s . dead at his home in Norwoo d. The man to fly in a diri g ibl e, ha-; nutifi U I Th e engag ' ll\ nt of M is!'> Pearl Zdl Peopl e Who Wer" at One 'ig hhol·!i. hll.d rnis'Ietl ~im. ince I: ri- Harry MUITay waR t he Avial iOIl '1ll11l11 ittel' flf the Day- .l. 1 l' A C It ' f M' . 'IU l1r~ J{a v Zell Quit , .IC k I" ~ t \ ..... ~ 'Ill . . t' I' II T' . I I I ...; '11 1. T rei"" . ro:.;~ ~a.' ug" 1 e l 0 I. a , , . . Time ReRidents Here 1l1Cllma I ton • a . est I\'a ~ lul le , 1110, WI f) ~ e ! ua . ' . uay mornll1g, and feal'lI1g someth ing we£'k. to 1r. Le roy Wo lf, was announ Cl' ues ay . wa~ wrong, ealled the police, who ~lel:p the week (~f Se ptembe r ]. t 1. ' at a pretty afl'air giv ' l1 in X nia by ___ a . . entered the house an3 found him make,.; the Hlx t h wo rld renown ed MI'. Frank , Zell was in Lebano n Mrs. J, F. Cad wallacl( '\' w a;; in flm; I '[' .. ' " . • . I h" I , 1 ' MISS Bel·tul ute, P'II.' tI ayeve nlng, .!l. T uesuay hangi ng in the ·tairwa y of the attic . Thursd ay. a Ilal ex pel t W 10 ,lS 0 unt •'" 'e( D ayenn In \ t . I" IUllcheo n was servt' . Th i Oskaloosa, Iowa , Aug. 14. ]910. WO CO il S . No dil'ect cau. e was found for the . honor ~ f the g reat. . occas ion. I> f . I T he ll1al'l'iage of Mr. Wolf and MiS!>. Editol' Miami C:u~eLle : . 00 paint. the best pain t made. Mrs. Sarah Slagle. o f I{ichmonu, pOI ulal'lLy of .th . \yl'lg~l t Brothe ra h deed . but neighb ors of Mr. l's I Zell wi ll tak e place earlv thi s fa ll. In u fOl'm el' ICller' ll',felT t'd to ! Allen say t hat h' had been Get our pI·ice. J\ilbun . Ind .. is very sick. ba!' ).; of a ll thi S. It IS saId. th e result The brid e elect, who has been acting insll'ucthe famil y. of Aa 1'011 Barnha rt, who strange ly for sevel'al days past. )ll ing a 'oTlvtll!aLion of alilhe eXlJe rts t OI' in domest ic science Champ ion Tohacc o Spraye r. only at th ). S. . at um' time livl;!d ill WaYliesvilteuuL MI'. Hal'ry Clt!uvc r a nd family in spheric M'·H . Allen and son, Stual·t . were al and diri~ibl e balloun s and . O. Home for two yean:!. is well one left, price $7. Kilbon. were in Cincinn ati Sunday . fOl' mUIlY yt!Ul'l'l havo I' 'sided in thi in l'vIichigan at the time. and wel'e and aeropla nes. All th ese ae ronaut s known and very popula r in her ci rcle cit.y. finally located Monday at Toront o. Miss Edith Crane of Pekin, is the Mr. anu Mrs. Olan Hillma n were come as gues ts of th e Day ton Aero of f'.'I·elld s. MI'. Wolf I' S a w II known Since the t1l'ulh of his estimab le . Mr Casper Rowe, bl'l>ther of Mrs. guest of MiRs Martha O'Neal l. ·Iub. whi ch will entel' ta in the viSitors Dayton visitol" Saturda y. wife, he hiS ma .le hiR home with his Allen. and Mr. W. H. Allen royally . This is the Ii rs t time in his- Penn sylvani a ra ilroad engine er. were immal'ri 'd daught er having retired mediate ly notified . Mr. Post Cards like others sell ~ and tory I hat s uch a meet has lJeen Rowe was Mes.qrs. W. H . Allen and D. J.... held, from busin ':IS , thai of a shoema ker. in Rhode Island, but arriv 3 for 5c, 7 for 5c at K ilbon's . ed in Cin- Crane were in Lebano n Friday. and it is safe to say that it will i.Je in whi ·h he had been engage d for cinnati Monday mornin g. the great st in histo ry as the pl'i ~es The marria ge of Miss Della Mae more than lifty yelus He is now Mrs. Mamie Cu mming offered s anti fOI' I' cOI'd s al' of 0' 1' 'at: valu e IJlJwn ing. IdeI' daught er of Mr. son, of Mr. Allen, or Ed, as he waR familMr. S. L. Ca r twrigh t was in South and ... Lebano n on bu iness Monda y. Xenia. al'e vi iting r elatives here. \\,·11 along in Lnt! eighLies. has Il(;ver iarly known here, was about4 and beauty. The Wrig ht.,; will fl y Mrs . J. J. Downin g to Prof. 9 years Ma uri ce used g lass s. reads readily , ordinar y old, and was of a genial e very day. M. Jones, of Wes t Milton, was beauand happy Messrs. Chas, ornell and J. H. print. "njuys good health and i t mperum ent; always had Among the ae l'onauls will be Clif- tifullys olemni zed at the home Mr. an d Mrs. N . L . B unne II h a smile Co leman motored to Dayton Sunday , of the ave .I ' returne d from a Michig II familia r tigure on the stl'eel.$ and and a word 329 E S d t an trip . t ford B. Harmo n in the "New York:" b ric f{)r all who knew him · e s parent s.. . econ s II r~gul~l1' attenda nt at chur 'h. 01'. L. E. uste r in "Luze\' l1e;" Dr. at 4:30 o'clock Wedne sday afternoree He gradua ted in the class o'f '78. in on. Mr. Will Russum . of Dayton . was ~\'. Cliff Burnet t left last week for P. M. Crume in "Hoosi er;" apt. P ' rhupii ill t his connec tion, a brief the Waynes ville High School, Great masses of golden glow. and the gueslo f relative s he re Sunuay . a ten days vi sit to relative s in Indiana . Brumb augh in "Indian a;" E, B referen ce to olher "fonne r I'esi- :!Oon afterw ard went to . palms and ferns adorne d the rooms. Cincinn ati, d nL'i" of WaYI1~livi"e and vic.i nity, where he has since resided Weston in "Delig ht" and apt. Bald- and the service took place Mrs. W. E. Mal'sh, of Miami_ Fla . . . before who laler moved to Iowa. might be Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Chand er, of win in his dirigi blfl. The funeral will take place at the is visiting her sister, Mrs. Clem Bur, a bank of palms and ferns in the parnett. of int'r.t!8t lO _your older readers . chapel in Spring Grove cemete Dayton , aI'C attendi ng Yearly Meet- - -.. - lor . ry. in ing . '1'ill1t:1 hu!:! wl'ough t mallY chullgt>S in Cincinn ati. as soon as the PROPO SED AUTO LINE Preced ing t he ceremo ny, Mrs, bereav ed Mis'! Donna Hawke attende d Teachthe fal1lilies of lifty years agu, anti wife antI son arrive home. Dempsey M. Dennis, a well known ers' Institu te in Lebanon last WedMess\,. Wampe l' & Wat on. of soloist of Richmo Mr. Hul'I'Y Cook and family, of dcnth'l! I' Ileated calls mad sad inRev .•J. P. Cadwa llader will con- nesday. nd, Ind ., sang the Dayton Cen . we re in Hal'vey sbul'g'' 1hun;- "Brida l Chorus " byMen terville I oaus i~ many homes. , were ~ues ts of MI'. Wm. duct t he funeral obsequ ies. delssoh n.and day to see if t.hey could get encour - "0 Promis e ook Monday . Of the farmly of Juhn Burnet t, - - ..- - Me." a"d the weddin g Mr. and Mrs. Wuich et, of Dayton , ag ment to r un an auto line f:-om march from Loheng who cam~' Lee county . Iowa, about . FRIEN DS' YEARLY MEETI l'in was played by NG s pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Word from ou r Europe an tourists that place to Dayton . 1856. nu one. 1 utllieve is n~w liv· . Miss te1la Bishop . at the piano. as . P. Kindle. from Amster dam, is that they are ing. unle perhup a son 'eth someTh indicati ons are good. and the the .bridal party entered The Yearly Meetm g at the White . homew ard bound. where in western Ohio. people of the Burg are ce rtainly ripe . Brick Meetin g House comme nced The Rev . Robert Dougla s,. of West Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl HockOf the falllily of Isaac Hawkin s SUr'\day. The attenda nce for such & pl'Oject. A meel ing will Milton. assisted was large lett, Friday mornin g, August 19th, in the service , and Mr. and Mr . Wan- n Hensha w, be held there t his week. and from n ar Clarksv ill ,who came with and it promis es to be ' all de- the bridal pair repeate d the marri~ the largest ' a daught er. ge of Newcas tle, Ind., are guests of tails will be gone over. the BUI nelts, bu t later remove d to g-ather ing , that has been vows accordiNg to the beautif ul serhere for Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Janney . The propose d line will be lhroug h Oskaloo 11, t hree daught ers, Emma, somp. time. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt atvice of the Friends church. FollowCarrie and Anna, .and a son William , ·h h d t Waynes ville, and certain ly it will be ing the serv ice. Miss Bishop played Among those from out oftown who tended Yearly Meetin g ' at Wilmin gU r. H ersc h eI F'IS er as move 0 . . th ar aUllliv ing. Aloof the family are attendi ng are: Susan ' b ' Id' a great convell lence to our town. o ffilces III Mendel ssohn's weddin g march. e new M L. Brown . ton Sunday . _orris UI m g,. t to th of Abraha m Hawkin s. who ~me to Wm. Griest, Ellis Good, t ffi Leb The car WIll carry twenty peop Ie, A two cO\1l'se weddin g supper , O. L. Brat. e pOS 0 ce, anon. and ':lome freigh t . If the passeng er TrlJstees Cornell and Graham at.- nex .Oskalo osa ill 1M03. only two are yet ten, S. R. Battin, Martha served by Scott. followe d. Seated 'J. Warne r, ttmded a Trustee s' meetin g in LebaJiving William and l!.'ii who still re- Martha M. Morris , R. M. Mr. and Mrs. J . J. Downin g. and car i a success , they will also add with the newly wedded pair were: Robert s, non Saturd ay. side here. '" Prof. ,and Mrs. Jones, of Xenia, at- a freight car, carryin g freigtJ't per- Miss Downin g, Mil'lS Colber caro ina W. 'Cain, John L. Thoma s, t. Miss Of the family of ~ Nathan Jones, Wilson Doan and wife, tended Yearly Meetin g here Sunday . haps twice a week from Dayton . Jones, of the LaYerg ne bridal party; Miss StelMrs. Geo. Hawke and Mrs . Will some of whom <;ame to Iowa, ' only Garden er and many others. As everyb ody knows . it is hard to la Bishop, Miss Rubie Jones, of West Thorpe were guests of fl'iends in Mrs. Tacey Hill and daugh ter. get out of Waynes ville, and as the Milton, two ara now living'. B. F', no\v of .~ ... Mr. Edward Dougla s, the Lebano n Thursd ay. Mrs. Anna Fergus on, of RichmQlld, traction people seem to avoid us, an best man; Moores ville, Ind., and his brothe r OELIG HTFUL LETTE R Mr. J. Lester Spahr, Wilare here attendi ng Yearly Meetin g. auto line will be accepta ble. Let's mingto Nathan , of your city. n; Mr. Leroy Benham , Eaton; Mr. and Mrs. Clytie CQleman and Of the family flf Henry Steddo m boost it alongl Mr. T. B. Garrets on has written son, ]<·rancil.'l, returne Mr. and Mrs. Demps ey M. Dennis . d to their home · Mr. and Mrs. B . S. Howell and Mr. whose fat'm Wad situate d near "Tele- a nrere ting letter from his home in in Cincinn ati Saturd ay. Richmo nd, Ind. The color arrange and Mrs. Fr ' d E. Sherwo od attende d FIVE 'POINTS REUNI ON MilIt!," und who late r came to Oskaloo sa, Iowa. and. he calls ment of yellow and white was carto memYearly Meetin g at Wilmin Oskalco sa, there are still living thref' O~y many fO.l'mer resIden ts gton, SunMr. Frank Bishop and family, of . ded out in the dining room. Golden of '!ayne s day. The twelfth annual meetlllg of t.he low formed a centerp iece S<?ns.. Juson, a farl.ner fl ear here, and VIlle. ' It Will pRy you to Xenia, we re guests of Mr. C. T. for the read It. organiZ U.':ion kno wn as 'l'he Flv ~ride's taWe and yellow candles Horace and Oscar who now r eSIde Hawke and family Sunday . .. - • were The Algona c, Mich., crowd' arri ved Points Heunio n will ue held at the used. The dainty place cards were near Los Angele s, Cal. MfLL LEMH H SALE home Monday evening . All had a residen ce of Mr. and Mrs. ~.scar lev- hand decora ted by the bride, f my father' s family. H. T. GarMessl·s. Lou Printz and Dean How- good tim e and ar as browll with as ber- engel', 011 retson, who left Waynes ville in 1864, • and one-hal f mlie' north - weddin g bells. Reltd Waller J. Kilbon 's ad this ell were gue ts of Mr. E. A. Welter ries. Miss Erie Fox, of eastof pl'\I1gbo r 1. O~ . on ~turday, "adiz, secured the ring only three ate now living. Isaac H., week. H.! ha son,e be~utif from the ul ging- and fami ly at Centerv ille. unday . Septem whose first wife was Maggie Roger8 , hams,. ~tc., and at prIce! be r 3, 1~10 WIll he Nle ! bride' s cake, Mr. Den~is the thimble MI'. and Mrs. E, V. Barnha rt l:lpent that are While in Denvcr , MI'. and Mr. of Waynes ville, Charles F. who mar- surprts tng. several days last weE'k with Charley usual bS! ket dtnnCl' and 'uch , other and Mi Ss Ethel Finley the button. __ ._.- -Harry Murray spent a uay most deried Jennie Mills, of Corwin , and Prof. and Mrs. Jones will spend Harner and family near New Bur- entel:tainm~nt as is c~mmon at such lightfu lly ' ,#ith Mr. Avery Neeu lp.s FEED GRIND ING NOTICE meetmg s. rhe comm ltte~ hopes ~hat their honeym oon in and near who now live at KnolCv'ille, Iowa, and lington . Cincinand family. a1l. who wis~ to ~tt~nd .. WI)) consIde r nati, and before leaving for my~elf still a ,residen t ·of Oslraloosa. the WeRt Feed ground on Tuesda y, ThursMrs. Verna Kelley, who has ' b een thIS a ufficlen t mVltatlOn. Of Abijah Johnso n's family fOUl' day ~nd Saturd ay and in will return to Xenia for a short time. the afterDr. and Mrs. Michen er and Miss visiting W. S. Graham , 1'are livin~Overton. now (If Muncie . noon only. They will be at home, after Septem Waynel'ville Mills. Mary Michen er. of Lebano n. were turned to her CHURC H OF CHRIS r Ind;;-W arren and Rebecc a, of Iowa, home in Springf ield, ber 12th, at Salem, Ia., where Prof. - -. guest.q of Mrs. ERth I' Stout and Monday evening . . and Henry, of Los Angele s. Cal. ' -t 10~0 a m and 7'30 Jones will be princip al of the high D. « P. ASSO~IATtON 1)reac Iling daught er Sunday . a .il . . ' • P f J pm ' Biblt' ch ool at 9:30 a. m.; school t he commit year: (Contin ued on page 8) 1'0. one.CJ Mrs. Priscill a Butterw ol'th, of Wil. . Messrs. E'rank Cadwal Chri~i.i lndel' an Endeav and or at 7:00 ". Ill. - - -.... - ill a membe r of one of the.> best known I Wayn.e Tow~shlp DetectI ve and Albert Antler on attende mingto n. is attendi ng Yearly Meetd Yearly Next Sunday end s the contest . familie~. of West Milton AT REO BRICK CHURC H •. al;l~ h~s ing and is the guest of MI'. and Mm. Protert lve Ass n. will meet Sat';lr- Meetin g Sunday and were guests Until ~f Sunday Ferry \'vas ahead. now a prom~~tng ca~eer ~efore hIm day at the _ __ Saml n ~19 usual__ Butterw _ hour. . Mrs.Aanes orth. • rig. W . ht the bann er floats high over Wayne s- professIOn . . HIS br.lde, a charmm g Ruth Murray will preach at the . . , . TI now stand' and accomp hshed girl ; bas for severRed Brick church next Sunday Ali i It: 180 Mr and Mrll Will Crock M s VI'11 e senIOr. 1 y 't al togethe r politen ess that, . . Mrs. Dora . . Gallag · h . her . ' of Cincinn ati M H I. • i '11 74 lOU ' . ,'" ' al years been an IIlstruc tor m t e r .. lire cOl'dtally II1Vlted. ' a r y. L n aynesvi e, Otlos"S os tu b O;y to t IHI j nevltt. bI ~. and Mrs. Clark Cadwa llader, , . _ _ _ .... _ _ of Mor- f D eWls and Mr. .lnalier LeWIS ' " 800 \ 'pu blic schools 0 f t h e coun t yan d't Cl y. F erry. 6". ts f MAo a. yton, were Saturu ay guests of . h row, are gues No man hIS suob a bl)rror of old 0 \'S. Dr. A. S. Beckwi th , of London . 0., gnes M d M F A .woman nov ~r sees 11 U1An '(I worst Wright and daught er. k Z II Among t e gue~ts at the w edd'lilA' r. an rs.· ran ~. "ge 88 to want to Ilie young , will be present with us next Sunday . w re the fo))owl~g; Mr. ~lde tillllhe beoome s bis lJetter half. JO!leph :.. _ _ _ Undel'w('od. Matilda Underw ood, £' k Mr. and Mr!. Joseph Frame, and J . H . \. ,as ey Wl'l'tes us f rom 0 - - - .. Dr Mal'I'a M. Romine , Rebecc a Mern- M d M D D' f t d M' h th t th fi h' 1', an rs. enm.. 0 SHERW OOD-J EF F ~ EY REUNI ON I ritt... of Harvev s ea, IC . , a ey are s mg Richmo nd, Ind..el1lpsey sburg; Mr Lester calling on every day an I that the erElw ~re all f ' d h I t Th were d The Sherw o~Jef frey · II famiJie . , s Spahr, rlen Wjlmin s ere as gto~; , Mr. ~nd Mrs. urs ay. we II ; h e very cord la y inVItes us up. will hold lheir l'eunion at the Red \ Dempsey E. d Denms M 'c of RIchmo . H ' nd ' n;p-; ;:::';- ;:; w : ' a : ; :::r; :-, :,,-t Mrs. W. S. Graham and her guest, I h church, Thursd ay, Septem ber . t l' I W ayne an d Ma.'>Sle • Mrs. Verna Kelley were week- end. owns liPS was p an ever pro d uced . .'. • . t f M J H C k t th dlanapo lts, arrIVed here SatUl day ~~~~~~~~~~~~ comple ted the 1st of July and books The followi ng· table shows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!' the I'el- guCh~18ds 0, H rs. 'Leb' as ey a e evenin g for a visit with r elative s have been issued from thisoff ice:to a,tivev alueoft heland ,lots;dw .. eUings I rens , ome. anon. the tax-pay er. barns etc: Mrs. Emma Pierce. of Toledo , Mrs. While 'this is a new mode of pro- If anyon e who did not re- . ~r. J. tH;::, ~ Dayton , wa: Culver t. ,.f South Charles ton, · Miss ..... , cedut'e in tli~ation, it' will, withou t ceive a copy of . the 'apprai 2...--... .... _ w...... ...... ..-..-. .- ..................... _ ........... - - - - sement ~n o;.~l ~ $999n t ay re~r~n - Shaw, of Richmo nd, Ind., are guests , Mrs Anna M Surface desire. a donbt, ' prove a good one. Each hooks of Wl\yne or Massie ~r. and · Mrs. Frank E. Thoma s townsh ips, mg : II er Btl • S o~e. ~ ~15 of Mr. an'd Mrs. Edwin Chandl er th tax·pay er will kn~w how mucH his will write to Audito r Patters . h the Mia~i Gazett~ to thank enterta ined most hospita bly. on. he gthentad getn eman than t exPham last . Meetin g. . . he~O~~ny relative s and friends f~r Sundav .the former 's parentson e a van ages 0 f e sore e rep., during Yearly neig~\Jor pays, how muc~ land he will send a.copy of the ~m·e , , . Mr. . d M resents . He claims. a 115 suit for D W Thoma s and Mrs, 'Phoebe Stanley and daught er' theIr kind remem brance of he:~:i~h- ~:tter'srs~othet'. Mrs. Philip Surfacthe e. ='~===-::_ ,~nly ~9.99, no more. no less, l and Miss France s Fairhol m, of Oska- daYI A?gust 17, 1910, by Vnluo Lot.s Vllluo VallIe Value To~al sho g Total and Mr Art hur . Thoma • s. • loosa. ,Kan'., are guests Of Mr. and !:leI' WIth post-ca rdS. She 08 . I Dwolllllg8 }'~~' . . was t.he JI~~o . ~~uJ LY",lan SI~ver.- George Waterh ouse Mrs. I .. E. Keys. The Fairhol ms happy recipie~t Of 169 card s01,lvem~ Waynes ville Corp ........... ... ' 104750 2758to · 3700 19150 298740 __ '40.3490 Rob~rt , Collett 'a nd J(enn~th Houg~, went West from here years ·Corwin , COrp .. :.;..... :: .. .. ..... . 8590 158(0 ' 7100 ·,1600 2'5~O ago. , and so great IS the numbe r that no , 33]30 whohav fI been "skyla rkmg" at NI_ Harveysburg· Co~p .... ,.;.. ... .21760 58580 .. :... being able to thank each separa tely" Mr. and Mrs. Henry ro wn : en , ~420 · 64090 .. 85766 agaraF aUs for a few days. returne d I3 Mr. C. H. Clemen ts writes to us will eJ(tend thanks coliectiv~ly- And tertain ' 'No, Acl'Oll Vllu6 Value Value V.hio Total ' r Total : home Sunday eveninB'. While. ~d Tues~ay ~he followm g; in Ni- from Long Beach 'Cal and asks us like the 'old lady, at .theCO unty Fair, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kindle, Mr. T. J. L~lIfl DW~~::'88 a~w~ D~ .l~!1T llj1;atta .they w~re in. compan y with F. to send back copi~ 01 the Miami Ga- remark ing as the mail wagon ~a~e Brown, Misses Annie East Wayne Tp ..... 12994.25 ;1'46;:;3(1 46!OO ' 36890 sS090 629420 Gillum Cromer ; of Ghauta uqua fame. zette, a'i ~hey U ..Brown and are a'rnc~out! tc}..hear its daily trillS; "Here comes ~othElr G1a~ys West Wayne Tp ... 152()O O~ ,69899() 9584.0 Nutt:. 7~ 174190 .The o~caslo 873180 n was .~he ~d L. ~ car~y, superin tenden t of from Wayne sville. Re writes that load!'.' Massie 13674.76 58Z140 5281.0 i480 :W64Q 8428Q eG7020 Ly\le sch,!ol. anmver sary celebra tlOn of Mr. Kmthey ar~ all w.ell. And still, they coine t dIe, Mr. Brown and the hostelL

















'The Qua dr,e nnia l App rais eme nt



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Socl·al Hap pen ings of the W eek


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mrCIRCULAU 5 kn w how to a ccount for IL T Q me !\I I' . •JII III I !;on W/lS fUl' l ss formid able r~. V unrl r my e y ,whe r I kn ew what h ' was doi ng. tha n he was off In th e clly, ' . n~rr..,~ l\\'I!<Ull~ clrcums lnoc S lI od motl" !' to ~'Y~~.IAI& SUll hln]s If nnd le nmlng what he IllllJTI?ATIOtlJ t3Y 1<,.;yw'l<l"li'~ wl~hed to kno w about events at II n"vYNC~r.~ ., .. _ -Ifr,,"J,.... nyt\ idC' In some oc ~ u l t way. 1 lI'as SYNO-P C)!li. gill,! Il ollj;h to hllv' him th I'e. ' whe n ex,'l t ' Jlll' IlI S b ga n to cOllie th l k a nd M I"" Tn n ... ";J.nlOl" "f)~ /:1I11r,ll" n or ' fasl ·c rtruil a a,.a ll u L<.' )' · _",,,:"11, 11. '01 ., ,,lImrr A nO'li' ('lel1l(' nt was about to nte r tl ~ndll "v ·O~ nl HI, ,, 'I', .<101 , ' .\' 111,1'1 IIlI- I t ff ' 'I A T d at m t\ ~"'H~ iltfl~" ll( l"M f l l': !-I ~ II\ :1 t1t~ d,·:.o (· r,("'1. no U :ltrs : 1,on" ny , or UCS ny A I MI"II I :,r;~t' " .. '1"01 "I' (" r , Il ,' n,~ht 111" la l,·~t . wou ld lIud Dr . \ Valll I' ba ck hOllse In the ehl' "H9 ~ I" nl,·.! lor a D., d. Il~ " "1 ':111 I I,.' in h is ~1'l'C' n Hnd while " er m l a . t ' n s ,"'f'rnly 1t1 \I~ f '!'l 11 1:--1 111 " I , . r . . d u ~:",: II,.· ul ll'lI!. · I n Ih, ' ",,,rrll"'; ~I I "" vllln~ . " nd I.ollis' s altitude to h im JnJ .'·~ r.. 1I1ll l t., ~I Ill ):" 11,,1, ,,,0'. '-' '' '' '' ll I' : In lh. IJllIll Jlat ful ure wOllld s lg nl A hIlIH[l P r. (, "I' \ l" ud ,. li n d 1 (,11:-· \ H II \11 'Wit h J UI' II 111111< y . T h ,' hil l'"" "'"' :1"':11, - fy Ii a ls y 's hllllllln 'S5 o r wr t bed· .. n ·.1 II), ,\ ,·..,\' .. 1\· ~1· shill 11,,11 . \ ~ !I,,: 01 ,\ rlll- n ('~s :JR it mlg hl turn oul. 1'1\('11 . lOO 8 trnll~ W I1K (l \u n ,1 s t ' .. l (n d" .11 h tn 1110 • ~ hull. ~' I~~ I nn' ·~ r,'un,1 11 ,,1< , \ .~ ,.. \ (.hoor th I' ' l urn of b er moth I' would III 1111, on Ih,' Ill wn. n" lInd .1"", 11,,,1, I' hll~ 1 (]. I~- of COU I'se, th nt sh e wou ld ha v' to a.PPN 'f"I "t. Tl w IltI~\ IlI rf- 1I 11 1111 1'1 nl~ .... tt .1oll ~l\' dl ~n f'I" ·' ''·'' '1. I'," '" ,11" .I.. "d!· ~" n lC'3 vC' us, a nd 1 bud b (;OOle greatly atnrrl'·'·'!. r. .... 'l'un.· ",·\",,1.·,1 ,1 ,1' \\ ,,~ "n- tac hell to her g nged t tl J :,,"I:. l e,tI, ' , . \dlll \d ll u n t-fha.., . tal ked In II", l,oI lI " r,1 I'" .. n l " (' · W mn· l'rom th e day Mr. Jaml ' son cn me 1111'nll' h' f.,,·,· ' he 1I""', h ' r .1",, 01 , , " n B .C ' to Sunn ys ltle. th ere was u subtle ("us,.' ,1 1\l l ~d I IlTlf~ j l r hll din:; h .l! k e\l ... . _' . ~ ~ npn('l'. li , ' tollpn" ,,,,, ·01 " " 11111·,, 01, r In nn chan go) In Gel trud e s manu I to 1lI . Nnllly 1'''1It1 1. 'I' ll" ,,1'I",lII"r " ""1 ,,·,1 11('I\I'n It W jlS elusll'u difll cu lt to ana lyze. but 0. l aundry ,"lIlIh', ( i t' rl rll d,' \\'.t ~ :H I~Il(\"If'd, If' k A ncKl'o (1ll1l,,1 It... ,,111"1' ~ " .tr "r wlla t It WIIS th ere. SI.It' lIas no onge r Ia n









60 Bushels of Wheat per acre is not unusual 'n EnC'l'land be~~use th e . farm ers th ere kn ow the...valu e of fertilizers and tlse th m liberally. You can double you~ ~rops a nd preserve the fertility of your soil by u sing

Liddy h Rved a Blgh. "G irl nnd womau,"!ih said, ''I'vo b en with 'y ou 25 Y ars , Mi ss nachel, 'through good tempor a nd bl\d- " th e III R! . II nti wh nl 1 bav tnke n iroOl her In tbe way of s ulks ! -" but J g u ss } "I\ U't s tnnti it nny longer . My t l'unk's packed ." " \\'h o pu k d It 7" I ns ked, e xpecUng fro m h r tOIlO to be told s bl hatl wake ned to fin d It don e by s omo ghos tl y band . " I did; l\lisfI Rachel, you won't be· \I v l1I' when I te ll you thi s bOllse Is hallot.,u. Who was It fell down the clolh(' ~ (' hule? \Vho WIIS It Hcn red ~Ii ~s LOlli s Il lmo" t Into her g r ul' 7" .. [.)(\ Ilolllg DIY b s t to f1nu oul," I said " W hat III Ih l' wo rld li re YOll drh'llH: at':' Sh ' Il l',' w a lout{ IJrC'aLh . "1 \l~' I'!' Is a hole III th e tl'lIllll l'OOI1\ wnll du g out s luce las t .nl ght. I t's big nUl,gh to Ilut yo ur head Ill . aod th ~ Illasle r 's al l 0\'1) 1' th plac.., ." • " :"\UIl S I' II ,P!" I sai d. " Ph.s ter Is al· wa ys falling." Uut Lhhly <:l 'Il ehed thal. "Ju st as k Alex, " she sn ld. " When

Armour's Fertilizers

from tb e Iloor. " lid Ins ldo w e I' n \l Ule rulss';]g bits of plast I'. It hnd LJ eU Increase th e Yield. Improve the Q ua lity and a method ical ghost. It was v r y ulnch of a disappoint· Enrich the Soil. Every Harvest I roves It. ment. I ha d xp ted a se ret 1'00111, at the very least , a nd I thlnlt e v e ~ Mr. Arlftour Fertilizer Works. - Chicago Jamieson had fa ncied hI! IIll ght nt last bave n cle w to th myalt' I·),. 'I'll re wat! evi dently nothing )lIor to b dill' History Cleared Up. His Busy Season . cQrer d : L ldlly reported that e very· The third grado was "having hl B· "I-loW'S bus iness 7" thing WlI S !\C l'cne among the s ('va nls , "Brisk." answered the druggist. "I've tory." Forty youn gll ters were ma· a n(\ th al none of th ·' tII hnll bllen dill· lllrbC' ti by I he noi Re. 'I'hE' mUlldcJ.llng' bought ti ckets for two picnics and four Idng g uesses ahout the llfe and cbar· , thl lll:, h o\\'t'\'~' r . was th ut th E' uightly t'xcu\,slons this morning, and donated a cter of the Father of Ills ountry. when the t eacher propounded a qUtlSvi sitor hnd e\'i de ntly mon' lh lltl one goods fo r seve ral Indoor alfalrs." tion that s tum ped them all. way o r ~ni n lllg neCl'SS t o t l.c h Oll sl:' . and "Why did Wnsbington crOS8 the, we mad u r range ill ents to I'edollb le For Red. I. obi • • E,.elld •• 0,. ••• , 8t,.es Flllllng Eyelnshes and All Eyes That Delaware?" our 1'1g-liane ' as 10 windOW S Bnd doors Nee!\ aro Try Murlno Eyo Sal" . AsepWhy, ind eed? Not a child could tic Tubes-Trial Slzc-2lio. As k .Your Drug· tbat nlgbt. or Wrlto Murine Eye Remedy Co., think or anything but the answer to Halsey w as Inclin ed to pooh ·pooh gist Cblcaa:o. the famo us chicken prohlem : "To get the whol afra lr. He s ul d Ii bren\{ In on the other side," anll, of course, )J J,ro " l\'l"c s(\'l rt C H'lq'I ht', ..'t U.l ':noI t'HP" k Hnllp\' ~ H Y~ h!of .. c'ul"f' Hlld-buuo Do.lI,.}· n . .I . . . . I!!• • • • • •II!I'~~~~~ ~~~~~ It Was the Other Way. the plas ter might have 0 Ill'red I P.rt i n r N . pnf1!iI\ hi :l 1", ~ I 'tln . li ~ I' lrudA "Mr. Jones," Bll[d the senior partner that wouldn't do. The u little Annle's Mfllti p ill' hUj l g-1\'PIl Balltoy n n unlonclet1 months ago /l lltl gone unnoticed , nnd hand shot Into the all'. Lillie Anole r l'volv r. r,·III'I"o: I" 0:1\'" him 8. londed that the du st had prohably been In tho whol sale dry goods hOllse to (.fosses the Dela wnre every s ummer ""eanon . • '".111, ,. Hn lll' ~' o ( Pnul Armthe drummer who stood before him In s Urred ~ the d ay befort. After all, et r Oll ':'!; h" nk, d r r " 111'1. Il'n" n rn'R I",1 for herself. hence the brig ht Idea. f'lmlw%zh'lllf"' lIt. 11 1l1~t,y !ltd ,l Arm.9lr l) l1~ we hnd to let It got.. hat, but we the private! omce, "yo u have been wr ~r l( .J hi .. o"'n h:lnl< nn,1 ('o uld ,'ll'nr "Well, Annie?" put In a n uncomfortable . Ger- with us for the past t ell yeara," Bull!')'. P A" I Ar mstrnn,,·" tll'R th was nn"Because he wuntod to get to Atlan' nOllnred . Il nls eY'A fl nnr<'c. LouIse Arm UYes, slr.'trude w nt to churoh, and HaM?, tQok slrnng. \\' us ro~ nd al the lodge. 1'h<1 tic Clty."- Plllladelphia Times. "And you ought to know the rules 10dgpk('cppr IIllld Loulsl' li nd Arnold h nd a long walk In the morning. r.o..lse • long lulk the nIght or t hfl murder. L ouwas able to sit up, and she allowed of the house. One of the m Is that no t ee WaR prostratl'd. LOlli,." lold Halsl'Y. THE BEST OF ITS KIND that while she ~tl\1 In\'ctl him she W !U\ to Halsey and Liddy to assist her down· man or ours shall take a IIlde 1I0.e." I. alwaYII ndvertiBoo. In fac t It only pays morry (, nother, Rnil lhnt ho wlltl ltl dl'spisil . "Dut I have none. sir." to advertillo good thluI(lI. Whon you 1186 s talrB late In the afternoon. The east h ~r wh~ n h e Il'urnl'd tl1P wlloll' st"ry. "But you have lately got married." an a rticle nd \'ertlscd In thIs. paller year It dp\,p lope<1 tllnl Or. "'nlk l' r lind Louls(' veranda was shady, green wIth vl'nes yellr you can be abll.olutely certaIn "" er~ to be married. A prnwll'r ",nB h nrd "Yes; but can you call that a side after and palms, cheerful with cushions ao u that UIDro la merit to It because tho conIn I h h USI'. LouIse w as ( OUIll) III th l' tinued sale of any nrUela deponds upon line, Mr. Jones ?" boll om or the clrclllnr !llnl r nsc. Louis e lounging chain. We put Louise In a merit and to keep on ndverU.lng one .. aId .. III' hnd hrll rll a kn!!ck nt IhE' door "Technically, It lnay not be." steamer chair, and she Bat there must kee p ' on 8 IUnlt, All good lhlngs nn il nn""'I'I'C'd It. Soml' tlling brllSIlPf\ Ilasl "You needn't fear that havlllg a have Imitators, but Imitations aro not adh f' r on lh stalrl\,uy and s h e fuln lcd. passively enough, her hands lasped They havo no reputation to aU!!vertised. wife Is going to brIng me In off a trip In her lap. taln, thoy nover expocl to have any perany sooner." manent aale Bnd your dealer would nevor CHAPTER XVII.-Contlnued. We were very silent. Hal.ey sat on "Oh, I don't It Is the fear that lIell lham It ho s tudied your Intero.tB. the rail with a pipe. openly watching Sixteen ),ollrs n.go Allon'l!! Foot-Eaae, tho having a wIfe at home you'll want to. antlleptlc Powder tor tha teet. wa. fint "You heard no other sound?" th e Louise, as s he 100ke4 broodingly stay out on the road altogether!" sold, and thrcugh newspllper advertiling coroner a sked, "There was no one across th e valley to the hills. There nnd through peoplo telUnl: each other with Mr. Armstrong when he enwas something baffling In the glrra what a good thing It wall for tired and aching teot It hu now a permanent Balo. RAW ECZEMA ON HANDS eyes; and gradually Hal Bey's boyllih ·tered?" and nearly 200 lIo-cailed foot powders "It was perfectly dark. There were features lost their glow at seeIng her ~eve been put on the market 'I\.-tth tha bOlle of profiting by the reputation whloh 110 voices and I heard nothing. Ther e "I bad eczema on my hands for ten about again, and settled Into grim hM been built up tor Allen's Foot-Elllle. was just the opening of the door. the lines. He was like his father just I had three good doctors but When you ask for a n artlele adverUsed sbot. and the sound of somebody fall· none ot them did any good. I then In thl'll' paperll 1180 that you pt It. Avoid then. We sat until late af~ernoon , Halsey UlIed . one box ot Cutlcura Ointment .UbIlUlules. Ing." .. "Then, while you went through the growing more and more moody. Short· aDd three )lottles ot Cuticura ResolveDt A NATURAL QUESTION, drawing' room and upstairs to alarm ly before s[x he got up' and went Into and was completely cured. My handa the household, the criminal, whoever the house. and In a f!lw ullnuteB he were raw allover, fnsldeand out, and it was. could have escaped by the east came out and called me to the tele- the eClema was spreading all over my phone. It wns Anna Whitcomb, lu body and limbs. Before I bad used one door?" town, and she kept mo for 20 minutes, bottle, together with the CuUcura "Yes." "Thank you. That will do." telling me the children had hnd the Ointment, my sorel were nearly · I flatter myself that the coroner got measles and how Mme. Sween)' had healed over, and by the time I had little enough 'o ut of me. I so.w Mr. botched her new gown. used the third bottle, I was enUrely Jamieson smiling to himself, and the When 1 finished, Liddy was behind well. To anyone who has "ny skfn ()oroner gave me up, after a time. 1 me, her mouth a thin. line. Q1' bIood..dIaeaIe I lVpuld honestly adadmitted I had found too body, said 1 "I wish you would try to look cheer- 'vlle them t. tool with nothing elae, bad not known who It was until Mr. ful, Liddy," I groaned, "your face but get CuUcura and get well. My ' -.larvls told me, and ended by looking would so'ur milk." But Liddy seldom handa have nfSver liven me the least . -up at Barbara Fitzhugh and saying' replied to my gibes. She folded hel bit of trouble up to now. that in renting the house I had J''''''-t-IIPII a little tighter, "My daughter's hands thla summer expected to be Involved In any family " He called her up," she Bald IN"aeu becaIDe oertectly ra.w wIth eczema. • candal. At which sbe turned purple. - - -iarl ~, "he called her tiP, and asked hel She could get noth[~g that would do There Was Something Baffling In the Girl'. Eyes. The verdict was that Arnold Armto keep you at the telephone, so he them any good unUI she tried Cut!strong bad met hlB death at the hands with me. although I think ber affec· he put the new cook's trunk there last could talk to Miss Louise. A thank· cura. Bhe used Cutlcura Resolvent of a parson or persons unknown, and tion never wavered. At the time I laid night the wall was as smooth as th[s. less child Is sharper than a serpent's and Cuticura Ointment an.d I.n two w e prepared to leave. Barbara Fitz- the change to the fact that I had for· This morning it's dug out, and there's tooth," weeks they were entirely cured. I "Nonsense !" I said brusquely. "I have used Cuticara tor other membera hugh. Oounced out without waiting to bidden aU communication with John plaster on the cook's trtlnk. Miss t!lpeak to me , hut Mr. Harton came up, Bailey, and had refused to acknowl· Rachel, you can get a dozen detectives might have known enough to leave of my family and it alway.!' proved suea8 1 knew he would. edge any engagement between the and put one on every stair In the them. It·s a long time since you and ce.stuI. Mrs. M. E. Falin, Speera Landlady-I . cannot accommodato "You have decided to give up the two. Gertrude spent much ot her house, and you'll never catch any- I were in love. Liddy, and-we for· i'elT7, Va., Oct. 19, 1909." lOU. I take ID only single men. house. I hope, Miss Innes." he said. time wandering through the grounds, thIng. There's some things you can' t get." WlgaoD-What makes you thlDk "Mrs. Armstrong has wired me or taking long cross·country walks. hnndcult." Liddy sull'f d. An Unneceuary System. I'm twins? Liddy was right. As soon as I could, "No man e ver made a fool ot me," again." Halsey played golf at the Country "You ought to have a burglar alarm I went u, to the trunkroom . which she replied vIrtuously. "I am Dot going to gIve It up:' I club day after day, and after Louise Tn. Reason Why. , system In your house," said the e[ec· "Well, some thing did," 1 retorted. maintained, "until I und erstand some lett, as she did the following week, was directly over my bedro,om. The One of the traveling salesmen ·of our trlcal supply agent, "so that you w\ll. thIngs that are puzzling me. The day Mr. Jam[eson and I were much to- plan of the story of the house be awakened If a burglar raises one town came home to spend the holi· that tbe murderer Is discovered, I will gether. He played a fair game oJ crIb· was like that of the s econd floi'll'. In CHAPTER XIX, or the w[ndow8 or opens a door at days with his family, a wife and small the main. One end, however, over bage, but he cheated at solltalre. daughter. l ea v ." ulght." \, Concerning Thomas. "ThoD, judging by . what I have The night the det ective arrived, the east wing, had been left only roug· Everything went lovely until the day ,"No burglar can get In here whlnle "Mr. Jaml son," I said, When we we are peacefully sleeping," r e plied arrived for his return to duties, when bea rd, YOI~ w1l1 be back In the cIty Saturday, 1 had a talk with him. I ly finished, the Intention having been very soon," he said. And I knew that told him of the experiences Louise to convert It Into a ballroom at some found ourselv es alone after dinner Mr. Newpop. "We are weaning our his young' daughter was ve ry reluctant be suspected the discre dited cashier Armstrong had had the night before future time. The maids' rooms, trunk· that night, "the Inquest yesterday baby." about letting him go. on the circular staircase, and about room, and various storerooms, includ- seemed to me the merest r ecapltula' The conv rsation ran thus; -of tho Traders' bank. lUgs that. .were already Mr . .Jamieson came tiP to me as I the man who had so frightened RosIe Ing a large airy linen room, opened Don't Eat So.p,. Father- Wby do you care If I g ·I... t developed nothing new be- . was about to leave th e coroner's of- on the drive. I saw that he thought from a long corrIdor, like "'fllat on·-';tCi'h-=e.......k..,n...oL.w-n...."'-' Every now and then you get a. faint away; I'm no relation of yours, the Information was Important, and to second Ooor. And In the trunkroom, yond that story of Dr. Stewart's, and taste of 80ap In something you eat. am I? flce. " How Is your pa tient 1" he asked my Buggestion that we put an addl· as Liddy had suld. was a fresh break that was volull;teered." That is because the pot or skillet or . Child-Yes. you are! You're my fa· '. "An Inquest Is only a necessary for· saucepan has been cleaned (7) with tber by marriage. with his odd little s mile. tional lock· on the east wing door he In the plaster. "J have no pati ent," I r eplied, opposetl a strong negative. Not only In the plaster. but through mallty, Miss Innes,'.' he replied. "Un' ordInary yellow soap, aud It has left Father-Well! Theu bow Is your . "I thInk It probable," he said, "that the lathIng, the aperture extended. I less a c rime [s committed In the open a trace of the rancId tat and nausea- mother related' to you? sta rtled. " [ will put It In a different way, our visitor will he back again. and reached Into the opening. and three the Inquest does uothlng heyond get: ting rosin In the vessel. If Easy Task Child-She's my mother by borna· th en. How Is Miss Armstrong!" the thing to do Is to leave things ex· feet away, perhaps, 1 could touch the tlng evidence from witnesses while soap Is used, tbe cooking utensils are lion.-Mack·s National Monthly. "Sh >- fl h Is tiDing ve ry well," I actly as they are, to avoid rousing bricks of the partition wall. . For some events are s till In their mInds. The made absolutely clean and antiseptic· Uncouth, suspicion. Then I can watch for at reason the· architect In building the pollee step In later. You 'and I hoth ally sterilized. Families that use Easy IItammored. ··Goocl." cheerfull y. "A nd our ghost? least a part of each night a,nd prob- house had left a space there that know how many Important thing! Task soap seldom have a doctor's bill "He's BO uncouth." "What's th~ matter?" Is it laid ?" . ably Mr. Jnnes will help tiS out. I struck me, even fn the surprise of the never transpired. For Instance: Th~ to pay, because It drives out disease "M r . Jaml son." I sa id suddenly, "I would IIfl.Y as little to Thomas as pos- discovery, as an excellent place for a dead man had no I[ey, and yet MIBS germs with the dirt. One <:ake of it 1a "He actually eats the lettuce leaf the salad rests on." wis h you would come to Sunnyside sible. 1'be old man knows more than conflagration to gain headway. Gertrude testified to a fumbling at worth two ot other lorta. and s pend Il few days there. The he Is wI/ling to admit." "You are sure the hole was not here the lock, and then the opening of th. ghost Is not laid. I want you to spend 1 Bugr;ested that Alex, the gardener, yesterday?" I asked Liddy, whose ex- door. The piece of evidence you men. Why She Brougbt It Up. , one night at least watching the elr- would probably be willing to help, and press ion was a mixture of satisfaction Uon, Dr. Stewart's story, Is one of "00 you remember," Bhe aske~ CiliaI' staircase. Th e murder of Arnold Mr . .Jamieson undertook to make th' and alarm. In answer she pointed to those things we have to take cautiouS' "that you lIald once that unleBs 1 Armstrong was a beginning. not an arraugement, For one night, how· tho new cook's trunk-that necessary ly; the doctor has a patient who promised to ,be yours the sun would end," e ver, Mr. Jamieson ·preferred to watcTt adjunct of the migratory domestic. The wears black and does not raise het cease to shine '" A Saucer. He looked serious. alone . Apparently nothing occurred, top was covered with fine white plaster, veil. Why, It Is the typical mysterl· "I don't remember It now, but I o "Perhaps I can do It," h e said. "I Th e detective sat In abBulute dark al was the ftoor. But there were no ous lady! Then the good doctor suppose I may have said Bomethlns A little Cream. have been doing something else, hut ness on the lower step of the stairs, large pieces of mortar lying around- comes across Arnold Armstrong, who of the kind." and -well , I w111 come out to·nlght." "ABd have you forgotten that you dOZing, he eald afterwards, now and, no bits of lathing. When I mentioned was 0. graceless scamp-de mQrtulsWe were very s ilent r:lurlng th e then. Nothing could pnss · him In tbls to Liddy she merely raised hel' wb'at's the rest of It?-and he Is quar· asaured 'me that unless I permitted trip back to Sunnyside. I watched e ither direction, and the door In the eyebrows. Being quite confident that rellng with a lady In black. Dehold, you to claim me as your own the moon Gertrude closely and somewhat sadly . morning r emain ed as securely fast· the gap was of unholy origin, she did says the doctor, tbey are one' and the would fall trom ber place In the To me. the re was one glarlag flaw In e lled as It had been the night he for e. not coo.cetn herself with such trifles same." heavens?" ber story, and U. aeemed to stand out And yet one of the most Inexplicable as a bit of mortar and lath. No doubt (TO lUll CONTINUED.) "Oh, well, what It I did say s07 lor everyone to see. Arnold Arm· occurrences of the whole alIalr tool! they were even then heaped neatly Why do you want to bring that up, strung had had no key, and yet sh place 'that very night. on a gravestone In the Casanova Samenes•• now?" (laid she had locked the ea s t door. He "There 19 a certain sameness abouf "I merely wlilhed to assure you that Liddy came to my room on Sunday churchyard! must have been admlUed from within moming With a face as long as th t' I brought Mr. Jamieson up to s ee natllr:l.l scenery," Raid the man who I'm sorry 1 dldn't Bhut my eyes and right from the box. tbe hOtl!!c; over nnll over 1 rep at ed It mora! law. She laid out my things as tbe hole In the wall, directly after 1001ts bored. let her rall." . , to myself. His e:tr:tlress.l on was ve ry " Do YOIl mean to compare mng u~ttal, but r missed her customary' breakfast. Breakfast m a minute, That night, a'!l g uUy as I CO Uld, 1 garrulousness. I was not r egaled with o.dd when ha lcos.ed at ft, and the first nlOcent mountain '...·Ith the broad (I", Fine School. t.old Louise the s tory or her step· th e new eook'B e xtravagance as to thing lie dId was t,) try to discover 'panse of the sea 1" "Your. daughter should attend my and you have a meal as brother's death. Sbe sat In he r big. eggs, ac.n ,;::_. even forbore to mention whst object. It any, p.uch a Ii ole could "Yes. ~nerever YOll find a spot of school ot education." delightful as ' it 11 wholeplllow.mi d chaIr, nnd heard me " thal Jami eson," on wh - :J!! arrlval8he have. He got a piec e of candle. aod 'e xceptll>lllu beaut, somebody Is Bure "She shan't! She's attended one, through without Interruption. It was bad 1001[ed with s ilent disfavor. by enlal'glng the aper t ure a little was to decorate It w4t? sardine tins anA and she's posltlvely-" some. clear !;bat t; h was sbocked beyond "Ah, . but 1 teach' a new sYlltem. "What's the matter . Liddy '!" I a sk ed. ab\(~ ~o examine what Iny heyond . Th e biscuit boxes." words; I[ I had hoped to learn any· a t las·t. "Didn't you sleep IMt night 1" reslllt · was . nil When my pupils are asked to recite The ' ti'unkroom, al" ------Po'st T oasties are crisp .. thing 'from her expr ellslon , . I had they are trained to refuse." . "No, ma'am," she said sUffly . . though heated by steaJU heat like the ~ .' Not 8!) aad, . {lilled. She was as much In th,_ Jark , an d . fl a vo~ry~olden­ "Did 'you have ' two cups ot colfee rflst of tbe. house, bOllSted ~f a flrI'INervous Lady-T,>on'f,: your expert were. She Kniw the Wont, at your dinner?" I Inquired. place and mantel as well. The 0p'en- menta - frl~hten y~u It.errlbly, .profea br0\\?lt' Oufy bits milt al, '' Mlelress (hiring servant)-l hope : " No. ma'ill." Indignantly. Ing bad been made botween the flue sor? 1. hear that .,our alsl8t~nt mst most 'melt in the mouth, I sat up and ~t upset ml bOt and the outer wall of the hou8·e. There wlto!l & hOrl'lble•.doath ' by falling 4,000 you know YQllr placet ' C")f,P'TER XVIII. , ,Servant-Oh, yes, Qlltm! 'rhe la!lt water-I always take a cup or bot wa· w.a!i revealElIl. however, on' Inspection,. reElt from a balloOlf. . _ ter with a pinch or· salt, be(ure ' I get only Hie bri!k of th!} chimney oJ! one P/olelllOr-O~, · that report ,,~ three glrll , 'you had told me alt AM" .. the Wall. about It. < • liP. ' It. tones th.e stomach , side and tbe olter wall of· the houle ,;reaUJ' eXRneratod. . r.ll:- tnklDS dlttectlve .out tc: SliO, on . t .. e otb!r; In depth tile apace exNe"oue Lad,-Buateratecl! How, "Liddy AIleD," I said, "I'I'iUP c;ombUlg POSTUM CEREAL CO., ' LTD" .,.Ide raised' an uoeJpectll4 .torm of A mao'. arcumat II nearly alwan ProfetIOr-lt 'W~o't muoh IIlON . proteet b'OfIiI Gertrude aDd balle,.. I .that switch aod tell me what II wrona tendecl onlY' l6 , tbe 0001'1.... The Battle Creek, Micb. IIIIf cOIlYiDclq, breacb bad 'IIIlOO mad~ About four te;et &ball a.&oo feet &bat Itt felL-Puc~ ... ao' p.....NCl for It. and J 8I:aJeto\1 .,1th you:' J .



••• •••


- - - -- -



- - - - --

No Trouble-






u.e 'n


..theMemory LInpn"




Practical Fashions



Hay Form Principal Diet o{ Young Animal {or Etsb& Months or Year-Experiments Show It to Be Inexpenslye.

For Infant, and Chllc1ren.

----_.. -

THRILLING MEMORIES OF WAR General Longltreet Talk, IntereltlngIy of Great Confllct-HII Great. . eat Battle.

It was In the early spring ot 1883 that 1. had th pleasure ot calling for the first Ume upon Gen . James Long. street. who. as one authorlt.y puts It "enjoyed the distinction of being on~ of tho gl'eatest fighters of tho Confed. eracy, and possossed the unbound ed confidence and atTecUon of his sol· dl ers." It was Ilt his home In Atlanla., nnd the fragrance of early nowers and the glory that shone In the bios· !lomlng peach trees lent an especial attraction to the apPl'oach to his home, says E. J. Edwards, In Boston Globe. The picture I bad in my Olin-d's eye POre Bred Dairy Helfer Reared on SkIm Milk. .o f the greaL leud r who had so often 'l'he annual calt crop of WisconsIn kept sweet until consumed by Lhe dlscomtlt d noted nlon commanders was based on war·tlm!! prints. all dis· amounts to about 2,18!l.600 he ad. Toe cairo It should be born e In mind, now· playing Irlm with a long and !lowing Stattl has 2,57(;.000 head or cattle. of ever. that unless factory skim mlJ"k 18 beard. But 1 found him without which 66 per cent. . or 1.462.000 head, heated sufficiently to destroy germ b eard. e xcept a tuft In front ot each are mUch cows. A herd properly man· life It Is not on ly difficult to keep ear. HIs complexion was ruddy. hIs nged ought to reproduce at the rate of sweet but It may s pread disease. eSI\~ eyes were brIg ht. and -yet he "eemed 85 per cent. or Its number nnnually claliy tuberculos is, to the calves an:l somewhat Infirm. The really notlcea· (one oalt to every 1.18 cows). This hogs kept on th tarm. It Is much less work when the hanO ble thing about his teatures was the means 2.189.600 calves born In Wis· scar th a t they bore. mute evidence ot consln <lvery year, or whIch 1.242.700 separator Is used. nnd the calves are assured of a more uniform feed. The th rrlghlfu l wound that he had re- are from milch cC'ws. If the dams have been properly calves nre usually f ed Immediately ceIved at the Wild erness at 'a most crItical Illoment In that battie. Dourlshed the value ot these calves at after separating. while the milk 18 "GelJcral." I said. atter a time. "I birth depends largely It not nllrely st ill warm and swee·t . This uniformity have beard tha t many m!1llary crlUcs upon th!! Inte1l1gence and ski ll exer· of condition and freedom from outside believe that had you not !;leen wound· clued by their owners In their breed· Infection In the milk Is exceedIngly ed just when nnd where you were, you Ing. The future possibilities of the Important, and the hand separator de· probably would have drIven Grnnt newborn calf. however. r est on the serves much credit for making this tbought and skill that the owner puts possible and praoticable. back across the Rapldllll." _ Buttermilk Is of practIcally the "Perhaps." WIlS the reply; "no one Into Its feeq. care and management. can ever tell what the result ot a bat· Mistakes made at this period of the same composition as skim milk. There cal~'s lire are probably of lifelong In· Is little Question If It has not the same tle will be until It Is over." For several , moments he was fluence. while a mistake In feedIn g fe ed ing value as sour skim milk. Ex· and carIng tor a mature animal may perlments show that calves fed butler· thoughtfully sllent. "That battle," h e saId,' "Is one of my be only temporary. By good teed and mnk mad e good gains and may even thrilling war recollectlons, ot course; care. or the lack of It, It Is easy to be less subject to Soo\lrB than those make a variation of $1 to $5 or even fed skim mUk. Where buttelJDllk 18 the twinges that' the wound gtves me. now In my cheek and now In my shoul· der. will not let me forget It. I fear, until the day ot my But] think that the most thrilling' recollec· tlons. certaln1y the most plaaslng. that 1 have ot the late struggh. are those which teU or the persoD.II.~ relations between the commanders upon one ,u-ie with those of the other atter bat· tle. when priSOners were captured, and especIally ImmedIately after the war, They t 11 me"-quest!onlngly-"that "Gen. Joe Johnston. who bas just reo tired (rom congress. and General BheJ!U1 . ~ently snt tilde by Bide ' Uke two intimate friends In the house ot repres~ntatlves at \Vashlngton 1" "Yea. that Is true," I answered. "J have ott:en seen them together there,

Bears ~ the Promote! DiG2stion,Churtulness and Rest.Conlalos neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral

In the value of the calf

.Rr<"" -"Old OrSAN.!!.ElI'!1FfM.' .lJ;£j;~~!-:'U ,11, S"''' ..



....... ~.





... •



,.,i,S"I.' l,J· ,


,~ ""''1",'''''''''~i\I ,f"J • C, "¥itd ,f.~"

U·S 81

Ape~';;edy rorClm~


For 'Ovar


JKirlY Yaars

lion, Sour Stomach. DiarrhOea.

WDrms,Convulsions.fevtrisfl. IItSS and Loss OF SLEEe· ' - .,---I.e Simile signature oj ParIs Pattern No. 3331, All BeaDl8 Allowed.-A garment whIch tor com· fort must be sImple Is the nightgown, and we have seleoted for our lllustra· tlon a style whIch can be made In a day or less by any enterprisIng wom· an, wIthout Interterlng with other work. There Is no openIng In the ordInary sense of the word. for the gown Is to be slipped over the head. The neck Is cut out 80 as to give ample room to do this. The balance of the nIghtgown Is made In the usual man· nero There Is very little fullness. and what there Is will be found at the base of the yoke ouUlne. The sleens are In bishop design. and may be made eIther long or short, as preferred. The pattern Is In 7 slzes-S2 to 44 Inchel bust measure. Size 36 bus requIres 5% yards of materIal 36 lnohes wIde. To procure thla pattern




10 centa

to ''Pattern Department." of thllJ paper.

Wnte name and addre811 plainly. and be illite to alve IIln and Dumber of pattern. NO. 3331.

8IZlll ................ _


__--.?''?..~...u.. Ifwrite J01l wlah • for

NAME ....................................... . ,

TOWN ..................................... ..

_die 4lftI!l'eD' tro,m the 0_ abo..... booklet No. 1110 and menUon ,oar A po.\8\! will do.



STREET AND NO...................... .



8T.A.'1'lII ......... ,. ' ,' ...................... .

tt.DeIa Muen for tIte ThIIIe



• • • •

·•• • ·•• ·••• ·••

fed 'lipeeial errort sl101lld De made at

the first year. This m eans millions hav~ Its condition at re~C1lDl ume u of dollars to the daIry tarmers of Wis· nearly ~Dltorm as pOSSible. consln. A dIfference ot $5 per head would mean {rom $60 to $65 annually Iowa COWl. to every farm In the state. Tha report of the :ecent Iowa Dalr)" Tho 1.242.700 calves from mlloh Train saY8: "While it 18 .true that cows recell'e b1lt little whole mtlk. and there are a mll\Jon and a h&lt cows In consequently must be raised on skim Iowa. It Is also true that at lenet n tntlk. buttermilk. whey. grain and third of them are not producing .roughage or BOrne other SUbstitute tor enough bu.tterfat to pay tor the feed ~hole milk, or these calves 20 per they ftat. And. while It Is true that It cent.. or 248.640. are from cows whose the cows t.he Iowa tarmers are milk· product Is ' turned trito farm butter. 60 Ing now were of the daIry type they per cenl, or 621 ,360. are from cows woull! pay theIr owners much more that 8upply creamerIes and 30 per profit. It Is likewIse true , that these cent.. or 872.810. are trom cows that same ' cows. little as they are adapted supply cheese factories. From thIs It to milk production, might even bewill be seen that 70 per ce.n t. of the come quIte profitablo If, given a . calves from Wisconsin milch cows chance." · wUl have either farm or factory skIm milk as a part of their ration and that When Tomatoel Fall to Ripen. 80 per ceilt. may have whey as a part Sometimes tomatoes fall -to rIpen on of their ration In' addition to what· the vInes. and should be pIcked when ever whole milk or milk substitutes Cully grown and placed ' in a sunny are otrered them. window to perfect. But unles8 thIs Is Good calves CRn be raised on fac· really necessary. let nature perform Genernl Johnston's seat was near the tory slum milk provided the creamery the work In her own way. as ~he fruit door. General Sherman had the prl,,· Is careful to receive only good sweet ripened on the vines has a richer lieges ot the .tloor. and frequently be milk so that the skIm milk may be flavor. come In Quietly. edged his way to a Vl.· cant seat besIde Johnston. and thert'> they sat side by sIde like old cronIes sometlmes tor two or three hours." , ",Ab," exdalme41 General Longstreet, "that Illustrates the real spirit whlct the men wbo were true soidlers-nol political . generals-on e_ther side felt tor theIr opponents when the fighUng : was nil over. when duty to theIr .-. cause was done.. Why. that spIrIt be. pn with that very kindly nct that ~ . Grant dtd after Bl!ckuer had surren· .~~-,-J..,..,:,.~r--....:()-_ dered to hIm. You know the story-':' ' a. .. :.. : . . ' ! ~ how Grant reoelved Buckner a8 Ii per: c sonal frIend and offered to sha\ e hi! purse with hIm. That spIrIt wa':! chal' aoterlstlo of the personal rolatlons ot the opposing generals ttirlJughou! the war and tor a long time atter. and , i wish It could also h,ave beon' chara<)' terlstlc of sqme of the politicIans 'on .elther sIde. T,hen there would have been many Irritations, m~ny resent A ~an~y arrang~ment: of stove Cor by openIng or closing this opening ments, many dlffloultles ot both waf sm~ke !Wuse 'Is shown In the llIus· with a pIece ot tin. At (e) Is shown and. pe~ce ellmlnated. O~. l some,t h:nea tratlon, which can easl! ybe made by the cpver to 'fire box. 'whlch Is a sheet ''wlsh that the. reoonstruotlon perlpd tration. ,whlcli· can ealftly bl! made by of ' tin or sheet Iron to close sam('; the line (g) shows . the ground levul could have been left the dSrectior ~aulhton, ,In Farm ,PiesB. " \ whloh Is also the floor ot smoke lio,u se: ot those who were ' iIi Important com' A box to ..m lB . plaoed putslde, the wblle (b) shows the walls of IImoke ma.nd 'at the time 'of the J am wa1l8 ot amoke house' and the con· house nnd the method ot placlnl tho ce'rtaln that 'tliey wou~d have -COli' unued to shoW tlle Utm.Ollt deUcacy 01 crete ,t8 Alted around aame, :as. shown flUe th\'o~lgb to 6lltebd Into the ~y <a) to ' lllultraUon; a tor~ J~ cedler of floor and so place the amoie toD.sldel'ation for eaoh ot\1er. "Yes, the tendereat. the most per- -made for ( t~e .Bue .~~ ..oPenlng Into ev.ehlY on the contents. maneni 'and In mauy telpect. tile Imoke hou.e .. a,h on by (e) ~ thla , This lnaures against any dangel' moat thnlllni recollectiona that I have l. covered :wIth COl1crete and ts made trom Bre and makes an everlastlne as u iiatllfactory stove for this pUflo o tbe' war 'are aIIsoctated 1¥_lth the hi two _action.. -to 'tt eAn btl remoYed 110ble couJ'a,tt and illplty aDd true ,wben the ~te ~ ha.-deDed; (4) pose. The lite ~epeod. upon the ea. IdDdUnes. which .were . charaoteriaUc • boWl! the tlN·boz or place wbeN the paclt7 of the "1Dok~ bOUle and "Ilne ... . . . the should not be 1... tIIaD two of tile PerlOQal i'el~ttoDa of , ~p;PHIDI ~, I. plaoed,. ~aD wl.M 1IDI..h&1f IDchea. far • lIDall ..... COlldDaDden. Tbe, 'are . • blcre&lld • til. . . rI 'win Dot fade-tll&t ,not e.ea thil!.-IIII cd ItII'I'Iq ~ . . 411l\II0I.-



Queen, Famous ,WIICOMI" Cow Railed on . Skim Milk.

110 per head

Signature .

.............................. ... .... .......... . ' NmlERASH ''rJ!~tr rClEillA SCALDS



• • •



In time "III cure nearly e,very form of akin disease. It I. a wondar wornr.

A recocnl%ed ipeclflo for !tohlnr and InClamed piles.

· ·




Reainol Ointment, Rainol' Toilet Soap, Ralnol Medicated


Sbavinll Stick are aold at Drull Storell.


• • • •• ••••••••••••• •••• •• ••••••••••••••• • NAUGHTY WILLIE.

Don't Persecute your ,Bowels

Paris Pattern No. 33H. All Seams Allowed.-There are tew women who. at one time or another, have not seen tile dJstresslng spectacle of an overdressed ohlld. and they will surely agree that Jt Is better to sin on the (a~ed five)-I gues/! they side of simplicIty than on the other. thInk up In heaven that I'm dea~1. We lIIul'trate a ' model whloh Is slm· Mamma~Why so? pllclty Itself. It will be Ideal for. WIIUa-:-'Cos I ain·t saId my prayerll. school and playtime. as there will be little labor In maklng ·ar In launder· 8he Burned the HOUle. Ing It. two things which the busy A woman In Montana sat down the house mother most generally consld· ers. ThIs dress will be handsome It other day and thought about houae made of white poplin or linen. and It cleanlng-4lbout the carpets and rup will also be pretty In gingham a.nd to clenn, the woodwork to wash. the mercerized cotton fabrics. The PIlt· beddIng to wash, tile curtaIns to wash, tern Is In .. slzes-6 to 12 YElars. SIZ6 the portieres to wash. the staIrways 8 yeartt requIres 3 yards ot material and the railings and the fioors and the steps and the windows and every· 16 Inches wIde. thing else to be washed and cleaned ~o procuz:e tbll pattern BenCS 10 cent. d h ot rrI d th to "Pattern Department.'" of thlll paper. -an s e g so wo e over e Wnte name and addreslI plllln)y. and be prospect that she set Bre to the hou·lIe. aun to alva lise and nUlJlber ot pauern., ,Do you blame her? It she had only known as you do that Easy Task aoap will do half the work of 'washlng and NO. 3314. BIZ!!:' ............... . cleanIng, she wou)d bave telt more cheerful. It·s a nl~kel a cake and one NAME: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• woman said she would pay a dollar a TOWN •••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••• cake for it it ahe could get It no other way.. " . 8Tl,\E~

AND NO., .................... .

c .......................... Small PUI. Small DOH,


Genoine IDIIIlbeer Signature

~.~~ $ "0 ~



Top Buggies. Runabouts, Surries. Pony Vehicles,. Carla and WagODS,

WrHe lor Prices.

BUOB .. SCHEU CO. 400 Court and Broad.a, Clnclnnatl.Ohl•

Oh! TbdauIwlal Did you hear It? How embaf. rassing. These stomach noisesmakeyou wish you could sink througb the floor. You imagine everyone hears them. Keep a box of CASCARJITS in your purse or pocket and take a part of one after eating. It wi~ relieve the stomach of gas. 911

CASCARKTS 100 a b_ for a week'. Reformation. ' . . ~.tmeDt. AUdrunflt•. Blneftt leller "You say you. are a reformer?" la/the wo~ld-mI.11JQIl boaoli • IDOIltb. "Yep," repllsd the local bOIS; "of ~ddre .. wilh 40 In .Iampe the d4)epest dye." , , 8uburban Strategy. 'Tho Ph7sJo-Harmonlc," Warrea. Ohio. We lit Gunner-How In the world did you . "But you were not always 150;" place 10\1 In a PO~ll loD a. "No. . The .reformers reform.a d our coax Closeman to ,let you have' tlie Specl.1 Teacher at • Ialtown last year and I ·want to reform It7 1Iloo 10 't500. ' use of his new lawmower? GJlyer;-1t .was ~a!lY. ·:1 star.ted m:r It back gaIn.'! ·W.ITED·Aani. to ..U lIOn.bolll 1OOd.1II4 old. squeaky mower about six a. m, T"'rt~ rea"'dl~ 1~1oe" ...'""ia-t-to-JD-a...'k-e the ~OIt ~:\,.~.~ ••114 ipIIO~" la OOIUlUf and ~ It aroused Ololeman [rom bls ;Ke·I~"''''~eo..1Ie-.. 0. DlornlnK nap. . , . ot their blrthda:r.. for· In aUe the:r cease to..Jaave them. Mind'. ~ow.r 0\' ... Body• The mind haa power to, keep tile bod,. .troq. aDd bealthy, to renew We, aDd to p",""e It fl'QJD de~ to • far 1I'tat.r ateDt tIIII& .... an • ID dllDlL ,


. ftAT1D •••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••



lUI' ,ear. tnIe"



County Courts

I g r do t ~

i6 , ete.


t J dis t·r ibut e oertuin th e Did o 'o rr nl-l'"tmt f , r oorr oglltnd o\\" (' r


eor ge A onk er , us goardilln of \Vinnie Aunker, imbectle v Winnie Common Pleas Court. Auilke r imbeoi le et Ill. Add ition bond of ~100 0 tilod by "60r,, 0 Auuk. New SuUs ar , 111'1 gunrdia n , Clara t roop vs. CllrJ R. Brud. Etitute of V. J . Zentmeyer, tl Hflign. street, minor and Obarl otte w. or. First and final 11000unt fi,led by (ir.ham guardian . Petition for A . F , Simonton , ussignee . partition of 0 rt~in described prop In ml.ltt~r of e",tllte (>f Mary Luci! , arty in Clearoreek township. Plain. hooee and Myron Monger minprs, tifr pmys for her one·h6lf part yet Bond of guardian reduced from undivided. Hamilton & Brown, at- '3,000 t<i,l ,OOO, • orneys for l'laintltf . Eslate,of Am y A. Cuwn.n , deceu.s d . Benjllmin Monoe vs. ChlLrity First Bnd finulaocoust filed by Bar. Monoll. Pet,ition for divoroe on ry E. owan, administrator .. grounds. of udultery gross negleot . Est"te of Bnnna Wright., de. and extreme oruelty. PIlLintlff says oeased. InventoJY and apprui8ehe . waa mlLrried to defendant on men~ filed by LydlR Wr1ght, exeou· ADgWlt 19, 1897, and to them three trix. Ge rge E. Young, guardian of chUdJ'en Tony, aged 12, Bow· ard aged 8, Ada aged 2. Prays for Sarah Jane Wilson, imbeoile VB. divorce and oustody of ohUdJ'en. George Wilson, et &1. Sale of prop· Trame .Bates vs. Edward N. erty oontlrmed by court. Petition for partition. " Estate John Lefever, deoeased. PJainttff says th&t the defendant is' First and, flnal aooount filed by a tenant in oommon with this plain - Charles B. Lefever, execat.or, tift In oertain lands and owns the one Estate of Mary O. Brown, Inven undivided one' half interest in and tory and appraiElement filed by part thereof. Plaintiff prays tqat by George A,. Wttoraft, admin istrator, order of ooart bis interest In s&ld Marriage Licenses. premisee ma.1 be off io severalty I it tbe .~me can be done without Wilbur D Keever, 21, farmer of mantfeet injury tic the value thereof, Mason and Beulah P. Hufi'man, 20, if not then that the same be sold ae- of King., MUls.. Bev .. R. G. Walk . Benry Soheurer, '3, painter of oordlnl to la (I ed that partition pe . ' . made and for suob otber prooeed· Cinoinnati and Mtu'garet Finneran, ing8 in the premisee 118 ' ' aothorl~ 34, of Cinoinnati. Cha.rles E. Wallaoe l 25, farmer of by law, Robert J,. Shawhan, atLebanon a.nd Olive .May Shnokey, 21, ~rney for pl&lntifi'. of Lebanon. , Probate Court, Rev. Willis Alcest.lls Cooner, minIn maUer of tbe will of ~ary ieter of Lebanon and IIrt!. Lillie IIUa Thompson Moore, deoea.aed, Ertel, of Zoar. Dr, /:). 0, Royal , Wfll.dmit~ to probate. ,Estate of T. R. 8 . Ball. de08lleed. Real Estate Transfers. Firat and final a~ount filed by Robert C. MoKay to Cora. MoKIlY, Frank Ball, administrator I quit ohum on 142.75 /lores in East Eatate of E.m ellno Blunkett, de- Wayne township, '1. oeued. First and final aoeount 'f iled Ida. M" Cowan to Barry E , Cowan, , by Boward W. Ivins, ~dminI8tra.tor. quit olalm on 154.75 aores in oounty, . liletate of Zephaniab MoCreary, \$1. ~eoe&IIed. Firat ,a nd ' final accoont Barry E. Oowan tLnd Lida K. flIed by 8arah MoCreary, executrix. Cowan to Ida M. COWIlJl, quit olaim .In re 68~te of .Amy A: Cowan, de. on lot in Lebanon, ~1. cealed. Upon appUoatiQn of Barry Joh~ J. Trainer, Del!Du, Trainer, E. Cowan l ' administrat<11', o()urt et al to Agnes TraIner quit olaim on traot in tJamilton township, E. T. t:!oh! to Nellie M. Wright, Jot in FrankJin, $130. Lewis Durain to Barry F, Ander· M · ..l . orr ow, son, 10t 1n Barry F. Anderson to- Frank C.







Anderson, lot in Morrow, 11.

CommiSSioners' Proceedinits. Bills-Galion Iron WorkR Co., sewer pipe, 123; Frank B. Duke. lnmbElr, '66; J. F. Spuhler, lumber, 131l.60; Muson ' Luruber Co., sewer pipe, ~14,64; George B. Feldkltffip,


'1II vl.rt p 1 [>


-- -


('0 , Iflt.

Life on the Panama Canal bn!:! 11 U on fri /.; lI tt ol drttwbllck mulrt rill t l oubl t hut b l\ ~ br ug ht s uUerin g IInel u ou.tb t th Olll'ILOU '1'he germs co \lEla ob illli, fe ver tlOd ag u e bill ou, 11 SI', j Il IlO (Ji 0 , Iu.ssi. lude, wellkll 1'1'" ttllll ~o n e r ll~ debi llt j , But E ltlo trio Bi tter ~ D v r fllil t de. stroy the m uuli onro main rill tronb. l ~ . "Titre llOttle!' oompl ete ly oured m e of I v ry e vere n.tttl ck of m l1 ll\rill ," writ,AfI Wm A. Fr twa ll, of l.UOUll18 , N. C., "Gud I've blld Il:ood b oa 1t il ver ai nce. " ' u r !;I Stomaoh, Live r lind Kidnoy 'l'roo bles !loU/i preven ts Typboid. 500. GUllr. au t eed by Fred U Sohwartz.




Tb o 'Jinx COUlmissi n of Obio hns b n ns ked !\ g reut Il umb r of ques. ti ons r ei Iti v to t h o Quudronnial Ap Pl'U i emen t. und ll erewi th gi ve 80me , of tb more important: with the Commi8sion's unswlus thereto Question: hould the Quadren. nial oity or oonnty board of equlil!. z!l tio'l llellr oompltdnts from lJrop ' a r ty holde rs during the period be. t weon tb o thiru Mondny of July nnd the tir t Mondny of otober ? Answer : No . Rema rk8: 'l'h oommi ~sion is of the opini op tb a t I>uob Boal ds cllnnot g t too mocu information to perform th eir work properly, wh thar it be by personullnquiry and inlpooti,oD

NEW AND SECOND-HAND Comblnatlo.. Cbll,.d-lockl Ourba.l.d-llh, •• bullt


In the matter of tongues, evon & womlln should be II.ble to hold ber Inventory Being Prepared In Cleve- own. land Lists Everything From Canary to Elephant. Struck a Rich Mine



leveland, O.- Th e task or pre. IS W . Benda, of COHI ClI,y, AIIl ., parlug an, Inventory of every bit of 8ays be . ,struok I~ perfeot lllllle of prop rty, movable n!ld otberwlse, health in Dr. King's New Life PII1!4 o"m oll by the city ot leveland, Is now for they cured him of L1 ver and KId· drawing to a close. 'l'wely hundred ney Trouble Illter 12 yeMs of tllltl':lrtypewritten pages In the offic at De· ing, 'l'hey ere the b st pills on, THE RIVAL RO('12S pUl'tment Examiner Brown. at the city ellrth for Constipation, Mlllllfin, hy member of tl;le Board, or from hull, show a campI l list ot every- Headaohe,Oyspep ill, Debility . 250 Perhaps the two most fllDlOU8 loformlltlon volunteered by iudi thins that the city of Cleveland OW08· at Fred C, t:;ol!wllrtz'!I tlowel's in history a sociuted wlth vidnul tux paYl!lrs. It is" therefore, tram oIDoe blotter to res rvolrs, and • - - - -tbe Temple ga.rdens, for, Ilccording su~"ested thut VelU tlno. oU.r.Jigo, the from leaa penCils to Mlnnle, the Brookside 1.00 elepbl1ut. LOV to tradition, it was in tlie gardens filing of information bv tlUt payers, The work. so tar' 88 it bas proE MEASURED BY MACHINE in 1430 tha.t tho twCI leaders plnoked in order' to lind out the wellk spots gr ssed, reveals the fact tbat ' Olevethe red and white roses whi ob b e- In the appruis6ment j b ein~ (lareful, land owns at ' leas.t three plan08 and It Will Be Patented by Man Who D. clares That It ~ecorda . Plychoo~\me the btldj.te8 of the }·ivI11 hOUS68 bowev. r, t o inform u,JI Inqai.rer!' two organ8, six OIl,t1ary birds, 77 pigs, loglca' AUractlv.nell. · 239 cblckens, 60 COW8. several barber I ot Lanoa.ster and York. The gar- and t l OBO tiling inforwlltlon thlll . cbalrs and a number of r8%ors, and dens were for oonturies fumous for the prop~r tim e t o file oompluints Is only the general sohedule tor two deSan Franolsco.-A mechanIcal ar. their rOS68 . Among their Hortil Ilfter tbe llrat Monday in Ootober partments out at a total at 200, haa rlLDgement Which he tern1s a "love !)orlosiUes one finds in tbe aoaonn ts IInrt betor!' the 14uh dny of April been completed. ' There are 139 rock. machine," and which he d e1ares wl11 for 1700 ,ui expenditure on two pel' next, fulhHvlllg, wh en th B ILrdaits Ing chairs' at the City hORllltal and 118 measllre the strength at hnman nffec.Ilt tho infirmary. tlons between lovera, friends or relairpio box tree and wonders whllt (\ n B.ollrd of revision t hear aud Cleveland la the second city In the Uvea-which wllJ correctly tabulate a perjmi;) tree is until one rernem- adjus t t,b oompilliot!! of taxp$yers United States to adopt the plan at the amount at resistent wUl power at hers the custom of trimming box giving the'u notioe when to uppeull preparing an Inventory o.t 'all goods any Indlv1dual, and which wllL.also · : H H. t h e C nunty Quad !lnd property o'vn Quell t Ion trees in a sywDltltriol1l or perim e t. ' d. Th e fI ra t Was te11 to an Infinitesimal tracUon the Lynn, Mass. allMtlJnL at psychological atlracUl'~ riQ " f"shion .--:I.ondon Ohron iol rennlul BOll.rd of Equlll1zutioD thE' "r b 11 v tha1 the municipal code ness exerted over a person by another • -. rightto equlI>lize bfltWtl~ indivld~111 tlh ould reQuire every village In the -has been Invented by Charles Tru. We Cuarantee Every Box prices r f p roperty in the oouoty, ir state to adopt this plan." said City dow. a mechanic, who Uve8 on Jones of Dr. Bell's Antiseptio Sal ve t.o do respeot! ve of tuxing distriots or Examln. r Brown. "An Inventory avenue, Elmhurst. Trudow has appllod . 'rry i t f or u1oers, townsbip!'? should be made a t I w h u. t we 0 Ia1m. . east once every for letterll patent upon his contrlvnnce I y ar It Is a valuable tbl g t tty and Is seeking oApltal with " 'h!ch La b '1 . t tt 01 9, ronDlng aorles, e er, r og An wpr: Yell. to p'o~v d It I n or a 0 stnrt a "love machine" factory. worm, , eozema, SIl t rhpum, fevor ".;ess, an. s a buslnessJlke aores, ou!s, bruises, pimples, bhLOk Questioll': HI~s the 'rox comml. prooedure that should be generally folThe machine Is termed n "phYllt)'heads, ohap!!, feloDs, 'burns or n ily s ion power to order B re-nppral~e. low~d by cities at the state." mograph" by Trudow. Ita powers are 8kin diseuse. 250 a box. ment. of real property in any taxlDg .... - -- -such tbat the human emotion t rmed -.. distriot where the evir;le'noe wou'ld Croup love Is drawn Into It when two per'ld h II k sons grip a pair of handlel, not unlike P I Ith h How Th ey Do Thi!,lgs In Qussla tend to sbow thllt. the l80w hilS Mt ape w 1 ran s oq ( aep those at' an ordinary electric battery. baen oorn plied wi th by the local 80S. a bottle of Drl &lI's Pine -Tar. H Jney A dial which cotmeots a co' ntrlvana6 R . , tt f th on bnnd 8 bi1.l1 timss (lroup is w'Jrs~ t UElll1a s per eon on 0 e press ,sesBot? 'Ilt night when it i8 sometimes hllrd a springs a~d wires registers the is well demonstra.ted by the ~faot Answer: It has, bot Wit is work ,to gat B lI h ysic\ao. Look I'e,. the' amount of affeotlon tlie two persons that the postoffioe in 10U8 received whioh olln be done by the Qoadren ' bell on tbe bottl~, :~~/rl~t t~:er!a~:Ie:o hl~~~ r~!t::: 85,000 rabltl8 (tH,200) less in post- nitLI BOllr~1 of' Equl\liz'IItion, it shouJd Don't Let Mlik--F~ F II Sh t . them the dial hanll remall1B motion. age on i>eriodiol1ls, newspapers, eto, be tllk n 10 hl1l1d by tbat body. , . a o~ less. According to teata by ' Trudow tba.nduring the preoeeding ye~r. It Qnestion: WhEln "~e oomplaints Summer or ~tnter It: doef:l not pa,y Its only tault la that' It cannot ten is expeott!d thllt thadeorease for 1901l from prop )'I,y owners as to vUlua_[to let the m, Ilk flow fall sbort, If i't the tull 'a~ount at love between Bome will be '160 001.1 hI (' 7 0) G extra affectionate oollpll'l. The ma, r u es , . ov· tlon of r61t! e. tllte to be heard? PI1YS to use oODoentrnted feeds in chine wUl not measure the atrecttonl ernors and military authorities are All W r: N t until n.fter A prillli, winter it P&f8 tbe more In summer ot two men-the dial hand remaining Jonstantly warribg witil the press, 19 11, wheu the QU llIlrennill1 Board when the oow::! nre on grass, moUonless, as Is the when there whiohoannotbutsubmit,tonrbitlary of EqollliZiLtl on Hs U I~ Board of fa DO love ~~~~~en m~ Bnd women. eupression and fines . R vision . ~'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!!"!!!'!!'!"!!!'!!'!"!!!'!!'!'!!!'!!!"!!!'!!'!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!~!"!!!'!!'~!"!!!'!!'~~~~~~~~~~~ Aooording to a. statement made ' Question : "honld olerioal errors N~'~'~~.I« by Count Paul Tolstoi to the Litera' lmude by the lunl1 asse8S0rs be 'oor- ~~~~~ .~~ ....~~~_ ryassoolation of S~ . Petersburg, in reoteel by the BOllrd of Equalizllhon

- -- - ,- ----


~~~5,t::e~:V::~.)6~ro~O ~



than 1,280 processes were lnsttt,uted bv the Russian pOlioe department against editors, of whioh 462 reanlted in Imprisonment in the penitentiary !lnd the bll£!tioDs,lG in jf1i1 sentences, and:3 in exile in Si1;leriB for

~:;~ u~~ t~~ ?is




}J lal n ly




seen 'thtLt tile error is one in Il.rith. '. metio or IJ. t,ran }Jositiol'\ of fio<7ures,. the CommIssion is of tbe opinion jji that the Auditor should not oorreot 'lam e, but leave th e llllLtter for th" Ql1uUrenoi!l-T Board of 'Equtl )lz tion

.'. :::

I ::::~: ~:~ ~~~:;8r:~;~:s~~:~~!~:it~:ui!~::; ~!~er~:~~: :::';;r~::~~~l ;2~:f~~::~ ~have I li~ T:s~:a~~:~:eu=!~:'r"e~:oe.,lo~::a:~~ ~i1~:aoll'~1~:~hu:,t ;;~:il~n ~t;:j:g ;!~ tiol~:t:!rl~~I~. orD~m~el!:o:n~~7~ .~ m P ~ I : .:

Woodland Avenue. Columbus. O. Gas Uo ., glls for J'uil, 010.,250', W· . H, , I tab deUght In letting everyone Btanoge&Uo. oommissioners blotter .::::;-r::tp~,.!~c~~n~~:a(J~~ ~ne::rr:::n:; '20 j fioul reoord ' for olerk,' ~23 GO; ' tlllat my lunp now normal. I was Franklin Chroniole, vouoher book, aureI7 tn' bad oondltlon when I got my $4 'r;Oj W. Ii. Bopping, work lit. Ant botUe ot Nature's reatlon, which . ' wulaauar,.18th last. No aile could POll' court house, 16 j D. L, Ora.lle, print ' .. '' 'blt' upeot to Improve any more Tap· ing a.ppraisement pamphlets, IU8 64 sa,. than I, IUId I hope that others ' W, P. Way , bridge repnh's ,.,~19 0"u ., WIll be oured 11.8 apeedlly. . Very truly, Oharles Henderson,oontrl1ct, $52.60 j ri~ ~ Valley relephone ~o., rents and toUR,I26.40. ¥a, II. 1900.> Miecollaneous -The following funds weretran8ferred~from Oil.un. ty fund to ,speoia.l bridge, '1800 i froin oounty fund "0 Itpeola) bridge




A cl:a;





.:. :::

Subscribe Right Away

, :'::::::: ... ""



m "

I -: I MIAMI GAZETTE : : '. I' and ':.: ' . for the


ointlul'nt Ilnl1 gnurauteed tor a l l . :.: :-: duma :14.2 lJllpers werA ltlid und e r Bk 1D (It ROAROS, Roc b AS eCZeIDI), salt duress, 92 suspended, 60 RuppresRed rheuUJ , chaps, eto. 250.. ::: and 2i7 editors puni~hell ill vln!ous ~ ~~~ ••• ~ ". . ' .'" i~1 ways. In the yeur 11)09 ol\sh JiM!' BEGINNING AT FOUNDATION ~ :.: :-: seom to lluve been fllvored,8sin lfi!i • . :.~,: 1i~ fi h .. ' 03!10S ' nes to t e extent of 700,000 The prog r ess1ve people of the par ::: rubles <'364.000) were in1llotec;l. It i. h 'were anxious to reoonstruot and ~:.:: ;~1 is olaimed thM sinoe the estoblish- Qdorn. nnoient ohuroh, and the ;!; :::.. ment '()t' the oonstitution the oensor senior warden wrote to the bishop . ::: :~: ship is much more severe thl\n in about it, 011 WI ~g~t " ap~~ the old d!'ys Jf ~bs~luti8m. "T~er~ '~r,e Imt two things to .be ~i~ i~~ · --. dope 10 St. Gregory's," wrote the : Staggers Sk~pti~s bishop in . rel)ly : "Let the sexton ::: Thllt "\ clean, nice, ,fragrant 00111. keep it olean anq the partlon keep it pound HIre .BuckleI\ 's Arnicl\. HlIlv full."- Youth'~ Uomp·A.Diou . :::' :::y , , will in8ta~tly rfllteye B blJ.d ~-urJl, ' _ ~ ., . . . ::~ :::, . 118UO. , ' . 'out, scn.ld,. wound or pileR, stagg-ert! . , I' It WIlS ' ordered tb&t '2000 be skepttos. But great oures prove its It. i~ tbe litted toea t.hat the 'feels ' ::: . :..:: trR nsf.erred tem,t>orarily from tJ1e' 'a, wondedul . healer of the worst /shlnin g of the linn -.Brownh~g" , :i~:~I':~:':':':-:':':':':'!'!':':':;:':':'!':':!!':O:':':.~.:.:.:,:.: :.:.:.:.!;~:.:.:.:,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.=*:.~~ , , speoial bridge fund of 1906 to the sores, uloers, boils. feron8, eozema, Wilt thon not ope tb;-.heart to know '-'-,-. fund abn eruption", as al80 ohtqJpad hands TJ t .- . . . . ' . .' . o()~~ ty • , ' sprains apd OOI'DS. Try it. 2IJo -Rt l 18 r/unhows, teach. and laou,f . '• •.aM. . . . . . .. _..,.., Colit,aot was e~ter8d iDiO \vith ~red C, ~hwl1rtz's. . show? "'-"'Emer.~ _ ....... _ I




I ;: . y . ".-.. t h, e P '. ::: '.itt "I : . that ' ,g' ets,,' the News',· :::: : 'afa .' II : : . :: , I I I

I .:




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GAZE TTE ! Pain 's ~1.\ '-

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'1'lCI.I ~ I'll( 1.\ E

0 .\ Lt.

Battle In the


•• ••

•• ••

Foo,d and . Clothing ::

•• ••

•• ••


. " t" in; I ~'1 · · ll ,

•• •••

I I!

r-ii----~--T RY

L IVE RIT ESS .-----


Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness ·

:101111 .\' , tu ull r duy 't\ w r k d pen ds Llverlt es for a Cold, Backa che and Weak Live r or Kidn It iEi b der to WI1 h out U ffl W eys . c;; olli.-·Ily IIU t Ilt f<lUU w aut . A , lupe l lu' III S P roducli u n --N i ~ hll h lllg!.! eaoh 1tj , plen 1,: llA 1:: . ' I':dillff- il ild MHll:li.(· 'I' 'l' th.r l3 III\l~r btl elluu~l.t . but u o t Wllt.a r li nd d nillg tllln ~' 8 fn'c rC 3l tlrl' ut the Ohio ~A I\Vays keep oune or II kind t u- All Pl'l!v(ln tion if Iuu 1I 111Uh It Itlllst be (It!un. .lhem in the ~l:l t l1 r 'tlluu t u IIlu"O liU It II hurd Stll i c Fair \\'01" h a Jlound 1.1111 1" 11 wl\1~t IllII rkflt K Ilrl3 cl('u 11 , . !lilY ;hciuse r~dy of t h o WI'I' k' iI Wtl~ll . 11110 \"~ur (H lr\(" li) "' :11 1"11110"' ) gfor us '·r",. 1.11 rA Ii! clllo gAr III ' xjlof'l n g tOllll Wn" hing Ii! II II Rr:n~M l ty , 11\1 intn- of cu\'e. , I . ~ ' I' ~11I ...t 1 t.~ " h l'f . . 11 , • 1,1) f.hA Ill!!-I 1IIIll du,;t o f th o Ntrl"'let In g if! II Inx nry. M n n y 'Irt.inIA" IIllly Pr pared from Pur Native Herbs, they it'a n Ac t he System , · ' :.( h l. HllfHI"' " ill llllH11 Will hA I'''''l t, : If .. 11 I Jll I't' I'~ l..Illi d IItt.t ntion Rno tn tilt· b ti m nothl'll.l Ollt HIIII fl,l(ll'll UWIlY Purify the Blood a nd thus l>REV ENT SEIUO U ICKNE SS. ~ ort "\ '" 11 1""'.11111111 1:. (lI ll tl ~ I Il I,1! 11'lli l' I wily th 11l g" Wtl r AO'Ir<l1 1 fllr, Jlml' kotf! wll n (\ l'Y· \V n l'll rnu .\· thu::! he I( I'h d ril L! L( U' III~ . I)' !" 111111 !.,. (;Ir,l u n"" II lid h ,,1I ,l i ll !.\"ti will 1m bl"ll. I \Vo ulll hI:> • lUnch cloll ne r . W il en savell withuu t Ilallger to lleillth. HI 'udlllL: I " 'HI:-: , I diH' l. ral ':, I"'" ' !t ll l . ~-~~~~~~~~-~~~-!!'.~.~~~~!'-~~~"~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ ' lt u.~1 1 Hd \ dp; . ' Ilit I l I l ' \ I ' II '1i 11\ 1' IlIu"t-. II" 1!llf tly 1111"11 11111 r'l Ill1d II .,ID Y oo vHl , on c(l lu t! thiugii t h ut 'yun wllnt ur o All tllls "va o<l s us lIlt meun t C. W. HEN DERS ON,M . D. '1Ilr..,· II I'"" r l l llll'l l :... 1i!! lllol1'"" """,, p ltl Ull Cd VVl3 h H'1I iut ll e lIo USfl, I:He t h~t t lleydon ut. ag r WAYN ESV ILLE CHURC H~, t · ""I1"r l l'~ . fh t ' h ,l' ht,:, fll t ,. \1 \1 '1' Jl\ it !ltd uI OfwIH' k, lJut ' pridea od P rj !. , BUll" \\'ll l ltf' 1!I'"nlill o\Juc~ rt l! i OO Ill ~o h ll rm lJeforo t h tly tHA 11 I. "!'t , 1" '1" 11111 ' I n t e res~in Yll l1rlltll' ~u u"IIlPlllmr .... nca • ' :II'd l .t Il la"I .... Wayn esvill e Ohiu. / : : euoh tl ·. I'nlll~. 'l' wllIILy f r on (1 11'0 11 1' . '(10 kI'll. Fil'l\ kills St. August inc's Catholi c Chu rch . m i r obE'S, ElO IUHl slI fety uf your Il11me s llould R f' ..;n lul i . II1 J . ' " •• • •• ~ • •• •• : . : •• • ', : • fi lk' ul' l " " I'" . ' 1 11'II~ rlll1wll. 1""l h~r ; 'orl-( M:I\·c llhodol·. Pa~lUr I fr fl .. h ly (1Po lt l1d food i M u~uully w ll01l>- IIl ll k!' you w i l lill~ tn tlt k o t r ou blA . l •. .. ·"dt'Oo 1'1 . \\ 1. "", dlu r~ I ' i:-, II 1111 It· Va llev Phon e IG3 Ma in trc ' I. , ~I"-"" eV I'ry ." ,cu nu SUIIIIII\' u f th,' 1I11,"lh a. n ,'". ' hl\' ·\ d\", .. I, x ll lJ' 111"1' 1111'11 ;;~: II Il 1 "lItlllI ~ tl' Ut ll l'H will he th , !1I1IIW , I1l1l e~1\ i L Wf\ " !4 llOil ~' : II U .l . IV , fld to Ht,n r t, 1I ~:J\I :I' lI ~IAXI ~I " ' IJ h ' C" III HI:o. "1\ "n ' III j', 11I1 r ll l' l ~~~~~~~~~~!"""~""'~'"'!"-- I ' Sf. l\la!"y's E IJiscolJa l CIJllr'.... uil-: Ii rt y IJr ll"I;IIlI.llI i' /II II r PII in '" " I.Il- wi t.1t (' II lin Wt\ ttl l' , , clean f O'ld, Don 't ~ot . , r u II d ow n " or '1Jlnylltl pft llllu ,tl l'" pl·,·"llIOI.I,) U, ' 611.1,11" In th e I ,, 1" ' 111 Ht nl~t ~, clllO.o h Ollsel', • II henlth y ont. " It tiroll rost . I ,\ 1 ' 1; I ~ 'r 2 1. I \I \I. \ tl~\·. J . I". CIL,lw~ '1 11" c r. HOClU r . Clu n,[II" Ln I.h it'! , ''''''lld wlLr[l1 nl if' I p l1l1p n ~H llfl ;l \' ~t· tHljll , n ::; \1 Don 't, livo in louillir . In Monnu.l; ' s~ r Irlll " ""J.ll l h"\. 'I'll ,' ell l·ttlill li t t.lllI (, I "1"". IU .s ll a m. lTo1\" IL(1I010 . 1H1I 0I1 Lh o IIrst MAX IMS Don 't 111'll\k impnr wn l fl r. OHIO STAll: TA X C()\\ ,\\I S=,JON iR \l r lHh" ll l1"I1IH !LII'.1 It ",ulI,luy 0 1 " ,Ich 111 <J IILb . \'*' P' lbtlli[l1 'll l ()llIl ltu lf of th e O"~ I. tit living i" DOII't bu ,)' d i rt y lIl ilk u. t ,.h" NIL! d .j ' :! II 011 m utl.J ull:l of W'I r. t 11l~ O , l~t I) f t UIIU ~\ethod i st E piscopa l Chur~. \)eJII't u I "trl le IU I lie. I£ xor('i,;I I\~~ to ,,· Iii, ' (lrst B'lI e ttR fare II!IH h u n d r l:lu .v1:l1l 1·1! llHlI oe. R ov. H. W . !Jlllloy, PBSt.ol 'L'h F"\JtI~ " h oo ltl uo c ll:lliu tLM W 1\ 11 1:1 D, /I 't Hilt. fouu badly oook d. n e w tl t.ll l11 " "l' " U ''''P I' t.l1Il Hillt e T u x h ll '·IIO li n d IleNt,rllo I SUII1 1ay ·chuu) . 11 ::111 a . Ill . ornlDR B~ r ' tlon t h tt t lIur o· nu tJ·itilll1>4 . dt c . 11/ ;311 a. rn. J'; [lWOrLb Leuguo, 7 : OU p. 'l'll ke oOll kltig It; !!O\l~ som e wh et'e. CO IIIIII I""' I' '' ' , .. rlk ,,1"'111:1 low/lrt! nr phn fl .. will o rAuta 10 futur III. I!:\' 'ul ll • He n·lcc . -: : 00 p . Ul. Mldw04\1< e W'H H If: Fu ut1 i~ fo r f Ufll 'lntl for fo rcH . Don't ki 1:1 ull' to y chiltlr n . d e rlll lr til ,. ,·o'lJJ I)I'.li~H IIl Hllt. of It vi vlrll .v por t rlLyeti. W An yono fll'1 \(1 ~ 11~ U Lt· :-o r .. , tilt!: UI ~. hil e t h e tit or.v qn k k l, I\." c·ll r f li 1t\ r ,\ r Do n 't Ill o n th (lirty mUD y. ", , . Ir IlD 1 Pr tOWll Hhlp q nl1ti rll nnill l I\ !I,.,mUllll lm t of th " Butt le In Cl oudd" l'lv' nll n n . 8 1 r l'1! 1I 11(' 1 , I t" · " I IIlII ' ,,,.rta is 1\ mythtlIIII Rt-' ldcll, ,· 11f1.11' 1 I t ~j':l r;" " HII 1-"16'11(. . Don t fil ii t o wn"h your h'l.l)(ls oft n f t lll"lierad I'/l ul 1~1I1' hp l', ASt!etlHl)r iOII.1 Bli P , HI) mn ch pr R ov. L . O . 'l'honlJl&On, PBS1.o1 . tI('l!,~,~~,fl\ :~ \~'~~~,t ~ ~~.I:: ~ :' :', ':" flgre@S hIlS bee n Both · foorl IU1dcl ot.lring Sarve t I Dlln't ,.I~·.";:~'tinr / rnh your I yell with dirty tplcluL n OUCI!, 1'i l! h, HlL C' ,: "1":':), H \ t Ie to .J I!IT(~TM"n ·I" ' WII .. hip , ~'rllnklill m 'ltl e In Iteriul nlLvigll , Biltto School. 0 : 30J a. m. SoclBI meetlnr. t.lon th~ t i t.!! kellp us wur m . In our oli mu te wlJe r e fingl:l r s 10 :3 0 B. m. hrlstlon! Emlonvo r , 7;O U p. m. . oouu t y to Iq lpHIi r nl 'x I L' II ..,~ dIlY .I\,nd rellli ztltiou m fl,y ooour hy /,lIRl.Or overy In lt.Cr ll llt.C Su nday a' tifi~ \If.,~a It )~ Ser'!"wlI wi t hin t he tlltl te mperu t ure hal:! so gr eat u l'!ln ~e 10: 3011. tn. Bull 7;30 p . 01. Don't try t.o ke ep " 1If) !lull ubou t" s b ow CIlU ~t3 w hy h i~ rptur llH !! lOuld ne xt, rleollde, Tw o A hnnt1!'1nmf 'lr Hlu " tra1 1't1 " !~:,. l .H r LtI' r (' I,. bundre d tiu d t·h r e shou ld ul 0 b Il r un ge 01" u ll t·he cHln' ill" lIt ' H"'..,' "~'· I' b · ~ '1', tlUl'i, ' ~I . lim if yo u feel ill. tut gu to f our: f o ur ml lT/ ,lIrt . f l .. tiJIU U:1 n ot be t.hrow n OUL H idcsite Friends Church . tl" w tlilC' ul l:: Nt tif t .\' ve rStlUB a r e e m l-'loyell IU t,he olothin g to oo rresp und. Fo r 00 1 ~ bed . 1" i rs tlJay M cc tln ~. 111 :00 B. m. F'l ra~ 0011 Th e prooetll lt ng WII~ iu 'l ut. d u.y produc tio n,n nd Ilero pln. .letl. CO.3GI Drondl '\Y. Y or~ .' .-1:01.11. 11 ;0 a , m . Founb Day lhrig iblo wetltbe r 100 e woo len i. t h e wllrm_ I)iphth e riu llrancb lIlIInG. G:!!> 1/' 'l.. \II" , l( ' •• U. MCeUII\[. i!:l apr ael hy the lips lind 'nllnt,y Au (il t.lll" ·I\v rt~ IU:OO a. Ill . Fll rbAr III baUo('II S, Il'nd o the r air oraft pla y edt., bu t. i t . III /l lso t he mo t d iffiou lt. uy ling r R or other t hlo g!! wbic11 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!! r au ll y bllS lJul1 n IHI 'III hy l,hA PrUd". pro mln e ut )lnrt io t h e unfoltli n g of to k eep olean . Wh ate ver oloth ing bn ve -been Orthod ox Friends Church . in the m ou t h, lIn ti hy IlPit. ! c uting Attorn ey f or up(.\" ligen ' 0 MIND YOUR TEETH It." s tor y . F:!lOb n igb t.'tI pru<'l uot.iO ll Is worn Df'xt to t h e bony He v. 11 11)11 0110 Hawkins , Pll8lOr, !Dust be fro ~ou r l et feve r , nu IIs la!!, a.ud HOIUIl. l'h e prooeet.lin~ l,. i mportu.u t lu onnolutl S wit h II ,.(i,OOO - -._- , :';abbaLIl ·choal. \I :30 a. m. Regula r ohurch dlsJ.l ltl Y of q l1Anl y wllsh eu, fi n d m n~t bo o f S\1 ol.1 p ox m il )' h e carnell f rom t.ll e skin son-l eo. 10 QO 11. w . thl\t i t indIO.ltt:lR tho bl'olld -po wor- nf Pdin '~ Mll n hfl l.t.l1 U Bench hrlsUan tJ:odcavor. A IDII~ ,I koown l,Y .t h o t eet.11 a rewol' ks. kind that it. cuo be w II sll ed wi tbout. of t he pllt.ient 7 ::10 I>. rr t o Wi ll p eot,) lebyfo od kO l> p ,,: . lhe wor", I th ln~ h Ilt oa.n Th t! Uhlo ~tf1te Fu i r 0 IIOU M li n· tUe '1'UX "vll'Jlt1l I!l:l IOlltll:l';tl Jliu to u.o y . IIlJUIY. I hll ppeD to Olll' tt' flth Ie.; for t l.t (\W out II li d fi n g rs ,. .... p .ue lll "dl r. LI tRxin ~ lh st'riol 11 111.1 0 1I1 1) IJ I II reVillo. d !lV, .,e ' h outSide . clot hlDg . nomell 1.'0 r ., 1.00n ._I' ullIng fi va '( con - \ 'J,YJ.!holil te vel' Ilod b ole rll uro) t b n \' .tm Oll"1l til 10 It i Lhe DR. BELL 'S ANT I.PA IN ILtiou of rau l tl,ltut,1j '" fuJI d ll. S. It.d d uoatil)Ulli f II t u l:eH tll ct with m uoh tii r t so thl~ t It, too " I ried uy dIr ty habIt and by dirty W()Tst.. thlL1t; - - -- - . l For IntemaJ and Extema l Pam.. tllll to OlUl b"ppen to UI:I 0.1 promi .. e to be llI ore o u mel Oll!l thun should bB }lca n sed of tun ' w ute r a.nel dirty milk . so. The Best Hour of Life plrlt· tlt\ll ~ed an cnl,Lure d liB eve r befor e, wllil e ils pr og rllm of All c lotb i'1 g sh oul d bfl w orn loose Bu tdoo 'two r ryabon tt,heset hing" we hu\,t~ becom , we still w h en )lIJll lI o s ,.m u ~re llt d eeu or "DlU!!am e n t 110d figllt tbe otor t llinmeo t is en o ugb to a.llo w fr ee m oveme nt. fo r Slltl.psu ds li nd SUD h lne Ire pow. Qattl o of Hfo with on r d hlCov Ar 81) 111 8 WllIHIArr ul fll ct,. 'l' bl .. the 1111). t a.lul-or llt ever te e th, tl:l O ~g ~ offer ed. O Of! of t b egl elt trh la In t.h e Ilom a e r f ul cli!:4i ofeotlln ts ; 11 0ur CUllle ttl .1 . R PHt, of Rook y good ~ I. bit a nd W D O 100" I' bew our enemle tl R p or rl b re llkin g rowds I~re us M t , N . G w lI \I h wu . wu trerUlI!{ 1U f d ' .1 ' b ' I I t)' . 0 t Ily.l "Ie was In g . Y e t , t b e rg Bone cored, enu.lllel t 611l1ely, ItH IJ~ :<II.VH , " Iro"1 toile wors l sured, " nd Col u m bu!' I · lvlDg are fl t'm I T Ie d ti nn d a 1- ears or thr uts . ol tizens I\ro o lothe~ tb ut co m e ill conttlot wit h li e!-l, Rn d u stron~. helll t h y body ootd cl od rock ribb ed I1S th .., 00111 1 e vel' huu . l t11t~ 1I P C9 VllU to Ill y plunnln g t o ellter hIllS, tnln t h e lur~e!l t, th e body s h onl d be wlltib ed .at lel1/l t ~ yo ur. best proteot ion) doe.s n ot r eud . °otul~ teoe:!:otlt~:.~r .. ~mUSu.~ltU~.OulY uontldleerr "ro" t ijl~ tI N rIl ll, W II Itt, 1\ wonrler ful nUOlbur of villito r!l e ver within t he ODce Ii w ee k . H a n d k or obl f • we lly g Ive a f ooth old t o dlSeti e-1'roGold uod Go u!, h O\Artl Ur. King 's gates of the oa p il,tli city t f h " b d ~ ~ I . \l OW know are ucb ollrrie r s of \ duoin g g~rm . N e w Dil'oo v r ." 1 !t'lIr , u.tter tllklDll shtruo ure tOh td ~ • , 0 y. eg(:i~ot one bott·I.., 1 .J Wile tl nt.lrs ly oured • t em un d "'V c"y Rt oooe <lil:lease t h at tb~y sh ould be most Ive ( Adap Y ou olin 't ~uy tllJ ythill ~ t oo l(ood of ted fr om Bulleti n publish ed ~h Suther land's Eagle Eye Salve v t. c ~ d tb ill our e full y u~ eli ~od was b at1 . Towel"" .1 by Health I' k b Eduoat " 1 ion t hs Leng ue o f Bosem proper Il .t e ntlOn un ) ey W II m eu lt-IU b I .. t IU . t l' sorest It! n. oreamy S.lOW white OJntme o too s h ould be suffiole nt, . onfiftre pa lrlDg t h m e ve f or so t h ll t t on, by Chulrm q,n W arreu Coun ty go und bellt rcm ooy for dlNtlRsed lungfl, put op in ILir tl !i;llt- sore f \ 8 em orrbll HclI, Lu(:iri p~, AstlnnR , Will oure Rn y Oatle of w oap tubes II oblld witb well ey eR need nut u e Puulio H ealtb Commi ttee, of Am er- orot!, t~l'ds x ty lyeura . t b , . Hny "~e var, Imy 'rhfO:tt or Lun !/. · wlll Dot illjnre ey es ofRore e yes u.nd ., IVe I ren p enty 0 roug en. u blLb e. Sold 1\ towe l uttEr on e With s ore eye, tcan Medloti l Ass n, ) 'l'ro uhle UOC, $1 00 '.rrllll bottle evervw hnrd 250 ing food to ohew, und they will get free. (:lUllrnn t I'cl hy F. U ' hwllrt~ ' __ - - .... the p arly vig or of tbe sl1 vn g~ tootb HOG JOTfIN GS FIFTY YEAROLD JOKE LOSINO CHICK S 'wlt.h tbe endora n c of tile ua nca.· FEEDI NG THE YOUNG CALF sian's. Above Illl .t h.u fo od 'ho uld Dr~ Bell's Antis eptic Salye - -Movabl e b og ho uses have oom e to Good for all Skin DlseaH la .. W ho mRd e you ?," inq a ir ed u Itld y be of Hu oh ~ ohurao ter as Till tile calf 1:< on e week old it I t Is 11 oommo n tbiog for a. lorge stay . to gi ve extellch er of t1 lubber ly-troy -who had : ercille and massag e to the 8hoult\- ·be1ed1 rom three fivo time" propor tion of any floo k o f r ouo g g u ms 'l'h e oost o f pToci n ot is lessenf'lrl by la tely joi ned t pe olass . ft <lilY. With It" m othe r It would ollioks to be 1 08 ~ befor thf1.v EIre pus hing t h e pigs Par t of tbi!! Oll n b ~iven by plenty for ea.rly m a turi ty. "I do n't k o 'Jw, " Saitl he nll'furll lly feod litt.16 Itt It tim e !lnd weeks old. GllpH8 is on e of the m os t HA'r HAW A Y of ooar a foud iu Il.dditie n . to rea l 1'be dun ger of overfee ding 10 ouse "D on ~t know? Yo u ought to be . food-n ot UIIG SalJstit '!t.a oft e n . des truotiv e ene mies o f yon nl( brood of you ng pi gs is alwllYs fo r it-u ' d iuimicn l to u'sham eci ot yourse Wn.. 'Jes~i11e'8' Leudin Jl DenSU l - -~-lf, a b oy of H part by intuntio Ull\ I1 nd vigorou s Verrulu of vllri us klods, uu uue ex m lq :.itnulIl ·r es ul ts. A Cold Office in K eys Bldg ,Mal n ,aa yellrs . 'l'her e's liHl e Diokey F Uton, fri otion wlt.1.J t h e t oothbru sb . ro pos ure t o-- dampn ess ltocJ ohillin g Do no t nv,· r) oo lr the import ao oe Is nnt .n ec >l nrilv toe ri o oR, pro vld. h e i:l only 3, h e oan tell, I dure sa y. brus h tbe gllm well is hl~lf the vllIlu e others t\m o o~ t he Ult\ny ~ouroes . of mn kin ~ II. pi" s food ed it is taken o"I"e of It. iMttt'quan t, plllntab ltl Vom e h er e. Diokey -who ma d e y on ? u e of brUShi ng the toe til . I~ the g uoint of mnuy dltn Injudio ious feedlDg I\nd oon seq nent 'fr ~ 1I1 the b ginning t o the eod of the Befl's Pine·T~r-Honey " Dod," lisp ed tile l~rant prodig y. ~erua sd1sell s os , Kee p the month u.nd g u ms s triotWhen it oomes oso wane at t hrift' carries off a grellt StlllSOn For Cough s and Colda. Dr. &II'E! Plne-'l' ar B on ey . L ook many . "There snid t b e tellob er tr~ um- ly oh~r~l1, u.nd t l.t l:l teeth will tllke oare The possibi lity of e xpandi n g tb,e phfiotly i I kn ow tor the bell Qn tb t! bottle. he wo uld r emem. of themse lves . l'here Il re thirty . It is n. relLl pity that fr equent ly al pTud ·101·ion of pork is 80 grel\t that ber. " most btllf of a young brood lost tbr ee d istinot n umed nod laueled we "h 'lil n ev er st!e a soaroit y of tllis CANVA S r.APS FOR HAV " Well , h e ou gllte r," sllid the stu- sor ts of bllcllll or liugs ~n fro'm lIome one or othor of these or our moutht l pid boy i .. 'taint bot Il lit tle while 8.S nonou l purIm', 1£ yoo btL ve maoh 010 vel' Ilay to otbero auses, ,T h6subj eot of poultry produc t boa.r de r s, bot Unde rtake r and Emba lmer. . The 108S of oon<titl on at wel\oin g llgO sinoe he was m ade handle , provide \y ourself with QSUP- raiSing is one needia g to be olAreful. "-Rep rinted they 'll w i b per feo t prop rie time Dl!.ly be grelttly reduoe d if the in Judge. ply of ba.y o,,"ps maUe of OJi,D ViiS a~d ly studied , A good poultry jOllrotLl, t y unleR's you' g ive t hem oa r rion to Will be found · in the old ., , use ~hem tn ooverin l( the hel\d dur · o()f;tiog from fiUy oent~ to a dollllr pigs hn ve b een tI.(IOustomed to sop. Bank BoUdin g, opposl '" gl't d runk on .-Dr. Woods ~u tohi n­ plemen tary foods . We Do t ~ot he Natiolla Recom .l Bank. mend ing the ourlng prooess . Tbill wIll 1\ yellr, should oome to every home so n in u r vay. - - -_ .- .......-=-'- T elephon e in house and o~· ntberll lnd's Engle Eye 8111 va. f or eoable you~ pat th ,~ M~' in the wh~ re ohioke~s Bre kept. It wt!l Whcn France .... --fioe where I oa.n be oafJed Washe d in Holland a n ythin g but the eyes . I t is a speed y Dr. Bell's Plne- Ta r- Honey barn in pArf8Q t keeplnR 'oondlti on "ave ma.ny times its oost Avery year d ay or night, Itn d hurmle s B oure f or gru.nul aterl I the best for oon ghs, oolds, oroup Itnd will m ore tJl;m Have y ou the ---~ In tbe sixteen th oent ury ol othfw li ds, sC!roful ouB sor e Vl1lley P hone 14-2, ey es, Rtyes gri p, w b n opl n g congh, bl'onoll itis, w a P!ioe of tile h"y ca.!>s .-Fltrr n Prog k eyeR I1nd dimnes Interna lly were Bent from all pInts of FraDce . !::lold everyw here 250, s of vi sion. Ilst.bmu. and oil t hroll t !.Ind br onobial Main St reet, Wayne sville. Ohio t ron bles . 8Qld everyw berb look for ress, Dr Bell'll An t.i-Pain oures colic, t n be "fmNh ed in Holl ~ ud, waere tbe the bell on the bot-tIe flux, dlarrbe a, orllmps ond Idl bowel water at t he oa ntl.l@WU.S suppos ed to WATE IUNQ HORSE S cl)m l t8; - - --ha\'e speoinl oleansl ng proper ti es . EX1.erolllly :-Cure s sore br8ILsts ,'~-~ ';" ~.~::~ ';I~'~:'~-:;~:' ~ L ove frequ en t ly s tarves t o deuth f ~ t oorn8, bon ions, toothao he, neurl11 gla The oos t of trnnl'po rt was Ilboot. ten \ P a in staking and experie nced b or se trying to see how II ttlo it ol\n li ve on. .!.~:~:~; Style hy Reading McCall'. and ,,11 pains. ~old everyw bere, It times grellter in those davs than at ,men IIRve prov ed beyond a doubt CQme st.raigll t 'to the p oint !.Ind is antlSep tio. . presen t. Irlagazi. ,cuflll Using McCa ll Pallerpa . tthat bors es seem to be beUer Dour · Bow To ]fiDel Out. • -. yo u a re blunt . ·js bed when sy s t ematiclIolJy watere d p eople will s lY___ D:.~I'. Mn,.zia e will ......._ __ Pill a bottle or common glass with your M£CALl."S MNiloZI)![ 1, .. 111 YO ~I llre.s st y l· ~here 8r& lots of better .aotress es I The girlll wbo have t,h e most oheek ~ b e fore fe eding ' and tLgnin t wo or 1 Mim y It self· made man had water and let .it stano twe'nty- four hours; . }·-It l ), IH II 1Il00l u riH o p retty off tbe etllge thu.n on . ".\1, ' II.' " I)' kOO I)hl ll s ~hl om use it in blushin g. a brick duat sedithree bourli af ter . . voor mu. toria·1 t o b egin wltb . )'"'' l'O ~ L"ll 011 1110 11lent,orsetUing, ..._ _ _ _...~""'!!!....""!'!"~. .~~~~...----~ ",Lt'~ ra l h \0119 III ~~~~~!!'!"~!"':"'-· " 'r. h\~ j nlHl buts. stringy or niilky 60 l\ I'W !-" "ih 10D D osI!:ns .appeara llceQfte n 111 1':1\ h tssuo. A Iso indicate s 1111 UI1\',' Ii",hl' inf,lrl1l1n lon bealthy condi. 011 ltll hnlllu n Ull ,lor· ' ''lI ul 1.lIlth rs. O (I\y tion 'of the ,kid· , f,( II )' CI . .. IIICl ulllllg neys ; too fre11 rr~c puttern . Su,," .., ..... . _ quent desire to SI'rll", IUlI0)' or 80111t , _ _ _ pass it .or pain in ~ fUI' fre 8111111110 copy. the baA are also sympto ms that tell you M. C.U p.I:. rn.wltt (lU!lhl~ )'01110 Innkn l n )'onr /)WII hOll1o. Wllh )·ourl' .... 11 hll ll1ls.cloLh l ll ll fur the kidneys and bladder arc out of order YUU I'S"" lIod cbl i limil w hh' '' w ttl bo Ilorfc. t and need attentio n. III Sl )' lc 111111 fit. I'r)('il-II" " o hh:hor thtlD 16 What '10 Do. C il Ls. ::il' nd fo r fr OI'lIl1l1r11 :lIlll loICUIl, II> . There is comfort in the knowle dge so W. IN II Cln You Fbi. P"'01Ih for )IotLln g Bub· s rlpLluns IImOll1! l 'Our frilmlls. Sond for froe orten expressed, that Dr. Ki1ll1er ~ s I'rornll1l1 l (:1I 1 ni,,~uG lIut1l:ash Prlzo Ofl'o r. Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, THE McCALL COMPANY, 239 to Z49 Wat37tk 51.. NEW YOU fulfills almost .every wish in correcti ng rheuma tism; pain in the back, kidneys , , liver, bladder and e,:cry~rt .o f tbeurin ary passage. CorrecPl ·~rlabl1itr. ~o ~old water aqd ecalcUflg. pain 10 pas~tng J, ~r bad WAL TER effect. fOU~wlDg ~se of liquor., wIDe or beer; ~d ~ollercomes tbat unple3Sllnt·ne, . ce8li~y of . t>ein~ comJ>elled .~Q go ofte~ Fune ral Dir", ior_ . through the day, and to get up matly titne., ~url!Jg the night, , TI~e: ~i1d an,<f iOllued18te . effect . of S,..amp .Rpot '18 soon reali%OO I It"lIiaadii the higbe~t be1'eleph one day' or t1ig'nt. ,cauaeof itllfeina rkabJe -.. i ' , health ~Itorjng 'JlropVa.lley phone No.i', f.iOQIot . eitid •. 'If you . n~d a . Dh!t&noe_N~. 6 1l~'1" •. . ~ecuciDe', )OU - have beSt:"" . in fiftv;C,eO Il. WA VNESV ILLE, •









\y~r MU~:~'S:i:~IU~hurCh.

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Dit. H.E.




-....--- - - - --



nOlllDds HIli KldDeJ

lro.lle 'IDd Reter Sllpect It.

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--- --

.- ..--- -





Miami Gazette

141 .. A«atll" Dunn .at oU't Ih tbt RD And fadod her pretty pInk "oWll, Mnmma lICol (!od \Voll. unUI 0'8 tear .. feD . In !.orre nta that lhreuten~d to drown:. ''Your <lrc .. I. 0. .Icht, 1 d clare It t.




But w ar It )'ou cerll.llnly mllst! "I'll 11 II or r cOmpell81l, lhllt a child ot

CANADA'8 NEW TOY. The rm of the Canadian navy la rapidly developing' Into a lively or· pnlsm. The cruiser Rainbow, It Is announced, will Boon start from Porto· mouth tor the Pacific coast ot Canada atter. bavlng been thorougbly over· hauled IUld Inspected und r the IHI' thorlty at the Brltlsb Admlrnlty. The crulaer Niobe will leave Portsmouth tor Halifax. Each warship will carry a tull complem~nt pf Drltlsh omcers, who will serve In the Canadian nav1 tor two years and a "skeleton" cr~w , ot whlcb the memhers wl1l be engaged tor five years, says Toronto Globe.' It ' Is not expected that It will be f\t all dlfHcult to obtain the necessary olll · c ers and men In Canada when It becomes necessary to enllal them, It fs Interesting to nota tbat the first proposal to construct a dry dock of large dimensions und er the leglsla· tlon of last less Ion bas been made by the English firm of Vickers & Mnxlm, which has filed plans at Ottawa Cor works at Montreal covering fifty a cr s and cosUng two and a half mlll ion dollars. Tbe construction ot torpedo destroyers has long been a speclr.!ty . - wH-h-thls-eelebrated firm, but far more -,1 mportant for this country Is the build· Jng and repaIring of steel vessela of ~arge sIze. The Introductlr,n or such a plant will mark n new stage In tbe evolutlon tJJ sblpbuJldlllg In Canda.

your senge, 18 t oo mu ' h of a baby 10 trust."

ll.fles Agatha 1 \Inn RRt out In Ih aun, In 11 Ko \\"n tl mt had one \lrn twe n pink. "J r on ly 1 cou lu br hl!; It bll Ck -o tl, 1 w ould! ' Sho " ,'1",1. RI1<I pr c ced.:!d to t hink.


r llspht-rry Ie • 8U cooling nnu nice,

1n th l' CO'" ':': 'r a l,'od wultlng fo r l ea. Said Mi ss l)lIl1l1 : "Oh, 1 g uess , It 1 clip In 111 )' (II' CO SH . A beuu ltr ul


It will be. "

Mias Agathn DUlin rose Ollt o t th e 8un, And ,; lIl'r"'<.I orr Ih e gow n In 11 tri ce. Sho ro lll'll It up lIj;h l- lhCro WIla n o OUt



And IIha "oalcott It In ras pbe rry Ico. It




Ih o j oy of a g loriOUS I cu m!

HoaUng all tho powers ot l!1 a m. A c ro ('k (If Ihe whip und orc I hey go,

Th r oug h Iho r a in a nd Ihruugh tho anow .

Olll Quito

plni, .



li t


Wh ell Iho n e ws t 1\ T Ilch ed mamma'. .. a r ho 8 1t1" u mll ' l1 m o r e llonll s ht! 8colu ,. b e f or e. Now. ll o n' t you Ihlnl< mOlhers ar qU llcr?



Mag pies and Cats Pos sess Unusual In· tellect-I nterestlng Tale of Kitten and Tom Cat. Good Serviceable Affair Can Be Can· structed by Sinking Common Magpies are as clever as they are Dry Goods Box In Ground. noisy. One was olrered an extinguish· A· good serviceable rabbit trap can d cigar stump wblch It began to tear be made by sinking a common 'dry apart. Dut npparently changing Its goods box In the ground to withIn 0 mind, the bird proceeded to rub the In. of, Its top. A bole 6 or 7 In . squarlJ stump, h Id In Its benk, o\"er every Is cut In each end level with the PI\ft of ' lts bodY, Including the wlnga, earth's surface and boxes 18 In , long, In a most careful and methodical man· that will just Ilt are set In, hung on ner, The xperlment was 8ubl\eQuent· pivots,' with the longeat end outside, Iy f~peated many times, always with so they will lie horizontal. A rabbit the same result. The magpie Is so may now look through the two tubes, fond of tobacco that It repeat dly Ilns says the American Thresherman, The snatched a lighted cigar from a man's bait Is hung on a string from the top hand against his will. It also plcits of tbe large box so that It may be seen up fallen cigar asbes and strews them and smelled from the outside. The over Its feathers. rabbit naturally goes Into the holes It Is thought tha t tbese actions and In this trip there Is nothing lo have a purpose, the d structlon of par· asltes, and are determined by atavism, or Inherited Instinct. In the 'ii'lld ___- i f ---., r' "-"11----.., state some unldentined plant must : I ·····-·I~!l!l\lID have been used as nn Insecticide in· stead of tobacco. The magpie's action, furthermore, seems to be an unquestionable Instance of tIle use of toola by a lower animal. ' Cats, too, are ramously clever. A kitten about six months old was taken Rabbit In the Trap. to a houee a few miles from Its blrtb· place, confined In a r oom, and tender· awaken bls suspicion. He smells the ly cared for during a week, and then bait, squeezes along past the center set at liberty. It Wes supposed to ot tbe tube, when It tilts down and have become accustomed t,o Its new th e game Is Is shot Into the pit, the surroundings, but It returned to its tube righting Itselt at once tor an- old home on the day of Its release. other catch. The top and sides of The sense of locality anll direction the large t box may be covered with was exhibited stLll more strikingly by leaves, snow or anything to bide It. an old tom cat which W8S stolen and A door placed In the top will enable carried a dlstlUlce of 20 mile", conth e trapper to take out the anImals. By fined tn a bag, The Cllt was Imprison· placing a little hay or other tood In ed , but made Its ellcape, and In 1\ few the bottom ot the box the trap need a-ys reappeared In a ' pltlable state notan once a at tbe bome of Ita (ormer master, week. w,hlch was separated from that of the tllief by !l blgh wooded cliff.

Don't neglect the kidneys wben you Dotlce lack of control over the sccretlons. Passages be-,.,...'""~"'"",.,.., come too frequo nt or .scanty; urine Is dl& , sedl· colored lind No ment appears. " ~1~~~11 medicine for such troubles like Doa n's l{iclney Pills. They $'-=_ Ql.\lckly remove kid· n ey dlsorders. __m.l~M A, Dushcm, 241 N. Grnnt St. , Wooster, 0., says: "The doctal's diagnosed my case as grill' I, but my ligony 10' creased uuder tbelr trelltOlent, and I · soon be ame too wenl( to stand nlone. I had given li P all hopo of living more than a few weeks ~Iot ~ h best. I was strongly urg d to t ry Doaa's Kidney Pills, nnd afte r twelvo days' use, I puss d two gm vel stOlll1S. Atter thnt. 1 Im proved mpldly untH cur d," Doan·s. RemeDlb I' lhe num For sn le by a ll dealers, 50 cpnls & box. Foster·Mllburn Co., DuO'alo, N. Y. What They Did With Them. An Am rlcHu who Slll'ndR mnch of his time In I£ngl a ud tell!' of 11 cock n y who WCllt to II delllt' r In Jugs a nd thus descrlbf d what h want ll . " U I wauts n kind of doS nbout so 'ig h Ull' so long. I-llt's a ltlncl of gr'y'ounu. an' y t It aln·t a gr'y'ollnd, h CUllS 'Is tyle is sb ortet' nor any 0 ' tb B 'el'o gr'y'ouuds, an' 'Is nose Is shorter, un" al u't so !111m round the hody. !lut stll l 'e's a ldnd 0' gr'y'hound . Do you keep such dogs?" "Wo do not, " said tbe dog man. "1;Iio dro wn 'om ."

mnlntaln th ei r nOUOUtl.1 inde· canals which serve as hedges. pe ndence, to Dssert th Ir com· peopl have put their mastery over merclal supr Olney, to resist Ih e water to pracllclll llA S Ilt ev ry tbe e ncroachment at foreign turn. \\ e are shad d by lall Ire s powers, the men of Holland that are set along e ither side ot lbe bave lldured many wars and acllieved road, and we kn ow that we are in s Casey at the Bat. great I rlumphs. The days at these land of peace, whore hurry a nd clamor This ramo)ls'poem Is confalne d In the stubborn strifes have gone, for Hal· would b unseemly. And yet In all Coca· ola Baseball Record Dook for laud 110 longer has any pre·emlnent thlll b nigu quietude-tbere Is noth· 1910, together with records, sclledules greatness to defend, no greedy as· Ing le thargic, for always with us are for both leagucs and other valuable saults to repel. From centuries of the. great canals with t he ir procession of lIle, quiet and slow, but r esolute baseball Inrormatlon complied by au· The Cblcago Ptlbllc scbool authorl· strenuouB effort she has drlrted Into a thorlties. This Intoresting book' sent Quietly prosperous peace . . her peoplu and unyielding. For variety and rich· t1~es are preparing to establish a new by th e Coca·Cola Co., of Atlanta, Ga" well content ~Ith the little wblch they ness our E/l1gllsh landscape Is unapgh scbool course ot two years, for · never lack, and bearing with them n proachable, yet In . tbls thing a con-. on receipt of 2c I\tnmp tor postage. e benefit ot pupils wbo tor financial dignity and air of simple well·belng trast Is not uninteresting. As we go Also copy of their booklet "The Truth !reasons can remaln no longer In tile which are the tokens ot their ances· through our hlgbways and lanes and About Coon·Cola" which tells all (lbout gh .chools. It II believed that by try. Yet, unconoerned as they may woodlands we shall find all the beauthis delicious be\'erage and why it Is so pure, wbolesome' and refreshing. dotng this many ruplls who now go be with wars and rumors at wars In ty and majesty of pe~ce, but the one Are you ever hot- tired- thirsty? ut lnto the bust1less world trom the the world of men, they are stili 'called thing that we shall often miss Is moveDrink Coca·Cola-lt Is cooling. re· latrlct schools could be Induced to to the dally exercise ot the high cour· ment and life whlcb la wbolly In tune li eves fati gue and quenclles the ke a apeclal course ot two years ar- age of the~r race... tor they have ever with the surroundings and Is, so to speak, essential to the lite at the na· thirst. At soda fountains and oar· nged wl~h a view to their future em· at their gateB a foe never weary of tlon as a whole. Trains may be this bonated In bottles-5c everywhere, attack, and they know well that the jPloyment. .The development Is In line least relax.a tion of wariness will bring last, ' but tbey destroy tbe calm In· r 1th effort to strengthen the public destruction. The perll ot the sea at stead of emphaslzl.Dg It. Motor carR DIDN'T LIKE DARK COLORS. ~chool. as Institutions tor the prepa· all seasons Is a thLng which no nation are both discordant anel. inessential. ;ration of young men and women for known as 'Holland knows It. ' TheBe Even the pleasure·boats on a river the Jpractlcal work of lite, and Its out· men hold theIr land and bring It to lend a suggestion ot artificiality. A come wUl be noted wltb Interested by rich cultivation In the face ot the team 'on the plougblands, a shepherd great natural torces at the world. folding his sheep, a field of hayma.educators. TheIr country lies below sea level, and kers or reapers, onlb' In these do Wt Is preserved from ruin by 'great em· flI1$l the lite that Is In exact accord The rush ·to the newly-dlscovered bankments thrown up around lhe coast wIth the scene, and these we can only &,old fields of Alaskil continues, and and a vast Bystem ot canals whlcb ftnd at Intervals. In HoUand, on the thousands are on their way. notwitb· make a verItable network at the land. other hand, In places the most remote <Btandlng the certainty tbat many hard· Herein lies the secret ot the Dutch· from cltles and the sound ot marketl fshtps and risk of failure to "malee man's greatness at character. He has !lnd commerce, we find al ways the «ood" await . them. And. this In spite bad no. opportunity of becomIng en· teeUng of seclusion and restfulness oC that alleged discovery by a Scran· reebled by security. Tile unceasing helgbtened and to)lcJted to a sense of ton alchemist of a metbod" tor trans· conflIct with the sea bas become knIt vitality by the canals and their full· sailed barges whloh form an Integral matHIs baser metals Into the preclou3 up into the very fibers of the national part ot the country's dally life. 'Yarletlea, with the supposed posslbll· spirit, and bas given to It a strain of These oanals triumphantly redeem silent selt·rellance that could have I-_'--~_~ ~ ot oheatl.&nlng values. ":'l£vldenUy been born of no otber cause. Sllent- the physical characteristics 01 the the glamour of gold .ha,S. not yet lost tor this wartare Is not as tbe warfare country trom the charge of dulness. TELEPHONE OF SPIDER WEB power to lure tbe adventurous. of man with man, accompanIed by Holland In Ita gene ral features Is un· AUTOMOBILES MADE IN 1784 the clMh of arms and blare ot trum· denlably quaint, but quaintness has II Large. Ugly Inlect ·11 Easily Deceived By TunIng Fork Placed on One Look over a er""d of men In any pets-It Is carried on from year to charm which Is not enduring. After II. Machlnel, Propelled by Steam, Were of the Tiny ThrelJds. place and' .I t wlU be aeen that black year In grim QuIetness. ag~lnst an ell· wblle ,w e begin to tire of the squareBeen on Engllih HlghwaYI Over imd the darker colors predominate In emy that ·may · be repulsed but tbat ness and orderliness, and to look 'upCent~ry Ago. A gentleman In Ohio W8S watch· their clothes, no matter bow hot the can never be destroyed. It was I>y on what appea.r ed to be Individuality 30hns-1 heard you tell that man to Ing somt' spiders, when It occurred to' Although aeroplanes may b'e said to never darken your door again. Tr1' I" ,eather. Besides being unnecessar· no mean chance that tbe countrY'1 at first as eccentricity. . We grow a hIm to try 'what effect the sound of little uncomtortable In tbe land of be a completely new Invention, the Ing to marry your daughter? 11y uncomfortable they exert a de· hero was. William the Silent. The Dutch landscape reflects thl' Lllllput, and tret tor change and a tuning tork would have upon them. cannot bo said 01 the automoTbomas-No; he's a painter a~d he preslplng effect UPOti both wearer and some patch ot wildness. But ot the .H e suspected that they would take It bite. That Illustrated ' below Is con· painted my front door ebony Instead beholder. A treer use of colors tn national cbaracter In a slngul,arly vivid canals we never .weary, for In them we for the buzzing ' ot a fly. slderably over a .:entury old. Tbe of oak. manner. Narrow roads set wltb small meoc8 clothing would make the world red llrlcks, trimly ordered gardens, see the expression of a nation's obar· He aelected a large, ugly spider that power employed was steam, and It Cleaned Out. a brlgliter place fQr most of us. the little ' carts drawn by dogs, the ncter moulded through centuries of had been · teastlng on files for two was to be seen 011 the highways Of "I can't pay this taxicab bill." cottages wItb their little rows ot bur· stirring and honorable blstory. We re- montha. The spider was at one edge "Then I'll' take you to a ' police st&· A Pennsylvania man has gone Into nlsbed copper and brasa pans and member . the Dutcb proverb, "God of Its web. Sounding the fork, the tlon:' man touched a thread at , the other made tbe sea we made tbe sbore," bankruptg_ wltb lfahllftles of $1,446,- bowls set outsIde to sweeten In the "I'll pay It. But take me to the '173. Some ot the actors wbo have sun, the polea ereoted to a tract t1\e and we teel that tbese waterwayII' are side and watch'e d the reeult. Mr. Spl· poorbouse and leave me tbere."be surprIsed storks at' nesting-time, the' miniature not only beautiful and oharged wIth der had tbe buzzing Bound conveyed gObe Into bankruptcy Louis ville Courler·J ourna!. to learn that bl.s ' assets amount to windmills tor domestic uses, the peo· color and atmospbere, but symbolloal to him over his telephone wIres. but ot a people's greatness. . how was be to know on whlcb partie· mn.~an the prl-Mor-nrf+'" Ie themselves In their bright blouses , We take other m en's knowledge and ~ and aprons and white sabots, the Tbe Dutch painters, througll whom uhi r wire It· was traveling? opinions upon truth, whic h Is au Idle He ran to the ce.n ter of the web an overcoat with a fur coUar. scrupulpus tidiness that prevails eery. the naUonal genius has found Its most and superficial learning : we must very Quickly and felt all aroUlld un· where, all combine to make up tbe forcible and enduring expression, The Flrlt Automobile. makil It our own.-Montnlgne. til ho touched tbe tbread against tbe At a class dinner of a woman's col· Impression ot a toy country wbere have realized very completely thlE lege It developed that at tbe senlorR everything Is well ordered ,and mel- strange blend of calm and strength. other end of whlcb the fork was Englan'd so rar back as 1784. It wal'! fourteen were brldes·lo·be. This low. Nowhere Is the traveler brought To look at one of their portrait group8 sounding; then, taking another thread at that time regarded as the wond er 0:, tt1oesn't look as It Dan Cupid were up In sudden and breathless wonder of, say, a body ot hospital governors, along, just as a man would take an the' world. In app~arance It was cum· worrying much over ,the higher edu· betore any 'gorgeous spe'c tacle, no- Is to understand at once tba.t these extra pIece of rope. he rau out to tbe bersome, even when compared witt fork and sprang upon It. that nerve·racklng produotlon of th. cation as a serious obstacle to his where awed by any sense ot feverish men conducted tbelr . business thor· Th.e n he r etreated a Jlttle way and ..present day. the motor.bus, but It an· activity. DesolaUon and grandeur are oughly and well. but scornful of un· business. alllce absent. A beggar Is bardly ever dignified haste, and for untroubled ra- looked at tbe fork. He was puzzled. sw~red Its purpose very well. seen , a ruin never, The absence ot pose Van der Mecr's picture of Delft He had expected to find a buzzing fiy. And a Sure One. Why can't people learn to say the these and at all pomp ot riches makes In the gallery at 'The Hague could not He got on the for k agaIn and danced "better"man won, instead of the "best" one forgetful ot the Inequality ot well be surpassed. In' the great Dutch wlt,b dellgbt. Evidently lbe sound was WAYS OF CATCHING MONKEYS The Body Does Not Feel Heat man, whfln but two contend? Ho:w things, And then In the midst of palntlngl\ we do not find the tranquil. music to him. FIlipino Natlvca Have Oecldediy In· Unpleasantly If It bas 'can we hopo to be a great people as thIs pretty unconcern Is the everlast· Ity. ot the open plttces and luxuriant tereatlng Method of Capturing Proper Foodlong as the populace will ho so . care· Ing I!ymbol of the Dutchman's etrength haunts of nature, but the deep calm of . Lazy Little Anlm~ll. -the salls, etrong life, sober and not- highly 1m· NEEDLE FLOATING ON '/WATER less? There Is nothing slnall about these. aglnative, but entirely satisfying In Ita Simplest Way Is to Lay Tiny Piece of In the Pblllppine Islands the na· Bethlebem, Pa" reports that the tn· They are liberal and workmanlike, degree, Steel on Tissue Paper-J.,atter UveS catch monkeys Ln a curious The rise and tall of nations Is a phafull at dignity. Greedy tor every ventor of "pink circus lemonade" Is way. Will Soon Sink. ~eac\. To have. lived all theliG years. breath ot wind, they beal' the heavily . nomenon still unaccounted for and The mQnkeys are rand 01 the meat I People can live In a temperature oonstantly recuri'lng. We know that laden barges, ' beautiful from water· 'he himself COUldn't have drunk much There I\.re several ways' ot making of cocoanuts, wh cb grow as plenU· whfch feels t.r om te.n to twenty degrees line t() masthead, down tbe great Rome step by step rose to a splendor ot It. I canals trom sea to sea. They move the story of wbloh la Immprtal, but n needle 1I0at on the surta~e of the - tully tbere as ~'pples do In our coun· ·c ooler than tbelr neighbors enjoy. b1 . are lazy, tJiough, abopt regulating the diet. with a measured dignity which deep· we cannot grasp the secret ot thla water. The simplest w.ay is to place try . . '!hey through the outer bark and . There Is a German periodical called ens the sense of .calm which is over splendor's decay or of the decline ot a ,piece of tissue paper au th e ,wat er gnawing III I d h · dl I' b .The plan Is to avoid meat entirely for Der Gesundheltslngel\leur. It must the whole landscape. and adds to ' It tbe other great civilizations of tbe and lay tbe needle on It;- the paper w . on y 0 so w en ~xc~e ~g y un· breakt~st; use a goodly allowance 01 bave trouble In flndlng ' room to put strength and nobility of character. world. We can but accept the tact, soon becomes soaked w1thwater and gry. The natives take a(lvantage ot. trult, either ,fresh or cooke'd : Tben tolthe pIcture of a girl on th" (ront ETllrythlng that the Hoillinder doea and wonder at the ruined and yet n<> sinks to the bottom, while the needle their greed and indolence by cutUng Io.w with a aaucer contaIning about foul' a small opening through the. s~~ll, just beaplng teaspoonfuls of Grape-NutSj ,,' under tbe spell of the waters Is In· ble ~o'numents of .their greatness tha~ Is l'e ft floating on tbe top. . cover Another method Is to hang the large enough for . Mr. Monkey s long, treated with a 'UtU ' , h Ad'd t . formed by a large and generous spirit still stnnd as at once a memory and ne'e dle In two , sllngs made o( threada, thin hand 10 pe~otrate. th, s ",bout t'1"O sllc:a ro~ c~[::t~t wi~ . an Inspiration. Wben tbe time comes of ·powel' and fltness. It he bas to Two men In a N~'V York too/n mad(' whlcb must be carefully drawn away :When he onc~ ge,ta fn lllcle, . he gets a meager 'amount of butter and " , tbelr escape from jaH . by means ot R build a house. he attempts to achle", that the peoples at western Europe as BOqn, as tbe n~e!11e ' floats. , .. ' his handl,! full, ·of deliCiOUS, dainty c~p of well.made ' P08tum. ' ,.' ., one beauty, and becomes ornate and alBO passed Into the shadow of safety razor. Dut It was IL closo sbave .. !tyou magnetize !l sewing needle by ~~at, land. JUS . h~J)d fs tlat~~al1y: wi. . By this se'ectlon o(fo~ the ;bqdt17 ~ wholly undlsUngulshed; but when he dead glories, we too shall · leave someturns his ,h and to the great w'Lndmllla thing at · o\lr works to b ~ar , wltness ', to rubbing ' It on a fairly ' strong magnet, der ~n , tti~~.' ~~t~:,an ;hent It entered ~nergy JSl?f!)SerV-e", w~l1e tb'e hQt, car- , '. Wben tbe molber birds are gaddln~ which girt tbe sides of his ' canals, he a greatness that has gone, But HQI. and float It on the water, I~ will make ,FInd ns , s an ~ nC! come ·ou bonaceous to04& ,have lIeen left out , , . about the .lIttlu birds or today ar~ works by Instinct rather than by de- In.nd will be but 11 l'ecoI'deCi history an extre~elY sensitive compass, IlD(,l tbe ~onke>: cb~tter6 and ,s~bld8" p~a~~, ~he result. .1a a very .marked dlfferenSle les rnlng .t o f1~' by. watching tbe acre-' sign, and shows himself to be POll' to the new nationl!' of far-off ages. Tho If you p)n~e · t'Y~ ~eed~es .o n the water ly showing .Ills Lndl~atlon at ,the ,~a1 In., the tei\1peratl1t~ of ~e body, aqct {Ilanes tha.t Dayton, 0., senda o.u t ~ntl sessec,l PI a feeling for proportion and, sea will have prevailed, ~nd tbe great at the same tlme you will see them he 1;1~ ,.l!een trap~ed, ~ut never thlnlt" to tbls comtoita~le condition Is Added .t:e CQco~: the' certainty ot ease .nd per,f~ct dlge~ oan~II, which are a.s truly the. essen. slowly approacb each ot~er , un~l1 .they of, 100~~n~~J4 hlS ~01:1 line wblch Is Impeccable. up. ra"l f ng 8 an, s as eBB t~n, 10r th, food. being partiall,. pre-, It Ie this Innate suggestion ot. bean· Ual expr.9 sslon Of. a resolute and be' noat s~!Je by side; that I~, \f. they d9 n~t .an w tT aDd rlghtnea/l In the canal lite ot rolc p,,01'le, 8S a'r e the palaees ot no.,t strike together 10 heavily a8 tQ '11, aIJ he ,put it n. Thera lie atan~s, dJgested . Is Quickly aulmllated b,. tile It tbe COI,'let waa responsible ror the Ihe cpuntry that litves to the ·wonder· VenIce or the Acropolis of the Greeks" cause them to sink. . , ,an anJry .mon-,e7~ ' un.tU t~& maD who digestive macblrier::r. · ullIeasonnble 'chili tunny people would tul calm ot the landscape Ita crown· Will hal'e pe.rlshed and wl!J bear no s~ the .CQcoanut trap oo~e8 aDd talli81 Experience aDd expal'hneDt In fOOd, , . now be Klad lI ·arrangementa could_be Ill&' glory. Flat pastures aweep ou , telltlmon y... him CIJ,p,tJve. t ~nd I~ .p'~UcatloD to tbe bu. bod1 . 1iu . broul!at Out th••e r~ct.& Tbe, , A' PlaIn aaby. mAde for a return engagement. on aU aides to a filr ' horizon \ wbere JOHN DRINKWATE'R~ , ' "Jo1:nnh,l," aald teacher, "I 11MI' 1011 . A~.r the ~~rt. be sud IIDes anel eolon stand out wltb slngu· bne a new bab". u", at .•# OtU' bOUle, · 9b-lt mUlt be be to BIq GIl ~ ,\0 eaD , , Ule 0 U "'I"'" 'mawrlallJ ' I or .. . liar CODIfort or tb. UMl'. ' Sleek It'. al dlftloult far lome' lNIuple . to Ne~ Euslud boidupi a,. Jg.IIl .. lar clearness anel brilUance. II It a boy or a ifrl?'" ,lee club, . Read tb lit" black ud white cattle are COQftDed to be I'ood as It Is tor others to mab u tbOie bona la the • •1 "Nel~b.I'''' ...~ 30bllDle prolllPtl7. He-Jt ou,bt to .... eae .OJ' lID"" W· .... ~~~~ ~ Uutlr rll~trul meaclow. b7 am""e,., 1004 '1&'• .IUlt a plaID "'11,1" ODlDtIlt.-Ttpr.











f« _



"The Way of t~e Cross Leads



Home" LL tho shores of all the oceans a re b at h III g plnces, but t here nre cer. taln bench es which - have lJe~ n chus ' Il , some by tho fnvo red [aw and mo re by tbe me r ry mu ltitudes for sporllng In tbe surr' TheBo I' sorts bave bee~ de~ l cateel to the batb anel tlley have at. ta lned a fa ill e which ru nlles thom places of In te l' s t tho world nrou ud

_ . .,.

HE way of th e cross leads born ! It must be so e ls8 wby this lon ging af.t'e r Cal · var y, "as t he har t pantel h art I' th wat r urook," as bea rt of mall for the Spirit

ot Gmi.

This was th e exper l nce of Fran klin. "one of tb rnrcs t ut en of a ll hi s· tor." H was alwa ys a man wbo loved his tll ow·men . He ou ld not help but bell eye t bat th ere was a God . He bell Yed to t he cl pUt of hi:. being lhut thi s God the Fath er was eve r guidin g 'I'll ' rFr{'nc a reh th g rellt re-e ril'iiiiii... nnd dire ling th e desti nies of m n, sOrts, wh ere In writ s n e v. Fra nk N. Rla le, D. D., In I/ummcr YU U may Cbrlstlan ' 'lark and End eavor . As bls s e tbe peo. years r ip ened he found himself turn· pic wh oll! In win· Ins to beav It for constnnt guidance, te l' YUH nnte d 1'1· for man Is soon without hope when he "lUg In 130ls or Is with out pray er . Here a re his worus, dr ln l{lng In the s umm ing up a ll : c a fo ~ . Th e Irs " I have li ved a long time (e ighty· !!Ieems nlmos t a on e yenrs), a llfl tb e lonser I li ve t he burlesqlte of bathmotl'! con vincIn g proof I see of this lug, for they apt r uth, t ha t God governs th e arralrs of peal' In us vivid me u. An d If a sparrow can not fa ll to a bl aze of color the b'TO lmd wlt bout his notice, Is It and lit as elabo· proba ble tb at an empire ca n rI se with· rately cOllstruct. out hIs a Id? E xcept tbe Lord build ed custUllJ t's, and MUlIlln Oreas.- Thls dai nty dress Is the bouse, we lahor In valn . I fir m· they arc as muc h Iy believe thi s, an rl a lso believe t hat tn whi te spotted muslin wor n over s wayed by the without hIs concurrin g ai d we s hall pale blu e c r e p e~ e·sol e. An over sklrt rules of fnshlon proceed In th e politi cal buildIn g no, Is made of tbe mus lin gatb ere d to a here as hI the better than the build er of Babel, and belt of the crepe, a nd cut wllb pOints boxes of the opera we sha ll becom e a reproach and by· at tb e back nnd s ides; muslin em· In Parts. Tbe word to all future ages, And wha t II broider y edges tbe overs klrl; t he Freoch w 0 m en worse, mankind may, her eafter, trom bodice Is also t rimmed with this. a nd make the ocean thi s unfortunate Instance, despaIr 01 has a deep frill of lace gllthered to a a stage and a theater, where thtU' shore was trod by the feet of the Ireland. P erbaps Portruab In the establishIng governm ent by human tucked collar of crepe; t he cuffs a re dress a nd decorate 'themselves tor pur· Forty Immortals. who tben onl, be- Emerald Isle II even more popular. wisdom , and leave It to chan ce and a lso of crepe. poses of ex hibItion. longed to the Orleans party, and by Engla nd has Yarmouth and a score war and conquest. I therefore beg Straw ha t of pale blue trimmed with In E ngland there Is- no carnival of depos ed statesmen. The Imperial of big beacbes. aside from those whleh leave to mo ve that, hence forth, pray· pInk roses. costume. Tbe Briton' takes bls dip court bad abandoned Dleppe and gone have been nElmed. There are good ers, Implorin g t he assista nce of Materials requIred : yards mus· tn the surf seriously, as he takes all to Blarrltz, but th at was too far from beaches In Wales and 1I.Ipng tbe Clyde bea ven and Its blessing on our delib- lin 42 Inches wid e, 6 yards Insertion, his pastim es a nd sports. He Is s till Paris for th e lesser omclals and tbe In Scotland. Spain has San Sebas- erations, be held In this asse mbly (the 6 yard s cre pe-de·sol e. 1 yard lace. affilc ted with the oId·fashloned four- busy men of the party to follow. And taln across tbe border from Blarrlu, convention of 1789) every morning beVisiting Ore ... - Amethyst crepe wheeled bathing coacb, and men and Trouvll1e offered a bathing place wlth- On the Bay ot Biscay, als o, In Arca- fore we proceed to business." , meteor Is chosen for thi s smart dress ; . women bathe In separate groups, e x· In six hours or ParIs. So It came ('hon. nestling among the pines, tbe princess part Is cut with rathe r Franklin'. L ..t Moment•. cept that the prejudice agalnst mixed about that \'l\1as we re built and a mil es from ,Bordeaux. short kimono sleeves. The cente r Large as the vIsion of tbls great b.thlng bas been torgotten some wba t square toot ot sand soon cost as much Othe r and not s o "advanced" coun· front Is continued much longer tha n at such places as "merry Margate," all a square toot ot building ground tries have also their summe r exodul man was, It seemingl y was not large the s ides and forms a sort of panel; I'rolllcking Ra msgate" and "bre ezy In Paris Itself. Very soon It was tbe to tbe shore. Tunis, for Instanoe, haa enough to catch tbe glorious vision of th e lower part Is s llgbtly gatbered to Broads talrs." But In general, the favorite r esort of the monde and tbe a number of .popular resorts. What the divinity of our Lord. Once he edge of, princess upper part. man who mlgbt try to spy upon tbe de ml-mollde. Brighton Is to the Englishman, and Il'ILld: "Athougb I think Jesus Is tbe Russia bra id In s tralgbt rows and woman's beaoh would ftnd himself as Tbe r eal lite ~ Trouvllle, of course, what Dle ppe la to the Frenchman, lP'eatest man that ever lived, I some- loop pattern forms a trimming round muoh taboo as was the peeper wbo Is closed to tbe mere ly passing visitor, tbat Rades Is to the Tunisian. La how cannot feel he Is the Son of God." the entire edge. tried to spy upon Lady Godiva. just as 10 tbe case at Cowes and at Marsa Is said to ,resemble T.rouvl1le. Btlll there was somet hing tugging a.t The Mediterranean ooas t Is a lonl Newport. The passing caller ha.s not Bathing Ie an Indulgence that Ie htll heart that made him feel tbese SEWING HINTS euccesslon of bathing beaohes, and for the ,entree to the salons and tile vII- proper at any bour ot tbe day. Tboae very words may have framed out of oenturles sirens bave left the Imprint. las. But he may see that tbe people who b'atbe don no special dress. but ,his life far more tban' they framed In, tor during his last earth moments ThIng. Worth Knowing for My Lady of theIr sandals upon Ita sanda. change theIr toilets every hour. he enter the water exactly ao they weI'. of the Needle-Avoid the The most perfect mOlor road tn all may walk tbe promenade and the at the moment they decided to batbe. there Is ' recorded of him some most Knot. England runs trom London to the beach. ftrm and smooth, wbleh slopes Then the,: atretch out on the sands to significant words: Tbe experience of George Ellot, a'!l famous sea resort, Brl,htOn, and that 00 slowly Into the sea th'a t tbe bather dry. At these Tunis ian watering Th e geimpe of plaIn sheer tulle or road, though 62 mUes of Surrey and must wade far to get Into ' water to places such amusements . as te nnis, ' all know, was almost a counterpart, a Sussex, Is at least one r eal acbleve- bls neck. even at hl~ tide, and he shrlmplng and cafe conoerts, as well parallei, ot tbis rift of soul. Wben net Is more fr equen tl y used th an that ment ", blch must be credited to may visit the Casino, 80 close to the as sand cas tle building by the chU· she wrote the book that took men of t ucks. 'I'h a yoke Is exlreme ly shal· nearest into the heave nly places, I,n low, and the clear fl esh tint Is t he Gel;lrge IV. It was tne prince hailed sea that the great tide of 1876 almost dren, are well knoWD. Finally America, not forgetting the that beautiful char~cter of Dina M.or· ustla l color. as t he most perfeot gentleman In EII- swept It away. A dain ty little workba g, just fi tted ...rope wbo made tasblQllable Brighton, Dleppe shows a seascape tbat la Philippines. The list Is a very Ions rls, constantly did sh e bave before her Once upon a time he made the called "Inexpressibly grand." The vls- one. Palm Beach, wbe re In February on her desk, as s he wrote, tbe cruclflx. to hold the embroid er ed collars a nd first visit to his uncle, tbe duke of Itor seats hlmselt upon the terrace tbe "water's fine," and. Indeed, the Bigger than the 'mind, ever Is the belts a nd othe r paraphe rnalia of Ihe Cumberland, at his " Brlgbton re81- 'nnd looks seaward over a glorloua whole Florida coast. Tbe resorta III heart.' However much Calvary Is summer piazza, Is of figured lawn, over dence, and there he caught a glimpse and tar·stretchlng expanae. Some- California. the gulf coast beachBII, the crowded down it will creep up, and be a lining of IIgb t blue cblna s ilk. Cbln a of a pretty young actresa sunning her- times It Is as calm as a mirror. But almost endless succession or bathln, like a well of water- that Is, the well silk makes 11 good lining, by tb e way. selt on the sands. Straightway he the tide never creeps In, It brings places on tbe Atlantic coul What of lite. To s how that all this was for bags wblcb are to hold embrold· became enamored of the place, and waves and foam with It. Otten It la a lis t there Is of them. Narragansett not a feUsh, 50 m)lch as a most vital ery silks and other things wbloh literally commanded a city to aprlnl turbulent. BomOtlmes It comes In as Pier, which baa be come tbe polo head· °act, this genius of Romola said, that mlgbt be likely to ca tch upon rough er up by tbe sea. a raging plain that lifts Itselt at Jast quarters of the naUon; Asbury Park. of all the books In the world nothing fabrics. 00 eacb sIde of the bag Ii! was to be compared to Thomas a a semicircle of IJlce Insertion. bord er· It Is over tbe road that be built tbat mountain blgh and thunderously wltb Its Founder Bradley and Its an~ motor meets run from the capital to dashes Itself upon tbe shore and ftlnga -nual baby parade reviewed by Tltanl. Kempls' "Imitations of Jesus." This ed with a shirring or blue baby rIbb on. tbe famous old Ship tavern on the Its salt obowers over the spectators. and bel' court, and Atlantlo City, with was her constant companion wblch The embroidery hoop handles are co\·· wide s ea front esplanade. He built., It 18 splendid for tbe eye and It Its board walk, Its famous plerR, an4 she pored over and formed as the ered with blue ribbon. a bathIng bour that begins one mJgbt manna of beaven to ber heart. The use of a knot Is to be avoided as' his plaything palace, at frightful elves vigor to the body. The great "urtexplored remaind er," In sewing and not to be tole rated 'In recklessness of cost, the pavilion, Napoleon played with Josepblne, tblnk at dawn and lasto t111 dark. , whlcb Is the most Interesting struc- pushing her Into the water, and biding Miles or firm whIte sand, sbelvlng to the great unconscious "plus" of life, Is embroidery. Tbe accompllsbed needle ture In the city, and It Is In tbe beau- her bathing slippers. to the amuoe- the boundless ocean and washed b, only brought to light by Calvary and woman rarely ftnds It necessary to sta.rt with a knot, save In gatberlng or Uful dome or the building that con- ment of tbe boatmen and the onlook- tbe eternal ourt-no wonder 'tbat thos8 the cross. basting. Sometimes a tiny one Is What M~kel Calvary Sublime. c erta, beard by 8,000 at a time, are Ing staff, In their bathing expeditions who come from the Interior to see Just what It all means ' can perhllps slipped under a bern, but it wl11 show atlll bold. In 1808 from Bayonne to Blarrltz. tbat the aea for tbe first time have no trouble understanding ItII fasolnatlons. be no better ex pressed than In a little on right side If materIa.! Is sbeer allti 'Halled as "the queen of the north," brlsbt little corner ~ France, nestJunnely Ineldent of long years back. ma.kes all ugly lump In IronIng. Two and '~ "Engllah-Rlylera," with all ling at the foot of the Pyrenees, overIN Two of tbe simplest me n of toll were or three o\'er and over stitches taken the usual attractions of a fashionable looking the Bay of BIscay nnd ad- WHEN passing along the hIghway pas t a on wrong side of material Is as sec ure resort, Scarborough has also a de- joining ,the Basque yrovluces of Spain. Catbollc burying ground . They both all B knot and much more sightly, In They 8wlpe the Butter and Coffee "'lIt IIghtful blending of hl$tory, romance There are mem<1ries here of the Smash Thlngl JUlt for began to wonder what the letters "I, embroid ery there is ' no excuse for a and legend. Many of the stately Empress Eugenle al80. On the slope , Fun. H. S." were that thay saw ll\,e~ywh ere. knot. T wo or three tiny stitches tao bomel ot England are In tbe neighbor- and overhanging tbe great rocks at After lonoig discussion, In tbelr bumble ken on outline or In body of worlt hood whose owners have played a the head of the bay are the ruins of "Dear fur has heen so low !n prl~ reasonIng, tbey came to the conclusIon wbere It Is afterward covered will prominent part In the history of the the bathing villa. ",here she and nation. The ancient castle Is a proml· Louie Napoleon spent many happy the last few yearll that I bave not that thoy stood for "I ' Have Sinned." hold an y stltcbes, Knots only . te nd n ent landmark tar up and down the hours. It was sold , tben enlarged and tried to catcb tbem it they would let To settle the matter to their satls.fac- to an untidy wrong side, whlcb no coast and the town bas two handsome hurned In 1903. There are many hla- my camps along and keep out ot mllJo tlon, tbey came to my tle ar oM tather. good embroIderer will tolera te a nd bays. ' torlcal memories bere. Gladstone chief," writes a New Br' n.wlck trap- tbe minister of tbe littl e parIsh. Tbey make tbe work rough In la undering. Most carnlnl·llke of all tbe bathing spent weeks here eacb year. Man, per In Fur New8. "Bllt tbey quite told him what they had conclud ed the plaoes In the world are tbe Frencb battles were fougbt In the ,v icinity In often break Into 11># camps and tbeD letters stood for, and asked him It It 8ummer Frllli and Flxlngl. and the Belgian ' resorts, Tbere aro the Welllngton campaigns and the I bave to kill them whether the fur II was not so. My fatb e r smiled, and Dutch necks and collarless dresses then told them, of course, that they are s poiling the demand tor ear·helght vlll..,es, huge clusters of buts and SpanIsh provinces adjacent are full of good or not. "If they do get In a camp butter and wero the ftrst letters of the Latin tents and strange·looklng straw hives Temlnlsc(lnceo of Loyola and XavIer. collars andaome of the departments on the sands. From these tbree troop Ostend-to tbe Initiated that means corree seem to be tbetr ftrst choloe, words, wblch meant "Jesus tbe Savior w'u you frankly If you ask for e xtreme· liut tbey generally IIoUlalh every thin • . of Men." After a little, yet most the daintily dressed women and the the most beautiful strand to be conly high ones that they. do not have 1P'0tesquely attired men. They bathe celved, as smooth as a billiard table tbat will break and wbat they don't thougbtful pause, one of tbe men an· them. There Is a oort of craze among eat tbey will del troy, aDd It they once swared: "But. Mr. MInister, It Ie tOlether In water tbat more often and stl'1ltcblng away many a league. the girls who llke to be odd and .than not barely wets their knees. For It mea,.. also In tbe sUlnmer montbs learn to break Into a e&mp the only only becauae I have sinned that J esua "quaint" for the low collars with the women are' here to be admired a most IIvertlns spectacle, wbere way to stop them Is the trap or cun," came as the Savior of tbe world." My colored embroIdery to matcb th eir fatber said that then and there he and the men have come to flirt and to dandles m\hce and flirt even wltb tbe 'reallzed the whole story of redemp· sullil and with them, of course, go em· Tli. Ie MOlt aanltary. ogle. Yes, It la like a carnival. It II waves, ' where bathing. dancing, gabrolcl'ered Jahots or bows to match. Of all the materials ·used In bath· tlon lUI never before-tbat because One needs an extra trunk this sanson a whirlpool ot troth and flUlblon, a mlng and mUSic occupy the fasblonkaleidoscope of lite and ralety. This able world, and wbere the vast rooms and kltoheno tor walls, ftdorl there was tbe universal sense of sin for m~e trifles such aB thIs If one's place where the people go Into the tbrongs present n gay and cbeerful and even tor celllngs, tho only pertect d'alvary came to meet this universal wardrobe Is half equlppe(l with. frills, one Is the tile. The rest are merely need. That Is what makes "Calvary collarl!. neck ftxlngs generally' and sea tetbered with ropes to dabble miscellany of faoes and costumes, This moat Important seaside town makeshlfta made necessary on account sublime." That Is, why the ,.,holfl belts and sasbes. This Is to Bay not placidly In water of aaucer·llke Ihalworld will ever love to sing: lowness Is a carnival of uproar and on the continent of Europe baa Its of expense usually. a word about the cbltton overwalst The tile ls absolutely smooth and In th e crOBB or Chri st T glory, extravaganoe. palatial vlllaa. Including tb'e aummer that , daughters prodigal of tim e are non.absorbent; In' consequence It Is 'fowerlng o' fl r th e wr eck~ at tim .. It would seem tbat Trouvllle was residence of the. king; Its sports, polo, making hy the score for the varying of An the light of snored story dl8covered about 1830 by two marine golt. ,tennis, racing. Its great annual very easily cleaned with ooap and , Gnthers round 'Its h el\d lIubllme. their toilets. water, painters. Rambling . along tbe Nor- "batallle de fleurs," It's promenades, A core or aanitary bue should be 'the 80ng 'of tho 80ul. man ('oast . In' search of aubjects, they and around all its beach. a paradise There Is a aong of the sol11 whlcb' Hate 8tlll Elaborate. chanced one day upon an humble 1Ish- for cblldren, and Its bath houses, s.o ueed where the wans and floor join A noticeable poInt In the woman's In, village at tbe , mouth of the great a novelty tor Americans. Above -to prevent the accumulation of dust not the lips but Ihe life may sIng. The ' Toucquel. ·",bere the rugled' faces all, It ,has Ita ' kursatJ, the center of which may. become a breecling ground faoultles of the mind and beart may linen oostume this year. bowever, Is and tbe qu,alnt' costume. of the In- all t~e ,aleWls of tbe I!easo~i whl9h for germa, Door and wludow trims, o~ form a ch!>lr tdr the h~b praise of that, while tbe tailored lines run to God. Thus may "all that 1/1 within us the sl,nplcst. In the dress. It Is ilearl y habtlallts made eXllellen~ spoil for the gives the visitor whv ; eeB ' 1t' for tbe tlJo may also be ueed. WhUe tile" may be obtained ID prao- ' bles8 his holy name." Reason with Its always offset by an e labOrate bat. This brush. Forthwith they BOught Ihetter firet time a moat: confused impressloD at the .ole inn aDd Ipread their can- of marble. and mosalca. braas; copper ttcally all colora, 'there la no colormajelUo bass, love with full·volced may be In the form of a floral turban. vu.s for tirey, III the Ialon for UM and gilding, rich banllnrs! palma and' that ~vel the Idea ot oleanUnels as eoprano, I!Jld conljclence With , clear, or something built up In tbe "nabob" 10m. Parisians Dotloed naDie, ~lrrora. 'J'be dike or "dlgUe" which 18 pure . wblte doe~ A. people . realll. , toned' t~nor _hould be le~ 'by will In turban form, of ma$aes of fancy tou· , Trouvllle. ' They allO met 'It lD aD built alODr the beaolJ Is ' a three-mile the advantage.ll of Ulln, ID both the the worshIp of God, There' Ie a true' lard, or tulle. with sbot. effects; or ,It artIcle by Duma.. When ~ot weather promenade, and at Dlght the Ipectacle kltohen ~d b~throom It I. comlD. rytbm ,of the Ufe, a music of the beart may talle the ~0J'tI\ of a large. ' wideeame ' they lourht It out. seen upo~ It JUlltdle11 the .~I ~at I,n to more and more ,eDeral ~ee, and that the soul may know, a . secret hea- crowned bat with a buge bird upon It. . UJldar the empire, 10 ,ean later, Ostend II "'the mad~eat. merrt",t" cit)' the economizing t. dODe ,OD aoiDet2ltal feD lD the breaat; wher. all'$lcly ths muae,) and v~lIed wIth tulle. Thh~ filee. ODe of the lP'eat ad . . . . . . . 01 choln of ,101'1 bave bquD the'r hili' .bot effect bAA even Invaded the field taIIdora eet Ita H&i UpoD ·tb. place. ~D Buro,.. . ' ' Or the lID. . Itself, of which a few exm.". bad beeD .wte4 by the duciJI. ~ C01aDtrJ ... 1\8 ....hpl'e ... tile (n the IdtGben iii ·dlat be1q Ylus. 1D0m... amplea have met my eye~ t)fi;ugh ID_ el. BeIT7 alld ".. a1ieorbe4 b)' tilt aorta. .,IIlt' of tIleDi .. lamog .. tied, e.... hot ....... caDDot be abo, It tUItI more tUIt. cliua ,...... yarlabl, ' ill 'IfJI'J' apeq.I'Ie wea v........ CIf tile l'au1IouIW It. Qen:D&Ia BIarrIb _ BliIbtOD. ' BraJ'. .. eorbe4. bat .. wlpe4 .olr u · .,.,IIJ' .. . . . . fill lialperfl ~. • ~.. ' . . ~..... It. . . . . . ' Ita ~ W~... till Bdlhlaa CIf 011 or • Jlate.






• The yoke and purred uDd e r s le~r.. are of white cblrron , Toque compos d ot small flowe .... wit h chltron taken round and arranged In a rosette at the side. Materials r equired : 7 yards crop. me teor, a bout 4 dozen yards Russia bra id, 1 % yards chlrron 44 luchell wid e, Oress for Girl From HI to 18 Year.. -A dress 1n the sailor style Is alway. so becoming to young girls ; It may bo ma de In linen or serge. Three tuc ks Ilre arranged each s ide back and front of skirt a nd blouse, on. tbe skJrt tbey are stitohed about four Inches. a nd on the blouse to wa ist . A darkor colored material Is use4 as a trimming ; t hree straps of dlffurent wldthl edge tbe skirt. 001101' and cutrs; ' the belt Is also of the darke r, and the single t, wblch Is In wblte. Is trimmed to matcb. Stra w hat t~lmmed with rIbbon. Materials r equired: 6% ynrds 48 Inches wide and about 1 Y.; yards dark material.





Chantecler Gloves Have Com. to Match Chantecler Handke ... chIef_New Hints. Tucked long gloves fi re In" and will stay for th e su:mmer. Pink silk gloves are re vers ible to yell ow. and Just match th e tearole gowns. White kId gloves a re sUtched In col· ors to ma tch the frock. Lavende r. ano pluks are especlnlly favored. Th e stltohlng Itse lt Is varied; • broad chain e rrect Is .new and pretty. Yellow lIslo gloves are cool and was bable. and look like the fashionable but he avy c hamois. ThIn brown oloth gauntle ts are go04 for the horsewoman. Cltante cler gloves. have come to match the cbantecle r ha ndker cblefs. A tiny rooster or a golden pheasant tl embroIdered at the e lbow. And this new embroId er y and back· stitching can qui te easily be do~ b, one's oe lt, which Is theIr chief attraotlon.








GIngham Gown ... Glngbams With ground" ot gray ot of th " blond" shllde s see D in cloths, lend themsel ves particularly well to combination ~·lth brlgbt pl8Jds, and some oharmlng frocks of these tOJle• .are made up with ftowered, striped. or plaid materials, 1I1Pfld with brilliant blue. red, or creeD. to whl• ..,., add'a d other acceat., luell .. a ~lt or nUl little bow. o£ tho laID. brlW_ ,.,... -Harper'. Buar• .

. .-..-_·-----1IL~l>~~~!.5~~J -.;. .------ .-:

~~~~~~--~~..,----~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~. . . . . .~~~. .~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!





I •

Just received a shipment direct .' rom the Mills in short lengt s, 3 yd '. to 15 yds., In Dress Ginghams, Apron and Sh'rting GOng hams, OUQ g Flannels, Flannelettes. Muslins, etc. A fine line of Dress Ginghams in large plai uitable for, school dresses •

- ~--

Inn HilI muJI

h a~

been on t h e !Ii k

Ii;; . YIi!':R Mildr tl Adams, of is vis iti ng f l'i nds h I' .

lif lOll,






- - -



'1'" 111(".,1111'

our \'~r)' C(Hllj,lute 1>'1,\1 IInu1"t

LJI"UI l·jt\lI \\11111 "ull IIIK". II u II 1,,1,,'11:8. IUflCY lilt:. il k S, hdU., ') HIIt 'ou lo/! t '. II' ,J,. H uwll l·tl .) o hn, uU, . \ llO til',; 1 WIlI.I I\.l,d:tlll ~tll\ ) 111'1, I il.y \'I~llt)l· nH. lr l ll ti~L JIll ' li n t le t! 1l1 " TltU I . U II h'l5 o!lrol' ~ Willi t ill) Will! , '"ruh lluwkillh. u uw l'~. ", II I. y Oll 11'111 tllI\1 lOlIr I,rlc low. I r "LII I"'" at \ ' bit·LltH·, ell I l)f hiil flll1\· t'U IIIIIII I<, 111. 110 W ~ :ItI. (J \I " kly Y"" ,'UIl 1l1 ~1l . :-\ull' ,'Io 's .. r,, 11 11I8~1''' l' lInllh '.11 '! III ti'"U lilly 11 II lI d ' I i Clur'}l'll Ill' 1)11\\ pi .. ",L, , h ippo" e . IIrtWI llI'l'I,u l,1. Nil IIh llhlY n''1'II I't~ 1. "~x dll J I'e t rrlw ry . W rit\' for JlllrW ' II Int'S. lIo U n; ~ It} ulWly. , 'J',\ 1 ' J)A ltD UHJo: SI:! 11 Vill I;. (;o U O . u .. l)epL. 000. U1111111(UlitoU. • 'll ,1,)11\1 1.1 . 8 Ictldol%l . wlto~ n wlfa \1 11 ::1 Mllggi,1 ri g ht. , .[ .?u ur ully, HIlI I Ub 1'. lJ ll Y 1I11 Iml lll" t :11 btl l,' \' \'!! ' U:; lt ', (l u I\' r,·,., t ii, t ll u t' III Llll y 111 1, III

WVI1l e ev r, of Ce nt . r\' ilk' , SI1C1 t 'undclY witl Ali'!' d nlld 1 '~lliul t "'·rig ht. Y'JU I' bc/H ltll' ul "' W 1m y ,m I h Illll , Ullwl' \\'ny Ul'c' -II I 1\-1 pOlJ pl1i \\' 110 :vi I', unt.! ~I l';; . • '0. \I i ll ~ and ~o n 1111 v ' l)ce n n' oIlt1 t! nt~ (f \ ls lw lllllllll. L indl ey . a tt ended y il l'l y me" 1ing' il l H I" lJl' . .1. 1,; Bro wII nOll flilldl y , \<\' ilmi nj.!' tll lJ IU':l wec'l\. nllw u f \ \'I I III I U lst t o n, Uhi,), .Iuhn l!~ .

Dr. M. Schumaker Veterinarian I tu,.; UP"ll 'd ~ all uti it-' in WaYllc:4\, ille f or pra( 'licl!, I'r (' al ~ ' all dist'lbl':4 of elll·

1IIt';; lie animal;;. [ am not Mr . a nd, Ir s. John Fromm and !ollllll! V rtlll' ", /l g ", lind .1 0~ . ph B" OWII ';0 l ' 0111 1111111 a ,.; YI) U mi ghl dauj.!'hl 1', u f Day Lo n, al't:! g uest;; of tLlld fll lllll .v, n ll w ut' IlI llI /lII l1l'·,l l", ilTla~ill e . I ha\' e b 'cn in pra '1 il'l' fur ~O yca l's. J. C. II nwke anu family . I nil. I 'a il s p r (l lllpt.i y altcnril'd L'Y l'u e; Fil:!il ul' , tll s \J ul y tIl tllu llll l' Il l' , 10 day U l ' Ili),!'hl. I )1'. Mary L. "ook has l' movcd hl'l' 01' . Ii l",hur 'l:! IUlil il y , n uw II\,lng 11 11" N ation'll r osidod for ~tl \' u ral YOltri-l,l think III oll ie' rlownstairs in Ih Pholle No. lI :t Bring us your Butter,Eggs Saturday's Specials Hunk Bui lding , Vnlley Phon , No . De n vul', '01 , /I ;;1; tU I' "LIIIII," wll ) ~~_ _. . . ._ _• • • • • •1Ii SHOES 1(j 1. and Poultry marri ed U . ·W . Lnll'e rty , lIud Once 11101'1' \I' ' will ufl"r :'i lJa l';; Ll' I1 U X S ua p .. .... IDe you II y ounge r broth t:l r, Homoo, hu vlIJg 1_ - --.- · Mrs. Hlwace Kir by 'and dau g hte r, 7 II)~ . I 11 11 \11 SI a;' ·It died h e r e sevel'lll yeu r !! II go. Men 's $3 and $a.uo fo r Eggs We pay Mi ,,~ Hm:el. a re in Traver::; ity , ito. • , I', , :!4 ' " I LJ ~ . 1.'lou r .. .. .. ... .. : ~n NUWfll VtlDllble Lundy, u. s ister of r~&. "'_ Oxfords at ........ .. Mi'll., Ihe ,,"uests of 1rs. a ll ia Prof. "V. H . Vtl lll~ bl o. of Cinoiunnt.i, a IU;I\'P;; B~ l'ad ......... 10\' Ladies' $3 Oxfurd ;; TO ~'~- ...:.. .. ..~. j'_ ~.• ~• "" B ~ ~ c· o.....,.J T hac k ' r . and Pumps, at I ( wb cse pup il I hUll tho honor to b e Cr eam CIWl''';l', a IIJ .. :We Misses ' Pumps I\ Jr. G. W. Wo II y an d da ug hLe r, during hiR firs t t e rm li S tellolwr in I Ih . ~e ed t'(1 I{ai sills , !lc $2.50 val ues, at .. . \V,,:, ':1t1 nlTn ~ llll g lH I11 Mi :l-~ HUJel, of olumlJus, are viSit. the hHle h riolt sohool house in ·'dis· :1 Ib~ . lJ('~ t PrIlJl (',.; .... .. This it" t ht> last 'hant' a t Pa y i II ~ I': III P Ill.\'IlI t: 11 t in!!' Mr, and Mrs , J . H. Culeman alld t1'iot No.2" over hnH a oflntury Il go ) Fall'Y P ·:!l·hl' ·. a IIJ .. the' pric s . oth('r r e lativ es he r. iR no w. with a younger s iln r 811n that YO li \\ il l e Jlj()y and IH IIl, living in Los Angolos, Ulltifdr. . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I~. . . . . . . . . . . .. . at hom e. \V rite tu-day nia. :\11':;, Emma DakiR a rt'i ved h om e Some o f WillillJU (;nd wlllllld r's AddrlSs f rom Dayton Salurday ev ning, She fttmily, ulso r esid o i n tlliB vicluitv . l' l · l rl'. Viol n. HlHlull lind Miss lui!.! I Spring Valley, wi ll s pend th winter with Mr, and Corwin, Du \' I~ were Cedll r ville \' is itors re • 'om Olll.~ es 1 now reoull uf Otll- • The Bullerlck Publishing Coo Mrs . F. H. Farr. 8ulterlc k Dulldlno. Ne w Vork. N. Y. cent\y . . I e rs wb o 1 ' t Waynes villo for tbe The b')ll yo f t he lion of Mr . I, Mis!! Minervu, Htlrl il n i~ vis iting I M1' . FI'~nk Moffitt ieLl Wedn ll~Wtl tll.!'I' ,/ (111ll H . lJow nR, EII)'.llbeth , and Mrs. Frerl Everhart was broug h t relL~tiyes ntllir Kingman. , ~!l Y lit hiS h om e t\ft e r n hn gt'rln g J e ' I' ami Ly dia W rig ht, uf ." pring8u.lti a uud Dillllh Cn'l k , w h \) h"v e r e hel'~ from Middleto wn Mond~y for lItr . Chll s Reeder, of Ci Doionllt.i' llllnetis . . bo rll . a nd Edward Keevt!r. of enbnrlal. • . . . . 1 is vi itiD g hi mot,h er . Mrs M8g~1 1'l H un t· ?:ld "'11 0 ro tl:! r vi ll e, a re s penuillg' a few days s itl E'u in o r 1\ 11I' }OWll 'Ity for 11 nuUlb I' of YPIH ;;, ,J . A (J R lh~ rt·s, 0" ___ • _ _ _ _ t urnAt} to tl1(1\r 1l111U III ltlX'I'l 'lrt l'l' W . J . K llho n WIlS 10 l nClrlnatl I 00 business llis t Werlnesd~y . I ' severnl w ee ka ' vi It with ht'r i tur , with [h', A. T. Wright lind family , Pt1llr ill , 111.1... 0 . 111111 DtlV ,. i\!l 11 \I ~, of A,ls \\'1 11 h e I" "tT tI',1 u".I",. Ihl . 1"' :,<1 lor ._--- ..,.- -tw,'U L\' U\" ,' f' I ' l1h rdr I lIn.' !' I IIM'r l l" QfC . Bellbrook Mrs . F inl Y· . Mrs R obert, Oollette and Mr . ] KUIl !'l 'ft! City, ul ~,) ,w m t of t h (11111) \\"1"~ 11 tI,; l ll ~ nu l illun ' tha ll 11\-,1 lin " " Ar nold Collette. of Harveys burg , I ' Mr. E lL!'1 Evun r etll rn ll(\ to hl !1 THE SEVENTY-N IN 'I H REUNION (\ I r t" III I Iy, Mil es lIn i A If ,. II I:lul v I. lted their. relutive, Mrs . Alioe I Claude LawI'on, north of tOWll , b OUle In Mt. 'Ytll'O')ll , Was h . Ilfl!lr unci fllmili fl~ , of To peltu , K " U IlU!;, LOST hil S been under the docto rs Carl' a l) lea!ll\~t viSit here Vet,emns of t he ::jeventy.ninth MoKlnsey F riday . It Iso E!l l h e r Mt rra tt ('henn), Iwd Mrs. Gao . Harlan Bnd daughler " w ith ple urisy . A or o wtl of young f.)lk tl et' joyed Ohio R egiment u:-Ilumbled in tbe 11/1.11 I..ycllfl B.. ,·,wn SlIire! of Burlington, o f Lebllonon, were reoent g uests of , C B I f '1 III b ll,y ride W ednesday oven ib g to OST-lII frout of r sld(lll ce of Mrs . Naomi 8arlan. Mr. a.nd Mrs. bas . re 8 o.rd WI I KIl Ktlre purk. of th e Juui o r Order 'fuef4do.y , in /In· Kan s ll ~ . lll, d (\IJu rJ Browu ,lunney, leave Wednesday fcr U l eenvlll e for • nU1i1 reunioLl, 8tlVenty. twl1 being the . . , ,. MrR Euit,h E1llrrl ~ . 111\ ~ ,'ll o thyAt. of ne/IT (Jlllen ll Itver Da via and Wife were 10 C1D , n f e w days visit with fdends and Mr. 8tou t Britto.n h,u purcha . eel num ber who II'Ht en ed to I" e ot'11 to "'tn ne. FIU.ler pl etLR Ii'll va u t HllZtltt.e clnnati Saturday . will at;tend fair . 1\ u\'"'\g s tore In M11I .1Il1S1Hll'g wblOh I.J • It h us been mnnv yeurl\ siuce 1 om e llDl1 rOOOI VO Buit I ule rowll,Cl. Miss Ado Snook, of South I,eba. h a will ta ke 1-I 08s e8slOu of soon Ord tlf b:y Ilpto in Melville Bllyes, 11nve lU e t some of t11e ))lIople referred non,spentSundav with Misses L~uru. Will 'rfl.t~ & George B~Tnett Who ( Miss Effie Conley . of Cedn.rville, ' Aot,iu g Pr idl' nt, witl! Seo r e tnry and Minnie McKinsey . have been In the West for thE! past 1M visiting friends bere . '. A , B IH'ris Ilt tbo tltltlk. Uolo n el to ill Ibis !.,tt r llll d if this ~ h ll uld FOR ALE Mr. and Mrs . JOB. Frame and Ilr. J year. arrived ~ome. last 'rhursd"y I i\1 rR . W. O. MeWbiney , of Kula. Ilm ll t u thfl noti ce of lIuy lit th 01 a.nd Mra. Dempsey DenniS, of Rlob, evenmg for" vudt WI tb theIr pluents muzlIo, Mich ., is visiting her brothe r A. W . Donn , CO UllluLD,ler ,Jf the reg (wlluld bu lUuoh plollo'letl tJ huvl' • - - - - - - - - - - - - - mond, were guests of M.r. u.nd Mrs. Raymond Urowl and f~mlly are D W . Anabee and otber rel"tiveSl. Iment nno Pre!' ldent of the Assoclu. ,\ If'lttflr tWill thum lit lilly t.irnu GOUf) farlll, "huro nmt., oon. W. T. Frame saturday and t)unday. spending their vaolLtion with rela · Messr£!. Boraoe Stump Ilnd Spring tion, wo . pre e nt uud greeted bis old With Olllny g f'loll wl~ho<l for thl' v IIl,mt lllqmre of .1. ll. Mr . Jas. Morgan is visiting bis Uves ll.t this pluoe. er 'rruDlan, of Albany, AIR, are Yi. complLUlOns \Vl t h U f~milinri~Y r e RUCOetl~ of t. he Gu)'.e ttn, 111111 very CIIII-III11I1I1, .ft IJ ~, Wllynf'<4vlllp, U. dllup;hter, Mrs. Wm . Rich , near I R. M . Mart)'. and wlfe entert~ined iting relati ves here . rUIll'ka hie for a man whu I S In 111t1 t.ruly T om B. (illrrutH'm . Wayne8ville. Ithe Cbristian Endea~orers at their The friends of Miss Bessie Ogles . elgbtY,tlixth YOllr . '1'here were ... _.. ' T OBAUCO STWK8- Abollt Ci,OOO 1 . gnud t o bll(,oo "tioks tOl' tla Ie. III . Mr, Osoar Stiles, of Cincinnati , iEl '1 bam'"V on W ' Fr~nkhn t)t . , last Frl ~ b ea gave b ar 0. peasant s urprise members prE!sent fr om lilrand near, Publl'C Sale Bu.tur d ay even i og . flllirol)fK I~1\l1. ijlltterwnrtb W,LYIlIiS ' viatting his mother, Mrs. H ope d II. y nigbt • · ' ~nt n ot. .,o IOlIny liS wert! wont to ' 11 01 Stiles'. MIs8 Minnie Underwood who hns Miss Marie Harper returned h ome f I bl f f --VI II, 11 0. . . . . onDer y 1~I!!t;em e ' . or so a r ll.~ I WI'11 a Ife r a t' P U bl'Ie a Ie a l my Mr. and Mra. Lindley Mendenhall b'eAn on.'h e siok II'st l' S g e tti ng be~ er FridayevAning froDl WIlklnllburg, kn OR HALE-Pilinn, snlnll Jlttnge bad as tbtlir goests Sunday. Mrs. Severlll from thi s pllloo-:atten enn . , "hen "he it' s t.udying to b<; lown n eo r n ~ f t:h cowrlldes res ide nce on Main s tre >t in Harve)". l 'on k Ht.QVf\ or wood ) Margaret Martin Ilnd son, Etnest the picniC at Mt. Zion Illst huturda.y. 1a nurse . have p'LS!!eti IIWIlY WithIn thtl yOtLr burg, Ohio, 'I lftlrll, pring Cut. Inquire r~t' Martlla-.of Dayton . ' . Jessa'Wetlver visited his brother II A number from hele nrb IltteDd. R ~v . Fa th er Hi ggmsinvoked t·hedi. Wednesday, August ,11, 1910 Ritl~A''1 (h ll f'r .v. Mr, Geo. Pease is in Springfield in Dayton last Sund~y. ing Yearly Meeting ut Wilmin g ton '. vin e blol'sio g " Auld L.ILng Syne" this week. . Mrs. Laura Raper visited her I Aroh Co psey, wife llnd obildren , wa llng find Mllyor HartJUIlD w el- The following beg inning a t J o'clock Mr. Forest Graef, who "is ' acting dl\Ugbter, Mrs. Will Fulkerson Il,t lllDd Mrs . Mar.v Copsey we1'O 'uests COOled the AARocia t iou in u neu.t. llu A lot of household goods cons is t, HELP WANTED aaextra agent Ilt London WIlS I1t Spring Valll'Y last I::!nt,urday . lin Nevtldl1 , ltlSt week. dress. An other tlon~, "Bles t Bo t.b p ing of 1 davenport, good as new, 1 home Snnday . \ Mr. and Mrs . David Fryer, of OilY: I - _ .. , Ti e thllt ~Inu!l, " and Il re ..,leetioll of oak wardrobe, c hair tables, s tand , 14188 Lydia <,irabam, of Xeuill, ton, are vlatllog he.r mother, Mrs . I Harveysburg. the old office r foll owed. 27 yds. ingrain carpet, r ag carpet, il! intelll ;;e nt, pe rRU U OIlty ellrn visUed ber parents here Sundtl.Y, G . W. Kemp for a fe w daY8. I 0 I d $ l OO llIonth ly oorrp~ l )l'lnllill~ , Th e Womlln's R elief '(1 rpi', ul. 4 poun( s car pet rag' sewe ,8 yds. till'. DAW S jlltll' I' ~ Nil Ol1l1vlI!4~illl-t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!"!-~~~~ Tho mlln y f rhmd!:l uf nu nt. \4l1ry W!ly!.! r ady Ilnd w illin g , hnd pJ'e, Wil ton velvet s tait· cu rpet . n e w with ~e ud f ijI' p~~rtlcu lll" ~, Pre!' .. Kyndl. _ _• • • • • Huines, ot tbtl .F rie nds 8ume rrgl'et pareelltO ex elle n t dinn e r , and 110 pads and buttons, feath e r b ed and o " t ~, B f)7 ~ 1 , L.nokp ll rt , N . Y . Ibe u.riugQf tile Il ccicle nt thllt b fell lldjournm ent; Wn S t llken, th e A so pillows, bet! cloth ing, o ne sew i ng ' ber, u,nd al80 wish h"r It s peed y r e· OifLtlon for fl. U. hOUT or more indulg. mar I11l1e, . I k d'ISI ' cans, C oc " l es ,f,nllt I co very . ., BUSINE. S Misll L ouisa N. W il90 fl is the in" ., in socill I, r a mi nistio oonverStltion stone jar, lamps, pi 'I ul'es , co m e r ,\ guel:!t of MISS P e urll::!tewlHt d uring Reasselllbll n g, "Mtlrcbiog 'rht'o~g h cupboard, two coppe r boilo.J·s , 3 tubs , the home.oom ing at Wilmington . Georgili" WU S Aunt{ With Il vim t.blLt pans, p ol! , skill" ts. 2 clothes baRket'S, NY ()N~, llnyw her, can stUl't 'rbe Massie Township stone cru h., n wll)<eoecl m e mories of forty !:Ol x 1 CQok s tove, l' gaso line stove , w inn lIIui I nrd r bm<inns", " t homl . Ier WilE po t to work I\\!!t week g l villg YMrs IIgo in c'very heart . A feeling dow blinds a nd curtain pole~ , . l Roy· No cnnvu l U I{. Btl y.OUT own hn~R. Iontire lItJ.tisftlJtion. I . d b th K re II P'lano , ud fo r fr~ fl hno ld t 'l't11lS how . rlll ll p~' lls e t u t he w eloome Il,ddress a p lano, ma e y e " Hetl oock, A 5(}20, IJ10kport, N . Y. Mr. Hedrick represen tin" ., P. F . WIl S ~IJo ktm by Cllptain J . A . DeAr- CO . , po l a t oeR, coa,I 2 b a thO ca b'm e l s, Collie I' & I:)on ill here cloing I~ thriv 1b . iog business. m o uo , of Cinoinnllt.i, nnd Judge K Il1l ay mal'e , ]2 years old, famil y mare Dr . .J. G. Maoy is li t home thi ll broug h delive r ed un I\ddross of w I. 1 sprin g wilgon, bu ggy, 3 sets sinR'Je week und n ext week at l::lpring V"I corn e on btlh,df of the Reliaf Cu rpl', harness, 2 soU; d ouble lad de rs , 12 ft. ley. rel' pouI\(1d to by Ed Lle tullioJe, o f section, ] seL double ladd e rs, 16ft. Messrs , Wnmpler, WutSOIl llUll WILyn e~ \'ill o, 11 ad W . 1:1 . Dakin, of sections ; 11 2, foot hooklllddel., .l ~·foot Co~tes of the "I::!eeiug Duytou" Uo . Sltbiolt ho,>k lade! I' ; step ladd er, ladd I'S, called on' mn.ny of our busines!' -- ladder jacks , ladde r tru ck, 2 bugg y \ men Thursday . We bope soon to be (OsteopathiC Physician) in touoh with tbe outer world by New Burlington. wheels and s hafts , 1 breaking pl ow, automobile. Councilman Bhidaker 1 h:U'row, other a t·ticles not men. Ilnd Mayor WlJson Ilre lihe flllrnest. Tbo~ . 8 1l.yrl OClk ILOd duugbter, tlOned. Tuesday and Friday w .>rkers in trying to seoure an out, ~aru h, !ltt·flll(l ed ~r 81lydock's reB" Terms: All sums o f $5.00 , and Of Each Week let for H Elrveysburg people. The iruontlll r e nni on u.t Sa,ndusky ll\st under. cash; all s ums ove t· $5 .00, "Seeing Dayton" Co's. a utomoiJile week. will bb here Fridny and Siltllrdll Y to a credit of 4 months by purchaser ,transport passengerR from our town Miss L'lurtt Henry, of T a le l o, wu·s giving a bankabl e note . , I Pfficc at thp. Gustin House the gUI:!!lt of t~e Mi"l3eR R eeve~ lust Ito the Cll'lton Centennial. week, F'l'ank Howe. III M'lln y fr?1ll hllrewu.ttended Yelor Miss Uillrimln H o wllmd. of Wi!. C. T., Hawke, Auct. Hours (~f Appoin tment, 8 a. m.1 n ~ MeatlDg' llt ilmington ast· mington, is Ilt' the horne of Mrs • - ... - - to 12 m, wee k, ___ • Ru th Morl!;uD . I Remarkable Tyrolese Dance. • • • • • • • •_ • • • • • • •; MrR . , White and daughter, I A s~udent of tbe 'rYl'ol·and Tyrolese Oregonia.' Em ffill , Ilee »way for a six week's people describes a remarllflbl e dance villit with Nuthan Wbite, of Kokcr in wht'ch the mole dancers beat time DR. J. W. MILLER, on the ceiling with their feet. Miss Mubel !5berwood il viiliting mo, Ind. Mrtl. Ettl1 Moss is visithlg witb "In Brandenburg and on e or two in Clarksville. '.' DENTI ST .•• Miss Laura Kibler bas Miss Verna Mr lind MrR. £1'. L. . Oonk/in, of WH . other TYl'olese valleys 'ivh lcb boost of oliogto n . a particularly muscular fall' sex," savs I Leming for ber gue8t this week . H HENDRICKSON Waynesville 0 Mrs . Tb om as Ho.yduok is the the writer, "tbe girl at tbe conclusl~nl Ov ~ence lllrig. Mrs. Will Norton iR enj ying at her swain's fantastical jumps or UI'OtiII ,B ros. Store , ' President ,u visit from her sister, Mrs . Beber guetlt of h.e r sister, Mrs E . D. Bur. catcbes hold of him by bls braces and Jan , of Wilmington. ' Hollingsworth. . hoists blm up, In the air. He at course GEORGE K, CETONE Mrs. MOlles Moltay'and Mrs. Ruth 'l'be MisHes Mabel Rherwood , Edna helps by jerking himself u\lward when 8pencer, COl'li. Ifersey and LILura Morgau are recovering .f rom reoent Secretary she IHts, and then, bulancln~ with . ~,8 . v· R~ fitl'S Kibler and Evan 8teddom attended illness.. his bands 011 her shoulders, ·be treads •. ~ Tetwbers'lnstitute at LeblLDon ' IBst Mr. Ilnd Mrs. "'iT. 0. I:)ruith 8pe~t the cetllng .of tbe low room to tbe.tune ~ :, . week . the week.end in Wilmington, at the music' and sbe' continues to Mr. and MrH. George Bl1cker en· , Admission, 25c dance around on the floor of the room. ( Id ' 1 · h d.ances are r~p Idl y' f ailing . Into 1 tertl1ine~ rellitlves from Mot;'row WHEN --:it: II wou. lute to suoPP y S uc ---~-COWS ARE NERVOUS , and Cincinnati t)uudIlY. . disuse, and it Is al~ost,· lmpossl/>le for , y.,ur table witn.this high- . .' CrandStand26c Mr . und Mrs. Will Kerlll)y anil the ordinary tourist to Witness' one f It is almost 'impossible to suggest, nowadays:" orade silverware free 0 oblldren, anil Mr . anu Mr!! . Ed Jef frey nnd family spent 'unday wltll a oure for some 'nervous hab.lts in ~ ,'" CO ~, write us' for our spe.Mr. II.n(1 Mrs. H. F.:Kersey. cows. If 80, rubbing them with . Any t;Dan caD fool a wo~aIl, pr(,). .Ctal offer. . Ad,dl,"css . . , Mrs. La.8enr is qt1iffe III Itt t·his sweet 011 after elloh milk'f ng miifht vided sbe d088r:1't fool him first. wr-iting. help. Give the OOW sOPle favorite • - • \ STANDARD (.IIPANI Mollie Rbodes of Indiana, WUB in f90d at milking t . i me to. dlstr~ot. he~ J Lote of us never know ~bat we iI-I' V.......Stmt. _Y.'" Y. " t'lwn Monday, attentioD ftOll) Ille mi.l klns act. want tUl we realize we.can.'t .8e' it,



1.98 1.98 1.49






J. KltBON · ,


Classified Ads














·S ept.


5, 6, 7, 8, 9

5, 6, 7, 8, 9




10ntgomery County Fair





Special Free Attractions II Each Day-3 Good I Races Each DayI . I Better than Ever , v.



rtm-· · · , ---FRa . 17 H·e ·

,Sept. , .


5, 6, 7;. 8, 9

5, 6, 7; 8, 9




" .



I ..






!_~~,~~,:-~~~u.!~~~p~~-:!~~~!. '_~~~~2~_~,~~_~~~~~! -1 M~' J. S. Turner, of Bellbrook, : , Mr. Fred Hawke was ut F t . Ancient was illlown Fria~ , ; Monday. M,', und Mrs. J. H. Smith were in l Mrs. Jesse Lewis was i Wilmington Thursday. Monday.

J. B, Chapman is in Montana.

Mr. J . M. TaylorwasinXeniaSunDayton day.

Miss Kizzie Merritt was in Dayton Mrs. S. L. Ca,·twright was in Day- Monday and Tuesday. Mr. A. Maffit was celebrating in ton Tuesday. Wilmington last Friday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest DaMiss Mary Latchem iR !'pending Mr. Robt. CroRs was in Troy MOIl- kin on Fl'i Jay, August 26th, a-son. wme Linll:' in ~pring Valley. day on business. Miss Elizabeth Mart i!l slowly imJ P : Wellell. of Wheeling. W. Va .• Wm . Sherwood was in Dayton sev- proving from a fortnight's indisposiwas in town Friday on business. era! days last week. . tion. Messrs. Warren Barnett and E. V. Alex I!;mley is beautifying his Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnhart wel'e i'n Wilminglon Friday. house by a coaL of paint. Lewis. of Lytle, Thursday, August " 25th, a gi rl. , Mr. Wes ~lump. of Sabina, Ohio, ' W. G. Hill. of Miami, Fla . • is visitwas visiting friellds here Thursday. ing his daughter, Mrs. Clem Burnett, Mrs. J. H, Livingstone. of Richmond, Ind .• is the guest of Miss F. B. Sherwood and Raymond Da- 'Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Perry and fam· Mary E. Bispham. vis saw the soldiers in ~banon Sun- ily visited relatives in Lebanon Sunday . day. Miss Annie U: Brown will return to her Rchool duties at the 0. S. & S. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zcll. Mr. and Miss Clara Hawke was the guest 0. Home next Monday. Mrs. Wm. Zt:1I aulae<! to Wilminjton of relatives in Lebanon Sunday and Friday. Monday. I Masters Alfred and Elliott Wright visited with relatives in Springboro Roy Irons was in Georgetown MiAS Della Burton. of Milfor,d, is on Sunday and Monday. Thursday, as a delegate from thi:; the guest of her brother. Mr. Jesse Mi~ Georgia Hadden, Miss Lizzie district. ' Burton. \ , Stewart and Mrs. W. H. Allen Mrs. Grace Smith was in Cincin· Miss Clara Lisle, of Xenia. if! the were Dayton visitors Saturday. nati FridaY atLcmding the millinery guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cad· ' ' ' openings .. wallader. Mr. and Mrs. George Sutton. of near Xenia, were, the guests of Mrs. James McCurdy. of Alexandriaville Mrs. ,S. L. Williamson. o~ Dayton, Esther Stout and family Sunday. has ~n the guest of Mr. IUld Mrs Ohio. was shaking hand!'! with friends Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to ChltS ..liough. here Sunday. offices in the new Morris building, T e European' tourists were in Lon Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gretsinger. of next to the postoffice. Lebanon. don last week, and are noW home- Dayton. are ~uPSts of Mr~ and Mrs. Otto Hornick ~ . Miss ,Marianna Compton. of Day. ward bound. ' , ton . is the guest of Mrs. Mary SatMr. ,a nd Mrs. Frank 'Zell attended Mrs. D. H. Gard. of Monrovia. terthwaite and other relatives here. , the Ale~der reunion at Spring Cat.. is the guest of her brother. Mr.. ' . Valley. Saturday. . .Wm. Sherweocl. ' Mrs. W. A. Hames of Harveysburg , and Mrs. F . L. Mawhinney sp'ent ~r. and Mrs. 1<'. C.Jonesand famMrs. Eva Barger was ia ' Dayton Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas ily ~ at tile Wilminaton Home- Monday attending the millinery Smart. ' Comin~ l~t week. oPenings there. Mrs. Emma Dakin 'returned to Mrs. Wanzer Conklin. of Loveland. Dr. and Mrs. Witham, of Kings Dayton Tuesday and will soon re-enwu the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oak- Mills, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ter Miami Valley Hospital for a secley Ridge SUl,lday. . A. StOops Sunday. ond operation , Chas, E. Wright. of Duq uesne, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. of CenDr. and Mrs. P. D. Clagett and terville. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J: 0. Cartwright were Penn., ane family visited with relatives in Waynesville on Wednesday T. J. Brown Friday. in LebanonSundav. . and Thl,.lrsday of last' week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cornell- and - Mr. Benj. Lippincott and Mr. and family a~ended Home-Coming in Mrs. Will , Lippincott were in Wi!Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Hawkins and daughtel' Helen were guests of Mr. Wilmina-ton last week. mington week. ' ,anti Mrs. Stanley Sellers and family Mr. tUld Mrs. Frank Pratt ' atte~dDr. and Mrs, p. D. Clagett ~ncl I in South harleston Sunday . ed the ~ome-Coming in Wilmingto~ Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis autoed to John A. Funkey has put on aule for tWQ' dayslast week. ' Wilmington Friday. this week une hundred 75c Men's Mr. and Mrs. James Zell,ofYellow Mis..'IeS Glenna an·1 Grace Smit\t re- P reale l)re. II Shirts to be sold aL 47c ,Sprinp. we e the.gue8U! of Mr. and t!lrn~d Saturday from a yisit to reI. Go early to have YOUI' choice. atives at Overpeck. Ohio. , Mn. Frank Zell Sunday. " Don t fail to buy th~ 470 shirt Mr. W. O. Gustin. Of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hawke are the l wort h 1Gc. Bargajns in ,ev~ry to~' Friday., enroute to the guests of Mr. and ,.M rs. J . I.I. Sears. parlment - CuJl ancl see us. Wilmington Home-Coming. of Chicago. for a few days. , John A. Fun\( y.





..- - - - -..,


Social Events

OrDv'i8IYletoWn'rO"g'I'l L(, petChieRl)fanWloiulbsu'D ' aanyd_

The lw lfth annual meeting of the' urganizu:ion known as The Five . - - - - - - - - - . - a tonians who perfect d the aeroplan . Points -Reunion will be held at the Mr. and Mrs , Ri chard CroHs, Mt·, have consen ted to make all exhibi residence of Mr. uno M I'!~. OscarClev- and Mrs. Robt, ross . MI'. and Mnl. at the DayL n Fall Festival. They engel'. on and one-half miles north- J. H. oleman and MI·.·. Louise will show, for th fil"sLtiOle . th g lid- ea tof Spl'i ng boru. 0,. on aturday. Woolley were guest of Mr. and ers with which they expel'imenll:!d a t S ptember H. 1!J1) 1'h I'e will be the Mrs. Fred Henderson at dinner unHuffman Prail'ie. neat' Dayton. ;and u ual baQkeL dinner and such other day. at Kitty Hawk. on the Carolina coast. entertainment as IS cu mmon at such 8S ~ell as the first aeroplane to fly meetings .. The committe~ hopes ~hat Mr, and Mrs. S. L, Cal·twright enby Its own power. These machines all whu WIsh to att 'nd wlil conSIder joyed welcoming to their home on h.ave been j ~alouslY guarded . veri t.hi a sufficient invitation . • Wednesday , Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Howsmce the Wl'lgh ~ began to achIeve ell Pierce. Misses ["ranc Fairholm,' THE COUNTY FAIR Edith Stanley. Martha and Margaret success. They Will fOrm one of t he most interesting of the 150 exhibits , Warner and Kizzie Merritt. ' in the Exposition Hall. The Wrights The Warren County Fair will be and their pupils will make daily held at Lebanon September 18, 14. Mrs. Walter Ze\l and daughter, flights while the Festival is in prog- 15 and 16. The managers promise ress so that visitors may be able to a lot of good things for this year, Mrs . . Wan?, of In~ianapolis, M~. trace the development of the aero- and it looks as though the fair would Hamet Lmcoln,. ~ISS Razel HarriS plane from the beginning to its surpass that of last year. Get in an.d Mr. Isaac Lmcol were ent~r. present state of perfection. There line and go. See display ad on an. tamed last Sund~y at t~e home of · f th t other page Mr. and Mrs, F. H. MIltenberger, are now t en en t rles or e grea· L tl Dayton Cup Balloon races which are , near y e. ) ' GRANGE NOllCE to take place ThurSday. September A d \. . b kf t ' ed 22 d dr.' h . I b h e ICIOUS rea as was serv n • an .W.IC wll e t e ~reatest Regular meeting of Waynesville in three co rses by Miss Kizzie Merever held tn Eu~o!.e~r AmerIca. IGrange Saturday afternoon, Septem- ritt on last Thusday morning to Mrs. ber 3rd. Election of representative Howell Pierce. Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. S. SOLDIERS MARCHING to State Grange. Flower. Fruit and L. Cartwright, Misses Martha and Tbe 9th Battallion. 0. N. G.• con- Vegetable con.test. ~1J fert~lizer or- Margaret Warner, Franc Fairholm, sisting of four companies, Co. A., of ders must be m at thIS meetmg. ' Edith Stanley and Edith Wilson. Springfie'd; Co. 13.. of olumbus; F. A._~~~ock. Master. Co. C., of Dayton; Co, D. of Colum- BELLBROOK HOME-COMING Mr. and Mrs. Ed'win Thomas enuus; detrained at Spring Valley Sattertained in a most royal manner urday and marched far as Oakdale The 6th .annual Home-coming of last Sunday the following guests: Park. where th"y passed t he nl'ght . Bellbrook, will be held there Septem- Mis3es Blanche and Mabel Thomas. " They were enroute to Ft. Ancient. bel' 6th. The committee are work- of Sidney; Esqr and Mrs J. T. Brown ~here the~ will camp' this week. , ing hard to make this the best re- of ' CenterviJ~e; Mr. and Mrs. S. P. The soldIers we~e all colored. and union ever held, and all are cordially Kindle. Mr. T. J. Brown. Mr. and thay. had a good bOle. The b~nd of, invited to come. Mrs. David W. Thomas. Misses Mame 25 pIeces was above the average. and • - Brown and Cora Thomas. Messrs. the people here were treated toa fine WAYNESVILLE SCHOOLS Arthur and Kenneth Thomas. concert at 8 o'clock. . ----The regiment left town at 6 o'clock The school-bell will be heard next . - - - - - - _. - - - - . Sunday morning and marched to Monday-Labor D~y-and scholars Lebanon. . and teachers will again be on hand ' • - • . for the term 1910~'l1. e- - ..- - : - - - - - - - .TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS ' __ ~ ' . . -Mr. and' Mrs. Tom Burch. of SidWayne Township Schools will open W. C. T. U; NOTICE ' nelb. are at the Orchard Island'Hotel. M~nday. SePtem.ber 5th. Parents September 2.1910. the W. C. T. U Lake. Vi~w. O?io: on the LewistoWl! will please.see to It that they let t~e meeting will be held at the home of Rese!vOlr. enJ~ymg a few weeks boys and gIrls start the first day If Mrs. Irons on Third street boatmg an:) fishmg. pol!8i~le.'. All members are requ~ted to be ' ' ' . -We certamly are very thankful to ChIldren, be present at the opentng present as it is the meeting to elect and let the "Honor Roll" be better officers ' ' our old~time contri~utor. Mr. T. B. this year than last. .. - ... Garretson. of Oskaloosa. Iowa. These Yours for good work. Mrs. W. W: Smith and tw~ sons letters conc;erning former ' residents E. H. Colvin, Supt. of Dayton, are visiting reiatives here: are intere'tting and we will gladly print one every week. Send' in your ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!!~!!!!!!!! contributions if only to let us know


... - -

t Fo-rm'er C)-tlZ-en's t


where you are. --Miss Anne 0. Kearney died Saturday. August 27th, at the home ' of Mrs. W.'F. Reed. in Chicago. The body arrived here Monday morning at 11:45 and, followed py a conCOUrfle of friends. was taken to Miami cemetery. where interment was made, Rev. J. li'. Cadwallader officiatinK' at . ~he burial service. '



e·· - - ..•. -



_.- - -

CH URCH OF CHRISl , Mr. and , Mrs. Fred Hartsock at~nd ~rs. F. C. Scnwal'tz. went ' Lee Hawke anu famUy will occupy ,tended the Alexander reunion at to..Cmcmn.att Sunday. MN. Schwartz the f1 iiL in the Pence, building recent. Bible School at 9:30 a. m,; preachClear Sprina'S. Spring' Valley, Satur- WIll remam for n few' days. . Iy vacated by D~; J. W. Miller, and ingat Ferry morning and night, day. ' ' The contest between Waynesville l ' d M . O. MissiidinJ:! will move, his family D r. an d Mrs. J , T • Ell IS. an . rs. . th ~ h 'll ' , ' seniors and the Ferl'y Bible School Dr_ J. ' W. Miller ' has moved his John.Mc~hlre. of Springboro. ~d9ited on , ,e I . ended Sun/iay with Waynesville dental office into the Bank '6uilding. ~elatayes tn Fosters Sunday. , j M'r . and Mrs. Ohas. satterth. wa.ite' l 22.S00 points ahead. Wa~np.sviJ1e where hope1 to see his old cusU D f B th I d u: Mr. Herbert Satterthwaite and Jtr_ had a grand total of 101,400 points tomers. • "ffl'· rat e. f 0M e e.' an lYuSS d M l·S. J as. M c' Dona ld ' a tt en d ed , and Fprry 79.100 points. ... an ." , T , , " ,Irene r(\\l. 0 ~nroe. were ~ues~ h . • f h P R 1.) I h . ., '11 b h ld In t eplc.mco t e a . . n.empoyees, T e unton PlcntC WI e e Mr. ,and Mrs. U. M. Whi'te and ofM~ssLuellaCornellSunday. Mi88l,C.ath ..yn Henderson we~~uests " . at ~prmg~eld ~esday' Hart.qock'swoods. Free transportaof Mrs. White's parents in Beaverft:lessrs. !larry Sherwood. of LebaM J' (' H k d Le lion will be provided all who may attown Sunday. ·" non. Goo. Zell and Wm. Zell m!lde . essrs. " '. aw e an roy tend. Everybody welcome, come , '. 'a 'flying trip, to Columbus Sunday. Irons;attended the Warren County with well filled 'baskets prepared to Mr. ' and Mrs~ Chas. Cornell and ' . 'I Ha~mg Club at Lebanon Satur~ay Mana&er J. F: Snook enjoy a days outing. Base ball crodaughter, ~uel1a, were Po'rt WiI- .'Mr. W.rh. Gast and son. of Atti~. e~eO\ng... They report an enthuslasquet. and a short program. liam and Wilmington attending lInd.) are t~e ~ea~ of Mrs. Lou , bc meettng and !l good supper. Last Thursday morning the wheels TOMATG CROP NEA,RLY READY The Ferry school is going to' show Burnett. of Hbrveysbur~, and other , ",. "'~ BI 'h ' d M b I of the Waynesville Canning Compathe victors a good time . Hoine-ComiJ1.. • ' f" . " . l' h I mIsses \JUra anc e an a e " ... - - -- -.. " ." re atlves ere. ' , :Thomas Messri Arthur and Kenneth ny'sfactory started, for the season The tomato crop is nearly ready, WANTED MiiIaes, Allee, Carey !n«J Irma " . . ' Th • d' I d tri to' of 1910. The'machinery started off and Manager Snook hopes to com· Hough ~turried from Spring Valley Mr; an~ Mrs. Knpwles C9nn. and ;, omas , ma e an o~er an P h just the same as if it had operated mence the canning this week ·The ' I'ta--M' re " ul"res O.l..,t ' rei" f~ I .. "' __ ..:....l . son of Springfield were guests of , Fort Ancient Mon'lay to see t e . ' . ' " Cosmopo I n agazme 1 ~ U ay, a ..era p easant l.IJ~av" " "'" ,I " -. for,a whole year. The factory run tomatoes WIll make a good'crop. and . resentative in' viSit ,with relatives there Mr. and Mrs. Isr~1 Satterthwatte members of the O. N. G. who ,a.r e m fI 8 ' Iock' th afte " th ' t . . ted t d b tte ' th I t the serVIces of a rep . . . " Sunday' and Monda:v. ' campthere. U~t~ bock to e dr~toolnW1k -II IsexPTech f °t 0 he . r , ,an as Waynesville to look after subssvp.1Ob E th ' t umed t . -, .. ,, ~~ a , rea ~r stop, an I 00!, ~ year~ , e ac ory ave an ~creage t' newals and to extend circulaK '' In . , M~ nho~el' t Ffrted , ft 0 I4r and ' Mrs GeOrg '" e Funkey of Messrs ' Lewis and Hawke ·the though this year's w.ork would' e clipse of about 75 acres. ' , t~on brey s' pec"lal methods ' which have a &JIl8ZOO , IC \. as ay a er . ,• -"' . , • 11 f " M l.. W . ' Ion ' .' ,a ,pleasuit viait ,with his ~rents" ~r. Chicago.; ', ~l'e ' ~pepd!.1l a couple of ~p?~,ar ba!bers, ' h~~e ~ured t~e a ~rm~r. years. . , r. , alles, of Wp~hng.' can pro,ved unusually succes.;ful. Salor! _ 'aad Ml'I ·A, E. Chenoweth. . ' -, w~ks 'Yltli their' ,patents,' M~. and lasepcy fQr the Troy, Pearl laun«Jry. f The. c°tomp~'y have· ~b9ut b500 :c:es Ime:~r. VlSl~edd ~heh.factor! Fnfday • and commission. ' Pr~V1Q~S expen, \ .' I ' " M,rs. J .. A. Fun~~y; ' 1;lMket will leave evel'Y. ~edn~~y ~ qorn, , ~, m~ktn&' a o~ " 60 an. e was O? . 1n IS praIse ,0 t h e 'e nce desirable ' but I,lot essential. , Th~, ~rden and", \\!!,f e, of. Rich' , , ' :t I." '," " . " Jmor~ing( and 'Will be back Saturday , acz;es mQr~ ,~han they ever contrae~ saruta~ ~ondltlons. . Whoie,time or spare timQ." Add.ress, monckleft , Monday for ,their, home. ' Ove~' one hu~~r~ and n.l,~ety~rd8 morning. Leave:your ,I aundtv with ,for, before. , Tile corn ~ good and ,l.S It w~ll well rep.f+Y ~ny person who with references. H. C. Campbell, alter .tteriam.~ ;y~rly. M-eetinJt' and have now;.been ~~n , to secur.e ,o ne . ,t hem. . ', ' .., mald~ ,mo,!'e than an ayerago ,:eo,n- bas !l~ve~ been throu~h ,the factory Cosmopolitan MagazinC), 1789 B~adwere parts of Mr G'eO' sates of the ~hd «!Gmfon Reed RoCkers I .' , aidtlnng thelate drought. to v~t, It. They Will get a better ay New Yo;k City , '" " ", . ) ~' , " , • Sev~rat hay~ . ~n , d,ellve.-ed.,:" We i Johp A. Funk~y'~ Shoe Sal~ is ' 'Mil~'i -Snook ,iii ' jia"iIant oyer .c~nception of the way this factory w • .. ..;.. ,~, , , II,; R. Hale. State Librarian.. expect'tq 'place one hU'n dn!d or more ; a SUCCet8. It wjJJ continue for 'two ~e year's Crop and the ,man~e~ in eMS its ' product. , Mana«er Snook AT REO BRI'.:K CHU~CH of (!olumbus; made ~8 , . ~leasaiat bY, ,New' Yeara. ' All ,the lacJi~ are ' weeks lon.-:er. Buy lour fine shoe/J" wb\c,b.,the wo~ \" ~~ng 'OJ! _W.ork- takes ~ins to hav:e people ' Me the , -- ' . ' call Friday_ ~e In 'town boOm· an'Xious ,~r a chair. Our cut-Pfi.-eI'YOur work sh~and the best,school men are plen1jful~ and they arel~ow factory. a guide show any Ruth Mutray wIll ~ iD4r the Bellbrook ~ual Bome-Com- sale 18 tb- ~WIe of !IO many BeCUribg, Shoes made ,In t!le Upited Sti~. puabi9$ the canning to its .fullest o~e tbroQgh at any time, ,and eQlain next Sunday at t,.e Red BrIck Cbul'Ch. _bII. , ,.' " " • Jo~ 4\,:' 'Buy Ih~~w and U:ve money. '" capadrtf.' \~e workings 01 t;he ,canne~. All are'invited. tocomeandhear~ . . '


, Mf·










the s.




Funk". '



The Miami Gazetfe

MlsmiD ER8"O OD hiM.





A rat got tangled up In one of tbe dynamo s which aUJlpl,. power tor tbe peat blalt furnace mlU of the Ulilted State Steel corpora tion at Gary, Ind., pys Loulavllle Courier -Journa l, It required leTeral hours to separat e the nt's remains from the dynamo and In the meantim e the corpo~aUon was losIng money at the rate of a thousan d dollars a minute. _Now the steel trust Is advertis ing for cats. Adverti sements lIave been Inserted In tbe Gary n ewsJ)apers, orrerlng 60 cents apiece, with no limitati ons al to age, sex, size, lledlgre e or charact er. trlfty cents a bead is a good price for cats a.nd the omclals of the steel trust are likely to have to cont~ nd '\vlth an embarra ssment of oft'erlng s. When the news per· colates to all tbe cities and small !towns of IndIana there will be a rush of feilne shipme nts to Gary and the _teel trust will nnd Itself with a sur· 'Plus ot cats scarcely less troubles ome !than the overplu s of rats with which It ~as been contend ing heretoC ore. Hun· klreda of Indlanll famJlles wlll willingly lPart wlt~ all their feline possess Ions "t a compensaUon at 60 centa pel' cat. ome thousan ds of small bo)' s w1l\ ex· lore ths alleys and woods beds until I e last bacJryard tence Is denuded .

MUCH DELAYED WAR REPORT Gan. Dan Macauley of IndIana Ra'atl' Humoroua Incldrn t That OrigInated 'In '64.

The following anecdot e as related by Gen. Dan Macauley of Indiana at· fords a striking llIustraUon of the humoro us turn that often concludes a situatio n original ly tragic. The begla· nlng of the story takes us back to "My friend," Bald the thoee sUrrlng events of 1864 whIch on the rallroad trau, "do yoU had the Shenand oah Valley as the the· Intoxlcn tlng liquors 1" ater of acUon. Rack and forth across "Sure I" cried the convivi al chap, that narrow stage wIth Its pictures que "Much obliged tor tbe Invitation. Got. setting strove those rcnl·llte heroes, I flask wIth you 1" SherIda n and Early, In the- most dra· matic, moment ous duel or tile war. ADd then the ftre cbJef 'Came In with Sudden ly In the course of a busy In this prolong ed contest coul'age Rnd a grievan ce, and tlle head of the de- afternoo n the partmen t ot water, gas and electric ity mIght have confect ionetT whIch )'OU determi nation we're well malched , bought at Skyscra per while I'are technica l sklU availed Itself and other otHclals . So the whole day City's progres sive passed, and 60 does the whole 3Mlar some restless ness shop might cause of every possible ndvantage to forco II pass for tbe mayor of Skyscra per teoth. You merelyon the part ot your tlnal Issue. have to go to 12th That lnat stroke City. "I wish to thank you tor the sample s treet, whIch la Skyscra per City's prise at tho UnIon of Early's, the sur· forces In lhe morn· ot Re ~ !lIo1 Soap 'sent me eeveral "A strange 80rt or place Indeed, thIs twelfth fioor, snd have the 'troublo Ing hoUl's of the ninetee nth of October, woeks ugo," w,rltes olty," you will say. "Where la IU" remedie d Mrs. M. F. Clem. by the dentist. Or perliapR was so well cone Ived and so brillian t· mer, Sunbury , Pa, -".At that time my Skysora per City, to e.n llghten you, Is some fruIt from the stand below mlgbt ly execute d It 1I1m08t deserved suc- baby's tace was a ublqllltous commu nity located In result In a little like, a raw and bleed. dIsturba nce In your cess. eYery part or the UUted States wbere Interior mecban lsm; Ing piece of meat. Medicin e from you wUl find a The nIght berore the battle, General tbree dltreren t physicia ns, besides va;:: has become 10 valuabl e that. In· doctor on 8th street. ' An occasion Wright, then In command (lwlng to rlous salves stead of capitali sts building onr a ,might arise where recomm ended by frtends, you might requlr~ Sherida n's tempora ry absence , or· all seemed to make tile Eczema wOrBe. lar,e area, they bund In a limited the 8ervlce s of a ; Tbe report from Plsa that royal en· laW7er -a bad-accouot dered a reconna issance to be made by Thcn another mother recomm ended space, and toward the clouds. or any of tbe ,many ..neers state that the IncllnaUon of In plain words, It la none other than simply will crop up UtUe things that one of his brlgnd es. On Its r eturn It Reslnol Olntme ut which I procure d at In !the leanIng tower at that place has In· the modern skyscra per, 'With fta Skyscra per CIty jUlt everyda y me, report ed no enemy In sIght, and this once, althoug h I h~d no more (alth III !creased elgbt Inches and that the populat ion u great, In many <lIlses, a. these emInen t practltlo swarms with a<lded greatly to the sense of seourlty It thlln In the rest 'I had tried; bllt. l')era. Tlie law that prevaile d among the u.n lon ~tru!lture Is likely to collapse will tend that of a third cia sa munIcIpalIty. troops, ever did I spend fifty cents to betta~ will always be sure Interpre ters so for It was general ly believed itO further Increas e the number of "But the mayor.... you wtll aay. "'Who' long .. Skyscra perot City rears up- Early bad left th\l valley ror that advanta ge. The firat Ilnd 8econd day. ~hos-e who beUeve tl!.at the tower was good, I noticed a remark able change, anti; ever beard at a mayor of a buildIng!," ,ward. discour aged by hls -recent d6feats \ Yes, the mayor. You have heard now at the end of the third week, lnever intende d to be a freak maGeneral Macaule y at this time was pretty blue-eyed, rosy-ch eeked babymy of a superin tendent -of a buUdlng, and Populat ion Over 10,000. 'onr)', but that It became Q wonder by I. attache d to Crook's COIPS as a brigade per!ecUy well again. I think the It the superin tendent of a skylcra per ~e yIelding of Its foundst ion on one curB An the stores In comman this "city" are 10 der and !ltatloned on the ex- was surely someth ing remarka ble. housIng tram ftve to twelve thouian d ~Ide. 'All a "drawIn g card" for tour· fleople haa not as much right to the cated In Main street-n ,othjng unusuDI treme lert, the late President Hayes Reslnol Ointm ent and 'Soa1' did In fats the famous leanJng tower has had UUe of mayor as the chIef executl ve for munJclpa\l{ ea ot Its size. In onlf holding a similar position Ln the same three wceks what everYth Ing else /nlue In addltfon to the hIstoric con. of a commu nIty of, say one thousan d, particul ar case this street Is more corps. failed to do In four mOliths. My baby deratlon s, and If It should fall there "My ~8mp," sald General Macauley had beeo pO!litlv,e ly dlsftgured, spread along a couple of streets. than three hundred feet In length, anti now Is traverst \d dally l>y thousan ds of '~as aroused just b~ rore daylIgh t by bls complex ould doubUe ss be a demand tor Its where the city Umlts are marked :out ion la all right &gala" people. More than twelve the hundred noIse at light constru ction. by firIng. While It nt· fence ralls and stone 'IValla, _then A modern bullder Reslnol Ointme nt cure.. all eldn the United '!3tales Is not a demoeraUc t'eslden ces are located In ~18 "clty/' trsated some attention, we regarded troubles , (rom' pimples to the tOost dIs:E Uld gIve Pisa a leaning tower of ench beIng labelled , on the front dOOl tt as pIcket firIng only and of no con· figuring eruptio ns country . ater IncllnaUon by using an an· and raabes. The Buildin g operatio na can't Ifa on with with the 'name of the InhabIt ant and seQuenc e. But upon Its continu ance first applicat ion stops the Intetise Itohored steel skelet~1D and clotbln , It Ills busines s. These reslden Bome oes moment are ll longer a group ot offi· ,Ing of 'lllczl?tl)a, Itchlng' PUes, pru;ltu a. tho spirit of emulati on that now holds with well fastened veneer. betwee,n contrac tors without the- Sky· specifically termed otHces, and eacb cers gather ed Aull dIscussed Its pos· eto., and subdues tb~ -pain of 0, burn sc'r aper City of a 't ew yean ' benc'.! one II "Islted a number of times dut'- sible meaning, none ot us, however, or soald Instanta neously . It 801d , A speaker At a meeting of a medJoal being , In 'sore need of a real IJU!,JlCI: Ing the day , by the . postman . , 01 having -a ny Iii ell. that It cnme from the In ev~y lendln~ drug store Is In the' courrJe, lomety In New Jetsey declare d tbat It would ta~e one enemy postman In force, especia lly atter 50 reo world . a pal admin1strsUon, with a mayOr, .1lome ot the greates t surgeon s living dermen and all the other public len· gooel many hours to ' cover the entire <;'ent n <\efeat. At thIs junctur e a' mn. Booklet on' Care of the Skin and ~ad left sponges , foroeps nnd other in. nnta th~t make annual election s nee· route ot the "city," C~lD8eQuently tha jor general rode up and ordered me to Comple xion Bent free. " Wrtte. It, streets are divIded Into territor send ies, a so starr officer to tho place from Reslnol Cbemlc "l co" essary. It has them all now under ~truments in the abdomi nal cavities BalUmo're, Md \ SkYsc:raper Olty may be said to whlcb tbe tiring ev.ldently came, I1Uferent names. ~l persons operate d upon, and that the ~nd ita own postoftlce delllU'tment. tr t.he trouble wall found ' to be serl· There are, for Instal}ce, _ !he memo , IP~oUse was "Inexcu sable," This Doll HOUH Library . ' of the health departm ent, W~ch In tJda p~cu}ar '/clty" one .. treet II ons, to order a reglmeJIt that Wa& sta. A search for a chUd'a abon stor1. ~ke:l cheertu l readIng tor tbe lay inbabita ted by more than seven sanitary body conslats of ' a corpe of hun· tJo~ed there to ho'll! Its position "The Griffin and tlie MInor Canon," jpubUc, especla lly that portion ot It that able ,bodIed women, equippe d . wltti dre4 people. 'l'Jl'.; "cfty.. bas torty· any cost and nU bazards. . 1 had on In "a volume aU by Itself reveale d to a Ihas hospita l experIe nce In, prospec t; mopa and palla and c:omporung volcea. one_strel)ts, the en~ire ,popula tlon be my staff a certain major who was II rsls tent city shopper the thought Ins more than ten thdusan dfJltlng\ il, ' Jlahed COE~-lilll--.g~'8a-HI!OUlt'llj~-rlkll1t-ttt001ey-1h8 are . ~ut the statement~o~t~'=~~~~~~~-J!I!!!l"!f1!l!g~~ alone fs sum· expende d ob the-' this practise Is also puzzlin g from the There Is Qne thing In this same city clent to suggest an analogy between furnishIng of (jOlls' house., Book of, wblch the Inhablt faot that It must be a more or less ex, antl maY Skysora ller City and ' weJI be repreilentft. JI\ores had not the story In a Ijngle tlTe Americ an IIIl1D1e"lpallty, and should proud. It Is , the transpo rtation sys. ~enslve practIse to the surgeon s them. volume, but In a -departm ent store _ 'tem. It conslstl l of twenty· three el& _give the former a lasting right to tbe !ielves to be so careless about losln8 one y.oung ~'oman lntervle wed bad ra.. vatora, -the combined capacit y heina name of a thJ:lvlng olty. ' l1'ood instrum ents. cenUy 'been transfer red from tb,e · toy I . about ten thousan d people an hour, ~!!:!.,~ HE mayor of Skysora per departm ent and' was able to contrtb ute ' Policemen on Patrol, 'I'ranap ort"tfon I) these cases Is both ..4 City had been laboring , Then :l helpful hint. , A New York woman was fined ftve there are the membe rs of the Quick and_ sate. There fa no tbe whole day with many mortal· "I think," she said, "you can nnd It police departm ent, whose main dutI Ity In conneei lon wIth ~ol1arl! forgett ing d~nk ' In publlc of the problem s that"'d&- In tbls transit In one ot the dolls' houlleS downat alrs." the suppres sIon ot crimina lity la to 8)'11tem. An elevato r In one and using the large "0" to 'a police. volyed upon him as one see ot the Curiosi ty , had by that time _become tbat no one' walkl oft with \Ulan. New York seems to be doIng any la est of ,New York's -aherap er mu. respons ible for the V(el. a sauce to literatu re, so the .hoppe r part of the buildIng or Its content l. nldlpall tlea travel. 648 teet Into the (something to keep the cost or the fare ot , ten or twelve These hurried downsta irs to Inllpect tbe don are the watchm en, who patrol air, all the way up to the !Deoesss"les of life on the Great White tbousan d people. fortletb All continu ously nlght hOIl IlElS. ' Tbree of the most expenal ve ' and day, and the street, and , this without the Inco&o ~ay within. reason, .these had been prob- m'aln houses contaIned llbratle s conSisti ng 1eJn8 ,differen t rrom those pol1cedifferen ces bet\V,~n them and th~ venlenc e ot ohangln g call, whlch " l. of a score of, 'diminu tIve booka and ot your recogni zed city are that more thaJ;1 can be sa)d at New whlcb common ly arise In they each book contain ed a child's story , An Engllsh man has paid $700 for a are paId 'less and are, perhaps , '91ty's car lines at _tlmelt. Tbes~Y elecomplete. One at ' them w.!ls, "The 60o.Year-old alphabe t. He could have the admlnis tratlon of the aftalrs of a not ' aubje-c t to periodic al charges ut vators ca.n - carry twenty: municIp ality. In the ftrst ' place, Grlmn and tbe Mlnol' C!U10n." gre.ft. Nor d'o they have to parade for pounda at a sP,eed :of six ftve ' hundred 1got a new one for nothing , but these ecraper , city had no unempl oyedSky· hu-n dred feet to compos ed of the electric ian. and ,Britons are so conserv ative' . . a minute, which meanl tiling ' with proVide ror. It had no prison. , no who ltand out In the sun, domng some rapidity , LEG A MASS OF HUMOR poo~houlel; no hospital s, nor any ot their hata and smiling approvi ngly, the I St ,Loul8 Is howling for a barrel of the many other publlo Institutlo Again, In the methOd at lIummonlllll D,S wbJle, patting each -other on the back the flt'e departm ent "About 8even yean aeo a smaU Ifree Ice water at each corner. WIJI that are part o[ the average Americ an police de· tu appreol atlon ot the departm ent they partme nt the similituordethebetween abrasio n appeare d' on "rot.. rIIht 'lei ~ce cool that concret e c~tnPosltIon city. And, furtherm ore, It was not have • developed. lust above my ankle, ·It Irritate d m--- ---, munlclp altty and Skyscra 'lfondl Y thought to be water In St. periodic ally rent by politica l strife. What more heroic ~bd pictures que II inaln~hed. : In the big per Cit' 10 that I bepn to acratch It. and It Tbe populat ion, neverth eless; waa a ,ClUes, wben Louis? began to spread until my leg from my most exactin g one and In this respec' body Ie there than the ftre depart- ' a policem an Is dellirous ' of bringing snkle to the knee, ,w 8a one solid seale. Skyscra per City waa unUke the aver· ment, with " Ita red ' shirted or ' blue- about a meeting between lome ro; Doctor Wiley says' t~t there'a noth. age Americ shirted Ulte a Bcab. The irritatio n '*81 ality. In most, men, ; or any' other color shlrted, ereant cItizens and the -judge at tho I Quickly RecognI ~np; espec1ally dangero us In klsslng - communltleaanthemunicip zed My Lost Me.. worse at night and woull1 not&1"aYI grapple with court be summo n, a-b appropr iate allow people wlll stand Idly flamesready and esger , or anythln~ else, under any conveya nce by tinging up headqua exc'e pt the prospec t of marriag e, we by and see the politicia ns dlylde linger. 1', mo to Ileep, or my wlte'elt her. and it r· the conditio ns and at ever)' momen U In ters from a llt~e boi 00 the pre!'ume. was' complet ely underml,DlDl OIlJ" loot of officebo ldln. without eyen corner. He was a good deal of a dandy In health. I lost flfty pounds weIght looking to their persona l Interest s. In Skyscra per Olty the tire departme'ftt Th~!lre departm eot m,lly be requIred , dre~s and manner and parted Ali hair and was almost out of my mind wlth Some one haa discovered 61.000,000 -Skyscr aper CIty, however, let a win· consIsts ot aD e1l\clent baad 'of men u and It la sImilarl y called. In one Sky· tn the middle ' and well was, trained all the ftremeJI of a large scraper ·Otty In CblcalO wltha!, the wit paln and chagrin as no ma~ter' 'Where \germs In a malaga grape. SUlI, for all dow be broken, let the voice of a radl· munlclp allty and equippe d 'WI~ all the ,systom ot signals, possiblethere II - a and wag and the most gallant ot our the IrJ;ltatlon CaDte, ,at worlt. , 00 tho .of operD. headqu arters famlly. Ithat, malaga grapes are pret~y good ator be raised In plaintiv e protest latest I said to him: devIces for combat ing flames. street or In the prelenc e tlon from any part of the a,ainst too much steam, or let the waeating. .. 'The general Is scared, but go and 1 wonld have to 8cratoh Itor' COmPaDY,. And 't here la the . departm ent of which per.mlts of an ~mclalpremIses. until I ter supply .be affected by too little , gettlns lee what thoBe plokuts are shooting at, the blood running down tnto my hadpressur e and the mayor Is iutantl y water, gaa' and electricitY, the latter In touch 'w ith hIs subordi nates at an, sb()O. and, If neelis be, tell that colonel I simply cannot- d8lctlb An elghtf·t hree·ye ar-old Pennsyl va. besiege d e my suffer. by angry consUtu ents d\l- compos ed ot the elecrlcl ans and as· Inutant. . And so tar all the postal de. v;.h~t to do.' 'Dla dame takes her first ride OIi II mandln g this or Ing during those s-evotl" feilr.. The tbat officlal's remova l s.stant& In the enghie ' room. !rhese partme ot Is concern ed, there Is - the "The-o rder was scarcely given and pain, mortlftoatloo, loeil large buUdln p do not depend upon letter chute, running \t raln. She coulCln't learn any younger. tram oMce. ot sleep, both to every floor, the . major out of sl~ht wh/iln pande. These were aome of the annoya nce. otitatde lIources for theIr. electric ity. \Vhlo~ mIght be se.ld_. to corresp ond monlum ' broke loose. Volleys by regl. to myself and' wlfo i8 simply Ind~ Even In hot weatbe r BODle self.sac. that had wearied Skyscra per CI~y's They hnvetho rough-ly equippe d plants, to the letter boxes Inatalle d at varJous ments, ,brigade s ~nd division s poured Icrlbabl e on paper and one"has to ex-, rlficlng, hard,wo rking ' Correspondent chief magistr ate. Even while he sat tor Dlanufa cturlng :their own. As far polnts- througb out AmerJc an cluili. Into us /1S the eneUlY we had thougbt parlenCe It to know what l,t. 18· ' ' baok in his cbalr, gazing at the ceU· aa tbe 'water departm ent la concern ·' ' So the Immens e buDding operatio ns . , manage s to sweat out a war scare. "I tried all kind I of dootorsi and rem· . 80 comfort ably dlstan" came rushing edles ed, one New Yor~ sk)'IIcrl lPer but has I a mlgbt as well ha.,e thrOwn '. of the Umes are ~surroundlng resIden ts through OUr I1nes, taking .,us complet Ing and ponderI ng upon the design. epump, l nll station that ~s' oap~ble ot ot z:eal cities with, thes" -twentie th I b I my money down a aewer, They would Staten Island has seen tbe first sea In the decorat lone, the chler of pollce supplyI ng sufftclent y y lurpr se and giving us ,no dry water' to furnlllh -century muolclp alltles, . with all tho chance UP for a llttle whUe' ahd flU me to return a sln,le shOt. I loon aerpent , and now the lid ought ot be walked In and announ ced that he wu a city. of 360,000 people. . o-m cers arid !aws, In dltrerep't form, had bUsiness In Indiana , but went first with hope 110 'Vlfllvor.ably Impress ed with the put on S. I. only to break' out asaln ,ult N9tw here Js where " the sImilari ty of a regular l, charter ed people at No. 1511 FIfteen th street to Wlnches~er In ~n ambula nce to see as b~d - If not ~o"'e: r' city. There that he would recomm end their en· betw'tren the 'akysora per and the recog· Is nothIng mllslnt , 'aot 'even the fa- the lIurgeon8. My major, ot courae, hope ot ever belng ' curedb~ &IreD liP W~8D .l wu nllea city Is made atrongl y apparen t. dUties for travelin g 'home Two Dreadn aughts will cost $23 000. torced departu re. I did Dot see again. ' '1 l!duced by my Wife , -&lve,th e dUuskyscra per City often has wlthtJl Its without ,lea,ln , the conflnetram work. 000, but tiat can't seare a d~ead. ' ''Seven years afterwa rd I was hold. cura Remedi "They are always breakin g lome s ' of ' - tbo bbundar n"urht. buUdlngB, for '80me 'of ,these lk1scra p' Ing a mllftary, ('ourt at ' Arinapolla, the, Cutlour es a trial. . After taktne law or other," he exclaImed Indtgnllnt· aupply le8 establll lhmeotl wblch a ~medl_ for '" a little every need of a hUJiro , thlraty, era ' have ,prlv~te entranc es to sub",DY Md., trying an ' I~terestlng Iy, "and I want to get rid of , them. dirty; case that while I bepil to, "e i chan,e, alld . naked cltl.en~, . , , an4 elevatec l U*lel. ~il'! aU llDust n~t ' h!\d "rawn a ,gr~at crowd ~o the coul't atter taking a dOl8n' Forty·fo ur scrubwo men have been rhey haven't paid their taxes" either, tiottlb Of ~u.:; No need to die of IJta"atf on necessa tlly ;,be work here any mor8 room. In t-be very midst , of ' an 1m. 'cura Re.olve laid oaby the city of New York:- New for the last month, and; 'what's more. ,you to, nt., III oonJunoUoD wJu. ' be _ conflne ~ ~r I,te, Iii thao _ I~' ~nl other, clti~ portant they If have th,e arguJ;D a Inhablbarrel ,?t a of -big,. gasolen e In their I~,raper CIty while Its handsom e fel, ~e Cu~cura Soap and Cutlcur a Oint;. '1/:ork'a econom y fad knows no bounds restaur ant. taitta 'Of thla modern InB'tttu~'On wish low .enter~d the door; elbowed lila -way meD~ possess ion, whIch 18 a violatio n "of tbe ~e trouble ~ad en,t Ihl)' ~P.: , able to got 8, dinner togethe r, -Ua t~~ rellreatl oo lome Skyecz:aper through the cbow~, aho'rtnlf rlgbl ail4 1Mla'red, and law." would ball.18b all feat or longln', ,ml 1~. ~"s iaa, Bn. ¥ Down 1n Pittsbu rg the overcoa t mao " ~rci an opportunlt)O b'y ' hav. - left: dt~turblrig, inte~pt(ng and ~iop80 a writ of deporta tion was Issued 8Omethlnl' to render 4ay I ' W88 ~OrD, ~ow aABl' .,~apli" of • the throat" kers have gone ali a strike. Thla may And the chief of palJD""' prdens laid bu~ on the roof, plpg proc~gs, w)tll he reacbed the s~ , month a with DO ~" ~'" ~ polioe withd'rtllf ex· stomac h more -, comfor table "ltbol,lt t,w~ ; < be, tb't psy!!hologlcal momen t tor an 'altantly , makfng way for the head , ~ Nelge's, seat., rbell with a sharp QUci ~D"- I of ,hope of re~IVfnl It) ' its haberd ubeO' pe~."UJ .ate til utA!Q4• • oyercoa t strfke, ' but who'd he )lrnugbt ,biB beela f togethe havtl the health boar!,t: , r, raIsed' , log to you my heartt6 tt and t8UOr could, clothe yoo hi. the (oJ'! the - , ' quite True, ., bls II:rt;D ,i n. bl1ave military Salute aD" 1094 lbe CUtlcJlfa' Remedr ~oucbt It? "In Tenth atreet," llaid that dlgnl- eat fashlun :; ' lis -she& .. bale 40~6 ' .tqre "',uutd BIU-B e aa,.a hll 1)OGu. aang ou_ " t " : ~ia bett " . "I find there-Is a leak In the ~ew· tend -to ~lIe r~r me. I u.-11 ah'aie ,rtco meDd ~f' k"JI~n.. 70~" frlendl. .' . /"-'Oe~eral, MacaUley. there Isi)'t pipe. I am having the aanltarr weU Ibod •. , t~sk ~em . tb In.l' rrle~l. ~ ' H. , I!:,B , b aUl. ~vJatlng and balloon ing kin a man IQuad remedy wd,d lte, . be "l~Wel l, he- ~ 1IIa ·'C& \20WD 0-:-4 thlng -over' tbem but -1\," Qenera! ' 31t1!L pal>ot'St;, PhUade1plda. J'i:, l'eb. ~dy to,op"n their 8l'1li. to fOU'.• e,..,.,. day. 0J,'- two just to prove that the >The mayor wal be ~eta tI"'4 CIt 'e~ ~t of· o.o,-don's 'Geor~ dlvlllon.I' · , ' endeav orln, to enr, .ant tor thlnp proc~b , &u4 Apr. 18, "1to~." , le oob- fencllq 'em.-y'pnken Statea ld. aiI'll a Icing way [rom being cdlllq\"ldll "J quickly I'fi!eognlzed my Jost'-mea: Jai deaJl1l lD (n a confeo\looell'a' .bop_1Iould '. .,. tl,ll. M Utc.1 " l J8t "-S8!lgel'~ ~OWIed~ed bla ~rd" l'eJ)Oil Wm on _the noae e4, ' wbUe JOU woul4 m~l1 b.Ye to It I.' IIald ore Nt It \0 tau. 01' whleb PIl'ttlw ar d. go downlWra allould "q IDd told ' t}le , t:l~.yera C!CIU.r t w.. ad' \VouJ~ tather feel th.t ~~ ltlD' bla nOM joatDecI unW the 'Ue~t d.,.; then til, would lilt, It he were 'to' 10111' blpp!nU 8 ~t be e~ bl DeeDe nt hot weathe r eure... . Bgt: don't II rIH and ,meet the celllJll, ad tile a traaraDt ~"' d J"~ ~K • teDDJa matcJa. ··Tbt o~ · .. fruit 4,1 aa4''' '' If . Is I., . MalUl iIo¥4 om.., ..., OIl "'. matll '


Had Lost Faith In Doc- ·

tors and Medicinal'

















j '







Summ·e r Robes





HE word "witness" Is one of the great words of the . , BIble. It Is found at least a hundred thnes 'In the Old and New Testaments wltb reference to testimony to Vegetabl~ God; and the thought that 11es be· neath the word Is simply "telling out Chicago, IlI.- " I was tl'oubl d with wllnt we know," tor which any child fall and I\nd tb docIs competent, and for which even tbf I could noll greatest man Is no more than compewell unless I an op ration. tent. To kno\v something about God I could not and tell what we know-that Is wit. tho strain of ness In the true BIblical sense. one, so I wrote to Tb ere Is tbe rolatlon of the witness . you some time ago to God IJlmselt, "Ye are my witnesses, ': about my health salth the Lord," "Ye shan -he wit. : you told me ; what to do. Alter nesses unto me." God depends upon ta ki nS' Lrc!ia E. human witnesses; the Lord Jesull Pinkham's VegetaChrist Is dependent upon bls follow· ble Compound Bnd ers for witnessing of him to a dylns ~-=--..:...L~~..-.L..-I '>J I.~od Purifier I am O LITTLE hM been wrItten of and cat calls. On the other hand, II world. If we do not testify for tbe woman."-Mrs. WILLIAM . t~ Samoan lalands tbat many you submit to extortion ratber tban Lord by lip or pen, how Is be going AnUENS, 088 W. 21st St., Chicago, Ill. American cltlzens are not even take any unwortby advantage over to I)J"Oclalm bls gracious KOspel! ThlB Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com: aware that to the United Statea an Ignorant aavage, you wUl be In· grent work ot witnessing Is tbe mag. pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmgovernment belong/3 the finest vlted to come again. nlflcent and all-comprehenslve work ful drugs, Bnd holds the record coaling station, at one of the mOlt The turnlsbJnlgs of a Samoan houan ,f Christians individually and collect· for the largest number of actual cures are simple In the extreme, and lIurlnr Ively. As long as tbe church rests strategiC points In the Bouth seM. of female diseases of any sl milBr mediDating back to tbe early part of the the day consist only of rougb mats upon the rock·foundatlon of Peter's cine In the country, and thousands of year 1899, the two rival factious of spread upon the coral floor. When a confession, "Thou are the Christ, the voluntary testimonials are on file in Snmon, tile "Tumua," or party led by Samoan wishes to build n house he son of tbe Hvlng God"-the founda· the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn. Mass., from women who have been Chief Mataata, and the Matua, or par· utilizes the serv Ices of all his "," tlon upon which our l.ord said be cured from almost every form ot ty led by Chief Malletoa, beld a or rel.a tlves, and ferythlng Is rr.anu· would build his church-·"the gates of female complaints, inflammation, ul.. "tono" or mass meeting at Apia,' on factured (rom the crude mat6r1al hell sball not prevail against It," but ceratlon,dlsplacements,flbroid tumors .the Island of Upolu. · gathered from the hillsides. The flOIII' It shall stand unatrected by demoniac"" Irregulari ties, periodic pains, backache: Both Mataafa and Malletoa aspired plan of the house Is of an oval SllapR. rage and malice. Indigestion I\nd nervous prostration. to th e throne ot Samoa, and the ob· This space Is leveled 'Otr and covered Dying Thief a Great WltlleBs. Every snch suffering woman owes it to hersel! to give Lydia. E . Pinkham's .Iect of thIs meeting was to aettle "the with broken bits of coral which aTfl The STeatest witness In the word elf Vegetable (Jompound a. trial. dispute andplnce the tlghtful king on gathered In abuuda nce on the beach. Ood, next to the Lord Jesus Ohrlst, III If you wooId like special advice the throne, writes Eugene D. Park, by th~ women. Surrounding this not Paul the apostle, but tbe dying Jr., yooman, U. B. N., In Los Anreles floor space a set ot poles are secured thlel. We have long depreciated the about your case write a confidenI'imes. The deciSion, when rendered, In an upright pOSition, reaching to a penitent thief. There was the dark· tial letter to Pinkham. at declared ,MaUetoa to be- the reigning height of about six feet. In the cen· ness over all the earth, there was tbe Lynn, l\lass. Her advice 18 free, forms a sort of draped cuirass.. ftD. The robe at the lett Is of sage green king of Bamoa, and this decision wall ter two or three large upright poles, dyhig Christ, and even the dlsclple8 IUlcl always helpful. ilpheld by the Uni ted Statell; Ger· usually about one foot In diameter by themselves had given up their hopes crepon, prettily trimmed with bands, Isbed In tront with a chou and lon, :nany and England. Of teen to twenty feet In length, are that Christ was he "wbo should have and a scarf of dotted foulard to matcb. knotted sash ends. It Is flnlsbed at It ~~~';:i~~~ Thompson'. Ef' Wat.r Mataara now became hostile, and secured, and from tbelie to the tops redeemed lsrae!." Perhaps that penl· The yoke Is of white lace nnd the the bottom wltb two Hounces that tell back with bl' followers, the Tu: of the outer supports the framework tent thief bad never seen Christ be- girdle Is of plain silk passed through may be set on with little frllli or headings. mua taction, After t .~ ensued the of the Toof Is built. fOle, or, at beat, only In the course of slits cut In the material. THE DOCTOR'S IDEA. The cheml8e tte and undersleevee The more elaborate robe at the engagements between the United As the Samoans have no nalla the, the trial, when tbe Christ aald: '1 am are of irish guipure. right Is or yellow crepe de chIne. It statcs, Germany and England with .have devilled a method of ma~lng II a king; my k.l ngdom Is not of this ... .... Malletoa on the one side and Mataafa very serviceable kind of fiber coreL world." He .bad po opportunity, for Uld bJII rebels on the other. The old men collect a Quanttty of Co- a'~ht we know, ot any acquaintance SUGGESTIVE FAREWELL GIFT ONE OF THE SEASON'S WRAPS Tbe trouble was finally brought to coanut ftber, which they ron between Tilth the Lord Jesus Christ or with hla lD end and adjusted through a com. hand and knee to the thlckneu of teaching. And ,et, whUe the other 11188lon sent by the three countries ordinary cotton strtor;, after 'whlch malefactor railed on htm, he gav\, his Box of Correlpondence Paper II Con· New Raglan Stylel Afford Oompromlll lid. red a Moat Acc.eptable for Woman Who MU5t Do With \Dd .the representatlve from the Unl. they bra~d and spllce it together Into witness, even before he had the Lord'a Prelent. One Wl"ap. ted Statel must bave lieen a IIplendld great rolls. These rolls are cut from assurance and blesalng. He said: itplomat to 'have secured TutuUa. ns needed. This, then, III th~ means "Doth not thou tear God, lIeemg thou The woman wbo must make one A delicately suggestive as well as I'hls commission oonceded to Ger. of binding and lashing the roof to- art In the .ame condemnation!" And wrap do duty for many purposes, can many the Island 'of Upolu, on wholle gether and securing Jt to the uprights. we Indeed justly, for we receive the acceptable farewell present Is a box compromise happily tbls year on the .horel the town ot Apia III situated, Then sugar-cane leavea are gath· due reward of our deeds; but this man of correspondence paper. For foreign new raglan styles. Tbey are neither /'; '...,<...r use there are gray wblte sheets ac· !o England was giveif' the Island of ered, doubled, laced, braided and On. bath done nothl.n g .10188. What a I'~I coat nor cape, but a graceful comcompanied by gray or metal blue tis· ,aavatt, wblch Germany later gained Illbed into little mats, about three melting t6aUmony! A thief dying on bination of both. sue lined envelopes, pure white wltb /./ ), -j ' " !)088eulon ot In ~xchange for her feet long by fifteen Inohel wide. a cross and .Tesus Christ dJlDg beside One of the ))ellt lookIng of thes. :reatr rtghtt to Tonp., and for the when Ii auftlclent number or these him, h • .not knowIng tb'e perlon of .J n velop8s ltned with clan plaid and styles Is called the Parsifal. It Is cut [Jnlted States wu . obtained the' are ready the roof Is . thatched with Cbrlst, or his charaoter, never bavml various colora with double faced en· circular with seamles8 sboulderl • Iandl of TutuU. and Manua. them after the method of sbIngllng a even sat UDder hJs teacblng; and yet velopes of a contrasting shade. Ultra smart are the pale gray dim· wbJch merge Into raglan sleeves. The Wbat.ver attracUon Muua ' bad t houae, allowing. the eavss to extend that poor penitent thief saw a kin. In .tty stationery having envelopes Ilned neck is collarless and cut slightly 10 not know, but In setting poaaBtl- over a' distance of two feet. Thill tbe dying Jeaua, and that death and Invalid-Doctor, I must positively with a darker sbade of gray, the rounding. ston of TUtutJ8 tbe United Statel se- formll a most eMclent protection be- burlnl were the usherlnar of the Illnl French lawn In pale tan and dull blue Around the neck down each sIde ot Insist upon- knowing the WOTilt. ~ured the .,prI&e grab of Neptune'. tween the Samoan and bls country'. Into his kingdom. He S81l1: "Lord, Dr. Wise-Well. I guess my bill will and the squares of white fabric which front and edging the sleeves are JOuth sea collection, for here Is 10- prodJglous rainfall. . . J:emember me when thou comest Into braided bands of tbe material, be about $86. once Into their casings. told .. ..... thy kingdom." There III hardty all1' A· Samolln house bas the adv' anta For Quite ~mall chlldren there are stitched bias bands or embroidered or la t e d th e nav Igabl e an d Ian d·Iock e d ..- thing more pathetic apd melting and Quotation Marks. , Senator Beveridge, In an atter· ~arbor ot PagOrPago; In fact, It Is over an Amerloan home, Inasmucb as marvelous In the whole of the New special sizes In dimity and lawn braided trimmings. :be only harbor In Bamoa where a It can be· opened on all sides or on The wrap Is cut slightly double· sheetl which fit Into envelopes ot rel.el could .eek adequnte protecllon anyone side at the discretion of the Testament than th.a t penitent t.hlef's trom one and a half to two Inches breasted In front and fastens just dinner speech In. Cleveland, said of a corrupt pollt.lcilln: . .!.om ltorms. · f II Th ts ' dl th lestlmony and prayer. above the bust Une and at one side '" am y. e pos surroun ng e The next moat marvelous witness square. "Tho man's excuse Is 8S abs urd as The correct way of presenting a of the wnlst with buttons and loops. tbe excuse that a c rtaln minister of· Thts harbor Is commodious enougb dQor space are set at a distance of In the New Testament Is the blind 10 shelter a ileet· and the Paciftc ileet, about 2~ feet apart and a curtain man, (John 9). Elgbt times he wit- stationery gift Is to place It In a cab· Similar buttons are put opposite OD fered on being convIcted ot plaglar· leven cruIsers and seven torpedo Is formed for eacb Individual space nessed to Christ. He witnessed to hll of cretonne, pigskin or silk, which other side of front. Ism. By this arrangement when tbe wrap 1I0ata, rode at anchor here without thul created by using small mata, own identity-to the cure and the emptied will answer perfectly ror .. 'Brethren,' Bald this mln.lster, 'It Is wlsbed for (or more formnl occa· inconvenience. Since a ship must be sl.m Uar to the thatching mats except manner of It; he repeated that wit. bandkerchlefs, rIbbons and gewgaws Is true that I occasionally 'borrow for lllowed enoqb floating sllace ' to t}tat these ar~ made of cocoanut ness before the Pharlaees; he bore bhl and wHI continually serve to .remlnd slons tbe upper part can be turned my sermol1s, but I always acknowl· back Into one or two revers as nrtng cOmJ)letely lround her aDcho; leaves Instead of lIugar cane. These witness to Christ as a prophet; he the possessor of the donor. edge the fact In tbe pulpit by rruslng ferred. with the chance or ttde, It can be little mats are arranged over tb. bore his wltnells to Chrtst as his mas. two fingers at the beginning and two' plainly !fiIen that the harbor of PalO' openings In suoh .a manner that they ter. The words: ·'WIll '1e also be hla nt tbe end of the borrowed matter, Mldelra EmbroIdery. thus Indicating t hnt It Is Quoted.''' ~ . Paco is a valuable aid to the United overlap and wlll'readlly fold up shut· disciples?" showed th/lt 'be had vir. Madeira embroIdery, which has beBATISTE WAIST. 3tate.. . terwille. In tbls manner any of th,e tually accepted him as his master; eome so fashIonable In handkerchiefs, Ad .. lce. AI the barbor opens to view to the spaces between these many posta can be confessed him as the greatellt mlr. low collars, jabots, lingerie aud table "Doctor," called IIlUe Blng1e, over .yes of the vilitor It presents a bea~· be opened to or closed against the acle.worker sln<:e tJle world began; and bureau seta, 8S well as In allover his telephone, "my wife has lost her tltul aspect, one wbtch Is sUnultane- weatber by merely pushing up the confellsed him as a righteous man; he embroidered gowns and skirt and voi'Ce-:- what the dickens shall I do 1" ~usly papd, ' awe-inspiring, Quaint curtain and securing It or by probably aB"Messlah when Jacket sutts, Is all ruade In the Ma· "Why," said the doctor. gravely, "If ----:-uid relltfut. Belnr cOmpletely . sur. Ing It wIth a light pull at a bow knot he said: "If this man were not from delra Islanda, olt the western shore I were you r'd remember the fact when founded by blirb mountains, the har· and letting It drop. God, he could do nothing." These ot Africa, oppoaite Morocco. Funchal, 'lI'h auksglvlng dny comes around, 'and !tor lIeems lIlle the gigantic crater of Mats are then apread over the coral elgbt times he witnessed to Cbrlst, the only town of any size, Is the port nct accordin gly." lome exUnct volcano which, In Its ftoor and , the house Is complete. It and when our Lord found him caat out, of exportation. Whereupon the doctor chuckled as Iloal .truggle for ' existence, expired Is generally the custom to celebrate be said: "Dost thou believe on the SOD Tho native workers who produce he charged. \lWe Bingle $2 for profes· with one lut rend wblch tore out a the completion with a "fla·lla." . or . of God 1" and the man said: "Who II this exquisite embroidery are paid .s lonal servlces.-Harper's . Weekly. narrow clianDel to the ' Paclfio, allow· feast. he, Lord, that I might believe OD from ten to seventy·dve cents a day tng fhat peaceful ' old · mother of Aside from chests, boxes, etc., for' him !" ' be was In an attitude of cravlnl ror their labor, the former wage being The minute 11 man begins to try to ocean. to sweep In and put an end the atorale of personal property, the new light and knowledge that h. much nearer tbe average. Men, wom· save money his fri ends call him a to all volcanlo dlsturblUlcel. furnIshings consist only 01 the pre- mIght obe,.. The.·Lord Jesus said tAl ~n and ohlldren work together, sitting tightwad. AIOllII".the entire dl"tance around requisites of peaceful slumber, "tal- him: "Thou bast both seen him, and on the grass outside -their thatch· the Ihore .can ·be seen groups of na· " "lee ping mats, and bamboo It Is he that now talketh with thee." roofed huts. Thread, material and ths themselves Iptllows. And be said, "Lol'd, I beUeve. And be modern patterns Rre all sU[lplled to ttve .bousel, rearlns asalolt a background of towering A "tainamu" Is • mosquito protec- worshiped him." the local houses near Funchal by blUs, .whose ildes present the 'upect tlon, box shaped and about 6~ feet Testimony Enrlchel Experlenoe. French and German designers, these Dt ~ 1mpe~etrable )ungle. In length by four feet tn width by Experiences enrIches testimony, but two botiutrles being the markets for . When ashore for the fti'Bt time .In six feet I . helgbt. To this ~mall lOOP8 testimony enriches experIence. Eve.., the world of thJa Mallelra 'Work. Tutulla one Is both surprlae.d and are (utened along the tops of the time he confessed' lIomethlng that be pleased at hll reCeptlon by the- na· two sldel. and through these loopi found the IAlrd revealed to him somethes. Their I)ospltallty seems un· lwo cords are stretched , allowing se.,. thing' he had not previously known Made·Oyer Garment. make boun~ed, A. you walk by any Sa· eral feet extra at each end of tbe ManYlleople keep sllence .be<:,ause the, "When I have a dress , to This dandy waist Is of white battste moan hOWie ·you are cordially lnvlted ·'~tnamu'~ to extend and tte to the think they do not'know anything; but over," asld the. practical woman, "l made with tucks and trimmed with to enter. . A clean mat will be spread sIdes of. tbe house, at a level wl~h the they do .not know more becauae tbey always rip It completely, clean and embroidery and valenclenne. lace. tor YOU to .It crosl·lecged upon,),ou ope ot ~e ,uprlghts, thereby suspend· bep l!lence. press tt, and put It away for two aea· The yoke Is of Irish lace. will be trel\ted to lbe be.t'that the Itlg the . "talnamu" .~Urectly ~ver the Yet It Is a dangerous thIng to gin! lIonll· Then, when I take It out again !fhe !lleeves are encircled their en· hnl1lle dords; an4 Usually the maId sleePln~ s,nata. During the· day the what Ii not a sincere exprenlon Itr d ' and retashlon It In t1)e latest mode, I tlr. length with tucks and are ftnlshed of the ·bol1lle . will make you bowl of sleeping m!l-ts are rolled up and let parlence To talk about and )ray for lIave a dren that not my clollest with cutrs of the embroidery. .. . #' . • ... ends wtll r&eognlze. People's memo . oa n... .'. aa ld"e an d th e .botto . mo f th . e "... ~na· conlecratlon, while your Ilelghbon ... . • aVa; th_e naUon al..lrl" A~r y~ bave J».een teted anel mu Is twlJlted · and f:hrown ove~ the and fam'lIy know' that )'~ are carnal orles last over one season, but never . Are always ready to PaddIng Under Color. pral8e« ~tll 1011 , linqlne that )'OD ta~t top. T~e lIeeplng mata ctfl(er ~Jt I. a dangerol1ll thIng to yourse" Clver two. are the oHlln..r bile ot Tlrtuel, your fro~ 'thOSE! used d~rlng the day. in- and hurtful' to etber people. Lot w" .iU the material Is of a very strlklnl Orten In padding a buttonhole serve right from the box llowtnc opinion ot the Samoan" keen asmuch as th~ are 1I0tte1', . liner t"erity yeara In Bodom, and he DeVer I~hadlore' I ;~:: I~Y:n~~:d;I~~,!!~!~::~ edge or a deslgp for .80lld eml>rol';ery, with the addition . of Inllgb~ , lnto hnman nature and your woven 'and muou larcer. a lIoul that· we know of It he· . .' the wh,te padding shows through the an~ pr.-IoDI of his noble h. O III)I; , The bamboo p' Itow sti'on"l'" 1'& ... bt · . 1 t "God 'I ._" my new' garoet t. very like . myoId "olor ""at la afterward sUtched under c(eam milk~ r~"T , ' . .... # ., bad uroul one lOll . 0 n .!MOI" I .I ' r com osedly 'Yes '" UI t~Jtr· are rudely :nlpped bi the ,bud mind. me of the days ot the SpanIsh '" thele tW\'!Dty yem Bodom 'wou14 .Aler .~, answe h 'I " ' It. ' Thla Is especially notlceal'le and by \8ndlnt- that aU ' his attention. and tnqulsltlon~ ~ut ¢ustom and natural dot bale ,penlhed. Th~re wae no man ~~ Uke: and no C?D8 ate Wiler, dlsacree.ble III a dar)( sbade. pleasing Es p eci.a l.l y prallel ; "ere', ItmRly • commercial ,lncllnatlon. baT!3 taufht . the Sam~ In. tile .old Testament that comJ)ll.nd " . One 'woman solved the pro~lem b" or fr~sh with berries " traa."'POIl on ~~s ~ ~9r'./.~e. tPlI7. "lq, Die dOJ'.i' and 'l"p'~ , In an, with DanJel " '"One who wttne....~ to .• ' For atou,t. ~ol')"len, . , doing her paddltl!' tn cott!>n .as ne.a r . u~ta , .o a to , r'~b~e bl~ ~.o · fOr place :&Jid at ail)' 014 .Ume. To dod,' "No(onl, w~re Daniel', enemlet WJr..en· tbe stout woman buys a still thtS IIhade of the stIlt as' slie could .e~ fruit. o~e tor t .'t~1'7 little .tfouble he makethe.e . pUlo,w l, a~. piece of compeUtd to C!onf~ . thAt he .1f&I, __ petUeoat; ahe wll~ leldom Ond one to The result wu eminently saUsfaotory. . haa- ~. !D .~_ entertain. 100. &Del ~bt bamboo about two teet rauJtleH tnan, but KIne :Darlus ' rloJ1, at her: ,th!llYIJ88Di to come only in the' 'It may seem expoavagarit, but the cot· Delicious. wholesome" for· 1!lP.1, ~~ bI '~ nol · , ~ree ~~~el ID dl~ __ter ,Is _talDecl, aecs .tlie·· 004' ot Duil~; . Daniel com: .maUer .•lles.. But ieot her buy one so ton 'was only three cents a ..spool, and econ~mical . foo'd \vhich I ~~'~9.u ~ latl ~ "aom1t.. ~...' tD~ : .. wbl~h art. .dI1vell te'o . IDlal~ P8.tlecl ~b. to colife.1 to til. n~ mUcb' too loul 'that It .wl~1 fit around the .stra 'expenae Will wortb wb11~ . ' With the. ~8cI .flltQ Jqcre be Wbt pep. at e&cb abd 1D ,the 1Ir&DD... 01 tti of J.~. .Are ·7OU a abl~ tbt! ".Iat." aniS then Ibortep It by . .. ,J ' . . . , saves a lot of cooking in ~ D~t ·hll!.tate tb ten ~ aboat JOUr d. lID banned "V." 'l'be plUcnr t. then anll. pnalne wltnel.T · b Ute t..u- -atf'1I tuck, 01' by cuWnl It' orr· at the , hot weather. "-E~- arter Oat.. u ,.., .,.. OO,mpWe aAcl w11. ......s .. 11..,..., pf )"OUr 111111 borDe ' out .- tOIl' top and blsh1ire It · by a bias seam ' :r~ p,..v.nt Slipping. _ .un to" tUa' to th. -.bU8he4 tJQVn ~ neet. batq d . '• •1.' . ~ .1 beMecIIa JOU. tul1l unto, God, that will make ,the pettlQOl!.t au. When le"ll)g a he~ ..or .trafght .~ ~ o~ bOQltaUtr. wlalolt 1'Ov 4....... from .ua. h. IDW' .1 II$Il .,.., QII'It\lal - : Mr ,lIIp.. ' ..... pln the JIlaterial to tour b ... . atIItt . . 1IiotIl... ta-.M . lie OCIIIlfGI'ta,t. to • ad tIaea .. nn tbAt,.,., .De wW bd tJIa . t aile .. . Dot tbeIl aDd 1011 win be .ure or lteePlac the /

Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound








"~fr~k: { '~' ~ '- .J . --




Convenient For Any Meal








1 , m



..• _ .... j5;i;~iii~E~=="'iJlif;:;i;ei~~

. ~

I'' ' '



,"Ttae MemOr)'LIDpn"

.... ., tiletbat ·atra"..... 1OIJI1 ~. ....... few ID~ ·1IlOft ... frOID ao4 pre . .·o. ttq . eUppCq.

:JOCtd. .1Iil): ~


... ~ 1IIIIiL.



.o~K ~ 00.•


Lt4. '





13, 14, 15 and 16



Largest Display of

for GrangPI'S in Warren County making the Q.est display, This will be new and interesting fea tu re anc) d isplays wiII consists of anything raised on t he fa rm. Many displays will be made.

FARM IMPLEMENTS Ever exhibi ted in Warren County. Twel ve varieties of Cream Separators \yill be displayed.


On Wednesday and Th ursday.

Will only be admi tted at the No"th Gate . Special arrangements for the accommodation o~ machilles in th e East ('nd of t he Qua rter Stretch ' at t he rate of 25c per day.


Is Going


·$5000 in Premiums


Ball Cames on Wednesday

Horses a ttracted by B!g Purses.

· h'Ip A IrS

Will not leave un til 5;30' p. m . on the last thr ee days of the Fait·. This will give a ll on t his line 11 full day on the Fair Grounds. Cars on all othe r lines leave a l co nvenient .h ours.

8l!d Children's Dav

Every bodV

Knows that the Warr en County Fair is the best Fa ir in this cemmuni ty. and geta better every year. Last year the att endance 'was t he best ever. This year it will be larArcr.

F. L. I RONS, Pres.


wIll be .bserved on WednesdaY, and will be admitted free.


Will fly each day.

Arr angements have not been cl)mpleted for the attraction, but will be.


WOJllen with Babies admitted free on Friday. Baby Show Friday at 10 a. m. S6 in gold will be given for prettiest boy. $5 in gohl for pret tiest girl baby. $2, 2nd prize for boy and girl baby.


Horse Eept ~~:~erev~~~ be~~~

Admission, - - 25c

- - - - - - ------------- - - - - - - - - - - --


Old SoIdl·ers

Ladies' Driving



~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~ _~ __~~~~~~~.~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'County Courts



Marrfqe Licemea.



William B. AIKe, 23, operator of Cleveland and Ethel Yarnell, 21, of . Common Pleas Court. JFranklin. Rev. Mr. Rhoadel. John WUU.D18, 26, pullman porter New Suit. of Norfolk, Va., and Hazei PUt, of . Nano" .Jane 8urfaoe V8. Moeee nebanon. Sarfaoe. Petltion for divorce on Real Estate T......,e.... Iro1lllcb of wilful abeenoe and n..... C 1_ of dnt.y 18 flied. Couple were lark MoKay '0 Cora MoKII.y, quit married Ootober 11, 1888 and .0 olaim on trao.ln l:aet Wa1ne town • 'Item one child wu born, Mary E .•latp, '1. Surfaoe, _ .... 36 "-n. P'.lDtlff "nto.n Balle '0 George Berner, &a aven tbat defendant Ia .. faUed and uaot in HamIl'oD townlhlp, ~"" .0 'p ro-"de ber -i." 00-. Bert Beecl and Fannht Reed to

St. Augustine'. Catholic Churdl.

Father Oeorge Mayenhoefor, Paator Beforetb . eyear 'soutin g sea80nis Monttm a, 10.000 in New Mexioo, mi tting - ber hald to rAst in hll o~Ull enry IlOOOn4SlludArof- tlle Dlo.tlla. . f tI : vO a. m. . over nearly balf 8 million persons aa,ooo In Oregon, 22,000 In Idaho, or u momen onger. St. Mary'. EpIJcopaJ Churda. will have sougbt reoreation a nd 16,000 in U tab, and 12,00.0 in Wash I "Truly I do, and 'ra)y yoa are," health in the Nationsl Forest8 of t he ing ton . '\ b e a ver8, earne8'ly. Rev. J . F . Cadwallader. Rector. United State8. Aooording t o the "How bellutlfulP" 8he .skl Inno- . Sunday Sollool. 9 :30 a. m Moralar ller· Of t ile nat uml wonders and land vl cll. 10 :110 a. m. 801, Commualon \be lint r608nt record of the United Sta te8 ~ently. Suuday 01 eacb mon~ , mar ks of in\erest In t he Natil)nal r " Why you are !l41 beautiful al .1 Department of Agrloulture, t he Fo rests se verol ha ve been set Method.. E"'-""paI Chua. ~tal la.' yellr was, in olose figIyoor grandmother. said you were ras Natlonlll Monum ~ nts, among whe n you were a IIt~le 8 1rt." Rey. H. ~: Balle,.. Pub nr08,406,715. With the finest moun. them Cinder Cone a great lava ba8in Sunday Scbool. O ••lO a. III. ," orato« ler' taln scenery and wuoh of the best . . ' . Feeling thllt be hadexhault4ld the vice. 10 :30 a . m. Epworlb Leaeue, 1 :00 ,. In C!alt fo roia i t be Gila Uli ff DWell · " m. ~venlQg senloe, 7 :00 p. Ill . 1(14"flshing and big. game' hunting In t be I t I . f P bl world II viSIble supply of desorlpt.ion Prtyer MoeUIlIr. 7 p. m. a.lwuwu • YI .. l1li United 8ta~s tbe N atwnal For e!lt.8 . ng~, ex e~s vN e remMam.s 0 8 re 8- 'she drops her het\d upon hi8 ready . Ch"''';'.- Ch.. _10 mOB DeoeMUiM of IUe for 'hree <irlf, 10Un MallOn, 11. , • . ' $orlo ruoe IU ew eX loo ~ t h e un T ....... ..~. yean 1M' put and Ibe hu been Oltver P. Myera to Alton (2. Myer8, ,!pore and more II aoo.ll88i ble flurp!l88ed Gr md canyon oHb-e COI.] ShO~~der, an~ ,i!l.'im"~.$bA~ be ~Igbt Rev. L. O. 'fboIDJIIOD, ~ . I , · eaoh yeu through proteotion Ilod .~rud 0 , 111 ' A i ', J e we I' Ca vt',oou u tb go rIght aLead • .ud School, ) :101."- IL. ~ ....... compelled &a earn ber oWn U~inl. 70.71 aores in T urt1eoree k townl h IP, r Z Ina _ • propoltt ~ her. 10:Bible 80 .. III. ChJ'teUUIISDIleavDr. 1:011 p. ... 1'. II. (''aIlBinlham, 'attorney fpr'1. development by tbe Government, Pt~ko tai Lal!l~en Peak, the ,terminus SuthertancPe--EalleEY81hIve - ~o:. tg.'::J$Of.;~~~WDa&e 8uad&7" plala'Uf. Lou Conner and Barrlet Connftr ale fabt beoomlng great Nutton.a.} of a long lioe of extinot vol ottnoes l' n W-BhIDg. playgrounds for tbe people. ': I 1 " d th 'PI' I Is Il orenmy S,IOW whtte .olntmen HWee FrIeDds Chute'to -'IT-te P. YouQg, ~rao' - n.....-te Court. • .. 0 ' Ie ,-tl80 t\ es; e Dn80 es, put up In Kir tIght 8ort!w cap tubes l rlVlNl e 'on &ownlhlp, 11. Th.e UBO of tbe Forellts for reor~~ - ' & o~lleoti on of r emarkable jagged Will oure any onse of $ore eye8 Ilnd s!:.~ ~~~o:~t:.~. 1:~~~ ~~y In ma'ter'of the loardlanllhip of PbiJtp Walter to Eva Krekler, lot tlon 1.S as vet In ~ t8 beglum ng: but .18 peaks In Ca li fo r.n tll i a.nd the Tonto ; will not injure flYes of Il babf'. Sold 10 :00 a. m. I. Q. Bara8l, an . aUeged imbecUe. in Springboro 11100. . growmg s telldlly :lnd r opldly 10 a g r oup of prehis torio ruins in the everywhere 2Go. Ortbodol{ Friend. Churdl~ Veda S . aayn8lappointed guardian.. Blanohe Trell91ar to Pboe be M. . 80me of tbft Forest8 lit the ra.te of region of the TontI) Forest In AN OBSE·R~~NT MAN Rev. BenjamIn flawltlll i . Paator, ".&eofUharlee Willard DeBoard Tresl!llar, 10' In Franklin 1500. II. hundred per oao t per unnuro Ari zona . The Bi g Trees, Glaoler Sabbai b School. O:<lU a. lIl. Itcgulal " Ilu rull deoeaNd. Due proof of publloaUon J • W arren W00, d ' t,rus t ee t 0 U" C Thdday·seem B not fa P I~ r k , t' h e P etn:fi )d F t ., th eOre • . "Now," said . 10. ~jl II. til . Cllrl~ lJao Endeavor. . . r distan tI when " ores the sroQiteot, 'h ~ rtl BOnlee, 'j::l0 )1 . 111 \ of aotl~ 01 appuintmemt filed bY' lIlu)aulot in Uoiverlity Helght8. II. ahmlllion persoos WIll apouul y VISit .gon ClI ves , nod 'numerous otber are t> Ions an d spaOl·tt oati ons f or t em . admiDiII'rator A. J. DeBoard. Co Iai 'P oceedl . pb tmoroena ser ve to a ttrtlot other a ne"i Rnd oomfortable home that F..tate of" llanha D. Pence, de. nUn onen r niB. The reoords show tbat the sea '.)n- hosts of visitors , . Will oost 13 600 .. ........ - - f Du"e proof of publioation of Contr"o'8 PIAn8 8pecificatlons al use of tbe Forests rUDS from two . . . . '. . . ALTER MCOL1TRR, -.--.. .. .. , b I U I d F t h ' 1'lle s ports olon fi nds bl8 pu.rlldl86 "loan 't afford to put· up any sooh ' no"OI of appoln·men· fll..... "-y ·"'d .... timate for as'teel beam brldge mont 8 n Ii. 0 ora 0 orea ·, !lno . • • ~ D ..u "" h R tt' t t l th . . io the NLLt\ou111 F orest·B. In ma.ny boose al' tbllt," 8ay8 tbe oliller. 0 we ve m on a 10 ' . . Bow·.... P Earl- and John ft wi'~ oonore~e floor near the resl as t e ou Funeral Dlr~tor. ..... . " D. " l' Al ka ' h th'T of t hem blg game- abounds. The "But it only figure8 up to tS,600 " l'enOla..-tol'll d8n na of Geor,e "'lolser on Cinoin an as n soo IlS e ong tl.8!1. . ,-........ • ""'" U B h ' .. ..., I C I d ra ngers a nd the g UBrdl.4 , beslde8 the "I know, but I've notloed 8uob v_••• _ of 8··-i-~ · Klubi".~y de nil." pi .... In Turtleoreek town8h 'p ut t e U8es ,oIuer. 0 0 01'11 0 . --. . . . U& ..... , . . . . . h 2000 i It t d th l!' st servioe tbey perform HgBlnst the thiu gs, ltnd don't -teel o~le to atTelephone day 01 nlah.:. 'tlea18d. Dae proof of publloatloa of were approved and oontraot lei to t 8.. _, V S ors eo erle 'b' e °dret sl?read ' of fi re, ofte n point out the t empt t he ereotion 01 a *3,000 hl)usu nqtioe of appoilltment of llar"n A. Oregonia Bridge Uo., at eatimate to ueb to camp, to 0 lm i an 0 . ' . Valley phoDe No. t. '•.0• .lamMOn, .. admin18'rator II fiied , 1158. \ drink the medloinal water8; In Alas. bes~ sl~e for the oumper and the wbeu ~ only ht\ve ,LO,OOO'at my dl!:!. Distance No. 69-".. lI t h t ea8lest r oute_ A reoord of 9,2L8 p08a! • of Mary C, Brown, de- Planl, lpeolfloations and estimate ka tbe, 1 000 a 1mos. 80 e y ·0 un . . . . ' _ .. _ Th 21 000 h mlles of trt\\} out·, 1,236 miles of r oad W oeuecl. Dae proof of publioation of for oonorete ftlO4t walls to brid,e and .uah. e , perS Jns w 0 . ~ . We Do Not Recommend AVNESVILLE, • • . b C i F ores t A I laid out, tl.o d 4,8D1 mlles of telephone no"OI of appointment of Geol'Ke A. near 'he reeidenoo 6f Ueorge Glotler went idnto.' e loo'.)n no tb • tr. - )ine strung tells Whtl t t h e Go veroSut,llI rlanu 's E'lgle Salve for i' Wi toran, aclminl8trator. OB Ulnoinnati pike In '1'urtleoreek zona urlDg n ne mon s, Wen .0 . lI>nything bu t th ~ eyes It 11:4 a speedy Branch Office. Bane"........ O. , . tb D ment h!ls done 18 the W ilY of p osh and h ,trmll"slI oure for granulatefi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ townlhlp were approved aDd oon- camp or to eUlbOY 50 ~;~anery .. ~r- Ing the oon venienoes of oi vil buLtion lidS, I:!ofofuluu~ sora eye~, styell, baot let to Chll.rlee Benderson atee- tog four mont IS ·C li:erB~n8;~ inlo t he pril.llEl vllI '(Jftlst. Th e di\y wetllk nyes tLnd uirunllsli fl f viSIon. tlmate IU3. ited tbe A~ge e;, h a form; . . 'th e of .the wil de rness of tbe 8uvage und tlold e very where 2&0 . Good for Nothlnc but ........ Iller Bdlll 8 -F,rankWsibllelrwoodB UBo., In mp ost po~u I ~ 0g :h e f o;:s~: ISpea~ ' tbe pione~-Ir itl swiftly passio g i the SHEEP~AVE- -FE'''W- 'A - 'L-MENTS 1 4; --.r l1li lee 01, am · . row.n, Ika, oon an n e III tt ' day of the N u.tlonal Jj' orests !lEI ' pro Kida oleanlng and painting bridge, '6; of that name. Tb a var OU8 a r8.O· . . . • diIeoara~:=~l=s!::~:mWtio!~b:~';: U. E . Blake, palntlDg and ole.ning tion8 withinJ ts limits, Inoludlng tbe dnotlve r esouroes ILOd us N I~tlOOIlI !::lome farmers sll.y they do no' vigor' and cheerful. bridge, f6; W. A. 800tt. bridge re~ loenio railway. drew 100,800 tourit!ts parkR approaohes . !keu p IIheep beotluse they nresnbjt:'ot ness 500n disappear pairs, 17.50 ', Ohio Uorrugated Cul- !lnd otbers. By prinoipal Stutes tbe l . 1'he re ~ o r t of lost ~elll" 8 ud tnin to dhleuB6 whloh is a grel~t mitltulte, when the kidneys are l i b II U . D out of order or cliao ver' Co., BOwer pipe, 122,8t!; Ore- National Forest "Isltors numbered ! IBtrat on y t e' . b. epartm ant beoause Jlr Jptl rly ollred for sheep eased. gonllL Bridge Uo ., oontraot, '193; 23,000 In ArlzI,lD8, 103,000 In Califor_1Of. Agrioulture evidenoe!! the rapid. huve fe wtlr uillll antil th ... ~ flOY other Kidney trouble has uale Co., bla~kB, '6 75 ',lnla, 140,000 In Uolorado, 19,000 in ' tty of the trlLnsformu.tion farm animal. . become 10 prevalent Ru'"glea D .~-that it il not uncom· The W08tern Star, prl'nUnl( pam TMDC M"... fmEl~ mon for a child to be phlets, 158 74 ; J. ~. Morris, reoord8 - - TARSUS HAS ELEI;TRJC LIGHTS (:o,.,f,.:::r...·AG :t:!;~ I~~ for Recorder, 1'4 i Frank Zell, land Ufe on the Panama ,Canal POPULATION OF U. s. ~~oD:'~~~r.!I:r ~'~rk::,, ::~ . ~.,,~II~~:orlr.=:.~= childuriDatettooofte.. if the urine lealdl h had f I btl I drawbaok Tarsus, the anoient olty ' In Asia Pn"olltfllll II r,..h"hl, J'''' ~ . " b m ..."",,,t. appraisers, '14; The W. B. Ander- as ooe r g Q b h The totul p opu~ation ot the U nited Minol' wI ore tbll . Apostle P"ul was lio\lIotrloU, COItI'donu,u. 1 ; ~ IfD onl:'l!t.n the 8eth,orif,when the child reacheaan Co I b k Il50' T ._ mklDl'io. tlouble that bas roug t ~ .ontfrOLOI"eo'"Ptlll"rjl. • nou, r.~llIIo . h ould be a ble to control the 80n .. .. ".t4!n~ Uken Ihrou,h MIIIIII .- eo. ......... age wh _ It. ., aw 00 , . , ru8 .....8 suffering t'nd deatb to thousanuM. St Ii t es Iln d .Ito I1m d possess Ions may born, is nn w il1umin8te~ byeleotrlo- fPCellllflOek" wIP'Q"te~. ,~o. Iu.&.ee . it il yet afDiCted with bed-wet· of Publio Aftab's, sprinkling. aDd 'l'he germl oause ohills, ~ever an~ reBcll olle huodl ed mlllioos, aooord tty . The power is tak en frOID t,he ~'l:r, ~:!~i:,aU::df~:~i fountain rent, 17; ~tate of OhIO V8. ague, billousnes!l, jaundloe, !asSI. iu g to unoffioil\ l estimates made by <':ydnus river. Theru are now In A ltllndeomal,lIInotra'PII ...fIn'lr. I..,...:.,,· lltepthoald betowarda the treatmentol Arohlbald MaY8. Mst8, 117.015. tude. tvea~nes~and ~enerBld.eblhty . CenSU8 Dll'eotor Durund. Tarsus 450 eleotrlo street lights "nd Ollln1..IIII1 o f an,I" loIIUdd ." ',rn&lt 1)'_ . I.P. thaeimportantorgaDL Thiluupleasant James Follen Rr jr.nltor 150' R Bnt Eleotno BItters never fall to de· ~ . .. . ~U':Nfn!ur&"'()C"tolol.'·.1.188rtUII'~;J.aI\IM8WwlCI.J"i!~r'l•. trouble i8 due to a dieeued condition of '" , . 8troy 'hem and oure mBlarilL tl'oubWben' the fl . urel! Bre oompleted, about 600 Inollnde~.oeDt lIgbts for IftJ "theJdclDey.alld bladder and Dot to a BIlr8hbarger, 881ary all a ..18tant 168. ' "Three bottles completely . bou t No\'em ber 15tb, Durand . ex- privatu u8e ' .. Ollloe..,,·"t..WA ',~"habit .. moet people Rlppole. Janitor, t40 i John A, Urove8, re oured me of a very s'e vere I.I.ttllok of LJ6ot8 the tota.l for.' tho stutes alone • - _4. ! ab}!C:: ~~~~ a~:dDbkd~d~:~~: funder of tax, 125,69. mularia," writes W?? A. FfotweU, to 8b ow a uC\ut 90,000.000 It m~y . . A COl" ..nd both need the same great remedy. • - • of LUOILDltl, N . 0 ., ~nd!, bull run IH 000000. Witb the resident8 I.s n()t ne068I1u,ri!y serious, provld: . The mild aad the immediate effec\ of Internally good bealt h ever 8100e. ures '.'. . . .' ed ltie taken oare of. It itt trequent • . I S.,..,.ltoot il500nr'ealb:ed. · It istlOId Dr. Bell's AntI.Paln oures ooUo, Stomaob, Ltve~ and ~ioney 1'roobles 01 the PbllipPllle IsI~nd~ it IS pOQsi J.v tbe starting uoint of WIlDY. dan ' .....:, ;,' 1;'C 4 b1 dluniatl. in fifty. flux, diarrhea, oramps and ,ul bowel and prevents 'rypbOld. 500. GUl.I.r- \ ble t~llt the total will rOllod out tbe lIerJus dilleases. Wben 1t0lliuOll nae .J & I( " cen~ a'iiCl oDMollar oomnlainw. . anteed by Fred 0 . Sohwnrtz. oentury of' mhl.loD8 . .. Dr. 8011'14 PiIle.Tar Honey. ltook \ ~~p~o::u~ Externally :-~'ures 80re breasts, • - .• 1[ . . - • tor the bell on t'be ~'tle. - f I1J would 'l1ke tQ IlIpply -. by mall free,' also a Of,>rbll bnnion~, toothache, neuralgia GASOLINE HA \' STACKER Struck- a Rich Mine • --.. hI • h tbl hi h .. JI&aiphlet telling all and ail paiti8. &~d evefywbere-. It. , .i:! W. Bend~, ·of .Cool City, Ala,. EDUCATING THE FARM HORSE your ta e Wit • I" .boIlt Swamp.lloot, ........ ill an'~8eptio.. • _ • . A new wrinkl~ in fflrID mnc. binery 8n~s be strook a perfeot mine o,t . grade .silv:erware free: of IDmGdlDg many of the thouaand. 0 telti· . 1DOIIia11etter. received from I1ltTererl CHINA L1KESCHEAP ,' WATCHES .iea My staoker wblcb ta kes h ealt h in Dr King 'lI New Lite Pills A fllrmer who II' oapable of.prGpcost, write US fOt (Jut owbo fouDcI .Swamp-lloo.t to be jUlt the . . 'he pIlloe of the 0Id ·,hors6 on the for tb~y. cQ,red hi.m of LIVer a nd KI~. erly traloing a Qor8e for. tbe durer. Ct--· 1 ol%er.· A.I.I-. remedy Deeded JD wnting Dr .IQ1mer · . ' . k . , ney Troubje after 12 years of suffer. ' W II' ~ ·a 00.• Bia ~~OD, N. Y., be ~ &Del Uheap, 8~OW.y, ~nver oased wateb- Iweep. The ga80line' in a ~Iln IS fng . 'l'hey ' ere tbe b88t pill,. on .e nt reqniremenfit of ~arm or ·road ' _tlca ·th~ paper. , Dou't make a111 88 (no' the American dollar variety) half burled in-tbe ground at 80me earth tor . OODstlpatioo', IliGlarta; can ~en8l'ally s!Dploy hi. time quite . nANIm fASlll8. ~ .~ rem~.:~:~. are 'he ',,~.orUee in ChiDa. 8~ distance from tbe ~ngtne t o avOid , Beadaohe, PY8pepsill, pebilUY. 2flo profltably by Rtvinl him the' neoee: . II-i, ............. , ..... I. .... e • y.Y.. MeN71iOWe. • I wakJbll IHm to leacL : daDger of expl08ioD. at Fred C, tiohwartz '.. 8.1f.'f'1 education. -.













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MI~MI' - GAZETTE f-f--"X'Cf' LlfNT




DECREASING 'he Itandpolnt of oonserv;tlon ; , I property. R,eference i8 h!ld to the AND The firllt five moothl of lile our· inlpeotion work ot-the dep!lrtment. Coablllll... ca""d- L..~ ••mh.I••- I..... FPIOE • PI , r. .rent year have developed ooly thir. While there hafl alwaY8 heen more ty.fl.~ fires in Ohio of undoub~ 'o r 1881 work of this oharaoter dooe VAL1.EV TEI.EPHONE- -(JA LL No. 112 incendiary ortgla. This average of the preaent adllliniitration hlUl felt unnUT AID FRan STS., , ' eeven pez: month If kept up througb. that the departmont has not been aA COlUIIB~, OHIO D. L. CRANE, Editor and ManageI' oot tbe ye/u w1l1 estllblteh a new low effeotlve In this re Iud aa it mighi' record for tble state in fires of tbi8 'be made. As a firet ;tep in sYI. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!'!!'!~ - . --- .,c haraoter . . The low number Is re· tematizing thie braooh 01 t be work, tween four and five tbousf\nd firee l Ratt's of 'Subacription mllrkable. ' . the assistant fire marahall are . now a q nuaUy 10 Ohio !lnd thu.t eaob fJ re 'j1 1)1111 ," nur (Htrlctly In ndvanl'o) . .... . . . 1 .. 011 IlIu"lI. " Oil" . 10 The8e figures would '~dioa'e for required &0 report the result of all mean. an II.veragelo88 of '1200, is it Undertaker and Embalmrro the y~r Ii total of only elghty.four inepectlone by tbem upon not a. fea rful indiotment to say fou r. aates of Advertising ,I IDcendlary firel, whereal tbe lowest blanks prepared for tbe purpose, fifths of tbis loss might elltlily have Will be foand In the o!tl T(eluli ng Loenls, per IIno . . . ..• . . , . . . . . ~ previous reoord ein:le tbe orgllnizll. and these are numbered aod filed in been preveoted. ~en~u.~~~I~;n:~u~~)POs~ '., Headi ng Locals. block tncll. per 11110,., . J(,~ :I tlon o~ tbe department was ninety. the COlambua offioo. The primarv Bere ie oonservation's Oppol'tunl. Telephone in bouse Ilnd or. ' 1IUiIIU\ed A da. not 10 oxceed fi YO UnOil uven In 'he year 1905, It ~al in purpose of thi. i8 to en!lble the de , ty . We need n ot go West to fi ud fice wbere J can be callftd " _ '1'IlI'ee 10000rU0Il8 . .•. , . .• . . , .. , llil' I OlJltuarlllH. fi *0 Inches ' roo; oYer II vo tbe earlv part of tbat year (1905) partment, where orders are made to a field for it. John W . Z uber, day IJr night. Inchee, per IIno . . .. : .. "" " .. Dc Amusements Galore to Fea- tbat the investigatiool loto the op replllr or remove buildings or oor. State Fire Mars hal. VIl.J1ey Phone 14-2. ~::I~:I:!I!ok • . '," ... , " .. . . . .. . .. . . . 211c I t ' E 0t. era"?,n of tbe "Williams County reot oondition", to follow them up -4 ' Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio Boehl'" ow. ~il~~ '~I;~~' i,' ;.;~~: : : .'.':: :~ I ure XPOSI ,-on gang began to bear fruit In t.he and see that they are obeyed. We Cuarantee Every Box I ""'!'!~~~~~!'!!'!!'!!'!~~~~~~ Dls llla)l Atlvertllllng per loch ....... . . .. 10c Program prosecntion and ooovioUon of the of Dr. BeU's Ant iseptlo Sill ve t.o do I Ollicouota givoo on L'OOtr&et. men who bad terrorized that whole Thll Is not an Ilssamp&ion of new what we ol";iOl , '1'ry it for nlcer l'l, : DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN neighborhood and oaused the de. duti88 by tbe Fire Marsbal. The boild, ruuntn g soretl, tetter, ring For Internal and External PaIn.. AUG UST 31, 1810. Ent,rlel In the premium depart- Itruotion or millions of dollars wortb Statat tate has Ohargedblhlm witb eer- worm , eozema, salt rheum, fever n powera to ena e bim to per sores, out-s , bruises, pimples, blaok menta 0 f the Obio State Fair olosed of propert y . f rm b T heads, ohapi4, felons, burns or "ny AFTER TI1E DROUTH l"lt SatUrday. In number aod ex- Th. reduotion of the number of t: t em. he law is found in ekln dl8ease. 250 a box. oel1ence they surpass those of any tbis ,Ohlll of fires fro n two hundred Ie foUowin, lootions of the Gener • - • ' Of all the beneficent tblnssln ~bi8 prevtoul Expoldtion . Famone Ita. : and nine'y two (2911) in tbe firlt a Code: PA YINO THE FIDDLER worll1, 011111 'be oOll;'tor&tog ligbY hi., h,rdl and fiooks of tbe union lyear of tbe departmeot's operation "Section 834, The Itatefire mar. . or lound., II the r.lnfllll that will compete for tbe Uberal premo to tbe pr888nt avera,,, of a huD. 8hal, hil deputlel lIod subordinate., The sax rate for Yellow ijprloga, breakl the droutll . 'I'here Is about lumloffered. Every 0"" la1iberal. [dred or leal i8 oerl.&inly a remarlt the ohief of tbe fire departmeo& of next year will be 44 on fl00, the " a oonloll.&ll)o and a comfort ~blob I, filled. Tbe baUle of 'he breedl able showins. That U la very larse. eaoh oity or vUlage where a fire de. btlhn' rate In the history of the oow.,. to lUI "t 110 other tim. . 1& 11 wtll rage from the open day unttl Iy attribatable to the aotlvitles of partment II eetab1l8bed, tbe mayor town Tbe tax payel'll are oonslder· J tbo nearest Ilpproaob whloh maD, oloelng date. this Om;). will Ioeoely be ques of a oity or village where no fire de· ably worried . wblle In th. ftdllh, II allowed toward l'he womeD'l, ar', farm prodnotl &loned. partmenli exlltl, or the olerlt 01 •- • tbe Rate. of heaven. ~nd hortiooi&ohl departments han Tbil reduced number of looh fires a town.hip In territory without tbe Croup IBut it 19 no' ooly mao who Is thUll more entrle" 'ban ever before. 'rhe of COOl'8e does DO' b1' any mean8 limitl of a oity t)r vUJage, a' all rea a :a:fel:fwri!~ :!i~~:P~:~;:~~ ~::~ a lowed to appro"ob tbe g"tel of maohlnery and merabandlle dis. repreeent 'be number uf ilrM Inv. . BOnabl. hOUri may enter into all on hand a'aIUimee. Urouplewors~ beaveD. fhe ver1' ~ir II of tbe atr, pla,l are the grandest In the Ex. tlsated. Very many firel are re buUdiaga and upon all preulill88 at nigM when it Is sometimes bard .od tbe wild thlDSI, and the plRote poal&10U'1 hl.tory. A complete ex. portedal belnl( incendLuy wbtoh within tbeir jurlldlotion for tbe to set a phY8ician. Look fer the aDd ftow.I'II, bow their head. 10 hibltlon 1. a.arad 10 eaoh of I.. upoo inYeltlgatloo arefouad to have purpose of eDmlnatloD." bell on the bou~e~ • J Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve , tbankfalneu .. their dUlty leveDteeD dlltinot been aooldeotal Or dne to lOme eo. "8eotlon 835. If an omcer named MATRON A'POINTED Good for aI. Skin DI...... are Ir_bened by the mollture. The Viliton wm note the many tm. 'Irely tnnooent oa088. And many In tbe preceding aoo'ion findl llavee upoo tb~ tre81 tremble with provemenu and adornmente that othera are inveetlgated wbere 'here a bulldln, or o'ber Itructure, whiob Mia Emma Yeager bal been ap. a' the touoh of the fall1ng raiD have been added to buUdinl' and ia no 8u8pioioa wbatever, but whloh for want of proper repair by reason polnkld &8 the matroD at the SolK HATH A WAY rOpll'~Ddlln.ll.ymphony of 'love erouodlalnce the oloeeof tb'e lalt mUlt be looked Into 10 order to de- ofag.aaddllapldated oooditioa,or dien'andBaliora' Orphans' Home ••• , :: tbe C .... tor. Tbe f,l()tpa'ba, tbe Exposltion Each of the mammoth termine the ca'1l8 or orlgio if poSIi. for any 0ItD88 Illpeotally liable to ",.xenia. Wily Ileeville's Leading Den"'" ilh.a,., the pavemente lap op the e~hlblt baildlnp baa beeD freahly ble. I fire, aod whioh 1110 litoate al to en· C. P. Maroh hal been appointed Omce in Keys Bldg. MaiD 81 !:IIIDI( drupe with Klee and obaDge palDted .lad 'he 'nterion tutUy Tbe inv8lSigation Incendiary danger other boUcllnl' or property, ohtef tailor, wbU. Mn. "Arah will ' • uh, upeot of their obeeb to deoorated. Nflw wal.1 and Ihady firea is !'arely an easy t It fre. or If laoh omcer fiDds tn a building teaoh the Klr1e how to leW. This da;lter. healthier huea drivewayl have been oooitruoted. quently t!lltea weeltlaDa lometlmn or upon any premla81 OODlbolltlbl9 oredltableappointment oomN uoao· til Dot bard to believe tba' 10 UUlilh~ly Itrno'orel have been even .montbl or yeara to l800re 'he or exploein ma\erial or infiamma. Jiolted by theae good people They Save Mooey and Keeil' ~ .,.,UliD8 there II Ufe-that the nzed, .nd 10 their ltead wll1 Kree' evidence neoeaeary to joatify or ble conditions danRerouI to the eafe- enter upoo their Dew duti8l8eptem-Style by Readina McCall', ...... and ~I.nte, u WIIU" 'he birds, the .ye e~qullite fiowerlng em bel. warrant ao arreatt aod prOl8Ootion ty of loob bundlng or preml. ., he her 10th. Mquine and Ulinl McCall PaHeru ..,. livlnl thlD". Wb.t do we liabm8llte. The part grouDdl are The re4uotlon ID lnoh fil'8ll therefo,,! .hall order iuoh buildlug to he re. • _ • DO" aboa' tha' raH1' r oolE apon DoWa .eri.. ble I08nlo parad1ae, UD. hal enabled the department to de. pa t red, materials removed or oondi. . . . . . 1. . will Stagers Skeptics MSGA1U MKa.UlHl .cCall', III'h' you drruos styl. • b. blUaJde P Bo" do we Itnow tha' equalled by any pleuure reaort tn vote more of 1&8 time and the ener tloDa remedied. ThareupoD !uoh ~s~'~~u:..t I<~~:~~ .& 11 DO,t a llvlDIe tb~DI' From wbat 'he 8_te 1*. of Iu lDemhen to the pl'Ol8Ou. order lhall be oompUed with by 'be po=tUk~l~~~::::~s f~-::::.t :.r:~ r~~~stP~! ~~,~ °'::~ &~~ ~roe do .e . .'her OOr IDforma&ton No effort bAl been apared to . .lEe tion of "Otbel' linea of ita work "hlob, owner or OOOUpaDt of Buoh buildlDg wtllinata.ntly relieve a bed burn, clotlto!< nod bats. 60 to the deot that 1& doee . • 0& Ider the 1t10 ilJq)OaltioD .. paad laooel8. whUe Dot Ultely to aroOl8 .1 muoh Or pnmiael." oat, _ld, wouod or pil8l, ltaRgerl ro"'~a~'t:bt'~~:.~al~ from ~ parobed aod parohlDI raTa. Novel and lDItmottve exhlblte,de. pablio IDtereet and atteDtiou are 'l'he MOtiona Immediately fonow. ekeptlol. But Irea' OUree prove its ~~I~~pl:o~~r~&1:' ~:-.::: : b•• tbe droutb lion' plotl... lb. Prell"" of the people, Deverthel881 more Important from In, preeorihe oertaln penal".. for :o::n~~= :o~~erfe~~~b~t ~a~ ~:~~CIDd~~: o..-..f> • .J..~OWI , ~ .ver t~Jd UI trill -be IDI'alled. EYer)" wallt ot fallare to comply with 'he orden fa. R1D 8rnP'IOU~, u al~ ohap~ baD~ __ ._ _ _ _ :Crn,~o J::l~~rgr !~~ , .... -~ ~db I*-It IDe IOU,Uleeud Uf~ will be repreeented In the 'hoa..' laecl,,!J,y the nrioUl omeen. It II spra1aa and 001'01. Try It. 250 at . .iiiiiilllli_iii. (or froe sawple COPY. aM ola1'. d~ Dot baye a conlOlOaa. aDd or more dllptaYI. AmDMIDent pleaHD' to Dote ID th18 oonnlOtloo Fred C. &hwartz'l. McCall'..... " '111 ellllbleyou &0 make In yoor n_' Wh h Id ' b ' - - ...- - own homo, whit yourowllltands. clolblolr (or ., • oa •• DOt, t e .... aDd eritertalnlDe~t piON wtlllsat • onl1' oue or two In,tanoea J'ourself and cblldroo which will be IM,rreel fon belleye tba& In thll d la ... , . ART NAME In style and nl. Prlce-nollo bl,lber U1a.~'-I-_ __ , • ywu Dre tie ~"OD prorram • .hu It· beeD D808IIAry to tavoke lbe cents. Send for free Pallllfll CaIaIOILUo. • hiD ~ . ere I. a Jol1 for tbe around Stan of the ~Ulem.nt ";'orld ID . ..... _. ....... __ • 0.. at4"'~ ."'ooa~to enforolng .. I.e W. . . em Y.. ,... ,....... for lIeUlolf BUb. . - .......- ...-. v, a_ u£ "ADd .,ou -llyourdno...t.IOD-by? 8crlllUOlIsllmoollyourfrleods. Soodforfree i ~If "r ",. ....'taloly w.e bave IMn tt feat.ollklll and daring; Weber I Ma~ I. 1101. orden of the department. ,,"Da" uti I' remlum 'IItalOIlUO aod Cub Prlle Olrer. wrlakJed and oraclted , from ",,' prlse:banc!.,lptrUed barnell raoiDg , . -CIie' ~llor it tJ to be obaened thaUhe dotiea W'~~;-::'::d~~:-;;!~' heoaWlO liE IIcCAU aIII,m. 23910241 ... m. a.,"JOII dN~~. We now behold it oreepiDK aDd Pala's muterpieoe, "Battle In I,... at . y daty . . a .lIIl1ter M lmpoeed by tbe ...·tote are Dot for lbe dOllleap. an day and h Qwl. all In'o ~OUd mlUl(l, 'be Haml n_arrow~ 'he ('1oucb," are dall1' free aUraa· _ft U,.. .. well .. lOut.. 10 I al"~I'he Fire Marthal alone. Local om. Dlaht" lng, t e I8l*ra&ed partiole, ,alttar tlonl. The Expl"on wtll be open . . pl_re hl telUq cere are liven praotically equal • _ ••- - Dr. Bell's Pine-Ta r· Honer, 'beir place beaide eaob other. It, bot·h day and night. Nothin~ cau about tile wolllleml IlledlclDe, NatuN'. powera and the Fire Marahal d088 Dr. Bel'. Pine-Tar-Honey For ~~ha and CoIdI. too, eeemi to lauSb at tbe palter of DOW mar i&l Inooey, and tbe blaDa Creation. It ...yed .~ a.upter·IDolaw. oot aeelE nor will he e~dsavor to sup. Is tbe b88t for ooughs. ooldl,oroup lbe ralodropt wbloh terminate the len coofidently predlot tbat,on . ep_ lin. II. L Hup... from quls con· plant,or relieve·th818 officen 10 the Srip, whooping oongh, hronohitis, draQtb. tember 6, I, 7, 8 "fld t, the turn~tUel • •pllo.. attar ala. ba4 been "ye. up althma and all throat and brooohial W HENDERSON M D Aud ·" tbe wild 'bltl"", and tbe will r8tJiaktr tbe IargMt attendaoue b foIIr eaaIIIeDt PUaiciau. lib... to- performanOB of tbeBe dati8l. Bo' troubleB. Sold everywher~ look for C. • , • • lane. d' ilo d loh t d III perfect b-.lUl.. I allG bow of 00 tbe other band be e.roHtly de· the bell on tbe bot-tie P an w"r8, an , e rellan 'hat baa "ever e"tered the gatell of ' tit marlrabl « teel alree to 00 operate with them and " ___- - Waynesville, Ohio. roob aad the Mrth--tf aU of thele .h. Oblo State Fair. ' 1UIlF ' 0 er Ie • cu~. e eo la_n · d' I r.a'd w to lupport them 10 all D 't f t th d t f ah "'t t -are Mndlng op to Almighty God , b,. NiaUIre'. CreaUon••0 I f _ that I J on orge e a e o . e OJ a e Main Stre" • - • . . beartll,. ladone TIle Nature'l er... reaaonlible effork to briog ~bout ralr-September 5,6,7, 8 aDd 9. Vallev Phone 153 their pealml of thanltfaln8tlll for 'he The Best Hour of lifo UOo 'eo. III It. aMI. work, ud tnad oODdUiooa til tbll atate whiob "m !!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~'!!!'!!~~'!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!~~~_!'!'!!!~~!!'!!!!! ralo .fter ahe drooth, wb'l' mel~y II when yon do eome grea' deed Or Uaat"tlle Um. . . Il.... at baDclwMn til. reduoe tbe eoormooa fire waite. of ~...... OQlht DOt to be withia oar I dtft09ver aome wonderful faot . Tbi,...u.s profeaalOll wW lQ uI4I .tltloe ...111111!1'------TRY LIVERITE(:;S~----"'~-bearY a' the firlt appr~oh of the boor came to J. R Pitt, of Rooky U4 .... tD til. tr8D4 worlr. A preliitent campaign waged by Ibow.r f"-, What IaOrlfioee ooght we Mt., N, C. wbeo he waa loffering In ir01U'lllDcerelF. tbeae vlirioUi authorltt81 aotin, haW'. It · t not mate to Him whuhatbord.. tot'd tel1Nly, a8 he eays, "trom fobe wont mODioully, t<»Retber witb tbe s,m. 'hat theM wal"ruboold hue falleD P cold 1 ever bad. I tben proved to my ~'t:r.&'M7~ pathe&io support and oo.operatiou l Wha' peace and love ought DO' t tl 'reU I&thtfaotion, whata wonderful VI of thl! puN to, whloh is genenlly • Llvertte. for. Cold, Backache and Weak Liver or KldneYI. be witb oa today, and abide with u. Colif aDd Cough oure Dr, Klnl'l , ' . al.aYI, DOW 'hat dronth il bro New ()bIoovery t8 . lI'or !&fter t"':lng ~~..:':..:~. a .,:~:=re freely giveD, Ihould to a Illrse exkeDP-Oa,ton NltwlO 0011. ' bottle, 1 was entirely oOl'fld ~ WIll lie PI.:!.s~o .. of 0: &eD~ ,'olean DP" Obl0. Prevention is them in the 'A ~ .... YO'Q 08n't ttay aoythlnll too ROod of .waI~l. booId.t. to u,. .I......r whO It h IlS fraq_ently been l~tLted aud An ouno. of worth a pound ,house ready .. _vII~ " I amMI(.ineJiltetbat ," Iytheeur .. t .. bitenllted. W. ,eel tbat it .. tile il 'oapa' ble of demoDI~rat1oo tbal I I d - IrabItt . Ur <XI 8 Ant lap and belt remedy lor dl88~1Ied lang!! daty of ...,. ........ to join u . . of cure. for use. . . Uo Ie a oreamy Inow wblte Bemon-hasN, LeaUrillpe, Alahm ," ,..".............. lIboa!d DOt • . . " 4early four fiftbs of the firee whloh oh,'aaua' and ,raariant.Nd 'or a,1I a"y Fever any or Lu, ....... .. prtmufl,. tnte.... ooour In .. bi. oountry are lIue to Prepared from Pure Native Herbe, they Cleanae the SYltem and dl....... IQuh al eClI8ma, .1* Trouble 600 1100 Trial bot'h' ::,,~"'..r.. 'l'b:n:!a='.~~ eallily prevenmble 011UIl88 When Purlfy the Blood and thus PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS. rheum, oha.., etc, 21io. fret!. Guar.D~ by F. C &hwart.. 1 ~-. 01 , ODe remembera that tbere ooour be. J'ubllihud

Weeki" _ '.

at Will lll-I . . ~~AO,IINV, l8 ~'I,'J'E~'ll,'

- - - - - - - --


• • • • , • • • • • •• , •• • • • •• • , . , .

. O~











Oh- State Fair En-


tries Heaviest in Its H.-story


















L'IVerl es 'Pf"Ven serious S· S·Iekness




-:S _.






"'. R














Practical Fashions ,L ADIES' CORSET COVER.

'I'D YlU.B8 01" StJI'FBlmfG. n .. tored at ..... t to Perre t lIealtb by Do•• '. Kldae,. PIU,.

Mrs. Narcl88a ' Waggoner. Carter. yUle, 111., says: "For over ten yearll I lIuffered terribly . with backach es, headaches, ner vous and The di zzy s poils. kid n y secretions were unnl\.turnl and gave mil gr eat t rou. h l ~. One day I sud. denly tell t o tbe (loor, where I lay for a long time uncon. Th ree doc. sclous. tors who t reated m'll dLagnosed my case as pa ralYSis and said tbey could 110 notblng more for me. As , a last 'r esort, I began using {loan's Kidney Pills nnd was permanentl y cur d. I am strong r th an before In years." Rom(lmber t he name-Doan's. For sn10 by nil dealers. 50 cents a box, Fosler-M ilburn Co" Buffalo, N. Y.



'wnh the body we aIr went back to the house. !\II'. Jamieson walked wltb ' tiel! Jnn r... r<plnell'r ' lin d E;1In.rdlan of me. 'while lIa lsey und Gettrudo fo l, ~rtnl(l " I\Oll U1l18c y , e~ ln b ll ~hed lIumm er lowed. ohd'1I1ti rt c f" li t 8u n ny elt' l'. Amidst nu,n&roll" d lltk ll ll lc ~ I h" ,, ~ n' llnl!\ dellor ted . "I suppose I s hall ha\' e to noury the ~ .. MI " .. / nll r. lock etl lI l' r ur tho n Ight rrostrongs," I said, "'fhey will Imow . he \\' /1 el ll l'lI Nl \I)' I~ \Iurk I1suro OD Ule 'Nlnd" 1I",·<' llI ly . n o loe., dI sturbed h er If T homas had any people and how lIl'ln /; th t- nl lfll l, In I II tTl o rnln g Mias to reach' th em, Of ourse, 1 ex " ct to n " t.,lInd " " tl'l1n~ link olll'1'-blltton In "util " .. r. O e rll'llli o alld Bnlsey n.rrtved defray th cxp nses ot th fUll m l, llut !II'II h J u r k F\a II c::)' • The houllo was IJ.wa\(his r lativ e!; mu st be found . What do !e1l",1 by n. r " ,·,'l v"r Bhot nnd Ar nold Armtt"('ng \\'1\1\ t oun .1 !!hnt to Il anth In t he YOu th ink frightened him, MI'. ,Tam le/III . M I~ s Inn !I r Ollnd Hnlne " s r evolver son ?" n tho 11I1\·n . He and Jock B ntley ,lI ..4 dllInppourcd . Tho link cure-bu lton mYlllert"It Is hard to say," he replied slow. bu s l)' d ls np" Ilred. D otec ll vo J llmlellon Iy. "but I think we mny be 0 rtuln It rl\'ed , G r rtrude renmled IIhe wa. on tred to Jaclr Dall ey, with whom IIh o WIlS fright, a nd Wat he was hldl n!; n l k ed I n t ho bll ll/lrd r oom 0. tew mofr!)m some thing. I am sorry In Ul ON b; n l" b t aro th o murdoI'. J llml oeon aolou8C'd MIISS Tnn ell at ho l d i ng bllck ovltba n Ont) way; I have alwa ys bellevell leenl'O. He Imp.rlllo DOd nn In truder In a n that Thomas kn ew some thing. or SUB!ern p t y room. The p risoner escap ed d own n u n d ry ohute. ~rtrude wo.e 8u8p ect ed, pected something, tba t he would not n eSTO t ovnd th e o ther h alf of w hat tell. Do you know how much money roved t o be J llok B alley'll c uff- b utto n. nlsey I"Onppears a n d lIaYII he a nd Baile y tber e was In that worn·out wa ll t of c rt In response to a telegram, Gert ru!!o 'early $lOO ! Almos t two his? III IIhe h ad 81von Balley an u nlanded . Parlll Pa ttern No. !32S, All Searnll vol vcr , t earIng t o 81l'e him a IOluJed months' wages- and yet those darkles Allowed.-The corset cover Is one of npon. Cashier B a Hey at Pnll l Armseldom have a penn y. Well-what trong'8 bank , defunct , wall arres ted tor tbo mOBt Important arUdes of a wom· lembor;zlement . Halsey 8ald Arms lrong Thomas knew w Ul be burled with an'lI wardrobe. It should not only b cs k d his 0 '\\' 0 ba n k and could ('I oa r him." . _ al ley. P llu l Armstron g's d II lh WIl8 I\Dtbe finls blng touoh In the matter of ouncod. Ha llley'll fia ncee, 1.0 1l\SO ArmW ith tre dea th of Tbomas, I fe lt daintiness, but oal'e ,should be taken trong , wss round at the l od~e. T he tha t a climax bad come In a lfa lrs at that It conft.nes all f ullness wbere It od gek e per . said J.,ouille and Arno ld I..,d Ja long t ho ni ght o r t he mljrd r . T..ou Sunnyside. Th e night that followed wlll not disfigure the outer dress by .1Ie WIUI J)l'Clslmted. I,oulsQ lold Hallloy , was quiet enough. Halsey watched abowlng through. We have designed Uiat while " h e sti ll loved him sh WIl8 to o.rry anot h H', una that h e w ou ld d espl so at, tbe toot ot tll e, and a com· one of these UtUe garments whlcb Is e r wh cn h o learnro th ll wh oll' IItory . pllcated systeql of bolts on the other both dainty and modem In out It Is t d e ve lop e/l th a l Or. " ' alk"r nnd L.oulse ""ero to l:io morrled. A prowlnr was hua rd doors seemed to be etrectua!. made of flouncing, wbloh Is very muob In' Iho h Olle . J..o\ll ll WIlS ro u n d a t tho Once in the night I wakened and In vogue this season tor underwear ot bottom o f th o c ircular stalr('ltll, I,oul se IlaJd Hh o h ad hoa r d 11 knnck at tho door thought I heard the tapping again. aU kinds, and what IItlle fulln ess It nd a .l"w orod It. Som" thlng brush d PlWt But all was qUiet, and I had reached baa tn front 1a dis posed In anum· or on tho s t a irw a y and sho faInted . B a ley 18 s Ullpected of Arm s t ro n g's m urder, tbe s tage where I refused to be dis· ber of tiny darts wblch slope olf to nothing at the upper edge. There Is turbed for minor occurrences. CHAPTER XIX.-Contlnued. The Ar mst rongs wer e notified ' of no fullness In the baok. Shoulder Thomas' deatb, and I had my first In· .traps Bre of beading or of In· "Wby was Mr. Bailey not present tervlew with Dr. Walker as a resuIt. Bertion, and buttonholes are worked a t tbe Inquest !': He came up early the next morning, In the front through whloh ribbon Is , just a s we finis hed breakfast, In a pr~ run. Tbe pattern til In 6 sizes, 32 The detectlve's expression was pcIt Waa Th,omaL fesslonal ,looking car wltb a black to fa incboe bUilt measure. !:Jlze S6 cu II ar. . hood, bu.t requires 1% yards of 12 lh·lnch "Decause his physloian tesUfled was there, apparently In charge of the table my eye8'~ 'trave led around tbe "I must make a double excuse for flouncing .. wltb %' yards of 21-lncb that he Is m, and unable to leave bla arrangementa for the funeral. H alsey room, and s toppe,d at tbe door ,ot a t his early visit, Miss lIuJes," he' said goodN fo peph.m. bed." dJsappeared shortly >after Louise leU closet. I hardly know wh~t Impulse as he sat down. The ch air was lower To procUre thlll pattern Mnd 10 Qenta "lll!" I exclaimed, "Why, neither and came home about nine that night. moved me, but I went In aild turned than he expected, and his dignity re- to "Pattern Depa.r tmoDt,". of tht. paper. ~Isey nor Gertrude bas lold me muddy and tired. As for Thomas, he the knob. It burst open with tb.,e 1m· qulred collecting before he went on. Wl1te name and addro., plalnly, aDd be that." went around dejected and sad, and I petus ot a welgbt behind It. and some- "My professiona l duties are urgent aure to alve lin and nUUlb~ of pattern. ; "Tbere are more things than tbat, saw the detective watohing him close- thing fell partly forward In a heap and long neglected, and"-a fall to tbe KO. 3323. 8IZE... ............ _ Miss Innes, that are puzzling. ,Bailey ly at dinner. Even now I wonder- on the floor. It was THomas-Thomas manner-"somethlng must elves the ImpreSsion that he knew what did Thomas know? What did he without a mark of Injury on ,hlm, and be done about that body." NA.M::B ..................... .................. . Dothlng of the crash at , the bank un- auspect? dead. "Yes," I said. sitting on the edge ot tn be read It In the paper Monday At ten o'clock the housebold had my chair, "1 merely wIsbed the ado, 'I'O'WN••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ , Dlgbt. and that be we nt back and sur- settled down for the nlgbt Liddy, CHAPTER Xx. drells of Thomas' people. You might ftB.Bft AJC'I) HO••••••••••••••••••••••• rendered himself Immedia tely. 1 do who was taking Mrs. Wats on's place. hava telepboned, It you were 'usy." lIot beUne It. Jonaa,. tlie watchman bad finished examining the tea·towels Dr, Walker'. Warning. He smiled. , Warner Wal on hia kneea in a m~ .t the Traders: bank" tells a dllferent and the cQTliers of the shelves In the "[ Wished to see you abo at 8Omed ment, fumbling at the old maa's col- thing e'l se," he said. ~'As'. for Thomaa, • tory, He saYIl that ,on the Th!Jl'e' cooling room, and had gone to b e. day night before, about 8 : 30, Dalley AJex, the gardener, had ' gone henlly ::n~~ It, but Halsey ca~ b1s It Is linn Ar ms trong's wish that yoU GIRLS'DRE", went back to the bank.. Jonaa ad· up the ct'rcular staircase to his room, allow her to attend to the expense. "Let him alone," he said. - "You mJtted him, and he says the casbler aDd Mr. Jamieson waa examining the, l have, 'alread, 'Was In a state' almost 'Of collapse. locka of the can't help. him; he Is dead." brother, In the "'lIage. It Ifalley worked unUl midnight, then he Into a obalr In the llvlng room and was heart dlseale. I think. Tbomaa closed the vault and went away. The stared moodily ahead. Once he roused. other's eyes ; we spoke low and r eT- always had a bad heart." occurrence was so unusual that the "What sort of a looking chap Is that erently In the presence of death, and "Heart disease' and trlght:' I /laid, we sus tacitly any mention of IItlll on the edge ot my chair.' But the watchman ponder.e d over It a 11 th e Walker, Gertrude?" he asked. the picionI1volded. that was In every mind. test of the nlgbt. Wbat did Batley "Rather tall, very dark, smooth- When Mr. Jamle,son had ' finished his doctor had no Intention of leavlJlI. "I understand you have a ghost liP do when he ...ent back to the Knlcker- shaven. Not bad looking.'" Ge rtrude cursory examination, he got up ~nd booker apartments that night? He said, putting down the b~ok she had dusted tbe knees of his trousers. here, and' l oat 'you have tbe. bouae »aclted a auit-case re!ldy for Instant be"en pretending to read. Halsey "There Is no sign of injury," ·he filled with detectives to exorcise It." departure. But he held olf too long; kicked a taboret viciously, said, and I know I, for one, drew 'a he slUd. .. , he waited for somethLng. My per"Lovely place this village must be long breath of relief. "From what For some r eason I felt I was jbeln, 80na1 opinion Is that ,he waited to see In the winter." he said . Irrelevantly. Warner says and from Ws bIding In "pumped," as Halsey saYII. "You the closet, I should say was scared , have been misinformed," I rep.lle~. Miss Gertrude before flying from tbe "A girl would be burled alive here." ciountry. Then, when be had shot . It was tben some one rapped at the to death. Frlgbt and weak beart, .to"What; no gbost, no detectives!" Jie said, Itlll with his s mile. "What a dis. down Arnold Armstro'n g that night, be knocker on the heavy front door. Hal-, gether." .pad to chooae between two evils. He lIey got up leisurely and opened It. "But what could have done It?" G~r- a bpolntme nt t o the vlllage!'" . .ahl the thing tbat would Immediately adrdltting Warner. He was out of trude aaked. "He was all right this I r esented his attempt at playf\lltturn 'p ublic opinion In hls fa\'or. and breath from running, and he looked ' dl ~ b t dl A ness. It ha'd bee'n anythlng 'but a joke "urrendered himself. as an innocent half abashed. erenlng at n~er. , rner, 'Yo' a Of to us. say "D.r . Walker," I sold tartly, . 'J tall man. The strongest thl ng aga Ins t "1 am sorry to disturb you." he aald. he porch 1" "when you fOund him on tbe him Is bls preparation for flight, and "But I dldn't know what else to do. Warner looked shaken ; bls honest, to seo any humor hi th4) , sJt~atlon. bls deciding to come back atter the It's about Thomas." boyish fa,ce was colorless. Since 1 came here, one mnq bas been • - Id Arms'trong. He W"· murd el' 0 f JUno "What about Thomas?" [asked. "Just wl'at I told you, Miss Innes. shot, ,..nnd anothe, r one has died from .... here have been Intrude' rs In e h rew d enoug b t 0 dl sarm . su's pl c Ion 'a s Mr.' Jamieson had oome 'lnto the hall He'd heenIU reading the 'p aner down- "sli' o'c '-' ~~' " . "'" th. e graver c h arge, and we all stared ' at Warner. stairs ; 1 had put up the ~ car, a.nd, the ho\lse, 'and' s trange noises." ifr that tz-- - -- - ' i' IIO evening dragged along slowl,. "He's acting queer:' Wnrner ex- .feellng· sleepy, I' came down to Is funn~re S somettlng wron, Parlll Pattern .... 0. 3316, A'II 'Bea':'. b d b W iT with my eensO' of humor." 1'j __ Mrs. ,atsan came to my e room e- plalned. "He's sitting dowp thete on lodge to go to bed. As I went up· "Yoh miss the point," h. sal". stili Allowed.-So ' many people are just fore I went to bed and asked If I had the edge of the poroh, and Jie says he stairs Tbomas put down the paper "OOd naturedly~ "The thing tbat Is now looking for pretty dresses 'for the any arnica. She showed me' a badly bas seen a gbost. The old man -looks and taking his pipe went out on tbe fUnDY to me Is that yo-d lJ1sls[ "n reo little maids who mUllt attend tbe weo. swollen hand, with reddlsb lI~re~ks bad, too; he can soarcely speak." porch. Tben 1 ~eard an exclllma ti'on mQllItn'" her e, un~&r the ' ' clr:.c unis' dlngil of their relatives and , _.trle.nd!! running toward the elbQw; she' said ' "He'a as full of superstition as an fram him." tances." I should thluk 'nothing would that we b'a ve , designed a model W6l1 ' It was tbe hand she had hurt {be night egg Is of mel\t," I said. "Halsey, brlQg "Didn't he say anything you could keep you." r. • '~. ' lulted to just ' tbese and other spe. of the murder a week before, and that some wblsky a nd we ' will all ,go understand?" I asked. "Yo are mtslak~n. EverylbIJ1g' that IlIal occasions. Nat)lrally the IItyle ahe had not slept well sInce. It looked down." "He said something ab.out tho-graYe ,occurs only confirms my res61utlon to Is Bot restrloted to tbese uses only, to me as It It might be serious, and I No olie moved to get the whisky, glylng up Its dead .'" . but can be used for any and all sumtold her. to let Dr' Stewart see It ~ Mr. J am Ieson was' go Ing th roug h stay mYlftel'Y Is whIch I judged there were three . ~'I IIntll ,have ,the a message for,cleared you, ," Mhia mer materials. The front of tbls Tb" next morning Mrs. Watson pocket fiasks ready for emergency. old man's pockets, and Gerlrude was ' frook sbowa a prl~cess panel, ob. . ,Innes." he said, dr1.slng ath.Iast: wen t up t 0 t own on the 11 train and Gertrllde -threw a shawl around my compos Ing hi s Arms, f 0 ldl ng t h em k ,"Mrs, tal·ned by folding under tbe material , XI Armstrong a s ke me to t an · you tor . Ital 'Was admitted to the Charity hOIiJ'l . 8holll~ers. and we all started down across his white shirt-bosom, always yout' kindness to Louise; whose wblm, of the front of the waist to simulate a Sbe WBS sulfering [rom blood·polson- ovt'.r the hili; I had made so many so spotless, oconrrlng at the tlme It did, put her box plalt. This contInues unbroken In the course of bls in to ..,-eat luoon.venlence. ' by brlt or ornament to the bem of Ing. I flllly meant to go up and see nool\lrnal excursions around tbe place her there, but other things drove her that 1 knew my way perfectly. But tbe detective bad come to the b . the skirt, giving the prlncelll e ntirely fl'om my m Ind . I t e Iep bone d Thomas was not on the veranda, nor pocket of tbe dead bu t1 er's blaok tbls Is a delicate I matter-a t e1 ~Il'" Yl'U .. we haYe Ipoken o-f iLls, W dresll ma. to t he b 08P ltal th a t d ay, h 0 wever , and was be Inside tbe house. The men coat. H ere h e f oun d some thin gs t Ila t me to appea to hiyOUi'I na ura sym· as particularly lIulted to d--sy ..... her , and e"'changed significant glances, and ..•n t eres t ed bl m. 0 ne was a sma U tl a t pathy [or b er, at t ' s t me, I~ _,11"III~ be Just, .", ~retty • or d ere d a PI' Iva' t e ro om f,nr v I and to as,k t!lrla111, o;u .. '" _. rec\ for pla Whatever comforts she might be at- Warner got a lantern. uy, with a red ' oord tied to It, and the you II you . will noth reoons Sder your Id dei ~ode1 all could be de... lft 1owed. " " ' on clslon al)out tbe ' ouse. IInnys e a Unen" 0'1" gln,ham. Tbe pa-ttern la lTD '" "He can't have gone far," he said. other wal a b . It 0.... white paper, , ! ~nd ~ 1.1'"'es-6.S·lle .'"II ye..... Mrs. Armstreng arrived Monday "He was trembling so that he couldn't which wall written something tn her home ; sh~ : loyes It dear-Iy, h f ..... ' ... l"" ill year's. ". e vening with her husband 's body, an ct atand when I left." Thomas ' cramped h an. d M. r. J am Ie- just I now she " wishes to retire ere or" requlrea StL 78 ,ards of material 88 et andmust peace. the services were set for the', next Jamieson and Halsey together made son read It; then' he gave It to me. . It qu"She hav"! had a change 01 !Dehea' Wide: day. The house on Chestnut str~et, the round of the lodge, occasionally Was an add~ss In fresh Ink: heart," I ' .aali!. ungraciously en9ugh. , '1'0 J)~ thlll pattern lell4 10 "ilta LUCIEN WALLACE, "LouIse told 'm e ber mother despl8~d to "Pattern Departmllnt," of . thlll paper; In ttlwn, had been opened,· and TUe&- calling , the o~ man by name. B~t day morning Louise ' left us to go there was' no response. No Thomas 14 Elm' Street. RlchftelJ. t he place. Besides; this Is no place ,;Wl1te n~~ an4 addr!t88 plalDly. c.nd, ,be bOlllc . She ftlDt (or me before .be carne. bowing and showing bla white A. the card went around, t UJink tor quIet and peacn "'ust now. An,. lUTe. to Iia and lIlW'ber of 1IaUen, went, nnd I saw she had been crying. teeth through tbe darknesll." I began both the detective and I ' watched for bo,\}" doctor, whlie t don't care, to MO. ,3818. BlZll••••• , ••••'.:••• ••• " How can 1 tbank you, MillS Inncs1" to be vaguely uneasy, for the first any possible elfect It might have, but, force an Issue, I ,uhall certainly reshe said. "You have taken me on time. Gertrude, wbo was never nerv- beyond perplexity, there seemed to'be malo 'here, (or a tJme at least." HAXB.•••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fal tb, and- you bave not asked me ous In the dark, we~t alone down the n'o ne: ' ' ''For how long?" .he asked. I .:: ' • . .. TO-9" .., •••,••••••••••••••••• any Qllestions. Some time, IJerhaps. I drive to the gate, and stood tbere, "RlchAeld!" Gertrude exolalmed. "My lel\j!ie Is for .slx months. I shall ," •••••••••••••••••• can tell you; and when that time looking along the 1ellowlsh line of the "Why; Elm street Is the maln- street ; s't~y un.Ul sonlc exp.l atlation Is found ftBJDl:T .A.ND 1.f0.1 ••• com"s, ,rou will aU despise me-~al- road. while I :walte4 on the t1~y ver- don't ,Y:ou remember, Halae~?" , for certain things. My own lamU, Is sey. to"," , anda. .. "Luolen Wallace !" Halsey' said, implicated .now, and I shaU do every. r ftA.U.~ .... :., ..•. ~ , ...•................•••: Warner waa - 'puzzled, He came "That Is tlie chUd ~~wart , sPoke of at. thing to clear the' mystery of',~rnold I tried to tell ber, how glad I was to bave 'had h r, bilt tbere was some-· around to the, ed'g e ot the Y~i'anda . inquest,'" , " .Ar.mtljtong's. ,mulldel'." .~ " '" A Double VacatIon. ,. thing 'else 8h~ wanted to say. She and ,stood looklng ' at It"as If 'It ought 'Wai'ner,' with his m'ISChanlc's In· \ ' 1,'b~ doc~~r stoOd 100klngd~wQ, IIl~1!' said ItfinalJy, ,Wh en - 8he had bade a to 'know anll explain: " .. . !lthlct"bad readied for the k eY: Wb~t ping l'ls gloves, thoughtfully . agalnllt . Mn.. Ne"bhora-.:.l havn't aeen any. conBtrRlfted good ·by lo' Halsey and the "ae ~Igbt " have stumble luto the ,he !!ald was not Ii surprise. .. tbe palm oC .. a 1I·ell-1ooke4..ft1er band, th~ng of your wife fQ.f a couple. 01 ' houae,'; ' he p'ld, ".but . he,' could . "yale look:' he sl,\l<1. :'~rOb~b17" ', 1 Xou .all}'. have ~ep' Intn:Jdel'll w'eeka. Is .1Ie out of town' car was wattin~ at the door. " era_Iob-Yel; abe's palaln. ,be, In the hOllse,?" be aSked. " You are, "Miss Innes." she said In a Low bave climbed the stairs. Anrbow, he's keT. to tbe east entry." of tbat; MI.. loear . tone. "If they- ·lf 'there Is any attem)'t. not Inllde , all outalde, that 1 can _." , Tbere wa. no reason 'wh, Thbuiaa, ncaUon Jp *be oountr" '. made t~ lIa 1'e. you . give up tbe Tbe other mt/mb. ra 01 the party ,had an old and trusted . lI'erV81lt, ' abQuId (TO BE CO'NTINUED.} Mrs. Nelghbora - Indeed!. And bouae. do It. If you possibly c aD. I am COOle back now, and DO ODe had bot baYenad '. ke,. ,to that particular -" ~ben do.nJu take -four ncaHOD' -'raid- to bl\V~ )'OU ata ." . found any trace ' of the obI maD. Wa door,,' although the aervanta' e~trJ' One Thing at a Tlm~ , OroqloU-Oh, I'm haYlr!,1DlneIlO1f, , - That waa a'l. Gel {rude went Into pipe', atlll warm, rested On the' eelae "U.lD the "eat wlna• . But l hacl "WN do ,~~ aJW&711 eat a .1JU4n tpwa wltb bel' ~d 'aaw her' well ot tbe ·rall.,aod, lnlllde o~ th8 table baa b01Ql ot thl. ker, it e.. b8rqre cUDfJl* out'" , bom. 8h~ reported a decld.d cool.,. old pay hat. .bow~ tbat 1~ ' 0...... • 118... 11.14 of conJec~. ' ,"So tbat 1 .C)4D, lIve ID7 "tin ..... ID the It'eflUnl betweeD LoUtH , , 'i.wey~, tbere were tloa bI the mdlpmiDt .gf die ,.1..,._ ~ IDOtbtr, and 'that Dr.. Walker I'rom tile 1M ~ , ,, _ )mi. ua4 ....... .".






~ t t


A New Version. Lllwyerll hllve 1\ peculiar system of abbr vlatlon. such words as trus tees, exccuto rs being cut down to t rees. exors , and admors. This practise led to a n aUlIIslug slip on tbe part of a soli citor, who. somewhat late In li re. a bandoned his profosslon and entered tile cburch. A few Sunl1ays a fte r his ordination he sta rU cI his congregation wblle I'eadlng the lesson by delivering one of tbe pussages as followa: "1 sec meu us trus tees walking."

A Flve·Cent Washwoman. In Evanston, Illinois, wasbwomen get trom $2 to $2.50 per day, and car- _ fare to and from work. Five years ago they got $1.50 a d,ay. Naturally wasb day Is an expens ive day there, But now women everywhere are learn· Ing ot a wash-day worker that only costs a nickel. Easy Task laundry soap does half the work all by Itself, !!aves monoy, saves time. s av~s fuel, lIaves health and s nves clothing. Many women say It solves the servant problem.






1 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .





IDa" 1__





Henderson-When a~ man marrlel he keeps 'his wire In dresses: hats, sboee-In faot. eyerythln, ahe needs. What doea a wife keep her b~aban4 · in? " Henpeck (abaenUy)-Hot water. LeI.. Lavllh. "1 saw : Uncle T,. m's Cabin' played recentl,." "Bo!"

"I think-I'll read the book," "You may be disappointed. Th• book mentions only~e lft~le Eva and one Lawyer Mar).a.......:..Loul~vllJe COurler-Journal. Oplnlona Alred. , ''Were the ,commencement exercfse' interesting?" . , ,"Very. Tbe time was divided between advice from publLc m-en on the BoiecUon of a career and suggestions trom graduates on how to run ' tbe government." .. Game. Tbo Creditor-Will You pay this bill now, or never7 The Debtor-MIghty nice ot you to give me my choice, old scout. I cboose n·e ver.

.S1IIIlIiler ,.

C;'omfort. . . .. ~\

There's ,olid satis£a-c'. tion and delightfl!l fe~ freshment in a' glass ,of

Sened With Su.., and: ,'.• Jitde'Lemon. _ -. ". \








'R ai nt io w ' Ga lC l ,




Mark et

By Temple Bailey


Flood ,d With Cqmm erdal ArUcl e Puc. Oue. Bl' Priva te MaDV l8cc.u rers-S uullsb e. CaDDo t Be Deat.


.F er 11 1i Ze rs

Inereas e the yield- Impro ve the qualit y-Enri ch the soil. . CoPJrtabl, ,Ieu- ,by A-alo4 Litera,., Pc... (By M. P . RAVEN EL. M. D, .and K. W. tbe ule or some Eve. .." ha.....t ,pro••• It. Can yO\& afford to Tbe dlmnesll ot the bl. drawing atte r a alienee, "1 thougbt ,spray. Jf there 18 I.,., SMITH. Unlveral Ly of 'VllIConll!n room ';88 sllgbtly lelllleDed by the return would ' be a triumph that feeted .\forage or bed. ria. d Acrlcult lng, yoW' It url\l sbould wheaU B • •ale. Experlm be enL al entrr. .low of the tlgbt through the perfo- E.,eryo ne would want ralted out IUld burned. Walla must StaUOD.) to hear me rations of the samova r. mvelyn Her- sing-an d now no one wUl The market la flooded with com- be well soaked with water, then thorcare to J1ck was ~pourlng the teiL mercial dIsInfec tants put out by pri- oughly ecraped . Burn aU materia l reheayme ." "I had a letter from ChJ1atlne thla Philip sank clown on the fur rug In vate manufa cturera. Many malle ab- moved In' this way, All rotten wood morning ," she said as abe handed a front of her. "Is It all grow the blg&'est eropa, Ask your dealer. gone, your surd claims for their materia l. In In t!oors, teed boxes, stanchio ns, etc. cllp to Bruce McKenzie. buying tb ~se 41elnfe etanta one Is apt must lie taken out and burned. ThoI' voice?" he Rsked softly. Arm our Fert ilize r Wo rk. "What did she say?" be asked; eIL-_ "I stili have a tlttl~ voIce:' she ough cleaning will otten make dIsinsald, to pay much more than their true serly. value. It should always be remem- fectants unnnece ssary, but no amount Chic ago "but no one cares to .bear It." "Walt until these people go," Ibe And agaln there was silence. There bered that no one firm has a monopo ly of disinfec tion wlU take the place of tnurmur ed, ,"and then I will read It to was constra int, tpo, In the atmosph ere, ot chemica l disinfec tants. All com- cleanlin ess. In cas,e s of contaglo ull )'ou." for Bruce and Evelyn had grown Into mercial Inslnfec tants depend on well· dl6eases both cleanlin ess and dlstnleotion must be employe d. It W8l! an hour before the crowd each other's lives and Quaint Table Manner s, SIMPLE STATEMENT OF . FACT away rrolll known chemica ls for their action. A m~lted away, and even then 'they were Christin e's. Jerome S. McWad e, the Duluth mil-, When usIng a dIsInfec tant of any Only In Philip's heart few manufa cturers have succeed ed In In Uonalre , talked at a dinner about tbe prepari ng thele chemloa ls 80 that Eort two things must be always reo Mr. Johnson Unable not alone, for PWltp Herrick lounged was the real welcom e that she craved. to See Where delIghts of n backwo ods vacation . on the couch In the corner. Evelyn She felt this Instinct ively, and It they are easily handled and have cer- member ed: 1, use enou!h ot tbe dlsln. Any Way He Had "Put His "I go to a qua.lnt backwo ods vllJage rend the note In an underto ne. Foot In It." was ber need of him, perhaps , that every summer ," he said, "and number -,j "} am, coming home, Evelyn. After made ber ask later, when the four had !lll these years of study my 'l'olce Is a talked of many thlrigs, "Will It.\s common to deplore the laok of leiS are the quaint people 1 meet.' you ride failure. Do you rememb er that I used baok to the hotel with me, humor In a p'erson, Yet the very there. PhllllJ 7 I "Old Bouche r. for Instanc e, the jnDi to say that I would, find my pot of know Evelyn bad a dinner want ot It may savo a certain amount engage· gold at the end of the ralnbow , and ment nnd Bruce will want of embarr assmen t, as was the case Itor of the village church, III most! to say Bruce would tell me Uiat on a certaIn occasio n with Preside nt amusin g with his qualnt ways. I had; one ever to her wIthout us." really found rainbow gold1 All these Johnson . ' "He was one day," .ays a old Bouche r to lunch ono day, and Philip ins isted u~n 11 stop at a wa· l years I have been seekLng a thing that room, ",bere they ordered writer In Harper 's Magazin e, "visit- tbe cold lohster was served wlth 81 Ices as an did not exist, and you have stayed at e~cuse but ate nothing log my mother, ond a friend, Mrs. mayonn aise sauce. Wben my servan~ . Knox, a ' widow, 'c ame In. Bhe had otrered this sauce to Bouche r. tbe oldj home and have tound bapplne ss. 1 They talked of Bruce and ot EvoJyn often thlnk of you and Brueo 'and of and ot the comIng marriag known Mr. Johnson some years be- man stuck his knife 'In It, took up ~ e. "lllvelyn fore, when he was 'a member of the UtUe on the blade, tasted It, th6l\j the frlendsh tp that has grown up be· chose the better part," ChrIstin e sl\ld. tween you, Someth ing you Bald In , "A woman Is only legislat ure but they had not met since ehook his h ad and said: a woman after all, H 'Don't choose none.''' your last letter makes 'me feel that and home·ke eplng hearts then. are happl, you two are about to enter upon a est." After mutual recognlU on, Mr. Johnaon said: 'How Is Mr. Knox? I ' dearer relation shIp than friendsh ip, There can be no greater mistake He felt that she have not seeD hIm lately.' and I wish you bapplne ss, I who have of Bruce, and tried regrette d the loss than to suppose that tile man wlt~ to comfort her. "I missed happine ss In' my search tor don't believe that " 'He haa }leen dead six years: Bald ,1,000,000 Is 0. mlll!on times bappre~ you would haTU rainbow gold." than the man will! olle dollar. 14rs.- Knox. . been bappy with blm, ChrIstin e:' he • 'I thought I hadn't aeen him on Bruce and Evelyn looked at each sald. the street,' said Mr. Johnson . otber. ' "You see, she knows," E"elyn She looked at him startled . ''WIth "When Mra. Knox lett, my mother sRld at last. wbom?" she demand ed. said, laughln'g : 'That was a tunny m.lsFrom out or the shadow s Phlllp Her"With Bruce, ot course," he saId. talco of yours about Mr. Knox.' rick nsked, "Has sbe lost her voice!" "Oh !" she laughed a lltUe. "Did .. 'Wbat m.lstake did I ~ate?' said "tes," Evelyn told hIm, "her beau- y(\U think-w hy, Phlllp, I am gl(\d I Jobnson . 'I said 1 badn't Ie en him on tiful voice: and she gave every- gan UQ, Bruce. If 1 had loved him I the street, and r liadn't.' " thing for It." oould not have given him up. It} bnd She dill not say, howeve r, wbat was loved blm no oareer could have takeo In tbe thought s of each one of the Try Thl" Thll Summe r. m~ away fl'om blm, and tbat was wh3 Tho 'very next time you're hot, Urecl i w nt aWIY to search for my pat ot or thlraty, step up to a soda fountai n gold." Sht! stopped tor ,'11 momen.t; and get a gl88S ot Oooa-Cola. It will then sbe went on with some heslta· cool you otr, relieve your bodUy aDd 'tlon: "·T here was some one else 'that mental fatigue and Quench your tbirst I loved, Philip, but 'I v.-as not light deUghtfully, At soda. fountai ns or anough ~r frivolou s enough t o turn carbona ted In botUea -6c everyw here. from one ~IIUl , to anotber . I teU tbl\t Del1clous, refresh ing and ' wholellome. I must give up Bruce and test my· Bend :to the Coca-Oola Co" Atlanta , self-bu t the other ma.n never told Ga., tor the.l r tree booklet "The Truth me, philip, that be 'cared." About Coca-Oola." Tells what Coca... Someth ing II) her voice made him Cola. Is and why It fs so deliciou s, relook at her ·startled . freshing ~d thlrat·q uencbln g. , And "Would you hilve given up your ca· Bend 20 stamp tor the Coca·Co la BaSI!" eer tor thnt otber man?" 'lie' demanded . ball Record Book for 1910-c ontalns , . the ramoul poem-" Oasey ~t The Bal." ·'Yes." "be 'said softly. "I would records , schedul es for both leapea bave been ~lnd to bave used my voice Applyin g Liquid Dlslnfect~nt. Ind other valuabl e basebal l Infol'lD8l' lor love songs and luUabys, Phlllp. I Uen compile d 'by authorlU es. knew ,that 1 W1'.8 following n pbantom , taln advanta ges over the substan ces llend ,on thoroug h cleaning , airi ng, and tbat my greates t happIne ss would not on which th eir value depends , but as rectant, and 2, give It time to act. A Bernha rdt TrIck. come from a , career. But '!- telt t~t I a rule It Is better to buY't!Ie chemica ls Many disinfec tants are d oompos ed Mme, Sarah Bernha rdt. who Is sup· mUllt go away-b ecause this other and not some private commer cial while acting by the substan ces with mlln was true to his friend, and be· prepara tion of them. which tbey come Into contact . It a posed to be someth ing ot an artlJt· as _.' ~ 'cause I telt that I must be v'e ry' sure TJle /lctlon of a disinfec tant often liberal quantity bas not been employ- well as an actress , was recently called ( .. ' I at- myselt." depends, largely on Its solublll ty In ed. It Is all used up 'b efore disinfec tion upon ' In one of her mat;'velous crear tions to enaot the role of a sculpto r, ~ ~ "I .could not tell you. You und~r. water. For 6ample , some oU,. aub· apd to model a certaln ~ust In view of t ;.., stand , .. ' he asked eagerly . "i did not stances have conside " 1,If'i_ '\.-.: rable power (...:I-"" the audience. This fairly eleotrlft ed dre8.lq tbat ~ou 'cared, and I thought do not dissolve readily In water, but nor '~ ":' -' 'the critics, but whe,n going Into rhapBruce's lite wa~ bound up Sn you." mix with It. · A good exampl e II found sodies over tbe technica l skill In 'hanPhilip " Sa.nk Down on the Fur RUlt ''1 Imcw It wnsn't," ahe said. "B,!t In tbe cresols, which 'a1'e the basis ot dling the clay whIch ,Mme. Bernha rdt) In Front of Her, that' had to be proved, and only my ma:lY' commer cial prepara tions. Tbe exhibite d they showed that they 1mew ... gain, awn1 could prove Il And I am pneral uaefuln els ot these vrlluabl e little of the artistlo tricks of aotors thlee as ' tbey sat In ' the dim ' room. more titan glad that aaenta Is' mucb Increaa ed by combln· I and actresse s; as ' a matter lIf faot, Ihe 'J'liey .lillcl all loved Ohrlsttn e, and· she Philip, because I have went away Ing them with ,soaps ' as In creoUn, learned now does nothing of the kind. The bust had been engaged to Druce; but feel- that ·love 18 the greates t 'thlng In tho l,sol, ~tc., whleb ml-x readll, with waIs modeled and baked, 'and over It la -tng th~ call of her , ..enlus, she bad world. , I saw so many ter fn women all propotU ove!' ons'. placed damp clay ot the same color. . c~~sen a career rather than mft.rrlage. tbere' lIvlng thefr ' pitiful lJtUe U"es-ror comple te disinfec tion ot • room TWs the talented actress merelY pulls I ' . '·&:~~I ADd 'now mvelyn and Bruce were en· women eaten up by jealousi es and am the gaseous disinfec tants are otr, exposin g the be~ut1fully modeled caged and Ohrlstln e 'Was coming back. bltlons! Uld the craving the best, tor excitem ent, tor the reason that the head underne ath: gas permea tes B(!bJnd the' eamova r Evelyn whtR- 'and I learned tbat nothing ', makes R every · noo~ and corner, pered to ber lover" "I am afraid." reachin g woman ' happy but love and ' a ii'ome. Making Task. Easy. placos that would Dot be touched In "Of what?" be deman.ded. , All the mftidern tlieorles , all the ad· jiny other way. It Ie plaln...tb.a.t the "'rbat when s~ comes bnck you vanced argumentis can There are lots of lDagazl nes pnnted never mak~ room must be tightly sealed to Barrel-C art Type' of Hand Spray. ~t11 ffiiiIThat you bave not torgot{ en- me belleve I(nythln g elae." (or' the purpose ot telllng women how pre"ent the escape ot the gas. ThlI Is to Jllake their. work lighter. ' But you her." AJld then he knew that al\ bls walt,., easily done " . with strips of heavy wrap- II! c'omplete, No gen~ral rule can be can't reduce labor by reading about IL He sbook bls bead. "She did not Ing was to ha!e Ita reward. He told' ping liaper !lnd qrdlnar y t!our paste, given for time. AU the phlloso pby and theory hl the love me, and now I know tbat I did her, then , of his dreAms 0.. pta II b71U.hWa7 _ _T_ and of his ,put Oil with a palnt or whlte-w asb not love her-no t In the way that I deSires. He wanted, her M.edlcated soaps are usually worth· world won't help you out on wash .day 01 .......Mnd. b7 &4 BouMJ.-No dif~ In bls lUe. It brush. It II easily washed orr and leIS !,-nd love yo~ Evelyn. " seemed to tbem both, as tbey went leaves no mlU'k. should not be trusted. Most unless you use Easy Task soap, which '_ _ _ Coutip adaa ael .I_tl.I .... Theil' voIces after that sank ,Into a out, that the world had ot them are not 119 good a8 ordinar y lives up to Its name and makes wash- '.... the .ho" change d' aIck-E~ Gaseou s , disinfec tants cannot, be soap alone. Soaps are Ing an easy task by doing balf the murmur ed monoto ne. ' The darknes s there wns a radianc e useful malnl, about tbe sta";. used In barns bod,. ImoWiI t-CASC ARET.! ......... ... work. Get It at your grocer's . gatbere d, and the man on the couch, lI'ghted evening that was a' retiectiOIl on acCOUIlt of and stables, 88 a rule, In making substan ces soluble. and ascaN Bowel ael U"eJ' troaIaIee b711mp17 ' the opeD conatru cUon slsUng In cleanin g surfaces , garment looking tllrough the ' part,d curtains , of the radianc e within &. themsel ves. , And They Wonder edl ~ aature' l work Jou pi • . . could see th~ stars. He Ulougbt of As he left her, at her hotel, Obrlstln e of BlICh , building s. Here We muat de- etc. Judge Nichola s Longwo rth, who used llWiou 11M CASCA RET.\ IJfe SaYer' , the girl who was coming back. When wlJlspered, '" have found my pot of to sit on Ohlo's' suprem e bonch, looked . ,abe.bad gone away she had been radl· gold, Phlllp." CA8CAIUlTS IOC • boz for I WftItta 883 unn,a turally grave, and a neighbo r, tn ~lJIlenl, dl drulllriata. Blunt Hiler c ant wltll hope and beauty. She bad "Where ?" he demand ed. ' . . the world. .. Ulloa boRi • _Ua. recogni tion ot his facial dep~esslon, been courted by a dozlm admirer s. "At the other end ot the rainbow " named a pet OWl , "Judge Longwo rth." And she, 'i\llIs comJng back a lallure; she said. "Af the end that was nes,;.· It was the very next day that an ex· coming back to find her lover ready to -est hume: Philip." cited maid broke up bls wLte's garden marry another ' woman. party. "Oh, madam,'" said sbe. "Ma· 'lllB heart ache" tor ,ber as It had Major Shuru. datI}! Judge Longwo rth has laid an · . ,n ever ached . ror himself. HIB own Lo, . Emerso n, a state senator In egg." love had ~en hidden that sbe mIght New York, owns some big shirt fac. D~t be,~urt bf seeing It, but through a~l tories' ull In ',lbe nortb,er Nipped In the Bud. the , ye~rs there bad been for him no state and Is very rich. n part at tbe The MLnlster -(stoppi ng to tea)' pther . :wom~ , , ' , One day be visited Republi can No, tha.nk you, I must decllne aD the A,nd ,even as be , thought of ,her she headqu arters In New cucumb ers. York when B , eame. parting the ourtalns softly. and B. OlleU, Jr., was ,cbalrnla Little Tomml~Guess you're afraid D. Odell w~ Ita~~lng tbere I~ the . dl,m n,ess before" ou,t and bad left a ·fllp · young of tbe tummy ache, but you don't need man In any ot them saw her. , . cbarge. to be, ouz when I have It mamma ait ',Sh~; ,l!lu~l\e~ ., 8 uttl~ Ils , sb. " ciUne, Emerso n ' walked In. "Is ways ,rubs-,-" (I ! !)-BoB ton Her-. Odell here'" , ~,ward. tb~~I ' fI!1d they ,jumped to ; be a 'ked , ald. . , their fi!et In .ttU:~ed amalem ent. : , I I! ,: "Youl-dtdn'~ exPect me sb.soon 1" .be ~o~' , ~epl1lld the ,flip young Plan Import ant to Mothe r. ,,.ked, ~d '· kJ..edj Evel~ arid 'g ave .wl., O'!t ge~tln~ ~,p. " " ,Emml ne oarefull y ·, every botUa 01 " b, .r 'hand8 to SJV¢e.'im.d to Plllllp~ ' She ,,,.wher e !,Is lie? "" CASTO RIA, a .ate and 'sure remedy for , bad 10lSt .o~e o(.her 1)e~lltY: ' I,D~n~,: ; . Infari~ and chlldren , and aee that It hll. .IIS. PaJer' ~n,d , .~lhner, · ~d ,the, U.1it !IW~eD ~lU .,be be baok1" ' ~ear. the " ~ ~~'fI"JI~1 .cone frQm b~r e-ye~ •. Bh!! 'gave a ' Du~no. :, , , tired .tgb a.J , sbe' .. dropped . Emerso n tu~ed ~ , leave. "Who ciiatr tbat lSbl1fp' b"ct plaeed In ,' sb41t I say ,0411eIU" ·.-lied . ih,e, flip tn U~e Fo.r Over 80 Ye~ra. .. , .. ' of tb, ftz:e 'for ber. '. t. , young man. " .. ' The 'KIIld You ~ve AlwQI Boilabt. . "How It aeema tQ .bewiti i ' 10Q cODttDuoua 4Wlnva y about 2~ 1nc~ea lIlmerl!On, over, to,the n.l", young all again," sh~ ..tb~ , t}lree dear ~Iln, eaqght ,}I01d o!" '1Vlde:-.~lldlDl' _from the 1lr,It COurse 'Jibe !'ecret of' ute III not t<! do bls s,l Urt tiy tbe people wltb wbOIQ t pla'te~ one ~Ikes; b~t to try' to like tbat. or blocrte to rOOf. a b*m.,' ~!1 said: '1~U .,bll1l the ... .A. • e~J1d." .... ~ '_, ' ,'. o~e has to do: anil one doos lite ~~,o: ~ade "that , 601!~t1, ,.llrt l'oli ~r'~ ;:Pl'ellentl) ebf), went , on, ".ADa no"" ~e ..itfnc ca1Jqd;"-P.httat (elpbha In tlme-.-D . ' Y. ' CrallL Satu ... Spl1n Is lOaDs tq m~ wlttch d&)' POBt. _ "', .' w • Ia .. It aboulcl be, "I ba"8 come back to aI,a ron m) bl-.lDl _ or • Tba' word '.... wd UCtatl7".


Fer tili zer s



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H e b _arv ys ~.~g.

New ' Burlington. "

Piano, f r sale. Inquir 'a t ·· thl our pionE'er a leu Bll\{r teturned f rom (I vi it office. oitlzens whQ h,ls for ometime peen wit}1 relut1vesin Chto~tt last we k, ~ Ohio State Fair, Columbns. '\ndI8),X>8E1d i at tbl~ t,tiue dllnger~ Our v\l1rlge \Vl\ll wcll. 'J'~il1'eset\ted Ml:. Walter J. Kilbon was in Cin; September 5, 6, '7, 8 and 9 .uu ly ft ~l~to!i, having 1 t the OSI'\ at t,he Borne 'oming in Wilmington. einD'ati Monday and Tllesday. Of 1~t8 r fgbt !Ii de. Mr . B B Good rioh, of Milw/luke6, Most Complete Exhi~ ~attlel S 1li /lnn •. Itp ~~ l:)u'lday with friends b l'e, Prof. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner al'nre vlslt-iug their l!l other Susan . WI~lter WbitBk r, of t;pring . VIlI- ~ived here Tuesday from Maaon. bition in History DaWl!lon for everlll dtlY , Ie\', pltlyed witl1 the bUDd In Wil of the State ti'r&Dk F rosbell who is employ d U1lng ton OD Ifridt1Y, Miss Laura Henr~, of Toledo, was i~ qiLyton spent S~nd~y. at qome. Mrs. Frank Foro )1 11 of BI\rveys., a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. ' Joe . Dnv'R Bnd . a. E. Wl1 on, of burg, spent ,lust week Ilt 'Ibe bome Maillt. Dtly\on, ~p6Dt l:)ondllY II" our villll~e of her p,ueDts, Final preparations for the State Lewl ~Ilrs liud fllUlily witMssed The MoKinnoV Bro . IIro sawing Messrs. Cha,s. Burnett, Jesse Lew· Fail' are rapidly nearing completion. the ilrework'il !It, Wllmlugt n Batur· the luruber for ~lun ' l Wil!!on's u w is and Ralph Miller were in Lebanon E."ntries have closed. and the show d~y night. bouse. wi1\ assume the proportion of aNa· I3everal from Wu ynesville passed Our bull team played Pf!lnters, Sunday • . througb here enro~te to WI!mlDI{- Tille I!lst Wednesday "t the Woodtional Exposition. 'l'he fail' g rounds Chas. Smart and Bon Carroll, attOD to atteDd linton 'ounty t! Cen- mens' Pionic and ware defented by now present a busy scene. Exhib, tended the Wilmington Home-Comtennial and HOUle \)mlng . t\ soore of a to 1. itors are busily engaged in installing Ml' M . .A. Cornell driver of ODe Mr Rnd Mrs . Ii . F Cowpton are ing Saturday. the mammoth exhibits and displays, of the large oars belonging to the attending Ohio Yearly Meeting at " ~ "l5eei.n g Oil jton 00,," is tn line for Dumusou!!, Ohio. Harris Mosher and ,than C"ane Rules require all exhibits to be in ~ ~ngratu)l1tion, uot bBVI':lg the .. will go to Fort An ient today to pl!lce ready for public inspection by 8ligbtest trouble in mtlklD~ the 1 0 N ;... . , 8 a. m. Monday, September 5th. All 1·, maDY tripR to Wilmington from SHERWOOD-JEFFREY REUNION see t Ie . . u. exhibitors are co-operating with the here in the two days he rnn I'. Mr. and Mrs. B. Howell spent manas:ement that-the big Exposition A vote of thanks i~ tendered MessrR The Shet'wood and Jeffrey famil'es three days at the Home-C ming in may' open on scheduled time. Madden and ' Sblda,ker for the Street cars of the capital city are 'Ii . , thoolrhtfolness in furuiRhing nur will hold their reunion at the Red Wilmington last week. ' peciplt' a WilY to get to Wilmington Brick church, Thursday; September now in full operation, and these in I , ' '1< . ', . ' during the Bome Cominl{ Mrs . . Will Corn~l1 and children connection with the steam roads will 1st. Dr. J . G Haoy will be at bie offioe were in'. ~i1mington attending the. afford ample transportation facilities H. V. HENDRICKSON in l:ipring Valley this week. Home-Coming reunion. between the city and fair grounds. President Mrll. Welby. Oarter, of 'UaytoD. BLIND MAN CLIMBS STATUE The entertainment and amusement WIlS' t.he guelt of Mrs . Mary Ward Mrs. George Smtth.arrived homtj program of Exposition g~aer than Saturday and'~nndI\Y. GOOI to Top of Liberty Monumont Sund&y after a week's vi it with GEORGE K: CETONE ever before. Harness . races, band Mr. IlDd Mrs , Albert AUIlIDS, of '1' and I, Told of 8lght' He friends in WHmington. Secretary concerts. thrilling circus act.q, daily, Dayton, caJled on f.riends here Sat Cannot 888. urday If nd 8undo.y. Chas. Frye and son Cart, and Wil- while lach night Pain's masterpiece, .)awfl8 McUnrron htu! returned Comln, · over trom the statue of liam Michener visited the soldiers' "Battle in the Clouds," will be prefrom Texl1s and reports everythin'g Liberty 10 New York barbor, a pasAdmission, 2&c ented. glorlou8 {Q tbe Paubandi" , •• n,er t.n Into cOllversatlon ~Ith a camp 'a t Fort An'cie'nt. Tuesday, September 5th, h~ been Monday, Our sobool board are a busy set of bUnd inan who boasted that he had h t clfmbed to the top ot the Itatue, ' CrandStand 2,& c Rev, and Mrs. H , W. ·Bailey left designa~ed Women's Day. All lapeopJe trying to' h Ire telio h erB t a "It waa a pratt.y 100d pull." he laid, Mond~y for ~incinnati to' attend the dies of State admitted free on that will stt<t. lind .not resign. "but I have done better. Bunker Hill day. GIl~rt Welob, of Fort Dodge, . monument tired me a lot more, and Conference of the M. E. Church. · , The magnitude of the Exposition 10Na, til vi Ittng his pllrent.s hel'e for the Wuhin~on mODument In BalU. Mrs. Chas Barnhart and daughter •. is suoh, and the interest of the peo· e. short time. more waa 10m.,ibt·DI ot a clip; but the cUmb that pretty neM tuckered me of Franklin, were guests of Sherman pIe generally, so intense. that record .... out was coming down the monument Dyke and family fO/IJ a few days las breaking crowds are predicted. . ,Corwin. ID WaahlnaloD. Maybe 10U can't o'all week. -_ •• _ -..,. i tJaa,t · ollmblng, alnce It waa waIting . Mr. ,J. Sims BDd ,family, of nellr down fDIItead ot uP. but · tor a man M -"'d'M B S g' I)' . d His Rovong,. Spring Valley. IpeDt Sunday with who can,t Me t h e 00mJ ng .,.own .. tr. om r. WI rs. . . owe, an 't h ' . "You s~ou ld nave Ilropose d to Ill'll. Hope SUfes and daughter, the.. 'btsh placell III alwl.1l1 harder Mr. and Mre F. E. Sherwood saw me," she Buld gently. "Yoll might PLANS AMERICAN AIR LINE. the ExpOsitioD parade in Cin,rinnati have known I'd refuse you." _ _ _ _ .. - u .............. ,. . . . . Hn. Alice HoKinBElY aDd daugb- than «olJ1l' up. ~r were gueetl of Mr. and Mrs. "lI!YerrbodY. you meet on top ot a ,Monaay. .' . " "I did know," b .sltld savage!" "or Capt. Baldwjn Saye Aeroplane 8ervlce Adlt ~11l ~ Inse r tC!cl unll r ,bill hud to," . JOB, Bliley Sunday. ' tower la mIsbty ~ to a blind man. I wouldn't have propoaed....-Ba!Umore . Between ,New York a~d Chloago twentv·llvc ern, tor 1bl:lll' IDllllrt!Il_1" .z , Mr. ~ainee &188 and Mra. Mary They point out the ba,. on thla .ali2e, and ' Mrs. 'Walter Ca'it alld American. • I, Practloable. ~ :~tr. :o~ ::e=~iW, ,,~t • . • - ••- - : - ~' Waterbou~ and daugbter aHended the rI..r · up ,.onder, the lliand. to OLENTANGV PARK Mineola, D. 1,-CountZeppellu', feat "the WUml1ur'on' Home,Cor,nID8 F,I. the front IUld Ule tip end or the ctt7 da\lghter returned Monday from day. · . the.., 'While. I wU dolniLtbert7 a week's visit with relatives in WU, of I.nauguratlnl a pAsaeDler-ae.rTylnl O ' lentan~ Pa'rk',' the call1'tal cl'ty's alrshlp .Une may 800n be duplicated In . !tn, M •. BJantan and Uttle IOn, of ltatU&,. a , ~lp1oad ot ,1UJ1D1sranta mington. e.. the United States, If the hOP811 of O~T-ln froot of rNlj~nC8 oi :: MonotR, vlai&ed relative. here ~an­ pueect withIn halilng . dlet&Dce. 1 day. ., .. oouldn't lee them, but a wo~ tol~ Mrs. Mary Zentmeyel' and c.hildren mag:ni~cent amusement re80t:t ' is Capt. 'l:homas S. Baldwin: who bu)lt . . Mr.R E(lI~la Sanl ... an, lhn8t1lJa~ me all about theml b.O" ·tIl.y were. . • .. open every day and evenIng and its the Untted States. army dlrl81ble ~o, ·tlloa,. Fio.tttrpl.,"' .. IMve.t..U...." . ... 1 Kill Inez sjny,' of ·lnd., ba& been all ~iutcs toaether In the bow ot the Jomed her husband m Ohicage last one hunared attractionsafl'ord entel'- I, are fulfilled. Given the necel8ary I,Oloe Itnd reC'eive .. nlt-,ble r"wIl''- :; ,:" vfetttni her .DDt, M.... 8enj. Millll Ulelr ant ,Umpee of the olt7 Tbursday.and will go to Missouri tainment ' for thousanas visitors ,capital, Oaptaln Baldwin 18 confident ' the,PM' "eet. ' , IbJp for-hln.. 1 .up........ 10m. lollul f ' h ~ ta that. a fleet of dlrl,lblel could be put de dail¥. In-the. bt:autiful theatre the Into commission within three monlhl, FOR-SALE Mn. W.. ·Bil{l(l anlt 80n. 8pent :ODd::~h,.-;'-~D '-;rlth;t .,e~I.~,o+...o_r_a_ s _o_r_,,_s_ .y_._ _ ~,___- -,._ MOD~.~" Ft. Anoisnt. . ~OUl to ,ollmb tOO or 500 feet to the Mr James Johns - of Lytle is in Stubbs-Wilson Players are present· ~ travel on a regular schedule ,be- _ . • " ~ 141-.... Minnie alld L!ln.-. MaKin ; toP qf a place that III ' 00te4 tor Ita . •. . , ' _. " inghighgradedramaticproductions, twe n New York IiDd Ohlcqo. ' . ,'1, • 8ey v1Il&ed Mt•• Ada SDoOk at Soutli Ylew but ' tile oharm 18 not all lolt. Washmgton, D. C., attendmg a Na· and there is music, dancing and more 'I[n spite of Zepil Un'8 success," s~d rORE ROOM-On Main "'?fI t ..':.Lebanon S~day, '. • ael ,~how I've got the utillaotlon' tional m~ti~1r of the Golqen, EagleS, thah ' one hundred other forms of Calltaln Baldwin, "I BUll pin (Jly talth Everytbluir to !rood ooadltlon, ~, " Heia a delccatefrom 'the ~ytle lodge. to the nonrl81d type. By this, I ,mean sbelving aud oI,)Qat~rfl. 10qalrJ, I)f ' f i ~r.1il1ll8 Spray 'u ll family at. ot taJ1q 1'•• beeD there." I, . .amusement, including numerous free the balloon type made of rubber eUk. UN! .•1. W. aldnCie, W.YQ8;vill" f' 1 ' tencl~ tbe 'OI.e av8r/'Rioh reunion Ibstead of an aluminum en.veloP8, with Ohio. ) . ... . ~ , nea~ ~4I''ivenburg Saturday. ' WHERE.THEY LEFT MARGARET . ,Mrs. H. W. ,Gfiest and childr~n, a~trac~ions.. of New Castle, Ind., are enjoying' _ Du~mg t\1e State FSir W:eek a npm- many compartments. The bag ·m.e~· 1" • M~~ :. c." R, ~d~1IJs hRI returned . . ,t.. ' , • ,,' ' , Mrs. Ma''''' Ed- ber of sp~clal features wd.l pe Urlng 150 feet wou!~ l1o11l sq,ooo oublo GOOD •ta~m, IIbara' r.n·~. oem- . I to her ~o~e In Ind.; after . a visit Reold... Chauffeur Who ~e Tardily a ten -d' ays Vl'SI't wI'th '01 t d Id t,eet of hydrogen gas In three eotnpart. v8Dtel,lt. luqoire of ~ . , B.t : with her P!'rentl!l, Mr. and . ~rs. Oli. In,ona-.l of ,t he Loae 'of ,On. of wards and daughtel.', ·'Miss Annie Ed- se~ e and non? S ou fad to ,mQuts. . ' . Chal)~"n, R. II 21 WaynASvtHfI, U ver Davis, " ".J" • , . HI. P,., , wards. tbl~ mammo~h pleasure g~ou:d, "Peraonal1y. I thInk the firBt dlTlg' . '. Mr. (l'. Borden and Wife, of Rloh . whlcl1 has galnM .th~ reputatIon of 'bre to malte the trfp wm be tho arnall, Toa~cco' S'l'lOK8-AbOllt 5 000 ~S~klJ1l' 01 .automoblle llpeedlna," mond. Jnd., visited Mra. Matv Wa the ' ,Coney Island ot the Wejit." eSt In ' the world ever built tor endur' . luod tohllooo 81l0tl tor Itale."n. hld' a 'man. who drivel bls own car, "I Mra. Cora Baker and tWQ children, The terb~86 and tamJly ~eoent1y. , IYreat · variety , of ,amu8t!men'l;s ~nce work. In , my oplnloD this craft qut'reof~JDI. Hqttorw\,r'h, Wayu(jfl ' & , , ",n~ not be .ov r 160 long and w,lU ville, OhiO.' . . . . _ . Jrlr. ·Oalvin .Badley. of Ann ,Arbor, hearcl a' 1004 poe tbe other ~1.1. A of Springfield, .s topped off ~ere to lIlob , :vialied relatt veB here &tur- 70UDS IrlahtDan . who. hAvlnJ ' lett visit her · mother, ~1'8. lda $tOkf!8, Bp'p'ea1 to al1 ~ges a:n~ {lll class,es, and be driven bY 'a 50,horRe power en81ne. . , , i 119me and made.a lot of money, wall after attending': Wilmington Home- a(1 tisito~s nnd ~11t:ertainment 'suita · day. I. { , "With ' such fa ship I COUlil trnllMport t:'OR RALR-Plano, lima II R,.nHe " ', "' . bY '. bil two married slstere. Co~iDj[, ' . ble tQ their partlcular fancy. Olen· six' persons and thE,l11' baggage from r Cook t:ltov" • . (Ilqlil or w«iQd), ' - • Lee Senderaon, wife and lttUe TltilUld Il.sther of whom bad ever ridden in tan~y (,lifers the maxim~ni amount New \York to Chlcngo In SO ho~ra, and ')~Mra, SPJ!JnI( ' (Jot. 'Inquire , dauRhter were Sunday guests .of an automol>Ue.' 80, he ' pl&lU184 tor W.•1 KUboD. ~ of enJ'oymont at a purely " lItllllll.II".I .1 r would be -able to navIgate In , WIDds Rldgo'" (hllpry. Prof. and Mrs. O. A. Ferree, (\f them' a , trI~ tn hla au~mobne, thlDk· " ~ up to 30 mJles an bour with perfect ' B~qn: Burge has Qloved to liar: IDa they ,.-,oul4 enjoy, both the novelty' Washington C H ; were ' shaki~A' cost, and is thp. favorite outing safety. A craft ' ot this kind wo~ld ==.~.=::;:~===:;==::;::= r;:' veY"\rilrg. • . " 01 the ride and the clb" IIlghtl. . With " .' . . ' for ~entral Ohio 'people. , not excc d In cost $50,QOO, Rsalnnt tbe I . BEL · p'. W.-""TmED .~e8· , Jane and ~loren(l6 'Clark, .:vlew to a Uttle ~. 'at hili sleters' tlands:with frlenas ' here last Thurs$600,000 ",blch .[s ' tbe price of a Zep. ' l U U: ·of Xenia, visited their 1llother lind ez~n.e, be ,told 'the 'ohaulreur to 'let day, They were the guests of Dr. pelln." . _·_____""""'_~:...'"'!/~'_ _......_}~aturday a.o~ ~nn~lJ.y . . 'er ~ou,t" .,. ',mQch ... ;w.... ooltalltent ~nd Mrs .. Ward, of Harveysburg. wt.t h ..r~t,.! at the aame ' time warn· . ~ ipteJIIl:Cent 'p8t:11 0 o ma', e"rn ,- ~~---:-, I10P mtlnf.bly · 'oort8lpoodlog -), , Ins the i •• lat.~ra .that' the, !ShoUldn't ' Prof and Mr!l. G· J Graham ~nd DR' . J. MILLER, Qregonla. llpeak to the chautreur as he 'Wu a • ..•. for .ilew8p1\periiNo QaDV.selOK ,' ; .. i \ . .' ' I , . , very Denoue man and muata't be, daughter, MISS ~abel, .drove down . ~~~ , for ~,\~~loulli~. Pret.8 · Hlodl-t~, ; ft, "! \ ••• DENTIST .•• , Mias Luolle )lason W$S in Clark.~ dillturbed when be was ~vlnS a eM. from Xenia Saturday and_were the Or,te, B ~721, ~llI~ort, L'I. y, ~ . - .'1. : Vln• Mond&y~ attending Miss Van " "mvemhlns wu quiet In the ton· guests of Mrs Eliza Haines MiS& , " .' . Penc:e Dlllg, 3~1 D oren 'a musical reoital ' " . ,. .' . !1l ..rk :"1:~ ~ Over CfOIIII Uma. Store Waynesville, O. ,. . . ' neatl while , the driver went rulhl~1 Mabel will spend several days here. • Mra. , LaSour Ie Visiting her lion out Into the luburbll and throulb the . \'!!' _'!!!!\!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~~!,!!!!!,,!!~~~ BUSINESS ..,' I , _ _ _ _ _ _ _....;..___....;;_ _ -. ~A:.. , Goorge. . parkJI. BdmeUm.e1 It was on tour , . '. . . , Mr.' and 'MrII; George Stioker 'speot- 'wheela and 1I0metimea on two. but . Mr. ,and Mrs. qlff Ridge, of CI.n' ..,' "~'. ,'. . St;lDday i~ Morrow. theJ'e waa ° protellt. He had eD- cmnatJ, Mrs. Walter Read ..and MISS NYONE, "oywllete, can Bkr' ... ~ ~, ~ · Will Pott()rf'lla8 succeeded In p8S!1. tered Into the sl)lrlt of the affair, and SGphia Kearney, of Chicago, and ' " . . . . ' . a' m~lI .order ,bU~~DP'S a'home. '. . No CaIlVR/I8,o'". 0" 'yo'iii- own bo8~. ..-; log the · exam . Ination for teillgraph h. made up ~111 mind he would make Mrs Chas Harner and son of near Fancy Apples-~ooking, Eating Seo(l for frl'9 bOil. let Q'ella how. l oper"for, llz:-d " wtll· begin work lit . tho.e women crr 'enough.' 80 be Ne~ Burlington, were g~eSts of : " Jersey, Sweet Potatoes once. :. Be is Il worthy young mllu pl~ked ou.t some rough lolng and . . _.;;.'~~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Heo,oook, A 5620, ~()()kwrt, .N. Y. y " ." " (OsteoPath c ' Physlc.ian) . and is to tie CjQngrlltulated on hIB suo h~mped the bumps lor a halt bour. Warren Barnett and}amtl Monday. lIIe'w Evap Apricots - , . , \. 088S, ' • . FinaUy the you~ger sister leaned tor, •. . " New Evap Peaclles " Miu)4ibel ~hel'Yood; JdtlD Bher- ~~:Ic1':~ toucbed him tlmtdly pa the COMPTON-MILLS .REUNION .: , " , Fancy Sweet Prunes:,

5, 6, 7, 8, 9

.mit Tbomp~otl ODe uf


5, 6. 7, 8, 9 .

Montgomery County Fair

Special Free Attractions Each Day-3 Good Races Each D&yBetter than Ever


. .





5, 6, 7,

5, 6, 7,. 8, 9

8; 9











"'t ' '"







Fi~e 'I ndiana ~W ater" Melo.DS





!~~~~.Omard ~~hngsWorth! , Zaio, -

.. ')gxouse ~e,' ahe said trembltng, The Compton-Mills reunion will be ·t R9 a,n omer 'I lqIow 1 oqht oot to speak to 70U, a,.,_tended t~ WilmlDgton Home but 1 tliousht 1 ou,ht to 11.1 that we h.ld at Caesar's Creek church next ",:mlng . , ten mInutel Sa't ur d ay. E very bod y IS .' cor ' d'laII y " I:JaturAa" . ~ ". , ' lett Margaret some The J4iaees Treva Burn II, Raohel back.' "-<Jolumbua DJ.patch Invited to' be pr~eiit. Ferr~f1, and MeBSrll, Lee 'I'almage, " , .. _ _ _~_ ,Virgil Burns' '&nel' Zaln. Armitage Feminine Nature 'of Crowd I. CONSIDEn.."'~E TO THE were tbe ~'g'ueats ' of' Mias ' GlvdYII IK~' I Spe . I ·t · Orowd. are eveO'where dllttn". ~oer one n gh .. lut week. pillhed b,. feminine' c:baractertattclI, < ' .' M.... ~1U N ~~~n lind Min Luoile, taot ,~wa111 re..allp« tile best ~n­ Pttre. ·Beber ,Bolllnglworth 8nd Mra.. lUnata wblch are "lIoolated with the , Wil~1lJ' J~rel'Oall~' OD ·'A1rs. Will uamr. ,ol'· woman but thlll crowd W&ll • I ~ooqy ,on~. day. las&' week'; , "iDarbble Jor Ita kindly _~oleranoe, doJlare, D. .w~: WllItaDlI aa"'tll.~.blLll'gam:e · wOlQDl7 tende~ell ancfconalderatlon he answers. . \ ~we~n the Phlladelph~a: _m and ' tOr the woiDaD aoel children and tor - the a"clDnati '~s Thared-"y, .' \th. who' were oyetcome by the 10DI ·" Meroy! Why I uDder.tMpd that . , . .l101in 'of WaltlD.• and th'e lIutrertnr;a lJaw~e~. Yeller, in ' t~e next' 'bloo~ ot the he,.t an4 thlrat. , So much at,. ooly obarged' twenty fi ve dollllrs, ~ntloD hu. been', pal~ to ~e criminal . "Xr. Ve'Uer ,i8 Dot hi . out. 01a8s, : aetlo.aa Qf crowdll ,that the ~DftueDc, lDad.m .. ~i ;th.,. exert baa co~e to be 10001t.d upon "W ' 'I Til go ' to ·hlm _n~w':y. .. aleceAa~Uy c1emoraUIlog. ' Hilltorr e~ , . . r 3 .... m~ Jplltancee ot th. bero,llm The relUloD '1 am gotoK to I8t a dlctowi!l: It II b1 wltn...1Dc the dl. voroe',s that my hueb..nd il alw",ya ~lIted ' un ••UlabD... or' ' !luch a , .ooldiog me for bet~ extr"viagan\; : : : . -:: : : e~-:.:::. : : ::o~: ,and g~Dea I dOD." ·.~.n"~' ,actl ""~ of ,,~ oqJ.ieou.. Bive,~l,m ano'her · o.Oft \0 find


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Th ..t. ~ood Cream Cheeae .


T.uesday l,lod '


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··Of Each ' Week 1 •

Officc ' at the "Gustin •





·H ours Qf ApPolht;"ent-~ 8 a: , to 12,m.. . ' .'



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About People-.Theil' Gomings and Goings



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7, 1IHp. ·



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Social Events I .I...-.....-.---------- ......

With muny ne w improvem ents on The aulo hack line t-ar ted Monday -... -. .-. to run uetween Harveysburg and t he groundd and a program f ull of I· . H . io': in W II~ in Dayton F'I'ld ny 'Iiff 13ul'nt!lt was at Port Ancient J)r. J. E. Brown , of Wilmington. Dayton. The li ne i ~ r unning th i bann ' 1' attractions. t he Wm' l'en Co un Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hockett enw >k pe('iully to sh ow u~ wha t th ey ty Fait·, that well known ag r i 'ullu 1'. las t Thursday. I was in town Monday. tel'la incd at Sunday ciinne r the MissDr. P . D. ' Iag'l'l l wa~ 11 Dayton , ., . I can do in t ransJ.lorting pal: ellgc!r. . al e:ot pusitioll which i8 helll anlluall y e. rpha and Naomi Hock elt and vi~ilol' fo'l'idn.Y. \)>ltlc S. wlrnn.g· Mac:hll1 e for sal. 1 Rom-Til Mr. and Mrs. Frank A committ ee from Harveysburg a t the LebanQn Fail' Ground. will InqUIre al t hIs 0 l!C . am~, '1'hursday, September 1st, a w nt to Dayton Friday. and the com- open on Tu ·:-;tl ay . 'e ptemu e>r 13th, 1,·s. Ma ry Young. Rollt.. Mosher, of 'flltiinl{ton. if; . , ,. son. pany there made them a prOllo ·ilion. and will con tinue thl'IlUgh the followCarl Ha wk ~nd G o . Wate l house h "e on btl in' They mad e arrangem nts to have lh{' · ing th ree d ay~. ::I 8:>. were in ,incbmati Sunday. I)'r. and Mrs Wal·.l entertained at Th e Warr~ 11 'ounty Fair t his y"ear W. S. Gmharn was in L ban on s at- / . MI'S. Julia B rgan is visiting her car run this week anu possilly n xt urd ay un bUsinl':I.'i. . Mr. and M,.·s. E. V. Bal'l~harl were son Edgar, and wir · in Detroi t , w~k. will be one of L'1e largest. most in- lunch Sunday evening the following IJn Leuanon Monday allernoon. Mich . The fare from Harveysburg to tel'e<!ting and mus t instru ctive fait· ~ u slq: 0,'. and M,'S . .J. T . EIIiR, Dayton will b $1. 20, and from in Ohi o. Th uoard and secretary MI'. alld Mrs. A. Matfit, J . E. Janney , John EV e"ba l'l \.... as in Lebanon I .Mi Aua Siner! \ is the tr uest of Mr. Mrs . Waller McCllIl'e and son Carl Wayn ville. $1.00 for the round have I ft noth in g undon e ill th eir ef- and family and Mrs. Waltel·Zell. • 'doay on husine!lS . .. .. . und Mr ::l. Georgt: Zell for n wet-k. attendcd lhc Dell brook Hom ' -COl1l- trip: The auto will start from fort to gi ve t he people a be tter fair M1SS Helen ' Lokes .is in Cincin.1 ing Monday. Harveysburg a t 6:30 a. m.. and thiR year than ev er before and Jlati laking in the Exposition. .M rHo lara Lewis, of Dayton, has . Waynesville, abou t. 6:50 a. m. It is a ~Ian ce a l t he ir program will be M M ' G· h d Ch b en viRiting I' latives near Lytle. Mr. ant! MrR. J. O. artwl'ight and thought they will make the trip in sufficient evidence of their suacess. . essrs. orns ra am an. as. J fl.'! Conll('r, of Detroit, Mich .. uaughter were guests of fri ends ill abou t two houl's Returning the $1': 000' b' -. IT d ' .' Bum t t werp hosts at a dehghtful vi itcd ft:icnds here last w 'ek. Mrs. has. Shidak r and son, Carl, SId M d ' . ' . D. 1::1 . ell1g 0 ere 111 pI emlu~ s dance given in lhe LytIe Hall Friday ' ,ldl Mlu clown une ay ·an on ay. au to wll1l eave Dayton a t 5 p . m. 111 the varl ou. depa rtments. A prlze re in town on bu ines.'! Monday . ' 11 b . .. ' evening. About twenty couples were · Th h k I e ac me WI e a great conof five d o llar~ ll1 g old IS bem2' offere<J R f h . ed . M. Robilzer was in Springfield · h b . . prE'Renl. e res ments wereserv • . t 0 peop'1e a Iong th e rou t Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Young and lion, Raymond Williamson, of Dayton . vel1lence e, In t e aby show With a second prlz and uywn Monday and TuesdHY. of Carthage, are gu sts of Mrs . . pent the week.end with his par. and the citizens of Harveysburg ancl of t wo doll ars. This is the first time en tfi, MI'. and MI·s. Harry Williamson . Waynesville ought to hoost thiRpropo that so larg a pri z has been offered MI' .. and Mrs. S. L. Hhoades viRitecl Mary You rig. Camp Ft. Ancitmt la'!t Thursday. sition. and many ba bies will he en tered in Milses Donna and Emma Hawke hel'man Dyke and family visit ed M'ss k es Jea ne tle an d L ue II a J annel This auto will be in charge of M the show. entertained at dinner Sunday the e cump 0 f tlle 0 . N , G a t F' or t ' MI'. an d Mrs. W. H. Allen are th A' 'Th sd Ilnd Helen Marlatt are hom e from a A. Cornell and all he is a competent pecial arrangements have been following gueRtR: Misses Dorothy · n mOlll h at Bay lew, . M'I 'J'l. . IlClen t ur. ay. . h M'lSS M·II ·1 . PCII( I1111{ Vl"t I WIt urccI Ad am!! \l1 man but JittiA time will be lost on made for the accommodati ons of and Kathryn Dakin, lara Hawke, MI'. alld Mrs. J s. Hawke arrived lifton, Ohio. tne road on account of breakage. au tomobilisu in the east nd f the Svbil Hawke and Josephine Oglesbee. Mr. and MI·d. J . B. h apmun am1 ' r I .. t Ch' This week will b , of cour>le, an quarter tret<;h and a s mall charge of llome 1'0111 a Hlor t VI>llt I ' n H I l M h l M ' Icago sun \\,fil'e " .J ' S an ' ~'Ii Cl' 011· , • ~ Donald ummings r llIrned Lo hiH exp rimental week. bu t it is hoped 25 cen ts a day will be eharged. Auday.. I hllrsday ev .nmg, home in X nia Satu I'day aftel' a pi em.: that the li ne will coma to stay. lomobile races will be held every day . ant visit with hi g l·andmot.her, Mrs . Anyway, it. is t im!:! to boost , and let and some fin cars will be enter ed. / Mr , and Mrs. H. A. Cornell enter1\'\1' .11 'n I' alld M I·S. E va MiIJ rand daughl ' I' , 1 .'lla Mrll, .u If famil y C everybody do it. Th Grang clubs of the various tained Sunday t;he following guests: s pent unday with I'elllliv . ill L ,1,. l{uth, attended the Horne- om- Mary A. Wise. at il<!lIbrook Monday. It is probable ~hat the committee tOWII S and town ships i~ the county I Mr. and Mrs. Henry P~l.\ter, Mr. and anon . MessrR. Joe Thompson, Her bert from Harveys~rg. will ' all and see will mak exhibits and a large prize Mrs. Chas. Cornell, MISS Luella CorMrs. Laura Mosher and son HaITi:.; . Mr. Elias glesbee and daughter, ~d\Vards , Ralph Smith Earlles~ Ro.i>- citizens of' Waynesville who are in- has been offered for the club making neIJ,. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell and ar visitillg l'elatives in Morl'uw ~i_' Josephine, enjOYL'<i the Ex-posi- \l1son and 'Terrell Macy wcr m Cm- terested, and let's give them all the the best exj1ibit. The displays will family and Mr. Harry Prater. don in Cincinnati Thursday. cinnati Sunday. County, ' encouragement we can. for is it not consist of anything raised on the a gOI.d medium through which to farm and much interest is being disMiss Rowena Wright. of Red Lion, Mr. and MrS. B. S. Howell attend. Dr. Her. chel Fi. h r' has movecl to reach the outside world. played in this departme!lt. $2100 A jolly crowd went to Ft. Ancient ed the auto rn s at. Indianapolis offices in the lIew Morris building, who has been the gQcst of Mr. and REUNiON have been offered as purses in the Friday. The company was composed · Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, left Tuesday Monday. nex't to the po t~)fiice, Lebanon. race department and soma fast goers of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sherwood and for Denver, Colo., where she will viswill be present. The Warren County , daughter, Mrs. Dr. Hyatt, Mrs. F. C. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Gray and it Fred and Ernest Barnhart. Descendents of the Hisey. family Clinton AndrewA, of Villisca, Iowa, Fair has always been known for its Carey and d~ughter, Alice, Mra. daughter, Ethel,'s pent Satul'day and • met at the pleasant country home of is the guest of hiscousio, MI'li. W. . fast trotters and this year willi add : Matilda Hosier and daughter. Ethel, Sunday wilh relatives near Wilming- C. M. Robitzer. went to Sardinia Joseph and Ellen Hisey, on Thursday Grahi~. another laurel to the crown. Mrs. Euphemia Hough and daughter ton. Thursday for 'a three days' visit. His August 18th, for their annual reunW. O. Gu tin, Sec'y, Irma, and Mr!l. Chas. Satterthwaite. Miss'Jessie Anson, of Los Angeles, . ~ ' . " son Frederie. who haa been there for Ion. The day was all that could be Cal., is thegue&t of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs .. J. rank A. KIDdIe and ~a\lgh- severa) weekR, accompanied him hoped for and a larger numbe'r of ·c S. Graham. t 1', MISS Hazel, of Dayto~,· :-vere hom. this tribe Bf people gathered at· this NOTED GEOLOOIST HERE - UNION . SUNDAY ~HOOL PICNIC week.en~ guests of Mr. • P. Kmdle place,' than had for years. RenewMrs• .E. H. Colvin and dl!ughter an d famlly . M I'. an d Mr sJ. .C. H awe, k Mr. ing old acquaintances, grasping Prof . W. ' C. M'II Ou account of the inclement weathI S, cura t or 0 f th e t Pearl are spending the wel:!k at H A Co II M' L' II Ohl'o Archaeo10o-i al cabl'nAt and er last Thursday the union picnic be• c d an ! . . me, 183 ue a hands and gazing jnto faces t he first 0 ' " ~arPoint.· Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Young, . of Cornell, A. MatIft and C. M. Robitzer time for a year afford d Irreat pleas- manager of the exploratiol1'J car,ried tween the F~rry and Waynesville' S(9uth of ttlwn, spent last we k WIth atlend('(\ an initiation at the Hal' t II Th l t d on by the Archaeological and lIistor- Christian Sunday Schools was called . ' .In I...on d on an d Somer . fOI'd 'vevsburg Eastern. - ure .0 a. t thE'sed unc est aun sanII ical Society of Ohio, was in the neigh- 0 ff an d'Insea t d th esc h I t' t th e Born- To Mr. and Mrs Charlie r!:!'1allves Star Lodge . 00 S me a d' . '" J ' • COUS1I1S spen e ay, some Tn I eca EdwardS, Thursday September 1st, Mil Ison County. W -dnl" duy evening. ing reminiscenses of the happy days borhood making investigations in 1: O. O.F. hall where 1hey spent a daughler. t.he his line, last Fridtly, and was the the day very pleasantly. In the past' a.n d gone', some dl's"ussl'ng Miss Marie Miller arrived home " .. I ed '1 th e . h DA yrON "EN FETE' events of the present day. guest of T. J. Brown. He wiJI re- mormng games were pay unt1 tee Dunham, of Lebanon. in in Sundaye.... eningafter ·a three mont s' h our w ~~en an e1egant d'Inner / _ _ _ Long whl'te tables 'under canvas turn later in the season with a corps noon lhe National 'Bank d,urifls Pr~ident visit with her sister, Mrs. Leslie Mc d Afte d' h t C , ueli, of Van Wert, Ohio. Dayton, 0 ., (Specia1.) - Dayton is were stretched across the lawn, and of workmen and rr,ake excavations was serve . r mner a s or Allen's abllenee. l air auy pl'eparing for what i ~ ex- each family brought a well fill ed bas- about the mouth of Caesars Creek program Wa!: rendered consisting of Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Cru key, of Leb· The Guild of .St. Mary's church pect ~1 will b thc biggest week in ket, and filled these tables wi th 11 1'0- and el ewhere . music and readings which was enanon, spent Sunday with MI'. and will meet at the home of the presi- ~1el·lllst.~I'Y, Mel'chantsare decorat- duce of the farm, garden and kitchMr. Mill~ is a gentleman of wide joyed by all present. The Ferry Mrs. S. L. Cartwright. d ent. Mrs. FAlith Harris. Fridayaf Il1g t h II' !itores for : the event. en, which with the hot coff ee pI' . information In his line, and it reaches school entertained in, honor of the ternoon A full attendanc . · is de- Courts of Honor al'e belllg re,:led. p red by t he committee, certainly out and in~lud amon~ oUter' thing s Waynesville school who were victoriFrank Elbon at~nded a m ting sired.' .'. The g iant K"position Building i!. ti n- was enjoyed by all present . geology atld minel·alogy. He is, ous in a recent contest for ne~ Sunof the Warr~n Co'unty Fair Dil'ectors ' . I·shed. .The new tage in Memorial T·h ·~ b . th ' . moreovor a man of mO!lt agreeable day School scholars . . 'd J'~ Ii) emg over e company was . . • - ...- - t 'L b ' !;: ,a e al1en ,.atur a~. Mrs. J. iI. Opp left Monday for HaJl i~ complet.e. The ' score ' of called to order. President George p~rsonahty, caloul.a ted to mak~ Columbus, \..,hel·e she will spend the street- how location:,! ~re laid out. Ridge b ' ing unable to be preaent, frIend wherever he goes. Mrs.' Wnltpr Elzey 'and R Jl Ken· --+-- - neth visi.t.:'d I'~tiv S . ill DII:, ton H!1d week at the State Fair. Miss Sadie lTwo hu?dl'ed. d\spla.~ \)O.oths· have Vice-Pres . .,Joseph Hisey presided. BADLY BROKEN UP 'jfimrtstml'g It!. L we k. . Op}>. of Chicago, will join her mother ! been a Igned. The bIg Hippodrome Minutes .of last year's meeting was in Columbu!l. . Show has been engaged .' Hun,lreds read. The same Bfficers were .reOn a post-card from Mrs. Bert Rob of nl~to owners have asked for posi- tained, George Ridge, pres.; Joseph Last Sunday as Davis Furnas was Fred Hawke and the Missel! Donna erts, she says Mr. Roberts is working Mr. a.n d MI'S. Thoma and two ' tions in th e Floral Parade. A many 'Hisey, vice-pres.; J. G. Hilley, secy. ; dri ving to town, he overtook Roy Hawke and Dorothy DI1kin were Iroml, who had been to the station, at a.ock River, Wyo., and will probachildren, who have bcen the ~uests Imerchants and manufacturers are Albert Shbtts, treos. Dayton visitors Friday. of Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock, preparing for the indqstrial Pageant Relativea from Miami Co., Kings and invIted him to ride to town. It bly be there about two months. Mr. ~nu· Mrs: H. V. Walter and left SUllday evening of,or their home · Twenty bands have entered the Tri ·' Milis, Dayton, Le!:>anoD, Morrow and was raining at the time, and Mr. son, Dan, of Lebanon, were guests in AI'canum, Ohio. I State Cl)ntest. Roosevelt and Taft. other. were pre~nt.. Three Irons put up his umbrella, an\f in doMiss Minnie Duke has returned t. of relatives h re Sunday. I and four governors are coming, as from' Pennsylvania. were also in at- ing so scared the horse, who started Mr~ and Mrs. Frank Ho~e and well as the mayors of 50 Ohio and tendance. Mr. Oakley Ridge, of to run. It ran against a pole and her home in Dayton after a plea..·~ant Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Everly, of Day- daugh.ter. left t~day fo~' th~ll' new Indiana cities. Tell aeronauts, in- Waynesville, was presen t Ul.king pic- ~hrew Mr. I rons out spraining his trip through . Northern Michigan. She was accompanied by her mother, knee and badly bru ising ·him. ton; spent.Friday and Saturday with m MonrOVIa, CuI. rhOlr many chiding Harmon,, Coey and tures of the "best looking one3." Mr. and. Mrs. O. J. Edwards. frlendd ~rou~.d Harveys!mrg and Bumbaugh, have entered for the A!l the shades of evening closed Mr. Furnas held ?n to the horse, who will remain at Bay View, Mich., until the hay fever season is ·over. '.... , . tt H k' Wayn~qvllle WIsh them success. Davton Cup Bal100n Races. The around us we bid each othel' a fond and finally subdued It. Mrs. fl'_nne a op ms went to ., . ' . ' . . MI " . I ' I . h Dayton Saturday to visit. h I' son ' .' Wright Brothers WIll make dally farewell and promIsed ~o be present r. rons IS gettmg a ong a I rIg t, ' d' H . k' ' d f ' .. '1 Messrs. Chas. Cornell, A. Maffit. J. aefophne flights and will exhibit next ' ;ear but is very sore. H owar op ms an &ml y. C IJ k L A Z' 0" < . , J • • • ••-" ..,~w e. . . Immerrn~n, seal thetr earhe~t expcl'lmental aeroMuch credit is due Joseph HIsey Mr. George Upp, of Orient Hill, Commissionera Simpson hnd Irons DenhnJ{~, Raymond DllvlS, D~~n 1planes in t.he exposition building and wife Albert Shutts and wife for MASONIC NOTICE will start for the Pacific Coast on were .in .t own a short time Monday \ H~~ell, eo. Waterl~ouse und. Wllhe There will be a 'complete automobile the accommodations which we enjoy Sunday, next. He . will Visit the morning.' en route to Ha:rvey~burg Ha,J~es wer~ at the Bellbrook Home- , show. Herbert Kline ~iJl have ten at these meetings. R~gular communication of Waynes Grand Canyon, Los Angeles and other . ." .... .~ , .. : ' Cflmlpg Monday. ~f hil\ famous enterlamments and The 'meeting will be held at the ville Lodge No. 16" F. and A. M. points, finally rounding up at Saij ' Mrs. F. B. Sherwoo~ and children " . . amusements devises Oil ~he grounda, same place . the . third. Thursday in Tuesday evening, September 13th at Bernardino, which will bc his future ' a~rived home 'Saturday evening after . '. Among .t hose who VI!llted fort An- running day and night . . There will August 1911. While we know we 8 .0'clock. BU8iness Of importance to home.- Xenia Gazette. . every member of the Lodge. A 'full a ~,~!"san~ visit with ·~e!atives i'n·. cl~dn~M" esd)ast ~edGnesdHay were MTess~_ be ~ree ~and arid orc~estr~ c~ncerts caii' i1ev~rmee.t ag.a in j1lst'the k hqm tWIce dally. The t>ntJre cIty lS agog let· as many come ,together as can. attendance is desired. Ilhnols. · . an . ames. eo. arts~c, . ---~, ' B~r.1 C~nner, {}. M. Rldge~ Mrs. w: ith excitement which w:il1 culminate' for time w~1l spent. . J : O. Cartwright·, W.M. Invitations readin as ~ollows were ' . , Mr. an,d Mrs. F. C. Catey · pnd A. B.l?lde~: Messrs. Jesse Thomas, with the arrival of tne many thous,,' .: .' One mho Was There E V B h t S ' . . , ~ . " l.'.~ ' P I d 'AI' ., Le H k " d D " l1 , P . • •• eanH owe. . . allds of visitors who are expected to ,. . ~ -.... .' ..........arn .ar, .._ _ec:y. . . . ISSUed Friday' . '. . .' .."Mr . . and . Mrs • Ray . . d~Ug•.IWrs, ear an ., lce I ~p~n~ . ,e . aw ,~an ,·. sund~w.ithEIi.RUSSenl\ildfamilYI "·"'; ..... 1_ .• : 'h ' kfS t" b <' 9 'n ' WIL:L ' PLAY .ATFAIR · '. McKensle. ~llmV1teYOuto~epres- ' .. of ~a~kee Str~et, . .. . . "..:~. 90sin.opoH~n. ~a~~in~ 're. ~uir~ be hEJe t e ~ee . ' ~' .• ep em er 1 t . '. . .. : '", .:.:... '.---' . BE,L LBROOK HOME.~OMf.NO . en~ n.t the marrialfe of their 'dl1u~h. " ' ) } .,I~. . ' " , . "~ ..... , the seJfvlc~s 'of a reRr-esel'ltD:tlve m' ... . . "'. Tne Wayhesvil1e ' Cadet band will, . c _.....:-- • . ' tel', Martha Pearl, to "Mr, Mroy:'L:" ~ r :, ,Ml',B.. J.~, ~~walJader"'w~ in ~~ : ,!~y.n~yil~e to. 10ok..~ttet , su~sc~p· I ·; ,;. ~c.'p' ~,~a1t .... ~unt. ~~~. .. .pla~ '~t th~\ ~I}t:ren . County .~aj.~ on . .The..'}JIome-C<>ming. at .. Bellbrook; Woolf, ordne': evening .~f. Th~~ay~ '. llia~TI;"",ta.Y. attending' the fU'neral of. ~I0r:t repewa,l s 1iJ!d to extend c~rcula,: 'I\Jtoon~, ,PB:-::-An aged.,'. m.nn co~· Thursday: boys pr~c~sJl1g :Monday was not as tllirgely' attended S.epterpbe~ fifteenth, . llIne~ bu~". \ . "r~ . • "l' , l' ti' b ' I .•, d' t.;'. h L: ' trlbtrlet! thre doUnrB t\> . tbe COD' h' ... \ . h ' ' k '. b" h' . "' . .., . ' d :':.3 ., 'd . J fi ' thO f'" • . 'clock hpr. nephew" . ~arold \ t~a irlfiul~ SOI;l! " ~pn , Y.:.SP~CI.!l mep ,0 .~. ~\alC : Ilav~. B!!I nc . funt! 'ot the .B1aif·.. ~OU\lty' .com. " a~~, .a~d ..Pp~._.~,;, ~a ,e a ,.Ig , If ~ t. in fO\~ine~ year~" bti~ the ,prok~a:~ i'~ a~ tln" ~l; ;v~ ~f.~"- ~ '.. ~ , p( Mr• .im4}frs. I;ler.t Sph~rl ,:, . '... ~~o~~ u~~~~,~I1r. s9.!)c~f!lI •.. Salar!>~ p!lssi~n rll~' of!\ct\ th,e ~ther day,:,' ~!I. - , to,R'E 'KNEE CAP BADLY , ... w~, th~ b:est tbey, ever; ~8:d. .' 6~~ .So~th. , st~ee~, ,X~n~. , •• • • ". ( ~.,. ~' ':;: '~;' ... . "< ,,~d ' c ~mls~~on. _ ~.J.:~vlous1-,ex~~1-~1 ~nld t~at, a'3 y~ar.a !igO h~ "ra~ed': ~' .' ,;,~ ... .~. , . . ' ,'. . . : '. .The Spnng';'V,aHey band fur,n~shed OhIO: J.\t?otl!el&!t~I; ~ec~m~~ firsr,:.... . , .?tJ,~. ~~!?n~, pal<m left :11\~t ·cnce. ~ desi.rahl~~ out·,: ~qt essen~~al; dl~ ,Just/ce ot·. ~he peao .a,nd ,gQt· !'~t '1' 'Fr~nk S~v;ers, wh~le . out· buntt\1g :th~ mUlj~, 'and there was a good ball ~ H.o me av~~ue, X~Dl,a. '.' . . ,, '. , ~uisday mortling 'f~r )u!)' ~ome ni '.W,h le .tiQle~.r. ~pa~ time; _ ~~dr~~ ~f:!c.~ ~~ aw~~: l!G~f~d,~: :~:l::~" last. Wedn~ay', h.~ . ~lup'QisfQrt~n~ ,game. . , . ., ....,. '. ' ..~. . Th~ weadmg... wll~. be.'one ~nh~., . B~1'I.nib,,1, .Mo., haVIng BJ>eJlt. the .w~th r~t~rent!~, H: ~: d8m~b~l. rliB/un~li: he had .. r8t\imed the ,to f~.t · aQd}eat~ kn~ cap b.~ly. • ~. . , . p~ttle6t-of~he ~Iy autpm • ~d, 8UM.m~ at ~e llo,,\e .,qf ..her Jrand~ COem9pohtal'l M"Qazmc, 1789 Bro~- 'lon money. He w.~t ~W&1 happy wltfi. Re .lll'ptimg along all ·l'lJ[ht'.at pre!¥' . YOQ ca~':1ot Ji~e , fQf people wUh.' a hJ;l'Ile number of gu.eBt8 "~e been Ploth~r, Mn. Ama~d"~right~ . Way.· ~CI\V YorkOit,~ , ihe recQI~t; , ent. ' '. . . ~'" " ,.o~. U~D~ "'"~ t~em, :, ' '. invit~~-Xe~.a GP~Ilte. ·· . .-.-~-


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Sept. B eleo Blair returned f ( om Il visit with relatives in 'hlolll:tC last week . Our ~ll1llge \VO!! well l'Rpre ented nUb Home 'I)ming in \Yllmington. Mr . B 8 Ooodrioh ,of Milwl\uk ~, 1t , ' tit l:5U'ldny wit ll fdeod!! bere . \¥ tlltor Whittlker, of t:;pri ng VIlI16\", played with the hftnd in WB Ulington on Fl·idr.y . Mrs. Frank Forn:4he!1 of Barveys .. burg, spenr, Irll~t week lit the h ou-.e of b r p"rents. '),he MoKinnev Brotl . nro saWing th e lum ber (or ~rLlll ' l Wilson'tl new boullo. Our bu 11 team played Painters· Tille lAst WedneedBY a t the Woodmens' Pionio and wer e defeat ed b y a 800re of a to 1. Mr and Mrs . H . F Com pton l\F e attending I.Ihlo Yearly Meeting at Dluna8cuR, Ohio . - - - - -.

Eli Th(lmpIIO II one uf our pi.ouper oitt~n8 Whtl hti for orne time been ' indlspoRl'd, is At tb\tI t,! me (lli ngerollslyaffllot rl hllvln g )Ollt the \lSO of hie rlgl)t lIide. Battl ,SOl\iR Ilnd l1u,r.y Dawson · t~re vlsit,lug t,lletT mother 8uBLLn , Dawl'Ion for !:Ieverlll dliY I!'J'$-nk F rnsbell who II' employed in Daytol1 81)t:lOt SundllY. at h o m ~ . JOIj . Dliv'8 a n<l a. E . Wilson, of DlLyton , "pent l:5nndllY ill our village Lewis 8f!arl:l IlIHI fruuily witnARsed ~lie firew urk!' nt, Wihniugt n Sntur· day night . 8everd fr om Wuynesvlll w Pll!l~ed through heee e~rou te to WI!minltton to uttend linton 'Ullll ty t4 CentenDial and l:ioUle oml n/{ . Mr M. A. Cornell dri ver uf one of the large cars 1) longing to the "I:;eetng DIl yton (jg," ie tn line for congratuitltions not h aving the sltghtest t roub'le in mlLkin~ the wany ' trip!! to \Vilmington from here tn the two da,ys he run It. A vote of tha.nks ill tenderen MessrR Madden and Shidllker for the thoughtfillneee in furnishing our peOplt'1i. way to get WilmIn gton during the Borne Voming Dr. J . G Maey wtll be at .hisoffioe in ~prlng Valley t hi8 week . Mrll. Welby Oarter, uf Dayton. wILe f.he gue it of Mr8. Mary Wud 81lturday Rnd I:;nndllY . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams of Dayton, oalled on friende here &t urday It nd ~unda,y . .)awlIs MoUarron hus returned from Texa8 and reporte everything glorloue In tbe Panh!lndle . Our sohool board are It. bosy set of people trying to hire teaaobers thllt will 8~1<t Ilnd not resign . '. Gilbert W eloh , of 'Fort Dodge, 10 I'IB, \11 viSiting bls parente here for a 8h.or t ti me. '


SHERWOOD-JEFFREY REUNION The Sherwood and J effrey families will hold their reunion at tbe Red Brick c}mrch, Thursday, September 1st.

BLIND' MAN CLIMBS STATUE Goe. to Top of Liberty Monument and I. Told of 8lght. H. Can""t 8.e.

Piano -for ·sale. office. '

Inquire at

Mt: '. Walter J. Kilbon was in Cin · cintrati Mond ay a.n d Tuesday. Pr f. and frs. C. A. Bruner ar\rived here Tuesdayfrom Muon. Miss Laura Hen~. of Toledo, was a r ecent guest of Mr, I\nd Mrs. A. Maffit.

Ohio State Fair, Columbns .September 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 Most Complete Exhibition in History of the State

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Montgomery County Fair

Final preparations fo r the State Messrs. Chas. Burnett, J esse Lew· Fair' are rapidly nearing compl etion. is and Ralph Miller were in Lebanon Entrie!l have closed, and the show Sunday. will rulSume th~ prop r Uon of a National EX)Josi lion. 'fhe fai l' ground!:! Chas. Smart and son al"roll , al- now present a busy scene. Exhib· tended the Wilmington Home·Comitors ar ' bu sily en gag d in installing ing Saturday. lhe mammoth exhibits and displays. Harris Mosher and Elhan rane Ru les rell uil'e all exhibi ts to be in will go to Fort Anci en t today to pluce reatly for public inspect ion by 8 a. m. Monday, September 5th . All see the O. N. G. exh ibi tors are co·operating with the D~y­ Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell !lpen t management that-the big F.xposition three days at t he Home· Co min g in mny'open on scheduled time. Wilmington last week. Str eet cars of the capital city are I now in full operation, and these in Mrs . . Will Corn~1I and children connection with the steam roads w ill were in Wilmington attending t he afford ample transportation facilities H. ·V. HENDRICKSON Home-Co ming reunion . between t he city and fair grounds. " President The entertainment and amusement Mrs. George Smi th .arrived home program of Exposition grander than Sund&y after a week's visit with GEORGE K: CETONE ever before. Harness races, band friends in Wilmington. Secretary concerts, thriJling circus acta, daily, I Chas. Frye and so'n Carl, and Wil- while i ach night Pain's masterpiece, liam Michener visited t he soldi~rs' "Battle in t he Clouds," will be pre-I AdmiSSion. 2&c sented. . camp at Fort Ancip.nt Tuesday .• Monday, September 5th, h~ been Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Bailey left qesignated Women's Day. All laCrandSt~nd 2&c Monday for Cin cinnati to attend the dies of State admitted free on thaf Conference of t he M. E. Church. uay. The magnitude of t he Exposition · ~~ Ml'. Ohas Barnhat·t and daughter, is such, and the interest of the peoof Franklin, were guests of Sherman ple generally, so intense. that record ~~ Dyke and family fo1:' a few d ays las b~aking crowds are predicted. illiliillil ___ lllili week.

Special Free Attractions Each Day-3 Good Races Each Better than Ever

Oomlng over trom the statue ot Uberty In New York barbor, a pas· len,er tell Into conversation wltb a bUnd man who boasted that be bad cUmbed to the top ot the Itatue. "It waa a pretty good pull." be said. "but I have dODe better. Bunker Hill monument tired me a lot more, and tbe WashIn(ton monument In Balt!· more was 10mQthing ot clip' but the -. climb tbat pretty near tuck~red me (' out was coming down the monument Corw'ii'h , In Washington, Maybe you can·t call that climbing, Iince It was walking .M~. 1. 8i\'lls and ,a'm ily, 01 lIebr down lnatead of UP. but tor a man HI. Revenge. Mr. and Mrs. B. . Howell, and Spring Va))~y. epent $onday wi'h who can't aee the comJng down from "You shouldn't have proPQsed to lin. Hope Stires and daughter . ' theM high places Is always harder Mr. and Mre F. E. :5herwood saw me," she snld gently. "You might Mrs. AUoe lIoKinsflY and ,d llugh- than,J'Olq up. . the ExpositioD parade in Cin('innati bave \(noVln r'd retuse you." tel' were gUNt8 of . Mr. and Mrs. "EYerybody you on top ot a Monday. "I did know," be .sald savagely, "or Joe. Hilley Sunciay. tower I. mighty Soo4 to a bUnd man. I wouldn't bave proposed." - Baltlmore Mr. and Mrs . . Walter Ca~t and A.merlcnn. Mr. Jamee &les and Abe. !bry TheT point out the b&y on thll aide, Waterhouse and daughter Ilttended the river up Tonder, the Illanda to -. the Wilmington' Home. Coming ·Fri. the front aDd the tip end ot the cltT daughter returned Monday from OLENTANay ' PARK day. onr Whl1e 1 waa dolnS Libert)' a week's visit with relatives in WH. Mn.. M. BJankn and little 80n of ·.tatqe ~ Ihlpload ' ot lmmlcranta mington. Olentangy Park, the capital city's Morrow, viBt~ relative. here silO- pua&4 within halllllg dlatance. I . magnificent amullement resort is day, . couldn't .... them, but a womaD told Mrs. Mary Zentmeyer and children opim every day and evening and its . Kt.. ln~ 8praY, 'of Ind., hlUl been me 'all about them, bew th.y were joined ber husband in Chicag6 last Tlslttnl he.. aunt Atn Benj Mill . all Ji*lbd topther In the ~w 01 the Thursday, and will go to .' M·sso . ohehundredattractionsafford enterthe put week' . . 8, IIhIp IQr thelr llrat sUmpae ot the cltT I urI tainment for thousands of visitors . '1 t W B" -. aDd everJthll18. 1 IUPpoee lome tolka for a short stay. . -daily. In t he beautifu.1 theatre tbe JII!Irs. . igRB ,anll 800. epent "onder, wIlT a man wlthout~e1ea-tl ao KODd~1 at. Ft. ~noteD~. ' ~01Ul to ,cllmb 400 or I5()O teet to the " f L tl . . Stubbs-Wilson Players are 'presentM r, J ames J 0 h ns. 0 y e, IS In. g h' h d d f d f lIt-. Minnie and L(&nra .MoXin. top of a place that Is noted tor Ita aey.viel&ed M.188 Ada Snook at Bonth .tew, but ' the charm II not aU Iolt. Washington, D. C., attending aNa. m Ihg g~a e ~mda udc IOns, d Le~nOD.8und.y. and aDyhow I've got the laUltactlon tional meetin&, of the Golden Eagles. ' an t ere IS musIc: ancmg an more HeiaadelC&'8tefrom the L tle lod e. than on.e h~ndre~ other forms of Mr. El1ta gpray aDd family at . of aulDg rYe been there." y g .a musement, mcludmgnumerous free &en4ed ,the Cleaver.Rioh reunion n~t; \~arV8l'lIbnrg Satorday. . WHERE THEY LEFT MARGARET Mrs. H : W. Griest and children, attractions. Mra . . C. R. Adame ha. returned During the State Fair Week a numof New Castle, Ind., are enjoying to h~r home in Ind., af~r .,a vlBit Chauff.ur Who Tardily a ten-days visit with Mrs. Mary Ed- ber of speclSI fea t ures will ' be pre, with her paren$l(', Mr. Rnd trhs. Oli. infOrMed of the LOl. of One of wards and daughter, Miss Annie Ed- sented , and norie should fail to vi it ver Davl8. . HI. P.... this ' mammoth pleasure grou'ld, wards. Mr. 1;'. ~orden and Wife, of Ricb ' which has gaine9 the reputation Of ·SpeakillS of automobile apeedlng," mODd. Ind., 'Tisited Mra. Marl' W" Mrs. Cora Baker and two .children, ~the 'C~ney I~land of . t he 'West/' terhouae and fam,ly reo8n$ly. lal4 a man who drivel his own car, "J . KI'. :calvin B&dley, 01 Ann ArJx>r beard a SOOCl one tbe .other day. A of Springfield, stopped . off. 11ete to The great variety of amusements Irlahtnan who, haVIDlf lett visit her mother Mrs Ida St.okes appeal to aU ages and all c1a~es, and '¥ich, vl.Iled relatlvee: here &tllr~ hdme ~d made a ' lot ot money, was da:r: " . 'I after attending Willl1i~gton Home: all visitors find entertainment suita Lee 'H endereon. WIfe and little .talted by blf two married sisters, Comill&' . ble to theix: pl\rticular fl\ncy. Ol ~n. Iletther of whom bad ever r1dllen In daughter were Sunday gueets of '. t angy offers the maximtlm amount an automobile: 80, he plamied tor W.,l KUbon. them a . trip tu hle automoblle, thinkProf. and Mrs. D. A. Ferree, C'f of enjoyment at a purely nominal , Ben.r.r Burge has moved to Eta • tn. ,theT w.,uld enjoy both the novelty Washington C. H., were sha}dng ~ost, and is thp. favorite outing prace veY8\ri!rg. ..' . ot the ride and the cit,. slghtl. With . Mtl8es Jane and Florence Ol"rk, a ' vIew to a Uttle tun at ,his Blatere' hands with friends here last Thurs- forcen'tral Ohio people . ofXenta, . Ttslted their .uother "nd espenle, be told the chauffeur to 'let day. ,They were the guests of Dr. Il8tere ~tnrday and ~DndIlY . 'er ·ou~' u much aa was conalltent and Mrs. Ward, of Harveysburg. with ..tet,., at the same Ume warn· ---.,.. . In, the .Iatere that they shouldn't Oregonia. , Prof. and Mrs . G. J. Graham and lPeak to the chauffeur as he waa a daughter, Miss Mabel, drove down Mla$ Luoile Mason was in Clarkl- verY nervoua man and mustn't be dlaturbed wheD he was drlvln, a car. from 'X enia Saturday and were the ville Monday, a'tendlng MiBli Van "Everythlns waa quiet In the ton. guests of Mrs. Eliza Haines. Miss· Doren~e musical recita). neau wblle the driver went rulhlnl Mabel will spend several day~ here. Mre. Laseur is vieiting her son out tnto the luburba and through the George. parka. BomeUmel It waa on tour Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ridge, of Cin'Mr. aud Mrs. Ge.orge Sucker spent wbeels and sometimes 011 two. but Sonday tn Morrow. there WBYllO protesL He had . en- cinnati; ' Mrs. Walter Read and Miss WtlJ Pottod has ~uooeeded in pas!'- tered Into the aplrlt ot the affair, and Sophia Kearney, of' Chicago, . and ing the · examination for teleRraph he made up hil mind he would make Mrs, Chas Harner and SOD, of near Fancy Apples-Cooking, Eating operator, and 'will begin "wolk ILt those women cry 'enough.' 80 he New Burlington, were guests of Jcrsey Sweet Potatoes oncet , .Be i8 '1l worthy young man picked out lome rouch golnlf and Warren Barnett and family Monday. and Ie to be oon~rlltolated on bie euo bumped tbe bumps tor a halt hour. :"lew Evap Apricots ---- .~--Ot!88. ' FInally the younger sliter leaned tor, New Evap .Peaches COMPTON-MILLS REUNION· MiSe M.. l>el ·Slier~OOd, Jolln I::\ber• . ward and touched him tlmldly oa the Fancy Sweet Prune~ ""004 Omar H Ui th Z I Iboulder. That (load .Cream Cheese .' 0 , ng8wor · ! lin ' .. 'Elscuse me' abe aald trembling Arm taR9 ' Rnd Homer Dealnerage ' • The Compton.MilIs reunion will be attended the Wtlmin ton Home 'I know I ought not to apeak to you, hl'ld at Caesar's Creek church next Walrus Salmon; a can... ...... 15c " Cr.ming &lurday. g . but ,I thoulfbt I ou,ht to lay that we Fancy Pink Salmon, a ·can ... 10c , . lett Margaret some ' ten mlnutel Saturday. · Everybody is cordially Grape Nuts, 2 pkg~ for,.. ..... '25c The Alieee!! rreva Burns, Rachel back.' "-ColumblUl ntlpatcb. Invited to be present. Shr~d" d Wheat BIscuItS.. ... I FerriS, and Me8erl, Lee Talmage .' 2 pkgsfor ~ ....... ............. 25c Virgil Burn!! and Zain Armitag~ . Feminine Nature of Crowdl. CONSIDERATE TO THE LAST Fancy Jap Rlce,.per, lb ... "... 5c were · 'he ~ gueats of ~lisil " Ghjdy8 Crowds are eyerywhere dlatln· Lenox Soap, .S b~8 for,. .. ; ... 10c ' Spenc?er one night .la8t· week. ClWha~ 18 your .feeror securing LeWIS Lye, 3 cans·: for ... ~ ..... '25c Mra. Will Norton and Miu Luoile, 1\111111&4 by temlnlne. characteristics, not alwaYI ' reTealtng tJ1e beat ~n- a dhorce"" she ae"'e thf' eminont Try Royal Blue COtree ...... 2Oc up Mre. Be~f HollingClworth aDd Mrll. IUncita which are ..soclated with the ~ 'Edgemont Cracl.te~, !lIb.... . lOe "'t)~nr J.eftre,. oalled on 'Mrs. Will nature of woman, but thla crowd wu attorney. lloon1 one day Illst week. . remarkable foe Ita kindly tolerance, "Five hundred' dollars, madam,' : ' 'Rememb~r~ our .watch Col1test D. W. ,wiHlami &aw:th~ .bAlIgame ,womanl, tend,rneilll and·cjollslcSe...Uon he snswers. .. ~~ toasy, Aug. ··.31st, .·at 9. ., ~tween the PhiladelphIa .team And lo~ the.'WomaD . ~d children aDd tor "Mel'oy I Why I underattlnd that p. m. n'l'be Gr~n Tjckete are the CtnoiDnati Aeds Thlireday. theee "hQ ,were ..0nfCome by the long . " , good only fQr .votes; . Qet them~ ~. ,:~ hOurs of 'waiUDs" and ·tlie aufferlngs ' LlI.wyer Yell~r, in th~ next bl~Qk , iti :earJy. ·We will commence' ~ the bea.t · and thlnt.So much &t, only oharged' ·twenty. five d olllLrs." Sept.!.1st to issue, White' CaSft' ,tAIiIUon baa been p&ld to ·the criminal -"lilt. Yeller ie" not in Qor olfts~ , ' . Re~ CheckS, ' whicb will .be acUonl ~f .ru:o,,4a,. that ~he tntluenl;ie madam :' , " ,. goOd~ for · prf!88ntB-Rugs, .En-. artiel Ware, China, "etc;, ~tc . . theT·ese~ .~. come to b~ looked up!?n.. ' i; ri? II' 1"11 t7'Q' to bhn · anyway . • • • • , 'I· " .. : DecelsarUy- deDtorallzlng.. Hlato17 . ~ e. J . . " " I, , JlU lDllD)' ~DataJice8 ib. berollm ot The ,reaeon I am .going to get a di. ;: Oft fws to traa'e 'at . ~ . crowd_; . it- tl bT wltneuln, the dl ..· vor~ 18 'that b;l1 hUilb",n<\ Ie al VV'lye 'tn~"'I~~ ,W18el~~el. 'auch ~. .ooldlDI Die" ~o~.b8lnl e~travagan'·, , ~wd aa ,WI that QDe caD hope to , an.d goOdneealmoWB I dQ~" want to



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5, 6, 7, 8, 9

5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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Fine lndiana .W ater Me,lons

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uur '.01 "laIoIl.clou~d';;" 1~li~i;~imi~~;l .w_ ~'a.u~o. ID _o~m ...ure tbe' deYotlOll .give . hlDi , ""I ' . .. • ut.. I, -.,.~:




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l;'Ilotber OhaDOG. ' to'. ". 110 d



«;XlUasB ' .'

-...,........,--- - PLANS AMERICAN AIR


Olassifled Ads "' .................................................................................................,.,..........................,. 1" ~


Capt. Baldwin SaYI Aeroplane SerVlc. AdtI will ' ht' hIRtrl-t'(J ulICler ~Ill b rad . lot tW<' DtV· l\vO cen t s ror Lhre' ID..ert! '111, " :: Between New York and Chicago I. Practicable. . .• : 'h! D usi ng _no~l~~r~ ~~~n. :v~ ~I~~S~ . ~-- •• .,---~~ -'-."- . .I')· MI.n eolo, 1;. I.-Oount Zeppelln'l teat ' LOST . ( ·/i· ·. j


$ '.' ...:,

:~r~~~~~:a~: :o!a~:e~~~~i!:~I~:

__ r' ~t~ the United States, It tbe hopea ot LOST-in Irou' of 'rQahlt"ice •. oi "i , Capt. Thomas B. Baldwin. wbo built MrR EcUtta Harr'", an IIm4'~hy.~ ; the UQlted States army dirigible No. ·tone. Flod6rpll!",.. letlVe ... U"ZtlU~, . 1, are tulfilled. Given tbe ,neceBSary I,ffioe Ilnd rereive "nU.ble r"",,rd . ~' 'f '/ . capital, Captain Baldwin Is confident' .::::::=:=~~~:;:===~:===: ~ that. a fleet ot dlrlslbles could be, put -= Into comml8slon within three monthl, FOR SALE ~ t .' • • • ~ . travel ' on a ' regular scbedule be_ . : • I, .: tween N ~w York And Chicago. . . .." "In spite of Zepll~lIn's success," e.ald rORE llooM-On M~ln ' .'r~t ." , . Everytbiuar iu .rood ooOdltion ~ . Cajltaln Bail\wtn. "f stU! pin my talt~ to the nonrigid tYlle. By thIs, I mean sbelvlng Ilud OIJuoter.. Inqnir" ,,; . ~ ! the ba1\oon type made of rubbe.r allk. Btl rR .I. ·W. HuloCill, WaynA1vllld,' , (' In8teac1 of an aluminum envelope, wIth Ohio. . . i .... many comportments. The bag inelUl' / :. j . ~ Ilrlng 150 feet would hold 80.000 oub C GOOD tarm, Abare rent, oott• . " '- ' feet of hydrogen gss In three complU't;. veDieot. Iliquare of J . B.t',·." ~ monts. OhapDl"n, R r, 2, Way n t.'l8 vlll l',!J ' t "Personally, 1 tblnk the firllt dlrlg· . , Ible to make lhe trlv will be the small· TOBACCO' 8'fWK.S-Abotit 5 ,000 est In the world ever built tor enduro good lobaoo() etloka'ro; liale. an. ance work. In my opinion tbls craft quireofSamJ. Hut.torw,lr'b', W~1Utl" wt1! not' be over 160 teet ~ong and will ville, Ohio. . , :.: I ~ ' be lirl ven by a 50·horse power engine. U\Vlth such a shill r coulct tran8poJ't J:IOR RALi-PIIlO(l. small RIW8 e I . sIx ' par~o ne and baggage froJ.ll C C';ook IIItovtl, (00" or~wdod), ~, New ror~\ to Ohlcago In 30. ~o\lr8, and tJbalr., SprlOR Cot. Inquire . Itt r would be able to nnvlgnte lu winds &1I1go' .. G lllpry. up to 30 miles an hour with ' pertect safety. A craft of tbls kind would ==;:'.=====::::::=====~ not exceed In C08t $50,000, o"lnlnRt the I .HELP W & lUTED /' $500,000 which Is the price or a Zep~, ' pelln." "








. .. . ,





.• ,DENTIST .•• PODCe nlelg. ". Over CI'08II UmB. Store



N intelli~ent pel'llPb m.y ellrn '100 mllnf.bly oorreepoDdiog . -' . . for b6w81lllperit No oanv.MlnK . ~~' · ....:' \ l:5lmrl for p"rUclllllra. PteliR Hyodi·4.... '," Ollte, B emu, I~,k~ort" . S. y, .• . i



Waynesville, O.



Dr:'J.5.,MARTIN (Osteopatb c Ph~slc,lan)

Tuesday and Friday Of Each Week Office



the Gustin House

Hours of A~nointnient, 8 a. m. " .~ to~.i2 m. '.

. . .~ ,


--------~------------'ANY4:,)NE, ' "01 ,,11ere, oan , 8.k rl. t;; • • a ni,,11 order bush). ", hpme. .. No call·vIl8SI01{. 8~ ' yoDr ownboe8. . c:;ehd,for free bOllklet Tella bow. .', Beaoock, ". 1i620,1..oo·k por,,, N . Y . ~ '" .


, •

~. ';", foi ' .


--- -- -- -- --

-.. ···---·--·-r : Mainly Abo ut ' Peo ple-,,The ir Gom-ings and Goings l -- ~-----.- --- --

+----.. . .--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---... -------





_ _ _ _ .-. r.

_ •. _ _ •

Social Eve nts

The auto hack li nt' sLarted Monday to I' UII between I-Ian 'ysLJurg and Dayton . Th lin e i', running t his week esper ia lly tn show us whut th y can u in ll'unslllll'ling p' eng(!r!>, A. cOJ1\mi tic frolll HUl' veysbul'g wen t tu Daylon Friday , and the COnlpany there made them a prollo.-ition, They mad e arrange m ents tu huve lhl." car ru n this 'we k and pos illly nE'xt


With mllny new improv ements on r the ground s alld a progra m full of • . - .-. - . . - • • _ . - . . ....-. ....... tee _ ••- . • Clift BUl'l1eLt was at Port All'ien t 1)1:, J. K Brown. of Wilmin gton , banner attract ions. the Wan'en OIHl lasl Thursd ay. was in town Monda y. fl l·, I . I) . Mr , and Mrs, D, H . Hocket t enlag'l'lt waH a ]):I,}tOI\ ty Fail', that well known agricul turI Do mestic Swi ng Muc'hine f r sal '. vi~ i lul' FI·, tertain ed at Sunday dinner the Mis.<;al C'xpu~ilioll which il:l held , annuall y Born-T o Mr. and Mrs . Frank lnqllil'e at t his office. es Orpha and Naomi Hocket t and at lhe L banun Fail' Gro und. will Sams, 'I'll \l \,sday, Septem bel' 1st, a Rlblo Mosh er. of Ca l dingt on. itl Mrs, Mary Young . lIpen un Tu esday , S pt embel' l ~t.h , 'ad Hawk and G . Wat 'rhouse s~n . hel'!' on bllsine~, and will continll ~ t hrough the follow, were in incinna ti Sunday . ing Lh ree day s, W, ~ . Graha m was ill Lf'bnnol1 Sa t· Mrs, Juli a Bergan i!l visiting her Mr. and Mrs. J:... V. Barnha rt were ann l',(\gal', and wir· in Th e Warrt'l l 'ounty Fair thi s year Dr. an d Mrs Wal'c! enterta ined at u rday \ll) ull ,; inl'~,\, Detroit , w~k. in L -llanon Monday uflel'llo on. ~ill be on uf t"H:! la rgeBt. mOHl in· lunch Sunday eveni ng the followi ng Mieh, The fure from Harvey sburg to Juhn EVe,'ba rt was in Lebanon ! t el'e'ltin g and most instruc ti ve fail' guest.s: 01', a nd MI'!'! ..J. T. EJlis. , ' Dayton will b $1._0. and from in F.l'iday o n husiness MI s Ada SI:-.g le IH the guest of Mr. Ohio. Th board and secreta ry Mr. alld Ml' , A, Maffit, J , E. Janney Mrs. Walter McClur e and son a rl Wayn '::lville. $1,00 .fIJ I' lh e round have and l l's. G urge Zell for a wed<I ft nothing undon in theil' ef· anu family and Mrs. Waltel' Zel1. atlende d the Dell brook HOIne-Coll . trip . Th autu will starl f rom fort MISS I-lelt'll SUlkes is in Lindll- , to give t h people a better fair CI L ' f D t I ing , Monda I ' y, , " J\ rH", am eW IS, 0 Harvey !;burg at 6:30 a. m., and n a I I La on!::, ID t he E'x posIlton ay on, Ins . ., ' this year t han ever before and . been VISltll1g relatlve s near Lytl e. M I'. a nd Mrs. J . O. al twrigh t anu Waynesv ille, about 6:50 a. m. It is a ~Ian c at th ir program will be Messrs . Morris G'raham and ChaR. t houJrh t they will make th e trip in J esse 01111('1' , of D ~t r ()il. Mich.. M' 'h ~I 'd k d I daugh ter were g ucsts of fri ends ill " ' d 'i ' , I h s~fTicie ?t e~ idence IS of tl:eir a.'I . .;>11 a ran son, Car, !!uQ~ess · Burnet vlslLe t wel'p ho~ts at a uelight ful abou 1:lcnUS e re Iast wee k . two houl's . Retur'ni ng, the .' M d Middl town Su nday and Monday , $<>, 000 IS b lIlg offered In premiu ms d were :lll lown on I uU Slll eS!l on ny , . . th I tl H II [.' 'd au to will leave Dayton at 5 p, m. ' . in the val'ioul'l d partments, A prize anc~ g iven 111 ' e .y e a r l ay C. M. Robi Lzer was in Springf ield Th~ MI'. and Mrs. Ed. Young a nd son, hack . line Id' will b' be a great con· of fi ve d 0 IIal'S If ,I evenmg . About twenty couples Raymo nd Willia mson. of Dayton , were and Dayton Mo nday unci Tuesda y. ven ience to people along the rouLe. III ed . th b b h III go ' hIS emg 0d " E're<~ preRent. Re f res h ments were of Carlha ge, are guests of Mra. pent the week-e nd wit e a ys ow Wit asecon prtZ serv • h h is par. and the citizen!; of Harvey . burg amI Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hhoudes v'sited Mary Young. of two dollars . This is tIle first time ti ts, MI'. and Mrs. H ar ry Williamson , Wayne vi lle ought to boo, t this I ropo that Camp 1'1. Ancien t la.,t Thur. day. ' so large a prize has been offered Sherma n Dyke and family visited M,isses Jeanet te and Luella Jann e' ition. and ,many babi will be en tered in Donna and Emma Hawke This auto will be in charge of M Mr. and Mr.. W. H. Allen ' are t.he camp of the O. N. G at For t and Helen Marlat t ttr e home from theshow , 'a enterta ined at dinner Sunday the p 'lldinJ( a munth aLBay View, Mich. Ancien t Thursd ay. visit with Miss Mildred Adnm!i in A, orneJl amI as he is a compet en t pecial arra ngemen ts have been fo llowing guest.~: Misses Doroth y man but little time will be lost on made for th Mr. and Mrs, J os. HawkE' anived Cli fton, hio . accommodations of and Kathry n Dakin, lara Hawke , 11'. a nel Mrs. J. B. haplll un an d toe road on accoun t of breaka g . autom'obili ' , h' ts in the eal t ' nd of the Svbil Hawke and Josephine Oglesb ee., sun were in Wt:'st Manch tllel' MOll- home from a fl I lort VISlt_ t IClIgo This week will b ' . of cuurse, an qua rtet d ay, tret<:h and a small charg vf Donald ummin gs r et llrneu to hi ~ expel'im 'ntal w ek, lIut it l' hursday eVfmin g, is hoped 25 cen a day will be charged . Auhome in X ni aSatul 'day aflera pl H~: that the lin~ , will come t o stay, Mrs. Eva Mill ran d claught 1', ant visit wi th his g rand mother tomobi le races will be held every day Mrs, Ella Mich 'n I' anu famil y . Mrs , Anyway , it i time to boost. a nd let U A W' and some fine cars will be entered , d t h e Home-Com- 1,lary fllPnt unday with re latives in Lou- Miss l{uth, attenue Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Cornell. enter. Ise. ever' body do i . ' anon . T he Grange clu b of the various tained Sunday t.he followi ng , . t. llellbro ok Monday . guests: It is probab le that t he com Messr!l. Joe Tho~p son. Her bert from Harveysl:~lI'g will call mi ttee towns ~md tow nships in the county Mr. and Mrs. Henry P~ater, Mr. and and' see will mak e exhibit s and a large Mrs. Laura Mosher and son Hani. Mr. Elias Oglesbee and daughter, Edward . . l~lph Smith Earnes prize Mrs. Chas . Cornell, MISS Luella Cort Rob- citizens of Waynellville who a re inare visiting l'elativ has been offered for the club making nell ,. Mr. and Mrs , W. E. Comell Miss Jos phine. enjoyed t he E,xposi- i~son t~nd Terrell Macy wer an~ in Cin- terested , and let's give them all the Count.y, t he best exhibit . The display s will famIly and Mr. Harry Prater. don in Cincinn ali Thursday.. cmnatl Runday. encoura gement we can, for is it. not consist of anythin g raised on the Dr. H erschel Fl' h r' }I"s moved to Mr. nn d Mrs. B. S. Howell' at,LendM' R W . ht fRed L' a go(.d med ium ... t hrough farm and much interes t is being dis, which IRS to owena rIg . 0 ' lon, . th e new M ed the auto rac s at l nuianap oli 0 ffi Id ' b UI'1,1 ' ' ces In ... t 0 f M r. an d reac h th e ou ts'd .orrls umg, W I10 has b een th e gues I e wor . , pillyed in this departm ent. $2100 • _ ••_ __ A jolly crowd went to Ft. Ancien t , Monday. T1'xl to the po toffice, Lebano n. Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt, left Tuesda y I have been offereJ as pursE'S ~n the Friday. The compan y was REUNION compos ed f or Denver . Colo .. where he will visrace departm ent and some fast gael'S ot Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sherwo Clinton Andr WEI, of Villisca. Iowa, od and. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and it Fred and Ernest Barnha rt. DescendenUl of the Hisey family will be present . The Warren County , daught er,Mrs . Dr. Hyatt, Mrs. F. C. ' i:.! the guest of his cousin, Mr:.!. W. . daught er, Elhel, spent Saturd ay and met at the pleasan t country home of Fair has always been known for its Carey and daught er, Alice, Mra. Graham : Sunuay wit.h relative s nea r Wilmin g- C. M. Robitze r went to Sardini a .Joseph and Ellen Hisey, on Thursd ay fa.~t trotter s and this year wi11l add ' Matilda Hosier and daught er, Ethel, toil. Thursd ay for a three days' visit. His August ,Miss\J essie Anson. of Los Angeles, 18th, for their annual reun- anothe r laurel to the crown . , Mrs. Euphem ia Hough and daught er , son Frederi c. who hafl been there Cat., is W. O. Gustin, Sec'y. gu t of Mr,,' and 'Mrs. W. Irm'a, and Mrs. Chas. Sattert hwaite . Mrs. F.rank A . Kindl e and dllugb- everal weekll accomp anied for ion. The day was all that 'could be him hoped for and a larg'er --~. S. Graham . .~ ....... ' numbe r of ter, Miss 1 Hazel, of Dayton , ' were hom. _ . .. .' - ,_. - -" - -' .... this tribe of people ' gathere d at this week· end guests of. Mr. S. 'P. Kindle NOTED GEOLOOIST HERE UNION SUND V St;HOO L PICNIC Mrs. E. H. Colvin and daught er arid talnily. place, t han had for years. RenewMl'. nnd Mrs. J. C. Hawke , Mr. ing Pearl ' are spendin g ' lhe wet!k at Ou accoun t of the inclem entwea tbold acquain tances, gl'aspin g Prof. W . C. Mills, curato r of' the and Mrs, H, A. Cornell , Miss Luella hands and gazing into faces Cedar Point. the first Ohio Archae ologica l cabinet and er last Thursda~ the union picnic beMr, and Mrs. S. R. Yflung•. of Corne) l, A. Maffit and C. M, Robitze r time for a year afford ed 2"reat pleas- manag er of the explora tions carried tween the Farry an~ Wayne sville " Born- To Mr. and Mrs Charlie s~uth of tllwn, spent last we k With atteml <.'d an init.iat.ion a t the Har- ure to all. ThE'se uncl es, aun ts and on by the Archae ological and Histor- Christi an Sunday Schools was called , ' Edward s, Thul'sd ay Septem ber lat, relative s in London and Somerf ol'd, veysbu rg Bast.ern ' Star Lodge cousins spent the day, some in I ecaU- ical Society of Ohio, was in the neighMadiso off a,nd instead the schools met at the n County . , , ~ W dlwsda y evening . a daughte l·. ing reminis censes of the happy days borhoo d . making investig ations in I. O. O. F. hall where 1hey ~pent - -.-. • • • past' and gone, some discuss ing the his line, last Friday . and Miss Marie Miller arrived home was the the day very pleatJantly: In t~e Lee Dunham , of Lebano n, in in DAYTON "EN FETE" events of the present day . gues t 0 f T • J • B rown. H e WI'11 r~- mornin g games were'pl ayed until the t-lational Bank dprill ~ Preside nt Sunday evenin g after a three months ' , , 'the . t h e season . h Long white tables under anvas tUI'n Iater In visit with her sister. Mrs . Leslie Mc noon hour wt en an legant d'nn Wit a Allen's absence. corps . . • e Cu~n, of Van Wert: Ohio. er ,I Daylon , ' . (~).leclal.) -Dayt?n was Berved "6ter dinner & 1short IS were stretch ed across the lawn, and 0 f wor k' men an d n.a k , e exc~vationl! . all' IIdy prepal' mg for ' what IS ex- eAch 'famil y brough t a well . ~d ed .. ' f fill d bas. about the mou th of Caesars Creek progra m was Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cwkey , of L bren er The Guild of ' St. M~ry's c~urch pe l '~l will u . th ' biggest conslst mg 0 week in ket, and filled these tables wi th pro- and elsewh ere, anon, spent Sunday with MI'. and , . music and reading s which was enh I to Mercha ntsal'e deco will r·tt meet duce at of the t h home farm, of O'arden the presi- , e t' liS ,I'y, and II--l·tC\"'. Mrs., S. L. arlwrig ht. Mr. Mills is a gentlem an of wide joyed by all presen t. The , • ,., ' I~ Ferry 'Ir s tol'es for tIle even t el', "'ill'ch Wl'th the dent, Mrs. Eqith , Harris. hot cof'" e ")r"" inform ation in his,Hne . and it reaches sc,h 00 ) en t taO ed' h Friday af mg 'I f th II . ' , , , er m tern' 10 o on. onor L A • 0 full attenda e nc if! deCour~ of ~ollor. ~r bel~g. r~rted. pared by the commi ttee, cel·tain ly out and W' Frank Elbon attend ed s' me ting ' 1 1 h I h . includeJ a monS! other thin~s sired. a~e!!VI , ~ 8C 00 W 0 were VIC to rl'. The gIa nt E. I 0 'ItlOn B~I\dtng I!> fi~. was enjoyed by all present of the Warr n County Fail' Dir elors . geology and minel'~logy'. He is , ous In a recent contest for new Sunished. Th ~ new stage In 'Memon nl ,This being over the comp~n at Lebane n ~aturday . y was moreov o~ a man of mOBt agreea ble day SchooJ-scho!a~...._....,.... _ Mr . J. H. Opp oleft Monda y for Hall if! completE:. The ' scores of called to order. ~t:esident Georg e pe.rsonallty, calcula ted to rtlllkp Mrs. WnlLpr Elzev nntl SOJ"l Kf'.n· Columb us, where s}l(j spend the street-s how locations \ll'e laid out. Ridge being unable to be presen t, friends wherev er ,he goes , ~ neth visite.1 l' l 'lli ve~ in O;t' Lon and, week at the State Fair. Mi Sadiel Two hund re display booth have Vice·Pr es, Joseph Hisey ; preside d. --. Opp, of Chi~ago, 'will join her mother ! been assigne d, The big Hippou Mi&miabu I'g hI , ( we~; k. rome Minute s of la t year's meetin g was BADLY BROK EN UP in Cc:)lumbus. IShow has been engage d , H \ll11Ire~s read. The same officers were reFr~ Hawke and the Mi s.~es Donna " , of anto owners have asked for posi - tained, George Ridge, pres.; Joseph On apost-ca rd from Mrs. Be~t Rob Last Sunday as Davis Furnas was Hawke and Doroth y Dakin were Mr. and Mrs. Thomn s and t\Vo ~ tion s in the Floral Parade . As many Hisey, vice-pr es.; J, G. Hilley, secy.; driving to town, Dayton visitors Friday. he overtoo k Roy erts, she says Mr. Roberts is workin g childre n, who have been the guests mercha nts and manufa cturers are Albert Shutts. treos. Irons, who had been to the s tation, at Rock River, Wyo., and will probaof Mr. and ' Mrs . George Hartso ck, prepari ng for the industr ial Pagean t Relativ es from Miami Co., Kings and invited him ,to ride' to town. Mr. anu, Mrs: H. V. Walter and left SUllduy evening 'tor their It bly be there about tWQ months . h9me 'fw nty bands have entered the Tri - Mills, Dayton , Lepano D, Morrow and was raining at the time, and Mr.,' son, Dan, of Lebano n, wel'e guests in Arcanu m, Ohio. IState C'I)ntest. Roosevelt and Taft other were presen t. Thl'ee Ir,ons put up hi s umbrel of relative s here Sunday , la, and in doand four govel'1lors are coming , as from Pennsy lvania were ' also , in at· ing so scared t he horse. who started Miss Minnie Duke has returne d te Mr. and Mrs. Frank How~ and w ell as the mayors of 50 Ohio and tendan ce. Mrs. Oakley Ridge, of to run. It ran Mr: and Mrs, S. D. Everly, of Day- daugh.t er left t.,oday fo~' th~ir against a pole and her home In Dayton after a pl~t new I,n diana cities, Tell aerona uts, in- Waynesville, was presen t taking pic- threw Mr. Trons out spraini ng his trip throug h Northe rn ton, spent Friday and Saturd ay with 10 Monr.ovllt, Cu\. fhelr Michigait~ , many cluding Harmo n, Baldwi n, Coey and tures of the "best looking ones." knee an<;l badly bru ising him. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Edward s, She was accomp anied by her mother ; ' frtendt! ~I·oun.d Harvey spl1rg and Bumba ugh, hav,e , entel'ed for the As the shaCles of evening closed Mr. F um as , held ?n to t he horse, who wilJ'rem ain at Bay V.iew, Mich .• , I wl,sh them success . M'r!'!. H"I. nrle tt a H op k'ms wen t t.0 Wayne.wtll~ D>\vton Cup Balloon Races. The aro'und us we bid each other , ' a fond and finally s ubdued It. D t Sa t d 1 t , until the hay fever season is\()~er" • "t h "1 M [ Wrig ht Brothe rs Will make dal y farewe ll and promis ed to . . I II' t ay ond H ur . I y. 0] fVlsl :1 er son, \ M~rs. Chns. Cornell , A. be presen t r. ' rons I, gettmg a ong a rlgllt, Manlt. J. a eroplan e flights and will exhibit next "6ar Howar op k inS am amI y. C Ii k L A Z' . but is very . ore. , . 'J . ~w~, . . ' Immerm~n, 0 scar I their earliEidt experim • ental aero· Much credit is due Joseph Hisey Commissioner s Simpso n and Irons Denhng~, Raymo nd Di1V1S •- • Mr. George UPP. of Orient {fm. • D~~n ! planes in t he exposit ion buildin g and ~vife Albert Sl'\utts and wife for were in town a short time l\fo~d8Y i Ho~ell, Geo. Waterh ouse MASON IC NotiC E will start for the Pacific Coast on,. " an~ Wllhe,i There will be a con~plete ;aulomo bi!e the a~commodations which we en'joy mornin g. en route to ~arvey!!burg Hal~es we;e at t he Bp.~lbro Sunday , next. He will vi&it the ,' ok Home. , show. Herber t Kh~e , fIll have ten at , these, m,e etings. Regula r commu nicatio n of Waynes Grand Canyon , Los Angele s and , ~ Commg Monday . other !" ofhLq famous , enterta mmept s &J)d The meetin g will be ,beld at the ville Lodge No.16S F. and A. Mrs. F. B. Sherwo od and childre n M. points, finally roundin g up atSan .. . . . amusem~nt.s devises 0.0 the ground 3, same plac'e the , third arrived home Saturdu y evening after . Among those ,~'ho Vl!llted ay in Tuesda y evening , Septem ber 13th at .Bernar dino, which will For~ ~n- runnin g dily, and night. There will August 1911. While 'wThu~sd be his future e know we 8 o'clock . Business of importa nce to home.- Xenia a ' pleasan t visit wit~1 relative s in Clent" last W~dnesday ,we re Gazette . ~essfl' befr~e band and orches tra conc~rbi Cart,nev er meet again 'jllst'th e same, every membe l' of the Lodge. A fuU 1llinois. ~nd M~ames~eo. Harts~ck, Thorn" twice daily. ', T/le ~ntire ,city is agog let as many come tqgeth er,as can, nttenda nce is desired . _ ' , as" BEaSr.ldConnM~r, <O, ~" Rlds,rc , ~rs. with excitem ent w.hicp will cQlmin ate foi' this hr time well'sp ent.' , '. Mr. a, nd fyfrs. F . .c• .(~atey , and ,A,. " . I es. . essrs . ..,esse h J. O. Cartwr ighi', W.M: 'r omns, with "toe,arrival' of the m, any, :thotis: Invitati ons reading as follows were J , ' O'ne Who Was II ' There. d/lught ers.. Pearl .. and', Alice ,spent, Lee ,Hnw k e and Dean, H E. V. Bal'n'h art, Sec'''. .,, ~w~ . ' ands of' visltors Who are expected~ to, J issued FriClay: , "Mr. and ¥i's; ~y; " .~- . ' SU!lday ,with' Eli Ru 'sell , and ,family ,' " c ' " I'ta M McKen sie Zell invite you to be 'pres,", ' . ,c ,',', . ' be/here ·~the week of S~.ptemberi9th. ' ofYanke~:i' $treet.. ' , osmopo I u', f}gazme WIL", PLI\. \:' AT FAI, re~UJr~ R 0ELlB ,¥ ' ROOK , .... ..:... HOME ' .COMIN O ent a' t the' ma'~rl'age of' thel'r" ~a"g""'. ' ,', ,_ ", _ , " , '", u the ' sel1vu:es of a represe n'talJv em' • " "" '" ..., '. TheWa ynesv m~ Gadet ~ band. will '\ .. " :',:M'l;s. J .', r~; Cadwan~der:w~, in Xe:, 'Y~y'hesv!,lIe, 'to ' look :' ,~ft~r ~"~~~il___ ter; Ma:r~hA ' P~arl"to Mr. ~l'oY..;' ':" I ' Soltlp , Graft J~a~'!ta ',tttaa . r,: play at, the, War'r en' <1,!n~¥ ' Flli5.?n., The Home.Coming at _' nia :TucSday a ;tendiri'irthe"fu neral ,6f tlqn rene~aJs and, to exte~d Bellbro ok Wd.lf, on th~ evening , of., Thursd aY. ' , ;c!r<;ula-, ': Al,toono l Pa,,-An ",~ed m~n con,' Ttiund ay. ' The boys , ' , . , r are l>ra~tl!'!,ll1g Mimday was not as largely , atte,nd~, ' Seplem~e~ '" t' "b' p . I " t} l ' '. hElr ' hephew" ltafo~d'~h:~ ' infa~ :cson l,on : y" ~ ,~la me loaaw h'eh h' _.",' t..lbuted· thr , doUars to tlie, con· h rd ., .' db " to , fifteen th,,; nj~eteen, hUn;-. (', ' " ak I c' a ~ "' l scrlence ,~nfortbeBlalr , countycom. ,a " ,an_" ~pe bl , .. _~c e., g ' h'It. , asln "formei' yeats,b lit .t hepro& ,ram dred and .....n at. fiv~thlrh' 0 ctoc h ofMr.afld",rs. ~Bei"tS'Phar. " . pr~v~Unl,l~u~l1~ uc~~f~l , Sa,~,r~ l. ml sloners' omce ,,~~e.ot ".c" , ,:,", ~~ ' .. , I, <" < ' ,;.,,',, • '. _' , was 'the ,best they ever had. ,' ~d ' cdm?II~,on" ,f~evlou8 .' ~X~~rl- , lIul!l t.hat as YCli.Lr8 _agO Mr il~. " He. , ' TOR§K NEEC APBA DLY , , v 613 ' South'; .Deo/O~t str~f. XeQla, he, "r~~~~" ,@. .", -, ' . , " ' , ': Miss . ROSam~nd' .J)akm ,· I¢ft" la~t e!1ce ', dC:Sl~able ,but. . ,riot The Spl'ing V,alley band f!lrnish ed Oh~o., Atholl leiifter D~mbe ' ~~ntlal. (lId ,JU8t1c:~' ot ~~e' peac,~ snil got patd '\ F~~k: Silve,rao. w~ne r first Thursd ay tllomm4l' ,fQr he~home I~ Whole t1tne 9r at:lare l1m~ out huntin g the m\l!lic, and t here was a 'goo~ ball ~ Home ave~uet Ad, d ~~, X~a-. ~wloll c for, a~uhl' , 8G8Cd~IP. d' Hb,ti~a41 dmadet • l' 'M lastWe dilesda h" y had th~ misfQrt~n~, game , t" 'th ,, ·th , Ha~lba~ , 0., av~ng ·' spen.. " ppe "11 hI8Ilea~e ...t ' .The weddmg. wIll ,' be on~ of the aD e W-I ecou "re..- ~re~c~" w no .'~', C. Ca,m , .' ,I rest until', hs had,,(J,e, returne d the lU-sot~ f,!"U , a lld ~r-,1U8 ' ~t ,summ er !l\ tbe _borne ot :,~er grarld- (:aemo politan ~~inc. ~ ' .-,preUl:Ie 8 ' 0 fth e ear.." ,1~8~ Broad-- tcn -,uonej. He ,w~~ ,a'Wa,y ,~apPJ,;Jib .He 18 ~tti~ along ~ee cap , badly. au t umn. ana, all rbth~,at pre!!JtotDer , :¥rs. Amand~ Wnght .:, You'C& DDot ' live for people c W~t New York Cjt.J~ wi~ha large numbe r of peetB: ~ve 'been tbe receipt. , " , ' ent, . . , 00& livlDg with 'hem. " invited.-Xenia , Gti(ette~ F, H , Fal' l' was in Daylull Friday '



























The Miami




LARGE AND 'SMAL.L FAMILIES. Where I be population Is largely agrl· cultural aud isolated, 'and wber e illbor I l'BU\ nuy per80n who .offen wtth bl)· Is scarce, the hu sbandm an Is prou d to lou s ue Ii, conetl patloo, indigesti on or any l\"et or blood nUmenl" to try Ply Paw-Pa ... ralso a large fa mily, fo r th e boys ,In MEN IN WISCONSIN Llnr Pills. I · gt1arante e tbey "'II~ purity tim will belp to 11ft the labor trom hi s blood &ud put \be liver and .Io~ .. c h lulO • b llulllllul coudltton and ,.,,11\ p08ltt~el c uro shoulde rs, and also th ere is ah a ys Two of Them, Gen. Zachary Taylor .and bllloU8l1eft. atld eonstlpat loll, or J will yretund your money. - Mun,on', Homeopathic Honl., plenty of work fo r tho girls to do nllOul Second L.\eut. Jef/erso n Oavl8, Remed, Co" '3rt! and Jetter'lln 8t.,. Phil•. , PL .the fRrm. Mar over, food Is plen tiful Became Pre.lde nts. anti olh r d sires ar l OW. But no s ucb ThreE> nlted Stales arm) forls, RECKONING DAY AND HQUR' s t imu lus fo r a .Jnr:go family exists In built before Wis consin was a territory , u rban life, wher it is often necessn ry did mlH:h to attract attentio n lo what :Workman's Though ts Not Altoget her to live In a fl nt , the very limi tations or Fixed on What Might Be Cailed hUB becomc one of the solid common· whI ch point 10 the Inadvi. abllity of a wealths of the nntlon, writes Lieut. Higher Things. num rous progeny , says Inulana polls Col. J. A. watrou s In Chicago Tribune St ar. l'1oreover, as the Indlvill ual Mayor " 1111am S. Jordan, at a DemThey wer e Fort Hownrd , nt Green rises In the social Bcale for mer desires Bny; Fort Winnebago, ncar Portage , ocratic banque t ill Jackson ville, said b come pres nt needs. The coming of In Columb ia county, and Fqrt Craw· at optimi sm: "Let liS cultivat e optimis m anet num rous children wo uld menn th t1 tord, at Prairie du Chien. There were soldiers In those rude forts '!ill years hopeful ness. Th!!re Is nothing like It. sacrifice of these ne ds by lh parents, ago and since, who became famolls. The optimis tic man can see a bright the d licent ~o n lower stundard of II,,· NE Of tbe sv.'eetes t, Two of them, Gen. Zachary Taylor, slda to everyth ing-eve rything . lng, nnd the parents will not consent. "A mission ary In a slum once Ia.lct .most elevatin g and 'who went to Fort Howard as a lIeuten· Finally sclence has shown that n consolln g gifts of ant colonel more than seventy·flve bls band on a man's shoulde r . d small famtIy well taken care of makes belwen to mlln Is years ago, and Lleut. Col. Jefferson said: a better sbowln g In future generat ions musle. Who bas Davis, who went there a little late~, . "'FrIen d, do you hear the solemft than a large family poorly looked ticking at that clock? Tick-tac k; tick. not rejoiced at the tack. And oh, my friend, do you know after. The fewer children oC t.he well· singing of fresh what day It Inexora bly and relentle ss· provIded-for family will actu ally show cblldreu 's voices! ly brings nearel' ?' With muslo n more numero us progeny In the third the "'Yell, pay day,' the other, an honyoung man woos gen ration than w111 the und rfed lind (1st, optimis tic working man, replied. " tbe malden ot his' neglecte d children at the larger family. choice. With song Eugenic s 1s a big Question , and a conWomen Save Money. tho bride or young scientio us I.rtvestJgation of it wl\1 con· Women are Datural money· savers. wire express es her vince anyone that dogmat ic assertio n no mntter how much 1s snld about longing for the ab· what they spend tor dresses nnd bate. in that 1l ld Is a hazardo us perform· lent one. Our meeting s in the They alwaYII know how to make a. ance, It 1s a generlll rule in' biology house or Ood are aocomp anled by de· dollar go the tnrthest . That's why that specIes with the mOBt numerous votlonal songs. Sad and somber muthought ful women discove r that by offsprin g are those tllat bring fewest sic ascends ' In the house ot mourn. uBlng Easy Task soap In their laundry lng, and yet. what a rellef this music perfect and efficient Indlvldulli:l to mao work they save fuel and time and Is to sorrowi ng hearls! With the turlty. trouble and health and more than sound or drum and trumpe t and the that, they save the clothes that are cllUlg ot the cymbal the soldier plunwnshed .. Easy Task bas no rosin in A Rbode Island travelln g agent who ges luto the smoke and 'earn age or batIt to stay In tho clothes nnd hold was disappo inted to th e demand In a tie, aud even the tralned horses dance ~e dirt with It and rot the fabric. cer,taln section for tbe fireless cookers and curvet In time with the music . and strain at tlle reins which restrain which 0 ) was Ofr~,rlng , dlscove r~d that them and learn the meanin GAVE 818 AWAY. g of the th,e flltrm ers ot Little Rhody h~ve :Ullerent bugle calls. Love, anger, sor. uuen 0 the u e of their Incubat ors or row, enthusi asm, painall the pUB. summe r C)oklug. Like I,he d~sC)ov ery or alons and emotion s ot the human soul rOllst pig ,In China, this utilizati on ot can be, and are, express ed In mu. the incubat or -was the result ot acel· slc. !lent. A huslland who had forgotte n t The progres s which has put on the pork and beans In accord· lD the compos ition of music been ma~e and In the auce with 'a promise to a wife "out building ot musical instrum ents of shopping," dasbed the,bea nS' lnto an In- every kind Is enormo us. The prlml· cubator . thus saving his bacon at ~he Uve Instrum enta of ·the ancient s and dramat ists Berlioz, Gounod and Mas- Icau music Is more and more making .ometlm ea a Friendl y Indian lEpeDSe ot a few chlclts ' which were their monotonou8 mUSic, Old the or the Instru· senet, and It Is with pleasur e that the . a way for , . ItseU. A good deal of thla of barbaro ull or seml-clv ~lIed out to death In a fe,rvent pork· ments lllzed Paddlin g. people and the Intolera I It ble I tr noise lUll ~hlch 1000er of music in Its higher torms mus c, P db t h Th Id sue,! I s r com 0 sed at " notes the develop ment of a 'school un· "Coon Songs" . an - eana ,a mosll ere. e ea 0 they call muslo cannot be compar and '''Rag Time" pieces, became preslde ntl; ed der the leaders blp of Caesa'r Frank and very often nn In8ult to an educat. States, the other one of the United both raising and, cooking chicken s , In with, Ule expresl!lve harmon of the , confede tllcubat ora is depreslling to t e mllnu, music or with the multitu y of our which gives IIpeclal study to the no- ed musl~al ear. But goodmu Bic Js AI. Thele two oft1ce.r s were ' on dut'1 racy, for a de of beau- bIer , forms of -symphony and to cham. so coming facturer s at flreless cookers.. , to the ir.o nt. Ten years ago ahort Ume I.n the two other forta ful and powerfu l mUllcal' instrum ents b~r music" and the del) and earnest It W8.8 not conside red flosslble in. Eu. named. , and tn the executl on Of mUllical Her Little , , ~ YOIl Preside nt Taft bas signed orders our age bas doubtlesIj advance p'leces . compos ltlona of pamLlle, 'Salnt.8 aenll, J'QIfe tbat 8: mUlIlcal compos er could . While at FOrt Orawlo rd Lieuten ant gaIn' ter marry my Beas! d furth- who has tollowe d German models, are be b~rn In Amertc a. Amerie an inveD< Davta wooed and wJln Genera l Taylor' . 'Which pr vide tor the further with. er than any precedi ng Her Suitol'- Wh:v, e~r--er don't tlrawal ot coal lands trom entry and pOlllUon, howeve r, in tilile. In com· becomi ng more popular . Salnt.S aens, ttv~ genius, Amerl9 an m~~=::~I+~~~,~~hIS flrst ·wife. tbo art of pro- thou.ih 71 years old, lately traveled in Americ It Is said to know. an farming -method s, musical pieces, Her Little Brothe r-Well , you are,. I a ruilaWiiY IlPprop.rlation for mining purpose s. duclng cen· this \"IOuntry. tur comlllerce and trade-t ;ho, se were un· baa be.e n dllPuted . At matCh, but that heard nd btedl h d thet past ' t I her tell pop she was gam' ter y all events Gen. u ou '1 a graa er mas l erl But' If Fr"-ce has T - '~be aggreg'ate ot such withdra wals th In 1 modern tImes deniabl e facts of respect ab e propor· era ay or w:as h • ded Ian!! you tonight . . . . . an th e present so mue . ouen furnisb ed h . d few Importa nt contribu - tions, but Americ an music? T e a , th 'h now reaches OVer '11,600,000 acres. Ii. the ' opening Of the at e an d Lteutenan t Dav Is ·were Tbis means that the enormOl\S area In century the musical leadershninetee nth Uons tu musical I1teratu fe, Italy has of really great and dlst1ncUvely enemlea until one day, whlIe Faults In Americ an Charact er. Taylor ip, which done stm less tbough this country Americ an mus.leal In an ' addresa on botanic al . educaquestIo n Is to be preserv ed by thll gov· Italy had enjoyed tor compos lUon Is still waa comman ding an army and Davts tion in a conside rable produce d an u~broken line ot great In the Americ a, Prof. W, F. Ganon'c , emmen t (or disposit ion 1n' the future period, had passed to, German future. y, and In composer4\ from Montev erde In 't he have atte~pt Americ an compos ers 'was colonel of a Mississ ippi regimen t remark s that "disreg aDd that It Is not to fall into the banda the twenUe th century ed ard of particu lars sympho ny , and ora· tJi the- Mexican war, Davis was aerloua·· It appears as If sixteen th century to Verdi In the torlo, and a tendenc y tQ aalY general ities but their worles rest on duat} ly wounde d In battle. ' Of graspIn g monopolists" laY8 Troy German y would also lose are fundam ental faulte in Americ an Times. Coal I~da may be 'open to ·ag. llolJUon In Ita turD, for this exalted ninetee nth. Of the newer Italian com. shelves . As a matter of fact only one At ' the next general election Taylor In the field posers who tor the most part wrote Americ an Charact er;" and he insists upon the firm has underta ken to pub- -"'Old Rougb ' and Ready," as he rtcuHur al entry, but the rich deposits of art no nation can was necesslt'1 of laborat ory and eXjlerllong hold the only s~perflclaI extrava gant ud sen. Usb thelle works. leadersh calledip. Perbap was underne ath are to rem"ln public prop' .: elected preside nt. Four mental work In 'aU sclenUftc s 1 the IndustrI al su.a l works O~y Pietro Mascag nl d cl The hrenderi ng of musical composl· "ears later General study, "'l an PIerce was chosen Bookl "ease the Wltl," but al deve opment of Ger- achieve d a •genuIne succesa with bls tl I A I 1 I ., orty; subject to Bueh arrange ment a8 manycammer I.n dependons, owever, n mer ca a 80, may be ' one of the causes why beautifu l ,and fiery "Cavall erla B on preside nt, and one at t.l).e ~rst thIngs ent observa tion Is the lource of sound Rustt, a very high plane. In Instl"umental be did was to may 1)e made In the general Interest . the number of Its great compos ers Is can a." Puccini a1oo, the oller his Mexican war knowle compos er of m1:lslc musicia ns of the Teutoni c and comrad e, dge In.cI~nce. Colonel Jefferso n Davis, a decreas ln$; for though prosper ity Is "ToBca" and tLa 'Bohem e:" has gained Sl,avlc races predom inate, though seat The of the gunboa t Cns- JlO obsQlcl his cabinet , whIch the future e to the' enjoym and cul- the respect of the mus\C~.lovlng pub- there Is no l1l ck A perfect love, even when 10lt, Is tine which ail a result lies on !.he beach tJvatJon of art, yet It does ent of Americ an perform . Confed erate leader accepte d. He mado not seem to 11 sUll an eternal possess ion, a pain so ers alllo. Instnlm ental at PrOVincetown, Mass., 'full of water, ·t, orm a .speclall'" favorab le soil tor the c. music hal a Tery goo4 secretar y of war. aacred that Ita d,eep peace often gro'l"a ., The newest "eld of musical .compo- reached lucb a blgh degree ,ot pertec· w,as due to a mlscalo ulation 1n mimic growing maBters Of this noble art. . Spealdn g at preslde nte, Wiscon sin Into an absolut e . content .-:-Hltc hcock. ~. " tiOI) that the beginne r, strtvlng , to slUon ' aDd virtuosi ty has been opened reach ' the pinnacl e of fame, finds al. people warfare /llmlhir to that whIch coused When the ninetee do not f.o rget , -------~ , ---a volunte er . the sinking of the French! subrimrlne dawned Bach, Haende nth century by ScandIn avian and ~Iavlc compoa· most Insuper able dlmcult les. Thus captain from [Ulnoll! that The man who conside rs hlmllele one campaig ned l nnd Mozart ers and vIrtuosi. This field Is, lIk~ far Americ an I!erform ers ~em to be their territor y during the Black- In a thousan d natural ly regards the ' Pluvlos e IUId the drownin g at her en· had raised GermaD music to a ' pin· the new Siberia n ~nd MlUlchurlan mQst succesd lli In vocal music. The Hawk war. He camped tor a night oth'~r 99~ as mere ciphers . , , tire crew. But Ip the caSe or the Bo. nacle of glory, 'and Beethov en and wheat Helds, produci ng Immens e reo ,time when Italian slngel's monopo.lized .where Wbltew ater now stands, and . n,lta, wblch strucIt the Castine , the tectlon as. today. Chamb er music has suIts. Both the Scandm avlans and tbe The crop that never falls year after mistake was made In the line of duty. Haydn were at the zenith ·of their the Slavs have, greatly to their OWJl can field Is past. Oerman and Ameri- ~as also at Fort Atklnao n betore Govsingers, male wherea s the loss ot the Pluvlos e wall Iplendld Powers , while Ltszt, Weher, advanta ge, made the folk-song the late gained great and female have of ernor·W . D. Hoard made It' promin ent ye9r Is trouble. repute due 'to ' a '·fool IrIck" on the part of Kreutze r and Schube rt had hegun ·startlng point of their compos itions, a Orches tral music Ukewls lD this fteld . by becomin g the foremo st butter and e hl\s reaohed ' cheelle man In the country their Immort al careers . Before Bee· full, bubbUng, exhaust less spring ber comman der, who mIscalc ulated a high degree ot l1erfectton and Ie lib- Capt. Abraha m Lincoln . That was thoven died, Mendel ssohn, Schuma nn . Nor should Of the Slav peoples two naUona when attempt ing to dive under Il pas. ' and Waaner had been born. This was ties have of late done great things lt· erally ,patronl zed by all classes of the 1 stop here. A young lieutena nt, with in people, and as might be expecte d un. b1a wife and daugh~e lienlIer steame r merely for spectac ular therefo re a golden ' age. r, weilt TO years of music with muslo; the Russlan ll and the Boheml- der the effect. circums tances, the building of 'ago to an unexam pled array ,of p.e erless mae· ans. Both have only In the ninetee nth musIcal Instrum ents <rf all klndli has lieutena Fo~t Winneb ago, whpre the ' nt waa staUone d for Ileveral ters <Bud unequal led musical works. century begun to make a reputaU on here reached a Bt~ge The hrst sham battle In the air Is Compar ing the present age with that for themsel ves. ~Slllce Glinka In 1840 ceeded nowher e elEe. oC perCection ex. yean. He waa R. B. Marcy. Mn. But In the field Marcy waa a pr_me social Cavorlte and reporte d from Vlncenn'e's, France, glorious Ume. we are compell ed to produce d musical tl:e,a sures from the of muslcat compos ition, especia lly In their girl was beloTed l?y ,t he entire admit that today there are no giants Russian folk-song, Musical taste has popular song, tlM'e where balloon s carried "uns to the Is still 'a wide and garrison . She ' grew to beautifu l wow· In musical compos ition. for the three develop ed l.n Russia and Is now bear· vlrgtn fleld awaitin g oultlvat ion and anbood and married a height of 325 feet and discharg ed greates t compos ers of the captain of the present , rnd· Ing abunda nt fruit. dev eI 9pment : Easy to start the day them. One of the contendiUl: bulloonl.l vard Grleg, Anton Dvorak and Rich· ' englnE)8r c~llls. ' In U61 the captain , ard Strauss , only who hlld refired to clvn life, waa ad. the last named a wal'! compelled to Tetreat, and both bill. , But today even ll.USiBIl. recogni zes, cool a,nd com~ortable if What we Americ ans need and "anced over all 't he olDcers In the loons , happily outlived the sham battle, German , do not reach up to the stand. all does the whole world, that the whez:ein we ' diller , from continen t",1 army except' Brevet Lieut. G,en. Win. great German lDasters will remain Europe an naUons to our. wblch was remark able chlef) y for this ard or the heroic age. disadva ntage field Scott, aDd was placed in acUve models for all time to all naUons. latter denouem ent. is the sodal, school and congregaUon. 1J0mmand ot the army. That But though there are today no Ger· la what In Bohemi a the greates t repre- al cultivat ion of music. , At social happen ed man compos ers of comman ding ge. sentatlv e ot the musical art-and per- gatherin gs ot young Americ ans you Clellan, to Maj. Qen. George B. MoCongres s Is to have another prince nlus, yet there has nev,e r been a timo haps also the who three greates't ot later seldolll helltr good part slngin'g ' In choice of. his partyyears 'later was the as delegat e from HawaII, bl\t neltber when their works were 1i0 highly eK· compos ers-Is Anton Dvorakthe for presIdent., . In hIs which all, or the ma,()rity, joIn. Br(ng· olDcers who kllew Uttle Miss Marcyand be nor his country can be superstl . teemed and produce d with such per- music the nationa l elemen t Is even at Ing a sqrenad e 'with really good sing. Fort Winneb ago were almost 'per' tlous, for his name- Is Jonah . It does reached the highest stllge of develop· more promin ent than. In that of the ing Is a rare thing. ' Not" so In Europe. '8 u"ded to fa.or her hu's band's election Russian s, but the tragic melanch lIOt rollqw, how,e ver, that hlB entrance ment In Germany. In England also , musical educati on which Is so often so noticeab oly There one can, of an 'e vening, often so . tb"l: Ihe could be mistres s of the ~to G"Jr nationa l dellbera tl O:Js will has le In hear g60d Quartet ,slnglng and -will be White House. A recegt reachell a high degree at pertee- Russian music Is here replace mayor CIt New 'bG fo1,1owed by n wall. d by Uve- surp.r ised to learn tha't the .Ingers are York Is her firstbor n. Uon, but En glliD II never produce d Iy, fiery melodie s: . Tho Bohemh ins Workingmen. Our . are in , the ,pantr y ' ready public schools an,ll Wben many compos ers and none ot. com· have speciall y produce d great violin nca!1 e mles ,!-Iso ' have. n9t tostered vo- comman Geliera l McCutllan a8sumed A physici an says that going ' on the mand Ing genius. Rlchar, d of the to serve right frQm th~ , army' In 1861 . · Elgar has, and plano players. Who does not know ' cal music as they shoul!1- have done, father.i n-law was .. a m!ljor and hili stage ·Is a sllre cure for the !.llup.9. howeve r, suceede d In 'meetin g with payso the vlanfst Paderew skl and the violin. though It seems ' that package~ . No , o·ooking ' In' this parttc~ ' master. The geosra llost little time In Somebo dy ought to pro ~est. against much approva l thul he Is being rec.k· 1st Kubel11; : What tri~mpbs ' they dlar things are , chang{ng for the teq~ired; just ad~ ~o~e bet· pl achi C him on his. atall as a brIndle s. this p:-escrlb lng for the l,ldividuaJ at Oned among the great compOsers. The 'Vl d ' other ' artists ~mong their coun- ter. ,When music S,bal! be appr!cl ated seneral . majorIt y of British and , Irisb cQm- uymen reaped In Americ the il"pense of the publJc. ' creatp an~ ,g . little ·sugar: . . , a! p06el."s, however, .are content to fol- tOOa)" wben lUI artist appea So that IUId und~rstood In the Ilome, sc~ool . 'l'hls story ·would not be, co!lipl;t e s with a and cl:\urch; then ' may See ,withou t a. refeJ;en~e ,J.o , the social lite Es,pecially plea siqg There has b~"'-D a gain of $114 ,000,. low In the, footstep s Of . Germa~ . mas~ Bohemi an name, this Is ' ulmost Ip It- co~nppsers and great we hppe BrUst,S 'in qur a,t',thos 9 army p~ta of the early days. the~e s,ummer morni,n gs obO ,In 4le value or Imports d llr! ~ g th l' tws; the later onos, though ~ol,ow1ng, self a sufficlen.t Introdu!lUqn and then .mldst, anll ~hen 'w e ha'V;e ~em they By the ~i r~ver Jt Is somethhl8' over past eleven , moutl!.s, not In clt:i!lng Ih(' their own Ideals, love to waJk abroa4)o 'Jt-'is wonder ful to see, how even Amer- will b~ . valued. Wit~ :berries ' 100' 'miles .from Fort Howard to Fort Ir~s~ 10 ,the mantle or Wsgner or a~~mll. leans can ' spell ~Pd· even pronoun ce diamon ds and things t~nt wert> :'T'.isse (~ .. .frUIt. Winneb , ago, ,. , ... and 1i'1 ' 'the. Wiscon France has for ' thre~ ' ,;~ii~~le'a oe-' the most wond,e.r ful n~me". sIn rlv. ,by tbe fl.lspectorll at N e ll 1'01':', _ _' ;. Rare Friends , er from Fori.. Winneb ago to P'Ort Craw. . _ ' One cuilled a prol,lllne.nt pla~e on ."the . m~· ". ~be other, E4- fO peaii ' f eel cool in couhtrle s, HOlPeople "'~o reaiJy like 'yoU are ,r are. ~0r4 It. il Ilka\. stage and her, ~ent ..;,master a,c lanCS, .Belgl\1 m, ~P~~. hot ,weath er Portuga l and ·, It lOU know:' anyC!ne who relill'1 Uk.' ·tbe ~v"l120 mllea; ~ , maldn, vilita In Russia It Is against t,Lle law to Boieldleu, Auber, Will! a1~,s .. Adam .. an~ qr,eece have fallen .ta,r in ' the . tea,r I.n you, y~nl eanoe, aD many' ~ore than fiv e timl!S, Jllven In C~opln oller much,Herold are', fl. tool it )'011 0«_4 the 'n.en(Damed ·and on,b'1 Uke ,Winnethat Is lp.ter.8 4dn, ,matters musical . Swl~el'land has them."'RUlila we can't see · ~... hf Eueb a luw and valuable. ' Yet it 'AtclUe n alobe. . . b. .o from {}ahkoah' to. Neenah , ' The mu,t be" &4" prCictu"ced sever&;i compOIl • ,,)zould be necessa ry. ,t _ ,~ ~ tiip trolD ,lI\trt Howard to Fort WlDn6< mltted that here the f'lndeDW W.8 It, )vho produce d i:!lpecla e~~ot .mer·-. ...-- - -'-'~.,... M~ , LlDscn" lly I Kome One . - - -_ _ , _ , 'bqo .req~ a week 0" mainly ~ write for the biler~ ~cI tor "Al~nlleder" .tolJow lnl Qerll)nD modWIIIter· ~.. a .w a, O~*,OWn!D. ~le SoDietllD• • ttfeDd~ IlIdlaD In 1iond.on they SAy that n man 'the pmduct lon of 1l1~t AD.d trt.olO~ !IlL' . ' . .. ~"o 10· (nto It ".thout. ezer. tq tile ~dlIDa, ' but 'more J trelQUI! oulll I1110w bls wUe' one-ll fth of music. or a mOrJ lertoua :lUliI' ~.Jer: . AlDerl~ ha• .not ,et pr~duc Dtij d a CCI~· ' De~1UT care &ad ,recautloD to pn... me. He~, ,he leta LhA-flft!1s. cbaract er are ~C:: &ad til. , Yh'~ mod~tIl mU8lCal ponr ot th.- ftrat MDte. atld Jet ADler- ftIIt acddeu t : ' .




- -----



"Cut Out

Breakfast ·


















- ,..-




Uader Ordln ary Clrcu.~~es They W1l1 Last. Fore" l'r, asNeUh er Weat her Nor Fire Injure s Them EBSU y Made at Home .

Concre te--cem ent, sand, gravel and ""ater combIn ed In proper proport ion s -'-has becom'l one of tbe leading bulldlng materia ls oC the dity. It Is used by the governm "nt, by railroad s. by farmers In hundred s of ways. elth· er alone or re-enfor ced; and hns been found · to produce good fenoe posts. Its modera te cost, Its durabili ty. the ease ,,'Ith whloh It Is handled. the wide distribU tion oC the sand, gravel. and stooo or which It Is compos ed. comme nd It to the conside ration or alL As a materia l tor fence posts can· erete has bt'en found to PORS SS but tew of tbe dIsadva ntages or wood, to have practical!.y a ll of Its advanta ges, and to be supetto r In some respects to timber. Of course. tbe first cost may be more or less than the best wooden


Is lighter, less oumber some to handle. and gives th e POSt 1\ neat er fini sh and anY,sha pe' desired. Where tb e appear· ance Is Im portant . 51 el molds are to be preferr ed to wooden. Woodon mold s good enough tor ordlullr y demand s are ver y easily made. White pine Is tbe bast wood for this purpose . but at the same tim. It Is tbe most expensi ve. Cheape r kinds of lumber, which are easy to work wi th, may be used. Molds made or 2·lnch planks, dressed on botb sides. fonn neater posts. but lighter lumber ma,y be used. It the torms are we ll braced. In Imitatio n at· th e manner In which tree trunks grow, concre te pos ts art ~JJ8 . us ually made tapering In Blze tram All Seam. Allowed. butt to top. While tbls method rna, No. 5118.- We sbow a novel s tyle for add a little to the appeara nce of the a utility waist. It Is post and e ffect a Blight saving In con· s hould r II.nd the upper cut with the part of the crete. this saving Is largely offset b.' aleeve In one. There Is, the addition al cost of tbe carpent er I be In nil tbese waists as tbere must nn under.a rm work and th e lumber used in making sore, which provide s fo~ the proper ad. lhe molds. Theoret ically. the taper· fustmen t at the garmen t. The back Ing post has a beUer des ign than tb. Is perfectl y plain. the front broken one with s traight s Id es, but for ord1- only by the band ror the nary use one Is as good as the other. elee ves are flnt shed at closing. The the wrist by a In making these molds. dressed band cuff and u short peplum gives lumber, planed from the rough. should someth ing to hold down the waist be. be used. Tbe proper dimensi ons tor low tire skirt be lt. Thla waIst wlll be rough timber are 1 or 2 Inches thick found very practica l Cor wear unde r amI 4. 6, 8, 10 or 12 Inches wide; ror the knitted jerseys. which are now dressed lumber they are % or 1% so much liked. and It' Inches thick and 3% , 5%, nfl, 9%, or Ing wear. The pattels Ideal for morn. rn (5118) Is cut 1116 Inches wide. In s izes 32 to 42 Inches bust measure . Concret e has a tendenc y to stick te Tc make the waist In the medium s ize either steel or wood. In order to will require 2% yards at materia l 36 yield a smooth finIs h to the post, it II Inches wide and 1% yards of 44-lnch. customa ry to give tbe Inside of the molds a coating of 011. Soft soap 01' '1'0 procure this pattern lIend 10 centll crude 011& used sparing ly serve tbe to "Patte rn D e partmen t." ot this pape r. Write name nnd address plainly. and be purpose well . Too much all will de.uro to alvo 111100 and number ot pnttern. stroy the setting qualitie s of the c. ment and will give a face rougben ed with pockma rks. A small amount of SIZE ••..• : ••••. . . •• _ : NO. 5118. 1)11 , tloured Into a pall at water and al» NAME ..... _ ........... .......... .......... .. . plied with a mop or stiff broom 111

TERftlB LE CA.S E OF GRAVE L · Baker City, Ore., Man Suffered 25 Years. Charles Kurz . 1618 Center St., Baker City. Ore., 8ays: "For 25 years I s ur· fered agony from gravel. So tntense was the pain when th'e stones were passing, that I had to lIe on 'my back and brace my f eet, oCte ll being force d to scream. On one occasion two s tones became lodged and I could not pass the 'urlne for two days . .I spentbu ndreds ofdo~ lars wJthout re llet. At last I began. taking Doan's KIdney Pl11s. Tbey arethe only r emedy that warlls orr these attacks ." Reme mber the name--D oan·B. For sal e by a l\ deniers. 50 cents a box. Foster·M llburn Co .• Burralo, N . Y. A BROAD HINT.

the compan y eXlends over a distance of 15 miles, and ene ts at on e end tbe Inclined plane of Mount PenteUcus . The quanl es In th e Island of Paras, which yl Ide!l the beuutlfu l Parlan Molda a.ld Corel. marble -transl ated Into the highest form of nr\lstlc present ment by the POlltS, but that depend s on local con· genius of th e ancient sculptor s-are ditlons- the Umber supply, tbe de· under the same control. Other varle· posits or san d. Aravel. and Tack, and ti cs which the cOmpdny excavat e the skill of the workma n. If manu· comprl8 e the many.h ued Clpoll\no. factured as usual and cured for three months con crete posts are as good Skyros, Tinos and ROllso Antico. In silite at our smoke·l aden atmos· as the best wooden posts. , Afte r three N THE minds of most people mar· phere. not a tew distingu ished archl· years wooden posts possess only 1·3 Jlm-I suppose you love to go slelgbble and grnntte, two stones ot to 1·2 of thei.r original strength , where· fng because of the melody of the jl~ wid ely dl!'feren t charnct erlst1cs , teots h~ve wnxed enthusi astic over the as concret et growB stronge r ",·1th age gllng slelgb bells. are Inher ently sym}loll cal at beau· claims ·of marble for the exterior s at and needs no repaIrs aa neither ,weatb· Jess-Y es, and they often lead up to ty, strengtb ami perman ence. TheY great citY-buildings. Mr. O. F . Bodley, er nor fire Injures It. Under ordinar y tbe weddIn g bells. That'8 the best ot: preserv e, the tradlUo n at someth ing R. A .. deolared that London should be circums It. stable and e nduring .' Man's use ot rebuilt with white marble. "Time torever tances concret e posts wUl last ; Rnd even it In the course of marble and granite has , of oourse, would." he said, ·'tone the materia l years a few should be broken by un· JUST A NATURAL MISTAKE, ilated trom -tbe days at antiquit y; In· and touch It with mellow ing tlntl; usual strain, It is cheape r to replace moreoy er, a marble buildJng could be d e d. of all ' cQmpOnentil ot the earth's GUBBio, In Fancy Costum e. Astonls hecl crus t. , no two, perhaps , ' llave been cleaned down In a few hours with (\ them thnn to replace an entire , tence the Doorkee per for a more unlvers al1y preased Intd' the se"· water·je t." But the caustic commen t of decayed posts with a materia l wltb was made in connect io.n that It was the same lack ot durablll ty. • Momen t. tce oC construo Uon and decorat ion, Concret e pOllts are· attractl ve .J.n _po The world's ylold ot the flner classe8 not a matter of prett\.nelB and poetr" GU881e WIUI . kn·ock·k.need. angular of marble proceed s from many coun· but of the solvent action of acldlS upon TO~ ........ . ...... "•••••••••• •••••••••• •••• and round·~ hould ered , He had a tel'trios, Italy. France. Belgium , Norway', calclum ·carbon ate. Undoub tedly. how· STREET AND NO.......... .......... ... rlble squInt, aDd a mouth like a 'stealD! -Sweden nnd Am,erlc a being especia lly ever, hlgb·cla ss marbles , particul arly the Qree~ varietie s. are finding dis· roller. All tbe same. he reckone d 0Gl prOlific In deposit , 8'l'ATE .......... .......... .......... . . ..... . making sometb lng at a hl ~ at the! Apa rt t:r9m the British Isles, where, tinct and lncrelUllng use In the build· fancy dress ball, and hla costum e wUj in partlcu w, the gray Aberde en and Ings of London 's newer and Imposin g a8 e legant as his figure was unlovely., GIRLS' DRESS . red Peterhe ad vnrletie s are ' justly buolnes s edifices. Wlt)l fast·ben tlng heart be steppecll Marble and Granite Quarryi ng. 1&med, granite oCours In Sweden , the jauhtlly from his automo bile outsldOl The principa l method s ot marble ex· Tyrol, Sardinia . North Americ a the town ball, where the ball was betracUon that modern experie nce ' and .and other districts . Ing held . The ball po,ter stepped back~ practise have evolved are those ot saw· Qualltle a of Marble and Granite . ward at tQe unsight ly apparIti on . rn cbemica l compos ition marble 18 ing Rnd channel ing. The former sy. "Great Christo pher ColumbuB!" het -essentia llY calclum .carbOn ate. or ear- tem 18 uS,ed largely Ln France, Italy gasped' as he regarde d Qusst,e . and Belgium . and almost exclusl vel, I ,:lDate of lime. AJJ a con8equ ence, the "No. no. my good man!" chtrpedJ stone Is very SflDlllUve to the acUon on the MAmlor properti !Js in 9reflO'e. Gussie, as he tripped through the par. of cllem.loal agents present In the at· The saw ItseIt 1.8 an endles. steel rope , tals. "Chawl es the First, my dear felmosphe re. On the other hand , wh.1le ot three strands , 1000sely twisted tolow-Ch awles the First! "-Lorid~n An, marble Is In this way more rapidly' at- gether. This cuttef Is p&\Ised round a swere. taCked· than many other stones, Its. drivlng ·wheel and carried OD guiding power to resIst the mechan ical agents pulleys tram a power house at a high at weather ll\g. wblch are general1y the speed. The wire law enables atone KEEP BABY'~ SKIN CLEAR most destruc tive; makes It a campar a· not only to be cut tram the rock bed, Moldl for Triangu lar Post but •• laWD on the spot Into blooks of 1:lvely durable substan ce. The great F ew parents realize bow many ea"Variety ot colors sbown by marble Is a bandy size for export. liearanc e beoause of their un,forlll size scrubbi ng out the molds atter tJmable lives have been embltte re4 tile, What Is known aa tbe cbannel~r, or and eolor. and due mainly to tbe prese'n ce of compan · and soolal and busines s success precan be made eltber bave been used Ove or te n times, or channel ing machin e. Is In 'operati on at square, triangu lar, or round. e iOD mineral s. Iron, when present · In 'Tented by serIous skin affecUo ns ither I\S otten as necessa ry, w1l1 prevent the <the [errous state, ·produc es color vary· all Importa nt qu'a rriel In the United straigh t or taperin g towarda the top. concret e trom stickIng . which so otten result from tbe neglect i ng tram; light to dark green; manga· States. A locomo tive machin e, teed· Tbey can be purchas ed from ~ealers of minor eruption s In Infancy and lIese and cobalt Involve plnklsb hues. Inc on a raUed trsclt and driven' e.l ther or made at home. childhoo d. With but a little care and by Iteam or electric . propuls ion. It Accelso ry mIneral s, In short. give rise the use of the proper emol1ients, baby'8 Hollow posts require about four White Spine Cucumb er. to an almost endless assoclaU on and consists at a row of long vertical ohls· pounds less of concret e than solid skin and hair may be preserv ed. purl. Stralna of White Spine cucumb er blen41n g of colors, shades, velDS and els set In ,a s'trong travelin g trame. posts wblch conside rably reduces the fted' and beaut.lfted, minor eruptio ns are Invariab ly The used gang In tbe of great cblsels green· vibrate up and coat. llattern s. prevent ed from becomin g chronic and bouses about Boston. This ngetab le Granite Is .n crystall ine-gran ular ag- down: rapidly cuttlne a channel tn any torturin g, disfigur ing rasbes, Hchlngs . Molds tor concret e line Is posta grown Bre a. a epring crop, following . ,g regate of Quart.z, felspar and mica. directio n In the tace at the iI~lld mar· made ot both ateel and wood. Irr!tati6 ns and chaflngs dispelle d. and are lettuce, and is now regarde d the more and compris es all varietie s of texture. ble ledge or Ooor. To this end, nothing Is so pure, so butlt for alngle posts, or In "eets" or profitab le of the two crops. Most of In . Aberde ensblre , . granite areas "pnp. " I~ All 6e~ma Allowed . .Genera lly It II the constitu ent telspnr sweet, so speedily effectiv e as the 001l~ deoldln g the the size houses o~ the are 40 teet reaoh wide and some their maximu m. Tb.e Rublsla w which gives be ruddy or the gray apNo. 51G3.'-1t Is now Ume to be plan· stant use oC CuUcur a Soap, ' assisted , top and bottpm of the post, and eon· of them 500 feet long. T1)e threeDing the YOUDg girl's wardrob e for the when necessa ry, by CuUcur a Olnqne nt. pearanc e dtlreren tlating the rock. Un· and Kemnay quarrie s are the larges~ seQuen tly or-tbe mold, one should take quarter span of CODstrucUon Is geo- next the ' United King· Into like marble, granite cannot be split up granite quarrle a school year, and several dresses Send to Potter Drug & CheD). Corp.! conside ration the nature of the erally used. are an absolut e necessi ty. In order that sale proprie tors, Boston: for tbelr (ree with 8aws~d 'hence the expense and dom, and have each a depth ot 300 ground In which the post will be set. she may always appear neat and well CuUour a Book, telling all about lab ant QuarryI ng and prepari ng the feet. The rock Is 'remove d by boring A verY loose soli require s a post with dressed . The design to one which may the oare and treatme nt of tbe skIn. latter materia l tor building and other and blasUng , and as the materia l la larger ends and wider sides or a Poultry Feed. be used to advanta go at this time, and purpo"e s Is relative ly much greate.r. . blasted out the blooks are Iltted from greater length tor deeper setting In It should be the rule that nothlns II may ·be develop ed In {llmost any A Speclal l.t. Aceord lhg to the etate geologl at ~t the working face by cranes and cable- the ground. mate· thrown In the poultry runs that will rial suitable tor the season and ways. massea beyond the power '1 don't see you on th'3 mess'en ger of tbe Oeorgl8i probabl y no buUdlng ,stone Itl lhe The purchas er will find many pat· not be eaten up quickly by the towil. occasio n. ·The frent yoke and panel forc e any more, Jimmy, " said the lad the United States has In recent years lifting applian ces being turther broken ented ateel molds on tbe market. met with such univers al fayor and u:> as they lie. Rock'dr llllng Is calTied Is advisab le to buy a torm simple It To make the runs a dumpin g place ~ cut In one piece. and the required with the envelop e In his band. In for slop soon furnishe s the IItock with fullness In the body Is obtained by tho "No; I've got a good job with a dog· .riven greater latisfac Uon than Oeor- out by power drills, either by steam or Ita seneral shape, for in such a mold a lot of Bour, taInted stuff that Is sure use of short tucks In the front and fa.ncl er," replied Jimmy, compre sse' d air. At the Rublsla w gla marble. It Is, howeve r, curl9ull ' as he puffed the re-enfor clnK can be placed more to create sicknes s. We never believed back. Joined to the panp.I quarry r. complet e new ~r-compresll· front Is tbe a cigarett e. ~ learn that, notwith standin g tbe exactly where It belongs . Steel has In feeding sour slop to our pigs Ing Bklrt plant, In driven the popular slde·pla lted style; by • 100-horse power some and "WId a dog· fan~ler? What do you enormo us quabtlty ot naUve marble advanta ges over wood, ' since it certalnl y would not to our poultry. the sleeves are tl:e regul:!tion puff. do-fee d the dogs?" capable .o( bslng quarried , and the electric motor, is installe d for working ...... Joined to a dee p cuft. The :.Jtrnps over ... _ _ "Na.w! When a lady comes In and Inrge number of undeve.!oped deposit s rock drills. the ' pressur e being 100 "" teachin g tbe gosling s to go Into It the shoulde r may be omitted , It de- buys a pet dog I teach 'er 'ow to whloh '. e nUed , States as a Whole pounds per square Inch. sired, Tbe pattern (5103) · Is cut In whis tle." while the mother ' goose stayS In the sizes possess es. conside rable supplie s of the house. In tbls way she can care for ment 6 to 12 1.'0 make tbe gar. · materia l are importe d (mostly from Census of the Heatllen . In the medium size will require ImDon snt to Motner a Italy) ttlr statuary purpose s and In· a large fiock at youngst ers. The m1111nns stili uprench ed · by the 3~ ' yards of materia l 21 1.nches wide, Examin e cart!tull y every bottle . at terlor decorat ion. The growth of the gospel are these: Asia, J use but one goose for raising my .. % yards 44 Inches wide ; 4JAi yards CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy for use 'ot Georgia marble tor pu1,l1lc AtrIca, 70,000.000; Arabia, 42,000,000; Intants nod children , and see that I~ GoeUn .e Raised tn Br~ell'B Ha". flock and whenevQl' I give her a buuch ot braid to trim. 3,000.00 0; buildlng s In Americ a Is, howeve r, pro- Syria, 550,060; t he slnaltlc of newly hatched gosling s she halls Tende Dcy to Stray otlpeninsu la. Dears the ~ ceedlng on satlsfao tory lines. and Its '50.000 ; e astel'D Sumatr re To procuro thIs patt rlt send 10 cents tbem wIth deUght and sives th em a Goose l'Iothe r Wlll Keep a and adjacen t to "Pattern Signatu re of D epartme merits are becomIn g general ly known. Islands, 3,250,OO(); Madura nt." •• ot thIs paper. hearty welcom Flock To.e&h er. e. nnd by the middle of Write name , Ball and address plnlnly . and bo In Use For The ImpOSing Minnesota. state capitol J.,ombok Islands, 2.000.00 June her family Is of all sizes. Go. .ure to &'Ive and Over 30 Years. 0; Malay pen· SIZB :lod number ot pnttoro. The Kind You Have Always BouCht.' was bullt of white marble trom the 'Insula. 1,900,000. ' Tota, lings will ,;row well on grass alone, I, 113,000.000. In speakin g from persona l tlxpert· especia lly on clover, but will Amlcalo la quarllle s, Pickens 09unty; do mucb all, 788 Protest ant ~n the Suburb. tbe RhoQe Island state c$pltol. the Oar- cleUes are at wor~ In missIon ary so- ence of raiSing geese J would say It better It fed once Ii ·day with a\l the 8IZE .......... ...... . NO., 6103. torelgn fields. Is a science just as well as any kind "What beautlru l public building la Degle public library, A,tJanta, Rnd the The annual combIn ed cracked corn they will eat. I hav. contribu tions of poultry raising ' I have trIed, says that?" NAKE .......... ... ·•.•.• : •••.•••••• •.••.••••• . 4.Jorcora n art gallery, Wa.shin gton, of 'are $25,350,000. 'There are 5.522 or· a writer In Poultry Journal . LetUDg never seen an ov~rfed gosling ; yet "That Isn't a public building . It·s stone from the QuarrIes of a souther n .dalned mlsslon arJes, gOSling s V'1lI 1111 thetr necks unt11 the, TOWN .••.•. ~ .•••...•• : .•...•• •. -•••. ••...•.. 982 ·physIClans. the geese raise themse lves accordl na old m/iln Savltt's slimme r cottage . marble compan y. must crane to set It down, take _ '. 2,503 men lay mission aries. 5,406 mar· to their own' nature' j "And whose neat little cottage fa STREE T AND have NO found .......... that drink, then eat some more. .......... .. . '. Greek Marbles . rled women, ' 4.988 'unmarr Ied women, thej will do sqme very , that over there wltb the tower on itT silly things; In recent Y68r~ the extenslv'e quar· or a total at 19.280 foreign Many people are re!lllzin g the proftt II'I'ATE .......... .......... ......... ... . : •••• The Ilttle one·stor y frame affa1r..'! inlss'lon· for Instanc e. ,tand 'by their mother , t: • .l · of M9unt Pentellc uB, 0. ro.nge situ·', aries. There are 5.046 o~dalned na· and drown in a ralnltor m when the In raising heavy geese, as they are "That ·IBn't .a cottll,ge. It's the · ', ted ·6lght inlles·, northea st of Athens, Uves and 92.ins ; unordaJ wortb ' more a 'pound than the lighter Episcop al churcb ."-Llte. ned ,teac/ler s. old lOOIIe ' woul~ ,l"dl7 ahelter . ~em. PlausIb le Theory. have been re-explo ied, and "are being preacbe n. Bible 'women , etc. Tbe to· Geeae . alw~y.,. do b~~t wltb a goose breeds ' an" every year ' there Is more She--I wonder . w hy wor.ked , by a arItls)l compan y. . Fr~D) tal lI~ln~ , baptized eagles were demand s&for the Touloul e. When Rubber.e Become Necel.. ry . lected as designs for our coins? thli;r,olu slQlll center ca,me the matllrl~1 3,006.373; adlleren ts, ChrIstia ns are mother (or me, but ,the, must be lre~t. And. your shoes plIlQh" .hake Into your '. 5.281,871. ' 'rbe out . of tbe raiD aa water ~ J~ial ; ~ • aboe. He-Bec Alle n'a, Foot-Ealle. the' anUeepUo 'r!' ause tbey are . dlIDcult to used ~ ·th'e .erectio! , ~f so~~ ,of tile native ,.guti aggrega te $i,800,OOO.:... them. ' Not uottl the, are about lilt powder fQr the feot: Curea tired, actiJlur, . get ,hold of, I Imagine . . worlel·. ~~t' f~qua ~uUdl.ll'8, aPloJis ~rtst~~" ~e~ld. feet and t,akt ... tbe _tine out of Corne ani! .., , The Dwarf Bean. weelu ', old ean they ata~d JDiJcb lof it. , One BUDlonll . AI war' ule It tor theD) tb~ P~rthenon and the.. Propy· B~aldn 10 ot the' best selUn, beanl In tbtl ---,---:;--~Ne" .hocs o"l!d tOi' danclqs Patti•• c 1 'have l'alsed ' lollln, s Bold brood~.... lecUQO la tbe common , beautifu l, (aea. Penteill ton, mar.,l, Is. alm~lt pure "ol\YWh ere ,!lic. Iilample maUe4 FRE&.· ' , car. &lid How . 1 '01114' Phrase'....... ·t.. ·of 11m do OrIgIna 'thll ted. ~togeth ' e. er 0-10,,' . we,. ~ne podded hortfou ltun.t. A:d4rea, Alien'S ·OllDllted . 'I.e Ro:r, ~. Y. howne t, to : And· He Kn~ Her. ' - - - "" It. may b. . " •_ _ The "dea.c1 8S a ~oor Dot fo~ their, tendeD el.. to .I,...y ' tbe p"'l~nce' pt mll:\ute ;IJ'&lDa o.f Py. The trouble' With tb\l man wbo 0 .... bd In tb~ 'pole or dwarf form. Th. originatpb.raBe, "You'., . your wl(e la jOin, to apeDd It ed In this A soose' mother will keeP ·bet broocl way.' la early .,t.te." Ute m~l'ble; :wlil~ 'Ia 'Ii clear thlt balaDce of the lumme bortfou ltur~ beaD tl 10 prqUftc, wben i doot · pre. k nockers were coliDDlon~ ' 1 knowa notblns . 11 that .he lI ' alw~ r . In ' ,leU. u.o18 tJb• r but when the ' KQIIUnp bue white OIl belD, 'worked , _lUDe s • rope?I, ' I~• .• other the, -wID nparat e aD4 fer: the dwar.r to the pol. type aa It II the plate u~on which the lmock81 tM las~ to find It out. eoft IYOl\1 &Iter e:lpoluT8, • fea, . "So abe ...,a."" 10 ~uC!h ea.l.r to omtiYa le aDd pol. Itruck WIUI sometim e, called a Dal.L lOJilett m.. • war • ture wblob aiate~,."d. to Ita Talue .tle~u. "1>0 70U bow that" It will COllt 10IJ bOIDe an4 be1tt&1 waabl. to flD4 thetl':'W Q er ID , ., luch a botheI'. I.,. a writ,. III th. courae of years a w" ,ltrue", ", ..... ~.~.':= 10'. '· deaOraUft JilU~. BaltllD~ Amel'lc an. . The horti- 10 olteD tha~ all Ufe was IUPpou J;1ocb or 'at "tall t,bouaaDcl doUan '" cl &G t:.«!!.a:t.,":'.1r:.'::.:.t..-:=-~~~ baCk: " Last ~prtq 1 • 'aIDall rat- cUltura im...... ... up to .1,000 tOb. lia faCt, "l.'ftPr1i'ed l .. _ 1004 alH4 bean. Ih.... be It .t about that-" p""'" knocked out of It, tbere,f ore. wllU baue tMaIlt .. ,.....,. . tar .. . . . ..,. .. Woman 'l tllll1,l Inwt)' to! ~ ..... ' aIe"""~ dl8lo4p 4 frHl .tM . .,....l . for. luccotu la ..uS .. It became oeeuaa q to l'ele,r to &Q• lIlt~ortIi-tlaat .~ . fte tIIOtber - guarrr .... ~. " Wlua · ....WiIe . ....., Iaa_ • . ~for&", , Tlaat )lUI ,of th. Wq belpleea l7 urel.... It _~ ....." • . . , ·be to '' ' ' ....1dNt .... Of.~Jbr /. ...... ....» IMIq IF ....mpbatfo UprealjOD to ..,. thl COIDlu .. dlYCD'c:e ~ ~'W. . . . . . . . . "1'Ja~GIlt 21m _ ... l.lIl_• ..• tia ·PIt...














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County Courts ':"mmon Pie.. Court.

lFr~~t·~~:~:~r:Il!::::e~~.:~~: 1~- M'-:---:--R~ - :-:~-f--5-:-= - ~ -b~~--lTRY LIVERITES~------~o~t ;:.:~~;.: ~~;:.::.,~::.;,n,;,.~ -,.. _~!~I~':.- _e~~_:~~.?I_~_+ Liverites.Pr"l.ven't~.a Ser,'ous 'S'I'ckness' .

pOlir Qf apron to bridge on Lower CHASE'S TOP H'AT ' . no l(l and pi en y of bo rd kn oka h nve New Suits Springboro road jost ell!!,~ of BonneU ," , . been his sobool -ml\st IS, uut tll'1Y Llverltea for Baokache and Weak Liver or Kidney •• . a Cold, ., ' . ' . . " . Bill pike orossing al.c!O put.tln~ pJank 'W Uhllm.M . hllf!6 Wll~ fl plOt nr . have t umed out II. s tilI' 11 pi!. ' l'h tlt 0it.i2enll Bllnk ompany of Waynell on 'bridge near John Stroup's farm el!que figure, drellsing iln c lothes is why h i8 pen ia frllllgM with snoh Pr is them in keep the Anevention ounce of Ville TI O. F. Brown. PeUtiOD .lnClearoreektownship at eiltimat.e thll.thadacertainartl8tio riglnamy powe:- h8 has d ipped ti In the wor t h a pound house ready fil e~ t.o reoover 11000 with interMt $:1 G. though tbey oonformed mo re or lfl8R "8ur t of hum,,·nity . of cure. or use. on promis80ry note . Robe~t J . BI\1I1-H. E. Stokell, expenses of to the I'revu.i1ing r"9hio08," say . - - - - __ ... - - - tihawhan t. attorney for pla1Dtitf. Paliteul' tr9lltruellt, *lU.'i/i; Lewis Arthur Hoeber, A. N . A In t he UNOSTENTATIOUS GOVERNOR Prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the System and Barr~ ~mtt·b Vii. Web~ter 8mUh, . Brother & Uo, 8ew'e r pipe, 66 oen'8; Womllu '!I Bo)m6 ' ompani oo for l'urify the Blood and thu~ PUEVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS. Alburola Smit h and Lhllrlos B. , Wllrreo CODnty Appeal prinUng l:3eptewber. "Be invllril\bly wor e Harmon np pou.l to t ue Oolno Osohant, admi1ll8trl\tor of e8tate of pamphlet", $119.88; Ed Uonklin, a bl gh hat with an unusuall v whet her that Buckeye 'll p oUtioal noJoha Mar8ball. Petition flIed ~or l:Itllmpe, ,25; Jerry M Greely, lum brim , t·hl n 1\ n~v lt y In t hi8 olty, tion:! tlovetall with the Hartuon ---p"rtttion of rell l estllt~ to whloh l ber, ~17 Iii; W iIlltUll EVAnH, lumber, t b,m gh popll ia r III Il r tistlc oiroles In bra nd .uf poli tic-s or Ii . B .. 0 Il Dse ful eft'llot oon neet Hd wi th tbem. If plalnt.tff olalms to be entitled to one- '13 5,0' L n Atki , b id Paris . Kuoh \l h a t. h e hll~ worn alu ilion 19, t.o 118 tho eX)I. eSSll lll of people iut-lt I I~ ke . ()ilI A kind of Il nar~ third part. L . K . Langdon attorI $' 23 °50 W · llSU.I~, r Tgei re- e vol' 8ln o~ t bough b e ill not. so muoh ~ l)lme!j ' oa t s fa r me l' wb l) was ootio, t beso r am dies are certainly . pa rs. : arren v oun t y lUes ' analyzing t l e 't I d i h ney tor platntlfl . prlntinll pamphlets tal" ~(. Galilln Illone iu t·bis fush ion 'HI In the old . I lOer! s an.l em r ts nlUO prefern bl t o llpium, being 1IMf1dr1•• IIMf ialt,latn· , • , days. of the 8~lI. te exeoutlve, tt J s ' so durn milder in tueir u.oti.>u "nd less ,,0_l,AdIvellaeol Probate Court. Iron Work U-., oalvertpipe, 'U6 20: OI ' common. " JI" WitlUi. Hu .....iI Sam D. Henkle', work on qUAdrenThey tell a story of this famous " , . .. tively poisonous. Tbeao a re 1b.1 Ihln ... \\'hlch will make a nooo 01 ,our b OI'. In matter of Will of Mary W. nital plat8, ,60; John Wolfe brid e hat. 011 ODe ooollsion, Uhase, on , I II tell y~, ~OYR, h e snid . ,"I B'l~ they nllorootios, nevertbe· S•• "re "'"lIv,·" Inlore. 1and "'J,olo· .ome dnelopmtlll b, IIh111l1hhD Butterworth, deceased. Will adi _861' Ed 0 b ' S8 his WilY home , stepped Into a lit,tle wsnt do~n t th state house an 1 less, IQ their ootloo,an(l whileoplom 'lbe AMERICAN BOY rui t,tedtoproba tsandrecorded . repaJH. '" bU~d8m, i ' wine shop and orderedajng of olar· wRlke,l right into t h ' Go vernor's lstrike,attbegrelltvitul centerstn r z E8tate of Glen Hildebr.nd, at .1, ,V. 7' u~n my~'J h gel rbepa rid' et of n 8peclal brl\nd 8ent to hill oruce an ' I sez, sez 1. ' Wbere' .TucH' the medulla, Qontrolllng the brellth- l r~:;;.~,:n~lb':~':t~lre:t.u:!yo~:~~. '~!.':,~·tl~rl:y W ~5 . 5: laonroe uo 0 n80n a or an A . I ht th h ' . And.urrcnt eyonl •. l'hoto" raPh''r.,.mpo, elec· minore. Firet aooouot filed by . iJ h f • 110use . 'fheladwhobrougbtitcame Q rg en e comes I\walklo IlDgalldtht!QlroulaUon they strike t;\:,!~)I"~dr~~7h~~~J~ln~I'8ea~::~W~ltu! H. Hildebrand, gnardit4D. ~i"terlal Hat tep en8 f' ardm, ",7.2,5 ; til the front door an hour after. out an' he I!tfllbs me bv tb' haud I nt the heart; anll wher~ thi8 orglln IMlI.d, an.\ eYOr)l lln8 In hllrm~ wllh ..lInud ' h l' m from lln ' I i II f or tiny reallou already weakened, all ~~:I~~'~:J :,~:''1.:-d~),:tr.'::o,~:,,!:~.~~ In matter of Wllbur Pugh, feeble - nerva ,,~eman . . • _' _ re un er' 1. 1. ward, when the Ilrti8t had II.lrendy 1md h e a8 t S m e were n ••...,und.. 1I'_to. minded. ~urt orders that penon lIe,t f.r If..n~. ani ved. 'Some wine,' he sllid curt. bands 1D6 a stogy an, by ol'l\oky, }or too lllrge d~bes Ilre taken, there ,_lW;.E;;,IPbCIIE;;;;;;.;.'_UIUI*;;;;.'_Cl~• .,;101;.,; ....... ;;;;;;..;;;;::;:.;;:.::.1 be 8ent ~ Obio lnatitu\lon for Fe4!J. R L . Obapman, MaB81l0, J{y., S41' ! 1)'. '!'He maid, knowinl( tqere WI\I! ,,:,1\6n l telhl,hlm my name and that will r esolt seriOUS .deprei!sion Ilnd I!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!! ble-Mlnded youth. I u8ed Dr, ~ell 'I AntJ8eptlo Salve oa yet plenty in the oellnr nn~ lhinhio g .1 m from 01 HOlme~ , why, he ns ts oollilpse, with not infrequently flltllil •• E.tate of Lewis L. Duffy, de my hllndl, wbloh weroliore, and find tQe lad Ulld mllke a mlstalt ,sll ll Hb t, me about II lot of th fellers up here result . They will also produoo Dr. BeWs Antiseptic Salve ceued, bventory and appr.i8e- i' tho bellt 1 evor triM. U oared Wit. sQre it W~8 Qot for tb!\t hOQse II.n' ta kes me l1y th' . arm !,od we " oondliion of ohronio poisoning Good for aI. Skin 01...... meot 1lled b,.1!:lIlma Dolly, admtn tbem complete!y~. and did 'be boy remembertbe namo walks out o· the oapitol together. if *aken too frettuently.- Woods ia'ratol'. Yoo do oot manifellt taith by de. of the man who ordered it. The He I\in't no more 8tuok up ihan you Hutohlnson, at. 0 , io The Delln8l\EeMte of· Pboebe K ....baot.. d~ lIylng f.ota . boy didn't. 'rhen, ' said the ser vant be." tor fol' September. -- • . 'you'ye oome \0 the wrong pllloe; Whioh homely estima~ ca8ts ao • - • --ceaaed. GeorlJe . E ~ Young ia .p . polntedadminiltrator. Gllpln Trim 1'be a»"iQre of every gift 18 the we never ordered wine! " At tbis intense aDd interesting 8idelight! on OQn't 8reak Down Undertaker and Embalmer. blo, E. R. Wolcott and Charle8 all we ha.e. ~_ mOUlent tbe boy spied the famous J. Harmon, He may not be fovsl' Se"lero 8t~in8 on the vital organ8, ~... . " 11k Will be foond in 'be old Scholman .ppointed apprail8ra. Making ~r~h brighter make8 hat Oil tbe ~1I.11 tallte. !liay,' he Is .. ly intere8ted I~ . yon, but be h",s e strain8 on m.obinery, cause Bank BoUding, oppolll.. Frank Br.ndoD, a(lmini8trator etc, beaven IQrer. asked, 'doell tbat hat live here ?' "quiet, unobtr& Will' of making bfel1k down8. You can't over-tax the National Bank . .,r A ..... M. Sau8(lsr, deceased V8. ., . 'Yes ' said 0he amused ruairi . 'Then,' . ou believe that he hilS beeu sitting IItomaob, liver, kidneys, bowe18 or Telepbone in hODf18 and ot. , • nerves wUhout serious danger. fi Georae W. SatlllHr et al. Cond s8.jd tbe boy trinruphllDtl y 'her o's 'lP tt.nd Wll.ltin~ t o greet yon sinoe your8elf. If yon are weak or ronoe wbere ] can be oal", find. tHUt will be for tbe beat in- ~ , ~ . wbere the wine belongs! ' " t he dawn of history . Not an osten- down, or under strain of any kind, day or nigbt, ter~&e ot tl'1ll' ee&ate tbat the bal- . & ue ~ause of. Many •_ t .. tlouS palaver, . understand, but take Eleotrlo Bttterli the mlltohles.~ Valley :l 'hone U-2. anoe of cuh 00" Ii. ~ hande of Sudden Deaths. THE ARCH VAGABOND j usta natural, friendly 80rtof a. way ~onio medioine. MI'lt J. E Van d~ Main Stt-eet Wayn_"U.. Ohio olinde. ' of Klrkll\nd, Ill., writel! ~ • said tlUltee .be tnvee&e4 io 1'_1 88 There is a dtaeue prefti1ing in this _ _ __ with him that you're bound to reo- "That J did not break down, while ~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!! tate. Frank Brandon, .dmini.t.... · =trymOltdaDgeroa:i~M:~:!ddra What Is 1\ vagabond? Tbos Dreier ogniz9 and appreciate and s well up enduring Il mOllt 86Ve~Q Itbatn . for 'or, ta antborized '0 porohase real deaths are caused founder and heacl of the Sooietyof "bon t..-From "JDdson BarmoD of three months, \11 due wbolly to DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAI" _tate a' 8DIQ. of ,1200 tbe title to l lJy it-heart dis- Vagabonds, defines it a s one \vho Ohio, " 1y 1:310o.ue Gordon in the Eleotrio &itt61'8 " U~e them and In.maI. and Ext8maI ...... I . . whioh " 0 be taken in bim as admin. tellle, pneumonia, . Amerioan Review of Reviews fqr en 'oy health Ilnd IItrength St~t18 heart fal ...,. Iif wanders about seeking the best Ilnd fu.otion positlv ~ly ~wi.ran&oed. GOe de bonia npn with tbe wiJ I [:~lny&reofteQ palaini it on to ot4ers , and his Qnusu &ptember , I\t Fred O. S,.h wftrt • . WAY"ESVILLE CHURCHES. aonexecl of Anna M. 8a11lHr. ney ~. ~"Ial 8tory, lUI told by Ne~ton A . Pnea.' OANOeR IN tt;~ACHE CUReS • - ....- - ManiI&e Licea... ; kidney trouble i. sle In Doonan Life for ijeptember, .People who live ln a bread aad Job ,V , DaBol',3', aarloultor.l• . '. . . Ishows how wall merltl the title. There 1M progress in the field)f butter world are always bungry. tat of I'ranklln .nd Fay MoKlnley, eel 1?lood will at-I Thoma8 Dreier s hobby kt tbe em. patent medioines a8 elsewhere, and - -.. on,., UOQII4 SliM, of tbe IliGetb •• ~ f --'-Un . . tack e Vital MK"''' caullng c:&tanh of oient m... De goes prowling of late yeRrs • huge Ilnd vdry popu. There il no naturlllizl&tton for II ;00 a. - • 2..,0 11.,....& , the bladder. brick-dlilt '" lediment in b ' bellveo itb t cod itt aM.. Edward Grubler, 31, paper mak.. tile ~I JleacJ "~ ~ ,.:Jle, lame aronnd t e oonntry, disoovers men IRr group of remedies has sprung up w ou g o , zen_", ' St. Mary'. EpIJcopaI Chun:la. I --f "I'--~"- and B--..... -- til bact. diDitJ",,( ~ ~,. diltingul8bed for their eftioient s~r- w . iob mat.. no olllim to be deoond hl're . Rey. J . F. cadwallader. Reel",. '" _uu . ua l i l t nRNaU' . , neu. or tile It,a.,. ~ J;y..a. l t II 1 f t • ~ .. ... "'.-. 8l1ndl,. 80\1001. 0 :30 a. III MornlQr ..r · of i'naklln. Rev,". D. KeohUn. dowa aDd . . . awa, ~l1""eeu. W 088, no n80688llr V P60P a 0 . no e ad trom the formolll of an Indian vice, 10 :30 a. m. HoI, Colllllluulon 'be Ill'll. • ~ to perform OIr81DODY. Bladder troab1cl atlPClllt It bQt people who .."e dojI)1 notewor ohlef, or the 8eventh Ron o.f" sevA. B Heinlein, al\rrtaoo, Idaho" 8uud., 01 ncb Ulon&b, J~hD W. E"n, S8, teamOer of :::,a ::r:"i:=t°!:'s:,.kl:ss:.:= thy thingl, and pl\811eil on the ~nter- e.nth son, QJ' • revei~tton \Il a dream .aYlil 1 han QlJed Dr . BAil'. Pine ~ethocJllt EpiIcopaJ ~ . Cinolon.1i aDd Leon. EI'el Brown, qaic:kettbyap~ of the kid. eating faotl! thrODlJb '~e mediqm8 of .in the laat, centnry, ~~t ht fNnkly Tftr.Houey for ooojtb. anll ooldfl and Rey, H. W. Batie" Pawr.. of Reel Lion ~"""R~~ inability to mallal4ln88 and leotnr8ll . Be write8 "nd oonfbilledly modero, namely, it 1" the hest! bl\Ve ever tried ., Look Sunda, Scbool. \I :30 a. m. MIII'DtiItr __ • bo danneaDd 1C&1dmg IMliD InpuaiDg it, wUb a keen eve a briUlant aty1e the Headlloh. e Onr.... , for tbe Bell 00 tbe Bllttl&, vice, 10:80 a . Ill. Epwortb ..... 118. 1 :00 ,... Deal EItate "'---aDd oyercomes that uDpleaaant necessity . . . - ' ." ~.. m. &veQlag "ervlee, ; 11/) .. 81. MI4. . . . ~ ~ of being compeHed to go often t)1rough and a brlgli op m sm, and lii--uiO ·rbe88. IlII the analyses ol)m pelled P n,er Meelilne. 7 I\. . . . Cva Knlrler to Cb...l.. L ]U.k. tlaedaY,!Uld to g~t up lbauy daring moet widely read writer of his age by the Pure Food Lllw (1180108e, oon . You ol\nnot make llve saiDte by . tullleJJt· The mtld and immed18te effect . th ld b i b . fi d Ch,....... Chllrdi. 111',10* In tI,riqboro, '1 .00. of Swam~RDot, the great kidueyremedy In e wor , eng nt twenty- ve tain U8UU.l1y us their most aotive tn. enounoing the way8 of deft!! .In. ~,y. 1.. 0. Tbo18l*lll, . . . . . . Mattie YOOllg Grimm to M.Unda ia IIOOn r~Uzed. Jt~dsthehigheatbe- years of age. g rodlent olle of tile by-produots of ners. l\1I~ 8cboo1 •• :~:l' ~,..... 10:80 .. Ill. <JhJ'IaLlI . ..y~. :1111 p , ~ YOlla. and Simeoo · Yoon'" tract tn c:&utert°~ Ils.reAm ~lwiblt't Jieal~b restoring He refuse8 to be labeled a philos- t he distilltt.tion of ooal-tar, namely. t na . , . "" prope lea. CIOIJ\I1ru:t p'yone. . 8enqon by pt,Il.Or e'very I.I~ ., .. It Saved f1(~ l4 OOQDty, Swamp-Root is plea.-nt to tate'aad jJ; opher, however muoh of brlgbt and 8oettlnlid, pbenlloet-ip, antipyrin, 10:10 a.·m. and 7:10 II. m. It Ail ' t~OQght I'd '10118 ~y leg." ".. __ ~~:.._-.-.:... sold bfi all druggilta in 6fty-cent and Ch@ilrfijl plJil080phy be sheds abroad etc , known, a8 a group, a8 the "ooal-. Hkbite Friends Chura.. ~ Proceedln,.. one-do tar size bottles. You may' have a in tbe world 's wrate plaoes l'oieith- O"r remedies." 'Tll..e89 "owe the writes J A. Swenken, of Watertown, , . . Ample' bottle and a book that tells all . '"" ~.. <i" " Wis. "Ten year8 of sozema, that Firat Va), Meeth\l(. )0 :00 .. Ill. CoD~~n'not wae entered .boDtit~ both sentiree by mail. Address. er by flowin g 100KA nor u~k:em pt at- merl t Of product ng the elleots 15 doators ooold- not oore, hlld at achool . I ~ :0(\ l\. Ill. i'oliN Day 1I1Ht1Dc., into witb V. J. Zentmeyer for oon· Dr. K11.,.& Co., BiDgbamtoo, 'N, Y. tire does he seek to draw attention olaimed for them, in that they fre. lR8t- l"ld me up . 1'heo BoOk Ion 's )O !OO ". m. · ret,- -or~ to h-A-.Il"o Whea writiag wntioD reading this geoIf H e 18 . aR n nrmll. 1 an d quently reli e ve tpe. hell.d,,6he fwd, if Arnioa ,~Illve oureri It" found and · Orthodox Friend. Churdt .. O _ ..... _ . . . . erou offer iD thi. pIJ~'. Don't make to hi UUle. tor Skin ~r\lp'ton8, Rev. BenjamIn Ilawklnl, .&Goa culver' OD KinK. ' IIt1ls .Dd any mi.take. but rema_ber Jh~ ~amej sane a8 hi8 teaohings. taken In moderate dost'8 by pt'r80n9 well" InfAlliblahe Eczema, J:!Hlt R l1 lD \ 801111, Fever · . :\bba&b obool, \1 :00 a.m. Re~ul:l:.-olnt ..1tI BopldDeYtlle pike In a.milton town Sw. .p-R~, ~nd don't Jet. deaIRJe) MIlny and diver8e are the OOOUptl., in fair conAition of heillth, Sures, Il'lrnR, 801l1dll, Uuts and Piles. 1acrvloo.· 10 00 ~ . III. CbrlulaQ ~vgr lit t ti ' te .,," "0 . 7..Of1lOD1etbmglnp'laceofS~mp-B.oot7 ::10 p. III • • p a 81 ma ,..,•. u . 10" Will IMIIIWppouatOd. tion8 b~ hilI;! followell. ij.qn~er and ' flnly tIlori~ru.te P088iqllttieIJ ot Q~rm ~ 60 ut Fred C. Sobwar~. . .

~L· I

YERIT' ES~Alwa.vs



to .









~ :la~kid!~~~=





St;..~~oa:·!,,~.~, ~





. .'

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•• .

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Ever' exhibited I in Warren County. Twelve vari~ties of Cream Separators will be displayed.

Will only bEl admitted at the No"th Gate. Special \ arrangement." for ·the accommodation of machille8 in the. East end of the Quarter Stretch' at the rate of 250 p~i' day.


$5000 in Premi u ms BABY SHOW

Horse Eept



Woraen with Babies admitted free on Friday. Baby Show Friday· at 10 a: m. " !n gold will be giyen for prettiest bo~. $5 Ih &'Ola for prettleat .. irl baby. $2, 2nd prize for ~y and girt baby •.,

~~ge~v:~ be~::~

1:10,""" attracted by B!g Punes.


Will not leave until 5;30 P. m. on the last' thre~ da~s of the Fair, This will give all on this line a full day on the Fair Grounds. " Cats on all othel,"' ,ines leave at convenient hour~. FOR PREMIUM LIST

...', IRONS·, Pres. Q. C\lS~IN,

·r·~hl·p Will fly each· day Ar· .Al 0 rang~m.nt.s have not been completed for .~he attnction, but will be.

. E'

"enrL ~..J ,~ ~ J

: . Kaows that. the W.r-


ren County 'F air Is the b,e st ·. this ~.mmunlty. ~nd, gets dbetter ~very Yhearb' Last year the attenI ~nce' ·W8S t e est-ever. ,T hil .year. it ' Will 1M; laqrer. . .




~- -

THE l'UIIlIilhud

- . M.\I ,' "Tit lOW), I <1olluctl thlt ~ pubtjo 8~rVlCe oorlJuru. Wa8biQ~tOIi , A~l~QSt 6th-Offi 1. . _\ t".lU1I UlUl:\t puy 1 uto t be 8ta1i~ treas. oll\ls of the U. S, DepartDl4llnt of Ag. AI.I.I';'I: '1'tl:LII:P lln ' ~:-'-( \I\ 1.1. Nn 11 ~ J • . ury. rionltW"e t\re of tbe opinion that 1910 l -~ . ----- 1 Foreign oorpol.""il01Ht are tbe firs t willllOld the reoord among many .!tAN I·:, 1'.( It OI' anel Mltnagel' t.> ~t!ell,ha IItn nl{tll or t 116 l1UW tux vears f"r the severity of' e OSlle8 , . l,LW , LRllt.Y ",r they Plltt! tbe 'tl\te jr:om forest fir:es, '.rheJjumruer fires na"'" tlf SllbKcrlptan~ $170,000 111 tnx Il. while this yeu, followed 11 spring eeueou believed to ?ntl Y"~I " t tl!! lI ), III ""'YllIWO ) •• ••. , • • " . 011 1 they will pllV $1 !I;; 000 tUt 11 r esu lt 0' havo been the worst certainly in tll,," I.. I,,,,,y ." . . .. . , ... ... .. " .U f. : the 'o :lllllil'lH'ioll iu'oreaSiUg the va1. the Lake 8tH.tell, kno'wD for a 'long


Italell of Advertising J,()j·.. I•. pcr 11110 . . . . " .. . . .' JttlMU lllw I",rlle. t.l lil·k Incc, I"'r lin ". , I ~~ 'I 'IWlbUltld A,l•. IIfJt eo I . / .ct.'I.I HI'I' 1111". 'I'hroo , , .; , uv~r , . .. ,IIl'e "',. 25c ' Ublluun, ea. II \' IlUourlllJlIH 1I1O' 1,,'x Ir,·o lid, ,,", , I,,,r lille .. , , .. " , . ". 5c

uatlotl of t.helr I)Tllperty in Ohio. ForeiKo oorpt)t'&tI0118 tbis yel1f pa.y'ntb of ,ona per cent on thl1t, propuilltion of their oapital stook re"reMented lJ.v property or lmldnel!s .. tlons io Ohio, Next year. uoder the ~IIJ'.I ,A lllr",II • . . ,.' . " .. , .. , ,"' .. ,' 211c OtlW Itl.W, they moltt pay tllreu·twen· RtlIJOIUllou'£ . " .. , . " , .. ' " . , ..... , . . . Oil<' t ' b f t Suctn la Ill~ . whon. cll",rl(tl IN IlllltJ H ., .. . • • 25r let, 0 , ooa pel' oeo . DI.ploy Atl\,orUrilllKI)"r hII'll . , . , . , ... , . Ill<' 'I'blrty five heigh' Jine oompaniel Oh.:UIIU1BI(I I"1I "" ~U"lrlJ~t. reported tor taxlltl on illiB year aurl tl e commission iocreased the t:!Kl'l 'EMII1!:H 4, IOICl , 1l.1Il0UDt: 0 0 w,hiob they must ~ay t'lX9t4 trom S8-14" OOO, 1l\lIt year's fig. Prllyill~ I'; II WII I'IIMul II It wilim II ura·, to S~J;9, l70, 110 inor~lli!e or .'o p~ Itl wl .. hlnl! . Uu,OOU Tile PuJiIDlm 8 l eepin~ Uar - -O'" l1 )}It Oy WURt paY,I'D '02 ,603, thi8 frOllbJtI UBVtl r w, 'uklmR VOIl Sfl VB , year, wbloh II! uo InOrOfUltlOf ~;lr;O,H8 wh eD .YOU n',e f r o ll1 it, uver Itt8t yfll1r Ttllapbo u , teleb'l'aph .~ nd expreS8 For Use on Face and Hands oompauies ure DOW being tlLxed by D,'. H~iI't1 Antilluptlo l:j'I) va 18 ' he tbo oomDlitlsion . 10 IlrrhiDg at the bellt, h hi IL or~li," V IIIIOW wblte true villue of the f)5 0 or JOOfe t,eleointm eo t, It ncl OOd 2&0 hox wlII litH! phOll1l plllnts 10 the 8tate the com. tbrlSe W"DI hM millston ill not taking the word of --tile owners, bu' ill going behind the No nlilD bfl,M . ~ grolLt DlIMRiou who soones and ill finding out what some • 1I,hts IIttl o miuitltrlell - - -.. _ ••_ _ _ of tbe phmt8 Bold for during the lall' fe'w years. 'roo mil!)" think t.hatllqul1re IIvin~ 'I'b ese mus t. pay 12 . uer oen t on th i .. te . wUllt mean sour Illoking , o gro88 n.ra·at" earnlDgs. &lme of the oorporatlonll, whose 80re Eye. of Three Yeara 8tandlng ~xe8 ba ve been Increased b,r tbe Ollred. Milll Effie -:Fan1kner, Ne'" UIlIt' le, Pa, wrltfl!!: ~utherI8,ul'p oommul8llln have already oom· Eajrle Eye 8alve oured Wtl uf It O8se pluined. The oommi89ion has lIet of .ore eyell of t·liree ,veurll st,ftudlnj{. September 6th to formally leoeive loheertally recommend it to any all oomplatnts. 'Cno In ueed or tluc h a rt'mt:dy . It is th'" about 50 for. .... eileu companies have not r&port.ed R.pen~noe 11000 afCer green I1p. for taxation , As sooo aa they are pl •• 18 no promls" 0' " bew I\f8 . discovered thts matter of fOl'()tug • - • 'h~nl to pay \aX88 wtll be ~urned Snme Ipend mlnutee tn cbarlty ,w ar &0 tbe attorney general. :aDd lOon&h8 tn advertlflog It • - • nllnl l ill~

--.- ..

---.- ..- - -

----- ..

----- ..- --


- --


Man :'I';n Nerve


. lodomt&able wtll.Dd .&remeoduou8 Per80na wbo have tried olover hay· eoerlrY are never fOUDd where a. a leed lor fowls In ~he winter anomaob, Liver, Kldne,.and Bowell oeed not be told of ita value. Tbe are ~u, uf order. If you waDt &beee great6lt unlupplied need of fowll

=IC:~Kt::,~b~::"t~: t~~r..?r!:~

matobl8111 reg.w.t.Qra, for keeo braiD apeS atronr body. 250 at hed C. 8oh"arta. - - ' - -•• - • Maoy reformerll 8 e ' 8wl&obed off 011 reforming one aoother. • -. Too maoy mis "a~e tbe ·quabblofl . r ~.. ~ of oreed for 'be fi~ht of raith, - - -.... - • Blood Pol....n ... Ie prevented hy applylo$ Dr, Bell', Anti.Pain to cu~, 1O,tt.&ohee and bru\888. It dell.troTIl 1&11 septlo maUer enables 'be wound _to beal nUha::l,sorooess, Be 8ure to get r. a • _ • Taro yoor faoe to the enn and 70U wlll never feu the shadow,',



duriDk seaSOD is ,bnl.,y food .uoll . . . olover cao farlllib. The proper prepara'ioo req ulree OQUin" . It lJ better to Kive them the hay whole than DO' .~ ~ll. Bot muoh wut be wasted, and they are Ukely Qut to get aU tbey wan~. It out

small aDd IIteamed in a feed oooker aud mixed with ground makrlal it will be in Ua })eat ooodi&tou for feed . Bot while all this may bl' 88id for . I' I be Id Ib t 0 over t~, 8a w t grea er empbaa18 for alfalfa. Tbls II' de. oldedly loperlor to olover, It shollld be out in the field8 when six or elgbt tnobes blgh, and ma.y be fed whole. For a 8ummer: f~d tor fowl. in oonUnement ther~ 18 80thiog better. Wbeo In'pnded ,for winter U86 It .hould be 80read evenly over the ~ro\1nd after oll"in~ and allowed to walt tboroog~ly, bn.' not '0 become hard and dry. It sbould then be htlapad In'o 8mall 000l1li and allowed oure ,two or ' thrt,.e claY8 If the weather 18 8unllhtny, and tbeD Ilauled in and IItored , I D ,For winter "ervloe treated .In tbe .. ~ ta1»alCaIoaIa aIICI wealr • po way as oluver for a daily mess ~t . . .VID, b.adreda of ~OIAr De1I~; : " hi wUhoo' superior. Tb~ expen. ..... wlt7 aot)"Ott? Doa t "alt aDt Isive tet'ds 'hilt are pften purohued Ita too late. 8ea4 tooda1 for nlaabl' l for promoting laying may quise well ~...... 0'. t~bercalo4llL W. eeael it be dlspens(ld wUh, as the ohiokenll poet...Id, Ine of churiL ' delight In bom. prl pnltlons got ~p AcJ4ruaI Tbe Wat...... CreatioD Co, 10 tbitt way, and ~i1l be ready to ex J)tgt. Co. c.t..... Ob1o. pr888 their gratl,tude;, in eggs.

Na' t utire's -- rea on





- _. .. .

der saoh oircQms~unoes is to direot l.he ooar se of the fire. Theattaok Is made on the sides near the front, separating the forward portion of tho fire from t h mllio wi ngs . A part of the crow attaokl! the forwllfd part and others run down aDd ex. ting uish thll wlnglJ. The froot of ' the tire, Iltbokeli from t he sid s, i,

~ime. Nor i~ it wise ,to assume tbut forced gradnul1.v "nei oonstllntly into the danger is over when the fieroo a narrower path. UsuILlly the froot conflagratioDs whioh bave oalled can be dlreoted toward Rome olelired fortb in t he Mountain ~tat,es the ef. spaoe, road , pood, 8trellJD, Ilwamp, forts ~f t hree Fuderal Department. or fire line, when it w ill be checked have been oonquererl. The forests e nough to adulit of a dlreot froot at. will not be silfe until tbe fall raiull taok. ometim88 by thi pluo tb E' d b d f t l 'dl d h an snows Bve once more rua e r on bll\y 18 rapl y nl1rrowe y a wet blllnket of the dry forest 1100r, working from 'the sides, until it is That the total 10s8es of theyear will at last entirely extinguished, The run up to mauy mHltons of dollars is plan of givlnl( direction &0 the oourse oOIlRiderAd oertain. of the fire has often been .(IUOC988. H ow Imob 108B611 m ...y be prevent fully oarried out when 'h~ fiWhtlDg et! is II U1ntter of generu.1 publ~o oon. crew Is too small ror a direot dottaok. oern. '1'0 the NatioDll1 Forest tImber "Wbeo firell gain 8uch bead way bnrned must be allded gr~t aruouuUl that it is impessi ble to stop them by ou State und privilte holdings, be. tlireot attaolr, no matter how numer. side8 the immenlle dum"ge done to ous and effioient tht! crew Of 0010 town, farm, and other property plete the equipmeut for tightlng, Rllilroud s ha vo suffered froro the iu back firing becomes the only meanll terruptioo of traffio as well u trom of stoppiog the fire. It ~hould, direot 10S@88. A bulletin by Fores\- however, be ulled only when it is er HeJlry 1;. Gr14ves dillousses forest ab@olutely neces8ary. Ooe of the fires ILnd tbe propel' methodll of pre. O<lmmoDest mistakes ill fightlDI( venting Bud fighting tbem, as fol. fires 18 to overestimate the rapidity 10wlJ : of the fire and the diffioulty of put . "In SODle Reotion8 of tbe oouutry ting it out. A for8lt fire i8 always forellt fires have alwaY8 been of a frightening speotaole, partioularly ' suob oommon ooourran08 'h'" there if It I8 sweep Ing I n th e di reo t 100 0f , .. M ft b is a popular no,tiou that they oan one I! own proper.y . en 0 en e. Dot be prevented. 'I'he rlek from oome exolted and 8tart back fires fires oan never be entirely eliminated wben it is entirely UnntlOO8Sary, for in the foreat tbere I. always in. Back firing necessarily Involves de. fiammable material whloh Ie very liberately burning OTer property. easily Ignited. They mllY, however, When tbis belong8 to another person be large}y prevented, and' uuder em. and one's own forest seems I~ dan. olen~ organizatton their damage ger, 'here Is a great temptation to ml'Y b- kept down to a 'Yery small saorifice it. amount. The problem 18 Uke ~bat "If it is found that a baok fire i8 in oltiee, where firea o&n never be n808lury, a favorable poln' is .e. entirely eUminaYd, but where rlllk lec&ed directly iu front of the fire, of 108s to property may be redoced froth wbioh to Bet the new fire. almollUo In8tKolfioanoe ." ThIS ' mWl' be a point wbere It is Tbe Imporanoe of ay.~ma'io pro a~fe to .art a baok fire, suoh lUI vlllion tor Ul. earl.'!f dlllOO'Yery of a road, fire line. s~ream, or swamp. Th l i l t e d t i t eav" po dl n 8 fire," and for le"ID" .. • properly fi e f ' to are odgn , at equipped foroe of fire Olhtert quiok- v , ee *' r apar or a 81, to the IOen. of 'be outbreak fl' iDo ,l sanoe not gr_~r tbau the estimated

HANDSOME EXHIBIT BUILDING-OHIO STATE FAIR. THE bulldwg equlpmeut ot the Ohio 8t.ute lrulr Is uUflurpl\sSeCl 10 areW·

teetural beauty und c/ftl\'culence ot arrangement. 'l'be structure aboVI .howo Is tbe Won~n't; null(1\u~, devoted to dJ8pla,)'s ot wowlln's hnndiwork. It III equipped with an uudllol'lum ot 1,000 seaUng capoclty, where leature. and practical demlllHltrntions ot dOllJllstic sclclI,ell will I>e given eacll ot lthe exposition, Scpt. 5. O. 7, nnd 9. Here also will be round illsplal' trom the dltrerent sUlto wStJtUt10llfl, in cluding the Instnllatioo and operatloo of a complete rnJlw ny telegrapb system by inmates ot tbe ~OFS' Industrial IICbooL



THE C. W. HAIN SAFE CO. Ludies! Save MODeJ·ud



Ing 'be dry ,e&80n, " h ... 18 one of the mOil' imporant meaaored in orlaol~ pro~tion. One of 'he fundamental prinolplel , In fire protooUon ill &0 detect and att!lok firee 10 their inolplenoy." After f I k .. ~ PJlntlng out the value 0 00 ou ..., .' I t telepbone or IItgnal oommun ca' on and various method8 of patrol, the Forester tella how to fight flre8, as • follow8,: . "The princlpl88 of filhtlng forest firell . Are 8saentlal1y the same lUI tholle recognized in fightillg fire8 In oities. The following are of first Importance: ( 1) Qulok arrival at the fire; (2) I\U adequate foroo; (3) proper equipment; (4) a thoroogh organization of 'be figbltug orew, ~od (5) sktllJ,&Uacking Ilnd ftghlln, flres Qulok access totiree isaooom. plltlbtld thro.ugh the .work of 8uper· vision ILnd patrol in (1.i.oo~orlng tirell before tbey h"ve gl&inerl muoh head. b n dId way, and y a we eve ope aYII· tern of oommunloa'tlon througb the (ore8t by roads Ilnd trail8. "A small fire may be pnt out by . OD~ DIan, but in exteD8lve fore 8ta severa I h ours mt\y paM b~fore the fire clin be reaohed It '1I import8n' to seoure an adequlI te foroe of ruen -t nd t o g~t them &0 tbe fira qUloidy. tn ~ well.organlzed sYlltem of patrill the gUltrd wbo disoovers a fire oom· muni~tet! Qulokly to other guards and ~o belldq uarters by telephonf',

Kee~ ia

==:::==== Style by Readint McCaU'.

MagaziDe aDd UaiDI McCaU Palteru M~Lt:S

Read the Gazette

W eave H h N t e ews



Yiiliiiiiii____ 'al_ _ _ ._


.c:CaIt'• •••• aI .. will 1I1' 1t' )'ou

dftltill 81,1:

I. hly ti l a mOderate ·.' Plllise by koeplnar you I. osto d 011 tbe I.. w ·t (",shlon! In clhlhes and 111118. 60 XI'W ~'al!b Ion Dellrrn. In each IlIIue. AlJo va luable Illformalion 0 11 a ll bOJlle and per· IiOnal matten. Onl, 60c a year. Includlnlf pattern. Suba freo teda, scribe or lend (or free A aiple COli,.

McCaD " '111 on&lllo you to make In your uwn hOlllo. willi yournWIl handa. cloUlIDIf for yuutSll lf lind c hlldron "'hleb will be perfect In slyle and ftL. l'rlc_none bl,ber tban Ib COli Ill. • ClId> for free PauerD CatalOlue• • W. WIll em Toe'IM ........ for !felllD' aubscrlpLloos 8D10011 your fri ends. Send for free I'remlum CIl1811lllUO aDd Cub Prlu Oll'l!r. TH! Id:AUONIPAKY, 2lt .. za."~"'IIn,_


:~':!re~:':upeb~Vi~I::":~;'&'!,7;:.. :=:!~:r!~~~t!::::~d ~=

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U It e eat! g baok &gaiDat a 000 nuoDl n, n Waynesville, Ohio. the wind, 'A part of the orew is statlOoed aorol8 the road or other Vallev Phone 153 Main Streft break from whloh ~he baok fire is !I!!!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'started and pot out at once the Email firell wbtol,l may r«>lIolti from ~b8 WALTER sparks blown "ver from tbe bao.k ' MCCLURE, tire " :rbe rueetlnK of tbe two fires Funeral Diret:tor. h h~ft" f th I 8tOptl at onoe t e VDU 0 e ma n fire. It ta u8ually possible 'hen to attaok 'he winKS with tile ordlnary Telepbone day a. night, melhod8 of fighting. U ls necessa. ,Valley phone No.1, IA)n~ r to attaok the wings at on06, par. Di8tanoo No, 69-9 r • ,roularlY If there is a strong wind filr otbflrwlse each wing of the old WAYNESVILLE, OHIO~ • fire would soon form an Independ. ent 'Ore with II well·developed Branch Office, Barve,rflbllrl, O. head. n Is necessary also, tbll.~ a number ot men belltationed whf!re ! the Original fire and the baok tire 81L~ ~ meet io order to extinguish smolder. Good 'for Nothing but th, Eru Ing 6res In toptl 10,8 and other d b I .. " e r Sft' .. th b 11 tl Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honev ' "A re is .ever ou~. e u e 0 For Coughs and Colds. conoludell, "until the last spark Is extinguished OftAn a log or 8nag wll1 smolder' unnotl Jed aner the



D It H E



1847 Rogers Silverware If you would like to supply your tab1e with this highgrade silverware free of cost,' write us for our special offer. Address

fiame .. have apparently beeD COn· ••• q.ered, ooly '0 break ont afre8h STANDARD FASHION rOMPANT Wa,Y '.le8ville's L el1dwjl DeoUet witb a rlsln, wind, After 'he fire. IZ-II Vandaa SIred, New yen. No Y. fighting orew haa left the J(round it Office ill Keys Bldg. Main 8' is ILl ways well to assiRn at least one ~~~~~!!'!!!!~~~~~'!'!!!!~~~~~~~~'!'!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!! man &0 patrol tbe edges of the borned aroIL until it is certain that tbe fire is eoUrely out. This may not be for several days." ___- - -

elrnal, or other meaofl, "nd Indio .' tail The Lath of a Fiend tbe number of mlln he needll. "The flmoillDOY of tbe fire fighting would bave been about aa wei )ome to A, Cooper, ot Oavrelc, N. Y , as crew tlel)'iIlC1~ very largely on t h e i r i\ meroil888 lubg rllckl~1 oougb that akill Itntl Axptlrience, Ilnd parUoulllr defied all remooies for years "It I ~ on the Ilk III lUid 81-1)6rienoe of t.bti W.18 most troublflllO 'lie . at uigM." m m Ilh·t·ottnK the work. It is 0" he wri&ell, "nothing hel~d me till , 1 nlled Of KlDg'a New Disoovery only a qnlSlltion of knowledRe of bow whloh ourad we ol)mplet.ely. I nflv. tl) OI4.IKO ~ch mao where hill work er cough.' night now ." Mllllool! wtU be , mt)St effoott VfI, but. tberA know tt.. mlltollleS8 merit for .tub mURt p. judlCment fllterclled in 'de born oold" oblltlnllte ooughs, lore , f 'lungs; lagri.,1l8, 88thm'l, hem.orrh,. ge t~r~iniD'" the geuerAI mf'thod 0 .tA.t- oro up, whooping congh, or h~,fever, kck Theoheraoter, of tb.e . Ore, 'he It rellevetl qUICkly aDd never fntls to ohtUllo, of U~e' f?rest', tbe oondi. IIltth,fy. A tri"l oonvluool,. SOC, 00 $ton ot tbe a'ni~pbere, Ute ~'r~nK,b Trial bottle free . It '. POliti vel, and dh;ect.tnn,of the wtod, 'be rapid ' luaranleeil by Fred, C; ~bwart~, , 'VIEWED .'fROM A .,HEIGHT OF . FEET. I Ity wblnh the fire i '1'ODnhigi ' . - .. ,, . .. I ' bOto....... pb taken at belaitt of 1000 feeL '. " d many othn poiua 'have to be • W~eu ft mao , trie8 to hide hill ABOVlil cut .. ~UC1400 O. P ~- '. , . ' tile -104h" nlnally IIUooeed8 In planting T'" photo "U obtaiDacl by a ~ oe.I,P~~ correel'OD4ent d\1rlD' 'Ua t..ktlo hito Oon"ider~"l)n." H .. -.' .' l\oDtlDlWlce tla 1909,Oblo Btate Fair. I T.Jae. buUcUriP .b~WD .an ~o Aft.ell' :lMOl ibiD~ hO," '80rf!'08 firel ~ne~'.' .......... ~ de90tacl {o borse anj! .beep ·,ublbita:, The l~ .~edltn ~eture, . I • ..- - - - -. prool ·lflUld .tand. with . .~. ~Jl&C!l~, or 10.000. orb. Oblo lb~ , he putoo'b, ,be«attaR'; bl throw... , Merchanta ~ra'" , 11 world " NDed, and ~be' comlDaJ u~bif;lon to 'be be.~ AD Wlum~. ~t. ta..,and or 100118 ea""',and b~ other Dr.lieU'. PiDeo'Par.B,gney. J . W . .; 0. 'I ' 8 Ao4 8 will aM turtbet' bonor. to lla enYlabl! pa.atIoo ~, tIIe upeNd- l1letb' dll tb~ 1l000UO' pee OD: "" KoDeDle). Etherton, Ill• ., says, .... ~ I"' .....teen mammoth ublblt bal~ wD1 be 11'" W'ltb . h~melimea tbe fro'nt bf tb'eftre Ia There t. n'(J me4lotne whioh eqila18 ........ cUaplal& BUll. . ,raeea. iiaaG ~ u~ &eta WI . . . 41 th , it Sa impolltbl, 10 U fur'oolllbl, qoldl, Grippe" ."~~l.l .... - ..... , "bile -.c.. ~ Pala" ,.~ III ~ Cloada",wtll ~ , u. .... 10 ,.erce , a , . ' &04 BroDohlI18, Look for 'h• . Ut1 . m .. ' . ' dtrec,ly. ODe metbocl un • ..GIl ,be 8G&&le.. ~~r ~d.~.." ,_ ~~.













, . ~. '. MACHINERY EXHIBIT BUiLDING-OHIO STArE FIR. " ., b10 III ......... tb Y ' . tb, ...-atcw .. ORES of ballUlilDg. c:l'c:klq mac , 81')' w .''''l''~ • e ,e 0.. . ...... . the c.'C,)mq·Oblo'State Fair, to ~ beld 111 ODlumbuti Sept. Do a. t. 8 U4 t. .Three mariunotb buUc1lDge1 with 'a comblDacllrOor .pace o~ l00,uoo III'" teet. In .adcUUen to twenty acree I;D ~ ~. wID be devotecl to u.e ~ _ Bea!Vl" tbreeblq macblnery 111 aetaaI operaUon wUl be a CClIlIpIa.......... 'of tlieJuhlblt. 'Tbe macbtD.., departmeot will be open ~ dar ." ... Good . . . . ~ .,., maGe by 1P8D41q a dat til IIIIpeeUq aII4 ....... 1M .ammoUa _ h i D " izIdblt ,. tile 0* . . ,._. ~__' .. _


"'Ift .,.,

mrcmCULAR5 MillS Inncs, spinet r 611t1, j:unrJl on of Gcrtru(l nnO Halso)" tllItllblish ,I I'u mm r b eadQuarter" Ilt Sunnyside, Aml/)llt 1\11 merous dlfflculUes thu sorvants u08ertod, As Miss ino" . locked up Cor tll ~ nlghl tlhe was stllrtl d by a dark flgu re on LIIo v mndn.. tin s ('mly nolR 8 dl lltul'bl'd Il<'r duri ng th night . III th morning MI II (nne~ found U 8lrnnl;e link cut!'-bullon In a hamper, Gertrudl) nlld, Habmy urrl ved ",1th Jaok Ball 'Y, Th hOllse was 6Wllk"lned by a revol\'H shot and Arnold 1\ rm-, tro ng WIUI found shol to denth In til hall, Miss InnOli found HIlINllr.'8 r volver on tho lawn. He and Ja('k Dill ey h9.d di Mappeared, The lin k curr-bullon mYRt rl· ously dls9.ppeared, Dclectlv Jnml es a .arrived, Gertrude fcvenlcd she was on -tfa~ed to Ja ck B(\III'Y, with whom ti he <talked In the bllllont room a ( w mom ents b toro the n1urOl'r, Jamle"on IlC <:usell MIllS Tnll 11 of hiding hllCk ,'1dence, Ho Im prlsonorl nn Intruder In a n empty room, The prlAOner escaped, dow n 11. lau ndry chute. Gertrudo WIlS 8USpO led, A negro found the other hnlt of what ,proved to b" J ack Bulloy'" culT-bull on, Hlllsoy roal'lilcarll and" 86yS ho and Balloy 10ft In roo po nile to a telcgr9.rn. Gertrude 8ald sho hncl given Bn.lIcy li n unload d revolver. fouilng to glv him a 1011d c d weapon. Crufblcr Dolley ot Pl\u l Armstrong's bank, d tunce, was arr sted tor 6mbenlemont. Hals(lY snld Armstrong wrecked h18 own bank nnd nu ld cI at' ·Balley. Paul Armlltrong's death was announced. Hal8ey's flancoe. Loulso Arm'.trong, WO:ll found at the lodgo, The r 811Jd Loul8e and Arnold had & long talk t he 1I1ght or the murder, Lou06 WU prostra.ted. LoUis told Halsey. ,that while she still loved 111m she was to marry aDother, and that he wou Id desplso bel' wben h learned tho wl1olo story, It "d voloped that Dr. Wa lJ(or and Louise were to be marrted, A prowler WIl.B heard 10 the house. Lowso waa tound at th bottom ot the clrculnr stairclUl . Louise .... d "'he had heard 0. knook at tho door I1!I.nd aDswered It. Something brushed PllIIt 'her oa the etalrway and ahe tainted, BaI;ley III sUllpected of Annlltrong'8 murder, After "seeing II. ghost, " Thomll8, tho 'odgekeeper, WIUI found dead. A slip WWl t'ound In bu. pocket bearing the nams "'Lucien WDIIaCe, 14 Elm street, Richlteld."

was cll ap at the price ' or a chu rch carr t. J received 'J ess grntlflcalionnnd less gratitude-when I pres nted the ne w sliver communion s t to SL Dar nabas, I hnd a great ma ny tblngs to think about In thos days, I made a list of /]u stions and possible Answers, but 1 seemed ouly to be working around In a cIrcl e, I always eud d where I began. Tho list was s omething like thi s: 'Vho Ilad nl r.tpd the house the nlG hl berore the ml1rrt vr'! Thomas clnlm,'.1 It w as Mr. Bnllo)', whom he h n,1 1\ c!~ 1I nn th ((lot-p Ih , lind whn o'wn r'd til .. pI' orl urr- lInlt. \Vh)' did rnnl(1 Armstr ng come hock otler h hnd lert the houso the nIght he WI18 kill d . No nll~wer. ~'1I8 It on the mlsslo o Louleo hnd m nllnn ,I'! \Vho odmltt II him? Gerl rudo sa Id 9h lInd lockod the east enlry, 1'herc wns 110 It Y It the dead man or In t h,) door, He mU~1 hanl been adrulllc(1 rrom wit hin, Who had lIeen locked In the clothes chute? Some one unfomUlar wllh the house, e"ldpnlly, nl}' two people missi ng (r m tho househOld, RosIe and erl rudo. R os ie had bl' n ot the lo(lge. Ther'ro re-but W I1S It Gertrude? Mi gh t It nOl ha,·o been tho n1yst' rloul! Inlrud r ageln? Who hod nc OHIOd HOlll on th i1rlvo? Agll.l n- l)Crh l.lps Ille nlglll ly visi tor, It seemed IlJore likely s m on" w ho IIU~­ po tell a seer t at Ole lodgo, Was LouIs under au rv 1Illlllce ? Who had passod Louise on Ule circular etolr u-sc'! ould It IlIlvo hee.n Thomas? The key to th list ""try mod thl8 8. possibilIty. Bu t why was he there, It II \vcre Inde d h ? Who hat.! mac1e the hole In the tru nkroom wall ? It WII4 Dot vandallllm, It hnd been done Quietly, and with d IIbel'lllc purpose. 1t I hlld on ly known how to r ad the ' pur: pOBe ot that gapln&, np rture what I ml ' ht have sa\-ed In anxiety and mental





"Mrs. Tate. we want to make some inquh'les. Perhaps In .t he house-" "Come right In.'' she said hospitably. And soon we were In the little shabby parlor, exaotly like a thousand of It! prototypes. 1\1rs: Tate sat uneasily, her ba nds folded In· her lap. ' " H~W long has Lucl~ \!oMa bere" ~


" In what part 1" "1n the east wing," "Can you tell me when, these Intru.alons occurred. and wbat the purpose "eemed to be! Was It robb ry?" ":l\fo:' I said decidedly. "As to time. -once on Friday ' night a ' week ago, ' ~ • .again tbe following night, when ArnI()ld Armstrong was murdered. and qatn lawt Friday night." . The dootor looked serious. He aeemed to be debating 's ome Question i n his mind, and to reach a decision. ".M1ea Innes," he ' said, "I am In. a J)eculilr position; I understand your attitude. of course; but-do you tblnk ,.00 are wise! Ever since you have have come here there have been host ile demonstrations against yoU' and y our (amUy. I'm not a cr'oaker. ,buttake a warning. Leave beCore anytb l~ occurs that will oause you a life- · long regret," ('I am', willing to , t.\ke the responslbUlty," I said coldly. I think he gave me up then as a poor proposition, He asked to be . 'Shown where Arc.u1d Armstrong's bod.)' bad been (ound, and.I took bJm there, He scrutinized tile whole plaoe caretully, examllilng tbe atalrs and. the tock. When he had taken a formal 'farewell I was confident of one thing. Dr. Walker would do anything he .could to get me away from Sunnyside,

Mr. amleson asked. "Since a week ago last ,:frldaJ.. HII motheJ: paid one week'a board In ad· vance, the other has not been 'pateL" "Was he ill when he came?" "No. sir, not what you'd pall sick. He was getUng better of typhoid. she said. and he's,Jllcklng up flne." "Will you teU me hlB mother's name and address?" "That's the trouble," the young woman' said, knlttln" ber brows. "She o. gave ber name as Mrs. Wallace. and said she had no address, She waa looking for a boarding house tn town. SJ1e saId she worked In a department store, and couldn't take . care of the clilld prop.e rly, and he needed fresh air and milk. I had three children of my own, and one more dIdn't make much difference In the work, but-I wish she . would pay this weekll board." "Did she say what store It was?" "No. sir, but II!l ~e boy's olothes came frorl Kh:K-". He has tar too fine clotl1ea tor tbe country." There was a chorus ' of shouts and shrill yells from the front door, fol· lowed by tile loud stamping of "hll· dren's teet and a throaty "wboa. whoal" Into the room came .8 tAnCHAPTER XXI. ' dem team of two chubby youngste~ a boy and a girl, harnessed ' with a Fourteen Elm Street. ' olothes-Une, and driven by a laughhfC It was Monday eyenlng wben we boy of about seven. In tan overallli found the body of poor Thomas. Monand brass buttons. The small driver day night had been uneventful ; lhJngs caught my attention at once; he was were quiet at the bouse and the pe· He ScrutInized the Whole Place Carefully. ' a beautiful ohlld, and, although lie . showed traces'of recent 'severe lIln8ss. c ullar circumstances of the old man's 4leath bad been carefully kept (rom Why did blltfh IIh"th nnhd Dr? Walker Bridge," 1 read aloud. Then, aware his skin had now the"clear transpar· the servants. , RosIe took charge ot wnrn us away rom e ousn of Alex's stare, I turned on Liddy. ency of health. Who WIUI Lucien Wallace? the dining room and pantry, In the ab- What did Thomas ,seo In the shndows "Some one Is to play bridge to"Whoa, Flinders," he sl;1outed. night at nine o'olock:' 1 said. "Is that "You're going to smash the trap." lienee ot a butler, and, except (or the the night he died? warning of tho Oasanova doctor. every- What was tbe meaning of the subtle y,o ur business, or mine ?" Mr. Jamieson coaxed him over by change In Gertnlde? thing breathed ot peace. Was Jack Bailey an accompli ce or a Liddy was aggrieved. She was holding out a lead penoll, striped blue Affairs at the Trail,ers' bank were victim In the looting of the Traders' about to reply when I scooped up the and yellow. progressing slowiy. nieces and lett the conservatory. said, when Whnt all-powerful reason made Louise .. h "Now, k then," ; h he id II the d bo, h I The failure had bank? bit small stook- a ders very hard, the determine to marry Dr. Walller? "Now 'then." ''I saId, when we gbt ad ta en t e ea peno an wu minister of the little Methodist cbapel The examiners were still working outside. "will you tell me why you testing Its usetulness on the detecttn Caaanova among them. He had on the books of the Traders' bank, and c hoose to t~ke Alex Ineo your con. ncelved as ~ legacy from an uncle a It was probable that several weeks fid ence? He's no tool. Do you supI(~w shares of stock In the Trade rs' would elapse before everything was pose he thinks ariy one In tbls house I b I lbank. and now bls joy was turned to cleared up. The flrm of expert ac\bItterness ; be bad to saorlflce everyIs going to pay r dge , to'nlght at countants who had examtned tbe books nlne o'clock, 'by a'ppolntment l I sup-tblng be had In the world, and his some two months before testified that pose you have shown It in the .ldtchen, eating agllinst Paul Armstrong. dead, every bond, every piece of valunble and Instead of my being able to slip <88 h o \\:£\s, must bave been bitter In pa ller. was there at that time. It down to the bridge to·nlght Q,uletly, 'the extreme. He WIlS asked to of· had been shortly after theIr exnm lwa· and see who Is there. the wbole house!liclate at the simple services when the tloD that the president, who had ueen hold wlll be going In a procession." dead banker's body was Interred In I ":'d h It I b d t C I'f I ' n o.m ea I, a gone a a lorn n, "Nobody knows 11," Liddy said humv Casanm'a Ichurchyard. but the good Mr: Dalle was' still III at the Knl cker. II k Id ~ bly. "I found It In the basket In Miss .man prov dentla y too co , and a ' -\lockel', and In this, as In other ways, Gertrude's dressing room. Look at the J;l ubstltute was called in. Gertl'ude's conduct puzzled me, She A fe w duys nfter the services he seemed Indifferent, l'efused to discll ss back of the sheet." I turned over some call ed to sec me, a kind·faced l1ltl~ matters pel·talnlng to the bank. nnd of the scraps. and. sure enough, It ma n, In 11 ve ry bad frock·coat and never. to my knowl edge, eith er wrote was a iii ank d eposlt s II p , f rom tlIe l,llIudered tie. I think he was uncor- to hi m 01' went to seo him, Gradual· TI'lIders' bank. So Gertrude was going U ln as to' my connecllon with the 11 I came to the coacluslon tha t Ger- to meet Jack Balley 'tllat night by tlie Armstrong family, and. dubious wh eth- trude with the rest ot the world be· bridge ! A,nd I had tbought he . was ' e r I consid ered Mr. A.r ms trong's tak· llev~d' her lover guilty. ~nd-altho' ugb llll It hardly seemed like the action '. ved It myself, for that matter- a t a n innocent man-t Ws" avoidance of tug .away II matter for condolence or I belie congratulation, He was not 10ng In I was Irritated by her Ind~trerenc",. daYlight, and of bls' fiancee's peoplE!, doubt. , Glrll:l In my day did not meekly accept J decided to make certaIn. howl'lver, I liked the little man, Ho had known the public's verdict as to the man by going to tbe bridge that nlgh,t. TliomlUl well, and had promised to ot· they , lov"'d·. Af~er lun~l1eon Mr, Jamieson. sug• "I" t " · '1mt olUe bfield, ', C , ould ••• ·the Morio"I' BI". But presontly something occurred ges t e d th at I l'O wit h .. • Count"', '\" 6c1ate at the services in the l'lcl{ety African Zion cburch. He told me more that mad e me think that unde r Ger. and I con6en'te~, ,_. , Houae. . of himself ,than he knew, and before trude's surtnce calm there was a seeth· "I aln inclined ~o p!RQ'e mbre faith ,Ive'~ cuff•• :;o~ th~..~ I'll be~ ;ou ~on'~: ,be left I ustonlshed him-and myself. Ing flood of emotions. . In nr. Stewart's stor,/ ' be said, "since kn'oVl, ' w~al. your name Isr, '. TUllsday ' morning the detective I tound that scrap In IIld Thomas' "I do '. Hid the boy. I .ILuclen W~.. .1. ' ndnllt- by _prnmlslng a new carpet C9r his churcb. H e was much I1trected, made a cnreful search of the grounds. pocket. It bears out , t he' "ta~ement lacp....· · •.... .and I ga.thered that he had yearned but be tound nothing. 'In the arter-- that the woman with the chl!d, and ....Ol'eatl And .,.,bat'l jour m~tber'l Ov~1' his r,agged chapel as a mother nQOB he disappeared j and It ~ivall late the woman who quarreled with Mai· nameT" ~er a halr-clo~.ed OiIlld. tilat nlg~t when he came home. ' H"stroog, are the aame., It look I a8 If "Mother, 'or coune. What" ),our " "ou a,re ' laJ'lng up ~&Rur.eR, Misal said he /,vould have to go back to the Thomas had !'tumbleci on to some motlie,'I'a&me'" . . lIuI..~.. be uld bro\r:..!lly, "Where city the . followlnl 4." and arraorecl talr whlob was more or lesl dtacred· ADd he poljtld...&o-mer J '~~ ·.eltJ.!,er Pldth nor run ~lIrrUllt, nol' wlth- 4'ialllll1' &Dd-.Alex to guard thl!) ltable to the. dead maD. and, wlth a to ' ltop . . .rlill black; It 40UJea a u tIi.leyel br '" tbrougt) Illljl atea!." houae. " : , ce, rtaJn loyalty to the famn" had kept "'O--D" __ , ' I seDt bl"': bome In tbe qar, .,."Itti a eairie ' to me OD Wednesday it , to · hlml,lt. , Then, you .lee"Jour ....A;Il d14 JOU II.. 701J 'lbuDob ot hot.)DUee rOlfts' tor ble wife, mOf-niDg with her black Ink apronl ltol'7 about the woDWi at the card, be,.r. n . ' 4etecth'e".. . . . . . . h. .... qulte o,orwhelmed, . All beld up like a baI' ~D1 her e),ea big room wlnd!)w beglD" to mean aom.. DOl to ....n.. ' IIU. ' b'~ , .el'Qul .tow t-hat with Ylrtuou,1 Wrath. It 'it. . the da7 thing. It I. tII,e Deareet appro&ca &0, f'l'O... . ~



Hot Sun-

of Thomas' funerol In th e villa • oDd lex and I . were In the conservatory

cutting flowers for th old man's usket. Liddy Is never so bappy as wb n s ll e Is making ~erself wr t hed, and now h r mouth drooped wblle her eyes w re triumphant. "I always said there were pi n,y of. .._ ......things going on here., right unn r our nnyth lng ta ngi ble that we have had nose , that we couldn't see:' she sahl. yet." balding out her apron. Warner took us to Rl cbfl eid In the " I dO[l't see ''''th my nose," 1 rA. " .... car. It was about 116 mil s by ra II . markcd. '~r ..uut by taking a serl s 0 t atro.. hat hav"'" you got there'." l'oad, Liddy pus hed aside 8. halt dozen (\lo\1sly rough short cuts we got tbere g ranl um pots, and in thtl s pace "'us ..... very quickly. rt was a pretty lltt I e 1 ared ' she dump'ed the con tent! of town, on th rlv r, a!ld bll cl, op ' ', be her apron-a handful of tiny bits of II III I could s e the Morton big coun· paper. Alex had stepped back, but r try house, whe re Ha lsey and Gilr. ~a ,v hlnl n'atchlng ber curiously, ~ " t rude had been staylng untJI tbe night "Walt a moment, Liddy," I said. ot the murder. "You bave' been going th rough tbe Elmt street '''as the only library paper·basket again! " t balmost ' II Liddy• was arra nging her bi ts at pa· s ree, and nu m er 1.. was ea!! Y house, foun JI". lItd 'WasItha small per with the skill at long practice and dll h white I I d ap ua e w out av ng ga ne paid no attention. ngd piotur shque, with .. :<:.w win· d "Did It e ver occur to you," I went anythi on, putting my band over the Bcraps, ow b anth abit1)0rc r 1only aThfo ot or so e,0j a tbawn. tl e red WII.!! "that when paop:e tear up their C!Jr- ab Ol'e b t a • n e pa the I, an r espondence It Is f or the express pur· a aswY'Garru,:,ge ing at the side came sO\wdl'om ot po e of keepi ng it (rom being read 1:' conftlct. Three small ch ildren were "Jt they wasn't asham d or It iliay dIsputi ng VOCiferously, and a taIled wouldn't ta k e so much trouble. Miss young woman wit h a kindly tace ~as Rachel," Liddy sa id ora cularly. "More trying to Dush the clamor. When !lhe than that, with things happening ever}; saw us she untied her gingham apron day, I cons ider It my duty. If you and clime around to t he porch . "Good afteruoon:' I said. Jamieson don't r ad a nd act on thI s, I shall give It to that Jamieson, a nd I'll venture IItted his hat, without speaking. "J he'll not go back to the city to-day." came to Inquire about a chlld~ named 'fliat decided me. If the scraps had Lucien Wallace." ' anything to do with the mys tery or" I am glad yOU have come." she dlnary conventions had no vnlue. So said. "In spite of the other children, LIddy arranged the scraps, like work· I think the little fellow Is lonely. We Ing out one at the puule·plctures chil- thought perhaps his mother would be dren play with, and she did It wltb here to-day." . stmlnl Mr, Jamieson stepped forward. Why had Lo~l se lett her people and 10uch the same eagerness. Wh n It w as finished she s te"ped aside while come horne to hide II.t tbe lodge? .. ",You lire Mrs. Tate?" I wondered There WIlS no answer, [18 YOI, to thle, I r ead It. how the de teotlve knew. ' or to lil a next Quesllons. "Wednesday night, nine o·clock. " Yes, sIr."

CHAPTER XX.-Continued.

r ragedy o~






HOSE of us who bave beeD '.

privIleged to read "The Life at an Empress" can scarcely have latd down the book without bavlng ,re· fleoted.. with sadness on the mighty chan~es that age 1 likely to urlng, es pecially to t be once brlllian t and admired who In old age, allUll appear faded, worn and for· gotten. Cogtrast the picture at the beautiful kit" Eugenle In the tront 0'1 tlle boo d w ,. the one on the las t paps, an cIDe oan read with an approach to aecuracy the Intervening events. stampIng theIr Impress ou the alterod cOl.ln· tenance and whole general ailpeu~ a.n ce. The charming woman In e"enlng , drcss, gay, courted. the cynosure ot all eyes permitted to behold her lovell. ness, ,nlth drooping eyes and queen ly " mien, shoulde rs that slope perfectly and possessed withal of r egal aspectthis ploture, we say, bears butf little I likeness to the pathetic one a ater years, wlt.h It II aad feat ures, stooping shoulders a nd sllb16l1llad flgure, Reading th& eventful story of the life. one cannot but 'feel profound pity tor this woman of so oheckered a career. Once at the head of a brllllllnt court. admired. ftattered. sought and follo wed. she reveled In the pomp and luxury, the homage and adulation of the buoyant. vivacious throng. Tben came the terrible disaster that lett her a stricke n, childless mother. Iu· ternal disturbance, wrecked posItIon and ulUmate expulsIon from court clrolee. tile death of the emperor and downfall of all earthiy prospectl ot lIuccess or tame brought pOl@1lRnt Qne] abiding' Bense of Borrow and deteat. Wlt.h youth departed, title gone and erectness of figure vanished, one or her earlier friends, alter meeting her. wrote In hll diary : , "At. once recognized the Countess 40e Plerretonds. 'Wlth ' the help of h~r long ebony IItiok IIhe walked over to a parapet overhanging the eea. She leaned upon it and steadJly gazed loward, a point • . " wbere the contours ot .Corsloa could be discerned. Her mI~d a1>paren~y traveled back to the origin and downfall of the family \Yltb which tate had 80 strangely linked her. ', "M the cumbersome barouche drove tiw8Y, I recalled the w"ole past-the Tu11erles, the Louvre. Notre Dame, Salnt.Cloud. ComtJlegne, Fontaine. ' H 'bleau, ~he lmperlal Chatse. the 'un· dred Guards. and. aboye all, tbe preme power and the dazzling beauty ot thIs woman-ot all this nothing reo malned!" ' ' Early Vanity Without pronto And this melancholy chronlole Is but one that might be told ot countleas oases, not so prominent or widely known. but where ambition, pride of place and brightly alluring prospectl have. by some sad Irony of tate. ,been dashed to the ground. leaving disappointment, desolation and ruined prospects to eat like a cruel canker hlto heart and soul. The pensive eyes, with their mburnf~1 droop, giving one. as It were, a heart-broken gaze. the heavily, 4raped flgure. shrouded 1n1dst unrelieved {aUI and folds of somber crape. tell all too plainly the story of a lonely 'and desolate old , age. It Is said she slta a1)out In some of the beautiful. ' plcturelque gardena brooding. silent and secluded. dream. Ing. apparentl,.. all by hers'el~, on JOY,l ~d trlumiiha forever past. " . There sit In lonely placel today meD 'and women who have leen "eaCh earthly hope dec""; poor,'and weak ' and old. they ' yet have laid .hold' on eternal rlohes. and despite the devastating trials and lorrows ot


Bytb. time toWD aDd. .. Y''''-'' "ot.04urc....o.. ~u_

Ruol up a fauDtllD aodlrnt rn:n11f lit

41T with dust IO(\a


coello, .. tbe bott= atop 10 !be bouS.. YOIl' UIl04 It l eU.... f.· too. eo4 waibel . . .y aU th. duR aDdthlnt as oothlD' cia. will. II touc1M8 SUIt at Iprlq


Ibi:~a••. ',,"aIaJ••• Wlaolcac.e Sc Everywbere . Oar Free Bookl., ''rbe Trulb About Coca-Cola" telt. alt &boQt Coca-ColA_blt It h ... wb, Ie Ia 10 cIeIlclow. wbol.oem. and bene'dal. 11 ,I,e. analy'" lIUldeb,,,,lelltlttt.nd cberDI... IrolD coulloeoalt. pl'OYlDlh. pu rity an. wbolctomeQC1." Your namo and ad· 011 • poltal wUI briAr yOy


Interettlnr bookl<t.

Tbo Coca-ColA C ....

Your Liver is.Clogged up TUM-Oat



''1 just had a fall on your "I am very sorry, my dear sir." "Well. I wish 10U wOu~ sell your sugar straight and put your sand 011 the Ild~walk." Mre. Wlggln'l Ide. of Loncton. ' During the recent vilit Of Mrll, \VIC' gin, the ' American author, tn' London, an interviewer called OD her, With pencil PQIBeCl, the Int~" asked : I And what do you think of LondoD. , , Mrs. Wlggio'" "You remind me," answered the author chee'r fully. , "of the young illdy who sat beside Dr. Gibbon at dinner• She turned to bt~ after the .1,0Up. ' . 1 .. 'Do, dear Dr. Gibbon; she sllld, 'teU me about the deollne and fall ot the Roman empire.''' ' H.~ to ConvInce. , Little Tommy (eldest of th.e f"mlly, at dtnner)-.Mamma, :wb7 dbn t you help ine before Ethel? Mamma-La4lea ~ust always come ~ , first. Tommy ( ~rlumpljantl)') ':"'T'hen wily waa I born before Ethel ?-Tlt·Blts.

thtlY ar~ looking forward Inatead 0 Her Relt: backward It Is true that it II given to but few to have so Illustrloua a ; "How do yOU expect to IPena your p..' t to dwell upon al the e~~mprel' summer vacation, Mrs. 13rown7" "ll'r}'lng flah (or tbe .men as usual, ot France caD recall, but. th. grandeur I suppose." of the 'put only emphasize. for hel' the qUiet and the' dearth o( her waning Isn't It shoctl'llg ,whe* .yoU bear a dayl. . nice man complain of anythIng. The Need of All; Aft U· r\ Ii ' hi h I' er a , c or poor, g or ~w. fa d b ' we all stand In unmistakable need 01, Right . 0 ill a aILS the light of a "glowing eastern pte" Fi . h Ii '. . as age tells Its unmllJtakable atDry ~n or ng, t Vlbg. . 'aoe arid hair &lid ·etooplng frame. " "Th~e~s .only .one disease,It . Every lenithened Ufe ' hOld8. Its own C!~ '.' • • tragedies. They may have been ot a .;;)Ilys an ~ent writerI Itt h d h tli' ' ''W . s mp e na ure~ ye ar enoug ey rong ,Ii. vmg , generally:', been for the. on. ea who ' "And' b t "' t have ,had to bear 'them. But, let eV8r¥' ' u _one uremournful yesterday ,point t~ a gl~ t. o- '\!Right It.VI.og.... morrow. tor by ' the grace .of God 'a ll ,.,' _. " 1 t" ,I I R' h food' 't'ed b nt·'speculatloo, 0 cOIq nl"vfor co, ,nunlt pailt torles.deteats This' may Is no pp Idlft ~ _ _ -III , ,Supp I Jv , we have the promJse of ~he. scrq,tures &hat ,ttir the -bel'~.'r , lD Chrfat ' ~iU" light -afftlctlons. "which are ' (compara. -og




ta vely) ut for a mom,e.nt,and w~rketernal , for , liB tar more 'eJ:ce~dlog weight of gioiT, ",bi)e '}V~ 'look' not . ~. the things that,'are se~b. or that 'have been <IO~, ~~~ at 'the precious ' &1l11 beau ' t'.u'I ' t ........... that are'. -ete"-ft'. " . ~, ........... ,_ . , , ,', '~he " D~lIy 'C;O!l'l,p ,'n10.,.1 " ilt as ,we sO ~ our ~a,. .that , upl. 9f Goel meet u.. The . du~ '101 o,fiea dt~cu~t, but It ~s altOP,ther 'Io~el;v:: foIl ........ ·Wanc b. Iide _ ,/lnd C~rlat 'sa oar ' .CODltaD. ;' lt ,ma, be ,tHP. ',bllt, "",Q h"lI'hta ~mmaDd ~tt ~. wfcle ~I\pect.e; It II tbe ...,. of tbi oroa. ,but It b tIl""'7 lbe "'.,. of Ullat. w. qt4. Dot . . ball"l, &Iou. ".,, 01 Goet", riOm"lbd""ta; , (or II. " .. it III,.... h,..... k ". JUT ..... ., wt* iii tMlIIIalq ~".


h'i", ';' ,



In Embroidery , -.

On ly t wenty-one prisons In fift ee n states a nd t err itories bave provided special places for t ho t realme nt o f thei r tubercul osis prisoners. These Institutions can accommodate, however, onl y 800 patients. ] n tbree-rourlbs of the major pr iso ns and In .practlcally all the jails of the country the tuberculous prisoner Is a llowed freely to infect his fe llow prisoners, very few restrictions beln'g placed upon his ilablts. When tbe congregate mode ot priso n life Is cons ld red, the danger of Infection becomes greater than In the gener a l population. New York nnd M,assacbusetts are the only stlltell wher e a ny sysl matto attempt has been mnde to transrer a ll tub erculous pr isoners to one central In s titution. The largest prison tube rculosis bosp ltal Is In Manila, where accommodations fo r 200 prisoners are provided. T he next largest is Clinton prison bos· pltal In New York, whlcb provides fo r

By Carl Jenkin. C oPYllahl. 11110, bJ' . lIocia led L herar1 Pte .. . •

There W8S nothing . wr ong ahout SlIus arler, He was a strappi ng young mon wb o worked In a sBwmlll a nd ate three s qua re menls a dny, When evening came he snt down to stCJre hi s ,mind with k nowledge, He couldn't uorrow ' Sba kespeare or AmerIcan hi story and , In consequence be horrow ed romances. 'I'hey were not eaetly dime novels. They rela ted mostly to knights and chevaliers and rescues or distressed damsels. After rending for ' two or three years Silas got the Idea t hat hs was II ~hevnll er, nnd tha t the distressed damsel wuuld sooner or later heave Into view. He didn't sny nnythlng ahout It. It ml ~ ht be t hat he wasn't a che valIer, nnd It m ight be (liat the dlstressC'd damsel would 00 detained on t he road _ One night When be was call\ng on Miss Eunice Bebee, the dau ghter at a villager, he casually observed: "E unlcc, I love you and want 70\& t o be my wICe_" "] wl11," she replied. Eunlco uad known Sll ns tor a long ti me, Bnd had come to ~eall ze tha t she loved him , and ' why shouldn't she have answered that way? Wh y blush and stick a fin ger In her mouth and r eply th at sbe would see her father about It ? She did just a s a pla in, sensible gIrl al ways does under the - circumstances-she waited for Silas to say more. He began and ended right there. It the distressed damsel appeared he ' would tell Eun ice t lult he had changcd his mind; If she did n't then they . would get married some day. Eun ice contin ued to be a good, plain girl, and Silas kept his eyes open for what was coming. It came one July ·day. A young lady from the city. s topping at a summ er hotel In the vlllage, came down to the mm pond to fisb. . SUas was In the mill yard, wr estling the saw-

He Wrote Th.t HI Took "II Pen 1ft Hand. 108s .bout, and after a time he heard Icream_ He ran for the water and ." al In time to pull a very wet and frightened girl out by the When ahe could speak she called hll!;l a he had saved her lite and won ller eternal gratitude. Sbe was the' distres sed damsel and be tbe bero-the cbevaller. There could be no two wsys about that. He was invited to call at the hotel and reee1ve further thanks, and the dripping damsel took her departure. Silas Carter called, H e was braced up by the heroic' deed he had done, and he felt very Important when he : found ¥mself .In the presence ot a youn~ lady weartDr diamonds and fine clothes, and almost smiling ' at the fresb · ~rease~ on bls boota, He didn't know enctly what to do with his hat, hands and teet, but he stowed th~m away somewhere and modestly 181~ that be . atood read,. to rescue a damsel eY,el')' day In the week. ' He was thanked aJ1d thankecJ, and the dam's ' Id Ihe could never torcet hIm. ', Em e"en went so far 8S to ctve him her dreis In the city and I8Y that she, 'Y'o be pleas,e d to bear trom her hero-o aslonally. In get. ttOg olf ' the hotel v,randa Silas ',fell oyef a widow's , poodle dog and rolled dori the steps, but he' was npne the tea. a , llero' ln~l. own eye. for thll~ He bad, reart "that .they occilslonally to~k a .tumbte · and were none the wdrse ;tor It:" -That ·e ve.Jng , wben he went fiver t:o Bee E~nl,e he sald: "nights' ' ''Et1l!Y, I a~k~d- you a ' . ' Ito to marty' !D~, ~dl~n't .n " "tes" >, " I ~. "Weil; we'll :l1old on ~wblfe" 'a~ct . 'It. 1 ·gua • ." I " " . ' , ' " ':.' " • . l~erY, we " Silas:' replied. ~!! dbtl. lui ,Eunlce1• : - ~ " ,,' Sbe , ~lgbt lIaye . come, augry I!nd ' Jumjied up ~d dQ.wu .an,d ~~ateDed a" breach of : proml.s e_ lIult,. bl.l.t elle .4fdn't; ~' She ' 11,,4 hear4 about the .,..ene, &nil ahe ~lI~d ~ Idt!a jt . . , that, lfut she cua not 'lOllS her ~m~r. 8Ile JOlt 1DOYell· the' pl~1l &lollr ud &






. "811... bay" uoCber .• 1... of b~ 4IId" bef~ 10ll'~. n'.



Ing for t wo weeks he wrote to her. He "' rote t hat he t ook his pen In hand to bope that s he was we ll, and th at h is own health was never better. He wrote thnt the saw mill business was good, and that he ex pect ed t o have h is wages ra ised to $22 'a month. He thought of her often , he sa!d. ]n fac t, he had dr iven 'a sta ke at the s pot where s he had raU en In, and wen t tbere to look at It fivo or s ix times a day. Then he copied a verse of po etry and ended the letter by saying that he hoped for an answer by r eturn mall. He dldn·t receive one, howeve r. Two weeks dragged along, and then one night BS he was calling on Eunice he said: "Eun y, about our gettln, married." "Yell, Silas." "I think we'd better." "Very well," She waited tor him to ask her to name the day, but he had nothing furth er to sayan the subject. A bright Idea had occurred to him, He had written "In haste" on the envelope of· his letter, but by so doinr he may have made the postmaster mad and the epistle had been torn up. He decided to write again. He took his pen in hand with fir mer grip this time, as hll wages had been raised to ,22 per month. H e hoped for a n a nswer within tbree days, but at the end at a tortnlght none had .come. One mall a day reached the vl11age post offi ce, but he Inquired five times a day, so as to make sur e Of missing nothi ng. An· other t wo weeks LUld no letter_ Wa s Cheva lier SUa s In love with t be damsel he had rescued ? H e was. He dldn~t kick around n ights and drea m of her, but he loved her galI,a ntly-cblvalrously - knightly - the same ns the heroes at his romances had loved. P erbaps the reason sbe hadn't answered was that she was coyly waltlng tor him to come to the city nnd t ell of his adoration. H er mother might have tied her up In the garret or her ta ther thrust bel' Int r a dungeon deep because ahe had told of her love for him. For three daye Silas. debated as to what the Chevalier at. Aubyn would 'have . done unde r like Circumstances, abd then he lett tor the city. Having the .d alllsel'a address, It Will easy to find her tather's house. He found It early In the Dlornlng, jUlt as the father was emerging with • very strong olgar In his mouth, He gave Silas a looking over, uttered _ "humph!" to hlmaelf. _ and then'asked: "Well, wbat la It?" "Your-your daughter was up at Bellville In July," stammered the young man. "Well, what of ur' . , "She tumbled Into the mm pond." "And got wet. Well, ·what ot thatr' - "1-1 work In the sawmill there." "1 thought so. 'Go on," "I pulled her aut of the pond." " Oh, ~ou dicIT Dlcl It strain your back any'" "No," '''U It did, try a poroua plaster_" "But· I saved her life, sir," con· Unued SlIal, "and she IBid · .he~ Dever forget It." "And I don't think she will. She lost her talse hair and 'oomplexlon, I beJleve.': .. "And she asked me to call on her If [ was ever In. town." "And being as you are In town, you have oome to call. Well, you can go In and Interview the cook It you wish, My daughter has been marrlp.d six weeks and Is sllU away on a bridal tramp. She nevft mentioned 8IIything about you, but If you really saved her Ufe, why, have a cigar wlUt me!' Silas reached home that night at ti o'olock. His jaw wal, set and his look. ~as determined. The villagers ~ad long ISlnce got to bed, but that waa naught to hIm. He walked to the bouse ot Eunice's father and around to her window, apd, In reliPonse to his calls, a head wa. , poked out and a voice exclatnled: "My stars, SlIal, but what's bap. pened!" , "Nothing yet" but somethlng"s goIng to. You be ready at nine o'clock In the morning to be marrledl There's been fooling ,enough, about Itt" Red Deer's Winter Home. Tbe winter home of the American red deer Is very Interesting. . When the ' snow begins to ny the leader, of the herd guides them to some shel· tered apot where provender 18 plenUfut Here as tbe .SIlOW talls they pack It down, tTamplng out a considerable space; ",hUe about them the snow mount.' hJgher and higher until they caDn'ot ~ get· out If , ttiey would.' From the main 'opening, or "yard," as It Is called; tramped! out patha lead the near-by trees aild 'ahrut'lbery which "sUpply, them ,wltb food. [n this ' way they 'manap to pUS ', the ' wlnte.r In comparMlve peace 'and Bafety.~t. ,Nichol.... ; . ,



Peculiarly Favorable Field The re for the Spread of the Scourge of Tuberculos la,

Silas Cart~r' s R'o mance ,-- - -


He Had No Eye for Color. Th ere to the home ot a negro! In Tennessee an addlUon to the fam-, lIy In t he sha pe Or t r lplets_ The proud tatber ba lled tho firs t. mnn who came a long t he road and asked him In to ' see t hem, The man, w ho was an Irish~ man , seem d gTc'a tly In teres ted In th. Infan ts as he looked tbem ove', iylnSj - - In a ro w bl!fore hi m. "Wba t doell yo' tb lnk?" 3RlICd the parent. ""Vaul"-pol n tlng t o 'the on in tbe mlddle-" I thi nk I'd save that oue."Everybody's Magazine. Bores Barred. A repor ter asked Mr . Roosevolt


tbe Ou tlook offi ce bow he gol lhrougb so much work, and at the sRme time saw so m any people. "I shun bores," was the r eply. "I don't· waste n minute of my ti me on bo res. Do you perceive that I have only just one chair In this r oom? You see, m y bu nting exper iences have shown mo ~nt great. bores a re a iways of s ma il caliber." One-bal t ,the world Is bUllY trying t o separate the other ha lf from Its coin.


Better Than a Drug, "The late Senalor P la tt," said a n Al ban y legislator, "had a cynical wit. Talking about a pollUclan \\Iho ha d cha nged bls pa r ty, he once said to me : " 'Circumsta nces alter ever ylh lngpolitical vi ews. r eligion , even heal t h. " 'Why, I've got a f rI end who Is affil cted wUh Insomnia I n Us worst form , and yet e very morning tha t Gall Cure Collars man s leeps as s weet a nd sound as a will Dot gnll the h o rse. new-born babe when h is wlte craw ls by your locnl dealer. If YO ll want free sample of the bai r p ac! over h im t o s tart the fir e.''' to convince you, w rite u s and mention your dealer's name. When Servjlnts Were Slaves. Tie GRAr·MORSIlCII CO. lfnk er8 tor t b e tl'Rll e. It hasn't been so ma ny years s ince KMOO DA RNES9 servants were practically slaves; th ey The ItInd tbat" g111lr8uU>e4. CllcI ... U, O~I. were bound ou t f or a t erm at years and never could hope to belter the ir conditions. The world Is advanCing, however , and now ser van ts, especially those who do washin g nnd house"Ha.ving taken yonr wonderful 'Cascao cleaning, ar e better treated. Easy Task zeu' for ~e months and being entirel, laundry soap, that does half t he work cured of catarrh and dyspepsia,. Itself, and which cleans pots and pans I think a word 01 ~ 18 due td and painted work like magic , Is r e- 'Caacareu' for their ~derful composispons ible t or much of t his emanclpa· tiOD. 1 have taken numerous other socalled reJIledies but wi~out avail, and 1 Uon. Only 6 oents a. cake, t oo. find that Caacarets relieve more ill a da, than'all the othena I have taken ,.auldiD A &age'. Summer. a year." . James McGune, Solomon sighed, 108 Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. "Think ot .the number of plants I PleUAllt, Palatable, Poteat, Taate ~ Do Good. N _ Slcl:~..Weakea or Gripe. have to remembe r to water wblle they lOc, Nevet' 1 010 ID bulk. Tbe ...... are all away tor 'the summer ," he crie d, . aloez:lcL~' tawet ltamped C C C . Guarutee4 to CI&nI or Jour mOllO, bacJ!. m Herewith he doubted his title to wisdom.








One of the favorite mode ls- for the summer gown Is the smart linen affair braided or embroidered In white or a color. Uaually the linens ot a delicate shade have white braiding, &lid the effect Is delightfully cool and eummery. White Unens, In accordanoe with tbe latest fanoy, are done In a colored braid, and one of the most lulklng combinations 1s white with dark blue braiding, giving someth.lD~ of the Bulgarian peasant effect-and, of course, anything along the peasant costume 11nes Is the ultra chio note this season. These little braided frocks are Ideal for the home dressmaker, as the cut of the gown ' Itself Is the simplest thing possible-the Irregu]arlty of the design demanding a very plain background to make 8 harmonious wbole. Theretore, . any woman ' clever enough to IDJI,ke her own' simple frocks can have a ,really charming creation by addln~ a little handwork. The gown sketcbed ' Is a Frencb model Whose IInaa especially gracetul and becom.lng_ The orl(l4_a\ gown was of roae color Unen, braided In the finest white cotton braid, with a dainty white trill at the neck and sleeves, and tbe hallmark of a Pal'l a gown-that ohlc touoh of black-at the neck. Tiny gold buttons finish the blouse at eltheT ~Ide at the clus-

I have come t o see tbat cleverness, ter of tucks on the front of the co!'> success , attainment, count for little ; eage, and are put on wltb fastene rl that goodness, or cIiaracter, Is tile Imso a s to be easily re moved tor launder· portant factor .In lIte.-Romanes, W. N, V., CINCINNATI, NO. 35-1910.., . Ing. The lame delllgn migh t be carried out III any colored fabri cs and brnJd, to suit the tancy. Of course the most becoming shade should be sele cted. The design In the upper left hand corner Is tor the shoulder pieces, which may be braided and tilen put on the gown. Tbe smallest of the three dots In Wheat Yield In Many Dlstrle'. WillI the centre of the cut are tor the edge De From 25 to 35 Bushels Per ~ere of these straps, and are to be em· broidered In mercerized cotton thread Land 018l.n4 bomestead entries Increaelug. No e_tlon In numbere going from Unlte41 to match the braid. The same dot la Bt.o.tea. Wonde rful ' opportunltleo rem a.ln for tboae wbo InteDd making Oa.Dad .. their bome.: used for the band o~ tbe edge of the N e .. dl.trlcL. b eing opened up for Bettle ment. Jia.nT1A.mere wlU Dot, tbl. 7 40''', 110 to 115 per sleeve, while the sleeve Is trimmed acre from tbelr w he.t .c rop. All tb6 MTant&!ree of old N tUe<! eountrle. Are there. 0 004 with ' a row of the middle-sized dot, echoolB, ehurcb~8, IIplendld p' ••keta, excellent r.U .... , [acUitle.. Bee tbe 8'1'A!n exhibit Ilt tbel arid this lat ter size' Is also used on l.JJe dlft'eI J'eDt State And aome of the OoUDty 1. 1r&. . belt. ' The largest dot Is for .the shirt. Letter. IIlmllAr to the [oll~wl ng Are receln d. eTe.y dAY, ~tltTlll g to ,..t lsflletorT, The small design Is tor the belt, one eondltlon. ; other dl atrlcta are • • t ..Tora.bIT . pokeu ot : moUf being placed on each 81de of My orothe .. ln-Ia .. , Mr. !'1ankJ. Zlmme r,IlTl!fl lbe,..' and It .... tlu, ugb Ill'" tb&t "e d oold 04 ..., IOC&1A! 10\ the front, close together. Tbe large Utu1a.d..... . M'f,,~\JM=~'BCol'f Ebl~er_ ~ design Is for the skirt, placed as In. dlcated In the sketoh_ TAKBS WB BlWl'BIIR-IN-LAW'B WOnnl'ORI!r i ' , Triylon tral lJl Mlnn.,. AUI, 7, )Olo! Transfer the design to the linen by "lobal\ flO to Dtlmrotl8 W e i!ii "ltIl D1J c:&ttle aDolt means of carbon pa'p er, The design lIou.ebold 1I0000,' I lOt 8 poor orop broW" y ea~ oru~r - n-lA", Azul t'lonlsltOm 1ft Oamrotl ... . ts applied after the gown Is carefully ..ana"u wy ~ me to e<;>mo tho..." H o fonne rl1 1I""d I fitted and all Iiams and hems finished . ro~,:w,!'3~o~r~~ ~ ~ ~~"fJg ~gl ::n't~ Ir&Tel l .. o L1m,.iloboro. {O,Y IAko m y brolhor-ID-I ...... : It does not take so long to braid .. ord abo ut UlO "aUDU}', and ""Dt to got you, IU"1 a gown of this sort a s one might at J'&te," YOU nt t.mlJ . 'I .' l'elor A. Noiaon. first Imagine, and the result Is well WAN'l'8 TO RBTURN TO CANADA. I worth t.l;ie effort.


1910 CROPS~--

WILL MAKI!I illS HOM IlI L'i OANADA. Bml nerd , Mlnn .. Aug. lot., 1910.



In~rictmtoCOa!a~oU)m~ C~:'~ ~bo~~kJ;Uhtl~Y.~~~


b 'n' horo 81x ... elta Ilnd 18 .. ull ploos",1 wllh tbo oonn t.rl : 80 ho w ll n tll roo to :'()mo as soon lUi tKlS· .Ible. He nil'" lin IL claim nen , Ln ndl., BaS k .. a ud bT Ida d .eJlCld pU OD u t 11. h MUS " be u. p ro t ~,. pl&cc.

Remnants of Irish or Cluny Inlertlon Can De Utilized for It I Construction.

"I " eDt to <'Guild .. n~:,,~~I~, g~:! t~~N:IZ quaMAlroeOUun of m llrbU Inn \ nod ..


~8f, ':U·~~! :;~n:;.!'<n!"lf,!n';'!::~it·~ ~ t.b o sta.leR o n 8,eootlm. ot my b fULl l h.

Plfml50 .1(11. me

\lno .. nt oncol! 1 000 IlOLtbo chonI' rn'e~ IooPo nolla., Albe_ ."

Y ou ", t ruly,


OL'O, "",,\lo.. II•. V ~Uun_

Send tor Ilte rlLtare ILDd 1L8k th o local ClLnadla.n Oovernm e n t Agonl8 for FJlcura loll Rlile .. beSt distrIcts In wbl ch to 10cILte, and when to go. '

The gu.l wbo Is deft ,sbould make H. M. WILLIAMS, Law lIuil.18", Toledo, Ohio berself one of the new watch fobs of heavY lace that aTe dainty to wear with lingerie frocks. . .Remnants of Irish or Cluny Insertion can be utll· O RMCO HARNESS. "Th e kI n d that '" lI'D&rantee"," a re made 80 much better tb At they DlU s( Ized_ C08t more. yet they are 801(1 118 cbenp ..It tbe ordinary kInd". To 8 soure you 8ntI 8 fl1~ t1on, y un r dea le r w1l1 g i ve you ", It b eMh set A PROTECTION OERTIJ'IOATIIl, IIlgn ed by both him ....1<1( The strips of Insertion nre' folaed oorll .. lve8, guarll nteelng tb e materIal and wor)<mlLnllhlp to bo without de fe<)t. Why trnet to over the gold, gilt or brass catch for cbnnce WDen you elL" be 8u re of getti n g tbe beet your mon ey will buy. Ol'der O E MCO H ARN ESS through your 10cILI d eale r, look for the trademark and (Je t your Ilgnod gulullntee. 11 'watch and the end Is pointed and ftn.nythlng goe .. wrong, your dealer w ill good at Qu.o.xpeo8e, wltbout d e l1l1/or f)ulbbl e _ Isbed a white silk tassel, or If you Over a f)IlArter otlL million set 8 of our No. 1 V H .... G n ess now In tl ee and everT eel !JIving 8atlstnct()ry bays a mlUtary friend with one of gold . Ilel"Vlce, n Ie mllde Of leatbe r t.noned fr om Puck". otrands sllch as are worn on swords. S teer hides, .. wed wlU> l ock e lltc h 10 to tbo loch. E \ GENCO ReInforced where tbe Itraln comeY. Round to_dge Thin lace fobs are liDed with whlte A C tlnl..hed t broullhout. Can be d e p e nded 00 In nil c lror colored rlbbon_ ,.. _.I"J C1UD lJ ta n ces. lJRm~" Sn ., box c h eek 8, round ~ 8tays,nos ebnnd . BREAS'r COLL;\ fI , 3In.,V sb uped. A amall oval buckle Is possessed by IJ~~-~~~~~;;~!!!!!~-- SADDLE , IIln lfle 8U'''P Sin. BAOK :SAND, l iD. , many girls trom bat trimmings, or 40nblecll\nd " t.ltebed. It l ~ lneb . s prl ull' • ends_ BREECHINO, 1 ~ In., Ip 81J'aps " IDeb. tbey can be bought very cheaply In . , TrlmmiD&', nickel , bras !! or mmlt.. t loo rubbool'. Blaclt and wblte Is alwa;I" tashlot.· gilt or colored enamels to match belt · able 'and always smart, and the mod(ll and stockings. PRlCIt ONLY ~ I 5.45 today sbows a large blncle hat, with' ~--""""~IIJIIN.J~ It you wi s h 1\ 8a.ddle dUfe reot from , h e one s ho w n. wide brim, slightly rolled a t the rIght write for otlr bookle t No. UIO Rutl m ention your limit Embroidery. aide. The s imple but e legant ornad ....ler'1I DlLwe . A pos tal will d", Sounds like '''kismet,'' but It lan't mentation Is 'three wlll'.e ostr1cb CRAF-MORSBACH CO. fate-slmplr , reaction. Ismlt embroid- plumes: ' Harneu Maken rOC' t¥ Tl-ade ery, rapidly becoming " very popular CINCINNATI. OHIO . Indeed tor 'summer ' laney 'work, Is Lace Over Gold nothing more or , les8_"than , the oth,r -An original Idea is the sewing or Iide , at the once fuhlonable . sbadow . crocheting or , nne lilce ve.ry Ughtl, stit ch.' In other words, In ·:worklng on over llltge gold · collllr pins of plaiD sheer materials, make yout- shadow pattern . . The suggestion lOay be , ex· "mbr(!ldery ·flnllJCle opt, Bl,ld' beliold tlie tende\! to ail BOrts 9(,' tlat .Ro]d or alIlamlt stitch seemingly" 8tralght ,f!'Om veI', jewelry, such as belt tlu.c;kles, hat. ' ICZEM. IIIm"E'",S." EJlVIIPEW RINeWORM the orI811t.· , I . P'ntI,' ,fltC. It WOllld be very prett,. ITORI! . IURN I too., In ,an open . pattern ov~r 1the POPII' ' ERUPTIONI CiHAFI a E11llt Embroidery. ' Jar band·paJnted china pins:' An Inex· ' ICALDI .8U1tQN8 Centerpleciea, walste, Ildrts, etc_ .penalve At of pins may by thl. meth· in the houle you have • qulok. certain remedy for IlIltInds of Skin DIIeUea. 'done In .reJet embrolde:J ' ofteD JoOk tIC! be turned into YeJ'Y ·Yaluabl.. and A fow appllcaUoDi will relle~ tho wo.. cue oHtchtne pllea, .,.~ .a4 plncbecl atter wuJalq. · To beautl¥ thlnl8. ,. 50 ctI.. ~~ reCeIpt of price. tbll, PUDab tJae ".Ie~ tJaroufli . , ~L CIIIIIICAL ,'JOJlPMtt. ~TIIIOU. lID. _ ttldI ~ _ _ el7 aUletto Ifter . ctPre.. ~ peWter Ira" &'Gd . , M(1C11c:ate4 S....... . " " . . . . . TIIIe ..act WtU '. . ..~ IaWll ahade are -atL Un*, pQa1Ir•.







.. ... .,. .",





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I·· I··

No. 2220

R ~~ PORT-

Of t h

•• ••

T he Neigh!b orhood

........... . .. . _

......... _



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_ ww ~~ ~ . . . . . ___ • • • • • ....,..

r . II. o d . 1 1:1 . R . B . El mDloll A Bud dllll jtil t l' 'I r giu ill , Ir . and Mrd I 'hl\~ U .tl dt' D "u l<' tu.nk!-l hhlnkt r or rr a Mots 1111 J hu ' llerw.o d . Inlll 1"10,1 lin II! II!. JU ny 0 11 !l'rI. J r I n tten d d t he O hio Va llof Exp lose 0 bu s inc: 8, Sept ebm r 1, (lit \) 1)1 u t I ~'I un ei:l r ·· . BIIlOU on d t1y. I 1\ t, 'Wee It. 1 ~ 1O . ' O\t.h~l " d pn \' till, 111 (1 ed n?" \ l o rr ' ; , l id k r , Lh e \. ry k! llIl M i ~tI 1,llol1l e ~ o r t n WIlS th'e g u esL H1': ' Oll K ·Wi. d uy l:1g b L 'nl I IlIJ rll l WI\ I! bl3l l1 , nD l~ UU', U'I,t'uu~ ~ol1LI tUII U, IS h a l fI II H'· f Ml'M. ' VII I Mo OE'y II\. t VI' ek . 1..o;!.ns nIlI1DIO;'.()Ullt d . .... .. . . . : . S HU· . ~e\ ~~ fr' )Ul ill . ," rlt ' l d ~ \.' h n fl:h, nl tJY I I U ·" ~.d 11" ... L ('d,in 1llI St!_ of .JI!\ I Mr 111111 Mr s . ,Tor " f t!ey , of ~ ~· . ':"::I~i8 ~.1 ~~~U~~:,\~I~;~:~~~ ~t:~ iie/ (ly' ~ t 11 , ill , 1\1 1(\ lilt r lll'lI 8 l t~l ll iB, ",Uti Ilt, ; ' .0,0 . '. nrMv isl t'llJ H t h e ir lllldre n h e r . Uoluls. ·u rl ~15 . " ,I t·.. .• .. .. ... I ~ '~ VI: ~o ' p rlll ,' ll III a h ltrl h 1 It 1'1) 1 pft Ul r IIro v r y buiol \' P r e t . '0. W . Wl ll in rus It tt. od e d ~~I~k:::.n ~~I~~':o·\:e..I ··:·r·\.~; tii ·, il;,~O: l f.~(jl l Mr ,\ lIIh hl tllll H111'1'i-l, I){ C.pIHOl l, l onttl ll !-! <.:i ny ti lLr rWI" ue w ll ou~ ' tbeh~xp oilitio olt A - I ha ve decided to go out of the horse business , I am going h.· snlll l ,'l h'.!rc·, ... h IWIll.... . . t 'lool n DI\t.! edno ' I'OUI) ul ' \ U .,(l lle r It Ul1t Mr':l UU I'\ ' (,lOs ot u ~ hor . HU elO .11 IhUlk. . . . . fo . - .. , J uY ' Fro tlonal I)a l~r cur IIl'Y. UII-kc1~. " sell at the LEBAN ON FAIR, to the . ~~ ;,.3 HI! r ,'11iI '1 U llfl 11 .1 . . I Best In t h orld Mr t<. Dar tt. Kelle y , of Wl1min ~lon , L....·~~\dM~~ ~· 'liUs'o'ri: '111' 'ri~I~~,\IY.: I K B 0 11 1; 10 t runSII ( bn III 8tHI : J . \\ Hyutt U1 r ee h W highest bidder, the llnl o f W Il,rr II. Ii; \'1 i t ing her brut h e r , M r , W . R I:!l'ocio . . . · . . . . . . · . · · · · . I OI · OI O'~·i)~ II 179 . ... 5 t.ll cnu ut)' lI t'llt r bnr Llljfal·1 ndnr 1I0 I US . . . . . ,. ' .. . II y . I N . O. Wl'itt*4; 1'> 1 Il II i! ad 'l1oJ081'tI \ l' 6y . " I cdempt Otl flllld ,<1 111 l. .. J I'(\IIII- 2 ~o 100 E l r C:hn ~l r.tlu 0 111' Hn t,H I' Vl'I . n rtl Hr b m nll. I1th nrlll.n IJ g ln uror(~o/. ut cl1 ·uluthm }.. . . . ._ _. ~.:..,... lu g dr\l ~ 'I ~ t Il ud e u" r I)O 'I'll b)dnll. null Gi lldy I'YIII III will E vo ~,dV H I" t,11Il UO t ny c l' m elly II , ' p nc Ml ss( r lIud Z,\lo A rlU itu ge ott n ded 'I·"tul .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . ··· · . :li l . • 2- . 7tl I!OIl U ine tofll l un F PLi g h t " ,V" IOfll t l\{' \\' u r ltl :!30 t h e, pll r t,y lIt M iss j.' loy Rll n oook 'll Ll.\ UJ LI'I I I:: Mr . Mll u de u IA d gh t lip l,tI d llt III - _ _ _ b a tunl n y o,e oiu g. l·llpl!. I glock IHlll ln . . . ... . .. . . . ~n , ouCi uu r! o y tll tn~ he U Odtl l' tllkll~ 'ltV Wll ll t , :; ur" lu sf llud . ...... . . , T tl h o r wood fawily s pen t S nn . ,. . .. II,OOU.UO n ,Ol' 0 bit:' k in d, L' ndl"ldod (l roU~!I . I . 6 II 11IiUi! sl,Id tll.Xe~ paitl ........ .... . a 3, l lj l. n~ uoy i n ' InoloD lltl. Fruuk H OWl? IIO rl fll lllil ,)' re,.ide National Unuk nlll(l:l UU IHlclIldluj,C r'!1.I ,,!~ . I IU . ll ts 'rb f I d r ' • f " ,' d '" 'j ' (I In m,It,.." "lIr " I' r ~' .·otll p lc)1 ·FIIII 1111 J)lvldend s UU llBld .. ... .. . . , ., r l ,a. UII u f (' r 00 A 0 u r vl lIlIg e lI n n l(t ll,Y v eur ~ . WI, I 1I0 .ur. u n .w r C la)'. 1111 Uf ll i 11'(10 1 ~nllll "~~ . " "sh rubrics. fn. )' t Ull Indl"lLlual d opo II~ " lIhj I ' 10 lI u tfm'Ill will be g r iev ed t o le urn 1 a v o f r t h ' UIl Il Y 'o u t h ' L'lIu l'I-Iliny '\ldSI CllDl!k . .. .. . . . . 17" .:lu:t, a" I Il ~s. F II ~s. t~ . pCI ~il'o t~ Ie. 1'1" ot Ih d"'nlh of t " oir in f n n maud ~ 'rl,lI kllt t on lo·,h..." t' " \ orkhdk 1I . u ~ ~.~r, I ' .dU ~ . ~ 1 llf thhi w n l•• . \\ '1 111 1. r h ( y \0\.1 11 IUu k 'Ity l" Ln es~ Iii" 1.1. llll! In nrl,c~. .l.lOI\\'nttcrll~. h I\( dlr C~ wi th , I,,· -'---" - tlJ ei r fu tu r o h u m . MIl Y s n e fJ IIIl "II \1 " ' 1'1 C!t U ' ! ' tl IIIl1ls you will lind c5u r p n<'CS 'l'ot.u.I ....... ....... ...... 3i l, 71'''; 6 lu lV H IILh, , r . , I \ I O , } r awn . (\ 1l0 lnn n . 1' 1>1 ,'"n 111111,.,· $ IU. OO to 830.00 II' 1,.11' ) '0 11 • ,I' jl ll id u TATl'; u fo' lli U. W.\ lt Hl;;:-; l )L :-' '1'\ .~:. . o r o w n tl, 1 i r ' IT w e k e lltl vi It to II .P r of. ' a n d . 1'0. HU III ~ll':) . fil II hJb~r U tiUtlS 10 II at ~alil ' Mr \V i lhllllJIj M in ,? f r om h a r M ut t e uded I llt~ ,,1)lo.·I~_06 I, J . O. Cnrtwrlg hl.. 'ushler o! the nhu Vl' h l flPod e. pross ll r(lj)llI c l. 0 01 0 11')" I . • h I I'" n am ed h Ank . do ;;oll'lIlllly I' " ulred . ExcJusl \'tl lerrlt.cJry. \\' rltc forpllr;o,·· weur Ihul fll,J \Vu llllo . \:! ugtl u be Mr Ilnd I r ' George Mot ILnd " W ol l e u t II III n;. lJe Ul'llltoll(1llly. I1bov RLawmont I s Lru O LO ~hll In st of HI ) Wilml n~ t ll n Augu!! t II:l1;! :; D .\ I{ I)DR J~"' ~ . . . . . w ... .. . . . w .. ww~ . . . ~w"'W"' t . u ud ~ UV I3 0 0 0 8 CO.. lJept. 600.'I·A " lllnl:lt ulluolI. 1\ " t wo s~)o !1 ha ve r e t u r n d t o th e ir kllowlodgo IlDtI bellof. d ' t f t J 0 OAHTW HWll 'l'. CI",hl('r. l ing ' 1\ ve ry " II(. b ·)w u n ", , III a ' OIUOl 1 " l e b e us. . Sn\l8cl'lbcd cind' !lworu lIolO",! lU ll thl" Jrd thnt t.hey _ " b registe r ed il) t he Pet'cho r on lu d ·Hook of d "~ '" -~ duy of Stlpt m ller . 1910. IL \ . lJarnh art. I &heir cr i p had lJot)rJ w ell pul d fo r I '1 b ::Hl rw oo r e un lou w a h e ld Americ a, and his r eco rded nUl\1ue r is 29121. ..... OOrroc~ .H te8t: No t l1r)' Public. . Thur!ld/lY li t th e R d Briok ob oroh '• O. 'J'. UAWKY .. :tt~' H EN I ER hus a fine disposi t ion. H e is a g ooJ w.)rke 'I'll f Mp.t! r i! o Wllmpl e r Il U U CoBl,e" mauo ! II I h t l' and a I nm rom ~ro W 01'l~ 10 U . . ure b r eed e r . ~.. ~f\\·~N ~' \\, H I ;11 '1' . t h oir ollll Oil Ma.yor Wits II and coun. Z I MM ERM . AN ' ~') . lJ IJ'CI:lOrS cilmell Mndd 0 n ntl t:l b itlak r Tut! . ll u l i l t n d. Don't fuil to attend t h e Warren oun Lyt F a ir a nd s e this horse Mr . uud Mr R. lfiel Retulli cK s pen t "t'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!~ d n y IIS pe r 11 gr 0 e Ul e nt, and his colts. a 0 d g u ve a II 0 tl a y t u ;-) P ri u g bo r o . _ _ _ !!!L' n ot i th y wo uld tltllTt th ei r aut o All t he par ticula r!'! made known on day of sal . Mr. a l d M,· . ·' n eo S h e rw o od ollr Mo odny , ;:,p tem b e r 5th . Mr . n o Mr . au d M r s . Gu y bel' w ood M. A . Co rn II, tile v r y ca re f ul nucl ow r t,he S uod ay g u eilte of R. B . Of t he Cond ition of the Citizen s tr ni!ty driv e r should o r en t o p l1 tro n E m Ul OUS uod fa m il y "ge fo r th o oo t rpr iso. If Y ~ \l b~,v Bank, al Wayne ville in l he State Ro be rt Nu t.e nod two of h is b n iUA8 in Dayton pnt r oll1 :1.e Ihe Wayn esvil le, Ohio . o f Ohio, at Lh close of busine 's. 0 S fri t!nd s f r om Norwo d bro u ght their Davton Hoeio g ' o 's Auto Yon S eptem ber 1, 1910. CIUl O up 00 t.b e trnln . one Ulornlllg o~ u g o a n d ee t h e moe u n d ref,u rn Jerse y lo!:'t veu k ",ud p addJed bllok to E p. RE 0 It 1':S b om e ove r t b e am line li fte r t,h t:J Swee t Po tat oes ~- nh B irobtl!, wb r the y bl1ve ll' lli r jll uut . We wan t bo to rs . Loana renlll8ta W. . ... .. .. . lWI' 1I O' I IlJPI I\ ~ . Woo" , you u n 0 '1 0; CllD w e co unt II wane 0on 0 collllt mi . . , . . . . . . . . .. .. f 22ft., 9. a~91 . ~~ App les, ~ rang .' es ,,~ ·~ ,)L\l wi! bog ln Wb~f~ aod dlIlOOUl1 IS.... ... 4 ~ ,:~lt ~~ yon ' oo d ny L emon s IU Ort lug w ....,.. l:It:~bo' Dcod8IUto·otil;l.cfud~~ ·I~·u;i~~ 0000.00 1 [r . aouM r:l. Barr y 8 11hltlke e u. " clK \l'LIl '1'lIe hc ' thor bondsao• tl tkKJlulllca. . . .... hlM 0 er t.ell t un!lor ' S o d le Lh · t ls. h wil ~:. d f r J' l b old its 1 , 6(10. 0 ter a IDo ~' e w e vap Aprlco fs . o r ( lnne r \V e d II S u' "b .'e t wcn !V·llvo cenL" (or thrce III ~O r ll " n R , It'urnUur e Bud OlCtUres. . . . ... . . . m o n li ly bll, In ~ l1l eetio ~ " t t h e ~', 7aOoO·. oooo Au g us t 3 1s t" J oh n l{imb. rough ,. f Ol ber real osto t.e owut>d. . . . . . . . w h ull UHIIIl: not lIl11r' I I.a n Ih ' c II lI c s . Nc ~ Evap Pcaches howe ot th e is Dlle from reser"ll bllnl,S 18,4J4,1 S t..' n e r F rida y N R ,. i ' .1oDBS bo r o, 10 , an d his Ister , MIII ew als n s l£ ~change clenrlng houso H. U e Vf D i D ~ . Allie Kim broug h , of Fllirmo uu t, In<l Gold colo .. .... .. .. .. 6 10.00 Sliver doUars.. .. ..... 46 3.0 0 LOST . '1'11 ol cti er enoam ped (l,t F~. An. M r Jennie N uw by, of AOUle 'r exlls. C O,f f ees t~~I~~I~~~ona i biWic 6611,U . cle nt w r a ttl c Oll-ll' o f attraot ion t:!I\mlle l Bevun o f Boopea to n . 111.; The re has been a big advance Ilo\ea . .. . · , . . .... a.94 8.00 19.009,13 W a lte r RiCl ba rd 0 0 of n e r VilI nr!1 fUJ' o ur Ve uple la-tlt w eak . '[he Bat Dr 0.'T-l n frou t of r ellid ell Ofl o f in the pr ice of Coffee , b u t w Tot &l ... . · .. .... . . .. . . .. .. .. U ll. 6 (, 17 ohapel, Olin to D Go u o a l bell)l t yof t he fo r t ' 1\ gr ot lveo. lly i Al Bu.rvey MrM . Edi th BttrriM ,.81l :tffifl t,bye l. were prepare d and are LIAB IL IT I E S lill h aD oed by the white and brown an n fa.tUil y and Mr , L{ln Elll rla n , of "' t l i 08. Findo r p\a Rfle lildov e a t GI\ZOtto B~lI i ng Coffees at the 6{Un e len til an d tb e Ilpl e n dld ly trui n ed 801. alllt&l . tock p&ldJ.n •••• ••• •••• • , 36,000. 00 Lebano n; Park l:Iadley , F rank W in. 1I!Tille uud r ooelv(l Imi t 1,10 rtlwu.rd . SUN DAY . L ow Prices. 8urt,UI fu.nd .... .. ... . .. · .... . d le l's . 'rhe 8ba m bllt,t \ell w e r e UII · 1,200.00 field. Ella Beva o, Mrs . S usan Bad · , us u a lly Un ~=~~:-;~~:.'~ ' inte r es tin g . m .•' ley , Mr. and Mrll 'FAaroo"'hl~ "rkvey Salm on Train leaves WaynesvU~ 8:48 a. m. lDdIvldu al dejlOelt.l aubaDd Mr. a n d MrR rank '" l"a e r . - - Jec:~ IAl check . < • •• ' ~. , 76U 9 FOR RENT T his , is anothe r ar ticle' that has Wtlat to Do In Case of Accide nt DomlLD.d certlflcates . . . 111. 60.~tI . Mr . John 8 mith who wile rais e d gone up, but we a r e st ill sell· Slvtnp depoalt.a.. .... 11. 437,08 80. 0111.76' in our v illilge If SklU III brol{eo ppl y Dr B ~ ll' ~ Lil t for sev e rl1l y ellrs ing F a n cy Pinks at 10c, and Total . .. ... .... . ....... ..... l1lt. li8 Ul ba8 been e nl(lI.g ed in An ti P ll in Il t o n ce Ilnd the w ound A CAT AND DOG SKIRMISH srOa. E ROOM -Oil Main slreet 0 ytOIl , ool1ed Walrus Red Salm on at 15c. STATE OF OBIOlW ARREN COUNTY , II8: on friend" W edne edn.y will beul qulokly ttnd Dtl Ve r g t. s ore Ev :rY, t blng in good oondlti on , t\Qd Tbursd ay \ I. 11'. O. HartaoClt, OuWtIl' or In WhIch the CunnIng and Reaour O. IIhelvln g Illld QOllotOr abo v&Used R . loquire ot' named. ballk. do 101emuly awell'thet be.~ i nte r nr.lIy an d ex t tlrn'l.lly t he Miss Nell Jordll.ll is on e of tb 3 ful Cat Won by Superio r Mrs . •t .• W. IIILines, ,Weiyne t!vlllf', .. above l tatem8llt ls WIle to t he be8t or my most " knowlOdge and beUer. Elate mtll.ine N re ew t.bllt CIlD lot j ust received. 25c u p . ' Strategi cal A~III~y. .. Ohio, .... 0. HARTSO OK, Ouhler. be employ ed out,side o f th e llLrge We are head q uarters f or Sprin g Branc h .subleri bed ADd IWQ.I'Il to before me this Grd cities . S h e bas bee~ Bro~ms and Mops . . "I never tnnd ed oats ve ry tn'u b." e mploye d b y alyof BIUIl«Dber, 1910, AtahIoD Rldge , . QUiDt!Y KiD g . B e shonld feel pro ud ¥ r . JiTauk Dllkln !Lng fumlly !!pt')nt: sa Id n lImll d love r ot 1: .ture; "but No~1I'Y Pubuo. W FOR SALE Tin Cans Scaling ax !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ in being "ble to "eours h e r serv wi t h Mr . und Mrs . l<'rllonk certainl y th e cat is a folrly ourageloes. Lenox Soap still 3 for 10 cents . Bunduy At har hands you will ceootve bonest OU8 nnimol and more 'Ollll:. r aDd fair tl'eB tmeDt. . .' M 8 Jam es Chenow eth aDd SOD s hifty and resourc eful. farm , s hare I'''Dt·, con· atch -c~ntest Ciclo~ed on ' Jeoou qu ite like ly to b able to hold Its own e8Srtl. Stewar t and Wfle k s ro w ~ r e oolliog to M t. Bolly !::I un venien t . 'Inqulr e of J . B. August 31st . II.g nlns t IIlI e ceived aDd .Hllpose d pf 200 bus hels ne my much larger and C Ol\pma o. R . D. 2, . Wayn8 l1vllle, O d li Y afte rn o on . . Clarenc e Menden hall ..52877 votes Illore powerfu l thnn Itself. of nice uppl es last week. . Mr . C url Oa ltin s pent Ii fow days Caius Thomp son .... .·...43127 .. "Hete was a yellow cat moving at OBACC Jl'l'ed Hu.rliln has pur chased the (' " j STICK R...:..Ab ont 5 ,000 of las t week witb his grandm o ther 1r ma Hough ... .. ... ... 51'596 .. Il walk leis urely aeroell the street g uod tOOO(lOO HI lokM {or Hale . 111. Connor farm netl.r Bickor yviJle. Whurto n of Mt Bolly. Bessie Smith ,.. ..... .. .. 38952 " We can ofter you good while at the .same time tb e re was qut.reo f til,ml. f:Jutt orw •.Jr,b, W II .\" .... E. B . Da kin, gllardi an of Bapke a Dd Mr s . C hllr]' 9 Rye hud aa comIng a long this block a Each received a nice gold watch dog. Whe n vtpe , Ohio. • Dakin, got an order of oourt t o ap Payin g Empl oyme nt t hei r g ueMtfl hst 'undllY Mr. ' and , the dog saw th e cat It started for it prA.ise his farm of over .I S aores , lI.od Mr . Ed w~rd Hurtl!o ok !lod litt le son, a8 fa8t as it oould Save yom White RE'g Tickets f or that you will enjoy and go, and when til HALE -Pllln (.... ~10tL)l Ra.nt/fl sell same. The appr~i se rs w e r e, Mr, Ilod Mrs. Allie Bole .. nd two cat Ra w th e dog presen ts. It pays to t rade at It' turne.d on full \ ook ts~ VO, (Ooltl ot: W OOd ) U. S . EdwlI.r ds, J08. Carroll /lDd o h l ld ren. of Ofl.Vton . ·at hom~. Writeto-day . power lit once and fairl y jumpe d to lJa.ln, Sprl"Jr " t,. · Inquire II ~ c..:,1ark Burges s. , Mrs. F rnnk Dakin tlnd oblldr'e u c1eor the remaini ng spac to the other Ridge '., G tt lJe ry . Farms ar e b aing hun ted fo r , t . A44r... s p e ot 'l'h ors d ny WIt h trl 6~d \ in s ide of the " fltr eet , wil ra It ha lted buy and to rent , the orop s in thi8 1 Mt Holl y, with its baok against a tall Iron ,1)lekel 'IIle IhlHu lek Pub......... . Co. section th.i s y ear Is w h a t is brjo g illg W hile l e!ldillg tl h orse las t FrIda y ( n e I\nd ' toced the dog. ....._Ick ....u ..... New 'York. N. 'Y. OF COUR SE the pr08~tlve buye r l! . . HELP WANTED "lns tll ntly the dog jum ped ror t he Mr . Wulttl r J)l\ kin~l !l d bls should er Pllt, out of p illee bv tbe horl!e s tum. cat. but even more quickly up went , blin g . We 'h ope h wHl soon be li t tbe cu.t·s paw to sweep tho a Ir do wn· ward. nnd a' ca t's cll\"'s (Ire v ery N intol1l ~ent IIe r Sll.ll rouy et\rl ~ w ork n g ul n . · . .. ' LOO m ontb ly c rr08pon diog'MT . 11Ilcl Mra: B irl\m Da k i n a pt1nt. shar " a nd a dog's nose 1s ver y tender t:! und tty aft, 1'n oon w it.p Mr. and Mrs a n a elle6-t . ll nd the dog dIdn't close. for n fJ w s [>I.l p o·r a . No otinvllM log , Tn a Ultlm ent he jum ped fol' t ho oat ~eDd f r pl\tt·loalll.rl4. PreR!:I Myocll. Wlll tllr D!\ k in . " amln, bitt agai n the . cot clawed him ollte, B [,721, Lookllo rt, N. Y . , M'idl'U e Run ' ohurc h ' wll J h oM .its off, or the. fear ·or the la'\v8 was AS8ooif\ n n ext . F r iday, S a t urday e nough to ma ke th do~ IIhy again. Rn d Snod tl y . Eve ryhody 'i s w eloom e " Bu't ·th e lIext ti me e vide ntly th!! BUSIN.,ESS t o oOllle . dog wo s. gOin g to c laBo In ODd rough -------.~ ----~house things a nel t llke t he chanceR; ~ nd do YO,lI know wha t ·t he cilt dId Train ing Speak ing VOice. NYON E, flnywb ere, enn 8fllrt . [.. Isten to you r own \'olce an d t ry to now ? '1'.he cat Is' a very compre ssible 3 mll il order busin8l1 Ma' hODle. henr how It sOll nds. Say a few 'V ord a creatur ; It can get througb a very N o clm VIl8l:4·OIC . Sa your own bo88. Dnd lIat eo. If YO Il 61'S not pleased , 8m a1l s pace: nnd ' no w this parti cular end for ' free bOlJkle t 'fells how . try ngal n. 'l'alc G th e most m iod loue y How CM Ilaoked III betwefm t wo of Bel~cook, A 5620, L ookpor t, N. Y . vol e ' you Imow fo r a model UIl(! t.ry to those Iron pi k tR to th e Inner ' slele Im itate t hp. In to.n ation or ' !lla no i'l l' o f of tlt e f nce: but It didn 't run nway spenlthlij. It ·Is lhe Intona tion thut he· , t s tay ed rig ht th er e, close to th e In· trays th e c tll t l\'nte(\' IJ8rs on more th a n nCr s ide o r t tl lence , whi ch. th dog t he benuty of til e ' voice Itsel f, but could n't ge t' through , a nd when the QllllJl ty will fo llow when th vol ce Is . dog r am up fo r t ha t last ti me the prop erly RlII>ported · hy th e breath und ca t sll'.I1('.\{ tit It aga in thl'ollgh the Dot (arced. fe lice wi th th a t s wl rt, silen t II weep of V~~erlnarlan Its IlIlW, Bwung ' this thn u: aB. It Has opened an office ;n !leem with a sort or savagely cool . Wayne ~ville for practic e, contem ptuousn ess. Tben t be 'foollsh Treats all disea.'!eS (if dodog rn n a wny. • .' mestic animals . l 'am not .for . the Gale.t te "We m ay not fa ncy th e cat, but ·we so commo n ~ YQU might ·s hould r r If we failed to g ive It at imagin e '1 bilve ·been in le'a s t somo mea s llI' or adnllrat lon ror practic e for 20 .the s hHty a bUlty with which it holds Galls prompt ly attende d . ' Its ow'n agl~ l n8t .tta .· ~atural ene my" . to day or night. . ~~~~~~~ -,...-- -•.e: _ .....---;--:--. "P~one No. 113. ('o n ilion of h \ aynes· - -'1\ N uti nal Bank. at Wa ne. ville in the \.ale of Uhio , at l he


Har veysb urg. .




Black Perc hero n Stallion

E n lE R



friday, September 16th, 2p. m.




Indiana. W a t e rM I e n



Ola ssif ied Ads


Columbus, $J.2 5 Springfield, 75c L




.... - ..

------ - ..- - -



A Goun

.Are You Looi illlg

for a Posi tion ?









$' - - 7 1 ,1 I ':..,. . . , L~ban~n $ $ ;J . u.t.~lngo, Obio $ $ Will ~ake one of ~'s old time exhibits at our county $ • #

fair this yea r. He will hav e in ope rati on six diff er- ~ ent 'mak es of gasoline engines, runn ing cor!) hus~. ~ era, man ure spreaders, binders, mowers, feed cutters. ; with blow ers' and reversible carr iers , also feed mills, corn shellers, woo d 'sawing mac erya nd hay loaderSt He will show a full. line of imp lem ents such as few imp lem ent houses carr y. He will hav e the celebrat ed DeL ava l Cre am Sep arat or, being run by a sm,all gasoline engine. He will also ~ave a boo th .for the cele brat ed New Majestic Ran ge. He will also hav e Ii ·boo th 'w here the New Free Sewing . .' Mac hine will be o~exhibitiori. ' Most of our goo~s will b~, ~howR und er' tent s. 'Visitors to t,h e Wa~r.en CO~l;1ty ' Fair ~his yea r will ' ~ake ~ mistake . If. .th~y 'fail 'to visit o'ur~~ad~ qua rter s on. the ground...












• ..~..

. ,$

.$ .


... - .... ----


Dr. M. Schumaker



,Notice·':. to contractors·

.\ ..



14, 1910.

WHO LE NU MBER ll 073 \

. .--- --- ----- --- -- -.-. ---.------------.-+ L_~~i~!r_ ~~~~t_!~!~_=~='!.5!.~~~~~~ _~~~~J nO~~:odN;:P'~::Yfo~~~: ;~.:: fin~h~~;';;:7n%::t=::~~a~:~: !~~~~I_~ -~-

Phineas Cook was in Dayton Fri-



e - - · - - - - ... - - , , - - -...


J W White spent Sunday in Day-l

Mrs. John 'Wyatt was in Dayton and the commi ttee hM made it very with each meeting . and t he f014r Mrs. Jane Sides en ter ton" . tained Mrs. . Ilast Thursd ay. attracti ve. Follow ingare t he host- families not present to answer ay . roll Fairholrn and daught er and Mis:! . eases and subjects: Ray Mills waa in Springfield Suncall. missed a delig htful day from Kizzie Merri tt aturda y Herber t Warwick. of Columbus, O. M. Ridge was in Dayton afterno c)Jl. MonSEPTEM BER t he beginn ing to the t imE for " goodday. ·was here last week. day on business. Responses- Vacation Notes. by." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell wel- - -I t taO d . . Mrs. O. M. RidKe was a Morrow Mr. and Mrs. George Hawke were Arthur Zell, of Granvi.lle, OhiO, corned the membe rs cordially , and Miss Donna Haw <e en e r me 18 Preside nt's Greetin g. had prepare d in every way for their Miss Sarah Sellers, of South visitor Sunday. in Lebanon Monday ., Charle!'l~he i'\lest of friends here for a few By~~.g of the constit ution and pleasur e. The tables were stretched ton, and Misses Doroth y and Kalh\, d M F d Wh't ays. R. A CI'088 saw Teddy RoOsevelt Curren t Events -Mrs. White. Mr. an.. rs. re in the yard under the tent, and while ryn Dakin. I e were 'd Dayton F the commi ttee of ladies assisted the VISitors Monday B. F. Ridge, in Cincinnati II ay. of Lafaye tte. Ind .• is Hostess Mrs. Ward. •• h the guest of his brother . Mahlon .I k OCTOBER f ostess in placing the content s of the . Mr. an d Mrs. Ch as. Sl1IC EII'as and George Oglesbee were RI·dge. a er, 0 Sam Hinkle took in the Slate Fair baskets upon them, the other mem- Harvey sburg, were guest'! of Mr in Oxford , Ohio, Tuesday. RON f d esponses- ur a Ive Lan. Wednesday and Thursd ay. . bers and invi ted guests enjoyed a an d Mrs. A. Ma ffi1t at svpper M • Mil'lS Rachel Ridge, of Cincinnati, onForestr y- Mrs. Harris. social hour; also some select.ions on da)' evenin g. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braddock M rs. Han n ah Rel'chel , of Dayton • was t guest 0 f Mr. an d M rs. a recen Curren t Events -Miss Wright . the pl'ano Whl'ch MI'ss Edl'th Crane were in Dayton Thursday. is visiting relative s here. Mablon Ridge. Hostess- Mrs. F'rame. kindly favored them with. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Furnas enterMr. and Mrs. Otto Hornick attendNOVEMBER After partaki The infant of Mr,an d Mrs. Ralph ng of the feast and tained Mrs. Ella Michener. Messrs . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Barber , of Responses- Cities of Europe . eel the DaytQn Fair Friday. the membe rs could be called togethe r Charles and William Mi'eften Lewis,is at the point of death. er at Norwood, were week-end guests of Echoes from My trip Abroad Preside nt Carl Duke opened the sea- dinner Sunday . M' J . h' 0 1 b I ft T Mrs. Cynthi a Evans. - Mrs. Evan.. Mr. and MI'lI. Frank Elbon attendsion by asking fo r the rol.1 call, then ISS osep me g es ee e uesCurren t Event.s-~rs. Devitt. ed the Dayton Fali' Friday. the reading of t~e minntes ?f Augu~t Misses Nellie Wilkerson, 'of day for Oxford.. w?ere she . will at- . 1. E. Keys has sufficiently Spring recovHostes s-Mrs. Ellis. 11th, after WhiCh, the MISSes S~bll. Hill, Emma Ha~ke and Ellen Sherered from the effects of his recent J. W. Jler. Clf Columbus, of the tend college thiS wmter. DECEMBER and Helen Hawke played a charmi ng J. F. Cadwallader officiated fall, to be out of doors last Sunday' . D~m d C Bureau of Labor, was in town f 1'1'daRev. b Mrs H woo d were gues ts 0 f M'ISS CIa ra y "1. B'bl uet. urrent events, y e- H k t d' I\oCIIpon sesS I e. Th' bel' Dill. were of a high order. and the fUMral 'servlce of Mrs. Fred aw e a mner un day. M d 'M E F R i d 'Hias KatheHne Prende rgast is the at Christm as Custom s Elvin in Lebanon Sunday , and elr full of interes t. The subJ'ect for disr. In 1'8., . osnkg ~ an. Meaning- Mrs. Frame. guesl of friends in Lebanon this week ' family, of Sp' ringbor o. were Sunday M A W ' ht and daugt-t er cussion was, " The Evolution of a Readin g Mrs Bruner Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. E_ Hathars. gnes rIg . ed M Wn It , . Mr. and M... .. ..... A. B. S)'des Farme" ," S. L. r.artwr ight and Chas. Miss Susan enterta m attend- offices in the rs. a e.r new Morris building, way. Curren Hathaw ay. Cornell, lead ers. A number partici- Zell. of Indianapolis. H tesst Events ed the State Fair 'I'hurstlllY nnd Fri- next to the postoffice. J.,ebano M F-Mrs. k and Miss ~Ia n. . os - rs. UII ey, ·d ay. ' pated in it , bringin g out differen t Zell at t~a Friday evening . Charles Michener left TuP.Sday J.A.NUARY points. .Lou Printz and Dean Howell rode mornin g for Columbus where he will Responlles- Some simple rule of Rev. J. F. Cadwa llader had Mrs. John Smith was in Columbus to Lebanon and from lhere to been Mr. and Mrs. J. E' (lIocke tt enterCen- enter his second year as studen t of health. Friday attendi ng the millinery open- terville on their wheels Sunday request ed to address the club. His tained at dinner Suilday . Mr_ and the O. S. U. . The ~rinkingCupand Its Relation though ts, express ed so clearly inp there. and Mrs. Joh~ Lamar and Mr. and Mrs. . ' . . ~I Health-Mrs. Ellis. earnest ry upon ~atters of impor- Elmer Lamar and family, MISS Lizzie Carrol walk.ed d~~n Mrs Marfre t Weir retune d home.. Nurses Past and Presen tMr. ~d C. U. Williamson arrived here Sur.... town Monday for the lfirst Miss tance and. interes t pertain ing to /the. Mrs. Riley Lamar, all of New tIme SInce Saturd ay alter a vISit of !leveral CtrroU . Burday evening from an extend ed her accid~nt several months welfare of the commu nity and the lington . ago. weeka with relaUv ei In MfddletolVn H,ostesa "':"'Mrs. Harris. residen ts of the surroun ding countrY Indiana trip. an,d Blue Ball. FEBRUA RY met the approv al of all, and a vote T~e MiEes Doroth y and Kathr.y Mrs. Mr. ~d Mrs. D. L . Crane an'd Leo son, n of L. J. .Wlllem 'Valley bura' u__ spentand Sunday (1ft .. ' of thanks was tendere d him by the Dakin enterta ined in a c. . IOn. Ethan. visited friends in Spring : . , . SprinO I ' IWItPOnaes-H umorou s ~mp. . harmin •• g' Miss Ethel . H08ler _ receive . d w~~ . Qketcb of the Life and Writin gs field ~~nday. With her sister, Mrs. uroy Irons. manne r a few frtends Friday evenmg Monday that her ~flivlnKID Iowa .trk Twain -Mrs. Mendenhall.' of club. Rev. and Mrs. Hawkins, Mr. and in honor of Miss Donna Hawke Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Weir and fame ill ver: ill and ,~ut little hope 's i. en- ~Ing from Mark Twain -Mrs. Mrs. F. H. Farr ~einlt Mr. and Mrs. Will Thorpe h:l tend ily of Middletown ' spent Saturd invited guests birthda y annive rsary .. Light reay tertam ed for her recover y. W~d . . ' contrib uted to .the ~our with good freshm ents were served. aP,enilinK ~ few'w~ks in Belmon t, wiih Dr~ A. T. Wright and family. . . :Ur~nt Events-M1'8. Barnha rt. words .. Misses Sybil and Helen . . a luburb of: Day~on. . . ' ~~p in and ~! , a.loo~ at our oe_-M n. Hawke . , Hawke sent the me~bers home with Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Mtirray . Ed Somme rmier. of the-Sta te Uni- )lllhne ry. This InVltation 11 alwaYII Rev. and Mrs. H . . W. Ball~y re- versity at Columbus, w~' the gu~~ open music from the plaDO, all first ex- tertain ed in their usual hospitaen. ble to you, whethe r you buy. o! ...-=---~_ .URCH _ turned · home t~m Cln~lnnatl last o f . and ·MN. Robert, CI'OM pr.eliling.tban b to the h98t and· h.Bt-. manne r at ·.d inner Sunday the Jut not. follow~ A.. Barger . nwpulP lal -A written reei~" ess for their large portion in render... Ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. .,,"~ evenang. week. 'I Walter ' Domes~ ic Scienc e-Wom an .s Noing the meetinl[ a ·succ.ess. . Zell of Indianapolis, Dr. and Mrs.J. Mr.'ud l1irs. Thos. Middleton, of Mrs. Sarah Zeller, of Eubank , Ky, Miss Mary Compt on, of Dayton, blestC alhng- Mrs. Allen. --- . ' has returne d Ilome alter a pl~nt , ~ucation for Girls- Mrs. M d M 'J C H k · Spri l1&' Valley, spent Sunday with and Miss Eliza McComas, of Hawke . REUNION OF BUCK RUN PUPIL S T . IS, r. an Frank. visit with her cousin, Mrs. Cbarles rs'" awe. Hostess Mrs. Hathaw ay. relative s and · friends here. lin, are guests of their siater, Mrs. Hamer . and other relative s, much APRIL The annual reunion of the former Mr. amd Mrs. David .King . CI '~ rd R'd f John Beach. were improv ed in·heal th. Respon ses-~a )fr. and Mrs. ul Lawren ce Dun- pupils of Buck Run School was hel~ comple tely' 'surpris luO : I ge,o ed S~nday . bar. D.,tDa , were week-end guests of Mrs. Leroy .rons and son, Ross, on t~e scho~1 ground s las~ Saturd ay. their hom~ on. Yankee Street, at by a Mia Eli~be th Mart spent several The Race Problem in the United An mteres?n~ progra m ~as reno few of theIr friends Jdr. and Mn. Mahlon Ridge. are spendin g the latter part . Those presen t the days last week in Dayton and was States -Mrs. Bunnell. . dered cons!st mg of · readmg s an~ were:. ~r. and Mrs .E. D. ., ' . as guests of Mr. and Mrs. N~ accompanied home Sunday by her ·Burne tt • Readin g J el Chandl ~ .... ~es. Wri,ht and daugh~r. week er Hnrrissongs. letters from old pupils.and an Saml Smith and famIly, W. F. GraS. 11'Ons, at l ..banon. little niece, who will remain this M Mosh~ 0 excelle nt paper "Retro s.pecti ont by ham and family, Clyde Wharto M_ Susan, are attendi ng the Cmn a!ld week in Wayne cinnatlExp0/3ition ttiis week sville. ~~Stes .. 8-~rs. Mrs. Washington and daught er, White. Nancy ~.l:Ompton Leonar d. Among family. ~herman Dyke and family. , the reCitatIOns was one rendere d by '. ood of ·Dayton · " Mr. 1 and Mrs. Chas." , and Mrs. Tagsey Furnas The Sherw . Hippod rome Show, h b' and 8On1 Charles, of West Milton, HAY Fi Id t e Ig Sarah Collett Sharnba"n-h •.which she Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Harner lpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. were guests of d .Mrs. _ enterA. Maf- free {eature of the Dayton FB:ll ~esResponses- Euge ne'e, Chili. Edward s, 8~ Middle Run. spoke at school when only ten years tained very 'pleasantly: to a fit Sundl»'. family . tival i8 said to be the gl't!ates~ mdoor Electi?n of Officers. . . old. Those presen t from a distance dinner on Sunday , Septemb~r perform ance ever planned m . any ard. Juv~Dll e Courts - Mrs. Hawkm s. were: Mr. and -Mrs. David H. ·Jay, in honor Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ColeQl.~ were Mra. Stanley. her daultht er, .f their gUe6ts who were l'Y' It will be seen Fall Festiunt Child Labor u -~. Baily. SUeItI ,of relative s In MJanlSb ra'F4i th, and sister. Miss Fairhol m, val week, of Martinsvill o , Mr. and Mrs_ C. B. here for their family picnic; W. F. Sept. 19-24. '. H08~esS-¥I88 Wr:ight . aDd D.,tort Sa\ urda,y .and Sunde,y. bade Wa,nes ville good by on Monday Leonar d, of Wilmington, Mrs. Corr, Brandt and two children, of Bridge , JUNE . of Dayton and Miss DeHav en, of W. port,ln d. : and M~. Ern~a D~kin. who was oper~ morning, ' exWCting to teach their The friends Miss Mary Compt on, of ~gar Bergan . ~ponlle8-Noted Philanthrepi~ts. Va. ated upoO lit Miami Valley' hospita l." Kansas home on Tuesda y. • _ • of Dayton. Others presen t were Mr. form~rly o~Waynesvllle, but now of History and Wo~k of the Salv~ti C" . ~ .' . on I ' i 1 WARR EN CO UNTY CHUR CHES' and Mrs. Horace T. Compto n and Detroit , Mich .• will be pleased to ·Army -Mrs. Funkey . In &nIIL~m. Is l:fet~~R' a ong n ce y. We now have on display , a com .hear that he is the father: of a two daught ers and Mrs. Mary Har~ 'baby Readill&'~Mrs. Farr. Following is the appoin tment of land and Mr. John Spray. M81181'8 ~ Ch';'. Cornell, L. A. Zim.. plete line of }o'all Millin~ry. Our ~ airl, born Septem ber 10th. Cum.n t Events -Mrs. Maffit. the various charge s in the Methodist merma n O. J. FdwiardB anil A . Mal· 8Ortmentshow~ the result .o f _ __ caret~1 Hosto8 lf-Mrs. Mendenhall. fit attende d the Dvlon fait Friday . 'aelection and we solicit your church in the county: Loveland. M· r . and Mrs. )atron. . Mrs. Saml. Hl.lls and. ~wo 4aughJ. O. Cartwr ight en- , The officers for season of Rev. Benjam in Hescot t: Morrow, tertaine d a few . . ' : j • • age. friends Tuesda y . ~a A Barger . ten, ~!ter a pleasan t VISit with ~er 1910-:-11 are as followsthe : Mrs. J. F. Rev. P. L. ~ick\in; Wa~esvi1~e, evening of last ~~ work on ' St. Mary. 8.~hu~ch 18 • week in compli ment • parents , ~r. and Mrs,. J~hn Hyatt, Cadwall~.e.r. pres.; Mrs. J. progrea aia« and due notice Will be Haranon, p.tpt. BaldwlO . and relatiVes in WJ!mmgton, ra- denhaU, vice-pres; Mrs. C. A. L. Men- Rev. H. 'N. Bailey; Pleasan t Plam, to Mr. and Mrs. George Funkev . of Bruner , Rev. John Howard'; Lytle, Rev. S. Chicago. ' "500" was &iv.o u ~~' ~hen servlCeS 'will be ~- ~pt• .Bumba ugh. Capt. Coey,. ~r. the feature of t~r,:,ed ~huI'lKlIlY. to her. home in In- sec.; Edith lJarria, treas.; Mrs' l W. Campbell; Frankli n. Rev. N. O· the evening and light 8umed. .. CU8~er•. ~r. Crume, Prof~ MCU,lll, dianapollll. refresh ments Mrs. E. V • .Bamha rt and Mrs. C. T. Sweat; Maineville, Rev. R. C. . are among t he aMoon; were served. ' Besides the guests of Mr and Mrs 'C W Hill of .Miami and' Ed . . Weston Hawke ex com ' ts h ~l1start IM in the M" P H McCl 11 d son of Mrs Re W E S • , •• m...' ' . Leba ' .. .' mous aerona u w 0 WI ' ., . . 88On, •. V. Fta. arrived hertl~u . . purrler , . e an 0 - ' esd&)! for. a few Dayton • honor those presen t were: Mr. an d • • Cup balloon races on Avis. Dellar. Zell He W B Patters on' McClel Spring land, M of Seattle ~ ed , B H d . sTOLE A BICYCLE M d clava' ~t 'w lth Mr. and Mrs. C. A., lion Day, non. V. . : • - rs .• r 22, during the Fall Wasb., W88 th.e guest of his aunt, . en erson,. r. an _ _ bol'O and Red LI?n:! Buro,t t. !v. J. H.Den .. ny, ~rS. Fred B. Sherwood, Misses JesFestiva l in that city. MilS' Lola Zell and other relativf.?S Walter .Havens, a U-year -old boy, .... .,.. , NOTICE '.. sle ~arl~tt, Dorothy ~nd Kathry n ' herdo r a few days Mr: McClelland of Mancir. went to.Spring VaUey last .M~.Miranda Crane,s ister of Mrs. I . "The ,GUild of St. Ma~;'s chu,1:~~ Dakin and Dr. J. W. MIUer . i81!1tud ying for Ric~~~,retumed~.res~~.~r·lwillgh,~l·YeOldeTyme concert In Inglon, Ky., the ministr y ~t Lex- week to work in the cannin r factory . All those wi"hing class piqtures of CHISE L F~L~ ·ON HEA'D at the Transy lvania Hework~ part of. a day, and de- the Loyal Sons. day ~v,enl!,K alter a week ss~ Wlthl~hOOl, Thursd ay evening ' Loyal Daught ers, ~ Sep- TheOloai~al semina ry. . '. parted With James Bamar d'i bicycle and Loysl serean s, which relatiye s ~n ~luan~u8. were tak- While John Squires was workin g ~' tem.ber 29"'1. The ladies will .be as. . He headed f~r . Waynesville, and ar- en recentl y in the .C hristian Mall s.n-h ·. Sellers, . of South .sillted bYf '80iT,Ie of o~r ~est Sund~y on a bam Monday, in some manne r l~ Mrs. ·M~ry harl to . th . est',of rel~- ' talent an~ the \~rogra," WIll COnsiSt and Mrs." lda~~inn.of .frIuncie. Inc!;. rived ~~ie about 6 o'clock. In the School, and who have not sent ~n a chisel fell and struck .him on the Yarhnll', of El~ood, mfantllDe' a telepho ne m~e waa their C:ri:U ille order to the Ithotog rapher. Y:'111 head, cutting dows the scalp about and cha- who have. been spein,dtnK; him. · d rl the , please.d o so at ()nce as be would lIke four inches. Mr. Squires 'weet<~ ...,. ! ruBes. 'fhe proceeds will ' go ·toward wee~ Wlth. their ~elatlVe. ~h~.' M. . A h.ttle J.terto was on .the \I . og, ", ~ , ~. V. Barnha rt .and to finish' them up. Over 100 have. street'i n the evening as usual. :'," ~ " . , ' pafl~Jr for ~he.,vements on ~ne R.ober~,. of. ~~nk)I n;' . ~ ."nt o~e: day ~e d~ . got the wbeel below ~lready been ordered ;' Price 20c each .,Waltel' zell;~~, Ind!ilnape,lis,. ~. ch': ~.~ ~ '. " . . ' • _ • . . last w~k V';'Dtl~Ir' .relatlv ea. and :ol~ ,~wn •.-:od the boy. started·, rived ' here .Saturday,· tlv,en1nr for a.1 .... for Gen· .' ... .. ~ • CH~USTIAN CHURC~ ..,. ' landma rks.. an ~d arou~4. · Way~.. te~lle &;foot, .'Con8table Cops .• of Illort vi8i~~ . MtI. _tAli" who'b&ll:·betii:' · ~~opoU~n ,M~irle , , " THE AUTO, ~ACK L1NB , . re~ulr~ 'ville. Ml'I. 'Shinn 'V~ bOrn and ~sed. S~rm, ,Vall~y.. caw:ne , d. .' .' own · ...d ", · here for three . c ret~Mtect ho~e .:tbe. se~~ ~f a · ,r~p'resentat1Ve. m in .Warre n , County ~ ..' ' . P. H. M~Clell ~nd, . o~ .t~e 'l~ransyl . and : Would . ~ ca\l~t .bim about two .miles .-est o~ ' The. aut? hac~ hne made., the trip vapia &.mlD~ , with him': ' . IWayp~~I!e~ to;l~k ~~r" sul>scrlp.. be~ter ~nown $1Li.b~le~ll'by: ....,. 10~ ry ·at ·Lexn~gtpn .. ..Ky .• . \ .. > • " . ', ." ~ •. Dayton.".',anc! ,b ...~k.. ~egUlarlYlast preach ea ,at ': the ·9h.ri~~1~. "church . .j' • ,"!" :. . '(" '.'_ l,tionre~~,""d '!-O '~te!ld" eirc.':11~-I · .". . ~~,. ..... t ' , ' : ' . TtJe:littlefel~0·ww~~~nt9Day•. week ..'~nd.~ carrle;d ':' Dav.ton ; ().~e~pect:B;to' draw, ~t,: tl0!l. ~y.'8p! ni,~~ ,!:hi~h " qn' an~yerageof laatSuncJay. hi!-ve . ! .BA~QU,er .PO;'ff~~t~.·,., ::' 'ton l:and .~Judg~ :. Ban'ot t.. ~n~need. eight. ~na:e thro~p 'of~.pleto · l1el"Fal1 F~h p'rov:~unull> lI)'. sy"~I.,~ .~al'¥ ra: ~ . day. ~llt ,,:,h~ .... B'' 'PTIST ASsocIAtIO~ ' . ' , " . ~ .; >'.," • ' :him tf · f fie , H ou&;e· . o(Deten ~lon. . .. went~1ai~ .that:~h~- .mode- .of rans . . ;" ., (' : . . yal, wee~ of ~pt: 19'. ~! "~riglj~ ' l!-1ld .:eti~mi88ion~ ,p'~.o . 'r '. ' d~ • ua,' e~P.eri- . ,ne ' Wayne ;T~wn8h.ip , §~dIur · ' }Jrilth I'!" 'a nd ~eir"p'"·wuhn~.e 'I ,~J)ce . . deSirable bu~,c. :taot· essentfal.' sehoo~<.'~o!ke~_J)aJlqu~t..~. ..~ been ':', " '.. 't. A',,' ~ ~'>. " '.' , ' j ' ' , ' ~rta.ti?~~",n rli;ht~,... Th!~ IS agrea,t , ; There ' '. a larg~ ' attendallce ~t ! " ${!J:D ,WHQAT.. ' . , eonyenle.nce' .fO.1: 'fIa~Mvlll~ people Middl~ 'Rlih churCb Itropla nq · fti.htl. ~verl .cIJlY. aJ!~ on 'Yho1e.,time or ,s.,.~ tlm~ . ' ..Addr. . .!1JP.':poneu. f~m, ~idQ. ~t' ~(f6~,. .' '...,J, ,. '-~.' . The .r ~ .'. an~ should ~,.li~21!Y ~tromz~. . ~rvices mo~ing and,.~Sun~aY, · ThunQ y ' fb~re win bea~~bar~I,\ti·tI) :' ¥t!!re~cea, H~~ C. · tem~i l ~8~ QUnp~l l. ~~dty, . ~ Pt. 3O~ •. ~n; was. · We" ~ ~'7re~ .to -c:l~yo~~ lOon rain ~bleh taln~ua.~fO. CoI.moPOli~....M~o.: ~'l~ BrQid- dpne · Oil ~unt . ~f th~ . ' ~~ i " ~·~eesed a ter- ins.l;)iring aDd DlW'· frOnrad"t.a~~( .. , :'! ~ ~ :. ,. · ·Daut"hav.en~, ·dv·an d ~te e . ~ morn. ng ~ W 1 • Co . ':. • . N.".Yo$fCl~~ , . \ " . Cqqnty ·F~ir. ' .. ' ' ' .. ~ , I , ' '. '. ~ ., , ' CJQr':wOrk. WA~. ~. riftc.. ~ectrlca! .tor~ <,. ",' In ~n were r~n . • '-, '. d










:n~ W~neiJvm~, ~p~ir~ly o~ old~ti,"e so~gs


thC?l~tltwo .recel~ed , here intercep~



' ' ': .


",,<_:...'..... "" ""









The IVliami Gaz ette! D. L. CRANE .


.Pr etty Place





"The cit)' <I C' llnrtlllC'nt o f pullli c h E-a l h RI-,' s a lim e ly nnJ II ('de ll warning to those lea ving t he city for th olr vorntions to nyolll plnc s w h ' I' thNH are Il1nn~' fli es. Those who foliow thi s ud · " ico wil l u yold Tllacos wh ich ar e 1I 1l. l... all l ~- . whi<.' h ollow tood an,1 f;a r bng to b EO X"\1051'11 as t Rtt I·O' ·t and f ct! th o fll ' . SIl)'S th e Phlli:ttl Iphla PI' SS. Thc), w ill a l'old rolllccs wher s tal.Jl!!s and d wellin gs are In n ar vicin ity, as the "pos d mnnure Is th e c ho ice breed in g phc o f t housan dS and e ve n m illions of fil cs. In o t h e r words . to avo id d Isea se·con veyl ng fli es a vo id Iliac s wh re t hey pe rm it fi les to b r e -d lind rp J. F ormerly t h condl · tl ons wh ich m ulti ply fil es and th o Illes t hems I\'es w er e c onsider ed ob· j ctloll nb lo but e ndur.a blo. Now th o , p atient t oler a tion or fil es is known t o b e a h ed l 8S trilling with th o h ealth a n d life ot human b e ings. Disease germs are for th e most part Innocuo us to man , untll through some conveni ent me dium th ey are conve y d to his s ys t em .. This purveyo r ot disease Is th e fi y. His guilt has b een pr oved to a d e mons tration. HIB capacity for carr yi ng on bls feot from foul a nd putresc ent sources th e b act eria of diseas has b e n r ecorded by gelatin plates on whi ch h e has been made to ali g ht and have proven bls guH~.

World Tour of Battleship Fleet and Digging of Canal.

mSCUSSED BY MR. ROOSEVELT Speakin g at Omaha. He Urges the Neceaal ty of Efficien t Navy and of Fortifyi ng the Panama Waterw ay_

thn world will ~ d termlned' by the tIme CO n8ltm d In plllri ng lht: gr a t ~ t p I srat 8 , clnergpu ~. ,1 Mnll. an.! nil oppl!tI.flCPli ror pel'o Unlf t ~c aoelts. DU l th06 In hnrgo at the work .Innoh n ·e vlt h 'li t h s lt •• lIon tha t ev ryt hln& wi ll b .fi nished w 11 In Ildvuuco at JnnL8 ry 1. 1915. Next Duty I. to Fortify It. This Is a .LUpendo ua rt cord or Ilchlcveml!nl. Aa a p ople we nru rather (and or rlllclsing ourslIl\,ell. II nd sometimes wllh very I:r 8t j U8tlee; bu t ve n the most pesslm lstl crill u s houl d somet imes 1II1nlt ot wh a l Is to our credll. Amo ng our 81!~ t8 ot the past t n Ylln r9 will be pIa cd th ex t ruord lnary Ilhll lt)'. Integrit y. and SUce"." with which we h ove hlln dl"d n il th " probl 'ms Inhe rl led 1\9 t h' rcsult or t h 81,a nlsll wa l'; t he woy wo have hn ndi ed Oll rll II'cs III Iho J' hI U p p l n p~, In Cub.L. In J'OrLO Rko. In San Dom l n J:~, a n~ In Pu nama. The er llls" or Ihe battl e Hee t urounl! Ih p. worl d WitS a s lrl kln g proof th ut \\'e hud rn ll do /;'ood wltlt th" nav y; II nll what w e h(",o (fon t'! lit P Hllama relln'8(' nt ~ t h ul'('ompll ilh rnent o r onl! or t ho ".,."at fcut!! or Ihe a gel . rt III a r~a t whl l'h re rt t!'c ts th o h tNh 's t h nor upon

O U T'

Everyw here IJ1 the world men

shave with the


try. and our ' ~ ratlt ll d e hi tlu to every ma n wh o hn ' Iuk n an honoru ble pa rt III nn y cf\paclty In btlu" lng ubout Its por(or manc . 'We now ha" 1l a (urther <luty to p,~ r , ror m In l'o nneC'llon with It , and tha t Is to (orury It . ' V.. ....... In honor bou nd to rott lry It oUM!elvell. lind only by so doing can we etl'ectl \,e ly gu nrunt ee Its n(' ulrulIty. an~, morcove r. fttre l~ tlv e ly &,IIRrant ee tha t It .. hall nil t be us d agai nst U8 , The chl et mat erIa l adv a ntage-ce rtllinl y ont'! ot the hI r material advantag ea- whlc.h we uhf\1I gain by It II constru ction Is the way In whi ch It ... 111, ror defensIve purP OII " I. doubl e the power at thll Unlt ~ d Sta tea Davy. To refuse to fortlry II, and , above all. to consIder for a moment such IlD oct of utt er wenknea s and folly 115 to Invite other naUons to step In and guarantee Ihe neutralit y or thll purely AmerlClln work (and th ereby reall y to mak e It certa in thlll In th ft event or WIU' we shoul d fin" th t:l canal u8 ~d ngalnst UB lUI Ollr fl eets would be forbidde n to pas8 Ihrough It, or lO Is our opponents' fl ~e t" permitted to). would be to Incur: a nd Ijull rlghtCully, t ho conl t> mpl ot tho \\'orld ; It wou ld m a n th o ('ompl te abandoOl f nt of th Mon roe doc tri ne; It would be a wlck'!d blow to our pro3 Uge on the PocIHC' ; all d, '1'oreov(' r. II wou ld be In Its 1'8!1('ncc tr~ds on to Ihe des tiny of the Repu blic.

Omaha. Neb ., Sept. 2.-Theo dore R oose velt arrived in Omnha from Kllusus City at 6 : 46 o'clock tllis morning . and early as was the hour. a large crowd was on hand. and so was the r eception commit tee und er whose care Colonel Roosev elt spent the day. ,------~.-Tb e address whIch the ex·pre sldent d ell\'ered was heard by a great throng o r people. It was as follow s: In trnv elln&, tn EUl'ope last spring one thin!: which especiall y stru ck mo WOII the fa ct thut the two t uats which mado Ihe Evidenc es of Wealth. deppr8l Impreeslon abroad wore t he cruise "I wis h we had a plano; I'd like to, or Ihe bailie neet around Ihe world. and the digging at the Panaml.l Cana l, Thue Impress those p eople ." wero the IWO tea lll 10 be credit d to the "Show 'em the pie ces of bee f you·ve. AmerIca n peo ple dllrlng lhe past decode got In the r efrigera tor." whi ch ha d most prorou ndl y and (avorably n!Tec ted fQrelgn judgnll.'n l or Am erl ('1I. durin g that lime. SuC' h judgmen t de pendll Tough Lucl(. not III th le8st UPlH' what peo ple ~a "I thought you said tbls was a. they can do. bUl w ha t Ihey a ctunll y do;y young chic ken." remarke d Newed. I1S upon Ih olr wlllln gne.4s to m t res ponsiINNER cards. or Vi ace turned Into n ragge d robin with h sawed away at n portion of the• bilities. and Ihe success ot th eir eltorta 10 cards, are just as much a te w s tr okes ot your brush dipped In meel th em. bird. part ot the table decora- blue paint. or pink a s t.ers ~f you Must Have Efficien t Navy. .. And I thought It wns." r ejoined his. I)r~ The ralsl.n growers of Fre sno countions nowada ys a s th e r r. Now, there I ~ no us ot a nation lalmb otte r baIr. "I looked in Its mouth and ty, Ca\1!orn la. are trying to promote flowers on the tabl e. They For t he tnrewel1 luncb to a Ing 10 be a. great n atl ~n un lcsII It Is, pr It showed no Indicati on ot havlng cut the consum ption of raisins by estab· are mod e m Instituti ons, bride the henrt-ll baped card Is appro- p a r ~ d to pla y a g reat part. A na llon a slngla tooth Y t. Tb~, dealer must Bueh o s our" cannol pOKldllly pla ya grent lIs hlng "rai s in day." on which all but anSWer the purpose admirab l y, priat e . You will noUce that the spray par t In Int rna llona l affaIrs. hav e Im po sed upon me. IS EXPLO cannot ex- OLD THEORY DED patriots who b elie ve In" patroniz ing giving each guest his place in a de- ot lilies touches at one "Did he t oll you It was a young, side. The pect to be trca ted as 8 weight In olt her bom e en ~erprlBe 8nll cons uming hom e Ilghtful way and dispOSi ng of the Interv e ning space need not be cut th e Atla nti c or the P acifiC. or to h ~V'e Its chlcll e n 1" qu eried her husband . Women diners volctl accordi Do a8 to Ihe Not Want Masterf ul Husng to a prearra nged ou t . for t.he white card on the doctrln \', or the product ions a re e.:cp ecte d. to Indulge I~ "No," re plied Mrs . Newed . . "But l'm table- mo, nagemen t at thMooroe Puna)na anal : ho dbands Who Will Bnt Them 10th Is not noticea ble. The leaves ed. unl liS It has ralsln cake s and pudding s, rais in plan of the hostess. sure be must have xtracted Its teeth. a H trong and thorough ly The sketche s given are sugges tions should be colored a pale Now and Then. bread, e tc. Tile boys and girls will b efore offering It for BlLle." green and ettl clen t na.vy. Wlthh) th e IlUIt de('ado for Httle place cards. which can be the delicate bells just t h outlined with trelll Am erl clln na vy has b en a hout fall In ' Hne for this , and as they are traced d In strength . through carbon paper upon black and tinted yellow to muoh mar tha n , When Its come s to a Ques tion of dissecure the t rebled In etflclency, and All the Differen ce. the hest cons umer s ot thin gs sw eet, It white , cardboa rd due to Ita xtroordland In.k ed lu. The best e ffecl nary progre~ " In marksm ''U18hlp IUtti 011\.- position , says Robert Haven Scha.ufThe protesso r was deliveri ng an elowould S$em to be good policy' to outlines are arrange d so that Her, In his series the deof marriag e articles quent address on Anot.her hanging basket tor the n uv ri ng. Bo tar lrom thts In('reaao In cruelty to arumals , awaken th e enthus ias m at young eat - signs 'are a continu ation of the card dinner table Is sbown with the upper n,val str ngth reprcscntJng on QU~ part now running In Success Magazin e, 86 and, to Illustra te how a little judiciou S' IIh r a menace' of oggresslon to w aker per cent. ot the girls In ers. Pare nts ,are now bus y s triving upon which you w\11 write the nqme extensio n, which the bUBlnes s should be bent over nallonA or' 1\ menace of war to slron«er toretho ught ,,'ould elimina te to a great to ge t enough ot things more s tapl e of e ach guest. .Any dotted lines in- Bnd used for tbe little shell_ world, stenogr aphers, clerks, and 10 extent the sutterln gs that Yellow nati ons, It hns told most powerrully rOl' eV E\n small fban raisins , whi ch would be adopt e d dicate that the cardboa rd should be for the basket and any color for the peace. Everywh er In Europe the cruille on, would like their husbaDd s euy- Insects are subject to, sald :' bent at at the that bailie place. t'I t «round the world ,,'as going ra.ther than masterf ul, a. com· Howers, or a variety of pale shades general ly ' It tbey could be mad e to "As 1 was ~Qmlng through the hall accepted. not onl y 9JI an extraord in ary pared with 76 per Wben the addltlo'n al strip at the If It suits you. cent. In the ' fao· tonight 1 saw a take the place of meat, eggs and othe r teat. r Recline the highest 1)onor upon bald-hea ded gElntiem an top Is placed at the t(,P, a hanging torles. ' Lost of all, the rose, which YOU' our navy. but lUI 011 of lbe mo'>!ements product s. Moteov er, It Is suspect e d very harshly treat a lItUe Innocen t card Is the result, to be suspend ed will ,color t~ suit your Readers ,,·hlch tend ed markedl y to promote peaceof the first article In thIs own Ideas. Cut that if all were to do as the· ralsln trom the ful IItablllty In Intrnnt lonal r latlon". No series were perhapa surprise d to find house-O y whioh h~d allghte,d , on his:. rim of a glass at the plate. out the form and place on the table head. nation grower s desir~ there would be a boom r egarded the crulsq o,s f-r aught Colors nee. nol be strictly t rue to at each plate. wIth any menace ot h08 t"llIly to lleelt; nobody demand ing In her future bus; "Now, If there was any jusUfica Uon In ttie price as n result of the bO,o m tn nature, the selectio n of shades band what 8eems to de! many one of the for such bad temper, Do not tOll'et the names, ot cou~e. and yet every nation a ccepted It ns a. 1 would be quite. the demand . pending largely upon the color But suppose that ' proof Indlspen tha.t w were not only deslroull Bable Qualific ations for mar· you do not give 8 to ke p the peoce, .but able to rled happine ss; that Is the capa.oJty justified In Indulgin g in it at the pressoheme of the table decorat ions. t dinners or luncheon~? Well, did It ourselve ent momen t, ror a Hy bas jUst al.l ghted prevent th e pcace \jelllg brok n at oltr The daisy wreath Is quite effectiv e ever stnke you at Smoker s who are going to France the faclle brush expenae. No c rul ~ e In any way approach - tor comrad eship. Not one factory girt on the back ot my head. 1 can't aelt' should know that, now th e French du- whe.n merely outlined in Ink, with that other people do? And that ~­ lng' lt has ever been made by /LIl Y fleet ot mention ed this Quality and only Ii very It, but I can feel It. , , .. glrl!l of busines s. ,One bookkee pes on 'tobacco and cigars IIBve been the yellow centers and ' green banda ni'oney earned by fll1lDg orders Is just any other power ; and till: besC navlL1 "Possib ly aome of you can 'Bee it opInion IIbroad had been that no Bueh er In Sl ~uls Ildded as an a!ter. lDcreas ed, trave lers enterin g France turning through - This flower can be as g90d as any other kind 1 . now; It Is on the top of my head.' Now feat WIUI possIble; that Is. that no such crulso liS that we actually made oould be thougllt : are allowed to bring into the country It la coming down my brow: now it Ie. "He must treat me as a compan ion; und rtaken by a. fleet ot auoh sIze ' wltl)tree of duty only t en cigars , 20 cigarout innumer able brenkdo'(o'ns o.nd ",ccl- not as a doll baby,'· A rallroad cash. coming on to my- O-r-r-ea t pyramid .. COMFORT ON THE VERANDA DESIGNED FOR YOUNG of Egyp,t, it's a-wasp !" dent e. The sucee.., of the C1'ulse. per· ier was the ettes, or 1 % ounces or tobacco . llnd onJy one to reason rroQl form ed lUI It WWl wlthollt a sIngle accithis must be on their pet sr,n , ·01' In actual experie nce: dent. Immeasu rably ral sod th prestJge. Furnish ings That Are Ju.t Now High Simple Little DreiS III Which Small not only THEN THEY FIRED HIM. th eir band luggage examlnt 'd at the "Say, 1 ~ad an experi ence once that or our t'leet, but of our Nation; In Favor With the Leading Malden Would Be Sure and to WIUI 0. distinct help to the cauea of fronU er : . The custO,m s om cla'i s are ga ve me a les80n! I was working . In Decorat orl. InternaU onal peace . Look" Her Beat. the signal tower and there was a fUlly entitled to conflscl lte or tax any As regards the Panama Cano:l. I TO~IY thInk that outside nallonl! haye a jU8 er ,man worked there with me. He was Quantit y of tobacco or cigars boweve r For the Ideal veranda the deooraThis simple little dress is tn nat- Idea than our own people of the mag I· a good looking enough fellah. If I'd small whicb may be found In the tors· are now recomm ending Windso r ural colored Shantun g. and has the tude and 8I1ece., at tho work. ' I wIsh 'a' known him anywhe re elae, I might chairs, armcba lrs and settees and s1drt made with a yoke pointed in our people realized what Is being done on heavy luggag~ of passeng er s sent un'a' took him when he asked me. !leI' s e al to a terml.ila l station (St. French fibre rugs, whIch come In tront and laid over the lower part. the ISlhmlll!. It 0. mnn of Intelll8'e nce "Thank goodnes s I was up there who had nevC)r lett this country .aliked me brown and green In very charmin g whlcb Is pleated. Three tucks La~are or Oare du are wh ether I would advIse Nord) nnd exhim to make 0. with him al\ day long and I had a coloring s. short trip to Europ . or a trip to the amined there, and jUst nOf th e y are The Winuso r chairs are to be had In Panllmll Canal. I WOUld. wtthout hel!lta- chance to find out. That's the way very strict. tlon. adville him to gO to the Panama to learn a mBn. If 80m'e ot those the original at very modera te prices Canal. He would there see In operatio n girls th.a t get married could stay all conside ring their l\ge and in very good ~----------------the compleUn8' of aile of the greAt teats df:lY with a man tor awhUe, every Tbe British comme r cial attache at reprodu ctions at even more reasona ble day at ,modern times. Colonel Goethals and Yokoha ma reports that tb er e has been rates. The French fib~e rugs whicb tbe men worklnl' under him are render- In the week, there wouldn' t be so Ing a service to thlll country which can many mlsmat es. a 'suuden de velopme nt at Tokyo and have proved so ,very satls[ac tory for only ' be porallele d In our PlUlt hlltory by "Oh, tbe~e wasn't nothln' really Yokoha ma In the use of solid rubber veranda use are made from grape vine "orn e ot the servIces rendered In certn1n wrong with' him, only when his line 0' fibre by the French peasant s. They WI1I'3. tires for jlnrll{ls has. and the adoptio n talk played out there wasn't anythin g of th e new tire promis es to become are very durable . There are also the Wonder ful Work .on the I.thmul . more to say. We'd sit up there illent CelUc rugs, which come f.rom Scot• SIx: years a!fo last spring the Ameri- as· ow1s; Bay, mebbe 1 wasn't gene ra l In Japan. The , uti :~~a tlon of glad lind and are In a variety ot colors, can governm ent too It p08881\1110n of the rubb er and Its product s for l'very con· D"ost ot which Isthmus , The nrat two years werll de- wben I got a transfer . If we'd been are decided ly vivid. celvable purpo~e Is so rap l !ly swe ll· voted to the sanitatio n of the Illthmus. to married now, It wouldn 't have been The veranda tea table which is supaSl! cmbllng tl)e plant and working torce, so easy to get a transfer ." Ing tb e uemand that th er e 'will have posed to barmon lla most admirab ly, aDd providin g quarters , food, and )vater Custom er (In book store)- J... O.VA to b e a corresp onding augmen tation with the Windso r choirs Is the Jacosupplies . In all these points the lIuccesa a Chauce r? was bean extraord inary. From one ot the of th e annual crop or prlc9s wlll round table, which, althoug h very From the Farewe ll Addrell . New Clerk-N ever' chewed in my plague-s pots of tho globe. one of the bound to prohibi tory he ights. The expensi ve In the antique , Is to be Of all the disposit ions and habits We, sir., most unhealth y region I! In the. entire worlU will showe r wealth on tl::e in· found In creditab le reprodu ctions. world. the Jsthmus has been turned Into which lead to politica l prosper ity, raThen f, o r a the singula rly healthy place of abode. Ilglon and moralit y are Indispe nsable lighting of this quaintly ventor wbo produce s an a rtificial rub· where the death·ra te Is IImall and where ,support s. In vain woul4 LACK OF MONEY ' ,t hat . man ber that will give service npl.roac blng furnishe d veranda there are wonderf ul hundred s at children are now beIng 'Wa. a God.end In Thl~ C.... lantern s of froBted glass and brass. raised under lUI favorabl e condltlo ns as claim the tribute of patrloU 8m who that ot the genuin e ttrtl cle. These In the original ore rare and In most porta of the Unl,ted !:Hates. The should labor to subvert these great It Is not always that a lack of qllarters. food . and water supply are ex- pillars of human ,happine ss, these corresp ondingl y expensi ve, some of money In a benefit. cellent, and the plant the best ever gath- firmest props Mis fortune seem s to follow the Zep- them costing several hundred dollars •' , of the duties of men ered for Buch a purpose. Active excavaA lady of Green Forest" Ark., owes pe lin concern . Hard lIPan the ~ecent apiece. There al'e, 6t course, many tion on a Isrge Bcale did not begin until and cll:lzens . The ' mere politicia n, di s aste r!> ,to s everal of the flying ma- varietie s or lantern s which even .January , 1907. Three yeai'll and 0. equally with tbe ploua man, ought to her health to the fact that she could not pay in advance the fee 'dem~d· gone by since then. and three-t'lt'ths respect and cherllh them. A chin es com e the explosio ns In the among the genuln6 1y old are Quite volume of the total excavati on haa already been could ed by a specla.lJ st to treat her for not trace all work s at Frledrlc hshafe n. r esulting In Inexpen sive. their eonneit lona accompl ished. The amount taken out h911 In telllnc, of ber passed anything wlilch previous experI- with private 'a nd public felicity. Let stomach trouble. Ilerlous damage to propert y and the ence warrant ed us In bellevln&, to be pas· It simply be asked where 'Is the se. case she Baya: death of on e man ond th e Injury ot a Novel Finish to Gown. "Ible. In 1908 and 1909 the monthly aver- Clurlt7 for propert l', "I had been p-oated by ,four , dUrel'for reputati on, A novel flnlsh to a gown seen re, numb er or olhers. Still. German de· age at rock and earth removed was threft ent phystcl ans daring 10 years of tor 'lite, if tile sense ot rellgiOU8 obmllUo,n C'lIblo yards. notwlt.hstnndlng the t I'mlnatl on Is of th e holdfnst orrler. cently consiste d of a Hne white lawn IIgaUon deserts' the oaths wbich are stomach trouble. Lately I called on tact that nine months ot e9ch year frlll contaken down tbe left side or Il lind it Is quite likely that th e re 9.'ill another who told me he could uot cUte IItltuted a seOllon or very heavy rainfall. the 'Ins\rum ents of Investig ation In There remains to' bl.' excavale d only about courts b e Ilers h;tent e trort toward Iwr fec t Ing waist in delicate mauve ' ami from me; that 1 had neuralg ia of · th'e stom· of juiiUce? .And let us with s houlder to "Wl'lst through the upper IIlxty million cuhlc yards. Jt we could the Zep pe lin principl e t·) "he point ke ep up the PlUlt 'a verage of excavlltlon, caution Indulge the supposi tion that acb. Then I went to a specIAl ist who part of the sleeves. The edges were wh er e present perils win be min· Hrst cut In this should be done In t'Wenty months; moralit y can be maintai ned without told me I had catarrh of the atom'a cb large shallow scallops only bllt It Is Impossible to maIntaIn (!\lei> a. . ,religion . Whatev er may be Iml zpd. conced, \d and 8ald he could cure ine .tn' four a lIttle more than a ripple , and piped ratlb IlII tile depth In'c reuetl; tor the outto the innueDc made e each of relined side of tront, the Inner one put necessar ily dlmlnlsh cs 811 the t'leld of educatio n months bu~ 'would have to have bis with a darker shade of mauve. Then money ,down. I could not ' ralse the A mnll nnd hi s wife nr c Jern!'.~!Jin s the frl1ls w e re Bet on and h eld down stitched to waist, and the other two as operatio n narrows . Stili. It la cenaln ,t\lat oh mind!! 'of peculia r structur e, reasuch 0. ' rate can , be maintain ed as will son anit' experie nce both forbid UI to necessa ry sum and in my eXtrem ity t tar as bust; a round yoke Is made at Interva of ls with mauve cord loops $150.000 b cnll A th ey. wer e eje cted enable tile workers ,to t'lnlsn t.he. excllva· expect that natlona piece lace: below this wide braid Is tlon l moralit y can Pl'. Wll8 l,e d to quIt cortee .and try Po.stu~ conslde~ably In "(lvance or "t\)e date from a N w York ho te l. P eoplo who pafslng over buttons of th e same color "So 1 stopped coffee and: gave -Po,st.vail arrange In exclusio ;! In a n simple of religiou s prlncl. pattern ; this also lIxod tor opening lbe, co,nal, January t; , hav so oft n b ee n told wh en appl y· covered w.lth crochet . 'The skirt was trims um a thoroug h ' trial ' and , the' results .1915. Indeed, I shaWbe 8urprllied If , t~e ple.-Ge orge Washin gton. the sleeves at wrist. of the ssme shade as the waist !1n~ Ing for ncconlln odatlon s a t N ew York have been magical . 1 now sleeP (wen Straw hat trimme d with flowers and ennal cannot be opened sIx ' months, oJ:' tbe finish a black sstln belt and eve.n a )(ear',I,.. a.d.v&l)ce ' o~ 'the .t,rnl! set, ", hote ls th at Ul ere were no roo:ns left cravat at night, 80m!lth lng . I 'bad\ no,~ ~9n,e ribbon. (0 match. The work has tWQ ~at te~tures: 'l'h~ tor a long time; the pain In my stor;n-, w111 extend sympat hy to th e ej e~ ted MaterIa ls required : 8 Yllrds ShIlD· Clllebrli 'Cut. ,which I have tie4!n ¢onslder . Bch is gone and 1" am 'a 'dUre~ent 'ng, and" th., ghat dam at Gaton. The , 'tung 34 Inches wide, 'iI yard lace, 2Y,, pair. IotUer. hI to Imprison ,the waten! ot, the woman:~ " New Turnov er Collar. :. ,.",....' yards brilid. •,~ Chagrel and other str,eamll Into ~ ' Ial'e A new idea In collars ~ the turn"I .' drea~ed to Cll11.t ~~ffee. ~~C4LUl8. with al) area; or tM 1\11Ie8. • Thll! Th.e city ot CI veland has just cel e· over in w.b lte linen, ' striped e,ery time I h~ 41ed to ..toP It t.~ ,. work la adva.ncl)1" with a' ,al br~ted Its one hun.rlred IlDII lourt enib color and decorat ed with a Simple emlIuccell8(ully 'al the fered. from' sever he~acbes, '.0,1 COil,- .', , :'Curtai n Shrinka ge. Cut. TIt-e ' water birthda y. P eople who rem ember when broidery worked IIi €otton the shade , tlnued .,to drlnk ,it ~~~qBh. I'.'h~d :J.l'" " In ma~ing ,curtain s of Swiss Qr nnt. la Ion to ·'belle,,~ it was lDJl1rJoua ~ m4!, tb' \"asn't an~thlllg · ',but a eoho ..l· of the stripe. The ed,g e Is 'buttql'1nole. other m'ateria l that w11l shrink; ' buy ~tld wa• . ihe , ~use ,' ,o f', ~ , : , bOlite an d , a grooery store there are'. scallope d Rnd above It the ~e8lgn m~y a !Jalf Yard more, t.han the, desired' be' simple' eyelets 01," a scro\!. trouble aD'd extreine vnervou an.... Bot . , lehgth. ' WIllln maldng ~he helldlng to btlco·m!n~ sCIl;ce_ Anothe r Improv ement ,seen In linen put the ' rod througn wben ~ ·Po.tum to dirt ~ If 1ru' , turn ' the ertr;a d1lre~ collars ·that are to be~o!led ' .wlth 11 ' longth over;Qr i the ' front '" \. '. of the cuI"' '1" .IIt1I1~I'II"l>i,"nltv-. A mov ement Is ~n foot at Atlantic brooch !s the tiny • > "To ~y sU!.'P,r1~~ I diet 'IlQt ~relet worked on tatn, iteql with narrOw he,m. , City to Pfohlbi t people [rom mnll,tai n·' tbe ends through 'Wben L~ · to '" bleb tbe PIn Is gatbere d .00 tHe rod' it .makes a aI.t1drii ', ' "COffee ~ . . .. 'di1d·P log 'poultry yards In61dc the city ,11m· ~.ed. This .a_,·*"s forcing - ~,•.:::'......:-. it through enCtl ' I'UMe .bid! Is attracti ve. . Wlien , it.. , We 11:\\' 0 J11waYB been Incl'::e(1 1(1 the stiffly Ita ~ 1dDI~1 lIle ' . rcb~d linen ~nd, tbe curtaln s are' washed let out tbe . IIiIII 'tt tb t clUes we1'C not IDtende d 'COI1~ the· coUar wlaat wua·' 1Vt1l be$din" tat , mucb aDd ,It there ' fa lnkqe e\" • longer for not beine pierced In • n~. . . tho l! lrpoae of .~k raisins. tbe utra leaKtlJ. may be, I1le" .... of vlaoea. • , - teqthe

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tbe c.artaID.



REX DENHAM'S . LUCK By CLAUDINE SISSON It ,was teft o'clock In tho evening, and Re~ Den ham was strolling about the streets and smoking and thinking, He had landed from an ocean liner that day, He had heen two years :abroad to forget things. He asked himself If he had slIcceeded, and he shooir his bead and slgbed. There was n woman In question. When men lose money they curse. When a man loses the woman he loves he sighs. It's not a matter for even He Ills most confidential triend8. must fight It out alone. No; he bad not torgotten. She probably had, just a!l thousand8 of other women had. Had he been too hasty In speaking the words that brought on the quarrel? "If you charge me with that I never want to see your face a'g aln'" Bhe had Bald. When a lover thinks he has a rival It Is really worso than It he knOWB it to be a tact and can meet him. Was sbe a coquette? Was sbe fllrtlnl? Was It true, as Borne peraons had whispered, that she gloried In break. tng men's hearts? ' Be had 'uked him· selt the Question In London-ParlsBerUn~n the land and on the sea, but be had never answered It to bls own latlsfaction. He was asking It again tonight sa he launtel'ed and amoked. A girl ten,.or twelve yeare old walk. ed rapidly put him. He saw her only as be had Been hundredl of ' otben. She was thirty feet ahead' of 'him when & man Ipranl out of a dark doorway and seized her and \ grabbed at the poor little p1Jrse In ber hand. At her flrIIt .cream tor help the Bmoker leaped forward. He reached over~the aboulder of the atrunUng gtrl and craBped the man by the ,t hroat aI\d then Btruck with biB oane. The re1888e4 victim retreated to the curbatone and .toed to watch the affair. ~e enjoyed It. She grinned and



The \ddney secretlpns tell If dis BILle lurkl!lg In the system. Too freqUent or scanty urlnallon, discolored urine lack of control at" nlghl Indicate thai ..."rTrIlOfnTw.""".... the kl d nays are dlaordered.' Doao'!! Kid· ney Pills cure sick kldneys, B. E. Vaughan, 601 E. South St., lola, Kan., says! "Dlab tes had eet In and I ex· pected t<1 live but a ,_~:U::I short time . Kldnoy secre tions were milky u.~~ white and back 'palna were terrible. I was so dizzy my wife bad to lead me. Aiter trying e verything else, I began with Doan's Kidney Pills and was soon helped. ConUnued use cured me," Remember the name-Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a bOL Foster·Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.


you, though. She never lIees s trano gers," "And her name'" asked Denbaml without much Interest. "We call hor the painter lady, but one day sbe told me I mlgbt call ber Bllb." "What! What! .. "Say, don't Bcare a Kirl to death. Lawks! but I chewed my heart that time, Yes, I call her Bab-Mls8 Bab. I alo't bight 'nutr up to call ber Bab alone. 'Twouldn't be manners." "Can you describe her'" i "Blue oyes, chestnut hair, white o U are a It WILl thought that ALMOST WORN OuT. teoth, and a real lady. 08e of my th. ousand feet he had pointed the shoes would make a pair for he\-. Got In tile all'. plane tips at his slim hands. Never useB slang. Goes Your sngine ftler toward the without eatin' two days and then preIs working evenly earth In an el'tor.t tends Bhe Isn't a bit hungry. '. If 1 wall and Y, our sea. to make a landiug a gent 11ke you I'd go up and lee a oned propellers and In lIome man· lady like her. It you'lI come with me ner the planel boating the air I'll Introduco you. I'll say: wi " lin even roar were capsized. He "'MlsB Bab. this Is the gent al that halt deafens was crUlihed to saved your last ten centa and gave A you. The wind of death bene&th his fellow the awtulleat kick you ever the open spaces elngB In your earB. heavy motor in the tall. The French !law.''' The wide wings are lifting you stead· have been the heaviest losera In Tbere had been a young lady named lIy higher and higher tn great sweep· Jlfe of any of the nations Interest· Bab two years betore. She was hun· log circles as you climb tile all' lad· ed In aeronautics. Halt a soore of dreds ot miles away when Rex Den' ::ter toward the zenith. The world 1I0s daring and temperamental French· ham lallt law her. She had a widowed spread out beneath you llke a colored men have paid with their Uvea the mother who was falrly .well off. Bab! I~ap. You teel as tree $!I the birds penalty tor venturini into the sky Bab! The name spoken stirred him. i)f tile air; yon long to measure your Bpacel on trail machines of aUk, aluU there was a Bab In trouble Ihe minum and plano wire, The GermanI !lpeed with the eagle,a, should have ald. U the slrl'a delcrlp. Suddenly there Is a crashing exploare the next heaviest losers in Ufe tlon was correct-sian behind and beneath you, and the "Wing riders." The blue vault of ' and property. The wrecking of the "Got to ao lnto the butcher sboop wide and steady planes seem to heaven Is fretted by thousands ot numerous rlgtd and seml·rilJlddlrlgtbles , after mutton to make broth," said iJ1a to of the Zeppelin and pareeval types hal ' oompanlon. "They might stve you tbe orumple up like a sic k crow s w gs. roaring propel1ers and shlttlng planes. hit hard the baokers of the German I\1Y It you went In with me. Don't Ella Fontin&-Is your kIlee tired" T h e earth seems to leap up t 0 mee t "The bird men" are dreamlng dreams idea In aeronautics. The casualUel make a sneak whUe I'm In there." dear? &,ou, and the rushing gale at a Ir seems at cross·contlnent tllghts. Tbe mQre She found Denham waiting when to tear tbe breath tram 'your lungs. Imaginative of them catcb glimpses of for the year 1909 were terminated by Slenderly-It must be, pe~; It's gone she came out. It would have taken to sleep, 'Your senses reel"11S the tremendoua visions of transatlantIc trips, tuter the death of the Spanish aviator, Fer· two stalwart poUcemen to move him ~ull at gra.vlty hurls you and your b~ than the flight of the frigate bird. nandez, at Nice, on December 6, Ho kelll. machine and coughing engine to It may happen the hour of trial was a martyr to the Idea of lIghtneBl A Wile Old Owl. on. "Say," said tbe girl, Mcracken ,«0 In her trim little ' bathing sult Ihe the earth. Earth and sky seem to run comes In the very midst of an appar. In aeroplane construction. His death with mutton broth, but I baven't the sat on the white sand. together In an awtul burst of tlame, ent success. Engines may be working "all undoubtedly caused by trying casb. Butcher got It all and then "I adore intelligence," she cried. ,and blackness and blessed oblivion perfectly and with even beat. Tho fly with a motor that wu entirely too Bald I was too chln-chin belldes. Want "So do I," said he. "All the aame, blot out the clouds and the good green roar of the eplnnlng propellers may light tor the lItraln It had to bear durto buy 'em for BabT' though, beauty and Intellect never g . be droning a song of conofldence and Ing his determined 1l1l$hts. While • earth for you forever. Denham accompanied her to • dell· together." It must be 'In some Buch manner , security. Then something snaps; a sweeping In great circles over the 1hIlfled. :'And do you think me intellectual'" "Say, let up, will you!" called tbe catetlsen IItore and filled A basket that the avl.a tor dlea. There Is bu.t I\1Y wire parts like a stretched fiddle aviation grounds at the French city ~Ittle evidence of the feellngs that riot string, the roar of the engine breaks the tiny motor gave way with a spilt. man atter a minute. "I thought It with goodie.. and then Inllisted on she faltered. carrying It home for her. She walked "No," be confeBsed, frankly. th'rough the human ' braln ' when and sputters, or tile big planes tlng Qrash. The watchers turned their alan I beSide him with her head held t th e ear th crumpl~ because of some unguessed heada away While the IIwlft tall luted. Wllh a taint blush she murmured. 'd ropped \ lrom tbe clou dso very high, and when ap'oken to by a "Flatterer! " . In spite of the warnlDg .:uuveyed In 'beneath. Few men surv,lve a fall of weakness. Then comes that terrible elrl she knew her auetere reply 11'&8. any height, In spite of the number rush at air as the machine, engln~, his deatb, many aviators E1YtlD yet" are "Anna, can't you see I am wiUklng His Pet. who are meeting with . accidents In rent planes and tangle of bent and sacrificing safety for Ughtnels to {help with areal gentleman!" Harker-ThInk I'll try to sell old 'their, etrorts to master the' all'. In broken framework bears the avIator engines. Delagrange, who was killed Tbe mother co'uld tell little mo~ Stutrem some pet dogs. In the first week of ,January, 1910, IIplte of the danger, which Is admit·. to a terrible death. than the daughter. It was a cheap Ba,rker- UBelesB job. All he think. tedly great, the craze tor the aero· When, wireless telegraphy was In. made the opposing mistake of having rooming ,house. Yeti. the painter lady about Ie eating. ' 'plane and the sport ot ILvlation Is vented It was but a year or 10 until an engine whose weight wall too great was a lady, It was euy enoulh to'se.. Harker-Hasn't any four-iegged s teadUy growing. Yet . ten years ago the country was filled with amateurs, tor his wing area. HIB planes wero that. , She was IOmethlng of an art- friends, eh? tbe heavler·than·alr flyers were mere all busily ,",orklng on new theories ot not sufttclently large to bear up under Ist, but ber pictures would not ' Bell Barker- Only ' one, and that'a 'the chlmer&s of a sclentlfic brain. tran.ferrlng messages. As soon as the weight of his beavy motor, whell She had sold moat of her wardrobe, d n1~ room table. On' tbe seventeenth day of Deoem· the Wrights, Farman, Bleriot. Paul ban under the strain of full fUght. Dela. but bad fallen behind. ThB deacrl~ bar, 1903, a thln·faced m~hurle.d him' and Curtiss and otbers bad demon. grange waa the first aviator to carr1 tion wu right. Humsn Nature. 6e1.( out blto the aIr tram a sandy hi I· ,strated that a ' heavler.than.alr rna. a 'passenger with hlJD In his aerial "And not a word to her," Bal4 Den· , "A tool' and his money are s~ sIde dowu In North Carolina. Tbe chine could actually remain In the air, trips. Mrs. Pettier, the ftrst woman ham. "She'll ask, but make no ex· parted." first of the wind riders In th~ world's In Jl. thousand barns, warehouses and passenger In the history· of the aero. planations. Coax her to eat and get "Yes, but you never call hJm a = history made a long, gliding ftlght In back-yard woodsheds all over the clv- plane, made a ftlght with htJD In July. strong. Cheer her up a bit. Take tool Ull the money Ie go~e."--ole"t . ""&bIplane on tile blll · slope near Kitty IlIzed world men and boys began to 1908. this money and buy whatever she land Leader. Hawk. Wilbur Wright was the ftrst try' to bulld tor themselves machines After the death of De14grange; the thlnkll sbe can eat. It she doeln't of the bird. men to rise superior to the In w~lch to spurn the solid earth. flrSt tew montbs of 1910 were devoid It takea a str(lng-relr.~e d spinster to improve we'll bave a dootor. I'll Bend air: ' Five years later tbe brother ,of Hysterically, the IIcience at aviation of fatal accIdents. Aviation meetings In wine trom the drug store, Ilnd to- believe that the reason men don't prothe ftrst m~ to fly was tr,y lng out a bas been taken up, and with . a fow were going on late In the winter ID pose to her Is that she never alve. morrow evenIng til caU again." new and powerful aeroplane under the 'm ore Improvements the death roll will America, southem Europe and In "Ma, don't 'you see how It Is1" said them a chance. direction at the omcan of the United grow to even greater proportions. So Egypt. It. was April In the present i f. • the girl to her pUllled parent. , "We States army. On a September arter· tar 'most of the men who have met year before La Blon was kllled on the Borne men 'a re selt·made and 80me take In a lady. She can't pay. Sbe noon the strange new machine rose to deat'll have been veteran aviators, Spanish seacoast at Ban Seballtlan. comes down to hard·pan. 1 take her others are wlt8'made. fun flight, carrying Lieutenant Self· Delagrange, La Blon, Ferber, Lefebvre La Blon was the Idol of the more dar· last ten cents to get her mutton tor , ridge as a passenger. Orville ,Wrlgbt and Rolls were all well·known and In. Ing avlaten. He had attraoted Inter· broth, and i meets 'a gent who res· was at the steering wheel. A I\1Y ternationally famous In the air fields. national attention by h1a remarkable cues me and canes aD.d kicks a loater. ,w ire was snapped by a whirling pro- But the moment came tbat found them fllgbts at DonclLlter, England, late in Straight aa a bee-line, ma. I tell the peller, ' the great wings crumpled ' up, helpless despite their skill. ' October of the previous year. Be had gent the lady III Bab, and he can't the mass of debris shot to th,e earth. With the multiplying of factories dared the winds to do their worst In stand still. Romance, ma-rolPance! and Selfridge, the flrst ot a long ltne wbere the cheap filers can be can- a 16·mlle flight on October 19, and on Romance, and 1 am In It! You !-,~e of martyrs .t o aviation, was dead ' at structed, wlll come a rush of amateurs the next day he made a trip that all Gra..,ed the Man by the Throat and golng to see , blgh Jinks around this Fort Meyer. ., Into the ranks of the avlatora. More Rvtators. even his neno,,! fellow· Then ' 8truok With His Cane. botel." Since that September at.lernoon, les,s death's are bOund to tallow when these countrymen, characterlletl as fool· Denham c4'me on the morroW". He than, two years ago, 23 men have g~v· man birds have bought for hardy. A great gale blew Q\» out of was my oWl). Idd, and that IIlle was go- came on the next day and the ne.s:t. Why so many' ,people en up their lI\'Os to conquer 'tbe ' elas· themselves 'machines and start In ' to the Atlantic on the nlsht, or Ootobep Ing after something tor bel' mother." On the third day Miss Bab was rehave ready - at - hand ~ and yet s~e element-the air. perfect themselves In the art of flight, 18, growing steadily warlle '!hrough ' The athletic assailant desisted. He ported better and he went up softl, Wlthln one week thllJ summer eight The, list at deatbs Is bound to grow the nIght of the ·nineteenth, WM the man to the curbstone, to find ber trying to ,""ark. He Wkl package of aviators and dirigible balloonists have as soon as the means of tllght Is thJ' sort that sweeps the "tight UtUe straightened him up and then gave not Introduced. There was no need been Idl1e~. Some notable things have brought within reach at the average Island" every autumn, a terrific blow him a holst t1iat sent him nearly at It. It was two hours betore he came down and announced that the beeit' accomplished by till! earnest stu· purse. A shower at aviators that comes roaring up the channel acro.. the Btreet. dents and the more foolhardy of the from the clouds to the "too Bolld from the Atlantic, sending fishermen' uMJ. but how I do love you for landlady was to lose her roomer. In two hours much oan be toldnew school ef exhibition flyers, but the earth" will further demonstrate that snd channel shipping ' scurrying tor that!" excl!Llmed ' the girl as she price ot succesa and mastery hns been the mastery or the air must be'bought shelter In some rock·bound harbor. atood twilling bel' apron. "11 ever I many mIsapprehensions Bet right. Tl1. two years had seen death- chlosr,ery over a score of lI\'es. Bom~ of .t he with human lite. In the midst at thiS great gale tlle let marrldIF---" men still In th game of fltght have An analysis of the accidents at the Frenchman annoUnced that be was "nt!! Ile (et yoJr purser" Interrupt· -raise friends-illness, des palr-pov· erty, but a brighter day hI'.G dawned, been dallgerously tnjured time after p'n st ~o years shows that death gOing to make a flight. In aeronau· ,d Mr. Denham. As the carriage dI'O'& away the time. Soveral at tbe n~tlolls of the comes In a dozen shapes to the daring tical records the flight that he m,ade "No. 1 hung on nnd bit his hand. The DISTINCTIVE 'World are beginning tl? wake up to the aviator. The aeroplane Is a pitifully that day Is set down as being "a fool· J alwaya bite them. He'd have choked landlady's daughter b.egan to sultHe. "And what's tbe :aatter with you 7" danger of IneX!lerlenced. and Irrespon· new thing, and even the veterans of hardy 1llght In a great gale." me. though, If you hadn't come up. FLA YOUR delights sible persons making flights. Austria the air are not always able to detect The death roll bas grown rapidly Gracloua .. but how you did wallop blm! wns asked. the palate. has passed laws regulating attempts In their machines the lurking weak. In this, the summer at 1910. On May Aln't a pugllls" are you?" "Just my hICk. If J badn't told him ot her citizens to conquer the air. nesses. The ftrst of the aeroplane ac. 13. Michelin was carried by a strong '''Oh, no," laugbed ' the man as he about M,:;'s Bab he'd have married The quick, easy serving me !" Rl,Issla has ,put the ~an on tlle owning cldents that result d fatally was wind against a derrick, and In the tall pulled at his rum vied sleeves. right from the packageof machines by Irresponsible persons, caused by tile guy wire of one of tlle that followed sustained Injuries that "Belong to the ball team 1" but It Is generally understood that planes bolng lllaced -too near the pro- caused his death. Eugene Spier was "No." Pensions Lapse Slowly. requiring only the addition this .10 beclluse of her ,fear of t~e new peller blndes. Selfridge died In this killed at San Francisco while prac· "Just a gent, eh? Just a gent look .., Th e last of the pe nsione rs or tbe of cream or good milk is .dIstance anIl;lhllatorB in the hands of acoldent and Orville 'Vrlght was ter. tlslng on a "glider." M. Robl met his tn' for trouble'" ,, old Marshalsea court, which was abol· an important consideration nihIlIsts and the racLical reds,' rlbly Injured. It wna months before death In , a meet at StetUn. Wachter "Na, I wasn't looking for troul1fe. lahed all long ugo as 1849, survived He was John , In the Unlted States a few folk are he ligaln took up tbe problem ot aerial was killed at Relrils. Chllrlos .Stewart but when be grabbed you J : bouglJt until February last. when breakfast must be Rolls, lIero of England by reason of It time, to Interfere." Crltflths and was ba iliff or o[ll ce r of !begtqnlng to wonde! haw long It wlll filghts. ready 14 time." be until something bas to be done to It was a year later before death his r emarkable flight tram Dover to "Say, 'you did It bully. J bit him. the ancient Institution, with Juri die· lItop the growing death roll among took his t.oU again from 'the ranlts of Calais anrl return, was killed at Bour· and you caned and kk ked him, aod 1 , tlon or all ol'fenses oUlmltt.ed 10 t he The sweet, crisp food'is 1Ilonee1'8 at the all'. Aviators and aVI~ the air workers. ' On 't'1, seventh of nemoutb through a rudder of bls own lUeRs he ~on't COI);O around he re for verge of th e royal palac:e, Thougb no univer£ally liked b childatlon we~e o~enly condemned a ' few September, 1909, two mao, the fore. Invention falling to answer the lever. lOme time to come. Lawks! If he'c.1 buslne E:s was dOllo In tbe Marshals a. days ago by all U1ftuentlal journa,l of most aviators In ' their ,respective coun. Klnet, a Belgian, met his death durlng got that ten cents the pllin ter lady court since ,n deolslon of, Lord Coke. ren, and is a great help . " tries, met their deaths. : Rossi was -en. a recent aviation , 'e xhibition In a would have give up and died. It was It wa!! r!lgullU'ly open d and p.dJourned Cleveland, OhiO. Mothers who must give to "To Thos'e Who Exalt Tbe~selves," gaged In testhig a macblne 'of his own French town. Eugene Ely, while try. her IlllIt ceut." until abolished by rmrll:llnent. the youngsters something", the :!U'ticle was h,eaded, ' and the tal., Invention 'nel)r Rome, and after a few ing tor the ~ll1rd time to m~e a can. "Wbo do you mean by th e painter The re Is still In existence t~ "com· reactionary Ideas w'ere. t ' , ,lady'.;' ,asked ' Denham as' they saun. pensatlon" pension Co r "10 8S ofV post wholesome that -they relish. Jaw ~ing , .., ,. , ....... SuOI' and successful flights at a low tlnuous ftlgh,t from Wln,n lpeg to Port· pre8~ed: , "The ' !1-r~ze for ~Irlg~ble bal- altitude 116 IUlted , his planes upward age 1a Prairie, 'fell from a height at ·tered along together. fines" tn th e,) reign of W\1llnm I ., to ,loa~s and · shoul.d : .b,t! , legally at a C'i'~,sld~rable angle 'and libot Into several hundr~it teet. and was killed. "Why, the lady Who paints plettlr s whlcb Sir E. H, W. Hul se, Bnrt., I:s The economi~al featu~~ ,1'8,s trlcted. It Is unthlnlul~le that th~ 'the air for .an ambitious tr1a!. He',bad , The ,dirigibles have been the occa- lind can't Bell, them afterward s. She's' entitled. It amounts to £10, 4s, 6d. ,a appeals to everyone', par:" O,eatol' ~nte~ded. ,~hat man 8ho~~ la- barely reached, a h~Jght of 6'0 feet ulr sian of nine " ot 'the twenty.three ~'ot a 'toom In' 6w- house, Sho's Cour year ' and Is suspended during the j t~c111arly tho~e who' wi, sh . habit, the ,~Ir ~r fly l\k~. the b{r~8. ae , s~me- of t~e IhQ'lcate'-ma.chinery' gBve 'd~ath8 'or: ' the 'last two years. , On ",eek!! behind. ,on her rent, Bne! almo~t minority of the pres~nt baron et . Au· W!J~ld ,have ~~rnls'b~d ,him wltb Wlngll. wat ~d ~e wa~ ,d.~h.ed . ~~' d'e ath. :~. Sept~ber 25; 1909; the Fr,e nch ' war .tarving, to deatb. sbe's so thin ' you ,lIunl pensl~ns whIch ~1~II~oOle .to a~ to keep Hvin~ eXpens~ i'I'h~ num~rou,a ,!Ieaths' have ~. .LetP.bvre, a ,well·kqown aeroQ.a\it of: balloon ' the Republlq~e on Its way can s~e t~r'ough , het, 'and' when she' r:I~O:!~h :' t~~~ P~~:~~n. ~2~OsO ~~;1~ limit. (lurred1 ' ~om ~ttempt~ to ' 'fly lfhoWd , Fr~ce; 'was kine4 ' o'n, tbJl ' ~ined!y, ( to' MeU'd?'n ~from tlie fte'id m8J!.euverl .~'t . ~alnthl~. '!lhe's crying.".. 000) ; ,v'lscopni. Hnrd,1nge, £~,OOO (1 5.•~a"!l man, tli_t , ,J1~s ~ablta~o~ ~~!l ,Whl~E! ;.oarlng , If!.t>oye ,JUV!BSY. in, a at ~ ,PaUs,IJe, 'WIllI dl!lstJ'Oyed, sup- , ' ..Seems t~ be a sad cas~. . ood); VIBcoupt GP.Ug h , £2,000 ($,10,· Post 17oasties, a~e ' espe- ,: J:t0~e ~8 tlif! e,u ,thJ " ' .'.1. ' Wright biplane." T~owe'eJt8. I,ater the pOliilnbly, bY- a propeller blade bre,aklns.. YOI,l., bet .... ~eap, sa4 de,r : ~as~ than 000); Lord Raglan, ,£~,OOo ($10.;000;, dally plea:sing ~~9 'With ' , But' ln 'plte 'Of WllJ'~lhgs. p~bllshed, prlde, ~[ the FlJIencbDien, 'In ' aaronat.. qlf and , lipping' open ~he walls at ~h.' .mllle waa a tew. minutes ago: Bar, It. ' an'd La'r d Napier of Magdala, £2,000 ; fresh sliced peacHes. , ;nd , lrf.!'en. the cra~fJ for ,avt~tion re-," t1c8, Cllpt. Louis Ferdinand Ferber.. a ~ran, 'I!'ou~ men were killed fu the 7C)u are,. gen~, you ought to go up .and ($10,ooo.-i.oni:!on DIU!y News. 1D@.I~' ~ecJr.e!1. , 4 t~ou..nd .~veD. pioneer ,in tbe..arl (It flying, ' ""lUI ~Ileci of .00 f!!~t. that ' foUowecl the !,Itter a~ ber, , Sbe I . lour , atyle. Sbe II ,a , " • tor. are ,,"orJdng in !~be!~ shops, ftrm In ' ,"' ~ecull~ll ';lccldlllnt. ~"\lne ~f l the' ~llap.e , of ,~8 dlrlJ1bJe~ In the de. b01'D lad1. She t~JfI '.C! bl! bw!..can,t ' v-a""I":'u~s-O-'-'O-Pt-l-m";'lt-m-:" tn. tbel*le~ tII.t tbey' are in BlBht 'of man. y unex'j)lafnable conN Uiat mark aU'Uct1on of the Erbllooh at ' Letch~ ~ardly UD,ders~d her. 9 " tlhe s It II wOflth '8 thoul,and pounds a,f elll tile: ~",~·Mcret lb., 1'111 ,iWr~ the ,tbe ¢hroDoioiY: of- Plsbt. ; He, " . . .oar. Ilnaen; , ~~. IJ t.w 810, fly. beeD 'top of ~be , e~iI, but bad to c,o me to . hri\'e the bablt of' looklng aD , tIll I • ' ~ oC th.~, ';PPet ,alr 8paee,t1 trcim ... over Ii 1lel\! near Boul~~ ' .II.. , mell lnclucllnl Ule' lAYtiQtbl' ·ut.t tbelr 4own. I 1U·~e'blt.,_~ha' t~illY call a "'rlwht Bide' of ~hlD ...... -Dr~ JO,h. n "OD,~ . _ ~~ -. . PIIGe Jt S!l tlae' ~Of llJ& .Rbl~e ''b~ tura.•• III ~ , ,, , ~ , .. ' . . ~,..; .. VeD e .... ,w ou «Sn't ••• . ~........





There Are Reasons









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lsow WHEAT 'LATE THIS ' F.ALL ; I , Itil AhnsIiI.tlbeeu A IIlnrA Afl"~i.lln 11 v t ll!lIl u .. U · found Otlttere~ ovtl r thO ,

. . County Courts Co nmon



stnte t,hl El lle(~1' n lind !41 noa. we hn V fJ hu d 11 0 general outhrell k 0 f t hi R pi Bt

Probate Court.


for sorn t! yoo r lin d it,d IIf\l'lI Itea m ny Eat.. te of John B orr Brinkman , t.heret or e b pr6E1 Il Olfl.d t o be RU m f' · d o.oe·"ad. AU' . Mardlij i8 Ilppolnt. \"ll fl t, ~. co r ", It' wl11 11, b st, for Obi.!" '"





ad admlnls'rlltor find Jilmes F lien. form ers t w Ii t,rl ll e h. te r~th br 1::1. Big~in and.1.~ . Morris , lip tha n olLrl y tlll f idl Th e normll l


praisers ERtate of Mllr y W . Butte rworth. deftO""ed Edwin L Uri"8t IlPPOillt. ...,..., ad executor with Jilmes E Murdook, E .A 8iwoDton I\nd George Feldkamp as I\ppralttcrll. E B. Dtlkln 1\11 guardi a n of Banks ""10 , inlbeolle vs . Blmkll Da kin, 0 ~. Emma Dakin and Willinm a . Thorpe Conrt apPOints 8S apprilisers Charles Edwards, Joseph Cltrroll and Clark BurO'es!!. Martha Ridley, administrl1trix VS. Sarah Browder et 11.1. Sale of property approved and oonfirmed. Estate of Ann a. Kelley, d.,oeased . fi b E B 0 ki Fourth account led y . . IL 0, executor. JDatate of Belen L. Scheook. minor Fira') tlnd final 8000un' filed by •



dlltt'l for sowin g In l).\ rtheru Oh io Is fr om tbe Hit h t o th 22nd of ,'e ptto w1 )bl 0 II wee k or t e n ber, for ct'ln t ra' day~ IBter. !lod f or !'onthern OhIO th e last fe\v days in ~"'''t.ember . Or ti. little batt,er, durin!! th first tw wI1Elktt of Ootober By t h e normul d"t" '''e Dlean the dt.t whl oll will ,. u .. • prodnoe the larges t yield . provldln ~ that no inseot pest!! overtllr.o tho natuml tlxpeo·t,ation . The n~rwol d"te for sowin'y is determiotJd , not by the entomologist, bat, by th e a gronomist, . and rest{! upon the over 1ge results of sowing grllin upon any given date through a long period . . . . .


----rAW ney re eII SaIIsfIed With Present Conditions.

DEMOCRATIC .TARIFF REVISION It Would Mea n Loss of HunJreds of ",lIlIon5 to Laborers , Farmer. and M i f the Democrats anufacturers, Should Capture the National House of Rt!presentatlves-A Table That Should Be Examined Carefully. n!;l'essman Morgan ot Missouri t eUs of .1 Missouri farnl er who reo nt· Iy said : "1 can scl1 a hen todny for as much I\S I got for a hog unrier til

2.5 aor88'R'l . 0 loA t Ii: J Elvia . un ....m 0 mmer . Beedle, three traotA, EllAry F. Beller lind ~tfe to W. r. lIl\tzroth lot on University heights, and exohange of Iota.


Wil son law; can sell a hog now for Only ooousionally Is it ad what I got tor a steer then; cnn sell visllble for 'he entomolo~i!lt to ad- a steer now tor what 1 got t or 11 vlt~f' that there be a departure from horse then; and I can soli a team of dl t tbe nOl10111 time There see nl!, a . horsee today for enough to buy an is ge'n erally no danger, even from automobile." Heas;an fly, if flowing does not pre-. The Democratic orators and pallers oede the normal date, and a~ present are saying. to the farmers t hat prices we tblnk it hardly neoessary to are too high tor wbat they buy. but sugge t any fur,he,. departure from they ne\'er refer to the purchas ing th 1 t th t to say th · t power or fl\fm products at prsent e nor~a oos om. a a price". if departed from at all, this fall, th" I In thIs c{lonectlon the following leeding should be in the direction table s hould be carefully cxamlned of IL week to ten daY8 lilter than us· by every farm or:

Cornelia AUatook to William H. Jones, .71 aorea in Hamilton town· Ihip '1. ' Gliohr1st and Car())ln; Y.

ual, rather 'ban 'hat muoh earlier , The dry weather wll) doubtless oper ate to destroy many 01 tbe pupae or "flaxseeds" of the HeSSian fly by

George L . 8ohenok, as guardian. Real Estate Tran.,era. W. H. MoGrath to G. C. FerriS,

of years .




' : '.' Ohriat, traot io

Fred J, Leight and Anna LelgM to Ungleebi, Iota in Franklin, " 150 ' . • iI ....... _ LZ--- ' " . . . . . . .'& ~ ' ~rthur Ii:. Lytle, 25, merchant of 118iddflel''''w~lant d Bessie B. Wlil$man, 1 .0 raDa n. Bo, C. 8"Ph~80n" a4, C&lIpen$er oflll4dJetownaDdEmma~tover, ·20, .01 LebaDoia. · ·

· Orol B. Ma&thew8, 25, ~h881. ....ker of ~.llD ~nd ~a~l E. 11091'8. JO..'ofl,,-ran~I~. ; I. (Amm"""" PrcK:eedlop. . 81118-B. D\ WeltOD,: aervtoee on burtal ' cxnnmUtee,. '2; AltoJ! 1'. .Br6wu't apen_,al pl'Ol8OnUDI at, Iomey, ....5·B. L. Dakin, .enioee · on butafPO~mlt'"••1 ; , ...P. ForlY. horiea, v.~iol88 f6r Angult, 1910, 125; 1{oarcl and walhinl tor Augnet.

1128.50iTh~~_ter~S."'r, appr~ta .

P1eaoeabla PhlllpplneB. It could put to s p tor year, any posslb11lty ot reo to rlng our merc h ant ma:-Ine. It c~uld check the furthe r exton Ion ot our pos tal sel'vlce, and . vartlcul arly tho rural treo delivery. Because oJ 0. check to PI'(Jp.Pllr fty tbore would ' be 8. ta iling orr In h(,lt h In· t · roal revenuewould and tollow. customsn.erec Ipts, and a deficit ccssltat. Ing a curtal\ In necessary IlPproprlo.tlons and expudltur s. Non of Pr al dont Taft's r ecommendations would be a ' ted upon. for It wo uld bo nrass 'cessnry ·to pI IlY politicsIn 0.0(1 r· the administration everymba way possibl e. There Is no way In which a Democmllc hO\lse could help existing condl· tlons ; there are many ways by which It could burt them. There is not a cloud on our fln an. cl al or Industrial horizon S II.\'I.\ the Dl nace of 8. Democracy that would uudo ~n a day much that the Republl· can par.t y has built up In a decade. There will be ml11100s of young voters at ~he polls next November 'who were not old enough to read In 1 93 and who do not remember what their p&rents experienced during thllt DemocraUc period from 1893 to 1897. The tale Can not be told blflefiy. It would take volumes to comprehen· sl\' Iy go over the whole ground. 'We must not . have ' a repet1t1on of what occurred as a result of the elee· tlon Itn }892. In vIew of the unbroken successes of the Republican party In conduct· Ing domest1c and foreign affairs of

f ~ IOO.1,= ' .i ~ '<.~ '<.~ ~ ~ .~ J it 1; " !" ~ .fl

~ ~



and long contlDned there is prob",bly no need for speoial apprehenaloD, J We ~ve.. beoome satisfied that 00 calonJable adVlLntftae Is gained It againat the wheat join' worm by departlng (rom the'norwltl date, eitber h~ the direction of earJy 01: late BOWing. The .degree of infestation wil1 depend npon 'be stage of develop " men' reached by the grain ,at the ~e lIle e_18 'are laid by the jointworm.f1y in sprlng. aome_imes the early aow~ gulli proves best, and &/lain it.le the lato whioh proveal most 8X!,mpt. On lhe ayerllge 1& • w·n be baa, to eo", at ,he .normal· "me and having ghen pro·per a'~n. tiOD '" preparation of the aeed bad and to ter'lllaing, abide tbe reau" I:ItUf, heavv-strawed varieties will atand the attaoka of both Heesia n fly and joint worm better than IImall, weak..etrawed varletielt. In some n~.hborhooda where jOintwormis



~ ~

(; (;




'8 '8 ~ ~ ; .


F~kUn townsbip !e::~'::~en d:~!t~nb::o:ense80:!:~:


" us S·IeRness Lt'verl'tes Prevents Serlo'


'Democra.Uo m8Jorlll 'I'n the bou,'t ,.,........ ,during the lite ot the Slxty.-eecond • , congress could stop or great ly ,h inder tbe work. .on , the Panama ·canal. . I, , could cripple our ~m y and nav y. . It , . ' could br ln'" UDJ'est and nrobobly un.. . ., .' " LI\(erites for a Cold, Bac~aohe, and Weak Liver or Kldne)'t. risings In the now t or the ~ost part


~ ~




~f 0:1


i: 0 eo So



=::>;:::;=:::;';:;:'::::':::';:::';:':';:;:;: e~:!!~ ~ ~:e ~:e~:e ~ ~ ~ :!! ~ S~ :e ~ o ca C ~



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rut). l\o~ 7.




_Tea. Form....... 6.08.


~ !i!!i ~ .!!!.e ~ .!C! ~ !e.2! (loCo> . lill 1:10 8~ ~I~ ~ ~ Soc ~~ :: ... ~ Carpete, InanUo. .• 211:: ~... _...... . ... "< Oo"on IWlnel, 2 t yarda ~ U ~ ~ ;:!g ~ ~C 18$ e~l~ to 1>QUIIlI, .2::: ... 91:f ~J:gli!:!!~ ~H ~~ ij:;!!i N i1;t Olnab~ Amosrua. N

~ ~ IL.

OOW !i!!i ..=: .2i!!

~t$ 5~[g~ eel ~ ~

-=- -

I.. . .


~ SheotlDre-p~'

E!l!1 ~..q S~ ~~ ~~ ~ ruJ ~ ~t ~Cl §; ~2:~ w- ..""

..... _



i§ ;;



~:'::;l::·:ri~:::::"':~::a.:,Y .~MENSE E"ECTRICA~ Ohio "I. William ' Treadwa" OOI~, . ,LeWII, c~ntraot, '10.15; ' Oharl~ '110.36 i<:Jeo. V&tdt,ooDtract. 18S.50 i Bert Baed, 'ooDtr&ot; 124; Charle8 Htpldenon, OGDtraot, ,U3 i Frank Bk)kea, oontraCt, ,S5, Wal~r 8.


'rile two Waterside at~tions of the N ew ~.. or k ~ "'d'180n 0 ~mpany" i n FI ra t

~venne,. betw88u .Thir'y~ei~hth ~nd:

'fhlr(y-nlnth atreets;New..York CUy are said to make. ' .t ogether; 'he largo eet eleotrio 'Ught. and power plant h ld bl f i ,. i WhltaOl'e,oontraot. t,12M,. 40; ,W. H. n t e wor ,oapa e 0 supp Y nK'h, ~ 08IDent and sewer, 143.65. 1100,000 horse power. of eleotrioal In• - • etallation.

Don't ' Break Down Severe strai08 on '.he vital organs, Do You ' Get. Up ' Uke atrain, on ' machinery, cause ~k ~OWIUI. YOIl can't over-tax With a Lame .Back? tI*Omaoh, liver, Indne1s, bowels or K14DCJ Trouble IlaBS Yon Jllserable. Derv~ withon' aerione danger &0 Almoet everyone kDOw.of DI. Kilmer's yourself. It you are weak or rundown. 01' undel' skain' of any kind, Swamp-Root, the lP'eat kidney. liver and bladder remedy, betake Elec'rio 8iUeril .the mat.ohlell, @::::!I ~ cause of its renJark· tonio medioine,· HI'It . J. E. Van de able health restoring SllUde, of Kirkland, Ill.. writes: properties. Swamp"That I .did not break down, while Root fulJitla almost enduring a mOflt severe atra in. for every wisb in ~)Ver­ thJ,"ee months. ill dne wholly to coming rheumatl~m, pain in the back, kidEleotrlo Bitters ,. Use tbew and neys; liver, bladder enjoy bealth and tltrenlth . ijalis · .. _..._ ...... and every part of the fac"on poIitively gnaran'eed. 500 , _urinary {>assage. It at Fred O. 8)hwar'tz. . -. corrects Inability to bold wster.and 6caldingpain in .passin~it, or bad effects following use ofliquor, WJne . 'THE TRE~D OF THE TIMES or beer, .and overcomes that n~pleasant neceasity. of being compelled to go often . ~lellth...;Sh I The man 8it&ing through ~~e day. '81,ld to 'get up many wrmnl .t the.table there, Ie & wem . t,imes dUJ1.J!g th~ Dlght. , bel' of arand jarY' SWIUII~ROO~ ISl!ot recom~etlded. for .. " , , . everything but If you have kJdney, IJver or bladder. troub~e, it Will be foun'd jU6~ 'Reporter-What ia be doing? 8lenth-Sh I ' He's tn the · &ot of tbe remedY·),Qu n'kd ... It.has ~en thor.' oughly tested itrpiivate practice. and hq.s . · lndiotlDK letters, ' . . prCJved"80.ucceasf~1 t~at a spec!al !l3langemel1t bas been .tllade by wInch all wh,o' lIave not alreaders of this ..J. 'W~ . Hy.att merchant of'Wgrren, r~dy .tri.~i1 iti . a sa~,~e bo~t1e · If: ,0 . ,wrltea j' . Pleaae 88nd.eticl08ed ~~tfree by. 8 ~ " telltng , order liy rnatl; .!3a'&herl&nd'l!' 'Eagle more· about· an to . ",:s,e ~l ve· ~ ,tlj.Q~sit, ~~e re~edy ~n ney,or ~ · ,,~rld. 260 , .".~ \.~ When



..'. ' . , '" ...., . , .' FOR C9UO",~Na HO~SE


offer i_D___""'~A"''''_.

tS ~ ~~



......... /

TftAt C MA. . .



"'n,one j,6n~ln. a ~_.\r.h and " ..C!f1PUon'1lla, lIulokl, ,,"ceru'"1 ollr ()1'hl\l'Il~" ~ "beU,," an h,yenUon I. prohabl, p.U"I~ ,,;eollll,:,,nl_

lion. ~lrl.U, oo"d'ientl.~ ItAN 0lIl' on I tUnta .ent froe. Uldeet .lIellc, for ~"''\I' ,/lII'J"""'u.a. I'l1enl.l "'"en lllrOu~h AIIIIII\ r. eo. noeI..~"oCk.. "IUIOllLob..... IIlL ~ .

ScIentific JJmt-r(can. "",,,.oiL 'l'.'''•. '" • iUINNrms.,.. iCO~~~:..:,~l .. .,

Read the Gazette

A """daomal, IIInlll'lll.' " "o~"" culaUun of 'an, aal"nUlo

We Have the New8


1. . . .Ul...

st. Wa~

.tlNa. D.~

Good for all 81dn 01......

f ... _. gl 0

ri1 [! ~s ~ ~ ~tI·. f.



. 8~.


WtIl be fonnd in the oJd BRnk BuUdlnl, oppoll" the Na'ional Bank. TelephQne in honae' and of· tloe where J can be caU .... (lay ur nJgb L• V~lI"~ l'hone If-a. ;

i i ~, e..1' ~ I~. f i' <~ f ~




[te .'"

W.yne....... 0 ...








l t !i. ..": t ~ 1iii:-a ! ~;. ~f ~ t.i t~ ~ Ii' .



, FIUber Oeorve





! ii.

f. IeIi! ."


.. l

I;~ iii

! 8 Iii ' §:. ~ @:

iI· ...



Methodist Eplaoopal CIriIrga. ·, Iley. 11. W. Dalley. p ......

Sundar S<lboOl. 9 :!l0 a. III. Momln« ..... 14.1 :30 a. m. Ep"or,b l.ealUe, 't :0II pm ltvonlDg senlce. '7:00 Po III. 1I1dW1lllk



Sunda, School. 4.1 ::10 ll. m MorDI .. ..,... vIce. 10 :!l0 a. 10 .. Holy Communion \M 1m SUllda, 01 each lOonlb, '

External Paan..

~f 1

i.! f

. '

Rev. J. F ' cadwallader. Recto•.



P ..,or

St. ,Mary'. Epllcopll ChIUdl.

0 . '



e""ry II/!Cond SIIDdt&y of 'be mOlllb ••

Mlllili II :011 11.. III. t




sa. up.uDe'. catbollc CbUfda.





CIIuuur AID FUn 'TI.,

ttnden.ker and Embalmer.


Oak, ·"\lIte. pllllft.

5I!~ ~~ ~gg!le,. ~~ fall!! fl~ 8l N ~ '!- ~!S!~ ,,~ E;J ...... -Oil ...... 13C!5 ....... C! .r:; ", C!$

THE C. W. HllN IILal.a, SAFE CO.

Dr. Bell's AntiseptlcSalve

=:::::.:::: ·t

!i ge ~; ~8 ~ ~ Etil~

C••bllltl ••• I:~",._-L"k. allr~ ••IIf-I"'•• _ ..


brown.... Pel . perell. . 8blrtiop , bleaehed, ~






: ~':".::::: !~;:\~~.~:::; =~'::;Iio'~:::::;.":::!:::.. ~ It; ~ :=~ ~: ~ ~ ~ &"; .




. . Da7&On Btenotl Work., ltamp , fo,: -By, H. A. lioasard, Ohio AgrioulG ~ :::Ig _!!ii_tl x:tl ~~ ~ ~8l ~ ~ ~l:" water while. ' olerk. I~ i W.l&eJ' ",on", bridge re-'urallllxperiment Station. , ~~ ~i i:!~ ~~ !:D g: ~ ~= t Barbwire, "lv"oJled. pUn ,Barlan towuahip, '~2. 45 ; . • ... Of I~ .::I.!!:! _ ~ .9!.... ~ _ -=! !!L. ~ • •,_ _ _ _ _.----1 J&IIl8I V. BanklDlOn, Jnmber, 19.57; 'or Ule on 'ace and H."d.~\ ~~~. ~~ ~_'~ ~~ ~&l ~~ e~ t 6 tt~~ NIiW. wire. 8-pe~ny. v. J. 1Antmeyer, con'ract, 159 SQ i Dr. BeU'a Antileptlo &lve i8 'be · ..... !::.>2 ........ E.§ t ... ~=i Y'~ b f!b:t:~:" b:" b<nr. BrI~". oommo,o: do. melti< Geor DIe H. Anderson, burial of beat. It II a oreamy tlnow whit.e p~ " 175 G W ointment aDd on6 250 box will last ~_1iD_5 ~!:i ~ ;:l~ ~iJ ~ ~ ~ ~1.""o~;:;~C-!-II _ __ __ _ _ _1 .. O .raer, . ; earp • 'hree mon'ha. ' .. 011'0 · S Cemea' Portland. donlll5 "' .. ott"' .. g; 00 00 ...... ;::'" ::Co> c;o ... oo w ...... ;- , " Carey. lnqnaet, o~er' body of Jamee • - ... . ="":I:..-!l ' bo ~~ 0- .2..:::1 CO.9.!! 2E co. . tic.



:f~ ~l:l co~ : : ~g @ ~ ~ cog! ~!.:l~ ' ~~~~~;:r:~w.~:~e.

I~g:~~.l!i:::~~g~~~:s~tj "


III house

!~or use.

Prepared from Pure ·Native Herba, they Cleanse the System and Purify t he Blpod and thutl PREVENT. SERIOUS SICKNESS.







i 1:; ?

Sal" American..


~,.Alwav~ keep ~the"" n th

F ~iI ~

;:~ ~ ~ ~ tl

0 = COl 001

~!S eHS ~~ ~; ;:!~ ~ ~S': ell! ~ ~ ~~ ~


;~ t i


~ ~ ~ ~ •

9 0. OQ


~~ :0 iZ


oun 'e of PI' vent ion i ,owfocruthr a.po und .An


"M.e \'0 "


for a-¥osIUon" .

, ,

WI'! can offf!r yc:m good

Paying Empl byment that you will enjoy and .

Pr :yer "~"na. ~ p. m.





'Chrlitian Chinch.


. Rey. L. O. TboiuJ*iD. PutGI


, Bible .SChooI, 1:'OJa. m• . 10:10 .. m. O~aaaEnd_Yor. '1:8" p ••• 8erJlipD ,by pulDr OVlIl'1l'al&erDate tklDda, .. 10:10.: m, and '1:/10,», DI. . • ~te

Friend, .q.~

Fll'llt Day MeeUne. 10:00 a. m.

Scbool \ 1J :0(1 11/ :00'!l. III.


10.. . Four~

Fir" Da.


at home. Write Tit, F~ar of · Democracy. our country'. wby sbould there be ~ . . t9-<lay ,, , \ ' Orthodox Friend. ·Cburdl. .,.. reviSion ~f th~ tarltr br a p~mo, ohange? What gain are w~ IIkel,. to A4dri" eratlo house ot representattvea. even eXPllrlence any dIrection. either r RC1Y, Benjamin ,Uawklnl, Paa~. , l though the senate and president were Boclal. cJvll or induatrial? What Dew . Rabba'b, SCIiIl9I. , II :au a. m. Rej{WU .11111~ Republ1can. would mean a loss · of Helds ot labor or enterprise ara I1kely ~ TIle BuUerlek Pab~.. Co. , CIOrvIC!O.· lIl, '.'0 D. III . Gbrlltlara ' BildeaYO~ . BuHerlC!k BuildlDO. New "'~"k. lIi. Y hundred. ot mUUona of dollara to our to be opened up by a departure trom 7 :30 I'. Ill .,' . ' laborers. our tarmers and our manu· our prlnclphiB and an adopt1on of faoturers. DemocraUc theories? What greater ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~ The 108888 would b~ID the .ay at.. stabUlty or s ecurIty In any of our ea1 .. ter election. and would be first seen taIJllshed customs are we likely tQ .n the gr~l!ot losl in the value of in-. experience? What proIPlses ot a~y clustrlal pr04u.ctlon. This w9ul<1 b!l a increase of pence or honor. either at rear hefore the ne.w house would hOI~j'I or abroad, are there In any· convene. But let It be known that thing ' that the Democratic party has there wal to be 8. Democratic house ever done or even now promises to and a free·trade bill passed- lUld any do? What secllrlty have we *hat we btll that 18 oot a protective bill Is a shall not again fall Into the mlsfor· 'r~e·trade blU-there would at once ~unes ot the past In passing over be ~letr and unllest. If not dIstress. from the, Io~own to the .unknown, froin one end ot our now happy aod from the tried tq the . untried. trQIII prosperous country to th~ pther. C ~p, the own day)lghl ot the tell ted to ltalWs would Bays: "This may meau the de!JP darkness of the unfnml1i'ar? a Dl'mocratlc president and senate as What accomlllJshnlents of the Demowell III houstlln 1912. as was ttle cllse cl'utle party. whenever :it has been in ·tollowlng the loss ot the house In power durlog the last halt c(lntury, 1890. We . had better be cautious." gi ve U8 an encouragement to trull~ No more enterprises would be pro- th em again? Befo'ro we ,nter I,II?Oh ,eoted. no more mills plaooe4. UP thll ;'I.k~ lind ' dlst"r~~noe" Incident further addltlplUl and Improv!lments. all polillcal upheaval" It II not .The manufacturer would say: "'l'ois unreasonable ~hat wo demand proof. meana alarm, and I must be caretlll not tl)at the DefTIoc acy will do ' ,alt and not get oversio~kecV; . well al wo .hilvlI·',done, but that they The merchant Woulil deere:18e or will ~Q . b,o tter ,t .... n wt have ,done. countermand his or~er. The ,t~mjlra We searc:>h the,l ; pl~tt~z:ml !U:ltl 118~en 'would decide to walt hefore huy~ng to th~lr :ol'atofa ~~: l'ead t~4;li~ n.ewa· DOW macl1lnery and implement!!. The pap,r~. in , vain for aliY. <~~pre~~n. Consumption of, farm' 'products woul~ ,stve. OQ,~e~ent , or', plan tor decline anti prices t!l~l. The demaqil bet~erlng r our . ·8n4 tor clothing. too~ea~. D!llldlnlt, ma.- muoh ' ~fl~? .~'. '. terlal and the thQusand and ana COln·· In f~ti 'W~ Qn.tI ~o ·ba.-mc;J~:,C:f ~'r.: modltlEjI or:,.l1viD~. ~d.uld ~e · at · d~~e , ~te~8 . • 0," ~t~ !I'!!I bUII·,nl~a,;·"a ClurtaUed. anI! .Boon wages· mU,fiIt · tall .pl, ~h. l Hay ,theN. , or wage.(!a~nera ~b" ldle. All 'thts an'd ~r open oppollt,o~ ..,~ong more wo~l~ · come r-:lth th~ ~r~~ $lgnll t.~d,.r,a. .. '.,:, ", of Democratlo fr~&trn:~e . a.s(jende~cy. Ita ~otual1'ty ~ould, mean rulP and three times great&!' than Iii 1893·









'!ors.' and Wors.. .

. But the ·DuiUCe· and ··tot. to b.~il. DetI8· that would" fOUo;, the elf)Ctioll :01 a Democratic booae or -rep."..ntatlyliil nut 1... "tIIiIl-:tI. .





. ,r'





\V . kly

. -






..--;. - -


W"l;nl'l!\·I\I .


. '


I' ·

. ,'I'h H t:lCI\I' I ~t Let:ter, " WIiS written ill I .1\1 . M 1'. "~ ' ~ I (lM, the l'ulJ!t14 ller,

Th is H an di es t of AI anges Actuf!Uy Pa ys fo r ts el f

IN ~'I" UC IiJ'J' l )\I\''' ,;lJ t1l11t 81~wth(Jrne WitH 111, nnd W~'lt OIJwn to Sltlem to 8t1e bim , VALLRY 'l'ELI~ PH ON F.-CALI... No. lI 'lI The novelis t WIlH Jiving at the time -~ '-.- ' J ill II IJ~ OIII,... t. wood AO boaRe Bi81'1lb · n: I>. - CltANfl, F.rlilnT Hnrl Manag er < U,.h·.. r fOl1nd b i m 11.11 '!l one in Just think , you can get the ha~diest kitch en range ever made - - -- - - - - -- - - " obltmb llr over tbe sittingroom. Rates IIf Subscr iption , going to a cent expen se I We have made it possi ble by securwitho ut "1'lIe lin v Wit" call], I\nd BlI.wtborDIl 0 11 )' e llr (IItrh:Uy In llcJVluu:e) .... . ... $ 1.0" V;H!\ hoverin agenc y here in this town for the Moor e Rang e. This wonding the g n'ear a stove. Hu ~lnl! le , :O/lY ........ .. ...... . .. ..... .. .ur, Wit" in !I. detlpou not only pays for itself on · the fuel-s aving which it offerserful d ent . mood. BIt! vil.itor urged him to publillh Iw ine. pays a profi t withi n a very hart time after ilS purch ase. RateR of Adverti8~ng , .r.,.. thlDt; Ibwtho rne in reply ollllell Headlllg Lot-aIR. ~K'r 11110 • . . .• • ...... . . tll(' !llt.enti on to the small popola rlty ltt> &lllllg Lo 1I~J 8. blB'k fBe O. pill' line ... . ' 1lO8IIllIeli AU K. DO\ to .olll:OOd IIvo 1111 hill prodoo tiolls blid t.bus far met 'l'hl'tlO IIIMCrtJOIUI .. . . .. . •.. .... ~ CIc wit,h, lie add\ld that he had dODe O J..,llllurJl'tI . JIve IIIChll8 frtle; (JYur 1I\'f1 Jn cllllll. IIllr 11110. .. .. . .. .. . ..• . lie nothing , Ilnd hl,11 n o flplrit for doing C urd nr lhtmk" . . . . . " " ..... . .. . , .... 21\c lu'y~bi is built o n a n entirel y diffe rent princip le than Controller Dampe ug. '1;he puhlish er on tlLkiug r which ena bles you to contro l ltOliOIIILltm" .. ... . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . , .. . . 6UC t o th el' rallj.!'es . I t can b e run o n poor I!radc the h eat as you bed tb t et Ht .... hIJoi 11\" . whore I·IIB..gO 18 lIltuJo .. .• .. . 200 lelLve~h d d €::-; ire. B y contro lling the h ent, 1L no reao e 8 re coal, co stin !: nt le a s t two·thirds less than coul this da mper natur DISlllu), Ath'orllHI IIIC ,lflr IlIcll . . .... . . . • . tile when Hawtb orne llorried t.o overull y co ntrols the coal and it \I SC U in oth e r runges . UIJioollll1 8 giviln 011 conlroct. It burns up all the smok e , po sitiv ely saves OIW third o f the fuel. tllke blm u.nd . p)lIoln8 u manuso ript The Mo ore s uo t Hnd ~n s , thu s o vercom ing one of the great· Rani!e is the only ran ge havin g thi s contro ller in biB b/lndll, asked Mr. Fie)ds to es t objecti on!! to a coal range, in additio n to dampe r. 81tP1'I£YBBR U UIlO. Takin g in to cons iderati on all of its tAke it to B08ton Rod ' relld it. "It making the fu e l las t consid erably longer . advant ages, th e Moore Run ge suves over half iM eltber very good or very bad," E ach Moore Range is provid ed with a your fuel I!xpcns c. THE CAll OF THE 1I·,id author . "1 dOD't know whioh. " 'i'he publish er read the Mr. A. P. S"UlJltlB; secreta ry of lUanul'Oript before going to bed that ,'be State F ... tr, uod8r the oaption of night. 8e 8I\W The Moon. Range sa ves you tim o and trou ble Ra nge it ~ possibi lities aud is the oDI" one equ ipped with th b; guide. Range exclusively. 'Drop in 1he .boye USiA ... trlkell the keynot e returne d to tllLlem Illl well ns m Olwy . to our store the ned T he Moor~ .'ire-·r~9ted Glass Oven . Moore's 'he next day and Simmerin. Coyer p ermits the use of small time you're down town and let IlS sho\v you its Duor na vies YOIl t o sec t ho cOIlIJi t io u o f th o food iD re,.r I to .t he Atrl ke a& Uolum b'l!l urged Hawth vessels be ing placed right over the fire. In mak· many other a dvantag es and explnin why it lasts orne to oomple te it. in th e ove n with out ope n ing th o uoo rand causing ing puddiug He writes tbud: s, icings, etc . . this feature will be longer than any other range on the market. Hawtb orne agreed todo 8(1, tbough discomf ort as wel1 as the luss of heat. fo und exceptio nally valuabl e. A Breat oity fAUed, in 8elf.go vern he waa not a8 eDthosi 'fhe oven is ulumini zerl . '1'he oven rack is th e ll/itia all Mr. lloore', Anti·Scorcb Conr enables you to boil milk, me·n ' . Tbe f"ot poblllll ed to the Fields. 0lIl" nickel plated one un the mnrket. cook ce reals or anythin g wh ich burns readily, with world . Mtrike. rldden, m lh.our .. erl it Moore's Ran ge is eq u ipped with Moolf'. DyeD no stlrrin~ and without the least danger of scorc h· He eeohlde d hlm.el f from almost TliermOllleter and .llrs. Rorer'. TbermoUl clu G.ide, whic h ing. ThiS feature is especially valunbl c iu fruit Clellled for b6lp . Frl'm IlI.rll1 and every ooe while writing 'be tltory. canning season, as it allows you to thorou ghly en ab les the user to de- cOO village came boys to g urlrd lAnd patrol Often Hawtb k a kettle of fruit without stirring allu boiling orne became oblivio us te rmlne at all times it to pieces. the atreet... of his anrrouo diog8 and absorbe d in the exact length Then there's lloore', Top,Wllich overcom es 'i'be UIIII or t be CI ty was for til w reverie . Tbe of time necessa ry the ordinar y trouble and end of "l'be Boarlet. discomf 01 broiling and order. . ~ome wbo beard the Oil It Lette.·" affecte fo r b n k .lng any meats and tOlU!ting bread . This ort d both Hawth orne til the kind of food and finest ever devised for feeding a firefeature lloere·. were In the fitllt1e. 10 the uniform!! "ud hlB wife verv muoh. Aooord · the tempera turere- a new one. And these Ilre only a fewaud building 'olioS"",.. of ot tbelr oouotr y they Ilne~ered iog to him, it broke th e many Co quired .. , . The Moore va luable features which can be found in Moorels her heart "nd 'i'bey alw.y8....d0. NQ. Dat·lon · wall sent her to bed with a grievou S Moore ·. Raalle. (la~ be bad 10 eltber Ca.t IrOD or Steel. ever overth ., rown by. its roul folk . helldlloh~. Tbts be looked upou as Above the din alld strite of flerce ~ triump hantsu ooeee. -Edwa rd Lisll comme roialism hI helLrd the ebal ner in Septem ber Design er. Moore '8 lenge of tbe Ulty. Oenter s of popu ------.~~ 8toves tatiOD. beo!')me a menlloe l:T.,ogov Merch ant. Praise AlwayS .rned oiUes runnin g pores. Dr. Bell'8Plne.Tar~BDnflY . J . W . ~.rlketl teuoh 1~880DR Pleaee Farmer s MoDaniel, Etberto n, UIIl., says; are oonoer ned about the Olt.'y 'l'hp i'bore il no medioi ne whioh eqo"ll mob ~Dd rio' mly brinK 140 , ,r r"w to it fur oougbs , cold II, GripPfl, asthma nd Brooohitlli. Look tor the Ben tb-. quiet Cl)UDtry bome Tlcllng" "on·tbe Bdtle may comA that une, who marobf 'd • - .'. - - away, luiok niKb unto d88tb. THE HORSE,S PRAYER A PARIS FL.OOD OF LONG AOO STATE FAIR IS LOSER THE LABORER'S THANKS HENDERSON,M~O. lu tbe baokgr ound are bigb prloee In the year 121»8 PrIOflll 10 up. W.~81 ltay. Tbf' roe., Ule gieatea t A tramoal" w .. going down .. busy . A downp our of rain tbroug h aU ' . The Homan e sooiety of W88tertl flood of whloh hlltory m.kes .ny street OD.8 day, Wayn esylll e, Ohio . "'ron of Llvln,, '" lnorea8e8. Proe th~ torepa rt ~r today, .nd was already expeok td to Penn8y lvania has prepar ed a ~ti . rejord lu Paril. "Men weu' ID oomfo rablr full !when it wu hailed perU, II mMlur ed by the dltrereD~t' be tbe bauner day of the state Valley Phone 163 talr, tion in .,'be form of a "Hor~'8 boats over 'he waU Main Stref& of the kinK'1 by a laboriu a ~n muoh 'he wone be'wee u rflOelllta and expend iture. .. haa no doub"olJmple~ the .' ] faUure Prayer . and has it~oated inet~~ 88 garden ." All 'he lll.nd WM COV. for liquor, who pl'8len tly s'-gger ed 'l'be SOli... lobn..ctS inltead of add. of the flLlr al a financi al veotl!r e. all over t!'oe oUy of tt.~u~~. I mi Bred, and from the foot of tbe htU aloDg the ween two rows of ,..-.. 101 &0 h~' "vlnI8 . .The atrlke bad tremen duou81 y re iJlI' actioD on tbe part 0 ;..----...;.~-:"....~~tt e 00& of 'hean tvenl tJ to the rtlina well dreued people At ·hOlDe loved onee ·oUmb upon l1uoed 1&. receipt ., but tohi~ reprd l_ of dely w.s orgaDl zatlon 18 8uagee ted U readl ii-ouDd beJOnd Marra18, ~e upper poU.he d shoee and ~D4er fee'. the .,orkiD gm.D '. kDee .ad, wUh lookad to .... couP tbe IORR by patroa . In part, '\8 follows : .tories of ,he hoaeee l'O88 o11t of Munn on and compla lntl arlDlJ enhvtn ed .bont bll n~Ir •. aal1 "ge of Centra l Obio farlD~rl ar08e OD V . Tb.ey "To thee, my masttlr , Iotr:r my a lake a ' mile wlde. In fiood all si4es, and deman ds were heard for' mont to eat. aud wear. He re did Dot oome . . The rt!08iptl ' . l ot sort. prlAYbr: Feed me, water a~ ,:~e wu Iwept .way tbe old e\One brldlJe that lIle offende r 8hould be ejected ...........waDd 8trugll611 on. l:ie Ieee 0.0 wUl hardly !'MOb 130,100. The 008t ~or me, aDd If you woul~ like to supply. when tbe dave war 8 that Oharla . the Bold bad boil' oen. at onoe. hope.ab ead, Face to face with the of tbl' fair will be over your table with this high175,000, eo dODe, provid e me with abette r-a 'urlee earlier -befor e ever probldm of t'XilteD08. ' TheD he that the the Nor. Bot amid the etorm of aboae cnie will have 0. defioit of· ole'lo, dry bed, .nd" atall wide m.ns grade silverware free of. beelege d the town; .nd iD friendl y voioe was niled, ae a • ,rllles. ILbout '50.000 to beAr. be. enough fur me to Ue down in com. that flood the Pe'U Oha'el et \Val de. nevole nt clergym an rose from hie The 0a1l of the CUy. i8 for mea*, (:9st, write US for our spe. : .• '- " (ort. TAlk to me. Your (YOIOf of. snoyed . The Pe'lt Pont fell into seat, saying : and bread alld olotbes .H tbeae cial .. .at Ever U.eCi offer. Address ten morins 8S mnoh to me .a the. the river also, but nothin g ai-. Dot IIIl~phed, upon Bome pretest A. B Heinlei n, Harri80 n, ldaho reine, "1!l l ' no I La'the man Bit dOWD 0 Pet me that I may eefVey ou ..onderfu l, for Is wu the moet un. and or otber, the atrike anti riot will 'go 8ay.. : ' 1 have uaed Dr. nAll'l be quiet," The dlsoom fiture of STDDOD 'UII8N t.MPANI .Pioe more gladly u.nd learn to love you. fortun a'" of brielge 1'ar.80 Dey ., and never 'he par'y turned to mirth 'wheD 'he for ooughs and 0 ldll ~ud j k on. h ei d do II-I. , ........ .... Newr~ .. Y. oot Itle he'bea tlbftVe evertrl ed. Look Donot e l' , e r Boa,an stoodf irmlyf or60ye are&'a stretcb druuke oone ,aelzed hla Deep ilowll u~n the bed·roc.k of for the B",l1 flD tbft Botth, benefa otor -whip Ole when going ophill. Never but forever belDg destroy ed aud by the hand, exolalm ing: o.uea nd "treat i" written in OIlpia) !!!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!~ .- Htrlke, bel\t or klok me wheD 1 do regal ..rly rebuilti.. Tbe wute of le\&ers 'be word "Agrlo ul\nr8. " " rhank ye, elr-tha nk ye, I aee USE OF FLOWERS FOR FOOD not unc\,e rstl\nd what yoo waDt, but thlBflo od w.ft tbeelg nalforP hlhppe you know wha' It il to be DeOreu iDg harves u, inorea .ing · tight." . give me lI.ob"noe to undera tand you. Ie Bel'8 .febuil dlng.-F rom populat tpD, and .soend tng prl088 &llaire • -. . An lnter8ll tlng develt) pment of 'he Watch rue, .nd If 1 fuil to do Good fOI" Nothlnr; but the I . . your BellOQ 'I" Parie." h"ve ...n t-he wage earDer in .the uee ot flowers for food is rooord A Man of Iron Nerve ~' ID bidding , .seo if someth ing is not • - • . IndomU able will and tremen duous !!!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!~!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!"!!! dep'b~ 01 gloom. . ! the dally P&perB, say. tbe !!"!!!~ . Beat for the Handa '''''ore wh"'~' ~nd corD to the ~ro. ·Globe. Tbe uee of the ,.ondon wron~ with my baroefl8 or my feet . energy are never f~und where W:AL TER' Ottodied Emmin e mv teeth when l do not UBB , ..,.. ...... . , ~ . K Stomao h, Liver, Kldney aandBo w.els ~- mo'~ "lid ulrl"'88' to quell. '''''aI8c Jfthe . 1 d t t.b . violet a8 ,.ewee tmeat ed,lm S. L. Obapma,n. _aaaao , y., earl.. are -...... ay .bl'ven nooerr .. • ou" of order. lte If 00 ... yon ' I w.aDt adD "hese tl eon· (m",... ",,,ia Im(f'oount~y ..Uke ar~ haal<.o gbeen known , but 'he prao. • ua , r, Be 11 a At n 18ap 0 SI 110 v quaUti es and the suoooea they bring anti tbot, yon know is very painful . my F neral Diro: tor hlands, wbt~h wereROre, ohaine d to 'hI' ".,r01,,1 LtDe, ' 1 . We &lse' I~ now arlline ·of and find 1118 Dr, Klna'e New Lite pm_, the U preserv ing Do not tie my ben.d to. an ~"Daturlll it tbe best 1 • . • ever tded. U cured matoblet18 regalat orl, for keen br~in fio~tlrs . wholfJ : You m.y now boy pOSition, or hika u.way my a ";"1 oQlloe,1D.,d . '. best them oq~letely. n. IU and .trong body. 250 at 6red O. Agrlou lture u the. ~a'ion 'R H9p8 "bonob , say of violets ~lor yoor bu· t agllins t fit OS &Q d mosquIt !;I • '- • 08 t5obwa rtz, Teleph ooe day 01 nlBbt. aad Anohor . _ _ _...._____. _ - - tonhole , 'and .fterw ard ellt. tbem by oqtting off my tRU. And finally AUSTRIA TO BUILD AIRSHIPS - - -... ~ ~ Valley phone No, ,. LoDK Aa • matktr of . fact, a numbe r of ob, my master , when · my HER HANDICAP nseful Distanc e No. 6~1~. It Saved' Hille l . fiower eareba bituall yeateo . . Cloves strengt h 18 gone, do ~ot turn ~e Tbe fire' AUltrh D airahlp 000. "-rou eay you won your hueban "Ali tboQgb ' I'd JOlla my leg," o"perll. oa~Uflowera and . ~rtlcho d kes · ont to stRrve or freeze, nor sell me atruotl on compa ny baa jus' w~i" J A. l!:lwan18n,of Watert own, a1'e all flowers , or pa.rtl' formed woad_ g & 12 gradua ting Rown?" WAYNESVILLE. ()HI~ 0(\ fiower!J, to lomeorne~ owner to be 81'o'!"ly tor• witb ' &. capital of 800,000 kDonen, WII" "Tea , ..n of eczema , thiR berore the bl088om8 have hI did." expand ed. tnred nnd 11 dooton oould starve<l io .death, bnt do aDd it i8 nndere tood that I the war Branch Offiee, Harve",b1ll'l. O. oU.... hact a~ "Bow romant ic I I auppoeo you IMt laid &De up. not ''l'beD BuoJllen'" . , • - •. tboo, my mlU~ler, take my. I: f e i n o.01oe la Immed iately placing Anaie. Malve oured I', fOQG~ and an or· are very happy? " " . The Lath of a Fiend tbe klnd08~ .way, Ilnd your God will der f.or a dirlglb le. Tbe oon8\1tu. "Oh, yea. But 'he 12 gown was well. i, Iufallib le 'ol"8kl u Erupt,lo nl, would ,have been about .. we! ')ot;ue reward vo~ here and hereaft ar. You ,tlon of 'be oompa iloMma , t"~l' ~beum, BoUI, ),ever to A. Cooper , ot 08wego , elt.bU lh, N. Y ,a8 will not conside r me irrever ilnt if to the faot 'ha' ny i. largaJr due an awfnl preced ent the etrorM of tbe I've fOUDd. ft· & ....; BurD•• 8oaldR, OUts and PileI, "merO ii688ln ng rKoking kdies , Sa•• _ , ad oougb that I uk ttlis in the name of B'~ who goverD ment 1 •• obtain a dirigib le 31ie a' Fred C. Bohwa rt.. dflfied .n ' remedi es for yel\ra . , .It; WIlS brlrn In [\ st,able. Amen. Style by leadiq McCall'. " from .Genna ny during 'be recent ,~========== wal moe' troubl~eo ue at night,". ==~ Mqui.a e aDd U.inr Mc~11 P~ttel'Dl . he wrl"l, I'notbln g hel~d me till "I• • • • • • • • • •II!I~I . '- • oriel. failed. . .. M.can·......., •• will I. . lUlled Df. King'e New Discovery. BI~ Polson MSGoUL:5 .:tAG.U\H£ hoh, yrou drtm 81yl· - • • whioho uredme oomple tely. Inev.. Isl,ly UL a DlodOJ1lI0 ' 111 prev~nted by .. " OXPOIISO by k o oplll!: , . . . . er cougb '. ' night now." . MUllon~ Be1\'s Anti-Pa lo '\0 applyin g Dr. 80reE y. ..ofThre~Y. .ra8tMc ttna ootll, sor,,\ob y u " [Hl ll l d Oil lbo es oured. MIlS Effie Faulku er, Ne~ '1... MorrUl .t.v~v.. kDow .w matobl8ll8 merit for stob ' "nd bruilles U d8lltroYII Itl l o.~ L ra s h Ions In all septlo. Ou'le, P"" writea (: J o U,P~ 11111.1 bats. : . 8utb6l' . C91u~.bU" '0. 00 la ..d 8 b9rn culM! obitlua~ . oough8, sore 'ml\Uer enahles 'he wonnd l\ IlW F(lshlon Dllllllflla ' '0 heal liAale ,Eye Salve oared me of a oue . ..... . lunge lagl1pp e, lIethm" , hemorr hage. In ollub Issuo. . AIJIO . t Be 8ure to get of flore ertla of three year. s~ndiDg. . IfAtll~" C~~tlo. II.~I .~ola. ~o~~d:: oroop, whoo,p lnr oough, 0 ha,fev er ~th:ll Yllhh,bl0 lufoMnalt o'n ':oren888. 1 oheerfn llv recomm end " to aD'Y or m•. , nil nil homo alld pIlr· :I),~id It ..-elleves qpi.,kly.,and never fans t o ' . 111>11111 . ._ mattei'll. Only • one in. oeed 01 euob a remedy . , . ,.~=b:~r~bR~'J' aSeo\e4. ,~ . . . ,Mtldy •. • 'tr.aloo.~vlo~. uO<!,.~ 00 60c a .y'oar. Includlllg I1t filulhlt ' rl\&ht ~1/)'.:'6, t couln. ~ b~. .trial , bott.~e a free putWrn. .. _ • _ _ • _ _ _._ IICrlbe ·today Sub· or 110111.1 free. ' ~1'OIil .' tb.ln~rn~ '''a' lJ. w" '.• ~ guaw:~n~ ~y .J!'r.edI~ 8 pOIIt1v,el~ UNCLE SAM"~ HUMAN HIN~ES for free ..DIllIe coPY. , ~" &"",ar t". 'Must· PrOtect Marine Animals .ta"~4 ,,!n.·. ~ru.UOll J"~'" Mcc.a , __ will en'able JOU ..:, malll! In JOllr . ~;". -=~.. -

• • • .•




M oo re 's Ra nd e

en y

Notice the 'Glass Oven Door and Many Othel~ Conveniences

..----- -

J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville. Ohio.

c. w.

1847 Rogers


Sn er ware











~\'r ,'" _Ylr,.

11,.., ta:Uf





. Famous Silverware

c:! Un."

.. r.·.· ,'4!r8'

bn.~. I~pr~.v

.~ .t~4UW ..iii. 1 IXll~~ne4 " I.,. p~i'IO'oi.~ .!'t~ . pr\,noun~84 I&t~F .~r'" .Ii lur. or Ito . . . I !.fott !MUer. , .... ,." eyer '41d" lIavlli* .. ~lne4 .Ol/.e"; , .t , 'l"0un4,.. i 1m ao.• ·· ~.o.,!,'n. ' 04 , .

:' ' heyer. c.....· »ra'IInc. t-:ature'" CI;C&

,.' •.


\. .

O'P\ oUO" IN' HE'AD OF SHEEP . . ' . .



, own bome. wllb' yourown baodl, clCiUllue' ror yount\Jr aud .c blldren whlcb will be Perleet · In 8LyIO...f\.ull ft.'" , ··prlc_no uo.hlebe1; Ulan 16 conts. _nd·for /lee E.Uern Cala~. ~ t ........ ..... for' (Ie"lna acrlptlon s a1ll0nr your ta'iundl. ~lbl!:t"IIIii-: l'remlum Clua)orue. and ub P.rl.. 0..,.tee'\



m licoou_m, mllzeW.imr . ,. . .. I





urcmCUL~S ..



Statement of Beauty Doctor I May Have Been True, but It 'was I Not Gallant, LADIES' WAiST. William F . Oldham, bishop of Sing· apor , talked at a dinner, on hl8 last visit to New York, about missionary work. "A certain type of man," he saId, "goes about declaring that we domInant races civilize the savage out of exlstence-that we do lhem harm Instead of good, "Well , as a matter of tact. It tbese cavaliers knew what 1 Imow about some tribes, they would speak less confidently. ' Some tribes are so debased that to do them anything but good would hardly be possible. They are, In fact, just 1\lle the ugly- woman who vlal'ted the benuty doctor . "This woman was ugly In every tea· ture, but her nose was particularly ugly, That, no doullt, was why ahe desired the beautY doctor to ' begin on It. .. '1 am willing: IIbe said, 'to pay you liberally. doctor, but I deman<1 [n return substantial results. We wUI atart with my nose. Cnn you guarantee to make It Ideally 'beauUfulT' "The doctOT. after looldng attentive: . ly at ~he 'Yoman's ' nose. replied: "'Well, madam, I can't _say as to Ideal beauty, but a nose llke youl'1l I couldn't help Improving if .l hit with a mallet.'"


"Th 1'C'S a ladd er oll!lng towarll m , nnll I sh.rnnk Intn the bll sh s. Jt WII S G rtrud e. gOing chu te, MillS IUlle ," up tbat tlSht 1 c.a u't 1tI0\' It, and 1 un It quickly towa rd I h hOlls. [ w us s llrprls d . I wulted unt il she didn't 1111 to ask r I' help until 1 spoke A. . hnd hnd tlm t:l to get almost to the to you." hOlls b fore I s tnrtl'd . And then 1 It was uscless to III s mble; Mnry JUWTI?ATIf!/'IJ BY 1<..,.y~/rlF''Y' stepp 'd llack aga in Into tlle s hadows. Anne kncw now as we ll as ,J did thnt .,.,_ _ ." _--Jew.. ~ Th e r nson why Gerlrud e llad not the ladd er had no lluslness to be k >Jll ' h l' tryst was evld nt. L nulng th re. 1 did tb best I auld, how· a muz m nt. "1 will make out the SYNOPSIS, on lhe pnm pct of th . brid ge In lhe \' er. J pu t her on the d fenslve at e ll ck. Warner can take yOU ' down to th c noon tra in ." tI.!i1l lnn II. IIpln sler Illlli suo rrll a n ot nlOonli;:;ht, and sU10ltlng n pille, wos once. D,' rt rutl c nn(l lI u l::wy, PJl l lllJlI ~ h tld "ununcr Lhldy's face wus .r eally funny . I x, lhe gil I'd n 1'. I could have "Th n you lIldn't lock th e Illundry _ (1(J (jua r lf' I'A ul StltlUYd 'tl l'. ' l' h!' ,..(' r " n ulS "You'll have a nice time at your , t!OI," ' 1, (; ,,·true! a,"1 .H ll lsey un'lve wll It thrott! d Liddy for her al' IC!lsness last night?" l oi'l, I lIiley. 'L'h o h OIl St' WU R a w ,lk IW II by In reading the torn nota wher !; I!l t el" s," r w nt on . "],'Ive ch ildren, be " I 10('1 1 d It li ght. nnd \lut tit key A I'Il V( 1,·(,1' Rllot nntl Arnold Armstrong hasn't s he?" And I cou ld cheerfully In the kHeh 11 on It s nnll." InlS !otllid 8 hot t o dl·allt In th· h u ll. Mis" could heul'. f on s found 'll n IH"Y'S rE'volver o n thl' have choked Alex to death for his "That's It," Liddy said, suddenly "Very well , Ulen you forgot a win, .lawn. lie and Jac k nnll y hac! alsnpburs ting Into tears.' "Send me away, ,, 'ared. G rlrud r vealed lhllt she was audacity. dow." .n.ragoo to Jack B,tlloy, with whom sh aft I' all th ese years, and your new Dut there was no help for It ; I Mary Anne hesitated. talk d In tho billiard I'oom shortly hcforo "Yes'm," she snld at last. " I thought s hawl only half done, and nobody the Dlurd r. Dete live Jamieson accused turnf)d and follow ed Gertrude slowly Was Inn s of h o ldln~ bsck vidence. He ' I locked them a ll, bllt there was on e Imo\\'ln' how to fix the water for your ImprIsoned an Intrud r In nn empty room . back to the house. bath." 'fhe frequent Invasions of the house open this morning." rhe prlsonor eacapoo. Oertrude WIUI 8US"H's time I leurned to prepare my 41e ,tt!d b~use ot nn Injured toot. Hs l- had effectUally ' prevcnted any r laxa· I went out or tho room and down *y reappenra and sa.ys he nnd Dalley l!ro all d away by a tclc§:'am. Cl1sbler tton after dusk. 'Ne had redoubl ed our th e hall, fo llowed b}' Iary Anne'. The own bath." I was knltUng complac nUy. Dut Gertrude got up and ,put alley nf PAul Armalrong 8 banI<, d ~ 'Iuct, was arrested tor c m ~z zl orno nl. vigilance as to bolts and window· door Into the cloth es hute was se· her orms around Liddy's shaking aU I ArrnHtrong's death was ul\nounc d. locks, but, as MI'. Jamieson bad sug· curely boltcd, and when I opened .It shoulders. 8 1s y's t\ n ee J.JOulso Armslrong, told gested, we a ll owed the door at t he alsey that whlie she stili loved hIm, sh e east eutry: to r main as before,' locked 1 saw the evidence or tho woman's "You are two big b~bles," she said All Beama AUow~ ,-1t seems I.m· ladder had been stor)'. A pruning Was to marry another. It dev lOlled tha t Or. WalkoI' was th mnn. Loulso WIlR by the Ya le lock only. To provide only brought from wher It had lain soothingly. "Neith er one of you O{)uld po~alble this season to flnd a dressy found R.t the bottom ot tho cIrcular 6 10.11'- one possible entrance fo r the Invad er, agaInst the stablEi and now stood up- get along for an bOllr without the oth- waist without a yoke, We show a 'modcas. Recovering COnB 10ullno88, Bhe 68.ld ,omcthlng had brushod by h e r on the aud to keep a constant guard In th e right In the clothe!! s haft, Its end rest- er. So s top quarreling and be good. el which may have It or' not, as pre·,tnlrwo.y and IIhe tainted. BaJley III eue- dark at the foot of the clrclliar stair- Ing against the wnll between the first Liddy, go rIght up and layout aunty'. ferred. The yoke Is there, but It is Rocted of Armstrong's murder. A Cler nlgbt things. Sbe Is going to bed present as a facing, not cut out as 'eeeing 8. ghoat," Thomas, the lodgekeep- case. seemed to be tb e only method . an d second floors. early." .. r, was toun4 48ad with 0. slip In hili In the majortty of models. The rest The Styll.h Flanennan, 1 In the absence of the de tective, tur.oed to Mary. ;poeket boarlng the name of "Lucien WalAfter Liddy had gone I began to Df the watst Is In tbe modified GlbSOD One of the guests of a I fU8h ,onable lace." Dr. Walker Il8ked Miss Innes to Alex and Halsey arra nged to change "This Is due to you r carele'saoess," 'n cnte In favor of Mrs. Armst.rong, Sho off, Halsey to be on duty from ten to I said. "If we had all be n murdered think a.bout the men at the stable, and style, with tucks at the shoulers, fotm· summer r esort In Wellt V)rglnla got .retused. A noto from Ball i)' to Gortrud , ,urtLnclng a meeting at DlgQt "sa tound. two, and Alex from two until s ix. In our beds It would have been your I «rew more and more anxious. Hal· ing a panel front and back. The novel hlmselt up In his best fiahlng togs and Each man was armed, and, as an ad- fault." She shivered. "Nbw, not ~ sey wat aimlessly knocking the bll· sleeves are of three-quarter length. a started along a certain , mountain CHAPTER XXI-Co"Unued. ditional precaution, the one off duty word at this through the house, and liard balls arollnd In the bilLiard room. Jr0up of tucks at the Inllide of the el- stream. bow and providing a little fullnells. and I called to him, Meeting a native. he asked: "Here, ' slept tn a room n ear the head of the s od Alex to me." "Halsey," I said when he sauntered The sleevea are ftnlshed wIth a turn- my good m.a n! Kindly tell ma whether ,"Grossmuttet'," he ,sald. And I saw ci rcular staircase and kept his door The effect on Alex was to make him Mr. JamIeson's eyebrows go up. apoplectic with rage, and with It all I In, "Is there a policeman In Casa· back cuff of fancy shape. The paitern It would be worth my while to try open, to be r eady for emergency. , (6090) Is cut in IIlzes 32 to 42 Inches fiahing in this .vIcinIty." . "German," he commented. "Well, ' fanci ed there was' an element of satls- nova?" These arrangements were carefull y "bung man, you ' dOIl't seem to know kept fj'om the servants,.. who were only taction. As I look back, so many , "Constable," he said laconically. bust melUlure. To make the waist in The native regarded him IIcornfully. Cle medIum IIlze wlll require 2 yard. "The ft.8hln' ain't good," be finally said. , muoh about yourself." commencing to sleep at night, and things are plain to ine that I wonder '~veteran .of the war, one arm; In of. , "I've tried It all the week," Mrll. who reUred, one and all, with barred I could not see at the time. It 1.9 all fice to conciUate the G. A. R. element. ,of material 36 lncbes wide, ' "but' I ain't Informed as to how YOIl Tate broke i.n . "Tho boys knows a doors and lamps that burned full until known now, and yet the whole thing Wh,!" To procure tbla ~ttern lIen4, 10 cent. your time,"-Llpplncott'a word or two of German, but he doesn't morning. "Because I am uneallY 'tonight" to "PatteTn DflpaJtment," of thle paper. was so remarkable that perhaps my Write name and addreu plainly. and be know ·where he lived, or anything And I I told him what Liddy had lIald. eure t" Jtlve III.. and Dumber of pattern. The house was quiet again Wednes· stupidity was excusable ... abOut himself." day night. It was almost a week since Alex leaned down the chute and ex- "Is there anyone you can think of Mr. Jamieson wrote something on a Louise had encountered some one on aml.n ed the ladder caretully. who oould be reUed on to watch tbe 8lZ1I••• ; ••••••••••••• NO. 5090. card and· sayo tt to her. "It Is' caught/' he said with a grim outside of the' house to-night?" the stairs, and it wal! four days since "Mrs. Tate,'" he . said, "I want you the discovery of the hole 'In the trunk- smtle. "The fools, to have left a 'We might get Sam Bohannon (rom NAMEI ...... ~ •••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••. to ~o 80mething. Here is some money room wall. ' Arnold Armstrong and warning llke that! The only trouble the olub," he said tbou.btfUlly. "It ror the ' telephone .call. The'. Inljtant his. father rested side by side In the 19, Miss Innes, t hey won't be allt to wouldn't be a bad. soheml!'. JIe'1 a TOWN ...................................... . the boy'a mother appears here, call up Casanova chu.rchyard, and at the Zion come back for a while." smart darley, and with hie moutb shut frraE_E T AND ·NO.. ..................... ! ' . that number and ask for the person ~Ican church, on tbe hill, a new "I shouldn't regard that In the light a~d hil shirt-front oov-ered, you could'4Ithose name Js there. You can run mound marked the last testlng·place of a calamity," I ' repUed. . n t see him a yard off In the dark," ftA~ .•.•.••••••••••••••••••• - •••••• - .... 'lcroas to the drug state on an errand ot poor Thomas.' Halaey conferred ' with Alex, and Until late th.a t evenlns Halsey and ad do It Q~letly. ,JUB,t eay, 'The lady Louise was ' w\tb ber mother In Alex worked at the chute. They the reeuIt, In an hour, wal Sam_ Hla . , /has come.''' town, and, beyond a pqllte note of iorced down t~e ladder at last, and Instructions were simple. There had LITTLE BOY'S S~IT. . .. 'The lady has come,''' repeated thanks to me, we had heard nothing How Lightning Splits Trees, put a new bolt on the'door. As, for been numerous attempts to break Into 'Mrs, Tate. "Very weU, sir, and I hope from ber. Dr. Walker had ta.ken up myselt, I e,at and wondered if I ' had the bouse; it was the tntention, not ~ LIB~tnlng makes treel explode, like It' .... m be aoon. The mUk bill alone bis practice a.gain, and we saw him a deadly eoemy, Intent on my desh-uc- to drive Intruders away, but to capovercharged boUers, The flame of the Is almost double what It was." ture them. U Sam IJIlW anything susUghtnJng does not burn them up, no;' now and then flying along the. r.oad, Uon. "How (much Is the chUd's board '" I always at top speed. The murder of the electrlo flash split 'tbem like r wall KrOwlng' more and more n en- picloull outside, he was to tap at the .skeeL aL' The bolt ftows through Into all ~rnold Armstrong was sUll' unavenged, oue, Liddy had given up all ·pretense eaat entry, whel:e Alex and Hallie, "Three doUars a week, lilcludlng ·hlll and t r emained flrm In tlie position I at bra.very, and slept regula!ly In ,my were to alternate In keeping watch the damp"lnter8t1ces of the tnmk and f' <washing.'" . Into the. hollows under Ita bark. All had taken-to stay a~ Sunnyside until dressing room on the couoh, with a through the night. "Very wen," I said. "Now, · ¥rs. the thing was at least partly cillared: and a game knife tram As before, Hall'ley 'watched the east the moisture at 'once Is turned Into ~ate• .r Bm going ' to pay last week's steam, wbtch by ita Immediate exploAnd. yet, . for all Its quiet, It was on the kitchen 'under her pillow, thu!! pre- entry from ten untn two. He had at !board and a week In IItdvlUJce. It the Wedneilday nt«ht that perbaps tbe PlU'lng for both the natural and' the eye to· comfort, and be kept nln In a ilion rip. open the tree. For. centuries • ,mother comes she la to know nothing boldest attempt was made to enter supernatural. That: was the way heavy oak chair, very large and deep, th1. simple theory puzzled scientists. tOr this Vialt~bsolutelY' Dot a word, the house, On Thursday afternoon things stood that Thursday night, We went upstairl rather early. and but they have got In-rtght at lut. and, In l'eturn for your silence, you the laundress sent word ahe would when 1 myself took a hand in the through the open ' door GertrUde and 1 Illay use this money tor--i!bmethlng like to speak to me, and I saw her In struggle. kept up n running fire of converllatlon. Mrs. Hend,raon'e Waist. for your own children." Liddy was hrushlng my hair and Ge/t my private sitting room, a small room Mrs. Henderson lan't going to wear ' Her tired, faded face llJhted up, and beyond the dressing room. , trude was dolns her own, with a long CHAPTER .XXIII, that llretty 'wbite wailt ot h~rs again, ( SRW her glance at the lltUe Tates' fr~~ sweep of her strong, round arms . Mary Anne was embarras.ed. Sbe because It came from the ""uh all .s mall , feet ~ Shoes, I dl-vlned-tho feet ' Did you know Mrs. Armstrong and rolled dOwn her sleeves and tried 's treaked ~d spotted .by the rosin that While the Stable. Burned. . ot the genteel Poor being almost as ex- ahadwhite Louise are in t. h e vlllage?" she called. About nine o'clock thatnlgbt Liddy apron around her waist, and was In the common reUow lIoap. pensive as their ' stomactis: ' "No/, I replied, startled. "How dlel I!he stopd making folds In It with fln- came Into the living room an~ reU Mrs. Henderll()U wuY bave tt, As we went back Mr. Jamleeon gerl that wer~ red and shiny from ~er ported that one of the housemaids de- you hear It?" ..' wasbed again with EalY r Task loap. ~ade only one remark; ' I think he soap-suds. "I met the oldest Stewart girl tOo olared she had ' seen tw.o men sUp wbich hu no J'OJIn In tt to streak Ilnd ~all laboring under the .welght ot a "Well, Mary." I said enc0lj:raglnsly, ar~und the corner of the ' etable, Ger- day, the dootor's daughter, and she rot the 'fabrlce; ten to one It will look creat disappOintment, "what's tlle matter? Don't 'dare · to trude ha"d been sitting staring In front told me they had not «~,.. baok to like n~w. Easy Task does wondera' . '.' Is KIng's a' chUdren's outfitting teU me the soap Is nut." of her, jumping at every sound. Now town arler the fVllezoal. They went ·dl. for the clothel and ~or the women who 1I111ce 1" he asked. ' rectly to that llttle ,ellow bouse next "No, ma'am, Miss Innes." She had she turned on Liddy pettishly. wort. Coats no more.than poor 8oa.,., "Not especially. It Is a seneral de- a nervous habit ot looking first at my to Dr. Walker's, and are apparently "I declare, Liddy," she said, "you /letUed there. They took the houlfl All Seams Allowed.-To keep tbe Ute llartment store." , one eye and then at the other, her are a bundle of nerves. What If Eliza tie ohap clean aU' the time requires a Be8t men are aIded out of faulta.He was allent after that, but be ·own optics shifting ceaselessly, right did see some men arounil the 'stable? furnished for the summer." "'~hY, It's a bandbox," I aald. " peat many SUlt8, and while there does Bhakeepeare. ' · went to ~he telephone as soon as we eye. left eye, right eye, until I found ~t may have been Warner and Alex." can t Imagine Fanny Armatrong tn Dot 8eem to be the variety of designs I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= cot home, nnd called up King &: Co. In myselt doing the same thing. "No, "Warner II in the kJtchen, miss," such a lllaoe." to select from tor the boys, u ' for the city,. ma'am . .1 was asklo' did you want the Liddy Said with dignity. "And If you "It'll true, neverthelells. Ella Stew. prIll, the one · here sbown til exceuent..IORTH Atter a time he got tbe general ladder left up the clothell chute?" bad come through what I have, you art say~ Mrs, Armstrong hal aged ter. 'for tlie small boy, as It Is easy to ,la.un',' manager, Ilnd they talked tor some "'fhe what?" I s~reeohed, an~ "faa would be a bundle of nerves, too. Miss rlbly, and : looks aa If she Is hardl)' der, or It can. ·be made up In w:oolen • ' , ; ;.. , t ime. Wb'en Mr. Jamieson, hung "up material, just as effectively, " .The . ' sorry ' tbe . next m!.oute, Seeing her Rachel, I'd be thankful if you'd give able to walk," the recelvor he turned to me, suspicions were verified, Mary Anne' me my, month's wages' to-morrow, lin I lay and thought over some ot trousers are the hickel'·1 "'l'h~ plot thickens," he said with be 'going to my sister's." . ' ." , ' his ready smUe: "There are four had gQne white, and , stood with ' her . "Very well," I said, to her evident theso things unUl m.l dnlght .. Tbe eleCo' backer style, whlle' the btouaebaa . trlc lights went out then fadl I coat closing at the tront, and a women named Wallace at King's, none eyes shifting more'WUdly than ever. ly until there was only ~ red-:~t sl~"; ~x plait at the center-baok, the sl~ves, of them married, and Done over 20. ' 1 ,to be seen In ~he bulbs, and then even are tucked at the hand. and ,the sailor . ' t hink 1 ehall go up to the city to-nJght. that died away and we were embarked collar and shield alwa,Y,s makell an I want to go to the Children's hospital. on the darkness of a th '1 ht attractive finish to a boy s garment. A . But before I go, Miss 'Innes, I wish you (TO BE CON~~U~Dn) g ' waist b~ack will pateQt leather bert about the' . '. .. . "" 'Would be more frank wltb me than _______ ' add greatly to the genel'~ you have been yeL I want you to Condemns Sunshine , Fad, effect. The pattern (6101) Is cut ,11& . sbow me the revolver you picked up A well:known medical man COil. slz.e s 2, 4 and 6, years. To make·.the lin the tulip bed." demns emphatically the form ,6f va'nl- garment In ·the medium· tilze will \ re. So he had known all alo,ng! c ,' .' ty that leads ,people on theIr holiday. Quire 2 yards of material 1i6 Inohes ~~S ' "It was a revolver, Mr. Jamieson," J to do their utmost to' get sunburned. wide with ~ yar4 contrastln& 'material 01 ... admitted , cornere'd at last, "but 1 can;:Workers In .c Ity,. offices," .h e lIaYl, , 2.7 ,nches wide. ' . '.' . · wa~, ~ uot s how it to you. It is not In my who go Into ,the country or to the To Ilrocu're t.hlll plLtteJ:tl lIend 10 ' eenta,, \·,tll1rcIUA:b Life andiuttereCl llossesaion." seashore ' tor ~nlY one or two weekJI to ,lpattern _DeplLrtment." ot thill' paper, will deliberately sit about hatlesll In Write name and · o.ddrellll plainly, andl be CHAPTER XXII. the blazing sun, so that they' DIIlJ' aure to Klve llize and JlUqlbflr oi patt81'Q.' eOIT.e back 100kJng .brown and healthy, A L.adder Out of Place. SIZE••• , ......: ......... As often as not this practice 'wlll send NO At dinner Mr. Jaml son suggested t~!!m hom'e far less fit for work, than . ~ . 5101 s endi ng n Ulan out In his 1)lace {or a t~ey were when. the y started, for' NAl41D ••••• :.... ~,••~ •••••••••••• •........ ••• •· ('au pie of day!!. but Hal sey was cereven If ,one escapes sunstroke the efTOWN •••••••••: ••••••••••••• - ...... .... ~ . !. tain tb ero would be notbing more, fe?ts 6f the s'u n's rays upon ' the un· and felt that he and Al x could manSTllEET AND !(O~ ..... ; ........ : ..... :' covered .he~d . are very '. bad. The; age the situation. Th detecllve went w.tlJ cause 'd lzzlness, !leadache, na1.1sea '. . ' '. 'nnd loss of appetite and will often up.8TATE .....................~ .'~ ................ .. bucle to town carly in the evening, a nd by nine o'clock Halscy, who had been set the digestive System tor tttany ... .. _ _.......:'-'--_____ playing gOIC-ns a Ulan docs anything 4ays. There ar. e ways o~ avoiding the ~. ' ,. ' for ,Match. Beat Wood needed to take hIs mind away [rom troublemore serious effects ot the sun b'tv ~ the makJng of the match It III neilWIlf! sl e ping soundly on tb big lonlhpersonally ,.. I" wo'u,ld advJse the' 'clU " ~o " ~b~tli the best · grade ' or' er davenport in the living room, dweller who 'must bave a brown face No, lap w.OOd. no knotty-or erosi. ' I sat and knitted, pretending not to to sUlln it , wl.tli walnut jillce and Wear grained timber. Is utlllzed .by th~ hlln, notice when Ger trude got up and wana ·l)road·brlmmed · bat 'lIlte a sane aD&! d.·red,s of .fa,ct~rlel in this count':" , ·"'at· I · Il~.~.D, ..~ralll1teJlLlle. der d out Into tha stllrll ght. As soon sensible' .tn'dlvldual." .' . ., LU . .'c' ar~ b~l!lly enga&e!i In · turninJ 'out I; as I was satisfied thllt. she had gone, .. ' '\ ~a~lng -Him' .G~. . . \ ~~.~o" " '.' " however, ~ went out cautiously. I bad , "I don't . 'thln~ ·. I shall go ~to tal ' no -Intention of eaveao.droPP,!ng, bllt 1 poker., party to,nf.ght ~t .. • . :. 'J " I, ~ ~It Wrote :~or ·Informatlon. , ':wanted to be ccrtl.iin that It :was jack ·' '''' B on~ of .tJ;ui·. ~ue"t;,tbjnka ·'Pu· J. "Didn't , Y,?u fid~·c~S very dlfn~ult to I3ailey ·s h.e was meeting. 'roo many . set,.tnw commupicatlon wIth aU yo~r have 40ne fol' qliJte a\\llllle." ." things bad ' In whloh Ger· '. : "Jinx 'o'we'a me.' ,5 ~blcb 'lIe waa 'ttI relatives!" i 'asked the toan who~hal " tl'ude was, or· appeared to be, t'nvolved, PlI,f me a~ , the partr ' J~n~lbt, .an'l· I just tlnJahed: wrJUn& bls tam~ly hla to allow anYthing , to be left In .queswhich I hall decided to gtv, to )OU to \or~. '. . tion. ..: .' . go sl.\opplns Wltb ., but I am realty ~ "No;'· be 'answered, uJt was i&a ealt 1 went ,!lowly ·across the lawn sklrtir'ld to go Qut; 'guesa I'll let It gb tb..- u caltlng chlck~nll; lS'ut I fear .thl d tbe hedge, .tn': a· .break not far' from ( Ume," . ,'" . . meth,od f ,~~pI~yed wu not sta1ctb tbtt ' lqdge. and (ound myself on the . ~'Tbat, II JU8t JI~e yoU I .It.... above b(JaJ'cl: . '.. ODen f oad. Pe.rh~pli 10~ feet to the anythln, 10U wlUl~ed ~o "0 you _ouW' .''Wba.t dld', YOll' dot.. ( 'ukec! 1Vltb lect th., ''pat« 1~ across ,the valle)" to . Ifl) ,In a ml,.. u~e. b~t wben it' l••om• .lhoused cm:loatU', tile eountt.1. j:)lub; and . o~ly a little ~lJlo. for ,olil' "'ife rou .... tOo ifft!dl .·I~ .ot th~ p*,pera to p.ubllsh olr the ~oot-bt~dge Qver .You Will 1O that ~1ter • tic. ~at Lbel d,8cl a mlJUUdalre "ut Just u t WAS about ;, allill Gr' ,ell w~""" fniD oat 1dD.,; ·~, npUe4. ·. . dOWIl u..e.'r>atb l ' b~d . atop. , . ,


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Duri~g Cbange c;tf ·LHe, Mrs. ebBs. 'Bar · y







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the Most Needed UCensifs on Ar arms Is One That Wlll Destroy Injurious PlantsHome-Made DeVice Shown,

1111111111111111111111111111111111" .. 111 .. &111111111111111111111111111 ~

Jil-READING today "The ,. Ballad at Reading Oaol," , . an. old wonder about In the "dry farmIng" movement of weeds was a farm wb ere not a men's errors I obtruded_ whlcll has tuken bold In t.he c entral weed .was to be seen. Th grain was ' And the wonder got me and weste rn parts or Canada and the ripen Ing pure and tree from tbe n· In sermonlz1ng mood- United States, summer tIIlag • or sum- croachmeot of the enemy. Th e Slimsermonizing. as I conceive ' the word's mer tallow, has b en given a Ia.rge mer fallow, 200 acres In ext nt. was largeNt meaning, being result at the place. ThIs makes it an Important clean and smooth and laos • ready mind's free play, soul·gOsSlp, - and ab- question to hav Borne suitable Imple· with Its 'store of mois ture to start tbe lIolute fairness with oue's sel!' above me nt ·to keep uown the weeds all the new crop suc essfully Illong Its all. surmounting all. absolute fairness Bummer fallow. The accom panying growth. I naturollr stopped and mnde with ono's self, writes the Rev. A. B. illus tration shows a simple dev ice Inquiries as to Ihe me~bod 8 tiS d by _ ·B ealle. And It Is this interplay and wblch Is descrlbeu by Prot. J. O. the owner which brought s uch spl nexchange at fact and fancy with those Hogen son. Agronomist, Utah Agricul- did r esults so vastly Ililferent from bls "Lady. can youse give superiors, equals, Inferiors we know tural college. Sp{'aklng at It 111 the ne ighbors. The own r s milingly I d gasoline?" rhat ultimately shapes one's creed 0' Dry Farming Congress Bullelln. h~ me out to tb e Implement sbed wh ra "Fer the land's sake ! You don· t 1Itt'. don·t yoU think? be poInted to a borne-made impl me nt drink gasoline, do your' says: " 0 . lady. I wants ter clean me '....... We must all be preachers nnd No subject Is of great r Inte rest to nnd said : "Th is is my harro w. my listeners too-the noblest and mean- the arid farme r of today tba n the se- disc. my le vel er and m~ weeder. It ,loves wit it." ~8t at us must give ourselves upmust hear and tell aU that seems good STUNG BY BASE INGRATITUDE ond lair to us. And we cannot stop 'the growing and becomhig, The new Bowery DenIzen Seemingly Had Right truths of other men thnt press for to ·Be Indignant at Old Frlend'lI trial, whether we find them lact or Attitude. fable,. In so far as they concern us, must be heard. _ "You remember dat . guy, Jim I It was at blindness I sermonlzed Burlce?" asked an Irate Bowery deni'w ith myself. And some stray notes 1 zen. "He's dat stiff dat's doln' time made for you, my neighbors; some up der rlver- Slnr: Slng- bolgJaryiftotsam and jetsam found at the daTI! ten ye.ars. Well. you know al1 I done end-some tallylnga I found true. fe r dat sUff. Wben he was plnched The condition at physical blindness dldn't I put up der coin for der lawmight not be 11 miserable one If, back yers? Didn't I pay der witnesses? ot tb4\! poor, unse«\lng e1es a thinking , Sure I did. De odder day I t'lnks I'll braIn wa!' not sure that somewhere just go. an' see dat mult just t' leave oUler men knew the Intimate comhim know his frlen' B oln't tied de radlng with sunlight nnd the gUsten can on ·Im. So I drives out to d' jail of dew. I fan cy It Is this . knowledge and goes Into d' warden's office and he that blanches the faces at blind men; says ] gotter m.e card In. Me not so much the enforced. exile from card! D' yet get dat? Wel1, anyway, the bright day. as kno-wlng how fait I writes my name on a pIece o' paper it Is. Not the burt of the darkness, an' a guy takes It Into Jim Burke. an' but the hurt at the light. which em· BorilOOla1 Plan. what: d' you t'lnk dat stlrr te)IB' dat brnces nil so tenderly nnd lovl~ly, guy to tell me?" "nd may not b~ seen. ' . "I've no Idea." sold the listener . Pltfful Object Lellon. "He tells hIm ," concluded the angry Ollcnr Wilde had visIon-saw and one, jot' tell me dat he aln't In! "Elevation c.1 Back. h eard ftowers nnd blrd·spng-yet. From Success 1\fagazlne. 'Wlthai damned hlmBelf ' 60 utterly In Home-Made Weed ExtermInator. men'S eyes. ' One at the outcasts himIN AGONY WITH ECZEMA aelf, by hlB own and past's makIng; curing of Impl ments particularly Bult- Is the only thing tho.t I use Ii. , ... that Readln~ prison gave him text lor ed to his needs, Implements that will plo(vlng my land until 1 seed It the ''l'jo tongue can teU how I suffered a sermon of massive sco~e nnd In· his soil in the best possible con- following autumn. I have used It now' tenSity. 0, but· the trIal men hurt dition for the rapId growth ot his fo r eight years and you see t he re- tor five years with itching and bleed· 'wilde-hurt him Intensely! Were crape. sults. My' land was just like my In&- eczema, until I was cured by the Cuticura Remedies, and I am so gratethey right? I do not know, for he 'One of tbe most needed Implements. neighbors' when I began. now I bave soared and· groveled. too-angeled and at least down our way, Is the one that no trouble with weeds because my rna- ful I want the world to know, tor deviled hJs tew years away till Read· wlll, with a small amount of time and chlne destroys them. I have no lum py what helped me w111 belp others_ My ing gaol -l'Ot him In Ita clutches. For labor and a smaller amount at money. or uneven ground. because It pulver- body and face were covered with the man bad vision and was blind too. enable the farm.e r to destroy weeds *zes and levels it. I bave no trouble sores. . One day it would seem to be England wreaked her · vengeance on that are so plenttrul on. Bummer fal- with my , land drylng out, because a better, and then break out again with this unmoral genius; soolety destroyed lowed l~d B . . These weeds. It alloweu perfect mulch Is always formed which the most terrible pain and itching. I have been sIck several times, but blm In Its I!low, heart-bumlng can- 1.0 groW; rob the land at Its valuable conserves the moisture:' . The Implement, as be ha'll It, con- Dev,er In my life did I OlIperlence such sclenc;e fiame. ...And his dishonor and moisture a\ld plllDt fOOd and thull' deshame has been SUbject matter for a stroy the r eal Object f faljowillg, the sists of a rectangle 10 by 4 feet, made awful suffering as with this ecz,ama. I thousand' common men's gTOSI ' o&. conservation of moisture. tecause we of two-Inch planks eIght Inches wide. liad made up my mind that death was well grow B crop of grain as To the under sIde of the lO·foot planks Dear at hand, and I longed for 'that sconttlee (Ince howas cast Into prIson. may Alia , thIs Is wbat I uiean to be the a crop of weeds. J( the princI pal ob· are bolted nlDe knlvell made from time when I would be at reEt I bad mllny different doctors and mediject of summer fallowing Is to con- -% ·Inch steel '24 inches long. 'l'he --41'lft at' my preachment: Humanity Is not made up of two serve Jpolsture, the weeds must be steel Is bent elgbt Inches from one cines wltbout success, and my mother distinct types-the blind' and the 'see- kept down if this purpose Is to be ac- end so that It will drop down behind brought me th CutiCU?8 Remedles, in· complished. 1 bave tra.veled along the plank. The knives are bolted to sisting that I try them. I began to ing-the evil ~d the good, oD1y. Always there are gradatlons-al· weedy fields of grain Bnd fallow land the plank diagonally at an angle of 46 feel better afte.r the first bath with "Ways there Is tbe striving and the trom the eas~ . to' the west and from . degrees by means of lwo .bolts. Tho Cuticura Soap, and one application 'of the north to the south and the ques· bend Is about three Inches deep, Cutlcura Ointment. 10Blng and the winning. "I ·contj.nued witit' the Cuticura Soap tlon 'has therefore come home to me which allows the knives to work that One standard at values . can nut . be v'e ry forcibly : "Can these weeds be distance below the surface or the and -Cuticura Ointment, and have true for. all-not yet. Merciful sociologists are .orel,. destroyed 1" 'l'lIe aVerage farmer wlll ground. The long part of the steel be- taken four bot'les ofCuUcuraResoly8ay, "No, J cannot keep the weeds low the bend Is sharpened on the ent, and consider myself welJ.' Thll 'needed on judges' bencbes. . Until the races at men are preparecl dOWII. 1 harrow and disc and It only front side so that weeds will be cut, was nine years I\go and I have liad for an Ideal anarcby, sucb as Is out· seems to make them grow faster." I thIs blade being about 13 Inches long. DO return of the trouble since. Any lined In the Golden Rule. those men believe that they can be kept down The knives :on the front plank slope person having B'lY doubt about ·thls born Into the world morally bUnd If 'the rIght steps ~ take·n . and weeds to the rig t. while those on the rear wonderful cure by the Cuticura RemeshOUld be- kept dOWn If we have to get plank slope to the lert. This arrange- ' dies can write to my adilres~. Mrs. must have gUides and protectors. ment makes It Impossible tor any Altie Elson. 93 Inn Road, Battle Greefe, Not ' condoners-not pardoners who to do It. One day last year while traveling weeds to be missed, or any Jlart of th,e Mich.,. Oct .. 16, 1909." wlll hearttul11 say, "You have doqe The no wrong thIng. It Is the paU which through one of th.e most w~edy dis- ground to remain unstlrred. Tit for Tat. hal! wronged you." Rather, men' who tricts of the stale at Utah, I sU"ddenly framework levels the land lind crus hes "Miss Blngs," stammered the young know vista, physicians In' the largest came upon a genuine oasis In a desert the clods, while the knives ' destroy "I called all' you last night did I eense, to 'WhODl all hnman llfeshall of wtleds,' a paradise of cleanlhless' the weeds an'd loosen the ground a the depth of three Inobes IlftiHeJ'tB-iIH-='-;"'r -7"" and order as comp: a red with the weedy deonL.!lL.som uUllty-ot ..aomo real an odd question! Ot course, worth to future generations, If wIsely choos surrounding. No wesry trav- perfect mulch. you did," . . eler. In the, great ,Sahara ever gazed dIrected. Save your own tomato seeds-pick"W-w-well. I ~ust wanted to say that Physlchius tor the blind-these are upon a ferUle spot In the desert with Ing out the choicest fruit and see If It I proposed to you I was drunk." they whom the blind races need I Men greater .thanksglvlng than I d.Id upon you cannot Improve every year. "To ease your mind, I will say that who cnn forecast fair deeds in the thIs farm. Here In the midst of a sea If I accepted you I was crazy."-Judge . ... ..................... """"'" ... Jives · of men and women that are be. tng 'hounded to heJJI' at their own Husband. and Houlecleanlng. . 111Ind mnklnR. . The reason a . man wanta to get as Alwayl One White Way. far ,away from home as be can during Some days ago my eomrade sald: hou8eoleanlDg Is that everythIng looks "Tor · me there Is alwa111 one wblte so desperate and It seems as It the way-one real' rlgbt eourse to · pursue work, never would be done. If you tD 811), dllefuma ... • it was truth tor _ ,. woul~ use Easy Task soap the work ber. For an children at the light,. tor wdu1d be over In less time and would all tb'a t come. Into the world Under be done mqre thorougbly. EasY Task ,",Mlous auspIces-for these, too, 18n't Uke the yellow MiPS thnt leave ~ords were truth. But for 'the IIH04 a lot of grease and rOllin beblnd them; and the .babltunUy erring her word I It makes everythIng sweet and clean; -were not' so true. For them there II arid It runs the roaohes away. Conone' way, tpo-liut ~Itbout alternative, fidentially, It Is lUre death to th e "crlt· ISlIael Zangwlll gave me my te'n ; , ters" tbat like to nest In the bedsteads. and I pass It· on to you bUnd .and se. \ ~ hl« ones: (-;. Detected. BLtND. _'\ It was at a Fourth of July meeting Lllu&,hl\'1l'. the bllrid bOYI \ • '.-:---. . fn th,e Uttle city. The mayor. WlIllam Rl,ln JP'Clund "their college 'l awn. Smltb, rose, and at dignIfied lengtb 'Playing 'luct! game" as bluft , Over the dappled graB!'! read the Declaration at Independence. See ·the blind frollceome There was a pause; then tram one Glrll In lilue pln,a forel. ' ,...... at the mayor's old schoolmates came "urilln8" th~lr.. ,.k1J!pln• . ,"opel 1 the loud whisper : "Bill never writ 'H ow ~lIl1 ::llnd rich a ",01'14 ' . that. . He' aln't smart e~ough." '1'hel",' t1» lnhl\hlt III • Sweet scent of trUII a\'1d bloolli ma~m,te.· IFIIJ.d lymphonYl Cool' 1tiuc ot wc.,tern .wlnd, 8unsl,llne'li \dlvlne corees. . ao,," should tlte)' kno1\l or feel '1'hey ~are ·In 'darknealr I :•. ~


Por Infants and Oh1lc1rea.

\Kind You Hava ~ TheAlways ~'BouSht I~


.AYtidable Preparation ror As·

~imi1allng Ihe FoodandRe~ula-

1mB me Stomachs and Bowels of INI" \~

Promotes Dig~;'tion,Chee rrul­

ness and Rest.Conlains neilh~r Opium.Morphine nor Mineral

Bear$ -the Signature'


NOT NAR C OTIC ., .l?tc'iH ."Olr{ O,.SAH.r!.£lH/J'IIGlf ~lrl;' S.",_

;~liJ,"s~/b! 'l' s".tl ".




"",it/ ...

"• • I4S"'~ / _J'ull -




('1."f,,J J'~~~ I Hr~''''''''' 'Flit..,,.,'



' \....


Aperfecl Remedy forCon5l1pa~ lion. Sour Stomach,DiarrhOea,

Worms ,Convulsions . Feveri~h­ ness and Loss OF SLEE~. I



"foe Simile signatu~ oft .~


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For 'Ovar I~irty Years

~CISTORIA ;WESTERN CANADA"S 1,9 10 CROPS Wheat Yield In Many . ~18trlcts Will) Be From 2S to 35 BU!lh~ls Per llcreJ Lo.nd salell and homeat.ea.d entries IncrcMlng. No oe886tloQ In num'hera goIng lrom United) St.o.tes. Wonderful opportunities r emlLln for thOse who Intend making Canada. theIr homel Newdlatrlets belug ~pen od liP tor IIClUl ment. Han7 fanners 1'7111 net. tbl,8 yea.., 110 t.o ,U5 pBl\ lUlU from their wbea~ crop. All the advont.Agell of 0.111 Bettie<! !'ountrles aro there. ooocl 1I<l11001" . churches. s plendid markets, excellent rollway faclUtle... See tho QTaln e,.hlblt at th., dUfereht Slate .lUId lOm e or the County lairs. Letter. " Imllar t.o th e followin g .... 8 N!C1!lved every 1107. testifying t.o .aU.f8oQ\.O,.j conditions; other dls trlet8 aN! 08 favorably spoken of: . . .


H. M. WILLIAMS. Law Dullillna, Toledi Ohio '

The Wretchedoeu

:o f Constipation

~Xl' INE






~ t Bu~··O..the 'ml~acle' ! ~~ a ' Redeemer .came.


Wei tln.lira, on the!r .eye_ One ~touo1i'-lI:nd ;wtiat 'lI: I worlel

"New bOrn.ln

love11oeul '

BDace. of creell 'and Iky, I Sulla' of. wl\lt" cloud .~,.rt, 'IvY' !rrown cdD'lre ....... . ail1nlnlr ,Iovild ~I .

..". " •,

,, ~



.... IDlllnet......... .

~ their


a..n 0-, . a.aD·PrIce.

S.d.. . .

Genume IDQIlbou Signature






~II ••OO,


$2.00,18.00, 18.60,'4.00, $5.00


WODll'1 ".60, $8,18.60, M . BOn' • .oo &. $3.00 ' THE 8TANDARD

FOR 30 YEARS They are .blOlutcly the IDOItpopuJarand be.tahoe.

for ttie pr\c:o 111 America.

. Tliey are the le.ders everywbmt bec:aulII . they bold thetr lhape, it better, Joolt better &D4 wear lona:er . thaI\ other ' Dia.t:...



certainly the

_ t BCODOmJea1 .h_




Civ.. oDe • Iweet breath; eleaa, white. tee~-ultiaeptii:all7 de&1li mouth aDd throat-purifiM the afterllDokiq-cliap"'all~

perapiratioD aDd body oclora-muc:h apprec:iat.d b,- daiDty WODleD. "'" quick ~


aocI catarrh. A futle PutiDo ]lOWder eli.. 101.ec1 ia • a1... ot hot water makes. delightful ~ _ I . . estt..iirdizwy .ad beal'_ iDs power, aad .beOl\#I, bum1_ Try. Sample. SOc.. . Wae.hoa at AAIQ3iIb'QI' by mail. THE PAXTON TOIL&TCO.,IIoeToIt,I1IA ••• lOr• •, . .


F'arm Wanttd--Spacial

1 have been manufaoturing very profitable' standard goods. lIsed extensi ve ly In bome!i.J busines.~ stores. banks. factories;. raih·oads.\

schools. farmhouses. barns. mines, etc .. 'iot 12 yea rs. still increasing. Netted' $t·5.ood . IlllIt year. Foiling h ealtb compels' m!, to lead a rural li(o. Will exchange for 'oDe ' or Iwo good fnrms or balf interest to good man for one good {a,f!1l, at ODGC. .D e5Qri b~ fully your .property ~ith price.

'A:dclrc~ ,

5: 11.' Boolh. 230 W. Huron St., 6111 Floor,ChlcagO


) , 1 .



~--- -



'~'lV__L PROURA A-l




-.-IIIIII!IIIII!II------i -'-


Old· Folks'Concert, Septe:mber 29th

...-------. Fi

.• epL13l b.- Sp >cial). Uayt(Jn't . is tO epar d .for n big c 1~ .. ~ ~ ......... .,....... -. -. .... bration Ju ring her ~all F'esLi a!. Aeroplanell. t alloo'ns, hip urome, When you ' come to the Fall Festival expo itiun and scoreR vf ,h MS, don't. fail to see the Talk, igilOI")! to hi, city (!u rill!r w ek • f. 'eptemh r UJ will fi lld S01l1 9f ~Dayton' '1 1Jig- ,. ' Jl t ~I)ilig f t>t'Wani very day . 'I'h ex 0 i tion will be p 11 d by / Co\,. Hat'lllonM nday. An immens' , higtoricat and indu st.ri al pag an will he g iv n t hat day which is to bt;J a luca l It liday with all shop and s t re~ doseu, Tu l:lday will be 'ister ,ilie nuy , \Vh 'n til(' , mayo rs an J I'epre- I !'enlatives of v'lriou cit.ies an d town ' I ill Ohi u, Indiana ~nd K 'nlucky wi ll , be present . with crowds uf Citi~en"' 1 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats Wednesday will witne t he C1ulomobile and flora l pardd .~ , II g rg OUS HI)('cta Ie. Th ur::;day will I) avia ion day, when tile gTeat balloon race For with eightl:llal'terswilllJ held. Thi s ~ I .will ue theg-reat big day oflhe w ek. Fr iday wi ll be Secr~t Societie\i DIi.v :lnd Satu rd ay Vt·nelian Carnival Da . T he l~lI ro p eun HilJpodrome shows. Lh huml cone rts. lhe Wrig ht aer _ plan fli g ht , the exp sition of Dayton-M a d u produ ls , th e Kline Expo'ilion 'hu\ys, and h . ix g rea speci a l f ree act wil l be 'een ev ryaflel'' noon und evening all w ek. T he fact that the Wrig hts t hemeh'e8 and all thei r Impils will be fly223 S. Main St., Dayton, Ohio. inK_every day and that they will attempt to break all aerial records is a stupendou!.l magnet that will draw many thousands of people here. This xhibition and all of the others men- l . . . .fIf!I• • • • • • • •IIIII!IIiI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. lioned above except the Exposition ~proper and the Kline shows. may be ~ en without cost of a penny.


•• ••

•• ••

The Neighborhood News

•• ••


•• ••

Our t4ohool op' ued It\ ~ t Mon dllY wit,h E ... llU Btoddom Illi in!'tnl cto ·. Having tllught here III t Y ar we /1 ft g l/ld t,o hitu back, 1111 11 , is lin tibI a ill t rn'Jtor . The ' tokfls r ellnion - W fH! h Itl II t \. b ' L' I . '" k f El tu u O u) n l .,T Il ') " ",to II!" , /) (j,( . . woou, on Llluor I IiY , Auollt IIlxt,y wflre pr t!l~ D lind nlJ r UlJort It Hue . 1'1\~ ~r o k t':; f It llll I y Itl II L f'' t) f 1111)(1 . I ld f r ' I' I) 0 ::It II III I HIt< IU ~ I oounty Allont. twonty -li ve Bug-e wool l P f' O I • II [) t V e WI' ut.1I l~ fl y .on t"u l· r '1'1HUS-


Oregon ia . Th e Sh or wl'lt)d fa mi ly IlfHlllr Ilnu

1Inr lllY 1 oa r, El nl ployaulu Ul\.y t tl n, who b ut; UtlOIl H)) ndln ~ the IIUllltllf' r in Den ver , 'ot., pfl l d hi !! I lltl.H~r u ., d d ' d VI It ~tur nr nn t:lll~ uy , J , . , But er " ~t tivtO I' , Hpent W ednescillY nnd 1 hnrsulIY tlle KUe!! t of the lltral. Pllul Reuson of Ouyt,ou, pent '" , !:l unday with bi B pllrtmt!l, r eturmn gf ,d ..y , 110me Mon(hlY m ornin g by WILY 0 d Mr. and Mrd. Chllrles Allen lind t,l\e a uto Cllr , ny. Mrs. Jlllin (:l l'/ln~ w, of Oay tvn, Mr. aod Mrs , Ennis Allen, of OilY Frank l::ihloaker I1nd 'rh os, Whetton , spent Saturday aod Sunday with relatives bere. el were Wilmington vialto rt'o o n spen t th e W l~llk entl WIth bel' pur Bn l,!!, Mr, Ilod Lr ' .1 . Mtl rq ull l'dt Prof. and Mrs, WilHam s Ilnd ohit Ilturda y . f t,lll .plllc..,_ ' 11 WIL ~ ILOl:onl pauied dren spent tb e week-end in Lebanon. Mrs. Mary Ann !;Inglet.on !I ld a t bome b y llel' lJr tllor . The Misses Kibler enter tul ned Miss Eva Needbam . Of New tons.. auction .·ut-urd IlY lumber a,nd mllny 'I-"de W . 1 itz w 01 to Dll ytuu ville last week , useful artioles . L 0, Wilkerson , of Culi Ie. wu Our villnge was we ll re presEln ted Frhlny eX IJeoting lu ~\1n (lR Y , in t ow. Friday. Il t tbA tute Fllir Illst week . Wil unr LH(',Y 1111 ,1 "i!' tflr Mi R Even RI'v. MoKinzle has been returned Mr , and Mrs. Clar enoe. horw " od !l1~tlDt lallt 8uo(l ny \vlth ~i!'s Hnzel bere 118 pall tor of the U B. ohuroh, ,Mr. and Mrs. George Saoker en- and family spent !:luntlo.y th e guests Ki r l>.V. 'of Ed~ e w o tl d, ' tertaloed relllt:lves at dinner 111 t of Mr , und Mrs, Brice fiith , \V W l :ru no lIud fUllI ll.v Tbur@dIlY· Mr . ,1Od Mrs , Suml MoG e h ve Io.i ned ut 11 I:.! o 'cl ck dianA)' Misses Edna ',l nd Gladys, ,Penoer mo ved to Wilmi ngtou wbere 1\;r , and , Zllin Armitage I!pent 8undt\y , , D!lY · T bo u prell U t '9Itlr Mis afternoon with the Misses BI\"u!lton McGee h0>8 11 good POSition Wi th )ij. Florence Linder /lnrt orothe l', Hngl!. of Greenwood. born & Shidnker. ' of Mln,witibu rg, WIIIJur Llloy and IUss Ednl!. Bpenoer is teIlobing at J ' The W, . rr. U , wm gi ve n. SOCial sist r, MI. 8 EvelL . of ,wlou . nlld Springboro this week, during t ile in Ih '{'own BIlJ! l:iaturd"y ni ght. Mrtl, HorR ce KIr by Iln d dtlu"h l, r, tllness of one of the teaohers , Sept, 17th, You invited, Hazel, of Il'dgewood \ "l !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!~~,~!!!!!!!!!!!! Ed Reason Olin be seen behi nd ~he Mr. und Mrs J oh 0 Cra ne Imel Mr ~~ oonnters at QUi.o oy King's store, aod Mrs , My ron Cmne, of Rich &LI where he will be glad to wuit on m ood Ind" visited W . W. 'ran e To Introduce our very complete FaU Uo,,:o( yru at any time. beaOtitul wool sultlngt •. wub tabrl~. t1UlCY 'l'be A. M.. E . ohuroh gave I1n en- and family Ilnd J , B Wi\1s a.nd walatInn. &Ilk• • bdJdli. pe\tlcoal4l etc. Up- tertainment Saturday night at tbe family lust week , to-da&e'Ne" York O~.ft~nlI. FlDelt. lIile on . ~ market. direct. with the Town Ball for t.he benflt of the Tbe Boger fAuni oD Wue; h eld Itt mila ;you wulDnd,our p cet low. U otbpre church . Tbey ware well pl\tronized , can make 110.00 to \ lao.oo "eeldy you can alto. 8amplllII. ,t ulllnltructiom In neat. l&1liOur town WM\ well represented at the ll ome of Mr. Hnd MrR W'! ll pie _ al!tJlP!ld expn!IIII pre~d. No money the Dayton tair last week, and this Butt. of R.idaevll1e, "la t atnrdaY. ~u1red. EUlualve jeri-Uory. oJ...... Be1l.mtoapDly. STANDARD D"BKSS week we will all go to the Lebanon Mrs. G . E. Hiley is IIlowly ·im · GOODS 00_ Dep£". 1100. BJ.nahamtoD. N. Y fair . proving fr om.. 1\ serious a t.t ck f heart: tr ,)Qo\e New Burlington Mr. and Mrs , James CJook and M n~ , R, B.

Emwon ~ pent 'llndny In (;f llttlrv illo l\lr~ , J . K. ' pen eer und dllughters and Armitage !'Ipent Bturdo.y u t t h e Ohio V tl \I y Exposi tion. . Mr , und Mrs. Bathl1way nnd Miss Lizzie Hll tlla.wllY were the gues ts of Mr , bod Mrs , Will Norton UD-


L '




. DR. J. W. 'MILLER,

Ira Scroggy blls moved into his tllwn property. ' Severll.l pera"ns from this plll.oe Office in WaYnesville, O. atte.n ded' Dayton last w~k . , Natloail Bank Bl~. , Dr, S , 0, Whitaker went to. Cin· . . . . . . .~_. . . . . . . . oinnati on Friday , Mrs. Hal ,MorriS, of Cincinnati , , visited ber annt, Mrs , Thos Uaydook last week. , bilin Cora. MoPherson, of Higb: land, Ohio, wus the gnellt of Mrs. (Osteopathic Physician) Bett,y MoPherson last week. Mrs. Dorll DonaldsoD, of Oolombus, has been the guezt of h er all1· Tuesday and Friday tor. Mrs. Jas. Huffman, '" Of Each Week Benry Miller has ulenty of fresh strawberries. Be pioked two quarts Office' at thor Gustin House one dllY last week, Mrs. Bernard .B rown an(l ohildren 'of Xenia. were guests at the home Hours of Appointment, 8' a. m. of Mr . and Mrs, Ed Brown last to 12 'm. week. -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.~ < ~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! . ~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!".!~!!!!!!!!!!!!=!'

••. DENT,ST ••• ,





_ ""


Kiblers $9.99 Store

._----+ - - PUBLIC SALES •


I wi ll offer publio s)\ lo in Lytle, lid o. M 1 0 'o look, on

Saturday, October 1, 1910, tho following artioles: 1 Oak hellt1'1'" 1 open stove, bedateuds II.nd

.. p ringR , ollairs, oupboll.rds, tables. ~ fell tll r beds pillows npd bedding, l Iii r ge oop~r kettl , 1 llr~e iron ket·tle, 1 work benah, dishes, Ol\rJlet~, s tone jt\.t • fruit jars lind mllny nth r thulglI not givou h8re, Cllnduoe Bftird A . A. MQNIc'II, Auot ,

Saturday, September 24, 1910, tbe following: Bed lounge, base rooker, uphol~tered, table, oupboard la.rge uph olstered ohllir, pair Ollr· tlli.n str tohers, iJ; mirror, 71i yards son. Va.}} W., returned homo 'rut'! dllY evening from II. two weeks' vis t-:Oud matting, btoves, milk tltIn, 4 it wltb relatives io Itentnoky, lard cnn~, wolf robe, good at' new, 'reaoher$.' !1lin~~t1.D.tU.lJL.-.WIo-LJ.......t-b 3-r.eeoh-loadtng shotgun, d u hle lad Buokeye Bohool la st Saturday. der, grindstone, extADsioo ladder, wheelbarrow, Ben1wooi\ churn, 2 Mrll, Lester WII I) Gem post diggers, ~nrbbing hoe, some City visitor SfLturdllY, oedar post .. , Jong-hlindle shovel" Horuok Kirhy !lntI family were and flo lot of other things t,oo mUIlSnndl1Y guest,s of Charles Pope ann erous to menUon William Thorpe. wife. .. _ _- - What to Do In Case of AccIdent If skin is hrolren uppl Dr B~ll '!1 Anti Pain I\t onlJe nod the woun d will helll quiokly 11Ild n e ver gtt, ~o r URed internally and exto r~lll1y ,


New Burlington.


(Delayed) 'l'he ompton-Mills ItOd the Bur ley plonios wer,e held in. the u tH1a l pllloes on t:\aturday , .' The Jti vt;lrside ffildors detell ted th New Bur Hngton ba)\ team .8u tn rday by a soore of 14 to 7. MII!8 Floru. Harlan ~ft !:lo turday to take up ber sohoo l duties in Mi · amisburg .. The btln(j hu.s ordered new uni · form!' , Fr.3d l::)hane 11m1 Wil1 Fletoher Il re taking In thA O. V. E . a;t (Jinoinul\ti ' r..1rs, R!l.chel ~mitb entertained on '1'hufsdl1v afternoon for her dn-ugh_ ter-In·law, Mrs. W. C, I::Imitb, MillS IrIUR Moln'h:e. of Ou.yton. WIll; the guest of Miss !:larah Ha,yr,dook lust week, Ralph Leftming, west of town.; IWOH 11 sufferer fl'OUl aoute indigelltion the luttar pu.rt of t·be week. , Irvin Liggett, of Cal1fornill. who lived here several years ago visited \ '!hlS nunt, Miss Clorll. Bowland one

Now i/the time to 'c an Peaches and we'll have a good' supply o'f 'fan'c yOhio Peaches on hand all this week and next- yel1ow Free Peaches: Prices are very low and, etock extra , fancy . Get our pricps.

THE BEAUTIFUL' EXPOSITION HALL wml ~D~D 0' THE FASCINATIIiG RIALTO \Vmlr.:~\~~~';.e.. ~I~~~.M.~MANV day last week ,



:::;evenlof onr oitizens went to

DAYTON Ell FETE, BY DAY AID NIGHT, :',f~T~.. 8!y8~{tJ;:~~ u't. Anoient luat week t,o 'see .t.h e IEROPlAIE FLIGHTS BALLOO" RACES B/:'::.~':·! 0 , N , G . in oamp there. UNOU TNa i"UCTlON OP Till WRICIITS A.",~.u ...' .h. \V.,ld, Mllls.Muttie Rill ent·ertalned 'the S T RE E T PA GE All T S BAlD CONCERTS ~ru:'::.'~~: Delta Alpha. 01l1s8 on Wfldnesd"y "a( ~DUSl1lIAL , ALLEGORICAL AND FLORAL I.~., Con'''' , 'or Tr"Su" Trooh ... , ternoon of last ,veek, VEIETIAI CARIIVAl Auto Show and Parades '1'hehay ride given by t,heEpworth Two lmm,nse Build, , InlS and' five city blocks enclosed ,IS exposition' grounds, F.ilIed ."-ith tlie WOOof the world.'


I .......



Each day a big day, ~~gue on t:lllturdll.y night WI,lB o.n E h h ' enjoYll.ble affair. '!'be party made ae nig t I dream three stops at t he beautiful oOllntry of delight TheGov- h017les of Harry Niokerson'; ' Robt: ernors offour States MoKr.y nud W. V. Laokey. 'Enter. and Mayors of ,fifty tainment I1nd ' refreshments were cities.s, our guests. ~njoyed at elloh .pIa?e. . '.

.' " ' And AI a ' F.inal Free . Offering of . Une,xampl~a Magnitude , .


THE :,E'UROPEAN HlrpODRPME,". w~"t~o;pe 'h~ sqld hj~ ~eautiful

, ' A SClPer-SuptriOf' OIf,rini of t!te World', M~1l Sen.atianai.' A~t. and a COririoc.a~ nome on Sou'th Main ' street-to Na, . ' . ' . lion of 'Ae Cnltuty'.P.a,,-Prernin COlfliqllfll . Jhl\n,' ~uPtort for $3250. Mr. Lupton '


. '.




' is to

be congratulated as thia is on'e

' Visit ·Dayton the ,Beau~ful . pty of 'a Thouaand, Factories of the pret.tiest places.i il tOwn. Mr. Spend ,a Day ~id Scenes of ~arveloul, Splend.,.r-and- \Voijder , and Mrs. TJ,orpe are und~ide~ ,~to .REDUCED, RAYES A~D ~~URSIONS ON · AI.(. UNFS , wb'er:e they · will pel'mllnently locate. !




.Tin CansJ



Coffees All coffees have advimced 2c a pound . but we are still selling all coffees at ·our same ·Iow prices; l 5c, l7c, 20c. 2:3c, 25c. I~enl)x Soap still 3 fOl·........ ... lOc

Walrus Sal! on ..... ... ,... .. ... ,.,15~ Pink Salmon .. .. ..... .... ...... ;.. 10c 'We are paying


for eggs.


It pays to trade at




...... n



n u",


lDler~ ' unller '"' iI,a4 for


twenty· live cents tor ~bree IDlertlll••• 'll'bo~ naln. not more ,baa Ave lln~.,



froDt of reeldeDbe of LOST-.ln , Jib... :Ed.'ll a.rrill, an amathy.,

,;tnoe. Finder please IMve., Gazf.tae offioe .nd l'808iv8 _Dit"ble reward,

FOR RENT ROOM-On MalD _treet , S rORE EV0rythinar io good condltioD

tthelvlng t40d o~lUn,er8 IDquire or UtI' . J. W. H.lnee, W.,pentlle Ohio. . , , '

Kood Oa'l: h."pg S'l'OVE8-Tliree 8to.88 in ' good oon4"10p, Jo-

O. W. MeeD. W.J,D...U1e. . .". '., ",GOQO ~a"'m, ' 8hare ~p- ,. v.plept. ~nqQlre, of .1. B, ChapDlfto •. R , I) . 2. Wi\yn_vlll.,:O . . TI:'OR, RALE~ PI.PO, 8m all RaDI8 ': UO()k t1~o"e. (~l or wood), uhair.,' 8prlD~ Cot" Inqaire at Ridge'. a"UPfy. , quire





Glass Cans; ' Lids/ Sealing Wax

Fancy Jer ey Sweet Potatoes, Indiana Water Melons. Eating and Cooking Apples Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, New Dried J!' ruits of all kinds Naw Bermuda Onions

OI"sUled ,A d. .Ada 'Will be


1910-11 A speci~1 showing of original and up-to-date


Millinery, . , " pattern 'Hats And air the Sea! on's novelties, at my rooms on




IntelUlleDt penon .DUly e.rn A N 1100. moptbfy oorr.popdiDg

tor uewspape~. Np· aua"...... R. .Mend for .PI\r,eioalar•• ; p.... 81.0dl • · ode, B , 5721, Lookport,.N . , .. ..Y.. .,. . '\

.Saturday, Sept. 24th Mrs G. Lincoln .smith



" "









Has opened: an office in Waynesville for practice. Treats all diseases of do. mestic animals. I am not , 80 common as you might imqine. I have been in practice ,for 20 yean. Calla promptly attended to day or ni&'ht.· Phone No. 118.

Cincinnati on designated dates In Septlmber Inquire It Tic~et OfIIC81 for Particulars.


Dr._M. Schumaker





· 1 will tlell at my residenoe on l:ioulh Ml\in t!treet, Wttyn 8vill , I~t, 1 o'olook. on



., ,


~1~ · I'Y-II'II(.~'I '

YIl:A f{ .


- -





-----------·~----·-----'-----·, ~ - - - - , · · - - · ' THE


WBor~E NUMBER 807'4 ~

21, 1910.

. t ~~i~~_~~~~~ ~~.!~!~~i.!:_<:~~i~~~~_~~i~._J Frr::. :.:~;. !:.t~~i1:~~e'::': in~i::: o~!~::m :::i~;e;t ~~: .--+~ \



Harold Howell was in Dayton Roy h'ons was in Columblts Mon-I Mr. J. W. White was in Dayton no reeord-breaking days a good atMonday. dal. Friday and Saturday. tendance was in evidence. The fair board ahd secretary Gustin worked Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader was a DayMrs. Cha.~. is spending the /Hawley Clark, of South Lebanon, hard to make it the success it turned ton visilot Salurday. week in Dayton . was on our streets Tuesday. out to be. . . . . All the departments were well J. B. Pence is in Minneapolis. Mrs. ~aurlce Silvers attend~ the filled, and the display of live stock Mrs Edith Harris was in Cincin~ nati last Wednesday. Minn., on business, Fall Festival in D"yton Monday. was better than usual. The round



I. O. O. F, hall , by Deputy Ed. Wood, of Xenia. The lodge star ts off in good shape wi th thirteen members. It is strictly an insurance lodge, and from all accounts it is a very cheap and substantial form of insurance. The lodge ha.~ been in existence for years, and it haa al-


..... ..... , Former Citize·ns· ..-...-....-..-...-...- ~ .-.




...-...- - " --..-...-.-..-....---.-

John Daughters, who has been in Canada f or some tillle has returned to J eff~rR, Mont. Earl Daugh ter!!, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wm . Daughters. was marr ied

on th e 14t h to a young Indy in KanMI'. Daughters has \ Chas. Stansberry, of Dayton, was Dr. A. T. Wright was in Dayton Mias Edna Satterthwaite who had !t0use had its usual displays of paint- ways paid al.' It.:' obligations. The a good position as railroad detective \: a Sunday visitor here. . on professional business last Thurs- her tonsils removed last week in Day.- mg, needlework. etc, lodge and SOCial Side, however, makes in that. city. day. ton is getting along nicely. The school e~hibit was the finest it a good organization. ever made. Every towaship in The officers elect.ed for the new .\ Dane Hanby. of Dayton, spent It is reported that Prof. J O. 'F'al kYe Old-T}me Concertc at School Th~ friends of Mrs. Emma Dakin the county.allJlost was represented. lod ..e are: George Zell. councilor; :.! mday with relatives here. Hall, Thursday evening, September will be glad to learn that she is get- The racmg- . was very good, but C. A. Burnett, adYiser; Walter Mc inburg, superin tendent of schools at and Mrs. A. ·B. Sides viSited 29th. ting along fine from her second op- lacked horses. several races only hav- Clure. clerk; Fred Barnard, banker; Home Cit • is soon to resign . Prof. relatives In Springboro Sunday. eration ing three ent ries, which makes good Wm. Stroud, escort; Thos. Pierce. Falkinburg has .been the active head Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke and chil- . ' . racing out of the questi~n. watchman; Walter McClure, Harvey of the school /for over a quarter uf a Lou Printz spent Monday and drt>n attended the Fall Festival in . 'Don't fall to hear Love Sniffles, J. W. Lingo had a fine exhibit. Gustin and Fred Barnard. managers; cent.ry and his loss will be regretted Tuesday at the Dayton ·Exposition . Dayton Monday. Humility Smithers and Jerusha Me- The apace occupied for this covered Dr. C. W. Henderson. examining by all the pupils It is not known . hitable ~ Pepperall at School Hall. 75000 square feet of ground. There physician. WDO will succeed him - Commercial Mrs. F. H. Farr is visiting her n r. J . W. M'll I er. dentist, . has September 29th. was the disp)'ay of the Ohio Rake Co., - - - - - ..- - Gazette, . mother and sister in Lebanon, Ind. moved his office into the NatIonal . The Smith Endless Apron Spreaders; SOLD FINE STALLION Walter.J. Kllbon announces that Brown Manufacturinc Co .• all kinds The Sunday Enquirer spoke of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Edwards were Bank building. , . he will have the genuine Sealshipt of farming implements Hoosier J. H. Marshall sold his fine stalllon Messrs. Taylor, Kranzman and White in Dayton from Sunday until TuesDr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway and Oysters at his grocery on Thursday \Dr'll Old . !i . to Renier Friday atternoonon theLeb- as being three very clever ('omediduo . Mrs. Cynthia Evans attended the Send in your order . G I :'. M ,8 t·englRanes, sepaAlra trsh' anon f;lr grounds to Ben James for ans appearing at t he Columbia thel F i Th rsd . • rea ales IC nges. e . . u ay, machinery in the display was run $6!OO, auctioneer C. T. Hawke domg ater this week. Earl Taylor, of t his Mi88 Leah Smith, of Cincinhati, a l' was a week-end guest at her hOl11e Mr. and Mrs. J.C.Hawke will leave J. M. Taylor we~t to Cincinnat either Ity electricity or gaaoline. It thuelling. On Satur~ay Mr. James t rio, is a ,on of Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Friday for Crawfordsville Ind for Tues4av to hear hl~ nephew, Mr. was certainly one of the finest exhib- told the horse to Eh Russell, of Taylor, former residents, and is gainhilre. Ii few days' viait. J" E.arl Taylor, ~ho sings at the Colum- its of the best .makes of all kinds of Yank~e Street, near Centerville, who ing laurels E'very day in the theatriWm. Foglesong, of Xenia. was the bla theater thiS week. machill~y that is used in connection took It away Monday. Mr. Marshall cal world. He is a composer of some gu~ t of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Taylor Mn, and Mrs. E. S. Baily, Mrs. Li- M f with thefarm or factory. has taken pride in this animal. It Is note, and has 'W ritten several sh(lrt SUl)day. ns Devitt I&Ild Emmor Baily Jr. were r . and Mrs. W. .W. Stokes,.o . Wayne TOWnship fared very well. a beauty, and sold very low. sketches for the vaudeville staare. Cm - Amonr premiums awarded that has at the Fair Thursday. ~aytot~' and Stokes SfIIMver., °dt M Of - . Mrs. Rolla Moody, of Dayton, is . cmna I, were gues ts 0 r. an rs. l..__ • CHUnCH OF CHRIST . M ' S'I S d . come to our o..-rvatlon are: J. R. '" the gues of Mr. and M ~. E. V. Miss Sy~l fJ~wke. left .f or D~la- au rice 1 ven , un ay. Peterso~ showed a yearllng e.o lt and . . Miss Martha Compton and Mr. J aBarnhal't. w~re, Monday ' mommr, where she W H Th '11 11 t h' I <W\t' lat the same colt in "eneral.pur- Preachmg at 10:80 a. m., and 7:30 cob Seibold were quietly married in \ . '11' te th ' U · . ' , B'bl . Sat • d • orpe II h'WI tose a d18 !fa .e -:'" pose clll88 got 2nd. Chas. Surface p. m. I e Sch 00. I at 10:80 a, m. Hamilton, Ohio, Sat urday, SeptemP rof • an d M rs. , C. A. Bruner at. VII re-en r e DiversIty. :ur ay, a 18 s ves, an many . . . .' We will be pleased to see all the b 10 h Aft h t . 't ith tended the Fair at I.e.banon Thursday M B ' h Ro i d' art{c1es not down on the list Don't got 1.l t in drlvlDl', roaditer, general · er t. er a s or Vl81 w ' and Fridar. . ' rs. an.~a . · s spen mg fail to attend tbis sale. ' pUl'PQM,ladies' drivinr:, stallion, etc. members .of the church and ~ible t friends and relatives in Waynesville . the week ~Ith relatives In Dayton, . Link Kin - ot 1 t . b M School 'P~t at all these 8ervlces. and New Burlington, they will ge t.o • and attendma the Fan Festival. ~ g H on op. 1'8. Th ._111 . is . , . . Mr. and. Mrs. Harter Lackey, of · . Mr. and Mra. Jacob seibold net'! C. A l Bruner got several premiuIU e &. .1 campalP now upon us housekeepmg In Hamilton where Mr. Dayton, were guests of relattves ~ Dr~ Herschel Fisher has moved to Mia's Marth'a Uompton, of Hamilton, on fancy work, aDd &everaJ more ~d it behooves eve? one to be at Seibold has a good position. lce . here Sunday. . ' . offices .in the new Morris building, were the KUes'ts of Mr. and Mrs. premiums ca~e to Wante township. hI. or her post Of Mrs. Seibold is th?eldest daughter next to the postoffic'e: Lebanon. ' Fred Henderson last week. , . ~• HAS APPOINTMENT of M~. and Mrs. EbJah Compton, of Ye ·Old.T)'lDe· eongs and choruses TEACHERS' ASSOCIATIO" Hairulton, and has many warm at · Schooi .Hall, Thursday eveninJt, . J~ B. Chapman left Monday even- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen are in . friends in Waynes~me, this beini{ ' DI htoas been appoto inted by her childhood home. September .29th. . ing t~r Chieasro, waere he will "et Macomb, Ill., where tbey are the The Warren ~unty T~hers' As!- S.~teY IIN nspee r Dun lap ' serve as . • . t" ill t u· . . another load of Montana horses. gqests of Mrs. Allen's parents. Mr. HeJ8. l~n, w mee at blVel'llty. ' ,,~, and M~. J •. E. JaDn~y ~d , . . . and .MfR. Elias Barley. <?haiiel 'In .Le~n, Ohio, Septem- !nspeetor unde~ the Pure Food La~ • f~ilY.atl4tnd4!id t\le 0. 'V. E. at Cm- , ,Hon. M.~ R. DenTer; of Wilmington ' . tier 24th, 1910. m ~uth~ OhIO, and he_too~ up hlaBefore an altar. o~ ~reen fohage cmnati 'a,t Friday, aut;oed thrOui'~ here Tbursday, en. /' Misses Martha O;Neall, Stella 10:00 A. M. duties lut ~~k. The appomtment &.ad golden rod, in the parlor ~f h~r Mr. and Mrs;. Otto Hornick and route to the Warren (juhty Fair. .' Le~!D0n, Luella Cornell, and Kath.. Devotional Exereist&, Rev. A. J. came unsoliCIted and Inapeet~r Dun- parents' h~me, at 613 South DetrOit ',' . erin'e Alexander attended the Da _ Kestle. la~ haa- !Dade a good selection for .treet , MISS Pearl M. Zell, only ., ' c-dau.wer'are attendinc the' Fa)) FesAll roadI led to the-County Fair ton Fall Festival Monday. y Exhi~ition of Prima.,y Reaciil1&', thJ8 sectIon. daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. Ray Mc tival in Day tOR thi~ week. ' . last week, a large number of our . . . Mias Laura Cunninl'ham. • - • Ke.zie zen. became the bride of Mr. Prof. and -Mrs. L. S.'Rhoau)esspent citizensattendint at least one day, MIsS Ptlal'l Carey spent the week- How Make Our Schools the Social BIBLE SCHOOL BANQUET LeRoy Wolf, at 5:30 o'clock ThursTh u. rad~ and Friday' with Mrs. . ,' . . . . eDd with ~latives in Spring ValJ:ey, Cen~r of the'C ommunity, Miss E d n a . day evening. Green and white were C. M..· Austm has returned to·bls goln,. from there to Dayton wh~e Stout The Bible School Workers' ban- the prevailing colors in the decoraRhoad es pa...n ts •m Lebanon. ' ' h I' · Cal - . U' h at d ' · '' . . t '11 b eel th Odd Fl ' .. . . . . ~ 00 m ulllet, .m,IC .. , terspen -"he wlll ·attend the Fall··Feativa). Play~round, the SChool of tlU! Cit- que WI e ~rv . at e e - tiTe arrangement carried .out m dlfMr. and M~. EI~wdrth Haines, of ma: th, e I~mmer with h,lS parents here. izen, Supt. J. C, Jordan. lows hall Fr~day .mgbt" ~ptember ferent rOOJ)1s. Tbere were 125 guests near Spring Valley, were guests of . . . .. . Mrs. Bruc~ Ralston, Mr, and Mrs. Diaculllion. 30, from 8 to 10. There IS ID store a I Mrs. Wolf who has been employed. Mr. and Mrs. s. Ilairles . Sunday ' .fd lss A?D1e U; ~rown . attflnded Harry Ralston. and Master McClure 1:80 P. M. rich feast, and hi) one can afford to as domestic .science teacher at the . . the ~arr.age of MISS .~~rl ZeIJ to RalstoD, of near Lebanon, . visited MuSic. miss it. Tickets now on sale at Jan- O. S. and S. O. Home, is a splendid .)fr. and Mrs. M!1rion Camp~'JI, 'of ¥r~ LefOr. Wolf at Xepm last Thurs- with Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright on Address-"Some Modem Tenden- ney's drug store. young woman . . Mr. Wolf is a well'. . Sunday. aies in Education," Su·p t. Edwin B. " ~inia; Ohto, we~ gue!)ts of 'Miss ~~~ . . • -~ known engineer for the Pennsylvania IDa uei ..hway several .. dnvs Inat .... -Id' H' k d th M' \ " eox Xenia O · . . ARE ORADINO HILL Railroad Company and both ~.. , , - . ..., Mr. nuna aw e an e lases MI' dM Sa 1 ~ ed'th M • ,. . are popweek. ' ' Dorothy and Kathryn Dakin', Donna an'd ..~~n Set' hrs~. m ·Mer . .l d'M 1'. . E.. C. Van. Winkle, ?res. A "an" of w~rkmen are gradin'" uh~r in a large circle of friends.-Xeu ..... ' I !U.D. , &"umas, r. an 1'1:1. Ali Cook Sec' • . . Gazette Mr. i 1)d Mrs B. . S. Howell aM uaWIfe'and Ste!la Lell\mo~ wer~ at fA FUrnl$8 were ,among those . who 'If, Bee Ro e~ y. a.-d ~~vel~ng the School House hill, ma • eon, ~n, ' atte,nded the f~neral of the Leb8l\~n ,F'~~ :t'hu l'8!iay. attendee the Fair from here last Ex. ~m. ~ A: BJner ~d it certainly. ~~ made a great Mrsj·Q:f),,,,eU:s mother i~ Clarksvill.e seats for the 'fIlu rsday.. . ~ Mri. L. ·B.Berry Improvement. If 18 hoped that the . - - • - ' ,. - .- ., Jast ' 'n' ...::.......t 'II ' . I Satu - ret '. . • - • work will be dene on all the streets. ,', ~: - ,WI co 00 . sa e ay Mr. and Mn. Frank Zel~ attended .. . similar to this one. . ' . Mrs. Ma~iori Pl,,~k and M:rs. Rach- . mo~lDg·at}Q o,cl~k at . J ~ .~. Jan,- the ~arriage of Miss Pearl ~ll, HIOH .~HOO~ WON _ - .. • - - - - .•. - ••- - - - - - . el Lane:' of Dayton, wete gU~ts of. ~:: :!u"e:to~. No~xtra. charge daughter ·.of Mr. and Mrs, Ray~. . In a bastily gotten-up game of ball . FELL FROM TREE Mr. and Mrs. ' Fred White enter,.rs. Eh~ ~aines and other. ~rlend8 ~ sea~. " Zell, to Mr. Leroy. Wolfe, at Xema Saturday afternoon, W&1Demlle ' , tained at: Sunday dinner Mr. and ~ere, last week. .' ,W ' .' h '( d' last Thursday ~vemng. · High School defeated the L N U. .fie 8-year-old bo, of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Carl Duke and family . . ' , . • e ~ow , ., ·· o~ ; ISP ay a com . . ' '. . of Leba ' • • . George 'Gilliland, while shaking nuts o Dr(lp: in an~ ~~ a , loo~ 'at our . ~Iete hne of ~'all MdJlDery~ O~r as- .. M.a ster .Jlue . Din,widdie ~on the Ifive inni: ,: by a 1IC0re of 4 .t o 0 in frQm a hickory tree Friday fell an d . !\filline- thiS mVltatlon 18 alwava eort~eot shows the .rEla , ult of, careful pony an,d cart whIch w,a s glyen by Th U ~.. . broke his arm 'ihe little fellow 'is Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burnett enter. ~,. , . 1 ti d ' 1' 't' . • ... . e DIversity boys came up here '. • . open to' you, whether/ you buy or 11I;8~. on &J:l we so ICI)'o~r )Matron- the Enterpnse, .b y . an ,overwhelmmg d te "ed t . th ' b gettmg along mcely, although suf- tained at dinner Sunday. stacy Burnot.' . ' EVa A. Btarger. age. ' . ' !;va ~ Barger.: majo~itr. It is a little beauty and ~f rm~~ . h':wWI;~ ede . ga~e, . ut ferlllg much pain. . nett and family and Mr.. and Mrs. . . ." . .. ~ " Rue ja very proud of it. ofe. . ~y P By an mnmg. . • - ...- -Thomas Sherrod. JudJ<j~· Stronr; Prof. Noitall, Mr. ~ncl Mrs. W~lter Chandler, o~· . . ' the~ f?und they would have to work . SA " . Odedlab Comtassel, Silas Doolittle DBfton~' were Su~dar vi~ttors &,t the Mr. and Mn. A. B. Chandler visit- for It.. . . . LE OF MONTANA HORSES and .A.i08~uit,o . wiii. a~pe8r iri. Ye~F~ena,., , Home~ . ~ey with ~. B. ed. ihe .Expolliti91) at Cin~i~n~ti last ~elth~rside8Cor~untiltbefourth J. B. Chapman sold a nice bunch Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barnett en Greate Con~ert!, Thursday ~venmg~ I' Cpandl~r m~tored. ~ New VIenna Thursday. M~. Chandle~ returned wben, Wl~h t~o .men .on.bases, P~f • .of Montana h01'8elll at Middletown, tertained at supper Friday evening September ~th. ' . , I durinir the day, b":n&1n..g Mrs. Chan- ~v way .' of N~w .Yienna;'where she Bruner made a hit, aronng -the two Ohio, last Saturdar. It was a good at their hospitable home, Mr. and . . .... ~ . . . ' ". . Idler ' horae with .them ~unday e~en- remained until Sunday ·evening. min. ~y a coupl~ of errors and ~and the demand for the horses Mrs. Mario}1 Campbell and Mias EmDavton. O~, ~~ to., draw ,",eat ing, . . . . oth~r hIt, two more scored maki"g. ~ t . rna Heighway. throB" of·'peopl,. to her Fall F:es~" 1 Mr. E. E. Rogers, Mise Lizzie Ober a total of, 4 for ,the Q:~'" achool: 18 grea . • _ • val, week . Se.,t, ~~~.. :t'h~: .Wrigh~ .. ~I.~ord HarJllo~, Cap,t. Bald~in, .B?d MfR' .J~. Williamson, of t~nter- This ended the ruJt-gett~ '. Leba~9n LlOHTNINO STRIKES TREE friends took their Broth~a:a ' ~ thejrpup;!ls ·wllI m~e ca~t: .BU~~9gh, ,Capt. COey/ l)r•. Ville, .Mrs. Rachel Thomas .and ·Mrs. saw they could d9: nothlD~, and as it . , Sunday several the aeroplane fli.~tI ev!t!ry .day and on Cu~te.r, Dr. Cru"!e, Prof. McGill, ~ron .Critea, of Spring Valley, were' w.~ late, they qUit. . During tile storm about noon Mon- well-filled baskets and went to H ~ Th~red~ theie :wUl'bea g!~at. b',l. !. and ~~,\~est9~. ~re:~m~ng't~efB:- .uests()~ ·llr. and ?.In. T. J. Brown , The.~~tteries.forWaynesTme· were' daY, l~ghtin~ struck a small.locust .home of Mr. ~nd Mrs. hW~: f . .!t:.i I 'loon' rac:~ in which , ~n ;f~~ou8' aeroi ~~us aer~nauts who ,will st~ an the last Friday. . .' Strawn. and ThompSon.. ' tree between the Friend.s1 Home and Thorp~, who Will leave sort Y'. or . ~,)~ . . nautsbaT8·entered ... ·., ' : . ' ··~t'DaytolJ , CU~ ' ~I100rf. r.aceeOri ·AVI~~ .. : . ' " .• -. . the White Brick MeetingHouse. Day ton, and' gave them .a genume . . \ .'.~:~, "''''':'~. :.('0";: .,."; . ; : ;'. ·tion ·Pf.Y~ SePt. ~, (duringthe" FaJr . Mr: ·.~4i . M~.p~.Hi1I,whohave . ·. DJ;A11iS · . . . ~ .• ._. &urprise. Th(jsepr~entwere: Mr. ";,,.1.. . . ~m~~Ji.tan .~,~~~ine ., :re~q.i~~I· r.esJ~val in' tha~,city .. " ..'. , .... :~eien \··~~linr;·Mr. and Mrs. C.'.A. . ' .' . ';'.' " . .'DIED A-OOItNIN' and MI'!!. Chas. Austin. of Bellbroolr • . / " , ~~, se~vi~~ of.: • . '~~r~~~~lveln· .. ", ;..... ' .. Burne~t" leftT~~ar morni~~ :f~r ' ~~, ~~tclill~~f~r•.. and ·Mrs ,.' .... :. Mr, and .Mrs. Jason Sheeh.a!,.. M~: " ,> 'Y~~.vllI' ,~ :I~~. af~J"'~~~ri~,'-: ']~!te.:,9wI4,.. of ,.St~.:Mlry~$ ~~u~l) naytO~, .~~~·theY,. w~lll~d a fe~. ~Ip~ :~,,~ dl~ : .. 1~ ~~rad~ .~ ;Theau't o haek line between Bar- and M~, Crew, Mr. "and. Mra. , ~m. ~ 'ro tJ9~ teri~~al!~ aria ,t~~~~n": ,ci~ul~:l'\ftn ~ve:"Y~()l~~ 11~~1' ~)l~erLl!l I~.y~' before,~~turn~n,' to·.th~i,r hom ~o~in&'. ~.~ wli!' bu~.~, In .~~~~ v."~Q~. and Dayton has beenaban . .ZelI, ~. ~d Mrl! . .G~rge ,~l\, .Mr, . I .. '.: r. :.' ~i~n.\)y ~i'l. met~.0 ~9\}.V~lch.: hav~"~,~1 JI.a~I, :~u~~ !y-enw'I{" .Se~'i~ .~.i'mi,· ~~a ..·, . .".: .. ,ce~~~~. t .' : I}'" 4~ne(b)Ji'aecOutit 'of lack of patron- and . ~rs. , Jolin . Bakel' ", an~ ~W9 .:. "... ,: ·:\:p,roved ~nu~ all~ @.9c~fut .. : ~.I~r,l(te~~~\~~·, ,1fj~~t~.i ~.'.'W;i)r ~, ~ , r',' :':', .' I.' 1 . J" . "". ,... • ,', ," ' :.~ .' j :. ' • • • ." " . " ' . I ~: ..p; ., ~.' "':' . " ' . . . daught~rtJ, ' of ',l?~yt~n, ~r.: an~ ,', " .. and. cP~n.u~'o,!. ·P~riOUJ " e,X.~n-1l18~ b1. ,·~m~ , o~.· o.~r . &St ~ l~ (:',rP~;' H~~~rome " ~b~'Y" the J ,ig :. Mrs.:.., .: ... tll~~, ~'Cl~rksY.i.ll~ " " .. " ' . • - Of • -Nath:aJ.l J01)es, .Mr: and 'Mrs,} '-:rank ', . '~', sas Ci ty, Kan.









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',. ~tlb)~ . ~dd,~ ·~ti~iy. of~~r~"tiin~ . ~~~ ·.~nd ,.¢b~ .. ~i~"li~ ·.id\ ~,.be ~".• ~~e8ti~~~, t 't!.tti8f; pl~ ·. sa~·~ai. '. . ~ ~ \'. '':'~. . '.' " ,,).It· Q :" e.a!pRbej,~.~ Th,e : I!~~ ,,11~ · ~ ~~ \ pqtotptane,.-'; . plupu!d" In.~. a..i' '$he ~asJi\:11' " y~rir. old.~ Mrs. .W~. Me . R~pareCJ .e1~ . Y9ur ,: ,:. . t~9po,Utan M~~~c, ,>\:'l~ ~~~.• j ~~~Il tp"','Jhi~~~e~,.,t8 .~~ the ~lin~ry. ~.~ wl~( ~ ; ~: ~I ~eid~1 .oav~· ~. ,~; lJtdf:ller. qf _~tl•.tJ; ·S. ~ 'J'h"~,'~ 4~ and .~~tee , wv" New'Y9rkCn.,~ ), ' . church. ' , " .,·f. ¥ val w~k,-·sept •. l~24, : " Bowell. ~.. .': yo'. c'." ": our WO$ j . W4~~. MILliS.

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~ut~ ana . Mune, ¥essrs. ;, .'. . 'r ~'. LUpt~il an~. P.hih~as 90ok. ,,''J)h~ ~a,¥ .. ' 0 ,was s..,ent in merry ~o.n~et'j3ation ~~ .. .all present had a SOOd ti.~e, I.'




,. . . .

-----~' I A ~. SmCH IN" TIME P..~ctica1 'Fasbions CHILD'8 YOKE DRES~.


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" et.l dft\,lll r l ' \ r~ o t S \ I !tIlYFlrd l'. tr hc ~"'r\l\n t$ ' t'~f"rl. ''1 I ' r t l~\ hJ .... nn.1 IIH I~p}' n l"rl\'o with ~'n . ' " Hnl l ~ \'. Tho 11 .. " u "'",. aWIII"'" 1'(1 by • ft>\'I1 I\".' r· t'h "l 111 'N1 A rfl o lc1 ArfllS t r"' ug was (0,,,,, 1 ~llI 't I ,) J ~U tl l til Il'" 1>:11 1. ~ I IM" ln llNI rOll nd l ral ~" y ' s re\'o l\'cr o n lhe

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11 " nn tl J 'll'k nall ey hnrl (lIsn p~ rll'UUC n~ \· t'n l e u th:1. l s h ~ was

w .Juc k Bull,' y, wllh wh uTIl s ite tnl\(",1 In t h~ 1!III11lrll r oum sho rt ly before lh., lIIu r lle r. ne t~ c U \'e, J Ilml1)80 n at.: c u~e d MI.•• In ll "8 or h(t ltl lng bn It c\·ltlcl\ ,·e. He 1ra1llc lsnnctl n n Inl r lldE'r In n n e mpty room . t he pr l ~ o n <! r " scn ped , ,rrLrllll e wns s us· pec t d l>e('all~o ur nn Inju rf!d t oot. H •• IftlF n app<!lIrlS and say' ho n nd Bu lley wure ('1111 d a way hy 11 t elegram , l :a s hle r Balle y o C P Ull I ,Arlll" t ro ng 's bO ll le , \1('ne t was a rres teLl ror embezzlem ent. en g llg~11


nul ' A rnHslr ong ' o cll'O lh ,\vas

a n nOUl1{'

·d .

n lRcy 's O a n c c ~ 1. 011180 ArmsU·(l n!\' . told Hallll!Y t ha t while !lite sl ill loy d hln l. who ..,a9 t o m a rry n!lol lle r . Jl deve loped th .ll Dr Walk f' r \\'0. the m a n, Lo uisil WII8 tou nd Ilt t it bo t tom or th e olrou lar Bt nlr· cas e-. R nco\'crln g c(ln 8,·lcllls ne. lI. sho s ol d l ome t hlne hnd bru shCld Ily her o n the Italrway and .he f nlll ted. B I~.n ey Is 8 US , p, eclf'd of Armfllrong 's murde r , Afte.r '10 In8' a "host." Th omas. th e lodgcl{ cep' er "'a. rOll nd d end wIth n s lip III hl8 po' kat bearing t ho nam e of "Lucien Wal· lac" ." Dr. W a lle r a ak ed Mi sB J nn II lO va cate In favo r o r Mrs . ,\rmstr o n/\', She r efused . A no te from Bu ll f'Y t o Gertrude arran!!,lng a m eo ti ng a t ni g ht wus found . A laddor 'out of place deepe ns the m ),s,


CHAPTE" XXIII-Contlnu.d. Apparently only a tew minute. elapsed, durla.c wblch my eyes were becoming acclJlstotned to the darkness. Then I notlcoo that the windows were reftectlng a fatnt pinkish l1gb t; Liddy noUced it at the same time, and 1 beard her jump up. At that moment Sam's deep voice boomed from somewbere just belch,. "Fire!" be y~Ued. "Tbe stable's on

\ . ,

It Went Off, Right Through the Door. ;

your pal!out. I wish merely to as k a ques ti on." " Won ' t YOll sit down?" "Jt will not be necessllry, Doctor. has a ny 011 com e to you, e llher earl y thi s morllln , or to,dny. to bave you tr at 1\ bull l wound 1" " ·othlng so s tartling has happe ned to m o," he said . "A bullet wound! T hi ngs must be lively nt Sunnyside. " " I dldn't say It was at Sunn yside, But e.s It happens, It wall. Jt any Buch case cOllies ~o YOII, will It be too much trou ble (o r 70U to let me know?" "! shnll be' Ollty too happy," Ite 111.14. , "r under 1:lta nd you lIa vc bnd a I1l'e up ~ there, too, A fire a n.d shootill!; In one All Seams Allowed.-our illustration ni ght I s rather lively for a quiet place 3hoIVs a sweet little frock on tbe Moth· lik e that." er Hubbard order. It Is provided with "It Is as quie t as a ,boile r·shop," t a square yoke, wblch extends In a lit· repli ed, as 1 turned to g9. tle tab a te w Inches below tbe strllight "And yoU ure Btlll going to stay?" edge of the center of tbe tront. All "Untll I am, burned out," 1 respond· tbe edges ot the yoke are outlined by ed. And then. on my way down the a row of narrow Insertion. The sklrt steps, [ turned around sudden.y. ot tbo dress is gathered at the top and "Doctor," I as ked at a venture. attached to the yoke. The small GlobUlar Lightning. "have you ever ,heard of a chl1d sleeves are In bishop style, ending I~ Yesterday the--tnhabltants of Lewl .. named Lucien Wallace ?" a band cufi ot insertion. For very lit· ham were provided with a specimen . leve r as he was, his face chatlged ' Ue cblldren there III nothing just as ot that curlons phenomenon known Ill! and stiffened. He was on hi s guard nice as white. but this soils so easily "globular lIgbtnlngP It Is whllt I. again In a moment. tbat It makes a great deal ot addi· commonly oalled the "firo ball," and. "Lucien Wallace?" he repe'lted, tlonal work for the laundress, It Is RS It persists tor several seoonds It I_ "No. I think not. There are plen!y of often possible to find pretty glng· obviously ot a totally dUferent cha.r-. Walla~es around. but I dOD't know any bams. in .the pale colors. and also In aoter trom an, other form of lJ,hflo Lucien." plaids and cheoks ot delicate tone. nlng. It Is much less brlJliant tban 1 was as certain as possible tbat wh1ch are more serviceable tban wblte ordinary lightning. and its brfghtne•• 'he did. People do not lie : eadlly to and wblch make very dainty dresses appears to be that of Iron at the "re4' me and this man lied beyond a doubt. tor every day wear. Tbe pattern hot·· But the~e was nothing to be gain d (6096) Is cut In sizes 1, 3 and 6 years. It Is not. as some accdunts mlght now ; his delensos wero UP. and I left, To make tbe dress of the 3-year size lead one to Infer. B soUd missile. but balC Irritated and wbolly bamed. will require l'Us yards ot material 36 It I.s always spherical and appears to Our reception was entirely different Inches wide. • fall froom a tbunder cloud by Ita olVa at Dr. Stewart's. Taken into tbe To prooure thll pattern Bend 10 cents .ravlty someUmes reboundlnl after bosom of the family at once. FlIDden to "Patte rn ,Department," of ~b\ll p a per. strlktni the ' ground.-London Ol~be. 'tied outside and nlbbUnl the grass at Write Dame and addrel. plainly, and be tbe roadside, Gertrude and I -drank .~ to alve II.. and Dumber of pattern. 8JIghtly Confu.ed. some home·made elderberry wine ane! A.h of UI become confuBed and ~1l of told brie fly of tbe ,fire. Of the mure UI mix our llUlguage sometimes. but SIZE ................. NO. 5095. serious part ot the nlgbt'i! experfeb.ce. the preparation ot an old nesro ot course, we said nothing, But wten NAKJD ....... .... .............. ............... . preacher'.' iermon was tbe greatest at last we had left tbe family on 01. confusion of metaphors I ever heara. TOWN ...................................... . porch and the good doctor was uIlt,y· says a tra.eler. When the lengthy dt. Ing our steed. I allked blm tbe same STRBft AND NO••••••••'••••••••••••••• cour~e was nearing Its close atld h.e' question I had put to Dr. Walker. had reached his "Twenty·third and 8'1'A.D....................................... ss as s.e .. "Shot!" he said. ' "Bless my soul, lastly. bretb~en," he 'wound up b, ~ no. ,\ hy. what have YOll been doln, following elaborate figure: up at the big house, Miss Innes?" "Everywha. bredren, we see de .... ~IX·QORE "TROTTEUR" 8KIR:r. "Some one tried to enter the house mighty-all down de untrodden path. , during the fire. and was shot and ot time. we Bee de footprints of d. slightly Ipjured," I said hastily. ,Umlght, blUld."-Hllman Llfe. "Please don't mention It; we wish to make as 'l ittle of It as Dosslble.·~ • A Liking tor "Hamlet." There was one other possibility, and "Ill> you like HamH!U" asked ,~, •. , we tried tbat. At Casanova, station I hOBtells of her unlettered, If gvsh1nC, saw the station master, and asked him Mt. __ It any trains left Casanova betw,een "Indeed I do," was the reply. "I am one o'clock and daylight. There was excessively fond of It. but I alwa1' none until 6 a. m. The next Clllfr.ltion prefer a savory to a sweet one." r equired more diplomacy. ' There was a momentary contusIon, "Old vou notice OD the six o'clock and tben tbe hostess realized tbat tb. 't rilln person-any man-Who admiration of the gUest was 'Of a cullimped a little?" I asked. "Please Inary, not literary, cbaracter. try to re membol' ; we ate, trying to "I gave her hl\m with an omelette) trace a man who was seen lotterlng for breakfast next morning." said Ule around Sunnys ide last nIght ' beforo hostess, wben t ellfng tile 8tO~y;...." the fire ." , ',' Scraps. ' He was all attention In a moment. "! was up the re myself at the fire.' Active Pos ••••lon. he ,salal volubly. "I'm a member ot GuJnevOl:e, aged tour. ~as ·golng o~t! the tvolllnte er company. First big firll to walk with a young lady, of whotn\ we've hod s inoe the summer h,ouSCl. she was very lond. AS they oPllnec1l 51 28 'burned over to Lbe club golf links: lhe street door the:r 'Were met ~1 " , My wif~ W8!1 s arin' the other day, All Seams ·AlIowed.-Every 'once in. swlrUng clQud ot dust, blown up trozp 'Dave, YOll might as well 'a' , saved tba awblie WEl come aOross a French word tbe tboroughfare, ·m on y In tll!tt th re ,h elmet a nd shirt.' Which Is vel'Y taking IUld we do not ''Keep your lips tlgbtly closed, Owen. And here las t night th e'y came In lUre ~o traJ\slufe it. It Is eV(:lL so with or 'YOU'll get your ' IUllgs fun ot lOt' handy.... Rang HUlt bell s o hard 1 'tlle word ."trotteur." , 1t Is the li're!lch cro~es." warned the Y9ung lally. badn' t time scarcely to get 'em on." I name Il s hort walk\.h~ sk1l't, and It Gulnenre pondered a moment nnd "And-dld YO\l 8 e ' a man who Is too Quaint to glye up. The 11l0de l I th~n. looltlng liP, detnnnde~: . limped?" Ge rtrude put In. 8S h. Illustrated is well suited 10 ~" \l I~lng of I What 'are your cl'obo~? -.NatlopaJ stopped ~Ol' breath. lhe ~wlftesi ·k1nd. It bus a: 'flat pa.nol lfonthly. "Not at the train, ma'm," he saId. In the front and back and two addl· _ _ .l...-_ _ - - , _ "No s uch person got on here to·dal". tlonal ' gQrell' at each side. TIll s In· "NO FRILLS" But I'll tell ' you where 1 did see 9 'aures the .. hang .Q.t the materl",l in • Ju.t Scnllibio Food Cured H!",. .m an tbat limped; I didn't '\:! till tbfl 'stralg!lt lines. Naturally a walkins c.offipany left; there's a fast frelgbt skirt should be made o( heavy mategoes through at 4:45. and 1 bad to, rials, There are many which are do\)· get 'd own to the station. I seen then ble·faced and thero are numbers ' 'wasn't muc" Ulore to do anyhow ·at oC others which are not, but wblcb the fire-we 'd gtlt the l1ames uni:ler con, are ' heavy enough to use without lin· trol"-Gertrude looked at me Il~d Ing them, , Tbe pattern (5128) Is cut 's'tnned-:-~'so 'I started down tbe 'bUl. In ,sizes 22 to ,32 Inches waist measure. There was folit here ,and, t'herf! ,g oln' To ,make the SKirt In the medium size hQme, and i along" b~ the path to t~e ' \VUI require 2~ yards of material 4~ Oountry club I seen two men. Oif~ Inches wIde. VIas a sbort fl!lIow. He was sitting on procure : this pattern Bend 10 centll a big rock, his back to . me. and he toTo"'Pattern Departme nt," of this paper. ,h ad 'something'. white tn 'hls hand, as 'If Write n'arne aDd addresll plainly, and . tie he was fylng ' up his foot. Aft'e r rd !lure t!, ' alve 11&e and Du;nber of pattern. gone, on a pl~ce I looked back, lind he wus 'hobbling on 'Bnd-excuse me, mill NO. 5128. SiZE ............ . .. . . '-he w~s swearing sOnlethldg slcke,. ing." NAME ........................ .............. . (TO Bi!:! .qONTINUED,)

are!" She went up tbe stairs at that, two gone, and the large and expensive t could see blm In the glare dancing at a time. Evidently sbe collided stable a t Sunnyside W3S a beap or up and down on the drlv , and a mo- with the candle, tor it went out, nnd smokJng rafters and charred boards. mGDt later Ralney joIned him. Alex I wu lett In darkness. Warner swore the fire was Incendia ry, wns awake an.l running down t.he 1 was ' really astonlsblngly cool. I and In vtew ~ of tbe attempt to enter stairs, and In minutes from tbe remember stepping over the chair and tbe bouse. tbere seemed to be no time the fire was discovered tbree of glUing my ear to the door, and r shaH doubt of It. the maids were SittIng on tbelr trunks never forget feeling It give an Inch or In the drive, although, excepting a few two tbere In the darkness, under a CHAPTER XXIV. sparks, there Willi no fire nearer than steady pressure from wit hout. Dut , the chair held, althouih I could hear Fllnderll. 100 yards. Gertrude aeldQJD loses her presence' an 'ominous cracking of one or the If Halsey had only taken me fully Df mind. and sbe ran to the telephone. legs. And tben. without the slightest 'Into his conflde nce ' through tbe whole But by the time the Casanova volun· warnhig, the cardroom window broke alTair it would have been much slm. teer fire depanment came tOiUng up with a crash. I had my fillger on the pier . It be' ba d been altogether . frank the hill the stable was a t urn ace, wlttt trigger oC the revolver, a nd as 1 about Jaok Dalley, and If tbe day after tbe Dragon F1y safe but blistered, jumped It went off, right through tbe tbe fire he had told ' me what' he .'sus. Itl the road. Some gasoline exploded door. Some one outside swore round. pected, there woul,d have been no har. jUllt 'a s the volunteer department got ly. and tor the first time I could ;heal' rowing period tor all of us. with the to work. Which , shook ,their nerves as what was said. boy In dlUlger. Dut young people r awell as the building. The "Only a scratch. . . . Men are at fuse to profit by the 'experlenoe of stable, being on a hill, . was a torch to the other end of the house. . . . tlielr e lders, and sometimes the elders attract the popJ,llation from every dl· Have tbe wbole rat's nest on us." Ilre the ones to suffer. reQUon-. · _ An~ a lot of profanity whJch I won·t I was much used up ille day atter 'rhe stable was olt the wes't ,wing. I write down. 'J'he voices were at the tbe tire. aud Gertrude fnslstedon my hardly 'know how I Came to think of broken window now , and altho~h I going out. The machine was tep1pothe cJrcular "talrcase and the un· was trembLIng violently. I was de. rnrHy out ot commiss ion, and the car. guarded door at its foot. 'Llddy was tel'mlned that 1 would hold t hem until r iage borses had been sent to a farm put ting my clothes Into sheets, pre· belp oame, 1 moved up the stall's un~ tor the summer. Gertrude finall y got , paratory to tOSsing t hem out the win' til I could see Into the cardroom, or a trap ~!rom the Casanova lI verYlDlln, dow. when I found her. and I · could r ather t hrough it, to tbe windov,:, As IUld we weut out. Just as we turned hardly persuade bel' to ' stop. I looked a small man put his leg over from the drive Into the road wep f3 Sed ' "! " Iaut yoU to come with me, the sill and stepped Into tbe room. a 'voman. Sbe had put , down II small Liddy," 1 said.. "Brl~g a. candle an,d a The curtai n confused him for a ' mo. valise, and stood Inspecti ng tbe hOl1se COl/pIe of blankets," ment; then [10 turned, not towl1 rd me, ' nnd grounds minutely, :1 should' hlud. Sbe lagged behind considerably but toward the bUllaI'd rQom door. I Iy have noticed her bad It not been h en sll S IlW me making [or the east fired again, a nd something that was ftlr the tact that slie had been horribly · wing, and at the top of the staircase Ilass 01' china cras hed to tbe ground, disfigured by smallpox. she bal,ked. , Theli I ran up tho stairs and, along th,e "Ught" Ger trud e said, Wh en we hnd, . "1 am not going down there," sb e corridor to the main $tail'cnse. Oer· pll,ssed. t' ~hat a fa oe ! I ,shall ,dream laid firmly . ' tl'ud ' WaS IStundlng thero, trying ,to of ltto·nlght, Get 1,lP" Flinders." . , "Flin~ e rs 1" 1 ask e~. '''Is tbat ,t!le "Thero' fs 110 one gu arding tile door lOcate the ahots , and I must have xplalned. " Who. been a peculiar fig ure. with my bill' horse's nam 1" , do wn tMre:' I kuows 1.-thls may be n scheme to fn crimps, my dress lng·gown flying. no " It , 15.:' Sbe tlielted the . hors~'s' dra w everybody IHray trom this end !!IiPPOI'S, and a re volver olutohed' in stubby mane wi th , .the . w.hlp. "He of the house, and let some one ' In my hand. 1 had no tlme ' to ·" t'I\lli. , dJdn't look , 1I1.e a 'Uv ry borsa, and lIere." There 'vas the !found 6f 100ts~ep8 In the II ver r mnn said he bad, bough t 'rhe ins tant I bacl said It I was con· the lowel' ball, nnd some one bounded Wm from the Armst rOng,,! wMn t hey . ' pUl'chased a couple ot motQrs and cut vinced 1 hud hit on th e e xplanation, up lhe stairs. aud that perhaps it 'Was a1ready too 1 had gone Berserk, I tblnk., I down tile atable, Nice F1lnders-good late, It seemed to me as I listened loane d over the stalr,rall and fired old boy!" ' , I tha t I lIeal'd s tealthy (ootsteps on the again . Ha lsey, below, yelled at me, ' Jo'lindel's WIl S certainly not a com: porch, but t here was so, much "W hat arc YOll doing up there ?" he 1U0n name for a horse, and yet tbe ahoutlng outs id e that It wa;3 IlllPOS' yeli ed. "You missed me by an Inch." yo'ungster at Richfield bad named :hI,S liibla to tell. Liddy was on the point , And then I coIlapsed a nd faInted. J)rat'lcID~, curly·halre d Uttle horse of re treat. When I c.nme around Liddy was rub· Flluders ! It set Jpe to tblnkh,lg. "Very ;'vell." I said, " tben I . shall go bing my temples ,with eau de Q\llnlne. At my request Halsey had a:i'read)' dow n a lone. Run back to Mr. Halsey's and tIle search was in full blast. sent word of the 1Ire to the agent room a nd get his revolve r. Don't WeIl, the man was gone. The stable from whom me qad secured the house. shoot down the stairs If you h ear a burned to the ground, while the crowd Also. he had called Mr. Jamieson. by' n~l~e; reme mber-;;-I shall be down cheered at every falling ratter,. and telepbone. and somewhat guardecUy there. And burry, tbe volunteer fire department sp~'ayed ' had told 'blm of the prevl~us nlght's I Pllt tbe candle on tbe floor at the It with a garden hose. And in the events. Mr. Jamieson promised to top of tbe staircase and took ott my house Alex' and Halsey seare'hed ever, come out that night, and to bring an. bedroom sllppern. Then I crept down corner of the lower fioor, finding no oth er man w't th blm. 1 did not con. the stalm, gOing very slowly. and one. ~ sider it necessary to notify ?;Irs. Arm. Iistentng with all my ears. Just at the " fh e truth of my story ' was shown strong, In the 'Village. No d9ubt she foot of the stairs I stubbed my toe by the bl'oken window and tbe over· knew of · tbe fire, nnd In view of JIlY against Halsey's big chair, a nd bad to turned cbalr, Tbat the unknown had r~fusal to give up the bous~ an Inter. stand on one foot In a Boundl ess agony got upstairs was almost Impossible, view would probably have been un. until lhe pllin subsided to a dull acbe. He had not used the main staircase, pleasant enough. But as we IllI.llsed And then-I knew I was right. Some there was no way to tbe upper floor Dr. Walker's white and green bCiuse one had put a key Into tbe locle, and In tho east . wing, and Liddy had been I tbought cif something. Marvel. of Modern Surgery. ~REET ~D ~O..................... .. was turning It. For some reason it at the window. In the west wing, "Stop here, Gertrude." I sal'd. "I KnWi operations on: the stdmao,. r efused to work, and the key was where the servants' stair went up, But am going to get out." have' 'g lven a death rate of 'from OIl!11' 'ftATm ••••••• t •••••• ~ ••••••••••••.• • : ••• ••••• withdrawn: There was a muttering' of we did not go to bed at all. Sam Do· "To lice Louise ?" she asked. to 20 ,per cent.~ ' against .20 to '.0 'I?~r voices outside ; 1 bad only a second . hannon and Warner helped in the "No, I want to aslf this young Waiker cenk ten years ago . . O~tt1ng opeD, Another trial. and tbe door would search. and not It , closet escaped , something." " the ' upper abdomen. splitting, tb" , Won Prize for Beet Plan. open , Tbe candle above made a faint [j~rutlny. Even the cella~·s. were· given She ·was' curious, [, knew, but I did stomach ' open and turning It wron. Miss Ellnor C; ~Immerman, ot East gleanl down the well,lIke staircase. a thorough overhauling, without re. not walt to explain. J went up tlie side out, ,Se1\r,Chlng' tor:' ,cancers aafl St. Louis, "'Ill.•, has ' Won n, prize for and, at ' that moment" wltb a second, s uIt. The door In th~ east entry had walk ; to the house, ,where a brass sign ulcer,s, b~s ~coPle a not uncotJitnoll dr-awing the best plan of a ' no Dlore, to spare, I thought of a· plan. a liole lhrough ,It where my bullet JIad at tile. side announced, the, omae. and opefatton, ' otten 'followed by ~ gre~ hous'e to cost '2.600. She had more 'rhe heavy oak chair n,lmost filled gone: The , bole slanted downw,a rd. , went In. Tbe , reception ' room w'a s c ures .and benefit~,~ ~nd Is largely. ~n tban,. 6,000 cemp.eUtors. w e s pace b twe n ' the n\'l wel post and and : t1\e }lUllet was embedded In. th,e empty, l1ut. from , ~he cons,uitaUon ...... ".,...". . spec;ial~Y. \::- New York' Teach' Obedlenc •. ,the' door. With a cmsll 1 had turned , 110rch: Som~ reddish stains s bow.e d .It roonl beyond camEl ·the sou.nd of two Let chll . d"ren' und.erstand ' .thAO dla. ' . voices. not very ~m!cabI8. , ~ It on its s ide, wedgl,n g it against. had d'one execution " the door. its legs ngalnst th e I:ltli1 rs. 1 ' ,lS om body will walk ltime," H:alseY !!It Is an ,o utrageous. flgure:' 'lome • 'I ' b~ : ,;. ':, o~·!3.dl~ncie '\s ~~e to be {olJow~d by ~Ollld bear u ·falut scream from Liddy, said, when he lIad, .marked ,the COUrljl8 o~e 'wns stormIng. ,Then ,tile do~tpr'iI' , Phllatelllm, H - , ~o r... ~ ~"" Jlunlshment i. child lieldom disobeys a t the crash and th im s he came dbwn of tile bullet. ,"It's too loW' to ,have hit quIet tlCae'; evld,enUy l\ot' · ~guhlg" '~t!it~ .s,enator ,Ernest R4;cker;ma~ ,,Natpre, :mo~.e ~ari , o.ll~,e In ' t9u'.!i.\lng a th o stairs OU' a 'run, wltll ~Qe reyolver .ilnytblng but a leg or ·toOt." ' ." metel,.. jJtatlng someth~~g. 'S ui. 'f had, ' , ~elV, J~~,ey, .wbO} .B no~ enjo~nl ',hot' lampo,IIl,S~. 'It wl~l "oon learn to 8 o~ ftftlo 'From 'that· time on. I wat<;hed. 'every not time, ,1 Pft l' th slaatl I .. '~ I o,u , as be ld ' straight 'out In fron t ot her. , . .,.o':.~ '11 s t e~ t 0 sOlDe" perl'0n hili a~D.lllI.l }i'I.pd 'allro,d. IS, ?t:l til_ db';.. , we'il. 'Never a 1.A10w it to "T'h'unk .O·od·," sh, e aid: In a sh.aklng · person I , met tor a limp. and tQ tbls . p"robably , dl!$puting his bUl. 14? " ~,G~n a,n ,. ,mos ..~n , )1, ' c '1';::'- ~ uk wh,..'. Tou ' kDow;~ that- Is enougb . d .~t on~e.; tbl!\ coua· ' aay the' man who b~lte In hls .walJc]" cougbed. , Tb ' e v,o. IC," cease S ofI PQs, ... t88', t e.-.stl!-m." hi Ue In tlon that '-_ '. ' . , , ' . rol e. " J thou,gbt It was' YO,u," ' ' 1 d so mewb ere. a nd th e d 00' baa uy. set0 ,apart aree ODIt I sroom ~o~.. ... , ,...ot • . Bad inther. '1 p.,lnled to ·the doer. and sh~ UD' an object of 8usplclon to me; J3' .; u t a do or COlle In h.11 ,b. _ ......... e'dlt"'r tbeI~ea, J;t"'. ' elg " b ..r..' ftnd der~iood. . , ., .' . 'asanov,a had no lam!! ,m~n; the .neal'· tOI' ent~re4 f~om tbe !l~lI of t1M ~' .... u .... 1'4 .. ewl let. "Oall ·out of tb wfndows at tbfJ "est approllch to tt 'W8a ~n , old fellow He looked $umclentJ;y surprised, Platnfteld as a " a , mp ~OIQ. , Obaen~r 4eclu811 th~t, lt ,he ever ' o~hel' e nd 01 Ule house:' l wulspered, wbo tended the lafety gatel " at tb~ .lng me. whlc~ ~lJ:~ SOIll,., '01, the . ~r~t at tlc:h lle ,1,(DL, endow ,a brill! balld and "nl1~. Tell tIIe'DI not to wait lol' auy· l'iUroad. and he. I' leal11ed OD. Inqufl'7, . "Good ~fternooli" C:ootor," r 8a.Itl stamps, 1'0 ·dear to Ule Iwu't; ~. tilt ..4 sf-al'OUDd the .COUQ~ to dellabt ~sGc." . .' . had two artificial Jegs. Our m~ had formalb'. "I lball Dot , keep ~~from pbl1a1_Un. ~' .. tilt cW.l4ren ~a old .folb. '



Ey.ry form of c:ut~eou8 c1!.seas. could be cured In .·lta incipiency If a jar of Reslnol Ointment were ltept ·at bJUld. A muo of this excellent Of?t.< merit applied In time will' eltectu:illy ward off ' and cure' a stnrUng troubla which, 1t neglected. may 'prove a trou· blesome and orten, obstlnat~ case of Eczl:i!IIIA 'or otber 'disfigurlng skin disease. ' For burns, scalds. s11ght wouads, sores. eruptlnn 9t pol SOD Ivy. sunbllrn, It is B Quick and sure remedy. usually curing tbese troublel over night. To the unfortunate suf,. terer with Hemorrhoids (Itcbing or In· flamed Plies) resinol ointment ill 100 deed a godsend. The intense pain and intolorable itching of this trouble is Inst.antaneously r elJeved and a cure elrected in a ver;y short time. Tbe bath room or tawlly medicine ease Is 'incomplete It not 9qulppe4 with Reslnol Soap IUld Ointment.: They are most valua!>le accessories tn every well r egulated bousehold, and clln be obtained at IUlY drug store. Resin'll Medicated Sbavlng Stick fa , also blghly appreciated by men who ., regard a good complexion and a f~C;~ treG from pimples and blotches. Booklet on. Care of the SkJn and Oomplexlon s ent free on application. Realnol Chemical Co.. BalUmore. 14110






( ,~


A Shipp In, Error. fte youn« Duch8tl1l at Welltmlnllter. dl"ldual cropi 1 hlcb wfU run .. bl" . lfe of the rIchest peer In E nglapd. aa 45 buehefa on acrell of GOO and 1,000 recently «ave bIrth to her thir d child, acr~s, but· there are othe ro which will a daughter. Thus there til no belr to c!rop as low as 15. A aat e average tor the· Immelllltt Grosvenor tortune. Earl winter wheat will be 19 1)uehels. The .Grosvenor, . the duchess' second ch11d, .SPL~NDID R~SULT8 . . FOLLOW aample Is exceptionally fln"". excepting havIng dIed at the age or tou r. In a re w oases where It hal been wrlnEvery Loss Ott Et'fort Should Be Made to Guard Agains t FARMING IN THE CANADIAN Apr01los at all this, a rather cru el is more lIOothing thnn ,Cold kted by ~xtre m e h~t . Life a nd· Property From Destruc.tive WEST. Cream ; more healing than eior.L.1.a..J)elDg told In Newport about The north ern sectton of Alberta hal Discharges ot Electricity nny lotion. li nim.col or ;:-:::'7--1-- - - - Lady Ursnln Grosvenor, the e ightbeen natl.l rally anxious to ho press the more b e aut i f y j n g than any year-<>Id daughter of the YOUDg ,AmerIcans In Canada Not A.ked to world wi th the tact that It hl18 not cosmetic. duchess. lIuffered from drought, and this Is quite Forget That They Were Born Cures dandruff and slops haIr Irom wbatever depth the latter1ls round. It (By A LF RED J . HENRY .) A friend, tb e story goes. called at true. Wheat crops run fr om 20 to 30 failing oul American • • It the phenomenon of Jlgbtnlng there Gre no down rain spouts on the Eaton Hall. a nd as she· aal In the bus hels to an acre, but In a re port unde rstood, perha ps the were better ground coone tlon sbould buildi ng t be drn\vlng·room . lillie Lndy rsu la enBuch as this Il Is really only possible Farm produce today III TelIlUnera- to dell I with the prov ince as a whole enormous toll It exacts In Ufe and be placed In t be line of the drip from tered. Carefully the roof; s lnca t h e latte r bas a ten· " Oh , good afternoon." she said Uve, and this belps to make farm life and wh il e th e estimate may seem very property would be less. compiled statistics sh ow tbat In the agreeable. Those wbo are studyIng low to the people of Alb rta, It Is talr United States be t wee n 700 a nd 800 dency to keep th e earth moist. Tb ls gravely. ."Mamma can't see nny one construollon h:'..8 the advantage of aa today. Sho's upstaIrs with tho new HAND-SEWED the economics ot the day t ell us that to t he prOvince through oul. PROOESS persons a re killed a nnually and twice lIn brol{ (] run of wire from the baby. Th ey sent her, you know , a gi rl When the very light rain fall and ME1'J'8 52.00. 1&2.50. $8.00, IS.60, M..OO. 56.00' tbe stre ngth 9,f the nation lies In the groun d to the root of the building. she'd ordel'ed n boy. and she's when WOlllEN'8 52,110, 58,GS.50, 54 cultlvatlon or the soil. Farming Is no othe r eccentricities or the pas t seaSOD the mai n conductors run fro m Wilen eo upset th a t sho's qui ts 111." BOYS' $2.00...1 $2.60 &. $3,00 a re take n Into account, It s eems nothlonger a haDd-to-mouth exls'tence. It lug short of a miracle tba t t he Canathe roof of tbe building to the \)n se THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS means Inciepeudence, often ailluehce. dia n \\'est should ha ve produced lOa on ly t here Is ofte n t.rou ble In lllak ln! How It · Was Named. They are absolutely the a )l rrec t joi nl be tween t hem aucl tha but certainly Independence. Nottlngham laca was so called be- most popularll.lld mil lion bu shels of wheaf. which Is beatahoe, materi als used for ground wires. cause It origina lly was made by the CalJlng at a far m house, near one of less than 18 million bushels s bort ot for the pdce 111 America. the leaden overyThey are Ono me thod Is to w Ile a gn lvll nlzed semJ-eavage people who lived In the the numerous thrlvlnc towns of Al- the crop ot IOO!)' It Is for the West ' where because they bold sayan Inch and a quarter wl\ler pipe, caves In the d.1strlc t now known as berta, In Western Canada. the wri ter genera lly a paying crop and perha p. ' ,bape. fit better, In diameter, a nd dr ive It Into tbe Nottingham. In England. By keeping their 10011: better and woar lonwas given a definItion ot "indepen- th e hest adv rtl semcnt the country ground at the foot of the mai n ::onthe work between them and the dark ger than other makes. denne" that was accepted as quite hIlS evcr had, as It shows tba t no matductors. Secure a cap for tbe tOp of mouth at tha cave the women could They are ce rtainly tho molt economlcal ,h~ orl.lnal. Tile broad acres ot the farm· ·ter how dry the year, with thorough · t he pipe and bOl"e a hole through ·It work the pattern easily. Nottlngbam, Douglae Ulla ge. good seed nnd proper method. name end lIr's land bad a crop-and 0. s plendid of cODservlng U:e moisture. a crop Call 8 0 t ha t lIle conducUng wire can be or any other lnce, even the finest and the bottom-Taluu,e~~~s.:.~~.~~I.~:~ TAK. NO aua blfe;· too. by the way- ripening for tbe nlwa ys be produced. passed through; then Insert the wire tllmJest, can be washed safely and C&IIIIot IUPw.II"0n pipe. fill the Interstices Inlo the r eapers' work. The E!venness of the quickly with Easy Tliek soap, which AB some evlde n<;e of the feeHng 01 wit h powdered charcoal, nnd place 1a a natural, sclentlfio cleanser ruM crop, coverIng field after field, altraet. the farm ers, are submitted le tter. the cap on t he plpe_ The hole In the leaves the lace In the best condition. ed attention, as did· also the neatness wrItten by fa rmers but n tew day. cap Ifhollid be large enough to permit Easy Task cos ts but five centa a c~e ot the surroundings, the well-built s ub- ago. a nd tbey offer tbe best proof tha1 the conducting wire to pass easily at your grocer's. atanUaJ story-and-a-halt log hOU90, and can be given. thl'ough and at the Bame time allo w the well-rounded sides at the cattle. Maldstone, Sask ., Aug. 4, '10. wa ter to pass down the wire into the Even the Children, "1 havo luftered with oils lor th~ HI. broken E nglish- he was a French I came to Maldstone tram MenomJ, Interior of the pipe. Ex·Governor l'onnypacker. condemn- liz yean. One year ago "Jut Api'll I ~ CannGlao-was easily underslandable nee. Wis.. four years ago, with my A meta\lJa roof properly connected Ing In his witty w'a y the Amerlcao gaD taking Cucareta fOr c:onatij)lldon. and 1lleasant to lis te n to. He had parents and t wo brothers. We all 10Method of RunnIng Conductor. to the ea rth affords a reasonably good divorce e"lI, told, at a Pblladelphla the coune of a week I noticed the began to disappear and at the end 0 protection to the building from light- luncheon, an appropriate atory. come there from Montreal a year ago, cated hom esteads at that time and they aid not troublo me at "Even our children," he said. "are weeu had paid $20 an acre for the 320-acre now lIave our 'patents. The soil III a that number Injured by lightning. This ning. In suburban dlst.rlcts wb era Cucareta have done wonders for me. rich black loam as good as I have e v~r great loss of Ufe falls largely upon fr ame buildings with Un roofs pre vail becoming Infected_ A Ke nsington farm. with the mUe Improvemeot It am entirely C\ln!d ud fed like a n see!). We bave had good crops each the people who live away from the bad. He bad never farmed before, yei year and In 1909 tbey were exceeding- great centera at populaUon. So. too. there It! little destruction by lightnIng; school teacher. examining a UWe IIrl man." George Kryder. Napolcoa, O. : Illost at the buildings have down ·raln in grammar, said : hIs crop waB excellent. glvtng evi- iY good. Wheat yielding fro~ 22 to 40 the greater part of the annual loss of s pouts. which s erve to . conduct the Plea.rurt. PIIlatable, Polellt. Tute GoocL , .. 'Wbat Is the tut.ure of "1 love?'" Do Oood. Never SickeD; WeakeD or Gripe. dence as to the Quality of the soil, and bushels per aero and oats from 40 to property Is chargeable to farm bulld- discharge to the earth. In the case .. 'A c1lvorce: the child answered 100.250, SOc. Never ,old 10 bulk. Tho pa. I u1ne t.b1et Itamped C C C. GuanDtoed to tbe good Judgment tha t had been used 80. We are well pleased wltb the Ings and their contents and live stock of an Isolated building wIth a tin roof ·promptly." our. or )'Ola mo~ back. IIZO I In Its prepa ration. And bra1ns aoun~ cO\lntry and do not care to return to In the field. LI ght a nd power electrlnative state. I certalnly ' belleve cal tra nsmIssion JInes also suffer from our 'nIere Ia more Catanb,lIl thll -Uon or the IIOUDU7 Sn farming all well as "braw.'· Asked IIw> &II oilier d _ _ put t.ocelbu , and unlU lbe IUC 'bow b6 liked It there. he atralghtened tha t Saskatchewall Is just tb4 place the vagaries ot IIgbtnlng, but the lew }'e&N W.. IUp~ \0 be lII. u .... ble. For. ""IL' lZIIUly yet.ra d O.\01"I pronollDOIId It & Ioe&! d lle_ &D4 hili broad shoulders, and with hand fo r 11 hustler to get a start af..-l make great multlpllcaUon of these lines In preecrtbe4 loe&I remedlea. and b, QOna1aDU, r.Ulnl I have been manufacturing very profitable \0 eure "IUl Ioe&! UCalm""t. pronounced It malrable.. outlltretched towards the waving fields himself a borne. Wages he rC' "r Carm r ecent times has s Um ula ted the deScIence 11M pro""" Cal&rfb \0 be a conltltutloDal 0118- ltandard goods, used ellteDSively 10 ho~ of grain. thi s YOUog French Canadian, labor range trom $3 5 to . ·15 pel' velopment of means ot protecUon, so - . and nquu. IIOlIItllAlUonal ,t.reatmtnt. busine55 stores, baoks, factories, raUrojld-.; HaU" CatArrb Cure. m&nufaaWrecl b, Jl. J _ Cbeoe,. La. Dow. that nowadays the electric power model ot symmetrical bulld, replied : month. ok Co .• Toledo. Ohio, II only OonatllutloD&l cure on achool •• farmbouses. barns, mines. ~. I.C . , fot "Be gosh, YI)S. we like him- the the marlu!t. It Ia takllD IlltemaUy In d~ Irom 10 i 2 yean. still iocreaaing. Netted t I 5,ooej TOfield. Alberta, July 10. 1910. plants and lines are bett~r protected droP' 100 • te:lapoo~ It acu dlrec:U,._on the blood farmIn'- well, don't we. Jea-nnette?" I am a natl vo of Texas. the largest f rom lightnIng than are farm build~d mullOUi 1\Iff&COI . or the 1}I11«m. 'l"bo")' oller 0l1li last yea'. Failing health campell me~ bllDdm dollanl 1M &II,. _ I~ lalla \0 cure. 8en4 lead a rurnl life_ Will excbalf,e for 00 as he IImlllngly turned to the young nnd one at the very best at-ales of the Ings_ Olr atroul.... and teltlmon\all. oi: two good farms or half interest to G: wUe standlng ' near . . She had accom- UnIon. I have been here three yean The ordinary fa rm building Is not Adr1r_: 17. J . OHENElY • 00•• Toledo. 01lIo. mao for one good farm, at once. DellCri Sold by DruH\ltt. '&0lIanled blm from Montreal ~o his far- and have not one dc!?ire to return to dIfficult to protect from ' lightning TUe aau.. J'amII.y 1'w. lOr eonatlpaUoQ. fully your property with price. Addr wellt home, to assIst him by her wifely the states to live. There Is no place lIashes In the great ma jority of cases. S. M. Booth, 230 W. Huron St.,l5th Floor, Chi help and companionship. In making a 1 know of that offers s uch s'p lendld WhUe absolu te protecUon cannot be 80urle of Revelation. lJew bome In thlll new land. "Yes. we lnd,ucements for capital. llraln and s ecured unless the building be InTwenty·seven neW', criep. bl11l1. c:ome bere wan year ago, and we never brawn. I would like to say to all who cased In a ne twork at wires, It Is besays Harper's WeeklY, welgb as much farm before. Near Montreal, me are n ot satis fied where you are, make lIeved that · a building with a properly 118 · a $20 gold' pIece. Wouldn't bllve Method of Placlnll1 Rod •• Gall Cure Collars Cathel'. he kep de grls' mill, an' de a trip to Weste rn Canada; If you do installed systeo of lightning conductthought It, and have no meana of cardIn' m1l1, an' be gosh I he run de not like It you will feel well repaid ora will tare better than one without ca ro should be taken to flee that tha proving the assertion. but It 80 It I. will not gall the horse; For aale your local dealer. U yon cbsese factor' too. He work, an' me for your tri p. Take tbl. from OU s uch a system In CBse a discharge of down rain spouts are connected with probably owing in some way to the by want free sample of the hair pad work, an' UII work tarn har', be gosh! who's on the groupd. We enJoy IIple~ the most, violent tvpe s hould fall upon the ground, It will not do to s top recent activity of the Inspectors of to ~onyince you, write al and u. work tor de farme r; well 'den, did governlll '!'nt, laws, IIcho~l. rallw&1 It. th em w1 thln a few Inches of the weights and measures. mentioo your dealer's name. sometln' go not always w'nt you call faciliti es. health. and last, but not Whether or not to install Ughtnlng ground; there should be an unbrolten 'It .UNlOlISllCI CO. Hakere for the trade.. least. an Ideal -cUmate, and t.bls from donductors on' one's property Is a meta1l1c path from tbe ridge of thE OEKOO BA.RNES8 RANG BELL, ALL RIGHT a Te~a n . O. L. Pugbll. question, after all, of Individual judg- root Into the grou.nd. Tba kind lIIat.. lU&fUlloMII. CI_le'ld, O~, s Normur of Porter, Wl&conBlD, ment. It tbe prope rty Is Insured In provIding a ground wire to con· nft er vls l.Ung Dauphin. ManItoba, against loss by Ughtnlng there would nect the lower end at a rain spout says: "I have been In Wlsconllin 25 with moist eartb. a wire cable or a years, coming out tram Norway_ Never pIece of galva'nlzed pipe may be used. have { s een· better land and the croplI The Yltal points of the connection are In East Dauphin are better than ) two: Firat. to reach the moist earth, have e ver seen, especially the oat.. ond, second j to sE!cu're a perfect metal· And the only way to Impress some There Is more straw nnd It has heav· He joint betwee:l the down spout and ler heads than ours In Wisconsin. the earth conductor. It a wire Is used people la to suppress them. "This Is ·. just the ' kind ot land we, It should be 1tat~ened out at the end lIbs. ~ IJootlalDc 87np. are looking for. We are all used to 'In the form ot a tape aod then bolted 1'~~'e.~8.~=- b~ Two Types (If T -ConnectIon.. and soldered to the rain spout. Th!1I r.:;,c.::~~~~~~=".'l'~C:W:- ;::~w:.: PATEIT uI11ed farming and t he land we have ftiMUaI4.&.':ft"lA:J... Lz~~, seen 18 finely adapted to tha t IIOrt 01 form of a joint Is not very dura ble, The man' whoee blufr III not 10m. work. Cattle, hogll, horses and grain be little Incentive toward Incurring since the tin is apt to oxidize unless It tlmea called never existed. . W. N. U., CINCINNATI. NO. 87-1I1t~ w111 be my produota. BIld for the live additional expense tor llgbtnlng coo- 18 kept well painted. In \ he case of a buUdlng wltb • IItock. prospects could not be better. ductors. In case at an isolated farm I bave never lIeen sucb cattle as a.r e buildIng stsndlng apart trom trees It metal roof; but no down spouts, It I. raised here on the wild prairie grassell would seem that the conseryaU"e desirable. In order to obtain protection and the vetch that IItands three 01' COUl·tle would be to erect an Inex- from lightnIng, to run a wIre contour feet high In tbe groves and on pensive -tlylltem of Ughtnlng conduc-' ductor f.rom each of tbe four cor ner. the open praIrIe. tOri. ot the roof to the earth. It the over, Any farmer can construct a com- hang of the 1'oot is excessive, a hole ; ~ Sir Wilfred Laurier Talke to Am." paratlvely III expensive yet effective should be bored through It to ·Iet the , Itan.. . Ughtnlng conductor -wIth mnterlals wIre pass close to 'the wall ot ~ Wheat Yield ID MaDY DI.trlds Will /:llr W1J(red Laurier, Premier · of that CAD be purohased from the largt'r building. De ,.from 25 to 35 ' Bushels Per .cr de' rIght, an' de tarmer be say" de' Call ada. Is 1I0W making a tour of. _electrio supply houses. ' All objects on ~ ~uJ1d!J1l:! .bl~her , ' . ', .w . ' , m&n t'In~e goSh'! and ~ell us go !to Western Canada nnd In the course 01 The earth onD1lCUOnll reql1l1e 8Ieat+th1m--t!Ite-~ItfE~I(-YMH'Oof sbould be t.lld ,aI.. AD4 hOlllenea4 8Iltrt.'1Il~. - No _UOIl 10. 1l1lll1beN ,.,1mIri'J~rlhltbedt----well, an)ll\vay he tarn mad. Now." his tour he has vlsltftd 'many of tho ::are 10 their construction. Tbe ' es- protected ·by ahort tetminal wires. and 8&ateL Woodertal oppoJ1lU11\1M remalll fQr thOle " 9 Intend malting Canada thell' hom.. and tben he waved his band again ' t1ll1trlets In which AW<lfIcans have set· .entlal thing Is to re!1ch permanently the latter should be Joined to the main New cUat'l'lote bel~ opened up fqr eeulemenL 1Ilan7 'ariDer, will ne~ lbl, 7ear, tlO to 11& towards the ftelds, "I 'ave no bodder, tIed. He eXPressell hImself u hlghl, moist earth In the shQrtest distance conductor provided the dIstance Is not acre from their whea' crop. All the advantall'M · pI 014 eetUe4 cOUlltr1ea are theN. 110 oardln' mill. no· gria' mlll, no Cheese' pleased with tbem. At Craig. Sas' rrom the maIn conductors. The over 10 or 15 feet. If the distance Is IIOhoo18, chUJ'Ohee, .pleD414 marbl .. noeUe"" raIl~ t-WUeL See \he sralo uhlhU at~. Btate _4 _ e at the Couot)' talra. factor'. I ·am now de tarmer man. an' katchewan, tbe American settlen rround ends of the vertJcal wlrell greater It wqpltl be better to run a LeU.ere almIlar to the tollowt·OIf are recel~ when me want to. me can say to de joined wIth the otherl In an addrell should be colle,l In a spiral having a conductor dIrect to the ground, tbe oder fellow! you go--! Well. we of welcome. In reply Ins Sir Wlltred iUameter of about a foot. Tbese spirals uaual precautions as to reaching per- ooD4lc.looa; GUIer dletr10te are . . taTorablr apolreD or: , Uke him-the farmJb'," And that was sald ,in ·part: abould be burled In moist eartb at manenUy moillt earth beln, observed. THIIY IIBNT FOR TB1IlR 8Ol'f. :'JtDl~~~J,".;,~ ~ =~~. f~lII~rl1:t:at"::, a good definitiOn Qf Independence. . "I ' uncterl,ltand that mAny of you MAlc1atone,8uk.. (J.n&4.~A - &lbJ .1tttQ. "Xy p6n1nla came bora from Oed"r , 10 0a.na4a." ~'mJ:::X'Den.., ~er. Throughout a trip of several hun- ha..-e come tram the greAt Republlo four ,ea", ,",0. and .. e... 80 "0" plo ' ..11ob • eountry the, lent to Oue or d 'AIone tor mo. I b.,e dred mUes In the Agricultural district to the south ot us""':a land whlcb hi T.A.B:BS IDS BBOTBBn.-lN-LAW'8 WORD B'Osrr. t&lreD tip 0. bom~ DOOU" u..ou.. &nd am porfecCy aat.lafte<l to alOp here. " lAODara Dilualaa. ot Wes·t ern Canada, the writer· found akIn to us by blood and tradl~on . J, "hbaUJOtoOaor:,~':~t.u~3;·mt'3.Jie~ . bouebold 1I00<I.. I flO'. crop ho", t.hl8 teat the farmers ' In excellent spirits, rtn bope that In ~omlng from a fr_e e counWANTS SlI'l"l'LBR'8 RA'l'IJ 1'O1\~ STOCK. andmlbrother- ID-Ia"'.A%OI!lOn1Atromln~ 8~lor. Alben. Jn l,. 81at, 19lO. optimistic feeling being preva~en t try you reaUz~ that you come also tCl ..aoU Ill~ W IIOme tbenl. lIo formerly UTe4 "Well I lOt, up hera from 11'0 ..... ' City. lO'!.'!IJast WllIoOD, North Da~ I.m JrOI0'l 100 bUi oil' everywbere, It will be Interesting to another free countr7, and th~t al· IDrlna.lnl100d IlI&po "ILb tile) ' loOok . nel eT8<7WUDIL ."ben 11101 th0!.:Hra btlt do DO _~to Nowl"1 II&ve 80t t"o bOTS baallin IQ..... ,ot, IID4"! !lomeatoad tlaTel '''0 tI.meII t.benll~r I m)' brotber-ID- .... tbe thousands on the AmerIcan side though YOU' came from a republic you am 10\DiJ ~ tIl0nl now lOOD to l et lbom "I'd anword &bollt the conn....,.. want to lIet yotlr otbor oar uP be re tblJo r.. l1. \Vb t I ."" uld Uko \0 ral&" \.Yours truly 01' the Une to know th&t their relA- have come to what III a crowned ):Dow II, I! thonll. &0, e ll&na" 10 RIIt a obt'6p rate 1"_ Peter A. NeIaoIl. baa aa&1n, and wben .,,0 rotllrD to ~ I wlU tlve~ and friends are doing well there. democraoy. The KIng, our sovereign, oaII &t )'OIU 08100 tur 011 r corUftoata.' that tbey have made their home In a has .perhaps not so many powers ' as WABl'B TO BIITURN TO OANAD ~ YOUnI .t.nIl7. B. A. WIk. country that stand a up so splendidly the President of the United States. "I went '" Oan~. ~:~~~' ;~ll:':'DW' WILL )lAJ[1I ms IJOMB IN OANADA. Qua"",r . eot.loD or ral ltoallADd aDd .. hOmel'!!!''' nnder what h.s been trying conditions but whether we are on tbe one side ._ OaBnran.dl .. Do~, .,,~!~~Ur-:.!'mtll. I'a~ la9lDO~a 'till titlt lilT bo,.. 11&"" De" •• taileD tip all1 land yen ~ ~ 'v to<! , bold lbe raJlroad I&Dd. I hlld to .fOIIIO b&elk "1 am fIOl IlII ~ In most:. oC the northwestern Ill\rt .of of the line or the other. we nre lill lIl teDd to m..\:o m)' bo mo lbora. M T bUlband hu lbo alAl..1 ODftCC01IDtof 1117 bll&ltb. Ple.....!"'-I !lecD there , I" .. eaka and l a ,,011 plOWlo<l wllb the kn ow .. tollOO It I the eb .... p ralOl to1'ol>ollllo the farmIng .. dIstricts of the continent. brothers. by blood, .. by kinship. by ·Ues eounl.., · 00 bo wan U! m o to no mo D8 ooon .... poe41ber\&." vOlin trull', With the exception ' of some portions of rela.t1onl;lhlp. In coming bel-e as ,Ibl... 'lie 1I10<I 9 n a cIBlm nM . L&ndlJo, 8aa1o:.,llnel a..... P .....o""''-. . I ~7 hII 4.. arlpUclA of It 1t muat bo & p .... r.t7 pace. . V.tAo MlnIl.. of 'Southern · Alberta .. and al so a por- ' you h""e come and becoming ' natural· Send for literature And a6k tho loe ..1 ean...ul>u OovernmeDt A~nt. few ExauJ'1aloQ na~ tlon of' ManItoba and Soutbern Sas- Ized clUzens ' at tbls ~ouni.ry no ,on~ de1Ieat cUawiota In which to locate. Bnd wben to frO. katchewan . tho gro,l p erop8- could be .sires ~ou ~o f,orget · the land of your descrIbed.' as fair. good : Bnd excellent . ancestors. , It 'would be a ppor man B. M. WILLIAMS. Law Buil.ino. Toledo: Ohio The ·lIa.m e drough~ Ulflt Il,lfec~ed North ' who woUld Dot always ' hava 111 'btd .Ul d · Sollth Dakota, Montana, Mlnn e- It art a , fond affection fOr the l.a nd ' 80ta, Wisconsin , and other ot the wblch ho came trolD. The :wo greatest It Is now costing tbe tarmer about labor wUl bave paid him ' part C;, the .. , 1I0rthern centol'nl states e;lltended o~e~ countries today are- certainly, the $M n year to eupport a hors\! In Mln- cost of kee·p lng througb the' Idle seaH.UlNESS. ''The kind that'. gual'anteed." al'D mo.dc 110 mlleb better that the;' m~ Int9 a portlon of Ca narla just men- ' Unl t~d Ktncdo m of Great Drltaln ftJlr\ . nesota. accordinl to the . statistics son. The . farmer peeds a horse that GEMCO COlit more, yet the1 are Hold ,..It cheap a . the or<lloary kInds. To a88ure you aBtis rBct\ on, yo tloned, But In ' theSle 1)o~tlonli· the Irelr;md nnd tbe ReP~bllc of the Unl.t·· care tully kept a t the experiment sta-: will pay him a profit eYery day In the d ealer will II'I"e 1011 ... lt4 e ..eb BU A l'ROTXOTION C ER'l'IFIOATE, IllI'ned by bo ~h blm . On rae I.,. .. guaranteelnll' tbe m"~rla~ and worlrmans blp to be ... Ilhont d efcc ~. Wh7 truBt ._ orops roJ' the past , tour or five ·years ed· State&. Let 'thorn be qnltedto- · tlon . The necessity Is nDparent for year_ chance wben you cOon be lure ot ~UIOIf the bel .' )'ou.r monQ1 wlll buy. Ord er OElJ CO ~ NESS throuirh your local. dealer. look tor the t!'ade marlc a .n 4 get ,.our ·eJg Dc d lI'ulU'nntee. IX ",ere IIplendld and 'the .1'Ie\dlt good. .g e ther 11-~~ ,t~~ t'eace . ~f (t he world tho' farmer to 'get Into methods of The .tact ' shoUld not be .over)oo'ked &D1thtilli' aoea~, your 4.,.111' will make /rOOd o u r e xpe ose , wl t bout d e l"" ar. quibble. . 'rhe ~~9.t 11!'G'Y11lt::0" of ::;;a,,~tch~wap, will be ! or.e'V er a~sured. ' . . iiandllot .h18 'borses . 80 they Will r~·· that tbe ·horl\e. like ·other .lUIlmals, re. . O.,e"" (J,uBrW!I'otB million sets of our No. IVa..... , ne •• now 1n u ao and ,evary I c t giving l"lIs tBCtofl'j . , Ii... Itul!\.ted leas Itom drought In pro. '~f,helle .tha~ In coming here, ali you tul'n n' .P~ofit, In add~t1on to.thE!" WOI']( qulr~s ~dequat'e ~be1ter. ·. · .~n tHtrae. . aervlce. It II at ICBtbe r tanncd tl'Om. Paok,ao "Portion tq ber 'a rea u'nd~i ulUvatlon '~,nve.' 'you ~~:ve foU.n!i ,lIbe.~ ~y. l\1I~t,lce they' Qo., "to . pay '10r )their boord.'" It tIVe barn 1s shown In· the UlustraU'QD. , . S~er hldel. l1li,..04 'with look s t lleb 10 to the ln~ Relnforce4 wbero the atr" ln COlIIO . , Round ed , . than eltllbt~ onhe- other provInces,. On ·and ··eQuallty of rf,ht:B. 'I n t~ls . <;olln. has been' suggellted by t.he , seore't~ y tlnllhod througbout, 01>0 be dep eniled o'n"lDan . , ' tbe other hnnd: lnltead oCtbe drou,ht. tty. ·ali X!. 10lll: o~ y.ou ~kllOW' nbthln$ of the ''Mlnneaota ,stallion re~lsttation ...---cumltaoee.: BRIDL1!l t( .In\. 1101[- cbt'ek .. ron "ta,.l, nOlGb"nd. BRE ASTCOLLAillSln .• V!ah~p , . 'lIelng- cot\fI!le~ very" largel}: ' to \ tne· o~ · separation ·~t. creed lind raj) '~ ,(or ~olU'd that the "pi esont' a ver age, farm ,Jj~~\80-1~~~;;'''~~-. SADDLE. ling l e s trap 8 Ill, :BAOK BAND,' 1 10 loutb of ·the· ,JI)~ln Une of the ,c. P. fit yoli ,llt;'el!-ll Cana"lana bere t .' And ' If' bQraea be qt onee c:onv.erted '.Qto !;11gb· From 80 acrell of Illnd doubled aD4 $utched: LINEBl " " 1,. Ineb. ,prlIl enda. ORDORINO, I " In., Illp au-ape ·.N lUclIJ It Is to Jle . fOlmd In plltcb es~ r}gbt I may 'e-:rpresll a 1I1jl~ It III tbat Y9U cJass brood mareS ' capable qf r/lls~ng county tarmer last year . 'l'iimmlna, Illolcel. braY or 1V1u1JtaUOIl rubba'; . , • ·tbroiJcll the chter at northern Sas ' woulct become all pod a.n.a,!lanll u . a colt annually, The ,geldings , should ' bal'rels of potatoes. It Is katcbewan alllo. In spite ot thill, bow- you han be~n lft'Qd Al.C1.erlcan.,- ~CI be !laId to people wbose bUlilneBs ·wlll ever. that even this 6ne PRICE ONLy' $15.45 Il'\'er, Saaklltcbew,an .has a - !ilpleJldid tha~ YO~ , ma,. 711\. TeDllltn good Amer keep tb~m bus,. throughout the' year been exceeded In that ~--"""r-~I-I~~' If l'OU "leIl a addle d.urereo~ from the one 1b"..,J CltOp. A, careful checking o~ thc 8 \'ef' IcaDS. Vile <10 not ' Wll~t yOIl to {oriel ; -lUId - par their OWDel'1 a · protlt. Colt. ~te for OUI' boolt\et No. 010 and mealJoD ,.... dealer" _ . . .A. poIItal will 411. " . . . . of' JJeld, With the acretllell in the _what Y..o~ !;lave been: but we WDl!t )'0 ot billa c .... b~d mafell wtll ..11 at cUlferent' ..~ves an . averan f.€i 'Jooil m~~ to~" tuU1l'e than to,the ut. 'en4 of tile lecond or third ),ear. .,.. ..,.....". to tile ~.. ' . p...s t. Let ' batore we part.. te~dtn tot a .i uID ."mcleDt to lin the tanner Amerloa pV. , more ~'a.~ttIl:: Allb~ta dIi~dtthot tbe 1 tbe a.presalon of JrlJ a lair ~ .. !ali ...... wIIUe ... Q.aD pocl ~ ~~cl lI~" Qf 'JIU i lOut tecepUoa: ' l


been re-tlown to feed. ftere.....




PILE-_ r

Farm Wanted--Sp,ciai






~ESTERN CANttDA'S 1910 ,;.,... . CROPS'








" "

. '



on't Stand. Ove.1·8 Hot Fire! 'fhe Moore R ange is so handily built th at VOll d n't have to Rtnnd r ight over the: st, ve to fee 1 n fi re orbuild tl ne w one. pulling li gh tly o n u smull ch tt in attn h ed to tb c Patent Hinged Top, the w~ole t op ia lifted out of the way. This t:o nve nien,t arrangem e nt makes it possi ble t

roil and Toast ~~asier and Cleaner 'I hc re's n il spill ing of fu el, and as the top w'l en liftl'(l f ,rm ' u hooo. t ile s m oke, soot a nd

",j.,r a re drawn Il'roun d th e filles of the rUDge [l nd ca nn o t t.'SC:1p e inlo th e room . W ith 1-loo re' ,; Rouge th e re is n o sllloke- n o !." ", t -no gfL';. And y·t wilh nil Its lenDly nud ti Jlle· s nvin~ aUVUl1lages, t h is wonderCul r. ll g'e r eally cnst ~ th e leng t of allY rango OD the

mlnlstrator. In matter of estate of Martha D. Penae, deoeased. Sale bill fl ied by Bowarti P. Early lind John B. Pence

11 Il r ke t .

exoouto r~ .

uo wn

In re estate of Mary B. Doosoo, d806IlS d . Albert MoGowen, Rob· ert ClendenRo and N . J . Duvall ap· poln~ Ilppralsers. Estate of Joho Aunker, deoelL8ed, Flret and final aooonnt filed by Will

fu e l

It a ct lally p ap for i laelf by cutting exp ... llse.

Moore's R~nge Saves 'fime and Money Moo ro'. Conlrol!e r Dllm per en , bles YOII In ( o ntrol tbe hen t

r,1 I h,. "v e n as \\' ..-1 1 I ' ) 'tm I'C n ('on r rt.! 0\'011 . bi llu r" ~ Ra ngl' IS til , "nl\' con i


il ... ,, ! " r a g{is


havlllg t bis

II o\VI1l t.l j:!C. II d It " I\'"s fllll y 0"" thi rd of LI, ,, (u e l. iI! onr '. Evol'lnatinR F ir bAck "l1llhl,'s " "11 14' burn clInl cost· I~~ ,I I/·,l. ! I )Yn· t lllrd~ l e s~ til III 1:4'111 11. " ,1 I n " t h ... r r lnl'~s .

l' urt h

'1 III ore:, It

p ro vIdes (o r lhe b ure ieg o p 01 tho. s lD oke

lind soot, tbn s giving yon the advantage of the extra beat an d the extrn sllving o n y our fuel. It is tile on ly rllnge ha v ing th re e .wall constMle tion throu.hout. Tbis 15 ODe re(lson w h y Moor t: 's Rang o: lusts lon)(t:r tban any otb e r. Cnll nt our ~ tore nnd let us show rou the many eaolu· slv fClllures of Moore 's Rllnge. Cull NOW wblle our s tock is complete .

Moore '. Ranll". can b. had ill either Ca., Iron or SI ..,

Moore's Stoves

J,. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, O.



St. Augustine'. Catholic Church. Father George Mavenhoefor. PUlor Masll ner, BOOOod SulUlnr of tbe mOltth a. II : OU a. lB. '




Episcopal Churda.

Rov. J . ii'. OadwalJlOder. Rectol. Sunday School , 0 :30 a . m Morlliol lier: "Ice, JU:80 a. m. Roly Comlllu'nlon ,he Unl Sunday of eacb mon~b , .

• ... . .

I ..

Methodist Epiaoopal ChurcL Rely, B. W. Balley. PMtot. Sunda, SChool, 9 :30 a. Ill. MorDID« u,.. ville. 10 :30 a. III. Epwor&b LUlUe, 1 ; 011 pm. ll:venloc aerylce. ':' : 00 p. III. N14 ....

Pr ,yer "'~ae. 7

---Chrlstlan Ch·u rdl. p. III.

Rey. L. O. TbolllpeoD. Pu.. , Bible 8obool, 8:~\,:. 1IocIaI ......... 10:10 L ID. ObrtaU "YOI'. 1:0t p. a. 8ermOD by puc.or eVfIIr7la1&en1.... swact.,. .. 10:10 a. m. aDd 1:10 p. m. ,

HOUle M.ny ·V•• ,.. Old., There are at leaat two famoul dolls' houses In Elngland; one Is at NOBtell priory. the Yorkshire home of Lord and Lady St. Oswald. ThlB dolls' house dates from 1690 and It containl some exquIsIte' Chippendale furniture . made In miniature. The dolla which Inhabit It Me dresBed In B01'geoua old brocades and the dl#ner ' sorvlce off which they eat II of sliver. The other dolls' house II In a houle near Peterafield and If not Quite 80 valuable Is nevertheless very beauUtu) and a much cber1s~e,d possession. A curl. ous taot In connection with the 'lovely Ch1ppendale furni ture, some of the fin est specimens known at Nostell prl.ory, Is that the receIpted bills for It also ' preserved' there, conolualveIy proving that It Is genuine. 00111'

A Ilpirih,d horse will in the end • , be made slow and ~pirltle8e by OODPRIZE COW TAKEN ON TOUR stant nagging, twitohing of linell, p;:'evhlb urgin g and other we~ring AnImal Will , Be Exl:1lblted and Lec- processes t bll , fret ful drl ers proo tured. About to Enlighte n Farm. tlce . e,.. on Breeding.

WASH FOR HORSE LICE For lice on h orse tllke hl\J( a pillt of kerose ne in two g'lJ} ims of ~a,ter a nd wlleh the h oree with tbi" 't wice, wif.h an in tervtLl' of two or three days between t he I1PpJIOlltioU8 .

----... -.---

HkkJlte Friend. Cburda. . F h.t,O., lleeUDIt'. Sohool, 11

10 :00 a.

;0(1 a.


]u :oo .. m. Four&ll

I'ln, Dar Day II.Ual.


Orthodox Friends Churell . Rev. BeDJamlD J;Jawtln.. Putw, !'Iabba~h

Sohool , II : ~ a. ~ . Re~lar oburell aervtce. 10 ..'0 ... ~. OhmUaD BlIlIeavGl' . 7:30 p.1Il



--- "'-- ~ ,, ---

Autol Knock Out Sk.eter., Orl.lDg~, .N. J,-Annual . report of 8t~te highway commissioners deolareB that olllng of roads ,to lay/ dust hu had a marked enect on Jersey 11\01' qultoes, (lrlvlng them away frqm real. deotlp.1 dl 8t rlc~8 and .conflnlng them to tracts where the roads are not treat. ed. Smoke Rnd go es from paallq automobiles had the same effeot.

THE TREND OF THE TIMES Idlenth-!:;h! Th e DlIlD sitting writing lit the table there, Is 11. m am , bel' of tl1e grand jnry· Reporter- What is 'be doing ? . Sleuth-Sb I l:l~' s ;n tbe tlct of iDdict.ln~ let tel'!4.



+ - ••- - -



Billa-George B. Ander80., bnrial of Uriah BJaok, '75. Warren Conn . .ty Appeal, printing appraiserl pamphlet8, 174.88. LebanoD loe & Coal Co. , toe for , August, $' 10. Warren County TimeB, oomplain' blanke, $24. C. W. RandalJ, IIhoe& for prisoner, $225. F. W. Thomp.


Subscribe Right Away

fQr the .' It is a s home to whip or jerk skittish hor1l9 tha.t hl\8 shied or been frightened by lUI uDul!ual ob~ staole. . Soothe blrn rather than try to unnervo ltim. . II




... ....---, -


THE CAN' . N ., INO t . FACrORY,', .




HIli Re venge. "You shouldn't have Ilroposed to me," she Bald gently,. "Yos.· might have koo:wn l'd refuse you." . .. "I ,did 'know," he 'sald 8avagel" I wo·uldn'.t have proposed."'7'BaltttDore. " ; .' . . . . American: --:-~




,., '

¥,o\J .,will 'get the, Paper


----..., __





- -- .

~~~'" ~~yM~, ,,~~~!T~: ; ~ ~ ~~ ~


_ _5

The Fence -Po~ts

~f Iowa. · .. I

UI~t" 1 'B------~.' ~I.\·IN ~.I 'ltl':-~T I ~/: h~/J:I (ln~~~e::;=r'~~~~l:·~~·f;~:n·t~:::;:;-p::od-:~: I U

D,' pur1 man t. 'of Ag r konur e sho[ltell t : R d oedar, locust, white t.hllt t.ll0 fnrrn erM of the oak, n or ~ heru white oedar (or arborI '1 io!{le ti t-MEl of IowlI 11 ' ever y yetlr vitaEl) , OlltllllJlI, blaok wlilout , t+.Il....-. .- -n L. -eltANE;- Editor and Manag er ~ I. ·I O O (JOO wOI'th of 0 w feoce pns t'H, nut, r ed oaK, Rnd willow. whI ch ·oSr.t,lltH:q ll ivll l o t of $ ' OO,OOO The ~verage 00 t of posts varies ror settin g tbem in the grou nd. for differe nt WOOd8, and Rall's of Subscr i(Jlion for ' the Onll Yoar (dtrlcLI)' In ndvnnce) ..... . , _ S I. UII I!'· r, ·tbe DelJrlrt ment SllIl(lo I:OI'Y , ., .. . ... .. • .. . _ . _. . . . . . . .Il~ b liev e thllt It pllr t of ~hill otlioial s sawe woods in differe nt looalitleB. expend 1- Red oedar Is most expens ive, at Bn ture mlRbt be SI1 ved e of 2 6~ oents eaob,. and wi}· Rates of Advert i8ing The oppor~unlty for eoohom y is eoheBpe8~at6ceo~ , HClI/II ng Lor nl~ . por "no .. . . . . .... . . . . .I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tonnd, first., In using the kinds of lowth TIlktng Into oonsld eration the .I~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. a dlllg LocniA. lJlack laco, per line .. . . I U' \.IOi't whloh . t nklng into aoooun t time 11 post will 1IlSt., and the cost of I=::=~; IllliIiltled Adli. nut to 'ood 11"0 IinCl! :=:::::=::~~~~~~~~~"""'!~~~~~~~~---"'-Thl'lM! l/llICrtloDII . . . . . .. . .. . .. . 211<' botll O~8t I1nd durabil ity, Ilre oboap ~---~"""""'--~~~--buying it Rnd setting it iu the O lliluarle, . flvo Indlll8 troo : ovor I\\'o Hst· 10 the long ron, and, second ly, gronud , the o~nolustou MERM AID IS FRIGHTFUL SIGHT ] 'must be Inchllll. per IIno . . . . , . '., ... .. . . r.r by treut,iuu: postll to J)reven t deoay. dt:llwn that the osage pard or thank •. ... . . •. .... .. '• . ..... . . 20<: AND orange post is Dugong , With Great Mouth and Big Reeolutlo n '" . ...• . .... .. . '.• . .. .•. .•..• 50c pllrtiol1lllrly those which deca.y C,.bln.lI mo~t tue most eoonom loal in Iowa. fol. ... C~'DI'd- loc~1 Omblllld ":,,,sm. alballl Moclilid e tc . where charge IH nantl ... . . . . 21\c quloklv LIp.. Arrlvea From South . When (l. fOl"ller sets 14 post lowed by white oak, looust, oatalpa DIs play AtlvertlNllIK per luch . . . ...... • . , Africa In Tank, l uo whlob will 11 oompa ratlvel y red Dl8cuunt s gIven on L'OntrncL. oElllar, blaok walnut , buttern ut" "hort lIr~, he 10l1e8 not ooly throug h willow , white oedar, Ilod New York.- A "merma id" In a tank red oak, In CIImlUT AID fROIIT m " CalUIBlI'I, OHIO of embalmtng ftuld arrived from South htl.vlnR to buy I. DE'lW post but: ,,1110 the order named. SEPTEM BER 21 1910. Alrtoa on tbe top deck ot the Amerl. booRu"e of the ,utrlltionll.l labor in. Compa rativel y few po.~ of some can liner Philadelphia. vol vAd In settlog It. It III true tbllt of these woods are used . Clltalp a This "mermaid" Is known Iclentlfio. A Compollte WeddIng Cake. A 0000 POSITION In bot,h easel! no money outlllY may and buttern ut tc.,gether : Dr. Bell's Antis eptic Salve dugong ot the lpecles (10 not coo- ally as a At a recent wedding the brlde'l \ Good for all Skin DI.e. . . . be Involve d. for he may lIet the stttute one perOt3D serenta . It Is suppose d to be a SUl" cak. oontalnec! beBldeti Ita own Ipemal t, wbtle white ollk Can be b4d by ambiti ous young posts himsel vlval of the legend ot the eea that oomponent parts, small portion f, after getting from exoeed s forty per cent. From white men I\nd 1"dlfl8 In the field 0 "Wire his own woodlo t. rise to the belief that beautifu l weddhl l cakea ot the brldo'ss of the or the posts osad ollk, tbe hlgbest , the numbe rs used gave father creature s, balf buman and half ftab, and mother, her elltera and 1688" or R"U wily telegrll }lhy', Since IHst yenr in 10wH, brother s, C. W. HEND ERSO N,M. O. Revent y per oent, rnnge down in the followi ng order; apppare d occasionally at the surface as the 8. hoar law beolllUe uffeot lve, and It Is estima ted, were grown on the White cedar, osage orllnge , rell cc- of the water and tried to entice I.llora dingw.U u tbe IUver and golden wed·' cakell of the srandpa r8nta. since tbe Wirele llB oompaD iestlre efl farms where tbey Wayn esvil le, Ohio_ were used, or (lar, willow , blaok W~IDut, looust., to tollow tbem Into the deep. In the wedding cake which the t&bUsh lng fltlittons throug hout the were obtaine d The specime n that arrived here wu bride cuts, there are usually hidden a I' vallev from other farmer s buttern ut, and oltt~lpl1. A few Phone 163 ooontl'Y there Itl a great "hortog e of ,?r woodlo t oWDers Main Streft , lind only tbirty post·s ~re out from other woods hardly capable ot enUclng anyone any- 101d ring, a thimble, a dime, a ralBtn where, except In an oppoSite directio n. and ot~er tokena deBlred. These telegra pber" P08itioD8 pay begin. per oent were are ~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bougbt from lumber Nel1rly or quite one-ha lf of all the It hlUl a great mouth at the top of fte wrapped In paramn paper, and the one lIer. from $70 to "0 pl1r mon th, with dealers . Nevert heless, the farmer post8 were round, IDdiolttlng thl1t head and big lips Immediately below. receiving the ring IB properl y expectgood obance of ad ·. unOf- ml.'lIt-. Tbll Is ,lOt hili lobor cheat, however, has a suggest ion ed to be tbe next bride. The thimble al1~ t.he pltrt rf tbe most of the tree. out were too smal) The Nation, ,1 Tell1gru ph I fllltl toute Oller. produo t of that of a human being, and It I. foretellll Iplnster hood. the of bis. woodlo t whiob is U8ed to suln. . dime. said that even tod..,. ,the dugan, .. ao- w.alth in pro.pec t, and the raisin atMslx uffi.clul ill !!titutf'S tn Americ il up, evan thouKh an he does not pity 'fhe low p110e attaine d by blaok cUltomed to ride upright In the waten unannounced enc....ment. nDdar SUllluvitliun of R . R. IlOci out nny oaflh. \ walnut and buttern ut, genera lly and hold Ita olfsprtnlr tn one of Ita ftlpWlrele8!1 uflioi"ltI Ilud pilioes all I The fROtS ooncer nlng tbe use of roted bi~h in lllsting propert We can offer you good ies, ill pen. as a woman would her child. gradua tes intI) potlitioDl~, It _ will fen~ fl08tS In .lowa. were brough t probab ly rIue to tbe foot tbat the The "merma id" was caUSht In Dela. PIlY yllO to write them lor fall de- out by Iln investlg Payin g Empl oyme nt tt.tlon which the po&18 were round -o,\ld amall. BDd goa bay, after a l ..hour Itrullgl•. WAL TER MCnL ~RE, Gaor,e Victor, wbo has ftshlng eon. tail8 at Uinclnl lutl, 0 , or PhUade l Depart ment of Agriou that you will enjoy and lture bas, been tberelo re largely sapwoo d whiob oeslton l In Portusu ele East Atrtca. pbla, Pa. mding throug h loqntrl es sent to deOllY8 qulokly . The at home . ' Write to-day lite of 8uob made the capture . He made every ef· , --Pune ral Diret :tor. (srmerl<. Severa l tbousa nd replies posUo would be muoh I fort ~ get It to land alive. but .it llved extend ed by Mercha nts Praise ( Addr.JI have beeu used in 'oompi Ungthe fig- giTing them preserv~tlve only sholt time after It bad been treat. taken.110 He Dr. Bell 's PIDe.'l 'llr.Bon ay, J. W. uretl, whioh, exhibite d.. It In South Africa oombin ed wltb sta'tis- ment. Preserv ative treatm ent In \ The BuHer iek PubUs bIDg Co. ]10 O&ni81 , Etherto n, 1lIt!, says; Telepb one . «lay or uight, 'and brought It here on. - __ _ ._for . 04 exhibiti ___ 1Butl_ld e Bulldla g. New York. No Y. 'there ill DIJ ID6dloine wiliob eqnlil" tics illsue by tbe low~ St.t,e &lard orAases the life of all wooden poetB Valley phone No.1. JAnlZ it for ouughll, oold", GrIppe , It8tbma of Agrtou lture as to the numbe r of and more than double s the period Di8tauc e No. 69-')". Beat Ever Uaed and Bronoh itl8. Louk for the Bell (armer s and the aoreagA , furnish ed of usefuln es8 of tbose wbich artA . B . Heinlei n, Harriso n, Idaho on tbe Ikt.tlo f,be k>tals. Aooord ing k> these to- mostly sapwoo d. The two million sayt': 1 bave used Dr. BeU's Pine WAYNESVILLE, " OHIO; -------.~ • 'als about 10,000,000 poste are oaUod doll~ra flPent YMrly by Iowa farm- Tar.Bo ney for oooghl aud colde and II. PREVENTION OF RICKETS for YMrly to boild and repatr fen088 ors in buyinK and Braneb Office, HarveJ tlburc. O. "etting fence peete it t8 the beet 1 ba ve ever trted. Look for the Bell on the BoUle. GO 209,168 falm8, of an aVerllg 8 8ize mtaM be materi ally l..sane d by HSOp feedIng oorn to pregnl nt and ~ at 158y' aoros 811()b potting Into pr..otto e tbe well ,known Durall•• 10Wli and to 1u}lnl pigll aad 'rbe averag e life of a fence poet i8 met~ods of wood pl'88er vatton . It OLD ALMANAC BRINGS tbeN will be a liltle if any trooble e"'t,ed SO be fourt-eon yeare and the ooe$8 muob leu to treat, a poet than from $hte tOl'm of paralYllle, whtoh averag e oost 13 7 oente. There i. to .buy a new one and lIOt it in the Dooume nt W.I· PrtnW 1ft 1117 Oft Ie UIOOIa&ed wtth rtokete . .It come, PI~ American p...-el longe d howeve r, great differe nce In the grou~d, and In additio n muoh woOd from on..fe~lng healing and fat to Justla tew.ll. lasting propert tea of diffEjrent woods, could he saved for other purpos e•. tent ... fooda and ilving &00 little If you would like supply Osage orange 111.8'8 more tb~n five The ~partment of Agrlou bone b~t14tDIf mti$erl .l. ' no.ton .-The we at an aucUoo·room lture ~aa your times aa long •• wtllow dOtl&, and made a speoial etody table with this highof praotto lll of one of the ftnelt private llbrarle e In for lengtb of servtce it bellda tbe methol ls of preserv tng tile United 8tat8ll, that of tile late grade silverware free of farm tim A Man of Iron Nerve / AlDor L. Holllll!ll,,"orth of Milton, con· of post. timber s in the t;tAte. bers, so that it 18 abl" to inform" 1o cost, write us' for our spetatnlnc BOme of' the very rareat Qr domtta ble will lind tremen dnous The complL raUve life of other pastil sl"restM inqollre r8 how · to do tbi. boob ever printed and Borne of the energy are no,"sr foond where ts shown in·,the cial offer. Address followi ng liBt., rang· for themse lve8, . choiceet and mOlt artlsUe bindings lttom.o b, Liver, Kldney sI'no 80we18 by the foremos t binders of France, ai-e out of order. If you WilDt theso STANDARD fASBlON tOMPANi Englan d and the United States baa qualt& tu and the 8UCCOIIS tbey brin~ . 11••1 v...... SInd, New YIrk. No Y. ose Dr. King'8 New Life Pilla, tbe WILL BUY AMERICAN CATTL E "HAPPY ' MARR IED" BOrne matoblaMtl reguillt ore, for keen brain Yery rare AmerlJ eana ID the library, and ·the tew num· and .'ronl bl){\'Y. 260 ot Fred C No Long.r - Mope at Home bers of thIs olass whloh Slaught er HOUlel Be Erected at Smith- Wives wereot fered $bwar tz. Whlie Husband 8pendl HII Tlml aroused strong bidding. A copy or ------~ ~ ~ field and ImportatIon of Meat at the Club, Branke nbury's Almanac, which the avo DR. BEL L'S ANT I.PA IN Dllcontlnued. ,., HOO SPAVIN . --erage person wouldn For Interna l an4 Extlma l Palnlo It wIves continu e to grow sensIble for, was Quickly ·ru. 't give ten eeDts n up from UOO to London .-To encoura i»ooltio e the p"rt with "ntipbl ogls- tlon of American cattlege the ImportA · . at the present rate, the time wtll $986, the highest price ever paid for 8 Into England, when everybody will know copy of tills almanac, whIch sian for a week and' afterw ard ' ~ub the clty of Londor e corporaUon has a come print"how to be happy, though married ." ed at the ' Daye-Press, in Oambrldge, tu lodtne. After tbRt le~ i' alone big scheme on hand. It Is proposed TIme was when the picture ot the the ftrst p.real estatills hed tri the col. '01' a time ontll tbe skin hos re30V- to constru ct 0. hugo slaught er house \\lIfo moping at home, While the hus· onles, by ' Samuel Green in 1667. and cold storage plll1lt In connection band took .hls night 91f .reel from irrUltlo n. Later it mBY It belonged to Ctitef Justlce Bam. with the MetropolltAn meat market ~t was a true one. It Isn't 1i0at the club, these days, uel Sewall of the MasiJachusetts Bay be.De0e8ll1lry to b1l8ter tbe part re- Smithfield. Gollfld " a writer declare s. coleny and contain s an autogra ph Caod'Eule r'3In· , peat.el ly If .. ha I(lRN Siwere treatm ent Two hundred and 11ft)' thousand dol· _nt.Aoll n v~ 01 "hen the modern husband sayst_o.....~=__._ of Judge Sewall' s concern ing the', BI, WUund His B.nda lars w1\l be. epent on the scheme. and the modern wife, "My dear, dOOl not· flnffiOfl , Thu. are Ihe Ihlna' which I'm ' InCOBDlto visit of Lord , Cutpepper, bis GoOd for Nothing but the Ena . will m ake a mDn or )' our boy . when they are completed the buUd- Ing to dine at the club -=- _._----- ...._---- --Thursd ay majestY'1 lieutena nt and governo r .en. S.cure hi' lively .nd whul. ings will conBtlt~ 10lIl. d . . .topmenl b'l1lvlnll him te one of the I1neat night; I may be rather late," the mod BlOOd polson · eral ' of VlrgtDla, ·to BoatOD. Aucust establls hmenu of their kind In tbe Tbe AMERICAN BOY lit prevell tl'll Ily (I)l~I~ 'lUtt Dr, world. They will be eQuipped with all ern WIfe says cheerfully, "Very well, 24, 1680. dear," and slta down to Indite Invl· =ft:n~b~~I"':fb'.I..:~~~. r::;!.":.~"t~rl:F Bel)'e Auti.i?8111 50 OUtit4, dl.lrlioohes the lateat appllancos aDd are eJ:' tatlons to a dozen or so of her trtends r::~r~·otl~o::.r:'T:1i.m=; ••\I:i and broil'a! It dAtlt;rny l' ,,11 s~ptlo peoled to create a revolution In , Sue MODeJ ad Keep· ill the whot \0 do an7... 0 .. to '0 It. S ••uuruUl' U UIBeet for the Handa maUer ~Dl,blE\tl the WCllllJd to heul .Importa tion of cattle Into thIs coun· for a nloe Httle hen party tor ThurslratedLu, d eYI." lin. fa ........ on' .. lib ..."nld day nIght. bomli .......11111 "nd ......d b,. 2$0,000 bop Uld theIr Style bJ ReadiDg McCall'. S, L. Ohapm an, lIueao , KY't . , . : w.'boo t 8orenet<t! Be lIure to get try. PlIreD'" Send 11 .00 'or. tIIIl ,....... 00 ..I. at And there's just o.s good a time at [used Dr, Bell'. Antlsep tio a1LD • ...-nd. . 110 .....1I• Magazin Salve oa Dr. Bell'l! e aDd Using ,McCaU Patteru The scheme la viewed wIth conster- the hen party as the hU8band , 'II( IPUIIUt I'UIUIIIIIC CO, '11 ..lalla IIcII. is ~Y hands, wllloh were Rore, and find nation by the railroad companies here, having at the club, too. .McCaU', M.... I•• will Ther.e Is a. It the bost 1 ever tded . · It oured MiCALI:S MAGAZII1E h"lll you dress styl· who receive a large proportion of their perf.ect little dinner BLOODY MILK the moat ex· tbem comple~ly. Is hly at a· modorato income from the carrlag e of frolBD pensive delicacies of of (' )(I)en80 by k e 0 p I D Iil the 8eaeon, and ---'--•.;--- ••----- yo u po s t o d on Ibo Give the cow a teaepoo llful ~f meat 'from Liverpool and other- porta then there Is brldge_ And who wor· hllf)~ t r n 8 II I 0 1\ S In . EXCf.lLENCE OF HAY to London. Under th~ new scheme rlee about wbat c lothes .. oel holS. I!O her husband Is doing -powde red eolpbB te of irou mind cattle New f'Rs blon Design, WUl be shipped direct to Lon· at the club wben there I~ bridge to be 10 each Issue. Also A oolt or hor8e will live and devel- Undert~ker and Emba with flapr and gIl mornin g alld don, lmer. ' ''lllunblo Inrormntlon played? Not the .modern wife. op on good hay' alone, bus he will IIlIh' tn ber (~ of orushe d corn Oil nil bomo Bud IJOrThie soheme 'WW have a doul>le ad· They play for stakes at tb'ese hen thrive be~ter opon a tw.) g()11111 mutters. Onl, thirds ra Will be found In the old and bran. Contin oe for a mon~h tn vantage. The meat of foreiKD cattle parties, too. In fact. 00c a year. Includlnll ' all the oOJllfor ts tton of bav and Bank tbe Boildin kllied reat .. free in straw. g, pattern. London oppalU .A Snb· . will tetch as hl,h I ot , the -club, to change, an old l8yln. e Oue lhe bloOd doee DO' oeade to.p a price in the market ,sorille loda, or sond the-Nat lODal Bank. as It the cattle a little. ·are fast being appropr iated ratton of ror freo 8nOll>Ie cOpy. oata given wi\h ~.r.oouer tlieee will Teleph one in bouse and of· had been of English oi'tgtn, while It by these p.oor deeerte d wives. IIcC.II . _ will enablo you to make 1n yonr be ali tbe better. own borne. with routown 11I1II11s. tiothlllir for fioe where I can be calJed will reduce enormousl;, the necelllt )' founelf and cblldren whIch will be perfect • -. SCOURS AND THUMPS IN PIOS, tor oonsumtnr frOsen meat. da1 or ntlM. In Illvlo and Bt. Prlce-no no blgher Lban 16 Cl1ry..nthemum.. . cents. Send for (ree l'atlc", Ca\.lllo~ue. • Sore EYM.o f Three Yea,. Stand nc Valley Phone 14-». Tbe~e are alrea,.fty two great sla\1lb· Chrysan themum s stand fourth In oared • . Mtn Effie 'Fau'kn W. WI! Gift t •• fiM p~ for aelthllr miler, New Main Street, Thomp e oome from overfee ding ter yards In this countr y-at Birken· commercial importa nce amon, fto'Wacrlptlon s .mona ,our (rlends. Send for tree Walll8 8vllle. Ohio Call1le, PII" wrU88: J'remlum Cnullollu o and CRsh Prize Oll"er. Bother • 'aad I.ok of eserois e. SoooYlng sug- bead and Deptford, near London -but era. Only the rose, the violet and the Eagle Eye 8&lJe cured . ~e of ala4d's .m IlCAU aI.PAIIY, mit ut .... 3M SI., mr YOU oaae their capactty Is not equal to the de- carnatio n surpass them, and that of sore eyes of tht1l8y ear. etendin g. . . . .. ,bat the 8!Op may be tr~m. mand which any cOnside rable In~rea86 chlefty' the ohrysan~hemum [oheer fully recomm end it to any 'dIrt, .~op "rrela . ;.It I!I ~:tKt0lutely In the importa tion of . live Am.rlc an aeason because rt Is so Ih9 , while tile others one tn need ohuoh a r~.medy. . . ~aarY ~ keep tqe barrEl8 olean cattle, would mAke UPOD them. ean be· h8.d from the ftorillt nearly the ·DR"H.E.fiA.r.BA.W~Y • _ .• , -_ _ • " whole year round .. Greece «ave UI the aa4 iweet ,. for lour, deoomp oeing , .v · . .... " lDe-........ Dr.B .ell'sP ine-T ar·H onet It,&.ved HI. LeI DON'T ~~~N , CORN~TALKS. name; Ohrysan themum mean II "gold,. n8,yoe Suu e ,I Le-.u-I a.u&U ·.• lop often ~~ 'f.taI8oourtng. _. - -... ·COIde. , . ' , ' Ofti08 " en ftower.'" 'ID Keys But Bld~: the name . . MaiD was Inventat . Por QouSbs ..... ' :" I~Al1 though t · ~ d 1088 ~y .l eg, e(l long before, the ' blg butter yellow The a 'llraottc e of bornlli g oorn· Wrlti'l J A, 8~en~n,of Wjter,t own; · ,lobe were knowti In the s occiden It stalk. tn"tlie field la praotio ed W~f!. . "!eD year8 of eczema". t1!~t \ reterl'ed 'to the ·prev~lln~ .~old .Int. the tn 80me J,"*mt ee, and Ita w"tef~I-I'._ _ _III!BI~~~-'TR:Y 15 dooton conld DOt o~re, .hlld , small ·varleUes tJiat were known. neM dati. n~t ~m ,to bIt ,undera toocl lRSt: I.ld ~e up ' !I.'~eD 13001lIeo'8 '~trangel}' enouib, 'th~ ftrst bt"e ' .~lk.·may ""'~e bU611t*le vai . Arnica . ~l ve cored it, rO~4d a!l!J 1tbernum brouab t' Into, Europe ~hrYIID"'u not' I ~.wei"''' lofdltb le for ,Skin Erupt-t oD., gOld. but purple. It wali a:.lmall ftow. oe alman ore, '_ ~hel good EozeQla ,-, I"lll~ Rheom , R~UI, ~ revor el' 'about ' two _ Inohell ,~ .oroi.; · Ibapee! deal ,ID *he pr04a~'ion of humue , f:4ores, P"I'I~p~ SO"htfl, L'ut:s and PUR8 .1Ik!! I..n . ast.r. aome1;loc\y ~~ ·It. \0, farmtu g uu · ..n_d deTC)~4 9f ', hu .~ .. ' . . . .~ ~ ,,~, l,•• po 250 ~t F,f ed ~ . ~~=rt,. Iilu~pe. Ironi C~tn~ .tn. 1 'l~o-aDd, pre. m.u t .... ~rtb"'akIDI .,ropo8 ition, It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 VA.I.!. I·; •. J'Jo:I . U: P.llu

r,:--C,\I, L No.


11 2 ~t\t, imtl tel!

Old Folks' Concert, Sep tem ber 29t h






Are You Loo king !lor a Posi tion ?


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1847 Rogers Sil verw are I' I\LI :I




Read the Gazette We Hav~ the News



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A. MA FFI 1',







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"Wh,,' were poe'al oa.rds inTen &ed WI'tat t(» _ . ; AoOklent . - If akin Ie brokea app)y Dr &,Jre While.' be ·former p'00IIa. ... , . . all peoADti·P aln ante pie,IFOI' thl'tbe and the write' for tree lottof wouDd 01 \At III b_l qal~8Jld be'fer ", ,1OftI o'ttbel r -nine the.... . iDaa._ •0QnIII talbtoclo

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Models from. Pari,

, The Miami Gazette


Do' I, CRANE. OR[()


GROWING COUNTRIES. The c nsus departm nt at Canada !estimates tho present populat1on or the D 'minion to be 7,360,000. The dis· trlbuUon br scUons Is: Maritime provinces, l,037,Ull; Quebec, 2,088. ~Gl; Ontario 2,619,026; W stern provo inces, l,371,164; unorgnnlzed terri· tori en, 68,309. It Is not surprising that Candda, with ber manr resources and ber bElalthCul Ilmate and varied op· portunltJ s for lndustrla\ w allb·seek· ers, s haull! grow all the tlm o, says the ~1exlcan Herald. A sturdy race which Increnses by tbe excess of births over deaths Is continually being reinforced by Immigration. and that at the hest kind. The consuming power of the popu}atJon of Canada Is .... ery large, and accounts tor th8 heavy Importa· tlons oC for Ign goods ant! the exeel· lent support given to home Industries, !Argentina, with about a mUllan less population than Canada, Is rapidly in· creasing In wealth. It"ls Interesting to see that ~e Influx of Immigrants into this country from Spain eontl.n ues, just as It doell In tbe case of Cuba and ArgentJna. Tbe ancient iberian motherland still , breeds a .turdy race whlcb send Its sons to former colonies. Then corn came Into active rivalry for su· premacy. And now It looks as thougb k-ubber might be the great staple of commerce. There lias 'b een an enerJ:!lous IncrelUle In the .productlon of rubber and In importations Into the iUnlted States. This Is due to the rapIdly a11&mentlng demand with rubbe, as anI essential for automobile, blcyol.. IIUld carriage tires and for other p~ Fses. Word comes from S'Umatra.. /Which has been the sot!!ce of suppl7 ror tobacco of a certain grade" that the planters are giving up the "weed" and are converting tbelr estates Into rubber farms. ' It Is not believed. however, that tobacco growing In CoOt tl~tlcut, Kentucky aI1d other Amer.. can states wlll be supplanted by rubber production.



ILlrshtp and the wlrelels ' telegraph. . But some ot the old·time slow (loaches sOO came tDto play. A wealthy SUlD' mer resident of Newport w,h o went In bill automobile to visit another gentlemc.n found htmself with bls tourln" car ltuc~ ~ soft sana from which It eoul.. not Ite · moved unaided. An obUgin er of the neighborhood hltch~ up ~Is ox team and drew the mac~e odt of the predicament l~to "'bleb' the 'vehicle bad plunged. ' Cobld Irony' furtber go! BtllI; the auto Is a 800d and useful invention and haa come to stay, altbough occasionally, G~ the case of a breakdown, It staya too lone In one place.


Frame of Mac hine Shown In Illultra· tlon Is, Made From Gas Pipe a nd Pipe Fittings. Til !' fram e of tMs motorcycle Is I'ouble througbout and lllad from threo·qua rt I' nnd one Inch gas pipe and pille tlltlng!!. A niece at roun:l Irou WIIS In s r ted In the p\Jles at e((l'h benrl to 11\ 11 1\0 6ure of a rigid fra me. No threads w re ut all t1i pille and til t as used tor lh cross tie wore renmed alit. lipped over tbc pi pes nnd fa sten t! with n 1110. wTlte J . . Tu rner In Popular 1\Iecbttnl cs. 'I'he co nstl'lIcllo n of tbe (arks make them very strong and s prings were atla ,It '<1 liS sbown. The wbeels lind engine were taken tram lin old nnd

Need Lydia E. Pinkbam's, Vegetable Compound

~rl" l1

a t Oll r wut rm f;\ llIl<i I h£'ro on enrlh lIeller ?)

n\'lIn t Is

III lh !' Nhndnw (r til h ' Ae During l111 H h UI w en lh o r.

Brookfield, Mo.-" wo yenTS ngo 1 unable do of work auet My trouble, back to the, that women may e~peot natureto bTl Dg on them tho O~ of Life. 1 got a. bottlo ot

!-ydia E. Pinkham'. Vegota lile Com,. and it maM;'

Sr lve t n bIg dllrl( g r een on.., Anl l cut It full 1 (' II~l h\Vll!e:


Ilr It



r d nnd ripe !

~ lIt Ih o Hllccs full-I ng l ll



lIln ck

IDu,:,ll better.


contin. lam ('1'11 UlTIll to you

tis s lllnlo l:', ,, ~ In JlItc)' r ('(1 lhe), 'ro fram ed. It n nrthln;; 1M beller I lIu\' neve r henrJ It n " med. ' 8<'

hetilth &lUR



',l'O lstJIoallge of We IS the most crltt a woman's existence, and health at this time !.Dvitelt Young Canadian Black Cub In New and pu1n. .York Zoological Gardena 6eWomen everywhere should remem.coming Very Haughty. ber that there I, no other remeciT known to medicine that ,,111 80 ,110-

Home·Made Motoroycle.


HE gown at the le(t Is of etamlne volle. The skIrt .Is pln.1ted and fi.nlahed at the bottom with two plaJted fiounces headed by a band of embroidery, which also forms straps 'extending up onto the skirt. ' The corsage Is also plaited nnd Is mounted to a plain yoke bordered with bands and straps of the em· broIdery. The sleeves are made and trimmed to correspond, the cutrs nnd gulmpe are of embroidered batiste. The Klrdle I. of leather or ribbon fastened In fro~t wltb a buckle, The other gown Is of gray blue tulle




80me In "aralOl Handle., Othen In the Head. of Hat Pin., an'd All 'Are pretty. Ingeno!ty lavishes ItseU upon tbe VanIty box which woman has come to regard anecesslty. Every season sees It In new and more cleverly devised forms. ' ' The new.est development nre the paraso~ top and the hatpln va~1ty box, At the top of the metal handle at the parasol a circular lid opens and discloses powder. purr and bos, and a mirror "et Into the cover. , The lmmf:n~e hatplns in vogue suegested the possibility of aCCOIDII» dating powder box and mirror. MaD1 of the ' big ball heads or the hlgllly arched dllt heads carry , these UtUe toilet nec"sllsrles. Lo~ket powde~ boxe., come ' In aU lilies ho.m little ones an Incb, and a half lo~r to those meaur.lng thrM tncbel. They are wO.r n like an ordl· nary locket on chain about the neok, or dangle' from· bracelets o~ tram this year's tad-tbe ring chatelaine.


"ery light runabout. The belt wheel attached to the rear w/leel Is made from band Iron and attached with lugs to tbe rim. ThIs belt wheel Is peened with a hamme!' in the oenter to make the crown. A double-ply two-Inch flat leather belt Is used to drive the machine. The rear wheel Is fitted with a hatchet sprocl(et. 80 tbe engine may be starter! by ped(n lng. The complete motorcycle weighs 310 pounds, bns a 70·lnch wbeel base, 2G· inch wheels nnd. a four·horsepower engine.

nnd cashmere. The -skirt Is' of tull&. gathered at the top and bottom and ftulshed with a deep, plain flou nce at the cashmere, from which extends upward and onto the corsage a band of the Samo ornamented with fagotJng. The corsage, which nlso forma sleeve caps, Is of embroidered tulle CLEVER TRICK VERY AMUSING )Vlth wld ~ girdle at lib rty ribbon to match. The of tucked whIte tulle- and lac'e bordered with a plait- Produces Great Deal of Merriment and Needs No Apparatus-Looks Ing of the white tulle. " Like Jumping Jack. The sleeves are of the plain blue tulle, with turnover outrs at the same; the under cuffs are of wb,lte tulle and This Is a genuine bit of fun that lace like the yoke. demands no apparatus, and very O\1e cnn do It. Plac ~our!lelt by the side of a mlrrorod wardrotie, 8S In the 11· IN WH ITE · SPOTTED MUSLIN lustratlon, In such a way that hall your body -Is concealed, tbe other half Pretty Bloule Th~t May Match the projecting from the wardrobe. A.s for the 'person standing on the other side, . < Skirt or Se Ma(le Up In Any at a certain 111 stance It wil1 appear to Colored Material. them that they behold you entirely, Our modol 111 In wblt~ ,spotted mus- tbe U1uslon being caused by one·half lin to ml\tch the sid rt, but other col· being reflected, says MagiCal Experl: orE1d or white muslin mIght be made , meI\ts. up In tbe same' way. The deep round yoke Is of pleoe lace, to whloh the muslin Is set In \hree rows of ~auglng.

• compaSs whlcb may super· A new sede the campus now In general use Is under test on the scout cruiser ~lrmlngham . It Is a combination of ~e conventional 'compass with the llTos~pe, and Is said to eliminate ~l varieties of deviation of the needle, It can al80 be Dlaced In the Intertor . of a ship, wher~ It III safe tram the mlsslles of an enemy. A compass of this kind would ,be extremely valuable A ' Good Trick, In naval service, but it would be far I VVhen you 11ft your leg, the appear· blare valuable to commerce, as the In'ance given by means of the mirror Is lIuences which atrect the campau on The Ro.e Muff, .tbat of a person who lifts both teet modern steel ships are puzzllng, and Tbe well-dl'ened wo~en of Parts from the ground at once and h'olds sumclent In some Instances to cause and VIenna bave come to the concluthem In the air-a rather startUng ~recks through devlationB froln proper .Ion that It lit no lonller necessary to apparition. You will look like a toy lIDurses. wear gloves lin tbe summer monthl, jumping jack which Is operated by a Tliey bave discovered that gloves. string, and the more YOIl move your The census. officials expect to add wbetber kid, sUk, suede, twtll or leg and arm the funnier you will look. the names of 60 clUes In lh9 United Danllb leather are not only uncomfortStates to the 11M at those having a able In the bot season, but are preju- I IT IS YOU? population of 26,000 or over which dlolal to health. So tn June, July, Auwas complIed In 1900. PerhRps there guilt alld September t~e hands, muat There III a child, a boy or glrlbe left quite gloveless, not even mitts I'm so'rry It I s \Tue.... Ill be even more tban (10. The in· being fashionable. . Who doesn't mInd when IIpoken to; \'enllon of machinery for the farm Is The no 'gloveg Idea bas been weI· , Is It you? It can't be you! one ot the factors that have contrlbu· ' comed by votaries of tenniS, golf, cro· a wide box·plalt trimmed with bultons I know II. child, It. boy or gfrlted to the rise ot the cllIell, quet Bnd rowing. To cover the hands being taken down center from yoke to I'm loth to ' say I dowhile at these sports bas b~n a great waist. The sleeves are gauged In Who strUCk' a ,little playmate child; lower part to form pil_1'ts, A New York girl who Is heiress to mistake, they argue. 1 hope that· yuu! Fancy straw bat, trimmed with. I know (l child, II. boy or glrla fortune ama1lnUng to $6,000,000 Is Whl1e gloves 'are discarded It Is nol compelled to work for tlie purpose of bltended that the hands of the woman ~athers . 1 hope that such ar r wMaterIal required: Two and one-halt Who told 0. li e; ye8, told 0. l1e: getUn~ enough money t" pay her in a ballroom or a theater shall be It cannot bl! 'twas you! board, becaulle the law~e rs are bus,. exposed. They are to be placed In a yards 30 incbes wide, ftve·elghths yard lace 18 Inches wid .. agreeable prison In the form of a more "I'bere Is n. boy. I know a boytrying to divide the estate a.mong I cannot love hIm Ihrough' themselves. Tbe case affords a strong rose mutr. Who robs the little lIlrdJe's neat; The rose mutr Is made of wire 10 'argument In favor of the "gtve while TI)at bad boy can't ~e you! Round Frill at Neck. tbnt Howers, more particufashioned you llve" tbeory. The lIat, round plaited frill haa A glr'l there 18, a gfrl I know, larly rOBes, cnn be Inserted. ' It Is al· mOlt as long und as broad lis the or· usurped the place of the round, lla,t . And I' ould lovo hor, too: Fair Parlslennes bave adopted tbe dlnary .... inter muff. The roses pll,lced lace coUar. It Is not becoming, as a But that Rhe III 80 .proud nnd vain: Th(l.t surely Isn't you.1 bobble skirt style of batblng suit. It In It remain fresh for sU: hours. The .rule, but th'at, makes no dlffer.encl\ to Is absolutely Impossible for them to Introductlon of this portable rosary the votaries of fashion. Thl III Is " " I . Sqljelchlng' a ;'ouno. O'ffI.ce,r. swim when bobbled, but tbey prob· hns been voted , a success. Several made of very sheer materia aid In Some years ago Q\lean Maud of ably don't mInd that. If tb('y wisbed were s een at fashionable race Illeet- flat plaints '~hlcb spring out about an to go tnto the water they would ' pro~ Ings at Auteull and ,L ongchamps and Inch from the edge. This edr. I. Norw~y 'was· st~ylng :wlth ,the ' late Queen Vl,c torla ~~ Osborne, ~d went attracted adm4'atlon., ' nearly al'way's finish ed with lace. ably do so In their bathrooms. '. . The collar Is intended to be ,worn to a bazar at ShanklIn, where 'ehe WIl4 Naturally. the rose muff ' ls nilt 'alto.... Ith a ' slightly low .neck or' 'WIllie 4~iI~stlpg at one of ~e stalls: ,-, P~e~~nll . Now that' we get the true story of ge.t her cheap, 'but It Is pretty. blouse in tlle sam~ way · that 1 ~. 17;,..a young mlUtar.r ,o,fficer v(a~ke,d up the life of tbe fiy by th'~ aid ~f the Peter Pan , and Dutch collars ' have , .to, the stall a,n d ~aklng ., soipe' slURll mIcrosCope we see that It merits -noth· Dreaay Toilette. been applied. . " purcballe trf~a. hard' 'to ~et ' lnt,d con· Ing else so little as kind treatment For dressy atralrs tilere Is a modllb . Tbe small frill goes str'~g'ht' arou,nd , versatJon wl~h her . roy~l hIgh-ness. toilette of Allce blue chitron cloth :over ' the neckl}and .!lr.d fasten s wlUl a larp fils efforts fal1ed, but he ,made one last Sbir~alsts for men not d~. It s ilk, the ,former trimmed ·",Itb a knee- ' ealloc~on, from whJcli hang uneve. nftort: "I aJil sUre I ,know ,you,:' be bas .been decreed .that men must wear deep band of bl~k satin. ' The girdle ta~s of black velvet or satin ribbon. s~d, ':d~ r<k. pe~~e live. about ,bere?" Few girls can wear Ul1s even round !'No, I a.p1 stayl~g wi,t h my F,lCn"rnothCQI/.ts. Old Grl~es 111 dead, · but hJ' and slQeve bands are also of satin. Small covered buttons and simulated Una at the neck, for the human faCe I!r," wllS the princess' retlly. . "Oh" ltOur Is mlU'cb,lng on. , . ' , daresay 1 know her, tPlln; I know bottollholea of .Uk 'braf4 ~ front at requIres a cUP at the front ' at tbe moat ot tlie pe91!Ie ab9 u t' bere," said ." . New York will make pol(cemen ont lk1rt on eacb Ilde, and there Is IlL d.. ~eek no matter bow It ia obtained, tbe otllcerj ' rather, patronllfllfly. .,1 farmer bo)'I and Klansas II ~ln, t.I allD of braid and bottOos ~tUnlJlK the Thereforo If a girl wanta to be 'ab, ''What's ber aame, b1 the ,quare )'Oke .ot bocUae. The )'Oke and Icmable Gnd wear ODe 9t thf)tle tr1l1ed look her upt" "queen Vtcto1'la" wu ... It IWl'Iuwer to ban... It. cna ...... wtllw ~ chftfOd, . . IN OC)1lan IUld Jook weU In It sbe .houle!· ..... .rsPb', ' . ' . lIle puta of ~e "MY... .., It ClOh to Ibnw bar ~k. ..



---_ ..,.----



It used to be "KIng Cdtton.-

Tbta , Is' the day of the 'auto, the '




Tn t he New York Zoological 0111" C6ssfuUy eat:rY women through tb1e de ns th ere Is a young Oaundlan black trJina' period as Lydia E. Pinkham'. b ar thal bas b come \,1:!ry haughty Vegetable Compound, made tram na. ' ' of late. Pnrt of his blo~1' aphy has the roots and herbs. For 80 yeais it bas bean comg w0just been published. It Rpf\t'srs thai men from the worst forms of femala when the b ar W8S, a oub h0 was a 1Ils-inflammation, uloeration, disform, pet, WB S as dome ticnted as a placementa.. ,flbrold tumors~j:rregulart­ dog and wandered uuleth ret! II.bol1t ties, periowo pains. bacucho. an4 the ynrd and all over the fnrm. The nervoua prostration. . sort of life he led and sOlli e o( tb~ U YOll would Uke sP~ advice stunts he did are entertainingly writ· about your case write 0. confidenI n In "The Frolics of My Black Beat tial letter to !In. Pinkham. at Cub:' by Mrs. E. H. Dnynes In the L~ Maas. Her advice 1.8 free, Mnr h St. Nlckolns. The article i! and alWayS h~pfuL lII u tratted by photogrnphs whlcb shoW also a tam prslrle wolf antI u d er, playf l1ow8 and dam stlcatod companions of the cub Jimmie. We Opportunity of :suffragist• . q'u ot one at th " (rollcs!' : Baroness Aletta Korff tells In one Jimmy'!) favorlt hum nnd playfel of the magazines bow the womQn of low wa.s Romulus, 1\ roung prairie Finland came to. vote. The faol I. walt: Th e fnc t ~llRt th ey we re sltob that ,,'omen had to show that the,. goocl friends was due largely to Jim· could meet an emergency before the my's good nature, for -r alnly Romu· vote came to th~m. They hllve not Ius teased him In every poaslble wny, had ·many op'portunltles to take the Even In the matter at food, Jlmm, initiative In the world's htstory and was dlspoa cI to be 1;0 11 rous, a,nd he they ~ave' not always respondeit when seldom I' . nted the Rttempis of the opportunity came, but when a mulus, or or Actaeon, the d er, to take criSiS, such as that In 190i, when the from him his br ad and apples. There strike and th, revolutionary outbreak was, howev r, one particular kind 01 In Russia took place at. the same tim., toad which he Inslstted on having hIe occurred, they proved they could full 8har~ of, and that was plum pud, make peace by doln, It. Not until ding. He would eat It at any time England ADd , the Unl~'\l States f;iDd of the (lay or night, whether he Wile the wO/7!.'t'n helping them 1;.) beal' some hungry or not. and If lbere was an, great tlouble wUl the;, sive them lb. lInllt to the ~mount be v,ould eat. ' no right tc>-vote.- - - - _ _ one ever discovered It" N:o muttel ,bow much was given to him he neyel Try to Come aack. s med to consider the Quantity sut· Not long ago Lord Kinnard, who 11fi ient to warrant hIs sbarlng It wlt:b always nctlvely Interested In rellslons biil playfellows, Imd If either of thelle work, ptlld a surprise visit to a m.... attempted to torce him to divIde wltb lion school In the eut end of Lon!lon him the result ' was a figbt. Not that and told a class of boys the story of Jimmy wns really vicious, but he gave Samson. .Introduolng bls narrative, his ,companions to understand that Oil hil lordship added: the subject of plum pudding bls opln· "He 1\'as strong, became weak, and Ion v.'as law. One day; ' after romp- n!on reglUned his slrengtl!., enabllns Ing In the 'snow all the Qlornlng, Jim, him to , destroy bla enemies, ~ow. ,my presented hlmselt at the ,kltcben, boys, If I had ~ eD,Slmy, what would window, and several slices of breall you advise me to do?" wer passed out to him. The cub to all A little boy, after meditatinc on th. them in his mouth,: let them fall to thE eecret of that !P6at riant's strength. ground and cont1n ed to peer Into the abot up his liand and ~:icla1med: "Oet room. Il ' bottle of restOrer." ' '

IRISA TONGUE CRUSHED OUT C,u rioul St9ry' of How "Tally·Stlck" Was U.ed Decad~1 Ago tp Kill Gaelic ,'Lllnguage. ., The cutlous story' at hOF the "tally. stick" crushed out the remains of tbe ancient Irish language among Irlst children some decade/! agq was told the other day by T. P . O'Connor, the Irish political leader. ' "When the ElngU"h )Vere determined to make all Ireland' over into a sarI of England;" 8ald Mr. O'Conn<?r, "the, ' used some most unusual meana. Among these was the 'tally':stlck.' This was a small stick of wood whIch each child was forced to wear on a cord about bls neck. Elyery time his pare nts heard him say a word at Irish they were supposed to cut a notch' In the stick, just as the Ame'r icao trap. pers of the, old, days are said to have notched the stocks of their guns every time they killed an Indlsn . .. Theo when tbe chlld got to sphool the next clay the mn!lter cOlJJlted the no~ches. And for eacb notch tl1e child was glv· Pon one blow with a sw!tch-one notch .. one blow; two'notches, two blOW,S; six notches, six blows. , Thus t1~e .Irl"b langUnge ViaS , heaten out of tbe moutbs of the Irlsb children. ':In school the litt le , ones wert! taught · to 1001C', on t Ilems: Iv~s no t as Irish children, b,u t as English. Tbey )Vere not tllu~ht any Irls4,.blstory~ lind the ',Hl'e.s ' o! patdoUsni 'I,n : them we~e, damped In 'everY. way. . "But a t late years th'e re b,a~ come ' up n grent o'atlonal ~ovep:1elit In lre-, Innd \,:hich ,has restore,d , the, ancleqt . frftih. or G el\C' tOJlgue;' a~d :hall ,m~~e ,i he peopie prou<l ,o~ tl1elr ' anole~~ '~ter· atqre. It has I'eawa,kened the 'prJde of , UTe Irish nation, ' A: unl~erBltYi hUB ~usf been Counded In 'Wblch the 1I'Isli lilDguag Is now, beln~ taught. by !l1~ o.r eIght.. prdfessors." • ,..---'---~

, '8candal, MJ'II. SlmmondJI clanced at the Icare headllnel ' ''Bank Robbed! -Police at ,Bea!" and laid down the sbeet: "N~w, look at ~a:t, Illz!" she eJ"~ ulated. repeating the headline aluud. · "Befe's a blS cIty bank broke Info br bur,lara, and th' clty pollc8 force all off fishtn' somewhere! What a ICaa1 "--.Judee. Fi: rtly Made over, "Weren't we engaged last sUID~1'" inquired the girl. . "Your face 111 famUlar," taltered the man, ''Well, I'll forgive you for not J'eC(j,. nlzlnl me: M1. balr and ,1Igur. are nelf." '

This Is a . Good Breakfastl ,


. Instead of preparlnr a hot meal. have some &uitJ

I The Pulp it;s Message for Tod ay


How a ChronIc Invalid RegaIne d . . . feet Health. Mrs. Ray .Trusne r, 30 West Tblnl "Kldne1disease had r endered me a chronto Invalid. I lay In bed unable to move band or foot. My rIght 11mb was swollen to TOLD OF LEE'S SURRENDER twIce normal sIze. I looked the ptcture of Charac teristic Story of Confed erate death Rn d my case Soldier of Scenes In Army on puzzled the doctors; Hi ll torical Day. The kid Dey secre tions 'Were 11Igbly colored and scalded terrtThe followin g stor y ot how a memo bly. Marked Improv ment followe d bel' or a North nroltnn r egimen t ot the use of Doan's Kldn y Pl1Is. In stJ: cavalry f It at Lee's !lurrend r WlUi weeks I was a well woman. My frleoda told to me som limo ago, 1 will try and relntlve s marvel at my recover y." anJ place it uAfore lil Y r eaders In all Re member the Dam e-Donn·s. nel r tbe o alTator' s own words as I For sal a by a ll c1 aiel'S. 60 cenls .. can , writ es G. B. S u~ h rlalld. In an box. Fosler·M llburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. exchango. He says : "Afl 1'1 had e u· lis ted In the army, the Ilrst battle we Talking to the Child. bad almost scared me to death. but I "Mrs. X -, talks to IIlUe Madge graunall y took co ur uge and soo n 'wus just as l\lr. X - - tnll{s t o their dog." doin g some of illY best shootin g. We said a IIttlo girl of a nelgbbo rlng fam· lIy. And It was Ind eed true. ire. X - - Is n very well·me nnlng woman and would bo greatly !lurllrlse d If sbo should bear the for egoing s tatemen t. She bas sImply un conscio usl y acquire d a barsh. ton e of \'olce In deallng wIth her children . This Is altogeth er un· necessa ry and Is not. as many moth· ers seem to think. n marl! ot good dla· clpllne. The mother whose manner la quiet but firm Is geDeral ly a much more success ful . dlsclpll oarlan than the harsh·v olced mother who Issuell· her commaD ds 10 a dIctator Ial manDer. Kindne ss never spoils chlldren . It Is fiabby IndecIsion, sometim es mistake n for kindn ess, which spalla them.

St., New Alb\l ny, lod .. says:

HE ne ded message lor any , d ay will be unwe lcome , be· cause It will D c ssnrlly be _ uncomp romIs InGly hostile .. to and deslru cll'l"O ot mos t , ... widely cherIsh ed apd fntal errors, Thos who profit by the propnga llon of tho t;e errors will ap· Ileal to cvery popular snpers lltlon and vasslon agalnst the trulh which threat· erls thei r destruc tion . nu t few will endure patlcntl y the sound teachin g In the J1~att e rs concern ed. The needed mes~age for any day will be unwel· come, bec'uus It will cond mn sinful and degradi ng Ind ulgenC6s. und seek to divorce me n from them, .Just In \ ... the m nsu re that wld espr ad e rrors are fntal . and th e ir Infl uence d e· grading , wIll the m essage of the retormer be neede d, a nd while mCll arO humnn the need of and d sI re for It will vary Inversel y. Paul's adju ration to Timoth y to " preach the word" waR chi fly prom pt ed by the fact that It was di stasteful to the hear rs that dny, llnd th e young preache r might preter to spenk s mooth thlogs , As In lhe case or spoiled c hildren. of dyspeptics. of ple nsure·se ekers. of mlsc4le t, makers. at wrong·d oers a¥d wrongthinkers of cvery sort, what they most needed they least wanted. He who bas a messag e worth while will need to pray tor courage that he may open his mouth boldly and speak as he uugbt to speak.. The Real Message . The pulpit meisag e for all days, HE marriag e of PrInce The Caeaar I1no proper ended rIght sIckly lett by the HOW A, DOCTOR CURED SCALP last maturln t "e ven unto the eDd of the world." Is VIctor Napoleo n to Prtn· there with "'lilt tu. Brute'· for Ita ' epl· lei on, Lcluls Joseph or GuiJe. DISEASE the gospel of Christ, "for cess Olemen ttne of Bel~· taph. But thJqa being ripe tor the The bouse of the M.e dlcl Is general l, power of God unlo salvatIo It Is tbe um, a "royal alUanoe " bOBBing at Rome, hla grandne phew, n to every BUppoeecl to amount to Uttle more one that believet h ." "When I was ten or twelve yearll "To every one"planned wtth the utmoat OctavtUII, took chsrp, snu, atter hIm. than the astute Catheri ne and Marie a persoDal messag e ot salvatio old I had a scalp disease , someth ing 101Icitude alonl the -moat Tlberlul I, who waa simply a Itepson de n to MedIci. so thrilling ly promin ent In every man that has lived like ecald head, though It wasn't that. ' or e ver sham Gclent Unes of klncera tt of Octaviu .. the annals of Europe an history. The live' till "the en d of I suffered tor several months , an~ the world." marka the suprem e en· Th,; A dOlen Roman empero ra called. truth Is that It tollows most of my hall' came out. Finally absolut ely the man steeped In and stupefie d by sen· deavor of the Bonapa rte themsel ves Oaesar, and the magic or rule or a Brst. hlgh·po wered progenI tor sual Indulge nce Is tl'ey bad d .doctor to see me and he prone to be obllvl· family to preee" e _from the name rules down even to thla day and ot ulUmat e descend ants fit only OilS to bls need r&..ommended the CuUcur a Remedi el. of salvatio n, and to exUnctl oo the race of the as .8ynony m tor empero r In the title for contem pt. T'b ey cured me In a tew weeks. I resent aDy effectiv e measur es for at· creat conquer or of Europe, Napoleo n I. ot ; ':'alaer Wilhelm . But there never Balveat l'o de Medici, a membe r of talnlng It, but (and tbls nave used the Cuticur a Remedi es, alao, It Is the latest. the moat widely dIS- waa' a pnulne dynasty fact w1l1 sug· of that name. the greater gullds In Florenc e. allied geot for a breaIqn g out on my hands and CUlled gamble of a famll., against because It bqan wbere the E\.mphas ls should be In the penon 'Of 'Ju. himself with the leeser, guUds durlll8 was bl)neflt'lld Il great deal. I haven't put upon tbe "pulpit messag e for to· fate. and the reacuer . If there be one. lIus B. C. U, In the same person, wben the revolt of the Clompl in 1378 and us y") bad an)' more trouble with the scalp tbe man steeped ID and splrltu. will be a woman. BrubU, oaulus and nearl., foursco re really manage d the d18ell8e. whole outbrea k. ally stupe fled by Intellec tual Indul· Miss Jessie F. Buchan an. The ohances ·of a male heir are talr· asalstan t surceon 8 perte:m ed their tao Tbe revolt cUed out, but Baivest ro'l gence Is apt to be even more n. F. D. 3, Hamllto n, Ga., Jan. 1, 1908." 17' good-a lmply tbe chancea whloh ot· mou.O aesaria n operati on On bim. The cunning obliviou S I Though t I Had Been Shot. ter to averBIe human lty-nnd It tl line of the Caesara II, In reality, Dem- Florenc had made hlm a factor In to hIs need of the salvatio n altered In Kept wIth Barnum 'l ClrcuL e. thtl gospel. The carnal mind Is not therefor e llkel., that the Napoleo nlo ocracy' s farce , P. T. Barnum . the famoul ' cll'(\ua • ODly enm ity of agalDst the rtcht God, dlm,e. but agaInst Cunnin g It was that marked all hla were In a skirt of woods, aOll we " line will be preserv ed, for the Ume man. Whlle Its servant! ! are not so wou Id II e fI a t on our b I d man, once wro~e: "I have had the The Oape", who manage d to keep Une; bu't even thll~ pbllse ac (5 antl Ioa at least. of Inberlte Cutlcur a RemedI es among the cond offensiv e and pitiable as the slaves of our guns. then rIse U)), fire, and theIr grip em France for severaf cen· ene~y lapsed during drop the centurle a un· carnal appetite . they work more so- on But the cbances that It wtll go on tttries. our backs again. It was not long tents of my medlcln e ' chest with my b~ their rulersh lp In tho Ul, on July 9. 1737, the last of them, clal rulD In our day. Phlloso pblo before my for all Ume are almpl1 nil, notwlth · regular comrad e next me was lying shows tor the last three seasons , and t stAnlllllg the famoua "examp le of the ancesto,way, with one especia lly huaky Glavan- Gaston, ruler of Tuscan. " cynicIsm . Intellec tual pride and avarl. dead;' shot tbrough the head. i be· can cbeerfu lly cerUfy th.a t they weI'. r-tn their case, Robert ~e pasaed awa." he and the land GuelJtbI, ot England , where deacent Strong, he very effectiv e In every case which a Saxon to whom Charles the erned both wrecks from a successgoy. clous cunnIng are robblDg this gen. came more alarme d than 1 had prevl· trom the only and ol'lginal Klq David Bald ion called for their use." eratlon of Its best Ideals, at Its fa\t,b ously been, and stretche d myself fiat Vf the Jews haa been claimed by en· FrancegaYe the duchy of the lie de or prot1lp tes and Incomp etents. !n God tbe father, and ot Its "In. on tbe ground and was trying to stick .111 861. T,bey went into the In England the story has been much tJienab le right to life. liberty and thuala.aUc partisan s ot the theory of Someth ing Dreadfu l. the my head und er the sod, when II. shell king buslnes a ' In 981, when the noblell the same aa In France. ~ee Anita was Jls~nlng to a 8tO~ an excelle the rlgbt divine. nt ex· ,nrsuit of happine ss." , reached the conclus ion that the Carocut som e bark oft a tree near me. and of .the Johnsto wn ample~ of the perishin g royal line beflood. Carey called the attentio n of the It flew and shuck me on Nature. laborln s tDcessa ntly towa~ lInl(ian blood In France tbe back and was about Ing the famous Tudors. Ht!nry VII., on C(lmP of the at.tainm ent of one · commo n level. played out, God's splrltua l Israel to the I gave an awful groan, thInkin g my , "Wbat made It ?" sh" asked. th~ only male 8urvivo r be. his father's sIde. sprang trom "Ob, the dam broke," teDlIe d gra~~ . the mar- 1(I,' \g' llElgl ected marchin g orders ot the time had seems to take delight in fruatraU ng Ing Charles , duke come, ror J thought I had mil. ot LorraIn e. wh~ J lage at a plaIn Welsh gentlem An, C*:~taID _ _ the-eh~S8 amblUo n of her favored of the .world·s salvatio n. He been shot those red·han ded. two-fisted fighters ~wen Tudor, wbo had Tbe nex t mornin g sbe ran Into her the luck to mar- a~ a tew heroes of bls kInd gave Pro- relieved In the sboulde r. but greatly Qhlld. Ma.n, among all cl'6atl/.l'es long· regard4i!d 'aa a milksop waa I wben [ discove red I brotber 's room . Hugh Capet. 1'1 Catheri ne, the wld.o w of Henry V.; tcrff,nt and, climbin g up on Ing for the perpetu ation of his direct havIng bossed ChrIste ndom th e pulpit meso was not hurt. I passed through the Paris and It s last Care- 011 h.l s mother 's side. with the bar the bed. Inquired anxious ly: . "BuV'ver, sin· sa~i) for the last hlllt ot the ninetee nth latter part or the j .,.ed, I.eml enT doomed to see It lingian klDg. Louis war without be Ing wasn't It just dreftul ibout V., appeale d to .I ste r marring the decency or his de. Cp.l'')'\l that swear disappe ar, Inglorio us and ,unknow n, them t\!! belns ry-the messag e of for eign mls. hurt badl y. and I never was about the size of the scent be cuilined Jobn of Gaunt as hll scared 11101111. among' tbe herd. AI' there not IndIcati ons at any more as bndly as I was at the first breakin g and k.lUlng all dose people r man the,. ' all needed, to boss them,. ancesto r. As earl of Rlcbmo nd, Ba. pres,-,ot that the h at 01. controv er sy baW The Napoleo nic line Is ' In n6 des· for be ho.d all the nerve and I engaged In. . brawn worth Fiel!!, fought In 1486. gave him and ~Ilnl' of advocac A Woman ', Backbo ne. perate strait'; yet It la apparen tly of Robert the Strong, y bavt! caused this '''rhus the war passed, with much hIs Saxon the throne, Hllitory r ecords mon y ins tancoa and the Tudor name took to hI:' magulfied to th e n eglect of prepare d, after o~]y a few ' com,mon· cestor. some suffe ring fl'om myseH and comrad es: Its pl!,ce among that ot klngs. It van· othr:r thlllr;'S d vital. place gelieraU ons, to pass away In the IJO\'I'haps equal, until the ninth day of April, 1865, wbero a woman bas shown that she It was evident ly a hearty, bealthy Ished again on Marcb possesse d cl III' grit-co mmonly called 24. 1603. when ImpllttN.nce? Has no t th e zeal of when we were ngnged same manner as dId dynasti es founded bree d' but Ulree and a balt In batlle at backbon e. Sho must hav E'. to be centuri es Queen EUzabe th. the last of his do- ome r:! Its ab l!) propaga ndls\:I{ ".,come so Appoma ttox. Wo saw the fla g by. cOllq\lerors : as grea't ' as . the first lu~mc~d to bring It down to Oharles scendan ts, died unmarr le'd at the age IItt.1e &:cordlD g to of to halt kill herself over a washtub Bonapa rte. Tbe large majorlt y !leemed tbe FalT.-:c barlos rv.':'-'\.h kllCToIVI(i )ge that t ruce, Ilnd benrl! tbe commuo d to every week. Womon are l ear~ln g now, e last or Bev· or seventy. they n l1l read y to mal(e , the ob8l!rva nco ceRse firIng, then to fall sooner or late r, both morally eral ' Oapet kings we a waited with boweye r, that If they use Easy Tas le all curse<a with In· of . Cbrl~'.'s other expllclt Crdet's , nnd bated breath ror long and 'p hysicall y, until' lIk~ a woruou t capacity and wealtne . hour!!. All at soap In the Iltunrlry It m ea ns half the ss. Arter balt a ev n t.l"~ qu StlOll of bls lhlty, sub· once e caught s ight tree . tlle race ' WIlB eithe r tot~l1y ex· dOlen' years ' or or n man ri ling !;fork done whli ll they res t. their clothes> reigning . the tall' MA'KING THE DUMB SPEAK tinct or per Isted only In solons that Oharlea flickere d ordlnllt o to the furtheri ng o~ misslon s1 along th Jlne, whlto out, in 1824, and that flag In hand. and are oleaner nnd s w~ o t p. r, their handa . 'Are th ol"\ not thos e wbo In their zeal the cry was echoed. wero lutegra lly part at another aU lm enaed 'Lee bas surren. Ilrs not ret! and u~ly. th 11' /lannels do the Oapels . Varrou~ Method s by Which, Itook: the Mutel to go a n~ teach all nations , lire rendy dered.' Th e sbout was . _ The tu.nny P!1rt ot this king making taken III' and not shrInk nnd their liDens do no t rot. to mOlmS· aDd compro m ise uv~n. what· passed along th lin Royalty , proceed fng on the burIes· waa that. whenev er the dlvine-r es. 'Lee lgbt h as surAre T~ught to Utter Many ' , Christ cotrman decl to be tnu!ht? The r end ered ! Lee 'ha~ Que baata that the Almigh ty has cre· prin,cl»le went to smll8b, s urren I red! ' Then It Hailpen ed. DemOcracy, Worda. special ttl9tlsage for any day. In sci· Ne v I' be for e was s ated ,.its bOh~, muscles!. flesh. ~Iood In the nobles and notable s. "Wh a t mnde you thlnlt be " ' o\ll~~---­ e n such a wavI ng hastene. d -~---'--~tee, Iv. pditlcs . In rcllrrlon, Is In dnn· of hats. ~ t J)eeltUar lit~e, espeola l· to get togethe SUCll shout.ln g an II hnl\ooln g propose to me 7" r and give It Ilnother try ScrIptu re remark s tbat lbe (oUowln.g iter of becomi ng lIke ly adaptlld to the bossing of things, with a 'fresh hree d ot royalty'· tbe farm e r'!! as was se n upon the /l e ld of Le e's '·Why . wh en I r t' fll sptl him he said alwaYB exercIse s are typical of those used ·In mettles om e horse whose "natura l gnlt s urrende r on that hls lorlca l (lay. Inevltab lv deduced ' that, unless ' It o.creeln g on some eSPll-Cla he lIIdu·t care what bcocn nlo or hIm; lly bloody· the best schools for· deaf mutes: ",.us runnin g away." , ahould ~ate with a aim liar breed ot minded slaught ere r as their "r don' t know ho w my comrad es ~ut perha ps ho wasu't serlous ."one best Breathi ng through the nose and mouth EssentI al TeachIn gs. boss · stOck It would degene rate Into bet. Pl:\llIp of ValOiS, ( elt. but as for m} self I felt as If I Houstou .P ost. who had the are first taught. The, teacher breathe a As alre' the stock.' divinely doomed ' to be temper of a chronic earthqu ake, was through the nose on a slate or a mlr· messag ad)" Intimat e d. the "pulpit bnd uothln g to II vo for If Lee s ur· If You Are a Tl-Ifle SensltJv e e for today" -the eSlientl al rend ered. r was not sorry bossed. the choice ot. the French barons, and ror and shows the that thB About t he 81z ot y oar . hoes , ronuy Ilcopla two moist spots; teechln g of the Scriptu res which need.8 war ~aPoleon'8 family, when be went he started the ValoIs line, in 1328, "~Il.r s .. r abo" .. hy I1 sl1111" AlIen's ],'oot·EnMe. was nt a clos', but r "" as tblulc· tho AnLlmll.ll "un· the chtld learns to Imitate ' this. The speolal emphas 8~\) tl c Po,,·,lcr to ab ll.l( o lmo the shoos. is and repetiti on. Is ing of Gran t. the man who had us In It where conquer ors 10 flnally, was nu' der the title ot Phlllp VI. It took hIm oU" ea Irlr d, wollen, Achlllg Fect nOll mouth breathi ng IIroduce a one spot. thnt concern ing the deity of Jesull his powe l·. and I fe lt sure we would gives rest an d comfort. Just merous ' enough, as f~IHes go. ' to only, nfne years to plunge France Into tbo tblng tor The low position at the tongue 18 nec- Christ, his suporhu man brc .. klng In lI e w 8 h008. Bold everywh ere,26c. promise perpetu ity. But marriag e with the hundred years' war with England ; e9sary orIgIn and c!!. all be lodged In prison for the rest Bample MC uL FREE. Addres8, Allen S. Olmste<l. for proper speeoh. It iJ taught Vine, superhu man, mlracul oun power. of ' our lives. You' can Imagine them was limited to other and older and It took deaUn y-of nature- only a my Lolwy.N . Y. by showing the position and using the In our day the carnal mind, self·con· feelings of horror at tbB thought of and royal linea, most of whIch had II:n couple of centurie s to bring the Valois mirror, A girl will te ll bow a ma n made ax out tor a Bonapa rte whenev er h'8 family down to Henl7 0;. In whom it latter and by a breath exercise . This sclous Intellec tuallty, denies and de· being shut up In a dreary prillou fOl' love to 'ber when sho dId to blm. relts u~n the tact th~t the rides this teaohln g, In came aI,aund smellin g of oranse biOi· fiJckerecl out In 1589. , child cannot procluce a good Itled spot science . It Is a strange tbe name or life. sort or "sci· "But , we were order ed to stack llrms BODlIl. on the slate unlels be keeps bll ence" which bases a. The tate ot these dynasU cs In tongu"" dogma. not ,upon and march to the courtho use. and down. Ton .....e gymnaa tlcs are As thu Frencb republ Ic b raced up, France was paralle I d b I '" DW bl e what ,y It nnumer kliows, a e next UIIed to Umber uft and traIn the but upon what It doea tbere. when the treaty of peace was " and more' and . '"" e I more emphat lcalIy minor ,houses , ther.e an~ " n o t ,know. sew h e,re. musc'''. whlq'b have never It makes In ef!ect the abo signed. that noble man, Ge , receive d made .It apparen t that a1l1'07nlty t h ere Occallo nall1, the case o.• Char1 ' ' neral Grant, Murine Doesn' tSmart- Soothe s Eye Palu emargn e the .... r dovelof tment. The tongue surd declara tion that , there can. be no ga\'e eacb of us a pass, , lacks so mucb told us to ~ lei ..... .,. ..... al an Inch or 'ground and Godefro y de B ouIIIon b as ·b een .. ...~" trlJth , which ,.IJq1aj.. Z5c, Sllc,S~" cannQt be la protrud ed,' retracte d, moved to each discove red and take our borses, and go home to our MwiDe to stand on, We opportu nities tor royaI matched , as where the f Eye Sm.. III -,-.,tio Tut.., 211co , ••00 f tI II demons trated amo s am 'Y aide. turned uP. etc. Tongue trainIng by the human mind by tamllles . rJYE 1K>OKS AND ADVIOE FREE BY HAIL matche s deceaae d with th e Bon.. De' la Tour A uverpe came t 0 Ita com· prepara tory to ... arloua conllon ant "bY'Slc~1 meana. Whatev er It. by "I t.elt th n. as 1 do now, that tb erB Murine~eRelDed'YCo.,Ch1caco Pnltis. and the ' royal sclona became plete end with the ' death of an lllegtU· Bounds Is ,'-troduc ed. , Vlbratlo n of aear~b, with pbyslca l. senaes Ilnd ap- never was a more klud Cewe'r. ~ and 'generou mate Icton wbo, a lth oug h a mere pr· I the TOeaI corda III taught b., feellng. pllances , cannot fil)d out, or verUy, II man ever lived than General Grant. s , 1 "nuntin '" Victor ,Napoleo n, there are Tate . nOD·exl In the stent. ...... ranka It , of .. II France strange I that revo not U· The a pupil "We puts took his our hand pllsses on the teach· , ' and reached th ~ half·leo re re- tlonar., ,orcea, earned enum' epa'te , ' d ,' now, onle the title of· e ' er'8 cbest and alllO on bill · own. Be few or those w h a profess to be mIn· bome without much difficulty,. subsist· ~ ' I h ave taken' --'th mar.....•....... lar on "First Grenad ier ot 'F rance. " . main I''''', Illters _ of ... the gospe . . . .unftopu .., a leaf, tng lIometim tbua learns to r onAke , a tone. He learna many I the pan qt the 'rnalea~ toi',dyn aatlc re&h I c h ap- we dug tromes on corn, parched . that eaves,· an d . even woe A~n, when the Rohan famU" to rallle and lower out th,e frozen grollnd the ...olce and by ters, (rom this non'lcle ntlfic, ' agnostlo lonl sufllblEID,tly obvloUI. Victor, able whose dukes bad been where our horses had been fed . On ldllgll of Bre- eareful drill fa able to make a fatrly teaching . ' to a1l1 'htmlelf ~wtth> t1ie daughte r ot a talDe, bad (lnl., ,MargU erIte ' our way bome ,we came to an old mlll de Rohan good tone. Logical ly enough this agnosti c' cult, where a small boy was , houae sUU reJpln l; ~s the hope of the leU aa Ita ~elr, her grindin g his h~8band . ~'!DrI The phYllol ogical alphabe t conllsts based , upon a ' d~nlal ot all things last , ramlly fot hell' who" ",hen Victor Chabot. was. coolly created d~e bushel or corn tor his old pard~ of a aet of dtagram s ginng the t1P,lcal which 110 transce nd aball have died' can 'contlnu e .the claim RoblUl, to ~eep the n~e human eXDerlence ents. hut we took !lalt at It, In spIte ot alive. posI~on of the tonlfUe and Upa ~orthe RS to , t.o:tbe Ih-.,a.tly '\hrone 80 ~dl): se~d ' 'Geof!ro y de Luslcna n wal 'one , of clhlef sounds of.,lhi! langUag e. Combt· laheS depend upon revelati on, flour· his supplica tions to the contrar y, most' 'In our great ' ~\Jcatlonal .J1'oUlid It Into homlpy , and b., Nap91eon '( ~ , " ' . '", ' . the namea 'In French bletol',7, 'nations ot"conaon4'llta and 'YO:w',ls poured wa. \ire centers , TIrl~.ilm~er "Itneais ecl another mar- and the famil., to which he e~n~~ now read at sight. TbroJs h thele ~om~ mlnlste, and " hurttu\lt ~ ,alrecili many tel' In It" and baked It on a flat rock; " riRie In whlcll. ,~, 'f~OUI taml.,. ,uted dllltlncU pn , faded rll,l st\1d!lri~' who are subject. but I'thoug ht \ never before , O\l~ . IO~\ uncer.- ,binaUoDII wordi' aDd .ente~cel are de- ed to its Intluenc~thoa~ h~vlog ,mOlt tasted anythin g 80 deliciou s·, or 'since to t:r ad tJae ~4 to I .~tt extlnc~Q~' :ia!n1y;t hat t~ rear. nBlD;e, wu ~e . ·.elopec ':' . LIp readl!:,g ~f ' wordll and Intellec tual vanity belilC notorlol,lsly : "U I live to·be as old as' Methus PItlnC)~ AD;tOlIle .Albert ~hdil" ~ s'!On. ~r ~ ,~~p~4ent .lta adventure~ .~bo.el:'t~nQe. ~ taUl~t b., having ~~e ' p&-, most IUIJcepU elah, POland ~ hlt bh,; Wblle thcf cblef I will n~ver forget the day. and . how. ana , DorO~., J)e8. , p~te..~a .~o be cadets of a hOUR .tIent I watch the ~~er' 1 l:lpa . wblle prles~s of this ,jmo~el1l" oQlt ,' taJ~ , telt 'at Lee's surrend :!OIl II ~ ~rtd",, ' On',botIa' 114.., of, ~I "\I(1UaP. opJr the well. er; and " matcll 'there .';,"1 ~lq, ·the ~ PrWce'B ilo,bp~t7 · were poalti Snformed of the Ibe ,,~'Unctl1 enuncla te.i lOme "rord. charmln~ly ot ",dlvlnJty." and "sPirltu . 'never forget ,tbe kindnes I also can s and gener. wallOtallr , e~. 'IIhua be le~ to pick up obJecta off lI\1ty," " .raui, ' i·h .,...,' ' ' ' ' .ordlD&l'1 l~· " tiDaL 1;10, too, ,rlth...e the Jher~ II nothl~ more of either 'oalty ot. General , Grant to the poor ' d~~S del a tab.,. ' to pplat.o ut ~ of the bod,., or them , naUa tot In it t~an there was 10 tl~e soldlera who bad cauled him . 80 pUt iMinll" "'" IllS ~I, who In Olelr muob , Itrld' fatIi. qI'" IbIaDe after he of th,e 8&l'U" O&peta; d&T were equall to obeJ . ,~m"D~. etel. WIleD deaf· PBIa.'!lll!m which exprea8 ed Ita elf In , trouble.~ Ud the 'Gull", n...... aCl4uinMl. '&fter the penICIIl hal , .ltgullitte Greek arc;:hlte cture and 's tat. n , r 'CUm.. a "*"~ ~ . bAck to 1108. ~ben lIeiltt nt. le.m~ to a.,.u: tile t_ch tn, or Up .w'y.-dhrll~an 8tandan ' :::-: : ~~t l. \ ~~ ' oC Claarl.. the BOld: and, r. readIDa shOUld bePa ' at.,,~ ,The Force of~ . Twelv..lnch Qun, • . or"all UDee tile Or '~ ant I'nDGh IIIki of, YOIoe tbeD "tabla Ita aatural ,Tbe. projectl le of the 12·Jneh JUD oIaaru'1'1&8 ...... . With tU 0tiIIe.. preee..... tJuat 1a]IHII 4~ te tw' ..11 ,~. '1'tlnetr atu .Inohe. of armor plate. . . . ._ •• ttl bill ..... .. . . . . . . . . . ba Ii'll ....... . eel.,.. . .. au "P rlPt. aloDI and hal -plarce4 i\ IO-loOt collcreLe wall . . . . ,"'" ~Clldm .... . . . . ._, _-~ . . . . . . .• -. . . ,0( . . . . . . '911. .. . tIllom aaL relDfore ed with ~ ......... .



- - - -- -


~Th;·A.mY· ~f, ~tipation










~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. __ ~ t_L~_ Sd


' . : ~' ':'~e ~~!~~o.~~~~"~~~~"-=-.:I. TUE IBMSYLVANIA Bar.vey"burg. · ~ I CorWin. . 1 . L.INES




for two weeks, and the nnlobinery Wit !Oet in motion by Prof, Chll.s. 1M RO.lldebuRh, ~oom ." and has un ~er hIs . Ruporvision pUpl~8, the following named u.s!Jtstuuts, MisR ~fnJ1 32 pupils, roow 1 Miss Burgett ~ pupil!!, rOvm 2, 'Ues, Gill , 33 pu' pil!!, r ?om 3 The l)Tes~lDt prORpeot.s Acoount Ilre that on.r lIohool ~ ill rank am on/;( the front ones, aud thiM will be doue by t.heuht.irlng in8truotors t.hrou ~ h . 'out the entire sohool. . In order that we may hll ve tbe pleusur.e <)f 11" ving on deSignated dates in September un np to dlltie sohool, Jet every ODe of us oqme forward with words of Inquire at Ticket Offices. pnise and aBsist the t,eaohers aDd for Particulars. muke 'hell' stay witb. as one'that will long be remembered. The automobile projeot under the lupenision of Oharles Madden and Frank ShidBhr is likely to stop in the near fatare on aocoant of tbe Jaok of patronage. The Wu.rren (Jounty was weH attended by Harveysburg and vioinity Our sohool gave the papUs (Ostcopath1c PhysIcian) a holiday Friday many goin8 to the Fair. Mrs . Louesa ' N. WilBon hilS Tuesday and Friday returned to l'er home after two Of Each Week week8 the guest of Mi8s Anna Shel. don, of Cinoinnatl. Mr. and Mrs. Ba.rriR and thair Office at the Gustin House daught~r Belen attended" wedding of a relative of Mr. Burris in ColumHours of Appointm~nt, 8 a. m. bus Wednesday, September 14th: . to 12 m. Our winters ooal has 'begun t o ar· ri ve and not any too soon. iII____________.. Mr. and MrM. W. W. Weloh were visitors of WilmlDgton friends, FridllY. of last week. Mr. Benjamin Campb 1 run hi8 automobile to the Wllrren County ;Fair taking many of bis friendll, all e_joying their trip and the hospUaJitv of uuole 8en. Veterinarian Mr. J . E. Shumaker again has Has opened ~ an office in his automobile 111 working order Waynesvi11e for practice. and is enjoying it. Treats a\1 diseases of doJohn CollinR,ot Petersburg, was mestic animals. I am not ssen en our Mtreets P'riday Il\.st. so common 'a s you might ima,K"ine. I have been in Mrs. John Vandervoort, 'of n ear, p~tice for 20 years. , here spen' Friday the guest of h pr Calls promptly attend.ed brother Quinoy KinK. Mr. and Mrl . .tJrioo Hmith attend. to day or night. ed the Ohio Valley .Elxpollition Thar'8Phone No. 113. ..iilllIII!_________• day pf lut week.



~ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ J




A special showing of original

and up·to-date

Millinery, Pattern Hats And all the Season's novelties. at my rooms on

Saturday, Sept. 24th

Dr. M. Schumaker

G. Lincoln Smith




oenter for the pt\8t two or ' three weekH. 'l'lle . anning Ftictory . bas benn running until 10 und 11 o'olock at night being over stooked with ,I oorn. W. F. Beueoke'tI Tile Factory il! putting out eve rlll h undred tile 1 e,very day . ~ivjug mployment tr. a number of Ulen. Miss lnis DtLVI , who is attending oollege ot CedlLrviJle pent SUlldf\Y with her rn otll61·. THE BEAUTIFUL EXPOSITIOII HALL w~ ~HDnF CIt, ! Mr . Rud M r~. J . N. MoKin flY ond THE FASCIIIATlIG RIALTO WlTHl.:~llbE~·A~':J~r:~. "AH. ... son Clyde, of Morro~, visited hia m other Bnd sister &turd·oy and DAYTOM Ell FETE. BY DAY AID liCHT, :,~IT~A8.'y .~'ru~ Huoday. AEROPLANE 'BALLOOI ~:~~::! Mr. and Mrs. Forest GrIlef were UNOIM Till OIIl&CJ WI< 01'FLICHTS Till WRIOHTS . _ . , .RACES of .... w....,. visitors at theCinolnna ti Exposition Tuesday. . J II.rnes Ba.le Ilnd sister Mrs. Mary Auto Show and '.rad.. Wu.terbouse Ilud daughtt>r attended VEIETIAI CARIIVAL the LebaDon Fai r Thursdf\y . Two Immense Build~ ~ Each d.y • big dl,. Elch night I dr•• m Mrs. Lydia Gor don is visiting at Ings and five city the home of W . Rioh near Pekin. blocks enclosed as of delight TheOoyMr .. and Mrs. Ellis 8pray a nd Mrs. exposition grounds. . . .rnors of four St.tes Sarah Davis were at the Lebanon ' Filled with Uie won· . Ind .'lors of flft, Fair Tbulrsday. cities IS our gUlsts. George Waterhouse \VIlS in Oin· ders of the world. cinnatl reoently. And As a Final Free Offering of Unexampled Magnitude Arthur Zell. o'f GranVille, 0:, vis. ited Roger Morgan last week. . Miss Henrietta MoKinsey WllS A Super.Su~rior Offering of .the Wor!J'. Moat Scn,aliohaL Acb allil a ConllOCo. a I.ebBnon v isitor recently. " . - . . - - - - -lion of tlte Cent.".,. '. Paal-P,emWr Comiq..,a-- - - - Miss Marie Shutts visited friends here lll~t Thureda.y. Vi,it Dayton the Beautiful City a .Thou.and Factoriel Mr. E . lirnef, of Chicago, i8 vi it Spend a Day, Amid Scene. of MarVeloul Splendor and Wonder ing his brother, F. 6raef and Wife. REDUCED RATES AND EXculslONS ON ALL- UNES I Mrs. Gnskil and Mrs. O. MoBryant aud daughter, of Dayton, Mi88 Mo Neil, o ~ ·Wilmington. anCl Mr. George Barlan, of Riohmond, Jnd. , OlasaUied Ads Were guests of Mrs. Naomi HarlaD week. Ad!! will be In8ert.etl under "'Is head for Miss .Florenoe Olark was 11 week· t wen ty · ll vo ce nl. for Lhr<!e In"ortl ou.•• end visitor .i n Oinoinnati. whun using not more lh an Ove lines.


!O!ST'!!~A!IC~~~ ~N~~L!!


. .



. .. Bellbrook

. Miss Graoe 'I'urner has gone to Chioago to make u visit with her friend, Mrs. Sadie Joh080n.

- , To be hOlden In y e -

Scbool HaU, Waynesville, Obio, --on ye-

'2 9th Day .lf, Ye Mont~ of September A. D., 1910. A Create Liste Of Ye Worldly Tune's, IIkewlfe Double Songs will be Played and Sunge Ye Bro. Elijah Higgins will open yeodoores at Early Candlelight, "hy~h is sette dOWJ;le by ye Clocke at 7X: and ye ~u.ick will ~in to sound at 8 by:ye clock. Ye wen and wlmmin will be ,suffered sit "together. Ye . , . ~ple h~ve no ~eed to ~~tc~ Cand.les, as ye..,Selectmen of . . . yo T~wQe ,have ~argalned t9 supply )'e needed lights. . Ye .trance Illite will be TWBNTY.FIVE PENNiES. ' Ye little Qpys and Oirls under 10, TEN' PENNlbS~





oovery. Rev. Soott fri~pdsl1ere oud wife" oflast Osb. o rn, The W. O. "T, U. Soolal giveu_lI.t werll Visiting week: T~wn B!Jtll Silturday night was Jqhn Gibbo~8 and family 8IJIt Of quite" aocceae finanbially. . &owo called on hia motber 188. &t.. Mr. an~ 'Mrs. Martha Ridley, of Imlay . Dayton, were ~ests of Mr: and' , .--'---... _ ••- - , Mrs ••lobn Thompson Sunday. ore~onla. 11188 Anna Htoops our very popa· lar pos'-mtBtre88 spenli &turd~y at " o.ur town was well represented ~t *he Obio Valley Exposition return- tbe Warren Connty F&lr last week. ing bome SQD~ay Mrs. a,enry l:'ersey and. Mi8s Ger,. Un. Btlrri~t Ashmore la enttlr- trud" ipent,laRt week' in Cinol,Dnati talning ber daughter Mrs, Mary e.tteJidi .. g the EXposition. . tfmith and &,,0 'grandohildren, Mr 14188 uuotlle ~ ortQil w:as the t ILnd Mrl. ' Jacob ~, of J)a~ton. of Mrs. Will M,ooney l.a at. wee~.g~es . . J. O. Gray our very popular thresh QuitE:' a number from bore'attender Is very basy 'h ulling olover eeed. ed the playtl. given by the Bor~e . and' report8 good as to the quality ~too)( <;)0 " at the ' Leba!lon Opera and amo..unt .' Boase, last ·week. . " Hilo fi.l1lng ba8 ' been observe<1 by Mr. and }Jre WHUarns Rnd oh11 Messrs. Cook, Ellis tlnd Welob. dren "pent the week ·end in Lebanon. Sowing wbeat in this seotion is Miss Edna 'S penoer is ,home f~om ander great bead way. Springboro, where she taught lallt Mr, Adam Oampbell ,by II,ppoint week . ' ,· · ··· . nlent i8 fUlini the offioe of nllLrebal. M~8. 0 ': J . ,TOWnsend, cifM"rtln8B~8 be tearful. ville, Vi8i~d ber. brother here Kr, Truman Gillam wbo bae been vy edns,day and \T bursday. quite siok for. two weeki atiJ1 re, , The .Misses Milbel ,S herwood and mains a ver7 lIiCJt man'. Bis many bUoUe }lasoD spent TueSday in Cin friend. are feellng v~ry IUlxlou8 for oinnatt" ~~t'endiDg tb~'" Eftpositfoll bim. . . Mr. Benjamin Weeks one of OUI' -~-... ~- ::' cltizens has purobued the butoher .' New Burlington ' bUlines, ill Clarksville, and ' will .,.'. , . .. move &here the first of Ootobel'. U" "E'" Bo d " R 1 :' b' .... G . H f h JUrs. ,,: aan Itn ', 80n " "elg _r. uy arner a near ere lLud I attended tbe ' W.a~ren .County ·. Fllir one of onr most up to date farmers has raised three tous of .extra good broom oorn, 'and it i8 ready for the






~!~~. ~~~~~~!~. ~=









I¥ '


New Evap I\prlcots . New Eva., Peaches New PruneS, New Ra islns New Bermuda Onions New Canned Peaches . New Calmed Plums New Canned Pine Apple , Jp.rsey Sweet Potatoes _That stood t;ream ,t,eese Fresh Edgemont Crackers Fresh Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat

I:'OX TE~RIER, with brown spoy Eo An14werr1o tbe n"me of tlllOrt. a ·,ottable reward oltered for informa"on~ Inquire of Ed. " l!'nruaa, Wa1n,e.v~lle, Ohio • OST-in front of residence of ,. IIrll Edtth Harrill, "n ametbyei .'one. Fipder pleale IMve a& Gaze". oftloe aad reoeive suit_ble reward'.




E. C. Flakes, Shredded Wh$lt 'Biscuits, Post T08,{lties, Grape • Nuts, Cream of Wheat, Rolled I_ , ~ FO __R__ R_EN_T _______ Oats, Navy Beans. Star Tin Cans ......... ...... 35c doz GOI')Q farm on tbe hal v..: fa .. Index Tin Cans ........... . SOc doz ' • quire at 'hie otflne.


A ROOY-:On Maln .&reel. SroRE Everything In good OODditloq; t ·

Old l\ellable Coft'ee: ,his week. 20c a lb. ltoyal... B1ue Oolfee.•~eold I!rlce. 20, 20c , PInk .. almon . . lOc Walru. &a1mon. Uo Le,IOX Soap .. . . ... .. ... : .. .• stor JOe Ivol'!. 8oap. . , . .. •. .• ..•... , II for 211e


IIbelving and conn~re. -&1lqalre ·of . MtR. .f. W. BaUnes, 118,' Ohio.

Prepared MustlU'll ... • .... : •. .. . J Oc q~ 8wee, PlcJcles . ..... •.• . ...• .. JIIe lit Jar 800 'our 01 lie Olpra we are 14illfu, , B ror lOco















Mre. JQsephine lJ.'urobull entertaioed Tom Berryhill and family. . last Sunday. IN TN. 'WOIlLD • Tile firet nur;nber of the Lt>cture Ohar16111 traveliog sales. Course will be gIven' in 'he Town PUlUSBEDWEEJLY. $4.00 PER TEAl ~!'!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!! man out ,o f Columb1l8, mllde the Dry B 11 & t d i 0 t be 1 : ., HOUL" DIlVccii8Te, .PIECIAL.I • .,., Goods merchants'a 0811 here FridilY. 11 , a ·ur "yeven ng, 0 0 r st Mr. and Mrs . J; M. Pelierson viAOO.TUMIE"S, TIlAN.FIE .., CAB 6eorge M. II'.dwards m~de a busi. i*ed relative. in DR.ytoQ... lrult t:;atur. AND 'BU. ,....VICIE CAN PROFIT . nus trip *0 Rew Burlington Friday. day !!.nd Sunday . . BY U.INC ITa A~V.RTI.I~O COLuIlIN. Ye SAMPLE COpy FREE Qo1no1lting bu opened up a mil· . Mrs. Frank Collins B.,nd ohildren, Oid-Tyme ~ NIW YOIlK OLIPP... . llnery .tore In aaduton to his well of Xenia /lore vit\Jting. her fath~r, Ur. N_ York. N. Y. · equipped dry I()()(Q iltore, where will John Tat~ north of town . Concerte be found M.il8 Nell Jordan in oharge falr . Ilnd Mrs. Cbae. Bre18ford. en..' In a-hool Hall Sep-t 29th 'of tbe mm~nery dep"rt.~.ntaud Mr: tert,,'\o"'d·. ·O~D8. Mellon. ~ JCd Reason In obal'ge Of the dry .. Mr • "Mnd .. ID. ,. .. goods and sboo depart~ent and at nell, of Dayton, 11l.8t Thursday. . T.o Introcluce Our very ~mplete Fall lIna~of ' all limea will reaeive good goods )II'. and Mr8. J~mes Pepper ' will , beautiful wool n1Unp. 'wNh f&brlca, 'fanc)' .'!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!'!!!!!~~!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!! and oonrieo08 treatment. move '.l huraday Ileal' Wllyn8llville , !..~\np; a111m. hdldli. Jl8ttlcoa"'l..~tc. Up~a&e~eWYOi'kOi~tel'D8' AI~t lliI,e . Dr. and Ilrs. Corwin, of Lebanon, to Ii ve wi ~ h .h ar daughter, Mrs. , ........ on -the marke~. . d'-'" .... "L the' DR J " ... , MILL · ER c''""'~ ...... , w e r e vl'l!Iitorl!l at Harveysburg ..... "'~t. Annie H~rt90' ..~. ....... you ' wiU ftnd our c:e. low. If others . , . . ". . • ' DENTIST uday. Edward Raper Ie visiting hiil par. ,plecue 8xpre11prepald. N . 0 money ••• ••• Mr. B. L. Dakin , one of oar oHi ent8 Mr .RDd ·Vi rs . Lewis Raper. ~utred. u.lVillterrllCll7' cWrlteforJ) Be apDly. STANDARD DRESS , Oftlce In W lie 0 zens w h 0 b as been oomplaininlf for Mr. and M... 0 r Iey P e t erson ellGOODS OOw DeP'-IiOO., B~&on. N. Y: NatloDal BUlk Bide, . ayneavi f • several yeari •• spendin'g a few d'1Y8 tertajned 8.t dinner last Sunday, ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I at Hot Hprings, Ar.tan88s . Bill Mr. and Mrs, ~I\rry Mur.ray, ,of .many friends witlh him Ii speedy reo Wuynesville . '.



\ .l lut' Rcbool hus been " '1 Corwin (ha I in eperlltioo' b n quite a bUt!1De.



___ . ___

I~diana Melons ~ppl~

Cala Oranges Cabbage Onions '



We are paying~2c ~or eggs at


for Mle .lngly HORSI!lt\-~olM8 ,, 01' 4n, palrl!l. InqUire or J. B.


Cbapman, Wayneevl'lle, Ohio. ~R


~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!"'!!!! ~

.Mr. aDd Mrs. F. 0. Oompt.()~ have as guests his sitlters IinEl · ther ' hu~ bnnr1s ' . Mrs. M~.rit~ .J!'u.rf:\uhar, of Winobell· ter, Ind., lS' Vl£1itiug relll.tivelt her~ 'Mrs, Li~Jie M. Compton Bang In a )latr~n s !3Hver Medal OO~te8~ in XeDla ThursdRY night of Isst week. D.' J. F"rquhar~ drove •'Esper, " th grl~y mare belonging to.J. N. J I~ m es, in ~he raoes d tbe Warren County FI'lr, reoelving third looney. Mr. 8,n d Mrs. W.O. t;mth enter taiDed on ~unday, Mrs Smith's sisters. Mr!l. M'oon' and' Mislt }~tla Wier of Wil~iugtoD ,


.__ ..


8A[&.;:..Oishetl, knlvee aad forks be~ciuginl t() Old &boo) ' Assooiatloa. In,q'li.r e of EdmnnCl R ..'al1ok or oail be setln tbe honie of· Kellia.M.errltt. ,. . Srl'OVEQ~Tbree :'ood ~ ~..;t · h ,• . . ~ "" "'" ea 01 etoves in good condition. Inquire of I?,. W, Meeks, Waynelville. , ,./. J GOOD f~hn, 8ha~e ' ...,n*,.·ooD., , ventent. ,. ~nqutre. ; of :;1. ,8. Obapman, R. v .'a, Way n 88vllle"O: ' . . r




' , IAN. l'n tellig~n,t ' pel',lon, " 'f

.. may 8~ra ,

'100 ~o~thly ' oofreepolldlbr


~,ew8~pe~. ,.N 0

, oan~lUI(dnR.

I:k!nd for. pAr~ioulats. Pr. ~yridl• onte, B p721, .l:.oo~port, ~;.. 'Y. • ~1










I -M~i~~- Ab~~ti;;;;';-=-Th;i~ ,-C;~i~;;~d-G~~;--I

---------------------------------,-. -()Id .. Tyme Concer.e 1'hursday Eve. (Old-Tyme Concerte Thursday Eve.OJd-Tymc Conccrte Thursday Eve. : J . B. Pence was a Dayt on visitor Mrs. Harry Murray was in Dayton MI'::;; Ambrose Mafflt is quite sick . Thursday. . Thursday. Muhlon Ridge has been on the James Benham went to Dayton Mi~'1 Ann Phillips was in Dayton sick list. Thursday. Thursday. Mrs. Eva Jones flpent last week in !II 10 1 R. G. Cross saw the Fall Festiva xford am Dayton. . J. E. J annllY spent t wo days in Dayto.n last week. in Dayton last Friday. Mis'J May Strawn h AfI entered the ' 1 1 d h Old t Mrs. BYI'on Hartsock spent Thurs. yme songs an c oruses WI O. S. U . at Golumbu8. be sung at School Hall Thursday. day irr Dayton. . Miss Ona Strawn is attending the ~. L. Hunnell was in Lebanon on Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Evans took in Normal School in Lebanon. the Fall Festival last week. buslneas Monday. Miss Flora Berryhill is taking Missea Annie and Mame Brown were Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Young attflnd:' a course in a Dayton business co lege. in Day top Saturday. ed the Fall Festival last Thursday. . . . Mrs. J . D. Marlatt spent last Mrs. JesSe Burton and two children MiSS Emma Helghway IS the guest Wed nesday wi t h Dr. anu Mrs. P. D. were in Dayton Thursday. of Mr. and Mrs. f'rank Long in Co- Clagett. Ro B f W'I . lumbus. Mrs. Emma Aker and son, Thornger rown, 0 1 mmelo n , was i. town Friday on business. Mr. and R. A. Cross · and Mrs. ton, of Dayton, a re guests of Miss . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pratt spent Miranda Crane were Dayton visitors Lola Zeit. la9t'l'hursday. three days in Da,yton last week. Miss Luella Cornell spent the week. Rev. J. Ii'. Cadwallader was in J. H'-~askey of ~banon, was in end with Miss Marianna All en at Xenia and DayLon last Wednesday. town FrIday on bUSiness fQr the Springboro. . ., Children's Home. Rev. 8impaon of Xenia, was the Mrs. Amos Cook and Mrs. 'Ernest luest of Rev. and Mn. Cadwallader Mrs. S. L. Rhoades and dau~h~r BU,tterworth were at the Dayton Fall Tuesday, attendad the funeral of a relative In Festival last Thursda . Lebanon MondAy. Misses Henrietta McKinsey and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Joy and Mrs. Ye Old-Tyme songs and choruses Stella Lemmon were guests of HarLizzie Kauffman were in Dayton at School · Hall, Thursday evening, veysburg friends Sunday. lut week. . September 29th. ilMr. J08. Dittman, of Dark county, M' An i Ed . rd Prof. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner athas been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ISS n e. wa s and two tended the W. C. T. U. meeting at Wm. Thorpe. nephews took m the FaJl Festival in Kings Mills lalt Thur day. Dayton last week. . . . h as , MISS Martha Burnett a rrtved home D r. J . W. MII'ler, d en bat, d' af h' .ed h' ffl . Lo th N t' al Mra. Laura Mosher will arrive M • on ay evenmg ter a mont s muvk b ~ald~ c:e an e a Ion h~me tod~y ~fter a pleasant visit visit with relatives in Ind. Ban U1 me. . WIth relatlves'tn .Morrow Co .

28, 11l10.





~u7 5

t he

Work I will hold an institute un Friday, Sept . 30th , in t~e 1". Ii:. church . A goot! pl ogram has b en prepared an d tho e int ' I' 'st Ii .in Su nday.schoul work should attend the inst it ute. Folluwing is tke pro· g ram: 2:00 p . m. V I o untary .. ... . .... .. Mrs.C.A.Bruner Song I ' R e d II d nvoca llOl1 ..... : . .. .... ev. a wa a er School OrgamzatlOn..... M Ch.. .... .... H .. .. h : ..... .:.... ..... . .. ... r8. as. oug FIve Mmute Response.'!: 1. Should a Small School Have All the Departments .. ...... .. .. .... .... .. .. ... ...... Miss Edna Stout 2. Benefits and Objel'tions of an Organized Class ... Prof. Bl'lmer L·olo .... .. ..... ...... ...... Miss Lucy Em ly Method of Builrling Up t he ~ch ool ···· .... · .. · ........... .... :\1rs. Thomi son Five Minute Responses: 1. The Beginners, and What We Owe Them .. .... Mrs. Frank Farr 2. What Abou t Our Men? ..... . ... ... .. .... ... ...... .. ... .. .. J . E. Janney Reci tation" ,'The Sheep of the Flock" Questions Answered . . Song. . BenedIctIOn ..... Rev. BenJ. Hawkms

New Century Cl ub WP1'e most royal· ly entertain d at a 12 f)'c lo'k din n·r ,I r. and Mrs. J. E. Hockett. enterat th ho~piLa u k sum mel' hem l! of Or. anll Mrs. Ward , n ar HnrvPYs- ta ined to Sunduy dinnel', Mr. and burg. This was the fir. t mee tin f!" of Mr '. 13 '11 1,\~ mar and daul.{h ter Marie the clu tj f or the year 1910 ·11 and we and Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Kennedy and cannot eo n cive of a beLle r begin. fam ily. ning for the .year 'ti work . Not least among the pleasures of t he day was '1' ll l'. I)\l p l· l ~. ()f MI' , Anna Vander., the dri ve a long the roadway , eilh er voort rrave h r a genuine surprise a t " side present ing PI' 'tty cenCI'Y, at hel' hom last Fl'ioay evening. A the end of which was awa iti ng for ·.i lIy ,.,O'ood t ime was enl' oyed by all . us a spacious po rch. from which we Li g ht refreshments were served. vi ewed a magnifi cent landscape and , ", enjoyed the summer breezes. Her also we wet·c scrveu an elegant three Mt\ an d Mrs. J. D. Marlatt aM course dinner , throughou t which the "woodland" scheme was carried. daughters entertained mogt delightUn ique plac cards made f rom t.he fu lly at dinn el' Sunday the followi ng bark of a g rape vin e and candy box- g-ue!'l ts: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman es of moss were th e clever souvenir Mt·. and MI'l'l. Upshere Whi te, Mr. anu Mrs. F. B. Henderson , Mr. and of the dav. At 2:30 the president call ed the Mrs. D. L. Crane, Misses Kathryn club to order and th foll owing pro- and Esther Henderson and Master Ethan Crane. gram was g iven: Roll-call to which twenty-on e r eo sponded wi t h "Vacation ReminisMr. I· rank Cook and fam ily entercences. " Greetings from the president . Reading of onstitution and tained Sunday the following guests : By-Laws. Readin g , " Mag ic," Mi ss Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lacy and childr n, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lacy and Car roll. . Meeting adjourned all f eeling that children, Misses Evea Lacy, E lizaThe banquet will be held in I. O. O. F. hall at 8 p. m . and the fOllow- it. had bep.n a Red Lette r Day in the beth Duke, Florence Lacy, Messrs. Charles, Ernest and Warren Lacy, ing program will be rendered : history of the club. Willie Allen, Frank Kronenbereer and Emerson Conner. The Trained Teacher in OUt· PubFARMERS' NOTICE - -_ ... - - lic Schools vs. The Untrained Bible School 'l'eacher ... .. Prof. Colvin Farmers having 'crates belonging LECTURE COURSE OF 11)10-11 Response ...... .....Prof. L. S. Rhoades to the Canning Co., and who are not "Jesus of Nazareth as a Teacher" g rowing tomatoes this year, please The lecture course this winter .. .... ... ... ... Rev . J. F. Ca I wallader .retum them, as we are needing them promis~s to be the best ever given Response ......... ... }{ev. H. W. Bailey badly. Waynesville Canning Co. h ere. There be five numbers in "Th e Wh 0, W·h IC · h an d H ow 0 f the • -'MARKET the course. T h T . . g CI " Th t 11 d f eac er ralRntn L aO ss 'r·h···· .. .. ·· b . e managdemen atr.e ka tarea y or ... ............... ev. . ompson Th J d' f h Ch' . usmess, an season IC e are now General Free.for-All Discussion . ' e ales 0 t e . rIstlan chur~h on sale at Janney's drug atore. I Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Kin~id,. of BenecIiction ...... Rev Benj . Hawkina wtll hold a market m the TownB~lp The first drawing will be on No Mrs. Cbauncy Bunnell and children Mr. and Mi'S. Jeff Thompson, of Sardinia. were week· end guestsof .• _ house Saturday, October. 8th. ~Ies, vember. 19th, and the first number and Mt. Monimia Bunnell were in Lebanon, we~ t~e guests Of. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cross. ' SANI_T~RV INSP~CJ.0R .. ~ . . cakes and oth~r good !ht~l!~ ~I~I be. will be ,on .ThanksgiviJlg night. FolDayton Thursd~. ' and Mrs. F. E. Sherwood FrIday. . ', . ___ on sale. Your atronage ·lssohClted . ' . '. h ' . .' Miss Ethlyn Jones went to Oxford St t S 'ta In t f C ' . _ _ lowmg 19 t e prog ram . rB l , Georlfe Zell spent several Mrs. H. E. Hathaway was the J/:uest IBRt week to' enter her first year as . a; tn~ ryM 8PCoecuor t 0 fat nNov. 24-Parland-Newhall Cu. mng ao orles, r. et , Ii er New Burlington Dec.8- Wiggam, in Cincinnati · Jut week attend- of her parents Mr and Mrs F E . Rosnagle, inS~rin~boroi~bWednes: student 111 the college there. g?ing through the Waynesville C~nJan. 6- Tyrolean Singers. in&' the Expo,ition·. day. Misses Anna Vandervoort and ntng Factory last Wednesday, m- Olareno~ .!:lmith. of Oovington , Feb. 16- Beilharz Entertainers. • Edna Stout attended Teachers' Asso- formed us that it is one of the clean- Ky., i. vlflltlDll relatives h ere. Mar. 2- Booth Lowrey. Mn.'Harnet.Lincoln, Messrs. Isaac Messrs. Geo. Hartsock and Ear.nest 'Ct'atl'on l'n Lebanon last Saturday. est, most sanitary and up-to· date . Mr. and Mrs. A H . Harlan wero If' LiDeolu' and J. H. Smith were at the HartsOck started for the Lewistown factories in th~ state. gue.ts of their son . Thoma.s ILDd Don,t put 0 gettmg' your season taU F.tivallastThursday. reservoir Monday for a week's fishMiss Marie Miller had the misforMr. Collett has' had extensive ex- .fam ily. of Miamisburg, In.atweek. ticket. ' . - ••- - ' f tune to sprain her ankle Friday, and perience in this line and his' judg- The W . F. M S. , of the Friends' YP. OLD-1YME CONCERTE / . Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham lpent ing. has been unable to attend school' ment is good. It only takCCi a glance ohuroh was entertamed at t he . a couple of days in Dayton last Mrs. B. B. Stew. art, o.f East OranO'e thl's week. Mrs. Chllrles Mendenhall on ~tlt . If you would see old heirlooms that • upon en te' rmg thOIS cannery, t 0 see of urday. week attending the Festival. N. J., Is spendmg thiS week with how elean it is. It has been our Mi M ' C h h have been stored in garrets for . Keep your eye on We d nes d ay, p I~asure at d'ff . . ss arl8uaa ompton w o ' osa d hear ye. old -tym9 Mrs. Wesley Hainea.wenttoMiam MI'ss L'lZZ l'eSte · war t and M'ISS Georgla 1 erent times d:ll"Ing tess to n large number of friends on years, go. see n County Thuraday for a couple of Hadden. October 19th, which is the date of thIS season, to see the factory mop- Friday aft-erno.:>n in honor of Mrs concerte. Many of the costumes weeks on a visit to relative.. . Judson. N' I the Shidaker & Shidaker sale at eration and the same Lester Compton, the ooollsi on bemg worn will be over B hundred years . , • . Strong, Pr~f. Ol~a I, ,Harveysburg. . methods that have always character· a paroelshower . old, none of them less than forty'• . J. B. Penee arrived home from Ode.(h~ ~rntassel, Slias Doohttle . ized it, were used. QUite a number of girl friends of Such a ramsaeking of garrets has Minnesota last week. Mr. Pence and Am Quito will appear in Ye Mr. and Mrs J. H. Coleman, Mr. • - • Missl:3avannl1 Huffman called at her not been had for years, and the old thinka that it is a ereat 'plac~. Greate Concerte, Thursday evening' and Mrs. D. L. Gran e and Master MOTHERS' MEETING home on Tbursdfl,y evening. ~he costumes together with the old Ethan Crane were Dayton visitors will hSltve ' in 11 short time for a musick will be something worth , , . Septem~r 2itft. t Dr. Herschel Fis'her h"as moved to Co It.. rsd • . . • NurlleB Training . .• last Tuu sy. In response to inVitations sent out U Ph ' n ' 1:30hool. d f '1 Mr seeinit and hearing. smopolitan Magazme re~U1res . by the t~chers, a Mothers Meeting land e~~~~ W. bt~~~~l, M~~~~ Mrs: • ...__. - - offices in the new Morris building Cilext iHhe-poStoffi~. Lebanon. 't~e servi~es of a MiS9 Rebecca Damels spent Mon- was held In School Hall TueSdav af- James Blair were among those who HAD POCKET PICKED Waynesvdle to look after subscrlp- day with the Misses Naomi and Or- temoon of last week from 3:40 to 6. ,attenrled tbe Fnll Festival a~ Dayton . . . Dr. Ellis, Jesee Th091as, U. M. tion renewals and. extend circula- pha Hockett, and will visit friends There were about forty present and 'I from here. ~hlle watchmg the flight of ~he White and Fred HartsOck saw .the tion by special D)etbods which have in town the rest of the week. excellent papers on co.operation of M I ll. Ed B)gan h ilS for her g uests WrIght aeroplane at Symmes StatIOn areoplane fly in Dayton Thursday· proved' unusually successful. Salary pa ren ts a nd .· t eac h ers, were readby Rev. and MrA. WtJli@ C·NeUI.' last Thursday, Owen Burnet had his . . . Mr. N. S. Barnytt, Jr., Mrs. Ruth Mrs. J. E. Janney and Mrs . rohas. ! •. .-pocket picked of qUIte a bU':lch of . . and commission. Previous experiD.R.Anderson,ofLafayette.Ind .• ence desiraole but not essential. Brownell. Miss Lucy Brownell,. Mrs Smart. Mrs.Benj.Hawlrim gavea S.prmg Branch Im~ney. NoclueNasgot~en of the Soldiers' Home, was ' circulating Whole time or sp'are time. Address, H. er b ert Browne, II an d f our ch IId ren splendid 1$' talk on scientific temper•• . . chIef. • _ ..._ __ . amongoldacquaintan~es last w~k. with refe,r ences, H. C. Campbell, of Washington C H were g uests k' h h I A' .' Mr. Ihom lLs LR.°Y R.nd famtly WHO CAN BEAT THI".. Co . rta M • 1789 B d ' . ., ance wor In t esc 00. ' quartet were entertlLinAd by Mr 1L1ld Mr H Do . n't fall to hear Love .Sniffles, . smopo 1 n qazlne, roa - of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barnett by Mesdames Rhoades. Wrigh t. Bru- : Abn~r Dill, of Mt. Holly', \lIst Sunda.y t Lincoln King, ·Of Harveysburg, Huqlility Smithers and Jerusha Me- way. New York City. ·over S un d ay. ner and Crane ended the program I Mrs . Bethlmy ·heDowet.h spent hit&ble' Pepperall at ~hOoI Hall, ~nd after a short talk by Prof. Bru· three or tour . da ys with her. neice, showed us a check Monday, calling September·29th. - 'ner, a social hour was enjoyed dur- Mrs. Abner 0111. for $~lO.84. which had been paid to inK which cakes Bnd lemonade were Mr. aod MrH. Frank D~kin eoter· him by the Waynesville Canning Co. YE OLD-TVME CONCE~TE tained on last !:lunday. Mrs. Be rt. Mr. King said this was. made off of , Mrs. Walter McClure and eon Carl, . served. .. _ Marlutt nnd dll.l1l(htor, Lena, Mr . Mrs. F. eafey and daughters, Pearl and Mrs . Cblulos Gordon. Mr. and four acres of corn. This is the best BASKET BALL GAME Mrs. Frf.tnk Coo k ' and daughter, yield so far this season that we have and Aiice, were in Dayton two days The folJowinK program for the "Old Tyme Concert, wiJ) be given Maud, Mrs. Walter Da kin and Bon. heard of. of Jut given in School Hall Thursday evening atH o'clock. The Blues and the Reds had an ex- Ha.rr:v, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Dakin, - -- --..-.--- ~ Mr. and . MI'8. Reuben Witham, . . ' . citing game of basket ball ' on the Mrs. Etnnest Dnkin and sonB, RUB SHIPPED FINE HOas of Union City', Ind.,' who have bee . n Auld Lang Sy~e . . . : . .. . . .. .. . . . . ... ... . . . ... .. ....... . . .. All ye smgers school grounds Friday afternoon af- sellllld Harold . t. . . ' Mr.EllrneHt and Mrs.Dakin WlllternttendAd Du.kin and Messrs P eterson an d CorneII viaiHq relativea . here, returned to Boh"un"u~ ..... '.' . .. . '. ' ... ... .. . .. . '.. .. . .. . ....... . '. . . Four men singers ter ~' h. 00 I hours, the Blues def eatmg Mr. the their home Mon4&1, (;rand. Ma's Advice . .. .... . . .... '.' . , .. .... ....... .. ...... Rhoda Bumtlus the ~OOB b~ a score of 12 to 11. Miss Fo,ll Festival last Thursday at Day- shipped a fine load of hogs 'to the . d"M Cb ' Co II M OriJl:in of Yankee Doodle . .. ~ .. .: . : .... .... ....... . .. . . . . . .. Judson Strong Mary Sf!1art was the star of the af- ton . Dayton markets Friday • as. .me. r. Old .K · . k " AI" temoon, throwtng three field goals. MI. Thomas LIley a.nd familv . -....- -.' Mr. an . .-s. and Mrs. ", .. A. Cornell and . f!UDi~y , . entuc 1. HQme... .. . . ... .. . ... . . .. ... . . .. ... .. ... .. J ye smgert> TIi~ personnel of ' the teams were: spent Sunday with their daughter, e- - - - - - - - , . , ,., -e . and )lr.and 14ns. H. A. Cornell and I. Cannot S~g the ~Id Songs . . . ..... , .. . .. .• ... : .. . . .' . . Jerusha Pepparall ~Iues-Misses Eelna Janney, Ada Mrs Frl1'nk Cook , family spent aev~~l d~s' with ' ·r~la- ,R ecita.t ion . .. .' . ~ .. ..... . ... .... : .. .. . . . , ... . ... . . ... . , ... Humility Smithers Michener , : Glenna Hoblit ' Mary Th~re \\ 111 be moeting next l:3atur. ..?~~~~~!~~ , tiv.~<in Dayton l~t week.' ," .. " . J~anita .,.: . ~· ) ... .... . ;.,;;.. ..... ; . : . .. . : ... : .. '.. ,. . . . : ... 0~iah. Corn~! S~art ;~atheri~~ Gi~?~~S. . ~~o~~~~~·~~~l~m~lu~u~~::o~~~: ~~ . .' .'0 :Id t'St MAr's church flow (}el\tly Sweet Afton . . ... ...... .. . . ... .... : •. : . . . .... All ye singers . ~~.s-~~sseS Marguerl.te ~o~p-' George A: J3reti, of Indinna. ' Mrs. Howard Booth writes us as • 8 , ...~~ .. 0 . . • ' '''',,f . I Co ' "i J~~ed'-';' , "" . , ". . P ' f N' 'ta'll' ~n • .:Wim~red " ~acy,! N ,I,n a Smith, , Mj8Bes Alice Cht>noweth and' follows: I have returned to New . Will mv& Ye Olde Tyme.., · Uo n ,.~ 11111 . ... . . . : ... .... ...... ..... ' .' .... • .. ...., .... . r~. 01 R<th H tsoc'':- ' d I' th'Z' B tb S . h '11i . 'M ' . , .. ,.. " ;. ', ' . .' . ,. .. .... 'E' .. .-' ,. ., " I.. Lo ·'· S'm U . , ar ~ar~. \ou . lm.merma~ er ~ . ~~.t . we re 01\ ng .on ra . York.. .a.fter a pleasant sumfller tn . icb~ll;lal1, ·Thu~,», Sep.. ~~,~ Baclr, to nn ... , . .......... ....... , . . '...... : . . : .. . . : . : .v,e nhwes .. Referee ' Mis, Elizabeth. Collett. . Fra.~k 811ms on Snn~OoY .veek. . H tf d C . .' ~- 1lOt,b Th lad' ··-.111 be as. ' -..Colurnb',Ia '..... ' .. '. , ,.. .. ... .. .. . '.............. . ' .~ .', ' . ..,' '. ' : ~ ... ".. : A. ye l lsillgers ' .., ". , ,',.,r,., . ... '.'. --. • "" onn. . temU'lll~ ~ . ' ~ =' ~es. WI ". ' ,'.. M' . ra. 'A,b. ' E.v ans . ohi I'dren, Mr· .ar· or, . . . ,








week. '


F e · · . 1.






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bYo some o~, our be8U·,t.. 10t;il ·Ben;. BO~t" : ""''' ' ~:: ' ' '' ''''\' '' ''''·'''' ''' '' ' ' H '' : .. .; .. ... Fatience Jenk~ns ', R~RAL ~:\R~'I?RS .. · . m, ·W 1 ~1)818~ D_ be ' d .D - - ' " I" .- .' . taleq~ aQd \be progt:a . S') D littl ' .. .:I J ' b ' P . ~ .entid cb ,&~u n ,an · RKCUe . ; ... .. \ . . . . . . .. 1 ~II 00 e a",~ ~rU8 a ~ppel!a ~, ';'h . ' I ' II ri J.. '11 ~ .. -t 1 I .. 0 f ~' o1"·t .~ ~ ,IQle 8O~ ··an , 0.. ". l ' :." '. , .... , ' .." ". ' ' :' . ' ',' ' . .... a ,rura rna, car era WI ·S.¥" rUBeL·· The prOceeds will go tA>Ward ~nlt ..... : . ... ': . , . ... . ,,, . . '... ... ... : . .. tEigb't men womep smgers October 1st on ttieir winter schedule . . Tri ·' . .\ ~ .;;.,. .' .. . . ." " . . '. ...,ma for the ·lm~rov~~ts ~J.Q. Ule.. ~; ,. ~ ...'... '.' : ... '.. , . : ..'. ; .. . .: : ..... r ',; .: .: . .~: £~~~ W9m.ert Ill.ngers leaVIng the postotJice a~ 8 Q clock 1~1 cb(arcb.. . , '.~ •. . .. . Anierica c. . ' . the ~oming. -" . .

)11 '









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!Y~llls, Th u·of· St. "G JO!Jeph, . to;' •

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MO.,. rtba Dmlth , . ' . ' ';'\Ii -&"'b ' S' . h Le C' '- wr\~~: . e .,daml aze "e18 ·a reg. 88 r a , mIt A' nft, . onner ular weekly -visiter and 'We would and · Min Lipton, of 'A rkansas, ",ere . . • • .. ' •'~e 8ohool on~a~tel'n~On laat ml~ It very much if lt should fall t~ , week. , . come at ~y. t\m.e. , B ' e








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TUr cmCULtm 5 SYNOPSIS. Mi s!! In liE'S. eplm<ll'r a mI gu o r dln n of G ~r l rllll " amI II nls .. y . cs tHblish"d Sli mm er I,ellt.!quurl'r UI Su n ll y~IJc. 'L'lIe 5C" " " ~I~ ·cI('sc rt . !1 "l'lru,l .. 111111 Ji :\Is,, ), lI t' r '" w,tt. J u. I. Bnll u},. Tho 1" . U8U WIUl n w al"'lIcd b l' Il r c \' ul Hr ~ 1 1[l t a lld .-\ I'IH) l d A"' "" l ro n~ "'8 8 fuu lI,1 Hhot to tlclllh In I hI' hull . 1\11.5 In n s fou nd Jlal ~,' y's r('vol\'('r Oil Ihe la wn . l ie und J ud B Il ~ y had dt sllpDt'u r cd . . GUl'l rll de r c,,('oled t hat ~h' WIiS em' llj; nd t o I n'l< D u ll'lY. wll II w h<> m ~ho t a llH' J In I h l! bllllo·... 1 r oom ~hor tl y b~{o r o th " mu rrter. Del(>c l,,'e Ja m ieso n IIc c u~pd M iss Inn es or h o ldi ng bllclt ov ld c n eo. H e Im pri son ed nn inl,·u .l pr In 11.11 mpty room , Th o p r t. oller ('''l'a p ed , G H tru J wu 11lI!!per t oll bccll ua of a n InJurl.d {oa t . H ilI. ey r eRp p e ll1'S li nd SRrlj h e an d Buliley \\' rll ca ll e d 0 W B Y b)' II. Icll'\:l'o.m . CS\lhler J3all ey of PllUl Ar m s l "ong's lHl n k . d C' run t w as o rr~ t e d (o r t' 1lI l!ezz l"m c n t , P Rill 'Arm8 tro n ~ ' s Il en l ll w as n ll nollt1l' tl Iioi s Y'8 II llnl'oe Lo u ise A rlTl"' l r Ol1l1'. l altl H llIs .. y that w h ile 1\11(\ 8 tlll I(lv l'l) hlll1, s ho wlJ a t o mllrr y Rno t h er . It d e\'(.' lnp cd that Dr. 'Walkt" r WOIl t h > m n n . 1 .o1J 1 8~ WI.\!I found Ilt the bott o m oC t he c irc ulllr 8trurcn.." . ~co\' ('r l nJ; t' n cious nes", s ll e llrud MlI1ethlng h ad b r u hOll by h r o n tho 1I1111rwny Rnt! s he fal n l ed. Bailey Is IIU8p'~C l e d of A rm~lr"n;:'s m u rde r. After 'se · lnll a g h os l ." Th o m o.s, the lod g ek oe p lOr. wlla fou nd d(>lItl wit h a slip in , h18 ('t bCllrl n<: Ih" n nlno of "Lu c!tm Wal p,a0l'l( ,'''. '' Dr. \V o lI... r oNI( ed Miss Innes to VIl 410 III f av or o C M rs. Arms trong. Sho r oCu s e d . A n o te f rom Blllle y ,to G e rtrude nrrnlll\'ln!l' 4 m e ling at night was fOllnd. A ladd rout ot pia e dee pe ns the m yst e r y . Th e Blables w e r e bU1'II ('(I. Our! ng the excitem ent Il m n a t oll' III t o tho h ous . A search tailed to reveal him. Miss Inn !l~ IIh!'t n n Intruder. A m a n limping WIUI .een oa the rOIlI!. --~

standing at tlla toot ot that staircase shoolfu.' through th e door- I'll neve r be the same woml1n again." " Well, I'm glad or ll1at-anythlng tor a cha ngo," I Bllid. And In came Eliza, fl a nlled by Rosi e and Mar, Ann e, H er slory, broken with sobs and corr ection!! fr011l til other two. was this: A t two 0'cl0 k ( 2:1 6, Rosie Insisted ) 511 e ha d go nr upl.1talra to get a ploture u o m he r room to sbow :Mary Anne. 4 plc tur of a lady, Mary Anne InterPG'8ell.) Sb e w e ~t up the s ervants' s tnlrct.". flnd along tbe corridor to h er room, whlcb lay between the trunkroom lind tbe unflnillhe d ballroom. She h eard a sounil as sb e went down tb' corridor like some one moving furni ture. but sbl was not nervous. She thougbt Itmllht be men examlnlnc the hou se aft er the fire the ni ght before . but sh looked In the trunkroom and saw nobody . Sh e we nt Into her room qui tly. Tbe nolso hIld ceased nnd e verything was Qui et. Th en she sat down on the s ide of ber bed, and, feeling faint- sh e was subject to spelll-("I told you tbat


came to come up for two girls and th e ir trunks 1 supposed there was something doing, and as thi s bere woman Illld been looking for work In th e village I tbOUght I'd bl'l ug her along," Already 1 had acqulr. d th tnt suburbanite ab.l1lty to tak S I'v nnts on faith; I no longer de mand d written and unlllll)eachnbi re i' rc nces. I. Ractlel Jnnes , have learned not to mind IC the ('ook s its down comfortably In my slttfllg I'oom wb n s b Is taking the orders for the da y, and I am grat ful If the s liver Is no~ cleaned with scouring s oap, nd so tbat day I mer e ly told Liddy to s end tbe n w applicant In. When sbe came, however, 1 could bardly r estrain a ' gasp of Slll'prise. It was the woman with the pitted face . Sb s tood l!Omewbat awkwa rdly JURt Ins iite tbe dool', and she had an air of selt-oonOde nc that was Inspiring. Yes, sbe could cook ; was not a fancy cook, but could make good soups and desserts If there was anyone to t.ake charge ot fh e salads. And so, in the end, I took h e ~ . As HBIsey said, when


" Old they 10 toward the club?" Gertrude asked suddenly, leaning tor· ward. "No, miss. I think they came , Into the village_ I didn't get a look l£t their faces. but I know 'every chick and child In the place, and everybody knows me. When they dldn't shout Ilt me-In my uniform, you know-I took 1t they were strangers," So all we bad tor our afternoon's work was this: Some one had been IIhot by the bullet that went thrOUlh the door; he bad not left the vlllace, and he , had not called In a l'hyslclan. Also, Dr. Walker knew who Lucien Wallace was, and his very denial made me confident that. In tbllt one (UrecUon at ll..t, we were OD the rlsht track.· "OerlrQde," I Aid, "1 have been a nry seltish old woman. You are «atog to leave this miserable house tanight. Annie Morton.ia gOing to Scotland next week, and you sball go rlgbt with her." " I To my BUE:prlse, she ftushed painfully. , "Y don't want to go, Aunt Ray," Bhe aald. "Don't make me leave now." ," You are losing your health and your good looks," I sald decidedly, , "You should have a change." "I shan·t ' stir a foot." She was Qually decided, Then, more lightly: "Why, yol1 and Liddy peed me to ~r­ bltrate between you ev~ry day In Ule week." . PerhriplI I was growing 8uspicloull of "'\'ery one, but It seemed to me that , rtrude's gayety was torced and artificial. I watched her covertly during tbe rest of the drive, and ' I did not like tbe two spots of crimson .In her pale cbeeits. Dut 1 said nothing more about sending her to Scotland; 1 knew lue wou ld not &0, CHAPTER XXV, A Visit from Louise; That da.y was destined to be an ~"enUul one, for when 1 entered the llOuse and found, Eliza ensconsed In the upper hall on a hair, with Mary Anno doing h er hes t to stifle her with household ammonia. nnd Liddy rubbing her wrIs ts-whutever good tbat Ii Supposed to do- I knew tbat the ghost had been walking again, and this time In1:'d ayllght. Eliza was In a frenzy or tear. She clutched at ~y sleeve when I went close to her, and refl16ed to let go until she had told ber !!t~y. ComllJg ju st after the fire, the bousebold watl d 'moralized, nnd It wall no sUl'prlse to me to' find Alex und the undergardener struggling downstairs with s heavy trunk betw een them. " 1 didn't want to do It. l\lIss lun fl," Alex said. "But sh e wns so 'excited r 'Was nfmid she would do ns s he said -drag It · down berself. and s cratch th e stalrcas ." J was trying to ge t my bonnet off RUt! to keep the maids quiet at tbe flume time. "Now, Ellzn, when you bav washe!\ your fac e aud , stopped bawling." 1 said, "come Into my !llttlng room and tell me what has hoppened." Liddy put away my things without f' peaklng. Th e \·ery se t of her sbould rs expr s s d dlsapprova.l. " We l1,"I s aid , whe n the silence be· , callie un comfortable, "things seem to be wal·miUg up," ilence fmlll Liddy. and a long sigh. " I f Eliza !;ees, I don 't know where to look for an~lh r cook." Moro sile nce. " Rmsle Is probably a good cook." Snirr. , . "Liddy," I said at last, ' ~don't dare to deny thllt YOU are having til t1m ~ of YO\ll' life. :You po"tUv'e\y gloat ,In this exclt ment. Yon ', looked htt r. It's 'my op1nl9D aU tbls running aroimd, and gett ing' jQlted out ot ' a rut , JI81\ atlrred up t.hat torplcJ liver 'of JOurs." ' ,


" It',s nOll\11Selr I'm tblnklng .nbou~: ' .be sa id. goadett .Into speech. "Maytl my liver was torpid, and maybe It wa1i\lft : bllt t know tbls: I've .ot nme fe<!:in,s left. aDd to see ~ou

Struggling Down·Stalrs with a Heavy Trunk. when 1 came. didn't I, Rosie?" "Yes'm, we told him. It didn' t matter 'much Indeed she did! ")-8he put her bead about the cook's face If It was ,clean. down on her pillow and1 have spoken of Halsey's restless"Took a nap. All right!" I saId. "Go ness, On that day, It seemed to' be OD." \ more than ever a resistless Impulse "Wb,e n I came to, MJss Innes, sure that kept him alit until after lunctleon. as I'm sltlln' 'h ere, I thought I'd die. I thin\{ be boped constantly that be Somethln' hit me in the face, ' and Y might lUeet LoUise driving over the set uP. sudden, And then I seen the bills In her runabout; possibly be did plaster drop, droppln' from a little meet ber occasionally, but from his hole In the wall. And the first thing ontlnued gloom, I felt sure tbe sltuaI knew, an Iron bar that long (fully tlon between them .was unchanged, two yards )Jy her measure) "shot Part of .lhe afteruoon I belleve he through that hole and ~bled on the rl!ad,.-Gertrude and I we re out, as I bed. If I'd been Ull sleeping" have said, and at dinner we both no("~~nlntlng,' corrected asle) "I'd 'a' t1ced that something bad occurred to been hit on the bead a kllled!" ' distract him, He was ' disagreeable, "I wlsbt you'd heard her s'c ream ," which Is unlike him, net'vous, looking put. In 'Mary Anne. "And her face as a~ bls watch every few minutes. and white as a pillow-slip when she tum- he ate almost nothing, He asked twice bled down the stairs." during th e m eal on what train Mr, "No doubt there Is some natural ex- Jan.tieson an'd the other detective were planation for It, Eliza," I snld, "You coming. and had long periods of abmay have dreamed it, In your ·talnt- straction during whJcb he dug his lng' attack. But It It Is true, the metal fork Into my damask cloth and did rod and the 'bole tn the wall wlll show )I).ot. hear wben be was spoken to. He It." r efUSed d essert, nnd left the table 1!lllza looked a,.llttle bit .sheeplsh. early, excus ing himself on the ground "Tbe hole's there all right, Miss In- that he wa nted to see Alex. , nes," she said. "But the bar was gone Alex, however, was not to be found. when Mary Anne and Rosie went up It was after eight when Hillsey orto pack my tl'unk." de red the car and started down the "That 'wasn't all," Liddy's ' voice hill at a pace tbat, even for him, waD came funereally from a corner, "Eliza unusually r eckles'l. Shortly atter said tbat from the hole In the wall a Alex' reported that he was ready to go bUl'Dlng eye looked down at her!" O,'er the house preparatory to closing "The wa.1l must be at least six It for the night. Sam Bohannon came Inches tbick," I said with asperity. at a quarter before nine and began his "Unles!! the person who drilled the patrol at the 'grounds, and with the hole carrlEld his eyes on th e ends of a arrival of the two detectives to look sticl" EJllza couldn't possibly have forward to I was not especially appreseen them ." henslve. But th e fact remained, and a visit . At half-past nine I heard the sound to Ellza's room proved It. I mlgbt ot a horse driven furiously up the jeer all I wished; some one had drive. ,It came to a stop In front of drll1ed a bole In the unflnlsbed wall th e honse and Immediately after Uiere of the ballroom, pnsslng between the were hurl·led step!! on the veranda. bricks of tbe partition, and shooting Our 'nerves were net what they should .tlll'ough the uuresls'tlng plaster or have been, and Gertrude. always aJ)Ellza's ' ro,om wltb .sucb force as to prehenslve lately, was at the door aIsend tbe rod flying on to her bed: I Inost instantlY,'A moment 'laterLoulse bad gOl;le .upstalrs al?ne, alld I confess had burllt Into . th'J ' room and stood the thing pUzzled me; In, two or three ,tb e re bareheaded and breathing hard. places In the wall small .apert\l.l'es bad "Wberels Ilalsey?" I!be demande"d, been mad , none of them, of nny depth.' , Above lIer pia In blac~ gown her eyes Not . th e least mysterious thing . was, looked big nnd 'so~ber, arid the' l'aJlld the disappearance of, the tron lrople· drive hlld brdught no co~or to her 'fl\ce, ment that bad been ' used, 1 got up and, drew' forward a chafr. Mary Anne ana. Eliza lett tbat ilrter· . "He has not~ come 'ba,ok," '1' said noo~, but !losle . decided · to stay. ' It quletly. "Sit 'd own, child; fOU are was abou~. five o·clock ·when the hack not strong enollgh J:or this kind of CRme from the IItation to get them, thlng.'1 , ". and, to roy ama.z ement, I~ had an" oc1 don't think she even' heard ' me, cupant.. Matthew Geist. .'t he drivel', "H..e hall not come ' back?" abe aSked for me, aild' explalnedhl~ ,r.' .aS~ed, looking trom me to Gertrude. rand with prld4!" ' .' "1;)0 you k~ow 'Where .. weDtr When. "I ve brougbt TOIl a '(lOOk, ?Ilsl Ill- can .% ftnd' blm!" . Dela," be said. "WbeD tht) me..... "For beav'D'B • • Louiae." . ...


LOWERED FT. SUMPTER FLAG Veteran of Famous Battle Cel~brates Annlve,rsary of Event by PI:lY' trud \ burst out. '" II II wh a Is wl'on j:. lng, Billiards. Halsey Is not bero. H e has gon t o th e sta tion for MI'. .Tamieson. Whal April 13 was th e forty-nlnlh annl· has ha pp n ed '!" vor s ary or the takIng of FMt Sumter "To til s La llon, Gertrud ? You are by the cant tlerate Corcea. There has sure?" always b e n some doubt nB to tbe "Y R." 1 fOa id . "Ll lIt n. Th r Is Itl nLlty o r th e man who fired the first t.h whls U o f the lJ'llln now ." shol lu that famous fight; but there Sh e I' la xed a IIttlo a t' o ll r l11att r - hn n \'or been a question as to the of-fnct tone, and allowed II l'I;~ lr to id e ntity of tbe man who, on !.bat 13th sink Inlo a cbalr. cC J)rll, 1860, lowered th e American "P erhllps 1 was \vrong," sh "aid flag tram over tho tort In the flrrt dehea\·lIy. ;' He-wlll be here In n few feat surrered by the ulan nrmy In mom nts if- e verylhlng Is rig ht." th o Civil war. The mall Willi Lleut. 'Vo sat til re, 'th e three of li S , with- Col. H. W, Hammer. now a r esident out a ll mpt at conve rsation. Doth Ger - ot LOB Angeles, and the old man. now trude and I recogni zed th e Cutllity of mor e than seventy years old. celo· nskiull LouIs auy QU stions ; her brated the fall of that tamous tort by reticen ce was a part oC a 1'01 s he had playing billiards all afternoon with a assume" . Our ears W re s ll'Olned ror fellow soldier at bls noteL th firs t till'ob of th o motor as It Although hnvlng PMscd his three turn ed Into the drive and eOO1m nced score years and tell, the uld eoldler til climb to tile hous . . Te n minute s Is hale and hearty. and the hanl\ that passed, 15, 20. I saw Louise 's hands held the blillaril cue was 118 steady grow rigid "s they clutch ed the arm!! and the eye as clear as tbey were 49 oC her chair. I watcbed Gertrude's years ago, when he lowered the flag, bright color slow ly ebbln~ away, and It Is his boast that he can outwork around my own heart I s eems d, to feel many a man 20 yeRrs younger than the gras p or a r;lant hand. hImself, He neIther drinks, smokes Twenty-five minutes, and then a nor cbews, and he thinks nothIng of sound. But It was n~t the ch ug of the starting out In ·the morning for a ten· motor; It was the unmistakable rllm- mile rlUCble Qver the bUll!. ble of tbe Casanova hack. Gertrude Colonel "Hammer's memory In reo drew aside the curtain Ilnd peered gard to the taking ot the fort Is won· Into the darkness . "U's the bnck, 1 am sure." sbe lIald, derfully clear. and to bear him tell 01 evidently reli e ved. "Som~th~g haa the events whIch took place during gone wrong with the oar, and no won- the battle, one would think they had der- the way Halsey went down the bappened yesterday Instead ot nearly halt a century ago. ' hllL" "1 was regimental Quartermaster It seemed a long time before the creaking vehlcle 'came to a stop at the Bergeant, First artUlery," sald Colonel door. Louise rose and stood watching. Hammer. "I 'lril.s assigned to Fort her hand to her throat. And then 'Moultrie, ,but was trans(erred with Gertrude opened the door, admltUna t'lrO companiOns ot artillery to Fort Mr. Jamieson and a sto'CKy, middle- Sumter, which was located about' I,aOO aged man. Halsey was not wlth them, yards trom Mouftrle. \ The reason f!lr When th door had closed and Louise 'abandoning Fort Moultrie was tbat It reallzed that Halsey llad not come, could 'be easily IIwept by a rille fire her expression changed, From tenlle from the tops of tlIe near-by b~uses. watchfulness to relief. and now alaln "The contederate troops were stato abs'o lute d spalr, her face was aD tloned In ' tront. of Sumter, and when open page, they saw u.s transferrlng all our torces "H.alsey?'· I aaked unceremoniously, to tbat, tort the1 began buUdJng batIgt:lorinc the stranger, "Did . he-not teries. The next day, the 12th of meet you?" AprU, they lent a demand to ' Major :'No," Mr. Jamieson looked slightly Anderson, who was, In command of surprised. "I rather eXllected the Fort Sumter, to surrender. Anderson car. but we got up all rigbt." refused, and word was sent tbat un... "YOll dldn't see him at all'" Louise less he 811rrElndered within an hour demllnded breathlessly. they would open fire. Ml" Jamieson 'knew ber at once, aI , 'IOur .supplies were low. ,He had though h e had not seen her before. heard that Lincoln was sending relter, Sbe bad kept to her rooms until the but ' whetller or not -we -eou morning sho left. unUl It reached us we did not know: "No. Miss Armstrong." be said, "I Our I\Dlmunltlon was low, too. saw n.othlng of him. What Is wronl?" "Andersoo ' agreed that unless pro"Then we shall have to O.nd him," visions reacbed us by the Ofteenth we she asserted. "E\'ery Instant Is pr. would .leave the fort. , and' meanwhile clous. Mr. Jamieson, 1 have rea so. lor belieVing that he 2s in danger, b'ut I don't know wlnt : It la. . Only-he Plust be found ," The stocky lUan bad Bat.. nothln,. Now. however, be went quickly toward tile door. 'Til catch the haok down the road and bold It," he snld. "Is tbe gentleman down in the town '" . "Mr. .Jamieson," Louise said ImpUlsively, "I can use the hack. Take my horse and trap outside aud drive IIk(l mad. Try to find the DragOn li'ly-It ought to be easy to trace. 1 can think o[ 1),0 Qther way. Only, don't lose 11 moment," The n ew de teotive had gone, and a moment later Jamlcson we nt rapid ly down the. drive. the cob's feet strlkltlg 'fire at every ste p. Louise stood lookIng atter them. When she turned around Ijbe fnced Gertrude, who stood indignant, almos t tragic, In the hall. "You lmow what threatens Halsey, Loulse/' she 'said accusingly, 1'1 b e. !leve yeu know this 'Whole borrlble


Lowered the American Flag Over the Fort.

Itt' .

Believe ~You Know This Whole HCJ~ rlbfe Thing, This Mystery." .


he said he would mllke no hostile movements. This did not satisfy the confederates, wbo were under General Beauregard. and between two and three o'clock on thti moming ot the twelftb they opened flr<:l. The first shot t:atpe from 0. n:ortar on, Johnson's Island. It ,was afterward said that the first shot was fired ' by tOJ:mer Go,;ernor Rutto or Virginia rrom the Iron. clad l:!attery: on Morris' Island, but this ls not right. . ' 'So loW was our ammunition that we could ,not afford to waste a shot; every shell had .to tell, ·sp we waited until It was Ilght enougb for our gunners ' to ' ~~ careful al~ b~fo~e r eply. log to the fire or tbe conrederat~s. , .irhere Iii n. pop\fiar Idea. tl~jl.t .Anderson isurr~ndered ' the tort. ,' That Is not true. ' We did not' s~rl'end!'lr, and never. would haye: We '!JUU'ched ' out 'u nder. Anderson's own terms, with our 'fiag 'ftytDg an:d the band p\(lyed\ 'Yankee Doodle,' and ''Ve were ' alJowed board the, tr~app~t ; IljabeJI&r, ,which was· lying In tbetfiarbor.." ,.

'0, '





C . ft







George Hahn C. &; N. W, condurtor, Arbor. Ave" .West Chicago, 111., saYII: "I was thrown f rom a oar down a 26foot embankment and my ~Idneya were badly bruised, Kidney trouble developed and for • whole year, I was un· able to worle, I suf· tered agonizing pains In my back and the kid n e y seor lIonll were In terrlblo condition. My vitality gradually diminished and lhe doctor's treatDlent fnlled to llelp. When In d s palr 1 b glln wltb Deanis Kidney Pills and (; oon Improved. Continued use cured me nnd at pres ent my healtb Is excellent." Rem mber the name-Doan's. For Bnl by all 'dealers . 60 c nls a 1>OlC. Foster- lilburn Co .• Buffalo. N . Y. Speaking of Flros. Roy Bono. u brolh e r of United Stat es Distri ct Attorney Han-y Done, sev 1'1\1 yoars ago was fl /. port er tho Wl ohltn lIell coll. lu goln ll 6 fire on or th · U1 mbOl'1l of the nre departm ont wa a thrown froni a hOBO cart I1 ntl Ielil d . DOlle wrole a bead, wIth this us th o firs t d ock; ., aIle to His La st. Fire." • The pleco got Into th o pap rand Bone was prompl!)' " Ured,"- Kansas City .lournal.


Keep your fn e always toward th SIllHlhloe. and th shadows will filII behlnd you.-M. B . Whitman, Don't Throw That Rua Away, Jus t because a rug looka old an(l worn nnd the dust baa been ground Into I~ 80 deeply that a day's beating will not take It out. do not. tlIrow It away. Make lL thlok white suds with EaSY Task Boap, scrub the rug ftat on tbe f1001'. wipe It dry wltb a clean clotb, and It will surprise you how beautifully new It 18. Easy Task soap III an enemy to dirt and a friend to fabrlo or all kinds. It la the cl an, white ·laundry soap tbat halves YOl1r washIng and doubles your lIatlstactloo.

DIDN'T "GET" THE QUOTATION Boston Reporter, Unlike Most New,paper Msn, Was Unfamiliar . W ith , the 'Sorlptures,

The "cub" reporter Is the greenest reporter on the staff ot a newspaper. When anythlngpartlcullU'ly stupid happens on the paper, be Is the first ~o be nccused, and he fs usually right. Iy ao used. Tbe only salvation tor JlIm Is to Improve, which he does In nllie cases out of a dozen, Tbe 'Bo . ton Journal told r.ecently or IU1 'a mu ......~c. sing " break" o'f a wboUy Inn - cent nBture whlcb tL certain ub. made. It It s owe anyt/l ng, ffBbows tbat n tIlor. ougb, training In the Bible Is useful In other walks ot life than the mlnlslry, The r porter bad been sent to a IlJlburb to report a . sO.rmon. lie , ar. ' rived late. near the lose or the servo to(>, and took n seat neal' the door. When the last hymn was o'ver, he asked bls uelghbtir, an (Jderly g btle. man: , , ' " ~ lat was the text of the I!er~on 1" "'Who Art Thotl?'" replied tbe oth r. . " Ooston r eporter," repll d the other, Th man Bmll d. Subsequently 'ho told UIO preacher, who n xt , Sunday told tbe congi"egatlon- at 'the c.ub's x· pense.- Youth'lI omp~nlon, Mla'd lrected Energy. "How 'did th str et oar comru\llJ.Y come to firo l'hat old contluc:tor? I thought be hatl 11 l1ull1'" "1:Ie did; but II didn't ulle It on the cash r eglsl r."- hrlsUan Advocar. Few Marriage. I" London. 1'h(> marriages 1u London " ]ns~ year repres ent th e low at peraentllc ' ot which th ~ re is aliy I' corti .' ' PRESSED HARD; .. Coffee's Weight on O:d Age, 'W'hen prominent men r eaUie 'the In,urlous e ffects or cotree and the chang In b ealth, tbat Postum can hrlng,lhey 'are glad to lend their te'atilnony for , . .' ·the benefit ot others. , A superintendent' of public schools In a Southern state eays: "My mother. since her early chtidhobd. was all Inveterate coffee drinker, had been troubled with her heart tor number ot years nnd COI!lplalned ot that 'weal( all over' feellng and sick storna'cll, "Some time ago I wall making nn fiCial visit to a dlstallt part 'ot ' the countrY and took dinner with one of the merchlllltB ot the-illaca. 1 no't1ced a somewhat peculiar flavor of the cottee, and aaked h)m concernJng ' it.' He replied that It was PostuDl. I was 80 · pleased with 1t that, alter the 'meal was over; I bough.t , a p,llCkage tb" carr; home with me, and , h ad wUe ,' pre. pare some for ' the next · tIleal; the wliole family liked it 80' well UlIlt ,we discontinued ,coffee and \!Sed Poatum ' entirely. ",.. ~", r, • "I h!ld really be~n at times vel'Y' 'anxious concerniug ,m y's con'dltlon, )Jut' we DoUced that .after using ~~stum foi a "Bb6..t: .t,llUe, flh'; telt' 80 muc~ bettElr than s~e did 'prior ,tq Its Ulle, apd ha!1 little trou1>le WI~ her ' Ileart and no sJck· stomach; that. the headacbe,s .were ',not 80 1.requent. la"d her geJ)ern.l condition mucb Improved. ,1'hls continued un't ll ahe a. " :. and hearty aa the l'eet ,· of US. ','1 .know 'p0ltutn haa benfliited JDJBelf and the ,o ther. members of the Uy, but In ~ more mar}Ee4 desree tn the caa,. Qf m7 motb.... at abe . . . a nCtl.1Il of lone. .taDdt!q,:-



thing t his mystery that weare strtle' gUng ' with. U an'ythlng hallperis to Heisey, I shall never forgive you," , Louise only. rafsed .bel' 'b!lnds d. spalrlngly .aud dr!>'linM ., them ag~lQ, (TO BnJ CONTINUE!?) , P,rompted by In~lnot, The,r e Is a certaltJ twe of' f~inlnlntt1 which ' lnsUncUrel'y ·undarstabds ~he propr~etles of a ' tiuggy rJ~it. Helen': aged three, cuddled ~p close ~ ~er ther, th~s 'being her tll'~t ride w1t~ him, ' , Gun ' A,!lead 'Qf Armor, " unattended. AB ftther tuck~~, Rear Admiral ijacolJ' of tbe British robe abollt the d~,?,ty mllli and yY_ bellevet that the ~aee betw ~trJled 1:0 blB hOrM he allke~: ~,Wbat RD .nd the of a battle.:~:' 1~11 "{.e. talk abo~t, dearie? W~ wlllQlHlaa 'been (OIDe OD tor over half father, as .be JaiC! h~r little baJld iitbtur1 ba. ben decided to til =:~ "llt.'II, talk,a.a lov!", euJ :'~t, taftr ,oi the ~ r , tiM


Thrown Down Emb'ankment.





Polly and the Prophecy




lJnfalr. Sena.tor John H. Bnnkbeml. dis cus· !,lIng n political mov ._lIald with a !1 mllt' ; " h, It'll 100 <oltll y calculated . It's nlulOst unfair. In tuct. It'S 111(6 2\1rs. Illank . " Mrs . nlank Is n' lend r of Bur Uar· " bor society. Her hushnnd said to her. one after noon. as s b made Ii Tel'Y )r .. ltes the IIkln BO rt. 1\8 .... t.ef,.,.OUJi..JI.ll7._ _ _ __ labol'at lollet for !I gal'd f' il party U11l t <lorn plcKlon. Be" 1 shampoo lU~C . Cures mo., Ij h c was gol rin g to ~OIl1U me mbe r!' of tikln er upll onK. 1I1I1I)'OU'" Holr IlI'I'lgor"lor <'lIres danrll'll.Jl" 1 Ib e Hl'Ill!:;h I pg lltiOIl : .tol' ~ trOIn 1"llInll' "lIl. m"kell hair ..row .. .\'(1 \1 hn ,'e DYI!peps la.. or any Ii"er ll'u"bIO' j " ' Why did YOLI wr ite 10 a ll our gu ests li seJt)llIl1yun·,. Pa.w · p"w PIli". 'rh y "ure 1111· tha t Ibi s party wu s lu bC' a bsolut e ly In · ~~~~:lt'~h·. ( ;~;;~.~,e~MUN~8N!Se H~~E8pAi~io fOl'ulfll?' 1I0ME REMEDY CO .. PhliadclDhla. Pa. "i\lr . ntnnk lallg hed. "'So li S ICI be Ill r bp,,[·dressed wom · ,~. .- - - - - - - - - - - - - , an PI' Sl·TJI . of ('0111'81'.' t; he sa id." Send postal for

Copyriabl. lVlO. bl ~c1 Lilerary Prou The foTtun e teller held Polly's little have been to the fortune teller. If you band and gazed long and shrcwdly must know." into ber oyell, The fortune teller was Jimmy, on the day beCore. bad 0. woma·n. and therer0t:e Polly did not strolled through the camp at these blush. as sbe was wont to do under pIcturesque nomnds. "GYPllY qllilens tbe adm irIng stare of m·en. b.a ve reputations for ' beIng rare Free l'ackage Nevertheless. Polly vms unensy, seers." he observed, thoughtfully. "The Wish Is Father to the Thought." of Paxtine. ~'h ere s oemed to be a Met grImness "Rare- fools." stomed the maid. Dr. Hobcl'l. L. Wag-gon ' l'. Ih e presl· Better and more economleal about the telise mOlltl1 or thIs oddly, "I just bate myself for bnvlng gone c1 E' nt of Bn ld wln 1I111\'C'rs lt)', sa id. Iu than Uquld anUseptics dressed Heer 'that boded III for the out there nt aIL 1- 1 ought to have the (:Olll'SC of !In address on pedllgogy FOR ALL TOILET IJSES. dlmunlUve one before ber. known better. No one and read the ' "Thai iJall1ll ~ l wlJ1 t ell rOil wben at Beren . 0 .: "You would penetrnte t he ruture." future." s be concluded " wisely. "It YOII arc goJn g to die." "And a ile or lhe most r emRl'kabl e began the fortune t eller. "and you Isn·tposslble." . ",\nd tli n rUII and t ell til(' IIndcl" ('hang a In Ih e last 30 yeurs of te achhave come to me to lind out what Ie "I ded uce. then. that the pnrcel of take r. 1 !;1I1JjlORe. and get a ('ornml ss lon ing Is lhe abolition o[ corporal pun · in atore for yo u. Well. then. young Inrormatlon banded out by the Is bm · nt. A boy of this generntion IR on Ih e b\l l3 ln ~s s." woman. I w11l tell YOIl. LIsten: An swarthy MInerva wasn't at all to n ver 'W hipp d. \Jut a bO)l of th o las t Nos. 5093 nnd 5107. All Seams AI· old man wIth money Is to enter Into your lIIdng." TINY BABY'S PITIFUL ' CASE ge nerallon-w e ll! .. CiTe. one a aweet breath I clean, white• lowed.-The drE'ss \IIu strnled In the ' your life. The stars tell m o that you The gI rl Hus bed . then th" stortn accompanying picture Is on e or the Doctor WaggOlI C'1' smiled. teeth-antiaeptic:aUy deaD mouth and throat-purifiea the breatla will grc t hIm with open arms." In b er e yes suddenly abated and a n wer styl 8 of the Call season. It "Tbe boys or tb e lallt generation ," "Our \;uby wh'n two monilis old after .molcinl-diap ela all di..areeable "I won't." protested the r ebellious \\'\Clled little Imp or mIschief dance.! Is marked by the use or tbe rashlon· \\' 0 1:1 su ff'cl'lng with terrible eczema be said. "must ba ve bC'lleved thnt perapirationand body odora-muchap" Polly. She had In mind. as abe expectantly In Its plnce. , "It would abl e banded·ln skirt. nnd tb e wnlst has from b t:: ou to foot. a ll over he r body. the Ir Instru ctors a ll hs d for motlo : predated by dainty women. A quid! .. 'Th e swlllh IB (alhel' to lhp. B}lOk0. til.&... s turdy JImmy Ham1lton. be 'lllce Lt I could bellevo hl:I'." slae th e smaH yoke which Is no w consider· Th e bally looked jus t like n skinned remedy for lore eyea and catarrh. whom abennd r efus ed for the third vent ured. demurely. "You would ed essential. The neck Is cut out ever raL\;it. We ', ere unable to Pllt clothes tallght.' " A little Putine ~wder dia. time that mornIng. ndvlse me to. would you not?" so little and the outline ma rked by 0. on her. At first It seemed to be a few aolved in a alall of hot water "The stars ~" not lie." cblded the " CertaInly." came fro"'" the grID· band or trimming. Around the edge ma tlered pimpl es. Th ey wou ld break A Happy Husband. , makea a ddiahtluJ antiaeptic 10fortune teller. "An old man will en· nlng and unsus pecting Jlmm,. of the 'yok e the mal e rial Is slightly th e skill and peel ott leav ing the un· "Our house u!red to ameli soapy · and lulioa. poaaeaing exlraordinuy ter your life. nnd hIs Impetuosity wtll "Gypsy qu eens are daughters ct gathered before beIng attached. deuuiq. aermicidal -and heal. As derneatb skin r ed as though It were steamy wash day," says a well·known : . ina power. ad ab.olutely hum. fairly tslce your breath awny. He seventh daughters. you know. The,. tbe sleeves nre of the pensant order scalds. Tben n. few more pimples man, "but slu<:e my wife began buying ' leu. Try a Sampl.. SOc. a wtll be old. but'- he has money." are wise In the occult." there Is no seam at th'c shoulder. and would appear and spread all over the Easy Task laundry soap. there Is no ' Iaf10 box at druggiQJa or by mail. "I won't hear a bIt more." came Thereupon Polly. with a haptly they nre cut In one piece with the bodY,leavlng tbe baby all raw without more of tha~. l've Investigated that THE PAXTON TOILETOO., BoeTO", M .... from Pol1y angrily. and in 0. turbu· little smile. unfolded the Information hack and front of the waist. Th e sldn from head to Coot. On top of bel' soap and find It Is made of purest lent stato of mind sbe drew her vouchsnfed by her RoumanIan hIgh· pattern (5098) Is cut In sIzes 14. 16 and head th ere appeared II. beavy scab a cocoanut all, cleanest tallow. borax and haughty little self IndIgnantly out at ness. 18 years. To make the dress In the quarter of an Inch thIck. It was aw· naphtl,la. and that it not only cleans. the cam p chaIr and Hounced from tbe A rrown clouded the youth's brow 1G·year size 'Will require 3% yards or ful to Bee so small a baby look Il.8 abe but anUseptlcl ses clothes, cooking ves· tept. at the completion of the tale. "Rot," materIal 44 Inches wIde. with % yard did. Imaglnel The doctor was aCrald sels and everything else washed with Polly Edmunds wasn't superst!· he grumbled. at contrasting material 27 In ches wide to put his hands to the child. We It. We tried It first by buyIng two tlOU8. alld It wa. absurd to belleve "But." objected Polly. sweetly. "1 to trim, as Illustrated. tried several doctors' remedIes but all cakes for ten cents, with th e under· I twut ti_ ia . . whee the rm.r ia rjpI_ that .he had gone to the tortune h rd f It tb t tb s tanding that our money would be reo ave your own WQ s or 0. eBe For eve ry.d"" uses-school. bom e. {ruled. tlomacb ODd bowel. ICe . . leller excevt through gentle curlosl· I tl I SI 'V funded If It .dldn't make good. Of gypsy peop e .nre vas y c ever. nce cburcb 8'nd the like-a. dress sllch as "Tben we d ecided to try Cutlcllra. CARTER'S U1'1l.E ta lld ng to you 1 havo no doubt but pI ture d wll\ be found excellent. The By using the Cutfcura Ointment we course, It made good." UVEa P1U.S what ' It will come out as she snld waIst Is m ~de with a small yoke, be. softe.ned the IIcab and It came ott. Un· but firmly Doe. Engineering Work. Anyway. 1 must walt for myoId mil· low which there Is n cross.tucked vest. d el' t hIs, where the real malter WIl.8. pi a lu, Iinw Mlle. Bandurln is superintendent of 1I0naire mnn. I always dId · be lie ve On each side of this the material Is by washing with tbe CuUcura Soap do .. dllty. ~ CureaC. . that I shQuld mar~y for ~o~ey·. nnd arranged with a deep tuck at the shau l. ::Ind applyIng the CuUcura. Ointment. an engIneering firm In Russia . Sh e • tipallou, then- who knOWs-he may be nice; . der and stitched edge where the sides a new s ltln soon nppeared. We also was graduated tram th e Women's IDdis... aI?d I Clln love hlm. If h Is." join the vest. The sleeves bave no gave baby four dropa of the Cuticura Technological In stitute In 8t. Peters· tiou, \. P oU y was In II. rare hu~or. Neyer seam nt the shoulder and are cut hi R eso}vent three times dally. After burg•. and has had pracUcal expe· Sick b efol'c bad she . been abl &- to t~aBe oDe with the front and bach:: of th e threo days you could see the baby rl ence In englneer! ng. She bunt n Headada.. ...l alter Eatlq. thIs grent. good·temper~d gIant. He waIst. The slctrt Is a four.gore mode\. gn.lnlng a little skin which would peel steel wnrehousefor nn arm y co-oper· S....n Pili, Saull DoM, S-a PriM neyer toolc b er refusals to marry Dnck and front form pnnels. the side off and heal underneath. Now the aUve society. h as been assistant en· Genuilie mu4bou Signature him as a good joke. But Polly was ~ gores are circular nn d nre attnched baby Is tour montbs old. She Is a. fln e gi n eel' In bundln g a hrldge across the see tho sudd n fruiti on 01' th e gYllsy s at about k.nee depth to a anaped pIcture of a fat little baby and all Nova and has done other Impor ta nt prophesy. whether she b eli eved IIi it floun ce the joining being concealed by l is well. Wanly used 'on e cake of Cut!. work. or not: a tuck.' . The pattern ' (51Q7) Is cut In ~ll'ra Soap. two boxes of CuUcura Oint· ~·Honk. honk!" sizes 14, 16 and 18 years. ment and one bottle or Cutlcura Re. $100 Reward, $100. A most e rratic automobile wtt.h solvent. If people would know wb at TIle reMan 01 this PB1l'lr will be pleased to ItAlIl lbere 15 at I"""t ouo dreadlJd d l5ei..o lI"'t Icleoce T a procura t hi s po. t tern sen d 10 cen til two occupants came zlg·z.ngglng d own uticura Is there would be few suffer. that 11M been .. bin 10 cur. 10 all lUI stages. anti lhal II H~~'tgi~ED tbe narrow road, Interrupthrg for the ~~r;~~a~~~l~ ~~~tl~~~~:;~"pf~'n\~~S :n6e:~ Ing wit h eczema. Mrs. Joseph Koss- ~~~iv ~~~~~:n ~~~~bm~I:I~",~;"I~~~Y ~~~~~: JDm'S $~.OO. $2.50, sa.OO, as.60. kOOI i6.OC) moment the In teresti ng dialogue bl'- .ure to ..alve 81.~~ e and number ot pattern. mann , 7 St• J o' hn'S Place Ridgewood lIon,lI b lUll n rooslllutlOUllI d lseMo. Tellulrca Ito coosUlU' . LrelIlment. 1Il1U·. ea.... rrh CUre II takeo In. WOJlEW'S $2.50, SS,18.1iO, M tween the two young ' people. Heights. N. Y., Apr. 30 and May 4, '09." . ternall)' . ""UOi dln!Qtly upen lho blood ..nd muco ... lIOYS' 52.00, 52.60 &, sa.OO "Honk. honk!'" _ ,"rIMI!!! or lb. syllUm. thl1"cby dmroylng lb. THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS Aft the great machine r ea.chel1 NO. 5093 and 5107 SlZE: ............... _ Vermont Thrift. !~::::~~J:o~y O~u~~ngd~aa:'tie a.::,~Srl~~I~\~n t~~dP~r'::! Theyare absolutely ~b. them. It suddenly swerved to the Hobe l·t Lincoln O·Brlen. ed itor or the ~~~;~rr.J~h ~~I~fa I~r:~~' !lO-r;::rf~'&~·:;:: ~~': moat populatand be.taboe. curb, and one ot, the occupants waB Boston Transcript. Is a great admirer Ona Bundn:<! Dollllra tpr ao), ~ue Ihn It IA1Io Ie for the price In America. Thoyare the leaders ent)'shot catapult·lIke 'lnfo the very anns TOW,N ..........: ............. , .:...... .. .... ' of the thrift of t ho Vermonters. hut DU~tid=dF~~~ h~U~~~I::~~I~olcdP. o. where beeause tbey hold or Polly'. Both were ' thrown to tho thInks sometim es ' they carry It ' too SOld by all Dtuit"tll, 7&c. STREET AND NO....................... far Take BAU'S FIUJI Y Pilla tor ClOnallpallOo. their ahap•• fit better. walk, In an, tnstnnt the new and ' look better and wear lonspectacular arrIval had bounced to bls STATE...................................... O'Brien was up In Vermont last sum· ger tho other makes. Remarkable Young Lady. Tbey are IIOlllUvelv feet, aod even before the astonished Il\ I' nnd went to dinner with 0. rrl end From a reulJleton: "H er voice was economIcal fn"""nr1·irliinV;::;.,,;=or:= JImmy reallzed wbat. had happened who had some polItical as pirations. As low and soft ; but once agaIn. as Janet mo.t Dougla. oame and price bad assilited the girl to ber feet. LADIES' SKIRT. th~y came In the dool' he heard the Fenn withdrew from tbe room and on the btJttom - Talae guaranteed. . Profuse apoln"'es came glibly to lacl y of th e house say to the hired closed the door aftel' her. tbe fleMish TAKE NO aU.aTITUTlEr u Your /leaJer "You Would Penetr3te the Futul'fl." the Ups of the "6' ' GIUIDOt .upply you writ. for Matt Order CAtaloC. man. g I 1' I : ' 'I see M r , J ones h as s ome b 0 d y gleam carne In to her odorless eyes." . W. 1.. DOUGLAS. Brockt-., . . . . t,: but It was enoilgb to make . any The 'newly arrived was Bbort. tat, wltb him for dInner. Take tbese two ) "rr we heal' any more or Janet we Belf·respectlng· girl angry-the eug· and 'well on the ' shnde side or sev. big pot.atoes down to the cellar and will Jet you know."-Punch. gestlve words ot that parchment· enty. How a man . of We age could bring up three small ones." skinned •.. sU1Yitalklrig Roumanian. spring so nimbly to his ·feot and In· Important to Mothers ~ .tuff-De"er cure, . She .wouldn't, believe. ilnd slle knew stanUr execute a ChesterOeldlatl Examine carefully eVt'ry bottle or Not That Meaning. verY wet. that ' she wOI·ld always re- bow was beyond the cOplprehenslon ~nl1 makes bowels, move beCASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy tor "TIle doctor said that Bill was infants and chtldren, and 8ee that It JIlaln triu, to Jlmmy :aam llton; he of, of the silent and w,onderlng Jimmy. cause it irritates and sweats tbe~ drunk when we took the poor fellow the . dark 'brown hair and blue eyea~ "There Is someQilng wrong wltb Bears the ~~ like poking finget ill your eye. The best a have Ills bead attended to last Jimmy ~amllton, Who : could twls~ . the car." the ' ·man was explaining. Signature of ..~ Bowel Meliicine Q CaM:aret•• night aCter he felL" his l~ve w~rdl!/ l\.nd phrases to tbo ' "My driver has been working at If "Doctor never said nnythlng of the In Use For Over 80 Years. dalnUest Proposals ' ~ver bringing the for an hour. ' He couldn't stoP. you user should kind!" The Kind You Always Bought. Every Salts and Castor ~1\lsli~8 ,to the cb!lekil . of J!. maid ... ~he' see.. Only for YO~, young woman. J get a 'box of CASCARETS aDd ' try "Didn·t J bear blm? Said It was a wo~ld' n.ot ,receive at,ly hIdeous ' old would have been dasbed to this stone Just Like a GIrl. jagged cut." them jOlt once. You'll eN · Q\liuonlllre with open' ar.m~! pavement, 'and prutJably killed . . 1f you "Her cooklng-school habits are a Polly was io' 0. terrible l:Itate o~ will allow me J' would like to give good deal ot bQther to me." Caseareta-lOe box-wet!k'a treatmetlt. Local Enterprl.e. AU dn1ll'2lst.. BlRe~t· aeUef tu die mInd 'Vllen; the luckleli4 JllllinY, espied you' th.liJ as a lIttle token at· my 'ap· "How now?" Tourist-Why do you call tbls a .vol· worl4·-mlUloD .boua ~ ID,!Dtb. ·~er fr'~m across street "nd bll.8teJie.d J)recla\lon," The old gentleman took "Sbe always wants me to taste the, cano? I don't believe It has ha4 an to joIn her. " ,:.' n tw.o 'ctir\lt. diamond from hla ' finger gasolJne when the auto!Jloblle Isn't e ruption for a thousand years! ~"Y~u!" /me Bta:m~d a., .foot tn ,tbe and passed' it Into the ha.n~s of the working right." Guide-Well. the hotel tn. M sgers in fine frenzy . 6f her raga. "As If I 'l1stonlsbed ' girl. thIs region club together and keep a dldn't 'have tl'ou,!>le enough without "Honlt. honk!'" Un. Wlnltow·. Sootblng 1!IT"lp. fire going In It every year during the you comIng along.!'" The ar. now under control, cRme ~~~~~r:.I1:!~~'n~'~~"~~I~agc~~St:: ~~~1~~ sea!5on.-Meggimdorrer BlaeUer. JImmy smiled and" conUnued to to a sudden stop besIde ', them. and plod cheerfully along I!ot her ,slt:e. In an Instant, the old gentleman had 'Tls much to wound a roo; 'Us more U :'~~~a:rr~~ t EJ' ._._ _____ _ . __.. ______ . "tt I bad amoutb(ul 01' vulgar gold . cJlmbed in beside the driver. who put No. 5U6, All Seams Allowed.-The . Resinol Is Appreciated and Highly to save hIm and to wIn a frlend. -J!:rlc Recommended by Intelligent People teeth." contrlhuted the girl spitefully. on fuJI speed and dIsappeared In a skirt Illustrated has the side yoke and Mackay. . W,·N. U:;- c'iNCiN-NATT. No-:-a1f-"19'10: In All Parts of the World. ""m sure I would keep It ' closed and cloud a dust. the front panel out til one pIece, but I hIghly recommend Resinol Oint.not be always grinning .ltke" "JImmy." gasped Polly. "\ take It at t he hips there Is a s.eam whIch 11.1. CheshIre cat ! It's ~hat 1 call an- all back. I will marry you. Tblngs' lows of fitting 'the yoke with absolute ment to l\ll persons who are troubled nn o ~te.ntatlous dls~lny of rl cbes." happen so. fllst In this world toot It uccuracy. Below tbe yoke the mate- with skin eruptions 'ot any kind . I Without a word of protest Jimmy Is no place for an unprotected 'glrt" rial Is arranged In two reversed box have found these preparations most obedI ently pulled hIs IIp,s to , a . And 'J lmmy laughed joyfully. plaIts. sn.d the' center of the back fqrms useful and efficacious In many cases. M . F . Ryan. Bedford Sq., London. strnl ght line. another plait. This Is stltcl:.ed In pan. ' ''Are you dumb?': asked the talr el tashlon part way down and Oows Social D~bts. ~~'f vi; II, . "Can't you ta'lk? Have YOIJ Affable Executioner. freely the r est of the way down ' to "She t.e le phones me every day." Wheat Yield In Many Districts Will 10Elt your voice? . For. gracious sake, Arthus Ems 'of Ro ylett avenue. T~ the hem. ThIs skIrt Is essentially a "What Is the r eason of that," snv something! You get on ;oy ronto oi.Dclated nt the hanging ot walkJng style. ond It would be foollsb Be From 2S to 35 Bushels Per llcre " lowe h er a call and she is d('t er· no~\'es." Henderson In Petersborough. Havln,. to tiy te make It dressy. 'The pattern I mined to oollect It." fAoll tml08an(\ homeSl"",1 eDtMcA Increasing. No ceS9atlon' In numbers going lrom United "11.'5 a flne dn'y ," ohserved. 'Jlmm y experienced some difficulty In obtain· (51l6) Is cut In sIzes 22 to 32 Incl1cs. SIMes. Wonde .. fnl opporlunltleu remain tor ,hoDe who Intend m"klDg Co.nadathelr home. Hamilton. Ing hotel accommodatloal. Hangman waIst measure. To make the skIrt In Poll y glared. "You· ought to r~nd Elirs registered at the OrIental hotel the medium size ~·tJJ requIre 4% yards We 'r educe life to the pettiness or N~w dl!tlrlc t.q being openeJ liP tor seLticmcDt. MallY t"rmer.. will not. tbls Ye3r, SID to S15 ~ the advertisements a.nt: take 0. COUl';le as A, Speare. Toronto. His Identity of material 44 Inches wide. our dally living; we sbouJd exact our ncre from th eir wheat crnp. All the o.,lvanL"IrC8 ot old scltled countrlea ",ro tbert!. 000tt eebpoll+, r:hurchC1l, aplootlhl wtlrkctS, excellent railway tacJlltlca, See tho ".....aln <I%.blbl~ al tbe' Ih "'eneral Intelligence." . . was oat establlsbed until he nsked Ih' lng to the grallt!eur or lICe.- PhlIlips different State nnd Bome of tb o Ooullty fairs. ., . To procuro this pattern send 10 cel.1t8 B k The unnbnl!hed ,JImmy laugbed. tbe clerlt to call hIm at five In the to "Pattern Department." of this paper. roo s. heartily. "You are t he orIginal little mornln ... aa he hnd some newspaper' Wrlto mime and address plnlnly. and bo LetterR similar to, the following are t'f!Oel"ed enr,. tla7. testltylng to aaUsfac1.Ory, . .. ., . t G00 d for Sore Eyes, " cootllLions; otber districts are as y spoken, of : cross·patch." ,he enthl:sed: "The til· work to -do .aIjd "we ail had to be Uj; lIur~ to give size tUld numbor 0 pattern, bnllco sauce. 8S' It were. to the dull there early.'t He .ls n man of smaH stat· for 100 years PETl'lT' H Eyr;; A LV E hal TllHY SENT FOR TUlIlR BON. ~D\':";t!~,..ILnru·I~!b· IMlImr. Ftn'b'!'k,,' J". d?~mmCld..~rlll ..JO~_II~lren~ J)QRiI h'ely oured eve dl~e"H(,8 en'rv wh"re lIald~lOnc. SMIt. Qa u·"I.. AUK 5th ID IO • - ~ _ ~. v "" W ~~ t "outlne or ·lIte -In Greenville. Really. ure between forty ' ·!jve and fit y.' ""0. ' 5116: SIZ"" All d ' • d ' . _ . "M. -",n18 c.,mo I,"r" t"rom ~··~·\rIo'o.iI., i o ..... CtI.oa.d.. , " YOIIN! truly. • . " c . . . . . ............ l'uggISl.s.ol· B owo.r llro .., Buffalo, N.Y. ~ lin lllebllnlHcnry1!l bllllrW' ~ I · ani proUd . of YOIl. Polly. Bllt . why ' wcllflls' about 130 pounds. smootli ' . ~~rir:,;~:r;,~:'::' '()."~~~odl";II~D~\~~~::.n~I\J'b'i:'~: . ., ". sh '. a vell'. blue eye·s· . and wears gold. v "1'" , . b '0 ft"lllI.<I 0 .. •• "'''01 "nillLm -rfeall, TAKES UIS BllOTBan·lN·LAW'8 WORD FOR IT. this 'm ost becoml'ng' ,petu' 18::',· •• .e'. 'H'.' "",.. ............. .......................... There Is genlus anti power In per· .... s..u~~:.r to .\O~I~U;.,." ~- .. ~ LOOo"'nl.t>Ou~I ..~, .",&,lol'S bull8. MInD .. AliI!. 7. 19111. "I ~on't know Why I . IlhOul/l . tell 'rlmlIled speot.acles. :Rls . WQl'k R S execu.. slst.l:'nc. e.-Orison Swett Morden. "I s blLlllfO t.oOAouoae.lil1lIJraU "llJl tnyctiUJolUld .. .' b d h' . \ ' . TOWN ....................... ; ......... ~. .... WANTS8l1Tl'LlIJlt'l!RATJIl "OR BIS8TOOK. hOIl •• holl\'(!OOCIII.lllut .. PcO<!rcr<lp horetbl81' ....r you. m)' " ';roubles. 0 ser:ve :. ~,.e Glr , Uoner ,vas satisfaotory. · bllt some of 01111 wy 1!n'lJlo... ln;.I&.... Ax.1 Nonl.tRlm In <ir,lDftlIIe, •. "You' hn:ven't ' apy , ·symp!lthr.-I\nd, t h ;,,' ·offi"lale · . r esented his call STREET A~D NO. : .................... ; E' "won I lOt 'UP h~x:t::g~1{~~"ciW~yl~'::.. II~~i W~rt~nm30:rb"8:lt°o,~OT. l1mB:~{:a"l'.:'r~~, ::C:Jn . spOri"n.1l1Iah...~.,!'lh~U.tpo.. Owt~~,I.!'nbll· cI;~clkn· 81:~',,1°u'la!'1l.lllh:.~t(l· homOlil'OOd ..Mn, I ·.• OL thoro, but rfto oo~ "f\~~ 't.c'! liesldes/ J bave decldei ~ Mve noth i la"t~e' r ' •.•,r.the da·y. when" be' asked If . ,. " . U' STAT'" . .. D_.J Wl..LW-'- Waf ' E ' " Nt '. ~ .. • =~.a"Ot.lDle.'itbom,1or ltall!lmy)lrolher·ln. I ...... tng more to do wlth ' yoil .. There! ~" . thIngs wflr'e ' . 0.11. rIght. If they w~re ... ~ ..................... \................. ~ ~ . - , • . etJ ~:.r..r,~!~~:O:u~~~~11~I~DOt\>~~~oit~~~d.. Wt.Oa't; ;'a~~..... boUtlJlOCOlintry ... U(1;u':inJ.~~~;~JUllrIO~ ... ~;lnd y~u ·,oh. .Y.our ... decl~top.~~ 1!a\t\st1ed: .ana bIddIng them good·by : .'. . . , U~TEDEYELlDS :~~:I::;.I~t!~:;r-::I'~gy .;~a::'~n~~ f;tJ.~~:i:P, ~t'tl . l,'otDr A. NO~~ I.t .rema~ked tlie' yoll~h at h~r sJde. .\·Blit•. ··R ev. Canop ·DaVld!:on·",lmost colrlips~d . Natur!"11 Remedies. MurineDoesn·tSmart-Sootbes~yePain ·""U"'yourulllootoroor nl!rUt1ci\r,os." WANTS TO RmTURN TO OANAn~. hO'n~stJy. dee r. It!s not ' Qrlglnal, ane . ~.:. .' 1\ d Jnt hI s st\ld'\' he' found ' . DnabtlW . . . . r,.a..oq.I.IcawillSc,SOc..u. · YOllni>Lrull. n . A.Wlk. . .V.,..ta,-Mlnn'.. JulJ'~tIi,\910 don't mean' It J'D) . the only 'W. '"II c~ e r ·9 For " ailliost .0 II . Ills. /lat)l're berself . M~. ' Ei. Sal...... la AMlltic TubM. 211c, f1.00'. "I ..enUo Caorulu. iliAC1'.111.. 'I1nd 100" liP" r~\I In ~ho ' to'w~ . ~edtber'beateD ' ~lte " l1angtpali :w~ Ing to t)ld hIm' ~oo~· f1n'ds a ' cure. 'a nd theBe Itl the simplest , EYE OOOKS ~'ND ADVlC~ FREE BY MAlL . '~llA.XR ~",~~:~~~n~A:U~~!~ uila. g~:r:; l',a~~~~~ ~~:::a18~~4qIL~/l~;r~~~e;~~i' .. c e,p . h to ' I . t'h' ' ad ' br ' ttrld' ,c!or:nm~nl !>t1 the , "'mcceas . 01 . ··remedhja,. 'Hot water or COld wl1l reo '· ~~e.EyeRem"yC~Ohlcaco · In··:!nll.ilm•.~QlDln..lJ ~toul~bn"\,aW"(\. llLb''!'r~'I'kM(ro,IDlI''.tObdll..''J'd''b'.!2 . BUll bold tb\1 mlt.rou<I lIl Dd. lb3.IO tlOm!l baoll to elloug .urvve ~,' esc !Ill ,en ' t 'h e ' j"b ".~.:Dort ""o"e ' (Ont ') Gul An ' ,. ' '.', . . " . ~ ~ .\1,,, · lJlO ·.lale.t)OQcQOan~"t' mlhlitLlt'" PlcDse lQbale ' torin~' of' :which ,'the present one• u . ~:, ," ~ " . . ...,. lI~ve . mo~y troub les. and' In the .exer· lit)! ~D 01 RPIlnT8-ljtjncl namO.nlli f iii p...,I(~. beon tborosl1' '!'O(lklt lind Is troU pl.IlSQ<,I "Itla th~ ·lcno ..... tonCII ltl cau IIIlHbo c:bOllp ....tea to Po.nou., OO a . ' a~terc~ttoo . ~. '. . . ..Als e ' of-', his" own '" '""usc les In tho ' ma.. , l'llnl~. It ILt IUo !lucl".!;,,,,, .."wm ·woooy w .Ott'bul~t.ry\.~~ l;!""od·' .A.lbona." .' • YOGo~",rul~~'A-m •. ' I:,ded hi . b~t a ·rel1Sonabl~ ~. :",.. , . .. . .'PMt Ilk. I/tit Dbroplruio, i;!\m\!lqlAl linillura ,onll OIlWt. or ' .' <t •• Itl ~ll<I II "llonn~•,q ,.. ~. La' ' Ddl. • J':."k~., ...... ~ -• • "~w' ,alt examp1e." ; ' - . ' . : ' '. .' SWI~1I, DWlndll"g. .. ·"age or ibis b~ man;wlll find ~ Illt""n t.t'l1<l: , 11",.. .~jl1 ea.. Bopt. D, $&l~.1'a. by lila d""~ripUun of It I ~ 1lI1l.. ' bCl"1I~lt1' placo. yClllA.' lUI. , . "Yon Jl~e to ~ear YOl1nielf.' tal""~ , ~T"tl·:, $WI~B :wato~makln.g .. Indtlst~ .n~ural an.~ e!f~ctlve, subs~ltute f9 r aU, FARMS 'FOR"SALE In Stinth<ll'll AlablU~. ' Bent) tor lIlerl\tllre and ask tbe 10cnHlo.oa.uan Oo,..C>rumcnt ror X_lindon. Rate.. 'snapped the · mRld. !'You' : are .lDiply ~all &hrUDJten to hia f at I~s on~.ttm. lile liniments ever compoundl!d. pn,.",I. \jull 1ffI'J. an" .c~tllr;:,"~'::b,:u~r red'~1i>1: 'bel!t,dllftrlntB In whlcb to looate, a";'i when to QU. eaten up Wit\ egottsm: V BQtDe day ~Ize, " •. . trlllt'f ~Ud. IlIlDlm'llb&lIr\l!!!llllld. W'r11.O nc , U. M. W,ILLIAMS, Law Buil.'I" Toledo, Ohio "~ ' ~~~n~~d~~e ' ~ . . ' ~~F~~~ ': _ij_ ~~'~._a~~~~__ ~_~.P~~~._.~_«_~_e_~_._.A __h_.~_:~~__=~=~~~~~~~~~~_~~_~~ ~~~





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Make the Liver' Do its Duty






NAME........................................ I '


Salts and Castor Ol








1910 CROPS'



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Wet-H.. t..... IIIU11 ... 1I1a

Cou nty Cou rts --.Grand Jurors: . l:l ow .. I' 'd MI' obnel.. ...... '1 tlrQreok Tp ~ Lewl H. ~ e; r . .. .... ... ..D rfield Tp A · W 0' Ou\1 D ••• •• •••'.. . .... . . . ;-;u.lem Tp U · W·. FIl1'rltl ·....... .. Wlu:liliugtou Tp . 'l' t1 roe\:' '1'11 T . B . Buu tll .... ... .... u r eo klin /1' () lark VI,n ·,Lmp ......... Prn~ I 'l.p D C. T rovillo .... .. .. ... ... ... a em p W J All 1' 1 HTOl'eeic Tp . ... ·.· J Wa yne Tp f) R' B~n en nel...... I .... .. ........ Merrill Bon El .. ...... .. .. T Ilf tJ eorr f\ k Tl1 ., lienr.1 Binkley ... .... .. 'I enr~reo kIp . T .1 .. bn. Trovill o ......... ... ... ... III ~n ,P E '. H/llIl llton .......... .. F run kIln 'Ip WilUI\m Frunz.. .. .. ...... .. ... 'Id m Tp , G eorse HlueA ...... .,.... ...... Salem '1 p Petit Jurors.

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Meiflr v.. Jo,liD ' S~he 1\1 R. porj, of 'i!IIl(! lon(lrw eu p".lO dll llilltrlb lllad.


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P~obat~ .Court.

. u III ol ~tllt of ..W I' \li III lJ. ~. d Ie r t, deo"!tl e. I\.'e ~or filed by (jeorge T. White I1d .I.lU.Uit!.

(l'rIlvele rs return d home 'are of ;three kinds- tho e who b ! notll. I ing to tel1.t~ose wh'o talk s' gr eat deu.I, but 'say ~othing r eally worth ' while, Ilnd those WhO Ilre better, ;more enterta ining nnd inforn. ing ooUlpn nlons for t heir travel9 . A. . aeplN'ate group sboul.d perbu.}JS be made (lut ofa subdiv ision of tlle lsooond ontegor y, those, nnmely , who tell th ings that 'Ilre not so. Amerio a I

Old Folks' Concert, .Sep tem ber 29th

t;rator, lIud 8~me is upprov ed . ' E"t.ute t l f John D. Fox, rjeceaa ed. ~'ir~t lind fi n~1 Itoeoun t fi) '/ld by WII. 1 d ) Wright tldmild is'rator de tlr •. . " . b.)ni non . 1n m~~r of e~~~ of Htl~naJI baMsufferedf~ yon~of from this oll\ss vi ':!I' II.~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' IDl outon, deoeatlod . 'ourt orders tile strabls /nus ofmany .I tors, Rnd still su1Jor s f rom them 0 _ ttUID hlLt L~t,oo . 'i ruout()u , exeout Aell eer k bolongi u~ to the de.· oa810ul\\1y ; but SO,d088 Europa , lind r-----~------------------_:"----I celt cd lit n ot Ie S ~ h tl u tbe lIum in iuorellRlng llleusu re, bo it Ildd( d u t onCtllLDd In all lustiee . rhe tour AL'rE R CLIJ RE, fix \!d by oourt . T l!.:sta to of Lewis· Kirby, deoease d. hit with nothin g to relute usualJy Iflrst !loll tinal aoooun t filed by W. hides behind the h ighly proper sen. Fune ral Diret :tor. L . Kirby, !ldmini strator . ttment thut he is "gllld to be h ome Estute of Ca t herin e Consta ble, 1m· aguln, " but that: IS no answer 1>anie! t)hielrltl .. ..... .. ... Hauailt oll Tv to the , Teleph one day 01 nigbt. W . A. Merritt .... .. .. ... ... Masltie Tp beoHe. Third aooouu t filed by Bat- questio ns put to him . Or he will Valley phone No.i. Loall J OAhuu Oollet t~ ..... .Turt1eo reek Tp tie Co nstable , guardia n. brle1iy dismiss the matter by deoll1r· Ing that be olinnot desorlb e it., and Distan e No. 6!l-~". Ki ng Cllrson ..... .......... Frankl in Tp "iarria le Licenses, "you must see it for yonrse lf. " Be Henry Kipp .. ... . .. .... ..... . Barlu.n Tp WA YNESVILLE, Wm. H . Morris . ... ...... ... Wayne 'fp Robert So Randal , 20, of Milson, wh o talks fluentl y b u t adds nothin g OHIO'., • to OUT s tore of knowle dge mostly W. 'I'. Colema n ...... .... Deerfield 'l'p nnd RUle Bennet t, 17, of Frnnkl in. Branch Office, deals in nOQ t1ssentl nl genera lities FrllDk Elbon ....... .. ... : ..... W uyne Tp . UnrveYflburar. t and 8uperfi oialltle s conoer ning h otelR Real Estate Tmnsfers. Cbarlel ! Boyer ... ..... ... . Deerfield Tp and moteria l comfor ts, and If h e be .'::m&8 Reck ........ .. .. .. Washtn gton Tp Floreno e A '!'horpe to Nathan L . a sh e, the ltiok of "style" of foreign Bllrry E. Stokes ... ......... Way ne Tp Lupton , lot in WlI.yne sviJIe, $3260. women . When pressed this O}IlSS Frank ZeIJ .......... ..... .... .. Wayne Tp '1'. D. Morris to Rioha.r d t). King of tourist s may dr~'IV same suoh aDd Anna King, 35 ,1<5 aoresln Union . New Suits oompar isons as that the Blnok J!'or. , townsh ip, $1. est looks vt!ry mUlIh like t he Cats · \ Benjam in F . Burdge Laura bimm ons \' a. William Bim · Howar d kills, and that the Dolom ites are mons. Petitio n for divo~oe filed . S. Conove r, tract In Frankl in town- not a "patch " ou the Y ellQws tone. ·Couple ' were warrie d In Jannar y ship, 17.100. 'rhe inttlres ting tra. veler, fina.l\y, Osoar ,J. Edwar ds and Olive T. 1905 And to them was born one ohild adds to our intorma t;ion and pleas. Doru.t,h a, aged four year!l . Plainti ff Edwllr ds to Samuel Butterw orth, ure by sharing w itb us the riohes avers that def endant 18 guilty of traots in Wayne ' townsh ip, $1. of obllerv ation in his memor y. UnUnti l Nove mber I st we extrem e oruelty bnd gross negleot f.>rtuh ately , it is not always he who Commillloners' Pr~inla. of duty. She prays for "divoroe, writes our ' books of trllvel .-New will make the folcnstod y , of ohild and ali'Dony. Contra ots-Co nbaot was en~red York: Tribun e. lowin g George E . Young i8 aUorne y for into with W. t). Graham for stone good ...... plaintif f . or stone Ilud oonoret.e abutme nts for The Lash of n Fiend prop ositio n bridge near 8mi th 's sohool houae on would Court ProceedinKS. been abont a8 welJom townsh ip road in Hamilt on town8h ip to A. Cooper . ot Oswego , N. Y , e u.8 t;tate of Ohio vs. Frank Sohoon . at his bid of 12ti7. 50. " qleroile ss lno'g raokin g oough .that Delin eator on~ year, $1.00 dafled nIl remedi es for yell.rll ,·It over. Defend ant pleads not gUilty Contra ot was entered into with ETerybody's " to indioimeDC and being unable to Walter 8. Whitao re for a oonore WIlS most trouble 8o·ne at night," 1.50 GOOli I.1UJ. ~ he wrUes, "nothlo g help<ld ' me till Gt04I Enlul.IA· employ ·oonnse l, George E. Young is a.roh near the residen ce I meot.A nsed' In Vii' 01 Dr. King's New Disoov ery ' of E. D, Miami Gazette 1.00 BI. Wltl I n<1 BI. Ibn.. ' appo~~ to defend lDthiso ase. Jones on the Billok Ha:wk and But. whioh oured me oomple tely . I nev. The,", a .... \ he Ihlnp which wIll nll.ko a man 01 y our b OI'. er cough at night , DOW ." Million s Cora Brunk V8. W. E. Greath ouse lerville -road in pariau towsQi Securo h llr ltve ly Inten! I ."d ,,·h ol ~· p at know ittl matohl ,omo developm."t by Ilvlnl him ' ess merit fo~ stubat al. Leave given defenda~~ to bid of 1245. Total all three born colds, obstina te ooughs , Bore The AME RICA N BOY $3.50 file anSwer and oros! peiitlon forth· Contra ot was entered Into with lungs, }ugrippe, asthma , hllmorrh8g~ ~~~~,:ritfth.n~:'t1lre:rdl:lve~r~~~. f~::!~~~!et lb~J;;: Il11d current ve nt •. PhOloUl1lphYt.,.,un,ps , el eo oroup, whoopi ng oough, or hayfey er with; . 10regO nia Bridge Co, tor t rl c ll>'-. CA~n lry . por".loUnt.!.. Tells hOY'lu. t ",h.1 10 do nnll how 10 do It. Roaulilullr U 1I • David WaJke r VS. M. Noll flt al. beam bridge with oonore a steel It relieve s quiokly and never fails to tt tcd, and <','crY lint' In humon,. Ith rerlnl'd te floor satisfy . A trial convin· h o me lratnlnll; .,\<l or cd b)' lbO. OIIO bo).. an<l Ihelr oea. 50c, · ~1 OD Leil.v-u given defend ants to Wean. near the reaiaen ce of Ide porrnll. Send lI.qo for. lull y or. On ale at Sher~et <'0 rrial bottle free, It's pos.i llvely all n.:w ...tan d. at 10 c:cnt.. awer and OI'<'SS petUio n forthw ith. Oouden sohool hODse road THE SPSIAIlUE 'UIlUSKIIIQ CO. 103 in Wallh. guarllD teed by Fred 0 .. &bwa rtlil. ! Willlam ~ebbart, et al VS. Laur~ inKton to~nship at bid of .'235. J. Gebha rt eC al. Jan the Butter and REFORM Plan~ speoifi cations and estima~ FARM barry Gebhar a made parties defen. for & oonore te •.,oh oulver t nea, tho There oan be no relll reform In dant, f1 7 Rogers Donnel l fbrm on the townsh ip rood farm life unless the farmer grows . J a~b Uhl vs. A : J. Watkin s at al. in Hamilt on . townsh ip were ap as well as his orop. He 000 gr: ow f:J, D . .'1! s · an~. Althe Watkin 8 proved' Bnd oontrao t let to Walter only by aohiev ement- by aooomgiven 30 days in whioh to fil~an.wer, B. Whitao re lit eetlma te 182.88. pUshin g someth lDg of whloh he mflY If you W uld-lJke to supply Clara Stroop VI. Oarl R. Bradst reet . , at ..1. WUlar.d J. Wr:igh t appoin ted h be Bill~-G~hon Ir~n Works Co:' ~u1- be justly prou d . A s soon your table with this highas e . i~ ..At d It.W 'it f tl vert pipe, '~7 ; Ohio Corrug ated Cnl. gins to aohleve flnd to gDa .... an a grow he Will ..,m. grade r 0 silverware free of par . tio~ 18 order ad issued by ' aher1ft' v~rt Go., oulvert pipe,. , on 9'6 Al 1~. ; va b eoome wa tohfull y dl' aoonte ntad cost, write us for our speJulia A. Monfo rt V8 Htram Bate~ Webb, bridge repairs Salem town- with his nuneoe ssary hardsh ips and et 11.1., Oanss oompro~i8ed aDd dis- ship, 131.25; W. D. Booth, cial offer. Address brid~e limitati ons. He will.w ant a better I .. ' repairs in Turtloo reek townsh ip, house in whioh to live. a better m1ll ""'75 j J • B • Bm ith Imber -48 '40 ' sohool for his ohildre May lIardy va. (;ius Jileiker, et al . SN'. STAND~RD fASHION COMPANY ,u n bnd ootter ,. . , Defeod antKra nted 30 whloh Z. Dumfo rd, b~~dge repairs 12-16 Vandalll Sirut, New York, N. Y. , '1580; .publio roads -~Q!O~k . to ·m• p l'e adl Dg. Henry Christi an, oontrao t, .83.50 j . . Mar7'a . Bone vs. Howar d Collett: Charle s Dolan, repairs at oourt Beat In the World .,.dmlnll"a~r. C01,1rt granta plain: Iiouse, 15; H . Cole Co., sopplie J. W . Hyatt me~ohfl,nt of· Warrep • s: N. O. writes ; Please tift leave t'O file amend ed petition S3,60 i L. M. Prince . 8upplie enolose d s, '1.20, r4er by mail. Suthersen\i land's Eagle and Bame is forthw ltb done. . Rnggle s-Gale Co • blanks, 13 ; Walter Eye Salve is the best eye remedy Unde rtake r and Emba lmer. in Daohtl er ·va, MoCUtcheon. De MoUln re, barial of ,DiBnna Deboar d, tth world. 250. fendan ' is given leAve to fihf an. 175; Sam D. Renkle , fees Will be found in the Old -. ..... and exBank Buildin g, opposU., !8wer·t n ~n days. THE FARMER'S .UPLIFT penses; 114'.40 . Hie Nutionll.l Bank. John D. t;mith vs. Harry' L. Misoel laneou s-Reso latlon pas sed Telellh one in house and or . All mO'ney must accompany the orrler:. Addres.~ "What you farmer s want Is up. . Smitb, et a!. Report of sale ot in whioh oomml sslonA fioe wbere J oa.n bo called rs agree to liftiug," saId the statesm an. "Tha.t' s da.v 01' nll-{ut. proper ty filed showin g proceed s Of D:ae all money s receive d from state right," answer ed the farmer . rve Valley p hone U-2, 15500 and dis trlbu" onis made. of Ohio as ·"t;t.. te Aid in Roa.d Build. got" grand piano, steam heat and ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. !!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~ ing," to be used iD rep&~rIQg only a printe ------I Main St.rct't. Waynesville. )lio gas plant,. All we wan& ~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ !!!!! !!!!! '!!!! ' maoada m, gravel and brlok roads. nowisl ln elevato r in' the house ." CURfoSITIESOF LIGHTNING ~~~~~~~~~~~~H~ List ot person s delinqu ent tn the -Wash ington SttLr. . fi7Jl«~~~~fi~~~~~~~~' payme nt of pers~mal taxes for the Origin Qf the Electrification Manl· ~ u VI year 11109 and subseq uent year8 toDon't 8reak Down . fested In ' a Thunder Storm I.




D o Y ou R ea d?



Li st en I


---_.--_ --- -





All for only -$2.50

L1~E I

)"dv erw-are t

Bea r in min d this offe r good for .only

30 ' ]) ay s

·A. · MA FFf I,




Mia mi ,G azet te, Waynesville. Ohio•

DIUllds B.le KidDe, TIOI'lo IDd 1·1·' Sllpa" u..,', IL

-=~::=~.::t~=~ ~:~::.;t:: .::;:!.~! ::"::..!~ l!:!:~:~.::t~:~~:!r~:~~::~;::: young :::'::::::.of two A

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: a brickdustsedi- taxes are read . Eltomaoh, liver, kidney s, bowels or dren; shelted ng 'under a tree on ment,or settling , Aunua l report of oounty oommi s· nerves withou t serioul:! danger to Chlalohurst Common, says tho London stringy or milky sioners for the yea.r endin'" Augns t yourse lf. If you are wetLk or run- Sphllre; was struck by lightning and .'. 31st present ed and apPI;v ed and down, or uncler strain of Bny kind, •• k1l1cd"':"one of those. dreadfu l Jnstano ell healthy conditake Eleotri o Bitterll the matohleeh', of filed with olerk ot oourts. .tbe sort of persona l touch with tion of the kid. tonio mediol ne. Mrtl. . J . EI . V I.\n d e 'whlch beys; too fre. g seema to select Its F~ S. l::;impsoD was eleoted presi. Sunde of. Kirklnn d, JIl., writet!: viotlm, lightnin for though ono chlh) Is reportquent desire to dent of bOtlrd for the ensuin g year. "'l'h!lt' l did not brea.k down , while ell to have been thrown down. neither, .. ' .- - 'pass it or painia • enduri ng Il mOElt Revere str$ln. the back areand alsobladder symptom apparently. was Injured. There are tellorder you For Use on Face and Handa~, the kidneys three m.o nths, ill due wholly for ares that out of ·. to and need attention. d many ' Instances of courso, o~ this Dr. Bell 's Antisep tiC !::i/l} ve is the Eleotri o Bi t·ters . , . U se t·h What''I' o Do. best. It is a orellmy I!now white enjoy health Ilnd tltrengt em un strange selec~loJl, due In JII~8t cases, There is comfort l'U the knowledge .h probr.bly, to Borne accident of cloth. so ol' ntment and on~ 21;0 box Will lust faotlon positiv dly guaran teed . . 500 tng. There Iii B weU:i-eD')t'lDbered CMS ofteD expressed, that ,Dr. Kilmer's three months . ., v . ::: .. at Fred C. S)hw&.rtz . Swamp-ROot, the great kidney remedy. wbtilh happened some yeurs ago at _ _ _ • __ Cambrldge, when three YOllng men ~~~ fulfills almost every wish in correcting ::: SURE SIGN ::: QU' ITE A LITTLE FORE,ST rheumatism, paia in the back, were' walking acr08s kidneys. opeD space 'of ,'. liver,bJaddera:ndevery~rtoftheuriDary d '. d th ---passage. Correct sinablli tytohol dwater gronn , and the mid Ie one 0 t e City folks are sowetim es amu!led ' •• ;:.,:.:Accord , i ng to d ·--'d· a censns just com. three was atruck ~j. dead, while the. oth. ,10 nAil. '. g it bad at. the an ""'" Ing paID .. ~sln, peo"Ua rities of their oountr y pleted b. Y'Oommis810Der 'Strove effects folloWln g use of untouch ed. The bInquest liquor, wine r pt era h were d tb ·· t th ; ... ' · was beer, ed overcomes that unpleasant 'ne. oousins . Bat just BS of tell .:. s owe a e 1uung mnn w '.' there.i8 thA departm ent o~· parks are 'killed had nails '10 bls' boot ... wherea a cesaity of being compelled togo ofteD ground for amnsem ent , . when througb the ' day, ana to get the 1l,22~ trees ' lD the Oity. outside of the .other. ' were wearmg boaUns many . i it th . tl' mes d--'-g the . The and ~ity 00. O8lns v 8 · e oo..un t y f r ie'n d s those In the. puhlio . p ~rkll from th~ shoes .:. ... UI h' , . til :.: U ',. :.: immediate effect . . is ·,;aere IS an ill us t ra ti on In po i n' t : ':T e pbenom ena 01 !IOOD reatiz.ecI. It staJlda the . underst. BaUery Orma to One ~ Hundre •• :'. d be.. , U I J and EtgMy have been II the' 'd aub tt · ., .. st~d1 :..... 4 ",ct ot .muQl1 . cau8eofitaremarkable .. J"< no eames , . sal a 0 y you n" .... a800nd '. a t, . ' In America. But · If ·· thunderstcmnB healthr estorin gpron. • r ll1rly,~hq wassPendillgafe~tlays Theoostre. ':;: , t· mmiss ionerm ade ·thj/Joe n can be claa.1ftod, the), are atlll , not' t:: . erties. If you need • . .-:.: in the oountr y . "Is tha~ ohio ken S08 to ena.ble him to estima . te what thoroughly .un4eretood. ~~ do pot medicin.., you by the gate a Brahm in?" , ruu'ds are needed for the care of the ye~ kqow wbat .~ th~ exact have the best. .co~lCltdruggil!ts,ill i "No'. replie\l Unole JOD;les; "he's treos next year. The allowa • "htcb to . a dllJc. or noe ·at .eUon. leCtrtott7 In'lead the rQ~ ot a llarge lIghtD~. .. . :~: ' ' l:~ a . L eghom ;" ·· . presen t i!5 $25,900 a yellr. by L AddresaDr. Umer&Co.,Bing- "Why. certain lv to be sure' from oloud to· cloud or. from ' - :.: ••••.••••••••.•.••• ..:!o'••••••••.••.•••.•.•.••••;.•••.•..... ...•.•.•••_ I" said • - .. . ..•.•••.•.•••••••.• cloutS to ....rth. w.e hamtoa, N. Y. Mention this ~perand the youog fady. ' "SOW ...... uoe · l'·~. ···· .. ·· .. ···:.. ····-:•.•.••••• stnptd ot How aasy it would be for a mao tb~~,r ~d HPltll~ camiot reft__ .... ·.,;.. '. ' ~ In ~ l.borato ry, n:membcrthen,am~Kilmer • Swamp- me I I O!'n see the hornl On hie'ank · to remato . . . . .- 'I ' . ' . in love wUh btl wife if I W. 4.(1 DOt mow Wpt fa th~ 'orIItD ~ • "'.IfI II!!i:: .MIk .IiiIr< :.• •_ • J ..... b04u' ••8". . 1Io1tad .. .. , .......... lIitCJl!l\iJNt"JNt" liN( . ..





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. ' : MIA MI G' A ZET TE : ... . . ... :

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THE M1AMI GAZETTE J> 1I"Il ~ h u\1



Ikly Ill, _ WI'-I'4''l'I'!l1l1. .--- -





~you C~D.Look Into This Oven


fll ot t,h e r i t bat i4tand.tI ou t 'l'ro':!bl Ad I y th " i o rO!ul a tb e dis· iu fllvl'> r 01, til e Albet.iO{ln lIoltlier y . M~ e iH mlUrin g it) RI DI of t h enst - - !II I. M'I' IUi:" >:,, OUTio g t.hA HJlllnili h .'Wrlr lflt\A tunn ern stItt ~ II t UI A pl'esen t tiDlE' t he - ' - - one' p il I' ~nt w e r e reporte d u et!orler tl g vernme Qt 1U18 or de r ed tu .-iu ve tlVi\ LI.J~ Y 'n:r.~Pll nNE--<'\I,L No. 112 1I n th e 130 f wlI.r 2. p er oent of th e ga t lon in t o t tl e e pi demio oJ infun tll e ----wb o l ~ B ri t,i~b n TIUS' dp~er ted , Alu e,r · ptlt' ul.'{tlis. N W Moore' s Gla ss Oven Door is withull t doub t 'th e h andies Yo rl , P tlOD y lvlt nl u D. L. C UA I!: , Ed ito r amI M.m a~er ill/'H I so lcli r tl 11 n to d t f; n in tilll M.1l 8aobu~ ett~, N,ew .l er sey, a n d tb improv eme n t ever added t o a cooking - rl}nge. It saves ha lf the o f Will', be ir. Elldll t o t,lIai r c red it, olty o f W aflhiu [o,' too w ork of lJakin!; , b e id e>! in. mill g' be tter r esults. It enable , D. U. , have f It flute s of S ubs('rip lio n s you Whil e it 1M p ro lan 16 t h llt I~ lef\R rigid ,th(1 di seuse th e h BIl ... iest ·tt t sec th o c lIlr\iti (l n of the.: f t1 in th is yeu.r, .v en witho u t co ns tantly Ill,,· Yoar (s lI'lcll y illlltlVlI lI l' ) ..•• , .. . I . II~I "a t I)f r egultlt,i n ot< wo n lt l b Alp t,h e nn u t ll.A ~oor O!" of (I nths thl4 t hn vl1 s toopin g oyer anti openin g the do r, w h ic h cnuses conHluf.(lt· COpy ,. ,. , . .' ' ..•• . , .. ' . . •. . . . . . 11 " : HUulI.ti on, th e r am dy fl)r the comH . oc urrell IUII.Jog ~!i~ side rablc di 'comfo rt a wcll as loss of h eat. the little oues .- - - - - -- - - - - -- - I',i(m >l 1l11 11. IHII'f1 to fiUll. It. hUN boen of th a t d i MI riot b llR ell utled U.nol RateR of Ad vcrlilli ng :-\l1\q.{ .. t.l' d t htl t, t;h e Il r l)vid io g of l;;llm t o t ll k ~o l1l e !lotio n, H"ntlll'll( L,,,,"IK. II ' r lin' .... . .. . . .. , I mu llll ll LU"ld•. 1J1""k ttL" ". pilI' IhH .. .. 'I ;~ : alll'lSH Ill P, ntto l or 1'he tlo ldie rs iu th e Dr W .5' Dl llD o f t h e Pub lio Bel\l th (' Ius,d II,,, I .\tJ s. 111, 1. '" M"'OfI 1\\ lI11l'ri wlI y of bh uWH 111111 r!u oc r t~ m ight O( nuft Mlutn o h Otl piLa l servi cM, it! the I' • 'I ' h r~u Jus 'rliUJ IK • .•• , • • • • . . , . ~ !!uod th ing, bu.t. w e (10 oot see h ow leuder in t h t ' l, lt lI arh;."" t1VIJ hU' l lt'~ rn'o: ,,\ c' r U\' in v,8s ti gl1tion, lind b o r ea lly costs yo u 11(>th inlr in the end, It mo re tha n pays !Ie t h e d oing o f I he m e nial t' ll ~ k R is to nllllIe th e nnn ollo 111<'111"', Iwtl· 1111,' • .. ' . • . . cem n f: th is w ek '1lr rl li t Ih . III,~ . . , . .. .. . . .... , ...... . . for it se lf on it ~ (Uc.:I,s.I \·lng fea tures :\l u n e . Each stove ball V" tl P tl. 'L'h~J 'e IR mu ch wo rk o f tbu t h l! beliov M t1w disellHe t o be H t"..."n lllt (nn lll •• • •• •• • ~ • • • • • • • • • • •• • , • • , is equi p ped wilh a on tl'(oll ~ r Dampe r wh ich po s iti ve ly s aves t il" t Hllr t t o be lll)n e And t,his Clfllln t r y b" tb Info tj rmll 11.011 oontllg io us Sodn l ~ ti lt ' , \\ I I III'U ,· l lIu·~t If' U l udu . • • .. , . A I· o n e·t hird of the [lle l. J\ l oorc's l{an g-c i ~ the only one h avin ,o1. III Uy . \(1\" '1'11:11111( I'M IIII·h . . . . . . . . , . Illl S no m on oy t o I'q UII ndtlr 0 11 0. 8 1'6 - th oug h t h e disea so 11:1 g a Conoften fl.t ltl, it!:! Il lll('" u n l~ ~i\'''n nn I'f: lll rll ·t. troll e r Dampe r. oi "I 'llJld Inde pe Ol.l eut oln!:tI of sllrv npPlllli ng fenturo I t bnt mlLn y chil o T hc E\'crla~ting ' Firehac k, wh ic h is part o f the ran ge ~ u ts, wh s hllll r elieve the '3o ldi e rA droo IIffeot ed IU f1 p erDl , still Q,u en t lv ori pfu rth er r educes you r f u c l expen se h y pnJ\'id ing f,) 1' the Sll: l'TEM BE lt ~ s 1010 . burn ing: li p of ,til smoke , soo t a nd gas . of their rough work · The Unit,ed pled or ue formed , r o uued of s peech Moore 's Range act ually teache s cookin g. II is 'quipp e d with nn :II:Curall' Oven Therm omete r ' t.utaH CII.unot n1Yord t o IIlHlutlll.n o r h C l1rin ~ , In 11 word , io fll u tilll and a Therm omete r Guide, \In:: pan.:u fu r ~I ()I ,rt:''i R ang-c t: xd u ~i r cly by ~Ir s. Sarah Ty so n Rorer, SOUL RESEMBLES EASTER EGG 11 VIl S t numue r of g6ntilom en wh o d PI U· I.Ll y~iH i~ not I~ s ltlug h t er lm t th e acknow ledged fu re m os t cuok of th e country . It tl!l1s o th t: ' xact Il!ngtll IIf t ime n t:ct:ssar y for b Llkil1g auy ki nd of food a n d the te mperat urt: require d . n thing hut dress tl.nd drill . The II 'um ti III tioll of tilt! I nnocen tH. Th o A gent,If'Ih llD who ill hi !:! JOlllllll\U e lifo of "eli se w ith dig nity" n eve r bu ~ lilt! fl Ae ClH!HII On Iy a tta olcs c h ildr en exis ttluce ,", OA'" Dud r the nRme of ueen , uU Il, we 111))0, n ver will be unde r fi vo y eli r!! of tl ~C, bnt ooca l!ion \Vc hnvon 't ro m hero t o tell 'ou a ll aboul the alu lll iH e rmllnu l:I Hutll.Jeu~uhl le ft htH bOlly tl1e 1I0111101"S life . Uoullit ions are ILily no ullult is its vloti m , nu ~ t irri n ~ nnc) without the leust danger of hurnlng . ni ~('. l ovcn, which is tho I ig-It t('st find most sanitury on th e in 1\ ~t . 1,01l1ti bou rd I ng h ouse, 11 Impr ovi n g und are muking for the Thor ar ' dozcns ,,[ "ther f;!)(c lusivc [eatll res of th e Jts shining tUllrk a t t,his minu te in market; or the Moore Hinged Top, wh ie. llvt:rco mes thc Moore RAnge whirh \\'I! \\'ill IJI! ~lal1 W show a nu explain says , und wlm t trnvell n g ill his un g r ulLler coulfo rt of t h e 801di r t roubles and illcl, lIven ienL'I;:s of br iling ~ t e~, k (Ir t ,,[\~tinK lo '1'11e tile e us t i William H in rioh,ll }.litcll YOII if yl/u will call a t ou r stur . bread; ort ht: Moore Anti-Scorch Cover, which ) crmits th tt ,olud (1001. H ~ r ep ,)rts un e ujoYllbl e condlt,i ous il1 our "rmy r gurding r of Ule Wns hiog to J) Wo WIIII' t. urge you to buy . A llle r icli lI 11 11 NOW while our boili ng of milk or suustan ces whic h burn cas il y, with . Iock is cO lllpll!te . trill fwd 1I very tI 0 111 hie tillle wi t h l e~ e rtill ns ou gh t to be t1 t udi~d with league ID Was hing to n , null his eo Moore's RanI/e. can be had. in either Ca5t Iron or Steel kindt· ,1 HJlirttoM wit.l\ wh om h o h ob- It. vie w t o effectiv e r e med y ; b llt tbe tIre ri gbt IlrU) Moore 's hi paruliz ed. ' A t tb e 'llobbm1 while on hi s j uurney . Wur De partm ent will h'lrdly mak e prase n t ti m e there a r e o ver GOO oases Stoves All t,IUI lIunlH be n~ t we ro nbont, th e enli tl ted Illan '", life l~ sinecur e .o f the diOioose 10 Was hing ton al on e, Alway s 'th (' s l~e tlull illlIIlle of ~oo!le egg8, but Rlohmo nd 'rIm es Di!~ pfl to h . while Pllill1d elplllu Bnd New Yo r k oity r e llor ts eveu greate r uum ber s _ _ _ _ _ _Please .oolo rod ucoonll n g 10 I·b Ir e h l'tl oterR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ __ Hlue lIo ult' , for eXti Ulpl e, were tlUpe r. 80reE: yes of Three Years Standi ng Nothin g I known · of t btl en use ot 1)tltio us i ' rell, bloorll hirllty i \\ hlt e, oured . Miijlj ~m e lfuulkn er, Ne.w ~ ha disease other t h n n thu tit is beun c ul tured High liver bu d pinl; CallU e, Pn, wrl t s: uLherlt\ Ml 's lieved to OODl e fr om f\ ge rm , bu t PUBLIC SALE S :h lludl! or Il ots on th e so ul 6gg8h ell ; Eagle Eye Sal ve onred m e uf a ORtle e ven t h e - - - - T R y LIV ER ITE S& ---- -! bu. ve n ot y e t bed n fOll Od II f t- Ire Oy AI! of t hree yellrs I!tond i D~ bumorl M t8W~ rtl grt,. o Hllri brown 1 will offar Itt publio sula io Ly tll\ 1'be d lsellse us nldl y u.ppellr s during l obee rfull y reoomm nd bl o, Ilt 1 o 'c lock, on 801lis wcre dece llti VII lind n ot to be OLI O i D o eed of s lloh 11 r em it t o !loy J ane, ~ea oh ll8 i ts greu. t est pre Vl.I.le UOll ." el1 y . trul!IWIl. lurio J3 ,lilly a nd August f\ nd £' U') Saturday, Octobe r 8, 191.0, A 0I1\S8 m oeting of IIH!!Ol'te d soultl MUSIC OOOlJ FOR the fo llo wing llrtioi e!l : 1 Oa k b aul. Llverlt es for a Colti. Backac he and Weak Liver or Kidney FISH BAIT sides in Sept.em ber. ,. mURt ll)ok like 1\ oolleol,i on of Ea8t r >r , 1 ope n stoVE', b edsteud s tlnd I Best Ever Usec;t eggs if Mr. R~bengnhl'8 fl1o t tl ' Bre Do fi b like ttlllslf"! 'rllll.t i prin g!! , ob uirs, ' uplJot\r d s, tables. A . B fi elnhrt n , BflrLi on, Idllh o 3 feather bed . pillows and bedding , reliable . He is r elatiug his ex peri I~ q u eati'on fisherm en at Higblfl.od llurge coppe r ktlttie, 1 I lrg iron ~IlY ~ : I have used Dr , Bell's Pine worth a pound enoe in ~ Ie.oture t.our of the u11,\dle Illke I1re trymg t o solve II.Dd m os't of "'house ready L'ar-I:lo (or oooghs and oold Ilnd ket- t i ,1 work b noh , tli hes . oll r of eu\' . ' wes t. nnd npPflrlm tl y ·It! expecti ng to thew who hllve tried t,h elr luck'fis h. it j", t he oey for use. !Jets, s toue ja rs, f ruit jar s nod m !Lny best I hit. ve ever tri d , L ool! keep soul uod b lldy togeth r wUb log wbile the sunset Tel1gio us ser- for t b e Bell ou the Bot t l9. ot·he r thfngs not gi v tl n h er e, Prepar ed from Pure Native Herbs. they Cleans e the System vices were 10 prog re8 au Bighln nd Ot1odao e. Bliird , tbe proceed R. Purify the Blood and thus PREVE NT SERIO US ·S I{!KNE 'and A . A. McNeil Allot . SS. llike during the evenin g have ooma PHOSPHORUS I~ HUMAN BODY A Man of Iron Nerve ~o tbe oonolo sion .t hnt muslo bas A FEW FARM ,NOTES W h ell t\, photog rapbe r !I.ttem ptE lndoml tuble willl1n d treman du ou oharms for the 11 h . U pwllrd of 1fiO 't o make II. I1llshlig bt piol,ure in energy Ilre u o,"'e r found where oottnge rs ollsemb le in boute and lis· Dr. Bell's Antis eptic Salve About the only way to ever it. I:i mltcb, Lt ver, Kidney s It.ud BOWfl h! HAT BA. WAY ten t o a sermon on land . ~in giDg u da rken ed room be s ometim es u e~ (arm clean, Is to make a deter gel a Good fof' all Skin Diseas .. mined Ina out uf ordor . If yon wlln t these . " l on~ thin met allio r ibbon 'bdt el'fort from the very first day of s pring qmllitt ts und the SOoolll18 tb y bring is 1\ fe"tnre of flervioe e. Outsid e \Vn.Y 'lesviU e's Leading: DellU . bJ u~E's with tiendi8h iuteusi not to ty let , Th er e weeds grow an hour more ulle Dr. Klog "8 New Life Pi1l8, tbe the anchor ed uOfi ts cont~ining the Office in Keys Bldg. lIaln S' matohl ess regultHnr!l, for kee9 brlti'D wors hipers, ft$htlrm en Cl1st their Is Il y ard and II. hn.lf of this m et al i n than Po!,slble after they t show. WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. and strong . bod y . 250 nt Fred U flies for bllS8 and troll . for ' pioker~ 1. tile b ely o f the normal human being Over 4,000 potato digger s are used St. Idohwa rtz_ Augusthie's Catholic Church. [t. is a very notioe~ble fllct, they NaturB lly, it il:! not in the form nf In the s tate of Ma ine alone to h arvest FUlher OeorliC MIH'enhoc!el'. Pastor WOUIO Can AgaTn. ,Ieolare , tbut the fi~h bite better d ur- a riblJ'm, but I", soatter ed!ill bhr ou gb the crop. It these were all hooked Y OIU!. 111M ' every S llOUlI Sundaj' of t il ' m Olltb as For two hours tho rnl\hlonable lady iog the period of . the ervivee tbun the c I !i! in the shape of a. metlt.J1c togeth er with a team of horses to D : OO a. m. • kept the drnper xhlbitln g his goods, . The phospb orus aDd the mag. each It would make 0. process Ion 15 (0.aDd at tbe end of that period she auy other part of the day. miles long. St. Mary's ne Episcop iDm ribbon al Church are . ro.ther oostly Iweetly asked: ~ c". J , F , Cu dwallade r , Rector. Phosph orus Is worth aboot one d ol· "Are you Quite sure you have sbown We can ofTer you good Beat for the Hands An average of 150 eggs per hen dur, unday Sol.lool, 0 ;U O u. m ser me evel'Jtb lng you have fl' Ittr II pound, lind the Ull4toh making 1ng the first yea r of laying II! falrly vi c .. 10 ;;)0 a. III . Holy CommuoMorning S. L , Ollapw ltn, MIl8!lttO,.Ky" sI\Ys : lon ~h c t1 rst .Payin g Emp} oyme r:t t ' "No, madam. " satd the draper, with [ us d Dr, Bell's AD~lf!ep m il t rialH ill tbe hUllllln tissues good layIng, P ul1 e~ ln good heall h SUlliluy 91 eact! mou~h , an lnllnuat ll)g smile, "I have yet · an my bllDde, whtoh were tio t:lulve on. w that you will enjoy and and vigor should average this number oald ell forllbo utll Oif weigb ed !lOre, and fiud old account In my ledger which I it the best lever ' ,tried. Methodist Episcopal Churda. of eggs. DU1'lng the second year It they cured up OV'Or t.h druggis t ;'s oounte r io lils at home . Write to-day • hall very glndly show YQu." Hov. II_ W. Balley, PlI8to, . w lll IllY abotlt 25 per cent. theQl comple tely . p ar!!orlp tion ' oales. An ounoe aDd a nd each s ucceeding year fewer eggs, SU h!ltly School, 0 :311 a. Ill . Morning lIer· He did not need to show nn y more. correspond- \'Icc, 10 :30 a. m. 'EpworLh Add,,,. The lady lert the shop, saying she Le ugue, 7 :0(l p . " hnlf of m f\guesio m costs 330ent s lngly te wer. m. 1J:v nlng lIen'lce, i : 00 p . Ill . Midweek ( THE FISHAWK'S' .WARl\'INO would call again 'another dBY. I'r \yc r Mat Lin!:, 7 p, 10, in tllo chenl!o()'1 markot s. The B~Herlck PubUs biag Co. Eggs fro m Batterle k BuUdla a. New Yo~ No Y. very old hens IIhouid "Tbe'fl shhawk tells us when the Neglected. Christi an Church. not be used for hatchin g purposes. Blood Polson Damo Rumor- Ob, whnt I ' know shad beglu to run up the river," nov. L Thompson, PWitol . Is pr ov e nt d by a.pplyip g Dr . Select eggs f rom young birds of goo a . Billie School,. O.9:5 0 11. m. SocIal mootlnr. . ,.bout you! suld Ii G1ouoe ster fiflherm "n . '~We Bell 't4 An ti- Pllin to J..' type, color, form and breed ehara'c - 10 :aO u.. m. Ohrlstllw cnt!!, 8 crl~toh r. 7:00 p. lB. DR tsEL L'S AN"f I.PAI N Mrs. Grundy (engerl y)-Out It loose, ,line learDe t rlsticB. , Specia l attentio n 'must be Se!'Dl olI b y p ll8Lor o veryEndeavo ful torn lLto SUnd a), 110' dtliat it isi1 l t 'muoh use l1ud bruises , It de~troy 8 1111 ' mY dellrl Start somethi ng! Ory It giv eD to selection If the breed Is to 10 .3 0 11. m. u.n d 7:30 p . m . F~r Interna l and Externa l ........ ., rom the housetops! Purvey the pub- tQ oa8,t nets, no matter how mild the matter enBblE\8 the wouDd to be Improve d. It pays ' to use r eason withou t soreDes s. Bo sure to weBthe r may be,~ntll Mr . .Flshba wk .IIclty to your heart's content ! and Judgm ot In breedln'g fowls . e F.rlends Church . DOl, F', iratHk:ksit Dr. Bell's Day MeethlK . 10 : 00 n, 10. l~lrsL :.. Dame Rumor -Don't you care? swoop" down on 08. . . (Ih !HIJ, 11 i O(l a, tll,. Fo unb Duy MCcLln&. · . ~ • MrS.' Grund~-Care nothing! Why. "Wben .h e oomes sailing .'.uP the 10 :0 0 a. m. . . ORIENTAL LOVE Save Money and Keep••ID ' Ordina rily, tr a farmer sows o.lfo.lfB people thJ!lk so little or me ·nowada ys In the s pring , he has ' his olel enemy, Orthodox Friends Churcil, c-- "tlmrt' really require the services of a bay · we kn.o~ ' it's ''. thnt; 't:o get .to Style by Reading McCall', ---the weeds, contend with. If the bustling press ngent to keep lOe from .work.. Lqts of farmer s down Jersev Rev, lJen)amln HawkJnH . PII8tor, .It hns heen !laid mllny fl tIme und fjeaBon be damp and cloudy, Maguio e and Using McCall Patte.... the nlrnllo. WOUld, never thi~" to start plflD·t iDg oft tblt.t Orienta l womeD *1(t1ng foto Innocuous desuetu de! Ra bbaLh chool, II :30 :\ , 10 . Rel\'Ular chu rcb have , not may not · grow tast, but weeds "1111. SC~vICC, McC.U·" I I 10 ·~o 1\ . III. Cbrl8Ua n Endeavor. the. fisbba1lVks oome. I don't been honore d IlDd loved eDough M~CALL'S MAliAZltiE III' h> ;OU'~~~S:' s1~1~ . It Therefo re, June- mllY see him mowlni 7 :,10 p. ID ---- ---. - until I ~ h l)' II I Il IOm1orato believe they ' bave ever 'b een I-ter is Impose i bl e for. uS to undet:s tarid t o re tard a ramp'a nt growth of weeds 'X I,onso by k OOllllllr ALDEN '1'OU Wlll'l'1!. .. Ins tead of gatlrerl ng a profita ble cutJ OII p os tod on lho thaD April 12tb,t hough . They the Ilellrt lI.od sou) of rnoes totally Ung of prime hay. hll"SI fns hlolls 10 work ,heir WilY' up the ooastfr om diffe reut in wnst respElO cllll il os lind l.Ia18. 60 Dr. Bell's Pine- Tsr -Hon ey ts frof)) ours I\I'W )o'11~ blon DuSll,mS &~lort~a ~nd the other ~onthern Altholl 4h they For 111 c8ch Issuo, Also Coughs and Colds. Dever do .sbow I~ in The [act has been con c)uslvel y \'11 101111110 luronnatloo wnters early in Maroll, when the 'the presllnoe of I~ thlrd pat son. Or proven th at It Is practically IDlposslble I '"~ 1\11 1.10010 Illldpor' SH Ull l mutwrs. UMh' b~giri to . oome. north , Tbey lentll,ls love . their women O llly muoh in- to feed iJutte r fat Into milk when the . fJOc n year. Including L cows aT already receivin g A good W. HEN n 'reo l'U lLern. DER follow tbe big ~obooli! SON ub,M.D ., . berrlng , ttl' 'de(lfL ",," " " l _ I)ve by them is no~ shown 'full ration or proper feed ing _ """__ scrl bo 100lny or ~ ond stuffs, a rule, becaus e tbe herring swim publlol y by 80ft rur froo 5111111110 copy . words or ki8S~s , T he 'buttel' fat content of milk Is large· McC.II P.u...o will o llnbl~ JOli to mllko In your close tOKetb er. an'd the hawk hl18 PlI.ts J\ml bugs . They Wayn eSVil le, Ohiu . are often )y an Ind ividual chnrllct rlsLlc, varyOW I1 h/JIIl ... willi )'u urowlt'llI Inds. c lothing ror eaay pioklng . The shad ,follow th called . "henpe oked," )'llIIrsolr IInti uhllflroll wlll(' h will bo porrec~ becaus e they lng, of course, with the season of the Vallev Phone 153 III ~ I y l c li n d Ih, !'rleu-no ll o hlt/ber than 16 Main Stre(t herring , . and when the 6"bhaw k a. 1'e 110 und ~r the il)111,leo cllnus. . ' IHI for fr 0 P All rn Cataloguo • • ce ,of their .yenr Ilnd th e length or tim e the cow We Will Gi •• YD. fi .. Prnn" for ,otting 3Ubhas been milk d. comes we kno\v tbe sbtl.d is 'not fa'r women Love ~s thu .scrl pllouH IIm,11lU your frlenlls. Blln<l (or (ree food of ~be I'm"l llnn 'a u,l nt: u ~ 8111'1 Cilsh Prize ,bebi~d "-Fish ing Gazette. Offer. .Orient al 80UI.. Afe~ of ·the ArneI'. TIl! ""CALL COMPANY, The 239'- 249 cabbage 31' SI•• !jEW YOU root maggot Is 11 com--,_ __•..-_.. ioan wooltm t,blnk they will love nlon aud Good for Nothing but tho £101 destruc tive call1Jnge peat. just 8Q l un g IIs' they n,re ' .Iuvett. and 'rhe adult of this maggot Is a fly not It Saved ' His LeK the o~n$p. quance$ show ·o. plenty in unlike' the ommon. nouse fl y. 'rhe "All tbpugh t I'd lose my leg," l1y depos1ts th e s mall white eggs In t~e ' l,livorce l, ourt8. Suoh " indepeu - the 4: writee J A, Mw~n8eD,of Watert own, ! uTtb cre vloes IlI'ouod the plnnl AND Wls, "Te~ . yel"s of eozem" , that d~nt" Spi1;it in lov~ mtl.ttor ll, 8110h early In . tbe s pr ing and th e mllggots Combilltl ... CftuI.d- lDCkl Oflfba.l.d-S ..... , ••Rt ~5 dootors oould Dot oure, ht1d at lJroth 81111108S ~Dd hiq)py-~o-luoky hatchin g from Ul In burrow In to the 1.ln,1 n Ut:li/ hlS, 0.. I"st: lI.t.d , Ple np. 'I.'ben BaOkle n'tJ ways strike an Orienta l 118 goroRs, in root. Plants Ittlncke d by tbese mng· : M!!r ~\ 8 , ~909. gOls usually Blldd()nly will, and, If Arnie;!' &lve o>~~e,d it, Found . ari~ na.te bopeles 8 ~1aterl~lI!1m, 01' ollie pulled up, mosl probabl M y !I'm "'<1M t nko n w llh n(, ,, to tu bor t! y the white WE~Il , IDfaJ Ub ie !~~ Skin Eruptio ns,· ~tte1'lY 'u'nlDt~lIIgi.b!~ t.o him , Jm, ,!! III . lUi t il " Ijurl " r .. l " .. ~ J UII\! 1" 1 , CHESTIIUT AID FRDIIT ITS., ltIaltgots will b e. fOHlld. COLUIIIIft, aRID m~ema. ,1"1t I t . a be1im~ Boil', Fever W !\>I Ulltl r treal,,,,, "1 \l~ our 1\ 111 II y. nh~' t:Iores, Bllrnll, ,8M1dl' t (Jots .ond PIl ~fi! 1I1~"''' " ( "r ~h rce til " ,tlIS wl.,otl . bo crtll o,. Fred "v . Sob'w" yr'.'·. . , . I a Sf) ' e l tl ll ~t on lullo l·,·ulo'il l!. who Il ls, W,h 'a t to'Do In C.-ee of ACCide nt · .. I (lr.... I(' \\II~Ctl 11<1 "1' ''''' .,," I/11''',!l ry er· , ... t~::-CUI /'hi:.!....· cn' e\.'H dn.! l t ·' ~ !t.) ;( r.nv h'\Vill . , If £ill'n is broken, apply' Dr . B en't! o t:i~ ..... .. 1\t1 t1 . " I' h ~ ~ 1'.1, · ,1,1 ) ' '' ' "I" r I P\lI KEEP Y . OUR PLOW S' CLE ' AN AnM.P hln, ~ n :-.~ to " ·,,'11 I ' r ··tt h II. ~ \ r .IIII;9 atn at once and the wound ., ,.~\ ."I!. CO.IIIII ' ' . t'lU ~ h a\,e " l' ) 1i t: li '.1 "' v l·' ~ ~ . -l l " could wtil beal 'q'uiokly ~nd never' no get sore , ~ , , . . . .. . . ~~iI!l~ 1) 1,';.,.t~~il 'n~:':" \f,,"'~. 1~~~tI~' i l ' Tbe brlg~t finish , o~ your plOJv8 Used ·ii1tEl1::n&.lly~aD'd no \ sU' ll,; th 11\ l ho ct.ulJ \IU . 1'I!~" k. ,. t' · .. 't ' , " d I lil! c ,,"IM'le" > ~ , :., "'11 '" ,\ i! . )·, \phll y 0 1\ ,you money ,~secure a .n .... s . Iil. . ' ~] h · '~ ,-4i-b........- ,. --,- lirlll UO ,ll,' i,II,r' n '" ,r (" .t .,· : " " 1\<11'0 >1' 'OOS i w orth: keepilf ", .Olean eveey night , s ~e~..Is t e eoo~ntr ~ityo f !lOltl /.. 10 .. l\o; d ' ''I1I ,, ' (1 '. I,·uf,.. .. 1\ und.. · '. . !" . ' , < \lI'I' f h, ,,, , " fl' I,h, ,·.. t , . .... edioor ity·· ol'iglna .a , ~, ... r henlt ,,":" aDd grease )'VeU ",ben left 'f or ~ny'-' llty.· thatof oen' . . ,. -' .. o ul U 11 0t lie '. II r . , '. ,'"> • . 'h ' f ' , '. ' ',.. . ' ' l~, : ,{ writ'): lbls "fo r t l)" () ,'~~t . leng' 0 t m~. . , .. . . whO "'''Y b .. " r(q , rr,g " \ . l . ' • - . • drt!; Ii .\ alII n /!~ ,:XhQug h. e, moth le .;.very'f ond of . '; .Merct limts Slncorcl ~ ,. "' d,ee,,;J t is not at .l~ ,paitionlar as to l :!S. I.. ~\ IiI · il'.. Dr.Belt'8Pi~e-~...aon.eY I J ,, 'W . •'yle '.", f ~ . 1',,,' IIQ nClt.... " 'r t ill. . . , ~ lll" ': W" " hll . , McDan iel, IIItherkID; 1111:, .~8; . .i II " ( ,m 1> '''1 ,.1 , : .... ' Yil t.!. "!'" c u) 1 (j lethe' ,w.hioh ....! :mJ t tl lk '0 1I·r,.... IIt1J1)' '111 1 ' "rot f t ,) ' 'l'bere. iit no .. ' ", '., . ..., d~h"r r'IT~ or Ih '. ' 1',1I 11trl, " 'fllll" "~~11 Referrt n .. \0 • 1U)tnan al bein" on it fur !30U8b-,' ooldll, Grippe , ~hma .. II . • :rh..iu~'" t~\,:~...ti&;~j\·t\~?n r~'.IJ~"n~\la.tJlt aDd Brcmobme, Look for 'he\~ll the,.hl ld, ~tde, 0(40 "Unly.. to ruf. ~ClWA ~IJ l.U~h. "'V~"l1It.1W1f ' .. oD~tbe ~re. -Ie ~~.~ dIIpQIl Ohio


Without Opening the Door Moore~~ ~ange

Let Us Sho w Yon Thi s Wo nde r ful Ran ge


J. H., COLEMAN, Waynesville. O.



Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness

---_. - ...--- -

'LIVERIT ES~:t~:~y~~. ki~~

~;e,~~~~~ ~~ \



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L oofuting a Posi tiOI; l?

--_._-...- ---

--- -...


H.E .

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externally, I

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T~e Mi~-.LGazettellhe WM[IlWAYS

n ,OLLAN ' D










EX~~~~~ct~~YPr<~~~~ DOCTO S FAILED

Appearance o{ SoUdUy, DurablItty

If all the "ad'fIlDCecl" td ns werf, adopted It would seem that war would lIoon be made ImpossI ble. Many Bchem es have been exp loited tn lb a Ilhape of sklllfull! wrllt n newspapor or magazlue nrtJcles, but tho building of big warsilipB couUn\les. Til lutest claimant for attenUon at ~ Rshlngton Is an Ind ividual who "'H1S con ceived the brilliant plan or baying ships enrry a r eel at barbed wire at th o Bt rn, so Ilrranged tbat nn nd cnn be thrown overbo:t.r<1 while tho vesscl steams Bwlrtly arouno the enemy un, til t b latter's propellers are so tan, gled up that they cannol turn, Then, Bays tho In ventor. "all the fl ee t need ts to sail aWRY Rn d leRve its enemy's men to stal"l'o and Itli ships to rust." But the naml RuthorJtlcs havo flied , away thi s mosl Impressive sugges, tion along wltb that at ilie man wbo a r w years ago wantnd the govern, men t to adopt a projectile fill ed with a gas that would anaelithetlze all on board li n en my's ahl p, so that capture wou ld be easy, The day of the lnven, tor Is not yet past. Nor that ot the crank,

and Pormanency.

The use of hollow c lay buildi ng blocks properly r einforced for silo construction have proven cur moly satisfactory In every particular, an d atte r extenslvQ and thorollgh InvesUgallon and the buildi ng nnd tes ting of numerou s silos . the ngrlcultural en· glneerlng departm ent of tbe Iowa :'C. perlment staUon heartily recommend their uso, Tho fundam ental principl e luvolvt'd In prese rvation of s ilng Is t ho ret n· lion of Dloia ture withIn the s ilage a nd

when properly constructed, should be as durablo as Ihe wn lls themse lves, Th e materials II sed In the Iowa s \lo will "'slst de ay in!;' dl stntegratlon , the a lion of frosl, anl! allY Impli lld or real action of th ucldlty of th e sUage, I~vc n the s tccl wbicb Is plac d In the mOl'tar join Is nna concrete door fmme as r 'lntorcement, Is thoro llg bly pro· teclod from rust. So ca l' fu ll y has ths matte r ot durability beeu con si de red ,In the doslgn of th Iowa s ilo that It wou ld b e IlIftl cult to estlmnto Its lite. Wh en car fu lly built It ougbt to last for se vet'lll generation s, The doors Of the Iowa silo nre deslgn od to be made of wood, They will decay and must be replaced aftcr sev· e rnl yea rs, 'rhe conv enie nce llnd low cost ot tb wood e n doors, whi ch may be easil y replaced , jusUfies th II' lise. The Iowa s ilo when properly can· stru cted Is practically free from any exp nse for repair and malntenanoe. Tho only possIble expense may be tbe occasional washIng of the Ins ide of the walls at Inter vals of not less than nve years, with a cemc nt wash and the re placement of the doors atter they bave become rotte n trom use, An Ideal sl\o must hnve rigid walls. It must be stron g enough to resist the bursting pressure ot the silage. This acts outward In a ll (llrectlons as the s ilage selUell. The friction ot the

LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegeta~ ble Compound em'cd Her Knoxvillo, Iown. - II I All fl'i' !"rcl ~l'ith patns low do wn in lil Y l'i l'lIt ~ t!k lor u. y ear o r lDore a ud Wt1S tlO \V,'ak aJlII ncrv ous that I could nut 11 0 Itl)' \\'ur~: I , wrutD tl' :'1 rs, I lIIk. , ham alltl lVilk Lyclia E, l'inlli:1t ll' s \ ' ('guI:I\)I Otll)l o untl aJlll 1' l'll! R, an ti 11m ~l a d I II say Lhllt

Y lUI' mcdlcin(ls, a\l~ \; i IIlI leU n s 01 di-

recti, UR ha "0 d one mol'U l u I' me than s id es of hIs cannls, he "'orks by tn. lIn yl hin)! rl ~ c Ilnd I stlnct rnther than by lI eslgn, and had tl ill \11' t physi'shows him self to be tJossessed of a clans hen'. 1 can <10 my lVork lLlIlI rest fee ling tor proportion and IIno which 'l\L-'e":'ll::--n~t-n-:i:...gJ..h.,.t.-'--~lle I ill\' th er o I R t HJ t hIs Impeccable, Ing like t.he Pinlcham 1\1 1'0 It'll'i i'," -It Is tbls Innate sugges tion of beau. M rs. T.ARA FRANKS, TI ..F. D., :No. S, ty and rlS'b tness In th e cuna l li fe of Knoxvillo, I owa, the co untl'y that g iv es to the wonder'l' he success of Lydia E, Pinkham's ful calm of tbe landsca pe Its crown. Vegetable Compou nd, lUude from roots Ing glory, Flat pas tures sweep out r.nd horbs, is unparalleled. It Cla y be Silos and Dairy Barn, u sed with perfect confid nc!' by wome n on all sid es to a Car horIzon whe re who suffer from disp lacrmentR, inflamlines and colors s tand out with slngu. Ute exclusion ot alr, For this reason, mation. ulceration fibr oid tu mors, irlar c1enrness and brilliance, Sleek Ule silo wall must be non·porous, regularities, periodic l)ains, backache, blnck nnd white cattlo are confined MoIsture' must be IJrevented tram passbearing-down feeling, Iluiul ncy, indIv,'hen the summ r vacation season to th eir rightful m adows by smal ler Ing out and atr from passing In, gestion, dizzlnesB, or nervous prostraopens the rus h of AmerIcans to E u' cana ls which s erve us hedges, for the tion. Hard burn ed hollow c lay building rope taxes the capacity of the outgopeople have put th e ir mastery over For thirty years LydIa E. Pinkham's wll1 not absorb a large amount blocks Ing steamships, Long before the end Vegetable Compound h:l!l b en ths the wa ter to practical uses at every of water. Moisture Is not readily standard r emedy for female ills, and of the BumUler vacation season the turn. V\ e are shaded by tall trees tra nsfe rred through a wall at s uch suffering WOol n owe it to thc rns Ives tllat a re set along either sid e at tb e pressure of the returning tide of t.rav, to at least givo th is medicitl a trial road. and we know that we are In n material, It Is recommended that only el Is felt. People who desire to jour· P roof 18 ablwllant tbat it has cm cl blocks whlcb have a low absorption. be ot peacl!. where hurry and clamor land thousands of others, nnd why SllOUld it ney 1n comfort and who neglect to en· used tor silo construction. Blocks ot would be unseemly, And yet In all not curo' you? rage their passage a iong time ahead, this kInd are more durable, and a silo this , benign qu ietude Ihe re Is nothi ng built ot them will preserve sllnge If YOlt want specln 1 I'll vice write lind themselves at the present juncJ maintain their natiOnal. lnd,e. letllurgl,c, fOl' always with U8 are tbe Mrs. Rinkllam, JJynn.lHns~.,for it. better. ture obliged to pay extreme prices or pendence, to assert their com- great nnals with their proc,",8910n or It is tree and alway!:! hclilful. Arter due coD8ld oraUo~ to aU other walt. A s,Pec\al from Berlin tells or merclal supremacy. t,o r esist life, quiet nntl ,slow , but resdtute and ~ wealtby New Yorker wbo wanted to t he encroachment of foreig n un yieldIng. Por var iety and rlchnes!l points of p1erlt to be round In silos, J:Ome bome and applied tor first-class powers, the men of Holland the English lundscap Is untlPPl'oach- the most desirable silo Is the one that The best investment possible is 8 Jocommodatlons on tbe Hamburg' have e ndured many wars and a chieved able, yet In this thing a contrast 18 is the moet durable and will g ive the longest term at servIce. The durn~merlcan line. Tho cbeapest prlco great triUmPhs. The dnys of these not uninter esting. As we go through blllty of a sUo depends. first upon Its at whloh he could procure a cabin stubborn strifes ha ve gone. for HoI· our highways nnd lan es and wooll- strength. and second. the durablUty of suite, he found. 'was $2.000, The land no longer has any pre·emlnent lands w s ha ll ,find all the beauty and the material used In Its construction. 1 \\'ORLD OVER North German 'Lloyd boats are slm- &Teatness to defend, 'no greedy I1S- 1 , a ce, but the one tblng tha t we ahall To be durable. any material must Uarly crowded. both companies be· saults to rellel. From centuries ot often miss Is movement and lite wllich r el!lst the action ot the ' weather, tbe s t r nuous effort sbe 11as drifted Into Is wholly.1 n tune wIth the surround. log "booked up" tor several weeks. It a quJeUy prosperous pence, her l)eo- ,Ings an d Is, so to speak, essential constant wetting a nd dryi ng, freezing IS WHAT WE CAN SAVE pays the ocean traveler to be fore- pie weU content with the lItUe which to th e life of tile nation as a Whole ana tbawlng In the winter season, alld YOU O N ANY BUGGY any diSintegrating action ' which may handed. they never laCk, and bearll!g with Trains may !Je this last, bu t they de: T OP Bug 'ie~, nuoabouts, them a di gnity and air of s imple well- stray tbe calm Instead of emphll81zlng be due to the s ilage Itself, Some maa l ts and \ \'agon. . terial will disintegrate witb age, and ~ , Wbee ls, To p T rimmioll5. The house fl y 1s frequently expound- being whleb are the tokens of tbelr It. Motorcars nt'e both discordant other materials surrer from rapid de· Wr tte for Prlcel ed upon as the most dangerous dis· ancestry. Yet, unconcerned 8S they \lnd Inessential. Even the pleasure cay when subject to tbe warm, moist TEl. CAUL 2213 BUOB &0 SCHEU CO. eaSe purveyor of summertime, says may be with wars and rumors of ware bouts on a river le nd a suggestion or conditions wblch exist In the silo. 400 Court an~ Broad .., Cincinnati, Oh i o, Chicago Journal. , Let us not forget in the world of men, they nre still artificiality. A team on lhe plough. lew. 611.. The walls of the Iowa silo are con-- . t.bat the rat Is also a dangerous ma· .called to the dally exercise of the hlgb lands, a shepberd folding his s beep a structed ot nollow, vitrified clay build· - Imll.o.ed farm. and fa rm landl courage of their race, for tbey have field of haymn.lters or rea pers, only 'ln sila ge against th w all , a nd the we ight In ' rawford \.'u"MI ' b .. iu 1I'1Ud ~uder, and a menace to public health . ever at their gates a foe never wenry these do we find the lite thnt Is In Ing blooks whlcb, as tar as , weatbe r of' the wall produ e a crushing acllon tftrln lng' communlt.y. good ,-thlll)'''', \\'IHf"r. ,·lOH ~an Francisco employs 30 rat tropmurke" \.Owns , twho.,l8 (Lud rn,Urond . 1.l bc.nAl of attaCk, and tbey know well that the exact accord wltb the scene. and these resistance Is concerned, are as durable wblch Is great near the bottom of the t., I ~ ru'~. ('"rll" t R"tlle orchnrd III Mlrhl ltl\lI utlI\r ,ers. wbo average more than 8 000 least rehixatlon of wariness will bring we can only Ond at l.n tervals: In as any building mat~rl81 which can be 'silO, A s Uo wh n empty should be I.h ~.." ..."dB, Write w HENRY A. BAUMAN. Gra,IIr." IIlcll. tats a 'month captured, and unlm~wn destruction. The peril at the s ea at Holland, on the otlter hand, In place. obtained, This does not mean that nil heavy enough ot stand against heavy hollow building blocks are durable. tor ~rmIes of the pests pOisoned In the ' all seaSODS Is a ,thlng which no nation the most remote from Cities !lnd the winds, 'l'he -!nsfde or a slto wShrewd S cheme oppcd Run. .ewers. Cblcago should take meas- knowB as well as Holland knows It. sound of markets and eOmm~rce we there are good and bad blocks on the should be reasonably s mootb to perMany yea rs ago, in cons Quence of market. Good blocks are BO plentltul urcs to rid bers~lt at the rat plague, Tbese men hold tbelr land and bring find always the feeUng of secl~slon that no one need make the mistake of mit tbe silage to setUe freely. If the ~ commercia l panlo. Ihe r was a s t! v ra wall III not smooth or If there are restfulness heightened and which not only facilitates the dlsUbu- It to rIch cultivation In tbe tace of and selecting blOCk,S ot questionabl e merit. shoulders or ol'fsets on the Inside sur- I' un on a Lnulc In South Wlllct; 'and Ih small farm rs jostled eacb ~Lhel' tion ot disease but causes an annual' the grea t natural forces of the world. touched to a sense at vitality by tbe ' Tbe root of the Iowa Idlo. like the loss of thousands of dollars by Its Their country lies below sen·level, and canals an,d their tull'lalled barges. walls, Is made of durable material. A face , air pockets will be tormed and a In crowds to draw out their money, considerable lose of sl1fge wlll result, 'rhlngs wer ralJldly going from bad These canals triumphantly redeem sharp teeth and Inordinate a1>pe- Is preserved from ruin by great emThe lowa ,silo Is rigid enough and to worse, whe n tho !Jank IDanag r. In bankments thrown up round the coast the physical characteristics or tbe Ute. heavy enough so that It Is not affe cted a fi t or d sperntion, suddenly be· and a vast system of cauals which country trom the cha rge of dullness by wind , Enough steel relnforoement thougbt hint of I\n xped l Ill. 'By his make a veritable network 4lt the land, Holland In Its. general features Is un: A dispatch from Honolulu says that Is laid In the mortar joints to carry directions a clerk. having heated sam Herel,n lies the secret ot the Dutch· denlably quaint, but quaintness has a the entire bursting pressure ot the !loverelgns In a frylng·pan. paid th m doctors bave succeeded In Isolating man's greatness of character. He has cbarm which Is not e nduring. Atter silage with a reasonable amount of over th e coullter to an anxlons I\ppll· the germ of leprosy, that they are had no opportunIty of becoming en· a while we begin to Ure ot the square, canL "Wby. they're quite hot!" said safety. , now trying to develop a serum, and feebled by security. Tbe unceasing ness and orderHness, and to look upon latter liS ho look them , up, "or the The silo built of holrow blocks Is that this means ultimately the cure conflict with the sea has become knit what appeared to be Individuality at ' perfectly fireproof. It Is hard to see course," WIIS tbe reply; "whut e ls Form for Making Foundation. for the disease. Unfortunately this Is up Into the very fibers of the national Orst as eccentricity. We grow a little ' how It could be even sllghtiy dam- cou ld you eX llect? They ure on.! )' just not the first time that we have been spirit, and hili> gIven to It a strain uncomfortable In the land of 'Lllllpuf.; aged by a fire. SUnge was fed from out of the moltl . We ar coining them of silent self-reliance that could have and iret for change and some patc" , Cllenper root may be , uS, e d tf dea1red. wid we ate on the eve of the dlscovone of the Iowa silos within twenty· by bnndreds as f/lst as we can." been born of no other oause, Sllent- of wlldncss. But of tbe can I 'I but It Is strongly advilled that t he con· ary ot a cure for leprosy. But It 1.1 tour hours after aU the adjoining "CoIning th m!" thought the si mple tor this warfare Is not as the wartare never weary. tor In them we ~: 'crete root be used where possible. agl'lcul turlsts: "then there Is rio fear years since Hansen discovered the of man wlt.h man, accompanied by the eXP,resslon of a nation's met with iD bulldlngs bad been burned from of " c b /lrac t er ii'One common mistake L ... the mon y running short!.. With around It, leaving It unharlT' '!d and bacillus ot leprosy. clash of arms and blare ot trumpets- molded through centuries at sUrrin B 0 construcUon III" Ulat the door trame thla th Ir confldenc revived, the pancontaining the only feed 8tUl£ saved It III carried on tram year to year In and honorable blstory. We rernem b Br g Is which will soo,n d made at matertal ' Ic abated, an(1 the bank WBS ena bled They are laughing , at a man In east grim quletnesll against an enemy that ~e Dutch proverb: "God made tbe ,, ~Ca1tr rust and have to be repllLced. tram the fire. Hollow, vitrified clay to weatber tbe storm, tiuUdlng blocks are widely UBed tor may be repulsed but that can never s~a, we made the shore " and t i e oor trame ot the Iowa sUd r. New York who, wnklng suddenly, fireproofing purposes. labot of!' his big toe thinking his toot be destroY!ld. It was by no mere that these waterways' are n;;e O:~, made of re.nforced concrete Wblch, Outlining Treatmcnt. was the tace of a burglar. Chicago. chance that the country's hero was beautltul and charged with color alld ..............- ...........;.-------......-:.............- -........- -........- - - - - - - - - -......... "I wan t rO ll to take care ot my at~osvhere, but symbolical at a peopractis e while I am away," which brags of Its size In everything William the Silent. The Dutch landscape reftecta the pie s greatness. "But, doctor, I have Just graduated. bnt feet, bas th,e lIicldent already Ha ve hn.1 IIltl experi ence." The Dutch painters, through whom Iloted for Its comic almanac of next national character In a singularly "You tlun't !leed It with my fashion· vivid manner. Nnrrow roads set with the national genIus has foulld Its most ~ear. nble pa tlent ll ,. Flud out whllt thev small red brIcks, trimly ordered gar- forcible and enduring expreSRlon have have be n Rting aud stop It. FInd dens, the little carta drawll' by dogs, realized very completely thlll strange Don Jaime. the Spsnlsh pretender. the cottages wIth th eir little rows of , blend of culm and strength, To 100" Ollt whe re th ey have bean summering announces that he will not resort to burnished copper and brass pans and at one ot their portrait groups of S&,1' I'nd send 'em Romewhere else," 'violence tor the purpOse of securing bowls set outside to sweeten In the a body of hospital governors. 'Is ( the tbrone, We predict that he will Bun, the poles erected to attract the understand at once that these men A Purl.t. "Tho Chanticleer cocktail Is the ne.'fa ll tr he attempts to coax Alfonso storks at nesting time, the miniature conducted the ir business tboroughly est drink." , ' to give It up, windmills for domestic use, the people and well, but scornful of undignified "Snch I' dundancy! Call It a Chan· themselves In their bright blouses 'and hnste. and for untroubled repose Van t1cl eertall." A Sl. LouIs astronomer has dlscov, aprons and white sabots, the scrupu- del' Meer's picture of Delft In the ,al. lous tldJness that prevails everywhere, lery at Tbe Hague could not well be ered ,a sun spot 60,000 m\les wide and a llassachusetts 8stronomer has found all combIne to make up the Impres- surpassed. In th e great Dutch paint. sian of a toy country where everything Ings we do not find the tranquillity of a new cornel. Nevertheless we expect Is well ordered and meUow. Nowhere the open places nnd luxuriant baunt. things to move along the earth about Is the trav~ler brought up In sudden at nature, but the ,deep calm of strong as usual. and breathless wonder betore any life, sober and not hlgbly Imaginative gorgeous, spectacle, nowhere awed by but entirely satisfying In Its degree. • If anytblng can' revlvp the Shake· any sense ot feverlsb activity. DesaThe rise and , fall of nations .Is a to the breakfast tableIIpeaean drama the ren d e r~ng at "A2 laUon and grandeur are , alike absent. phenomenon still unac counted for and You Like It" In Esperanto will do It. A beggar Is hardly ever seen, a ruln constantly recurring, We know tbat Even It It were dead It would rise ~" never, The absence of tbese and of Rome step by step rose to a splendor all pomp of riches makes one forget- the glory at which Is Immortal b t and kfck. tul of tbe inequality of things, And we cannot grasp' the secret ot' th~a then in tho midst of all this pretty splendor's decay or of the decline or It may b e tr ue that the average I th American eats 82 pounds at su"nr 8 unconcern s ~ ever1ast Ing symbol th e a th er groat clvll1zations at th'! .. of the Dutchman s s~rength-the salls. wodrld. Wdo can but accept the fac't.' year, but h e does not act the parI There Is nothing small about these. an won er a t the ruined and - yet wben tll,e umpire makes a bad decl They are liberal lind , workmanlike, noble monumen t S a f the ir greatness With Cl"eGm. , lion, full of dignity, Greedy ' for every that stili stand as at once a mem oreath of wind; they bear the heavily an~ lUI Inspiration. When tbe " Delng cbaul'feur to an aeroplane Is iad!ln barges, beautiful trom water·lIne comes that the peoples of. western .. Crisp, golden-brown , LI~ht 'ond Specl{~ed or ISPlas~ed, pf to m~thead, down tbe , great canals Europe have alao passed' Into ' the , The- Kent, Surre,. and Sussex breeds e:lbllllra.tlng, but for a fat man who Is trom sea to 'sea. They move wltb 0. shadow of de'a d glories. we too shall o~ , towlll , ln 'Eqiand occupy 'much t!1e these tho first seems to bi.! growing ,In 44c~in~ly'.' ' bits; , made tond of hi s l~n.lS nntt his fh'os,de measured dignity which deepens th e leave something at our WOrks to 'bear ' (Jame relaUon to, the IndustI:y of tHat' favor, In ty,P?, color ,o f plumag& : from white com., ' fishing Is be tter, ' .• ense of calm which is over t be whole ,witness t~ a greatne3S that has gOlle. 'cotintr.y that the Rhode Island Reds econolI\lo v,al)1e8 It Is ' not unlike our Rhode lllla' n d , J!.eds. ' Tbey are ' rated la-nd scnpe, and adds to It sttength ' and ' But 110lland wl,lI' be but n recortaed ' ,die! wl~h UII several yenrs a.o \lefore. Spod all·pur ose blr"s, the 'hena most app'et~ing"QO~~ ,A. Chlcugo man has' a fiddle that Doblllty ot character. IDverytWng that history to the new nattons of faroOl! the breed wall' perfected. 1n maa7 as l,aylng a gpodly, mtmbe~ ot , medium. has b en played for .00 years, , I.t does, the Hollander does un'der the s'pell of ages. The sea wlll have prevailed, respects Uuiy eem ' all closely, ailled sized eggs; the chlcks!l r h'ardy and ,v enient, pleas,ura't>le Dot tit.ate how manr It has, driven th,o waters Is In~rmed by Ii large and and t~e great ca~aI8. 'which are ' aa to ' the Dorking, whloh at one ' tlzue ' easy 'to' gt70'W, ' I..; lor lIuQIUloations for breakfast. ' ' to ddujt, 'generous , spirit of power and fitnesa, ,truly ~lle essenUlI,1 ex'V~e8tllon of a mpst .have been, the pa~ent sto<;k Yr0Kp If he hils to ,build a' bouse, he at- olute and berolc p~ople as "1lre the which th~y have differentiated. Tbe~ exhibition purposes ' I.II:~ much the Memory Lingers" ' tempts to achle,v'e beauty, and be- palaces of, ~enlce or tbe ,Acropolill of , be a dtsposltlon among Brit· saq1e a8 In t he Amerlcnn ,S tandard 101' JsllUld Reds. Tbe IUuBtiaUon It ,,'oulll seem th~t about lhe onl1 comes ornate and wholly undlstlnc- the Greeks, will havo perlshe~ l~h fanciers w Improve the SU,u ex ,Rhode Is not without sugt';>{lUveneu HI foru wa, to," t n ,aeroplaDEI to set iDto print ulshed; but wh4D be turnll his h,nd wfll bear no testlmoD,.. '" \breed of fowl., of whlc~ there , .... ~ OUI' t"\'o :Il:.pular Amel1c~n IIrae4a .. lO break JIl. w the greo,t wlDdtnlO. which cJrt tbe, JOHAI DRINKWA,..", - tour nrtetlea. The Beel IUld Browa.





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Brings 'Cheer



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,L OOL()(]Y

Paris·i an Gowns The Christians' Rewards Here



URGEON GENERAL WY· MAN of the public health ERHAPS tbe sweetest of service has b n buying . "", earthly feelings Is tbat or su II Quantltl s of IIv rab· , U peace. 'a rebellion, no hits lately, for UB In hi s . fier c~ longi ng for the un· buslnoss, that, III re8 ponse a ttainable, no clashing of to Inquiry, h h as felt one's ow n will ' against abUged to explain thut tho tha t of another-quiet, tranquillity, animals are wont d not fo r peace. Th o mee k, we a re told, sball vivisection, but (or tile have "abu ndance at peace," as th e tnanufaf"t nre or serums and antitoxins. very crown of the ir grea t reward . And Tb oy nrc dORed with small quantities pen 0 Is always at the comman d of at dIseuse g rms again and again un til, thf1 folIow er o f Christ. hUI'illg b " llU " hype rl mlll unI Zf\I I" by Suppos t hat YOII poss SS a valu· thl !! mellIls, Ihelr blood contains an able prO]lerty. You entrust It to . one ~ ntl · po l so n utlli zab lo as n cure ror the In whom you havo absolute . con fl · maludy, whllt vcr It may be, In hu. fld ence. YOII havo tried him again and JII III1 beings. again a nd ho has never failed . MiLhrldates oC old, th celebrated Arou nd YOU may be panic and dis. SLing of Pontus , wus so afrnld of bein g tress. Dn nlcs muy be s us pendIng pay. pOisoned, t.hat he doscd himself can. ment. Commercial houses may be etantly wi th Ilmall quantiti es of varl. clOSing. \\ bat do you care ? You are ous k1nd a of poisons In order thnt he sorry for tbose who aro losing, hut mIght become In a mcnsure proof you have no worry fo r yourself. You 8gnlnst th em. P rac tically the sume know t hat your nl1 has been de podlted Tnethod Is adoptod by the public In a perfec tly Bar plae . Jlonlth se rvice, which, In the manner Such faith III se ldom justi fi ed among (Jos'rl b d, "hyperlmmunlzes" such men. Huma nity at best Is an Imper. antm.als ns aheep, horses, cows and fect thing. Dut we have one to whom rabbi ts, wltb a view to the subsequent we may ntrust s omething far more e mployment of their blood tor the preclolls than our sliver and gold~ lIre or prevention or dlscuse. It Is ourselves, the esse nce of our SallIs. by this means, (or Instance, that dlph. Knowing hIm In whom we ha..e b.theria antitoxin Is obtain d. Heved, we feel no fear at wbat man By the same mel\ns It Is hailed to can do unto us. We may know per. lIec ure a satisfactory serum tor the fect peace, If lve are stayed on him . treatment or prevention of the bubon· The Highest Reward. 1c plague. Already, In India, the Thus the most beauUful of gifts II plague "vaccine" has been obtalnedthe Christian's reward . made by breeding the germll of the The moat necessary of helVI to learn dl8easo In beef soup, and thon ld11Jng to write Is a · copy. By followlnlr the them by heat , the resulting fluid being administered b1 hypodermic Injectlon. the sldn at the feet and , making Its To test the theory, Captain CraJlr ex. copy, you may become Iln expert pen. 'l'hls Is a matter at extreme Impor. way to the intestine, .establlshes Itself posed a number of soldlera (volunteer. man. The most necessary thing for the tance, Inasmuch as the malady In there as a bloodsucker. Ing tor the purpose In response to ai question Is at tbe present time threat· Such problems keep the government ofrer: ot $200 apiece) to the bItes at right shaping or lite Is an Ideal. ThIs HE gown at the left Is of lllll'e The othe r gown Is of su'aw·colored e nlng to ravage our own country. health authorities moving. As soon as mosquitoes of this species which had the Cbrlstian has In his great leader. Life Is a struggle, a bitter war with mauve figured volle. The plain crepon. The sklrt Is plain; the Ru .. Our government, durIng the lut fts- one III solved another turns up--as, for already bitten men sick with dengue. skirt Is covered with a long pr1n· s ian blouse, with long, full skirt, It ~1 year, spent $660,000 In fighting the Inatance, fn the case of the mysterious Twenty or thJrty of the insects, Satan. In order to wage It Duccess. 1llague on the Pacific CO&lIt, and with. "spotted fever," which has been milk· hatched tram eggs In the laboratory, fully we must have armor. The ChrIs- ce8S tunic, which la slightly dral'ed at trimmed wllh bands and revers ot bathe next twelve month a It wlll ex: Ing so much trouble lately In the were ft.r st liberated under the mos· tian has the armor. He may ~rd hIs tb'e waJat and bordered all around with Uste printed In soft colors. blue predomJl)atlng. A silk cord and tasael. "lid about $l,OOQ,OOO for the lIame mountainous regions of Montana and quito bar of a dengue-lIlck soldier, ID lotns with truth; put on the breast. a band of plain mauve sUk. 1'he little quastron Is of , white lace. form the gIrdle. purpose. From this tact It may be adjacent Rocky Mountaln states. It order that they mlgbt attack him and plate of righteousness; bave bls feet judged that the IIltuation In regard to Is an entlreiy new complillnt, but ex· become Infected, and, a tew hours shod with the preparation of the gos. pelot peace; take the shield of faIth, ...... - • _................ - - - ••••• --- - • - • the hubonlc dlsease--or black death, tremely falal, tour out of e very ftve later, they were removed and placed OF THE NEGLIGEE JEWELS NEED BEST OF CARE l1S It used to be called-In the UnIted persoba attacked by It In the Bitter beneath the mosquito bar of a well the helmet of salvation and Ute sword GLORIES States Just now Is tar from cheertul, Root valley (where it assumes Ita man. In every auch Instance the mal. of the spirit, and no evll can possibly touch him. notwltbstandlng the efforts at the moat vIrulent torm) passing speedilY' ady waa successfully reproduced; and, Prelent Stylel Well Adapted for Mak· Precloul Stonel Quick to Rnent Nest health authorities to mlnimlze alarm trom the 81ck bed to the burying as a resul~, dengue patients are now , The Idol of all rIght modern social. lect-How They Should Bo Ing Garment Both Comfortable latty phllanthropy-Is work. 115m-all on the subject. ground. A characteristic symptom Is treated In the wards at ordlQarY has. and Well·Looklng. Treated for Good Relultl. all men useful and congenial Give The truth Is that this most dreaded an eruption of pimply red spots all pltals, no tear at contagion betng en. tertalnect so Ibng as mosquitoes are men work tbe to · love do--Insptre In the the hearts of "'h Women who own' valuable jewel'" end des truotlve or aU human maladfea over the body. at work-and great. (" e popu Iar "negII gee" Is an Inter· •., seeDlS to have obtaJned a lIecure toot· Investigation has proved Mlat this prevented from getting at the suller. est obstacle to the coming at the mil. estlng part ot the average wardrobe. should take personal mire at It and ID' bold on the Paclftci coast, where small disease la due to a "germ" of some ers and thus acquiring the Infection lennlum has been removed. In the past, when the "wrapper" held telllgent care at that. Leaving fine ". epidemics ot It have broken out In aev- lIort-prelumably a bacterium, but 110 for dlatrlbutlon among other people. The Christian has his work cut out sway with housewives, lhls phase of gold and precious stones · to rattle The greatest ot all medical puzzles tor him, and It he Is a true Christian the wa.rdrobe was a thing to be de- around In a t',usty jewel box Is glvlq eral o.t the larger cltJes within the last IlJllnute all not to be "sible under the three-years. But tho 'most "er~ous fea- mIcroscope-which Is can1ed by a at the present time is cancer. Mor. be Is eager to do It. !Jlored. It, was possibly the "Mother them not att ntlon, but neglect, ture· at the It~atlon lies In the clr· certain· llpecles of · wood tick. There tallty from other dlseuee II steadily Falth, hope and love, the great trln. Hubbard's" strenuous use late In the Clean gold and sliver by scrubblq umstance that the bubonic InteQtlob -Ia no question at the accountability of diminIshing, owlnr; to Impro"ements In Ity-these are the Christian's. last century that ousted the style with solft soapsuds with a solft tooth. tlu already become ' widely spread the tick, tor the malady has been sue- sanitation and In methods of · treat. By Faith All II Won. completely. ·It was about that time brush. After washing cover them with 1UJlong the rats ot the towns and the cessfully transmitted, In an expert- ment, but this dread.t ul malady Is kUl. Faith- the substance at things that the tea gown came Into strenuous sawdust. to dry. Rubbin g halt a lemOD c- 'S!'Ound aqulrrels of the rural districts mental way, through the medium of Ing people (aster every year. Out of h d f h "ogue, and even since that era the on sliver will keep It from blackenl1lg ope or, t e ·evldence at things Ufl· ne g·llgee has b· een more slghtlyd t I I 1n liit region. Ita bite, trom guinea pig to gulne. pIg, e"ery eight women who paaa the age scen. By faith, we climb the steeps an arn sh ng. The plague la a rat disease prima. from .monkey to monkey and even of torty, one dies (It cancor. In all at being and bring the Lord Christ whether the "Mother Hubbard" wrap· Diamonds must also be brushed f"lIy. It la conveyed to human befngs from human beIng to human being (tn likelihood the reason why the germ down to our human needs. By It we ped and the tea gown had anything to lightly with soapsuds and rinsed In (as weD as to 'g round squlrrela) by two (volunteer) Inslances. Some at has ne"er been discovered Is that, like commit our way unto the Lord, rest In do with the transforamtlon or not. cologne water. Keep the e4ges In tbe the ftea. A tJea bites a plogue-tllck rat the Insects were brought to Washing· the microbes at yellow tever and him and walt patiently tor him. It II The Itmp matarlals used now 'lnd diamond setting clean, scraping them and, later on, It bites a man, thus 1n. to~ and encouraged to lay egg", which measles, It Is so tiny as to be ultra-mi. tho hand by which we reach to God, the "picture" styles are aU suited to gently with a clean toothpick, not oculating the latter with the . deadly were duly hatched by Dr. Btlles ; but oroacoplc. . Probably It Is carried by And hope, that anchor of the lIoUI, the house gown, and unless a woman hard enough to loosen the stone. infecttoD. It does not appear that more than a one or more of the lower animals, and sure and steadfast-how could we is " ery seriously Incapacitated from To cleanse pearls never use water. It Is only through quite remarkable very small minoritY at them. In a science at tbe present Ume Is engaged smile without Itt The hope that we obtaining pretty clothes thero Is no Water turns pearls black and s~Us ~ood luck that the malady baa · not state of nature, are Infeoted. These In a far·r eachlng Inquiry with a view :nay r e trlove the shattered fortune; reason why even the little morning all their beauty. Foolish as It may already mode Its appearanoe at our exceptional Indtvlduals proba'fY ae- to solVing this branch of the problem. that we may reclaim the wandering "Allp on" should not be becoming and sound, shutting them up with a piece prlnc'pal Atlantlo seaports. This quIre their Inf~ctlon by biting lome Mice ha"e been accused, and fishes child; that we may some time meet attractive. One finds In the shops a\1 at ashwood wll\ keep them white wlth· may well happen, and the public anImal, :which harbors the germ. but likewise, but no near a,p proach seems tbo!le ·whom we have "loved anel lost sorts and kinds of pretty dressing out any turtber precaution. Pearls to have be n made to a solution of the awhile," stlpporLs us through tile stern. sacquos at wonde rfully small prices. a re the most sensItive of all gems and bealth servlc: (whIch has Its llead. wh,at animal that ts. nobody lmolW, They may be mndo at home with still . show easUy the bodily and mental quarters III W~hlngton) hila .~ad for BJloaktng of volunteers, the re seent, myst,e rr. If only the secret, doubUess est trials. 8,Om() time past II. complete plan of never to be any I~ck at them, wbere a simple one, were known, the dlscov. But the love, that Is truly the great. loss xpense, to be sure, and with bet· health at tbe wearer. Moreo"er, they campaIgn mapped out to meet such risks have to be run In the experlmen- ery of a cure for cancer would not be est "thing In the world, Is pre.emlnent- ter finish, It one Is a ~;ood sewer. B ut lose tbe lr luster nnd die 1r not worD . an emergency. tal study of" dlseas~lI. It does not melt· Ion. postponed. Iy the Christian's. As God's son, be a large part at the femllline popula· at nil. ' -rlooks up to his creator with fili al af. tlon Is too busy In one way or another A but of pulty I'ubbed on a chamoIs Immense Quantities at gr~ln and ter how deadly the ~al a dy may be, .A Good Retort. f ctlon, Toward h!s brethren he to do sewing tlmt can be obt a ined skin wl1\ ' keep opals clean . . These other merohancUse are cqnstantiy bfe. there are always men ready to take Ing sblpped tram San Franclaoo and their lives In thel~ hands for such purIt I t Id r . . yearns wllh all the poignant· desi re at rendy mad e, nnd It certainly costs less most bealltlful of all stones 10 spite And as love begets to buy garments ready made thnn to or their bl,ld reputation will Bublun"'oL-_ __ _ oth~ Pacific coast-Rorts to the Ellst. ~ses, otten without reward. . Buch tbat-.l. ~ft 0~1 s.uccesstul comedian -true-fra ternity ·mB rs~ u t or popularIty was . hlr tb m m de wIth undimmed radlanoe forever It Rats arf,'l often transported with such was the case when ·a call was Issued gained In a rough mlntn to lo"e, so shnll be r eoelve In kind hla I e . ea . ·merchandlse, DS Involuntary passen. In Cuba, in 1900, for soldiers willing he was glvl "I g wn ,:where r ward, good measure, pressed down There are wom ell who have a seam· gently treated by thIs meallOd. I ng mpersonat!ons In a nnd nmnlng over stress to help out with the se wing. To clean clear genis sbred pure gers, hidden In grain sacks, or otb·er- to expose themselves to the bites of hall to Peace, 1\ high 'Idenl, armor for tbo but such helpers are as hard to find soap in wlu'm wa ter until 1\ lather I. wlso. Let one or two plague-stricken mosquitoes carryIng the Intection at cal a dt arge but unpleasantly crltt· . ,p-cot fight or life; a work to do and as the proverbia l ben's teeth. Good obtl\lned and t hen add 16 drops at sal s peolmens be delivered In New York yellow tever. It WDS the case again , H uw ence. . Dry and poli sh wIth a sott and the 'metropolis would be likely r ecently, wIlen Capt. Oharles F . CraIg, hi e. as young, and not exactly at the wlll to do It and a heart fill ed sewers seem to have abandon ed theIr, volatll soon to have an epidemIc ' on Itl! .of the army medical corps, wanted m:n~se, :In~ the freely-delivered com· with faith, hope ' and charity-what rightful professIon for something else. cloth. hands-the tlrst warning of the out. men In the Philippines for a pracUcal ear w c greeted him on h~B ap. t'nore cnn a Chris tian des lro? Many of Ihe Ibln cottons and silks nee were not r eassuring; but he brenk being afforded by the finding of t est of his .t heory that dengue, or ~ Money cannot buy those great that are seiling at reduced prIces are FOR FALL WEAR, large numbers ot dead an!! dying rats " breakbone' fever, owes Its dlstrlbu· 8:~e o~' t,:d gained h~ confidence. gIfts; the Christian has them tor the jus t the t hing for littl e houso dresses . a e audience, however, had Bsldng.-Ohrlstlan World and sacques. For morning wen r In the , about the wharves and In the streets. tlon to a qlosqulto · at another speclea . family many wom en hare com 10 To fl ght the mIschief, It It once got -the nlght·flylng culex fatlgans, an In· come IPrepared to amuse ·themselves, wear a white or colored lin en or cot. started In New York, the municipality sect · already positively known to be and d d not propOse to he balked. After one real\y ,commendable 1m. i"~e Call to Service. ton wash skirt with a Ill' tty sacq ue. would be oblige!! to wage a war of the oarrler or . the parasite thread· personation there was a round of apEvery IndIvIdual bas certain endow· Such sacques com wIth belt s Iha t extermination agatlist rats. This would worm' which causes elephantiasis. Involve an expenditure· of many mil. Wherever one looks, In the study of . plause, but In the midst of It a great ments-some of them fixed In amount. gh'e the m a trim look and have col. .1I0ns of dollars-much money beIng dls~ses, one ftnds animals or various cabbage landed on tb,e stage at tbe some capable of R~most unUmlted ex· I' lars or. kimono fronts . . tensIon-which are his to. use for blm· The Ilacqlle wit h lilted back And reQuired not, only for the wholesale kinds acUng as the carriers of the aPotar's feel He picked It up, examined It, Rnd ~elf or tor his master . • Time, Intel· I kImono front and belt that may be trapping and poisoning of the animals, germs whIch makE! the mischief. S~l. but also tor the ratprooflng of sewers, ence I's_yet has. made only a beginning then ,gazing out oVGr the au41ence /f.:ctllal power, .soclal gifts-some have · dipped ~\'el1 at th e waistlin e Is tlnl · houses and particularly buildings used In this sort at Investigative work. The with the bland and Innocent exprea. one, Bome another; not many possess versally becoming. Soma very flncfor the storage. of food supplies. Ex. Anoplieles · mOllqulto Is known to be slon whIch has since become one of aU. But upon every ChrIstian comes we ll finished batis te 'olles of t his kind . th(' <;>bllgatlon to service, n~t by 1m· sell for less thnn a dolla r. The fron ts "perlence has ahown that the· only way the sale· conveyor and distributor ot hll nssets,. he saId: '"I'h:LJlk you. This il more than perlous , command, but as the natural 'lnd backs Rre tuclced, thl'Te Is a kl · to get rid at such vermin II!' to de- the malaria mIcrobe; but where dId prlve them at tood,'and hllUng placeS, the microbe, of malaria come from 1 hal any reason to expect. It Is the ffsponse' of the heart to him through mono band down the fr ont and R1'ound trlbutlon amoJ1J human belngIJ. on two orlginillly? It Is, as everybody knows, flrat tIlDe any on~ has ever lost his whom . alone we ·have knowledge of the neck, and tlle sleeyes nre of t hree· trlbutlon among human being· on two a protozo<1D....,.that ,Is to say. ~n animal head Oftf _ . actlng.-Youth's . Com. the trl,le meaning ot 1I1e. The man quarter length with tucked cutrs. who can tt'\\ly speak of Chrlllt as "my · animals-the rat and the flea. It organ,l sm ' ot a low form; but Its or- panlon. saviour" , cannot call anything else , lIerves vory strlklngiy to U1usttate Igln. I~ a :puzzle. Roscs and Rosettcil. selflsbly "mJne." As In teudlll times, what might be called tbe modern zoThe same thing m~tbt be said at Documents In Unknown Tongue. the man surrenders hlmseIr and all to ' Big roses fashioned of white bal" bloglc·al aspect at dilleases" The work·, the bacterial parasItes that cause yelSome documents {rom centr·a l Asia hIs master /lnd recelv~s It again at derle Al)glalse are allied to the hat at Ing l/lbor,atory, ot · the publlq health low rever aJ?~ den~e. It' Is thought servlce ' ln Washington ts today, Ih~ th~y are oloeely related, the .symptoms hav!! been acquire!! by the AslaUc Sl)o his hands on. condlt)ons at steward· stretched .borc1 erlo Anglalse over deed, a sort of station for natural his·. they . prOdUce being aennewhnt slmllar, clety of B~nga1. {r~m a Mo~tenegrlil . ship and servlc.,: "We are not our ""bite ' sU..fw, wblch III 1I0 fashlonnble, nnd whIch has for a fini sh · a narrow tory research: and an oMcl!\l zooioglst, but nobody ever eaw eltht)r at, them. They consist ot ·five leaves ot brown, own, We are bough~ with a price," band of ·blnclt v\Jlvet around the brim, Dr. ·Charles W. Stiles, Is· In cllarge of LIke the ·gern1i1 of meBalea.and soarlet Ish yellow paper, measuring eight ,. one ot Ita moat Important departments. f~ver. they. ate so .mlnute as' to be In· Inches by 6% Inches. . . The Me.nlng · of Prayer. whlie ·.there are hundreds at tweed Nowa4a.Ys, when: th.e ·study 'of" a (Us. vlllible, even under a ; hlgh·power mtThe slgnlflcance ot,theae five leaves, . What la prayer? !fa conn.~ct every And leather hats In all colors which the ·genulneness of which c8rln6t be tbougbt with the tJiou!ht of God. To will be trimmed with leather ,.scarves ease ' I, . begun, ausPIc,; lon8.' ~e alwaYs croacope.. ' , . , .' \ . entertaJned agaln.t ~ne or 'more aDi;' . ..\Ii tor d~n~e, . to ftn~ some ,:"a),,' doubted, t'a· that ec~ollU'8 ·are here Clan. look on eVtll"f.tbli;g a8 ' his 'wo k · d In the eame or a ·. contrastlng sbad.. Dials, ·as POIIsibly accopn~ble for the u~ com~attlng It ·W 8I of apeclat 1m. troJ1ted ~:wlth !L n~mber, ot CQnsecu.Uve hili a', . To s~llml/ ev~~y . and ' leather or !weed· bIIckles. . trouble direcUy or tndlrectlY-'-'juat 88, Mrtance tto!l1 ·the viewpoint ot the \ plUl"~" . hl a langUage to which no thoug)1t. • .Isb and resolve to him. To 't or exa~ple, the A~rlca~ c~lIe 'Ie ,war. depa~~t; beea~e It walt ot ~lew tina yet.lieen found, and whlcb feel hl"s presence so that It shliU ·reGingham Gown •. A shape "Whlcli will be much cl\arged with ma1Dtatnl~ 1ft Ita blOod very troubleloine In the Phlllppinea, hitherto only trilgments have been strain us even In our wildest' joy. · Glnghams' with grounds of 'gray or this Call. 'this hat Is made of "~a\l tJie . ·paraslte "ale~pln • . Iiolme..," brealdllg ,out ID "e:lp.o81~e epidemics,'; rescued from the aands ' of central That 18 prayer." Prayer Is t]{at com· uf th~ "blo!1d" sbades seen In cloths de sole," '\nth 'soft feather.1I in shad_ /"hlcb the dreaded 'meble fI, (after a~4' entire oompanlel AIIIa. , . .,. munlon of tbe mind with God tbroul~ lend themselves parUcularlf well to of old rose., I~ng· tl!e aa~rlan,. a.: la, all~) ~D' for ftghtlD, purpo.el 1rlt:h a almul· It la poallble that by ' ~eans of thele ,."bIOb our wL~ becomes .a t last merged . (,Ombtnatlon "Ith bright plaids, and ...,. to bu~ belDP. BlmUarl,.. JD tueo\lIjn... · DiOlt dIatredfDS. The 8ve la. .el lID ,tmpor~ Uterar)'. Ian· Into hla :will. The hJghelt lIr:&yer or eome cJuu'mlng trocks or theae tc.nes New aUk oW own country,' th~ maUluDt .~e- DWlIler or Ipread " . . auell lUI obo pace ot wOOle exlsteDce tbe world t'OmDlunlOD with God I. a Ule of love, {lfe 31ade up ·wlth flowered; striped, or Th~re la a Dew allk Itbvty Ihow• • , wblob dicta bWulriida of ~ou- YlOUJl7 to aqpst all buleet aaenc7. &ad no liuaplelOD mAT be relCued from -Fred~lek W. RobertsOD. D.D. . "laid materlal_, piped with brtlllant proof wea"e ~or dreaes and coat., Il0<<l. or ;eoplelD tb* , ~1db. baa bee. aad oalez tatlpu. al1tan mOlt pleD- obUvloD. The pqln, OD tile reftiM · . ~ue. red, or 8I'88D, to whlcb .ar' aclded which la 1'81'1' .emecthe. Thta IIlIe. abilolu"tety .phn'ed. to ~ . 4Ue to .. ~ tiNt "bare Ul4 1thlD 4equ8 .,. 01 each leal ahft. \bat aa~ ODCt · He bullda th, houie ....0 Ian .... IIUeb • • belt or Itttr bleb.. Wiele, Sa in the TJ1'bul 0111:_.... ~ • Jut of. All . . . . ." 'IfWIrot Vlpt t1ae·ant ~ iAtUe bow or the _ . brUlIaat toll.. a4 .. au,. up dtl'abttu'IJ boo. . . .•• . . ...". UarouP· .....a. ... ~ II1IQeCte4.








D" .


............ 7......


..... for



" " " " "",-.~- , Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin CLiUlPbe'l~ '.' . ent rtuined tOl' rlinner Fridrt.y ~r : . , and MrB. Adam Oampbell und two '

Mill 'Length 'S ale

This week we win put on sale 100 dress pat,ter.ns of 10 yds. each, no two alike, . direct from .New York, consisting of Cali~oes, Gi~hams, Dr~~s and Outing Flannels, Mercerized .Fabrlcs, and Plain and · Fancy Dress Goods from SOc to $5.00 per 1!l y~. price. This is a chance to buy a ~ress that WIll be exclusive. · Reolember, no two alIke.

$ $


We still have a large assortment of Mill L eng th s an d R emnants at Bargain Prices. You can save money on



Good 'Things to Eat W now have New Evap Apricots, 1 eaches , Raisins, Onions, Jersey Sweet Pbtatoes. Cabbage, Mangoes, Celery, Cranber ries,Apples,Oranges, Banana' , Keifer Pears just right for canning . ir sh Virg inia Sweet Pohtoes 25c a < . peck.

$ $ . $

thes.e. They ru n from .1 yd. to 10 yds. each. Come in and :take a look.


S -e C la · I $ P . ~



. $' ~b~r~.'; '




Our Fall and winter line of Sho and Rubberfl just in, Corne in and see befor YOIl I. Weave h tl1e H alII I' It onuuy . Brown Household Shoe for ladies and chi ldren , the b at h . th ' k t f th S oe 111 e mar e or e rnon('y.





Has to Offer:

$ $

$ $

New Cannt'd Peaches

Indiana Watermelons, Fresh Oregon Prunes, Genuine Colorado' Rocky Fords, Yellow Smock Peaches, California Tokay Orapes.

Fancy Lemon Clings, a doz..$2.40 Fancy Crawford Peaches, per doz.. ... ... .. ..•. .. .. .... 2.25 Canned Pie Peaches. doz .. .. · 1.00 Canned Green Gaie Plums per dozen... ...... .. ....... .. 1.15

A specialty. per lb...... .......


Bauman's Bread Is good Bread. Save the Tags. 75 Tags entitles you to a fine Steel Bread Knife. 100 Tags entitles you to a Silver Teaspoon. 200 Tags ent itle8 you to a Silver Dessert Tablespoon. 176 Tags entitles 'you to a Silver Sugar Shell. 225 Tags entitles you to a Silver Butter Knife.


~ da~ ~

'.~" ~~n~o6~~~~~:::~~ld

""' . ...... '. , . .~""'''''''''''''. . .'''''~. . .' ' ' ' ' '. ' _____

Coffees Battle.hip; Old Reliable, Bours' Royal Garden, from 100 to SSc per pound.

• ....... ~ • • cl'<w . . . . . . . . . . . ...,..

D . Clagett and' fronk Bhidaker .....: . IIott!.l nded the hor~e Mia at Wilming_


Try Uncle Sam's Breakfast FIJod



3 bars White Lace Soap. can ' t tell it from Ivory ... 3 bars 10e Lenox Soap ... ...... ...... .. ................ ... ......... .. .... .. 3 bar lOc Soda 'Crystal Soap ........... .. ............ ... .. ..... .... .. .... 3 barIY 10e

Cereals of All Kinds

Jersey Sweet Pota a bu ...... $1.00 Apples, per bbl ....... .......... 3.75 Apples, per bu ...... ......... .. ' 1.25 Oranges, a doz ............... :.. 40e Lemons, per doz.. .... .. ....... 30c

$ $

..... .......... ....,.

New Goods



Bring us your produce. 24 ' f E We pay c or ggs

-lboll. J_ Kl Walter


and Read!

W~loh a~d· ~rs·.

W, E B. . Dll'k in were guests of' Dr. and Mrs. Withflm, bf Kings .MiliR Tb nrslluy, Mr: and Mrs, ' Ed Lnken!! WIn move intQ their n ew home In very near ·future. . David 'omptonwho has been i~ the emp]~y of John 8liker, the old, r eliable restllurant mao of Wilmingt n, hilS resigned his place and aooepted 00 with Ohll.rleS Foley on th farm. Mr. Oompton was 4nxiou£I to t ry farmiD~ 8S he hBs been ololle. Jy 0 ntined ,tdr !!IOUle i lme Wilber Ertel is hauling gravol to u {l in a. IlIrge job of conorete. Mr . E. B. Doster is ontertoining hi Ulothal' anu Sister, of Greenfieldl for ~ few weeks. MCl!sers BI~rry E. Wilson and EOrn!3Bt Ulark, of D~ytoo, olAlled on friet;lds in our viJluie Snnday. Olyde Levioy and Milton Howe, of the firm of Levioy & Bowe dl'y good!! ruSfohants c f town were in tht! Qn en City two day s lost week Ulflk~ ln g purohuRtlS for their well equipp d stOI' . . Mrs . John Vandervoort assisted Qar brother Quinoy King in his ruilllotlry openinK whiob was a sno oess. Our tenoh~rtl attended' the County T h' tl g ~t d eMuo ~~ s mBee n , nr . BY. r . \JIUy arner S bouse Is being enolosed very rapidly. When oom. pleted it will be one of tho most ' m otler~ homeR in this violnity, be. ing lighted witb aoetylene arid heated by furua.oe and has 't\ ~ Fred Dakin tran~oted buslne '8 in ~ Gor':leyville and Wilmington Batrir-

'We pay the 'Hlghest ~arket Price for But~er and Eggs. Try

some horses ~ Mrs." Mluia l:i~inbs entertaiped oompa.ny from Waynesville Friday. , Kaylor & SILvers getting their





!oeWIllium from Lebanon. floe , .A. a~ineBIt10'i,s_t very his fll.mily . driving horse Friday after Il. spell 'of ~loknes8. ' Harveysburg. • Sovera} 1l:1ember~ of ' ~h~.' B&~tf8t' , ~Q~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I1!!!!!! Valley. ohur04 met at Mrs. W . A. Haines . EdgewoOd Miss Mll.dge North, of CoJuQlbus Mr. Truman Gillapi il:l lD1loh im. Friday and made t\rraDgemen't s 't or 18 the guest of Aroh Copsey and f,m- pro't'ed at t~is wri'ting. , their missionll.ry q\lht. . Mrs. Jane Dyke, of Lytle; h ... been Ye Uy. Quinoy IU'og's millinery .openlng Dr. and' Mrl!. Wa,d entertained at very ill tbe past week , ~ith B very Has o,veJ;led~ an office In ' Mrs. Rob. ~anlogton Is'very siok. wall more than B suooess, many the,ir b~autiful home, ' :O.resoeniVll.l sore throllt. tihe ht moob bester at Old.,......".e Wayn~lle. for practice. of our ,best dr68se , ,purohased the ley Farm') many of, their friends prnsen,t . . .",U' all~' ~WI'" ..l:'- l.--";';" of, ~, A_' And fa.mlly moved liltes t sty 1ed ba~t! the trlrnmin...Of w"s "rom W"ynesvtlle "'ridny C ....,;,. l'rea'~::' Uli theRev. firstHershey of the week. ~ , Ii L~ , .. . 8everl\l from . here a\tended theOncen..:: mestic animals. I am not 'done after PLuis·style. , . ' '. Mr. Albert Engles, of Chioago who Fall Fetlttval lilst week in Dayton. . . 80 comtpon as you might Mrs. PhiJip Hawke spdJlt Thur/:! · (lharles Madjlen one' of 'Our enter is porter on one of tbe traiti8 of the All report It flue.' In School Hall. Sept. , 29th in'la~ne. .1' hav~ been in . day wtth her's. pris\ng Inerohnnt8, is makmg a grel1t Big Four, bal been IIperidi~g hi 'Va-Mrs:' Callie Thaoker, MtN MDa practice for 20 years. rgenumbe'r ·trombereattend . im p rovementinhisstoreroom ,giY °wa~ionWfitbhlhs , mother, · Mrs. Peter ThaQker, Mrs. Agnes MoMiobael, d th, F 11 F tl II t k ing him more floor 8pace, whi ob he . Is.e, 0 ,nelU;' ere. M ' H K' 'b d d ' bt Calls· 'promptly attended to day"or night. ' , e ""Ie a .' el! vo us ~~. finds IilIIOOe881lry in displayiag his . Mrs'. · l:iad~ Reason .is spending RnrJ·Mr.o::deiir~~ a:~ . '. Phone No.'l13. Mrs. DBnFox,of.Dayton,o.ndMrs. goods. It will be newly ,' pupe~d afeW'dI1Yil ·witb>oherdaugh~r,' Mr~. daaghterM~ssEditb were Satnrday .... Eagle,',of 'Miamlsburg, are gaests tbroughout IIond new ligbts ' ,wiH be .EIste Hockett, of near WliynesvlJle, ,guests 9f friends In LeMooD. ' . ' ~_ . ~ of relatives here . , in£ltti11ed Ilnd wHh the Ilsfli8t~noe of We have been ble8s.. d· ~ith sever. " .. ---- - ~ .. -~ ..====--Aroh Copsey WIlS aX·e~lll. visitor, oareful olerke h E:! wlll be io a p.osi~iou al 'ni09 showers reoently and 'w oald Olyde W. ~eitz spen, S.! loday wUh Ada will be lnaerr.ed UDdet ·&Iltj Jle.illl f.o r !!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!! Fridayeveni,ng, to Jook after the wants of blS pat- Iim1 oould use more. ' . his mo'her of Edgewood. twenty,lIve cel\lL!ID:. " I , " la..,Uoa" ro~s better than ~ver befO!e . , . M;is/f.MILry Levloy fot' some time A,.spet ial traio pas&~ )lere last when uslne not more thaD 'G v.llan. , • . D~. J~ W. MILLER, ."8~::' :~za~:~.~:~:es~!i~~~:!~ rhe sale.of JOSIah Rogers 8&tnr-; bas ' been Ihe guest ot ber sister Fridll.Y beltrlng 9lifferd Barmon,the .. _ . - - - .... - . _ • ....".. -~ M day, afternoou was· well . at~nded, palsy .Einr~ook, O(DllytOQjBnJi fllmous aerona1lt:, llnd party to LebROOMS ' . .;" . D ' ENTIST "&inrday ,and ~unda.y with rEI, Bnd everything brought ItS value, returned home ' Friday niOfht very Il.noq, bill former ho~e, "here a ~ '. ". ••• . ..- , . Oollins, of near oa.lem. .. M R i h t thB k W A I t'> oeption was given him. About two .. OtDce In . Mr, JBmes Dolaham, of · Dayton, M!~ri~::~e~l~r~s Bn~ B' ~ilson' th~ m~~h delighted wit~. ~e~ vbJlt. . bundred were p.r esen t. unfril'lliahe.d· roomll f"f . N"'~'BaDk B~, 1 Waynesville, O' lspent Bnnday with Ray Krag. . anotioner for the interest showD , ~r. Bnd MrA. LeWI& '~rioe ~nd son Lafayette Graham. ofRldgevlUe, ' Uabt ~oul8k_~hil'; .J . . Mr. Lee Hamer, of Dayton, spent hhn and his patrons. ' sP.ont '1:!Ilturday .and Sundll.Y WUh was t.nLe~~nnn last· Ra.tur~8Y. , A. ·B., Miami Om", I ., ,,' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!!!! . Sunday here. '. Mr, and Mrs, ' Amos Vandptilo: f~~ends . tn Wilmingtpn. Ber~ BBnta and family moved lnlo .... . , .' ... ~ The D, ofR. observed t'belr B~ni- Mr . and , Mrs W. A. Merritt of this Mr , John FelllyandElh'80g1esbee W. W. Orane's tenant hOQII8 one =::;:========:;:::=::;:==~: !I......-.!!1!1!!1!1~...~• • • •!II1I. versary last l.'hursd!ly nig~t with ,pJace and .Mr, and Mrs, Jaoob'R~eoo, ~,ttended to QUSID68S !It ,~he oounty day 'l ast week, .., & program an.\ refreshments. ,of Dayton, took theil' well filled bna. oapital .~tnrd~y. , .. Mfa. CIl\lie. 'rhaoker and Mra. Congr.essm~n Deliver, of W.llm,\nl!~ ' Hprll.oe KirbY,oarted on MI88 Emma 'kete BOd plooipked at Ft, An\,~~nt ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~ Wednesday .. ' , '" ton, pal!lIed through bere en~.o~te to Harlan Illst Friday. . ' , . . " ... , Several from .here . attend~!ltbe ,~ebltoon ~alqrday . .', " Mrli. W.L.K(rbyspentTbursd~y",,,,,,,, , Fall Felltival. at Dayton last ,' we~k, ThB oounoil and towQs~ip'.·trustee~ abd Friday in Day tOll. . 'ultaW::-W!-;l~-:r=· ,r,~;~. , (~steOPathlc ,Physician) '/ all speaklDg 1D wor4' of praiee 'Of 1t. ar~ p~~ting orullb,~!l . ~to,Qe ,on ,. the ' . ' -_. . mation Inqnire 'of Sd ' )'urnU /. . }{rs. W. W. Uurtis i& th?ught to "S' hIll, w~toh w.11l be f ~re&t 1m. . Oregonia. \w.ayne~vme. 01140 • .~ • , ' Tn OIlQT ••T · be i,mproving at .t his wri.ting. provemen t . I " , . '" r < T~esday ' and Frid~y ' . 'I'IJ'c P"D"CD M,r. ond Mis. La~renoe Vander. . Fra~k L ~ H ~r ris, (jne 'of OUl\ mer. " Mr. .,'red ,.G ove \lnd daog~ter, :' 1.1l&A, 1 'N , . AI"' J:.I\. voort and ,t)leir allougliter. ~ss N,eUie c~an ts ,Of a: long !4tllnding, i,s"oJosing .oor.>thy, of Bethel,·'. spe~~ . tbe pBst . Of Each Week . . ·IN T~. 'WORLD wUI spendth!3 winter in 'Coving~on! outhlsen~ire~toolc,!-,nd"' D tbe 'sprinrt 'week with re,,,tlyet! here. r~wlIED Y,t'EEKLY. ' $f.~ nIt YEAR ~y. .', ,'. wllj nl0ve,·to ,his fRr~ 1 " , . . " . Mr ':· ~nd· Mrs. 'YUI NortOn and Miss -~. ,;;:..----"~"!'-....~......;...;... Office at the Gustin H~use HOTEL8~ DitUCCII8TS, · ¥r:' lI.~d . Fo:rnsh~ll . ·rs. 'Alioe UoJlett, witp, her ·two ·Lucille. ·spen.t , t1u~~ay in .Lebanoo. A ~ . OO\)D farm on dunaal."; , C08T.U M EIl8.. TItAN . . . . ., · OA..- move~ to D~yton last wee~ Ilnd "':111 ohildren vtsi~ed ber sisters, .Mel·· ¥rs. NtJrtol1 'remalned .for a V\8tt. qblre.' thta. o~ '. AND BUa SERVle • .. J)AN PIlOF'IT make It tbelr future home. . dames ,·,sllr.r,is and Cleaver Friday. James Mason, of ·Ojlyton, 8pent " ". ,', Hours of Appointment, 8 a. m. BY ~8SINACMITp8L·~VCEOIlTp'.Y'~OF:OELEuMN8. 'Our tru8tees Ilre putting o1lrpub. The , ,Zion Buptlst 'ohuroh gave ~nnday witb' bome folks here, ' .. . . to 12 m. 1jO ' • ~ lio rORds, in aae throughou r.. Ii. so'oi~l in 'I'owu·Ball ButaraBY nlgM Mrll. George Saoker had ber sls'er : Add,.. . !!~ !O~K 'CLIPPER, tbe town8~ip . . it WIIS well uttended ' Ilnd th~' pro 118 her guest 8undBy, " . , ~ , N_w Y~rk. N •.Y. Mr. Arthur Frenoh, of Lebanon, caeds were very satisfaotory: • . Charlie Gn~ Bnd wife, of Cedar • , . • '.:..r, '. !!!!!!!!!"!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!"!!!~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!"!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!"!!!! oalle4 'o n friends here 'l'uesdo.:r . Mr. Bl\rry 8bidBker will, tn the Rapiu-, Iowa. visitedberel!ls.', week. PU:lB-China lIa1e Pip for _ale Mrs. W . H. 'A ntram Is tbe gues~ nel~r futul1e, Qlov~to town Ilnd' go Prof. D. W. WilI1IlID& and Mis& , , Inquire of John wnl. B pf ber sister, Mre : ,!I'. C . MUls, 0(' into the grooery bQsine/is with Chas: ~na 8peooer att.e~ded the Warren ' 2, Wa,neevlUei Obio~ . ' .' , , East Malo street. MlI.d'den. ' Uounty ' Teaohers AssOQiation at · , ' . ·Mr. and Mrs. Ed M,o Farlatld ~al1ed ' Mr, .Frank Shidake .. . will make Lebanon Sll.turday. .... , . '" " ' _ ',.' '\ <~," .on friends here Tuesday evealng a. pUQho sale IlS he ' has rented his; Prll.yer meetings will ~ held at SOW8 4Np 1'1G~.luqatH pf .J~ ' f" 1b h flum . . ' the U. B. ohur~h every 'Ibawsday len &natiok 8 · 0 " 6 . S.everaI 0 our 11 .orere 8VEl em.. . . evan ing. ,.11Ie Ohio . .. ' / ' .:, ' . " ployment ~tb ,Freno~ Bros. tilling Mrs Ib~ie Collett who .has been , . • .' ",,)'" tlUOS whioh t4kes them abo,ut .t,bree B resident of ~enifl., forti. yell.r .wiH OR8~"B ' ., \ ' ~. , . weeks. . , I. tntlV6 baok 'ao(l take up her home I1S ' --- 'i ~~ for . ~ . ,Il~!r . ' . '. · In na fe. . Inqmn or" " D., The 'obacoo outting In this ',oom_• 'o f 0 ld. · , , " Uha '01.' IDa " ,. • ',. . m 'nity 1'3 in good . -Shape 'for .tbe PliOl Re.Bson, of the N . C_,R./ of p , a, ,!a1n~v~1~. O~~~ ... , (r6st. '. ' " Dayton. ol\l1ed.on his father SuodIlY.. 'r.OR ·8A~DI8b_ " klll_ aDa Once more you can get Sealshipt Oysters' with their de1i. From tlle 'lp~earanoe of the;. inu- . (Joorg~ Ogl~sbee, 01'18 of our prop. C ', fo~b ~lc)bglPI O~ :SciIl~1 cacy of; flavor a~d plump app~tizing quality. , terial being deh;vered Mr . and ~rs . perolls farmors spent two days B.t· A88ootation, ' IDq'lite of' JllilDaQnil . We .arereglstered Sealshlpt Agents for Sealshipt Oysters In Corwm and WaynesVille. E. B. Dakin wiil' f\o(m be PORS68silrs .l ost w£eJt ,and attended ·tlie &taUok Qr 'bali ,be Ittt~.' the -.OQae ofa new home. . ' " lj'tL11 Festival ; Fr h' B It" 0 t' "eatalilen.iU: , I . ' . , " 'r. ~e haye SeaJshipt Oysters In the Sealshipticase and deliver them In the Sealshipt Paper Pail. \ R . C: Garner who for som'a ,. time Mr. aud MI S• • "cium Stoops, of ~S .. a lDlore ys ~rs , . , , ',' .' , . . . ,. in the ' employ ~ ~ Qny BarDfir ~s Waynesvil~e, we~e ' gaests. 0, Mr. '. Packed In sanitary Tins, fIOlld ' Oysters. S'l'Q:VIi:~Tb.!ee. K~ ~ ~dng . painter is speIJding tIle week-Bnd in 8toops ' brottier, ~~mu~J, ~qr\ dip'ner ' ·i~: 8~~l~·:;~Yt~~t them 'bat bave ' .~ovee ,ln" ,oqd . ~"~ttqai,~ ~1J1- .· Dll.ytoDmeetiog .old aoqbaiQtano~s , BnndlloY. Fo~ many year8 Mr' " d .. . ' qnire of Q .. W.·M.a, W.1.Q.,,1'IIle. ,. . . .. Bt s " t b t k Fancy Kalamazoo \)elery , . , " .,.,. W.yv. We11h tran~l'oted bU8ln Q SS OOp wo,s one 0 our ,es nown . l<'ancy. Oranbel'l1eB' . ...........-.. ' ~ \ in OinoinDll.ti ·r~nrsday . , .' buslll~S8 men. . ,. Ed~on~ B~tter ~rackera· . . "," i';. ,i I)' ., ',- , Mrs. Wqodrow Bogan died~~nday · New Peachei -A1l~ICOt. ,,pr1nee H '. HELP' W4JIn'ID ' , .' , 1THE CREAIrf OF THE OYSTER BEDS , ,j , ::: t1~pte~lb~r 2() ~eavi~g ayoung'Mby, . RaleInB, .MI'oceMea&:Apple iiut~!Y' "'r' ""'r'"" •• : .





J ..;. <.-'to:::










, ___







,'JEW lOBI'Oup ' PER





I '.







W.,. . .,:









. Sealshipt Oysters are packed ' J uat W:J .v~lU get. them:;-fresh . and dehOlous. Wl th the tang,. .·a~d zest of the sea,· . ' . They . are the only Oysters '· that come to you as fresh and appetiz~. 'as t he . moment they lett the shell.

Ip E"H"I 'M'" ~'"M IA ·'M:i~~:eyLE'o~~::v::S~iii:eDor~~I'ltetda.




MaKe Sealshipt Oysters a .. daily d~. :· .Serve ' them in ; . c,ountless different wavs. · . ,_ ' " , . " , Nothin~ 80 ~tj8.fyilig. They . .a,r e also ecQnomical-there is . . '. ho...,Waste~ . ", ' . ~egin NQW. W~ get them from the copst' d,"ly. ,


\ -;,'


, :.

.. ,


. ·tt-nes Excursions ", ., : . ','

: 'm' b"us'J $1 •-25 Colu



• ,


S~nd",y. ,


fllle~ th~ : pulp~t'at

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, Our phya!cian8 are very b08Y and th~y ateseoo~d to.. nonein-t~ejr pro fesiion " Pr8sid~t I:3ro~n, of the ·WU~tng.





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He. 'he .hAblt ;.0 $0

111M''fRIA':N'S '

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. , .... " . ., NEX'T ' S U N DAY~ George H. Bankfl,of n.'l' Oakland, t-I- 1..- ".'_.,..-..n&. 8-48 attended oh1ll'OJ1 an4 ~U84 'on ~~~~~~~~--~~~~I!IfI!I!II~~~~~~-'" ...... _ves ~...,~.~ • a.m. fi'tend8h~"Sab4ay.

. ,.







. '. " . ' ..

A,N'YONB, an),wla.., . . -.n A .• · m.Ucml... b1IIta.... ...... No OUl~.I.I' Be ~:.. ..... fol' free 'bookllt. __ .... :~AqelOrJ..oelpa[l't' .• ,.f,



Bo. n, Thursday, September 29th. t >..Jarnes Beirne and wife. nee Win

nie$bielda, of ~rice Hili, Cincinnati,

The Pence building is being treated to a new coat of paint.

Mrs. Frank Kelsey, of Ocumulgee. Okla., is the guest of Mr. Kelsey'. father, Mr. C. E. Kelsey, of Five

....;.--~-.,.-~-~.;,.--;...-.;.~~-----..;.. . ,...j--~-~-~--~":-~~~~~__~. . ~--~~~~~~~=~=::~ . '1

Someone Might Get Hurt. Pietro bad drifted to Florilla aDd q . working with a Ill.!l g at J'al.lldr~4 CO'lstrucllon; He bad been to 0 be'Yare ot I;'attiesnaltes, but aBsu~:: that they would alwaYIl gi ve . w.arJllng rattle berore striklog. One bot day be ,wa9 eo.U ng bis noon lunobeon on a pIne log wben he sa~ a big rattler coiled n tew teet In tront of blm. He eyed the serpent and be· gan to sbltt his legs over tbe log. He had barely got tbem out of tbe wa'y When the snake's taugs hit the bark beneath blm. "Son o.t a gun a! " yelled PIetro. " Why you ,no rloga da beU?"-JUvery, body's Magazine. 'Some. men need to be called down about twice a day.

sbe stood SQuul'elY In the and it was Im possible to one's dignity Ilnd PM S ber. "Miss ' ArmAtrong Is. vel'Y J1I Ilnd un· abha to see 'a nyone," she said. 1 did Trlbut. to Hold-Up ArtIst. not believe h·er. "Tbe traIn doesn't stop at Orlmsop " And Mrs, Armstrong-Is sh~ also Gulob an.y more." 111 ?" "No" replJed Tbree-Flnger Sam, ~'r.~ afraid the town doesn·t get "Sbe is with 1\1iss Louise Ilnd canmuch (eapect from the railroad," not be disturbed," "Respeot! Why tbnt rallrood I, "TeU lI er It Is Miss Innes, und that It Is a matter I)f the grea test Impor- clean terrlfted. ETer alnce the news got around tbat Stage Ooaob Ol1arley had seWed bere that train jest glvel one shriek and jumlls out of sl~bt."

)1I~ In~"!11

pi n [t'r nlltl guartl lan or ~t l'\ldlll Rn.1 H OlIK<'Y. eSIIlI,lIshl'd 8Umml'I' h dqu&rt .. I'S hI ~lInn~, .. h t.!, Tho Acrvanl 8 (\ ... " . , r t \til" find II a Is(»' arrlvo wh h ~a<'lc 8&11<&)' . Tile lIouau was· awnk,med b y • ~\'oh'tr all t Rnd rn ol" Armstron)! !'U tound ~hN to Math In lht' hall. Mia" . lnn found H Is y'" r~" o l\' c r on th(' &awo. He and JIl'k Bll llcy had dlaap· p. ared, Gerlrude rovealetl lhat ahe wile e nl'a.ed t o Jack B tle y , wll h whom sho talked In the hlllll\('(\ room sho rtly beroro the nturc2er. DOlll'. live Jami eson accused )dlas I~I of holding b ack evld ' nce. H. Imprison d an Intrude r In nn mplY room. 'rhe priso n escaped. 0 01'\ rude 8USpected bl'('allse or an Inj ured to t. Hal..y reappears and aays ho a lilt Da ll('y ,.,ero called o.wny by II. te l e~ ram . ashier au oy o! P au l Armstrong's bllnlt. doun ot WIllJ arrested tor emb ~z l p me n L au l 'ArmlllrOng'S dea t h WII S annou nced, al ~eY'8 I\lIn cee Loula.. Armstro ng, told a lsey that Whi le sho sti li loved him, IIhe !,IUI to marry un oth er . It developed that Dr W a lker was lhe man. Louise was lound at t h bottom ot the clrcu ln,r etalreu!!. R eco \'orlng cons l ou~nl's8 , sho ~ru d eome lhlng ha d brush a by her on t he . fAlrway und she t ul nled . Bllll ey Is 8U8• eeled ot Armstro ng 's m UI·der . Arter Yi. .sln• a g lwllt," Thomas, I ho lodg('keeper W ill found dead with a slip In hI. pock et bellrlng Ule nnme ot "Lu len W allace " Dr W alkor asked lIfl1!8 lnnoa to .~ate In 'f avor ot Mrs. Armstro ng. She "fused. A note from Bailey to Ger trude arra nglnlr a mesUntr at nIgh t wat t ound. A , lndCle r out of plnce d epentl t h myst e r y. The s tablas we re burned. Duri ng ttl e ~Jtement 11 mll n stole Inte th e houlle. A "earch (ruled te reveal hIm . Mll1s I nnes .hot a n In truder . A m Bn limping WIUI . een on tho ron d. Ralsey myal n ous ly dllnPpear ed, LouIse scenting da.nger beCore hIs n blenSII was no ted.




Wh.n Rubb .... Become N.c.... ry And your shoel pInch, s hll1l:e lI\to your .hoe. Allen's Foot-Eale, th.. antlsep.tlo powder for the teet. Curee tired, a elHn. feet and take. the eUng out of Cqrnl anfd Bunion.. .Always u. e It tor Breulng n New .hoe. and tor danaln. parUe.. Bold 4veryWbere lie. Sample maJled F R E ID. Add',,"., Allen 8, OlllUlt.ed, La .RoT, N , T.





................ .,.................. u ·






"Mlsl Armstrong I. Very III a.nd .. U~able to , a••,Any One?,I. ' . ,_ persisted. "And YOIJ were as sure but they could make Qut' two flgUrel, then." ' -'-" . . ltandlng ' togetb~. . The "women were ,'''He did Dot leave the Dragon ~Y ourlous. and, leaTlils the fe~ee. tbey jaJDmed Into the side of a frelgbt car want bac~ a pd b1 a 'ro\l~~bQut path betore," 'down to the; t Olld. , ~eD, t4e r ' I~t "No but he left it for repalre III there tbe car was ·stUt . '.the 'a bla~ksmitb Ilhop. "a , long distance headllgh~ broke~ ,aild:: from here, .' Do you know If bo hac!' cruahed, llnt t~~r~ .,.-.. .no)~ ' .f._ leon." ' ., ",en. ' ,'aw~ any y wayY Qne ,"wh 0 D1I I 'ht . The d'•e'-c'tl,e ' .{tnmedlwish enemle,? him out of...... the .... '"

thInk'we nt at it by eUm-. Inatlon. The' chancea are against CHAPT!i\R XXVI. fllgbt. U J}e was burt, we ~n4 no ................" of him. It looks almost Uke an HaIIlY'" DluppearanC?e. h""l'ttltfn ' Tliis yoling Dr. Walker Mr., Jamieson oame back about ~have you any Idea"tby Mr. Innea eigbt o'clock the next morning; ' .he should have gone tbere last .nlght?" 'was covered with mud. and hiS ~at "I cannot ~derstand · it," ., Was gone. Altogether we ·were a sad- 'aald tboughtfully, "I don't think lie looking trio that gathered around a knew. Dr. :Walker lit aU, and-their rebrenl(fast tbqt no ~)D e could eat: Over latlona coUld hardly bM" belln cor~lal, a cup of black coffee the ,detective uneler the clrcu1pstapoes." , . ,.' t old us what he bad -learned , of .HalJamieson, prIcked up his earll, .ey's ) nov!!ments the nlgbt .before. Up little by little be drew froJIl us ' t)1o to a cel'tain pOint tbe. car had made it story of ~allley's love afeasy enough to follow him: Anjl I unror~uD~te tal.-, and tbe fact that, Louise wa. CO:. ,a t her~dthat Mr. Burll!" the otber de'Ing 'to marr~ Dr, Walker: .' ' . . tective, had followed a simUar CIll' Mr. Jamieson listened attentively., fol' mHos. da'Y ~' only to find It was ' ''There are some ,interesting de"el· .. touring car on an 'e nduranoe run. opments .here," be .sald thoughtfully. "He lefi here about, ten Winutes aft, "The woman,: Wbo claims to b~ ..r eight," 'Mr, Jam~esori said, "He mother ot Lucien Williace baa not 'Went alone ; at 8:20 he stoJ,lped at ·Dr.. come baok. Your nephew has .apJ)ar~ . Walker·s. 1, went to the doc lor's enUy ).leen spirIted away. There 1.8 an' 'about inldnlght, but be bad been organized' attempt being' made to en· called out on a ' Cllse, and. bad not 'ter this bouae; In fact, it bae been (lome back at four o'clock. ' From tbe entered, Wi'tness ·the .Incident with, doctor's It s eems Mr . .Innes walked tbs' cook Yesterday. And' I bave' u across the laWn to the cottage "Mrs. new piece o~ lilforma~on." He 'Jooked Armstrong and ller daugbter ' have carefully away from Qerttude. "Mr. taken. Mrs. Armstrong bad ro'tlred, John Bailey Js' not at .hls KnIckerand he said perhaps a dozen words to bocker apartments, and I do~'t know Miss Louise. She will not say what where ho ill. It.'a a hash, that~s what they were, but the girl evidently SIIS' It la. It's a Cblnese ' puz2le. '.('hey pects what bas occurred. That Is. she won't fit together, 'unless-unless Mr. auspects foul play, but she doesn't Bailey and YOUr nepbew hage agaln-" know of what nature, Tllen, IlPP!lrAnd once again Gertrud• . surprl!led ently. be started directly. for tbe station: Alool somewbere In the dark me, "Th8¥ are not 'lo,der," ,sbe Itretcb b.etw~en Carol street and t1).e said hotly. "I-know where Mr. Bailey depot he c1(ldeI:ttly s",el'Ved suddenly is and my brother Is npt ';"lth him... ~..Mlss GertrUde." be·sald, ''If you and - perha plj IODle one in the road--1lnd went full l1\to the ' side of a trel,bt. Miss Loulse wouid only tell me everything you know and surmise about We fOllnd It there last night." I sbould be abl~ tp do a "Be mJgbt have been thrown under Uils business, many 'tblnls. I believe l could the train by the force of the shock," 'great find your brother, and I mlgbt be able I said . tremulously. to:.....well. to do. Borne other things." Gertrude shuddered. But Gertrude's &lanoe did not talter, "W. examined ever1 Inch of traok. . "Nothing that I know c'ould 'belp "I'bere was- no sign." you to tind Halsey," Elhe sald. atub~orn­ "But surcly- he can't be-gone!" 1 ly. "{. know absolutely as UtUe of his :cried. "Aren't there traoes In the dlsapvearance as you do, and .I can .mud- anything?" only say tbls: I , do, not tntl1t Dr. "There Is no mud-only dust. Tbere Walker . . 1 think . he hated Halsey; bas been n'o rain . And the foo tpath and be woula get rid . ot .hlm If he ther6 Is of clnd e r~ : Miss Inues, 1 am could." Inclll:led to think that he has met. wltb "~erh aps you are right. In tact, I bad treatment, in tit e light of wJ1a~ bad. some such tbeo\'y JDyseU;: But Dr. has gone before. I do not think he Walker'''~ent ,out lat~ l!lst' ~Ig~~ to • bfls been murdered." 1 shrank· trom seriops case. 1ft Summitville, ~nd the \vord. "Bunts Is back in·tbe coun- ~Ull there. 'Bul'ns traced , ~Itn tI·y. o~ a cl w we got from the D:lgb\ We bave made .gUarded ·lngtJ.lry at clerk B't the dl'ug ."lore . . There will be' Greenwood club ' imd througb ,Hie two more men b'ere by noon,' and tb~ -There Is ab/iolutely nothing ,ctt, office Is 'on the 10ok()1)t. ~ .. IN't this : On tb~ eDilba:nJaIl811t . "The 'CreeR?" Gerlrude asked. the i'allro~d, 'at' ~be ' point "The creck Is' shaUo.w now. U , It W e I' swollen wlth;" raln it · ,vould ba dJ!f«ltent. !There 18 bardll' any wat~ r , ._ j n ow ~ ID111es-A--be-tt.\ttd-;-h1llT turning to me, ','1 must ask q ues&ns. Had, Mr. misey . I.\llT· '(lOa. .. \)~e re~ibll tor going away like tbls, , W1thOut arlllng!" . '. . . '"'NoD. wbate,er." .


...... " · awv· CiDce


........ a..... AM..... T................ " HJt;.800EB :ANI) ADVIOJI nq f t IUII4 MW'IDe __~<:o.Qa~a.1N.l

atatlon. No, Mr. Innes -was not tl)ere "Not that J know of, unleas-no, I ateJy. gnd to GerthJ~e " 1Il4 me was but we shall probablY find him, Send oannot thJDk of any." , : ,.. left ' he. woman'J!I ''part; to w..tch and Wanier ~or the Clll'.:.' , "Was ' be ~n the 'habIt ot · ~a~Yibg ''walt: By luncbeon PQthblg had But , they 'dld not ,.~nd blm, At 'money'" ' \ , fOllDd,' an4 I ~~'" frf.Qt{o, J '"en\ tour o'clock the next morning we wete, ';He never carried it far. 'No; he stalra , to .Ha1jeJ'.~lI1 ~nall~ .tram h .un waltlns for news, wbUe Al,ex never bad more than enougb ,for cur- sheer"lnaljlUty tq fI~t ~ctol'a ,trom Gel'> watched tlie house and Sam the rent' expenaes," . .t~llde ~nr IO~nger and ~,.t her terrorJamieson, got up ,then and be-' IDled eye•. :... ' '. f ' • grOunds. At darUrbt ' J dropped IJ;lto exbausted .leep. Halsey bad not. colJlin:~e*~M~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~ bae~" and thlel'e w.s no word. frlom tl to .


t:.e:,IS,,~Jr:::~-==:l:I~ __::ll:: lIurfneDOean'tSmart-&otbelJDpPalta

"He's lll dear to me a8 he is to YOU," .be said sadly, "I tried to warn him." "Noll5ensel" I said as briskly as I . .ould. " We makIng a lot of trouble out of something perhaps very email, Halsey was probably lute-he -


Saving Money at Hom.. There'. ,lots ot wastefulIleaa .. soap. People usuaUy arauet. ~at · .• cake ot soap costs tlve centa and that·. aU there Is to It. But it J.n~t. "lIIiuIr,. Task Soap," for example, 40e. tw~o. ~ the work ot cheap. common : ro. . ' soaps, and . costa the same. It doe. thework Quicker, better and ·1D)lch .. mo~ easily, Its savlng'QuaUUtfs only.' bep with Its price; It saves clot'lt.e l,. fu~­ and health, Don't use uncertain , ~~ Get Easy Task at rour Il'Ocer,~ . t The 1sar~ write their 'recor4J:, ~ men'a hearts 'as ~y 'do '011 trees..,.. Inner clroles ot growth Tt'bl~ no 87. OaD .ee.-~e Holm. ' . ' ,1 ' . ' ...... We are butldera C)t our own charlOt_ ter•.-J. F. W. Ware. .;

Crue'. 'Mra: Benham-Every time 1 sing t<! th8 baby .he crlel. , Benham-He seta hJe .ablUty al a ~~~~~~~~==~=~==~ musical ,criUo from my side of the houae, " , f ..... W .... WIlV.w..:~~ Jtn. ~.1IootIaIaC II~ .GRA.NtiLAT8D£YEIme'


fs always late.coming Any moment we may t he oar up the road." bear But It did not come, After a baltbour of suspense, Louise went out quietly, ond' did not c01!lo back. I hardly knew ahe was cone unUl I beard the station back moving off. At 11 o'clock the telephone. rang. It 1\'as Mi:. JamIelllOil. ' "I· ha~e round tbe Dragol1 Fly; Miss 'I b l lid d Ith he~ said. ' t as 00 'e wthe •Innes:' fr etght on the siding a~ove

Ih. TCMlk No C"-rii-.

A bappUr-wedcJe4 matron .. the priDcJ~1 ot III bcl4 Inct4eD~ "llIola ~n~ of her .. 4.....• fr1end~ 1'eJ~ Before the matron'. epppmea to. ber presont huabaM wa. ~d~c,e~ 8M met ber "4eari! t~lend on ,th. "lreet. Tbenew matron ~~ bUl'1'-1iQ toward.' onq ot the larg~ jswelr7stor... ot the city. : . .. "Jobn g~ve me an engagement 1'1,~', sbe explained,; wllhout a IhadQ'W o. embarrassment. "abl I ~ g¢lll dOWA to see 'bow much it cos,t. ~ou lee. I got the jeweler'a name oU he bo~Of and she hurrl'ed on, .. . , The lame friend anld . tbflt aJl,o~.r bit ot informlltlon the .matl'oD ~t ~.. the commeratal standJn, ot the" p~ peoUve hu.oband, which , ahe .lecuNtI by paylog for a special 'r eport lren• ._, a commercial. agency.



A Handicapped ' OtTIcl,'. \ let some ot the swiftest ~ scorchers get by wltbout Il 'Word'" "I kno1)' Itt" replted the village. em. stable. "'My gla.s ses don·t suit .my eyea like they used io, and I ' can·t 40 ·aJlythlng wi t h an auto that aln't gola' slow enough fur me to read the nUID> ber." ' ~Tcju


Mea:nao{~"'tatDlnsr ('or HUlDau Use Natural Prod~cC. Wh_c:la . Wo~ tJther,wlse J)e Lost. ~o Us-Extremely , . . ' , tnatinsr-Pasc.tme.


. You 114)' elder bloom la lI.ckl!51i' 8weet1 I love .It-It minds me 110 or thJng8-thinp. maybe, I had better forget. It's ha~d iOVing and 101lng jUlt through pure pride. If I had lcI!oWD _-but at t'l\'entJ' you think enrythlnc ot your own way. John said 1 wall twenty only by the book- the big Bible, Yfhere all our ' ages were ser dOWll. He 'wo\lld have It, outside of that,. I was· just abo}!t lIeven. But he thought I was old ·enough to ftlalTY him. Somebody else thought so, too-AI· .len Waite. the squire's lame son. We had ·gone to Bobopl together, aU three-Jotin had always helped Allan on and orr his pony. aDd In class It bad often come my way to make things a little eusler for him . - A good . la~ ~e was. In spite of belug so sadly apolled. Jt. hurt bjs people terrible to bave their Op,ly ohlld a cripple. He bad been born straight and lusty all any110<'1)". Child- It was a fever tbat gave h1m the withered leg ' and twift~ foot. ~cept •for them. he was ftne an4' weU ' made, With a face like 1\ picture, But some way. wlien 1 looked Ilt him, John's face always camt between- a good ugly, honest face. wIth the ldndest br~wn eyes to lIgbt 't. . 1 loved John illl the ,,!\y up from spell'!!g ·. books-yet be never cared for me. exoept ' as a llttle , lonesome , ~l. ~tt1'.I wal rJsing "nJneteen. AU at once It came to him that he coUldn't live without me, Be told me 10 J'fght awaY-if joy flver killed I ehoulcln't be Uvlpg now. But here

wantec1 him to atay and talk over cases with him. Allen had read law, ' but . never meant to practise. being sensitive as to Ibowlpg himself. He bad I1sked me to marry hIm .the week atter John proposed. Partly from vanlt,., par~ly to maKe John prize me ~ore, I let him dangle on after me, tellin, .hlm to walt- I dldn't know. what I would say to hIm In the end. That wasn't a stQry-1 loved John so. J went In fear 'and trembling, It seemed to me beyond hope tbat I ever could be his wlfe"':'and U· I couldn't - well. certainly 1 couldn't Uve along with my stepmother. It ~B4' her house-tather had left me only bis bit ot money. She had said: . "You're welcome to stay unUl you marry." tully expeotIng tbe time to be short. . . That night ot the full moon the world was all !l1ver, the elder ftow· era more-- than IIIlver-pearl. Wild spice pinks In . the gar~en. Heaven grapes were Iii bloom. too ..... nd the spIce pinks In the garden. Heaven Itself cannot be.. sweeter than was the air. and t.he dew was So neavy. lt IIhowed I;D beads over . everything, a,nd plashed dowri bIg drol'S whim· ever the mocklng·blrds stirred. Three of them Bang at once. up and down the lane-they bad nests In the hedge.-ows and sang to their mates. Never was there such anotber nJght. Now I jove to think of It-tor yean the memory was like fire. Midway the lane we beafd somebody riding In the tar end of Uriding hl\rd, The'r e was a lIttle riBe betore the ·end. As we looked we saw Allan come I$purring over. It, bareheaded !lnd Itooplns In ' bls ~ddle. . He wall upon us all in a whirr" and saying fretfuny: "What are you doing ' here, L711. ette? Come buck with me to your . 'motherl" He laid It With autbc.rU:t:. John f1t,epll)ed before him, caught hll bridle rel~ and ..Id. betore I oou14 anlwet"

Nothing of the 80rt, "Uave you an y avuncular reI • Uons?'" "'Nary ·OM. Aln't no disease ot any kInd In our famlly."

- ~

<Bl' l!l, F , .PHlLLtP$. Ph. D.) Ilee keepIng for pleasu,re and proftt Is carried on by many thoussnds . or people I~ all paJ:(a .of the Untted States. As a rule, I It Ii ' not the sole oc!oupatton. Tbere are, however.

Smoker, many places where an experIenced bee keeper can make a good living by devotlnc his entire time and attention to tbla line ot work. It .hould be em· I

onlY the bright Iide ot the picture and 'Ieave It to the new b,ee keeper to~ dl. cover that there Is otten another side. When aoy financial proHt Is derl\'ed, bee keeping requires hard work and work at just the proper time. otherwise the surplus of honey mny be dl· mlnlshed or lost. Few !lnes ot work req\llres more study to Insure sue08.1. In years wben available nectar II limited, surplus boney Is secured only by judicious manipulations and It t. only through considerable experience ·and otten by expensive reverses that the bee keeper Is able to manipulate properly to save bls erop. Anyone Clin produce honey In seasons of plen· ty, but these do not come ever,.. year 10 most locations. and It takes a good bee keeper to make the most ot poor years. When, even with the best ' of manipulations. the crop Is a tallure through lack ot nectar, tbe bees must be ted to keep them from storvatlon. The average annual honey yield per colony tor the entire country, under 80 04 manng~ment, will probably be 26 to 30 pounds ot comb honey or 40 to 60 pounds ot t1xtracted honey. The

-Don't Persecute your ,Bowels ca!MnIao ud ~

Mr. cata· logue SOYI thet thet artist got . $6,000 fer paJntln' thet little picture . Mrs. Hayl'lck- My gosh. Hiraml I wonder what on earth he'd charge ter pain Un' a barn?





""":"'_11 Pill, Small Do .., Small Price

. Genuine IIIUIl"- Signature Because of Ita delicate, emollient. ~ -..,.Aeanatlve, antlseptio properties derived J<.~~~ from Cutlcura Ointment, united with .... ~.., the pureat of cleansing Ingredient. and most refreshing or flower odora, CuUcura Soap Is unrivaled for preservHAND-8EWItD lng, purUylng and beauWylng the . PROOES8 aldn. acalp. halr and hands, and, u- ....8 ".00, q.lIO. ".00, ta.60, g_ slsted by Cutlcura 0lntmen· for dl.. WOJDm'8SUo,ea,'3.II~.iM ... IOYS'.OO SUO &. ta.uu pelUng ItchIng Irritation and InTHE 8TANDARD ftammaUon and prev~ntlng clogging FOR SO YEAR8 of the pores, the cause of many dl.flg. . n.y 1ft abaolutely the uring facIal eruntlo ,,- 1D00tpoplllarandbe.tlhoee for tb. }Ideo m Atnerlea. .. ... All who d..... JJght In a clear skin, loft. whltehandl, S'h.eyaretheleadersenlY" a clean, wholesome scalp and l11'e, wh... becaulle they hold glol.y hair, will ftnd that Cutlcura ::h~~:~':t::! Soap and CuUcura OIntment realize lit tIwI other 1II&a.. every expectation. CuUoura Hemepoeltlwly dlel are -sold throughout the world. ~1~n::!,caJ ah"HfM Potter Drug &: Chem. Corp., lole pro- on the ~~~~~Ui~~I~~~~~~ prietora. Boston. Mass . Send to them ~:'f ~";'-",_ ,:,,~-.:;;-ror the latest Cutlcura Book. an au- "_ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thorlty on the best care of the lkin. lcalp. haIr and hands. It .. ma11e4



fta •

!'her ....

WIorms' ..

free on re::::t.lndependence. , . You will always Hnd thole who think iliey know what II your duty ~ .... ~11.b.. I .... a ........ better than you know It. It Is easy In aee when tlIe doctor wu - . tiIm ""'~ (If thealomac:h. The DDt ~ID. 1M ~ the world to live atter the world'e .our JlleceIoI a tape worm. Be then cot a ~.. opinion; It'ls easy In solitude to live aDd In three dayalle IIUKd • .... him: '. A Well.ArrangeCi Apiary. atter our own; but the great man III ..... It wu Mr. llatt P'reck.- of K Ilen~ "Lynette wJJ1 stay here all 10DS as pbas~ that It tl unwIse for the money return to lie obtained trom the he who, In the mIdst ot the crowd. 1lIIuphlD Coii!:; 'I am p,ulte a Wotiter dd:i Ibe l1ke.~wttb· the man sho fa ,01U .a ge individual to urlciertake eztellllive crop d.e pends entirely on the market keepe, wIth perfect sweetness, tho In· ror~~~lIt1~~~=I00t!. as- .. . I.ewlltaa.l"L. Co.\I mJ1tT1!~ . bee keellins without ' ,conSiderable and the ·methodqt selllng the boney. dependence of sol1tude.-Emerson. PleIllDt. Palatable, Poteat. Tuta ~ "'J.lart" Al1en cried. lerambl1Dg ClI'81'1ous ezper1clDce on a ,mati ae..le. U 1I01d dlrect'to the consumer. extract, Po Goo<!. Never 81c1rea,WeakID or Gripe. • 4own. III Iplte of. the withered; tel .Inee there are 'so many minor detalll ' cd hon~J' . brinp --m 10 to 20 , cents lOc.Z50I~' NneraoldJDbuJk. The _ _ ll~ had the Itrength. ot a bun. bleb ' th uy IDe tab_ .tamped C C C. GIIIIIaMM4_~ 'He caugb~- John In a bear-hug · . W . 80 to ma),c.e up IIUOCSSI In· e per pouod.··· an!! comb bone., from 15 CIQI'I or Jour moDe)' ~ I work. 'I:hese must be thorouCh11 -un· to .26 cents per sectlqn. It 1014 to toamJnc . out cursel. 'John 'only lIerst,ood before tbet;e Is any hO'pe for .mlle~. " W!th a Ibak\8 or the ehou!· con.tiaue4 iuccels:' J.t IB, therefore, de ...: . be wrf!ln~ed : free. hal.! 1hinl desirable to begin on l' lman Oall Cure Collars from him. bUt cauaht' ·and lea Ie•. maj(e the ,bees pay tor thelliIteillctied him.• 'and )lolcUnc hlui ' U.P- .Ielvea and lor al18ddttlonal apparatul, will oat gall the horse. For we by your local dealer. U YOIl _ riP! turn~ to ~~ J" &8 wen .al 80lne pro"t. and trad\UlUy want free sample of the halr pad "Ch()Ole bet\Vfxt 0., ',tttle I1rt... be lJicrease as far as' the local oon41. to convince you. writs U8 and 11:&14. "I .t hought yOu had ' . tiona'. or, the dealrell of the incllvldual' mention YOllr dealer'. name. :Remember. I etiall Dever ask ;you permit. , TIE IRU... OUIACI CO• &pItt!" . " ., Uncle Allen. Kake,. tor the tr&de. . ''Lynen.e! ' IJynette! lI., G;;,,"! I The annual production .of honey "It you're getting old and don·t . ORMCO BARN.IlSS uu and wax In tile United ' State. m&kep . Ulat's 1IU&l'IUJt.0e4. love ')'ou 'sO!" Allen 'cried. hoar-ely. . agrloulture a -profitable mInor InduBtry kno.., ft." philosophized Uncle Allen The IIlncl Clacl... Il. Ol,. '. I bId lnr eyel. . I wanted to do , of the coUntry. From Its very nature Sparks, "you'll tlnd It olit when you rtgbt-to~ be honelt and ·true-:...bUt It can never become one ot tile lead Inc KO back to the town "'bere you grew up and loolt around tor the boys you Jl,)hn bad' II&f~ be 'WQUid hever 'ask agricultural puraillts. bu't that 'there used to play with when you were a a~n-he mqst be. mtgbtJ' : eure ot III "bundant opportunity for Its grow.~ ::II1:~f..~ nd poor All~n! Row eould I kid;" • minp.Bo<!. flout him' 'Wjth'. " happY 'flval I cannot . be doubted. . Not , only Is the Ie •• Pole. ",heeled 'a~ut. call.acto them over honey' bee v.aluabhi as a procl.ucer, but abatt., Top Curel Human 8kln Trouble. and la my bOu_der: .. I It Is also one. of .the moat beneftclal BUl'1f1ea, • .Equally Good for Our Peta and Runabout., etc. WJot.. , . ..... . 'j Ot'tIUl80ta In cros.poll!naUng the .ftow: lowue and price.. Domeltlc AnImals. "I I~~'t ~J' ~~bodY'"'7Un~l . e.,e at Yarlou.s 'economic plants. " Resinol Salve--Is my Ideal and fa- BUOaUCHEUCO•• 4IOc:o.,........... CIIt. . ., ·, that·s bot the end • . John ., , . J3ee keeplnc II alBO extremel, fa. 1,\1""""", vored remedy wherever a salve Is , •, ' clnatlDl' to the majority of peopie .. needed. It Is as good for horaes, dogs nut w~ i. Jlezt 1;ear I -a 'i pastime, furniBhlni . 'o utdoor' aur-' AlI4BD':""'On hl.1I· deathbed. He sald I'd , . .- u .."or man kin, d "'-'1 I ilebt Do ,.on want a Laud Homeneaen IntormaUe"",.,. .. lU Y a un· free. Bow toBet a Farm ot Laoe!. Add*,made h,m' mt,hty bappy. • MYleUf ebe &I we~ aa l~Umaey " '1th an'inseot versal healing Ointment. • THE COLONr 'HOMESTEAD COMPANY Oh. It "rdly matters about women. W. P. Schmitz, Vet., Wnsdale, Mass. , 1IeIM .. Trad. Bulldln, Indl."uoll •• lildl • • ~at-ll!t ,reek I got a lettel'-Jlext week John la coming for me. I .hall Wood' In a High Grade Violin. . FARMS FOR SILE l::'p~::e'~l1fA~n1m,:: n hlgh~grade violIn there ' are PlOyed. IOU0 ft"" obooolate, lab'loll nc1 clar, Il"~ the Wal~ fO~UDe to· chJlity-,;", In .. "ator lIOad. matoaod UD80Ip&llllod. Write.... ' only t1'u~ 10'" baa enougb .for nl 66 plec""s ot wood of three or more ~H" PlUDE, I'lJlk. (loft" eo.•.&Ja. kinds. ·W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 39-1IJ10•

w:ra ..,.... 'or




A H0



.rot Infante ana 'OhUc1rilL'

·Tba Kind You' Hava, AI\VIYs .· Be8.1'lr tha . Signature of

'~~~~~~~~~==~.""'~E h~. --;; .;.Z mtm ; =:::; ~~ I ;~8Y -~~!-!~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!~~~~!!!~~~!!!!~~~~~!!fJ!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!' f'1I'i:!t "ud fioll1 (l <:~ \ . 11\ , ~.I:\- JOt' . I . .' , .1 U Il.r ,r . rJU- (Jarroll's lit firllwd .' I t " '" 50 ' E t~te of .J bn Lefa\' r ~~f'~ • UlI~ ~ ..., . , ' 'n~ "",~,tl,. .... 'onLrIlOl;- ' waa ent red' into w(1 I fl 1 d Fir t I\n oB- a • ,~ L ' f M J Qitep" . med Olando e v ,r . fu~ 01 I\Olng "nd ~~tnt ~Uln.~: H·. f:J" ..I1n·l1. de. ' p g Mill <irove River br\d~ 0 II d. d . i ' t tr , ~e8mnn lip. !leu r Z. • Worley ' in !:itLlem t own-



Co nnon Pleas



New SuitS I "'min"" Vll Philip B P iutElrl at DUCfS :' .1'. ....lI.ry . ..., ... . 1 0 [Unt er 0 . P~ti'lon for d i vnro~ fil ed . '" . us estute ' f C, L J .amIng. R,lbl rt!lIlD , - . r A mt\ rrietl S·LI ~e lllbtn G, ~ .oceu 'ed Uourl' o()n C llP Ie we u fl rfu~ repf' ' nnt uuo ty /lnd to , . t of pr ceed lUgs mn d e b y rm 01 1 3 'D . ' A UOI\ ,. ' them two biidreD we re b UI' D, MilS ' ..1 . Rob rt on, 1ooutrlx. B arrtM, 'aged 26 "Dd Phili p U Lem· ,.. ~ tate of Kittle C. Lnebt, de. . _ ..l o~ Plaintiff Il v' rll that ...eased . Ille bill filed by R8.lpb P. i oll, ag"" "'S . . . dufendllot, h 'l!l beliD gui lty of wll"' aJ Park s, admtDl. tr!ltor . '" b ence f~ r three yenr. pa. t . r.,.'lys Estnto of Wllfren J . and Doro'hy fur It dt t'olu tion of Ol Cir ri tlge bonds, M , MI\1 r. winors Inveutory filed 'M A. JnlUAson Is R;ttorn ey for plai1l. by 11'rlln k L . Miller, gUtlrdilm . ' ·I ff. Estu to of .John Heisl! deceased . l 'he ~. W. R OilS oolUi'llby Vii . EI. Jj'irst Imll flnlll ncoount filed by J . D. m er E. Wblt,lIore . P(\t.itlOo to reo Miller, administrator. , oover money. Amount due olaimed .Estate of Catherine D. t:loheook, to be Sl77.7r, on promissorv note deceased. Final aooount fildd by with interest . C. B. Deohllnt Is at- H. W. Null, administrator. torney for plaintiff. Estnteof Wm. H. Wi1l1tLmll. First F. Desormoux & Company Vt.<. and flM1 account filed by George T. Wlll O. Gustin. PeMtion to 160ov. White admini~trator. er money. Amoun' due olaimed to In ml1~ter ofguardltLnshlp of War be taO.82 with interesl on contract ren J. Miller and Dorothy M. Miller. for installiog heating apparatus io Frank L. Miller aPPOinted gUllrdltLn . hotsl. Robert J. Shawhan, attorney In matter. of Wil~iam A . Prloe, for plaintiff. deoeosed. Will admitt d to probate LOuis F. Coleman, administrator Estllte of John Clark, decea8ed. · of the tstate ·of John Cla-rk, de Loni!! F . Coleman appointed aflmin · ceued va. O. M. Bercaw. Petition istrator. for eq nlta·lile reUef, PJainttif .pray. Marrlare Licenses. for forcl08nre 01 mortRag8 and pay. ment of 0lalm8, Ueorge F . White, 23, former of 1



Milson to Marie Soott, 22, of Mallon . Lyell E. t:lihith, 21. oonduotor of Viol~ Thompson va. Jefferson , Cllrthllge Bnd Alma Belle I5tarkey, , ·rhnmPs.1n. 'Conrt order~ tha' de. 1 , of BI~1)ohe8ter . f8nd~nt pay temporary alimony in Roy Whitaore, ~2, f,umar of MOl. .he an91 of 11Ot: ," ' row nnd Leona MoKinnev, 1 I of rAOR8pray )Jewls V8. Albet:t Lewis Morrow. • Dlvoroe Rrant-ed and plaIntiff iii givBarrs ~ MoUleJJa.nd, 25. oJerk of lin oustody of ohildren. Kings ~UlIJ and E~hel Sarah Hutzel ,AI 'Moeray va,,, Emm3 MoCray et' 22, of Kings Mms. ' 61. Conr. ~ran" d~'t8nd~bt leave lIarry H. GRe.f e, 21, lineman of. · to' file.a a,peotal d'emnrrer forthwith, Ctncinnf:\t.i and Norma Cope, 21, of ~Om.8 ' Bates .:>1.. ~wat;d N. '~ason. , Bate.. Writ of Partition ordered it!. William Ca8person, 55, bl&oksmlt~ IU and divtalon of land made. · and Mrs, Mliry Barden, 51, of " 1n~Diebqld va. ~U18 P. Diebold Wa.yneilvllle. . Conn IJhnts divorce Q.n grounda of Earl ,0. ~el, 2G"of Lew'8b~rg, gr08l ne«leet' of dnty' and plalnf(itr I" and Jeu~je CoOk,20; of Wliynesville. trivln ~den 'name of Inez Beedle. J , W. Aylstook, 46, .maohinist of Lonls 1'. Co18JDaD. VI. 0., At:. Ber. Kings .Mills ,,~d Mrs. ' Alioe Moon, caw. Oond flDdl lor defendaDt\ 50, of KfOg8 Mills. ,bat Cianae of .otton I. barred by the ItatU&e of lJp)lta"on I~~d 18 void. " Real Estate 'Tr.~~ers. 1Awrenoe Urton,va • .mllzabeth Ur. " , , " ~ , ,J . Warrep 'Wo.od, trustee t'o Ellery , toD. Court grant. dlnroe. 'fWQ children al1lliven \0 delfeollant and r. B~llllr, lot on Uoivereitv BelgM@ ~ne W plaln~lff. , 1 e o. . . John D 8 . A.. B .' Armenth' B. Anll J,.u. LieuelleD ( , " . urns "1 ' urns. .. U ' I' 1 I 1 t i ' U j /) · ~":'i' n~'" "."'s f (, di tnl- l' ·f ' 110 r$u. a , nn I, 0 n w8 neva cua IIJ.u: _~ or I ",:,,8 0 08S8. t~.25 , " . I

ship I~t. e8tim!~te 1l'1. ., ' . • Contraot .VIlR entered IDtO wIth • the L v lund Lumb ~ I\nd Mnou n t urlng . (', .. f or sewer ptpe . l\D d 06• . , ' WI nt and lumbe,! I\t mlu:ket p~toe8.. ' . , Misoellaneous-It WBS . r.d ered tbat $1 50 be permanently t.ran8 terred (1'000 tbe p or fund tQ the oler.gymnD 's poor fund . In a Communloatlon to A• .l. Klrs· Rep~rt of the viewers 00 th ~ ' kadden, ChaIrman of the Congres· t:;penoer Ford r .)ad Wits this dtlY pub. slonal Committee of the aixth OhIo \ioly reart fol' tile fir st time . District He Clal~ed HI. Nomina· tlon and Subsequent ElectIon Was • - • a Great Personal Sacrifice. Forcc~ to Leave Home.


Lest the voters should tor,et. we p'ubllsh the letter ot M . R. Denver. of March 81. 1910:

Until November 1st we will make the following good propo~ltlon

• Deline.tor one year, EverybOdy's' , , " Miami Gazette

----- ...._-HUMAN BODY LIKE J Not a Storage Battery, ' W;it~'" Says but Manufacturei' lts Energy Ao. cordIng to Demand. I bave long been convInced that th wel1:tralned human body is a. dYI1a1no Or ' magneto WhIch nlluiu~nctures Its energy according .·to tbE!' dem~nd. ~tid does not, Uke a storage battery. con· taln ftxed quanUty of stored·up eD' ergy or power, a writer In tile Forum says, A utUe refiect1(\\'l\ upon . the great adapt,abUlty 'of the bOdy' to many varyIng qon~lUons ot ul"tenc~ teDjJs strongly to oon6nn thIs vleW\ It Ie well known that DO other anImal can exist UDder such a variety of cUt matea and condltlon8, add uPon Buoh ~, dlyeralty Qf ,~oods. aa man'. :,' But It ~ not so- .:well . known, for . exampl that no other Bnfma) po8,8e8'~B ~I! endurance and capacity ' for .' laoor which 'm an pOe' e..ea. · 'Yet ' It 18 ,in· cODcelvabl~ ~at anr other animal I ~ man :~Uld have. performed Mr.

Probate COurt. .

James HIlrry Ii'oster ~fid Horry L . ' ~mith . to John D. Smith, two'trao*s Ettate of JOIfph 9. ~aellen. de. i~ oounty, 110p. oe..~ . .BOyd 8. ' ~""eber, ap·, ,M ,'Etta. 'rerwill~Rer ' to Emma F. poin~Il' ad'Pinidra,tc)l', , . ' Phlil'~s, tWQ traots. 81, eto. JIlaate of J. O. Benne~, 'd eceased . S V Hartsook and'Ernaline Hart. , I3eoond , ~~nn' dIed ,by Albert B. 800k t~ Ge~rgi NOl'agon, traot in Bellne". administrator,. . Wayne township, tjJ400. JIlata~ !>f '~: ,;Vfl Beo~ett"Il~· ':' Syl.V&Jl 1... !..awi8. Am&Bda ~~stin; , 08U8(\" no~ ,pro,o~ ofl\" DOh~, of aPO Addie , V. Qrane, Benjarn1u Lewis pGiDtment of .d.!D~18'l'&tor, iq A. and Hc>raoe ' W. Lewis to William L. IJ:enneti. 1l181l. . ,. _' ,.. 09aham, 50 8!-,res in Ulearoreek ,t own In matier ~ the will of Raohel,L. ship,18750. . Badley deoeoaed. · Will admlt~ed to SeOr• ., 'Stantpn ~o John M. SooU probate, ' ,', I J , lot in FraqJdin" 1725. -, I "8~,.&e of: RaOJl~1 L. ' ~adle,Y, de- ,. ~lioit ' M. Bowar~ to' ':David 'J. q~. Lnaaw" E. :,a tmondS ap. Mount trao' , in Barlan townsbip pointed exeoubiX: ! . " ., . t1, 'rl' '1~£''U'''''' lCe&ateof,~wardMoFoy, dooeaaec;l EClwin D. ' Oarr Franklin p. " Art~ur Bl1aDt .' ~~lnted !'CiminI&: Sibey and Armitlta E. ' Si~y ' 35 . , tr.ator. I , . ' .. ' " I , . ~.. nn ' . ' , ,.. Why .PeOple CouKh • .,.' , . " " ., ,. aores .uJO~"" , " ' ,\ EataW ·df Nanoy E. Ford. minor. . , . ill a mystery' when Di. Bellia Pine I'in'- and 6ual, acconnt 'approv8\1, ColDDJl8alo~' ,Proceedlnas. : Tar.Boney ,will oare' any oough · alloWed and oonflrmed. . : Look for 't he bell on the bottle... . . , . JIlatate ~f_~~y .II{MUls, dOOe~ed : Bil18~North~esterD Manufaotur· marks tle'nutne. , . Firs. aooonn& ~ppro"ed, ,110wed and ing Co , palnt" ~57 ,50 ilild ,~. Cohkl1Jl, ' ooDfii'~ed. ,'-:r'''' ..' . stRD?PS for ·anditor. '5 ; The We8terl,l They All Do It; . ~tate: of Llzite ~ A. 'Ptt~fleld, de. I::it!lr, publ~8hing c'OIU.ul8sioner's faSald the ·,woman who hadn't time to ' oe~ed • . &cond and fi~l , account }JOrt, 1111.37; ptlbl!shln.r' ~ottoe &0 eat to the woman who hadn't time to approved; allowed" aod oonfirmed. bridge '001ltract()r8, 17 . 'Frank Bran- breathe: "What a nuteaDce the Janitor Is , Estat'e of .r&n~ . ~. MoMahon, d~ don, at 'oas~8, i Joh~, Meloy, ,,!ood when In a 'talkatlve mood. He' " ~~. Elrat '&Jld .1IDal Rccount ap~ fqr oourt hon~e, ~~2; ,V:~lley Tele- me waste flfteen p~eclc:ius ' m1nqteB proved, allo,~e~ and confirmed. '. phone ,00., toB . for j\1dge Clark, 20 mor:nlng by holding me, uP .and t~.l1hi, Estate.of Zephaniah MoCreary, de- oents. J)I\UP. Bono, fees, 139,11> i bow his eye happened to be gOUged out." . ' ,~ oeased. Finst auel tiDal acconnt ap.. R. Wilds UUohrblt, rent. for prose· Tbe breathles8 woman made frat:lU" proved, allowed and aonfirmed. outing ,attofDey's offioe, 125 j C. B ,Estate . of EnieJiDe Pl~nkett, de. Deohant,-,fe,es, ,10 L w. G:. t.i~ultz. ceased. First arid flnalaooount con. bridge' r~pa\J'a, 128,21).; ', Bert Reed, firmed. . ' .' . , bri!ig~ ,repairs, I1G.75 ; . L G. A~der. Estate of T. R. L. Hall, , deo~sed. son's 801ijl" lumber, 11036 j James First and final aoco'ililt oonfirmed. Follen Hr., ealary as janitor, 150; R. Estate of A~y A'. Cowan, de Barshb$l'ger. 8,allll'Y as , 1L.....".IrJ~nr. oeas'ed. , Firstand final ~ouDt oon. ' janitor...~Q ,i inquest over body ." .' Edward ,rye, rents/ ItS. as . . flrm'ed. ' " ..







Contraots-Pia n!'" speolfiOIAtlonl and eatilU~te for oonorete .' . Ilond ftllingpI&oal~ert near of William' MoOaln 'on roa~_ Tit~'~ ~.:ee~ t?w~ . . approy~d ,a nd o!)ntraot 'let . t~ Du'hhlim iWth&etttiiDate 1111, ~ . ,", .' " · ~a8 ,:ei1t;e~OJi' {I.\O fa, ~ ~~a1cNiI. . .4 w~ .1. . . .: .)~Ji~ '~ o.•fe f~r .o)~ Qln~'.,."'nd pa~Gt. H)II~n'P..,I".nIA!A It.: .. ~,..... b~ of 7ou:a"'l(~ .lnll the- tollowtnl·,Bridke ne',r, Benry . 'bOn; w~" JIot I ~' Do.·f Walf ..m V J d ' ...._. ' D .l'..K;.. · ., ,.. _aa"!:.,... ~to, multi. aD .e~voo&'.. on . &~on ' ~; 11Ioc*Iet _ -tbemiIoiIa. -We . .4 rt brtd~ . WUlIam 1Ih~~im ~ ~ ,.......... fnieof....... ' ., . ClarbvUle.& ~e~peok\'~lj,b~4~ -






., B..... •


qtl. llliiiab



,Total '.n three

$1.00 1.50 1.00 $3.50

"t. at.,.ell In· bed '(PI' tjwo dan an. tbat .wM Dlpt. Pearl .....b)oac. oe ...l, flnl.beel me •• 1\'811 . . h.....aL , "W1aat beclame 01 her, 1D4ee4" Ida. Ian·t • ,nuuI 'opera .tar or tJle .IU. Jeot of · f.llT· .tort ~ un tbat; Pearl weQt bacll ~ x..... OIl Arthur'. IoclYlc." IIl.teS. of two " ..... ~T;"--"":::'-'--.--., .• He ' ...Id .b. dldn't bay. D. L. CItANE, Editor and Mamager i When tbe Be.lllIerl ' teU til. etol'7 .01Ce than a ltaDa&l ...bbttl Pearl tbe, aI,,&f. apolQlJlu. . M , '"I hope eha lot manle4 eoor ul1 I • •• <, ' . , • M~•. 'Belllncer )'OU rea1lJ ~·t chan,M her namel" . , Rat~ t)f Subaeriptlon . expect ~Ie . to b,elle•• &D)1.b1q -,- - _ . - - - ••- - Moore's Range is built on an entirely different principle .from o()r:ftl YCIU" (.trlc~l)' h\ advance), ,, .... . 11.00 ""Juob .GUDU· .O m~ob IIke_ a .obHp It'. I.h e ~or~'1 Best. other ran~es. It can be run on poor grade coa1 costing at least 181ngle 1, 0p),'• •••..• ' • • •• , • •• • •.• , : ... .00 {arc• •~e out ot whole oloth. . =:i;i.iiiiii.iif~P two-thinb less than the coal necessary for other r anges. . '-~----"~-';"""~-"---r, -~ "It" I reallJ did inake It up." abe No one . ba. ever made .a .alve, t1 Moore'. Controller Damper enables you to contrel the he~t ~te. of Advertlli-nl' add. proteaUD,l,., "I'd ha.. lIlYeDted ointmen~ or balm to compare Wltb of the oven as well as you can control the heat of a gas ove,n. . ," 'a etOfJ 'that ~uneled more reuoaable. ' Buoklen" Arnica &lve . .. h'l the Moore's RaBie is the only coal range having this advantage, and Jteadln. LocaJ •• per line ... . .. .. , , . . ,. IX! ADA oJlo~ coulel. lt e••r be reUoDabl. one perteo~ healer ot Cuts, Coral. Readln, LQJaJ". \bl.a JlOf' .lIne ., ... JOe .-Irl ..... -0 ,Barnl 8rulll8l tk>rea Moald8 BoU. • it saves fully one-third of the fuel. Taking into consideration aU ()I.uled Ada. DOt to e~ live liON for u , . . to be DaDle4 BeaA- U . 'Ecze' , , , of its advantages, the Moore Ran2'e saves over one-half your -Tbree tuertlona: . ... .. . . , . . , . 2CiC ~108l0lD' But ,.be ·w... 108r1. ma, ~U Rbeum. For fuel espenae. Obl'1l~8II: :Ilve ln~ 'ree: over /lve , "ArUaur bl'OUlht ber flrat lett. l:Iore EYfl8, Oold 8or6~, 'Cb.pped Incbee, .lI8rllne.,. . . .. . .. . . . . . . 59 home to .how me 10 I'd bow It w.. I Hand., or 8pralne, " • •upremtl , <lV4 tl~:Dkf .'•.. . .. .... .. • ... . , .. , . 211e all real. He"'d he w.. atr&I4 that I l~f.lllble for Pt~AIl. Only 250 .\ ~u*n ............. . . . ........... tiDe other~lae I'd lnal.t be .Impl, had &D' Fred O. Sch"artz 8 These pests of the kitchen are all burned up . And these are'n 't tbe_ ontr 8OcI"',etc. wt+e ~arae,l' made . . ... . . 211e Intoxlcatecl ImqlnaUoD. TOil " ' I ... --..--I=;= ways the Moore lUnge helps you keep your kitchen clean. J~ has a Hinaed Dlaplal Advlll'tUlD, perlnoo .... . ..... . JOe P 1 te tr . Ut.. - UI Top which olfers the cleanest and handiest methotl possible (or feeding a fire, . DIIICOUDt. BIVin on «lOntract. . ear ( wro . , om.ome . . . . ace ..... T.., 01 Cheruter. . building ,n new one. broiling or toasting. By merely pnlling n chain tbe ; ) , I ou~ ~ Kauu that ebe wUltecl to Tou caIID~ . . . . . . . . . 10 well 4U1'ClOIDe to Chloaao and muata lit Jd!I buJ' boura .. b, WW h. ...... top Ie lifW out of the way. The top. when lifted. forms a hood. and the smoke. soot Illld odor Ilre drawn around oorODER , . 1810, Arthur'. mlUllcal C9U.... Sh. 11&14 ' 4oM ," " a\lppel', 01' from tU cIoeIq the 8ues of tbe range and cannot escape Into the room. 1 s tbe only raure bavlng three-wall construction tbrou.h_t. This Is one of the many reasons why -"';"~--'~~~~=::"!-~"':!"" r - - - .he knew .he had talent, becallH hour 0,. builD... to be4tsm.. Tou caa. every oile told her 10. &Del &tie w.. : Dot .... bla: obaractw 10 well bf the , A Hlltorto ""rtatlon, goln, . to ~ake It her Ufe work and moUTf ta. .Pede for . DeeeUarIeI 01 It lIMIDe u .wful thin •. but bere b w~uld\ be w..,te bel' prlcee.' AI If, b. tb. Il.lq of 'b la famllJ... bJ' that let, , ; ..- . all'i'UWtan08 00 record . that we,,= ,..UI:f .ulta 01' hate whole..le. tie oYerPlIUI ol IDODq ' wbleb I, lett ........ 11. i~k!ot~ the aablte4 'autbor ,qu bo~. . after'the oeaeeaarr •• peuee .... pa14. Tbe Moo~ Fire Te.ted Glasl OYen Door enabl~ you ~o sel Call and See ThiS' Wonderful Ronde of WOID_, ODee pubU~, 81rteq "AJ1bur had quite a oorr&llponelene~ Wbat doe. ' ta. elo wllob hla . . . We bayen't room bere to teU you one·balf of the 5~perlor .• •ba lDcIward VIII Tbe' fact OQmee 1Vlth ~arl. He atte~decl to It him... mone,.. that mar"ll left 0. . ftcoIa tile cODdltioD of the food wltbout openlnl( tb. door~d causing pointl of tile Moore Range. Call in and let us uplain all about oql ..........~ l!ella IIOM'. book. "1.0. ;elf lnat:aacl of turnln, It OY8r . to hi. blUllQ... aDd from U.I... es.,...., cllacoaUort sa weUd lOll of beat. The ovea 'll aluminized ID sucb • wa,. tbat it will ... turD tbe 0._ n - . t _ ..... Mra. Rorft'. Tbermomet_ GIlW.; tbe ...,, ~t. Dream.r anel Worker." ~,.tal7. lie eaI4 he n~e4 ..entAl , WhaJ<; he 40cee wltb that IDU'Pa will browa ;nor flalre off. Tbe oven rack In tbi. rlUll(e il tbo..IF Sla.eria.Co.... and tbe A~claCo".... 1' bere are exclus\ye til. the book wbleb recrt~Uon. &aJ'~0"., tbro~:. woiactertulliaht upoa ilia char- 1I1c:1rt1-platia ODe on tbe marlEet. 'rbe conltractioD pC tI.e oveD feature. in tbe Moore Range that you never dreamed of. InablOlutely ~revent!l "dead spot.... ' Ycstigate tbis wODduful range __ wbile our stock is complete. oqpq }I'fl, Alcott;. ,penooaI "Well. ~l wrote. thet .be woul4 acter ~ . II...... ...... CGII 6. IwuI in .i,Mr Call Iron or St.d ~t ~ ,lIIeld.Dt: It ref. . to the eome . &lid : -.ked .Arthur to pt ber 'fh4f Iar,eet put of ••.". &cU•• w. u..: w,...; u.. late kt .... theD ' PrIll.. • P~ to ~... ~ w~ a.tnq. !PUlt be 4ev~ to ,etu.. a U.I.... ., .w~. ~. bla famous . Tlelt erd ... ~e cu,. I ~u become lotel\. .tte~IDI to ooe'l da1rw. ao4 tbla .. "I weDt to BMtoIl."' lIlu elled ~n bert for. In .'lJlte of b~r !lheap cloqe~,. mdllt peop" III a I'OUtIDe eort A~)Hla ' "ucI ..w ~ PrliIoe of Dotei!'per.· aD4 cramped 'WrlUq &Del 01 ww. T9U caDDot t.II m\aCll aIIOul " ~~trot . tile oo~mon w~tIl "I. aener" IPonDce• •1 could ' t~1l b'om tbe rial m&n durlq th... boon. betnbt..t ~"ew-a ,.ellow;hatr84 Iacldle her Ie~terl that .he w. . .!Deere. .. So c&uM# be- baa a .,.ltem. hi. nplar "~~ ~ ~"moUaer~ Fan)l1 W, ant! I toupcl ber a ., m III ~ Illae. Huon... dallJ'~routlD8, IIDd be 40M • ...,. 'a uo. I. ~ aDO waTed .. h. PUMfl anel ttle ~rd"' . DOWIe . GIl a ••d. _treet the,..e tallill, 4aJ'. But '. me,. be opal, wtDke4 bla IIoJlab .,e at u.. neal' , U. 'd4 Altbur Mill ber· the a4- lDent he I. tree. be·la Qui , te a .1....... I· !!!!!!!:~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! 'orll7 ttll ber ,allow aUrta &Dd dr:-- ' . . man. real propeulUee com. PUBLIC SALES WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. TIq looked 'rather rowel,. and ' ~en be • abort DOte rrom hla out. People .... DOt Datural _W aft« Dlt.H.E.HATHAWAY th poor, It~. _~ wanted lOme fun pr'CMIpecUy. J"IPIt 8h. eaI4 .h~ would ~e' .... f.... froal 1'Mti.tnt. . ~ . aDd tIloqbt that we IwI arrlva, at ·til. UOIoD .taUon the Dext Watch 110, UI4 the .... ~ . I wi.ll otler at publio ..Ie In Lytle, St. AapaatJne'. Catbollc Churda, Wa'y!l8Brille'8 Leadinjlr.De.... .... more dIIUqulallei1 ·b,. tile 8&UO, Wecl~ ...1liDg aDd w~d · ·be '. T. aN free frOm til_ ........ 40- Ohio, at 1 ~'oIOC1lr, on Fattier Georye ".yeaboefer. Pulol' om ia K BId .. l sa MM.s e'f,ry 8800nd Sliaday of the matb ., oe ey8 g. , a n r . " . . . tbp 'bl. etatelJ bow. are ~~e... ~. ~ber. ~ aba diu t . know net ... b:ow tile,. lpeD4 ..... Saturday, October· 8, 1910, ':' II:OU a. m. "wATt! JoII;-'.eq Pl'tn...... a, the auJt Jill ~ t .tNet can ad, wbeN ' ••eniD". wbat 1OC1et, tbaF ~ . . WAF. . . . IDddeDt oocu",*,- III tHO, If» pl-';ta ' . ' ____ , " wba~.~m~IouIaIPI tII~ ,... wW ~h8 f~nowtnl artio,,_ : 1 oalt heat. St. MAry.' . EpIIcopaJ Churcb. ,,~u.. PrlDct 01 Wal.. wu I. • T '" .. -- -........ er, 1 i open ItO'\''', bed8teesdl and B'e ll's AntiseptioSalve ,-.n' oiCt and ~UeDUT ' ql:'lte oUt before 'btlil-rclu~lria IDa4- , ' , do. bla w~ be a ".tq pot IpriD,_, ollaln, onpboatdP, tables. Rev. J . ll'. cadwallader. RectOl. Good for all Sldn DI...... ...... ~ .. !»oJ, uct wbell ..... Aloott ~ to pte '. ·the b" IltaUGIl teet ...01 th.~ ~.~ . 3 f .. lbQr bed• . pUlo... aDd beddinl, Sunda, Scbool , 9 :80 a. m MornIng ser· vice, 10 :80 •. m. Dol, Communion ~bo tlral .'!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! - "• . 111"'" to. ~ It-w.. II. all eYeDiJac t.flI... to wAtch lIa or . •_ • . liar... oqpper bttle, 1 1\1'18 Iron BUDdal vi cacb lIloD~lI, • • ~_ . . . .D tRla'.at once!' -'- .Artbur ~. ~ 1 "orlt beDob, dllhes. OIlr. tbe cataIope '01 the ciOUep ' 41d DOt. . pete,aSane jate, trul&jan .nd man, Methodist EpiICopai Churda. otrer the ..rTlcee 01 the PNeldeDt .. I boUI. eraptioDa, p1mpl~, oaher tblnp .ot liv81l her•. , !le.. H. w, BaIIe1. ~ . Porter tor all ' arrt~· Jiu. ' blaokh_da· and aU l"ln ' atreo$loD' ~. Candaoe Balrd. Sunda, Scbool, 9:30 a, Ill. Mornln« 8er· bIm juri bad to U8l-,qaloltl,oUredb,the...eof ... A.A.lloNeU; ·Aoot. vice. 10:80 a. m. Epworth LealUe. '1 :00 po ~ ," - . ' Dr, ~lI'. ,AntHepUo BalY8. Jl;o, • m. II\vonlac service'. 7 : 00 p. DI . Mld.eek "I knew the ."" ~ .. 0611&1 ,01 Hold e.el')'wb.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Idg. 7 p. Ill. 0De '0, tile ,... ~ lIlto the Chrlltlan Church. ' u~.' 8tadoe. ..., .. cali.. QtW Of.; ..... '" -U ........... " .ALTER !lev, L. O. ThomS-Do P ..... IIc~ OD til. pJlou aocl be' w.. .~ -U...,., Db,- lID . . . . . . ol . . . . Bible 8chool. " :10 . . . . 8oc:W mee\IDt, . .".,.,.....,.,• • • WbeD be bad . . uuaaa ~ 10:10..... OhrtI&laa BIId_yor, ·1:0U Po !D. ~ b7 JIUtOr eVW)'laI&enla&e SUDd., .. ttie ...... 01 til. tow1l wb.. noeD~. Fune'r al Dlro-:tor. 10:10 ... m. toDd 1:.0 P. m • ..~ lie lot out fold. . aDd lie ........ far ... wile . . . .



· · OFP~·

u, ....


" I ot


c_. I


No Smoke-No Soot-No








I Moore's .Ranlle Lasts Lonliest I



. n....:t •.,......

G~ '



.... ....:1f.



I.' J. H. COLEMAN. Waynesville. O.

no .....






.j....!.t.· _.. ,' . '









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::;ra ............ I1'-1 ::..n4.;~~:~

e,""" PIt

Tillie alld ' SuIl~O"" "alte for DO

tnba 01 the UUUeet 01 til. t",o. III lit I: 10. '. • . ' '"We ~.... 4,.. at ~ Gaid IUQ' tbat • ....t.... bat ..Inbur a..t &be traID. with . . . . . . walun. w~M4 to br.eall, u....... .tImit. ...... OIl ~e traba. tb...rcn Arthur ~ teaed to ' u.,..... ~ , Ul4 4. ..1Ief4 ber Iroaa bla JDlad. . ..~DwbUe ~l on Ilk.....' . tnIIl 1iJIoQt. DlDe ~-== ~w.. 81a -,. , ~'" . CJ!UM. !I that ~U4....I!'" ~ how, tIloud c114D't bow \1M um. 01 tb:-~. ~e.,fore 1iIbell tile 400r w.. 0P8D8:cl to lIif ~ aIJOQt 10:'10 .he .b rume4 iii put u.. lDaId. Ul4 wbell~' ~ came •.be mereIf. .:&Iii 1hat .... ~ to ltud7 mUllet . .. ~ tbe, decided .... wu ~. . . .. . . dead tsn4 aDd ICJoi'e4. roa ~_.. Ul4' blr rue wu au ...... tnlll IOOtr .be oarrt. . . eb.p uitle ~ .• badl., cut C!Oat Ul4 mOre Ua87 Cl..,~ed b_ IlioN taqle4 .D 4 bewUden4 abe ' aD4i iiore the,. weN all'aI4



,...t ....



b. . ~ftuJl~....



HkbIte ,FrIeadI Qawdl.

_ Flnt D.,. MoeUnlr. 1(1:00 •. Ill. Flni Dar Telepbone day ,a. Dlalal. far 80 _ _ .. be ................. Sclloel. 11;00., DI. J'uunil Da,. Xeelllll. Valle, 'phone No, f. ',orate 10 ,00 L IIlI ....... . , . . ~fa.CII'b _Un& .. a ............ DlI....oe No. 89-1". Orthodox Frieada CbUrell • «be ~. pump Iot:' .,.... be·.... • Rev. Benjamin Sawlrlna, Paster, ru.tJe• ..t; aM duriq tIle ._ WAYN ' ESVILLD . .. OHIO Sabba'" School. 11:30 a. m. Re~ar qbure' DlCIDtba be ' CUl be . . . IIIIIJiIM. . . . " ~ l8"toe. 10 '10 a. III. CbrlaUaa Endeavor .IM,.... _ _ -I. n . 0-

. n, otber afterDooIl



. . . . . th4P PQmp obMrYei bI* _ terl" aboUt 'ft.e7' w..a to dlaoo.'" tlaat . . . . Mid built .... •....... b .. . wb...... A .... 10 u.•••t aD4 w...... ... ~ awar. two daJ' . . . . . . . 1ouM, It . . . .JDAlr • ..,...... . "Uact. Db" c1Icl DOt tIeoo\ow _ . . waW thle' lDo...lllI _ b e ..,.. 'It wu' the pruk ,;,


.tm .-





ft__... &11..-. "-' ·...... ·11.......

~_I"- Pine-Tar-Honer P.. 00uPa ..... 00IdI.

7 :80 p.


·DR. 'BELL'. A NTI....PAIN g


Internal ancI Exte~ PiIM.

w. HENDERSON,M{ O. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!'!!!!!!~~. W8YJ.le8vllle, Ohio. tfala StreEl

GUM. a.nl4. •


Aft., · ....vInIr Ole Dr ,Bell'. AJataIeP"O &Ive I& ",ui P","80* the face letUnl' eor. deltr,l,a lJermt and ,preyeD" OOb~c."lIl.nJi ' dt. . . ., 'I~o , 801~





,,. , .

_ ....- - : - -


_latScliDe4 Mr. 'BeI~' ~A prot....onal iDu la paid fGr U4 tbe mal4 told till' .. . .t ;be ·bow•• ~ wbel II. 4oee.. . wu. .Tbe boUdtiaa ' "Tbea, tut rouq Ia",.r OUIbt .. .n.r_Ir ,,\lI... Dot ID, 80 .obocl7 pt lOme' tr.eID~~ , ..... '



' ~ t'~ eacaie4raq' ~ · 4oor · »eIl at

aDd · .,t tlae" Di.14 ' out ·· oI

' "Wb,r"

1CIUiCt.IIHd ~; ·oI,·cOuiM. In. . Howe"'r; .....1 , to 1tct) aIlbwec1 tq •~'~"Ibl'~e· tbat ~. mUcl·

to let'

adillllttABd. b ... .aa4,\~ up" out a oantq lmlre

1' 1rlti'~_ ~, ...JUIIII! ~Itli


came. '


~ 'wlth ... ~tcti­ I .tepped tato · ~• . 11-,' .wt~ecl '00 tile ,'lIlIata , I .JiuI'I*I:'t..,~. 'feef UM\ ~~ ~,~ lIOIDe~ curl~ . Q . GIl tJa. , tumed ~ to be I P¥rl ,<:'IoIi~H1'_'~~)~_III ~-I-",' .• 1 _'llJllllillII!:• QI'




'. , .



AJihur,I- ' '~"




~1~lll...~~(D't ,alMPi


: ,....



. "He know. It .......'! '


Ii' ••



A. MAFFIT,' (847 ROlen I:'DR Undertaker and Embalmer• Will be found tn the Old Sllv~rware .. DJ:aIj Ban~ . BoUdinl. ' 'opposSW' If you would like to supply your table With this highgrade silverware free of . ~; write uS for our, ape-

c:W ·offer. Address $TAlNUlD FASIIIN (.IIPAft

, ..... ~ ""'1-':11. I.

tbe National &Dk. ' Telephone in house 'lmd of· floe where J can be oo1J~ day ,?r Di,bt• . Vaney Pbone


Main Street, ' Waynesville., Ohio

I81IUUln biLE EYE 11Lft , Good for ,


Nothlnt:. but , ....... "~"r. 5 ":



.1.tlllldl .....~l.Ib · ...rt..I.~....... . ' ,

·THE 0.: :W~,· HAIN ·:.-SAfE , "

The 'Miami ~Gazette


D. l. CRANE. • ' ' OH(~


USLlN DRESS .~hls drealt Is ID pliDted mUl\ltn wlflt' pale blue groul1d ; tbe st~ • pIe , Uttle ' bodlce - haa ~ a sQua~ yoke trtmm~' wltb allIPU1IlU"8 and edged with valen.; DU!nneS'two no~ncea 01;1 8~Jrt are ·trlm· ",Itb larger appl~qu~. The ful· Striking Artlcl. In North AmerIcan neSB ot Bklrt IB, d.r awn , In above the ~evlew T~at la Attracting WIde 11o\lnces with s' bana of 'Very wide Attention. ribbon arranged In a lar,e bow at leJt sIde ot front: . The attention ot buelness and proHat ot tancy straw trimmed fessional men In all portions of the ribbon. ' country has been attraoted to a strlk. Ingly strong article b1 Col. Qeorge Harvey In the September Issue of the North American Review In wblch tbe writer tak'es a view of the greatest bopetuln ss tor the tuture of Amerloa and Americans, The article Is en· Ulled "A Plea tor the Conservation ot Common Sense," and It Is meeting with the cordial approval of business men' of &11 shades of pOlitical opinIon thrDughout the enUre Country. In part, Colonel Harvey sBya: "Unquestionably a SPft-1t Cif unrest dominates "the land, But, if .It be true that tUndamentally the condition of tbe' countrJ Is Bound .. ;:mu~t we necessarIly suocumb to despondenoJ, abandon etrort 100kIn&, to retrieval and cringe like cravens before ciduds that only threaten? Rathel: , ougbt we not to analyze condltlona, searob tor causes, 1lnd tho root ot· the dis· tress, whIch even now exists ' only In men's minds, and tben, atter the AmerIcan fa.shlon, applJ suob rem· edles , a,I seema most Ukel)' to produce benelleent results?




A :rIMILY WARNING. Baokache, head.cbea. cUn)' 8"111 and distresslnl' 'UfID.1U'7 trOub.e. wana ,ou of dropsy" dtabete. ancl tatal Brlght'l dJseaae, Act In Un'le by curl~ ~he kidneys with Donn's {{ldn y Pilla. have 'j cllreel , Tbey thous~ds . Bnd will cure you. 'Mrs. Frllnces Col~ lIns, nurso, Box 30, Boonvl~~e, ,Mo., eays: "For 30 years I sU,r. tered from kIdney trouble. I had baok pains and was both· ered by dizzIness: t became Ured easily and was very nervous. The kidney secretions also proved an; noylng, Doan's Kidney Pills beneflted me promptly. ,They bave my hlgliest endorsement.. Remember the nnrn e-Doan'f : For Bole by nil clenlers. 60 cents a bOL Foster·Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.

Now oomes a New York woman woo Is to, be obarged with "woman's inhumanity for 'woman," protesslng to TAPS SOUN,OED JjURING YE'AR be sbook d at 'the mulUpUolty of dl· toroes and proposing a .- medy In the Men Who Fought In Three Wara tOtal abollUon 01 alimony. says Omah(\ Among ThOle Claimed by Death See. She con Ives the prospect ot Since January 1. .AlImony to be the chi t ause at dl· Del\lh hilS claIm d many forces grunted to women and de· soldiers during the last yenr. oounc 8 the system as nothing but a Gen. O. O. Howard Is oue. He wal elmple grart. ndoubtedly, many de· tbe last or the officers of the army ,to Ilgoing women can consJstenUy take receIve by nome the thanks of oonCo exc ptlons to these charges. and gl'ess, "The gratitude ot the American It 18 not to be questloned ' that some peopl and tile thanks ot tllelr repre· unscr,upulous lawyers will oo-operate sentatlves In congress are due and ...o'Ith women for the purpose at ob· hereby tendered to Maj, Gen, 0, 0 , Howard and the officers and soldiers talnlng finanolal emolument tbrough or the Army of Uie Potomao for the the operation ot the dlvoroe courts, sklU and herolo valor. wblob, at Oot· MEET but that alimony, or the desire to obCONGRESS AT ROME t ysburg repul sed, defea ed and drove tain al1mony, constitutes the prevail· baok broken and dlss]}lrlted beyond Internat!onal GatherJng of Foes of Tu· Ing calise and purpose of women the Rappahannock the veteran army bercu lo'la ~to ' Be l:ield Late In ,eeklng legal separations trom their ot th r belllon." " . , 8eptemb~;'. . . , busbands, it Is hard ~ belleve, any Brig. Gen. Danlcl H. Rucker 'di ed III JUore than It would be wise, aate or 'Washington just at the time ot the o fficl/il nnnourl<iempQt' of tbe S""entb ,ust to do away with the taw' prond· birth dr the new year. General Ru ~kor hiter natlonill Cbng,r:~'\6~ on Tubercul~ eleeJlS In Arlington. At his dedth he slsr wblob wtll Includ~ repr~sentat.ve8 Ing for alimony; . Sp_clety 'haa come was nlnety·seven yeal:s old. F01' SQV. trom every ' clvlili&d' oountr.y &n ·tbe to reoognize that there la su"dh a thing a8 a juetlflable divorce, and there Is wprld, bas bel!n ma'de by the Nallonal Astoclation for the Study and Pte'fen· certainly euoh a thtnll as a woman tlon of TuberculosIs. , The oongress ~e~ng and deserving support from wlll be held In Rome trom September the man from 'Whom sbe seeks and ob· 2-l to 30, 1!111. and wlll be , similar-In talns a divorce, and to abolish alimony ,many r~speota ' to tbnt held 1n Wasb. ~ould work bardsblp on many women ' Ington tn" tlie fnll of 1908. The '. con· and cblldren, .aUke blalJleless tor the gl' SB, which meets everJ ' hree, years, ' C)a1!!lea as well as the faot of the sep· C.pltal and Labor Not Antagonlatlc. will be under the direct patronue of Dnfnty Dress-Cream delalne wltb' .a ratton. the king nna queen of' Italy, " wltb 'mauvE: rIng eml>roldered on It,ls se· "The Link that connects labOr An Am rlcan comiirtftee uf"l'()O wtll tor.•our dainty design wbJob, eapltal Is not broken but we m87 not be appointed as the officlM rell'rese"" Has everybody forgotten ~lley's drawn with a bat, woul~ 1)e so clen! that It Is ,less cohes,u~~.~~ It taUves ot the United states. Mea,r.· comet? There was "reaoUO,n atter should be or tban oondlUons Wilr{or aeml-evenln,g wear. " , while tho National Alsoolatton Cor th. the ~epldaUon and Intense curl08ity rant. Financially, tbe country •• skirt. ·Is trimmed with a ' deep .Study and Pre\>entton ot 'rl\berculoala aroused by Ita approaob, and now, Ill· stronger ' tban eVer before In Its his· band edged at 'the toot , wIth .Is acting In that capacIty and its Office silk about 3~ tncbes deep. ,.tead 01 plUng out of bed at unearth· tory. RecoverJ trom a panlo so in New York wUl be ,the headquarter. soalloped at the top, whicb alao Is Iy houra of tbe early morning In the aevere as that of tbree years ago was for the United Stat s delegat!ol\. ,The edged with silk; ,the material Issecretary general of the oongress ·la bope of getUng a glimpse 0'1 ,t, 'there never before so prompt and compara· complete. The masns are ered bere and at the waist. :Prot. Vittorio AJicoll ot Rome, ' are many who would not, for the prom· tlvely praotlcally {ree- from debt. Money I. The bodice has 'an eetrcUv,8 lace As a direot rosuf of tbe stimulus of 'lse of a good square look at the won- held by the banks In abundance and trimming edged with silk; the open· the last international congress beld tn derer, take the trouble of walking rates are low. at front Is Olleil with 'detBine, and " 'this country,. the Amerlcnn oommlttee acrosa the street. They have seen It ......._ _....._______..:.._~tbe sleeves 'Me ·set to, silk ·bands. "Why, then, does capital paule be able tQ report that the nu'mbEir oncel and so far as they a-:e ' 'con· opon the threshold ot Investment? Hat ot ooarse oream straw.: trlmmed of tu~.-culosls agencies In t hla coun· . cerned, It 18 an old story. ', Halley's The answer, we, to be plaIn. try llavQ been trIpled In the three Mntt'rials required: 8 yards muslln with mam'e bows. Materials required: 3 yards delalne Cornet Is not beyond viewing ills· It awaits adjustment of the relations 30 Inches wide, lace appliques accord· yearl . . More than twice as mucb Gen. Daniel H, Rucker. money Is belDg spent In tho , ftght . ~noe from the ea.r th; yet It oannot of government to business. • • • Tbe Ing to size, 2 yards lace, 3 yards rtb- 42 Inches wide, 4 yards lace 20 Incbes :wIde, 2% yards still 22 Inches wide. be seen. Tbe reason of Ita lnvlsi· sole problem consists of , determinlns' lion. .enty·three year. he wall a soldIer III nga1na~ tuoercul08fs by priva~e Bocl. how government can ' maIntain an ~,..-.... .....-..~.,-.................... ~ ~........... ., ..... ~~..,..~ ... ~~,., the United StQt~s army. lIlt ' aaw ,Bel'\'. {ies and lnstltuUons, and tho 'app~prt. bllity Is Its nearness to the sun, It even balanoe between aggregations tee In the Seminole war, tn the Mex· aUons ot tederal, state, municipal Bnd sets In the early evening, whlle the of Interests, on the one hand, and the BLACK T~E ~HE ' HOME lcan war. In the Clv)1 war and ror county bave Increased nearly fourtwilight Is strong enough to hide It wbole people, on the otber, protectyears ,lie did duty ()~ -the ,plalnll told,. It III estlmab!(l that ~early '16,. , with a vell of light,', , At the end ot Ing the IA.t ter against extorUon and Shade and 'Materlal Ha. Entirely Cap- 80me Ideaa That It Will Be 'Well ,to aga!.JIst the Indians. HIli body, i1es 1100,000 will be 6pollt tn antl-,t ubercula-. ' the Illonth It will set betore sunset. savIng the former from mad anaulta. tUI'ed the Fancy of Devoteea Keep Alway. In th .. w.lth that ot Lleut: Gen. He'nry C. sla w.ol'k In 1910. "'l'he solution 1e not 'caay to 1lnd It III turther south In the Iky than of Fashion. • , M~mory. Corbin aud Brig. Gen. Jobn J. Copfor the simple reason : that the situ· Confualng. ~ " . ~lnger, both of whom heard the ' last atlon Is without precedent. But Ie Dal'k red . llnen 'makes a 'prllah cBll within the year. Crals BIddie, at a , llln~.t: In New· Blaok "atln bas ,certalnly captlftte4 • not llrogress being made along sane Fnshlon! Flt"Sl, with the o.1lo1'ed BUIt drets that can be worn with a coat or , 1 'rhe CanadJan llUthotlue: Maj. ~n. Alfred E. Bates; last port, Wltll . deacr,blDg the cbanstn" with long, graceful l1nes; then with lI~gerl~walst. The material· la\ln. June, visited 'Weat. PoJnt' durIng the 0.d4s 'on the Jelf~le/l·JobD.IIOD nlht at. been so much disturbed ove~ ' the re- ilnd cautious Unee? • • • the Paquin scart or manUe, 'and ~'ow ded mc.el.y. commencement exerq18ea. ' Every Reno. Co~aerve Common '~J:lae. port, that ~o.OOO American far~ers '!Eight to four and IL.half on Jef· Some waUdn~ tiults. are trilnmed eaHhlee l.~uatton-and "hen' . with the ' chlo little chapeau, aaJs 'tile not tbe present, Be we have Pblla.delpbla Pr,ess. frlea-nlne to, sll the 'Otber way libout ' ,with lIOmll8dour rtQbon OD the eoll8.f. ~~er ' bls duties permitted " they ~ave un~ertaken an inquiry leen, excepUonaUy secure? Wbat, WbUe tbls latest ml111nery ,cre!,atlon narrow .raven, 'cuffs and belt, the rtb- Bates went back. to the academy. He - tbree to one and • quarter.-~t·. their own. The ~esult ,of ~hat .& Ule then" of ,prellarationll tor lbe tuture? II a forerunner o.f autumn modes, bo~ , m,a tching ,the Itrlf!l8 of ' the Pl. loved the old ' place, and on bill last rather confuslng,lsn't IU" he 8.pd. ' , admission tiiat 261 'tarmers and their Patriotism Is the basis of our lutl· women ,llke It so much that they have terial. vIsit he made a request that when tapI "In taot, It s almost lill contuslns .. ~en ' aitefln, a blou,e tor any l'tI'" eounded ,for blm be might be bUMed ,tbe, two gtr~a' talk ab<'ut ,Q secret. tainJUes hAve returned to tbe Unl't ed lutlonl. ' And patrIotism ll\'·the m,nda not delaye\i a minute to,wear It. , "'~{ary" said the firit glrl, ,'twld me ' Wben a woman called It' ,"s1mply lon, (t I. a great miatake to move ,States. ' Durin, the nine Ume they of our youth Is 'no longer linked solely In ' the oadet eenletery which lies al· It Ideal" the other: day she oertalnly btt Ihoulder 8eam to the front. ' A. witb fireworks and deeds of darlns. that you had told bel' tbat aeorel t most. under the sbadow ot the academ· Clabo that over 60,000 settlets have Is ''taught In· our scbooll, A new told you not to ' tell ber.' ',' " IC} halls. yYltbln' a te~ mon~h.s of entered Canada from thls country. cour~e bal 'been ' added-a COUrle In the' mark, '8a It Is Ideal for' alrnos~ any bet~er plan JII that ' ot ClropplDC "'The naeb thin;,' . said the other backWard 'inltead of forward. that his request was made time occallion. " Perh'aps It Sa up to the United States loya)ty. )fethodlcally, ' our cblldren girl. 'I told her not to tell JOU I loid' Vanity -baSs for ctanclns 'parUes are It 18 a oreation 'b etween a mush· to IllvesUgate the,se lalt tlsure~. learn bow to vote, bow to conduct , room with blgh dome crown and Uny most" attr.:cUvelr made of datnb rtb- sounded, and Gilneral Bates is at reet b~r.' In the little cemetery on the HudBon primarIes, oonventlons and electlona, · , , .. 'Well, 81\Id ~b,e first girl, 'I told brlm-,.-and a poke bonn"et; Fashioned bon, tn 'the tomi of a ,Uny: bag, wblch plateau. her, I wouldrl't tell you sbe told meA MuJillana man haa patented a how to ,discrIminate between qualU{c... , In a severe ' style, 'with soft folds of bolcb powder and pulr ball, " hUe ths Brig. Gen. HamIlton S. Hawkins, combined plckle tork and pall' of tions of candidates and, ftDally, bow satin around the crown and ,small bow botton OD the outside' lla8 a mln01't who died wlthln' tb p Year, I!BW sen Ice so don',t tell ' ~er 1 did.' /, In lll.tee by. shirred piece- 01 tn the CI,vll war as n subordlnnte om· tonp. With the a14, of ' this usetul In· to govern ,as well as ""e. Tliey are or roae~tes at the side. And!l da'pt7, ' Foiled. ' , ~" taught to despise bribery and all after ftrst belOg '. glue4 to ' t strument, you maJ, after a pickle sllpa torms of corruption and fraud al 'frUl of wblte 01' ecru valenciennes eel'. In the Spanlsb war he dlsUn' He was very baahfl\l and ' ahe tried r1b..c:o,v'elred cardboard, w1l:Icb rOl1b. 'from your fork, rea9b Into tbe ja~ and treason. Their oreed, "Wcb ' theJ are must edge 'the brim inside to give tbe sulsbed himself. General Hawldns en· to mako It easy for. him. Tbey W81"8 ~e Inside o't the bag. . terecl,West Point In '1862. b,u t h~" faUed dJivlng .oo,.g the "easbor.. and sh'e " pick It 'out 'WIth the tongs. For 'our mad, to know. by heart. Is n~t ~om. necessary softness to lIle ,(ace. Truly ,to, grl'duate. The' BeademJ had became silent, [or ' a Ume. "What's part, we are unable to understand plex. It Is Simple, but cinn'prehAn· a plctur~B que nat, yet, 'Practle;al, eo a hold on bls atrectlons, )1owever, t.bat tbe matter!" he asked. why should wlsb to take eo Itve, no less beautttul In dlotlon !tban much so tbat a woman can take one allked before bls deatb thnt be , HO, I feel blue,': ahe ' replied. "N~ much tr:ouble for the purpose of se· lofty In, aspiration. These aie \' the "aa. the only hat" tor a 'Week-end tripbe burled at the p\llCe whJ~b boc'ly love. ~e ' 4ud ' mr hand quite app.-O\)rhlte to wear wt~ ,8, ~!. an' pledges wbloh are graveD uw/1". helt curing a plokle. ' boyHood experlenoes had, enaeared eold.~' Jored suit; Ideal complnatlon 'With a , . memories: ' ~:~. ,~hlm. General' ,H.awktns was ; ":Yo~ shou.ld , npt, sar that,," was hIs "AI It Is oowardiy for a lIohiter to I1ngerle dress, and will be cbarll)1ng It ,it comes to pass tha,t a «\lard run -southerner , by, birth" a~d ~Iih. '~ , ',' ,," 'word of consolation, "tor ' Q9d 10Yes ' away fro~ battle, 80 It Ja ' award· for evenillg. must go with, every canoe-, canoeIng Iy tor any cItizen not to ' coritr~bute otlier southern 'omoers who had ra- you, and your mother loves "yCnl, , and One of tbese bats , recenUy, seen 10, felved 'their' militarY ed\lcatlon and you cap sit o~ your ' bands,....:...S,ucces. : w'm lose Its vogue. Its ch~et cbarm his sbare to the well·belng ,of his London waS simply- trimmed with two {heir le~solls ,In \~Ytl1ty at \Ves,t POint, Mag~Ill~. ' , , : bas always bee~ In atrordlng tbe country. Amerlc&. Is my own dear ostrlcb ' pll\mes--one at either side of ' . be rem!dned true to ,the unloq... .• ; , young man an oPp,o rtunlty'to show the land; sbe nourillhes me, ,a nd I will tbe ' tront and standing perfeotly , Of a1\, tho regular ru,ny officers ot giri how be can bandle the oars. He love ber and do my duty to ber, straight. lsouttiem bIrth, wh'o eltber r.ose trom' Parlsiennes are verJ enthusiastic never consent to be 'tollowed by whose child, servant and civil' soldier I/tbe ranks or, were a~1!,olnted 'rpm olvll "bout black saUn-and Is It any, won· I am. ' ' .. a life sa,ver, :lIfe to oommts!llol\s, not one 'remained "As the health and ,'hnpplnesll ot der when' such modes have been (la-, ItrUe to the flag;' at tbe outbreak of my body depend upon eacb musQle signed tor tbeh' pleasure and to aD" One of New York's fashion experts aJld nerve and drop· ~f bloo~ doing bance their ' beaut.yT tbe €lvU war., ot the, southern , Uaies at ' ~e mtlltilry aoademy ' n, ",nlP). ' I ' mUtes the Interesting , anno~ncement Its , work In Its place, ao the bealtb Newest lace veil Is a cbannlng oom· orte.thlrd"remalned true to their oatha tbat millionaires aro ' not the best and happiness of my country depend blnatlon of black and wbUe. ,Tbls not .of allegiance and to the spirit of love dressed men. The ' mtllionalres ap· upon each citizen doing bls >York In only slgnUies the vogue of' tbls dellllhtfor ;. 'united country '~btcb the ~cad. ful oolor, comblnaUon) but provldea a' pellr to be bearing up as bopefuUy 8S his plaoe. , ,emy bad Inculca~d. '''~hese ' young citizens at e our most cbarmIng veil for blonde or could be expected. hostages to fortune. Can we not brunette. ' The net or mesb part Is ot while ·tbe ohanU}II , desips are' "A hearty laugb Is a good thing for safely ullume that the principles anl· whl~e, " , . , mating their lives augur well for the black. Indigestion:' says one .ot tbe doc- permanency of the Republic? Wben Natural oolor lace veils ,are new, tors. In these days tbe trouble Is before have the toundation stones too. These are for women ,:wbo, pMf~r\ to 'find the tblng that wl11 provoke a of continuanoe been laid wltb BUch thlnp to match, and W~o wear J1at~al bearty laugh. care and promise of durabtUty? color straw hats with IJOlllee lultl ,or ' -,( "The tuture, tben, la bright. And trocks. One of tbe ml.n lsters oandldly an. the Jlresent? But one tblng Is need· nounces that automobile scorchers ful. No 'present -movement Is more bave no chance to go to he~ven . But laudable than that whloh looka to tbere are probabIY ;,no automObiles In conservation of natu ral r~sources. But let us never torg!!t that the great· heaven, anyway. est Inherent' resource or·' the ·Amer· Ican people Is Cpmmon Sen Ie, Let Wby Is Jt so astounding thnt a maD tbat be conserved and applied with· :'., In an aeroplane can go faster than a out cessatloQ, and sooii It will ' be ' bh~d? Doesn't, a man on a locomo· fOllnd , t!lat all tb~ ,m, of wblob we UY'e go faster · than a greybound or 8 complain but know not ', of Ili'e only .~cli . as ;'attend "'upon ' ,.th~ 'growln' , race 'horse? pains of 'a, ~eat and bl ssoo COUr,lt1'7, It the cow shows .Its appreCiation 'of music by giving a blggllr yield of . .,'e Kr)ow's ,the <lami. , ACOOTQlngto tIl.- MetropOlItan 'M lIJlIk, why not try the experiment ob azlne, Fire 'Ch1at' John Conwa', of Jel'" Y ~btQkenB during ,tbe egg lamlneT , , ,ley ,Olty, has , !lolvell "the baaeball excuse q\1estlon 'by tbe :Jloatlq , o()~ the AYI8.tors aeem aDIIoyed 'because an {oUowlng printed 'notice on hla deall _h·.btll w811 wrecke() by . .a I)Ja3 pOle. at,'tlte, 'beadq",a'rtera<: " Yet ,Il liar bas a rlglitto til' as well "I "All , requesta rot: leav, of absence owtng to grandmothera' fune.-.1s" )....."' .. ·I-_"'~,h baok, bouse ,clean,ng, "monng; 1000., , Iloadache; braJnst-orm, eoq;lIDa' been exl'resse~ that ••d4ln.: seDeral ' lndlsposltlon, elo.. ' haa millafd lIlut bQ huded to t,be cMd not iI.te'f l:'dmDllY ~sn tell o''J1ook OD the lQora ln " oC lb.

















'&aiDa ..


". --..!

,'Do Not Little Inter~sts Make, L,ittl,e ' 'M,e n ? T Is always dangeroul to , ' talk about the decadence at the ,race. , For, 100Jr:fq at llfe all a wholo, the human raoe la better than It eve'r , was. and the proportion at good men. pursuing ' lofty Ideal., III larger 'than It ever was before. The World groWII botter year by year. Yet there are dangers that are always threatening our hard,olU'ned clvlltzationa, and wise men w11l faoe' them. At least, there are tendenclell and habits that stultify UB, that 'dwarf the mind, hinder us from high fulfllments, and stand In the way of charact{lr commensurate with our blrthrlrht all chlldren of the great and hiflnlte Ood. There Is also danger that, while we rain over our predeoessors In charac. ter and clvlllzatlon, we lose what we have Pined by the growth of degenerating customs ot the mind. Rome gained Immensely over aU the ancient elvUlzaUons-but Rome fell. There Is no doubt that we have gaIned im. mensely over all past clvlllzatlons. But we oan 1a11, as Rome did. And It Is harder tor us to keep what we have gained. We need greater, nobler men than did even Rome, tor we have a (ar more elaborate and complex clvnIzaUon, a democracy which demands tor Its very existence men ot both honor and great minds. America relui res great men, serJoulI·mln4ed mep, men who chn think and ptan and Bolve great problems, utter wls8 ooun· lIels. (aoe rreat evf1s oalmly ane! courageously, deal with the «Towing skepticism and doubt at many men.

I wallt anT pe1''IOn who sulfen wIth lid. I01/<8J1e8s, con8\lpaUon, Iodllte8t1,o a ot' allF liver or blood altm~nt, to try Pa",·P~. Lint' PIUs. I guar"nlfle theT wll pur llr the blood and put the U"er and atowl1ch Into .. bM-ab/u! condltlon and will p081~I'VelT 01119 b\llou8n~8. aud constlpaUon, o r I wlll rell1D4 your monoy. - M\lnJon', Homeopathlo Ho... Romed, Co.. liard and lalfarton Su.. PhIlL, ....


Danger That Threatenl.



Milly- Is this picture like your fatber? Tilly- Or cours no t. s illy! It alike falli er when be has his picture ta ken.-Puck. Nos. 6110 and 6106, All . Beams AI. 10wEld.-lt was thought for a time that the peasant style of waist would Boon ,lose ,I ts hold upon popular favor, lS it Is somewhat pronounced, but Ume bas proved that It was a mistaken Idea. The waist grows dally In favor. and It Is now made ,with so many variations that It la suitable tor every pOBslbl!! use. In our llIustration we show a model which la as plain as It Is pas· sIble to make' any waist. and yet as st)'lIsh as It can be. In the back there Is a box 1I1aJt stItched down near eaoh edge. The closing of the waist Is a llttle to one side of the center. The pattern (6110) Is cut In elles 32 to 42 inches bust measure. To make the waist In the medium size will quire 2'n1 yards of 36·1Doh materIal, wIth l*, yards of lS-lnoh aU-()ver to trim, as Illustrated. WheQ autumn comes wIth Its many Uttle entertainments we frequently need a waist which wUl make up prettily In some of the light tissues whloh the season b1'1nge out. We lllustrnte a waist which needs a thin material to show the design to advantage. At each shoulder In the front ' there Is a group of short tucks. Nearer tbe center of the front there Is another grou,p of tull-length tucks, and Ilnally at the center there Ilre other tuc~s, prodllcing the effect of a box plait. Above all these ~'ere Is a lItt,l e yoke of fanoy ahape. but not very deep. In the bank there Is likewise a shapect yoke and below It a rroup of full length tucks, but hese are only In the center, so as not to make the wearer seem round· shouldere!!. The patte'r n (6106) Is out In sizes 32 to 43 Inohell bust measure. To make the medium ,s ize will require 2% yardll of material 86 Incbes wide, with ~, yard of lS·lnch all-()ver., To prOCU1'e tbll pattern Hnd 10 centi to ".Pattern Department... of thla paper. WrIte nama and !USdr", plainly, and be aure ,t o stve Itse, and number of patterq.

But right In tbe face of this In· creasing demand of the hlghel'lt olvllIzatlon for greatness of soul. vigor of Intellectual ability, COncern for great llroblems in all the pe?Jt>le, one of the lTeatest ' dangers that threatens our people Is a consuming engrossment In lItt.e, mean, commonplace and petty thlngll-thlngs un",orthy of great' souls, to say the least.. but also just the thfngs that tall to breed the strong men the church and nation need today. In the midst at great problemll we run after triflIng pleasures. WIth a call to ~Igh thinking we deprive the mInd of al\ power to grl,l-pple with lIte tor a mQdel: ~lOliy ~e planriel1 to great thoughts by feeding with plant. H~re he. would erect. & .chool 'crap])y ' ~d Insignificant truth. In a that- should' be an , agricultural !lOd tlme :demandlng' the .most berolc can· are dallying with sports. demons'tratlon plant. Here he would .s ecratlon ,et the ..children ot the TagbanOl to' When 'great tasks are call1ng for souls 'go to tbe Induaulal Bchopl. Qn the religiously glft~d, : ,and prophetlcaliy , . fertile lands that lay round about )I. Inspired, we 'are touetthil God and woUld IQcate their parents. Thele he" God'il thoughts ~nd Itarvlng ou~ souls, ~O. 5110 and 5106 f3IZI!l ................ . would show how t9 farm at the &ame pn ' coii)monplaces. NAME ...................................... .. Ume ~hat . the chllitrell ",er~ attendlnl One hao only tI) turn two or three IchooL He would teneb them the vir; habltl to lee how real ,this dancer ts. TOWN' ..................................... .. tues a farm Ufe by actually deiDon~ Thul, 'the 'r eadl,DB habit ,of today BTREET AND NO ..................... .. tratlng It to them. .: makes UI somethnel serlaU!!ly ask , Governor ,MUler told , bls little plaDl' It the le~eratlon will no( lose the !ifJ'A'1'lII ..... _.......,............... . to the lJrov1!!lonal' government lind It. power to thtDk. For , In ~urreadlng 'oured an appropriation ,vUh wblch ,to •\\;'8 want UNe, scrappy, short, pIquant begin It. ,A little money he ,macte ,lo. Dla~lne articles that have neither CHILD'S NORFOL~ COAT. a long, WJ!.7, ;Ior ,~be ' natives vol un· tnte.lactual grasp ;' nor serious n'iqpl teered to do the work :wlthou,t charge, purp,ol;e. Subsc~lbers complain of 811,d there ~a8 not muoh call ~or the' ,long, serious, logical, Intelleotually flrie'fiQIsb. The colony' wa'S this spring vIgorous,' abstrjlct , articles that call drawing on toward completion; 'and , tor mental exertion In the rea,delr-thl! a." It w'a . The , particular . .rtlcles our ' fathers could both anli "enJoy. They want the editorials to' do what tlttle thInking appears"In the paper., So, Jpo, we ' are being deluged with little b~OKS. Short-stones BeW by the ,tbousand:, and-Uttle novels, with neither' power nol' deep .. and ar. \ tllltlc Interpretation of lite, Sell by <he -hundreds or thousOJld. Our religious PJ'od,ctfons are noteworthy for large tYDe, wide Jnargfus' and blaJ)k pages, and, ,\ wl~,~ lIome notable exceptions, are \iery th~n ~ne! 'Yatery stuff. Yet, they.. are 'What ihe people buy and rea4: 'Wher.e Is the race ', of men who ,reaa' rreat boQka 'aqd 'followed great theologIcal, political, e.conomt(l. a./;'.4 Uterary discussions ,In the reviews of the , lllst generatton?,' , 'Sometimes It looks ~ I,r the church· e,s WMe ylel!1lng to 'thls mental imd . mOfl\l ,lri.neneSII, wbe~ one rends. ,the JIst of sermon' topics advertised In the . 'Sa'ttUday, papets. So many of them are petty dealing with Uttle trivial ' 'No. 6106, All B~ams Anowed.-We concerns,' the titles evidently made Illustrate our example of the NoI;.tolk catcb1 land sensational to enUce a coat whlcb Is ideal tor faU wear. Jt congi:egaUon ot :I!lle cunoll!ty eee'kerB. has , a box plaIt at each sbouldl!r In lui! of a m~n who ft~ Into JUllt such a And, . what ca,n . tlJ.Q preache~ do for ,both front and back and this extends nook' alid olvU serVIce Or the d scre.. them after he has got them With such to the hem of the coat. Tbe front Is bJae'o tders as lo ,cesla. ~OJl 'at tbt) 'me.n' '1Igh~r u·p : Is ,unab.le top~tls1 .'O~i!3n, too, we noUce-that the double-breasted aad trimmed, with b~t"the tr.lbe·II d th to !1etetmh;u! just wbat are the quall-' I,ad:v.ertlsement 'assures the teader that tons on panel. A patent leather belt : In ' two ,y::ra h~ 'ties neecled even .were, the man with, the ' lermon8 '.wIl1 be short. But tbe malte, a stylish flnlsh tor the coat. '. Into ' 'the 'whole these qualities Idealist enough ~o give that ,make great, vlg9rous ml:!n The p~ttern ' «(il06) Is cut In sizes 3 to I'eadlneas for up t~e ' world to whl~h ,Jle has been ne" clUlnot b~ treatEld In ' fltte~n 9 llears. . To ~ake the coat In the ml!of his' clls{(lmed ' tO I,lYe .m~~g tbe people ot .IJ~ve our:' people 'lost tlle In- dlum sJ,ze will require 3 yards of maU",'auIU 110 tbe"wlld ror ,tM sake"of 'Ing,good: ·. abtUt.y' to follow a high, 1m. terlal .~ , inches , wide, with % yard , I, . :;. t . , " UnA ot thought for forty min- 'f contrasting f!'brlc 27 Inches wide. ". AllU ' ~L\1", Moroll, ,beae Samals or. i7~ , '! ' " , , 8ea ,late ' ~in at" their, a~ once .. cro,w ds , hung upon great To procure thl. Pllttern lend 10 pent; , , ",'hey,' 'a', dN~ tho' Ug"ht." ~y" the ' hourT-ChrlsU"J'I 10 "Paltern 'Department." ot thl. patler. U .. i"f.'ua,~'u'''... ;~ Write name and address plaInly, and ' be ~,~:~,I'~I!"'e ", :A1I~er'lcaln '~a c1~m~, .a thhig at .Evanlle~I~" lure \0 alve ltae .and ' n~bllr o~ pa-t~rn. p~~~lii!~I!~r,ri;I!o~lfal sir~Bt~ I\Dd 'ot' Qbarm84 ' had BUnk' and drowned N'O: 5105• . ., SIZE ••• .••••••••••••• " 'tu~~,!~, ove~.;v BO "woille! They would ' thro.w' <the " 'Unf(IMtv NAME •• ~ •••••••••••• . •••••••••••••••••••••••. American' ,overlidarci. ' '&'d . :r. .:. J -:







Plerp's Appetite J. P . Morgan, Sr" was alwaYII


good tr ncherman In hIs youth aDd he has as good on appetite today al he ever bad, not only for corned beet and cabbage-hI s favorite dish-but for oth r fo ods. It the Morgan, who dazzled the Teutons with his math&matlcs whf'n he WBS 0. German univers ity post·graduate student., had ac· cepted the chair or mathematics 0(' fered to him by Heid elberg, In stead ot his Yatlltee corn ed beef and cabbage It might have b en frankfurters and s3uerl{raut.-New York Press. IIQood.Nlght and Pleasant Dream..Two things mean sweet 8Jee~ clear conscJence and a clean bed. No one Is going to put 1011 1n a bed they think 1s not clean. but ha?en'i you n0ticed 80metimes t.hat tbe p~llo.. oaaea and sheet!! have a stale, musb' amen. and that they are harsh and have' an unpleasant teellng? That fa' becaUBe ~ey are washed with lIoaps that are tull or roaln and strong caustics. There's o.nIT one 1IOa1' tor beddlJllJ. That 1. "Easr Task Soap.· Pure cocoanut on, PlO'e bora%. napbtha and other healthtaili, lterW.zfng and cJee.nstng agents comp08e "'Easy Task Soap," and beddlnc washed witb It Is sure to come from the wash 80 beautltUt that it make. U1e houaewUe proud. . \~,.' . , Saucy Boldler Shut He'" Up.

Cpl. Robert C. Carter at a :Nashvll~e banquet was talk Lng about campaign comrades.· "Then there was Dash of Compan, A," he said. ''Dash had tbe reputation of belnlt the nastiest tonrue~ man In the regiment. "It was PrIvate Dasb, you knol'_ who, out foragIng one: evening on a rich estate, oame accldenta11y uP.On the owner's wife, a grande dame til evening dress. .' "Dash 'asked her for food, Slie refused 'hJm . He asked again. But, still refusing, she walked aWILY. .. 'No,' she salll, 'I'll give yqu nothIng'. trespassing Ilke this; I'll ' give ' you nothing. My mind ' Is made uP: ' "'Made up, Is It?' I;ald Dasb. 'Like the rest at you, eh l' .. Public Want Ada.

Wanted-Several Illce old gent). men to represent uB flnanalallr. Nothing to do but utter wise remarks' and IndOrse dividend checks. 'Qaoa :.vagel, fro~ fifty to one hundred millions' , J ( , year. , Wanted-A, 'nuall'cter who wll~ guar; antee to keep us supplied with baltcolleges anll half·lIbratles wh.lle ' we' " supply the other halves. ' No expert-. ence required . Good rake,olf. . Wanted- At onoe. A large n'umbei' ' of stockbol~ers to take oharge of- our food supply and keep \IS f1'om enUne • too much. No reg\llal' ' hOUfS, Palw Beach In Winter. Adlrondaok!! In sum· ~~


Wunted-A few select persons to ' r~ vrese,nt ' , us 'socially, an,d do the thIngs we baveD't time £01'. No brains. nee ,All expenses' I)1\ld. No watry.. c - Success. ' Hard


PUZZLED Sometimes, Children.


Ral ••


Public Sales



W . ar~lng. .................





Some of our customers who know we sell genuine· Sealshipt Oysters exclusively, have been under the impression that all oys" ters put up in tin c~ns were Sealshipt Oysters. . Such is not the case. Sealshipt Oysters are NEVER sold THAT WAY.

Untouched by Human Hands Tin Can Oysters

germ-pr()Of steell containers AT THE ' SEASIDE and SEALED. as BOon as they are shucbd and , Oysters are not put up in pint or qU!'lrt tin cans AT THE SEA,SHORE as JJlany people suppose. and washed. Ice IS kept packed around the cOntainers ~re 1~ to beheve. They ar~ ordinary oystel'll. of- every ~i1e of. the journey. Not a drop of water ~ hberally watered before they leave the ehip- or partIcle of. Ice goes INTO the container. !he result .IS they reach u.s in perfect condition Pl!lg P,Oi!lt, frequentlr re-iced en route and swimwltb all th~lr original' freshness and sea flavor ~ m lee .w ater "hquor" when they reach the preserved. . , . 'Jobber. . There is a. v~t difference between them and QYS.. '11)e jQbberCANS THEM HIMSELF- water and , a.Il: · You buy them sight unseen and,'pay oyster ter p'ac1,ced m'~tn cans.. You can only tell how great . pncee for the water the call contains. The natural the difference lS by trYIng them. Be satiRfied with 'eea flavor h~ be~m washed out the oystets just no other kind. Get yodr money's worth of solid as completely Ill! if you bought them out of an oyster meats. A pint of Sealshipt Oys.t ers will go. Qpen tub; they are sOggy. shapeleSs. insipid. . . as far as a quart of watered oysters . . "8easlde Oyster Dishes" No "Liquor" with 8ealehiPt Call at our store and ask for 8 free copy of our S~alshipt Oysters Irt' packed solid into air-tight ' new book "SEASIDE OYSTER DISHES... ·





Edgewood • ••• " • • • • w>" ___ Mrs: Callie Tbaoker Ilnd t'wo [~ ' d U , .... " Shl daugbteraJleturned to thei"~ h'ol'netn _r. an _re. vua8. daker en· . &8r'-lned for dinner Sanday, "r~ MlohtgaJl, on last TaesdllY after . n7 d M GlI' (11 a &~O ~eek8 vlsit with relaUv88 TIle fQD8ral of lin. "o~ow So- au . rs, ' n oJ Gaver, of biokary. here. ,' RaD tOOk 'Olaoe from her la&8 home ville. ; .' . We4D.ta,d 10 a. orr I.ntennent :' Joeep)l Day"" of the, N. c. ,R .• or " Mr. and Mn, Oh~. Pope 8pen,t a' OlubvUle,Ohlo. , Day' $On,' vlalted hiB. parenA-a. u • and San day with ,George Wade· ... of near ~ - r F ~II . . ..... W .... JDl&aroth. Mrs. Frant 141'1. Geor~ J?avt8, of near' ~eJ:'e ran& 0 ; COI'JtU aDd Dr• .Bla1rllefnaappolnt.,. 8nnday;. . , MIss Velma Marquard$, ot'Dayton eel bf Use Proba&8 Coun \0 vt8it ~e Emmet M.oCarron. wbo 8Qm~ 8~nt Sunde'y with he~ J>ltren~, jalJli AD4 JQOiupe Uir01llhout · the; time haa been In the employ of 'he and 'Mrt!; c: a; MarqQllrd& of tbill 001ID\7, paid our vtllap a oatl'rqel' N. 0 . ~f Day&On, bM retUi'ned plaos. . ~ da,. aDd found WDp in fink!... home and Is ~orkmg 00 'be f,arm Me88r11. Er~88& And WtlbUJ Lacy 9I'4er. ' here. I .I ' and MIsS Jennie Betmer spent ~u.., ' r.e.t JeMOp alid Clifford Hawk ~e X'ntg~te of p"Uilaa lodge of day with Mil.,Hltzel KIrby of Edgeactead8ci She Wllmlng&oo Fall' our &o~n have good prospeots fo~ woOd. ' ",._,... aa lnor8&88 of member8bJp tn ~he Clover seed h~lUng 8e~ms ~ · Io.~ Mlne~ ~od ~ulbter, L1Ie11a, Doar future. th~ order 0 ' the da~ IlTound here. ~ of lb. Mtlter'e daogh. R. C. Edwards, ' of Hapeville, . Walter Beel, of l)ay~n, lIPeDt. 1:;11n. '-r, -'1:' tJoraoe Wi18oo. of Spring. GeQr«!., who lived 'ht)re in bl, boy day" wltb hiS .r ather, Mr. John Beel, bor.o. 9Jedoilda~. h~.daY8. »1100 on ritlatlveli here neat' Rt~gevme:·.' 8nnday, leavtnB for the "anny So~'h Mrs, MaKr le Ferauson t. nod · • • and lin. HamU,on Bopo l!d.ondaY ,m orniDI. her sale from October 1st t~::'bet apeal.,'l'bund",.·e-t. tbe )y.Umln,,&qp III hiLa I d If - '22 d I .' .&'au. ,. 0 as w S an , W ej of near .n . ' .:..' Ib and M N J:l Blob f :um~gton, pa888d &hroogh oqr M;r. Clvde W.· Reitz, of DlLyton. Wetbua ~ '~ay ai:!tr::~ r~n w.daywUh a ~utlfo~ ~m lpent S~Dday with his motb&r. In oar Vt~ 'oal1tDg oD' frteacl8. 0 o~ $Ohl" ,~~!On. ~~.,: .W. · W. Orane and B. Dattn after two weeki .&&1 .M18l' Edith oalled on Mrs. at B9' Springe, marned home I'r~ OreKOnla. Kirby aq~: d&ughter' Friday ~ ....h$ lWklng well.., ,_ noon. . '.' , 1Ir"Kt1&on. ~a and Steven ~ Mlu LU3ile MaaOn'left Sonllay for Ben. James and wife w~jJ move to *-' 01 ..... , 6 .. ~- .. h bee Lebanon where 8he url11 enter ,t be tbe "Keev~r F ... rm" tbi8 week, hBV ~Uut;;;g '~:r· ~r:::i888"'v:y Unlversi'y. " :~ Ing 80ld tbelr farm on tbe Dayton paln. ' b. A. Hpenoer and f~mtl', or Leb. pike. IIl8I 0 _ft" t f W anQq. ,pen' ~uDday With bf" brother • - '• . r _ o;>&U!IOr, 0 . aynos. and fallJlly here. Bell bro. ok ~l~ .r:,~' turd.., with her aunt •. ' ..





u_-e'''SI....Mo ~"'..,














M~lel '::~::b:.~:a:·,~o

near 'u~ moYf), 00 'Mr•. IbJjie CoUett'8 fana; . .' . ,Ill'. and Mrl. Chas. Edwardup8nt JJDDCla, 'he 111_ of M,r. and Mrll. B8.1'D Ou', of KinR8 MUle. .' lira. lIoBe,noldl Is q'p ita 810k bu'" \houlht ~ be 119me bet't ar ' at 'hiJ wtU~g . . .. . 1Ir. Biuq Colller will move Qn the • Frank l:ihldaker,fann th~ 18t of Jan. .....' ~. . ,'." I'arm8 are In great demand in .. ''''' .V1omlty. ., ) , .., Mr•.a1ld Chas. Bo~e and fILm .1". of Wilmiagton, lpent Sunday with,lIr. Howe'li aun&. Mrl• .Lewis.


M. SchumBker



Sealshipt Oysters



Social Eventl

I will biler for we at tny resilIence on Fourth street, on .....::..-..- - - - ,.., . Vet.~.ln.rl.~ Saturi'Y, October 8, .'10, Edwi'.l Chandler and family were opened an oftlctt in Waynesville for practiM. BegInning at 12 30 p. m., the fol- guests of Mrs: Esther Stout and Treats all dlaeuM of d... lowing: ~a~ghter. MIllS Edna, Sunday. . mestic animale. 1 un pot One good family horse. not, afraid ao common as you ~l8I:at imqine. I have been in of automo~j}es, 1 surrey" 1 set sjngle B. D. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. practice for 20 yean. harness•.l tiaircIoth parlor suite, bed- Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. Har~ calls promptly attended room·sul~. 2 bedsteads, 2 wire mat· Murray were guests of Mr. and Mrs. to day or niKbt. . . ., ' t~esses, lou~"e, matbl&t~p table, j. C. Hawke at dinner Sunday. Phone No. 118. kitchen cabmet. 2 extension tables, . -. cupboard: wardrobe, bureau, set of dining-room cbairs,. 2 .safeS, 2 mil'Miss Ellen Sherwo'M was 'bOliteEl81 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!~ . ~\~!!!!!!! rora, 4 sets of c~rtam8, 150 yda c~l'- at a "slumber party" Saturday . . ._ _• _ _ _. . . . . .~ pet, 50 yds Brussels., r~ge., ~hneJnigbt. 'The ' guests were,. stov~ and oven, 2 h~atmg stOYe:" I~t Mary Hawke, of' Lebanon. . , . of dishes and many other thmgs: 'and Clara Hawke, Lucile Cornell and Terms made known on day ot sale. Ada Furnas • • 1 Mrs. Wm. HobJitt~ . . (Osteopathic Phylklan) . C. T. Hawke, Auct. • ---

T~:'-::y .l!~l!I~ljlr~& :llS1~~;:

Or J a.~


Having deoided to rent the farm Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Murray Tuesday and Friday . we will sell 08 tbe far m 2 mtle~ tained at supper Saturday eveni~. Of Each Week north of Harveys burg, on the Xenia the following gUests: B. D. Robert. pike at publio auotion on of Oswego, Kan., Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright, Mr. and MI'H. J. C. Wednesday, October 19, 1910 Hawke• . 8 ginning at 9 o'olook a. m, the following chattela: " Eight hot:aes oonalMtlng of 1 gray On 'Monday September 26th oe. 80urs ot Appointment. 8 a. m. borse, 6 years old, weight., ] 800, ed .• .' to 12 m. altha good woyer;:" billok duft ~urr tb~ blrth jay anmversary of ;.• • • • • • • • • ~ElldiD~a, 3 yeals old; :.l coming 3. Dr. J. Elbs. In honor of the . year old, general purpose mares i 1 sio1l, Mrs. Ellie entertained at Itt"" ....'. , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!! 2-year-)ltl rOtldster, Oloe aotor, 81red Chas. Ellis and family, W. E. O'Neall by Barry Purcell; 1 fl1mily driving d fa'J d J E J d m~,e; 1 weunlt,ng ool.t by BUly Por- an. ml Y an . • snney an W'CuUU . . . . . . -Rnnnn ft.:L n ; ol)l~; 1 saddle pony, 3 yellrs old; 1 famlly. Ada will be IUe.M ed UDder \1&111 118.4 lor extr.. good Jersey oow with oalf by I twep,,·Dft ceDlS. for '11.... IDllUijl)" Ide: 2 sprlugers ~' m be fresh Boon; M' H k ' . ed "'/leD U1IDC DollDOre ,llaD ate UD••~ • ersey heifers safe In calf, Sixty 18$ Donna. aw e entertain -,»~~" """""",,~ bead of hoge 7 brood sows, 1 80W Monday evenmg in bonor of with seven young pigs, 53 .boats Miases Dakin, who leave for t~eir 800118 Twenty good breedhlg eW&l. 1 home in Missouri Thursday. ThOle 3-year old baok. . present' were MiI8es, DorothJ 'aDd FIIormiDg Implernent..-4 Wll~ODS, Kath_~ D k' M th o'Neali THREe unfDl'Dllhed tooIDI ' lor 1 Weber wllgon good as new; 1 Mil. · 'V,J" a JO, . ar a , . Iilbt bouekeepla. Add.... burn: 1 iron wheel WagOD; 1 feed K~t~erine AI~xander, Henrietta M~- A. 8., Mlam' Goette omoi, .• waKOD ; 1 ohampion. wheat biDder in Kinsey. Jessie Marlatt, Luella .Cor· good condition; 1 8~peribr dl80 nell Elizabeth Collett StftUa L e m . · wheat drill vylth ferhU2er attach ' . W . • mont, 1 steel roller good a8 ne~. 1 mont and Alma aterhoU8e. tdesan rliso oorn }110~, 1. aa~Uton tt.ngne Edward Ricks, Harvey Rye. w., ...... 11;88 wI\lking plow; 1 hay ~d8r Keys, Ralph Miller" Dr. J. W good as new, 8 good barrow8, 2 oorn Harold .owell FraJlk Crew ' \dantera, hay rake. good fodder .Ied .. ~d Fn!d Hawke bay '''ggtDR, double sbovel plow, I."" • __ ,. iJ lmes Oliverridingb~aklngploJ', BIBLE SCHOOL 5 sbovel tobllooo oultivator, wallt " iog plow." feed grinder, Qne horse . • drtlJ,~teel.tire ttJpbulPgy" s1e1g11 ,The Way'ne Townsbi'" 'Bible ............ '1 . -==:::;======~=== . .,. , I' .. log ohaln8. forhll' 8uovel8, Wqrkers' Institute Was held at rakes,!!lop b&yoart, fork, p work-bar. lJe,s and M• E . church here tut 2aets , Frid" good oonditlon made by )11, program was' gOod. but the .U'I!IIU~' O. Carey, of Waynen11le;',,&8 ~f anee small. slnRle lia,rnell)!, collan aod bddlel'. • - • . . tbnele. 1 .lIet 8'ogle netil, 225 or oorn in field~ ~5 .boob of ·.mni n .. 1IOPI,aI a1l \W1p fodder, 10 ton of mixed b~y.' ton .-elq ';IftICUl 1811"1 .• '0 ~ . '1UUloIIJ of alfalfb n mow. Rhode. bland 'UK l»1WI~. jl~RNhI \W~. Bed ohtokene-' good oooke,eJe for '. ..'~11 ao ~Ulwa 8Cl alii .----------.-;;~breGf'Ung 60 heDIJ and puUe&8 .eft .IJ8Qot !NII \vtn aonN ~ ,.., BOD8~bold good8-6xten8Ion ' "'ble, noA, '''Q~'q .(1.ACJI1Ul -W-' . . "-01IIbbrl4 " n = 1 safer loDDg",. oot, •. 1l0ur', Ph.r, 2"&d· l1ntAl .IOJ ~1IUOn· ,·1'1........ e~.aI D ~'. 8tead8, hea.t!og sto'Ye for ·wQ¢" 1 .eh Ol 1III\OU8 peaoJ8JA ptIO.ICl eq ptDCM18 ra......IIOOIk. • 1,' a~Qe, O. Ecijso~ l>h~no8Taph with , noA. !.I'Hp.l.1II '~q .IDO.( .ao&tft good Sbottot{un, tolther ar. 8011.m~ 0 ' f:1OJ*ncs ewp ~! lOQ Pl~ . . men ~n. no "I. 1LWP'"1 '00Cl '11'" ...1.,...111 . ~am8 of 15.00. anel un. 0'1" ~••11IqIllW 8~ P,.I ~'1l.'" , aU 1snmll , o-yell 1$.00, . .' ,· OQ eca Ia 'of 9 month8 will be g'veri " qDI"" ' _ " , PIlI ~ lla.rcbaaAr Sl vlns b"nkable note,' Ii ~ pe~ ... . , . per cent disoouut for oash~' .' 411QUAt. "'I ' \aMUNldO . ,. Frank Shtdaker' & ~on, lV'll ~loi~mCl peaJW1~aIOO ' ........8 'Ieoot 'NK llaJdw ..WV,pGWO e.g , ' oq.. •....o.aa .... Do lJ8lPO .... . .AND .Pl0s.:...wq. nI!f ,,4•. " " awl4 elP . len CoaI1Ck ~,u. I;' 'fa"";' peaopuwqw Mao 8111 ......... ~..., Qhlo. . .. GOaa JO UONed . . .UJ8q ..-n ll...... -.p , OB8Bll 111.. ·.I8~wlDeo1ied JO ~ m tw80'-' for ..........., ... ; "aonwlQ,1 \am»lDlP .. . or aD I"~ ~ .I, 8. ._ . qolq.. .'0" nAIl etn " . ~, . . . Ubi'pmaa, Yllle. 011\0. . . ...~ one V" .,...e ""'''': .mtyliloO -\ 11 ~OJ moa ~.IMP . . of wblob ,I mow. .; y ·.i8qlo ,.IlI ..,o eao . . III,... ~a 8A~OOh"• . kid,... .114










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TJie M. P . .ohnroh held tlieir an . '. .. In 11llnql8. , ~ual: pjQnlo in Mr. TJly)or's woOds Intellect.... puW .'lIona,adio Wl9,~~,lre.·'W JD _~ B;fI"l~" p~ ~ .. ..... aU" ,IUD. Rally Day 8erviO&l will be held at l~!lt I:;a.turday. " ~. the ~.t. tb. .1p ~QUI. ~""A\' 111 ...,dUG ot ~ lIernt,t. . , , 'he U. B, ohuroh next Sonday morn M,8. Georg~ EarD~art 'ba8 111' ....-. ...... .· ~." 1.J.I8l1JCl w ~ lng at \) :39. Let everyone oome tur~ed 'from 8 ~lSI~ w,i th rel~ I..noea,,"oo ~II etU,. I=~~~=F==;=;;===;;;:~~~ and b(\lp make It a ·8a038S8. ' at <1entervjl1e. .' . I " , Mr: and Mrs. R. B. Emm ,108 and I 'Ibe 8a88 B~l1 team of this daughter Virgi~I.; . Mr. and ' Mrs. pl6fejl with the . \IWbjte I:;ot' Olilrenoe ,I:;herwood and ohildren Dayton Ja!l' !!Idurd,,), the soore be all(i Stella and ' Boraae Bromley Ing '.to 3 in ~avor p~. QaJ1tiroolr. . spent Sandl'Y witb MI'. "Dd Mrs Q~llt.e & lllrge orowd Il.tten.dtld tlit! Gny Sherwood, of near Waynes. .firet Lectur.e C~)f&"Be at t.he ~OWD vUle." " , Hall Sa.turday eventpg - , ' . 'Mr \ and Mr:s, Will Keraey enter• . Mr: lind ~r•• 0 ..R J:'et~rson speut talned at dlnne, Snilday, Mr. an!! lallt W~neliday. ~t ?J"toq. . ',Mrs. 'Frank Ruddiok and ohll· Miss NeHle . Gqnntngl:um, ' of dren. qreene~ma, vleited Miss Edna . u~uSean: . '. . , -~ wlddle ODe day,last week. " or. BMtet Ban ia being enjoyed at · Branch . Mr. and Mrs. Llloy Peterson, w~ra ou .ohoo},. Prof Roudebush Is gael'lts pf hili lJIltent·s 8atqrday aDd tui'r1iO.tor~ ' . . .' Mr. and Mrs, Oharles Rye 'Were SaDday. . '. .' .'.. . .Mr.·and )(rs. Chas. I:;hldaker were guelts at 'Sunday dinner Itt Alr, end. Jobn Weaver lS pntting'up &.new WalDe8vUle vi81tors Saturday. I ~ts. Newton Smith 'I. 'black8mith ,s h'op for Eugene P~nl'\" Raymond B~man islea~niDg to Mrs. Afla.Da"in and .son Carl. and wit oU Main stre~~.· ' ~~~~~~~,~~~~~~; mantpnlllw &be plano very nloely d"ogbten~ {,Qia. and Hazel wefe Mtls Lola Oornell, of n~ar ,~ r~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!Ii~~~!I!!~~~...I!i!-.·;j~ under the . Instrno'lon8 of Miea Mary '·guests Snnday of her gran(1mother wa~ ~Islting .tn. B611brook last ." fl,lnkene. '. Mre, ·D1okso~ 'Wbarto.D,ot Aft, Bolly ,day,. ' •~~~I~=!~~I~~~=~II~!~~~:~~~~~!=~~~I~~~!!!~~eel~~~i!~ . 'M r. and Mrs A. S. Oollett were ' M.t88: ~r'h~ CheoowetH-HPant 'he . . ' ' • ~ ...- - . B1I88te of Dr.' And Mr8. Elli80n Sun. put ,week In Xoota ,wlth her Ooualnll. · 'Don't. ' ... 8moke·tl '. . . day. . . .' . Mesl!rs. ~'om alld.Oris Oheno'w eth at .. 't h ma,.,~.:..elt~ ,. m. you "e tn · L ' ., '. Mr '· Wmlil.lnTbo~p·sQn'8 . wea er ';·" ltom" ·that • , 111l1li Belen Harrill who has been . .... . " .' '''heavy'' Itrattim ,of · ~ '" t .. . ' paY,iDl a visit to Dayton friends for Mrs. JJqd.' is on the sto~ Imoo,of'yau c)lImn8Y to , ore weeks returned .home Saturdl'Y l~t at 'he .~~~e.Of.t~I8. ' In.tN4.. tb,~ ~iUt,on ' . SrQundl:', a"~', . . Mra. Thotn..., ~~ ba8 'arrl'ved ad the atm~phere ,.lid Lukenl took the fir8t premium home If tel' 8pt!nding some tlm~ In low -the .moke to rtJe. with his 001~ a' Wllmh~gt{)n aldie Vl~gt~ra, Jl~r{, brot~!U', Mr~. d~rk f~ tn . thIS . ' '. _ a' many' other ' '!; ,,!,m.e 'With'her;' "': . moutJllUli Or "tol)~~O'Jllm(ln., . ' A"em Dndley, of Lebanoo; bu$ lire. J. H. C,b"':loW'eUl W(ls. 8DtJr,' iii' to feet' ,dr fOl"lDirly I of thl.8 pl~ Called on ta.lne~ bl 'Mn~ ' W~. (}t)J'!1on , l..t .~9ke. ~be: tn_de hereSnbday. . " .'J'horsd~y and ;QaUed on,.the 'feber• ." ~teJ!. allD08t ,liuitaitlJ'. You ,.__".,. __ . . ble flamne1 Sid., add w,re. : .' It' odui. up~ III _i!I!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ·,lI.n. ld~ lIQAdamlaud MrS. Oor. ~\1 ·Dc:lbr.ut t~Ul'tot>,EOT., .10, of Dayton. were .eQt&natned . , '. t: ~.....:.. e,: ~o~ by 11'- AUoe OheDowlth' aaid GUI. . UIIIII'W II1l t ~ Bertha Bod~ ·8 aturdaJ' alKh', .' tile air ~. to ~e 1~ ~ •• DENTIST... Mr. 9411ni. '· ~IC 'D4 . • ~ .. 0 .~~lJ .....IUKl ...derGeorat.A. ,cz..---'~ &.._ I"




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WHOL E NUMB Elt :1071


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Social Events

The following pupils were neilher i ' absent nor tardy f or the month enli e - - .- _. ing Septem ber 30. 1910: Mrs. Hanna h Fe> • h I f 0 t ..eHI e , 0 ay on. SPRIl'tG BRAN H and Miss Martha Burnet t were J(uests Goldie Conner Clara Berryh ill of~. Burnet t and family at dinner Geneva Curtis Frances Chenow ith . last 1hursd ay. Esther Curtis Edna lacy . Carl Dakin Lester Cu rtis Harry Lacy Jacob Chenow eth Mrs. Mary Wise enterta ined at a. Vernon Cline Nelson Brown famil y dinntlr Sunday , Mr. James Enrollm ent. 18. Cases of Tardine ss, O. McDonald and family ann Mrs. Julia John W. Strawn . Teache r. Bergan and son James:

wel'e coming tuward Wavnesville in I - - - - - - - - _. - - -.-: - - - .- - _. - - - _.Read Kibler' s $9 9~1 uli'er on 1m t th eir (Iut? when at the home of O. W. Hamilt on was a Dayton visHarvey Gustin was in Kingm an puge. ami mil h. he ran over Mr. Smith's it~r last week. Monday. log whi ch was a very large one. Jes"p l3ul'ton was a Wilmin gton Mr. Stacy lost control of his machin e Fred Hartso ck was a Cincinnati Roger Brown, of Wilmin gton, was bUllines s ~ iQitor Monday. and it swervPd to the left of the road visitor Monday. in lown Monday. Miss Emma HE'ighwav and Mis~ missing two locust trees about four . . . LetHia McKav are home from Cin- inches. In his endeav or to right the ~ISS Ruth. Miller was In Lebano n Edw1,lrd Ricks spent Sunday and cihllati . machin e he evident ly turned too far Friday evemng . Monday in Cincinnat i. Mr!!. Adam Stoops. who fell Inst as it went to the right side of the Mrs.J. O. Cartwr igh t was a DayBorn-t o Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cook Monday, brealdn g hcr co llar uon e. i ~ road stri king a telepho ne pole. and ton visitor Friday. Octobe r 4th, a daught er. getting along IlS w"l1 a ~ possiblt' breakin g the top of the machin e and the glass screen, the impact making under the circum stances . Elry Lewis, of Dayton , was in Dr. P. D. Clagett was a business. the gl~ss f'ly at least fifteen or twen- town a short time Sunday . There if! going to be so methin g do. SUGAR GROVE visitor in Cincinn ati Monday. ty feet. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell {'mering in Lebano n tluring the first WCE'k Mary Roland Inez Thoma s When the machin e struck the pole, .Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnha tained rt WE're Sunday in their usual hospita.." Mr. Ernest and in Nove!nbel', as Lingo . is goin).! to Mrs. Wm. fhomp son, of Shutts Milo Null it threw the young daught er out. in Cincinn ati over Sunday . Harold Earnha rt Lowell Thoma s ble marmer . the following guests: Lebano n, were in town Monda y. hold one of his Great Bakinrt Demon· A gash was cut'abo ve the child's eye, Paul Stokes Elizabe th Null Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham , Mrs. etr'lt ion!l on the Great. Gran I a nd but Everet it was nothing serious . Mr. and t Thoma s Ernest Earnha rt Dr. Campb ell. Bert Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Allie and Hole. Mrs. of J . M. Stacey , of Eva Prater Dayton New Majesti c Range. Stacy and family, Opal Gray Mrs. Stacy were in front, and three are guests of relative s here Dayton , passed throug h town Sun- Russell Surfac . Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell H. A. e childre n in the back seat. Mr Stacy day. WILL EI'ITERTAIN Cornell and family. Enrollm ent, 18. Roy Irons, after a week on th'e did not get comple te control of the ea as of Tardine~, O. road. Sunday ed at home with his The B:-otherhood will hold a special machin e for about two hundre Mr. Nathan Lupton and Mrs. U. Margu erite Menfor t, Teache r. d fEet family. session 11hru~day evening in the after it struck the pole. M. White, were in Wilmin gton MonA family reunion was held last day. Townsh ip Hou se, when the la.jie!> al'e Mr Smith. who picked the c~ild Sunday at the home of Chas. Githen s LoWEL L BILL Mrs. Wm. Null. of Spring boro, given a special invitati on to uttand. up, sa~ the blood was on the Dayton and Lebano n pike. stre.ammg spent a few days last week with Mrs. Cliff Ridge. of Dayton , spent Sun- Fred Simkin s Henry Orndor f . This is the only chance th e ladies do~n Its ~a~e, and though Those presen t to enjoy the day were t It ~as Eva Miller. day with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Bertha Orndor f Joseph Shutts have of enjoyin g the ho~pitality' of serlous l~ mJul'ed. M~. Stacy Mrs. Verna Kelly and Mr. Lester James came Woolla rd Pearl Orndor f Mahlon Ridge, the Brothel 'hood meetin gs nce oack WIth the machm e and they Ethel Simkin Caskey s , of Springf ield, Ida Githen s Dr. J. W. Miller, dentist , has a year _ went back 10 Lytle where Dr. Brock moved his Enrollm ent, and 12. daught .er Lelia, of Dayton , and office in to the Nution al Messrs. Chas. Burnet t and Herber t A g~od p"ogra m has be~1I prepare d examin ed the cut and f(,und Cases of Tardine ss. O. Mrs. Eva Miller and family . a deep Bank buildin g. Edward s attende d a select dance at Henrie tta McKinsey, Teache r. and the Rev. M. B. Fuller, of Grace gash ju~t above the eye. but noth~ng Lebano n Friday evening . church , Dayton , will deliver an ad- of a serious nature the wound Allie Taylor, of the Dayton pike, be~ng dress to the Brothe rhood and their made presum ably from the HARMONY GROVE Mr. and Mrs Frank P. Jones enfiymg was in town Friday , and made us Horace Mayers , of Dayton , has invite<i guests. a pleasan t call. tertain ed the teacher s of the Lytle . glass. Weldon . Wilson . Russel been ~ Stanley the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. - - -.. - .. The dOll dragge d Itself across the Lorena Weeks school last Thursd ay evenirig. At Roscoe Furnas Haines for a few days. WHITE BRICK CHURC H Barton Kelly. of Cincinn ati, w~ Olive Willlon road after the .accide nt, but lived Anna .Furnas "Six o'clock an elegan t dinner was the guest Enrollm of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ent, only about half an hour. 18. served, after which a most enjoya ble F. C. Carey was 'called to Lebano n Mrs. Ruth Murray will preach at Cases of Tardine ss. 5. O'Neal l Sunday . . - ...._ - evening was spent. The guests w.e re: Monday as a .witnes s in the Oregon ia Mary Davis, Teache r. the White Brick church Sunday DAMAGING RAI~S Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown . Misses special school district case. mornin g to the childre n, at 10:30 You must not fail to see the Great Ruth and Elizabe th. Chandl er, Mabel . . a. m. All childre n ale cordial ly in GREEN BRIAR The rain of last week, which began Majesti c Page adverti sement in this LIttle Cather ine Burnet t, of Green Strait and Mr. Leslie E. Carey. vitecl to be present . early Wedne sday mOfnin g and con· paper next week. Briar, is spendin g several days at the . Raymol!d Whitak er Heber R?S8 h Christi an End~avor at evening , tinued until Thursd ay afterno f Irene Vice Howar WhItak er on, did Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moorm an, of ome 0 Dr. H. E. Hathaway. Edwar d Mullen Eugenida Whitak Topic, "Our Amuse ments; Do they a great amou~t of damag er Miss Jessie Marlat t was hostess at e to th" Winche ster, Ind., were guests of rei. Hazel Mullen Loretta Build Up or Tear Down. " All ure bottom s as well as the Beltz Dr. Hersch el Fisher has moved to a pleasan t little party last Tuesda y highJ&nds. alives in Lytle last week. . Enrollm ent, 16. attend these service s. A steady downp our of nearly S5 offices in the new Morris buildin~. evening . "600" was the chief amuse. Cases of Tardine ss, 2 • - .. hours, made the river get out of the ment and at a seasona ble hour reo Mr. and MrlJ. John Davis of Day. neltt to the postoffice, Lebano ll. Eleano r Earnha rt, Teache r. OEA TH banks, ~nd Corwin ~venue came near toI\ were llUesta ,of relative freshm ents were served. Those s he~ . MrS. Edith Harris went to Cincin'ed !>emir presen t were: Misses Doroth y and ImpaSs able. . Saturo ay etening and Sunday . ' W. M. Arnold , aged SO years, d I CoLLEG E HILL nati Monda y and will remain there Th t · h' h' I . . . t . d Kathry . H n Dakin, Martha O'Neal l, Lue wa , er , was so Ig 10 paces . at the home of hIS aughte r.m ar- that it was over the corn Carl Squire s Ellis Smith and in Mrs. Dr. Campb ell, of Osborn, , a few days the guest of relative s France . elJa Cornell , Donna Hawke , Kath· s Sguire s Edna Squires . veysbu rg Monday mo~ing at 7 mOl!t places corn wfll not be worth Ohio, is tlte guest of her cousin, erine Alexan der, Stella Lemmo n, AlFlorenc e Hess Messrs. Walter Cornell Chas Cornell , J. E: Jano'clock . The fu.n~ral Will ,be held anythin g ilt all. The probab Enrollm ent, 10. . le . 109s Mrs. W. S. Graham for a few days. ney, Prof. C. A. Bruner ma Waterh ouse arid Elizabe th Collett . and Harold Wedne sday mormn g at 10 0 clock at in the Little Miami valley will Cases of Tardine ss, 4. reach Messrs. Harvey Rye, Warren Keys, . . the house. Mr. Arnold leaves .a son . I $800 1)00 Helen Mct:lur e, Teache r. . Mr Edward Smith and famaly, of Howell motere d to Le~anon Satur. Ralph Miller. Dr. J. W. Miller. Harand dausrht er. ne~~~ dId' ff ed Ito- Xenia, were guests of his brothe r, day. old Howell , Ronald and Fred Hawke - - --. 10 ~ n lana su er MT. HOLLY MASON IC NOTICE Messrs. Lester Kenric k and Allie gether to the extent of nearlyatwo dMr. Jeff Smith and· family over Sun. and Edward Ricks. Bertha Marlat million dollars. Adria Cornell -------.~ ay. Hole leave Saturd ay for Los Angele s, Martin Marlattt John Regula r meetin g of Wa,vnesville Myers The rains have had the effeet of W. C. T. U. MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sherwo od and CaL, where they will spend the win- Lena Marlat t . I' Ed Haley . Lodge No.163 F. & A. M. Tuesda y raising th e arger r.lvers, an d t he daught er Mary, and ·Nur Brown ter . AlbertB Marlat t Lessle Lucas Friday of last weektl .e W. C. T. U. Alt' eveninll, Octobe r 18, 19l0, at eight Ohio is eleven to twelve feet d "th' ':>urden above spent Sunda) ' with friends near Willa ur en \ .~ n la v sisters met in regula r t~'session with Mrs. Chaa. A. Fisher nee Cather ine Velma k 6 ' the danger ll'ne . o •c:1oc:. Marlat USlDess t 0 f'tmportanee. I . t ' .0 C Allen f C· 'n t" Enrollm ent, 53. Frazee Hathaw ay surely considers mmg on. d' Anna C. F. O'Neal . ·After the de. J. • artwrlJ. t h t, W . 'M . .' 0 I.nci na I, 18 spen 109 Cases of Tardille ss. 1. a few days th Mr a d M himse.lf lucky this year, as he had his Mrs. James Stoops and son, votiona l exercis es and the l'outine E. V. BlU'Ilhart, Sec'y. W H Holmes All WI • n rs. . . • - - -'•• - . Pearl C. Hill, Tel}Cher. en busines ss was transac ted , supenn land in sweet corn, and the crop haa of Dayton , came down Friday · even· . ed Pu 'ty ' P . MOOrlRN WOOlJMEN -all been harves ted. althoug h he loses ing for a two day's visit. Mr. tenden ts were nam : n , ress '" Stoops RED OAK . . Mrs. Julia Bergan returne d home and Flower· Misaion being ~OQll the all the fodder. Severa l farmer s here joined them here Sunday . Saturd ay evenin g after a pleasan t Marie Burge . . Th~ Modern Worn,\men' o~ Americ a had tlleir bottom lands in numbe r. sweet com . visit with her son Edwar Bergan and met in regular session Monda y even· which was saved ' by being Enrollm ent, 11. An interes ting . accoun t of the harMr. and' Mrs. J. E. Janney a~d family, of Detroit , Mich. ing. Routin e busines s anil one h'litia· vested. Cases of Tardine ss, O. county conven tion held . at King'lJ family spent Sunday afterno on With c:-tion folmed the evening ~s work. Eva Davis, Teache r. Mills was then given. Among . tli'e Several bridges along the ' railroad Mr. and Ma:s. JJ. ~. Caskey , at the Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Hatfiel d' at. - - • officers were also serious ly damage d. of said conven tion we noticed Lebano n Chlldre ns Home. tended the golden weddin g annive r. PRE.'C HED · AT M. E. 'C HURC H SUMMARY • - :Mrs. Viola K. Hawkin s, preside nt; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hill. w h(\ h ave sary 0 f Mr. and M1'8. Stafford S The ·Rev. Dr. ~t.ry, distric t superears, Total enrollm ent...... ...... ... ......... 126 Mrs. Ruth E. Janney , cor. seey. EASTERN STAR· been the guesta of 'relativ~ here and in Darke county , last week: f . intende nt, preache d to a larlle conCases of tardines'3 ........... . .......... . 12 If our brother s cannot . at ·D ayton, left . Wedne sday evenin g re ram . Neithe r absent nor tardy .......... .. 63 from using tobacco we hope aregati on ,Sunda y eventn g at the M , Th" Eastern Star lodge met in re.g- for t1.. el·r· home -I'n MI'aml', Fla. they Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaw ay aM Per cent of enrollm ent, neither • ular senion Monda y evening . After will stop spitting on the sidewa lb. b t tardy . Mr. and 50 Mrs. Harvey . Burnet t and · ~ sen nor E. church . • __ . ..... :... .......... .. the busines s was comple ted, a social Mr. and Mrs. Marion renderi ng them unfit to walk on. Clark, . of daught er, Cather ine, were guests of NO tAUNTING NOTICE -'- - While several were' absent on achour was indulge d in. A good pro- Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank relative s in Frankli n Sunday . I NOTIIS --.• count of sickness, we were glad gram was rendere d. and a light I Moorm an, of Winche ster, Ind., called ,. ." . " All persons are strictly ' P~9hibited lunch concluded a pleasan t evening Wilbur Gilliland, of Lowell Hill. Paulina Butte,!"ort~ and. . \ on Waynesville friends Tuesda y of . Don t fall to see the M~. from hunting on my premis es . Splrell a was out of school a numbe r of days Funkey were agam able to be • -. last week. WIth . . that famous corset that is guaran - nursing a broken arm, caused by us. . . Ed Furnas . WANT ED teed· to neither break nor rust. Sec· ~lling out of a hickory tree. . • -Eva Barger invites you to call and ond door north of Townsh ip house. Walter Smith missed several days ---~ ~ e To buy ~me old maho&,any or Iinspect 'her Fall and Winter Millinery TRIEN NIAL CONVENTION on accouJlt of a Bore arm, c~used by j:herry furmtu re, center- table, CIOCk' lwhiCh shows the r~ult of eareful seMrs. C. A. Bruner , who was at the falling agains t the knife of . ." a sled t, looklnll·glass, leetion Strict attenti on has been Butler The Trienni al Conve?tio~ . of ~he . - - - - - - - - - . chest of arawer county fair last week re. . cutter . . style . Episcopal Church , whIch IS bemg lounge, chair. Please state what you given to and good c o workm r n . anship turned home Saturd ay. She took . C'mcmna .Mrs. Anna E. Mills, who has spent have and price, which must . fI: was. open ed last A b f th larger pupils. held ·m several premiu ms on fancy work. the summe r with her son O. C. Mills, Mrs. E. Swishe r, 811 Neal be cheap. nu~. : ~ e accoun t' of Wedne sday rnornm g With th~ celeAve, DayMr. ,and Mrs. Edmun d Retallic k " and family. of. St. Joseph ; Mo.~ has ton. Ohio. have no s I' ye t on bration of the 'Holy Commu mon at . and Mrs. Sarah Smith arrived home Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkin s fall wf)rk retume d .to the Soldier s' Home in • _ . 7 o'clock in the Cathed ral. The ser· . - -Saturd ay evening , after a pleasan t and two BOns, Mr. and Mrs. Condit Ellswo rth; Kan. TOOK THIRD GAME vice which wa.q held in Music Hall at NOTICE week spent with friend. and rela- and little daught er, of Dayton , were - - -... - • lO:80, was most beautif ul and inspir· tives in Gratis and Winche stel\ Ind. guests of Mrs. Henrie tta Hopkiiis, The Waynesville base ball team ing By 10 o'clock Music Hall TREE~ All persons knowin g thtlmselves was a few hours Saturd ay evening . went to Lebano n Saturd ay to play crowde d to the doors, manyst indebte d to us by book accoun ts or Mr an~ Mrs. W. It. ' Allen, Mrs. andinll ' Th~ bpye·r .'lel60tl og young, tre8~ notes that are past due. are request the third game of the series, having during the entire service . - Chas. A. Fisher and Mr. aDd Mrs. I Try· the WilsOn Hooks . and Eyes~ won one and lost o.e wlth the Leba- The immen se . for an ol'bbar d ~lI' v~r~ ' ap, ",to . bt> .e d to call and set~le the siime, choir of 500 voiceS, as we , J. O. Cartw rl,ht . were ~n Da~ton flat invi8ibl~, easy to open, easy to non Univer sity team. Our boys the grand &einP~ bJ tbe .~I~e qf~ tt!~~,(t;, AD~' 81 must have all our settlem ents made 'Sunday pipe orgaD - augmen~ and atten~ed. Christ Eplsco · close; can't rust, made in colors, grey making ' a ~erl<?p8 mistll.k ,. 'fbI. at.once. . were too much for the L. U. as ~hey by an orch~tra of 50· piec~ ,Xou.rst ruly, wlth. pal church .· and heard Rt. Rev. black'a ndwhit e. For sale by EvaA. defeate d them in a fast ganiet he the&'reatcongregation iQQoRer'trAe~. tl1ket~ bp 10' 16e Dur Cro~ Broa. ofl~ullyQOO4\ Padd9Ck, bishop of 0regoQ . pr(mCh • .Barger , milline r, second door north score being· .( 'to -3. The boys pel)ple singing .t he I18ry ,wlt.blth.}eiDjQry~~ ~lh',oots. .~. grand hyntns:of . : , . . • . • ' of . ToWnship HouSe. .will 10' t* 0 "eara ·be larle" aDd floe. " Played a good game and Strawn 's the church, . mad~ the . BOX SOCIA.L Mrs. hall .fairlr Alethla Alexan der, . M,ss . . , ' • tlian the larger ttees t&k~~ tlp ~~tb pitchin g was fine. .'. ' • --:-- .trembl e: ,, ' ': ". . Kather ine Alexan der, "'r, ~d Mrs. J See ~~nllQ's adverti~ement . in next, tbeir roo.t ... mo"? ~r . ~~8.· ti~O~o.~ . • - .. On th~'J1I~bt ci~ O~~obet 14, 19~0. J. H. 'Coleman~' Mr. and Mrs. , Rev. Frank Nelson read the o~. , E. V. week~. 188U~ of this p~per, about th~ It tlllra·thelle tr~8" eave'rlll .yellrs to INSUR f. V~IlR TOBACCO , ing' sentenc~ and Rt. ~v. box SOCial will .be .h~ld ..,~t. Sugar. Barnha rt. M~. and Mrs. ,W. H John . •. Allen , COoklDll Demon stratIon in, Aluml· · reCover faUf, ! fr~\in . tbe ' dllm1'8it Gro~e ~Ool hou~ 4 milt;S h t '11 it d McKim D. D. bishop o~ ~okY,o.Jap- " ~orth 9f .Mr. and Mra. D. L. Crane and MJ:'~ Dum COokirig. UtensilB '. _This A:Iu~. wblle tbe youoge r .. 'r~1I "dvane l Waynesville on Way.nesvtlle I h~ve the ra~ t a WI ~u '~~ an, th~ praY~rs. ~t~ 'Rev.. and L.~. Zim~e~an attende d the Tri- inum ~king 'Dem~nst Jo~n ration WlIl be the co~pan~ . tb~t wil~tec.~~ Wordswo~th, lord bisHop I'&pldly I~ b~l\bl ' ,,'ocl tbrUt., Bellb.~ok pike Everyb od)' .cordial,,: ennll&! conven~on of the EpiBcopai done on a c:;reat MIJesti of:·Slli ... · Ifowtb , c: Range dur- A~d~ F~ W ~;' ' • . ly inVited to atteJ1d~ e~. ,g'lbUr y Pl'ttaChed a fine sermon . Ctilli'c:h at . OlDcinnatt Wedne sday. iq blR Great ltlaieatic: Bake. . . Ohio. Phone 2 on • . ,. ' " .



- ..








-.For. mer -:-:CitIZ ens 1 l


I '










, The Miami Gazette


It. mIst tbat'. drawn acroll3 . Rer yes. It. touch ot vapor and ot firo,




A. 'II1In01 8pultle 1n a pGOJ. ~ ,1\wI1I a.nd a 8I,1rpn •• ,


French Toilettes

She. ~e

Dnly Relief From Terrible Sufferln ... Tbomns m. Vest. 1G06 S. 12th Bt., Terro Haute, Ind .• lIays : "I had no control over the urine and the pain when voldlr)g It waB so gr at I o,t ten BOreo.D) U. I. grew worse and lay In bed for weeks. the only rellet being from hypodermics, I , was treate!! by three ph,.. sl clanB without help and ilie last one Baid 1\ n opera lion w I\. 8 nec Bsary, At thlB time I b gan UBlng Doun's Kidney Pills and passed a gra v I stolle M large as a pea. The n xt day I paBsed two more and f'llm then on Improved rapidly until curell ," Remember the nam&-Doan's. For sale by all dealerB. 60 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co" Buffalo. N. Y.


A hummIng bIrd that sIps tho I"OS ,

Th torrid l ardroP6 trom Her lips. ,

DO INCHES MAKE THE MAN? ntl! tb e Urn of th war between RussIa and Jllplln the short man wa s obllg d to def nd th e prowess of his kind by citing Napoleon as nn exam· ple of wbat sbort pe rsons could do, DalzllC, tb cTeat French ' noyelh;t. "h oso h Ight w as a trlllc more tha.n five fee t, of (en hair whim sically, orten serioll sly. endeavored to show a can· n('cllnn b('tween short sta~u re and x· celience, It was also' a sourcc of can· solation to blm and to ot.h r men who wero not In tho tnll clnsB, to read 10 history [hat tb o Roman conqu rers WN O short. nut aIt r the Rll sso·JapaneSt:! W:1 r it became evld nt to nil that Ullur t> bad nothing t9 do with the, C:lso, unless, perhaps, the vi lOry of th e IHUe .Tup pro\'ed that the short man was tbe Buperlor of the tall. But now ('orne the municipal authorities In our cities, who say tbat a tall pc>lIceman Is belter than a sbort and ~ that a tall fireman Is the superior of a short fireman. says Boston Globe. Five feet 7% Inches Is the Illnlt of shorhicss to be tolerated say some, while others lower the standard 0 Ilullrter of an 'loch. Others would low· ~r It balt an Inch more. SupersU Uons die hard. We are sUll children, Imd, although far from the age of liants, we cling to the notion that InchtS make the man.

A gurden Oiled wlU. tlldcloss ft owers, Whoro lili es bloom apllrt- ' w ond r Is tl...t gard e n'l! mInelior h or,t. '

T il


_J'-__________XX---------__>e::J- J,


. O crndl, In Smart



The Silver Purse By TEMPLE BAILEY


1• _ _

Collyrllbl, 1010, by Auoclaled Lh er..ry Pross

It was fate tbat made Juliet's birthday and that of her prospective moth· er-Iaw come In the same week, It Is not expected tbat the courso of true love will run smooth, and, heretofore, the love atralr of Juliet bad had no pn· even places. She loved her betrothed; he loved her, and they both loveu his mother, Now and then a little jealouBY of Carter's motber crosBed Juliet's mInd. The older woman was fascinating and beautiful in a way that Juliet bad never been and nevor could be. Juliet was pretty and tresh and pink and white, while Carter's mother was stately and classic. ' The two women talked ot the son and lover ' who was In the fnr west, and planned tor his homecoming. "He will get here In our birthday IVeek," the mother saId, "and we will havo two cakos; a: white one tor you IUld a gold cake tor me. You Bhall have white candles and I'll have yellow ones, and we ",til have jonquils IUJd lilies or the valley In the middle ot the U\ble," Their disappointment came when Carter wrote that he could not get back In time tor tbe celebrntlon. He sent a box with bls letter. In It was a silver purse and a set of Browning. The two cards told that tbe purse was for Mrs. Crowell, the books JuUet. Juliet eyed the sliver purBe wist· fully. She had wanted one for years, and Carter knew It. She felt a little hurt that he should have sent her books. Of course on the lI'y leaf he had written ''WIth love, from Carter,"

motber wnnts wltb a thing lIlte tbat." KNEW HIS DESTINATION. The next morning l'>IrB. Crowell telephoned to Juliet , "I hav" a long letter from Carter," she saId, "and I can't read It, my eyes art! so bad, and you know bls scrawl, my dear." .11'11 come up," Juliet promlBed, "thlB afternoon and read It fo r you." "Come to lunch," Mrs. Crowell In· vlted, and Juilet agreed, While Mrs, Crowell prepart.>.l the lunch Juliet looked over the l etter. "It'll a little hard to make out," she called to the older ladl ln the otber room , "I'll read' It alond when I have decIphered It." As ahe read a fiuab came to bet> oheeks 'and a light to her eyes, for this was the letter: ''Moth ~r Dear: I have just received HE toilet at the lert la ot blac~ a deep plain flounce which I. set on a note from Juliet. In It sho thanks i Great Britain has just launched ' one and wblte checked w«,l. The with' a bea ding and trimmed with , me for my gIft of Brownlng'lI poems, lIf the biggest ot the dreadnought batskirt IB composed of two breadths braid. . I also have a letter from you In whlcb The blouse Is made with radlat· tleships whlch the government Is you thllllk me for a purse. Now, as a cut on the bIas and trimmed with Ing box plaits which open ou and Is matter or faot, I sent the silver purse .tralghtway bands of the material. _teadUy Ilddlng to the navy. And that The blouse has a yoke of the mate- enclrcled about mldwl\Y ' wltb a tuok. to Jullet, and the poems to you-l American Ideas are good for some"Where yer go n ' know how you love Browning. I am rial which Is cut in one piece with above whlcb , at the sides, are st1'1lPS lhtng h1 this connection Is shown by "To Jay town." ot the braid wIth Insertions of red the sleeves and trimmed with the so sorry that you should have been the Inlormlltion which has leaked 0Iit. "Well, you'd better hurrT jf 70U disappOinted beoause I intended you straightaway bands, also with folds ot velvet. The gIrdle Is made like . the potwlthstandlng the caretul way ~n Ihould have the books you haTe so yellow satin and buttons. The girdle IItraps· and , the blouBe Is finlBhed wanter sleep Indoor. tonlgbt. De jail ,ICh naval seorets are guarded, that lona coveted. But Juliet seems 10 la of black liberty' and the Uttle around the neck witb the braId and In dat burg closea at nIna o'cloc1<." e guns on the new vessel will be plealed that I hate to tell her of gulmpe, hardly more thfln a collar, Is a fold ot tile red yel yet. WhIch Do You Like 'WOr8tf The sleeves are cut In one piece gOd much like thole on United her mill take, Will you buy younelf ot embroidered baUsto or lace. The ThIs Is the greatest known way tor with the body of the waist nnd are blouse fastens In tbe back. States batUeshlps ot the latest deSign, the books? I want Juliet to have pret· undecld d people to mllke up thelr The other toilet IB of dark blue finl!!b ed with turnover cutrs of the ' minds. ty things, yet knowing her, I teel that, 10 that th.e y oan be fired One above an, If I explain IIhe will feel It neoeslary ..loth. The upper part of the skirt Is material. The long, close-fltting nn· None but a strong mlnded woman • ther and concentrate tremendous to return the boob to you and ~o ,UghUy gathered and Is finished with dersleeves and the gulmpe are of lace. can ever decIde whIch of !,wo or three Itrlking power at 'g iven polnt. BuUd· take the IUver purse whloh would ... -.....-.-.,..., ......"..""'-_.J' • .., __..,...._........"'.---..,cft.... .".....r.... ....-..................... ".-.....-.... . _ _......... ___ ........."... ".-"'..,.. hats she likes "the best," particularlyars of our war.hlpa are glvtng vahiamean so much leas to her. Some day if tbe-y are all comely. ble pOints to aU the world. LITTLE GIRL"S DR·ESS. I can give her ,all ,the trlbl to wear SIMPLE FROCKS FOR GIRLS Popular belles have been known to that ahe needs, an., Ihe has called the have similar troubles with tbelr It wUl ~ a good day In .thls city booka "preoloua!' Bo don't tell her Trlrllmlngl and Decoratlonl, by No sweetbeart!!. Whloh do I like b st Is when every boy who goes to the' 111gh anything about ' It. I'll wrlte ' again ort n a momentous question. Means Elaborate, Will Ac«oon and give you the news; thll la IIchool can mulUllly ' and divide w,lth Why not try the other way ? compllih Wonders, limply to correot my blunder. 1 IUp' .,...Decide whlob, of men, or hats, or unfailing accuraoy, .wben he knows pose ' the cardl were mixed in aome attracUv "dates" you like tl'\e :worst. Many ot the simple frockB ror girls the , ~le of three. and ls up on trac· way,' and then proceed to eliminate. are made Bmart by the addlUon ot tions, ~ys 'PhlladelphIa Inquirer. If From there you can faotor out In ' Yours alwaYlI, Hat sUff bows, smllll or large, but usu· In addition to th.a t he can wrIte legl· the grade ot desirability, unUl you Carter." , the latter; placed at all sorts of un· bly, read dlBtlnctly and Ipell correctly actually find youraelf' at a declsloli, When she bad finished Juliet drew expected places"":"upon iI. fiounce, at a be will have a better equipment ,than it lB. Is the only breath. He had wanted ber ngle pocket, or low on the skirt, nenr bas been common ot late, In tr)1ng one purse, remem- the hem. says ,a writer. Such bows The pi'ocess Is delightfully simple. to' teach cb1ldre.n too much we have bered her love of pretty thIngs, The may form the sale trimming of a hat. exchange would be easy. Mrs. Crow· One may-be presBed agalDat an up· , not tralned them to deftnlte ways of , .Dlplomatlc. ell coveted the bookB. turned' brim, which It appears In turn thlnldng. Yet to think clearly about "No, I can n'ever be your wlfe." At this moment the elder womao to press against the crown, or It may anYthIng Is the great prerequisite ot "What? Am I never to be known oame In with the salad lu a silver be set on or !igalnBt the crown Itsel1, lite and ought to be the chlet aim ot as the hUBband of the beautlful Mrs. dish. "Did he say anything about There Is a fancy which later In the educatlbn: . Smith?" , the purse?" she aBked. "It was so year will be more generally Ie en for She succumbed.-LlpJ)ln~ott'l. lovely ot him to send It to me, Men trimming the front of the seamless Rellorts 'of accIdent!! to women wear· are so ap~ to think that we old.e r blouse with a large loose .velvet or vel· ing ' hobble skIrts begin to 'c ome In. women care nothing for the dainty vet-finished ank bow, Slits are made 'of course suoh acolden'ts are Inevlta· thlngll of dress. I'get hooka, and In the waist a few Inches below the bookB, and books, and practical neck on each sIde of the center line, ble. A "";oman who deliberately blndB thIngs, ,It's a pleasure now and then which slits are finished with a regular ber lIptbs before submltlng herself to to, have something dltrerent." binding; or they ar~ buttonholed, or Jhe dangers of the hIghway Is doubly Jullet'B breath came quickly. Su,re- 1I0utached. From the under side wide handIcapped. for, even unbampered ly Carter would want his mother ribbon Is drawn through thele slits, physically, ahe Ukely would lack the' saved from disappointment. It seemed and the bow Is ~ed '110 as to hang ax~telllgence to dodge I\ ,street car. to hrlng her oloser to him to think actly In the center of the waist. 'It that sbe might a scctet with very pleasantly varies tbe seBut etrect I .A. man In New' 'York was sent to him, something that they eould hide "ot mll,Dy of these waists. These bows Talked of 't he 80n and Lover. prison for four years for ateaUng a trom his mother, rather than some- are seen with Alqual frequency upon She took her books and went, home thing that he and his mother should lUff llnen. and upon transparent mus~ve.cent 100klng·glasB. It se~ved him soJ>ez:ly. That night ,he read Un frocks. ' riaht. A man who makeB ~ l,tUe '?t them and finding certarn of the ex· hide frOm his sweetheart. "Read the letter," tbe older woman ,his qpportunltles In the tace ot Buoh qulslte love poems, was thrilled and ,hlnlng examples ought to be shut off enraptured. She wrote to Carter and ,said 8S they sat down to the table, and .JuUet read It. making up as she from the rest of, Boclety. told blm how lovely It, was of him to went along sentences which told that STILL TH~ , STRAIGHT, LINE think of her and to send a meBsage he was glad Bbe liked the purse, glad This ' llretty · 'c lnss I. of blue allk A bank In Spokane Is Issuing anti· of hlB love In the words of hIs favor· that Juliet llked the books and said French Style' Speclall.ts Will Continue volle, trimmed with printed banda In Ite poet. to Inlillt Upon Perpencashmere colors and design. The sepUc money, SUll, while sanitary nothing or hIs mistake. ' Aiter that The next day the two women went they chatted of the coming marriage dicular. skirt 18 slightly ,gathered at the top', banknotes may fit In better than the downtown together. Mrs. Crowell and ,Juliet's plans for It. and ench'cled at 'the bottom with, n . others with the progreBslve Ideas ot wore the silver purBe. Juliet I Tbere Is no uncertainty aB to the band of the trimming. wltb When Juliet went home Ebe wrotJ! the age, as far as the others are con· ber Bhabby pocketbook, and away edict ot the French style speclnUBts The waillt forms a fichu over an uncerned, wIth aU their germs, we- love from the glamour of the love vas· to her lover and told him all about It-how sbe loved the bookB and how regarding fall fash.lons. They have derblouse ot lace or batiste, which II! them BUll. IInges, again felt Slightly aggrieved. hlB mother had delighted tn the slIver drawn the line, and It Is perpcndlcu- finlBhed at the ne,ck anq sleeves wlO1' ,~... ,' ~ W ',Wim,''''EYEiJ_, ._~. ' Why should Carter add to his moth· purse. lar. Stralgbt, straIghter, straightest rnffies of lace and bands and knots ..' _ _, , ,t _ , _ IPS "Did Washington swear?" asked a er's beauty with daInty- trlfies, wben "I want her to keep It," she saId, are the DeW lines for coats, sklrt~ and of narrov, black velvet. Tb.1> girdle , Is of black velv~t or liberty. MweDoesn'tSmatt-Soothee Eye Pam perlodloal. We don't know, but Bome that ot his swetheart needed en. "and you must not send me anotber Ileege5. hanclng? Moreover he had heard her to make up to me, tOt; I like to ' feel TblF according to Grace Margaret, . . ~"'''''''.''''''ZIc,Ac,'I.I' enlightenment could be furnished It speak ot her love of pretty tbl~, that It Is my gift to your mother ' as Go uld, :wrltlng In the fall fashIon num· . . SaJri; "A..pdoTu~a""l.oo we knew whether Martha's dresses Yet he bad sent her grave books that , Fall Millinery. EYJI800KS~ADVlCIU'RIlII BY. HAlL . well as yours. Some day I'll give her 'ber of the Woman's Home Companion. Nohody knows anytblng about It, of , MUi'IDe~~Co..CbIcllIlO were buttoned down the back. must stand on the shelf. _ ' ' a set of Brownln« and then she will 'means a lot to American women, but course, Mrs. Crowell fingered tho silver have both things, and never know the will be accepted' only according to fts But ~ere are progf!0stlcatlons., ,. 18 WHAT WE OAN ,AVE Some genIus has Invented a mao handbag with deUght. "It was dear difference." ' ,practlcablltty. White beaver.s lire already being " YOU ON ~NY BUGGY chine {or testing operaUc voices. It of Cnrter to send me thlB," she said. The answer that came from blm reo No wOIpan in the world cares more J>repjiied for the late Augu!!t trade, Top liQgglea, Runabouts. will not help much unless It makes It "Did you like the books, Juliet 1" paId her for her sacrifice. "I am go. to be In style than the American warm Iden though It may be. Surrie&, Pony Vehicle., possible for the operlrtor to go away Juliet Bnswered faintly. The purse Ing to take yoU at your word," he woman. !;Iha apprecIates that the Many of the' latest shs.pes show the Carll and Wagona. at clOBe range seemed so desirable said. "and let. 10U do without the French have Inherited taate, that tbey mushroom t en'd ency again. and leave It after he sets It going. ' Writ. fot Pric... ' and the ·books on the shelf were reo purse," fairly breathe charm, and that tho,. Some models are cut away or In· BUOa • SCHEU' CO. But on their wedding day, besides Ideas that come trom Paris are, ·~en. dented ,directly In the front, A New York Btreet car jumped the mote. She wanted something that 400 Court and BrtIdn" ~Inoln..u: . . she could show the girls, sometblng the diamond pendant" that he gave erRlly speaking, good ones. But IIhe Tam O'Shanter crowns are trsck and ran Into a saloon. An amazthat would gutter and, SWing from a her, there was another gift. Wrapped look, upon tbese Ideas as suggestlons, ently In tavor. , Ing Instance of the power of Bugges· silver chain and add tbe final touch In ' USBue paper and tied with white Hhidoo turbans are shown here anI! tlon; the car driver was doubtlesll to ber coatume. On the "way home ribbon, It. made a rather bulky pack- not edicts. Wh~t I. possible fn style Bhe wll' follow, hut she ,wlll tblnk long there, which argues a possibility of very thirsty. she Bt~lI cberlsbed ,ber sense of grlev- age. Within she fou~d a golden bag, and' serlous\'y '" of herself, ber , ad van·, draped orlent~l etrects tor , late a ' . ance. To quiet her doubts she got all glittering mesh and sparklln« tages and her limitations before sbe tumn. ., ConsIdered as an aerial rRcer the out Carter's letter. It was written In Btones. It was a thing beautiful ,w ill 'a dopt a style which will make her Bell-shaped ha,ts there are, turthe carrier pigeon may not be ' quite up to his usual dlmcult scrawl, and sbe enough rar a duchesa; a thing a prince ~ppear ' ridiculous. emphasizing the , musbroom . tendency, date"but ita motor lIeldom If' ever geta fead It slowly. It breatbed his love might have presented to the lady he but Uttle store mllY be placed In thelle tor her and ' she went to bed com- loved, and that 'was what It meant to ., out ot order. (acts, whHe mll1lnery taahfons are forted. Juliet; the g,tt of the 'lover wbo had Hers'. a New Fall Hat. so variable a state, But the nen day her best gtrl gtven her the greatest, gift of aU-:""hls Among the mlw. display ot fall hats A man has been found starvlng trtend came to lIee ber. "What did heart's pest and purest ad~raUon. for the little ' On,,! I notfced a fine blmselt becausf he feared' the ~nd o( Carter gtTe you for your , birthday?'! ' French felt. white, and In tbe new Chiffon the oM'orld ",'a8 at band, 'There wusf Mary asked. , Money 8av~d,·,to Apple Growe.... droopy mushroom " shape. ' The· trim. Th,e gl~l 'Who,,~ants a chlffoo' (j\otb , .,gl~~I;~~~~~~~~;! Jullet hesitated. "Books," she sald Evapqratlng , low grade apples for mlng was a so(t ribbon pasBed around ",ra)), be such a th~ng as the, rash bravery but, has, not th~ price, can make L at lut.·, , expprt hl\8 lately had' a good start In • ot cowardlcll. one :101' ,h erself. , ' , . "Ob;" Mary'. voice held en- th~ apple·produe1Jls' districts ' of , Tali. ; the crown and helll d~~ wltli trim, A't tbls' s'ea1l0n the chiffon cloth ~litl thululIl. "I ' hope no one will ......e mlftlla, and promh;~s much Inorease. IIttle' rosettes ot the rl bqn, one over e" each ear. The lett ~otette was en. be ' boug,h t, reduced, ill ' desll'Able A writer sagely remarks that there me booke' for my , bIrthday. I think DurIng the last' year on account of the circled .1>1 a dainty ~ath of holl , Is no ·excuse l or drow.nlng, Unlor· a man onght to' pick out, somethln~ establlsbment of 8evera) abod appl~ th variegated kind • .the ' lOft ~reamy lihad ,a. Silk, fringe ,to ma.tch 18 aleo wlintely, are never offered. peraonal, Did JOu see the PUrM h~: evaporating plants" U~.I1l~I~g iJ,p-to-date w:tte alld pale ireen ' leavel, 'With tIny to btl fol1n~ at b,lrC&Jn ' ,,1'lc,e8. ' Tbe ' 8hn,p lest ,wra» of tbl~ 8O~ II bill mother?'" _ American macb~~ery;, .' about f500.000 crimson ' berrles. The ties were of Ql~de ~tb a d~J) &quare at back, ,fall· " 'l ' h ' Juliet alghed. "Yel," Ihe Bald" " was sated, to apple growers 00 applea aOtt bite ribbon' and 4ltoplther ' It hll well below the hllMI. ~ltb .bawl It. a ,w se maD .... 0 can guesll twt. "It 1'ouJd baTe been more appre. ·whlch would otherwlle have Dealy at! I W All· Id... Am ......~ tim.. out of three whlc!i way tile ollt I,prlate for JOG." Mary Bald. ffl don't been thrown away as uDJalable waw .~. a most a~tractlTe ~It of mOOD· oil. In frCIJI w~ IrINa, . .. pine to 'ump. lee what ... old WOIDUt like hJa OD account ot,low 1I'tCle. . ' 11I'7_Ii:zChlUllf; , .















W'rap, '



CLEAN AND HEROIC· SOLDIER Gen. Nellon ·A. Miles ' II Today Ccn· .Idered tile Foremost of A'merlcan Militarl,t,. . Wasllington.-By sucll won!ler-wRYs of wisdom and warfare as are Instilled by the rod of .Iron c ircumstance and the walloping/! of worldly oxpenrlence, Oen. Nelson A. Miles bas trave led past 1Iis seventy·flrst birthday to a place among the naUon's largo Bud conspicuous characters. Today he Is envl-

IBTORIO assocIations cling al1out· many places along the lower- part ot the Wal, loomsac valley In the region ot Walloomsac aiu! . Nor~h Hoosick (the st. CroIx ot RevoluUonar,. days), and desplto the lapse ot time many evidences sUIl . remain to reo call the battle fought there 133 y('ars ago-a battle whlc,h han been described as tought by Ne,,, HrullXlshlre mllJtla upon New Yorlt soli and named for Vermont-the battle of BennlngtoD_ True, the site at the old St. Orolx llrldge, destroyed by the retreating militiamen to check the advance of

001. Frederfck Baum and his detachment ot Brftlsh, Hessians and Indian alUee, Is now occupIed by a modern Iron structure, but just below It still stand the substantial foundation walls of the old mlll, wblch housed part of the flour and stores the Invaders came to seize, together with the old wooden flume and the wreekage of ..the mill dam; while en the hlshway just above them Is the old atory-and-a-halt trame hOl~se occu»ted temporarily as headQuarteTS by the enemy'. omcers. It la nearly oPlloslte the confluence ' of White Creek and the Walloo.msac rIVer, wbUe a ~ttle tartbe.r up the valley, ·near the point now designated as "Battlefield Park," Is the 'hIlI UPOD which the invaders : aet the c~on which were subaequently captured by Oeo. John Stark aDd his men. Scattered about. elsewhere are the remaltis of redoubts and maliy other places which history ot' legend associates with the brfef but decisive eontest at AUgU:t8t 16, 1777, which gave the Drat cheo to the invasion that ended In the b e of Saratoga. Tbe weU-p~ae"ed old Revolutionary house and the landa about It, located about a balf-mUe from ,the villap of North Hooslok, on the road , to Cambrfdge, are within the conveyance ' of 1.3,000 acres known ' aa the Walloomaao Patent, dated June 16, 1739, in the tblrteenth year of Oeorge c IVa reI In thla patent "all trees of the dIameter of . 24 In.c hes and upwarda at 13 Inches from the ground wore excepted" for maets for our Royal Navy, and alao all suab . other b'ees as "mB.1' be fit to make planks, knees an4 other thlnp neceaaary for tbe use of ow Bald ' navy' onlt!' The yearlT rent of 'two ahtlUnp anil six· pence .f or each hundred acres of the granted 14nct.e waa to be patd at the

' cl18tom house In the clly ot New York on Lady Day, the AnnuncIation of the Blessed VIrgin Mary. While the residence has been somewhat modernized by the building ot a veranda and other minor changes, the structure retains many reminders ot the perilous Umes. The hand-hewn timbers are vIsIble, and there Is preserved the strong door which opened Into the south end at the .house, against the · casing at whIch a British omcer stood w~en' a Yankee tram the hill on the south bank at White Creek pick",}! him off with his gun, The door la In a good start at preservation, arid on It Is the massive 'o ld lock which In earlT days would have proven aD obstruction to a person seeking to unlawfully enter the building, but to the mOderD house breaker It would be as a toy. 'The lock Is teD Inches long by five and a halt Inches wIde and one and a half Inches thick. The origInal brass key, six hiches In leJ;lgth, Is still In poslUon to shoot the bolt. In the days "which tried men's souls" the buildIng was used as a poatomce, and a~ Inn, before It bocame .the beadQuarters . tor the BritIsh officers under Colonel Bl\um. In thoee days eacb inn Ilnd. tavern keeper was required to enter into recognlsance to the people ' of the state of New York ID' the sum of £60. not to keep a dtsorderly house or slllfer any cook-ftghtlng, gaming or playing with carda or dice, 'or keep any bUllard table or oth.e r gaming table or shumeboard within It. In regard to the selling of strong "quors, exceptions were made for the ssle ot metheglln, currant wine, cherry wine and cider made by the Inn-keePers. At each ta v.em at least two spare beds, with good and sumclent sheeting and cove.r lng, were

to be kept for guests, In accordance with the demands of the law. "Oood and sufficient" stabling and provender had to bo vrovlded for four horses or cattle, and hay and pasturage In sum· mer. No liquors were allowed to be sold to apprentices, servants and slaves. No Innkeeper could collect a debt larger than ten shJlllngs for liquors sold to travelers, In October, 1896, the old st. Croix (San Colk) grist mill, then owned by John O. Burke, was burned. On one ot the timbers ot the structure was to be seen the Inscription: "A. D. 1776," the suposed .d ate of the erection of the bulldlng. It was In this mill, on the head of a barrel ot flour, where thl. letter was written to General Burgoyne: "Sancolk, 14th August, 1777, II o'clo~k. SIr: I have the honor to In· form your excellency that 1 arrived here at 8 o'clock In the morning, hav: ing had Intelligence of a party of the enemy being In possession of a mill, which they abandoned at our approach, but, In their usual way, fired trom the bushes and took their road to Be~lngton. A savage was alightly wounded; they broke down the bridge, which bas retarded our march over an hour; they Jeft In the mill about 78 barrels of very fine flour, 1,000 bushcls of wheat, 20 barrels at salt, and about ;£ 1,000 w'o rth at pearlash and potash. I have ordered 30 prOVincials and an am eel' to guard' the provisIons and the pass of the bridge, By flve prisoners taken here, they agree that from 1,600 to 1,800 are at Bennington, but are supposed to leave It on our approach. I wUl proceed so tar today as to tall on the enemy early tomorrow, and make such disposltlonl as I may think necessal'y from the Intelligence I may recelve. People are flockIng In hourly, but want to be armed. The savages cannot be con· trolled, and they ruIn and take everything they please, I am your excellellCY'S most humble servant, "F. BAUM. "P. S.-Beg Your Excellency to par· don the hurry of this letter, as It Is written upon the head of a barrel." - The new steel bridge, known as the Dublin bridge, which spans White Creek near the old dllm, was erected In October, 1903, to · replace an old, covered, wooden structure.

Pentecosts and Conversions

HEN a revival hal 0btained many converts WEE INCIDENT OF CIVIL WAR we commonly call It a I Pentecost. The three I Young Soldier Crawls Along Burned thousand converts to Bridge at Night and Compels • . Christianity were a reEnemy to. Retreat .. sult of what happened on that faliOUS flftleth day after the Oreat PassTh e bral'est Rnd coolest aot that over, but they were not an essential came und r my obs rva ll o n Juring of It; nor are Pente.c osts always at- fiv e years' mi litary servIce at the tended by conversions, though they lime of th e Civil war, was that ot are llkely to ·be. lS&ll.c D. Hardy, a soldier nine teen The narrative ot that'tlrst Christian years of age. who hus been {or many Pentecost Is very simple and very years I~ res ld ' nt of Santa Barbara. wonderful. The conditions were these: A risen Christ, fully apprehended In his Mu rch 3, J 8G5 , Gen. Sherman, on his divine 'm ajesty, ardently loved for his Jnllrch throllgh' til Carolinas, arrived marvelous gifts to men. His tallow- beror Cheraw, 011 tb e great Pedee ers united In this unde rstanding nnd river. Here the Seve nteenth corps. love-not In a theological system, with my regim en t, tJlP. Sixty-fourth IIsince there had been 110 Hme to form lInols, known as til e Y~tes ShRl'XJ' one, nor In ecclesiastical bonds, since . shooters. III the lead us Rklrmlsbers, there was happily as yet no eccleBlas. bcld the cc ntel'. writes Brig. Gen . J . B. Uclsm to separate them; but the! Reynold s In Los Angeles Times. were united In love and In faith, 1 was ordered to Imm edilltely ad· which alone can unite men. Finally, vance th e skirmishers Rt a douhle Christ's followers, thus united, were .Qulck through the tow n to the west Gen. Nelsqn A. Miles. all In one place, the physical basis ot end of the only bridge th re over the ably the foremost of Ame rican militar- the spiritual miracle that was to tol- river, and, Ie possible, prevent the . enemy (rom destroying It . We reached Ists. Massachusetts bred, he has low. Those conditions being granted- th e bridge after th e exchange of many waxed vigorous under the smoke-reek of many battles and lives to tell a and they are possible anywhere where shots with fleeing squads at the en· tale of hard fighting through many there are ChrIstians, If only two ot emy'R cavalry, who had been guardcampaigns and of victories aplenty. them-what are the essentials of Pen· Ing the roads leading Into t .. ) town, but already the farther e nd of the He has seen the now vanishing red tecostT They are three. First, Pentecost consisted of a sound man at his best lind worst. He has matched the cunning of copper-colored [rom Hoaven as of a rushln« mighty savagery with the knowledge and In- wind, filling all the houses where the stinct of the born deteater, says the disciples were. What Is essential In this? The sound of the wInd? We Cosmopolitan. In the saddle he Is an can get It any day when the wind Is animated and heroic sculpture. In the blowing. We can Imitate It any day drawing-room he Is a Chesterfield. Re- when the wind Is not blowing. Tbe tired since 1903, h e has kept In elose essential Is that "from Heaven." The touch with the world events, and 'r essential Is the feeling of the other were a conflict to burst upon the world, ot supernatural power, at the country tomorrow General Mlle~ divine movIng upon the human_ The One Essential. would, on his own admission, be among tho first to oller his sword and Second, Pentecost consisted of the strength for the defense of ~Is moth- mysterious light filUn~ the rcom, cen. erland. tered In tongues ot llght flaming from Largely selt-Instructed, ambItious, each head. What Is essential hereT forc eful, well read, wide-traveled, The actual vibrations ot the ether! ~neral Miles Is ot the type that can Burely not. Every lIv1n« body, as the ,ace no problem and leave It un- scientists are beglnrung to prove, solved. His record Is as c.lean as It glvee out some light. What II essenIs heroic. Man and soldier, he. has Ual Is the spiritual clarity, the divine side-stepping no duty nor whined In IIlllmlnaUon, In the radiance of which Its fulfilling. He is one of our genuine men see what they : have not I1;efore American heroes, and though he meg- seen of themselves and Ood and Ood's aphones none ot his vIrtues to a press- universe. avid publlc, he stands for tho truly Third, Pentecost consisted ot the Olympic 1n our present·day life. speaktng with tongues. What Is essential In this? That each heard bls :lwn language spoken trom these IN MR, CLEVELAND'S MEMORY ,,:evlously one-languaged men? No, Isaac B. Hardy In ~865, tor they had heard their own Ian· brIdge was on fire, and many of the Only $25,000 More Needed for the Big guage before, and would hear It agatn. cavalry had to ride through the smoke Tower tp Be Erected at The essential was that they heard and blaze to scape. . Princeton, "the wonde rful works of Ood." It was The sharpshooters ke pt tile enemy what the disciples said that brought Newark, N. J.-The erection ot a conViction, rather than the exception- aWRY from the bridge while our pl· lotty tower at Princeton, N. J" to be al tact that each heard it said In hI, oneers crossed o\'er to the fire and extingu ished It. Only I\. charred known as the Nation's Memorial In I)wn ~ngue. Perpetuation of the Mem(lry of Orover If these are the three Pentecost es· 'strlnger was left of tile burnt span Cleveland, Is now definitely assured. sentlals, as I think they are, then we connecting with the sbore abutment. When the pioneers returned and the In an announcement to "all those can have a Pentecost In any prayer wbo appreCiate the unselfish, patrIotic meeting or Sunday school class ' or In sharpshooters stopped firi,ng, a IIntl and courageous work of' Grover Cleve- the churoh on any Sunday morning, of Infantry formed on the opposite land," John F . Dryden, chairman of the though only Christians are present, bank of the r,lver and commenced fir· Cleveland Memorial association, sets and only three or thIrty ot these and Ing all our men . Theil we were ortorth the progress and scope of . the Dowhere near three thousand. 'Ne dered to deploy th e S)lI\rpsbootel's work. He shows that $75,000 of the can have a feeling ot Ooll's presence, along our shore aurl driv e the enemy UOO,OOO required for that purpose has and a clear vision ot divine truth, from tlielr posltloll . Our \'Ifles did already been pledged" and a final ap- and a free utterance at our spirits II'I good execution, and the enemy reUred rnnge. At dusk they again peal Is made for the prompt subscrip- view of Ood's presence and this new out moved down to tbe river and a brisk tion of the remaining. $25,000, so that visIon. Same Joys Are Ours. fire was kept up from both sides tUl the actual work of ccnstruction may 1 am not denying the reality ot the neBl' midnight, when It slacltened to begin . ThJs tower wUl be erected upon the supernatural occurrences on tbe day only all occasional shot from eltber traot known as the old golf links-a of Pentecost. I beUeve In them whol- side. site commanding a wide sweep of Iy, I am not "spiritualizing them . About 1 o'clock we heard tbe r port away." They may not occur to us ID of on,O ot our Windsor dfles at or near the same outward form, but I do be- Ule farther end of the bridge, and this , lIeve tbat everything nlost precious report kept up Rs ·fast as a llvely sol· and .valuable In them occurs to us, dler could load and fir e. Our men and that the first Pentecost Is a par- recognized tbe gun and, as the ell· Rdlgm of the Pentecost that mny be emy had commenced a bri sk flre. our yours and mine today. · entire line opened tire on the opposlto Nor will our Pentecost be less mar- shore, avoiding sending the h' bullets 1'elous than Peter's and John's. To too neu r the brldgo. . realize the presence ot Ood Is more Here follows young Hardy's modwonderful than to hear the wind blow, est narrntil'e of his midnight trip Inte the ugh It b'low trom the skies ot para- the enemy's lines. " I walked ove r to about the middle dlse. To see Ood's truth Is more won· derful than the aura ot any saint, and of the bridge; then I crouched down to speak of Ood's wonde~ful works In and went forward very Quietly, keep. Proposed Memorial Tower, the English language to any set ot Ing In the shadow of the railing, till Americans Is as great a deed as to J reacb ed tbe end of tbe bridge. I country, from wblch the t01"er will be speak In a sIngle breath aU the tongues could not see anyone rIght near the :Ustlnctly visible to the many millions of Pentecost. . bridge, but I could plainly see the enemy lined up at the water's edge or people paulng yearly over the pubIIc highways and the Penns)'Jvanla Help Through Hindrance. down the rive r, and I thought It would railroad. The tower Itself will be about 160 Out ot the thing that Is harde,t, we De fine to get a flank fire on them. "1 discovered a single strlngol' that feet high. by .0 teet square, of a sll· otten may get the greatest .blessings, b hi h . very gray stone, and ot great architec- One of the thing In your life y w C connected the bridge with t},.e land, tural strength and beauty, with In- you are nearly crushed, you are to and I crawled along· this until I terfor accommodations for memorial have your grandest vIctory_ Out at reached the abutment cn the shore. pu·rposes,. Including personal and na- the thing that seems ready to con-' Here I found a place to sit astride . tlonal relies .lUIloclated with MI'. Cleve- Quer. and destroy you, God· wanta teo tome oross-tlmbers, where, by leaning land's Ute work. It will torm the cen- bring to You a faith that you never over to one side, I had a gooll vlow t ral shatt In con.n ecUon with which had before, and a revelation of his Df the rebs, and t.hey were not likely ........ me. . ' bl never to ...... will be erected other buildings In the love an4 '-power that 70U future, to torm what Is known as the drea,med ot. That V?ry t ng you . "All soon as 1 commenced firing at graduate school, with which Mr. Cleve- ~hougbt a stumbling-stone, God meana them they opened flre pretty l!vely land was so closely Identlfted during to make a pUlow tor your head, and a m the bridge aod at tbe abutment the. last yean ot'bla ute and tor which la.dder ot ascension to his very pre. where' I was, but the timbers protected the Wyman and other bequests, aggre- 'nce.-A: B. Simpson. Ole. The place was much hotter than gating .Ieveral' ' mliIlon dollars, have [ expected, but 1 kept on firing at recently been made. The con'trlbutlons Unfailing Trust. ~em as · fast as 1 could. 'I could .hear to this memorIal have come' from all ' What a serene and quiet lite you our sharpshooters' bullets strike thl:' parts of '· the country, and rl!Jpge In :nIght lead If you woUld leave pro- . bUnk. amoun~ ~ St· '5,000. vldJng to the OO.d ot providence! With "It was not long. t1.1.1 .they fell bac~ . .. . a little oJl In tbe cruse, and. a band- to hlgber ground, and trom there dl- ' hal ot IDeal tn the barrtJ, Elijah out- · rected their llre across tile road ~at 8,oft-B,h elled E~1l I. Ex~ra, . 'Ived th«;, : tamlne, ,nd you will do th~ led from the bridge. I ,stlll . had & AltOona, Pa.-J1', A. Winters. a mu· lame. If. God: cares fol' you, ~hy DlEled rood range on them and kept on ~ sic .deal"r and' chicken tam:ler, has a ·ou care tooT Can fOU trust him for ·Ing. " 'ilier pretty 'soon' moved backfreak oftuiture In a Leghorn ben that four SOIlI, and not ,or your b()41? He dingo~ally · to' tile road, ,and stopped h~ been. laylnc -tll'O Qggi a day fol' flas never refuaed 'to bear. your bur- !!rine. Then I could not a.e e them, and seveu months. .. deDs, he has Dev~r tal~ted undep theIr, ,got out on the roaa. and thel'e they The aouIlle turn 'occurs ~gul~rIY weight. Come, then, soulf han done were Jut dtlappearlng Into the dark. every third day, the onl,. difference wlUl tmUul aare, and . leav• .an tb1 De... I fired at them an4 ih,y flrlcl ' being that the moralns, li'gg bad .. concern I In the. band 01 a srac!oui baC;k at me, .They were loon out ~ . bml . 8hen and ,the. altWlloon eac Qod.-C1 11. spurpoD. u.llt. .1 10'" that Jj the ~t we WUIl 10ft .helL , . , of the.. Jobanl...H


beeq ., written ,one of the persons connected wIth It' ther trOUble It Ute lid were now oeahout the . JIlall~aJlt weilt to AfrIca to shoot elephants, IItroyed. It would be different, ot ~ninm1 at the-Brftlsh museum He wounded a ' gigantic anlDial, t~at course, If the mumm'y could be re-or, rather, the ltd of the comn charged at him and literally tore him stored; but, as It Is, I don't tblnk anythat contained the mummy; for .. Of. to plec~a with its trunk and teet. The thing can be done. course, there Is no mv.mmy· In this attendants : fled in terror, and when "I rather wonder, however, that tile particular . case. It II merely a lid they retUrned, only fragments at hIs authorities at the museum have net that is .reported to have brought so body remained." many persoDal dlsaste~ In ' its train, ' . "And what · would yo do," he was removed It, tor they do not Ilke a number ot persons who are Inquiring A. well-known pb'y slclan, who is In- asked, "with the comll ltd at ·the Brit- Into the occult going' aull. staring at terested In Egyptology, was asked lah museum that la · supposed to havt\ It. There was a very flee and rather bts opinion concernhii th~ stran~ caused so much mtachlet?" curloua scarabaeus which they \l:ecaae of the mummy pt the priestess "I . w,o uld leave It," he replied, moved on the ground that they were ,t bat has aroused so much curious In· "where It Ie. Beyonet a recent ·case not cerbin tha~ It was genuine. It terest ' of a roung lady who macle great tun ~aa. In a glasl case, and wheDever "1 think," ~e said...tliat the mummy of It, and thereafter met wIth a serl· I placed my fingers ' upon It 1 perbavlng been .t orn to l.'~eael, the .splrtt ou, accl,d ent, the dlauters that wete ceived a beating and tingling ot the ot 'tbe prfeltess atrf~ea to. remal~ In reported :to be .0 nUmeroua on .Ita hands. Others found the same curf. contact with tbe only material thing first arrival at the ' museum have ap- oua effect. I trfed It several times that Is left In toucb with her, namely, parently ceased. If n Is true that the wIth the same result, but 1 did not the ltd . of the comn. This la the spirit 18 earth-b9un4, and Is attached find the samo effect :wIth the other pplnloD Q,f mo'et oaoultlste. ' Tbe spirit to the .case, It wO~d only cauas t~ ' scarabael. Why It was I do not know." . . of the prfeeteal hal attacbed itaelf to ....,.........~~~~~~~~~~ the case, which .. a sort of physl~al Private Execution •• , Ready for the Storm, , baela." Oreat Edito'r-send a' man to - that "I Intend," the poet wrote, "to con"But whY' ao maUpant," this authority was asked..... to brill&' aboUt. exeautlon tomorrow and tell him to tinue! to stonn t~e citadel of your at. fect2ons." accorjiing· ·to reports, all aortS · ot dis- keep It 40wn to two columna. Olty .' ·Edlto~No reporters are to "Storm away," she wrote back, "but asoors and accident. to 'persons ~~ ·the be ··ad1J1uteci. . . . I've Juat succeeded In getting In out present dayr' Gn,at E41tor-Ia tbat 80T Tell him ot the ' wet by beaom1~g engaged to a "If," he ezpla,lDedl • '!It taOtrue, that tq 'mak~l It five colwima,-New YorK deftr old man who haa, ,9,000,000." .t.M ~ummy w~ torn to plecea)t ·w as · ; a tearful delecra~on. : and ' Quite Weeklr· COUld Underatand, ~'fh9Ug~ ~ .mak~· the ' Prfea~s. furious, '_Wom.~'~,. MI8fortun •• "The czar's expe~ea are enol' SoDie ·pensollll who ..trJ; to~t . Into, I!Jbe;:-I ' don't llee wily women mous." .commtmloatl~n WlUl, .het by", oaqulti sliouldn't make u ' good sWimmers as "Urn." " ~~I saYI' aljo, ahe ~aa \.y,el'Y "~J: ',meli, ", " . . " ' ". " .~ "They are ' said to bame the ImRgln. tteated, , an~ 'put to ~ea~ ~elly:- Of, - B~Yea, but YOU aeo, a swimmer aUon." . ,.' this, howeye~" I baT~ : ':l0 ,PlOC?f, ~ bas·:·t~ . k~p ~s motlth Ihni- ' . , . "011, I don't 1ul~w. I epent . ,160 "1t, has .ald ~t t!l4S c~~ ,Of . " , . ' ." :.' on my vacation trip," Ilpt . Dever ·l~v. a man lWe~ he:Jaas , ' . , : ' We,t · N.. med. ",' .. .-------~-------· alron ,J)art I~ the violation . of ,the Clerk In Mua.c stor~Here.'e 11 very Had Noticed Thing.: , bapzbers of ·the dead, It fo~owa, ~.m pretty piece; ': It's called tbe "Hoboa' Mtal FllrtY-I neve~. al1~!( a k" .lo ·the"aaci:e4 a~e. and co~.s '~orth ' Ma~h." - ' , ," , Idl. me unl,,88. w4S ' a~ . e~e4, . l l2: - : ..' ~RqD :h~· J~. th'e occult' lluc!rBllt . Cuatonie~Wbat ' .fa MIlia ,Brlght-I)ear me! Don t 1'011 mIQ "I recan ,t he ea.e of '. real m'p' elaslfoal' 'i:' . '. , ftni! 80 many engagement, ' trouble! · ,wbJcb ..~ . ~t · to' JIlngl~d. Ip Olerk...:..c>h. no: <It~ 'r~Di.. , some? ' :". _bJah a pap~ . . . ,ound, the IUb" '.. . ~Ce of w~ch wU that'tlie peJ'lOIl. . One W",/,' . . RUbbln~ It In. .. ~h~ d~ tile -..~ ~ul4 bel "I thlU take ~Ip ·!'broad, J. , eapI~.b-l1w-ba.~ IUl .WfuI ~ to ',.,.. feroicloua ......... "ant. to write of ~\,~"," cold In me h." donch~1' bow.. . ~ .. ~ 1iIa4 aIUl ,,0UItl be 4. ''Wh:r 10 abfOd' . .Ju8t takct a Pld. MI•• Cl.'IlIt1ql1.....w.n. 7011 ouabt ,tf lUIPIt' ~ . . . Utcdutelr 'be ~ th.."l1 _twq " .It. .,...- " ' . .



GOOD denl baa






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N~w SUits

I)f t llfl flSI,1I tt ()f. l o:l Jlh


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In the caae of ~ rl\h Daohler agRinst R. A . MoCutoheon. on application the defendant is given leave to file his answer forthwith . Leave is granted the plaintiff In t.he oue of Dan P. Bolne a.galn8t the B. & O. S·W . Rallrotl.d oompany, to file BU amended pet.itlou fOI th wah. The OI\,ose of the Aome Food oompany against B. A. Coyne 18 dlsmiued at OOBt of plaintiff. The oase of R. Wilds Gilohrist aga.inst Sarah M. Jame on et al is oompromlsed, set.tled I&Lt\ dis8missed The plaintiff i. grllnted leave to file his Teply in the oase of Harry Mirandi .galnt Zaid Simpson . The case of George BlnGs &glLlnttt W. B. Wh."aore Ie fully e8t,ied Bud

8amne] H . James, 30, mill employe of Middletowllllnd Viola Bree.. den , 30, of FraDk!in .

Real Estate Troosfers.


"~IIIWl Irl ~W'-jl\llli~.i;~""



IUndertaker A. MAFFfr, ' and Embalmer. Will be fo onel In the 0/11 Bunk Building. oppoa"" the National Bank. Telephone in b ouse and ot· fice wbare J oa.n be oa.lIed day or nigllt, Valley I'hone 1'-2.

tl'ioti pt·opl r>. "They Ill" th e 1\ \'e l1l1 of Pl'ogl'c . !lnd the hiO'hcst lInd I 'st 'prol)f of I.he int ' w njoy. b "They In jllsti c , t< produ 'er an(1 c nsumcr und withhold inj list i·c from n 11. "They : u V(' t illl labol', lllOIlCY ftncl failure. Thoy pntroni7. the l'1lilwnys alld th wntcrwnys you have ap.J

Main Street.

prop riu tcd for so lllvishly. Co-nf/1'I',~~lII(1ll D L'I/I'(I1' ,~' I!IS 7lf) thi n (J i,t O(mg7'e.~8, does not/ling in (}ml[!,.es.~ . ,~ay.' 1lot/lillg ill the di,~t,.ict bu t $, $, . $, $, $, jllst b(llllre I'tel'tiOI1,. ul!,l/,s 11 0 !Jill.~ to em"rect nny of til e el'i/.• 110/1) ('1)111 "tail/('d (If , pl'OpOSC'IJ n o bill.~ to 'rel-i6'u6 th e lmu/. OUllll!r·.~ of allY II f tit" OUI'(I('1I8 of building

and 1IIaintaill i l1r/



(lnd running t o]' rt IhiNl


hilJ 1'I'cord 0/

" no tM'~g

Make the





Telephone dRY 01 ulght. Valley phone No.1. J..oD),t Distance No. 69-~".

If you would like to supply your table with this highgrade silverware free of WAYNESVILLE,. OHIO ! cost, write us for our special offer. Address Dranch Office, HarveY'lb1lJ1t. o. '

Representative in Congress.

I· X 1

1847 Rogers Silverware

Funeral l>ir4:";tor.

Tlie 1l ay to get\ .~(l l/l etMng done is to t'ote lor J esse Taylor. Jf li e is net 071 11(lU1' t.icl.. el, tlum

Find the Name.



IIO/(! ,</Jrl'ill {j liis lJf'con(l tcrm

t CI'I/~ (I ll

Waynesvilhi. Ohio

Good for Nothlnr; but the ....

(/0710" tor tlt e 7lcn plf' .

follows : O!1car J. EdwBTds, Wlllillm Sherwood and Wllrren Barnett. Albert Heston oppointad ttdminis-

Marriage License.


"Good l' ad . ul'in£ (h~ products of tile mi1l0 anc~ fort(1 tll fn t I'Y doo\,. t " sO u . ). •\d · bring t.ini'n to tho fnt'mer ,\tid thl'ift to th ('/)1\ . tllllI' l' tlnd "'(,Ii lth to tho notion. I "Good · roads Jl1lllw f'll'm life pin nnt . und profitable nnd IIh!lll CC its l1 scftdn ' . . . "00 d l'o :td ~ 1 fiJlfr U mol" rural routes - will bring us Upttl'l' on '. ano more Oicj 'n t on s. "Th(,y lIlal,!' bet! ' I' h OllIus happier fil' .' dcs, more pa·

lI ell,

kdM~~e~~~ ~ 8u~n · June Heston, deoeased . W. J. Wright appL'inted ndooinis t t f th t t f { '} I Jj' ra or 0 . e es a eo , lUI' es er. gu son, decHased. Lonis 'F . Colem~D. ndmlnistrutor of the estute of John Ulurk, dE>. oeased filed his fir t and finu.l accout

COUl••tI... C.",I.- Llnl Dm,'-I_......

ll '

B. W. Dudley Keevt'r ndmioislra. dl OOlH!tlcI, filtlll hiM illvont,( I\od Il J). t nr ~f t.he estute O'f 'Abb'ie l!: Ke vel' .prll i tlOltJOt. {u his III otic m , val't d'oeas el, flied suit, agn;o!lt t:1eorjo(~ g rnnt !:! him , Ibllvtl tv 11 1111 o f the 'IN. 1narUn tlnd ~ liD A Ma rtin to lJf-\r~() n ld IJropert. . anc1 reid !lIIH ut t· oover ' mon :v on prow;~, I'y Dote pri VII t 11.16, for ' 1200. Mortgage given UR eou irt:'t nCOOIl'lt In lhfl eRtllt,~ of l'it,v deolllrAd to obsolute IWel plnio- Loui ' EIS(l nlll ogtlr, in 001'1, W Ill! t iff proys thut the court dut '1IIlIne filer! by IJ. L. EiHen ,neng r, J{ll l'dilll1 tha amoont due hi~ 01111 r nder Hnwllrd P . Enrl y and J oli n B judgmout t.herefor. Brandou ( . I vin 51 PI' Ij l'tl. x clltor!l of thCl w i It I f lire Iittornevs for plnlnt.ill'. ~1hrthll I) . L'llll()tl. 1j{!C(~I1!« tI, tilpu Ull Eesley Broth el'lI fi led !\ Illt ILI!IIin t Itpph ' \11011 t,o tUlU [,2 shllrtlti ot th e W . A . V B 11 11-1\ d M I'S . \ V . A, V Ill, I to I!took of tho ( r gonlu Bridg ~Oll) · reoover an IIld ehtedne!l9 o f ~l (I 40 plmy lIud salUs is gruuts,l b oun for merohand !1!6 flou r sold IInu cIo fixing pl'1ce at ~1'i60 livered. Ca.1l e was h eard before In the OORe of E. A Beno tt, fill . 'M Rgilitrate and appeal tuken to com- lD l ni8~rlltrlx of tho estl\te of M . \V . mon Pleas oourt. Be nnett, deCetUI d IIgninst '\ illlllln &rah Quillor filed suit ugllio!lt Bonnett, e t ai, the oo urt grtlnts leave the Union C&nnin~ company pre to sell r al e tute Ilt prl "ate 81\10. senting Ii transoript from magis.. Ioventory lind appruisement filed trate's oourt to reoove r 13U for ser- by L . tlimonton, exeoutor, of tho esvioes from July 9 ~o July 12, lillO, I tlLte of Hunnah Sim ,mtoD, deo ased labor wi~h t,bree men a.nd one team , In tbe case of Fra.nk L. MIHer, of horses. Petition prays tor hear g uard itl A ugainst Warren .J. Mill e r Ing on appeal. et 1\1. Urder of sll le issued and appraisers appoin ted by the oourt os

Court Proceed/nKs.


By Scott , Ferris, Congressman For Okla~om'a a~d a Democrat.

due P llO_t of. not.ioe - of, hi .. upPQin Ilellt,. ' ' Boyll t:i. Ru.t.h~f'b ,rl /llhlllDistrntor

... ()Illmon Pleas Court.






STANDARD FASIION tOIlPANI ~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iI-II Vlnd.. Strut, New yen. No Y. Natloual Bank and the Citizens Nutionul Bank for the lllont,h of !:lepHOW to Save Dried Treca. Planls that have become blldly • ternb~r were uudH~d !md found cor. dried out may be saved- If · tha buds t have nol been Injured- by hurylng HATHAWA'" r The 0 . fiouncllLl tltatemeuts of th (~ tb e tops. a.s -.. II ""s the roots In the We can offer you good auditor audtreu Drer for tbe month Boll. or by ' placlng the plant . under W1\.) 'les ville's Leadinv ne....,., waler tor a day or two. Paying Employment omoe in Keys Bldg. 111un ~. of 8eptelllbar sb wing the baltm e Care In Transp lanting. In eaoh fund ,md acoollot at 'the b . In transplantlug. the pla.n ts sbould that you will enjoy and ginning of tbe month wer e pr ent. ' ,,- ·Iltted trom th e trencllea rlnly as at home. Write to-day ed and ordered placed on file . they are ulled, avoIding unnecesBary Dr. Bell"s Antiseptic Salve The following ttlmporary t runsfeJ exposure of the roots to the sun and Addr... I Oood for' all Skin DI....... wind. Where a number of tr es are Of. funds were made: /l rom sp 0111. 1 to be handled ' they may be taken \. Tbe Butlerlek Publishing Co. brIdge of ] 006 t o oonnty, ' '2642; J f r()m the tr nch In lbe ven lng and Butlerlek Dulldlng. New York. N, 'Y. Sllbs~ribe for the GaLette OOWlty to sheriff'!! fee, ~260 '; oonn ty placed In a barr I of waleI' over t olerk's fee, *"7ti. bight. The~ trees may be taken to _ _ ___. _ • the field In the barrel and removed as needed. or placed ot. a wilson O.r Forced to Leave Home. lied and covered with wet slraw or Every y ear n la r"e num bel' ()f manul-e. Care of Tree After Planting. poor s uffere rs who e lung a re sore I!.nd J::!loked with oonghs ilre urge(j The hoi 9 for the trees should ad· to gli> to another olimate. But this mIt the ' root,8 without crowding. The il! oostly nud n ot Illways s nre . poorer the soli. tbe larger the hole There 's a better way. Let. Dr. .hould be. Tbe plant should stand King 's New Discovery cure you at an Inch or hvo deep r than It did In home . "It oured m~ of long trou Ule nu rsery row. · .Top soil should be I' ble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Ga.l/}· work d around tlie roots wIth the mine, Al'k , "w ben all else fuUen and hands and w~ll compacted. Water 'is I g tl.1Ded 47 pounds in weight. It · ~o~, often nece~ary. but If rlcsired, sureJy the King of all oough aod 1Ul the bole one-half full wllh dirt lung oures." l'hoUSll nds owe their and then water thoroughiy, After lives and health to it . . Its posiHve. the water Is soaked away, complete ly guaranteed . for Conghs, l:olds, the tilling with loose 80U. LaGrlpPt",. . Asthma, Uroup- ali Wben .t ransplanting Is completed, Throat and Lung troubJes. 500 and mulch the soil with manure. straw, '1 .00. 'fdal bottle free at .I!'red V or other orgllnlc matter, not too Sdhwartz 8., coarle. fo r a distance Qf two or three teet 'around the trees. Mulc!llng Is A Kentnoky judge deolded that very Important. It holds the mo~s·· a ma.n brooght befor~ him \V1l,8 not ture In the Soil about the roots; it orazy, but in love. I::iame thing, u::\, Ie eps the ,soli around. the roots loose and mellow. admitting the Illr, whIch ually. -Wilshingwn tierald . 18 as ssenUal to root devtllopment as moIsture. It keeps the soil 0001 duro If YOUI Have Any Doubt ing tbe hot Bummer. wblch Is a con· of the m erit of Dr. Bell's Fme-Ta.r. dltlon favorable to root development. The tops 'of the plant should be .8.oney one bottle WIll remove f.hut doubt and your 90u gb a.t Lhe all we ,out baok one·halt to three·fourtb s, to Until November 1st we time. Look for the 'bell on the baL. correspond with los8 of root 'lYltem' l will make the fol- , PftlPAFlATION Of THE 8EEDBED tIe. It is the genuine. - - - -.... - ••---,-FOR' WHEAT.


Are You Looking for a Position?

Du. H.E'.




Magdalena Soheer to George De.. by Sheriff's sll.le, traot in Bar. llln township, 14,998. ~use of Mary ~tln vs, Demos- .C ora Wylie to Donald P . MoMarthenes Weir, et aIlS dismissed with· t· t t l H I t hi *400 out record. ' 10, rao n ar an owns p /II • Ooad grants sherYl right to sell Ella T . Stanley to Valley. Tele. phone Company, retl.l estate In Leb· proper t y Invo1v ed i Jl snit 0 f 01 ara 11 to Stroop against Carl R. Bradstreet anTOhn' e B ' Dil t h t S IIi t I omas . II. ·us 0 a e a a Th.• fR W· Gil hit i ' t Lehmand and NettieAyers.1I2aores, eO&ll8 0 , • 0 r saga ns " 1 t the VUlage ot Lebanon Is dIsmissed. ' e o. , Court finda that D. F . Corwin is OharJes B. Corwin to Bauna.h J. tndeb&ed to Oitize Bank Co of Hatfield, lot in ~banon, 11, eto, D8 .,_ Robert-e;-Boys to Raohel Boys Wayn~ville in the snm of '487 and and Elizabeth S,' Irelaud, lot in same is ordered paid. t F r~n ·I · *1 t tl In, /II , e o. .PrObate Court. Joseph A. Ohamberlin et al t.o Barry E. Dubois. traots in Franklin Fret J. Mlller, gnardiap o( the township, 19425.' altate of Warre. J. and Dor9t~y M . Barry M. WintroW' to 8tephen Killer, m1nors filed hi8 inventory. Thompson, tracts in Deerfield town. In the estate of John HeiSS, de- ship, $1, etc . oeaBed, J . D. Miller administrator Owen J .. Burnet to Harvey M. Bnrnet, Whittier Bnrnet, sarah Bur. filed hta first ansI tlnal aooennt. B. W, Null, administrator of the net and Mflbel Dinwiddie, tracts in • ate of Cathf'rine D. Schenok, de· Clearoreek township, 11, eto oeued, filed his flnal aooount for Ueorge Rebol(l to Emma Rebold, lettlement. lot in Maaon, II, eto. An tn8'rnment of writiDg pur· Denis Ross and Sarah A. ROSH to portiDg to be the last wilJ a.nd testa. Rlohard Ross, 26.36 nores in traot j ment of Presooia P. Penoe, late 01 '1, eto. lowing good Bamilton township, was produoed Elfieta M . Ea.ton to W . R. LeFever Compacting ' of 801t. proposition for probate and placed on file. and ~rah Jllne . LeFever, 10,* in In preparln« a seell bed tor wheat, Court 8e'Ootober lOth at 10 A . m., Franklin, 'l,etc. the .. object Is pot to secure an ex, tremely mellow 11011 ot several lUI time for hearing. Chrle8 V. Mohler and Ra:3hel L . Delineator one year, $1.00 Inches In deptb, hut rather tf) have' '!'he firet aocount in the estate of Mohler; to Anna R . Leioht, lot in a firmly compacted leed bed with Lanra A. Newport deceased, waf{ Franklin 11, eto: Everybody's" two or three Incbes of loose 11011 on 1.50 flied by William H. N pwport, exeonBelle Johnston and William John the surtace. ' This Ie becaul\e our wheat Is !!Own In a ullually dry period Miami Gazette 1.00 tor. l s~on to Elfieta M. EiLton. lot in wh en l110leture must be retolll ed to Ho Rard Oollette, administrator Franklin, 11260. the greatest extent possible. There' IIY V. H. DAVIS, of the estate of William J. Colle\te, Margaret L. N ollb to Owen B. for e It II advisable to plow to r wheat Total all three .Agricultural ExtensIon Depart$3.50 dece&8ed flIed his s600nd account. Higgins, 10' in Lebanon, 11. eto. JUBt as 800n a8 tbe previous crop, ment, O. S. U., COI,umbus. O. L. Simonton,. exeoutor of t.he esBenjamin F . James and Lettll M. If whoat follows oats or a lilmllar crop. Is rE-moved. Tben constant cu.l· tate of Bannah Simonton, deceased. Ja.mes to Rudolf E1. Rathmann and +11+11+. .+1+11+1+.,+ +++++ 'MilIlonll at trees, shrubs, e tc., are ' t1~ atlon, to flne and firm the roll as filed dne proof of publioation ;)f no· Elsie E . Rothmann, t ract of Ciear well as to cSaltroy weed I , malt be now being transplanted. The value given . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ oreek township, II, 'et) , of the plants that. die from neglect Ule of Disk Harrow. Commissioners' ,Proceedings. and Improper hnndllng by nu rsery· Wh re wheat follows corn. as Is man and bu yer will aggregate many the practice In many sections of the Bills-Ed S. Conklin, stamps, ,5 hundred thousandll ot dollars. IItate. the ground is necessarily firm 1111 Cen~er Street. C. Wilbur Ivlos, mdse, 70 cents, Plants well protected csu be Rnd nll th'al needs to be d<!ne II W· Portlmouth. 0. Randall & Monger, olot.hing for pri8 shIpped from coast to coast In good loosen up the surface. For thll pur· Wb&t NatuN'a CHatiOD hal done for condition. As soon as r celved, they poee n'othlng surpasses the di sk blV" . . . . trulT mil'llCuloaa. B etore t;lklnlro oner, ~1.25. 8takillta Pen Co ,mdse should b{' unpacked and the roots t ow. followed by the smoothIng har· apoa the advlc. of my phYBlelan, ' I .tai'te4 WI8t, bat en route became I. for Reoorder, 18 .20. Philip Spen;)!', placed In moist Boil. av,oldlng ex- row. 'rhe disk cut's tbe stubbll'ls' and low that we ca.,. liP all hope. and re· general indexing, ,544 8'. Lebanon Jlolure to the lun and aIr. :t un. truh III no other tool will. Do not wrae4 hom.. I loon began ta.kln~ Na- l'atriot, publi8hing report8, ~1l8 37. paoklna cannot be done at onco, or If delH3nd upon lhe dllk. drill to rrepare ture'. creatloo iaod It has maae ..' new Lebanon Gas 00 , gas and repuirs Ilt the plantll are frozen. place them in the ground aD d II OW the wheat. of me. tbe 8I!me aa many other . . . the shade, alld · protect them 'from though I mony cases excelIent reo . . . . th&t I 1(00" ot. . Jlul, U,63, Lewis Bros., freIght, ·.0 wind until the work can be done or 8ults have bp. '0 Jleoured with 110 harltDowtnlJ what It haa don. for me, I ' rowing at 11, Sometimes wheat II ..,. wIthout helltaDcT tbat al lonlf ... ·oents. W . H . 8t.a nage & Vo ., mdse; the frost ~u dlllippeared. Heeling In. lown In standing corn with gl)od reo I Itbere II llf. there I. hope. ud trult 12 ,50. J. S. MorriS, supplies, '77.50. iUlat thll ltatement will ":ve mu;r Barrett Bros.; 'b lanks, t8 50. Inquest . Just beto~ unp,acklpg, prevare a IUltS, but this Is not "usualIy possible te&a..r unfortunat••. over body of , :::!BmneJ Wolffrom, ditch three to tOllr inc5'hel deep for owIng to crooked and tallen stalks. RespeettuUJ'. »Iantl lUte' strawberrlell, and twelve In the purcba~ ot a drill there are ~ Ie. .11t£,.;u; '9.7,5. Yale & Towne Mfg. Co ., re to fifte.n lache l deep' tor orohard some requIrements which . IIhould be pairing time 'oloOk, '10. BUdebrant'.s tNe.l. Place . pllntl In trenl;h ' In ' car9t~IlY. loo,ked after. Remember PUR'POst, A~ril %8, 1109•.> bOok store. 8upplies.folr olerk, 139. 118.g1. layer., II.plnl( them toward · that . t~e device Is tbe vItal '!'be time will lIoon bs here when It E. p'; Ii'iJrgy, horses aad vehloles, the louth at an ~ngle .tlt ~hlrty' or r p!1r~ Of ,the drill . It mu.~ al,wa.YI be 'WIU be eoolldere4 'crlmlri~l to 118114 8\ltiterere 'a WilT from ' h ome and frleoda. ~25. L.oveltiud Lumber & M.fg: C~ . ,' fortT degrees, and carefully worlt' In lrept In . the , bellt , ot repair and we . md cOmpact th~ Bollarouud the must alway. kD~w that I~ . Sa dol~g '"'rl. 1NI1 kn.o'WJI tha t .. chan.. of cll· . . ~ , a:. . Dill, .' ' prolongl 'one'li lullerlnc. sewer pipe, "13.50. Oregonia Bridge roots, It the loll 111 'Very dry It may ,004 work. . , . . H. C. R~.MSOW~)l, ,'WIlea wti , can refer to ,e asu wlthou' 00" oontraots t500.. tJbar1:8 ·A. 'P : be watered. It possIble tbn roota " I. . . ." ' " which we have bo... Bar~ett Co., paint, t72.69, ' John. Ihonld be gi ven the necessary Pl'lUl' t.~I~~ p:~ess:r .~no~a.rm Cropa, Ifl'o .. aU .par1l of the Weet and 80uu.. Ing bero!' tlie pl!llll.s n.ra "lie 1 din'" .. ' um UI. • I. . .. ean lUIyone' In.Jet upon l ..ndlnlJ • Wolfe, contraat, ' '53.60. Walter:r. • In th tren h . wbJe-h consists 1.0 • ~. • Inlrehr 1.0 almellt certalll death'( J 'J,'~ Wilaon, bridlle' repairs, '10.50. .L. eutt.lng ..only bro , 'n !lnu ro(\ngl ~d How Much Will Y,ou Pay Ilfature·. ....Crutlon co.. Bulk JI1~ to have your 61e8 aured; ' Bnther. " '/'1'0. . aud lUcia. CGlambu. . _ ... .M.. Prince, for sUn'eyor, .2.95. roots with a 8 lCdh . ut 11 ......'1.. _. 0 soli ng ,,( ·ts a:H,l lrt aiM llLnd18 Eagle Eve Balve only ooet8 ~O, f..-Iet ~Iltalnlu ~ of . . . . . . . . . Mi8clellaDeo'ils-The aooountiJ · of WOod. 'Oy the two 'depoeitor1ee 'h~ Leba-Don . be sborten O~ t::.:i sakp or sy m· al}d will Or:u- ' Good for nothlDg ~'I14fr"~~ . ... me.t n, but tJae eyes, ....~""':""!!~~~-~~~iotitit"!""!~....~~-~~~~~~ItiIi!....;.iI bo~d


Do You Read?


Listen I

.- .

TRANSPLANTING The .Proper Handling of Trees and Shrubs.







Bear i~ mind this offer is good for only




I., . . .

All for only $2.50






WI \ II ;, 'il ll ,




v . :,l.ln' 'l'l 'lI. I'; I· JI O ' I';-- ( '.\I . ..

11 I'"

~: .. AN!!:,




IlJ .


Moore's MarVelous ange ...... Aetua Iy Teaches Cooking


M '. 1•• ' d' I .EJ~T


1 01 1' 11,' 1';


11 2

i~~Il(;-M Ilna~~~

. _ - - - - _ ._

Said He Wished to Be Relieved


~' ta t(· )l ;, f 'u bscriptil)n I

No mattcr w h th r yo u arc an cxperienc d hOll s wife or a young wom a n j us t le arn ing to 'cook, you w ill fiQd Moore's R ange t he b st s tove th at yo u could buy anywh ere a t any price. Mrs. Sarah T yson R o re r. the acknowledg-ed f remos t coo k of the co untry , has prepared an Oven T hermometer G u ide excl\l si vely f r Moore's Ra l1 g,~ . It g ives th e time re quired and th e hont' I1 ' C sary for b ~ kin g all diITerent kinds of ~· ood. Thi ' guide i ~ fas tened right onto the !i to ve where it i alway ' in pJai n s igh t. . Moo re 's R ange is a lso ' eq uipped ,,'ith Moore's Oven T h er m ometer, which is mou nted clear throu gh the uoor. th us givil1l! the e~ac t ternpe rature o f th e ove n . Then th ere 's the' Moore Contr olle r D amper, whi h l'n ab ll:s you to keep a uni form temperature or to control t h~ herll, as is r equired by . f rs. l':'urer' s Thermometer Guiue . Th is damper g ives you p racticall y the same cuntrol of y U ill' ra ng-e ove n a yo u wo uld ha ve o f a gas o ven . / Moore's Fire.Te sted Gla ss Oven D oor e nables yo u to s e the co nd itio n of your fo od in t he o ven with out openin g t he doo r and ca usi ng di scoin fort as well a s t he los s of hea t. \;v'ith t hese advan tng-e s yu u d o n ' l ncc d to spend nenr ly s o nllJ h 1ime ove r th e s to ve, and your cooking is bound to b e a success regardless o f yo ur experiel1 ce.

From further Duty,

nl' \ " UI' (Slrll-I I.I· III ul l va.lI l'O ) .. . ..... S I.U O


' ·(I "y . . . . .


" .. . . . . '.

Ratf'R of Ad vertis in g Hl'lIllI lIg 1.' )('1119, flOr 11 11 ., .•••.. . • ". [w ' Wa.l!l lI g 1.0·:U'6. b l ~' k , ,,CO, JIOr IhO( , • • 1 11(' (' lnN>lllh'" A,,". not to !lx('cell 11\'0 IIneil T hroo Insertions , . , .,. , ... . .. . 26<:

l ll,IIUUI·les. {h'o luch08 truo; over fl vo , III Chllll. Iltlr II no • . • .. .... . • , . . ,

'uru ot tblwks . . . . , . . .. . . . . . •. .. . .. . .

• t

' In a CommunIcation to A. ,I. Klrakldden, Chairman of the Congr• •. I ional Committee of the Iohcth Ohio lie ' Ol.trlct He Claimed HI. Nomina· l ilc ' rHle tlon and 8ubaequent Election Wa. a Great Pereonal Slcrlflce.

Hll!IOlu Llon '" .. . . . . ... .... . . . .... .. • ... !:Ioc lul8 I" ~ . w h ore c h urge IK mlu lo .,. , , .. I Ut' ,\ , 11'" rllHItIK .-Wf Im:h .. . . , . 0 16"IIUII IK g l\'tlll un ·Olll r lwt. O OTOO K Il 12. l Ul U


Lest the Yotera ·sbould for/j;et, we publlsb the letter of M. R. Denver, at March 81. 1910:

Costs Less Than One-Half' as Much to Run

"Washington, D. C., Marcb 31, 1910. "Honorable A. J. Klrskadden, Chair· I."oe p " "V (' II ' IIlmH f r '" 11 I " ,vl ll ~ 111111 man of the Congressional Commit· youug 0 1'1111; . t' rtllll '1 ' 1'\V1 "~ tee. Slxtb Ohio et>ngresslopal 01. ---trlct, Georgetown, Ohio: Deutb Ittn ' l m uturio l!! Ii H much 1If! " M y Dear Mr. Klrskadden- In view h d Illlll t.l t o h".- Ii'IIt.1I1)IIrH :-I \1U of the fact that It Ie ems to be u· Aud UII U~ '\I"II' " Ill · IUlI/ II IH tt klt t Burned that I shall be a callrudate for IfIlAII ou b" fu .... u ItllI - PI.ItIIJll1'l'; U , _ re·electlon to the Sixty-second con· gress. and. In view of the »robable zlI tte.'l·IIII'·H provision of the direct primary law After 8havln" likely to & passed by the legislature, u~e Ur . Htlil .. t\ llI lrh ' IJ ,1lJ ::I'lIV.. It I am brought Into a . udden reall, .. will prtWtl ut loU.. hl OU ' ~" t.t lll ,: !W l'ti Uon that 1 should make known my

.. ----

---- -+----- ...

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(JllutrllulUll lI UY ,11 ,.,,,u,,,, ti vury w/t " r,1

p l'.lIltllH 8

The Contr o ller D ampe r no t o nly co nt r ols th e b ent . but al so controls t be coa l. It positive ly allves one· third o f tbe fu el. An d Moore 's Ranges nre tb e only r a ng es ba v ing t his cont r olle r dampe r. But this is n' t th e o nly snving on your fu e l expe nse wh ich the Moore Rango offe rs yo u. T be Moore Ever. IUtins rlreback means ano the r savi n g-. 'rhe fl u es In • . this firebnck are so constructed t hat tbe air from t he d raft ope n· iog is admitted allilnlt the aldea a nd on top of the fuel i n s t ea d oC t hrou g h t h" bot· to m o f it. whe re t be lire a lready bas a good IIta rt . Th e lil r is h eat· c d I n c 0 mi n g thro ugb tbe flued fire bac k. a nd by b e ingdis cba rgcc./ In th is b ea t ed

condition r ig ht on t op oC t he fi r e. th e o:'tyge n mixes saving ad vant ag"s ~ A t least drop in to our st ore and witb t ho s mo ke. soot a nd g . S liS soo n ns they are ' let u s show you lww perfec tly it wo rks, Le t u s ex. form ed. and n il a re burn ed lip r i ·h t tb l're in t he fire· plai n t he ma ny va luable feat ures whi ' h we ha ve n't box. t hus ov e rco ming t he RUioke and sout n u isance. eve D r oom to m cnllun h e r~ . T hey w ill astonish youl By burn ing Ule s mok • sno t a ncl gas yo u get :u.l d i· Bu t come n ow, while o tl r stock is co mp le t e. Wo t ionul heat and yo nr ftl el 11l,IS lo nger. O w i n ~ to th e w ill not t ry t o tlrge you to bu y. All we ask is that peculia r constru ct ion o f t he E verlast ing l~i re bac k. you look at th e ra nge. Moor ..,'s R a ng-c gives b etter sati fac t ion ~r.:=======:==:===:::::::=:============::;==i1 wit h hlllf II fir e bux of coa l l han it w ill • with th e fire box filled with coal. a nd it 's ~ Mrs. Rorer 's Thermometer Guide to e only r a nge on eart.h t ha t will. T hu s .. ,..-.," ..,••. 'Ut'':'~:·l:'~:':''~:.'~':: .~:·:I1', :''.,7:'·~~7 ~:::'::~::,;~~:;,. _""............. you a re Do t onl y sa ved considera ble ... - 't' ........ ... ' .. ';;~;-;:::-~';~;-:'~ ::~~.". ~-........ T . . . . . ..~ expe nse. b ut a lso consid erab le t rou ble c a~ryi n g coal fe we r tilD es a nd· le ss a a time. Tbe Moore Com pa ny a r e pra cti cally tbe only stove m a nufacturers in t be cou ntrywbo do no t bave t o udvi se t he use of good grade coa l. The !\loo re Ra nge ca n be mn o n caul costing li t least t wo· thlrda Jell th a n coal used in 0 1 h ·r ranges. Now. knowing t bat tbe Moor e Range will more thllD p a y fo r it se l[ by r ed uce i ng your fuel expense, why s hou ld you be w it.bout its m llDy t im e and t rouble-



::\uld determination without delay. "You are doubtless aware that I "aa orl,ln&lIy nominated. by tbe Leb'l ' l1e unly ~\lU U J" y nUll r l !l uO " W 110 anon oonventlon In 1 90~ without sobtl" u ell llll"lItJlnlJ lll,l lIlIll ti lllh Iltuell - licitation ' upon lUy part and wltbout my belne 'pre.ent at th3 convention ; LoUlI!VII IIl l .IIU l' l dr"I U Ut llll\ and, while I realized that an accept· Moore'. lloDllea COD be bod In e ither Co.t .frOD or Stee l l'avllliel'l '1t nulllu".lIulllu· tup nott' ance of the nomination and .uble· Moore'8 queM election meant a great per- • maketl blKb C tlOUDU hlLe 11 lo w l'am .onal •• crlflce, I acquiesced because He in 1& uave ......!.l'11iH\·lirk ::;llll'. 8toves I believed It to be a duty from which I sbould Dot shirk. The Xenia conAlway. vention In 1008 unanimously I enom· Unelllhtly Innted me ; aDd, again I felt I should Soret', .bOl III , Illllpuons, p!mplel', Please blliokhtltldll tlud 1&11 lI&i u uUOOf,IOU,. make a further sacrifice. ~re very q niolLly our"u by lilll UIIIl 01 uM~ ~ my fMebds ~s~t ~~ I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. 8ell'tI AUUetlpLIO ~Ive . ~lio . become a candidate fo r anoth er \I ~' term; and w'blle 1 am most grateful Hold every wUtir tI . for their expresslona of confidence 'HOKE SMITH ELECTED .....-...atI!I"---TRY LIVERITES----......... and regard. yet. I mUlt .Ik them to THE ARl OF BUTTER-MAKINO Alm08t every Lime Count Zeppelin relieve me from • further term of come. home aU"r Ii httle fiy bll Ketl- .ervlce; and I mUlt a ll o request that Good butter i8 obtained only Hoke Smith hall been elected to a blowluK up -tldltlwore bUD. they do not con.lder me • candidate through proper care of t he cream serve a second term 8 S g .wernor of before thll coming primary. from whioh it is made. Thl8 i8 110 Georgilt. . In oomplete r eturn8 i ndiI:Jo far n one 01 our avilltors bill "Durin, my tenure of omce I bave art that is' not ·hard to learn"anel it o1l.tethat(;jovernorJos~ph M. Brown Llverltes for a Cold, Backache 'and Weak ,Llver .or Kidney". at all time. aDd under aU btlen 8DOOt!1111f~1 enough *<> br".k IDtO endeayored condltlona and clrcum. tances to serve will pl'y livery bntter maker t o lell.rn V8udevllle.-Detroit Frtte ~relll'. wbat to ,me to be tbe belt it. 1'he best oustomer!! are willing who Sw1toh An ounce of \ keep' yellrBdefeated "go I'ndGovernor whose name aftert wo be th the 16 II em .Ut ....... lnterelu of all the people of the dl.· to pay a hlRh -price for butter of t h tl hlld been defeated for tue nomi ua- . Prevention worth a pound house ready liTo Ba or Not to lie" trlct. and to ' act. aa I believed. In con· best q Illlllty. This,has been demol' . t lon in the prim" r y w as placed be. of cure. ' . for use. to tli, wl.he. of tbe major' oOPBtantfy ooulC ltilitc d~vend8 on formtty Ity. Wbetber or not I han succeed. Itrat.ed time and again in all the best fore the voters as un lDdepen dent wheLhel' or Dot you tl88 Or. Bell ' .. Pine.'J,'ar. Hone,. A few dQ888 'will ed in my e!rorts can best be judged markets, and it is a strong argumeut oandidate, !lid not receive It m a jorl- Prepared from Pure ,N a t ive Berbs, t h ey Cleanse the System and by thOle whoa I have endeavored to Igainst making any bllt the ~t, ty of the votes in Rny oue _of t h e Purify the Blood and ' t hus P REVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS. .top tlia$.oou&h . oount,it's . ~ L.__ ...;;..___________________- - - - - reprelent. . Milk lind a1l its produots are very "I am not 1IDmindfui of tbe Ireat perishable and mU9t therefore be - - --.-+-, -MI'.·MlloVeaMh *hinks 01 IIhorten· bOnor tb.a t h.. l,>een beltowed upon ' FEED THE MILK MAKER lnlf the dol1ear bill. Moet ot U8 me by the people of t~e dtltrlct; I hl\odlfld with ir~t oiroumllpection . DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN 4 . ' wonld rather have it etretohed.- am not for,ettul of ttie encourage- The m~n or woman w110 makes For Internal an4 Externll Pain.. It... dies! Silve Money an~ Keep m No matter how good a oow ma.y ment and tbe IUPPort tbat they bave a fiue qaaUiy is worthy to be o&l1ed Chioa~ Record- Herald. -:-- - : = Style by Reading McCall', be, 80 far 8S breed is oODoerned, she lIven me at all timel wblle . \n the au art 18t. . "';"'--_e_ .. - - petformlLncd of the functions ' of my - - - _ - ••- - -Magazine and Using McCall\ P.tternt oanDot be expected to give in her liew York Iii emergtnK froOl her oftlce; I am not In.enllble to the re. I McCall', Ma.n ••• will produot what (the does not get in Reaching the Top• .IlrimHiv8.oo11ditlon. bbe ltn.1f d ecid. markable falrne81 with which the M~Lt:S MAGAZINE 'h,,11I yo u d rCB! styl· her feed. In a general way, then, h bl y "' a UtOderlllO ed to aboll.b the horltft oars.":'" prel' of the district hu always dealt in Rny olltnng of life, demand8 a vlg /I)'PU IJ hy k ce plll II eoonomical with me; I ILm not without apprecla. milk produotio~ m eaDS 'a u V Cls ~ad on t h o oroul! body and a keen brain. With. YOUnIJ8wwq Telo"ram. II Ii)S I fa s h i on s In Iciul tion for those who fought .0 valiant· out hl'slt.b tllere is no SUcoe88 But 11 'leral but not wasteful feeding . li us IIlId bllts. 60 17 flDr me through two campaigns; I Eleotrio ; Bitters is the g reat~st Now "'sRblon Doslgns .It Look. Bad for You I (J lIeh tSllUO. A Is!) lUll Dot without obU,atlona tor the Bealth Builder the world has ever Yllluubio In(ormnlloll BRASS CHANDELIERS ·to have BOre ey08. ~ntberland'~ Ueu, uTlce and ... lltance known. It oompel9 perfeot aotton 0 11 nil ho\nO an d Iltlr· SOil III mU lie rs. (july Earle --Eye ~lve will oare tbem. lbat han been afrorde4 me in mat· of stomaoh, liTer, kidoev s , bowels, Bra8s ohapdeJier8 sometimes befiOc n yenr. Illcludlllq Barml888" and Paioletlll, guarauteed 'e" otlclal aa weU aa polltioal by purifl8lt and eorlohes tbe blood, 1\ (roo lllltlcru. Sub· for 150 a· tullt'. ktnd and Indlillent frlenlia throulh· 'onel and invigorates the whole 8Ys- oome badly disfigur ed and they may .... ...... _ .... """ . _ scrlbo tOll01 or send for ( r 0 salDple COPY• eut the dl.trlot: for all of tbe•• tem and enable8 you to stand tbe be rest.ered by fi r st rubbing and McCaU wi ll ~ nnh l o you La rnako In your 'fbOlU hom b ttlsll by tbe aviato.1 thiD.. and more, I am pr6founcUy well~and tear of your daily work. po1i8hinR 'qntil ' bright. Then to ~'IH~~l:~~':i.. owu ho mo; with yuur own h1l1l1l8. elolht DJI (ur a nd child ron which will !>o lltlrto(: , .leo .URgll." lh" dtt.turbiDK' ' thotllJ ht "atelUl; but I mUlt In,l.t that my "After months of 8uffering fr om keep them tn this condition get some nrRO. III Li O ' Rtylll II lI lt nL P r ice-il OilO hi gher Ih" n H; fIIOlll'll"lr wl.he. In thle matter 'be re.peeted, Kldney Trouble," writes W. M . eu u lII. 130ud (o r fruo Pullum Cllt.alollue. III , lIm"~\'i"'an .tha, the..bigger t he wttrllhip lbe,ea, and that I be abloll/lld from any and Sherman, of CU8hing, Me, "three brasslllo1 uer and brush over bght'.1 1. " " • W. Will Gin Yoa Fiel P... ..II ror Jlollin g subier.tbe ~ark -lndlalilipoll8 Newi. III conllderatlon a. the n.xt nom· Dt A ""ol1,omel, III nP,trftl nt1 workl,. J,n rue.t ell' serl llllollS 111111111 11 YOllr rr l ~ l\(l s. Send torrree bottles of EltlOtlio Bitter" made me 'Iy. The I soquer 0 a n be bought ... cuilltlm, " r 81lY • • I""tillo j""''',li. ']'o r I\l0, . 3 . I ' rtlmltllll 1' lI l ll loll U I\ nd '\1811 Pri ze Ql\'()r. In.e for repre.llnt.tlve In oO.ngr... TII~ MtCALL COMPANY. 23910249 Wa137t1t S1.,IIEW YORI feel like a o6w1nBn. I I 500 at Fred large paint .store8. SometimeR1\ t htn i'CO:3~liB~~~~~~:, \ r ewdYoOr~ from the ehtah Ohio congrenlonal About the blKKe!lt bore is the one C. Schwartz·s. coat of wht, e shellac is used . Brauch :mIce. 626 I!' 11'- w .. ..., tM... D.Q. . who lusi.ts on till., log wbile you dl,trlot • "Wltb klndut perlonaI r~lard8, b. S-W -E-E-T-·"~~N SEED Subsoribe fO; :te· Miami Gazette ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!?> are b~8Y readiog a. paper on the lIeve I,~,t oar.-OioolooaU ,ComOleroial DOW for you. r winter 's r eading . N~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~ "Slneerely YOW'l, Save seed of your eweet oorn BS ~~~~~~fi~~~~~~~ Tribune. "(Signed) ~. R. DENVER." early 88 po~si1ile. When the kernols ~ ~ Mr. Denver's cblef argumeut All Bowel Trouble hav~ begun to h~rdeo, the ears may C. W. HENDERSON,M.D., jA 18 relieved almOlit . lnet.utl), by acalnat Mr. Hildebrant In 1908 waa :t~!";;:~:~:\i.;:D:.~o,:::r:~::!..~: Waynesv i lie. 0 h lu. c ·:·:·:·:·:·'·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·;·"..:·;·:·:·;·;·;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.,.:.:';':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':'1 uog Dr,' BeU's Aoti Pain. It de- that Mr. Hildebrant was runDlng for l&roye diaea.e germl aDd stope 10. a thIrd term', although Mr . . Hilde· gether. Ru~ a smlAll pole or wire Vallev Phone 153 Main Street l~~ l:.:~ 1lama"on, Keep" bottle in tbe .:, '.' • lIrant was 8ucceeded b,. Mr. Scroggy througb the loups thus formed, and hoUl8. Sold everywhere. hang up in a 0001 dry plaO'e, Do = = = = === -""= ::-""= = == ..4 bad bee» ellt of coJi,rea. one W. A. VanderbUt Jr., deni. that ootoro~d the ears, but allow ,plenty WAYN~E CHURCHES. ~ I)t be haa bougbt" flying maohine. wm. 01 room," 'b..... .m'Y 01...1... ~ What will Mr. Dllnv~r now aay Howe ver, there ii no r.lOn wby be tbem to dry 'hem thor. Ihould not boy ooe.-Boaton Adver~ about a THIRD TERMf • - • M~8 eve r, second Sunda y o f t he mooth ;u tleer. At the ,n. If thll tePM Mr. DenNEW STAR FOUND 9 :00 a.-m • y., wilt have drawn ,,0,000.00 a. hi. Why People COUIh · ;.lli.::

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J. H. 'COLEMAN, Waynesville. O.

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Liveriles Prevents Serious Sickness

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is a m'l~ry when Dr. Bell'. Pine- glary for four y.a,. and ",000.00 Tar. Boney will · oure any oough. f." ply ., hie 'prlvate 'lIeretarl. Look for the bell on 'he bottle. It WHY NOT TAKR HIM AT HI8 marka 'h~ genUine. WORD AND RELIEVE HI", OF IT - - -_ • 'DON'T ~ HURRY 'rHb MILKINq -BY VOTING THE ~.PUBLICAN When

YO~ burry

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I. I

toile ~tlkinR ~he lTICK.T~ bl

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(lOWI feel unoomfIJrta e ~n 8 orten Durin. ble two terms In CO·~lre.. ·up 00 you .. Unlo. Tb., hurg yo~ IIr ' Den.,." baa Dot otrered ' a alngle

The dl800very of " new 8tar hi the oonstellation ou Sllgittarius, was aunounced- tonight by, Prof: E C Plokering. of the Barv,rd Unlversi ty Observa$ory. Mrs. WUliamiaa P Fleming, of the Observatory atatt, di800vered the new star Oo$ober let, on a photog~phio plate and ttl! pre 8ence W&!5 ponftrmilti by aD observa. '"ion taken b" Leon Campbell,' anhe ~ ~ cb8enatory lad night. ' . • - •

St~u~h~~~~::':a~~!~~~, ~!~~. St. Mary's Episcopal Chu~b. Rev. J. F . Cnd wallt1der. Rect or .

Me(Jlodlst Eplseopal Churd&. .Rev. B. W. Dalley. Putot. Sunday ·SChOOI. 1) : :10 :1 . m . Momlng ser· vice. 10 :80 a . m. Epworth Lengue, 7 :00 p. m . l!lvonlng serVice, 7! 00 p', m. Mldwook Pr lyer Meeung. 7 p. m.


1)""" "MftW " ..... -~ -



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for the


VI~:.nI~a:to ~~b~1./oi:oc~'n!!tu::~~~~nog l~~:~ ~ BUDd .., 01· each mODLh, jJi

Christian Church. • , ., , Rov. 'I.. '0. TbomPeoD. PUt.ol. tilll fOr , til, relief 'of ,tile ..U8 com· Bible 8choo1• •: 10 .. m. SocIal m lletlq. the World'. Beat. plalned ~ b, thet Democratic pany. 10:10 .. m. OhMhw Endeavor. 1:0u p.,m. 8ermo~ by putor every talteruat.e 8UDd~ aa ., I' or to.r prC)lf,t) ••ln meatures,. adyocat· Kills -."Mua:derer. . 10:10 a. m. and 1:80 p. m, , .. , No one bllS ., ev~r DiAA~ a salvo, eel '1" Repnbllean!l, or for a dollar... , oIu'ment or balm to oomparo with T A Jllerollells 'murderer is Appendi. ttkkllte Frteods Churcb. D..-L.len' ,8 . _""1'0'u-lve. ,1,'1 ',he jay peuloll, , ~r uyotberpD4!ralpen. at"'1 with mooDY viotlm... . But Dr. F bet Da, Meettnlr. 10:00 a. m. Flrli~ Dar uuua •.- ,.... f " one perfeo~ healer of Cute, Vorol, lion leplaUOD,' but baa kept b.. 8eat King'. New Life PUbI JIm 1& by llre. Soboel. 11 jO(l a, JII. 1'011"'" Day MceUnl. Bornl, Brat..., & ...., l!oild.., BoUI, warm. roUowed btl D,emocratlo leader ·v enUon. .They gently Itlmlllllte 10 :00 a. 8l; • . Uloe'!L~ma. Salt Rheum. For 1_ 4 .q~ '"'No" ~ ..,.,. meas· .tomaoh, lI"er and bowels, preveD" Ortbodox fI1eads Ch~,. Bore .'7M , Cold ~1I, . Chapped 1... pro__ aA' . , . De 'RepubU~ puo IOI·that ologging ~ha' ID~l_ appeuRov. Ben'alDln Ha"klna, Pallor, BaDdI, or Spralnl , "'I loprem"' 1 -, dial"" ODI'Inl <Jonl"pa~oa. Bead, . lDfalllbia lor PU.., 0011 J60 ., tI. A DJDIOCRA'l',· acbe BUioD8D", ObUII, 1110.' Sabbat.b ~bOOI. 111119 a . ID. :::waubureta In4 0. 8011"..-". . .&: . . . , ...... 'hfIIJ' 0, Sob",,'.. ~~ tel a. ID. Ohr1l llIadN.,CII'.

and horp the OOW8 88 Well. , . '. _ •

I. I

R· h A







m You will get the Paper

I· II:* I .:.~ I .-.

that gets the News





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Ing to strIke me. He i1' w lI yld, and a n),slde. So Fann), Arms tron, knew of Mfa. Wa. 'a. Wood, Newark. N. 1 .• s mnll crooked blood-vessel In bl. te m- LucIen Wallace, !lnd was sumclently wrItes: ple swell d and throbbed curious ly. Int r s ted to visit him nnd pay ror his "Reslnol Olnlment cured an obllU, s up port. Who was the ohlld's motber Then be fo rced a sbort laugb. nate case of spreading Eczema on " Who Is NIna Carrl og ton ?" he aaked. nnd whe re was sbe? Who was Nina my little ten year old boy's leg, after " J am about to discover that," 1 re' Carrington ? I Old Ither of them know varioUs other salves had sIgnally pit d. Ilnd be was Qul.ct at onco, II where Hals y was . or wha t had hal>tailed. The trouble had ensted for pen ed to him!' was not dl mc ult to d ivI ne that h six months. and nothIng seemed to toured ~Ina arrington a good deal SYNOPSIS. t w nty-fl rs t blrl.1IdllY; I was dumh do any good un til we procur(ld a jar CHAPTER XX VIII. with appr 11 nRlon. mar tha n be did the d viI. Our lea of Re81nol, whlrh quIckly cured him. 1011,.. I nnm!. 1Ip.ln_ler and guo nllan of Ul kl ng was brief; In fa ct. we merely "He says be ha d a pair of culf- lInk ~ It bas now become a household rem&Gerlnlde nnd ha.l . ,' Y, "Slu Lli shtd 8um- slared a t each other over th e waiLIng A Tramp and the Toothaohe, also. but he sold t he m-" dy with us. W also have Reslnol m er headqu rl r8 11 \ 81111n ),01do , Arnol d Tb bitte rness tow a rd the dea d Arll1Mrong "'". fo und 8hu\ \(J II Il tl In room tall I , with 118 JIt te r of yenr'old " Fer a dollar'n halt." put In tbe dis, Soap In daHy use by the children, and I h,' Iml l. G rt r ud " •• l1rl h~r Il a nce, J8" 1< magazines, Then I turned Ilnd we nt pr 81de nt ot th e T rade rs' bank seemed reputabl e Ind ividual hoarse ly. with their Rkln, health and complexJon are Oolll'Y. htl,I co m ' " r",," III I h o bllllnr~ to g row with time, Ne l'er popular, his room shortl )' b r O l'O) t h o n urdo r , 1.> I .. , out. an eye on the detective. perfect." U ve Jnmlos() n n t~uijeu ~f!SIl IlIn .. s of h?I.I "To Rlchfl Id," I told Warner , and me mory was execrated by pebple who " He Is not-dead ?" I Implored. Th I Reslnol OIntment can be positively Inl' back e,'hl"nc'~, Il shlt r Unlll·Y o r 1 nul Armatronl'S ban k, dulun e l . was nrrel!t~,d on the way I thought, and thought had los t notblng; but wbo we re filled tramp cleared hIs throat. reUed on to give In s tant relief and tor mbczzlern c n ['uu l Armslro ng" hard, with disgust by consta ntly b earing "No'm," he said bus klly. loR was QuIckly cure tbe torturing skin dla/l enth woa anno un ,,,,I. Hal <,y'u f1an r ,,", Lou la" Ar mltmn;; . 1, .ld Halsey that while "Nina arrl:lg ton, Nina Carrington." new s torIes of tbe man's grasping used up pretty bad. but he weren't eases ot In fau cy nnd hlldhood. For IIhe s UII lo,'ed him, /lh u WU~ t o _mnrry anava rice, dead He was com In' to hisself whe n eczema nettl rasll, chafing. disfigo ther . It d e \' elope d I \oa t U r , "nlkc>r wa. the roar a nd rus h of the wheels everythJng else those days. Out. like t he man, l..ouille w:ut found un c-on"c lous s emed to Sing tbe words. " Nina Cllrl"-be stopp d and looked at the deuring pimples and Itching ruptlons of Ilt t h o bottom o C th clr(' lIlar at u lrclUlE.', the bank failure was almost forgotten tecti,'e. "1 didn't steal It, Mr. Winall kInds. It Is a prompt &nd sure eh e aald someth Ing had bru.hed by IIPr rlngton. N, C," And I then knew, 51 61 In the dark on \ he s t ai r way a nd .he kn ew as su rely as If I bad seen the by GQrtrude and myself. We did not te rs," he whined . "I fou nd It In the remedy. . ' tsl n ted, all il ey III SUllpecled o f , A rmmention Jack Da lley; I had round road, honest to God. I dId." Every tlUDlly should bo safe-guarded . tronll·1\ m u r tl~ r , Thomas, t he lOd gek e~ ~ ­ whole t hIng, 1Ibere had been a n N. C, All S ams Allowed,- Tb waist II· It' wu COllnd d"ou wllh a nole In h a on th e 8u lt case belongIng lo the worn, notblng to c hnn,e , my ImpressIon or Mr. Winters paId no atte ntion to lustrated Is on e which will mllke up wIth Reslnol preparaUons-Reslnol p ock,.t bearing til nam e "Lucl n Walwell In flann el because of the little Ointment to cure the skIn troubl s lace " A \add r found out of p lace 4eep- an with the pitt d fac e, How sImple hIs ,ullt, and Gertrude knew how I him, He was watching Alex. An. ' the m y,lcl'Y, T h. 8tables ""ere It a ll see med. Matlle Dllss hlld been fe lt. As for the m urder of the bank ''I'd better tell what he told mE'. " tu llnen a nd the long tuckll. The thllt now and then occur; Reslnol burn.d and 1n tho dark M isa In n 8 IIhot presIdent's son. I was of two mJnds. Alex broke In. "It will be Quicker. tucks each side at the center front ex- Soap to use r egularly for the toilet aD IntrueS.r, H 16CY mYllterlou s ly (ll sap- NIna Carrington, It was she Warner peared HIs au to WIUI found wt' ek ed b)' had heard In the library. It was some- One day I tbought Gertrude knew or at Wben Ja mIeson-when Mr. Jamieson tend from sboulder to waist Une. and lind bath. to keep the skln pure and a trelsht train, It developed Halsey had thins she ha4 told Hlllsey that had least suspected that Jack bad done It; calls up we can start him rIght. Mr. lbe closIng. which Is in the nature of health)' and preserve the complexion. an arr;umont In t he li brary with a woman bator. his disa ppea r anc e, N ew cook dls- taken blm frantically to Dr. Walker's the next I feare d that It had been Ge r- Wln~ers, I found this man t rying to a luck. gIves a graceful lIne to the Reslnol MedIcated Shaving Stick Is appoan. 1111 .. ID De. learned Hala.)' was omce, and from there perhaps to hIs trude herself. t hat Diehl alone on the sell that watch on FIfth street. He of- figure. while a little extra fullness Is also the best and safest to use. b&all" .. And then the fered It to me for $3." death, It we could find tbe woman, we circula r staircase. obtained by the s hort tuc.k at the cause it keeps tho face tree from erup.migh t find what had becom e ot Hal· mother or LucIen Wallace would obCHAPTER XXVII. "How did you know the watch!" shoulders. A tuck at each side of tbe tions and prevenu lntectlon. trude herself, and an almost equally l ey. center-back gives a box-plait e rrect. Winters s napped at hlm. Tbese preparations are Bold at all Nina CurIngton' We were almost at Rlchfteld now. good caae might be made agaInst her. Who "I had seen It before, many times, The sleeves are the regulation shirt drug stores. The four days, from Saturday to tbe 10 I kept on. My mind was not on lD)' Th ere were times, of course. when 1 I usod It at nlgbt when I wall watch- style. finished wltb cutts, whIch are We send free.. all, application a nluFrenah and able little booklet on Care of the 8ldn follo wing Tuesday, we lived. or es- errand there now. It wal back wIth wal dIsposed to throw all those sus- Ing at the root or the .talrcase." The fastened wJth links. and fix definItely on the picions aalde. Isted, In a IIUltD of the most drelldful Halsey on tbat memorable night. What detective was satisfied. "When he of- Scotch liannels, percale. madras, linen and Complexion. Bend for It. Realnol ~uspense. We ate only when Liddy waa It he had saId to Loulso, that had unknown, wboever that mIght be. ,tered ,the watch to me. I knew It.. and or tatreta aUk w111 develop a most sty- Chemleal Co., BaIUmore, MeL I had my greatest dIsappointment 1 pretendlld I was goIng to buy It. We 11ah waist. The pattern (5161) Is cut In a tray, ,and then very little. sent her up to Sunnys ide, halt wild Tuberculoll. In the Weat Indln_ Th'e papers, of course, had got hold .,'Itb fear for him? 1 made up my when It came to tracing Nina CarrIng- went Into a n alley and I got the In sizes 32 to H bust. To make the Assoclatlona for the PreYentIon of at the story, and wo were besieged by mInd. as the car drew up before the ton. The woman had gone witbout watch." The tramp shl"ered. It wal garment In the medium size will renewspaper men. From all over the Tate cottago, that I would see Loulle leaving a trace. Marked as she was, plain how Alex had secured the watch. Quire 3 yards of material 27 inches Tuberculosis have been formed in oountry talse clews came pouring In 11 I had to break Into tbe house at It should have been easy to follow ber .. "Then-I got the stOry from thlll fel- wIde. 214 yards 36 Inches wIde, or 1 ~ Cuba, Porto Rico and TrinIdad, In but sbe was not to ,b e tound. A de- low. He claIms to have seen th yards H Inches wide. and raIsed hopes that crumbled agaIn night. Cuba there are over "0.000 deaths from to nothing. Every morgue wltbln 100 Almost exactly the same scene al scrlpUon to one of the detectives, on whole alfalr. He say. he was I.n an To procure this pattern allnd 10 centa tuberculosis every year. and the deatl\ miles, every hospItal, bad been vls- beforo greeted my eyes at the cottage, my arrival at home. bad started tb e empty car- In the car the automobile to ," Pa ttern Deparflnent.·· of this paper. rate tram this disease Is nearly three Write name and addrellS plalnly, and be times as high In the UnIted States. Ited, without resul t. Mrs. Tate, the baby-carriage In the ball rollin" But by night she had ,not struck." Tbe Inaction was deadly. LIddy path, the children at the swlng-all been found. 1 told Gertrude. then, The tramp' broke in here and told lIure to elva al8e and number of, pattern. In Porto Rico there are over 8,000 d albs e'fOry year Ollt at 1,000.000 In. crIed all day. and, because sho knew were the same, aHout the telegram to Louise when she hIs story wIth frequent Interpretsbabltnnts. In Trinidad. the death rate I objected to tears, 8nlmed audIbly Sbe came forward to m.e et me. and had been III b efore; about my visit t'\ tions by 'Alex and Mr. WInters. He SIZE........... , ••••• NO. 5161. rrom tub rcul08ls 1& Port-au-SpaID. the around the corner. I noticed that Bome of tbe anxloUII Dr. Walker, and my suspIcions that ' used 11 strange medley, In whIch faonly place wb r ftgures ar anllable, NAME .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "Eor heaven's sake, smHel" I lines b'a d gone out of her face. She Mattie BillS and Nina CarrIngton were mlllar ·words took unfamiliar mean,I';as 4,76 In 1909, nearly thre time Illapped at ber. And her ghastly at· looked young. almost pretty. the same. She thought, as 1 d.ld, that Ings. but It 'was gradually made ,olear TOWN •••,. ................................. ~. th rate In New York cIty. Condlto us. ' , tempt a grin, wIth ber swollen nose "I am glad you have come bacle." there W&l little doubt of It. tio na In t he other Islan ds af the West STREET AND NO ..................... .. and red eyel, made me hysterIcal. I she said. "I think 1 will have to be I said nothing to her, however, of On the night in question the tramp IndIes. wh ere DO ncU. ca):llpalgn laughd and ' cried togetber. and pret- honest and gIve you back your money." tbe detective's suspicions about Alex. had been "pounding hts ear"-thi. STATE ... •. •••••••• ; •••• ,. ................ .... . Ilgnlnst tubereuloals hilS been unde rty aoon, , like the two old fool_ we "Why?" I asked. "Haa the mother LIttle things that I bad not noticed at struck me as being graphic-In an tailen Is even wo;se. The chief r Qwere we were sitting togethe.r weep. come?" tbe time now came back to me. I bad empty box-car along the sldlq at son Cor this hIgh mortality Is found 'ng I~lo the same ' hl'ndkerchtef. , ''No, but aome , one came and pllld an uncomfortable feeling that perhaps Casanova. The train was golng west, LADIES' YOKE WAIST. In the nnsanltary, dark. and poorl), On Tuesday, then, I sent for the car tho boy's board for a month, She Alex was a spy, and that by taldng :lnd due to leave at dawn. The tramp ven tIlated houses of the natives of ~e all. prepared to go out. As I waited talked to hIm for a Jollg time, but him Into the house I had played Into and the "brakey" were friendly, and Islands" at the .,orte-cochere I ~aw the under· when I asked hIm afterward he dIdn't the enemy'. hands. But at eIght things going well. About ten o'clock. prd4!ner, aQ' Inoffensive, (t'8yiah· know her name." o'clock that IlJaht .Alex himself apo Qerhaps earlier, a terrIfic crash NO HEALTHY SKIN LEF1' haired man, trImming borders n ear "A young woman?" peared, and with him & strange alld rt'? agaInst 'the sIde ot the car roused blm. the houte: The day detectln was "Not very younl. About 40, I sup- pulslve Individual. They made 'a ' queer He tried to open the door, but could "My little son'. a boy of ftV"e. broke watching hIm, sitting on :tbe carrla,e ])ose. She waa small and falr.halred. paIr, for Alex was almost as dlsrepu- not move It. ,He got out of the other out with an Itchlng rash. Three doca. the tramp, aud he had a badly block. Wben b e saw me, he got up. just a little bit gray. and very s ad. table swollen eye. - sIde, and just 811 he dId so, he J1eard lors prescribed for hlm, but be kept "Miss' Innes," he said, taking ott hIs ShE> , was In deep mournIng. and, I some ono groan. l etting worse until we could not drel. bat, "do you know wbere J\lexJ the tblnk. when sbe came, she eXllected to Gertrude had been sittIng listlessly Tho habits or a Ufetlme made him b!m any more_ They-1lnally advlaed gardener, Is T" ,;:~...u;l&-(lAHQ.,....bI,~ In. waiting tor the evening message from . cautious. He sUpped on to the 'um. IDe to try a certain medical colleg~. " Why. no. Isn't he here?" as e . terested her, She talked to hIm for a Mr. JamJeson, but whe n the sIngular per of a car and peered through. h but Its treatment dId no good. At "He has been gone since yesterday long time. and, Indeed, she looked pair came In. as they dId. without cere- automobile bad struck the car and the time 1 'was induced to try ' Cutl· afternoon. Have you-employed him muc'h happier whe n she lett," mony, she jumped up and stood staring. s tOOd , there on two wheels. The taU cura he was so bad that 1 bad to cut long'" "You are sure this was not the real WInters, the detective who watched lights were burnIng, but ,the head. bls hatr ott and put tho Cutlcura Olnt"O~ly a couple of weeks." tbe house at nIght, followed them, and lights were out. Two men were stoopmother?" ment on hIm on bandages, as It was "ra be efficIent? A cavable man?" "0 mercy. nol Why, she didn't know kept his eyes sharply on Alex's prlll- Ing over some one who lay on the Impossible to touch him wIth th.e bare "{ hardly know," I said vaguely. whIch at the three was 'Lucie n. 1 oner. For that was the situation as It ground, Then the taller ~t two started band. There was not one. square inch "The \llace looks nIl rIght.. and I know thought perhaps sbe was a friend of developed. on a dog-trot along the traIn looking :>f skIn on his whole body that was very lfttle about such thI ngs. I know yours, tiut, of course, -1 dldn't ask," He was a tall lanky IndivIdual, tor' an e mpty. He found one four cars not attected. He was one mass of muc~ mQre about boxes of roses than "She was not-pock-marked 1" I 1 ragged and dIrty, and just now he away and ran bllck again. The two lorcs. The bandages used to stick to b ushes of the m." looked both t errified and embarrassed. If[led the unconscIous man Into the asked at a venture. , "ThIs man," poInting to the ass l8bls skin and In removlnlS the m It used "No. Indeed. A skin like a baby·s. Alex was too much engrossed to be empty box-car, and getting In themto take the skin orr with them, and tanto "says ~l ex Is n·t a gar~ener. That But perhaps you know the In· e ither, and to thIs day 1 don't think 1 selves, stayed for three or tour mlllthe screams from the poor chUd were he doesn't .know anything about ltIals. She gave Luclen a handker- ever asked him why he went off wlth- utes. When tbey came' out, after closplants." , . beartbrealdng. I began to think that Ing the sliding door. they cut up oVGr cblef and, forgot It. It was very fine, out permission the day before. "That's very strange." I said, tblnk- black-bordered, and tt had three handbe would never get welt, but after the "Miss Innes," AJex began abruptly. the railroad embankment toward the Ing hard. "WHy. he came to me from wor~ed letters in the corner-F. B. A." "this man can teU us somethIng very town. 'One, the short one, seemed to All Seams Allowed .-Thls simple lecond ' application of Cutlcura Olntth Drays, wbo are in E urope," waist may be made QuIte ettecUve 11 men~ I began to see slgns of Improve"No." I saId with truth enough, "she Important about the disappearance of limp. "Exactly." T\le detective smiled. Is not (l friend of mine." F. B. A. was Mr. Innes. I found him tryIng to sell 'fhe tramp was ~'ary. He waited care' ls used In selecting the materials. ment, and wIth the third and fourth. "Ev ty man who cuts gras8 Isn't a Fanny Armstrong, without a chance of this watch." for ten mInutes or so. Some women' The round yoke has the body gather- applications the soren commenced to gat'dener, MIss Tnnes, and just now It doubt. He took a wa.t ch from bls pocket came down 11 path to the roa~ and In- ed to It, and at each sIde or the yoke dry up, HIs skin pe91ed ott twenty I Is our policy tQ b e ll e ~e every person With another warnlng to Mrs. Tate a~d Put It on the table. It was I1alsey's spected the nu~omoblle. When tbe)' nt the sboulder a Glbson tuck Is 'made. times, but It ftnally yielded to the around here a rascal until be proves ,aa to silence, we .tarted back to Sun· watch. 1 had given It to him on the ' had gone. be crawled Into the box.c~ The fullness thus obtained Js brought treatment. Now I can say that he Is to he t he other thIng." and closed the door agaIn. Then he down lnto a peplum which takes away, 'e ntirely cured, and a stronger and Warner cnme up wIth the car then, 11gb ted a ' match. The figure at a man, aU 'the fullness over the hIps. The healthIer 'boy you never caw than he ----- -, and tho conversation stopped. As he unconscIous, gagged. and wIth his, waist may be on ,a linIng It desired, a Is to-day. twelve years or more since helped me In, however. tbe detective hauds tied. lay far at the end. The pattern beIng provided. Tbe sleeves tbe cure was effected. Robert WaHam, s81d somethIng furth er. tr!1mp lost no time; he went through are pu.trs, gathered Into a band lust 1148 Forty.elgbth St.. Chicago. m.• "Not a word or sIgn to Alex, If he his pockets, found a little money and below the elbow; below this an under Oct. 9. 1900." - - -- -- com et! back," be eald ,cautiously. the cuff-links, and took them. Then sleeve ot contrasllng goods may be worn. SI1\£.. satin, lll.wn or batiste Even the Children. 1 went first to Dr. ·'W alker·s. I was be loosened the gag-It bad been may be used for the waist: with all. Ex,Governor Pennypacker, condemnIred Qf bnatlng about the busb, and I cruelly tight-and went his war, over lace or tucking for the lower Ing In hIs witty way the AmerIcan dlf It that: th e key to Halsey's dlanp, again closing the door of the box-car. sleeve and the yoke and sle!!yo bands vorce eVil, tol,l at 11 PhllaJelllhla Jl arance wus here at Casanova, In OutsJde on . the road he found the may be hand embroidered or trimmed IU.ncheon an Ilpproprlate story, spite ot Mr, Jamleson's theories. watch. He got on the fast freIght ellst, with sQ\1tache braId. The iUlthirD "Even our chlldron," he said , "are The doctor wns In. He came at some time after, ' and rode Into the (6137) Is cut In sIzes 32 to 42 Inches becoming Infected. A KensIngton nnco to th e door ot hIs consulting city. He had sold the cuff-links, but bust. To make the waist In medium schoolteacher, examinIng a little girl room , a ud there was no mask of coron otterlng the watch to Aln: he bad size will requIre 4 yards ot material B7 In grammar, said: ' dia lity In hi s manner . been "copped," Inches wide, 2* yards 36 Inches Wide, ',' ""hat Is the future . of love l' "Please come In," he said curtly, The story; with tts colli recital of or 2% yards U Ipches' wide, with % "'A dIvorce; the chUt! ,answerecl "I shall fltay here. 1 think, doctor." villainy. was dolie. ' I hardly knew If I yard of tucking 18 Inches wIde., promptly." I did not like his face or hIs manner; were more anxious. or les.. Tbat It --~--------'1'0 proc1,ll'e thla pattern send 10 centa there was to. s ubtle chauge In both . He was Halsey, there could be no, doubt, The Sliver Que.tlon. to "Pattern Department," of this papllr. ha(l thrown off the aIr or fJ'lendllness. How badly he was hurt. how far hel Write name and adeSrell. plainly. aDd be When you see silverware scratched and I thol:ght, too. that he looked anxhad been carried, were the questions .ure to .Ivo alae and number ot pattern. and tarnlsbed 'w ith black stains and loul> and haggiud , that demanded ImmedIate answer. But streaks In the tnterstices of the orna" Dr, Walker," I said, "I have come It was the first real Information we lDental patterns, that 18 dirt. left there 8IZe ....••.•••• •••••• NO. 5131. to yO~ to ask SODle quostlons, J hope hlld had; my boy 'haa not been murby common, cheap rosl.n soaps. It la fOU will Ilnswer e ,cm. As you know, dered outright.. But Instead of vague " •• 0" •••• "' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• better to use a soap that Is antiseptic N AM'ID illY nephew hus not yet been found ," terrors there was now the real fear' as well as a perfect cleal1lllng 'agent. "90 I und el'lItand ," flUlfly, ·T()WN •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••• ~. that hll might be lyIng In some strange "Elasy Task 'Soap," the , bard, white '" believe. If you would, you ould hospital recel"Ing, th. casual attenlaundry soap, will clean your sUver· irrRE.ET AND NO .......... , ............. . h Ip Ull, and that leads to on e of my tion commonly given to ~he charity ware surely and quickly. It y,:1ll g~t Quostlons. VI 111 you te ll me what was tlTATE •••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••, •••• cases. Even thIs. ,had :we knowrl It, out the dlrt tlieothe~ soaps have lett. , the nature o[ the conveJ'satlon you would have been paral'llse to the terYour grocer will flell you two cakell (or h eld with blm the nIght he was atrlhle truth. 1 wake' yet and feel myten cents, and If it (toesn't Batlsfy YOIl tacked and cunled 01T?" A Text for You, ' sell cold and trembling wlth' the hor't he m~kers wU\ give ba~~ your dime. "A ttacked! Carried otr.!" he said, "SUdder 'busln' de devli so much." ror of Hal8ey's situaUon for throe with pretended s urprise, "n eally, Miss said Brolher Dickey, "It would be QlO' da.ys atter his dIsappearance. Power c;I~ a f,1agnet. lillles. don't you think you exngge rnte ? healthy fer you ter take 1', rer.els eD (TO BE CONT~NUED.) A steel ' horse!lhoe magnet can hold 'pralle de ~wd some." I undersland ft.... ls 'n ot the tll'st Ume III suspension a wel.b~ up to twen(1 - Labor That Aldl the 'World. Mr. Innes hns-dl sa JlJl en re d.'~ tlm!!~ ' lts own. • , Holding ' Out. , I ' , It Is true that all wealth come. "You ate quibbling. doctor. ThIs Is ----~--,--,--~~ .' ~ 'fl'om labor; but not necessarqy trom "That fellow Is a ' g~e~te, strateltat R nlatt"r of Ute and doath . Will YOU' Your Eysl Bother You , labor by the hands. The thinken of " than Napoleon ever wal," answer my qu s Uon 1" ' 'i;et (\ bolt of PmT1T'S 'E¥E S~J,VE. old "AI loU how!" the world have added inestlmably to " e rhlnly. He Ruld his nerves were reliable. ' m08t Iluccet!llful eve re,nccl.v mai:le_ ~He got a ' talse of sal_ry a 1'e." U. development. -It was ,,& portr_1t bad, and I gav blm 11 pr,escrlption for drup:"ilt. or H~ ward mOl" Buffalo. ~.~. , ....nter who Invented the te)etraph. a -aco and', haau't/ tolll hli ';wife about tt tb m . 1 am v10latlng profeSSional col,l e.8 pr.ofessor who produced th~ ,et. ' • ethIcs when I tell you even as much u's Death. I,,' Publlo Inatltutlonl. telephone, and the, llat might 'be q. tlrs t." NeaJIly, oDO-ftUb of the dgaijl_ tn BDl' tended almost lildennltelr. It .. well I c ould not t 11 hIm he lied. 1 thInk l~d occur In publio Institutions. Adve"'leernel't. that to-day, with aU oW' lD4ulPIlO. , "All anlomoblle mllDutacturer eSt I lenk II It.; But J ha zal'd d a random In rest and play. that we ...1Il8mb., P~ ~b7 so 1IUlDJ' 'coinlng mesi' fall .hot , ' that It s. intelligently direlltecl ......., to ....." ... ,. '" th.,ughl 11 rhaps," I aald, watcll-' . -~ Inl him D.l'ro\\'I)", "that It mIght be o. wba'te,er ldnd w~ make. DUaa "How doea he .ooount for It. r . bc\Ill- Nlnil Carrln~n," W man'. ' IPhere 1l0W leelQ to '" "B. '. .,. , Uley,/ dOD'&. UN tIut JIIbl bett., ~d bell" wOI'Id " .....11":.. .,. , " tlle ;wbol. (Ilrth, ' tile mW,auaJal d..... " Inoment I, lb0toaht he was ~ AI~ W•• Almolt •• Dlar, •• the Tram,.






















Illinois Farmer Gives Thorough Detotls of His Method of Constructing Necessary Article ,


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Cured by Lydia E. P~k· bam's VegetilbleCompouod Park

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ot Dlaz was felt and neither lite nor liberty was secure. Newspap!!", o. every side were subsidized by the gOTernment or suppressed and thetr edI, tors thrown In to jail. No criticism at OSSEJSSING the shadow, but Dlaz, or advocacy of the popular movedenied the substance or on- ment, was a llo wed and the editor sUtutional governmer4. ' Mexl- who Indulged In either was either co Is today a pollUcal anomaly expelled or jailed. among r publics, If .measured. During this period of polttlcal turby the standard which pre vails In the moll Bernardo Reyes had kept clear ot United States or even In some of the the entire situation and on several oCLaUn countries In Central and South caslone had emphatically declined to America. W e 'are told that Its consti- be a candldato for vlce·presldent. But tution Is modeled alter that of the tbls did not save him trom the wrath United States, that Its president is of Dlaz. He was tre ated for a time as . lected by unlv rsal suffrage, that Its a prisoner by the military governor of legislative power Is vested In a conuevo Leon, was forced to resign his gress, conslsUng of two houses like governorsblp nnd .was then sent on a our own, nnd that tts people have full "mlHwy mission" to Europe-virtupoUlIcal ,and ·clvll rights. But a study ally banlsbed. . pt conditions as they are shows that DispOSing of a Candld~te. whate ver may be the .appearanc s of But the pOl1ular movement contln· thlngs Mexico Is as mucb a d spolism ued to grow and soon after the ban · today as Russia; that its ruler, who Ishment of Reyes the Democrats nom· Is styled Ite pr sldent. Is as much an Inated Don Francisco I. Madero for autocrat as Czar Nicholas, nnd that h e president and Dr. Francisco Vasquez holds powe r little short of unltmlted Gomez for vice-president. This was over the II ves and property of 1\1.eld- In April, 1910, two months before the cane. elecllon. Me611rigs were held in the The recent presidential · election In Interes ts of the Democrallc candldatefl Mexico shows the absurdity of the and . It was. apparent that the popular claim wblch that country makes to be- movement was making headway. Ing II. repubUc and· emphasizes the ar- Then the police aud m1\ltary got acbitrarY' power ' exercised by President tive. The popular meetings were sup· "C' Dlaz. Thc.Jntte r, with the excepUon pressed, receptions In favor of the 6T1.beterm, 1880-1884, has been presi- candldntes were forblddden, n ewspadent of M xlco since 1876, when h e pel'S advocating their elecUon .were seized the r eins of power as the lead- seized and the consUtutional r,1gbts of er ot a 8uccessful r voluUon and was the people were trampled' upon. As If subseQllentry elected chief eX.e cuUve, this was not discouraging enough, If the process of selection could r eally Madero was arrested and thrown Into be called an election . Dlaz from the jail, the charge against blm being beginning held thln~s with a ftrm. that of "Insuiling the naUon," presum" bond, and to bls ablllty. which even ably for his temerity In daring to be, hi s enemies rEU:0gnlze, Is duo the sta· a candidate for the presidency. This blllty with which the government hae vlrtmUly ended the farce of "})opular" maintained Itseit since. That his election In Mexico. Dlaz and his mnn. strong hand cbecked revolution and Corral were of course e'lected and the that he was poUtic enollgh to foster rule of autocrac)" was confirmed. tbe Investment" of foreIgn capital are 'Alter Dlaz, thll deluge," Is an exfactore to ·hls credit. But at the same pression that ·has been frequently used time the political aspirations of the In reccnt years' dealing with political people to a fuller share In govert)- conditione In Mexico and meaning ment were trampled upon , Frel}dom that after hie strong arm Is remove'd of speech and freedom ot the press, In turmoil and revolution may succeed so far as they bonftlcted with Dlaz and, It· is to be Ceared that there . Is toO bls -\!?lIcles, were..!!!!pty sou·nde. Dlaz lood ground for ~e apprehension and was no onTY1he president of the re- that the repression which has been public; he was Its dictator, and his practised . under Diu Is bound to ' reItrong arm reached to every corner act. Her people are untrained to asof the land to reward and p,-!nlsh. sume the duUes of citizenship and mlllons of her peons. are In virtual A Promise and Ita Breaking. NaturaHY such a condition produced bondage. Popuw eduoatlon has not some political unrest, and when In been fostered as It should ' a.nd povert) March, 1908, Dlaz Rnno\lnced that he except among the ruUng class Is genwould not be candidate for ,president eral. Had Dlaz llermlttod the people again, bllt would aid In the establish- gradually to exercise a greater shore ment of a democratic form of govern· of government he would have done ment, Cor wblch he said t~e cou~try more for the country than his abso lut1sm could eftect. As It Is. when hf was ripe, there was great r ejolQlng. But the exercise of power Is sweet, tiles the deluge Is likely to take placf Rnd soon afterward the word went out and Mexlcb, so long at llence. mal from oruclal sources" thut Diu would enter a revolutionary era. be a candidate' again. Those striving r fer fuller .polltlcal rights we.,e even satisfied with this and started an agi- USE MUSIC AS ANAESTHETIC tation ' fa~orJng Bernardo Rey-es, governor at the 'state of Neuvo Leon. for Employed to Soo.the and Tranqulllize Dream. of Persons Undergoing 'Vlc~ .presldent. Reyes was one of the most popular men In Mexico and his Surgical Operations. supporters felt that In the event of the deaUt of Dlazj who Is now eighty A physician of Geneva, In Swltler· years old, the government "{ould be lalld, has successfully employed music snfe In the hands Of Re yes, ond the to Boothe and trnnQullllze the dreams wnvo of reform w~uld go on un· of persons who have taken ether or checked. chloroform In order to ' undergo surglAs soon .os the Demoorats placed cal operations. Reyes In nomination, the followers of The music Is b~gun as soon as tho Dlaz renominated for the some office anaestheUc begins ,to tako eftect, nnd Ramon porral, the . roost · unpopt;lar Is continued untll the paUent awakee, inan In Maxl,co an'd a reactionary. And It 'Is said t~at not . only does . thIs then began 'a bitter peraecut.l on ot tteatment .prevent the · hYste rical et· the Democrats and the !'teyes eupport- fects sometlmee wlttle!lsed, but' that, . ors on the part of Dlaz, ' Which shat- the 'patlent, on ' recoveriilg, feela ' 00 '. ters 't ho ftction -,nat there e~lets pollt- I·nllu·!lea or . Illness. :. jeal freedom In ·Mellco. . Af0ther p'h ylllcian ,uses blue 1.l gbt to ArmY otrleera ' trlepdly to R~yes Wore produce anae~~heBla. , 'l'h'e light from a riqloved tp ~nde8lrable . ~ost8. dOn- 16-can4Ie'~ pow~r electric lamp, fur, ' ,rellman Barton, who was Cblt flY tn· n1a1led. with . a blue bulb, Is conceoua· • trument~ 'In namIng Re}'~a COI\ vice- ted upp~ ·the ' pGu,nt's· eyes, .~ilt · thE! ' pre81~e~t: ~Wa8 ~anJihed trom '. ~he hllad and the ramp litre 6n!eloped .1n ... countrY; several Qtber conpelsmen blu,e vell, to ahut out u;traDeoua liPt: were ~'epo8Cd: ,tudenta who -·ta'Vored Ins8n.tblUtl, la procl~ced, In ~o ~ ' ReJes were. esI\Glle4, :fr.Ol,lh .qite t:hree minute.. .choola~ pUbUc meet1~. were ' ,u~. IIr8l8ee1 ~ .... pollee ",I~en; and ~ ,yarlou.1 .~p~en ·. ,ere thrriD ·ot ~..



. . .~ "lth




: c: .... c: .....~---4,....L.-I-..L-..L-........L-~..,.f • ;... oi t-r-,-,.-r--r-r-r-r--"-'I"'"T-I .r .9.- tul ~

Mother (severely) - How strawberries b nve you eaten this basket. Ethel? Ethel-{)nly two. One to s e how It tasted, and t he other to take the taBte auto! my mouth. The Prettiest Girl In Cincinnati. "My niece," said a well known man the other day, "Is often called the pretUest girl In ClnoinnaU. I believe half the compliments she gete are due to her shirtwaIsts. They are always as clean and daInty looking as a snowflake. 8he's mighty particular about them. She won't use the cheap. ordinary rosin soaps for washings, but buys this "Easy TIUIk Soap" you hear so much about. It seems that "EIl.llY Task Soap" just naturally goes atter the dirt and doesn't eat Into and rot the fabrics like the common yellow rosin soaps. It COllte the same---e nickel a cake."


• JI!

,.. ,

~ ,

Not on Your Life. An Irishman obtained a position In a skyscraper that was being built. He bad to carry mortar up to the top 1I00r One day he went up and couldn't find hie way down. The boss miBsed him and called up to him: "Pat," said the boss, "why don't you come down?" "'I don't know the way," said Pat. "Well, come down the way you went "P'alth and I won't," said Pat, "tor I came up head first."


Mlpn.-"I was siok for :rean while passinl through the Change of Life and was bardly able to b& around. After taking sis bottles of !Jdia E. Pinkbam'. Vegeta ble () om~. pound I gained ~ pounds, am noW' able to do my o\YlJl work and feel well."-Mrs. ED. LA Dou, Park Rap..

Ohlo.-flI was lrregular nenoUB. A neighbor Lydia E. Pinkham'lI pound to me and 1 ba vo and my nenes are much . "-Mra. R. ~lJION'. Brookville, Ohio. Lydia E. Ptnkham'8Vegetable Oom.. pound. made from native roots ancli herba, contains ~o narcotio or harm.; tul drtuls. and ~y balds the recor<l for the largellt numller of actual cure. of female diseasell we know of, and tbouaands of 'Yoluntary testimonta.. are on file In the PInkham laboratory at Lynn, Mas8., trom women who hay. been oum from almost enry form ot: female complaints, 1n1lammation, ulJ ceration,displacementa,flbroid tumors, irregularities, P9r1ocU9 palna, backacbe.l Indige8tion and ner"fpull proatratton,j Every suft'er1nll~oman owealt to het.. self to dve L~ E. Pinkham's Vege. table COmpound & trlaL If you want .POOIal advice wrlte Mr&Ptnkham,"'Lynn,M...., for 1. It Ia free and at...a,. helpfuL " .. ·r.r",rn,,, ,


VaniaIiea Forever II· .... ~· CIn " ., "




.8 .J S e




-re •.

Detail Plans For Making Cement Tile.

- -c-.i:

I r ecently llt:_ed some 18-inch tile· l£.r to those used on the inside at the lng, but the large Quantity required bottom but with a longer strip to exand the price as ked by the tile yard tend over the top and nailed a block peol11e stagger ed me so, as necessity lx1Jf.! Inch on eacb end to fi t between Is th mother of Inven tion, I did my the core and mould top, .holdlng the own tile man\tfacturln g by using ceo top In the same position and tb e same Inent. The method 1 tried was as fol- distance a part lUI the circle on the botlows : WIth two plec s of I -Inch bourd. tom held the bottom apart. 12 Inch'es wide and' 24 In ches long, laid I am now ready for the cement !\de by side I nailed two ' W Incb which I used In the proportion of 2 strips or cleats on the back, writes parts coarS9 sand to 1 part good After standing &ldward Orlmm In Farmer's Rev iew. Portland r.ement. This was my base. I then cut a cIrcle ove r night to set. J removed the top Dllt of l ·llIch lumber (see drawing) sprendel's first. tilDe the bottom I and ¥.I-Inch wide and 18 Inches In spreaders first, then the bottom diameter on the tt slde and 21 In ches sheet of gal\'anlzed Iron or as 1 call on the ou tside. This J naUed on the It. the core, and lastly r emoved the reverse side of my base. I ·then pro- bands trom U~ tI out.slde and took oft cured a shellt of galvanized Iron 64 ¥.I the mould . This lett me a good Inches long so that the ends would smooth W e. 18 Inches In dlame ter on lap ,and nailed lx2·lnch strips on oue the Inside and ' 1% Inch es thick, wblch side b¢nnlng 2 Inch es from the end after seasoning several days was and nailing them 3 Incbes apart. ready [or use. Should 11 be desired Thcse served as stiffen ers. The sheet to makA a largQ number, just male" of galvanized Iron was bent in a elr- more moulds as they are cheaply cle with the strips in side and plaCCld made alld the work can be done after on the base Inside of the circle as . nl~ tfall nnd du rlng th e evening In shown In drawing. This furnished th~ any cellar or plnce where the trost core of my tile. I then made two will not touch them wbll e setting. spreaders to tit InsIde of the core as In making cement We remember to U.usl\'ated and placed th em lnelde at r emove t he' In elde or core first, and the bottom to hold the core In place , the outside last. This prevents the and keep It from collapsing. I then spring of the core trom stretching or procured another sheet of galvanized spreading as would be the case It you Iron 6( Inches long, allowing for the should take orr the outside mould ftrst, lap, and stripped It the same as the nnd whU e the cement Is still fresh. core, bending it arou\1d the circle on Use good Portland cement. and good the base, with the s trips on the out- clean coarse sand. Mix well, and wet side, holding It In place wltb band by sprinkling .whlle mixing : do not Iron bands. top and bottom . This lett pour In the water, as It will waBh out the Inside of the mould perfllcUy the cement. Tamp well while filling smooth. I then made spreaders simi· the mould.

Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a sate and sure remedy for infantB and cblldren, and see that It


It Is BUl'Pr1sing, It Is often astoundIng, to discover. now and tben; what



GenaiDe .....;. Signature



Man" Many Attributes. What a chimera, then, Is man! What a novelty, what a monster, what a chaos; what a subject ot contradio. HAND-.~W.D PRooa ... , tion. what a prodigy I A judge ot all KE1I'8 ".00, 1i.IO, 13.00, ea.8O, "-00, ea.• things . a feeble worm of tho earth. WODllII'UO,88.~~" . depos itory of the truth, cloaca ot un · IOD' t2.0C1 SS.IO" 8TA"~;;;"_''''':r ertalntyand error, the glory and the . THE POR 30 shame of the universe. abeolat:elv


Important to Mother.


Signature of .' ~ In Use For Over 80 Years. The KInd You I-lave Always Bought.

Thanka for the Relief. Mre. Nagglt- I don't feel like myself tonight, . lIr. Nagglt- Then we ought to have & very pleasant evenln~-8tray Btol1es. SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE will cure IlnI_jlouible cnse of DISTEMPER, PINK EYl<:, and the like amoni hone. of all Illlee, ond preventll all othen in the IIIIme stobie from havini t he disease. Also cure. chicken cholera, and dog distemper. Any lIood druigist can supply you, or send

1,0 mlra. ISO cents and '1.00 a bottle. Agents ,,·nnted. Free book. Spohn MedicRI Co. , Spec. ContaJioUB DilW!ll8eB, 008hen, lnd .

-bal. ....

1rba Ll'Vw or Bowel mecIJolDe ,.. are It _ . Get. 100 box-week'. InabDeat-of CASCAR81'S todeJ from yoar draUiat ud learn bow eaaily, aatunll, ud deli&htfuDy your B"" ClaD be mtldo to 1IIOrIt. ud your 6ot.cI.t. move ev.,..,. day, Then', new iii. In ever, box. CASCARBTS .." 1Iet\I"". _!per, y au wiD _ tAe dIH.,,1 ., CASCAJUn'S loe • boz far a Wftlt'. tlfttmrnt. an druniat.. Bl~ RllaID the world. MnDon bozuamoaU&.

allll0te4 with I Th OllplOn'E t r possibilities ot rehabilitation there are It OOTO OYOI.UIO I J' W•• In tbe most ulllortunate of us.- Alfred Buchonan.


CALIFORNIA Low One-Wa,. Colonist Fares 10 effect dad,.

October ' l to Oc~ober ' 15, 1910 via The Plymouth Rocks, especially the less inbroed!n'g done the better for the barred variety, generaUy rank among future gen~rat1oilli. . .' ': the most hardy ' brt;!eds_ There Is but , Mongrels "are ~ product at .a variety one danger line In lhelr keeping; llnd of bloods, and It· 18 more difficult to that Is' the tendency to overfalten. 'rhe Inb~eed ,th.em ~o ~y serious e~(ent. . Plymouth Rocks are l,Ilore 8Ui!lcepl~ble 'Fhey will not show .It so Quickly al a to this than any oilior American -va- .t boroughbred, as tbe latter Is bred riety.. . , ' , .:", more ' 10 !Ine. . .• Close :n'breedlng Is one ' of tho ."'Alaln· the verage mQngJ:el 'hetr wUl curaes of the liennel'Y: The D:l&rk~t not ' readily' overtattEln for the reapoultryman, In order . to have quick son, that mor:e or. leal . 1IedlU!r~ean "";,vlng and bardy lJt:ock, cliaDges I/-Is blood eJls'" In .I.ta makeup_ it III' opiy male .l)trda . every year. The Canc;1e.r when we have ~Ird • .0C .bl~1tc crolses cannot well do this, or he · will lose . ~bat we find • ten4enO)' to o~1'1at~eD: tho lOad -results. of Ilia JDatlq. , Tlrers ta 'DO ,"IIUGD wby a tborq~h. Yet th.· fUoI8 ... If he be a Ptactlpal bred abollld DOl ', be u , illreb' u • 1M... caJ\ 10 tDbreed .. ~ot to lie bl dOQhUI. ADel la)' wI11 11 ehq a.., ........ WIth all tbaC. Iaowtnr. the Dot too olOeelr Inbred. .'



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Excellent DlDlDd C •• ~


For tickets and informatioa. eall OD or addresl G~JlIlIT

, If. P. R. La..

FORT, P. T. M. . Omaba. Ne.......





Has ten 9g.9 Stores in

That's why we can sell you $ '15.00 Suits and • I Overco ats for $9.99.1

Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan,

You g l the same good

fl'om us f or $ . .U!) you p ay orne othe l' house $16.00 fol' ,

KIBLER'S $9.99 STORE, 223 South Main Street. Dayton. Ohio.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~



•• ••

•• ••

The Neighborhood News , ..................... .......--

... ,. ..... ..,.. ..

•• ••


•• ••



On nnd Ilft r N ovatu lJ r p opl r 'Qlnmb llH wil l buy tb Ir FOX TE RRI ER W.ON ANI· v ge ~ ble!! ·tn d fro II,s by \V igh t 1'1MAL'S SKIN. e t&~d of b y ruon tou r os hnH be n t,hn )Jr viou CUS OIU . Tbl wnR detol' I mined upoo n t t,1\ m eeti ng of III Dog Follow s UK Ing of the Jungles" R" tll~1 ~ r ooer . A ·soOil\tion . wlti b Into Fo r est, 6 m crgtls H anging tu k I,b t op n" u I' t 'liulilm Il,gllitlst on to Its Ta l i- Nativ es Award the Dlnrk t lU on, wllo. tb y de lure, Can ine Hide. bll vu -1101' 0 eu /.I.ti ng- t lJ peo plo \.... itll s h or t III n'! u r 1:1 . '1'111:1 ul iTor DCa ho Slmhn. the pludtl at fox t ~ rr l er In the worM and th o only dog of Its tw Gth ~ nHDro ~ 'dffill f~ ul ~ br 'ed wblch hns cv r ta klcd n tull: anl1lho weight ~Y!l t. o /U is 0 ol'ltI I· grown 110n .. Ingle:hrulded." will be nhl ~ th o ndvnntnga to tb e puhl lc returolng to London. her btrtilplaco. b in ~ in th n wOlght t!yfltoru n w t o during the next tew da.ys t·rom British b trieu . Lust Africa . The story of how S1mba Caught the '1'111 I L~!! tiun r opr~ Dts u h' ut .• per 0 n t of tile 500 I{rooer In Uon was told by (,berry KefU'ton, the dog's master, who has jUlit returned 'olum hul:l Imd it bolioves thllt OU Otl from tho Kenla dlstrl t of Dritlsh Enst it 1m :;tubJi -,j hed the p refluabll:lIiY::I- Atrtca with a number of clnemato· t dln of tla le, the otl,1e l' grauel'S not In graph pictures f wild ani mills. S1mba Is an ordinary fox terrier. of th nSllo iation will 1 e o(llllpllll d by no spectal value from n IJreeder'l\ plihl1 e,) l'oontim ont tu foll uw J\!'I point ot view. 51mbn's fight with the a rnHlln!:l o f eel nOl\t·ioo t·h tl fI\lC rL\ I~ 1 r y !lon took place -when 1\11'. Keart.on was of t ho orgl\.nizlltlOn hll !'l lie n Ilnthor trylog to obtain pictures of tbe k1lling i:r.ed tu oil ('u ln te t b ou iln. n u~ of curtlFl or a lion by native spearmen. Two set tin g nut tlle c1iffo ren 6 to t.lll 1I.ona had been 10 ated In Borne scrubs. nnd 20 MasnJ warriors. with spears, 1.Illldic lil th e ule of oor tuin ut'ti oles were ready to attnck. The lioness. by \.1..10 m ens ur e tlnd by tll pound however. escaped. and the male lion, afier appeartng tor a moment. bolted Into a dried river bed and I' fused to TO DRIVE AWAY MICE bpdge.

He v. Tll u 1l1p.'~ 0, uf W •• y n !' vlll l· . has been lw illing tl re v\v/\l ut F 1'1' 5' Harveysburg. Oregonia. ohuroh. l:I.o ll a with him a voca l. ist. The. B Tlll'eti llgt! uro full of Bo li d W. W. Weloh WIlS n Morrow vis· MiS! Viola Mull spen' Sunday us trul·b uod in trll tlon8 of til BilJl,1. itor recently. the·gue8t of Mr. and Mrl!. Will Ker · l Every ono it! in vi tet! to I I ttond th 8 10' Chas. Glllaugh, representing the sey. jlDeet1U g s tinritl g t he ('n !\lin ~ W Atl k Weakley Worman Co., of Dayton, Mi s-; V:Ul\laCraddook,ofLeb8non' I T~ ywill s ul'ely hll hllldh(J(l by",) tnnsa ted busi lles in onr village visited Misll Emelhl.,.J ffery r::iundilY dOIn g . Monday. '. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Hathaway Ilre villit. Mtl !Irs. Le Rny li nd H !I ' 1O lI orl C. C . Oleaver is quite a busy man· ing t.helr danghter Mr!f. Will Nor . ' Hartsock h/\ va Np nt. til, lll !:! !, wppi{ io d18p08ing of wany of his bath ton. ' with friend !! und r l'ltl VB" Ilt. Ri ('h. maohines. Will Terry. of Dayton, )laiQ m ond, Iud . Mrs. tiArah Harlan aod her siAter. a week-end v.islt to llls parents here. 'rhe littJ snn of R u.v '/lr ue ll hllll Lydia Harvey are g ue ts of Chas, Miss Mt.lbei Sb erwood and her th tl ruisforlnn to brenk bls wn " t.. Winfleld and fl1mlly upon the far~. motber are vlsitlng 1D Kalida. Dr. C. D. ~11I 1-! 1 ~ Wtl t' hll l:ltily cHII rI 'fhe O?rn is fast being out tlnd 'I'he Bnsiness.Meeting of the O. E and tbe brolw ll m mbt3r ~ivoll seeding 18 well through with. tiooiety wiIJ be heJd Friday evening promptnttootioTl The lit Ie fe llow Paul and Perry Reason, ot Dayton at the home of the Mis es Spencer. III getting ul I1 b' nioely . Mi Otl ll1"t II CUill mon p el'! t in rD l)l! t. paid 'heir parents (I, call Sunl1I1Y · The Ra.lly DI1Y services at the Mrs. Mue Cllrn II lind Mrl> Eliti Iq.l lut·Lllt:m t h ootlea I~nll it 11\ ulm o~ t Mn. Lydia Murphy, of Morrow, U . B . churoh were well attended Carman ulsn Mi !I Grnoe w re bm;i. visited het pareny here Saturday 'I'he ohurob was prettily decorated nes!! oullers In OilY ton ·uturtlIl Y. Impossible to entice tho:! ti1lY orelL turos Into trn.p . They en n be drivwlttl autumn leaves, corn. fodder, Jlullell Mlll·len. wif nnd nuuglit r aDd tluodtlY of la8' week . en fronl plao s wh ere they li r o mos r Mr. Cyrns Deboard was a visitor pnmpkin~, and boquet. offalJ flowers Ednu. Frunk Hnrtllook. w ife, so n of his sister at Dayton, Thursday Speoial music WIlS rendered, . and in Ilnd dllugh ter, J aUles lind M .. rle wer tro ubl esome bv bit of gum CtIWand Frllay. . teresting addretlses were glvtln by flt Cantorvill ntunlllY even ing nt phor. The holes that they TUllke Quinoy King is haTing hiS 8t9re the pastor and by Victor Loer o! u reoeption given in Ilrmo1' of R !l lph for (loming and going tul'y be tren t. Ughted with an F, P. plant making Lebanon \'Vil on und bride . ed to I' d peppeL' or filled witb lonD a ~ea' ohange tn its appearance. • .-.. • Mrs . lalldia Oornel1 wa ~ b n!ltily dry s up wbich t bey uo no t Jile e Edgewood Nathan Cleaver is visiting hili called to tbe bedside of her mother. ---- ~ . nephews, (J. C. and P. B. <""leaver. Mrs. Frank HamlltoD, of L banoll, WANTED TO PROVE IT Mr. Cleaver was born and raieed in Mr. C . J. Marquardt was a Dayton l!lst week . Mrs. C rnelll·eport.s h I' tbis oommuDltv • yeare alfo or visitor Satarday Ilnd bis daughter, mother improving. mor4'; wae 8heriff of 'hie conntyat Miss Velma returned. wUh him t o . , , 'Til l Ule, L rry, wh y d o ye~ roll one time; was Itt loldier tn . the war spend the Sabbath. Barry Corne}ll\nd Frank a rmnn 0P .f 'l:Ili leuv 8 ivery toiU} Cus id y of '61 and now ie'located at the took 1\ 10lld of hog to Dl1yton IIlSt, Soldt~rs' Home at !>ayton. For Mr. Clyde ReUz, of Dayton. spent week. 'l'hey ' r epor t the llilHk et 1\ )Ill tlefl? A r e y S lukio for tl. fOlgbt many yeal'8 he was leoated 1n the Snnday witll his mother, at Edge. pret$y fa·ir . wid him ?" Welt. I wood. I' Flt.ith, 11 0 but . &ssiC\y sid 1'61.0 Mias Be8sie Ja-mes, of Soutb L ebaA088lem Dudley hi oler1ring for R. M. Duke, Dayton I:)at non, Mi8S Ruth Maxwell Ilnd M~. d y thot vi wos luughin in me J'rank tihidaker & Son. urday. Fred Pete t ook dinner with A. Uor. KIll. ves ut him awn Oi want to prove lin. Frank Wileon visited her 8is~ Mr. and Mrs. Horaoe Kirby spent nell and tamlly Suoday . . hllt OJ a io' l; doin' ll~ttio' iv th' 'esiluyn. day with W. W . Crane and fam · ... as &bina .S ..... . - d.y.. Lena Thomlls hlld for her gue t!l Itoind . " Honebaok riding ia geUing to be W. L. Kirby tUld family of PekiD, Sun~ay , Clara,bel MIi.xwellllnd Annu very popular among some of ou. t!p8Dt Sunday with Mrs. Phoebe Marie Hartsook. THE USEFUL ROOT CUTTER ladle.. Klr~y, of Ridgeville. Levi Greatbouse hRS moved t and Mn. Welby Carter restd· Mrs Phoebe Ki.r by of Ridgeville LyMe . 'rhe root cutter I a n efnl IllU· ing near nt.yton for several mon'bs 18 quite m. ' , J!l.mes Thoma has purchased the ohlne. '1'he lif ~ of ruany u vtlIul1blo ~ve ~ken up their hom" in our Dr M W L f R 'd [11 F . f S midst again. • • . !lng, a I gev e, erry ,rooery, 0 idlley Coon. Mr. OOW would h av been saved if the )(r Joseph ' D vis of D.ytop was a Gem City visUor SaturdllY. Toomas will keep evorything in the IlDd }lotl~toet; f ed h er bart been caned on aoquatnt!n* bere Sa'ur: Sam Charlton visited in Goshen Una of groceries. Yoar patrono ge apples 1110 t.hrough it. day night. ( last week. will be accepted. ... Mr. and )4r•. 'Brtoe SmUh are en }fro and Ilre. Horace Stokes and Ja~e8 Mullen and wife were bns· GRAIN WITH PASTURE Hrtalning Mr. Smith'. mother . at sonand Mr. And Mrs. 'Nallaoe Tib- inel!soallers,at Xenia one \tay last ~helr ~uurul home ' in oar olt~. bals spent Sanday with G . E. RUey week. A milk Of)W in good flow needs and family. . Mr. Na$han JOBes and wife were Mr, and Mrs. ChaB. Sbidakerepent 8 da f Sandal' in 'he oountry. Mr. and Mrs. lI'rank Stokes were ua y a, terooon oallers at F. E IL little grain whiltl on pa ture EI! in Waynesville Sa\urday. HartBo~k s. . peoi!l lly ii! thii! *rue ,if the p"sture iii lin. Ali08 Irwin, of C.irt'e.fteld, I:Ihor$ or wasby from wet weather or caned 011 friends here i3a'nrday and David Thoma" and family were in Elmer Rogers has been losi ng so~e ..Il_ • • Day'on saturday. \ very flne hogs the past week With hllrsh fr o~ dry spella. 8 8nw.y. oholen. -~ - - Illea lIul}, one of 'he teaObll'8 In. Elisabeth Duke, of l.ytle, spent . our pnbUo 8Ohoola visited her par; the week-end. with triend.s ln Dayton Harr~ Oornell Bnd fumlly eD I,er Public Sales , . • _ • tained t:;am Hinkle, wife and ahile~t••t Lebanon Saturday. dre.n and Mrs. Geo Hinkle Sunday. Hoving deoided to rent the farm, Bantne .Keny, of Cinoinnati, and Spring Valley. SE1vera.1 attended the !5unday William .O'Neal, of W&yneaville, 8ohool oonvention at Bellbroo k ::;\1n. we will sell OU the furm, 2 mila!! north of I;Iur.veysburg, on the Xenia were VI8"0~ of our town Sunday. MiBB Mary Armentrout, of Xen.ia, dlfY afternoon. pike a.t publio Illlotion on was 'he guest over Sunday of MISS Corwin. ApnR Anabee. Milfl Lola Cornell attended the Wednesday, Octo~r 19, 1910 A nnmber 'o f teaohers from here funerul of Mrs. Sue Flnl y. of Bell B ginning at 9 o'olook 11.. m ., the }fn. Allee MoKinsey WIUI Called 'aUended the B8soci .. ~ion at Xenia brook last Friday. to Dayton }al' Wedneeday on 60- Sat~rday. The heavy lI1intaH. last Wedlles. following ohu ttela : Eight h rsl:lS consiating of 1 gray ooun' of \ie I8riOU8 illn888 o~ 'her Mr. F~ed· Barrett, of Orawford, day and Thursday did IL great deal, ·Alr. I. N\ Barrie. Florida, is the guest of his f~ther, I of damage totbe ~orn. Those who horse, 6 yenrs old, wight:, 1:roO, M Ell be h H . f ('''ha 1 Mr. Idwaln Barrett. · have t~eir oorn in the shook and ex~rll. goor! worker ;!:! blaok drll.ft 'p 0 D vtr 88mad M' "' w aD Mr8. Aroh Oop8ey and ' Mrs. Ray wheat sowed, may count them selves geldings. 3 yeals old; ~ corning 3· t on, an rs. .• a e, a t . luoky . yeu olj, general purpose mares j 1 GOtI8ett. Dl., are the guelt8 of .lair. Eagle were XeJlIn .Vi8i tofS Saturday. . ,. • 2-yeo.r.Jld rO'ld l! tar, moe notal', sired and Mrs. JOs. Blsey. Mr. and Mr8. Philip Hawke were D3n Chne and fumilv afe going to by Hurry Purcell ; 1 fumily ' d ri viug Mr. an" Mr8. J. A . Shutts enHr. Sunday guellts of her parent,B, E. M. leave for Ca~ifornill in ·the spring. mH.Te i 1 wellnling oolt by Billy Pdr'4 Copsey and wife. f 80 good II. nelghbor will be missed. cell;. 1 slLdd le pony, 3 yelltS old i 1 tained Sunday in honor of Mrs. Ed Hartsook and wito will move extru good J f8ey OIJW with calf by EUzabeth JI.gan, of Charleston, The M. E. will hold a reoeptlon in Mo., and )(rs. W. P. Davis. of Gas- the ohurch Wednesday night. for to the farm known· a8 the Alloe S\()A j 2 spriugers "I III he fresh soon; 8 .1 eraey heifers safe in oalf. 8ixty sett, Ill. 'r he goeBts were Mr. liar. their new preaoher, Rev. Bershey Chenoweth farm in the !lpring. man Dakin and famHy, Mr!. Angel. and family. Born te Charley (Jornell and wife bend of hogs 7 brood sows, 1 sow wit·h seveD young pigs, 53 shouts ine Dakin, of Lebanon, Mr. Walter Ray Eagle and wife were ijunday a fine son. Twenty ti ve good breeding ewes, 1 Gard, of Oregonia, and Mr. and guests of Mr. A . O. Mendenhall and 'I:he little son of Ed. Murphy ran 3.year old buok. Mr8. J. W. Bl8ey. famlly. a piece of rUl!ty wirt1 in his foot F itl'luing Impl(llllentw-.J WUf;:.ons, The water WIJ.8 very high last It been quite painfnl to him 1 W eber wugon good a new; 1 Mil. week in onr vloinity and muoh bnthaR is better now ,' , burn I 1 iron wbeel wl1glln i 1 feed damage was done to the oorn. wagoD i 1 chtlmpion wheat binder in Miss Nellie Buff and Mr . Forest good oondltion i 1 tiDpe rior diso Corwin were married last week at Pr_yera by Phone. wheatdrltl w!tb fertilizer at,tllch ber bome. At a small dinner the guest of ment., 1 Hlee l roller good flS nt3 W, 1 Lew'fruml\n and wife, of Colum bonor was a young niarried woml\n, uitlo 001'11 plOW, 1 Ha milton t ,ngne bus, were guests here week and rormerly a resident In the west and Ir ss will ki ng p low; 1 blty t.edd~ll; Mr. Truman enjoyed. senral days the mother of two fioe boys: both un- good u ' tl e W, a good bllrrows, 2ollro Oysters hunts. . der five Years of ·age. Now. it ap- plall t er il, bay rlik 'l, good fodder sled Fresh Bait. Oysters in sealed pears that In their education too Imy. rlg ~l OI(. double shovel plpw, . Mrs. A. Peterson and dllughter Tins. The only sanitary way to handle oysters. Don't be I Lena were D!'yton villi tors Tuesday proud mother employs a system like l .r 'U\tlfl 011 vel' riding bl.·euking plow, Mr. Ray King WIlS the gue!;t of m/UlY other youns mothers, and that 58 b ovel t o h.ICCO oulti vator, walk dec~ived but buy the best. teilltives in Chillioothe It.lst week: Ihe fa m~t careful to adhere to any ing- plow, feoti srlnder, .one horse rule she may have formulated for Olll'll <In}l, Flteel ~tire till> buggy, sleigh Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries ... them. . 3 ~ood lug oll u.ins, forks, ' silOvelfl, Fancy Kalamazoo Celery New Burlington Fresh Edgemont Cracker.:; Earl)' in the dinn er and during an hoe", mkes, hllY fl)rlf, pulleys und New Dried Fruits &nlmp.tec1 oonver8llUo.n with her host-· rope, good. lop ollrt, 2 tl~t;s wOl'k Iv~r~ · New Cala .Canned Goods. Josoph . Compton,a)ife.lonll oiti· 888 the young mother suddenly ceased M::!'" in good oondition wode by .ll'. New Pancake Flour sen is very ill ut bili home Bonth of to speak and her faCe 'rook on a . C. Carey, of Waynesvil le i 'a 8RtS of slnAle hUl'OaNII, oolJ~l'S !lUd 'bridle", New Buckwheat Flour tOWIl. .tartled expressIon. New Ralston's Health Food · "Mercy me'" · lIhe exclaimed. "I 2 Settl flynets. 1 set sing le. net-;225 Miss M~ttie Hill is ~he guel:lt of New Rolled Oats ~er brother, Enos, of Cedarv,i lle. . bave forgotten those boys. May I sbooktl ,of Mrn i 0 fi~lrl ! 55 shucks Of fudder, 10. ~on of ni'ixe(t htl . <1 ton New Mince Meat . . Raymond Hurley un~ family h~ve use yoUr phone?" New Apple Butter I moved to Xeni~. This permIssion being .accorded. the of ulfalfta Ill' mow. . Rhode Islalld Red 'ol)io~enl-~ glloQ ' oookerels .for · New' Honey . ~r. and Mrs. LIIr~r8Doe F~rquh~r, .. young mo~er le.~:the . table. [n a breedirig 60 hens. and pullets Oranges, Apples, Lemons, Ba~ f of Franklin, Obio was t.he guest of few ~lnute8 she returned;· saying: . B9u~ebold · nanas, Sweets, Cabbage, Ongoodt'- l!:tenlitoD tllble; reldlv8!J herelaat week . . I "I muet really .be~ ·your pnrdon; sa.fe, lonn'ge, oo~, ti\?ur tJl1etlt, .2 bod· ion,S, Grapes. 'fhe many frlend8 of R!llph Leam- but you .know I have . always IDslat· 8teli'ds, lJ~atil:,1g I:Itov f ~ wood, 1 u h ing will be glad to learn that .h e. ed that , Tom and ,Harry say !-be1i' con~Um Al', ~dls9n ph onogffll)h 'wlth The largest and best asaortment passed suoce88tully tbtough ab 0p'er- PtaJers for me . b~~re they go t.o 4~ reoord ,~()od bol ", UJ.!. ofli:er 01:.of the co~nty. We 1I~\on for "appendioitis, ' at Olarka sleep. ~ the hurrY ' of getting orr to, tic~ too nUUl eronfl to. ment.ion. have the goOds and our prices .are rilfht. It pays' to trade at barK, W. Va., and iil ' reooTering DJcht I qulte torgot D.lY usual duty. . Terl;lls"":'AIJ sum~ · o't15 '00, ,aDfl un. nicely. 'B9 -I Just calle~ ,up ~e n~rae and det, O&sb; '''1.1 SU!DS over '6~OO; _ _--'> ___ • sbe brought ~em to the lIhon~, 80 a oredlt of 9 wQDt,hs will be givell, . that the,. mtcht lIlY their Pfa78l'8 to purohas~r 'ghIDS btlnkable note, ·.8 , ~ubsoribe for the ),QalDl Gazette 1118 ~ the' .sr.: ~ t.eel muCla " .a. -COURSE per oen' dteoounUpr OIl8h. .now for yonr winter'. readina: '. u.nG." !'FaD1&: Bh1daker " 1:IoD, > -- --~.. ...;....'-~~,........--~,...~

.......,... .... w ..........

...... w •••




Once More You Can Get

Sealshipt Oysters W> are now r eceiving ship. ments of plump. uelicious S~I­ shipt Oysters- t he kind with the r~al tang of the S ' 3.


...- --


- - -...

"Slmbn," said Mr. Keartoo, "darted Into the donga. and withIn a few sec· onds we heard a tremendou8 roar wblch a em d to slink tbe ground. and the bushes wllbln 12 yards of us were v101ently ogltatetd. The lion roared again and agaJn, nnd In tbe brief Intervals we beard the weak but very furious yapping of the dog. The Masal stood, every nerve tiDgllng, with spears poised. "Suddenly the lion dasbed through a little clearing, and we were amazed to see Simba hanging on with ber teetb embedd d In Its toll. Three spears were hUl'led at th escaping beallt with sucb accuracy that they all trausfixed the h,eart and tbe 110n tell dend. You must know that the akin of the 1I0u belongs. according to looal custom. not to the ws.n1or wboae apear ' Illfilcts a fatal wound. bill to the man who first rusbes In ond cuts orr tbe tip from tbe ta1l "Two ot the three spearm,n daBhed Into tbe donga, but they tound Blmba w.lth the black tip still between ber teeth, resolutely determined to oppose any hosUle claim. The spearmen. who were lost In admiration. agreed that the sldn belongod by rlgbt of seizure to 51mbn. ItDd they handell It over later to my wife lUI trustee tor tlMl doC."

- ----




Those who last year se ured SeaJshipt Oysters [rom UII will be more than pleased to kriow that they can again get them.

Walter J. Kilbon Corwin and Waynesville.

Classified Ads

_ ...... ,.,..,"'.,1'" .",.-

AdlI will be 11l ~I' n 'lI



· I


"" f t ' "



unfurnished room8 for T H REB: light housekeeping. Addres!!


Train leave8 w:;urnesville at 8:4 a.m. A. B., Miami GltzElt.te offioe, LOST


TEttRIER, With brown FoxAUt:\wers to tile nl\me of tipllrt.

... DENTIST .•• _

Olllce In

N~~lo n~


J)1Wk Bldg • •




lIuituble reward offered for inforIllation. Inquire of Ed. lfaruas, Waynesvilltl, Ohio.



Dr. M. Sch.umaker



, )0 farm on t.he halvea. A 60' quire at this omoe.

Has opened an office in ' Waynesville for practice. Treats. all diseases of domes tic animals. I am not so common as you might imagine. I have been in practice for 20 years~ Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone No. 113.



''W ILL sell one half interest in lot ill Mi ,mi Ueml:l~ryon8eo . B. B. 8. Godfrey. RICK house on Main street. B House all ill .g ood repair, newly painted, 7 lArge roo bath kinds lOS,


at water,

big loft. gooc.l stable, and otber outbulJ~lDgs . For further ioformation, N~e Alex Emley.

. .



thoroughbrad Jersey Bull P. URE for sllle. Inquire of Earnest t:Jartsook, R D. 1, Waynesville, O.

(Osteopatbic Physician). Pi~



IIr:,t1 for


'!: _0.,

unilor thl~

c nt ~ for ~bree InliCrll ·'t\M. wlloll utllnll ll~ l moro than f1vu lIo eK.

lwcnlv · llvu

l~quire elf>

Cincinnati, 90c



If 'you have not ':l t tasted Sealshipt Oysters. you hav a rare treat in 2tore for y?u.

helper wantad ENNSYLVANIA Glkl.r-Motller's onoe. the GItZlltt., LINES



St>ulshipt Oystcl'll were never so satil:lfying, .never so fresh . and whole. ome, never RO nourishing as tillS lot.

lCJS-Chinll. Mole for sul9. P Illqui, e of Jobn WilBon, R D 2. Waynesville, Obi.), ' .

Tuesday and Friday 'Of Each Week

BILLt;-1f waDt IBale SwillALE . lilHe of the beat qnalUy, th~t bring resulttl, corne to 'he Mi · ,"OU

Office at the Gustin House


IImi GllzEltt,e ofll~t'.


tor RaJe 8ingly: H OR·Sr"::.B-BprflElII or In plihs Ioqolre or "'. ' B.

)j . .



Uhllpmlln, Wllyne!lv,llle, phlo •



OWS AND :PIGS-Iuqalri ofiAl': S len EDlriok R.. U. · 5, Waynesville, Ohio. . . .

Hours of-Appointment, 8 .a. m.

to 12 m.

1.t wilJ pay,












SAMPLE COpy FREE Add..... " _ VOIlK eLl.P...1l YortI •. N.


Y. .

D B ~ .. -' . , r. ell s,",onar

"01' ca...... 00IdIt


i -;;~o-;'ls~~rt;-l :::):::::~:: EO:T::::N:. E~~~! ~!~~~~~~ !~~~J CI!~'he;~;~~;~;:;;~~;'~~~; ., -Social Events ; .. .


. _ . - _ _ ..............




• - - , - - - - - - - -... church held their annual ladies se!!-. -. .-. ..-... .....-. .......-...-.~ We ar"' pleased to not~ that much sion laB.t Thurs Iay evenmg . l Mrs. Gor d on J ' . k. C. M. Robitze r waa in Springf ield pleasan t country home of Mr, a th e oy IS very SIC , and. Mrs. C. M. Hough. J'ust weHt of town Mr. and Mrs. J ohn McClure and inter~Ht in athlt!tic!i. is lJeing taken in T owns h IP H ?u~e.. t ' t Miss Ada StOkes was i~ Cincinnati and Dayton Saturd ay. fami ly. of ·pringb oro. were guesls the High ~chool. fur th<:, physical The fOI'enoon was spen t in a pi 8flanl Auout 75 inVitatIOns were sen ou unda welfare of tl-te chi oren neeilM allen- and Miss Maud Hearne , of Lebanon, is social way finish d off by the of almost everyo ne was .reaponded S J. E. Jllnney and family at sup· usual y. fin .... d'lnner. t d tion and develop ment as well as the to, At 8:15, ev,er~ one bemg pel' SUlHlay even ing . visiting relative s.he re. sea e Mrs. Sarah Zimme rman was in '" , The meetin g ""as called to order intellec tual. You car, not "un a forty at the ta~les, Preside nt Rruner called Xenia Thursd ay. Ru~ Murray will preach at th~ at the regular hour by Pres. Duke, !'fro and ~rs. hor~.power brain with a twenty the meetin g to order, and af~er J. E Jannne yenterthe Red Brick cburch Sunday . horse,p 3wer body. 'fhi:! is the aKe d.oxulog y was lIung, an~ the At roll call all but two fam ilies re- lainI'd at dlnller.Saturd ay, mvoca· Hon. an Miss Pearl Colvin was a Middles ponded . A. commi ttee of Mess~s. Mrs. C. E. Merritt , of Mt. of shaqJ compet itiun '"0 our bOYllurul lion by Rt'v. H . W. Ba!ley Holl~. • a menu run visitor Satur~ay. N. Messrs. L. A. Zimme rman and Geo. Cartwr ight. Henkle and Duke girll! ne~ to lJe fot'( ifil:u wilh healthy of oyster stew. sandWiches, was J . and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. C'arlwr lght. coffee. · d and ca~e was served Mrs. J , W. White spent a few days Oglesb ee were in Cincinn ati Sunday . anpoin ted to mcpt with a simill\r com. bodies aUld IIlt!a y nerves to IAccom· I' (! e cr"'um "'.. I" , • • pany well·tr .. inoo mind:!. mittee from t he other Warren Coun· The speake r for the evening , Rev , of last week in Dayton . ' Invitati ons are out for a dance in Messrs . Clarenc e Smith and Ral~h ty Farmer s' Clubs to consid er plans I. o. O. F. hall Friday everting . N. B.was Fuller, Grace ced h 1'he . school. board, church , Day. . by furlJish d'ing ton .\ . . . then.ofintrodu d f . d and took Mrs. Ehza Hamf!'S.. vuute rlen s Dyke are at tbe Lewisto wn ReservOlr to brl'ng about better telepho ne con- Octobe r 21st, 't Ile hosts ,are Ronald . for topic,. "On. e Man.". in Dayton and Xenia last week. Mrs. Abi Haines , of Dayton . is at ditions , the .genera l id ea . being the commu nity behif)d the movement that F II H1lwke , Harvey te Edward Ricks Rev. l' erJsan. m nseIym te res· t Remem ber your radiato rs when the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon we are entitled to entire Warren and Raymond DaVIS. Co . h ed th much can be arcompli'!bed The ing spea ker an d I S?'!' Joy . . e frost cornea, or there will be trouble . unty service. . Mr. Cartwr ight airla are all playing basket ballllnd result of study as he IS f~mlh~ then delivered an r With Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Chapm an enter- invitati on to the club from hlWe acquire d such an amoun t of the poet'! as well as the htera~l. Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kill that Ii ill ron&, team ran be picked clearly portray ed the real obl~t He J. E. Janney was a bU'liness visi- tained friends from Spring boro last Mrs. J. T. E1lis to meet with them tained Sunday : Mr. andClarK enterof tor to Cincinnati Thursd ay and Fri- Thursd ay. Mrs. F. M. at any time convenien t to the mem- 'Clark, and Mrs. Rachel Lane, to meet the uther Kirl teams'f rom tbe Brothe rhood. of.Day. day. bers. This invitati on came as an ton. Harvey Sacket t and whom th~y have rt!ce~ed challenges, After .singing ~ne . ~?~ of "~n~t . Sister, . very I. N . Harris. of Dayton , who has agreea ble surpris~ to the club, vis: Harveysbur&, Hi, Springb oro Hi, be the tie that bmda, the and Ruthie . of Bellbrook, J . 1. Clark. of benedlc- LIttle Esther Hende~son was well been very sick with append icitis, is was prompt ly accept ed-the date set Co.rwin, C. Lebano n Hi, and Lebano n Univ:ersity tion was pronounced, and the T. Clark ~nd wife and Last week a boy's basket ball team departe d thankin g the Brotheguests sick. last week but IS almost improvin&,. being the first Thursd ay in Novem- Wilbur Clark and family. rhood agal n. was ' organiz ed On Friday after for a very pleasan t and profita ble Col . d d Mrs. Harry Murray and Miss JetSie beCr. • . Ev ts th . Prof. and Mrs. Vln atten e school the): p~ayed a game ~t Mar- evenmg ._ urrent en were . mmn Rally Day exercises at Spring VaJley Marlat t motore d to Dayton en gl,ven Mesdames Emmor Baily and Lina Tuesda y by vvysbur&, 1N M~. J. T. Deardo g by ff the followed b.y Devitt enterta ined at 'dinner close score INTEI(ESTINO LECTU RE of 13 to 12. A ret.urn game Iltllt S day will Itt> with Dr. J. T. Ellis. un . a readmg by Kennet h Hough . ThiS Frl'day the ft.llowlOng "'uests. Played hpre. tI Mes1 ..le 28th. _ Th .. boys also MI'ss Henrie-tta McKI'n t' I d ' .I ... aoy's scbool ' Mr. and Mrs.. Et i Db . Durnet t spen t . Mr. and Mrs. Matthe w Morris , of w"asan e~ter Wh Iinteres ting It eof dames J. W. Wljite, F.H. Farr. J. B ,a,rtice th havec:liallenget-J from teamll from the was honore d last Tuesda....y by a visit the week-end m Dayton , guests 0 f BeUbrook, spent en. was.a oy, sixty . 9 wrl Thursd ay with Mr. the article Funkey , J. on B. Chapm gOJllg back above G. W. years ~o A. places. Hawke . Thornt from Mrs. Elizabe th Hagan. of friends there. Kane,an, A. T. and' Mrs. Frank Zell. • note many wonder ful time ago change s m Wright attefmbPt bwasil , Esther Stout, Emma Mo.,' who has just reMessrs. Louis Printz. Dean .Howm_e to secure a i'8IJle 0 ase a turned from a trip abroad . purch" sed the that time. . . D_o . Miss Vaughn and Miss Elizabe tb . t Dr: P. D. Clag ett.. witli Spring Valley, but a misund er- ·She tqld the childre n many A debate "Reaolv ed that scoldm g C II inter1 e!l.and nit,)S mdond Da~ls were . D a on d··" Dodd i th proper d te b ty on ht Main t street Mon· . . in the family is worse than bad arro. ' concem . stan lD~ n e a un ay. roug a . earn &ltuw thmgs 0 f ,n ote · . d fte f lng t h e V1SltOrs ~I':M , , aya. moon or ~vv. he~ Monday afterno on which foun.d nine .....untries she visited ; she baving cookin g,'; was entered into bv Mrs. . Newto n· Sml'th, of. Greenville, C T - ~ some of their viaited H our boys unprepar~ k d M H "'- in Italy, Spain, Switze rland, Obio, was h Mr. and Mrs. J. E Hocke tt enterg calling Harold u on Waynes ' Howell ,ville , Jos. Thomp son. . Th'ese• women aw e anan . but players wertl elt.ta,er out of ~own Gemwl Y',tFran ce, Bavaria , trsh·' . t' tained at dinner Sunday elr su°blec f Le, 'Mr. andd Belgium friends Monday. Herber t Ed'!Vards ahd Ralph SmIth ,'so ably that h thedled or dilJabled. 'fhey cfOaaed bats any' Holland and En&,land, also the club was left in MM rs . C. dH. YounDg,oH Hbaknon, and islands were in Cincinn ati S~nday. \ way with t~e result, 9 to 7. in favor Azores and Gibralt ar. doubt as to which was the worse. r"han MEt . · rs. J' • G' oc eMtt and Taylo'r Moore, of Muncie , Ind., d The essay of the day was then read daug ters.,_ he and H of Spri~ Valley. A return will be She describ ed the custom S of the was the guest of Mr. and Mrs,. A. Bo~-SePtember 30th, ~o. Mr• ~lnl by C. L. Duke. He chose as his sub- MMrs. FrdaMn~ ShuJtts race, r • an pla.Y~ at Spring Valley about the people and , the beautif ul scenery, Maffit last week. , 0 fR' ahrveMysb urg , Mrs. t,; • .E. Bra~ebn, hofBKlmgs M1 s, ject "'Conservation of Soil Moistu 'W~. she told roem of the people who tool< ' re" Mr. an 1 rs · kOh n Idc 'd r'batnd " , a daught er, Ehza at . el e. d h' b ht f th . 1 d·g. ra. , .. Th! boy. will go to Kingts Mills part in .be Passion Play at Oberam H oc ett an au&, er. . ' . an · ~ .IS I Mrs. rou. g Leslie saturd ay for a game or McCua a genel'a 1 Jeanne , Mrs. Murry and Naomi ~tid e, of VanWe rt, of base ball me ....... u. She had many postals is the guest of Dr. Hersch el Fishe" has moved tp cU 88lon. f ks her b mother Re , Mrs. Orpha Eva Hocket t, o.f WayneSVille. . r ~ith ~e High SChool ~~re. • .. - eaeh point , where she hall Miller, and y from v Af t.~r."a _~~ remar . family. . office$ 'in th,e ' new ·,Mol'l'l.·lI buildinsr. r Bail ~ Iolljuu-,&~\..Uen a d'Joum ' ed t'0 - Jl M,tlafa ctoq ~ '.eaD stopplld. "'· was ver¥ 'initrai: tive to ' __ _ 1"- -: • ' 'next tC> the postoffice, LebanoD. . .... mee~ wit: Dr: and Mrs. be . . . . it ia the i~lention of those the childre n Ellis, in A .numbe r of the friends of Mr. MlJIII ~earl ColVin retume d S~nmte1'88ted in tbia athletic mov~ment Novem ber. ' •- • and Mrs. Ben Hawke surpris ed them day evemn g from a short stay WIth Mrs. 'lbeod.o re Thomp son. of near to a Muitable ball where basket- ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS --- • Sunday at their home on the Har. fJ:iends in Spring Valley. Morrow . spent several 'days last week MISSIONARY MEETING ball Can be played all winter. The veysbu rg pike. it being their birtb.--~.. ed tel with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Joy. town airls. ,nil 01'l'lUlize a team as . , Durin.c the week of our Great, Mrs. Adam ~toops receiv . . . day annive Those present a ec- --wilJ ~ the town boYR. T~e Woman, s ForeIgn MI1810nary were: Mr. rsary. Let all who Baking Deqlon atration on the Great gram ann~unclDg and' Mrs. 'Jos. Hawl.<e, ,the death of her Mrs. Cynthi a Evans retume d borne SocIety of ~e M. E. church desire proper amuaem ent f~r our Grand and New . ~ajestic m t at Mr. and Mrs. Manue l Copsey, Mr. ° ~n~. sister at Llma~ Ohio, Saturdl U'. Saturd av evenin g .tter a pleasan t the home of Mrs . .F. C. yOUn&' people encour age tbis with a younc lady from Cipcinnatl Schwar tz and Mrs. William Zell, Mr. and Mrs. Will ~e Mrs. Frank Brown and da~ghter: visit with relative s in Cincinn ati. last Wedne sday afterno on. The at- C. T. Hawke . :tdr. and Mrs. the moral suppor t worthy of the ef- on han. ds to l)ell!0~te' ~king Frank hm of Lebanon were anests of. M'r. 'and Al tendanc.e was large, more than .sev- zell. Mrs. Ellen Sides,' Mrs. McKin Uten i!' at t e fori. . ' ._. Mn. ~samqme -lti~mumetCook Jane Sides sey . heyollluCnal-~ylll and little Helen l's'bakolng Mrs. . L.S.Rh, be t da1. t , S rd h enty mgpre sen. Afte r d evolon • IIU Mr.and Mrs;G eo.Haw ke. d Dinwid die spent atu ay at teat exercis es the treasur er, M~. C. Orezonla, on the Majest ic The T. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haines and home ot Mr. and Mrs. Fo C. Werkm iester, of Dayton , Samue l Si"es. Hawke , reporte d. that durmg the Mrs. Misses Donna and Emma Hawke , mark of the Alumm um ware IS two childre n of Xenia spent.S unday F. Myers past year t~e. aoclety had se~t, away Minnie ,and Laura McKinsey. "Wear- Ever'" This trade mark in- with Mr. and Haines Sr. HenriMr. and Mrs. F. C. Werkm eister, $112 fOJ: of n Iter. are VI8l tn&' .~ a Ivee su~ Safety . Saving , Service . . etta McKinsey, Stella Lemmo n, , Solid, of Dayton . were guests of bere. \ Mr. and A .~ood progra m, consIst mg of Helen Hawke , Messrs Ronald 'and . Sanitar y, Servan t-Proof ., ' Mess". Rex Snook and Charlie Mrs. GaO. Hawke Saturd ay an,d Mra. Sue Sherwo od and MI88 MaSun- readmg s by Mrs. F. H. ·Farr, Mrll. F ed H wke We have just, receive d an immen se j Frazee . ~f ,Lebanon, were guests of day. Walter McClure an. Mf88 Winnie r ~l. ~ve ~tumed from a pleas;n t atoc\c of this cele~rated Alu~inum Misses Ruth and Marie a . Miller Sun~ vwt I!, KalldL Mrs ••Dave Gard ae· CooKinc Utenan ., which,will Me~it h intersp ersed with selec. . . --be sold day. . ~ James McClure tried to cut his tions on the phonog raph was ren- As It IS the -custom I compan ied them home. ' at reduce d prices during this Great \ ' at tbe SIlver . foot off with a corn knife Saturd ay, dered Mr. and Mrs ..T. R. Spence r and Bake. ~eryDody . is . invited . ' home, to serve a fainily dinner each to 'be Mrs. Edith Harris Is visiting her and in C~ruiequence is not attendi ng two,.1·oun pr c~ddren. of Lebano n, presen t at this Kreat Baking During the social hour ice cream year'in Octobe r, this year w~ no ex'Demon . parents , .M r. an~ M~. Na!han Mosh· school. , ' apentS unday ,vltb·J. K. Spencer~d . and cake were served by the hostess. ception to the establis hed rule. and er, and other relntlve s In Mo~row Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bail~y, of family, ·0. A.~penc.r j lUld Wife • _ .. on the 2nd, there gathere d there, J VI Lini'O Lebanon, Ohio. ' County P came over in the afterDOOll. tW'U' dM dM .. CHURCH OF CHRIS T • • Mr. and Mrs,Cb as. Eulass, Mr. and o~ 1 lam, an r. ~n r sJ. .H. Mta.H enryK erseyh asashe reuest Mrs. Carroll Eulass, Mr. and Mrs. WILL HAVE 810 TI¥E Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mille. of Batley, of New Burling ton, Mrs. Fete. w~re Rally Day next Sunday , and a lib- Wallace Tibbals,' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ' Spring Valley, spent 'Wedne sd,ay :he guesl:8 of Mr. and Mrs. Geor&,e Mills eral offerin g for Ohio Missions. We Riley, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. George Sacker enjoyed a visit 'llie I. O. 0, F. l~ge have W. Stokes, aent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George ·Mlils Saturd ay. would like to see at least 200 presen t Mr. and Mr8i>' Horace Stokes, from. her brothe r Sunday . . out invi~tl01l8' to their membe rs in- ,and ~n. Mr. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwa llader at Bible School ~ext Su~day The Sherwo od famil) enterta med v~tin~ thein to attend lodge Come and Mrs. Howar d Collett e, Misses. ' on P f' C A Bruner at- arrived home Monday evenin g 'a fter yourse lf n d 'M .t a family dinner Su~day. ' and .brmg .a friend, and we Flora Tibbals , . Mary Stokes, Mabel ThuJ'!lllayevenill&', OctOber 20th, at '~ed°" tah rs:. f' Mrs Bru. a two ~eek's stav ia CinCinnati ~t- shall not be dl~appolnted ' . ff tenu . ~r. Reed, of Dayton. was i~ town which time Grand e marria ge 0 Eulass, Elizabe th Eulass and Master s • Master I8IW: Hu - ner's 1 cousin in Ml\SOn 18:lt . '11 b . Th Wedne sday tending the Trienn• ial Convention of d Re' . Friday . k ~Ivhat . ~ sefrtvhl~e s . Wl man. and Grand Secreta ry, C•H ern f F ur~ Craver Eulass handd. JamCS S'totife8I' . .' the Episcopal church . ' Prof. D. W. Williams played the ~, man willi be present . A luncheo• , aymg 0 k IS ~ee , . . '0 •. reo Atthec ll)seof t e mner,a b ~au u n evenmg . • Pete, of LoudonVIlle, OhiO, Will dl- set of silver spoons vioiln and Will KefRv the trombo ne will be'se~ved, an( the commi was present ed.the ttee t Quite a crowd· of WaynesVille peo. ~. O. Cartwr ight left TUel!day ev- r~t the music and sing a sol~ each hostess by her 'brothe at Sunday School Sunday mornin&,. deai~all to be presen t and hear these pIe of the Christi an church drove out enm~ for Columb us, rs and sistera. where he at· mght. All lovel'll of good mus~c a:e Mr. and Mrs. Will , KerNy attend· gentlem en. ' to Ferry li"'riday evenin g to attend t tends the Masonic Grand Lodge; ' request ed to be presen t and sing In ed tile Illver weddin g annive rsary of . . • - • the service s there. . which conven es in Columb us ·f or, the chorus . . Mr. and Mrs. Edward s. of Flat ~ork, ' MiBS Kezla M;rrit t was h03tess at MASK SOClAL , .' . three days this week. Saturd ay. The meetm2 ' . at Ferry has resulte d a charmm g affaIr last Saturd ay after, ' . Mr. and Mrs. ChKS. Cornell and . The C. E. Society me~ Friday even· . T~e Grange ": wIn gl~e a Mask ' . in one of the greates t awaken ings noon, from half after two to So- daught er Luella. motore d to Milton, I Hon. and. Mrs. E. C. Merr~~ four, in ~f ~t. the c(lmmunity has had in twenty honor of Mrs. Charles E. Merritt ingand elec:te dthe(o llowln goffice ra ~ialonHaUow~enevemng,Mon day, Ind.: last Friday , an~ . camehome, N.J:w ho have been In,Cmcm· , of forthe new year: Presi~ent. MiM Octo~~ list, m the I. O. O. years. Every one be presen t from Mt. H~lly, N.J. The rooms F. hall. MQnday. They had ~ fine trip. were nata g .the .Genera l Conven- the beginn ing and we may have Sher"o odj vice pres .• Miss 'Spence r; Adml18lon 10' ceno.. Refresh a tastdul ly decorat ed watb nastur. m.enlS '. tion of the EpISCOpal cb~rch, s~nt still greate r revival here. sec MiSs Norton ' treas. ' Mr. Shutts; will be Bel ved. EverYb odr cordial tiams and (Jelightfu~ refresh ments ly ,Dr. ~d M",. ~. T. Cooper .(nee Saturd ay and Sttnda) With relatiVes and'orp rtiat, Mi~ Glad~s S~ncer. invited . L. 0, Thompson. were served. Mrs. J. H. Coleman .. _ • Ethel Wil~iiUn80n,)()f t Dayton , ~ere and friends in Waynesville. ....-- -... - • • • ' and MiS!!. Letitia McKay 8SS\sted the. ' , . gllesl:8 of Mrs. Cooper s parents~ Mr. I . ' ! , NOT~CE , ' INSUJtE YOUR TOBACCO sATUR DAY MARK Er hostess and Mrs. H. H. Williamson, Sunday . in receivi ng the guests, who D~ Chne, of, Ff;'rry. made us . . -.. 'were as follows: Mesdames H. W. . , ..: All persons kpowin g themse lves in· The Ladiea Aid of the M. E. church call Thursda)" ~d wanta the rates th~t Will SUit, and Baiiey, J. T. Ellis. C. T. Hawke , A. E. M~ CorWi n, .f ChIcagO, who,' auspl~t to say that It was a mtstai( e about theI have 'debted to us by book accoun ts ().I wiU hold a market at the compan y that Will protect YQU. T ' W . ht Townsh ip several years ago was, princip al of him going to move W H 'Allen ~ to California, as Addres s Frank Wilson, Harvey sburg. F' .;I~li i E Janney notes that a~ p~t due are ' .....,u~t. tl0use on Satu~ay mornin Baily 'a,. Hllthag; Octo· the Corwin school, ('~lledt ~n Mrs. Ohio is plenty good ,enough for. him. Ohio; Phone 2 on' 16. ed to call and settle the same, as we bar 22nd. !It nine o·clock. w:~~ J. A: F~nkey. I. 'E. K~ys. S: L. Your '~lla Michener an,d fan:llly Tuesda y of We are glad to have you' stay with us m.$tba ve•• " --lIetllern enl:8 made ,patron Cartwr ale,kln j,ht, J. W. White, E, V•. dly solicite d • . 'a t once. last Yours 'truly, ' . . • ~• •. ' " WATCH 'RAISE D ,TRUN K LIDS Barnha rt, G. W. Hawke , J.O. ,Cart. . ·Cross BrOs; . , NINP.TEEN - BAPTI ZED, M~:E mm' l \ Dalpn return~from '. Mr. T. J '. BrowD accomp anied by Nevel' ---:--'-~ - .. bav.e a. t~onk lid 1'1&1,ee<1 wright , Benj.-H awkins , Harry Mur'.. ". Dayton lut ThurSday evenin,e and his dauKh~e.., MisiJ Mame . , NO Brown , whe~ ,there ..~ ohnda-en. . ~bout. ray. D ..L. Crane, ~ura' ,NOTICE saturd ay at Run creek. will .' spend M08herj Ltwinter with' Mr: IPJd made his:. anl\ual ' piJgrim .ge to 'nlef IU'e,oa'n ral1y - ~ tO'in "ell. , Rev. L: 0 .. Ttiompeon baptize d' nlne- 'Mn F . H •. Faril. Mn. DeVItt, : ,Anna Q •. DU.i,,·s Ft. An~ient Saturd ay. Mr. Brown .tlga~ tbh~RB, alid Je,u;ling pei'Ron, ' .~ $trict.l~ prohibited .teen persoD1~ 18 - , result of hi. work, man~ friends are vert i'l~ that '~aIDet ROge1'8 , M188 ~yra .~td, M188 ebe hM been .ol~ over ·this historic Ule ,Uon~ to look In I:D~Y br'~g .tl1e· , frorn tluntin l on my premi~ . at F42rry. zie parroll , MlS8 AnDle Brown, MI. •_ • /. . haa ahnost . entirely .re8ain~ . her ~qnd onee a year. for the last ltd down ~pon them -.lth ee.rloo. tGeorgi a Hadden"M~ Emma McKq Utlther btlrq lbe ,ubbitih . bealtb. .. thirty yean. oonMqllenoe.. and M1a8 Lola Zell. I

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Rlg~s ame Into th room diIDd nl· Iy. but Mr. Jami son put him at his

Miss Innell, spinster and gUllrdln h or Q rtrulle a nd B ulser. l'stnlJ lIM hed 81.1 1lIrner henllqun rt rs nl unnys"J . Arnold Arrn s ln10 g WU:i ( o lilld shn L t l) d c- a.til 1n fll .. hull. n (' r t n , d~ /Inri h r tl l\lIef'. J nt'k Blll ley; hud conversed In t he billiard room shorl I)' b rorc til IJlu rll ' J'. U," c· t.lve .Jumlellon f\ c c u ~ed l\I I R~ Inn"s o f 1'lIld· i Dg b" ck ovid 'n . (;lIshll' r lIw ll'Y or Pnul .Arlllslr ng's ba nk, d() rund . w tu\ urrc ~ l~.u 'for emboz:.1 mBn l. I 'uul Armstrong s . .death Wil a u nn oun o~; I . I-I n l~ y ." !l a n cet!, Louise Armstrong, lol,1 H alsey lh nl while she s UII 10 l' od hIm "h e WILS I II mnrry an· other. It dov loperl lhu t Dr. ", ,,Iller was fho mM. Lo uIse was fou nd unconscious &t the bottom or the (lln'lIl1lr sll\lrc;lso. She .&ld 80meUling hnd bl'ulIhcti hl' h r ' " tho dark on t.he staIrway anti .. he f&.l nted. B ailey I" 8 U !P c l<'(\ or Arm· ·.lrong's murder. Thomas. lhe loug kcl'p' or Willi fOllnd dead wllh n "o t In his lIOcket boarlng th name "Lu de ll \\rn l · la.ce." A ladd r round out or plnce derp. ens the myster y. The slahl"" w"rn bu rned . lind In th dnrk 1II 1!1s 1 1111 08 Rho l . &11 Intruder. y m y ~l rlOUR!Y ( \I S liP ' penrod, HIs .auto wns fo uIIII wrl'cked by .. freight trai n. It doveloped ll nlsr ' hlld ..n nrgument In the li brary wl lh 0. womon boror his dl anp)) nrnnce. N w rook tils· .. ppcnrs. Mi ss Innea lenrned Ha lsey W ll~ aJl v Dr Walker's ts c bccom 9 livId at mt-ntlo"; of the name ot NIno. ~ n rr\n g· ton. Evidence WII.8 secured from a t rump tho.t a man, supposedly H Iso)', had been bound and gnl;'ged and thrown Into an mp t y box en r.

eus. He ke pt a ca reful ey on m • however. and s lid Into a hair by the door when he was asked to s it down. " ow. Ri ggs," began Mr. Jamieson kindly. "You a re to say wbat YOll have to say b for e thi s lady." "You promised yo u'd keep It quiet. Mr. Jamieson." Riggs plainly did not trust me. 'J'11 re was nothlug fri endl y In thH glance he turned on me. "Yes, yes. You will be prote t.ed. But, first of all , did you bring whut yoU promise d?" Riggs produced a 1'011 of papers from under his coat, and banded them over. Mr. J amies on exumln d tb III with live ly satisfaction. and passed th em to lIIe. "The blue'l>rints of Sun· nyslde." he said. "'" hilt did I I ,11 YOII? Now, Ri ggs, we are ready." " I'd never have ome to you, Mr . Jamieson," he began, " If It ha dn't be n for Miss Armstrong. When Mr. In· nes was spirited away, like. a nd Miss Louis got sick because of It, I thought things had gone tar enough . I'd tlone some things for the doctor before tha t ,,,ouldn't just bear looking Into, but I turned a bit squeamIsh." "DId you help with that?" I bsked, leaning forward. "No, ma'm. I didn't even ' know 01 It unUl the next day, when It came out In the Casanova Weekly Ledge r. Dut I know who did It, all right. rd better s tart at the beginning. "When Dr. Walker went away to California with the Armstrong family, there was talk In the town that when he came back he would be married to Miss Armstrong, and we all expected It. Flr&t thing 1 knew, 1 got a letter t rom him In the west. He seemed to be excited, and he said Miss Arm. strong bad . taken a sudden notion to go hom. and he sent me some moneT. I was to watch for her. to Bee If she went t9 SunnysIde, and wherever she was, not to lose s ight of her until he got home. I traced he.r to the lod,e. and I gUllss I s~ared you ou the drlT8 one night. MillS Innes." "And Rosie!" I ejaculated. RIRS ,.rlnned sbeeplshly. 1"1 onl, wanted to make s ure MilS Louise was there. Ros ie started to run, and I tried to stop lIer and tell her some sort of a story to account for my being there. B ut sbe wouldn't walt." "And the brokelJ. china-In the baskett" "Well, broken chlna's death to rubber tires," be said. ''I hadn't an, complalut against you people. here, and the Dragon Fly was a good car." So Rosie's blghwayman ~as ex· plalned. "Well, I' telegraphed the doctor where Miss Louise was and I kept a9 eye on her. Just' a day Or so before tbey came home with the. body I got another letter" te l\1ng me to watch for ' a woman who had been pitted with smallpox. Her name was Carrlnglon, and tbe doctor made tblngs pretty strong. If I found any such woman loafing around. I was Dot to lose sight of her for ,a mJnute until the doclor got back. t "Well, I would haTe had my hands full, but the other woman dlBn't sbow up for a good while, and when she did the doctor was home." " "Riggs,". I asked suddenly, "did yOU get luto this bouse a day or two after I took it, at night?" , . . "I did not, Miss InueJ!. I have never been In the house before. 'Veil, the Carrington woman dldn't show up un· til the night Mr. Halsey disappeared. She came to the omos late, and~ the doctor Was out. She walte4 around. walking th() 1I00r and working herself Into a paSSion. When the doctor didn't cOlDe back, she was ,in an aw~ul way. She .wanted me to hunt him. and when he didn't appear, she called him namea; said he couldn't fool her. There was ' murder befng done, and she would .\lee him swing .for It. (TO BE CONTINUED.)




"I tried all kinds of blood remediel which failed to do we any good, . bat I have found the right thing at last. My face was full of pimples and black-beads. After taking Cucarets they all left. I am continuing the use of them and recom. mendlug them to my frie.nd •. · I feel filii when I rise in the morning. Hope to have a cbnnce to recommend Caac:arets. II Fred C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N. J. PleasaDt. hlatable. PoteDt, Taate Good. Do Good . Never !'IICkeD/WeakeD or Grtpe. IOc, 2Sc. SOc. Never lold n bulk. Tbepnu· IDO tablet alamped C C C. GuaraAteed to 0Ul1I or )lOW' mOil." b&I:II.. W

All Seams Allow ed.-Al'fon s are an 4bsolute necessi ty and one cu n hardly IBve too many at them . Of course larle ty of design 1[1 osscntlal. b cause of the various occnijlons on whIch they are worn. The one sbuwn at thIs time Is very convenient when just a 'jtUe work Is to be done. The IIpron md bib portion are joine d togeth I' by :\ belt. A pocket fit each s Id e Is lis e· ful as well as a fi nish. This apron may be. made of callco, gingham or White lawn, nnd the ed~es may be bound with braid which comes In all colors. ~h e pattern (6160) 1s cut I.n one size. To make til garment will roqulre 2% yords at mat · rial 27 Inches wide, or 2 yards 36 Inches wide. To procure this pattern send 10 cents to 'l'llttern Dcpllrtm nl." ot thlll p per. Write nllme a nd address plnlnly. nnd be lIura ' to gIve s Ize Bnd number at pattern.

Mr. Winters and Alex disposed of the tramp with a wllrnlng. It was evl· d ent ho bad told us al l he knew. We had occasion, within a day or two, to be doubly thankful that we had given h im his freedom When Mr. JamieBon telephoned that night we had news tor blm; be told m what 1 bad not realized before-that It would not be possible to find Halsey at once, e ven w ith this clew. The cars by thla time, three days, might be scattered over the -=:JIll When I Came To It W.I pawn. union. But he said to keep on hoping. bqt I managcd to gasp out, "Ger· The re were several things that day NO. 5160. SIZE:. .............. .. that It was the best news we had bad. trude!" that bew ildered me. About three NAKID ••••• •• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ,tI •• And In the meantime, consumed with "Oood Lord!" a man's voice ex- o'clock MI'. Jamieson telephoned from anxiety as we were, things were hap· claimed, just beside me. And then I the Casanova station and Warner TOWN •••••••••• •••••••••••••••.••••••••••••• lKlnlna- at the lIouse In rapid succes- collapsed. I felt myself going, felt went down tQ meet bim. I got up and STREET AND NO ...................... . . sian. sonle one catch me, a horrible nausea dressed hastily, and the detective was We had one peaceful day-then LId· -that was all 1 remembered. shown up to my sitting room. BTATIII ................... __ ................. AT. took sick In tb~ night. I went In When 1 came to It was dawn. I was "No news?" I asked, as he entered. ..hen I heard her groaning, and found lYing on the bed In Louise's room. He tried to look encouraging, without Iller with a hot-water bottle to her with the cherub on the ceiling staring success . BOYS' SUIT. face. and her rllht cheek swollen un- down at me, and tbere was a blanket . "It won't be long now, Miss Innes," . ltllt was glassy. from my. own bel} thrown over me. 1 be said. "I have come out here on a "Toothache'!" I ,sked, not too gent- felt weak and dizzy. but. I managed to peculiar errand. which I wUl tell you ~. "You dese"e It. A woman of get up and totter to the door. At tbe about later. Firat. I want to ask some ;J'Our ace, who would rather go around foot of the circular staircase Mr. Win· quesUons. Did anyone come out here with an exposed nerve In her head ters was still asleep. Hardly able to yesterday to repair the telephone, and l \han have the tootb pulled! It would stanll, I crept back to my room. The examine the wires on the roof?" be OTer tn a momen.t." door Into Gertrude's room was. no lon"res." I saId promptly; "but It was "So would . hanging," 'Liddy pro- ger locked; she was' sleeping like a not the tellU\hQWI. He said tho wiring tested, from behind the hot-water bot- tired cltlld. And In my dressing room might have caused the fire at the tie. LIddy hugged a cold hot·water bottle slnbl~. J went up with him myself, I was hunting around for cotton and and mumbled In her sleep. . 'but he only looked around," 'laudanum. "There's some things you can· L.JJLUJ.lA-f----'U&...--'J..... leson smiled. "You have a tootb just like It your· with hand·cuffs," she was muttering "Oood for you!" be aPJllauded.. self. Miss Rachel." she whimpered. thickly. " Don't allow anyone In the house n And I'm sure Dr. Boyle'8 been trYing that you don't trust, and don't trust to take It out for years." CHAPTER XXIX. anybody. All are not e lectricians who 'There was no laudanum, and Liddy wear rubber gloves." . made a terrible fuss when I proposed A Scrap of Paper. He refused to explain further, but carbolic acid,' just becalise I bad put For the first time in 20 years I kept he got a s lip of paper out of his too much on the cotton once and my bed that day. Liddy was alarmed pocket·book and opened It carefully. ~urned her mouth. I'm sure It never to the point of hysteria, and sent for "Listen." be s aid. "You heard this -dLd her any permanent harm; Indeed, Dr. Stewart just after breakfast. Ger· before and scolled. In the light of re,the doctor said afterward that living trude spent the morning with me, cent developments I wal1t you to read "on liquid cHet had been a splendid rest reading somethlng-I forget what. I It again. You are a clever woman, for her stomach. But she would have was loo busy wllh my thougbt to lis· MJss Innes. Jus t as surely as I sit n~ne . of the acid, and she kept me ten. I h.l d said nothing to. tbe two here, there Is something In this bouse . 51'31 awake croanlng, so at last I got up de teotlves. If ¥r. JamIeson had been that Is wanted very, anxiously lJy a All Seams Allowed.-1I'or the I1ttle aftd ,went to Gertrude's door. To my tb,ere I. should bave told him every· number of people. The lines are clos· boy the accompanying lllustration .surprlse it was locked. tblng, but I could not . go to these Ing up, Miss Innes." shows a very attracUve garment, and II went around by the hall and into s trange men and tell them my niece The paper was the one he bad found one that will appeal to, most mothers. 'ber bedroom that way. Tbe bed was 'bad been the mJddle ot ' the among Arnold Armstronifs effects, Tbe little blouse has a plain baok, and turned down, and her dresslng·gown night; that she had not gone to bed and 1 recall It agaln: the front Is latd In a bac;:kward turn. alld nlg~t·dresB lay ready In the little at all ; that while I was searching tor - - b iterlng the plnns toring tuck at each side of the center; room next, but Gertrude was not there. her througll the house' I had met a rooms, ma y be possible. The best way, the closing Is on the' right side undel She had not undressed. stranger who, when I tainted. bad car- ~~r_m_Y_~~I~~en'Ofw~hu~d be r~~~~I~ the tuck. The brand sailor collar' 18 I don't know what terrible thoughts ~ed me Into a room and left me tbere, ney. lttached to the blO1.18e and meets at <lame to me tn' the minute I stood to get better or not, as it mJght hap· think 1---\HldffstD,nd," I lenter-front. A shield, with neckbo.nd 'there. Through the door I could hear pen. slowly. "Some one Is searching . for lttBched, Is slipped tnslde the blouse. Uddy grumbling, wltb a squeal now And there was something else : The the secret room, sed the Invaders-oo Jlhe sleeves are plaited at ·the band In and tben when the pain stabbed man I h.a d met in the darkness had "And t he holes In the plaster-" the regulation s'tylo, A belt of tbo ma. harder. Then, automatically, I got the been even more startled than I, and "Have been In the progresl ot terlal, or of patent lelJ,ther, Is uset) laudanum and went back to her. about his voice, when he muttered his hls-" as a finIsh. The trousers are tn' the . It was fully a halt-hour betore Lid· muIDed exclamation, there was so~e· "Or her-Investigations." knickerbocker st),le, gathered to a dy's groans subsided. At Intervals I thing vaguely famlllar. All that morn· "Her?" I asked. band or with elastics at the ' knee. 'Went to the door into the hall and lng, (while Gertrude read aloud, a nd "Miss Iunes," the detective said, This suit may be made ot chambray, looked out, but I saw and heard noth- Liddy watched tor the doctor, I was getting up, "I believe that somewhere ~alatea, gingham or In the woolen Dia. Ing suspicious. Finally. when Liddy puzzling over that voice, without reo tn the walls of this houae I's hidden terlals. A very stylish' suit would .be 'had dropped Into a doze, I even ven· . suIt. ' some of the money, at least; tram the made of velveteen or ' corduroy. and tured as far 8S the head of the circular Dr. Walker came uP. some time just Traders· bank. ;1 1,lelleve, Just as sure'trimmed with brald~ Tbe pattern .staircase, but there floated up to me after luncheon. and asked for me. Iy, that young Walk, r brought home (6131) 'Is Cllt in 'sizes 2,. 4 and 6 years. only the even breathing of '\Vinters, '.'00 down and see him," I Instructed from Callfornlo. t~ knowledge of ·f o make tbegarment In medium Ilze the night detective, sleeping just In· Gertrude. "Tell him I am out.-for something of the so~t. and, fatlinK In will require 4% yards of material 27 aide the entry. And then, far off, I mercy's sake 'don't say I'm sick. Find his effort to reinstall Mrs . Armstrong prelden ChIna. Inches wide. S~ yards 36 Inches wide, Judging by YOIII" recent not~, "rltes or 2% 'yards U Inches wide. ' . b eard the rapping noise that had lured 'out what he wants. and [rom this time and her lIaughter here, he. or a corio Louise down the staircase that other on, Instruct the lervants t4!lt "he Is federate, has tried to break Into ' tbe a correspondent. It seenis that 'the To procure thll pattern lIend 10 centll night, two weeks before. It was over not to be admitted. I loathe that house. On two occasions I tblnk he geographical knowledge possessed . by to "Pattern Department." of thlll paper. my head, and very faint-three or fOUl' man," succeeded." girl typists Is , 'a bout on a '18yel with Write name and Ilddreaa plainly. and be ... hort muIDed tapa, a pause, and then Gertrude came back Tery lIoon, her "On tbree, at least," I corrected. that pOBsessed' by the damsels ' who ~ure to give lllae and number of pattern. .... aln. Itealthlly ' repeated. face ratber flushetl: And then I told him about . the nIght represent the postmaster general be- rr----..;.,..-----~---____: The sound of Mr. Winters· breath· "He came to ask U9 to get out," she before. "I bave been thinking hard," hind tbe counters .·ot our 8uburban .: NO. 5131. . IIZE .. : ... .. ... ~ •••.•• l n g was comforting; with the thought said, picking up her book wltb a Jerk. I concluded. "and 1 do not believe the post omce.s; Having occ~slon rec8\ltly tURt there was help within call, some· "He suys Louise Armstrong wan~8 LO man at the head of the circular stalr- 'to tele~aph funds to a town In GerNAME ....................................... . 't hing kept me from waking him. I did come here, now that she Is recovftr.· case was Dr. Walker. I don't tblnk he many. It ' beoame necesBa'ry for the TOWN........... , ......................... .. tnot move for a moment; ridiculous log" could bave got In, and the voice ·waa clerk 'to consult tbe · post otllc.e guide. ITREICT AND NO ................ ...... . Ifbings Liddy ba d said about a ghost"And what did you {say?" Dot his." · ' After .a long 'and fruitless "earch I !l am not at all s uperstitious, except, ."1 said we were very SOITY we could Mr. Jamieson got up and paced the ventured to suggest that she was not 8TATm .•••••••••••• _ •••••••••••• ~ •••••••••• iPe rhaps, in lhe middle of th night, not lea\'e, but we would be delighted 1100r. bls hands beh.lnd. hIm. likely to find the town I wanted ' in the '\'Ii lh everything dark- things like that to have' Louise come up hore with us. "There Is something etse that puz· section devoted to .t he celestial em. But It Grealel the Street. came back to me. Almost b s ide me He looked daggers at me. And he zles . me." he said, slepplng before me. plre. wbere abe ~nl! looking. '!Nol A word for: tbe automobile. It doel waS thc clothes chute. 1 could feel It, wanted to know If we would recom· "Who al\d w.·bat Is the woman Nina under . China" she retorted ·supercl1!. bllt I could see nothing. As I stood , me nd E liza as a cook. He has brought Carrington ? .If it waS sbe who came ousfy. ~1You . said Dres\len• . didn't' not . lunch on ·the shade trees.-~lInn ..· .. apolls Journal , " ' lis~n iog Intently, I heard a sound a patient, a man, out from town, and h ere as Mattie BliSS,' what did she you~" Deur ' me. . It was vague, ludefinite. is Increaslhg his establishment- that's tell Halsey that sent him racing. to . , Tben It ceased; there was an uneasy the way he put It." Dr. Walker's, and then .to Miss Arm- . " .orhe Conlolln(J ' VOlum •• · . A ·,.·o\lchlnll'. Affal!'. . movem"nt and a g"tunt from the foot "I wish hIm joy ot Eliza." '1 said strcmg? If we could tlnd that woman There waS a baCKl1ard . student at .GHggs~I . aee · that . by ' us.lng a of the circular staircase, a nd silence tartly. "Old h e ask for Halsey!" we would have the whole. thing." '. who, for faU~re to pass' an :ex. stetboscpp~ ~d a 8e~lIltlYil ~elephone 3.&.ai n. I s tood perfec tly s tili, hardly " Yes. I told him that we were on "Mr . JamJeson, pld roU' ever think amluatloil 111 Or~.e~, "faa "sent: down." .relay, " with . personl su1Jerl~g . frpm .darlns to · breathe. . the track IQst nlgbt, and that It was tha't Paul A~mJltrol!g niliht not · have Hlil .:mo t1i wellt.·.to .Ii~e ,tbe' tP~.ter. l,lea1't ttO\lbl~~, ,.Pbyslelans ,calf keep lD 1 hen I knew I had been right. Some only a question time. ·»e .ald he ,died, a natural dea'~?" . Dr. Jowett, and expl~lne«!\ t9 ~Im w.hat. bet~er touch 1Vlth their patlenta. . 'Otle. was stealthily passing tbe head of was· glad, although he cUdn't appear . . "Tbat Is the thing we are going to an excellent lad her son .was •. !'It.ll a Dlgg..:-r wonder It the d'octors will Lbe stalrcase and coming toward me to be. but be said not to be t.oo siln- try t!lllnd .out," J:1.~ ·repUe~. And theil ' h~ra eiperience f9,..... lllm,' ' thll '41•. ,'toucli th~m .harder. ot' of.tener.~iou;~tn the dark. I leaned against the wall guine:' Gertrude came In, announcing a 111'1'11 grace." 1.14 tbe ~Id lady,; ' "but he wlll kerl State.maa .. , : . ' for support:..-my , knees were living "Do you 'kn'ow what' I believe?" I .below to lIee Mr..,.JamJellon. . ba'Ye , ~he ' cons<llatfoll of reJlaloD, and -way. The steps ~ere close now, -and asked. "I believe, aii firmly as I be"I want 70U pt:esent at, thl. IDter-, there II alwaYI OD~' })oqlfto ' which ho China Ha. W.t., Work. ",litem. .Iuddenly 1 thought of Gertrude. Of Heve anything. that ,pro Walltel' knows vie\\", MIss Innes," ·he aa~d. Ma, can tUrD.'i Jowett Clyed hilI' tqr' a moOhlDa's c.apltal, Pekl~g,lia8 lupplan ·eourBe It W&8 Gertrude. I put out ODe something about Halsey, and that he Riggs · come up? He hal left DII•. ment anil then anlwered ! . ·"Ye., ma. .9d tla lounltar, w~ll. with a thoroup; 'hand In front of me, but 1 touched could put nls ' finger on him. if .... Walbr and he hq IOm.~ '11. dam; tbe , Gr"" cram~ar. Good 11 modern water wollb 8.78tem; .. QOthlu . . My voice almost.. refuled me. wonted to." wanta to tell ua.H lDorDIDlo" '" -Iud In. a tlltra~IOD plllDL





6all Cure Collars will not gall the horse. For sale by your local dC<Ller. If you want Cree sample of tho hair pad to convince you, write u. LIld mention your dealer's name. tU ORAf'IIfORSliACI CO.

!II\\lerll for t·bo

trJ\d~ .

U E l\I HARNru!S !'ho kind I.bat·. II\Inn\.11"""".

tI.,I ...II, 0".

Love'l Crime. George was a manly tellow, yet, surprising IlS It may seem, he waa guilt»" of n grave charge. a criminal offensetheft, rOT had he not mllDY tlmea. stolen kisses trom bls fait sweetheart? Maude, one of the most lovable or lirls , was equally guilty as an acces.or),; she reoelve d the stolen property. Eacb seemed to have perfect confi· dence In the other, bow ever, and whea sentence was pronounced by a properly qualified omclal, they decliied to lerve their time together. They remained Joyal to tho end. nelthor making anT e ffort to haTe their sentence abrogated or shortened. but durfng the course of their lone term togethet several small offenl" were directly cbargeable to them.----3. W. B. in Puck. FAI~L V ~AR,..ED.

The' Slugger-An' see here, ,.011 don't wanter. be goln' around braglln' dat 1~ was me wot soaked .you, seel The' Weeds Retu"';. "Confound these i election beta, any• . way!" gruthbled Harker . '. . "Lose heavlly?" Inquired his friend. "No, I won ten boxes or cigars and they were so rank I sold the wl)oIEi lot to the corner tobacconist for a do·l lar." "Well, you made a dollar, anyway," "Yes, but . that II not the worst af It. My wife saw .the bOIes tn the window marked 'A Bargain, $2,' and bought tbe whole lot to give me al a blrtbday presont,"

'"'The Smack" . olthe


Post Toasties ~



.ancl~ \ " .. " . . A wholesomeJ ' ,ready-:' cooked fo"od \Vb i'di" young~ters, and · older', f91k~ 't.hOToughly enjoy. '. . . " . ,


""--~LL adjectl'v es and mil hue

three degree s-save one. Seasick . . and seaslclU less are oJways In the supet;la· tlve. )i:ven a "lIgl1t toucb" .,...., Is agony to the victim, and to him Is Just 8S bad as the worst ~aae ever sutrered by mortal " And yet, In Its~lf, seasick ness Is DO more d,~ngerous tha!: a stubbed toe, and not nearly alJ teJ'rlble In Its 'pos· , sibl e effects as a severe bump ot the knee. For the knee Is one ot the most sensitiv e portion s ot the an· atomy, while the much·al lused. yet J,atlent. stomach can stand a lot of bad treatme nt. Just wnat tho percent age ot aT' erage trave lers Is who succum b to eeaslck ness savants ' have neglect ed to 'tIgure, but a conserv ative may place • it at about 90 per '(lent. So. when ietatlstl cal steam· ,ehlp agents tell IYoU that probabl y ' 400,000 persons Itravel by boat on Ithe Atlantic and 'Paciflc 0 c e a n s !8nd the great :Iakes each year. IYOU can easU, eomput e the num· ber ot seasick

Appara tus for Testing Grain Temper ature.

mldG sclutton Is concen trated, It wtll make him vomit again , willie If It Is sufflclenUY diluted he will retain It. Put him to bed and an hour or 80 later give him another dose, ~Ine times out or ten he wtll drop off to sleep and wlll &waken w~ll and bungrj," By other good authori tles this treatment Is said to' be good in smooth water, but Ineffect ive In stress of storm. when they aver, nature must take fts course. and the s6aslck vioUms C8n only endure 1n what patienc e they may be able to l'DU8t~r, The 'growin g custom of (,sklng sedaUves and sleepin g powder s on ' ship. board cannot be too strongly con· demned , CocaJne , morphi ne and sImilar depress ants are contain ed In most of theBe allxirs, and. while efrectIve enough when adminis tered by a re&lliar physicia n, such things are extreme ly risk,. when employe d In an unBclentlflc. haphaz ard manner . While morphI ne may make a parson sleep, Its other elreotB are orten dIssipat ion. and In many persons It excites vomitIng rather than ao,-tes It. In cons& quence. the prudent voyage r w\u steer clea-r of ull "bracer s" that COil-


Uraln stored In one large bin will )!ten heat, A good many doUars would 'e saved tr the tempera ture down In the .grain could be kno wn at any time. rhls haB been made possible by tbe Zeleny thermom eter, says Popula r Electric ity. About 90 years ago It was round that two metnls. Buch aB 'lfsmuth and antimon y, if heated whJ1e In contact would g enerate an electro· motive force and this principl e. that ot the thermCH3lectrie pUe, ls used in th1s devIce. In the iIll,lstrntlon one wire of nick· el·coppe r Is run In a conduit for p'r o· tectlon down toto a bin repress nted at the left. At various points taps are taken olt with copper wire. An ordl· nary gal'vonom eter and scale Is placed on the wall near a contact board on ,wWch the wires termina te. When the lever Is In the poslUon Bhown, all ' the circuits are open and the scale (8) Is moved so that on looking througb the telescop e the RcoJe Is shown by re flection trom the little mirror In the galvano meter. Then the lever IB moved over to point (1). for Instanc e. this pla.ces the galvano meter In. clr·

cult with one of th e therm~leotricr junction s down In the bin , A s light current will then flow through the gal· vanome ter due to the hea ting of the junction and will de fl ect the galvanometer mirror so that the scale as you look thrO,ugh the telescop e will ap· pear to move over. The distanc e which It moves Indloate s the temperature of the junction . as the scale la calibrat ed to read In tempera tures. 8110 Corn. . If tor the silo the large FOwing kinds ot corn that will mature IIUftl· ciently early are \0 be preterre d, &8 a much greater amount can be grown on an acre, and the process ot siloing w1l1 put the crop In excellent conditio n for feeding ; but such are not usually the best tor curing to reed dry, as there Is a lIablUty ot being too much waste. This crop should not be planted too tblckly, but space allowed tor air and sun. and a taJr amount of ears will add materia lly to the value of the fodder. Plant In rows Bufficlently far apart to adm1t of cultivat ion which should be the 8ame as for that grown tor the grain.

,8ulrere rs at 360.· persons , And 'eeas Ickness Is no Irespeo ter of per· leous-p rlnce and IP a up e r. young land old; man and Iwoman. all Alike euirrl er from Its pangs. Even anlmall tbe IttXurlous billa of far~ t temptln.." ee t. and reel It Borely, while lIome their palatel and stomach s \persons never outgrow It, no matter Indulge nce In 'good things. to over· But tbe Ilow often they go to Ilea. victim of seasick ness cannot eat, and SoJlIng out of port on 'reCUlar tripe an occaato nal fast ' ls a mighty good .re more than halt a dozen well· thln~ tor the system. lcnown navigat o ... who "pay tribute to As far as IB known, no one ever died Neptun e," as it Is e uphemI stically es· ot IlEoaslclrneu. althoug h treQuen tly ~reBsed, every time they strike deep this cause II ascribe d !water, The attack does not last long the death of traveler s. In reports ot "wIth these vlcUms . but It IB doubly oJI suoh cases. howeve Ln practica lly r. ,some organiC taln It.. ~onsI>lcuous because of their pOBltion . disease has been the real cause, and Bo, too. are cocainc . chloral and As everyo ne knows, BeaslcknesB Is not the simllia seasick ness Itself. chloroto rm and Blmilar "remed l lCaused by the motion of a veBsel at · For example , a woman laat summer open to largely the same objectio n. ~ea, but just how the motion acts on was carried ashore fl'd'm an Atlantic albe it It ,18 the theory oC thOS6 who !the bodily orgnnls m Is still an open liner. unconsc ious and dying, after recomm e nd them that ,'Question. " , 'sufferin g trom seaslclc nes8 for the two abnorm al sensitiv enessthey deaden the at the stom· Accord!n~ to some authori ties, the weeks ot the voyag . When the end ach lining and thus stop the vomitin g. -ytolent and unaccus tomed movem ents came, ' bel' death was ascribe d to eX· This may be all very true, but also it o()f the stomach produce gastric dis· ba\l8tJon. folJowtn s .mal-4e· rturbanc es. and these dlBturb ances truth soon WIlS demons mer. but the Is true that · their eaecls are aiot ' Um· trated that she !ted to the stomach , whuil, furth er o<:ause vomIUng. By others ,the theoT'1 Had been h9Peles sly III with a heart than this, with healthy p~rsons t he ~B advance d that ~e center of disturb· malady when she bad set aall. vomitin g of seaslck noss Is by no A WARNING. !nnca Is the central · nervous SYBtem. Some veteran traveler once counted means Alarmin g. Indeed, severe :wllich become s demora lized by the one thouBand and on e alleged reme. "fe tc.h1ll ' without vomitin g, Is oHe'n ...uang e Impress ions BtrlkIng the eyes. dies tor BeaBIOkness, but as ' the end more palutul anil harmfa l, than th. Ctrcula tlon In the meduUa oblonga ta' was not In sight he stopped Ttle implem e nt bere lIluBtrated Is a two or three weeks, ConseQ countin g vomItin g, and fully as disagre eable. Its I~peded, say Btlll others, with the and roughly guessed that Iilechan lcal substItu te for a bumble · would take a vast army ot ueatlr. It there mUBt "Hot water for mine whe n I'm sea. bumbie. ,esult that a sort of lItorm <tevelop ~ In 'b e ten P10usand and ten. b~e . and i ts purpose II to cross·po l· bees to carry the pollen from every \the nerve control ling the stomacl ). as good ·as the oth er~r And each Is sick." says one man, nnd, "Hot, as useless, black cotree for mine." says another . lenlze clover, head ot clover to some other iFlnally , others aver that the Imaglna - Stilt. each satisfies the The macWn e consists of a platform , even In a smoJI field . Tbe pollenhead, patie nt's wild and th6re you are. can· rtlon Is much to blame, or that. ~,e ,yearnin g to take somethI the under side of which Is covered not be carried by the wind, and ng for It, and A ilst of all remedl'. ls for seaBlck. the \brain itselt Is shocked . or that mUlcu- so ellBes his mind and contrib utes ness would fill a large book, and with a ' myriad of minute fibrous bumble bees are dlBappearlng" thereliar fatigue, caused by efforts to main· for It, and so eaBes bls fingers arrange mand d like ondsOea the bristles of a lore. a machin e to do the bumble bee's would Include all the bromide s, ano~1n one's balance . is the reoJ cause in some degree 'to a sort 'ot faith cure. dyneB. narCotics. opiates and anesthe t- brush. says Popular Mechan ics. The work Is necessa ry. lof the trouble. A. !Jlass ot water given to a nervoul Ics. to say nothing ot a thousan d and end of each tiber Is covere. with a , On the whole, ·probab ly all of t h . woman rel.leves her Immens rubber.l Ike Bubstan ce ' to which the Boom In Beet Sugl,. !thing! help, At all events. It makel Ja ted to believe It containely, If she 'one other fearBome things. Besides pollen of the clover will cling. s in solu· there Is a long list of mechnn lCal d& Beet' sugar factorie s are DOW In SUI> Ino dltferen ce to the sufferer . and ,you tfon some ·subtle and When driven across a fleld. the plat· cesBt:!1 operatio n In 16 statell. Colora· powe rful spe- vices for the prevenU on or cure ot sea.o j1llay select your own caUBe when you elftc. Blckness. Soma p~rsons use Ught form, or trame, moves up and down. do" Ca11fCU'Dla and Michiga n being the 'next travel on the briny. So. too, with preve.nUve measure B ; belts and others are addicte the little fingers reachin g down IDto leaders In the order named. Man The d to Ica But the nut sympto ms are some- they are aa numero us as the vain bags on their backB. while another the heads of 'the clover. All that la largest ot the factorie s handles three gas omee. pleaso. 'what alarmIn g. ComeB a. faint Benlle Imaglnlngw of man, Some :equlre d 01. the operato r of the mao thoulan d tons ot beets per eSa,. Operat or-Cert alnly. But you know are absurd relles upon massag e. They Yet none of ~t glddlneBs; a creepy. chilly teeUne, and etherB may really be useful. As a these measur es has a sound theory chine Is to know when the pollen Is pay the growel'S '5.35 per ton and the we dou't allow any swearin g over our :of lIght·he adednes s. Ofttime s a per· general rule. a landsm an prepari ng .to back It, and none r",l.S been foun<l !n the proper atate to be carried from acreage bas Inoreas ed to eight times lines. . ~lratl9n breaks out on hlllJds and fore- for a voyage should one blosso.m to another -'by the ma- the area of ten yean alo. The busl· I?repare by taking, geni!lrally eftlcaclous. ' EPIDEMIC Ilead; your stomaoh seems alnkln g- for two or three daYB ITCH betore sa1lln.. . ness lIeems to be profitab le tor the Some persons are always seaslq~ chine. ' ~ tl1e~mesnausea. lome ' mild aperien t, prefera bly one no matter how many The clover pollen. unllke that of grower s and Improve s the market VILLAG E voyages thtl)' ,Regard less of the , directio n of the of the lesB arelent bitter waters. The make; otherB have never beell aeaelc}' most plants, is heavy and has a ten· value of farm landll In the neighbo r· wind, the vIctim rush411 to the sIde aea air haa the peculJa dency to adhere to the heart· of the hood of the factorie s. The bY'prod ucts, "rn Dowlals . South Walel, about ftt. r etrect of 1m· and Dever wUl be, no matter how' o()f the ahlp .and glvea uP ' hla laat ,meal. pedlnr the Intestin al funotion blossom . T,he period In which the pulp aDd molasseB, are fed to stock. In. teen years ago. families were strickTears Illl bls eyes and his tace grows persons , and the aperien s ot most stormy the weathe r. May you be on(' pollen can be carried trom one blOB creasln g 'the amount of cattle kept and en wholesa le by a dlseaBe kllown' sa t serves to ot the latter number. .'Whlte and his whole body become l oounter act thla tendenc som to another lasts not longer than fed In the factory dlstrlctl l. the Itoh. ' Believe me, it Is the ' most y. :.cold and ciammy: As lloon al the first terrible disease of Ita kind that I m of dis· Hangin g pain tully to a Btanohlon. comfort strikes )'ou" sympto know or. as It ItcheB all through your retire to . your WORDS OF MASTER OF SATIRE So comple tely does the threshe r man body and 'the sulrerer wots not the pasBage of oabln and lie down-s makes your life an Inferno . tretchln g at full take this job olr our . ha·n ds, that fr& Sleep is 'time nor , care.. ,tor the. ,comhig of lengtb on the coucb. out Lte on your side. George Bernard Shaw at Hie a,at quently only ~lDe man Is left to our feel as If a , of the questio n and youJ ~ternlt,.. He ,Ie pill:alyzed. o'Y,ercom e with your face to the In Answer to Invitati on of crew to check 'up the work done. while attsckln g youmillion mOllqultoeB were (by the pangs of a namelesB. uneatth ly your eyes: It you use wall and close at the same time. [ , any pillow. let Frenchm en. the other two are ' at work oll another knew terror Then ' kind' hands lay hold It be a fiat one, so that your a dozen families that were 110 ' head part of the (In him and Jead him to hla oabln. D}ay not farm. Bow Thr.e Meo aod a Boy Opera te atreoted . he elevated . Then trT to Rodln's Parisian friends gave him • ",hen he lI~s In mOlt abject misery steep S~eIl8{ol1y 160.A~re Farm "The doctors did their best. but luncheo n In reoognl tlon of his pro.. t 0 d II T for perlodB tal'Y,ll!,idro~ 24 hQurB , to t m e e.o G t ve Prevent s Potatoe l Sprouti ng. Should ,thts treatme nt ease YOU and motion to the rank of grand their remedleB were ot no aVlall what- " crOSB ot the length ,of tHe voyage. be ' lt ·slz relieve 10u, give reveren Netahb or a Litt. Consul Genera l Rlohard Guenth er. at ever. Then the families tried a drugt tbanks, and the Legion ot Honor'. G. B. Shaw, <days ()r Blxte'~n. Frankfo rt, reJlor~s that a German pub- gist who w~ noted far and wide for . feITer.t. ' It howove r. nausea develop s. whom the French papers call mere l, (By A HIRED MAN,> Sometim es•. howeve r. nausf:!a doea ",reparo yoursel f tor ' the Ilcatlon , the Practic al Adviser In Fruit his remarka ble cures. People came ","orst of sut; an English humoris t. declined an I~ The owner ot our farm and another Raising and Garden ing, 'Dot develop, and ~18 kind ot al,ClmeSe , fetlnlr and oonsole yoursel state8 that a to him from all parts of the country f with the vltaUon to attend. saying he hlm sel1 man besides myself and a sixteen. new method is deserlb ed by Its victims all' eVBIl thought that "yol1 are (or keeping not potatoe s and tor treatme nt, but his medicin e made the only was already aSBured <'f Immdrta lHy. worse, than ' that In which one rives one" Ilre),ent ing sproutin g 00llsllt8 In pia· matters Btlll worse. aB a last resort as the encyclo pedias \'I'llJ hencefo rtll year·old boy as chore up ,all 'WIthin him. As the , neuseal ed boy and meaclng them on a layor of coke. Doctor they were advised ' catalog ue him: "Shaw. by a friend to 'Use "utrerer s sly' that their torm Is the WllUe the bromide s, obloral. cocaIne . bust by Rodin; otherw he subject ot • senger, r!lrm 160 acres of I",nd and Schiller ot Brunsw ick, wbo haa pub- the CuUcur a Remedi es. I am glad to unknown." tarm It right too. In the spring we lIshed the me thod, Is worso, the questio n Is 'still open ,for cblorofo~.m and other of drugs are useful the opinion tell YOU that atter a rew days' treat. Shaw conclud es: : "To enterta in put four good horseB on a riding plow tliat the discussi on. ; ' . , In oombat1 ng some of the more vic- RodJn ,eems to me Improve d ventilat ion by means me nt with Cuticur a Soap, Ointme ·to be rather pre- or three on the big disk and keep of nt At aU events no pRng known to' ter· !ent sym~toms , of coke Is not alone respons ible for the and Resolve nt. seaslok the effect, \\'aB wonderra firma equats in sheer terror and should b~ taken without ness. none sumptuol,!s. It Is as if Adam. after the them hustling alon.g. We ' harrow result. but believes tbat 'It Is due to ful and , t,he advlcel leven ,days of creatioD "t1ad offered IS mostly, with the result was a perfect oure misery the deBPal~lni, . I~st '8~n~tlon , of tht\ B)l:i'p:1I lIurlepn . tour horses, beoause In the oxidatio n of the cok"" which. how" Vl4riou~ wines snu,lfbox to the Alm"/l~ with ' t4e re. in all cases, this way one man and the team can ever, Is a very slow one. of .tbe 8easr~k. F1rsl" say , th~e~ "ho and U,Q~ora alaa are recomm Coke alway.ll ended by mark: 'My oongrat ul&thns ! It·s quite cover "I may add that my three brotben . know whe~f t'hey Bpeak, the victim ,certain au~or1Uel. bu~ ,.to b~ effectiv e, nicely dorie',' Persons.t.;.. 1 do not dare, men ne~rly a8 much ground as two contain s sulphur . and It Is very posSt· three sisters. myself and , all OUI' tllmand two 'team.s. We hitch two ble' that the minute quantiti barbotB a liQfr!ble ,f ear that he ' ls go- ~hey must, 'Pe, Jak€lQ es of oxld99 Illes have been users ot tbe Cutlcur a In large quanti· but I tru's~ Rodin wnl'm." tIYe you. lie horsee 'to the drill and always use a ot carbon and ~ulpbur, which ·1ng ~o dIe. ~ In the next stage he be- ,ties,. ',l!'l rellef la only 'tempor · already bas much to fotstve hi COUll. two·hor result Remedi es tor fifteen years. Thomas lle riding cultivat or for the from the ' oxidatio n, mixing (lom,e l "pathet ic and doesn't Clare ,a .. aq. the pa~ent 'becoml with the l:Iugb, 1650 West Hur'on St,. Chlcaco.. u,:. gI0~~OU81Y try. DO he must be iI~.8tomed to It corn. plq8~n,fI w,heth~r, he " dl~a 'or notj' In .,, dru!lk : an~ sl~pln!l !/oir ,and penetra tlng among off his When haying tlme oomes ,!e use toeB. are sumclen t greatly the pota· Ill.. June 29. 1909." tlie.~~btrd state be hopes ·that b,e wUl ,to , wn,~e up to .ren~~ed l~un. only by: no~." to retard t,ne.s s , an.d, ) . .. . , a hay 101ldl:!,r and a ~Ide deUvery rake ej,routl ng, Potatoe s , dle,,'an d pr~y~ f.o r surceas e frO~' Ii~' naus,~a .80 treated "ra ' SlIe,need the Critic. ", . . What ,he Wllhed fb Kn~w • . ' , and terlnl. : ',.... , the ha1 f9~k ~lth , the. horse on aald to keep In ,good condltl()n unUI , .'. I ~ ~OiDe :o~eB. howen r, ,.c hampag ue CharleB Sumnep; when in Londcm. " . ' the:-Ilnd of the rope makes ~e Job the (onowln g July,. ~'P.I841s,: tbr;ow .,me ,ovetbo~r~,'! la t~~ \ :Is,, ~al~ . e~~~e , ID , feUe~in ga ve a readY re ply, At, a ,41Imer gty. g, violent . Here. s, an" ~U~e .rJ.t.!1.l s ~~lno , c:om,p ,:!'atlY6ly easy. plea "freQuellt}y urged. uP9D ae.a cap- ,D,a)1Bfa" Q1e· eftect being ', • '" .1n 'Ln his ,. bono'r; he spoke of "the .- - - - - - . - - - due to.ta car, :tit1~ . d~()~ to ~:3\f~ Ubled taiba. bT unh~ppy sutr~rerl, ud ,It>t ~h~ bonle ~~d gas, ' and , SoiDe.tlm es We help (!ut a nel.g hbor Ingredi ;lllheiJ" ent. of ' of 1141ne' dead ,hero. "AShell,! ,Bl!st pract~ca:J17 t~e Fertiliz er •• r~;.. e . er y. - ', a I ~a It ;0 'and, he glv~ us ~ ·.lIt,t later. I notig-e 't lmp J.bey ' rea~IY mean ,I t. , , · , ' ThB highest , ,. agrlcult ural value In ~Vhat 'l\.merlc an En.Hall !" rudely, ' s~me retlult may JJ~ ' ,, : ' : " . , th~t the , ,?Oi8 . .alway.s tak~s cllre of terill1ze rs FblallJ: t~."y.JQtlm' fears ~t he'.,_OJ , ,use ·of ~oda water, ' ob~DecJ by, the " yo~. . ~'Is found In tbolle that are broke In an ElngllslWlan,; "dust ycju ' ', " No. w~~k y~~, replied hIs . Wife I: h1~ own, hay and gniln Dol dle, IU~d 'r!lnp' for .mml! h to eD~ , Belt~ ~l, lay ;,8001e',','s~rzeon first before manufactur~d maln.1~ ,' trom . anlm.iil mean. Mr:· Sumner , We don·t l of ' bUi1L· , h u8»and. How t~ ~?dr;~ }rol1\ll e til be: workll ou~ any ,trad'e~ Someho w, matter. 8uch ' as IIb~ blm to, '1:Ulh ~ ' the !llde and hurl Yalt eQ~rtenC18" ~ ,the, plnu (If permit. animal bone, dried our dead In'" this Qountry." "Yet."-I o' ~e ..brand of , ~orma.~()n 1 m loqldn. ae"m8) 0 ,be IUJII..1f · ID~o' fJle deptllUIIII;J>C8an. , alwatl a little . blood. aDimal tanltage , nitrate of 1041 stantly ~piled Mr. Sumner , with Ii ' Ung the ~DltlaI ~b!Dltlng to ,continu e. , or. ,. out: t,lelghjl on iIO that tills arrang . Bad ~.h·grade potash ·.alt~. Far, betnl a dIlngerOua. alii", C,!.)Urteou8 smile, "your, pt)8t Gra" teUa "I.eI've the patient' ~one I~ mle. " ment 'worD well. Our Iraln II aI· lloa. ho"6'v~..,,U1C1m .U .. beUQcl al elT. f()r a oo,,~1e of ~oJU:a:~ ua th,at 'E'Y.b tn OUI" aabee U,e their MId ODe . Awldln g ""entlc tn. Iva,.. ' staCked , Idtboua )l some or olJr {Ii map, ca.... &lid a larls majorlt t Yetel'lUl to the writer, · "By that. ..,qnted. ftnltl.'· ·T be Americ an ",ae DCIf. ' . ,To Prevent ca..,... t!me, "You look, I"'eet 8nouah to Id...• ae!8bb on throb out of the ftltld. of tra..6lel'l are "lmprcwecf III Ilealth, 'bI. iitomaeih ~l ' be emJ)t7. ,~pel ~Y~ ben prevent ed ulS orltlclse'It, apID that eyelllQ . Tb~' cI" ,'WeU, here II a railway nls IaV" tlin~. but "' our bOH lIieems · cUred by ualng thaD . by .-e ·cOmpl et. .. oU at aaasafr.aa. Pla~ 01 "'~ , WIlIoii ' "What' s t.bat 'CO& to dO , 1rt~ IU'" to tllink tbat wheat-'tl1at PMI tbroup a fewelro ps In the Cood.for pre~DUon • .We'll to ba there .ad a .~t III' the ecack .M,. bett~ 1D UHl for .1I CUre drop don wlDdptpft tralD aoDl.. III I . . . . , OUr threlblI I.·1a dODe bJ ad Umnr 'II . • Di1!I!df Ollj . i D e 4 l c a l o a tJa.ll=~== lIP Db ba Q1I .uabla ' ~OO










,tation.· ·


e .... tmr. '·" .,l:ouua




r ..·..·..·....,·....· ..·..·· ···. ····..·..·..· ·. . . . ·.... ....


SONTROLOFTHE .1,"""'"'' l'EXT .CONGRESS ;~~;:I~~~h~oa:::~:dre::I:to~a;e:;:~ ' or If. prom'.... .n. . .





fr~!er~~~;:,i:!o~~~tf~~;o::u:;~ '

olal oorre8J)Oodente of the Depart. ment': Wheat, estimated area harvested , 1,942,599 aore8 i produot per aore, 16 bushel8. 0&t8, urea 8.8 r eturned by oounty a811e8sors, 1,441957 aore8; produot per aore, 3 bU8hels. Barley, Fall and Spling, produot per aore, 27 bushels. Rye, area 11.8 returned by towIl8hll> II.1SeSSOrs, U,336 Bores i produot per aore, 15 baahel8. . Corn, pr08peot oompared wi'h normal yield, 1 per oent i out up for fodder, 76 per oent. Potatoes, probo.ble totllol yield oompared with o.n average, 70 per oent. Tobaoeo. pr08peot oompand with an average, 75 per oent. Pastures, oonditiQn oompared wUIl au \I., 4 per cen'Apples, pro8peot oompared. with an average, 12 per oent. The figures on wheat produotion tll18 month, ba8ed on the aortiage lUI returned by the township aflSessors, flhow a large InoreBse over the esti. mated arel. as reported 'by the offioial oorrespondents Of. the Depart men t, henoe the total produotion in bushel8 \8 muoh greater thlln W0.8 antioipated in prevloaa reports . The area of oats a8 reported by township asse8sors was 1,4'1,957 aores Bnd from this has been prodlloed~ 4 ,O\)4,054 bU8hels,an average of 38 bu.hels per aore . Thi8 18 Bll Inorease of approXit,nately 5.000,000 bU8hel8 over last year'8 harvest. QualUy of the grain i8 up to fall average, 100 per oent . BarJey 8how. an estimated production of 461,165 bU8~e18, while it 1 ~ estimat.ed 995,2Sg bU8hel8 of rye were harvested. 'I'he oorn pr08peot ttl eetima ted 'at 81. per oent ot a normal yield, based upon 35 bU8hels per aore &8 normal, represented by 100 per cent. ';rhe probable yield of pot·aloell 18 estiwltted at but 70 per oent oom pa~ed wUh aD average. 'I'he tobaooo prollpeot al80 .howe a material decllne in oompari8on witb last year . Apple prospeot 18 88tima&e~ at 62 per oent. oompared with an averap-, Late rains have greatly benefUed pa8ture .


Liverites Prevents .SerioDs,Sickness

ILIV' E-RITE' S·' ~I_'

. pledaes, I have no helitatlon In urg· Llvertte. for a Cold, Backache aIld Weak Liver' or Kleine),". , ...-.-_ .. - ..-••••• , ... . l ing all who are In fa\'or of partorm' l ance of tbe remaining pledges, who Mre. B~ach ' '11'88 8tartlng on a tr1p I ur' favor of progroaa. In favor ot luddenly In July of lut year. Sb~ Prevention .. ~ . . them i. keep the An ounee of worth a pound . ouae rtW.dy ' PI~ conservation. In favor of I went downtown to get a ready-made of cure. . or use. , '0, In r;overn ment. In favor or I'ucht-welght tallor suit. Her husband'a . I the ju 'egulatlon of railways and of parting words, like the parting worda ,nter,tat. commerc~ ·orporatlons. In ' of all good husbands In Ute altua· Prepared from Pure Native Herb•• .they Cleanae the S,.te....d fayor of a bureau of bealth, In favor tlons. had been : "Now, set something Purify the Blood and thu. PREVENT SERIOUS .SICKNESs. of a proper limitation of the power &'OOd. Mar~aret, something ..worth of equitable Injunction. and who are whUe. Don t \1'1 to fIOOnomllel . In fuor of mealurea to promote the But every woman will underetand bow Mra. Beach, when PUlling a winQUlltion IOj Not What Complexion of merchant marine engaged In foreign daw, laW a pink Unen ooat and Ildrt Republ ic:. nilm One Prefel'l. but service. to vote !.or the Republican marked down to U6, ahe feU a viocilndldat. for congres8 In order ll:lat tim. It wu of exoellent cut and Whe .. ··r It 18 Better to Have their w\lIb tor all lhls progressive much reduc~ from Ita ort~al coat. pu l _~nl Control Legillation er legislation may be grllllHl'd. It w. . .umolontly heavy few IUmmer Inable Democrat. to Carry Out "In cloBln, It may not be InappToTherefore It lleemed toolllh Demoora"c Princ:ipili. prlate for mil to luvlte your attention to her to apend or more for a and that of all tbose en.gaged In ad- oloth 1Il1Jt. 80 she bougbt tho ptnk Th. tollowilla I.tter Sa In reply to. vooaUnK the Republican cause In Itbe l1Den. communlcaUon from National Ohalr- coming 8lectlon, to tbe tact that It Is BellCh'a expretlalon wu one of downmaD MelOnI.,. uklD, the pr••ldAt ot the utmoat ~mportan~e to make I1cht d1quat when abe .ahowed her thte a campaign of education as to purchue to blm. "I told you to ret to stve tbe reuon. wbleb .hould 1_a4 tacta aud to clear away the clo'Jds ot aomethlD, P>Od." he objected. "And vot•• 0 out their ballotllor Repu~ mlareprosentatlon that have ob8()ured J'OU oome bome with that!" Ite.. candidate. for coacr•• a In tile the reol IS8uei and have made It dim"Now. Henryl" lald his wife. '1t cult to lecure tor the Republican rna.- that lm't the man of tt! If I blEd told comt., el..:tlenl jorillea ID congresii the real credit TaU I paid ,60 tor tho suit Instead ot "fte QueaUon 11 _ot,",/wrlte. tile • ue them trom the country tor the $16 you would have tbought It was tr.melldoua task they have !lccom- loYelyl That's all a man knows' about prelld.nt. "wlaat compluloa of R. pllahed. U thll I. brourbt clearly tM value of th.lnga- be just judges publlcaaJ.m one prefers, 'but wbether hOOle tel all voters, and eapeclally to by the coat! And you don't seom to It la bet.... for tile coun\r7 tel han the young men now voting for the .pprectate my economy " th. -...abUcaD party co_trol 1.11.1.. tll'lt time, and they become 1m- "You'll be lOrry you bought a linen ~re.aed, a. tbey ourbt to be by tbls lulU" inslated Beach. stubbornly. Hon for the Den two year. ant fur- record, . wltb tbe dUrerence tn the ""You mark my wordl!" th.r ndeem Ita PI'Omlae.. or to en- ,overnmental efficiency and capacity Th..e being his 8entlmenta, Mra. abl. a Democratic majorit,. 1_ tile of tbe Republican and Democratic Beach Deftr told him how one week boUle eltb.r to Interpoee a ,..~ to partiea, they will enroll theml.lvel after her arrtval at bel' hostesl' she Republican Dlelllur.. or to formulat. with the party of conltruction and lOt automoblle ifreaSe on her Bult .and. progr... rather than with the party ~ to have tt dry cleaned at a cost &lid pau · bUlB to carr,. out Demo- of obetruotlo" ·-and negation, and the at '1.60. The first Ume she· wore It u:atic Prlllciplee." . r..ulUn, legislation ot tbe Slxty·see- after that the aun faded It tearfully Until November tat we ond con,re811 wi11 vindicate tbelr and In streaks. Dlff.,.nc•• 8hould •• FOl'lotten. will make the tol- l "It mUlt be due to aomethlng they choice. '· Ia.. bun Ilnn durin • . "Sincerely youra, ulled to clMDlng tt," condoled her lowing good f'b e pnl1m1Dar)' CUYlol8ea jUllt eaded "WILLIAM H. TAFT. boetelia. "You CAll hue It dIpped. t~ tlae dUferonce. between Republlthouah." "Beverly. Mall" Au,. 20. 1910. proposition 80 MrII. Beach bad the UDen sutt ( ani; but 10 the election 8uch diller"HOl(. WILLIAM B. MoKlNLIiIJ, . coloNd Itl orlgtnal roee pink. That .. nee. ,laould b. forlOtten. Dller- "Cb.lrm.. Republican National Com- coat ber '11.60. She wore It In fear .neel .wlthln · th. pt.tty were manl· mltte., 11S3 Broadway, N.w York and trembUng thereafter. Before ahe I Delineator one $1.00 returned .bome she h8d tt cl~ Cit,.." fl>stud In the two &ellliou of the ".pu.llcan. In the elxth dl.trlot ap1n. She wanted Beach to aee that p Jat C:O.IfI'~. and ,..t tD 1.50 E~erybociT8 " " j. ~~17 h.. the Republic.. party aheuld f.llow th., advl!l. of the p .... I. It bad worn well and Watt In perfect Miami Gazette ." !Ira. . Beach wu In the poll1.00 become reepoulbl_ for ...nt an.. .ot. th.,,. tlok.t without • order. Uon ot one keeping up a tront before , . . • • • •1fUl . .4 progrealve leg· ea,.atota, f.,. the Demooratlo oandl· the world. Not for anytblDg would Iaiatloa. 80, whUe ~uea . will doubt· d.t.. Mr. ~.nver, who la e.eklng a .he let Henry Beacb know 'tbat little Total all three $3.50 I........ betw..a memben of a Reo third term. h.a follow.1II the· doubta and recreta were .bqlnnlDS to oratl. le.d.r In the hOIl.. of ... p .... \Ulall her. She felt that sbe loathed J"'Ueaa majority .. to the detaJ.l . of . the pink UDell BUtt. but s.h e ba,d . to furth.r l_lIIlaUo~ the put,; ... ..ntaUv.. an" vot" .g.'nl' .v• .., 4luemble. Wben fall came and abe w..,... wUl lIbew ' . .If ~tlie future, m...u... p ... poe.~ by a ReRubllcan oou14 lay It aside with good grace abe . .. ID .... PM.. 'prae~ an4 pat"" ,Nlld.nt and the R.publlcan party. tl_n4 a IIch.Df relief. TblII .1UIUDer when abe cot the eult etie Ia nbordlaaUq lDdI.ldual opt... out apIn lIbe tOUDd It?'u all ItreUed to.. Ia oNer to HCW'. Jrosrnl. tIom lytq' PMbd away. She wu Iur·H..... It Ie Im,.-rtant that · aft.r the '"JUlK .It In teara wbeD ber beet JUT, THBlRIli'ORIl, bu a ...,..b"..n .-ngl'l.. l.n.1 c.ndldatea . "IWP"bUo.. who bell,vl!' frten4 oaUed. ....,. ..... 4 ..1, aM falrty cho•• n, .11 . In proteatloa bllt objectl . "lIT soOcln""" laid the beet Mend . --~-----.~--~.--------~at·. nothing! JUBt boll It out .............. who NII.v. In . the' party ·to IIOme rat.. or !lchedlll.. In' How Much Will You Pay wblter Tou can do It •• O88y as not ki.h"ve yoar eye8 oured; Muther. , ......,... .. lleal.rod· In Ita ~.tlenal the pre..lll tart. act to hope It yOU put cream of tartar I.n the land's Engle Eyel::iulve only oost8 250 -pi...."'" ., , . . lfleutd give the oanfQr fNID a DemocraUc ml,Jorlty water I " . ........ 1e,.1 a.,,, "BOttv••upport. If wbleh, If allowed Itl wa1, -..oul4 and will OLir" Good tor nothing Ho~ onoe! more Ipronr up In Mra. but the eye8 tIIIII II toa. tlMin· wUl be ' no dollbt attack th_ protectlv. B),.tem, Beach'. bruat. The fatal ault wu ." .... halt lIu.lneu by a ·threat. _f a Ntua 'or • "pu,"can .ajoreDed remlon of the whole tarUf" put ,Into the wuh boller iLDa boiled. It,." " EXILED BUCKET !'or lOme reaaon It retuaed to f~e 'a,. k il'ahh. - n ••aIM "ula, or it prevltllt· out nicely. It was white In lOme e4 II, the lloute or tile 8_ecuIt oan't l>e pos'sible .~ that th.i8 new placee aDd then -It ahaded Into dl. - "TIe ..., alte~.., II . , De.. wowd mer..l,. QOthlll.l? ~ , blnts of pink UDeipectedly law affecting drinking oope. and - .raUo' ..sertt,.. It.. .......( ••.,. "Iuoil a leci81atlT. prolr&m around heml aDd edgell. . dUDoult. to ·.... all the piiDcl,.ea .. t'" eet torth ha .the Reother reoeptaoles really aboliebe8 8ettlDa her teeth. MI'II. Beacb car- tbe "old o"ken buoket I" It 18 true, ui~ wnN ..._ra nell a :maJ~" la pu"Uoul .atloa~ plaUorm of ried the .ult to a cleanIng and dyelnr 'ta l....aU.. ~; aDd tJlIa ' b,e1811 ·could Dot/be carried out of oooree, thl\t to several towns of ••tabU.hment and told ber troubles. ...... Ita put,. platformo !la.e Ilre· Ia' tull b,. ou congreaa. Cer"H'hr" said the cleaniD« and.dyelnr 'be 8tate the 'well and its baoket , ••tet a nrtet,. 01 plaDb Dot altotalal,. If all Itl promt.. are elt· man. "Ot cou"e. madam, we . could are still in poblio 088, and a mBn Ketl.r eoDIIIt.eato &ad beo.lI.. III 'eoated lD admlnietraUon, I~ fade that'out for JOU a perfect wblt~ with an In(Jrdin~te tbirst prefer. the pnaeat eoa.,ea l_tnK DemowID be wltbln proper time. Tbe DOthlDs 11 Imponlble to ue with our .n•• Ia the ..aate .... the 'ouae ·p....ent ,con..reil.l ~bae not. only I1Iptmor ' metbods-but why not dye the buoket to the tiD oup that gen.... ... ......ted .. "PllcUat~ eerfllUmecl me,. party pled,e .. but · Itt A pretty blue, for lDstance? Blue erally aooompanle~ it . But for sen. tala of ...... partr pJe4s- an4 to it bu by ItS coura. .et hl,her la Te.,. BtyUah thl8 8ummer and-" . ,Imen\'e s"ke AOlnebody shoold •••, ~ ItlD41q uaraoter. We tbe ataiulard ot puty re.pon81. "All rll'ht," IIald Mrs. Beach, catch· ba ve been 8hrewd enough when 'he , . . , .. nuonabl,. . . . . .,, b~Uty for luch pled,el th~ , ever In, deePeratelY at' tbe. eU8l'eetlOn. l"w W~8 enaoted to exempt ~he wellthat • l>elbocratlc ma,t.rlty t. , the berore la the blBtory of Amerl· "Dye It blue. Maybe that . would be, lNtae ,,01lld reject the IkpubllcaD I can partl... Hereatter thOle better tb&n ba~, It white, boca. . .Wtl8p from the 0lut-ohe8 ot 801entlfio teotrtae of protoCUen' .. annollDcei who wowd catch voter. by dec· progres8. Bail to thedi~ppear~Dco It WOll·t Jet .olled 10 eaatly." .. 190'" . lanUon8 In favor of &llurln, ''It will be two-ftftY,"' Bald the man ,of th~' pubUo drinking . oop, · b~t. . ....,.. th erefore, hu a R.pultlieu remedial lelislatlon wilt not blandly. '"l'bank you'" 'I' '. • , ~ hi protection but obj.cts make them exc'e pt with much ".weeps I I for the exiled oak buoket' The eutt really looked qulte nice ~ .. : .. .. . • I ~ tI 1'1' 8cbedulea In the more car. u to the po.albUlty -Lowell Coorier . wben It came bome. loire. Beacb t. . ... .... rc·t 10 hope tor trom a of Ita enactment. In view of the ----------~.~ , abowed It to ber .bueband in a little 'llo6 I'. 'I ' " V wl'trh. It allow· hl.tory ot the' present conlrelB, ~f You Have · Any Doubt U .... triumph.,. "You llee. (t was rood linen " '. I 1( f e protecthe return ot a Republican matotd him. "It'a jUlt of the merit of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar. _ ... .' ' . 1' , . ,,'''~'~ by II Jority In the next congre•• m'a y ' to atart-with," Uke another new suit thll year-and. HODey one bottle will .remove .thllt · f" \. .,. . , .... " "Ir· well IlIaplre conftdence that the doubt and . yoor oough at the IIlme .= .,. ", pledsel atill unredeemed will be , all tor '1111" time. Look'tor the bell on the bot111 tilt' .~ ",., -. ,' . met' and .atlsfted.'·' -Pre.ldent By September 1 MrII. Beacb bad bad tIe. It is the genniD~. .erel.> ' .. . ~. Taft, Aua. 20. 1910. the BUlt "dipped" twJo~ agaln and • ____ . ' . l\. ' .. " J-ru T.ylor II • Republican,' took cleaned once. mt-en 'thoulJh It "In vl~ ., I V "'. R; De"~.r I. a D.moo ..... 'J)er Jut penny abe would not admit ".. Soaplude on the eea. ' .' ...ucan ' . "-,(,, , _; , ; n.' all-He la • can" to HenrY Beach that the Bult was a It II in order 'to vary ·. tlie phrue • . I. ~ ~... .....' ~. . . . ~ third term. hoodoo. . To keep ' It 100klnIJ nice be- " ~ourlng oU on troubled ' water," b,. ~~ came .. mania wIth ber. .ubllUtuttng the word "!SO~PSUds" tor '. . . ...""''"~~ ~ r ~;.. !',.,oe The other day ahe took a i>enel~and 011. ~perlmentsl have. Ibown · that' . . bepn ftsurlng and dlacovered that be- lIO.peud~ wUl ' redUce , a Ilea ~08t · III .• aldee the original cost of the · suit she well 'as ' 011_ : . bad epent exactly '14.60 lD ."dyelns and . The ftrst trial waa·. ,made on a cle~, and dtpplng. And then there frelgbter tn a storm on the AtlanUo. 11''' the mental atraln be'sldee. A large . quantity of 8Qap and ·water . . Mra. Beacb bu given the eult away was' dlachargel1 over the bow, arid Ita '1' to ber laundresa and at preeent I. ne- etreot nearly In8't autaneous, the IOU.Un. for the making of a new hlsht ot the waves being . so dlmlnbroadolpth ·.utt at ,96. She tblnks Ittllhed .that. the .:vess,e l cOu~ 119 IIUUI~ .' wlll be cheaper In the. end. . . lased ~.sthout· .dl~~!1ltr- .' . .. ,. . .. . . . Tb~ s~amer. ~n~~ stru~ by • TheV eta...... 'at ,Iquall. 10 the. Atlantic. uBed soap and # ,_w U water with the slUDe felUlt. SIlt ' . A Chl~ ~ker' p,l/U!n~ to take poundl of .oap ,w ere .Ue.oIYed hi two '. 4> ' . bla tamu, td milrope, but the .• 8on, eight ·oJ water; thl8 ':lIOlutlon wben ..tott04~.~· ~~.O.D.~O .' yearll 014, retus·ed " to · leave . bla do8 .clt1pped Oyer 't be" bO-w lIiadit~· a· q'utet" · .:. , . ~ .. . • behlnct A. no dog could be taken n~ "pace about, lO' 7.ard~ wide, pre~entln. "HENCE II I" I I th I ft btl' C ....01 ·· i lIOn could .b, take.n. , AB .no .• son ~Uld ·the ·.ea trOm : brea.~~ ·o~er the ~ 'PU ~In 0II1---,, :, ~ t.u en: ~e mother wouldn·t.gQ; tbe \'0 &OY 'cODslderable ex_t. ·· '. _ ~ ~osen, 'fath~r declde.~, to ~taY at bome. - ~J1at . '. .'" . '......::. .. ' .. ,::' __ b ....11 . I th . '" ~ i I d . dps ~bt to ·be ·Proud·· to . Jmo, ' that \ ' ::: II . -.plf!l ..... W 0 "" IV. DanV 1IJI-wi_C D •••~.. he "Pia the wbpJ~ f!UDUy . . sO~e folb' . " :::' ...~ II ... 1908 ~should :: ~v" 11" . ;... I .0u14 bare 1~ft.1l1m WI~ the.~k aDd ".~ me"ol1.e~, murd~rer' Ie .Ap~nc'il. ::: , r . , . '::: ' ti lidette , ..6·.V . · 'UP~""i . If I"t. :.. . ~ ,·ne. , ~t him bo,,1 &"1'&7. ' oma ",Itll' IJllLny vlotimll. Bo' D*,. ' . :::' . I" J /~' ' , ~ ....... ... U'. .' . . Kt'D I'S New L$f~ PiUlt kill U' by pre. .. :;: '. '. . . .. . . . , . . . . . 10 relUl'II of a.publlca·. . .'P rom ttl. Pa'. lid.. . nOSioD. Tliey 181ltJ.y·_' .11DUl8~ , ::; . , _ . . ....... ... . . I ..... nt T' ft a.. 20 191 A: "She doea't lmoir wbere ~e ball)' JtomaOh, ltve... and &owel., pteV81lt.:. ' ·~';':(o!-:':b:.:.:".:oOt:.:.:.~·o!.·.·.·...:«.·.:~~~~·t>~·.::.~.oOt»».'*= · ,-.., ~ .............. .. a , .. ~ , ~ , WteDlperfl'om... '1 1lithatolOilliDlthaUllVlteeaPu.. · . . -, ' ! '~"' ..... . . . . . . . ', ' , . I i .. .... _, "TIaat'••- ' " I I . ~ plCItIl- dtatUa, oUrIal OO~.&ipatioa.


the Democrats Wou:d Be I Blow to the Nation.




........ aD'



Do You Read?

Listen! .


.All fOfonly $2.50 Bear in .mind this offer i. good for only

.- -----------

DeMe.,... •....




30 llays







> ' ,h!"·.





"Rigllt .Away •





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. .' s ...., n. a er a ... been d..fy and 'fairly 11""_ n • l.tI.lar p'llfon.. ." ,

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len au »Iaoa tkal 1IWt7 • a J.,.".

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a.a. .

,or ftQOIIiIo aoh8, Btliouaa.... Ohm., ' JIo a, '. I'red 0 1Soh"'~ '-.




.•.M_.f\~. 1 .~ETT£..•· . :







.A.n enormo us numbe r of abe.ep are Conseq uently M,n From the Country Had Little Us e for City comIng Into the Union Stock Yards. Methods. Chlcngo, which are being sent there by \Vester n '"raze rs on a ccount of Tb benches In tbe ~ '.aJUng room! the scarcity of teed In that section of the country , and ·wblch must be at the Union depot'ln Ka nSlls CIty are used tor other purpose s than to rest 101£1 at buyers' prices. on by traveler s, the Kansas City Star The states ot MichIgan . Ohio, In· enlighte ns us. At e"ery midnigh t tbe CAPTURE OF FORT JOHNSON di ana nnd lUlnols, are well provldecJ ma!ds clean out the rooms, , Tbey do with good feed a nd an oppor tunit y of not forget to poke under the benches Sergean t Oronpe ck Tells How Expe. thi s kind, If offered by one or the for strny bundles left by trusting ~reat dry goods houses or departm ent dltlon Surrend ered on Parapet a traveler!!. stores ot Cblcago . would deplete threeat Ja mes Island. Som etimes, after Interval s. the travquarter s at the bomes of tbat city of elers r turn to claim their property . , think congres s wonld pass the ex· Its womenk lnd Inside of balt an bour Some time ago a red cap at the depot prison rs' bill In a hurry if th legis' atter tbo notice appeare d. All they saw a man In Il linen duster, Il fe lt hat Galena. Kans. - .. A year ago last lator s lind a fair con eptlon of tho would want would be time enough to and the mann er of one who bnd spent March I fell, and II. few afterl rebel prisons d tirin g the war. I en· throw a few clothes over tbem; some hi s life In 11 sec luded part ot the there was sorenes s In my days right side. : IIstell ptemb r ] 9, 1861, and was wouldn 't even stop to put "rats" In Ozarks ge t down on bls knees nnd In a abort time a bunch came and iii dischar ge(] M:\)' 2, 1 65, wIth but one th eir hair, thousan ds would forg et peer carefully unde r severaJ of the bothere d me so much at night I eoulclJ not sleep. It kept! enlls Lme nt. ')'hey were around In the th e "powde r," none would stop to benches. growin g larger nnd wlnltl r of l S63·C4 re-e nli stlng me n nnd "paint," but every "ratber 's dnugh· "Lost anythin g, mister? " the red cap by fa ll it was as paying $400 boun ty, but I - th ought te r" of them would make a "n" line qu /' ried. large as a ben's egg. If J stayed In th e army Ulrefl years to hubbies ' pants. and extract the re"Wall. no. sonny. not 'zactly. I left I could not go to nnd did my duty I would get my from without leave, license or can· a pair of ru hb ers here lust January bed withou t a hola share, so 1 did not r e-enll st. and on sent, all tbat therein was to be found wh en J was on tbe way tew Empore y . water bottle applied In the shape at cash, and then tum· Jlll y 3, 18(\4. 1 wus talt n prisone r on Hllln't see n nuth ln' ot 'em, bave you!" to that side. I had one of the best doc. Tbe red cap explnln ed that be th e parap ts of Fort Jobns on at Jll.mes ble over each other to be first on the spot. tors in Kansas and hadn't, and, moreov er, tbat the room IBlo.nd ,wrltcs Sergt. Leande r Oronpo ck . he told my husban d Lols at these women woul d buy had been clean Compa ny F , I~\(ty·se cond Pennsyl · ed out several dozen that! would have to much more than t hey required, and times s in ce last January "o.nla, In Nationa l Tribune . . be operate d on a8 it "Wel\, I swan," replied Ule traveler , ~:...u..-'-".L-.:..u.~... wa8 someth ing llk.& An expedItion started from TIutJ,el'Y wo uld quietly hold over their pu~ Chatfi eld, on the low I' pa rt of Morris chases until the close of the sale, Rnt! blinking and sU'oklng bls beard. "The a tnmor caused by a rupture . I wrote· then let loose their surplus stock up- cl,t)' me thods do beat to you for advice and you told me DO" I sIll.n~, me." ompose d or 67 elght·oa red on their less wide aWIlI(e friends , and ~ get discour aged but to take Ly~ boats, cal\ed surfboa ts, for the capture B. Pinkha m's Vegeta ble Compound.. of Ute fort. We had to row again st tbe r eap thereby a harvest of "shecke ls" FaIr Play. which we may take tor granted would One of tile hardest thIngs to wash 1 did take it and soon tile lump in m7 tide, and were not able to land until be side brOke and at once returne d to the trouser Is a mechan Jc's shi nway." -Mra. rt. It accumu lates R. R. Hm:y, 713 iti~ed daybrea k . As soon as the r ebels dis· eral Ave., Galena ., pockets of theIr husband s whJle those dust and grime and grense. naturall y, Kans. cover d wbat we were doing they gentlem Lydia E. Pinkha m's Vegeta ble Com,.. OJ) ned up on us. and they made an womnn en sUll slept. 'l'bat Is the and the effort to get that dust and of It. grime and grea.s e out wllh ordinar y pound. made from roots and herb~ o.\vful racket. Thc expedit ion was com· Let us take a lesson fTom ber soap Is someth ing posed of nil of the men fit for duty -01 thrifty tremend ous. "Easy has proved to be the most 8uceell~ and honest example . Extract · Tnsk Soap:' remedy curing the worst forms 0 the Fifty·se cond Pennsyl vania, tbe Ing howeve r. does bolt the female for from the pockets of a slumberl.n~ work for you ma, ng displac ements . and makes the other Inflamm ation.includi On e Hundre d and TwentY 'I\Ix,tb N ew spouse, under fibroid tumors irregn. 8uoh circums tances Is balf easier. Its duty Is to get after larities. periodi c pains, backach e, hear. J ersey and a few from the Third not robbery , Rhode Island heavy artillery . Seven more than It Is only borrowi ng, and the dJrt and take It out. You don't lng-dow n feeling, flatulen cy, indige.. tbat. It Is borrowi n g on have to rub and scrub over the tUb. . tion, IUld nervou s prostra tion. boats wen ~ ack and left us. \Ve account of that It costl first toolt Brooks' ba ttery, which was femal e charact most beauti ful of all Tell your grocer you want it Five but a trifle to try It, and the resul' eristics - thougbt ful cents a cakc--s ame bas been worth millioD l to man, price as poor near to the sbore on James Island, conside ration- She 8lI1fertng women . and tben went for Fort John son, di sturb the peacefu did not wish to s oaps. l rest of her sofUy IflOU WBBt specia l advice write which was an earth fort. We bad to Ileeplng consort . A Questlq n. fori to~II'8,PinkbamlLynn,MBsllo , go through Ii marsh betwRen the forta Vera (eight Sheep feeding at thls particu lar years old) -What does It is free and always ncl!)fu l. at about an eighth mile. time, and after the season of West- transatl antic mean. mother? . torms' llnrt ot Its compOSition, erected, The comma nder of' tbe expedit ion ern drought . just Mother--AcrOSB the Atlantic , experie ~;ll it hap{l e n ~, to Ute lady as well at, was 01. Henry M . Hoyt of our regl· most profitab le to those nced, will be course; but you musn't bother me. ot \ the lord oC th who are fo~ ' same .name as the he· ment. We fougbt quite Vera- Does "trans" always mean awhile, with tun ate enougb to have the feed, and H~.Po~::aIED rolc Santa Filamen t. wbo b8s juat th ;) r ebels !In one side of the varapet such as have. can In the course ot across! JlBll'8 la.OO, e9JiOj 18.00, tS.60, e(oo,l6. oc. passed a way. and we on tbe otber. We finally got atxty days tum over their Mother- I suppose It does. Now. If WOllEN'8 12060, tS.$3.60. money In Wal an Age of Stilted Period •. on top of the parapet , but the colonol such a saUsfac tory way as you don't stop botherin g me with your lIOYII' 12.00, suo &. la,oo It wtll add The epitaph s Quoted In the guide· SR.W there was not enough of us to take very largely question s 1 sball send you rlgbt to THE BTAND ARD to tbelr hank account s. book have a distinct ive flavor, as If the fort, and he raised his handker FOR 30 YEARS There Is nothing In sight at the bed. They ani abioll1tely the they were some special brand manu· chief upon his sword and we surren, present . Vera (after a few ' mlnuteB momen ' silence) t, that offers moat popularllld be,tahoe, Ii better !!lctured fol' the abbey_ Tbe old kings dered. I did not know until then that and safer I.nvestroent than the J)U~ -The n does transpa rent mean a crOSB for the price in America. In the splendId old tombs need no in· th~, rest of the expedit ion had gone chase Tbeyare tbe leaders everyparent ?-ldeas . of these sheep, tn nuntber s that where because tb~y hold sorlptlo n, and )Jave none, but as the back and left liS. for I did each buyer can accomm odate, and not look their Ibape, fit better. -archlt ctural merIt of the tombs de· bllCk after we landed until then ern or 'I'ouoo. 1 nothIng that offera so speedy and 80 BrAn or Omo look better and wear lan. LUCAa CoU""" _ r IL creases so does t he verbal decorat ion cer than otbln mllke., We were taken Into Charles ton. and certain a return. Fun J. CII%NflT makes oath thst be II ..m1Or iu crease, and with the monstTouS found few rebel soldie /lartMr 01 the Ilnn J. Ct.flln't • CO .• dolDC - Tiley are positively tbe bUllI__ In tbe Ityor01F .Toledo, moat econowell CountJl and SIAIe sculptu re of the elgbtee nth century were s ura that It we rs there. We a/Or+MId. and tba. laid linn ,,111 pay the IUm or bad all la nded His Flrlit Leaeon Donllall name In Econom y. ONE UDNDRl-: O nOLLARS lor each and evuy comes t he florid Ilnd overwro ught pe· we could have taken "When I was a very small boy and ~u.'!! gi= ~:c.WlDO' bo Cbarles ton on on tlle·bottOM n ;:;::'~.l!.~~~r:~'t~~~ euted by tho UIO o~ rlods of the epitaph writers. YOII can J uly 4, 1864, as easy TAK. NO .. a dime looked as IIIlIlOt IUIIPI,. I!'RAN'K J . OHENEY . almost tell the date ot any Individu al taken to AndersoDvUle not. We were Jobn H. Fatle)"pretty big to me. 1 met S .... rn to belore mo and oub.. rlbt'd 10 my PIUODOC\. -who hnd always been In a tew days, W.La specime n by tbe lIterBry style. His· lind were there 5th clay 01 December , A. D .. 1886. three or four months. Mf good frlend-< ln the street one &his "- ~ J tory records, I believe, tbat tbe mor· Ou.r s was the IIIAL . A. W. OLJ;!ASO! f, nlnety·n lnth detach· June day," says Frank Harris. 1 __ NOTARY PUBLIC. als of the eightee nth century were ment. 't 'Frank: he sajd, 'the Fourth ot Hall" catarrb CUn II taken Internally and acta t\E of tbe saddest things In life. anrtbln g but above reproac I wlU not say anythin g about ' the July Is coming soon. You'll waut dlreetly upon the blood ""d mucoWl .urlAeet 01 tile perhaps . Is the sight ()r an, la nd •. but It Westmi nster b - tn Eng· Is to be tao ratlona we got wiNJe- In Anderso nville. some change then. Let me be your ,,~m. 8eod lo r teotlmonlalll. tte\l. • ~m rl()un lourlst In Wesl· ken as the test BolO by all D~l!: ~':.ENEY 4: CO .. Toleclo.·o. that was an age of he- fo r tIley were better Bnd wefe nearly banker unUl then and you'll have Tall. JiaJJ', FamlJy PUla lor eooatlpatlo n. minster obbey. Unconv entlon· roic saints and saintly heroes. Yet 811 cooked Bnd more or them than ra. Bome money for firecrac kers, torpe al as he may be In 11 thousan d tbat tl)ese Quaint old , illiterat e Immigr ants. does. lemona de and pe nuts.' things. the Amerlo on Is 'the most can· not self·dec elved Is hypocri tes were celved while In any other prison, suggest ed by tbe ElJIs Is land records s bow that ot "I emptied 'my pockets Into his hand W e were In Charles ton about a \'ention lll of mort Ills tn his attitude to- closing sentenc e at one of tbe epl· month, and then we 'Were and every day thereaf ter until tbe 62,727 Immigr ants who tlnived here In ward the historic show places of Eu· taphs of a prlod followin taken to Fourth g that of the I turned over to him my small July 12,895; or about 25 per cent. are Florenc e. Our rations til ere were neBr· rope. There Is but one proper waY' to most stilted specime n. "Reader earning ." It s. When tbe dny of days came IIlltefatcs. Illiterac y Is no bar to an Iy all raw, and we had no wood to "lew a monum ent, one proper opinion Hays, " It on perusin Immigr ant to xpress In regard to It. This Is de- a. private Individu g t his tribute to coo ~ wIth. Corhme al was our principa l around I had a fund that enabled me Ically able so long os he appearll physto care for himself . . Only al thou sbould be to celebra te In proper style. while termine d by traditio n and, In the case dispose d to suspect 1.127 persons wbo sought to enter the It many as partial at my or playma tes were flat of. th abbey tho Wnshln gton Irving censure It as diffuse. know tbat It la broke. It was. my first lesson In thrllt, country were barred at this port las' tradltto n Is tbe one that m\lst be re- not panegyr ic, but history." and It was a good one. Hundre ds of month, -New York PreBs. garded. A hundred yean ago Irving Clevela nd people would be glad today establis hed Q residen ce within the True Sentime nt Not Wanting . to testify to the fact tllnt when JOhD itching Pile' ?erman ently Cured by • wa,U the old minster Ilnd proUpon the monum ent of Grace Scott. Jar of Realnol Ointme nt, H. Farley was a friend ot a man or a eeeded to write some very charmin g, wife at Oolonel Scott, boy he was it. trlend Indeed. "-Qleve -· About three weeks since I was sufailleit a little flOrid. prose regnrdl ng the honorab le hOWie ot a membe r of common s. 1814. ferIng agony from Itching piles, I got land Leader. Its archUec ture 'and Its memori als. are engrave d these words: a sample jar of Resinol and after His express ed feeling toVt'ard It was "He that will glv.e my Grae!,! but what with warm water and aPQly- ' one ot revere nce and IlWO and BIelan· ·BABY'S SKIN TORTURE Is hera Ing the Reslnol , I was In a few days . cboly. ot adpifraU on and respect. Now, Must say that death has not this W\lS both correct and natural In "When our, babY....was seven weeks entirely . relieved of the itching and Made only her dear Scott, believe I am perman ently cured. . Irving's time. but tbat , was before the , But vll;tue. worth and old he broke out with what we sweetne ss wid. W. W. Evans, Carrollt on. K;r, co day whon vtsitors crowded tbe aisles thought owere." was heat. but · whlob gradual ly ,. like cattle at tbe berdlng . when the grew worse. Punning . ,Indeed, ' was highly es· We called In a doctor. . Sama With Politica l Pastry. wans were placard ed with hlstruct lons teemed by tbe ancient He lIald It ,waa eczema and from that Teacbe r-Now. Wl1Ile, which would and warning s. ~ven a8 tbe -m otor stanced In the epitapheulogist s. as In· time we doctore d au months with you rather bave, two·slxt hs to Sir James of a pie or busses tbot )loss the door a~e placard · Fullerto n: "He died three of the beat doctors In Atchiso n one-thir d? fuller ot faith e\1 " 'lth advflr\ls ements, and before tban ot fea~; {uller of consola •_ _ _ _ 1 I but he only got His face, head WIIlIe- One-thi rd, miss. youthfu l veriers lined Ull the curious ot pains; tuller of honor tion tban and hands were a solid sore. There tban of Teacher (sarcas Ucally )-You would, , In compan ies ana colleete d a sixpenc e ~Y9." Yet there are ~c;@~~ I was no end to the sullerln g for hJm. chI And wby so? A apiece for persona lly conduct ing them speclm~ns of true an~ Dot wanting ~ I We had to Ue ingenio us seuhis little hands to Wlllle- 'Cause It you cut It Into !fagnll1c eot Albu" through ttie 'toyal ' ,chapels . The at· tlnient•. as that In the .keep 'him from scratch ing. He never Illxths I'll lose more of the juice. 01 be ..tulful nortd'" mospbe re toelay. Indeed. Is not conduc· Mary Kendall , whose case of Mrs. seeues g lvcnb'ee . . Imew what It was to sleep well tram e ..e..,. uew lIubsorlb er to tbe handsom e_' lIln.. Ive to meditat ion and r everent ial ec· ' l.ady Catheri ne Jones ' frlend sblp tor lrated weekly lu the South. Oovulo . eYu7, • the Ume he took the disease untll he was such that Import ant to Mothe r. stailY; the abbey Is as much a -show "she desired that even pbaee of ],'Iorlda lUI) It Ie In ... ble to Ul~ . was cured'. , He kept us awake all tbelr ashes Ezamln e .careful ly every bottle of who are In Florid ... and the tt'Opleej place a8 tbe Albert Memori al or Earl's ~ter dell,.th mlgfit not mil 01 be .. uUful plClUrtlll. Iltorte"'l blalor), IU>4 OABTO RIA. a hollrs be sa1e .dlvlded and of Bure the and remedy night for and his health Court, and. the sad sight rererr~ d to tbere(or~ ordered hersolf current toplcl! to LAna 0 1 Flowe,... wasn't what you would call good. We Snfants and children . and see that It 61 weeJ£s I LOO. peculiar Bend lor sam piC copy. above Is that of the hurried , bllstlln& Interred where she know here to be tbat tried everyth ing bnt the right thing. elcel. THE FLORID A RECORD Beare tlie ~ _H~ ' 8'. - tourists of the twentie th century try· le.n t IndY ' designe d Realt,. DulldlnC oJaClOOn.. We, 1!'IaJ "Finally I got a set of the CuUcur a Signatu re ot Ing to adapt th,emselves to the tradl- ' near Ule grave ot hercne day to rest ~~ beloved IUld reand I am pleased to say In Use For Over 80 STEEL .... RUBBER TId . tlonal pbse of reveren ce and awe cre- tlglol!s ,mother ." and Years . slso the little did not use ali of them unUI he ated by Irving- trying and not' s·uc· fDar~le oradle over ' the We re-rubb er 0)41 The KInd You Have AlwaYs Bought . grave of the 1'88. cured. We have walted a year cbedlng. - channel tired whee» ;' ' . (laughte r of James I .• wbo died at ~al.ed . Hla ndkCtrehlef Upon HII and a to aee It It would return Buggy Tapa, CushWomen In ,the Ministe r. Win by Being Prepare d. ase . of three days. with verses by Sword and We 8urrend ered. but It Deyer haa and t.o-clay his skin ions. Poles, ShaIt., Those who are prepare d for The sugestlo n that Florenc e Night. Susan. Coolldge, which do the and All Kina.. at not wbolly raUon. It was )lTetty flat stun to have Is clear and fair as It possibly could worst are the ones who general ly Ingale be accorde d' the highest bonor lose their pathos ~n 1~lte ret Trimmings, . be. I hope ot tbe Outlcur faqt jWlt a may warmed the save best some up of It. and not a bit of salt known to an Engl1sb man, ' tbat of that they are placard ed BUGa .t. _eo SCHEU ...... _.... COQj. •• QDe else's on the little walll onEls In It. I don't think 1 had a teaspoo nful sufferin g and burial In the abbey. e.lused me to rei- with ~e "Keep Order" and other of Bait tn the 236 days I was in prison. also their pocket- books. John LeaeoD, If You Are a Trlfto Sensitiv e urrect froili tbe Icrap . pl1e' an old signs. bout Ule abe of ~our R0t!8, m.D1 people . Sometim es we got rice or cOWp6aa. uoa Atchillo n St., Atchiso n, Ran., Oct: ·... wear iI1IIaller tahoe. &7 "elDII' AlleD'. !root·E.... guide to the building . ,written In " tone When Abbey Bloom .. imprelS lve. 19,1909 ." Ule ADU..ptlo Powder to &halle Into tbe Roel. We that dill finally llve to out had : tha:t· Irving himself would , have all' 1, curee !l'Ire4, SwolleD. Acblnll' Fed ' aDd . ~nd. m~o1(er, .tbere are U~es ~he~ hnrd1y . enough rations togetkeep ~,ea red and comfort. Just tbe tblD. ror proved. I wanted to find wbat womeli tbe · ~bbey 'dOGs the .. o~e of the breath of Itfe In us. The ' rehels did !i.....IdD. In ne ... . boeD. 8014 e.erJ'wbe... t6c. bav~ , heretof ore been granted this majesty and awer!,galn A Contrad iction, Sample HDt I'BKJ: • .Addle.., Allen S. OImB&ed, the early not provIde any kind of shelters for "Queer.• wasn't It, that water In the IARo7.H , Y. dlstLnctlo~, or tb_t of _ ta~let .01' man- wrltez:a , tell of-of . athat late a1:tefnooo us, ond we sutrru:ed greatly with the ~:~~~~ you ~ent to made the tolks there um~nt ·In thlB nationa l pI,~b,~ of ~epul- perhaps . when 'the ',slght'lIeelng mob cold. I hate to see a thing done by .' " ture; and ' the realons therefor . I diS- bas gon~ .and I "Why, wai it queer?" the JICht baa growD 'dlm ' I hRd a good suit In my knaPllac halvel; If it be right, do it boldly; It coverett tbat tb~lr n"me Was .legion, and ~ fe,l~t but k. lmpTesal"e radianc e .~d I bad sent nearl), aU of the mOl)ey . it Is wrong le~ve It undone. -Gllpln . . "Be~ule, It "'ali well water." but'thn t the' bonor itve~ them, e'~cept ta11a 'from ~be ble rose 111 ' two or three .casel_was far no s'i>e- ; soutl;\ transep t. Tben • window In tlie Lome that I bad receive d at laat PB1 ' TRY MURiN E 'EVE REMED .b~vlng Y .... WIDIIow 'a 8oot~. 1!171"11~ clal ~~rlt of >tb~h~ .own. Their bodlea· to the: JltUe gnI1ery where,n 'climbed day. So' 'my clothing were a~1 rags, for Red, . We.k, Weal'Y. Watery Eyes Ibrcbll4re 1l '"tIIllIC.-.. fIeDU~_e ala. the em. was Yilnter. and 1 had to lie OD anclGm /IAlIIIOD.... ",114 00Il'l- ~. re~ted there or th~ "moJlumen~ w~ glea are dfaplay ed-'llot nuIa.ted J!l7ellds . Murine Doesn't lee thOfJe th~ . ground. I suffered awfnlly . but ' Bmart~~U1e8 lIIye Pain, Druggls ta . ra s~ ~o .them be,c anae tbe1: were tbf! ' abomin ations but to .A. iDan therefro m' probabl y n.ot as Dluch al 80m., few 'WqrdJi uBualli Ban tbe Sell Murin. ,wlvell ,!r ~~llIhters (Jf. thli dlgn!t.ary' charml~g and varied (rain Reme4y , lJtquld, 260, them aa Itof.t he, -Vistas or nave prllioners wltb ncjthlug but a ~p lrt on'; 600. $l.OO. Elye ~ere more. . Murln!, Eye i Salve In or that. olie ,taklng the r~m for no and pOJar, (I' arcbel! 10 slender -that the rebe~s had taken all ·but' tbe shirt. Aseptlo 'l'Clbe., 26e. U.OO. Eye:Bo oka 1nore valle! ~aso~, ~ban that ,he .was I,they aeam to 8W~ and ll1a ,.dnee Free' by Man, . tbe lpouse of aD .IUmab le gentlem an . ;wIth deUcate · dest~Yaulttil , traced Some ot the prl..onerll took t.he cloth· 'and . Marlne. Elye Remec17 Co., Chtcap. havln g got Ing from the dead. , Ji'rO, m . ~orenc e who was for a time orlllDll t of the above tbe nolle ot :ahuf, , church Two ex~Ptlon8 there ; were, the clotta; o~( IIp~-bea l l1n. t~et 'and we were ~ken to LlbbElY lIrison, O'Cou~ l't8d toUl'lat. . Februlu 'y 24, USG. ~ ; ~ee"-tbe one, Je1bl7 LlDd, the otb- you hear" In .the cllamea "Whllt· . the matter '" . and alleJlC!e When I was paroled , at Libbey pn. er Sil~ ~dd01l'. But their tableD lmp~ei.lve atralne "Qold, or *<ImetJa1ua' III DIY. head." of L,arao I eo~l~ not walk aloae, ~d had to of small compar atiYe alia and from the Gnpl'l of • belated "Mult be .. cold, ala mlUl "-Lll)]l la. otpalit . helPed trom t.b. PrinD to the bOjlta wlln. to .thla. or tlJat- 1a4T of the anlS Ind a ran ail COll'I, ....... b1l tbe . .Jamea J ' hajJ beflD at



Cured by LydiaE.Pinkham'il Vegetable Compound






is Clogged up







--- --- -


to .




la Ule

tIla ,






~. ..




4.. •

J• The Greatest Baking Demonstration of the


flJtomOeT. 31st to

Age! .

embeJt 6tb

Immo ore



Don't Miss the WONDERFUL EXHIBI1rION of the ' WALKING CAKE! The Majestic Walking Cake will be Baked in a Majestic Range! , THE MA'J ESTIC IS TIlE· KING OF ·ALL RA.NGES! ,


The :Majestic Outclasses all Others and Has No Competii,o~ in the Rang-e World! we ' will Bake . Biscu'its in ·3' Minutes. 'W e will bake biscuits in the Grat M'~jeltic at this ' Demonstration .w·i th t~e Oven Door Open., •







:ABel' of Ware Free! ~f

you will call at our Store during our MAJE~TIC DEMONSTllATION. WEEK, and ~a1l6w ·qs to show you the many advantages 'and superior qnalitil's of The Gre~i ' and Grand Maj ~' stic Range, and will purchase one ·at the ' regular price, we will give you FREB the. b.eau- . 1iful an~ u~e(ul S~)Uvenir Set ~f Ware .i llustrated in this advertisement. This is'.·made ': '. to match the ·qualit.Y of ' the Majesti~ Range, '. and we' know all. ladies wi" ilee the 'beauty and utility of this set,e$pecially t.hefir~tthtee pieces, whi~h are e.n tirely new and can not 'be ~ad alone by purcbase, except at very high . price. The prices of Majes"ic R1in'g es are the .. , saroe. but we' givp the Set FREEwi"th . each ' Majestic Ran~e ~bough t ' . "


THE I\fA.JE.orrl() E Jt t r a ' Heavy Stamped 1,00 "llUble-

laed K.ttle. oompletc with tover and haDdle tbllt bold. all CO".;.

a .








. '



DURING . THE WEEK · OF THIS DEMONSTRATION ':THE FLORENCE " HOT~BLAST' AIR~TIGHT': ' .', .. .STOVE . WILL - BE ' DEMONSTRATED. ' .~ , . ',: . . . : '. ,.'. : ,< ',' .,


. '









Pulll Irt

L"TTE·• 1~H...........~.. f."f. ••. '-tf~i~ ;· 1Mve~ RANNEY MENDER . oF'MeN1

"") MIA 1''1,


' A". ~

I(i y ILL W'L ' IIlJ.<"illlI, ~)hl(1 ~" 1U1!l~----- _-~ M.\l N . :I'I:;~: I';'I E ' hoo


.---,\I ,LI': \·. 'J'ELlt I'IIQ ' Jo; - CAI.f ___ __





--, . ; H' t P t II. ~ OW .O reven 11eIri ; Distributiol. '

I I I.. CHANI':, I,:cli lol' nlld MllllllJ! ' 1


Hal('i\ \if S ubtlcriplion






H . DAVIS, i>rOfU'Hor Ho,'(lclllturnl D ~pt. , O. Il, U., 'OIUlIlllUlI. . : BV V .

A " .. I"ian t

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nllll YmLr llltrh'lly III "IIV'1I)/' ).. . . . . . . 1. 111 ~ Sl liKh ' 'I,tly . ...... .. . . . .. .. · . . . . ... . .0: ~

Roo te and


In .fi.umun Llf f r utobor Max It. Mato011 . t, 1111 thl' ' ~t'\IUL{e storYI C?f l hnw 'o~.VA nfl7l1'p~" w ho III wln.n ing th"01Ho"'lR~nf lll tl RoweI'Y bllokto ' munllo ,f! Willi 1,1.1 to beoome It pruo- I Moo re 's Range is ·equip cd with :l Glass Ov~n Door. ..iolll "v" ofsoulil. . Thi e n.a bles you t~· see th c rldition of you r food in the Tim' n rri ole O Jl BIJO> wi itl ttl is ptri k- f 'oven wIth 1 11 t op e nIng the door anti cau sing discomfort 3;' i llC{ l)ioture of tbe BI) w ery: "Li/l(ht I -l1oi e, -. blat-li nt, dl8so lute nhand , n, we ll as loss of heat. . l .. l1gbs without Ill ir~h, t·ell rR witbout Mrs . Ror.e r ) th e ac knowledged foremost coo k of th e h oup, tile Jlrlm!!.l · brut·e ill the rn w . j country ) has prepared an Oven Thermometer Guide ex it " a n ever eolllD g biograph of vlce' l sively for Moure )s Ran ge. It gives the time r eq uired a n d pIIlD und t<llIune ri oting ill bectlo oon the heat necessa ry for b aking all different kinds of foo d . fusion ! uoh iH I he Bowery, that 8trtlnge apotheoslFi of the under- I This g ui de to g tiler with Moore's Oven Therworld ruulling through the oenter mometer, m ake s baking an assu re d succeSi of New York's low er East tjide. every time, From 'l'exns to Odorgill, frnni Cllli. . \ (,)rnill t o Onoadll, it is tlle mecotl. uud ultimllte uream or the tramp lmd tbe 'dow n Bnll oute r . ' l'he ro . be 4 neath t,lI u rumblp of th e e levll ted oVllrhOlld, t h fl linn lltlndler Rncl the .E very M or -' s Ran ge is e qu ipped wi th Moore' s 'ontro llcr Damper wea klinl!, ttl!" cl'i mi nll l and t,h e whIch enabl es yo u to kee p unifo rm tempcratme or to co ntrol the prllt'tl tnto, t h e 'roo' 1ll1l1l IInll t.lH1 hent. I t g-ives y O \l pract ica ll y t he ,'{lIlle c nt ro l f ;' our ranl,!'e ove n us 'wILlt e "IIl \'or' j iJt' tl a cm .. ullot hl) r ou' you would have of a gas oven, besides stl vi'ng considerable fu el • thtl JJll vC lI1 Anr . .llImnuHl Hille by side art! t,;lI lDblin~ h'/U,,"M IIn cl che1p tllwdry t'h'1P to t.eltlpt the Idle Moore'S Range can be run 00 coal eost-ing fully two-thirds We havell't roo m here to toll YOlI all about the ~ew aluml· Eve r.ywhtl !,tl-ulwnYII, .. b1.1ll I P,lWU less than coal necessury for other rrmgtos. It burns up rill n,ized ven, th ' ~I oo re lUnged Top, the Moore Anti ·Score shops wh Hro 'no qlleRt ions lirAnsked' the smoke, soot'and gas, besid s m a kin g the fuel last 00 - \ Cvver, or the dozens of mht!f superior fe atures of the Moore sidernbly longer, a nd with the saving du e t the controll r Range. woit grimly besid" the gltUBrlng damp r, Moore's Runge redu ces th e fll ·1 expense ('vcr one· Ca ll and let li S show you this won derful range nowlin e (,fthl'! donee b,,1I, t,h e 'clive ' half. while OUI' stock is c .m plutc, Moor. '. Ranllu can 6. had in either Cad Iron or Steel ",nel lib!' Raloon. Within t.ll e ruoge Moore's of its ra )1e, wll;l kin g (111'1 trio light!! Stoves flourisbeR every form of d llro.vitv Always nd orlmtl the bmin of ~i"torted Please mll.ukmd blls been ubla to coojurtl up. And at, the slime time io the I._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~.I---------------• • • • • • • • • • • •tbiok of all, flourisbes Dave H.unney,l" INDIAN COAL LANDS FIRE TRESPASSING silver of souls-mender of mtln . WALTER MCOLURE, ~ ---Roughly spellkiDg, there are ubout In on /lotion for fire trespll s on Reaching the Top. thirty thonsand Choot",w and. Uhlok . Funeral Djret:tor. t h e Bluok H illa NdloDl\1 Fores t In any olllling ot lifE', demands a vlg asaw men, women, and ohlldren In. brought by the Unitedf:ltates llgain st orous body and a keen brllin. With. terested ID tile seg regl\ted 001\1 fie lds, 'he .Missouri River und Northwest out hrnlt,h there is no success Bul and the fields are regurded &S prnc. Telephone day or nlsht. ern Rnilr oad , the jury h ilS aWllrderl Eleotrio Bltte r8 Is tbe grea~e8t V l,Uey phone No.1, IADir 8ealth Builder the world hll8 ever tioally of controlling huportan06 in d(Lmages to tbe government n ot on Distanoe No. 69-~r-, known, It oompel8 perteot 'aotlon the soft ooul oommerce of the South· ly for t·he loss of Dierohuntable tim · of stnma'oh, liver, kldnevs, bowels, west, Wit·h this splendid estate in ber b~t also for the destrnctlon of puritlell Bud enrl04es the blood, full view, and Il li vely seose lu the W AVNESVILLE, OHIO • tODesand invigorlltes the whole s YII. mind ot every 100:1.1 s peoulator tllat unmerc.h~ntable young g rowtb tem and enllbles you to IItllnd the This la g rd d b G t re u e y overnmen Branch Office, Harve7nbu'rc. wellr and tear of your daily work . it he does not get a plI.rt of it 80me "After months of l!ufferlng from rival will, the present sOflndal is l offiol!!.ls as establishing a very im KIdney 'l'rouble," writes W. M probably oolv one of ma.ny to whioh I porta.~t precedent. So tn.r as Is


8 c ds are oarrl ed In fa rm The roots and underto , ground 9t~ms of the anada thistle, Itt.! ullI 'IK Lo :IIIH. uhu:k tQ(~Il, \lcr II lie . CluKslllcu .'018. lIot 1.0 XI·Utul flvo IInu~ 2 ~ horlle nettle, pea vine and all weeds 'I'/t roo Itlli9rtlony. . . . . . .. .. . .. . that lipread from tbeBe parle a( e 8cat· ('lti tultrlll.• , fi ve In"'I ~1I freo , o,'or Ih u lu ~ ' Il8, Iltlr lIull .... . ... . . . .. . . I\( tered eIclullvely by the culUvl;\tln" Citro of thnnk. . . . . . . ... . . . . , .. .. .. . . !~ tools. The bulbi of wild garlic K .J8olu Llou'" .. . .• . , .... .. , ........ , ., • l:Ioc lnl~ ole. whom c l'UIlfO Is IIIUUtl. . . . . .• 101: spl'ead vel'y slowly until ilclltte red by lJlo."lu), -" oi" OrLh!l llg per Inch . . . . . . . " , . I O!' tbe plow and tbe barrow. WI-.lle tb. " '>!COli llt" Kivell 011 con U·llc t. wetodll ot thla kInd are not v.ery likeIy to be carrIed off the furm hy the OUTUIlI£ R 19. IUIO, cul Uvatins tools, "eads ar likely to be carried by lIelt·blnders and thres h· Ing machines that go tl'om farm to C~AB \I'I'L ' · O i.: ~RI : ·\~E MILK far m wi thout cleuulng . By Care In Selecting Plants and .\ '1'''1'1 ' °01 II . .. r 'l l o f (W" \_ Nurlery Stock, "1'1l H ,nn,1 tit '.\' "" ' I! . ,III . 1','I ,>411" !i Sel/de a.nd 1.)Ulbs nre C!l.rrled In plante The Jlo8~ l b l1 l t1 IS h v CO W", I, "",II tIl v ....... (Hettly nnd nurse ry s t oc ll. II Hur,.",.,· "'" 111'11( II ow " huv be of Introdu Ing bad w 'cds In this way ' ;OIllIl .I,U I! '1 .. , .. , ,,10 fur t,lt " 00""" '0 nrc vel'7 good. The nut grus of th e Southwesl nnd "" es t came to 8/.lt sh"ut 1111 li 'lI t' til ... f .. 11 IlIhltu r. :-Jew Od 8un. frolll the West Indle. IlKe ,ill thn 1111111 I I1IH , nott t.he o · III· with larden plants and W8S Intre>hJnicl ... IY,·I\I, ,,' Ih,·,.,· I "''' c " lIttltl o n~ du ed Into J\rkllJlHIlS f rom :-Jew OriM 11"111,, L,I (I, v 1.1111 • oilll ''' ~ Ill' en· lenDS with strnwb I'r Y ))180tll. By Burning · Pack ing Material. tl ~ ... I,v . Wee d 88 ds ure oHell curried III ------~ ~ p8cklllgtl or vnrlous kin ds. In the After Shavlna pncklng or cl'ooL{I;! ' Y' gl , !llVtlr , custUl'fI Dr Hell' .. Antill81't,io "'/l IVd It Ings, etll" rh nil huy or Rtraw Is In· will prAv"lI t th,· lUllt< / t,llll e , variably used, and the l : r ~Be n ce of It d~tr"vlI gurru.. IUllt prdveot.1! weed seed In It may be tuken as a cootrac.tlng Itny dltlellRf', 25:3 Sold matter of course: This IUtlterlal everywhere, ullially lalns a wIde dilltrlbution and .~~---I. finally t hrown out Into sO'l1e va· CHURNING TEMPE~ATURE oant lot or reachel the tleld through -----, atable manure.. The common woolly Don't forg6t tbltt tile temperll' mulleIn probably came trom Franoe ture of oream at ohurning sbould be tn crockery pacldnl. 6Il ~ fi8 degrees Fllhrer, belt in 8um fly Olnroylnll Weed·lnf.atad H.y. mer and 60 6~ degrees iu v.inter Weede are oarrle4ln bay. TW.offerl The beet ohurnui~ resultl wtll bf • mo.t rlady and dangerous meana had At thHse respeotlve tempers. for the dl.aemlnaUon of we9d., It Is 110 del.rou. becauH It la 110 hard ture8, kI control. Tradition baa It tbat the ---- ----~ C8116da thlatle wea ·. tlrst Introduced UnaJptly Inkl tbe United States In northern 80re" holht ftlOptlollll, pimplell, New York In bay broup;ht over tor bh&okhelldM lIud IlI1 "kin IIffection. General BurgO)'ne'1 horlles durlbl the we shall be treated unless a radlod l h of HATHAWAY , are very q otokl.v onreel by the UMe ot !Wvo'utlonary "ar. Be thll a. It feel like n. Dew !lll\n, " 500 at Fred ohRDge is made in the plaDs for dis. g rlou ure, 1 s e . rat tIme t at Dr. Bell'8 AnUeept.lo Salve, 21>0 ma1. It II alway. beat to avoid hay U. Soh wllrtz's. Wa,Y'ues ville's Leadin,. Dens&a posing of tlie propel'ty . No matter Ilny oourt bal:! r eoogDlzed what for· trom r.,lon. known to be Inteited Raid eyerv wh ere lIaln 8' _______•• _ • how It mtly be sold the Illr will be e8terJ cal1 uhe "expeotatlon value" Office in Keys Bldg. "ltb bad weeds. Iy In ,.llctlon of Cllv.r and ' ,T HE MUD WALLOW FOR HOGS thiok with InsinuILt'!OnS, If nothing of y~ung ~rowtb as furnishing OET RID OF THE DRONES worse against the pArsons wh 0. b3S18 for the a ward of damages. Timothy alad. In his book on " Swine Breeding, overs~e the bargain in behalf of th: The difficnltv in the WilY of anoh an ) Bell's ~ntisepticSalve Feed I. t.oo bigll '0 II1l0w UDp'roflt W.ld are ~rrled in c()mmerGood fo .. all Skin DI...... · able aotmalll to oon.Qme " " heo cia! ~., Tb4s affords b), far tbe mOlt Feeding and Management," William Indiana: if they art! a Government award in the p a8t . hae been that ):ayhjg COWl oln be' o b\a10e8 for tbp Important meaDS for the carrylD, o~ Dletrioh, a8sistant professor 01 hOllrd as proposed by t:;eoretary there was no way t.o prove to the o ut of money Weedl from placo to place, It .. ~e repreRentative, Mr, f" UsfaotioD of the oourts tbe money UDle • m n . .' • to 111 that mON weed. have come swiot! husbandry of the Univer8ity &1U;ger's of Illtnoll:lsays : MoHarg, they aooepted too low vu!oe of the losl:! suffered . .. - • to ua tbroqh Impur. Held and ,ar"To Be or Not to Be" clill IMd. than from all other lOurce. "The mod wallow i8 tbe na~tiral a prioe; if private Ilgents, they Tbe a.~ard in the S~ut~ Dakota nfi!t&l1tlv oou~blng depends on combined, In order to be extensively means o ~ destroying 1I0e It I" ohllrged too hig h Il commission . in OIlse followed the preseotation whethnr or uot. yun U S8 Dr. Ben'~ 411trlbuted with a commercial aoed, a well knl)wn taot t~a' many breeds altherevent, they adopted an un~ise evldenoe a Mto the oost o~ work in • Plne.Tar-Bonev . . A few d08es will the "ee4 Mild mu.t he approxImatelY atop tb~' MUllh of the tame aile, Ihape, weight and 01 swio«!lllre never affeo¥ with IIOf' method of sale; or w hat not besides r eforesting which t he Government • ...... color •• the former; otberwlae It will also that bogs having free aooeS8 to RegardJe8s of the Irresllonsi bl~ i8 aottltllly doing In the BIllo\[ HIIl8, TH.E PROFITABLE' SILO be Beparated out eull), by tbe good mud wallowa Ilre no~ trouNed loliroes of suoh 'oritioisms, most of The al:~uut o~aiUled for t~e .young _ _ mode.rn methode of cleaning or wlU in tbis wl\y BOI lioe cannot live the Indians, . and half tbe rest of g r uwt , urne WIlIt, ' .12 an aor~, and The quiokest pltUl by whioh y~u be rtllldUy det(l()ted. und e r II. OOI~ting of mnd. oon8equimt. the publio, will probably suspect th~ . ohulll under thIS item ~1l8 al· wUl be indu0e4 to bUild" siln iR to 8y Not Uelnll Them a. Ornamontal Iy whpn a hog hll8 access to a mud thllt there must been Rome lowed in full by the jury, 'l'he totAl uotlCe t11e profits your 'nuighhor llt!Plant.. wallow Ilnd ct}verA bimself entirely thing either wrong or ofl.relessln tbe Ilmount of dlLUlI\ge!4 claimed was rives frOID hl~ .· .' We.da .re Introduced .. uisful or _ _ _ __ • oraamental plllnti. A number of our over with mud the lioe will be de. trl\n8aoti~ n. Wh~t is wOrBe, the ro ,~, 72 85, of whioh t2,63:1 46 WIlS for moat' trouble80mo weeds fall Into tblll IItroyetl, or :It leMt clriv·t!n oft . . ODe will he no wl\y of meeting thelle ;n~rch;n:"l~e timber destr?yed or It LOOk. Bad for You oate8017, The.Mel of the ox-oyed meaus of 'd estroylnlt lioe, then, Is striotures i for the Indiuns will have DJnre y reo I to have lIore eyos. Motherland '" datay . was brought to Rhode bland It is reoO~B illed ?>y foresters 'tb"t Earle Eye 8aIVH will onre them In 1711 and IIOwn for horle feed, suppll iug thu pigs with" good mnd bel'll 8tllling tlometbin g wboso value n o humlln mind oould for CIlst wltb the oost of nrtificlI~1 reforestation Bllrmlea& and PRinle88, guerallteed Wtl~ PlUC ela&ped from tbe lfRrden. wnllow . " - - -... - • aoonraOY, wbile the puro~l\s€l' will will n;)t fUrlljl~b 0. fair basis for 350 a 'ollfl~ ____ _ at the earl1 GermantOwn .settJera, Undertaker and Embalmer. Why ,peoPle .Cough have bought at best nn attro ctive fur esth.nlltlng the c1amage to forest where It was ulled as a ftavorins, SHEt..TE~ THE MILKM~KER Pu,.1.1. ~.. cultlyated tor sn.... In Ie a m~stery when Dr. Bell'a P ine gambler's ohl\uoe.-From 'ITbe ID. repr~Qotion . ..,I'. Wherl1l n ew gr~wth Will be found In the old M...aobllHt18 and wal ' later ·take. Tar-Honey will .our~ any congh dl [ d T oltn De expeotod by Datural sowing BIlnk Bunding, opposlla Look f(lr tho bell on the bottle. It a~ .. an roub}.-., and Bow to tJo Mlc~"an, · t~ . ~u sro.,." for . The time i tt bdrtl wheu tbougbt the Nlltlonlll Bank. ' The ,, ' b F i E L from seed trees on the ground with· Solve e genuine. m, Y rllDO s eupp, ' ~mdit1Jegi vAntn t·be oo'mfrlrt of the ~e , ,.a~e · purpo." WUd Clrrota, mllr k s t_b_ Telephone in hoose Rnd of· __ _ • In the A I R ' f R ' In" sbort time, I\rtlfloillll)ln.ntmg or mornlq Ilort, POPP1 aJld oth4:l!'1 haye mer oon OVlew 0 e Vlews fioe where I can be called OOW! If their u.vuerl4 tl.itlJ~t to tleep for October. sowing II! Iln uDDeoestl llrUy expeDl!i ve elClapld' to the wilt from thl old day or night. A CU~E FOR COLDS wtth no twlnRA of OUDSOleno't _______ •• _ • metbod . To m eet 8uch 08ses what yel.tabll aa4 low... larden. aad 1. Vlllley P hone 14-2. .-.:.~•••T ..... IlIYe beCO~1 .Irl"·. In a deplutment store " ml\ll ill are known IlS "yield tflhles " Clre be· A t t. h ~ very fl rst ootioe of dr.v GOMS AU Bowel Trouble ,..ta, Wayne8ville, Ohio iii relieved Illm08t Inlltllntly by of . DOBA or throat, th, individual apt to buy the firRt artiole shown to Ing prepared. By the UBe of these Main Street. UlinK Dr. Btlll'l4 Anti Pain. It de. How to Prolong Life of Drill. sbould snllD' up tbe nose 80m", warm htm-II. womll.u tbe 1118t i but it takes the loss oou be ~b o wn 10 terms of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!'!!' .troya (1I8e....e germa aDd stops 10. on ~ould not be .vared on 11111 II.ntllloptio solution at:ld Il gll.rgle 'he her a. long time to decide whioh the flnlll orop Rod the tiule neoessll 1lam,,"on. Keep Il bottle io the plrt of the drlll. A 'drill III 1\ yery shl!t~l be the IUllt-. · ry to produce it. C W HENDEoSON M 0 house . .801deverywbere. ' beatT draft ma()hlne with nu:nerou. 8ame. In O1"ny 0ll.S68/1. worm SAlt I~=::=::=::~=::=::~~~~~==::~ Thus, If it ill known that te~ •• _____... _ • bearlnlll to become fill ed with dirt. lalutlon wi,1l bl! 8uffiolent to relieve I· .. AN AUTUMN AFTERNOON ' ruat, etc. 011 them otten ant1 well the dryne8~ and ~Qort the infeltlon . tbou-'1and fet't of tlmlJer per Bore can ,,'- Waynesville, Ohio. and' ' the Ute of ' the maohlne II pro- Lukewarm water haYlDII a teaspoon. be out onoe in sevonty yel1rH, it is Yellow, yellow, yellQw now lon,~4 · Dlore efficIent ork Is •• fulof AaU to tbe pint, will serve eASY to Ctlloulnte the vn.lue of tbe Vallev Phone 153 Main Stred ourld, ·and tho work made yutlJ · orop wben it. Is Ion yellrs old by .diRBan'g s the bough; luler for the toan) o , very well f r thIs p~rpose . Anoth. "1 wouldn't take a thousand 00 '1' g 1 ~ it I I N In the sky', ' AboY" all , do not nel~ect ~" 011 an er go.Oti 8'llntioD for t.h\8 purpoile dollars for' the good VIN OL has tun" n rom s VB ne w len mil· WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES. IE Yello ")low io ,"be solemn air, tbe drill well when putting It awa1 reool?nlzild .by tile U, S. Phll.rmlloo.. done me. I was told that Cod Liver ore . n urope"n oountriel! where v II ~ , Y rI. _ the village wi.,dowli uluh IJI tbe fall . Some fertilizers .. at into peln ,nd wltlll\ "'on I'" supplied bo 0'1 th ' forestry bll8 heeD lou g praoticod St. Af:1gustine's Catholic Churcb, uu D 0b ... . metal ·' p"rtB and .ho,lId be :d • ·. " . • i v.. D b II'"' ... I tl . I was k e mediclI\e I n eeded for this metho(lle regularly Ilpplied in Father Oeorge Mnvcnhoefor, Pnlltor Flare. cleaned out. Dlalta or hoe. .hould an, ruggls,·, It 0 e It .,0 11 on: my wea ened cono ition, and poor b d blood I Id ak I selling, condemning, or estimating , B dl MUSil every second Sundu)' or the- ruoDlb be brtghteile( up and oUed, Tbll 0 um orlltf' .. ......... ...... 1 ram • cou not t e t \egreasy 0:00 a. m. Little p~l?ls Btre'<lh by 'he wall, will .ave time next j!,ar, Modlum blollrbon"te...... .. I dram mixture, and when our druggist told damages on lorest property, It Is Yellow aU. How Deep to Sow. Phenol (OOTbolio aold) ...... .3' grains me lhat VINOL contai~ed not only Illso u sed abroad In il1snranoe, whlou .St. Mary's Episcopal Chun:b. YOG oan '88e 'herein Wheat Ibouldbe lO'wn ' abou.~ Ine HI wonld be imprl1.l)tlclI.ble if there . .". ycel I n ......... .......... ...... lounce tonic iron but all the rriedicinal pro"" ... Hev. J . p , CIldwallBder, Reclor. 'rho old !'"." . ~, ~e8' d,own .th~ If"" , Incb. deep, ..· • ......... ......... ........ 2 p 1n t s erties of Cod Liver Oil without the were not both an aooepted basis for .The .. fluantlty varia. trem rure wa_er Sumlay Subool. I} :30 n, m Morning eer' And the old yearl thlilt have ~~ .Ix to el,ht pecka per acre, wltb regrease or oil or bad taste, I made determining the 1088 suffered aud vlc o, 10 :00 a. m. Holy CommunIon 'ho lint '. ..11118 IU'htl,. In favor ot the latter. Use· lUI mout.h wash, and nasal up my mind that was the medicine bl t k i d' f Sundny of each mOD h , . . " ,It .' pay. to «!C!ean . leed douohe and .Jtroat gargle -Novem- for me. I tried it and to-day am a reaS()Qa y aooura :6 . now e ge 0 , ., - - - P ..... -:-Li~t~, \V.oodworth Reese to ~e wheat. Thll can be done OQ rainy b"r DelltgQer. . ' strong and weI!." the hazard i.volved. Methodist EpIscopal Churda. Delioea~~. fof ,Ootober.. , . \dlya If. a.. (all~l~g mill Ii at lIand. •- • " --- - . • • Rev, H. w. Baiie,., PUtor. E '.::: . !fbs. J, T. SNYDER, AMOUNT OF SALT PER COW • " . ": , ' Greensboro, N. C. m. Evonlng service, 7:00 p. m. IIUchrooll; .. i , . ' ttl(~ di'1~11 . ~d · (3)'" ~I.. • mall tD(er\~r . ~d one :b88 ever .D lade'a salve, Pnyenloetlng, '7 ~. m, N ~ ' t' , : I ' .ralD. whtah ·cannot . produce t.hrlfty, oi(l'~en' or ba.I.~ ~o 'oomp&te ~tth ' W.pal'ADtIlo the .o~ ..Jueu_ of ihe (Jows require from One to ei8nt It.lka ,~. :tr.~ea~. : ,.' ' . . J "bokle.n 'll .Atntoa',SlI.lve. It's .' he , aboYe tMtlm\mlal. · ' .. ounoe80~slllt per dny. The ,mor6 Christian Chun:h. " ... ' _ . ~ " It Pay.' to U.I a Gooll Grain Orlll.· one porteo.I' .healer ., of'. Cuts, <?orDa, OQnoentr,:,tefl'they reoelve 'be' more : Rev. 'L. O. ThilDipeon. Putcil . . '~'r. Bllt ' no · jhatter ,bo.w Arood, We ....4 Bnnul, 8rulllsll, /dOres.. ~1~1I, ' BOilS, .. 'e sell V<TNOL l"ith the , ~al~ . they ', r~qut're, It should "b ' '~'o~':~ :'1l(>glin:i~~\:.~~aM~~r;~ .~ · l bOf .hOW ~.llI 'prep"re~ . the ,1ul,t:4 bed, thoer .. , ,~zeml!t, ~), Rheum. For understanding that it.does. ·t .. . BermOD bypaatorevel7talternate BUDd.,. .. " . ~ , , ' , ," _', '. . .:. it t~e irliii ,Is 'not',. evenl:y .4Iablbut~d ~tltfl EYf'II, 0014 : ~or.,." . ' ~happed _ . . . 'Whe. ~ heY.' :6IL~,· L'lIlV6 a:lO,e~8 to,it e.v · · 10:10.: m". and. 7:30 p, m. . . '. ' ~ . . ~ak I.~ .t ,~ ~nlfO'~ . I\e~tb In .. ttl~ ;.oll,.'ou~ · ~"Dll~, ~ ,:p' SPr"lgll, U'~' 8ul.lremt!.• not ;~pve jthe', purchaser p'~ r- , er.yday. ~~ordinl{ (to . 1I,n· exl,>~ri tl:llCksite Friends Chu",:-~ , """-:r:: ~ ..,! 'latio~ ~111 tle ··III' 'Valn, We ahollld. iee Inf..lUbl~ 1M Pl!~ ,,' quly ' 2lio Ilt· feel sit~sfaction we return ' mentmo.deQ.Uhe WlilOonalu 8tlltion; F Jret Day Meeltn(, lO :O() a. m, F~nJt)a, . . . . ........, ~tt walt .. .til to it th.t .~ ,have, t~e bqst diil~ th.t Fred· ~. 8o~w~rtz· s · ' h" '. I. ' ; . ' ~~o~t 'wo oniio68 per ouw per, d,,~ it( Scbllel;! I ;~(I 'a1 m. · Foun.1a.... Day Meealq. .... ,~ . -. . 'alone1 'ol,n bU1 and l,botlld · tot be . . . .. _ . t , 1S mon~y. Without question.. .the vQrage amount requ,t retl. . ... . 0:00 .1It· m, . ... -.~ ..,... tD-cIq • ~. . . . '. ,.Ulfleil \lrttb ·1Ui~chtnl.Jtfe can 8ajllly , W ",.-, d riC'{ " . . b tJ ~ - ,. ....... • ............ ,w••~ t . b9rrow tt9m oi r 'il'llbbora or Ob~.aI~ _.. hen ~w e ,. 'IIi ar pt. b.rd, . 1 y'QU ~rr.a ot . ~ un· _ ." Orthodox friends Ch.-rc;tI. at ,m..h"'l~ . ron ,n ,'titpt4gh tbe foOd dbopper. der theSe conchtlOns? A cloth'. '1'".,' on whiob to hl\og RC\I,lJenjamln HawkAna.~_• ....... __,~cna.... Co. , . . .. ' c, 1l411S0wm~ . . .Tbt,lf ~D ,.lIer "&7 .or.~l'eIatDa ~p, unflnlllhed larinen~ a. grea.' oon ' S.bbalb SCbOOl, 9 :80 a. m. Ilf:nJw IIbllro" .o.;.acn ~ sa .J'anD Crope. .~e lampa Ulan ...,.a a'olJiDl-PiD. J. JANNEY, Dr.u gllst 'V8Dle008 10 aliewtD, t:003l. ': ~ra~C;' ~o:'O .. JII,. Obr:t'''aD .....- ..

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The Miami Gazette D: L. WAYN ESVlLL E,






' M.ista~e


Pa risi an Models




Little kidney trouble s gradual l} crow more .erlQua and pave the way to dropsy, dl· abetes, and 'fatal Bright's dlseue _ Begin using Doan' lOdney Pills at the first sign ot trouble. They cure aU kidney lIls. Mrs. J. R. Hayes, Anamos a, Iown, says: "I suffered such awful pain I could not lie down . Y WIUI perfectl y helpless tor six months. My ankles were ~ so badly swollen I could not wear my shoes. Soon otter using Doa.n 's KJdney Pills I was able to walk without orutches. I grndulllly Improved until I ceased to ,~Ioat and the kidneys became normal. Remem ber the name-D oan·s. For sllle by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-M ilburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.

After All

TIle' wireles l mess&so pulsing over By Gf:R ALD PRIM E the lea has put the voyagln , Hnanole r tD dally oommu nlcation With the COll,riKb l, " )'0. by Au ocJal cd LlleraQ' Pre" bourses of New York, London and Three months atter sbe had prom- strumen t, but she agred Pans IIlven In mldocea n the capltalthat It some fat may buy or sell, with a view to Ised to marry Dick Hathnw ay, Molly one would come to her IUIslata nceA b ruathy was convinc ed that she sit beside her on tho the protecUoll or the protlt at his had mad e I!. mistnke . In a littlo less hearsals, pull staps and bench at return inuslcpurse. But It were vain for mere man than (hnt time It was made clear to she would do her Tory ' best. Ev ery to Imagine that he could reserve this Dick Hathaw ay that It would be instrum entality to his exclusiv e use. crimina l on his part to marry Molly man In the choIr volunteered in the same breath. It actually frighten ed Jt the wlreloss can be ullll:ted to Abe rnalhy: :\{ol\y Aberna thy to discover how make or to conserv e monoy, It folAnd that was not at all because little It disturbe d her to Dick lows as tho nJght the day that It Is Molly bad become less attracti ve or na med as the preterre d oue. DIck less than the perfect upright avnllable tor spendln g money. The For more than two years Dick had enterpri sIng mercha nt could not fnll te1!ow ho a lways had bee n. After an walked home with Molly after cbolr to be alert to this opportu nity to In- al most uninter rupted compan lopsh lp prn.cti ce, but the Umo came when at con!'lde rably longer than the pe- neither of them telt aggriev crease the debit side of a frur cllent's riod ed ove r of t heir engagom ent. each was the willingn ess of ,th E! other to abanLecount, snys Wsshln gton Post. Fath- 8 8 ~'llIIng as ever to bear t estimon y don th o habi t. The lntorruptioD ers, husband s, brother s have cherJsh ed to the superla tively fSood qulllitie s or came abou t so naturall y. MIss Ware the thought that wh6ll thetr dear ones the other and would have been hIgh,,'as r esponsibl e for the d eed. Ono were safely at sea In swift and luxur· ly Indigna nt ovel' nny suggesUon to evening after an unusual tug nt a Ious palaces, the Item at shoppin g waa lh con trary. l\'l olly atll1 r egarded refrncto ry nnth In, which persiste d in PoInte to Good Future. Dick as "the dearest fellow In the going wrong acter every e lfort In a state at at least tempora ry dehad Seven poor ohlldre n, four girls and Buetude . But not so; tho ribbon coun- world," and Dick hnd no desl,re to re- bee n made- to Induce It to do oth rthree boys, all about t e n !enrs old, cnll his estimat e of Molly as "the wise, the ol-ganlst requ w and the showca ses have been ex- liweetes ested tho te nor we nt to a. n earby seashor e resort, In t girl on the foo ts tool." Noth- to re maIn tor n few minutes tended, lIgurate ly spealdn g, aoross the charge of two women, for a day's outlng wbateve r had occurre d to COD- hearsal In order to perfect after rehlmselJ' In tea. 'l'he lady fair ma,. now Indulge not either Ing. The funds for the plcnlo were ot these thoroug provide d by two boys who seU papera ber pencha nt for shoppin g even In Icle nUous younlt perHoM hly COD- hIs part. of InconInstead of waiting untfl Dick should flnd who live In one ot th e two houses Inldocea:D_ Every departm ent store In stan cy, butprovo hImself either th e victor or vanfrom which the excursio n party was .-reat cltlea near the AtIrmUo coast Tbe "but" In the case ot Molly Ab- quished , Molly was possess ed ot recruite d. One at the women In lrill be topped with Ita tall electrlo ernathy was a young man of sln- den whim to IItltrt orr nlone, only a sudcharge of \~e children saId that the ·to be jnast rmet maintai n an operato r at Its illiarly unattTacUvo persona l equip- Interce pted at the door of the parish boys had arrnnge d the outing "of their ment and a namo that olTered no houseby the oholrm aster foot. BulletJ.ns of barp.1n s maT be OWJl accord. and the re mnr~able thing who liad rePUblished OD ahJpboard. Mareov er, It recomp ense for his lack of good looks. turned In search of a paper he had is this: They are not good boys by , any mans and one o( them \II probthe lady la on ber way home wIth a As a lire burden H_ Earling ton Hop- mislaid . por wns serious enough, but It would "It you will give me one minute. ably the naughU est boy .'n the nelgb8eplete d purse, ahe can make an aeriaI have been with the InlUal Mlss Abernat hy," he said, "I will walk borhood. But we think that when bOYI aran to meet "tJr'1 tip of eorery ltew- H e xpandedcrushed to Its tUll. Hooker. home with you- provide d, of course, do little things like tbls tbey will ooma ard on ~ard and make sure that lOme Clearly there was no fault to be found out all rlght." -New York Tribune. you will pe rmit me." pt her men-tol k meet her with more with th e victim of auch a bapUsm al Withou t pausing to receive her (jonHE model at the le tt Is of s triped ~ppU811 prompt ly 9n arrival at the comblnaUon b cause he had contrac tSometh Ing About Chlnaw are, sent. he dis appeare d lnto the building , cloth In two sbades at brown . Tbe Ishod with Ii shaped flounce at the ,'\41· ed lnto decent ~upho nlou sness . ~er_ Every woman Is proud of her china, vet or Uberty_ The girdle Is of Clt reappea ring ' In rather less than the blouse and sleeves are cut In point of tact, there was no fault In ono material. rmd wllnts to keep it looking new and found with H. Earling ton Hop- specified time with the recover ed pa- vlece an4 trimme d with a brown silk :London's bad season, with dull rto. . .. be The other model Is of blue vel\'et perfect. So often slle will use the . per. -- n,,,· ... ",.,.,.,..,. . He W"Q embroid ery and straps ,at cord and or drnp d pay .kies IUld chlll wlnds, Ia partly mlndoo a 70ung maD as ever huncrfl!hts ole. The blouse, with wrong kind at soap on It and Injure "I notified Hathaw ay at my Inten- buttaDs to match. It Is flDls hed at the out It In appeara nce-ma ke It look worn tlon." eompenaat.ed for by the promise of he laughed as they moved off_ neck wIth an edge qf brown velvet or crossed front. Is cut In on e piece with and cheap. "Easy Task SOllp"- the the s leeves aud fiul shed with an edgo "It wasn't at all necessa ry," sbe re- liberty and little JOOcl KrOuse shootinr;. Parllam ent has h.111s at Qreanl lace. of blocle hard, whIte, pure laundry soap-I s the liberty or clared velvet. emphati It Is cally. l'tSell In tJmo for the sport, and that ;, Similar "He dldn't hear me. I COUldn't at,. elbows. frills finIsh the sleeves Itt the trlmm d with a multi-colored , cotton · only kind to use on china. Not only part of soclet;y whJch fs Dot already e mbroIde ry wbl h forms a collar. tiny does It olean china quickly and sntely. tract his attenUo n." The plastron Is ot brown crepe de r ron the cont1nent~' la 'bound northwa rd but Ita antIsep tio qUl\l\Ue s sterl\lze the evers and motifs on tbo sleeves . "Was be singing '" Sbe knew he cblne. and the gulmpe or collar Is ot lor the moors. Bumme rless Eng!and The plastron and unde rs leeves, are china. In theso days of germ-oaused wasn·t. but sho wanted to hear the tucked cream tulle. Th e skirt Is of dotted ·tuHe. th e girdle •• exchang ed for Scotlan d, which, Is or IIberty_ dlaelUles this Is an importa nt point. answer _ , ' . s lightly gathere d at lhe bottom and The skirt, ,'WheD. the KrOuse ,are plentifu l and tn 0110 ot t ho "Ha hadn't b egun. Ho was ,seated drawn in by a wIde band new hollble of the mate- skirts, Is "tl'!mmed to AWFUL. , I'OOd conditio n, Is a good place to be, carr , spond 'wlth on the bench. bls back toward me, and rllil on which the stri pes rUIl crolls. the waist. with th Miss Ware was talk.!ng earnest ly-giv- wise and Which Is trimme ..en if- the weathe r Is wet_ Bright dg of liberty or d with the velvet and with the embroid ery, nq lng Instruct ion, probabl y_" ' . aidea oyer the moors transtp nn the s traDs and buttons . The skirt Is fln- may be preferre d. tportam an's part ot BcotllU1d Into ~ ' In~r;:r~~b~:'''d::: :~~~It:e~~I:~~! ..._ ...._. . . . . . ._"' . . ......,.-., __w.....w...._,.~..,..,-.....-..._ .....~~-".-_.,-._........, ......."..,."""'_ ....,...,..., _;..,..._........- - . _.........._,...,...,... .._...,.. aemblan ce of paradise_ To be sure, __ the serpent Is there, The pns crack' hl~ft~~W~~~k~:~g!::n;a;~er the bat- MEM~NTOS OF ONE'S "HERO" FOR SOFT 'SHADE OF BLUE and the birds are slaught ered by the fling two measur es or so at leaat a thousan ds_ But they have fUl1l1led dozen times and had at last attained . Much Enjoyme~t May Be .Hild In M'a- DreiS EspecIa lly Adapted for Voune king a Collection of Matter Con· their destlny_ Woo can do more? " pertecU on Miss Ware dlsmls8 ed h1m Girl Should Be Made Up In with cernlng a partlng Admire d One. And mIghty good eating Is a weU InjuncU on not to forget Some Thin Materia l, that .he was Ii tenor. cOOked crouse ttom the Grampi an Nearly every girl bas some specla\ . Some c;ulte thIn materia "And I, hope I haven't offended Miss l must bA hl1~. Aberna thy by deprivin g her at your hero" who embodI es in him Belt the used for this dr ss. Our. model Is Clualltle compan y- or you, either," she added, s she most admires , and It she eoll enne [n a pretty soft shade In at In '&u5t Hadchim, about sixteen be given. to "collect ing" she will find blue; t he bodlco and without looking at hlm_ upper part ot mUes north from the ~outh ot the "No need to worry on my acoount ," much enjoym ent 1n gatheri ng tO$ethe r Ilklrt are finely tucked. the lower part Connec ticut river, hanging In "the belDick assured her_ "As for Miss Abe~ all the mement os of hIm s he can_ , If It of skirt Is then set In fist plaits turn· fry ot 8t. 8tephen 's church ,and In use be Napoleo n, for tnstanc e, she wllJ Ing tram front, and Is joined nathy -- " to upper' today, ,Is a 'bell that was cut In 8pllln "I suppose Mr_ Hopper avaIled blm~ gradual ly ' add every work that has under a scalloped band of silk with a self ot the opportu nity to see her been written on his Ufe to the particuover 1,000 yeare qa, The Spanish In· lar shelt home tn her bookcas e devoted to sately_ He seems to be greatly scripdo n stating. that the bell was taken wIth-w ith her voice," she said 1).19 honor; while just above It she wlll cast In Spain In 816 and"the name of "Would n't It be jolly It those tWlr-" Dang engravl ng8 ot him at d!tfere nt i r..;u.;t &..., the prleat 'who blellsed , it are all ven' Blanch e-Poor Grace! Sbe out ma~ periods and of, the various battlE!s tbat. Dick began and then hesltate d_ dtsUnct. Those who have Interest ed rled herself_ "No-It wouldn 't!" she r rned 80 made lilm famous. It her hero be an th~mselves in this valuabl e old relle Maude -Indeec)! author promptl she y , and will 80 have declded one l e41 th,at t1on he at clalm the church In SpaIn where It "I Will Walk Home With Vou-- " wandEl red at ft. Before he , auld ask Blanob e-Yea. Sbe married 11 duke, least of all his books and as many diforlglnal ly h~g was 'destroT ed by Na- hIs shingle as a lawyer, and he had her why not she had bidden him a ferent photogr aphs of him as she' can you know, and didn't have en~ugh money to p~y hIs bllhi. , muster. Picture s of hIll birthpla ce, his poleon, this bell and many othera be- scarcel y cBpture d his f1rS,t client be- ha's ty good-night and passed wlthln_ Next . evening when. Dlok put In his early bome, etc_. wlll, add to th e InterIng sent to Americ a, where there W8.8 fore practlca ly all of the very nice Ilrls In town were Interest ed In him. customa ry appeara nce No Help Needed . a good market. It Is 28' lnches high at the Abf' est' ot ber collectio n, and If she can The speed 'with whloh ' be became a nathy house he was told A little mlSR or flve yeara who had by the mala obtain. bis autogra ph she will feel rich and 3. lnches In dlli.meter at the base. social favorite been allOWed to s~Y up tor /'n eveIn Eureka was phe- who admitte d him that Indeed_ Tbere Is no reason why It ning party, was told about 8:30 to 'go nomena !. He was so genial. so alive gone over to the rectory.Molly had should not be a "herQln ( e" lnstead of a He was Nearly one million ne~ farms have to the expecta tions of others. so un- both ashame d to bed. Very, very !ilowly she moved 'lnd reUeve d-humU l- "hero," fOr women, wbo bave sboll" toward the stair. ~. aunt, seeing her been crelloted In the United States du- tailing In his efforts to establis h II ated by his treaohe ry toward ltke stars In the flrmam ent are suffithe gIrl reluctan t, as ked: , r1Jlr; the last ten years. In the last hank underst anding, with everybo dy, who had promise d him what he asked ciently numero us tb suit al!y concep, "Helen, can ida. anythln l to help ten years the toW number ~f f~rm8 that he won recogni tion Immedi ately and relieved to find that the dreaded tion at "greatn ess." YOIl1" baa lncreas ed 18 per cent., says Ameri- as an A No. 1 fellow among the men contess lon might still be postponed_ "No," r'e plled H len, "I will let can Agrlcul turhit. In tlie older states, and-th e womon . It so happene d that Dick was spared there altogeth er too soon as It Is.'~ , Women to Have Pocketa . Ignorin g his plainne ss of face and the pain of that confess ion. An affair . from Ohio eastwar d. there has been 'rhe latest ' nows from the select awkwar dness of figure and movem ent. that came to a culmina And sensible men conside r tt too tion going on (or twenty years a tenden!lY the Eurekn young women at all very next night-a n. episodeon the Norld wbere fashions ,are made Indimuch trouble ~o look for trouble. that oates that women , will no longer have toward the a.malgamatton of farms dis- ages had become greatly Interest ed sUrred the social fabric of Eureka to to do without pockets . The late!it tant trom market ,Into larger holdings. In tbe sayings and. evell more espe- Its founda tion-br ought Dick and dresses In 'tunlc A FOOD DRINK . (orm show two pockOn the other hand, t1>18 section bas clally. In the doings of H_ Enrllng Which Brings DaltY ,EnJoym ent. ton Molly togethe r again, this time sccure ets attache d to the skirt in front, a witness ed the cutting up Into smaller Hopper . And that, ot course, InA lady doctor writes: In the belief that their only mistake little above each knee, so that they sizes of many farms ~earer to mar· cluded MC'l1y Aberna thy. who tor had been "Thoug h btWy hourly with, my own to doubt, even for a single crm be comfort ably reached with the ket_ There are now almost three some reason unrevea led to her was momen t. the gentlen ess affairs, 1 wur not jeny mYlelf the of their at- band. The tunic or light materia l Umes as many tarms a!l In 1870, and led by this interest to doubt the co- tachme nl . pleasur e , of taltlng a few minutes to falls over them. an unprece dented Increase In the operatio n at hea.ven In her choice of , This final state of alfalrs was made tell at my enjoym'e nt dally obtaine d The men d"ressmakers who have deDick liS 0. lUe compan Ion. from my mornin g cup Qt ,P oltum. It value of farm lands and ltve stock. possible the elopem ent and mar- vised the PQr.~ets have also stpulate By a most amazing colnold ence .rlage of \ly ~ H. Earling ton Hopper and what shal1 be put to them. It appears la a food beverag e, DOt a palaon Uke there was Illso a "but'· In the casE! of Helen Ware. ' They had colfee. been lovers that one Is tor There Is one boat on the Hudson Dick Hathaway_ A certain young long before coming to E\ueka . but the' the other tor thethe handke rchief apd "I began to use PostU1n eight )'elus PQwder putr. As ~o rtver that refuses to be Oslerlzed. Al- woman named H elen Ware had came 810, not because 1 wanted to, but beyoung woman' s friends had not taken arrange ment ts made for the purse It though the word fast Is not usually to town to visit her uncle, the rector klndly to the. man of cause cqffee, w~lch I dearly Iove,d , her cholce_ She, may be assume d that. the llttle bag relished when applied to the feminine of SI. Jarlath·B. BelOre sho had been howeve r, knew her own mInd made my nights long weary periods to and wa. will still be Indispe nsable. ~nder, the Mary Powell be dreaded and ,untlttln g me for bualglories In at the rectory a fortnigh t all the convInc ed that she was making no t'_2:;B dut:lng th~ da~. the epithet and has made trlends by young men In the parish, and a host mistake. , "On the advice of a frlen'd" I ftrst It. This boat will com plete this sea· of those who were outside of It, woke Palnta and DyeIng. up to the fact that she was an un,Why the Tiger Ha. Strlpea, tiled Postum , making It 'careful ly a. Ion fifty yoars of service, and the It ' your dress accesso ries do not usually attracti ve young person. and directed on the package . ' .As I had It Is not a mere matter of chance quite match your gown. semI-ce ntennIa l anniver sary will be or you wish button In each scB.llo,p. The yoke I. always used Dick was one of the young men of that the 'cream and' no surar,' '1 appropr iately celebrat ed. Captain the parish. He did not precisel y un- beautifu tiger's coat Is' marked with Ita that gown' It.selt ' 1\ .sll~htlY differen t tucked net ' ln uPller part, and thlf! I. mixed my 'Postum so. It lOoked good, l stripes of blac, k and yel10w 'shade, try painting with all colors and ~nclrcled by a shaped Anderso n has served on the boat forty derstan d how It was. but whenev band, of th!~k 'was clear, and fragran t, and It wu . ,' er he and that the lion ·Is of a uDltorm sand; gasollne_ Tbe effec~ Is marvelo us and , lace. The joining of ~odlce years In varlouq capaciti es. The Mary stood In the pres'e nce of Helen to yalta pleasur e to see the 'c ream.' color It 81 Ware hue. the slight odor goes off_ KJd Is covered by' a , scallope d band ot sllk_ ~QY Ken~uc Powell Is BtllI In dally use by the Hud· ho fou"nd himself wishin g-well- btl Tbe former lives In the grallY jun. sUppers Clln thulsoon ky tiiend al:waya Wllnted be made to matcb Tbe box-pla it In 'center and the ~U1P1 her son. RIYer Day Line, and cuts the wa· found blmself ,wlshJng. gles of Asia. where the gtlUlt blades' ot exactly any c~st,: coffee to look-'U ke a , Jlf;lW sad- , !me.. are ,also silk: Both Dick and Molly were mem grass. as many teet long dIe' ter 'betwee n New York and J<lngRton ",' . ' 'I, \ . . ' as they are A spot on l~nen can be painted ' with ' Materia ls required tor dress: Beven , '''Then I tasted It crlUca! ly: for '} had not only like a thing of life "ut Itke bers of the mixed chOir at St. Jal' Inches In thIs country . and tbe, light water-c olors to match the clean !DB- yar(ls 42 Inohes wide, 'one Yard silk lath's. Dick sang t enor when be dId and shade of the forest tried maliy 'sub'fltltutell' 'for a thing of very lively lite. not forget and relapse Into baritone . matche d by the skin of are admirab ly terlat, as ih~' palnt ·st~k8 Into the linen .22 Ip'che~ wide, three-ei ghths ' yard wall' plea.sed.. yes, li{ coffee, J " d( \ t,he a~ma\. 1n 'withou t changin g Its texture . It rubs tucked and , Molly was poss(>8sed at lin ex- ,questio n. Henoe it Is able net,ha lt yard piece lace, 18 Postum , In .. taste aDd eliec~ 1!'1~h .mr to ~pproacb , off, ,lioweve rl and , must be 'rc,newed inches wlde_ and am .. A passeng er bas been c'arrlect on a cellent contralt o voice, but she was Its prey unperce ived. . ." yet .. being a cons~t uBer of It au " " 'every five or: six months , , monopl ane across the Elng!1sh channel. an Indiffer ent reader. "That was wby Lions, ·tbe ,bt, cats of Mrle&;, on .the these yeJl~I: ' .• ', ,._ "., . .', ., ' ,. r ' • ., "I conUnu aUj' alsure 1Jl~ ~ends ud A ' majorlt y ot the people !>'h9 have tG It was necessa ry ' for H.Elirl lngon other hand. are · far the 'most part , , Hopper , who had been made' choir· dwe'lIer s hi the ,wlldern . Collar Btltchos . . ' acqualn tancee tllat tb,ey .w,1lI like it ~ OJ'08S the channel 'will continu e for 8 els 'and' roam Hat Trimmi ngs. If )'oq get slc~ of ey.elet work aDd RllUlo of .,colfee, IPltl' rec:etve . ;While, how~ver, t~ risk the ·danger oj master on accou)lt of., hll' musical ,the outs.klrts of the desert In ae~ob of ,jIbwer s ,are no mor~ to be seen . lJenefU " all' -lace insertio n ,Iu linen collars and, fro~, -Its 11.: '" bay.e. 'abllll)'. Mblly prlvatel y too~_ TheJr color' tn, thelle ,surroun d·, the gulned, .• ellht, -belnli shakell UJ 1l!. the old-fashlone" whenev erto , b est Paris' hats; fea. t h~ra have iabot's, ~er'l are a few ~IDts ot ,' ,!\,hat ' c8D>sleep' sollnd and ,am not Mn0\J8 alto solo wall to be ' Ingsls equally protecti ve. " .'" , ontlrely taken their ' p~e_ ~lack and can ' J)e done iil: that • a.7'- ' eung. ' -Hoppc,r belle\'ed th\lt he bad line: ' ''Tbere' s Ii Reuon. ... These are couDt1~,.· - gamoie & of wbite ;osQ'lch phpneB; .! ,~ " U'e , flrst In ;rench' laid; padded #l9u. wah " '!lead ''The ROacHQ W.UvH discove red great possJbllltl8JI In Mol- 'this protecti ve color.aU ~D'~ ly'8 voice, . and atter , a:wblle alto ma~.. Sometim es, ~ Inon';-lmd~g ant. 'ravor,fle~~clallT ·lD 1M Will.ow, curt laq~an, ' venetia n IJldder, 1ta\11Ul cut' . aver .... d thi abQVe let"'...le" the ,., __ •• ~Ul!f.' • Par,d18 e ail1'ette l In the , ~ _ .peran to Is attracti ng lUI much at WlOIi were fri\Quen ... , ~ 'ne", . work, loutacb t at St: Jarlatb '.. e braId, l IIg, oablo (atl~h" . cited, tbe effet:~ II to enable • The, teIIdon .now lUI t;ho _puz~le ploture. 4,bout ,thllt . f;Jm,o the organ,l et suo. · more easUy to oht~ID th,lr thell'l tb,. ab~e8, an allO poPul"r with t~e . limit. EverY OIle of these la' leen on food: But ~enne, tb~1b tartunat e1y molt mOclla~ coll~, - 4Jicl b rt ttme ago aDd has as man) cum"ed to the I~rmldes of J~bot8 ,and ~lt." and oJd ale. It alao aot. lD ua:.o~IIJ'''''' ,'~ a-.,rcI· of :bur retJly a a a wel1-dteued 1VOme.Q reMI'I <Vare conlent ed to subatf. IDI Qled b~.lbt C!i..,~ ~~4~arJir. , d,sclpJe l &I almplIfled .peWn . .v.. anil to 1 anel t:bld _ rue , to t~te tempora rily. Sbe -elld Dot ·fe,athera lbat are' 0110 er .""IaG II tJr_ ot "lbe ', lUll. O!( oreatQ" ,a froiD their . .ley"'. atUae .t,oflO lDuobl laall!_ .! UI'.Q!' .... to ~Dllatrel. or lbs ao)le lao ml...-Amerl oall .... ~ . '













.u .,.

., ~~~~~~~~~~.~,~~~~~~~~~!L~~~'~


Cou nty Cou,rtl


Com.nOQ Pleas Court.



New Suitl fil .. d !111ft for tit 'VtIIl''' Itilllufl t ber hUl'IIImd Hal Ad. 110110 ,u tlhe IItllte" In It .. r IlI'ttt.i l,n


I.U\Il,4 rlllOlflun

1h'II Ihft tWIl


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ward 1t8~in8t IR. B. Par)qJ is made George B. AnderR on to Ruth Tro· : - - - - - - - -...--------pltrt.V' IIttfflod m ~., ----------~-...;.----~-~-....-~I vl1lo, traot In ~alem 'tow~hlp, 861i0. Robert J . t! . Is apPOinted NeUie E. Weller . to .Eunice A. "oardt ln lid litem I;,f Henry LEionard Selirl, lots hi . Wayne svl1e, 'I, etc. ~too"toD involve d h~ the oase of Wtlliam .H. Bien 'to Alice}{ , Bien, Anna t!tookto n n. WUlt&m ,D. 11'. 10~8 10 Lebano n, '3,000. iitookto n et a1. .H . y, t!nook and Jamea B. Onll to Uhri8t opher- fry, traot io C}earProbat e Court. · oreek towns hip.,l. J , 0 Miller, admiai strator of the George W. Carey Imd lAura M. IUltRte lit A . ,J. ~tllo8el1. deoelUled, Carey to Benjam in F . l:Iathaw ay, III~d bitt lllstrl\.m tlve !loooun t. lot in Lebano n, $1. etc, JIIUO A. Rebold tllt!d bis applloa . William E. V,.n Borne. e\ al to t,lon to be appoin tad Ildmln lstrator Flora M. Van Borne, lots In Frank. 'If thM elltl\te of Ada Flen'n er, de. lin. $1. etc. , obased and ooort gr,mtl\ the appoin t. Thoma s B . Van Borne, to Fiona mMnt Ii bond of 88,000 being fur. M, V,.n Borne. lots in Ifrankli n, 'I, nlsbAd . Obarle s Bowye r, George etc . Kohl lind John Bill were appOin ted

\'i'lire IIIl1rriell .Inuullr y

~a, lOUt' . 1t1ll1 (,hl\l, tb"l cl~felltlnilt hl1~ b~8n I\UI!Ly III grlllh! flfj~IAOL of Ituty


flllioe ,'lion"r:v BIOS, t!ha pru St! for. {1IVOI'O~ and 1l1l prover r~'h u f Tbomtll:' C. Ubrilltie, itt littoroe y rQr )JIlltDtltf , ti.Ul~ G&rdo~r filed ' luit for dl. -'0"08 .. ,8ind Char)e l Gardne r, In Commlasionel'l' Proceedlnrs. her ptttitton lIhe tbll& IIhe was Ilpprai~arR. marrill d \0 tbe defendan~ FebrUl uy Upon applica tion of p, S, Rue, atSills-' l'he WMter n Star, publish •• 18i7, and them' ooe ohlld Pllal ",orney, ,he cour' appoio ta Charle l ing road notice, '7.50 i 'Sylvan A. a.rdae r wal boro April 1~, 1\100. 8. Oad.llUM ~ $ake depolit lon of LeW!II, servloe s as lnfirma ry dlreo t:5be avers 'hat defeod llo' 111 Bullty James A. Mareb, witnee l tbe wUl tor, '95; Warren Oounty Times, of 1~08' n8l)80 ' and praYI for reo of laid T. 8. RoblulJ on, decealled, pobllsb lng audito r's statem enu, Uef .ad .10ultOOy of ohild. W. J and mllke return to ~his oOllrt . 13450; F , P. ForlY. board and • Wrilb t II sUoroe ,. for plain'U f. Wtllard J , Wright , admini strator washin g for priBoners, '145.40 ; Ben Reed filed 101& aKahult J . W . of the e.s tate of Charle s Fergul on, Audito r'. Fee Fund, 18 day's a8 Bidp ~ recove r '181UO whioh he deceased, filed bis ry and membe r of B, of E, '64; W. H. clalml wnb tDYl'ftlt from Deoem ber apprallnl1l1nt. Jaokio n & t!on. aoppUe s, '271; 3D. 1,"0" . 08 aooooo t il doe him . Tbtl fir8t atld fina 1 aoooun t for the 81lt'lmeninK and Sieker, ollrpet for Willard J . Wright ts attornt:y for el'ate of William A Hardy. de- oourtho use, '15.20; Leb!lno n Ioe and plaiD'U f . . ceaBed, waa filed by Raphae l John, COlli ~o . , ioe, '3.00; J. R Bunter , exeouto r, lervloe e 1&8 ohapla ln at Infirma ry, ;' ..Court Proc:eedlnal. W. E, S"bin ac1mia lltrator of tbe '25; F. R. Evans, post mortem over Tb. report of .. 18 of pr0pert y in estate of EdwfD Rodney Sabin, de. body of T. ~, Robin8 0n, '5; Inqo8l t qnenio D In &he Gall" of fruman 08.aOO; flied his repor' of ... Ie and over body of T. 8. Robins on, t11 .26; ..... alain. ' Edwar d !II. ltatee', ill samtt 18 approv ed and oonfirm ed . over bOdy of John B, Jody, '32.45: .p,rov ed and oonr' dl.tribn~ pro Boyd Ra'Jyre ber filed his proof of Inqnes t over body ot Mary Kerobe r publloa 'ion of notioo of appoin tment 88 40; Will tao Graham , con'rao oeed~" t, t:5IaerUf'lI ..Ie of proper ty involve d of admln1 8trator iil the es\&te of J287.50; Claode Leever , contrao t, la til. lui, of Jacob F. Brown Joaeph .A. LleueU en. decea8e d. '114; WaUer T, Wilson , oontrao t, apljll~ Monroe (Jltok _e' al il apDoe proof of PQbll~tton of no'ice 854 89, ,; proved aDd diatdbu 'loD of prooee dl of appoln tmeDt of Loula Simond s, Bhorlff Forgy preBen ts propoe itlon ' mad.,. . u ueoutr ix, of the 88tate of Rachel tbat he will fnrnish prov18lons, I. \b. cue of IrS . A. Jam8lO n, ad · 8, Badley , deoealled, II filed. properl y oare tor aod feed the pris_ mtaW'~~r of 'htt eatale of l5*-niok oners in j'dl except medina I aid and MarrIa p Lk:aue , KJubm .ky, a,.ina, 'be lCinK Powde r attenda noe at tbe rate of 88vent y· C,omPaDY \be ooor. IOIta10 1 the mo W1l1 W. J"ei'ever, 32. farmer of five centa per d.y for each prisone r, tIoDI' of 'b. defend ant 'hat 'he and washin g at fifty cent8 per week i'rankl in and EU.. lIa. ilberha rt, ~,ur file amend ment. I"'''nl for eaoh prisone r. Same il acoapt .he~ KJubin ak,. WU lurvin d by 31, of .Frankl in. Rev. Davld Camp ed by the board. a wife C. by auy ohlld, The, oourt beH'nam ed ~ perform the ceremo ny Emme " Q. LiUle, 21, mill em o~. mo&ioo for" "a&em eo' u Forced to Leave Home, 10 .......,.. of bro&be n lind &te&e" ployee of l:Iouth Lebano n and Or&08 Every year a larla unmbe r of OIl. . . . to .,.$1&ioo aad llao ~..ldeDce M. Hhuake l, 21, of ~ooth Lebano n. poor softere re whose lungB are sore ijqQirfJ C. O. eolUna ~amed to' per. and raoked with oougbe are nrged ~ ICa to anothe r olhoa\8 . But this Th8 nf.ree In 'be OIlM of George for tbe ceremo ny. Ita.... ...t ..., MUGa ft. MoAdame William E . Snven l, 2G, Manag er it 008&ly and not always ' sure. , There' a better way. Let Dr'l ..... hla ..port uad ill dtlohar Ked Defllnd er Pbo~ Soppl,. Co .• of {''1n' King's lNew Diacov ery oore you at. frOID fur .... d~&i.. and cue ia let. oion.ti and Belen M. B11Dter. 20, of home. "It oored me of long kou IAbaao n, R .... J . R , Bunter named ble, " I writes w. R. Nelson of Cala'184, I mine. Ark, "wben all elle&U ed and I. til. . . . of AnDa Ly&le Shartl $0 petform thlloeremoDY. Ulvde Moore. ~2 farmer of lIor~ I Bained 47 ' paUDda lil welght nil ...... . Bearl O. t:5burt., darend ant surely the Ie pqMd I.... ~ fil. answer and row, and Harab Burt't , 18, of U .... lung our68."King of aU oough and Thou8l tndl owe their pIalaUtr ....n&ed .Ieave ~ file reply Ionia . . lives and health to·It, Its po&i"v&. .';;;;;;;;;; ;;; Jobn R . Wallac e. :dl, employ ee in Iy _KuaraOteed for Oongh l, 001d8, ! ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;-.-:....:. 10 uiwer . I_ Lal.irlp )lP, Asthm a, I.W Croup ~lU .nd alJ Naomi a daau are Jor tao. IS. of Iran&e• d leave ~ I "I': . Tltro,.t and Lung troubl88. 500 and 81. deiaur rer for&hwitb in 0Il_ of "allon. lenteI'M llle '1irmrarmy-ltglit'eit niDI. ----------~-------,r , tl 00. '('rIal bottle free at Fred C. ' •••• • • • • , • • • • • , ......"rm afraid 1 can't." he began ne"· Berber t Hoppe. 21, IfOOer of Foe- 80bwat:tz8 •• 1I; &DDla lbeUn .ptoa" WiIl O. oUII1,.. Then he pauaed, !,peeoh tall· &ar and ildtlh Ma8g, 22, of Fos'e},. eutilt·e. al. ttame " lied and aa .. log him 88 he oaqht IIlrht of hie 41 • " I Rev. '\\r, Botm. n named ~ per. heveled leU In the mirror. "I have -~ . been_to ' NDdaDte are aiven leave to file form ceremo ny, MI,.I. 0# a..... ......... ~ i ". told M .... Wlnllblp that you woUlC7 . If you would like to supply Hell1'1 8av-.e LaDdor. at oae U.. ....web to the followi ng IUtu : have come wIth me, but thllt you, your table a Real _pU SIt.te ... of the Lamu ID l'lbat. teUa Tt4llllera. with this high...ani Smith 'fl!, W.eblter ~mi'b, ..,eroG detaIne d b,. a bUlltn6ll11 appoInt. ' the felllnrtOC adTent ve: 1Ia, ilar4,. n, O~ Seeker , . grade ment;" silverw qulck~y are free of , put In at hie elster, Jr. II .. CoppooJr to JoSeph t,:. Oham gtT' "'!'be Lamu had -pi m7 Ira Jut the ' ki04 of • mrht tot' & Ing him a warnJng glanoe. L.bUo a Natton al. DaDk Vit. A, S. berliD, '1'''0' In Frankl in &owDsbip. bath lPOOP, wblcll wei~.. dl')'of,anel cost, write us for our &peIIwtm In tU lake," ....4 Kenneth to Juet then Mrs. Wtnllhlp'lI guellt, In PreMed to peat thiDIleu by a beaY7 hta lllater. "What do W eatq,~.r , t760 7011 ..,. to & IL 4a1nt,. lingerie frock. oame cial offer. Into Address the welIbt had renect Qpon ft. Uw. 114. anu J 0Ul drop YOU oft VtllMe of Lebano n buiag an in John ' AJlen t~ mara WalhaB TIuow lqwblaJl room. Kenneth squirmed In hIs w;et It rn. tIMm, It ten III • som_U N tor a wi aIld than pick bathing lIillt aa he was Introduced to 10 ab. oue of'S B" Wood- Baa~e," lOUD Frankli D, ,GOO. ,UttIe pool of water. r ad....... the roo liP OIl mT' STANDARD FASHION COMPANY WAT bame from the ' ber. .' . apoeae III JDqIIeIl aael with aDT WOrd.1 be&oJLII 1t.1I V.iul.... Strut, New,Jerk . N. Y. , " '1 reall,. must apologtze tor my a; L-__~--_____ _____ _____ _.I ;· that came IIltD ID7 head, .....ndlq . ," ~at the thin.," acreed . - , lila aliter . pelU'lUlc e," be Itarted ( .tn . agaIn. tID otter IacaDta tlona. . with alaartty . "Take me to M..... "Now, don't lIa,. a 'word," Inter"'I'be att..tlo o of tbe lAm .. eel Wtnahlp'a, u 1 promtae4 ber that rc1 rupted Mrs. WInshIp. "We , " , " eoldlen wu QUlokly drawn to thta 1lIl- drop know you: ~ to 1188 her lUeat, , _ -'-=young bu.lnes s men don't Ume DR. BELL 'S ANT I.PA . ,.-....:_. _ _ _ _ 'Hu,"~ a ......... bi' u.ual beh..lor~ part.--T .. hey n of th We.t __ I ... _ - "1 h " aDd thll ta to Vi ... . Inla. . IN lei 4 ._..... ht e -0 ...... 08 aft. .• everyt ng. lUll! we're glad to COIl Dot conceal their terror when, For Interna KeDDath donned hta batb1ng Illlt, ' have0 you l and Extema l, Palnito -Whil e I have alw~ys bee.n friendl y to reason able .Ilnd JUlit 88 you are. Why, how .. t apoke louder aDd louder to the added ' a tew ~.., including wet your head III!" proper approp riation s for great public d. espeapoop, It padual ly Iwelled ·.to Ita nortr ' t c1 6_-' _.. mal IIlse. The Ttbetana, wbo at ftrat 0QMn, awea .. all "Y I' b clany tJiOIle for riven and ha~l'S. I thmk 1t 19 hme to --.... ...oea, ea, ve een working wIth the could ' ~ard'y belteve their e188, be- aDd then ,otlDto t'b,e all~mo ~6attentl' nn . t o a bUe jI· u b)· with ...... t I than machine .Whl ," ' ch explain .none ed Kenneth glfbly. can, be more dev. . . . . , . . .. .... bla Illter. After lIIlort clrtYe throurb "It was warm work came pan. Ic'lItr Icain. There wu a the I feel park ... itopped ~t a.. WlDlhlpl, had been In a showerand import ant to aU of the people , and especln lly to the farm· bath." as It I ·ie.! Save Money and . aeneral Itampede." m "Now; TOU be 1'8114,. .wben you liear en, the improv ement. of our wagon roa~9, I ' know we He cllllt a reproochtul gllln~e at hIs ~ Style by Reading McCaU'. the borJa," he a4mODllhed her. "A wet Bister 88 he W88 led away alread y have a Good Roads Bureau in the Depart ment of to the sup- , Magazine and Had .eoome Matter of HabIt. bathlDa wit with a IIw~ter oyer It per table, Th\,re his phy,elca1 Using McCaU Patterns Agricu lture, the approp riation s for which I gla(,lly sup· dl. When Elflha decided to take unto lan't tU moat comfortable thin. In the comfort Interter ed materia . ported• . But its 'functi ons, ·thoug h i~portantl are .Clrcum · McC.II'. Ma.aal •• will lly with hlmeelf a atrth helpmeet. he' repalre4 worlc!, ' ud don't let them MSCAll:S MAGAZINE 11(,111 . yeoll rlrCSll sLyl, scribed. The Good Roads 'Burea u has done sple.n dld work uk me to Ms appetlte. This tact, togethe r wtth Isloly nl n lIIodNnlO to the hou~e Of a BapUat mlniBter. go to. Sa, th.t ~":"wlil l, ""I "lIs0 h y kUDPlnl ( . a, vtol~nt fit of s~eellng whIch seized d to a Yenf'rable maD who ha4 oftlolated ani,. don't let them lee me." in makio g investi gations an d ' . ex~run ', ,11 Il I,. LOII (Ill Lbo hhn, called forth Mrs. Wlnshtp 's 80ents 111 regar at ee,(eral of Illal" p,...YkMl. wed. . "JUII~ toot the bom three 11 I<,SL fit S II I 0 II S In the ~ method s of road makin g ~nd t~e . best road.m .aktlmell," ltcltous Inquirie s a8 to hts dnLh.\s health. IlIHI hn Ul. IiO dlDP:/, to make aJ'I'&qem~ta to be '11814 bll alBter, "and I'll fiT ina materi a" i in invest ir,ting tllo chem~o nl ~~d phYSical out l> ~ w Fn.qblon J) Signs before Atter a rather strained . period at the ma~~ tbere the DOt In .a,. I'ndl Is., uo. Also. Tbeml. .. tlie,. haYe time to uk QueaUonli. You table MH. WInshi chlrac ur of rOB(t materI als: 'a nd ~as dlssem mated v~lup suggested that vo lll n!> lo lurumuUl on 1ater " reftect~ a ·moment. "JIIllaha," 8.Nn't enetl, an Apollo able ioform ation in bulleti ns ports on the subJec t atter your they loo~ over soma vi ews she had lin 11 11 h() mo nud IlCr· laid 'he, "I Ihall, of S()I\n l IIlIlllOrs. Onl y be rlad e'Y8ntng Rim, and ' It would really be In the library. of road. and rolld improv~JIlent: it has w~rked along prac· , r~I' n )'01\ r. IlIclu(lIl11: to . marrr you aplll. Tble will.,. a reaectlo n OIl me If aIlybody tical 'I nd sCientific lines, and has built object lesson ro~ds Bhould n rrou l'ILUurn. Suh· In tbe contusion ot rlllln, Keoneth the third or fourth time. will It ,Dolt l'M.amAIJI'f "",,_,un_ scrthl' tocl ay or sand 1Ou." whtepered to his I)Itster: "Let's run rur fit/o SIILUI)le copy, ",hl'ch have been 01 great vahle in n'la,.n.y. states where road ",.ou . don't mln~ tellln. me, Wl;lT I.' TIme WIlDt Qulckl, atter Kenneth for ItI" M McC.III'.u...... wl ll llll nhio ,nll to maltl) In YOUf It that you never haYe a mlnlater of ~Ted at the beach. • ~lItiUction tQ any 'extent 1~8. ~n u~derta. ken. Yet,. Theretonl, he own U(1I110 . with yo\utlwn hOlld iJ, c lotliing !'Clr 'Tm afraId we' II haYG to go," said r. ,..ur 'own race tie tbe ~DO~ tor your" remain .. IIi the water ao long that be IIhe' apologetically rOUfll" " ami ,:llllclron wh l" 11 will bo potfuot Speaker co-ope ration .b y the genera l govern ment With to thetr hostess. BUaha leemed hu.r t for' a moment. but w&li oblllT when be 4rew OD In styl nnll !i t. !'rlc -n o li IIhlhl)r tllllulli the lev';"l states has not been of such propor tions as t:o hla Iweat. "KenDeth IlIn't teeltng well." I' II Iii. l; lid for froo I'alto rn Cflblloguo . (iii 8'!ally a ~road amUe illumined hi. er aIl4 trouser s OTer the wet 'bathlng . . .t .the ever-in creasin g needs of and deman d for a um· We ·Wi!! Ciye Y•• fi .. PreWlIt ftlr !ictUOII suh· "No, not exactly," corroborated !eature l, "W.ell, lab," he ellplataecl. autt. When be Iltopp8d b1e SC rJpti OIlS nmnn\[ your f,, . end fOf froe form .....m of public road improv ement that will be naIn Kenneth, g again. I'rnrnlllln 'BtILIlIIIUe I\n(l C,lsh Prlzo on; f • .1 ~.b kinder . . .de habit .o bpttlD · traDt 01 WlDlhlpe' honae maolilne everything charac ter." "It's too bad that Cora'. brothel') .TH[ McCAll i:o.PANY~ 239ta 249 W~ 37. &.. "EW:rot' .' . , • white ~D to do, m,.. 1jIarryII l'. 'aDwuclU k. . Hili CIft~bod'J hu.r4 'Of Cougre8ltman Denve r domg ()1' lm't more robust," ·coinmented 1 reckoa 111 alia ~ It;..... I ,. ;", . ~e ~t" the ~m lou!'l, three Wloahlp when ·the automoblle Mrs.! . ~ • '1 t t the . d. ,< t ,. tim. alul . _aSteel. After an Interval parted with ·the callerl. ~g tm'1J ing orprop olt,.g any. pan f1tee .ever· . Lice ON HOOS be tooted the "'aft ,.g d~"'tUld f()1' ,.6tid .lnt;proneme:ntl . .hom aPID Uaree tIm_"R ObUllt !'~ cried Mra.W lnlhlp' s . ·aDd .....ted. .' TheD '''' trtecl to·. 48ok1e peat. .,Ith ' 8!1Pprea . H~ d~ fto~ .tlM iugge,ltt.. any planl" to :he!p I'the.' lecl ..exoltement. wlaed . be .• boilld 10 oo"bam e or set "W"T, he Ilin't !lhlk-he'lI,crasy ~ . ~ ""~ .;o4d8 M ·f. to~af;ing ~t in' ht8 . Dldo't a,~ : ,,'.fo dip pigl,.t weanin g time II Dot QIl~ ' ~ .rIq' ben. . ,"0&117, em. ' y~ nOtSoe that b6 ' ~ 'no 8OCka '~?" , ._ "" ' t1~-~' ,,:-- ;. fJonfr/'u" 'We ·need a f"ea.l "l'tlt WIN loon eno~g'b 'Llilt fait we ' (l1~-Y ...:.......;...~ _.... ..-:.~ . f th· ... --' • ~ _ _ '--_ T;"'~1~.h ' ~"t"c t, ~~ ~h~ 0 h!o ,Good R,0aM erad oe"l, ha~il84 JlOe ·on .oor plRl! ~~iied"'~;b;r::r~7 ' d~;:b : Fe. E OM",pw;., Je61tf Tnywr . :w~o 1 PiNO, 'DAIRV CAL. YES 10an 10ttA :f~~ a"thre e . weekll old, wriiM a : hOtr raia 9P the 'atepe aIlel taTe 01. 'A~ gooil 1'(1,dtHm01I~ t In Oongr~8 a~ fot;ct ~~ the beD a You, ~gM1v es need wh91e .mll.k for gl'.lwer In the "arm. 'JourDa l. it'. llharp rtba,. . c~mittee. tA~ S~a/ltlr anaI Oon .' ... . . •. gre," to permat leguZ;atum' . ·w ... · 'OeoeeMI'Y to dip theee pi";' :' Att.r a DIOIDeDt ~. . ~8U'4 f TQIOM, and the first few' dlloYs 'rbe oalf 'should t h ~1I " th O'U '1I.o:. ".,IM · f,()f' 1M b~tt8r11&~nl 0 (JUr. 'pUlI1:1.Ol&.g . D· IlIbta ·1MiIUi to. apMU'. 1D the troot 1Oa:~ . r . g . . alw~yshavethe . fi1'8t' or oo]~~trutn : .. three .tt.,.._ bet~... _.ntaR lo ,order lJIU1. qt , ~ .ID ·~0Ulet: me:; milk of the. oow '~ .' .. ' /.' Ae·, i(.~ot ' (Jn . tlo~r #c~et,t &.nd 'be allO'wed "to .' . . '. ' . toexte~iD,&e~_h, 1lQ8. The oaly ~t . ~ ~p :.p~ at th!, 'nti1'8e tbe'oow utitll . theet .huir· o~ , ~... '.. FI""n_' . .. .. the . lure w~y 'o'fiod the 'lI08 IIJ., catcb ~"ath .KeaDetb'. aIater 1ft .In beI'. ·.h .m il"'l ' Th " ~e,'ft . :aU ·beera ORt ,OIltM.Ide ~' ';;'_11111!~~~~~~~~~~-:~:_--"';';"~~-~~~ th' , - d I........ I' the'. ~· n i·n, ~ ~K, W 'h en th e,- :'Ilk Is' ' e P..• aD . ""• .0 ~ . ~ YOUDI ~.~ lIN.. WWblp . "Do Inita 'lIe • fl,.~qm ailfood: B~d often ·08,. ._how qp flr."III ,o~t• ..., bebtad ~ tiL.T~ tar 701l to I :witb smal] am~unta to ..void · over. the. ean. ~ 111 ID a U~e ~per, aI~ JOaricl'fe edID"'. ' Teach. the o.lf ' to drln' k 1IiIIi/a UDkIII4 8IIOU8Il , ·m .. • mou. .... 10&0 .bl home to.tIdU ,..laM " ', • 'oaUIa 't .. ~ ,toIJ.a~a feed' whole milk. for ' ~t least, of.• Turk It '-'m _ _" • banm _.- : . " I tbrte~ :W8ekl, ohaact ol tQ .lIklm ·












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1847 Rogers Silv erwa re





















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plnator Illld gl.lnnlln n of lJuls(·y. establish oci Ml.l1UlO p r

Ilt Sunny!! AITII ,I~ t nil· rous dlltku llies the r Ilnt" d 's,·rll'd. :.nss Jlln 8 locked up ror the nIght eh WIlJI startled by n llllrk fi~lIro on til ~·t'rnnda. Unseem ly n ols('~ <1I"turbou IIH durin!:, the nlgbt. In tho 1II0rllh.g I\fI ~~ Inn ea (ou.nd a strange link 'ufT-bulton III a hampl'r. Gertrude and HI\I"oy arrl\,,'u with J ack Balin),. 'r h e h o u ~o w no awak · ened by a revol\, r shot and Arnold Ann · atr ng \VIlS (ound ahot to denth In t ho hAI l. MIllS lnoca tound Hulsey'a revolvI'r <In the Io.\\'n. He aod Jack Bolloy law dlllappeared . 'rho link cufT· bulton mYllterl· ously dilmppea rl'd. O ot et\vo Jamieson arrived. G rlrude revellied s he \Vas en, pged' to Jack Balloy, with 8i10 talked In the billi a rd room (lwhom C W moments hefore the murder. ieson ae· cuaed Misy Jnncs of holdi ngJambllolt denco. Ue tmprison d an Intruder e\,l· an -empty room. The prisoner l\8co.ped In down .. laundry ohute. Gertrude Wa..!! sUllpccte d. A negro found the olher halt of what <provod to bo J ack Balley'a cun-· bullon. R nlaoy reappear s and BliSS he ana Ball y teft In response to a teloKTllm . Gerlrude .aId she had givel! Bailey an unlonded "\rolver , fcarlng to give him a loaded weapon. Cll8hler Bafley Po.ul Arm · .trong's bank, detunot. ot arr s ted tor -embezzlcment. Hulsey WI\8 said Armstrong 'WT eked hla OWlI bank &nd could lear Bolley. Paul AnnstrOng'8 WIU! an· nounced. Halsey'" fi ancee,dnalh Lol)lsc Arm· ..lrong, WIl.II tound at the lodge. The lodgekeepcr said 1..oulso and Arnold had • long talk Ule night ot th murder. LoutRe WIUI prostra ted. Louise told th&t while she still loved '11m sho Halsey, \Va8 to marry another, and that he would dOl'lplae ber wtlen be learned the whole stOry. be

CHAPT ER XIV.-CO/1t1nued.

(nce In th hadow, and my bl'art fai r· Iy nc ll l'l! for bitn. · II wa so l)lg and boy h, b ! \\'h D I hnd finish d he drew n long h ...~a th . ""' hal I'(:> r Loul sQ docs." h Bald, "D uLhlng will ou\'ince rue, Au nt Hay, t hat sll ' do .s n't care fo r Ill. And up to two months ogo, wben s be and her moth . r w nt w st, I was U, happl s t f 1I0w on earth . Th en somelb lng made a d l ll' e r e n ~e; sll wrote me tbal ber pl'ojlle \Ver oppos .d\ to tile mar· ringe ; that ber fa Ung for me was wllnt It llad always b e n, but that someth i ng had ha Pllened wblch ' llad hang ell her Id eas as to th futu re. I was not to write until she wrote me, and wll atever occurre d. I was to tblnk tbe b at I could or he r. It sounded like a puzzle. Wh 'n I saw ber yes, teqlny, It was th e same t blng, only,' perhaps , worse." "Halsey ," I asked, "have you any Idea of tbe natur or the Interview be tw en Louise Arms trong and Arn· old tbe n ight he was murder d 1" "It was stoJ:my. Thomas says once or twice be almost broke Into tbe room. he was 80 alarmed for Louise. " "Anolbe l' tblal, Halsey," I said, "have :!IOU ever beard Louise mention a woman named Carring ton, Nina Car· rlngton !" "Never, " he said posltLvely. For try RS we would. our tbou,ht 8 always came back to that fatal Saturday night, nnd the murder. Every can· versatlo nal patb led to it, and . we all felt that Jamieson was tlgbtenl ng tbe threads of evidence around John Bailey, Th detectiv e's abseuce was hardly reassur ing; be must have had sometb ing to work au In town or be would have rettir.n ed:


toml' to Ill" a Sin ister ap pearanc e. but W I" 1{{'l1t tliat wing w II II htt>c1, antI unlll th lights went out at. mldnlgb t Il was r eally ch c<H'ful , If 0110 did not know Its his tory. On Friday night, th n, I had gone t o bed, resolve d to go nt once to sleep. Though ts that Insisted on obtrud ing themso l\'es I pushed r solutely to th bac k of my mi nd , nnd I systoma ti a lly relaxed e\' ry mu ~o l e . I fell 8sle p soon, and was dreami ng that Dr. Walk r was buildin g his new house Immedi ately In front of my windoW s; 1 coul d hear th e thuUlp·t hump or tbe hammer s, and then I wak ed to n know ledge that som body was pound· Ing on my door. I was up at once, nnd with tbe sound of my (oots te p on the floor tbe low knocldn g c ascd, to be followe d Immedl at'ly by sibila nt whis(>er lng througb the keyhole. ":\1lss Rac hel! Mi llS Rachel!" somebody was saying, over nod over. "fs that you , Liddy 1" I a sked, my hand on the knob. "For the love or mercy, lot me In:" she said in a low tone. Sbe was lennlng against the door , for when I open d It, she fell In . Sbe was greenls h,whlte , and she had a red and black barred flannel petticoa t over her shoulde rs. " Li sten," s be said, standin g In the middle of tb e floor and bolding on to me. "Oh, Mi ss Rac hel, It's tbe g host of . that dead man hamme ring to gel in!" Sure enought, there was a dull tbud - thud- tbud- It came apparen tly from the wa ll. " It'll not a ghost," I said decidedly. "H It was 8 gbost It wouldn 't rap; It


Appoma ttox, Scene of Hlatorle nl Sur· render In 1'865, Now Failing foulld In the tulip bed-an d gave It to Into Rulna. C~mpo~nd him . 11 suw J~lddy there and dh'illed Baltimo re. Md. - .. For four years a t once tbat Louise was nlone. Appom altox Is a ua me that recall!! my life was a misery to me. ll!lutf~red .. You let me attend to this fe llow, brave memori es. There were two Ap· from ifIelf\!lari~ who v r It Is, Aunt Ray. and go to pomatto x lowns tics, In 1865 terrible dragand there are Louise, will you? She may be awake ging two In 1910. It was at Allpomaltox sensatio ns. alld alurmed ." extrem e nervous station on the railroad between Peters~o In spite or h er protestl i, I le ft n ess, and that all burg and Lynchb urg that Sberld nn's Liddy alone and went back to the I gone fceUng in my cavalry capture d the s upply traIn ust wing. Perbap s I went a little stomach, I had given up hope of fas lcr past tbe yawnin g blacltn css of whlcb stood between Lee's army and ever being ,ell the clrculal ' staircas e; and I could starvati on. and: It was at Appom attox when I bega to bear Halsey creaklu g cautiou sly down court house, about three miles nort b, that take Lee surrend ered. Tbe Appom at· Lyd!aE ,PUlt,. tbe mnln staircas e. Thll rapping , or bam's Vegeta ble ' pounding, had ceased, and the silence tax court house of today occupies Oompo und. Then was almost painfuL And tben sud· nearly tbe site' of Appom attox IItation I felt as tbougb de llly, (rom appal' nUy uuder my vcry and tbe old town of Appom/lttox court ......~--'-_ _oooA-~, new .lile had been fee t, there rose a woman' s scream , a house II a ruined vlllnge with a few Riven me and I am reco~mendlng It cry of terror that brOKe orr as sudden· collapse d bouses and about tbe same to all mifriends,"~Mrs. W. S. FORD. Iy as It came. I stood frozen and still. number ot inhabit ants. The square In 2207 W, Franltl ln St., Baltimo~e.'){d. , The most success ful remedy in thl. Every drop of blood In my body which the old court house stood Is country for the cure of all (orms ot covered with beaps ot broken brick scemed to leave the surface and gath· female compla ints Is Lydia E. around my heart. In the dead sl· ,and ashes and III overgro wn with ham's Vegeta ble Oompo und. It bu scraggy trees. The old court house, ltood lence that followed It tbrobbe d as If It the test of years and to.4ay is would burst. More dead than a\lYe, with tbe county records , was burned more widely and suocess fullyus ed than I stumbled Into Louise' s bedroom . She about fift eon years ago and the n ew an70th er fernalll remedy . It has cured court house was built on tbe line at thousan ds of ",omen who have been W I1 S not tbere ! trouble d wlth displac ements , infiamrailroad . The McLean house. in wttlcb the matioIlt ulcerati on, fibroid wmors , lrCHA~TER XVI, regular lties, periodiC pains, backach e. terms of surrend er were agreed on that beo.rlng .4own feeUng, flatulen cy• and signed, was torn down In 1892 for Indigestion. and nervou In the Early Morning, s proetra tloo. J s tood .looklng at tbe empty bed. r emoval to and reconst ruction at tbe after all otber means had failed. The coverin gs had been thrown back, Cblcago world's fatr, bllt the Idea was , If you are suJrerin g from an70tth eae and Loulse' s pink silk dressln g·gown carried no further than the demolit ion allment s, dOD't give up hope until yotl haft Rinn Lydfa E. Pinkha m's Vege. was gona from the foot, wbere It had at the house. table 'Compo und a tdal. lain. The nlgbt lamp burned dimly, Tbe visitor to Appom attox has diM· U 70U would like specia l advice revealin g the emptine lls of the place. c'ulty in learnin g tbe name of the pres· write to Mrs. Pinkh am. Lynn. I pl oked It up, but my hand IIhook so ent owner of the McLean house, or tbe MaD., tor it. She has Jnlldet ! that I put it down a~ain, and got "surren der . house." as It ucla to hea1tb , free 0& Is called in thousa somehow to the door. charge . , that neighbo rhood. Tber e were voices In the hall and It Was on Aprll '7, '1865: when Grant Gertrud e came running toward me . . wall at FarmvU " What Is . It?" sbe cried. "Wbat Was Appom attox, le, a few. 'mlles east of that tbe federal CODJ.· that sound? Where Is Louise! " mander opensd the corresp ondenb e THE REASON. "She Is not In her room," I saId with General Lee leading up .to the stupidly: ~'I think-I t was she-w ho surrend er. At ~ve o'clock on the eve-. screaIl\ ed." nlng of APril .Llddy had Jolne~ us now, carryin g a "the hopeles 7 Grant wrote to lAle on sness of further reslstan e light. We stood huddlec! togethe r at on tbe . the head ot the cIrcular ' stalrCl1l9, VI,rtJnl part ot the army of norther n a in this struggle ." looking down Into Its shadow s. Then . The same evening Grant recelve d .a was nothing to be seen. and It Was absolut ely quiet down tbere. Theil letter trom Lee, In which ' the latter we heard Halsey running up the main said: "Tboug h not entertai ning Ule staircas e. He came quickly down tbe opinion you' express ot the hopeles s· ness ot further resl6tllDce, I recipro cate hall to where we were standin g. ." "There' s no one trying to get In. I your desire to avoid useless elIuslon thought I heard some one shriek. of blood, and tberefo re, before con· slderlng your proposa l, a8k the terms Who was' It 1" Our ~rlcken . faces told him the you will ' ol'fer on conditio n of sur· render." _ trutb . J { "SolUe one screame d down there." On the mornl'~g of April ' 13 Grant [said. "And-a nd Louise Is not in ,,'rote to Lee: "Peaee being my grllat !:ler room ...· desire, there Is but one conside ration With a jerk Halsey took the light JanJto r-I know the water III turnell from Liddy and ran down the circular ol'f. I'm sorry, but it isn·t my fault. staircas e. I followed Um, more slow· T enant- I know, and I guess that's ly. My nervell seemed to be In a state why you're sorry. ' of paralys is ; I could Bcarcely step, the toot of the stairs Halsey gave an Compar ing Notea. Mrs. Newly- My IJttle Rabble Is raexclam ation and put down the light. marka bly strong; he Is only ·t our "Aunt Ray." he called sharply. oyears old, but lie can raille his high At the foot of the staircas e, hud· chair with one hand! died In a heap. her head on the lower ,. M.r. Spoodl er-Oh. tbat's nothlng ; In stair, waB 'Louise Armstr ong. Sbe lay the apartm ent hOl,lse where I try to do limp and white. her dressln g·gown my sleepin g there's a baby tbat's 'only draggin g loose from one sleeve ot her four months old. and tb.a t child can nlght-dr ess, and the heavy · braid af ralae the roof. ,wIth no hand at all. her dark hair stretohi ng its length' a couple of steps above her haad. al If Caugl;lt Too Quick. \ she had s~lpped down. , . "I pie ads guilty ter steaUn' dem She was not dead; Halsey put her melons, jedge." said 'the prIsone r, "but down on tbe floor and beg&n to rub I wants de mercy .e r de court." her cold hands, ",hUe Gertrud e an4 "OIl what gTQunds 1" aaked ·t ha Ltddy ran for stimula nts. As for mt, judge. I- sat there at tbe foot of that ghostly "On dese g...ound.... replied the prl .. stairca se-sat, because my kneel onllr: '~I atole: de melonll. but de sherwouldn 't- \101d me-an d wonder ed 1ft didn't gJve me a chance to eat where It would all end. Louise was 'em!"-A ttanta tonstltu Uon, stili unconsc ious, but she was breath· Ing better. and I suggest ed that we Dlagno l'I, get her ' back to bed before she came "Do you see that man . going aton, to. There was sometb ing grisly IIlld with bis head 'i n the air, animDg with horrible tD me, lIeelng her theB 'In hla nose !:' . .' almost the same attitude and In th. "Yea. I know h101." same place where we bad found ber , "t IStlppose he beUeves In taklng In brother 's body. And to add to the The Terml of Surrend er Agreed the good, pure ozone." similari tY, just then the hall clock, Upon and Signed, "No; ho's huntlng for a motor tar orr, struck faintly tbree o'clock. garage, I blillieve ."-Tlt·B lts . . It was four ,.before Louise was able Be true to the best of yoursel f, fearto talk, and tbe first rays of dawD were coming througb her window s, ing and desiring notblng; but living up to your best natur~then '70U w11l be happy,- M'arcu8 , . AureUus.

Cured by Lydia E. ' Pinkham's Vegetable

Gertrud e and Halsey went tor a long walk that afterno on and Louise .lept. Time hung beavy on my hands, and [ did as [ bad faUen Into a habit of doing lately- [ sat down and though t thlngs over. One result of my meditat ions was that I got up sud· delll, and went to telepho ne. I bad· taken the most Intense dislike to tbllt Dr. Walker , whom I had never Been, and who was being talked ot In the country side as the fiance of Lomse Armstr ong. I knew Sam Huston well. There bad been a time. wben Sam was a «004 deal younge r than be Is now, be· fore be ' bad married Anne Endicot t, when I knew bim even better. So now I felt no besltatl on In calling him over the telepho ne. But when his omce 'boy had .glven way to his confide ntial derk, and that funcllon ary had conde· ~ce nded to connect bls employer'lI 'iJ esk telepho ne, I was somewb at at a loss as to bow to begin. . "Why. how are you, Racbel? " Sam said lIonorously. "Going to buUd that house at Rock View 1" It was a 20· year-old joke or hIs. ,... "Somet ime. perhaps ," I said. "Just DOW I want to ask y a Ques1i6iifr--;;;;::~--~~~ about· someth ing which Is none of my buslne8 8." "I aee you, baven't changed an Iota tn ' a quarter ot 0. century , Racbel. " . This was Intende d to be another jest. "Ask ahead ; ' everytb lng but my domestic affairs Is at your serVice." "Try to be serious ," I said. "And tell me lhts: Has your firm made any plans for a bouse recently ' tor a Dr, Walker at Casano va 7" "Yes, wo baye." "Where Was it to be built! I have .. reason for" "It WI1S to be, I beHeve. on the Arm· 8trong 1,)lnce. Mr, Armstro ng himself <:onsult ed me. and tbe Inferenc~ was -In fact, I am Quite certain -the house was to be OCCUpied by Mr. Arm· strong' s daughte r. who was engage ' "We Had a Quiet Hour," Halaey -and I. to marry Dr. Walker ." Wben the arcbite ct had inQ.uired tor The papers reporte d that the cash· would come through the keyhole." tbe · dll'ferent membe rs ot my family. ler ot the Traders ' bauk was 1\1 In his Liddy looked at tbe keyhole. " 'But It and bad finally rung '01'f, I was certain apartme nts at th e Knicke rbocke r-a sounds v~ry much as though somc one ot one thing. Louise Armstro ng '!,as conditio n /not surprisi ng, conside ring Is trying to break Into tbe house." In love with Halsey, and the man she everyth ing. The guilt Qf tbe defunct Liddy was sblverln g violently. I was goIng to marry was Dr. Walker. preside nt was no longer tn the told hsr to get me my slippers and Moreov er, lilis decision was not new; missing bonda ' had been doubt; advertis ed she brough t me a pair of kid gloves, marriag e had been contem plated for and some or them discove some time. Tbere . must certainl y be every Instanc e they had beenred. In so I found my tblngs myself and pre· used as pared to call some explan ation-b ut what was It? collater al fOI' large loans, and tbe nlgbt alarm Halsey. As berore, the bad found tbe electric That day I repeate d to Louls6 the belief was current that not telegra m Mr. Harton had opened. She a million and a half doUaTs less than lights cone ; the ball, lIave for Its seemcd lo :ond erstand , but an unhap- realized. Every one connecthad been night lamp, was In 'darkne ss, as I went pier face J have never se n. She the bank had been plaCJed ed with acrolls to Halsey' s room. I hardly looked like a crimina l whose reprieve rest. and released on belLvy under ar- know what I feared, but it was are; bond. lief to find blm tbere, very sound 1.s over, and the day of executio n apWas he alone III his guilt, or wall asleep, and with his door unlocked. proachi ng. the cRshler his uccomplllle? Where "Wake uP. Halsey," [ lIald, IIhaklng WIlB tb e money? The estate of the him. CHAPT ER XV. dead man was compar atively smaUHe sUrred a little. a city house on a fashion able street, In and half out of the Liddy wall balf door, afraid as Liddy Gives the Alarm. Sunnysi The next . day, Friday, Gertrud e mortgagde, a large estate largely usual to be lett alone, and not quite ed, an Insuran ce of $50,000, daring to enter. Her scruple brolce tllo news of her ste pfather' s s seemed acd some persona l propert y-tltls was to fade, howeve r, all at once. She death to Louise. Sh e did It as gently all . The rest lost in specula tion prob· ga:ve 'a sup'p ressetl yell. halted Into tbe a she COU ld, telling ber first that he was very ill. and finally that he was ably, the papers said . There was one room and stood t1glttly clutcbln g the thing which looked uncomf ortablt! for foot· board of tbe Led. d ad . Louise r eceived l he news in rialsey was lbe most lInexpe cttld manner, nnd Jack Oalley : He and Paul Armstro ng gradual ly waking . togethe r had promote d a ralll'oad com· when Gertrud e' came out to tell me "I've seen It," Liddy walled . bow Ilba had stood it. I think s h was pany III New Mexico, and It was ru· woman In white down the baU:" mor d tbat togetlle r they bad sunk ah;)os t Ilbocked . .1 paid ~o attentio n. '. "Halsey ," I perse'Vered,. some one "She just lay and stared at me, large slims of money tbere. The busl· ness alliance b etween the two men Is breakin g into ' tbe house. i\ uut Rny," she eald . " Do YOIl know, Gel UP. I hell('vo sho fs glad . ghtd! And sbe udued to the bellef that Bailey knew won't you?" ' aomethi ng at the looting. His une~· Is too honest to pretp.nd anytbln g . "It Isn't our house," .he said sleep,: e lse. WIUlt sort of a Inao wa. Mr. plalned . absence from the bank on Iy ~ And tben he' roused to the exl·. Monday len t color to the suspicio n geney . of PA.ul Arml:\trong. llDybow 1" the occaalon. "· ~All ~Ight, .· "He was· a bully. as «'el\ as a ras· against him. The strange thing Apnt Ray." be said; still y.~"lng. · ~ It seemed to be his surrend ering himself cal, Gertrud e:' I /ia ld. "Bllt I al)I ~on· 'you'll let me g~t Into some~"lng~" viuced of on'e tblng·; rlOulse will send on the point of departu re. To me, it It was, all. I . could 411 to ,et' Liddy ·seemed th e sbrewd calcula tion of • for 'Halsey nc,w. and 'tliey will malle clever rascal. I wa~ not actLvely an· !lilt ot the room. The 'deman ds 'or' the: Jl all tasonls tic to Gertrud e's lover, bul I occasio n had no In(lue.nce on her; -sbe ' . . . For ' Louis hal! steadily r erused Dleant to be convinc ed, one way or the had se~n the ghost, sbe i>ersla~ed, 'a nd: ' :.' 8he 11..1 1 &.lImp . and Whfte; " !tee ' Hall! y all that day. and 'the boy shewp. sn't 'golu'g ,tnto tbe h'111. But ·.w.hlch faced :the. east,' blltoie other. 1 took no one on faltb. 'Willi ,rantlc. ~Ji~' cotll~ I . 'rhat D1ght the .S~nnY8I de gho~i be-:' g,o t her over to my room at last, . tali us cob'e rently Wiult liad ' occurrM . We had 11 ·qu.l et hour, Halsey aDd J, more dead th~ !lllve, l . ab~' gan aade to. walk again.' Liddy had ;be,e n her I IJva It . aa ahe toll! It. . p. Y ~ Dl ug, a.nd f told him sever:l.1 Ite down on the .. bed. - , '11l&/l; about t he request that we sLeeplniJ In L.ouise's dr98sln g room on .couch,,.JY)d tile approac h..of dusk ' g1vlt"iw ' tbe I aile fo Sunnys lde, about 1\was . . . ber, ' ubreburr~ and helel- ber a Ignal for ber . to barrlca ded.h e ceas~d# tal' a wb~\e, bad commen ced whtle IIhe t,alked. the - -1~6rum to Loulso, o.b"lIl the sull.c. Sltl'-ted ' . as It was,' be. agahi. but ,they were 'falnter <lia.lsey · r'U1IlCmI ' of ' ISD ' appl'Oach1pg marrl~e entlre (TO BE 'CONTINl1l!lD,) -. clime over In (1. few miD utes, ,and stood ' .' . f.'t eclJ t}le girl 'Bud f:Jr, Walker , and. youd the ~lrcul8r 8talrcas~ nothing lIsteniri c and ' tryiDg ' to loc~te Uui Good in E.v erythlri g. , '\aat qf lilt; rut OIll'D IDter·vlcW with her but an fU[reUjlty .. t 'ucltem ent would aOUIld. Wbate nr IU~ppeD. to aD1bod" It , hue maG\' her pa"e It after' dal'k, I . "Give me my· revolve .JI~ diufore. r, Aunt R,aY." m., be t.u1'DJ4. to ~. . . , , •• pI a b" chair, 'WIlli I1IJ Wllt.1 mrs!!lr tbat .hu »lace seemed ti. lIaid; anll' I lOt. It.-the ODe I Jaad W~ ~tmaaj "': .. .,

_-_-.A, •






There's vitalitY, snap and 4fgo"

In a breakf . ast·· of ,


Grape-NutS .' "..' .




cream~ I


Because nature ' stores 'up . Iri wqeat ,~nd p~ler ."

The Potassiu.m PhOsphate

In such fOi1n .'as to.'

. :.



Som e Glimps~s of Hea ven

!I1!l "No," or m,ask play, Is not the creation ot oue time or one age; it nas an old history, since It was born lI"e a mystery from the naUona l Impulse aud love ot 11 teralure and legends from ow" almost blind beJlllf In Buddhis m a.nd ghosts. which WBI:! ncourug ed first In t.b feudul Bl;n by tbe AsWkag a lords troUl tile rO\ll't ~en th century down to lhe close of tho slxteent ll century_ ' It wus In tbo ~ e days that we formed tho natlou al epic;s or Doems- that Is to say, tbe , "No" plays: It was tile first lime aud lat;l In th history of Japanes e literature to have the various tradlUo lls uIHi I gends. the ';ertaln Duddhl sllc faith snd lronglmtllon (those tblnge hOIIC'lessly n glee ted by the aristocra tic literatu re of Kyoto court In the fOl'mc r lage), dressed In puro liter· nture, 1 said It was the lust because t h Dovels a lld dramas U18t '~' ore sent <out late r on In tho 'fokuga wa 'age wen l not, In a largo measure , now at· tempts from thos ot the As hlkaga



How ODe Can Const ruct Fence Witho ut Crock lng-H as MlnIm um A,rnou nt of" Mater ial, But of" Imme nse Streng t.b. HERE are but tew tlJlngs that have bce n r ev al d to us In th e BIble about Some reUB a&'O there was pubUshed and clnmp th!!\l1 togethe Heaven . God's Book der. The mId. votes a gre at many page. III the Oazelle a desIgn tor building dl e!li will h tl !)es t held with wlr 8. You • wall8 of concret e for farm use. 'fhl:! now havo a form that will 'hold your LO Lhe rules ot right \lying In this worlrl, v n thou gh ollr Bojou rn Iden was at a thin , curtain wall, only, concret e ourtaln wall, " Inch es thick, here Is so s hort. Its allll Is to sbow 4 Inches thick. carefull y reinforc ed wltll the wire In Its exact cente r. Fill u tlte \Yay to Henv n; but only n f w ond held by buttress es or concret e It with concret e soft enough to flow, eUlcnC'os aro devoted to the descrip- posts at distanc es ot about 10 fe et not Sloppy. Agitate It enough to settion of til eternal home of God's peo· opan. It there 'Is much pressur e tie It well . Let It set for 24 hours, pi , Th Dible Mays enough to pique against tile wall It will be better to then cllr fully remove the form and 0111' curiosit y, to excite sp culatlon , to put, these buttres ses only G teet or 8 build another panel. As fast 8S the Shal'lH:> n a spiritua l appetite , but not fe ot apart. Since 1 publishe d my plllns forms are taken ott carefull y brace cnou s u to 11ft tbe sublime mystery I have seen several walls t hat had lhese [lane Is against wind pressur e. whi ch overhan gs It. A few things, been built In the manner describ ed, Keep ruolst and let them set. It I. bowe v r, are made quite cle'lr to UB. and I know tbnt they are all right. I betler If th y can s et for 10 days or In the firs t place, It Is nJA mer Iy have also learned sometili ng of bow more before tbe posts are added. The a. ondltlou ; It Is locality . It Is dis- one can belt do the work and have objf'ct of dOing tbis work a section at tin ctly bounded , or else such words as no crackin g at all, writes Joseph E. a time Is, of course. to prevent crack· "walls" or "gates" would be a tant asy_ Wing In Breeder 's Gazette . Bear now lng, as concret e Is s ure to contrnc t sa H aving no n eed ot sun or mOllll or well In mind that thiS, wblle It looks It Bets. It may later expand, also. Tbe holes tor the posts should have. stars, "the Lamb Is the lump thef'eof." like a wall, Is really on tile principl e Tb ro Is Ilomctblng beautifu lly sug- at a concret e fence, tile thickne ss of be n dug for conv nlel1co sake before g stlve In the many-slclednes s of the part between support s being but tbe curtain walls were bdlt. Put H ea,'en, with gates at entranc e from • Incbes, capped with a 4·lnch cap 16 them down 4 feet and malto thllm 12 every point of the compas s_ This em- Inches wide. To tbe observe r It II a Inohes square. Your curtuln wal19 phasizes the catbollc lty or the "many thick, heavy wall and It Is Immens ely will lack 4 inches of toucbln g at the mansion s" into wblch allth red emed atrong. The panels themsel ves need ends. The post comes around them. shall enter, from all reg10ns ot the not go Into tbe earth, unless to pre- Relnfor eo the post w II . It you caD globe, and trom every denoml nallon of vent washing under at water; then get some odd pieces of 2 Inch pipe, Ch rI stendom . 'They all shall come In tho)' may enter 12 Inches or more In they will serve. Or use four rods, through J es us Christ, yet by many a thIn sheet laid In a very narrow one at each corner, CIt about %-Incb trench dug for the purpose . steel. Get the reinforc ement run from got ways. ':":'0 constru ct rula wall first stretch the bottom ot the Heaven nssured ly Is to be a home, h.olo to the top u; In the line ot It a very good fence the post. Let the posts come up of a.nd Its occul1ants one vnst househo ld just ot love. No one will be Innesom , or ot wove nwire- any strong wire ten- even with the top · of your curtain clng will serve. Let It be as high as wall. Excava te a transve rse trench complai n of the Jack or congenl nl 00clety. Shall we know each othet you des ire tbe wall, ·and stretch it across the middle of tbe post, the very tight. Use II. sort with close trench 4 feet long and 12 'here ? MOllt assured ly we shall; for feet dee p, God's word never hints that our Identl· meshes . say 6-lo<:h squares . Two strips 'about 6 Incbes wide. When you fill ot hog fencing, one aboye the other, tbe post mold with concret e, fiJI thlll t y shall be destroy ed by the procesll called death_ We shall be the lame lapping and tying togethe r, will serve trench. It ruDS out like the roots at persons , even If the externa l 'londl- ""ell. Now make some tight panels of a tree on eltber side. Reinfor ce thll tlons become differen t, wben tba nat- lood dressed and matched boards, also. When you put up the post ural body become s a spiritua l body. Paut'. Sure Expecta tion. .:. -:::::~~;:::::::::::::::::::::~::t=:: Paul expecte d to depart and to be! '""Ith Christ, and stm to be Paul after he arrived there. With what delight be expects also to greet his .splrltua l chUdren In glory! The veteran soul· winner exelalmf:\: "What' Is our joy or crown of rejolcln R? Are not even , ye In the presenc e of our Lord Jesull , • •t , t Christ at bls comln,,?" This would , lI • , t. l: be solemn nonsens e 1f Paul did not • I. • • l • hope to recogni ze bla Thes8al onlan at 411; then the ralry said: ' • convert s In Heaven . the pine trees. The passage saYl!!: •. "Fie on thee ! • ,• Wben Cyneas, the ambusa dor or "True It Is that these pine trees may be doubted The pledge of mortal. .' , but In beavenl y be- Pyrrhus , returne d frOt.ll bls visit to ages, nut only a.n emphas.tll_ , TOlhl· nbed not all tIlelr leaves, their verdure In~s there Is no falsehood.'" •.... .JI mlt8ll, the third lord of the Ashlka~a f'Imlalns tresh tor ages long: even As ] said, the "No" Is the creation Rome In the days of her glory, he regovcrtlm ent, the propaga ndist of the atlLong 'evergre en trees- the emblem s CJi the age when by the virtue of sutr., ported to h1a soverei gn that be had cwremonles a.nd reflned arts, lOay of unchan geablen ess-ex alt d Is their 'Jr Buddha 's holy name, any straying lIesn a "commo nwealth at 'klngil." So be said to havc be n the first encour- tamtl to the end of tim_ the fame of ghosts or spirits In Hades were be- .111 It be In Heaven , where every hair a«er of the "No;" and at the time the two pine trees that have grown lieved to enter Nirvana . There Is no of redeem ing grace wlll be as a kinK M .d priest unto Ood; and divine adopYOIIhlQasa, the eighth lord, It had old tngethe r.'·' What are these two wODder that mos~ of the plays bave to belUl roughly comple ted as we have it pine trrs? Wbo are the old man and deal with those ghosts and Buddbls m. tion shall make everyon e a membe r of ' todAY. In due time, Ashlkag a's power woman , The ghosts of the 'trecs are Here we have one play, called "Morn- the royal tamtly. What a comfor t that CR03S bEeTIO .. OF POST C.ROSS SECTIO N .SHOWING POST ' . , declined , and the most wonder tul war nothIng but the old man and woman Ing 0 lory;" the flower cannot enter· we will never be obUged to pull up AT GROUND LINE SttOWIMCI CURTAIN WALL8 a. ft~I""ORCING our singing tent·pol the es age In quest of a pleasan ter of golden and happy Nlrvan . on accoun tar her ad al'ose on the horizon .in the perR[INrO RC£"!r, TS short lifo sorl of Hldeyos hl, the Napoleo n of lite. Oh, pine trees of the color of of on~y one mornin g and of ber Jeal· residen ce! Heaven wllI bave no "moJal1S1n, who, on the other hand, was eternity {lnd lite, you are the lIymbol ousles that burn on seeIng the Other ving day." A Solid Concret e Fence. One of the best evidenc es of the enno tlmall patron of art and literatu re. of peace and JOY. Among some 300 nowers who enjoy a longer Hte. Howtirely reperto sanctifi ries now In ex lstonce there is ever, her ghost will disappe ed conditio n at Christia ns each panel as long as the distanc e be- 'l1lould, It will Th.l " No" was not lett In oblivion In be 12d2 Inches ar with bis time, but many new pieces were no other like "The Robe of Feather s" satisfao tion when the monic glvell her In that world wl\l be that God can tween t~e centers at the posts III to be. Inside and w111 embrac e the on tbe eodll 01 , added to the alr ady great number of that 'N.U·I gracefu lly carry the delicate a sermon that eternity Is nothing but trust us there with complet e happI- 'VlJen you have these pa.nels made, the curtain walls, Take flour pasts ness statuesq and unalloy ue beauty. ed prosper ity. I loak tbem first In Unseed 011 and let It and cover the ends at compos ition and a mom ent, and to live In a mome nt Is the repertor y, and alterati ons were of tbe curtain mad e In tIlose already In l)rnctise . sentime nt. It Is the play -ot 1\ fairy to live In the ages. The "No's" ghost; never ,met with a Christia n who could dry. Afterwa rd get from your butcher walls with heavy paper 80 that they When the times caIne down to the wbose feather robe was stolen ' by a IIness and poetical Imagina tion reach be trusted In tills . world; even Paul a quantity of tallow a.nd melt It and wlll not adhere to the concret e of the Tokugn wa feudal era of the seYen· flshcrm an on Mlo'lS_ plnc-cla d shore. tbe 'clima x In 'the play of "Yamau ba," needed a thorn In the flesh to keep mix with kerosen e 011 to make It eas- posts. Tbls 'will let' them continu e to him whllc hu. · sho WIlS bathing , and upon her or the Mounta in-wom an, m ble. There Is not one of us fly spread. Grease these wooden pan· contrac t and not crack te nth century , the period ot peace whose autbor by being and prosper ity, It had become the promise to aance was . given back Is said to be Tkl:711. the famous priest. whose religion might not SOOI1 decay els very thoroug hly eacb time yOU use rigidly. You are npw ready for beld the most Importa nt factor of the nation's finally. Not to go to extreme even In What do e~ It repres ent? It Is the If exposed to the blazing heat of a con· them i that will keep the boards from cap. It also must be well reinforc ed. stant 'sadness ,sunahln warping Is e. tau,lit . NotWng Ufe. To recite lines from the "'No," A Burer· plan would be to Tbe wire at th~ fence should In Japan to be the play of, a dancer called Yamaub a. who would ruin come to and to act on ~he stage 11 possible , height of C'ullured manner s: bere we strayed Into a mounta in, and actually us sOllner than to be allowed always cover the panels with smooth sheet the top of the cap. tI need , not be was regarded to ~e one of a gentle- have every Or1ental beauty and lamen- s-aw the mqunta ln-wo:n an's mounta in to haV'O our own way. But In Heaven Iron which you would grease each more than 4 Inches thick nnd may be man's' accomp lishmen ts; the "No" tation in this fairy who could not fly wsnd rin g. Our Ufe Is a sort at moun· It seems likely that we can bear to be time; that would leave a very smooth continu ous. 'WIth the cap on, the waU play In contras t to the commo n t.hea· back to the 51ty, and sang: ' taln where we wander ; the mounta in- perplltu \llly healthy , p rpetuall y pros· wall and look well. Put a cleat at Is complet e, and while It has ll1ken terh Id the most dIgnified, ' noble ,,(oman Is 11 symbol of transmi gration perous, ,perpetu ally happy, without the the end at each panel ot 2x3-lneh tbe ,ulnlmu m of materia l' It has hn' m~' gllUlce <'loth ~fI Ii the heavenly place of ent'e rtalnme nt: And 80 It Is Vnlnl, of soul and endless ness. And tbe dan- need of watchfu lness or tbe fear of IItuff, vertical ly. Set them up now, llIense strength . It bas also the ap. plur", one on each aide of your wire fenoe. llearanc e of a solid concret today. It was tbought even - sacred W 'h r rlalu!!' njl OUr3 fall e wall. nil the enshroud cor, Yamaub a. Is the Incarna tion of ..... and It began -to assuDle the most nec- And vllil lh ~ w eU-k nown pathsairtrom T",ly Happy Chrl8tla tbe n. gbost of tbe mounta in-wom an, who loud -.~- ... ~~ essary Tole at a ' ,veddlng. ceremon y. to Cluud. dances and wander s with her own Happy Is that followe r of Curlst With tbe singing or a passsge from real wholle soul life-wor In tbe k mounta Is kept in.' up 80 Such llteadlly a A.Dd she promise d that she would "TakaWlgo" your wedlock will be dance thv !lance thnt makes the symboli c play, I tblnk, could be very to tile line that he Is ready to leave It sealed . .' Palace of the moon turn round, well adapted to the western stage. at a moment 'll notice. The leagues to Who 'I\"1'ote those "No" plays, you ask? that world of rest- wbere the holfest "Ta&Asago," the happy play celebrat - an~ \Vould leave her dance behind The names of the authors are forgot· activiti es ar~ retltrul -are few and Ing cor-staney, enduran ce, health and UII a tol~n to mortal men, If bel' ten ages ago, because tbey were writ· IIhort. Happy Is he ,,60, amid the 10ngevUy, Is represe nted by an old robe 8hrJuld be r~stored bel'_ .However, ten In ,the time when man and art old woman busy hi the the flsherm an doubted we never asked busle8t servIce ot his rl'aster and hll! that she ""ork 01 raking up pine ne'edles , un!1er l1ttt\'Y bCJme to heaven wltbout mIght who wrote them If the plaYII them- fellow-men, Is always listenin g for danclnc selves were gOOd . the footfallll this elde at the golden gate, 'snd for the voice of Invitatio n to hasten home! A true life Is just 8 tarrying In the earthly tent for Cbrlst until we go Into the manfllons with Christ. Let us be sure that no one at us. "til get even & glimpse of Heaven 's glory"o r a taste at Its joys, unlesB we are ready for It by a life of obedien ce way say that they do not conslue r It to ,JeSus ChrIst. There may be ma.ny t_ld a prospee th'e purchas er tbat she whQ wl\1 knock at the gate and possible , ' yet . referen ces to specifiC cry, casell wUl u'suall)" elicit the fact that bad 1\0 eggs, which the culltom er "Lord, open to us," and find, when It found out to be false_ Later it was. Is too .they ' aan ascribe no other cause to late, ' that they have shut that said that a cWcken grew ·Inslde the ~~rta1n etrects. stomach of the \ woman. Anpthe r ac- (ate· 'Against tbemsel vell. "It would seem tbat the tender spot of these near ' diviniti es Is the count Is of a Ml'gcalu m wbo ' was The accomp anyIng U1uslratlon Is a vlllus. The pulvlllu s secre tes a vlltbound and nn attempt made to burn Our 8plrltua l Building, l1~c;k .ot ' th~ InteI.lded ~Ictlm, t,be Me,ghighly magnifi ed represe ntaUon of the cous substan ce which enables the bee "See . . . that thou make all (oteleg ot a worker bee, The calums call1!lng an enlarge ment pf that holes In hel" face: ', Instrum ents Ilttle to climb smooth surtace s Itke glass. made_ no IIrip~ess lon upon her, but the thlngll accordi ng tp the 'p art of the body. Sometim es the Inmarks !>f ' burns appeare d uvon tbe to thee In the mQunt." poh\lrn shew'!d finger and the groove shown at what Tr Is the trochan ter, F the femur, Tlb , - H eb. 8:5. fllc.t'on lia .related t() a SlljlCUtc event. Is oalled the ,t1bla,"a lmar joint are th,e tlbea, Tar the tarsus. ' faoe. of the ,~oman who had Instigat ed The taberna cle which God Is build. used to clean the ligula tmr ·Instanc e, in 'AraYat a woman onco the maltrea or tment. Of Ing In each of .our lives Is just ' aa the antenna e or feelers. tongue and To accom· beavenlY. a IItnictu re as the other; and Plish thtS · the ligula or thj! antenna .l s Land for Goat Ralltng , far. morEl 'itnporta xit, and .. Is 'meant ' , The 'rr~~t Evil ; . to 'VI aced in the In:oove, the leg flexe~ or "' \ " With • Fine BIOO': on~In a general way all land In the , be" as It III,. the dwelll'n g place of OOd. drawn up, which decreas es the .' 'Blox-S nlplOf claims to he a trest Abe-W ent ' to , 011.0 of ' tb~m there It. too, has Its mo~l In the mount; between finger and ,",Oove. The space 'United Slates except very low, :v~ctlm. . . ' / ' , . ., . , llgula .wampy tracts are Buitable for goat root g!l~flens when I was In Noo York. and we may see br "the eye of faltb or the 'antenn a Ii then drawn. through ' . Knox ......Oue8s that s rlg~t. A. trust HJram -Wbat do ~bey raise O'D 'em the raising. The feed that goats prefer model of closed tbe tactoty In' which his wUe our IIlfl-th e pattern the ' very 'much its 'a' rope , :would ,be drawn Is browse with a be? ' , ' " '. . . . ' piAn ' ot 'a ll, ~he graces IIman admIxtu re of ' whlcb w:~ ex': between "th') tbl}Ul~ a~d '. c _ . • 'ibe-pe aCbes; \)1 losh. ' empllfY, ' and 'the me which Is to be The act· may be o.bserve , tIut 1lnger.' weeds and grass, and ,therefo re those d, dally as the tracts burdene d with brushwo od and buttt up, worked out· and establJl lbed . . be.a .take. ~I'ht for the"field . Runnin g briers' are e8pecll1lly deslrab l.e, Tho , All the ma~rla;ls tor ou'r ' sp~rltual out at the ,entranC e It paUBes 1\' mo- fact JDakes It clear that lu 'the oolder ' buU.I!\ng th~ DOw, I!lready pI'Q- "ment re~cll~. up OYer I~ hea,d; seizes parts of the cO,untty It woulll be necesnde4~ , .~: the wh'p le deden ', tully the arat'en(t,a and sttrips tbem Qle~, sary tl;l provide some feed In :wl~ter, wr'OUIht out In "the' pUl"pOlie of ,OGel fLnd then a.".., tt, goes. and the lIro'ri,llOn8 ~" bla .race; But very muCh ' ~~bl. Tile movem ent ' as nothing but the soft twigs romam ,s .' that ,..,e, that time all', brow.e. Goats !I!l eat we baye to take ,thellC NiIOUJ'C eI aDd, through bJ .the .cll001 boy ID 1I1iliter gtilaII If required to \do 110 and wtu thrtYe UJ)OD It, but gtalll Wad It rea prded '" ~Ina' 110 $ucb more prolltable t.-r bay. prodQoUO~ or . . putunt , for o'aWe lib• • Ulat tilt placlDt





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aD' . .. *' ......... .iI-" p...... .. .... of


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lIM f\ijERMAN'5


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Misse Nell Jordan and EvaFealey entertained friends from Xellia un~


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Dr : and Ml"S. H: E. Hatton ·, have been entertaining Cm~innal{-friendl! Nice fresh Jlies every day. It. . ~wis Sears and 'wife. Clyde Levi,cy J don 't pay to 'bake Pies when you can buv th kindl we sell , and;J. Milton Howe transacted bu inil kinds. ar.d only 15c ach . neps ill inci'nnati Friday. MarjorIe bad decIded that homo Oysters T IWl'. Wh t>ls ei after severa l monthH was no looger endurablo. 8 0 sbe WUII Tho e good uyel6lfs in sanitary visi t \I iLh sisters left Wednesday fOl' lolng to run a\"ay, cal:lS. Sbe walked slowly Ilnd Ilon51"el 1 Californ ia where he has re ided f or down tho front slops. She glanced Crackers seve l al yea r . buck now and then and oCCIlSIO llllll y Green's' lpbrated Edgemon ls, H nj amln Weeks one of our best ld cked a IItep. making a sound loud Star , old-fashioned Butters '.luali fi ·d busi ness men has accepted enough to bo hoard by any moth r e lery- Fancy home grown a pm ition as salesman fot' the Chase who rcally loved ber hlld, Snc h a and Kala!l1azoo. Brof; Nurse ry Co .. of Rochester, mothor. bearing tho soun d. would Cranberries~ l<' ancy Cape Cod . Ne\v Oats, New Hominy, New N. y . antI will assume his duties have come out an d ca lled her ('hUd back with t.ears, Then such n moth· Raisins, New Apricots, New abllU Novemher 1st. . er would bave told h r chil d that sho Peaches, New Prunes. New Theodore Laurene arrived In our mlgbt do anythlog sho wished to do. Pancake Fle ur, New Buckvillage S unday to visit all of his eveo to wearIng the now pink glng· wheat, New Honev,New Mince fri e nd!!, after being absen t for some bam fro ck with th ~ ' strips ot whltl' Meat, New Apple Bu tter ,New embroidery whellover her 60ul cravl'd F'igs, New Canned Goods of time. such comfort. Rut no moth er a~ a ll kin I s. J. C. Gray our popular thrasher is peared! Quinces, Apples, Sweets, very bu sy hulling clover. Marjorie IIBt do w n 00 t hl' bott om Oranges, Grapes. step and remov l'd hur rlghl shoe, Sht Paying 2ic for Eggs today. Marthough t maybe thero wat! a pl'bble In Bellbrook ket firm; they may go higher. that sboo. Of ('ourse. no sE' uslble person would Rtarl on a looA' jour· Ell . ' ~Ilrling and wife, of Xenia, ney with a pebbl In he r shoe. It moved into tbe Bayne8 property took some time tor Marjorl o t.o get OF COURSE last week . her shoe adjusted , Then It O('currod Quite IL lorge orowd of tbe young to her that she'd b tlor see If th ere people t1Uended the box 800in~ giv.en was a hole In her stocking. She atSugln Grove 80uth of town, last would bave to walk hun llreds ot ~e)'8bur¥. Friday evenin~. mnes; perhaps. before sh found Harry' E. Witsen and Earn Clark. Laoy PeterAon and Wife, of Day- shelter. ton, visited his parents· here SaturShe took orr her shoe and oxnmlned 9f D~yton, called on friends here day and Sonday. both stockings' cnrefull y. Thore was Sunday. Mrs . Jacob Cre~ger, north of no sign of a hole In ('Hher, As she Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Weeks en- town, elltertained the Ladles' Aid replaced her lett ~hoe she thought So i t i t 'l'h d fta she beard the s reen door open. but tertained relatives from H .a gerstown 0 e y a8 or8 aya. rnoon , hen sbe turned aroun d to look ther Ind. , for 'Jupper Saturday night;. Elmer (Jonner, wife and dnugh was no anxious moth erly fnce peerMr. ChlUl. Hart, of'the Wilmington, were Hunday guest8 at the home of Lng out, t ffi lied f' e ds here Sun his fat.her, Chas. Con ner, Marjorie rested her chIn In ber po! 0 c~, ca on n n , Roy Black wife 'a od son h tLVe hands and mentall y rehearsed her 'day evenmg. moved to Dayton, woes, Yes. there was no possible Mr. dnd Mrs. William Wright, of Dr, Book and don, Wendell, bl~ ve doubt tbat her moth r had censed Wilmington, were Sunday guests of returned home after a pleasant v i, it to love ber, Dr. J. G. Macy. iu 'foledo. A big tear rolled dow n her cheel, Mrs. Maud Anderson and son Mr8. May Elliott U\1bert, of Le w· and splasbed Into her lap. Two more Carlton are guests of Mr. and Mrs. IMburg. has been visiting Mls8 Sa ~lt h teaM! welled up and fille,l her eyes, 'll' Rborbaugh, north of town for a few Then for a moment MarjorIe forgot Am os E lS. ' days. her troubles nnd her Interests In an Our restaurants h ave agreed beMiss Carrel Kemp entertained at odd way- Iooktng through tears mad(' tween themselves to c"se prompt on dinner 11l8t Friday evening. Mr und the trees across the street dance up _Sanurday nighta at 12 m. Mrs , O. R Peterson, and 80n, R ... y, and down, qut~e as It they were alive. M r W K \1. d M It WII.8 the way things loolted when Some of our young men wen t to ra . . . . emp, r , an rs. yoo threw a stone Into clear water n..··ton Q .... urday returning home in Chatl. Brelsford and . Albert Kemp, and tben looked down and watcne!l ..,~ ~ • In honor of her father and Mr. the evenmg Wlth ,several bottles of OhaEl. &rell!ford who wllliellve 800n the sand and pebbles twist about. wo-be-joyfu), and making quite an for St. Geor~e: Ga, to tpeDd the though it really was the water an" exhibition of 't hemselves, W'iDter. not the pebbles and sand that moved. Just the day before she bad dooe thl'l Mrs~ Lizzie Sears is visiting her ,""ulte a large orowd or people at · · f I f M J b w h en IIh e wen t t 0 th e Ia k e w Itb h ('r brothera at MariQll, Ohio. tend ed t h e onera 0 ra. 0 n mo~er. Ra,ymondBrooksopena his Vaude- F,nley last. &tllrdllY afteruoon. And that unnatural parent bad ' :eal· fllle anti ,movinll' pictu- show SatMrll Nelle Sowards was a Dayton iy loved her yesterday! •. . . "shopper Friday . The tearll came In real earnest this uNaY .I~bt October22nd. . Barry Weaver of Dayton ' Vi8ited Ume. MarjOl;'le wIped tbem 'away with Master Donald Smith has bee~ se· his father, J. F. ver t;o~day. the corner. of ber apron. Tben she riously ill with pneumonia but at this . • --+ regarded that se e~lngly Innocuous writing is much iinproved. Ed od ' garme.nt with dlstast~. Though the .. •. i hm ' d gewo pink glngbam .h ad been tl1e little rift Mn. SophiaDlXon, of R c on, wltbtn tbe lute, It was this , miserable Ind., was the guest or... Mr. and Mrs. George Marqaa.rdt, of Covingto n, apron that had silenced the harmony Chas. Sbidaker over Sunday. Ky ., is spending a few days with for good and all. Now It was abotlt Jesse Mounts, of the ' Lebanon hi8 800, Mr.. C. J. Marquardt, of this to make her an outcast '~rom a once


L. . ...~,'~,.:.__~,~..,..,.,.........~....-l



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Auto CQ., of came to our to~ fburaday '!lth a Clark Auto wluch ~a. very much admired by some prospective buyers. Chu. Madden'. and Quincy Ki,ng~.s ' th to 'cely l' bted ' mammo. 8 res $l'e m III .by th~ F. P •.System of Cincinnati. 1!tie pl~ts were installed last week, .. addinG'very much to their beautiful . • stores. , '


J>l,:,~' M.

b&frP~:eo~:~ .


r~~~~ Sheriff's Sa e'l M r. 'and irs. J , E. Janney ente r t a ined Mr . and M r . J . '~l. ok a t di nnH .'undl'Y.

Warren Common lat'u 8t 1'11011 I H. Gllrl R. UI'IUISIl'Ullt


PIt!3S ,


Mi L uis Benn , o f Murrow , was 'I-,e Nu , lOll .... tl1' g u est of M rs. C. E, J ohns. of By Ir t li ll of no onlor (I I sato, duty I~So Cld Ly tle. la -t we k. IrOll1 !loll! ',, "rt, III (lie II I/o\'o 8tltlUd .:rulO. lllld t, j IIltl dlt'un d. PIIUtl(; IIlII'Llo lI

I will ulfer luI' 1I 1~lo. VY WilY 01 un Iho prlllllia 8 10 'It,ur''I"UOI( \\'urroll ('Olllll y. Ohio. 011

MI'. antI M r -. Fran k B urnett e ntertained in t11eir us ual hOQpitabl e manNOVEMBER SEVENTH r las t unday th e following guests: (7th) A. D. 1910 Once More You Can Get 'II', a nd M rs: J M. K ys and War..\ t I II o'clock A . M., on 8111d dill'. Lho folluwr cn KeyH, of 'enter villc, Mr. anti lug rlull4: rluml J'( II I O~ l. nLO . lo-wit : Mrs. Samuel Bu lLet' wo rth and g ra ndB o~ IUlllllj; III n sttllce lu tho ellilt boundnry son and :vir. Ilnu Irs. O. J . UUl'Oe tt . Hllu lI r Se"l/oll ,1:1, '1',lwn a. HlUlCO ~ heLWOlIn ltlO Miluul Hlvors Lw,,, ,Ly lIull UlIlIlLY-IIO\'UII h\lnilroll l. h~ <'Ituilis fl'o'l\ the uortholUlt I'oruer. Th 'ard lu b was p leasantly en- Ih nco willi ell.!tl HU ll riO II til ono <I~ l!'rtltJ. twu millules Wl'i t LWOlltY'UUOUlid nlJluLY 11\111<1rooth te r tained at the h om of Mrs, G. W. chllltUl t o It s(,()ue: Lhoncu norlh elHIILy-nlno lIud olltl· fuurth <10111"(1 ~ tI!It tWrty-two chl1lns t{) Hawl<c last Thursday afternoon . II stouu 10 lIeury NIlU'1l lIue : thcn~'tI with hiM tlno oortll Ihroo·founhs <legrt.'CII CI\.9t tw lvu E:l uuora l e refrc~hUlen ts wer e serveu IlUlI thirty-s \'00 hUltdrOOLhHcllUllIJi to a Htllko ; \\'I\,h hill II no Ilgui u uurlh olghty-elght I,huu by the hosl ess , who was assis t ed by IIltd 'cthroorour ;h" U U!!roc.~ woot oIl1ll t nud tllllllty-twO "fl<lthii '/1111011 tv u stake; 11 r two daugh ter s, M isse:; Donna and thellco uurtllltulll1 ooe 110";1'00. ~ wo mlllU\.O>I OUI We are now r eceiving .ship· Emm a H a wk. Special gu ests of 11100 llu(j ,ullluty-gU \,OIl lIundredths eUl1ius \.(, II "tal(o: thuul'o w"th OI!(hty-uluOIIUl.'1'tleSliOlith Mrs . Hawke we re Mn;. C. W, aar- CJUlt tor! y I\lul twetve bUIllI rtl<lthH cltllJus to I.he ments of plump, delicious Sealvillce ot bogiJmlllg, C('lILulolng 8Ovouly·elj(ht n ett. Mrs . F. C, Schwa r tz ami Miss lu,,1 8O\'on lIuuuroll l1ull ISlxtoeu tlluu ~ lllId 1111(1 shipt Oysters- the kind with the Ih'o rnlllioolJls I1t'rOll. MOllim ia Bunnell . real tang of the sea, Also tho luUowlllj; doscrlb"d Lract of laud --vi z: flowg In !.!uctiO Il ¥3 . 'I'owu 3. Hu.ugo 0, utlt woen tile Miami Hlvor" bcgwnlug a~ u stl1ko St>alshipt Oysters were never New Burlington S(Juthw6!!t t.~ ..nlJr ul thc Il1ulI own611 by I:l. !( , .orudstroot 10 Hue ot land by 1:1 . H. iJratlllLroet so satisfying, never so freeh ~lId U ur)' ull ot al: tbence north olHhty· A H. Hll.rltl,n !lpen t 11~@t week in Illghl and wholeflome, never so nourh IUld I nroo·fourths dOi'ree:l west tllirtysix aUlI. Lweuty-un\l hUII<lre,11Jlti clllUII8 tu U C hllttll nO Ol{t~ , Tenn. ishing us thIS lot. 811Lkolu the ceotcrufUI UonlllrvlllelulIl Union Mrs. Loillie M. ompto n and dn ugh- Villogo road : liteucll wlLh 8(Lld ro'ld (0110111111 mle-hal! 1 ) 1'011 or tweuty-four nUll ~lIreo· ter, Lorenll, hl\ve moved to 'pring fourths fOOL to 1I l\lake : tlH'uce cast 1I1lrl11\01 If you have not )'et tasted Volley , with tho IIrst doscl'l lJlld liue 'tllInY-HiJt !Iud twonty-uno hundr MILlis chulns W Il 8tullO, Sealship t~ Oysters, you nave a 1\1 isses Ednll Del Zen a nd Belle thcuce l!Oulh 0110 und OIlO·hllll rodsor tweotyrare treat in etore for you. IWd Lllrlltl·rllurLl18 feet \;() tho Vltl<.'C of Frcolllan, of Wilmington (Jo llege, 10llr blJglnnJn~ couLalulull 0 110 aero nud Jlf~y -lIlx \\ e e gues ts ' of ' Miss Ma rial1na rods mllrO61' los,;. . (Jolllpton over i::)unday . : Those who last year secured Also tho toHowlng doscrilled ,Lrllct ot Illutl The frle[l(ls of MisH Marie Lemar situate lJl >laiu stille tl.Ud COWILY IIl1d beglunlllg Sealshipt Oysters from ua will nt 1l 1lOint In the mhldto of th ' rand IOIWILlH llllVtJ li tl r a pleasll nt 6urpri!le on :-;at- rrom ShllJlurto wll tu C<tutorvUlo I1pd south be more than pleased to know forty ·lI vtl tlellreos, 1 wOllLy-llve mluhlll8 WOIII, urda.v ev niu g, that they can again get them. twelvo IIIlU six hUlldre(hbs c:IlIlu lJ! from wlwr t\1i!!S Murin. ~t () ut, of the Fuir- tho uorLh 1100 uf t:! ·tlon a 3 'l'oW II ~. Uuugc II. M IIItllry I(llUgO 01'\'. Y cro88rIlI,: suld rollO. vi e w ,ohool, spent ~Ilturdll.y and Th Ilcscrlbed true, lJ<Jilig n par~ ul 8Illd SocMuudnv with fri ends in X mle\ tlon lu Warren Ooullby. Uhlo. t hcuco with tho Ler or tllO hedgo Oil tho liOuth sldo of tho MI.8 Mtlltie Hill bas gooe to WH coO Inllo I atllug trom 8111<1 rolld to tllort!lIlltoncedf Llle w,!low or Ji oury .P. lIrallstrt!ct. doceusOli . m iDgtlJo for t he wi ntpt' to make b er sollth ll;fhl y-oight lIegl'OOtJ Ilbt Illuotoen aUII humli witb Mrs . Ehzabeth L{ir k. Ighty,olght hUII(ll'Oll tits cha[os to II stako ; t!JtlJl()UllOuth no dogl'OO:l. Lwonty-lhe minutes W\l8 ~ t~n \lOti farly-tWO hu odrutithll dluln8 I(J II 8Lt~ku ; th 11(:0 slIulh Ighty-l1wO oegreesoaal Conwin and VV.ynesril~. Btl cureful not to fi ll the kel'oseDe 010\'011 chnlos to a 61llke Ilud corller to SUllta. R. I:IradsLrOOt : th n\.'tl with hill lIue south ono ,wp too full , The otI D ULY be <I"groo. two mlmlL we t. ulne aLld II1x h81ldrawn up o\,er the t op and gat on dttldths C lulo to tho north 61(\0 olthe lane conI'uyctl by t] UJ 8nld widow Hru.d8tre L (,Q miMI tire Qnd ma\te you t roubl e-ma,ybe R . BrnOstroet ; tlten \\'11011 ~ho north IInu of silid tnne igllty-elght nnd uU'oo-fourths deet lobe bouse 00 fira ..' 1(nlC8 WCllt, tlurLy.elx 1I0d 21 hUDd redths ~lh l\ lu$ (,Q tho . cOOLer of tllo ubove menU(loe<l ro8 I; Lh",m' wit h 81110 rond nor~h ono dOllr(.'e: 11ft f mlu ot oust. fl1I.0 II und twolvo bun· dre IlI.s f'lllll ns to n KtILk. ; th 1lCO with autd Public Sales ron I lIorl,h forty·lh'o uogrees. twenty-tho Good fo.. Nothinc but the .... ml,llItos Ollllt • • ix ruid IItty-U1'0 hUJIdrod!hs ch.liog to th l>oln~ ot bellluulug contalolng y-ulu Ile res: ox(''tlpt ~w on tY-lIvo !lllli two W e will Hellelt public SII IO, on tLe ill IUlId red Ilod ~woUly - flvil tllo08nnd\hs ac.roII h .ll'ototore COII\'oycd ulf the Borth tlldo 'of tho preUli e. , 011 1I11'WtI d ' rllm'..! trll\'" to mltlt H. lkl\dstroot. Saturday, October 22, 1910, SllId 1'0111 estllte hIlS been rogulllrly ap- Ada will be Inserted uoc'ler 'blM b e lltl for twentv·uve cents for ~bree l0841rtl·,'1 •. prlllllOCl under order of Lhe c" urt I1t tho 8111ll of Sevonty-two ($ 72. IIU ) Do\Jllrs per acre aod wb n usln.: oot Illoro tball live lineN. At 2 0 'o\:)o k p , m. tl e TI~o Ao r e wHl not he BOlli ror 11.'l1li thau tl o-thlM'td of fie ld bl\ lo n gil1K to th e estll te of A, L lIuhl Ilppralsed \,lIlu , I Fllrr, dflceused, tlltUt~tEld Il t tUe heod l'EIUIS Olio SALE WANTED of UhU.PIll IlU ~t,r llet, WI.yu~sville . On<t third ('Mh 10 hllntl on dny ot 981 ; ono- I . ~_"""''''''''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!='_-::::.....___ Ohio T h e lund hilS be n weH IhiI'd In OU O yeur Illld 0 110 ·1 hied In t"wo years ; I~ drained and IUlproVE'd l.lDd fl, Il1r"e, thtHloC rr<'ll 'pUYlUtwt8 to b I1r In tel'C8t at six 1ft L-Motlier'8 helper wansed at. DOW tobtlo 0 shed h ~ !.! been er ected Jl{)r . ll~ per l1uuum Bnd l () be sooured' by morl,.:ngo ou I,ho Ilreml ce !lold. onoe, In.q uire.' the 6aZlt"e upon it. offioe, J,'UANJ( P. !'ORGY. Tel'm -Ooe lhi r{l casb, Oae thirrl Sherlfl WIUTIlD County, In ooe year ILnd one third In two HREE uDfornt(lhecl roomfl years , purclln!!er giviog IIpprovEld Hamlltun, & UroWIl. AttYK. light houllp.kAPpiflll. Alldrt'''~ se ,urity . The beirs of t he . A, B,. Miamt Hllcat.te tlltloe. A , L . Farr E s tllte. U. T. hawke. Auot . j'o wu~ hlp .


Sealshipt Oysters

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Walter J. Kilbon

--- ------_ ..


ImERUlD1 ElILE En: I&LIE OlassiBed .A.d.


Duke and wife and Sam been allowed to wear tftnlrle and family spent Sllnday the pink gingham, as she hBd wanted wlt.h Mr. and Mn·. ·Boward CoJlettE';, to, then indeed ' sbe would have subof Wilmington . mltted to being swathed In th~ bu· Mr. C. J .. Marqoardt .was a Gem mlllaUng outer covering. butwben at DR. J. W. MILLER, (Jib visitor Saturday. the close of a st()rmy Interview she .. . . had not only been refused tbe pre~'Walter Beel; . of Dayton, "pent clous bOon of tbe pink gtngham, but ... DENTIST .•• , Bavlng d oided tn ren t tbe farm , S\luday ~Ith hIS fa~her, Mr. Jobn had been firmly buttoned Into .a gray we wBJ sell on the farm, 2 mUfls Offico In Beel., monlltroelty which she bad al.w ays Waynesville, O. Krs., Jas. Cook and son Vall W. loathed, and further Incased . In 1\ n orth of HIHvflysbu 'g, on t,be Xenia NMlootll Btlllk Bldl(. called on Mrs , Borlloe Kirby Bntl blue and white checked apron;-., ber vlke a.t vublie uuot·lon on daugMer Wednesd"y afterJlo~)n. proud spirit would brook no more, MrR. C. L.' Ooke visited Buokeye Sbe would no longer r emain where Wednesday, October 19, 1910 ~MIA· 8ohooilastTne8day llf.t ernooD . t;he ~eh brutality- nay, worse. sucb ex· B ,ginning lit 9,o 'olook Il. m. ) the , rllport8 our 'eaoher doing fiDe work. ecrable tallte-was exhibIted, Tbe follo wing Ohl~tt.e1 8 : . ' die was cast. Bhe would run away ! .might /lor stls CO u!:!i!:lting of 1 g ray Mr. and ~rA, ll. Tewell, of Ly.tle, All MarjorIe reached tbls point In hortle, 6 y t3 ..u·tI ol d, weigh t., ) 300, Veterinarian , called on Mr . and Mr8 Marqoardt her medltatloos she rose firmly to eX&'rIi gUlld workElr; ~ blaok 'dl'llft . . ,Mn~dtlY afternooD. ' her feet. Thefl she taltered. The g~ldtug£" 3 y eats old; :& oonling u.· Has opened an office in Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bean wera clock was Just striking 12. Almost ye ~r olj, genera'! purpose mllres ; 1 ~aynesville for practice. U8, • . . in Waynesville ~atordllY evening. luncbeon tlme! Perhaps It would be 2-year- )ld r.oIL(iMter , Oloe ac tor, Sired Treats all diseases of do~rs ; Frank Stokes oalled on Mr8. better not to go until properly forti· lJy J:hLrry PUl'ct311 ; 1 fllmily d ri ving m estic animals, I am not so common as you might John Stroop one day ll1st week. ned . Perhaps she would better walt ml1te; 1 weunling ool t by Billy Purimagine. Illuve been in _ The 8pelh~g mo.toh held at the unUI after a substantial luncheon. oell ; 1 Maddie pony, 3 yO I~rs old; 1 Ridgeville 80bool house on last Bobby, the tat little tox terrier, extru good J erl:!ey cow with Otllt by . practice for 20 years. Calls promptly attended . NEXT SU N DAY. 'fhor8day night was not so verv ' came bouncing joyously around the I:!luo; '2 s priuger!! "ill be fresh SOOQ ; wellatt:ended boot\use of the fasm. 1corner of the house and hurled him· 8 .1 ersey bf)l~ers s afe in calf. t:!ixty ' . to day or night. Tntn leaves WaynesvlUn 8:48 a. m.ers beinR so very busy, . self upon Marjorie like a Joy-Intoxl· lIetld of bog!!,7 brood BO WS, 1 sow Phone No. 113. . , cated catapult. Sbe submitted t.o his wlt'A ",e ve ll yotlDg pig!l, 53 .hoats L ____ _ __________ . moist oare'sses with a pfmslve ploas· Twe ntv fiv e gooa brt3I;l(lill" ewes 1 .- . ure. Poor little Bobby ! HE! didn't · ;3-:veo1' 'old buck. eo .' know that he was lookln~ his h\st 'Fl~ l'Inin g ltupl,~ m tmt.. -4 WUi: ODS. Ul)On her. There wouldn t be any· 1 W b ur Wu~ O Il good u.s new; L MiIbody to take him to the \(ll(e nnc1 buru-; 1 It'u u wht,tll . WUI{OIl ; 1. feed tbrow sUclts for blm . ~Iarjorle r.rlcd wn glJo; 1 Oh tl ItlPI.OD wheat blUder in II II six big tears for poor little nobby , gnod oon dl t.ion; 1 ~upurior dillo' whellt dt'l tl wlt.1I fertil ize l' Eltll1clJ Then ahe pusbed him awny. After nil . perhaps she'd beuer npt WilDt, 1 ~ I efl l roller W loel 1it:1 new, 1 (0 t thi Ph i i ) walt until after luncheon . PerhAps diSC CQ'I'n p'ow, 1 i:larnil tll[l t~, o g Utl It WOUld, .be best for her an" her Illss w ,dking plow; 1 h ay. Melder S eopa ~ ys c an mother , not to meet again , i\lnrjprle !! pud " " \l a w, :J gDod btt.l·I·OWS, 2 OOI'D cri ed s}mpl\thetlc tear or two for her l>1nnta rN, !lilY I'lik ..,. ~ul' cl fC'ldd tll' s led Tuesday and Friday mother, " b~y rup.!l l1'g , llUuLlle "'hovel plow, Of Each Week And dndc1 ,I . IIlnrjorl e Robbed out- 1 J .u\I:!l'\ .Uli vur ri!llo~ bl'elLking plow, right wb en she thougbt or dacldy . Ii tlb' jv " l Lt)U.,ooo oultivlltor, walk Dlldlly sllrely . loved her. II tool( 1\ iUI! p low fe t' li ji rilld or on e horse ~'ery st.ern f!'Own I~d e~~ fl.·OI11 moth~r oorn drIIJ,\~t1t' l-tlra tlJP b~ggy, Rleig.h Office at lhe Oustin House o !Ill nr e his ('ver-I .ld) , pi ndtng. 1a "O<)Q - h,.. Ch IlI Uil forl[Q ali ovel~ "Oh lot her do It " . ,., '" ., ', , . . .. ' hoell. rllke .. , 1J ...y fork, pulleys u~d ~!arJorl e wallted . toward t.h e bUt' I! rops, g ')od " Iop ·oul't., 2 sel.R.'w o.,k lillrHourI> of Appoint ment, 8 of the houso, B~bby lenpl ng nlHl 11 ~1i ' til "I)lIU (iimrli tlOu IlI nd ,., bv l", . to 12 m; a. m. cavortIng about her, A~ RIl e (!I'Apt (J UI eo " W ' vI' )I ' » t" f ' u , tl-. fl' - 1:11" iR 0 '~ifP.I.llI!@ IIIi·• • • • past t·be dllli ng-I'oom th ere was a t.all. ' • .1H· ....1"Y" . It 'Y11 ' b " dl '" _ Since .1847, the year Rogers Bros. originated ·electro:.sitver '., .' on the wh)cJnw . ·!.oo ltl ng UP. sh e mot !:42111~ t'l.fllltr\lrtl'I:I'l cn I~ {fia :111 (1 til '~~5" " m.o tber 'S s millng fa ce. ' 8Ill~, " Y !l ~ 14, !1M t n" t ) li e :,. "' oil .~" • • ___ _ • • • _ plating,silverw'are bearing the trade mark"OO ROBElls BROS." , I ' .. 'orne In ch'lc:k " b ' t1 ~llOukt' t1f \.Orn HI fll hI, 65 s buck s of '. " . , has been renowned for quality, wearabilitY .and beauty! :

',NMM ' '.. pELines Excursions'

.Dr. M. Schumaker

' b $1 25 CoIum ' fiel.d, 75c Spring

WST watoh fob, Jnnlor embI8D:\', GOLD on Ml\in 8tret't tiliturd"y even:

ing. Finder plft888 retnm!k» Osoar OenliBger, Waynesvllle, Ohio. ~X TEH.RIER~ WIth browo tpo"


ADlIwere ,to the name of Sport. a lIultllble r:eward otfered fol' iDforUllltlon. Iaqnire of Ed. Vornat, Waynesville, Ohio.





Siive,.,tfPiate that Wears






·18A7R06ERS BROS~lT:iP.fE" .

• •'.'r.I ••IUi




10.; ••rt.........: Co..lluO!lll!llOl',) .


GO'.)O farm on t.he h~lv8l. quire at 'hi8 oftloe.



B"by baggy and a foldinR go-oart in 1"00 oondtt,loD, aillo two oribs. <lne with roolaer •. Pri .'e very r.,.FonR})le Inquire at thia offioe.


HOBSE~-BorAeR for Rale tiOlly or 10 pairs lnqulte 01' J. ·B. h~pUlIlD, WaynesvUle, OhiO. WILL 8ell one half loter.' ID '0' in AU 'mi (Jemesery on Bee, B. B' 8. Godfrey ,.. BRICK ' honBe on , Malo .';eet, Boase all 10 KOOO repair, Dewl, pIllnted; 7 lArge room., both klod. f te l' 1f ood bJ d 0 wa r, a ug 0 t, . g 8ta e ao other out:huUdinge , . For further. ~Ilf"rm"Uon.llee Alex Emley. . . '"


pURE t.horuughbrad Jeney Bull . . fur (lltle; . IlIqu\~ '0, .r08ll' l:tortlll}(\k R D 1 WayneavUle 0

~~Il~~~ :~~~j:rl:;s :'~arltoi:~~e ~:~i:~~I~~!~:t~i.i~O :~u ~~~,\\~IX(~t, ~~~yI:h~~~ JE'I",' .."Y-OBI ' ,OUPPER ! S',\d~ ~IL(~,~~;" "'~u ' ~aD' .:~l.: . "Hurry' YOllr Itlll'lds anrl ll Rf!~ Ob1r:k nn.I\O-,, · g()\1(~ .ooQk?.r el for. . .'. " . BillE' of tlie . be~.~ quali,y, . .,b.t and .

Lunch Is rl e~rly ('endy :ind ,daddY ,just f.~le1>t'O. " I',d t hat ..he \Vns q)mlng ,hoTTie ea'!'l,v to, talte U!{ driving, : And I've made a II l1.1.e , turno\7er pie Just lllg t~ nougb for yl)u." .' . A .turnov~r , pie!, And daddY wall coming .b'orne early! . Marjc;>rle dashed ' around- to ·the ldtQhen Cleor to tbfl mustc' of Bobby.'s . yelps arid ftung heraell Into 'the open ~r~s' w/PJtlng there for her. " J ¥othef dlCl love 'h er after iJll She



, .... Idle 4141

l)t tltl(iln g,


b ~n .

IHld ' .lJlllJ!1f:S"

,}~I~uF'eb Id : gO~rt., !'~f.xteo~!op tllbl e, " slIfej.lp llug \\ . <-iQt<. f1l!~r ehe~t,j 2 b"d ,


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IwtU " "tn~ 'resnltlld)Om~ &0



1~ "UJ .l*~,

all "

I. t!te~ltlt~ , ·tlE'II.~~nift.·.·st~ l vbl. I~ I' W(lOU,' (.',lI 8h: , 11IE!. I·..:·' THCAL· ,P!PER , ', ~ .' -,' . ' . WORL.D . ,. ,' ").":":". it l .(''\0 '/n jll4 rll Pl ..-r:: ,.. , ' . ' , . ... ·j6 rtlc:'otcl!', f;{q.lJd &llol ~ un .. o,tber ,HPUBIJS~" "u.,u.Y. $4·90·1'EIl ~ I -,' :,, ' gELft. w:~u~ 1l,1D <! r.; . I.loI\ le<r m J)





IIml GnZI' U,e offioa•.





~-.....,,....~-'..,..-~-.....---"-oo!~O.O .TU M ...... TR· :A".'.' ~. CA,. · _J ~ . ' '., , eter" OILflh; ",11 anIDl1 ,n er. 15.00, ...ulD 'B~ • .••IIVIO. OA" , PIlO,..... hltpJ~tfCen. J)!I'IIODmay. .,., a ortl(Ut of 9 UI~nths w,nt be giveD, BY u.I"Q.I~. AD.v.m., ..c.oo ...u,.•• 1 mQD~blj ~dlDI. pu·tohasfir givln.g bllllkable n~tei 3 SAMPLE COPY FREE , . ·tor D8w.papen., 'l{o .......011· per ~D,t dil!oonut ·f or 08f1b. ·· Add.... It. . V.oitK CLlPP.. " ~~ for pal't~ PIIII, 6Ja4I~ . 'ra,,1r .Rhi~ker 8i lIo., . . ..,.., Yortc. tie .,,.' case~ B 67'1, ~~., M.. .'


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;.~E!r m s-:-J} II sum !! Qf $5 O/), tLI~c1 nil.

rA:N , .too .







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AND WAYNESVlL.LS NMVa. • ...---..--..-...-.-







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I Social Events

About 5 o'clock Thursdayevening a team passing the farm of J. W. .~--Mrs. H. Booth in a rp.cent letter Mr. James Linder. without a mo- J esse Lewis was I'n 'Dayton ThursL. A. Zimmerman is in Cincinnati Hartsock near Wellman was noticed Dr. and Mrs. John Hyatt enterby Mr. Hartsock to be apparently tained Saturday evening at a 6 to the Miami Gazette has this to say: ment's warning answered the sum- d ay, today. without a driver. Upon stopping o'clock dinner, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. "Enclosed find check for the paper mons. "I t iR enough, come up higher, the horses he discovered a man Madden and Miss Addie Madden, of ceased to Walter McClure was in Dayton last another year. I always enjoy the the heart of Mr. Linder W d sd Mrs. C. A. Bruner has been on the 'ed t h' I hanging over the siele of the wagon. Morrow. b t h d Jazette and have only mis'3c<1 one eu an e was carrl 0 IS ong .. e ne ay. sick list . G With tbe assistance of neighbors the copy in the two years I have been h9 mfl not made with hands eternally in the heavens. Coroner Geo. W. Carey was in Wm . Thorpe, of Dayton, was in man was removed from the wagon away. Mr. and M1'II. F. C. Carey enter· Life is a short summer, man a flow- town last Wednesday, town Tuesday, and proved to be Perry Wardlow, -----.~-----tained at dinner Sunday the followwho lived about three miles south of W"S BADLY BUR;\ED er, he dies, .alas! how soon he dies. Mrs, WaIter M"I c\, ure h as been ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Allen Frank Holmes, of Daytt)n. is spend- Wellman on the Jason Shpehan farm. and two daughters, of Dayton, anc1 J ames Lmder, the 10th son, was 't ' 11 f ·1 d Lit t.\ e Ross Irons was badlv burned born July 6. 1828, near Lebanon. qUI e I or severa a~s. He was not quite dead when found ing a week with friends here . Dr. and Mrs. John Hyatt. Mondav, evening. lIiii mother had but died a few minutes before his ., ' . . Ohio and departed this life October Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart • . l d esst'tl SUit. 26 ' 1910 . C"mcmnatl. Mon day. MiR'l Edith Crane iR the guest of home was reached. d h ' him. In hiS - . masQuerade ' . . at Waynesville , Ohio at the were In Mr. and Mrs. W. E. 0' Neall. e. was. para?m g around t.he age of 82 years, 3 months and 20 an C thO E Coroner Carey was notified and' at M ' t h' d " . rs. yn la vans and Mrs H th e mques h()U!~e w·th a J a~ k-o lun~er'l, when by days. Besides the widow, Mr. LinF. C. Carey attenoed the big TriI tl .. gave IS eCISlon as accl- E H th d ntal d th Th t'd . a away very p easan y enters,ome means hiS clothll1IC caught on der leaves four daughters, Mrs. J. State show in Cincinnati last week. Mi!1s Mary Latchem, of Spring e ea. e caro I ar~ery tained the Card Club last Thurad , ay hre. He mau e an outcry and his Foster, of Waynesville, Mrs. Joseph had been severed and the man h t e r - · Val1py, lVa~ here a part of last week ally bled to death. ' ev~n~ng at Mrs. Evans pretty home. parents r~she~ to him, and by hard R. Broyles, Mrs. G. W. Felver, of Mer-srs. Carl Ha:v ke and Hel'b~rt " to . 'f' d DehclOu. s refreshments of sandwichwork extmgulshA.j the blaze. :~r .. Muncie, Ind., and Mrs. O. V. Guerin, Edw'lrds were in Spring Valley, Sun· ;::, rles are rl e III regar to the ff d . Zelia Rogers, of near Dodds. and Mrs. Irons were both badly of Daleville, Ind.; also nine gra~d day. has been the -ruest. of Misl'! Lola Zell, man being intoxicated and had fallen es,. ~ ee an pumpk'n pie were over the side of tbe waKon, his foot serv . bur~ed on ,the hands. rhiIdren, three great grandchildren , . for 1\ week. LIttle Ross, while badly burned and one brother, Jacob Libder, of The Farmers Club WIll be the being caught in .the seat. about the neck arl'd face, did not Waynesville, Ohio. stuests of Dr. and ,Mrs. J. T. Ellis. Mrq. Rebecca Randall. of Dayton' Mr. Wardlow was known in his Miss Anna Vandervoort and pu· breathe Il'uch of the fumes. He was Thursday. section as a hard worker, a good hua- pils gave Mi~ Helen Hawkia.a a resting pretty easy 1111 day Tuesday, "C"lver him over, yes cover him over was the guest of Mrs. J. W: White band and father and his death is a pleasant surprIse at her home last _ __ __ • with beautiful flowers, Geo. Smith, of Morrow was the last Wednesday. blow to his family. Friday evenine. Games were in· HARDWARE MEN Deck him with garlands, this loved guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawk e He leaves a wife and seven chil.· dulKed in and light refreshments __ one of ours." Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edingfield,ofMadren, three ~f whom are grown. were served. MiSl Edna Stout u· The Cincinnati Enquire.,r of Octo- - • son, were week-fnd guf"Sts of Prof. The funeral took place at the sisted Miss Vandervoort. ber 26th says the Hardware Assn. of DEATHS Mrs. Ella Michener and daugh ter , and Mrs. C. A. Rruner. Chapel Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Ohio which meets at Cincinnati next Miss Adah spent a couple of days last Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to and burial was made in Miami ceme- Little Miss NellieGard anticipated February, will be the largest in the The news of J~es Linder's sudden week in Dayton. hiAtory of the association. The at- , death of heart failure last Wednesoffices in the new Morris building. tery. - - -- - . Hallowe'en and ,e ntertained a few tendance is expected to be about ' day evening, came as a shock to the Mr. and Mrs. Allen, of Dayton, next to the postoffice. Lebanon_ POMONA GRANOE friends Wednesday evenin.- by in· 3000. Among the direCtors was community. Mr. Linder was a car- were week-end guP.Sts of Dr and troducing games appropr:ate to the Mis.'! Addie Madden, of Morrow, noted the name of R. A. Cro~, of riage make~ and had been a resident Mrs John Hyatt. Warren County Pomona grange mystic season, and later serving de- , Wuynesville. 'This is quite an honor of WaynesvIlle for several years and Mr. and Mrs. Roi Ri~inger, of has &cen the guest of Mr. and Mrs met Saturday October 29, 1910, with licious refreshments also suitable to for our city. and Mr. Cross wears his W9.S greatly respected by all who Eaton, Ohio, have been the guests W. ij. Madden for a few days. C!ar~svi\1e grana-e. Though Clarks· the occasion. Th~ who enjoyed knew him. Th~ funeral took place of Mr. and Mrs Elias Oglesbee. honors very ~racerully . J. C. Hawke and Geo. Ville IS out of Warren County, yet the evening together were Miases ",essrs. _ __ • _ . Saturday mormng, Rev. J. F. Cad~mith attended the political meeting this grange is recognized as a part Lola Roush, Reva Hormen, Lena FARM FOR S:\LE wallader offici'lting. Interment was Clifford Martin, of Cincinnati, was m Harveysburg Saturday evening. lof Warren County Pomona. The Whittaker. . . made at Springboro . . the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. fifth degree was conferred upon a Fine farm of 115 acl'~, two miles CARD OF THANKS Schwartz geveral days last. week. . R. A. Cross was in Cincinnati laet large class in the morning and after southeast of WaynesvIlle. Walnut <,linner, the Mrs. P. D. Clqett gave a charm· the usual bountiful .and sugar tree land'' abundance of We desire to express our sincere See our extemive assortment of Wednesday attendin~ a conference h gJ ange was closed in the fifth deKree ing reception last Thursday after· of the directors of the Ohio Hard· water; good barn and tobacco shed' and eartf(>lt thanks to our 11eigh· Ii . . . and cpenP.Ci in the fourth. . noon. A large number of ladies fl" bors and friends for their assistance Post Car Albums, rangmg m price war~ association . . k h . . . from 10c to $1.50. J E Janne c h IC en ouse, SIXty eet ong. Nice A pleasing rep(lrt of the subordi- were presentfrom Wa.rnesville. Bar· . house of, halls porches, and sympathy at the bme. of the .. y. nate granges was given and a very veysburg etc.' Owine to·injuries reo Mrs. Geo'. Hawke had' the miiifor~ cellar etc. This farm is beautifully ' tieath of ouriather, Mr .. J. Lmder. Mayor J. O. Cartwright arrived interesting program rendered by ceived from ,a fall down cellar on Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster. home from Chillicothe Thursday ev· tune to cut her hand on It was''lboard situated and well fenced. For par. members of the different granges. Wednesday, Mr:t. Clagett was unable Monelay. While not a dangerous ticulars inquire at this office. .eniJlg very much improved in health After the usual business of the day to be up on Thursday, butM1'8. J.D. wound it i~ 1\ very sore one. Word was receiyed here Monday . . . - - - . - -the grange closed to meet with Marlatt very ably took her place and POI ITICAL ANNOUNCf;MENTS that Mrs. Mary E. Compton passed O~lr 11O~ of JPwelr~ now. ready away at the home of' her daughter for Inspectlon~ You wIllfifldt-:fi-r-st. w"te tt t' to . , . I' df . . . J E e mVI your a en Ion our Waynesville grange December 31, received the cuesta. Elegant reo Don't ~orget the meeting Satur- Mrs. Charles Harner, of near New ~n qua Ity. an alr~9t In PriCe'. • • handsome line' of Floral 'Crepe paper 1910. Those present from Wayne&- freshments were served. • _ ...- - day evening a\. Cross' Hall.. Hon, BurlinKton, Monday at 9a. m . Mrs. anney . at the low price of only 9c per bolt ville grange were Sfsters Ella Hisey, Issa ('ornell, Luella Cornell, Louisa Ed Kewoocl of the late M Ed ' th H . t d h while this lot lasts J E' Janney , Harr!. Daugherty; Hon. Larry Lang· ,:ornpton was the widow '11 ' rs. I arrls re urne ome . .. • Stokes. Ll,Jcile CornP.U, Bros JOl'eph d on an d H on. Seth B rown WI be Saml Compton and was well known I Th sd . f I a ) Hisey. F. A. Hartsock, and John Mrs. W. D. Linder, of Miami•• the spellb.kers fhe astt VISI . .utr WI~tYhevenlm~ Morrow p easCad d for. Ith is occasion. ' . here' Her . . dea' th was caused by an re cltivesr~m In T he Ladies' Guild of St. Mary's Strawn, of Wal nesville; Robert Wil. burg has been tbe gueet of relativee et an . WI) furnish tho musIc· acomphcatlOn of diseases . She was Countv. church will meet at the rectory NOnCE 61 years old and a member of the Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Hamson and Warren Keys, of Center. nellr Dodd. and Pekin. ('aesar's Creek Friends' chut'cll. The Our large a~sort~ent of jardi- Everybody come prepared to work. ville; Morris and Kathryn Cornell, The Lebanon GranKO had .. oar· of Dayton. load of fine applee one day Ju' week The November meeting of the funeral will take place today at the nieres will surely please you. They • - .. .. tAt Lebanoa and leveral from bere, If you don't read Kilbon's ad you W. C. T. U will meet at the home c~urch at 11 o,clock. I?terment range in price from 15c to $1.50. J. MASK CARNIYA L bearing of them inYee&ed in lOme will 11e out just $1.99. The reducof Mrs , Ruth Janney November 4th, WIll be made at the Caesar s Cr~ek E. Janney. lind profited by it. tions he mllkes on groceries, and dry ftrlr. and !bs. Boward ilarnbut The town was fairly alive Monday _ .,..-_... _ ••____ 2 p. m. Anna C. O"Neal. leader. eemetery Messrs. J. C. I:iaw~e, J. E. Jan-- goods, on a very small order will save night with all sorts of masked charwere in Lebanon one day lAIt woell. 'fryanrl be prompt to the hour. . ney, F. H. Farr and F B. Sherwood you money. REVIVAL MEETINOS acters. The country folk added to Ou lut Sunday several friend. . Pre88 Reporter. attended the -Harding meeting in the festivities and many came in tt.Dd relatives caned on 'Mr. Joha • • The revival meetings at the Church Lebanon last week. A jol1y company consist inK of Mr. masked. Boys dressed in girl's Simpson 'a nd family of RldR8vtlle BASKET UALL of Christ c(.ntinue this week. Large and Mrs. Chas. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. clothing and girls in boy's clothing, '0 help Mr. Simpson' oel."bra'e b~ t..Harveysburg schOOl came over crowds greet the speaker each even· We have the-newest, choi an, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. old younK men, young old men, and twenty.eighth birUlaay. The .or· ht.'re last Friday to play basket ball. in g .. Eight con!essions to ~ate. Ma~y ~arge~t '3tock of b~ks ever displayed Edwards, Mrs. Fred Henderson and misses dressed in madame's garb oriee was oomplete and had been but Waynesville Hi made them stO are mterested m the question of their 10 thiS town, prices from 5c to d&ughters, Mr. and Mrs. 0 L. made it a mystifying and pleasant ol~verly 'oarried out by bt. Wif•. back home in a hurry, defeating them salvation. Following are ilie subjects $5.00. J. E. Janney. Crane and son, Ethan, went to Leb· feature, for an evening's enjoyment. rhe guests arrived near 11 o·oloak. anon Sunday and were the guests of by a score of 17 to .6. for the weer Mr. and Mrs. Hornick and daughAbout 9 .'clock the maskers went All brougM well filled basket. and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Caskey for the to the I O. O. F . hall and unmasked. "little after noon a bountiful dinaer --Tuesclav-7 p. m. te' X - S d th . LAYMAN'S CO~FERENCE "The J ud " . r wer? 10 ema un ay: e occa, gment. slon hemg the 69th anmversury of da! . The hall was crowded to its capac' WI\8 served to whloh aU did jU8tloe, ----Wednesday-7 p. m. M H . k' th ity, and lots of fun was gotten OUt Those present wer~ John Simpaon NEW CENTURY CL UB The Layman .8 Meeting of the ,Day- "Waynesville and Hell." r. ormc s mo er. of the unmasking. .. lind famUy, George Cook and family, ton District will be held at Middle- Th!Jrsday-7 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. A . .o. Sides spent On Friday afternoon, October 28th The grangers had prepared a lunch Will ~imp80n and family Jame8 several days in Cincinnati last week the New Century Club met at the of sandwiches, pumpkin pie and (jo~k. wife and lion van. town November 17th. The program .. A City Taken for Christ." Bam is a goo.d one and all who can should Friday-7 p , m. attending the Tri-State Exbibit of residence of Mrs. Wm. T. Frame. coffee, and after the strenuous ev :3lmpson and wife Mr. John Works avail themselves of the opportunity .. Where God Records His Name." Implements and vehicles. Although the day was cold and disa- ening's fun it tasted mighty good .•lnd Mr. J.mN tii~peon and wife. to attend SaturdaY-7 p. m. Miss Ella Schwartz, who was. the greeable a goodly number responded The Mayor's letter in ~ast week's Mig Sarah RU880m of indiana 8UILDINO HOUSE "RedE'emed by the Blood of Christ" guest of her brother, F. C. Schwahz to rol1-call by giving. short deacrip- paper was carried out, and the boys Wll8 borled at Sprlngbo'ro laItThq~ Sunday-IO a. m. and family last week, returned to tions of our native trees. did very little damage about town. L1ay. MiA Ruaaom formerly live" "The Three fold Idea of Home." her home in Cincinn'ati Sunday. The Cross Bros. are putting up I ~fter the reading of the minutes Altogether it was a most enjoyable near RidgevUle. .. and other businesa the regular pro· Hallowe'en. a new house on their farm ~uth of SU,nday:--7 p. m. Mrs. Jane Dyke, of Lrtle,- lpent town , Mr. Lou St. John will occuChrIst and aSq~are Deal. We have bought a much larger gram was taken up. A beautiful vo· •- • a.few day. lut week with lin, ):Iy the housn when completed. Special Music and a Hearty Welcome assortment of holiday goods this sea- cal solo, .. Hold Thou My Hand," Bellbrook Horace Kir 'ly . - - - ~ -----son than ever before and will try and was rendered by Miss Sarah Snook, Alr . and Mn. Irlu Granzow. of AT M. F.. CHURCH THE C~DET BANlJ Mrs Goorse Earnhart bas gone to Dayton, spent Sn,nclay with the II'" have them on display some time the of South Le.banon. A very interest. "F Cinoinnati on a vtllit. orestry," was preMr. and Mrs. Barry Murrav, of ter'l parents, Mr. and Mn. Q. J. The Cadet Band went to Harv~yg.. Protracted will begin at f ore part 0 f 0 ecem b er. J • E. Jan- mg paper on burg last Saturday evening to play the M, E. church Nove.mber 20th. ney. . pared and read by Mrs. Edith M. Waynesville and Mr. and MrR. O. K. Marquardt, of thil place. for the political meeting' there. Rev. Bailey will . be usiRted by Mr. ' Harris. A shor.t discussion followedn Peterson were the gne8h of Mr. and Kiss Edith Crane, of Pekln, ls the '.l'heymade quite a h\t. . Joe Story, the' singing evange~ist. Mrs. Frank Harris and Mrs. Amos , A re port of the State 'Fe4.e ratio Mn. ehas . &rellford, north of towp gue~t of W"yneavUle friends . , ' r . ~. Mr. Story is Ii sweet singer, one Yandoren qf ~arvey'sburg, Mrs. J. I at Oberlin was, then given bv Mrs la~~uK1:t;;y Co ,"of Dayton, gave Mlss Pearl Ril~y, or' BldpvUle• whose music roes to ·the soul, and C. ' H!lwke•. Mrs. J.W.Ward. and Mrs ; Funkey, ' who was 'a delegate to that aa 80tersainment to tile Towil Ball who has been ill for a ,100,1 thDe wa. .NO tftUN.T.NO NOTICE ", • . , mus~ be heard to ·'b e . appreciated. H. A. ~rnell re~l:1rned home Thurs- 1b!><1y. Many points of interest were l&lt Satorday ·.venlng ·for the bene. taken ~ the Miami Valle1. hoepltal. All Pel'llOns are ·qt'rictly· .prohibited ,.. • - • .. dayeven10g from .Columbus. They brought put in this talk. fit 4>Uhe ~~ Ball ~h:lb. " by Dr. Pmee for a seriou operafrom hunting on my preinises NOTICE 'had '~ in atteftdance at'the Grand cl~ with another ~III~ y.", .phl"r . lit reported siok lion She W&l operatec1 on laItSa&" Ed F.umW!. ,~ . ,. " ·Chap~.r of the Eutem Star~' number by.. 14iss Snook, Emtitied Wi~~~l~~~'aod wife who ltve urd~y "nd t. ,eUIDR al~ng Dioe"'; ,:' . Minnie satterthwaite From December 1st to ,March lilt. . . '. ..' ·" The, GoOd Shepherd ' wnich was ItOUth of town hue sold their pr lP ' . .' , .• _ . . . '. __ ' ,. . 1 will deliver no papers on the hilt C. PhilliJ)8 wlahes to inform the Inuch .admired. .' I '~ . ' , " . ertyana will mo.e to' BellmoM IOOD. INSOItE YOUR TOBACCO , . CONfERRED DEGREE ' . \l.f you' .want pap~rs, ,please .~o~e . to public .that he ~m ~~~ . have o~slers .I!uring the ~ial hou~ a dtpli~ioUi Qaite a.l"rlle orowd of .' X of P's ' . I , • _ . : th~ ~k Comer or .t he Poat . Ofll~e. and cr~et'8. f~r 8&1.e . this wmter, two-couise rilehq was ·s erved. ~I!om ~~re attended ~he Coanfy Coo. I have the .rates.that Will suit, and :I'ha,Maaomc lqrllr.e--eonferred the , Til!' wdl,enable you-to get your' pa- Both large 8.!ld smal1 ·oys~ra forfry· Guests of the hostess were the :~::t~ at Xeoia l"at. W:~Delld"y. the company that will 'pr:o~' you~ E . .A deg~ee on a can~idate Friday pers at least 'one hour e.rUer. . Ing ~d !Stewing, When you want Misses Ada and Sarah Snook of Ki. ~l... Cornell, 'o f Ferry, waa Aad~e18 Frank Wilson, ilarveysbllr'lr.. eVening. .< c 1>.' W~ 'Meeb. 000 oyste~~ve him acail~ . 'S outh Lebanon~ . . , v.l~'iDl· ln Dt.yton·lUt Sunday. lOhio. Phone 2 Qn 16..




----- ...

















Uncle Sam Haa Lost Fulth In Ra'In. How An Allegan, Mich., WOe1an ROo Making Scheme~, but italians A'ro gained Her Healt h. Stili Eangulne, ' Mrs. Robert Schwabe, R. F. D. No. . , o hi ngton. -Recently when fire S, AllegpD,, says: "Doctors could WII S swoeplng over the mountnlns or Dot cure me nn<11 was rapidly runnIng tile w at, .1 a \'lug deuth and d s~r u (; Jnto BrIght's disease. KIdney searetlons were like blood tlOII In its Wilke, th das palrlng peo· and I arose 8 to 10 pIa app nl d to tb wor de partm nt tl' t imes at night to voId bOlllburd tlt s ki es nnd brIng a much· them. I became frIghtllcedt!d rain. For obrlou8 r hsons ened at my condition. th II' req uest was rerused . UncI Sam, My sight began to a f6W y aI'S ngo, sp nt large 811m9 ot tall and pains In my mOlley experltu enllnr. ' along this li n , back were 11k knife~( n(\ln g up bomhs M ild flrlng cannon thrusts. I cried tor Itt th e l'kl s to produce min by artlM· hours, unable to control my nerves. . Aft l' I started using Doan's KJdn y Pills, I began to teel better anti 600n I was cured. I am a \tvlng testimonial ot thelr 'ment." Remember tbe nome--Doan's . For 6ale by all 'dealers. 60 cents a ·box. '. Foster-Milburn Co., Buaalo, N. Y.


Thomas hall u key to til and gav It' to her. 01\ th e way across the lawn s ho "ft .~ hines. IIJ'lln~I " .. R,"1 !;lIl\ rrllo'll of was confron t cl by Arnold, wbo for fi; l"l"lrud,' unJ Il uls ... y, ' ' In''"~t,, · 0.1 ~u m ­ In ('r h fl dQ \lU rh. r til RIU11l )'~h '" . \ rnold SO lUe reaSO ll wu s d 't rrulned to g t r fn~t r o nA: Wttf' round ~htll \ Il tt(':llh Jn luto the housl'. 1f o bad a golf·s tl k ,' hall, O e rU'II <l~ tI\I,1 h " Iltln,,' . .JIl Pk Btl, ·)', hall r:OD HSp. ol In II", bllllRrd In his hand. j hut he had pi ked up t o III shortly b~ rnr UH' IntlI111 ' 1". I h l lo o~ flomewh r(', Ulld on h er r efllsal be bad ti v" .Iaml eso n r\l' 11 91'11 MI ~s I nlh'~ of Ihlldlni:' hack (wldo o(·p. CAshier Uull,, ), .. r I':LI,I struck bel' wIth It. One hand ' had .... rll ll;l ..on.,·5 hll n), . de r lll ld. WII N l\rr ~~ted l)e n \]adl y ut, and It was tbat, pols· f or em be z% l e(ll nL Puul A"III1Hr ong's • p~ til WAS announce" . Il ltls~\"s fl.Jllc oe, onluB huv lllg Be t In, which was killing L <I,, 15C ArmslPom;. toJld 1/ 1\ 1 ~ ,' 'y thut whtl .. her. Sh e brolce away In a (renzy ot . h" ~ III\ 10\10£1 hIm. she Wit" t o m n rry II.nOl lw r . It de\' ~l o pe d I hn l Pr. 'V all' .. wos ruge caui r.~& \'. and got Into the house th , 'na n. LouIs" WIlS r Ollnd IIn l'(ln~('ln UII Childlike Ignorance. . wblle GU'trud and .Jack Ball y were t lhe bot\ (\m or the l'lrl'ula r Laura J elll) Libbey, dlscu sing In he s!lld 8o m ~lhl n g hRd hl'uM helJ lly he .. at tbo fronL Itl.'or. Sh e Vi nt upctall's, n I he dark on the 51 Irw ay ano.l she Brooklyn her 6ucce!!Brul nppenrnnce hardly knowll:~ wbat s he was doing, f alnled . Ball y 18 SII" I'''l' w d or Arlllon the stuge, said : .lron~'s nllIrdr... ')'1101111111, l he \odgekeep Gertrllde'S door open, and Hal· ar. wos found drad Wl lh 1\ II Ole In hi. "I talk In my monologue about love, sey's revolver lay thtlr on the bed. p oc k!'l bearIng th e n n Ol O " L ud ' n Walmarriage and the olber interests at lac " ." A ladder t ound ou t ot pillc u deepShe picked It up nnd turn Ing ran part .n ~ the nl ysl .. y. TIl' stabl es wore the heart. On these subjects 'women, way down tbe circular slrJrcase. She " urlled, a nd In the dnrk MIss Innea shot especially young women, arc strangely could hear Arnold fumbllrfC at the IlIt ru<1 e... Halsey m yst eriously dl sar)Ignorant. Jjeur d. HIli o.uto WIlS fount! wrecked by lock outside. Sbe sllpp d dQvn quiet.. frolght tmln . It d ovelop d HlIlsey had "They really make me think, you ly and op ned the door; he was Ina" argument In the library with II. woman know, of the little girl who was asked bet, rll his disappearance. New cook dlss id e befor she had got back to tbe apPPllrs. Mlae Innell Il>o. rned Hnlse y was . by her 'teacher: staIrs. It was QuIt dark, but Bhe alt \, . Dr. Walker's face becomes livid ., 'What can YOIl tell us about Solo· at menUon of lhe n ame ot Nina a .... lng· , could see hIs wblte shIrt-bosom. From CDIl . Evidence ",1\8 secu red from & tramp I moo?' the fourth. step she tired. As he fell that 0. man, lupposedly Hlllsey, had be n .. 'Solomon,' repli ed the little gIrl, ~un d and Iral'ged Ilnd thrown Inlo all , somebody In the bll1lard room __mpty box ear. Gertrude was mlllslng, very fond of anImals.' 'was screamed and ran. When the alarm , ~IJnUnlf to .. her, MIIII lnnas rlln Into a " '.'UId how, my dear,' said the teach· lOon and fain t ed. A confed erate of Dr. wal raised, she had had no time to 'Waltler Qonl0.!\8ed hll part In the mYIler, 'do you make that out?' i:et upstaIrs; she hid In the west wIng "ry. He IItated that the Co.rrlngton wo" 'Beeause,' 'answered the little s1rl. fIllAn had been kUled, that Walker tOBred UlIttl everyone was down on the 'tbo DIble says be had 600 porcu· .er, and that he believed that Paul Armlower 11001'. Then sbe slipped upstalrl. POnlt had been kllled by a hand IJUhlejf pInes.' .. y Walker. Halsey ,.all (ound In a dlsand thew the revolver out ot an upftt hospital. Paul Arms tronc wu not per wIndow, going 'down again In time .ead. Who Scratched tho Bathtub? to admit the men from the Greenwood Nice, pore lain bathtub, too; and aU club. QHAPTER ' XXXI.-Continued, the foU'1 thought It WIUI just 10ve4r. If Thomas had suspected, he had "CloUd.Sho~t1ng" Gunl of Italy. But somebody was washing It out aDd never, told. 'When she found the hand Tb~ slip had said "chimney." .,iI~""''' used common laundry loap-the yellow Arnold, had Injured was growing clal menns. It was no use, for the "I H.ard a Sad and PItiful Narratlv• ." "a.ll the on4r clue, and a house as worse, sbe gave tlie address of Luolen ·clouds refused to "leak" 'In satlsfac· kind wIth rosin and strong causUc In large as Sunnyside was full at them. trhere ,was an open fireplace In m)' Would not Paul Armsttonc have taken ance, tresh air and 'hUllting. The at Richfield to the old man and almost Uon of man's tiny tickling. Since It-and away went the enamel and the .resslng room, but none In the bed- his booty with him? If he had not, slsterl, of course, knew nothlq of $100. The money was tor Lucien'l then the government has been with· finlsb. (It that kind of soap will harm room, &I1d 81 I lay there, looking and It Dr. Walker was In the secret, ~Is, and the young man's arder rath- board until she recovered, ·She had out talth In any scheme for raln-ma· porcelain eDamel, What won't It do to olothes?) "Eaay Task Soap," the pure, around, I ~bought ot something that he would have known how to enter er carrted them away. In a word, sent for me to ask me If I would try king. It Is now beld that the reason why whIte, antiseptic, flve-cents·a-cake kind, made me sft up suddenly. The trunk- the chimney room. Then...:..who had sevon years before. lmcy Halwell bad to Interest the Armstronp 1Jl the room, JUlt ofer my head, had an open dug the' other hole In the talse parti- married a young man whose n.a me W81 child. When Bhe found herself I'TOW' rain usually followed . the great bat· will not harm an7thing but dirt. Try given as Aubrey Wallace, ' Ing' worse she had written to Mrs, lies ot blstor, 's because whenever two cakes and get your money back It jir place aDa a brick chimney, and tion? Anne Haswell had married a car- :Armstrong, telling her nothIng b"lt possible the con..mander moved their It isn't as represented. Jet there was nothing. ot the kind In CHAPTER XXXII, penter In her native town and was a that Arnold s legi llma~e chUd 'was !lot o.l'tDles and begau battles when the my t'oom. I got out of bed and examined the opposite wall closel),. widow. For three months everything Rlchlleld, and Imploring her to rec<1J- . weather was talr. Raln. falls on an Anno Watlon'. Story. went faJrly well. Aubrey took his nile him. She was dying; the buy average or one day In. three, so It Is 'l"bere WAS apparently .no flue, and I LIddy discovered the tresh break, bride to Chicago, where they lived at was an Armstrong, and entitled ,to his no amazing matter that the clouds knew there was none in tbe hall just beneath: The house was heated by In the trUllkroom wall while we were a hotel. P~rhapI the very UlIsophI8t1- father's sbare ot the estate. The pa- should spill their contents about the, all I have said before. In the at luncheon, and ran' shrIeking dowu cation .thAt had charmed him In Val- pers were In her trunk at Sunnyside, time onc of thOse tnmous slaughters thing room wal. a huge open fireplace, the slalrs. She mantalned that, al ley, Mill jarred on him In the City. He with letters from the dead man that w~u'd be over y.oltb. she entered, unseen hands had been had been tar trom a modei husband, would prove what she said. It wa.s ' Of course, the great men ot science but It was on the other side. Why did the trunkroOJIl have both digging at the plaster; that they had even for the three moqths, and when she who had 'Cr:ept down the oircular know tho.t It Is useless for man, with • radiator and an open fireplace? stopped wben she went In, and she he dlaappeared Anne was ailliost 'Btalrcase, drawn by a magnet thtlt his puny Implements, to undertake to ArchUeoUs were not usually 61TaUc. had telt a cust o~. cold damp air. In thankful It waa dUferent with tlJe nIght ~~. Jamteson bad heard' some bring about those stupendous changes It wl18 nqt 16 minutes betore I was up- support of her story she carrIed In young -wife, however, She droope'd one there. Pursued, she hnd . fled in nature necessary ' 'to produce tbe stairs, armed with a tape-measure In my wet 'and muddy boots, that I had and fretted, and on the birth of her madly, anywhere-tilrough the first phenomenon 'ot' rain. It would be Ueu ot a toot-rUle, eager to justlty Mr. UlIlucklly forgotten t o hld~, and held baby boy she bad d\(ld. Anne took the door she came to. She had fallen necessary to lower the temperature ot do~n the olothes chute, and been a vast area at the heav ns, or saturate lamlesoYl's . opinion of my Intelligence, them out to the detecUve and myself. child and named him Lucien. obtain "What did r teU you?" she said Anne had had no children ot her saved by tbe bask \It beneatb. I could such a region wIth moisture JUd firmly resolvell not to 'tell him ot my susplolon until I had more than dramatically. "Lo~k at 'em, They're own, and on Lumen sbe bad lavIshed have crIed wIth r eller; then It bad nnt results, and our means of acr.omllllsh· ment are too limited. theory to go on. The hole In the yours, MIss Rachel--:and covered with aU her aborted maternal Instinct. On been Gertrude, after all! Thpugh our government has lost That was the story. Sad and tragi!! trunkroom wall stm yawned there, be- mud and soaked to the tops. I tell one thing she was determined, howtween the chImney and the outer wall. you, you can scol! all you like; some- ever: Tbat was tho.t Aubrey Wallace tbough it was, the " ery telling of It {alth In rain-making, how~ver, the I exam.lned it again, wIth no Ilew re- thIng bas been wearing your shoes. should educate his boy. It ;was a part seemed to relieve the dying woman. ~tallans seem to be quito confident .ult. Tba space ' between the brIck As sure as you sit there, there's the ot ber devotion to the child that she She did not know that Thomas wal that In one way, at least, bombaJ'dlng .11.11 lln4 ths plaster and lath one, smell of the graveyard on them. How should be ambitious for him; he dead, and I did not tell her. I prom- the clouds Is productive of good r . loweYI"lI'. had a new significance. The do .we know they weren't tramping must have every opportunity. And so Ised to look atter lltUe Luci en, anc1 6UltS. In aU ' the vllleYnJds of that bole showed only. one side of tbe chim- through the Casanova ohurchyard last she came east. Slie drIfted aroUlld, ,s at wIth her until. the Intervals of can. sunny land there may b "een curIous dOing plain sewing and keelling' a 'sclousness ~rew shortel1 and tlna,l1.Y {unnel·shaped gUlls pointing to the ney, and , l determined to Investigate night, and sitting on the graves!" He Knew, what lay In the space on the other Mr. Jamieson almost choked to home somewhere always for the b·o)'. ceased altogethel'.,She died that night. sky. Hall stot;ms 'form one ot the It. small boy brought up by a lire(TO l;lEl CONTINUElD.) chief dangers to the grape crop In that aide of the niante!. df!ath . "I wouldn't be at all surprised Finally, however, she realLzed that country, and the Italians believe that eating father to hate anything conJ had t. ~U8ter on my palm when lr they were doIng that very thing ber only tr.a lnlnl had been domestic; the flrlng of these guns prevents such nected with England or the Engllsh Ways to Keep Neat. a\. last t:ne natchet went ' tbrough and Liddy! ' be said, when he got hl~ a.nd she put the boy In an Eplsco"My children were becoming drea4 destructive visItations by dIssIpating was consigned reoently to eat dinner fell with wl'6tsounded like the report of breath. "They certainly look like It." plallan home, and secured the poslwith the nurse while the family entel" I think the detective had a plan Uo.n ot ~louBekeeper to the Arm- tully careless about leaving thell the clouds which gIve them bIrth . • gun to' mt overstrained nerves. I sat talned a genuine English lord In the on whIch he was working, but which' strongs. There she fO\llld I,uclen's things around," said an origInal mothon a trunk, .... altlng to hear Liddy fly dining room. The groWn-ups' ~e"l had up , the I\talrs, with the household be· was meant to be a coup. But things father, this ttme un'der hlB own name. er, "and the older members of th. family weren't any too ' tidy. So' 1 GIRLS TRAVEL ON "NERVE" come to ' that "twenty minutes past" !hind her, like the tall ot a comet. But went so fast there was no time to ' It was Arnold Armstrong. atage where conversation baits direct· , I gathered that there waa no pal'- made up my m!nd that I wasn't golnl lOotblng bappen~d, and with a growIng carry It Into eaect. The first thing Iy, when II. childIsh treble fell uponTwo Oklahoma Young Women Start feeUng ot uncanniness I set to work that occurred was a message trom tleular enmity at that time In Anne's to be a 'plck·up' drudge for the resf the dumb·walter shaft from the Out Without Money on a Threethe Charity hOllP.ltal that 'Mrs. Wat- mind. Sbe told him of the bOy, and of the household. I set up a , big 'l'lne enlarging the opening. kltohen. This Is what the astonished Yoara' TrIp. aon was dying and had asked tor me. tbreatened exposure It he d.ld .not probox, & box with an oblong hole In the The result was absolutely nil. When nobleman h~ard: I could hOld a lighted candle In the I did not care much about goln«. vide for him. Indeed, for a tlme,he top; Into which I put every sIngh! "Fe, ft, fo, fum, Ohlcago.-"We are goIng around the opening I saw prec!sely what I had 'fhere Is a sort of melancholy plea- dl4 so. Then he realized that Lucien .thlng--hat, coat, toy, pipe, no matter '" smell the blood of an' English· seE'n on Ule other l'lde of. the chimney sure to be had out of a funeral with was the ruling passion In this lonely What-that I tound lying . around In world on our own endeavors and nerve mun."-Wasp. - a space between tbe' true wall o.nd Its pomp and cerem.ony, but I s'hrllPk woman's life. He round out where the way. And to get hIs or her prop- for e,d ucatlonal 'purpbses and to see it the false one, possibly sev'e n feet long from a death.bed. J.~owever, Liddy the child was hidden, and threatened erty the owner had to pay a pel1ll.V-- two womea can work their way III The word "tired" Is much uled and &Ild about thl'lIe feet wide. It was In got out the black things and the crepe to take hIm away. Anne wflsfrantlc., it it was one of the children; tea I!uch B.n undertaking," saId Miss Olive abused. flO ense of tbe word 11 secret cham- veil I keep for such occasions, and I The " posItions became re,v ersed. cents In cose ot the older ones. As the. Adair and Miss Oralee List, two young tier, and It W'ls evident It .had not went. I left Mr, Jamieson and the Where Arnold had given money for children have only an' a1l6wance ot women from Tulsa, Okla., who arrived C O FF~E WAS IT, been d~stUl'bed sInce the house was day detective going over every Inch [,uclen's support, liS the years went ten cents a week each, they didn't at the Congress hotel, Ohlcago, from Peoplo Slowly ' Learn the Facti. St. Louis, on the first part of theIr built. It was a supreme dlsappolnt- of the circular staircase, pounding: on he forced money from Anne Wat- naturally want to pay It out In flnesprobing and measurlnr. I was inward- son Instead until she was always pen- so they. began to be careful. Graduai. meut. "All my life I have been such a It had been Mr. Jamieson's Idea Iy elated to think ot the 8urprlse I was nlless. The lower Arnold sank In the ly the .whole family mended their slave to c9ITce that the very aroma that the bidd'Jn room, If tbere was going to give them that nIght; as It scale, the heavier his demands be· , ways, and now my llne box Is general· ot It was enough to set my nerves one, would be found somewhere near turned out. J dId surprIse them-al- came. With the rupture between him 11. empty, and the, house Is as tidy as quiverIng. I kept grndually lOSing m)' most Into spasms. . and his family thing. were worse. you please." the circular st&lroase. In fact, I 1mew health but I used to say 'Nonsense, It I drove front the, train to tbe Chari. Anne took the child frolU the home ------thltt he , had once Investigated the en· don't hurt me.' • Cheering Her Up, tire length of the r.\othes chute, hang· ty hospital, and waB at once taken. and hid him In a farmhou8e near "Slowly I was forced, to admit the . d Th I Casanova, on the Clayaburg road, Islillgton, w . hlch Is no longer rura., Ing to a rope, with this In view, I t a a war truth and the final result Wl18 that my . ere, n a ' gray-walled There she went sometimes to see the d' I M \V was ,OIlce so esteemed by medical nlell W8e r eluctantly about to concede that room In a hlgl1 Iron b e, whole nervous force was shattered. ' ay rs. at- boy, and there hEY had taken tever, that tl)ey lIent tbelr patIents there b e had been right, when my eyes fell son . Shc was very weak, and sbe "My heart became weak and uncer011 the mantel and fireplace . The lat· only opened her eyes and looked at The people were Germans, and he after severe Illness. Many also went tain In Its action and that trlghtene~ me when 1 sat, down beside her. ' I called the farml' l r's wife glossmutter. there In the last stages In the foriorn t ed had ey ld ently neve r been UB )O; me. Finally my physlcllin told me, It was' clOl; d with a metal fire front, was conscience·strlcken, 'We had baen He had grown Into a beautiful bOY, hope that the ip"lgorat!ng all' might about 0. year ago, that 1 must stop aud be was all Anne had to JIve tor. th t h Ith £ .and only when tbe front refused to so e,ngrossed that T had left this poor restore em 0 en . ... story redrinking col'l'ee or I could never exThe Arntstl'ongs left for California, lated by Dr. Abernethy turns on the ,move, and inves ti gation s howed that Cl' 'ature to ell e without even a word pect to be well again, of sy mpathy. and Arnold's persecutlons 'began anew, latter class of visitors. One ot bIll 'It was not Int ended to be moved, ~Id fIr was In despaIr, for the very Th He was furious over the child's dle- patients engaged some rooms In II, my spirits J'e \'lve, thougbt ot the medicines I had tried e nurse gave her a StlmUIIlDt, appearance and site was atrald' he h bl IIngton, and casually remarked to tb. 1 hurri ed Inl<) th e next room. Yes, and in .,u little ,vhlle se so many times nauseated' me. I was n e to would do her some hurt. She left the landlady that the banIsters on ' the enough. there was a similar man- talk. So broken and balf.coh ~ rp)1t, I I h thought ot Postum but could bardly !tEd :l'Od fire place the re. similarly howevet', was her story that I shall ) gause and went down to the lodge. stQ.lrcase were very much broken. brIng ~self to give up tli'e cottee. , When 1 had rented Sunn"slde how1 " 11 th ~ , , ' "Lor' bess you,marn, sa ( eland· 'Closed. In bol h rooms th I'hJmn ey tell It in my own way. In an bour "FInally, I concluded that lowed It . ever, she had thought the persecutions lEidy,. ··!t's no use to mend the'm, tor flue 'xtend cI) " ' ell out from the wall. rTom tl1e tt me I entered the Chlwlty to myself to give Postum a trial. So I would stop, She had applied for the · 1 m URIl I' 'd with the talle·llne, my hospital J had hqard a sad and pItiful position of hou sek eper and secure.l' lt. they always get brol(en when the ungot a package and 'caretully followed II I" dertaker's men bring the coffins down· band s tl'cmb11ng so that I could nUlTative and had seen a ' the directions, ',and" what a deliciOUS, , . ~oman 8 p Tba,t hud been otf Saturday. That 8talr8!'-Lo~don Chronicle. sllllrce ly hold it. They ~"tend d two Into the unconsciousness that Is .only 'n ourishing, rich drlp.~ It wasl Do you , step from death. night Louise arrlv, e d unexpectedly. a rept and 8 hnlf Into each room, whIch know I ,found It vellY eaBY to shift Intolligence In tho , Kitchen. Briefly, tben, the ' housekeejler's 1' homns Beut ~or Mrs. Watson and ,.,'Ilh the Un 'e Cee t of space b etween from coaee to Pas tum anil ' not mInd then went for Arnold Arms.trong at The blgher the !nlelUgence and the tb' two ll a l'l~ II"'ns, made eight f et to st~ry was thIs: • the change at all? Tl1e 'Mllael A,dalr and Lid. Gre~nwood !llub. Anne had b,e.m broader the educatton o~ 1.l1e woman b e a cco~nled tor, Eight 1eet In one . Sh e was a Imost 40 years old" and' , the ".AlJilost Imme~hltelr. at~er ( ' madtl tond of Louis, e-she reminded her ot ' ' b ' In the, kitchen', the greater the long journey. ''l:hey wore broad whIte the chauge 1 found ni:yselt better, and direction and (}'most s v n In' the oth·. ba d b Hn til e s I. s ~er'mot el' of a large Lll.CY. Slie - dId not know w , hat tti'e' • . er~what a hitn,ney ,It was'! bl b t Lo I' . ure' and satisfaction In nousehold du·, sRtln s8slles, w.itb· the ,vords, in black iui the 'days went' by i kept on Improv· family of children. One by one they t u ~e . had been in ties ' ," ;, , tetterllr "Around-the·World Glrls' 1"rom ing, 'My. nel"cYeB grew sOUlld ariil But J bad obly located ,the hidden, had dled, and been burled beside their rou e was, ' u room. I was not In It, and no amount pu.rents In a HUle town In the 'mlddle a .,Bt;at~, :of terri hie excItement . . Mrs., .' The 'woman ' who cooks IntelUgentlJ Tufsa"Oklahom,a;" and their suItcases " i. slept.. well and · teh ·stro~g , ,f pressing lin the carving or · the west. There was only one IIlster lett Watso.n t~led to bide frpm ~rnol~, ~ut '11 . commanding great and mysterioul and trave~ln:g bags were decorated In and wcfu-billande~, all tb,e ilme, . 'W90don mant"ls, DO !learch of t.!Je , the baD)" Lucy: . On her th'e older giri he was ugly. H~ left · the lodge a~iI torces or n~tqre. Slie 'la, lin alohemlst elmt.llu; ' n'la.nntir. They wore IIg/lt. tan "N!lw I am cOlPplet'ely c,ured, 'wlth the' love of ~ IInpulwent· UP to tbe house abou~ 2: 30, Wall behind an apron. ' At be'r, command had lavlsbed all traveUng 'gownl ' and hlack turbans. .oorli fOI' IOOl!"! boards, 'none of the lhe old nervousnesl and sl,cknea~ all ..customary mtllhods availed ,at all. !lIve and emotional nature. When admitted , at - the eallt elltrance and foodconstituents that are. lndlg~stlble. "We are goln« to ·ma"e a to~r of tho gone. In every way I am well ' onc\J '"l'bat ther ,,"'all n, means of entrance, Anne, th e elder, was 32 and Lucy 19, ca.mO out agaIn very ~O~ll. Something U"lpaIRta'le and ~en poisonOUs, afil World," they; said, ('and "'Ill earn our more," . And probably a blmple one, I , ould , be a young Ul811 had come ~ thO town. had occurred, ~h~ dldn t ~ow wbat; ~ ',bjected to chemlc~l chlln(s'e/l tbat passage.". Misl Li/lt ia a compO$er dr .It P&YII to live up the chiqk tha~ ,eertaln. B\lt wb(l.t? What would ] He wns gOing east, after spending the ,b ut very soon 'Mr. I"tlies 'and.,anothel' runder t1i9m ali elllctlrean de!lght. ~hti mUllc, «nil .Miss Adall;' 18. a 1IInger and acta on Bome l1kll a poilon,- tor btaltb a ,writer of ahort atorlea,;" l'We atart ~omaD of ~.l hJtelllgence and IXIW8ra end Ir ~ did get ,n? Was the detect· a c.elebrated ranch In W;y_ gentleman left. , USing the car. ia the fmUlle one CaD bay,,-, a 6 right. abd "ere the bouds and omlng-One or t.h ose pla.ces where Th?mAS and ahe h.d BOt Louise· or ImaglnaUOIl Gnds In her "ell • '.. Without ODe cut or mone)", qrn l1ttle "TIl• . 'tcaad to lJQr ~. (are to OU, b, Ibla Glone), frum tbe 'l'raders' bank there? wealthy men send worthlesl and cU• . qulet, aDd 'a U~le before three , Mn, kltehen 'a IIOllt". of I~eep U4 • sa,,_ . ~ ' ~B the RtHeta·aad, .. JUq piper-.~ Or .....8 our whole UlP.Ory wrong? sipnted lona lor a season of ' temper- Watson ' .tarted tile bOUle. 4111'111. IDterut. aDd 'I. ..,.... . SYNOPSIS.








. ""I'














Enormoua Recelpta at Market-Farm· ers and Sheep Feeders Csn Stock Up at BargaIn Prleea. 1


E enUsted men In the

United States navy work lia:-d upon occa· slon and It ls conse' ( ;quen U, only right that they should play hard 'Wh 11 LLi u time comes tor rellUtation aud 111 version. 'l' hat they have the ablllty to play hard na well M to worlt bard Is most npparant to any person who wa tches the bluejackets during their 1 18ul'O moments either afloat or ashore. nDd t ho bes part or It la , .

we nts on ono vessel. The seamen. and the officers fiS well seem to never tire or the concerts made possible by these Invention s and they have gone far, In conjunction with moving plo· tures; to relie ve the monotony that was once a di sadvantage ot lite in tha


dtat J ack's pastimes are ot ... holesouled, healthful sort refresh blm in mind and 1.8 weU as amuse him. Music plGYS 11 most Important part In the lighter sIde or lite In the American Ilavy. both as the nccomJ)llnlment of the trollcs of all Idnds and as an en· tertaJner In !tsoll. The toremost fncto r In the muslcnl resourcCls of a U-- .It. warship Is, of course, the shll1'~ band whloh' may !lumber anywbere !'tom a dozen to six· teen pieces and ls made up ot mep r<>gularly enlisted as muslcillns. The bandsmen, perhaps because th~y de· vote their entIre time to the musloal "ocatlon and llav$ ample opportualty for practise are almost Invariably .kllled muslclaWi and theIr ensemble 'Work Is exceller,t. Not only do tbey play on all fe&tal occ8slons on ship· lIoard and In the parades on shore but theIr · music 18 also brought into requisition at tl.\l.1es to hearten Jaok tor lals work, nou.bly on the occasion ot the always lln1uous chore ot "coaling .h'Jll." While thE! bl eJa kets, bot and crlmy, are hMitJui cw tuel aboard, the band II stationed on deck diseourslpg the llveUeet ilia to keep their spirits t1'om ftagglng. · . The band ulso gives daUy concerti! on board, sometimes several Umes a ny, but prut, ly .t he one that Is en'oyed most ~ the Jackles Is the reo ('ital at the D.:l hour tor halt an hour following the mld-day meal. The selections are ..Imost always of the most enlivenIng character,-waltzes and two steps.-and numb(lrB 'ot the boys dance on deck during thIs Interim. In· deed, there Is no more picturesque spectaole In tbe routine 01 naval life than that afforded by the tarll In their wblte duck uniforms cIrcling round and round the cleared space on tbe forward deck, the smooth boards or which make an Ideal dancing fioor. The bluejackets' have their own mu'

200.000 sheep and lambs recelvod In three daYs-such, In rOltnd nu mbers. Is the record·breaklng run thus tar thIs wee k on the hlcago market! Thl~ enormous over·marketln g of she p Is tho r esult of tem porary and p cullar causes. and otters a rare op· pOl'tunlty [01' farm ers and sheep feed· ers to stock up at bargain prices. 'I'hls great ru s b of sbeep to rnnr ke t comes malnly from Montana and ad· joinIng western range country. ano an not last Ulore than two 01' three \\' el{s longer. It Is no evldenco of ov r-productlon. Its principal cau ses are the recent drought, w lch so burn r.1 ou t the grass that the 0 w1ll be v ry little winter feed on th range. and wblrh prevented the putti ng up ot sumci nt hay to cnrry any consId er· abl number of slleep over win ter. while last winter was a very sev re one nnd hay WfiS 50 closely fed that there Is no old hay left over tor th e purpose. The con sequence Is that sheep owners are forc ed to marke t the bulk of t belr sheep thIs fall. or else lose them In the fi erce storms of wi nter. Th e most serious cause of the prcR· ent general liquidation, hcwever, Is t he restrictIon of the range through occupation and fencing by dry farm· ers. who are graIn growers. and not live stock raisers. The tremendous rush of tllose settlers upon the range wIthin the last three years, and especially within the last twelve months, hi hard for eastern people to r ealize. It Is not alone the area actually en· closed by these settlers. but the break· Ing up thereby ot vast region of grazing lands Into such small sections that they are no longer available to stockmen tor grazIng their flocks, which Is one of tbe main reasons why the aheep supplies or the western range country are being more closely marketed this year than ever before in the history of the trade. This means an tDevltable sbortage market later on and next yellr. and with a constantly growing demand for both mutton and wool. It would seem that futuro good prices are a/lsured . Tbe western range country bas heretofore been the chlet source of sheep market supplies. but unless the farmers ot the corn belt begin at once to raIse many more sheep than they have ever done before. there will be a veat scarclty of both mutton and wool before long In this country. Moreover. there Is a world·shortage of lin stock 'of all kinds. All Europe Is short of sheep, and even Australla's supply Is declinIng with rapidity. The same gene"TM1 causes that exls~ in this country are operating In other coun. . tries also. Populations are gro Ing rapIdly everywhere, while grazing areas are being reduced . As pasture land Is turned to production of cereals. sheep raisin,; declines. Tbousands or 4merlcan farmers oan turn this situation to their benefit. through Increase ot both soli fertility and money proflt, by beginning right now each to ke«!p a small fiock ot sheep upon his farm . And by taking advantage or the present opportunity to buy healthy, thrifty, growing west. ern range sheep at bargain prices UJlon the heavily supplied Chicago mar· ket. they can stock up at minimum cost, whether they want foundation stock for breeding or the growing kind . to ratten Cor market.


sic quite aside (rom that contributed by the band. As might b~ ex.pected a floatmg community of trom . 600 to 1.000 men Includes many musicians and they are s'eldom loath tQ dill play their accomplishments tor the benent ot their shipmates. Among the boys, banjos. guitars and mandolins kre tbe favorite Instruments but there are a number ot vloUns and .:lther Instru· lnents. On some ships the boys have tormed ~Iee clubs, whose songs, usuaUy specially composed, are a distinCt aid to the program at the minstrel shows and other entertainments beld on shIpboard trom time to time. Atter all, however, the greatest en· tbuslasm aroused by any form of mu· sic on shipboard Is that evoked by the cOlQparatively new mediums, the phonograph and th~ player plano. There i& scarcely a ship In Uncle Bam's navY that hna not Its talking machine and player plano and sometimes there are several of the Instru·

The money to purchase the talking machines and pianos Is raised by subscription or assessment of the ship's company and Jack. with proverbial prodIgality always insists upon the best Instrument obtainable regardless ot price. In similar manner tunds are raised ror the purchase at regular In· tervals of new su'p plles ot phonograph records and player plano rolls but ottUmes the bluejackets 11'111 make lndl· vlduaf purchases on their own hook and donate the new acquisitions to the slilp. Especially Is this the ease with phonograph records and tho haste manifested by the boys embraces ev· erythlng trom grand opera by world ramous singers to the latest topical songs by vaudeville favorites. The ships ot the navy also have an "ex· change" system whereby records and rolls, . alike to moving picture films. are exchanged In order to give the men on each vessel the widest possl· ble varlety.

The Greatest Oil Well J~------------------~-------------------------------


ITUATED twomUesnorth the. well waa spouting 011 at the rate put might be saved-tor much was or Maricopa. In Kern.ot 10.000 barrels 0. day. This was on being lost by scattering. and by evapo . county. CalltornJa. ' In March 15. In 2. hours the flow tn· oration and percolatlon-and to hewhat Is known as the creased ' to 20,000 barrelli "dally, and In . move the danger to adjacent property. Kern River 0\1 field. 0. week the average output was .0.· The tubing or casing tbat Is put down there Is the greatest 011 000. In ' another week the average trom top to bottom of an oU well can well known to the world. It is known yield rose to 60,000 barrels, varyIng ordlnarly be capped by the use ot na LakevIew No.1. For some month. usually trom 46,000 . to . 64.000. Occa· yalves at tho top of the well. but with it has be6n spouting forth a dally avo sionally, tor a tell' hours. the well the Lakevlew that was Impossible. crnge or 60,000 ' barrels of oil, worth produced at the rate ot 90,000 barrel. Tllere was no PTactlc·a1 method O.t al)66 cents a barrel where It gushes a day. This enormous produ'c tfon tol· plying weights or torce sumclent to from the earth: lowed the ejection of rock and shell restrain the great pressure coming up This extraordinary wen ho.s an In· trom the tube. these' having tormed from the depths ot the earth; and had terestlng history. Its Sinking was be- obstructions tbat temporartly checked It been possible 'to do 80. the destruc. «lin In the summer ot 1909, and ' by the ,tlow. . tlon ot the 08slng and tbe ruin of the Octqber 0. depth o.t nearly 2,200 teet The 0\1 came from tbe earth with \ well would probably !lave resulted . had been reached. At that point the a roar like that ot a great conflagra· Such a problem had never been predrill encountered an enormous pres· tlon. lI'orced 'by tremendous pressure, sented to 011 men before . . But. after sure. which forced earth. gravel, and It Ihot at hIgh as 360 teet hito tbe many efforts, It was solved, anel the rock upward · In the hole to~ a dIs· air, the black. Imoky·looklng 001- solutlon seemed as sImple as It was tance of several teet. New weUs are umn being villble mHes away It W8.8 emclElDt. often filled In that way. the matter soattered In spray for a lo~ TdJl]to.nce Worldng' ln a shower of oll. a la~ forced ulJward In ' the tube being so around the weU, m.letng It Impossible number of men .bullt rapIdly al'ountt loose that It can be re~o~ed with ~ to continue' operations on adJ a gent the tol;) of the well a ~uge bank, which bailer. In. the' present case. however, proPerties, owltig to the danger of was 'buttressed with stonel and with . tile well was packed so tlghUy that ftre. sacks ot sand and earth. ThIs tank redrtlUng wo.s neoenary. A hundred.barrel well Is a good one, filled quickly w!U1 011. Into whIch lbl . Sometimes the drillers would gain. and a \yell th'at ylel!ied 2,000 barrels stream of petro~eum from the well.wall on the pressure lil the earth; at ,Pther dlLlly had been regarded 8.8 a phenom· shot: With all Its speed and foree, times they would 101le. . The result enon. Such a gusher as the La~evlew the outflow could make Its way but • was th~t I~ ftve months, or to Maroh was beyoDi:l ~I previous cal~ulatlons, few. teet above th~ .sprtnK)' maes 01 16. 1910. tM net Inc~ease In depth ' and' the prpblem o~ saYing and stor- Impc:mnded s~lI! the bore was only 60 feet. The lnl. Jta enOl'llious outpu~ was no easy . Thus the moneter was tettered. Tbs . well bad been IUl\k Into -an all land, one. The tana that had been pro-: conque~d ' presl!lU'l3 now expands Itl but It was ' believed tbat by IOlng vtde~ were like. Infantile ol~thtng for ftnal eneru In bl~sln. and wrltlitng, 'to ' a , grea,ter depth the chance of a g1~t. As m~y men Apd teams as maldng the 011 tank boll lUte loml lecurlng a large flow of 011 "cntl~ ~ ,could be leelired. ,at dQuble rates cif' hup . caldron. A .mall river o~ ou. fncrenaeci , .Finally. ' however. wbell - ,pay were put to work. n,lght and dllJ', ftows ' as Bently ~ I!: brook from the ftve months' work. had aooompllshed bUilding. eas:then r('l@ervolrl. well to the reeerTolrs. . no greater result 'than' I. ofteD galilee! \ Ftnally, a dam ~.. thrown aC1'081 At first It w.. fmpo!!llible to av. In a single day under ordln-!U7 . clJ!o a canyon a mUa from tile .,!811,. and a protl!lb ~he :.well n~~er , t~an a mlle . cumsto.nces, the db-eotors. of ttl. c~m- jmllllon'~!lr ..el reservoir lormed. · ~1'- r w\tbQut belne spatt~l'e~wlth ~II. Pet> pany owning the Lakevle:w 'WeU de- lunatel,. a pille lIno ju.t coD'lplet1!d pIe vJho trav.eled from. aU parts ot the elded that; it would be, unwlle to try betwee~ the ' Interior pl1 fteld. 1llld "tate to see t!le ~.her ~a~~ed It to drill fArther. Tbe 10cal ' IUpart!)- tidewater P~IJ8' Ilear the well, and tram. ~4JIU!'llt btU!!. Now l1altol'8 cali tendent, : accotdlDCl7. 'W. . Inltl'Ucte4 sOoll otl w~ runntac tbroUCti It to go wIthin. tew feet .ol tb'e weU. nep to 8top drUUn,c IUld to JIel'lDlt Uae wen tauk etealDe.... are 1VatCbed eon8tutly by' 1119" tl}a~ to' hellD producl-*c at ~e depth Controlling the .Outp"" ' .8 ACOr. of soard., ~hoa.. 11T!lle(pa, reached . :. III the meanUme:,tbere . . . Uotblll' bualneu It Ie to Me that tJaere . . c~,.. came With • Roar. . I problem, that of CODttoluq .th· lin" ltPte4· clpn .0" 1Il&tq.. that Wba o tbt ·. . . ", ~ ~ • cot'~tI.. . . - .til. .· ...... w.- 'til. . . 1ctI tM ' .










OP . TH. · VIRTUE 01'

lydia E. Plnkh~m's Vegetable Compound What is the use of procrastinating in the face of such evidence as the following letters represent? If you are a sick WOplan or know one who il, what sensible reason have you for not giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound a trial? For 30 years we have been publishing such testimonial letters as these-thousands of them -they are genuine and honest, too, every one of them. Mrs. S. J. Barber sayar

lira. Eo F. Hayes says:

We once heard .of a man who loved to pay hi. debts. but we bave forco.t·

ten his addreas. The senle otthe , sinfulness of the world Ie often only the feeling that everyone must be lick because I d~ not teel well. Wl'len Rubbers .Become Nece... ry

MH. W. K. Housh saY81



who wUl not try this famous medicine, Made exo111Slvely from roots and herbs, and haa thousands of cnrcs to Ita credit. Mrs. Pinkham invites aU Blck women to Wl'lte her for advice. Sbe bas gal eel thousands to health tree of charge. Addres8 Mrs. Pinkham. LJIlD, Mass.


w. '3



&. '.4 SHOES



BOY8· 8HOE8, '2.00 '2.50 AND IS.OO.

W.LDIHIIII_I3.oo,13.80 aIHI



.,..,..'ilve'y",."..t ma_ _dmoat po"., ul.,.ahoee toI'the",.loe'nAlrtel'loll,and"". the moat fIOOIIOIft/oal alJoes ,.,. JIDU to buy. Do you 1'8aUse that I1l7 .hOM bay. '-tllb•• Gmdard for oyer 80 yean, lhat )" make and . lieU m01'8 aoo, es.GO and ".00

aboe. thao any other maoufachlrer ID lh. 11.8.. and that DOLLAB irOn DOl,loAR,I G11ARANTEltMY8R0B8 to hold .hape. look and fit better,and 10nsertbaD ...., otber 811.00, 113M or ".00 .hOM .,oa OlUJ buy' Quality eollDtAI, It "Ill mRdo my."_TRE LlIlADBRS OF TJIB WORLD. . You ",to be pl_d ",ben ),OU ba7 m7.bOM beeaOM'" tile and wbell It CIOm ... tim. for 700 to puro"- _ot.ber .-air, 70n be '1001'8 y • I.oU eo muah comfort. ~. pl...... becaUM tbe Iill t onM wore eo W.~CJ


CAUTION I ~o,.r:::':'.\'~I~~to.~~ :~.,..q,I'boll!::rAI\E . NO 5UBSThuTE II ,.0IIt deal", CIUUIIK 11q)p1,- 79J\ "lib W lo..L. .. IIII_ WT!toI for )faU Order 0ataI.... • W;, 1.. Dull


L;.tUt, 1&6 .~ ... -_10 B.-Ir.k..




CnNl lbe IIkln anel acto . . 11 preYenU.. to'r olben. I.lquld II'Inq OIl tho tongue:. 8,,/0 for brood mara .. nel an otbera.. Beat 111e1ne7 remady ;1IO cents aud '1 .00 " boUle; 16.00 anel '10.00 the c1oaen. Solei b,. all elru~IrlGt.I alld borae lI'oodB houaea, or "11\ .sprees pald,"'y \he mauut..,turer ..



·B ad ·B reathmr.. B.I1 .... D.O.

I 'For months I bad great trouble with ltom&ch and UIed all kinds of mediciD~ ·My tongue has been sctuall, as green .. grue, my breath having a bad odor. Two weeaagoa friend recorrimeuded Caacareta and aft.e.r using them I can willingly and cheerfully say that they have entirely cured me. I therefore let you know that I ahall recommend them to any ODe suffering from.ach troubl~"-Chas. H. Bal. pern, 114 E. 7th St., New York, N. Y.

PIe ••ant, Palalllble. PoCeot, Tute Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weakon orGrlJ)8IOc, 250, SOc. Never .old In built. The 1r8D1IIDo tablet atamped C C C. GW1RD1ae4 t~ cure or l/OUl' maneS' back. 9Z5

The Army of Constipation .. Clnwias s.i.D.. CARTa'S UT1U UVEa PIUS _ Jtt} wil. tJ., 0111, rife


"'., pen..-.u,


1iMt_ ..................b ...... 8& DQSI.1tiLL nICI

JIIW. ro.a.


- Gea,une -boer Signature


- - - -.

AneS . >'C!lur •• hon pinch. shako Into your ~a&I:(!lrr ~Ib::f' . ,hoel Allen'. Foot-EilBe. the anUllepUo 0 au u , or ~ powder tor the teet Curee tired Dchlnl" aceue. ainu freo to fee.t and takeo the "ut 01 Cornl and e,",~ De.... lubecrlber to the bandllOmeot Ill,*, .-" 1 B a1e·1 I tratAd 'Weekly lu the 8outb~ eo.,crWi e'l' ..... ~ B un t ona . .-..uway. u.e t or re ng n ! pli_ of J.l'lorlda lite. I' I. 111'I' tbo.i. New .hOfltl and ·for dancln&' !larUe.. Sold who are Inte'l'I!ateel In lI'\ rlela aneS the' I eVerYwhere 26c. Sample mAiled FaEE. 0 rop .,.. A.ddte.. · Allen S Olin. ted I.e Roy N. ·Y run ot bel1ntltul pictures, atorte,,} hlatOry aneS , " • • • I eurftu' torlea peoullar to Lano ot F10'11' ...... . fill week. , .00. SeneS for lample oOPY. ' 8tlll • Woman. .' . THE noRm. B~~ Hewitt-She I. a ' man IJ:j ber enjoy. · .1. Beall7 B1I1ldlDC ',J . ~, . , .


ment ot baseball. . Jewett~~ut she showed , that she Is I\tlU a woman . by r,efusl~g to sit . thrau.h , tile thirteenth Inning.

May 8l\yU

"I ws's underthe "1 ba been doctor ' s treatcured ment fora fibroid of a severo fetumor. !suffered male trouble by with pain, soreLydia E. Pinkness, bloatingl ham's Vegetable and could nOli Oompound, and walk or stand on want · to recommy feet any mendittoallsullength of time. I ferlng women," te to Mrs. -Mrs, W. K. ......' _ ' .• L_ for ad.. HOUSR, '1 EastI~~~~~~j followed her view Ave., C1n Ito oUons and Ohlo. took Lyd4t. Vegetable your ease difficult Compound. am a well one, doctors having you no woman, the tumor was eXp'olled and good, do Dot continue to suffer wlthmy whole system strengthened. l o u t Riving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vagadvise aU womeu who are amIcted etable Oompound a triaL , It su.rely . with tumors or female troubles to ball cured many CBees of female Uta,. try Lydia E. Pinkham's VeHetable 8Uchaslnftammation,ulceration,disCompouud." - Mrs. E. F. HAYltB, placements fibroid tumors, lrregu.. 1800 Washington St., Boston. Mas&. · larities,pertodicpains,backache,etc. For 30 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hall been the standard remedy for female llls. No sick woman does justlce to

. Tit for Tat. Lloyd C. GrIscom. In an IntervIew In New York. saId ot party dine.n· sIons. "'rhey are animated 1)y a nasty spirIt, a t1t-(or-\:jlt spirit; and they go fro in bad to worse. ''It's like the ot tbe engaged couple at the seaside dance. The young man, a little jealous, said cold· Iy to his ftapcee at supper: .. 'Let me see-was It you I kissed In the conservatory?' .. 'Ahout ,what time?' tbe young ~Irl answered, with a little; laugh ." "Thank VOU'I." Tbe man who Is not thankful for the lessons' he learned In adversity dldn't learn any. . There must be plenty of thankful· ness 1n 'tbe world If those who have loved and lost could know just what they have lost. "Why are you ·gtvln~ thanks? They took $10.000 from you In Wall Street a little whlle ago, dldn't they?" "Yes; but I got out with $20 they dldn·t know I hacl.'·- Judge.


"IthinkLydla.E, No 000 knows m 's V egfi. t 1 bave suftable ompound fro m teo is the bes t mcditrou bl es , cine in th e \vorld a pains, for women-and nokache . r said I fee l it my du Ly to l et otb e l's not give know the good it to has done for mo. it. Through Three ye:!:'8 ago vice of a. I had a tum 0 r I b ega n which the doctor Lydia E. _ ......w.IoO'=................:...:JJsald would bave 's Vegebe removed by an operation or I . table Compound. and the pain soon could not live more than a year, disappeared. 1 continued Its USB or two. at m ost. I wrote Mrs. Pink- and am now In per f e c t bealth. balll, at Lynn. Mass.,-for adTic~ and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comtook U bottles of Lydia E. rinkpound h as been a God-send to me ham's Vegetable Compound. and to- as I bell ove I should have been in day the tumor Is gone and I am a my grave if It had Dot been for Mrs. perfectly well woman. I hope my Pinkham's a d vic e and Lydia. E. testimonial will be of benefit to ot h- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." era." - Mrs, S. J. BARBER, Scott, -Mrs. GEORGE MAy, 86 4tb Ave... .N. Y. Pa~r80n, N. J. .



Bu. ..,.Tope anel Trim· .

mJ ..... Bod·

loe. Polea

Bbafta. Top Bu II' I.a.

RqnaCut., eta. w.tte for eat.logue and prle.... .

IUODalCHEU CO.. 4IOc.t ........ CIIIc_f1.& In tbe IIJOQcm ,",oceast'ul tRIAl.""Dut ot '


"lib f!al·BMo. tbere I. rapid " ,lIet ot all .,.m,.. lome, pin In ".llIbl, In nono Dod ~u"le l'U".r lind In eDe ...,. \VltbClut rellrlot.ed 41 .... Jhce1i ont reanlt ......n In_ pnareno. .. 8 A : L· II A NO 00. 118-68 Plno St.. Wr1c.o for uooklelo. Now York-

loading Braecb

. . . lUI

' ' S:=~'==' GUN PMI.t,

KlIaIII fir ........ G..IIIIIJ II.

. ~ ' .... FULL OF ORI61NAlIDEAS ir.l'=~ •. 'P I-IT Y011aIDBAa. ..~.,~a'btlq&, ' 1."£ ,.oa1th. I\&-paa.......a: 1'rnO.

it::Ita:~ff"' °M:~b~,::".; nlni ·eba~ .. , . .cb I'!l:ltrated wIth ap rvprl IIalIeCl JIle. _ CD'" .blp . ae. r ...CDt,. ~_~ ,w\ .....


~&-Oo •• PaL.\t.tI'''~K.W~II,D

aOlER ••EIT ~~~i~':lf.~w~. ..W............ Clo

1a4a7- 1WW. JLU&LBO.. >


~ --

S2 _~


-----,-: --:--' . andEva.F~ey r"-·· · "····· ·~"···· · · ;-·· - ··· ··· ··· · · ·-· -·- G-··- .- -------·I Sheriff's ,.Sale I ." . I t~~~~~!~~J:l~~+ . '. . , E.~atton Ii REVOLT jt -' " '.' Warren Common PI~as IL '

Miss"" ~ell Jordan


liM MERMAN'S ' .~~~~I.t~l~ep frIends fro.m XenIa Pies-






Dr.· and Mrs. H. have been e nte r taining 10 innati fri end::! t . Mr. and I frs -: J , E. ~nnJ1ey nt r' . Lewis Sears and wife, Clyd e Levicy tained Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ook at and.J. Milton Howe transacted bu i.. .... ......... ,:....... ......._ -_ . ... ... -.................... .. ' di nntC>r u nd ny. 1111'0 ~troov nel's,in in innati Fl'i~ay. 'url I , 1~~.JMth;ol 101 'J'h WI ts I ft I th Marjorie hnd decided thnl homo Mi. Lui Benne, f Ml)I'l'OW, was m:. le e a er severa man Ii was no' longer endurnble. so abe wa visit II iLh s isters le ft Wedne day fo r going to run a way. th guest of Mrs . C. E, ' J ohns, i By vlt'lI/u o! lUI ortJor ot lIulu. duly I ~,;utltl Califo rnia w h ere he 'has resided f or She walked slowly find ponflh'ely Ly tl . la!;t weel\. !r In Huh.! Hurt, 10 Iho 11110 , 1 g lal~d t:880.oud t<J mu "Ir ·toll. 1 \ III olfor lur 8~ l o , LJy wuy o! ,Crackers sevel al year. down tho front sleVI! ,' She gill need publl Illlt'lioo Ull 1,110 IIrOlll15011 lu tlJuurc,rotlk . G r een's celpbl'ated Edgemonts, back no w and then a nd o(' cns\ollnlly MI'. and Mrs . Fra nk Bu rnett e n te 1'- 'I'own~h lp, \\'urnlll COlllIl,Y. UIlII>, 011 Star, old-fasnioned Butter B Il j amin Weeks o ne of our beat kicked a IItep. mnklng a sound loud t::\illed in t he ir usual h02pitable man".. u a lined business men has accepted enough t 0 b e b card by nn y mot""I r NOVEMBER SEVENTH elery- Fancy home grown ll er la. t S und a y t he following g u ests: and Kalamazoo . a po~ ilion as sale man for the Chase who renlly lovod her child . Su ' h a (7th) A. D. 1910 Once More You Can Get Cranbe rriea- Fancy Cape Cod . Br o!' Nursery Co. . of Rocheste r, mother, henrlng t ho sound. would Mr. and MI's: J M. K eys and War. I (I o'dock A . M .• on 8ald day. Lbo tullowNew Oats, New Hominy , New N. y , and will a ssume his duties hnve como out and r.n llcd her <:h1ld ren Key: , of c ntcl'vi ll e,' il'. and l ug.\ttlMl'TlLJ \1 rell l \lSl,IHe. l-o-wlt : , Raisins. New Apricots, New !abou t Novemher 1st. back wIth tears. Thon such !\ moth· MI'~ . SatnlP I Uutterworth anll g r a nd In tho elUit boundary Boglnnlng er would ha vo told her ch ild thnt she son and MI'. anu lrs. O. J. Uu !'nett. · lille II I 'orllonUl,~Il3, stuko P eaches, New Prunes, New '!" )\I'n a, HtUlirtl II botwoon Pancake Fle ur, New BuckTheudore Laurence a rriv ed in our might do aoythln g sho wished to do, tho MlIuul HIVe,"" Lwollty untl 1I111llty·govuu hlllUlredtJls chl\ln:; .lrul lI the uortll01l8t ,'oruer. wheat , New Honev,New Mince village S unday to visit all of his even to woarlng the now 1)lnk glng11'11 h . 1L1LI Hllo sout.u IIno lltll,lroo, tWII T he 'ard lub was pleasantly en - lhollco Meat, New Apple But ter, New fri end s, after being absent for some bam troclr with thf" stri ps or white mluulIls wusLLwomy,ollouUli nllluty hundrodth l:h l ~"I M LO 11 11t.onc; Lhoncu north Oilrh~y · niu ll amJ F~gs, N ew Canned Goods of time. embroIdery whenever her sou) crnved t e r tainer! at th homo of Mrs. U. W. ollo· lourLh tle'roo Wtlllt ~hlrt)' · two cholu8 to such comfort. Hut no mother af)- Hawl(t' last Thun;day afternoon, a sWullln Houry NUU'H IIno ; LhOll:ol with hili a ll kin Is. J. G. Gray our popular t hrashe r is d' 1i110 Ilonh th roe-rourths tlogl'tlllll Ilast twolvo Apples, Sweets, peare , Ela borale r efreshm n ts we r e ser ved auu t!JlrtY-BOvOn hUlldrOOthdchalll8 Lo a titliko ; Quinces, very hu y hulling clover. Mnrjorlfl lIat down on the bottom tllOne!) with hlti lI01u lI1(ulu Hurlh olllllty·olgltt by t he huste1!::l, w ho was assisted by 1Llld throo-Iour ;!J" u groos WIl8~ olIrIJ~ aud Oranges, Ora pes. - - - _ - ....- - step Ilnd removl'd h er rtght shoe. Sho til tlnty-Lwo lt ulllll'el.lLIUI 'haillti 10 a IItako ; Paying 2ic for Eggs today. MarBellbrook ' thought maybe there was n [Jobble ln he r two daughters , MisseR Donna and thonce lIorlh olle tlogroo, two IIllnu~os IllUll ket firm; they may go higher. t hnt shoo. Of courso, no sel)lllbl e Emma Hawk e. Special guosts of autlulll ty·tiuvtJlI 11Ulltlro<lLIIs ClJUl1l8 to We are now r ecelvmg shipa s LI&ko; thuuco ~1I\1lh ulj,(lttY-lIloUdogroessu uth person would stnrt. on a long jonr' Mrs . Hawke w e r c Mrs. C. W. aUl'- elUll rorly and twulve ltUllurecltll8chainsto thu ments of plump, delicious SealEd ...Itnrllng Imd wife, o f Xenia, ney with a pebblo In he r shoe. It Jll ucu or buglllull1l,1 , cunLululug I!()vuuty-olghL nett. Mrs . F. C. Schwartz anu Mi 1\1\<1 ,;,\\'on II U IIUI'OII uud R\. loon tltou8uud lluII shipt Oystersthe kind with the moved into the Haynes property took some tim e for Marjori e to ge OF COURSE 111'0 llIilll.onths ucrUII, re al tang of the sea, last week. hor shoo adjust d, Then It occurred Mon imia Bun nell. AllIO thu 10UuwIIlg descrlb&d Wact or laod Quite B large orowd of the young to her that she 'd b ttor s 0 It there vi z: Uolng 10 SIlCLIOll ¥3 , 'I'owu a, ltuugo 6. people IlUended the box sociHI given wna a hole In her stocking. She lJoL wolln thllMlalllllUvol'll bllgluulnl,la~ a dtuko Sealshipt Oysters were never New Bu rlington 80 UUII\' eR~ curllor or tho laou OWOIIU by 1:1. It. at Sugar (Jrove soutb of town, Illst would have to walk bU:Jclreds of 'ut'mlstroot III Ilno ot illod by 1:1. U. ilrudstroot so satisfying. never so fresh Fridayev8ninl{. miles, porhaps, beforo sb found . \lolld Uoory ull ilL 01; then 'o north olghty· A H . B,~rltln Apent 11~11 t; w ek 1n WKhlh lind tllJ'\.>()·lounhs d6&1'IlIl8 We8t tJlirLy and wholesome, never so nourHarry E. Wilser. and Earn Clark. Laoy P e terllon and Wife, of Day- shelter. ChuttunOOl{ll, Tenn. Iii:.. IUld twontY-<.lllu hUllllrciHl1K clmills W u ishing as thiS lot. slllklll.1l the ~ooLorol tho ~en l er vlllellnd Unioll ton, viSited his parents here SaturSho took orr her s hbe and oxamlned ·Mrll . L..illie M , 'ompton ILncldo.ogh- \,IIlIlI(C mall ; tbeucu with 8uld roud (OIlIlUIllI of Dayton, called on friends here day and Snndsy. . both stocklngs~ cnrefull y, Tber was r, Lorenll, hflve moved to tipring 011 ·Imll 1 . ) nfl l or tWOllly- rour fllld three· to urth~ toot to II 8lllke; theuco OlLst pllJ'llUol Sunday. Mrs. JlLcob Orellger, north of no slgp of a hole In eltbor , As Rbe t If you have not )'et tasted wi th th ([rot Ilos.·nv i line thirL)Hdx uml Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Weeks e n- town, eDtertained the Ladies' Aid replacod her left sboe sbe thought Vnlley . twonty-ono IIllIllh' Klthd chains 1.0. IItliko. Sealshipt:-- Oysters, you have a Ail sas Edn~ Del Zell Ilnd Belle lhellCU IIOUlh 0110 !Iud uue-hol1 rod~or twelltytertained relatives from Hagerstown Sooiety last Thnrsday afttlrnoon . she heard the screen door open, but rare treat in !:tore ior you. Ilnd lhrtltl-Iourlll8 !oct 1.0 th placo 01 when she turhed nrouml to look there Freeman, of \Vilmin gton Uollege, br04f 'glnnioll coutuiuiull ouu ucro und IIILY·IIL... Ind. , for 'JUpper Saturday night·. Elmer GODner, wife and daughter was no anxIous moUlerly tnce peer- \\ e_ guests ' of MIs!l Marianna rods OJ, ro or lOllS. Mr. ChlUl. Hart, of the Wilmington were Hnnday guests at the home of Ing out, Those who last year secured Co m pton over tiundllY· 180 Lit£) rollowlng doscrllJod Imet ot land postoffice, called on friends here Sun- his fat.ber, Chall. Conner. Marjorie rested her chin In bor The friends of Mi a~ Mn.rie Lemar sl lualll In Buld Illato nud cowlty aud btlglnolll8 Sealshipt Oysters from u. will Roy Block wife 'u.nd son h a ve hands and mentall y re hearsed her " I-IV" I.l " r n pleasllnt sur prille on l':Int- at 0 pOint In the mllllile ot Lho rolld 101ldlng · . ,d ay eventn"'. be more than pleased to know " from I:Iltl\kcrtowu ttl Oent.crvllle nud south ~ moved t 0 D ayton. woes. Yee, there was no possible '"urd '" \4 v I:lvtm lug, forty·Ovo dell'rollB. IwOllLy-lIvo mlllUlllS woat that they can again get tbem . .' . . tWlllvo lIud ~Ix hll udrtlutlts challiS Irom wltor Mr. dnd Mrs. William Wright, of Dr. Book aDd don, Wendell, h tl ve doubt tbat her mother hnd ceased ~hfls Mllrln. tito u t, of t h e Ftl lr- tho north IIno 01 'cetlon 33 1'011'11a, Hange 5, Wilmington, were Sunday Ifueats of returned home after a pleasant v isit to love her. vi e w sob ool s pent I:I n turdny lLnd ' ~llIIt n ry " uugo Survtly crossing lIald TOnd. • r 1'hu do rilled tract buIll,. a part or said 800Dr. J. G. Macy. in Toledo. , A big tear rolled down hor ch elt Mundny with , frlOnd in X mil' tJon III W.r~u 'ounty, Uhlo, tbencu with tho Mrs. Maud Anderson and son Mrs. May Elliott Ullbert, of L e w· and splasbed Into her Il\p. T wo more . M I I::J ' II lIliA gODe to Wi"•. clallo nUITI or tImfrom hodgesoid 011 rOud tit to BOULh side ot t ho M 18!c' Ilt.t e I ndlug tb reslclllllcedf Carlton, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. hlbnrg. has been visiting Miss Sa rtl h tears welled up and filled ber oyes. miD~ton fo r the wlntll r to Dutke h r the widow ot Hllury f'. lIrudKtroot, docol18ec,l / Rhorbllugh, north of town for a fo w Then tor a moment MarjorIe torgot L' b tl 1."1 k soulh oJlrhly-clght Ilegl 'S lI"t. uln wen IIoUU h M rll . ", Amos Ellis. \lz 1 ~ r • eig hty 19ht hU!'Idreu~h6 dlUUIll Lo 110 Ilt"ko ' days. her troubles a nd ber Interests In an h uml:l Wit -_. + _ . . ' t ~ OJlce liOuth uo doll'NlOS. I,wefit.y-)he mlouteB Our restauran~ have agreed b eMiss Curel Kemp e ntertainad at odd way- looking tb rough teRrs mndE' , wllBt lOU aud (ony·two huudrodthtl cholu8 to 8 1:) cu re fol not to fill the kero8eoe Inke; thouce 8outh olghty·ultlo degroll8olUll tween themselves to prompt on dinner last Friday evening, Mr uod the trees' acrosA ' tbe street dance liP Corwin and W.ynesville. aleven chulus tI,I Ii NUlk'1l und corner to Smlt!> Sanurday nights at 12 m. Mrs. 0 . .& Peterson, and son, RIlY, and down, Qul~e as It they wero alive. him p too fn l l. , The oll Ull. y be H. Brl\d!lLrollt'1 tlle.uoo \\'ILh ItllIllue dO UUI one dtlgl'll6. two 111 nULIUI Wll8t. runo and IIlx han· I{ J W K \'l d M It was the way things loolted when Some of our yol,ing men went to rs. . . emp, ' r , an rs. yoo ~hrew a atone Into 'clear wate r drawn np over he t o p a nd get OD dreuthscholu8tothonorth slde ottlte lanc con· \'OYOlI b)',the 811id wid!) \\' Hrutl1Jtrol)t to tn ltlt Dayton Qtof,"rday returning home in ChWi. Brelsford and Albert Kemp, and then looked down nnd watched tire Bod IDl\ke you t.r o u b le-lDltybe It . llrodstroot: thon 'Il wltll dlo north lLuo ot ';1"''' . 10 honor . of her father and Mr. oM laou olgh~~' ·elKht Illld L1U'Oe-Iounl18 dothe eVentnlf WIth several bottles of Ctia14, fsrell'ford who wlllieave soon tbe lIand ' and pebbles twist about, set I,htl hou Oil fir . J(I'OOS wost Lh.lrLy... L'C Utltl III bUDdrodth" to tile c:ell1,or 01 tho abovo ment/ouod 'lltlhlS wo-be-joyful, and making quite an for St. George: Gil., to .pend the though 1t r eally was the water nn-' -- 1"0" I; I,I",IIC 11'11 h Roid rou. •llionh ono tlogruo, euibition of themselves, winter. not the pebbles and snnd thnt move!). 1Ut " mhlulllll OUB~, lUI II lind twolvo hun· Just the day before sho bad dono thl9 ·Pubh.c, Sales dl'O Itlts dlu luB to Il btlllm;. lh \lCO with 8uld Good for Nothln.e but the a~ roa I north torty-II vo dogr . tweut)'·fI \' Mrs, Lizzie Sears is visiting her ~Ilite & lange orowd of people at , when she went to the lake wltb her mi llltos Ul.ll!t, I!L... unci UILy·III'o hWldrooths brothers at Mariop, Ohio. iended the funeral of Mrs. John mother , e ll .iUK t{) the pOInt of bogllluluS contalulng .y·nln a 'ros ; tlxcopt twentl'-U· 0 aud two RaymondBroo\Csopena his Vaude- Finley last. Saturday afteruoon, And tbat unnatural parent had :ea1We will !lell u.t publlo !llLle, on Lt e flt h,mtlrotl und twOUl y·/lvll qlou8Uncl\hs BCI'08 h,.ll'elotOro cOI1\'eyod olf the north side of th o Mrs Nelle Sowards was a Dayton I,. loved ber yesterday! premise . QU .Yille an4 movin~ picture show Sat. UoO\·Od scrlbu I tra{'t to mlth H . lIrlldnl'Ctll. , , shopper Friday. The tears came In real earneBt this urday aieht October22nd. Harry Weaver of Dayton visited timo. MarJorie wiped them away with Saturday, Octobe r 22, 1910, Said roul IlIItoto lta.q hoen rogularly ap- Ada will be Inserted unllor lbh, bud for twentV·llvo cents for ~bree Inliert.,..,., pral80U UIldcr urder 01 the I.'t'urt at t he IIUIlI Master Donald Smith has been. ge. his father, J, F. Weaver ~npday. the corner of her apron. Tben she of Sll venty-two (i n . OU ) DOUars per" ro and Wh ' D usl o.: not moro tball Uvo lineN. riously ill with pneunionia but at this • _.. regarded that see'qtlngly Innocuous At 2 0 'clJok (.l , m, tl e Tun Ao re will not bo sold tor llliIII thuu twu-thlnls Of fie ld bll io nging to the estJlt or A. L suld npprnlsed ""Iu . I writioi is much improved. Edgewood garment with distaBte. Though the Ifllrr, dAoetlsed, t!ltul1teclllt til e head TEHlIl OF ALE Ml1I Sophia DiXon of ,Richmond pink glngbam had been the little rift of Uh1tpUll1u str eet, WtltyutlsviJle, WANTED' • , .... ' within the lute, It wns this mIserable Ono lhlrd cash In hand on dur of 91111l; ono· Ohio l'htl JILDU b ;Is ' bean well Ind., was the guest or... Mr. and Mrs. George Margaardt, of Oovingtun, apron that had sllencnd-ttnrbarmony Ihirll In oue yeur 1\..1111 ono-thin: In 't lllo years ; .ebas; Shidaker over Sunday. Ky " is spending a few days with for good and all. Now It WBS abollt drained uDd improved !lnd 11 large, the d rerrod IlaymllutslO b or In tol'tl8t at. sIx 1kL--Motber'. helper wan&ed at. new tobue ' 0 hed h148 btleu ereoted per cent JlOr IlllDllm and 1.0 ho 1..6oourod by Jesse Mounts, of the Lebanon his 80D, Mr. C. J. Marquardt, of this to make her an outcast trom a once upon onoe, In~nire ' d tbe're mort~ngo uu ~h ll ' Jl rc ml~ee sol!! . it, offioe, · ' Auto Co of Lebanon "came to our place. happy home! .... RANK P. I~OUGY , 'ferms-One th ird allah, o a e thirn •• .' R. M . Duke and wife and 8am If sbe . had been allowed to wear Shorlff Wal'l'Cn County, town Thursday 1!1th a Clark Auto Utnlrle and fllmily spent Snnday tbe pink gtngham. as Aho had wanted In one yellr and Du e third in two HamllLon .It I.lrown , Attys. HREE untornlElhecl room" tllr which wa. very much admired by wft.h Mr. and M'r e . 'Howard CollettE', to, then Indeed she would bave sub- years, pUrOh!l8ar giving IIpproved ligbt houl'p.kAPpinlf. AI1.!rt'bti se )nrity , The beirs of. the some prospective buyers, of Wilmington. mltled to beIng swathed In tbe hu· A. B. , Miamt HlizeUe c;tfloe, A . L . Farr E!ltate. Chas. Madden'. and Quincy King's Mr. O. J. Marqaardt WIlS & (Jem mlUaUng outer covering. but when at U, '1'. E1n.wkt>, 'Auot, DR. ' W. MltLBR, , th stores are nicftl •• H...hted It'1ty visitor 8atnrday. the clolle of R stormy interview she mamma "':" . ,a • " had not only beon refused the proby the F. P. System; of Cmcmnatl. - Wai'er Beel, of Dayton, .. pent cloull boon of the pink gingham but LOST .•• DENTIST .•• The plants were installed last week, Sonday ~itb his fatber, Mr. Jobu had been firmly buttoned Into a 'gray B 9 ving d oided t,n r e nt the farm , OIDce In &ddinlfVery much to their 'beautiful B e e l . , monstrosity whIch she had BI.'\'B Y!I we will M il on t,hs fllrm, 2 milA£! WayneSVille. O. . Mrs. Jas. Cook aod son Vall W. loathed. and further ,Incased In R n or tb of HlJrVAysbn 'g, on th'e Xenia National DlUlk Dlda, OLD watoh fob, Junior embleD\', stores. called on Mrs , Horaoe Kirby Bn'd blue and white checked apron; ber (.lIke at publio lIue(,iou on .' on MIlln 8treet ~"turd.y ev~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= daugMer WednesdllY ~fteruoon. proud spirit would brook no more. ing. ti'inderplft88e.retorn!ao 08011' , Mr~. C'. L Dake visited Buokeye Sbe would no longer r emain wbero Wednesday, October 19; 1910 1>enJiBger, Waynesville,Ob10. ' sohoollast Tnesday afternoon , l:;11e lOch brutaltty- nay, worse, such ex· B, ~i nning Ilt 9 o:olock a , m :, the reports our ~eaohe~ doing fiDe work. ecrab\e taete-was exhibited, Tho following oblltteltl : TIlllf.RIER, WIth brown _po&e 'M d M M T 11 f L ) die was cast. She would run away! Eight hortll:l8 oOQsi!ttlng of 1 g r a.y Antlwers to ,he 'natQ8 of Sport. r. au rR, . ewe, 0 yt e, As Marjorie roacbed this point In h'ofll e , 6 ye,lI'tI Qld, weight, 3800, a ISultlloble, ieward offered for iofor. Veterlnaria,. .. oalled on Mr , Ilnd Mrs Marqnllrdt her meditations she rose firmly to extru gou<.\ workar; 2 blliok ' drllft mation. IDtJbire . ()f, Ed. ) 'ornae, Snnday aUernoon. her feet. Ther.. she faltored . ' Tho geldinlZlI, B y ea,s (lId; :.l coming 3,Has opened al" office in Way~ellViUe, Obio. Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr Bean were I clock wae ,ust strikIng 12. Almost Y~lir 01.:1, gen era l purpose m are~ j 1 Wnyrie.svUle for practice. in Wayne8ville &turday evening. luncbeon tJme! Perhaps It would be 2 ld d t d Treats all diseases of ·do· ~~~C:l1ej\ f~c:~~to;;iS~~~g Mr8. FraDk Stokes oalled on Mrs. ~! better not to go until properly forti· m estic animals .· I .am not FOR RENT John 8troop one da.y l!lst week. fled. Perhaps sbe ' would' better walt mIlle j 1 weunltng colt by Billy Pllrso common as you might The IpelllDg ma.toh held at the until atter a substantial luncheon, c ell j 1 saddl e p ony, ' 3 yellrs .,old ; l' imag ine . . I have been in Ridgeville sohool house on last I Bobby, the fat 11~t1e tox terrier, 6xtrtl good Jerlley cow with oulf by practice for ·· 20 years •. GO\ )O farm Oil the b~Iv... In'fborsday nIght was not so verv ' came bouncing 'oyously aro~nd t.ho Sldtl; 2 spri ugers "ill be fresh SOQD ; Calls promptly attended quire a' tbis offine. . NEXT SUNDAY. weU attended because of the faam. l corner of the house and ·burled him· 8 ,J e r sey h e ifers s afain 0111f, , Sixty to day or night.' . Train leaves Waynesv~ 8:48 a. m. ers being so very busy. , seU upon Marjorie Ilke a joy-Intoxl- utlRd of hogs, 7 brood sows" 1 sow Phone ,No. 113. , catod catapult. She submitted to Ms wit,a ~~ve n yonng pigl'1, G3 .boats !..... !~_~!I!!'!!'!I'!!!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~~~~~I!'! . !!'!!!!!"!.~~~~!"!_ ~ _ moist cares~es wltb n p,enSlve plea?. 'l'wenty five good breuding ewetl~ 1 - FOR SALE" ., ure, Poor little Bobby . · He dldn t 3.year old .buok. ." . . F ~l' lIliu g' Impl .m ent .. -4. wl1fW OS know that be was looltlng hl8 Inst NICE B~by bo~gy and a to... upon her . There WOUldn't be an y· 1 Wt.l b r wlI~ n l1 gOI)d at! Dt.lW ; 1 Mil: , inM g~lIor' In 11100 oondi~ion, body to take blm to t he lal,e lind burn; 1 iru n wbutll \'I'I1~OD; 1. feed '.Itlo two or1b~, . 'loe witli ·roellee•. throw , sUc1tfl for him . !\Iarjorle orlflll wlIgon i 1 ohdmplon wheut, binder in II II Pri .'8 very r".l'onable Inquire at six big tonrs for poor littl e Bobby. good oon di t,ion; 1 t:hlpa rior dillo 'this offioe. Then sbe pushed him n.way. whe.H drlll With fertIIIZ(H' Btt.~.C IJ After all , per~a ps she'd beUer not W~llt" 1 :< Itll:/ I r o llef ~\lo(l liS new, r ORSEL-l-BorEl81\ for 8a,e .'nily' walt. until nHe' Innclleon , Pl' rh aps d u!C flO I'D pl'ow , 1 Hilmi It'lo tt.n g oe (Osteopatb'c Physician) or 10 pairs Inq!llte or J.,. ,B. It "ould be best for hel' anll her Ifl8B wldlting pl o w; 1 [my, t.e(1der , hapml&D, Way'n88vllle, Oblo• . m.oUler , not to meet aga In . :lIlIrjorle ~I uri ti S \l a W , :J good h l1 rJ·ows. 2 01l1'n clled s} mpathet\c tenr or two for her ~\D ttl r !l 1.18 y ml{',. gUild fnd(leL' s led motber, ., . IlllV rl ~~ lII~ , double !'hove l plow, Tuesday and Friday WILL sell one: b~lf 1nter.. ' In '0' And dadd ~ . l\Iarjorl e Robbed onto 1 J ,r.IHl~ Uli vlol r riuiu,l dJl't'lI1king plow, Of Ea,ch Wce k inM1 'mi (Jemeiery OD 880. P. ri ght when she thougbt of ullellly , r; tl hl)v.11 £'III),ICOO a uluvft tlJ r, walk 8 ' B. God~rey . . _ . _~ Dadcly snrely loved he r, It too l, a iug p luw fel 'lI ~findor Olio 11"orse ' Qffjcc at lhp. Oustin House BRICK hoose on Matn .'reet. very ste rn frown Inueed from motb~r coro <I rll J ':<~tH' 1_t l ra til)) b~ggy Rleig h to sll ~ nl' l; hI. e l't~ r· ,.e~ dy , pl oAdlng a d } " h \.. f i t ' " ) Hoose·alnD.good repllir, De'w ly "Oh . let ber do It." . ' , ~oo ug; C I~ u, or . P, S Inve p"inted, '1 large room.s. bo'hkIQd. :llnrjorle wild 1 d h b h oe!". fIlk llt'1 h,",V fllrk, puJley s und of water, a big loft. good.table and of ' the h 8 bb o wnl~ . ~ e (\!'~ rope, g flOd 1;\ 1111 Olll't, 2'l!etB wo.·k burHours of Appointment, 8 a. m. other outbaUdin"'s • For'fnrtluir tri. . ol1 ~e. 0 y IIlJ ng IIlI 1U Il';,. III 'uod C,lndi t llJn ' m ndH by F . . ' to 12 .m. ' .. ,cavorting .nbout be l'. As sli e n)' l' l,t U. ("U' \" Y lI t ~V II Y'{J(! tlv ill "" 2 l:If1'tA of f " rmlltipn, Mee Ahix lIloliet• . ' past the tllnl ng-roo m' th ere WIlS a Illll " . , " ' . . . '.. '' " SiD~ 1~47, the year Rogers :800$. originated electro-\lilver , .pPRE t.hjlfl iughbrclt) Jenie:r Ball on the window , Looldng nfl·. she met f.llIll4li~ N 'Hml "~' ol)lh~:l',t! 'yHf bl'ld~~", mother'l! smiling fa ce. 21:11''' .. ~ ~lf1tl,4,.L .. tit, s lII g n fl at ·, ~6 for t.... )e. -Inqutre of Karn88' plaung,sllverwate bearing the trade mark"oo ROBERS BROS.· , , ''Come I'n , ' clil k!ln ," he r rn othElr IIfbO Uj'''tI "lfO('IOrn I l1 , n~w~ Jij~hSb()C ~ 8...?f ': Hart14,)(Ik "R D ' 1, Wayoesville" O hu' been renowned for quality, wearability and ~uty~ : f called, MI\ I'jorle's heart 'g ave : a lenp '" lJ e r , . 00 Q mixer . (~y ..... I,Vn, ,..: ~, ., n~ ' th e sound of the Jo vlng Vol e'e. ' nt..I~It t1 ",flo, In : m n w. , Lib?de 'b~H~ld . ," . . Bt,L~Llf:.'~'~n_ 8aJ~ ' , l "Hurry and wash ' youI' ha nds '.anO , ,~ :() 1,~ltI~Il~f1(). ~. I{('tt O()~ker,e ll~ ,forl '. " "" " ... ' ',"_ ',',1 \\'1,' 11 ~,'I.~I.'nM.,~.rr::n , hl~ta.be8. ,.I}IP'qeQ~, i, ',Yb"e: ,~,b•• I~. l .1' face, , T.unch Is neal'ly I' Sldy 'and ' H t)e( lIIg, . .. 1Im . u.n ,. ,li,n fI.t~. " c "" ~ ... :-" , _ .... . i dllddy ' j~lst.. t,~lel>t,tm~.1 that he wns l~e~ uf.:e bu ld J{O! ~!':-fxtel')MloD ·, t.llble , THII ~RIIAnlT ._ . IImi GIly.(·I,~e omoe~ ..It will.P&Jf' romlng .home early to ,t!l1Ie -ils dl'lvlj,'g,' afe, !IJ111lg,,", co!;, nu,~ r cl,e!4t, 2 b,,,d , ,And I've ' ma4e a)1 t lli 't.urnover 1)le . "~flll(lt1 1 h ,e ~~t:~n " l't.',\ V , l ur wr"o~, I. ush , . 0(1.0".1110 1'" ll;lht< ",I, pl)l)Otll,-lfIlJlll -wlth '1 I" THIE wOln.p " l ' jlls't bIg ElDo\lgh '.for yOu." , ' A turnover pIe! t\nd dit.ddy wall ' 46 'I"l'OO! r1 .. ~"Qd.l! bllt ~, uu (other Il.r-' ~BED WEEtLY.. $4.00 ,PEl tUll .. HE~P WA~ I coming bome earlfl Hole tc1l1 njll ll rO ~I~ t(l U1 e ll tiou , , "OTIILI. DRUCCISTl, IPIICIA~IITI" ,, _ -' _ Marjorie daflhed ar()\lnd to tbe 'l'. rrIlEl:-AJl llnW!lofI5 'qo; and\ln- j COIT~MIIRI.TRANI·" • •;' OA. . ' -. ",.' " ' Idtchen door to th, mualc 'of ' Bobby!e ~~r, 011 b j aI!, sump ' o, er, may, j eArD 9 A*D . 'BUI ' IUVICIE CAN , PIIO ..l1: ! A~ IlltpJltl(e.d · "y~lp!l and ftung herself Into the open a oredit; of· 9, ·Ulo~tb., ~ill . be . gi v"~' BY UII~Q ITI ADVllttTIlI~Q ~&.UMN' I' t100 montll~"", 9OI'~D. arma ' wal~ng there for 'ber. · porobasAr, .gl,YiD~.' bankabl~ Dote, a SAMPLE COPY FREE I rol' No ~~........ "Mother did loye1181' after all! Sbe pe~_ 08D~ 4tlJ(lOOllt foa: 08sb. " o\Ctcl....... YO•• OLlPP.. t5e1ld for par*loglan. ~ B7a41. ' . . . abe dlllr . "~__ .Fre.,IrJUndak.r.l:toD. ,'" ·... V.......... oa".B5"l.~kport,lI, 'l. ' ,N~c~ fre$h PiE'tS every d ny. It don t pay to bake Pies w hen YQU can buv,. the kindl we sell, nil kinds, ar.d onl 15c e ach . ' Oyst~rs Those good llYEt"l in sanitary cans.


Sealshipt Oysters





Walter J. Kilbon



ClaBaiBed Ada "A'







Dr. M. Schumaker

Columbus, $1~·25 Springfield, 75c


·r .




Silver ~ Plate that Wears







JEW 10'HI Oup'PEB- rS.)..Llll , , .'.' .

·1841 ROGERS BROS;T~~~

mATRICAL ,PAPER .1 -. .,:


I ' ',' ! ,

.5. 0,\


"aD' .





b"WI"""' .




:-F~;;';; ritiz~~i Ab:::,:::::::g:P::;~:


.. - - - - - - - - - - - - . t\ur old fri eud. HU''v fl IJ Lal,·lwllI. ,.,' ,utr~ .. villp. Kiln., ~a \' ,; . • " We ate all weI( and doing Jairly well on our 1' ~ Ul'l'P t.ruck pat~h. Hope Waynes . ville folk~ IiI'P well."


W E DNESD AY OCTOB ER 26, 1\)10.


rp;;;~~i'Me;&nH;~-;;d-The;e-l+ l-~- -.- --- - - - - - -.- --- -.- --- --

1. O. O. F.

r . - - - - : -.... - .-


t SOCial Events

The Odd fellows held an import an.t Hoblit and family were Ilt church I and and . Sunday School Convention. at helpful meetin g at th eil' hall . - - - - - - - - - Mrs. J. W. WhitEl was a Dayton - • J. D. Marlat t is nursing a very H~llbrook. some five or six buys of vi::litor Monday last T~ursday evening . and Tuesday ! Mrs. Cynthia Evans will enterta in Aore hand. the ntlighborhood came upon the WhIle no work waR uone. yet th e the Card -'Iub Thursday evening of plaCe! and destroy ed melons and pop. E. E. Hahn. of Brookville. Inu menlbers were out in full f orce, Richard Becket t. of Cincinnati, and corn. and leavinJr barn doors open spent Sunday with his family visitors from Kings' Mills. Mason, this weck . here. was visiting friend s here this week. Spring Valley. pringbul'o and Leb· Mr . and Mrs. Earl Hocket t and and tinally amusin g themselves by ,.. J W . Col' d d hte b k' ddt ' b t tw M I S.~ I' ern SlaridSa Ervin of Ce· rea mJr an es roymJr .... anon r s . were there. . . Mr' Vln . a mi an Mrs. aug Fred . Hender r, daug son and hter and Mr . and Mr8 Earl a ou en· M' P • I . Sa t ur day. dauJ:rht . Th b ISS ear. were'10 Xema ual'villt-, "~('am ... the bl'ill~ of MI'. J . .ty·five wmdow The speake rs for the evening were onnel' were guest::! of Mr. and er. Kathry n were Lebanon panes. . e oys Mrs. C"I'I M HI'shall, f!fOpuly clerk of th~ probab ly did not see a neighb visitors Tuesda y. Grand Master Isaac Huffma n and Lee Hawke at dinner Sunday or who Philip Hopkins. Sr .• went to Dav. . Cret'n ('ounl y c '"u'· I ~ . ill a bf'autiful Willi passing on his way Grand Secreta ry C. H. Lyman . - -to Mr. ton MonullY for a two days' visit. Mrs. J . A . Funkey attende d the Both of tbeHe gentlem en made RtrOnlr wt!ddill l( at Iwr home. at 7o·cio<!k. Ho·Jlit·ll. Now. if the boys do Mr. and Mrs. Amo!! Mendenhall no~ reo State Federa tion of Women 's Clubs speeches. and told of the good work enterta ined at dinner Thul'!-\day t!v ening. Olle hundre d I)ltlct! the gl888 that they destroy Sunday. Mis,'1 e8 ed. Mr. amI Mrs. S. D. Everly. of in Oberlin last week. guest.'! witnp!-lHl'd the Cl'l'emony. at they lOay have to face the going on throug hout Ohio at the Lucy and Leafy Emly. Hazel courts Dayton were in town Sunday after· Reed . presen t time. which th e Rev. W. R. M<.oChesney, with a charge of tre~pas ·Mr. Fred Pete and Ma~ter Caius sing or noon. . Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell mo· Mr. Huffma n told in his speech of Thomp son. _ __ D. D.. the bride'll pastOr officiated. someth ing more serious. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides visited tored to Port William Sunday afterassisted by I he Rev. S E. Martin . D. what he. would like ~o see accomp1is~. Dancing for the season of 1910- 1 Mont Hoblit. relative s in Maineville Saturd ay and noon, returni ng Monday mornin g. D.• of the FirHt United Presbyteria!1 ed. durmg hIS regm~e, and how It cemmenced Friday evening MASONIC NOlIC E Sunday Agood . church . of XI·nia. The groom is the Miss Pearl Carey arrived home mllrht be accomplished thereby attenda nce feature d the evening, and son of Mr. Willis Marshall, of near Special communication of Wayries- Miss Clara. Hawke spent ::;atur<1ay Saturd ay after Ii delight ful visit to by g~ honest hard ,:,",ork by each all had a good time. The hosts Spring Valley and a nephe« of Mr. ville LodJre No. 163 F. & A. subord mate lodge. HIS talk made were Messrs Hawke Davis M., Fri. and Sunday 10 Lebanon. th e guest of relative s in Arcanu m. Ohio. Rye and an impressio~ on each Oddfellow Rickil. Joe Marshall. of this place. day evenln " Octobe r 28. 1910, at relatives there. . , • Mrs. R. A. CroBS arrived home presen t. and It may be the means of ?:SO•• Work in E. A .. Degree . So· Ralph Walker, of Selma. spent ~unday after a two.weekR visit to making ' Waynesville 10dJre a larger Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hawke enter· bEATH S Journm g brethre n cO~lally welcome. Saturd ay here the guest of and better one. Mr. and relative s in Clermo nt County. tained the following guests at dinner J. O. Cartwrl~bt, W. M. Mrs. Robt. Crew. After the speakiu g a suppel;' was Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Just at'the break of day Wednes· BarnE. V. Barnha rt. Sec y. There will be a game of b~ketball served in the dininar room. and such hart. Misses Emma Heighway, Don· . day, Octobe r 19, 1910. the heart of - - • Mayor J. O. Cartwr iJrht is in Cbil. Friday aftnr recess on the school a supper! Everyt hing that a healthy na and Emma Hawke lind Mr. Mrs. Gordon Joy ce~ to beat; the Freel ··-lli coth e. Ohio. at: the Spring s there ground s betwee n Harvey sbure and palate could sugges t was there, and Hawke . weary hands relaxed lOto relt; the f , Waynesville. the lodge membel'$ did full justice takinsr treatm ent. labored l"reathing celllled and her! AN APPEA L TO THE BOYS to it. Mrs. C. A. Bruner handsomelY sweet spirit was wafted on the wingtl Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chandl er Born- To Mr. and Mr. anel Mr~. • - • enterta ined her Sunday·school class . of the mornin g to her heavenly rest. . 'fhe. Mayor feels nry kindly ~"Sam\. Surfac e, at Bellefo ntaine, and Mrs. J. W. Swisher, of Dayton . Saturd ay afterno on from 2 to", at Her funeral WIiS conduc ted at her toward the boY8 and hopes they spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Octobe r 19th. a son. A FREAK "IN TOBACCO her home. The afterno on was pleaslate home at 11 o'clock Saturd ay B. Chandler. will J'oin forces with .him to ob. . , . antly spent and light refresh ment. h Re Mrs. Anna O'Neal l and daught er. momtnJr. t e v. L. O. Thompson, taill a proper observa nce of Miss Martha , were were served. The claBS was made guests of relative s Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell and Dr. pastor of the Cbrilti an church , hav D S rf Hallow e'en. The spirit of the in Lebanon last week. h . into an organiz ed class. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaw ay motore d ing chargt! . TI\e burial service of Mardi Gras mould prevail an u ace as growm g on and to Cincinnati Monday and returRe d the Order of Daugh ters of Rebeka h innoce nt fuo encour aged, his farm above Corwin a tobac· but Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hartso ck enMr. and Mrs. Marion Hamilt on Tuesduy afterno on. followed Mr. Thomp son's appro, ri· co plant that is surely a freak of tertain ed destruc tion of proper ty will not and family were Sunday guests Sunday at a sumpb,lous of ate remark s. Miss Lucy Emly IanC becountenanc:ed. The town nature. Mr. Sqrface has been dinner will Mr the and foHowmg: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Michae l Liddy Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Sherwood were I watchi ng the plantfo rsome two beautif ul solos. be properl y polieed and 88y one time ' Vene Hartso ck, Mr. and Mrs. C in Jona· r.incinn ati last Wednesday and I and has taken great care of it. Handsome floral otrerin p were deteet.ed J'elDovfng or destroy . than Smith, Mr. and Mrs: ~ HartMr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen alJd Thursd ay. Dr. Sherwood was in at· sent by friends besides am emblem The plant never bloomed and has inl' proper ty will be Jriven the sock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartso ck Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwa llader a,t. tendanc e at the Ohio Board of Health from the Rebeka h Lodee. and one penalty pl'8leribed by , th~ grown to propor tions that is ordi. ~ended chureti in Xenia Sunday . and daught er. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. meetin g as a delegat e from Warren I amazin g. 'It is now 9X feet from Wyoming LodJre, 1. O. O. F. high Comell, and Mr. Arch Hartso ek. nancer.. The Mayor asks for your of County. has 97 large and small leaves on 'The follow inc tribu~ was read: hearty co-ope ration. Dayton . Dr. Hersch el Fisher has moved to Lydia A. Peper was bom in Berta· it. and is as green as any plant Very truly offices in the new Morris buildin g. Even b?dy. is going to attend the II can be. The frost of Saturd mont, Michip n, May 24, 1867, and ay J 0 Ca Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Coleman enter~ next to the postoffi ce. Lebano r. grea~ MaJes~c Range Sale and Bake departe d this life Octobe r 19, 1910, night did not damag e it. and it tained at an elegan t six o'clock • . rtwriJr ht. .Ilt Lini'o's 10 Lebanon from Ocstands alone in its glory. The ner last Wednesday eveni.g . dinfn -WayDe8YilIe, Obio.~.1. the lIP of _ .......... ....... "" .... ~...... Tlle .... - Mr. Merl ferrv sad Mabel Thomp . to.~\81st to Nevem ber 6th. 53 years 4 months and 26 days. This f variety is Spanish. It has been guests were, Dr. and .•_ • Mrs. A. T. son, of Flatfor k, went. to Kentuc ky WI . e a sale worth going mil~ to 1 Ob.served by hundre ds of people. Her marria ge with Gordon Joy, a Wright , Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barn. AN HONEST CANDIDATE last Wednesday and were marrie d. see, .a f .you contem plate native of Warren County , Ohio. took buymg L hart, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, a MaJestic. See ad on anothe r page. place April 6, 1882. in Leesbu rg, The followinJr frenD the • • • Mr. and Mrs! D. L. Crane, Miss EmSpring - Mr. and Mrs. James Terrell and RUN~WAY l<lorida, and she came with her hus- boro' Press, is heartli y indorse POLITICAL MEETINGS rna Heighw ay.· Misses Kathry n and d by family, of New Vienna, were guests band' to this village the following us Mr. Duke from . f 191 Esther Hender son and Master Ethim a hardy of Rev. and Mrs. Benj. Hawkin s last On Monday aftemo on as Misses August . and has been a residen t here class of Demoerata, but this The campaI gn or 0 was Crane is his week. Glenna Hoblit and Edna Sattert h. launche d Tuesday evening ever sinee. .Previo us to her removal /i~t experie nce in the,political , when . arena waite were driving up lock.up hill, Hon. Warren G. Hardin c lind to Florida ahe bad lived a year or The Dukea belong to Wayne Sena· Again on last Saturd ayafter nooD town. Mesdames J. H. Coleman and D. a shaft broke and the horse bacom. tor Burton spoke at Lebanon. Sat- Misa Kezia Merrit more in California, Mo., and wherev . sbiPldld have alWayS been of t received a' num· ttleeoo d L. Crane spent Thursd ay in Lebanon, ing frighte ned, started to run. It urday evening a meetin g will be held' ber of her er she resided ahe pthere d around claas of citizell8, and there will friends from 2:30 to 4. beno the gUeits of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. rounde d the corner at Third street, at Harvey sburg, when Jesse Taylor. A dainty two-co her a circJeo f frieads who loved and mistake In eutinJr )"oUr urse lunch was vote for Walter . and when at the M. E. church the Langdon and Clevenger will respect ed her for ber univers al kind. Carl L. Duke: apeak. served. Those presen t were: Mea' . buggyo ve.rturn ed throwi ng the occu. neas, cbarita blenesa and hiJrh moral On Novem ber 5th, lion. Harry dames George Smith, Leroy Carl L. Duke the candid ate for Irons, Mr. and Mrs. Cha~les. Du?ham . pants out to the ground . integri ty. Aside Daughe rty. Hon. Larry Langdo n and Matilda Hosier. John Hyatt, George County Record er on Demoe ratic daught er and son. of Cmcmn ab were from a few slieht cuts and bruises no Hon. Seth Brown will apeak at Cross' Hartsoc k. Frank Farr, Emma" Early in life, while, still .living in ticket is unau worthy the suppor Dakln, t IrUeBdts Sunday of pr. and Mrs. Carl other damag e was done. Michigan. she became a.mem ber of of every voter 10 the. ceunty Hall. This is an inaport antmee ting. I. E. Keys, ,.1. H. Coleman, H , and is en erson. B. S. • - • and should be well ·attend ed. Don't Howell, Walter McClure. the Christian church , .and wh~ever in every ,!ay qualified tor Harry this. the Mrs. Ruth Carey and. Mrs. Flo PIANO RECITAL forget this date; '!.!.ou can attend. Murray . John Hawke, S. L. health and opport umty penmt ted first pubhe position he haa Cart-: ev:e~ Dyke. of Sprinf{ Valley. were Sun. was faithfu l to the obligat ion of the lOuJrht. MASK SOCIAL wright ,MissL day O'neats etitia Mckay, of Mr. Miss and Liz· Mrs. F. C. Mrs. -----daw h C. A. Burnet t gave a piano ' As f f". zie Stewar t. Mias-Monimia Bunnell, = - c ,1m d wh en n~t m regula r at· recital at Sch061 HaH Friday evenin g one 0 our young armers , as I ' Th Carey G and family. . . tendanc e at its services~ her heart a ~ood citizen, and io .every Miss Annie Brown. Miss Mame f h '1 Th . ed e rangers WIll gIve relation a Mask So· B nd M' Lol Zell . or er PUPI s. e evenm g prov \ h' i-L. b L.__ . cialon Hallow e'en evenin ' g • Monday , and sympat hies were with it and its In rown a 188 a be a bad one. but the recital was . W ell e 1-- hved among us, hIS Rev. anel Mrs. Benj. Hawkin s will atogood one, and those who braved Octo?e~ 31st. in the I. O. O. F. hall. results. She gave constan t evidence neiJrhb on, he fully merita the Octobe r 21st was a gala day at the confi. ! move .to Bloomi ngton. Clinton Co.. the bad weathe r were «lad they A~mlwon 10 cents. Refreshm.ents home of Mra. of possessing a true chri8tian spirit dene. his partr haa place4 in Susan Sheehan near ~im in I about the 1st of Novem ber, where by her devotion to duty. gentlen ess makinJr him their choice. ~II,~tbede served. Everybody cordIally Centerville, it beina her 80th '\ he has taken a charee . of manner , her fol'Kiving nature aod went. mVI . • - • ' . d Th ." d Mrs. Bu;net t made h~r. progra m many other attribu tes which all who ... - . PU8L1~ SALE ay. e. spacIous rooms were ecMiss Gertru de Alexan der. of Mid up accordlDg to the ablhty of knew her would do well to In 1 te the MASK SOCIA L orated With autumn flowen and -" ; dletown, and Mr. Otto Long. of perform er, and there was not a For many years 8he ,c . b~ ~ ~h On Tuead. y, Novem ber 15, at one Columbus, spent sun,day attheh fems. A sumptu ous three-c ourse om9 hitch in it trom ' beainn ing to end., The L. G. E. will pleasur es of thts 8OCiat~d: of th: o:cloek, on.e of the finest farms give a Mask turkey dinner was prepare d by the in the Mrs. Alethla . Alexan der. . There. were several r~di~gs and Social ~n Saturd ay evening, .O~tobe . . rich Mwnl Villey will be oirered for . r hostess, Mrs. Elmer Sheehan. and Daueh ters of Rebeka h With the sale. songs mtersp ersed. maklDg It an at- 29th. ID Lytle Hall. This tano wu the proper ty of AdmISSion 10 her two younge st grandd aughte rs 'f l'd ' tai ed"t s . thelate Scott.Rob·inaoo ofFran kll'n . beau t I U I eas con a Mrs. . Anna Cook and daught er. t,ract1ve one. The progra m entire cents. . 10 I stitutio n. and was therefo Refres hments w,lIlbe served re ancon· . Luella and AhceS . ac. and often a wotide rtul, heehan , dressed m' opport. unity Mary, an d son. Perry. i,lrrived here was as f 0 II ows: u'. b d rd' II . 't d h' . . be. hi CJvery 0 y co lor la the y careful mVI e . inveeto r. ~ 100 carrym e w te ft owers. Beat- · , from Colorado Saturd ay night. tIVe mem r o~ the Lodge as long as It i8 of 1'12 acres of the finest . . up • Th • all t h 109 · grandm health permit ted, and in former I a and her' guests at the Hohday Echoes .......... .. Mrs. Bumet t land situate d one and one-ha lf mil'; i ~y FARM FOR SALE ' agree tabl th f ere IS no p ace like l:herry Blossomij ..... Marie Id dd ht ~ippin\1)tt years took great pleasur e in atten~. east of Frankl luon the Upper ' . e. e our 0 er g~an ~~g era SPrine-1 OhiO. ~eaches and . th State Cream; Junetld d 01 trl t Co e.. ...... Fine farm of 115 acres. two miles assilited the hostess 10 walt1Og. on . boro road. There ia a brick houSe .' mg e . I .......... .......... ........ :.Anna Furnas southea st of Waynes an s c nven of 7 roo a hu barD and cattle ville. Walnu t the tables. She got several damty Mr. F. H. Farr attende d the OhIO Song, Dream tiona. of the 0a:cter; thus widenI ng shed b~' twoge ears of Paradl ~ .. Hazel Reed . , j tobacco Masonic conven tion at Columb us last s Wo<><!l and Nymph the Circle of her lOfluence.. s .. Mabel 'thomp son and s~gar tree la!ld; abunda nce o~ present sbed that will hord teuBJOacres also I week Up to the last minute The i~vjted uests were: ~v. Mr Readm g-Told by a Always handicapped by ill health new' small barn cribs etc and water, barn and tobacco shed, the J O· Ca t . ht . t ded to d M e ; II M d M . I Nurse .......... ...... ,Mrs. Burnet t chickengood the malady inereaMd until the lut te~t IiQU8e ~f 6 rOomi: house, sixty feet long. Nice an Under. • '. r wrlJr rs. amp e. r. an 10 en. rs. . go, Due~. Sylvan pale Polka ..:......... .. th f h rt house of nine.rooms, halls porches ~ Jerry. Campbell. Mr. and filled ith dra!ned I)' tJmiles of · tile, 2 never but slekn. . preven Mrs: Ii ted hIm. !"on 8 0 M!Jtfd~red .Sml~h and Bess er I e .were • w . faihne aprinp , 20 acrei of thick al. , Ie Burnet t cellar etc . . This farm is ' beautif ully. Watkm s, Mr. and. Mrs. , lndeserlbable lutrenn gs which she falfa, 80 acres wood8 ' 28. Lou oonhgh Pme, t, FlY10Jr Spray .......... .. :. . .L 8C1"8I The ihfant daught er of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pme. Mr. and Mrs. .. .......... .......... ......... !?ora SquIre s s~tuated. and. well fe?ced. tried .in vain to conque r, but finally' wheat and rest in aM,' Well For par· ROb P ' M ' AI fen~ Mn. Pi ~dall M Marqu ette, died at its Sunset. Noet~me; Eventng ........... bculars lOqulre at thiS office. she was compelled to give up the PrOIpective investo rs ' will T . l;~, C~1I8 s~ryh ne'd ~ .be fur:- borne near Ferry Saturd ay mornin g. Thoug~ts ........: .... tr d I id d to aJ :.: .. Ada f Furnas nished free conveyance to the fann Th' bod • -E -EN E . ressle me, as. ee an an fam h' peel co~ ICt, an a h In the Wddwo od, Sadmg ........ ~..... OW? . eep, ro~ On the same d a large HAD R V O lot' of·.fin~ . e . lIy, and Bert Sheeha n. all of Center . y was s I~ to Falmo ut, ..... : ....... ~ ........... .... MU~red Smith which she aw~kened .m that c0u.n~ry chat-tela "fill be '=d. See larp ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pine, Chas. Rolll1!mg; !BJullh .ltc?se.. Lucde Horme l where there·, IS no · mOle lIutfenn l', For further particu lan addreaa billa "y., .Sunday , for mt~r.ment. T~e Waynes ville Hi 8Ch~ol went to Chapm an and wife fr~m Cincinn ati, Ml'II. . M Ab' H . ' Lo ' • D Rob' . IO'-w.kl· Oh" g-Rev ene m Church ........: d .wh ere Ch r Iat 8h a I I Spnng Valley Saturda y aftemo on and S rs. I , amea, F anny. Cure, pf Readm a~ .......... .wIpe away p. .......... .. <...... Mary Levley Ulaa. '. Sh ~nson; &,nul 11" m, . 10 •. Davton . am me, 0'f 0 ay ton, M'lto ann of Laredo D' uet "CUP1·!.I'S Dart' . Remem ber it will be a pleasur e to -., I n , ee,' Sallie . , played aJ.:etur n game of b!lll With . '"'omno ,,~. ' .. a teal s. . ,........' 1.1 han . ...... ......... ...... Rnd mow you Qver til WI'fe from' Chattan ' oo f ' . Easy ,Ohio' Mattie 1'oy of ·Llttle York, , ....... . ' . . . ' ga ~ ....... " •• Ad'a andAnn a Furnas that team. wmmn g by a score of. . CA~D OF. THA~ . terms. 10Yea tipt. ~Ia.ano. Tenn. Isaac Anna and Hannah' Kel.. Ohlo~· Mr. ·an.d .Mrs. Frank ' Loy, 'of '~Olwei88 ,Glide .' Waltz; · Twiligh ~ 11 to It ia ~y wifl.h to.take t~i9 .~~ to . , ..~ ... -. • . ~rleton, Ohio; Kate Loy~ of Miam- R8adr:gDaTh~'M~~~~~~~~te ball. 8. T~e boys all played good ley, J~n Sheehan 'and family, from exp~ 011 ~mc(jre gratitu~e ~ .my __ • ,,:ayn~ville~ .Ch~.. Crocke tt and The.towDahlp tru(ee s met Mon~., I.~U~; Mr. and M~,· AltKirt Con-on . j ......... . . . ~ ..... : ... ; ...... ; Luella Cornell neighb ors ..nd . friends, who gave 10 e\'enIQ:'aDCl, routine buline18 NO tAU~TI NO NOTICE Wife, and M~e . Sbeeha n, fro~ was at- of I;>ayton: Mr. and Mrs. Will Gray, Flower Song; On theSiag ~, Mareh. . freely of tbe!.'t assistan ce and symp· tendtd . to • . Dr: T. S. Sherwo . . Springb oro, AlbertSheehan .~dfaraod~t. Franldin; ' Mr; and "Mrs Warren ......... .: ....... : ...: ...:Becne Bume~t , AJI P.ersons are strictly prohib tb~ _duting the mn~ of my ·wif., 'at ~. hla report of the' Health meet- M~IIa.BD i~ ily. of Spring Valley, Sid Coon and tt daught er,and Izillah Mills, ~~~~A:~i~l::;~::,·.:·.~=el~ from huntin g ~n my premise ~e time of her death and mace m)' IDJr h~~ in · Cincinnati s. . wife, ~ Marsha.t1, ~rs. ~ydla Pine, last · week. ,o f Wtlmingtop, attende d the funer. Duet, SU"ery .' Waveil; .......... . : .... :-:. .eav~ent. Gordon J01. The report w~ ve,., iDt..l"8lItillJ. Ed, Furnas . . • .,Alice Glthentl. Will Pane and wife• .: al of MI'I; Gord~n Joy Saturd ay; I ..... Mn. BUI1l~tt ~ Hazel Barria . Minnie Sattert hwalte · Lytle.

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r-·· ··..··..................··..


r-'-'. . . . . . . . -:-. . .. '·. . 1











~~~~.--- --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Th~ Miam_i ~ett~


~~!I~!!~1~5 -J



The younl; girl who trlrd lirnmntll" lllly to tllke h e r 11ft> In :'\ f\\\' Y(lr\, rc· eently through dlsa pl10l ntm en t am} dis illu sion pIa ed th" blatn<' lIllon tho ...·rong should crs. It In no degree rests lIpon {'Ither the bllRl uess or !lub· lIc socln l s id e of A tnericnn I!f '. sa ys \ Va"hluglon Post. Tho respolllllbll!ty 10r 811(' h un ou tcomE> llIust be born by thos who ure In ,Iuty bou nd to 1;1I'1l th eir ch ildr ' n r ight views ot life. Th sight of 1\ Yl)nng gir l. IJO\\, ('VN pr co· clOll!' . f:olng 10 a city like ~ w Yor k wltb out frl 11(1 1'; or I\d ,' llwrf; to whol1l Fhe w l)\l111 II f;t<"n , anti \,('ry 'vl d ully ll eail-strollg nutl IlilpulSire. th{'re to 15p nLi t wo y.'n rs \\'I'ltlll\.: II bonk un.1 pr lous manuscript !; .... h\c'h Shl' ronlanll caJly wl ~ h{,ti 10 b ' Inl:-lcLi with ll er. 1'1111>1 furt Ii not hi ns but pi t)' lIul t his 5(,lItlml'1I1 d o s not 0\.,,-, II . (' the fs ct tha t tho 1,;11'1 wa!; 11l'rmltll'tI t il gn in n false view of III'rAcH Ii nrl IlI' r r elations with llHl worh\. Arts s lic h as hers In no degr justify th e whol . sal condemnallon of til . bllSlnef's lifo or our dtles or wa rra nt I h s we pi ng slatement of a young gi rl faring o.t once both womanho d nnd te ru lly l u sayi ng that "a girl cllnnot honorably In 'cw York."




c~::: ~~::~~~~er It Has

gas pIpe abou t 16 Inches long turned down so Ulat the circulation Is good In this wnk, the wate r going In at tbe top nod out a t the bottom. Alld the water tor cal tlo mus t pass aroun the cream whero tbe oream can III sel us soon, as we have flnl sh d separatSabattus. Mnino.- "Yotl tolr1 mo to Ing. If you doo·t care to go to the ex· take Lydia !Jinkhaul's Y oge\.able pen se of buying a galvan ized Iron omp o und a.nd v r Pills before tank, only h a. lng a small amo unt of r tll, Dnd we cream, buy 0 barrel Dud BOW It In two all su rpri sed to as this \\'111' hold two or three sbot sco h Qw much good gun COilS or cream and will be botter it did. My physithan notblng. In cose tb wind does cian sa iu • Wltliout not -blow to mnlte th e wi ndm ill do the tloubt it wa s the worll of pumpin g, wo II S6 Oll r gnso· , 0 m po u n d that line whl b Is attached to th PUUljl. h o i P 0 tl y o u.' I thank you f or your Ueforo we put In tho eng in e we pump· klnuness III nd\1si ug cd enough by hand t wi 0 or tbree mo :lI~d ~ri YO you fu ll Um es POl' day to c bnn go the tempera· ~___-''-''7'''-'':'>';'-! pe rnu sSJOn to use turo In tbo lan le Keep thIs In mInd . my nllr:l 0 your tesWmoulnls."-lIlrs. Your buttermaller, Ir fbe Is onto bls 11. W. MIT ' HELT, . nox S, abattus, Me. job. Is going to fina l y kuow abou t Another \Vomnn lIelped. Gl'Uoitovi lio. Yt. - .. I \\ as passi ng t hrough t he Chango of Lifo nndsuf[cred from n ervousnoss n.nd ot hor ann£lJing symptoms. J,ydl a E. PinlUlnm's Yegetable Compouud restored my beal th nnd strength, and proved worth m ountain8 of gold to mo. For the sake of other suffering women I am willing y O'l should publish my letter."-Mrs.

Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound



CnAIn . l~


I W;~~ Ml. Kosciusko

Tourist District





RF.D., Granite..

viIJe. Yt. Women who are passing tbroll gh I'bis critical periocl or wbo are suIrerjug from any of those distressing ills p ~ \llinr to their sex should not lose An Inexpensive Way of Cooling Milk. Bight of the fact tbat for tbirty yenrs Lydi&. E. l"inkham's V egetable Comcan be made from milk separated by a th quali ty of . ream you nI e d liver- pound which is m ade from roots and small as a large se parator, all other Ing to hi m, He cau't l a y )'OU a high I hcrbs.'has hAeD the standard remedy class price fo r a low class. article. Ask for f emale lIls. In almost every comthi ngs being equal? It this be true, let us make the con· him fr equentty bow )'OU can Improvo munity you will find women wl~o , dJtlons as near equal ns we can, al- the quali ty, nnd If he sOUloUm es crill· ha vo b( 11 restor d to health by Lydia ways keeping 'to mind that It Is tbe clses your methods remember tb at It E. Pinkham's Vegetahle Compound. little things that you and 1 do that Is very generally done to belp you. A Ka.nsas woman wonts a dlvorco If wo s hull Improve the qunllty of help to make our ventures a success. We ,have been told so frequ ently Iowa butter no on e man CllD do it nil, becaus h r bus band throw s bricks at that wl> must wash our machines and but we can all play our IItUe part 11 'bel'. No man has a right to throw keep them clean that I need not call we only think 60 ; and keep In mind a nything 'nt his wile but bouquetB and atte ntion to this fact. I would like to this fact, thut. It I tlot tbe op'portutll. ilot WI'. Dut th pure food laws do not malte ask If you would expect a buttermaker ties we haye but those that we taXe any provisions Cor love that Is adul· In R whole milk creamery to produce a advantage of that bring success. ternted v.:lth tU thr lucre. high-class article If he did not kee p his machine In a sanltaary condlUon. It Is my belief that much Improve;nent WASTED A FORTUNE ON SKIN may be mado In Quality by better care TROUB~E of the cream after It Is separated. In talking with n government expert, ''I began to have an itchIng over my who makes Chicago his headQuarters, he asks 11 I was awaro of the fuct that Best Way to Ch0080 Corn Is \0 wbole body about seven yearB ago and this setUed In my 'lImbs, from the knee there were a large number of hand Pick Out Ears From Stalks to tbe toes. I went to see a great many separator cream creameries In ""estThat. Are Unusually physicians, a matter whicb cost me a ern Wisconsin along the river that Vlsorous. fortun e, and afte r I noticed that I did were turning out just as goed an artlI no t get any t.ellef...that w&.y. 1 wenUor ole of butter as wer!) the whole mllk "For seed purposes tbe ear corn three years to the hos pital. But lhey creameries in eastern Wisconsin. I ere unable to h<illL!ne there, I used asked him how he accounted for this. should be selected from the ~lk as His answer was, tbat. In the mlly It stands in tJiO field after It has all the medicines that I could see but country along the river, springs were well matured and the busks ba.v~ be- became worse and worse. I bad aD numerous and that the oream can wss come entirely dri," states Prot. R. A. inflammation which made me almost Bet into ' the spring and cooled down Moore of the agrloultural experiment crazy with pwn. When [ showed my and then not mixed with the next swUon .of the University of Wiscon· toot to my friends they would get skimming until that had been treated aln, In writing or the "Curing and really frlgbtened. I did not know the same way. Springs are not nu- Testing of Beed Corn" I.D a new clr- wbat to do. I was so sick and bad bemerous enough with us In Iowa to cular. No, 18, jUllt issued. "caretully come so nervous tha~ I positively lost . adopt this plan but we have found thc examine the stalks and reject those all bope. following most satisfactory at Home which are either very. high or very "I had Beeb the advertisement of Fnrm and have used It tor severll.l low and avoid ears with unuspallY the Cutlcura Remedies a great many y~ars with good results. We hope we deformed stalks." .' , times, but could not make up my. mind may make ourselve. understood tram The best· way to select c6~ 18 to to buy them, for I bad already used so the desorlptlon and. the out. go down eacb row picking (lut the many medicines. Finally I did decide We have a galvanized Iron tank In ears from tbe stalks that are un· to use tbe Cutlcura Remedies an'd I )ur cream house near the well with a usually' vigorous and ~how the de· tell you that I was' never so pleased.a. pipe connecting ·Crom well to this. tank elred cbar~cterlsUcs. Put tbese ears wben I noticed that atter having used at the top In the cream bouse. In one In baskets, · at the side or the · field, two Bets ot Cutlcur~ Soap CuUcura side of the tank we malte a hole ' for .then husk. ancit dlsca:-d those that ~ Oilltment abd C t1cura Pllill the enU u. h ' · a pleoe of gas pipe using a couple of not up to ,.t he . 8~ndard. Oply ears locknuts. one on the Inside, the other of the best form should be retained Ure tnnamma OD ad gone. I waa on the outside to keep from leaking. for seed purp6ses since a small completely cured. ' . I should be only On 'the Inner end of this outlet which amount 'Well 'c ared for Is 'Worth more too glad It people with similar disease connects with the water tank for cat- than a large amount less thorougbly . wou~d come to me and nnd out the d· truth . I would only recommend tbem tle. we use an elbow with a piece ' ot cure . to use Cutlcura. Mrs. Bertba .Sacbs, . - - . . ............... - - - - • ..., 1621 Second Ave., New York, N. Y.,

before I though t of attempting to dl· rect affairs. Up to this point I ' had r.fM'!i6 not seen more th ~n an ocoas lonal swirl. but presently the fish turned fin d \"ent down stream lo to shallower water, and I saw the bea uty so prop· erly called "Rainbow." Glad enougb I was to get lo the quieter water. Stili they come, tbose Chinese stu· wbere. fi ve minutes later. I lifted a dents who are to be trained at Ameri· lovely female fish weighing 5'4 can educa tional Ins ti tutions. A pnrty pouad s. of ,,1'Xty-elght has arrived at Honolulu. I we nt back and wakened the sleepIng camp. and we bad fish for break· TheBe stude nts are som of the numfast. ber sent by th e Chlnose governm en t, 00 tbat and te n 8ucceedlng delight· the expeases to be paid tbe ful days our spirits rose as th-e river Boxe r Inde mnity money returned by fell. T wenty fisb were killed by my the nlled States. says Troy Tim e. frlead one morning, 1n water that onl,. That kindly act bas brought a rich ren strong fisherman could etand In. war'd In the form or the esteem, gmt!· None at them were under a pound. tude and conftd nce ot Ohlna (~nd-the The b'est fish we took turned the scale 77/Ol/T F/.JH//VC O/,JTHlrr at eight pounds. This capture. as Influence that will be exert ·d tbrough the absorption of Am erican Ideas hy was upon a beautiful mornlni' well as a brace of six pounds each, . the bright young me n who nre tbe t hu t we started from the Kosclu8- and another pair of five pounds each. ~ o hotel tor tbe upper water8 of we W(l'e so fortunate as to be able to beneficiaries of the arrsngeme nl I h Snowy. Our packs and tents send IJ.l the manager of the Kosciusko had been got ready overnight, and botel. Engineers at work on tbe Panama by five o'clock .we were making our A fortnight later we took the track canal propose to leave as little as mile an hour. single file, over a rough leading to the Thredho, a smaller pOlIslble to chance. They are now e n- track that only an Australian bush- rlyer running Into the Snowy, many gaged In experiments to determine Illan could nnd-and keep. Through a miles below where we we re ftshln~. the ettect ot sea water on concrete. mass of undergrowth and tangle of We had foUr days of It. and took a lin enormous Qua ntity of whlob Is em- scrub we eventually reached the number of fish, some up to three ployed In th e construction 6t the cnna!. shoulder of a ridge, and got a peep pounds. but a severe thunderstorm Concrete In dllTerent stages of prep- at Kosciuliko. stili partially 8now· spOiled our chances somewhat before. clad. fifteen miles away; then we be- and certainly after. ·aratton I\nd with Yl1.rlou8 forms of gan o~r descent ot some three thouThe stooltlng or the Snowy river nod protection will be Ilubject d to tbe ac· sand feet to the rlyer, In many places Its tributaries was not ubdertaken. It tion- of the salt water and the r esults almost sheer down. By lunch time seems, unlll the Jate elgbtles. wh!!n will be carefully noted. ProlJably we were cutting our tent. poles on a Mr. John Gale liberated a few ralbthere never was a great und ertailing small sbeltered clearing. to the music bow yearling. The reports were so 01 this kind In which so mnny pre- 'Of a huge body of water thundering good conce rning their progress that cautions were taken to guard against over the rocks In sucb a volume as to tbe government was l!lducetl to estabf t I k suggest rapidly melting snow on the lish hatcheries, In the first Instance u ure r s . uplands. It was pretty evident that at Prospect Reservoir, seven mile ! there was too mucb water, so we from Paramatta. from whe re fry and - Germans us ually do tblngs thoI'- spent the afternoon in catching bee- yearling were dispatch ed every season ough l),. and the announcement th a t ties and insects, and comparing them to the various rivers. As a result there Is no cholor a In n erlln. nltboug h with our English flies. We got many there Is sport to be obtained In the the disease has brol(E!l1. out In th e vi · species of a flying ant, dun, blue. Monaro district the equal of which C'\ nlty. no ll oubt testifies to A.he e f- green and occasionally barred. like a cannot be got anywhere else In Au. feet h'eness of the 'safegunrlls em· robra, in cleal'-cut bands of black and Ft rnll a.. Both the New South Wales fi s heries firing grasshoppers an luch Illoyed. l\lodern medical sc ie nce Is arellow; nd n hal f long'. brown in a ppearance department and the government are usuall y "I ctorlous over the 11l1ment!! wh en at l'est, nnd canary-color when In highly commended for the ir work or once re ~artl (' d as scourges, again st flight; anothe r much smaller. with the past twenty yenrs. and It Is 1.0 be whi ch It was nlmost use le!;s to con · bright cl'lmson Inside th e legs; but si ncerely hoped that,· having achieved tend . Yellow feyer. chol era and thc everywhere color. al most bizarre, pre· so much for the state, tbey wll\ adIlk ~ aro no longer the t nor Ihey dominating. I have noticed the same vance a step fa rther nnd protect .the were formerly . condltiuns when flshing oth er snow flsh It has cost 80 much to Intro. wate rs. The Tasmanian Great Lake duce. Incredible ns It may seem, there G n ral Infor mation concernin g In · Ilns a similar vari ety of brightly col· are no fisblng licenses and no rnngers , on any of the r ivers. Victoria. the funtlle pu ralYflls Is meag r. but Alo !:e ored Inseots. At five o'c lock next morning 1 wss 'neighboring state. stocked man'" a woman of sixty -six has ti led of th e at a bend \" here the river widened out malady. th e fact Is plain tbat th e and ran quietly over a shingle bed. rivers by both private enterprise and at governm ent expe nse. but ' they scienti sts who gave It n name W C I:C flome dI s tance from tb e fall lower failed to prolect the fi sh after put. not over rowd ed with Information tlown. The mist was still rising from ting them In . There Is very little the wator as I made my first cast. trout fishing In Victoria today. either. It was cold nnd raw, but nil thB spot New Zealand and 'l'asmanla each A Chicago professor s ays that the was a good one. I moved very little have nsblng licenses and lnws. Whnt until the first glint of sun dispersed Is more, they e nforce them . In lIJY law Is a hindrance to some people. It the mists. The white moth began to . opinIon. It Is possible for New Sc~th by some people he means burglars, leave the bush~s and float across tbe Wales to do this ypar or next what plckpocl~ets and gratters. W I'! mlgh ! stream, 8.s I came ashore and made wUl prove a yery dlm'cult task later fldd thut that Is exactly what the la w my WilY to the taU of the race. 1 pul on. Is In te nded to be. a second fly on (shrimp). and wltb a The summit of Mount 'Kosclusko lon g line got as far as I cnuld across (7.328 feet) la the highest point In Fa rm ers wtll not become greatly In · streuUl: f\ fe w minutes later I was In .\ustrnUa, This Is the source ot the te rested In aeroplanes. monopla,nes rarJld water with bright sunshine on Snowy. ' Th e re Is a tine motor road and bl(llanes unUI they have worn It. 1 dl'ilw the files round behl.nd me to t he top of the . peak. Snow Is lying as J flnlshed oacb cast, nnd at last 1 011 I\otne part of this mountain neJ;lrly out their automobiles. had a glorious ri se In the very water all tho year round, al1d the number of wh ero 1 had made my first attempt. vlsltol's Is Increasing perceptibly Man has at last beaten the pigeons The lllunic rrom my reel told me I had every yenr. at fi ylng. but with fair woman's hel p a pow ere dl fl sb. T.he bushes right CRITCHLEY PAR~~R. b long ago distanced them In tbe down to the . wlI~er: s ec.Jgo 1'01' ed me farther Into the river. theil, \Vith Ilolh. pi Manter art ot billing and cooing. Best to Keep One's Own Secrets. in g hLlf a fin e' shcet of willor bet\vee u Th e more you aequaJnt YQur frlendB us: ire bego n tbe Ii ht. .'f he fi sh' came A N w YQrk man Is taking his pl ~ no liP Htr 11111 a n I Ilashed TlU t me anll and associates wlth your lute ntions . for 1\ voyage to restor ~ Its t Oile. Into tbe fast wstel' at alice ; befol'e H Ilnd anticipations the more they expect Probabl y It got a I!ttle shaky tI III I B tollf1 ~d I had II long lin e out. nnd J the climax of this, the consequence of follo ..... ed. !loPIns to turn It he Cove It that.. and the sequel of tne last' chap. hl,b ·s. so~ ttl rongh waleI'. A steady strain ter. untn finally ' they have wormed . told m e that 1 would be uowl\!e to the w.hole (]lad of' YOUI' existence out . We Imuglr.e ,t hat Es~e l'an l:> """\lld tnkl' liberties nt this stage. and I let ot you. MaY!le next time YOU m~ be a good lullguage to us· \\ f t: 1 I I 1:-: lit blVQ fls moe for fully UD wlDut.. the ... oeople with a l'aDg 01 repet. IDa haC'k to your wUe.



Imp~v~m.~~~EM~d~in ~~'~~~~~~~b~ PHYSICIAN APPROVES

For the last five or Ills: years, th ere is nothing that has come up oftener or been discussed at greater length ut our dairy meetings than the quality of our hand sepa.r ator cream. Our Dairy Association made a separate class for tiutter mado trom this cream. not as kIng the buttermakcl' to compete with the whole mlllt creamery. 'rhls artl· cle Is not written with a view of championin g tbe I'au se of th e ba nd sepurator manufac turer, but to try to hel p the man wbo has found lhe sell' arotor on tbe farm best suited to bls contl lUons . writes W. D. Barney, of tb o Iowa State Food and Dairy Com. nilss ion. In lI oard's Dalrymnn. The \\ rlte r bought the first bllnd Se pllTiltor ever operated In Fran 1,lIn county and It Is my opinion tbat th ey ha vo como to stay and we must fit ourselv es Into tbe conditions as they are. Now. Is It not a fact Ulat just as good butter

Stili anoth er use [or aUlomobiles. Tbe town of Jam aica, L I., had o.n nnpl aSBnt timc wilen a main burst and the water supply was shut ofT eOToplet ly. To suy nothl llg of the annoya nce. Incon~ nlonl' nil (I d ang~ r In private dw elli ngs. the orphan asylum and olh r Institutions w r s ubj cterl to especlnlly dl streRslng exper lcnces. To meet nt least partially th e demand an a utomobile serv ice was organized. the ma hines going with tanks, barrels and other receptacles to pOints where wat r could be obtained and brin ging It to those In need. ThIs was at b s l but a poor s ubstl tute tor t he r egular system , ye t It proyed that In time of stress the Iluto Is a val uab le auxllInry.



. -





A~~lr!~'B~;:~' Saohs 18 my slster·lnlnw and I know well how she suttered

and was cured py Otitlcura Remedies after many other treatments failed. Morris Sachs, 3U E. 89th St., New York. N. Y.. Secretary of Deutscp-Os trowoer Unt.-Verelo, Kemp. Del' 'Hebrew Denevolent Society, etc." Uncalled For. "I hear tile old bridge outside of P.Illnlcvl\le has collapsed." "Yes, and the town council can't understand It. We bad just given that lJrldge a coat of paint. Wby, It looked like new."-Loulsvllle Courier-JournaL

A Woman'.




It isn't work that rWns the handsIt Is the soap, the common, dangerou8 yellow rosin soap. It will eat Into and rot cloth. so what won't it do to that delicate skIn ef a womal)'s hands'! "Easy Task Soap" is pure and antiseptic; It has no nasty, disagreeable odor: It does the oleaning fOf' you and you don't, have to wear out your skin and your musc1es with rubbing. As it costs no more than Iloor soaps, why sbould you ruin .'your hands? Your grocer has It. . TRV MURINE EYE REMEDY ,

.(or Red, Weak, Weary. Watery Eyes , andOranulatedEyellda. Murine DOesn't Smart-Soothes Eye Pain. 'Drugglsts .Se11 Murine Eye Remedy. Liquid. 25c, 600, $1.00. MuHne Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes. 26c. $-1.00. Eye 'Booka and EYe Advioe Fre~ by Mall. Murine Eye Remedy CO., Ohlcago.




the Playwright.

"My "tnr can 'wlggle his Amon~ the Asiatic br-e.~ds _ of fowls ability to Cornge better and their Icss . Whistle through hlB teeth.': Langshans have 'i\"on perhaps the .proDounced desire to Bit. Tho chick!!

the best l"eputatton a8 wiD~ <er laY6l'8, sa~ Orange Judd Farm"r. A Black Lang· ahan cock Is shown lu thti illustration. Some strains of Brahm.lls are fully their equal. FrOID the farmer's stan~point, the LangahlUls are pl'e~e"able to the other Asiatica because of their



.a nd

are fairly ' qUick mnturlnc, and make "Now. can you bqlld me a ftrst",! ... excellent .. table fowls at five to sIx comedy Around 'thatt" , months. For best result8 In laying they should be b.a tched not laler than April. With proper. reariDg and ' feed· lng, ,pullets wUl lay th~ foUowlq WIDter. TIle raJ.. ]IrOJ)bet .... botll .87111 . _

CIIe Dl'QIw.




Fro cks· ,' Ior Girls

W a's He a Co wa rd ? By CAR L JI:NK INS



.How to Brin g In Out side rs



~ ~

J[ El R E

Kidney trouble s are too dangero us to negle ot_ Little' disord e rs grow serlous a.n d the sufre re r Is soon in the poas p of diabete s, dropsy 'o r ' fatal Bright's dis e a 8 e. Donn's Kidne y Pm. cure all dlstress inC kidney IllB. They make sick kJdoeya well, w eak lddoeya strong. Fl. C_ McClan ahan. Marke t SL, ' Now. Richmo nd, 0., says: " Kidney disease had almost; brought me to my grave. I was r endered almost h elpless and s utt ere u agon y. My feet wer e so badly 8w01ll'n I co uld not Walk. The kJdney secretio ns wer e thick a nd pain ful' In vold ln g. I doctor ed but s tea dil y grew weaker . I th en u sed Doan's Kidn ey r ll1 s and gradual l y Imp roved _ They saved my life." , Remem be r th e name-- Doan's. For sale by aU del.l.1 rs. 50 cents a. !lox. Foster-Milburn Co., nuffa lo: N. Y_

Is no qu es tion but wbat t her e are a grea t Dr, Hargrav es, retired Bnd said to "I was the one to have leaped ill many non-ch urch going be wealthy , has more or les8 busines s a tte r him." . people that ou ght to b e to do with [\ certain snfe de),osl t com"Poor boy! We should not haTe r eached ; t hoy u eod the pany , He thus caIDe to know youn g come to th e water." bene lit tha t 1M to be deAus te n Parker. The re came to bo a rlv od from regula r cbu rch atte ndance With that she turned away and Bocl al BS well as a busines s side, and comme nced takin g ber a n(1 th e clll1rclHIS ueoe l them, Now I garm e nts down attc r a tIm e Mr. Parke r was a caller off th e hooks and foldlllg hal'O no pa t ut righ t m'thod or a nd packing at the house. seh mo that I can guarn.nt 0 to work the m. DI'. Hargrav es wa s a widowe r ' and In all cases. What I have to say will Whe n til e 8 0 0 could .control his In poo r h ealth . Tbe light of hIs eye voIce be s tep ped t o be from my ex. perl ence In sm all to wns th e tele pho ne and and I be joy of b Is heart was hili ns ked fo l' his 1J11l a tuld cou ntr y dl s trl c~ . nd orde red a car· da ughte r Mny. A s Isler oversaw the rl age fo r ' th e d pol. To accomp li s h th e bes t results It r eT wo hours la t er house, ' but th e doc tor used to s ay tha t mot he r nnd son wc Cju lr es th o uu lted aud consecr ated e (· r e 011 t he ir way his daughte r oyersaw hIm. T he fri end · home. \ Vhen th e y tal ked for t of both churc h an d IHls tor. Man y It W !lS no t fi lli p betw e n the m was alIDos t selfis h. of wh at ba d hnppen a pR!<ior h'as foun d hlmse l! handl ed on th e wha r f. 1II1RS I\IUy' 8 ha ndso me face at tTllcted "Don 't you see he c:oll lcln't bAve C/l.Pll d by tho atti t ude of til e ch ur c h. mauy, i1ut sbe r ece ly ed tbem all as clone au ythln g e lse?" To s peale plainl y t he r o ar e some fam qu e ri ed Dr. liar· 'a ll I'S unlll Mr. Par lIe r came. In his "'Taves at IUIICb , wh 111 B that h av e wltild ra wn from ch urch en I'a se , a tte r n bit, th o fatber tho ught be that "th o coward" so me one solei and t tl re are oth ers th a t the c bur h b ad d pnr let1 . Ile lectod more th a n us ua l lute rellt , and "He passes out of MEAN INSINU ATION _ lias wltbdr awn fro m t hom nud In both ou r li ves, 01 ho Wtls secr etly pletlsed . He kn e w cou rs e." cas os you have dl ffic ulU 8 to over· tba hi s a ilme nt mll s t carry him ol'f at And It so comes ab o ut. Wh n tb e come. t he e nd of u fe w yea r s. nnd ho bo ped doctor aga In vi s ited lhe No w to ove rcome thes e dlffi c ul U..a s afe de posit tbe daughte r's fut uro wo uld bo 8e t· compan y he sa w yo un!; Mr. and many oth e rs th e pastor mus t have Park~r l tl ed befo r e th e dark day carn e, but 'n elt h er bowed. Some one el~ firs t of all good common sen se, no Th e doc tol' and hIs daugbte r we re walled on the patron . P eople wbo hall substl luto wlll do. Second, a pas Mon a t the Harbor hotel when Mr. Parker met th e young mnn socia lly at tht fur soula, not s1inply seekJng to s well and b ls motb er a rrl yed. It was sim- doctor's r esidenc e. Inquired about hllJl his congreg ation and Inc rease the ply chance tbat bro ught them togethe r In a careless way, and were as care church me mbe'rs hl p In order to ma.k e t.bore, and all were pleased ove r It. lessly answere d. Now aild tilen the a good showIng . J esus s ays : "I will wetlk had passed very pleasan tly tather wonder ed If the daughte r half make you Hs h er s ot m e n_" A third when oll e day tbe doctor, Miss May been Inter est ed enough to cal"e.;-Or br and ve ry Importa nt thing In gettInc and ~Ir . Aus te n were on the long disappo inted, but b e could not makf people to come to church Is tact and wharf be lo w the hotel to sit 10 the up bls mInd. The affair bad neve, that you can't beg, borrow or buy, HE dress a t the left, for a girl froOl The skirt Is en c ircled at the bottolJl band house and enjoy cool breeze. been referred to acaln atter the first neither can you keep It In stock. It 10 to 14 ye ars old. Is of white ba- with a band of white Th ere were women and childre n about, day. linen, edged must be coined on the spot. In -the tiste linen. Rnd be re and tb ere a man was lazily A wbole year passed . Fatber ant'f t1rawn In at tbe It Is In prInces s form, with r ed, lind tho girdle Is of white cas e of the disciple wais s It meant after t with fin e tucks, 1I0en . Hs hln g. Ot a sudden a women s cream- daughte r were agaIn bound for the The d res at th e right, for a girl th e y bad tolled all night and taken e d out. Her boy of five had climbed same botel, but this time they were Bnd trimme d with bands o f e mbroide r y from 10 to 14 years, Is of wblle dott ed nothing to cast their net on the other tbe railing ·and fall en Into th e water. motorin g It part of the way, the cn, or lace. side." It Is finIsh ed I\t th e n eck with baUstE' made up In pretty fas hion 'I'here were shouts and screams from being driv en by a chauffe ur. over an applIqu e ot pink lin e n; th pink e long Ef'ricacy of Pastora l Visiting . liberty . oth ers, and a hubub all along the In the middle of th e afternoo n, all tuok ed und e rsleoyes arc of white line n . The yoke IHld trimmin g are or Engwh a rf . . I belIeve a lack at plUltoral n'ltins a broad highway , tour foreigne rs who The lIttle girl's fro ck Is of r ed lIne n lis h e mbroid e ry a nd raised embroiThe accide nt occurre d wltbln thirty had struck work In a quarry not far Is respons ible tor a i1'eat deal ot the wllh wblte dots, The blouse and der y. It Is flolsh ed at the neck with fe et of the band s tand. Mr. Parker away and were ripe for mischie a Indiffe r ence to ·the claims ot the f, s ieves are cut In one piece and band and knot of narrow black velvet church_ My brethren , we shoulli' be r ach d the railing In four or five halted' the auto to commit highwaJ :M1&s Lively -Isn't It IJt.range that trimme d with applIqu e bR.nds of white rlbboo. ' boun ds, tore off his coat and klcksd robbery . The chauffe ur was . just as zealous to succeed or even 01:- llasebal l playe rs are seldom . a pol· linen edged with red. The y'oke Is of SlIDTho sas h Is cf pink liberty ribbon cel In our pastor orr hIs shoes, and was on th e point of t roon _ He could bave run them T1Bltlng aa we should .truck? down, lace or e mbroide ry. prettIly knott e d at th e le ft sid e. In the pulpit wor1L I make It a point but he halted the macbln e. Mr. Fussy- Not necessa rlly_ Sunto get over my parish just as quick u atroke 1& an atfectlo n of the braln_ Tbe doctor was not armed. but he can after I get moved, and I ftDd refused to leave the car, and struck LACE HEADP IECE A NOVELTY HOW TO REDUCE THE FLESH Imany at the fellows who sought to pull the tllings In tavor of such a plan_ When Woman 's Work Is Done, daughte r out. Suoh a one-sIde d can· BecomI ng By all mean II go to the people that do Somebo dy said, "Woma n's work la Innovat ion That Bids FaIr Strenuo us Method s Coupled WIth Pa- not go to church; go, I lIay, before never done." Anythin g that emancltlIe t could not la8t long, and must to Retain Popular ity for Some tlence Are a Neceas lty-Red utermina te In a victory for the attack, some one has been kind enough to tell patca her frolD th1a form of slavelT Time, clng the Diet. ' you all about them. Go before you is halled with joy. ThIs ill the reaera. They were pushIng the advan· tage of number s wben a second auto get to think like the reet that their son for the constan tly IIlcreaa ing popOne of th e fe utures for the hats for Stre nuous m ethods are me tllods de- case 1& hopeles s; go before rolled up Quietly behind them and a formal wear they think ularity of "Easy Task Soap," the bard. Is th e round pie ce of lace mandln g patient, un ceasing se lf-co n- the church has sent you, go before you white, pure laundry aoap, that does young man leaped out. Withou t any that Is atlache d to the Inside of a trol and depriva tion. They must not have a lot of poor expuses tor not call- halt the work of waab-da y by itself. wtlapon s buA. his bare fists he sailed large shape just a s a band eau Is used . be fooli sh me thods, It one ~ to Into the four. They drew knives on It falls pre- Ing before, go before you think there Add to this the fact that It positive ly In 80ft folds ov er the hair and serve one's healtb . Too rapid roduc- Is gotng to be a wedding or funeral does not rot or streak the clothes. him, but he struck one after another looks quite like th e iaey e dge of-sav e tlon Is decided ly dangero us for any soon In the home and you are afraid that It launder s laoos, linens, flannela and fought fiercely and silently . Tbe the ma rk! - a b,r eaklast cap. But you one, and any reductio n Is . dangero us, the y might go out of town (or a mID- silks, bedding , table oloths and baltle raged up and dow.n tbe road for h~v e no all Idea of the becomi ngness ot wltbout ·th e advice at a physicIa n, for Ister . five minute s, and then the used-up this tabrlcs perfectl y, and you w1ll unInnovat io n . Pre tty features ap· one-wh o Is not we ll. Moreov er, every m e n r otreated to the woods. Perhaps they may say 1 guess you derstan d why It should be In your pen r mo r e love ly under tbe softenin g Individu al ' must s ele ct he r own meth- have . made a mistake ; we do not at- house rlgbt away, The doctor and his daughte r had hulo of tull 0 1' lace, and olher faces ad and learn from e xpe rie watched It without a word. They nre nce which te nd church. This Is your chance to vas tly Im pro yed by th e m edium be- one will help her. It IB usually a pret- let the m know that you are ther e to knew the attacke r, and til ey s a w blood tw een H Is I nallenab le Right. them and t he re lt 01' saUn crown ty IInfe exverlm ent to cut one's' me nu treat e ver ybody alike; that as a minon his face and hands as he waved to at a large When WiUle goe s to school next hat. In halt--on e egg Instead of two In the Is t the m that tbe road wus clear IUld er of , the gospel you are their mIn· w ek be wIll have a ne w teacber . muck , white or m talllo lace Is us ed morning , one slice of toast lustead of Is ter as well as those who belong waJked bac k to his own mac hine. 'rhe n e w teac he r will lIke Willie , to for tills frill th at [5 a rous ing com me,...!.. two, one helping Instead ot two at tb e cburch. Mn.ny a time a lIttle "It Is Mr. Pa,rker! " whi spe red MlBll later when she begins to know him, but the Tluy rosebud s of Ilarrow ribbon .r dinner, etc. Most of us undoub tedly on bave I had th ese same people May. Intro- process may take several terms. s mull s ilk flow e rs a re l\'orked Into flul eat too much, ' and r edu cing the di et. duce m e to th eir fri e nds as th "Hange d If It Isn' t!" r epli ed the lace, WllIlo's t eacbe r began to like him e ir minless nln g the contras t and harmo\ while leaving us hungry at firs t moat Ist er, fa tber. t heir pastor and perhaps In a jus t befo re th e olose of the school nlzlng with th e pl um es or la ce trlm- of the time, cannot do any harm If t w mluutes wI th t ears In tbelr ,eyes y nr, a nd s he tesUfied to be r. affectio n "But Colks said he was n coward ." mln g on tho o uts ide of the cbapeau . not carried to ext r e mes. Moreov e r, It would 's ny, "mayhe I oug "Um I I was am ong th ose wbo sa id ht not to by olterln g him a pocle tknlfe. so. Guess we made a nJls tal(e some- The r ullie Is a bout tw o In ches wide. It Is pretty s ure to be errectua l. It fA ha ve Introd uced yo u as "Ther e, \"\' Illle," s he s aid , " YOU have I did "Oh, Go·Go-G ol" Called MilS May. ; you may Is a tta hed befo re the lIning Is adjus whe r e." t- addition to that w e gI ve up starche s, lhl n\e t ri ed so hnrd to be a /tood boy that r I was tryin g to r e pr esent myed, althou gh a fe w milliner s ha ve ar- s weets, and butle r, takin g dry toast lea pitlA th e rail Into th o wat e r when " 1- 1 hope co!" se lf to h what I am not. " My m es- :lIn gOi ng to g ive YOIl this nice fourran " d for a cha ng e of laoe by a series Instead of hot or 'he 8 l1d d~nly hnlted and stepped back. cold bread, and "Ell 7 E h ? You bope what 1" sage Is , go quickly, go In the l\IlUIt e r's blud ed pocleetk ul fe-but you mus t of ~O\l S and bu ttons. drinkJn g no water with our meals, the "You can get hIm- you ~ an ge t The words were not r e peated. n am e an d your labor s hall not be In pr omIse me llOllver to ut Ule school How d id t bis or iginate? · Why. prob· r esults a r e bound 19 be satlsfac to", hi m !" urged tlill doctor as he came up. fu rni tu re wIt h I t." A week la t er, at the H arbor hotel, \·aln. a bly fr om the fa n cy turban h eaddres s Harpe r's Baza r. "'fhet'e' s his hilt-t here he rises! " "Take It ba k, teach r," s aid Willi e, th e doc tor called his d ~ughler Into Why . Some Ministe rs Fall. (,f lace trlmm d wI th flow e rs tilat "ofi, go- go-go! " caUed Miss Ma y h is· room to say. sad Iy.- Cl "ela ud Pl uilldeale r. - - - - - - -The r e are a t ew mlnlste 7s that t o the wan who stood wringin g bls COAT FOR FALL WEAR. "I wrote to a friend of mine In t b e Parlsln nes wore III th e s ummer In have kno ~1'n th a t will n e ve r succeed ha nll s and his face pale as the dead: Experie nce Teaches . cIty and as ked blm to (10 me a Cayor. evening . At all e ve n ts , sustain ed by " 1- 1 oan't!" they heard him sllY_ In gettIn g outside rs to com~ to cbur h "Sure, and 01 t'lnk It pays to be He bad an inte rview w lt.b Mr. Parker 's th o kno wledge that a hat w"lth this in"Ma n- man, lU'e you goIng to leave mollier. Say, . dear, while lier ( rill was awarde d first prize at the unl ess th ey mee t with a wond rrul bon es t, MUl er n il," sal <I Pat. the public """ t ~.QY-to drown? " cried the doctor has a notion that change. I will hint at II. tew thin gs tro led tbot phoncyw e lg ht busines s In your father I. a great exhibiti on of chap e nu x, It comes in as toni shm ent nnd Indlgna tloo . wher e t hey stan d In 'th eir own lig ht ; m y g roce r y sthore las ht year , and 01 great doctor, 1 wanl to admit to you UB som tblng n e w and bIds fall' to be Air. Parke r advance d to the ra.lllng, that be Is a great fool." to o bu sy with th eir own tbought s to. los ht money by uL" adopted . looked over at the child struggli ng In ;oecognl ze people or s peak whe n th ey "How s o ? Did yo u get found out ?" "Why, what Is It'!" th e ,wate r Ilnd thea threw up his hands ;,u eet th e m ; ; oth er s s It and read tbe as l{c<i bls fri end : "I ougbt to have suspect ed some· Frocks for Scho'olg ll'ls, with a groan and retreate d. He e ven thing of the kind tram "No, sorr," return ed Pat. " 01 made alble or r eligious paper s all the tIm o th e first. Wilen Schoolg irl frocks for ve ry small picked up the things h~ had CAst olf Mr. Parker was a wh en th oy ought to be In so<;.lal con- th e mis take or fllIln' me weig hts wid child of two hili girls nearl>, all s how combln atlons tills and almost ran trom the wharf. . e rse. Then ther e are others {hat are Je ad, so thot Ivery 'mon thot come to nurse let him fall Iota th e water. He year. Plain and plnld etrects or thoss Splas h! Splaah! Splash! Three men had a close call from llltoge th e r too free with their advice. Dl O for wan pound ot sugar got twlatydrownlDC. It of plain fabric combin ed with leaped the rallln .., one after another , gave him a dread and checka, We have thought sometim es, wh y three ouuces to the pound." - Harper' s a horror of tbe are perhllps most frequ ently seen. Just and, al the little lad was sinking tor water, and It will always ('.,I1n't Bome ministe rs learn that doc- Weekly . be with blm, now taffeta Is used to trIm cloth, and the tblrd time, he was resoued , 'and He's no coward. He tors, lawyers , mercha nts, carpent ers simply fears tbe cloth to trim taffeta; moIre there were tears, cheers and shouts of one thing. Pleoty Indeflnl tomasons and farmers are all suppose d of casel like it. may be combin ed with almostor velvet WI am posItive tills actress buys her coograt ulation. The doctor and his I'm writing him a any mato know their own bUlllness b e tter very abject letter terIal, either as a mere touch or as a \laugbte r returne d to their leata and this afternoo n. Don't than he does. Talking too much about puffs." you want to In- substan Ual portion of a dress. "Which ones- news paper or bairut for a long time without a word be- close Bometh lng? It As what we are not sure ot Olay mak he'll be lIeollble for old foulards , they twe en them. Then the girl allked In and forclve, I'll take may be freshenpeople IOS9 all conflde nce In UB when dresser 's !" him for a soo-In- ed for use through A carel ells philoso pher says a man out the winter as a hesitati ng Wa)': we give them good serlptur al advice. law about " year hence. Eh? Eh? house dre sses combin ed with taffeta neve r knows who his fri ends are tID"Was It because Mr. Parker can't That make. ,ou blusb, Let me Illustrat e by t elling of a litdoelln't It 1, I Bwlm ?" tle Inciden t that I tried the otber day_ til he hasn't Bny_ believe yOU'" been bla champio n right or with veIlIng ; or they may be cut up to line a jacke t or cape, or be re"He could bave got the boy and along!" A young ministe r was Invited to speak made as a petticoa t. Just now some One genius Is about all the nerap bung to a splle until a boat came. to the boys on a training shIp just beof the most fa shIonab le petticoa ts are family can alford. Heaven8 , but If I had been In his fore they sailed for a long crulse. Mind and the DIgestio n. trImme d wltb s t rap· flounce bands of Wishing to get Into th e good graces place!" Tbe mind Is ao Importa nt factor In flowere d foulard 0,' oth e r sort sllk."Then- then what ailed him? He d\«esUo n, controll ing imd win their aU ntlon, be spoke to the secretio ns, Harper' s Bazar. .eemed to be frighten ed." tb em flrst of sailor lite and navIgat ion without which the chemica l process es "He was!" was the grim 'reply_ In gen eral and flnally came around to of 'breakln g down the food cannot "Father , you can' t mean- -" give th e m some good sound advice take place, but digestio n Is also a The Automo bllo Veil. "But I do, dear. You have only to physIca l process . The from a religiou s standpo int, and when Do body you at reallz' large how soIled an autohear what the 'people around ull are Is a machIn e and the he was throu gh on e of the lads s poke stomaoh Is a mobUe ve Il Cjul ckl y ge ts? If It Is In saying. Too bad_ I feel sorry for him. muscle, says a physicia up and said : "Say, mister, It you n. if tbe motor a color not to s ho w dust, do not ImagHe and h,l a mother will have to go activIty ot the stomach d01l't know an y more about that reo bo weak. It the Ine th e r Is non e the re. It you have today," lIg lous busines s than you do about stomach be prolaps ed, food will be r gard for your skin, wash your veil A hllndred people on tb~e wharf had un~lIly r etained na"lgat ion I doo 't !:I\r e to take your and pu trefacti on will fre quent Iy. ' words ot praise tor the. three mep, be the r esult. poisonin nd Ylce."- O. N. WhIte , In W esle yan g the blood, and Becaus of tbls was hin g It pays to 'and words of censure for the one. It Inducin g d Yspepsi a Metbod lst. . rheuma tism and g t a good quali ty of " 11 In th e start . A bowl of these cnsp Is at such times that me n curse In kidney disease s elfpeola their throats and women refuse, to' thJs condItio n ! has been lly_ Relief of CJIII'fOll clot h wash es admirab ly; ohltfluffy bits served with Bought by re- fon Itself llUIls. oe a pure white The ChrIstIa n'S Part. forglvo. A man Is either recorde d a6 duclng the caplUlity ot To ale to ourse l ve~ and to. live to cream or milk , is . some· a hero or ' a , coward. ',It a . bero, it I. taldng' a tew l'ltltches Inthe stomach by soap 1lI1d' luke war m wutor . Rin s e well It, MusIng It without ba r'd l·ubblng . God ; to renounc e our own wills aud to (orgotte n In a d~; cow~rdl' Dot u;: empty m,ore readily and fully_ . Relit ot the moistur e l;leti,\'ee Dry out most thing not soon forg~tt~n, n thi ok cloth.s choose the will of God as our only {or years, If ever, '. ' in' fastillg. Bystema Uc ' exercise and aiJd Iron while parU ally damp. Fawn colored tace Is selected ruin; to ' renoun ce our OWn glory and Mr. Parker: hurried atrl\lght .~ the , light diet, with O)bntal relaxati on, are, ' What's the use of cook· here; lho coat. bas the sle.eves cut like to seek the glory of God; to dIstrust hotel. p~pp.e who .aw ',I~Jrn III ,his 'howeve rj ·the natural remedie s. ' a kimono . It fastens at the left /llde, 'ours~lve8 and to put our woole trullt fltgllt looked and wonder ed. M.... Par- , · ing break fast or lunc'h " , ChaIr for the SewIng Machine , at . ends of the lon, velvet 'collar, In God; to, (orget ourselv es and to ker bad not come out.' The 8011 l»unt . . An Importa nt thlng to rememb er In Which Is embroid ered: the cuffs give o",r ,though t to God; to re~ounce IDto her room aDd GU:n& himself down when Post T oasties. ready . bpI.~I.nced, rllnnlng U4 coverect bla . face wIth bill hlUl,dII - "Palla w!" sCQrnfu~IY eJl.cul~Wd the ~ ~balr a sewing macbin e 18 · to h.a'98 matoh; a d~p band of bralcUnc trims , eaBe and to 'labor for God; to lIacrtftc e to Ie"e dir~t ' ,,"om the of exaotly the rIght heWht. The tbe toot of caat. anel wept. . pleasur e and ' to suffer for . God; to . . fOlld mother_ , "Wbat do 70U Jmo,!, neclec~ 'of tbla detail ~e.s bee~ .tI;le , "'WIUlt 1a., ltr Ibe uked .. ahe about ~blee"· Hat o.t p!traw, trimme d with c~ara,? .nence our own paaalon a and to lIsten package, are 10 'delicious) mean. of gl~Dg a bad Dame to maDY black Det. 8tood be114. IlIm ·with her baD4 OD b18' . "V81'7 UtUe,'· humbb'. aebowl to u te ,voice ot God; to crucify selfed.led .... Materia l. require d: 6 ,.&rda cloth, love, aDd to substitu te for It ' tbe love . . ' the *b'lo r wbo bad "D~ lID·opl... a willing ~nl of eteel aDd 11'011, for -A' cllU4 d . the . . ." . . aD- loa. "~oept ~t ~e . 7..,. .... It die seat II too low the operato r Dot 48 blebe. wide, 1,..-r4 'Y81Yet. 1'% or God; to aurreiJd er our plans ~ to ,..reel after • time. I hall eouider allle ptactlo e .. . . . . ODl,. pta nIT ttre4. but ,tile macIaID.e doseD ,....u bral4, • 7ard8 .lIk tor aU thIDp to ~, tJlt. .. tile UU DoIIU,. ~ .1l.."rllJ'. -ADd , . . . . ._u.t1" •UDbIIr to waIat.. CIartatSaIlFa put.,- J'eD'" ..."-PuolE. CoP7r1ah t, lillO, b7 " ..oelated L1teran PrOio





--- --- -


Post ToaSfies






.'"The Memory LID.en"


-AND-. -


M ,.l\dMOT1:I

II ~ I


From October ::J I st to November 6th.

fRff- 9.00 Worth of


oki .Utensils.

Will ·be given. to eacJt purchaser of a Majestic Range during this sale. The Great Majestic Walking Cake Exhibition will be given during I his big sale. , Any person expecting to buy a Range within the next five years, should avail themselves of this. opportunity to' buy now~ as they will probably never have a chance to g'e t sueh- a Bargain ·again. . ' Hot Bi4cuits, good Butter, Maple Molasse's, good Coffee will be furnished free to all who attend this Bake and Sale.



banon, Obi".

~~~~::::::~::::~~~~~~~~~~-~~ - ~ ~~~~~~~~~


extreme oruelty and asks for legal Clinton R. Jones to Ella. Lflw, lot Hpenoe, d eOtlllsed, Is fli ed llOd admit· Pltlns ond !4 peoiftoatoions for t he separation . . Willard J . Wright i8 in Lebanon, '2,000. ted to probate . r ,Bowing w.ork \V'llre approv d and at.torney for pltl.intlff. lienry W. t::luemening to Lebanon . UbarleR Mullin , on e of t he ext\ou- ord ijr efl pos ted iu the llu('h tor 'Roffioe oemeteryassooiation, lot in Lebanon tors of the el.'lt ~t.e of CIllytoo W . Sealed bide to bt: r eoeived until ] 1 :00 Court Proceed In IS. t1 etc, Mullin, deoeBlled, g ives a new bond a . IIi . - Ooto ber 31st :-PIIlDIi for Common Pleas Court. John K. Spenoer, ~t aI, are grantProbate , Court. of ~ 1 G,O OO whioll ie nooepttld. piling protection at Ultll\roreek New Suits ed leave to fI.1e answer and oross peL olBa D. Robin son is n.ppolnted bridg", 00 Bunnell Uill ' r O\l d north Looie Slmond8 filed due proof of exeoutrlx of the B8t.tlte of 1'. S. Roo- of Pekin ' In U1earoree k towns blp i William C. Tlohe'llOr vs. C. W . tition in their 80tt against the f Moots and A. Helpmeyer. Pettt10n P. U. C. &5 Rt. L , Ry , Co. publioatill 0 nootloe of appOintm ent Inso n. The foll owi ng a ppmis r'" plane for Je pnlr of HI'otld WUY ',ridge, In the osee of Viola Thompson of exeoutrlx of the eetate of H.lObel tire ap"oiuterl : U eorge Rioh , Frank Lebauon. Ohio. t' flied to recover '160 ~~d intereet on • L K r d a~ainst Jefferson Thompson the rQ . t::l. Bl,dley, deoeosed . White a nd BOIlj Burne. Bi lls-Georae H . Anderson , burlll.l promi880ry .note. . . on It .., ,, straining order Ie modified so lie l'be Cl noinn ati and Splingfiold Louis' F.· Colemo.n fil e du e nrol')f of Wlllill.Dl B . R eeu , ~75 ', n.u"'Il' leR 18 attorney for plaintiff. . . t' "' ... &rail E. Simonion vs. William S : to releaee therefrom ~be eleven hogs Rtlilway oompa.ny filed suit tl go.ln9t of publiont.ion of hi ' uPPoiotmen t /l S Gtll e Uo I blllnk for probate j udge , Simonton and Lon Simonton 88 ex and ohiokens and pouUry' belc:mging Ueorge C. Mount I.m d Anna Moun t IldminlEitratnr uf the s tate of John t;2 1. 75 i Dtlkin & Do.kiD , premium eou$Or of the ,est&te of Hannah Si- to defendant. for the appro orillttoo of oert·ti n CI rk , deoea ed • (ln, insurtLnce on lo firml\ry bl~rll, .~ d ' d u titi fil d The eBse of Jacob UbI against property owned by t hem. Like pe: 10 the Otlcle of J hn A Rabold us ' 40; J . 0. Monis, sUlJpliell, t;39. 05; mon ....n. ecease. ~e IJn e . t I' fil d , res-ra '· ·i n execu . t or f rom paylDg A . .1 . Watkins is dillmtbSed . tit ons were . B tlO e 'I\galDst Ueo- sdminiRtrotor of Lhe 6stt!.t of Ado Dllv\d ' rotter & Co, 111lnbe r, M51 80 to her hosband WUliam S. Simonton In the 08se of Annn. Ly'le Shurts T. Whi,te. Mary A . Whl&e, Ch t.rlea Flenner , decert ed again s t Virginia , 11101 1-'1; V. RIlDkioROll, lum ber, ti9G.G5 hie ahare because of alleged wife against BtlDry C, I:)hurta. defenda8t ! E Koeibolllnd Frank V . White nnd 'failor. 8urit b 0 ~ie vere, et nl th fl W . B . Ml1dd~ o & L:o., oement aod DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN. L d 1 tt i8 granted leave to file aD amend- also Murgllret Uechun~, Minnie E oourt orders t hat propert.y be sold lumbel' , '211 38; Murton U_ (;i ord. on, d eeer.'ti on. L . 'i7 n... &ng on s 11 orFor ' Internal, ancl External Paln.. l» ment to answer · 'I Deobunt et aland also C/1see fire Bet in order to "s y debts. hri(lge repl~irs M,tSl:!lU townslll rn, n~ f ~paD ~ I i tiu. Saitie Morion vs. Robert W . Mol' Nanoy Jllone Surfaoe il:l granted j to~"het~rlDg ~~ 10~d' m • October 20th. Marr i a2e Licenses: $27 75 i Bert Reed, bridge repairs, ton. Petition for divorce filed. a divoroa from her bosband Moses ue (Ult WI 1 au . tes tam eDt of the , ') . . I ~ I !) 50 ; Ch~rl e~ Henderson, o:mtrnot, Plaintiff avera that defenda nt is I:)urface beoause of three years wil'l lllte Addison K .. Mlller .deceused was Harry. L. PRimer , ~6, rur ul til t.LI I $\15 j Perry Monoe, oontruct . ~ 1 5(i.50 j fal absence filed tmd J eume M. Miller W'UI lip· Ctl r rtt'lt' of M ilS 1\ u.ncI A lln t!. Ve lla t~ hti r les Lewis contract ,75' ~a m Undertaker and Embalmer. go ilt y 0 f gros8 neg 1eo t Q f d u t,y II.D d " Lillie Elston iR grllntetia divoroe pOinted exeoutrlx with O.~. Biggm Tholll p':lon, 22, of Mason . Hen kle, fees a nd expenBus, * 12-! 75. Will be found 10 the 0111 ~=====~~~~==~= fro n her husband Clyde Eleton on C, C, Eulu ss and James 'Follen us Albert F . Lewle;, 21, puper mrtker --. ' Bank Bollding, opposl&tt the grounds of grossnegleotofduty, appraisers . of F ranklin ~nd A OM M . Goooh, 18, Kills a Murderer. the Nation"l Bank. the plaiDtiif beiog given exolusive Th e will of T , ~. Robinson wu s l of F rn nk lin, A IDOrOilells murderer is Appondi Telephone in honRn and or· oustody oUhe obtldren. admitted to probate nnd Louisa ~ ill\ fI [ .. BeDIJ O~~ J~ , furm e r of oitill wl ~h many vioihn". But. Dr. fioe where ] can be called. ~he oase of Wright Hill against Robinson , his w~dow, takes uuder F Ot!ter and Mary r' mlth. 2L , of Love K ing's New Life PI1II! kill it by pre , do.y or night. veu tlOo . 'l'hey gently stimulate 111.0 d . Valley :1'11ooe 11-2. George Knapp is oompromised and the will. . A.tolDucb, liver aod bowels, ll re ventdlsDlitlsed. In the cllse of E . A . BotlDett., !ld. Alfred H . ~oh wurt z, 2 , conduo Ing that ologging that invitetl tJp'pen- Main Street, Waynesvllle. Ohio miDlstl'lltrix uf the estate of ,\1, W . 'I tor, of f...ebll.non Rnd CIE\rI.' Belle dioitis.ouring Oonstipatlon, HeadReal Etitate Transfers. Benne~t, deoeaRed aglliJlst W,illillm EI4.rnhl\rt, 2 1, or LebHnon . !lObA, lllltuusneeB, Uhills , 2Gc Bt At ad vanced age the organs act Fred C. Sohwo.l'tz's. pr. Bell's Pine-T ar-Honey Alvll, Donley et al to N. A. Don ley Bennett. et Ill , the report of sllie of Commissioners' Proceedin~s. • - ....- -- more slowly than in youth. CircuFor Coughs and CQIds. lation becomes poor, blood thin and lot In Loveltmd, eto. property itl ncoepted sn'llli~t.ribution outraots- P I ~ns, !!pecificutions 'l'he Olluse of BII the evils of the • watery, appetite fitful, and digesHe nry W. MeAker, to Er.1itb E. of )ilroceecls mude. u.m l f1s timu.te for stone Ilbutments worll! mllY be tra.oed to t,htl.t Datural, tion weak. This condition leaves 1 . f d dl f h . et,o. !lvon t a ryan d appraisement 0 I fot· bridgf.l near tb e resid nO j of Ide but moet ell y error 0 tll~lfm lD · th e system open to disease such as Bnuok, Int In, Fru.nklin, d F h Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Pne'umoEdith A. W illif\ms, et nl to Cl n t e es tate of A a lenuer, deoeased , ~b e rbet on tb e Coud en school house dulgence and oorruption-that our · C. W. HENDERSON,M.D~ nia, Rheumatism, etc. ci nuati an d Splingfialci Rallwt;! filed by J ohn A. Rebold, adminis tm · r !ld iu Wtlshiugton to~ns hip were business Is prlll!erv~ a.nd not to imVINOL is the greatest health oomptlny. ~;$O I\cres in Franklin I ,or, . llpprQ ved lin d oontrnct let to Perry p.r ov~ . It'' is the rUin of ue all !lUke, Waynesville, Ohlo~ . creator and body builder we know township~ U5U O. . i Dwight n uo nall and (Jhtlrl es Bfln- Mo noe 8t the ostimq,te $ 12:1- 45 , I. ~divldntlls. 8ohools, and nay ons , Main Stref & of {or' old people, as it supplies W. F. ({ibbey nnd Alice Ki bbpy ta,'the oommittee appointed ~'l exP lt~n s, apecilic"tions ILnll eB tim"te DbCt <;> r Arnold. 1 Valley Phone 153

County 'Courts




How Old People



, ;.


May Prolong

Their Lives


., ,

A. MAFFrr, .






et 801 ~o Jamal! Elmer Kibbev, trl( ot in Deerfield township, ~1 etc. James Elmer Kibbey to J oh n , HERE IS TOE PROOP Goldsworthy Adams. 'raot in Dee r . A eYe .. reeorded In Albany, N . Y' of • womlUl who lelt ebe WIUI breakIn&, field townsbip, f1 oto. 4!own by age Dlld Wall' doomed to the Mil too Ul ~r k '0 J amaS -." . B ur ns 'Weflk and ' eeble condition of old people. ::.'Jo~~~I~(rt::::~~bt:.~':~~:.JI:,~:t:!; ·1rea.l' estate in LAbanou, $1 etc. . w.u . ...,..tro..&'. and .1.eet.a _ that .be I Willltlm C. Vail to K e nn eth : . thaD .he cUd 00- Chamberlin, lot in Frankliu, '1 eto. . We " ask every.. aged person in Edwu.rd R . (J.)oke to Robert Luoe, .~~ . neighborhood to try a bottle lot in Franklin, aaoo. . of VINOL with the understanding Owen S: Biggins and Peter B . - -""dHnlrt',Utle-wiU-yemro thei~.:noney if1t Dunham to Mary . 8u~an ~imp~on oes not prove beneficiiUo and JoaDn& 8&00001r, 10' iD LebaJ. F.. JANNEY, Dtuglist ':lon, etc. \ the very elements needed to rebuild wasting tissue and' replace weakness with strength.



amine the oountV' ~reaEl ury file their rE-port aDd Rllme i8 aooepted Ilnd or d ered published. 'rhe In ventory and appra,is em en t of the of Mary W . Butlter.,:ort h " d eCf'l, i8 fil ad by Ed win L Griest, exeou tor , , Tb e second Ilc:ooont in the ostllte of. Berma!1 Lewis, 11 minor, ·il:l filed by Ullira B Lewis. g uardian, The inv.entory of th~ property in .the gUllrdlanship of WlDnie A unker imbeoile. is filed by George AUDke r, gnardia8.' The wtll of 'he late Pre800ia P.

for ohl,nging oho.nnel to bridg 'tmd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!I , . . protecting wing of Blune on Irwin . .. T~Y LI.VER,ITES . . . roae'! nE'ar the Irwin fftr m i~ Deer- .1 . fi jd t,ownBhip wel'e n,PlJrOve:1 and " .' o'on trnot let to Bil'ls Bennett at ·the e ulmlltol25. Oontraot wa£! eo . into: with I Llverltee for a ' Cold Backache and Weak LIver or Kidney. Os ·~11 B fot' tbe foll ow.i ng r e .! · ' ~. 'pair work in H. Bmiltou township An ' 0.£ Rep!\ ir of wing '~n ~l a bu t m ent on Prevention . 1$ . ' ~hem m the Ml.I.tDe'vi~l~ and R oI.'I :b,:r l road near ... w~~~:pound ·. fg:~~. read)' Williom Dodds 127 'OtJ ; bridge 'by I . oanning h ;)use nea-r Maineville, $3; ' n ' . ed' f P N ti R'" b tb CI th S te d . x; rep~r rom un a ve ",r I, ey · eanae e ~~1 m a. brldge ,by Alioor Benllet~ on M~ine ..· . . Purify the' Blood and, thul PREVENT SERIOU8 SICKNESS. vUle and ROlIsbnrv rOat\, .~:a. I . .

Liverites Prevents,Serious Sickness'




~AIWay~ ~eep








WU .I'Wbl·IIIt·, 'I ··I ~ I.I.I'II"


' ~H It'. ' I IU I



IIh,u l,


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I • 'ub criplion

Ulaims It Is Qnesion of Emc'onoy and Not Sentiment.


(.'t t'i(·Ll y I II lu!n.t.u l'O) •. • .•...


1"11111 101 I 'Ii l '}" . . . ... . .... . • • .... ..

hIM','lIj ,,,,,, .. , . . . .. . ' \0 1I1" I,t1'o ' Itt· ; tI \ lO" nn~ I : dw,., pu r lillt· . .~ tlf ,Id dtl", ..... ,


Interestin g Address or Jesse T;lylor, Rcpubllcan Candld;lte For Congress In the Sixth Ohio Distri ct, Before the County Comm issioners' Asso · ci t lo n at Columbus at Thel r Annual Session.

1",1, '1'

( " I' \ . ~I '· " ~


Ii. 0, .. 1'1. 'I ' d ~ ~lI l ' l u l ~

•. • • • . . "




... ... .

. .• • •• .• , . .• • , .••

\\ , llUB jO llun:ol' 1t4 1Il. uh ,

"h '




Hllh'", of i\fln'rtisinl! " ,, " " III I nl ' all4 , l\tll' 11111' .. . • .•. . l .pl&dlll\: i., ' ft l:4. IJla (' k ,"(" ,, JtfH' IIIH' • "' II I d \ Ii:. 11 •• 1 ttl "" ' PI '" 11\ t l UI I~h

, ',\(' 1,1

Ian claim upon ue. ehow no .plrlt of prQgrlllslvenell or In du etrl.1 enterp.-ile, and In Cuba we !I;l'.!f't mlillorrc for ;l . peo ple Who have to be 'kept under our guard (ng care. "The gover nm ent Is now spend· . H rc I go d ne ws for th e wome n of this town. Ing III i6ns diQO ' l1g the Panama cana l to sho en t he di s tance an d \ "1 h \'c cu red the ,gcncy h ere f r the ' famou s lessen 1h ott of tran sportat io n \Ioor /{ ;1 1ge- t h h :lI ld ie s t ral. g t: eve r m3dc Tht! be tween ' the Atlantic a nd Pacific J I(~()re .R.lI l ge, I.) r:lc~)l' al l y (' 0 yo u not hin g. The oceans. S:l\' IJI g III fllel I t aff on ci no t on ly pR y fur it , hi ' "'But . how ab out bette r roads at home. rcally pays you a prof" [0011 :lft<.:r yo u buy it. ''' I favor both nati ona l and Btate aid a nd believe that' til e federal governm ent sho uld pa y 25 per cent of the cost of bu ild· Ing aa'ad maintai ni ng th e "o:.ds. wc anct , while the accompoishment of thlll jus t il rl d much needed leg· Moore's Controll e r Damper 1111 1 o nly c Cl mrolR the h eat is lati on may be Gon ,e time In the but CUI tru b t he L·II, d. I I 1" 'Sl li\' cly saves one-third o f the .. futur e, we s houd ..... ake federal Il1l:\' J\llLl :\11 ,, '1'«;':; 1' .lIl:':L-~. :lIe ti ll! only r :ln l,;l'S 11.Iv ing thi~ and state aid lor road s one of 'u nt rolk r (la l11 11 ' r. our principal endea vors, for thi s Is largel y an agr ic ultural state Moore's Everlasting ' j. b ad[ ' 11. b ks YUH t ll burn c oal l' ''~III1~ al It!.t~l two-thirds I... ~" Ih:lI . c ,a l and w~ are more In terested in es .. dl""lhc r ra nl{es. IIII Il",s ll,',d ft: rgood roads at home than In our Ihc r savi ng Ily pruI'io1 illl{ f" r t il" IJUr:li lll{ foreign possessions, and we are lip pC III' sn llllw t." d s.. " t, t !t ll' ~'.l l' ill\~ more Interested In good roads )'II U 'lIL' :. tl V:ln :ll: u r t he cxtla }\l; al and than in the guaranty of bank de· l' lIailli"~ )'I'" I" -;:t , ' U on I'''" r f ,IC ·1. Wit ll posits and postal sa vings banks. Ihis \1·UIH1,·rill l ":IIIf,:e therc is IlII ,["o\; cUnless we preuent our demands ' . . .. nil soot - IlO gn!;. Yull l':tn kee p ylHlr : ore Rnn",es Inst I(, ng-er b ·call ·1.! the y arc l it" only aallgc~ lIlade h .l l' in~ and push them to the limit the I ki tchen spotl . s M farming distric ts will never reo I Ihree-wall conSIrllcltuu throughout. ceive their just proportio n of the revenues of our state and gener1.. 0 1 ti S ~ho", n nd e xplai n t o )'O U the m n n v supe ri or " c leanes t. Ihrhu:s t an tl most .. u nhaq· on ( 111' l n nrKct , al government. (cnlurc s of M flO l l"~ ( "' ..' n - how It Il bso Jutcly p n·· VOII UI1 I! h c to ~~'" tht: Oven Thcrnlo m c lc r ~ u i d u li n thl " r.tu\" , It \V a." tJrc pan·d h)' ~ I r .. ~ . u:Jh T) sult "Tn Icgls111tle ll, li S w 11 li B In oHler v ent s " u Iud s pu t~ ." nm! h ov.' t he Clasa Ove n Door over 0111rs t il ..., ncc'cs biry of opcnirm th' ('I \'l'n ,qll l I{ o ro r . the nckn u wh',h!\!tI f Ol Ct1l11 (l ouk uf he t,:CJ11fI· things. e very Illte rpst seelll s to b ' for losing h ",, ' c\'"r\, llml! )'o u w nnl to Ii~e lhe cl'lIdhwn tr)·. c>:clu>ivcly ror M 0 111''' ''' . 1t :lngC II gil" . Ihe Ihtl loo.l lnshlo lime rCQlll rc,l nn.1 , lte h"'\1 n~cc '" "n' 10 ' ""ki n\( nil Itself. Tb e lim ' Is li t. ha nd for us to 01Tho E verlnstlue Flrllback u thl·r...~ls the n ickr:l· pl u l cd u v n r n("'k Cth ' only kin ds of f ll l Ht. I' n n 't II1I .:;c;' ';" Ohlt! t h i ,; f11 ,l r vcl o u 'o get what Is ('omln g to us from th e ODC un t llc 1I1 ark~t) nnd tllc m ln h~4,. .j OV l: l1, tho r n ~-.: , C .d l now ""tllie u u r l, l lO\; k Is CIl Utp I.!tc. .. stot nnd n otional r nsur y a nd If w . Moore '8 Ranges can be hael in cit her Ca$t Iron or Ste,,/ do not s l fo rth our Cllllll1 s a nd d ' , Moore's ma.nd th e m th en th re venu es of t be Stoves state a nd nation will con Inue to be Always aU expended for olbe r purpos es." Please


M, 1_' ,' 1'1: I,: 1-:'1: :

It . . . 1 , I

I .1:"


I ljtol'la~ ,\ 1, "' I l lni l.:.:: l It I ' 1I 1dl

Til foll o wing I't! pult of th · !I,ldr 'f!!1 - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - : of .1l' St;C 'fnylol', candl cl a te for con· U( ''I'OIlEI{ ~' ; . 1\1111 . f,;r('. H In the Sixth Ohio dl ~t l' it-t apJ)l'aro:d in th e Columbus r;\'enllll,; Dis· . pal (·1t of F' ·b. n, 1!l1 0: . H"nllH1 0~t< I~ "On (' of th o IIIORt Intf'rl'sll ng 'Villi, SIH' nkl'rs wa R Jesse Taylor of James· ~ I III ~t.l 1 11 IIIH ., town, 0., I' presenla llvo sont to the . - l ;111'1 v I . I c OIllU1I t!s lon ~n:!' Ill(' tln g hy the Good I RO lldH [,'cdl'ratlo n uf Ohlu. H' said How M L I '~XI WI , You P.lY III pal·t : .' 1 1 h ' I Vti .VuU" "\. ,,~ , ' 111'''1 1 , . I I 11 .' I "Til roa d liul'H Uon Is the biggest I rl llt ~ I~ II \! .. I'• . :-; I .. ··" 11' ('" t~ "c, " 1111<1 ,'I . ' .. 'i '. I' ~ ' I' pl'Oj)O Itill n h 'f(J n ' I ii ' plopl of the




_____ ..


J '1I1 II ,. ,. \ ,

,, ,

" .. I 11 "1>



UOII pd ::>11\[1'1;'

"It I ~ nn 1'(,(lIlltllll (' qUl'stlo n and nat on ,. of!! ntlll . nl. It iR a qu estion of rlln l hen 'Ilt, pi PliR lIl'O nllli progrf'ss. Th e r · mny Ill' 1,II'I II y of '. pl:lnatlon for tht' fnrt, but Il It; nO ll. I he I SS A UA,1I11.1fui IJ" II II VIII I' I ", tllll f1I1A ~ I U'U I' thnt In I h In' lll'fw c}HC llt of our of ,,\1 Lrl -EIIII11''I1l1l hl-hw llY lJ the l ' nlt d !:ltulcs hilS lag· ---ged behind In lhl' Jlro 'resl! of civil· If You Have Any Doubt Izatlon to t;uch llll XI l' ut Ih a t. e\' 'ry oth l' sr ' lll pow ' r III th wo rld loday o~ the m e ril, n t. Or. H II'~ Plne.'J'lIr Honey n ll f! lin lie will rtHTIITVe tbut Is In nd va nC'C! of us In th v:enenll doubL'Lnd you r ' oulol h 1'110 dltt ~H\Ile avei'll c condition of Its rouds. .. 'ost of lran sportallon Bnd the tune. Lv"k I'm thtl bp I! Itn Ih e hnt.· lim ' r '11111' d to truDsport, over tie. It. III tl1l' 'f'nni ilFl . wagon ro ads as w II as ove r rail· "j'IR III WilY" IlI"rulfIl,; a'l lIIllw h e re roud s, con cerns cv ry hum an h{'lng In tll land. It a produ c r lh y err cl In th e wII .. lrl. -- Hn,·Il". . th valu of his product. If Q 90n· We 1\1'0 ov,,,· tJ" " '/lV,,, t by whllt is sum r the pri ce of his purchase. f,,1 '3 wlt.hiu -~1 .. r .. d\l.h Tb l)Y determine the ris e or full, the prosperity or decay , the wealth or poverty of communltle8, email and After Shavlne gr at centera of trade Md ommerce. "Wbll the gr at comblnaUons ' of ulle Dr B~\I',. AIIII""plic ,' Ill_va It. will Prf1VtHlt Ih , Ill Ctl ~tt.tillg ~()rfl . 1 oapltal are se kin g to monopolize It c1t!lItr" .\·~ I!I:!I'IU'I llnei J.Jr vent.s \ and control th e wat I' and 11\\lroad oontra(,t, llI~ uuy IiI" eut'6 li!5:J Sold rout s, for wh III tbe government. has every",h"r, \. xpended so mucb mon y, th\! com· - - -- mon hlghwayt; belong to the p opl e. Thl! "pirlt uf 11.,h>tht OVUle!! oftm No combln ullon ot me n or capital on emuli wing;,! ":"'~ I eVl;lnS'-' U can monopolize or control tbem. lind _ _ __ _ the p pple's money xpended for til The ulind II! It WIDe, the ' detlper ! improv merit of roads will bless all ()n~ desoends t rlcber t,be ore tbe peopl . Lee _ . . ... "Since the formation ot the governm nl the farmer has borne the he aviest burdens of life. He bus re· Unsightly aponded to every call of duty. Ne v r Sorel', boll!! , el "ptlons, pimplee, betore has be asked a single thing. blll1lkbtUlds und 011 IIkin aifeotivns and now for the first time In more are very q nlckl.v cur d by thl! Q~e' of than n. century and II quart r he Dr. &ll't! Anti:! ptlO tmlve . 260. knocks nt the . doors ot our legislati ve ~ halls nnd says; "Gentle men. elp ' us Hold everywhertt .-~.---to bulld good roa'ds for all the pco· Life il! UII Il mirror I.but rl fieotM pie." He believes with Lincoln that our aotions llut1 olliln ters,-Lee ~thlS Is a 'Oovernm nt ot tbe people, '.. - by tbe people. and tor the p ople,' It 18 the lifted fuce thllt felll!! the nnd that tbo farmer h,l 'of the people.' shining of f.he Alm.-Browning . "Tbere are a grent mnny ' ways ot _ _ __ . _ _ dire t taxaUon now provided for, and . "To Be or Not to Be" many ways suggested to raise th oonstllnUy OOUl(bing 'de'pends on money, but wblch Is the best wrly nnd whether or not you u!le Ur. BeWI! how can tho cost be distributed so as to at!'eet all alike nnd take the burPlnll-'1'ur.lioney, A tew doses will den at!' the abutting . land own ers? .top tha~ _ o'lugb _-"-... _ __ "I think the only proper way Ie WUt t.bou not ope thy bellrt 10 know for the national government and the etate to make . large annual 'l'bat rILlntowt! ' t ellob, und sunsets appropriations f9r public roads showi' -EIIlArson . and to make a fair distribution of

, .,. 1>\ . " " , 1 hl'l nllb h1 - H " III .. (I ,lIy

•. ,


/11 1'101'1 0.0.0. ______ _____. u .. .____________ ·o N Republican 0 TREATMENT FOR BLOODY MILK l WARN TOBACCO DEALERS i"l view of wbat th e present ~ congress has . ~

done In the fulfl11an ent of Its • promises, ond In vi w of the 0 standard tb nt It has set In I' ~ o spect to th e sacredn ess of party. ~ pI dg s. I hllv e no 11 sHaUo n In • urgln r all who or In fa vor of 0 o . • • the performan ce or th e remalo- 0 Ing pl edges. who nre In tavor of • o J}rogr ss, In favor or prn.cti cal • conservation , In favor of Gcon- 0 omy In go\' ernment. In ravel' or • the just regulation of ra ilways ~ o and of Interstate commerce corporntions, In fav.or at a bureftu & III ot healtb . In favor of a proper Q limitation of the power or eq ult- " o able Injunction. aoc;l who 01" In ~ favor Qf m nsurltS to promot 0 • the mer chant marin e e ngag d ~ In for eig n service. 1.0 vote for ~ o the Republican. cn ndld at ~ s for e ~ congr ss In ord r thnt th Ir 0 • wish for all this progressive leg- 0 Islatloo may be grnUfled."- ~ o President Taft, Au g. 20, 11ll0. ~ o Je&&e Taylor will vote to oar· 0 • 0 ~ ry out Republican pledgt:8. ~ M. R. Denver will vote against ~tnem, for he blindly follows his .0 Democrilt leader and f8 a candl- 0 • • date for a thi rd term In aRe· 0 publican d istrict. ~





--- .. - ----

'0 ba ve 8Urtt eyes. I:;utberlo od'(I Eal!le 'Eye I:)I\!va will oure them UII.rmI6tlt! and l'ninlet'8, guarallteed for 260 a tUUI'_


... - ....----


All Bowel Trouble 18 relieved almost iD8tulltly bV using Dr. Bell'8 Anti Pain. It: de· 8troys disell,e ger1Ds and stops In. tlaoiation. Keep ... bottle in tbe honae. Sold everywhere.




i i

g i i


. •



Reaching the Top. in Rny ctllling of Jif(\, demands Il vi~ orous body ond a keen brltin, Without b r Rlt·b t,tH:re is no MuooeRR Hu t Elf'ol,ric Bitte rs i the greatest 8efi l tb Builder tb world hua ove r known. It oompel perfect action of st,omncb, liver kldnevs bowels purifl&l 'nM en~iohes tb~ blood ' tones lind invigorates whole SY8: tem and enllbles you to stand the we,u find tear of your daily work. "After mont·he of I.'uffering {rolll Kidney Troub.le," writes W. M . ' he rmlln . of Cusbin g , Me "th r ee bot.tles of Eleotrio BltterR ~ode me feel like a new wI\n." 600 . ut !fred U. Sohwllrtz's. . ------- ~-.~.~------




Pinw rms U8Ul1lJy inteot the r ec um only, and medioin.e~ ~iven brough the mouth hl\vtt very little effeot npon th m . 'l'hey are best removed b.., ustria geut s olutions into the reotuUl tLfte r it hns been emptted~ Thefltl are ad · vi" ed; A~um, one ounoe t.o 1.1 quart of water . The water obtained by boiling ouk leavl's often works well . orne tidvlS8 tbe use of rt\w lin eed oil one qUl.lrt and turpentine two ou n08S. E 1'.t h er 0 f the IIbove ought




FOUNDER OF HORSE Blister th'J coronets or botb fore feet with oerllte of olin tho rid es n fter cli ptJiug off the hair, Ilnd If neOe8SIlry repen.t the blistering in ten days . Twloe <illi Iy gi ve him Il. teaspoonful \)f Ro, \t,pe ter In his drinking WI\_ ter . !::itop for a day or t~o if tbe kidne s hOllld beoome too (lotive. !feed lightly. Keep him IU a sbady cool pluce.


a warning uglllu"t nmking further "nle!! to youo lY boy. Further comploints will r esult ......in_ proseoutiun _ .--1.. .... _ _ __

Funeral Diret:tor.

Why People Cough i ' l\ m~stery when Dr. Bell's Plue. Tar-Boney will cure ony cough Look for tbe bell on the ·bottle. It marks the genuin e . / , UNIQUE MAKRIAOE

Telepbone dny or night. Va,Hey pbone No. i. I.oog Distance No. 60-~r.

WA YNESVILLE, OHIO • Spinning a long tbe OilY ton ond Branch Office, Harve1f1~ur&,. Eatonplkein on automobile Thursday morning, t.h e marrillge oere OJ ony unit·iog Mi::l8 Ella J\ orella HA'rHAWAY Frum e nnd Mr. Lelnnd Campbell was perforrn«d by the Rev. 8ugb \Vn.y ~es ville's Lell.d1nil Dential A Smitb, of the Chri t.inn ohurcb, Office in Key~ Bldg. Ha1n St of Day ton, Ohio, The nihil' was not an elopement, but morely n, novel plan hit upon Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve by the par tioi ptlnt.s. 'rhe bride is Good for all Skin Disea. . . tbe estirnn h ie daughte r of Mr. Gud Mr~ . L . A., living west of Eaton. o ud t,b groom a f ormor resWAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. idetit of Compbell town. Tbe couple will laave in about t·l1ree weeks to St. Augustine's Catholic' Churcb. l"nlhcr Ocorge Mllve nhocfor , Pastor r eside in Oxfo rd, n1. Mn RR cv 'rf s· 'ona un<luy o( lhe moulh Ol' ------- ~ ~ ------U:OO a. w. . . It's the World's Best. . No one ho l'! ever mallo II fllLlye, St. J\lMy's Episcopal Churcb. olutmen~ or blllDl t? Oll U1Jlar~ WIth Itrl'. J . P . 'utl waliucl c r, n 'clOI'. Buoklen s Arnica I:)ulvo. Jt. H the SlIl1llay hool. 0 :ao 1I. m Morning sl!r' one perfeoL hel)ler of Cuts, Coros, 1·lcc. lU :ao n. m . Holy Communion ~h o IIrsl Bllrnt', Bruitles l::iore!' ~cll ld R Boils ~lIUllllY 01 each month, Ulcera, ECZODl/;, '/lIt' RhoUL~. Fo; . • - -.--Sore Eyes, Cold Hor 8, Chapp el l J\'\ethodlst Episcopal Churda. Hand, or l::iprniu8, it 'R supremH. Rev, H. W. Dalley, PlI8tol . Infallible fnr PilAR . Oilly 2:ic at SuruillYS hool. U ::10 a. IU . Morning ser· ii'red C. Sohwl\rtz's v ice, 111 :30 a. m. I-: I'worch r.c nguc . 7:00 p. Ill. I!:v,mlng Rervlcc. -;: 00 1'. m. . Ml<lwuok l'r Iy cr !\Ieetlnl/. 7 p . m. ..... Christian Church. SHEEP SCAB Wool l)Ollin~ il'> com won In flooks L. 0, ThomPllOu, I'nst.oe . IJIblu nov. School. 0 : 30 a. m. Social mooting. \vben sonb Is present and OJilY bf'Elt 10:3 0 u. m. hrlsUcul Enelcavor. 7;0 0 p. m. . Sormoll by pllStor evury ,u\tomato SUlIday " be oured bV dipptDg 1,0 de troy the 10:30 a. ro. nlld 7:30 p. m, poraRite, wllloh uurrow!' In the skin . \ Hkksitc Friends Chura. It ollnses suoh Irritntion lind it~hlng .1'" IrRlDIlY !IIcclln v.. 'I ~ : OO II . m. First D:\7 tbut th!l sheep artt n early frn ntl c I.lnd ·hool. I I ; 0(1 a. m. I' ou nh Day McellnIC.


Dit. H.E.

Th r Is 011 1" thing tb nt ought (0 mllil Hon . J c Taylor th e R ~\'lUbll can cRndldat for congress, populnr with very farm r tn the Sixth cll s trll't, and tba't Is th tll ' t th at . he hl\-,;' shown himself a parti cular chnmplon for good rOAds. Tbf' l'o Is not !lnoth I' thing that can b o na med tlHt Is of the money. tlpol'tance to the "Every road within a etate bethan good ron<18. Th y al e, comee a poat·road whenever by nlflcanoe, 11 lIe the throe the action of the postofflce de· every day. The farm er c nn nol t·o give goat! results . partment provision Is made for move a rod from h,ome wltb· - -Force!! to Leave Home. the traneportatlon of malle upon out fe elin g gratification 0\' r a or over It, cuod rond, or morlifl alla n und dis· Every yen,r 1\ lurgo nnlll uer vf "Poet-roade and public ' highlUst over a bad on . And hesld os p Ollr ~ufftl re rs what! lun g ure sore ways are highways of commerce, the esthetic feeling, th~ pride at hav· "nd ru olted with coughs nre urged ae much as are railroads or rlv· Ing roadways ;that speak for th em- to gQ to anoth e r olimate. But t,his and harbors. They extend selves of an nterprlslng nelghbor- i!l oostly lUlU IlOt 01 wa.yil sure . out Into the country and gather bood, showing Int IlIg nt apprecla- There'A n bfl tter wuY. Le t· Dr. up ilnt! brIng to the market, railtlon ot handsome Ilnd sllUsfactory King'S N A VI' DIscovery core you a.t road atatlon and wharf, the great phYlilcal environments; there Is t he h Ollle . ' 'It onr('d Illfl of lung t.rouvolume of . the products of the money side of tbe matt r, In more bl:," writ os W. P... Nelson, of C"lacountry. way.s than one Every farmer Irnows il11De, A .. I{ ,"wbelJnll ~ l se lllil en8nd "The governlfient has been the dollar and cent vulue ot good I gained 4'7 pounds In weight. It generous to the railroads, ha.s roads In getting bls produc to his ' sur e ly t.he King of 1~1l cough !lut! given. to rallroade 44,464,719 marktJt- he knows bow mucll more lung ourel:'." 1'h0\18'1 nds owe tbel r acres of public lands and has In 111 :00 n. UI . It costs If bls roads ore bad than It lives nod health to It. Its pos itive. thle way aided In the building of . Would If he lIRd good rand s. Another ly gUlI.rl\.nteeu ~ r Cough!!, ColdR, pull or rub oft' the woul. .AllY of 14,930 miles of rallroade and the Orthodox Friends Churc&. side of the mon ey phn se of t'l e sub. Lo6rippp, Asthmo, Urou)l- all t.he comm e rcial arsenical dips or the bonds of railroads amounting to ject is the In cr aeed vnluo of \' r.y Throat· and Lung troubles. ' 500 lind 0011.1 tllr Ilreparlltions will do tht' Ilcl'. lIenJa min Hawkills, Pellnor , $64,623,612, both principal and acre of \'er): fllrm hy wbl ch n line '1 ~OO. '.frio I bott.le free at Freu U \Vork. ]f. the Akin IlliS n y e llow tint Sabbath II :1.10 a. llI . II !:ul ar chureb I terest, were guaranteed by the .. "cn 'loe, 10 School, ' \10 II . W. Christian F:uclea vor. macud am t\1rnplk I'IIns . If f\(' ('essloll 8ohwartzs . governm ent, nnd re em bles wax gi ve el1'cb sbeep 7 ;:10 p .. to OUI' weallh Is d -Irabie, whl·b Is - - - -...- -.- - - "The government haa !!onated a large table!l]loonfol of g luube r's the almost universal wish , the re- III no THE ' IMMORTAL SOUL 4,500,724 acres for" . bulldlnlJ casBlts twice' daily . ensler way to Illtaln It thlln by hav· nals and for river and harbor Im....,.-- . ~ Ing our prO}lerty Incrense 111 va lue. It.1s .t rue thut th~re is no knowing provement 1,980,000 acrel, .I.~;~~S! Suve Money and KeeJl{ in "The government haa approprlThis Is the way .many great fortun es wben I shlL11 die-f. may even die PRA Y--THEN SHOT .have been mod In la rge cI Me.. Tile ated $16,600,000 to aid the louthStyle by RefJding McCall',' good roads of Greene county, bring' tomorru~ i but firmly believing al' em etates In the co·netruct.lon of f¥lagllzine and Using McCall Patterns Ing he r farm ers TI al' to th(~tr 11111r- I do ~n the Inuestruotibillty of cner· Commanding blm to fall on bis leveee to prevent overflows and McC.U', tit ••• II D e will ketO Js why Gr lie county (!lrms nrc gy, 1 am quite indifferent to the ad· knees und pray, A I bert Reid, 12 the destructlc:," of property along M~G\LI:S MAGAZINE h" IIl' }, 1\ elm.• s slyl-. worth $100 per acre. when West rn vent . of death. Dellth after a·lI, yellrl old, of Norfo!k , Va. fired the Mluillplpi river, and hal I. I\ly "I n 111/lIh,rIIlO ' <'~ I'II I1 ~ ' hy k no piLI /l Canada ones can be tiou ht for $.15. ' " made ' Iarge approprlatlonl of , " ba,ie Ited. only .a fe w of th ben. mell.~s more 't hun a oorpor~ul a bullet tbTongb t e heo.rt of Wlllter '"" I' os L ~ cI ou Ihe) money to teach the welter'n peoa Ln"'l r" !i.h lou S lu 1 eflts of good roads: 'n su bject So much ohnnge: there olln be no reason wby 61tH, 9 yeors old, while ' tiIA ' t.wo "lllth " ,,"cl .ho\.~. 60 ple how to build' reaervolr. and , •,,\\' 1,'>IlI.h l(llI llellll!1lS In l he public. mind just nOw~ !\nd ' on 1, my ownself, shotild 'vani@b into were doiQg wn~ West stunt!' in dama to store and uae the water. III I'ucb Iss\lO: A Iso brollgl!t dlr (~tly to . notlc. he re by utter no~hingnes~, . and I COn James street Illte yesterday after. VllIII,lblo lu(urmnllon to Irrigate arid landi, 0 11 ,,1\ hOlllo ~hd POr· another "~he 'cltlee have been eupplled · our two sl:ll nd.ld IIllHl;.dl\l11 tlll'llplkcs " vinoec;i th~t whutever chonge ma noon Charles Oonnors 1I1,JlIlI I nhlhol'!!. Only towards .lam atowo· and Wilmington, ,. ' J, ' , ' fillC n l'llf. Incluclln/l with po stoffl eel and custom but 'lUany ()th CI- IIdvantllg' I> 'ar \111' oorporeal se\f may nndergo my en · smf:l,ll boy, W88 playing witQ !Wid u. fr I lIHt rll. Subhouiee lit a coet of $3'00,000,000; __ ~._ ,crrllO lVlIllJ' or send .named, nt; ntitmcc,1 .by .J I:IS Taylor , ergy I&~d $o~l will foreyer relD.ain. and 'Ball. . "I.n one year,. '1907, $37,108,083 Idii:lC2E!=Cii:_"'~ for frQ : emillu COli), • . in bls 'nu,?, rous F }l\J oh B an this v ry iu tbl8 world. In this .re,peot · . The rille wa~ n cbeap a~alr( but wal approp riated by cOllgree, for Mdl.1I P.II..... "'11\ \11.1>\ \1 YIIIII!! nUik In '0111' OWII IInllll'. wIth )'IHlro\\'n 1Inll(18. \lI(lIhlLlI! (o~ ItnpOl'tRnt ~~lbj (\(:t. .....xonla Dully Gn- I . Agree witb the re\i~10nI8tE4, whp' the firing W8S'ut suoh olose range'8 and ha·rbo ..., yl'III "ill ulHI .·hlltlr II ~"hll' lJ \\'1I~bC).perl'ec' tte. 1>1R"is '_0, H110. h ' hI . 1)'lll '1I1C111,l. Price-n UllO hhlho.r 'ban 111 "The government I, nowapend.z Taylor a Cha l'i, plon of 't he needs h 0 Id th . $Jt th e 80n Ii t'l t mmor ta 1. - ' that t h e b t1 11 e t. IiImost went trough DilL,. -end ror rreo PenlllrD uLalolrue. Ina mllilona of. do.lI.. ... 'f or Inand. rlghte of the people. . Coont Okoma, In Japan ·Wee.kly the Ball boy'" bQdy . . W. Will em ,..- .'IM .~ I'or .oUln« lObt.rnal Improvementl In Porto Rico rllHi"n nmooll your 1'tt1l!1I11I. lid for tree Reid says he. was only pla1 in g . Denver blindly ' folio.we hi. Demo- CbroDiole. ' J'f(·/nlum \:11''''0 e I\lId Cub Prill! Oln!r. and the Phlllppln" ;or the bencratlc lelder on every roll call and , •. ' • and ",beD he &Old Ball' ~o get (low~ Tie IkW.L 0IIPAtn'. ZIt . . . . . . . "' . ._ 'efI~ of ' an IIl1en' people, who add ~~: ...CANDIQATI FOR A , THIRD ''Aqnti1whear ;~dll wjwlge.' and pralhe did Dot l.ateDd &0 iboot. little to .our Nvenu.. and ,,-ve moN than .. .........1tafI. 4



------_ ----

. --- -


To thioken grolvies for pot rOll8ts or stews, . put a pieoe of brown bread in with the me"t: Whbn you go tQ malle the gruvy rub it up for ..he I thlokenlng



~------~----- t h udd e l' with cold 'fhe prevalen ce of t.lle tObtlCOU t.llree t.ill1c,s a tIa .... IIIHI twi oe dl1il y I am kin g hnhit 1I1Tl <1ng Bcbool boy" ponge wll h 1\ 10ti ,lO oomp >led· at hud led tu Il co mplnin t hClin !-t lIlad e twOd!' UIIH~ eac h f dilute l'lulphurlc : to ( )bief of Polic cbl o by ' up do · acid \ 10 per oenl) unll powdered : t p..ndent. of ~obaolEl George C dn~ to 1\ pint of oo ld Wilter. Uiv Dl a,trlob, Rt pj ~UO, Ohio . 'IdrllDlofdri d Bulpb llteoflroD in ] Ihenlunesofll uumherofdell iurs r ed nig ht Slid morning if s h e is wh o nrA reportell to hllve old ton ot In 011 If. H H thnt tile udder is l bu ooo fr o m t ' me .t.o time t o schoo l .o ot. bing brui ed upon u hard boyi! have bean gi ve n tn tho p olice. 1 Euoh of the clt!al er s r eported as 8 ')or. Milk g ntly. _ _ _ ... _ I Relliog toblloco llIegull y wu gi von


'WordS have welgbt when'li a man behind tbem. Evan lf tbey be kind, l\lvlog, "ppreoiutl ve "ords, they 80un~ hollow and Ilre ent.irely unhelpful unless there Itl a nobl", life b""k of them. And 80 tbere Is an immel;lsurable value tn Il true -"tte.-Blaok . .



i i ! i





----- -----


Call and See Its Many Advantages

J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville. O.

---_. - ..

A"'"manr'irt.rtltl~ thlDL\Slne n l1llrt.s.t him, Lie olost! ub J ut hll:! I'det. -.uunotvll Milnes, _ _ __ - It Looks Bad for You











""1,,,-.... --..-....-.-.....





Practical Fashions LADIES ' EIGHT· GORED SKIRT. 11osle. '!'he dom es Uc torce waa now ot headsto nes, and altboug h, 'When Il do",'" t:o ~ I ury Ann and Liddy. wltb fouad myself last, I bad a n InslJnct ive I H....,~......!1I1tI the uu der·gal'd ner 's wife coming d sire to ke.ep looking back O\'e r wf e very day to he lp out. Fortuna tely, s hould r, 1 found that, th e firs t unea sl· Warne r and the detectiv ca we re keep- ness past, a ceUioter y at ni ght t s much Ing bach lor hall In the lodge. Out the same as any ot defer ence to l..trldy th ey washed 1\lIed ....·Ith yacue' otber ountry lilac' , sbadow s anti IInex· thel\' dis hes once a dny, and t l.luy can· pected nols s. Once , Indeed- but MI'. coeted Queer messes. accordi ng ' to Jami eson said It was aD owl. und J CHAPr ER XXXI, Mill" Inne.. eplnsto r nnll gtlRrdlnn of t heir several ablII Ues. They had one tJ'led to b oll ve him. o rtrudo li nd HaJ~ e}', !<Utblillhe!l 6U OI · tr iumph that th ey ate r eg ularly for in th e s had ... w at tt:. Armstro ng m r hcsllquur tun ut Sunnysh Betwee n Two Fireplac es. br akfast, and that clung to thelr g ranlt IIhart .Armstro ng WI\.!! found shot tnlo.u athrnold '" stoII(Jed. I think. the In clotbes aDd th eir ha ir th e Wbat with th ex It m III of tbe 4,1s. ti l l' h II. rest at tho doctor want d to send me back . C;rrt .. "I .. and flnn 'f'. Jilek eO\'e ry, the, wuUl home und e r th e st~rll !lalley. had cOllveTJ<od I"" In the '}llllard day. It was bacon. bllrdtac k and "It's no place 1'01' a woman, " I heard In wet " \10111 shnrtl y burllr" till) UlunlLO r. 11 ' IP C' s ho s and draggle d skirt s. and {Iva Jamieso n :Lcc u" ",1 IIf1KS I nn" s or hnld· onions, tri ed toge th e r . T hey we re al· him protesti ng angrily. But the de· getting ups tairs and undl'tlssed IllS' back ov l.lent'o. nshla Hlllley of l'aul most pa thetical ly grateful . howeve r without . I tec tlv e salli SOIll thing about wit· Armst rong's h nk, dMllllet, wall tlrl'<'IStru tor mb.' u lelll .. nl. l 'ulI I A rmst ron,,'s ' noticed , fo r an occa s ional broiled ten· nessel!, and th do tOI' ouly came over rous ing \..Iddy. I was complet ely used up. Wh at to do with my Qoats was 4eath w us IIl1nounccd. HnlsoY'H de rloln. aud fel t my pill s€'. Loulso Arml<trOIl!;, toh' lI nls that!l anoee, tbe great st puzzle ot all, t!l e re be ing while It was not until Gertrud ah e 1I1111 loved hi m, Bhe was tor marry e and Rosie " Anyho w, I don't b ellev you're lIny no pillce in Rn· th h allS safe from Lid · othe r. It develope d tha t Dr. r WilS had gono and Sunnys ide had se ttled ..... orso orr bcre than you would be the mnn. I.oulae WI\S found Walk In dy, until 1 uec id t' d to s lip upstllirs the untonsclous down tor tho n lgbt, with Winters at th e bottom or th at that n ightmar e or a house," he said Ircula r staircase . next mornin g a nd drop tlje m Inlo lho Ihe eaJd IIo methlng hnd brushed by h r tlle foot of th e s ta.lrcase , that Mr. fiually , a nd put hi. coat on the ateps hole tb e III the dark on the slalrway "ghos t" blld made In t h ll sh .Tamleso n broache d a subject he had at 5157 tainted. Bailey 111 suspected ofan d Arm· th c s haCt tor me to sit on. trunkroo ll1 1\' II. .trunK·s hl ll rdor. Thohlas, lhe ' ndg keep· c vldently planned before be came. Thero Is II s nse of d ese mtion, at All S cams Allowed .- A vc ry IItyUsb IS WHAT WE CAN SAV. er wa. found 'cad with I went as leep 8 S soon lUI T r\lacbed nolo In his "Ml ss Innes," he sa id. stoppin g Ille a r evenlR l of th e e \'e rlastlng s); lrt In Inslep le nglh Is he t' pictured pOcket bearing th e na me "IILucien fitn ess of tbls decision , ' and In my dreams l· a s I was YOU ON AN), BUGGY lace. " A ladder found out of Il lacc d\Ya I anti Is ono that will de ve lop about to co to lOy room up· tilings, In r es ulT ling a body from ~ c p, In the Ita li ved ov er agai n th e eve nls at tnll the m)'ster y. The stobles were TOP Buggics , Runaboota. stairs , "ho w are your nen'es to- moth ' r cloy . And tb e hellvy burned, and In the dark Miss mate rials wll.b e xcellent yet th a t night. In ni ght. Again I saw Ule gronp In nes shot night?" Carts and Wagons, &n Intruder. Halsey mYllterlously a round The "band ed·ln" e rrect Is made e rr ect. _ dlsl\p· t he II a nol'a c burc bya rd , I sat quiet· th sile us e of .,eared. His a uto WBf! [Qund wt'eC'k Wbeels. T op Trimmings. nt , figur e on tb e gruss, and h re, tI by "I liar none," I said ha(Jplly. "With Iy by. aud wat h which gives the style without & trelght train. It dC\'elbp t1 lt alsC'y hnd d Ale x and Mr. again, a s hatl happe n d Writ. lor Prlcn at th e grave, causing Ihe wearer any an a rgument In the library with woman Hnlsey found . my troubl es have gone ." Jam l so n stea ming ove of the dl scom· r tlle lr wo rk, I heard Alex's voico, t nse before his dlsopPcllranc. N e w II.oak m. CWL22tJ BUOB II SCHEU CO. and dis· "I mean," trl · be pe rs is ted. "do fort you f of "el th without e actual faot. a Sing le qualm, except the umphan t : "ppel1l1l. MI8S rnn es learned Uals The model was as tbough Clnclnn.". Ohl.. aU "c. Dr. Walker' s in ce becomesy livid you could go tbrough with fear of de tection . Is cut In eight gores , !Ill el(cep t the coo.court and Broadn, at menUon at tho nnnte of Nina. "Then w 'VA got tbem," h IOlIld . back on stoppin g nt kn ee depth, · somethi ng I'ath I' unusual ?" Tbe doctor k ton. Evidence was sccured from Carrlng e pt a k een lookout , but Ooly. In my dreams , he said It over Type write rs n~~... 1·4 Price "Th e nlOst ullus llal tblng I CAn think no one appeare d. that 0. man, 8upposed l1 Halsey, a trump a a box·plal ted bt n fioun ce Is Once in a while and ove r until be B eUled at· a. L. Booth'" Co.. 4~ LaSalta St .. Chlc ••o t.ound And gngp!d and thrown had to shriek or weuld into It fln be a peacefu l night. tached Bllt It und e r a band . The center· he came ove r to me, and gave me Ii In my .. mpty bolt car. Gertrud e WIlS missing. enrs. Hunting tor her. Mias Inm~l! ran into 0. anythin g Is gOing to occur, don't dare ·reassu rln g pat on tbe sboulde r. back gore glv s th box·plal t e rrect fll a n alld taJntl!d. A conrederote ~ i nomPlin'. EYI Wat'" I wake ned ell to rly. let me In spl1e miss It." of my fa· and ex te nds to th e he m of the skirt. Or. " I never expecte d to come this," he Wa.lker conteAe d hI. part 10 theof mys· tigu , and lay there tblnklng . Who The band' at tbe head at "Someth i ng Is gOing to occur." he said once. "There' tery. tbe flounoe s one thing sure- was Alex? TO SAVE TIME. said. "And you'r e the only woman I I'll not be slls I no longer belie ved that may be made of a contras pected of comllllc ity. A he tiug mat~ was a ga rd e ner. Who was the rial, but It must be of CHAPT I!R XXIX.- Oontlnu ed. can tblnk or tbat I can take along." doctor Is gen the same color erally s uppos ed to be mlln whose body we had r es urrecte d? to be In the best style. He looked at his watch. "Don't ask handlE'r at burying The closing folks than at dig· And whe re was "She struok me as being an ugly me any question s, Miss Innes. Put on .glng them up." Paul Armstro ng? Prob- Is 'at th I tt side of th back. Serge, ably living safely In some extradit ion· homes pun, cbevlot . custome r, and when ahe left, about 11 basket less country on the fortune he had othe r s ml·roug b mixture weave or o'clock, arid went across to the Arm· s wm make stolen. Did Louise and her mother up best In this design 8trong place, 1 was not tar behind her. . The pattern know ~f th e shamef ul and wicked de· (6167) is cut In G She walked all around the house first, slzes- 22 to 32 ception ? What had Thomas known, WRist. To make tb looklq u.p at the window s: Tben sbe e medium size reo and Mrs. Wat on? Who was Nina Quires 4", yards of mate rang the bell, and the minute the door rial 44 Inches Carring ton ? opened she wiLs through It. and wide. Wid tb at iowe r edge 4 \of: yards. This last QuesUo n. It s eemed to m e. Into the hall." To procure thlll pall rn aend 10 cents was answere d. In SOII\l! way the 10 "Pattern Departm "How long did sbe stay'" ent." of thl. vaper. woman had learned of 'Che substltu · Write name and address plainly. and be "Thal'lt the queer part of It," Riggs lure to .. Ivo alSo and number of pattern. tion, and had tried to utle her knowl· eald ealerl, . "Sbe didn't eome out edge for blackm ail. Nln,. Carring ton's that Dllht at all. 1 went to bed at NO. 5167. SIZE .......... ...... . own story died with her. but, howeve r 4a)'Ulh t, an.d that was the last 1 It happen ed, It was cle,.r that she had beard of her until the Dext day, wheD NAME ... ......... . .......... ....... .. ........ . carried her knowled ge to Halaey the I ..... ber on a tnick at the station, afterno on Gertrud e and I were look· TOWN .••.•••.•• . : .. .......... .......... ... .. -ooyenc1. with a sbeet. 'She'd been Ing for clews to the \IIan I had shot .. truok b)l! the ezpress and JOU would 81'REE' l' AND NO .......... .......... .. . on the east veranda . Halsey bad bee'n 'hardl7 bave known her-de ad, of half crazed by wbat be heard; It was ou,... . I tbJDk sbe stayed all n.lght ~ fJTATE ....•••••• •••••••••• ••••••••.• ••••••• , Algy WeakU ng-Mls s Wls, l·aw· evident that Loula6 was marryin g Dr. In tile Armat roq ' bOUie, and ~be that ls-Glad ys, l-er-des lre to-aw! realWalker to keep the shamefu l seoret, _ent sald-sl1e was crossln s the track GIRLS' DRESS . lyfor her mother 's sake. Halsey, al· to take the uP,-train to toWll when the OIndys Wise-K eep rlgbt on ;. rn ways reckless , ' had gone at once to expreae struck her." , conside r your proposa l and have my Dr. Walker and denoun ced him. There "Anoth er circle!" I exclaim ed. had been a scene, and he lett on hIs an swer r eady hy the time you have 4'Then we are ,ust where we ltarted." way to the station to meet and notity gotten It out of your system. "Not 10 bad as that, MilS InDes," Mr. Jamieso n of what he bad learned . Riggi said 8I.leriy . "Nina Carring ton Prize Fighting anI! Prayer. The doctor wus active mentall y a~d came from tbe town ' In CalUorn ia The little son of Nelson T . W nder . physica lly. Accomp anied perhaps by where Mr. Armstro ng died. 1 Why was of Seattle hfUI been train ed bY, hiS fa· Riggs. who had shown hlmseiC . not the doctor so afraid of her? The Car· th er to box. H Is only sIx yeara of ev.erscr upulous until he quarrel ed rlngto~ woman knew I som"thl ng. 1 age. Hi s -a.tbe r puts th e glo\' a OD with his emploS'er, he bad gone across lived wIth Dr. Walker seven years, with him anrt us ually . after a few to tbe railroad embank ment, and, by aD4 I know him well. There are few rounds. hold s him ,Iown on tbe Hoor jUmping In front of the oar, had thlbgs he Is afraid ot, 1 think he killed until he count s him out III tho regular caused Halsey to swerve. The rest Mr. Armstro ng out In tbe west some- ---1~~ tasblon of : a! the story we kne,v. where, thal's what I think. What else "One- t wo-thr ee-" That was my reconst ructed theory be did I ~n't knOW- but be dismiss ed One ni ght the youngst er ltD It tloWll of that afterno on and e vening; It was me and pretty nearly throttle ll me" nt his mother 's kn e to say his pray· almost correct -not ·qulte. for telling Mr. Jamieso n here about e r s and b gan: Tbe re was a telegram that mornln l Mr. Jnnes' haYIng been at bill office "Ob. LOl'd. one- two-th rel'- fourfrom Ge rtrude. the night he d1sappe ared and about ftvc-" . -Holsey onsclous and Impro\'lng. ProbIDY bearing tbem quarreli ng." . 0' '.~ .1-:-., Th en bo r ern cmb F)r e d himself and ably home In duy or so. "What was it Warner overbelU"d the said quickly : GERTR UDE. woman Bay to Mr. Jnnes In tbe 11· 'W lth Halsey found and Improvi ng "'Scuse me. Ood. I I bo u~ht Willi . brary'?" the detectiv e asked mo. in haith, and with at last someth ing bing counted out."- Popu!llr rag· "Sbe said 'I knew there was ~OOl e· to work on, I began tbat day, Thurs· azlnE' . thing wrong from the start. A man da y. wltb fr es h courage . As Mr. The Retort Courteo us. Isn't well one day and dead t) e n ex t ,Jamieso n had said, the linos were "Now," said th e sllllrnge tte orator, ~Itb out some reason. ''' closing up. That I was to be caught "She Walked All Around the House Firlt, Looking Up at the Wlndow l." How perfectl y It ~1l seemed to fit! aud aimost finish ed In the closing was All Seams Allo,wed .-Th dross WI! lIweepln g tb audl DO wl't h h I' agio eYf?, "1 ' s e 1111'. Dobbs slttlug down bapp~ly unlmow n to us all. heavy s bces, and some old dark sbow at this tlm e Is a very praotlca l The un canny momen t came when CHAPT ER XXX. It was late whe n I got up. I lay In design, as It may be made- up ve ry slm· there In .the third. r c>w-Il man who clothes, and ma)ce up your mind not Alex and Jamieso n tossed the sp.a des ·has cond scended to com II l' to· to be surprise d at anytblll g." on the grass, and I confess I hid my my bed, looking around the tour walls ply, or trimme d and be quite a dre ssy night and listen, to ollr argume nts. He When Ctlurch yardl Yawn. of the room. and trying to Imagine be· garme nt. Liddy was sleeping the sleep ot the face. Tber e was a period Tbe waist has a vest In ~I1S beart! · wbat I hnve hat! to say. at stress, I It was on Wednes day Riggs told us jnst whe n I went upstairs , and 1 think, while tbe h eavy comn was be- hind what one at them a secret cham· front, eao b side of whlcb a r ever Is and I tblnl( we should 11k to hea.r the ~tory of bls connecl lon wltb some hunte d out my things ber might lie. turned Certain ly, In dayligh t, . The closing Is down t he back. cautlou sly. The Ing rais ed. I felt that my compos ure frol:1 him, aud g ot a mall's vi e w of out' Inciden ts that had be'en pre viously un· detectiv e was waiting In the hall, and was going, and . for tear I would Sunnys ide deserve d its Damo; never The skirt Is side·pla lted, the plaits cause. Mr. Dobbs. tell us ~ltplalned . Ralsey bad been gone I was astonish ed to see Dr. Stewar t shriek, ' I tried to think at someth ing was a house more cheery and open, turning away from tbe center on both thlnl' of lhe s lIrrrage ttcs." wha t you .Ince tbe Friday; nlgbt before, and with him. They less sides, sinister thus in giving ~eneral a panel effect In appeara nce, wete talking can· else.:......what time Ge rtrude would reac~ "Ob, I c-e-.colli dn't, m·m·luu 'am!' 'WIth tbe passage at eacb day I felt fidentia lly togethe r, but when. I came Halsey- anythin g but the grisly reaU· There was not a corner apparen tly the tront. The sleeves aro gathere d stamme red Dobbs. "I' rnr·real ly thaJ; be might be carried thousan ds down they ceased. There were a few ty tbat lay just beyond me on the that was not open and above·b oard, Into a narrow band . ThIs dress may c-cDlIldn't. Thu·tbe re are 1.\ dles of miles In the bolt·car, locked In. per· prepara tions to be mad8i and yet, somewh ere be behind made Its at hand· cash'me re , serge, or any , pUI'l.pres ent:'~Harper's W e kly. the looks to graas. somely papered walls I beHeve d firmly ot the pretty plaids and cheoks that, laps, wltbout water or food . I had be gone over, Winters to be Instruct ed And then I heard Ii low exclama tion that , there lay • ead of cases where bodies had been aa to renewed vigilanc a hidden room, with are to be fou~d j it may have roIt hi search of il close e, and then, from the detectiv e and I felt the pres. all the J)osslbi lities It would Involve. found locked In cars on Isolated sid· after elEtingu lshlng vers made of silk or velvet and 8 ('ne with a close mouth friend lIeled the ball light, . we sure of the doctor' . fingers on my fogs In the west. and my spirits went crept, In the darknes parrow I made braid a mental trImmin note g will to have greatl, the l, through the arm. 40wn with every, hour. add house to measur the effect. ed during The pa tter 1I Is lu the day to dl.· front door, and Into the IIlght. DAME NATUR E HINTS HIs recover y was destined to be 1.1· "Now, Mlsa Innes," he said gently. cover any discrep ancy betwee n the 4 slzes-6 to 12 years. To make the I alked no qU'est1ona. I telt tbat When tho Food II Not Suited. outer medium and most as sudden as his disapp earance , they were dOing me Inner size wUl walls, require and I tried' "If yartlt! to you of will come over-". honor ID ' making and was due directly to the tramp me one 'ot the party, I held on to him trantlca lly. and rtlcall agaIn the exact wording of the materia l 36 Inches wide. and ~ would sbow Wbp.n Nature gives her signal that paper Jamieso n had tound. Alex had brough t to Sunnysi de. It them I could be as To prooure thla pattern lIend 10 cent! silent I\S they. We someho w I lot there and looked down. to "Pattern D~partment." ':It this paper, .ometh lng Is wrong It Is general ly (TO BE CONTIN UED.) aeems the man was grateful for hIs went aoross the fields, passIng through Wrt\e name and address p'"lnly, and bt with the food. The old . Dame Is al· r lease. and when he learned some· the woods that reached ~ to II'Ive size and number or patinn. almost to the ~ays talthful and one should act at At tho Half·Ce ntury Mark. thing of· Halsey' s wherea bouts tram ruins ot the atable, going over stHea once. youth Is eternal to blm who"be lleyel another membe r ot bls fratcrn lty- now and tb.e n, and sometim es step· NO. 6129.' To put oft the change Is to risk that • SIZE.......... .. ... .. In eternity . To me youth means any· tor It Is a fratllrn ltY-he was prompt pIng over low fences. Once ollly which may be Irrepara ble. An Arizona where from In letting us know. eight onward . I was aD NAME •••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••• somebo dy spoke. and th'en It was an man says: exceedi ngly old person at elgbt a1ld I On Wednes day eve ning Mr . .Tamle- empbat lc bit of profani ty trom Dr. . "For years I could not sarely eat any TOWN .......... .......... .......... ....... .. trust r violate no confiden~ wben I 'Ion, who bad be<8n down at tbe Arm· Stewar t when he ran Into a wire breakta st. I tried various kinds of confess a youthfu l . exubera nce now 'Rtrong house trying to see Louise - fence. STREET AND NO .......... .......... . .. breakta st food. hut they ,,:ere all sort. Uaat I bave bumped' against the balf· ,and failing- wail m et near th e. gate at We were joined at tno end ot th'e starchy messes which gave me dIs· nATE way .•.•.•••..• post. •..•.••.•• Fl!ty Is .••...••.•• a splendi d time tor •.•.••• .Sunnys lde by an Individu al precisel y minutes by another man, who tell Into tresslng bead aches. I drank strong youthtu l expansi on; one's fancy still as I'epulslv e and unl{cmp t a s tb e one step with the doctor silently . He car· corree, too, which llPpeare d to beneflt retaIns all Its Ingenui ty while one'8 .AIel( had capture d. The Ulan kn e w rl ed someth ing over Tho Bright Poodle. his shoulde r me at the lime, but added to the bead· Judgm'e nt Is bettered by experie nce. t he detectiv e. and he gave him a which I could ' not ')rs. Gretllm s-Y(Jur poodle seemB nches afterwa rds. malte out. In this When sItting on the' 60 milesto ne the ',I'oast nnd coffee pie 0 ot dirty paper. on whl 11 was way \\' 0 walked for to obey perhaps 20 mlnues. vane at man's ,'Islon points southw ard .nouth you 1111 soon as you open your were no better, tor I found the toast IIcrawle d th e "'Ol'ds : "I-Ie's at City ' .. Th doctor was puftlllg some what very constip ating: to the past' ahd northw ard to the tu· Ilospita l. Johns tllle." Th e trump who wbM we finally came Mrs. Kennel ly-Oh, he obeYR ma to a halt. I can· "A frleud persuad ed me to quit the ture with a minimu m ot oscUlat ion. someth nes before I open my bl'ought th o paper pl'elend ed to know f ss that just at that mouth . minute even old coftee and th~ starchy brenkfa st Rancoro us though t and splenet ic ex· nothing , excopt this: The pup r harl Mrs. Gretllm s-He does? r Wben? unnysld e seemed a oheer!u l spot. 'We foods, and use Postum anti Grape·N uta pression give way to quieter nervel bee n. pass II along from a " hobo" In had paused at the .Mrs. edge of a level and calmer view, and the mellow light· ·rearty. Kenn elly- When his meals are Instead. 1 shall never regret taklnt " Johnsvl ll ', who l!6Elmed to kno w th . leared Illace, bordere d 0\1 arouud his advice. I began using them three ed vista at the years that have gODe Informa tion would b valuable to us. with pr ' mly trimme d evergre en trees. months agQ, Bctten the heal'l: ot the y,)uth of a half Again tlie long·dls tan ce t ' l phone Det\\'ee n them I caught Might B'o True. 'The cbange they have w'o rked In century of yell4 s .-John PhLllp Soula eame Into l'ellulslU on. 'MI'. Jamieson s tarlight shining down a glimpse of ·M rs. Neighbo rs-The y tell me your on rows of In me Is wonder ful. I DOW have the Circle. more called ' th e ho pllal. while we crowded ' while headstone~ and 80n hI on the oollege football eleven? of the dlstress ing Se1'S81\0n8 an occaslon lil 'In my around him. Aod when there wlis no more imposin g monum Mrs. Malapr op-Yes , Indeed'! ent or towerin g stomacb after e~~lng, 'and 1 n.ever have Jopgcr 'u ny d9ubt Ulat It was Halsey, s hart. In IIplte of . Differen t.· . Mrs. Neighbo rs- Do Ydu know what myself. '1 drew my ,jBut the Face That Showed In the headl\ch es. I hBve ' .gaJnecl .12 ' pO'!llds .nd that be wO\lld probably. recover, breath In !!ilarply . "I wrote him l.hat ·1 Wl\8 ready tp ppsltlon h~ 1)lays? ' We were on the , tU Weight and teel ,better In every' wuy: Light- " come home." . , Mrs. ' Mal~prop-I ain't sure, but I .., ' &11 laugh d and cried togethe r. I edge of the Casauo va ~hurchYllfd. "Grape· Nuls make a deliciou s as The lid of ~!.Ie casket had beell raised .. m. lur' I kissed Liddy, and 1 have "\Vas he gla.d ?" think he's one of the drawba cks• . 1 's aw now boU; the man who had well ... a nutrlt1Q ua ,d.lllb, _ad r fintl "(lie wrote me that he , would iI,,~e 'ad terrible momen ts since when joined the party and the Implem ents and ~ Sliver plate 'On It proved we to borrow that Postum I. easlly dlgelted and .l to remem~ kissing Mr. he carried. It was Alex, money to pay my QCit tare: ~ G limp J Ie of· It. armed ' with had made. no ml.stuke. . B\ltthe f~ce ",.'iD.Ie\on, tl"O. In the ·e xclteme nt. "Wbat did you do'" New District Visitor -Can YOU teU nt',,8!' produces dYspepatA Q1Dpto me." two long.ha nd\eds pades . . After the tllal showed In tb~ IIlht ''There 's 11 ReAaOn." of the lantfJl'D "I ,An,bow , ' by 11 o'clock that night fl'rs asked blm . me wb,t 1 ehoul4 do. aDd it thI. Is P~dtee .a venue? hock of lIurprls8 , 'I fiatter ·my: was a. tace I alad · never Get the U~tle book, -rile Road to .. seen berG/reo he aald he would borrow money Gertrud e wu $ , ber way to JObns' lleu I was botb. cool Rough"':"'ODeys~ckle II'Ove thI. lao and QUiet. We Thfl man whtl lay before ua waa aot eDOQgh We1h1De," III , .... . -.IIA. ~O mil.. a • .,., IlCflomllanled by y;~ to . Ingle ftle 'or me • etQ &bert .1IIIf Paradll e I. throush t"be weh wh-. .,etweeD tbe rowa Paul Armstlo Dl1 • JIWW. .... • .... •......' . Ao . . . . IODler." ' Yer lie them blobs aIhUll'.-PIul~




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.........==:. .-.:,".:1eur= •




WHY NEW C~S CITY 18 LO,GICAL POINT FOR WORLD'S PANAMA EXPOSITION. Its Geographlcs, Position and Many Other Considerations Mark It ., Mort Sulta blll Spot for Dedication of Great Work.


Public sontlm nl has decided that the com pletion of tbe Panama. Canal In 1915 shall be c elebrated with a groat Intcrnational Exposition In which all the nalions of the world may partfclpate: IlDd the Ques Uon of where this E x position Is to be beld 11'111 be settled by Congress o.t Its approaching s~sll ion . Ne w Orlean s and San Francisco aTe contesting for the honor of hold· Ing this Exposition . nnd both cities hav.l~ guaranteed· Immenso sums of mon y as an vidence of th Ir ab ility ,to nnan ce so great an ('n tcrprlse. An Exposition wor thy of the tenn "Worhl's Fair," such as Ne w Orleans prupOROs to bu ild. wi ll hI) a great I'd · ucatlonal movement. Its IH IC CB8 OB such, however. will dep nd cnti rely upon tb o per centage of our I.nrllllntion who can secure it s etil1rntio nal adVAnt age!!. this In I urn . ,I e penel s up . on tts locallon, as t he tim III t ravel. In g to and from th e Expos ition. and th e cos t In railroad and Pullman tares. are tb e most ImportlUlt Cactl)rll. Consld ring lh 131' mutte rs. New Orleans ' claim s to bing th e "[..ogl· enl Point" fo r this Panamn Exposl . t10n, se m to be fll ll y subs tantlatcd by til fo llowin g far. ts :Ne w Orlon.ns Is 500 mll eR from the cente r of poplliation In th e United StateR. Snn Francisco Is 2,500 mlies I dista nt ther(' fr m. Withi n a rn , litl ~ of 500 miles fr om New Orl l'ans th ro nr c 17.500 ,000 favorite a unt, p opl('. Withlll the same radius trom Della Torrey, Is now Snn Fran cis 0 thcr nre only 2.000,000. In her Igbty·l1flb yen r Within a radiu !! of 1.000 miles from lind even If sbe dlq New Or l('ans. th "1' nrc 65 .000.0 00. not hnve dl stln· Within th r BAmI' rn,lIus from San gulsh d a Fran Isco t her nl" on l ~' 0.000,000. t h PI' sid lit of th At nn Average of 900 miles tram nlled States to laud New Orl eou s. 1 her are 70 of our her to the s kies she prin cipal cities with a combined 'would be well wor thy poPUl ll tloll of 20.0 00.000 . Averag ing of public In t rest Rnd 900 mil es fr om Snll Francisco there admiration for she Is , are only 8 large cities, with a com- for h r nge, one of th e most remark· bin ed po pulation of just 1.000.000. able worn n In Am erica. For t he readTh aver n E' cllslnn('e ot all tbese er to appreciate the unusua l qtlallfi· clUes to N w Orl" nns Is 792 mlles,- cations of President Taft's [avorlte to San Francisco 2.407 miles. relntive It Is only necessary to l' Int 0\' r 75 lIer c('ltt. of tile peo ple at tb at sbe has a t tnlned the age of four the l nltct! Stat('s could go to an score and fiv e sit walks withou t a id Exposition th re at an avera ge ex · of cl'utch or cnne, seld6m wears pens for rnllpoad fare of $12,50, as glasses except when r eading; keeps again st an Il.V rage of $37 .50 to the abreast at the times by r egularly perPacific Coast; and for s veral mil· using the lea ding dally 'papers ; travlion s of our people. the Pullman els hither and thither at will; has per. tare and Dining Car ('M 'tpenses alone, feot hearing; and take s more than a for a tr ip to San Francisco, would perfu nctory part In h er housekeeping amount to more th nn all their trani- and In that cookery which President portati on expenses for a trip to New Taft bas lIlad ~ famous in his speeohes. Orleans. The oblef magistrate does not I t a Thi s Is an Impo rtanl public !Jues- year gO by wltllOut making one or Uon to be settled by Congress Ilt the more visits to Aunt De lla In her New 8esslon which convenes In Decemb er. England home nnd he has publicly l' nn y of our readers will wish to confessed that one especial lure Is visit Ibis Worl,\'s Pnnama Exposi- found In the apple pies dear to his tion, and If beld In 'e w Orl eans a 'memory ever since boybood and which BTeat mn.ny more cou ld 8par~ the ,he maintains nobody makes with such Umo and mon ey for tho trip tban wlzardy as AlInt Delln. In return for eould go to San Francisco. There- &ler hospitality the president and his fore, we urge our readers to write to family entertain Aunt Della several the two senators from this State and Urnes ench' year, both at the Wblte the oongressm an from lhl8 dlstrlot, Hou se at Washington and at the presINlquestlng lbem to Rupport New Or- den t 's vacation home on the north leana 41 t be can tes l shore of Massachusetts Bay. The pres id ent has made Aunt Della a canNot Responsible. nrt to the jo)'s of motoring, and this Nurse-What·s that dirty mark all your leg, Master Frank? , Frank- Harold kicked me. Nurse-Well , go at onoe and wasb -ol It off. Frank- Why ? It wasn't me what did Itl ~Punch.

The .verage marrted man kicks ::aUBe his wUe worries because doeSD't get home right on ' time, BUPPoae ahe , didn't care wbether ever ,came or DOt!

be- ' he but be




AD otito man aged 70 mamed a girl a'g ed 20 ' and deeded her 500 acres of

land. 'I).;D "be bad pIODQ' of grounds lor divorce.

Indant ~.lIef for All E1a1 that ere irritated from heat IUQ oi =:.J.B'1Tr1:'~ sn: 8ALV!o.~• .AU , '.. BOWard lIraa., BIIJWO, N. Y..

.:.:..'" ' ~87. W _'-1_....

J.~etable Preparation for As-

similating IheFoodandR~ula­ ling the 51onllu:fls and Bowels or

hornott's Dic.:!stion,ChurfulneS5 and Rest.Contains neither Opium.?t1orphine nor Mineral

AlxS.."" •S.. .. ' A.v-,,;, 1i'«1.,11, Snit. -. tI",uSuJ .




1J,·c",",",t,s.r/~ .,

" "'Scnl. .

CI.~Ni Ju~.~

1--_ 11;"'""",,, "(u-or~ ... _---


A perfect Remedy ra r ConS-lip&lion . Sou r Stomac.h,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convul5ions .Feveri!hness and Loss OF SLEEP.

For Over' 'Thirty Years

~~CASTORIA ------Net Income'

$3,000 From 28 Acres

of California Land past tl mmer he In troduced he r to anotb r new exper ience. a cruise on the presidential yucht Sylph which was h r flt'st voyage on a boat of any kInd In n il her long life. The fondnes s of Presid ent Tatt fat' Miss Torr y ' a nd her stately home at Millbury, Mass. , Is the more readily und erslood when It' Is ex plain ed that the old ho mestead In ' the little village In een tral Mnssachusetts,-the bou se that has b en home to Mi ss Torrey ever since s he was s ix yenrs of nge ,was the boyhood home of WUllam H. Taft and his brothe rs. Mrs. Taft, mother of tbe presiden t, always fo'und the climate ot Inclnnatl very t rying In summer and accordingly It became her custom to take tho children and spend the entire heated term cach year witb her only s ister In the home· stead at Millbury. No wonder that "Bm" Tart grew up with many close fri ends here, dating tram the days when he played "first base" on the pall ,team; and with strong assocla-

hoga ny a nd quai nl cblna calcu lated to provoke envy In the br a t or nny, ali ector of anU'll! s. Tb e r ~, t oo, Is the old family Dible with Its inter· estln g chroni cle of the various members of tbe clan for man y gen erations past. , Ln a ddition to her other nc ompHah· Dlents Aunt D Ua writes a clear l ~gI­ ble hand and il h~ha s pl ent y of prac· tlse In penman s: for sbe receives a bea,'y volum () mail now t hat he r nephe w's praise has made ber known by reputaUon 10 tbe grent American public. Mnny of the letters that come to :lIIlss Torrey can taln reQ ul's lS for her favorite recipes, particularly those tbat embody her formillas for the vaunted apple pies. Aunt Della declares that some of the r ecipes that ha\'e been attrlbut-ed to h e r had no such origin. but she smiles IndulgenUy at tile disposition to make her an oracle for Yankee housewIves who would reach the masculine heart tbrough the stomach.

The original price per acre was $40. Planted to peaches, plums, grapes and pears it yields $3,000 a year net, and would be cheap at $500 an acre. ~ This is only one example . of wh~t bas been done in a climate that drawl tourists from all over the world.

.Union Pacific Sf»uthern Pacific s....dard Roate 01 tIa. wua

Electric Block Slaloal.





For further facts and accurate tion about California call on or addrcu GEJmIf toIrr, P. 1'. II. D.P.LIL.871F_ac.



I.'r.,p, ./Old O,SA!flI£ Lnn::It'GN

0/ ~

' ''What Is ttle best war speech you 'I vUle, I think It was-he . looked for edge the receipt of the garm ent. It ever made In your life?" said a friend all the world Ilke a circus getting off was unfortunate!y apportioned to a the othe r day to Capt. Joe Waters. the cars. His wife evidently bad no maD who went by the soubriquet of "I never made but one good war Idea of war. She Imagined her hus- , hlmbley Dan ; ' he was about s even speech In my Ufe," he replied. "And band would put up over night at the feet two bches In altitude, anel built thnt was when I kissed the girls gopd- hest bolels, and would bave the bene· aCter the pattern of a contInued story by Rnd left with my company for tbe fi t at wash lists and laundries. 'But that runs for about so many consectJo camp of Instruction. Find friends gave that sblrt was born to DO such des- Uve weeks and then is announced to be hlmbley Dan me this nnd that with their farew ells, tiny. It was neve r to know a ' wash- 'conUnued In our next: ond wben the train pulled out. as It woman, or to be soused Into a tUb. t ried on the shIrt and thought R long "And speaking or shirts , some fair time. and finally concluded that he whirled arounll the bend and the last waving band kerchief vanished from and patriolic girl who was ' a me mber would answer In rh yme; and this Is eight, wc sat down and began mnklng of a Dorcns society, made a sblrt to what he had the cheek of a govern, an Inventory of our effects. A white be sent to n soldier; It was evident- ment to write to her : snUn IInod plncushlon, with the ly Intend ed for a man at least a foot "Like a man without a wife, Like a ship wltbout a sail, of the glver' lnslde; a model bousewlte, shorter Ihan I nm, n.nd. therefore, you with ~wo kinds of scissors. thimble , know, he wouldn't be very tall. Upon The oddest thing I know In life, Is a s hir t without-a proper len gth." needle , shIrt and pants buttons, hooks It was pinned a tab, Belting the recip-Kansas Oity J'ournal. and eyes, cotton tapes, recipes for Ient, whoever be might be. to ncknowlstomach nohe Rnd cbolera morbus, crochet nel!dles, rhe umatism cure, and a full pound and one-half of black patent thread In hn.nks-bless their dear souls! Another 'bousewlfe.' just like Tbe GtateI:luseum now contains the EiUs, by J. J. Ballard" with one blow the first; a thimble, six pairs at socks, tour woolen scarfs; another 'house- Inrgest ratticsnnke, mounted, In any on the head with a small sUck, 80 that wtre,-aDother-and another, a Bible. collection In tbe world . It may not not even the "kin was broken. He seven towels and a can or jelly, a be generally known. bllt It Is true that took this care 10 . . to secure for dozen ftlagrlle worked napkins and an- In North Carolina tbe largest ' rat- th e museum In pertect condition a tiers are found. The United States snake Which was tbe largest he had othor can of jelly. "My recollecUoJl Is th~t all of the snake experts are the authority f"r ever seen. Near the aame place Mr. Addlcks, other boys were serve d In the same this statement. 1t must be borne In mind that the HerbElrt 'Brimley and Mr: Brimley's manner,and got about the same amount of these contraptions. While It may be sldn ot a snal(e can be greatly two little sons had an exciting and pethat my memory, Is foulty, yet tor the stretched, 'so that atter it has he en cuUar experience with another rat. lire. of me I cannot tell what became removed It can ' be pulled out In any tlesnake, and a r~ther large specimen of all those ' fix1n's. But I rem ember . way to make tbe snake appear longer too. As they were walking Mr. Brim· oertalnly and well that tour. months or of greater ·glrth. In this cas~ the ley stepped over the snake while ble had no t passeii until Ell' COB Il of Com- ta xidermist, Tom Addlcks. maGe a son Arthur saw It and slopped . . The pany A emitted In ,t he blacJl: of the perfect plaster , c~'st and on this mount· snake :was In coil 'but was ' /1s gentle night a. ory . that enveloped the maUD- ed the sInn . which wa:J mnd e ' to fit a s the traditional 1amb: A noose was precisely and. to ' contorm to every put orer bis head. H e d'i d' not rat. talns, of ,Kentuoky: ," mo Ih the 'h-'I tie, but was lifted and, Carried, along: has got R thread" The echo, danced measurerilent. This l'oake Is 6 ,teet 11 Inches lil Not uptll his hearer struck a busb nrou.nd from ODe rock t.o another and length. U Incl)ea 'In gIrth and weIghed ~lth him dId this serpent turn tn the the answer always was: 'Dam fino.' . " We h~d one tellow named Bill 7 pounds 10 ounces. , It I')n8 - ,2 rat- alann. Tile bite ot the rattler does not all' WhltJng. His wife. presented ht~ with tIes . . The ,.,.14th ot Its ' body, lying the tineit, ","oolen shirt I ever It flat. Is 41A Incbes. ThE) length ot tall pear to aftect other snakes. Iii tbl1 was aU hemiltltobed ovel' with flloncy from 'Ve'n t to rattles, but 'not Includ- state rnuseuD,l 8 , rattler . bit a king· colored ' tapes and la08ll, "tb mottoes In8 the latter. Is only 4~ Inchal!, ' snakf'l so deep that hlood flowed quite In,ches wide, 'rbe treel7 but the~ was DO further' damworked lD 110" aDd al1ftl', and .u~b The head IB legeDda u ' 'The FrlaDt. at Home.' .baka III ot the di1Unond variet,y. It qe. Thts rattler btL another rattleI', 'For, CoUDtrr,' 'J'rom Toul" WIf... 'a muunted nearly at rull 1aqth. It but Wltb DO NInlIt.- RalelP eo,.. lIDed at Havelock. near Lake apoudeDoe I'onlt &Il4 StNaID, WheD he pUi JUllhirt LoQII-


Bears the Signature of




:; ;"~


. ~,~!~ :~


.'" .;. '.

. _ .-' ',-... , " ,




L. DOUCLAS WHAT'S, SH 0 ES Y 'Il ][0'::':::',..,.00,13.60, M.OO,WO our Healt" Worth ". WOIOB'I .,60, sa,ta.60, M HAND-SEWED

IOYS' -0C1. tuo &. "'.00 THE STANDARD ' FOR 80 YEARS Tbeyare ablolotely the

moat popDwand beeteboes for the pdce in America.

Tbeyare the Ie&dera every-' wbere becaose they hold their lhape, fit better, look better and wear 100-

IWr than other make..

They are poaItively the most ecOllOmieaI .hoes for you to boy. I)ouglas name aDd the retail price II%1Iltampecl

Yon atart aicbteu by miltreatiag natore and it generally shoWl first in the bowel.. an4liver. A JOC box (~'9u-tmentl' of CASCARETS will help nature help you. They will do more-uaiJJg them regularlyaa yoo need them-thim 8SJ1 medicine OIl Earth. Get. box today;. take • CASCARET tonight. Better lUI the morning. It's the result that aWtlS millioaI take them, 6!1 CASCARBTS loe • boz for • ~k" treatm~t, ell drumsta. DiRest seller III the world. Million boxcs II montb.

OD the bottom - nlul! RUsranteecL TAKa NO SUBSTITUTE I If your dealer CIAIlOt I1IPPIy yOtI write ror M&11 Order CataJOC. W. '- DOUGLAS, Iboc:ktoa. .....

The Wretchedness of Constipation ,C- qaickJy be 0 - - . II,


Nortl1 Carolina Rattlers

, 'OISTEMPER aulOue ail agel hol'1!e.!S, all well a. doge, cured 'and .others io . same .table pr:evented from haVlng the 'dillClUe wit\! SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE. Every, bottle . paranteed. Over 0001000 bott}ell!OId Iaet year and '1.00. AnY gOod' druggist , 01' eetid to D1llDufllcturers. Al!t!nte wonte~. Spohn Yedieal Co., _ pee. ~n,tn&io,U8,. Go~en. Ind. In all ita


The Kind You Have Always Bought

---_ .. ---

IL ___~======================

Phy,lclan. Everywhere Use Reslnol With .Very Great and Unvarying Succen. During the lut six months I have prescribed ResiDol In numerous cases of acute and obronlci skin diseases and chronic ulcerations with very gren~ and unvarying auCceBII. It Is a rell· able preparation, and Its action Is prompt and pleastng. A. F. Volkman, Baltimore, Md.

11111111111. ' ..... 111111"11 u.i..-tl"lllli"'III.uiii'ii"iii'I'"

For Infants and ChUc1ren.

\foc Simile Signaturr


Oheerfulness s hould be tbe gift a: the sunlight, the air should suffice for InsplraUon, and radiance of wisdom Is the lon ely wBs le of the pine woods, . makIng us dance and run about bRp· plly like clllldren.-EmerRon.


Ilon R for tbe old hOll se and vivid mem o aries of th o matcbl 'ss cook r y of Aunt Della.- pllrtl cularly In the milt ter of pi es. Furth e rmore, aft er the nppl death of Judgp Tnft hi s widow made ber horll o until he r deatb wllll AUllt Dell a. aDd hither cnme William H . T aft at fr Clul'nt Inte rvals to v l ' lt hi " mo th er nncl hi !; LIlInt. Thtl hom r Aunt 0'1' II a Is loc ated on th e ronln 'trer't or tll ' littl e village nnd wi thin s i"hl of th e pnsse ngers on th e troll t'Y (' "rEI 1J0und ror. \\'ore stH , dl st nn !. T hu som e hal f· holl r·s rid hou so Is laT·g(·. wi th R porti co ill Crout snp ported IIy co lumn s rl Hin g to the se on ll fl oo r nnd It DI1pl'nr 1m macuInt(' i n th" cna l of - whit · \lalll t contrast d "I th th ' ,;r '(, 11 8but tt'J'H wh ic h on ' r orn l' R to I ol{ li pan [I S in " ita ul e In :\P \\' Engla nd . Th e h OlJ se i 8 sur· roun tll'd ti l' /1 0\\'(' 1' gard -nti and COil· spi cllolI !1 IIll,ong th o ]Josles I. II gorgeous l\ili ll rt1 ('Y 1'0 C' \,'bi ch w as tra nsplant 'ti fr om till' \\'hlt e il UlI SI' :It Wa s blngton fo r Au n l De lla nnd wh ich Is b(' r f'S I eri a l pri d . Th\' inl E' rior or tbe bouse Is fill ed wi h rich old lila·





-. -r I de ~ ....,. a..a PSI. s..n 0... ·s...u 1'rJce.( GenaiD....... Signature




everY Dew eabeeriber to the lIaa~m_ 1I1u. trate4 weekly 1.11 lJIe 8claUl. Oovmog fl'ff!lt'1 phase of F lorlda,llIe 1& Ie lnvaluable to Uloae who are IDt.eres&e4 iD J'Iorida and the tMpleL J!'nll or beautifUl picture-, etorle&, blatMy ao4 curren~ ",plea ~lIa1' to Land of no.era. &2 ",eeka, 'UJO. Sead 101' ~mple cOPl.

"1. Bea1'WJ~~A. 'Sc::Pvm.. ~ I



-~~~~~~-'-------~~~~~~__~~~~~~~ I

.I . Letter from. . - -. .Former' .-. .- ---.Resident ... .


THE -. . .


Daylight Store




J u:;t


Shoes rp.ccived 72 pllirs

of Sampl e Shoes, all kin, Is, no two ulik. Special prices Com and see them.

New Buck wh 'at N ew Pancakl· Fl our New Lilllu Beans N ew Na vy Beans Now Peaches New Apricots Prun g New Raisins

Remnants A big lot of Remnants and 1i ll Le ngths at bargain pri· res - Calicoes, Ginghams, Flanne le tte!l , Outing Flan· nel, etc .


Pie P enches, per doz .. .. .. $ .9[, Tabl Peaches, per doz .. . 1.::J5 Corn, per doz .. .... .... .... . .. .75 TomatoPQ, per do? ..... . .. . .90

For Saturday Burson Hose for Women ; the best Hose made, only 191.'.



Kiefer Pears. pe r bu ...... $1.25 Quinces. per peck .... ..... 40c Fancy Apples . per pk .. ... 40c Grape Fruit. Oranges, Bananas, Malaga Grapes, Fancy Celery . Egg Plant. Caul· iflower a ... d Beets. Sweet'Potato es. per pk...... 20c ltish Potatoes, ~r bu ...... 75c Fancy Cranberries, 3 qts ... 25c

The Set-Snug fo r ladies , the Velvet fu r boys and girls . Union Suits for every member of the family.

$1.50 Coats, only ............ . 98c 751.' and $1 Coats, only...... 59c

Work Shirts


Men's Gem Shirts ......... . .. 45c Cord uroy Clothing for Men. Get Our Prices.

sack of White Cliff ........ 7Qc

Sealshipt Oysters Bring ua yOU7; Produce, Butter and Poultry.



- .... ~ _ .... - , - ,' -+

,GOOD ROADS HELP fARMERS MOST Bf Congressman W illiam 81! Izer• a Democrat of ,New York.

"Good ronds hnve l\ ' money vu lue ful' b·yond Ol:{ or· dina.ry conception' bud r Ollds con titut .our g~'l:ll1t fit I'~;­ ba ks to intcl'llal d evciopment lind ll\l\te1'1ul ~I'Ogl . • G;od rond s 'mcllr~ , pro. p l'OU. ful-m' I'. : bad 1:01\ (,[; lJl 'and b d d f m pilI '('ly 'ott! d count l' V ih !'! tl'1Ct!; un n IUl ~n~ .iti :; ~vh')' til{' pOOl' 111'1' de!'tilled ~~nb~omc '1'. ood r oad m Clln I\l ~t:t~ Il ~ ti\'nt d flll'm~ and cheaper food products for the toJl('l'S I~l t he tow.ns , bad ronds m fin poor tl'lI n pOl'tntion, III. ,I. of comm Unl CIltion h i ~h price:; for the nc 'pssllrie of II f , tit ' los:> ·of untold' millions of ,Wcnl t h und idlo wor1mll~n scel~lI1g ployment. Good r oalls will h elp tho. e who : U~tlVute tIe soil and feed the mult itude und whlltl',ve~' lI~ds tbe produoors and the farmcI'S of our cOUlltry will mCI·t·nsc our wealth and benefit 811 the people. We 'a u not destroy our farms without fiua 1 decay. "The burdens of life fn11 hal'dest on th furmor: e least th government cn n do for h im is t~ hc~p !um get decent highways.. I am with th fU ~'Jl\c.1' III t.\II S !lght f?r O'ood road!'. I am ,,;ith tho rural chstrl ct s ~f . ~'11 lund ~n their struggle for bettt! r t ransportat ion fIH.' I~It,lCSJ und In Congress or out of Cong l' s!' I shall do II II III .1I.1Y power to hnsten the con s umpti o n they desir ,- !tll' I ~bllltv to. go and come nlonO' decent ronds without ('xh'lllst!ng the tune and thp, effort ~nd tho utility of mall alld bellst.' •




Oongressman lJelll1e1' is s(!1'1Jinq Ilia ,v/)cII/ld term tn 001'l.gres8 11 itll Mr. ~'ulzer. lV (iid /).eltt'('~' do or say 1 Ths reoord ll(l,v beefl scar(lli ed and nnt/l1ng 11l1111d • De-n· ver rides Ol'e?' tlle d'istriflt in an alfto'1ltnbU lI/td help8 wear out t"~ road,v, but sllf/[Jelif,q "';0 way to a~d tI! ~ fnl'ffu:rs and abutting um.d o/tmers to btItld o'Rd 'n ~atntt1m tl! em. Send J eslle 1'aylo-r to Oongr888 nnd It e Will at l6<ut try to do om etl/in.fI' rtnd YOlf 'l.I1ill hear. of YOUT Oongr~88· man d ning .~ om"'I'III[J n-r Ray-mg BO'TTtetll1.nq for g~od .roadl, and otlH'r tllill ~N./ in w~ti('lL the pe?ple of Me d18trtct a~ inte·l'e8ted. I f II i,~ 1lot on yOl4r twlcet, then j


Sweater Coats

If you want the best:. try'a



R ialto, aI., Oct. lfi 1910 thtlt Ioould w:alk t o t.hem 1'1 two To MillUli Ull~ette : hoorR &od not hll.lf try. i hnmeeing an extraot from oll e of my dil\,tely Itokpow ledged myself u ten - I lett r a tothe Xenill ll7!et te, romlnd- derfoot ann 'bougbt a book of him ad m e thllt pOII~1 bly y\)U would p ri n t t o keep his pride down . ,w e if tlell P eople trn f fi nd wrlte IndillD s with bo ct ,wo rle, onl'i os bnok so mnoh tbtlt one hardly and fruit for sale are seen n t the kD O W~ wll re t beg in In orl1 r to t! tati ons thr ough New Mexloo flnd keep ont of u rut . But tlt tlle I'itlk Ari '£onl\ , The Indian of these of beiolt oal1 ed green , ur rube, or parts seeWB to me to be in tt. oonul farm r, I mi"ht give It s hort d f) tlon f n)t knowing wbere h e I at, sorip t.i oo o f th o j ourney fr om X f10ill tlnd I tl upp O!~e be don't !:ie's beun t.o th e 0<.1 11 t , alt,Arulltoly wh f pped tlud Ihen feel 1 !let oll t d utermined to Beo nil 1 by Unole I:)am so often that h e just ooulll tbrou/.:.h (.he tltltttlS trnvel I\. 8tltnds around II.waiti n g to lIee whioh 1 founll the t ronlJltl with rilling .on will tllke plnce n xt- . tbu oors is V OU ol\n 't soe botb s idet! So.ll Berlll.lrdino, my first stoppin g lit c ooe , OU6 hould Imv a eyet! in plaoe in (Ju\ifornill, iii where my tho bu ok of bis heud or else be twin .1bruther John Ilnd my Sister, Mrs. Nu one howAv or nnlls'd to rUil- IE.unbo.rt are located. This olty bas road trovel need ftlllr Iltt, Ulpting- to 1\ p(lpull1tio~ of about IG, aOO . It Willi go any fllstll.n ce upon our mllrolu}t! a n old Spo.DlRh settleme nt In early of toduy . You'll be tltkon Ollftl o f , days . Alsoa Mormon ocnter, many QDd n une but the willfully perve rse of that {Illth being r~ldent8 today . need fellr lost , A ohild onll It ill t he oon nty seat of &n BerI trllvel (IOro~.:\ the contin lit w,it.h nttl'dino connty, the largel:!t county perfent sufety , lu thft l1 .. ~t pill ct) i n IlJiforail4. It it~ ktrowu 11 8 t he you cuo't g ut lID t~ wrong tru lo i "oity of minerlll springs." It is they won't le t yuu , You cuo't I{e t s urrounded by f\, rioh fruit country into u wrong ellr, for th e y w u't and is the oenter of the large lum- ' let yon, and 00 0 you are Ilboltrd b r IInli SI1 w mill indu try in thtl y ou cl1n't g t off wrong fo r they mountains. won' t let y ou, and if that uon't oov Mnoy Ohio people are in this vier the whole g round I don't know ' oinity, In Rialto are Mr. Frank whut wou ld , Fisher, lDother and sister. Faan'lr Distllnoe is very deoeivin g in In the three years he hR8 been here l\ m onntl1inOllS oountry, I\S most h IlS beoome nn a.uthorlty on orange eVtlry one knows, but I WIlS pioked a nd lemon oulture and Is dolng well . up very nioely by j;he n~wsml!.n on tnr , Geo , ard and wire and Mr . our trai n in Colorado Be poi nted Fred Uummlns nnd ffunily reside Qut to me t h e Spl1nish Peak~, huge here . Mr. Cummins WllS for many oones t hat rose to t h e olo uds in the years Bssoolated with the O r egonia north a nd Bsked me bow fllr away Brid~e Co : in OblO Others near I thought them to be. They looked are Messrs. Dan, Will and Alger tu me aboo' lUI far 8S the Hllrveys Gard Bnd>&lso Ohll.rles Anson, 80n of burg hills are (rom Wnyn"l!v\llft, "Bud" Anson. H&rveyeborg ID tot to mllke It; safe 1 I'nswered fl40t ealJtern people are largely in 10 milea. He laughed and said, eVidenoe, the ndi ve Californian be " They're 55 miles." Fifty-five mUss ing in the mlnority. and 1 would have bet my straw hat George Upp

w ....... w ....... ~,....., ..... w~ ...

New Corn Meal


+-, - - -- _. - -


For Saturday---Just Cround.




Paying 30e for Eggs

Find the Name.

Make the


Representative in Congress.




dheriff's 'S ale

a 'l aaalBed Ads Ada

Warren Cohlmoil Pleas

will be Inser


un(lor tbl hellll. for

twen ty ·llve ce u l!I tor three

wben using not more thau

l"hc rtlOIl~, I\V6


, WANTED Olara Stroop \ ' ';.

'arl n. BroJlitl'llO~ et

GlRl-Mother's helper wan\8d at, onoe, Inquire d the (j"Z"ttfl fly virtue ot an ardor at IlAM, duly wuod oflioe, Mr. George Stiles lind dHug!lter, Corwin. troUl salu IJourt. In the alJoyo stawu' \:asIl. aull of Xenia., were guests of Mr/!. Hope to 111e d1recwu, 1 will utrer lor »ate. by way 01 pUblic auction on tllo vrom ... jn ~uan:t'IIell ·,'owllllblp, Wllrnm Uoumy. Ullio, 011 Mrs Forest t:iraef spent S~ttlrdliY Stiles and dnnghter SundllY. LOST Mrs . JlLmes MoCormick, of Xeni". and Sundll.Y Ilt Ltnwood . visited her mothsr, Mrs. Kittie NOVEMBER SEVENTH Chas . Edwards Bnd family Bnd L __-'...;....___________________,___.-I M1SS Ellen 8herwood were 80nday ClII.rk 8uodl\Y , # . (7th) A. D. 1910 040 watoh fob, Junior emblem, gOftsts of Mrs Christie MQKinsey , t At 10 o'clock A. M .. ou aald uay. tbe tollowHarveysburg. on Ma in Screet tll\turdl\y even. Misslnis Davl'!. ot Cedllrville Col. Ing dllllCi'llJetJ ro~ 1 OiI~.w . to-w": ing. Finder please retu~to Ot\Oftr New Burlington lege, spentSundo.y witb her m otbe r , Spring ' Branch 1 Boglnn1ng a~ a st aku in tho eallt boW1UIOrY Oenli , ger, Wayneeville, Ohio. Williaw Fornshell Bnd fam ily, of line at Soc~!OU <la, :..own 3, l'ouao b b.,twueu Mrs. Sarll.h Davls . near Lel1l1.non, spent , Sundl1Y with Wlu All~lUlluvel'll ~Wouty IIUU ulnO~y -II6."v~u~n+:======:::::::~==;::=== Ella Rye was calling on Mrs. The 01a8s met II.t the Mr. Wm. Nedr of Rlil'vl1ysburg, Mr. J:t~orDtlhell ' 8 mot h e r, Mrs Ml\ttie hunliretl L11B clllLlwi from the northulI&t oon , Llleuce ~' IWl . l\ld I(ne iiOU~U one utlgree. twO spent ursda.y lind Friday with his Meroer. Raohel AUlltin last Monday after-~home of Mr. ana Mrs. re minutes Wllllt twun~y-ollo ouu ninety lIundre<1~h , FOR SALE noon. ney Wednesday eveni~g . nleoe, Mrl. Alioe Mo Kinsey , CUo.lJUI,to '" dtoUIl ; tliOnco 1I0rlll ~litY'n1Do ana UOKrc6 WllIIt cJlalUII to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mr. E'red G r ay, of KlOg8 Mills, ouo·tourtH Mn. James H. Chenoweth and The C. E. pleasantly Rurprised MilS Alma Waterhonse 1M attend- was seen on our streets SundELY. a ll<OUO lu Jioury Nnll'» IWe; tllllllCM wttllllill • WIll nonll tllrOO-lol!rt>WI dtlllrllllll eIIIIt twelve son Jacob ....ere viaiting relative. Miss Sarah Brll.dford on Thursday ing 80hool Ilt the Lebanon Unlversi. lUlU ;.blrty·tI(lvllllllullurltdlJldcluuWI wa Btue; Wilber Ertle is driving two ' very OCK.ltREU::i-t,Jboioe WbUo LIlt{near Vmars Chapel, ClarJrsville and evening, ty. tnon\:e wHII /lIla Bioln nurtll IIlgll~y-elg ht good horseE!. noll , three-tour .hs utljfl'tlllll Willit OIgllt lUlU bprnl! Ilnd Rbodl' Ililand R It Ogden last week . . Mr. Brown, O. M. t;elllll'S aud wife. MI~B Dora Stiles was I\. Xeni .. tWllnty-two IJUnuredLIUI ctuUIUI to a 8takU: 'l'be pnblio sales in thllt :)ommuni thence lIorth ono dtlgl'()e. twO mluut08 tlIUIL oook"re l. for MIl'. pnr •• hlnll(). N '1 1') ~. and Mra, Earnest Dakin and of Jamestown, Qninoy larr!'day sbopper one day recently . ty huvs been reoolvil)g a very good nlne and nluety~veu · IIW1Uretltltll \:llalWi to l!Iold ,,(Iur Nov, IGt,h. O. K. Puultry son Rnsael, aad Mr. Walter Dakin II.nd fa.m ily of O&y'on, took dlnner Mrs Fred Everhart aod son, uf a nlike; tbOllCtl lIOuth ulghtY;IlIn<> aual'OO8l1Out'b were tn D~yton on bnslness with A. tI . Bulan and family on l!'rank)in, visited relatives here Illst patronage. tllI&t'torty lUlU twolve lluuUretlU18C11J1lndto tllO and Supply Co., Valley phene 372,Y.. R(~rry DIl vis, of Gree~ vil,le. O}~lo, plll(le ot i:)eglUnlug. oon"~llIl lI ~ 8evouty-elgIlL Thnrl!day, Monday. They were en, route fo~ week . , tlCYOn uunarou lUlU slxlOOn UIOWl&UU IUId Is buying some good bIg boraes in !lIUId LARt:iE Coal Bedel' at 0000, vllIUUltonllls at:roII. Mrs. Adda. Drake and Mrs. Walter 'Waynes!ille i8 Mr. Brown 8 automoMr. and Mrs (;jeo. Pelllle were in this oommunity to ship .. . Cllll on or Ilddr888 ,.. B. Cban , Dakin were in Xenia last Thursday. bUe. AI80 the followl1lg described tract ot land Dliyton last week. Miss ,Jessie Anson, of DaJton. Belug In I:IooL IO'll Ma. Town a, HlUlgo 6, dler, WayneSVille, Ohio. lin, Thom.. 8888 la Ti8iling Mr. W. N, MoKII.Y, Maater of the Mil.. . ~r. and Mrs. Adams, of Indinna., spent Sund .. y the I!;o est of ber par. viz: between the AlIaulf lUv01'll bogmuiugat a .,Ilks Walter Bees .and family ' of near J aoni,? Lodge here attended Grand have been visiting the lutter's p l~r. ente, Mr. !Iud MrlJ, A .R, Anso,n', lOuthwUII~ cornor at tho IJUIU ownoo b)' Z;. u. HraUdtreet In Une of laud by tI. 1(. ,IlrilUlltrwt Xenia. ' Lodge in ColumbDs )ast week. Wm , Kersey and wife, of Oregonia and lle~)' ull et u.I ; theuce nonh eighty· EXTRA good Jersey . Cow. jOtlt ente, Mr . and Mrs , Oliver Ul\.vis , fresb. L. M •. fiendersoD.R.F.D. eighth nnll turco-fourths 1t0ir1'OOll west tllirtyThere will be meeting at Middle WUllain Davis and fl\mily have Mrs. Lena Lewis was In 'Dayton oalled on friend!l here, ~llndIlY. IlX and twenty-one hunUretJU18 challla to a 8; Wa nellVU18i Ohio. Run next Saturday' aud Supday. moved to Xenia . shOPPing last Frtdll.Y . '. B. L. and E H, Dakin t rllnllaoted stake In the centor oBho VUutervlUo and U ulan Preaohingby Elder Thomas William Geo . Perrin and family hine business nt the counhy seat Jj ric}"y VIJI~o road.; theII(:e With bill rolld (one and NICE boggy and a toldof MoGrew. moved to a farm nell.r Spring Valley . ,Mrs . Beo~thorne, and ohildren I ''1'he Ladie!!'.Aid fed the 'people at olle-Ilu.ll . ,, ) rod or tweuty-tour lUlU three~1~~i':~:OS~4'~tJ~~~ t::r::y_,R~r~~ inR gC)-Olnt ~n good oondutoo, Mrs. Raohael 8.mlth is vltliting In spent a few days ll\st \Veek with ber \ ~rI1nk 8bidalter's Ilale ollmring t31, twouty.-ouo huullrOOtlUl cbalWi to a ,take, &;1"0 two oribs, 'lOe with roollerll. Mise lI'ior8n8 Lacy gave a sooial mother nEar ,Lytle. I Mr. und MfR. Ed: 6hl.'nnon, enter, party last Sat.rday nigh* in hon- ? Dayton, Urbana and Oolumbtl8. thonoo lIOutb ouo onU one-halt rousor twenty- Pri.... (lona ble Inquire. a' ..v very r ...... v.. Mr, Glen MoNeiJ, of Kingmo.n" tained tn ~'ny of tlteir, YQung " frieQd ~ tour and threet-lourths feet Vo the place of or of her frienda. The ,evening ' , • ~ ••- - - be(rlnulult contllluJng one acro and nfty-alx thie 9ffioe. visited Mrs. Na.omi Barlan anrl i' ~aturdllY night with Q dl\noe. whloh rO<1tl m,)re or 108tI. was spent in ' playing games , Oregonia. dllugMer last week. W8S enjoyed PY !l,ll. tousio and oonversation. At a late Also the follo wing dei;crlbed ,i>l'U()t of land OR8E~Borll"" f~r lIale) singly sltunt-e In aalu 8U~tu auu county IUId 1Joic1nnlng hour rerre.hmen~ were served oonor lD pairs InqUire or J. B. at a wint In t.he mlllllie ot tbo road leading si8ting of popoorn and candy. All Will Myers, of W bstboro, spent from ShakerJ.owll to OentervlUe aud !IOutll hapmlln, Waynesville, Ohio: ' who were there had-a good time. kJundbY with relatives here. tor ty-Uvo llegroetl, tweu ~y-Ilve minutes weet twelve IIlId NIX hundreC1tll8 chalnd (rom whel'll Mrs . Frank Dakin and ohildren Mt88 Nelfie Brown of 'fexus, ' is ILL ~el1 one blllf intArest, tn lot the north Uno of Section sa, '1'owu a, Hauge 0, MUltl'ry Hange Survey crosslng sa1d roall, spent Sunday afternoon with rela· the guest of her "unt, Mrs . t:;ue In MI :mi 06metoryoo8eo B . TIIIl ullIICI'lbed tract bolilg a par' ot said tlccti ves in Mt , Holly. "\ Sherwood, tlon In Warruu Coun~y, uhlo. tllencO! wlth the fl , .8. Godfrey ceutor ol the hedge on tho lOuth' 111110 of the AIrs , James Chenoweth !lnd dBugh . ~I Mr. and MfS. Wiebking ,and ba~y ; lauo leading from BalU road J.o tbe relldollcoot , , RIOK honse on Main street. tars, Bertha and Franoeil' and 80n8, : dll.ughter, of, .B ellevue, Ky ., pl1ld lila wldow ,ot .floury P. lJrallstreet. doceo.sed l south eighty-eight dogl'OO8 6IIott.t Illnflteeu auu Bouee a\llp K1md repair, newly J l100b ano Guy s pent t;unday even· a V!eek.end V181t to Dr . and Mrs , elgh6y-elght hundreC1tlUl cbains to a ·lItake,: painted, 7 lRrg~ rooms, both kiQds 109 with her da.aghter, Mrs Da.vid Krleghoft'. thoueo south uo degrooll, twenty-live mlnuteil Wllllt tell aud torty-two III1IIdredl<l18 chains to of wator, a big loft, good stable and Luolls. Mes8rs. Thoma!!, Oharles Bnd J ~ho a atllko; tllel\Ce south olghty-nine d~l'OOM aWlt ole villi cb,alWi J.o ~ stake and, cQrner J.o 'Smltll other outbuildm/tls F · I' fnrther In- - - -....- . K. Spenoer motored to Ml\rt,insvllle n. IJradlilroot; thenco with hla Une 80uth ono formation, Alex Emley: , t:;undBY and spent the day with their dog\'O!l. two mlnutlll! WOIIt. UlU6 and alx hanEdgewood . dre<1tha chalUli J.o tb~)llorth side otthe lane oon, sisters. One reason why thrifty Housewives buy veyed 1)y tho Bald widow Dradtttreet to I:jmlth· Mrs. C. E, Myers and son, C111.r. R. Bradstroot; then'e with tile north Uno of Sealshipt Oysters is that a pint will go as , .ald lano elghty·elght a~d three-toUrtbs deM.r. and ~rs. V. ~. Stok6l', of ence, returned to their · home ,i o HELP WANTED gl'OOII WllIIt ·thlrty-slx 1IlIt1 21 hundredths the ~neeu Olt.y w~re greeting old Minllter Mondll.Y morning I1ftel' far as a quart of ordinary tub oysters, C1lall.. to the cellter at the Ilbove meuUoned friends in the nelghborhood a fe,,: ~ I\. pleasant. vi:-it here. road ;.tbbnee wl~h said rolld north one uegree, which are half "liquor"··-nothing more Ott)' mlnules cast. fltteen and twelve bundays of wee~_ 1 The Mis'l ~ Beltm 8nd Bess dtedLIUI ellaina to a 8take: thence with aald ice. than melted railroad N intelli~ent person inay eRrn ro"u nortb tony-live ucgl'OOll. twenty-five . Mi8t1 Martha 0 Neal, of Waynes r Bolzlin, of lGnge Mills spent Bun . tl00 monthly oorrespondiog mluute. oast, Hlx lUlU fIlty-lIve hundredtbJ vllle, 8pent the week-end with her i Ilay here. . . chains to the poInt at beglnulng containing tor newspapers No canvassing. JUty-nlne ncreII; except twentY-Uve · and two friend, Mise Edith Crane, of Pekin. ! The MiI~soR ,Jennie and CIII.ra II.nll bundred aud twenty-five thoulllUldths ooree ~end for partioolllrs. Pr8l!ls SyodiberoJ.otore conveyed olT Lhe north . Ide onhe Dr, and Mrs. J . Vi. Ward, Of l M.essre ChcsterandHeberHamtlton above dtiacrlbcd ~racL t,o Smith R. lJradltree~. o"tE', B 5721, ~okport.~ . 'Y. near Baryeysborg. spent Sunday epent 8unrlll:v afternoon and evenltl g , Sald re~l estate hll8 booU rejfUIBrly,ap· with W. W, CraD~ and famlly. 118 the gues." of the Misses 8.penoer, p""-l under order of the C('urt at the sum Clyde W. Reitz, of Dayton, spent The U , B. church' will hold oj Seventy-two (U ~.OO) Dollar'll per acre IUld Are Economical to Buy wlP not be'lOld , tor lusa than' two-thlnJs of ~nnday with his mother of tbl8 plaoe a churoh ra lI y day Sunday lDorniu n " I sail! appral~ value. . Mr. C. J, Marquardt, oUhis plaoe November (jth. Fresh wa~r spoils o,stersters. We break the seal here 'fERAlS OF SALE '1'Ois oommODity Wilt! shocked atl<l spen.' tlaturday in the' Gftm City. bloats them, bleaches them, sof- in our store. Ouo third cllah In bl\ud au day at sale; oueMr. and Mri. J . L . Oook enter. saddened tic) lelt~u of the suddeu tens them, robs them of the We sell Sealshipt Oysters ou t thl~' ln , one year and o~e-tllird In two years; , " . tained f~iends on Bunday. 1death ot M:ra , Rufus Kersey at ht!r piquant tang of the sea. the deterred I.aymenta to bOllr III terest at six of Ii cleanly blUe and white porper cent 'por annum IlUd to be • SIlCurod by , (08t~pathk: 'Physlclan) Mts~ Mary Keever Rnd Mrs Juliet home neal' here, Friday evenin g . , We deliver S~lship~ Oysters celain Sealshipticas,e- it ' is a II!0rtgl\go en, tbe. j.remlses /j()ld . I:)tanton are spending II. week with On entering uer room, Mr. Kerss.v . to our customers as, fifm, solid, part of the ,.sealshipt, Sys~m FRA~K P. F ORGY, ., Mr. and Mrs. sen James . . found her lying, fooe downward, fresh and tasty as you would , whicH makes it · pOStlible for· us : SherllY Warren County, Mrs . Katti. Fergoson '~ sltlewhioh aoorOS8 the bed. It is thought thl't expect.oysters to be when eaten 'to s upply our c\l.stomers with Tuesday ' aqd' Friday ' HamUto)l &: Drown, ALtYRo Was ~eld last tlaturd.ay WIlS welll1t- she· had a fainting Irpell; to , w~ich at the seash~e. They come to the world's best oysters. Come ,'Of, .'Each. Week tended Ilnd things Bold· well. ' she wila Bubjeot, lind had smothered us direct from the ocean beds; . into our,sture an~h~ ,foryo~r­ Xl'. and Mrs . C.:L, ·J.}uke ,and Mr. to death . We e~tend. our heartfelt UNDER SEAL. even' mile of pelf' h,o w we b~dle Sealshlpt 'Hp,aoe Kirby amended FrankRhid. I!ympathy to the be~eaved fam.i ly. the journey. Air-tight contain- Oystel'!j. While . there .-we will . , aker,' slale on last Wedne~y . " and tothl.~yo1ing people othernfllghers are packed solid wtih oys- be glad. to hl~rid you oJ'l8 'of ollr Congr~rpall 'M. ·R, Den,v er was bOrllood" whose espeollli' friena I!~e ters sealed and imbedded in ice new bookS "'Seaside Oyster' .•• 'DENTIST.•• IIllaklDg ,und& . with Ills friends i)f ~~~, ' In patent Sealshtptors. No ,ice' Dishes" ' It 'isU uJ] of, appetii~ Hours' of Appointment; 8 a. m. this ,n 8igbborhood lall~ week. • - • water ever 'touches the,oys- ing shore recipes. . ~~mUBIda,' WaYnelVfl~, O• , to. 12m. , ' Muter YaH. Cook haa teen quite ill thit_Put wee~j but i8 very much Ideal. ' improved at.preeent. ODe ... o~ o . . execuUve pr8Y8IIUGD Honoe KIrby and family were in Ie worth • pC • Judlolal ~w. '1l:iIl

Walter J. Kilbon


III No. 10110. .











fconomical Housewive,s Buy Sealshipt Oysters

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~ealshi pt




. 4:

J...ebimou Iu& I'tIclay. ,


1. a.,a.. '. 'L ~ ~,.....\!!

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Walter ' Kilbon,' Sole Dealer


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AND WAYNESVlLLf: NEWIL SIX'PY-B'IR''l' YEAR. .------------.-...-.. ... _.-.--..._. -




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.}thUsat t?S tWfilightOWtasb de2espe1n9i1no.l. mgeo eve, coer, , . ' a team passing the farm of J. W. •- - - - - _ ••. - - - - .-. Mr. James Linder, without a mo- Jesse Lewis was in Dayton Thurs· L. A. Zimmerman is in Cincinnati Hartsock near Wellman was noticed D d M J h H ment's warning answered the sum· day. today. by Mr. Hartsock to be apparently taO ~ a~t ~. 0 n . yatt enterg mons. "Itiflenough,comeuphigber, without a driver. Upon stopping ,~\, k d' ur aMY evendmM atWa H6 the heart ot Mr. Linder ceased to Walter McClure was in Dayton last M C the horses he discovered a man 0 c mner.. r. a~ rs. . . beat and he was carried to his long Wednesday. dden and MISS Addle Madden. of sick rs. Ijst. . A. Bruner has been on the hanging over the s·III.le of th e wagon. M Morrow h9 mA not rnad e wit h han d s eternaIIy . With tbe assistance of neighbors the . in the heavens. Coroner Geo. W. Carey was In Wm . Thorpe, of Dayton, was in man was removed from the wagon Life is a short summer man a flow- town last W ednesd ay, town Tuesday, and proved to be Perry Wardlow, !dr. and ~l'8. F. C.Carey enterer. he dies, .alas! how ~n he di~. Mrs, Walter McClure has been who lived about three miles south of ~1Oed at dmner Sunday the followW"S BADLY BUR:\ED James LlOder, the 10th son, was . '11 f Id Frank Holmes, of Dayttln, is spend. Wellman on the Jason Shf'ehan farm. mg guests: Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Allen Lit t.le Ross Irons was. badlv ..I . ' burned boql J UIy6, 1828 ,near Leb anon, qUIte l o r severa a)is. ina- a week with friends here. He was not quite dead when found and t wo d aughters, 0 f Day to n, an.. ~n:a~ h~v~m~~. Hlg mot~er h~d Oh{o and· departed this life October Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart f but died a few minutes before his Dr. and Mrs. John Hyatt. "~ ~ 1m In ,I; ' m.asquera e SUIt, 26, 1910 at Waynesville, Ohio at the were in Cincinnati Monday. MiflS Edith Crane ill the guest of home was reached. an e wus paradmg around t.he age of 82 years 3 months and 20 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O'Neall. CoronerCa rey was notified and at M C thO E dM house w;th a jack-o·lanter". when by days. BesideS the widow, Mr. Lin- }'. C. Carey attended th e big Trith' " . E yn la vans e mques t gave h'IS d eC1SIon as accl· ' ' 1 an. tl .l'II . H . . some means h18 clothinu: caught on der leaves four daughters, Mrs. J. State show in Cincinnati last week. Mi~ Mar.v Latchem, of Spring d tal d th Th 'd . a away very p easan yenterfire. He made an outcry and his Foster. of Waynesville, Mrs. Joseph en ea. e carotl ar~ry tained the Card Club last Thursd y t h .1 h Vallpy. ;vru, here a part of last week. had been severed and the man I I t e r - . ,a paren s rUII eu to im, and by hard R. Broyles Mrs. G. W. Felver of M~re. Carl Hawke and H erb~rt ally bled to death. ev~n~ngat Mrs. Evans pretty home. wo:k ~xtin~uishp.j the ~azhe. :Mr, Muncie, Ind ., and Mrs. O. V. Gu~rin, rw~rds were in Spring Valley, Sun· Miss Zeli a Rogers, of near Dodds, Stories are rife ill regard to the Dellcloffus refrdeshmenta ~f ~dwichan rs. rons were ot badly of Daleville, Ind.: also nine graud ay. has heen the luest. of Misg Lola Zell , man being intoxicated and had fallen es, ced° ee an pumpk'n pie were burn . ~ on the hand. s. rhildren, three great grandchildren , . f · serv LIttle Ross whi)e badly burned d b th J b L' d f The Farmers Club WIll be the or ~ week. over the side of tbe waieon, his foot .. , an one ro er, aco lb er,o f D d M J T Ell' being caught in the seat. . about the neck an face did not W ·u Ob'10. '~uests 0 r. an . rs. . . 18 M breathe ll1uch of the fum~. He was .. aynesvl. e, . Thursday. ' Mrq. Rebecca Randall, of Dayton' Mr. Wardlow was known in his ISS Anna Vandervoort and puresting' pretty easy xli day Tuesday. C"Ave.r him over, yes cover hIm o v e r . was the guest of Mrs. J. W. White section as a hard worker, a good hu.. pUs gave M~ Helen HawkiDa a _ __ _ • With beautiful flowers, Geo. Smith, of Morrow was the last Wednesday. band and father and his death is a pleasant surprl8e at her home last HARDWARE MEN Deck him with garlands, this loved guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. fIawlie blow to his family. " Friday eveninl'. Games were in_ __ one of ours," Saturday. M~. and Mrs. Edi ngfield, of Ma- He leaves a wife and seven chil- dulieed in ' and light refreabmenta 'I'he Cincinnati Enquirer .of Octo. •- • son, were week·End gu4"8ts'ot Prof. dren, three of whom are grown. ,,:,ere served. Miu Edna Stout asber 26th says the Hardware Assn. of DEATHS Mrs. Ella Michener and daughter, and Mrs. C. A, Rruner. The funeral took place at the SIS ted Miss Vandervoort. Ohio which meets at. Cincinnati next Miss Adah spent a couple of days last Chapel Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock February, will be the largest in the ThenewsofJ~esLinder'ssudden week in Dayton. m.. Herschel Fisher has moved to and burial was made in Miami cenJe" offices in the new Morris building. tery. Little Miss NellieGard anticipated hiJltory 01 the association The at- death of heart failure last Wednestendance is expected to' be about day evening, came.. as a shock to the Mr.and Mrs· Allen, of Dayton, next to the postoffice, LebanoD. • - • Hallowe'en and entertained a few /\1\" A th d" , community Mr Linder was a car- were wee k -end gUASts of Dr and POMONA GRANOE friends , Wednesday evenin .. by I'nmong e lrectors was .. . ... 3,"vv. noted the name of R. A .. Cro~: of nage make~ and had been a resident Mrs. John Hyatt. Mjs.'i Addie Madden, of Morrow. ' trociucing games appropr:ate to the Waynesville This is quite an honor of Waynesville for several years and M d M Ro' R" f has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs Warren Countv Pomona grange mystic season, and later 'serving defor our city: and Mr. Cross wears his WQ8gr~tly respected ,by all who Ea~~, ~~io, ::~e b:en l~:g;~'es~s W. FJ. Madden for a few days. met Saturday October 29, 1910, with Iicious refreshments alllO suitable to honors very ftraceCully . knew .}um. funeral took place f M d M El' 0 I b gran2'e. Though Clarks- the occasion. who enjoyed ' _ _ _.. _ . Saturday mornmg, Rev. J. F. Cad- 0 r. an rs las It es ee. 1\fessrs. J. C. Hawke and Geo. VIlle IS out of Warren County, yet the evening together were Milses FARM' FOR S.\LE wallader officiBting. Interment was Crff d M t' f C·· ti ~mitb attended the political meeting this grange is recognized as a part Lola Roush, Reva HorDien, Lena as in' Harveysburg Saturday evening. of Warren County Pomona. The Whittaker. ___ . made at Springboro. ' h I or ~r ~,o ~n~nna wC Fjne farm of 116 acres, two miles t e guest 0 r. an rs... fifth degree was conferred upon a southeast of . Waynesville. Walnut W d ~ARD OF THANKS. Schwartz several days last week. ~. ~A. Cross was in Cincinnati laet large class in the morning and after . . and 8ugar tree land;' abundance of e eslre to express our sln~ere ,See our extemive assortment of W~~esday attendinl' a conference the usual bountiful dinner, the Mrs. P. D. CI~ett gave a charmwater' good bam and tobacco shed' and heartft"lt thanks to our 11elgh- P t C _..I Alb ... of th" directors of ·the Ohio Hard- III ange was closed in the fifth deieree ing reception last Thunda.J after. , • , j bo d f' d f th' . tan os an. ums, rangmg m price y 1a chicken hou!,iC!, sixty feet long. Nice l'II an nen s or elr asslS ce f 10 t $1 50 J E J ware assoCiation. and openP.Ci in the fourth. noon. A rge number ot radies ' hOD of nin~. halls porcheS, and sYmpathy at th~ time.o~ the rom c o . . . ; anney. ApleasingrelX,rt . of thesubordi- werepresentfromWayrteiville.Harcellar etc. .This farm is beautifully .teath of our father. Mr .. J. Linder. Mayor J . O. Cartwright arrived Mrs. Geo. Hawke had lhe misfor- nate It'"anges was kiven and a very veysbUr&' etc. ' Owin&"to injuries resituated and well fenced. For parMr. and Mrs. J. Foster. home from Chillicothe Thursday ev- tune to cut her hand on a was':lboard interesting program rendered by ceived from a fall down cellar on ticulars inquire at this office. ening very much improved in health Monciay. While not a dangerous memben of the different granges. Wednesday, Mr3. C~ett was unable _ ____ ... , Word was receiyed here Monday . '.. wound it is A very sore one. After the usual business of, the day to be up on Tburaday. but Mn. J. D. roLlTICAL ANNOUNCI;MENTS thllt Mrs. Mary E. Compton passed Ollr lme of J~wel~ IE now. ready the grange closed to meet with Marlatt very ably took her.plaeeand " • away at the home of her' daughter, ~or msp,ectlon. ~ou ~II ~nd It .first We invite your attention to our Waynesville grange December 31, received the Flat.. Eleiiant reDon't ~orget the m~eting Satur- Mrs. Charles , Har~er, o~ near New In quality. andfalr~stm price. J. E. handsome line of Floral Crepe paper 1910. Those preaent from Waynes- freshments were served. day eveDlOIC at Cross Hall.. Hon. Burlinieton, Monday at 9a. m. Mrs. Janney . at the low price of only 9c per bolt, ville grange were Sisters Ella Hiaey, • - ...- - dDaHullherSety, hHoBn. Larry t:oml'ton was the widow of the late Mrs. Edith Harris returned nome while this lot lasts. J. E. Jan, Iasa Cornell, Luella Cornell, Louisa Edzewoocl ulln an t rown Will be Saml. Compton . f rom ' Stokes, Lucile Comp-It, Bros ' Jo ..... ...... ph 'on.t b" • and was well known Ias t Th urad ay evenmg a p IeasM W D ' Lt d f"l I t h e speakers or t IS occasIon. fhe here Her ,death was caused by . . . hi' . . M The Ladies' Guild of St. Mary's Hisey, F. A. Hartsock, and John rs. . .' n er, 0 - am .. Cadet band !.u~rri: thA music. a cl>mplication of diseases. She was ~~~~~ Wit re cltlves In orrow church will meet at the rectory Strawn, of Will nesville; Robert WH- burg bas been 'be gUeI' of relatlv. 61 yeats old and a memb~r of the Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. liamson and Warren Keys, of Center- Dellor Doddl and Pekin. NOTICE C".aesar·s Creek Friends' church. The . Our large al'sort~ent of jardi- Everybody come prepa ed to work. ville; Morris and Kathryn Cornell, The Lebanon Orange bad a oarThe November meeting of tbe funeral will take place today at the nieres will surely please you. They of Dayton. load of fine apples one day Jut w~ W. C. T. U will meet at the home c~urch at 11 o.j:lock. , I?terment range. in price from 15c t~ $1.50. J. If you dpn't read KUbon's ad you •- • !lot Lebanoa and llvenl from here, of Mrs ., Ruth Janney November 4th, WIlt be made at the CaeSar s Cr~k E. Janney. will be out just $1.99. The reducMASK CARNIVA L bearing of them lnnl&ed in lIOme cemetery tions he makes on groceries, and dry Iloud profikd by it. ., 2 p. m.r1 be . . M essrs. J . C• H' aWI. ' J . E . J an-- goods, on ' a very . The town was fairly aliv..- Monday !Ii Atina C.t ' toO'Neal. T th h leader. • - .. •.e, small order will save r. an d Mn. B oward Earn h al''t ryan promp e our. REVIVAL MEETINGS ney. F. H. Farr and F B. Sherwood you money. .. night with all sorts of masked char- were·ln Lebanon one urlut week. _ __ _P-re - 88 - Re - porter. attended the Harding meeting ,in acters. The country folk added to On l.. t auoday I18veral frlendl ASK"ilTB" All The revival meetings at the Chu rch Lebanon last week. the festivities and many came in !lond rela'ivee called A jolly company consisting of Mr ked Bo d . on Mr. John S '" _ of Christ c(lntinue this week. Large d M C . • mas . ys ressed in girl's, Simnann and famU" of Ridgeville ~ ' W h-"- ..1. ___ ... __ an rs. has. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. I tho d' I . b r-#, , Harve,sburg,Hi schoo' came over crowds greet the speaker each evene l:IV~t. choi.cest1lnd J H Co co lDg an glr s m oy's clothing, help Mr. ~hnpeon oehbrate h1a . E' d 1 t tock f b k did" leman. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. ld Id d ht're last Friday to play · bask,et bail, mg.. Ight con!essions to .ate. Ma~y .arg~ '3 0 ~o sever ISP a~e Edwards,' MtIs. Fred HQnderson and 0 younie men, young 0 men, an twenty..eighth birthday. The lUI'· but Waynesville Hi made them go are lOterested 10 the questIOn oftheu 10 thiS town, prices from 5c to daughters, Mr. and Mrs. D L. misaes dressed in madame's garb orise was oomplete and had been back horne in a hurry, defeating them salvation. Following are the subjects $5.00. J. E. Janney. Crane and son, Ethan. went to Leb- made it a mystifying and pleasant ol"verly "oarrled 00' br htl wlf•. ' f 17 to 6 for the week: . I . S d d th f feature, for an evening's enjoyment. rhe goests arrived near 11 o'oloak . . , 1_ Mr. and Mrs. Hornack and daugh- anon un ay an were e guests 0 Ab 9' c I ck h e k . b ya score o . -~"' , ' Tuesdav-7 p. m. ter were in Xenia Sunday the occa- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Caskey for the t .thouItO·O °F htll mdas ers wkedent All broogM well tilled bute .. and LAY"HN'S Co:'~FERENCE "The Jud e t" . • d ' 0 e . . . a an unmas . ",little .ner noon aboun'Uul dlDner . , , Wednesday~~:' ~. sMion Hbein~ kt~e 69 t h anniversury of a!. • _ • The hall was crowded to its capac' was 8erved to whloh all did jaatloe. The Layman.s Meeting of.the Day"Waynesville and Hell." r. ormc 8 mo t h er. NEW CENTURY CL UB ity, and lots of fun was gotten OUt Those present were John BimpeQn ~h District will be held at Middle- Th!lrsday-7 p. m.' Mr. and Mrs. A. Sides spent · of the unmasking. lind family, George Cook and famllr, town Novemb~r 17~h. The program "1\ City Taken for Christ." several days in Cincinnati last week On Frid~ afternoon, October 28th The grangers had preps red a lunch Will ~lmptlOn and family, James is a g~ one and all who can should Friday';"-7 p : -m. attending the Tri.State Exhibit of the New Century Club met at the of sandwiches, pumpkin pie and Cook, wife and "on van. W.o avail themselves of 'the opportonity "Wl'iere God ~ecords His Name." Implements and vehicles; residence of Mrs. Wm. T. Frame. coffee. and after the str~nuous ev :3impson and wife, Mr. John Worn to atte~d Saturday-7 p. m. Although the day was cold and disa- ening's fun it taated mighty good. Ilnd Mr. J"mM Simpeon and wlf•. • - . " R e d E ' e m e d by theBlodd of Christ"· Miss Ella Schwartz, who was the greeable a ,goodly numberrespondect The Mayor's .Ietter in last week's Mlu Sarah RU88om, of 'Indlana, BUILDING NEW. HOUSE Sunday-l0 a. lIl. " guest of her brother, F. C. Schwa t~ t? roll·call by ~iving short de8Crip •. paper was earned out, and the boys was burled at Springboro lutTbareThe Cross Bros. are putting up , "The Three fold Idea of Home." and family last week, returned to tlons of our natlv~ trees. ' . did veryhlit~le damage about town. 110,y. Mt88 Ruaom ,formerlr lived h th' f th f Sunday~7 p. m. ," her home in Cincinnati Sunday. I After the readmg of the mlDutes Altoget er It was a most enjoyable neBr Rtdgevllle. a new ou~ ~n elr arm .s ou 0 • Ch . t d'Sq D' I" and other businese ·the regular pro- Hallowe'en. Mrs, Jane Dyke, of Lr'le, apent townh. hMr: Lou will occu- Specialrl8Music an and a auare e a . , •- •- - h St. John I ted Hearty Welcome We have bought a much larger gram was taken up. A beautiful vo· a faw daYI I .., week wiUl lin, py l e, ousn w ~~o~p e , ~_ . , assortment of holiday goods this sea- cal solo, ' "Hold Thou Mf Hand,'" Bellbrook Horace Kir'ly. AT M. Po. CHURCH son· thaneve~beforeand will try and was rendered by Miss Sarah Snook" Mr. and Mrs. Mu Granzow, of THE C~DET BANt) , have them on display so1ne time the of South Le.banon. .f.. very interestMra Oeorae Earnhart, has gone to Dayton spen' ~nnday with 'he lat· T)le Cadet Band went to HarvpysProcrac't ed ' begin at fore part of December. J. ' E. Janpaper on "ForeStry," was preMorray, of ter's ,Mr. and Mn. CJ. I. burg last Saturday evening; to ,p lay the M~ lj1. church Novem~r 20th. ney. pared and read by Mrs. Edith M" Waynenllle and Mr. and MrA. O. K. Marqnardt, of ,htl place . . for the political mHting' . there. ' Rev. Bailey will be 888isted by Mr. ' . ',, ' . Harris.. A short discussion fonowedn Peterson were the gaesie of Mr. and Kis8 EdUh Crane, of Pekin, is the They ~ade quite. tilt. Joe St()ry, ' tile singi~ .ev~geli8t.. , Mrs. Frarlk Harris:and Mrs. Amos , A.' re port of the State 'Fe4Ieratio lin. ChM. Brelsford, north of to~D guest of WaynenUle frlendll. , ' . ~ _ . .. MJ;'. Sto.,· 'is a , 'sw~t 'sanger, one Nand'oren 9f Harveysburg, Mrs.· J. !at Oberlin was , then given by' Mrs lal~~~1:r 'f Da t Miu Pearl RUElY, 'of Bida-ville. NO ~UNT'NG NOTICE whoee' music aoes"to t~~ ,Ioul.. and C. 'Hawke"Mrs. ,J.W.Ward, and Mrs , Funkey, who was a delei'ate to tbat aD en"t.r.I:~e~t:l: tbe ~~!'n ~:~ who has been ill for a lonl "iDe wal , ';,', '" ",' , I " , ' must~· beard to ~ appreciated.• H. A. Cornell returned hOn'le Thurs· body. Many PQintiJ ,?f interest ..vete 1..' Sa'ard.revenlng for tbe ben&- taken to the Mi"ml Valle, h08p~tal. ~Il pe....ons are IStrictly prohib.ited • '-t • ' day eveninst from, COlumbus. They brou&'ht out ,in 'this talk. ~t of the ,S ue BAll ol1;1b. ' b, Dr. Pimlee for a ', from hunting on my premises NO ICE had been in attendance at the Grand The 'p~gram · cloeed with another' ~i,,~ 1'111 '~~h"rr i. reported ' atok tlon., She wa. operated on luU." , 'h -f h P":.. C! 1._ '. . .' • witb chiolu,npox. · . . , Ed Fi1m~. I ' . ' , • C apter 0 ,t e ~tern ,..,tar.. ' num~r) by... ,M~SiI Snook, entitled Wm. Deoker' and :wIfe' who Uve urelay and II g~.tlnR along ~Ioelr • , •. " . ' "T~e. Shepherd;,' which ~as lOD'h hne solcltheir prlp , , • -. . , . Minnie SatterthwaiteFro'm Pacembel'!.8t t~ ~,rch 1st. will deUv~r no pape~ ~n th~ hill. W: C. P.h ilbps ~iah~ to,mform.~he. much adrl'lred'. - .' , en,. and wm mov, to BellmoohooD. JNSU~e Y~UR TOBACCO , CONfERRED DEO~ee , . you want papin. please Come 't o publiC Olat hewdl ag&inhaveo~gl,ers ' During·tne ·toclal: hour a deliciotla . Qulte,alatlle oro~d of It of .P'8 '. '.' . ' , . .. , . t ~:"':"'., . the B8nk Corner or the 'P oet Office. and crackers , fpr sale ·this wmter. twO:-course menu waS served'. . . from here attended'the Coonty Coo- . [have'the rates that wiUsuit. and . Th8.M.~nic lodiee conferred the Tbil Will enabl~ you' to pt you~'· pa" Both lar&,e and BrnalLoy~t:eta fortry- Guestll of' the hostess · were ' the 'ven'lon at , Xenia I,., ,W edneadar the cOm~ .th~t will , protect you~ . Ill. A degree on a candidate Friday pera at.leut 'one hour earlier. , ing and ste~, WhencaUyou want Misses Ad& ,and Salah Snook, of .D~~ Lol.. ' Uonlell, of ' )'erry, wa. Acidrele Frank Wil8bn. Batv8yaburc. evening. " ", '.' , . J,~ ,1 Meeb. ood of8ter1l1ve him a . South Lebanon. . , vIIi&lq in DaJ'ton .... SudaJ'. . lOllio• . P~oDe 2 oD ,l 4t . Mrs. H. Booth in a recent letter to the Miami Gazette has this to say: "Enclosed find check for the paper another year. I always enjoy the Gazette and have only mis'3e<1 one copy in the two years 1 have been away.















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Thomas hail n key to th and gave It to her. On tbe way a cross the la wn she was co nfronl d by Al'D old , \...·ho tor SO llie I' a80n WIl R det ' rnlin d to g e t In lo th e h O lls l. 11 had u golf-slick In hIs han el , tha t he bad plt'ke d up Rom '''here, ntld on her re fu sal he had struck h r wllh It. One haud had be 11 bncll y, c ut , a nti It was tha t, polsonlns hUll ing se t In, whIch was Itlllll1g her. Sh e bl'olte 11 way In 11 fr e nzy ot rnge Gnd f'~ ar. and got lulo the house while GU'trl.:.l1 and Ja ck n a lley were a t the front dt."or. She we nt uplltulrs, hardly knowllOl: " 'hat s he was do ing. Gertrude's d oor was open, and Ilalsey's revolv er lay t~ur e on the bl'd. She picked It up and turnin g ran Jlllrt way down lhe circular stl'.ircase. She could hear Arnold fumbllrcc at the lock outsid e. She s lipped dll1;'n quietly and opened the <lour; he was Inside betor she had got back to the staIrs. It was Quite dark, but she could see his wblte sblrt-bosom. From tbe tourth s tep s he fired. As he fell some body In the billiard room screamed and ran. When the alarm was raised, she had bad no time to let upstulrs; she bId In the west wIng until everyone was down on the lower fioor. Tben she slipped upstairs and thew the 'revolver out ot an upper window, going down again In time to admit the men from the Greenwood club. It Thoma~ had lIuspected, be had never told. When she found the hand Arnold had Injured was growing worse, she gave tl)e address ot Lucien at Richfield to the old man and almollt $100. The money wp.e for Lucien', board until sbe recovered. She had sent for me to ask me 1f I would try to Interest the Armstronglf 1,1\ 'tbe oht~d. When she tound herse)f IJTOW. ing ~\'orse she hud wrItten to l 'rs. Armstrong, tiling ber nothing b"1t that Arnold's legitimate child was lI,t Richfield, and imploring her to recl1g.nlze him. She was dying; the buy was an Armstrong, and entitled to hIs rather's share of the estate. The pnlI ers were In her trunk at Sunnyside, with letters from the dead man that would prove what she said. It was she who had crept down the circular staircase~ drawn by a magnet, th~t rught Mr. Jamieson had heard· soine one ' there. Pursued, alle . had ' lied madly, anywhere-til.rough the first door she came to. She had fallen down the· clothes chut , and been saved by the \.Jas ket beneath. I could have cried with' re lief ; then It bad nM been Gertrude, arter' al\! That was tho s tory: Sad and traglt' thougb It was, the very telling of It seemed to r elieve the dying woman, She did not I<DOW that Thomas was dead, and J did not teU h e~. 1 prom . Ised to look afte r little Luci en, nntt sat with her until the Intervals , of cop. aclouSness g rew shortsi' and t1nal~ ceased altogether. She died that night,

" flsR I nnes, "pl n stf' r n n .l !;llfl rdlnn of G ('I I' lrllJ' nnJ Illl l s,·y . , ·~ttlh l\ ~ h"t.l . um " ' .. ,' h ~lI oJ 'lll u rt rs nl RII",,) ~h h.\mo lt! Tl n 8 l rO nl: Wfl." t ou nt.l KI,," t " d {IH lh In



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t the bo ttom or the c lr 'ulllr 8 t Ir ,o.'e . snld 80m f'lhlng ha ,1 hru ~ hed by her ;,nh Ihe dark n n t h e sl a ll'\\, lI )' lind she t alnl('d. Ba ll oy 18 IHI ~ P I' I' 1 ," o t A ml_t r ung's nlllrrl r . T hnmns. t h .. lodg0ke epe r , w aa f ou n d delld \\'I l h 'l not· In


p o pke t bellr lng the n a mo "Lude n Wal la e ." A ladder fou nd ou t o t vl aco deep.. n N t he m ys t r y. The IItab les W81'e " urned, n nd In the dn r k Mi ss J n n • s hot an nt r ude r . Hal sey 1!1~'8 t e r loU8)Y dl snp Slenrod. HJ. aulo W illi round wreck ed by .. fro lght tmln. It deve lo ped H alsey had an a rgument In the library with a. woman b e t o rll hI. dIsappea ra nce. New cook dlsapPfllr9. MI.! lnne. lenrn d H alsey wall all \'~. Dr. Walker's til e becom es livId at lIlentlon ot the name ot NIna arrington . EvIdence WIl8 secured from a tram p I th ll t II. man, .upposedly Hnl.ey, had b eon Itound and ga .. ged and thrown Inlo 1111 .mpty box car. Gertrude wae mllSlng. • lJunling- tor jler, Wall Innea ran Into a

and frunted. A con!&derate of Dr. Walltcr cont0J!.8ed hie part In tho my.t.ry. He atated that the CarrIngton wotrliln had been killed, that Walker feared .e.., Ilnd that he believed that Paul A rmronA" had been killed by a band R'Ulde4! y ",ralker. Hala." ,.ae ~ound In a dlsnt hOlpltat. Paul Armstron .. wu not




QHAPTER XXXI,-Contlnu.d,






Uncle Sam Hal Lost Faith In Rain· How An , Allegan, Mloh., WOC1an ROo Making Schemes, but Italians Are gained Her Hea,lt h. StilI ~anguine, Mrs. Robert Schwabe, R. F. D No. 'oR hlll gton .- Recently wh en fir e S, Allegan, Mich., says : "Doctors could "' 1101 sweeping o\'er the mountnir s or not cure me and I was rapidly rUllnlllg ,the west. 1 a dug dealh alld d ' ll~rll C inlo Bright's disease. Kidney secretions were like blood lio n III its wfllt e, th o d s jlnlrlng peo· Rnd I arose 8 to 10 pIe aplJ al d to til , wa r de llU rlmout tl> times at night to voId bombard I he 111,1 s and bri ng a lUuchthcm. I became fri ght· needed ra in . For 01l,"lous I' asons ened at my oondlUon. lb~ lr requ t'st \\'I\ S refus d . \l cle Sam, My s ight began to lL ftl w yeru'R a go, sp nt large sums of fnll and pains In my mOll y Qxperl rn nl lo y, along thi s line, back were 11k knifes ncllng up bomIlS'l1fi(1 llrlng connon thrusts. I cried tor lit th e ~ k l us ( 0 l1rodll c , mi n by IIrtlfthours, unable to control my nerves. After I started using Doan's Kidn ey Pills, I began to t eel belte r and soon I was cured. I am a 111v1ng testimonIal ot their m rlt." Re member tbe nom&-Donn's. For sale by al\ dealers. GO cents a box. Fosler-Milburn Co., Bulfalo, N •. Y.

"Cloud.Shootlng': quns of Italy. _ ,Up had said "chimney." It ,,"~ "I Heard a S.d and PItiful N.rratlv.... the only ,clue, and a ho'u se as cial means. It was no use. for the large aa SUDnyslde was full of them. ·clou(ls refused to "leak" In satisfac'l'here .was an open fireplace In my Would not Paul Armstronl have taken ance, fresh air and hunting. The tion of man's tiny tickling. Since .reBlllng room, but none In the bed- his booty with him? It he had not, Blsters, of course, knew nothlq of then t~e government has ' been with· room, and •• I lay there, looking and If nr. Walker was In the lIecret, tbl., and the young man's ardol' rathout taIth In any sche'aletor rain-maaround, I tbought of something that he would have known how to enter er carried ~hem away. In a word, king. blade me lilt up suddenly. The trunk- the chimney . room. Then-who had seven years before, Lucy Haswell had It Is now held that the reason why I'OOm, jti8t ot'er my head, had an open dug the' other hole In the false parti- married a young man wbose name was rilln usually followed . tbe great bat· given as Aubrey Wallace. ftreplace aD' • brick chtmney, and tion! tles cit bis'tor, Is 'because whenevel' ,.et there was notbJng of the kind In Anne Haswell had married a carpossible the con.manders moved their CHAPTER XXXII, my room, I got out of bed and expenter In her native town and was a al'mles and begau battles wben the amined the opposite wall closely. widow_ For three months everything weather was fair. Rain taUs on an Ann. Watlon'. Story, went fairly well. Aubrey took his "l'here was apparently no ftue, and I average of one day in three, so It 'Is Liddy dlscov~red the tresh break bride to Chicago, where they lived at bew there was none In the hall just no amazing matter that the clouds beneath. Tbe house' was beated by In the trunkroom wall while we were a botel. Perhap, the very unsophisti. sbould spill their contents about the atMID, as have said before. In' the at luncheon, and ran shrleJdng doWII cation that had cll'armed him In Valtime one of those famou s slaughteril living room wae a huge open fireplace, the stairs. She mantalned tbat, all ley. Mill jarred on him In the city. He would be over with. she entered, unseen hands had been had been far from a model husband 'but It was on the otber side. Of course, the great men of science WhJ did the trunkroom bave botb digging at the plaster; tha.t they had even tor the three moqths. and wbe~ know that It is useless for man, with • radiator and an open fireplace? stopped when she went In, and she he dieappeared Anne was alJnost his puny Implements, to undertake to It WBI dl1ferent wltb tbe Ar$lte~1.a were" p,ot usu~l1y erratic. bad .!elt a gust o( cold damp air. In thankful. bring 'nbout those stupendous changes It wl18 n¢ 16 minutes before I was up- support of ber story she carried In young wife, however. She drooped '" In nature necessary 'to produ e tbe stairs, armed with a tape-measure In my wet and muddy boots, that I had and fretted, and on the birth ot her pbenomen9n 'of rain. It would be Ueu 'or a foot"rule, eager to jUstify Mr. unlucldly forgotten to hide, and held baby boy she had died. Anne took the necessary to lower the tempe rature ot lamlc~soa's 9plnlon of my Intelligence. them out to the detective and myself. child and named him Lucien, a vast area of the heavens, or sa.t llrate Jnd firmly resolve\l-not- to tell bl, "What did I tell you?" sbe said Anne' had had no children of her such 'a region with moisture to obtain my IIU8P\clon until I had more tban dramatl.cally. "Look at 'em. They're own, and on Lucien she had lavlsbed results, Il.nd our means of a c(',ompUsh· the()ry to go on. The hole In the yours, Miss Rachel-and covered with all her aborted matel'nnl InsUnot. On ment are too limited . trunkroom wan stln yawned there, be- mud and soaked to the tops. I tell one thing she was determined, howThough our government has lost hi'een lhe chimney and the outer wall. you, you cnn scoff al1 you like; some· ever: That was that Aubrey Wallace [alth In r aIn-making, howElver, the I examined It again, with no new re- thing has been wearing your shoes. should educate his boy. It mas a part Italians seem to be quito confident ."It Tbe space between the brick As sure as you sit the re, there's the of her devo.tlon to the 0911d that she 'lhat In Qne way, at least, .bombnrdlng • al1 nn4 t,,! plas ter and lath one, smell of the graveyard on the m. How should be a mbitious for , him; he the clouds Is productive of good reo ~owe"<'lr. had a new significance. The do we know they wer en't tramping must have every opportunity. And so suits, 'In all ' tile villeyluds of that bole showed only one side of the chim- ,.t hrough the Cal!anova churchyard last sbe came east. She drifted around, sunny land there 'may be seen' curious doing plain sewing and keeping a ney, and I detl'l rmlned to investigate night, and sitting on the graves!" funnel·shop d guns pointing to 'tile What lay ,In the s pace ' on the ottier ski--, HaLl storms '(orm one ot the Mr: Jamieson almost choked to home some where always for the boy. (TO J3E ONTI' Iil D.) Bide of the mantel. phlef dangers ':0 .llle grape crol> In tbat dflatb. "I wouldn't be al all surprised Finally, however she realized that country, and the Italians believe thn t 1 had ), ~Ulrter on my palm when If they were doing that very thing. her on\)' lralnJna had been domes tic; Ways to Keep Neat. tbe flrlng of these guns llreve nts suoh a\ last tlJe hatchet went through and Liddy," be said, wh en lle get his a.nd she put the boy In an Eplsco"My children were becoming drell& .destructlve visItations by dissipating fell with wl-atsounded iII(e the report of breath. "They certaInly look like It." plaUan home, and secured the »oslI thlnk the detective had a plan ~on , of housekeeper to tbe Arm- fuJly careless about leaving their the clouds which give them birtb. a gun to m$" overstrained nerves. 1 sat on a trunk. 'Vaitlng to hear Liddy fiy on whlcb he ' was working, but Which' Btrongs. There 8he f9\!Qd Lucien's things arQund," !'laid an original motb· up the . s~airs •. with the household be- was meant to be a coup. But' thlngs father, this time under his own name. er, "and the 01g er members ,of thi family weren't any too tidy. So 1 GIRLS TRAVEL ON "NERVE", hind her, like, ~l1e tall oC a comet. But went so fast there was no time to It ... as Al'Dotd Armstrollg. I gathered that there was no par· made up my m,ll1d'thjlt I wasn' t gain, ~othlng happerrnd, and with a growing carry It Into elfect. The first thing feeling of uncanniness 1 set to work that occurred was a message from ticular enmity at that time in Anne's to be a 'plck·up' drudge for tbe rea' Two Okl;homa Young Women Start Out Without Money on a Three, enlarging the opening. the Chal'ity llospital that Mrs. Wat. mind. Spe tbld hIm· of the boy, and ot the household. I set ~p a bIg tine Yeal'l'Trlp, 1'he result was absolutely nil; When son was dying and had asked for me. threatened exposure If he did not .pro- box! a .. box with an oblQng hole In the I oQuld hold a lighted" candle In the I did not care much about going; vide for hIm, Indeed, for a time, he top, Into which I put every singh.' Chlcago,- "We are going around the opening 1 saw precisely what I had There Is a sort of melancholy plea- dl4 so. Then he realized that Lucien thing-bat, coat, toy, pipe, no matter l'Iel'n on the other (lide of the chimney sure to be bad out of a tuneral, with was' the ruling passIon In this lonely what- that I found lying around 113 world on our own endeavors and nerve - a space between the ~rue waH and Its po'lnp and ceremony, but I shrank woman's life. He found out where the way. And to ~et his or her prop. for educational purposes. and to see it the talse one, J)osslbly seven feet long from a death·bed. However, Liddy the child was bIdden. and threatened erty the owner had to pay a pefll1.V-. two women can work their way In .ad about three feet wide. It wa! In got Ollt the black things and the crepe to take him away. Anne was frantic . If It was one of the children; tel! I!uch an undertaking," said Miss Olive 'positlons became reversed. cents In case ot the older on es. As the. Adair I\nd Miss Oralee List, two young 1110 sense of tbe word a secret cham- veil I keep for such occaSions. and I The ber, and It w_s evident It had not went. I left Mr. Jamieson and the Whet'e Arnold had given money tor children bave only an a1l6 wance ot women from Tulsa, Okla., who arrived been IlistU'l'bed since tile house was day detective going over every Inch Lucien's support, as the years went ten cents a week each, they didn't at the Congress hotel. Chicago, trom built. It was a supreme disappoint· ot 'the circular staircase. pounding, on he foroed Dloney from Anne Wat· naturally want to pay It out In fines; St. lpuis, on the first part of their probing and measuring. I was Inward- son Instead until sh e was a lways pen- so they began to be careful. Gradual, llHmt. It had been Mr. Jamleson's Idea Iy elated to think of the surprise Twas nllees. The lower Arnold sank In the ly the whole family mended their that the hldd 1!n room, It there was going to give them that nIght; as it scale, the. heavier his demandB be- . wa'ys, and now my: fine box Is general. one, would be found somewhere near turned out, I did surprise thelD-al- came. With the rnpture between bim' 11. empty, and the house Is as tidy' 88 and his family tblng. were worse. you please." th circular st4lrcase. In fact, t lenew most Into spasms. I drove from t'h e. train to the Chari - Anne took the child frolu the home - -----that he , had once inves tigated the enCheering l1er Up, tire length of the dotb es chute, hang- ty hospital, and was at once take n. and hid him In a fal'mhouse near IsUngton, wblch Is no longer rura,. Inl to a rope, with this In view. I to a ward . There, In 8 gray-walled Casanova, on the Clayaburg road. was reluctantly about to concede that room in a high Iron bed, lay Mrs. Wat- There she went sometimes to see the waB ,o[\ce so esteemed bY 'medlcal me n li e had heen right, when my eyes fell son : She was very weak, and she boy, and there he' had ' taken fever. that tltey lIent their patients there on the Ulaut I and fireplace. The lat- only opened her eyes and looked at The ' people · were Germans, and he after severe Illness. Many also went t ed had evidently neve r been us ~ t:I ; me Wh P.ll I sat down besIde hel'. ' I ailed the farmer's wife grossmutter. there in the last stages In the forlorn It was closed with n melal fire front, wns consc l e nce-s trl c k~n. We had beeu He had grown into a bealltiful boy, hope that the Invigorating air might ~nd 0I11y when 'th e front re rused to so e,ngrossed that I had left this poor and he was al1 Anne had to. JIve for. restore t h em t 0 h en Itb' . A storf ' reo Th e Ann s trongs leU for California, lated by Dr. Abernethy . turns on the ;move, and Investigat ion s howed that crea ture to. dI e without even a word and Arnold's pel'secutlons bE:gan anew. latter class of vlsltol"_ One at hi" It was not Intended to be moved, I1ld of Ry mpatll y. , m y llPirita r cylve. Th e nurse gave her a stiUlulnDl He was furious ovel' the ehHd's dl,· ' patients engnged some roonll In 1._ ! hurried Intn the next ronm . Yes, nnd in a little while sbe was able t~ uppearance alld s he was afraid . he IIngton, and casually r emarked to tb. do her som e hurt. She left the landlady that the banisters on . the ."'lIre enoug h. there was a s imila r man - t a Ik . Sa b1'0 k en and ha l r-coh ~ rp)lt, would big house and went down to the lodge'. ltE'1 a nd flr ep:ace til I'e. s lmlJnrly howe veJ', was her story that 1 shall When 1 had rented SunuJlslde, how- staircase were very much broken. "Lor' b.less you, mam," said the land·clO!;ed. Tn bol h rooms til chimn ey tell It in my o\vn \vny In an h .. . our .ev,er, she bad thought the perseoutlons .ftu o c xte nll.ed '" eU out rrom the wnll , from the tim e I entered ' the Charity would stop. She lInd aplliled for the lady, "It's DO use to, Illend ~hem, for I mens ur d wIth tile tave-Iin e. my hospital J b nd 1' E)ar d a' sa d an d pitiful POSition of hnu sekee llel' and secured ,lt. lhey always get broken when the u'nII dertaker's men bring the comus down· bands trc rilbl1ng so that! could nal'l'ative and had seen That had hee n on Saturday. That woman s p ,carce ly hold ' it. Th ey xt nd d two into th,e ,unconsCiousnl,l8Sa ttat Is ,only stalrs."~L«?ndon . Chro.nicle. night Louise arrived ilDexpectedJy. fee t aad a l.J aH into eacb room, which a step from deatb. Intel'i lgence In the Kitchen. Briefly. tllen, the housekeeper's Thomas sent f9r MI's. Watson and ""Itb till:! till tl feet of apace .between then ' went for Arnold Armstrong at The higher the inteillgence and the tb two ptll'tiU(ln s, mad e Igilt feet to story was this : \ The MI .... Adal~ and Llat. ' Anne ' th e e d uca t Ion 0 t ; tl1e woman. b e accounted, f or, Elgbt f et In one , She. was almost 40 ,years.. old, . a n. tthe dGreenwood ' L I club. 1 I lind be'!n broader .had bMn the slster-mot, h er of a large 011 ' o. ou se-s Ie rem nded her of 1n the kItehen, tpe gre~ter the pleas. direction Rnd f)' most s ven In the otb. long 'jqurney, 'they wore broad ,white falnily, of children. ' One by one , they Lucy. • She did , not kno}" what the ure and saUsfaction In househohl duo s~tln sashes, with th~ words, In black er- what a chimn 'y it was,! tr!lub~e was, but Louise . had been, in ' ties, ' " . ~. But I had ' ohly located tb bidden had dIed, and been burled' beside their taUer.s, "Around·lbe·World Ofrls From t t ! i 1 A a terr b e exclte~ent: Mrs. The' woman who cooks IntelllgentlJ Tulsa, Oklahoma," and tbelr slli'wases room. I was not In It, and no amount parents In a little town In. the mlddfe a. s a ,of pl'esslng "n ~ e carving cit ~he w st. There was only o,ne sister left, ~atson ~rlrd to h(de trom Arnold,. but I.. commanding great and; mysterioul and t~v~lIng bags were decorated: in 'Woollen mantllls, . no s a"ch of . t.n ~ the babr., Lucy. On her the older girl h~ was ug y. " He ~eft the, lodge , nd forces ' of .nature. She iB an alohemlst IIlmllar ltIannltr. They were light ta.n ..oors fol" 100l~" 'boards, none of the had lavished aU the love of an Impul. went up to the hou8e about 2: 80, w~a behind a,n apron. At :he-r command traveling gowns .and black turban!!. .d , emotional nature. Wben admitted , at the _east entrance and food constituents that are IndIgestible '~We are goi~, to, make a tour ot the ,oustomary rtlflthods a"~lIed at ,all, slve an "" '" came out again vel'y BOOn. BQm~thJllIJ . ._ ' 'Tbat t.h re wan n means of entranc ; h . .. \I''lpalataUe and even polsOQous, arl! world," they ·saili, "and ",1l\ earn our pne, the elder. was 82 and Lucy 19, had occurred £he didn't . , , ~ow t, '" ',bjected to chemical ohan~~8 tllal passag~.·' Miss List Is a composer 01 ,and pl'obably a !lImp! one, I' could be a young, man bad come to. the to~, ,eerfaln. 'But 'wbat? What would T He was g;o'ing east, after spending tbe but 'Vet:)' soon ~r. JDnes and anot:her rt'tndel' th<)m an eplourean delight. The music, and Mls8 Adall" Is. a singer and woman of rl!al intelligence and pow en a writer of sbort ~torJe.. "We atart tGud If I did g t In? Was the detect- IIUDlmel" at a celebrated ranch In Wy. gentleman lett,. usIng the car, Thomas aDd abe had sot LoUise or Imagination find. In bea: lJeu' .... ad without one cent of mOD87. earn he rtch!.. .aDd - were th~ bonds and ornlllg-one of those places wbere lZig o.ur fare to Kana.. City by alne GlOnel frum the 'l'raders' bank there? weat'thy men Bend wortbless aDd dl. quiet: and a HtUe before lira; dered kltch~ a BOurne of deep IUa4 _ Or ~ our wholo Ull'iorr wrong? sipilted IOns rtlr a lIeaSOn ' o~ telnPCtr- Watson started UD. the loUIe. d\ll'lq bate~e.t aDd p1eullf& . .... ~D the IIt,reeta IlDd ••JUD. p~er." Tb~



ChIldlike IgnoC'!Ince. . Laurn J lin Libbey, dIscussing In Brooklyn he r suecoss rul appeara nce Qn the stag , said : "I talk In my monologu about lov , marriage and the other luterests of the heart. On theso subjec ts women, es pe cially young women, are strangely Ignorant. "They really make m e think, you know, of the little girl who was asked by her t eacher: " 'What can you tell us ahout Soloman?' " ' Solomon,' replied the little girl, 'was very tond ot animals.' " 'And how, my dear,' said the teacher, 'do you make that out!' "'Be'c ause,' answered the little sir!. 'tho Dible says he had 500 porcu· pines.' " Who Scratched the Bathtub? Nice, porcelain bathtub, too; and aU the foiks thought It wae just lovely. But somebody was wasbing It out and used common laundry soap-the yeUow kind with rosin and atrong causUo in It-and away went the enamel and the finish. (It that kind ot 80ap will barm porcelain enamel, what won't It do to clothes?) "Easy Task Soap," the pure, white. antise ptic, flve·cents·a-cake ktnd, w1l1 not harm anything but dirl Try two cakes and get your money back if It isn't as represented.

He Knew, A small boy brought up by a tireeating fath er to hate anything con· nected with England or the Englls.h was consigned recently to eat dinner with the nurse while the family entertained 1\ genuine English lord In the dining room . The grown-ups' meat had come to that "twenty minutes past" stag where conv rBation halts directly, when a childish treble feU upon the dumb·walter shaft from the kitchen. , This is ",hat the astonished nobleman h(lard: "Fe. fl. ro, fum, "J smell the blood of an' Engllshmun."-Wasp. The word "tired" Is much used aDd abused. COFFEE WAS IT. People Slowly Learn the F.act,. "All my life I bave been Buch • slave to corree that the very aroma ot It was enough to set : my ' nerves quivering. I kept gradually losing my health but I used to say 'NoDsense, it don't hurt me.' "Slowly I was forced to admit the uuth and the finn.l result' was that my whole nervous force was shattered. ' "My heart became weak and uncertaln in Its aotlon and that frightened me. Flnnlly my physician told me, about a year ago, thlOt I must stop drinldng corree I could never expect to be well again. , "I ",ns in despair, 'for the vel'Y thought of the me dicines I had tried so many times nauseated me. I th()ught of Postum but could hardly bring Il\~self to give up the calfee . . "Finally I concluded that lowed It to myself to give POBt~m a trial. So I got a package arid carefully followed lbe directions, ' and' what a' delicious, nourlfl hlng, rich dtlnk It was I' Do you Imow I fouud It very eallY -t~ libift . from certee to Poatum aud ' not mind the change nt all? . . "Almost Itpttiedl"tely II,fter . I ma"e the cha\\ge 1 found 'myse1f lletter, and ' as the days went by I kept on improvIng. My nerves grew ~ourid and steady, I slept well and "lelt sttonl und well-balanced all ~be time, : "Now , I am completely .cuJ;'e~, wlt~ lhe old nervollsneaa and , 810kl)eS8 all gone. ' In every way I am well Once mure." . ~t pays to g1v~ 'UP the drl ..t tbat act8 011 Bome like Q potloD, tor bealth iB the greateet fortune one CaD haft. Read tbe little boolJ, f"ne Road to WenWle." in ,"- ~' ~.. .~. • • ' " ..




Enormoua Recelpta .at Market-Farmers and Sheep Feedera Can Stock Up at Bargain Prlcea.





enlisted men In the United States navy :.. work ha:d upon occasion alu\ It Is conseQuontl¥ on ly r ight that . . t hey should play hard wll u l,hJ lime comes tor relaxation (Iud divers ion. That tlley have the a\)\1Ity to play hard as well loa to work bard Is mos t apparant to any per son wbo watches the bluejllc1tets during their 1 ISlIr moments either afloat or as hon'. aud the bost p!U't of It Is

200.000 sheep and lambs recelvod In three days-such • .In rQund nu mbers, Is tbe 'record· breaking run thUB fa r this week on the Ch icagO' market! Thi s enormous over-marketin g of sh p Is tho res ult of tem porary nod p cullnr causes, and offers n rare op· portunlty (or farmera and sheep teed· ers to stoclt up at bargain pri ces. Thi s g reat rllsh of sheep to mnrket com ' 5 main ly from Montana and ad· joining western range couutry, nnd CBIlIl t last more than two or three weel Ii 10llger. It la no evidence of over-flI'otiuc tlon. Its principal ca uses nre tho recent drought. which so burn ed Ollt th grass that th r e will be ver)' littl e win ter teed on the range, and whi ch prevented the putting up of sufficient hay to carry any consider· abl e Climber of sheep over winter, while last winter was a very severe' on e nnd hay was so closely ted that there Is no old hay left over for tbe purpose. The consequence Is that ments on on e vesscl. Tbe soamen. and the officers as well Beem to never shc p owners a r e forc ed to market tire oC tbe concer ts made possible by the bu ilt or t he ir sheep this fall. or these Invention s and they havo gone else lose them In the fierce storms of rar. In conjunction with movIng plo- winter. Th e most serious ca.use ot the pres· tures, to relteve the monotony that was once a disadva n tage ot Ute In the ent geceral liquidation, however, Is the restriction ' of the range through occupation and febolng by dry ta.rm· e rB, who are gralc growers, and not IIv stock raisers. The tremendous rush of tbese settlers upon the range within the Inst three years , and espe· clally ",'Ithin the last twelve months. is hard for eastern people to reallze. It Is not alone the area actually eu· lbnt I's pastimes are ot closed by these settlers. but the breakWholesouJed. healthrul sort Ing up thereby of reglond of refresh him In ' mind and grazing lands tnto such small sections &8 well as nmuse him. Music that they are no longe r available to pl\lYs a most Important part In the stockmen for grazing t belr ftocks, lighter sid e ot lire In the American which Is one of the main r easons why flll VY . both as the accompaniment of the sheep supplies ot the western the froll cB of all 1,lnds nnd as an enran ge country are being more closely tertainer In Itsclr. marketed this year than ever before The toremost facto r In the musical In th histOry of the trade. r esourcos ot a v;. .8. warship Is, of This means an Inev itable sbortage course, the shllf1.' band which may at market later on and next year, and number nIlywbere trom n dozen to suwltb a constantly growing demand tor teen pieces an.d ls made up of men both mutton and WOOl, It would seem regu larly enlisted as musicians. The that tuture good prices are assured. bandsmen. perhaps because th~Y deThe western range country has VOlo their entire time to the musloal b eretofore been the chIef source of vocation nnd have ompl e opportunlty sheep market supplies, but unless tbe for practise are almost Invariably fsrmers of the corn belt begin at onoe IkllJed muslclallM and their ensemble to raise many more sbeep than they 'Work la excelle'l'tt. Not only do they have ever done beCore. there will be pInyon 011 te&tal occasions on "hlp. a STeat scarcity of both mutton and 1I0arcl nnd in the 'parades on shore but wool before long in this country. their music la alao brought into reMoreover. there Is a world·shortage fII\\lslUon at tiU)es to hearten Jack for ot live stock ot all kinds. All Europe Ills work, notc.bly on the occaalon ot sic quite aside from that, contributed The money to purchase the talking Is ' short of sheep. and even AustraUa's the always a!\i,uoull <*ore of "coallng by the band. As might be expected B machlnes and ptanos Is raised by sub- lupply Is deollnlng with rapidity. Th e ab'Jp." WWle the ~lu!1Ilckets, hot and 1I0ating community of trom 600 to Scription or ussessment ot th~ sblp'. same genehil causes that exist In this rrlmy, are bl'l aUni n.e·' fuel aboard l 1,000 .men Includes many musicians company and Jack , with pro'verblal country are operating In otber coun· the band II stationed on deck dis· nnd they are seldom loath tQ display prodlgaUty always lnslsts upon the trieR also. Populations are gro lng ,oourslJlg .the Uvellest drs to keep thE!lr a ccomplishments for the benefit best Instrument obtainable regardless rapidly everywbere, .whlle grazing Chelr spiri ts trom flagging. ot their shipmates. Among the boys. ot price. In similar manner funds are areas are l»elng reduced . ' As pasture The band nlso gives dally concerts banjos, guitars and mandolins kre too raised ror the purchase at regular In· land Is turned to production of cereals. Dn boa rd, 80Uletimes several times a favorite Instruments but there are a ten-als ot new supplies of phonograph sheep raising declines. day, but prot. Iy the one that Is en- number ot violins .and . "ther Instro- records and player plano rolls but ott· Thousands ot AmerIcan farmers can ' Soyed moat ~ the Jacldes Is the re- lnents. On Ilome ships the boys have tlmes the bluejackets will make lridl· turn this situation to theIr benefit. cital at the no hour for halt an hour formed Slee clubs. whose Bongs, UBU' vlduaf pUl'chases on their own hook througb Increase of both soli fer tility rollowlng th& mld-day meal, Tbe se- aUy 'speclally composed, are a distinct and donate tbe new acqulslUons to the and money .profit. by beginning right leoUons are 'Polmost always of tho most aid to the program at the minstrel sWp. Especially Is this the case with now eac~ to keep a s mall ftocl( of enlivening cbaracter,- waltzes and shows and other entertainments held phonograph . records and the · haste ~heep upon hlR tarm. And by tak1"g two steplI,-a~d numbers of the boys on sblpboard from time to time. manitested by the boys embraces ev- advantage of the present opportunity dance on deck dur~ng thtll Interim. InAfter all, however, the greatest en· erything trom grand opera by world to buy bealthy. thrifty, growIng west· ---~":Idr=:eed, there Is no more picturesque thuslasm aroused by any form of mu· tamous singers to thl! latest topical ern range sheep at bargain prices up· Ipectaole In the routine of naval Ute sic on sblpboard Is that evoked by the songs by vaudeville favorites. The on the heavily supplied Chicago mar· than that atrorded by the tars in their comparatively new medhims, the ships of the navy also have an "ex· ket, they can stock up at minimum wblte duck uniforms cirCling round phonograpb and the player plano. change" system whereby records and cost, whether they want foundation and round the cleared space on the There Is scarcely a sblp In Uncle rolls, . alike to moving picture rUms, stock for breeding or the growing kind forward deck, the smooth boards of Sam's navy that hu not Ita talltlng are excbanged In order to give the to fatten for market. Which make an .Ideal dancing floor. . macblne and player and some- meo on eacb vessel the widest possl· The bluejackets have thelr own mu· Urnes there are several of the Instru- bl" '1ariet,.. . Tit for Tat. Lloyd C. Griscom, In an interview In New York, said of party dlssen· slons. "They are animated by a nasty splr· It. a tlt·tor-tat spirit; and they go from ' bad to worse. "It's like the case at the engage d . couple at the seaside dance. The lTUA TED two mUes north the well ~1llI spouting 011 at ·the rate put might be saved-for mucb was young man. a lltUe jealous, said cold· . or Maricopa, In Kern of 10,000 barrels a day. ThIs waa on being lost by scattering, and by evaIl" Iy to his ftanc·e e at supper. . . county, California, In March 16. In 24 hours the flow In' oraUon and percolaUon- and to he-. "'Let me see-was It you I kisse d what Is known as the crellBed ' to 20,000 barrels dally, and In move the danger to adjacent property. In the conservatQry?' Kern River 011 field. a week the average output was 40,- The tubing or casing that is put down "'About 'What time?' tbe young girl there Is the greatest 011 000. In another week the average from top to bottom ,of, an 011 well can answered, 'WIth a little laugh." . well known to the world. It is hnown yield rose to 60,000 barrels, varying ordlnarly be ~pped by the use ot as Lakev iew No. 1. For some months usually from 46,000 to 54.000. Occa- valves at the top ot the well, but with "Thank You'I." It has becn spouting forth a dally avo sionally. for a rew bours. the well the Lakeview that was Impossible. Tbe man who 18 not thanktul for crage at 60,000 'barrels ot oil, worth produced at the rate ot 90,000 barrels 'There was 110 practical metho.d of all" the lessons he learned In adversity 65 cents a bnrrel where It gushes a day. This enormbus productton fol· plyIng weights or force suftlclent to dldn't learn any. There must be plenty at thankful· from the earth. lowed the. eJection ot rock and shell restrain the great preSBure coming up This 'extraordlnary well bus an In- trom the tube, these baVing formed trom the deptbs ot tbe earth; and had neSR In ' the world if those who have teresllng Jllstory. Ita sinking was b~ obstrucUona that temporarUy cbecked It been possible to do so. the destruc. loved and lost could ~now Just what gun In the summer ot 1909, and by th~ 1I0w. Uon ot the casing anel the ruin of the they have lost. "Why are you giving thanks? They October a depth of nearly 2,200 feet Tbe 011 came from tbe earth with \ well would probably !lave resulted: had been renched. At that point the n roar Ilke that of a great conftagraSuch a problem bad never been pre- took '10,000 trom you In Wall Sireet drill encountered an enormous pres· tlon. Forced by tremendous J.lTessure, sented to ' 011 men before. But, atter a little while ago, dldn't they?" "Yes; hut 1 got out with UO they sure, which forced earth, gravel. and It shot aa high as 350 feet Into ' tbe many efforts, It was solved, and the rock upward In the hole for a dis· air, tb(t black, smoky-looking col- solution seemed., as simple as It wall dldn1t know I had."- Judge. tance of several feet. New wel18 are umn being, visible miles away. It was elnolent. We once beard of .a man who loved ()ften filled In that way. the matter scattered In Ipray tor a ~oDl' dilitance Working in a shower of oil, a larr:e forced ' upward In the tube being so around the well, ma\dng It Impossible numbet of men bullt ' rapldly arounCl to pay hla debta, but we have foreotloose that It can be retn0ved wltb a to continue operations qn adjacent the tOp of the well a huge bank, which t,en hts ~dresa. The 'Iense of the Iintuinels of the ballel'. In the' present case. however, properties, owing to the danger of was buttresled ·wlth stQne. and with· the well was packed BO ttghUy .that ftre. . sacka ot sand and ~artb. Tbls tank world II often only the feeling that redrilllng was neces~nry . A hundred·barrel well. Is a 'good one, tilled. qulc:kli with 011. Into which the everyone muat be sick becauie I do Sometimes the drillers would .galn and a well that· yielded 2,OOQ barNlls stream Of petrQleum from the well.was not feeJ well. on the pressure In the enrth: at 9th.~ dally bad been regarded .. a phenom- Ilhot. With, all Ita speed and forc~, When Rubbel'l Blcome Nece... ry Umes they 'Would lose. The . result enon.. · Sucb a gusber aa the lAkeview tJte ~tftow pould make Its way but • An,d yo~ .bOM . I\lnoh. shlUee Into your was tbat In tive months. or to March was beyonA ~l previoul calculations, few fee~ ' above' ~e aprincy .masl ot ,hOM AI\en·. Foot·lllue, ~e antiseptic powder for the teet. Cl.\rea tlte!!, II.Ohln~ 16, 1910, tb~ net Increase In depth and the problem o! SaTing and atot- .lmpou~4~I S()I1. . . '. . teet lind taka the Itlng oat ot Corne an!! of the bore was only 60 feet. 'rhl! IDS lbi enormous outpu: Watl .no e.~,. T~ua the ~oD8ter ~~s tettered. The BUnlo'nll. AlwaYI UIMI It ror ' Br.ea~lng In well bad been sunk Into an oil, Bal!d, one. The . tal1lUi ~bat had. been pro- conquered · prelsure . new .e xpands It. Ne" aboetl and tor !!&ncln~ parties. Bold 2$c. Sample mailed FRElEl. but It was belle red that by IOln g vtded 'W81'8 Uke tn(anttle clothing fo~ final !!nerIT In ; hfsainc and ·",rithlng. lrVe1')'lI'bere .ddre.... Al1e~ S. Oll'llllted, Le Roy, N. Y . . to ". grenter. depth the 'chance of !"glant. ,.. rna~y m~n 'and teams ,sa making .the 011. tan~. boll lite lo~e lecurln~ a large ftow or- oU would be could be ,secured at ctouble rates .a t . huge caldron. A .srnall dver of ' 0~1 atlll • W,oman. . . HeTJltt-8he III a man tn her enjoyincreased. Finally, however, :wh~1l liB)' were put to W.OFt, nJlJht and 4a,:. fto"a IU! genUy as .· a ~rook fro~ the . . ". ' flve months' work had accomplished bulh'l!ng eartben rel;JrTolrs. . . .. well to the reae~o~rs.,. ' : men~ of baseball. '. . no greater result 'tllan' ls ot.tep pined Flnall" a dam ""u ~hrown acrosl .At tint rt ~aa, l[Qpoa,lble · t~ np.. . Jewett-But ahe showed that ahe Is In a single day' un~er C?rdI D aJ7 cJ~ ~ c~y.on !' ml!" from .~e. well. and. proach ~e we~ nearer than a ~He aWl 'a' wOl;llan by ' retulllng to ' aJt '. cumstances. the' dlrectorfl, ot the com· mJllIon·bar~1 ~sel'\'Olr formed. ~ w\t1!out belne apattered w.1\h 011., Pea- l;U~VUlm th~. th~rteen~ Innlng. pany 'o"'11I~g' tb~ Lcikevfew wflU de. ~unatelY .' a pipe Itqo jUlt complet~d ' 1I1e '«!ho traveled ·trom all parta of the cld~d that it wouid be ' unwise to t17 ~tween the Interior 0..11 fields an.d (ltat. to aee th,e CUlher 'Watched l' to drill farther. · 'J1be I~cal superin· tldewater. , near Ul~ wen, IIDd tr~~ fidjacent ~ls . . ·Now 'Ylaltof,8 can tendent. accordinglY. was lDathicte4 ~n 011 "It.. nmnlnc tJUoouab to 10 .'wt,thJD a few ~eet . oJ t~e -.ven. TIl., t<l stop drl)llD. IIrDd to permit tIie ~e11 ~ ~rnera, . ' are w~tcbec1 cO~taDt1y tiy 11191:''' to begla ptoduclng at the depth · ControllIng t!'e Output. . . ~ !!Core Of suardl, WhOM prlnclpa' reaobed In the D)e&ntlme Qael1t ·was uotall' bUIln_ It tQ aee .tliat · th.~ elmo With • Roar. . probl8QI, thlt .of .000~Uq t,bo. :flow,l' llahted olpn or matc.b.. tlaat WIl8D &be ....... wu cl.UyeNd.1 ~ tIMt web, .., ~t III. . of .... . ttart·. ~1ap&tIGL . ~


What is the use of procrastinating in th e face of -suell evidence as the following letters represent? If you are a . sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason have you .for not g iving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial? For 30 years we h ave been publishing such testimonial letters as these-thousands of them -they ate genuine and honest, too, every one of them. Mrs. s. J. Da.rber says:

Mrs. Ufl<lr1!'C M a y says: No ono lrnows I have suf-

thinkLydiaE. L LU,,",U'''''' 8 Veg6table CompOllnd is the best roed i. cino in the world for women-nnd I f eel it my du ty to l et oth e rs know the good it has done for me.

fro m teo trou bl es, gill. pains, ackache. said not give iug to Through


I hnd a. tum ar which the doctor ~....J.""""A.:::....,IL;L.U!...:.Jllaid would have . to be by an oper ation or I could not live more than a year, or two. Rt most. I wrote Mrs. Pink· bam, atLynn, Mass.~ for adTice, and took 14 bottles of Lydia E. Pink. bam's Vege tableCompouncl, and today the' tumor is gone and I am a perfectly well woman. 1 bope my testimonial will be of benefit to ot h. ers." - Mrs. 8. J. B.ARBElR, Scott.

.N. Y. ·' Mrs. B. F. Hayes says: "I was .under tbe


e an

doctor's treat. m entforafibr oid tumor. IsufIered with pain, soren ess, bloatingr and could not walk or stand on my teet anI lengtb of time. 1 wrote to Mrs. Pinkham tor advic'e. followed her 1rA.__......~~~~~~Hect1on8 and· Vegetable . am 0. well woman, the tumor expelled. and my whole 8ystem strengthened. I advise aU women wbo are afflicted with tumors or temnle troubles to W Lydia E. Pinkham's VeEetable ()ompound." - Mrs. E. F. liAn:s, 1800 Washington St., Bo~ton, MaSs.





Mrs. W. K. Housh say81 .. I b a. v e bee 11' completely of

Because JOur case is a d1fIiC1ilt: one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to autrer w1t~ ont Riving Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. atable Oompound a triaL It surely bas cured mauy calles of female fila,.

lUehas1nftamma.tlon,u1cerat1on~dis- ·

placements fibroid tumors, irre~

larlt1es,perlod1cpa1ns.backac~e.eto. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound hall been the standard remedy tor female Uls. No elck woman doee justice to herself who wtll not try thls famoU.l medicine. Made' excluslvely from roots a.nd herbs, and haa thousands ot C1lrCS to its eredlt. Mrs. Pinkha.m invites all Ilck women to 'W1'lte her for · advice. She bas gui eel thonsands to healtb fre8 of cbarge. Addres8 Mrs. pinkham. L7IlIl, Mails.




.'3. '3'~0 " '$4 SHOES ~0:0=1t: ~pya· SHOES, '2.00 '2.~0 AND '3.00. ~

W.LDOIIfII_U.oo, U.IIO ",." H..oo ......

.,.e ~/lIvfIIy tile IHNt made _II...,., ,."pu/.,.."oee ,.",. UIe",.1oe


the moe' fIOonomloai ehoea "". J/OfI to buy. Do yon reaU&e that m.y .hoee baye ' - t I u. •• £audard lor oyer

80 y.aN, that I ",ake and Mil more _00, &:I.GO an4 ...00 .bCMMI than aDl otber manufaotnl'tl1' ID tbe V.8., and.tbat DOLLAR ~on DOI.T.AR.I GVARAN'l'EEMY8BOBli to hold t.belr .bape,look and ftt better,aDd ....ear 10Dcer thaD _y otber 88.00. 1aS.a1O 01' "',00 .boee :ron ClUJ buy' QaIUU.,- CI01lDW, It . . . mllde my abON TRI!l LEADBRS OJl' ,TJlB 'WORLD. . leou will be p l _ d .ben 70U buy my abON ~ the a .. d ~beD It (lCJm.e . tlrue for you to pUI'O~ .aoc.hel' pall', 7011 .ple..... becauH t b e on ....... IKJ w.~4 eye 2.on 110 muab




CAUTION I ~o':::;.'8~~~,*,°:ics~r.botl=-TAI\ENOSUBSTII'UTE If YO\1l d . . . . . .JlDOUPpP0\7 Y.9J\ ,.llh W. L. Donll ... 811_ wrtte r01' MaU Order oataIol. w. L. DOIl6iLAM. A_ ....... _ _ ..

a ......"'.. • ...

. liquid lfIyen 011 the tOlllr" e . Sl\fe tor brood mare. and all others. Beat kldne,. remedy;1IO cenlJi nnd fl.OCra IlQUle; 16.00 and 110.00 tb. dOlen. 80ld by all dMl.,:\o,ta and bOrlie 11'00<18 hoa.a8, or' MD' .xpre.. paid. by the mauul...'ure ...



Bad Breath




Veg6. table Compound, and the pain soon disappeared. I continued its use and am now in per tee t health. L ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound bas been a God-sond to mo as 1 believe I shonld have b een in my grave if i t had not been for Mrs. Pinkham's a d v 1c e and Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." -Mrs. GZOROlll MAy. 86 4th ... Paterson, N.J.

The World's Greatest Oil Well



Lydia E. Plnkh~m's V~getable Compound

G5~ ........ B.II~

"MIll...... D. O.

The Army of Constipation

•'Por monthl I bad great.Uoable with my atomach and uaed all kiDdl of medicines.. My tongue bas been actually as green . . gtUB, my breath having a b&d odor. Two weebagoa friend recommended Caacaret8 and after usiog them I can wUlingly and cheerfully say that they have entin:ly cured me. I therefore let yon know that I .ball recommend them 10 anyone suffering from anch trouhlel."-Chaa. H. Hal. perno 114 E. 7th St., New York, N. Y. Plea.ant. Palatllble, Potent, TAllte Good,. DoOood. Neve£ S6clrea. WeaJreD9rGrtpe. lOc:o 2Sc. SOc. NeVII' lol(lla bulk. The ae'" ul.... tablet etampe4 C C C. GIUU'IlDleed toc:UI1I

o£ your mODO,. back.


.. Growlq s...D...


ICiIf c~11


ecal1 pen .,. dae, ___, a.e ..........

--..... tieL


............... 8

+".. s.a-aa.

tlLW.l'I1l. I8W. DOSl. JIW.L PIG

, ~bou Signature

~.~~ FLORIDA VIEWS ~~~uC:;~1.~ ~~~l:!~i

. 8Qeue. lrinn tree to _". De"'lInbecrlber to the 1>andlKlmea' IIlu* 11'.144 'Weekly In ~be 8out:l. Covering e .. eijr, phue 01 1':1<!z'ld. Ille II I. In_Iu.ble to tboie who are IntA'relted la Florida .od tbe tropic,. Full 01 beautIful plc~ut'e8, storletlJ hletory &.n d eurren" lei peoullar . to Lana of Flowe .... 611 'Week ••.00. l!Ien4 tor .ample oopy. . TIlE RORIDA R~ . fl. BealtJ: 11lI11dlD. '01, ~• .,..




Bua'PTOP' and Trim· mln... Bod. Ie., Pole. 8b.,te, Top BUlf

1 •••

Ru_t:.ut., etc. WPIte for ea~ lo... e and ·p rlce.. . IUOD UCHEU CO.. 410 CNrt·.......... ctu_II," .

County Courts

It.wlIsor(l rell t.hllt,'2.000



fell' d t rnpor llrll:v fr iuD Ilw 1111 lid brld jle fund of I!lUll ttl th LlGuty

fUl~llo~t'~ " n •.~_ '

!ltr lLot



....--~- ...................,



0 tober 26tb'-:'Elt.



'pened tl\ill n,l ornlng in fOor.6 n f~r Wa tern Stlltel', lind in lata with Wll1it1l11 .Brown for d</LII u'lol;'lda, Miohi8tlO, Minnelloh. aod ln lt nO lI V ~illt,it\g l~ h ," h tr l1 ' s hri ltl;{ Alallk6. to fill VILOlLot pOSitions 6S ~r(l MatHe McDermo t wtllllld P ('pl never were Quit able to de- ILtldlst.ant Forest rangers OD tbe j illIg d 5700 dllmRgeH in h fil r !lUlL f l)r o etlr t h d r e .. ntt"rl e of"&. G HulY rl\ 110 000 ugl~iOl'lt Frltok M. <,:ollden for on Colu /ll b!tl rOt\d -'til . alon t. U WII cldo wh , ther Mra. Hopkins hAd an ao. NIlt.ionll.l · Fore~t. 'l'be eXl1minlL no rmul be n88 of humor or was jUllt the killing of her 0 0 Fred M De r · S ht P nt P!ltl. 'lIIlt ~ .1 5 , natumlly a door maL It would have tious ore held at NutloOlll Forest mutt. Th jury WLlS out seven h urtl ootraot W itt! eOl6I'e.\ iuto \V 'I h d~manded ono of these two trait!! to hebdqourtertlln ~1lI!t~te8 10 whiob t;'et.urning Rt 1 :15 Tn rtllY mOl'oin g WlnnRr B '· n t!l >: l· ... lUI' nl, ,U1ll1 g au, 'onabl any woman to endure unflinch· Ntitiunlll Forests are loctlted, exo~pt. '(mden WtUI represElntl'<'1 by I:)t.flDl ~ y p uintill !.t 'Inclnn ll lol p i li' 1"'I,l ll", Mil lugly the vagaries of her family. In Arkallsll und UklllhullItL, ,wd Will Sbe had bersell alone to blamo for last two doys. blLnlc st.ret'lt hr u1l-to 11.11 , .. I I I \I ' ~ 011 & St.nn lt'y while At,torn y s Geort-:e lhese vagaries. V!tlltors to the Hop}I~ . Young R.nd P~trirk ~ltynor were Broadwuy urollu I i n ~ b :LUuu bt es klns' h6me gazed unbelievIngly and TUe po itlooa pl.1y, ot entrnnoA, oounsElI j or the plll.joWl'. tlmll,tEl. ~1 20. won deringly upon the d.1nnera uuUl It !lallLry of $1,100 p er nODum. Men '1'Ue Cll e of "l1urlell Mohr ugllin t c.;outrao~ \vus ~ o tt' r .. d lot,') witiJ tlWtl and repetlUon allayed th Ir sur- W IIO en\ol' tb NlLtioDul Forest Nork Ltlev" r (0"1' Ie Hila" o n,l prise. 'fh on they would take Mrs. as IIs:'!i<ltuot mllKert'l IHe eligIble for DRisy K. StOnt·, et 1.11 is IIi w issed (Jlau:! n Into would a corner. were t' t I without r cord lin oonsl:'ot of bot,h PUiUli ll '"u tlLetll b " i I1 "'~e " Vtl r ·tn o.\ Hopkln8 women. and tell Ifh they I' tha.t It prowo ,Ion 0 pos tlOns atl "ongers, parties. TIlA dl'fencitlo t is a se ed B ol1 olV n Il rl e"lIlo<u\:1I of .l · " I', was a lin and a shulD to glv In und lrLtel' t d th }'J \)s ltiou of ~~(Jretlt tbe oost of prooe tldmgs. t on In ~ IIshi.1l I,: t , 11 t · w '"h iu, nl e '- 110 to the tooll8h whhps of mascu- superv illor . if tbtly nre good flnoursh Hnlty and that she was ruining her The I'ltt er positi on }JUYII n lIu l ry of tiwut U 5 boys. New Suits U U II tr ,Jct. WIl S rontl'lrt'd into \"ith In spite ol thIs MnI . Hopkln8 kept frOnl'I,600 up , Ilnrl oallt' buth for Llnr" Uonner, guardian of tho es. Bert, Relll for pu ttiog In OOl1 ur t1 tt right on orlrerlng m .als according to ~ll r ound exeontl ve ltblhty IIno for tate of Eth l:l l ConnElr, 11 Inin or 14 h ellcl W I' I k , nnll tI weI' ue llr r " ~II I H ' W " h r owo Ideas . There were thr e a oertaln lim IUllt ot I'ru oticn 1 kuowl . . . .U.. . . . . . . .6ET.PFMMEa . .HE~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ year of age filed IIU\t aglliDllt E~I\IIJ ,I f L Oll t:/~ ' lie(l l lJ' In l) . hi l'U 'i,1 t.ow n- n arly growD sons and one c1aughter. edge of foreslry . Raogers WII k and no two ot thom liked the some und I' Fure!!t s::JpervIRorl', oft,tlO wi ~lI Conller Rnd llirtl c.;onnAr Rskmg fnr a ll ip nt "tlmut. .. ~I a 'f,u things to eat. Alexander refu.ed ponltlvely to Il. p t.rt.lOull1r distriot in t,b ul r oharge, the dower doe her and for tile prl v Reaching the Top. touch any meat but Ilteak and roast. proteotinl-t tbe Foret4t·1I 1l~l\lll~t fir t' ilt'g~ of selling relil el!ttlte to Liv est the money arifling therefrom . C B. io IIIlV (1""1101,: of 11ft<, dt' lu 'llI ll 1\ VII! El'llest would not eat beet If he and trespastl, b tlodli ng lUuoh of til .. . Deohant Is attorney for the (Jllliotill' . ')fOU!! bo,ty IIntlll k"on bl"II(1. \'vltl l- starved to death. Eugene, who had min or lJosinstll! wlt.b F orest. O!ll:lrs , a del1cate app tlte whIch had to be out IHa\l.h th f' l tlit! II nfo U '.IWMi! Hul coaxed. Instated on chops. chicken or e~tiD\llting l~Dd sca ltng timber an d ~I e I,rlo BI Uers Itl I h , ~ raa I p/o t Probate Court. sweetbreads. JOllie turned up her nose enforolng regul,H luns tludllr whiuh tlellith Bui 'der til world btL!I I"IV"r N . A, BILDlilton itl appointed Oil known. It o'lmp!'!!' perfflot IL C 1"11 at anything except creamed dried . puroha!lers of tim ber tlllowed t.II beet, sardines or. lamb. out Oll the Niltiondl Forests, bulle1 mlnistrBtor of the estate of WilliJlIn If RtnWll h . I,vflr, hldn VI:!. btl .vell', It was just as bad about the break· iog tru.llll, tlupervisiog the work of , (>urlfiAI! IIlId ElII (I Ch l'. t·h e b loud . T PBrker, decetlsed, at 8 bond of Eugene bad to hnve hIli 1001'11 lIud i n vi go rllTf'8 t h " wbulll y . fast egp. ' 8.000. B. 1::). Conover, BenjamIn te Ul lind en tlhl f\~ YI' U to tltu rd the poached.. Alexander stuck to sott- F ur est gu~rds, Ilnll 0 0 oool&lli')n lead Burge and ClArl J , MIller are appoint- weur lind tl'llr of y our clllll.v work. bolled. J081e preferred omelets.. Ern. IIlg furoos of tf'mportlry employee!! .1 A fr llr m of .. utl'>l rlDg fr em est lneJllted on having bla eUl acram- ng.oi ost fOl'e~t fires 1,00 'larKe to be ed llppralser!l . hllDdled by the reg UltloT N u. tlonl11 'l'lOub' .. ," writes W . M bled_ ({ldlley a"lph Brook is appoioten arl. Two ot the four wanted toaIt lIe"ed 'b ermlln . of Cnl' hiull. M,. , "thrfe buttered and the other two wouldil't !i'Uf Rt force . . ministrator of the 6stllttl of 'al vlu bnltl f'!! of H:j l'otrio Bitt er!! Ill/t nl' Ill ' The Forest rlinger must the refore Oor,ner. deoeased, lAt u bond of $2500 feel like It 'Il ' W tJlj~n . " :;Uo lit fr e d eat It unleaa they adju8ted the butter to soU themselves. All for doaerts- ftr~t of all be an f xv rie n~~d and WillIllm T. Bru ,kl', 'IInt Cltlllve r J . tin!\\v,.rlz ·" that wu what made nearly all the vJ goro u!:I wo ndlluu\u In the wordll and ThoUlati MeGl de Ilre IIppoioted ' h 1 coou leaye alter 8trucglnl three COULDN'T FIND THE PAITERt\ days or 80. Theretore Mra. Hopklna ot t tl mIll p mphlet whloll tbe De. appraisers pertorce cUd moat ot ber own p ,rtmbnt ot Agrlcultore sends t o In tbe est'Ito of Murlon A. Rosl'. p ;lrsuns making loqlliry. "lnoi vld n. minor., the finalaoo.Juut wtis'filed by ExperIence of Unfortunate Man Wh060 tng. Wife Sent Him to Purohue 80me , It one of the famlly liked pie an- .ds soakiog light outdool employ, NATURE'S WEATHER PROPHETS .M"ry ROI8, gnlLrdian. other Insisted on cake, and aomebody meot need n ot apply." He DIU ~ bt' Yellow Ribbon. • ' '1 Albert L . PrlOe flIed due proof 0' . .i else refused to finish on anytblng but Sign. Flowe,.. and AnImal. That i . J Observe th '" man In the depart. pudding. As for HopkIns. the onlt sound.t.'Odled, in ored to hardship .., publicatloo of his notice of ILppoiotW.... Followed by I [ ( . . - II . He Is on 11 shopplog sweet he lfked was Ice oream. Mra. l~ble til ride, paok, nud t.tlke olu'e 01 ment as BdmioiRtr!1t-or of Ihe estate m nt store. Our Grandpa ... nta. tour, and It III plato that he Is shop- Hop\dna 'Was aiwaYB too exbausted by blw \:llf Itu<\ \lit! h urse!! iu tbe wood ~ of WtlIilim A. Prloe, dece'J\sed. --,..' ping for some olle else--so~e persoD dessert time to yearn for anrthlnl( .e1· and roouotafus, famtlil.1r with tbt, \ V c , o IT,· ... , ., f;;) '.l l M,e n bave"lDad4) lOme velT woad. io authority. otherwise be would not cept a mercttul oblivion. Marrla,e Licenses, regi on I., od 100111 oouditions ,vbert: luI In8trumen~ _blah foreteU wbat be hel'e, Tbe ~uman constitution belog wbat Pl yi .. , F: Ill ,; .,·n l'nt Barry M. 8arrls. 22, ' shop ew lil. 11.\ ' e!!n sent to match some )'el. It Is, .of coune It waa Impossible to let he seekll employment', liud are ••dent the weather Wi be. but old Mother Nature bas given ua meNenaen th :tt y ,:1 \I ::l .I.;juy ;11 d ploye ".nd Fern F. BrandoD, 20, of low 1'1LJ IJOIl. and has mlslll1d the Uny everybody else starve while Alesan· of t,be HtlAte in whloh he wtli be lAp Whlcb tell abOut the weather ·tt we Frllnkllo. ample given blm. He sUcks ex perl. der regaled hlmllelf on beet or while. pJiDted. Although the r quiremeots watch the afctr,a wbleb the, ahow. The at Lm e. 'oN ri c: to-.Ly U~h 11 loental and dunled fingers Into all his Josle toyed with an omelet. E'(ery- are ltirgely phytlloal Rod prn 'tical, UUle dalalea "ere wat.cb8cl b, B lirry E . ne , 24, far 11er of pockets. He teels Inside hIs waist. body wanted food several tlmes a day .. , M'lrrow, and' Adu Gleb}!', 20, of Mor band. Th n be takes a brace on I-and 80 Mre. Hopkins generally man. they iuolude both 'l\ sum }Ient HilDer S!'ftbdparenta. wbo believed that row. hlmselt and demands yellow ribbon. aged to bave· a lIttle bit Qt eacb on~'8 ,,) eduootii:lO to qualify tbe rllnger sPrlnl had nat Oome untU 1J datslee \ The DuUcl'lck Publishing Co. were bloomklg on a foot. of Cl"OI1DI1. M. 0 : Jordnn, 27, in9n"aooe l!olio. "Silk or saUn?" InQuires the sules· 1 pref.ere~ee on the table !ot meal Ume, to trausaot N .ltlon141 Furflst butlioe8t! The chickweedII' ltarry fiowel'll tell . , Da''':rlo:k Dull.UaG, New York, N. 'Y. itor of NorWOOd, ILnd Linr~ U woman weartly, "and what width T" I not forgetting that Eugene •. for some lutellig ntly, and knowltldae of IlInd when heavy wlndll or ra1na are comThe man doesn't. know. I Inscrutable reason. never wanted any ". Bayner.. 29, of booth :.abanon. "Elt.her wlll do." he 8ar a sternly, butter or that Ernest disliked cream surveying rolUing h~WtlI.1Upoodtom" . Ing by clonIng the&r Unr bklaoma. , • • ",ust IlO It'e yellow." and Uked pla1n mUk In hli coffee and ILnd the hlLndllng of range live tuok Tbe dandelions bale the 1&108 habit. 1"11..,;,, ' Re'll Est,te Tr.msfera. The tired saleswoman laYII before on his berries. .. [Q the I::iontbwest some koowledg(- LIkely the Kolden 1Imiere do not WaDt 1oIr. Bell s AntiseptlcSalv8 to unco'~r thelJ' curly head. unleu Good for all 8kln DI• . . . . 6 him a tray contaIning bundreds of It mad~ an outslder'8 bead wblrl to of I::ipanish is often nec~ry. they can look up to the lun. U YOQ M-arion .tW8S t Mary ROSM, lot io paller spools, ellch bearing yellow rl" take a m~l with the Hopkln8 family. , '" To .seoure the right kind of men watch dandelloDl you will see tba& ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' b etC. bon of diverse &balles and wld't bs. because t re was such an avalanche 8 outb ~e 1L00lt, Mary Ross ns ullrdill n c>t Manon... . - Tbe of various klnda of tood that one loet the eXllmin!ltion Is IlLrgely a tec;t ot they do not Open OIl the mornlnp at \ A. Ross, "to MIllion A. Ross, lot In 1118 heart. How can a man select couot. Bellides, Jt III tlrlns to have to praotio",1 otlpaoity to do thing. Th~ the day. whell raiD taDa. M~.gOldll are lIacb particular ATH A WAY .&> th Leba • from this awful array ot rlbboo Just choose between sl:l kinds of meat and OIlndidate most gi ve a demonstrlltioD that they will nOl even Ihow u , non, 1. etc. t he shade and width he Is 8upposed everything . else accordingly three of hill horsem"nllblv, I.1bility to pooh, blos80ms a ray of their spleDdor U a Itorm I. W" .foeflville'a Leo.dtnv WllliaDl KoookenbRruer to J!'runk to let? Umes a day. approaching or Unmder fa heard In Office l!l Keys Blrlg. Malldox Rnd MII.,g! L. , MliddOx, ."Wbat Is It to btl used for?" the Mra. Hopkins aJwoya lIald that abe knowledge ot the use of tIle complL 1', lraot in Bamilt.on townsbip, $8175. saJeswoman. asks kIndly. The mlln would rather do these things than and lIimlll.1r matt~rll. Other parts the distance. The monliq sSorlell may wak~ earlr to beaut)' the garden, but ~ave the cblldren fU8B. and that, OIly· of the test tlre'written exawinu.tlons s hakes hIa bead. W " C Dodd t P D CI o . IIgfltt and . . h th I h bit t d 1 I .• '1 ,doo't know" he says' "maybe It ow. e r a a were 00 eep y n· Beoa·use of t,he desirability of secur wben ~e7 lIuddenly 'WJ:ap thalr sUk,. Mary L OJa tt., lot in Wayneavt)le, waa on the list ~f thIngs I' lost." . grained tro to blbe brok n. It was, of ing, I n the ne w rangers, recruits who scarf. 'about their fa.oee 100 ,may lie 1 • 8ure that rata .. ~ the alr. Sorno , ('.0 "I'm sorry," sa)'s the sa.leswoman. course, u eaome, but "~?ythlng to • Truman Bates to Edward ' N "Glmme aome ot that," he says des. ' keep peace In the family was ber wql prove ollpllbl~ of ri@ing to the trees, sue.. .. the locu8t, close their leave. ben a atorm .. oomln,. It YOI1 B'lt.etl tno~ 10 Deerfield townllbip perateiy " pointing a flnger at one of slogan. 8he said ahe was 8ure ahe hl~her respousi btu Uell , lIlld npon bave a pfden you might look to see .. 1800 ' , thf,l yello'Y rolls. . did not know ·what the 00", would do I!'orfl!lt Mup~rvl t!or~, r·be te!ltll of ed. what propbets are near to warn you of ' . "How many yards?" the girl asu (f ther ~ver married, becaulle no girl ooation ,I· qaallfiolltioDII 'bave beell chan,. 'In' the weather. Our grand- I Ifyoll would lIke to supply .. Loula P . Kretz and Irene B Kretz llroduclng a bright pair ot SelllBorll' would love them as much as their motherll "aid that - even peaceful old : your ~able with this high'oF.rank R . C6mbfl, trllot 10 oounty. Tbe mao redects " mother dId or would be wllIlng to strengtbenHd 'i'bus the Govern "1, eto. . "I don't know,~ be says: "How ' take as much trouble tor them. aDd ment. til obtlliniog pioked mell fOl tabbr ~ew wben to expeot either min I . graJ~ silverware free .of.. or 8no". When the cat eat with her Ch,llIes E. El\ton and Wll1lllm S many would you seU" The saleswom- thnt IIhe knew ~ey would be unhappy. the rank and file of hd la,le army back to the Ore our grandparenta an smiles. but she couldn t help tt-she had done t I b ~ .i cost, write us for our speUogleltby ' to, Or}Jhl.1 .M UOl!lle8by "It ld d her best. 0 emp oyees w 0 a.,.min titer Bnd looked to I:\ave use tor their ovenbOea · wou epend," she saY8. lean· promote the pr 'per nse ofitfln~lArlY and u~"rel\a8. cial offer. Address lot in Frkoklln, 'J, eto. Inion the counter, "on wbat I want,. Everybody elJle sal4 It waa ~l tom· 'Mi'o ota Skinoer to Mary aunter, ed It for." m7rot and th~t the Hopldns chlldren two hundred million aore!l~f Nation. STiWOARD FASHION COMPANY lottdn Fronklin, 5'700 "Well, give me two dollara' 'Worth," Imposed upon their mother. 11.1 Fort's_ts_._ _ _ _ _- _ _ ')ubsrribe for the (}alette n·te Vand. . SIred. New York, No Y. N slUe MO' . Fa' "'.her to tile Muroh says the man. The girl stares at In oouree of time Alexander and • - • /oJ him. Ernest. and Josle mal'"led~ and set up .- It's the World's Best. Brothers COllll>ll0Y,. Jot 10 Lebaoon, "Two dollars' worthlw she waan8. homell of their own and Eugene .went N . I t 0 b UII I"'" M ra. . 0 one has ·ever made III salve I, eto. "It's eight cents a y a r d . " n .n ""s In a dlueren tcity. Mary EdwBPds aod Btlrlao H "Oh. well," says the man, "make It Hopkins never could fill up tile spare B'~~hl::~s o~r~~~ t~I1~~~Pa.:t~II'wtihthe . five dollars' worth. Would yOU mind time she now hud stnce her culinary Ed war d a to G eorge M Edwlirdll, ~pt labors were 80 Illmpllfied. A lifelong one perfeot. henler of CUtll, Corns. . hUIT) Ing It up? 1 have to catoh a slavery bad spoiled her capablllty for B tHnM, B ru Itles, tSorfl!!, ' ~!l~:'.sd r, train?" &BIds, Boils, ~1n B ILrveys b nr".· '1, eto other nursu1ts 8 be w t I It I Vloerll, Eczema, Idah ·Rheom. For . Then he standll on one leg and v • 0 s en v s . ng among tbe chlldrel\. . Sore Eyefl, Cold l::Iore8', Cb~pped Commissionera' Proceed In,,!. walts. aod the floorwalker passes and When she got to Ale~ander's-he unn·'s, or "'prain.-, it's soprem~ . " •••• '................,'•••••••••••••. -. . •••••.••••• BIll"-:- V, J . Z.lQ tmeyer, bridge re repasses hIm. oyelng hIm susplclous- who would eat nothing 'but beef and lil ble Ptltt~ : .Only 250 ~'I ~ p Ir I 8 lit D Iy. He may not be a shoplttter. but eggs 80ft·bolled and pie-she was par- Fred U. dobwartz's ::: ;:. . 1\ II n !Un ,on ulld aertleld he Illay be trying to flirt with the riO. aJ d th I b b • - • towosb'p!l, • .tll. 25 i ' pencer &, Mon. bon counter girls. 'yze e !!rst n g t to ave o\llcken • ::: ::: • :.: ::: . and rice pudding come ·on the table. roe, brlllge . lnmbRr, *26403 i ,J,)lIn But finally the agony Is over, and In tormer times Alexander would PHOTOGRAPHING ON APPLES .'. '.' F,)ley, for r t.o d around the man puts the package under hIs have stormed at the . IIlght of' pudbridge, $12 j Oregnnla Bridge Co, and departs, leavlug the floor- ding. Now he remarked that the How Plctu".. 01' WOrd. AN P-'ntlld u SCrl Ig oontr,,09:, $l\)O Bu j Oscltr B Cuin wa er Interrogating th,e saleswoman. chIcken was cooked to a turn and the n who Is throwing bel' arms In the air pudding de1lcloos. by Nature on ,the Growln, .'. '.' OO.1tract., ,42 05 j Silus BanneU, coo and actlqg very Queerly . Fruit. .::; :.: , t E B t h h . "Isn·t Sadie a floe cookT" he asked ::: 1"\0. 25; c\ Dnnham. contr6Ct., rI h~ e as the yellow ribbon all his mother. beamtng. Occaalonallr much interest III ,110 i B 'L. ORkio. services on g When she got to Eugene's, he of the .~ by the appearance In a fruit ' ::: :;: S)ldiart! Borilil ComlLisslon, $1;' W . • - .. caprIcious stomach. IIhe sat at his , .ton of a 'few apples OIl whlcb appear :.: ::: if. & c.;o ,mdt'e., "6; C V Kills a Murderer, boarding house table and saw him perr.ot phototrr!Lpha, nOt puted on !:: ::: ' . stowaway corned beel and cabbage but tl In th ................ ~.. ::: . Will lamfl, express /lod dr!jya~e, A rn~roil""11 murrlflrer is AppRndl Ull she ned .a gbast. tbwA.f~D 'Y e .......... ~e u~t ~: 1387 i W .rren Couuty Appeal blanks citis wttb morny V Ict.i 111 , • But Dr Ernost had married. prettr little ::: ;:: 0 B 'ld Kina'flN tl w Life Pill~. kl' \1 l' t bu pro' thl b k ..:.. 00 Thoash. 1Dt.el'88tlns, qae method or , .'. .:. for IlU d a'tor .. .~ i I ebra,nts Boo\[" ' · . r v ng, W 0 new no mo •., a ut cook· maklDlr Picture apple. II .lmple · aDd I' " .'. '.' Stort', record fUl Sberlff, '10 50 i.D vention They I!f'ntl.v Ing .than sbe did the blatory of not at all c1lmcult 'If tile fruit II of a ::: ::: " . 'I M . stomAoh, liver Rnd hOWf11~. prflvellt_ the stone age. Sbe se~ forth a'lIogg'y _ .. _... T_ b !::. B . W 1 /:IOn. . A. J'Lmoson lilld t:I log that olol!'ll"ina t.ho t, io vltell" onero. dinner. warranted to ~ock out Cupid """ ... _.etr· _lit efcre the apple b. ::: ;:: l!'tllbei, MervlCes on Blind Cumen!'! dioitla. coring COT1Stip'l t.ion , R ead. In the first rOUD.d '. If. to turn a pbotograpblc . fUm .1.1 8100 , ." <I"ell '18 :A W Mnrdi a oh p , Bili( ,u"nf",Q, n50 n., . At J OH I' ' about It III aDd .uchblur a ManDer ,",,0 " . . , . ~ ")ll·lls. v ~ P<., es MTIl. Hop kl n. found ber Iatene4 that It will not ·move the pl& :.:• :.:• t POl4t mortAm eXlnnlnnti mover Dl: Fred C rolr young daughter who loved omelets ture. The. foliage Is then ;!: • . •J () Liflu ..,I1en, 110 i Itlqnest ove r eggs boiled &!HI I.hlrred . be- that the apple fa expol8Cl to the 'd lreot ::: . :::. o I ' 11 . . The Telltale Body clluse I\er hllllband them Of th .' d .. ::: . " . :, ' r ..11l.ue flO, foes, *1525 i VlIlle.v A main fact In the hlBto; of ·that war. aDd settlngtortb steaks r&11S e lun!Ul nature c1oee 'the. . . ,'. .'• .'r"IAphJDepO ,rent-aod tC'lls, .2290 i lIers Is 'the wonderful at .ile would baft ,..nted .. R. !!!I,llI.ry, 40 j JllmeM of the bptly. If It were made, at s8eing. . .depth oi toile ta lacklns. ; U It IS d.. .' :.: F'llleu, ,R!llar.v. *50 i D. ClagAt!< of · glass or ot air and the ·thougbts Tbat winter wbeo aU the aired to brattd wC:m1. on't h e . ::: ., ::! h . on. Ford ro ,d t2 I written on steel-tablllts within. It I :Mthrs: , truJt ' black paper ,should be WIecl "'Ill ti C ' eould not publish more truly Its 'mean ' em e. n" 0 e stead of th fil .... th d I .... 1.... -..,. fl . ' ;),qH.O, viewer on SpAocar I eng Ihnn ' now . Wi lle m n r I . midst 'of the yard·long varIegated list b i t et .... e es ~~ ~. ' ::: ::: aiJ ji',irrt ,onei, Frlink 8b!dllk all y'au'r p;lvat. Ihe .t making .out tor the .fesU'1l1 .. 0, I . I tVftf on SAm 112 i Osqar R )berson. ,our look nn(1 galt aud behnv,for. Tbe ~.~: ·thIDk rll t cooll! a talle advantac9 of thl. method 1000e ~ '. ' .•••••••••.••.",.!... · ·· ··,,·················..··~·····'~·····f·.·:·:·:·.·:·:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;:!: A • on, 11; Tpom us l whole of natllr 1M ' bent on turlley dloner let It .. d87, and' we may be bandel! aD apple . .• Boli8rsoo, oblllnmaD 00 8ame '1 etoxprell,Blon · The JelltaJe body 18 all 8he sald. . "I've been "foOl Ion'" OIl ....btch. I~ attnLctivelr etob~ Iom.~...... . ' . ,. ngues.-E Dl~r80n. 3nougb'! Uke '1r I GITe" You PaiIa8 TaD fi • • • • •. , " ~, . __ . . . . . Pe"'I1~~. _ . . __ • . , ... W il




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In connection with Miami Gazett~,

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THE . MIAMI' GAZ'E TI'E PubllllhOll

W kly nL Wa)'llll8vll1u,


- . • MA IN STREET V A LLJ£\' 'l' I~ I.[~ I' 1I 0 < l!:-- 'A LL . No.


11 2


M oo re 's -R a-1u!e Sa ve s ,Ha lf of -Y ou r Fu el

The Prohib

P ar ty of WorrtlD ICounty nIH tl ition n ominat eu t h e f nllow

Take a Lo~k at. His Record. ~!t~~~t: anu indorsed t h e NlltiODtd Here It Is R epresen tati ve, Bet' ja min Haw •

D. ,L. CltANE , Edi tor and Mllnage r

Think of itr Fifty cent s sav e d ~ Moore ', Contro ller Damp er e nables out o f eve r y do ll a r yo u n o w yo u to contro l the hea t a s well as you spen d fo r fue l. Moo re's Ra n ge can co nt ro l the hea t of a gas stove. It c a n be run o n p oor grade coal is the only c oal r a nge h a ving this adcost in g at least t wo-th irds les!:I vantag e , Wi th all the se exclus ive th a n coal n ece ssary fo r 0 t he r advant a ges . th e M o ore Range saves r a n ges . o v er half o f yo ur fuel e xpeose .

klns, 'froosu re r, J . 0 . 0arroll Rtlooru er, U. W . Wll1Inm s . Commi ssioner s, Chlir1e s F , ChapmbO. George H. Da kin , Inflrmu.ry Direoto r. J . H . W eir, A . Muffif., Aug t1s t La w . Corone r. J . N. Seal.

- - - - - - - - -- - - -

JESSE TAY LOR 'ALW AYS HAS Rates of Subscr iption n ile y Ilr (~t r lc tl y III Ilth·ILIlCO) .... . . .. 1 1. 00 BElElN 4 REPUD I:.1 CAN AND A Hlllgie COlly .. . ....... .. .. .. ' . ..... .. . O~ HARD WOR KER FOR H IS PARTY . ~o t wlth 8 t n n d ln g the tact that he Rates of Ad vertisin g would not be t wenty·one unUI In Ih.sdlug loOI:a IH. IlOr. 11 11 0 , ..•• • • •.•••• • 6c Februa ry of the followin g year, J esse Itllullng 1.0 ·aIM. b lllck Int·( . IlIl r IIl1n., , . ~ Oc Tuyl or. t ho youn g mUll under a ge, NATlON A L PLAT Il'OR M IW'Sl lloo Ails . liCIt to oXI'oocl li ve li nea Ench ronf,!'CIs CC]tilpPI' r1 wi th nn nccu rnte OYenThennomeler was elected Pl1081dent and CUI)taln of '1'hroo InllOl'tiuu8 . .. .. . ..... . . : nnd a ThermomelerCuid.. prepured f r Mllore's The ProhllJ ition f{ ao~:t! !:xclllof t hE' OIJILullr ICll4 . live 10 ... 1" ·,, rroe ; ovor 1" '0 the Or ene Coun lY Dl a lne uull Logan ~i I'el)" hy Mrs. Sarub Tysun Korc:r. lhu ucknow furemos t 1110111'11. 1M" Unu ..• , . , . , , . . ... , cu,,', ,If Ihe cO llnt/·v. It tellll the exact Icngth (Oflt!dJ.:'cd Vlrst Vo ters' clull In 1884. T his was United, aesem ~ I e(\ in con ve lllirne ucc"ssar y fOJr bak ing /loy ki [ld- of food, and the tempera ture /II'(.I ur tlllL llkM . .. .. , .. , . .. . . •. ,. , ...• ti o n I1t requi Colum rcu. bu .. , O hio, Jul y Ui- I (l a REP UBLl CA;'>I CL UB, lUi the na me Kw,ulllLlu u V> • • •• • ••••• •• • •• • , •• ••• , • •• The Moor" Hinacd Top overcomes the troubles nnd inconvenience Moor e's i DO!:!, ex prestlin g g Tntlt ud e to 11 1would Indicate . SudnlKote:. whllrtJ c1llLrgo 1M mllu(). . , . .. . ur IJ I vII t11 J.:' , I uak o r to Isting brend. 'fb" whole lop eaD be pulled out of Ih. W .Y and the fire sltrfnce exposed. Whle n lifted. t he Stove DlMI.I,,)' Ad Vtlrt hll u g por Inch .. . ..... . ,. l Oc s In October, 1885. Mr, Ta,lor cost m ighty G od ff' f t,he vlet"ril is of our l ot I' Imms a hlilld lind Ih c ~ nll!ke and smell arc drawn around thtl flu es of lue DIHco um" glvo ll U II cOll t r llc t. his fl l'lI t vot e and it wal for the Re· prinoip les in t h e lJI1!<t, fo r e ne our Alwa ys rall~e und cannot escape into tbe room . PUD Lr CAN candida te tor Gov e rnor 8 getUI" nt at, lJrell\' n t., b. nd f T bc Moore Anli·Scorcl, Co.... p e rmi ~s the boiling of mil k or subPleas e, Ot oon fi . MII"l'''s wi ll ·It I)"rn (:11 ily- wi th 110 sli rring ot Ohio. tlnd wi thout t be lenst ~t>Vl£MnE lt ~ , 19 10 del,ce in eRl'!Y n ll d t riu m phan t. s u o dange r uf ~(· " n: hi 11 Y,. J ust the tb ing for canoing sI!ason. T.hen he mo ved to Kansall In De· lIIoore'. elM. Oven Door saves ha lf the of baki ng. It's ce lllb ~ r , 1885, and In 1886 voted the c eS8 I n th e fu t u r EO, mn kes t he fo il w wilhultt doltut the handies t improve mt!o t work eve r added to a cookIn g ct ee\llrtl at ate, t,lolI conirel 1.11 prlncip lllional ltlB and I. L cd io t:" ra nge . county RECllul fo .. t III II olll d onlllll.r y h o uf'e 010 Ut! jo(n tl.l~ l1 fr um II 11 111,,\1 l og of PU BLICAN tic ket stralght . In thll pled ,:es the ir e ntlctlll e ut int,l In w , ear be WIIJ!I elected county attorne y when llln CllIl I n po w('r : UI\T.1 w"" ,1 wh lOh i~ ... Iuw l.v 110""'0 of Morton county, Kalii all, on the 1. The e ubmi8e io u hy Cong-r altH We haven't room here to ·tell you 1111 nbout the alu minized IO U U'" h ' .u " t! 11.1 th.) olJo k-tlt.ov REP UBLICAN ticket. oven -whl ' b doesn't Lurn browo ntlr fl ake off- the antt·scor to t,b e sev erlll s tA tA , of ltD Ilm e nd In JUDe, 1888, be wall eleot"d aecOVAII, li nd 11 '« 11 ~ li ll jl ... tI lII t,O II I II~~ of ,cover, oor the only nickel·p lated oven rack on the mar ke t.c h 'reta r), of the REPUBLICA.N oongres · m Ent to tho feci e m I r.o nMtitu t ion bot If you wi ll cull we will be g IRd t o show nnd exhl ll'v .\' C l,tt·!!11 n 11111 " 1 11. h 'l l:! .. v l' ry IIlonal plaio t he mnny fea tures of Moore's Kuoge. conveot llitiutllln t Ia'.'~l'a lllllt t h llt h4 lanrclly enth " district lon In the "BIK Sev· pr ohibiti ng tit ., TIlIIUIl'tu ot llrtl, Itl~ltl. CoU NOW while ou,. .tock i. of Kansn, and ImDle· iDlport ati J ll e xpol·tllt ,if'u o r t ronsm " Lu utlli by I lit! o u .,tll l ul~ry rUlIb ur dlatel, aftllr the cOivent lon s er ved compl.,•. during the campai gn u secretu r y. of portu Ii all of ,,\eoh !)1io li q uors r or 1l' )I~ w ll te r h ULC , (19) beVdl'ti ge pu rposes. the congres alonal commit tee. Why People Cough In Septem ber he 11'81 nomina ted on 2. The immed ia t e prohihl t ion of Moore 's i>4 a m }>4t t< r .v whe n Lr . Utlll '/i P h.le. the REPUB LICAN ticket for probate the li q u or t rtl ffic for bevll purStovee Judge of Morton county, KansBa , and TI~T-H u " e .v WIll CIlrM lill Y CI)u g b pORt'S in t h e Distr lOt of Col >lmh in 111 Alway s waR e lected. LlIllk f .lr t.h ., h · 1I nn thu bottle. It Please Jul y 1, 1889, on recomm ondlltio ll of tho t e rrituri tl8 ond a ll p lucee O V ( r Ulllrk>4 til " t!: tmniu" REPUB LICAN Congre Hman S. R. whioh the notion a l gov (l n m umt bll:4 P etars, and two Republl oan senator s. juriluli otion the r " penl II f r.b e in t erSTOMACH WORMS IN LAMBS Ingalla and Plumb, from Kanlas, was Dill r pvAnue Mado Him M.d. Inx on a looholl o lIquor!! appoint ed by Preald. nt HarrllO n as "Life," I 8ald Dorothy Donnell y, . WAL TER M.CC LURE , r"erllo g t olH oOLl dU lit o r g r ound recelTe r of public monlel at the /Sud t.h e llroliibl t lo n of interstf l t tl Save Money aDd Keep· ia gloomUy, "aln't muoh- not In tht. t o tt>tooo ll te m s id oluimed by Bum p United States land oalce at Garden trll ffio the rei n. weather ! Blnce we are all 10 mlaer· ~:: Style by Readm, McCaU', Fune ral Dlrer.tor. 3. The elElotion of Unite d ~tlltep able, weep wIth me over tha eorrow hr li.,d Rrs to btl Il pre ventiv e for Olty, Kanlaa. . Mngazine nod UiinIC McCall Patteraa During Pr••ldent Harriso n'" term ~nator s by direot vote of the p eo- of little Elmer , Elme r bad , aJTaDl'8d wtolllH oh wunDfi in Illwbs, 'fhis if' he wu tbe per.ona l represe ntaUnI of McCall'. . . . . .1•• will to go to a Sunday school picnic. '"I XHll with ~ "It .md put where \lheep CO~JreBlm an Peterl and tha aenator ple. M2GALt.:S MAGtUIH£ h .' 11) rou drUM n,l· s Ju m\llnR nut of bed early. he ran to Telepho .ne day or I. hi)' UI a mOOeRIe nIght. ~ " Equitab lll~ ve f ref! ~ COtl II /I til It,. le gr nd u a t pd i ncC'm e the wIndow of tilteen countle a In 'the land omce ox po usu tI)' k e 0 p.1u I to see what the weathe r Valley pbone No, II. LoDg 'dlst rlct, and waa the mOlt acUve RE- 'lnd inhe rlt.n n oe tlixetl . was like, and found the rain coming ----rl~I~~lP ~ ~ ~'b 0~~II Di8tanc e 'N 0, 69-~". PUBLIC AN In southwe stern Kao.~s How MUCh Will YoU pay 5 '1'he establis bm (1 nt of POHt lll down 1n torrents . Stampin g bls foot dOl hos snd bala. 110 durin, the campai gn of 189%, not· Nu ll' F&lIblon De.tolrnll a ngrily, to hllv., yo ur eyeli oured; I:luther be exclaim ed , "I'm enlDg to ':IIlvlngs b ,tnirs RDd t h e ' !'tUI\Tlluty of In each la ue. Abo be a heathe n after thls'''- YounI'8 WA YNESVILLE, !alOfi '(I ElIgl£> E HlHtll va ooly oost" ~51' wlthstancUng the fact that he 11'88 a de \'uluu blo luCormaUoo • OHIO nolll t il In b'\l) \( s /III nil home aDd per· Ma gazine. "nO Will 0 ,1'''' Hood f or u Olll i ul! "ederal omceho lder. In 1890 he W&ll ~\l lIti l ml llenL Oul, a membe 6 Th e r e8 ula tlou o f 1\1\ oorpol's , r of ~he executiv e commit tee l.n t. tl' e eyl'FI Braneb OnIce, Barvel f1bu.,. . O. 6Qe • year. locludlnl of the Seventb Kanus district . tlons d oin g a n inte r Rtdo te oomm e r oe A lito palierD. 8ub... _ , _ .... _ , _ scribe toda, All Bowel Troubl e .r Mod ) """'!!!'~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~!! In 1890 M'r. Taylor wal favorab ly EXCAVATED TUSK JR r El)le ved til most instant .l,. bv rur croo .. wple COPT. m entione d as a oandlda te for con· bUllin liss. Mc.C.n P.ttfnu wi ll cnnl)lo yon lom. ko In ,onr 7. 'lne orentio n ot Il perma n ent using Dr. BeU's Anti Pain. KreSIl and aeve ral delegat ee ware In· It de. ow n hOlDo. Wl lh yourowlI hallas, eloChlulf Cur ' While elCollvt1 t iuK 10 Ii g ravel pit .tructed yo ltr~ ' If lI OlI I' hllclrclil whi ch will lie percC!Clt RI,r oy s dieM .. e germs and 8tOPS (n. tor blm, but be decline d to tariff oomml ssion . lu sly la nncl nl. Price-none Mllber Uiaolb n e llr Mtlto nl, Rl o)u rd 1:1 . Forf', SttO be a clUldldate. S. The strict enfor08 men o r law flo m il t iOD Keep" bottle in the CO li!,;. Selld ror freo l'allern CalaIOlflle. • house . Sold e ve ry where. "To the victor ....ent the .poll. ... and iOllhlnd of offioia tlo~ bund o u tbe N o rfolk and W estWe Will cr.. T...... P,....b for ,",UIUI IUb) t.o ler a noe ubd Rc rlllllollSIImOOIll'OUr frlond.. Bend for tree ern roilrOll d, unellrtb eli " IDI\"siv e at the beginni ng of the Cl.vela nd ad· praotlr al lioen so o f I'rutnl n ltl (' uU\ loltlio and Ca.1I Prl.. Olrer. t·h e sooi81 e vil , ministr ation In 1893 aU tbe ),ederal 1111 IkCALL COMPANY, 239 It Z49 ...UTi",_ 1111 tus k weIl tmrln g a lgut feet 1 ng , omceho ldera through out tbe oouotry whloh preVtill ll in m ll ny of o~r olties , How Dream Dltrere Fro", Delirium . If every dreame r. auppnll 8t1 to bo fr om Il ,maatod on. were succeed ed by Democ ratl. Mr. with it .. Un tlp6a kll ble t.raffio in girls . power of the tongue dreamin g. had to deeorlb e U Willi In I~ :.(IlOtl R t.a ~ of pre.en a Taylor' . term expired 10 181", In Feb· 9, Unifor m mlirriti!it6 a nd dlvQroe dre am el(perle~ces as he 8lept. hla the Lioo l be lD g ~hito 1\8 ohtil~ . 10 )l It ruar" and he ~81 ImmecU atel, d18' III W8 . I s tory of th8 dream in detall naturaU , placed with a Democr at 1t, the Pres· Ing II , howAv er, it WI ... broken and would 8Uggest Inaanlty In th~ aleeper. Tar-H oner 10 . An pqnltab l o II.nd c onstitn tdent and returne d to· In But tbe differen ce between the sleepparts or tbtl relio t"ken .. way by tbe '1895. For OouSha ,and Col. . tl ODAI emp! y era ' lillbllit y a ot . Ing dre am aDd the dlMrlum of fever, eUlplllyetl I)f t,h,. r ',UrOrLll , In April, 1896, be WBI el.cted may· 11. Court r eview of postoff ice de. tor Instanc e, la tbat at least fragmen ta or of Jawe.i o'w n on the IUIlPUB Uof the haziest dre ams may be recaJled oiaions OAN ticket and lIerved as auch for while ,n othing of delirium remafoa ~ Unsigh tly W. HENDERSON,M.D. four years, wh en he declined a reo 12. The proh lbi ti(m nf ohild }'Lbol' the mind. Ro rt~, h,"I .. tlrtlpti on", pl mpll'lI, nom ination. H e was elected cashier tn minp8 works h op !! lind fn ot·orles . ----bltloil 1tt'lldl' "11(1 " 1\ Hkin uft'eot,iu ns of the Peopl e's Bank 13.. Legisla tion bR8 ln~ 8ulfrt) ge June 1. 1896, a Waynesville, Ohio. ' After 8haYII1 K a rt' vtl ry qlli o kly oor.,d by t h A u"a of position be sUII bolds, WAYNESVILLE CHU~CHES. and bal been only upon inttlllig enoe Bod ability to UHe Dr . BeJl's Antillep Or 8 ull 'lI A ll til't! p t io Sal\l o. 250 . activ e In . busines s tio ~al'Ve. It matters aud tarm- ra.d and, write Vallev Phone 153 Mala Sired the EO II1is h langua ge wiU preven t the face geUing 80re Hold e"tlr\' wh Arn Ing. St. Augustine'. Catholic Church. . It d es troY8 8erma and 14. preven 'rhe preserv ts at,io n of the min Fatber George Maveohoefor, Palltor Tn Novemb e r, 1005, he wall alaln contrac ,tiDg any d isease . 250 Sold elected mayor ot Jamel town. MaeH en r, IICOOod Suudny of lhe woalb at eral lind 1ore"t r ~s !!nroA.~ of t b A everyw . Of ~ourae ahe w •• There. bere. 0 :00 a. ID. In the Harriso n, McKinl ey, Roo Be· country , and UtA im p r ovem e nt 0' Mrs. RobInson- And were),o u up ------.--~.-----velt and Taft campalg nl he has been the !:.g the Rhine? h .... IIV8 a od Wl\ te r wl~3· 8 . St. Mary'. 'EPiSCO~ Churda. Good for Hothln s but the .... Mias NUl'Icb (Just returne d from a a etrong ca mpaIgn orator, and al BAlievl ng in the ri ~ ll teou " ne8s of AI"!18t8 HlIVa luch Troub l_ Hev. J. F. CadwaUAder, Reclo\', sucb haa rende red mOlt valllabl e serQontlne ntal trlp) - l should think 10; The puptla In a publlc &Chool .... Sunda, ScboOl. 9 :30 II. m Morolng aero onr caULe and the fio lLI trlump b of right to tbo very top. What a apleD' vice to tbe Republi can party. vice, 10 :80 a. m. Boll' Communion the Urat HII def•• t In 11101 ..... ",.de him our prillclp\ AP, lind oouTin oed of the on one ocoaalo n during a drawtq lee- Sundar did view there Is from the summit ! o. eacb montb. son placed before a model. and tIIIId to atronge r with the people. for he la unwilli nl(utls!l'ofthe Republ ioBn a~d ,Iketcb .. the)' sa•. ",.",a" .nd • flllhter. He la Method ist Epilcop al CbuiQ . m lCIr"t lo parties to de~l with The reaulte were amu.ln ely ....Ied. Able, Clean .nd Cour.g lou.. He Rev, B. W. B&Iley, P "To Be or Not to Be" Some 'bese of 188nes, tbe youngB \'~e invite tera' drawlD p bore to full party o·o me. out I" the open .nd talll the Sunday Scbool, 0 ;ao a, m. l\Iornlnl! eeroonstllD tly 'oou~hill~ dall" ncls 00 people what he etand. resembl ance to a buman belng In. re- vloe, 10":30 a , m. Epworth League, 7 tOO fellows hip all.oitlz ens who lire witb for. p. wb'"tb" r ur no t you u tle Dr. Bell '" pose; othera looked mucb Ulul woo4en. m. Evening service, 7: 00 p. m. MldwooJt The peopl. of the dllt~lct, regard· udllgre_f_.d_.____ ••.• ___ ••------ Plne- r ll r.UnnCl v doUs. One llttle ....1 bad drawa the Pr ,yer Moe~l ng, 7 p. m. A fe w d l'1I6!1 wtll of P'!"t1CI, now know th.t J .. le model atandln g In front of the ohair IIlll~h"t: OQULth T.ylor wei elandet' ed and wronge d In Forced to Leave Home. TRAI'l: MARK. ,Christian Church. that had been placed upoll the plat. 111oa, .nd they propoae to vlndlctet • DE.fie ' Rev. L. O. Thom))llO D, Putoe Every y ear II. luri:l> num b t!1' e,f form. . COItylttO HTe Ao. . him by IIlvlng him .n overwh elming . . Her Foro.lgh t. Anron ••• ndln, Bible a Ih\"h 8cbool. 8:ao a. m. 80cIal en4 dtlcrllJU Qa_ pour IInifere rs w~os e lungs Rre sore "Oh. Llly. LOyl" 8J:clalme4 the 4ta- 10:10 a. m. majorit y .t the comlne olootlon. qulel", ..certain ollr opinion ~ Ohrlatlau .Eodeavor. 7:00 p. m. lID "What Is she doin g ?" III.onllao II prob abl, pOlentlLb . . wbatber Sermon by pastor every ' alternal.e lind rlloked wUh ooulJbs are urged courage d teacher . as abe mmunl_ Sunday .. HII oppolla nt, M. R, Denver, II •• t " ", . . trlol\y conndeuU, eu.m1n ,1. HAND e4 "Selecti ng her wedding trouuea u on Patau&I . 10:10 a , m. and 7:30 p , m. 'Cllt free. to Oh1. ge lt to ."e,. anot,he r olimate . But thitl thte effort "Dld.n ·t I e8)'. 'Draw ,o, lunn .. Co.INItenI&. • to be • very rich ",.n .nd Ie now J'Iltenll \.aItaD tb toOllh and mournin g garmeot .l." flltcld! notk•• wllhout ohft..... lIa &II. noel. . Hlduit e Friends Chura.. lervlnll hli eecond term In oOllgr.... ip oOlltly 80d not 1I1ways sure . Mane as you Bee herr" "lln't that a Queer combin ation'" I There's 8 better wily. Let. Dr. "Yes, ma'am." lrl t Day M ee tlo ~. )0 :00 a. m. Firat Da, "Not In her ease. She Is marry'Ktng'8 New Discov ery care you at "Well, Is sbe .taDdlo g in troat 01 School , 11 ;0(1 a, m. Four,b Day Meetln, lac a wealthy young aviator." A h. odlom el, IItn.t nle4 ... eeltl,. r.arnR _ home 10 :00 a . ID. . "It oured m e 'o f lung trou· the chair?" • , culutlon of lolonllDa lo Tenn. . . . . ,oor t fnur montb•• ,L 8o1durn~ b, blp" writes W. R . Nelson , of CI'\O11••14...... "No, ma'am. She's .Uting In It" Orthod ox Friend . Churd l. mt~e, Ark , "wben 8,11 ~Ise f"i1ec'l and salaro .". "Then wb7 41dn't you draw ber aft,. Rev. BenjamIn ll awldns. PostoT, BrlUl~la Omee. &16 I' St.. WII~ 111>11. Do~ I gamed 47 pounds In weight, It... UOg?" l'Iabbath Sobool, 9 :30 a. m. Regular ohu reb lIurely the King of 1\ II oo ug h and ."J hadn't lOt to It," explain ed lJl,. ser vIce, 10 ,110 a. tD . Cbrlltlan EDdca ~o" Under the above caption Editor Jo· lung oures." .Tbous' lnde owe their "I was Just lolng to bend her 40WD 7 :30 p lives and healtb to leph it Its positiv e. when you ~ the bell" G. Geat of the Washln lton C. I -ADR. BELL 'S ANT I.PA IN ly guaran teed ~or Coughs , Colds, H. Ad ver.t1ser 111.)'1 : La(jrtpp 4", Asthma , ' 'Croup - 811 For Internal an4 External ...... " Hon .•TeBle 'I'a)'lor of Jamelto wn Throlit and Lung trooble s . 500 and It Lookl Bad for You Is first 'nee preside nt ot the Ohio It 00. 'Crial bottle free at Fred C to ha Vf' sore eye8. Bot,ber land', We don't mean just stop the irri- Good Roadl Federat ion, and at a lea· ~ohwartZ8, EII/[le EV6 Salve will cure them. --~---.~ ~.~----tation in your throat- but curc th~ slon of the atate con.ventlon of counTHI OR.AT lIT Btt.rmlel:l" and ' Painle8 8 , ((uer"'I~ l y cOllImitlsiollel'B, held in' ColumbuB, underly ing cause. An Inaeet In the 'J .r. for 2iiu a tub ... on the Question ot nutlonu l 8 SIIIs t !lnce It In riding through tbe country Cough syrups cannot do this. It for the purpose of building ~---good roads a winged Insect files Into the MOLASSES FO ~ ROADS . IN THK WOItLO takes a constitu tional tonic body roada, J esse, who agatn Is a candl· Will be found in 'he 014 ear, do not try to dislodge by poking, l'tJBWBI!D WEEnY. $4.00 PER TIAR builder to do the work proper ly- date for congres s In the 'distres sful' [or that will Bank Bolldlo g, 'oppoal&e send It . further In. and J Qst· think of lurfliol ng the New HOTILI , DRUGC U.,... .PIGIA LIIT8, and cure you to stay cured, VlDol Sixth dletrlct, made a Bpell(~h ·of the bUI.ln, against the Nation al Bank. tbe drum of the JerSBY r~ with sugar aud mol ...· GO,TU Maftl. TRAN .FIR, 9 AB 'forcible coDlparl80ns: In the course e., become almost unbeara Teleph one In house .and ofis the re91edy you need, ble. Hold. 'tJ ,AND '.UI I.RYIC I CAN PROFIT that the $375.000,of which he Itat"d fioe where I can be ca1Je4 ses. ,. ...,ot exaotlv the kind the bead over to ooe side and 611 tlu! boolht .Y UIIMG ,ft ADV.RT lIING GO&.UMNI JUtRE IS PROOF 000 spent by tbe naUon, In , I!ulldlng ear with day or night. w~ter. wblch uaually drown8 at the grooerY .stores, but the Iwee" ~ 111... lIIInnle o.soof'l, of Olon. 'l'al,I.. the Panama canal would SAMPLE COpy FREE have built the Insect and ftoatll .I t out U a bouae stiQ~Y by VaHey PhoDe U-2. prod'uo t of 'he great engar Add,... ,l i n YORK CUPPI R 501C.. wrltu,." Aflutry JnIfMly eratN.. 62.000 miles of hleh.cla.. roads; thst Is nearby . wbere you C&D pt sweet refineri es, This l'ubstan oe haa , e41M lor a bad . N_ York. N. Y. Main Street. been IU!d ('()If'l ,,1&h01l& the $600,000 ,000 spent 10 fIL r on 011. Wayn enm., Ohio tbat II better ,aL ' " belleIU; ' 1 . . . . .ked . ... trT Vlnol. It tried on the conntr y roads In "thit 'lslal1d pol!seu lon. ' w.ould have built Worked ·lIke'm "'c. It cared mT eold 85,71'4 miles ofroad e, and that the aa4 ooqb . .d I plaecl In h e alth_d west and the ' olatm II made " ha' "'-~-----"TR mllllon i the nation II 8011' ependln l Y . LIV ER ITE A--- ---- --. If You. Haye Any Doubt a ooople of appUoa tlool a ye.... well " ' • on water ....,." of tbe tmlrtt of Or. Bell'l' aand• .of m . e. 0wrould ,dowD, roa .... " bel'be,. ' will keep the . BODey one boUle road" 'will remove t lit dUltle Aandln . falrlygOQ<i0;9udIUOD to tl)e road~.t~ ~ance. 11' c . "ere. " and Joor ooo~b at '~e 'fllme we. 'c annot . p. that cough bun~by the ftret Napoleo n, ' and 10 doobt time, LOok for tbe. bel! on ,he bot. and will ,~ ohea per ~haD 011. It with. VINO L-our " d~lJcious ' cod . built tbat ' DO more ,~adl are b\lllt It Is the ~enbt oe. tliere ia DOf. enoDlJb of th~ lugar liver and iroll tOnic-w hich is made by tbat nation. but tholle LIYf,lrltee for .a Cold, Backac~e and Weak Liver or: K~Yt tblln ere.· • - '.. mola8s el -slrop oo$ hi tbll without oil-we will not charge a;e kel!( Long-LIved Engll,ti Woman . 4 ' o· u a ~I)'t for the. m, yo.u Mr. Taylor: we lilt~UI • large qWlDtl tl 11 caD ·· be I me lI. on An . U ' tbe sure foad ' to CODere•• from Por.~ Rioo. , and If he -keep A. woman Dam ed .margar Preven tion ' 18 · et Burnl 0t broogb "• "ere' ' \ ~. This ~ms lqce ~ pre~ f au re,.ches safely and looure~ ~ vu em ~ the th d nationa l Mlll+al~ , ~aJlout ten mUea (rolD N~w..,.. Su~h treatm ouae i'eIdy ent m'Kllt mate .. 'VerI 'ptopos itlon-a nd ought to DC at> aulstan ee. for good road. ~()~ur: . poun In ebloHh~ celab~ted ber hundred . ~nd nInth.. Iwee' road " or uae. ' fOr • time, ' bot lUI ce-...t. Don't you think sol ' With til be onUla Invlnctb le road to a blrthlla y )'eatetu )'· Bbe ~- d ' di l8 .tlll. ask able you to · W dou"'tf.o l If it wool . ,d • etand i ,'he , wear I 10 relate .torIel of mao, 01 the.tIr ' . 'this un erstan ng we .,. I popular ity that wi beat 'I!<lur nil from PuN N.tive a,eDt. .~~ oco~ BerM, they Cleaue",tlae SnteIa-. .• try. bottle.of· VINOL. ,the and &ear or '&ramo to tbll l&a&e. - . ~ . IOvemm ent approprlIaUODl for P9:~ eutr put of .... W.. U4 durlq .-.;...a ... tile Blood , . 6ad til... PREV CU . SERIOUD 81CKN1118. . . . Ne"u k New.. 1\.";"'..... R; JANNEY. D.... l • t ... 1NllcllDP. . . . ,fer .Terler• . . . . . . t I r=-' ;;';;."..;;;. .;;;.;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ENT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_..I!!.. ~ .... ' ,

The Han dies t Stov e Eve r Buil t

Call and See This Superior Range

------ .

--- --

J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville. O.


tl-L .



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-_ ..

1 0::




-..--- -

Dr. Bell's Pine-

--- .------




--_... ...

.. -..------




- ..---- -



to,._ ,


. ~

Ho w To Sto p Stubborn Cough

Sdtntilic Jlmtrrlcan.


.n, MUNN &Co




------_. -....


lew Ynlt

A. MA FFI 1',

Undertaker and Embalmer.


::~~~II' !t.:n:;r,~!:;::'::l'eI:: If



LI'V ,.erl'tes Prevents' Sereltful·S.SleC'kness





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The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE.






vial. It it fail.

to cllre 1 will refund



1n the prpdlcllons ns to tbe show· Ing which the cen liS figures would make there was on e virtually agreed upou- that th c nter or population ,,'auld be s hi fted some di stance wost· word frolU its 10catJon In 1890, which was s1x miles south as t of 'olumbus, lnd ., ROYS Toledo Blade. flut this pre· diction WBS 00 or the Idnd " 'hlch roes wrong. The CODSUS p ople h'1vO tentntively announced tbat tho mark will hlwe to be mov d but slightly. 'TIl west hns flouri shed tremendous, Iy In ten years. It bas gained not only new rnllroads, but the old rail· rands have boon renewed. Irrigation has cnused new lands to be cu ltl vnleu and new cities and towns to be blllld· ed. Such clLles as S nttle . have prollt d In wealth nnd population by the opening at new territory, the do· velopment or now resources, tho Illl Ing In of the once deserted spncos he ty.teen town and town . Bul In th 5e same ten years an Immense Immlgfll' tIon has been distributing Itself In the eastern cIUes-amons- tbe coni mines !lnd sleel plants ot Pennsyl va nia, In the Industrial districts oC Lnke Erie. It bas otrset tho settlement oC thl! I far west.

. Enrorclng health regulations agnln st Ignorance and pr judice frequently Iaccompanied by dlIDculUes. Cholera ,prevails In parts of Italy, and the or ftclals have taken wise precautlQns against the spread o~ the disease. And bne result bas been a riot, accompanied by the wrecking of the llellltb ~IDce In the town of Bnrletia. 01 ~ourse tbe rtoterll are taking the preelse course that opens the way for In· vaslon by . the ~eadly aliment. This Is an age of enlightenment, but there are regions Where there has been lit· tle advancement In Ideas since I the tlm~ when 'plagues swept away vic· tlms by wholesale because there wa! not sufficient' knowledge to ward on the danger.

IPractitalFashioosl e

The Revival Must Begin In the Pulpit kInd of Obristiall work depends upon the spiritual equipment of tho worlter. Not that each worleer similarly spiritually eQuipped clln do nil work equally well. or all work as w 1\ as nny olber worker; ' but tbat the Individual's best work Is d pendent upon hIs b 8t sl'h'it\lal equipment. Hone , the los-leal and almost In· vnrlable pra ·tlce In getting up to the r ev iva l pitch. to begin with the church. "A dead motber cannot beRr IIvo children ." A cold membership will not. cannot do aggressive work. It lacks tho rllgposltlon. It lacks the tact. It cbllls and cannot attract. ThIs work in the chur h should begin with th e pnstors. We should pray God to sonreb and try UB. l ay. we s bould searcb und try ourselvo!;.1 and then turn God'l!I searchllgbts upon us. Let us be honest with God. All or nothing. If not all, It 19 nothing. Our bodies a living sacrIfice. Only this Is a rensonable service in r4!tum for the mercies of Ood. Only thus can we be transfonned. and ,,",ove wbat Is the good and acceptable Ilnd perfect wlll of Ood. VER Y

nfortunate ly, tor all the Immaculate whIteness ot his hend and neck, he has the sam te ll·tal e blood fieck ornam ontlng bls lower jaw as bas bls less r r elative; be hns the same cold ('y , and even n blacker back Ii real sooty; IllId If there ar~ n~ traces of bIOo~ -gl\lIt1neBs between the nests, mayhap It Is becnuse he gees one bet· ter than the)' nnd swallows his mutton whole. Indeed. /lsbermen say that he stnnll s by th puffin's burrow like a graven Image, watchIng patiently, and th II, when at last the victim com s out, he Is s uddenly caught by til e back of the neck, bas the Jlfe shaken out or hIm and Is then gu'ped down holus·bolus. No not wish to malign tbe lesser blncl(·backed gull to the eltent ot sugges ting by Implication that It dlsem· bowels Its victims while sUIl aUve. In fnct, tbe only evidence t bave Is dIs· tlnctly to the contrary. Mr. J. W. Parsons, late of the Farnes lIgbtbouse, and a most acute observer of bird-life tells me that be once saw a lesse; black· back k111 a puffin. He did not see It catch the bird , but It was killed by beLng shaken as a terrier sbakes a rat. and then ducked under water unttl dro~ed. Then ~e gull flew with It on to a rock and, after disemboweling It, tried many times to swallow It whole, but could not get It down. 00 the land tho puffin's footing seems un~ certain; ' In the air Its fllgbt Is labored' therefore the place to see It at best must be as It hunts Its prey un· der water.

'I' h" den r es t Idot 1 ha"l1 kno~ " ' hot .. •.. r that Idol be, . • H elp me to tear It from Its Ihron •. Anc! worshIp only thee!






Dynamiter, Himself a Married Man, Knew What Awaited Forgetful

Husband. Th o buslnE'SS mllll was slttlu g In his office. thlnltlug of stnrtlng for home, AU Scams Allowed.-T 0 make when a susplclou8 looking person dresses for the small me mbers' of the cllm!' In with a leutber bag In bls \. family Is It pleasure to al\ motbe rs, haud. "If YO ll don't give me $25," said tho and 'to make tbe simple design we show would not be a trial to, anyone, vis itor. coming at once to tbe point. even It slie did not 11 e to sew. Tbe "I will drop this on tbe floor." Tb busIness man was cool. "What dress we Illustrate lone or the modIs III It ?" he asked. ~ Is which 'bave tho full kklrt sections "Dynamite," wn.s the brief reply. fall1ng trom a yoke, and In this case "Wllat wl\l It do If you drop It 1" the yoke Is a very ornamental one "Dlow you up." with two points In tront and back: "Drop It!" was the Instant. com· It Is no harder to make thnn a stralgbt one, and adds to the beuuty of tbe mand. "My wlte told me when t lott dress. The bishop sleeves are finish- home this mernlng to be sure and ed with a culf. The dress, as Illus· send up a bag ot fiour, sllll t forgot trated, Is made up In lawn, with a It. I guess It will take just about as yoke at nIlo()vel' embroidery, but It much dynamite as you have there to may also be made at glngbam, which prepare me for tbe blowing up 1'1\ get Is more serviceable for every day wben she sees me'" He threw hlml$elr back In bls chair wear. The pattern (5167) Is cut In sizes Va to 6 years. To make tbo and waited for the explosion, but It dress In medium size will reqlilre two dill not come. "I'm . ~ married mun myself:' said yards ~f material 36 tnobes wtde, 1% yards of insertion and 1% ynrds or the dynn.mlter, and quietly sUpped out. -U1ustrated Bits. . edglJJg. To procure this pattern ee.nd 10 cents to "Pattern Department." of ~hla paper. Write name and nddreB8 plalnly, and be .uN to _Ive else and number ot pattern.


Tbe .v essels of the Lord must be holy. 0 brethren! everything to tbe altar. The Faith That Movea. Row quickly the fire that burn.s 'WIthin us will warm our people! Tbe <> prayer meeting Is no tonger prosy HE puffin Is the Chlnamnn at and formal. Tbe pulpit II no longer the bird world. He alone lcUy literary or recandtte or byper~mong bl s kind bas that told criticAl, or flattering or BOOthlng. for skin at the Inner angle of Tbe word Is living, and active, and ·the eye that under the nome ot sharper than any two-edged sword, th tlilrd eyeUd makes the Mongollan and plerclng even to the divlcllng of eye such a distinctive f()ature of his soul and IIDlrlt, of both joints and bumnn retlresentaUve. This setting marrow. As Mr. Cbadwick, tbe overSIZE •• •.••••••••••••• NO. 5167. of tbe eye In an obllque ahlnk gives turner and upllfter at . Leeds, 1It\71', th lluffin that fix ed, quizzical expresNAME ................................ ••• ••••· "An evangellstic move~ent Impltes sion whIch has led most observer9 to an evangelistic talth. A theology TOWN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• call It a qualnt·looklng bird, but which that Is not missionary \s at no use In to me Irres istibly calls to mind the STREET AN~. NO •••••••••••••••••••••• : a world like ourS. The frozen abo Chinaman's blan.d·looklng fMe that, Btrl\CUons of metaphySiCS Are as powSTATE .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• Those who ' have been able to hold like a, mask, gives no sign of tbe work· erless t9 sa as the dead creeds of back ~elr vacations until now are to Ing of the Inner: mind. tradltlod. Tbe Ipeculatlons of It Is a disappointment, after seeing LADIES SHIRTWAIST. be congratulated. 0ctober Is one 01 logians must be tested by their pow· the fine's t months of the YOfr for va· your first puffin at close quarters at bls era to beal aDd save. . . . ,Anything loss tban Deity III powerlells to Bave cations, . as anyone who bas been for· home In puffin·town, . to tum up bls description In any bird· book and find, tunate enough to have two weeks free atter all the metl,c ulous description of Mucb do I envy observers ILke Ed· men from sin. If Jellus lie not Ood ~t this time w1ll teU you. The couti· bls feath ers and tbe order of tbe col. mund Selous wbo have watched It as b,e may be a great pllUopher, a superb trT lie• . before you. There Is no bet· ors on his rainbow-tinted b~k, that It wings Its way · beneath tbe ".ave. IdeaUllt, an unrivaled guide to tb,e new order or Ufe, 'but he Is uselels as a. ter exercise tban walking. Nature, this distinctive feature of tbe screwed- with Its soarlet , legs trailing -behind. Savior. Let the new theologies prove in tbe tull beauty at ber late summer up eye Is never mentioned. Tbe lUus. AS you approach In a boat a Uttle themselves In missionary campaIgns tratlons In tbese books are as dlsap. group of puffins slttlog 00 tbe water, foliage, is at ber bost, and tho crisp among the lost. Missions bave no use alr of tbe ap.proacbJnc tall II noUce· pointing ns the text. the eye being as you get an inkling of their ' water for a Cbrist thai cannot save to tbe much like a rabbit's as a puffin's. Be- magic. Wben you get too near to them able mornings. Soon , It will be on sides the Mongolian eye, he bas the for tbelr peace at mind but not near uttermost. all who come unto him. t.ap ,aU day. Why not keep up yow Mongolian secretiveness as well. In. enough for you to see ' how It Is done, For the same reaeon we bold to the Prud~t Bridegroom. "The uncertainties of life In' New open·alr vacation habits all winter? offensive and unobtruSive, be Is silent first one and tben anotber disappears. complete and final authO'tlty of the York are reflected In wedding rings," as he stands upright, or moves about You see no dive, just a bird sitting Scriptures. We cannot go to' the persaM the jeweler. "Of all the wedding The worill's w.heat crop 't hls ysar 18 somewhat uncertainly on bls dnpper motionless, and then a little swirl Ishing' with the 'perhaps' of balanced rlogs 1 have Bold thIs season more «Jstlmated at a little undQr 3,600,000, little red legs among the noisy crowd wbere v.:a.~ the bird. But If you want probablllUes. We need the certainty than balf were brought bac.k after tile of 'Thus salth ' the Lord.'" Hence 000 bUsbela, which wlll' :make it, with on the rocks. It Is only from the to see one ot the fairy slgbts of bird· ceremony to have tbe date put on. The may come tbe· agony, the, bloody one exception, the larges~ ever gatb· deptbs of · his burrow In the spongy land, go to puffin·town and, resting 'sweat., the cross; but,· as God 1. God, rest of tbe Inscription was engraved red 8011, or from his chink among the your back against a convenient rock ered. Tbe largest wheat crop ever wben the ring was purcbased, but In tbere come aleo tbe resurrection. the gatbered 8S ~at ot' last yeal; wblCh u~~ert-covered rocks, that the sound be content to sit still for an hour. I~ alcenliloQ, the Pentecost. AbllOlute order that tbe date might be correct of, hls language reaches your eat. In front of you Is a sbelvlng tract of blll'e It Willi cautiously omitted ~nt1l a.tter ' ras approximately 160,000,000 bushels tbe privacy ot h!s b9 fidelity to God on the part of paBtore me he now and brown earth nearly an acre In extent. \e the condition and guaranty of sucthe knot was tied." ~ore than the esttmate of 1910. Mort' tben utteu strange sOunds that when riddled In all directions wltb burrowl than' halt of tbe shortage Is firured 1n first heard resemble somewhat In their that so undermine the ground tbat, cess. SlIghtly Mixed, the orop of the United States. A I· subdued intonation tbe distant low- however carefully you walk acroils It; Leading Up to ' Victory. Two Englishmen were resting at the thougb bere a. in RUlIsla the crop h! Ing of c~ttle or shouting of men. But a clumsy foot is sure sooner or later W1se . pastoral "hlltlng, cottage Red Home Inn at Strattordo()n·Avon. ahorter than . last year, tbe reserve of when you know blm better you will to break Into some puffin babltatlon: prayer·meetlngs, special services with One or them dtacovered a Jlrlnt picturold wbeat held over from the prevl· fancy you can bear In his deep All the puffins that your advent dis U~e Sunday-.cb9C1 teacbers, tactful All Seams A1lowed.-A smart mod· Ing a low, t1,lmbllng building under· ous year is larger In both countries mournful "Arrbt" a weary slgb Indica: turbed are' bobbhig up and lit In 'bun- and unyielding work with tbe oftlcefor wear under tbe ·-early fall .ooats nea~hwhlcb was printed: ,jThe House el tlve of. his tate. For he Is tbe patient dreds In tbe bay b~low. Presently, ' bea~rs; leading up to confeilion and In Whl~b Shakespeare Was ' Born.'j than it :wa. in ~909. .. the one .~ow above. Sucb walljlB' coolie of the shore, with worse than If you are quiet, they begin to wbirr conlecratlon, and leading out In per,T urning to his friend In mild surprise must not be b~lkY:, as t¥y ;would be Indentured labor for his fate. All the up from -tbe sea , in twos and threel Tbe "United <States government haa ruUng classes, IQok to hIm to provide and then scores and battalions. As sonal work to ' reaoh and save definlt4r uncomfortable, but they must be styl· he pomted to the p.rlnt. Hil friend lIOula. Soon every in.ember Is an eXblb.lted equal surprise and called a orderea another large Installment 01 them with an easy meal. Every time likely as not the very first· that pltcb evangellst and every life . an evangel, Isb and a good ·cut. The waist we 11· walter, Wbo assured tbem of thG ac· the rifle "silencers," by wblch the tbe proud peregrine's offspring In the wlll allgbt wltbln two or three yards and tbe long-waited but joyful cry Is IUl5trate Is certa1nly very attractive. curacy of tbe Inscription: ' noIse of firIng Is away wltb. Ex· eyrie whimper for food a puffin some- of you. Others, as they circle round, heard, "Men and brethr:en, what must The front has a group of tucks at eacb , "'Pon my word," said tbe obBeMlng perlments are also under way with ,!"here has to pay to11 by giving up tbe will draw up their feet, wblcb bad I do to be saved?" Tben Eeal kindles shoulder Ilnd tbe regular box plait clos· Engllsbman, sba~ing bls bead d\lblous, similar silencers for cannon. It may ghost; and yet, althougb tbls Is almost been exten.ded as If for allgbtlng, and zeal, love Inspires love, endeavor In- Ing down the centel', In tbe back the Iy. "I thougbt be was born In a mantucks extend all tbe way to tbe waist yet come to pass that tbe noise 01 an hourly occurrence on a summer's so PIU!S out to sea once more. But cites endeavor; and convertll and beger'" day, the other puffins continue uncom. before long puffin-town will be denseIlevefll, led by ,t helr quickened and Une, and are sUtched their enUre battle will consist mnlnly of the plslnlng and unheeding. ly populated ' by Its staid little Inhab- courageous. pastora, prolS on from vic· length. The shirt slee~e Is used and A Blaaed OpinIon • . "8houtlng nnd tbe tumult" that were A model parent the puffin must be Itants, all bearing that fixed puzzled tory unto v.l ctory. 0 pasto",! If you Is finlshed with the shirt cuff. The "Do 10u think buttermUk wm pro. In order before tbe' days ot gunpow· for though It lays but a single egg, It expression that makes them look al· waist ia suitable for Frencb ' flannel . want a reVival, be revived youraelves I long one's Ufe, Col. Soaksby?" der. manages to maintain Its numbers' year most coml(:al In their solemnity. Some o church I if you want power to win taffeta IIl1k, or any of the wash mate: .. Ahem! I have no doubt, Mise after yenr, In spite of the beavlest tax. stand stlll with just an occasional 'louIs, fint win your own soul 'for rials. The pattern (5163) Is cut In Plumper,t~a.t If a perSOD bad to drtDk alzes 32 to .4 Incbes bust. To make' Firearms as playtblngs are not en· n.tlon. There Is. no colony of the flapping of their wings as If to dry Jhrlat!-Western Ohrlatian AdvClcate. everY'day It would make the waist In medium size will require buttermilk tlrely justified of wisdom, as proved lesser blnck.backed gull, :w bere puffins them, others take aimless little runs life seem longer.... three yards of materlal ·27 Inches wide, Ln the case of a twelve-year·old Bnf· breed. tbat Is not strewn with 'tbe on their dapper Uttie red legs and 2,. 1ards 36 Inches wide, or 1% yards AbIding In ' Chrlat. falo boy wbo received a gift of 3 corpses ot thls bumble little blrd. then stand still, looking round, as If ' The consciousness that one III abid- 4. inches wide. Tlfie from bls falber and a few min Were I a puffin, this Is tbe fate t : puzzled what the next move Is to be. To 'procure thl!! pattern eead 10 cena should most resent. The peregrine at Othera tall awkwardly as they aUght Ing In a divine Lord lends Ufe Ita utes later shot nnd killed his mother . to "Pattern Depai"tment," of !hI!! paper. least wastes nothing, leaves notblng and promptly drop down a hole In tbe Of ('ourse, It was an accldEmt, nnll but the beak and legs; but the cold. ground, just as the next· door nelgb-_ sweetness, strength and enduring Write nalT\e and addreea plaInly, and be bopefulness. It our fortunes are eure to a1ve elze aoel numher of pattern. everybody concerned Is very sorry blooded' gull simply disembowels tbe bor maybe pops up from anotber bole merg~d In Cbrlut's fortunes, nothing but Ihe moral Is Hhnt, given eve",' poor bIrd and leaves the rest to rot. I and whlrrs out to sea. In a little group can ~efeat us; If hili life III our life, BIZll ••••••••••••••••• NO.. 5163. possible opportunity and Invitatlol~. ha\'e never seen the tragedy of Its of five two bave caugbt hold of one no dlmtnutlon or destniction of our accldnJlts will happen. death, whetber It Is killed on ,land or anotber's beaks and are bavlng II. tus· Joy and hope Is possible. The early N AKlD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• as It swims on tbe sea or as It Illes sle, but whether In amity or not I can- dllcl~les went torth "conquering and TOWN••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tte explcureaa world Is still wnlt througb tbe air; but, were I a bungry not tell. Every now and tben quite a to oonquer:' because of their coilftSTRS'! rl' AND NO." ...................... . Inr; for developments In tbe project t r bird of prey. I think It would tempt quarter of tbe ,population will sudden- dence lD hIm who said, "I .am with provide ment from hippopotami ted 01.' me most as it skims through tbe air Iy bend forward and In an Instant in alway, even unto the end of tbe STATm •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• For all the world It. look~ I1ke a , tai a great cloud are wblrrlng out to sea, world,r " Tbe prl\senoe of the Lord la water hyacinth. It sounds better thal' ,mackerel fitted with a pair of, wln~ while those left beblnd look puzzled the power of' the dflclple-It bu 41· terrapin. which hardly seem strong enough to at· their sudden departure and just as WRY. ~n so, It IS 'lo now. That man All the Difference. carry Its plump I1tUe body to Its des- puzzl~d when In 'a few minutes all the Is neyer weak, thoqh . he may aeem "I sbouldn't mind , hn.vlng my con· Woman steals silk stockings undo tlnatlon. In faH, as It whlffS ' Up 'from wanderers return, each ' taking up its 10 III tho eyes at the world, whose Ute trlbutlons pal~ for 090 publlcatloJ), pleads thnt she did It "to feed hel the sea to Itl! burro~, II,s . l~e~ as not .~oSltion agalo . . were It not-" . III hid' 'WIth Christ.In ·Ood. .t . . - • , cblldren ." The scIence of Infant die It will turn bead ove,r heels as It "Wbat?" M~y . observera have been puzzled uTba,t my meal~ have to be paId tor teUcs Is m~klng grent strides . .theSE strikes the ground !\nd tben get UP to, und.erstand bow , the puffin managea Fearleaa S.rVlce. day.. , . • on accsptance. "-Lippincott's. ' and make a wry face as It ' spitg , the to catch one flsh after anotber' and The,re •• a world of practlcal·phllo.'. dirt out of ~ts mouth; 'or else It ,.wlll pack eacb methodically across ItS In Ohrlst's teacblngs ' about dash headlong agsinst a rock' wltb a jaws, bilt as Mr. King opens 'tbe beak oph1 little , 'booktd, "GOOD Aa It. Might Have Seen. See ll!g that .U blnn bas trotted a s,mack that you ~ould t;blnk wQuld of a dead puffin you have ·the answer 1~ln!J one's Ufe to save It: Only as Old man Washington's favorite cher~GS ,lMDE WITH TOAST· mile In leBa than two mInutes, wltb- klll It, and -the~ loolc round as stupid- from tbe puffin'S own moutb f1J Il man .pends hlms~lf In unselftsb toll 'for ~tber. does be gsln an In- ' r:y tree looked as It. a , cyclone had ms," lsi pkp.,..u. bow• )ut the nld of a wlnd-snleid or otbel ly a sbeep that In its ' blundering there on Its palate are the alght the true secret of exist- struQk ~ • -, assistance of any kind, Is ,It not time courae fulfils . Its fate as mutton. At- barbs sloping back, between wblch the ence. lti.\O ,Two clOuD ~ IlION drnptc m. Not until be fs lifted up on "What d,o you know about thll . ~ begin talking about the mlnute·anll th.o ugb each colQny of less'e r black- fisb ar.e ·filed. There Is much more to a .cr'Olfs of Bacrlilce caD be obtain the Bon r be Queried. .' apcadve ~ that Will ~ backs show. the bloody. tribute of the be told about interesting llttl ' broad vision of Ufe, .the clear ' a-balf trotter? "F;ather,:' replled ltttle Oeorge 'IJ ~ unfortunate puffin, that of the greater bird, 6speclally 1f all were knOwn aui ltan4iDc of , br~erhood, and the caDDOt t~ll -a 11e. I did It with' mJ black-bRCk shows no evldellce ot thIs puzzled as tbe puftln looks, the~e ill full perceptlon of truth that are"'-t he De'W aeroplane." A. \;. Louis preacher In In trouble kInd. one thing known to tbat little mlod rlch_ rtnrant. the human soul can --------becnul!e he stolE! a number 01 In tbe whole. communlt)' of a ban. beblDd tbe mask, but wblch I puulee bOW OW .Ide .or beaTen. If . JOu Raillil, Peach ••• watcllcs. PerhJ!.ps the poor man merA dred neats of thla ruler ot the 1U'Obl' ~s, and tbat. Is tbe still uOM)lnd ~1. would laTe' fOlD' me frOiD IItDlillaen, . 'h.buu.-Doea . Mulctlun- make U7 ly w!Lnted enougb walches to' be nl pelago-for oat even the fierce Pen- terr or wbere b, apeDd. bls wtfltef Da~eu, ••~1aDeU aDd dea&b. UIaD lOoney, ralaln. peacbea r .wa,. warned again It tbll dang r (I' grlne disputes his sway-tbere wu tim.. . . . It by f ....lea ' VlbUa-No, be !au too mUlJ' neat' WftlaUVIL • preachl . urtJme. 00\ a alogle puma corpse to be ..... FRANC.. HIlATHI!R\.av~





Toothsome Tid-Bits


P.o,st l!oasties



ro~s' o~





His Golf Girl B" M.



'''hought to Have Originated From Croe/s of Wl1d Bird of the Norrc.h and Domesticated Fowl -Very Hardy

Col11riahl . l~IO. by " uoc,i alod U,e ...... , Pr...

What Old Your Shirtwaist COlt!' Whelhe r you bought It rendy to wear, 01." hnd it made, or made a tor yourselt, you know tbat It cost enough, even If it Is ' pretty and fresh a nd lean. - Aud If It Is frayed and 60lled a nd worn and homely looking atter It h as been In the wash three or foul' t imes, It has cost entirely too much. Might ns well throw your s hirt· waist mon oy away as nllow you r s hirtwaists to be washed with common yel· CAPTURE SMAll GRIST Mill low 80np. Easy T ask Lnundry Soap takes the dirt nnd I ' nves the goods as Detachmcnt of MIssouri Cavalry they were. Your grocer Is seiling lots Milke RaId ;lnd B ~g Lot of of It at (lve centa a cake. Rebels iln d Horses. Jus t Guessed. Our ilir('e ), PlU'S' !l rvl ct~ explrf'll "Mrs, Wnd Hworth , 1 am Tery glad, Au g, !l, ] 64, IIn u on th e .I~th L\Pl1L Ind ed, to m et you , Bu t, hnve n't I r;ro \,(~ R , In commll.nd of 14 ml'n of had tha hono r of beIng Introdll c d to " lind l~ of Co , n, 7th li To, CO\' " I ,ft rou befo r ? Wha t wa s YOllr name Pin e llIutTs, Ark" a t da ylight on u form erly, If I ma y nRk?" seer , t march or 32 m il cR sO llth to a "My mald e n naill ' ?" ~l'l s t mll1 , wh ich Gen , Clayto n WitS "No; you r n ame beforo you wern anxlo ull to know wh e th r th e r ebels divorced," "Hnw did you kno w I bnd been wero opernlln,., ,Y o \II I' gu ldod by COll1lU bus Marr, who l1v ed In tbo divor ced 7" nell;borhood of th o m ill. He was loyal "W hy , h!l.Bn'l ey "ybody ?" anf,! bray , About noon w stollped back of Q HIS HANDS CRACKED OPEN fl eld, whe r e th guide's mother, a wid, ·ow , IIv d, ami about three miles from "I am a man s eventy years old, M,. th m il\, As soon as our horses w e r~ hands were very sore and cracked res ted we s tnrted for th e mill through open on the insides for over a year tb e timbe r . We had not gon e fa r unt.ll with large sor es. They would cfaclt w could b ear the throbbing of the en , open and bleed, itch, burn and ache gln e, wril es W . H, Craven , se rgea nt BO that I could not s leop and could do Co. A, 7th Mo. Cav., of Milton, Iowa, but l1tUe work. They were so bad In National Tribune. We went within that I oould not dress myself In the 80 rods of th e mill, when the He uten· morning. They would bleed and the ant ooncealed the oommand In a blood dropped on the fioor. I called thicket and gave us orders to remain on two doetoI1l, but they did me no Quiet unUI his return. He anli the good. I could get nothIng to do any guide lett. good Ull I got the CuUcura Soap and In about an hour they r oturned, hav· CuUoura Olotment. About a year Ing gone Inside the reb el camp to a 11&0 my dau.hter got a cake of Cutthouse which was not more than 200 cura Boap and one box at CuUeura yards tram the mlll, occupied by a Ointment and In one week from the Union family . As our guide was per- Ume I began to use them my banda son ally acquainted with the famlly and were all bealed up and they haTe not knew he could trust them, he had one been a mite sore since. I would not of th e girls go to the mm und e r the be without the CuUcura Remedies. r'use of having some mllUng don e , and "They also cured a bad Ilore on the get all the Information she could In reo hand Of one of my neighbor's children, gard to the location of their oamp and and they think very highly of the CuUthe numbe r of soldiers the re, which cura Remedies. John W . Halty, So. Et· s he did. Ilngham, N. H ., Mar, 6, and Apr. 11, '09." The l1eutenimt. oalled UB around bim and said: "Gen. Olayton sent me to May 8ell 100,000,000 Red Cri:lu 8eal .. find out whether or not the rebels Twenty·five million Red Croa8 were running the mm, which they are. OhrllltmaS 8eals have been printed There are 100 men runnIng and guard- anlt are beln! distrIbuted by the Amerlog It; there are 70 now at the mill Ican Red CrollB, and arrangements and 30 on a scout between here ' and have been made to print, 100,000,000 Pine Bluffs, and have started since If necessary. ' It Is expected that this noon. Two miles BOuth of the mill Is number w11I be' needed. While the their main camp, occupied by 4,000 sticker IB perforated like thoBe uBed Infantry and cavalry, with two sec- llUSt year, It Is Intended for UBe only tions of artUlery. I have fulfUled ~ as a seal on .tbe back of letters. The mission. It Is up to you If we go any seal Is one Inch square with the can· venUonal Red Cross In the center fart.her." A tall, lank fellow by the name 01 anll the words, "Merry Christmas, American Red Nichols straightened hlmselt up, and Happy New ' Year. said: "Lieute nant, we don't want to Oross" In S; circle about It. The col· lise our"elves up Uke we did today ors are red and green. The design Is without getting one "halo" "All right," by MfII, Guion Thompson, of Watersaid the , lie utenant ; "mo'u nt your bury, Conn., who received ,100 as a prize for her sketch. horses." 'Ve were now about 80 rods north· east of th e mill , and th e ir oamp was AS SOON BE WITHOUT MATCHE8- - - AS WITHOUT RESINOL IN 300 southwest. We made a circuit un· THE HOUSE. til w we r e almost west of their camp Reslnol Is the nevel." talUng article . and a bout 200 yards from it, when we bait d, and the lieutenant told Sergt. r esorted to by my wife tor the many Smith of Co. B. to take] 2 me n or his bruises, chaflngs, cuts, burns and company and charge the camp, and lui accide nts of the childre n and has b een would talte th e 14 from Co. A and our cure·all for yea rs. I have used It In charge the mill, and ~av e me. orders cases of Irritation and InOamma'Up n to t.uke those left or Co. A and not nnd h ave lnvarlably bee n r elieved alcome Into the mill yard until all ot the most Instantly. We would as soon tblnk of being without m~tcbeB In our men we re In . 'T1i~ rebels wer e s urprised, and did house as without R eslnol Ointment. not discover our presence until Sergt. B . Rush Davenport, Philadelphia, Pa..

The bronze turl(ey Is tbe la rgest of s hould b e large, the eyes bol!; heavy nil tb e six stnndar<! varleUes, und, bone , logs lind s hanks straigh t nn d gretJ'ully. "I'm sorry to sny that can't," he r eplied. "The negotiation s therefore , holdl! ilie place of ' honor. well set. The outlineR In a ll sections {or her stock were conducted through It Is said to hllve ori ginated from a s hould bo In perfect harmofJY. In nnture th ey nre prone to wan· ill Y uttorneys exclu sive ly. Tile fa mil y crQl;s between th e wild turl, e y of tlte hal! s v ' rul h'omes scattered UlTougb north :1nd our dom esticated tlll'l, y. del', but can be taught to retl,lrn borne th o United States, nnd Mr. Holl!ngs· Its beu u tlfu l r ich plumage and size e very night It proper are nnd alten· worth was con s tantly on th e Willg. have come f rom its wild jJl'ogenltors, tion Is g!\'E' n t liem wh 110 young. Th oy ca n !llso be made quite tame If one And Ihe widow said that s h e was vel', say s tbe Poultry Trib une. Audubon hus recorded the coming rnn b In ompnny wltb th e m much anx ious to lose up hIs bus lnesR s o sb , and )l er daughter. might gll of th e wild turlteys Into tile !Jam· or the lilllo. It Is tru e Borne are more yaru , where t h y paired with bis do· docUe thun others. We hnve now In abroad again." li e s tudi ed th e cal endar anel slnllc:!!- mest! at d turl, ys. His descr iption our flo c k somo t wblle eating we "I ratb er thlult Mr. Holllngf> wortb of th e wild turl;ey Is a lmos t exactly ca n stoop down b side , plnce our r. I'm lik ed to hav tbat pbotogral)h ell' 1I1te our bron ze WrIter of today. I-Ie around th em, sm ooth the fenthers on culated be cause h e was In It hl tllsclf. · romarlcs about the brilliant copper tb e h' baelts, ond tll y will ma l,e no Tbe "resident poluted to tile oW bronze ot tbe plumage and compures effort to be r eleased, wblle oth rs In tb e m In color wlt.h those ot the pea- t.hls sl1ms flo ck would be very milch ge nllema n with th e slde wh,lske,rs. frlghten eil s bould we attempt to touc h cock. "That wns his picture!" New crosses, which Increase and th e m, \-Ve beli e ve some a re neare r "Yes." And, as Conlston lVSe to strengthen vltalfty and Inten llify Ule the wfl,d cross than oth ers, whi ch nego, " I wis h you luok." T he calendar house was now Con· bc:nuty of tb e bird , are sti li being cOl'nts for this lacl; or confidence. Iston's InBt hope. Ho hastened back made. The color of tbe bron ze tur· Th y nre very bard)' after a few to New York. Out It hud moved ta key Is a ground of black blazoned wceRlI old and easy to raise It the a smaH lown In Pennsylvania, MId· or slladed with bronze. This s hading seasoll Is anyways near favorable and Is ri ch and glowing. and wllen the p roper care Is u sed. vale, which fact h dlscov er-ed only llun's rays nre reflected from th ese The habit of neglecting to s elect after three dnys of vexatious eearch. Colors tb ey shine like pollsbe d steei. the best young turl,eys for breedlllg HEI went to Midvale. The color of t.he female IB not so stock during the fan a nd selling 017 Tho office of the calendar cOIJ'.pany ri c h as the male, but both have the the finest birds for marltet, and usIng proved to be a busy p ace. It WBa snme color and shading. Through In- Immature late hatched or closely rea big room In w.hlch' a half· dozen breedIng much of this rlchnesl! of lated male birds, or at borrowln« a type writers clacked. Five of the six typists were pert, pretty young women wbo COst occasional Interested glances at the good-looking Conlston. Tbey found him, however, stolid· ly unretlponslve. The sixth stenographer was n pale, frightened lItUe thing with red hair, who was alternately bullied and Ig· nored by the others. In spite of his down·heartedneas at the fallure of hie search so far, Coni stan found Ume to feel sorry for her. ' After an hOUr'B wait he WaD sum· moned to the manager's office. The burly, black-browed younl man he found Ilcowllng out of the wln4 0w did not seem to be lo very good humor. "Well, what ' do you wanU" he Il'Owled ungrac!oully when Conl& ton entered. A moment later he cut IIhort hll visitor's tale with- an insulting langh. " Oh, oh," he said, so loudly' that Con· Is ton was sure the words carried to the outer Office, "another mn.sher stuck on' The Golf Girl,' eh? Well. you don't get her address trom me. We're not helping mlUShers, She's probably no better than ehe ought to be, but--" ' Conlston struck him IIquarely In the mouth with a force that crumpled the man tnto a heap In the corner. Tben he walked out. In the outer office he . patlsed n moment to smile reassuringly nt the startled force. The red-haired girl seemed more frightened nnd rorlorn than ever . Imp ulsively he took th e carnaUon trom his buttonhole nnd laid It on her treclded little hand At , dusk thnt evening he stood onto s1de the IltUe railway station, await· Ing the Ne w tork tral!l' A card was thrust Into his hand from beh1.n d. He turned to see the figure of a c1rl haste ning away; !'IeI' hair gleamed red under a street light. He examined the card. On' It wall written: "!'I1tes Marjory' Hollingsworth , Echo, ·Cove. CalJtornla," and Conlston laughed IIgh{.beartedly. He had found "Tbe Gall Glrl" at his own door, since Echo Cove and the town which his estate adJolnll, Glen DuC· lass, are but seven mllos apart, Some of the very few folk who know ' the above Iltory maintain that Dick Canis ton purchased lifelong hnpplness with a ten-cent carnatlon; but the rest know that he won ' bls Bronze Turkey, pretty wICe and deserves her beC'.auso So he put the calendar back In his of hte generos1ty and Innnte k1nd~ess color Is 10Bt, as It Is Improved by neighbor's gobbler year of heart. each cross with the wild specimen. Is earnestly condemned. Crlp and c!lught the first trnt.n east. To gain' best reeults Inbreeding should Ity and stamina of turkeys decrense He did not tarry In New York ; Foresta and RaInfall, be guarded against at nil times, as too readily to permIt of such praeportlnnd wns his destination. The ' Do forests Influe nce rainfall? The none of our domestic fowls sutl'er Uct~s. photographic supply COlllpany would Question has been answered both more from this practice than .do turbe more likely to have authoritative ways, but there are no reliable statls' keys, The stsndard weight of the lnformation than the calendar' com- Ucs on the matter. The recognltlbo bronze is 36 pounds for adult cock, Hen's Egg_ pany. An open switch, which caused of this tact has led the United States yearling cock 33 pounds, co kerel ,25 A hen's egg contalos 600 grains of the train to leave the ralls and bump weather bureau and the United Stntes pounds, hen 20 pounds and pullet 16 water, 120 grains at fat, 106 graln9 him out of his berth on to the ftoor forest service to undertake jointly n pounds. They s hould be large In of lime, 80 grains of albumen, 20 grains of tho sleeper, gave Conlston some- series of Investigations to supply the frame and deop In body. The heaa of Bugar n.n d 10 grn.lns of ash, thing to rem ember the journey by. datA needed, A very complete study ...... ... For't unately, the train was not going ot the effects of torest cover upon faat, an<! he escaped with n few streamflow, erosion, disposition or silt ~ow r I given date through a long period of Ltl . yeaI'll. Only ocaslonally It Is advls· brulseB. and the like, as 'w ell as th eir possible 1.1 The president or the Portland con· meteorological r elations, will be car' A able for the entomologist to advise cern, n shrewd, mlddle·aged, klndl,y rled out au two watersheds of sllbllar LR tha.t there be a departure from seed· man, sCl!nted n romance In Conlston s topograpl)y near Wagon Wh eel Gap, Ing at the normal time. There Is ge n· request tor information. He was sym- Colo., In the Rio Grande national for· no danger, e ve n from Hessian Hess ian Fly More NumerouB ThaD fW. If sowing does not preced e the pathetlc. though not very helpful. cst. The dams nod Instrume nts of Usual This Year Makes It "Usunlly our ndvertlslng man ge.t~ the measurement at streamftow wlil normal date, and at prese nt we tblnk Advisable to Delay the sublects for 'dlsplay pholograpbs , be Installed at about 9,600 feet eleva, It hardly necessary to suggest nny fur· Thlfl Work, ' he said; "but tbls pIcture has II. dU· lion above sea level. The streams ther departure from the normal cus· ferent history. It was secured by the draIn an area that extends to about tom tha n to say that if de parted fro m former president of the company lind 10,500 teet elev-nUon. It Is Intended ( B~' n. A. GOSSARD, Ohio Agric ultural nt all, thIs tall, the seeding should be E " p rlm en t Btntlon.) !lent here over " year ago. He WI\S to measure tbe flow of th e two streaml In the direction of a week to t e n daYll A little more Hessian fly than usual later than usunl, rather th an that Ter,. 'wealthy nnd rarely visited tho for a period of eight or ten years, house, though holding n big Interest which should be long enough to show nas been scaltered ove r the state thIs mu ~.l1 earlie r. The dry weather wm In It. W ell, he requested that the that with slmllar forestation the be' leason, and since we have no gen- ~o~~ess operate to destroy mallY' of photograph be freelY' used and, of havlor of the two streams Is the eral outbrenk of tb.IB p es t for some the' i)\~pae or "flaxseeds" of the Bescourse, that was done, es pecially as same. One of the , watersheds will )'ears and Its paras'lte s may therefore sinn try by dessicatIon, and In thoss It Is, strlkln! nnd I\rt1 ~Uc . Ulen be cleared and the measu'r elnenti be . pt~sumed to be -somewhat scarce, sections where the drought h,ns been "He died very sl1ddenly six months will be continued tor a !urther period It will be best for Ohio farmers to severe and long ,c ontinue d there ,II ago ne.ver bavtng told ~s anything of eight or ten years, so' thnt lhe ef· sow a trifle late ra 't3r tI~an early this ,probably ' DO need for special appre- " abo~t the ~ntr"l figure In the pic· .fects , of denudation may be perfectly fall, ' , The normal, date tor sowing In . hension. , ,t ml widow sold out ~er hold· determined by ' comparing tbe renlll narthe rn Oblo Is from thll 16th lo ,.::. to me without com~g> to Portthe 22d September, (or central Ohio of observations In two tracta. , a week or t{ln ,day's ,Inter, nnd for In'c reased Use' "Dry Milk," land 80 wblle we were curioUS, we sO,u thern Ohlc. the last Cew days hi .1 'he American process of 'z:educJn, d!uld 'not QuesUon her ~bout It. Quite How It Loo~ed_ r'cenUy, wh~ It 101l~ Its advertlstnc Old TIghtwad, had JUlt llald b" cle~~ September, or a little better, during milk to a powder 'has IiQw beeD Intto",'ue to us through long diSPla:' we .'1.,.-repreBentlng tho amount due, hlm tJle flrs,t tw~ weeks of O.c,tober, , By duced Into Norway, OM of the ' bew iIold the pleture to the Condar ouse. for a W'4)ek's work- and the young mall the ' no,rmal date we mean the date companies formed bas conti'acted tc. <lry milk each yeu We know no more of the you~ lady wu uam1n1ng It througb a magnify- which' will produce the largest ylelil, deliver 300 tons _:"_,_ Il , " pointed to.. ConJBt~D I cal· . provtdlos. that no' ' In8ect peila over.- for th,," yeats to an 'English firm, ........ d t11! "laBs, ' adar "'thaD yon o. ..; :'Vthat's tbe matter?" u}(ed th. turn tbe natural eJ:p~ctation. :rhe Tbe dJ'J milk 18 used largely for Inni. normal Qle tor ~wlng, 18 cl~termlned, .Ida lmd cOJlvalescentll on Ihlps on ront ~pII tile widOW .mlCht .~ , • "Afraid It'. CClv.Dt&"teItr" nQt b,. the , e~tome1ogl..t, but b)' the .0J&lel, becau.e of Ita keeping quail to Wp .. .aid CoDIitoD, 1l0..-pII.-. b. Do," t.j)1led the cleric, ~bnt aITCIDomllt, ~ci rem · ,",on die IIlve... Ue. UDder all Gumatlc condttl~1I .ana .me ler. .. " ;taia~1il_""Ulei ten tImeet \lt4 th.& .., relultl or IOWIQ .....atD QOD COIlvenlt1lCe of traD'lxn'tIlUon; 'Jut abOut ,~Jlat I ......

Ri chard Conlston was In love with a picture. Ho who had traveled tllrlce around t.he world nnd seen the famous b autles of many landa was ineslsUbly attra Led by a wholesomo American 'girl oulllned on a calendar. The picture was evidently from a photogr\lpb. Tbo girl stood In th e toregorUlld, slenderly gracoful and vIgorous, a sm ile on h e r wtn ~ome face. Sbe was poised In th act of swlnglnr; a gott lub on a l!t t lo while ball. In the background was a flu e old gentleWlLn with snowy sld l! wblske rs, two or three caddl '9 and lIomo looke rs-on . Conlston , you ng un d rich, had Bcttied down on his big es tate. de tt'rmin ed to wand er no more; but two months of s t a ring at "Tbo Goll Girl," &8 be cnlle d hor, had aroused tb e old restl ellsness, He felt tb a t at least be musl see her . At th e bottom of th e calenda r was the name of a publi shing bou se 10cated In Chi cago. In smail lett rB was also the copyright Imprint of tbe., calendar mnnuracturers. They were In New York. Ch icago was nearest to Conlston, though sUII a long dIstance away. He packed bls bag one morning, after wrapping up th e calendar very carefull y and slowlnl It there in, nnd lert for Chicago. Some days later he r eached the dty. It waa easy to find the prlntlog houae and get an Intervi ew wIth the manage r. The Intter recognized the picture In stantly. Yes, that was .ame work which their -presles hOO turned orr a year before for a photographic supply firm. "A photographic supply ftrm 7" echoed Conlston lo surprise. "Why, WII benrs the advertisement ot the IdlewUd Calendar Company." "Can't help that," returned the mannge r. "Wo got It out for the cam ra Supply ComplLJlJ', of Poft, bod , Main . We sImply print the pictures and mount them; they put the Inscription on themselves. Alter they have used a photograph for six months .or so to boom their plates and cameras, they sell the right of produotlon to tho calendar people. Bee ?" , Conlston saw. Be also felt satJ&. fled thnt the managtlr kne w nothlnc fA tho IdenUb' of "The Golf Girl."




the young man DIe t lIIs sweetheart, a chnrmlng country heautr. When he returned to the city he sent. her a jar of oold crenm to keep her cheekB a.1I fresh as the budding rose. On his next visit he asked her how ahe liked his little gltt. "The taste W8S very nice," she saId, with a rather sickly smile, "but I think that I like the other kind of cream best, dear."-Llpplncott's.

Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of OASTORlA, a safe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Bearslbe ~~ Signature of ..~ In Use For Over 30 Years. 'T he KJnd You Have Always Bought.







Like the Other Kind. It was in a "down east" village t.hat

or '*

-,..;1., Kic ked Up the Straw and Applied the Torch. Smit h with his squad rod o Into t.h elr cam p nnd de ma nde d tbelr s urrender a,n d opened fir e qn th e m . Th ose thl1t dltl 1I0t s urre nd er took to th woods nnd left their borses. and those run· nlng , th e mill rushed out to see ~' h at th com motion was . only to fin d t.he mill ynrd In possession 'of Co. A. It was th en about 5 o'clock In the evenin g. a nel n h eavy rain li tOI'm was hI' <wing, which 1 h ave alwnY!il thought was our " slllvaUon, The neu tona nt qaned us together, and gn,ve U9 orders t.o set fire to their oamp, get all thA hOTnes r eady, detail a guard tor the prisoners and be r eady to marcb In ,the quickest time possible. T gathere~ up a firebrand out at the ir campfire, and started In the first ,t nt lo the line, and Idcked up the straw and applied the torch. Tn a , feW' moments we. were on the ro,nrch, ~d bY thts ' time the rain waa falllog In, torrents. The· lleu~~nant, Instoad at starting towards the Bluffs, started on' the z:oR4 to' the ,main rebel camp, 'bUt only followed It until w:e were out of lltaht of the bousel that lurrcllDded ' the mUI, aDd tho took to ~ew~.~ . We lot lDto PIlla Bld. the Dut 1II.DI'DIq about 1 o'oIoa"

P':lor Pro.pectl, "Yes," said Miss Passay, "I tound 11 very nice hoa rd ing hOll se today, but the only r(Jom they had to orfer me had a raiding bet! In It, and 1 de tes t those thin lIS. " "or course," r e marked )\'ll S8 Pert, "one can never hope to flnd a man under a foldin g bed."- Cathollc Stand· ard nnd Times.

How's This?

w. oITer One Hundrl!ll 1)01lnrs Rfwaro l or an,. _ 01 CatArrh t bat eallnot bo cured by flail'. Catarrb Oure. F. J , CIJENEY &: CO., Toltdo, O. We. tbe unc1 «H'1!I II:'o ed. known .,\ J , Ch eney

for tho laat IS yea ... aD<l believe IIIIll perfl'eUy hODo.... bl. In all buolne!lS tranuo tlon. and noanclally ,ble to carry oul any obllllaUolUI mado by 1115 linn.

ct: }.tAft''lN. WhOICMle Or,,/[,Io.... Toledo. 0, taken Internall)·. a.llnl jiMl<tly upon tho blocd and mucous lurla<ea 01, lbe ,yiJtt!m. 'l'catlmonlall sent. rrec. rrlco 75 ocnta per W.ALIIJl NO. U'.NNAN

Hall's Catarrb

CUre ' Is

bo~~te ~~~':~:~I?y~':;'r coDltlpaUOn.

Old Educational I nltltutlon. , The Uri iverslty or Santo Toma's , Mn· Is the oldest ed,u catlonal lrilltituunder the Amerlca~ . flag., TRY MURIN~ ,E YE REMEDY for Red, Weak, W&'ry, Watery Eyes and Granulated J!]yel\ds. lurine Doesn't Smart- Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine' Eye Remedy, LiqUid, 25c, 60c, $1,00. Murille Eye Snlv8 , In AbepUc Tubes, 21ic, $1.00. Ey~ Boob and Eye Advice Free 'l>y Mall, Murine Eye Remedf .Co.,· Chi~_

MoneY mak.. the ~al'e' KG, but wo· are Dever Quit. Qn 01 blf d..un.



·..---------·-;.-.;-·-:~;--·-~--,------~--~i ,;_.t _.-.. ---~ -----+--- - - - - - - - -THE '-:1

.! II .

.~...... .-..-.~........-..

Saturday's Specials 25 Ibs. BEST CRADE SUCAR, $1 . ~5 9 BARS ~ENOX SOAP 25c


~ ~~"...,.~~~...,.~,..,..

New Corn Meal

For Saturday

-ltorv: We now charge withou t fear of tl'uthful contradiction, that this same J ess e Taylor is as g uilty of deceit a nd fraud as any d e magogue that d N 0 man ever apwa" eve r lrappe. d · ta pea l'ed before a s .le au d lence a t ld th vocating a mora I cause ' a cou rol e fil l the ··f doubl e - d ealing be · v t woen the wets and the drys a~ Jesse Taylor. . . Garbed on the one hand with lintl ialoon livery we nnd him praying on the temperllmen t 0 f a body of peo . PIe to rally to the cause and crus n the saloon. On the other hand we nnd thia treacherous deceiving- char-

Time went on and the t e mperance mayor heard many cases and in al . mos t every ins tance the defendant was found guilty. But along came a v ictim from Cedal'ville, Charl es M . Rid g way, druggist, on two charges as secured on evidence by a committ ee headed by the late E. W. H agar. ' R I'd gway was t a k e n be f ore the temperance may:lr for trial bu t in stepped this high-browed tempe ranc" orator to plead m ercv for the defendant Taylor explained to the mayor t h at h e h a d rna d e h'1m e If ""olid" With the temperance elAment ., and it was now time to recognize the other aide.


Remnants A IIi A' 10 of J t(' /Ilnan~s al1~ 1\1 ill Lung- ths at ha rgall1 pl'\ ' res J LI ~ L look t h('~c 0 \ ' 'r.

Work Shirts


M en' s Ge m

hi rts .. .. .. ..... 4!)c 'o rdu/'r)Y Clo t h ing fo r ' Mc n. Get Our Pri cet!.

Kief er P earR, p e r b u .. .... $ 1 . ~5 Fancr Appl es , per pk ..... 40c Grape Fruit, r angeR, Bananas. Malaga Grapes , Fancy Cel ry. Egg Plant . Caul · iflowe r tl'1d Beets . weet Potat oe.'i, per pk ..... 20e Irish Polato ,pe r bu ..... 70 ' Fancy Cranb(.' rri es , 3 qls .. . 25c

Th e S t·Snug fo r ladies, th e Ve lvet fill' buy s and gi l'ls. Un i()n S uils fIJI' CV 'ry rnemuer of the family .


Sweater Coats


If you want the best. tl'y a

$ 1 50 Coa\:.''!. only .. .. ........ 9 c 7Gc a nd $l 'oat, on ly ...... 59c

sack of While Cliff Special 24 lb. sack ... .... ......... 65c



Sealshipt Oysters Bring us your Produce, Butter· and Poultry . .

Whether the Juris t was correct whe n h made the s tate me nt two yea rs ago, fullowing the e lection, can best be juuged by the following

One (If t he first cases to come b e· fOI'!" the mayor was o ne, "Gras.qy· ' Berry. of X e nia. Th e trial was heard a mI Ta ylor iosis ted upon the mayor " soaking" him to the limit. Taylor e ndeavored to show tha t l3e ny had few friends that could do him injul'Y in a campaign and by giving him the limit th e large tempe r!\nre le m ent of che county would be at his assistance when he came for reco l·der.


Pie Peaches. per dOh .. .... $ ,~5 Table Peaches, per doz ... 1 35 (You s hould t r y thes e) Corn. per d oz .. ...... ......... .75 Tomatof'~, per d oz ........ · .90

Rolled Oats

But Rid~cway Was to be Let Down ance Mayor, Whom Taylor

Jus t r pt'('iv ed 72 p 'dr~ uf a tnrip. ho t'S. afl ]dn Is, nu two II I k '. Sp!'I' iaJ pricl's

Paying 32c for Eggs

Walter J. Kilbon

Hubig 's famout! e very d~y.

.'Soak" Berry; Taylor's A~vice

Was GroominlZ for

New Buckwheat New Pancak e Flour N ew Lima Bans New Navy Beans New P eaches New Apri coL., New Prun ' 5 New Rai!linR New ' urra nts . • New ~1i"c c Meat


how easily he might gain f avo r with the peopl e of the co unty by soaking the violale rs and in thi s manner his r putation would extello to e"ery vote r.

"Easy" by Jamestown Temper-

Bu rson lI osc fur WlJm(~'!l ; t he best H os · ml'd t: , only 1!IC.

, ,w-w.,..".~ ,~ .........,... ....."


pics fr esh WANTED

N e w Apricots, Pea hes, Prunes Ap·ples . Raisins , Figs.


. . . --

will he filSCfL"d ullc!f'r thiN IIrud (or IWI:U I)" llvo C llt ~ for three Insertlllu8, \\ hUll USIIlI! flotworo th a n live lines.

Dried Fruit

- _ ... ~..-....-.+-.....-.. .......--.-------~~-.-.--..-...-.+


Classilled A,d s


A prominent jurist's an.swer when asked as to Jesse !ay1or's fQrmer defeat wa's: , " ~As I (; ec if, Taylor was too wet for the "Drys, " a nd too dry for the "Wets."


Jus t. rec ived. Pre 'h each w ek. 4 Ibs. f M .. · . ..... JOc


b or ~e


AN PIHlt :10 with lIud M flY to M il s t ook oonultion p Ilt'r Wurr eD \Jn lluty. E-a)ar:v



I~­ f.1 ~)

].h:lr m on th Artrlr ll!l ~ 3111 UOIty Bldg , Iudlan!l\lol itO, lndiaua .

Nite svJid Apples , $3.00 p~ r bbl up. Fancy m e llow cal· ing A pples.


I ff,L-. M t' lIH" " 11I,l p'"

Wl1 ,n teull t Inquire I1t t h e l'l \lzet·t·,j

ouuu, ott1 ct! ,

Malaga Grapes , Concord GralJes. New Honey, New AplJltl tlUlt!'!I·. Oysters, Cranberries. Celery. Edge mollt tluLter Cracke rs.


New Huckwheat and Pancake Flours . Old Reliabl e Coffee, 20c per lb . Le nox ::ioap .. . : .... .... .... a for 10.: Bring us

YOUl' I!:~~!l .

Paymg- aoc

a <.Iuze n.

01JO wutoh fo ll. Juni or G on M'"n :-;"r.uru"y I' vlm : iog .· ~'IU<1t:r plnu ~e ret lll'll III OtlOtlr f'mbIHOI .

~tr m' t,

U ~ rdi

~e r,

WUYll PHvi ll p, (lith I

Everything good t cre"t at FOR SALE



() r pill~IIl" ~'

Ctl0 <JKEREL8-Bnl'f tine pure blol)d ur,tl Mr,. . ti ljnu urt40u ,1111 thtUfl II.t


lJlI ll



six 1l11U LWOllL)'-ouO hundreUtha chuhlll , LO 11 .Luk'.Hllthll cUIlI-cr of tho l,;uultJrvlllu'U"llCUloll W I ~ y n oRv llle, Obi ,) 1/ lIIugo ruad ; wUllet! w'th flalU ruuu luutJ Ilull Que,ulllf l h J "',ll or tWllllty-IuUI' UI .ll tur o ' ) 'KER~"' r ~ 'h' WI it I r P' fourth. lOUL to Il HHlko ; lhullco U"tiL IIllrull,,1 I, <l.fUO-' olOe l' J /.!with Lhe IIrsL 11".CI'lI>OCI lUlU LhlnY·.IX ""J hnruto und kbOdl' hoI" lid Ii (i LwenLY'OIlU chulu8 lO '" aLul,u. Lhllu '1l8OUI.h hUU,lrtlllLhd OUIl UII(.\ onu.l,ulf ruusor LWUUL),- 0 I, k <, r "i8f Or till IO . P u ('6 blo'I"u. Nond . four UUlI thrllU,!oUftlld looL Lu tU Illacu 'il I ~ ,111 Ilfl/lr N ' 1\7. lfil,b. O . K. P"nltrv lloglolllug cUJlLululug uuo ucro unlllllt,)l -.'x II llnrl ::)upply Co " VIlJl e "y Jlh ~ Il ti372,X . r()(la ./IOIN or 10&6. Also Lhe following ucscrlLJOt! truct uf Iluid LA B!.-n-: <Jon) t\t nIl CA . ~~l::~,l:t ~~~I~~~~it;~I':Ocgll~I~~ u::,~~c¥!~~:::~ ' (\tl l on or 'Iddr R A. B. Uhlln from tilmkorLowlI tu l.!tJuwrvlllu uull ~IJU ~" Illlgre6!l, lwonLy.II\'" milllllOll wc"t 111t·1'. WlIyo tllwill', OhIO . twolve and MIX hununlU~IUI dmilla trulll II'" I'u ttl" uur~h Hue uf lloeLlun a~ ·l'uW 1I ~. ItUI." . ~ . ,• I , let Milltury "ango Iluno)' Cnllltiiug IIIU U rolin . N Ie E Bilby bogIXY an< 1\ 0 t;~~ ~~~~UL~~U~~'~I~O~~~O~~:~.?t"tI~,~ iu)t gO.~llrt iu I{l)od...ooofHktloD, cenwr of tho hooso on Iho south 111110 ul ~lIe 111t1. ' two orlbs, flne wltu roo e rtl. acter tink.ering with J.·ustice ~n reThe may()r was astounded and re- Illllu loalling from .,,111 I'UlLc.l\.otlae retiluOIIl'Uof Pri 'e vl'ry rtmt-onoble lnqalre lit rt UUl Willow of Henry 1'. tlru\lst,n·"t.. II ·.,WI d. . . ' gard to VIO Iators, urgmg tb.e cou fused to listen to Taylor'S pleadings IIOULtI olgHty.elgln dcgr~ OUb •. uin 1000 tHl1l 1 til' S nilit'll . k" fellow and "liberate" IllgIILy-.u"ht hUllurOOt.h. chtUllti tu", SIIIJ(U; " to soa one for Ridgway's dismissal. Taylor UI\luce soULh uu dllill'008 tw IlLy·lln m\Uu~1I I another. . reprusented to the mayor that the WOllL t.elllUlll fO.lY·lIVU liunuI'OllLII8 , c"ulu~ I ~' H OL{ .' I;;IL - HorflPtI f9r !llI lo IIlng v .... f t d . th LL s\.Ilko; tllOIICC liOlIlh efgllt.y·uhw liegNe ,t:USl 1'1 ' III " ,,1114 1"f1111r1~ or .1. U. We hav e no quarrel WI th M r . t olev II challlli t~, 11 MLuke UUlI coruur Lu tlmlLh I r'1 . . thmg or 0 om esecases was 0 H.lIrLlullll·oot ; Lheujlll w'lthhltillllellOuthuu b ll pnll\ (', WUY1WIIVIIl .... \IUIll faylor for what .has bee~ accom let Ridgway down as light as possi- degNIC. two mlllUttl8 WOOL. 111110 lUl(l IiIx IlIlU' ~ ts f or th,e ble as he (Ridgway) was prominent dNULII 8C!UUU81iO ~Uell()rth 8Itte oftllo lalleooup1ished through h IS elLor. veyllU by Lhe duhJ WillOw lirluJsLl'OOt to timlLh It T I s it. llrao troo t ; LhollC41 whh tho uortb Uno of f cause tem.pera~ce. . IS . ~y or in Ced~rvi1le po1it.ics and would be of aalu lano oi"hLy ighL ant! Lbroo-tourths ueH ELl- WANTED e ternal duphcity l~ makm~ hIS te~- service to him In his nee for record- ~~ ~~be tl!1!:;t~.I~f :~dll~~u hri'a~::r6~:::t ronO : thbllCIl wi th dLllu road north OliO uogroe. Pe rance friends beheve in hiS purity er • Ilfty I1Ilnul.&l OUllt. tHlooU Ilnd twelve hlw, and good faith while behind him lea dS I ' t' to th . h t uNlItllS ClllihUl \.0 11 aLLlko·; theneo 1I'ltb pld N intf' l1l ':I' nt l u·r ,.,lIl' 1l1ll:V 'I'"rll . h f th 0 OSI n JUS Ice e mayor we WIS 0 roau north forty-live U Ilree!1. t wenty-livo the tt:'all to t e. camp 0 e pp ~. state that Rl' dgeway was found guilty mlnlll.&l eallt, iii. Ilud fUty.Ii\'e uuudrodthl , ,1(10 HI :lOtb ';v ('IIl ' r,~"p'lIIrl\l11t tion, that we Wish to coDder,nn .. W e on e""h char"'e and s'l nce that tl'me ~1:~~I~ln~oa:;:~!)(~!l~o~~ l~k~~t~?tfv~o~~~nLI~~ tor n ti W fI \>,IIJ' r ~ No! , CllnV'ltltlIU~, t ...... .. buudrtXl nuu twenty·lIv thoulluudtlur oorea l:iend for l"rl l(\ uillr!l.· Prt»ltl t;yuIll. know 0 f no man connec ted WI th el h er h b ted t ' add't' herototol'6' conV6"OO the IDOrLh IiIdo of the Ilona I abo , ofT I dide of the tempera.n ce caUbe Wh 0 as ,een arras . on wo vo <le.;crlbed tract. to !:Iru tin. D • ...... troot. olitf'. H !} 7~ I , Loo~.,ort. N . Y . has shown as little conception of chl\rges ~nd paid fines to Said real ustat.o bIB boon nl&ularly ap. I' f h' t 't' n as $41'0, whIch has ,been placed In the pralllllCl unuer order ot the llI'urtper at acre thO 8um man lllesS . or IS rue POq! 10 t' t ()f deventy-t.wo (1 12. 00) Doll..,. auu • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •I!








U _ ..

:~~ u~~I~al:U.>IOr:r.~RI~JefOs·


0r J SM~' RTIN

Jesse Taylor. reasury. A few years ago 'when the tem· While IOn Mr. Taylor and the temper.,. ~ r 1eu stIAlt.nLE"wo-tblnlS ot oF perance Crusade h~d just begun, ance mayor had been friends for . .IS sal'd that tI' .!!. IUtuhIUIUolc.lllOo.!III( i .?ul'll • • • •• J estown elected a temperance years It \IS one act was, '111~lloll. • .. ILloLlnrd\l <;yIUl • llnYIO rd nf.8,, • "010y _ e... O~ ' f \.-~ .... , . am th b ,-: fth f ' d L I th tho deterred paymeot.8to bearlnt.eN8ta' 81" • mayor. Other towns in the county e rea".ng 0 e rlen Sl< p o e per cont l141r liunum Ilnd to btl secured by _.--'-(OsteopathJc Phystclan) had executives but their personal two. morLglIgo oti the preml_ SOld. _ FRANK FORGY, Oregonia. views seemed to over· ba 1ance the We have not taken undue advanSberllfP.Warren County. eVld~nce ~hen the violators the tage of Mr. Taylor in exposing one Hamlltou & Drown. Attyl!o , and Friday The, Republto!\~ Meet,ing b el' Miss ErinA ~p ncAr 11011 MHtls rs' local option laws were being tried. of his many tricks by waitini until Of Each W e k SIltn.rdrt.y night, Ootober 29th, Wilt! .lohn l:lb l~ f\VO ld, .1 r, Ilnd RU8&!El Through the aid of a loc"l option the "eleventh hour" but have given New Burlington well Ilttended. Tb\, ~p Ilkers of tbe ErnmQot'! Iltt'< tltltld the f.llIllowe'AI1 committee . considera'lle evidence him time for answer to the ('harge to ' ev&olng were-Bon . Jesse Taylor onll party given by Mltl8 Hllzol 8p.-ooe l was secured 8iatnst a number of be 'publlshed hi every newspaper in Office at thp, Gustin HouS4: .John .lenkiD8 and ,,,wily bilve Bon L . . K Laogdo n . 'I'belr r e at ber b omt! io LebIUlon, ' Blttprr1f1~ Xenia violators. Affidavits was ser ~he district previous to the. election. muved froUl the ~llgmRn u {' l~bll Ir mArks wer~ to the point, and th nll\ht. cured and the cases were , taken to Nothing but an absolute denial frorp bood ttl the MOOD property in South Hours of Appointment, 'if R. m. mut'io was very mucb etijoyed. Mr. nnd Mrs . Wi ll Ke r~ e.v enter Jamestown to be tried before the tlie temperance mayor will be re- Bnrlingt.on , to 12 m. o S Mr.lI.nulrIrs . F.E. M.llIsllr Poo(]- tllin d WI' ond Mrs .John EllwIlrd8 mayor of that ·village.' B man who gardedaaananswer to thecharge ~; U. R Aflvell hilS fluid out hiM baftng Il week 'at ~teubonvtlle th Ilt rliotl6r l:lundllY. possessed a sterling character. tbat Taylor wanted Ridgway "let berlnl( oUlfit to Leo Whitsou and hi~\ gue.'Its of their daugbter, Mr~ flllr.. The ~h erwoor1 family _ m fJt,ored to The mayor at that time was urged down ' easy" while "Grassy" Berry proper:ty to Ur. Mo<JrI\Y . Be will !!..!'!..~~~!!'!~!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!,,~~~~!!!'!! !y' &rbellu .,o n lu st 'l'bur:ldtty. by Mr. 'Taylor to come out for cou·n· arid otl1er' Xenia offenders were to be move to one ot the H. W . 8lDitii \ II• • • • • • • • • • • • • • . Ollr ooal'merohauts are very busy MIsl.4 Luollle NOt· ton WI1H In Leba ty recorder, Taylor pictured to him ··SQaked."-Cedarvilie Herald. hoases ner.r Klngm \0. in keeping the wllntR suppJ\eli. nOli M9ndllY:. . 'I'be teaohers of Sprlug, VI111ey . Many from here attended the fa Miss Mnbel tinflrwood and MitiS towo14htp held 110 meeting at the on tt& Chas. MoConnell farm berll.1of Mrs. Clu!!lie Tuoker of Xdniu N Ille Brown I1re Vis iting in' Bethel Veterinarian sohool bouse here on 'Friday ot last Burial at Bpr! ngfield ohur(}b . For 'thls wt.e k . Wednesday; November 16,191.0' week . Has . opened an office in' many years Mrs. Tuol!er 111 os Il oit~The lJ B will hold 11 RAlly DILY - -5 hSild of - horses; 4 head 'of cattle, Mrs. r <J. Baydollk I ~ the ~ue!<t Waynesville for practice. zen of 'our , t.:>wn and Ilt the tlm o 01 I!ervice fur I he oh nroh ::Ianday m Irn On Tuesday, November 15, at one 'aO' hog's Bnd farm · implements, altlo Treats all diseases of do· mestic animals , I am not her 'death 11 member of the M. E 109, N ve;nber 6th. A spenlllJ pro. o'clock, one of the finest farms in the a lot ot hoasehold goods. &le to of her ei!!ter, Mill~ Jbbie OolleU; of t:lBfveysborg . so common as you might ohilron here. t:lhe WIIS OD estimable .g rom bll!! been prepured by tl e pBS. rich Miami Valley will be offered for oommenoe Ilt 10 o'olook a. m. Wm lUllir hilS Aold his interest Itl imairine I hlive been in sale. 'this farm was the property of lady leaving It. floore ot frlendtl. Tbe tor, R " v MoKtmzte. Let everyone the late Scott Robinson, of Franklin. 1'. Brelsford and Uh8S. Brelsford. tbe sow mill to .l.,l1n Jonklntt . practice for 20 years. husbllUd I1nc1 three obildren we r oome. · and offers a wonderful opportunity ' A 'A. MoNiel; Auotioneer, Vernon Mo<Jroy ill tht) proud plfSCalls promptly attended left and hllve ttie symputhy of thi s 'fh " orohos trH, 00llSi8110g of for the careful inves,t or. . sellBor of B Dew piano to day or night. John Weaver, <Jlerk. Nathlln Bolliugtlwllrt,h Rnd dllughPhone No. 113. oommunlty, Messrs , D. W. Williams. vtolin i It is. of 172 acres of the finest upLunoh stand reserv"d. . t r. • K land SItuated one and one· half miles ters tlpent a part of lo~t ~ eek n,nonf! 11• • • • • • • • • • • • • • We trike thiS mellnt! 0 ex press our Z ' IIII ArmitA ge, O:lrne t ; Will eI8ey east of Franklin on the Upper SpringfriAndR herA II sinoere er/ttltude to uur n Ighborp trombone; lint} Mist'! Glndvs 8peu- boro road. There is a brick house .~herl·\ff's Bud friends who guve tlO frl;loly o t cnr, urglloist,. (ue turnl shlng maslo of 7 rooms, a huge barn and cattle p.,J their 1I.8sltltllllOll llud sympathy dllr fo r the t:\'lUd ll Y School II nu Christian shed built. two years ago; tobacco tng the illnli89 nnd dfll1th of our Enuoll vc r e ve ry t:landl1V morning shed thatlwbill hold 'bten tacres'dRtlhSoe l arn, crt s, e c." an ' lind e ve ning . We " iHe .\8ry grate , f u I ntena'nt ew' sma Pleas wife, mothe r, to tile 0 h' OIr f or t h ell' house of 6 rooms W arren Common A message received of another congignment of servioes. R e v. Awos <Jook IlUU Rov to th e m . drained by 5 miles of tile,2.never hor8ef! stllrted October 211lt . from Northern Montana, which .will arrive here in a lew daY~1 80, II:S a way 01 Coogle for thelt· word!! of ch oer . - - +- ---'---', failing springs, 20 acr~ of thIck 11:1di!!p081Dg 01 them promptly, 1 Will agalll Bell at B. P. 'rucker Ilud <Jhlluren . Spra ng Valley. falfa, 30 acres. woods, 28 acres 10 Olara Stroop public auction, at my plaoe, . (Dolnycd ) W heat and rest m grass. Well fenced Oarl n. B~:it8trec' t ot III The funeral ot · our uoquBlIltll,noo Prospective investors will be fur-

- -- ----




Dr. M. Schumaker








'Publlc Sale!

Newton Nardlow t,?ok plll oe fronll Mrl' . Chnrl s!I V. enBb l~ WAil a Day- nished free conveyance to the farm. OWlC No. 10964. the Mortuary Chapel ~ulldllY u t ton ~ho\Jplclr Friday. On the same day a large lot of fine By virtue of au ordor of 8alo. duly I.I8Ued Id S ee Ia rge bl'lls from Oourt,1Inwill theofTer above case. h tte Is WI'11 b e so. This W IL8 ' rlllother unex. Old }t'lIlk's Dtt,.v Wall observed at ca. ~ illelalu directed, foraLated we. by wayand of 1V m III f h b d For further particulars af-dress Mrs. public auction on tbe IlNmt..ln OJoarcrook p~o ted Oil og o.WI~'y 0 U us ILn , the \1. E. churc h bundl\y morning. Louisa D. Robinson" Franklin, Ohio. '!·own8hlp. WarNl1 Oounty. Oblo. 00 futher llOd nOlghlJor, MiR9 Amv Norris, of Xeoia, WU8 Remember it wi\1 be a pleasure to NOVEMBER SEVENTH Miss lIellter U '~W8 0n will spend tbe fJUHHt. ll'dulLY of Mr. and Mrs. show you over the farm.t Easy , . the wi a ter 10 ehiongl) RIlY Eu~h~. terms. Investigate this. ~ (7th) A. 'D. J910 Daniel DawsoD nnd ~jfe ent~r. 'fbe L"'li'e ~ of the Friends ohurch At 10 o'clock A.M.,on pld day. tbe tollow. tilin e I mllny of t-heir triendl.4 ut held U HOpptl r Rnd fest,lval In the At the residenoe of the late James Ingd6llCrl~ NI.l estate. to-wi': tb-lilr hOIJlA neur lJ e r , Il.~ f,jl t,he wee 'l'own Iinll ::In t.urdllY night. ' Linder at what \a known as the Beglnnlng 'at I. stake In the e..-t ' bo,ondary uhop t .... Wa""eev'lle 0 on the "'Ie Miami o· Sec:tlon dB. Town 3. Han. - 6 betWeen ,.,n,,11 b o urs of ljundlt.V morllin~ by 'l'hA D , ( If A will hold 11 Ballow Euerly . D U J ~ ~, Illvol'll twen~y aUdnlnoty...ven d ncin" Itnd f{lllU e~, a ll IIgreelD~ " 'en "001111 III p·htl Cown ball 8atur '. Saturday. Nov,e.mber .5, 1910, buildredtba chains trom tbe nortllolBt corner. ...' .,,,.. • theoco with atJd lIuo 80Utll one d~. two tlr'lt Ih f.ty , J:md b elm , hig bly onter- d,RY Digh .t iO·t 1 o'oloot ,p m, 'he fol1o_lng: mltlut.eawO/lt~webty-oueandDlDetYliundredtb d ' A ch.uw to ast;one; tbence 'II9rtb oiglity-niDo and tuln'1 . MI~8 AdlL Boston, Ilnfthl,dy . f"tenrl, 1 ohest of, tool". a .lot '(,)f patnn IfoiLd dn8'tourth dearoo w_t thirt)"nfO chtJDI to or m o ving ploture s~ow fS 'in oj .oIWt.OO,· liP nt ~ullday with hi r, b~8 8S, 1 new b~l1ter, 1 ool}k s~ove, {I=f~~a:: u~on':'t":t~~~, panltl on Itn(J beln ~ well pfitronized par nts ' .', . ' , ' new oupboard, II. lot of Viot'or ph'O - and thlrtft'lOvennundr8d'bichl!lwtt<>aattJu;; Alb rtllnd Oan .AuILml! , of.LJoyt()n Mi~s Arl'i 8otlton IIud ')Ildy frl(~Dd ·oographteoords" .Yloe, ~or~ benoh, ~~il~l~~~~~~o .T~~~~i'lt:fi~Of:n~ vi Itii,l fr t rid .. b\1r o' I.L t tlrda,Y ulld of D 'yt(l/l spent Suuday with 'ho~ 1 buggy ,hdl~e trIm. 1 "ocid ,0'0011', 't-weoty·two bondl'lldQ.118 '~I1I ••to .a at~o;: Mil fiall v . u, ' • l~ t~ ds aDd Il).Any · other tbence north one degree. two minutes o..~ the parents ' : .' " tll.O S, 8 D . b' ' .nino and nlnety·.even . bondred~d' cbtJDI to. Fr nk' R O".....;')l 11'"u pllrch'"...!t0d , • , , . . ' ',things. 088 . .' &atakll; thence lIOutb.elg~~e ~IIOUt b Jlr jJ9rty b IlItl'-lin'J.: ,t , A lbIH·t;A u l.l lU . Mr. J.. Ar1.1 otl ·Rrlllth, of DaVtoD. · " J F te Agent ' lollatt~rl.r~UtW!lIVeh~ . tbllcnalfto tbo o'n t h \1 Avtmlllll~url wil l tn the · 1I1llJr sJ.1I ~t "nmIii y tit bik born e. ' '" e It' Hawke A~ott?8 r, . ~~~:ilUftI~cf'Jt1' ~3.t:~~ ~~~~I:!~ .:. ttl or(M) . nflS', It. . Mhlli Mllry I{Cltl,ne ~ , of Mti~ole, .. " " .lIvo mllJlo,utlul oo~ . , , (;LMI, t:lh.ld"k/}r .Wf\ S In L lJouou l r1d .. ~ pe nt lI€1vtm~1 !J1t .VII l"st w~.t ftf'e wi ' II ael1-at l'dblJo R~l~ 2 tuil~ AIJMn ho Collowtna. dilkrlbed ,t~act ollruld ~ tl I7l,Jeut of. Mr and Mrf! 'Arob . ~ '. ' VU:, 1leinll . ID ~ffiI.n 18/ 'l'oW.D •• allin 5, BUDd"y . I . 1e ·... oorth.wee, of Bellbrook., J: Olile . , t between theAllalD! RI~=.' .~ 'iervicell on 8 11Ud I y ILftnrn oons 11 t l <J(IPHI\Y. ' , 8- U 8OuWnr.t col'D8I'.l)f ~ R B~i th~ Rlc~ite oborrh. All Itre cur : .Iobn Reeves h"s ret.urnad home'lof 8prlDK Valley traction, DI 88 ~W.:lrerat. ~ .~ di&1I1 iDvUed (0 "ttand , from a visit in Proll8ar, Wash. ~outh of Dayton on feed .wire tCMMl eiIIb~ t.bne-~ ~ . . . t.IiIIIt-

Waynesville, Ohio,



Beginning Ilt 10 A.


-: •


.. .....,,_

ihe followiug:

50 HORSES ' THE BEST THIS SEASON, 8' MATCH 'TEAYB,EAUTIES! Two match team8, pinto!!. Mllny 8addle broke. horse., oth~rs ~roke single Qr doulile. Some '. fine ' marelli aJllp mares with colts, I!ired by the best reg· isterea Pe~heron stalliODS. " . , ' . . The bUDdre~8 of the8e horsee I have 80ld have pl'Ovep ~ be 80 gentle and ea&!i1y broken,· U ill a' recommendation ·01It8elf. With 110 many horses,. it·, i8 impoBsib'le to try 10 desoribe them all. ' Bu& come early and look them over. You will find' lometh£nl ,to suft, you; As bas been ~.Y, method. e~ery~binJ' i8 _to l;Ie juet as represented or no 8al~, So ~~(1 q!uek) B,uy- what YQU wantl ·50 to be 801d. .









Indian rider w~1l again aOOOJll~aDY ' . these horse•. ' :

TBR.S-Cash 0 '1' b~Dkabl;'note. ,

, t



. J'. ' B: ..OH· . . A PMAN.. "

O~.T. BAWD, Abell



. F.

o. 'Jl,ARTSOOK, Clerk.

....unob 8&&Dd•.

' ~'





SIXl'Y-FlR.I:!'r YEA6.


• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- e

I Former Citizens I

. - - - - - - - - -. . . Mr. Hendley Corron, of West LeIPpic, Ohio. that he. wants L~e Gaz~Lte another year without fall. O. C. Mills. of St. Joseph, Mo . wants his address changed to their own new home. It is gratifying to hear of Waynesvil e citizens prospering. , A postal received last week reads: "We are pleasantly located in our . new home. Sand us the Gazette, pleUl:le . ilenjamin Hawkin!!. "


9, UllO.





[~e!~~!I ~~~~~~;=;~~~~~ :~~:lli:lnIL m:t:~d::d::tudrdahy [~~~~=~~~~~I

Mrs S. C. Allen. widow of Thomas . L. Allen and the mother of W. H! Allen, pl'esideflt of the Waynesville Pure Linseed Oil, at White's Nat!. Bank. died of a complication of diseases ~unday afternoon at 2 Mrs. Nathan Jones has been quite o'cluck at her home on Third street. sick. An invalid f"lr years yet watchful Jesse Taylor. of Jamestown, was and tender care had prolotlged her in town Thursday. life. until she had . passed considerably, the albtted span of thrte score . E. D. Burnett tram;acted bUliness years and ten. The last two winters In Lebanon Saturday. sh.e sp~nt at St. Petersburg, FI~, Regular supply of Fleischmann's with, It WI\S .thought beneficial yeast at White's store. results. But w1th the approach of this Autumn symptons that could Messrs. Elias alfd George Oglesbee not be mistaken, warned her dear iVere in Lebanon ThuTSUI:lY. ones and f l iends that the end was ' Mrs. H enry Sa tt et·th wal't e. 0 f 'M''dnear. dlerun, was in town Friday. She was a true lovIng daughter of t',e Church. Wittt gentle. gracious J. E, Janney and Dr. Clagett were dignity. shp did her duty faithfully in Lebanon Thur~day on business. in' all the varied sph'!res of life to Chas. Duke. of Dayton. was the which it plea3ed God to call h~r. A memoir of the deceased will be guest of Emerson Earnhart Sunday. publiFlhed in our , next issue. "Booth's Oysters are Best", says The funeral of Mrs. AHEm will be a customer. Sold at White's store . held this, Wedneeday afternoon at Doris, the little daughter of Mr. 2 o'clock from her late home on and Mrs. Lee Henderson, has beEln Third street. very sick. . ,FARMERS' CLUB . qUite . II. I at J OSI'ah B. M'II' I S IS shll the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. Thursday, November 8rd, found C. Phillips. the members of the Wayne Township ,I


The .' evemng was we at en e ,an t e FI'ed White was in Dayton Tues- speakers were all at their best. day. The meeting was presided over by N S I "'t' 1 F t Mayor Cartwright. and his graceful W ew, org 1Um -~ rlCt yancy. a and well-timed introductions were of :.c Le s. the very best. Mayor Cllrtwright Arthur Strickler, of Lebanon, was always fits in the right place in whatever capacity he is serving. in town Saturday. A sur prise was sprung when Hon. Chas. Smart and family have Jesse Taylor was introduced. He moved to Richmond, Ind. stopped here for a two.minutespeech 'Bur and his' re B0 1'11- T0 M r. an d Mrs. H ug h - while en route to Xenia ' " 'd 0 t b 21 t . I marks surely made him votes gett , F• n ay. coer E , a glr _ . The next speaker, Hon. Setb W. Little Ross Irons. whose face was Brown, whom Waynesville always burn d last week is improving nicely. loves to hear, spoke upon the issues

The Card Club will meet with Miss Emma Heighway Thursday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. L. Mendenhall entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chandler at dinner Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure en tertained at an , . election dinner TuesF day the follOWing: . Mr. and Mrs. • C. Carey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rye and family •

Th e protl'acted meeting at ' the and was listened to intently. The Dancing Cluh pve their semiChnstian church closed Sunday Hon Harry. Daugherty, the ne~t monthly d~ce at 1. O. O. F. ball evening. speak~r .w.~ Introduced. ~d as ~UI FridayeveniIllr. About twenty coupwas h1S m1tlal bow to a Waynesville les were present and a very enjoyFor Sale- Very cheap. if s?ld at audience, he held. them spell-bound able time was~. once. a . square piano. InqUire at for an hour. He IR a fluent speaker, . this office. a sound thinker, and an ardent Republican. His speech throughout Mr. and Mrs. Harl Harvey, eastof Miss Lola Zell is spendin~ the. week was gentlemanly and did not consisl Harveysburg, entertained Sunday at at the home of Mrs. HarrIet Lmcoln of any "mud·slinging" whatever. dinner, Mr. ani Mrs. Clem Burnett r n ear Wellman. Last but not least was our own and daughter, Bessie, Mrs. Lou BurMrs. H', E, Binkley, of Denver, · d 0 b . t h representative, Hon. Larry Langdon. nett, Mr. and Mrs Stacy Burnett, Col., write, : ome . . . Mrs. MaI In a S orn IS a "Enclosed find $1 for the dear old I t " t 'th I When he was mtroduced It was sev- Ross, Allen and Helen Hartsock. ,. f ' ~gam a ter a p easan VISI WI re I d b f h Id t' . BI h t era secon s e ore e cou comGazette. I feel entirely lost without 8 1ves m anc es er. menee to talk from the demonstra-. . it. I di,I n')t g,e t the issue of Octo· Treasurer Will Lewis, of lebanon, tion he received. Mr. Langdon in Mrs. Ahce Hawke ~d M188 Mary hfr 19th, .and it seemed an age beattended the Republican meeting a well~modulated voice spoke of a few H~wke, of Lebanon, royally " enterf.)re the 26th lil·rived. Farmer's Club wending their way Several of our citizens heard Sened the Cadet ~d at dinner 1U1d things that had been done in the legtoward 'the hospitable home of Dr. ator Foraker in Lebanon Saturday here Saturday evening. islature during the paRt year, and it durlDg their stay 10 Lebaonn last Sat. t·he Com.nercial-Gazette of last and Mrs. J. T. Ellis. These good afternoon. Mrs. ' Eva ~onea returned home.was explained so fully that it put urd~y. The boys are ,loud ~ t.t:'elr ,w k haq the fOllowing to ay of people had spared no effort in makMonday evemng from a pleasant a new phase on it from that which pnuse of the Hawke 8 h08lntahty. " a ormer fellow .townsman: ing everything comfortablp for their Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Hallie visit in Oxford and Dayton. . the newspapers had printed it last C 0. Hnine!'!. district passenger guest!'. and everyone was ma Ie to Hathaway, '1'hursday, November 3rd . ,. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson enMr·s. Margaret Zimmerman, of winter. agent for the Pennsvlvania rai ·road. feel at bume. AlthC'ugh ~his club a daughter. y wh~ headquarters are in D~ytoll, h~ an env.iable reputation for good I Vernon Hawke, of Lebanon: J ameqtown, was the guest of Mr. and I ;arr h~:ad'~1 :O~d Indthfe legt~- tertained at dinner Sunday the folh~ ~e, ~ ebw; e ear rom In lowinE' guests, Dr. and Mrs. Carl 0., IS well known among ra.lIroad dinners thiS days feast was ~nu~ua\ly played tuba with the band boys here Mrs. Thad Zimmerman Sunday. , • Ig er paces e ore I~ng. Henderson and ehlldren, Mr. and men in Cincinnati: Mr. Ha~es has fine, largely from ~he contrlbut1on of Saturday evening. Miss Lucile Cornell went to L.ebaAl:og?ther the meeting w~ an. enMrs. Otho Henderson, Mrs. R. A. bePn a long time in the service of the the hos ess. ~nger departn,ent of the PennAt two o'clock the meeting was For ~ale-AShropshire bunk. in- non Monday morning where she will thuslastlc ODe, and put new hfe Into CrOSlJ and Mr. IUld Mrs. j. H. Colethe voters in this section. man. sylvania and he is regarded as one of called to order and at roll call all but quire of Joseph Tinney, Waynesville, ent~r the University as a student; The Cadet Band added to the meetthe most efficient by the ·managem~nt t ....o farrilies responded. After bus- Ohio, phone 83-3r. Kenneth Ridge returned to Dayton ing by their excellent music . . ' 1 t k to . d . . • _.. Mr. and MM. Clint Cleaver enter.of the PennRylvania ' railroad. ines.,. ~ff8irs were disposed of the Mrs. L. S. Rhoades and daughter as wee accept a goo poslhon tained Sunday atdinnerthefollowinK - -_e - club enjoyed an excellEnt reading by BASKET BALL guests: Mr. and Mrs. Cbu. Sbida-- .HAS ACCEfJI.EO CA1.L Miss 'Anna May Deardotf. The mem· have been spending several days in with the Day,ton E:ectric and Power Lebanon and Cincinnati. CO. ' " - .............-. ~ - • . bers were well aware of her marked .~ 'The Waynesville High school went ker, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moler', Mr. ad Mrs. Elizabeth Larkin, of ,Hills- ability, and their antiCIpations were Lewis Chandler and family, of C.1. Wagner, of Dayton,. repre- to Harveysburg Friday evenin~ and, Mrs, A. Maffit anei Mr. and Mrs. B. boro. has accepted a call to the Or- fully realized. The Current Events Dayton, were guests of Edwin senting lh~ Diamond Waterproofing of course, came back victorious, with Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Md'arffiodox-F1'iendS <;hurch of this plac~, prepared by C. T. Hawke, and read Chandler and family Sunday. Co., was in town Friday and Satur- a score of 10 to 9. This makes three land. ~nd will occupy the .pulpit Sun:luy by his wife. were unusualb intt;,rest· h I F' h h d to day. jlames to the good against HarveysW C T -U- M-BEllNO Or. H ersc e 1S er as move morning. , ing.· . bu H' it ch 01 • • • • Messrs W.H. Allen. L. A. Zimmerrg Ig '3 0 • , Mrs Larkin comes highly recom- The qU'lStion for discussion was offices in the new Morris building. man 'day, November 4th , the meet.. . ' Frank Zell and Mahlon Ridge ffiMr. . I L. S. Rhoades. H bwho was I . the F n mended, and is a lady of high educa- "How doetl the State and National nex t to th e pos t 0 ffi ce, I,J 6 b a n o r . . . . attended the Harding meeting · in o. cia scorer, arveys urg calms, ing of the W. C. T.· U. met at the tion a"d personal attractiol}s. and no government help the Farmer.'" As Mrs. W. H. Allen. M'ss Georgia Xenia last Friday. . did, not score one go~1 for them, home of Mrs. Ruth Janney. In the doubt will be very SUcC6:I8fllI here. the leader W. W. Crane was absent Hadden. Miss Elizabeth Stewart and ' which made the score a tie. Howev- b ce of the President Vice-~Mr. and Mrs. Larkin will' 'occupy alld as no one seemed prepared on Ray Mills motered to Dayton Thurs- M.r. and Mrs. Walter McClure an? er, Mr. Rhoades claims it was not ~ s~n M Anna Cadw~l1ader a part of the Mary Brown house on the subject, it was laid ' over until day. family had the pleasure of a visit called and he t?er~fore gave the d~~~ :e·meeting. Af~r the Bible . Fourth stre6t. a future meeting. OWirljl to sickSunday Mr. James McClure and game to Waynesville. ' . Bethiah M Fu ' ffered Misses Donna Hawlre and Eliza- Mrs. Ida Kelsey, of Bellbrook. • _.. readmg • mas 0 ness the essayist, Mra. G. E Riley FAR'" -F;; S.\LE TEACHEItS' ASSOGIA nON prayer. , was also absent; This cut the pro- beth Collett spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Henrietta Mrs. Byron Hartsock and Mrs. _ _ The leader for ,the day was present Fine farm of 115 acres. two miles gram som~what IIho1"t. and 'a fter McKinsey. . \ Matilda Hosier 16ft MondayeveninE' The Warren Co. Teachers' Associa- but. we were favored witq the pre&th at of Waynesville. ' Walnut a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. and for Milton, Ind., to attend the fu- tion will meet at University Chapel, ence of Mrs, Miller and Mrs. M. J. , :~ 8::ar tree land; abundance of Mrs. Ellis for . thei~ entertainment, Prof. E E. So~ermier, of the neral of their aunt, Mrs, Mary Par- Lebanon, Ohio, November 19,1910. Underwood, of HarVeyabul'K Union, water; good barn and tobacco shed; the meeting ~Journed to ml!et Ohio State University, was the g.uest kins. I ' 10' A. M. . and as Mrs. UnderwOQcl had .tten~· chicken house;sixty feet long. Nice December 8th, at the home of Mr. of Mr. al')d Mrs. R. G. Cross SaturM' P 1 R'I f R'd '1\ Devotional Exercises........... ......... ed the State Convention at Lorain . _ __ house 'tf nine roomll. halls porches, and Mrs. G. E. ~~y,,:_ day,and Sunday. ISS ear lev, 0 . I .gevi e, :......................... Rev. E. G. Walk the time' was allowed her ~ aive us . was ?perated on at the MI~1 Valley Manual Training in the Gracies.. ... an account of the enthusiastic 'eoncellar etc. This farm is beautifully THANKSOIVING Mi\I~KP.T Judge Howard, Judge Sm1th, Dr. hospital at Dayton last Fr1day week. ~ Miss Augusta Strohm l' Many things pertinent to situated and well fenced. For parDe~aven and Tho~as Ola~ke, of Miss Pearl has been a great s~ffe~er ...... ......... l R. M. Franz ;~; :~perance question were du... ticulars inquire at tbis office. ') The Ladies' Aid of the Christian Xema, were here Thursday Inspectfor many years from, a cODlphcatlOn DiscuBSion .. ......... Supt. C, H. Young cussed --N~Ti~E church will hold the Thanksgivinjl 1:30 P. M, . - ----- - market at the Township House, ing the cemetery chapel. It i2 their of diseases. While sti11 very weak intention to place one in the Xenia she is getting along nicely, and her Music A PATRIARCHAL SOCIAL,. From Decemher 1st to March 1st. Wednesday, N.ovem~r . 28rd. at 9 cemetery. They were well plea,sed friends both here and at home are Address "The Puritans and Their will deliver no papers on the hill. a. m. Everythmjl SUItable for the with'our chapel. hoping for her ultim ate Jeco~ery. Influe~ce." .... ..... ...... ...... ......... The Waynesville and Ferry CburehIf you wan. t papers • please come to season for sale... __ - - Ci1arles L. Swain, Cincinnati, O. es of Christ witI' hold a union aoeial . the ~k Comer or the Post Office. WANTED The morning program 'will benefit at the Odd Fellows ~a11 Thil ,will enable you to get your pa• every grade teacher. Each one please night November 11th. The game pers at least one hour earlier. Everyone in Waynesville and vicinbring pencil and paper. composed by the pastor L O. Thomp. D W. Meek. ity 1:0 read thl! opening chapters of Alice Cooke, Sec. son. entitled, "I'm a Bible Man," --_ . - .. the new serial by Robert W. Cham---- - will be used. Herbert Moninaer of H,\S PURCHASED HOUSE. bers in the November number of A SLlOHT BLAZE teacher-training fame aaid of thia -- Cosmopolitan Magazine. It is the game, "It is the best thinE' we have T. J, Smith last wpe~ purchased greatest novel ofthey,ear and is illusThe cry of "fire" was heard on our seen lately for a social that will keel) the house on Nort~ ~am street be - ~rllted by Charles Dana Gibson. stret'tSatur(iay morning. The alarm a,whole crowd busy the entire evenlonging to Owen Hig'szins. of Leba. - - ...- - wa. sounded and in five minutes the ing." The patriare\W. life will be , non and took immediate possession LECTURE COURSE hose reels were ready to work at the carried out in a way that is new and Mr.'and Mrs. Walter Smith will O! home of W. C. Phillips. ' novel. cupy th.e house. It is only tw,o weeks until thA LeeIn the meantime by the aid of lad· F.aeh lady will bring lunch for two ---.~-- • ture COurse season of 1910- -11 comders and a bucket bri~ade, the fire in a plain shoe box. Put nothi~ ~n BOX SOCIAL menees. Have you purchased a BAawas gotten under control. the box that you do not ,wish lost. . • • • ' 1i<>l1 ticketfor it yet? If not;,yoU had The cause was a defective flue and Each man is ' asked to contribute 15 . The Lytle High achool 'Will give better do ' 80 at once as the coune the damage d~ne about $5. cents to pay for the hall. a BQx sOcial at I#t Ie Hall, Friday e~· thi~ year will be:a one- in fllct, en,ng" 'N~~ember 18th. . Th.~re wI,1 t~e ~t ever. ' 11)e ' first number POSTP~NE~ENT ~he Lytle . Or.c hestra win. furn~m . music. EverybOdy is cordially 10~ a pr~grB,,! and music. . comes on .Thankagivtng evening. EverYbody co~e and bring a b?x. See to it that you, Jret your tick'et The W. F. S. meeting of theM .. vited. ~~omeand have.the bea!!~: 'fAKE 'COUNTY Y. M, C. A. BOYS' CLUB. · E. ~hureh hs!'! bE'en. pt\btponed from of their hves. The BOCl~ is Ii ' N'O'" HUNTING .n9w., · ,. . '- .: . . . . . R1ZBS Win be announced wttllin a few days In .'one ' of the most uniliae Wedne.Id~· at Lernoo~ ~nti1 Thursday honor of the' ne-: ~e!,bers... . '.' ," ( , , WENT:lO L~~Ar,:ON . Oonl powtn. ~nt~t8 ever held In Oblp.. It was entered ,b7 · 10 DAYTON CoNVOCATION " 'Nohunti~g,t'rapping " ort~esPa8a- ' -. , """l~vlq' ln Lake count,.. who were Induced to· t~ke up' .,~la . · rOa:iD . oI ~Wnoon at 2 o'clock at the ~n•~• :.-.-:..- ,~ Ing 'be allow,d on the farms The ~et"B8nd furnWted ' music .....ou1t.ure b,; tile Count)' ·Y. M. C, A.. P,ractical work 'In agrioulture .. llIe. \ qllm . 'ed or ~ntron~ by .t he follow,. 'f or. the Fo~er meeting , at.'Lebahon ,ODe or the ~ late" thlDgl that the. St.ate Comm(ttee of, tile Y. M. C. A.. NO "UNTINO NOTlCE Convocation ' of t,he Da.vton :.C~ !aU un4H'takeD. Tbe picture sboWI a cIUI, of the... :YQunc f~mertl ltaDd, '' '. , - , ' . , ' Deanery will. be held ~t St,' Andrewa ~ ~~;~ Shi~en . ~turday, . . ,I Q III 'boont, qf the eoart Hou!'11 In Paineevll.... Profeelor Gl'ahain or the ~l penons are strictly p.rohibited churcll Dayton Friday neXt, Nov.mJ •. Wm. HlU'tsoCk ' Wblle Howard Chenoweth was in ONO ' State UDlvel'8~ty and other leadlng :a8rlcult.ural .xper~ addreue4 from huntina on my premises~ " ber 11th. . . U. G: Wbi~l towP lad SatuJ'dai ev.eniq one ~ bOra from Ume~~.. ~e. I t~lttb!.St.a~kCo~umlbtte!.!D4P~:!'~:a~ Ed Funuii. . ~ it. meeting of tlle Woman', Auili· , OL:." __ "'.... t t ' ..-.....a Whl t -.e4 ti,1M uee4ed ~uu..., agr ou u.... w,or . WI ··, ~ _ . . . .... -~ Ed .m.u.._, la, o,e a.~ p ou ~ 0. ...... Ia. tJae oomSq IprIDa. ., . ' . Klmiie Sa~waite "" at 8IUDe tlDMs and place. ., Mrs: Ma~v PlSrklOs diet!· Il~ hel' home In Milton, l~d . , SUl1da~, Novem~er6th, at 1.1 0 clock p. m. Mr~. Parkms was a slster of the latA LeVt, J ,esse and Amos Hartsock. The funAral takes place ot her late home today, Wednesday.








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., "-



'Practical Fasbi ,




Mia Innes. spinste r and guor()lan of Gertrude &lId fl o.lsey. ('slabllshed lIumti lDer hcndqusrl t'S al Su nnyside. Arnol ,Armstrong ""til' fOllnd sho t to death I ~ th r 1>:111. G r(r,u]o nnd her t1llnc~. J IlC S alley hnd GO\'erij('() In th billiard oru shnrtl y bero..., t h r murder. D tecvo J amieson II CUlled M I~s Innes of hOldi ng bnc k o\·ldelll!e. tlshter Bailey of Pau Armllt rong's bank. defunct. W !l8 Ilrre st~d for embczzlom<' nL Pau t Armstrong 8 doath was anno,lnced. Halsey's finnc o. J.ollleo Arm9trOnll'. told Hulsey that while Alhe stil i \(1 ,'cd hlnl. aho W[lB t o marry nnether. It dev loped that Dr. Walller Wtl8 tll(' man. Louise wa.. tound unconscious a t the bottom of the cJrcular slalrcllSO. She lIald something .had brushed by her In the dark on the Btalrway and she tain ted. Dali('y Is eusp cted of Ann. trong·s murder. Thomall. the lodgelteppat was found dcad with a note In 11 18 POCk!'t bear.lnG' tho name "LucIen WIlIrare " A ladde r fo und out ot pln.ce deep" OS ' tho mystery. Tho s\llbles were burned. and hI tho dark Miss Innes "ho t an Intruder. lialsey mysteriously dlsop" eR l'ed. His auto w as (ound wreoked by Ir freIgh t trai n. It developed Hlllsey 11 ad an nrgument In tho II prary with a woman bf' fore his dlsoPPCMlrance. New cook disappears. Miss 1_ CB lear ned Halsey was a11·,'e. 01', WIUker's tace becomes livid at mention ot tho nome ot Nina urrlngton, EvIdence was sl'-cured trom Il. tramp t bat a man, supposedly Halsey. had been Ixmnd a.nd aagged Rnd thrown Into an ,mpty box ear. Gertrudo Willi nl18slng. Bunting for her. MIss lnnell ran Into a ,Clan nnd tainted. A confederato ot Dr. Walker conf slied hla part In the m)'st ery. Ho slllted thl1t ~ho CarrIngton woIDan hlld hnen kl\l(·d. that Walker teared lIer and 'that ho bellev d thlll Paul Arm,trong had bo!'n lUlled by Il hand gullied b y Wa lker. lI alsey wllB to und In a dll tAnt hOllpltal. Fllal Annstrong Willi not llead. Miss Inn 8 discovered 800ret rooms In whIch the Trl!'.d rs' bank tr\la, uro wae " elleyed to booMrs. Watson. dying. sa.l4 ,ho kI lled Arnold Armstrong. who years lieforo hud mnrrled her sister under tbe .'Iu ot Wal1nc . LucJen Wnllaee WIllI ~ ~rn ot the marriage.



vertical lroh ladder, ' tastened to the pl annIng, It I were not dlscov~red , wall outside ot the ballroom, and per- who would have my Utlngs, I knew haps 12, t ~ t high. The 12 feet looked LIddy would want my heUotrope popshor t trom below, tiu t they were dif- lin, and sbe's a trlgbt ft! lavender. ficult to cUmbo I gathered my allk Once or tw1ce I beard mice In the pargown aro und me, and succeeded final- titions, and so I sat on the table, with ly In making t he top of the ladder. m y teet on the cbalr. I ImagIned I Once 'there, however, I was complete- could hear the searoh goIng on ly out or breath. I sat down, my teet tbrough the house, and once some on th e top rung. and put my hair-pins one cam o Into the trunkroom; '1 could In mo re securely, while the wind bel: distinctl y hear footsteps. lowed my dressing-gown out like a "In the chlmney! In the chimney!" sail. I had torn a great strip ot the I called with all my might, a.nd was silk loose, and now J r uthlessly fln· rowarded by a pIercing shriek from Ish d the destr uction of my gown by LIddy and the 81am of the trunkroom lerkln g It free a nd lyIng It around my door. head. I telt easier a fter that, although the Luckily, the roof was fl at, and 1 room was oppressively hot and was able to go over every Inch of It. But enervatlng. 1 had no doubt the search the res ult was disappointing; no trap- fOr me would DOW come In the right door rel'eale41 itselt, no glass window ; direction, and a fter a little, I dropped nothing but a couple ot pipes t wo Into a doze. How lon, I slept I do Inches across, and standing perhaps not know. 18 Inches bl gh and t hree teet apart, It must ha,e been several houn. with a cap to prevent rain trom en· for 1 had been ·tlred from a busy day, terl ng and raised to permit the pas- a nd I waked stiff from my awkward sage ot a ll'. 1 pIcked up a pebble position. I could not remember trom tbe roo! and dropped it down, where I was for a few mInutes, and listening with my car at one of the my head felt heavy and conge8ted: pipes. I could hear it strike on some- Gradually I roused to my s urroundthing with a sharp, metalllc sound, Ings, a nd to the fact that In "pite ot but it was Impossible tor me to t ell ventila tors, the air was bad and growhow far It bad gone . Ing worse. I was breathing long. I gave up finally and wellt down the gasping respirations , a.nd my face was ladder again, getting In through the damp and clammy. 1 must have been ballroom window without being ob- there a long time, and the searchers served. J went back at once to the were probably hunting outside the trunkroom. and. slttlnr down on a house. dredging the cr eek, or beating box, gave my mind , as consistently as the woodland. I knew that ,a nother 1 could, to the problem, before me. It hOllr or two would find me unconthe pIpes In the roof were ventilators scious, and wIth my Inability to cry to the secret room, and lhere was no out would go my only chance of restrap-door above, the entrance was cue. It was the combination of bad aIr probably In one of the t wo r ooms be- and hea t. probably, tor some Inadetween whi ch It lay-unless, Indeed, quale ventilation was coming through the room had been built, and the open- the pipes: 1 tried to re tain my coning closed with a brick and mortar sciousness by walking the length ot wall. the room and back, over and over, but The mantel fnsclna ted me. Made of 1 bad not the s trength to keep It up, wood and carved, the more I looked so I sat down on the table again, my the more I wondered that I bad not back against the wall. noticed before the absurdity of such The house wa s very still. Qnce my a mantel In s uch a place. It was cov· straining ea-r s seemed to catC)h a footered with scrolls and panelll, and fln- tall heneath me, possibly in my own ally, by the merest accident, I pushed room. I groped tor the ,chair from one of the panelll at ·the side. I t the table, and pounded with It franticmoved easily, r evealJng a small brass ally on the floor. But nothIng bapknob. pened; I r ealized bItterly that · If the It Is not necessary to detail the sound was heard at all, no doubt it fluctuations of hope and despair, and was classed with the other I1lPplngs not a little feat of what lay beyond, that had so alarmed us reoently. with which I twisted aud turned the And then-I heard sounda from beknob. It moved, hut nothing seemecl low me, In the house. There' was a to happen, and then I dIscovered the pecuUar. throbbIng, vlbratins fDolse trouble. I pushed the knob vigorous- that I felt r~ther th~n heard, much ly to one side, and the wbole mantel like the pulsing beat of ftre engines In swung loose from tho wall almos,t a the clty_ For one awftil ,moment I foot, revealing a cavernous space be- thou«ht the house was on ftre, and yond. every drop of blood In my' body gath, I took a long breath, closed the ered around my heart; then I kn w_ It door trom the trunkroom Into the hall waa the engine ot the automobile and -thank heaven, I did not lock It-and H~y hlld me back. ~ope BPf!D' pulllng the mantel·door wide open, I up atreah. Halsey's clear head' :and stepped Into the. chimney-room: I bad C'.ertrude's Intuition might do what time to get a hazy vIew of a small Lld,dy's . hysterIa and three detectlve8 portable safe, a common wooden table had faUed In. and a chair-then the mantel door After a time I thought I had :tleeIi swung to, and clicked behind me: I right. There was certainly s~methlng stood quite stilLfQr a moment, In the going on down below ; doors were darkness, -unable to comprehend what slamming, people were hurrying had happened. Then I tur.n ed and beat through the halls, and certain high furiously at the door with my fists: notes of excIted v()lces penetrated to It was closed an~ locked again, and me shrilly. I hoped.. they Jrer~ cOqllng my finger8 In the darknells 'slld over a closer, but after a 'time the sounds smooth wooden surface without a sign' 4Ied away below, and I was left to the of a knob. , silence and heat, to the weight of the I was (urloMly angry-at myselt, at darkness, tei the oppression of walls the mantel·door, at everything. I did that seemed to close In on me and not ; fear suffocation; before the stille me. thought had come to me I had already, ,The first warning I had was , ~ seeD Ii gleam of llght from the two stealthy tumbling at the lock of the small ventilating plpe8 tn the roof . mantel-door. With my mouth open They supplied all', but nothing else. to scream, I stopped. Perhaps the The room Itself was shrouded ID uatlon had rendered me acute, pethaps I~ was Instinctive. Whatever It blackness. ' I must have dozed off. I am sure ' "aa, I sat without moving, ,.and SOl~U~ I elld not taInt. I was never more one outSide, In absolute stillness, ran composed In 'my lite. I remember hie flngers over the carving of the

At the "oot of th.e Stair•. ',At ' I drove rapidly up to the hOUlle [rom qasanoya station In the hack, I laW .' thft detective Burns lolterlns a ross 'the street trom the Walker .,Iac&. So J amieson ' was ' putting the IIcrewB on-:-Ughtly noW', but r eady to elve them a twist or two, I felt certain, . veiT soon: The house was quiet. Two steps of the clroular staircase had been prle.d oft wltho\\t ' resqlt, and beyond a sec, ~nd message. from Oertrude that Haleey,lnsl8ted on comins home and they "'puld arrive that nIght tl\ere was Dothlq new. :Mr. Jamieson, having raUed to .texiate the seoret room, had cone to the ' vniass. .'I learned afterward8 that he called at Dr. Walker's. under pretense of 'an attack of acute IndlgeatloJl, aJld b~rore he lett had Inquired about the evelling traIns to the city, Htl' eatct be bild ' wast~d a lot ef ·time on the case, anI'! a good .blt of thJt PIYlltery was Ill. my lmagln'atlon! Tbe doctor was under the. Impression that the house was guarded ,dlI,y and night. WeU, give a place a reputation Ute that, and you don't need a guard at all-thus Jamieson. And sure 8nousb, late In the afternoon, the two prIvate detectives, accompanIed by Mr. JJlmleson, walked !loVin the main 9t,,00.t pf Cl\saDova and took a oJty· bound train. That they sot oft at the next station and waibel · back again to Sunnyside at dWlk, was 'Dot known at the time. P~r80nally, I knew nothing ot eIther move; I had otb.e r things to ,absorb me at th'a f time. '. Liddy brought me eome tea while 1 ..eated after my trip, 'and on the tray .".... a small. bO;Pk Jfrom the Casanova ltbrary. It' was caUed 'IThe Unseen 'World" and had a ch\lerful cover, on 'Which a rlialt-dozen sheeted figures 11nketl hands arQund a headstone. At this pOint In my story, Halsey ahvays says: "Trust a woman to add twq IIjnd , wo together, and make six." "1'0 which I retort that It two and two IIlus X makes six, then to discover the unknown, quantity Is the simplest t hing In the world. That a houseful 'Of detectives mIssed It entirely was because t1ley were busy trying to prove ·that t wo lind two make four. The depressIon due' to my 'vielt to tM ."ospital 1eft me at the prospect ot 'eeelog ' Hilllley again that night. It was about tlve o'clock w~en Liddy teft, me for a nap before dinner, havIng put me Into a gray silk dresslng«own and a paIr of slippers. J lloteued to her retreating footsteps, and · as soon as she was sately below stairs " went up to t he trunlO'oom. The p lnce had not been dlsturlJed. and J p roceeded at onoe to try to discover ,the entrance to the hidden room. Ttle .openlngs on e ither side, as I have ~ ald, showed notblng but perhaps t hree feet of brick wall. There was DO sign of an entrance- no levers, no hinges. ' to give a hint. Either the ,ma ntel or the roof, I decided. and aft,cr a hnlf-hollr at the mantel, produc'Uve ot absolutely no resul t, J decided 'to .try the roof. 1 am not fond of a belght. The fe w occasion/! on which, I have climbed a stap-Iadder have always lett me dizzy and weak In the knees. The , top of the Washington monument Is as 1 m· posslbl to me as the elevation to tbe p~sldentl al cbalr. And yet-l Clilmbed' out on the SllDnyslde ·roof . w ithout a second's hesitation. '. Like 1l dog on a $cenl. like my bear -skin progenl\Or, with. hi s spear and his ' wild boar, lo 'me now tli'e re was t he 'l ust of the ' chase, the frenzy ot pursutt, tbeduBt of battle, I got qq1te little of tbe latter on me 'as .I cUmbed' ' from the unfinlsbed ballroom out · 1hro\tgb a ' window to ~he roof of the east wing of ,th,~ I!ulldlng~ wblCh was Only two storle8 In heIg ht. ' Once out there, acae.. to the top Of main bulld.n. waa .rendered ea8Y leul It bOiJrri eaa:r:"-by a small



mantel and- found the panel. Now Uie Bounds below redou bled; from the cla tter and jarring 1 knew that several people were run ning liP the stall'S, a nd as the sounds approached, I could even henr what tho, said. "Watch the end staircases !" J!l~ son shou ted. " Damnatlon- there's nc light here I". And then a second latel' "All together now. One - two ... three-f' T he door Into the trunkroom had been locked from the luslde. At the second that It gave, opening agliinst the wall with a cras b and evidently tumbling somebody Into the room, thll stealttly fingers beyond the manteidoor p ve the knob the proper 1m· petus, and- the door swung open, and closed again . Only-and LIddy always screams a nd puts her flDgers In her ears a t thi s Ilolnt-only now I was not alone In the chImney room. There was some one else in the dark· ness, some one who breathed hard, nnd who was so close I could bave touclled him with my hand. I was In a paralysIs ot terror. OutsIde thel'e wer e excIted voices and In· credulous oaths. ' The trunks were being jerke!l around In a trantlo search, the windows were thrown open, ollly to show a sheer drop of 40 teet. And th'e man In the room with me leaned against the mantel-door and listened. HIs purs~e r s were plain· Iy ba med ; I heard hIm draw a long breath, and turn to grope his way through the blackness. The.n -he touched my hand, cold, clammy, death· like. A hand In an empty room! He drew in his brea th, the sharp intaldng ot horror that fllls hlngs suddenly collapsed. Beyond jerking his hand away instantly, b e made no movement. I thln1t absolute terrQr had hIm by the throat. Then he stepped back, without t urning. retreating (oot by toot from The Dread In tite' corner, and I do not think he' breathed.. Then, with the r ellet of s pace between us, I screamed, ear-splittlngly, .madly, a~d they h'e ard me outsIde. , "In the chimney!" I ehrleked. "Behind the mantel! The mantel!" With an oath the fI«ure hurled Itself across the room at me, and I screamed again. In his 'bUnd fury he had mIssed me; I heard him strike the wall. That one twe I eluded lilm; I was aCrOS8 the room, and I had got the ohair. He stood (or a second, listening, then-he llIade another rush and I strnck out With my w.eapon. I think It stunned him, ' for I had a second's respite 'Wben I could hellr him breathing, and some one 8houted outsid: " , "We-can·t-get-In. How-doea-lt open!" But the man In the room had changed his tactics. I knew he was creepIng on me, 'lnch by Inch, and 1 could not ·tell from where. And then ~he caugllt me. He 11.eld his ha,ad over my mouth, and I bit ·hlm. I was helpless, strangUns-and some one was trying to break in the mant,1 from outside. It began to yIeld somewhere. for a thin wedge of, yellowl,b IIgbt was reflected on the oppOSite ,va\1. When he saw that, my usallant dropped m'e with a curse; then-the opposite wall swung open nolsel68s1y, closed again wlthout a sound, and I was .alone. T.he Intruder was gone. ·"In1.he next room!" J'called ·wlldly. "The next room !~, But , the sound of blows on the mantel drowJ1ed my voice. By the time I had Jllade' the'm understand, a couple ot minutes had elapsed. T~e pursuit was taken up then, by all except Alex, who was determined to liberate me. When I stepped out into the trunlO'oom a free womllD again I could hear the chase far below. I must say; for all Alex's aDxIety ,to set' me free, he paid little enough attention to my 'plight:' He jumped through the opening Into the secret room and pIcked up the portable ute. i'l am going to put this In Mr. Hal8ey'S room, Miss Innes," 'he ,said, "and I shall send one of the detectives to guard It." 'I . hardly heard hIm. I wanted to laugh and cry in the same breathto crawl tnto bed and have a cup of tea, . and scold ,Liddy: and do any of the thousand nlltural things than had never expected to do agaIn. And . the atr! The, touch ot the cool nIght aIr on my tace! ' , . ('10 BE CONTINUED.)





Mr. DI,,,,'s O".r MUst Oom. Aa 8urprls. Even to Per. ",.. Iv. ' , ClaIm Ag,",,"


" 'Up In Minnesota , Mr. Ollen had cow kUled by a raUroad trllln. · In duo season the cla~. al ent for the railroad call'ed. , "We understand, of course, .that the d~e ase d was a very docJle and vaill' able animal," Illla the olalm. agent In his m9s t persuasive claim-agentlemauIy manner, "and we aympathble with you and your famUy 1n four lOllS, But, Mr. Olsen, you must remember thls: Your cow . had no busIness being' upon Ollr traoks. Those tracks are our private property and when s he Invaded them she bec&me a trespasser. Teoh. nically s peaking, you, aa her owner, hecame a trespasser also. But have no desire to carry the ,tssue Into court, and pOBllbly give YOU trOuble. Now, then what would yOU regard a. a talr settlement between you and the railroad company!" "VaJl." sald Mr, Olsen slowly, ".!-1 baen poor Swede !arm~r, bUt Aye shall give you two dQllara."-EverybodY's.




Upon DI.tracted Houaehold. When Outlcura Ente ....

Sleep for skIn torture4 babl. ant rest for Ured, f.retted mothers 18 fount in a hot bath with CuUcura'Soap ant a lentl" anointing with CuUcura OID~ menl , This . treatment, In the majorIt)' of cases. aJrorda Immediate relt~ In the mo.t dlstre88lnk form. of itch-. Inr, burning, acaly, and crusted humors, eczenia, rash e., Iliftammatl'Qns. Infanoy Irritation II, and chaflng1j, and childhood, permits re8t and aleep to both parent and child, and a speedy cure, when other remedies fall. Worn-<lut and worr",d parent. will bd this pure, sweet and economIcal , treatme.n t r eallzs8' their bfghest ezpectatloDB, and may be ~vplled to the youngest 1nfanta as well as oh11dren of aU area. . ~e Cutlcura Remedlea are IQld by dtu'iflsta evel'1" where. Send to Polter Drug Ohem. "Corp., !Bole proprietors, Boston, ·M ..... tor their tree ,82"p,ge CutiCUla Book Oil the care and treatment .kID ant lcall' of Infanta, QbUdren .meS adultlo

Nearly nil' women have use for 8 gymnasIum su llo It may no t be for used In the gym nasium but It Is hand y, also, tor all kinds of violent ex rcille and also tor long walks In the country. Our model ha s bloomers, whIch are made to fi t t he fi gure neatly around the hips, seams an ti darl s being used for the purpose. It a lso has a blouse which hnngs looso In mIddy fasblon. The should er scams come well down on the sleeve and produce the peasant effecl The neck Is finished with l\ lar ge sailor collar, opening In front to dIsplay a sbleld and collar. F1an· 'n el, serge and cheviot nre Ule best materials fo r this sull T ho pattern (6205) Is cut In sizes 32 to 42 Inches bust measure. Medium sIze will r eQuire 6 yards ot 44 Inch mate rial. Money for Tuborculo.l. Werle. The "'NI'Uonal AS80eJaUon for tile To procuro this . pattern Bond 10 cents to "Pattern Department," ot tllla paper. Study and' >Pre,enti'on or· Tubercul~ Write namB and addre88 plu.lnly. and be gives ' for~lble -lUu's tr-ation of -wIlT, .un to Klve aUla and number ot pattern. In which a small sum spent In ed~... Uon ~a 8ecured larl8 appl'Qpliation. trom atate, county, and municipal 0(. 8IZID. ................ . · NO. 5205. ftclal8. The N~w York state OhariNA.MJD ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• , ••••••••. tJe. Aid a •• ooJatJo~ In the tl\ree 1~ 1008, .1909, and 1910; haa 'PeDt In tJa. WN •••••••.•••••••••• ••• . •••• •••••••••••••• up.state ponton of ~ew Y~k aboJit ~mBT AND . NO •••• , ••• , •••••••••••••• '65,000 In arouillqg the people to tbe dangers ot tubllrcul~'" All a direct . 1'1'A'l'JD ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• result of tJie publio BeIltimellt pNduced by tb1j ' ouUa" the ,tate. ClOUDty. and municipal' autborlt.lee ~ ' tl,t"-... - _ . . Mady appropi1at~orluberouloal. LADIES' SKIRT. work t1,600,ooo and apl.'roprlaUol1~ fQr hundred8 ot thou8&J\!1a 'ot dolla", u:e pendln3. Hund~s , of ' . hospital bed. have been provided, and the aaso~. lion already alaria for "No uncared-for , TUberoulosls In \9111.~ -. ", ,, ,I ~ , Thus, the ' National aaaoclation aay. It tl,o.OO,o.OO J. re&Uzed "from the ole I, ' of Red Crollll seals,' mUUon, mor~ ~l bs added to It trom 'the pu~Uo trea.. urles_ Last year '25.000,000 ...tamps' , were sold. , It · 18. aimed to Bell tour times aa many tbla , y~ar" :, ,, ,









Th~ F~mIlY :Growler. "Why are you weeplq. ,little boy1" .11 broke de:pltcher." " '" '''Well, ,tbe.r e'8 no U8tJ ' crying over split mllk_" "O'wan! Dl8' wllz beer."-I.oulnUle Courler..Jourlial.


, ,

" Old Oaken Buck'et~ Doctor (to tY1lhOld "i)l~he.hO-DQ tou remember where -you dl'Bnlt water' ' Patient (an a.ctor)...!.ob',-Y8S! ' it wa, , The .elgbt-gored skirt seems to have back PD . the ' dear old .far:m-twent, a place of Ita olVn In Ule 'world of years alot-Pu()~ . fashion today and the one we illusQueen's 'I:f lah. ' .", trate ls tbe very latest model. The "Does Hllgglns e\1er bluff when front and back gores have a tuck at :each side and form a panel, and the plays cards 1" "Never until he gets ~bome and exclosing Is. made at the left side-back seam under the tuck. The gores are pla'lns where he has ~eeb.'· lengthened ,by a shaped two-piece .wORDS. . 1!ounce, ' and at the seam a double. Inverted bo~-plalt Is made. The A Phr.!clan , o~ ~oocl. ftounce Is sewed to the gores under a A physlolan; or PorUand, ' Ore_on, tuck. Ohevlot, basket ·weave, h spun or velveteen will make up hand. hss Views about tood. He s8y8: ':1 have al\\l,&ys J>el\eved that ~ho· . somely In this design. WIdth of low. er edge S yards. duty of tbe phYSician doelJ not cease l The pattern (5196) Is cut In sues ,,!th treaU'!g ~~e '8Ic~, ~ut ~at . wo 22 to 32 Inches 'walst measure. To owe It t~ humanity to .te~c'b them ho\\; , make the garment In t\le medium sIze to protect their hJ!alth,' eBPpclally by' . .. will require 4 ~ yards ot materIal ' 27 hygienIc and dietetic} laws. :Inchea wide, or 2% yards 44 or 60 "With such a feeling 6S to, my duty , '. Inches wide. . J take great pleasore .in', Sarlng to: the ' , To 'procure this pattern Benll 10 cent. p~bllc that In my own eXPf.!.rlence ·!'nd I have to "Patlern Department." of lhls paper. also from personal observaijon WrIte name nnd ndtlrc88 plainly. and ' be found no tood equal·j to ,Grape-Nutsl sure 10 lflve Rbe Ilnd nu.nber ot pattern. and that I find there Is ~mo~t' no 'lUnlt to the peat benefits this. food wl,ll . Worried CJv,e r Hla Trouaen. bring when uSl!d In all casea of .ICk· NO. 5195. Tl1e huinors and tragedies of New SIZE . ••.••••••••••• •• ness and co.nvalesce,n cs· . , " ' York East side life are dellJ)eated by ('R' ls my 'experience tll,a t no pbysl· . Frank Marshall · Wblte In' an artlcle ' in .NAME ................... .................. .. Hat-per', ·Weekly. . Master Jacob Ro&-' ~OWN. : ............. . : ................... : .• ,cal co~1l1t.~on 'forbids , the }lIie ·o~ dt,.p.... Nuts. · , To per/50n8 lD ~ealth ,tlier:e J8 · enberg, eleven or twelve' years 01 " nothf.ilg 80 nCllil'lshln1 and' acceptab)e ,I1ge, waa suftel;lng frOID a broken IEG-. STREET AND N~ ....... , .......... ~ .••• to the 8tom~ch," e8peclal1' l at ,break· i'HIs , Bupreme 'agony ca~e, however: , STATE ........ ..... . ...... . ........... __ •••• fast, ''to "tart. tile 'lD'&'cblnef7; ,o t' the ~u· when ·Dr. ~: ripped . up ' one side of man 8ystem OD ''the daY" Wor.,k. the ju" enUe trouser!! with : a palr o{ ' . ''In .ie8 of IncllselitCon IllDo,!, tl)at soi/5sors ' to make room for bandagesl , . Cattle . ~rom the Saharil. 'My' new vanta! l'dy new pants ! He;a . The ' cattle "~Ised o~ the fringe ot .a complete brealtt~t can , ~e lDade of cutilng my new pantS!" Jacob the Sahara. are known to be o~ gopd Orape.N~bt ,a n4 cream ainl J think I~ J. 8hrieked, and alAl08t wriggled hlms-elf .q~allty 'lntl are est~iltll4 at 2,000.,0.0.0' ,Dot advisable. to oY.,rl~· ,~e ',tolnacb out of "th" "a811~t the pollcemau and .bead. , Wlt~ a little scIentific teMlng at the, momlJic meal. i ~ k,Dow tile the drivel' ID his eftortli to prevent' the during tlie dry. seaaon their numbera Ifeat . vlllue 'ot OraRe.-NU~ hen' the muUt§tion of hl8 ~lment..:A1I the might rapidly be lncre~ ed an4 th, stomach J. too weak to ~ other ":' , . , to hla hODle In the ambUlance th. Soudan reglo~ might- become II aoit toad. "TIli... written ~ _ egetlence . lUI mangled trouaera • of .,con4 Arlenti,na. ' boy bewailed rl": of than. 10 ~ ~ aU more th~ he did .Ia broke~ Ie.. maDDer or IUl4 ....."" aud -tbe ' We ibbak that preachers. olllht to .boat ben fl~d briJa.














feeUq ' ~.aMt





Pitying the Laboring Man

I .





MAN of Victoria, AUlltraUa, speaks as follows concern· COP1Ylabt, 1910, b7 .....oo1&t.d Uterar7 PreIS Ing laborers and the 'labor QuesUon: "Surely we have 1Ir. Paul Franklin has paaeed hll village at the hour named In the Robert. Jacklon, Old Indian Scout and some message for our toilGuIde. Claims Great FIghter . ~mInatton . and become a member of papers. All the camper I had turned Ing' brothers who are look· the bar. Nbt that he intended to han~ out for the trial, as well as an th~ Shot Himself. Ing 90 earnestly, 80 pathetically for the out a Ihlngle anel become a pracUclne Idlers of the village. Bis honor was IaW"ler, but more to oblige the good on his dlgnlt,.. The defendant had That General Custer, the bero of breaking of the day. The workers i old Bunt who hnd brougbt him up and retained a lawyer. Tbere WIUI to be Custer's massacre, beUeved to have think we are CilUt ot touch with them. Black Duck, Minn.-"About a yea been scalped and kllled by the Sioux They say we are so snug In our assur· lent Woo tbrough college and had off,. a mighty legal battle. ago I wrote u thnt I was sick an Q laid: . "We ought to appl"l for thr!!!! or on the battlefield, was not murdered ance o[ a golden city beyond tbe skies could not do Ilny 0 "You will have the estate to man· tour warrants,'" said the watchdog, ~ bY the Indians, but died as the result that we have no thought or passlQn tor my housework. :M I a.O/l~V. . . . .- that city which Is to come down out ot ale ' durln" my life, and when I am Paul arrived. "The same person wa. of a gunshot wound fired by bis own sickness was oalle MikeShure, 01 feel very queer, Retroflexion. Whe / lon8 you will have to manage It tor out fishing again this morning. and hand. Is the somewhat starUlng addl: heaven from God to the peopla. I would sit down ·f ,.our/jel·t, One sbould be a lawyer to when ~ yelled at her Ihe run her Uon offered to history by Robert Jaolt· Wbether that bo true or not. It Is time Dan. 01 have slch n fep l av fu\ln ess after me meals. Do yes know 0. rim· felt as if I could no son ot Costilla, Taos county, New ror us to bestir ourselves, tp demondo these things." tongue out at mel" , . get u~. I too strate that we are not our of tOut..,b Idy tur thot? Within a week after Paul had been Paul did not catch the "her" an4 Mexico. Lydia E. Pinkham' Dan- Ol do, me bho),. Whln yez !:lIt . cranted a legal right to add "Attar- "she." It wns the black.bearded ruf· Jackson was for nine and a half wltb Uie masses; that In all their down to ale a .meal. don't ate ony. Ve get a b 1 e Co ney at Law" after his name. the old flan he was thinking at. Under sum. 'vears a scout and guide for the United struggles for Juster conditions, for SGpound and did jus MIkeBut' thin 01 shud be full lIV clal righteousness. for higher Ideals, lawyer or th,e estate, In turning the mons, and yet fishing for more carpi States soldiers,· bie-eervlce beginning as you told me an ompUuess! now I am perfectI papers over to the young man, said: There must be no letup unUI the In 1874 and ending In 188S. jackson the Christian church Is wlth tbe work· cured, and have " "There Is one matter 1 wish to' call doors ot the county jail closed behind Be'rved under General Olls, General ers." The Spots Dllappeared. big baby bOJ." ~ We wonder sometlmeu when tbls JOur partloular attenUon to. The him. It was tor Paul to state his caae Reno, Colonel Den teen, General 'Mlies, Mrs. Dolan lived fn a district whlcb "",.,........ ,,"''''. Box 19. BJacll! sort ot thing Is going to "lop. The was not as favorable for the outdoor Duck..ANNA e.tate owns Lake Placid. I stocked t.o court and spectators. He had & General Custer and General Hazen. :MInn. It w)th cbolce flBb sevel'lT years ago feeUng of trepidation as he arose, but At the time of the baWe In whIch patronIzing air which so many assume hOllsehold experiments recommended Consider This Advice. and put up many slgnl of "No Tres· it soon aa be heard his own Genel'8.1 Ouster met bls death Jack- when they begin to talk about the lin), by the Ladles' Helper as It mIght have No woman should submit to a surg!" pa8a." Tbose signs have been gen- voice. He didn't see the blaok·beard· son was serving on tbe Sixth United laborers Is enough to fill those vtlr), been. This fact ~1rs. Dolan was rapid- cal operation. which may mean deatlI,1 .rall, respected. bllt last summer one· ed ruman among the crowd, but of States Infantry ' carrying dispatches to laborers with disgust. In the drst ly assimilating, f,Dd In II manner not until sbe has given Lydia E. Pinkham'. parUcular person. having a camp a courle he was there. Innernl Otis, then in command of the place, iI. lot of senUmental ",lty 18 be- so uncommon as It might be she Vegetable Compound, exclusiv6& Ing wasted over the laboring IlIan. blamed tho esUmable periodical [or 11 from roots and herbs, a fair trial. I .hort dlstanoe away, persisted In flsh· Tbere were m.n. the laW7e~ told He asks none of tbJs, and It does him hel' dim cui ties, Inl In eplte ot all protests. I have the court, who respectect the law, an4 ' This famous medicine for wome~ no good when It Is expr88sed. 'rhe JUlt rece~ved word that the same per· there were other. who deemed them· "I wlsbt I hsd a holt o· that woman has for ·tbirty years proved to be th . laboring man Is the happiest. man that runs the 'Handy Hints' depart· most valuable tonic and invigorator 0 eon II back there tor the summer and lelvea luperlor to It. Th1e was a cue aUve. Of course, there are a few u· ment," she remarked to her husbaud the female organism. Women resl t. fisblng again. Our man there where a man, coming trom a city nocepUons here, just as there are a good one morning Arter an early excursion Ing in almost every city and town 1110 thlnkl an .elample ought to bo made, torlous for Its graft and "p\llll," wal United. States bear willing test1.J many excepUons among those who Into the back yard, whence she reo the Re laYI tbat when be made protest deliberately and defianUy trampllbl mony to tbe wonderful virtue of Lydia;. have received a seU-appolnted place turned In high dudgeon. thll perlon told Mm to go to grasl." the law lInder toot. He would brln, E. Pinkham's Vegetable compoulld~ among the genUemen of leisure. Na"A very nervy person," remarked forward wltnessea to provo that the "I t'ought you t'ought sbe was a It cures female ills, and creates mdt ture bas no blessIng ' for that whlcb grand wan," said Mr. Dolan, cautIous· ant, buoyant female health. If y'?,;;/ ',-oung lawyer. man had not only seen the II,ns of are ill, for your own sake a8 well -. doesn't do anything. Ji}verythlng Is ly tesUng hIs cup of teo.. ."Truly 80. I think 'OU Ihoul4 "No trel.,aas," but had deliberately ~ lite, acUvlty, . anlmaUon. Whep a write .to the agont there to take out and deftanUy-" "Well, I've changed me mind, as those you love. give it a triaL Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, M thing In nature no longer works Vo'e I've the rlgbts to do." replied his wife. • walTant. make an arrelt anel brlq Bere there wu lome tittering ~4 call It deacrand begin to searob for a "She said to put sody on thlm stains Invites all sick women to wrt the case to trial. You- can go -.- up giggling In the room, and hil honor spade to bury It. Nor does God have In the tabl~clotb, and I'ave It out over· ber for advice. Beradvlcelslree.' there and appear tor )'ourself and rapped tor order. blellslngs tor the Idler. That Isn't the night on the line, an' they'd be gone and alwayat helpful. "Yes, this man-tbls ruman, who way he dispenses wbat Is In his hands. entirely whln morning come. Sure 'tis had been accustomed to trample on ,Be bas mapped out tslx daYII of every the tablecloth that's gone-the de· the law--." seven for work, and It. Is the unJverul savlDg woman that sbe Is!"-You tb's More glsgltng and applause, • human eJ:perionce that, when his com· Oompanlon. "You should keep to the caBe." kind· rade. are kept, the keeper Is the hapadvised the oourt. The DIfference. pier, even though he doesn't labor tbe ''Thanks. Tbere were the Itgne of "I don't see any c1Uference lIetween six daYI for the sole purpose of 'no trelpasa,' and yet thIs man--" you and a trained nurse except the obedient to the Lord. "What: manl" aaked 'the oPPollnl unIform," said her sIck husband . coun'el. wblle many Ipectators Privilege of the Toller. "And the salary," sbe added, The necessity for work Is Inwrought tb·oughtfuIlY.-Harper's .Bazar. lauaheci_ . "Tbe guUty party. sir," replied Paul Into the constltuUon of things and w tb all proper austerlt,-.persons. The ver, fact that a man Is ' Her Tribute. "But let me explain that there I. ' a toller puts· him In Une with one of I Randall-How did you Hke the mill· I no man under lummons," said hili the greatest commandments of God. tary parade, Ida? bonor. "Can you be thlnk~n'" of an· tn some places the conditions under Miss Roger8-Glorlous ! 1 nevel' saw I othel' case?" . wblch he tolls ougbt to be Improved: enough men In all my life before.Tbere wae .nore laughter. and Poor radIcally Improved. And here those Harper's Bazar. Paul uallled that lomethlnl bad hapwbo have been trying to express plt"l '",ened to the machinery to Itop the need to put their attention. If safety Important to Mothers Examine cnrefully every hottle of boat. His Head and Fired. de.toe'il can be tnllial1ed wber", there has' been danger heretofore, If Bun· CASTORlA. a aafe and sure remedy for "Ws a woman!" whispered a mn behind hIm, ' Wentl~'SI~COlno. Intantry. Jackson was ahlne,ceD be admltted to drive out the lnflUlts and cblldren. and see that It ..It·s a girl,", wblspered another. with the 'first company to reach the darkness and dry up the mold, If propBears the ~:"WI that stavtn&.JOOktng Ilrl olD batUefield after the massacre ·and er venWation can make It healthier ot :. front of "IOU," whispered a third. gl,ves ' In detail tbe scene as It prethe tolling men and women, If 1m· In Use For Over 80 Years. "I fell and sprained my arm ·tyour honor, I . u led to believe sented Itselt to him. Jackson says provement can tie ma e ii- tile -moral The Kind You Have Always Bought. tbat a rtiman had been trampling on that an examInation of custer's body surroundings, If. ohlldren are kept out and was in terrible pain, I the law." laid Paul, a8 he' looked tha tbe wound wldch caused of body shlntlng .and mind destroyln', could f1 -:'~ usc my hand or arm Eaay 'for Her. around In a beJplel. W&7. his death was fired at 'cl08e range, the factories, and ' a whole catalogue 01 with\Jut intense suffering until An extremely corpulent old Judy was Hif I H.d ·'No. The .ummonl wu for Mlu powder burns IndicatIng plainly that other 'thlngB remedIed" there will be entertaining her grandohlld at IUllch· a neighbor told me to use LacY', and .he'l here 1,11 the pistol was held against tbe ' head. no appreciable chasm between work· eon when sbe 'found occasion to r prl· make it your fint case. The JUltIce Sloan's Liniment. The first Ia bound 'to find a verdl~t ' for fOU and court. I havei1't he~ an"lthlDi or a Jaokson was commanded by General Ing men and women and other mortals. ml\nd the little girl tor dropping sOlDe application gave me instant Impose a ,smart ftn\!" and that win de- ruman." - . . Reno to ta.k with .the Indians after But this long drawn out .traln over food on the tablecloUI. relief and I can now use my tar other campers from tHapaulng." . "But~but.--" perelsted Paul; u ' they had been subdued by -the United worilng men. becau.e the)' are work· "You don't see grandma' dropping arm as well as evec."-MRS. H. "I don't want to get the reputaUon be saw the defendant at last and not. States trooPI In the hopes of finding Ing men, Is out of harmony with the anything on the table," she said , B. SPRINGER,' 9:11 Flora St., ot' belDi arbItrary nd mean," wd ed the fact that Ihe ?fU one of the out·,how Custer was kllled. The In· whole make-up of men and the pur"Ot oourse. not," replied I he child; Elizabeth, N. J. ' be.t looking elrls he bad even leen. dians told Jackson that General Cus· pose, of the Lord. The churoh wblch "God gave you Bom thing In front to Pa I :~~t people must r08pect the law." "My cUent plead. not guilt,...• aald ~r was the last man to fall In bat· lends Itself to tbls Jdtid ' ot musJc Is ,stop It." pu _n the aunt aa 'shot came Into the the oPllollng opunlel. "She ,wtn ad· tle. They wanted to take blm alive, lOlling Its opportunity and destroytnl "SPOHN·S." 4J"cU8slou. '.' It the laws can"t be mit. belne ~n tb,e lake In a .:boat at ft· bellevlng thst with him as a prison· the · posslblllty ever of finding one· Thi8 i. the name of the Rreatc8t of all No Po.. lble Gulf. ebtorced what will become of u? rlou. Umel, and of filhlng tor flab, but er they could torce the government for Distemper, Pink E ye, lJeave8, People have no more rlgbt to catch she debles eatcblq 'an"l, ' She allO to terms. Realtzlng this tact, Jack· Again, there Is n.o t that Impassable temedics and the like amonR all aRea of horae@. old Di7 .flsh than to catoh my cblckenl. denle. that ihe I. a ruJIlan., U. .my son says the Indians told blm that gUlf between the Christian church by ~gials, Harness Makera, or mend to It Jil m,. dulre. Paul, that take leuned brother on the other .14e Custer placed a gun to his heM and and the common toilers whlc'h SOllie lb... manufaoturers. '.60 and $1.00 n bottle. up this case. Those people wbo oome wlsl\el to co ab.e ad· with iii. 088_" fired. . magazine corres'pond. Ag nle wanted, Send for free book. Spohn is an excellent antiseptic and germ ' Gut trom tbe city to cam~ fo'i- tJre "But liow can iT' asked Paul In a . According to J'~kson the IndIans us believe. Some Me~ical Co., Speo. Contagioull DiselI8e8, eummer'.are a UQ' re~ls lot. They helplen w.,., ''1 . to prOle- ,.11 loved Custel' and called_.....................~I-t<IJt)tC:a-fo!Hlh4l\lllltloa....H4HGllnd In Goshen, Ind. killer - heals cuts, 40n~t ·pay the sllghtelt attention t. cute a .,lack;bearded ruman who wa. Long HaIred Chief." the rich churches of New York, but burns, wounds, and At the Firat Try . • lltll. Wbat they:. need Is a good trampllng the law under·roc.t, but here Jackson Is a picturesque charaoter any luch are mlsrepresentaUves of "What 0 you think of my dough- contus~ons, and will I IInd-·-· and although he was In long . and AmerIcan ChrisUanlty as a whole. nuts. George?" 8<."'e. ' draw the poison Lab Placid was three miles trom "A 70ung lady who bun't been dangerous service Is not receiving a The toller slx ' dayl In the week Is the "Dear, y.0u are a wonder!" ~.. manor house, o~ another pleoe of trampling," 'finIshed" hll honor. "J pen8!~n from the government, be· backbone of the churoh on Sunday from sting of poi"Do you think so really, darling?" .. .land. It was a favorite place for lum. thlak It 'would b~ wen far ilie com· callae he was 'not a regularly enlisted and during the' week. There Is no "I certainly do, Scientists have mer camping" and there were no re- pialnant and defendant to walk over soldier. FrJends In Taos county are better man til churoh than he who Is been trying for yea rs to produce arUfI·· sonous insects. .trtcUons eJ:cep~ u to the ftlhlq. ~ ~a,t wlndp1f togetherud see It Interestfng themselves In bls behalf engaged In honest Industry during the clal rubber, and here YOll do It tbe !J60,. 600. and $1,00 It bad been stocked, with car» as a lome amIcable undel'ltandlng cannot !l~d hope to receive al~ fOi' him from week. Such a man Is providing for first rattle out at the box," fad, of the aunt. Word wal dl.. be arrived at." the government . to compensate blm his family. ConlclenUously, or un con· SlollD'. book on patched to tbe man who acted as Miss Lacy rose up w.lth mischIef In lO.r -valuable services rendered. sclentlously, he II obeytng the SabPettlt'a Eye Salve Roatorea. borllel, cattle, Iheep and poultr1 MDt fIo.e. ~at:chdog, and In ·two or ' three day. her 8yes and. 'walked, and the bluah: Jacksol\ a9ted as a scout for Gen· bath commandment, the great part of No mntter how badly tbe eycR mlly ue AcJdre .. eubaequently he rep()rt~ that a Ing , you~ attorney could ·do DO. I. . eral OUs when 'he went to tbe relief whIch Is to work sIx day8 on order to di sen~t'd Ilr inj1lrcd . All druggists or How· . Dr. Earl S. Sloan, , mona had been Issued tor tbe, guUt!' 'th'an follow her. There wasn't ,much of General MUes. then being on a de· appreciate a rest on the seventh day. ard BroN., Buffalo. N. Y. ]Solton....... A, and defiant partr, and he named the oonvereatlOQ atter ~hlng the 'wID- tall along the Yellowitone river. Jack· To claIm that the tolUng masses, put· An Exacting Personago. date when the trial was to come off down. He sat~: , BOIi alllo scouted for General Miles tlng the noun w,th Its modifier In QUO"I IUppOS8 . you find life easier before the jUIUce of the peace I'D the. "My: dear 'M ln Lac,. I beg yo~r p...... when b~ was l1,lnnJng down Lame taUon marks, are out ot touch with shlce the summer boarders have .slq.. _ 40n a thoUBa~d ~me. pver/' • Deer ,and his band: Jackson shot and the church, Is a Ilander against thele gone'." I WILL MAKE YOU It." ", "'II d L' ame De er, scaI ped him and men who work. There afe some, to be . , "Don~~menU(jn Mr. Attorne"l Franklln uf6w a men· I~Ir I ha.a. ~no-.-:-.'-: &I e, "Nope," repUed Farmer Corntosse!.; PR08PEROUS , tal picture 01 a bearded ruman with U' a .... att.erwards gave , the scalp ~o , Ganeral sure.. wbo have a grievance.' with or "we're "'orkln' an' worryln" Just as .. , "But "IOU' didn't." ..... ,08. ~. p~l wbo was settlng coun7 ...... wltho\i,i a foundation; but ,\'(e. much lUI.,. ever trylu' to keep tbe hired to4ay. " . _.... try . law at defiance and denudlq "But )'0" may catch neryftJb ba ' .Arter the IDdJana bad been driven draw a unlvel'llal conclusion man contented." C ..=:::''*b, I of"" Lake Placid of It. carp In spite of an the lake." Into Canada, Jackl!Gn acted as a guide Insuftlclent data. Tbe WlllrK:LDIr mllti:)l~~; JOU .UI bll moo., 00... elinl and· protesta, and he a~ on~e ·'Thanks.!! ~ • when General Mllel burned over a longs to the ohurch, and the ~~!:::I"t~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Iooked up tile law ' t_~ ,trespass and All ·that wu left "'.. to withdraw larle territory along the nortbern longs to the worldng man, and the ;,,-.~~-.:: ..., .."~r:'~"=="r,,::;''::=t ,::--..:. e.II .... Iu" p.......I.,. ....L . macte chlmseJflamlUar with i.L Wilen ~hecaee and ta~e· the raUJer,.. ln ,gotMI boundary of ~e United Statei and belong ·to .each other• .and bolh b~lonl ". Wtttll-,. be had learned · au about It, he I. Of C/lurIe, the youn, 11mb . of drove 10Uth the buffalo 10 that the to God;~lla1ous Telescope. Don't you notice how the man who UllOW IIOoOPIJIAnYl IIlL". Yented a plea toO t,he jury. law found htl over to tile Indlanl were forced , to aurrender the always want. t9 bet, and who says he 1J'~=,JI,:,I~';h& O'f courae. the defenilant would camp, and, of co~rle h. "'.. , boaplta.. .fbllowtng ~ter: has a rollin his hand.blvarlably rolls (or oile. He went out-to, the un,umL<'U bly ..ecelved and before the .camplq ..,'__ The ,Joy .of. ·...oralv.n.... away? . " i;~!f:,~ Po,llIona lire MlylOjft!t. IIr an4. repeate~" h!s, plea over · season 'Wlli over-well. the "rumU" 'P'1nct I, Fro- a•.ne"al, Q-nt. There Is DO respeot , .. which men ,. " "~ " BOVERIIM'EIIT n n 11'00 boukl oLlI'ltItuil. how. \Vrl ... qaln; It , ~al .trong. It waa ·.ve ..... ~>'·, the ,.Ja~~er werel enlace\1 to ~ .,. ,. let closer to Jeaql, or more complete Tbe want of tear Ie d~ . to'.):!~.fe~r UMleT- NOW . •JABl. HOPKUIH. "_,,,,,,,11. to If ' was ·con.lnclng. Itwounll up b,. marrted • ....:,.. ," , ' Ht8torlcal ...oolatlon of Lo. In their exempUllcadon of H1a ·Ule. of want. Be tea,rful to:,~ .1. ~.r~aa;, W. N. U., CINCINNAT I,-NO~ 44=191~ u71ns that It beetle-browed 11I1d blac~· . '" , .'1. ~.,g""nll.,,l. to ' wt,t h anum: ' thln Izl'ihe enjoyment 'and manltesta-. ,Cox, • ::" .~. - ~. ,: Q ' bel.rded rumanl could ~ Iteal an old , The 'P.I~.' fo~ TJI.m, -do ullDelnta :!c::::; Uon of the .spirlt' o~ (orct"eness. which · ""t-- : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - am carp and ' not IUller the eonle"He loo~~ aU aroun~ Ule bl'lllllant. Is the condlUon of our own a9cesa to rant Cluebces, the,. -could also ~reak the,r 17 "lIghted ~~' "he~ · mUBIe: w.. U. S. 9 the Cra~ of pardo~ a~ peace. U we "'ar JQto ber bouse;' at zntdnlght and JO~n~lpl and DieD "and ~olDen Were lorgi.,e not. th.u'e '1. ' no to.r~~eness cut her throat a d stlll,.o tree~ p,lt. tripplllC In, til. it4nce. " ' , for UJ!. '~'f>rirlve ~a, oUr.. ~elpas8es." Tlie jury must . ~'!t look at the value . "1 .ee ~oth1ng but 'fabij facel 'bout JesuS ta\lgbt ll~ to pray, 'las We to~ .ot the' carp. but at the prlnclpl. Of pi. lD this' apparent .oeDe .of Siltet7." · lIve 'those ~ho trelPasS qalDat ~B." til. thlnJr, IUI~ he would le!'v8 he, ., ' . That means muCh both way I. . U we In tlielr hand8.. f88l1q that ju. "Well, w'bat other kind do tcni withhold ' that ' b-oon trolq others, 'we tIoe would prnaU In the law:ad. The at & mullq~ade ", .~~ b .. frlelul. limply iook the :dpor". of ,me!e)' .qaJnlt Wit hWd ~e pI,. w~eD 'It had been ol1reelv.e l; bllt In cue ",e ror~ve fuU,.. down _4 got Into · IIUPe. and .treQ.t~atel"'" then tie . sr.ctoui fe"811tl7 eScJa1md: aDd w()~ ot 0Ilt' heaveu.17 J'ath. tbat. w1Il one oi &be er COYer'ud ciQmfort 111 u e o =


By Lydia E. Pinkham'~ Vegetable Compound










. Relief'"






",..on ......





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County Courts



111 U' A 1'111 toe o r L ew •• ({uby. do Vlol,or M Book ,a~\l1 Ev" Ueok to d , r.tte iirst I\U i fiuld II(' (tuot wdUuru H, B~ok: lutll iu lih rnmljl *1

wrfDS '

( flilS

I WMI IIlJpfnv llr\ , In l,ltl\ tld · )f .J C B" IJIl' tt. tla· 'All, d, til !ltlCund it couut WIl~ lIi>., Cammon Pleas Court. II prlw t'tI . ' Court Proceedinll5. '1'111' rirflt ItDr1 finnl nCf10illlt In tU El WiIIlalll (jI\\Iispi e olJ l\ngec1 hi!! ARtl\ I'" nt \ 111\;1111 H . Wllilfll1l ll, d (,. plell of not guilty to gn tlt y Iu u u i ot'II"NI. w"'" "pI'l,ve,\. "wer to the indlot Dlfmt. of t.hAil lell,\ 11 ~'iu," II ('llillut, III th l> PQ I,t1 I,('\ f)f 81lle of liquo r lind WIl" fiocrl $tiO Bud '11~hf'rrll" I) ~ lJ ll lt(I );,.t. (. 1I ~ f'd, WUK oosts, b iog unab l to )lilY th i O·\I1firnt" t1 . was plaoed in jllil to I>pr vn ont biS ; 1n Ih n f'~ t ll l e of .I ohn Upl "", . ctl'fioe. . jeellsell, tilt' first u. nd li olt l uot In tb e dRrnu ge f1 11it or MOI,li e l \VII"; IIpp rovell MoDermott, agui ust Frlluk M 'uu. Tl,ltl ti,·!! tlll'Cfl u ntrlll'llinlil oPfltlltf' den tbejury 11Ilving r£' lurn ~I II V r : of Llllr.1 A: New )lllrt. ct Otltlt:! Ati, wu .. diet of 1700 for thtl p!tu ntitf IIUll ~ onfi rtll c d , Il mot.ion for Il n p\\! tdlll no t hllving Th fl ~P(101ld Ol'rrlllnt in t.h ... p~t·d.. been fil ed the d fendant, was order ed [Of Willill w J, Cl' lIe tt, dbllPII!:Hld , WlI,lI to p~y 1700 Rnd plaint iff 's .co'lts, 0 0' fir m flu . Leave was grtlDted the dete nuRntll , Iu tb e A~tll t e o f /.o'1i il C Ei~fl lI to file their d, elllu rrer to t,he plai u min'gp r, in~f1Il f>, I,lte !11'>l t Il c!connt tiff 's r eply In tit!:! O\lHe o f A Bilker WIi!! nppr ovpu Hewitt ngl11Ul:lt Chl1rles S _ M O lln t~. 1 W t iW" l t· r MAple. as oxcouttt r of et I'll . th e cII I,1I1,e Ilf A g n lll'4 L WllIilllll", cle. 'l.'he motion WitS overruled t O 'li s oellHPtl, WIlS gr tnl l:lrl lf'f1 ve to !;Il' lI 11Ar obllrge the Ilt-taohrnent uut of t he ttl.1ll stllf'k null 811 l11 fl 1>4 vtl ln erilit ~4ati oourt of M . A. JIlUl eson, ju~tice c) f 'rh A fi r .. t '" HI liun l I\ (oount 10 thn peaoe I1nd whioh hnd btl u nppeu led 0 tut of Wiullil:! Aunk 'I'. imbecile , by the d efendnnt M . RU IllI y Co., wu!' flIt!d. whloh was used bV J ennie B. Hont In th e e t·ote of EM] " I M Bundy ~r. tbo fi lllLlll con tln t; W'lS fil e'] Ly r, ilvld A partition of relll estate invol ved B. B"lndv .Ir. in the solt of Willinm WI.J IIton l l) the esttlte of E Jle n H , Vunder. agllinllt C. ·P. Wheaton WlIS gTIID led voort. decellsed , I,h e fir s t unrl fino 1 by the oourt. acoount \Va~ tll ,·(} uy Ca rl V'~nder Court m tlilned the de murrer to v oort. ('x eculor. ,th 1 petition of pll4intiff lind PIIIDe WIl Th e oourt gmn t .. privll~e ~Ble of given leave to file his "~end ed pe. rtllll I' 1,/tI A inv olv d ill tilt! CItRe of titiJn in clise of Jerry Pllrkblli VB . \V, B. B ok, ILclm 1ni"tl'lll'l) r, ugalnst S. W. Witham . .rontlip.J.Ertel. In the oase of J erry .J oho B Mullen. pxeolltl'ir of the agllinst S . . W. Witham the demnr. tu te of '1IIyt,on W. Mnllen, de. rer is 8tl9ta.ined nnd pluintUl' Is gi ' eu cell Hod, fil tld no adrtltlnnni tond of leave '<> file bill amended petiti 1\ ~15 . 000 whi b I,. ~PJJroved. AdclDl Fruzier is gronted " Ih v ore '"ort g runts Lfl\H"~rd M(,unt". from Annie Frnzier his wlfA on th e iul(llinitlt,rlltor of the ell t'lt,e of Loui .. grounds of wlllfni 1\ bsonoe. Ii' MOllnll', d HI'i'II~r u, lellvfl to sell n In tbe case of Fred P. Bnoh o I'tuin llOnct VI"llltUI~I. :MGUQ ,



lIverites Prevents Serious Sickness

tltQ AJvln f •• Rune to Alfred Snook j,)tit, ' L ' h'l'n ol1.*l. e to. 1 " Ltverltee for a Cold, Backaohe and ' 'W eak Liver or KI~~y •• M.' 1'1& \ 'Ill and Orhtndo N Brad. , ley 1o I..lunoln Lnokey, reul estate iD ! Le bllnon, 'I, eto i U. I., lind A B.. E}('tlIAY to (!'. W. ~ w rth a Jlound house rt!ady BY V. H. DAVI3. of cur . , ~for U~ , :-l'lUlhnrd, lotH In LAb lLnnn , $1,. et.o. I Agrl ultural Ext nRlnn Pl'pllrt\-, illfi " IJ ~ Mnbll.'l. Vllglnill Fllil_ mellt, O. 8 . U.. ~o luonbus. or II11U Hlullh O. Sl~ve r~ to MartUIl. Prepar('d from Pur\! Native Hl'rb!l, they Cl"anse the Sy"h'm 'lInd II ..... Purify the Blood lind thull l'ltt'~VENT SERIOUS SICKN&)S. A. 'd/lhlln quit oJ·dm (lU luts in Mil. Weedl Injure the farmer chiefly In 8ntJ. e to , Winfi ttl R. Yllbon. MIll'th·\ A two ways. First. by offendIng hla Idea of the beautiful. This Injury Moban nnd H,lrll.l· I) ~Ieverio\ t,o Is an Important factor I.n tho value . \\ AV!';ESYIL.Ll: CHURCHF.S, ~....... . . .. . ""; .) . ~ • . ,"• • i •• ' . \, ~ ... . . Y.~ 1 ~ 7 ' VirgillilL J!"tilor . qUit eltdUl Oil JUta ot the land, and. fur thermore. It Is iu Milson, ", 1110. oue' tbat IS felt by the whol com- • . DO.... TH I :-IK O:-lGANIZA. ; Sf. AUIC"!'liI1C's Cafh,,1c Virginia FIlIIHr, M.ntha A , M llhltD (llunlty. A fltrm overrun with Ivceds TION PAVSl l : 1.'lLlhc r .......·u rJ! · M lUCllh.wt c l·... ll,. ... r -(~\ I Mu .. ~ C\" '"v hI " ' .. ,HI 1t.;lfiltliH of th t! "Io'''h :II a I1nd S"roh D , Sie.erM to Wlnfi"I.1 S II not Duly l~sll valuable Itself. but /l C' rr i~ \\'lull 1:: 1' Y. :\1. " A.'a .',' U:I IIU '" It makes every "othe r farm In the Mliltlin, qllit oillirn on lotI! In Milson, community ,1es8 valuable. Second. by of OJ, io hal'(' lil' t· n ab le 10 nc- ,. '1 10. 'o'Il , lh: 1t In ~ 1'( ' III'I J) g ' fUlldS ~' I St. Ma"y's Epi!ICClJ1UJ Ch •• n-h. the crop 10811', This Is the 101\11 that I ~rll l igh on . 1\:,\ 1", 1'; 11 ('n mp,ligns 11.1\' J I.' I ·" ol wa ll" .... r , !(C.l. Lora 0 Crtllllflr nnd UtlOrgfl E. recel v II the more common estimate. (\11rln l( llil' liiti l 1\\'0 yetl r!! : ,,,,,Iay 'i. ' h ..,,1 II , :). , u. In M. rill/ II( ~" r Um lJler t,o John (j Holiltlr lind Proflta Le.aanod In Number of Way •• Cluv .. Illlll . .. . . . . . , . . . $ 517,000 (:' I'l l'll. III 'al a III 11 ,,1\' ( "'"11111111"/11111 11,-..' . The farm's profits ure lessened In Cburlotte E. Aolder, I'pRI 'If:!tnttl, $1, Day ton ..... . . ... .... . I Ii . 00 ~ ~U III' "'' ' f .. ",: It ""'"~1I . a number of wllYs. the most Imporetc. Akron .. .... ... .. ..... Tj.~'110 (.) tant ot which are the following: Merhodisf Epi!ICll)laJ ,Chllrj·n. El'tell" M. Wilson /lnll t;oolt F Asht:lt lil a ... . .. ..... . 6 .OUO ~ (1) Weeds rob tbe 1I01l oC mala· Roy . II. W (luIl1l1. I'ILIIWt Tolerlo ......... . . , . . . 6:! ,000 ~ Wilfl()n At "I 10 UarriAt B. RASS ,,"d ture. Thw amount of water that must • Iln,IIl,V S 'llillll. 1/ : ,II ' :t , \11 , Itrlllllf( ~ "r ' W ~ I; in !, ' 1o l1 C, II " ... 60.rIOO (~ Il: 11th A, WillilLllls. trlLot In FraukJin be tak en op by the root. of any plant ,' Icc , I II :1IH .1 . lO , J.:l' wUI' Lh f .. l'lhtU,- , i : fl H ..,. !'If !lns!\u ld .. , . . . .. , . . . 42.000 ~ · m. 1';" ·"to,e "el,'kl' , ':' ' UII (l '11 . MI.t .. ,.... '. and exhal d Int o Ule air t1irough township. 'I, eto. I'r lye r "" ,ollnl(, 7 p , Ill. C0 1UIII Ull.i .• ..• •.• ' ., . 40.UOO the leavel Is nOl'llloull. Experiments • 6 fiOO • CommilSfoners' 'Proceedinj[s. lIt arleH:l ..... . .. _.. .. 2 " ~ ba" e .hown that for most of lhe culChristian ChurCh. 19.000 ~ Ash 1Iu1(1 . . .. ... ... ,... Uvated gra ses from lhree to five 'anton ,. , .. ".. ... . . . J .liOO < ., Rov. L. O. ThlllnjIMu J'M .... Bills-Joho Wolfe, bridge r epair!' hundred pounds of water mllst ac~ cOO x Dlhle 81,huIII, 8: 30 a. m. 80 '1",1 \1)(lj I.IP ..... in MIi'"sie TownRhlp '12.90 i WIJJtflm tually ).)aS8 th rough the ' plllnlll t~ Mt. \"l'II l1 l1 .. .. . . . ... I I,,, ~ IO: :IOa.m. 'hrlllLlauK",Iellvllr 1:0UII'm. flll yru s .. .. . .... . ". . 17 .400 IIrmou by plLI!tor every IIltcnlUW! I:!ulldu~ .. .. P. Bay, bridge rtipilirs in W~yoe llrodur.e il ( slngle pound of dry mat· LClrain .. . . .... . .. .. . . 17.000 · 10: 300 111 . allll 1:80 p , m , townShip, &5 j .Joho Iron!', bridge ter. In !lessons of drouth. when there Findlly . . .. ... ... . . . . Hi.~OO. H""'ire Friends ChurctII s c ar ccl ~' nough ' moisture 10 sup· •·epliirs in rnrtlecreek tOWD!!hl P N(·wa rk . ... . ... ... .. . 12.000 · \1 81 r;3Y M 'e llul'. 10 :0011 1ft F'InIlDt\ ... ply the cul tlva led crops. It hI easy al0, 06 i William Brown, oontrtlot to understand t ile luju r), dOlle by the PIIIU'l .. . ........ .... . 10.2001. ' ·I.I"'!. 11 ·1) (1 a, ID F"I\lr\b Uay Mr "lim" . Bowlin\! Gr n .. . . .. . 8.400 J; IIJ 'ou ii, 1tI '''5 j Bert Rt>ed, oontrllot., 1127.50 i presence or al ar e IIU'llh r of addl· J. B. t:!mith, lomber, UtI\) j ' Ore. tlonal w edy \'1 nls. 'I'h!s I dOli I. • ~1 is(' II nnc'lu s _. N I · (O~., Orf~odox Friend!> Churl" son vIII . Foust Lt v ' r• g.:)Ola Bridge Co. oontraot,II, t365 i les8 th 1110. 1 IllIl ortur.! of the wl'e,1 JX>01. I' n lo l\ nnd : II " ,·, 1I{'nl!lllll n Hllwltln •. 1'11" 1.. ", Injuries, fc.r Il III U:' t l' l b e ror:;oll ! Lall Conn tles. Xenia ~ 1\ ~ a hlJnlh Stlh,.,l. 11 ::111 II m, lIeltlilar etll, ... ll Ohio Corrogated Colvert Co ,lIewer that the lI' ol flu re !n Ihe !'{,'I Is tho i $"'0" J A ""b't b d \·t'·.·. It) "" " n.. 'll . ,' ~ "It1n .~ Iir1f'. V. ',. and B II ,' Ul' 14.000 ~.), :'r ' :Of! u P pe, .. '" 0 j . • g u. lI, r !fe all-1m o,.tan t thill g. A3k till' r,\'Prlt: repeiirs hi 'WaAhin,tton iowDship. farm er 'hy he r ultll' ,lt s h!s t ' . $L5 j V. J. Ztln'meJer. bridgEt re. and he will sUY. 'To 1,1' 1 the .... I,) j . : wben, as II ma iler of fa 't, It J, l" WIth, ut Org ~ n i zat i on. pa Deerfield town8hip, $$9: Ihould be. for tIe r P C oC 'n In th Ii .-st 19 ,,. III S 1 ~9 Y . M. N irs h io B at Iln III vey. oon&raot:, 52: .ervlng th e ,noistme Ib t!:e ael l. 1'11 , . A.'s \\, pl (' orga:llzl'd: I lia dIed. • '[-be Westero tUar. pabllllhiog weeds ar Itlllod )lureiy as :111 Illel From 11, 7 to 18!l!1- :1i Asso. uf Clrouit Conrt. $1250' publllhto" dental matt r, A p rfcc tly el(, ln IMlouB s'art ~d In rent d QullrTH. O...AT.IT rAport of eX!truin"tl~n 'of trelumry cornfield n ads cuilivalion UII badly • t era llnd :10 hllVl' died. ,) . ' d ' • p . j a8 a w~dy one. Uncl er the StatE' Ex cutll'o $~7, I&r ookete. $lO.. The oj Crowd Out Cultivated Plant.. .• Comn~ lttce no A .;oclal! Dn II oragaitlst .1I\ID08 R . Brown tile motl"lD U' tIlrt t1 eernil it. n f'CIli'SllrY to Ii"'. Fl1l!tener Co:. supplies $l; E Wil Weeds crowd the cultivated plants. • ganJzed until It Is allie to own IN WO.LD rtJIILlSBED WEEIl.T. $4.00 PEl Y!Jl of defendllot to strike out ce rt,liu pili" t" !'u'Lrclio n to Wi IInie Annkor ItElrtfoo. servloes on ijalem ,tow08bip depriving ther,n of lIgbt and space In Its own home. words .of plilintltl"e petltiou is over ,m ,; 11t ·r,("' oI im heolJfl. $3 i .Wllrren County, Tim611 put). both BOil and air. . It corn or wbeat The AssodaUous at Ohio own HOTna, D ..UOQISTa, ....ClAL..n. OO.TUM . . . ., T.A ........ OA. ruled. RAplJrt o f pri va tA "a le repllrtpd lil!hing Sherlff's prooltlmdlOn' $22. are planted too thickly tbey oan 'tot pro~rty vulued ILt $4.:l4G.400, A"D 'Bue .II..YIC. OAli PItOlflT New Suits lLnd di trlbutl nn modtl in Oll"e of' , • deVelop properly. because thH plants ~ .Y UIINO In ADYII ..TIII!lO COLUMNS Au.litor'l4 fee fund. mliking flb8truot do not get enough lIunlrght Illld the 4l DOES ORGANlZATION P,\ YT B F . Carnahan' filed s uit 8~a1Ust )d Ugllhl"t Vlrglnlll of Kol:.o '11 for 1910. i roota do not bav8t auIHclent leading SAMPLE COPY FR££ the uoknown Beirs,of Thomas Bere. John A. Fallol' et III rhe L .. bllnon Piltriot., p1lbli'llhing Ipace . Similar relultll will be apparAdd....... Pt YORK ou...... mlln Bsking that I,he deff odants mlly ----.~ .,.,. YOIt&. It. Y. rAJ)t'lrt of f'lf.. ,minati ou 01' Lrel,sory, ent It the extra plants are w';eds, Marria\fe L·censes. be oompelled to show their intereSI Saves an Iowa Mall's Life $~7' tmhJii'lhlDIr time of hoJl\in~ Rob 801l 'of Food Element•• 'iD certain property and tUtlHhe same R Ln LIH'r Moor, 19, IhJlll r m 'l\rer . ' • Weeds rob tbe soil of tood eleThe ver.v I(t"ve 18cme.l tfl yawn of Mlddl etl)wtl "OIl JUI\~~ Milo.\' Qllig· CII'I.lUit Court. $l2.fiO i publishiolt mentl required for otber plants. l)flfore B,I,IJ 'rt, Mrt.dMCtn. of Vest Bilr. may be adjndgEl(l null an I v!Jld. Be:l's·Antiseptic~alv,.. sbArlff'tf pruollilullotioll, $22 While tlJere Is usually . more than ilngton. 1.IWtt.. whun, Ilfr'r IICW," U 1" f F rlL U I,e ) I' II ·George M. ("'or,ry filed Buit OgtliDst Iey" Good fo .. all Skin D&aeu, , , (]uulrllotll·-Contrllot 'was entored 800ugh plant food tor all plnnts In "'"Ilk" in t-hH hOolpltK I, fnnr of th~ Dr. Curry Canoer Cure Company, Erne!\t p, lJo .. h~r, 24. Phtlrl~~OIRt. IntI) Nlth Etnmur S B,tneV for It oon. allnost every soli. the amount In a ')Pl't Il" .v!lioill,n @I\ve bim IlP Thtln R. Wild, GU!,brist aDd E W. Ram. of Murrow \lud Etutll PylE', :16, o~ h J W,; 'f readily available form Is Umlh:d. and was shown t.he m Irv 'l"Ud curative . . oret~ . ..... lIey, to reoover mQney on two prom. M ,,)'row. . • " aro ue/lr. . ook. IlrDl th e greater the . num b er 0 t plants power of Electrlo 81t,tpr,.. For, after among which It Is divided the slower eilM mont,be of fr",:hlfnl 8ulfAriog E roe t "V , I I !Ion. 23 " f BrmAr'l f BI 1\0 0 '1 the Corwio lind 8orhngton road . . " iS80ry ,note of '2,000 Ilnd $1,500 it. HA1'lf A \V" ' I .... ' m ll 17 0 till' E 'l!lt W Ilyoe towlIshlp lit his bId and leBl vlgtJrou8 'wUl be . the growth from liver .rouble Bod yellow jIl.UD. u66U ",Imp, 81lob with' Interest Brt1odon & J b es t er u,:Ju.1 LJ' M " Contrllot WaS eutel'~d into with of all. dire. gatt.loS' no hllill from nther ,'\ ... .t 'l8tH'llle'lI Leail'm' ().... .. ''"'I Ivins, attorn~y for ph}nLiff , remedies or dlXltorll. five bott,)SH ,)f Offioo 10 K oyil BItl.c. or~o~, • John C"'Il'lP a'ld Cl~rlr Nixoo f.\I· Render Farm Producta Unaalable. \'" 10 F'WllhLlm.J 1 urnl'r, 3 . (\l1r1,lEln~r k' ... I " h Weeds render certain products of tbitf mil,' ohloRS tno(floilltl com pletel, Probate Court. , , • mil 109 prU..,OI IO.1 W I I aou ellrl of L dbtlDOO I1Dd Arrnlnt" Mowrer, SG, fill .. b ' the tarm unsalable. Weeds In hay curnd blm lttf pOPltivAly jlllltrtJ u The first aooount of W. D , Bilde- of Le t )"Don . at wast IlI'Prol6oll to _at er to reduce Ita value.i. and tile prellE-nce of teM for t:!tO " lllllh. LI ver or Kirlney " brand 881!U8rdian of the estde of II owar d 8t tLn ror. th 22 . f ILrmer 0 t }fill river bridge In rur,tleore..k weed 'seeds In commercial, farm and ~rouhl,.." R.nd IIl1vur dI8llPW,illt.,·. ~------------------, t,)wntfblp IIl1d IItuoe Bnd gravel for garden lIeed not onlr reducE. Its Only CiO;:, lit ~'rpl1 C. ~ohW\rtZ·A. Gleo BUdebrand, et III , is approved Blanohester and JvIL Mule P"mter, t.ho SIHUt! ut tbe .estimate $6730-. value. but open the way for the In· .... allowed and oonfirmed , traduction of a weed pest Into 8 new • BOYS' STATE COIUFERENCE In the eetate o.f Belen L , Sohenok 20, of Windsor. ( ,ontr"ot WIl8 eotertid 1.nt'J with locality, trom which It can p~rbaps r. Real Estate ·Tr.lRsfers. a minor, the first, and fiaal aocount Clinton 0 Wlltkin's for mliking "p. never be eradicated. ' Arrangements are prnctlca lly complete fc.r the Boy. ' Slate Cou r ~ r ~ nce If y Ul l would !lke t~ su~ply WI\S approved, "Uowed a od ' oon Theurl ore G evi3rts t.o,M'I ry CIlrl8 - p~oaohes to 8teel bea.m brlilge OD 0/ Y. M. C. A.'lI. ' which will be lIeld SEED CORN. your table wlth thiS highfirmed, . tie, re'll ef4t,,\e in BtLmiltuD town L 'l b,1D0n an d 8t ub bt own p i lEe near at Newarlc. No vemher 25. 26 nl'ld 27 . The funrlh IlCOOtlut 10 the estate ship, 'I, elo the l'tlf idenol3 ot Joh... Worley tn More BUlhela Corn Per Acre. , 't III 4!sllniated that th re wl\l 1>0 400 grade silverware free of, One of the most effective 'ways at bo;.'s In attendllnCp.. T,hey w tll <.'onof Ann B. Ke1ley, decellsed, WIlS "p. .lames E , SWllrlzul Hnd Nllncy Union to NOllblp lit the eaLirn Lte cost, write us for our s~ . ' IncreasIng tbe yield per acre of the ,,,Ider the varlolls prob!ems of the proved allowe. lind oonfirmed . JtLoe tiwartz~l, lot 1~ Frll nkiil'l, Ii $8.2~. by rop Is an ' Intelligent selee . bo s' deJ.lllrtm IItS. Mo, I at the "a. cia.! ·offer. Address ' Contrllot Wft8 entered tnto with corn 0 ' , .. In the ~stde of Joel Evans. d e. Newto 1 Mooo tlne! .Illl1e C MoolJ Uon of leed . . It III not always the pel's will lie given by th .. bOYII. oeased; tbe s8000d Ilooonnt filed by to Chlu· 1Jl. Monro, lot In L6blln • Harry Robinson f?r fur'niMblng stont' large. well pta portioned ear tbat one STANDARD fASBlON cOllrm the exeoutors Was approved. . on" II, eta .. nd making pt'Oteotlon to liroh noor would naturally pick whim leleotlng 12·11 Van... Stral. New Yd.,N. Y. the rel'ldeooe .of Cliff J"W8iI'OO 00 trom tbe cdb, tbat produces' the the e/ltn.te of John Aunke r, (1('. Viotor V" O Riper to RUb.\' VIIIl DR. W. Mil LER, the tuwnsh'p rOlld /0 Unl~o tow . • ,Iargftst yield. In many calles these oe!lsed, the first and finlll acoount Riller, l ot~ in t:!lluth Lablmoll, ' well·appearlng ears bava been pro!-::-'-':-- -wElAftpproved. Osoar , ,~ , Beroilw lind ' Oro BerOHw ship Ilt th .. e"tlom ,.t.. $17 G'" duced under extremely favorable con. .•. DENTIST .• Tile first and finl11 account in the t o R oy W. CODover 199Ye Ilores in dlUoDs. Probably ID a hill ot only Office In • -. Wa~ncsville O. ~lIbRf'ribe for the Beautiful Eyea . one stalk. Ins-tead of three, perhaps Natll-Dal Dank D1dc. estate of John O. Fox wuslipproved oounty, ~l, elo. . The' third aocount WILS approved R'lY W , Conover Bnd EIlzt1belh arp. del!lirprl by I'vt'rv ontl If t~ere on 80me unusulrny fertile spot, or II ILny h' fi',~w"t,lon Ibe eYflR ca.n 't" over the tile draIn. or under some in the estllt3 of Catherme I: onsta,ble,[ Oonover to Ch',r}etf W . B UdSOD, be hpllur.iI 01 tlulht:rland's EIlJCle abnormal condition tbat Willi favorhnhp.oile. three traot!i in o')uoty, 113,2G5 Eye ~Illve will remove I,he iLllJ\.m able for their growth. The merits Of M~U<:~~~~~.~~~~~3':"r..!!Id IUlitioD IiDd olear tbe eveM. thele ears wlll In all probability nol t'''lt~l~ln~~'~~~fi''J,~'~~IQjfIf~W_ be reproduced Ill.. the progeny. unles8 planted under the favorable condi· . Like Inaeet PlyIng. tlons that produced them. So far nearly all aeroplane. fly al· Select Seed Corn Now. most like ' Insecta. The fly makell ,Do not walt until after the rorn Is ,ROO beat8 of Its tiny wings a socond . . husked. but go Into the field and ICThe propel~r perhapI one·thlr<l aa lect ears from stalks that are growmnny revolutions. but the albatroll8 ing under average field condltt,flnll. and the frIgate bIrd and the buzzard The merlt wblch eara grown under mnke at most only three or four beats thelle conditions will p08seS8 Is be,'. ' l~ w~y a second. But albatrosB and frl~ate redltar)' and will Ilk Iy be ' tnnsmlt.'. .' can sUfltaln themselvell two or three ted to Lh e progeny. In a telilt. COD- ~ ::: ::: ' dnYtI without IUIlehlng between dateB. ducted by the Ol1to Experiment Sta- , I;;t ::: ::! Le't·s hear.. of prizes for longer and tlon. on eight plota were pldeused by Ion@&" ft?lJhtlJ on tbe leRst ga~ollne, Iide unltorm soli. planted The .eed Whf'n the , thIng getll down to br8s8 on four of these plots wiul 8elected tack~ It mllY IIbow that the aeroplane onl~' needs to put on slrong power ••• In !!oing up to Its urle_ After that It been grown. The seed used on tbe • ~, may ~onr aWRY and use Its gll80llne ' other tour plots was selected In the ~ ::: ::: ' ouly to meet certllin uousual condl. field from stants '.that had gl'own untfJi ::: ::: tlons In tbe upper Or lower all'. 'der ave.rage field conditions. Tbe STerage )"1 ld of, the plots from ordl::; ~ary 8electlon was. 69,26 busbell per ::: ::: Not Sorr.y for , Blun~er acre, an 1 tbat trOD) the plant .elecY. M.e, A. HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH PLASS , ''If mv frhmdM bado't bJn",derfld .tlon Willi 72.49 b'ushels ·per acre, 0, a , ;::' :;: , In tblllkil1g I Wttl a doomed' ,aln of 3.2:1 busbels for ' the plaut ::: ::: Hl£ heterogeneous torr.lgn population that lines the h~l'e8 of Lake Erie f)f o •• nRoblptton, I ml~~t oot. ~ aU,e selection., ' ,'.' . ::; :fo' " Irom one end of Ohio to nnotherbas presented a peculiar 80cJIlI prob- 'now," wrlt~I' D T ~Dde"" of Har. Go Into tbe corl\fleld 'a ' brush ;:: ::: lt1Jl beeauee of the difficulty the, Hungarians, Finns. ItaU~8, Ma.. rodsburK. K, •. "but. tor yllBrll , ' it. can of bla~k mark .::: ' ::: yaM and oihers ' or t·h elr kind have with the English Iapgu age. Und~ the "aw tlvery fttttlmut 10 qure ~ lung tbole ear8' that m~t for f.!; ~•. h' C C Itt f th y " C _'t.. ' rRokiOIl o,nnllh' faU · At 1" ,8~ t. tried . leed t"at -'re _ • 'psplrlltlpn ot t e _?~ate OID1D e 0 e . M. . A.. local branwa•• ~ Dr KIDg II N6w .DllIon • er v. 'l.f.1e At. DleCllu':; IItniky ::: ::! 'tbal ol'AanlzaUolI ha vl' und rtalte n Ihe task or ,InstrUcting UJese peppin:. feo' Willi wODderful It. 11)00 stopped '. erface . and are :=:. :~ til the EngliSh laugnage. bavlng p rfected ' a eyste 1D whereby 30 leNon. the oOllll:h"md. [on) npw In ~tt."r other.,,~'lalitl In a hl1J, ::: ::: • gt.v a ' ie.HUng n~d s peaking 1mbwledge or' Engllsb" The '. p~ra(JUcal T&bi~ hf1"ltl> thAn I hllVH h ·.d . for 1(1"r8. ,la drl1led, wh ere t~tlre ::: '" ;:: ' of thl .. 11\ that an Rbt\ll'y to tallc and un4erstand EngUsh Incrf'asel ,the rbi" woncter~llt llfp..."v~r , III .ao 00 1t411i1: At hUlkii!r :::. _ , " . ~ .'elll nlng pow I' of' the!le men . .-To m~et the ex'lgllncles of , the cWlel, thO) ·rivllied rtlmfldy for oou,(bs. cold". 'Into a tox attatlllGd ,.:.:.:-:.:.:~~.~••~.~~.~.~.:.:.~••::.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.~~.:.:':.:.:':.!.:':':':--:-:':.:.:.:-:O:.:':-:*:';." State Committee WM obllged to pl'ovlde a 'number or tnterpreters. Tbe _ lot(rlplJP, allthmll~ ' oroul', bam or. tbls purr-oRe. T1tJ8, ' Iepicture silowl one of these Clasles gathered together 'In. a room provIded fb II gel. who6pl~ coulth 0' "Mit wa.r~ , tp'o1flng ,more CorD tbroup tIW Y II. 0 A. ' . lonlCl 600.11.00: T'......boUle free 3e(J. LlYlngston, ' t>epL Eqen• . - _. .. ..... GaarUltee4 b" fred O. 8oh".,~ al~ Cc:1llep of ~1ltuN, I. VI!


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at WllYOCsvUlO, OWo .- . -

W~EK OF Y. M. C.·A.

AlAI N S·l'rtP.:KT

L/ . li:Y ,)· I~ I A.t;p UO N&- -OALL

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1 n w a our t; I ug . . to keep a kitchen I;lcIII). - _ _• "JU8t what kind of a .place do you 'l'ry to piclure a stove which burns lip all of itll smoke and soot before 1). L. C It A~E, Edit.or and Managm' C. A. A t w d<ays slnc a group at enthusiastic lI1em b 'ra gol together thInk you'd Uke?" asked the man. they can re.lch · the chimney- a stove which Is so constructed: tll.a t evell 11l1d \V'lthln thl'cc (\·a ys. 'tll<lY had put He was a good loolr.JJ1g man, and he when uncovered for adtling fu ei, 110t a particle of smoke, soot or gas can Rat l's of SubRcl'ilJti on tbe II'Iv ~ II UI nt up t 0 7~I I- l IIe 1aTgest ,Bsked It with . elab'o rate carelessness cal. escllilo in to the room. • And tb ese aren't thc onl y w nys tho Moore Range h ~lps you keep your Ono ,: , IU' (Nlrlr:tty III lIunUl!:o) ••••.••• ' " .00 meulIJe rsh1p ot any Y. M. U. A. In the culated to advertise to t be world at kitchen clean. It does still m"'r~. It has a Hin.eeI Top which offers the 81uIII0 ( 'Ulll' . ...• . . . ' " . .. . . •. ....• • • .06 ('ounlTY tor a town of thta t s ize. larse hl8 fervid Interests In knowing cleanest and handiest method possible forfeeding a fire, building a new one, Oil til nll ght of the 11th of Octo- her preferences. .broiling or toasting. By merely pulling a chain, the whole top b I', ~ II'. S. 1'. FN.ln. l' rea ltl n t of the The girl looked unrumed. She bad i. lifted out of the way. There's no spilling of fuel. 1'ho Rate~ of Adv e rtisin g CJ(>v"iltnd A so;ocl 11 lion and a mentber chJldllko eye8 which aided In ber a8top, when lifter1, forms a hood and the smoke and smell are Ht-ntilOlIl Lu( · ul ~. pOIr lillu ... . •. . ... . .. • ~r th St~lll Comm.lttee, with the 8u.m pUon ot an Innocence of any pal' c1f11wn around the flues of the range and cannot escape )( llo/lOll( IAJ ·ldx., fal ·.. . !,or iiI • .. , • . lUI: ate Seemtnry. met with the dlrec- tloular moUve on his parL Inlo the ropm. '11 Ni llool A, IH. nuL II' ",('(oocl I1 vo iflll'8 ommerce of "I know exactly!" she said, enthu'J' hrt-t, I II NtlnfhIlH . • • • , . • • . • . • .• 2tw. tors of th(: CIt!I'lI'lllor of UIiILlIl1rh .~. tlvu h ... I.,:~ h'tlo ; n v.1r li ve ' Ll y·rln. Th e S CI'l-lHI'Y of the hunn- slasUcal1y. "I've always wanted a 0 00 I II ('ltliH . J)lJr tflllL .•. . .. . • . . , . .. 61; bel' of COTllIll(' ('(!e had pl'evlously Be- coUntry place ' and bave devoted so 1/2 (JI .... I o f tl,luok. , . ' .......... . .. .... .. 2!ic Cu r pd lit e sdg l1 ntnrcs of a thousand muob thought to the subject that my ., i H ' t~ .. IIl Ll"Il '~ .. . . .. .... , .. .• ...... . , ... 60c ,hcn ur g lyrlll for m mbel'shlp In the Ideas are clearly developed. Only I'v.e With all its advantages, Moore's Range really costs the least of !;, H·Il,h,"W. w llO'l'U "hnr~o I~ muil o.l . .. . ... u ..: any range on the market. It actually paya for itlelE ' on the fuel Pro l!O!!:d ne w Y. i\l. C. A. That , never yet seen the place which exactlJl bl illl)' l~oI VI'fII NiJ'l( vcr IUl'lL . . . . ... , • . I (II.! which It saves. Moore', Controller Damper enables you to control the nH'1lns bhruf olle man of evel'Y Ih· In Ily came up to my noUon8 of what a JHto\t'UlI lIl H ~ h b li un (·I"alru( ' L. beat of the oven as well a s you can control the heat of a gas oven . It is the Ihe ('OlUll1 l1 l1lty slsn d li p. It was I nice, alluring, comfortable BPot away only coal range ha ving Ihis advan tage which saves full y one-third of the fuel. unanimously decided to st311 1Ol! I<oon tram town shouhl be. I'm always ma!=:=!!!!!!!!!~ third. Moore's Everlastin g Fireback burn acoal least two7,OVI£MI.IEIt • . I DIO o.s JlClltilbl e a camp1l>IgII f(,,JJ' $100 .000 king mental Improvements. First, there Ie.. tha n coal used in otherenables runges.youIttooffers stillcosting furth erat saving by with which to start II 1l10dern Y. M. are the peacocks." providing for the berning up of the smoke and SClOt. thus giving you the advant age of the extra heat, an d enabling you to save on your fu el. It la C. A . TlJe State Com.mlttee hus been "Tb-the what?" stammered the the only range havin g three-wall construction tbrou.hout. Tbis is one of many reasons why Moore's Range lasts< od to ass is t III ens ln tHing this man. far longer tha n any other range made. caml;algll . "Peacooks," repeated the girl, dl8THOMA S tlDER On th e venlng of I;ho 12th, tb .. Iinctly. "Ydu always bave to have ~ar d of Dlr clors of Lbe MII'I'lon Y. them trailing around over the la wns M. '. A. "oled to 8Jlart a campaign and terraces. you know, They look so Chairm a n State E llec ut l ~e We haven't room here to tell you all the superior Then tbere's the nickel-plated oven rac k (the only one . nel' mbe r 1st to pl'ovlde for re·mod· well In pictures of the place and In features of Moore's Oven - how it absolutely prevents on tbe market), and the alumiuized oven- the most sanl· Committee of t lJ e Y. M. C. A. ellng of their buIlding and current background when you have afternoon "dend spots," and how the Cia.. Oven Door Ilvercomes tary made. . . expen!'es f(Jil' two years nh ad. TblA tea under the trees. Only I never In Call 1\t our store nnd let uS 'proye these statements, Ihe necessi ty of opeuing the oven and losing heat every camrmlgn will be led by tbe State my Ilte saw a peacock that lived up to time yOIl want to see tbe condition of the food inside. We'll not urge you to buy. CommlLlee's ca:mJ)::lIgu engineer. Mr. Its reputation as a decorative adjunct. Moore'. Ran,.. can b. had in .ith.r Cad iro" or St••, J . D. Van Scolell. who bas led with "Peacocks." the gIrl went on, "are Moore's such rema rk ah le success seven sImi- always awkward, moth-eaten blrd's l Ia.r cl1mpalgnll In Ohio. The nmount with cold and dtatant slances, and Stoves to· b raised will pl'Obal>ly bo at lea,s t they occaaionally squawk as they stroll AI~ays $40 .000. around bunting for their supper. Now, Please •• , t • On Octohe r 13th. the Lima Assa- the only excuse a peacock bas for claUon~ Hoard ·of Dl~cto~ unan~ ~eathlnglstbe~atheNandappar~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mously voted to equip 1\ new plant to y t be only time you can see tbose Is to ke th pl ace of Lhplr preseTlit en- afte r you have slain the bird and I tlrely inad eqll1~te qu arters. T his cam· spread Its tall adornments out across WO CRUISE ! WALTER MCCLURE, palll'n will also be conducted by Mr. the wall and nailed them there. '. MAN AND HER INSTINCTS, JALE OF YACHTING \oUn Sf'Ot n 11 fe w )Tlonths bene·C. It "My plan la to take the peacock Il ' l'rolJablt' lhat the old building will wbtle alive, spread out Its tall feath- She Will Follow the Law of Her Na- How. HoetIIn A ..... "ged· a a ....kdown ture Becal.lle She Cannot I"d Got Rid of Her Bored . be "(lId /I.I1d a canl [IMgn for $100.000 er8 into a beautiful fan 8hape and wire QuettL Help It. Inaugura t d. them In position. Then turn the bird . Ou Friday. tbe 14th. the State Com- loose upon t,be lawn, wbere It wlll remi~lee's . headqullrteNi at ('.ollllllbus main a permanently beautiful decoraWomen will follow the law of their A. few MMOD8 . back • wef1·1mOWD Telephone day or DI,Jat. r e{\,ed word from a. rellresfnta llve Uon. I shouldn't think It would make natures , not · because masculine or !loatess chartered a Iplenclt4 .,.eM fop Valley phone No. f, IAq cClmmltlee of citizens at Alliance. any dll!erenoo to the peacock, and "womanly'" arguments convince them, August an4 Invited alar.., wmber of Distance No. 69-'-. th ll.t ~h Ir 1 rosperous community think how much better It would lookl" but because It was there before they ber trlencta for • three-week crutae. At m ust have a Y . ~ . A. soon. They "That's an orlc1nal Idea, all rIght," were; they can no more help It than lirst all WeDt well. thoUCh the PU"l7 811' ady bhVE! $2 .000 In bank nnd they sald the man. "Wbat elle would you they can stop tbelr bearts trom beat- . . . DOt lpeetally well &MOrted; but WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ask the asslstu nce of the State Com- mggest?" Ing; they have uo more choice In ·tbe after a faw 4a11l they bepn to evlnoe mill ee In organ izing 8 building ca.m"SQulrrel8 alwaY8 go with a coubtry matter than they btlve In regard to Ilgns of betnl aomewbat bored with Branch Omce, Harve,nb1ll1r. 0. llalg:n thl.l winte r. place," declared the gIrl, reflectively. bavlng hands and feet, nor as much. each otber'1 company. I - By U:e RfllI'e mUll, a lett r oomes "Only they are 110 elusive. You can Quite as amenable to the underlying The boeteas marked these 81gna of ~~~~~~~!!!'!!!~!'!!!!!!!!~!'!'!'!!!!!!!!!! from one of the lendi ng p'1l ~t.ors of watch hours for them and not see laws of life are the older and sterner Inelplent boredom, wblob became more Shelby nsklng for an In\' s tlg tlon of them, and It's a waste of time al\d gets members at womnn klnd who cbatter plainly evident each da:r, and atlut In the need of It Y. M. C. A. In their on your nervel. I think I'd chloroform on platforms about women's' rights. deapalr 8~ took. counsel with one of IIoocI for Nothlnc but the .... ttou rlsohlng li ttle clty or 6.000. An a dozen squirrels and bave them Wben thll klnd fall, they fall like her guesta, an 014 and experien.ce4 AssocIation Sunday will be :anduct· .tul!ed. Tben I'd attacb tbem to wires LucIfer. I have even o\)served. tbougb racbtsman. . d Nov mbpr 13th. wlt.h the help of wound splraily areund the tree trunks I realize that It will take several aeol1s "What on eartb shall 1 c!o to amUM the St1Ite Committee. af,.teJ" which an wltb a sort of clockwork arrangement before man ftnds thIs out, that the tbese people?" sbe asked. Tbe yacbtsman looked at the 8erene Mr. Tho\llM Eh1 r Is one t'f tho' InvestlgaUolI w\ll be tll'3de with a connect d and when you pressed a but. strqpgesWnlnded women are usually ·Ieool ng business 111 II of Dllyllln . H' ' I w to h IJllng tbem secure a y. M. ton on the front porch the squirrels the ones capable of the strongest a t· Illy and calm blue water an4 Ihoot' would begin racing around the tree fections, tbe most apparenUy unsex4}d ht. bead doutittauy, • . . ~l nCl " II tljl! to l\(It I\oS ahall' of till C. A. Ohio. \i"Octorla has Jus t dpclded that they trunks up Into the brancbes and down often, In the deepest sense, the most ffA storm woul4 enUven them up a SLate IIlxp.cntlve ('onlm.lttoo of the Y. muM hllve t.he h Ip Qt the State Com- agaIn! I'd bave one or two on the top Womanly. The Ins tinct for mother- bIt," he sate!, "'but the weather looa Valley Phone 153 1\1 . . A.'s at hlo. Main StI'ed mitt c In 8 $65.000 hlilldlng campaign of the fence, too, and vliiltoN from bood Is t~e primal, Indestructible fact Quite settled. There la only one thIDa' In the sprlug- $16.000 Is alroody In town could bave flte over the dear Ut- of woman's life, and professional 10 be dOlle. You must arraDlI'6 a breakForCoUc slgllt. tie things wbenenr the conversation work, ~vel'1llty Ufe, even-even the lown, "'tbe engineer will ·nianRlre that C::sturdny noon mflorked the opening IT9w dull. ballots are not gain&, to cbange It. any In rigbt for you. He has probably or '"I \, h , ,,~tt' fl'olllilt' Or. Opll R An. "Come to think of It. I'd have Iota of more than the presellt at7le In 81eeves Dften done 80 before. Tben you m_t f.1 PJllIl 'I (, r,t' li kd lIl 'U( IO, r~It' I V"~ of t,be $150.000 building ca'lllpn ign at For Ooucha and 001. . nllul HI, 1II,,1.'1II1! I' . ~1"11 tc "fHl f, Jr ttll Ibmllton. 'I'he firltt three 'gltts an- things managed by pressing buttons on II going to chan«e it. Aa wen be I make tor the nearest port for repaln. Hounced were two M. $10,000 each tbe trent porch, whlcb really Is the afrald that water wlll 'run up bUl. lnd let your guests bave a run ·aabore. Ill( I,III" ' 1t 1 1M fll4. - - -+ _ .. - -'-and $\.00 fro m a Uttle g1ft 'WIthin most comfortable way of doing things. that the HUdson will turn and travel I Bome ot them. I 'cxpect, will nnd aD ten days Hamilton ,\<111 ba ve a fnnd Opt\nlng gates anll mowing lawns and back to the Adirondacks, aa that the : txcuse for · blddlD3 you aood-by aDd A Dreame r. with which to put up a Y. 1\1 . C. A. ' BetUng the sprinkler going-by the. beart at woman, ~ sbe sbOJ1...ball"6d those who remaln ' wltb you win - get H I(llt9-Bjo!m ' on Is a snngul'le man. building" adequn.te to the vcry luge way, tbat'8 anothe.r thing. I'd have all or 10n~g-balre4, booted and 8Purr8l1 or alonl' all right together." Industrial needs ct th.a t city. t he nowe r beds and borders arranged .clad ' " cblffon. sball be made any wa:r Tbe boateu toOk her gue8t's advioe, i~n't he' Wlcllll-Yes. H o waa 8ay l\l ~~ the These are some of the develop- with theae ' elevated pipes full of holes except as It 18 made, and baa been and arrived at Toulon a day later UJl.dertak~r other day that ~he sweet·glrl grall ... a.te ments of a slnll'l~ week In Ohio', and wben you pre8sed the buttona they tor aU time! Tbe swallow to her ' where nla'h twenty ot her pMt8 Wilt be found In 'he 014 .ml, tIt bave s(Jmt'thlng new 111 her Greatest Industry. would shOwer -,vater 8ystematlcally and nest, the . river to the 8ea and the bel' rooc!·by.-M. A. P . Ba~k BuUding, oppotl.. Ilood the plants." beart of the woman to bel' chlld. d• _ _- - '¥aleillctory ne'Ct yenr. . the National Bank. . • - • .. Id th ' latent or non-eDstent. You cannot ---- ~~ "Tbe Idea .ls new, sa e man. . , Whoop I"'" Cou .... Telephone h01l88 and of. . Qr. IIeU'8 AntisoptlC 8alve Sha II Women V? ote "Thank yon," Nld the lirt. "Then keep the needle from 1IOIntlni to tbe .... floe where I can be oalJecl "I t.h ay dId, (mlliool4 ""oald vole when )'OU come ,to the mate' and the pole, and no amount or ~. advice It Is an old aaying tha' whooping t .. IlUUrllllt~ .. r' for f'cz" m 14 • " .. II I'h 1 da:y or nlgb.t. ·t .,HAr, ,Inll'~ nrm , rllnn in!l "'!.Jrt II. , Jf . l{il ,'g 'M New Lite Pills the nue mOSQUltoe8, I' ve got themnalled 'to wlll make It point theI'e trrevocab11_ oou~h must ruu Its oourse, but 'he Valley Phon~ U-2. use of Dr. BeU'sPlne.Tar-tloneYhBfa "llll"p"I' h"lIrl .. Ifhd IIl)R . Jllrnplf'1I (1Tl rt'Oll'lly ' or Wi llDen b'or ~Dlllhinllt the tn8llt. People are 8O.tooU8b trying 8crtbner'L t.h" "'rill, ""In Ie h .. ,,(\". hRrh~r .. ,t(1h. dull, fftJ!ged f flqhoglol,' bllo~ obe 1)1 all these new·tangled utermlnatoN - - ; ~.-. demonstrated beyond doubt 'htl' Main Street. , Wa1neavill~ Ohio pun lllU'n. In""nl . hitA< ff' ve r Rl1rp~ heBdltoohe, ooll"'iplltltJD, di81)6111DH and prevenUves and fll:8sl~g and WOI' D B II' PI · T H snob i, not the Otl8e. It oan ~ oold", imlJl'rtinga.,pi1tutJ 8ud tonlnfC b 'lng and wondering . bow on earth r. e s ne- ar- Qney oored by the use of thl~ ' remedy · and '\11:4,,1 otlt·'l r rh 2:;-, up the sY8tem, tbey·r., nueqQliled the thlnp sot through the screen8. U'I w\ll break up the worst oold and ai• _ .-4_ _- - EIlAY, safe, sure. 2501 at FrtJd O. their nature to 110 throqgb screens. 80 lu,y throat. irrttf:lt.ion. 'l'hia remedy Cupld's Retreat. Hard Task for Planlat. ~ohwartz's why not provide a playground tor q nlolTl y oures oough!!. Colds, Grippe, The 014 man was down In the turnl· Mnt. Newrlch (who hilS advertised ______ them' I'd let uP . a row of porcb lind all thruat and bronohial troul>- ture store. "By the wa:r," he 8ald, for a planlst)-SO you are the music Keeping Bright. screenll Just outalde the front fence let!. • _ _ Just before leavinl'. "my daughter baa teacbu.r that auswe red my rulvortls8SaId an Intelllgent woman not loq and put a row of 'lamps back ot them. JU8t started ~ have a YOUD« man . . .ua.. lDenU .go, "My grandmotber was one of the Then tbe ' bUlllng pe8te would say. . ealllng, and I suppose I 8bould buy . . . EaIa'..... Planll\t- Yes, run'nm. 'Aba! Here Is wbere we 8how you Prld, of Opinion, them a pretty IOta to make love on." .... -...... -.Adl".!!!!! Mrs. Newrlch- w ell, sIt down herl) sprightliest, youngest, mo,t ... " d th e1 Pride of opinion ta perhap8 the moat • .. ' 'Y es, lir," responded the dealer, ",... &to tbe thlnpwhlc:b lind pl"y t\ oonple of dutltll so thaI I women I ever 8aw. Her household at. wbat we think. of screens an f I common faul~ ot ulf fairly Muoated • d h I wUl make • "'&II 0' ,.our bor. r II fairs and faa illy plan8' 8eemed to move would wiggle through and . a JOYous y an ere s tbe very lr.Jnd you need. 8ecurehII Uvelrlnte .. lt&lldwboie . . CIIln 8eo wbat you cnn do. II d' 'C Id' R tr t.. H lomedl..lopllltla b,.IIYiD.bla and IntelJlgent moderns. We form our It I upon tbe 1amps an d s Iq an dI b UIIhlnk an d ,udgments and thell. as It were, def'T 8 ca e u p 8 e ea on ' 811 If oiled. She waa always read, "H' with a .. nulp and nulrk to brighten lite have a perfectly beautiful t me t . " m! What are the good polnter'aue I d Itb h oil bleb' "'--te. lH-.. anyone to change them. It 18 said for the rest of U8_ There was an g_ Ing they were making )'OU miserable, Why, In Just one year the cover ,~it~II:1 IIO~"'":' ~1':'hmI. r:.~, . . I 1 that no one , haa eyer beell converted ff I I I 'I I P pb I"" elent family Joke about ·grandmother'. wben In reallty )'OU are 8 tt ng up by abstract argument. 'WeaN 0 , d sp ay ng a card- t · Is rA:'f;."'c:~e~7~~po~i:: )''r:tr.m':;'l::t 'ourneys;' she would once In '" whll. peacefully on your veranda with your At the time ot tbe great disaster In tIme to get marrled.'·"-Macli'l N... ,v:~r.,'.t\to':3 ::.,.., Yi':.ty" ~au,::~n:. imnounce. 'Wen, I'm goIng off aD a reading lamp perusing the· last map.. tloual MaDthly. homp ralnlnl.! endon.d brlliO,-,","_ltlletr Botb the mosquitoes and you . MartinIque, the Italian bark OrlOllDa • _ .. ~ft~:!:Hf!n:I:U::'':t! Oa 'aIe at 'trip.. t need It.· and a . .y 8be would I e .. ~ n ISd ' b happ·y and satisfied a~d ' was taklnc on a oargo of sugar there. lMtSftlCUE . . . . . ce. ,. .... HERB IS PROOP . go. wor. or convenience to tbe COIl- wou e . Her captain was accustomed to vol. Blind ' L.:,;;;;'::';;:;';':';;;;;;;;;'::;;"';;; . ;.;;;;:;;;;~;;.:..;;;;;;:.;;;;;;.., trary notwlth8tandlng. She dldn" everything would be lovely. canoes anrt he did not like the a pear. Ipend 10 Tery much or KO far but lb. "A8 tor keepIng cooks, whIch they t .. r t P I N t h Pit bl I Mrs. Ellie TIler, RiVeO&. Tex. ~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Ibl I ·th ance a .uon e ee. a a 8 ·t · I would come bome brlgM and ch_er- 8ay Is absolutely mposs e n 0 _ . b d b t b d Id d to Iwr1 es. was bll 0 d as 8 b a.t l fill" ' , '. oountry, I'd have a deep pit dug with ~s on oar, .u e ec e need Sntherlaod's Eaglo Eye Salve . . _ • splke8 around the ~p and after captur. s "T~: v:~~o 18 an right," argued land it oured like a oharm . It out I DR. BELL'S ANTI.pAIN Every Body Nee~. I'\ng a cook I would drop her down the the shIppers. "FlntSh your loading." the soum off":,y eyes .and restored 'or Internat-an4 Exta........... a g')o(\ tlllive Bnd. Or. Bell'f! Anti"l"p pit wltb a full equipment of k.ltchen "I don't . know anything about Mont my 8lght. It 18 all you olatm Bnd , tio Sal ve Ie the baRt It hi " oream ~ rurnlture and bave ber send tbe meals PI '" Id tb tal ' - t It V worth itlf wetlM In gold. .250 a tube !!_!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . b d b alter too ( .... gUe for her e ee, sa e cap n. uu e. Bnow whlt.e ointment. Gu"",nteed up y a um w .' , SU·VIUA looked ' that waY .l'd get out of • - ...- - - rorallsktnd18~a8e8• . 250801devery- .to ride upon. If sble WthaB atdall trsact. Naples, and I'm colnr to set rllht out Partloula"About C....... Save MODe, ...~ Ieee ~ ~'hfre , ' ." able I'd let ber out n e yar. on un- ot here." . Orttta•. the 11'0"1'. palled bill avrea - . Style by Read.., McCan'. days-Ued to a ball .and cbaln, ot . The shiPPers threatened hIm wltb an4 put 011 hll No. 1 l,nlle . . cour8e~ .and under bea~y guard. ,,,Oh, arrest: Tbey sent ·c.aatoma omQerl 't o the la4y with t;tie I'm-plaoln«+tbUlllPMquine aad U.iDI McCaU Pattin. [ ~n . think o~ all IC?rl! of ~~gs. . detaln him, 'but',the captaln pe1'lIete4. ~rd.r air eDterec1 the .bop. 8be . 1IcCeI'••• , .u l •• wlll . . I 8~?Uld t~lnk you cou,Id I lal4 the In leavln8'1 Twentj-tour hOUri lAter W&llte4 I0Il1_ ab. . . . ~t;5 MKaAZlItt: holp 'OU dre. ..,Iman. .. Do you think. !o,u could ·be per- the shippen. and the oUtom, omOerl ..,.... madam," Imlrke4 Orttta. .. . . Isb/y .~ a mod.tale • , eJepcDJIO b, keoplolf luad8cl t consider an . ordlnar7~ ..hum· lay dead In' the ralna of at. Plerre.':'- bave tome 4.JtP~1 ~r1»",. ma4aII. · )'ou poned 00 " bo drum, . hqt-and'OOld·water-wltb-janitor. Kate UP8011 Clark. In the CllrtltIaA a ,~Utl or oboloe ~4an. ~ llI~est 'asblon. In telw.!ce-and-Iarap.tlt~ched e,gbt-roops H ald ' . . ~ . aDd a parcel of prtme Parm...... clotboa .Dd ball!. IIq ,Now Fublon DesJIIQI Illlt In to~n u "a re8Id!3nce",and a~an: er . Mf),(lr 'm ,"'(\1l1e' lIke Ito taate 10m. If /u eacb" wuo. Alto loa th~~plpe Ci",.ml ,ot youl'I! f . . Ihe COUld. CeItalQl1, lQ&4am ooul~ If yaluable lofOrDla,loD' ·.u bome aDd .' "Well" 8ald ~" strf, after ". 'Proper alae woo14. Orttta· ~~ . .qe mlnen. lDlOunt· of belltatio, 'TiD' aDliable and OT:erlthlll oh......4 that, D1bo eut17.lIOniaade4. T,ll me ~t Itl" .184 at 11 ctltremat --D NOI _......;._ _ ~. \' .. Q1MI of them wu quite ",t." . CtIMp .imitatto~ "Of OOUrM, ,mactaiil." w4 Grt«a at to the ' • •80118 _ale and 11Qtb•.Mt! :roa NQul'" sUltg"a--- .... IMmlll..tltv. of Dr~ ~11" . Pille/I"; 1w!4-:.,:~a ::~;w:r' ~. are ' m.D~ chellp .DlI.... ,Mr "that will 40 ~I m"".. DDde~ ~mtlar ...... me • matob. I'D l.-ndlI.., I' oaIt . . . ,... ~ . 'i

1' 1

~)J 0,


N Smok e, S


t nor G as

of Your Fuel Expense


Call and See This Wonderful Rande


'J H COLEMAN WaynesVille 0

Funeral DI.-.,,:tOl.





Dr•.Bell's Pine-Tar-Honer


and Embalmer.






... filii,......

Stomach Troubles Cured by Viool












The Miami Gazette ~

D. 1. CRANE.



THE BE·S.T REAL "PULL.·' Now thnt i he summer 18 nearly ov",r bUild reds of young men who 'Yere Iraduated last June tram colleges and high schools are enterIng the ·voca. ~on s which they Intond shall be th eir ~ Ue's work. Some are stili seeking suitable openings. The young man with· out a "pull" may believe blmself handlcallpecl. He Is likely to see Instances where the (>mp)oyer gIves first con· s iderallon to bls son. his nephew or tbe son of 1\ trl·e nd. But that Is no more than right. The average busl· ness man recog ni zes the obligations of relatiollGhlp and frl endsblp, up to th e l10lnt where tlrey do not ImpaI r hI, materIal Interests and those of hIs as· !loclates. His nephew and his frI end's Ilon must make good·-b ls own lion, most at all. His tendency, In fact, I! -.0 bc more strict with his Bon than be Is with nny at his othor employes, Ilays the Cleveland Leadcr. It a young man thus favor ed with the first opportu nity ahows that he wlJl be a failure ~n tbe work he Is doing, he Is removed. Family ties and fri endship tJBually wlU not holt\ him. Then comes ~h e chance of the young mlln wbo may bave felt discouraged because be had ~o "pull" The best "pull" any young an can have In starting In' life Is onellty. Industry and the determlna· Ion ·to work for hi. employer 81 though he wero working for himself. He 8hould realise ~ha~ In fact, be la )working for blmseit and that he has a nanclal fnterest In the buslnesa. to he extent of his pay. Buch a young an ta bound tb .ucceed.

PASSING 01' nil.



DISTRICT ScHOOL Certain Familiar Mother Goose Rhyme I. Revised by Copy Read In New.paper Office. Good nonsense grows out at good nonsense. A writer In the Chicago Tribune Imagines what n "copy·read· er" In a newspaper office would do with a certaIn famlUar Motber Goose rhyme. Trle copy-reader. who _ has had a reporter's training. and has learned to write every thing allke. sits down for a few moments, and revises "Jack and Jill" somewhat as follows : Jack, aged seven. son of Peter Jones, 298 Spring etre·e t. and Jill, aged six, ,Jaughter of Mrs. Ablgatl ThoIDl)son, 296 Spring street. at leven o'clock yesterday morning walked ' up lhe hili 'l enr the junction at Blinker avenue and Fordyce place. For the purpose. as Jill atterward eXplained. of procuring a paU of water - although the Improbability ot their finding water at the top of a hl11 naturally suggests Itself. Jack. who was carrying the pall. .had started on the return trip. acoom· panled by the little girl. when he stumbled, aB Is supposed. over some pbstacle In his path, and fell, ,his head striking th~ ground with great violence. Doctor Slack. who was at once summoned. pronounoed the lad's In· 3ury to be a fracture of the anterior portion of the oranlum. and ordered hIs Immediate removal to BlessIngton hospital. And Jill, who had fallen at the same time. either through excessive fright or In consequence ot havtug .tumbled over the same obstacle. but ' bad received 1\0 serious Injury, went home unassisted.

Younjf DenJamln was comIng down The Btalrs IlS youngsters do, Pausing at every step t o sln mp U pon each tiny s lloe. And peepIng tllrou!:h

til l)

lHtni etcrll

He Illugh ett aloud In glec

And h eld hl8 \\,ood4"n C' l cphn nt Thll t all below mI g ht , ee. wh n nearly do wn. th e t oy Fell from his heed les8 I11\ lid And or Wi h upon th l' mnrble '~r WIth h oav')' thud dId l a n()"


A startled stcp clld B a by mall, With l error In hIe ('yes, And h e, t oo . l a nd ed with n I hum p. And thnt WII.8 the slIrprlsc.

Dolt Now T omonow A. M. too late. Take a CA5CARET at bed time: sea up in the morning feeling fine and dandy.. . No ~ f« .icknea from over...atill6 and drink· inll. 1beyaurely work while you a1eep and ' beJp oabJre help 'you. Mi1lions take them aod-Jteep weD.

MOST INGENIOUS LITTLE TOY world; but give hIm at least an equal education for the farm. Teach him Few Turnl of Handll Sends It Spinthe Interesting and Important thlngR ' nIng Acroel Room-In Llno of far~ lICe, and he will generally , WIth AerIal Craze. choose the farm as hIs home." Iu nearly 800 communities, chleny A mOBt Ingenious little toy that Is In IndJana, Massachusetts, Ohio. Flor. right In line with the present craze Ida und North Dakota, the new CA8CAJlB'l'8 IOC • boll: fQr .• ~k·. for things aerial 18 that hel') depicted. .rcalment, .Jldruni~t .Ucr schools are besieged dally by the tu tbe woa'l4. KfUIoIl • -ua. HEl district school must go. scores of children tumbllng from the It Is so simple that an ybody ~n make The !amllIar llttle structure at IncomIng c-arryal1s. Several tbou.and It and It will amuse the chlltlren for the country crossroads Is of the little distrIct .choots. unable hours. Take a strip of thin. light • doomed to exUnction. Two hun· to otrer a reasonable excuse for exmetal~alumlnum :f you can get .. dred thousand of them. spread Istonce In the face of the new compiece . of this, ' or celluloid. Out out of from ocean to ocean ·and from border petition, have yielded their preroga. It a pair of oJl1IpUcal wings, each abol\t and border. are marked by the hand Uves to the united lustltutlon. and of progress. The keys have already have been gathered under Its .pa. been turne4 In the doors of several clous roofs. thousand. to be opened no more to It Is a powerful force that 1. \ the purposes of education for the aligned against the "little school. ' country youths. house In the lane." Prof. W\Ile. M. A year ago a tlpless hotel of the The half dozen famllle"p who .ent Hays, assistant secretary of agrlcul~ , . __ ... "t c1as. was opened In London. The their children to the district school ture and a leader In the new educa· If T ....... management "positively announced" each morning, who watched tl!em tlon movement says: that no gratulUes to walter.. porters, trudge down the country roads In aU "Tbe desolate rural Bcbool. stttnd\' , maid.' or other employe. would be per- kinds ot weatber. and who gathered Ing on the bleak plain, Is too un-Amero NATURAL ACT FOR· MOTHERmltted or sulfered. The "experiment." on Friday afternOOnS In the little lean to endure the changes of the TEACHES ART OF SWIMMING as everybody cailed It, seemed ex· schoolrootn to hear the ...peaklng... · times. It must be transformed Into n Women Understand Ttuat Not Herollm " by California but Simply Love Prompted tremely Interesting. but the reRult was hnve come to renllze that What they part of our- beauUful outdoors, and Apparatul Invented Man Make. Children ProficIent 8elf Sacrifice. considered doubtful. Skeptics said: could not do by. themselves they can It must be .made more efficient In do In co-operatlon with the families Without AId of Water. "Walt a month or two." The hotel ot the next district and tbe surround- general .studles, In culture and In -A few days -8g0. In a somewhat fs now a year old. The public Is as. Ing districts. vocational training for coudtry life." An apparatua to teach swimming squalid neighborhood, a houae caught The one-room neighborhood school, Soli AnalysIs and Stock JudgIng, Bured that the no·tlp policy has been without water has been lnvented by a flr~. The tt~mes shot quickly throulh entorced to the letter, that the es· with one teacher. Is passing away. In So education seems fa have taken CalifornIa man. The prinCiple lies In the Utter on the floor and the unUd,: · tabtlllhmen~ has prospered beyond all Its place Is coming a new factor in on a new meanIng for the parents of the fact that It wtll teach the proper array of clothing on the walls. A womexpectations. and that there has been country tlte. a school six or eight the coUntry children. The new sys· stroke because no other Is possible, an talking wlth Ii neighbor ran scream· no trouble wliatever In getting em. times as large. with three or tour tem teaches all that the old one did, and when thIs movement has become Ing to the hous4> and wlthou~ an Inployes-and good, fit, weU:mannered teacb ers a f t ra In I ng an d a bill ty: a all tbe Important stUdies that the n habit the pupU will strike out In the stant'.s hesltaUon sprang through th. . city school nffered; alJ the phaBes of employes •.too. ThlB is very gratltying sch 001 p.repare d t a b 1" Ing t a th e coun· 1 correct way as soon 8S he or ahe smoldtjk d,oorway Into what alreadj . try boy or girl an education that Iterl1ture. art, history and science bits the water. The nOVice lies on a AerIal Toy. seemed an Interno. A' moment laternews indeed. anys' the-'Chlcago Reeord· proinlses to revolutionize the rurru needed t.> round out the American . padded support. which extend. to her she stalni'e red out, her hand. and Herald. Presumably the hotel pays development of America. . citizen. Knees. Bhe a pair of pulleys fo\)r or five Inch~s long and connected face blackeneil and' ~1I8tered aDd her thinner strip. Bend these wings by a wages nod s~lartes that compare 'ta- - The country school haB passed the But it doe. much more. It adds to above her head. and attached to clothln'g on ttre. ber arms she bQr. vorably -with those ot hotels whe,re poIn w..hem..1t constitutes n playroom the~e sudles, the "vocational tramlng these pulleys are cables. The cable Denr ·thelr '~enter8 till what waa or- her baby, liMe from harm. i _ .• _ tips "go:~ or .run riot, at all hOUTS of for the country lad when there Is no for the farm." The new schoolhOJlse. In her right hand Is fastened to ber iginally the tOll of one becomes the The arterPeen papers came out. with the day an:d night. Mere prohibitions. work to be done on tbe farm. It haa Instead of standing on a barren lot lett ankle and that Sn her left hand lower side. thus tormlng a pair of the story. prlnted llnder beadlhiel ex· the propeller of n boat or blades like where temptation. exist. ,will not eralH. taken on more Importance than as a at a wind-swept four corners, Is sur· to her right ·ankle. tolling this motber's heroism. Men. cate an abuse. But If. everybody II ' rendezvous tor bobsled' and hayrack rounded by a ca.refuJly platted farm When the learner's hands are of an airshIp, for that matter. read It on street cars. and aa their satisfied . .at the tlpless ' hotel tliere II parties, box suppers and Ice cream of ten acres or 80. Iii the more ad- brougbt. down to her sides In the arm Then t~~e a sUck about eight Inches e1es gleamed with the stl&:nng of th. festivals vanced of the .chools experimental IIltroke her legs are made to kIck long and from an eighth to a quar- spirit whIch leaps to greet noble deedll no reason why Its poUcy stlould n o t · buildings have been erected, small ter of an Inch thick and nail the they said: "'Fhat woman dared to dolIucceed permanently. Education for the Farm, trult Bnd forest tracts Inld out, wln,gs to one eBd of l!. This done, what most men wouleJ be afraid to do." A remarkable ' movement .Is under .. hold'"-the devIce with the wings up BlIt the mothers who read 'tt at homo. way In the United States; almost un: ture dairy and poultry plants conand then stick b,etween the palms at did not 'think that way. Perbaps the Upon a Newport "farm" which cost noticed by the~ general public and lit. structed. and experimental work of the hlind, Give It " a twirl or two, danger to the baby. the wrec.klng of tie appreciated by many of the farmall kinds launched. a fortune the young owner Des m of with the last moUon shoo.tlng It tbe home and the burns the' womanThe boys are taught stock judging. typhoid tever~ A wealthy' woman near. Ing communities themselves, but tOl'th Into the air and you _ will be lIuffered brought mol.iutoe to theIr destined to play a moat Important breeding. crop rotation. scientific ~y suffers trQm the same "dIsease ot Ilurprllied to see ,It sail straIght for- eYeS, but to them the act was not on. part In the education of the 7.000,000 analYSis of the soil, the keeping of dirt." In Manhattan last year country children' of scbool age, and of farm accounts, and kindred Bubjects. ward for a distance of from 20 to of heroism-it was simply wbat an,. 3() feet before It begins to descend natural mother, no matter how Umld. was a sporadic outbreak In the region the generation. that are to follow Contests are organized between rival an Inch. of costly apartment liou~~s. This y.a~ , them .along the ' devious road ' of learn. groUPB of students to see what results would do under the same ' oircum· , can 'be obtained In the experimental Jt Is Brooklyn'lI turn. says tbe New Ing. stances.-cteveland Leader. 'York World. In this City. with It. Yelterday the country .boY · tolled plata, and also In ' practlcal work on ' REASON FOR PETER'S TEARS Fable of .pan of Blacult•• guarded water supply. It Is '·IIlr.ely that through Indltrerent road. 'and acrosa the farm at home. The boy carries A' Vassar girl marrIed a Kan.a. plowed fields to the district school. away from the school not a confuled typhoId at this .eason Is brought t.r om Wire From Bale of ' Hay Caught In farmer. . Insanltary summer resorts or Incuned ,Today a big carryall. full ' of rollicking mas. of Information tbat be cannot Mouth of Hlppopotamua Cau,.d TWo weeka later a cyclone ~ade tb. children and drawn by excellent apply to his dally affairs, but a spe"during automobile runs. Every life BIg Anl~"1 to Weep, happy pair a friendly call. . 1 _ I , 10Bt by typhoid Is a wasted life. It horses, rolls up to the farmhouse gate clflc Idea that certain things can be Jt ' cavorted around the prenihlel/ each morning with the regularity of evolved tram the piece of land he IB absolutely preyentable. People who tbe rural mall carrier. .. Pete.r cried steal!lIy tor 'nearly a ripping up the (ences. scattering- th. bas been working on for years. He week. and the Iteepers at the Bronx haystaoks and playing horse with the live In marble haBs without caring The children pile In, the van moves becomes · Intensely Interested In. his zoo In New Tor.k could not Imagine barn. but when It looked throu.b the whether pols on runs In the pipes be, on to t.he next farmhouse and ae' work and studies, and his eyes are what waa the ntatter with blm. P~ter open Window It drew back In alar-m. hInd them; tbe very rich who spend cumulates more children Throllgb opened not only to the "knowledge" could not tell them, because he had There lay tbe brlde's first-· pan at millions In dIsplay but neglect sanlta· thlil wlndln/; roadB of a district. otten of the world In the ordlnaljr sense but never learned to speak Elnglllln. lind biscuits. . . 8wlmmlng Apparatul. tlon; college professorB caught un- torty miles ' square, a half.dozen of to the great possibilities of the land he was only a hlppOpotamuB, anyway. "J nln't foe lin' very stroni thl' these big wagons, maintained at pub. with wblch he Is most familiar and In aware by epidemics like that In Ithaca out wJth the same moUon. When 'He just st.oQd In bls big cago and let morning.... murmClred the cyclone. _ ,- these hBve themselves to blame It IIc expenBe. are bringing hundreds of dally contact. tbe torce of tblR movement Is spent th tears run down his cheeks. He And wltb I\nother glance at the' ter- . children every day to a two-story The new school has 200 pupils, In· her legs are drawn up agaIn 1:iy a tho dlilelu;e occurs. Typbold origina'would uot ~eat. and al\ lie would do rib Ie pan It blew Itself away. SChoolhouse. suoh as the country stead of 20. It has a lecture hall strong elastic oable. also fastened to ting In any community disgraces It. ago ne'v er where spelling bees, class programs. the ankles, and attaclled to the ap· was open hIs mouth so Wide tliat. you pupils of a few years There arl! lIome rJc~ mell who have dreamed of. At night the wagons nnd amateur plays are carried out paratus above her head: The ~pport 'mIght have Bhoved a bale at hay Into A new method of making phYBlcal roll back over the morning's route. and . where tbe neighboring farmers' on which the "swImmer" lies Is ex· It. It was a bale of hay that had made theh; fortunes honestly. . Also , caused all the trouble. When .. at lut. you ~ay beard at /the needle In examlnlltlons to detect the presence of depositing clilldren at theIr own door. families gather for "communlt.y" tended, far enough out to prevent her_ the Keepers .looked down Into the back . the haystack: . . . . '. mee~lngs. lectures. and entertain. steps. • tUberculoAls bas helm demonstrated t, arms going below the level Peter's great red mouth they saw ~::::::=::~::~~5~: The country II thus solving the me,nts. body, and auxiliary support limit. tbe of GUY 'S bo~pltal, London. The examlnll> that. an Iron ' wire that had beeJ) used ', . The whole neighborhood. otten em. downward movement of her legs. tl OD Is made by the aid of X-rays. and "back to the farm" problem. It has tor ballog' ,bay had been jabbed Into : ,to, the desh and wis sticking there. It : shows tuberculous ravages In the round the means to s~op the great out- bracing 200 farms, becomes an' 1m. nourlng of sturdy boys and girls to mense laboratorY for the school. In was no wonder .thl\t Peter cried' and ' lllngs, It Is said. at an earlier stago t.he city schools, where they have been the eXperimental farm .urroundlng Mlataken. could not eat. The keepers fixed the " than tbey are revealed by the ste,tho. educated "aw.Qy from the country" the building plats are lard out to reTommy .has a purpled -eye; hlppo's jaws -open, and then one of the ' Icope. The X·ray Is valuable tor It has succeeded In bringing lnto' the semble the leading farm at the neigh. TOll1niY has a l1a\ nOlle; men reaOOed In and tied a .cord .to the Tommy has IL broken tooth: IDany purposes, but must always be country, .almost to the farmhouse borhood. . . Tommy haa two · crtppled toea. wire. It took three men .to pun It out. used with caution. as nuwerous sad door, an edUcation for the colin try GreRt co-operatlve enterprises. such lIut' they did It. and ,' then Peter went Bl'eakfa$t?~t'~ W!la'lI the matter with our Tammy? ex perl E! Jl~ e tl have taught. youth equal In Its general features to all creameries. bakerie., laundrle•. a. to work on the dinners that he had ~at hal! oa)Jlett hl/TI snnoy? that of tbe city school. and suppJe- well as the churches .BAd the town.hlp not ' been eating. Tommy thobltllt ' tliat ho- was bIgger • Than the other 1Ittle boy. . Cable reports that Itl Berlin durlns men ted by a vocational training for bulldlngs. It Is predicted. wUl In the permanent life on the farm. It· Is an near future be located about the ring boUtll a band alwllYs play!t IIvel, education tor the farm. not for the Bchool grourids. . QUESTION8 AND ANSWERS. aIrs, and many boxers not only' keep pilgrimage to the city. .n ~y . • ectlo~1 the farmers and t ime with their teet but l'pem to take New Con.olldated 8chool. their children tur~8h . the conveyances. their bitting and sldcst!!pplng cuei The ~ew 8 h90liS known tor'Want'of to carry the nelghborB' children to from the music. Thl~ Is magnificent. a better name all the "consolidated school; but In the 'mnjorlty ot dl. but It ,ls not bOxing. Over here there'li rural schOol." The name 'fal1s to de- trlcts It ·has been possible to estabno Ulu$lc required sn:v() the thud of scribe this great .new ' Institution of 1I1h regular carryall ' service. main: th e padd rl glove and tbe contestants rura~ Ufe. ,It Is Dlore .ihan a C)OnsoU- ,talned :at ,pul?lIc _eXP:e,-,se. dation 'o.f count", 8chools, It I. • . Indiana leads . the way "at . preisent bave to I~ove IIvC!ly n~ugh : graded .chooh a .blgh · school. a man- In the progress of ~e neW school ual training sI:11.001. agricultural movement. In 'almolt every. county . 'All lulercsllng IncId ent JLt tile con. ·I chool. dpmestlc Iclence school. al. In Ule state t1i~ s~hool wagons are most a mJnlature unlveralty. . i br~nglng, crowds of clil(dren.. dally to· ',enllon ot .tbp National ASSOCiation It Is i.n - J~stltutlon tliat Is _turnlng- th'e ::Central and the ·'Hoos.. MnBter 8n:k ' I"S III Baltlmtjr~ was the r ead ing of a paller b; n Washlng.~. out .c ountry p,uplls "finished" ns ' to 'Ie." ,_sp,boolmaster'" Is of a IllffeJ:ent lady d" ntlug vll;orous ly. " 11I!- the. meth ~ucatlon. and tttt'ed to ,ilO-lrteater and .type ~,IUl a generation. agO: . Ml!!laChusetts III lecond. Ohio · 'lJd1! .of lIa\(.qrs apd plel,ldlng for hom& bett~r work on ' the farm. it Is a aq-" <llal center' ,ahout wblch the 1n~tei8U and -Flloridf' and North con, JIlad bl·C<J.d both for 8I\~ I~ary reasono of I\n . entire tOWnlbfp are begfnlimg teat tor fourth place, In almo.t e'817 anll &I a 'Ulat~ r e anomy. Thf> to re,Yolve. It II"a model tlxpert~eD(41.. state, .wltb the ex~ptlon of aODle of bakera , were. aallant. -enouJ;b tv a\lo" farm. a dairy farm. a toreatry school.' llUi lIPareel, ·.ettled w~ ODea-. the' the ~ to bave her l8y. and It bel a holtlcultal'&l school.. It-la .&D. ~ ta~. dlstrlct. ~ 8Ither. I, 'No~ III•• 11&.." Per .. ~Jec'" k 410• • oUII. nraoUIIe. men whose ke1n.ote of MtUbaUOD 18: the ...w I7ltem. or .' IIa ....... wJUa ",110 ...... ro.alldH doubtl., . tUUOD "Iilducate tJJe, COIIDU7 101lUa' tor. tb~ ~Ib_ It • cioaa-" 8U~ 80 ·~'!M..IJaUIl~~






n'. E,.:W.'.r





When It's '

'''What for ',






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t o .

.,. ,~~te Tel







Antmal Is Most Active Aaent tn Dissemtnatlna I ... t'ectlous -Diseases and Should B. Destroyed.


LTHOUGH the ensuing sea· son wUl be In one scnse what Is known as an ottyear In governmental act1vltles, owing to the fnct tllat there will be a "short s6sslon" Instead of a "1Q!!.g session" of congress, there wlll be Inaugurated several projects of far-reaching importance. Probably the most 110IK'rtant of these nelY departures will be the schemo for modernl~lng ncle Sam's business sYlltems as represented In tho routlno of the dopartm~nts at Wallhlugton and their "branch offices" acattcre<l all over the country. This

Is tb undertaking which Is one of the pet projects of President Tart and to earry It out congress has appropriated the sam of $100,000. , Every since he entered tho Wblto Houlje President Tart bas been Imbued wltb tho convlcUon that tbe mao chlnery of government could be opel" .ted at much less expense tban ' bas been the case for years past. Among practical bU81ne8s men tbe Federal ' «overnment's ' wasteful . and cosUy method of, carryIng on Its buslnelll baa for years been at once a joke and a reproach and Senator Aldrich of Rhode Islant! voiced tho general opln.on when he recently declared that he eOmd Irdm1tUster- the o.ttatn ot the biggest buslnes8 InsUtution on the eontment and by the Introduction of modeorn metbods a'nd ' poUcles save fully ,300,000,000 a year over the ilresent cost. Tbe recent legislation by congress Waa deslrned merely to enable tbe president to start the ball rolllng for reform In the conooct of the Federal busl,n ess. , With $100,000 set aside to inaugurate ~e work, the president Is .autborlzed to employ accountants and

experts (rom official and- private life and to Inquire Into every 1I11ase of the methods of transacting the pllbllc business of the government In the several executive departments and other governmental establishments. It Is expected that many ot the recommendations for reforms which wlll be made by these ' business physicians can be carried out promptly with no other authority than the order of the president, but wher congressional action Is necessar)' the ~e Is assurance that It will be forthcomIng. The president has placed this ellUre overhauling of the governmentsl busl. ness systems In the hands of hIs very capable new secretary, Mr. Charles D. Norton, who had Quite an Interval of experience as assistant secretary of the treasury before coming to bls present post and who while tn that department Inaugurated the "bouse clean· In&" of the treasury's buslnes!! system's wblch became In ettect the forerunner ot tbe broad rejuvenation that Is now to 8'Weep tbe entire Federal establishment. Mr. Norton has Sm'lted tbe leading experts In tbe country, Including such authorltl~s on tbe sublect as Maj. Cb~r.les Hlne, the reoI" ganlzation ex1!erts of tbe HarrIman lines, to submit written programs for governmental business reorganization and from tbese propositions be wtll select p!!lns, to be carried out. It, ls tbe supposition th.a t Mr. Norton's private business experience as tbe proprietor of one of tbe largest general Insurance agencies In the country for years before be entered the government service wlU stand him In good stead In selecting Improved business

systems for tile government. While 1\11', ' orton will have the Kiln· eral direction ot tbe new proje ct be wll\ bave tbe assistance of a board of dl:'ectors, as It were-a commlsslDn coniposed of one executive officer frum each departm ent and Independent bu· reau at Washington Ilnd this commls· s lon will co-dpernte wltb the experts In bringing about the big reform. The present movement, It may be added, Is not designed so 'm uch to enable the cutUntt ott of a clerk here and thero- · altbough doubtl ss many clerks wtl1 be retired as a result of Us economiesas to formnlate an entlrel)' new struc> ture of business metbods. Several of tbe government depart ments bave started on overbauling 01 their buslnesa systems without wait· ing for the general reconstruction 8JSd what has been accomplished thus In piece-meal fashion gives a forecast of what may be expected later. In the U. S. land office, ~")r Instance, book· keeping methods have been so dm· pUfied that 1l single volume DOW bolds , the records that formerly required twenty-one dltterent books. In one office 16 standard printed forms now do the work- that formerly necessl· tated 83 ilItterent document!;! and In the postoffice department $171i,009 a year Is being 'saved In tv.1ne bUls by means of a new tying device. Incl· dently It may be noted that Home of the most radical economies that are erpected as a result ot Uncle Sam's latest move are looked for In the D'fatlIng rooms of the departments where tons of government documc;nts are wrapped, Gddressed ,!lnd maUed each day .

·. I~:'····G;~~·~····Shi;;~;J··M4·J -.......


~ _

MANY re~t8 Messrs Harll!.nd& W->Uf's shlpynrd, Queen's Island, Belfast, Is . t t the most remllrkable can· !t!t Clern or the kLnd In the , world. For many yeara past they have taken the lead In the conetructlon of the largest sblps afloat; they have cut two of the finest liners on the seas In twain, and added conalder-able to their dimensions; and they bave bu.1It half a vessel, the stern bait, and bad it towed safely from Bel· talt to Southampton, wbere It was bullt Into the other balf. At present on tbe stocks of their North yard two mammoth Wblte Star boats of 46,000 tpns each are fast approacblng the launching stage. This line's e.ntire Geet ban been buUt by Messrs. Harland I: Woltt. ' Froin tbe avnllable record It appearl that tbe tJrst Belfast bunt ship .' WIU$ a wooden scbooner of 160 tons, the bullder being a local Presbyterlsn clergyman. Tbls was In 1836, but It • as not untll 1~60 any serious attempt was l'I'lade In the shlpbulldlng line " so fnr as ' Belfast was concerned. In that ,,.ear . Messrs. , Thomas Barnes &; 00./ In sddltlon to starUng the Belfast , iron works, erected a small slip on the now tamous Queen's Islalld, whIch has lon, ,since ' lost ItS Insular ~osltlbn 'though still retatnlng the name' , wbJch was .gIven,' It atter the late 'Queen Vlctor1jl~s vi_it In 1849, pr~vloua .to ' which ' ft wan known , as Jlai',an's I~land. The ttoD.w.0rk/l ' pro'v~d 1l fati· urei o)idDg to tIle MavYr e~penlle.. In· 'cutree!' In .brlnglng the coal and lro~, etoile to B~t, }Jut the srplL11 shipyard ' thrived e,xceed1ngly under the lubervisfon of :Xessrs. R{)bert Wet. IOD . A Co., who acqulrei! It from .Ite .

•"'1'1'" ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ~




Two years later Mr. Harland was Join- years ago. Tho stern ed In partnet"II'hlp wIth Mr. Gustavlus was saved and brought SouthWllhelm Woltt, a wealthy German, and aII1llton, where It remalnocl unU! In 1874 Messrs. Walter H. Wl1son (de- Messrs. Harland &; Wolff built the ceased) and William James Pierre bow end, 260 fee~ long, In 14:3 south (now Lord Pierre), pupils of the firm, yard, subsequently. with thl! aid or were also made partners In the con- t~ree Liverpool tUKs; , bringing the cern, wblcb- was subsequently floated we ird looking half ship . right down as a limited liability comDa~. the Irish channel, round tbo Land's Tbe business of tbe firm from tbe end, and up to SoutbamptCIJ. very out8e~ continued to Increas€! by . Tbe repah's to the ' Chlna~ uf tbe P. leaps and bounds. In tbe year 1884, and O. line, and tbf, Pnrls, ot the Am. exactly 15 years after , Mr. Harland erl~_an line, were ulso ," eml\rkable unacquired the controlling Interest In dertaklngs, 8S was also that cit the St. the concern, there were ' launched Louis for the latler cOMpauy. Tbe from the Queen's Island yard 42' ves- CWna. SCIIl, aggregating 106,626 tons burden. It was In 1870 the first t'cmi.lJlc was the threo years ending 1890 theIr built on the Queen's Islan'" for tbe total 'was 31 vessels, of 126,176 tons. -White Star company. rt Will a vessel On three oC8slons ' since they have considerably under 1,000 tCl'lS. Tbe aohleved the record 12 months world's second Oceanic, launched In 1892, has output, the figures being: In 1907, 82.. 18 times the tonnage almt.lBt., while 240 tons; In 1903, 110.000 tqns, and In even up tm _ t~e present day no ono 1908, 106,628 t~ns . ' outside t.he m~agement the. ~mi But perhaps one of the longest of with ,tbe exception of the , heClds ' of , several , very to~gl,l. tasks undertalcen tbo ',Whlte 'Star company,;, , the by, tbe flrm of Harland &; Woltt Vias exact dimensions or the two giant· the lengthonlng ot the Castle line bOl,lts now ,being built fOJ; "..t Is great Royal Mall steamer , Scot (now , the ooean carrying firm, B\?' , olio ha, Abe Oceana, of the Dutch Red Star fteet). secret been' gUBrd~d. T~ er will It was I~ 1896 that -tbe Scot, a be between 82'0 andl 8~0 t'a~ .. ·Mngth, ock.bullt steamer of Bome seven , or and of about 46.00~ " re&.lstere)l toneight thousan(1 tons, Wa&' sent to Bei. nage, Is the extent 'of ,ll]Iowle"ge of fast to bave 60 foet added to her length tbe outside public l'eprdlng ' Ulese &mIdship. Messrs. ,H arland &; W!jtlff monsters. " , un~ert09k the job. 'Ilho vaSse ' ,was ~lt The linn can In ~o seilee be regardlu halyes, and with the aid ,of power- , as bunders tor speed, 4legnU'!e an'd fut jacks 't\le two ends 'w~r8' pulled the ~mfort ' for ocean vby&,gers :' betng' reQ,Wr$d , dts~c:e apart. . ,El\ch ~pd' t~~lr ' especial motto. ", !I(~ne, of tbe was ~e,eral thou.nd ton~ dead w~lght, ' tioJ!..ts bull~ ' by them II -Inlenae!} t9" ~~. ,the, work wa~: acc~mpUshed w!th., ced 21 lulots or l!>1~ kn~t., 'w~fc~,, 1t hitCh or accident. 0' aDY' kind *0 . u~der8too(), w.n be tbe rate of tra". complete' aatistacU,P1I Of the 'own- eUng pf the eo.m1bg . White .Stm: 18..lae~. Tow!lfds ·_the end of the lame thana, the moUve' power Of which will ,ear the 'H~bul'K·AmerlClin Unet Au· be op the comJ>h,aUOIQ' prlnC'tple ' ot Ioundors. guata Vtctorla was IilmUar!Y' leneth- lIeclprocallillJ turbine: Olrlnes: A.~ the IIr. Edlfaht 'l. Harland, aD by 60 teet. present moment btt't eo U;OOO &n'd' ...... . . JliaDager tor II~ BlairIiWI remarkable, prObabl7., WM 12,000 employees ,co~taDt' em ad ba 1869 he lbe ClOD- lbe bi1Ddlq of lb. bow JlOrUon of tbe worklJjl' at Aiah prealure .eU ~ rejuveliatecl WhIte Star UDer Bue?lc, niPt d, d&1' JIIllt, ~d.. ,J'AlcelYlQ ,yaaael . . . takea , . . . . ..... to the tUDe ot ,OTer £20,000 per




The brown or Norway rat Is the worst mammal pest In the United States, the 10llses from Its depredations amounting to many millions of dollars yearly-to more, probably, than the losses from all other Inju· rlous mammals combined. Several species of rats are known 8S bouse rnts, but th.e brown rat Is the commonest and most widesproad In this country. Not one of these speci es Is a native, but all were Imported from the Old World. The brown rat Is practically omnivorous, fe eding upon all kinds ot ani· mal and vegetable matter. It makes Its bome In the open He ld, the hedgo row, and the river bank, as well as In stone walls, piers, and all kinds ot buildings . It destroys grains when newly planted, while growing, and In the shock, stack, mow, crib, granary, mill. elevator, or shlp's hold, nnd also In the bin and reed trough. It Invades store and warehouse, and destroys furs, laces, silks, carpets, leather goods, and groceries. It attacks fruits, ',egetables, and meats In the markets, and destroy! by pollution ten limes as much as It actually eats. It carries disease germs from bouse to house and bubonic plague from city to city. It causes disastrous conflngratlons, floods houses by gnawing lead water villes; ruins artiflclal ponds and em· bankme nts by burrowing; destroys eggs and young poul try; cats the eggs and young of Bong bIrds and game birds; nnd damages foundations, floors, doors, and furnIshIngs of dw ellings. Rats bave developed so much In· telligence and such extraordinary cautlon that attempts to exterminate tbem bave rarely succeeded. The failures have been due not so much to lack of effective methods as to the neglect of certain precautions and the absence of con~erted action. F1r~t In Importance, as a measure of rat repress ion, Is the exclusion of the anhnnls from places wbere they flnd food and safe retreats tor rear· l~g their young. The best way to keep rata from buildings, wbether In city or In coun· try, Is by the use of cement construc· tlon. As tbe advantages of tWs material are coming to be generally un· derstood, Its use Is rapIdly extendtng to nil kinds of buildings. Dwelllngs, dairies, barns, stables, chicken houses, Ice houses, brIdges, dams, sllos, tanks, cistern!\, root cellar, hotbeds, aide-

farmers and IP~rtsmen because tbe, occasIonally kll1 n chicken or a game bird. The value of carnivorous mammal. and the larger blrds of prey In destroying rats should be more fully recognized, espeolally by the farmer Ilnd the game preserver. Rats actu· nlly destroy more poultry aud game, both eggs and young chicks, than aU the birds and wild mammals combln· ed; yet some of our most userul birds of prey and carnivorous mammals are persecuted almost to the pelDt or ex· tinction. An enlightened public sen· lIment sbould cause the repeal of all lJounUes on these animals and afford protection to the majority of them. Owing to theIr cunning It Is not ea~ y to clear premises ot rats by trapping; If food Is abundant It Is im· possible. And yet trapping, It per·

Mr. HeavyweIght-Well, WillIe, why do you 'look so studlollS? 'VlIlIe-l was wond rln' 1£ you eve r marrI ed sIs, if I could be able to wear yer nst-off loth ea. A LogIcal Landlord. Many a tenant will sympathize with the DIan In thIs story, from the Pbll.,.. dtllphla Record. He wn.s relltlng a small house which the land lord had refused to repair. On e day tho o'll'ner came to see him . "Jones," h ·ald. "I shall haye to raise your rent." , "Wbat for?" asked Jones, allxlously. "Have taxes gone up ?" "No,'" the landloru answered, "but ~ see you've painted the house and put In a new range aud bath tub. That, 0; course, makes It worth more rent."

- $100 Reward, $100. Pit Trap. slstently followed. ,Is one ot the most eJrectlve ways of destroyIng n*.B. "Guillotine" traps have marked advu.ntnges over the old style traps and many of them can be uscd at the' Bame Ume. The more simply they are con· struoted the better. Probably those made entirely ot metal are the best, as they are more durable , and are less likely to libsorb and retain odors. Guillotine traps should be baited wltb small pieces of VIenna sausage, tried bacon, or a small sectlon ot an ear of corn. The pit trap consists of a stout, narrow box sunk tn the ground so that the top Is level wltb the rat rim. It Is fitted wlh a cover of IIgbt wood or metal In two scctions; the sections turn on rods' to which they are fastened. They are weighted near ths ends of the box and so adjusted that they swing easily. An animal step. ping upon tbe cover bllyond the rods Is precipitated Into the box, wblle the cover Immedlataely swings back to Its place. Besides rats, the trap Is well adapted to capture larger ani· mals, as mink, raccoons. opossums, and . cats. It Is especlan,. useful to protect poultry yards, game preserves, and tbe like. Tbe trap should be placed along the fence outside tbe yard, and behind a shelter ' of boards or brush tbat leans against tbe fence.


or tbls peper will bo pleaMd to lean aat there II at lout one clre&dtd diloAse th4t lCieOGe baa been able to cure III all 1I1I " lJ>l1e11o and' lbat II C.larrb. BaW. C&l/I,rTb Cure ,. tllo only poll! 1\'0 cure oow )mown to tile medical ITalernltJ. Catarrll beln, a conautullollaJ dllcAle. tcqulreo .. COUIUIullou ..1 tr.,.tment. lUll's CIItarrb Cui'll \I taken In. Icrnally. ncuna dlre.tlr. upon ilIa blood and mueou. IIIrfaceo or tbe IIfI em. tbereby desl.royllli tho

~n~~~o~y o~u~~rnrd~lie -::,~\~It~n ~:d p:~~n~

10&' naturn 10 doln, Ita work. The prnprlelol'l 10 mlU'b faltb In Ita curaU.. PO"tl'l t hat tbey 011. One Hundrocl Dolla~ lor any cue \.bat It /alii ~ 1Ur0. Send for lilt or tHUmon,.II, Add.... F. J. CHENEY 6; 00 .. Toleclo. 0!!IOld by all Drtll!II1.ta. 1&0, TUe Ball'. Famll7 PI11I tor COnaUIlAUOII..

A Perennial Mystery. A verage Man-These Sunday papers

,ust make me slclel Nothing In tbem but commonplace personal Items about a lot ot nobodlee no one ever beard of. Frleud- I saw a little menUon at , 10U In the Sunday Gammon. Average Man (half an bour later, to mElsaenger boy)-Here, rush around to the Gammon office and get me forty C01=I" ot the Sunday edlUon. Reslnol QuIckly Cures tua and Accl· dentl the Ski" II Subject To. Allo Helll Wound •• I find occasion almost daUy to recommend Reslno} to some or my friends, and hear of most graUtyln, relultS. We use the ointment alto,ether In my famlIy, and are never without a jar of It, for It promPtly cures the 11111 and accidents the skin Is subject to. D. M. Caltle. PbJladelpbla, Pa.

_ She Probably Could. Senator La Follette, apropos ot-urtaln scandals, said at a dInner In Mad· Ison: "These tblngs recalJ the legislator who remarked to bls wife, with a look of disgust: 'One ot those land lobbyists approacbed me today with another Insulting proposition.' Summary Given Ont By Missouri Guillotine Trap, "The wife, a young and pretty wom· State Experiment Statton an, olapped her bands. 'Oh. lood!' Tells of Numerous walks, and curbs are now otten made she cried. 'Tben I can have that sable Advantaaes, wholly of cement. stole, atter all, can't I, dear?' " Granaries, corn cribs, and poultry bouQs may be made rat-proof by a Missouri state e~perlment station TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY liberal use ot concrete In the fouom- summaf'lzes the value of tbe silo 'as tor Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eye. tlons . and floors: or the 1I00rs may 'be follows: " and Granulated Elyellds. Murine Doesn't of wood resting upon the concrete. 1. Silage keeps young stock thrifty Bmart-Soothes Eye Pain. Drug,lstll Objection bas been urged against con· and growing all winter. Bell Murlaa. Eye Hemedy. Liquid, 260, erete 11001'8 for - borses, cattle, and 2. It produces fat beet more cheap. 60c, $1.00. Murine Eye ' Salve. In Aseptic T,u bes, 26c. $1.00. Eye Books poultr,., becaUse the material II too I, tban does dry teed. good a conductor of heat, and tbe 3. It 'enables cowa to produce milk and Eye Advice Free by Mall . Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chlcalo. healtb of tbe animals sutters from lUll! butter mo'r e economically. contact with these noon. In poultry 4. SUnge Is more conveniently hall' So They Say. houses, dry soll or sand may be used dIed than dry fodder . Stranger-l say, my lad, wbat 111 _ _ _ for the cement ftoor; 6. The sllo prevents waste ot corn and In stables, a wooden floor resting stalks ,In the ,manure wben silage la considered a good score on these links? ' on the concrete Is just all satlsfactbry fed . Oaddie-Well, sir, most or tbe gents 80 tar as the exclusion of rats Is con6. The silo wl1\ make profitable rood cerned. ' of stuff that would not otherwise be here tries to do It In as fow stroke. as they can, but It generally takes a Probably the greatest factor In the eaten. Increase of rais, mice, and other de7. It enables the farm6r tQ preservs Cew more.-Scottish American. structive rodents In the United States food wblcb matures at a ralny time ot bas been the perSistent killing off of the year, wben drying would be next the birds and mammalB that prey up· to Impossible. on tbem. Anlmals that on the whole 8. It Is the most economical methbd 0.1'0 decidedly benefiolal, since they of supplying food for ·the stook during subl!'lst upon barmful Insects and rod· the hot: dry pe'rlpds In summer, when , N"lDIIlimee in a.a wheD \he lim' g'riaht aLe ents. are babltually destroyed by somo the pasture Is short. 1lo1llKl. ud bowel. are riaht. CARTER'S U1TLE .



Make the Liver Do its Duty,








~rr~~lh.""" wblle ~e ..... " . uae ...,. r~ hut 110 ~ • ' 1.....1IllGII


aenaJy but6rmly

.,.1 • lazy Imt Cto its duty: I Curea COli.tipatio...


tioa, lUck

lleadada., aad after Eatio,. laiaU Pill, SIDali:Do_ Small ~lc.

GeDain~ IDIIItLcar


~~;~ The par excellence of all razors



------.-l!ii--.. .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CSE~· ~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~tiS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1AJ>out Pe~ple.· I


Daylig ht Store -----..·- ---'J 8

turday's Specials


·~:f;y.~,~I~,~i~:c New Buckwheat N ew Pancake Flour New Lim a Beans New Navy Beans New Peaches New Apricots New Prune New Raisins New Cu rrants, New Mince Meat

-.- -..


CruU<shank's Pure Apple Cider CampbeIrs Soups Heinz Sauer Krallt Heinz Tomaro Soup /\lew Floridil OralJg( s Arple ~1It1 er Messina lemons

Crant>errlcl!! Fresh MichiJZ8n

----- ...- - -

Fruits Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Grape Fruit, L mons, Mahiga Grapes, Celery. Sweet Potatoes, per pk ..... 20c Irish Potatoes, per bu ..... 70c Cranbe rries, 3 qts ......... .. . 25c

Flour White Cliff Flour this week 24 100. for......... ...... ... 65c We sold 7 barrels of t his Flour in two day~.

Hors~ Radish Fresh ground, per pint..... 5c

Sweater Coats 150 Coats, only ..........: ...... 98c 75c and $1.00 C at, only ... 59c

Oh You Oysters!



We Pay 32c for Eggs

----.~- ---

..*** ••••••• *•••••

Walter J. Kilbon Spring Branch




~ ~


at Less Than a CeDt Apiece

10 the tlfty.t.wo iii/lUes of Il Yfl"r' ~ volume The- Youth's Cumjlllninn ;.>rilltB foJly two huodrnd and fitt y stol'ies. The lIuhsoriptiou pnoe of the paper Is but· '1.75 so tblu thp

There aTe 35 clt1 ~s. 1!l rail. ~ road terminals or dlv!alon : points, 36 colleges and 3 ooun· iI ties group In work 95 small with conllJnunlUcs OhioIn that t4toriee oopt lpss tbao Ii cent "pipet', without reokoning In 6)) the re~t. 01 maintain Young Meu's ChriStian Associations? thc ooJi'teDt~-Rnpo ,l<>teti. hum Jrool' Th rE' are 95 towns and cities .. kete-hea, tbedoo'tQr'l.I weekly Artiohl, ot sufficient size to maintain iI. pllpers OD popnlilr tupl08 by famou. City or County Associations but wblch have none? or tbese, 61 f meD nDd women. are ooim~~ seats ? :; AltbQug.h two llOudred . and . Fifty-two at these cities have f flfty stories 0 lilt sn 11 1tie, they lirt' Wibhln a yea.r asked' help t.o or- ~ Qot ohellP. . t\~orle8, In variety 01 gaTnlhze Y. M. ~2' AC'l'St? d Rail 8Otne, dl~er8ity ot inoldeo.t, skill ere are ~ .y an . . ' . road A880ciations In Ohio that' lind truth h,) oharaoter.deplotlng, . own their own huJldlngs 1 they oaDnot be exc81led, rhe ~'ODo ' lnoemeDt (pr-19111. bflau. This ' pf()p~rty ~· a gross value of $4,246,580? tlfully Illulltrated, giving OJore de The OMo Alisoclutions have a -. . . mem bership of 3",6 - 21 tillled ,J)II.rtlolllllra 01 tbese The 26 night schools enroll IlDd other new (ell.t J.rC8 whloh grcat6,000 working meD and boy,,? ly enlarge the pllper. · will be seut to The members PaY In annually .my ad~rell8 free wltb slimple oopiel' $215,O(lO? f . The tOtar COM of ma4ntenance + 0 ourrent 1A80e;l , . . and operation Is . $426.0001 Every Dew suhsorib8rJ'6c8~vtIJ trel The Bum of $211.000 b6S to be l'be Cnm~"ton 'tl Art Clilelidar for raiSed.' by sUbscriPtion?.. 1911, lithog~llpbed tn tblrteen colo,,!, This has beeD termed tbe fl,nd gnld and t ( tbe sublloription b Srote's 10 vestment In true n l 1 1 n · ' . Wha.t do you think I·eceived .&~ oooe, all the lssue< tOI hood." about It? : tbe remlli?iogwe(lk~ o~ UHO .• 1be Yout.b II C. mpllonion, . 144 Berkeley at, B014tIJn, .!ald!! ~. . SOLUTION OF LASOR PROBLEM New subsoriptions reoeh:4Id lit tbi~ office.



Mr and Mrs. Olllirles Rye enter· Tortle buntMA hove beeo In ou, ta.i oed Elder J . R , Wil ~ oo, of In- neighborhood the pa8t few dllYs !lull dllma; Mrs. Ida MoAdam@, of Day- seem &0 be very BU0068S(.1\ too ; ~i8Aes Alice Ohenoweth and Mrs J C' hl'l Stroop and Mrs C 'iJ Berth, t:)mith baturday night. , Mlirqu!lrdt o/dled 00 Mrl!. SIlUl . Mrs. Linda Smith does not im Churiton one flay lt~lIt week, provc trom her 11IneSfl B8 ber many W ilJilltl\ Blllokburn · Solf Miami,.. frleods would Hke to ilee her. "orll\ lipan t · I be we~k-end . wltb Mrs. Adu Dilkin entertained the I James uoo.\[ IlOcI family . Lewis Ob~odle~and family, ot 'Ladie,,' Aid socl.l'Itv, of. M~. Holly. the J;J1lstor uod, WIfe, of Sprang VlI.l [Dayton, spent Suodll.Y wi t h hilt )Jllr ley , Mrs. B C. Dilkin, Mrs . MaudA enlili, M,,: and Mrs. Edwin Chandlcr; DBkin and 80Q Harry I 'MI s aeorgla of tbi8 plaoe: . '. , G0rdon, Mrs. Pearl Dakiu aod sons RUllseland Barold Thursduy. Inr. and ~lr9. James Coolt werf1 in Leblln(' n 8Iit·urduy. Mr . and Mrs . Frank ORkin Ilnd . . daugbters, Lois aod8azel aod SOD Mr. ilnd ~r8, Bo~~oe Kl~by were Olrl visited, Mr . and Mr.i . Bert Gem CIty vlt!i~ora Ihur8day, Marhlt Sund4Y, . M.r. and Mrtt. t:)nm Chllrlton and Mesllrs. Thoma.s Ohenoweth anti dll\1gh,tt! rt4 spcnt t:)u~d~y wiLh Em Chre'ooe Thompsoo were olll1ln(! on mar Uharlton llu(1 ramlly. MrA J . B . Chenoweth und family MI's Arthur BellO Ilod soo spent Su'oduy afternooo. , last ~c~k With h~r pare,o tilat PleasMrs. Frank Cook '~nd dau&hter ant PIt,to . Maude vitlited Thomas Liloy und Wilbur Laoy and sister Eva and faUllly Sunday. M ~ Sd Mu.ry Lee spent tinndl1Y with Mr. Charlell LuCY, of Dayt00, isat MISS HIIZ dl Kirby . home for 1\ few dll.Ys with bls pllreot9 ; 'Ha'fve:-s"'bu' rg. Mr lind Mrs. 'rh~m'ls Laoy. " Woor}ohopblog WIlS going 00 last Mllry Smart Itfter aave rlll weekp week at Welter Bnd Frllok Du.kiu'tj. vlt4h wlt.h rel"tlvflll left Friduy for h ~ r h ome in Riohm ,od, luil. Oregon lao Tb"re lire' Bomf' v .1ry the Ilpples be.. I WillTerrY,ofDllyton , a wepk ing·/'Iblpped . in fl·,'tD Vl'rl!Cinil\ lUll] Plan 8uggeated Requlrea Eatabllahend visit to hi::! pllreots b er e. [ndlnoll I1n(l al e fi'ldlog rea<ly sllle ment of National Unit of Valull 8~ Near and '. Yet '80 F.r. , Mr8 . C. B Sherwood hilS retnrned Frnlllr Ha:rris bllA t'I11ld his storf' for Work. She was one 'of those very gushing, frum II pleBllant visit an t:lpringfield room Ilod Iit.ock of gr(IOl}riAA til A T effualve ladles wbo occasionally Infeat Moler Aft C'r (lnme repuirA on tht' It sho.ul4 be beyond the power of newlpaper oftices, apd ebe had been Mr a.nd Mrs. Elw ood Ault tire re- room Mr M.,d"r WIll move his butoh either party (tbat Is, labor and .oapl- adDi1~ Into tb. sanctum of the mao.' joicing over Ule I\rri VIti of 11 ba bS fl r shUll ·IIH ., t.l:e: roow in oonnectilln tal) to ftx, the wagee ·for any epeclfted 8I1iiir edltor of the · paper on wblch' dalll!hter at theIr bomo. with t.'· p ~rolll\ry . CI88s of ·wor"- As before lIuggested, It Homer DavenPort w.. cartoonist. Mr. The MhUllS Mil hel ' Sb orwnoil II nd rIhe ~I)rt.' 1/1 t.;ru ver Uo ., reprfl8~n _ Is a matter to be 4etermined Imper- DaveopOrt bl ithe '· room at the Kellie Browu ha ve r et,uroc.l fro,lI lng the U .. nl1!tn Medi.llne Co. 0 sona11y an4 automatically,. and WI tlQle. When. Pi~ ilmc, came for' ber R wee k's vhlit in Bli th e\. . l'inoi'IOIIt.I,n i·tl tihowiog tn orowded only caD be don,e br the eitabllllhment dep~ure sbe,fl*!t sra,ped tbe .balld of a national unit of value for labor, . or.·~e ·m~agiDg editor, 18.)'ln,· "GoodMr ' ROIl Mrs. Jue K rsey, nf X eOlIl, 110m-WI! thl " w,· k Itt. Town hllll. are vl.ltlng their children he ro . Itul'l''y 1£. Wi\ ~l) n . o. DlJytoo, 'OIlIllP. upon whlch .all ....... ~ball be com· by, M~. Rlcb~ gooclbyl" . MIM~ Ec.l OIL . l:il>eocer spent tht' hOl1)e" .[\ Vllt.' I1l1 rt relurned to th ~uted with. tbe ~e_ u~lver:~aIIt7 . of Tben. ,turn1~g to tt:a.t! . alll~lltant manwee k eo.l in ·Lebanon. UfllIl l,Ity '1'u lilLV applt~atlon . U. bOW In.herell In the ee- aBlng editor, Ibe aJlO' sbook blm ef· l'lts MiH!4AA Kibler t l)ok dinner SeVtll:lI! I "" Ill 'h l'l re IlHpnr'!pr'! t.l e ·t&bllahed ·tablel ot wel,btl IIIld m~ tu,elvely b,. tbe band, exolahulq: dltnOIlI\t. WtI.l' lI tl!willp Fr d. ay nigbt. urea. . N,ecelllartly, such ·· a unit Of. '.'Good . ,by. ...r . .B1·lal.......... , b',I". . ' with Mr ' l\od Mrs, Wtll Ker ey,·l::)o n. 1 f I be . .~ dny, ' . Ubltrl>\tI M "o l'~ ll!Jd Eltlrr'y R"c'l~r' va ~e or a r muat be not onJ1' a Davenport came Dert There wu no M·rs . <.ioorge Sacker Bnent . Hllter- '~f Vln"lI.!!VIII ~,oJlled on (rleMS ber~ :fixed eoUt7 In rel~~loo to ' rate. ~ ~cai1e tor him; "!;)ear Mr_Davenport, .lily I'D .Mol'row . B ar lll.tle brntbtlr l:iunday ~agea,tI~';! muat at}~e eame time. be .,oodby.,,,' sbe ·orled·· with all'the deli. luamlcep ba ' of .~ccommodatlon · .ro eeo- . cate eb,,4luI of a .traced,. queen. . . "n,) ..lllt~r, IlPU Mr 'lic leer's brotherOaring tor Anima'.. ' . no coup., ap that t~. mo~e1 ' '. .. . , ., ' /'COU Ol 'uhed he r horn ~. I . The 'WomaD's League t A I. v~ue of w88el ehall keep with ~ere ~aa allence fQr a moment .. ," Qr , n mals tl . .,.. ·after abe had "Where Is' abe . Mr. Ii: t:t '~t~pb,~n8 WIlS Cllll flrl to In New Yor~ ' city, ot . whIch Mrs. , Iictu~t1on. ID th~ . ~t of. Uvilll; ...It ·, '. 'I "'r .. • . '. Ool'um'bll!l ,ne 'day . ·loRt·wIlAk <? .\lIng James Speyer ·· I.s tho 'presldent, .bai tol~ow.; ·therefore; that (be ~u~t ~poII ID~' Jle aske4. ' " . ....... , .to the IIi kue ,," of. blA hrOfhflr . done a. great deal of good work, ·' One wbleb ~e federan, eBtablta~ecI table ' 'Up to ~lnet7-thlrcs ~~t, repUecI 'rh U 8 churob lblly ondllV thouaau!l cards, illustrating the 'beads 'of :WQ8a ahall be built muet. be cJloaed 'the _"II~lant manqlq editor. ~orniog .WltS 8 SUOOP. B _The prr'_ pt dogs. ca~ and h~r8ea, ' dlagrarping with .respect to lOme oommodlt,. that "SUJreqnB catal'~ drWled Daveaport. " 'km ' oonsilited Q.t 8. shl!rt ",er11l011 tt\e prope~ place In . w~lch ft, buIJet ".0 unl.era!Lll"A. l1~ uid of 10' far- "What "ould b~ppened' It lb. b~ t,be p.atJr, :~p8r8 by vllrtou should be planted In ~rdel' to put the rea!lhlDg an ,liIftue~ that Ita market ba4 ' been IJC!ID&'- to . QD. Hun4recl ...4 OblU'oh member.. and muslo by anImal out or pain aa Q\dckly as. po•. p~~e Indu.. aDd meuUrea the oo.t·ot 1'trea~.~· ,.~tr·~tardaJ . Qtablltra. . .. .. 'ble, were dJit.rlbuted WI ;year, ID all ct We.-NortII ..... ~ . I











- ..- --

--- ...





.lUYtna . enrl..........1!'' ' .. F


r...r:. -....;.,.-

.......... - -....


Canned Pie Cherrie'........... IOe

Canned Pie Peaches............ 10e

S" cel Potatoes "'pples- Best Varieties

Lamp Chimneys Wicks

New Dr cd Peaches

Prot rn ot,(1d tlervioes begun lit. t 'l"

M E c burch on ~uudllY evening, Mr. AI. Wysong was taken to the EVIlOg Hlilit J08. t:)tory, of Ureeutield, State Hospitalllt Du} ton, last week I Will ~~!l18t t·be pil stor. Ball Ba nd Felts. ArcticS! and , Mrs t:) G. Sewell .nd Miss Batti u fOl' treatment. Overshoes, t.he best m ade. , i . mit·h are IH '111l' bome of Iheir a: othe r . Mrs 8.IIohllel tlmhh. . Jean Connor, of Bellbrook, was the M. C. Reeve!! lind fom ily moved g uest of James McClure Saturday Remnants to the B . W. t:imitb tarw uel1r King- Inig ht and Sunday. allin, 00 ThuT'!lduy. Just a few lpft, Barg ains if you can use them . . Tb e E 1., helrl It MIl8q Ileradc SO Miss Clara Hawke was the wPekolalln the aDnex on th.llowe'tm. end g uest of Mr . and Mrs. John l4'rientll! Quarterly mecling will bc F'romme, in Dayton, h91d here lfrlduy, tilltnrdlLY RDd t:)DDWork Shirts doy . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett were Men's Gem hirts ........... 4fic in Springbol'o Sunrlay, the guests of oruu r oy Clot hing f or Me n. Bellbrook Get Ou r Prices. MI'. and Mrs. F. E. Rosnagle Tht'ir Miss SBrub Rborbtlugh hatl gont! daughter returned home with them OD u visit to relative" 10 louitlOU , after a week's visit with her grandnderwear Mr. Theodore Pepper who was 8e parents. riou!!ly hart 11l8t wee k iM getting The .Set-Snug for lad ies, the tdong as well as could be expdo ted. best fi tti n)l und erwear made, Were you in C'lrwin Saturday? If the Velvet for men and boys Miss Carrie Kemp WIl' It. ullytoo not you should hllve been. It looked Union Suits for children and visitor from aa.tnrday uD~il Monday like a county fair. Kilbon did it, every membe r of the family. Mr Bnd ""rs. Oral Be8s will 800n IUllve fnr Denver, Col., for the bene his 's tore WQS crowded from 6 a . m until 10 p. m. Read ad this week fit (If their health. Sweater Coats Eugene Penewlt movcd tote hi s it may help you save money $1 50 Coats. only .. . .... ...... 98c I .Iew blaoksmith tlllop last Th ',lt8d "Y • Joho Fioley aod [amily moved ill Elijah Compton, of Hamilton, was 75c and $1 Coat.'!, only ... ... 59c Mth. his sister, Mrll. lemma lirown circulating among friends here 11\8' 'fhur8d .. y. Tuesday. He will go to Xenia Mr Bod Mrs. Harmon (ilotfelter Thursday to spend a ftjw days with Caps If rorth of town, moved into tbe Lamb prol'er&y lad Wedne:tday, his daughter Mabel. whose husQand Corduroy Caps ........ ... .... . 50c Mr. and Mr• . Geo Miller, of Pasll- is electrician at the O. S. & S. O. Leather Caps .. ............ ...... 50c Ie.oll , (JIioI, lue visitIng relRtl yes Home. , Boys' Caps and Toq u es .... .. hele . ..... ... ..... .... ........ 25c to 50c ~vernl from bere Iltt~ncied th~ Charles R Stansell, of Dayton, llnA"lil of Pf1t"r Swll(ert., wb\c,ll wal! and Mi8l! Bertha, the charming 1"ld at Mt Z ltln I~ ·t t::IuuddoY. d aughte r 0f M r. an d M ra. J ames Sealshipt- That's th(\se I>olid OyS. QUUA Ii K" od waoy of the young G y ters; we sold 15 g all on lai t week. ,ltJOpie at.ttluded Ii box s.lOi"l'a' Bob- ra ,.9 f near Harveysburg, werp town last FrhlllY niglJt. marrIed by Rev.. Mr_ Kestle at the R y Bltlok, ·. of Dtt:v tOD, vlslt,eo M. F.. parsonaa-e, at Le~anon last ~nl G W . Kemp lillilt d,,~urfiay Tuesday. ,n 1 tiuorlay . . :....--------.-

Mar:ldlillo Cherries


Concord Grn(X's

Born .. -To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas eaham, last week , a daughter

New Burlington

Fancy Presp.rvu

Clli. CornichOIl OraOl's


New Prunes

Shot Gun

New Dried Apricots

Fancy Seeded


Fancy Candies

Seedless Raisins I

Fancy Coffees


Magnetic Soap


Fancy Cakes


Mixed NiJts



lippincf)lt's M ncemcat


Com, extra good, per doz ... . 75 Tomato!>"', per doz .... ..... .90

- - -...

Bead! Read! Read!


We sold 18 doz of these on Saturday . Better try a few. You can' t can t hem at the pl'ic~.

Bring us your Produce

--- ~--

- - .- - _ - - _ _ _ _ • -- . . . - - _ - - - - -...

, Tu sday was electiQn day , and by all the prognost.iciil ions of paflt Years, ' - - - --,: ..... - - - - - . it. looks very much Republican . . t r . ht . '1 Ray Hawke of Dayton, came down . 1" II!' I - was Ig . In many p aces to vote Tuesda • anJ the only .fight ~er~ wai for the y . 6Lh Congre~310nal Dlstnct Con~re~s · A Maffit was . quite sick Mondav, ma n Both s ides claim t he elec tion but ·is better now. and lht! resul t of th~ election is in doubt. Swapiare being r adeagainst Hal/vey Gustin was in Lebanon on govo!rnor for congressman, and it is lJu~iness Thursday. bard to wll'the r esult. Harry ~h ';'w~d was in town Tues· Watch for the official count in nex t day fo r a Ilhort tin .e, . week 's Gazette. OwiJ'lg to a ru. h of job work we are unable to hold om hUl'les Zimme rman was a Morrow forms open f or even a slight accouut vi!li lOr last Saturday . this week . There is lots of scratchinJl done, and the results will hal'dly C. G. Williamson, of Cincinnati, be known until Wedn~day evening. was in town Sunday.

Come a nd see ou r hoes befol'e yo u buy. J ust received a lot of high-lop Shoes for ch ildren

Pie Peaches, p r doz ...... $ .95 Table Peaches, per doz ... 1.35





Heinz I'iddcs

l.'! again on ' he Markt!t. WE HAVE IT!

Lord Mott's "Old Reliable"

Direct from Baltimore

You can get everylhing in the Grocery line at



·H ·a wke's -- 01aB~iflcd

Public Sales


On TUt'5t lay, November 15, at one 0' clock, one of the linest farms in the ric h Miarni Valley will be offered for salt!. This farm was the property of the late Scott Robinson, of Franklin, and offers a wonderful opportunity for the careful investor. It is 0: 172 acres of the finest upland siluated one and one-half miles ' east of FI'anklinon the Upper Spring. boro rOlld. There is .a brick house of 7 rooms, a huge barn and cattle shed built two years ago; tobacco shed ·that will hold ten acres, also new; small barn, cribs. etc., and the tenant house of 6 rooms . Underdrained ' by 5 miles of tile, 2 never failing springs, 20 acres of thick alfalfa. 30 aares ' woods. 28 acres in wheat and rest in grass. Well fenceU Prol'pective .inveitors will be fur· nished free conveyance to the farm. On the same day a large lot of fine chattels will be sOld Se<> large bills For further particulars a~ dre!l.'\ Mrs. Louisa D. Robinson, Franklin, Ohio. Remember it will be a pleasure to show you over the farm. Easy terms. i .Investigate this, ' , '


_- .

.. ..


u,,,·.,. ...... "-"'<41

... " n """"-_ • • • Ada .... 111 tJ.. I"~rrr;.,d uortl'r tblN h" uil (ur

tWl!nl\"II\" C'! IlL.. r,)r ~hrl; e hl'-erU " '1 'f. when ''''Int: H.Ol more lbao live lin " ... .,.... '"...... ~-..... '" '" '" ....... '" __ ..

FOUND -----:---.:...._ _~ pOCK8rr BOOK COD\fJhlfll ': .~ 8m .. JllI.mOQu\ I' v,,_ ~r ~n ~l'!V: 81\me by uPpl.vill ll 'u . . uw e _ _ .-





;it) WII,h

I.u". _ . r ~ flY t,tI "ell 8t,lIolI oondlt.",,, JJ 'w_ Ier in ~"rrtln L!-\llnt.y. !-lIi"n .~.oj Iler. ""'I1~.h . Adclr\''' ~ "' 301 UII~IY Bldg, (U<liltOliliollll, lldilll ..t . 111/1" ' 8 ,.llId ·

We will 8 1\1\ Ilt Puoli9 ~',I 'l 2 ,uUe~ t. ,oQrtb.w.ed', n:' Bellbroil k', 1 srtiloi f.IIllI' J~ r\ R:H~ '00111 8nl1&,'r . Ill, llliOI· <.'u ,l fin fiT '1df1rMR 1\. B. Ub:IU of ~pring V I\lIey tructiou, ti miltll' . south ut D.lyton on tlled wito TI' lIn dltlr, Wltyoltsvill .., Ohio.


ou the




W~n~sday, November 16, 1910

==============::::::;1 FOR SALE

5 heud or hllrllell, 4 btilld of C'1t1.t}P, 'W hng 'tj Rrld ftlrlu imvlementA, liltlo IL lot 01 boullehold guods . !:lule to NO Mal41 Pojtll1ct OblM PIN" tllr commenOe ut 10 o'ol/lOk II. m, 1I"le lllquir .. of &ml. .blnkl , ,1'. Breillfurd lind Uhat4 Brelsfo;u C,mt-ervllltt, PUune 725-5r. ! . • A A McNiel. Auc ,iooeer, BUFF Orpln~tonR Hnf' Blll01l: Mt John Weliver, Clerk. . norOIl cOtlktlr811, fill' Mille. C.. 11 Lnnob re~(lrvud. Itll.rly t.j Illlt ,rhe OOltt. Phon'e 24-a --. Mrs. B. V" ~rn~th ~ , .



. .

.Elrlled Spectaclel.

, The aDclent Guild of Spc:ctacle Ma. OC~EREns- Boff. Orplnatollt' . , Id1 fl ue i"1re ' blood . ,Jat'll 81' d ke", ~whlch 18 Inceused at a recent C LODd~o County Coun.c ll leaflet, 18 ••'.., ,·b!illl ~t, Mr.. Otbo tJemlorl4ou'lt oUIJlt'rlcaJly one ot the strongest of ~IloYl1esvl1le, Ubtu . t.,e olty companIes. Its charter dates ' O ·KERfCt.I:i- hoios Wht", .fA'.... ' from tl\~ year 1629 and , tbou~h the ex· act da~1' of I\s (Irlgltl Is IQst. thcrp. 'IM . . II I·rll .. ""Il lthode' I"lhlld a d ample ~vldeocc that t.he calling of .U" lll'tll· fo·r . "'~IH'. pU~l' hI",!tl, NUll" ~l1eot~c\e maker was exlcnslvelY , tol. •old" t.,.' r . N-iV, Inth. K. P'ioltr • . 'owed at a very early date. An old IUd tiulIlJI)' Cu,. V.. IIH.\, 1'11':01':17, i~. , . book · of "11i~3 men.tlons the sll('ct'acle :naker!! . am~Dg othpr trades, nnd the b!ograllb,·ot. Ollrlo,Zen6; an l\1ustrlolls R~Jt~ ~-~JnrA,IR f~r Mtilf' ' 1,'1~JlI,~ Venetian, ·...,~o dliid ' In ' 1418. menttons IIr III JJ'I1I8 Inqnfrfl hI' " J, ". , that even at ~be. age of .elgbb'.four he I L Imilt fl, W.llyn~RVIHR'\ OhiO . I,)eet!ed po 1I,r.f.t~clal aIds to bls sight. 9'0 Tlre,!~m ~bl 1 ,lIpectaC\68 were oom. iD '1Jal, ~~~ ftve c~oturles ago.





.,: •



- l ~ _. _~

Form~ Citizens




The funera~:;:~:::n ~mpton I. .---P-e-'~...~--~-,--n-~""i-M---e-,~-·ti~;+H;~-~~d- Th~-i I - - ----._--_. -.

.-...-.~~_ l _





ll ' ~2

Amidst l:e :::O:ldU:t illness of

c~urred on Wednesrlay" November

,- - - - - - - - - - - - - II>- - - - ' : - - - - ,• .' - -, -+ t he Sabbath re t., Novembel' 6, 19{0 , .C. M. Cartwright, managing edi. 2nd, from the hom of hel'daughtet·, New Corn Meal- Kiln Dried. At L. O. Hamilton was in Dayton in the confid ence of a c I'tain fai th, MI's . Anni Thorpe and M\'~ . tor of the Weatern Uuderwriter at Mrs: Charley T. Harner, of near White's tore. Sunday, and the comfor t of Ii rea.onabl . \' . G orge Stroud ' will ente rtain til(> ligious and hoI), hope. ~ill'a h Catha- 'Rrd Club Thursdav 'even ingOhicago, is the , toastmaster at the New Burlington. A lar.... e concourse big banquet at the Decatur Club . of relatives and friends followed this J M . Oook was a business visitor Fred Hawke was in Dayton Tues· rine Allen entered int ete mallif at loved one to the Caesars creek in Cincinnati Monday. day on business. ' 11er home I·n. W"yn vill e, 011 1'0, I' n D ecatur, Ill., Wednesday evening 01 this week, 'given un~er th(! auspice!: I!'riends Church where the fun eral . . . the 76th year of het· age. Mr . rha. P..y (> a II~ i'l m. Ha \,v , ' " services were conducted by the Rev. Mra. Web Meeks vu:nted r elatlvoo Lard Cans- 25 and 50 b, plain, The dautyhter of Jonas T. a nd Ma. we re eAterlai lwcI . II Il rl ay at th' home of the Illinois Local Fire Insura"lc Amo Co k f X ~ R Db ' h in Franklin last week. good quali ty tin, at White's. ,.. f If J C Agents Association. A number of s o . ' o. en.a, ev.. e. ora tilda Ferguson McKay, she was bort! 0 '11'. an .VI rs F. , ' :nr y. state official a of lJIinois 'and men Lloyd offerl~g prayer: a nd smgmg of Bostol} Peanut Candy, 'm ade fresh Miss Ethel Stokes has gone to Day- November 24, 1834. - _ .prominent in the fire insurance busi. ·a few selections by frIends of ~h~ de- every week. At White's Store. ton , where she will rema in for t he ~he was one of a family of seven Mif;~ Emm a I f t·j,rhw;.!v en ert ain,. winter. chIldren, five daught('l's and two i>Ol1S , the al'd 'Iub v r y nl"c\,; 1.11: ', ness are on the program. Mr. Cart. cea')ed. Interm~nt was made In Caewright will give an address nex i sars creek burYing g round, wh.el'e J. E. Janney and family visited only .three of \~hom . ,a bl' ther and jThllrSda y afeal'll!'on. LI Ilt r.fl· ~1 , Monday ~verung at a life insurance are the ashes of n:'an y o~ hf'l' klDs- re latives in Springboro Friday, Mesdames ...... C. Carey and Walter two sIsters survIve he r. rnents W I" c; rv etl. banquet in (ndianapolis on "Conser- people. ' The followmg trIbute was McCl ure were shopping in Dayton In Aug ust 1853 she wa s married to vationin Business." read at the funeral; Atlas Portland Cement- Car just Friday. Thos L. Allen, and to them three' . • _ • Mary Ellen Lloyd, fourth child and in this week. J, W, White,;: children were b()rn, Horace, William Mr . and MI' , J , I.. Il a pm an pn· ECHOES fROM ELECTION only daughter of Michael and Phoebe Dr. and Mrs. Witham, of King's and Erlwin , two of whom Horace and Le l·tain ed at. dinner F'ridav v(' ninl(, H . A . Luhn, of . Denver, Col., was Mills, visited relatives here Sunday William ar still living. Dr. and Mrs, A, T. Wrigh t. Mr , Spray Lloyd, was born March 22, The ' beautiful weather of last t843. and departed this life on the the g uest of Mrs. Matilda Hosier afternoon. Her husband Thos. L. ~11( n dipd and Mrs . . W. Hawke. Mr and 'lueaday failed to bring the victo- beautiful Autumn morn of OHober last week. , May 7, 1'368 I aving her a widow at ! Mrs E. V. Barnhart and Mrs, Lina ry for the Republicans, but it was a 31, 1910 at the age of 67 years, 7 . Messrs George Waterhouse and the age of 38's .• The 43 years of I Devitt. landslide for the Democrats. They months and 9 days , . Mrs. Ed Macy and daughter, 1';1ISS Herbert Edwards spent S·u nday in her widowhood she c1 vo e~ her life - - - - - - - -C81ri ec:l every thing in sight. In early life she was full ~f life ~dy~h~ wer:~nd guests of rel~tlVe8 Lebanon. to her home and children A GRAND SUCCE SS Carl Duke, dD,.bmade a good run for Ilnd spirit, her cheerful disposition 111 Cmemnatl . MI'ss Pearl Cal'ey wen't to Dayton Always fl'ail, for years an invalid, ,The Patrist'chal S<;>cial at the D __ rd ~o . e~. an t e piuraJitie3 of th~' ~verwinnins.rf.or.ber.a wel!'om e place The Very ,Best Meat and Stock Saturday to accept a position in yet watchful and tendel' care pro- I O. O. F. Ball last Fridav night commISSioners were cut down some In every associatIon m which she was S It ' Car to arrive in a fewaa' B. Traxler's store. longed her life to an advanced and by the Waynesvi lle and Ferrv churchw. hat, Jesse .Taylor _Ipulled through permitted and ri pe age. d to mingle. d L.~n. early wo- J a. W·. W h l · t e . · es was certainly a 8u('ce s in ~very lD Warren, b ut was uefeat~ in the manhoo she realize htlr need of a Me~t Choppers, Sau<mge Stuffers, A communicantof t . Mary 's Epis district by about 3200 by Denver, D, per onal Savior, and acting upon Mr~. Eliza Haines. Miss Ruth Mor- Lard Pressel. se('ond hand Lard ropal church, wh n strength permit- w~~e play or game, "I'm a Bible ted. every Lo.rd's Day fouud her in Man ".IS a companion piece to th!'! WThe following ,official ,count in this knowledge she gave her heart ford and Miss Eva Morford were in Tubs, at u.:·hl·te's.Store. " arren,county is as follows: to Christ, experiencing the jo)'s of Dayton Monday. her pe\9 enltaged in the worship of one t hey had ill the Maqonic Hall in Go " this new relationship, that of being Messrs: S. D. EVEtrly, I. G. K umler her Lord . Mrs. Allen was a woman h e Spring . namely "I'm a Bible Harding........... ~~~~::-............. 2880 born in~~ the kingdom of G~d and Mis Catharine Git>bons ~as ·the and Fred Rike came down from Day- of rare weetnes.'J of nature and Woman" both 'of them composed by Harmon 2814 the famIly and household of faIth. week-end g uest of Misses ~(Mh and ton Tuesday and spent the day hunt- strength of pu rpose. , the pastor of the two ~hu'rches, Rev. " B8rdi~g:~·~I·~~;li~y·.:·.::::·.:·.::::~ 566 d Later in li~e ehe ; .ntered into .a Rachel Sheehan. Init on the farm of'Ed Surface. ExceedingpTactical. and even mat- L. O. Thompson and published bv eeper experience 0 grace an d In tel' of ,f act in the ordinary affairs of the Standard l?ubJisbhg Co., of Ci~. Congress . much love and good works abounded Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright spent , Mr. ' and: Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Jose- life. the other,wodd was yet to her c;nnati. The ('rowd was kept busy Taylor .~ .................................. 2612 ' At the time of her conversion he Sunday with . C '11 Dr. and Mrs Keever phine Allen and son Stuart, Mr. Cas- t h e great reaI')ty. . finding tbeir partners. and a great per Rowe, of Cincionati, Mr. and TI h 1 f h If D enver ... ........................ ........ 2549 ~nited with Friends church at Cae- of enterV1 e. Taylor's plurality.................. 63 sars creek to wh,ich branch of, the Mrs. Horace McKay, oiIndianapolis, lere t e, atOOr year 0 er I e deal of merriment was caused by . th t she lived ,and tnpre her S'lul had I Solomon and his many wives. , The christian faith she was ever loyal and Mrs. Frazee H ath away IS e gue.q and Miss.Lida ~cKay, of Lebanon. Common Pleas Judges ' ed'k R " '.. ' 2851 a de-.:oted and trusteci member. of her son, E. J . Hathaway, of attended the funeral of Mfs. Sarah sweet cOrilll1union and thence daily Patriarchal idea carried out 8." S n ~ er. .. ... :..... ......... ......... N ovember 8, 1866, she was uni ted Columbus Grove, Ohio. Catherine Allen last Wednesday. drew its s trength. nearly as. possible. One hundred and . W~t, R ........................ ...........2880 in ~arriage with Samuel B. Compton Gentle, humble, gracious, she tried fifty were Dl:esent, . and all thousz:ht; ' !~~gr, ~ ............... :...............,1917 who preceded her to the better land Miss Rowena Wright, of Red Lion, Lieutenant and Mrs. A. S. Frazer, to ~o her duty faithf? lIY in al~ t~e it an evening well spent , being en~ues, .............................. 1902 a few ~hort years ago; wh se coni- was the ' week-end guest of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ebright, of Xe- varIed spheres of hfe to which It tertaining as well as instructive. Senator panionsnip she missed so much and Dudl ey Keever, of Ct-nterv\lle. nia . and Kizzie Merritt spent Friday pleased God to call her. May God Mr. Thompson seems to be an adept . at the 'home of Ml'. and Mrs. S. L. gr~nt he~ eternal rE-st and lig ht per· at this kind of. work, as he has other , . DeArmond ..................... ~ ....... 3044 often expresse I a desire to gO home et 1 h h I h' h • . 1941 th t h . ht . b 'th h' h 'Dr Herschel Fisher has moved to Cartwright. Co'm rades Frazer, E- p ua s me upon er. p ays.w, .IC .h&ve been successfully . a s e n ..g agam e WI 1m vr 0 . . d h H uu,man .,....... .... .. ... ......... ...... DeA~ond's plur(llity ............ 1103· had been 8U congenial here, offices in the new Morris building. bright ~nd Cartwright. always' find " Sleep c~lmlY on; thY'Doble life UBe In ot er pI:::.s~ . Representative • To them were given two chlfdr~, next to e po toffice. J..ebanonhe: day t:asseshi ttOO .qUIICdkl y al?fthhe~ With lova ~~P4rt.e.' EASTERN STAR ' • ., ' H()race~. and Hattie P .• the latter . . . ~ev..ew ose 9 orlca ays 0 t e H~ left on us its impr&B ripe Langdon ................................. 0090 with whom she remained in their Mrs. M)nDle Gray and chIldren. of 60 s: • _ • With mem'des' fond and sweet, The Eastern Star lodge heldtbeIr-..... · ~om •.; ....... . ...: ..................1907 home' where everything was done to Clarlrsvilla, were guests 'over Sunday Langdon 8 p,lurabty .. , .......... 1188 make life comfortable an,d hap')y of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Elzey. AT THE M. E. Cf1U~CH Sleep peacefully; ea'rth·s. work is annual ~lection of officels Monday , 1 evening. The newly elected officers Sheriff . f r ,her. · ' And in her home she was Mi M L ff . f M'ddl E church r . 1 . ' 11 done; are: . Worthy Ma' ~·ron. Su'e H,awke,' ' . ss ary e erson, 0 Ie-·· eVlVa servIces WI , W' th' f' r forgy ......................: ..... , ......... 8172 1;111 a .COdUld bde, her dhevotlho ns to.wn, · was the pleasant g uest of-Mr. begin next Sunday the 20th . . The I 111 a al rer.c In:'e Worthy Patron, Claud.Bruner; A. M.• G~ ........................ 1887 were un Imlte . an toget er t ey d M 'J 0 Ca t . ht 1 t ' eek pastor will be assisted 'by J &sepb All hopes a~d as~l.rations, bloom. Ruth Janney', Sec., Laura'McK . inoey,' . t 1 th dd h all r s . . ., r wng as w . A d hf t q Forgy'8,p lurallty .. ............ , .... 128q W'ere~o on ~ as . ~\o er an . ~ug " ~tory, ' the singing evnngelist of n reac rUl 10US prIme. Tregs., Amanda Maffit; Conductress. ~r b~t asd~o.mpfl~lonable as SIS ~r ~r Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Larkin, moved Greenfield. Ohio. Sleep on. dear friend; such lives as Donna Hawke: Assistant Conduct. Commissioners " r en an In w ose ho,:"e she WIll here from Hillsboro last week~ into Prayer meeting Wednesday at thm' e . 'ress, Luella CQrnell. SimpsQn. R ......... ..................... 2887 be sadly aDd greatly mIssed Her . 'rron!lj D~......, . ...... ......... ......... ...... 2996 only son ' " .. . what IS kno}Vn as the Mary C. Brown 7 p. m. Have not been II'ved I'n val'.. Aft~r the usual business was diswas ever a welcome VISItor. . T sd . . u, d ' . Miller R 3038 . house , bur ay at 7 p. m. the Ladles AId But shed ari influence rare divine pose of, a gue.~ing contest afforded " S. '~'," " ......~ .. ...... 2 16 Of her life we. may say, it was full . will entertain the' ' member" of the ' , a great de 1 f t' nJa~~ u .. ;,...·.. ... ,................... 1 of 'inspiration . encouragement and M d M Ch Co 11 M' Ch ' . ... . On Jives that here remain. a ·o amusemen . . ~rchL~nhd cOllfl&'rehgahOn at l\hllhp's J F C 'I,'he entertainment committee, Sbell/ D ........................... :.......1900 general helpfuineSs' to others "None 'L • ~. ~. Irs, MasS . r~~.' . ~: H ·Ptatt, D .... !. ......................... 18f6 knew her but to ' Iove her;' With ue a d~e m;s. :~~ ~m~a ' a I. Ig t r~ res menta and a good •- • .. . Messrs, J. O. Hawke, F. B. Farr, .L. , Sjmpson'~ plurality ............... 771 the young people ahe ever ~on U~eir tman., atD 'd' a mo r ,0 y- tp.rograCm. N~ charge and no coHecRESOLUTIO~iS A. ,Zimmerman and , a:~rry Cornell , . '1 I" . . (.n as F rl ay. Ion, orne , surprised the members with a delj'c~ Irons p ura ItY ................: .. , 917 aljini adon and respect and her com. . f d 'll . , I ral't 00/) , ~ . • H. W. nalley, Pastor. Wh ·t h' I ed 11 ' 10 , us rie oyste,r s upper. M I er.sp u .1 '..,........: . : ....... 00' pany w~ : ~t, out by them, and Dr. J .. T . . Ellis, A. Maffit, L. 'A. • _ • ' e reas,l as peas an a WlSe .. - -.- - . . TreaSurer . ' to them trer t.eart overflowed with Zimmerman and J. E , Janney a ttendDEATH Father to remove from our mids tout BADLY CUT 'UP "'---'-"--:-:----,-,,,,, . Ho;eU.:.:..... : ..? .. :........... .. :... 30!4 lo~e and te,iIderne:os' Her Sy~p~~, ed a meeting of the. Scottish Rite ,. es~eemed sist~J" LY~ia. Joy, . an.d , Graham ...... ~, ................. , ........ 11951 thle~ werefa~ rc~chlng. Ai a neIgh. Masons 'in Dayton last .week. . Mrs. Sarah .lane Doester, of Green- w.hl.le w~ b W In submlsslOn to HIS Last Friday as Paul Wysong was " ,H owe11' 8 pIural't 1 '1\.,0 bor she was surpassed by none. In ' . ' field Ohio wbile on a visit to her dlVlDt! WIll 'and ad ly mourn the loss driving t6ward Spring Valley he met 1;Y.. ......... ....... vvo ' , fed ' "': . ' the sick r09m she Was a wel~ome vis- Miss Edith Wilson, Mrs. Lulu son Edward Doester, of near Hick- 0 ~ur depart slst~r, we do l!lOt seve ral fancy painted gypsy wagons. , • · ~order ·: ' itor~ ever readY to do anything in d3ranson Smith, and 'Orlanda Battin, oryville, was stricken with para- moi:irn, as those havinij' no hope, be- His horse·evidently did n ot like t he color of' the wagons, or perhaps the Holbrook .........<. ........................ 2745 power to relieve ~e su~ering to of Selma, . attended , Friends' Quar~ lysis~ and she died' last Friday lip.ving God doeth .a ll things well. Duk~ ........ ;.. ~ ............ :.. :..........2288 .whomher cheering words and kindly terly meeting here Saturday and at he~ son's' bome. After a short Resolved, That In t;he death of our gypsy's, and he frightened, and sudHolbro~k',8, plurality .. , ........... '.4p7 mi~i~trati~n8 to the var,ious 'peeds I Sunday, . service at the house Saturday, th(ll wortby sister, Covenant .' Re?ekah den ly turning, threw Paul out. He '''. " . Infirmary Director ·were a'c;omfort ~nd solace . . And in 1\ body was shipped to Greenfield, Lodge No. 189 has lost a flthful wa.q unfortunate to ' strike a barb, LeWi• . R...... ~ .......................... 2975 thetimeofh~r, ownsada~iction..she Mrs. Mary poyd .l{eiper, .of.l .a- where :intermentwasrradeMonday. m~ber, her hu~band, a e~?ted wire fence. and what it di~ tohim Dunh~, R.:.-............... ,......... 2939 t __ usted and c~\le:<l \.\POn hun who IS a Faye~te, Ind., who was called here -, • - • . WIfe, .the c?mmumty, a true fnend was a plenty. Paul is wearIng fiftyby the death of her, aunt. ,Mrs, Mary BAD RUNAWAY and kind neIghbor. . nine patches o'n his face in conseBAker R .... ;! ........................... 2993 pr~ent h~lp .Jn:'tlD\e of need, " ~l ·D ..... : ............ .................1949 ' An~ while ou.r hear~ aresadden~d Compton, bas returne.~ , ho~e ,~ter, a . . .. . Resolved, that the members of quence. He suffered considerably, ~ _ • 1) " , . 1930 by thlsseparatlon we know that she 'short stay with relatiV'~s. " Monday: as. EhJah Casey was drlv- Covenant Lodge extend to the be- but is on the streets. , unyan~ ...... .. ..: .. : .... ............,' hath ,wl'ought w~ll; that the world " . '.', .ingtpwardto~n,histeamfrightened reaved husband t heir hea rtfelt sym- _ ••- - r B~ta,. ~, .... I.~ •• : ........ ,. ,.............. 1940 willbc lletter by'ner baving lived in , Mrs . .'Margaret 'Irons ' and ' Miss Ilt a hucksW't"wagon became unman- pathies in this his sad hour of afflicKINO'S HERAl DS .: ~Wll~. pJurabty.: .............. : ... ·l026 .it and the influence of her life wit'l Mary Michener" of Lebanon. MiSs age able, and t')rned , into . the fence, tion. , Dqnh-:m'~ plurahty ............. " . 999 b~ felt by all ~ith whonr ~he came in Mal'y Pit:le, of CeTitervi1le~ ~d Miss one of his horses being so badly cl·ip. Resol~ed, That. our charter b~ The King's Heralds, a junior mis'Baker.,8 pl~~tY: ....: ......... :,: ... l~ contact. And . with our mind ~a (m~. Edi~h Wilson, o~ Sopth ,Chal.'1eston, .' pled tha,f its ~ife is dellPaired of. It draped 111 mout'nlng 60.~ays; that sionary Bociety of the M., ,E. church we can her passing the portai' of were' g~eSts of JasQn Sheenati and .surely was a di~astrous runaway for a copy of these .resolutIons be en~ was very pleasantly entertained on • ' "Qoroner Carey. ~.i............ " ' ' '! '''' ........,...2959 glory ~nd hear. the Master saying.' famjly Sunday, . I.Mr. Casey. ,as the1 horse was a most tered on our minute b09k, a copy Saturday afternoon, ,November 5th. RQbert3 ............... :~ , ..... ·...........2()()6. -" Well .done th~u good and f~ithful d 'M L ' B' II t valuable one. ' sehnt ~oll the bereaved husband also to by Misse.'l Edna and Margaret Satr..!.i'..;.;';.' 1 1'ty " 953 , . t t th . to th·r. f Mr. an rs. N. . unne wen : --_. t e VI age papers . t~rthwaite. An interesting program' ~~ 8 P ura I • .......... ........ • en e~ ou In e J"Ys 0 , . ' . .' :( f ' .' G H ;.' . . ' " servan thy Lord"" ,· . , to DaytOn Satu~day to see a game o · H10H SCHOOL ' ENTERTAINMENT . ~ eorge ~rtsock wa.'! rendered by Misses Edna Sa~ 'lIhere Vfas no opposition for the B ;d '~ h " d d ' h .. ...! h" football 'between , Antioch and St, . .. , ·Commlttee Jos. W. HIsey · terthwaite, Helen Hawke: Hazel , "', " e!!1 es t e son an aug ~r S t: . . ..' . ,.' . E lla Hisey ' 0!B~ of CI~r~ <?f ' C9~rts. Surveypt leaves six , dev6t;eq . :granachildren. Mary's colle~~. Hel'SChel.Bunnell, The ~yUe Hi~~ ~~ool wIl:I g~ve an Reed. Helen Marlatt and Louella " ,,~.'ProeecqU*"t(A.!t:P'~y. , .. , ' (Irie prptq a hOst of other rel- who plays .center fQr , AntIoch, was entertamr,ne,\t 'and .b~~ soclalm LyMISSIONARY MEETING Janney. ' >, : ' ' • ( ' . ,ativ~IPand .friends ' to, mourn their on.e .ofth~ stars of the.. game. J. tie Han,sat~r~av evemng,.No~ern,b.~r _ __ During the social hour deliciousre• fARM ~R ~ SALE '( " lO8S~until'we be'reunite<! ,,,here' seri} .'. I' . ; , • -I.9th. for t~e . p~nefit of the school Mrs, u ' W nal'ley entertal' n->l the freshmenf~ were served. ' ., . . . ... . ,Prof. , and~rs.C.~. ,Bru~er,. ~r~f. lIbrary. The~W1l1givethel>lay.enn ...: ... I:U -, " " . .. • ,'FIne farm of 115,,~tI~ , t~p ,m~I~_ .!a:~I9,nS r~ev~e:en~~e anq, f~re\Y~ll~" and, MrS. 'h , S, Rhoad~, MISses L~l1a titl~ Cure ~11. <Ev~ry?od~ come W. P. M , S last Thursday afternoon, ., , I IOUth~t of W~nes'vllle.( W~~U~ :. f.,r.'W , . . " Benham, ~nl'!a Val!der:v9,Ort,' Q,?~~a .and ·b rmg a bo,c. A4mlSSlOn 10c ; An interesting- . l) ..o~r,am. :-vas .ret:!The C. E. society af the O"thodox tree lind, 'at>undance of' .' COA'RD ~~ . THANK/) " \ ' ~)vke. E1eah'od~~,rn1i~. Bennetta I ' .! , ~ ~. '. , . ' d~red. 'fhose taking ,part wer~: .w.t,r'goOa bani 'and'tob'acco. ,stled;, W. desl.rA to thankou'r .friends and Mel(insey,M~~erit4i,Monfor~, p;rof. LOST VA:U,JA8L'i :· HORSE , Mrli. Q. A.- Bru~e~•. Mrs;. ll; H. ,Farr, F rienCla churcb will hav:e a box social", ehi~~ hou!l8. :lJixty feet' long~ Nic-a :neiihbora W~() were never , fa~ling ijt E. B. i COlVin. John Strawn at:.L '" " . , ' " , ;Mrs. J. Ftmkey, Miss Lizzie Stew in ·th~' dining rOQm of 'their church " on, Fridky evening, Noyembell ' )8, I ~ nine FOQ,J.DI'. tWi. pcn;ebet5. ,their, ~cts,of kin~n~ ~nd w~s of , teJlil~ the Ohio lleacher~~ ~S8OQh~~ j W, ~~dent8; blac~ h"orse died , ~r~. a~d ~I:'~. J~ynthia .Jtvans. , . cleUir etC. ThiS lilmt 1• beautifully ~m.paUlYtaLAtt:~,.til1},e of tnhur be- 'tion iii ' Dayton lest Fri~aY' and Sat- Sunda»,of,' paraif~lIs.. , Mr. -Madde~ There were about forty present 1910'. Ladies are requested ,to ,bring ,, . ., ,. reavemen: . UIU J;or e many, , 1'nL. ' • 11 t f " I h"' J " t l 't' . 1 d f 'h o. f ' J h' . . .ted', ~ . weJl feDced. For par- btautiful flQral o.ffel'tnp '. "• droay. ;luef ,report8Jl. el~ en ' ee s : ~~ os, .rea y. as 1 was a va -l~" , ITe r6!'l men .. .o pmellPp e a er- box with lunch for two. Ev,erybOdy, welcom~. , .&kalara blqQlre at tbW Offtce. •' " . , T~e. It'amilY. meetiilr. ' . . .u able ~1~/. I ' ,' . b~t 8Ild cake Wcn.lilerVed., ~--


, ,f




j< . . . . . . . . . . . .
















=.':1==.=. c:!0=.=.,==:Z'D":::I' IMPORTANCE· OF CONCRETE


The Mi~mi Gazette


D. l. CRANE.




. and StroDller With ~sre and CaD Be Made as as ·Those Made m Clay . -Retains Its Shape.

(' ,

Addresiling tho AnH'I,lroll H ealth usoclatlon lu cOD venllon at M\(WDU' he, Prot. James O. Jordnn of BostOD. chaIrman, polnte.l qut t ho need of pro· tectlng roods from I!Ol1tnmlllaUou not only by dirt. dus t, Inflect lite. rlogs nnd cnts, but also from halldll ug by human being, lIays the Butl'alo Eh:llr ess. He mu"t have hnd 10 mind nreles8 mBBses to whom the rul l'K uf cl ao ll· bess nr I,ractlcally un kuow n. Th cr· fort of the day, a mong cll'lIl zeli people til geuerally Cor cl 1111 too,\' Res tau rants ar e j;'oru tim e!! n r used of be log 11'89 particul ar t ho u tlWY should be. bu t local health officlnls can kee p thom UII to th e standard or havo them dis· ('ontlnu d. Jr such pow r Is not ac· cessllJle by any health officer . leglsla· tlon II hould provide ror s ucb 1m ar· I'ILDgem ent. Prorestlol' Jordan spoke ruso for milk. saying : "Less money spent on millinery nnd b er and more de\'oted to procuring clean milk will yield healtb dividend I! Dlore than com· m ensurate wlUl the capital thus In· 'Vested." It Is bardly necessary for th e Individual to torego much beer or mUch mllllnery to provld.e clean milk. 'The task Is the community's. Only on class at mtlk should be tolerated , and that, cleo.n, reBBonably rich, and deli vered In cleWlly \'ot:lRels nnd \'e· blcles.

By EMMA J. BOWEN CopyrJght, 1910, by

A ~ocllu

Aunt P enelope-Auut P nny, for II hort-waved a lean, rin ged hllnd Ilt a row of anclilstral portraits on tbe wall. "Thas," I:Ihe said. sternly, "are the peopl e on whom you are deter· mined to br ng a publlo scandal, Aga· tha."

It was not the first time In my ex· perleD e that Aunt Penny had brought me befor e this 'court of tb e pa t. tbat hung In the upper ball. I had broken my engagement, one Aunt Penny had pll\nned and executed tor me, and with tbe wedding day but a week orr. For forty-odd years Aunt Penny had worshiped at the shrIne of family as It was pictured here. For Instruction, correction or reproof, sbe had always brought me to tace these shadows In their atrocIous frames. To her they reftected the glorious and honorable' past at the family ot Penryn. To me lhey seemed a quaint, balf·gtddy array at men and women wbo, In their day and time, had believed themselves unworldly and correct. Some of the women wore . monstrous boopsklrts, some of them beld up attenuated arms to dlslllay leg-o'·mutton sleeves; oth· en faced the world trom the depths ot buge poke bounets. They ""efe all object lessons, leaching the absurdIty of some fa&bloua that have passed away. Some of the men, with theIr ~at IIhoe buckles, resembled the plcturea of George Washington; some of them -these must have been the poet·art· lats of the Penryna-wore wildly long balr, tbat had the appearanee of be· Ing uncombed. None or the centle· IDOD, ID the matter of apparel, ""ould

A part of the theory touching the .nature of matter is tbat the Ions, which are tile constitUents of atoms. are not only In constant mDtlon, but that thIs energy I~ working toward a tower quality of matter; that Is. that lSOld Is developing toward copper or toward some 'otMr kind of metal of ile,s value. 80 of allver and the dla· m~nd. These precIous metals never transmute upward, \but always down· ward. The cbanges may oat be observed In centorles,. but In mUllo~s of years they manlteit themselves. This disintegratIon of tbe atom and Its .transmutatlon I.nto the base metals lI\lggest two Inferences..:..eltber the ad· vance qt olvlllzation In the eradIcation of gold and otber precious metals. or that the 8O-()I\1\t\d ba&er metals nre or greater value. I1IId use In the social . econom;y. · O'f course, long be fore tbe eradlcaUon of geld through 'thls pro(l.ess. mankl~d w1ll disalll)ear from the> planet. yet the lesson Is left by tb Is scI n~lflc d!scovery Ulat" In tbe great ,.pl/Ul of nature, copper and Iron more to be est~med thon gold or sliver.



.The day or a doze Is no ruore-that dl;'lIclous moment as the day breaks, wheo the sleeper wakes anJ rolls over In a halt dream and yields b1plBelf to a drowsy spell that. gives to joy a sort of real exIstence-well, It Is no more. ThelSe days of advance have blotted It out. Inventlptt and rapid life are too many for It. When a. person wakes, be wakes. No lotus-eatlng for blm. No floating away on a slivery mist out tnto the' land of forgetfulness. LIsten to that motor cycle runnIng from away down the' street, sputtering, cracking and crashing u It comes; rushing past your window as the very devil himself would; and then, that snortl)lg, rip· ping and sla.shlng clamor sweeping by 1n tbe form of an automobile-good· by. old Bomnus and Momus, and all ye dlvlnlUes of nIght nnd sleep, tare· well. says the Ohio State Journal. Some day we may meet agaIn, but In some other world or some other Uine when t.he long, lingerIng doze at dawn may be looked upon as one of the sa cred rights of mankind.



Lite ral')' Press

Loon was twenty·two-all at once lie" nrated us. We bad played together' ln childhOOd. we had been sweethearts In early youtb, but with the wedding duy a week orr I felt that I was taking a mclUl advantage of a child. to marry Leon. 1 did not love blm. But I mIght have known botter tha. to te ll this story to Aunt P enny. bon. fighter that she was. Since I colord remember , Aunt Penny had never becn 110 happy as when she was do· Ing battle wltb some one. I loved her 1I'arllke spIrit, but when sbe changed In a minute to the soldier sbe was. and declared, "Agatha, tbls shall bp looked after Immediately!" I saw. far consequenoes of my rash conduct. She left me wltll her Jne eyes glow· Ing with battle light, and I !ted tn the Ilmouslne that had waited ft.>r me for an bour to the omce of Leol} Muters. He had received the le;tter that morning, 1 knew, If the malls had dono their usual work. He took me to hla Inner sanctum and I hurried my explanation: "Leon- Mr. Masters-I've told Aunt Penny that you- that you are the one who didn't wlsh-sho Is hurt. very mucb hurt, Leon, and angryand I thought that perbaps you would tell her that It Is you wbo decided that It Isn't best!" Leon looked unutterably relieved. "Is that all, Agatha 1" he said. " • was afraid-very much afraid-that you dJd not mean-that you might have reconsIdered your letter-that you were not-that YO'J wanted to CO on, you know!" His blunt words, hie evident saUII:, faction wltb what I had done brought tbe hot blushes to my face. And I had expected , to find him over· whelmed with grief- bad even pIc· tured hIs efforts to win me back! "So," I stammered, "you reaU, didn't! .. "No, Agatha, I really dldu't, but I .would not have caused you any-er-embarrassment-not for a ktng's ran· som. And dad had . set hIs heart cin It-be thinks you are perfection, Agatha-and you are. I didn't want you ever to suspect how I had really begun ~o feel about It! Dear old Aunt Penny!· Of course, I'll see and tell her that It Is what I wlsbed to do!" Worse and worse! Home I went, hot and trembling. , I shut myself 10 my room and would see no canen. 'Toward evening, when I had .reasoned It all out, .and · bad begun to iltad we had both been saved from our friends and the great mlstajle, Aunt Penny came to me with a tri. umphant light In her eyes. • "Agatha, my poor lamb," ahe said, "Leans' father bas come to set thIngs right. You must come dowo "nd see hIm." ' When • reached the drawIDg room. ... here be waIted, I could Dot tlelp thinkIng how young and handsome Leon's father looked. He mIght have been forty·five-be had been a wid· . ower for many years. He took my· band In his. ."Agatha! MIss Penryn!" he said. "what oan • say to you-what caD • do?" , Sitting there wIth my hand In bls, I told him the whole bald, disagree; able truth. He bent over me when I had finished. I "Agatha!" he whispered. ·''Dear!:' Love that bad fled troll3 a loog courtshll) came to nie tbat Instant wltbout any courtshtp. I loved Leon's father, and !I knew It. I found myself swept, unresIsting, lnto his arms. Aun~ Penny came In soon, and we told her ot the change, and restored her to normal afterward. Tbere was to be a wedding on ~he day set. I would marry Leon's father. Tbere would be a little gas· sip. of course, there Is always a buzz of excitement over the marriage of an elderly man who wrItes chepks sometimes In seven flgures; hut there w,ould . be no scandal. I would be a mother to Leon, after all; but never would I dictate to hIm when It came to his marriage. When I ... ent upBtalrs on that nIght of my second betrothal I glanced along tbe wall at tbe faces of my ancestors. They seemed to smUo approval at me, all but one. My great uncle, Peter Penryn, lay face down on the floor, a perfect ruin. When he fell, or why, I never kne .... , Wu he ashamed of me, I wonder. or was he overcome with joy?



La, Face Down on the Floor aPe,.. fect Ruin.

haa pused muster In any 800lety of which I knew, unless, perhalls, tlley had chosen to foregather with the but· ler and the co~hman, ' or asaoclate wltb the members of a walters' unIon. For the most part the faces ' of my forbears were fat, pl~cltl, smirking and satisfied In expressIon. In their eyes there was a look of reproach for . IDe, with one ezcelltlon. I thought I detected In tbe face of my great· uncle, Peter PenryD, a look of Bober sYlllpathy. Ris portrait hung lower than the rest. at the rear of the hallfor a reason. Tradition said that after Before the year's outing se ason Is a long engagement, arrnnsed for Un. over nearly hnlf /l million persone cl .. Peter by bls friends, !fe bad been BUed for breacb of promise; that he will have Hought'recreatlon and bealth bad eagerly paid What the court In the nntlonal JoJ'esls. The use of thought was 'sumclent balm for his the forests for recreation Is as yet act of treachery, and ~ad lived and In Its beginning, but IH growing stead· died a bachelor, thus losing caste i1y and r.apldly-In Borne of .tlle forests among the ancient nnd honorable at the rate of 100 per cent. per annum. people who looked down from I the The day seems' not fnr distant when wall as I followed Aunt Penny to 1.000,000 persons wllJ annually vIsit tbelr high trIbunal, to explain why them. The records show that tbe sea· the . engngemAnt 'faB broken-why ( would 1I0t be 'Datrled as ihe and the sonal use of the forests runs fronl two atlce610rs had expected. months In a Colorado forest, such as It wns a trvlng ordeal tor me. I the Routt, to 12 montbs In an Alaskan, loved Aunt Penny devotedly, and had such as the Tongass. Dut tbe uses spent 20 years under her roof and In differ. In Colorado the 2,000 viSitors her care-l was· five and tWenty. The entered the foreat to fisb, to camp, tc wedding trousseau was UI)stalrs. Bome climb and to tlrlnk the medicinal wn of It In the partially packed trunks, te rs; In Alaska, the 1,000 almost sale· and the bridesmaids were In readlness Iy to hunt and nBll. The '21,000 . per,' anti on tiptoe; the wedding breakfast sons , who went Into the COnconlno for was ordered. 1 knew that tbe break. Ing of my promise wo:.l1(\ give Aunt esl, Arizona. during nine months went Penn~' tbe moet Intense palll, 8S It to camp or to enjoy the scenery. The bad done. most poPul.a r of the for csts ~Is the To save her feelings a~d to keep Pike, containing' the famous peak 01 my place In ber &trectlons', J descend. ed to lIubterfuge. .that name. " "Aunt Penelope." I declared. " It Im't my fault that Leon-Mr. Muters The official census·statlstlcs glvt' -desires to .break the engagement. .. · "Desires? What are you ,saYing, Chicago a population. of 2,185,293, 0 gain of 489,708 In ten years. Tbls Is Agatha? DeoUnes to marry a Penryn, doIng ,v ery well. as the returris sho'll wlt~ tlle InvltaUons all out, the bishop !~vlted. to preside and wlth · a beautl. Cblcago to be. the secoqd city In tht' ful brhle, such as you wlll , be?,' I. ,UnlttJd States In number of Inbahlt "Be does," J falter.ed, wJth a sudden allts, rank ing next to New York bot t det.,l'ml~atlon. to see Leon Muter at In lIopltIatioll and In rate or In creas!.' once and make him· tell Aunt Penny Y t Ciilcago Is not satfsn d. The me It waS hIs willtl to be tree. Why I had lrolIOU,. thought It sbould have . AI come to the. decisIon not to man:¥ least 3,000,000. Ap!1nrently Ihe onh' Leon-wby 1 bad sent ~Im a letter to . Ret lIucb ' a total Is to anne~ brealdoe olr. the m&J't!Jqe at the lut moment, 1 .eould hardly ezplala, I .omO Dl":(o qf .the outlying territor,... .relt that ~ beIDa 'OUDpr , thl!Jl .....



Agatha Pepryn's ·Query


Concrete Ule become harder nnd When they may be plied up stronger wIth age and may be made pallets used ngaJn. as porous as clay tile; In comparison In operating, the machine Is placed the clay tile becomes, water·soaked In pOBltlon on the pallet wlilithe oore and disintegrates In tbe years of ser· In plnce. The mortar Is ()Iaced In vice, thUB causln&' broken tile and a the mold and tamped clown. useless draIn. The tamping process must bealn ThIs Is easily demonstrated by tao with the first mortar put In. other king up concrete tHe nnd clay Ule that wise the tile will be too porous. Add b.we been Imbedded In tbe ground; mortar !lnd t.a mp down, and so on while the former are 8S strong as one until tho mold Is filled. Now sll1lply could wIsh and lift easily, the clay dJ'aw out the core and unhook tlUl are brltUe, and must be handled with sldeB nnd fold back trom the tilt c!xtreme care to prevent breakage. It upon tb pnllet to dry for Again, to employ vlt~lfied clay tile 48 hours. Is to make a drain that does not abo The tile thus made are 18 Inches sorb water from the soil except at the long, requirIng but 11 to the rod, and lolnts; while a concrete tile haL all ar octagon In shape which 18 so tbe advnntages of being porous and planned that they Olay be easily laid. yet tully as strong as the best vltrl· A round Ule must be very carefnll, fted tile. bedded, otherwise thoy will get Ollt Tbe simple machine Illustrated with of line. and for the Inexperlencad tills article may be built In any size at a slight cost, and wlll enable anY' one to make the best quality of con· crete tile at a cost of 66 cents a rod when made tn the 4·lnch sIze; 77 cents 0. rod for 6-lnch; 88 cents tor 6·lnch; $1.10 for 8·lnch; U.65 for ~ h:ch; ,1.88 Cor 10-Inch, and '2.64 for 12·lnch. tile. The cost Is based on sand ' at 75 cents a cuhlc yard; cement at $2 per barrel; labor at $a a day. The tile are made as atrong u possible, usIng one part cement to three parts of the gravel, which will give them all tbe strength needed for any Bervlce. Tbe 4·lnch tile are made three-quar· ten of an Inch thIck; the 5, 6, and 8· Inch tile are made one Inch thick; the 9 and 10-Inch are made 1 3·8 Inches tIllck, and the 12·lncb 1% Incbes Concrete Tile Machine. thick. In this manner you can estimate worker th(s Is a hard matter. A tile the cost of your drain ond easily com. aade In th octngon design hOli · o ftat pare wIth the cost of clay tlle of thE.' urface, and thus all you have, to aComo size. 10 Is to mnke the bottom or tile By emp'l oylng the proper method!' rencb smooth and Insure the tile refor bandllng con~rete , In the winter, nalnlng In line. Tbe cost of this desIgn over a you may employ your spare time durIng the winter In maklng this 'ound llIe Is hut vary little, and t\A It mu·c h·needed a~Ucle on tbe farm, and las many advantages,' It should apo t.hus save the cost of labor, whJch Is len I to the Inexperienced worke1' as the greatest Item I.n the above table JO cannot help but s ecure correct and at costs, nveraglng from 44 to 77 cents ,aUsfactory results. :,'ler rod of tile. While the tile n1ay be made In The machine explaIned In this arU. ' horter lengths. It ts merely a waste cle Is cine makIng a 6·lnch tile. and of labor as the 18·lnch lengths aro this explanation 1111)' other tile mueb qulcl[er laid, and the tile nro may be easUy constructed. POI'OUS s o the joints need not be a s A' box form Is built of two boards olose as wIth vitrified clay. 18 Inches 100C and : Incbes . wide. Another .great advantage of con· two boards 18 inches long and ' 10 crete tile Is that each. tile Is perfect. (nebes wIde. These are Joined to- .vhile cloy tile nre vrry apt to draw sether to make a torm, the Inside ot,lt . of B~npe In burning, and thus aleasurements betng 8x8 Inches ·and . make trouble when layIng them. 18' Inches high. Fnat~n tbese boards together wltll two hinges at each of three corners. snd the fourth corner fasten . with two hooks and eyelets as shown In the illustration; this allowlI the macblne to be folded back from the tile ... Ithout lojury. , Farmer Ie tn Better PoelUon , t.o Now Dail to each ~rner of this box Stanel Poor Ylelel Than Manu{a~turer. Banker anel lome three-col1lered or heveled strips RallrOael Man. 18 IDebes loog, but nail to just one side of board only, "blch wlU hold the.m In place and yet allow the macMne to fold back {rom the work (By 0, R. PERKINS.) ensll,. . Wbo Is ' moet Interested In a goo4 For the core take a G-lnch stove- crop nnd a SUTO crop? The farmer. pipe 24 Inches long sndtn.lde same the manufacturer, the railroad man, place a 6-lnch board 30 IDcbes 10Dg, merchant, o.r the banker? The more Datllng securely as shown tn the Ulus. I study the problem the more It looka tratlon. The top of thIs board Is cut as tbougb the farmer Is the bea~ to mr-ke a handle to draw out the . ftxed to "tand a poor crop, and tbat core, 118 Illustrated; It. hurta ·the others more. The farmer . loies less sleep over It than any of The bottom Is cut dow~ to leave a the others and proportionately 'f ewer small three-quarters-of·an·'och projec· farmera fall thon . any or the other tloD or pin on lame, 1'hlch sets Into the holes bored In the pallet, thus 'In· lines at business , mentioned In a time of poor crops. The , (armor ean get suring ' the ' core tieing always In the bls IIvlng' from the farm, can retiuce center of the form. expenses and economize In a way The pallets are made of any boards that tbe others cannot. From thIs It larger than the form used for mold. IDg the tile, aod In the center Ie bore'd Is plaiD that It 18 of vUnl Interest ,to all that crops be a sure thine for a three·quarter·lnoh bole to reoelve each year, ' and each at these Ind"s. the llfn on the bottom 01 the board ID trIes wh.l cb has really grown out of the core. The outsIde part of the . mold Is tho form ought to put ·(orth their ~est effort to see that the farmer band Ills held In pOBltlon by four Iron pins or IIJllkes. , These Bre placed ' by setting bls {arm according to the best ~hat tho 'caslng ·In the correct posItion on we know of farming. the pallet and then on eacll sIde mark where the pin Is to be placed, bore a Selecting Breeda, Farmers care more for the quallt! bole for the same and arrange 10 It can b~ eosUy Inserted and removed. of their cattle, sheep and 'borses tbu Small bolts or spIkes will do tor this they used to do. It Is as much as ad· purpose. vantage to ' extllnd their pride and ' A pallet Is prepared for as maoy care to poultry' Ill! to any branch ' tile u y,OU wIsh to make - each day, theIr work.. A flock of uniform sl.e and the tile ' are left on tile same for and color Is very attractive and ' Uye at least 48 hours before removIng, bh'ds sell better. '



Hindu Superstition. j The "Indian Antiquary" contalDs the followlng note taken Itom a "Bombay Goneral Letter" (March 17, 1707), hat appears In volume I of "Bombay Abstracts." It l11ustral~s the close' con- " trol tbat the authorities at tha~ ' timet exerclsed over religious bOdies: ' negrQ girl of . "Upon a dream of Mablm tbat there was a :nIne of treasure. who belog overh6,!ll'd relating It, DOTJlO, Alvares, and Borne others Wellt' to ' the place aod Sacrlftced a Cock and dug the ' ground. but found . notblng. they go 10 Bun411rra at. Salse", ~here dlsa~eelDg, the . government there take notice of tbe Bame, and one of them, 'aJ;1lnhabltant 9( Bombay, I. sent to the InqulslUon at Goa, which pro:ceedlnga wlll discourage tbe Inbabl ltanta. WherefOre the genearll .. deslJoed to . tssue a proclamation to Leue ~Im, 'aDd, If Dot · restbred la 10 daJJ. DO ~ CatboUck ftnbip ..,



.. alloWed ..,. U1t

1lJaa." .


.... ~ ..

----- ....-





The first indication at kidney ctt. order Is otten backache. Then come. paiD III the IiJPs aDd sIdes. ~ene"s. Boreneaa ' and urinary '· trou· bles. Theile ar .. Ule's· sllnlals tor help. Doan's Kid R e y Pills should ' be used at the first sIgn. Ira. Cl ar k, North r.faln St., . St\vnnna, m., 80YS: "I was con lined . to bed with kldn e y trouble and nev· er expecled to be up again. A dootor said 1 had ncute Infl ammation or tbe b lIl,clde', bn t he could not help me. How gmt 'ful was I for tlle prompt. r elief DORlI'S KIdney Pills gave me! ontlnued use removed e very 61gn ot kidney trouble," R em'ember the nam&-Doan's. For sale by all ", ealers. 50 c nts a box. Foster·Mllburn Co., Dul!al.o, N. Y. Getting 0 Reputation. There Is a desk In the senat.e por· li(' ulurly conv enient as a pillce frOID. whlob to make ap el'hes. 1t Is lint In the IIlsle. and ulmost In the center . ,,r the l!hAmber, and I\trOI'US an opportunity r Ol' the spealter to make evo!'Y' body lJcllr. At least n dozen Renntors, a oc:ol'l\' ing 10 the Washington corr:espond nt ,..1' the t. Louis Star. have borrow d thl l;1 d s k when they had speclol utte r· I\nCCR to deliver to the senate. This led , not lonl{ BgO. to a mild protest from Its legitimate occupnnt. "I urn perfectly wll·\Ing to give up my d ~B k, " said 11 , "but I am afraId people will think thst tho 8nme man l!i talking all tbe time. 1 don't want. lo g t the reputation of eonstanUy Illllng th e senate with words." Youth's ompnnlon.

Mutual ExpectatIons, A lIotorl01lsly close-fisted ' An ,vn. tl\kl tl~

hili golfing holiday 10 Scotln~d, wh el'" he huped to Impro"~ JUs gamll. J IIbd, by IIrIvlug a bard bargain, 1104 IIl1ula"ed tG st:Cure the ezcluslve lienIcclI of a first·clalls caddie, who WUR known to be a very ,ood player. "Mlnu. now," R81d the ambitious: loutherner, "I expect to Nlcell'e som~ really good tillS (rom YOI, duTlDg my BtllY h re, you understand 1'" ''Aye,'·' l'epJlcd the Scotsman, hltr.hlng IIV thfl heavy bag, "an' Ah'm . expeot!n' t~. IIko frlle ye: ye kell."-Golt llIustrat.l': • Hla Point of View. ".Jobn. dear," queried the youn". wit , glancing up frQm tl\e pbysic&1 cultUl'e magazine' IIbe waa peruato" "what - s ybur Ideaof a perfeot .nit ure?" "Well," rClllJed her t.USblUld, "'100,· .000 'moy not be pllt'fectioa. bu.t It'll neap..,.ft6Ugh-to sntlsfy· a mOD~ ' O",,!r·~..... siMple" . THE FIRST. TASTE " LearneoJ to Drink Coffee When a •• b)'~

FrEa all, It 8eoms that, there really a re such tliTngs as-ghosUi. Sc i. ence at llUI t accords tbem u somewba t be· lated recognillonthougb, of course, reo fusing to acknowledge t bat t hey are s uper · Ilatural. On the con· trary (accordlng to . t he new ly acce pted theory ), th ey are to be clMsed as na t tlml pb CIIOlll n B, chemica l In char. nct"I·. Wh y Is It thn t g hoals, si nce tt me i mme morial. have beclI so Intima tely assocIa ted with graveya rds ? W hy Is it thal l he l! 'ad in cem terles IIro so ul1lv rt:lU lly bell ev d to "w alk" a t Illght '! Wh y, whe n s pecters walk, aro tbl')' so ge ll rall y accustomed (I n IIO p. ul al' b li ef) to be sheeted- Umt Is to sa)'. rind In windi ng s beels- though now ad ays Pl.'oplo aro nearly always burled 10 ordinary clotbln~ ? . TheNe Questions, and otberll equally Interesting, In regard to phantoms, sci. once hi lIO W fo r the firs t time pre pared to IlllSwer. As to the first point, tbe reIl llta t\ on gra veyards bave for being b all nted Is attributa ble to tbe fact t hat ghos ts, of the kInd now recognlz. ed as real, do actually and not Infre. Quently walk a bout In such places. 'I'h y are seen a t nI ght (rath er than In th daYtIme) because their chern . ical constitu tio n Is s ucb t hat tb ey can not be vISibl e except In darkness. FIna lly, they are (or rather, appear to b ) "sheeted" tor th e reason that tbe . gases of which they are composedbere we begIn to com e to the elCplana tlOn-Dlcker and waver In a fashIon Auggeatlve ot ga rm ents. For some reason n'o t e1l8Y to ex. p laIn, the dead are supposed to be b O!ltlle to tbe \lvln g. Few people the re bo who would not run te rror. stricken, trom a ghost, It they ' thought t hey saw one. But, makIng all allow. ance for thIs fact, and for the Intlu·1 ence of ImaglnatloD, It sUIl seem. s trange that tbe convIction that a l1'aveyard Is a dangerous and dreadful place to venture luto at nIght should be so wId espread even among eduoat· s d persons. Nohody objects to enter· lng, pr wanderIng through, a buryIng 8lound In tho daytime-rathe r the contrary, Indeed, most cemeteries beIng attractive spots. But 'at nIght it fe different. The real cause of thIs fear l1ell In the circumstance that phantoms, for reasons presently to be made clear, are, and always have been, haunters People have been of graveyards. frIghtened by them time and time acnln ~ in such places. Otber persons, . . I _have not seen them, and who bave professed dIsbelief, have never· theless been Innuenced by testimony _ f the 80rt. NoL otten has anybody, wl ~ssl tJg"'1lPh enomenon of this kInd, a ttempted to Investigate ft. Much sater does It seem und er such cIrcum· Gta nces to take to one's heels. NothIng but the skepticism of sci· e nce can fortify a man agaInst the terror of such an experIence. But, as It chnnced, som years ngo, a govern· ment IlJ1thropolog\st, ot Iilgh repl\t~: lion (now connected wIth the depart· ment of agri culture). Prot. W. J. Mc· Gee, had an opportunIty to study thIs ma tter at fi rst hand. He was living at the time In a , small ,town, In tbe mIddle ,,'est, where, only a few weeks ea.rlle r, a bmglar, engaged In the ex· rclse of hIs hazardous professIon, had been shot to death. Hastily bur· led be might huve been expected to ref~ni n from dIsturbIng the commu· nlty furth r- Instend of whIch, be pro· ceeded to "walk," hIs gho'st baIng reo pentedly s&en by-1t"'1TUmb8r>of reliable witnesses stalkIng about the potter', field ' whe:.e Il:s grave was located. Professor McGee, beIng appealed to on the subject, In hIs capacity of sci· entltlo Investlgntor, finally consented to . look Into It. He went to the pot· ter's Ileld on a moonless nlKllt, sat down a short dlstnnee from the grave (carelessly left only half tilled up) whIch had been poInted out to hIm as that of the late burglar, and prooeed· c d to walt for Aomethlng to happen. NothIng dId hl\ppen for quIte a while, nnd he was juSl makIng up hIs mind that he had come on a fool's errand when he descrIed a dim light Imme·

Archibald's .Agatha THREE DAYS ON PICKET LINE Captal n Relates Some Inte re sting In· ci de nts Wh il e In Front of Pete r·s burg.

dlately over th g rave. As he gazed It became steadily more vIvId nnd dIs· tinct, appearIng to hover In th.e alra l1ame·lIke, restless thing, ahou t the height of a man and rather strIkingly resembling tbe popular conception of a gbost. When he attempted to approach the strange object It dIsappeared. He went back to the place where he had been seated, and It became vIsible egaln. E very now and then a gust ot wind would seem to "blow It out," and It would ''Rnlsb for the moment, pres· ently rea ppearing. Apparently Its movements were caused by the breeze, Ita wavering suggesting drapery. But presently .the professor saw another ghost, of similar aspect, not far away, nnd then another and another, unUI there were at lellst balf a dozen. It was not s urprisIng that the townspeopie (credIting a report to the effect tbat tbe burglar's wife and children, deprIved of the family breadwInner, bad dIed of starvation) should declare that lhese untortullates ca me at nIght to dance over the gtaves. Porfessor McGee found It Impossl· ble to ge !thIn a dozen fe et ot th phantoOls, whIch would always vanIsh on his near approach, He Is unable to explain thI s clrcumslnnce; but he becnme convinced tbrough careful study of the apparItions thnt they were nothIng more nor less than gas· eous emanations of a self·lumlnous character. In aU probabIlity they were largely composed ot phosphoru s, de rIved from the dead bodlcs of pea· pie burled in the potter's field. Here, t hen, Is an explanation of the reason why ghosts haunt buryIng grounds. ' They are In fa.ct a natural (not supernatural) product of grave· yards, af! one· m.'ght sny, In the body of an adult human beIng are 55 ounces of phosphorus, seven·elghths of thIs quantity beIng conlnlned In the bones (w'here It goes to make phos· phate of lime). while there are 4 '1.1 ounces In the red corpuscles of the blood, and lIearly haIt an ounce In the flraln. The pro~lses ot decay set thIs phosphorus fr-.e In the gaseous stateunder whIch cIrcumstances, atmos· pherlc c('\.Hlltlons being favorable, It Is liable t.I l\1'oduce, In tbe nIght time, effects such 18 those above descrIbed. AI:! Is well kllO"Yb, dectomposlng vege· table matter In s'."ampy places yIelds

an eman atIon tba ~ Is hIghly phosph01' escent, causli!g tho pqpnomenon term ed "wlll.a··the·wlsp," or "elf nre." It Is not reasonable to suppose that there 18 sODle relation, In res pect to cnuse, between tbe wm·o'·the-wlsp (whIch occasIonally mIsleads unfor· . tunate travelers Into boggy places) and tile "cor pse candles" saId to b. often see n 100vlng about In tbe mysterIous anI! awesome dark)less ot ceme te rIes ? The "sheeted dead" Ilre alleged to carry these candles In their ghostly hnnds wbe n they walk about a mong the graves at nIght. The s keleton of an adult human being 'ontaln s about four pounds ot the me tal calcium. ThIs, In faot, I. the most abundant metallic element of tHe body struoture. In ' tbe nuldll of the body, also, there Is a good deal of It. But calcium and phosphoros, when combIned , form a self·lgnUable subs tance. Indeed, wa ter will set It on fire. If a bit of phosphldll of cal· clum be dropped Into a s aucer of wa· ter, It wl1\ ins tantl y burs t Into ftame , on whIch account, In the' laboratory, to protect It from dampness, It hns o be kept In an alr·tlght jar. 'l' hree other selt·lgnltable sub stances, nil of tbem metals, are 'cen lnlned In the huma n body. One 01 these (a bout two ounces In Quantity ) Is the s ilvery·wh lto magneslum-<>f fa' mlll ar use tor flssbllght purposes by plJotog rnphers. The othe r t wo an: sodium and potassIum- rather more thnn fi ve oun.ces of each. A piece 01 the former, It thrown Into ~ ater . bursts Into a rosy flnme, and swlml about vIolently on the surtace until burned ouL The latter Is likewIse sei afire by contact with water, on, touch Ing whloh- It- explodes Ike throwIng a shower of sparks Into thf! air. A s for msgneblum, It Is so fierce ly combustible thnt It , has to be ke pt tightly corked In glnss bottles, to pre vent It frOID Igniting. Thus Is appears that the buma!! body contalus, in consIderable quanti ties, quite a number of substance. whIch are self·lgnltable, nnd fierc el, '1)0, on comIng in to ct'ntact wIth water The marvel 18 that we refraIn tron' goIng 01T by spontaneoull combUstion so to speak, while we are alive. Whe!) burned, these substnnces, of course, convert tbemselves Into gases, WhIch ara lumInous. Under favorIng grave yard condJt:.ons (the processes of de ' ----.;..,.---~..,..,..,'.-w cay going on very gradually), they pass off slowly, by evap:.>rnt!Qn, and not In any such way ns that abovo de scrIbed. They· present themselve~ t( ~ Ule view, In darkness, as mere ctem Some pointers to Be Remembered by the bell. When 'flnally sbe "got her Ical emaDntlons-lumlnescent, blowr, party" the strain In ber hlgh·pltched nbout by light elrll, or dissIpated en. ThOle Who Are Uaora of the Telephone. voice made l! ImpossIble for ber to ' tlrely for the moment by a passlnp he clearly undt!rstood. Then she got gust ot wInd. In aU probability the} MQst m'e n-and women-use more angry again be(aiUs~ "central" had not oonslst mainly of phosphorull. nervous force In speakIng tbrough the "given her 11 belter connection," and One cannot capture a ghost of tbiE telephone' than would be needed to finally came away from the telephone iel!P them strong and hea~thy for nearly In a state of nervous collapse, kIn_d. It cannot be trapped In abo:. ,.ears. and Insisted thnt the telepbone would or a bottle and conveyed to a sclentlilc Nature kno\vs no strain, True IIcl· ftna\1y end her Ufe. I do not think laborntory for examination or nnaly. ence knows no straIn. , Therefore 11 that she once suspected that the whole sl~. Hence It Is likely that the tl'~£ compos Ition of phantomll will fore,el 8traln~d, hlgh·pltched voice d.08S not state of tatlgue which bad almost carry over the telephone wIre a~ well brought an mneBII upon her wae ab- remain a s mu c~ a mystery as It Is to 1\ low one. . aolutely and entirely her own fault.- , day; But (SUPPosIng . ~he theory , Impatience, rudeness, Indecision and Annie Payson . CaU, 'In . Nerves and pet forth to be correct) It Is a comf(.rt to.. know, In n geJie~al way, what grave dJlfllsenejlS blu!, communication b~ 'CommQ,n, Sen Be, yard BJlectres are mnde of. ' . tele,phone even more th,a n., they do _ _ _ _ _~-"'" ~en people are murdered, ~ d .~l1en~·on~ Is face to face W~th th.e perNew P'h .le of the MOon. , ~~'r bpdles ~as ..of~e~ ,blll*M) , 111'( iIora 'i.Ur.lng. :"... ~ee, papa':"'eel" ~xdlalmeci • Itt. tiurled In. .cellars or other Clam, j)lac.s I If the ' wire Itself relJented .I , It .1 a~ , " " ofhumanity aDd tie P1'l1ttler.; polpt~ng toward the m.ooD tbelr ~ho~ts, for the obenilcll,l' rfaso,, ~· thele' f~~uma.nthP~&I!la n' who Inlutted ' which, . for ' lome momenta, .had . been already gIven, are partleualrl}' likeh .plt back a~ e ,perso ~ . . ' hIdden b, a cloud; "the mOOD I. open' to walk. . So says Prof. 'C~a"JoS iE it b)' tr)'tDg' to traDamJf o~el' it Gch 'a pbL.. . Mnnroe, a tamoua chetnllt, ani' del.l . jiDlntelllpn~ baM, . , _:--_ _ __ 'of the George WasbJngtoD unlv"",lty ,Tq ' a ~emandtng wo~. wlto, fa .Enjoyed It. . . w~~ even IJ08S 10 ,far aa to d~1al't : ~e4 aDd Ured he~ir, 'a ,,,..t of "DId ,)'OU enjo), 70ur yaeaUOD r ~.t be could at ,a ploch PI'OcIuee II . . a800Dcb leam. tell mlnu._ I ba•• "B.t' ln tbe ' "or~d." f. . b.. laboratolT phantoms In aU btl , a the tel. ''Wbe..'~ '1PQ (IOI'taDt J'UI.IeCta ' corerapODdlq' to 'wltlflOGt CIIIIq;ror '''lIS'' ".,. 1MDt, • IIlOJltIa WIt\. __ ~• . wblcb ....y8Jard. ..... IIOP"1' ' ,ttl!'t=="~.:':-':~UL'_U"' .MNIa feIIII," _110114 f'Q ......twe. . . . .." .......

_. . . . ;. ,. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


.,7" .


ClA faaclnating Itory of a ~c bachelot'a

wooing on the IUcceaa of which depends. fortune. Is he succeaafull W 0 leave that for you to discover by tho e.ntaI, tainin, aerial about to appear III


In This Paper «I.AI· clever

a story


.vcr yoa rea6:

Read the fint chapter and you'D not bo ~ontcnt until tho laat appear..

Don't Mial the Opemr Iut.llmeDt This Is One of the .Best Stories Offered to Our Readers.

Bachelors! =Hearken! CI.Could

you win the hand of lIOme handsome young lady for youllIdf alone within ten days If a fortune with an income of $20,000 • year depended u~n the success or your wooing? ClThat's the proposition put up to Archibald Terhune, a

popular young Englishman, in

__ --..

Speaking Over the Wire


.JOIII !' tim' ubo ut the mil!dle of Feh· ruary. I Gti, 1 was d tailed as omce r of the pi ke t for d uty on thc IIn o In our fr on l, xt ondlng from tho " eldoll mi l, rand. uot f u r f rom tlio Yell ow la \'e r n OU 011 I' l'il' lI I. to w hero we joined the ~'i l'!lt brigade's pi cke ts of OUt· di vision o n t be I f t. My de ulll , !I S I lI OW retll c ruLJ ~ I', \\'us nbout G5 men. Born e fro m [lcrbapt; e very I' 'gllllen t ot our br ig· ad p, writes G. l\f. l~ ic h l' l b e rg , cl\ptnin Company G, Six th Mary land, In Nn· Uoua l Trl bu ut'. When \~' e a rri ved a t , lho reserVQ /lld:l' t post J WM met by Ii ca ptain uf th e On ' Hundred nnd Tenth OhIo, who had his resel've In lin e to receive U ti, whe u he ga ,'e me tho nu m\)er of llI en on d uly. My first reli ef wus soon de tailed, and in cha rge of a sergean t, accompanIed by a ser · gea nl who was to direct th e n w pI ck· ets to t heir .posls nnd ta ke chdrge of th o old pIcket. The captain /lroceeded to give me the orders to the offi cer of th e )llcket. He told me of the placl n'g of vldets a t nIgh t, a nd t he pers is tent cus to m of the Johnn y picke ts uf trad· Ing wi th the boys; a nd you boys who ev I' di d pI cket du ty a long th l! front of our co,rps will r emembel' how ve r y close ali I' l11cket \ln es we re abou t that time. Tbe ca ptain Ins Is ted tho practice of t rading s hould be brok n up, but In my mind I right there secretly decided J would have some rebel news that ni ght, If .Jobnny a bked B certaIn ,"Idet whom I had In mInd for a trade. I therefore selected from myoid company D, Slxlh M.aryland, one John Travers, whom I kne w wat! equal to any e mergen cy that might arIse, and had hIm detailed on first re Uot on vldet, with Instructions to trade anythIng the JohnnIes proposed. Bergt. Joe. Eyler, also of Company D, SIxth Maryland, was sergeant of the firs t relief pIcket, and I posted hIm to answer prompUy any ca ll from any of the vldets, but to positively disallow any tradIng or any communication from any of the vldela. Trave rs, of course, excepted. There were several calls to the first relief vldets from the rebel pickets, but all efforts to oommu.nlcate for trade exoept [rom Travers's post was ste rnly refused. John answered hJs man and nllowed him to approach. His proposItion was to trade tobaeco tor coffee, salt or sOw· beIJ~ ' John agreed, ' provIded he brought hIm a Richmond paper of that day's date. Sergt. Eyler took coffee and salt, and returned later wIth a tine lot of chewIng and smokIng tobacco, and a copy of the RIchmond WhIg. . We had some Interesting read· log the next day. I should also stale t hat In the In· structlons given me, I was told that every ev~ nlng, before night, the rebels would call to us, saying : "Yanks, are you ready to chop' wood ?" That no arrangement had been entered Into for a detall from each pIcket to meel



HII Propoeitlon


to Trade Tobaccc

In a grove Immediately In frollt of our rellerve post and chop trees for lVood for the reserves for the next 24 hours. At the usual tIme the caU came to our picket, and the word soon came to me for orders. I told' them 'to anlwer: "Yes," nnd ahout my en· tire re"erve wantad to go. ThIs, of course, I dId not allow, but permit· ter about ten men, without arms 'Ix· cept one ax, to co, and ordered the reat of the reserve In line wIth arms. We s'oon saw the rebel detail comIng, 0. half dozen or more unarmed and tour ,guards, equipped, 10 charge of n lIeutena~t, He' directed the wood chopping, !lJl,d a , pIne tree, perhaps' olgh:t inches ~n dlame~er, ~a8 selected and 800n cut down. Tben he ste pped olf perhaps ten fe4!t, and set ·8, man to chopping, then anotber; and wben the tree was cut up he set t~o other mell t.c)· ..cut down anothe r, ', and, Grdered' a de.taU from each army 'to C&l'ry the dl'vlded J.orUON to the reserve POlt and ,Cor .the liest tre~.

Archibald's Agatha by EDlm HUNTINGTON MASON

• bright and clever serial story about to.appear in this paper. CI.Read how: he wfns .out within ·a few moments of .the ~ation of- the allotte4 time. You'U.enjoy every installment. .



1:1 )Ii ng wo rth ,

h ri.dg r e pnh' " (it\\ Il'ge Ytlirlb l)l'i(lg r pUll' , 'hn ' on D . Wutkintl, . brldg'O I" . ?W Ite r N . II 0, co ntmot, :U·I j 20 CONTRADICTS ALL FABL.Es, DOES ,r,)hu ;n~p 1111(1 ' lu rk . IXO lJ, IIrlclgCONDUCT OF T,...IS FOWL. l'(lotmct , li 7.30. ~{ ~ y . •r. It , Bnnt r, m i llt!ltllr at i llfil'lll tl r.v, $ 1' -0 A) ull~ . C ' L~,.w dHY, ttppl')ll ,cr, $7. Boyle County Farmer Removes Ring From Crop of Chicken WIth Aid L. r. l~ lL ndul ); fL}JlJr ui!ler , ~:.l 110 of Sclaeol'!l. and ' Egg.ProP'rry Burd It . u (lprn i~ r , $;UiO. ducer Recovers.


$(i\l. /'i l.


I .

, ,.\





('11 1' 1'\1 11, tlpprrdllu r , $:3 ., (j E . ' . •1t'll'·I'.\' 11J 1!J I' uiH fW , :t::{ :Jtl. Ei! t l'l ~L11'1 1 , " JlIJl',d 11'1' . ~a.:; U . ...


" "



,\ Doy le .collnty h n sWll lIowed R dltlm nd ring which th tl oWlI er - - - .... ---had lert Iylu/{ on a tubl e on u ' bu('\1 Whooping Cough p Url! h , Tho Inrld ' nt lud i aloe caro' I" uu ,11,1 ... ' \Ylll g t h ilt, whnnpi ll l.{ I s~ " 'RB III th e ring owner nnd nl so ::. 0" 1I/-:11 1I\U"t rnn If.; 'Il ur P, h ut, tlln on Ih l' part f tho b n. \ I. 11",· \If Dr lkl l'. 1 '1 1lt' . Tllr -lill'l\~ V hll " On e IIPOII a Um a wise old roos ter .t,: . d 'II I1 U II~tl'llt f\U h,'yolll l d ouht, ' t,h~ ,t scr alch 'ct up II. d iamond In a mllck , Htl\! b I" lJ u t t hu II " n 1t t:'llJ 1.,' heap. but b did not sWl1.lIolV ' It. H cl1rHd b ,l ' t.h n n Sf> "f tId" ' \' I'IlI(,H ly 11l5(ll'C I d it ml nntely and thon 1'(1. marlwfi that whc reas SOllIe .versons \ ~'. might Ilt em slI ('h things very highly, I . .H.C4 A Smile Countll. j he lJl'rSona lI y wouldn't glvo a grain Evory one II k l'~ t o t' P(\ u smil in g ,,( I 1 .. n ~ -, I fnl'e, and to Rm ll e 1)( ('om lngl), Oll of II' hollt fo r n bush 1 Ullfllwt fu ll of I \'J ,-1 r \'"'\ :'T .. Ir tbC' Boyl 'aunt)' hen had must culth'ntl' a ch""rflll and Ry mpn· I t hetlc con illtion o f min,\. Th e> f uce h " 11 us wls as this roaste r, which wreatheel In sml\fH\ III like r rpetunl A ~ up or som' othor abl e write r t ells sUl1 ahtne In a hOIl IlI:'. Tt 11-1 Irros illti ble, abon . aho wOIII.1 hav. sa v d herselt IlIII II Bu lT ring. But this Hoyle counly and conquers all hl'flrt!l. A sm iling montl! losm; half Its IIrn wus a foolish bird, and she swiped , chn.nn If the rps do not corr 'spon d : tin' j woll'y. '\'\'\wo tho 108S was discove red, nnd , for the eyes ar th e wln rlowR rt f t h I soul and th IImll that \les ' only th e hon a lso, with a gullly look on b r th Ups liOOIl til II I\wn)', leaving COllD 'nan e and a lIusplclotls bulge In an indifferen t Blltrlt to BUrv y nnd her crn w, It didn't require much Sher· I()ck Holm s business to make n chl\1 t he world . Cultivate t hl) nrt of sm iling, not shrewd Rurmls as to the whereabouts of th rin g, Thtl hen was mildly but with YO\l r li ps, but with YOltr yes. Everyone cun hay Inngh lnJl; oyes. tll'mly r equested to submit to a search BEGI Ni'll JG NOVEMBER 27 , 191 0 They lU'e not a matter ot Inheritance, nnd Rho had such a poor way of retusnor nn the y bl) aCfJulred with lhe aid Ing that the Investigation was quic kly of the mll.9S6USf\ and the proCesslonlli under " ray. Any r marlts that sho Arrive !I t dena r t fr Il' Pennsyh:un ia Station mIght have felt Ilk making under dlf· beauty specialist. Lov e Is the great trans form r, The ferent circumstances w re r epress d ~~ \ ~~~~~~~~~~!,,_ ~..!"~~~~_~~ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~7~ I!ternest rE'atures mny bo soft e n d, the porforce by a suffocating sensation In derell oommi tted to the Asylum hnl'dest naturos be bumanlz d, by the gloltls Iluperlnduc d by abnormal distension ot the thorax. The hen was lovo, for the Insan e I\t DlLyt,on. ('aught with the goods on her. The The second Rcoouot 'of the e tn,t e ri ng \111\8 unmistakably Inside of the Not Sorry for Blunder , craw. ]ts ow ner could see Its outline of Edwin 'oth e t nl, minors, WI1S "if my f ri nl\ ~ h lHlu't blUlH.ler fl d .and could feel It. He dIdn 't feel It as file I by Annll 80th , guardian. .:; JIU ,non Pleas Court. In thinking I W II" II dflilmecl victim strongly as the he n did, but he knew For the as t'l\ to of Quinoy Ertel, of oon ump,ti otl, I mi g ht, u t. be nli,v wIth a ll the faith that may possibly Court Proccedinlil:S. deO'eased, the fir st and finlLl aoooun t n ow, " wrIt, II D, T , 'under" (I f Bor- be acqulr d ' from the substance or LA(,ha ti to I<ton WitS g ra nted IL di- WIlS filed b y W. B. Beck , adminis- r od burg, Ky •. "but t' r y eura th Y things hoped for Illld the evidence of puw ev r y nt.t. mpt to (J ure tl lu u!! thl~ga not seen that tb,6 ring wall voroe fr om Uwe D t:ltookton on the tru.tor rllcking oo o l.{ h filII, At. lust I tri d there and that the hen was dolng her Report of private sal e WIlS fi led in Dr Kin g's Nt\w Di oovery .. The af· best to conceal It. g~o und !\l 9f g r oss nagl eot of duty und plaintiff WI1S given . cU8tocly of the ollse of W ,\ H, Beok, Rdmr ., of (ect was wonderful. It soon stopp d Onoe upon 0 time-to revert to Acthe ohild, the d afendant bein~ al the estate of Qulnoy Ertel agl1i n t the oo u gh tLDd I am now in b tte r Bop-a man owned a goose whlch laid lowed to visit every two weeks. It J e nnie J. Ert el et Bll1nd dis tribu- bel\ltb thllD I btl ve h 'l d for yeu.TS. a golden egg every dlloY. ThIs man Thl .. wouderfnl life-s il ver i an Utl· wa.nted to get rich' Quick, and as be WiltS ordered tbtlt the d efendll.nt , plly tion of prooeeds made . ri vllled r emedy for ooughR, cold. could not find any sort ot conditio n The tenth Elcconnt in the trustee- loarippe, Ill"thDl11, oroup, hem or- powders that would burry up , the loythe plain tiff 12.50 each week for s hip of N a noy J. Hopkins, deoeased, rhn ges, w b oopin~ COUgll OJ' WE!II king process, be deolded to kill the snpport of child . In the oase of Ellz!lobeth Bol1nrd WIlS filed bv MlI.rY ,E , Hopkins, trns l11ngB , GOo, $ 1.00' Triu\ bottle fr e e goose' and possess hlmseU ot the gold Gua rlln toed by F red C, Schwartz mine Immediately, 11 not sooner. The against Christie UlI.rner, et al, the tee, goose was killed, and it app ~d that defendllnt prays that the oourt reo 'l'he oonrt order!! 't he adminl strll First to Ftnd Gold In AmerIca. . the mint had suspended operations at qnire the p]llintiff $0 eJeot tetween tor of the 'e \ate of Charles W . l)e North America has count d as a about the same tim. There 'Vas nothher second and t hird d efenses bnt B('Iurd, dec ased to aooept a settle I,ln g oontlnent only since Ing dOing In the golden gg line fo rm ent of $4900 from the ' C lnoinn fl,ti the late 40 s. But It m1ght well have ever aftel', but the goose-slayer was oonr' overruleMthe motion . . done so tor nearly 200 years. , Accord- ke pt busy dodging the fool-killer tor The ' jnry in the olLse of C ltherine & Mnakingnm Valley rallroll.d for Ing to the ' London Chronlcl , In the th l'est of his 1l(e. Rnook against the Lebanon Canning ha.ving ollused t h e death of the de- voyage rO\lnd the world whIch began The Boyle county hen did no meet In 1719 the privateer apt Sh Ivoeke, th e fat of the goose that lai d the Co. finds 116 with Interes t due tbe ceu!led. The 8 cond and final 1l000ount in found In certaIn California vulleys "n. golden egg, She bad ne v r laid any plaintiff, rich black mold whIch, as you turn ,It Conrt orders the ao.le of reu.l estlLte t he estate of Ne.nnie O. Janne v was rr sh up to th e sun, ap pears as If In- ~o lden ggs, but she bad prod uced a pretty good line of tlle plain everyday a t ~heriff '8 eule in OBse of William filed by J . E .Ta n y, administrator, term ingled willi gold , dust. Though brand. It looked to ber owner as It S. K . Kemohan Ilnd E , L SpeJ)ce, we w re a little preJudi ced," he add s , she wo.uld be good for several , years Wheaton agll.i nst O. P . Wheaton et al. administrlLto~R with . the wil'l a n, "against tho thought that It cou ld be laying it her life could be suved and The:j nry WIlS unable to a gr ee in n ex<\d (If the estate of PreRooia P possIble that th l!! metal shollld be so the family jewelry' ~ ept off the back promiscuously nnd universally mingled por h, A simple surgical operatlon the case of 8 tu.te of Ohio Elgu.ia s, t;penoe. deoeased, filed by t h ei r in- witt! common earth, y l w endeavor d with n pillr of scissors and a need le Hacrv Laokey and WilHum C,elgh ventory and a.ppralsamenf:, !l.nd to cleanse and wnsQ the a.rtb fr om and thread solve d tb . b l em. The ton charged with laroeny . proofs of pnblica ~lOn of the ir ap- some or It, a.nd th more we (lid t he ring was r ecovered and t he h en Is remore It appew' d like gold. Tn orde r covorlng. ' I Benja.min Monoe wa~ g ranted pointments, to be further sa Isnod I brought a way There is not much chance to rin g In a divorce from Olillrity Monoe on Inven tories and appraiseme n t'! some or It. whl h we losl In our con· a moral here or to ring out one. "Haoc the grC>nnds1lf gross negleot of duty wpre al:.;o filed to ,the estot0 of t:),lm- fusion In hlna." fabula docet" doesn't apply because ~ ".....---and cnstody of ohildren is given to nel W. Malsbary, ArJanclu <I G ith ens, the story Is not a lable. I t may be Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve ta'ken, howev.., as an Illustration of pllliutlff, Defe ndan' WIlS enjoined tiustl.n J, Heston and WilHam T. i>l g UlI.rllntet1u for l'C:G rnll, £I ltrb um the fact that wh ll Boyle ooun ty farm· interfering wit,h oh,ildren . Parker. t tte r ; ri ng"'! o rm ; I'unn ing !lur es , el's are ~ llttJe careles8 with their John King oharged with giving The firs t and final aooonn t in "he bllppt3d b a ud tmd lip:!, pimples on je.welry at times, t hey are exceedingly away intoxioatlDg liquors waived . estBt of Raohcl Barnett, deoeAs ed, the fno a , hlllck h e u.d, barb ra Itoh,. careful with- their hens. a trial by jury Bnd consented to WIlS filed by Eli Burnett, exec utor . Rltn burn , iu!!' ot biteR, fev e r so r ~!! nod 'lU o l.! Olttl~ rrh _ 25 . trial by oonrt. He was fon.nd guilty Every Body Needs Due proof of publiOl~tioQ o f the -------.~~.------. and fined ~50 and oosts, a good ulve lind Ur, Be ll's , Aot,isllp a.ppointm ent of Jennte M, Mill er us Owes Fame to Childi sh Friends. In tbe case of Huse. ~ Bone ngainst tic a l v j".the ll !lt ' It iii It Orenr11 executrix tn the e!ltflote of Ad is ) n Everybodv knows that J.ewls 'Car- "' OIIW whito <lint-ment. GUllr tlllttl d Howard Coll ette, admr ., plaintiff is K . Miller, decllllo'led, wo s filed roll, th e author at "Alloe In Wond er· f orAIl a; kindlsea sel-l. 250soldevery given l \:lllve to file his amended peti ' Effie Mo.lsbury, exeon t.rix of the land : ' was an Oxford don-Rev. O. H. ~here, tion . Dodgson-lin d that he looked more - ---estnte of tiamlle l W . MIloI ba ry, d e Court dis misses tile appeul in the like th e hlgh·ann-dry old matbematlTen Cents Bought a Rubens. oase of D nion Canning Co., I1glliust c el\sed, fil ed proof of publiollti on of I'I:1.n he waR ' than an entertainer or Ame rica soon have the relu!I!l1 hlldnm. Yet he hael cel'taln child ot a hitherto unknown , picture by her ILppointm ent. !:larah Quiller, ' trl !'n,1 s, nnel to the51) 011 t heir country Court g r a nts W , Chester Maple wal ks he told the "Alice" adventur s Rubens, whlc b has been lying for Cases of Harold V . Bett,is vs, years in the garret or a h9use in the .Jeffer s on Reed u.uCi Carl F. GebhEl,rt leave to sell b ood s to p"y indebted wh ich he afterwar ds mad Into a small town of Zagrzebla., Poland . vs, Lewis Conover Ilre dh,miss d . n es!! of estate of Ag nes L . William'" ' hook. But bRd It not been tor the 1m· The owner or the house dlscoyered por t unltles at the children this great It by accident while looking tor lumdeoeased. mn!lterpipce wo ul r] hav (fled, Th New Suits ber to soll to a hawker, ThinkIng It · I('arn er] lIon thou ght nothing of It, was a worthless btt ' ot old canvas, he Marrissre Licenses. No \rerth 11)55, It wtll kee p his name parted with )t for t en cents, T , Be nton Scott filed suit agains t nll\ro al'l long as th e English la nguage The hawker had an Inspiration. He Nina, May Compton, Luella MI1Y Charley R. Stans II. !!3, dra, ft.~. :0 spokon. - - -_ _ 4._ __ _ . washed the first layer of dIrt orr and Scott et 01 us klng for t h e Ba le of mnn of Daytrn tlnd Bertha M. Grt~V look the picture to an a.ntlQuary, who certuin property If\ ft In t,he will of 18, of Harveysburg . For Colle recognized tho Rubens Initial In one the late Thomtls ~cott , 8tl1nley & Cly do EAton, 28, mill e mployee of or II,UY b owel tro uble Dr. Bell 's An- corner . Experts say It und.oubtedly Is l:itu.nley Ilre u ttornaya for pluintiff. K ings Mills and Amy MllY Freeze, H Pllin !tcts like m Igi o, r ell evef' the work of Rubens and a very good a.llU ost i ns t a n t l ". A Iso g ood. for ull specimen, too. 17, of F ost,er, ex tornal puins Real Estate Transfers. The pIcture represents Salome hold-----~ . Ing the bead of St. - Jobn the Baptist. A r d en Dill t 0 (...1 a rnett ' B uroh, Jo t CommiSSioners' Proceedl·nas. Salome's figure Is particularly b eautl• How to Avoid Cholera. in Deerfield township, ,~ l, e to. A cheortul disposition Is hf,lld by tul. Its present owner Is having It thorCharles F , (Ju nover !Lnd EVtl k BilIs-LAbanon Ioe & COlli Co " some doctors to be the best protection Conover t :1 Jnli et, K tit-aoton und ioe for OOIll:t h o u Ro, '3 70, Wllrren against choiern.. When this disease oughly cleaned ; this done, he Is golng County 'Timol-l, pubJi hing notioe of first visited Paris, In 1832, 'a notice to offer It to America, because. he Corn e lia B, Lupt on, 101 75 acres in oou rt h o ldings, $'30 GO, Le bl1n ou :;as Issued adVising the lnhabltants , Tur t lecr eelt town tIP, *800. ' . . ' to avoId, as tar lUI Possible, all aecaMllrtiu V · Free~e tLOd Floridu 0 P.lltr,Hlt, PU~~IShlng' not lOB ~f oou r t slon of melancholy and all -palntul FNflze to I eskiu L Lnwis undElflie h oldlng8, $ ... o.GO, State DaIry flnd emotions, and to seek plenty of dIs. Lew!, traot In T urr,J eoreek tow n- Food Commit! ioner to oorreqt puy. tractions nn,d amusementll. Those with Hla Awful Threat. m ent ~'Lrrent, $25. X enia ,Work a bright and haPPY temperament are "No, dr,'" said Mr, M~kton, wan;n.-. s~lp *1200. House ' k eepin g prisoner .' $3 1:0 , not Ukely to be strlc\.ten down." This Iy. ''1\0 man wou~d: dare say I, am henLouifl Reed and Idu Mo,y Reed to . " ' , " . ,1 . , actvlce was largely followed , and even ' , t 70 4 9 lIor eB in Barlan W. ,B , Stllnllge Co" ' WOB claiming over' a ~cked," , ' Mayes, W . . hllLnks. $7,10., i whe n cholera !' i'Why not?" asked a ·near relation. township,12100. . " r ecelpt>s f?r. ~rellsnret:~ $16~ ',5~ . F , thousand weekly victims, the , theaters wlt.h ~a tinge of sarcasm 'In her voice, Wnshlogtoo D , Oll-rder Ilnd Z elia Dub018. , lU8~ranoe po lloy, $45, Illld cates were thronged. The' epl"J\ecause If he did . I'd tell Henri- ' ~ ,, 8ta.te of ,Ohio vs. Raymond King demlc Was . In some qut.rters tteated etta of him." "':"'Stray StorJjls. 0. arder t o LeAnn J . Bowmll,n 82 $1(; 60 St k It P n .:. , 1 as a huge joke, /lnd plays and' lIOngB 110 e ' W hi lft t h' " . ,11 a ,I], en . vu, mdse, were: written round It. Rochefort, the r s lD Ii n on owns Ip U376 $8.20. Frank 'p, Forgy, maintain. father of the br1111ant journallst --..,..~ J'.' W., MILLE~ Probate Court. i~g hOl'se and vetlioie, $26, Obio day, wrote a: play, "Le Oholera , Mor. Corruga.ted 'Cnlvert Co. sew~r pipe , ~us." wllich proved a big succell8. and J\lfred Wysong (If Wayne town- $ 183 "'6 G H" 1:1 ) • " 'another production on the same lines .•. DENTIST.•• I. e.orge " 11E\ d~amp,f "Parill-malade," also had a lone nm.""': ship was adjndged insane aud orbridge · repairs. $.18 75. ~agla. Londoll b~onlcle. WayneaviUe, 0 ,,'

- ...

$(j /l




It Is gl":u'('ely two lIionths !l11I('Q Ihe ('IOAl' of amp \Jlldd, IImIllCI' flll li llg pIrIC~ ! of th e SLll t e (''''lIll lll tl'n or tho Y. 'M. 81' 1I1111t11' c.l . li t boys throll ~ h olll t h.. t.\l lllp luoldll j:\' forward eu" I'ly fo r t il 'XIWr'I ('1i Cil :lll Ct' to vis it lh lt< n \I' I II)r~' (l1l!'!,(ll sll ll t' xl sumUI 1'. ' am p II l1 l fti l 'o ll t :lIIlS ~, ~ IICI'l'!; I y lll ~ II1t11l1' til l' l'u 'I II I'l' !lI\U bl ll rts ot tb t: Olollt 'l ugy 1'11'1' 1' . 1', 11I\l1 'S lIorth of -'UIlIlIlUII>l, TI ", Stat oHlm l tt~ hopt's IU S cllr snllicil'll t I'UII'<\ S tl ll l'lu g' th e II'lnll'r til II(' 11 111 10 buy tbe pi llC ollt rlght. 'I'll' CIlIllI' n': llr SOllts no IIl Ves ll\\('lIt of Ilpproxlmutel), 3G,OOu. The Stllte Commlllt'l' pru vid s t nw .11111 ti l(' I\('rt' 's:try camping \I t n!1lis, whllo til si t t! !ls,' lf WIll h nl':dlab lo for 111 ~' .' throu ghout the state. \,rITe-t her n Y. ;\t. C.. . 111 in th eir 10\1'11 01' Il llt. T h pl r tllr g lvl!s 11 bollol' lllEOU th:lII c llult! :111), II oral s o[ the l har m at III comfort ur t his I' sort. , tue n w C. A .. the re



Ne.w YOik 'frui ts Over 'Pennsylvania lines

County' Courts


AL'l'HO , G H

-.-+- --






A. MAFFll,

Augu~tinc's Catholic Church. i Undertaker and Embalmer.,


, ill h e fonnd ill th e aiel Bn n k Buildi n g, oppo::tia .. tb N 'ltillJ)ul BAnk T Ie phon in hOIl 11 tLtld or fir' whC'l' 1 OJ \ b CIlll",'" un.y Il l' nl(;(bt. VuJ1 e.v I:-h Ol e U-2.

MII"S c\'~ r y "OCO" II :-Iu u tl u1' of lII' "h"'\h ...

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Episcopal Chur,n. lul wallur1c* I'. H('ct l' l

!-lIlldilY ·"h o ot. II :all n. w M rows R r · " ICIl, lu :aO a. m. 11 uh' otJIll1uolon ~IJlI ti l' I - uUlhlV I ,' ,l e I! moulh ,

Main Stl'el't.

Methodist Episcopal Churca. Rov, H . W . Unlloy, PlI8t{) !>ullIl:l,\' 'Chlllll, II : 15 u, m . ,\torrll ng

Waynesvillll, Ohi!)

~e r

\' k' , 111:30 a . m . l':p wllnh 1,l!a gllc, 7 :011 I)' m , "-'·,'nln A' Hen' le ', '; : 00 p. m . .' IlI\" :O" P r Iy cr ()Ctlll ~. 7 lJ. Ill..

C. W. HENDERSON,M.D. WaynesvilJe, Ohiu.

Christian Church.

Rev. L . 0, 'l'hompson, PIl8W. Mai n Str(',' t. o Hev Phone 153 llil)lo Selloo l, 9:3 0 a. m . Social ID tlng, 1 0:I'IlIOll a O u. by m. p ll8lor hriatillu EI donvor. 7: 00 p. m. ~~~~!!""~~~~~~~~~~~ U\' Cll'y ulLlll'OIlLe undal'.... -; _______ _ 10 : 30

n. m, twd 7 : 30 fl, m.

Hicks/te Fri ods Churc.l_ !It(·C UII''. S ·I.""I. II : 0(\ .1 , ru . IU:I)O a. w Fir, I Day

n. /u . Ua

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.br ll\LlIlo

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Orthodox Friends ChurDl' Re v. IlcnJamtn Ha\\'kln ~. Pa '''C'. un 'le',


,' bu re n





The Mark on Silverware

, Addrea.

Dr. Bell's AntisepticSalv Good for aU Skin Qison$-

1'110 1\l00t 1_01l10f, mOAt lIurn h i .lIynr . plnlo,l lorko, 1Il00110 ' anil 11\11 '1 l!(!rvtllg 1)1 0:0






Wil li 11'0

ROGERS ,BROS. T~pt U'Ilh l. mark Onl y CAn 1" U d (811Il/lIlII " 1 II n orlglll(ll

--- --..

w n-r o lUUlJl1Iulu In I M';'}. l\utl Cl8luro yuur lCl t III Ule 1><>81 III 1111111117, finl . h till dllOlI!n.

J(I JI,IUfft

Rold by 1•• lllmf d cull' n ' v cy\t'llerft. . end ror CAtlllOl!uo HC.L," I la OW Ulg nU du,lilOR.

----_.- ..------

MEnu,,,!'! DJU '1" \ ]1; N 1A


cr.. t . .... tl on •• SIl , • • to supply "'~', r ~.ah e "vith this 'high~"'t. ~ 'ii'verware ' .free of co t, write us for our specia! ffer. Address ,.'

' ,' I \ '



12-16 VlIndam Street, New York, No Y. .,...---

t!u•• Bun ... or.)

M e riden, Cono.

Subs(,l'ibe for the GSLette

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nowned trtkln DJnrk.

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V .\I. I .t£ .. ·/' FI. t.PIItI" "·

i········ .. · . . . . ~ . . ! BAKING BRtAD 'Y. M.e, A; IS ABLE

M.I I. . 1' IlJ.:E·r


\ ' 1/1

lUI ,Lon~ and Short Processes


.~=_~_ ."_ o.


D. L. (}m\ ' 8 , Editor and Manager BY

Rates of Olll\ Y Blllltt




Prot cHlIor

1: 01)' ..• .• •• .••.•. .. • ::.. .... ...... .

'- -------- - - Rntes of Advertising


Il l'lIdi n g 1",,'111• • pe r 11110 .. " " ..

HCIlIIIIII; L(I~u l ,;. billd, (U<'I I. nor 1I 11 ~' •. JOe ctu!O<IUud !\lIs. UOI I() Uxcuct.l III' I! IIII~'," 'l'hrw lu~ul'tl()u~ ~ 20c ULJllullrlos. 111'0 h ll' ''''~ rr~;l':' ;,;.~~ lui'll , PCI' lino ... . ... . . lie

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Jt'tl or tbunks ..... . . ..... .. ·. .. ·. '. ~ :: : O8Olutlon'" . . . .. ..... . .. . .. . .. ... •. .• 8ocll.18 at(:. wlwro Ulal/IIlY



Au \'crtl81llf( pOl' ludl. . .


6Uc 26c

. . .. . . . 10c Dllscoull!.8 gh' Il (Ill C(llItr~~t: . ... .

Y.lI\,.E~ I ItE1!



Do m rstfc

I t;, 1910. '

DR. W, O. THOMPSON Member of State Exeoutive Com mittee of the Y. M . C. A.

Imel Ilil tllw!t~ IIl1d bWllOlll1l1 trout>-



LIke Inseot Flying. So fnr n arly all aeroplanea fly almOfit Ilk Ins ctA. Tbe Oy makes 800 b , ats of Its tin y .wlngs a Mcond. The prepeller per on ·tblrd D.II many r evolutions. but the a lbatr08s and the frlgat bird and th e buzzard make at most only three or four beab! a 8econd. But albatros8 and frigate can suetaln th mselvea t~· o or three days wlth,o ut luncblng between dates. Ll1t's bear of prizes for lonler anel longer fli ghts on the lea~t galOlIne. Wh en the thing gets dow" to bra.. ta ks It may IIhow thnt the aeropl&IMI only neect to put on st rons power In goi ng up to Its nerle. After tbat It may Bonr away nnd use Its gasoline only to meet cer tnln unuBual conditions In the upper or lower air.

----.------Beautiful Eyee are deslrAIi bv eVf'ry one If lh"'''e is o.oy inflf\mm.,t.lon t·hA eyea Fan't. be b eAutiful'riItTl(\'S E.. ~ta Eye Salve will rAmove ibf]am. matioD and olear the eyes.

.After Grippe or



Vinol Creates Strength

The IUccellBful baklll&' of bread de· pendl upon condltlonl that are not alw uys tIlken Into consideration. Short or k>ng processes de pend upon the ti me n ecel.llary for certain chernlenl changes to take place that are ne cessary to get t he cl osl rc d Ilnvor. lI,htnoss, texture, color, and moisture. BR EAD-Lonll Proce ... Broad etarted the nlctat berore: '" cup scalded milk. ~ cup boiled water. 1 tablelpoon lard or butter. ~ t6ftspoonrul salt. a cups Hour. I tablespoon lIugnr. 2 tablespoonl warm water. 1-6 to % cake dry yeaRt, or 1-8 to 1·6 oake compressed yeut. Sponge- Soak th e yeast In the two tablespoonl at warm wnter un ti l IOftened. P lace sliga r In a bowl ; add the liquid. and wh n tills Is lulce· warm adrl t he yeast and about onehair the Uour. B at s mooth and leave over nlgb t. Dougb--Add t h" r IUlllndC:' r of th e tlour. t,he suit nn d fat to the light spon~ ~. tl~ r l nl\ un t.1I It Is well mixed. Turn t il dou &'h onto th board nn·l kn ead Illll (:ld y unt !1 It Is smoot h Rnrl ~ olll e w: ~. t e la. t ic 0 th !l touch nnd dr: s nClt st 'r'l, .J tll " h'lu lls or board . P u t ill a uowl I nti sP.t to rise In · 1\ Warm pl a('t.!. Loa ves- 'Vb n t ~le ,low-I, h ' l'> 1101\' bled In bulk, kne ' d It "C' YU . m. Into a loar a nd Sel to rh C 'Iv. III 111 a greased pun In wh ic It II; to h baked. " 'hen the d ur,h hUil Ilgalll doubled. bake [arty ( 1) fifty u~ i nu tes . When baked, remov e" tho lo ll.~ trom the pan at once and cool It III a po· litton which aJlows lor 11 free clrcu· latlon of air. BRI::AD-(Short Prooesl) Short TIme Allowed. % cup Icalded milk. % cup boil ed water. 1 tablespoon lard or butter, %. to(lspoon ' aalt. a cups 1l0ur. 1 tablelpoon · sugar. % to 2 comprellsed yeast cakes In 2 tables poons warm water. Put lard or butter. sugar (Utd salt In bread bowl; pour on It the bol liquId (mJlk and water). When this Is lukewarm. add the aottened yeut cak e; tben add enough !lour to make a batter; beat tbe latter thorougnly. Add tbe remaining flour; 'mil: and turn on th e 110urad board. Kllead un ti l the dough will stick neither t.o bands nol' board and bubbles It.ay be .oon Ilnder the surface. Grooae the bowl and roturJ} thu dough to It. Set in a warm place until th e dough has doubled ita bulk; then sball'! Into loavos. Lilt this double Ita bulk again and balte. More or leIS than throe c,-ps 0'( ftour may be ulled. depEltldlng on the kind of ' OOUI' a nd . the handlln,. The amount of yeast · used de pends UPOli the stren gth of the yoast and length or time allow d r6r t he bread tl' r ise. It the bread la to be made during a two·heur school period, as muc h as two caltes to the loa! may be used. In the ordinary houlehold Lrocess such an amount would be unn eces· sary and extravapnt, except under unusua.l circumstances. The com· presliled yeast may be used in long process brend. but .11 much cmaller amouf!t should be added, beca'lse or the length ot time the Ipollge hilS to Itand. .Fat mayor ma,. not be added to bread, and the liquid may be all water, all ·mllk, or a mhtwre. Potato'li are Bometimea used tor kmg pr~esl bread. Tbey .eem to rur· nish a favorabl e medium for the growth of tbe yoast. ' Su'l 'ar !~ not an ablolute neco.alty In bread. but It 1.8 a ;CoO'd tood for the yeast and probably' h"-lt8nl .ltl activity. It the dough haa a crust f()rmed oyer It w.hile rlalq. · there w 'lI be hard placel through the breail.. Thil crust Ihould be avoided by IlghUy greasing the surface of the d .)ugh.





~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~:=~~~;.1 1I1Ii3 In: pr oul III,,·.IIl1 ·.{ hf! d o· the

('f~n e.cape througb l~ more '.nally. Too muc.h Ihortenln • . and qlll\e a lot OYen caoel .the ,.. to ••up• . 10 rlll.dl1~ that what- ~I' .belQ ~e4 ' falll. , ' The fl.~ ..1lty .t IIute. aur.,. I. th. , . ·pf wheat. The hlfllelt rllel4:I., ooa&alu •

- --_...



Will Promote Beauty


omen deslrin~ beanty get won dertol help trom Booklen 'S Arn~oa Sa·lva . Jt b.nishea p i mpllOlI, s kin propt.ion8, SOr8l4, ~nd bollll 'It milk ..!. ~he akin 110ft a.nd velvatv . It ~Iorl­ tie8 the tIlOl". (JoreM IIb r tl e ytlB oold !lores, oraoked lip.., obllpi~ri h '~lIdt4 . Best for baros, soa Idd, fever Bores , oute, bruiseq IlDd piles. 260. at Fred. ·U. Schw"rtz'a.

----.. ------

I ,ftt.~



II, 1I11.· 'I' lelv p"I:",,( till'f llci. whole The top wny. ll I't.: ' ~ Ill' II' "i" hail!. l lil1~ ,,(



~ t h ' ll"\ : uJl l the' "'>ll1tJkl\ ; tll d !"\ n1cll nrt~

!:'.,·.\·I .It·,ll . :.! II,,' Il,Il'; uf tll" ranI;" IIIhl C.Ll1 lll1t escape,


lilt I ) '

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f.:!mol -c !!l Soot nOll" Ga~ v es 1,/:! of Y ut' lie I E::..: eUl ~ e



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J. H. COLEMAN Waynesville.

__.a~__~Mr_ _ _ _ _ _~____ ~




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before Rnl"'rt Mll'I,..,u , ,)f \A,' , tfl t· l:S n r 'lingtoo, 1l) wu . Wh E' ll . II fl ll l' f"' \"' lI week in t·he 11 Ilpl ti l, f o Ol' (,f \ IIti best physician . Il\ve UIIJl up TI1f' 1l wassho wn 't.)l ml1rv ~ l lI l1~ t:l1I l1tlve ,power of EI ' 'rr 0 Bit,tt-l'll . F or, I I t llr eight m Olltllli I)f rri,.! IILf lJl /:I lIll'Artng from Ii v r t l'ouhl it O ypllow j ll l1lldice~ /!!3t.ti Il ~ 11() h p lll f :' fllll lit l ilt!' rtlm ~dl t4 ti l' c! (W !tIl'f; ,

th is mlltchl

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tl' €'(1 fo r RtllllHwh,

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(lil'lIlVP( ill t~ .

LIVERITES,---- - , .


Llverltes f or a Cold, Backache and Weak Liver or Kldnev •• A 1



l ',I',ven lion i '

w, rth a pounu

' Alwavs keep them ir, the house r ~ady ifor u ~e .

of cure.

Prepared f rom~-------------------Pure Native Herb. t hey C1eanse ·the System and ' Purify the n lood a nd thutl PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS.

Rf.lhw'l \'t~·s .





. MADE TH IS BRAKEMAN ILL NEW USE FOUND FOR SNAKES r:.'. Touching Devotion Exh ibi ted by New· Iywed Causes Grouchy Trainman to Lose His Tem)Hlr. "Are you comfortab le. darling?" the mao nskod, bending ov r the la dY on the tra in. The brakeman pas sing through the rus le. hu rried along until he ' reached the pl atfo rm , whllre bo grated his teeth together lIke n coflee mill. "G-r-r-r-r -r!" saill th o brakc'man . "·Wb at·s th Ulu ttal' with you?" dem~d d ' tho condu atol' elUerg ln" fro m th e forwa rd 'car with a solid slam of the door. He straddl t! h c s wn~ Ing crack between the two pilltforms a nd tared ut his ass istant "Slok ?" he asked. "G-r-r-r·r·r!" remarKed tho brakeman . "or course. I'm s ick ! Tbore's n new married cou ple back In thoro. " The condu ctor stared tbrough the glass of the door. nejted. Interestedly. "W h er ? ' b The bra k llIun push d blm to one I:II(1e and pOj uted u gnar led H,n ge r. "In t he fiftb seat th ere," he RaId, dIsgustedly; "there's a dough·faced mutt there wllh a. woman. She looks Uke a CIUlary bird. Ugh!" The conductol' pushcu through the door and strolled down the aisle. cnstIng sharp glanoes from side to s ide. As he nea red tho flftb scn t tbe mll n was in the aot of poking plllows back at tbe Indy. murm uring g ntle nothIngs In her ear. The conduct or r turned to where tho brakeman WIlS leanin g against th vestibul e. "That's right ," he s ~ld. "th(ly've just been married . "G-r-r-r-r'lImph !" said the brnkeman In disgust . "Well," said th e condllctor. "you might as well go to vo rk What you going to do about It ? 'Th y got a right to ri de. ai n't they?" "No, they alD·t!" snapped th e bre.)(eman. "They got no more right to ride on a train thnn It mule's got to learn domInoes. Wllcre do they get ottT" Th e 'condu tor laugh d. . ''They go clear through," he said. Cheer uP. son. They won't always be, ltke that,". "You 'just b t they wouldn't It I had anything to do w ith It." growled the, brakeman, Jllcklng up his lantern 'and alauunl.rut the door behind him.




liver'les revents Serious Sickness

.. - ....----

Only 500 at Il'reil C.






~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ __

Save an Iowa Man's Life The ver y grllvo





Farmer In Ohio Discovers Them Clearing the Potato Bugs From His Patch.


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Farmers In vartous sections r tb " .~ i'" Ci!; \. ;'? ..... :' .If.' •.J o e ; . ' 1, ,~ ;l ~~ \~. m;~~~r;~. r;-~u~lj;' J:. !~. t',·r.': ~;: cOlJliLry hllve for a number or years ', " . F,<IUOhl.II·;, ·)· lUi, ""'Iiu,, 1"'" d elared that nre non-polson- II . or .I. '· 'III ·"'OI·llIen , 1y ·1\·.",: ·.lm ous are very vnhlab le to the farmers. II>'" " , : ; z / ..l~jJE.DnrCp..l'J '!J,·jI'i They say tho r cptl les 1.'1'0 v ry good at 1. ,,:11, ('"0 "".,lIny " 'h ll'l> I .-cha:.. I,uy. catching fi Id mice rats and ev n the I,:.. ,·,·;r,.~,,~I~V~'~I:~1 I~' \', J~;" ~'liy~;',\:'I~i~~ I" IU;l '-1 k • . . II It}', "l'~f1 t t' , fn . U'H~tc , ToHl h ll,U \U81 .. S Y ground squllTelB that are so I \I J", 0)0 'nr,C h n\\' ( 0 do It . Ile nll"'uliy II ",. very dcstrucllv to Holds .of newly I '~~.\~.~ ', ";:\;:\'::"~~.~J:::'~, ~\f;nm:~,~rb;';~~.'~'::~:'1~'~~



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plant eu graIn .

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But tho lateRt lise Cor the- ugly r ep1',. 'l",,",lr ~ .illl!;l. I:I~ CD. 101 M.lel "' RI'!Q.. nek", . MIClI. Ulos has jus t been discovered In Har- I ~ ,......_ - rison county. Ohio. a few mUes eRst of the hiatol'lc town of Cadiz, \Vh I'e Charles ·Albright. who Is farming the DR BELL'S ANTI-PAIN lands of Snmuel K. McLaughlin, fouo d I • R gal'ter snake utl ng potato bugs . For Internal ancl External Pain.. Albright was 'Ollt In the field destrOYing the bugs. which are qllito plentiful, and coming upon a snake coiled up In a potato plant. h securod WALTER ~lC nL{1RE~ a olu b and killed it. In a few momenb! he discovered th top or another potato plnnt swaying back and Funeral Direl:tor. • . torth, and looldng closely. discovered another snnke of the same varIety coiled up In ~he branches ot th,e 1'01 poone dfl Y or night. thr ift)" plant. . VllHey phone No. '7. J..oolt He was Illter estod to know why Ditltnn ' U Nil. 69- Q • • th so r epUlos hO'lIld be occupying such a strange positi on, an d aft I.' watcblng for a Rh ort Hme ho saw the AYNESV ILLE. snake plok oft and devou r · dozens of the tl'oublesom potnto bugs. He did Branch OJIi ce, Harvey Ibnrsr, 0 not kill the r c p l lie. fLIlc! he says h e will not allow any of th esf) snakos to be .. _ harmed on th o lnnd he hns chargo of, I _ ..

I - --,- ..





thlnlcs t.hey have becomo vel'Y ~~~~~~~~........~~...,._ ,,.....~

ISUTHERLA D'S EAGLE EYE SALVE Good for Nothing but tho i:,yea

D at. H.E, RATBA'V A Y I D . 'le~ ville's Lelldwpo , eDlla' I



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(>Uioe in K ys Bldg. ..


\ j'ul,lJ 'rrl p'l" rl 111 1 r ·t r 'I f.' oJ \\ rl ~ Jtll l \r lUI: " 1\'paUlon 1"1 1'1-,1Irll l I I I 1 r " l tl n ·I. YII("l'\ tt!Ul" " 'I H! lly rl' l1 l1 , \llhlt .u t '. ;+II , J! ~: 40111 '·Uh. UtM itmH. ( 1" '1}. 01Ih''l.t, IH:t-, '1 I ' , , ,~ , " ': VIHC·f\I " ,

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For C oughs and C olds.


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II Dr. Bell's.Pi n e-To::. .... Honey



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Itt· ~ ' lpr:ri" r Th( n t lll'f/"~ Ih .· l li.' !c t·I ·I'I"r.·ol !J'LI [., Ie '(oil" t'r dy (lile felltures of luon"s ( '\'I.1II h"", It alts(.lol:tl)' (' rl' v " lll: ~ 1l1..1cllt;o:kct) . antl t hc.d\llllinll.~oIl1v,: 1 1 "": I; · . ~ 1 ":lU i"uent! Spr, II), " ~1I ,t how lli " bus Ov ' n D"u r " ,·(·rl.""lt··; tn:'" m.,dc. th e ue r:c,;sil l' II f "pt: lli n g' l he (,,', n lIIHI I , In '; h l., l (' I "'n' t .• 11 il t nlll' sIn n.' a w l let 11 0; pro u tlw!>u ~tul"!llt!n l>; . time you WHllt to 'Sec t h u CIJ III!.tlll ll II { til" r.. ,,,i ill,'IlI" . "c'll ll u t I1 r ~c YlJ U I () 1111)' . M oore 's Ranees can be hac! in either Cu.t Iron or Steel Moore's Stoves Always Please \\'c haven' t r l)

Avlato ...' TrainIng. "Our bOYI" must not thln,k that eourag~, musole nnd ' a. good eye are aU: that Is neecUul to make a ftrst-rate .Cheap Imitations air-man. .All the French tlyers of 0. O wiug \'(\ 't1lt~ imm u e "ul and htsh claslJ are fI~t-ra~e matbemntlc~ popula ri ty ' of Dr . He ll 's Pinc-'l'a!:'. Ius . .Ble'rtot ;and Aubrunn were grad- Boney ttl r nrfl mllny ell ap irnituuat8ci from the two sreat engineering tiq,Ol4 on th~f' lIlurk et . uUll l' llimlJtir' 1011091.. 'The cithen, bnpelled byt~eir soiJpdiog nam e but ,yoll OllO Illwfi.v~ beOaae mathelI!;ll.ttclana lUI. best ' l'tet the. ~ eTl uln 6 b;y lookl.n g for the .the, could tIl prh'..te study, ' at me- bell on tLe r ott-l . cha'DIce' .Inetltute. Bnd at':Dlgbt lee- , ' ~ ...._._ __ turee.-LondOll·.Truth. A Cruel Cut. "'Tbe stenographer had .resented ~ 'Shal' .Women Vote? crttlclsm of:' her work and resJgned. !n: · h' d , . s'l.anter. I t: e y ; td, mtlUdns ~QtJld· vote "Will you kindly give me a I~tter of Dr. King 8 New Llfu Pl1ls the trne mmendatlon air?" aM satd rathremedy for wom$11 For ~nhlhin~ .r~ ghtUy. , . • dalll fagpd feellup. bao,k.. ohe er... a~ldn;t coD8clentl~U8IY do It." heaoaobe. OOOi"l»l'tto.b, dlaP8lltul' said the Cll'IDllnal la""er. ootd.., lmpa."l~g appetite 8Dc;l toning ."Conlclentiously?" tho steup the system. , lbey'r6 "unequaled, ftograpber' ''you mean *"'tuJtuousl1 '1.1lN. Ho. a. O. don't 70U 't~, ~,


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In thl ('stl rnltlto D o f t hoSf' w h(Jh a v sf udiNj ull rorms Jf llhll l1 [h l'o plc work til(' anSI,' l'r i~ foun d 111 the 11U :l] ' ity of lhl~ m en who hea rl t h ' movelUen L T it u:cn who (\ l! e(' c t ile pol · Icy of lihe Y. 1\1. C. A. an' bUHY men. They litre a lso I.HISI II ss men . r 'ol


',I , .\ 1.•



rf cords of h 1I 1· ,·ollmcl! ilild ph ll llll' 'I' he 'lil t' . linn hil S 1'1' ' 1lll Pntl y beol1 <Ulk"cI \I hy th' Y . .\1. ( ' . A. 1& able to so ve prohlo S II.n d haUlllc lleoplo w'h k h oLli eI' Ins:Jtulion equa l· I~ Chrls1J:tl.n ROll eq ually wc lI Iu tOD' Concd h'l\ve not been 1\ hIe 1K> mna ll.j!e.


. We have never ~ld 'jo oUr stpre more v.alua~le heiUth ~r for weak .and run doWn ~DS than VINOL, and we askftcn people in this Vlcbtity" to try VINOL with the . their moaey it doe. . . ,C».

Ih ', c: :lr'l 't Iht.: r.lllv \I" " , tI 'J ],1 " " 1'1' ItnnHC II ,' ps \,011 k CC I you r ki ll' I : : I.:l : . jt d"., .• ',I L I tIl" l. It hilS I t Hinl!cJ Top \I h :l'Il o Ocn, I he ClcHIlL'sl . 1I11 ! I 1 I1di "'; 1 lilt 111(1/1 1'1I~~'I, l c [II' f ,t!' l ,n~" Iii.'. IJll i l,l il1g' a I l ew one,




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only are the y bu. inl! S III n. \Jut th ey nre for the mosr part I"lRltln t; husl · ness' me n of l,he community In ""hlch \be y live. Practicall y nil husln eslles a nd profeas>lon s liTe r PN?Renl e d 3.1 ong til active I adenl In Y . M . C. A. work. Probabl y no heuter xampl e of this co uld be o trored thu n th . .OIDruittee of the 01110 Young Men's Chrletlll.n Al8odMrlon. Thl COl1l'nllt· tee oonslst of th irt y m ' no Thom1\JS EJld(!'l', ,,' ho Is the Smt Oh-a.lrman. Is Ilhe h lLd or Uw largest drepar lme'nt store In Dayton. Foster C()peland. who Is Cbalrman. Is the Presi dent of th o City National Banlt In Columb us. OTIC ot th e leading flrlJlDCl al instltutJons e>f tha.t city. O. H . Stnn! r, T r 'asure r. from tho same cLly. Is a Illrg man ufacturer of s boes. R, E. Ackla nd, the Recording SecJ'etary. al so ot Columbus, is the milling I' of a large system of r stauran ts In tbe c.apital CIty of bbe stat~ F. lIf. Barton is the P realdent of the Ba..rton PublIshJ ng Compa ny of CI veland . In the 11m city Is ~1r. Will ard Dea.Ilan. constructio n engilIeer of the Lak Shore roflro:l ci. In the du 'ationa.1 nil!I of LbJs Oommtttoo arc Guy Pot\eT B , nton . Pres ldiJM of Miami UniVe rsity at Oxford ; Dr. E nlory W, Hun t. President ot Deni son nlv rail y at Gr:u'lvm e . and Dr. W . O. T6olll Pson. P I' 81 cn t at Ohio Statte Unlv rsdty at Colu mbult. In addi tion to Ulese heads of 001· I gas. ther Is Professol' R . n. WalIoor o f Oh io W n!\rorB lty at D lawaI' a nd C. W . '\ iII l. ms . S ' cretM), to til Presiden t at Ollerlln. l:epresent d Othor professions by Ja.m es R. Ga'l'flol d. Ia.wye l' o.f f lJ lJ · tor and son of lhe IIll\.r )\I'ed PresIde nt ot t he n ame : E. S. Rail' i!olplO. a 1'lLwyer of. :'\ ll!w3I'k; Dr. Anc!rew TlmI1cl'Olr.n. I\. J)hys lcI:m and specla1l8~ of Columbus, and Jess e Vlcltery. an attol'U Y of B Uevuo; T here If! 011 1:" ra rm r- A. A. 13os'\.\\"Jck of " c \' l e. nother ra il road r l l1n is n. J, ill! rl'd l , )Tas t ci' ?lit.. ('hull Ie of lho PeDlII\ ' I vania. railroad at Inclnnllt l. Tn th manl1fa cturlng world th ere Ii' H. S. lJ luck. TI'en III' r of the Ohio Bross OUlpan. ~JaDstJe ld ; S.· P. l" enn of the Sherwin-V 1II1ams Co mpany, Cl eveln.nd manufacturers of paint ; W. A. Morrison, Pl'r;>sld nL Dela\VlllTe Und I'W nr COm pany. D la· ",rare: E. R . Il OC'il, Tre . l l r e r of th A . l. Root Con pan y of Y, ' Gin:!; . L. Shuey of th L ow n r C's . (' om p'IIIY. pai nt lilnnllt .... ctnrC'rs of f):,),IOll: n. B. \\ III lams . an engIne n li l " '~ l(' ttll'CI' (It i\H. Vernon. ~n d IJ . Fl. \" In trl ng 1' . It pottery III 11 ~~lltllfc r nf :'lt r \ he ll "fi le. Tbe r etna.1ul1 c r or U : m tttllo l.'Onslst. c·r . G. . 131 rc (;. a r Ie ' a.te dealer of Dari on: O. J1'. fInes, n tr.e rch1ln't of SI'rln ! (·ld ; F. E . ~.t ~·A rs. P resld ctlt of tilt' Cl evela nd & S(lutll", este rn 'r rnr.tlon Co lpany of A shlund ; An ron Ru right. I\.n lu ura nce ' .tan of Alu'On. Ilnd W . L. Tobey. pub. IIsh or an edll pr of the I publican .News of H a.mllton.

wh id l is S, ) l:' Jl lst rudcc\ tll!\t even a ptl r lilt.: "f ~l u" I''' 1 :,ovt VI' ~a~ Can

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The. object of kneadlnl breact I. to thoro.ughly . mix It . and to dlllribute HERE IS PROOF the .aa evenly, 10 maklns a finer co After a long attack of Grippe, texture. ~peated rt.lnc of ' the ' Mrs. Vaught seemed unable ' to re- do~!h and kneading down before cover her strength. She waS very making Into a. Ioat m.alEes a lomeweak and ' had no appetite. VI- .wbat tlnel' texture and a . whiter lont. but at the upenae ot the flner llavor NOL rapidly il11proved her <:onell the bread. Ver, aood may tion and restored her to health. I .of b. made with comparatively' Utu. sincerely recommend its usc during be.dinr. " convalescence or any ' run . do:;vn ~read 'I bakel1 to lrIlI the ' , ....t condition." , pl~t" to · tlioroughly cook the Itareb and to make n hl'own and palatable JUDG h: C. N. VAUGHT, Huntsville, Ala. orlllt. · U 1& desirable to uae & .ep&- . pan, .for,· ach ' Ioat; 'mOM than Miss 'Adelaide Gamm, of Water- 'rate two loavel Ihould . never ' ", oak.d In town, Wis .., writes, "After a se~ere OD. pan, The panl . aho,u ld II!, -..wI attack of 't he Qrippe, ,my system Rougb 'to IDsure . tbe .thoroqb ~akwas in a v~iy vleakt;ned" ner,vous, ... of the loaf: td•• ~ sa a iery run-down . con~ition. . I took I VI- ,004 1\1:' t~r a Idulle ' pan, '. '}oWL ' with;tlle 'b est of' , res~ts, , Larc1, butter. or 01'1 of aJl1ldn4 that and.,it made me feel be~er and mixed wlth 'a dQugh ' belps to break stJ'ot!ge~ than I ~ave been for years/' up the stl~~~n::~I:~t;,,~~~t:~~ ~~~~ ' it.

the! l.1Il !'l';tt h l lio (hill1n, · )' ~ a \I'll' ;) "!lC'<lYI"",1 {"r lI(\,il1 ." f. I.

.t.y yoe nrs ~1. . A. ' In tb world W'l18 !>'tllrled by a f·w w<,11 dlsllOSod cle rks In a dra l>er's shop in , Lonnon. F' 1I ~ I [1 nd . lwd In t.hat lIru" tb e In Itutlon 118 such h!l.s growlI . " fith all e nerg y a.~d to ' s uch prOllo r ·


Dr, Bellte Plne-Tar~Honey willlJrl1L1K ul' I ll " ~ vlllt UU}U !:lud. lIl. lay t·hrull r. il' rl ~uti ull l' IH~" .wedy qOl ol!'ly ou r t\~ ooug b!.4. ' Ol llll, Hr11JVr,

'\" -'11 \I'll.' 11:1\'(' 11" \" ' r l1~c,1 Ii ~l l>(lr(: IJ.iln g'J e ll 111tJ t J'cu lizc how IL<; Y it Is t ) kl'C p .1 Lit, iI~'1I I h ·.I!l. 1') t ' pi ru n ; lL ~ I" \' I! "<Ii, h Illil no; li p n il .. r ·it.; S IIl ,) 1: Hil t! ~ O dt h cf rc

8ol~nco.· •


Dr. W. O. Th ompson Is Presld ' n t or lIw hlo SI al' '!l lv rslly. H Is 1\ m mhc-r of the Ex cutlv Olll m 11· tee of t hl' Sta le Y. 1. C. A .. IdHl Is Ilrlfl'" In 'rl'/\f11 of Its D(l pnrtmeni s. ~ .


-----:Business and Professlunal Men Take leading Part.

t Ohlu SI"IR nIv ersfly. i' It t,-, li t t _ mC'rc . .... :uo +: + ++l..... ++++t+.+++++·Ho+H++++ slm:e t.h e fir l Y.

~ I 0 11

ill nil I'I\U,'O



,\V. .an off'r OU Igood 1 ~yi'n 'lllp loy mell t that 'yal,! wUl njG>Y and ~t home. ·Writeto-day . Addrus

The Butterlek .-ubllshlng Co. ....lterlck BUudfaG. fl!cWYOI'k. No Y.

~,1!"'iii':2""".'.ij_;..~~knM4 . M Co.U r.u<fIli \V III I/W ll'"l1l1o. \\'Illl )11)111 (·)r lu , I~'lo



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'<lrfrllnn~ rl"IIIIoI~n

TU! !Id:AU \ .....·""1,....."

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Phy.lcian'. Method May Have Been All Right, but Here ' He wae at Fault.



ttl'" .l nn,l"!si) 11 n ccuAP,l l\1lss I nIH' ~ ,,( I\"hl · ' n~ tJal ' l, Ev ldf'n"t' . Ca ~h"' r Ilnth~ y or 1'1111 1 ,A."tusl r onlts bn nli. d l~rlllll't . Wl\!:I u r n -st,:" f or C!mh('zz Jr ln 11[. P Uli l A nTI s1 ro n,.: 14 d . . . 'l t h w as Ollnl,un rN I. l{ ulK~y'R rit ulr·I" '\ .

lAJulsp ArmSlronJ';, If,ld UUI3"Y Iha l wi"",




a ha stili 101'(' 41 hl lll . Sill' WII" lo nlll rl'Y all · oll l('r . It d'vI·lorll'd (hul Dr. ' Va lke r w ,,~ I fl l" man. l A)tll~ e \\'us f"u nd 1111 :n lls('l tJIIM I a l the l>oft"l11 or till' cl r t lli ur SW lrl.aH' .. / a h t' saId I!O Ill (hlng h a d hl·u!<h {·d by h"r tn th durl. n Ih" ~ Ial r \\'n)' nnd HI!I ' tatnred. Bill 10' ,· I,; "uepel'led of Arm·

8(rong's III urll,;r. Thomas. Ihe lodgckc.·per, was fou nd elC'lld wll h a nolo In hll< pOcket bCllrltll: tho na m" "Lude n " ·ul· l a , 'A)." A lodd r found oul of plnc" dllup' en" tho rn y8 1E~ry . Th e slabllls ,,'(1r a 1Iurned nnd In Ihn darl' JI'll s~ Jnnen fthot an Intiudr·r. Ilnlsoy 111)'st<' rlt)usly dl sl\J).,.,u,.,d. HIs RUtn Willi found WI"ck 'd by .. (relght Crnln. It de,'el perl HloI80Y had ~n argument In th library wllh 0. womnn before his dls8ppenranc. 'N w cook disa ppell",. 'Mls9 I nnes I<'arne'] Halsey was ...lIve - Dr. Wnlker'a f ae becomes ltl'ld at mentton o f the tlame or Nltl ll or rln/(ton. Elvldenc was secun'tl {I'om a tramp t ha.t .. mnn, suppOsedly Hulse y. hnd been bound and . allg"d nnll throw n Into all 4mpty b l' )C ar. Gertrude WlllI missing. Bunting lor her. MIss Innes ran Into a Illan and foJ nle.i. A confederRt t Or. 'Wlllker oonCened hIs part In the m),stry, He stalfod thal tho arrin gton woJDan had been killed. lhat Walker f ar d h er. and that he belteved thnt Paul Arm· !!trong halt been killed by a hand guld d by Willkel·. Halsey was found In a dIstant hospItal. Paul Armstrong WWl not ad. MIB8 Innes dIscovered seoret rooms n whIch the Traders' bank lr rulure waR lIeved to be. Mrs. Watson. dying, sold rhe killed A:rll4lld Armstrong. who years before bad married her IIlsler under the "lIa8 of Wall'-Ce. LucIen Wo.lIace WIUI tIorn of the m~rrlage. M.IslI tnn~ dlscovit'ed. a searet panel to tho mysterious WIom arid unwltungly looked h rael! wllh, In. DUring the hunt for h er the llearch· .,.. ran across Paut Armstrons. Arm• tronA' Dltchod forward down the cIrCUlar . tn lrcasa. breakInG' hIs neck. In til 1\8C!ret room wal found the Traders' bnnk lOot, which Armetron" had taken.

Ae AJex and J reached the s eoond 1l00r. Mr. Jamieson met us. He was '. ,.ave and Quiet, and he nodded comjtrehend10gly when he lIaw the safe. "Will you come with me for a mo· ment. MIN Innes?" he asked soberly, and on my assent1og, he led the way te the eut wlnl. There were lights moml around below, and some of the mald8 were standing gaping' down. The, acreamed when they law me. _od drew bacJ,c to let me pass. TMre was a sort of hush over the scene; Alex. behind me, muttered something I could not bear, and brushed , past me .....lthout ceremony. Th('n I realized t hat a man was lying doubled up at tile toot of the staircase, and tbat .Alex was stooping over him. . All I came slowly down . Winters atep(oed back, and Alex straigbtened hlmnlf, looking at me across the body with Impenetrable eyes. In his hand he held a shaggy gray wig, q.nd betol e me on the fiool' lay the man wlloee headstone stood In Casanova bur.:hyard-Paul Armstrong. Winters told 'the story In n dozen .,ord8. In his headlong flight down the circular stalrcllse. with Wlntors Just behind, Paul . Armstrong liad I>ltohed forward violently, struck his h ead against the door to the e allt veranda and probably broken his neck. ~e bad died as Winters r eacbed him. As the deteotlve fini sbed, I saw H~I· "15(,y, pale and shaken. In the cardToom doorwoy, and for tbe firs t time t bat night I lost mr s eU·control. i put my arm8 around my boy. and for a moment he bad to support me. A seccHi.d IJ!.ter. ove r Halsey'R s houlder, I Ilaw something that turned my emotion 1~ to oth3r channels, for behind him, I~ the sbadowy cardroom , were -Gertrude aud Alex, the gardener. and --there Is nu use minCing matters-:he w as kissing her! ( was unable to s peak, Twice I opened my mouth; then 1 lurned Hoi· lIey around and pointed. They were quite unconsclou8 of us; her head was on his shoulder. his face against her b a ir. As it bappen ~ d , it was Mr. J a mieson who broke u p the tableau. He stepped over to Alex and touched him on the arm. "And now," he sa id quietly, "hoW long are you and I Lo 111ay our titUe comedy, MI'. Bulley?" •CHAPTER XXXIV. The Oild. and Ends. 'Of Dr. Wtllker's sensationa l esclipe tbat night to South Amerlta, of the I' covery of ovel' t1,OOO,OOO in cash and securltles In the safe from the ~bJmll.'" room-the papers tlave kept 'the public well informed. Of my share :til. <i1.'1covering the Becret chamber '(b'ey have been singularly silent. 'Pil e Inner hlstorj line never been told. 1111'. .ramtesop got all kinds ot credit. and .ome of It be deserved. but If Jacle Bailey, aa Alex, had not traced Halsey and Inslljted on tho ' dis interring of Paul Armstrong's casket. If be hod not suspectell the ,truth from th~ start. where would t he detective have b


,Whon Haillcy learned the truth, he Ins isted on r,olng t he next -1l1CJrning, .,eak· as be was, to Louise. and by 4l~ht ,sbe WIUI at Sunnyside, under 10 rtrude's particular 'Carll, whll~ her .lllother bad ,on to ilarbara Fitz· «luSb.·.·


What. Halsey said to

r never



1m w, but that he was cOuildel1lle aDd ('~Iy.lllro\I;I J tE~1 con· DB

M8Dt. It wu Ilalle.1·. I 11101\.




Cured by Lydia E. Pinkbam'sVegetableCompound,


Ct:iAPTER XXXIII,-Continued.

W ar told that th~ la test sensa. tlon In UI ~ medica'l "'orld Is the asser· tlon or 11 doctor tbat IHl Is Ilble, by lookln c In to 1\ flatfent's ye, to IJlllks nn urnte dlngnosls of the complaint whlc th e patient 18 surt rin g. ' Dllt 18 thlH rea lly as nov I as It Is BUPDOl,led to be ? 1 "ecollect hearing SOLUe time ago or n doctor who s aid to u patient who was ' under exolD!i:mtlou : "( can R 0 by the IIpponrnnc' o( you r rlgbt ey whllt Is tho malt r with you. You a r E' 5 11fr rin g from ·lI ver.''' " i\ly right yo?" asked tho patient. "Yes." roturned tho doctor. "It ,shows me plainly that your liver Ie out of order." "EX CUSfl me. doctor," sul d the pa· tlent, apologetically. "My right eye's a glas s on o. "


II a1s y 's ill . u Bal l(' y c' 111 lo l h hOtllle as 1\ gardener. ond hVflnll~AA. WIs, - II LydIa E. PlnJr,. PI,"'SIIt' hi,; In\' S Ug'ltiO IHI II'; lI c conld . Oompound has made Ili s s ll lnoth tippe r lip had b eC'll Stlftl· me a well woman. d ell t dl SKll i:; '. wllh hi s change I)f and I would like to d OUII' S, and a hnll',c llt by a coullt.y t ell tllewholeworld bILl·bl 'I·. of it. I sulfAred ~ o It W tl!l ' Ale x. Ja k Hall ey, who from temnletroubl& am:I fearful painsln hnu bee n UtiI' ghost. , 'ot ollly hUd he myback. Ihadth~ a lll l"lllt!d LOtli so-llnd him se lf. h o ad. b cst doctors and IIIlll ed-oll I'll ' circular s tnll'case, but they all decided One of the Best Reet Cure •• b h ud du g t hl' boll' In th o tl'ulIkroom that I bad a tumor Is a good story. wa ll. nnll \rller sent Eli zll Inlo hYtlt('rln in addlUon to my To man y wom n It Iii as good as a 'I'll !' Il ol.c Liddy hnll found in Ge" f emale trouble, and l!'lulp'!'; scra p·basket wa s from lIi1r\, tl'lp away trom home. an.Vl!1HI. an opera.. are tirc d out and your When you III It I It Wl\ ~ he who had Rlul'Ued IU~ on. Lydia E. ",m'U linlA Oompound made Inlu IIIH:oll Rrlonsll es8 by tb e clolhll. ner ves are on edge. try going oil by I bins more r hnle, lind, with G('t'trud 's hlp, had you rself a nd los ing yourself In some (' urrl dIll ' to Loulse's room. Ger ~"lld story: You w1l1, in nIne oasel trHd E', 1 I Rru ed, had wat hed all cut at t en, oome back rested and In· night besldo me. In an extre mity ot v!l(orated .. me. One woman who has passed serene- Hilwaukee, unxie ty abotlt ID • ly t hrough many years ot hllTd work That old Tbomas had !!Oe n hi s mas· ThIS aboTe onll one of the thou,. te l', and tbought h e had seen the Sun· nnd worr), that go with the managin_ II&ndi of gl1\teful letters which are uysid ghoat, the ro could be uo doub t of a house ond bringing up or a large constantly. belng rece1ved bY' the Of that story of TholIlns. abo ut S60 faltilly or children. said that she con· Pinkham MedlclJle Com~nl of Lynn, Ing J ac k Halley In th footpa th bOl) sill ered It tho duly of e very busy Mass" which prOTe be:y:ond·a doubt E. Plllkham's Vegetable Com. tw een th e lub nnd Sunnyslcle. t1~e housekeeper to read a certalu I\mount L~ pound. made from roots and herb, night Lidlly lind I heard the noIse no of "trash," light fiction , for tho rest actuaU,- does cure these obetlDate ~ th ircular s loil'cose-tbot. too. W iS and change to the mind that it would eases ot women after all other msanJ rlghL On tho ulght before AI'Df/ld give. haTe failed, and that eT~ such suITry it, you who lead a strenuoul ering woman owes it to berself to at Al'lus ll'Ong was lUurdered , Jack Bolley had l1IaO tl an attempt to searcb for life, and who sometimes grow exceed· leaahiveLyd1a E. Pinkham's Vegetabl& (fompound a trial before submit. the s eret room. He secured Arnr..ld·s ingly weary of the same. ~ to an operation. or Siting up k ys from his room at tho club and hOjle of recovery. . The Key to Germany. got Inlo tho house, armed wIth a golt· MI'8. PInkham, of L:fnD. M ...... Capt. Charles KJng, the author, s tic k for sOlmdlng lhe walls. He ran IDvltM all Sick women to write agains t the lIaulpel' nt the bead of praiBed, at the Milwaukee club, the her tor adYlce. She has plded German element In Milwaukee's Don· the sta irs. caught hi cuff·llnk in It, thousands to bealth and hOI' adYloetatree. a nd dropped th o golt·stlck with a ulatlon. "I know a soldlsr," said Cal'l t. King, crasb. H was glad enough to get away without an alarm being raised, "wbo met the kaiser laet · year In BerUn. and he took th "ow\" trnln to town . .. 'You have a thorough knowledge The oddest thing to me was that of our best thought and custome,' saJd l.'Ir. Jamieson had known tor somo time that Alex was Jack Dal~ey. Dut the kaiser. 'Han you ever been to -~~~__....~,. T~ _ 5-~""""""""'_"" the face , of 'the pseudo·gardener wal Germany before T' , CARTER'S ___ _ .. '0, yes, sir,' said the s oldier. very qu eer Indeed when, that night. UVEa .. 'Whlit clUes have you vlllited' in the cardroom, the deteoU-;e turned Berlin and Hamburg?' asked the kaJ· to him and said : "How long are you and I gOing ttl 8er. "'No, sir,' sald the soldier. ·MIl· play our little oomedy, Mr. Bailey?" waukee.' " Well, It. is all ov~ .. now. Paul Arm· strong res18 In Casanova churchyard, "That Firat Invented Sleep." and tbls time there Is no mistake. 1 "Now blelllllng8 lIgbt on him that went to the funeral, because I wanted to be sure he was really burled. aDd llrat Inyentetl thle same Ileept It cov...... POI, S.... D.... s-n".... I 'looked nt the step of the 8hafl era a man· aU over. thoughts and all, Geaalu ...... Signature where I had sat that nJght, and won· llke a cloak; It is meat tor the bungry, drink tor tbe thlrety. heat for the dered It It was all real. Sunnyside 18 tOf s ale-no, 1 shall not buy It.· UtUe cold. and cold for the hot. It ie the Lucien Armstrons., is livIng with hll current coin that purchases aU the step·grtmdmotbel. who iii recov.erlns pieasurea of tbe .world cheap; and the gradually from trouble!! that had ex balance that lIets the king and tho tended over the entire period of her shepherd, the fool ' and the wise man second marriage. Anne Watson lies even. There is only' one thing. whlcb not far frol1) the man she killed, and somebody once put Into my head, that 1 dlsllke I.n eleep-It is that It relemwho as Burely caused her death . bles death. There Is very little dlfThomat\, the fourt.h vtctlm of the con· f,erence between a mlln in his firet spiracy, is burle d on the hill. With sleep and a mall In his last Ileep."NI na Carrington, flv" lives were sac· From Cervantes. " tificed iu the courso o~ this grim con· spjracy. What About Hlm7 "&Mean Gamo Trail." 'l'hore will be two we ddings btlforf The talk had gone .back and fro. and ~, by thoaland. for Chr~mu and N•• eW"I)'..R!!:CI collkelt long. and Liddy has as ked for my tho youthful 80C~• .J8~ had been an. vem:-N~idfOd' A to tbe I.mll os in his ocality; (5«ii;;f, ~ bellotrope popl1n to· wenr to the nouncing that no man ought to get his o. l r of field and high Con'miu~ --,=ake tb. ,r ••' chul'ch. I knew . she WOUld . She hall' ltv10g by cheating, and we all listened chance and wrh" forp.coIP"ct ..llI_COCBARLBS SCRIBN E R'S SONS, 153 (a.S.) PUth Meoa .. wanted 'I t for thrtle years, nnd sht' to him, and agreed thnt It wo.s dreadwas qui te , ugly th4:1 time I spilled cof· ful when menr and women did not tell Ne" York. 'fee on it. W e are very quiet. just the the truth, but. tried to make their lIv. two of us. Liddy stl11 clings to ber ing by deoelving people. Millionaires. ghost theory., anr! points to my weI landowners. finanCiers. we scarified ,aU and muddy boots In the trunkroom as of them who cheat the public. "No proof, I am gJ I1Y. ' i admit. but lone should make n Uv10g by decephaven't felt as well In a doze n yean. Uon." sald ' the young man . . Then a Sometimes, when I am bored. I rlull Quiet. voice from a woman camo from fQI' ,Liddy, and we talk things over ..p .......-"'............ of the sofn. "W.hat about When Warner married Rqsle;' Liddy the conjurer?"-London Chronicle. sniffed ' and said what I took for faith· fulness in Rosie bad been nothing but The Next War, mawkishness. I hn've not yet outlived "Was a bomb dropped on the ship?" Liddy's contempt because I gave the m "Yes, but It was counterbalanced by silver knlve's (lnd forks as a wedding a torpedo which exploded under her gift. 'a t the same mom'e nt."-Judge. So we sit and talk, and sometlmell Liddy threotc.ns to leave, and often 1 Anaemia Ie often temporarily misdischarge h ~ r, but we stay togethe! taken for virtue, somehow. {am , talking of renting s house next year, and Lldcl;r says to ,bo auro there' Is no ghost. To be perfect. ly frank, I never really lived until that sutnmer. 'l' ime ba.s passed slnoe I began this story. My neighbors are packing ap rOr another summer. Liddy Is ha'llng the \wnlngs put up, Ilnd thf wlnClow-boxes filled. Liddy 01' no Lid . '. I , dy I shall advertise to·mOI'I·l)w for 0 fRE~ hr/use. In tbe country, and· I don't care ' If It has a Circular Stalrca!!~. We sweep away all doctor's charges. We put the beet medical talent THE END. within. everybody's . reach. We encourage everyone who aila ~ thinkJ he ails to find out exllCUy what his state of health is. You can get our Hunter. KI.II Big Grluly. The monster grizzly boc.r · thot to\' remedies here, ' at your dntg stort', or not at all, .88 you prefer; there is positively. no. charge for. examinatio~. Professor Munyon baa prepared years has been maklntr many eleeple•• nights for the ' farmers. mlnera and ' .pecifi~ for ,nearly every dj~ase, which are:_sent prepaid on ieCeipt of residents of the northwt'lltern Trinity price, and sola by all druggists. , " . region has at last been 8 ' aln. . send to-day for a. copy of our medICal exanunabon b]an~ and GUIde , This mon.a rch of the fprest aod to Health, which ,we..will mail you promptly, ,and it you Will answer all slayer of small dome8t1'!' animals ~Il! . the questions, returning bll\llk to uS; our. doc~ors carefully .diagnose . ' killed by Thomas McDo~tlld, a lVealthl' your case and advise you fup):,. , w iti}out ,8. penny ,c;ha!ge. . mining man who has , beeD '~iubp108 " .' Addres~, ~unyon'B Do~tors, Munyon's r,aboratones, 63d • Jeif~no~ along the Salmon range 10 Trinity. .' Sln$le-hanfJlld McOonaldi' wbo' ,la ' 8 , Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. ' ' , ' mountaineer of ' markt!d ablltty, killed the beBr atter a' IIvoly tue'el~ . ~" Tbe bear w,elghed 1,000 poun~'/ Dn.1 Is the fillellt and I)lgges,t., sp&c.tmel) ever seen ii, the ; TTfnlty~ountalll rtlglons. The anImal .' ror yeare dtlo fled all efforts to ca'p ture or .kill him. ~MarYvme Correspolldenco ~n Fran· cisco Oall. Ie Wll 8

MI ... Jml.~ . • Jl l n ~(~ r till ~I\ n:l la n ot G"I"lruC1c and l! al ~(' )'. "sllllilished lI\ ~r h .. atlq ' nrl c r~ {l l :iIlIlIlYl<l ol p. Arnohl Armal ro ng W :l~ fou nd 8\1n l I,) den l \I III t .b .. hall. G {,rtru d e nll t! he r Il n n c(' .•JIII'II .s lie)'. lI ud conve rse," In I II., l>1I 11 II r tl rn m sltt)rtly be{or l" lhi> l11 ul'l\pr. p,."....



Don't Penecute

He Wal Killing Her,

,your BOwels

H and Louise had no conversation days Halsey lay in the box car, tI d togeUler until that night. Gertrude hand and .foot, Buffering tortures at and Alex-I mean Jack-had gone for thirst, delirious at times, a\1d dlscov· u walk, although it was nine o'clock, ered by a tramp at Johnsville only in and anybody but a pair of youn"eese time to save his lite. would bave known that dew was faU· To go back to Paul Armstrong. At lng, and that it is next to Imp08slble the last moment his plans had been to get rid o[ a summer cold. frustrated . . Sunnys ide, with its hoard At half after nine, growlns weary in th~ chimney room. had been rented ot my own compan" .( went down- without his knowledge! Attempts to stairs to find the young people. At dislodge me having fail ed, ho was tbe door of tbe living room I paused. driven to breaking Into his own bouse. Gertrude and Jack had returned and The ladder in the chute, the burnIng were there, sitting together on a of the stable and the entrance through divan, wIth onlY ' one lamp lighted. the cardroom window-aU 'were In,the 1'h y did not see or hear me, and I course of a de8p e ~ a te attempt to get beat a hasty r etreat to the library. Into the chimney room. But here again I was driven back. Louise and bel' mother had, from wulse was sitting in a deep ohair, the firs t, been the great stumblinglooking the happiest I had ever seen biocks. The plan had been to send her, with Halsey on the arm or the Louise away until It was !Do late tor. chair. holding h er close. her to Interfere. but she came baclt The next da y, by degrees, I got tbe to the hotel at C-- just at the whole s tory. wrong time. , There was a. tel'rlblc Paul Armstrong had a besetting scene. The g irl was told that spme· e vU-the love of money. Common thing of the kind was neccssal'y; that enough, but he loved money, not for the bank was about to close and he r wh nt It would buy, but for Its own sake. stepfather would e ither avoid arrest An examination of the books showed a nd disgrace In this way, or kill him· no irregularities in the pas t year selt. Fanny Armstrong wa~ a weak· since John had been cashier, but be· ling, but Louise was more dlffioult to for e that, In the time of Anderson. the manage. She bad no love for lIe r step· old 'cashier, who 'had died , much fat hel', but her devotion to her moth· s trange juggling had b een done with e r wns entire, self·saorlficlng. Forced the recorcls. 'rhe railroad I~ New Into acquiescence by her mother's ap'Mexico had appu renUy drained the peals, overwhelmed by the s lt uution, hanlcer's private fortune, and he de· the girl consented nnd ti ed. t l'mined to "otl'l ve it by one st.roke. From somewhere In Colorado she' 'I'ltls \ as nothing less than the loot· sent an anonymous t elegram to Jack Ing or t he bank's securities, turning Bailey at the Tra(Jers' banI<. Trapped th em Into Ololley, and making his es· as she was, s he did not wan t to see cape. . • an innocent man nrrested. 1l;ie t ele· Dut lbe .Iaw bas long arms. Paul gram, recei ved on Thursday, had 'sent Armstrong evidently studied the situa· the cashier to the bank that nlglit In • lion carefully. Just as the only ,ood a frenzy. ]lIdlan' Is a dead Indian, so the only Louise arrived at Sunnyside and safe defaulter Is a dead defaulter. He found the house ,·ented. Not knowing decIded to die, to al\ appearances. and what to do, s'h e sent for Arnold at the when the hue and ' cry subsided,' he Greenwood club. and told him a litUe, would be able to enjoy his money al· not all. She' told him that there was most anywhere he wished. something wron" , .a nd that the bank The first necessity was 'an aecom'l was about to close. That hIs father plica. Tho connivance of Dr. Walker was responsible. Of the conspiracy was s uggested by his love (or Louise. she said nothing. To her surprise, Th e man was unscrupulous, and with Arnold ulready knew, through Bailey tho girl as a bait, Paul Armstrong that night, that things were not right. soon hnd him fas t. The plan was ap· Moreover, be sUspected what Louile parently th e acme , of simplicity : A did not. that the money was· bidden at small town in the west. an attack of Sunnys ide. He had a scrap of paper hea rt disease. a body frow a ,!pedlcnl lha t Indicated a concealed room soDiecollege dissecting room shipped in a where. truu l< to Dr. Walker by a colleague In His inherited cupidity was a.roused. San Francisco, and palmed off for the Eager to get Hal~ey and Jack BaUey supposed dead . banker. 'Vhal was out of the house, he went up to the s impler? east entry, and In the billiard room Tlte woman , Nina Carrington, was gave tbe cashier what he had refulled the cog that s lipped. What she only earlier in the evening-the address of sU R pl~cled, what ' she re ally kn~w, we Paul Armstrong In California and a ' never learned, She was a chamber· telegram whIch had been torwllrded maid In the hote l at C--, and it was to the club for Bailey, trom Dr. ~alk· evid entl y her intention to blackmail er. It was in ,,"pon8e to one ~alle)' Dr. Walker. His position at that time lInd sent. and It. said tbat Paul ' Armwas uncomfortablo: To pay the worn· strong was very m. an to keep quiet would be co.nff!sslon. Dalley was almost desperate. He 'l-fe de nied the whole thing. nnd she decided to go west and find Paul Armwent· to Halsoy. . strong and to force him to dlsr6rge, It was that that had taken Halsey Dut ' the catastrophe at the bank octo the doctor the night ' he dl sap· ourred , sooner than he had expected. penred. He accused the doc\or of tlie On the moment of starting . west. at deception, 'and, crossing the fawn, had Andrews station, where Mr. Jamieson said something rue I to Loulse. Then. bad located the ,car, he read that the furious at. bEl r apparent connivance, b,ank had closed. and, going back, surhe had started for ,the station. Dr. rendered himself. Wnlltet and Paul Armstrong-the lat- , ·John Dalley had known .P aul Arm. ler still lame where t had shot hlm- fltrtmg Intimately. He did not belJeva hurried a cross to the mbaJikment, that the money was gone: in' tact. It erta ln only of one thing: Halsey .must waR hardly 1I0silibie In the Interval not tell the detective >What .he ' sus- s'ln~e the ' se'lurlHes ~ad been, Itaken Bafe ofter. ' , pected untU (he money . had been reo .Whe,r e wa!l Jt? Alld from sQme ohance Jones.,-Why on earth do 70U .olter moved fJ'f)m 'the chimney room. · .ThllY remark let fl1;ll eom.. monthll earlier suqb lArle .reward for the return 01 stllPped Into the road in front .of the by· Arnold .&!mltrong at a dinner, that horrid. yapplt1r,. snappml ' curf iiI' to stop It. and rate played Into Balle,. felt sure ther, was a hidden nro.,n-To ph.... IIl7 wJte. ', J thtllr bandit. Tbe car struck the train, room at Bunn19lde. He ' tried 'Ito see Jonea-.Dut auca. • ~ rewar4 'WID and Utey Iiad ooly to dispose of the the arcb'.teet of the bulldlDI'.. bllt. Uke be II're to br1q b,lm bUll. 81'I:1WJa-4J,' DO. unconsclouB figure 10 the road. TIlJa the cODtractor, If be be.. of the ~fI&iIl, Lhey ~Id as I bay, told. For tbne room. be nfUHIIollF JntClJ'lllatfoD.







ran '"






'Practical Fashions .HELPING



Chafed, Sore ad ~leecliDt Quickly Cued


Mrs. J. F. Deal, Kanau City, Kans.. writes: "1 J cannot spask too hJghly of Res· lnol. When our baby wu (our monthl old she ,was Bolat that Ihe ch&fed In the creases of her lep and bod,.. She wu so sore and inftamed that sbe bled, and was fretUng and crying ale most . constantly. Reslnol Ointment was recommended to us. We had tried everything tbat could be thougbt ot without auccess, but Reslnol cured her In a very short Ume. We consider It the best h.o usehold remedy for Irritating skin troubles and would not be without It. We are also !featly pleased with ReBlnol Soap. It 1a 10 delightfully refreshlng for the" Resinol Ointment, Reslnol Tonet Soap and Reslnol Medicated Shanng Stick are high gyade standard preparaUoo., and their merit and reliabUity have won them a place In mlllloos of homes. Tbey are for ~ale at every drug store on the Amel1can Cootlnent &.nd by all leading chemists In other countries . .

HE notion pre"Yalls more or less extensively III all the churches that the pastor Is solely respoDslbhi for the . successful prosecution . of r e ligious work. As arelIult of this tact he Is frequ ently lett to stand alone. and to do .what he can without much IUIslstn.nce ot any kind. We need not waste time to sbow that such a view III essentially erroneous. The great Paulfoe and Protestant doctrine ot the priesthood of tbe people puts every Indi vidual believer under bonds to coutrlbute the full measure or bls Influence to the furtberance ot the kingdom ot Cbrlst. We wl"h that we could Impress this thought with due cmphasls upon the minds of all our readers. Its Importance Is sucb all to entitle It to the most serious at· tentlon. To be more IIpeclfic, there are many ways In which the flock can .and ought to ald the paator. Tbey cnD relieve his mind from the prelsure of worMly cares by providing Writ. for booklet o. (JON of t •• tor hlm a competent suppor.t. It would .k.. ••• C018.I_I_. Booklet a . . . .ple _ t free to ••70.. .....tl3a be a great calamity If the salaries . . . . .... paper. Be.lao. CIa.meal C.., of Chrlsthin ministers IIhould ever be- 8aJUaore, . . . come 110 large as to constitute an at· Why the Boy Thank.. traction to Insincere and ungodly men. Alan had played tbe enUre day with But there ls not the slightest prospect ot any Immediate danger In tbat dlrec- little brotber without an Impatient tioo. The real troublo II tbat so many word. After laylog his customaf)' able and exwilent men are Jlut OU prayer that nlgbt, bls mother suggelt. short rations, and compelled to prac- ed that he add: "I thank God I w .. tise a plncblng and .almost I1lggardly not Impatient with little brother to· economy In order to make enda meet. day," This he did with much rerNor Is there any good reuoll why It vency; after which he remarked that IIhould be so. That the majority of there wete some other things he Cbrlstian8 are poor, we very well would llte to th8Dk God for, and forthkoow; but still there Is scarcely a with be closed his eyes and saJd: ". thank God I offered my canclT to circuit or station ",moilS us that could not. by equItable distribution bf finan· (ather before takinc any JDYself. "I thank God I offered my candy to clal burdens, make a comfortable promother before takinc any myself. . vision for Its' puto\i The tallure to "I thank God 1 offered my candy to do thIs 18 to be attributed to the Jlttle brother berore taktoC any mythougbtles8Dess ot IIOme tollta and the aelf. downright stlngines8 of others. Thl8 "Aod I tha.nk God there wu lOme plain language, but none too plain. lert."-Llpplncott's. The doctrine that the laborer Is wor· thy of his hire Is of divine, and not Procraltlnatlon. ot human authority. ". heard a tale the other day of a They can strengthen bls IIplrlt by postponlog chap, who thousht he'd buy entering sympathetically Into all his a wheel so gay, but-'they wlll be plans of work. It they look upon his cheaPer, perhapa,' And 110 he dalltll4 effc..rts with an unfriendly eye, or It year by year, the cheapest wheel to they simply sit sUIl In Idle Indlffer- buy; but loog befgre the cheapest gear, ence, tbey make It virtually Impos· that yap he bad to dlel And ao, by sible tor him to accompllsh anything putUng off the day, we miss the wine tbat rises above tbe level ot·. a com· of life; and Bome there are In jUlt monplace res1;11t: Their refusal or that way _who thus wID mls8 a wlrel neglE:ct to lend a helping hand neu· Gilt busy now, you timid swain, p~ traUzes his belit endeavora. How can crastlnate no more, for time Is aurelJ be confidently e8say any great task on the wane, 'lnd you a bachelor! whea he knows that he Is to be met Some wait too 'long to make a ph;t with hostiJe crltlclsm or with frlgld or husbands or ot wttet and then unco~cern! , It· Is bad 800u,h to have Bome take a broken sUck and make a the sharp oppoSition and the keen con- mesa at lIte."-H. B. Benedict. lit tempt of "those that are without," but Judge. a great dea'l worse to suffer the aame "Kin by M.rrlage." treatmeot trom thoae that are within A caller WIUI talking to a small Har· the rold. It, on the other band, the members of the cnurch do tbelr pastor lem girl who Is extravagantly fond of the naked Justice of giVing hJm their her mother. She IIke8 her tather weU Intelligent co-aperatlon, they multlply enough, but he III far . trom being ftrat bls power a , hundred tIme", and gu8J' 11\ her atrectlons. The caller, kno~lng antee the corresPDpdlng hltfulneu the SituatIon, osked the child why 8he didn't love her father lUI sbe did her ' •>f bls minIstry. mother. "Let Your Light 80 8hlne." "Oh, you see;' ahe explaJned, loftily, Still more can they be belpful to "be Is only kin to \IS by marriage." their pastor by ldadlng Uvea that are worthy of the gospel of Chrlat. We luppese that oothlng heartenl a of doc! .0 much U (118 fact that tbos" to whom he proclaims the truth are diligently trylns to, fuhlol). their oharacters acqordlog to ItllreQuirements. 1. OHENEY. To brInK about thll nry eod Is, or , ~ .., before me ud FRANK oubenlbed In I1IJ ~ ' ought to be, his one supreme desl,re. UaIa '11II 4IIJ 'Ol December. A. D .. lIN. . A. W. GLEASON. If he ralls here, he falls ~veryWliere. j - - l NOTAaT PUauc. NO mere superOclal , semblance of .U()o .1 ~ r . Bait·, oata,.-tl Q!Ira Ia tUeD IDlemall, &A4 aetII ceslI In other reapecli can be a com. AlNctlr UPOb III, lilood ...4 muao.. auru- 01 \1M 1rM. pensatioo to btin for the fact that the .,....,. BeDel lor taUaIoIItalL F. :I. CHENEY. 00.• ToIeCIo. 08014 b, an n ........ file. men and women commlttel! to hi. 'hIIe lUll" Familt PUll eo, COUUpaUoD. . keoplng are disorderly, or Inconslsteot or worldly·mlnded. No other bordeD Perseverlnc mediocrity Is much \lila balf so beavlly on him, or giveR more respectable, and unspeakably him half so mu'cb concern. It disturbs Inore useful than talented Inconbls waking thought, and walka like s sisteocy.-Dr. Hamilton. torblddlng spc,cter througb bls . very dreams. Oftentimes, If he be of an A I(OOd honett remedy for RheumaUsm, .cute e,nd sensitive nature, he teell Neural~il\' lind SOre 'Throat- is Hamlin. tbat; without r~Uet, he cannot looger Wwrd Oil. Nothing .0 Quickly driye bear up and gQ. ror;-ard. If rour pall' out 'aU pain and inflammation. I tor Iii In tbl. cQndltlon, will you not Take aa much pains to rorget wbat oome ·to his rellif, . and that apeedlly1 we ougbt not to bave learned as- to -Chrlstl8D AdvOcate. retain w.hat we ougbt not to torget.Mason. . .

i The cIlannlog little dress shown above Is made on very simple lines. and at tlIe IUUn.e time Is an attractive Ilttle garmenL The I body bangs ItraJght from a yoke and In the ,front there Ulrue simulated box.plnlA made by four bnckwnrd·turnlng tucks &nd twe torward·lurnlng ' tucks. In the back there are four forward turning tucks and (our backward turning tucks wttlch glvo the elrect of four box· plaJtB. At the under·arm seam the ful\nes8 ts laid 10 n backward turning plait. 'Mac yoke Is perforated for ' round nook In wblch case the collar II omttt..d . Tho s leeves are bishop or IIhort pair finished with a band. For the IItUe tolks white Is aboul the only material uaed, and. any of the fine white fabrics are suitable; a yoke, collar 811d wrlat bands, of all over em· broidery. or they may be hand embrol· dered, wHl make a very attractive flntsh. Tbe pattern (6190) Is cut In simes I, Sand 5 years. T<, make tbe dross In medium size wJll ~ulre 2% yards ot materlal 27 Inchen wide, 2 yards. 36 Inches wIde, or 1 %; yards 44 Inches wide. To proouro till.. p-.Uem eend 10 eeRU to '''Pattern De(:llrUn nt." of thl" pnper. Write Dame lind address plntnly, nnd be .ure to aWe stu o.nd number 01 pll.ttA!rn.

NO. 5190.

SIZE . ............... .

NAlIE_ ...................... ............. ... .

TO?/N ..................................... .. STREET AND NO....................... 8TA'I"'It...-........ _ •• ••••• • •••••••••••••••• ~.


5199 The double fiounce skIrt .. one of the popular inodels for ~bls sea80n, '-=8nd-we-tllustr&te one at this time. ',I'bo upper part of the s1l.Irt Is ou( In rour gores aod leogthened by the l~w· er platted flouoce. The side gores have a dart at the waiot whlob takes away all the lullnes8 and the b9.ok gore Is tucked at each side, thUir ghlng tbe OBoel elrect. The closing Is. at tliff left lide of the back' under the tuck. At the top of the lower flounoe Is "a blu band two Incbes wid .., ' touchfns the top of this Is the lowtlr edge . or tbe upper flounce and at 111.8 top ot tbll anothe~ band the .slll.t'.e width .1 the other. Silk, volle, marqulsettfl 01' a fine serge will make up well II this desllP!. . .Tbe p,attero (6199) Is cut In suel 22 to 82 Inches waist measure. To make the skirt In the medium llille will require 6~ ·yards of material 86 In~he8 "WIde, .~ yards 44 Inches "~Ide, or .. " yards 60 Incbes wide. W Irtt.h of iower edge '4% yards. ' To J)1'OC'IJN thla pattern aend . 111 eeqta



. HA. • Man Thlnketh." Many there' wbo like the pubr!can 'of old, like to appear better than tbe'y a'o~ some ' etr~t to' appear rt'. up to .8 inan to cboose between wone than ~ey are, but one thing II lure, the Lord trletb the hearts, aod two evils when !I\l hi uted to beat &a • thlnlteth and feeletb and the carpet or take care .or the baby his wife does' lt. ' ".meth in bla beart,· or Inner Boul~ 'ilo ",lIl1e ~. to "Pattern Department':' of tbIB "ap..r. fle III. It· Ii 'a solemn and a lqiHtlve , Write nam, and address plaInly. tl.Jld · be thought ; that the Almighty, with · r all" '0 &ive .Iue and number ot ~ttern. leahlhlog . ray'; of hia . holiness, .eanihe• . to. the hidden ' framework> of every 'Ufe, to the vert 'SubiJtrata Q; SIZll:•• ~ ••••••• : •• - •• · IVery' .0u1. ;,Tb~ proper p~yer, then; · ror overy , l~dlv~d.Ual !iI, '~ord, ~n . HAMlI ........... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• hldden "parts '- mal< me ' to know wit; dom;" . '






Certainly Oandldate ~or Governor Could Not Expect to Get That Vote'. An Incident ,In which former Gov. 04ell or New York figured all t)M, vlc·Um wall told by Col. Jamea Hamilton Lewis at a recent banquet. "Wben (JQv. Odell was last running tQr omce," said Col. Lewis; "there bad been a great deal or talk about Nla· gara falls and the electrical power that could tie conferred on all parte at New York. One day an old ri"gro halted Mr. Ode \l and aald: .. 'Mr. Odell , Is yo' rllnnln' for 10V'· ner, aab?' .. 'I nm,' answered the candidate. .. 'I guels YO' wanl my vote. den,' said the old colored man . 'Well, I would like to have your "ote, Zeb. [bave known you for so maoy yoal's,' "'Well, J jist want to ask you a qUeBtlon, Mr. Odell, bero' I give mah vote to you. Are yo' tor e{ectrt c IIgbts In dis town l' .. 'Well, Zeb, I am tor all modern lm. provements.' said Odell , wIth a slight flourish "'Well, sah. I calu't vote fo r you,' sl\ld Zeb wltb ftrmness. 'Yo' done for,tlt dnt I Is a lamp lighter: .. . U

I'or Infant. and ChIldren.

1111,11111111111111111'11111111111 111111111'""11'"'11"111111,'111"

~~r::~;;,:H~~,~uJ ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT A~ttablt Prtpnalion rorAs5imilaliilg 'heYoodandRe~u'a­ ting Ih~ Slomachs and Bowels 0(

The Kind You Hava · Always loupt

Promotes Ditftsllon,Cheerfulness and Rest.Conlains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral

Bears the Signature


NOill NAR C OTIC . R«IjN .rOM IJrSAHl/£iI'llrA'1M ~;'JUlI·

-tlx,.r_ • •

H.rlt,IUSelb "


.",,,'" .




.f.nt -




I"'''"",,,,"'''' •..". ---"._-Aperfect Remedy forConslipa· 11Q", Sour Stomach,DiarrhOta,

Worms ,Convulsions.feveri,hness and Loss OF SLEE~.

lac Simile





For 'Ovar TKir'ty Yaara


IN A DAY "In the middle or the night or March 80th I woke up wltb a burning Itch In m), two hands and 1 relt as It • oould pull them apart. In the morning the itch1nc had gooe to my chest and duro' Ing that doy It aprelld all over my body. 1 Wall red aod raw rrom the top of my head to the solea of my feet and • wu in ,continual .gony from the Itchlnc. I could Delther lie down nor lit up. I happened to lee 8bo~t Outl· cUra Remedies, and • thoulht • would ,ct"e them a trial. I took a lood bath , wftll tbe Outtcura Soap aod uled the Cutlcura Ointment. I put It on from my head dOWD to :my feet aod then 'went to bed. On the lint ' of April • ·telt Uke 8 new man. The Itching was ,Imoat gone. • cootJnul!d with the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment and during that day the Itching com· pletely left me. Frank Gridley, 826 Ea.t 43rd Street, New York City, Apr. 27, 1909," Cutlcura Remedlel are lold throuChout the worla; Fatter Druc a: Cbem. Oorp., Sole ProPl, BOlton, M....

Cheering Up the Guide. "Remember, lienry," said the hUDter who had arranged With the plde, "we're not hiring you-you're IlInply one of our pnrty." "What's on your mind 1" Inquired the guide. . ":Well, you seo, In CUe anything happeos we don't want to be ttoubled with this Dew e.m ployerl' liability law." admitted the cautious hunter.PucJr. TRY


$3,000 From 28 left'S

of California Land The original price per acre was $40. Planted to peaches, plums, grapes and pears it yjelds $3,000 a year net, and would be cheap at $500 acre.


, This it oOly one example of what hal been done ill • climate that draWl tourilU from all over the world.

Union Pacific Southern Pacific Sg~.o~ol~eW~

Electric Block SIIlD'"

GZIIItIT FOIIT. P. T. •• , D.p.......7 1 r _ ...



ror Red, Weak, Weary, Watery myel and Granulated Eye114s. Murine Doean't Smart-Boottles Ey, Pain. Drugctl~ Sell Murine Eye Remedy, LIquid, 26c, 60c. $1.00. Murlne Eye Salve In -Aseptic Tubell, 25c, $1.00. Eye Boob aod Eye Advice Free' by Man. Murioe lille Remedy Co., Chicago, Natural Query. Mrs. Thynn-Don·t you think I look plump In this gown? . . Tbynn-Yel. Did you han It made at an upbolsterer'sT If you would be pungent, be brief;

tor It Is with words as with sunbeams -the more tbey are condeoeed, the deeper they buru.-Southey. Some · folks Denr reel mntlJ' until they ,have a chance to syndicate their aorrow•.


For further bcu and accurate inform.: lion about California call on or addrca

l.w ~ROUND


TWO GRAND CRUISES of about thrill an4 one-hall monlhs' duration eadI • . ThetlrRlol..... II•• hit Na•• ~ 11 .. , and llie '!IGOnd from I •• r ,..cltce 17, 1111, br tIl,lar., IransaillUltie lleamlr


"Cleveland" :~::':,;

__________ ' I

I -


____ I


-~---- ----


Z M ~ERM~AN'S ~pecial this We~K Iran . ' 1&,11 1', a Ra k ....... . ·· $ 1.20 Uill J' l1lifl t)1 ,oIT ,a lb ..... :..Oc 1-toll cJ Rt . :l Ill, .. , ... ...... 10e "l'ackcd H l1Iiny , 4 Ills ... ... \lIl'. E. . flakp ~, :3 fo r ........ ... . 10 Pe led I f hes, _ can. .. .. . £i'ancy Plums , U C;111 ·· .. · .. .. .. III N \V En ~li,.h Waln ULs. N w Fl ol'id'l rall l! E:'s. Ill' W DatI'S. n w Fig-s. ExtrH Fan" Cnmb nics n w Peaches, n 'W Apl'icnts . . new PrUl Il's. n \\' Minrt' M :lt , n w .Ap", le Hutt ' I' . nl'\\, Hllc!,' \Vh t, n w Syru p. Th o.'e good O~·sh·r. and Cele ry. Edge mont Hut te l' (' rackel's. The Best of everythi llg' for Thank:gi ing, a t

--- ....



Ibe for . • ~


Fresh t~ic ,ea h w k Try it, it 's fine! We so ld 600 lbs. last week, Whi te !iff Flour, 24· lb. sa k ... ......... ......... ... ...... 65c Try it. It's th great Bread P roducer.



.. ----

ALFRED G. BOOKWALTER State Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. of Ohio.


J usl fiftY- l wo govt! numbers, one aft I' anothel', of only the b st reading selected from the w rlu's ab undtll1ce of ev ' I'y so rL. N early th ree hundr d of the mORt pnt rtai1;ling stories ever writtennot thp kind that al' fo rgotten as floo n as read, but tories that one loves to r emember and talk abou t. Then there are t he famo us men'and wompn whQ write for Companion reader . It is the next best thing to meeting th em face to fac , for they choose topics which are sure to be of imerest for t~eil' audience of three million C mpanion readers. The announcement of t he enlarged and improved Companion for next year will be sent to any add ress free, 'a nd with it sample copies of The Companion. Those who subscribe at once, sending $1.75, will receive t ree all the is. sues for the r emaining weeks of 1910; also The Companion's Art Calennar for 1911, li thog ruphed in thirteen colors and gold. The Youth's Companion. 144 Berkeley St. , Boston, Mass. New subscriptions received at this office,

Underwear .The Set- nug fo r ) ad i ~, the best fi tti ng und rwear made, t he Velve t for men and boys . Union Suit for 'children and every m~mber of the family.


Rubber Coods


Ball Band Felts, Arctic and Overshoes, t he be t made.

25c 25c 25c

Remnants Just a few l.:l ft . It win pay you to look these over.



Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Malaga Grapes , Celery. Lettuce Cranberries, 3 qts .... ..... ... 25c

Mp.n's Elk Sldn Shoes that are waterproof. Men's hig h-top Shoes. Ladies Shoes, new styles, upto ·date. Ladies" warm. lined Shoes. Keep your feet warm. High-top Shoes for Children. Ask to see them,

Sweet Potatoes, per pk ..... . 20c Iri sh Potatoes, per bu .. ... . 70c

Down goe!:! t he p'tice. 5-lb. Bucket at ......... .... ...... .. 69c


Speci aI5'':::=;:=====


Lard The You'lh's C'o mpoulon in

Daylight Store ·


New Bu kwh at F lour, 10 lbs. for .. .... ... .... ..... ·... .. 45c New Pancake F lour New Lima Beans N w Navy Beans New Peaches Fancy Muil's, worth 12.!{c, per lb ..... . .. ......... ....... .. 10c New Apricots New Prunes New Rai ins New Cu rrants , New ~ince Meat

The fir t uraw ing fo r th Lecture 'ourse will take place at t he Township House . at urday aftel'Ooon at ? o' t:\oc k. --- ~~


New ,.Corn Meal

J.'rom Dece.mbel," 1st to March l~t. will ue!i,;er flO pap rs on the hill. If you want 'paper . pl eas come to, th • B;mk Co rn, 1',0 1' the Post Office. This will nable you to get your pa pers at least one hou r earlier. D. W. M eks.

Men's Clothing Corduroy Coats, Vests, Pants. Men's Jeans Pants, per pair .... .... . .... ..... ... .... ...... .. $1.19

Sweater Coats A few left.

.. Thank sglvlng Oysters

That's SEALSHIPT: We sold 40 gal· Ions Jast Thanksgiving. We want to sell 60 thiFl t ime. Let us have your order, so you won' t be disappointed. We will book your order and guanlntee delivery ..

Peaches Pi e P eaches. last chance at the price, per doz., on ly 95c 10 doz. Table Peaches, per doz. .. ...... ....... .. .. .... .. $1.35 Good Corn, per doz ......... .. .75 Fancy Corn, per doz .......... 90 Tomatof'!:I, per doz ............ . 90

Bring us your Produce, Butter, Eggs , Poultry. We pay

34c cents f01" Eggs

Walter J. , Kilbon Edgewood


Caps Corduroy Caps ........ ........ . SOc Leather Caps ............ ........ 50c Boys' Caps and Toques ..... . , .... .. ...... .. ......... ... 25c to 50c

Olassi&ad Ads



$1.50 Coats, only .. . .......... 98c 75c Coats, only........ ......... 59c

_ _ _ . - . ~ WI .. "


Misses Edith Crane and Mllry Mrs,' Will Kersey entertained her Ada wlll be Inscrt.eC1 uall er tbls b eaa for The game law allowing the killin" twenly · llve cen ts for tbree Insortl " nl, of quail came in '1'uesday, and every- SWt1in, of Pekin were in Hamilton si8ter t1nd tllmily at dinner 8unday. It1t1t lj'l'idILY Imd SAturday at·teuding Prof. D. W. Wil\iams and Mi ss . wbe n UlI lo l( nOl Ulortl llian live IIneK. body who could get a gun was out the a nniv6r!ll1ry of the Miami Asso Mllbel Sherw,lOd aUended the ~.--.-after them. A number., were killed, oit1tion of the U nt vertl"IL t oburohes '1'el1Ohera' Meetillg at Daytou Friday FOUND Mr. Bookwoltel' hKS a I(oen sym, and they are very plentiful. Mesdallles Juliet·8tauton t1nd Lan- and 8aturday. pathy for Ill! branches of work. As a - -- -4'-'" ra. 'raue od dBughter, Mi8!\ Editb Tbe O. E Sooiety's business meet.:. boy he \vork ed tor the Western Union NO tAUNTING NOTICE were sboppblg iu Day tau lllst tng will be hel ,... t the home of "he POCKEl'BOOK ooot"lining 0. 'reI graph comr>any.. In high school WetJoesdllY· MlS8es Spenoer Friday evening. smaJiamoaut of money. O'Nnbe made a specialty at mechanical All persons are strictly prohibited Mr. am\ Mri!. B.oraoe Kirby were A specit.LI program is behig prepared er olln hllve snme by Ilpplylog to drawing and took night classes In Handay ~aests of JamtlS Cook and by the soolai oommittee. J . C. Hawke. Dayton Y. M . C. A. For s veral Bum· from hunting on my premises. family. Mr. and MrR. George !:iaoker en· Saml Hinkle m rs he work d as 0 hlr d hond on G. E . Riley liod da,ughter Bll1nohe tertliined the Missos Veidt and Letif fo rms. Lat.el' h was oashler In a larl;e J os. Evans were In Dayton Sunday visitio g Mlp8 8 and.l.Y. '\ gro ery In Montana. At '/ale he took FOR RENT Ed Furnas. who IR at tbe MiAmI VB1~ey Mr. Ilnd Mrs. George Mote and both hlfl II. A. and M. A. d e:~ ree s. He Minnie Satterthwaite .P~rl, b o~pita}. 1'bey report ber gettmg two sons, of <:Jolumbus, are visiting - - - - - - - - - - - - - pursu II It 5 11 rlu l C UI'SC ill muchlne shop work III Massachllsetts Institute .a long nioely, w~ioh ~s very welcome relatives here. ROOMS-Eor r ent, furoished, in NO HUNTING of Technology. to her many frlend~ . Miss ~abei Sherwood has accept. good ,loclllity, to 006 or more He studied Indu strIa l conditions Will Tibbals,.of L ebtLnon, olllled ed a pOl~ition as teaober tn the fifth ladiel4. Rent reasonoble. Inqalre No hunting, trapping ol'trespass- on C. ·L. Doke llist Satarday . Rnd thp . m t hod s of Icacllng school s grllde 01 the- Miamisburg Rehools, at thisoftloe. • of G I·muny. R turn ing to Am 1'1 a, be ing will be allowed on tne farms Our sohool was oJ(lsed lilst Friday !fond beglln ber duties M\lnday morn· No. 2220 be am one of th e organiZers and owned or controlled .by the follow- so I\S to permit onr tellober to atteod iog. am ers or tb /lllonal 0 I ty for the Ohio Teaohers' Ass:lOiation . bnnday 8 jolly orowd of forty.five WANTED ing persons: Prom(ltJ"n nr 1n,111'" r' ~ 1 P" lu(' ' Ion. whioh was held at Dayton. gathered at the beautiful ooantry Wm. Shirden Of the Condition of the Waynes.Mrs. Edna Oook was in Lebanon home of Mr . and Mrl.l . 0hllrles ~herville National Bank, at Waynes , J. Wm. Har~ock Buy Milk In Piece • • 'ltLst Saturday . wood, and suooeedeu in gl.ving t.b ~m MAN paat-3O-w.ltb-ho~rl bugville in the State of Ohio, at the A paper called The Baker says that U. G. Whitsel Miss Milbel Strait, of Lytle, vis. II . thoflugh surprHle. A . bounU,111 gy to Aell stook ooodttion p <)w. close of business, November 10, the people at Siberia buy their mJlk Ed Shanahan ited relativas in Day tCln last. t:lundIlY. dloner WIlS served, lind M.t' . and der in Wllrren Ur>Doty. Salary '7t} 1910. - -.... ....- - . • _ • Mrs . !:ihet'wood wert5 tbe reolpients per m onth Addrefls 301 Unity trozen, and for convenIence It la at· RESOURCES. lowed tXI freezed about a stick, which The Rev. Irl Hicks 1~1I Almanac. of sevenl prel1enf,s . ' 1'hose who Il f.- 'Bldg. Iudi~o/lpoIiS, Indiana. Corwin. tended wtlre Will Sberwood I L n d ' . Loana and Dillcounte •.• . .... ... $201.221.07 torma a handle to clUTY .It by. The Overdraflil. secured and unsecured 1,2110.24 .' 9{ife, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Fred .E SherU. 8 . Bonds to secure c1rculatfoll. , 110.000.00 mtlkman leaves one cbuilk or. two, as LARtiE (Joal Hellter at on06. The Rev . hI R : Bioks Almanao Bonds, securities. ew .. . , .. .. . .... 71,466.611 the case may be a~ the barnes of his Mrs. Altoe MoK insey and dangh- w,?od aud daoghter Helen, Mr. and , l'lI.lJ 00 or t1ddreS6 A. B. (Jba.n, BanJ4ng hO\1ll6 , . . . . • . . • • • . . . . . • iI.OOO,OO ' . Tb 'hlld f I k •• 'for 1911, th~t ga ardla.n Angel in ·tAr were week-end visitors with '1'el · Mrs. Geol'l6e Zelland Mr. and MrM. Due frOm approved reserve agents 211.099.20 customer!!. e c ren a r u....... Ohecks and o vller casll lI.oms ..... 116.40 Inatead of OTYlng for a drink ot milk, 11 hundred tbouS'lOd h omes, is now atives in Onvton . . (iay !:iherwoad, from Waynesvi~e. dler, Waynes ville, Ohto. 1'\ of o~her Na~lonal Banks. ... 1160.00 ory f Or a bite at m Uk. Tbe people In ready . Not many are now willing Frac:tlonal paper currencY, uickeJs. Mls~ Effie 8tiles, of: Dtlytoo, spent Mr. and Mr . M.orris 84erwo d. carl and cents . • ••• , . . .... . .. . .. . 236.28 \w1nter time do not say: "Be careful t-o be without it and the Rev. Ir} R. Hllturda'y nl ~ M with Mrs. Bo,l 'e 8li~rwood, wittl, aod son, of Spriug Lawful VIlUey ; E,I t:\bEh'wood Ilnli family, .of FOR SALE Specie ..M~lDey . .....ROIIerve .......In. Bank.vlz: 9,371.00 no t to sp III the milk." . but ''Be careful I:)til es Ilod family. Monroe; ueorge Mote, WIt' and tw.o ~Hendet' notes ...... . 1,60.0.00 10,817.90 not to bl'eak the milk." Broken milk Hloks Ma.gazine, Word and Works. MisR Annn Edwards, of New Cf.Lst)q Redemp~lon fund with 1.1. . 'l'rea.sII" th aug, h be- The two Ilre only One Dollar Il yeu.r of O()latub\ls aud Mr. aod Mrs. -----------~----­ urer( 6% Of circulation) . .. . . . 2.500.00· Is better than sp III ed m... Ind ,'lVeot .ao<ia.;v It:nd Monday with sons, Roy Sherwood u.nd baby, C. C Em cause there Is an opportunity to Bave Th9 Aimllnllo is 350 pre pllid. No lIo1ru. Ubrist-ie MoKinsey . POLAND OHINA BOAltS for Total. ••• ••••••• " ••• , .•• • . 867.264 .64 the /pleceB. A qUB.!'t of frozen milk on woos and 'wite, Mr. and Mrs . R . B. home or offioe st oold to sena sille. A'r e in first.ol1l8e sh"pe. Mr. aod Mrs. W. Morglln, of Day. Emmons "nd' Mis8 Virgini". Dr . aod LIABlLITmS .. a stick Is a very fonnldable weapon In , too, were guests of Jametl Morglln Mrs t)hakeiford ....the . F~aoli Sher- Inquire of E. 0, B,a rnett, Phone Oapltal at.ock paid In . .. . . • .. . • .' . GO,OOO.oo the band of an an!l'Y man or boy, as for them, to Word and Works Publishing CQ., and wife Sand~y . 'WOOd fiuI~iiy a~d . Mis8 Browu, .of 59-3 WllynedviUe, Ohio. t'::-ll~~~roilt8: 'less' eXlie'_ 110,000.00 it Is IlOBslbie to knock a person down and t&XtlII paid . .•.• •• .•. .. . . ' 311.2 06. «8 with It. Jrku~k people bang ·thelr OI1ft Bisey visited in Xenill SLln. OregloJnil.L and .v ioinity . . M " . St. Loms, o. National Bank nota oUWltn.pdlng 60, 000.00 WO Male Polllnd Ohina Pigs lor _ _ _.. __ . day. f ' ' . • individual depOsIts IrobJoct W milk on hookB Instead of putUng it In . s~le . 1nqaire ot ~ml. Eiinklt', check •• .. . . • . •••• 171.426. 811 "ans thougb at cours" When WE A sorehead is most · always I its ~i8,,"Emml\- aar~r.n, of Dayton, i8 . .. . B~lnd Uenterville, Phone 725-5r. . Demand certMIcates ... 10.602.80 182,028.16'" ' . Y ' ap.lng weatber .comea, pans and p B f It .vlslting Mrs. N:1l0m1 B"rlan and film- Mrs. Ellie Tiler, RllVen&, ·fex ., TotaL ..•..•.•. . . . .. . . . . . 367,264.61 are UBed .. as tbe milk begins to mell •_ • ily. ) " .' writes: I was blinp as It bat. I own au. UFF Orplngtons .and · Blaok · Mi · STATE OF OHIO, 'V.ttltREN OOUNTY.S8: Harveysburg. w. J . Kllbon was to ('''inoi.nnati u~ed Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve noro" oookerele for sale. Oall I. 1 . O. Oartwrlght. Ol\8h.ler of tho above . last week. and It oured like a obarm. It oat ellrly ·tu t1et the best,. . Phone 24-3named bank. do solemnly 8wear that tho Why Locked Up. tlle ~um off my eye8 Ilnd restored nbove statement 18 l rue to the bll8t of my "Ever been locked up?" demanded D Q . Fox and' wife, of sJmog. . , Mrs. W. W. Arnold and Mrs. my 8lght. It I~ all you olllim and Mr8. B. V. Smith. knowledg1l and beUef. J. O. CARTWRIGHT. OashJer. counsel. field CIllled 00 friends In our village ~harles Reynolds anrl dll(lghter vis- worth ittl weight in gold. 250 I.L tube C' OCKERELS-Baff OrpingtonSl Subllcribed and Bworn before me t his 15th "I have been." admitted the wttnesB. t:latardIlY· Mr . Fox lived her3 in Ited Mr, and Mrs. Alvin 88116rs in •- • , all fine pore blood. Usll aDd day of ·oveml.ler. 1910. E..V. BBrnllart. "Aha! And wblLt bad you been doOorroc~ A~tes~: Notary Public. hi<4 boyhood dIlYR . de is now ooe UaJ ton recently. New Burlington W, H. ALLEN Ing to get youree,f looked up?" . of the leading wholesa}e grooerymen , Mrs . Wlllter ~mtth was shopping see them at Mrs. Otho Kender.on'e S. L EV . OAR'l'WRIGH,)'. "I had been doing jUry duty."-Pltta- of his oity. in Xenialnst' Thursdav. Miss 'Mattie Hill, of WUming~o'n Wayne8ville, Ohio, . . J. W. WHITE, Directors burg Post. The Morton & KrlLmer /.'0 sbowed Mrs AdamR vl's ited in Xenia San- spent. Saturday' and Sunday with COUKERELB-Uhoioe' White Leg. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- here last week to well~fil1ed hooses. day. friends here ' . ' horo8 and Rh~e Island Red Mrs . 80.rahE. Wilson bas moved - - W. A . IIlmith and family. ofUr. oookereJ. tor. 8Ble, pare blooo. None into the property vllou.ted bv Frank Valley bana, and W . l!'. Smlth Ilnd tllmBy, Rold after Nov. 16th. O. K. PQultry Fornsbell. of Dayton, were 'gnasta 'of reJativ8b and Snpply 00., VIlUey phone S72y'. . here on I:!unday. . '. Sbakespeare will be prodooed in Tbt' Jooes family gave 0. oonJert Roy HllrveyaDd Nora Wood ~ere oar operR. hoa se Friday night No- SotnrdliY night whioh was w~Jl at. mllrried' by Rev. Je88e Hawkin8 Ilt ORSES-BorRes for .. ale 8ingl, , vember 26th. This pillY will be p.,t tended. htl\ , residenoe on . Friday evening or In pairs. Inqnlre or J. B. on by·the I{ingmlln High Sohoot. aarry Copsey, wif~ and daughter 'fhey wUl reside in Xenia. hllpmaD, WaynElville, Ohto . . A. r. Moler, bllS beguo tbe re- of Dllytt)n, vi shed ov"r Sanday with Ar~hur I:)tabbs and sister"of West pairs on htl! newly purohased st·ore his mother, Mrs. Mary Uopsey. Elkton, are visIting at the hOpJ8 of room and when oompleted will be Mr. and Mrs , Ba1-10w are the par- Wm. Mendenhall. HELP WANTED one of the most up-to-dllt~ grooery ents of a little son. 8S M1'8. Dr. Whitaker and Mrs. aod m eKt markets in ~nr vI118~e. . The 8pring-' Vlllley TOW,IlSbip ,00art!D08 BentleV' were returning Raymond Brooks IS sh,)wlDg to r teaohers attended the Tellohers '. f.r~m X-enta on r.tu~r8day, their horse N tntelli~ent penon ma,' e"rn qUIte good audieooes. Mee~ing in Duyton Friday and Sat . .became frightened aud ran away '100 . month Iy oorre8ponding There i ' as much difference in oysters as there is between Mrs. Rolly Kaylor hilS been qaite urday. ,. . Mrs. &ntley,ls arm wa. badly broken for new8papers. No O&nvll8tdug. meat , fish , fruit or vegetables. povrly for sRveral d l\}'8 but is Mr and Mrs. Wa.lter Gay lire tbe and l\Ir~. · Whitaker esollped ~ith ~end for put-loutar8. Ptess Syodl. One difference between Sealshipt Oyste,rs am}' others, is the Ithought to be better at this writing . parents of a little daughter. a. few br.uises. . Ori te, B ~721, Lookport, N. Y. guaranteed purity of Sealshipt. We are able to offer this guar· Mr. and Mrs. FrK.nk Ba rris gll'{e Mrs. North .reiurped home TuesDr. ~a8ton's balloon L~oern9 ant~ because we know how Scalshipt Oysters are ha ndled. theIr daugbter Bele n a very great day after a pleae/lOt. ~sit with her !,1igh~ in " tield near Ohu. Meo , Another difference is t ha t in Seal hipt Oy~ters you 'get t he ~eDhall elast ~9flday , Dr. Ga8t.on sarprise 1:\llt,urdAY nlgM. There d"ulthter, Mrs. T . M, Gartrell. · were prel!ent gaests from Le 'anon M 'E i be . <i iff d if h ' .accompanied by . crudge Dastin' )e 't actual telllptin ,indescribabl e sea flavor. aod Wilmiogton r. . It rry:. r ~ aD: v.: eave Uayton aooat noon and 'whlJe bear Another differel1ce is t hat ealshipt Oysters are sold from Ii. re~urned frolDR J)l~llsant VISU, with Fairview school house they etrac.k clean r~frigerato r o r Sealshipti~ase. This is the first and only . M~ and Mrs . WlllIllm ' Ulark and O. Moon and wtf~l\t Ti~piM~O~}Jtty. a Oold OarreDt whloh .., 'oal1sed '. tlle germ proof porceJain oyster display. on the market. . . ,fam,lv were gnetlts of Mr. and .M r.s : • Joe Smith, of:this.plaoe,,,\1d 'B~rt.~a balloon to dollaple maktng it'neOee:. . There are a whole bundle of diffe rences- in a word tUey can Jll8~er . MeJ'o~~ for SunQIlY din~.? r .. MoB~e, ..of &lJbx:od~j were ·rqarried. f88ry fdr;them to aUght. ', ' , '. ,'I ,. sUffililed up 1n this: Sealshipt Oysters are in~ompa:rabiy MI', lind . Mrs . EIlr1 aoc~l1t~aD!1IIl~t ·~ee~. ' .-::: ~ymojldBu.... le,; '~ndfam111have' pure, putritious a nd delicious .oysters- positively the best oysda':lghter aDd Mr. and Mrs. AU Ward ' Meh1lJe ~mltli and ·wi.fe who re" OIofed b~ok' fro", Xenia Th~y iLte were BUJld~y visitors 9f Mr:' $nd 08ntly mO,Yoo, to ;Xenia ' art? parente livingln t~e,prop8rty o~ned by Miss te rs taken f rom the oyster beds. . . . , _ Mrs Ed Reaso":. . . "" of a HUle · girl. '. . ." t)oe Col:v.fn.~' .. ' .. . ... ' . : A piut of calshipt yster~ enough for a w hole fa.mily. ' . Mr. and Mrs. "Pearl Stew,,!'t, of. Mr.,8010moQLuoaaW881>arledlaet Oa~ 'teaohersa~ndedtheCen'n1 ' .. Find out w.hat reaJ oysters taste:like. . . Wilmingto,?, spent . S~nda.y lind ~eek ,.. FuDei.18~rviC88 ·were 'held Obto. 1f.eaob'en~ AUoolaHon.jD Day.' . Try 'ealshipt Oysters. , Mon~y the gUM!.6 or Mrs~ S,te~~"U, Welloeeday fro~.'he'EriencJ:e·ohuroh $Ott Frida! and 8a'tlrda~ . . We 'sell tliellland you can be sure of their purity. o . , . . ~nole, J,o~n, G. ~. . . ' • - .. . ~ Earl 1:\&8818 of MinIi.,.poUI II .' W_.~.andlF, W. Welohtr.a~~~ It'$,a ,wise father~bo kno.wa bis he'l'fJii)'8pen4"btt WlDter . "'&bht, ed..bu~ness t~ Wi~min.gk>:n ,ltoDd&f· own ~re 9f Ute, gal meter'. fig. U"lelcm 80. ."'.' _e' of Miu M.g~e A,n8QD. of Da.y~Jl, II~.· ~ OomptoD. . . ' I ................_~ ·vilttecl he.. parenti ,.~



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ferenceBetween Sealshipt Oysters and Others








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<; ' : "'...



.;· Walter KiIbOJl,' ,Sole 'I).ealer






_DDda,.. . . '. , ,u-.. . I





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-..... - _. _.. - - _..- -.-. .- +

"A Basket of Ohio Apples" Written



CHURCH OF CHRIST , Bible chool at 9:30 a. m. Preachby th e pa~,tor morning and night at th? usuf\1 time. Young People's meetmg' at 6:80 p. m. ~vp.~y,one interes~ed in the Teach-, e.1' fr aming work will please take notlce th.a~ we h~ll open this feature n ~xt friday ntght at the church. lAe hall start a class in the first year of th e advanced course. The first book uRed is "The New Testament Church," by Moninger. author of '· in!'! for et:vice." ThIS book. contams 20 lessons on lhe New Testament church, and is appr.oved by the international commlttee. The lest'on will be g iven in such a way that one may get the benefit of the work without buying a book.



I Oskaloosa. Iowa. FIRE AT OIlEGONIA Nov~mber 14, 1910. Editor Miami Gazette:- 8nc1osed A serious fire occllred at Oregonia I hand you a few thoughts as they Monday at 1 o'c~ock. when the generoccurred to me on the occasion of al store of D.avIJ Mason caught fire ,my sampling a basket of "Ohio ap. 'and burned to the ground. ples." The scenes are stiB bright in I An alarm was 80uncted and the demy memory although more than partment called who ~ailed to re~pond half a century lies between tbe pres- When the fire was dIscovered It apent and the 'p ast. ' peared to be in the front part of the store, but it had gained such headw'ay that nothing could be done to "A BASKET OF OHIO APPLES" save it. ' How -they remind me of my boyThe house which stood next to it, hood days. But lthose; happy days however by heroic work from reare S(one forever, and I can live them gonia citizens who formed a buck et over again only in memory; and yet brigade from the iace, was saved. DEVELOPED LARGE TRADE at times they pass before me like The citizens worl,ed like Troj an , . a panorama, on which I look with and by their work probably saved H. H . Wadsworth has developed mingled pleasure and sadnes:. as thE greater part of Oregonia, as the a large business, and hopes t o do still each picture in the long array is pre- wind was blowing at a high speed , better the com ing year. Since Jansented to my view. The dear old The oriirin of the fire is unknown uary up to the fir·t of November hQ hOJne with all its ple~ant memories, The stove. which stands in the back has sold abou t $2000 wo rth of stock the unbroken family circle, no sarl of the store, was not near where the and eggs. and the b~st trade wilJ partings, no ,last good byes. each fire started, and Mr. Mason ran up- come in the next month. room with its familiar scenes- again stairs, and but little smoke was seen It is gratify ing to leatn that farmappearing as in days gone by, when there at the first intimation ot the ers are taking more interest \n good , I I'Otnped from cellar to garret, fire. (t was thought by many that poultrv than fotmerly. Farmers as played wil h the old spinning wheel perhaps the , fire - was started bv a rul e. nre buying nothing but pure· and a host of other things, always a freight train, while others think i't bred stock, and a visit through the stored away in the quaint old Ilarret may have started from a match country enables one to see somE' fin e of an Ohio home. 'l.'he spreading ap thrown on t h 2 floor or among goods flocks of pure-bred . chickens. pIe trees in the old orchard, in every near the front. -------.--~.----one of which 1 had often clambered Mr. Mason's loss on his goods will LADIES AID ENr"ERTAI:\'S to feast on choicest apples, and wlierp amount to $1,600, mostly insured. the robin 'an,l the "'at bird loved so 'The property belonged to \ Mr. well to build their' nests. The long Schwa.rtz, who, about eighteen Thursday evening the Ladies' Aid lane where, in summer days "Bossie monthS ago, purchased the Spencer I of the M. E. church entertained at Bri~dle and White Face" went lazil; !Dill property. This building belong- Phillips' Hall. the members and down to pasture, 10 the hill field, and mg. to the same. Mr. Schwartz had fri ends of the congr~gation. It was where, in winter time we coasted to no msurance on thifl property. " very enjoyable evening, Games of our heat't's content on homen.ade It seems rather unfortunate for all kinds and social intercourse marle ~~, , . Mr. Schwartz, as only after buying the evening fly quickly_ A dainty Maliy a happy hour was spent in the ~iJ1, really before his formal pos- luncheon was served at a seasonable springtime in rambling over the hill" s~ion of it, .it burned to the gro'md hour. where the finest "Johnnie-jump-ups" wlthQut any Insurance on the same, ' ,_ . gl'ew, and snow white dogwood blosThe citizens of Oregonia surel~ WilL ORGANIZE soms shown amid the shadowy groves kn?\~' ~ow to fight fire, as the house ---dike a w.bite · robed bride. And the adJommg the back part of the store The (,hickcm fanciers in and old sugar ,camp! Yes I see it now a , caught fire once, but was soon extin- around Waynesville are anxious to if it were but Yeiterday though forty guished. form an organization, and a cal1 is , years have passed between to blot it -. made for all interested in the chickfrom my rQemory: But no, not yet, DEATH en business to meet Saturday after'f r.oon at2 o'clock at ,the Miami Ga~r' many more must come and go, In Oskaloosa Kansas November '1 h " zette office to 'perfect· an organizaan.d stl I t e scene remains. ,W hat 14, 1910, Frances A. F"I'rholm was tion. A11 are cordia11y invited to be a. r1 ,s an ~n . and. boyhood ptankF. called from earth. She was ready present. df t ck ~ woven 1O,.ts history. n.e spa~ when the summons came, nnd pa55ed • -c1ouscel1~1" With red and ye11owap- to her reward ' as peaceful I h MOVED .... OND"'Y . . t red . ' . y as er lU ~ pes 1 S,O . ~way m cases round Its life had been spent. Waynesville wa1ls"w~tl.e In. th~ ~ark an~ shadowy was her birthplace, oor parents be. Otto Hornick moved his pool room corners Gobhns hved which proved ing Isaac and Mary Fairholm to Harveysburg Monday . Mr. to be but long tailed rats, .which often •- • . Hornick has made many friends while held high carnival on wintry hlghts M. B. REVlVAL SERVICES here. who are Rorry to hear of his The old hay mow where ponder()us moving. His family, however wi11 beam$ with rafters high above were ~ JOS~Ph Story the singing evangel- remaIn here for awhile. made the "Jumping-off place," No 1st wi be with us tonight. Services • - • thought of barnN>r broken limbs ev.ery night. Come and bring one TH A but alw';' side up, with bay: with you. We are here to help }OU. ~NKSGIVINO ..., s rirPht • _ _ _SERVICES ,8ee.d in the hair. The little brick D "ND .p- • Union Thanksgiving services at , SchoolhouSe on the hill, what mem• . ' . MEETING M. E. Church at 10 a. m. sharp ories ' cluster there, long high . ' . As- Th-.::I and split log the benches, just and ProtectIVe ur><uay. Sermon by Mrs. Lizzie · cause for many an ample patch, on soclatlOn w~l1 meet Saturday after- Larkin. minister of Friends chu'r ch. home made jeans. The push. and noon. Busmess on hand. EveryH. W. Bailey. pastor.

--- ------





28, 1910.


At the regular communicat ion of WaynesvilJe Lodge F . & A. M. No . 163. last Tuesday night. the followJ A. B. id e is qll ite sick. ing officers were elected for the en~uing year: . F., B. Henderson. W. M· J. H . Opp was in in cinnati last F . H. Farr. S.' W.; C. M. Robitzer, week. ,T. W.• F. B. Sherwood. Treas.; E V. Barnhart, Sec.: 1'. R. Smith, S. R. A. C rOSRl\'u~a Cin 'innati \'isito\" D. ; H. A. Howell. J. D,; J. H. ole- Monday. man. Tyler; J. B. Pence, Trustee for apt. ' . H. Smit h \Va.q a Lebanon thpcy aI's. visitor Mondav. The newly elected office rs will bE' installed at the next regu lar meeting Mrs. J C. H awk~ was JI1 Dayton Ul Decpmber. la t Wednpsday. At the close of the ses ion aa elegantoy ter supper was sel'ved, L A. incinnati PI'ed Hawke wus 111 Zimrryerman acting as chef with Monday on business. M. A. Cornell and H , A. Howell as· C. G. Williamson. of Cincinnati, sistants. - - -was in town Mond ay . SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT . . '11 b . I Mr. and Mr . A. B. Side~ were Th an k sglvmg WI e approprIate y Dayton visitors llnrlay. celebrated in the schools by an entertainment lIiven by all the rooms in F. C. chwar tz wa~ a businesE vi~the High School Room Wednesday itor in Cincinnati last week. afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Everyone Walter Ki lbon wa!! in Cincinnati is mo t cordially in'vited to attend these exercises. last week buying holiday ~(\orls. Arrangem en ts have been made to playa Basket BalJ game with Har- I Mi. s Clara Hawke was the week· v~ysbu'rg immediately after the exer- end guest of relatives in Lebanon. CI es. I\ A. B. Chandler and wife went to A BOX SOCIAL Dayton Sunday, returning Monday - -- . evening . Last Friday evening the ladies of Orthodox Fripnds church gave a box Mr. and Mr!l. Walter Chandler, of social, and tendered their new pastor Dayton. were guests of relatives Mrs. Larkin a reception. bere Sunday. The evening was spent in games and social intercourse, and at a late Harris Mosher art'ived home from hour the boxes were disposed of ,to ~ Cardington last Thursday evening to the hillhest 'biddet's Lots of fun spend Thanksgiving. was the result of selling the boxes. Mrs. 1. N. Seal. of Harveysbu ' rg,

A la m . loo p day.

Herherl '·" I,va.-,b wa.; i Sllnd IY , \irs. Lon H oi )" vi:;itol' atllrduy .

arland-Newhall C<:I. undoubtedly eclipses aJ1 former records. By the acquisition of Prof. John F. McCarthy violin soloist late of the· Royal Consermtoryof Music. Leipsic, Germany the organization has been greatly strengthened. They appeal' at Waynesvi11e Thanksgiving night. --SCARLET FEVER Scarlet fever is prevalent in the Lytle neighborhood. Cases have developed in the familie-.q of Sherman Dyke. Harry McGinnis. Wilbur Clark, Minor ROSIe, and Bert StaCY. TI h h bid d h ,le sc ools ave een c ose an t e doctors are taking every precaution to prevent the spreading of the disease . HORSE --On Monday of last week. as Frank Wright, of Middle Run, went into his stable, he tried to make a young horse stand to one side, and as he started back of it, the horse kicked him in the stomach and bowels.



1 :,~llb ruok

a U<l.yton

:;S .

MI". and Mro:. n. M . Rid>!' , we e Dayton vi 'itol'$ laRt week.

Mrs . N a lhar J .. nes has b sick but is mll ch bel tel' now.



{I l l


J. A. Ft' nkey was ill 'illcinn .li i TUl"sda: on bu ·ill


the week-end gues Esther Stout and family.

in Dayton !4tUI-

W. H. All 'II wa:; ill Le ban on MOl dav .


' Iwas

~" as



Blll'n - To Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hartsock. NovembEl' 21 st. a son. Miss lara Keys fell Monrlay flf tel' Iloon and straineu her anl<l e. Pal'lanci Newhall Co. at Wayne, vi lle chool Hall November 24th. Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Graham, of near Lytle, a daughter. Mrs. Mary A. Wise was in incinnatl last w ek the guest of Chariea Co teCo and,family . ' Mrs. Frank Marshall. of nea.r Spring ValJey. was shopping in Waynesville Tuesday: Messl:s. W. B. and John Sluires made Il busineS:l trip to Dayton an·J Greenville Tuesday.

Mrs. Stanley SeBers, of South of Mrs. Charleston, if'! visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Keys.

Mrs. Eugene Foster, of Butterworth Station, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney Sunday. ' MesSrs. Jesse T':lomas, Jas. Kerrick and Frank Cook are spending thme days hUnting at Oakland. Mesnrs. E H. Colvin and F. C. Carey' attended Masonic lodge in N .B I' ew ur mgton Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Walter and son, Dan, of Lebanon, were guests of relatives here Sunday

Mrs Ella Michenel' spent , ~unday and Monday with relatives in Springfield and South Charleston. Low prices struck a fal'mer's potato bin and Will White Is selling his • entire crop at 50c a bushel. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Edingfi~ld, of Mason, were week· end guests of Prof. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner.


Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to , offices in the new Morris ' building. next to the postoffice, LebanoJl.

Mrs. C. A. Bruner went to Mason Miss Minnie Duke, of Dayton. was Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving. Mr. the week-end guest of her grand parBruner will join her there Thu~sday. egts, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duke. at Lytle. The Ladi6l'l Guild of St. Mary's church wiJI give their annual Bazaar Messrs. Seth and Lawrence Furnas and Market Saturday December 17th. were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Mary Gilliam, of near Wi1~ington, , White Satin Flour--We have cheap er flour but never had any thae~w =as~-----" Sunday. better. Sold only at White's Store. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Osborne and E. Eo Smith, former marshal at family, of Sligo. Clinton Co., spent Lebanon, and well known here, Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Olan died at his home there Thursday ev- " Mr. Wright suffered a great deal Hillman. ening. from his irijury, but is getting along Miss Annie Edwards left Monday very well now. Ed Hanby, of Dayton, was down for New Castle, Ind " to spend the scuffle, indispensable, but oft result- body come. - winter. She may embark in some last Thursday. He brought his gun with him and took home a bag full iogin,the dreaded "thump" of mas- The Best Gift for a Little business there. ' of game. ter's finger on the culprit's forehead jus~ »elow the hair o~. "Quaker cut." Money - - .............. - - -- • ...... .. .... -.- - - w. • ......... •• .. - - .... --- .... h hi k d 8 QUI'te a large crowd attended the M'r. and Mr~. Mont Hoblf't enterMrs. Harriet Staley and son. NewTha eclipse of the moon Wedneses 0 bl ue or rogUis ac " an ent os a ,yet,r'8 lIubsoript.\,ln to Ey naturalf cUrl8, to crimping iron yet The Youth's Compani.on wlJl ,dance Friday evening, several from tained at their country ton, of Miamjsburg, were guests of day evening was not discernable, on 'f I t' '. b h ' , o'utof to\"n. l'hedan' cesaregett'lng home last Sundayatdmner. Those Mr. and Mrs. J. H . Colemanfrom account l.f the elouded condition of un,1m < own, orm as mgplc"uresupon uy t e, tlfty-t.\>iO weekly issues of h M d memory's ,page, on which we still are the Youth's for 11111 more enjoyable as the seas'on advanc- w 0 were present were: r. an Saturday until Monday. the sky. Mrs. Chas. Rye, Mr. and Mrs. Walter pro~,~ to look and y,e t not own it. It wtll buy the two hnndred aod es. __ __ McClure and S(im, Carl, Mr and Mrs . Mesdames Walter McClure and . The spri~g that bubbled clear and tlfty taolDlltiog stories io the II VI' Ed Morgan, and ~on. Coleman. Frank Zell were guests at a Mi!!sionDr. and ·Mrs. P. D. Clagett and ary Tea gi'(~n I ren are p Ieasan tyl 'Slt uatell.: I at cool from under mossy rocks in shad· volume . Mrs. Anna Thorpe and Mrs. Geo' rge - at the home of Jamea ch'ld , ed gten,the brook whose rippling ' It will buy the tlhy .flXOltl:dv1 000 Stroud entertained the Cad Club McClure, at Bellbrooy, last Thurs- Mrs. Marlatt's where they will . 'waters alWay8 sang a lullaby, wbile trtbutillOA to 'be Dew voillme by Thursday evening. Aboutsix tables At the hospitable hOme of Mr. and day. board this winter. ," on its mossy banks we ' sat at noon bmou~ men und w,)men. were filled for "500." and a delight. Mrs. S. Lev {;a~twright la t Friday. time and fished for mfunolYs, and It will entitl,e the ' new 8ubllorlber ful evening was spent. Elegant re- gathered a few friends to enjoy ' . ' Mrs. Al{landa Wright and daugh-, · made clay penells while waitil)g ' for for 1911 who Hends' ln his . freshments were served. a charming . dinner. The Franeyspeht and Sister, MISSofMary, for California. Columbus. a couple days tel', Miss May, started . . d ' . Mfriends d ofJohn a "nibble!' Tb~ daily spelling class Cion now to'all tbtl i88ue8 of 'l'he wMbo were mVlte W eMre. , r. Man last week with relatives here. Mr. on Tuesday mormng where they exw f • wh~e some wO'uld miss a word and I..lOtnpaoioo for the re'Uainlng \Veekl\ 1'8, A. D. Haney, 0 , orro .. r. F f b pect to spf'nd the winter. y had t h ' f f , gO below il certain gingham. aprons Ilf ,UHO free. ' and Mrs. G. F. Brown, Mr. anel Mrs. .rane . e sailS ac Ion , ' ed ..... d th" t I' I II ',< • Mr. and Mrs. L. S. ·Rhoades (>n- W, C. Thompson., and Mr. 'and Mrs, gl'1g.a mce lot of game durmg IllS Thanksgivi.ngspecialsviz:Cranber,t wi enUtle the new 8ubsoriber tertainer. at,supper Sunday evening t ' seerrt UJ raw at way, no r~ tzi.n", that theyml,'ght b. e ,disap,pointed" fqr 191,1 to r ,h"' , vu ,W Ar' John Caskey, of L<.>banon. 'Rev. Imd vaca IOn. ries, Oranges, ,Lemons, Nuts, Celery, • tbe following guests: MrR. Hal'l'iet ' find it more. diffleul,t io 'thirteen Staley., Newton Staley, of Miamis- Mrs. J. F. 'Cadwallader and Miss The following was clipped from a Crackel's, ' Honey. Grapes, lh;an .. wO,u ld I ' burg, and Mr. and Mh.' J. H. Cole14erritt. Hamilton paper: "One of the nlost pickles, Cheese , ,mtd ,tl;lJ ;scenes of If f' . ': ," of the White s , , " ", ~ne Y,eats, bu~ ~ac~ .a~e stu~born' gift,'''.. wUI ep~ltle ~he ' donor tu Oon , ' . ' A in,e rry crow.d ot: young ladies fifth annual session 9f the Miami AS- . Mr~ and Mrs S~nley~. Seller~ . ~1J1gs,. Tbe. ~~m reahties a!l,d car~ elttr~ oopy:of ~e 1911 U&lendllr . ,Miss Elizabeth Collett entertained met last Wednesd&y evening 'and socia,:ion of the U uiversalist chl\rch ent-ertain~ Dr. Alice. Littlejohn, . of . of:lke have come. betw~, ru:td Cl¥St ' ,Tile 1~1~8n,.ted .. Ao't jollooerneot of <bel" home in Lebanon Saturday 'formed "500'" club. The club will w~ the tea~ing of a paper on "Uni- the Ohi? Slate University, I~t Sl1n~' ,. t6e 'f9 r , evening in honor of a college friend. meet every , two on· 'fuesday' in Warren County Forty .',d!lJ,. Dr. Littlejohn ' l,las ch.llrge o.f , ne.,th bU.caIled the loved, ,1 be S8Qt 'freEl', \ThOse "present Those .in , the elJih, are: by, of instruction ,cif the 'young , GoQdbYe8 , w~~ ,said and PIll'tlgg .1'be YO\lt,b 8, Compaoion, ' were: Miss~ Henrietta McI{inse Misses Donna Bawke,Martha,O'Neall ·Rldgeville .. The p~er' was written lad¥ pu'pt1s IJ.t the O. S. Q., and acwordS , were 'qy ,with; ' tn'; 8'/8&I>D, lIri888, and Donna Hawke. JeI:1Sie Marlatt" Ijllizlibeth (lO'\1ett, by " I,l: sarah sellers hQo;re wbo~ w.e miDJrled. . ' . ". . J New ,t5u bROrlptlC?D8 reoet:ved ,a~ ,Rieks, Jblyinond Davit. and Ronald Katllerine Alexander, Edith Mosher, W8$ one of/the most enterta1mng,8nd t last Sunday .-~utli Ch~rlesto~ Se400 (Continued 01\ PIP '8} tb~ oflbe" , ',' . . Jlawke~ - '. . Luella Comell and Stella LemmOD. , in'3tructi'Ve nU~DeJ:'f) on the prQgrilm.. , tinle, : ~ , ' .

' c;le8~s




---Social- Happenings oftlieWeek~ I






~ a~-

~~ ~p •

m,uc~ ~~wp~ ~

Irm~r 10~~r

"~mp"ol'on'8 ~~gp Qa~endllr, lI,thog~lIoph~d' ~~~ ql.1g~t ~QJ r8 , a~d ~old.:: Q


t.b~ ~ub8~rtption ~s Oh~lfltmal! man~

,th~ir ~~).8 o'~~!l:le b,~yho.Od'dars. l~rg~~ a~d be~lI~r'(JoQ1p"nlon ~way o~es ~11." lwl1~ t? 'an;v.~~dre88 ' I~ken ~~ ~~,4 '~rk~et ,



interesti~g f~atur~s



' f~om ' W~ynesviJle evenin~.

Mes,,~ Edwi~ '


'Oyste~s, Banan~" Cabpag~,

seve~ty- a~



IX~ars' ~gO,." ~i8S,Edith ~ran~~ -the' P~of. W~lIi~rp'

~en.a~le iu)d~ ~Qm'panied Mi~



Archibald's Agatha By EDITH HUNTINGTON MASON Aulbor


liThe Real Agatha"

PART ONE. CHAPTER I. f fo und my wire Bnd told her a ll a bout IL "You soe. Agatha." I said. "I t's going to he rough on old Arch if be does n·t. After a ll . she's always ;lromlsed hi m the pro'p erty; It sbould ~o to blm." Tb e secrctary. tbat Is. my wJC&-I Fometimea r fer to ber In that way in memory of a cerlaln ~Ix weeks I "nd my friend Terhune once spent at Castle Wyckholf. during' which s he bore that title a nd I feU In love with ber-my wife Jlut down her sewing to answer me. She was doing me a lmltted tie. by the way. green. with at least six different stitches In It. Aw· fully clever at that sprt ot thing. my wife. "Yes. I see." she said; "but. 'Wilfred. Isn't U a 1Itt1&-a little slIdden? How can he expeot to get married In so short a time as ten days?" It was sudden. surely. and unusual. "But fol' the matter of that. the Whole th ing was out of the ordinary. You see tbe point was that an ccentl'lc old aunt of my friend Archibald T er· bune. n Mrs. ~e orglana James of Es· sex. bad written to acquaint her nephew with the fact that she Intend· ed to leave a certain piece of property whIch she bad long ago promised him "to a thIrd cousin of h ers who lived In America If Arcblbald did not Immedl· ately 'get married. In fact. sh e gave him exactly and only ten daYfl from tbe receipt of b er letter In which to accomplish tbe holy estate. or, rather. In whlob to get him self engaged. The a .c tua\ ceremony she would leave to follow as soon as possible when the rroper order of things should permit. • Arch, when J saw blm In London t hat morning. ",'as In the wildest state of mhld Imaginable. He had only just received the letter. and he'd be bless·

time that I could hardly keep from laughlnll( at hIm. . "It's no laugblng matterl" be growl· ed. "Sbe means very word of It. She's gone and notUled the thIrd o.uam In America about It, so therEj'U be no· p09s lbJllty at changing her mind!" " Is be marrledr' I asked. " ' Ine children." returned my frle\ld gloomily. ".ADd sho's even Instl'ucted hor solicitor." he added. "Old Barnes Qf Darn(':I. Willoughby &: Sons to call UPOIl me nnd bo with me at ono o'clock ten days trom now, when th e p rlod expires. to see tbat every· thln g's fair and square n u ou~ the proc dings lind tbat I do not overs tep t he pl'eSCl'lbcd time by so much 118 a minute! " "Capllal!" 1 cr ied ungul\rdedly. full of an iII·lImed, I tear. enthus iasm for th bus lu Clss· lIke meth ods or Mrs. Jam s . "You' lI bave to Invite him to lunch ' Wby, It's aa good as n piny! What a n old s port your Aunt Georg)' must bel" "0. hang my Aunt Oeorgy!" ex· Inlrned Arc h Jleevlshly. not a ppro· ('Iott ng my point at vie w. "Meddle· some old busybody!" " And that r minds me." I said alert· Iy, "how old Is s he. anyway. Arch?" ., Elghty·two." he snapped; "old enough to Imow b tter'" . "Old enough to be thinking about making her wlll. at any rate." I said meanlngly. And of course Arcb had In reality too keen an Interest In his own welfare not to appreciate tha~ fnot without n eeding me to empbaslze' It. He was not the boy-I thought-It I knew him at all. to sit sulking In a corner wben there was only n little thing like getting 0. wile In ten days between blm and a chance at a tor· tune! If he did. he could not certaln· ly b e the same Terhune that had Jlroved so earnest an aspirant for the millions at the Hon. Agatha. a sum· mer ago. And I was right. It was not long bete-re he'd forgotten his disapproval of Aunt Georgy's methods and was excitedly diSCUSSing wnys and means of obeying her behesl I I.bougbt myself the thing dldn't sound so hard . I thought at any rate that It would be a regular lark to have a try Rt It. But he was much less optJmls· tic. much more downhearted. Not b&cause he doubted his ability to get some girl to marry him. for he felt quite sure on the contrary that hlB only trouble would be In making a s&-

nil. merely to bumor tbe impossible wb lms of bls Aunt Georgy. much less :locompllsh the deed with nny Buch In· decorous haste. She bad always badgered him to death on the subject of getting married, and now he sup· posed this' was ber way of punlsblng him for bls systemaliC disregard of l,er wishes. · "Wants to jolly well pusb me to the wan and foroe my hand!" h e told me Indignantly. "She'd do nnythlng to get h er own way. tbat old woman I And the renson !ibe says she's bring· ing things to a c limax )lOW Is just be· ca use I'm (orty yenrs old touay! She "ays that If I don't get 'm arrled soon. rll be so old no one will ha\'o me! F ancy that!" His ton e was pOSitively 's hrlll wltb spleen and disgust. "Just · s if tbat were so very old!" he went o n. twltch'lng about on his chal,' a nd plucking angrily at bls eye-glass s tring. "\VhY. lots of .men don't even begin to think .of ma rryIng till they're forty·nv c ! " r sm iled. The old boy's weak spot 1s bls love or adm iration. and I often feel oonvlnced that If It were not for his de light In being considered one of London's most eligible bachelors. nnd his pride In being one of the most popular dinner guests In town, be . would long flgO have e ntered the bQnds of matrimony. "She says." he continued, j erking over a page oC the closely written let· ler that he held In his hand RDd glanc· Ing down It as he s poke. "that al· lhough she has always looked forward with pieasure to leaving tbat piece of p ropcrty which reJlresents the bulk ' o{)t her fortun H. to her nephew. that she cannot allow herself to do 110 unless lIe complies with her wlsbes and be· comes a married man. To bestow so ric h an Inh erit ance upon a single man. ·she Bays, Is llke putting a premIum ('0 selfishn ess !" T e rhune snorted with iOlpatlence when he had r ead that las t sentence. but I couldn't help but s~· mire the oW lady for It 1 thought s li~ OlIlRt .have been !;omethlng of a chaJ" cter to express h erself so for cibly. "She goes on to explain," sa id Arch. resuming his reading atter let.tlng his !)ye skim down the pnge to th close or th e letter. "tbat. tb e r euson sh IImlls th e (/RYS .of gmce In whl b I am Ii UPPOS d to pcrsuade a girl to prom· ise to mnrry rue. to t en, Is lJecauso " be thlJl'ks I deserve to bave to lIurry. having tbwarteu h I' wishes so lun g. aud that n IItt! ~Ulxl ty will do me no 'harm." Hls fac e was a 1)lctur nt! be rea d tbls,' and his ' volc tremb led so wH b 'Il sense or oulrog tbat he couill hard ly go on. .. be couc-Iudes by saying ~hnt 1 )vll1 h H .nore likely to achieve tb e r eil11lt .1\\:. (\e ' ell. It ;J am · U1. ullder a er· t a l1J AlDount of presslJr. Sli knows Ill Y pro rasti nat:lng ~Rbltl! oitly tno '" II! " Ill!; f, !~r u·u · so \'lndl ctl ve b7 this

"A Nephew la Much Nearer Than a

Thlr.d COUll In, You Knowl"

"Not it h IlIn·t married. apparent· Iy," rem .... rked Dearest, but I knew ahe onl)' said It to t~ase me. "0, come. now!" 1 expostulated; "you know you aren't going to stick MAID'S OR NUijSE'S APRON, up for a wild " westerner from the American backwoods." "Wherever they may be." put In my wlte. who has spent the greater· .•.. part ot 'h er life fn the states apd la fonder ot ,that country than 1 think !'be sbould be. "l<Tom the American backwood s." 1 re peated. "that you've n ever even II en. against poor old TerhUI1 ! Wby. he probnbly wears a scalp lock a nd brandishes a tomahawk. tor all you know!" She sml! d pityIngly Ilt my primitive notions of American civilization. "Wblch?" s he said. "Terhune or the third cousin? You're "ery am blgu· ous. WlIfred . Besides. you kuow lots better t ban thnt '" . I I hung my head In well·affected can. fusion nnd admitted that I did. . "Don't be a silly!" she admoni shed. though I could see she thought my attitude n good one. and tapped me on tbe h oad with ber thimble. It hurt a li ttle and I pretended to be very angry at the li berty. "Jus t you stop thaU" 1 cr ied. sud· de nly nlnglng UlY arms around her and pinning h er so Ught--tO her chalr she couldn't sJleak. "And don't pr&t ond you're not going to agree with me about Terhunel It's a serlou!! matter, and yoU know It I The old boy's In a hole and I want to help him out'" "And you expect me to provide the methOd of exit. Isn't that It7" asked my prisoner as soon all Ihe could get ber breath. . "Exactly!" I said. setting ber free and settling myselt In another chatr that was convenlenU,. close to her. "Pitch I~ and tell us bow to go For a maid or nurse an apron which about Itl" And I leaned back and lit envelopes the figure and at the slime a favorite pIpe ot mine for wh.l ch I bad long ago gulned permanent par- time Is dainty. Is a n ecessity. and the model we picture Is one of that style. don trom Lady Vincent. Which title, The Apron Is cut straight and Is gath· by the way. explains the fact that mT ered to a bolt. 11 deep h e m finIshes the older brother Edmund had died short· lowe r edge. A bib and bretteles at· ly alter our wedding trip. making me tached to straps over the shoulders Lord Vincent Instead of Lord WlUred. complete the garment. It a more and at the same tlme my tather. the fancy apron Is desired, the bIb nnd duke of Totten's, heir. At length my bretelles may be omitted and Insertion oracle ceased puckering her pretty used for straps. as shown on the figure. brows and spoke. "I think." she said, this makes Ij. very pretty finish. "we might manqe It It we gave a The Jlattern (5180) Is cut In one small house part:y and had two of the size. To mako tbe apron will require Agathas who stayed with me a year 6% yards of material 27 Inches wide. ngo durIng the time wben 1 was carrying out the conditions of my fa, or 4 yards 36 Inches wide. 11-8 ·yards of Insertion. ther's w1l1 and trlend Terhune as th. To procure thlll pattern lond 10 cents only guests." to "Pattern Ucpartment." ot thIs po per. I withdrew my pipe from my mouth .Wrlte n mo and address plainly. and be and my' gaze from the broken root· aure to ir\ve slzo and number ot pattern. I1ne ot Wyckhol1' castle and the tOPI of our famous Wyckhol1' oaks. wblcb NO. 5180. SIZE ................ . was all my lazy line · or vision held, and sa~ up. N AM·E ....................................... . "[ know It's an Idea," I remarked, TOWN ...................................... . ."but I can't seem to get the inner significance of It-a house .party for STREET AND NO ..................... _ a week with just two Agathae . an~ STATE ............. . ....................... . Terhune for guests. How--" But she Interrupted me. "Ye.." ah' said. "so far you're quite right. Bt' CHILD'S COAT. don't you see. Freddy, dear, tbat the Agathas I meant to Invite are Agatha First and Agatha SLxth. In the first place, they are the only Agathn.s of all the six yet unmarrIed. and In tho see· ond place. they just happen to be the two girls Archibald showed the most Interest In at the Hme you two men were guests at Castle Wyckbo!f for the first time." "Of course," I cried. "I see It now' And you thInk he'lI have more ot a chance with them than with strange gIrls be's never seen before?" The secrt,tary. I mean my wit&as 1 say the other name w111 slJp out occasionally sometimes when I'm talklng' of old times-smiled Indulgent. Iy. "As I argue It," she said. "It will be his only chance. He couldn't bope to accomplJsh anything In ten days. In regard to a girl he doesn·t know, and if you will ·remember. Agatha Slx~h showed a marked liking for him at that lime! A most Important point In favor ot 1Ils·speedy marriage'" "Then why not nsk just Agatha Sixth? WIlY have Agatba First, too?" Providing lIeslgns for little ones Is I Inquired Innorently. Dearest allowed the most dellgbtful lust as much 1\ part of our business as little expression ot pity tor my lim· the ones for old er Jleople. anll the deIted masouline Intelligence to dim the sign we Illustrate bas had just as much careful th·o ught. As a result we IJrlghtness of her eyes. bave ·a very attractive little garment. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Tbe fronts and back are eacb In one piece, and at the underarm seam a Knew tt>e Remedy. WI'll be dumed It I didn't ha.. to pIal ted seQtion Is Inserted. which gives laugh cood an' bard at one uy them the required fulness. 1'be front Is there autty·lunatlc. althougb I dldn't double·bre/lSted and closes up to the feel much like snlckerln' at the Ume." neck. an exc'e Uent feature for winter laid Farmer Chlntuzz to tbe otber wear. A turn·over collar finishes tbe loap-box warmers In the croal road. neck. Tbe sleeves are the platn coat .tore: "an' here's the anllwer: On model finished with a turn·up cuff. The pattern (5171) Is cut In alzes 1 my wa,. down to the county seat the boall balked good an' Itubborn fer a to 7 years. To make the coat In the spell an' In tbe mIdst u. Ill)' rtppln' medium size wl11 require 2Y.a yards of an' snoTtln' along comea a big red material 27 Inches wide. 2 yards 36 auttymoblle with a real frlendl,. fel· Inches (.wlde. or 1% . yards H Inches ler behind the gogglel. When tbe wide. feller t!lund out that m1 ouUlt WUI To procuro this pattern lIond 10 cents stntlonllry ter the time beln'. what do to "f'attern Department ...· at thlll papor. )'OU s'p08e he up an' done? Grabbed Write nomo and addreslI plainly. and bo a monkey wrench. an 011 can an' a suro to siva 81zo and number ot pattern. bammer. crnwhid under iny wagon, made a noise like a b'ller taotry. an' NO. 5171. SIZE ••••••••••••••••• may I be tetotaUy bonswoggled it that tbere boss' mane dfdn't stand up like NAME .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a porkyplne's ron' he made tracks 80 TOWN ........................................ . fast I'm thlnkln' uv tralnin' blm ter the ring speedln' at Dert county talr. STREET AND NO ...............,•••• b'gosh. "-Illustrated Sundll1 Mllga· STATE . •. ••• ; •• , .......... , ........ .......... . tine.

lectlon. But It was the Ilhortnesa of the time that stumped him. He couldn't seem to see blmsetr an en· gaged man In ten days. his Imaglna· tlon somehow failed to sum up the pi cture. I did my best to cheer him up and Jlolnted out that the . property. which was a s beep farm In Australia. forme l'ly belonging to Aunt Georgy's brother•. now deceased. nnd yIelding' a yearly Income of about' $20,000. was worth having a try or. And as I said. It might have boeb much worse. Aunt Georgy mlgbt have insisted on his actually attaining tbe married state fn ten days' time, Instead of 'm erely get· tlng engaged, and that I thought would have been well nJgh Impossible. GIrls are so queer about that sort 01' tblng. They must have a trousseau, and bridesmaids and churches and fuss and featbers of one kind or an· other. He would certainly have had trouble In pulling off the wedding In sueh short order. He was Inclined to agree with me. He thought It more than likely bls bride would .balk at such unceremonious haste. Dut. by Jove! 1 know a girl who has no such foolishness about herWhen 1 mar,rled Dearest-who had been the Hon. Agatha Wyckbotr. you know-sho did not make me wait for anythlng. We were married at the uufasblonable hour of seven fn the morning In a certain 1Il.1Ie well·re· member ed cbapel In th e vl11age of Wye. with Mrs. Armistead. ber aunt, as OllT only attendant. Ami (honbut I forgot-l am not t elling our story, but TeJ'hune's. Poor old chap! "fr you could have seen nlm'" 1 said to ~nrest. throwing myself on the terrace at hor [eet. "Never saw him In KliCh n s tate! He was In tbe wild· st hurry to begin his r cord ·brenk· Ing C'lImpalgn fol' n wlCe. but dldJI't IlII ow how to so about It nt a ll . · And 1 couldn 't blame him r eally, Twenty He Had Reason, thousand tlollars a year would JUa!:e all til .. differe nce In the world to In lIIustrating a .Jlolnt he wished to him! " make at n. 'polltlcal gatberlng In till! west •. n noted politician laId of an epl· CHAPTER II. taph which Il:!l Indiat1a man hall caused to be Inscribed upon the monument ot "And to the cpusln In A.I1lerico. with hIs \ Ite. who had .t lled after a some· what' tempestuous t:narrled life. This nine hl1dren !" said Agatha. . "Not so very much," I salil. "He's legend rea~: very well oll; they say. Ail those "Here lies a · wUe. TenTs cannot·· Amerlcanll nre. Besides tliat·. Ter· . brlnv her ba~. Therefore heJ' hus· hune '! reJt.lly got 'm ore rIght to the band weeps."-Harper's Magazine. ' stua thlln lie bas! A 'ne,phew Iii mtich • ' ! . nearer than a third cousin, ,.ou. Next to a lecture. adVIce Is about ,. !" the mOlt use leu thill..


Practical Fashions .


No Fear of . Further Kidney Trouble.

Inn~r Life in the

Early Church

· W

1[AT n wealth of. faith and

10 \ ' 0 llnd · hope Is to be fo und In the things the . I'urly fath e rs wrote. \Ve ,r ~ !lre · perbaps dlsappolntec;l a t Lhe sudden, almost abrupt, 'ndlng of tbe Acls. AU UIO lIlllr o do \1' 0 turn wllh O'p ctnncy for (ur t bel' ligh t 111)011 tb at gr ent e arly lIeydey of the t'lturch to Its li te rary leafl \ I·!'l. ' Amoog the ve ry early hr l!ltlan writings l a' t hat Iwown us the Epif;t1e ot 'Ieme nt. It Is wr itten from Rome to the church Ilt 'o rlll l h wLJlch hlld b 'en peti te I' ll \l'l lh purtlzans. Tb el'o W8S "olUul!l IIOJI nnd uvy. s trife and scllili on. The worl h less rOBe up aga ins t the lumo r d, th e foo lls b ngfl ln st th wlso. th e youn g ngalos l thoso advanced In y ors. Ij;V\:l ryouQ uba ndon s the r RJ' or God and Is lltlnd In his own talth. Dut on co It had he()1& so wltl) this ohurch . At first "Content with the provision which God hlld made for you and oa refully attending to his words . yo were Inwardly filled wllh his doctrin e. and bls su fferlngll were beCore your eyes. Ye yielded obelll· ence rather tban extorted It and were more willing to give tban to receive." Lesllon Taught by Clement. One can see it Is the same cb u.rcb to which Paul ministe red and which he needed so sharply to r eprimand. Because of these inner difficulties Clement passes b:y the dan ger or per· secution and calls them to a Ilulcken· Ing of the faith. Especially does b~ exhort them to humlJlty. Quoting almost n thlrtl ot hlB lett r from the o III Testament .utd much also troIll the New. he ceases not to urge them to a finer spiritual understanding. Like many of the early writers he Is not always exaot, but he never misses tb 811b· stAnce of the thought be wlahe. to repeat. "As I live. saltb the Lord. I deslra not the death of a Sin ner, but rather his r epentanoe. Thougb your sillS reach tram earth to heaveD and though they were redd r than scarlet and placker than s~ckclotb. yet If ye turn to me with your wholtl heart and say. Fnther! I wl11l1st en l ' :you." Tben the reward. How blessed and wonderful the .. <rIfts of God • L-Ife In Immortality.. splendor In 1·lghte ous· ness, truth In perfect confid.r.nce. faith III assurance, self·control In holiness. What then shaU those . th ings be "\'hlch are ret pret-ared for r.ucll al walt for blm' Bnt how may we attabll thlo bless Ing? "By him. eve'n JesUCI Christ. we look up to the belght ef ~vetr.--By­ him are Ule eyes ot our hearts opened. By hlni our foolish and dtU'rconed un· derstandlng blossoms up nnew towards bls marvelous IIgbt; and b1 him the Lord bas wll1ed lhat we should fnste of immortal knowledge. For wbnt can JUortal mnn do, tt what s~rength Is there In one made out of the dust?" . Truth In Burning WOI'.... He tells them, "Ye are 'tond of con· tentlon. brethren, and full of zeal about things which do not pertalO ~ salvatiou." . "But It you win look at the Scl'Ip. tures you- wlllftnd that the righteous were persecuted but only by tte wicked. They were cast Into prison. but only by the unholy. Tbey were stoned, but Only by tr'a nsgresl":lrs. 'They were slain. but only by tbe aor.ursed. "Why tben are theBo strifes arn~g you 1 Have we not all one 00(1 arld Ohrls t? Is t.b ere not one spirit .\>t grace · poured ou~ among Ius? Rom e m· ber tho words of the Lord Jesu~ bow he said woe to the man by whom ol1'enses come. But your strites have subverled the faith or many, hav.e tliscouraged many. bavo given rise to doubt in many, a.nd bave caulled srltd to all." Then Clement exhorts that aU shall enter the gates of righteouinelill by reconcUlation with (}Qd. and b,. tbat love which beareth all things. belIevetb all tblngs, hopeth all tb'Tnp, endureth all thlnA's. By all this and much more ot • like kind Clement stirs up falth and deters from e\-l1. How familiar It all sounds to Ultlbe Ilame buman nature, the same gospel pbarm~opla. the same divine possIbility. The ravage of strife; the antidote. humility and Christ the 8\1f. fering saviour.



The Reward of Obedience. The joy of Christ dwells In thoBe Who do his will. As It was the joy and satisfaction of Christ to do the Father's will. so It Is the joy and meat of tbe Christian to do Christ's will. TlIose who love him keep his com· mandments. Their obe dience Is sun· shIne ' and musIc. for tlielr heartll prompt it. 'rhey serve ChrIst ,not all his s laves. but as his fri ends. HI, Why They Smiled. will hns become their will. 'rhe ll' obe" Yhut," asked couosel. ' ~ Ied you tv dlonce ·Is vettect fre edom. HIs Joy sus pe<;t the Jlrlsoner?" . Is tuU\IIed In tllem. · When wo llave "Well: your ponor. I JUet hIm two made Christ's will ours wQ !,lecome or threc ' tl)llcs In plaees where' I'd be fear I sa. Btroh~, . el!l!;t!~ . a,nd . tireless. ashamed to ba seen mY llel.l:." Unrest Is gon!!, for bill 'J'/,u Is OUI' : And .h e could not understand '\VhJ peace. ..Small d\ttle~ ~d great nre art the court smllecl.. blell(led hi ODe deep .bam;lony. EV9l'1 department Of IIf~'s actlvl~ Is lood"d . The Circul Parade. with 'beauty and gladness . The Camel-You retuse'd"tbat pea. but from thA vender on the curbY . .No parent Is dolne bIa dlJty by Ill. . The ,ElePllatlt-Y:~8. I Have .' beeis warned t,.o btlware o,Lthe lilts of tile Dh11d~ who lMT_ 1Ul1 "bUtt Wi. eqt 411u.. C~eE'kp . 1 ••••


Mrs. Josiah CUnker, State St.. Tawa. [owa, says: "My first lI)'U1ptom ot ltJ~ney .trouble was .Intense jotn In mT IIack. This ga' w worse unW r ached In eV~l part of nlY body. I Tested poor~ ly Mil was so stlrr In tbe morning 1 found it hard to dress. I became ttred eMily. lost fl esh and WIlS In 0. bad WilY. I was well pleased with the quAcl!l roMe! Doan's Kidney PllIs gave me. Tll6¥ drove tbe pains away and restored my kId· neys to . a. normal condlttoo. I have b en fr ee from kJd uey troubl e for slx yeIlTs." ' Rememb r the name--:t)otm's. , For sale by aU denIers. GO cents a box. F05ter·Ml!bur~ 00., Bu1f6lo, N. Y.

WOULD BE OF MaRE VALUE Father O'Leary's Facetious Rejoinder to John Philpot CurnaR an Ex· ample of Rea' WHo One day the famoll6 John Philpot ('u rrsn. ",ho was also very pnrtlal to I h l' Rnld corned mutten. did me tbe honor to m et him. ~o enjoy the so· de ty of such men was an Intellectual tl' at They were grea.t friends and seemed to bave a respect lor ollch other's talent, Md. as It may eaRly be Imagined. 0'Le1R'Y' versus Curran was no bad matab. On o da.y after dinner CuRIUl salll to him : "Reverend father. I wish you wore St. P e ter." "And why, cou.Dselor, would you wish t.hat I were at. Peter?" asked O·Leary. "Because. roverend fa:the r. In that cose." said Curran, "ye\l would hnve the ' leeys ' or' benven, and yoU could let me In .'' . "By my honor and cOllsclenc • counlor." replied the dtvtnt;\ "It would he better for you that 1 bUd the keys at the other place. thea I could let :you out." Curran enjoyed the ~lte, wblch he ndmllt d had a good deal of justlce In It.- From Kelly's Remlnlacences .

Beware of Olntme.... for Catarrh I~ that Contain Meroury, ft

l1I(!I'Ou:;r, wu. lumy Q~ror Ule 1\:1)., of amell :~r1~m~t'r:ro~e~"t'I:'e ~:,~= ~arr.:..m ~: ~(~~e:'ro:o~g1i~t::rl>~lIdanll, l>~uJr


",m dn 10 ton fold to tllo ,00d

== = ..





. ~;'V~~cJ,~~~y &~.~~~o.~:1::~~::.r: eUr)·. Dlld I.!I I4kon Inlenllllly • .;;;d,;;-dl ~Uy UJ)OD til blood "nd muooua ....rl""""-OI1h6 I)'tllA\m. ID bU)'ID" &'11'8 CAlArrb CUre be lUre 'OU ge~ tbe "nulnll. a, 'I 13k'" internallY- IW\jt _/Ie In Toledo. Ohio. by 1'\ J. aile'"" k 00. 'i'JI,tlmoolaiS free. Sola by DruIlWI.ta. Price. file. pet' bolUe. Tate Ha ll', Fatn~ .. Pllll lor oonoUpalklD. A Terrified Hero. "DIIl you. any lIIurow. in the surt last s ummel''!'' "Yes." r plied the Iif&-eaVor. "Ons lady whom 1 r scued was 60 grateful that she nearly marded me." The Regula" Fare. . "Wbat makes you think that yo un. DIan will be a SllCCQJ3S In socIety?" "Tbe fact that be has such nn ex· traordlnarY appetiLe Cor tea and ·s al· ads."

Important to Mothers Examine carefully e¥.el'¥ bottle of JAS'rORI.A ~ a safe and sure- remedy for Infants and children. and aee that It, Dears the ~ . rSignature of • In Use For Over 80 Y~M. . Tile .'KJnd You Have Af~ays Bought.'


The avera,;cr man would not perjure . himself If h e pleaded guilty to the charge of amounllng to but Ilttle. ore throat landt! to "Ionai1i.tilJ.J Qlllne:r and Dipht herin. . Htwlllns Wizard oil used. liS a ~n rlli c upon tt.e fiDlt II)'rDptOIllI' of a sore thrnl\ t wiU i~pnri1lbly prc\'en' !1l1 three of theBc d.r.!l!!ll.JJSSWl!Cs. There are lots of Deoille who are afraid to sit dow.n a table with 13, bu~ a hUDgry boy Isn't aile of them.


What Murine Eye Remedy 00611 to the Eyes Is to Retl'esh, Cleanse, Str ngt h nand SUmUJIote Healtbful Clrculntlon, Prom6UDs Mbnnal Condl· tions. Try Murine In 10ur Eyes. All men Ilre equal ' beCore the law. ·!Jllt some are more "um equal to tbe task of gettlng arolDld It.


LOMr'S WeddIng Clk ••

, Four pounds of OUT of love, hnlt a pound of 'buttered youth, bal! a pound of good loon, hair 'a nound of sweet te~per, ba'lt R pOUDd of self.forgetful•. ness, balf a Il~nd of powdered wits, balt an ollDee oC dry humor, two tablespoonflJls 01 sweat argum nt, haH a pint 'Of riIJ.l)Ung laughter. hair n wineglassful 01. commoll sense. Then put til flour of lo\<e, gbod 1001ls and I:Iweet I~mper luto a well. furni sh d hous', Beat t he butter at youth to a cr.(Jam. Mix together blind. n 88 of faults, selt·forgetfulness, powd ered wits, dry lIumor Into sweet argument, then acid them to th e above. Pour , In genUy rlppl1ng loughter ond ammOn sense. Work It together u.n. til a ll Is well mlxell, then bake gentIy forever .

AN rNTtlLERABLE ITCHING "Just about two years ago, some 10rm of bumor nppear d on my scalp. The beginning was a slight ItchIng but It grew st.eallny worse until, when 1 , combed my ball', the scalp became raw and tbe nds of tho comb.teeth would be wet w.lth blood. Most of tho time th()~e WIlS an Intolerable Hchlng, 10 a pnlnful .. b\ll'niug way, "ery lUuch All a bad, raw burn, if d eep , will Hch and smart when first beginning to , h eal. Combing my hair was pO!llllve torture. My llulr was long and tan· "led t I rrlbly b eeouee of the blood and l eabs. This continued growing worse and over halt my hull' f 11 out. 1 was in despair, reaUy afraid at becoming totally bald. "SomeUmes the pain was 60 great thnt, when partially awake, I would soratch the worst places so that my flnger·tlps would be bloody. 1 couJd not sleep well und, after helng ualee p a short tlme, !.hat awful stinging vaIn -would commenco and thcn 1 would wake up ne:lllly wild with the torture. A n eighbor sa id It must be suit rheum. Having used Cullcurn Soap merely as a tollot soap bmore, I now d ecided to order a set at ilie Cullcura. Remedies -Cutlcnra Soap, Ointment and Pills. I used thrun nccordlng to directions tor perllaps six weeks, then left off, as the dlsease seemed to be eradl· cated, bot toward spring, eighteen months ago, there was II. sl ight re· turn of Ute scalp humor. I ' com· menced the CuUcura treatment . at once, so had vcr~ little trouble. On my scalp' l used about one hall a cake ot Culic.ura Soa]) and halt a box at OutlcW'a Wnt.meot in nil. The tlrst time I toOk six or se)'eo bottles of Cu· tlcura PlUs aDd ~ lallt time three bottles-neltber an expensive or teo dlous treatm.e n t. Since then I have bad , no scalp trouble ot any klnd. Standing uR, with my ball' unbound, It comes to my knees and had It not been tor OutlclI1:a I should doubtless be wholly bald. ,, , r.-::·,':Thl . fa a vQ1untnry, unsoHcltcd t es· tlmonlat and I take pleasure in wrlUng It, hO)ltng my experience may b elp .omeone else. Miss Llllisn Brown, Jl. F. D. I, LIberty, 14e., Oct. 29, 1909."




,I I






Virginia-I suppose YOll ancI Harry bave been thrown together n good deal lately? Grace:-Ves: ever since be got his new automobile.



Gas, Heartburn or Oy80 pepsla Refleved FI~e Minute. After Takl~g • Little Olapepsln,






~ wblch surely will digest anythlng you

eat and ove,come a sour, gassy or out· of-order stomach ,wIthin fivo. mluutes. It your mealfl don't fit ~omfortabh' , or w.hat you I)at lies like a lump at lead In your stomllch, or It you have heart· bu'r n, ,that Is 11 sIgn of Indlgesllon. Get from yonr Pharmacist a 60·cent cue' of Pnpo's Dlapepsln nnd take 11 dose just as soon as you enn. Thero , wlll be no sour rIsIngs, no belchIng , undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gM or bea1'tburn, .fullneso or beavy 'f eeling In tbe stomach, Nnusea, ,Debllttatlng Headaches, plnlnesR or Intestl~al g11plng, This will all po, , an.i!, besIdes, th&re wJll be no a6u r foo:1 iett over tn tbe sto,m ach to_polson YOUl' _. breath with nauseous odors. ' ., pape~s Dlapepslli Is i\ cer tain for 'Out-of-ol'der stomachs, because , It tnJ(es bold of your food a,nd dIgests It jUllt tbe same ' ~8 ·If your stomao . wasn't tbere., ' , Relle(· ln IlV,8 nlinlltes tl'om all st0Y!! . acb IJllsery I~ ' walting tor y~~ at an1 ~rug store her In town. ' . These large 50·<lent . ca!!~s o{ Pape's . Dfsp9p,," cont.afn more th~n suffl,o le\lt to tIIqroughlf cnre, aJmost any case 01 '])yapepslB. lnd,geB~on, Ga8trltla or IUI1 oOlel' stomacb' illsorder~

"";' ~ .VU,bo4~:"t.h;. 'c~e 01

JJ' ax~ 0D8


by tnezbfable lleceaalUe.a. a ~QUDd tne tc

__ '"






"Two bottles Cured My Rheumatism"

.The Happy Pair By IZOLA FORRESTER Cooyrithted.

19 10.


by AllIOCiatod Llterar, Prell

"I shall tak the credit ror tho en· tire affulr," Raid Mrs. Ted, with a slgb of absolute relle t. I3he leaned forward In tho coupe, and wutched the bridal 'carrlnge move leisu r ely n.way from tbe cllrb before the c»,urch. Throu gh th e opon window sho ctlught f\ sllmpse of nosamond's head, with Its v 'i1lng of aiel rose poInts, and oruog blossoms fo r a crown. "She hasn't a thousand dollars to h r nume, und he thlnl(s she has millions," COllsln Dexter did not smile. In the first pia e , he was 1.00 well bret! ever to flmi! at any of Mrs, T d's 50clal man livers, an d anoth er thing, It did not appear to be a comic mo· w nt to hlm as he lisle ned. "So hurlton think s he Is get.ting nn heiress?" he qu erI ed Innncon tl y. "I have told · no untruths ," I\1rs , Ted retul'll d, placidly. "I merely slIggest· · ed thlnss, You know the wny, She was ruy gU e's t, and so, was b , And It will bl) sple ndId (or h er. " "Why?" n exter's tau was oe1<1 . "Wry ? Decuuso ho has t he for· lun ." "So ,hrlrlto n bnR a fortune?" Dex· tel' merely J'cpp.llled h er words as I hOUGh til er alllllsed him, ' and It Irrl· tho lod)·. "I Ie IS SI ph n Charlton, Is he not, at Nm'uda? What more do YOll want to Im ow? Aft , r the s enotor, his fath · nr, di ed, he went out West nnd turned In to a marvel at sliver millIng. and bas reap d a fortune. It Is a s plendid th Ing for th m both. He saId ho would pr fer to ulany n girl with Illotlt'y. 110 sho would be happy, nnd while r t!on 't pretend 10 lind rs tan t! whal be meant, of 'ourse, I kn w us long as be had !l0 tOueh It coult!n't possibly matle'r whelh er Rosamond had any or not, ach other dearly, so nnd they lov tber you arl)." "Clev r cous In mIne," laughed D x· ter, sudden ly, aR they drove aw ey from the gray stone church awaIting th e hapDY pair," "What do you mean?" Mrs. Ted demand d quickly. "Nolhlng at all," smiled Dexter. Rosamonel had tossed hls suit over her Imp rllnent. lllln, yo.ung shoulders with no regard for his teellngs or bank a count wb at vel', and had chos· en Slevo harlton as ber prlnee or I\reams. And Dexter knew the truth about hat·llon. A lltrange silence had settled over Ibe happy pall' as tile train whirled lhem out or the Grand Centrnl on lh Ir honeymoon. Mrs. Ted had even




A t legrnm had been hunded her by Mrs. Ted at the depot. She had crush e'c.1 It In h er hand, unopen d, but now, as Steve toolt up a magazIne, and actually started to read It, s be r em m· bered tb" cnv,'lope, and tore It open , It was brief, uuG {rom ber only brotl!· er In Seuttle. "Dest lov nnd ' ongr:1tulat!on!l to the happy" Something In th e m ~8ago made the quick tenrs, sprIng to her eyes, aod trem ble 00 lIe r lasll s. Tt.a happy pair. How ('au ld she ever be ,"(\(Illy happy wben nhe Ime\\' lhut Mrs. 'ted had deliberately In"lled b l' to B"uu, voir, In tb e hope that Stev Charlt on would take a fancy to her, and mall'Y lIer? He had Reen he>r llortrnlt fh"Ot of a ll . and had fall n In love wltb that, so Mrs, Ted declared, nOll It wns Ii good match, Hosanlond hated tho wOI'd- a mUlch, a bnrsn ln, nnd excel· le nt sule ! he loolted UP. and met Stevf\'s troubled glanoe. He saw the tears, nnt! r eached tor he r hands, In spit of th e r est or the passengers. "Dear, don't cry, don't, I can't stI.nd It , It nny one hus mad n mI Blnl(e, It Is I , nnt! I'll stond for It. 1 should bave known bett I' nil around, But 1 kn w It wns wha t you had been used to, and as long us I ouldn't gl~e It to you 1 th ough t It didn't matter. We loved ('nch otb er, anel my COllsln Is bully good to me out at tbe min s - " "Your cousin 1" fallered Rosamond. "The oth er Steve Charlton, YO\l know. The millionaire kid they call him out th r eo I'm only the under· study. I'm chie f ruining engineer at the Domlnl o Coalition , that's all, dear. BlIt I'll make good. I'm getting tbree thousand a year now. and makIng stray bunches on the s id e. As the Coulltlon grows, I wi ll grow, too. U you can Just be patient, an d do as you please wIth your own fortune, I will climb up beside yon span, 1.0 the money IIne--" "My fortun e? I bal' e no fortune, St've." Rosamond's hands grew cblll· ed In his strong, close clasp. "What do you mean?" "Mrs. Ted told me you were heiress to Heaven knows how mucb r eal gilt· ter," Steve explained, laboriously. ''I've bated your lOoney ever since I heard of It, but It bad to go with you, and I couldn't afford to wult. I want· .ed you, doo't you know, girlie? Yon don't blame me, do you?" "And you haven't any fortune your· selt?" Rosamond's eyes were salt and tender, "Dlvll a bit," laugbed Steve, reck· lessly. "It's coming." "Neither bave I, dear," she told blm, happily. "Mrs. Ted just mnde It all np so we would marry. She evidently thought you were the mlll10nalre kId, 8.S you say, tor she told me 110, and I've been miserable playing the part at the beggar maid to my king. IsIs ' lt a nice little shack, Steve, wbere we're going to, 'way up In tbo moun· taJnsr' Steve thought tor a mlnate. and pulled out a tlme·table. "It ts," be said, 6nally, emphatl· cally, '''and we're going to It now. We'll get off this traJn at. New Rochelle, catcb an expreas back, and go atralght (or Charlton Peak, Nevada, as tastaa a western limited will take us. I don't like being patronized. and petted,. do yO\l, ladyT" Rosamond flashed back a smUe, In her old, happy way. "I may not be an heiress, Steve," she said, half seriously. "But I'm a splendid cook." ~ "You won't have to cook. 1 keep a 'heathen ChI nee.' " At the New Rochelle station, a wire went back to Mrs. Ted. . "Don't 'w orry aVout us. Going wellt. Have one thousand 10 cash In the whole world between UB. "The Happy Pair."

Gen, John T. Casement at Frilnkq" an d H is Famous Speech Before the Action There. I no t I ,f' 111 n r lit IJubllClltlon the alln UTI <'me'll t o f lh .1 nth of our b . loy ed ' uC'ne' ral . ,I ohn T . ('aHem nt. or Cololle l Juck, as w of rho 1Irl"ad us J I I) eall him. l\!uny Inatnn ' e ~ CUIlI C' tu mln,l of th e Atlanlu Cllm· )lal gn, Wh ere he played 1\ cOll s J}ic:uouf! }.lllri. ](,. n.lw uyu had II. pi asalll word for Ih .., lI1'lvat lluIJl el·. 011(' ,la y In Norl h 'aroHoa, just bt' fol' JulJr, <; tun's lIul'l'l~ rll l , \ r, til > writer hllllPl' n '11 to h on "lIl1rt! lie:!!! I' C'useuIPnt's h ·atlquur· t el's UI1 u r oad t hu t be IlIl,Ssed s ,'eral tim e!; ill 11 few hours, anJ ' as It wns mlllt ~r)' rul t> to salute an officer, of CO\lI· ~'~ . W(' ga \'e sal utes \,ery tim e he! IJaSS J. wl'll/'r; A. i\lcOrltl e , 0111 Jlall y F. Sl xty,fifth In lHana , or J\1arl onvillfl, III 0 ., III th e i\"u iClUal TrIbun E', Th e

car. foI'__ _,000



I recommcrid your Liniment very

Sloan's Liniment instantly relieves stiffness of the Joints, Sore Throat, Hoars~ness, Sprains, Neuralgia, Sciatica and Lumbago. Better and cheaper than porous pl~sters. At All Druggists, PrIce 25c., GOo. Gnd $1.00 610 ....•• Tr_tLM un tb .. 110..... . - t F......







'3 '3·&0 & '$4 SHOES

Boya' SHOEI, 12.00; 12.&0 '" 13.00. BEaT IN THE WORLD.

W. L. Do""'.!' .11.00, N.IJO_II ~OO."... , .,.. ~."r.~ ,Ita • .., m.'" _"iII ..... " a -

.,,,,. aho..

Six Men Could CroBa at a Time. third tIme he waS passlDg h stopped, r etu rned the salute and sa.ld: "I am nobody but Jack Oasement, and It I pnss hero twenty tlmes today I doo't want you to salute m again wIthout there Is some officer wIth ,me. Some of them want to put on style, but I don't."



Another Letter.

MRS. JAbffiS M CG RAW, of 1216 Mandeville St., t;rc~ Orleans, La., writes:If I take pleasurc in writing to you tllat I ~d a palO ID my arm for five yea~ and I used

for one week and was completely cured. bighly."

At Town Creelt, N. C., the confedera.tes held th e bridge with a small fort, Casement·s brigade being In front. We were halted near the bridge, wh ~ n Casement rode up to th e head of the Slxty·fIfth lndlana. To an old colored man Casement asked It there was 8JlY plnce to oross the creek below th bridge. He answered: "Why, ,massa, dare's nothing b'lt an old rotten bout at "e rice mill about a quarter.mlle be· low." He started off ,to Investigate and Calinll tt satlsractory. The creek was narrow anti deep. The old boat r eaohed about one·tblrd across. Six men could cross at a time, and tbe hont was pullec,1 back and forth very rast; ,ant! It was a short -time before Company F ""as across and deployed as skirmishers. When the regiment w'a s across tile line ad'l'anced toward tho fort. By this time quite a forco had gotten across and were makJng "Dejlr; Oon't Cry, Don't, I Csn't Stand It." . a flank movement to the right around the fqrt. At ihls time General Cox, loancd them ber bungalow up on the dIvision commander, and Colonel Jacl, ape Ood coast, and all the wings of were passing near wbere I was sta· fortune seemed tannIng adverse haption oll. General Cox said: "Colon el. penings away frotD them, but the two ,Ion'!. lIoU want some more me n bere? sat taclng each other In the parlor car, You seem to , have notblng but a. sklr· and neither spolte. ml ~ h line." "No," says Ja<:k: "this Is "How beautltul YOI1 looked under Swiss Girls Golf Caddies, th e Slxt y·fIrth Indiana, and It can lhat rose point veil," Cbarlton sRld GIrls are employed as caddies 00 whip the whole - - .collfederacy." suddenly. "'Ve will treasure It, dear, tbe Algie links, In Switzerland, and In a s halt time there was a sbarp won't we?" they arc said to do their work unusual- rllttl c of IUuslcetry on .the opposlto Rosamond smiled with u flash o.t ly well. Many Americans have won· slele of tlte (ort autl all was Quiet. The t,er old wblmslcal aelf. dered why girls are nol selected for fort s un·,entlered. At FI'anklln, as all , , "We Cannot t~easure It, steve," s.ucll work by Amerlqan clubB. ,10 Iwow. · Cascment's bt'lgade was on tbe she n.n swered. "It was lonned to mOl Switzerland th(\ glrlll are decidedly east GI.l e of the plk , ·th e rlgltt of th e by Mrs. Ted." picturesque In Ulelr native costumes. Slxty·firth lnillana was on th e pll(e, Steve said nothing. It lieemed odd They are considered preferable to Company F In tront o.f tbe CottOIl gin, that the hell'ess to many mllllonll 'boys by old men, because they never W (I hacl worlted all day building ~ hoult! ha~e to borrow a rose point laugh when a golfer makes a ~ad breastworks, hnd them In goat! shalle Ince veil to be married In, yet he fan· shvt or smashes 0. stick. ThIs Is can. by three o'clock lind drawn rallom;, cled tbere might be some sentiment sldored u boon, for urchins on the !lilt ,be r to 'c,o ak arH] coft'ee to boll . about It too deep Cor the mind of man American links take a mischievous By four o'clool" when looking to the to fathom. delight In the wratll of a. \llscomflted fron t we auld see Hood's line advanc· "Are w goIng straIght out to Nc· \ goIrer. In AmericA. alld England, ln g, They were coming slowly amI vadll. after Cape Cod, Steve?" she ask· bowaver, It Is argued a girl cannot st adlt)'. We gatheretl our tra IlS to· cd pl'osently, as the t1'aln turned out stand tile stra.ln of' the work of a ' .g ther, aw, t~at our guns anti nmmu· of Mount Vernon towards th~ soun!!. caddy It: 1s sald girls bave neltb~r Mrs. Ted had p,s\nted picture,S of the tllO 6llrengt.h nor the ,spor.ting Instinct nltlon were In good order" ~ool( our Cb~r1too lodge In the mountains U\at to make a good caddy. Said one Amer. olMes b hind ' the wOl'ks, ,an;l, shull r flY? cn~mly waIted Ole onsl Allght. It bad cost close to $200,000 ~o build, lcan golfer conc 'rnlng' girl caddies: wher.e tb~ waning days of the boney· ';The for eign amateur gol(er, 'whoso ' was nn apllar tit ('.aIm, tor Ih ra was flI.o on would be sl1~nt, Ted grinned a' hi f . ""lineation for be lllg on the a t' till) lOt breWing In til breast or bit grimly ceq e'YI~ry ma n. Tit y were 'teeU lI g their 1'J'~ ' af;~ld ~e lite would be too l[o..k8 Is hIs ~orreot golfing Bl1tt. no (\ 1'\'ps tor tb I\'r'at ontllct t,hut all 'r ough ,(or you, ' Rosebud Qllne, ' ihere cloub\]lref~rs to ,haye ' a gIrl as a ~ad· kn ew WUN !\lmost upon ~h em. Abo·u t In tba:t aiel sh,n it of mine. We'll, take ,d y b ecause he nt ahy , rat~ ~fj sure ,~e th'ls tim e Ge neral' 01,))( tuM tnft' rod a place nt L'le ' ~prlngs f(lr a while )V\ll not be laughed at tal;" . Is clu.msl· "P ODd took tl, look at the Cront. About UDtI~ y,ou '~et usea to It an, lean l'id~ . nes.II, whereas be !mows he cannot es· this ,time· a famlll~r voIce was heard back nnd 'orth 'once or' twlce a' we ok.'" cape ,l he der!slon ot. healthy ~ou!?-g W'. Our 'Jef . LoOkl:hg"lll tnat dlneerlon , ;'But i ,l..llJlt to go wltb you, Steve.~ cllin8." ". we ' saw Colou el Jlipk, ""b"o., was onJy '"It WOI)!! i;le too" loneb tor )ro)J.'! · -=----~-a fe'''' mom nts l'I:0rn a great e Ilt (If "O~, 1 suppose ' tt lI'ould." ... Sb,e sai'd '! aafe. bill 'IIte-HIIl,t wall 'to chan,se blm no more. Wb1 eOi1ldo't be ' under"Tou may any wbat you please from Colonel Jack to ' General , stand that 0 place on eartb Would 'be about poler" but Jt Dner hutt me Cp.sement. He ~R. encoul'RgtnS' tbo 191.\811 wh~re he that abe ,lI'ouid anr," , boys to op· theIr beat. When be C/lm~ ~,. "ear doealdll aDd moe~IDI "Ob .. :you '1U'6 OIl. of tho,. t.nowl In the rear or ~ur" com pan, he made uad' tramp the "tId "arl 1r1tb him! who alwar. will, are 7OQr · " what Genoml $Cbofteld termed hie tao "at lib_ WOD4el'Bll bow a palaee ot • "Nope, I'm' PD'- 01 tIIMe felloW wJao mo.aii speecb, ~ut t.he CUtAln t,l~d qat laGp cGUl4 1»1 ,~ IIUT~ ~;" .QUote quite au lt. ' 0

If t have been a suf· ferer from rheumatism for about two years, and have used many liniments and patent medi· cines which gave me no relief. .f\ lady friend of mine told me she had used your Liniment and found relief at oncc. I got two bottles 8Jld they cured me, 1 think it is the, best Liniment a person can have in tile house. I shall alw, y5 k eep a bottle 10 my' house as long as I caD get it. ..-MR S. E . R, WALLACE, Morrisons, Va,

-:t:s::.:-,o•. --.--

,Ita ,Ita mo" - f-_ -.10 f _ ~., to Q . Do you ... alll41 that Iny .bOM haye been the atandarcl for OYer 80 yer...., that I make and ...11 more .a.oo, • .1,30 and ••.00 aboea tbau "ny otber manufacturer In tbe U,S., and that DOLLAR FOR DOLLA.B,I OVA.RA.:NTEE MY SIIOES to l,old tbelr .balMO. look and 8t better,aDd we.r loncer than any otber 03.00, IaaJlO or '0&,00 . h _ 70U .,..0 bu~' Qo,dlty c:ounw. It b . . made my.l.oeII THB L~DERS 01l' T'H£ WORLD. You wUl be pae..ed wben),oo buy 10)' .hoe. becaaae of tbe 111 and appearance, &ad wben It come. time for you t.o pilI'. chaM anotber pair, )'on will be more tban ple....d becauae the I~ 011... wO"'l'I:e~~~~.~:~t&-O:~ W~~. ~o:a~b onmfort.

CAuTION I n&,neanf\ prloe.lIUnpe<! nn 'bebo,rcm.TAKE NO U JOIU' /lwu ~.IIllPln~~'L~ tJ·II~m~

He Waa a Boaton Boy,

"Your IJttle boy must be very In· telllgent," said a visitor ,to a Boston school teacher whose five·year-old Bon was forming Greek words with build· Ing blocks, ' "lnteJUgent!" exclaimed the 'Prolld parent, "H e Is phenomenally girted. As an example of hIs early erudition, what do you supposo were the nrst words b e ever spoke1" .. 'Papa' and 'mamma?'" • "Stuff and nonsense!" ejaculated the father, In a tane of disgust. "Why, the day he was 12 months old he suddenly IBId down his algebra and said to me: 'Father, the longer I live the more In· dubItable proots I perceive that there Is In Boston as much culture to the square Inch as there ever was In tbe ambient area of ancient Athens!'"




3 Cruises to the

WEST INDIES Three dell.htM erul ... leav!nc N_Yo~

Ju.." 2 •• ' ..nar ZS ••• MardlZI,lt ..

S.S. MoUke TWs ,

8 ••• 1.1t, W.sf I........... _ C ••• t, De ....... etc. Two cnlln. of 28 day. dllftltlon S' SO aqd up. One crul.!t 111 day~ HS an4 up. Arso Crulles to Ih. uri .... SO.flt "-e.... C:. and Aro ••• file World. WrlU /". J/~ W/& HAlltIlURG-.IIt~IUCAN

P. 0 lu t717


.1 ••• as .,...•• r.1I. J.


Slow death and awful 8uft'erm, follows heglect of bowel •• Con·

rt Cured My Baby-Hereafter I Will Always Keep It In the HOUle,

I canno't spenk too bigbly for Res· inol OIntment. It cured my baby boy of Eczema. Ho bad a very severe case and numerous other remedIes failed to do nny 'good. I would not be wltbout Resinol Slllve In the house. It Is good to apply In cases or burns, cuts or sores at any kind. Mrs. F. Cox, Cblcago, nl.

stipation kills more people than consumption. ,It needs a cure and there is one medicine in all the ,worldtJiat cures it,-

CASCARETS. CaBc.ree.-lOCl. box - _Ilk'. traato PleDt. AU drulnrIlta. BI....t tellu

III tho world -uilllloA bo&ea a mOllda.

Prldo, "Chicago bas 11 lot or local pride, hasn't It?" "Well," replied Mr. Lakemlsb; "It depends on whether you are talking about baseball or the grain huslness." ED GIilERS, "The Rrand oM man," he is called for be ia BO boneMt handling hOl'll08 in mee. lie says: .. r have ulled SPOnN'S DlSTEMPF,R URE for 12 year8, III ways with bCHt gUeCe8H. Jt is the only remedy I know to cure all forms of distemper and prevent hOl'lIes in 8ame sta· hie hnving the c1isc~ , " We and $1 n bot· tie. All drUlUlists, 01' IIlRnufacturel'3, Spohn J,1 edica l OQ;, Chemists. Goshen, Ind. Collateral, "Can YOIl offer any security?" "Wel!, I'm willing to I ave my wife." ,strong WInds and Sand Storms

cause w:anul:lt ion of the eyelids. VETTIT'S I;;YE RALVE soothes nnd quickly relieves . A!1 druggists or lIowo:d,Brb8.,DufJalo,N.Y.





(;apaclty, ,

Knlcker-How niany will your tor car hold? BOcker-:Flve a'nd a (01).


Wben a woman begins 'to tell a man hoW. 11 Ice. looking slie thJnlts be Is be

hnm~dlately develops "unllmltf)d tnlth In her judgment. "


..... wtna_lIootblDe 8yra

·tW::~ito'i".\t':~~=",~=~::.= it~· Women have been Jmown to aJiake b~da lor the purpoae of trywS to 'ahake .ecreta out. or aclI .olber,


Loadlag .

r'IqI." lUI tIInIt;

GU NS'IOrl-fir...... '......... .,




CIrta. . thu~ liIaIq


QDIII1" ...

":::::.."t!:l TII..,..'.E'.'....

W. N. U., CjNCINNATI, NO. 4f-1t1m








---_. br icl J:l11!', $120; 'hl\s ,' , El1iw, lp.rnhal', $20!t:J1> j J:l~r'ry RobIn", ltl I.n lh; pt'ot oot ion t ( llriclgf', l1 7 1",,-) i P,;r I~ V fun a, !q.OD i1l uhu t Ul fi t", *l:!.1 2i/' j .. I qhu It: ,n8 .. ,1 110n PII!HS C 11 t • . w ( rk, "JI; ; ~~cl Dun}lIIm, eoucr h> Court Pnx: ('lffnl!s. \V r lr , $00 10 ; J o bn or;. fI , W r l r. Il Jl lw nrln /£ f" t bt o'lfT.thll liti Wrlrk, .~ 9,,;;: F P. Fo q~ y, bnf\,Td()f I II.'. , o;1I f." I" h/l V" IILlil th I' ) Ht n j u r y p l'isn o e l'.s l l:j,aq j ' E S . BII.i ley , e8 " ,r Ill' t.h . ('c lf,I,PI' tt-rm of ort, t irn llttl OO AI' h. '300 i C l,ludo Leever, p U\ utill ~ brld j.!(', $15; T r Ul< t OI"8 Pub1 ' i P In-' \ ~'' l1 t fi n. ' hll v lhg (li"'II(I'\ tid n il Ii ff ·,i l':< . li g ht., $11 1ti ; .Toh n ... . "" r Ul ll11 ll l, r l l\ llt I'U":"" It. i ... Il l'll r eLi \V1l\ ttl \, !111 m ', a r ou nd tm dg(>, 1=> , ' .,. , , j ,,,I'1 " I"I; " rt l ~' nn w tho j ll l ' \' Frltuk G td hL IH 1l" lund uppl'II\ s t-' r . 1, ' K t il, I'II1 1l W 'l "t' 11 1'(' 1·....0 11 . t n "A rV l;I

County 'Courts

" ~I<lll' h

j ' 1" 1/1' "'I d tlllll <'1I1'1l ' t' (ltl lllII I Indl"d II, " I'll ' HI' III ("lUl't. tJl' c" m . )u m nti o n it. WAS II l'I l n l'l'l l tlmt to r 1... II I \l II III T h " f" llo wll1K 'I !<OU 1It1 t IlllJ ornr il y tl:tl/lsf p rr , d " 11t.s "''' r A d lll wn : I' If :\1 I Ifnllli tilt., pt' oiul Br lligA Fllud 10 ~, I Ull t· .\', t h COlln t y Fond .1 . , JIll Mnll li nd S is :-; 'lwv ll1t-'" lI f . _ __ .. _ 'rurI\< I,r,·" k If! wl. ,, I!lp: L \" B"I'Not orry for Blunder (' .'V !Iud, .1 , \\' I:l r"r,,," ' of Ol"l"'f\ fli ol " . I f IIl .V frlf , ' IH I'!'! b ud1l . t. hlu n\le rf! u 1:-1.' l1ry ~t.riW " nnrl lohn Lind(r, nf in I h ilJkil ) ~ 1 W II " II tiq plIl f'cl VI{ t.iOl CI<lIHC)r t-lfl k j ,1 :. A d ,ulI!< nncl : rholU- ' .) f ' 111,, 1) 1111"11)11 , I m a;IH nOI· hi nll v(~ 110; Pllrk t' r. (I f 1' l'II"ltlHl i 1<;lills O/l le", _, lI l w ," w r i t/I'; IJ , '1'. Huu u I'H, til' L1n!'II \t'. of M It " " I,' i tl p , l\Ifl r l'll] fllI II r " Ih-hurg-, K,v .. "bu t. [ 0 1' ~' l'lIr " th ClY ,.. 11 W , ' \' ( r y Itl " ll\p t I I) O\lrA II IUtI '" ( '\ 1 , )" rl S LIlt ' rill ~I I l:lrl n I' , I : kll1 ~ ('d l1 !,( h fi lii At. li s t. I tri;;\ B,' nhllul , It!' l ni olJ, II fi ll l"l' Ill k '1 0,' Kill !! '!'! \'w Di"cfI" (' ry Th e ld' \)/I \. f'. ot \\' uy nn. I fpe ·t WU l< \\·" I1Cl.' l'tul I t . 111 /11 s t" lJU tI I n the (,tI:-t1 of H II Wt\Cld\ "r (l : t h .. cn ll ~ h In d I am IlO W ill t<e r· t I I I , lif'II11' thlln III " v" 1.,1<1 for V·tifS. lI"flln!o<tR K I'l'l ." • . . /I ( ", I ' fl ltl e t._ TId .. wo nd rrnl lifA- !'IIV I' is 11'11 nn I ",Ihu t , t hl> \' I ~ ' II!{II " f "~!'lInk\i!l 1>.1 ,·1 \ · .. .1 II rtlill'cly fCi r oCl~~ h;; , e:Cl hl >i , g'IVf' U I" " ' ,, I " h ll IIn,; wI' l'f (l l'lbwit.h I lu~rI Ppe, II "th III 11 , ro up, h umo!'LO 'I V '~ I ~ gl'IL nleri fl \' lt-Iudllllt. to Ule rlllll~etl, who o pin~ oon~h or wutlk d e mn rl'p r f .. rthw ltil ln ·th e Cllf'f.l of l lllOIlA GOc. if. 1. OO 'I'rilll bott,le b 'oe M \ I 1 ' · GIla l'ful t.eeci by Fn'd U. ·'oh\'vIU' t,z . ' • tlnl "li n II I Illl'. , 'Igttlnst tb e _ __ _ _ 'J .



AI1~ w.Jr

Ki o!.( P0 wd

'no i"lfi lwJ hv u aflloclflnt i n CI "'e of Al Me 'l'uy II gli in t Emmtl Mo.),·" 'I't II I ttl th l' ("Ilo " ,\f~. M. C unnlugham W . F. EIIZr " 1It lIod W . U. Mnple a t" I" t, W. O . ' UMtJl1 e t o ( to r euttoroeys' fees the OOVf:'r ~ J 50 n j tll'y ret·nr n II 11 V rd iot of $75 fo r t he plulntiff~ . . PIo\I!1 t lif fil 11 I"flply in ouse ~f D V l tl W.tlk I' ngu iu. t,M ~o ll at 81. t!l t.ho u ir. of MlLry 8 . B ne ug UlD!\f H uward Collc>tt , uchninis tr'l t o r, d AftlOduut is given leave to file I' I



When a Separation of an Igarrote Couple Is I nevlta ble, Both the Husband and Wife Share Equal· Iy the Property.

"If you women want equal rIghts, you better go out to Luzon." The man from the Phlllpplnes had been lIstenInc to the militant sutrragist tor the last hour and a. halt and bad just got 80 t>W r . New Suits In his word. "Up In the province of . Benguet there, where the tRUe IgBJ'o John O. Burl1" flied s ui t for di ' rotea. live, they!ve · got It down to a voroe on j:trouods of gro8.'J n egleot fine point. Remarkable people thOM of duty. Petl tlon t a te that oouple mountain savages. "They:ve already settled a lot of w ere marrIed August 25 1910 t . , , B things our Socialist trienda are trying WilmIngton. No obilttren hnve now to get the rest of us advanced b.een born _to them . No uitmony is enougb to accept. They're so progreSo as kad , R bert.-J . 8bBwban Isattor live In thetle t~.1nga that they're clear n ey for plaintiff. back at the beginning again. For Instance, they've got George Meredith'. I ten-year trial marrlage beat by a oneProbate Court. year experiment. It's very auccessBoyd S R t b b . ful. too. And divorce-that's the s1m. a ge er, admInistrator pleat tbing In the world with themof tbe estllte of Joseph;U. Lyenellen, and quite fair to the woman, tOo_ d eoebsed, was g ranted leave to 81'11 "n doesn't happen. very otten, but 19 8hares of stock of tbe Cinoinnati when it does the community steps In 'GI1$ lind Eleotrio QompBny at" l6IS' to see that there's fall' play. The Tb 11 t d . . buknans, or ohlefs, act as 1udges In , e ra an ftnal.uco.onnt in tba the matter; not to decide whether e tate of . WiJlia~ W . Stat, de. they have a tight to part-that's eno ased .wu'J fil ed by Frunk V . Btitt, tirely a personal matter for them to administrator. l ettle-but to ilee that there's a fair . . division of the children and the propMarriage Licenses, erty. Tbere was a divorce case on wh!Ie I was up there, in a funny llttle Ernest ,J . Beller!!, 28, olerk of village of wOOden huts, perched up FfIlnk1io and Emily Louise MilO- highe~ In the Iijountalns than ever the Lane, 23, ot Franklin. Rev . Flo d p~es care to cUmbo Dcu I d Y The couple were Ilepa.ratlng on the g as name to perfo ru1 the oer a- sdbre of Incompatablllty-yes they're mony . progressive enough for that":"and as O. ERrl Dubbs, 29 olE'rk of Wy. the land up so high Is P1'etty arid It omlng, 'Ohio, and l1abatzke 31 didn't take long to go into the propof Fost-er. . .. ' , Irty Question. There were four chll, dren, so that was all right, too. 1 , Charles T . Frr, '42, farmer ' o( ·d.OD't know what would happen If Waynesvllle an~ ' Gladys C. Al1en,' l8 there were three or l1ve In lIuch a , of Springboro. caee; perhaps they'd relort to a Sol~ Louis R. Fink, painter of Lebtl~on m~.)Jtidgme';lt. aud Laur L J k . any rate, the hitch oame In the a . ao £Ion, of Lebanon . Queatlon of the house. There was' . Rev. A. J. Kes.t le nllmed to per. only one of It and naturally bOth furm the oeramony. needed It. Of course, you think the . man sboul~ have given way, but womReal Estate Transfers. an's eQuallty Is too absolute out there to ,llave any nonsensical noUons about Alioe M. Bien to A R , Lind, lots ohlvalry. ' in Lebanon, ~ l, ete . . ' "Well, It ended Quite pea.ce~bIY, at J . Wttrren Wood to Ira. F . Bigony any rate. In t}:lelr honeymooning days' U . they bad built tbe house together. 80 I t o OD olver Ity Heights, 1400, now tbey simply repented the performSolomon OOSte and Lillie E Doss' IUlce with equal labor, hanging a set>t./ l{utberine BDmiltoD, 'Iot in W est ond little wooden hut with a sbaggy Wood \'1\1e, $250. roof over their perpeodlcula.r comota Lonis W. O()nOVfl r, to Merli Con bed. Whether they were reunited by this reminder of their youth and early over, 58 23 uefflS iu 'lfill ro reek t fl wn love Is more than 1 can say, thou'gb, of sblp, 'I, et ~ , course, that's the proper sequel to the ('jraoe Biu dS to CllOt Hin es . . 51 tale; 1l.0reR io Bllle m t l)w lJlIhip . . I eto. "The women have the same IndeM I pendent rights of ' earning money or /tor e II U ~!lM (~ gel I~,nd E dgar food as the men and they go about It fl . Gagel to E:I ,wltru W Ivins. trus In the same way. You caD see them tee, r eo l est.ut13 In L ba uon, Ii, eto. any day digging up tbe sweet potaSern.otbltoa Buno eJl to R. G. Buf. toes that grow 'In little patcbes al1 ford, tl'llot; io Um Il townShip, ~5 0. over the mountain ridges, or wading W walst deep In the mucky rice fields lIlium F . N e wman to Harry H , tbat t errace t.he slopes or climbing up Prugh, 100uor8t! in l:tu.rltm township the paths with a loadeil wicker cage $1, eto ' on tbelr backs llke any man poJlsta. A1 lJe rt. P . AOllmR tn Fr'LUk Hongh "Sometimes It Is father and Bomeund Mildrfld H ou h r 1 ' times mot her who 100kB after the H . b Ie(, ,,'" esttt t e 10 house after the housework and ·the fat ur~eys tl.r g, i350 naked bnbles-8ometimes the' lea~ Alloe Glt~ en til 1.. 11.1'11 Gitbe us. fam ily d088. It all depends o~n whlch tr:'Lot in Wayue to\'lnsbip, *L, et.o mem~er of the household Is the tlred.~, .. I)st--that one gets . the easy work for Commissioners' Proceedin2s, aw~)le. n's very pretty to , see the . way a baby gI rl is welcomeJt ' Into a ~ills.,-Ed S. U(.nklin, PP!ltage for family. Her Igarrote parents ar~ Quite aUIHtor, 1 5:40; The We teTn St.,n as delighted with he.r as If she were a bla.oktl . "nd lega l Dotioe, '10.50 ~ boy-there's no dlsad~antage·to her Mlttmi Uazett , postals pri.nted for ::: ~~:~':t.!~ ¥. far as. her people Clerlf, • ; W . '. C. 'l'urton; oon I, • _ • For COlic *48.82; R n. tjmith, oOtil, $1763 '; W. B. Anderson Co, OhiO State or any bowel trouble Dr. Ben's An. report., 11.£,0; Sam D. Henkle, ex- toi-Pain . aots like magio, rel'ev8l\ MD8es aDd 'eel! S90 05. Wi , alm08t lDat~lltly. Also good tllr all '- . r 1 " DDer extorDlL1 pluna.




Silver Of Proven Quality



H!\ til l 'I ' I " r\(' jr \' Il ! \I' II .' ·S h ilS Its uPlle:tl COl' \.Joys nnd ncver more II I fil ill ly '"'d .' 1'1 ;li tl ly Ih ft n al t hE.' period wb en th ey arc beginning 10 1I 1:rf· ,· illlll~~ :\ ,/, I " " ';" I\ p:; • •\1 all)' youlI g-,' l(','s IlI'C fO :'cC'd to commence to • :lI n I II il :! .111 ~ ,I I a lIlI: whl' n lhl pa rt iC11 la r fOl'11I of work a nd In•• I 1' 11 e I I I I I ~11 :d \', iI., 111<),'1 I'l : (lI'OU >I IIPI ' al to th ~ l r mind s, To meet t his n l , a ll' I, 1:, y ,'. \ . \.'_. , r til\' s lut'. throug b th eir S tut. olll Ullttee's h, ·ip. il:r'''! ! ,.- 1. 1111 d 1'\ ,\" ••,; i ll l' I ~' c l r lc!l1 ell g'IIIC'C' I'i ng In 20 cities through(Jil l 1)1 :: (1. ' 1 h. I i( tll l'.· 1I< ' I" '\\, :t h "hows one of t h ' cl1lss,'s In DUI.ton. ItwUl !Je 1. 0t i\\. u lI, a tJo e mos t Ut'-to-ua lu Ull l)lIunCOl> ure JlrOvl~etl for- tl' e !Joy;. I



' ~,j101V11I1;

\' Jturl1~

I'IlJmt b C() WPl1 t U

fr o lll n ' 'ulv ed f ,-" m the om 01111 ('orl't::, p() lHl tl nt,,, lit" tb tl DupUl't-

mu ted ut 102 peroeo t opmp\u ed With au,a v e rll"'e. W Oltthe l' oonchnotls hu va been mo t fa v .)mble ~o its irowth . Reports of 11 V 10 early

80wn whm~t quita3ene r ul over th'e state, bu~ no serio u s dlltllllg~ . Corn pros pect show!' an }m prove ment ot threll p e r cen t. over mouto'!' I' pOl't. beiug DOW st.imllted . at 4 peroen t oowpllred wlt.h a. nQrmill yieid . These fi g ures are bused upon 35 bushe ltl per lI e re u n orwul. reprf'sented oy 100 p eroent. Frow pre ent pros peot t:he hl.41'Ve t suoulcl


o ndltlon Of llog::r I estlillut~d ut 97 peroent, oompllred witb au ~Vf.l r age, , Mu IlY ,furm ers are roshing their stook to Ull1fket for fear o.f bog obolera. ' ____•___ • Whooping Coug h I t Is ~n old saying tba.t whooping ooug h mns t ' run ittl Oourse but th e Ulle of Dr. Bell 's Pine Tur-l.iouey bllt! deltlonstl'uted ueyollu u ou bt thut suob is Dot the ouse . It (J1l u be ourod b y tbe Ilse ur t hl H remecly'




--- -


tim e to sub scribe for f he Miuml Guze ttt1 ,


Conserving Force of Major Pore tion of theOr~anization, Many p rs'O n who are r !lsonalJly \\ II Info rrl1 .. d on Ihe Y. ;\1. c\ A. w rk as Ihll l I.; l·.·. ll1 pll f:l·d In various Ins Illl tl II" . \'I II S ~ l' S uull oth cr acth'lll s, U I'C 1\ 01 "le'tl' Itl the ir minds ron r'l'l'lI ll1g t he P:J.I' t wil l 'h th e State 11 Il l' tl'l' I T' , il )'9 . H I ' Stnt Com1I1,ltt ll. howl ' r. Is tb conse rvln,g force of t h III jol' tJO l't lO ll of the Yo, M. . A. wo rk. An unfortunute lack of funds PI' r ent.s the Y. 1\1. • A. ·In n,any pl ac S llnylng for the se n-lces 1111 the rn.le ('onl'm nsura te wlLh the ta lents wh ich 1h \\' rk dem :\.llds. As Ii. nllltu'l'al r SUl l poslUon s of cretc., ta I'I s, edu ~Lll<i nal seer la rles, are contlnllitlly open becn llse as Hoon ' as the young men hay de monst.rated their abillty In th ;o;e Ihl€5, they are call d to othor and more profitable I! Ids of work. It d volves, th en. 00 the State Oom· rutttee txl ~upply til s plnces lempora11l1y and help ~hem In every way In


Will b e fonnd in t hA 010 Blink Building, 0PP08Uto th Nationlll Bunk T ele phone in housll u.nd or· fica wher e J can be callfld day 01' nigh t. Valle.v I:-hone 1'-2.

... DENTIST .•. Waynesville. 0

Main Street.


WaynesviIltl, 01110

St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb. Fatber Oeorge Mavenboefor. Pa.lOT • M~98 ev~ry seuo DII Suncllil' or the woulh a II :00 a. rD.

St. Mary's Episcopal Churdl. !tev. J . F . Cndwalllider. Roel .. , . ullday Scbool. 0:8011. m Morning SeT . "Ico, 10 :30 a. m. Holy Communlou tbe llJ:llt Suud", of each montb ,

Methodist Episcopal Chun:a. Rev. H. W. Dalley. Pastal uudny School, 0 : 10 a. ro , ~1 0rU1nR s er· vice. 10 :80 a. m . Epworth Lcngue. i :00 p. m. EvenIn g servIce, 7 :00 p. m. Mlcl wOI'It Pr Iyer Meeting. 7 p. m.

Christian Church. Rev. L. 0 , Thompaon. PaaUo, Bible School. 9:30 a. m. SocIal meatln., 10:ao L m, Ohrllltiau Endeavor. 1:0U p. m. Sennon by paator every al~ate SundaY .. 10:80 a . m. and 1:30 p. m.

Hicksite Friends Churca.• F'irllt Day Mec lln ",. J 0 :00 n. m. First Oa, clool. II :0(1 a. m. F'oun.b Day Meclln,

.. c. W. HENDE~SONtM.o

to fill thelil'6 WayneSVille, Ohi"_ To a I:'rge ext nt this ne\~ talent is recruited from the Co\leg Y. M. 10 :00 a. m Main Strer l a llev Phone 153 C A. work and Held, 'In which PresOrthodox Friends Chur, • . Id nt . E mory W. Hunt of 0 nlson Rc\, . ncnJn mln HawkIns. PU8Lor. ~~~~!!""~~~~~~~~~~~= nlve rslty hIlS he ' n particula rly n.c!'labbnth bool, U:811 a m. ReRular ohureb tlve an(} pecul1arly suc'c "stu!. Many 8 nIce. 10 " IJ U . w, .hrlRtlan ~ ncleavnr. yc;>ung m n just I l~ llv) ng cO'llege 7 ::10 p fill ed with the pi l'lt ot nth uslnlm fr s h for tboir work and equipped In ov ry wl\Y txl tnk hold of the noU v1THE CRIATEIT . tI s wblch pal'ticul nr!y engross young men" and the Y. M. C. A.'s generally: Th y nre willing to take this work IN THE WORLD for v ry &m:an I:1'llla rle whloh rot' the I'UBUSBED-wEEnT. $4.00 I'ER most p rt tb ey could not thin k o r acHOTELS, DRUCCI8TS, SPIEOIALISTI, <ellting ror n n~r great I ngth of Ume If you would l1~e to supply 00 STU M I: R S, T RAN I Flit, 0 A B 'l' hl s Is only on of mrulY of th~ AND 'BUI IERVICI ' CAN PROFIT 'nctll'111es of th S I~te Commi ttee but YQllrtable with this highBY UIIMO ITI ADVIERT1SINO CO,-UMN8 It Is t~)e olle \~hlch , If no oth 'l'8' exgrade silverware free of SAMPLE COpy FREE 1st d, In tb e jucJ "01 nt of Lhe Y. M. Add,... 1111 . . YORK CLIPPIIt ' . . A. worl' rs. n.mply justifies Its excost, write us for our spel1IIew Yort&. N. Y. lsian ce ,lI1d n:a es all the local ascial offer. Address oocll.ttloos gladly contri bute to Ita support . STAND"RD FASHION COMPANY '1'l1e St..'lIte Commi ttee Is - n()w enDr.,Bell's AntisepticSa~~. n-16 Vandam Strut. Nt._ Verk, No V. ga,g d upon a pl an which 1t Is hoped -:--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... will fi ll II,p, 111!1hl PSS operatio ns '\lImJi j . Good .for aU Skin DI...... . a "!1lcas of\. Is u. d nuhle It to contl n l:" an ti In (' r~!L ') In ~ '1 0 linttu_


1847 Rogers

SH werware





~:' ,"::~ n 1' ., "~~'C"" now ... J1j.~U• • •WUU• •~.'

~i:;"~t.:·i:;Zn!~[. ;~:Z~:!~':.';.! .

How He Got Even WIth a Venetian Nobleman for a Cool and Mortifying Recltptlon. s nll w whit .Ili otm nt. GUl1rl~nteed f or nll s kiudi!'l R Bt!. 2Go!'o ld e very. A Ji'rench officer who ha.d spirit and " bere.



Undertake .. and Embalmer.

DR. J. W. MILLER, Office In National DIWk Bldl(. .

pro\l u oe 90,3 -i,l G lIu h els . The orop bu s btleu uutllugeli b'y exo ssi ve rlllnfl.\ll ~ , aud ID u,ny oOl'resl.Jondeots : note t hllt i tis woldiu g in sho;)K .

.. ,

----- --------- -

(lD\eln&lIonal 81her Co. , Suu_ r . ) M.rld.n, Conn.

WO II .F YI rw1. G, AI R -"- -·- ht N I~ tl~--:jghtI STATE G ITTEE Ig ow

Ul eut. : Wh eat, Itn'u !lo wn lus t full r e , turued b y t u wll _h i pu tititl 01', 1,9 -b,\15 nore" , A )fllHu , ur a iu 1909 returned by to\'\tuHhip tl S Il s ors, 21 .704 am·es. Rye, IIrea tlOWD IILt!t flLlI as I'll turn ed by tllwnshipa s ' " or s, 64,3:l6 Uorn , pros veo t complu d With un ave rA go, .! p er(leot. l:l uokwhOl:lt, IH'OtiPtlot oompared with an "'v~rll~tl. ::l pEll·cent . Ulover seecl, pI' "'peot 0 mpured WIth uo averu,go , 61 poroeot. Pot~~toes, Q,r6!~ p lflD teu ret')rued by towuship u.S>ltl urll, 143,431 ncres . Hog, c:.ooditio n ooo! IHred with an u ve n g 97 pllroi:O Qt . The a tf WItted nrtlu seeded to wbea t for 't h e 1911 hllrV6!!t s h ows but II. smul l. inoren s~ avor tile 1010 "rell, as r epOI-te!i by t.ile townbblp tl S6/jSOfS . '1'ha Irr owiog c o ndition of the p la nt Is xcellont, being etlt,i-



Rich design and refined beauty in knives, forks, spoons and fan cy serving pieces are not altributes of solid silverware alonc. The ski ll born of long experience has produced, in the famous "l!!!1 ROGERS BROS." silver plate, effects in pattern and design which make its name for beauty second only to its reputation for qualit y- "Silutr Plait that Wtars. .. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue .. Col ," showing all patterns . MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO ••







.:. :::



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Su bscribe R.ight Away:::m .a • .

--years with great valor and fidelity Sand and Germ.. , ::: but had not been acknowledged wIth Pretty ideas don·t always appeal to :.: .j • promotion as he had merited. One tbe elt.pc~ts In hygiene. KlsslOg, for ::1 day he waited on a nobleman whom example, Is dangerous, and even that .:. .:. he bad often nsked tor advaucement . sand provided for cblldren In the . ::: in vain. but In ' whose frIendship he i parks 18 nl;>t so Innocent a8 It looks. had some rellance. The reception he The sand-hopper, with whl~b chlldrell ::: . :::. .' .:. .:. met with was cool a nd mortifying; the are eo familiar on the real seashore, ::: noblemnl,l t urned hi s back upon t.he Is relltlacebd, Il.ccotrhdlngk.lntod tbte hglOO Dl1' old s oldier and lett him to find his exper s, y ano er 0 opper. ~ ~ way to the street through a lte f The Band, In a word, when the chU:k ::: ••• . •• ~ ::: beaut\tully furnish ed room:.u :e dren have played archltectli with It for. ~~ ::: ::: <; passed them, lost In thought, until he a time add~ crl~tluess to. grlttlne8s. saw a ,valuable collecUon of cut glass This 18 not neoessarlly a reflection 011 on a damask-covered s ldeboa.rd ready the ohlldren or the ohlldr!ln's parenta, .::: ::: ' ::. ::: for a banQuet. Turning to hie oom- for sand, like loose hay ,and straw" panlon, a .faltb,flll English mastl~, he seems to produce crlts out of said, absent-mlndedly: ~here. But, af~er all. sand can l>e re::~ !:: l .. ~ re, my . ~or old friend, you Bee new~d at .small cost! and If the econ~ VO'U Wl·.l I P~per bow -thes'e haughty tyrants Indulge mists shout too loud let tbem be 111::: I' n ::: . th~mselve8, and yet hOW' are we vltf,ld to ta~e the old sand., It will be , ::: !:: treated!" . as good· nnd crltle8s after that . . . ::: ' ~:: .. The dog looked at bls master's fac'e, whe~ It was ~"lw.-LoD on Cbronl~l"'. .:. and gave tokens that he understood .. - • ::: ' him.. Th~ veteran walked. on, but the ~ , ':.: ::: • • I;)r. 8 .e ll's AntiseptiC ,alve • !:: ::: mastlit' slackened his pace, and, laying hold of the dAmasJc oloth ,wIth hIs ill ~uILra,nt.eed for·eozem~, Iil8Jt t:heum ~t ~, :~ teeth, wltb ' one Iiearty pull brought tetter, J'ing"l orm, rnnnin~' "qr68, .:. ' ... '.' all the gInn Oa the sideboard In ablv- ohappea hBudsjlod lips, pimples on ::; . .!.. ::: ~to the ftoor. ~he faoe, blll'o k heads~ ~r'be.rl1 Itoh, !:.:.:.:::.:'~.:.:~!.!.~:.:.:.:.'.'=-:.':.:.;.:~.:•.:.I.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,:.:.:~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.~.. < • ~ , ~un· burn, insect bites, fev'e sores" and tl88.a l ·(llltf\rrh . 250: <


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Attend ants Members las ear.

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1 . L.

;HAN ~:.



Ohio State University

af~_ 1 ' nug-e r'

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all \VOinen V~te?

If t,h ey.dlfl, nllll10ns woo ld vote Dr. Kin g' N w LIfe Pill . he ·tn1 lll t1d r t! ·for .w For bllll i!'ll il,l'i' dull, fU J?~fl d f p Illlg Fl, hfl r.~ I' h . 01' h ~n(ltl b . 'OOtltl (?'ltl oD, dl!"l)!)l1lu ~ oold , im ~l\rtto g IIpJ) tHe nnd tnnfnl! np t~h e f:ly~t'i{\lll . t hey' r uur-quuh'u '-o uw ur t:




In NewYork Ci~s Busiest Spot

r:., 8~2r.c. nt b't'f'U C.



{{ a tl'S of S ubs('rilltion


T he o pr !il l1 !l; o r (\(JlJrF'I". an d nnl· IT TO ADVERTISING Hit.,:),. (..'nil.'" . VCI'Gltl l's 1I11',11Ig1 101it 01 10 In the ++.~~++~'I0+.....Jo++i'+olt'f'+:z: /'u dy fall 01' Iii Y" .I I' Is 1l!'t'O IIi IUi IlI d Veteran Aotor's Good Story of tho Ratcs ,,( Ad\·Crli s ir.g· Theatrical Manage r and th e Students a nd trl nds of ttE' Ohi o hy t ll · OI l" ldng of Y. ~l. C . .A,'8 In Evangelist. 11" 11111111{ 1.0,·nIR, "u,' Ii " " , .. '" .. . . , r", Sla P nlvel'slly \\'1 11 be " 11115ual ly ' :I('h "lll'lI i l; ~ IJ(IIL1o n . 'J ' C Ilc' L!\,lly Ho", I\II j; 1.11 ulri . 111111'1; In" '. pI'" 1111.' . . . Ille fl;1vol' 'd t his y a r by til(! Iti~q grnd 'I (Jf th " .\ ~~n ill'lc!!.! In ~'O!lIll"' llo !l with 'lu>lSllloti At IN, 1I'll II. 1I~ " l't',1 0" !file" ) I!' "ueore r "I lunched In 1~,,, ~lldon with I"h,~r l eu of Il 'ctur ~-' r II tllat ' W II I IIII"' ' 01 1,'1' (' wnl' k is sC'or('ly ItJlJl I" l'iatl!d 'I'hr(" IlIsc rl loJ lIs, . • . .. ... , . . • . ~ ~l' U: !II rrom tim to tim · dlirin g the I I ". . Kl ein. th d ra matis t and a utho r of Cl lJl lllurl llti. Ihu IIII'\Il'h rrl'( : ll\' O" 11"" I)' I , ' llllt.'I!I" I·. I. a,;l \' C:\I' .) :-'01) or 'TI Thl d D ,. , nead · mlc yeaI'. III rou gh h·' "ollrt · 'I:l I ' " , " '.~' le r , egr ee an d Th e Lion an rl 1'lI'h(·" . 1)1)1' 11110 . . . . . . . . . . , .. . ~t· s ics or tb e 81 mil XI ocl('( wrill .g . J l I I, III ~ I llit' (lll il e ('11 1011 nIP lit I tb e Mouse,' '' said a vet e rnn actor In <-'a"d IIr I h,,"I,,1. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . , .. , • ... ~ .• c g y, l., UI•. ( fo ll . .. ·SI\I·I'(·lIlL· 'nl , I'~OrlJ. ll N Y k "1' 11 Professor W. L . li:vall8 PI' ";i t.: III ut I Y . . ' ew or. ... I:l n WUR th" hero of 1( 000011lIlulI "' . .• •• .. ' " .... . . . .... . , .•. 6U . , ~ th e socie l . . , , ' !I'II ~, :"I 'n ~ t 'llrl ,;u :l1l .\ s:ol'ialio n. th e Londo n Ilap r R ju s t th crl. He bael Sud "Is ,,It·. Whul'll chu,'"" I.• nlUti c . ..... . ~ "cl y 1'111 11 ' II"" f '~'III" II I" " ' I ,tl t lJls l,ln y .\tl l'orl it<i llg PII" IlIch ..... .. . . , . IOc Th is socl&ty Is all., 01 t h ,. bonoI'l l' , . ' ,'I ' . . " ,l H,I II ~.., .' III gotten Into a taxIcab one morDlng lind . " '" e . 1\ . ~ ap "I';l1 10 a fa r aId I I t tb h rr 'R'tli DlscoUUl s gh UII (H I \..' flllt'r:lI't . scclo tl os or the UIII" I'Slt)'. p.nd Its I;l/ ~ "I' " ' " ,,~ 1111\ 11 , Insc' \\'ho '11" "X. ~ IC~ mIt a ~ an ur, , n· n. embcrshlp Is CO!l Ij!Ot!etl " r ouly 11'( :i-,.: ·t, . r!1 '101 1: - t:ll' llif; e l~'LlIi Ul'gl . was a tr II of a thousnnd t eose pel'1!o ns who have sh~w n un. (' !i \ ,('( ' I, \·f)l'k . to mil es-the tl1.:de;tb r ,cord. Natura ll y, '/,t) \' IOIJJEI< n. I UIO , 14Bunl t a le nt In 80Ul b "llIl cli nf after\\'81',1." th o ~H' tOI' continued. "nllr :-; (1 , II,j, " 01 ·1" I' " II (lI 1.... 1' of I s ·lll !l(,C. It has be n rho pl'l1 or th o jll'h ' d'I:1 ' 1"' 1 II i.. conv er sa!lo n tIIr!l ('d to adv e rtls lnK. d ety to r a nu rnu e r or foal'll to :1 1"" " Ijl idly IH.'- KIl'ln Inl ll 01 0 nil Inte rosllng ('nA P. . ('O 'H: I' I: I ' , II 11 1'/ ' r ,)f I I IIM'p I' /'n ,~ Whll h wa. convp rRln g wIth a t hp· DEFECT IN "GOOD OLD DAYS" brIng one h year o ne or ma l'" I ctnr. ,...,'1" " 'I'. 1I1,j , \" 11 III ~'1':I1I ~tlOll lI l Y t J. I I I d d . , er s of reroglllzed alJ lllty - elt !wr ts In . 1. t ' .. \ _ .. ,: , ' ,ri , 3. 1'\\'1\ (l !.: u hoI's ' 0. r l.n 1m I a nng" r n ,on on on ~ ay an of Large F~mliles We' Un, t l::elr pal'tl l' ular 1\ Id or !![! Id y , Dllt . 1:1 1 was , ' I~'\I' II In . ' My ,lour Chlldr-n v _ 'v :tr ' 1I 0\' 11l1(' f'!I ::!i ona l HIIl(\!' 11 1!'Il\' I II h .. 1.1 v r bl'fol'e In uno y01I 1' "f:lre so 'llll't . R, r , 8a ( t e C \ all ,,f' lI st to th o th eat rl · d e rl e, d 0dvellrwlTor k ed, Beaten I n:any nOl'd ejl a llCl'a 811CIII'/'d·--men . ;:"; r 111';,·s . in nl:t!:lln n te' enl mnna~(' r .. , am taIling notes nnd an reated. I lI: ls 0 1';0 11 ;,,; r unl~ ; ('d ': :1 .. I I'a \' , t1 I t I Ir I t I of IUl" rn allo aal r Illiulfl(ln . 'II pre- p lIll l! >" , I iar i... s f u r II ga I r ng rn a cr n or n C ( ' (I re on tle pa rin g Lhe ')To ~/'Urn for th o r ear t h!! II' . "U l ~' \l'or k evlls of t he s tag . I h ear th a t "The We are t 0 Id b y many t h at the mod· ' b t!lI' II' low in g sa , ,: \ll nnl' DI d' .... ' 11 ' .. . ern w I b I f sccll:ly Ita ~ '1I(lr'u\'OI' d to seeure . on ( \'\ , o w , lour PI' s(' nt nltrac· ..~mfan d&o ..?cobm ng orgetful that II'P akers \\' hC'!'(' labo rt! or leseu rch sot a, I,,·,· , 1r1ll i:t n:L, f" 'nn l!y h ';)llla, tlon, Is II ('1<l I', II Y- (l·be m-s nantlon· he lW .cm:-Id~'::: m th::~e::to~u~~eIS~~dre: ha\'" h r . II cll·I,.,'t' li s(' \'('rally In fo ul' ~,\'.CI~, ·l,I . I~,'\:'~; I; :~, . Il :tlj(1 1! !lIIlll' Is lHn d. all. Mn 'I a sk for a ti ck t of ndmlR· I ' gf at sl'\ " l'lifi,' " " ' !s \'Iz' COllc ret In th ' Intit t \\' o s on that m ay gauge II A Immorality th a t I •" s h e rocogn zes this duty she Is , . ... ~t lltl's 's 1'.11'111-11 1. 11'1), 1I1 1. 1' 1((~ d. as per sona II J' ?'. 'rl 10 t h en t I' I 11.1 manager rin lT and rebellIous against It. And we are ' SclI'nc . . ;1'1/'111 \l IP. En':lnf'e " .. ~I US5 ·j,(' ·,! , · ( · tls :1I1e! r UIO,!· hl nn ll BEGINNING NOVEMBER 27 , 1910 , tnted -" I I 1 111 dl· illl'. beamed wIth <l e ll ~b t. 'Wh~·. c rtalnly, :thPOe r ngly and regrettully to 50(: ' ,~t"C"" have 10111:; prldell till mSt'1 c' on t11('l r sir, oert nln! ,,' h (: rl e<1, and tUl'nln~ to gQ9d 0 l d days when mothe", saw I - . .. . ec1u I·aLlnl. I: I II ~li tu !' ()Il S . bls seer tary hf' sald' 'Rnth erfo rd their dnty to church and IItate. IWd As It I" 1f( f l ' : . ' I I! of !ll' sel(,ll' OI'(,I'';'',lng this wo rl, III nddili n gi ve thI s g('~ t1 c~3 n a'n order ror ~ Arrive at and depart from Pennsylvan ia St ation meekly performed it In the ,shape of tl ll {S 11' 111 'Oil ,·; i I .\, .'t . ,'.11 ·lH' l~o!l. to t'lw ~N re i nr! s dlrt'{' lly em onl prosceni um box a~d e harge It to ad. tamlllell of eight. twelve and tlfteen ~ 011' ('1 r of I I" ,, ' :'" " .. f I'll " ;- by t ll (' \'. ~I. C . A.'s are the hUle!s of vertlslng.'" . There are only two ·defeota In thIs Ics. (,hi n' t- t:! ( ' . "' .. CI \','111 SP I' 'ral ur th· leading sellools of th e beautltul dream of the dayl of old. give nn 11l11 : 11'i1 .. ! '., ;' , ' ,, ' 11 " T ill' sla.le. .\ 1I1 ong t hl"se al'(, Dr. \V. O. Ch eap Imitations The first II that neither the fathers MeLnlJll.' (' olor>' (' .: ' .• ~-' ,. : ,,' . 1 I OIlII)Sn!1 . Pr sirle n-t of th Ohio it. HATHA \V A"\ Good for Nothing but t he E:,VBS nor the mothers oe these huge famUles Dr. :\ !l I'IH' I' ~n ' I.' , ., ; )'! r Sl at E' l ·n l\'l· l's!ty . and I ,'. E lno,·y Owiol;! r.o t.h u iUlllI e n,;e IHlla lin d had an y partIcular intention, or, In. 01 ph y s l e ~ . ('; 1.' , . , 'r {"n ;- W . HUit t. 1' 1',~s !tI nt of n e ulso n Unl- p l) pu\flr ir y of Dr /jlll l'li PIIl f' .'I'ilr L. " " ~ 'Jfll'lvi lle'B L eudwl' DODSIIS deed, any Idea, of sacrlllclng tbem. verslty. Ilnd lIa' I "r l , oj. YI' I-sity. Til e III n g h' mucb of B oney Ilwl'e II r n I O ll lly ell !tp imttn. C)flice io K Yil Bldg. M U LD ~, selves for the race, or doIng theIr cago. 11 ': hilS br ' lI : .' , I", II I or Lb eir tlmc~ to cu rumltlcp meeti ng's, r,ionl< o n Ill fl !Illl rk(H unel r .. it 1111 Ill' •J : - ; '/ I duty by the oommunlty; they were tbe fiu n:fol'll " i., j lll 11 ' r r',· · I y r'II rI and to !ehe general 0\' rs!g ht of Lhe sou ndi ng nil 111 1'S, bu t YO Il OliO iiI Wli v , .lmply followhlK their Inlltlncts and al at the Itoy:.! ::!I";(,: )" r I c' nulln , W01'1l aud living of th young m n g t. t,b gt-mnillfl b y looking for the ~l "~ I • ~ taklolt the conlleQuences more or less and In HIOi \\',l~ IO lll' r" rl II) Ihl' who ('am to their' 5 boolll. btlll Oll tlte tt .. trle. patiently- and stupldl,. The lecond 18 whol ' stl ' nllllt· \\'orlel III Ill\' (1' ' qrd Till' ('oll eg As oclation nl 1'8 the DR. BELL'S ANTI-PAIN that wIth t he e xceptIon of the small or t be • 'o bel prlz a nll m<:d s l.. Pr rn lire or ! he boy wh n he first I ayes M.. ~ ,. , '" •. , 3 1 j U(! will For Internal and £xterna l PaUla. . . ' ".1 , t- ,,: \ ; f '. 'd t lyr ol&8les of Independent means, these hIs many rel:loareh s may be ( ·ted hIs home. a nd t hrougb Its mp lo ymen t ,n n lll(~ I "'l1tq large famtllell, If valued at all, were accurate d te rnmn allo ns of th e vel(lc· . pali.1ll nt, Its room regi stry, Its ro- _ _ ~ -L. ... , .\ I 'j ~,. I! }' It (' (! III It fI' . ,·tII ~' LP(\ UIj t il valued chJefty as a source of Income Ity of light, tb co nstructIon of th ceptlons and actlvlles In h('halt or "/for ....,· ':1 - " " t! ii-:r I " s II I () II , !ll to their parents from the elU'nings or Interf rorn e tor and Its IlIP pticlllloll ~o the new student, becomes a r al tatO. '- L . " - " - - ' .L . ' h ' ~I t: '1, . UII"d l I1U . . roO WALTE& l il "h lu n 1J c~I~lIs work of the childre n dUring tbelr time the measure ment of tbe s~aue!ard me- tor In hIs oll~ge life. It Is the stu· PGlsii~n{T)!il? h I :l: lI U. AI,) ot dependence. We do well to de- ter In wave le ngt hs of light. a nd h is de nt Youn g l\t n's hri . tin n Associa· ' j! ·"tI ,I,6 Iliru rmutinn , n 111 110111 0 llud I (Ir· nounoe the mode rn sweatllhop, or the prell{lnt work upon dl trracUC'n ,grat· t Oil thtLt dir!:' -ts the I' lI gious work Funeral Dire·:lOr. ,4\111.\1 U'H lh·rs . Only factory or mIne crowded with ehUd fn gs. an d tbe social af!'3 1rs or hc ollege V\Te can O'er you go d [ ,ltl' n ) ' CH IlIclmfln u 'Workers, but let us reme.m ber that a AGRICULTURE, mnn. ASflorlalio n " '<lrk In 011 ge II Ill'" 11:I1I1'rn. 8uh· "" '1 ,1 10 l uluy or oud Paying E mpl oy m ent large per~entage of the ohlldren of I Agrlcultlire will be I' preso:nted b, n cds flJll'cl a l SII n 'is lon, becau. I .. r Ir ' NtlltllllO copy. these huge famllleb, among the work. ' L. B. Bailey. Dir~ tor of the New th n tlr" S 1Ir1 ' nt body httn g s T lephone day 01' 1\lghti. that yo u will enjoy and i' ,Cal! P hU~fnl \\ ti l IlIlbh ' ' {IU (0 mnk e In you r InA' and tannmg cllUlaes a hundred 1 York Sta.te De partment of Agrleul. P\' ry fou r ::e a rs and n('<IV I ad I'S 4. \\"11 till "H'. w1t1, y,m f ("": (w llt lx, dut h in· rll r Valley pbone N . / . l..oov y(\U" ·Ii ",,'I t' 1I 11,IWIl \\ hi 'Ii will lie pur h"L at home. W rite to-day. yean ago were more underfed, over. ture, Cornell UnI versity, lth!loa, N. must be de l' loped who w!ll take a 111 " \' ''''Oll d n . I' r ll·I'-I IIIII.\ hlJ.!11I r Lhun If, Dis tan oe No. 611-9~ , worked; beaten and UI treated stunt. I Y., who will lectur.e u pon th a B,ubject bro th rly Int 1'P.s.t In tbo loowe r class· ~ ' I· UI ." s~· J H.l fu r ~rfl (' I'Jl llt* rn ;11\uloJ.:'lIC. ~ We mGi •• Y"o Fine Pr...nlJ ror J.!C' 11t1l1l 8ull· ed phYSically and deformed m'entally I of "The ountry Lire MO'/~m ot." III n as tbcy conle to 011 ge so r ad y "',-,h l(IIII I'" ulltun..; ~'Hlr r'I l' l1d ~. ~l\ nd ru rfr e AYNESVILLE, than of the cWldren of any elv1Jlzed Profes80r Bailey has been an enthu- 'to look up 10 th e npper clas lDen who \ The BuHerlck Publishing Co. I ' r lll '{hill ( III III), I U' 0 11(1 f ' lI '11 I lrl ~ c o rr~r.. community today, even In factory Blastic wrfte r lIpon the 9u t.j ects of hal'e "done thli ngs." Th e fll c t th at Til' ,'II,CA I.l fO r\NY, 23910249 W..t 37rh 51 .• NEW YORK tOWDI.-Dr. Woodl Hutchinaon. botany, horticulture and agrlc ultur; t he Asscx'i n Jon hRS nil ed the ae. Butlel'lck BuUdlng, New YOl'lc, N. Y. Branch Office, HarveY'lburir. O. c1: lef among bls wr itings He th tlve I ,.d rS~l lll of th IJ st atbletes "Cyclopaedla of Agriculture," "Ru rn.1 and th floc irrl !enTleT'S RCCountsIn- no . Dr. Bell's Pine-l'~r.. Honey Scie nce S rl es," and tbe editing of stnflll 111 as ur tor he ucc ss of the ,Dr.!Bell'. Plne-Tar-Honey the "Cyclopaedia of Amerlcdu Hortl· OWo st,· "pnt ~ """1 r1 atl ntl~ . Subscribe for the Gaz;ette l For Coughs and Ooids. will brall k up tll a WO l st oold 111- culture." He Is to come to C(liumbus _ _ - --,-l~y throflt, irriT,lIt·ion . 'l'hit? r emedy durIng the sessIon ot t he atlonRl q nlokl v Ol1ros oonghs, Cold!:', Uri liP!',' Corn Saves ant lowa Man's Life Congress, a paltl culad/ fortu· Ilud nil tb rc'llt IInu brouollitll troubnate Hme, In that It will Rl:ord to 'l'he v e r y grave seemed t o ytl.IVu· - - - - - - T R y LIVERITES----~ led. niany ot the State nive rsltr olumni. b efo r e". rt. Mu d StlD, of. ·Nest. Bur. gradua.tes at o t.he r lllliv rs lhes and I!Il gt.OD, Iowa, wbeD , afte r SeVf'D Il"e n promInent In agrl ul t ur.. an op· wpeke in th bospitl\l, foal' o f the Marketing In Crlmlon GUlch. "What mRke!! the butch er ~ut both portunlty ot bearIng tills rr. an , so baRt phY!lioilJ.ns @Rve bim up The n bands In the aIr? Is he afraid you wide ly and fa vo rably known In thIs W II" shown t,he mnrv.:!lous ouratlve Llverltes for a Cold, Backache and Weak pver or KIdney •• country as the Chairman of the powal' of EI E'ctric Bi tte r s. For, a.fter are goIng to 8boot?" "No," answe,r ecl Broncho Bah. "He Roosevelt Commission on Counlry f;' ight months of frig htful suffe r ing has gotten ove r beIng afraid. He Life. fr o m live r trouble a Dd yellow jIIUO. IAlwa s keep ENGINEERING. knows I aIn't goIng to shoot as long diC'e. getting no h elp frbm other : them ir, the P I,'even t ion of i. . An ounce all be keeps bts han ds out at reacb of worth a pound r e lll edtes o r d otor e, five b ottle.. of "house ready The engIneers could hnve n r mol' of cure. .the scales while tbe m. a t's b eln' t alented repres en tative tba,n Colonel t.his mllf ohle8 Ulodioi o e completely ~for use . ~elghed."-Wnsn ln gton Star. O. W. G<le tbals, ChIef Eng!r e r of c ure d hnll. Ita POEllt.iV ly Jtu ttru n the Panama 'Canai. He will return t,efld fOI' St.()'IlBoh , L! ve r o r Kt.doey Prepared from~--------~-----------------Pure Native Herbs, th'e y Cleanse the System'ond to "the States" early In 191! . and It tr(lubl'q B~ 0 V r tIi appoint ·. Purify .the .B1ood and thus PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS. Beautiful Eyes II; a piece of rare ~od fort\me that Only GOo lit ~'red O. ~ohwllrtz' 8 . are destrArl bv e v e ry o na If thpre he haa con8ented to give a portion of -'----- - ",.~=----ttnmy iniftrtnmtl.tlou t h e :VP!I r an't WI much·llought·fOll' time to the Ca lled for 'Glory DIVIne. . be bea uti f ul. , "u I h .. rlll.nrl '" E .I>!l e fri ends of the UnIve rsIty. All w ill Among the customerB In the drug Eye Sl1lve will rAmove t.he infiam eagerly await the arrlv~1 of t h'ls en· store ('ondu cted by George Ep pler, mation IlDd 01 1\,1' th e l'ye!ol . glneer of international reput.a t!on. Twenti eth and Berks streets, one day - - - -... - . i MEDICINE. last week. was a little gIrl, wbo III Bow Rom e p l'opl E' do E'njoy rolling I Profellsor E. F . McCamIlbell, of the known to h e r playmates 10 that vI· . . Department of Bacte rIology, Ohio clnlty I\S "Peggy." As 'sbe stood up their s leE'ves, a d t.h e n-b S ~ 1Dg State University, will repres,)!',!. l\fed- waiting ror h e r turn, ft could be no· the job tha.t sllm £'b ody aJl.'o <1oes. Iclne. The subject wm be "Studl!l6 t l ed tbat sh e was repeating some. • on the VenO'lIlI ot Snakes anli Otbe r thing IInder ' her breath. Iii bel' etrort Moore's R ang~ is equip ped w ith a Glass Oven ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PoIsonous Animals." T hIs to pic ' will to r emember wbat her mother l)nd This enables you to see the cond ition of. yo ur food in the be well 11.uatrated with Inn tc llI sUdes Bent h e r to bu y. "Mother wants five cents' worth of alid praetloal experiments w1th the oven ~vi thout opening th e door and causing discomfo rt a~ venoms. Dr. McCampbelJ hall gaIned glory dh1ne." well , as loss of heat , . ,lOt' wh at 1" said the YO:Ung olerk a very enviable r eput ation bE;l au~ of his r esea.rches upon Inr ee ~ lr;u8 dIs· who was s tandIng the re as If s tunned 1\1rs. Rorer, th e ack nowledged foremost cook of the I eases an d immu nity work. Pa.rt c· by a ha rd blo"W of a baseball bat. country, has prepared an Oven The rmometer Guide exclu"Glory divIn e, glory dIvine." came ularly fr esh ' hi our OlNnorl'''1 Is his t rIp Ix> M xlco las t Deceml' <?I , c n- t he r eply In a loude r votee than when sively for Moo re ' s R ange . It g ives the time require d and Bluevale, Ont., May 4, 19 10, ducted un de r th e 811Spic 8 of 1he Unl· s he had mad tbe orJ~tn ",1 r equest, , the heat necessa ry for baking all differe nt · kind s of food • . "You had be ttor go home a nd bave "I was sick for two years with a ve rsity and the Natio nal Ac,\demy of Thi.s g uid e, toget h er with Moore's Oven Therchronic cold and bronchitis and a Medici ne of ~f exl co. for tbe purpose your mother write It dOVo'n on papel!, little girl," saId the clerk, feeling that consequent run-down condition. I of studyIng typhu8 feve r. mometer, makes b aki ng an assured succes~ , It Is not often that s uch an array the girl was too sure to argue with received no benefit from doctors, every tim e. him . and had to give up work. VINOL of talent Is presen ted In one !<eason Soon she r eturn ed , and h!lndlng the at the Un iversIty. and whe n. we con" was recommended and from the sec· sider tbat these lectures al e giv n note t o tbe clerlt , b e read : "Five ond bottle I commenced to improve " ' Ithout cb8r ge to t1ie students and cents' worth of cblorlde of lIme." ......, I gained in weight and strength, gene ral public, to whom a cordIal In· Philadelphia TImes. my col4, and brol1chial tro~ble dis- vltatlon Ii! allvo.ys cxtende j , It clln appeareCl, and I am at work again. r sdBy be seell tbat Slg mR Xl \s Wi" Promote Beauty I want to r~commend VINOL to strIvI ng Ix> r ender an U'n a I" s h se rvo Ever y Moore's Range is equipped with 'l oore's 'ontre ll e r D a mper Ice to all who ' 1\1'() IlltereRted In sclen. Women desirin g" b elluty get " o n · anyone who is in' need of such ' a which enables y o u to ke p l1ni form te mpcl'::ttll1'c, or t o co.u tro l t.he tt1llc r e8es\i:h nd prMtlc . d erful b lp tr om ' Buo kl e n "s Arn ' oa medicine. It":'THOMAS HIGGINS. ., Il I\rA. Jt bllntsbe& 'p implps. "kin ., hea t. It ~ives you practica\ly the same c ntrol 'o i y our range oven all It is the combined action, of the l'HE "'!ATURE OF PERSONAL,ITV. r\1pt.ioo B,Bora~, und boils it mnket. , you would have of !). gas bven, besides suvin g co nsiderable i uel• . , curative 'e lements of the coos' livers .•.:...... ' t,h e a k! n soft a.nd v elv Aty. It g lor.t'. ' . . . 'aided the blo.o d making and f4. New Boo l<" In PJ:1ltosopny. , :fi s tbe tHoe C~tef! sqr eYEjS, cold strength .c reating properties of tonic J;teaders wbose , Iterary ' t,aRt~ti le¥ "'O,r68" c.J'ft o.k e~ lipB;. ObllPP d hllD(l.II" Moore's Range enn l>e run on 'c oal costing full y two-th irds ' We haven 't room here tQ tell y'ou all abdtlt tho .n ~\V ~Iumlcontained in VIN6L ·which them luto the.. J' alms of nbHosOphy · ,Uest· Jnr bnrnf',. lloa.ld , fev~r sores, than coal . neee~ry for ~ther Ta~ es, It \)UT l\S' UP. all nlzed ovell, th Muor~ Hiul-{ed '1'0\,:, th M q~re A.1I ~i~~c'Cl r,~11 ' ..makes it . so s~ccess(ul in ,cu~iDg .a nd. ll1et!l~by&lcs 'Ylli .welcome , the ', outs, bruill\!>.'t\ Dd. ~ne8 250. at Fred less tho smoke, soot and gas, besides , ~.ak IT\ g' t he fu el last co n· bv~" , or tP,~ dozens of· othe r ~\l p,e\:lor fe!!-tu.relil 'o~' t Iw :-MotlF. '· a.ppear al)ce a t ~lle . I)ew . wor.k, The: 0 , BOA·Wu.rtz 8. ~ stubborn colds' and,. b...on<;hi~is, aidetably longer, and. with the SllvlOg rl ue to the controller )lange. . ' .' , ! ' . , . ,Nat ure ot Pe~son !ill tt, tbat will IIhort· . • -damper, MClore's Range r educes the fue l exp,el1~e ver on&o , . ~nl1 a!ld let .u~ show you this \Vooder~4l range ~.,;.,'VINO~ is a cOnstitutional ~ LQng·Llved Englllh ·· Woman. .h*lf, . , W~lle QU I' st 9k I .complo tj) .. . ' '. ~dy for ,chro.n ie co\igbs~;coldsi bron· Iy ' 1)e ' Pllh11shed fr~ the pe,n of Dr~ Al x!41der LeIghton. Pr:of~·' - A w omnn named ,Margaret ' BurDs pf MOON'. ~Gnll•• c;crn 6. Aad in eitll.r CcUt Iron ~r St••, chiti$ pulmQt1ary U'oqbles, not ~oeepb BOT or ,1.>1}110$ophy at" the qhlo state Mlllval" about ten miles (rom N,wry.. Moore'. -;,0 a palliative like cough syrup~ t.:nLver.wly , ' : ' ·oeJebrated her Jiundre~ and nInth ', stovea -.!fry a bO~e of-VINOL If yoq Dr. LelgMon la .th~ a~tbor' or ' two. birtl1day ,estel-d.a y. Sbe ,. aU ll able/ .A1wayS don;t think it Ji.~ped )'OUt we ~ boou on tbe PhUOiIllPhy Of Religion. to .relate atorles ' many of the aU,. Pleaae. ~ youtmoaq. ~d bu contributed. manr ~h ring event,a :whle4 occulTed. during the I ·artiel., to· T&rioU. 'pbl!:»ophlca1 , ear'" part of ' her Ufe': 'aDd caD JiIO'fe. , H. .. oc aIMIU' &M. .~ (11111 \' 00 I'

\NIrkll y III atll' lUtc ) ...... .

t' UJO . . •... •.. ...... ... • .. . U,1





New York Trains Over Pennsylvania Lines



- -----




I ,,, ,




for a






---_. -----'--

Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness


.... .,


How to Cu'r e Chronic Colds and Bronchitis

r '

Moore's Range

• ••____ ~



" Costs

O~y One.Half as', Much 'to Ru~




J~ fi. JANNEV, Drual*1: " ' _ i:' .

J~ H•. CO~EMAN, , Waynesyille~. •


I . .





The. M'iami Gazette D. 1. CRANE. ~AYNESV[LLE.






6CHOOLS IN PUBLIC PARKS. Boston's fiuan e comm ission baa placed 11.1' If upon record 1\.5 favoring /the building of one f tho public IICbools In one of Boston's public parks. It U& suggl'sUon should bo a cted IIpon b y Ihe ·Doston Ily ~o ve rn · III nt It ," ou lll prubab ly Involvo 8 ~n lq " e x p rIm nL A scboolhoulle Is to b built In n porllon or the city ~ b e r e 'p roperty Is hlgh·prlced, nod fll'en a t a high prir e It Is diffi cu lt to get n Bullabl site, In Wa s hington park the elly has Dn nren or 396.126 IlQ ua re f t in such location as to mak an Irlea l s ite, says tbe St. Paul Dh;pa teh. Th o commlslIlon argues that tbe school building wl\l oc up y bllt 12,000 squaro feet ot lbl s space. nnd that the (' urtaillng of lhe breathing area Wil l, t ht>reforr, not be serious. On lh r olher hand. tb e fact of having a Bchool In t h park wl\l attract to It II. max imum number of children and promot I.h p object of the park. \ Vh lle t be f1nan oo ommlsslon does not wish to make Its recom n'l en datlon n pr ceden t. It has In It a BUbg stlon of ,' alue. Tbe plnn m ight be worked 'both ways, locating schools wber con· venlen t In public parks 8 0 as to glv the childre n llflDaxlmum of grou nd (or r ecrea tion, an d turnin g the grounds about BU h buildings Into breathing spots tor the use of the neighbor·' hoods, especially In vacation times.

,~ ~

Do you re membe r learning to count? I da re . say not. But 1 am pretty sure YOIl lea rn ed to count on youI' fi ng rl!, or perhaps you w re ~Iv e n bright ounters or shells to use Instead . SavageR lea rn to count' In just the sa me wa ys ; most ot them use their fln gprs. and 80 they learn to count by t ns as we do, and sOlUe or tbem ~ Iv e t h It' numbers very funny names. The Indians on t be Orinoco call flve "one ha nd" nnd ten "two IlI\nds." But th ey use th eir reet ns w 11 and call fifteen "wbole root," s ixteen "one to the other toot," and twent y "one ma n." Thi s pla n becomes ve ry com· pllCllted wit h blgher figures. for t wen· ty-one Is "on to the ha nd of t he next


man ,n .

The .'.frl chn sa vag s count In mu cb th e sa me way. The Zulu for six Is "tatlslt upa," which menn s "takin g th e thumb," that Is , the man who Is ountlng has us d tbe fi ve fingers of one ha nd , and Is beginning to use the second hand. s tarting nt tll,e thumb. Some races us e the joints of th~ On ser instead of the fin gers them· selves, and they Rre ...-ery badly ofr. for tIley nn only count up to three. Some Aust ralian tribes count t husone, two, two-one , two·two, nnd cnn A Brooklyn woman latfl ly wrote to I go no furth er. Other races have only the marriage license burenu of that t hree word~ "one," ··two," "a gren t city to know it she could be s UJlplied ~~~;~~~~;;~;~~;~::~:;~~~~;~~_iiiiiiilt many." But savages sometimes \lse other with a gOOd. bonest, sober busband. I Ii thln~s tor counting I.ha n finge rs or rrhe clerk I~ cbarge explained tbat" them. " There are some men famOu s joints. Our own word "calculate" 'Wblle he had a tew model men on tbe annals of mining adventure wbo means "working with pebbles." One In hand, they were all married and tbe hays gone ba!=k to the love 'ot their AfrlClln tribe ails for ty "ogodze," tlupply was entirely too limited tor youth and disappeared Into the British whl h means "strlng," because lhey the demand. The tact tbat the matrl· Columbia wlldern ss with their kJts Oil use cowrie shells Stl'Wlg together by Plonial market Is understockpd with theIr backs. (orlies for ountlng. Th eir name for honest, sober husbands may be one The officers of the geological sUrYe y Is "ybo.:' whlcb menns "asop why the dlv'o rce courts ~ at Ottawa, while .adm(tUng the rlob· · "heap"-tb(lt la. n heap or cowries. ove'rcrowded. ness ot the oounlry, warn Intending mln E/rs ot th e diffi oullles of the trip. Prince Rupert Is the 'objective point o r BUILDING HOT-AIR BALLOON The pessimist can alwaYI lind (ood the Grand Trunk Paclfic's proposell tor gloomy thougbt. The taots that the line ·through BrlUsb Columbia, and tho Instructions Given by A. Leo Stevens, census shows a big Increase tn popu· BrlUsh Columbia & Alaska railway la Aeronaut, for Benefit of Boys latlon wblle the death rate Is deIntended to pass near, but netther or -Carries Weight. creasing wm prove to that Individual, these. roads Is as yet built. !Who, Uke the proverbial Sootchman, il Any boy who will follow the In· So far the engineers and proapeo. lIever happy unleiBs he Is mIserable, tors who have leCt Stewart a~d gono structlo~s ot A . . teo Stevens. the that the nation Is going to he overInto the heart of the gold fields have aeronaut,' can built a hot·alr balloon erowded untU somebody has to be had great dlmculty In [tettlng enough with a lifting capacity ot tbree tllod. to say nothing of carrying pounds. Some time ago Mr. Stevens ahoved off the earth to make room .tor blankets· and Implements. The town constructed a miniature aircraft ot the rest. stands at the mouth ot a UtUe river thl. type for the amU3ement of some SHORT Ume ago word Came n as Be k. a stream run· to Prince Rupert that-&- big kno ThQse who have been ~onderlng a8 ntng through .a valley only a mHe strike had been made near .tQ whether America :would produce a Stewart. Where the PortIand wide. On either side rIses a wall of lDew race have their answer. The canal divides British Columbia mountains. precipttoull and sometimes hohble skIrt race has been Inaugura. and Alaska there are Prince Rupert as high as 6,000 feet. In these mo'bn· ~d on Long Island. It was won In talna lies ' not only the gold, hut many and Stewart, one at the head ot" the seven falls. canal and one at the beginning, two other ,valuable minerals, and they have mining camps just emerging from the to be scaled somehow. It Is hard That marriage Is the worst kind of tented- stage and talldng about streets enough work without the ~ask ot car· a failure II the opinion of a Gotham and eewera.e. quite confident of creat· rylng supplies, and for men burdened with baggage the dlfflculttes are . broker who Is payln8' hla first wife ness In the near future. great. There will be consIderable suf. When the news came first Stewart 42.0 a month alimony and whose seo· ferlng and privation tor a Ume, at was Stewart Camp. Already tt Is r~ ond wIfe wants aUmony to the tune of ' Bpecttully called Stewart Town and least. .600 more. The residents up tbat way. oddly Stewart City. The population has are not wildly enthusiastic enough, ,um"ed trom 1.600 to 6.000, and every Trust science to rise to every emer· boat Is brlngtn, ~rowds, Tbe tenta over this gold discovery. Mineral gency. It says we are all gOing In. that ~~re disappearing c~e back wealth Is an old story to thelD. They tlane from living In fiats, and now a again in tull torce to house the tm· are In the country not to mine but to . French lurgeon Is gOing to saw open ml,rants, and keeping a boarding butld and trade and farm, and they 1lAll«J: ~.T"'*tIJ.DDN like the emphasis laid, when one our head" and Bcrape away the foo\lsh house Is a better way of getUng rich talks ot their province, not on gold, Making a Hot.A~ Balloon, than even shouldering a pick. fancies. In England whep the news came It with Its suggestion of boom and d.l.. oreated . a aenBatIon. · The ' London order and more or lells riot, but on the bo11l at Chautauqua lake w~lch SOared to an altitude of 1,000 feet and drift· A Japanese scientist claims that he TtmelJ correspondent described the. agricultural richness of the land. Gold mining seems a bit - orud1t-to' ed a mile across the swamps. finally can educate oysters to produce per- engineers who had struck the gold as fec~ pearls, This may be glad news, reporting that a thousand stamps them, a trifle nouveau rtcbe and vul: landing In the branches of a tree. A balloon of this type when In· now that the season Is open to tbe could be worked for a hundred years gar. It Is true that many of the fiated stands 11 feet high. but In patrons ot the restaurant pearl fish. on ground they had traversed and Prince Rupert people have bougbt reality Is 18 teet long, the difference scarcely mark the reet, which Is many picks and set fortb tor the mountains, erles. miles ,tn length, and In places mort' but tbey are not tho "old families" of being explained by the curve. Tbe bag Is cut In 14 parts, each part Is tban 2,OUO It!et nlgb "Tbe englnl't!rs lbe communltJee. Football this yenr wtll have to com· deClare tbls '\\tUI orove the greatest t'roauclng annually over 70 per cent. 18 feet In length, two feet In width. pete with aviation. hut as there seems mineraI discovery rver made.' 01 the lOlal mlnerat Ol'lput 01 tbe do- at the widest point and tapers to a to be no good wny to use a college yell lo return tbe cable sent wor:l from minion, BrlUab COlUmbia Is essentially 1lOlnt. In connection with an alrsblp the grId. England to (-anada tbat thousands 01 tbe go~nce '11 :':anada. Tbe men werp gettlng rt'ady to set lortb early mIners 01 tbl! jf'raser In 1858 and Iron sport wlll have some advantages. Whistling. snd seek tbelr fortunes In tbe won· 101l0Wlng years wasbel... out In rockl'rs ThI.'Y used to Bny a whlstlln&' girl Wil,li like a crowing hen, A Tokyo cable announces the Japa· derland 01 the nor tn. and that the Iromh bencnl's ana cfl~ eks $60.000.000 'l'tsnt whilltllng was lUI out of placG greate!'t excitement prevailed. wort 01 Iree gOld ouggets. Since tbat As petllcollts on men. nese will make a dash for tbe sOllth tl OJ t (' I Later dlspatcbes were more calm me Dr tlsb ,,0 um'Jlli bas produced pole to try and beat tbe American nod Ing. It seemed IDal tbe new Delds over $l14 , U~l,OOU In gold and $181).000.' Give Ino the checD' little girl British expeditions. The more the were no Tom ·flddler·" ground. where UOO In otner mineralS. In 1907 the min. That plnYII ana 81ngs and shout•. A whlQtllng girl 18 bollor fnr merrier. And may the best man win. one might go "pIcking up gold Bnd eral production was $26.000.000 and Than one that ",colds nnd pouts. silver." but even In tbe reacUon there tbere are stU. 260,000 square mlle's of Girls r.aughl shoplifting In Phlladel. was no lack of confirmation ot tbe unexplorea minerai lands open fOI A Shipload of Toys phla explained that "they wanted to fact that a remarkable discovery hpd Iree prospecting. Tbe Bitter Creek mines on Portland . Hundreds of tons ot tOYS, dolls and .be sty1\sh." In order tn satisfy that been made. The gold Is there, and tne dominion chlet geologist gives bls of· ccnRI now clohn tbe world's attention . . rl'llIroad cars, jumping jacks and ~qto· desire they should have confined their ficlal sanction to the statement tbat 1<'0: five years mining operations bave mobiles and fiylng machines, came misdeeds to smuggling. the finO Is valuable, aI:d that there Is been cnrrleo on 10 fIllS dIstrict quietly. tnto PhHadelphla the other day on the room for the prospeotlve miners. Only conservatively, and wltb no crY . ln the steamer Dortmund. The steamer A western man claims he Is Insane the reward will not probably be as Dlarketplace. GOld · nue been lound came from Hamburg, Germany! and and brings forward as proof the fa ct spectacular as In the case of tbe Yu- along Ibe banks at the Bear rlV!!r ann carried no freIght except toys. This all three ot Its tributaries-Bitter Is the first of many such cargoes that that he was married three times In kon mutes. It seems pretty certain, however. creek. (llacler creek ana American will be brought across the ocean bethree months. "Insane" Is an inade. that the strike · ts the most Important creek. ' fore Christmas for the boys and girls quate word, we opln . slnoe Kiondlke days, and people are Thl! big reet or Bitter cr.e ek · 18 a of America. tbe ltttle town and the bea.d gray·white .pclI·phyry dyke Irom Dve -------,.... New Yorlt has 'rorm ed a league to . fiockltlg ot .the Portland canal. It III estimated feet to 20 feet wldo and miles to bani sh }I"rench trom the hill of fare. that · In the first throe weeks after the . length. Imbedded In the reef are Grandma Was Better. .... h f n coo k wou 1'u> be 'report of the discovery 16.000 persons I' Vl!lns at quartz from two· feet to Of •..·Don't you tlltn' k you have a g90d ... ere 1y t a' CD.11 ace a great. gaJn. were on their way to the .flelds. The teen (ee t wld~. presenting on the sur m!imma, to sllread such a nice .. big little coaatwlse steamers from. Seattle fnce "a honey·c.ombed i appearance. one sl\ce of bread wIth jam for yoiJ.?" ask· . ed t.he .I l ' . visitor. We gath er that th e Drooklyn wpm· were crowded, and rroltl Vancouver recent assay tr,om whloh .gaye are. ' the boat to Prince RUl1ert Is taking turll Of. $49.20 per tall In gold wtth. . ~ Oh, yes," replied llttle , Lola; ;"but a n who na mtld slxty·t.hree co·rellDon . . I my, ' grandma ·Is gooder; abe lets in1e close LO 400 ' passengers every ''l.W trnce only' of .~lIver: ·d nts In bel' divorce . suit, I'eally de. days. ' ·.'Op the no~th fork oJ: Bitte r creek Ie spread the jam D?yse1f." .Eerv s to wtn It. First ropol'ts say that a single prop· .t he old eB ~ llr.o p:rty I~ Portland . canal, . erty haa shown $26,000,000 worth of .the RooR6velt, !l sample shlpltlent . 01 . A Stitch In Tim•• D01'othYiWns visiting her grandpaI'. N w York bulldog turns nn tbe glls .g~llI , and that anotJ:jer - possesijes ore from whloh, take,n to 'Faco~a, Ifa~e.. and ommlt suicide. E VIlD II dog 'enough ~o keep a miner workIng ~alt total values ~f~.06 Pill! tOIl. . ent/! In ~be- couritrl .tor . the first time. can't . a~nd the dog,'s Ute a New ·York. a century. Whether thr" Is' exagger a · For the whole dl&b~nce of . tbe BIA ,Seelllg a quantity ~t (enthen . seat, .,r I nds. . ted or not. It appears to be quite true Reet every claim Is staked. so anyone telled about the henyard ahe 'Shook . . that gQld f,?und at the. bead or the wlsl1lng to aoqulre pro.perty now ·m1:18' bor head III dlsa])provaL .IGrandp~," she ~Id ' craTel, "7ou canol Is asaaying at ,900 to the ton, I'huy from or througb an original J.o Now the Ilf Bulu 88)'8 tbat and various old Klondike Dilhers who l oator. The gov~mmeDt (,9 bl.l1ldlDIr' ~ ousbtto clo lIOJDethlq ~ Hap 011 f~ Is a plenty. Thu. he de8t~071 are on tllll spot haYe remarked laconl· pllck trail up Bl.t tflr creek, and . ,_ I01Il' ehlcl.... ttom o.a t JO," . .Ida a '''In''' u • comic opera pro)). ..111 that It In 101004 enoulla for I.houlcl veatl1 llel, 48't'8topm.nt. ., •









YJt:._ ByLydiaE.Pinkitam's Compound

African Savages Have Interesting Method of Calculatlng'-Use Both Feet and Hands.

_______ 1......... ~

De Fores t, Wla.-

Sulll tir e IlIli ,)

.1ug with th Inn!:". Io n.: la ll, "Wil y Is yo ur tnll itO s hort '! " SIlltl I h n II ttl 0 <10 1,;' with III\!! sho rt. ..).o r1 lIlll. " Rudo IJtl ~S tl O Il S nre wro"oz. " \ ' 0 bct'O

.. Afte r an

ta ught. " Ir yn u'lI w al t tong CIIOUl;h, l'ou";l , u"cl, (lml ou t "'l.lItevo r wno:t OI e nnt yo u s h o ulll k Il Ow ." g.) d o wn I n tho ~o nll t li two. rl oll lli f'S HIl t '1'0 wit- ju st 11\ '56 tlVO In a row. A n ,; uton. ob llo "'U1'·O rt uRh ln g Ill n n !: 1 \Innin g 0 \' ' r POM' .10,a,")·'" W II. " j ' v u f Oll n " Ollt n il tha t j WUII I r1 k nowl" ' anll1 t ilt) II r lou s d o ~ w llh " w a l l.




tion four years ago

Mrs. A GUSTE est,

Wi sco n ~in.

I hnd pnill!J downward in both sides, backllouhe, and a. weakness. The doctor wantecl me to lIa ve another opera.tlon.I rook I..ydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.ble Com{lound and I !lm enti rely cured of my troubles."ESPElc.M.ANN', De For.

Anot h e r Opera.tion Avoided. N w Uri ans, La.-" For yenrs leuf...

fered from sev re f emale tcoubl s. F inally I was confined to my bed Ilnd West Virginia Miss Makes PlaythIng tbe doctor s:udan 01 ration wll-snecea. sary. I ga ve LydinE,'P lnkham'sVeg. of Woodc,?uck or GroundhoSletable CompoWld a. kial first, and Tame and LOVing. wus sa ved f rom an opera tion." -Mrs. Lt L Y P EYROUX. 1111 K erlereo St., New Thla Is a 1)1 t.ure of l\ West Vir· Udeuns, La. glola girl lind hoI' pet woodchll k or . Thirty Y a rs of unparalleled Buccess groundhog as they are gen rally confirms the power of Lydia E. Plnk. called. Sho says tha t woodobucl(s ham's Vegetable Compound to cure emale dis • es, The gIent volume of are " ery Intor~ s tlng pets. This on6 fun testimony nst:mtly_pour. soon got very tame und even urrea· i ngsoUcited in proves con luslvely that LydJll tlona te toward his mi stress. He al· E. l")inkhnm's V g table Compdllnd is 8 remarkable remec1y for those dis. tr ssing f 1lIinine ills from whIoh 80 many wo men suffer.

H you want speclal advice about your en 0 write to l\Irs. Pinkham, '.It Lynn, ·lUru;s. H .. advice 1.8 free, and alwaY8 belpful. RATHER FAST.

An Odd Pet. ways sits In t ho posll.lon shown In the picture wh n tailing his food. He Is dulnty In his habit. He Is fond ot ap ples, poars, ca ndy nnd akes. He went away once and slayed .nve weeks, finally CIlme back and is now as gentle and a'ffecUonate as b fore.

GAME IS VERY INTERESTING Two of Company Agree on Certain Word and Person Gue.slng It Selects a Partner.


Aee. . .

"What Is the futest run YOUl; auto eve r made?" To 1)lay this game successfully, two "It I fan me ,200 In debt: the first 0_ the company must privately agree weelt I had Il" . upon 11 word that has several mean· Ings. The two then enter tnto a con· Hence the rqme. versation. which Is obliged to b'e about (n the servtee of a Baktmore {11m· the word the y have chosen, whilst tbe lIy 18 an old lIegro <lOQk known IUS remnlnder ot the company listen. Aunt el/lJly, and not the least of ber When a member or the company achIevement Is the IIrepawtlon of s a Imagines that be haa guesse.d · the food. word. he may join In the conversation, 1n the kJtchen one tiny Aunt 8ally.'s but tr be finds he Is mistaken he must nephew, a nlne.yel1~ld ..1n1l from a Imm'dlately retire. ' point where crabs are seldom so n, To give an Ulustration: SUPPoltnl was watching 1n breathless' . Inter at t.he two players who .Btart the conver· the old lady'" devJ-ling of a dish of salion deolde upon the word box, sucb crustaceans, ' , They might talk about tho people tho)' "Annty," said he, after mucb relle • had seeli .at the, theater and the par- Uon upon this mystertoue potnt, "doe ticular part ot the bouae In which they debbll rabs ' come from de debbll?" were sitting. .'They they mtgbt say' . "No, ohlle," promptl," respond d how nice It l<ftJked In a sal-den,' and Aunt SallY; "but dey ta de debbll to one might mention that It grew Into make." · big trees. Perhaps one ~f the oom· pany might imagine that he had guess· The Preface to Trade. ed the word correctly and join In "I had a curious expertence yesterwhen the 'conversatlon would be lm· day," said Farmer CorntCJssel. mediately changed, and · the two "What was It 1" would begin to converse about a 'huge ~'A stranger came along and tolll case In which a very gTeat number of me a tUllny f,ltory and didn't try to things were packed away. By thIs sell me anything." time possibly the person who Joined tn the conversation will leave . The worst deadbeat Is he who recompletely nlystifled. tUBes to lIay' a debt of. gratttude. If, bow ever, the word sbould be correctly guessed, the person guelslng It chooses a partner and they together select n word and the gamo bellnl again. LET THE BOYS ANSWER.

How many teeth bave you got? Which part of the body goes to sleep first? Which ts the most restful 1lOittlOD In bedT Why can a do'g see be~er In the dax:k, thnn a boyT . How Is a tourniquet appl1ed? Wliat should be done when you get Ii ftshbone 111 your thront? What should you do when you IItep on a nl~ty nail? What Is the proper way t.o take a cinder out of the ,eye?" What ' Is . the best remedy for .. bruise?

Post Toasties

80lllft one tOld ber sbe was ;,onclCll' CUlly 'l(eU preserved tor .her years. The .mpllment gave her aD Idea. lfe


1l-P fI



said: "1'\'10 kept clown wrtnl.1 s, mrlD\ClUred my h@dlt, and exercised my figure In to gOt:.d ondl.tlon; all for mYllelf. I wondljr It l' could show oth er worn n ho\v?" . 8h. took a few les 'ons fl'OUI expert munlourlsl.ll and taclal masll UI'S , bad some .:ardll printed, rented a Uny flat, ' moved In what was left of her old . ~ hODle-flttlngs, stabliBhed her mother 'and pi ked up her 11 W ltr with a . . smile. 1 usked lIe l' today wby Bbn was thanltruI. Sbe smiled her radlallt, hon· es t smile ancl ans were d: "Oh, tor so hilL fJlIR j) !108/T much! Flr!:lt, to tlllnl{ that a way . was open d for me to IlI'n my living and tbull be Inde pend ent. "Sec'ond, 'tpr m y hcnlt h. I foe l s o s trong and c'upahle again. I "Third, for my motlJ e r. Sh malIC!! "L'\I\ . hom for m' now . "Fourtb , tor tb fa ct tllat r do not owe 1\ doli nI'. Debt Is s uch a t.errlble thing to face on Thanl(sglvln g morn · ing." . How tlle dUll·colo red lillie lady D~\\a:jij,1 would have ~tared at our uew-found I frl nd. · "W hat's lhe use of being healthy and good-lookIng." lib El would ask. "If t il man you hat! loved [or years IB not a round to adm ire you? I "And what Is the use ot bei ng than I,· ful for just a molher. Everyone has She thinks the. girl!! who have call1le a mother- and then this woman must for thanksgIvIng are those whose fath- s upport lJer motber from h r sl udel' ers, mothers, brothers and sweet- arnlngs. Tbat looks more lilte a G!\use bearts strew tbe pathway at hotne and for worry than for thanlt8. abroad with roses and tbeatre tickets. "Then one deserves no credit (or bQShe belongs to th large class of Ing out of debt when you bave tlO working girls who believe that only small an income tbat yo u do not dare the girl of leIsure has any real pleaB- have anything cbarge d." ures In life. Dun-colored IItUe ladles always have She does not know tbat th roses their own arguments wIth which to cast at the feet of tbe girl who IB de- fight any unruly feelings of thanl,spendent upon parentll and relatives gi'vlng and happlnesB. are tblok with thorns. . Dut of a trllth U.e wage earnIng , She lias never heard 8 mother Ul>' woman today has mu h for wblch to ~raid her daughter f,or extravagance be thanltful. J recently met a white· one mInute and tben load tbe girl haIred woman, who ranked among the wIth new tracks, hatB and gloves of pIoneer buslnesB women ot New her own ohooBlng tho next. York. She never dreams tbat the girl who She saId that when sbe first opened must look . to mother nnd fatber for be r shop, the curious-minded, boys. every penny Is otten afraId t~ lUlk for men and, women, used to hang round the one thing she most wn~ts be- the door COl' a peek at bel' a nd often cause her parents prefer to thLnk and followed her on tbe stre t. plan for lIer . . The Ameri ca n girl In bllBlness Is This girl never knows the jOf of d~ partIcularly fortunate. accordin g to ing just what Bhe wonts just when sbe tbe light of n il F.ngllehmlln, who has likes- which the dun.colored Indy been stud yIng sOOlologlcal _o ndltlons does seven days In the week. In America. . I There are stout gIrls who weep beHe found himself one noon at a oause 'their motbers Insist upon buy- great white and gold restaurant In Ing plaid , silk frocks or blouses for the financial dIstrict of New York. them, and thJn glrlB 'w hose misguided City. All around hIm at other tables mother s dress them In .severely plain, were we ll·groom d. well-dressed, wellunsoflened tnUored suits. behaved young :women. He saId to The dun-colored lady ma,. wear bls bost : wbat she will. It Is her own fault if "And who are thO£3 young women'? be l' life as well as ber clothing Is Do thoy buy and sell stocks 1" drab. . HIs host smiled. the ~taei111 "Not at all. They are our stenogr~: S'he has mllde of duty n fetish, on s\.!Jll)rt1ierttme,h~ r~~~ whose altar she IB saorlficlng her phers, clerks and · prIvate secrtnrle8. youth and her pleasure. "Ah:;-" saId the bewildered Engllsh, le~tI ~ 8h thInks that because she must man, hlJt~r-they look so like la~CU~JCI~. measure ~.~~~~~ work for her living, she cannot enjoy dies." Afiarne with and .brown:''-'; lhe pleasures allo lted to the girl of 'fes, we have reached the point leisure. where we' may work tOT ollr living and A murmur sighed ·from far away'-'flJ(r--' stili be regarded as la dles In the What that dun-colored little lady broadest Bense of the word. ,The first dead leaf carne dancing -need s more than anything else Is conBreadwlnnlng Is today a badge ot - -c-r-"'A~ C , c-;;----""~IQ!) tact, physical and spirItual, with nor,...". I,:::.' honor, and the woman , .. ,-bo earns ber mal, h althy, bappy, w8.glH!arnlng Then came the first ' a tumnal lull; own livIng Is not 11 Boclal outcast. So girls of whom' there lire millions all much snobbery has AmerIca lost A shudder shOOK the trees and over the UnIted States. Above all, she . ought to know a through the womanUness and lnteJIIA criCKet piped in accents dull . . _beautiful character wbo reoently oame gence of Ita buslnes8 girls. A dance until the leaf· should So much have tbe little dun-colored into my own business life. But surnmer-surel~ summer' wept Her was. a woman: close to 50, ladles to be grateful tOI'~ lndepen ­ whose husband d eserted ber for a dence. ,!lnd honor and happiness In in, And brooded o'er her ' fading younger but certall1ly not more at- dependence, It only they will follow the who have learned lo walk 6n While onward autumn slowly tractive woman. She had lived the absolutely sheltered life, never wor· the sunny side of lite-'s broad s~reet. The first leaf , ~~'~'~~~ All happiness Is c.ompnratlve, All rylng as to Where the next month's causes for Thanksgiving are compara. rent and the next week's meat blU must come from, always assured ot tlve, Do not look toward.s those wbo ·b ar w eldy ~llownnce and content in are- better oft than yourself ·wben you are counting, your bet.ds gra~ltude. her dalJy routine of home-making, Then suddenly all WIlS swept from Loole ratber on the state of those who her-husband, funds, sense of secur- may well envy you-and then give thankB.-Chlcago Inter Ocean. Ity, . protection and privacy.

.. S· Ii ,




I_. . . .

By Anna




HANKSGlVING DAY. It's easy Humph! enough {or the President to give thankB on $50,000 a year, but what ahout the rest or us7" Can't you see bel' Illng down the morning paper with, the Thanksgiving proclamation In big lYTle on the tront page! In Imagination, can't you heal' the scornful, embittered acoent of her care-rllflped tones? ' And don't YOU know her sort!drab·colored trock, dra1H:olored hall', drab-eolored complexion and drab-eolored views of life? JU8t one ot "the reat of liS," to whom the presldenU'al .alary of $50,000 a year repre8ents a sum on which she thlnkB she could llve comfortably to the end of her days, 'She ts one ot the thoullllnds,' too, who think that every man, woman or ohlld snve themselves has oauso for civlng thanks. Yot why Is she so pesslmJstic? She . has n position which pays 0. tall' salary. She IIkea her work, or rather takes pride In the results of her labors. She ' has reasonably good health and 'would have otter It she would only learn to walk on the sunny sldo of lite's broad street. . She Is able to lay asl~e a small sum each week toward the Inevitable · rainy day :lnd sbe could wear 'much more becomIng clothes It sbe knew bow and took pleasure In choosing them. No ~ne Insists upon ber wearing dull colors. blch make bel' look ·old and taded. Every night sbe goe.a home to a tidy little apartment, presIded over by a tidy little mother and supported In part by a cheerful younger , slater. Her sbe finds the order sbe loves and the coOklVg which she enjoys. For pleasure sbe bas ber church aqd Its socIeties, a free library just around the corner, a weekly vIsit to the t11 atre, where Bhe' manages to see aJl the bolter produclioBS, an occa6\00111 concert, as many Invitations to venlng card parties os sbe cares to acr pt: and, yet she has no reason tor gIving thanksl Why? , . Decause she mllst earn all these ' th Ings. She must pay part of the rent , ot the tidy little. ~partment.. She must pay her o~ dressmakIng a':lIi ' 1lJ1II1tZ Dery mrs Cram ber wages. orten she must 'pay fot ber own theatre tickets and concert admlllBlons.


"I UXJuld rather


0/ •

the health

nallon than be Ib ruler. "-MUNYON. Thousa nda o f people WilD 111'0 su IT ri~ \vi t h colds aJ'e IIbou t today . Tomorrow

th r llIay be prostrat.c (1 w ith p Jl eulUonia. All ollnce of [lrev~ntlOn i ll u'(1rth n pound


r llr~ .


Get Ii 25 c,:,nb bllttle of 1\1uaold 'w'e ut t il 1t'lIr!'s t drua

I<t<o rl!. bottle ma v b cC1 l1 vcnic DU, con'ied ill the \'C'Ht flc;o\cet . If .vu u ar. noL ~nt i 8(ied with th o o!l'cct~ (If the reml'dy. 8£'nl1 Il ~ YOllr 'lIlpt y hoWe n nd "'" Wi ll l'l'fCl n cl )'o ur II\OIl ~. :1111111\' 0 11 '9 Cold ure will ~ p 'ccli l.v !lraak lip lIil formJl of eoltll. 11 11.1 I,r!,"'nl Itrinp" lI nel pn UlBorua. It " hCl·ks di "(' hll J'~~1I uf t ile' 110. ' and eyee RtoliS s n ('ziti/!. a lln)'" infl lllll llluL iotl an;{ feyel·. lind t n ll e~ tip th e 6y~ t(! JtI .

If you lwed Mt'di a l Aclvil!c. wri te to

?\~OIl .l'OIl'H d lJlj,YJIOSCl

Doc t llr ~. "" .. y will carefull, ynllr l'n,!! anti IIcl\'i80 you by

m ll il. nbsolutcly frcC!_

You nro undcr no

obligatiotl . A "lIro",. l'IlunyolI 'N D ('n<. 'Mllnyon'. Ln born t on ', 5311 !lmi .JefT.' r"ull trc'ols Philatlel phi a .





brlllWWl 111ft, mun III!

broutlb ~ 1>7 8ume 000 In eTerr 10<'.. 1I~7 1.0 blsll1lltlbbora. '1 biI

man who • .ppU ... Ilulokl,. will

.~rtlY: ~~~~Iro~ U~':-.:'eD1J \P~r.'lli~~ la:.'B!lJl' J~I

( LII. )

8011 1'1"'" .,., ....Yori<lIIf

On Authority of Teacher. A qulck·wltted boy. Rsklllg food at a farmhous e too reccuUy ravaged b,. other hungry fishing tTuunts, was told tbat be wal:l big e nough to walt untU he got born e. "or courso, If YOll hnve cblldrell with you- -" hesItated the kindly woman of the house, and was immediately Informed lhat thc re were six children In the party. "No, 1 don't tell n tib, neltber," was the Indignant protest Illter drawn forth by th e cond mnatlon of one who had shar d Ul good bread and butter thus seCUI' d. " Fib lIotbln'. We're children • Ix Urnes over. We' re ohllt1rfm of our father and mother, ohlldren of God, children of our ountry, children ot th oburch o.n' children ot grace. Teacher said so last ThursdaJ:. and I gu 55 she ought to know." WHAT?



...... ~~:-:::z-;.~~~ ::""'-



"eeks-Why are you stopping" You dldu't run over that man. Swlftly-I know ft.. 1 jest want to s c wbat ails tbe steering genr . Good Arrai1tement. A g nlal looking genU man wanted nn empty bott! In w.hl It to mix a Bolulloll, and went to a memlst/ a to pl1~'c ha s On e. Sele tl ng one (bat answel'ed bls purpose he asked the s hOpruan how much It wouJd cost. "\Veil;" was the reply, "If you want th empty bottle It wiil be a. penny, iJul If you want anythtng,ln It you can bavo It for nothing." "Well, that's tall'," Rulrl the '\lslom 1': "put In a co'rk,"

--.- z¥~ <I

T ·H A 'N K S G I V lNG ' As this is Thanksgiving and we all have stomllchs whose appeals' belong properly to this and to every other day In the year, let U8 give thanka tor the tWngs of ,the stomach, for turkey if Wt!l have turkey, for goose If we haye goose, for sauuge It we have laulage. For' the power to earn and. '. 'to' enjoy the thing. of the stomaoh. we may be thankful, since the power to earn what our own stomachs call tor. ia the power to serve the needs of all other stomachs. And Instead ot beln8 sbametul or regrllt~ble from any standpoint, an unspoiled stomach \a natural, Is rtght, Is commendable and moreover I,s .inevitahle In ,Its OJ)' erations. . But ~~'er and above everythlng betweon turkey and Husage we have 'lpo~c3DUals." A potential Is a sImple thing. A sh<!~maker or a lPacblnllt ,Is aa apt to hav~ It as an Arch!iuke ~l.' a 'ozar or a supreme courl judge or a aen~t.or or:& pN!aldent. It co~eiI Into ; the- bra~n lUI . ' co~stru~tlve .Idea. It worl{s 0\1~ o( one ,bratr;l Into ten, '" hundred, a thoUI~nd. a hund~d milllon . . '1'ben It .~I a force nothing can



" .

resl8t. •. ' .... .' ' Put meri' wJth construotlve , 1)1~1 -into tho wlldemell.' and' the .delert ~d their Id~~ '. ~U1 ,lIhOW ~ePl:,",ITeI! ' the highest ....rutlea, qon.t r6ftllilal.dO!lcultid What were the 'Wont cUlllctiltju "'~e con.tnl~.e Ideal, ,U th~ raw " .1 ......... ••••• ,I ........ t matertal for ....... ~ . B_~ ana .';""' ctt,t8ll, for fleldt ' ytelcUnl th.elr prod-, Gobi'''''''' b1 )'e&l' bl the hUDdredl of million I of b~"'els or for





STOPPED SHORT Taking Tonica, and Built Up on

Right Food, .

step forward and the Open Road Into t,hen we can 8ee that which, for each the future cleared and kept open. nev- one of us, man by ~!Ul, ' meana po;wer, er to be olosed and kept closed by any. the .blghest possIble power for us 8a' force or any fmud, If we doubt that to'r each one of us and for a]} It. is' construotlble Ideas have this force In Jlberation. Were' tbere only one man them tor tbe future we have only to In the million of us who' had such look around U8 Into the present . and cause tor ThanksgiVing as th~t would baok Into the paat whlcb they and mean for hlmselt and tor all of US, all they alone converted Into this ~res­ would surely go forwaTd with him to ent. greater power, to fuller prosperity, to These tWngs are tor aU men. For the only possible Independence, the Inouraelves, man by man, If today we dependence which belong8 to the can leak back and Bee how by the hlghel!t pos81ble fr,eedom of 'l1ervlce. use of any Idea of ours we bave been The 'man who has suoh Independence able to esoape , struggle, to aubjeot bas the highest caU88 for Thanklgt.,others and ·to dominate them wblle IngoJ giv:lng a single constructivE! Idea its treed from M~le - . . force In sening them: or If we can Thllt mlln Of hopes to, rlss or tearll to tall, look Into the future and see oppor- Lord ot ,h Imself, It not ot landa, t~lt1ea opening befor~ U8 for .thls, An.d, having nothIng, yet hath QlI. ... ..,.... ... ~-·-:w--"'v",,,,,,,,·,,,,,,,,-,,,,, ••,","",,:, * - ~ * --

.. .,..., • ......."'_........"..,• ....._......-....-."'--.,-...-"' ... ..........._".....",-...,_....-...."-,,.-..,_...._"'............_.,.-............. __....."..,.-.....-.....- ....---...,"'-".-..,-"..-......... -,....,............~ baby wUl be poundIng the window ShorJe/ina Snow pane wltli Its sticky fingers and' goo0 goolng gleefully. At last, after years and years of liftT.he time of the year Is approaching when tbe average man begins telling Ing and shoveling, the wal~ts will be how he used to shovel paths through cleaned, aod the man w1ll straighten eight feet of snow at four o'clock on up painfully and start to the back door mornings when the thermometer reg· when his wife wlU open the front door Istered' so far below zero that the Ilnd cry: "You left a little bit of snow mercury ratt!tid around In tho bulb behind the borseblock, deaf!" llke a mustard seed. .That Is the sort ot man who will go Not Going ' Home out the first heavy snow and sbow hll family how to clean the walks. He He'll not go home this year, alas! will a nIce new dollar snow shovel sent up from lhe store, and w1l1 be- to wbere the 01d tolks are, to gaze gIn operatJon8 by slipping and falllne acrOBS the withered grass upon tbe ~own the front steps. During his slide hills afar; he will , not clamber from several busbels of snow wIU surreptl- the traIn with bosom thrilled with joy, tloualy become Inserted between his to hear the glad words once against r. e . . 8hirt im,d hIs undershirt. How In the "Ab, welcome home, my boy!" ," Ah, yes, tbA old bome sfands today name of ·tlme It. getB the're. Is a mys· , Just as It did ot yore, and oftentimes "If I were sure the oandy sold In. TWs time she does not coo appre- tery as deep 6S tbe cause of the aurora his thougbts wl~l stray back to the that · shop 'was pure ' and free ,trom claUvely, and , they· oontlnue their borealis o_r pro~uo~ton of radium, big front door, and he wt11 muse ' U1)(>n b,acterla, I should be glad to get. you g ' bome~d walk In sllenoe. When he bul ,t he taot remains that It gets there. (be times when he hailed It as bomel couple of pounds," saY'l .Uie solentlfic Is leavJng her, he, bl\shtull;, hints that 'l1he man will overlOOk It {or the mo- ere he so~ourned In foreign climes or milOt, h~wever, 'nnd . begin t08slng swain.. '~ Bu~ theae dll1's of rec1i:- he would, I1ke to kJss her good-by ) beat acro.~s lbe. foam , a~, ~lteraUops " l feel.' t~at ,I .cannot. ." may," she say. s, to his· aU'r p'rtso,. gr,eat ~h~veltul.s of snQw to rIght and' ·Wlt.h 'wea.r y bead upon his hand" lett, an<l lie 'VI1ll pe working like A too Iii U to · , take.. .. ~)' .~r~cau o~~ . pre sene ~.'You. can be' aure there 'VOb't be IIny steam plow wben. th'e old man Who he')l dream' about the lilone, about the your he~tl1 andr ."e~u~. , germl "ln tl\e klsa, eltber~ . for you . ilves up street and wb.Q baa a bad tem- . c.lImbln~, r08e whose str~nds. ~pped . T.h,e ,fa~ young thf~g, who has a nor~., ,h ayen:t given me ~e cbanee.,to aoqulre flet' ~d i'heu~atfsm will 'ljappeu ~Iong on .' th.e wind, 'w pane; ., a~out tbt! i'ammai a,P'petttei .coos a !lora ot ape '~"'-~ ' , ,. . , and forb' . pounda ot snow In the bUng ut~e ·atre~t that Idled t!\rough ;preOlatJon ot bla thoughtfulness. N«1~t . .He aleep. but little that be- (ace. After ensuing arg~ment the the town w~ere otten have .hla 'boyllih they ajlpr~h a pJace 1~ere a BOda cauae of hlB tne'n~l eJJort to deter~/lle ave~age Will reaun:i~ !!peratlons, feet In , gladness hur.tJed dOWD; fOUDt¢n Icon,t bluee ~tit pau wOl'k, wbether "he !JJ thPIJI'hUul or ••rA ......o By and b:v hi. })~ok wlU begin to acbe, He'll not go home thIs year, aJ• :....>1 "_Ill . ''You are fopd o. BoaB and lee cream, ...... . : bls neck to b,e It:ur and' sore and hie ~ou,h ~e old folks atlll Ilre there, aN J'OU,lloU" he Uk~~' S, Anoth.rN.~_ . - . to feel numb a8 thoulh the,. ·althoug)l the. S~)Dp of lonk ~gO still . 1~' ~, ft." , .'. 'l1'tien tbere .. 110 bow~ to plltiHc )l.d 1Jeea QRrRJ,iecl, '~J1c~ he was teD eclao tree and fair; hf\11l eat Thank. "U 'i t ..eeD~ 10 oftea 'flI1e4 ;rttll me.. ID Amei'lqa'" ,ean of "p., .But be wUI aU¢k to .~ 11Y1Q dlQD~r bere, ~a Dot co bom.. for bla de ad cbUcltea wlU be watc... .~, beca.1 lH th!ll laws are .trtat UaIa I be .b "''We It· Nqect .1Da "',. ~ lbe ' wtDdow, U4 eM. ,.... &Del be . .~ p i . ,....


SA r 'E ,






~t~'i~~~:II~~I;F:" ~4;;=.~1: =~~~""=. ~ul4





The mistake Is !requently made at trying to build up a. worn-out nervous Bystem on so-called tonics-drugs. New materlal1rom -which to rebuild wasted n erve cells 1s wllnt should be supplled, and this can be oblained only from proper food. "Two years ago I found myself on the verge of a complete nervous cot· lapse, due to overwork ~lId sludy, and to Illness In the tamny," wl'ltes a Wisconsin young mother. "My friends became alarmed be· cause I gr w pale Ilnd thin and could n9t sle p nights. I took various tonlos prescribe d by physicians, but their effecls wore oft shortly after I stopped taklog them. My food did n.ot seem to nourish me and I gained no flesh nor blood. "Reading ot Grape-Nuts, I d& tcrmlned to stop the tonIca and ae., what a change of diet would do. I ate Grape-Nuts tOll'1" times , a day. with cream and drank milk also, went to bed early after eatlng a dish 'of Grape-Nuts. '''In apout nwo weeks I 'was s1eep1nll s~lI\ndly. I n . ahort \tIDe gatiled _20 ~ounds in welglit and, telt like ~ dlfterentwoman. My little ~augbter ' whom I YIUI obliged to keep out of sohool last Iu~rlng 'on account Of . chronic . c~tarrb has chlUlged {jom Ii. thtn, petie, nenoua ckBd to a 1'011)" health~ girl and baa gou.e back to soh 001 this .fall . "O",pe-Nuts IUllt freab air ,teN_the qn)y 'age~ts used to acoompUab the bSl>P¥ results," ' . , Read "The Road to WeIl'tl1le ..

. _.t.... .. pkp.










• I

" 'Oh , You Sealshipt ,Oysters".

Dr. P. D. Clagett was in Dayton , Saturday on business:

Thanksgiving 'Specials

John Van Doren, of Harveysburg . was in town Tu day.

1000 Can Waynesville t omatoes, 50 per can 600 Cans " aynesviJle' Pumpkins, 50 per .can 1000 Cans Wayn ville Corn, '150 per doz.

Jule Be 'k tt, of Colum bus, was a Waynesv ille visitor Saturday.

En·ry 'a ll warrallted firs t'. 1:lss. \Ve will replace each a nd (','cry can not firs t lass.

4 ', Ibs for IOe fin t o rn Meal mad New BU'kwheat FI ur, 10 Ibs. fOI'........... ....... .. .... 45c New Pancak Flou r New Whol Wheat Flour N' w Lima Beam; . New Hominy New Peac he:; ~'ancy Muirs, per Ib .. . ,.. ... 10c New Apricots New Prun e N w Ra isins New Currants. New ~in ce Meat New Appl Butt r New Citr n New Nu ts

25 lbs Granu lated ........ 1.25


' 100 Ibs. Granulated ... ...... 4.90

, bars L nox Soap.. .. .. .. 25c 7 lbs. Ro lled ats .:.... .. 25~ 7 Ibs. Lump Starch...... 26c


Parland·Newhall 0., Waynesvi lle School Hall Thanksgiving night . Mrs, eorge Witcraft. who has been ill of pneumonia, is iml'lrov ing. Messrs . Harold Howell and Ernest Robinson s'pent Monday and Tuesday in Cincinnati. Miss Grace Myers. of Bellbrook, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Burnett Sunday.


Just received so me of the fi nest Young Hyson Tea, imported thi s season. At White's store.

Don't fo rget to order Sealshipt Oysters


We pay

The oyster season has opened: Onccl more you will want Sealshipt C. yster8. Last. seas.on many had to go without ~~ em, because mferIOr imitations were poured on' the n;tarket. . The. only way you ean be sure of geU mg Genuine Sealshipt Oysters is from the Sealshipt.icase shown herewIth. .We ha~e ~ one in our store. It is your protectIOn. It IS your guarantee that you are getting genuine Sealshipt Oysters---the standard of oyster value --the world's best oysters, as pure, fresh and delicious as the more fortunate coast families enjoy.

Mi Emmll Heighway hlU\ been in· d i.-posed for se eral days.

White Cliff thi$ week .. .. .... 65c The great bread producer. Try it

Appl es, Bananas. Oranges, Grape F ruit, Lemons. Malaga Grapes, Celery, Cranberries, S qts .......... .. 25c Sweet Potatoes per pk ...... 20c Irish Potatoes, per bu .... :. 65c

Pie Peache . per doz ... :.. .. 95c Table Peac hps, per doz .. ... 1 35 Lemon lings, per doz .... .. 1.90 Apricot, pe r doz ...... ..... . 1.96 Fan<:y Cherries, per can ... 20c Fancy Plum~, per can .. .... 15c Fancy Pineapple, per can.. 15c


Mis Emma McKay, who has been qu ite sick. i very much better.


N ew C orn Meal


for Eggs


Sealshipt With the Tang Fresh From the Sea R ight at t he seashore you could not get fresher, purer, or meatier oysters than the genuine ealshipt Oysters we sell here.

Relatives of Wilbur Dakin. younger son of Mrs. Geo rge Dakin. of Middletown. have received word that he is critically ill in a hospital at Hamilton.

T hrough a perrett organization- The Seal hipt ystem-of which we are members and Registered Agents-Sea1shipt Oysters come straight from the coast to u s in air-tight, ice·cooled Sealshiptors- with the ice on the outside, fi v~, ten or fifteen gal10ns at a time, Sealshipt Oysters are never shipped in pint, quart or gallon l in cans.

Dr. M. W. Lang was in town Tuesday on professional business. made the Gazette office a pleasant call and left hill dollar for another . year's subscription.

Honest Value for Your Money

The ParI and-Newhall Co. have everybody else in their line completely outclassed. They appear as the first 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. • - - - -...- - -..... number of the Star Lecture Course,

Sealshipt Oysters a re the standard of oyster value. Last May , t he U. S. Government (Depart ment of . Ag~culture), passed

J. Kilbon


the Sea

a strict ruling on how oysters must be grown and shipped. This ruiing is, in effect the same that has always governed the handling of Sealshipt Oysters. Besides the supervision of State and Federal Government, the waters where our beds are located are analyzed by the Lederle Lab~ratories-the famous food experts. . =Nothing:Sosatisfying·as~Seal ­ shipt:Oysters. Theylare%also economical- no waste. A pint is enough for an ordinary family. Make them a family dish. Call at our store for the tittle booklet, "Seaside Oyster Dishes." It tells how to prepare [many toothsome dishes,

Thanksgiving night.


Spring Branch

Benry Well8, of Ciooinnati, vi8it· ed bere Sunday afternoon. , Mr~ . L. 8.. B~I zlin ond d8Ilg ht~r, I:Stella, of King8 AttUf1 , 8pent Bunday bere. Zain Armitage was in Dayton ODe day last week . Prof. D. W. Willitl.m8 and Mis8 Edoa.l::)penoer attended the Warran Coonty 1.·eaob ~r8· AssooillUonat LeblUlon & i ntday . . 'Miss Mabel l:Sher.'wood 8pent Sator. day in Dayto~ .. Mt'. "nd' Mr8. George &oker entert.&ined Mr. Sa.oke1-"8 parent8 San· day.: Q . O • .Emmons Bnd wife 8pent Sunday with t heir 80n fOnd bis fam ity bere,

H. C. Bradstreet, of Clifton, Texin a recent letter, said that he and his daughter had just returned . . from the hospItal where they were operated, on, Mr. 3radstreet for a tumor and his daughter for append icitis.

Mr. and Mr8, Charles Ry" enter theIr dlinghter Mr8. Bertha Blirt8nok and 8UD Harold on 108t Toe8daY. ' Mr8. Linday Smith entertained M18t18e8 Alice Chenoweth and Bertha Smith and Elder Beadle la8t Taesday to dinner. The Parland·Newhall Co's. proMr. Harvey Rye i8 on thuiok list,. gram is entertaining keeping: the . Mr. aod Mr8. Frank Dakin had 8-8 audience in an uproar from start to h i goest <)n Sonday, M 1'8. Be· rt finish excepting d uring ~he s~riou8 tel' Marlattand and daoghter of Mt musical. numbers, wI.~l . ich shows their Holly, Mr. and Lena, Mr8. Charles Gordon. artistic ability. School Hall NovemMr8. 0harle8 Ry'e entertained her b",r 24th. 8ister, Mrs. Oora Johns, of Lytle, on Friday. • I want to send free to .every r eadMrs. J!lme8 Chenoweth and fami · sr of the Miami Gazette 10 beaut iful, Iy entertained ber brottier, l.'homll8 imported,. emoossed. colored . ChristLaoyand wife lind daughter, Edna, . . and 80n ' Hauy to dinner Hunday, mas post ~r~s, all dlfferen~. wlthout Bellbrook , and in the afternoon Mr8. Frank any advertl!llng .on them ·whatevet·. COOK a.nd danahter M~ode linq Mips . I rlo thi9' because I want people to ~~) ~ Johu Gibbons, wbo live8 eost.of Florence .Latoy, the oompany was en- know the high grade cards I·carry at town moved near Mt. l.lO~ly la8t tertalne~ by Mellie MorgaD playing manufacturers' prices. If you pre~ phonograph mn8io . . . ' u gm h M dd bt fer beautlful New Y~ars cards say so Thur8day. _re o.",..ra organ an aog er, h 't All I k' th t JO!JePh ~roitP. and Miss Bertha Mellie Mr. and Mrs. Arri8 Chenoweth w en you wrl e. . as IS a MoBee, of tbis plaoe were marrfed Mr. Olarenoe Thom'p80n of Xeoia you send me 4 cents 10 ptamps to covat·Spring 'Va lley la8t Woonesday Mrs. Walter Dakin and'80n Harry er postage, Address, C. T. John. nigbt. ' . spent lalltMonday with Mr.and Mn .. stone Pres Dept 513 Rochester MH. (jeb. Brown ' i8 visit ing bel' Blrll.m Dakin. " . " ' 80n Charles Brown and family at M 'J L'h ' th dd b N. Y. Corwin. . tl)r ~~rt:~e:penetn~~:t -:"~n:::Il; , NO tAUNTING NOTICE .Pearl, the lDfant ohild o~ Mr and with her daughter, An.nie Ladas! c;f · Mrs .J ohn Bar~ess" former,ly 'o ttht8 ~t. Holly. . AU persons are str~Ctly prohibited plaoe but now 'of f,lear Xenia, was . Mi8S 1!"lorenOQ Laoy il!l visiting her buried here la8t Monday. 8i8ter, Mr8. ' Eme Cook thi8 week. from hunting on my premiSes. . Mr: and Mrs , Harry T.homa8 and !.Ir. J!)1I80B Robison \Vas enter. Saml,Hinkle Ha1'rv W~u.vdr. of D!l.yton,8pent f:ained by Mr. Daniel Morgan and Joe. Evans I:)nnday WIth Mr. and Mrs. Cha8. (amtly on 8nndllY. . Ed Fum,a s. Brelsford. .. . . There will be meeting at Middle . Minnie. Satterthwaite ,Walter Dl~ wlddle 8peut baturday Run tbe first Su.torday and Sundny and l::)'lDd~y 10 Oay'on the guest8 of of next montb . Prellohing by Elder ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!! G. W. Mlller and fllmily. George A. Bretz and Eddie Blirland · ' Mis8 Nellie P enl;l\vlt is under tbe of lndianfl. dootor'8oare. - _. QUite a good many of the yooog New Burlington . peo(>le attended a pu.rty IJot Mr. and Mr8. Humer Bond'8 last IiaturdllY . Mrs. Ed. Bogan and daaghter, Cood Things for evening. Miss Leab spent last week with Mrs "rhanksglvlng B°tran's si8ter, Mrs. Bam 'Surface, of Bellefontaine. Oysters REPORT ' Margoret .Jenkln8, who ha@beenFreshBaltimoreOysters,in . . . . ,iu poor health for sAvera.1 month8 is sealed sanitary Pint and Quart Of the CondItIon of the Citizens muoh WOl'se baving hllbn from her Cans-also Bulk Solid Meat. Bank,at WaynesvilleintheState obair, MondliY of last week. Cranberries 'Celery f Obi t t h 1 f b · 'j ' o 0, a e c ose 0 uSIness, Mr. and Mrs. Fred MoKinney Crackers-Edg~inon ~ :Butters, November 10, 1910. ; umon mo~ed I l\,lIt . week to a farm nea.r l Star, old fashion Butters, Litn'EsounOES .. tie Oyster Crackers. , . . Wm .. Chenoweth b as moved to Ne' w ""l'nce Meat, Apple Butter, f1:= g~ ~u~~r:::::: :: : : ::$ Ithtl farm recentlypurobaled of.Ham Ne:;' Cala. Soft Shell Englisb t her lOlWBlUld d illCOunts . . . •..• 39.163.6 Wil8on . Walnuts) New Figs. New ' ~~a~~u,iii ' an(i" 'miiuiciJi&t 321.9. , Fra nk J enktn8andfamily,ofXe. Dates,MalagaGrap~s,Oranges bondsllut lncJ udeqJnl'll8er VII 9'000'00Iniaareattbe boms .of hi81illntR . Bellflower Apples, Bananas. . Other bonds andS6Cu ritIOli....... 2.000.00 II M k ' " . l"urnltl1l1l Lures .. ........ 2.aa5, 00IK Jtlnand argl1retJen New Drit>d .Fruit-All . kinds. Othor rual und11 08lnl.e ownoo. . ... . . . 0.700.UO/ "'t "h . . InR. II t Duef rom _ \' 0 bnnk$13.892.a6 oe oo-,y ,. e RlD~er evange f!, New Buckwheat- lO pounds 40c GiY~~rcg~nj,j : : :: : :::: ~~~:&g . bwho is a~ t~e M ld·E 'o~llrtO~t' bllS Try our 17c Roasted . Coffee. Fractional co(n • •• •• .• • . U6S.63 een renewlDg 0 u.oqna n u.noe. Whl'te Star and Royal Blue Co'f ,; 'U. S. IiQd National b~ He was a teaoller bere thirty years n OloClll .... • . . . . . . . 00 17. 177. 97 ugo. fees 200. Full pou~d8-watch Tot&.I. ••• • • • .•.• , . •. .• .• .••.. 1100,987.6' • - .- . for the sh~rt weigh~ packages• '~tned





Utica· .S, peela.1 for .S, 26.000.00 . u':&~1ct~~~i1t: iCsii··exPO~ee. '.n. 1. 200.00 Mu.rried ~,t ' the U , B, parsonilg~ Ca1tfor~ia CanriedPeacbes, Apri- " .' Indl=~~~~~08aut~d. . .. . .. . 1. 0 5.01 ~onday evening, by Rev. MoKenzie cots, Malaga Grapes, Golden Jec:~ to ·olleck . .. • • IGO . 09.5 3 Mr, WnIter !dam!!, of Brown 00., and Drop Plums. These goods sell Dema.nd certillcatell .• • n.006811 Mr8 . King ' of, Dear Utica' ' uRuallya · t· 20 to' 25c·. ·"... pec·, ia1 dePQl!lI.s . .... . · o.82Y. U 79. 7 0 2. ~a . ' '06 . . Tbere will ue a. Rlllly .Day '~ervioe ' . price for ·on.e day OIlly, Tott.l .. .. .. ·.r· : .. · ...... · .. . 11. .9S1.5l Itt Utica oh.riroh·· next Sabbath at ' ! . . S'lf TE o.F OnTO. \V AllREN CO UNTY,.-: 10 '"30 /d"ort. 8ermon by 1188tor and ' , . '5' C8nta a Oan " I . Jr. O. R~ . Ollllbler ot the ..I>ove• . iJ.I t~ , named ht.nk. do IIOlemnl;y _woar hat; 'be 688ii.y8 by membea:s -:>f the ohorch. ' _ ~~=t,!te~~II ' to the ~. of m" Oregonia ;baod'wlll re~der the m~ JI'. O. IlARTSOOK, CubJer, 8io. ' ~~~ and awonrto before me Wa-lhh Oar flohaol m·'a'.... 18 on Ule -Ilok' ~ of ovem...... 1810, ~Il R " Ue$ aDd . no~ able So tea.oh. . ",._,._~_.,............._ _...._,... - t.pltal atock p.LIABILITIES llld ln . • •••..... •. I



I .,

_. .

••• .





Sol~ Dealer.


_ _..i..- _





of Ohio Apples.

Olassilled Ads '


J. J. Edingfield, of Mason, is put. k ting in Patrie furnaces in the homes ~ht\ world 80metlme8 looke dar of MauriceSilv8l" and David Thomas. and the8badow8 fall, hat there 18 •_ • . to eaoh olo,}d a "stiver linln~" and N' f · t ment otIce 0 A Ppoln omethlog epetlok8 to u.8 In gentl.,. tones, "Look np in bope and ,tr08t. Eaiateot earah o. AUen. deceued. ted tbi8 life i~ bat a 8pan, aud parting8, QU~~n:~~~to~~t ~~rf::,lrs~ano~ only for a moment., Other dellor one~ AU~~~':'J.(21.~~_~f~~VOm0~·t.~o yet·remain who olaim hear~ love, as . w. R. ,ALLEN. E xecutor. well ." Bu iuess oarel' engros80nt' •- • lives and often oooapy onr time Ilnd Owe. Fame to Chlldl.h. Friend .. h ht' b t 'h . . Everybody knows that Lewi. Cal't. nag 8, ~ 80me ow, 10 Qnex- roU, the author of "Allee tn WonelerptlO~ed ~ofDent8, tbe s len!lll uf. "boy~ .land," .wlUI ·an 0xford don-Rev.' O. ~ hood dayq' oome trooping forth, Dodl8on-and that be 100)(6d more .and Seem' 80 reaitstio, that we thrust 1I1te . the hlgh·aDd·dry old matbematl~ aside tbe intervening yeilors, and fnr clan he W.IUI ,-Jlan an . entertainer of the tim"" are I08t to all thinas eIRe children. Tet he had .certaln ohlld "' , '" . trtendl. alld to thele on theIr count.,.Fortnnate 'iR tbe WilD, wb08eearly walka he told the "Alice" adventures . . life has been ooclonded, ~nq who whlchj ~e . afterwards made Into : . a oan spend a qoteG hour In "dav book. But bad It not been tor ·the I~· ~b'eam8" of tba h&ppy ohndh~d pOrtunltle~ ot the ChlldJ'6l1 tbla !Nat d ~lme . T B Garretson masterplec e ''''th°Uld h'haTeth,~ec!· ,'f he , . . " Jearned d~DOUI t DO ual' 0 lt. 08kaloosa, Iowa, Nenrtheletll, It Will keep hi. Dame • _. ' . , ~Te" 1011« as the lII1l,U.h lanp&p B l I n d " .pob~

A411 will be Inaert.eQ u nele r thIs head for t wentY 'lI ve cc ntK tor t h ree Insertl . lI~, whe n ua{ng not more tha n li ve linea.

FOUND c,Qntfl lDing A POCKETBOOK small amouu'·of mODey. Own-


er oan have 8"me by tlpplylng J . C. Hawke


FOR RENT r ent., ROOMS-lor looalltly, to ooe

fur~i8t,led, ,'

in or Dlore ladle!' Ren' reat!oDobie. Inqolre at this omce. gOQd

WANTED, 30 'with horse Imd baltM ANgypaat to lIeil stook oondUlon pu,,:

der in Warren (Jounty.

Salary 178 UUlty Indiana. _. '

-per month.. ~ddr888 Bld~:., Judla~app1is,


Mr8 •., Ellie 'TU~r;" Sneu, Tex., !!!!!! . !!!!!! , ,~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! writee: I was ' bUnd a8 a bat. r . . FOR sAtE tl8~d Sutherland's Eagle Eye I3&lve and it oared Uke a oharm. It oat the soum off. my eyes Ilnd .·re8tor~ SBORT-a~RN ~TEEM, 8hort my sigh.. It il! all yon olaim "'nd ' Yearltn~8 and 1 Bu)JQ Qalf. Illworth itt! weig~! ~g.Qld. 250.a tube qoire of ' Olag~'tt & ~tiidll~er, Way. .1111!~__• •_ • •IIii_• • neevtlle or B~rve1'8ba~tc· NOTICE wo ~ale Pol lind China Pigs for From December 1st to March 1st, ' Iale . . Inqn1re of &ml. &ln~l(', UeDt,?rvtlle, Phone 725-5r. .· " will deliver no papers on tbe.hjll .. Has the If y<>u want papers. please come to BUFF OrpingtoDI a.nd Blao,k MI . the Ban~ Corner or the Post O~ce. nora" oookerel& for sale. Vall 'fbi, enable you to get your pa Bes~ early to l1et the belt. Phone 2'-3 pers at least one hour e ....ll·er MH. B. V. · Smith. '






Rea ' ding



• _I.. !_'_W_._M_eeka. NO HUNTING"

Belt Adl

The Rev.

Ir. Hicks


'Belt Featurei C Beat Want,\:'oiumri .

No hunting.• trapping or trespass: I( " ing will be allowed on the fa~ owned or controlled by the .~ol1ow-I '" I'bg person's ' ' W~. Shirden '.

J .. Wm. Hartsock U. G. Whitsel Ed SI. h " ,a~a an


COOKJI]RBlLB--Bntf Orplnltone alJ '1lne pore' blood: <Jail , and l\8e them a, ·Mrl. otho lfendenOn'8 Wa.yneavllle,OJlib. "" . I , ~ .. 1I:Lti-L"h 10 White La . OCKER horn. ·aDd Rh~: 18laQd . . .' oookerel. for 8ah~,pore. blood • .NoDe "old -·ter Nov· l''''tb K Po.....·r.,; QCI ' . • ;nc1 &aPPlY Valiey. _ . • , HORBEs.:..H' I t "1 .' ' orl'es or lIa~ . lngy ' 'or lD ~tr8.· Ioqolre or J, B. Ct 'l-t ' I-S' bapm,._..a. D", ,..W.I ".llf8Vll . le; O,.h to.. ...... .' J

Bea ' t .,S -a1 . Be.t Personal


."iJ' Alininac~




°phone 3721..



LE NtlMBEH :111-14

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


-p;;~IM~~ti~;+-~-;~-Th;~-r CHrlhCKfEN. FA~CIERlSt' ORGASNtlZr

I _ - - ---- - - - - - .--,,-- - --------+t

r-T-h-a-n-k-sg-l-V-l--n-g+ Da-y-E-v-ent-s-- :--+--- . ---------+------------+

' SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT e anClers In pou ry met a ur The Thanksgiving entertainm nt t day ~fterlloon at the Gazette office which was given in School Hall Lou Printz was a 8t'ntervilltl visitChristmas is only twenty· five uays a~d p rmanently organized what last Wednesday afternoon. was a Irs r;ynthia Evans ale Tha"ksMiss Ethel Hosier spent Thank or Sunday. off. wIIJ be known as the Miami Valle. a decided success A large number giving Day with Miss Justina Har t- gi ving dinn "1' wilh Dr. A. T. Wrig ht Miss Louella Jannev was quite sick Poullry Association . An enthusiastic of visitors were present. and the puand family. last Thursday. F. C. Schwartz was in Cincinnati m eling was held; about twenty sigtl- pils everyone acquitted themselves 301'k. Tuesday. ing the charter 1'011. creditably. A drill by Miss Edna I ev. and Mr . H. . Bailey wei' Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridve wel'e A. Maffit was in pring Valley The object of the club will be t o Stout's pupils' was especially good. Mr.. C}nthia Eva n", ,· nlf ·r tain·d un Thanksgiving Day gu es ts of Mr. amI 'und uy at oilln"!'. I Jr . and 1\ 11'''; H Dayton visitors last week. Tuesday on businl'ss. raise more and better poultry: and in Following is the program: Mrs. C. T. Hawke. . doing so will be making a better comc;, I-l athawu} alld Mr e lias. Willi a n _ M,is~ Edna Stout spent Thanksgiv- Mrs. Chas. Rye was the Iveek·el1l1 munity of this. It is certainly sur-I Song, Glory, Hallelujah ...... ... School ing with friends in Bellefontaine, f M prising to know how many people My Journey ........... Florence Leonard A Th I . guest o' r. and Mrs. F. C. Carey. Mi Bessie BUIDett and Master an {sg lvingD iary ..Edward Lewis there are in this community that are Gordon Joy spent Saturday and Ethan Crane were gu ests at dinn e r ' M,·s. Agn ' 51 Wri g-III ;II d rh lJ l.:,h l ". Wallace Tibba!. of 'Lebanon who rai sing and selli ng good poultry. Piano Solo ........ Edna Satterthwaite Sunday with relatives at New Vienna. Friday, of the Mi s£es Janney. Mi ~s Su sa n enl p!'tai rlf'd . ·l1 >l.d, ,,){iv i,,!! 'te I ' ll ' . <I I . ' I The association is already making ong ..................... ..... ... Five Girls has been qUI . . 'l'h k .. , IS - ow Y lecoverUI'.y tlw fflll uwir g- )!1I ''''''{ '': . 1,. a r d " Albert McKay, of Dayton, was the ing . preparatIOns for an :;jmateur show to an:sglVlIlg D~y ..... .........: Room 2 Mrs. Frank 'ndll'allacl" r Hnd ra mil be held some tim e next month, due DI·III. The FrUit of the Harvest. guest of friends here Thanksgiving lVII'''. t\n nie Thfll'pe. 0 of Lebanon. Mesdames Walter McClure and F. Day. Eli Burnett was tal<en qu ite sick notice of which will Le g iven in the Recitation ..... '" .......... J ohn Burton ~ Rick: and . G. Williamson. . Carey at Thanksgiving dinnel' a t press. . Recitation ................. . Helen Hawke last Wednesday but is much bettel' Mrs. Enos Hill, of Cedarville, spent now. The organization effected is as fol· Whittier's Corn S('ng ...... .. ...Grade 6 the home of MI'. and Mr s has. Rye. several days with relatives here last lows: J. E. Br()wl1, pres.; Mrs. H. Vocal Solo .......... .. ... Marie Lippincott week. ' Miss Elizabeth Collett spent the E. Hathaway, 1st vice·p res.; Mrs. J. Miss Alden's Pilgrim Party. act 1. Mr. and \hs. I!. F. Muyer. of Aml"lary atte l·thwai te and lia: hi, Mr. . . RUi:lh and rlaugh· ThanksgiVing holidays with fri ends B. Chapman, 2nd vice-pres., H. H. Piano Duet ...... ......... Ruth Hartsock .MI' ' . daughler Minnie, spent Than'ksgivRion Hoel, of Cincinnati, spent sev- at Oxford. Wadsworth, sec.; D. L Crane, asst. Ruth Zimmerman ing wi';~1 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davi::l tPI', of S~l'inl{fi e ld, Ohio: Mis!' Mary eral days of last week with fri ends omermier, of W stwood. Ohio. amI sec ; J. O. Cartwright, trea .; Messr. Miss Alden's Filgrim Party, act 2 and fam ily. here. . Miss Charlotte Antram, of Middle- Dr. Henderson. Lafayette Nicholson, Pruf. E. E. Somel'l'llier. of the 0 S. Mother Goose Feast V. , Columbu",. enj yed ThanksgIving Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnard have town, i:l the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. M. Tc)mlinson, Mesdames Warren ong, Much Cheer.. . ..... ...... ch'lol George Har tsock. Recitation ..... ... .....Justina Hartsock SUI'face and Ben Smith, ex. com. Mr. and Mrs. W. E . O'Neall enter· turkey with MI'. and Mrs. R. G. moved into the Haines property on Tht! committee will meet WednesSolo. Turkey Land ... Helen Sherwood tained at dinn er Thanksgiving Day Cross. Fourth street. I f or t he commg . 'r ra des·· .... ... .......FOUI' P'nmary Bovs Dr. and Mrs. J. T Ellis, Miss Sarah Mrs. Esther Stout and Miss Maria , . d ay an d per f ect pans Miss Ruth Zimmerman spent StllUt were entertained by Xema show. The next meeting of the as- Recitation, In TopRY Turvy ......... .. Mr. and Mrs. J . C. H aw ~ enterBrown, Mrs. Anna O' Neall and Miss sDciation Will be held next Saturday ·.. · .. ..... ................... Tacy Clagett Mal·tha O'Neall. Thanksgiving Day the guest of Miss friends last Thursday. tained at dinner Sunday th e following guest3: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M' afternoon at the Miami G izett.e office Solo .. ........................... Marie Mille'r Ruth Hartsock. .ISS Mary Latchem h~s gone to If you -'.ire interested in poull.ry, Exercise ...... .............. ...... ... Room 3 Hawke. Mr. and Mrs Ben Hawke. . . our ran ks a t th e nex t Amerlca . ··...... · ......... .. ....... .....S ceoo I The relatives whom Mr. and Mrs. of Harveysburg; Mrs. G L. Sear-sand she Will have the come an d Jom Miss Clara Lile, of Xenia was the SprlDgboro,. where . week-end guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. care of an mvahd lady. - -••- - S. L. Cartwright welcomed to their son, Carl, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. mee "mg. Th e f ees are sma II an d a II F. CadwaIlader. SHOT RED FOX home on Thanksgiving , were Mrs. 1. JC'hn Fromm and di:lughter, Katherare req u'ested to come and join with Mrs. L. Sellrs. nee Hattie Hawke, ,E Keys, Misses Kezia Merritt, Mar- ine, of Dayton. Miss Alice Carey spent Thanks- and son, or Chicago, are guests of us. D. H. Hockett was exhibiting in tha Burnett and Emma Cartwright giving Day ill Dayton with hp.r sister Mr. and Mr!'l. Joseph Hawke town a young red fox he had killed LECTURE COURSE and granamother. on his farm Saturday. Mr. Hockett Mrs. Ellen Marlatt. of Mt. Holly. Ray Hawke, of Dayton, spent The initial number of the course has been missing a number of fowls Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke and had for her Thanksgiving Dav gues~ . Miss Emma Heilrhway i!i..the guest Thank~giving Day with his parente, this year st.arted out like busine8s. llately and he was looking up the I daugh ters, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hock- Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart and of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. The Parland-Newhall Co. maClegood cau~e t.hereof, and was not long ett and son, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. family, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mar of Sardinia, Ohio. 'fin d m g 'l t' . _ • P t ersdoTn an d <: h'ld , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irons and son and the audience w~re royally enterta~ ~ reDn wbereMen t e ~• latt, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith Qnd h an k.tlglvmg ay y r. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Barnth' ' tained. . me . '''I ' Archer Hartsock, of Dayton, spl;!nt Ross, spent Thanksgiving Day .. 1\\'. E. CHURCH M E ard and family, Mrs. Isadore BarnThe {!ompany in their bell ' ringing rs. arl Conner. Thanksgiving witR his parents, Mr. Mr. Irons' fath er m Lebanon. ard und son, Herbert Marlatt and and Mrs. J. L. Hartso<;k. number s were especially good, while ReVival services every afternoon family. Jos. Marlatt and two sons, The Guild of St. Mary's chUl'ch their: specialty numbers elirited ap- 1it 2 o'dock and each night until FriRev. and Mrs. J. F. CadwaIlarier Mrs .. Timothy Smith and tw~ sons . . Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to wiJI meet at the homp. of Mrs. Edith ! plause. Among the specialty num · day at 7 o'clock. offices in the new Morris bUilding. Harris Thursday afternoon at 2:30. ber~.worthv of mention was the violin Joseph Story the lIinging evangel- entertained at dinner Thanksgiving Day toe following guests: Mrs. I. next to the postoffice, Lebanon. ALMOST AN ACCIDEN:r 4 playmg of Mr. McCarthy and the ist is a host in himself. The interest N. Seal, of Harveysburg, Miss LizThe Ladies Guild of St. Mary's }:'rench horn playing of Mr. Smith. is increasing. Come and get a blesszie Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. F. B; Sh~r­ Miss Ethelyn Jones, of Oxford col- chu:-ch will give their annual Bazaar The ge m of the vocal selections was ing and help us. While out hunting M(.nday Wm. wood and fanlily. Jelle, spent Thanksgiving holidays and Market Saturday, December 17th "Annie Laurie" by Mr. Parland. Beckett came clo~e to filling his brothH. W. Bailey, Pastor. with her mother, Mrs. Eva Jones, er, J. C. Beckett full of shot. It - - -seems they had -become separated. Miss Leah Smith, of Cincinnati, FOOT BADLY MASHED BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hockett enter- and Wm. Beckett started up a rabbit Raymond Williamson, of· Dayton, wa the guest of hel' mother, MI·s. tained at ·their beautiful country spent Thanksgivsng with his parents, George. Smith, and family last week. La.'· t Wednesday, while W; C'r The Business Men's Association home Ia.'lt Sunday at dinn.:!r the fol- and as it went up the hill he fired. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Williamson. In a moment after the smoke cleared Phillips.was fixing orne shafting in will hold a meeting on Monday ·evenlowing guests: Mr, and Mrs. A. Maffit to Car: Harris Mosher returned away, "Daddy,' announced that ,he Mrs. Euphemia Hough' and daughhis ice cream factorlr , a shaft fell on ing, December 5th. Business of the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Merritt, Mrs. had killed the rabbit and some of the dington, Ohio. lat't Saturday after a ter, Irma spent Thanksgiving with hi ' foo t mashing it badly. Mr. utmost importance on ·hand .. Every Sarah Zimmerman and L. A. Zim- shot had hit him. Upon examination Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hough, at Bel- pl~nt ten day's vi it at his home Phillips suffered a great deal of pain member is earnestly requested to ruerman. here. it was found that one shot had from the accidpnt, but is able to be come out. mont. glanced off a tree and hit him in the W. H.. Madden, Pres. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton. of around again, although limping badMrs. Eva Miller was hostess at' tlE'.shy part of the leg: "Daddy" was Mr. and Mrs. Lee Woolley and ly. just out of range of the gun othera sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner to family, of Dayton, spent Thanl(sgiv- Dayton, spent Thanksgiving Day NOTICF. TO CORN ~ONTESTANTS the following guests: Ida Githens wise he might have received ~everal ing Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton HOLIDAYS ARECOMINO and family. Clem Crane. Participants in the Waynesville and daughter Lelia. of Dayton, Mrs. shot. Ca!! and get your Photo wor:k don, e . National Bank corn contest are re- Verna Kelley a'ld .Iaughter Miriam. If you have Xmas ~oods to ~e ll , DEATHS No more scarlet fever cases have All late!!t style!! of Post card and quested to bring or send their sam- of Springfield, Chas: Githens aDd the best .medium is the Miami Gabeen reporled at Lytle during the ramily and Mrs. Leslie McCune. Mrs. Isabella Clnavel'. widow of zette. It . goes into the homes of Mounted work. Also see our Photo ple8 to the bank during the week =-',-. , _ las~t wee~and it is hoped that there Pillow top· s . Ridge's Gallery. ending December lOth. the late John Cleav(lr, died at St •. thos~ who buy. will be no more. A jolly house pa rty of Springfield Elizabeth hospital in Day tOR last Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm and people were entertained by Mr. and Wednesday evening at the age of Messrs. Geo. Waterhouse, Herbert little daughter. of Dayton. spent the Mrs. Israel Satterthwaith last week. about 72 years. The body was Edwards, Terrel Macyand Raymond Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and bl'ou~ ht to Waynesville where sel'Davis attended a dance in Lebanon Mrs. J. C. Hawke. last Thursday e"ening. --b-e-:::e : ; : - : ' : y . ' . an rs. now es onn an son an The Misses Mabel and Edith Had- must be 10 pressed upon every man, can be better should make us bestir M ' d M B t S 'th ' vice the bod~ was inter'red in Miami Roy Irons iR home again. Mr. ley, Rachel Gilpin and Eva $towe, of r. an rs. er ml . cemetery. I Irons aays he is home because he feela Springboro, wer,e Thanksgiving woman and child. Our birds are de- ourselves. There is no time to lose cl'easi ng in numberi'l, and our trees Ifor birds increase slowly, anci inaect; The deceased was an aunt of Mr. that it is time to stay at home-on g:!1es~ of Mi~s Hazel Gustin. are buing killed by insects. Man is /at a tremelldou;> rate. . C. A. (Haines of the Pa. R. R. account of the election. fighting the e pests with spraying ! While OUI' country has gone blindl y Mr. and Mrs. John Gillam, of near an I had nlade her home with hinl for Mr. and ~rs. F. E. Sherwood and ?on't forget to come to ~he P?st- machines and chemical!, chisels and into this error, there have always , Wilming.t~n, entertained at dinner sevel'al years. daughter, the Misses Lillie and Laura office Sun~ay for your EnqUIrer and pliers, and though it iRa losing fight, been some who saw what was taking Thanksglvmg Day, Mr. and Mrs. Kibler, of Wayne8ville, and Mr. Commerclal-G(lzette. You. can get he 'must continue to do so until he Iplace and who foresaw the result. In Elihu Underwood, Mr •. D. B. UnderWilbur. ':Dick" Cook died at the Ralph Houston, of . Spring Valley, ' yo~r papers an h()ur earher by so ha.~ the help of more birds. Cities !some of the foreign countries birds wood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jo· were Thanksgiving D~y guests of ! domg. have felt the sc'o urgethis !;ummer as ;have assumed such value in the pub· se~h U~derwood. Mr: and Mr . l ,o~- Gallipolis State Home last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. John Segale, of New- , It' d t d th t K d never before. IHc estimation that exhibits of meth- Win Hams and Mr. and Mrs. Edwm and the body arrived here Frida!, . IS un ers 00 a ent an , 0 ur woe hI 'cuuntry Sh ou Id'Im~ed'I~ I?ds f or f eed'mg, h ' d' Furnas and son Eli . tonville, O , hio. Bowling Green have landed the two OU~I~~ an plOte~tand was taken to the home of his . 1Sta.te normal I schools-Kent the one atel.y profit by Massachusetts e;c I mg are shown at exhibitIOns and P:IZmother, Mrs. Susan Cook. The .funeral was held Saturday afternoon at Mrs. Verna Kelley and daughter, for Northeastern Ohio and Bowling penence The State has spent a mil- Ies awarded. Ind-eed, the protec~lon Miriam, of Springfield, spent Thanks- Green the one for Northwestern lion dollara in a fight against the of ~irds in'some places has now be· On Friday, Mrs. George W. Hnwke' 1 o'clock at the house, and interment giving Day at the home of Mrs. Eva Ohio. . Itypsy moth and lost For ~Y odd va· come a matter of commercial interest assisted by her .two capabledaugh- was made in Miami Cemetery. j' j·ieties·of insect eating birds are on Germany finallY learned her lesson tel'S, served .a sumptuous dinner to Miller and family: . ' . . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Maffit, Mrs. ' Sar- the job now. Had Massachusetts in \acknowledging h'e rself defeated, and Mesdames Lina Devitt, Emmor Baily, I wa~t to. sen.d ~re,e. to every r~ad- I ah Zimmerman, . L. A..Zimmerman, the beginning, spent a fourth of now is endeavoring to coax back the Cynthia Evans • . H. E. Hathaway, . The infant son' of Mr. and Mrs. e~ o.f the,MIamI Gazette 10 beautiful. went to Harveysburg TUe<lday eve- the million in the protection .of her birds. She has gone ab'out it in John Hawke. P. D. CI~gett, MJ!ler, George Har~ock died sudrlenly '" imported, elDbossed, colored Christo I nin'l' of last week to Ilee Mr:-and Mrs. resident birds. her relief would come a busineSs·like way. ' . c. T. HIl"'1ke, J. A. Funkey, S. L 'Frlday and was buried in . . mas post cards;'all different, witho\1t l J C. Hawke initiatc;od into the pyth_ at a much earlier date. Her fight, We of the United States will 'hm Cartwright, ,Miss Kezia Merritt and cemetery Saturday. ' . ....,..,--. as all oth'ers of the saRie nature, ~nto follow her; for the' protection 'of Miss Myra BaIrd. The shades were any ~dvertiidng.oli lheJ1l ' whatever. ian Sis~ers' .lodge:" I.tlo.thilJ beca~se I ,!ant people to . . .," >,. bp won only in lhe natural waYj only' blrd~ goes side by side ,with the for- dra,wn 'in the dining room and the " ORANGE MEETI'IG· ·knoW. the,high ~r~d~, car~9 J. .~arry ·.~t. Arth~r ~.ell, of,Granville, stoppe.a th!ougq}~e h~.Ip of o~r feathered est con.s~rva~ion. ill!d it )s. in bu~ table decorated with a ~ndelabrum manl,lfacfurpt:S l?ri~~ • .,If.. yol,l .pre- offhere'Frlday' and Saturday on Jl1g ,friends can we nope to savethetl'ees~ a 'very shght desrree· less Important. from which the candles sh~d ' a soft Ne~t ,meeting of. ~rangp, No. lS •.· '. fer be8utiful' ~e~ y ~rs car.qs sa~ so wayJ~oin~' f~om Cinciinla~i~ where h~ ~nd"r~uce the vaSt' d~~r:uction of . 'the"lllinoisf$tate . Entomologist light, adding,. to the' ~ea\lty of t~e_ ~at,u~day afteJlnoon; D~~mber 3rd: . wheu you write~ . ~ll 1;:ask ':is· that ~Ild .~n.. participating '. in a .fodtba11 ar~ps . and vegetation e~erywh.~re. gives out the statem~nt • . that if tl.le surroundings. . The social .hours fol- Election Q~ officers. By' . rpquest· tli~ yo~ ~n~'nie ~ .cen~ in ~tamCp~ t.q.c<>v; . g'!lme·agai~~t C~n~\nnati,. 'Qniversity; . ~ e ~a~~ com.mitt~ thp. .er~or of. b~~~, ~9uld .~or · .ilo.?'l~. r~as?~ c~ase'l ~o_wing the elegant dinne.r 'were ~n- 3r.d and' ~~~ degrees wi~I 'be confe:red er WStqe, Ad<!ress, C" T. John.- MI;'. Zell plays fllH bad< on the Den- declmatlng,our blrda. :never dream:. thei!' destructIon·of'lIlSectsfQr'Seven JOyed .greatly and all · eX'p.resSed Ilt the next ragular Dlght meetHlg, . atone, Pr~. · I1.ept,·513~ Rocheater, nison tea,.n, and bas ' made ijUite i1ig it would prov.~ a boo~eran" but y~1'8, that a~te w~ul~ be . overrun .thli,nks to Mrs. Hawke for ' the please' Dec~D1~er ·17tii. ' 'E. A Hartsock, ": N. Yo-' - ...L ... fee-ord thia:year. :' it~ .. A realization"':tbat mat . .wlth · insectli.-Natllre and . .' Wor.thy Master ' . . Culture. Qre they had received, -


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Save the Birds and Lose the Trees


;h~~l~ ;n~;:::~ =~a~n -t~


I~~d~~MeS~~IK~h~ilfJ:: ~cYndWd~~~dh~r;. ~:dd' ~~cr~e:t~o~~::ti~~~~eA~~::~~e ~:;:

.. - ----






IIr41'llSeme nt. Terhune III suel1 a COD ce lted old chap, a ... Ink or a nod trom one of the other sex 1s enough to up· Bet him, and he changes his allegi· ance aB easll}' as be £hangel bls coat. FOR 'f'ULLEST MEDICAL EXAMINATION It would be just like him, atter all Breed Wh,ich Has Tall Over our pins. Bllt, all I said lator when Professor Munyon has engaged a staff of specialists that ar. Twelve Feet Long. we had gone upstalrs, propbCByln& renowned leaders in their lino. about Te rbune In connectton wltb lhe fair ex, Is about as much worth There is no questi~n about their ability, they are the 1ltlest. phywhile as guuBlng wblch wny tbe wind Barnyard M .. rvela Prove What Sclen· sicians that co11o"es and hospitals have turned out nnd receivo tho highest , will blow. tlfic Selection COIn Do-Birds Re· salaries. It was on an afternoon a day or S' suit Century's Evolution Il\ter wben Dear est and 1 were dll, He offers their service to you absolutely freD of cost. No matter and C.. rctul Breeding. cussing Terhun 's cbances of win· what your disease, or how Ulany doctors you have tried, write to P:ofcsnlng Agntht\ Sixth b fore the explraTokyo. Japan.- Th 10lig tailed sor :Munyon 8 physicians ,and they will give your CDse careful and prompt tlon at th tcn Important days sllpu· co 'kfl of Japnn are lIlrlklog proof or attention and advise you what to do. You arc under no obligations to lated UJlon by hlB Aunt Georgy, that 1 wha l s I ctlon, sclenUfically cllrrl d them. It will not cost you II. p enny, only the postnge stamp you put on By learned an aspect or th caBe wWch out, call do. It ba s taken a century EDITH Beemed to rn o to sImplify matterB even to volv' thes remarkabl e birds Wllh your l etter. All consultatiollB are held strictly confidential. while It made them more Interesting. abno l'lual tails frolll tbe ordina ry farm HUNTINGTON "I CBn' t think he would be foollsb yard roc k nnd hell , The oocks hall Address Munyon's Doctors, :Uunyon's IJaboratoric8, 53d & J efferson MASON enougb IIOt to Btick to one or the otb· fr om Shlnowara, n village near Koc'hl, Str, ets, Philadelphia, Pa. er." sa id my wife. "Surely be seeB In th e Is le of :;hlkoku, Som of thelll tb ut It's Imposs ible to waste any time ar wh ile; albers are ot dlt'ferent col· One of the Produce,... WANTED SATAN SENT NORTH flirting wben he baB only t en day_ ors . . The fenthe rs forming the tall. A.t..., .. "You should endeavor to do Bomeeight daYB now-In which to win a which number rrom IHl en to twenty, thing for the comfort of your fellow· "Tbe Real Agatba" wife," four, moaBuro from seven and 11 half men," said the philanthropist, "wlll'l Good Example of Scottish Humor In Remoark Made by Railroad We "'ere upstai rs and she bad come to mol' than tW Elv e feet long, Their out thought of reward." Porter, Into my room to chat before we rants, It lIeed sCllrcely be said. are "I do. 1 buy umbrellaB Instead of dressed for dinner. and had, Incide nt.· "e ry mil h stronger than tboBe of the borrowing tbem." ScottiBh humor IB dry ralher than ally, wrapped herself In my blue tall feath rs of an ordinary cock, The boIsterous, and I always thInk there striped lounging robe In li eu of an feathers. grpwlng on either side of A. Very Good Gue .. , SYNOPSIS. evening frock, a costume that I the body IUld hanging over tbe tall, Foote Lighte-I understand there Is eXQuisite drollery In the story of thought quite as becommg n.tJ more reach to II I ngth of three and a quar· were several dozen bad eggB In the the Stonehaven railway porter and tbe ArchIbald Terhune. .. papul&r young conventional attire. 'rhe turquoise l r f et. posseBslon of persons In tbe audience Sal"atlon Army "captaIn." To catch ~ac helor of London, Ia lIuddenly aroused the hang of a little yarn readers must blue ot thfl Btrlpes set o&. : her Bparkllnl Tbat the long tnll ma y not be dam. last nlgbt and not one was thrown. trom the aJmlllSll and In40lent life he hair to the Queen'B taste, and tho aged . and may have ample opportu. 1\lIsB Sue Brette-Because lbe au· remember tbat Stoneha.ven lies to the tell.ds. by the startlIng new. trom the In.. 'tlrm of BUM" WllouShby &: Bon, that he rough foldB of tbe hood about bep nlty to grow. ench bird IB kept In a thor of the pIece refused to sbow hun· sOllth or Aberdeen. Tbe London train ... the heIr w ...heep fll.rm In Australia had drawn up at Stonehavea on ac· throat made her head and face smaller high, narrow age, lighted at the top a,elf, I gueBS. t>rlnglng In an Income of $20.000 a yelU'. cOllnt of a sUght mishap a mile or two and more delicate by comparison. only, as. It the bottom were 11gb ted, ;!he beQue.t comell trom an aunt, Mr•. veD:-glana .lam811 of llIuox. She mllke. "A week to win a wife!" I laughed. tbe bird would slay there, and so. In BABY WASTED TO SKELETON ahead, and Andra, the old porter, had got Into conversation wltb a SalvaUon Ihlm h, r heIr on oon4100n t.h at he marry "Sounds like the title of a penny· all probability, damage Its much rM thln ten 4ays or forfeIt tho lelllCY to a Army otHcer who had popped his head dreadful! And, by Jove! This altair prized tn ll feathers. The hlrd remalnB ~hlrd coullln Uvinl In AmerIca. The IItory "My little son, when about a year out of tbe compartment to ask the ,opens at Cutle WYCkotr, where Lor4 VInot Terhune'B Is getting to have as , on Its per h all ' day long, lind IB ai, and a halt old, began to ba ve sores cent an4 hIs wIfe, at&unoh frIends of Termuch ot a tbrlll about It! It's tbe lowed oulsltle Its cage only once In come out on bls race. 1 had a phYBI· reason for the d elay. "Aye aye," mused Andra, after glv· bune. Ilre dlllCaulng plana . to dn4 Tershortness of the time, with what !Ie two tlaYB. when it wlllks tor balf an clan treat hIm, but the BoreB grew hune II. wife wIthIn the allotted time. It the desired Informlltlon, "ye'l1 be Ing bas at stake, that makes It exciting I bour, a man holding Its tall froll1 th Beems th&t Lady Vincent II one of .even worse. Then they began to come out for Alberdcen. I'm thlnkln'?" pentOns named Al'atha, all whom have Fancy picking a wire In ten days' dirt during Its promenade. On(:o or on his arms, then on other parts ot "Y s, my man," was the reply; "een cloae girlhood chum.. She decIde. CHAPTER III. time!" twice a month It IB waBhed In warm hlB body, and then one came on bls 'to. InvIte two of them to a party at the ''I'm bound for Aberdeen-a very "Yes, but of course ho has the ad· water, and dt1ed by being expoBed to eastle lind have ArchIe tbere u.s one of chest, worBe than the others. Then I wicked place, I'm told!" And If you'll believe me, the evening . vantage of having a girl he knowl thOl'U8IIlII. called another physIcIan. Still he "What mlcht ye be gaIn' to dae of the next day Baw our two otber grew worse. At the end of about a thera, Blr, It It's as ba.d' as a' that?" CHAPTER lI.....contlnued. prospective gueBts, the MlsBes Agatba year and a half of suffering lle grew asked Andra, rather amused at the First and SIxth, actually under our 00 bad that I had ' to tie bls handB In vIsitor's wordB. . "Why, that would spoil the whole roof. We had Ben~ a motor over to cloths at night to keep him from "Ah," was the pious answcr, "I'm thing," she said. "Agatha Sixth Chlltern bouse tbat morning after a scratching the sores and tearing the going to drive the devil out ot Aber'Would lIullpect a plot at once, and as telephone confabulation hetween my llesb. He got to be a mere Bkeleton, deen." ~nev1tably balk. Match·maklng, to be wlte and the mlBtress ot tbat estaband was hardly able to walk. Like lightning came from the 014 iluccellsful, must be conducted abso- lishment, and by dinner time our rath· "My aunt advised me to try Cut(· porter the pawky retort: lutely wlthout appearing to be con· er peculiarly IntereBting house party cura Soap and CuUcura OIntment. I "See an' drive him north, cbell: -ducted" was gathered round the table com· sent to a drug store and got a cake of baud him well to the nortb!"-Ex"Then we can teJe«T8ph Terhune to plete. Cutlcura Soap and a box of the Oint· change. -come up at O11ce?" I said, gazing at We were very gay-my wife and ment and followed dIrections, At the 'her admlrtngly. She 18 : so wile fO.r myself as ,head conspirators In 0 Wh:tt the EdItor Hal to Stand, end ot two months the sores were all , ,one 10 young. matrImonial plot - especIally so. Indignant Caller-Your paper, sIr, welL He has never had any eorell "Yes, and the two Apthaa &8 well. though the two gIrls were almost as of any kind since, I can sincerely say reters, to the man charged with enter'Luckily fo.r the success of our plans merry. Agath.a Firat bad much to that only tor Cuticura my child would ing my house ' as "the alleged diamond "they are already In England. They tell 'of her vtslt at Chlltern houBe have cUed. I used only one cake ot thief. ·came over to visit 4gatha OhUtern In and Agatba Sixth of my wife's friends OuUcura Soap and about three boxes , Editor- Well, sir. "the next county a month ago and have In AmerIca. BO that the dinner hour r. C.-Well, want you to underof Ointment. Ibeen staying there ever since. That's passed rapidly. Agatha FlrBt had "I am a nurBo and my professIon stand that I bad no alleged diamond. what made me think of the plan, real· been with Mrs, Chlltern the longer, It Iy." brtngs me Into many dlfterent fam- on my premJses; they were all genu· seemed, Agatha Sixth havIng had lUes and It Is always a pleasure tor Ine,-Boston Evening TranscrIpt. "Huzza!" I cried. "The gods fa.vor frIends In London to visit, had only me to tell my stOry antI recommend ,us! You must telegraph Agatha Chll· been with ber a week. The two glrlB Itern ijlls moment. She's lIuch a briCk, were not Intlmute friends, Dearest CuUcura Remedies. Mrs. Egbert Shelkno. sh~'ll let us- have her guests told me' afterward. They had not 4011, L1tcb1leld. Conn.• Oct. 23, 1909." without a murmur even at such short been as much 80 with each other as Ths Girl Wa. Uncommonly AttN'" 'UoUce!" . ey ha<Lbeen with otbers of the six tlve. CHANGED HIS MIND. "0, yes," said Dearest, "they were Agathas who had first visited her as well as he does Agatha Sixth. to .coming to visIt me next week, any- at Oastle Wyckhoft. I lay stress upon 'Way." this tact becauBe It , accountB for a pay court to! It maRes a lot of dlaer· Mrs. Chlltern, by 'the WRY, had been Dumber or things to occur later. Of ence, you know, where' the girl in tho bappens to care for the man In -one of the Agathas who were my all tbe party, Arch was tbe only one case the case!" No Place 10 Put It. wlte's companlons when she bad been who seemed at lill Quiet, and J guessed Knobby-What makes you 80 sure playIng the part of MI81i Marsh, the that he waB somewhat sobered by the , I bad been strOlling about tbe room that the old Roman senator8 were secretary, not very 10Dg ago. Agatha swiftness with whlc.h the plot had as we talked, hunting up a 'favorlte waistcoat I wanted to wear tbat night. honest? . Fourth she was, In fact, to give her begun to thIcken about hIm. :but at this last remark of my wife', Lobby- SImple enougb. Togu After dinner we had a little mUBlc; 'the numerical title whICh Terhune and didn't bave pockets.-Puck. 'I hrul used 'to dllitlngulsh the Agathas and I had a bit ot laugh all to mYBelt I halted In my strIde, "What did you say, Dearest!" 1 :at that time. She had recently mar· as I watcbed the feverish attentiono There nre a good mllny beroes III lrled one Cecil Chlltern, a former guest wblch Arch was paying Agatha Sixth, aBked In astonishment. For It wal novelB who couldn't earn a \Ivlng In 'of Castle Wyckhotl before the advent wbo was at the plano. Tbe girl was , news to me that Agatha Sixth actualreal life. or Arch and myself, and as his estate uncommonly attractive and that's a ly cared tor Arch, r had onl1 dared was only 31) miles or s,o from .castle fact, 1n a sort of hand·palnted, ,mlnla· hope she would eventually. , Mft. WJlIIlow"a 8ootll1nlr iSy1'Up. "I saId that sbe-Agatba Sixth'Wyckhoft, we found ourselves neigh· ture kind of way. She wore a most I'orcblldr~n.lf::blllll' .,rt.onG~bo lUll... redocelln. bors, as It were. It was tor this rea· ,becoming gown of creiun color, and cared for Terhune," r epeated Dearest. a:unmaUc llJAlA.aureawllldeull.o. 211a&bOU4a. ' :8On, because at Mni. Chutern's Invl· ber fine profile showed to advantage obligingly. Fortunate Is the man who wantl <tatlon to visit ber, that the two against the black of T erhune's coat as , "You don't say BO! " t exclaimed, only what he can get. .Agathas we wanted to assIst us In he stood besIde her . with a ,long whIstle of astonlBhment. Gur scheme for enabUng Terhune to Nevertheless I couldn't help letting "Of course!" sbe answered calmly. ol...e{' inherit hIs aunt's property chanced to my eyes wander to my wile who Bat "Stupid boy not to have seen It all U()ooll> The Long.TalleCi Cock. be so close at band. acrOSB the' room trom me, delicate aB alongI''' Mrs. Ferndale-We haven't any We bad hardly reacbed this satls· a flower, supple as a young tree and ~ll, I didn't!" 1 admitted, "ant' 1 the BUll and air on Borne elevetod e«p, but I can get some If you 'Want factory conclusIon In regard to our wbolly Bweet. Hor hair" which curle~ I don't see how 'you did either!" spot, such as tbe roof of a houBe. It them very bad I Bummerbord-Never mind, I don't plaps, wben a slatlon cab turned In at to distraction about ber long white "It was as plain as your classlo Is fed on rice, the hUBk of which Is the avenue and whirling up under neck, made a gorgeouB halo about her Vincent nosll Is beautiful," repiled m)" retained, and on cabbage, a,nd has e.n care tOr that kind. the beech€<s that lined the road, pres· head. wife, "and besldeB, If It wasn't, I exceptional amount of waler to drink. It was a pleasant moment, that 'ently deposited a passcnger under tbe ;portico ot tbe carriage entrance to the nfter dinner Intii'rlude, as I looked th:: around me at my wife and my guests, castle, "Hullo!" I cried, "a vIBltor!" Then the fine old room with Its golden·toned ftx tblngB? What'B all thlB uncer- anese are wont to roll theIr plctllres. (n anothol" Inslant. "By Jove! If It plano and the soft glolV ot many talnty about? I sbould say that Ter- Tbe tall feathers are bent as little as The People 00 Not DrInk Enough tsn't old Tcrhune hlmseJ{!" as a mid· lamps, But as ·1 looked nod sighed hune was certain of hlB aunt's prop. pOSBlble and find a place In a speCial! Water to Keep Healthy, -dllng size:', very well dressed man, with content, I suddenly missed lhe erty. Wby haven't you told him thlll compartment In the bOlt. Tbe hens Says Well.Known ,after a moment of hesllatlon, sighted flftb ' member of our party-Agatha long ago, and put the poor old fellow of thlB breed In no sense rival the Au.thorlty. us under the trees and hurried over FlrBt .She was not Tn tbe room. In out of his SUBpe!lBe?" cockB In beauty of ~Jlumage, but they , t tbe lawn toward us, o case of odd numbers It Is eaBY not (TO BE CONTINUED.) are fin e blrllB nevertheless. ' Tbey lay .... _... :-.:"'-" ... ....."."'-"................."'."'_.........................."."'_....-............",......,,-"'..,."............._"'....."'-.....:. •• "Look nt tb e old boy. DearesU" 1 to notice the ahsence of tho odd ono, about thirty eggs eac'h year, but are ' The numerous cases of kidney and !iald as Arch came up out of br ath, Poor Agatha First was undoubtedly Oriental Lov'!!. deemed too arlBt'ocratlc to sit; this b~adder diseases and rheumatlBm. are '''Look at blm. will you? Rlgbt off the that unlucky IndIvidual, bavlng no It has been &ald many a time ane wo~k Is performed lor them by benB maInly dQ6 to the tact that the drink· ~Row, aB uBual! Frock coat, pearl mnn to pair ort with, tho)lgh Dearest oft that Oriental women bave not whose mission In life Is less exalted, Ing of water, nature's greatest medl· Cine, has been neglel:ted. -graYB. top hat, aU complete. Ab. and I bad tried our beBt not to let ber Stop loading your system wltb med. been honored and loved enough. If II Archlba Id! Will you uever ce ase to feel this deficiency. the Iclnes and cure.alls·, but get on the (rlvol?" Howcver, gone she was from our ImpoBslble for usr to understand Where Country Glrlll Make Good. New York.-Tbe frivolous elrl watflr ,w agon. It you are really Blck, Since OJY marriage I may say, Arch midst. tbat waB certain enougb, and h eart ,an d sou I 0 races l 0 t a II Y dltr el' and I have rather changed placeB, It I was Just about to wonder aloud as ~~~u~ ~hoes; ~:~~~c~o 1;~! °l~r~~ ~ doesn't stand a Bhow when It comes to wbT, of course, take the proper medl· :u ed to be h e wbo WIlS ahvaYB re- to her disappearance when the door presence of a tlllrd IlCrson. Orlentall working In a telepbone otHce. "ThouCh cines-plain, common 'veg€<table treatbuking mo; now It's Just tbe other from the hall opened aud In sbe love theIr women much Indeed. Love there was u time." 'says an omclar'or m~nt, which will not shatter the way, So much (or tbe dignities of \ICe walked. • Il New York company, "when tele- nerves or ruIn the stomach." h by til em Is not sown IJU bll c Il' bY so<t , ' To cure ' Rheumatism you must make as a Benedict! "Don't let's stay IndoorB." she en· words or klssell. pats and hugB. Tb~ phone girls, whether tbey merited It "My dear fellow." Bmilod my frl ond. treated In her breezy American voice, are often called "henpecked," be> or nol, were tlot classed wltb the the kidneys do their work; they are " wbat would you have me wear? "ll'B so lovely outside! The moon's cause they are 80 undel" tl\l ll.o.lJ4\nce serlpuB, bard workers of' the . com. the 1Uters o~ the blood. They must Enlckerbo'lkers and an old sbootlng JUBt coming up!" And she strode vig· of theIr women. Love is tbe food of mublty. Rather they were' a synonym be made .to strain out ot ,the blood +,be coat?" cy(!lng my own careless attire orously across tbe room toward the the Orlental 'soill. A few of the Amer. "of trifling, unbuslness·lIke behavior: waste ,matter and acids , that cwse ratber poIntedly. '~Ab, Lady ·Vlnr.entl" glass 'dooro that opened uvon the lean women tblnk they will love JUI' Tbat day Is "Dast. . rhewnatlsm; the urine must be neu· turning to my wUe, "deRr 'MrB. WII· lawn. AB sbe pauBed at the threshold 80 , lont 89 they are loved. and ' the "Tbday recruits to ' tb~ ser:vt ce m.ulit trall.ed eo It will. no longer be 1' , fred! So glad-;-so very glad, to see with a little commanding gesture "to· consequence. show ' a plenty tin tb .. have not only a talr eduQatlon, con. ~ou~e of ' f~ltat1on to the bladder,and, ward the 'terrace I couldn't help tblnk· divorce ,courts. Sucb "Independlnt" 'elderable Intelligence ' and · JOu!" wide- mon of all, you l&U!lt keep the" acids. Dearest gavs him botb h(>" pretty Ing that my wife's friends were both spirit In love matters, such profit aDd awake, alert ma)lner, ,but, they InUllt from fohnillg ,So' the slomach. ' Thl. ,I of them 'Uncommonly bandsome girls. loss ,and ha1)vy·go:luc1ty marrlaKt Bhow a first,clals aptitude .tor ,attend. la , the ' cause ·,Of. Itomllch··trQUhle an~ hands, "You old dear!" sbe crIed. "How She Was so superbly healtby, with , ways !!trike an Oriental as groBII,' tD- Inp; ,strictly to business · 10', buslneS8 poor c!I,eltlon: Fol' the Ie ct;lndlttone such a color "In her cheeks, such a nate hopeles" materIalIsm, or else aH hour.; " '" alee of yoU to come!" > ' I," ,. ; " ,7 0U ~an 4~ ~o better ~an ~ke tbe "And riow sit down ,and tell us aU Bnap to her eyes. utterly unintelligible to hJln. "The cQuntrY' elrlls bound to ,mue fol1owl~c , pr~.ct1ptlon: Fluid " E~~ct I callgh\ Terhune glancIng Irreser ~bollt It!" said my wife'. "W'Ufrlld bas • ,good ,a general thing: ,~lie 'ls, dea4. DaJl~ell~14 .o~.balf: ounce;; Com,p ound 'Biven t1)e his version. of course, bllt I lutely from, tbe. girl ,at the plano to the Spoiled the Evening for Her; 11' In ellol'ne8~, .her manners :are ,QOd KarPln, one: ~unce, Oompoupd Snup, ' , , "I suppose ,1'0\0 h'nd a per:fectly lov. :md 'what .bf! may lack In aJertn~ls tlar8A~rSU.. , tbree ouned. .'Mlx b7 , 'ant It ' from beadquarte'rs. it's tbe girl ,at ·the door. "Let !:Ie open It for you," be oftered Iy tl,me 'at the dlnnar party last night"" at Qrat '18 'm.o re than \. oftset b)'" her .~~Da wen III bOttle 8D~ . ,take fll, ·moat exCltlDC tblng in tbe world! How last. goIng to ,he!' and throwing IOlc ,of your ~unt Georgy to "give UI "11/0. ThroUgh some mistake the, clogge4 PerSeyerance:' , ' . ' ' " te~l ClO.,1; atter ,~ach meal ~Ild :all ' lIucb ,an IDteresting problem t6 'wIde tile long windows. And the rcst t t h b d .. "'I'1}ere ar! ' !'fe:, ' York ,Iris wbo sL ~tfme, b~t 40n t , foraet tbe -801vel" ' of us, Agatba -: Sixth after him a.,d 8ljated, me n~ 0 my UII an • , cODcehe ~be ietQa of ~taking up tele- :water: ", DrlD~ pl.DtT and ''Often. . ...,. Terhune- sat dow.n In tIly wIck r Dearest Ond myself ' last, followed He'. ...It Up, · Too. phone 1f.ct..k whQ JDue .8 spleDdl~ lui. TIlIa "::.~le IZ:~U011 aod If.m. ehlll.r and t ,seated' mnelt on the- grasa them out, my wife ,and 1 eXChangIng "Doean' 't the , town look pret" U pl'OllllQn at 'f tr.t bj llie~r intelUaence pie JIl"8I on • Ott.4 b8 posted up b1 n.IUE'st, looks of more or less slg:'llfiC8Dce 8S '''I I and alertaee, but wbo havell't p,ne- IJi each Jl~~olcl, aDa 11I(Id at tll~ "Yes,' IJldeed I I feel quite grateful we dId eo. Ai well aft I · co'u ld rea~ up r \'flraDCe eDDuah to ao throuib the ftnt lip 91. ~ i.ttacll of rlleumatlam, to bl'r for ,,""ldID' UI wl~h sllch • It, her look cXJ.lreased a ellBht "ppre- .,.;.~~. )ut 7011 ouabt ~ a. . au ' - rt.bool. nor ,1'aUence 800Ulb to, muter ...ob~ tit Vlaarr trouNt. 110 mat,. l.I», I'lft ~, romance." r.nDtlJI. henslol}. MIne I meant t.o tod1caw tbn comtite.xftlel at the hI'k" ' . . . . . 1UDt.


'Archibald's Agatha

Ulle!, "1t's as good aa a dime novel, and Wilfred and I would be too pi ased for anyUilD.&' to assist In Itl deaoucment." "n does spem extrnordJnary," ac· Qules cd Terhune, "tbat s uch a thIng; an oyent so out of tbe ,common, shoula happen to me. Who would ever have thougbt of Aunt Georgy carrying on like thnt! Wby, Bhe'!! promised me th property all bcr life, and to go nnlt decree Buddenly, out of a clear sky, that I must marry In t en days or for· telt It, just hecause I'm forty yean old! Why, It's the most absurd thIng '1 eTel heard In my life! " And be mopped his hrow fussily as be spoke. Dearest smiled at him sy mpathetic· ally. "}''1nding n wife In as Bhort a time as that dO BB sound like a pr tty dlm cult proposition," ohe murmured, "Beastly difficult!" exploded Arch, "And tbat'B what I came up from Lon· don to see you for. I thougbt It any one ('ould sllggerJt an exp ditlolls way, It wouid bo my friends tbe VlncentB! You know you did tblngs In rather a hurry yourselves," Making reference of courBe to my rapid courtsblp of my wite during tbe exciting and Bom&what unusual events pertaining lo a six weekB' visit made by Terhune and mYBelf at Castle Wyckhoff the year bofore, "And you r confidence IB not at all misplaced, my boy," said I, "as you will find!" And tell to telling blm of our bouse party plan all In a breath and as fast aB I could talk. Terhune waB first amazed, th'3n doubtful, and then, aB tbe full beauty of It struck him, he , rose In hlB en· thuslasm and seized a hand of each of us, "Agatha Sixth!" he crIed; "who elBe? It sball be she and no otber! What frI ends you two are to give me the chance!"





;;~:~i~a:heen~~,o;:'rl::~ '~::est:,~d

:~h~:II:t ~~I~~~s~~r~v~~i:~~E~~; !r ~~~~~;:-: -









Helpln. With ~Idney Trouble BIIt Cured by Doan'.. Kidney PIIII,


Bottle Filled With Etferveaccnt LIqu id Will Supply Interesting and Odd Amus ement. Pro ure a wlde·mouth ed bottl e. c10s d by 11 bollow co rk . In which Is 1D!!l' rted the pipe of a ' tlD 01' 11. glasll fllllDel. aull . wllh the help of sealing wax . tnak , a ir and wat r ti ght a ll the cr vices that mgb t leall . both bet ween funnel and cork nnd bOltle. Hulf nil tbo fl us l! with wat er. nnd tb row ID Ihe t wo well·knowD powd ' rs that nrc used to mako seltzer water (ta rta ric a cid nnd blea rbona t.e or soda), wbl ch can be bought at drug Iltores ready for lise. A live ly errervcs· c nc Is produced ID the liquid , Iu COD' seq II Dce of th s wift crea tion of cnr· boulc acId gas. which tend s to esca pe. In proportioD to the viole nce of It II form a lion. through the tunnel. But If ~' O U have placed within his funn e l two or thr e little balls of cOIUJUon cor k.

The Autom;atlc Butterfly.

the gas can oDly cscape at Intervals. ODe or othe r of the balls always r etllrnlng. III virtue of the for ce of gray· Ity. to scal lhe orifice of the fUDn el, unUi such time as the pressure of the escaping gues suffices ODce more to lItt the ball. At such an Instant part of the gas escapes. the pressure ID· stantly diminishes. and another or the same ball falls IDto tbe aperture: Tbese phenomena continue, and It you have painted the balls In dltrerent col· ors. that are thua abruptly dancing In the funnel. you will see a ralber odd e trecl . You can glv a pretty e ffect If you cut colored tluue paper to represent .l be wings of a butte rfly. which will now IlPpear to flutte r wllb .conslder· abl truth to natllre. as though It were a real butterfly.-Ma glcal Ex· p rlmeDts.


' Y h y ti ltt Dr. !"ORI r r go to O lou e rRler In n .,ho w r or ral ll ? Alld Ht l' P 'In 11 p uihJlo up 10 the m ldlll e . W I",n h o " o uld IIllve !:,o n u tI' t' r u b y Iro ln. '


Important Personage, at End of Program, Filla His Stun,t In Startling M;anner.

Among the spect:itors at a. match bet w en t h Blllckburn Rover s a nd the Ol ym pic wus a little Ind about nine year's of a ge. Though the boy's knowledgo of l ho game may, have b en. limited. h is Doli oll of correc l piny was exlre me ly robus\. "Go It, 'Ly mplc," he yell ed. "RlIsh 'em off the ir plDs. CIlllter 'em . J um p on their cbests. nowl 'e m over. Good for ycr. Mow 'em down. Sc:uttel' ·em. ·Lymplc. " Wben 'h ls pnre nt neatl y "grassed" ODe of tho oppos in g fo r wa rds. the YOUDgs t r expressed a ppro val by bawling. "G ood f r ye\,. owd 'cn," add· Ing proudly to t he s p cla to l's. " F yth· er 'ad 'Im s weet. " "YeE'," said a henr e r. "but he'l1 get k ill d \Je fol'e th e game's fini s hed." " I don ·t care a car ro t It h e does." snid tit > bor.-Loudon Tl t·nits.

L'ookln g A~ter th e E"99 5. Lady Heqy. wl,o is 4 yenrs old and Whole Bird Family May e. Rt'.f" "e- n ver misses n tl'lcl!. was ta l,en t he HER LITTLE JOKE . sented In Game Played by other eveni ng til n rt!s laura nt for ber Boys and Girls. Bupper. nn d wlll1 a n l he im porlance IUDd Il prighll y tiign ity of ber years A playgrOlIlHI or a pic ni c wC/()lls Is cal mly ord ereu Iloa beel t'ggs a ll loast . a ll eH pecially good place for t his While th e lI'!t1 e fam il y group was gaUle. One of tb e pJ ay!'rs Is chase D awaitin g It s serl'lce t he "kidd ie" us "mo l her bIrd" a nd t wo oth er \.I ny· amused bers" lf by lookIn g out of t h ~ rs a r select ed for " ha wks." Th e window. pre.:;sln g ngniDst a screen to olber pluyers are given the names of get a closer vie w of somethin g belo w. EC \'ernl fea t her ed creat ures. Five or She was war ned by her molbe r that s ix mny be called spll no ws. t wo or the screell UJlgbt give way nnd let her t hree robi ns. a few mI ght be klio wn fall t o thQ 1Ildewalll. per haps injuring liS bluebird s. while still ZHlo lll r group her terrl b'y. She dre w a way. t hought lUI h t take tb name of a no tb er bird. a mln ulf<;. a nd the n said n ai vely: .Ruch as oriol e. "Would 1 full It lhe scree n wen t out ?" As SOOD as the bird s oro muned b~ " You certll.lDly would ." was he r mothth II' moth r t hey move lhe lr arm'R er's reply. "And would I ge t a wful li P and dow n. to Imitate a fl ying mo hur te(l ', " "Ve ry \IIte IY." "Th en whnt lio n . s s th y fly to th e " rores t." whl h would '.!-..!! man do wi th tho eggs ?" IF; on orn er of t he play s pa e se t Ea6Y Marks. sllo rt for th e ga me. " Tall! (l rbout yo ru easy marks," said Th e "moth or" III s to t h ~ " nest." whic h Is tb e corn el' diago na lly opp~ Uncia Stlas Ge hnw . who had been : Ite to lhe "for s t. " Ench or till! passing IL w ~e l! In t he cit y. "us ru bes haw ks fil es to on e at t he tw o other nln·t In It wit h them air teolVn MI'. T ellltt Wrigbl- Just then a corne l·S. fm each ha wk has his own chaps." squall ca me up IlDd our boat sail was " Did YOW s II 'em enn y gold bricks. torn to ribbons. nesl. The mother bird calls: "I t Is time t he 0.101es were tucked In bed." Silas?" que ri ed old Dad dy Squash· Miss K ldde r-Ab! I sec-a re mnant Tbe orlole8 th en fly from the forest n eck. Ball. "Nnw, 1 dldD·t." ans wer ed nele to the n s t. trying to avoid belDg Supreme Test. caught by eit her of the hawks, which Silas. "but I s eed a fe lle r peddl1n' arUflclal Icc-b ell th' s ign right on hIs " I t hougllt you sllid thi s bathln§ chase them. WheD a bird Is captured by a Illl.wll wagoD- an ' blamed oj' th' chumps I suit was In . fast colors," sald BIDks, It Is taken to the hawk's Dest. Tht! dldn·t buy It for the r eal thing. by ludlgna ntly. to lbe ba tWng master or whom he had bougbt his dollar suit birds. once reacblng Ihe mother's nest. gpass !" that morning. In safety. cannot be caugbt ' by the "Yes. that's what I said." returned How's This? hawks unless tbey accidentally go outside the bouDdary of their home. 'We oll'~r Ooe Hundred De U..... Roward lor any the bathlDg master . .... 01 catarrh tha\ t&WIO\ be ~ured II}, H~I', "Well, every blessed stripe on tho 'rhe mother bird calls tor all at the OatMrh c,'urt!. F . J . CBEN ElY 4< CO.• TolMo. O. blooming tillDg has come ott on my birds. just as she did for the orioles. We, the undertl\a'Ded. have known F . J . (".bene}, aDd the hawks contlDue their etrorls lOr tbe Iut 15 y e.,.. and bIlUeve him IlUI ~ tly hon- back." retorted Bini,s. orllble 10 aU bualneae I.rruIUclIOIUl and tlnan.I~I, "Ah. but walt until you try to get to captUl:e lbem. At the end of the able to cany ou' an}' obU",Uona DllICle by·hla linn. W.AJ.DIIIO. 1I.IS lIlAII A MA RVIN. 'em olf your back." I!mlled the bath· first game two of the captured play. Wbol_le D~I. I& Toledo. 0, "Then you'U H ~l l'e catarrh CUr. III ta ke n In ternally, acUnl Ing master, suavely. ers become hawks for the next game dlr~ \ly u poo lhe blood a nd bl UOOUl eutfa_ 01 \be s ee."- Harper·s W eekly. and a new mother bird Is chos en. I}'IItl:m. T ..Umoolala seot free- Prlco 7D 00II\.1 per boltl.. 80ld b), all Dru;rlalll. 'rUe Jio.ll'. F amU)' PIIIIJ ro< eonstlpatJon.

TURNING RiNGS AND SWING Combination Trapeze 80 Arranged That Both L;uge and Small Boye May tlave Pleasure.

Dlsaa,troul Ehd to Mother's Effortl This trapeze with rings for the to Keep 8,."all Boy Engaged large boys and a SWIDg for the sma ller While DreIling, ones. can be made aD the sanle stand· It woo Saturday. aDI) Mrs. us bmaD, ards, says a. writer In Popular Mechanhaving arrayed Bobby In his sunday ics. Instead of the usual two sbort best, was eDdeaY0\"lng to keep him occupied while she dressed hurriedly. pendlDg .n visit to the photographe;. "\" rlte mother. a le tter on 0,,1' cellu· laid tablets!' sbe coaxed. Bobby looked out oC the ""IDdo\\, and a l.' ross lhe s treet for Insplrntlon--and found It. His fingers mo ved briskly, and Jln less than three mlDutes he was displaying his le lter and presslDg It IIpon hi" mother's attent ion . ' .• 'Denr moth' 1'.' she read, 'The boys Rings and Swing, acrolls tbe street In the Lothrop's yar<\ ar playing a new game. I should like ropes, tied and bolted through the top to see It. May I go?' cross Umber. bore t wo holes large "'YOI1T ~lDat&.. son, · Bob.' enough (or the r epes to pass through "That Is rather sl}ort, Bobby> she easil y. Pass lbe r.ope a.long the cross· said, stili cOnxlDg him. with a glance piece and down the post and tic It to at the clock. 'You go back to your clents nailed at ·the height that can room and write mol her a little post· be easily reached. script." At the ends at the crosspiece drive Dohby departed joyously. but wh en tv.-a nails. allowing them to project the lust refractory hook bad yielded one or two Inches. This wlU l,eep and his mother drawing on he r gloves, the rope from slipping olf when the hurried to his room. It was empty. rings and swlDg are raised and lowerOn Bobby's desk lay the letter with ed. All sharp edges should be sand· th e deslr d addition : "P. S. r have paper ed to prevent the rope tram bewent. Bob." Ing" cut. A board with notches cut In the eDds will make a good swIng· board which oan be removed InstanUy.


M. C. Walker. 9'33 Grand Ave., ConnersvUle, Ind ., s ays : "1;-01- ten years I 611 rrered Crom kidney Cflmpla lnt aud was on the verge of Brlght·s disease. I was often so helpless I could not mo·v 'BDd Delgh!:ors two blocks away heard me s cr e n~n w ith pain, I had 1)0 cont r ol over the k:u ney secre tions !I n\! I tLe pa in 10 my bacJ: was nlmost unbear~ bl . Afte r sev· era l physician s h ad tal l d to h elp me, I began t aJdng DoVl 's K idney Pills nnd was Boon reIl I!Yt'jd . I bave had no r\!tllrn of Itldn e ~' tro', I,le In five years." Remember t he n ~ w c-Donn·s. For s n.1e hy a ll (i EUllers . 60 cents a bo:r. Foster·M llburll Co.• BulJalo, N. X.

FIlI;a1 Affection Cost Sight Of by the Small but EnthusiastIc Lover ~ of Football.




Somewhat I ncilgnant, The two extra speclllllsts had pound· ed and sounded him. and fe lt of bis puhjjp and tapped his !rame till he cO\.t;.l only lie in a cold perspiration at fe ut'. . • {ndoubtedl y Il's a case or appendlcltls !" said . s~ec laJlst No. 1. gra vely. "Undoubte dl y! " a ssented s pecialist No.2. "But would he be able 10 s tand an operation ?" pondered No. 1. "Ah. would he ?" echoed No. 2. They dug Wm 1D the r ibs a~a ln. and be squealed . "Ah." r emarlled No.1. "I thlnk we ought to let him 'ge t a bi t stronger betore we cut ID to him ." "Confound your pala ve r ! ,. gasped the patient. slarting up. "Wbat do you. take m e fo r--a cheese?" . An Exciting Town. Los Ang&i es Is a truly ex<;IUng town to live In . To say nothf'bg of Its heav nl y cllmat.e and its bombs. there Is always something stimulating In the occult line going on. Just the other day a widow of t he I1.ngellc city began . to long for a s ight of ODe of hel' scboolmates whom sbe had not s een for 45 years. The 10llglDg broug t its fulfillment. A spirit told her to loolt for him ID Brooklyn. She obeye d. m t him on the s treet a fe w hours afte r she arrived. and promptly mnr· rled . him. It Is worth while to live In a city where things lII, e this bappeD. even at the rlslt of being blown up now and thim. .

~ t'



Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? We caD furnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable cures after all other means had failed. Women who are suffering with some fonn of female ill ness should consider this. As such evidence read these two unsolicited testimonial letters. Vve guarantee they ar~ genuine and honest statemen ts of facts. Cresson, Pn,-u FIve years ago I bad a boo fall, and h urt

myself inwardly. I w us und r a doctor's care for nine week s, and wIlen I stoppc rl I grew ~orse again. I sent for a bottle of Lydia E. PiJlldmDl's V egetable Compound, took It Q8 directed, and now [ am a stout , h earty w omnn." - Mrs. Ella E. Aikey .. Cresson, Pa. Baird, Wnsb.-'I A year a go I was sick with kidney and bladder troubles nncI fcmale weakness. The doctoro gave m 4t up. All they coulcl cIo w fls to just le t 'me go as e~siJy as possible. I was o.d,-Ised b y fri c ndF4 to talco Lydia E.Pinkbam's Vegetablo Compotmd and Bloo d Pnr i,fler. I am completely cured of my ills, and I a m n early sixty years old:'- Mrs. Sarab Leighton, Baird, Wash.


For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female fils. No sick woman (loes Justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and bas thousands of cures to Its credit. _ _ Mrs. Pinkham Invites aU 81ck women . . . . to write her for advice. Sbe bas guided tboullanM to benlt.. free of cbarge. Address Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn. Mass.

w. L. DOUGLAS '3 '3.50 &. '4 SHOES ~o~o=~~

Boys' SHOES, .2.00, .2.50 a $3.00. BE.T·INTHE.~?RLD. w. L.Doulll•• ~.oo, ~.IJO.mI HoOD ___ tr'°rl~J~ .,.. ...8IfI"."th. ,.._ mad. _II",..,. flO,.. 11e that

PUTS STOMACHS IN ORDER. No Indigestion, Gas, 'Sourness or Dys· pepsia Five Minutes After Taking a Little Dlapepsln.

ul.r .troea ,_ 'heprloe In A,.,.,.",•• _II are ,he mo_ ec_mlc.' .hoe. 6Q.

'-¥Ou '0

my .hoell

h a v e

been tbe mtrLlldard tor over 30 y.ears. that I m ako Mid . ell more t3 00 13M a nd

Tbere should not be a. case of IndlgesUon, dyspepsia or gas tritis here If read· ~ rs who arc subject to Stom ac h lrou· ble knew lbe tremendous an ti·fe rment and digestive vir tue cODtaiDed In Din· pepsin. This harmless preparation will digest a. h eavy m eal without the s lightest fuss or discomfort, and r e lieve the sourest, acid stomach In five minutes. besides dve rcomlng all foul . na useous odors from the brealb. It your stomach Is sour aDd full of gas, or YOUI' food doesn't digest. aDd your m eal don't seem to fit, why no t ge t !l. 50·cent cas.e of Pape's Dl apepsln from any druggist b ere In town, and mllke llfe worth living. Absolute relief from Stomach misery aDd pertect , diges tion of anything you eat Is Ilure to follow :five minutes aUeri and . besides, one fift y-ceDt case Is sufficie nt to cure a whole famil y' of such trouble_ Surely, a harmless. Inexpens ive preparation like Pape'£! Dlapeps lD, which wlil always either ' at da ytime or during night, r eli eve your sick, sour, gassy, upset s tomach aDd di gest your m eals Is about as handy nnd val. uable a thl~ as you could have In the bouse. .


The Limit. "John . r want to huy some glo\'eswill you give me a check ?" "Sure--how much can you 110 wllh?" "How much 'have you got ID the bank?"

, Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the derangements of the female organism which breed all kinds of miserable feelings and which ordinary practice does not cure, are the velY disotders that give way to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women who are affiicted with similar troubles, after reading two such letters as the above, should be eneouraged to try this wonde~ul1y helpful remedy. . .

....00 eh oe. than any otb ll< man ufactnrAr I.. tbo 'U.S,! 'lJId tbat DOLLAlt }i'OR DOLLA.R.I OUARA.'IlTEE lilY SIIOES to bo d tbelr sh"pe, look an\l tit bottory and wear lo ngor tll an any other 83.00. ,3m or , • .00 shoe.

you (\I\n bu y ? Quality co nnte. I t b lls mado roy sbOCll TUE LEADERS OF THE ' VORL}). Y ou will bo plelUed ....b en y on boy m y abOOll b ocauso of the ~""" IJI..~OIIAI_~ fit a nd appelU'aJlco. wh e n It comes time tor yon to I'urohllJle anotb er pair. yon will bo moro th:m plel18ed bu aUIlil UJo laa' , ouC8 woro 80 well. a nd If''vO y,m 80 mn II oomfort. ' None ".nufn. w llhoU L W I" D",,,,,I..

CAUTION '• na m e.n d Prlooll"' l n~o n'h e bou om.TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE It 10Qr d ealer CIUlIlOL oupply YOII\tl~I~~ :J-ul~~~~':~:"i'41~n~~::~~~~~",~

.. ~..

COLT DISTEMPER - - - -- - -- - - .





By J . I . Moo,ly. on o of tbe 8 I.1\to ·" earl;r HeLLIe rfl. From tllCIlO llllks you wilt Jenrn llIaroy illlporillo t tbt nl!'8 I'OOllt Florhl ... .. nil Fl o rlllll 1" " d&- fn 01H for YO\1 (0 rem em hilr w ben you lovest. T b r 1\\' 1.' f ree - .... rl te f n r (he m . BUNNELL DEVELOPMENT CD.• Bunnell. Flo, kI ..

"My rsther has been a sufferer from sick headache for' the lasttwenty-fiveyearsllDd never found any relief until b e began taking yoiii' Cascarets. Since be bas begun taking ClISCIlrets be has never had the headache. They have entirely cured him. Casear'ets do wbat you recommeDd them to do. I will give you the privilege of u sing. bis name. " -E .. M. D!ckson, 1120 Resmer St., W. Indlannpohs, Iud. Pleasant. P a latable. Potent. T aste Good. Do .G ood . !\ ever Icke n.l\Veakcn or Gripe. JOe. 25c. SQ., Never Hold In bulk. Th lI'el)' ulne tablet • tamped C C C. Guaranlced to aU'Q 0< your mODO), back..

Breech Loading



S~::~~~~::~c~:::~rt '


1I.l1ta, la, 4c IIIIIP ~ TRY MURINE EVE REM!::DV Ilnll.. sus POWtu , QfllllT (II, N for Red . Weak', Weary, Watery Eyes . . •S Stiff Tleckl . DOCSD·-;' amount ' to milch. ____ .."_.15_ _ .. - . -. - - _OIdc.eali - _ _ ____ and Granruated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't but JlIi"hty disllltrceablc. YoU' \'c no idea rnllrln . ..nll(.n. F 'N' vrellmlnSmart- Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists how qUIckly a littlc HnmlinR Wizard il Sell Murine Eye Remedy. Liquid. 2.50, will lubricate the corlls and mal,e YOll t':YS~I!'~~~N t;°t!()~.f~.:l;'b~M&' 8DlIIUb st.. Wull1ul/Wll ; :IW D c&r bO rn S". Ohlans o. 500. $1.00. Murine Eye Salve In comforLable again. Aseptic Tubes, 250. $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mall. Murine Eye Remedy Co., dhfc\1go.

Story illustratIng Difference Between Common Senle and MatheA man named ,Brown was Invited to . n:.atlca-More 'Juice. . speak at Il town meeUng. and when ' be seated himself on the plattorm and looked over the program he dlscover~. The dltrerence between common ed that his name was the last ODe. sense and mathematicI walJ'lllustrnted With the advent of the telephone. COl1slderlng himself somewhat 'of an In a remark which wal made In a the old "working iJlgbts at the omce" Important p~rsonage, ·thls tact made school one day. exeuse has been given a.' permanent Mr. Brown excee~ln.gIY aD~ry, and It was the mental arithmetic class. vacatioD. during tbe entIre meeting h e sat and ' The master uked Smith. "Which thougbt o\'er the Insult. .' would you rather have. hBlt an . apple ' 'I' he speakel\s~ during .the eVjnlng or elght·slxteenthiJ of an apple? " . were ,u,Dusua11y stupid ·and 'by the Uml3 "Wouldn·t make any difference," Mr. Brown's t urn came ~be· alldleDce Bald Smith. . "Why not?" .':Was paying scant attention. . The masler ' at ceremonlel! ftDally . "Elght~lxteentha ~and one·half stood up to lnt~4uce the !ast ,spenk'er,' the same:' " saylng as he, did 'so; ~'Ladles aDd gen~ . At this . 'reply'. Jonea, ' 'Vbo wa·. 'tla~eD, m>; '. esleeme~r friend ; ¥r. tlJ;lg near, sDltred: scornfuU,.. ~he ma • . 'I.,' '. " Brown wlll now favor UB with hilS ,te~ beard bl~. , • ", "', .,.. ", ""'ell Jones" llald " he "don' t' 10'U ". " n " . ." 'f .,' . ' , ,address." , . 'lC.,.:talnly,'" aald .Mr. Brown, sprIng. ' ,alP,;ee wt~: ~mttb! " ' . ; '. " Ing. to.his' fe~t, bI8 face purple wltb ' No, !!.Ir, ~o~e8, . ~ ~ much , , lDdlcn.atlon.. "'J1 ad!1rel!B II Clare- s~ner. have one-~al~ ,~ ~pple~­ mont Itr~~t, ·seatUe, W~',!llpg~on~ 1'fQ,1II'. ~ <,And '!hy" ~.a.~' . , d ~t t'm·colnghOzne!.... \ More ~ulC'e. Cut,.uP hatt. an ap.,le l po n . ~ , . , . Into }el~t_ Ilxteenth", an4 70u'4. 101. c • , hatr tl1e 'juiCe dbl~C It!".' .. .

.,' ..







Cotor lI\O;e loodl tirlallter Iftd f •• ler COIOI'l Ih.n Iny other Ono tOe Dlcklae eolol'l In Rb..... Th'e , dye In eold ..I., better Ihln an, olher ..,.. Yeu call d,. Inu.,,,"nl wltho... rtODI"G Wrll.,or free _llIet-Holll. D,e.lleach Illd Mb C.I..... 160."0£ DIIUQ DO•• QulnoJi. IIli_Ie.

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .

' PRUl.1IN G. ; 1;1

\ ChRrI A!.' L WiR final e9tima te oulver t I, • S1, 50; Frnnk Stokes, oon ~ele ! BOSTON MAN, WAS MUSICAL al ve rt., ,1 27 i I . M. herbat, l>r1dg I ~ Mutt Have Been, for _l He Found NCR!\~nd u\vert repllir wor., I"; Chllr\e I -;'lg Good In Opera Perform anoe '. ary Lpoo ne v bring"~ll l t_ '\p(t1inst Ult.uoy r e plllr of sew er, 'HI:l5 i I In Pari •• 't."vllr d P 1~l\rll'Y /lnd J .>I'I II .6 ,I uhn W IrA, hauling bridge lumber , ; ' " ' (1 , /I "X utnrtl nf fh A ttl .• t· ~'l11 f~ ~ i F. D . Miller, repair work, uAmerloon8 have to haTe lot ofo .. f '(arthn n. P~/l e. el f' AlLse\!l . olllln , Dervo when they're abroad, " alaid r \lurI!I, b rid~es non baullng SS'i U5 the man who had just returne d from his \. " . m oue ' 10 the nl ll utWl (.o f 'Ilsa hi 'on truot ,VIlS let t,o Funk ~tok !! I first torelgn trip. "I tell In with an BY JO S. H . GOURL EY, ,1· 1 . he r for .. entio t! rende red tbo f\)r o norete r ll pllir to s to ne Ilroh ... Americ an at the Grand hotel In Parll , , '\ '1aTtlll~ IJ . Pellot'. n.nUM t.J " nd putting in sewer on W l\ynes A trl'lculhu'nl E~I('n"I'", n plll'lment , wbo wae on his way to the opera, and, 1110 '10 I nl~('rs lty. ,.. . \\ 11111l lot lin. ru l'.V fo r t ho pi Lill - vi ii Ilnd Mt. B olly r Olld In Wayn e ........ as I waa 0f th 0 same m I nd • "., D-.... .... l.-& town'lh ip at the est iml\ta ,G GO I X <'*+H'++"'++++++'H-~+++++ ~~~~gh It was a t earfully hot n llI otlo n the r equlslt. ions f r The pl easa nt w ntll r thr(\l1gh No- night we found the ..,<>.tI ,non PIcas Court. opera hOUie , , ,' mil ' lUI ~ uscd to goori ad vanr. 'qll l.. It.lOns f or d epu tl 6tI, assl lan·s _l. d th .,... h I' , tage Inr (the k (" t he OilS of ,hlllu ~\lllIVIIIl apple orchard. As soon pa..... e e " l enc . you now. arebook ke ptlrll and olerkR IlS ntlmed as the crop hnSl b (' II hl\ rve~tt' d and ~at on opera." "_ '~I· ''''t ll:i1zllul"lh :::\ulllvltu thH ouu rl 'v tbe several oounty offioil\\s for the lea\'Pll hav fall e n. w ct n begin \'1' In t,~ 0 rttl in III t l'rll IIms o f dtlfe nd . "Wbo were the swgera f" asked a.. listener . yell r begl nnln ~ Janullr y 1, }1l 11 , IlrUnlng noll get a good POl'tkn , ~ ., t. ',. peti t ion aud (\ verrn !e m o t.\ on t.he ot It "Oh, I don't know- It WBS a thlrd~ \VIlR a llowed d R follows : Pbihp done before the col d, dlsl1gTeeable rate perform anoe. I d ' Ilt,h E' r (lbtlng" " ' r ot win ter s ts In. II Is not Sp lI ~e, rf'cord er , d ep·u t ·Ii'll! an d ~ 1er k s \ weathe "'Veil I :o ur t ord l3rot t.h,\ t pl lLintdI recover n cessary to walt until enrl y spring , we t r led hard to get 'seata J :1;2,4-4 0 : AI Ax B.)Xwe ll , probllte J"dge, for t his orchard ope ration; l egln at and couldn't- Dot a thing to be had. frO Ill the d eftlnd i\nt in the 0 11 e of , "'Walt : said my AmericaD friend; F. M Cn nnin gb 'lm E'£. at VR. Will 0 Cl,O 0; WIll B, Lewis, trellsur er, . once. Th e past pruning seUdun Im- 'I'll be back In a tew mJnute e-I think ~1. 200 i Olln P . Bone, (' Ierk, *750 i pressed thls lesson H tl-ltlll, eta l t b eA llm off.75 . a a d. upon li S ; the I can get lome tickets: and he r. T C son uuditor 'I 600· I' OOW and oold \V ·Illher did nut lell\," turned very j'lll ~ed due by Il jury tc gethe r witb waving two tickets , I 0 I 'us until time to rush wi th th A otber aloft which. soon. FrAllk P . Forgv, s b e'!'l'11" as It turnad out, were , C'7H . aprlng ....ork : ollly tb e lllost falthtu l entary. To obtain oompU:-Oh erift' is ordered to r qt"i n Ed Seven th Ave. at Thirty -secon d St.-O ne Block from Broadw ay tound time tlJ glov er the enUre 01'" complim mentnry tlckets on a Will Promo te Beauty c hard and do the necessa ry pruning . was a muter stroke. night like that. "" r,i nnok in oounty j'lil until !leW The French' Women desirin g beauty get won· Neglect ot the annual prunll'g means would have 1 "0' ~o l zanCll ill furuillh ed called It-" d erful help Irom Buokle n's Arnica Increas ed wOl'k the fo llowing seasl)n, "Coup d'etat!" suggest ed lome one. ·!tlvl'!. It btl.nish es plmplt>s. skin smalle r fruit . and 10 somE' meaaur o 'Tour Court Proceed inKs. de torce!" said another, but no WA YNESVILLE CHURCHES. ernptio n 8,80rell , Ilnd boils It makllb sapping the t ree ot ItII vltal ~ty. one was Quite certain, 80 he con tin· nenllis Grlihut ll Is R(ljlldg ed to tile skin !loft and vel Vfl'Y. n gloriThe How, ued: .. ., na tl,od f. ppllO" t.ion iM made for bls fies tbe fllce . Cures sor~ eyes,oo St. Augustine's Catholic Chun:b. Work tOward an o pen headod tree, ld "He 11I1,tl lt'l!llC'" t" !.lIt' Ht"te AtlylUIll at s o res, oruoke d lips, ohBppe d bl\odA. through which the sUll sh lIl ,! <.. nd air directorbad represe nted hlmseU to be a Pnlher Ocorg ~h",eDhoder , Pastor of the I'4etropoUtan Opera THE CREATl t8T Best for boros, SOl! \dtl, fever sores, have tree passage ; cut out rubbing MI\8S e Vl'ry 80001111 SUDdu\, o f tbe month a l) ,.vton , compan y." nuts, bruitle'l ILnd piles 250. n.t Frl'd limbs; cut 9 :0u a. W . • back th <-V ~T g rown FII·q /lorl fll\l\l " o')unt In the es. "DId he live In New York?" IDqulrec1 C Bcbwli rt.z's. shoots, k eeping In mind n !c.w head- another listener . IN THE WORLD llr Willi ID A. Hardv, d AOBliSed, St. Mary's Episcopal Churcb. ed tree. Remove wat r sprolltp which "No--B oston-b ut he was very mul'UBLISBE D WEEnY. $UlO fER YEAR l;dll "c\ uy H.IlPIlll 1 ,John, ~XP.outo r, Itov, J . I' . I\dwalludcr, II ctl" omy sap the life oC the l IU'g"r limbs; slcal-a t least, I think HERE'S HOPINO he HOTEL8 , DRUcci i8Ta. aPItCIA LI8T8, unday School. 0 :30 1\. m II nd ellurt. Ii l'prov ~r.~" fII0 firding the MorOln g Ber , th yare seldom so plac d a~ to form been, for while I sat enjoyinmust have g the per- vlcll. lu :30 a. m . Bol y CommunloD ~be flril t CO a TUM E R 8 t T RAN a FE Rt CAB f" lt ,ttl hu " 'bee n foll v tl. dmiDls te r ec\ Throug h the agency of the Ohio good benrlng wood . Take \Jut all formanc e Immens ely he WIUI exclalm - uudll)' 01 each Ulou~h. AND 'BU8 8ERVIC E CAN PROFIT d ad wood, saw .up for fir e wood 1'1 "h. Nlttl~" of Eiel'JTllln Lewlll, Fish and Game Commi ssion In, from tlme to time. 'lWtten l Hear BY U81NC ITa ADVERT I81NO OOL.UM N8 the Lit- and haul It - from the orchard . All that tenor ! That Methodist Episcopal Churc.D. li, ltI ,r , :-~Ou n \l lIoouun t 114 npprov fld, tIe Miami River has now SAMPLE COpy FREE 5,O()O more brus ll left in the orchfU'd Is nn Ideal BwtoD Herald. soprano '. awfuL '""Rov, B . w. Balley. PutoJ ,, :I. lwe d nnd (\o nftrmed upon appll- fish than it had Add..... NEW YORK CLIPPE R a few weeks ago. breedin g place tor Ins cts end dl· undl\Y Sc!bool. 0 : U a. m. Orn llll{ 8er· ~~"-- ~ New York. N. Y. , .t.i,'11 flf (:Ial'a B. Lewl8, guardl ao Five thousan d black vice, JO :3U a . m. Bpwonb L onG ue, 7 : 00 p . bass, croppie s, s enses. m. Il:vc tllng service, '7 : 00 p . m. The Mll1wOIIIr Wound. '-iU ti I:)ei l:er. exeout. or of t.he eslat,e ,blue gills and channe l cat fish. were Pr \ye r I\I~Lln g, 7 p. m . In removin g a 11mb always out Hcw Dream Differs From Delirium . " f IIpone t.tft. ' SElike r Mobrw l1n, de deposit ed in the river. About 2,000 close to and just allove ' a It every dreame r, lateral dreamin g. had Christian Church. n ..... " ,fi'ad tiiq Dcooun t lind Sllme is of thE'se were large ones, weighi ng branch or close to t he trunk ot the power ot the tongue to describ e his Rev. L. O. TbomJlllOn, Peate. ,Jltflt' l)ll.1cl. upward to S pounds . The fish were tree to make It eu Ic r for nature to dream experiences ns he slept, the DIble . School. 8:10 .. m. SocIal meetlq. Unde rtake r and Embalmer. l'b . fOl1rth 1l000Up ~ of the esttl.t, sent to differe nt points story of the dream In detalJ naturall y 10: 30 a. m. Chrl8tlau Endeavor. 7: 0U p. w. along the hoal the wound. All cuts lI ver one would Sermon puter every alt.ernate Sunday at. and one-b alf Inches 10 suggest Insanity In the sleeper. 10:30 .. by Will be fn "nd In t,be 0)<1 diamete r of [,e r oy Th"yar , de 19ated: is ap river. m. aod 7:80 p. m, ehould be painted with whlt'3 lead to But the differen ce between the sleepBank Bnlldln g, opposia .. l>rovod , II110wed Rnd conflrm ed , Hkkslt e Friends Churcl.. prevent decay; It will not lojure the Ing dream and the delirium of fever, the Natlonl tl Bnnk CHRISTMAS SUPERSTITIONS The will of the \" te Sa rab C First Day Mce tln!t. 10 :00 1\. m. FlrII~ Day for Instanc e, II! that at leBSt fragmentll tissue' or prevent healing. Teleph one In house and Of of the Irazlest dreams may be recalled . t. Oool, 11 :0(1 a, Dl , FOllrlh Day MecUne. AtleQ of Walyne towDsl ilp Is flIed floe where J oa.n be called Dont'a. There are many 'Obrlst mas ,8uper. 10:0 0 a. m, day or n;~bt, Don't cut \Off the law r !lmt'a-- en- while nothing ot delirium remaln . Itt and recorde d ., stltions . long beld as artioies of faith courage Orthodox Friends 'ChurCli. them to come clGaT to the the mind. Valley 'Phone 14-2. The case of Mahlon · Gebbar C ad- that are to be recalle ------ - --~.------d. Among &round . Mrs. EUr.abclth LarkJn, Pul.Or nlinil:!t rator 'o f the ellt,ate of lio.ry E . these al'e tbe beliefs Main Street. Wayne sville. Ohio !';abbaUI Sllbool, Y:UU a . m. Re~ular cbu rcb Don't cut off the fruit 'spurl These that oxen kneel • .\' servi ce, 10 · QO 11. 111. BoUiD, deoelise d agains t Mtilt W. in their stalls at midnig Obr1Jl~lao Eodeavor . bear the trult. ht 00 Christ. 7 Miracle of • e..ttI _nge. 'Don't leave a stub, as It w\l) decay Uoltin, et al Ie dismiss ed for ,the rea.- mBs eve In adofft tlOD _1 :30 p Ilf the N Iltl vlty back Henry Savage Landor. at one tlme ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Into the body of tile tree ' and 30D tbat the ,real eatates ongbt to be and for one hour have III the rig ~~~ tho power of prevent the healing ot the wound a captive of the Lamlloll In Ttbet. teU. Ig OW till)e to subht· . sold Is being admini stered 'Upon by speech . Fur that one bour, too, the tbe foUowing adventu re: the exeout or of the estate ' p t'Ie S , 8 orlbe for rhe MIuml Gazett e. M.ary lOl!,t spiri "Tbe Lamsa bad got hold of my.,. -. B e II' s A , SPRAYING. ntlse ts have rest, J Ildas sleeps, av bath l11)onge, whioh wsa dry anel l Ann Staley. Proper Equipm ent For. Good for all Skin Di....... Herod oeasas to olank his ohalns, preslled to great MlLhlo n , Gebba rt, 8S admini stra the dlinllb ter of Herodla DR. Too often we hear '''sprayi ng weight wblch tbinDet!ls by a beav, W. MllLBR~ 's may pauee bad reeted upon ft. tor of the estat~ of Mlny 0, Boltin, in the dl\noe, In whioh doesn't pay;" In m any In'lts oces It she is oon ThrowI ng it from them, It fell In a ' _ - - - - - - - does not. But one who hlU: lIeen un- little is made plirty defend ant In oase of demne d to spin forever ••. DEN TIST .•• -----, 'pool of, water, I addresll ed the . and Pilate' s success ful Should not hastily con- sponge In E,n gU.h Demu8 'henes W~r, exec:,ut or of the gboet oelUl8tL-1ts wander and with any wordl Office ,ln inge-6o- tud~tlle failure w as <I'le either that came Into my head, pretend~ f;:o " National Bank B1~ Wayn esv life , 0 Mtat l of Mary Ann Stilley agains t Mount Pila tn8, It Deed i to be be to the man or the m thod, or both, to utter Incanta tions. J V Mux W. Boltin, et al. , Heved too that tbe sOllnd of ohuroh for the me rits or s'p rnyl ns wh n In· "The attentio n of telllgen tly done are now tOI) well es- soldiers wsa Quickly the La.mns ancl Prtvu te 8ale of rel;Llestat-e i8 grant- bella 'could be heard draWD to this un· wherev er tOlblishe ad tn the estate of Battie E. Sted to adm it of any -:nnlrov I YOIl would lIke to supply usual behavio r on my part. They a. oburoh bad stood, though no tuoe sy. Very oCten the equlptr_ent er· Ii! phens, deoello8eti, could not conce~1 their t~rror when. your table with this highAffidsv it and :final settlem ent of remain , and that on that preina nt faulty or the wgrk Is not /jolle on aI! I spoke louder and louder to the nigbt ODe sleepin g in a mange r time. Some success ful fa r'Jlf.lrs are sponge, It gradual ly swelled to Its nor· I gradl'! silverware free of the estlite of May Ertel et 1101 minors still trydng to spray!- h lapge , trees mal size. The rlbetan s, who at firsl cost, write us for our speare flied by Jennie Ertel, guardi an would .ee his f Iltnre io a .vil\i.>n. II:. the home orchnrd wi th a lmapsllc k could hardly believe their eyes, beThOM who leek perfec. -~.-"""""sprayer or a bucket pump. '1'he y do came panic-st ricken. There 11'&1 First and fioal acooun t of tbe e8cial offer. Addre tion in silverwa re in· ss a Shall Women Vote? not want to go to the exll nse of seneral stamped e." variably choo.. forks, tate Slluh .1. U ogl9$by , deoes sed, If they did. milhon s would vote b~ying a gcod barrel pump just tor .poon. and fancy ..rvSTA.ND is filed by Ji:stel1!1o M. Brown , exeou UD FA.SIIO N COMPANY ing piec~ . tamped with Dr. King's New Lifo Pills the true the home orchard . Tn the meantim e Had Become Matter of Habit. lZ·tI \'andua StraI, New Yerk. No Y. tri,x •. the renowned 'trade mark remedy (or women . For bani8hin~ they can't B em to· rcnJlze that the When Elisha decided to take unto Martin A. Jameso n gQl1rdl an of dull, fagged feeling s, baokttc he or product from one good-silo i appl e blmsel! a sixth helpme et. he tbeesta te.of Anna M., Grandi n, im. headao he, ooostip lLtton, dispell ing tree tor one season might be made to to the house of a: Baptist repaired ministe r. ooids, impart ing appetit e and toning Il'ay tor all equipm ent. Th en there Is a venerab ie man becile, flle. his slxlh aoooun t. who had omclate d Keeping Bright, up the system , they'rt t unequa led' a claM of owne rs of large orchard s at ....several of B!.ggs· previou s wed· I' Bald an Intell\g nt woman not lone BROS.l~.t Ji:asY. safe. snre. 250. at Fred C, who cannot seem to unden~lInd thnt, dings. to make arrange Marrfale · Ucenses. ments to be ago, "My grandm other was one of the In quality ,and beautY of all orohard operatio ns, sprayin g Is married !;Ohwa rtz's. there the next day. The mIn. I IIprlgbtllest. younge st, mO'ilt up-to-!la Oharle e L, (iuard, S-I, ~armer of of desi~, this weD· e _ • the one thing that It pay. to do well. lIIter reflecte d a momen t. "Elisha ," women [ ever saw. Her houleho ld te kno"a '1lver la unlurLebano n ' and Margar et A. Billott lET THE COLTS RUN at· Perhap i Your Oblerv. lIon, Too. said · he, "I shall. of course, be glnd falra and family plans paued. ItI remarkseemed to ~__ move burn, 34, of n. . Rev. A, J, The writer recently 6f\tW the to 'marry you again. able durability hal will be on 8.11 If oiled. She was always ready It does not pay to tie a yonng oolt fectl of good and poor sprayln g beau- the third or tourth time,This won it the popular Kestle named to pertot:m the oerewill It not? with a Quip and Quirk to brighten life on a oemelJ t or ot.her hard fioor. He tlfully lIIu.tra ted. In title "Sill1lr Pili,. It you don't mind telling me, wby II for the rest of us. mODy. one orchard There was an an· ' dull Wlar,." w.bleh Is In charge of a YOllng man, It that you never have a ministe r of clent family joke about 'grandm other'1 Rilph L. Frazer, 2~, olerk of Love. Is bound to get reiltlesR and to ~tamp who has attende d the Sold by 1c:adla.. Ohle> Agrlcul- your own race tie dealer. every, land and Mabel Ruth Kay, 21, of aronnd most of the day. ,[,h,il! does tural College, there Is 6 crOll of al- Elisha seemed hurt the Imot tor you'" jourlley s;' she would once In a while where. Bead (or for a momen t, bllt , announo e, 'Well, I'm going off OD a catalogue " ()'L" D:)t aid bls growth or tbe develop .. most perfect fruit and Mqrdoo k . Rev. G. E . Gowdy . the tollnse Is finally a broad smile illumined his tlllp. I need It: and away she would .howlo& , aU bls legs, ILnd it is espeoia lly healthy and vigorou s. Tbls result dealgo .. E . Johnso n, 24. fa~mer of ment was feature s., "Well, sah," he explain ed. go, work or conveni ence to the COil' Ma.II llsh'ed by giving three spray- "I bnb kinder got de habit ob gettln· trary notwlth Red Lion and Emma H. Holmes , 22, har" on bilt feet. Bet,ter pen the -accomp ....... co..... standlog . She didn't lngs wltb. a power outfit. It Is' need. a white man to do my (t .......,"• •iih ... ue., marryln ' ao' .pend 80 Tery much oolts or ftuCClt-uor.) 10 up in a shea wbere they may less to eay that the- work tar, hut lbe of Ktngs fJUl1s . ,,"us tbor· , ' reekoD PIl allua do 'It." • would come home bright and oh.... , "EIIIP.~. Albert ~. Veldt, 21, hrillrem an of ba ve plenty ~f room to move around oughly · done. In fact the nelgbboNl . .-- - - . - . fIlLTheu give were decided ly ot the opinion that Morrow and Graoe M, Whltao re, 19, They like oompa ny. em the ran of a paddoo k on every the young ma.n wasted mu cll sprayof Morrow , , . tng materia l. o:djolnlng orchard , OI~nt day, and do not be too obOlce s eparate d trom An the first by n teDce Real Estate Transfers. abont lhe day elthAr. 'fhey 8ay I only. was IIprayed tour ttm~9 by the N. Kenne th Campb ell and Ida $h&t the trouble witb our ooUs Is owner with a similar power ')llIfit but Campb ell to Frank PeltoD, tr&et in that t;lley are pampe red III togethe r with tar differen t resul ts. Tiere there to t m eh D eer fl e l d t owns h 'p, -1 ie a good deal ot ecab II' • e . 00 U , • _ • wormy apples to be toundand.nd many the J. p nUobri st and Carolin e Y. Ieaves are "ery , badl for Colic y In 1ure d b y Gilchrl tlt to J . A. Runya n 122 8 . Ie&! spot. Thi. man might reel cer· aore9 In Turtleo reelr townsh ip, t1 o.r any bowel t~onble D~. Bell ~ An' taln that g cannot be made to tt Pa,ln . aots hke mllglc,reheve~ Jl pay If It ~rayln wenil not tor the bplendl d etc . almost lOstant l y. Also good for all eJ:tmlllle, showln ! what AU' I'O.; painsta king Edith M. Routza hn to W, D: extornl l1 pains . care will do which be finds just over Gr08s, lot iD Ftankh u, $1, eto·. -- -... GNLY the fence, Sprayin g Is ex pensive but C. M. Renold s to George Blanto n, DON'T SELL QUAIL since It haa come to be sucn a neces· lot in Corwin '"60 - sary operati on In fruit growIng. the , ,II' . Now tbRHh e game law Is out on best of equipm ent and the best ot Frank L . Harris ,aud Auna L I . I quail and rllbbltl! . the deputy game 'Work will be tound to be ' none too Barrl~ *0' A . T . Moler, lot in Bur" warden s are direot-I ng their efforts good. , v eysbur g,, t.oward the preven tion of traffio in Ther~ a.r.e no signs, ot 0\1\1' pro• I P C ' duction ot flue fruit. Th !) Quickes t Comm'ploners roceedlnrs. the bl~dll, a.oo~rdlng to Iller Ward· Me(a U's Maga zine :way to get fin e trult Is to lllape up Bms-1 !lulass ~ Ros8, insuran oe en John C, ·Speaks " Is a large, . artlstf, c , band~J't Iely illustrat ed hUlldred-page monthly the old ore'h ard ; spray it thoroug bly. on court hou$~, '46 i J'ohn W. l:ibaw ' tains sixty,~ew FasJ:jion Dilslgns in each issue. Every woman needS.magazin e. It, con. The'law will deal severel y wtth This mar take but ' ~JDe it for Its up-to-da te ye.lf. and It fas.hion~. e~~~ining st?rie\l an,d complete informa t'ion on all h~n, 8am~, 145 i Jesse A, Mount, anyone who a'tem~t borne and , pers~llal topics. 8. to sell or b~rt- takes several to plant a nli (\rchad Over 000 mUlloo subscr.l~rs. . A,cknowledged the best Home' and get relUrli lt. and Fashion MagaZinel 8ame 145' Reed & Hook~t,t, brooms er away qua j) ,and th e I aw t 8, so R~gUlar piice, 5 ~ntsa ~py: " ~orth double. . Grapes c:m ' be .. \, for o~urt hou~e; 16'; O.,:V. \Villiam s drawn that,lf, ~ a punish able ao~ to sa well 'as ne,.t sprlb'g. Kt'lep new, ' ~eea dray~ge, 50 oente; 'A,'f ,B'''t'qriar. eve~ glv.e ,,.waY,b lrds, U ,"stt ew The Miam i 'G~ette wood con.ln g OTI nil tlle lim e 118 'the . ' s~ '.imp)e ,ou cannot mistlnCfefltand them. ' - • . " old wood Is ·or little 'value tOI" good Quto.el gn ,bot,t.r.dl,< .IG ,i LehQno~ .Bou8e , WYand ptte: •. "l',.m One of ' the,' !;leat' newspapen in· this 'part ,:&f ' ,feeiiDg ' v~ry fruit prottlcllOll , A~lutltl" !llllura~. III .~yle, lirl!p~.ble. . _ the State. Glveull the' ne"" that's· fit (0 print. "; me,a lif foJ:" jurorS, flO. 40 i V.all~y"ll'~le ,docom fortablE l.'" M' You ma, .. 1.-:t) f",. any, McC.U Pattern you i noroa: ·\.What P'!-t seed . o'ta lne tu gc.IJIl .torage, Inleresti ng .. Ind progretsive. hIdiapensable , desire ' ftciGI t'- fint number of lb. 'lIIapaine pbQD« Co, • rent,s and toll!!, '23,65 i eV811 is the matter l" every WaYDelville hOIllI!. ~~lar price, ,1.00: ·' Wvand o'ie: not .in ~hc Ilarn~ c llar \ It I ~'h~ ,fur· jiCh .. cIw _ . R.u~ price, 15', ~~. per year. ~d1l0D IroD ~ork8 Co., steel ,pipee __pID~feather8 itloktD g .me." ,nace ' nor ' In s.n Ot\th ll'ld , , l~:; w -~ ~er for 'oulVer t8, 1113-:10' , OWo Oorru ., , :;. _ . ' . . they wlll b~ tr( !teI , {'-~ \" of ... (. ,,' " " 1' . ,.., stock Is OliC. g.~ ~1vert \AI., pipes . f~r ~,-,era, The p80 IDe englae 1er.v88 a v~ry euccees tor t\)l! pot f n . c ~.:'A~ets of ~~: "~dlf <freet Dltoh FUDd. u~ful, p~e, but d9 Dot ez~t it ,.' . ~NDEr 1 r \.;., ;O.l'!':, $0 ..,ma~a,.. ,,(O~ 8Xp81l88B. UI1 .• 8; '<J rOD " he '.ho~e farm. · . . Dlputm ent of Ho'rticulLura. Oh!o

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Commit tee of the Y. M. C. A.

Y. M. C. A.


ment, l\cllvc Usc 0:

DI & \V1/5~ .f!II!s lloil . 11acso nrC tho (h l., -.=, \\,Ilh·). will mnhn u mnu ot )' our I, .

Executi ve

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indloat ioo nt


Beauti ful £yea

are deslrfld by t!vt'ry oDe

If t,here ey"s caO'1 be benutlf ul. t!ulht'l'l "Dd'fI ERgle Eye SuivA will rpm ove t·he lli fillm matioo Ilnd oleRr tho eyes.

18 aoy infl ~ mm ltt! lon thR


Somo wome n marry lur love whil ... Ii few IIIllrry for Itltmoll Y


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When It, (Jome(l to th~ pinch I,hpr ...

------- - ..

i8 someth ing t,o h"'fOBid for t,be lobster

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fDr. Bell'8 Plne-Tar-Honey will break up til ... WOlSt oold and ·ol. I~y t,hrolH Irr\t'/ltf 'lIl 'I'bi@ rpmedv qnlo~ly ollrell oongbs ,"ColdEl, Grippp , and all throat und bronoh i .. 1 tronbletl, • _ • The rollini stone husn~t tl me to gather mo~s OD r08(1s fr eque ntod by


autoDlo~lIl'l' . A




Spleod id pt' Og T "~~ lHlfI h e .. n mll r!" , by tbe Ohi o ~t" lt.fl ell [11 111 i!4l1i n fo r i t,he blind . In t.h fl unnuRI r e port. to I.he gOV tl rr.or, Ibl co mmi t:!_ ion out- I 1111;11 It .. plnn s for th e lUI Llre 'rhe Illteoti l' o is to Olltlnu e rh e fiduOtLt\ooul phlO ; til inlt b lt.f1 u m n v l:lm e nl t o r profitB bl Bm pl o .~"llH\Il t fo r t he i lltht·le!ltl nod to p'ro Ide ho me t lIoh ers for th" a r\nlt hlind . Tbe oorn mission in 00 t) lJfl rll ti o u with t,he 'ltnte boo I'd of h ulth , bus furnisl\ p d every phy. ioian I ' od r egi tared U\l .r~f:\ ID Mle s tRte wito II prf1pllrlltloo t o b I .dmloif llerell to tb e eYIl of the inant sOl)n l1fter birth. If tbi iR ·IODe roO !! t of th e bllndnp. ~!( will b~ prtlveu ted The I.rtllltm bot I im pIe, 000 i ting of the droppiD g of the preparu tlon into the ey6s A f ew drop!! is suffioie nt - ..



r ,

CI 1.110'1 . 1.

\l 1j~ 1


jlu <nl ll

----_ ....

- ----



a mUll, but, ntH' wumlllJ







8 , ~O "" f\ (I f A III II 11

Whoop ing Cough ,

- -c-~o 1ifir'l<'~Ylnl! tll lit. wboopi ng oou~h .III u"t, Inn ifll CIIII'·"'.', I ,ut ,.he

use of Dr Ht'))'" PiliI' 1'111'. , .. ltH.\ · h ol S demoD!\t,ratAtI hl'~' nlld doulJI. thl~t suob iM not, tlt ft 0"1001' l' \1, 10 he cured b .9' ,111' Ul'f' of thill rI~marty'

.. -..-------

----- -

Tbreo~ b tll' I "!.' CI)"'I:I roukfl ~n inall, RI) the t!;ble l\'IY1', ulld tbree d"iulrll of batley' juice IIometim eR m .. ke 8 · ricll. ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=



Wh at Do -FO RSI'ekly Ch.·ld--en I'

Lette rs from Moth ers

"I Wish I could induce every mother, who has a delicate, sickly · J" child ,to try your d e Ictous CodL'Iver and Iron Tonic VINOL: It restored our little daughte r to health and strength after everything else hlld falled." -MRs. C, W, STUMP, Canton , 'Ol)io. Mrs. F. Po' Skonna rd, of Minneapolis, Minn., writes, "I to recommend VINOL to every mother wbo ba~ a w~ak or ~ckly child. My little boy was sickly, pale, and had no appetite for two y~ars. . I . . tried different. medicin es and dootors 'without benefit, b.ut thanks"to ,' VINOL , he ,is a' well and healthy


boy t,o-day!' . ' , " ~. AlleJl~ of !'lew ~ord, M!'"."

wn~ed1If'''.Mt~h PUdnstreyChllgthdre~ga'ned rapl ylDl=t an

lDavery ' .ort time aft,g takingnVINO L" We itrvet kJiow' VINOL -will buDd :'ittle and make ~e~



- ----_... - ...- --




:-\l1lnuel ::;eikrr, Il\Il't,b of L \ '11 ni l!) , \I'!s at hll< h OfUtl nell,r (1t'lllth'l\ clol11 11i1 t,be result, I)f th (l full dillchlll'ge


Dr. Bell's Antise ptIc Salve for eoznmu ,!lll It rbtmm



of oIJDsum pHou, I might Dot be alive

• ..

A GOOD PEAR . PoRsihl y. t·hC\ r~ Ars

. m or e Kiptl' r

t,rees set throujl b'out Hi E! fruit. region f.h,iD · Anv 9 1her' p ' tl t'j but !lince th~y h~'Ve cO~e 'nto be Idu~ B.t;ld Ilr~ bet tar ktiown they 8,re ~lther heing. 'pulled out. or bop.w·o rked to

"" ' I moredfl(4)r tlble ~ort~, All, ' ,.nll-d 18[ tADetn!hip~1'8 t:b~.y b VA .fflw if aoy



tbey 80}<l1'1O l1 et.


~j .. ln

For Interna l and External t-all1Joo



Fune ral Dire :10" . T fl le phone day OJ: lIIgnt Valley phone No 1"'\AlI Di8t,8.noe No. 69_ 0 . ,



Branch Office, HarveY lbul1r. C.

Are You LOGidng

for a Posi tion ? We can offer you good Payin g Empl oyme nt .that you will enjoy and at home . Write to-day Add"..


The Bu.He riek PabUs ldDg Co. BaHerl ek BaUd" ". New 'York. N. 'Y.

C.W.HENDERSON,M.D Wayn esvill e, Ohl ... al1ev Phone 153

Main' Str@' t

..------ -

Y. M. C. A. HU'NGARLAN ~ E' r~ lI SH Cl ~ s

A RtlCCe Rful dllir.vm lln of Norfol k, Virgiol o, !:lOWS OlttA, or WhRfl.t or rye in tbe fall, and og/lin in FebrTlB ry . In Muroh he turo\! in his·cows, al l owing t b e m fL res trioted arel1 for 8n hour eaoh day under the oore of 8 berdE!U lan, In May the field I" plonted in corn -------.~-- ~.~-----


fI IDnn'W ho H.lmoAt, hos a fit w}jpn his wlffl, lJll . ;r ~5 for II bonnp", will \·hlnk IIntltlll g of 8p l'ldillg ,,'" IIlU 'h fC'r Il 1J(1x of CigtilS with wbioh ~o P(.}lutp the 1\1 mosph~re .




"1f my fri6D(j~ hlHlo't blunde red in thinllin g I Will' t~ c\f)omerl viotim

th'" oougb >lun [11m now tn better beaItl\ thun I htl va hl\d for yearll, Thi" wouder ful'\ife- slt.ver it! an nn. rivaled r medy for oougbs , o o Jd~, lagrlpp e, 8.. ~hmll, crull~, bemor- , rnngtls , wboopi ng cou /{ h 0 " wenk Innlls 50e, ~\.OO 'l'ritd bottle free Guora.n totlod by !fred O. SOhWlll tz


K! yli Bldj.l

t (-' t tt'l r, ring'" ar m, r'unn ing I<or 1:1 , C'lJltppe d ll ullcl R /lncl Ijps, pimplE' S un the fllo , b]I\ok b ud!l, hflrbars Itob, I< UO burn, iu !oo ot bitfl!< , fev r sor es' lIod nllSI.! ontarrh . 250 .

Not Sorry for Blunder

now." D. T . I:)undert!. of I::Illrrodsbu rg, Ky., "bllt. tor yeors t,bey paw every attemp t 10 cure 8, lung racking oon~h fl~U At lust I trie n Dr King's New Disoov ery . 'l·lIe,Elf. feo' was wonder ful It soon stopped


i~ /Itltll'lI L1tet' i!

------ + ....-----

'UNEYDruulatJttOO buy. on08 boy. ao~ apiD It he J. R. J fto\" , \ _ ".' .&


t'rnlO the bU1'rtil of II !'bolgu n in t,h f' blInds of his bro ther wbil on th .. Wells farm V> h e n t. ' le ~' OtlD!ler hrotb er RI,umhl erl over It log Abo liog t,b f1 entire 1011.1 of bi~ !.ttl 11 into bis broth er'~ left !>bou) ll ,. Dr MI~rdi ~ , of Lf'bllno n, Wll~ 011 lied immed\ llta ly rhess the w ouud, wbioh he pro nclunoe d lob of 0 !Dost !leri'oull nil tura !lnd the vonng m ilD's r ecovery is 0 mlltter of ~Mi o l1s n'l u bt,

strong ~ robust. Try eVAO wheD rl~. They sell weill\ . one ~e, and if JOU are not~ "here but 1ttt.I~ known , d~e "to tbf\ir 8edt we'Wi11 retuna JOUl~. . .. !~ and rich gol~en oolor, but b.e heaith ;


It Is not v ry general ly known that rlJht In the beart of Africa at the south ern end' of Lake Albert Edward 110 a gT at I'ange of volcano es. Th y are eight In number , and, tbough it Is true that, unlike Rukenw r. tbey carry no perman ent' s now, tbe 'hlgJ;1est peak 10 over fourteen tbousan d feet in helgbt. Th se volcanoes are particularly Interest ing on account ot tbelr compar ative new ness, Runnin g through the middl e of Africa there Is a trench many hundr{!d miles long, In which lie tbe great lakes Albert Edward , KJvu and Tangan yika. Not very many thousan ds of yelll'8 ago, the volcano es, general ly called Mfumblro, burot through the middle ot thi s trench and made a dam aCl'OSS I t, with. th e result that some or tho wat r, whlob former ly flowed Into Lake Albert Edward and so Into the II , was cut of! and a lake was form ed beblnd the dam. As times went on the waters of the lake wblcb. Is now called KJVIl rose hlgber and higher, untH, not b lng able to flow over the barrier of tbe volcanoes, they formed tbe Ruslol r1ver. wblch runs the other way Into Tangany1Ka, about 100 miles dl t!tant. Of the eight volcano es only two sbow olgns of a.cthllty at the present time, In the form. of thin wisp. of stcnm wblch may 00cAstonnlly be Boon; but a vaot platn of lava. with 0. W!\de black stream curl· Ing through Ita midst, showed· where a formida ble eruptio n ,had taken plnce only two or three years before our visit. There .nre hot springs scatt ered h ~re and there, &Dd we felt slight shocko of earthqu akes once or twIce, 80 It 10 not safe to say that the Mtumbloo vo\cllfloes are exUnc t.Wide World Magazin e,

y, Z391. 249 W..r 37111 51.. HEW YORI

\Y R,\ 'If'Jsvill e's Leud\n v


Range of Eight Great Volcano es Near Lake Alb ert Edward in central Afric a.

'I'her h< 1t'1I1 1I V I~ '11; 11' . wh. ~IIY" nwl1 fUI' 810 " III, 'h , 1..1"Hr o r Kld ,It,:v t.bingtl t o hi ll \\'Htl h " wlluhln 't dllre tr(luhl" " nut! . ,,'VI' 1' d l.U pp.)lut,<, . Ouly oOc lit \l" ',.,r1 C. N\ I ' ·W HI Z·~ . sllY to blA (' I!I ,k, .

It t,uk

rH' "

D it. H . E. El A 'I'H.A W t\ \'


Saves an ,Iowa Man's Life

l' U



The very grave ~ ('\P Dled to .\'lLWII m flD. ' bat, I~ 1,,, furH £\,.. " "' 1 Mild "D, o f .v st, 13Ul'tm rua h fHrthEII' . II n~tt)n, lowa, wbeD, ' uft!'r eVPIJ ------~.---~.-----"" .... k" in Ihe b O" llItl1l, fOil I' 01 Ih. · Cheap '!"Iltatlons 1't',..1 phy"ici Ll n!' Ii ve him O [) Tht'u Owing H, t·ll ... immt>o "f\ 'Ill... It " ' W II ~ ioIhOWD I h e 111" V l ou :!! unlti VI' populll rHy of Ur b td I '14 Ptn t' _l'Hr power 'of Ele(J1ri(1 Birr " "". For, I.LI tH' Bnoay ,·btlr .. tll'f1 m oo DY l!bflllP illlllFr- t igbt mOll l,h 01 I J'i ol b I fI I utf A I'llI ~ {,iunE! un tb fl IUllrk l't und r /li lltil" . "'UII I BV.- r M" uhlll lind v,,1 1 w j UUI,l - ' , 80undl ng 0111111'-", bllt, .V OII 0 11 n "I ", ,,," ,j iN', Ilt't,t t n I 1111 h .l)l from OI I.h", ,.1 !let tlle jlrnUIIH' b.v 10uklll~ fill' Ih ' "I'III,'cl i II ur rh)() I ,) r ll. IiV l1 b" t-Ii II " I' bell nn ,I]f' I' "1 ,, ' hi ,. rn ~ll hi e,.,. III 0;(111 ,e mUIl /' \{ I


t lon

plllll'rn . uLJ· t lIuy o r scull IlIr ffl ' Ml III"I' cepy. MeC. 1I P~_t1c.rn. " II! .. lIlIhl0 you l O Inllko in yon r , . \\' 11 tHUnf' , whll )'O llrll \ \' l1l l1 ll1 lt s, C' lut hhu! tur }'ullrl<w lf and f'lliltlrl' lI ",r, ll ' l! w ill btl Ptlr rU\'~ ill s t\,l.' nnillilo P rll'I'-IIWI I' Il h: IUlr lh iHl It> l' t"' UtS , ~'''' I lil fur rr41 l'u Ut'l'li 'ululOIlL10 . We Will Gin You Fin. Prufnh fnr gO l.lIn u s uh· !'(.'I!t HhHl S 11111411",: ytHH frll' lI cls. !;PIH1 (o r rroo 1'11'1111\1111 ( · nlHI \ 'nx h Prl 7.o O fT'llr.

Let us put you r nam e on our mai ling list


humor 1.8 u .. e,ul to "A'\~ " of h mor will f(tH

-----_. ..----- -

1'III0"''''. (urulII

111 1,'

11 11 IIOIIH il iad IH-' f ' "", 1,,11 1U1Ilh'I'S, (J nty , I,' Il )' r ln c lmlhll: ~ I ' rll,'





t.i ae wll .Jr,"_' SIl' 1 n Itlud"rat " I:) k I U ~~ I , ' ~ " II 011 ll ". 1 ., II t n u s t it ~ 1I'd h u t s, fie i i ' 1.,1\ lJushru , ,.,:~ Alsu 'I


, t'


The end of I1n ftrgnme nt is beUer thl1n eitiler ~ide of It

----- _..





I . •

" r-1

snow whlto nt. GUllrtl nteed for all s kin diseasel l. 2lio Bold every-




Every Body Needs a good salve Rnd Or, Bell's Aot·isep tio Sal ve Is t.he best . It is 0. orellnl~


• •'

- -




,e wj ;"~l\ :c 0.

M 'CA lL ~ M I\~,\ll:'[

A (litting hon i8 In nn fear of tbe rOlt.8ttng p8D .

-----_ ...




A leanlnjif gllte 18 11 lazy owner.

a . •, tI,


101 "'DI<llIo 811p., fl'lron . Moe

. . " ' . -. . , r

A fat fee makes a leaD olieDt .


~O. OOO h oy~



t Bes t Rea ding Bes t Ads D r. B ell's Pin e~ Bes t Fea ture s ,"or C oughs une .., •. ,,,. Bes t Wa nt Col umn ~jav(. j'li ..)":'Y ,:! 'I; Kt.... u! Bes t Soc ial . ' ,. . I" " . U' Bes t Pers ona l I lVlagazi l~c ~r: ' : !hi' hkC"" Pattern... ", In fact it is l' '' "

R Ildln" Locals, per llne . . " " . . .. . . . . ~ Roadlng wellis. blllck face, per lIue . . . . toe OIB88LOed Ads. not to oxceed fi ve 111108 Thl'llll IlISerUoUB .. .. .. . , .. ... , 2~ Obituarie s, fivo luchus f,l'IlIl; o\'or Ih'o luches. IKlr line . . ... ........ . , lie Card of thDnka . . ... . .. .... .. , .. .. , . •. 26c 11080Iution co •• '•••••• •• • • • , • • , , ••• , • • •• 50c Soclals otc. whorD.cillll'l:O Is Illude ... . ... 2~ Display Advertlsl llg lKlr Illch ..... .... , . t Oe DlIIcouDts given all contract .


c lt·(

\~lt~~tt; 6u~~e~I,11;t" h~~~~~1 Ig'1~~"·Bf'u1!:ih~iI:~,\~~·.

Rates of Advert ising


I, ".


Tf1111 t:

, Anyone BondlllFi


" " "ell t' "

r:l ~ RI\.

D r~" I r::. rl9



C, H '!!!


I , .. (·1 · ... ' ·. " .


ft!~~~,tf..,~~f:~~~'(~I!n~.'I'; ;:,~;'~'.. \':,'r,f,~ .rC~~;JI~~ :~I:I:: tl nns.' riot"" cOIIUd enJlnl

1'1 !1C ~I) I ~ on l'U LtillLe

·°l!;{ril~~ tt!~~~,l ~r~~;;:;~ I ~v~i~:;' .\" t "t'~~t:~~~ IPfCICLI n oUce, .. II hnut c~OIr ~Il ,




$titntlflt J nn~ Yi\~n.

A hftnl180m cly tnn~ll"ntf\" ('"'''"'tt ) J,nl" a l~~t. elt, CIlIIIUn " o t ftl~ tI,·".. "I\U ,t 1 "" ' ~ ' 'J 'l!r 11l8 , (;J. )'cur: f (lllr n Hlnt li d, 6L a uh! ~!' ,.' 11 WHllcltlurtt

MUNN &CO. 30HiroOdW 1'I, llowYCi~. Braoob omco. lr " ' n ". e"'" ~

f lL,




fo~ Nothing but the E.~




The l\1iami

Gazette ' l (J ~®~1T


D. L. CRANE . , ~-----

Wi\Y I' ES Vll.l.R ~ ~-






- -- -


Tbn I'lu Iv Individu al to w hom Ule N w, York tailors owe n luq; , <lcbt or

Th re Is beginni ng to be comm nt on th growing respectn blllty of trnde In German y. Time was when a man of title Was believed to soU bls hands by making money. The traditio n can bardly be insisted on, howeve r, when the kaiser himself has n bURlne£!s Interest In the manufa cture of terra cotia. From the old Americ an stand· point It Is mucb more Ilonorab le to get mon y In trade or industr y than to ac· Quire it by marriag e; but It may be a long time before Europe an aristocr acy of any descdptlon sees the mercen ary marriag e problem In Its true light.

Long be ror th e Thanks giving sea· son of pi e baking, many pumpki ns hav be n di verted from th eir norl111l1 purpose of food a nd have served tb rn rrymllk ers at Hallow\!'en. mad ov I' Into jack·o'·l nnterns , with grin ' nlng or BOI'ro~vfll l counten ances, 'ont\ll"le s ago in Europe tbere was anal b I' kind of jacl{·o'· lantern, t btl marsh flr e or wlll-<l'·the·wlsp , clf· llrsor, whateve l' you w ls it to call It , tllat was fr equ nlly seen In low, marshy pluces at night, fl ltt1n~ about like tiny lante rns in the gloom. Wh en these phos phorescent IIghte appeare d at the time of All Saints' day they we re said to be tbe souls at s inners that bad escaped from purgato ry and returne d to eartb to beg tllelr tormer fri ends to pray ror the remissi on of their s in •. Whe ther the pumpki n Imltntlo n of the marsh IIgbt origina ted nmong the peas· ants of Italy or the negroes of our own souther n states; Is aun a mooted Question. At firs t they were all stlro wful jaces, befitting the coun~e rpart of the soul that Is sufferin g the cons&,Quence s of a wicked life. But once upon a time an embryo aculpto r made n mistake In the carving of a pumpki n mouth, causing 'the corners to turn up Instead of down, and the effec:t was 'so Jolly and comical tbat 'aU who saw this spirit came to tbe conclus ion that eltber the sins bad been forgiven or the gate to purgato ry bad bee n slamme d 10 his face and he need not return. Since that Ume it bas been assume d by the Hallow een boatess that sins are actualJy pardone d and departe d spirits are, happy, f or the round, rathe r tlat pumpkI n tbat can be made to ,grin Is the one most In demand. Italy lays claim to the origin ,of tbe jack·o'·l antern nod some tlme ago tbe botanis ts of Europe laid en tire claim to tbe pumpki.n Itself, aaBertln g that It was an. Importe d product In Amer· Ica, This \Jbel was given the lie In a ltttJe whUe by the Americ an , who was

is Clogged up

Promin ent Natlona i Figure Paned In fhe Death of Da,vld Ben· nett Hili , Albony, ', Y.-A c'listingtlillb yel" and stlltesm an, who for y ars W!lS u proln lncnt flglu'e t.he people of t he nntlon, })aBsed away In t h doath ot x·Gov, aut! ex·Seno tor Dn lTld Denn tt H ili , at bls llome nenr this city. Mr, Hill tor many yenrs one ot the lead ing Dem ocrats In country and bls Innll ne wa felt in shaping tbe policies of his IlfU'ly, H e was active and Influentia l In many s lllte and nationa l campnlg ns nlld \,'IlS a promin ent candldn te tor th e pres id ential nomina tion In 1892, ;\Ir, Bin was born In Havnnn , e b mUlIg ("ollnty, In 1843, and began tbe

graU tlll1 wll!ch IDar b e lIlor tlllln bllion od by ilia rtUlol'mt II owes the tull ors-ba s tenderp d th e plI.bJie nn · otb er proCOUI)d stot ment, H ,sn),s that a man "w ho docsn 't 1;0 O\lt IIIlIch" an dr<' ss d Ct'n l1 ~' on $:1,000 n yea r, says the Olevelu nu Plain D al r, b· 8 r ve t.IJ !tub!I" lUalgll it)' of Ih nt 111101· Irylng phrasc, Th ' man wh o goes out milch . the C lIow who rOlllpS tllrough rOll ts nno dln nl!rs and t -as ntHI 0 1 fresco twaddlc ft'stll , must lillY his tull · or- no mntter wha t Il e uoc for th e pip r. Whll tli o poor dln llpl e who IS hnlllp r d hy a nW:lsly $[.,000 wl\1 cut bls plea811r os cllr 'fu lly ne<:ordl ng to bls rloth, !Je lng so closely m u.scetl by thnt d ndly lin or dc('ency. .Just now this dlsti neti on will be r l)ard C'd hy the pass ssor of two coat hang rs, \,;th only on III active li S t.' , can ells lly lie Imagine d, li e wJll sm llo at the uknse and snap his f1n g rs at a code ot d CfllCY that Is ba t!d on 20 can ts Rnd countle ss trouserll. l\ ye rLh less, j f YOIl are amblllo us to II of the patricia ns you must do as the patriCIans do--pro vlded your In orne X' ceeds the paltry $5,OOO-and It will be an exhibiti on of extr mely bad form If you regard tpls , sartoria l d claration or the man who knowlI In allY otIler save t he most serious light.

'Your Liver


David B. Hili. study of law In his native ,,11lage. Tn 1 63 he remove d to E lm ira and afte r hl B ndmlssl on to the bar lhe followin g year rose rapidly In hlB profess ion . He Boon e ntered politics and his ad· vance. was rapid, for he had a marked tillite nnd adaptab ility tor ' politica l life. In 1864 he became city attorne y of Elmlrn, tben entered tbe assembly, wbere he served two terms, and later was elected mllyor. In 1 82 he wall elected lieutena nt governo r and on Clevela nd's resl ~nut1on of the gove r· norshlp , In January , 1885. to aS6ume tbe duties of the preside ntial eIDce, Hill succeed ed blm and rounded out the term. In 1885 and oguin In 1888 he was elected governo r, serving In aU a period of seven years-a record surpass ed by only three governo rs In the his tory of ,tbe state. In 1891 be was elected United States senator and the followin g years waa a candIda te for tbe ' preslde noy against Grover Clevela nd. In the se nate he played a promin ent part, chiefly In connecU on witb the propose d Income tax law, which he oppolled strenuo usly. In 1894, a'gaJns't his wishes, be became the Democr atic candIda te for gover· 'nor and was b eaten. Wben he lett the senate be withdre w pracUca))y tram poUtlcs and since then Mr, Hill bad devoted blmselt to his legal pro· fession. '

'T h.t'. WDJ' You'" ~ hrta-H a.. No



KILLED IN BATTLE Acene of Many Stirring Eve nts In Early Days of War Marked by Bullet-P itted Wa lls. ' In th " hE'role age of the rC't)lIbllr, nnd that means the p rlod of 18111 · 66, ' elltorvll le, Va " W:lS what Its nllme d d ares. Til 'Ivll Will" thre w uch a glnre upon tlt e hamle t that the eye of tho world WIIS drawn to it. 'ell' tervllle was u nnme that was some· tim es uttered with n shout, bllt most tlllles with a s ob. Great legions of the nlon an t! at fll" st grent ol"mles lind lute r gnunt ElI'mies of lhe on[ed· eraey g rapplell arollnt! this town, chargin G', counter-ch arging. reelin g, manglin g and Winning und losing as Ili A gods wl11ed or' as tbe henvies t bllt· I allons compell ed , Centerv l11e wus a wnr·rac ked vlJlage over which one :umy a.nd then a nolher rolled . It was now blue, now gray, chungln g color in :l br uth, Mars held red revels here. Four s ignboar ds posted at tbe cross· ronds Wh ere the vll1age Btand s tell the way. One r eud s: "To Bull Run, 3 Mil 9 ," Th o legend on anoth r Is : " To hu ntllly, 1\ Mil IV," A thi rd Is Insc ribed : "To AldIe , 12 miles." The fourth points the way to Fairfa x Court House, sel'en mil es away. 'l'hflse s ignboar ds , rou gbly lettered on rou gh oulc boards , ar seared and warp d by mill and s un , Centervill e Is not n s tirring place, It does not feel n s ingle busy throb, It evel' a vl11nge wns killed In battlo It was Cen terv ille. Today It I.lOars wouad s and scars. Dullet·p ltted wa lls and shot-riv e n trees, sunken grav s a nd vlne·ve lled r doubts muy be s eell ther , , A dozen houses compos e the vl11age. HaIt of them cling to the rondsld e ns though to feed their lean and leanIng sides all s uch excitem en t us the visl· tatlon of l\. strange r brings. These v'an bouses se m to sniff the yellow dust whirled up by slowly passing teams as though It were exhilara ting snu ff. They bear a feeble and Witless look. If they were sentien t things It Is likely they would say: "Center ville is a Jlttle slow jus t now, but it you'd been her e a few yeare ago, back In the early 'OOs. you wouldn 't laugh at us t or being n IItlle shaky and out of joint now." . Rusty cannon ball and s hell. barvested from the old camps and the bllltle blasted ft Ids a round, arebea p· ed at tree trunks nnd In some fence corners , though many of these reUc piles have been sold (or old irOll a nd

UVER PlLl.:5 will Put you ~ht ill • Ie" daya. , Thaydo Ibeit duty.


C. .tIp.-




Genoine IIIl11lbeas Signature



Sack to the Wild, Th re was a tilDe wbe n all dog. were wild Ilncl when what we caU wol\'es WOI' dlff r nt from otb I' dogs only IlB a ('olli e now Is dl ll'el'Cnt from n Newfoun dland, for Intltallce. F rom time to tlm6 YO\l w\ll h ar fit dogs that hove I' llll"llctl to thu lICe of their ancesto rs and bave run willi w l~ the wol\'es o f tho JlI'IlII'I or of t b woodll. In tbe tOWIl of GandY In Or gOIl n. greyhou nd Ol\e night mnde t he acQualntnnce of 1\ ooyot e, whicb Is 0kind of wolf, und vcr since be lui s lived away from tho to wn, run ning with tile oyoLes und approuc hlag human dwellln g·plue s only to steal n. h en or t wo wh 11 he hUB been more th an usually hungry . Rellnol In Three Wee ks Does What Other Remedi os ·Failed to Do In Four Month s. My blrily's l ace was like a. rnw and bleedin g piece of mat. 1 was at my wits' ends wbat to do, Med icine from three pbyslcl ans a.nd olnUncn t r commended seemed to make the Ecz milo worse. Then another mothe r spoko or Reslnol. whicb I procure d nt once-r emembe r I b ad no more faltb In It thlln In aU the l'est I had tried- but [ thought It would b e wasting only 600 more. Never did I spend 60c to bet- , ter advanta ge. for the first and S60pnd days I noticed a r e markah le change. and now at the e nd of the third week I bave my pretty blu~ eysd, rosy oheeked , cooing baby well again. I am safe In saying he 16 perfectl y cured and the cure was surely sOJDethlng r emarka ble, Your Soa~ and Ointment did in three we ks what. 'everyth ing elBs I tried failed to do In ~our months . MY baby was positively 4laflgured, now his complex ion i8 aD right again. Mrs. H. F. Olemme r, Sunbury , PL I

OMEW HERE down Ib road the engine stopped to get a drink. There was notblng In It for the passeng ers, the day being Sun· day and the lid well clamped down, even In the Ozark country , where the moon Is said to shine In the ' darknes s occasio nally. Neverth e· less the passe ngers ' got Bomethln , worth wblle stoppin g for. Whut they got was a picture. It was a simple Within the next tbree .years the Ma· compos ition with a baokgro und ot lay states w111 export $50,000.000 worth crims on autumn al tollage; a weather of rubber. This goes far toward put- stained log bouse In the mIddle disting tb rubber: plant on a. plane with' tance well screene d in woodbi ne and ALL ,""HER E, the ice plant as a source of revenue , trumpe t creeper , the frost·nl pped remaIns at an old·fashlon ed garden and ':-rlght In the middle foregro und, not a A man In Massac husetts tvmlng to stone's throw trom thE) track-t he soli· look alter a hobble skirt tell and broke tary figure. He stood beside tbe squat bls leg. He would not be a true son gatepos t, just as it be bad been palotor Adam If he does n'Jt put 'all the ed there a good balf century ago, a cob pipe In his mouth and a somewh at blame on the bobble 1lk1~t. 'tattered s traw hat pushed well baQk (rom bls florid brow nnd iltrnlgh t gray A Paris denUst w'bo tinkere d with hall', Bls lea n arms embrac ed, as far the teeth of the royalty of Europe at as bumlln arms could reacb, a mamPLACE WHERE Pin LIVED abo\1 t $600 a tinker, has just died, motli pumpki n that re posed on the Noted Engllih Statelm an'. Home leaving all estate worth only a lIttio ~tepost, and I~to tbe side at ,the yel· Where It la Saltt BrItain Really low rind, be had out, "Prize-w inner, 216 over a mJlllon. L.ost Americ a. pd." " 1 tbought , be'd be th er e," one o[ the A New ~,ersey pastor Bays that wom· passeng ers laughed London .-Nort h End Place, which . "He basn't daDe was r ecently sold at pubUo auction , en Who Viear bobbl e skirts should be a 'thing but flaunt that pumpki n at the sbould be an object of great Interest spnnked. True, but in tbat skirt passeng ers the past four days sin e he to Americ ans. Perhap s H William t her e's llq chllnce ot getUng them In got It bacl{ tram the county fair, You Pitt, earl of Chatham , had not reknow it Isn't eaBY to raise big tellows th proper position Cor s panl' ing. Ured to this fine old·fash loned resi· like that In these Ozark bills. It takes dence, but remaine d at the bead ot rich bottom soli to make 'em grow to bis poJlUpaJ llarty, the Boston tea When people discove r t.hat It Is any cons iderable sJze, and the' Ozark VlsttOr -Do you dntles never would have been Imposed ch eaper to buy Ilt home than to smug· rarmer needs bls little bottom patches toes .. carry mnlarla ? and the English flag mlgbt now be fl:le (Tom abroad, smuggl ing will cealle. for someth ing besides show fruIt. That FarUle r-l dunno; they never took flying over the wbolll North Americ an The pocket nerve 'Is a powerfu l moral old ohap got some of. tbe best pumpki n any awny from here. contine nt. seed tbllt ever was brough t into mar· , ~gent. In i 76!. wben the great s ta.tesma n ket and be's l>een at, 'e m ever since. . Not · Even Mo~her. was · seized with an unllcoo untable m· T hat 21S·pou nder dId actually cap· Lit.tle 130b was muob distress ed b.e-. Another mlln in tbe big "WOO(Js h as t ure th'e prh:e In ness, he shut blmself up In this bouse. a certain , Missour i ca use the , btrthdliys of ll1e sister ,AdeHla last days here h ave a wonder ful be n Ilot. b iog mistake n fo r e. deer. coun ty. but there was a pumpki n laide and bls bllby brother. were going resemb lance to the closing chapter of In orrier to be reaso nabl y nffl t he shown at' tbe Merchant£!' Exchan ge in to 'u rrlve before, his cl ld . . StE)vims on's story. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr, bunter m ight di sgui se hl TTl~cl f as St. Louis that ,would have broktin the "All .the burfdllYs before mJ~e , " be Hyde." To the cQnster olltion of bis old Ozark farmer' s heart. It was lhe game, mourne d . "Couldn 't you make mlno ministe rs, Pitt did not put h~ nn apgreat achieve ment of Tom Powell. who come first, muvv er?~ pearanc e when pt.rUam ent met. Ocbeen raiSing big pumpki ns u good Centerv Ille Today. "No," Interpo sed Adelaid e, declBlveTh ere Is a school In Dubuqu e which has many years an ti who S Iy. "nobody ~an change your blrthI' tr ~-Ing to t nch boyt; to lo ve farm {rom wblcb tba t one liP plied t.lJe seed tons of tlle war Pletal ba ve been con· ~ay- not even mother great hill pum p· !", "'·ork. On e cours!! should b e on t he kin was deve loped, it took a verted into Implem ents of p ence-p er· three. , abolltlo n of the cOl'n·bll sl! mattress. t blips lite rally Into plowsha res. Tber e horse team to haul thirty pumpki ns Heavy Gatea for Panama Canal. , are no 1I0uses In Oenterv ille In which to St. Louis for the display . Th e com· The ord er for the , Panama lock I gun barrels, shattere d gun stocks, gates oovers no few r than 58,000 tons' · A Pittsbu rg nln.n has r eceived !l blnedw elght of tbe load, exclusiv e ot broken s wol'ds. di storted bsyonet~, of steel, 'dis tributed over 40 gates, or legacy vf $860,000 bccaus he dldn't tbe wagon and driver, was somethi ng tarnishe d belt buckles dented 92 lell.\,68. ' mnr ry. 'ot being maJ'rled we can't ove r 5,000 pound s, and the largest of canteen s are not used as and orname nts. the pumpki n s tipped the beam ut 23 7, ti that he needs the mouey. Sbrapn el and canister ' res t on' ta,ll MORE THAN EVER the heavies t pumpki n ever brought to mnnt elpieces over caverno us flre- Increae ed CapacIt y for' Mental St. Louis. it was convert ed into 160 Labol" A Wash ington man drop)) d dead 8lnc~, LeavIng Off Coffee. suocule nt roles, places. , while using hIs law n mower, an d we P erhaps lhere was no r egimen t in -'- The demnnd for pumpki n has not In· presum e his neighbo rs rol\I'd over and creased tlle UnIon army of Virginia,. the army :Many former coffee drinker s who . Iu proport ion to the popuia. enjoyed n little morn in g sic p. of the Potoma c snd the army ot n~rtb. hve mental wor,k to ' perform'; day tlon's Increase , In the da ys ~t our ern Virginia. that dId not marob and after day, have foulld a better capaci, fight nlong this 1Ilghway. The' old ty and greatel' grandm others cann ed things were al· It i abo ut t his time thnt the su::.:- most unknow n. And th ere was the , rood, sUll tted from the supply Postqm instead enduran ce by' using of ordlnallY coffee, An me r girls at the shores begins to get traditio n that In the fall, from the mid. and artillery trains. Is little traveled Illinois woman writes :', , buS&' wltb he.r lette rs to the winte r dIe at Octobe r to Ch ristmas , now. One may walk mUes without re "I had drank coffee for about twenmust be a long row of pumplcln the 6Ulnd-by In the cit)'. meeting a man, but,lf one bave, pies the ty yel\rs, anil ft~nUy bad what the ' on the pantry shelf e very Saturda y ld doctor called 'coffee beart.' , I was pow er to , ~alk with. ghosts. he sbou Men wbOBe hirsute lIt1 ol"nm (! nt Is night. For 11 modera te'slzed family not lack ~ervous and extreme ly deBpon dent; compan y. rhe mystic or · Where Pitt ten Lived, pi es would sumce. tbe medhim mlgbt see ,phantb'ID ilrmies bad little mental or pbYslca but Ulere was remark ab le fo r whal it Is not will l .strengt h many n housew ife who made he r tired , tb tl Id '" t disagre e ,,:lIh th at ::;clentl llt wl,o say~ callion~l1Y he would drive about ,Hamp- travelin g the rmld had kJdney trouble and constip abOllst, "I've baked two dozen tbis qnd , e e s, a"u . 13ft" tlon:, , ' ". tbn t a fly travels :15 tee t a ·eeond. '. stead Heath tn a closed 'carrlllg e, but tln'g U. The sloq~s ' ruornin g, nnd 1 do bope' th ere will be most of ,his time be spent comple tely were worn by the eetIn /~~s 1:lg~Wa~ '!'l'he first. noticea ble benefit der-Iv,e d enougb leH for Monday dinner." 0 d e lOS s dO , seclude d" 'I n a , tiny ,r oom at t,h e , top McDowe~l, Pope, t 'Bu' the cbangiM rom corree to Postum . Th e lipless hotel should now be r~1 e,. J ,~a e, was the In the Pumpki n Field. In the oJ d d ays, th of .the b ' o'uae. ~e ' ''''II pumpki his natural 'a ptlon ot the ,k1dDEiYB n .meills' was w , ere conl{earp er · and Por ( ' 0 111 er, a (reat·less bo te l :lI ~ o qpd tbus put to Rnoth er use. ao Bon, oft . Beaureg ard, Longstr eet, e,~tuaft it was 'tbe basla "In no bumor to be robbed or' his an veyed , and and bowels. ; ,tw~ " W~ek8 ~y heart to him attain perfect Iou . through a hole in tbe hllndr~d for a very del1clous soup-s trange a8 nua! Tbanks glvlng " s 'of other B~ldlers of renown . acUoD' ,was S1'tlll.tly 'lmprOyell', pie. and my Pumpki n. wan, cloaed by a. door on either Blele. When McDoW,e ll moved,' ~o tbe at- nerves stenIlY; ' '-, : ' this may seem . . Even now ·in tbe mar- ,w ere grown tn lhe rIch "', alluvial' Boll He refu8e'd to ~~e 'any 'one, even his 'tack ot Beaureg llrd, behind .B.ulr'~un . ~'Tbei1 I became ,lelJ8 ' despond Writing poetry Is lfuch a mild form kets o[ PariS there Is . the custem of ~Iong the MJsso~rl rIver long befor4! own ent; attendl, \nt, :wbo never; would op~n it was from ' hIs a~P8 a t-. CetitervlJle. and ~I(e ' desire 'to:, be active llr;aIn (1f insanity tbat heretotq re ,It l1a,s ' not crownin g 1{lng Pu.mpkln: the last Sat- the wblte ' man 'Invilded the, Inurlor hatc~'W a~, to ahove In t:h~ fo~d It 'was 'a t ,Cellterv llle that be made howed ,vroof 'o r tQnewe be n thought ,n eceSlsar y to lock up the 'urday In Septe.nlber. The largest and 'of the contine nt, and In tbe clHf dw,ell: d 'PhY8lcal ' and the 4oo.r :waa cl61ed -on t!ie .. t to' r'a llv ' bls "'eRten for ... m"e,Dbll 8bap~l1est Is elected Idog. and there 18 Inga, of Mancos Id f th ' II . Canyon , OhIQ. tbat" 8'tre~gfh : ," 'VIctim. final ,,"I" J, :" ~ "',.. " 'r. ~ e 0 ' , , "?,,,. e, wa , \Vh e~Ol' Jb:cltsOn '4lisbed a regula.r ceremo nial, an hOur of tbe 'were abandon ed eyen upon ' Pope'. , "I ~am steadily gaining In ,phyalca l, l>e~ore' 'th~ 'c om· , ~ouae t. , f!'8~lna ting old J'~a:~d. l),uriect th~ :Federal ,stortlil' attern'Oon beIng given up to' the parade in.S : of Collimbus, p~rtectl Itteu~1 i and brMn power.~ 1·l:lormerlY y ,nl'eR~lrv,ed,' turej " Wdlt~oovafrIOUt8 bmod~.,n , 'I A $60,OlJO bull dog bRS j n t di ed Anll through IitIlUS , and adjoinin I Manasla B, hQ reUred, to ,r OQD~el'YlIle. g str~et.a ,pu~pkl mentl!ol 1Vcirk and ..ball' ~~ S.V, It Ult . ee a oye, a,. eve ' ~bere 'ls to be a post-mo rtem 'invesll- of the market. the trades people In COB- eXCAvan BeMo t\an bettD foUnd .by t~f! altua~... was' freni Centei" rtlle that l'e moved on "C~oUDt Of' coltee" but Ilnce Ul!1Dc . tors, In hermeti cally sealed Jar8. Lht m<a~ beautifu l auburb 9 f LOndo.,., ptlon, Inetead of tbe UBIIO I will can, 'tunie and tbe pumpki n adorned With , THis C~ot .is of dley and Gro~(on for tbe second Poat1Ull' l 'am .ic:ilng bll.1'd mtptal labor ' DO parti0 41nr Interes\ ' lts" !nt~rl61' abound . ""Ith.'ru e 'oak pan~. ~h4!!Ji Pope )1e14e4 the 1l~ld ~ "ttll 1~ i.tlpe ·tban eVer befl)te." a gorseol! s crown of' tinsel and Imlta· to any but tb~ botanis t sL t, and the, arch, eUIlS' ~d, qU~'Dt atalroaa es. With I~ Jacbon , and LoDliltree~ he retreate d lion jewels, When the .puad e Is over aeoilgla t; 'yet it Is a sourQe Read the Uttle btJok, ''1Iie· R0a4, to , of gratia, lpasnl!lC l4lDt ~ewa ~ef LQn~o~ , 1U'l~ t the Centem (root ,Is "uucrow ned, eut Into lec- 'clJ,t1on to us to know that. we can ~en' the ~"" 'frOiil . Japan tillS chang¢<! !.be nam!' r the ba·".~ eat, Ita 'upt-o-d ate COny8DleD~e" Pitt ' b~1 ~ SbUtb 'Ue. p~ ro...ard , to ' lat. Em(lt!ror of. Kor u to 'pr'nc~ m tiona lind , tlleae auc~io!)ed off to the our ~aUonll. ' pJe ,WIthout ,returiil Dt ,an Idaa' bome, to "bleb lb. ~tb8J' e . Uaer: .~ 'Uaroa p , blgb<.>al bidder. rll,Pf "G'" la, Nlpponc se (or ·",.It:'· mad e up Into to be taken, home 1U14 tMnka to ~n2 (I.t her coulltry tb:1D ~\IJ lJ1lelo me'me m., at Plij ~ . '. . , 101111. owb. ~ Piu.m t ~todcd . . . .&lola.











B ea rts ,by Freight

Stanc hions Form~rly Used Do Not Keep Cows Clean , Nor Are They .Comf ortab le-Ma ny Syste nis Have Been Tried .



Ii All BlessingsBe-


-Ir....~. . .-- -- -...... Practical Fashions

stowed in God 's Goo d Tim e




OR \\ EE KS no rain f\lll opyrlght, 1910, by Msoclat ed Literary Preu on tho village III whic h rB y (' . . \ . ·OC I<.) wh n c ha o lug a met bod at faste ning. "Renlly , YOU must not walk with morsefu lly. The I r esid e . and tho conseueed "Wbat of an s a nitary awful stalls Bcrap_ In dairy It Is und esir-aule to place cows In me, Mr. Cunnlng brun. You know tbe I've got you Into." barns has been s pecia ll y emphas ized ri gid s tllll ch lollS, I]uence was that th e penalty. " . si n ce th ey do · not . He knew tbat she could not hear :·ecently hy the nl; llati on whleb has hal' th leaves fell fro'n th e tr ees e fn' cllon! or tbel r head s ob· "Wbat' After trailing yoU all th e and r esulted tb in gr t'e ti grass [lIIr ro od In.w s and a pub· talnabl e in a stall . 'orupe illng a COIY lurned :way from the cam pus? After hong. him In the midst ot that I:\ldeous din bro wn . I II the udj !lceDt vII· II c se ntim e nt whl c L d emands a hi gher to Ite In a cram lng about for two hours wailing tor but as It In mute teatllllollY to hl~ ped posiUon Is 1I 0t lages sltght rains r li a \'e d lhe Killin · grade of milk and lls product s . Pub· cOlldnc h·o· ;you to come out ot that hOuso? What words. she held up two Hmali palms. to a gellti dillposit lon , SUCh lton. but Hoel(vllie C nt r was no t IIc dlBcustrion h a s attracte d atte ntion a dis pos ition kept you so long In tbero?" Is founll In those indl· blessed wllih s howers scrntc hed and blee ding. to the unsanit ar y method s of housing vlduals produci th at amount ed "My graduat ing gown. I wan huv· ng thc larg es t r cturns lo IDllch. "Oh. my darilng !" In bib Daln and nut In a few days . towards for fo od cons ulIl ed. A stall whi ch ing a flttlng. But, Mr. Cunning ham regret the words slipped out unh e d· e yenlng, titU e drups begu u to orne most nearly II pproach es perfe ction Is tbe hour Is too late tor- -" ' cd. \o"ndlng a handke rchlet. he toro dowlI . nnd by !light copious shov;er s one In which '"Now, sec he r e, Miss Ferris It·s It In strips and awkwar dl y wound tb, tb e cow Is p ermi t ted to came rattilng 011 the roofs to tile gr eat ha,·e Lhe frecuom s h has wuen lying too late for a girl to go a lone' past pi ces about her hands. Then. there joy 01' tho Inh abltll nt ~. What a cllIlngo In th e fi e ld or paddock . Just ho?,' those frelgbt yards- It's not safe even bei ng 110 otber way to secure Ibe IVIl II llrough t a bout hy th o sturm . It th l'S!' dedce~ of torlure -th e ri gid ('arly In tbe eveni ng with hoboB com· bandage s. he laid one palm upon too t1clded th e t!!l rlh. and Oll ce agai n the stanchio Ing In all every train. I'll drop boo other and held th e m so. During th'~ n s how n h c r cw l lh~rl g ln ate d gra ss be ame gr (! n an d th e plants Is not g ene rally known. but after years hind as soon all wo're pas t. If It will opero Uon It was necessa ry for Mlu and s hrubLe ry that wpre not dead re o of scrvl ce Ihey have been dis ard ed pleaso you ; but you needn't worry, Ferris to sit up In the jolting. SWIIY, spond ed. to lbo show rs . Go(l had not Th eso stanc hi on s hold Ihe neck of th~ tor lIlls Is Ille nlgbt of Stu try'S toc· Ing car unsuppo rted, but when. upon forgotton the villag e In wh Ich I '·e, animal In a ,·ise·lIk grip whe n closed ; ulty sproad. Everybo dy's tbere from fini shing the tnsk. Cunnlng hanl agoln sid e. Th e drought was broke n. a especia lly Is tbis tru e wben the stan· Prexy to Bralay Bowers :' s lipped bls arm about he r shc,uld l'tl'. change took place In tb e atmosph ere . chlon Is too na rrow. Suc h a stanchi on "Why do you boys call some ot th e and drew ber head 10 Its torm~r P(>!I~ and my n eighbor s looked themse lves nOl on ly Irrltat s th e ncck of tb e cow agalo profess ors such horrid names? " . tion, . she lUade no resistan ce. . Little girls are just as particu lar . but a lso llrevcnt s th e tree mm·e me nt "Who, Stutreld t and Dowers ? Why, about their clotbes as the older onet!, A wonder ful Idea occurre d 'to b11'll. It was long d e la)~c d . but It camo nt and want them up·lo-da they ltke It. Sure, they do. 1 can A blazing, beautltu l Idea. of lhe head from s id 10 side. so that te. We show a prove It. You remomb or- -· · . a cow is pr vented from tbrowln g her last wi th h ealing III Its wing!!. Jt mod el tbat wtJ\ certainl y suit the most "Sylvia ." he s tammer ed. a. rapidly was mor e than we lcome. Whe n God h ead around In a r t!l! Ung pos ition upon "Sh·h·h . 1 hear some one." particul ar ones, as It may be worn I1S the b eating of his beart wlluld plt,r· " J don·t." her tore I g wben s tre tch ed out upon broks the clouds ev ery beart s hould without lhe cb emlsett e, a style that mit, "tbere'S a jolly good way out of hav e sent up prnlse J lO him from girls of all ages "Hush, th ey're there. on the other this Cor us If you-If you'll marry Single Chain Tie. are looktng for. At th e ground , whl cb Is a common ba blt whom all bl es8lnll's flow. IIlde of thal cRr- no. this one. Per· Ole." He tremble d before his own ,with this anim a l. Fr edam or move· eacb s houlder Is a Gibson tuck. stltcbed Th e thought that cam milch e to my mind :lown a tew Inches In the front and all cows and dairym e n have been m ent Is ,. r :1 Importa nt to lIaps It·s tramps . Oh. Mr. Cunni ng· audacit y and rested bhl burning creek tb e cow and bam. It sounds It\tc-O h. mercy! an InHtant ogalnst the cool softn ess ol Impress e,! with t he n eed of providi ng e l'e1·y effort s bould be mad e 10 dis· how often we are di sa ppointed wbll'l the way to tho belt In tbe back. At watchin g and waiting for des ire d each side of llie " It Is! Prexy, or I'm n goat! Well her hai r. forgetti ng th e road that Ie· fastenin gs tOI· tbelr anima ls. wblch I co uru/: e th? usc of i he ri gld c enter·fr ont Is a back· stanchi on. bless in gs. It takes grace and I'll b e - -" patienc e wa l'd turning tuck and at lIle top • duced bls words lo mere. flutterl ull will ho cOO1 (ortab l • san ita ry and In . III ord 'r lor milk lO be sanita ry tb e to walt until Ood's expens Lime to bes tow Is a s bllped band wh ich makes a very ive. ' From b ey~nd a box car on tll e lr breaths. surr01lO dlngs of th e COli' S must be them IIpon us. 1any s ystems have bee n tri ed tor c l ea nl ~ In e very parti right cama distinc tl y. In ne rvous ac· pre tty fini sh . Th e fulln ess In the body Sylvia. lifted her head; Cunning ham cu la r. lhe 1100rs L.esson I~ Drough t. conts. tho words : Is gather ed Into n be lt and the closing s a w her lips moving and bent till her taste nlng cows to secure sanitary es pe clally . The floors now co mmonly II tb er e wns as mucb anxlel), tc lt Is at the center·b ack. "I s uggest thnt we walt, Prof. Dow· lasbes s wept his face, but IlUll he milk. TI s , ri gid and Bwlng lng stJlIl' : found ar dirt. wood. itb A chemls ette r block or In chlons, stalls. and tbe ope n sbed Sys' l plaull; brick. s to ne my ne ighborh ood for spiritua l with stnndln g collnr attache d Is worn e rs; that e ngine Is approa cblng WIUl doubted that he h eard arlgbt. . and In s om> casps s howers os was ex blhlled fo r rain {rom Inside Lhe dress It desired. conside rab le s peed." "What Is that awtul smell 1" she tern have been r esorted to an d are concre te. Dirt , of course, Is v ' ry Tbe un· the b e nven s during tbe rece nt dry sleeves are bishop, gathere d Into a " Come on across. Dr. rnm<!r." an · repeate d. finally making bersaU audl· s tili be ing liB d . The m et hod or tast. d esi ra ble, s ince It affords an excelle nt enlng ~alry cows which bes t meets harbor fo r bacteria swered a second voice ; ·'plenty of ble. . Insecls IlJld ver· spell, tb e h earts of th e p eople would deep cuff. A s ldo plaited skirt IB se'wed time." So shocktld was Cunnlng hnm th at the demand s or the dairy a nd pure min. In o rd er to maintai n a sanfl.ary be refreshe d and their love for God to the belt. the first two plaits at eacb ~ would be mad e manife st In works of side Qf the center be ing sti tched down ··Heave ns. ths'y're com ing around on b had little breath with wlJlch (0 tood laws Is tbe s tall. The stall must sta ble s uch Ooors mus t be elimina ted . fa itb Bud lov e. Too mucb unbelie f a few Inches. wblcb gives tho panel ef· this side." Cunnln gbam suddenl y r eal· sulff. Th ere did seem to be An oder be s anitary to be a success . Stalls Concret Is tb e best and most s anl· and too little trust In the goodnes s fect. Ized the hrllllanc y of the moonllg·h t. - now that It had come to notlce - are of many dltreren t types, but to be I tary floor Tho· jlattern (5175) Is cut In thal cnn be u sed In a dairy of God. sizes 6 to 12 years. To make the dress Recogn ition would be certsln. "Here," overpow e ring, but famfllar . sanitar y th y must be constru cted so barn and efror t s hould be made to How mean th e flowen and 1)lants In the med ium s ize will require 2% be wblsper ed In despera tion "climb "Phosp hate!" he shouted In answe~. tbat the cov; will be comfort able and h ave snch fl oors Installe d whenev er looked iD here, quick!" relieVin g bls discomf iture by strengt h at. tbe same time not be forced to lie a barn Is being while tlllrs llng for the wa ter yards of mute rlal 36 Incbes wide. 214 . I;ons trnct ed . When that Laying vigorou s bold of th~ girl be ot lung. "It's fertilize r'" · would give them lite; and bow )'nrds H Incb os wide. or 2 yards 60 down In her OWIl filth . A promin e nt stable Ooors become dangero us, dcjected Christia ns appear while walt· Inches wide. swung ber up to the open door of tbe Sylvia nodded and dipped her dainty Ing for spiritua l springs wbe t·owlUl e mpty car. wbltber be speedily fol· nose In to the rose tbat decorat ed his To procure this pattern Bend 10 centll lowed. to slake tbel r parched souls. Dried to "Paltern DeptLrlm enl." ot lhta paper. lape l. Cunnlng bam declded that eon· up Christia ns and dried up plants are Write name and address plainly. and be Creepin g nolsele9 sly Into the shad· versatio n. was out of the question . and twins- both dying for want of nour· lIure to give size and numller ot pattern. ow. th y waited, fear ing to breathe . there was no use getting fretty about Ishmcn~ that can be only had by the From an ellglne somewh ere In tbe It. The train would have to stop yard Iss ued loud. leisurel y grunts. some time. Meanwb lle, with both opening of the beavens . NO. 5175. SIZE .......... ..... .. . Uut the dllrere nco Is that Christia na hands comfort ably full. he mapped . out NAME . .......... .......... can .......... ....... . Illways obtain r e lie f by asking and hili course of procedu re. believin g. The wells of salvatIo n are The train stopped sooner than be TOW·N .•..••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••.• •••••••• accessib le to all· those wbo thirst for bad expecte d. but at a lonely water STREET AND NO .......... .......... .. . tlle wa te r or li te. God se nt down rllin tank without visible light or bablta· tor th o ben eflt of the bad as we ll lUI tlon. ' STA:E .. ..... . .......... . .......... ... . .... . of the good . He has 110 llieasur c In "No escape here," be 'reporte d, look· tb e doth of th e sinner; but ·would Ing down the pebbly slope of on em· ralb e r that he would turn from the bankme nt which fell away from tbe door of their prison full thirty feet. erro r of his war8~ How m ean must LADY DOLLS ' SET. tbOSll who murmur d at tb e drough t ·~Oh. dear, that horrible odor," sigh· hnv e felt wh eu tile rllin came down In ed tbe girl. showers ! . lr they do Dot feel so tIley Cunnln ghnm struck a match. The ought to. But some are only Inter· car was empty but for themsel ves and eSl ed 10 enjoyin g th emse lves tb e best th e smell of tbe ferllllze r wblch e n· they Imow bow . and no tuanllS to God' veloped the air like a loathsom e. suf· are offered up by th e m. Mall's In·. fo catlng blanket. humaul ty to w all Is only equaled by "How CIln we ever explain 1" she lamente d. h is Ingratit ude to God. Even th e bost . ot us afe prone. to forget froul whom Cunning ham saw bls opening and our blessing s tlow. rushed Ill. "There'i i only one thing to do,'· be remarke d In 'an elabora tely There 18 no reason why 'hrls Urin§ m a tter·of·f act tone. "and tbat Is to get sbould famish for want of the waters that are eve r fiowlng frolD the lhrone married ." "What? " Sylvia's voice rose to a of God; for we a,·e all Invlted to hlgb note of ostonlsb ment. drink and be fllled. The water.s of life The New Ideal Stall. "Js It ~o distaste ful to you?" be are flowing fr oely tor all those whose asked. affectin g a coolnes s be did not nuthorlt )" gives five tblngs to be ac· king It necessa ry to replaoe thelJ1. COb- h enrts arc open to r eceive tbem. No feel. The n, r eseatlng himself and talc- complls bed In cow stall constru ction. crete should ruwnys be used It ·tho such a tblng as a Christia n needi ng Ing the bandage d handl: to be In want or the water of salva· (1). It should keep the cow clean. (2). floors reat upon the ground. '" have been trying for two yeari It sbould , make the cow comfort able. Stablo floors sbould bJl laid with a .tIon. An all·suffi clency cnn be had to muster the courage to pi'opose to (3). It should be conven ient for feed· slc:>pe or pitch either to · a commOD wltbout money lind without price: you. You must have seen b9W hard lng, mllkLng and True Christia ns. cleantD g. (4) . It center or to one end of tbe barn. For ··' Poor LI\Y.e "Girl," He Muttere d. hit I am." should be Inexpen sive. (6). It should Chrlstta ns, drink freely of the Wl\' "You n ever said anythin g." Present ly Or. Crnmer sp6kll ogaln. hold the cow securely . te rs tua will give you strength a.n d "I'm saying It now; and-yo u-carfl this time wltbln a foot of the dOOl of Since the earliest days of dairying po~ e r. Stop .Inglng about the peace· a little. don't you. Sylvia T It·s -tbe some metbod t be lr hiding plnce. of fastenin g cows bas ful hours you once enjoyed and more . "U ·you do not mind. Prot. Dowers ." best way." been resor'tel! to. It not tie d wltb a abollt ··Ho w firm a foundat ion, · ye This little dress consists of dress Sylvia neithe r answere d nor shrank rope or thong attache be sard. "I should like to " 'alt and saints of th e Lord." There Is nothing and coat and has all the features of d to lIle base of fro'm his embrace . 'Watch tbem pick up tbls cor." the horns, a rope or chain wns placed so deplora bl e to look upon a s a sickly the newest Ideals In "my ladles' ward· "I bave no Idea where tbls train I, about tbe neck and Cunnfn ghnm orose to take an In· Chl'lstla n; dri ed up IUld ready to bo robe." fastene d to a post. Tbc '·bonded ·ln" s kirt. waist taking us." be continu ed. "but we shall tree or otber stationa ry object vesUgaU ng peep to see what car wall blown away by any fitful breezo that find s leeves cut In one. tOlJetb er wltb to premeant when thero wall a terrlflc como to n lown before long. ·t hnt·s cor· vent the cow moving ' about wW!e bemay . strik e th e m. Tbe only Chrlstln n the sailor collar are all sbown bere. crR8h, ~nd. lying prone upon his face. trun. Ministe rs and licenses are eas· Ing m\1lted. to be admired Is the one who has In tbe IIttlo dress the waist and s leeve fly found . You have no parenta to ho knew," Scramb ling up, be groped A familiar tie stili In use In a great slaked his spiritua l thirst and Is ready o'r e cut In one, and closes at the back; about In the gloom for tbe girl. Tbe oonsult. nor have I. and neither or 1;' many barns Is tbe chain Ue herew ith for all the duti es that be may be the upp e r pllrt of the skirt Is circular oar had begull· fo move rapidly by the are a minor. Arter we're married 'We Illustra ted. This 's lmple arrange ment called upon to perform . onll wbo Is and Is joined to tbe wnlst by n cord. Rigid Stanchi wfll ons, come back and tell Prexy all has many gopd features . A ring large time be had found her and raise d her slriI)ped Cor battl e Bud who Is re ady The lower dge Is gathere d Into the to ber . feet. Graspin g he r arm. he about It. He'lI stand for It. I think; e nougb to PasS freely up a.nd down on floors a slope of one to two at any · hour to be lp win battles for ba nd. and this Is also circular . tbe upInches in Btarted ,· townrd the door when a sec· he's a Hne fe llow," he ftnlshed stoutly. a five-Inc h post Is attache d to a cbaln elgbt feet Is ample and three·qu per edge forming a tuck where It arter his Lord. Sylvia began to cry. silently at first 'Wblcb Is placed about ond collision·. barder. It seemed . than Half·sta r ved Christia ns are ot very Joins th e s kirt' section : The' coat Is the cow's neck. to olle Inch Is usually conside red dethen a II~U e harder. the first, brought them grovelin g to With the proper constru ction of man· sirable for the average cow stall. little account ; but the usetul ones are cut 'all In one piece a.nd tbe onb seams "We shall lose. our diploma s. 1 just ger. platforn l' alld gutter the bard. gritty Ooor. those '.... bo partalte dnlly of solid meat are unde r the arms. Tbe low e r edge tbls method A second time Cunning ham.. II\le knew," she sobbed. snuggli ng ber of t~' lng Is even more desirab le form that comes to th e m In answer to of the sleeve section Is turned back to I;levenu e From Nationa l Foresta . trutb. arose; but wltb ex treme cau· oheek against his vost pocket In a a humani tarian standpo int than tbe Under the new law requirin g 26 pTl!.yer and who drink fr eel}' tram tbe form a cuff. A sailor collar fini shes Uon. Getting upon . his knees. he rather comfort able manner , nevertb e- rigid stanchio n. Althoug h the ohaln per cent. of ·tbe gross proceed s lbe neck. Tbese lilt!" garmen ts are from wells of salvatio n. reacbed fortb his hands tor bls tom· loss. tie Is fast becomin g obsolet e It has the nationa l forests to be paid over to . Wh"n 1 think of wbat 1 might have usually made or materia ls that may . "Wbat III n piece of old sbeepsk tn. fill ed an Importa nt plnce panlon. Sbe was Quite noar Qnd trem· In tbe devel· tbe s~ntos and territor ies for schools been if I had only live d up to all my be In tbe house, and no suggost lons bllng ·vlolent ly. The motlo.n of the anyway ." he challeng ed. "compa red opment of tbe sanitary stall. The and roads, tbe amount last year was prlvlleg es 1 feel like hiding my head nre necessa ry In this case. with our ilavlng each other?" car grew s.l ower and finally stopped . cow's bealth should be conside red $477,000. In shame. • To procuro tbtll pattern send 10 cents " I don·t know. Mr. Cunning ham," .. Come...• he urged. getting to bls To ' be a prllctica l Chrlstil ln Is to "Pottern Departm ent." ot this paper. very tremufo Write usly. feet and 'lIylng to ilft ber. "We can ",orUlY of the etrorts of aU. men and sure na me nnd address pll1lnly. !lnd ba to Rive slzo and number ot pattern. "Call me 'Tom; dear." get out now," women wbo feel as If they ' want to I'Tom,,' more tremulo usly stlll"I'm afraid '" she cried, making no live In the Promise d Land. ' It will etrort ·to · rJs~, Tho next ' momen t. 'the then. with a nervous siggle, "dear." NO. 5200. SIZE .......... ...... . pay to be spiritua lly tat. Do not go The locomot ive. braving drunk If, car Jerked dizzily. and. with loud about with your beads hanging down. NAME fln. ••••• now pounded ~ on with loud" trl· olanld q', and . rattle; begaD ' jolting but keep looking up. Browsin g upon umpban t t'oots ane! lIonoron a puffs ot slowly over the · ralls. the pleasur es of ~hls lite will bave a '.. TCtWN........... ........ .......... .......... .. . ''We mu's t·jump! " .be shouted above exultati on, bearing Its bllaaful earlo tendeno y to make· YOll BPlrItua liy lean. Into tbe S'lREJIr l' AND NO~ ....... ~ ........... .... . ralden unkno,r u. .. the Dolao:' draggln g ber' to tbe door . . -Georg e R. Scott In Lho Preaohe r·• -.i1'C~ "No!'~ ebe 'creame.l1, terrlfted . "I'm Helper. 8TATJC .••••••• : •••••••••• •••• ~ ........... . ,: . "..-14!' ; P.1tman -:-Wll'Y"· don·t · Sounde rs IIln, . j . • " ··more? ..... . Te~rlnC' herself trom ble grae~ .. abe Demoor acy. lanlt do"n In tbe 'patch of moon'll .ht HI. Waterlo o. IIl1tenid to II 1010 bf We baven't, yet t1ie· tight lcieaa of . A mOIlQulto buzzing on ,h is ""ay ,tbat .abone IlL throUCb the . open door- had mal1e on;a . p'bo,~~ph· cyUn4e r. De~ocraoy. P~U~ICaI equallty . la . a ·many tblngs ,dld tackle; be Ii.eil a boy way .nel;: 1)uJ'led ber tace In her I.p. small part of it. YOll eiu1't .op~at. and dog. they say. then made a rooat... CuDnln p.,m'. Impulse ".. . tb drop ~efuti·"; a "and,r .·_ Democr acy froz.n IDdWl~1 " 'an7 more ·tier to tile Sroun4 by. :~e I, :",hat ·11 called a promot er. fo~o.e; bllt than you caD eeparat e poUtiCI tram ... eae~e; At lut upon II drumnie r'a cbeek be · seWed d~wn to drill; be ·"!len be l!i7· ~old u~ · hf!ll' .baJdn s I. be not,.' Indlletry .-;::ReT. B. CUmmi ns., COI1Sl'8- , prod\l~d tbere for balf', a week. aIHl ' Inou.1dl l,." "hatb e actaal17 did wu" "No, I don't thln~.o; l ·ha•• Ill"a,. ptlcmaU at, BOltOD, M.... then he broke his bill. Tbl. de.loe requl... . Uttle explu&- : teDtl~. The pall .. ci'cll~lleare4 J»eatde ber' ,Dd tound blm' ~ttect~ bODelt." , eu1l7 remOH d Uon. The beDoh .1s QIlclen tly 10"to for "aablp g.-I'arm Pre... cur'l , .he~ "ntll It I"dealtl on. . N9thlnll .n~w a calf .to "re~b the lmall paD; , ..a1Ioul.d er, ~dJdlN . . . iloat of our rallun..h"Uteare~ "1 am a candida teO.unted c ~...... ~· ..-.... tNa. athi- .-'. r~ '7oUr band." oatil. .CUDot be Dpaet. . . the BUp' roland I. Potato . Qtlntl,. PotUhS 1... are nnkeo. ~ble IlletUoe Potal4Mta aboUl4 be baDcl1e4 .. . able to Iildeclalon' with repnl to the , ··'But my pareDta hay. JlldonN .... .e~tDaUOQ of oW' C01ll'lL -RaT a. other 'louDI mall." .. . til. PNJUI. aIIIl Ut. , ealf pta .a t .....U7 ... 'Pitt..... bruII" _... ~ PI'fIIb)'









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,The Daylignt Store

g was ·well . - - - - - - . - - - - - . church Thursd ay mornin hoir of nted augme An , . d attende l \' Park Th w tiding of Mi"g Mary Hal·veYsbul'g. .! singing th in helped Voices severnl r. Wa H. B. MI'. of Wa m er, daugbt er enter. WIlS oll\sS Alpha L>eHa Thf' Cad· }I'. J. wit.1! d Rev. rt-'IIII .. the prayer by "r.. D r Hull 'II t;l llt rson on ner, sr. , an(l Mr. Levi 'ooke took ACtel' .. r" tHllnj(' III honQr 4Jf . h ~ honse I t,~I,n01\ bv M rl! . Hetty MoPhe r, Mrs . Elizabe th Larkin w~ll.ade the at 23rd, ber Novem noon. at place h i WIJ!! ' Ii rldllY I1t'1.:!l8 from 1)1I1Cl1I111l1tl. r of the Ol'thod ox ('hurch , TllInlste . Tb l' W. ~, M. 6. 0f' t,be Friend! !' residen ce of Mr. Warnf' r, in Ken li N i8 16(1" In f'n t (\ l'luiDIll • by I' er c ' 19- : R ~ good sermon on why we Mrs. f ed o preach bomo the at. lit t, was U1 nv rch ' ington, Md. The ceremo 1" , ,\ll!!la El,.i " Kirker , a tnlt>D ' fld ' chu . on afterno W. H. turdaJ Su Our Thanksgiving Sale was a sure r . dar IHld hf' I' Qi AO I~ . Mhl" r:llt·h. r E Jill' ,. OIl tended by on ly the imm ed iate rela. 6h~uld gIVe thanks . Rev. , Harlan Ruth fwd m which Wil~ja , .. r after Flll I . lalk, tt.1l1l short till a I' . ICrtllu ll'~ II till t\l1~" Clllrll tives of the bride and i't·oom. Rev. BaIley gave success and we were thank ful. \1 " ~ ur M Hlmi!lb nrg svent'I 'ill,nks giving nced by A ntlog t.i.lIhl\ pr.'., lit we rn . tl Henry Rumer , D. D.. past.or of t he bened iction was pronou A. Mrs. and ·Mr. of .. ., !Ile!! HI1Ii,jnl!~ . Kirkflr, Krfll dill r. lit, t.h,) llomo "Why do you ,trade at Kilbon's?" a the Warner Mcm rilll Presby terian Rev . J. F. adwall ader. ~" ' oli hgM , I{"hf Ct,IlPtt.• A . ~ . ' 01 . Hnrllln . HtlvlVIII florvicos begun "t, t he Church , Kensin gton , oHic iat d . 1,, ' 1.. ~ ,I ~~ I I 1 .. '.'D. \,'r " lIk HlIrt~ Otl" , ; lady asked a custompr in Waynesville. ATTEN TION SISTERS tconduo l:lundllY on oh~rcb l(l!l' l l<~rle A W h, e!f1 W \V the W ed Drk1tl. furnish K I:l Minste r's orch stl'a ~ ' tll W db R , If .I li tiS. Ml i!lfI ~ PIlI\.le M oC uu f'. Ll1 [1~l "Bec ause we get better, fresher, cleaner The Decem ber meetin g of the music for the weddin g breakfa st and Nun Collett. A 1.111'1 t l Y ev . m. 1111 • \ ' \0 Dllrv()u rt spent The bride W. . T. U . will be held at I.hehom e Anu ' M . DOfl r.el' anti Mury I Mi"s Elizabe th Reeve!! i"' t 'ops I' ception that follow ed. goods and .at lower prices than I can get ut Ule hume of ber sgiving Thlluk "'"IIUt: her sister. Mi An- of Mr '. Anna Elli on Main street, by d attenrle was ll , of Rloh i ~ . B Reeve elsewhere." , Ir ::I J . Ellisl~n tlnd /lOA Hol:ert brnt~er na Warne r, and Hie best man was Decem ber 2nd . A full attenda nce . IH. . lOon "r ft II dllY Wedoes r ", urneli llollltl er. Co· of Report Uooth, Press ton alof Mt'. George ·Hamil is desirab le. ill A.lltlns · CO:lot.y . I Thpre WIlS qUite 1\ go:>d <.l II week'", viSIt week . lumbus , Ohio.' A COO D REA SON , .SUR E. g in our oomrnu lllty In!Ot 11110Vin "on ld ' b kl R ' I l~t P owe II move d t·u EI I!' M r . !In ci M fS B L . D" n III '" eccn, e NO HUNT ING Mr. and Mrs. Cooke left in the af· Fret! ent.el·t.tdned for llinw' r )n to Burl ~y 11 nd fllrm a nd RILYllIo Mill" I .. unu.\ M rtl W . w P .. \. k ,\ uth. S "'1 trip ed exlcml b an , ' for temoon 1lIlr. , PIn St<,vlDg owe . t e proner ty vaoat u . uy No hunting , tra pping or trespas sW, .I h lld Mr. lilld Mr!l. E B. , till will resid at. III en rbflolt moved IOtO Dr Mo. On their return th 'y .lJ Ii? a to will be a llowed on the farms Bllrvey ing Elmer r. ty, wint pl'optlr the for Cl'fl~'" ' . the Marl':>orough ,\ 10. bll6 lind house '!! Bentley nce at homt' owned or control led by the fo llowMiss . Mu,~:V Creswe ll An t t' l·t~\U ~d ' (Jltt~ H ns' plaoe. The young couple will be Hawki WID. to wer Icenho e ~1I111 Mls!I and n.lOmt~s EIIZJt. . Mr<' . Tue days in Janual' y.- Washin glon, ing persons; ,\1 :-'mil,h iu llonor of MI"tI ,r nne the of obtlrge take Will Wm. Shirden Blair . Wm C. Herald . ( :rfl"well for dilln ron Thllllk .. gi vlug . 7rrc ry he puroha sea of Mrs. Laokey D. ,. . . Wm. Hartso ck J . W. W . \Viltloo, of CIDomuat.l, this week . $1 19 Blind . • _ -... G. Whitse l U. re Jlltront.a 25 Ibs Granul ated Sugar hit! with tlJl l t Friduy 05 rex, eIlO·. Iv H Tiler, morn· an Mrs. Ellie Ed Shanah t.1l riling to t.ile 01 t.,Y 8u.t.u rdliY Wayne sville Tomat oes, per can Corw in. writes: I was blind ns It bllt. 1 Saml Hinkle OS ing Wayne sville Pumpk in, per CIlD . oMed ~ut. h rlunn '/I EtJ~lo Eye 'Slllvl~ A l' l1 01er bH.. his new sture in ng ' 7X shoppi Mr8. F . Graef was Wayne sville Com, per can . . aud it cured 11k 11 Obtll'Ul . It out J os. Evans room Ollmpl eted. nod iA now oooupy Cincin nati 'fuellda y . 25 stored r J un II . Y Ed Furnas the soum off my 7 Ibs. Rolled Oats . . . log the St101A It Is one of the IllOst 25 r oom!'! in our Mrd. Alice MoKm sey and Benrl inS I gbt. It '" nil yOIl ol,dm und Minnie ~atte rthwaite Ull to da~ e bn in e 7 lbs. Lump Starch . . . . . '- - etta sprm t rhund ayand Friday with worth itt:! weight in gold. 2&0 II. tube f!\ ty. ~S 4 lbs. Fancy Head Rice. . . . . . .family at Morro w The rhldle of tbe sphinx may be OLto Bornio k hil S m nved bis tern Joe MoKin sey B nd Rice) 12?{c ar· (Re.rul nnfathollllloblo, but lillY body Cf\,n nnJlAmnoe po 11'00 111 frou.. Wbyne ville Public 'Sale MillS Inis ))avis, of Ceda.rv ille 10 .... . . .. Meal Corn lbs. 5 . ~hlDce II. llt wh",re be 1m b6"n iu businel: ls for oollege spent tbe week-e nd with ber !iddle. 1 clorstan d tht" 000 39 he . where' Flour villttge heat -...10 Ibs. Buckw thrAe YM rs, to nnr mother , Mrs: ~arah Davis, Having rented my land. I will sell 25 iR rneetin~ \\'itb IIbel·ttl putront lge. CI tywan Is h ereby Inform ed Mr. of son ast and northe 8 Bars Lenox Soap . . . Martin miles ret 6 place Marga. my Mrtl. at Mr. Bornlo k \1:1 ntltlad to the tlUp· Ibat . 65 inquiry sevols ng to e spendi are , respons in Dayton Flour of 24?{ lb. Sack Premiu m Wayne sville on p rt which he 1>1 t:ett.lOg, he runs it Ernest , Mrs. Lind· and not Mr. ore with urn h weeks 10 oow's eral a 00 es wrinkl bllSi, a . is . and lb les, on busineRI\ llrlnoip 12?{c fancy Peache s, per Monday, Decem ber 5. 1910 ley MendE nhall. l1I~used by tron ble or worry. 35 1 ne!:!!! man in every way. Good Table Peache s, per doz Mis8 Alma Waterh onse, of Leba. At 10 o'clock the followi ng articles ; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sears made 190 Fancy Lemon Cling Peache s ber with nd w63k-e 8 horses, 4 cattle, 10 heep, 10 hogs a flying trlu to W"yne sville Satur. non, spent the 15 Fancy Pine Apple, per can . day leu ving lioward to look ILfter moth~r. 10 tons mixed hay, lOO bu. choic~ l'l lll u Ulus.; lb ends, lllll' e t e til Wllere 20 buslDess. Fancy Sweet Potato es, per pk Mrs. Hope 8ti1es and ' dought er seed wheat. 100 bu. spring barley, the loin outs b gin. nnd xter.d back 2S t;ever~l fl'om here attende d the bave h"d &8 their guests the past &0 seed Cranbe rries 3 qts for • . . not bu. an Fancy 300 'se Th crib. cut. in to the rump 1000 bu. corn danoe at Clarksv ilIe Th ursdny night. week, Mrs. Alioe Sims, of Spring 20 are ill "I Old Reliab le Coffee, per lb . : . . 100 chicken s, geese, 50 bu. po· lender liS porterhouse. but Mr. !Lnd Mrs. Bern C~rr, of Kings V~lley. And Mrs. Malind a SimR, of corn, lasBed as tender cuts. and ther tote. g farmin of rot a and s harnes tatoes, Pure Kettle Render ed 'Lard, per Ib here MillS, vi i ted their lJa rents Dayton , for broiling. TIJl:I rump. ·5 Inter- are suitable ,power . '. 3-horse ents, implem Thank8 giving, roasts ear-old Pop Corn 21bs Inln Two-y cut pIece Is ordluo,rlly M.-s. Mar~ Edwar ds is visiting her new. , nloely engine t'iDg e . E B Da.kin is progre but th y usually n d the applicadaught er, Mrs. Ohris'i e MoKinstly nationa l gasolin Apples Banan as' Orange s, Grape Fruit, Lemon s, with hi" new hOme. of $10 and under, tion or BOrn moist heat to make sums All Termsis who orne, Heollth Frank Mr. . pot as thelo use we Malaga Grapes , Celery, Figs, Dates, so gave t, them tender, 'fhe Zion Baptist ohurch workin g in Dayton spent I::)uuday ~h: all s ums over that amoun the Ilc:s rump tbe Below roasts. Cocoan uts and Fresh Nuts. 8. dinner and suppet: at Town Hall 9 months time, pureha ser giving rcund, a piece or m at that has little his ~amHY h~re. Thursd ay Bnd a nloe Jit'le wi~h per S ....,8.lte and good flavor. The 'nslde or Misses Jllne Ilnd Flo Clark, of note with approv ed securit y; sum tor th~ Jhuroh. cash. witb for t Oa.y discoun givlo& cent waste and good flavor . The use of Thllnka spent Xenia, Sooial a ga.v~ ohuroh E The A. M. here. . mother o lst heat or grl nding is u8ually &.dlI'. . Harner their L . G. uight ay at Town Hall ~aturd vlaable. Hisey Clerk. ll, Curt 2nd, Marsha and ber L. W. Decem Jaoob . Medsr8 00 'j'ridRY night, Cooking of Meat. the Kingm lm High t5ohool will give spent Thllnk sgiving at tbe home of of meat Is ' hard'Jned by lean The ¥• ~ an euterta inment .in our City f::tllll. Jos . Hwey Ilnd family . beat. The high r the teOl)erature the harder and tougher Lho meat. Oregonia. Well man. Therefore, we use a bigh tempera ture only at the beglnnlog of the cooldng process to fonn a coating liver the The Misses Edith Smith and Edna Mr. Joe navis wal home for outside which w1ll retain the juices. PalJIi and Messrs, LaQren c::l Pape Tha~k8gi ving. and then lower tbe beat so that the and (jleu William s mtstored up from augh grandd and 'Rioh B. N. Mr8. Norwoo d Fridl~y. Ilnd spent tbe day tar, Audrle OIea·ve r, attende d ser· Interior ot the meat may not be roughened. For this reason al80, "s the guellts of Miss'Edna Spenoe r vioes at the Baptis t ohuroh Thank s. steaks should not be cut wo thin; Mrs. J!'red (Jove and daught er, giving. never less than three-quarters ot an Uoroth y, spent Tbanks g1ving week , WHITE BY EDNA NOBLE Mr. Walter Jordau and .family Inch and thicker than tbat \" deslra· with !IIrs. GOVtl'S m~ther here. _ _ ___ ..L-.. or DomesUo will Ilrrive here nex~ wtlek from Protes ~o r e Anoclllt bie. Jame's Mason, of Davton , spent Texas. t:iolence, COllege or Agriculture, Use of Dry Heat. o. s. U •• Columbu s. 'fblt.nktlgivlng with his parents here . and Mrs. Ernest Mltonnon en· Mr. NO. A properlv broiled BROILI ...... 1 . . 1Il188 Mary Conner oamA up from tertain ed his mot.her flom Tippee a. ¥ ........ ........ ........ ............. welJ browned on the ~"':" be wlJl steak .., "-"" Morrow for a week· end visit with Doe City, Mrs. ~aruh Rloh and Miss Inthe on ·plnk and juicy and as foo<:1 Is due outside A.4 I 11'111 be Inserted undor tblB bead tOt frlendli here. Audrie Cleave r, to dinner Friday of' The value of meat . . gray ,,11 the twenty,l Ive 'cenUi 10r tbree Inle,\11J1IfI, tG tbe fat and tlssue.b ulldln~ su~· side. A steak tha.t Is week, 11\8t. ined' enterta r The Misses Spenoe "'hlln uslug Dot more tban Bve UDUI '1 be Us· way through will 'not be Jule'Y, be- To ",bonl It may concern: s. contain It which .tances of l funera the d haa Notice I. hereby liven that on the at · dinner ,~aturday evenin g t.he , t;evera l' attende aue bulldlng substance is In the lean cause the ' Interior ot the '~('!I\k The Allsses Luode Milson Luoile Nortou M , Cleaver t3at urd ~y . by tile hel\~. d h/l.rdene been meat. the of rs FOR. SALE Third day of December, 1910 and Mary Conner , a~d Messrs . Zlii~ .teak sbOuld first be Beared (n elth· . Realon l for Cooking Meat. • - • soon As juice. the and Verne Armita ge. and Will Potretain In 00 hlU aide M er M. J. the at At' 2 o'clock 'po m. The object. of cooking meat are to E~gewood p. WalT8D 9ounty, Ohio ' meat Is browned on either BU\ Wa)'1le TownahJ or1f. NE White Leghor n a.n~ White . ble appea.rance, .as Improve 1\avor, denlop wlU be 100 let 100 th41 lowelt IWJ)()lIIIthe there so rf'rluced be should heat q the to G~villl 'slde, and work: &>, M~. and Mrs, Chl!>rles Allen and tollowlq organism the llving bidder any kill reI" for uth Rocst Cooke tlooa on, " .Plvmo ·M. Oook hUl. IICcoi'dlnlr_f.9. 8pec11lca ' . enter. '&often . the coniectlvtl tlssU09 if they that 'the In{erlor will, · not be' over· !I .J · rue at Towoahl p Olerk'. oftlee. daught er, Mildred, of Daytou , spent Bam Oharlt on and tl\mily 0 Dry s. Phone amOllnt Rloks, W. ' large Jll in " cooked. preaent 4Pplv are Charlto n Tho·Trll .teea reeerved the rJld\t to reJec~ 8&le. .. Tnankl lgiving . with Mr. and Mr8. talned Mr. and Mrs. AI. . The sam .' ·prlnel. any trying and 'rING. n I. d tor faithful ! 83-6. "ROA us 2. bond' as require ch and bids heat_u tJJ ay. and Thursd -'. last on Charit a.ud John . .......... ataee . Edwin Armita~e. the pie ot high heat nt f\~st for senring. paiforma ncetbere of. lIyorder oftheTru U h t ' i~~ ""T . ST'EED " B' 'UnA... UBO'R'.... ......, 8 or C. J. Marqu ardt i8 in Ken uoky, roastin g_brin ks and hardt-us ch and then a wwer heat to tlnlsh ·the F. O. Carey. Tp. Clerk. . . .,. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kersey en. 11110. 38, er Novemb heat_u l\'lolst. tissue. ive connect moth. and ife w . w, M.r. Max (;}ra.nzo . . , YearliD~. s and 1 Bult-ca it. In. roaFting ot • - • tertain ed at a fllmily dinner on ateaming, slewini . etc"-so fien& cooking, a.pplles In thes-lda IS placed as of ardt, Marqu Velva Miss d n a. er of Olage~t& '"ker, Way. Thanks giving . nt lq~ire u;eat al80. If the fat Notice ' of : Appointme ~giving with the connective tissue. The t!avor Is uppermoBt In the llano basting will e or Bllrvey eburg. neevill . Mis., Mabel I:!herwood spent her Davton , spent 'l'bank this pl,-ct'. better developed In meat cooked by not be found necessary. It t1.e roast of ardt Marqu J. C. Mrs. home. at n va.catio givipg ThaDk~ for because or the higher tam· Horlloe Kirby and family enter drT heat and ~~a~~~:!~~Oh:f~~ec:~ted and TWO !hle Pojand tChino. Pigs because of' the Is lacking 1n fat. blod a plec~ of suet also e peratur from friends ay kit', Thursd bin latlt on ~mJ. 02 e tained er .lpnquir . sale ost side. ~~:. , Mu. Tom Sptlncer and daught iYI~~~r~~~oo: 8!~~~~~~ n and browned outside. So we prp.ter the on the 'upperm e _ • A, D. 11110 .(Jenklrv1 ll e, bODe 7 5-5r. Dsted thia :118t dal..0fNovember.ExeculoO Doroth y, of Lebano n, ~pent 'I'honk s. Dayton , Frankl in, Lebano meat tile IC roast the or Bteak . broiled · r. ALLEN. J:t,. W. week with Mrs. .1. K. Speno Wayne sville. Subscr ibe for the Miami Gazett e. i2 a tender cut. OrpiDi ton8 and BIllok Ml UFF Mrs. Arthur Hean is enterta ining .cooker el. for Illle. C&11 Dorell Meat. of Cuts Tho Mr. and Mrs . Enni8 Allen visited relativ es from Pleasa' tnt' hPlain. the best. . Phone 2,-"3 jet roughly til be eul;v. may meat of cuts The b i h tl 'fh d h I . tt · relativ es here Thanks giVing . y d Id d I Atra. ' B. V. · ·Smith. ma 0 g veu e s 00 ngl1Bnd an tollg assellc wo . no e IV Heiker Me!!srs Zl1ln Rnd Verne Armitu ge Clareno e Hormt\ DIlYWalter due be may ss toughne ' The Ridl!ev ille' tender. and Will No,tton were in Dayton 00 Thllnk sgivingd. . at OR.SEl~Hor~e~ for l(Ia1e singly to the amount and kind ot cn:Hlective WIlS well "ttende one day last w~ek. or 1n pairs. InqUire or J. B. tissue. Tbe porterbous steak cut out d M P f mur.tles are . . the where buck the from .b" WaYJ,l88~IUe, Ohto. City Gem (jbapnH~ a WIlS Lllng . W M. Dr. tuan the son:osp' :n~ 'rh:~· k:g~~::ms .athndlt~o tender more is used, little week. luttt day one viSitor .eug WI from the leg WQc -" S the 'OCKEREL~-BOtf Orplng toDs anon relatl vett. James Cook and fumlly enter · round CUt reuscles are In constan t use. all fine' pore ' blood. (Ja1l and . tiund!t.Y last friends tained ed in enterta od ~berwo Mr«. t3ue is divided animal the of body at Mrs. Otho tiender eon's The the'm Moe enter Jumes Ben Mrs. . I an Mr. Mrs. Tom Spence r and Mr~. J. K . . e backbon Ohio: ,. the 11iJle, through Wayn88 ~utcher the by giving Thanks a at tained friends . t;pence r at dlnn ~r aturrlu v each th~n and halves, OT -'des Into Twioe in elevell m onth's time, fire dinner . . ot Uiese II cut between the' twelfth • - • has v.i sited ODr town This time it. and thirteen th rjbs Into fore and FOR' RENT rook Bellb destroy ed the genets I store of David quarter s: hInd n betwee is there as oysters in nce diffcre Mftflon, oanslDg II I,)IIS of $3000, purmuch There is as 'l,'he mOI,t tender and most expensive . tbUy oovereo with insuran oe. ·Tbt> meat, fish, friiit or vegeta bles. in ' of the centu" the or back just lie OQMS -For cuts . Spring of on. is the Fulkers others, Wm ana s OYster ipt Sealsh n betwee nce differe One ,-' storA Itself. on whioh there WitS no Mrs as ' mQre ViI"ue or. In ing &Q.008 , decreas e, looaUty 'good backbon Thurs. last ~ffer this guar~ i.n surano e belonged to Mr. S ,hwllrl z Valley visited her mother gUQrQn~eed purity of S~shipt. We are abl.e to ladie!l. .Ben.' reallon oble. r~qutre . either utremi ty Is approac hed. The s are handled .. Oyster ipt Sealsh how know we e becaus antee the owner of t.he mill proper ty ' it day, taken 'Is uarter q this . 0~Q8. 1> tore' at the of part th best '. Thankt tlpent (9 d hi Howlan Seal Ohmer Into is thougb t tbat tbe·fire stll.rted from alh~cut Bu u Is and rib. e the get from you aud . yst~rs Mr ·!. , pt S p~rents . hiS in Anothe r differe nce is that H spark froUl a. passing trliin. 'rtie giving 'with roasts. A rib roast Is t~n'l\~r and . fire made 8uoh 'rupid hea dway" tb~t Mrs. A K . Bowlq.nd teinpti ng, indescribal>Ie. sea f1~vot. actual. w.ith' v&.n . open an In .' '. roasted be \ may rry, j)f near . F.o Seal~hipt . Oysters are sold from .a that ncci,s differe r Anothe , the store . WAS . eoti~efy· destroy ed, . Mr .Waldo Ei1iott, . . : ,. .'L be:at.; dry c llr. werem r::\f key \ Lao ' Jessl~ only Miss ~nd and titSt' ~s the 'is This Rnd th~ h,ome of Euge~e GI\~d Clean refriEe ra,tor od3eal ship tic .,..x, ~1IIilK ., The outer part!! of ~1te ronq\u arter . ll\st ' Thurs. proof porcela in '. oyster .display ' o·n ·the market . germ 81t vtld· only after vlllitl.nt fightin g l>.V rled at the bride's home • be~ and. etc., neck. cquck, the Include " ,. day. .can they ' word a n ·the vol~teer fi~emen. There are ,a wbi:>le.b undle of diff.erenc~i clits,' so · tll p y:' must, . ar.abJy ~rll . •!a.mee Elliott , apd b~by ar~ long :to the tough or ijli this; 5ea1sh ipt ,Oy'sters'..: are . inoomp ," ' . • "summ ed he . , . . , H' 18 open'ec;l ' an ommoIst by. cooke'd ground h e b est, OYS- ' be either ~ in ' '1 C'" , W M d " ('" M f1J visiti . Deoem t · ·in t VeIy britR.· · n"', · . POSlti II·tewl oyst~routs,. lls pot Tile d/lYS are abor.tes In delicio as d, ' heat, !lus~·~n ng nutji.ti e• . ..nn . pure, m practic rs. tor .,. Rn sville .. Wayne n.. I: . ,. . bed ' '"tli oy,st~r all 'diIiaMis at do-. tak f rOm tTeata ,t 'cnf,8 . . ,' b.e r, aod' so are a. good' rn,a.n" men- hani, IIot ·qreenv iUe .. In 8(jnp. ' These . or . . · ' corning S. •• ~In e en . · • e~s .&1, ' " fullY >&8 nutritio us M 't ht!mor e a .whole family. JamllR TDlI~ell . 'and family, of &1'e 'A.pint ·of Sealsb ipt QYster s is .~o\jgh f.or not '~ I . . . 8 ' , alli"'~ say, aloDg about ··the twe~tv·fiftb Springf " ' ,.meatic . · ' · li.t !! · relative , · taste like. ield are visiting .· Findo.tit what £6n1 oyst¢rs IlQ ~D;lmon .18 ,6u might , , ezpenslve :·· ~il . If.' '' (lloperlY .' • ~ , . _ this' plaoe. imiiin e• . I ·have been In '"-!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!.~ ooOked, a~ low temper ature. and well • • .. . ,." . Oysters pt· E ~". exce\le nt. · Try ·~a1shi I)• •. for 20 yean. punty. tbelt of , 'l1be an~:l1ial llermon for the J 1• O . ... uoned ' they .brier IIU~ be cp ' We sell them- and YOU oJ redncbig 'oo8t of !:Xd. " . . CelIS prOmptlY attended U:. A .. M, lodge Willi preach ed ,at tbe .• l.. .. '. BARN HAR T, Cuii.'" ~e EXp.';li lt o . M . Sunday lallt Pre~}\yte~tdn . ohur~h DliItit;' . . to ""or '.D· at . ___ 1.':,....:: ~ N" PbOIIe moat ezp8nalve . an4 . ~n4er 'l,'be " , . . UU~., . ~oU. . . Rev { by ."y. c ·Tlb'a IQ . Nota ry , .Publi . "!Iii~iIii. · .• • . . . .~. ~o••• .... Mn. Boy Barril and clapght era cut com. tro.m th~ ahort·· .,'" ' , ' , . '. ': an4 'til IEfloWD •• tH GC trODt Su· Jut n.y$OD in ' 1 ''~'' re~tiv8 ~'''' vtaited All kinde of No....y Work. 1l.Q8iOD I -~~~~~~~~~~JI!IIII!IJII!IIP--~"''''

New Burli ngton



For Satu rday

--- --- ---

--- ------

- --

.. - .... .


..... .

6'paythe'Limit Bring ~s your Produce, W

••• ,.¥•••••• , •••• ••••••



Dow Best Flavors Are ~ Obtained.

Notice to Contraotors


Ol. lad · A.da








The . Diff eren ce Bet wee n Sea lshi pt Oys ters a~d


Oth ers

,~en', ~QrQt8h~d,





r ., .





Work " ttpeotaUy;







. ~ »orWho1IIe cut.:

'.'al ter:'. KiI'

'So'le e-.ler·

M ' .::.hl.1-'--.. er Met,"'"arlan :,'

0/. '.


· ".. t./










7, 191(1.


Utl85 -

'___-Former . . . _--. __Citizens . Re::::::::::~~hOOI' r S~~i;'-E;;nU-i 0- __ .....I :~~:II::~:A::U::E:=~n -P;r;;~;i ~ie;H;~·H;;-~{Tb;~~-I· 1 ~~~~~:... ~. -.---~-,.,--.

Monday at the c9uncil chamber. . ., - Ohly four members being present. D)I ' • oars an d Sense-Wiggam. DoUars and Sense-Thurs. evenin&' Routine buainess was attended to and bills allowed. Carl Hawke was in Dayton Sunday. Harry Oleaver is sick with tonsilliDr. C. A. II.ough, of Lebanon, tis I was given the floor, and he asked Bargains in millinery~ Mrs. G. L. council lor an extension of the fran- Smith. T. J. Brown was ve sick Sunda chise for an 'electric road throug h . night. ry y the town, which expires this month, SleIgh b ells were heard on the A. remonBtrance agailll3t granting streets Sunday. Go to Zell and Son for Tobacco

Frank HolmeJt. of Dayton, left Tuesday morning to make his future home In California.

for the month ending November 25, . - - __ ,a , - 1910 I' p up ,') S were . . ' Th e . f 0IoWlng The Card Club will m~t Thursday neIther absent nor tardy: afternoon at the home of Mrs. EmCollege Hili mor Bilily.

Gavle Evanll Carl Squires Prof. and Mrs. L. S. Rhoade'l en'· Ellis Smith Frances Squires tertained Prof. and Mra. C. A. Bl'UEdna Cornell Floren~e Hess Enrollment 10. Cases of tardiness 11. ner Sunday. Helen McClure, Te8('her. Mr. and Mrs. G.· S. Schnebly, of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Hawke and Red ;:Oak St. Louis, are rejoicing over the ar· the fr~nc~;ise was also presented t o L. A, Zimmerman was a Cincinnati Boxes. Miss Clara were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Evans is ill with Marie Burge Annie Burge rival of a little girl at their·home on ~~n:~:n::~t~~h~~ property hold- visitor Thursday. Mrs. Lee Hawke at dinner Sund~y. quins Glenn Frazee the Srd. . Dr. Hough madp. a Ii~tement to Protracted meeting at the M. E. y. Enrollment 9, Cases of tardiness 3· Walter Kilbon was in CinciDnati Eva Davis, Teacher. Dr. and Mrs. Michenor and Miss co~ncil that openeJ ~helr eyes. ' . He church closed Sunday evening. The boys of the classes of '08 and said that the surveys and all things Friday. lowell tlill Anna Michenor spent Thanksgiving per~ining to the proposed road, is Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Cartwright '10 had a royal hunt and were royalwltll friendsat Camp Dennison.- now in' the hands of the engineer of were in Dayton last Thursday. ly entertained by Mr. and Mrs ~ F C Sch t . ". • ti Bertha Orndorf Wilbur Gilliland . . war z was m ",mllOna Fred Simkl'ns H I H . Lebanon Patriot. Furnas last Saturday. Those presthe Bleekman (:0., in Cincinnati. T esd e en arns ent werej Messrs. John Strawn, Ray- ' . The Kroger lines which are pro. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnard spent u ay. Ethel Simkins Pead Orndorf Ml'8. Wili S. McKay and little POled, from Norwood via Wilming Sunday with relati les in Mt.· Holly. M. C. Cornell, of Dayton, was in Joseph Shutts Melburn Gilliland mend Davis, Lyman Silver, Emmor Baily, jr., Fred Hawke, Robert., FrEd da~ghter Willa Marie, returned to ton to Colu~bus.~are alsO anxious. to .. towp Tuesday. Henry Orndorf theIr home i~ Lebanon Sunday, hav- have their lines "completed. 'this Mr. and .Mrs, Frank Elbon VISited Enrollment 12, Cases of tardiness 2. Lawrence 9.nd Seth Furnas. ing .pent from Wednesday at the line would be about 15 miles longer Mrs. Nanme Brown at Lebanon last Dr. StevenB, of Lebanon., WI&S in Henrietta McKinsey, Teacher. McKay parental home in Clinton to ColumbuB and would probaQlyet. week, Waynesville TueSday. Green Briar Mrs. S. 1•• Cartwright entertained , County, where the former's 'father· fect the Bleekman line on account of U d M P k' f K t ky W ff' f . fi ... . , »'Ir. an rs. er ms,o en uc Mrs. Cynthl'a E' v.ans I'S spendl'ng a Guy Kibler George arner · a few' friends very pleasantl), last in I 1 , . - aw s su ermg rom ID rmltles the saving of miles for a bee-hne ts f M Le d of old age and at preRent is bedfast. te E " - are .gues 0 rs. mmon an few 'days in Cincinnati. Loretta Beltz Eugenia Whitaker Saturday. At noon an elegant din, ' rou ast. famIly Hazel Mullen Jennie Warner ner waseerved. Those present we~, r It isa question therefore, which ' Jas. Stoops, of Dayton, madeaflv- Edward Mullen Howard Whitaker Mesdames Cain, Vaughn, A. B~ C. G. Williamson had the ~Ieasure line would be the best. and cheapest Mrs Chas. StansDury, of Dayton, ing visit here Tuesday. Heber Ross Raymond Whitaker Chandler, Hannah Rogers, G W. ~ one day last week of entertaining at of construction, an-II tbe best paying was the guest of relatives bere over Enrollment 16, Cases of tardinesS 1. Hawke, Oscar Edwards, P. D. . Olaghis hotel in Cincinnati Wru. Rogers, line afterconstructiOR. Sunday. F. C. Hartsock and Dr. Clagett Eleanor ~rnhart, Teacher. ett, Sarah Zimmerman, Lina DeVitt, . of Denver, Cut., who was on bis way The Rapid Transit Co. at Cineinnat ' were in Dayton Monday. Emmor Baily, Misses L~e Carroll, , to Philadelphia on busine88. "Shr!' are now at work on their lineR. but ~M~ . . Flo Dyche, of Da~ ton, was " Mt. Holly Ml Baird, Annie and Mame Brown as he was familiarly ' known here. is it is not known just how lon&"it will tHe guest of Mrs. E . H. Colvin on . -Mr. an,d M~.~. ,~. R~ are visit- GleDn~ Haley Helen Lucas and LoI;.:a:..::Ze::.:=ll~ ......~____•_ __ io the calendar bUliline18 in the West, take them to complete them. Saturday. mg relatives In ·ClnClnnatl. Berij'ta Marlatt G~rge Smith Bfa many trifndB here would have Theproposed line to Waynesville " H. Allen and Ray Mills were in Martin Marlatt Velma Marlatt POULTRY FANCIERS MEET been gl.d to have seen him, ' looks better now than it ever has, Dr.-C. AI Hough and W. F. Eltz- Lebanon Tuesday on business. Howa~ Sheehan Lessie Lucas The engineers had been informed roth, of Lebanon, were in town MonEdna Dill Adria Cornen Tht} Miami Va~ley Poultry Associa, • that this line would need 'Iots of con- day evening. Walter Elzey is confined to his Albert Marlatt John , tion met ~turday. aft.ernoon at the ~ Ehza ~am, aged 89 years, struction but the survey calls for home with ~ case of tonsillitis. Reva Sheehan Pauline Ma~latt Gazette office. ~o is livJI1&' in-Daytol) with her only a 2 ~r cent grade from Leba· F(')rreSt Hardy, of Cincinnati, was , Louie Vaughan' Lestp.r D11I The Association decided to hold dabgbte~, M~. Jacob 'Lacy, Buffered non to Xenill which ' is lower than the guest of his cousin Earnest R<' po; Emerson Mason is confined· to the Enrollment 24, Cases of tardiness O. a show on December 30th and 31st• inson last week: house with an Ilttack 'of gripp'. Pearl C. Hfl1. Teacber. Tbe meeting was a spirited-one, five • 8~keof'panilysis last week. Her any line out ~f Norwood. .entire· left s.ide i~ 'p aralyzed, and at The coun~il decided to meet again , , . new members being adde<l to the ' ~t ~BeamcouDtsallthe wa. some bed thter •. next Monday evening to ~t on the Mr - and Mrs, F. Aker have ra- I "ilI sell all trimtped ~ts at abao- M Rol dsugar IOrovThe roll. . _No ways lived ..,oun ere tranehise and remonstrance but in turned home after a few days visit lute COfIt. . G. Lincoln SmU:h. arY. . an nez omas This is a matter·that Bhould inter. fer ~, and -1r!'Mt host of friends all J)tobabiiity will JrI'&Ilt ' the fran- with relaUves in Dayton. ~'.: " , Ernest Shutts - Milo N IlIl eat evey poultry ~ in this local-, WIll be 80~ ,to )Jearof her ~afftietion. chise. ", .. . - J, E. Janney attende? -the ~uneral Haro!d'Earnhart Lowell Thomas it;y. The object, as wu stated in ~_ . Attorney EI~roth, of Lebanon. al. Dr. ~erschel FISher h~ m0.v~ to of Mrs. W. p .-Madden ih Xe~~a Mon- ~w&rd ~un Everett Thomas ' last week's Gazette, is to raise more -t, ' E ' M l"'."'. f Park le"'e s' in .regard to franchises~tb'at officesmthe new Morns . buddmg. day. " v Ehzabet}lNull EvaPrate.r andbett ' e"poultryinthecommunity. Mp.~, " eV\f~_' 0 er, 6' t t th t ffi Leb . 0 IG R IS f " "'.1., wn·.·..:., the fo.llowl·n' rI letter, any person' "''''y ask for a 'franchise nex 0 e pos 0 ce, anor. . . f H pa ray UBBe ~r ace fbe ex .... ....utive committee' had \;IVr;O \.o::D • • "-:e . ' MISS Mary DaVIS. teacb(!lr 0 ar- H ard Sh ' tts Madi Ea h t whtch we/produce in·part: Ilnd council has the l'1&,ht to grant ' ' it h ) h - bee . ow u , son rn ar drafted rules fur thelJbow;-and-tbf!l!e-- --I "For the- lut year I have been so the same ov~r the same gt"onnd~ and 'MillS Elta Emley i~ teac~ing the n;t0 . y Groye sc 00, as n qUIte Enrollment IG. Cases of,tardiness, O. were _adopted with a few slight unsettled Uiat,lacareely coul<l U;!11 it'does not bar any number of com- Hat.'mony Grove school , dunng t?e SIck. ~arguedte Monfort, Teacher. changes wtiere to ask )'ou to aen4 my pa~rs, pahies wanting ; to &'9 th'rough the ~~se~cDe ~f: ~he regular teacher. MISS , Miss Agnes Hornick spent three Spring Branch None but club membf!rs can com, rl . ... ' ' a f ~nelRe: h' mal'Y avts. · ' days Iast' week WI'th • re)a·ti·ves ' In . Goldie COlmer ' Curtis ' hI e ,~en. . I was in hopes to have "l{One ~ast ....-.-n ~ c h ance f or pete for prizes; but h onora 'befOre this ti~t'I,. but bU8l~ess, h8~ While. Dr. ~ough dul not srl,ve out ' Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Fred ~w- Xenia. . Clara Berryhill Esther Curtis '1 tion will be made to all who want to lteptme here and \\rill keep' meS9me any positive assurance tqat the road. F'd P be '2nd . . ' . . b ' be Edna Lacy " Carl Dakin ' show birdB. There will be $everal son send my paper to would be completed soon, it looks IMn, ~I a~, . ecefm r 1 'l~.a M · . Geo. Dakin, sr., una lefto. k Lester Cu~tis radd k pens of' high-scorin« birds shipped time. , yo~ .-n .' . '. ' , ' f bl - , th '. rs~ ",aWID was ormer Y .q.a.18Say- at work Monday on account 0 SIC· Ernest B oc . ., d 't ,carker untd fut'ther notice. Enclosed more avora e~ since . e enJrlneer& ers, of Dayton. . . Herman Conner Harry Lacy here for exhiliitlon purposes, an 1 find money order for aoother year's taken the m~tter m ha~d, and, ness. " . . Carman Cornell Forest Hoblit will be a ~ow that all will be proud 8Ubecriptio~ for I am alw!l-vs pleased' in fact, the! ~id. th~t the, .J.:oute H. 'H. Wadsworth went tQ Cinein. Mr, and Mrs. Willis' YarabaU, of Nelson Brown ' ' of. to see the tbro~fhht1t\1 section looked more 'nati &aturday and :from there ', to n~ Spring yalley, ,were in ioWn EnroUment. 18, Cases of tardiness 6. The club will be glad to -have any , . Mr_ and Mrs. J. K. Anderson; ,o f 1l01ton, Kan., have gone to Pawhuska, Okla., to spend the winter.




paper.. . . ' ' , -~.{~~~ ~ ~ ~- ~. ~ ~'~ I ~e:~i:t~~e:e~~~d ~~~ll th,e ~~ntl~c~d:~~e be ~l1lstay for,a ~ e " DOlngl ' 'councllmen Tue~ay brought forth , p .1

1~ ~


Thunday. . ' John Strawn, Teacher. Mrs. Flo Dyche, of DllYton, was a Harmo~y Qrove three day~' guest last week of Mr. A,1~rt ~ilson ,Mabel ~tanlef. ~d, Mrs. F, C. Caref" ' ~ana SImpson Anpa Furn~ -,' . ' . . Enrollment)8, Cases of, tardmess 4. 'I Mr and ~ra,LeVl Lac~ anci famlMary Davis, Teacher, ly! of Wnmm~n, sP,en~ Sunday Summary WIth Thotn~ Wy and · • .' " '. Total enrollment ........................ 126 Miss 'Edith M08her .arrived home C f d' 27 :. ' . leasant ' ~es 0 tar mess ...... · .. ,.. ......... .. Monday ev~ni.n' &!ter a p M Neither absent nor tardy ............ 76 fou~. months ~it ~th Mr., and rs. Percent of attendance........ ......... 93 ,~!,k Taylo~ 0 OhlcalO. Notes

j~~ ~~::' in.;:~~~ !:;l~~ _

and the bene~tB ,will be ~ ~ an expres8i~n th~t, l~ks 88 thou&'h ,Fred Pence who went to E;ugene; Titis association and show will'be ., .. ~ • , the ,ftan~~ Will be renew~ . . A Oreg.. about a year ago, is hQme. a gree.t~van~etoo.ur ~omtnunity. ~e ·IIOdel'i1 'lL.oo?men J~,ltia~ a, f 'f{ are 1Q. favor of ,aski'.lg tha~ ~ Fred Js full of the beauties" ,and-many strang6l'$ wUl l>;e in lQ,wn . c:an~LI8te at ,thclr l~t m~tihg. , 'cash bonus,be put up, in orner. thar; West, but adds that ' Ohio is a good during these two, day&. ~e m.llml---=--:O-".....,.';':; , , , . " r. " , ~m~thi~,defiUi>~e ~igll~ ~e ~"-t:!ected s.tato '" Xeiua, Dayton and Sp.ri~el~ have. Election of officers of ·the K: of 'were in fayor of ot,h er w~y's . , \" already· announced theIr mtention of ....1- ,:kill ..... k 1 to '· ht t and 'mpans but it·looks 88 though it One more case ofscarlet fever was beingp'l'esentat the show ., P• 1~ ... w wr. e . pace mg ~a . · ..' . ' ' • , ,thtll' terpple;' ' , , ,!lll go. Wt!ough. , .TIle. mem~e~8 !-,!!ported at ~ytle atter we we~tto There,will be a professio,al judJ~ all !lay that tliisfranchlBe ,has benn It). press I~t week. 1;he sehoolsthere engaged' for the two days, and be \ ,. . , vo~e ten years and "that it ' is time' win prob~bly remain clOsed u~ltll wi\lpr.obably deliver add~ 'i n the 1llie ,installatJon.,of the Offic~f8t ot iometiling Idefinite , was , aflter Ohrlstmas, · ,_ evening. These alone will · be well ·the 1. 0 .0.1"'. lodge will take p ace It' all ed ill t t 't ' . D f ; , . • • tb b ' d " 11 be f t. , •J ' . " Y" IS eg a a one .I,!'oe r. 'M . LSD h " ~ d ' M' Ma~ Smart of Richmond, Miss Mary Davis teacher .at Har- wor earmg, an WI ~ grea. llough ' had a chanee W d18~ of r s . . ." un am sUI~ere .' a ISS • : • . " ' •• _ benefit to the club and others who . lOme ti.~e. in an~ry. tb r : b...:t d'd Ii 'do ' "'S '" ,v.e~y light stroke of paral1sil 00 'b er Jnd., w~U next ~turda¥,. enter the mony Grove IB on the Sick bst. . .. ' ted ..' ", e l?e, u . .1 ,no , .e:o, ..ow- 1: eft side on:last 'Friday. Her condi~ qurses t~a~nin&' de~bnent in the M~ Emley; of ' Waynesvi,lle iB are mt~res. " . _ '_ ever It looks l~e somethmg m~gbt ,", . ; " 'd to b . . ed' t thO Qhildren's'Epiecop&J' hospital on M~ teachinr in Miss DaviB' place this We hope to.have th~ business '!leo aceompl~ed at th~ ..,resel)t tlm~:. .t~on IS 881 . '. e ,Improv, a 18 • boom this proJect as much as posSible " h '" "L_ b f tb I tnne'~Western Star . A.uburn. . wee~. ' . h ' .. th lub' 1Iere ~ OPing WlAt . e ore an~ ~r ., ,t'ak.~ place o~t ~~ eveninar. :. .' ,.,. . , , ,,~' , , . " Nearly all the schools had Thanks- ' and all W 0 .want-to Jom . ~ c . . ,.t, \' . y~ ."'~, ~~ be able _' to get ou~ of Wi~gam 18 a wo~der ~n~ a cyclo"e~ Cbas Reynolds was called to Mld- givin&, exercises. I.m ay leave th~lr names and dues ~th ~ I .... ' M' ': '~ 'Iri,' Wood '~ ' 1L.l! ~. . town atln1bourin tlle4ay. '. -', He m8de'our peOpl~ ai~ up-and listeir ~Ietown lut 'l'h':lrsday on account of All schools will observe Ch.r iat-IJ. Cartwnlrht at the Natlon~ &""e uuern men uuge ~s . • • . h I) Ii tb' I ' I.: • 'b h G ' h f II f ' ~8ank -rnakinIi ra id PrO~ nbw and the two OUt:8, u ~g' lB t me ue ,blS ro~ er eora-e, W 0_ e rom a mas with appropriate exercises.' . . , . , In ber8 ':'~"eXpectiPr g.-';'t thin,. '. " ,' . , ' ne~er ~t"~t to ,the wati~ ~&!,I on~ ~r ~caff<:>l~:and it:lju~ himsall. He Is ' E. H. Colvin, Supt. Seere~ Wadsworth 18lD.COrres- " \ ~iVfn . to .., " '. -, ", it ' ' , , , .. ' ~Ieared hls n~)c fot -action,; HIS. 'getting along ' as _well ~ b~ex. .. • - • pondenceWlth large Eastern b~ef8 , ts. teJ:~., ~_ ' . ' The B~' olders ,o f the 9lti~ens wotlds -ran as easiJiQ18 w~ter out ot Pected. . . W. C. T. U. MEETINO and they will probably send bIrds " ':>iU: .. lI~ ' ~ 'te ' ' lod . ,<>f V{ayn~~iUe. p~io, wlll"tn~t the "no=le of the hOse in the hands ,-' '. ' . . here to exhibit. - We COJ .~lJ m~ ., t.,... · 11;....1.· ' 11 ' . . m.;·esd ' .' , " -' . ...--W,' ~on ~ ute ou,this ' CO}- a weir '~'Amg Quae un ~u .. ay; of the Winthrop fire company. ¥rs. ¥tanda Wr:ight ~d daugh- The rl. yy. C. T. U. meeting on l~t •brothera b h ' " Il~ Janu&l'l,3,1911_••~~een ~e hou~ ne,v er 'batted an eye waited for an ~r, M~ May have a'nv¢' at Los FridayatthehomeofMI'I.AnnaElba , CHUR(.;H OF CHRIST A ~ .; " ..P"., av:~. ,~,J . ,lQ'ld3 (fctook~ P; to el~t: ~l- idea.!X> takE' an'emeti,c ar1(:1 oom,.up. AtlgeleS a~~ are ~l~tly si~ua~ w~ a ve~ interesting and instruc~ Bible School at 9:30 •• m. Start .~ 0i th~,ensuing fear .., ".' . "':"\Vintti.r9.~.-;-At School Hall ThU('80 for the Wlnter•. We ~. i~ receipt tive ,8e8810n. • ~ . _. p '~ , _" .. .'., , a few minutes earli.~ present" . your foo~ and; dttestll It . ",,' F·. HartIIock, ~er.> dayevemng:. , ' ,. ,:, o't 'a card from· Mias May ~hlCh ~, Sev~ra1 articles were read giving" h' ' . P hi b iii a" If youI' stor:naob " OJ : •• \ , . - , . ", " " \ ,. " .,', ' . "It is 10 -wa'rm' today ,~e want to accounts of the &'teat advancement for t 18 Be,m ea, r~~e ng y. ,.~ . ' Relief In ft e mlnutel from ·.,1 1 t to df to -ad .'.. tb J "I di -': U • I I I ld' pastor mornin&, and ·01ght. SubJect aoh mlsety waftlDr tor 70U' S9LD PIJOPERTV _/. .\Van sen , ree ~ery r~ • keep out o. e sun. a u, y ~.. oftempe~ce allover tJIe ~or . for the ' momhlg,' uFellowBhip,01' -drug -sfore here'Jn I ' • • . .r ~tte 10,beauti~ul, , ' • . ' We were pleased to have With U8 ... . ' " . . 'J'heae 1~rq '6().cellt farmprope~ of ' M~ embb8sed. C910red 9hrlat- · Mls. E~~ .. COlvln receiwd atele- ,Rev. Li;zie', Larkin paStor . of the !Po Wh~l Wlthln a meel. .. Tbls 18 , Dlapep~ln CPD~1n m9fe:~ wai 8,'lla -&tuf4aY fo Dr. 'mas poSt cards, al.NIi~eret:''t. withoJ1~ phon~ ~$I8P o~) lat Thursday tell· Orthodox Friend. chucrh, who is an a8U~Jec~ tb;&~ we we"',obhged to reto thb~ugh.I~. CU", ap1. ' ~! .Of ' • It is a ValQab), pl~ ' ot 8,Q)' adve~ o~ l.Iu~m , whatever: lQ~ of ~t;81Jdden d_tb o~ h~~ un~le ardent W. C. T. U, . . ' peat tn.the recent meet~atFerry. p~p8la, IDdl,ea.':r' ~tr1t1. or ~ ~r: EU" it join. ' btl I "6 til" beclutlie l"waQt ,peopJe 't o GeQ. ~ while lD qiDciimati, Mr. , ' . . P.reIs Reporter.. Let us, bav~ ~ fu\l~o.Qae. , ~oU.D8 Oth,lr , .tomacb_ . • tuI'b~ce.. p~• ." . _ _ . . know tbehiKl1g.raae~rds I earry at Carter w~. well known resident of ' • _ -. People,s m~tlng at 7p. Cdt~e 'OclcUft 0,", 8\.eCt9d. thelr , ~8Duf~um"I; Pri~. ~ ,you pre:. ~lna; ,O~lo. a. had gone ~ NOr~Cp. TO CORN (ONTESrAI'TS prayerm,~tin&' at Mr:. Lld~'8 Tb~l'I Jut fer beautifllJ. New Ye&rIt ~rd..ay eo Cincinnati t9 Wtilt his d&u~~r, 111'11, . ' " " , . day'mght. " ' >'v, wbeo,ou write. ' ~1 . 1 ask Is that T. It Berry. who 'ft.I in a hosPital. " Parifcipantl In. the Waynesville J. ~e8clter ~oinar at tbe'~qri:h. hHnl'_lla'D18.4~"'lDptampi J;ocov- Shortl1 after- -.. anival- , be ... Natlcma1 Biplk co~ co~teat are reo, friday niaht ~ '1:80. Subject »oat;I..... Ac1cIre.. C " ~ihD- atrickell with The queated to brlq 1)1' ...a.their .. .- Christ of taut New T~,at ~urcb Pne. .o..Pt. GlJ. " occurncl ~ moraiq at bi6 pl.. to the ~ d~ th,e'week Accordiq , ~ . .~.'~ It II DDt J '






:,' ,< '

", ,<:. '.' '. '




























. . . . . . . . . . . . .,



1)111118 DecIm.~"


too . . to jaua tb. - . ,

, The Miami :Gaz ette


D. ,l. C,.1.NE .


, 'SPIRIT OF ROMANCE,. ' , To the spirit or ch~v"llT and love adventu re that cbaract erlzed the !Wondel'ful days or long ago the avel'!ege writer turlll for bla romanlt c tales CIt love and fir, but tt lIeems 110m&Jlow as though onou(l!h of romance tclan be tound In the world at every \»erlod ot Ita existenc e, even In Its Illresent most practica l and, perhaps , ,ts most un poetical stage. to make 't'olumes 'ot absorbing Interest , but the mystery ot the past appeals to the ordInary mind with nlore perSistence 'than tbe wonders ot ,the present ; per· lIaps. because the IntervenIng perlode or time ha va endowed the occurr,e nces of otber days wllh something of the foharm ot their own uncerta Inty, The ~n ftuence ot poetry, ot music, ot art, ot the drama, or literatu re, helps · to .mold a world ot loveliness, and con· 'tributes In no Bmall way to the bap'plness at living, saYlI ' 't he Charleston 'Ne'ws and Courier. Into each profession some of the spirit of romanc e has crept. mucb of which baa been ba.nded down from generation to gen· eratlon aa a prIceless heritage , Tbe utlatlc tempera ment beat underst ands 'the making of those ros&eweet- rom.ances which breathe thetr fragran ce and wide an!! make the world ~ ;better place In which to live, but 8Ten 'those ot ua who are not blesBed with I ' ~tlc naturel cannot, Indee~ must ~ot, tall to trace along our dany :paths the romanc e of the world It.aelf . \WIth all Its throbbi ng beauty- it. 1"0~8nce ot life and color, of effort and .~hievement, and above all of joy and happine ss. ~



tages of bls new clUzensblp. All or the 11.000 Islander s wh,o wer.o not then 1I,' lng In Agana began tp look longingly Aganawnnls ; and hundred8 of them packed their belonghigs In 'grass fiber coprn bags o.nd started for tho site of the governm ent job. Tbls state or affahs Is the growth 'of the laat two or three years rollinly. In Ii recent report Capt. E. J . Darn, naval governor of ·the Island. eOY$: "Tile ranches Bre tieIng more IUld more neglected by reason of the popu· latlon becoming governm ent laborers. Tbe ext4pl8.lve Improvements golllg on Ul)der federal direction baveca lled a.way from their farms very many wbo lind the ready money paid tor days' labor much more attracti ve than the , uncerta in reward ranches offe'r. Nearly ten years ago, discuslling the Ohamo rra nl,ltlvo's dlslnollnstion for 'Vol'k, ClvU Enginee r Leonar,d COlC of the navy, "who designed the water worke 'sY8t~m now bEHng InstaBcd In A!~na, said In II,n omolal reporb "'If the native u,n derstoo d the " rto of 'getting his enjoym ent out at mbney, and It be posse88ed JlI,ore , civilized vices Ilnd could cultivat e a few ex·, pensIve' tastes, there would be nO dlt· ficult)' ,Ill obtaining labor, th,OUg'l It Is doubtful If he would be beneft~ed by the chabge." Recent letters and rel)orts from Govern or 'Dorn and from others ,to· mlllar with cooditions , lliere. IndJQate the grave" apprebenslon that la' telt over the IlItUath:in and tbe 'need ;t hat exJsts ~or her,olo measur es.. ,Last ' ear tbere was a bad rice famine, because ' the , natives had neg,ect ed , ,tholr lan~. ·Supplles ,w ere eecured trQJlI. Ja'p~ to reUeve the 'lIhortage. and Gove..nor Dorn then lrled to torce the pelM)le back to thelr ·rllDchei, but. lils effdrts have been only llartly ~uccesilru1. When the Job. Wear Out:

'UT In the broa'd PacUlc. flve ' tbousa.nd · miles trom San 'Franolsco and lifteen hundred miles from' Manila, there is \ Sometimes the queeUon III nsked, an Island that tempor arill ~~t bec01ll-88 ot all tile ,gold?" It deserte d by Hs taster parent, the a well·known fact that the total of UnJted 'StAte', Is' an eas~ prey fC?r 'e,~reCIQu. 'metal m'\ned Is not tully th,e , wan,der lllg cruiser , or any nl,lUon ounted for by the amount ,of gold -that may want to kldnal) a Pacific ' colne In use or the- ,quantlt y of gold naval baao. " employed ,tn' th, ana. A "oed deal, of The American fillg still floats ove.. ~t ''seta away" In some ''''I1!.lon aDd the Island of Guam., but ,the greater part or the governIng and protecti ve iJJjdes f~ the sight of the statl~. force recentl , ealled away to Manna tlelAn. and the econom!ata. Perhap s tor ,its annual vacatio n trip. Em·, ~a lI~e light ID&J': be tl!ro~n on the, "arked (lD the station snlp Supply, 1D7St.ery by the experIence of a wom; which constitu tes the enUre navy aD \ In ' SOuth Bend, Ind., who while the laland, the governor, most of ~Iutq 10 her flower garden found marines anel American oIDclall left ~,U6 In ;old pIeces. It Is ~l1eved Agana. 't he mone)' 'Was bvrled bJ Ute womFor the next tew weeks, while the an'e father; who dled/. some years ago. Supply Ie beIng overhauled at Manila , and the island are recuperHow' mucb m.o re bas been, elleposed 0 f attng at Philippine , be"lth resorta, " ' tn' lIke tasbton or etored IItwa:; In mi· Guam will, be permitt ed to wo'r k out !!fir's houd.s and In aecret JI~ac,es by its own: salvation, protecte d from In. thOM who wleh to k~p the colD ' vas Ion qllly by, a bandful ot marines agatnst • ~m'e of need? and the majesty and authortt)'" ot the· Stars and Stripes. But should an,. The remark able Instance o~ a c,ure ilatlo.n' or 'any flltbust erlq expedItion of tetanu. aeter the 'aws \Vere locked, proceed 'upon the 'Idea tbat the , United effecte4 ·In Illlwau kee not long ago, statee Is trying to .."lose" tta little , baa been parallel ed In New York" the pos"es810n, It would find "that It bad patlent ~Ing a .~ven·rear-old bo)'. He acted upon an ,enOrely wrong , tb~ory. 'hils countrY I. TSry bU',. just noW' , Ia"erat~ his .right hand and t~tt knee, trying to work out wbleb were cau.~erUed by a phYsicIan. In Guam which may certaIn probleme ultimat ely malte Ten ~ayl lat~r. hOw8,er. ,he , became that Island a valUable 'part ot the na-, -ftole~t1)' 1Il, IIQ?wfnC aymjl~oms of tional domaIn. Weul the lItt,ie speck tetanua, and betnC removed to, . bo. of land to 'be turne(l over to 80me pl(at, wh~e for four, da}'a 1!j1 Jawa other' natton ' now It would be with a were locke!! and fo~ eight t;!&Ja hE! :":"&8 J.l&ck of trolll)lEls accompanyIng It 't hat 8ubJect to frequen t epaama,' At the woul4 cast & lastlDg !i'usplclon over , 'ftrst injectio n of ,t~e Improve4. !,erum tJle 'emclency ~~ Amerlca~ clvlllza· frOm the New York board of health' tlon. For ; Guam not only ' remllina tbe ' 1,000 rinlts were illed. Afler' 30.000' moat un{quo of tile tneular aCQulelunits ball bee.n admbile tered the lad tlons of Uncle Sam, but It has"lleen .bow,ed Improvement 'an4 gradual ly found that In proport lon to Its size 'lP'ew better. untll '8. .week ago he 't(aa arid ImportAnce ,It Can furnlah more dle~sed trom the ho,plta l c9mp1e~e. trouble s all!! perplex ing problem s than all th. olher lelandll osaeael ons 1)'" ~!Jted_ thnt the SPGnish war foroed u~n u,s. 'A t:oncret.e es~mple of Qle IIp~ed One ot the pre.c~ou8 ~hlnglJ,. that eseaped destruc tion , In the ftre tha~ wltb which the ; cost of 'lIv~g, 'the ' wrough t' sucb havoc at the, ' Br\laeele rush of farql~rs to the 'cIties and the challe exblblttop, \VaIr the' prJceleslI collection crease of the ':al;'olghty dollar", In· as Atoerl.c ans 4raw nen1\,' there ot lace loaned by the tormer queen ot Is no equal to ,thl" little ""Gem Italy. Aa aU. the world Interest ed In Madannlls,'" lying j,ust oft the of the traok .~e-maklng III ,aware, Queen Dowage~ ot Amerlclln-Jap.a nese oo~an travel. Marghe rlta bas revJved the laoe Indus- When" all ot these evldences of .olvl1ltl')' In Italy:, alid her endowe~ , lace fac- zaUon strikE) a ' land only thirty mllea tory at VenIce Is visited by mapy traT~ long and, st. miles 'WIde, a\:!t;l •whlch, elera: B'russela as well a.e Veplce In has 'never , been- s~lf.8uPPQrtl~g" , theY old times was famous for its illce, and produce a situatio n guarant eed, to give no doubt th'e Belglana IUII~t!3d' the B~eep.ess nights to i~08e Intru.te d with ita solution . ' Italian collection . like conbolsseurs. The trouble ,wIth ,GuaD! is n~t only Th, collection Is .now again In' the 'that It baa 'never been a ileU..upportthe llOIsesslon ot tbe queen dowale r. ' Ins cou'ntry, but that ~merl~n olvlU· , ,~atloil, so c~lle~.. '~I'B introduc ed some Women arriving at 'the port of New Ideae of lIvll1g that· are complicating York from 'abrolld, who wore their fura the situatio n ' more and more' every to 'eecape paying duty on. tbe wr,aps, day. The cost o~ ordInar y lIuppllee had tfmade even more warm tor ~e~ has lncrease d with a Jump; the "slm·, by tile explana tion that their exc;.uae pie Arcadl~ , taate,e", of the natives, ~e8orl~e-a by a: tormer, governor, have , ot nonpayment. for duty wouldn',t "~n nUrsed Into real Amerlp!l~ dJ'wear; 'elres and ambitio ns; apd mo,s~ serl· 'oQ' of all, the'r~ lias ' been a rush' ot The cbampion flub storr, not only 01 farmers to the city. w,bleh bas com· thIs, but also ,of ' many previous sea· pletely delloP~lated the r~l\c'1tia~ Boua! wae told, , They 'Qult ' the Farm, ot. , .ately at a..meeting . the American Flaherl es Soc etlee: It ;'A~~ tl;le ' lu~e of jt~ a~ ,Is the, ,go,v, was to the effeCt that 1lab~s grow 'aD ernmen t job. Wilen the IUnlted States treeatn Alaaka. Thle record triumph- took hlJJd of the leland" about 8~ven ' a~iJ, cb~len.e8 all: come~. ' UJou.u cf of the eleven thousan d na' . t!VCl. It't'ed, In ,the .town cif ' Agat}~: but A seattle man wanta a dlvotce be- nery taml.' had I~ ranch, anlS "qau.e his wtte e~ta eeven ' pou!lds" of its real IJvlng out of the : !l01l.~ meat a ' day. "And then, hlJe the n,ene the Gua,mlte firat ' beard ~ J "a, daj'a work OA a ~ve,rnment to' aak him' for' ostrich plumes, ''f(10, appr~'clate .~ , ,afpl~CJ job' 'he , ldn't, ; , Ulce, : He batt no ilee ~or ,money and contInued , , A FreJiCb shJdent' baa- discovered IIQIl,e18 hts ~Ivlng out of' thi lelan4 thai man i~ sU~~Ot to , .lI~1Dacliln~, soil, the on)) lIi~th~ lie ~.", of 0,," lalnIDg tL ' We JDleht add that the cQlnmon maD , WIth ,b~Y&1 rePa:ir, .1i~p., . a '",atu ".FI"_,n. Ill~'~l~i., U. "l1per1or to the maehille poll~clan work., .F.t~. bridge. al\d road. UII ' .~bl~uill.~t del' Proc.... of coJlat.~:Uo1t1'JI .Aaltert~D York pepet" Ita cll7 lull dloDey

O ,








HE su1)jeet ,before ' me for. clltcusll'OO pre:sll pposes ' "that the preache r Is alsO . a Itucie!)t, wbft:h most all' , aU're'dly he ,muat be If, 811 Il pteacbe l' he dealres to make hla "c~11In8 and election aure," Tbere perhaps never wal a time, In tbe blstory "ot tbe c~urch, when the demands made on the pulpit were as great as tbeY ,are today, On account o( tbe universal dUfu· slons oC periodiCals, niagazln 8 ,lUld books" both fI,ecular Ilnd religious, this bas become pre-eminently a renj1lng ago, ,and the preacbe r must be a rea!l· er If he 'de.lllres to lend, or even t(, keep up with the l)rocesslon. We arl! living In tho veritable oge of rellson wben men I'ofuse to acoept, with 1m· Paris Pnttern s No, 2160, 2629. All plicate fallh , dogmatic leaohlng slm· ply because It prooeeds frOID tha Seams Allowed .-Any nuder garment cbuTch but demand, and we tblnk that accentu ates the slendern~ss of femInine figure nnd redOces {he justly 89, tbat l11en be able to "glvo the laundry bill wtll Ilppesl to all women, a . reason for ihe 'bope thM Is In Tbe 4alnty one Illustrat ed (2160) Is de· ,them," :Tbere~ore the preache r, to veloped gain and retnln tlle coxdldenco apd the head:In Jaconet IUld slipped on cver The square neck Is trimmed respect of his parishIoners. should with an embroid ered bending, In meand must be a clear logical rell.8oner dlun\ width, and finIshed with a nnr· nnd thInker. A tblnker will not 40. row edging' of embroidery. ' The arm· The preache r must 'bnye brain ana boles and narrow ,"urn es whlcp fin· heart as well as mouth. We hear II Ishes the lower edge of the skirt IJre groat deal today In religious clrole. trimme d '\\1th narro\v nbout the 'ministe rIal dead·Une, whal the one at the neck. edging matchIng The 'plltteru Is to do with tbe old-·th at hi; flfty·year· In • alze,,-3 2, 36. 40 and H Inches old-pre ncbers, ete. ' bUlt measure, In the medium sl1&e the uqder garmen t requtres 3 yal'dll Preache r Must Be 8tudent . NoW It Is our kumble opinIon that of materia l 36 Inches wide. 1~ ynrds no mIniste r can crosa tbe delld-1lne of Insertion. , 8 ~ yards of bead Ins, 3~ all long all be remalne a careful, faUll· yards ot ribbon and 6~ yards of edg· fill 'studen t fqr thUII by 'keepIng In Ing. Developed \ 10 fine muslin, cambric close BympatheU~ toucl1 with tbe brain aud heart of tM generat ion in or iaconet, thle (2629) Is a deJlghUul hlch he 11vee he Is able 0 "serve 'little under garmen t to wear under that generaH on wen by tlie grace ot tl\e dress ot lbe present style. with Ood" and then Uke one af old slm· Ita long clinging Unea. It C'ollslsta of ply "taU asleep." tiut any preac)le~ a corset c9ver and of, n drawe rs, and tbe long lines and many seams do ' wbo cease" to ' be a etUden~ as' wep, away with all ,' unneCeS6a~y fullnfjsll. ha's already crolMld tbe,' dead·Une round neQk Is trimmed with rib· whether li~ be fitty or twenty·five. The ecD run The fort'lna te tblng a})Opt It 18 that row lace,beadIng and ,an edging 'of nsrmany such are 'dead and do not know med withand the a.rmboles bing trim· lnce. Tbe' lower It. If then, It impera,t1ve ;that the edge o( the.imllar drawerll Is trimmed with preache r "e a etudent', tie ,wust ho.T.e wide lace edgIng and thll garnlen t is something to etudr and ' t~IB brIngs ue [a,ten0 4 40wI1 tiie front. The pattern more dlr oUy to ·,our subject "The la In' 8 sizee-3 ll to 40 Inches. bust Preac1!.er's LIl)rary." Now we are free meaaur ~. For 86 bust, to conteil8 that w~ 4..0 not thln.k t.h_t tton require s 214 yards the comblna· of mat rlnl 36 It \8 ludlsllen8~bl1 necessa ry for 'a. tnebes wlde~ ' or 2~ yards 1'rel1c11or to know 'sometb lng of" God, wide (each with' . ,% yards f2 Inebes of edging o!. man and of t~e ~higs ~b~,t, come 6 Inohes~lde for ru.tBe,s), In t~e thougbt and Ufe of those wbom beading, 2 yarde of ribbon1* yards of and 3~ he Is ealJed to .~rve. Neltber I. It yarda or narrow, edging to trim, necessa ry that he bave a l~~ge , nIld To p~... thI. pattern ~en(l 10 cente expensive library. 'Tbe , epltllJlb ot to . "Pattern Dtlp&l'tm ent," of th18 paper. many' &. faltbful . l~cceaBful mlDtater ,vqte CUI" aa'd ad"fen plaInly. ond be !!lure to IIlv. alSe &Ad Dumber of .pattern . might be trut,.ful ly. written tbue.: He was the happy p,oBse8eor of tew booke "f~I. ~ NO. 2160, 2621. ~IZB ....: .......... ... nnd many babte.: And while he have been suece/1sful :wIthout , the. N:~ •••••••••• •• : ••~•••••••••• ••• """"'. ' bl,\bles, we are not able to aIDrm, .b ut the few books he ·mUlt h!1T8. The U· , brary tbat ', le alls01utelJ:. necee ~ry foJ' the preache r ,to possells alld tborough· Iy' and ' faithfully .tu~1, 11 he wlsb to ehow himself approved ' of God a workman tbat neetteth \'lot , to be Del!amed ri.bt1~.' dlvtd~g ~he wor~ I,of truth, "ta ~ompolled' of tlloe, el~t.Y..ts books commonly ~led. the BIble. To lbls shoo,l d Jiivarl~~l1 be'1\dde4l • 100d concQrdance, B~ble , and com· . These thln,Pa re, ee~entla!, J!lay ,be b~lpfu~ ,nd hl.h· ' ,



, ... . '~I'\CI

I!xp......lon. R.

,caprded .'. }t.vlnll Beon R.nd.~



..,.' :::



bl' Cor,o ne".. Juri ...


ReCerrlnl ' JQ a Tertllct" l'e~e~UF ~y~ b)'" .. cqroner '. jUry ~at d'oaUa was "caused l,ly bile medl'cll.~ "laeDC e," the ' Brltlsh ' MWfC&l , Journal. • • : "Tbat ve,r dlct be adeled. to thoae- ,' cited In tbe report ot the select' eollf mlUee on ' death ' c tUtlcatlol\. wJ\ere , Dr.. Ogle I. Cluoted" "I : ,I.,big: 'One yerdlct oame befol''' me : . ' little tlJJUt ' ago wblc~ , waa thla: , "A)Dan dleG ' Cram stone In the kldriey, ~btcU alone bo Dwabowed heen lyll1, on". gravel path In a state of drUD~on~e..." .Tba' " wns glvep" al a nrdlct. [thO\l lb' Bome joRe " bad b"e'ii ' pl~ed> anel' I " wrote down .alX1ut no, "nd found It w•• an absolut e fac~ Ano~er' one I. like this: "Child ' three months , old. tound dead, . but no evl~ence wbethe . born allve.": " ,' Ttiele nOvel ludcments recall that ~n up·state ne",ap,," per not, long ago epoke ot taklng ,a murdere d 1Xlau'll "post·m ortem" .tatement,




" Kidding W~r.,. T" .. n Cutlln" . Tnlk about maldJlg good ""Uh' youp frIends. n New · Orll)"D8 man tol4 everybody ,he' kn~' thaf b.e 'W1\1I go~n& to Philade lphia for . ijle , clual ()Ul'})OS8 ot seeing the world's b~eball 8erle~ anl\ bavlilg 'a IUgbt Burg10al Qpera ro~ , pOl'fOl·med. " lle4cht nl tb1a city,' h& consulted a Ipeclal1$t, and WIlS ' to ~ that an operatio n 'Was not neceeillry. "Bllt, doctor." the Nejt Orle~ · party urgentl y Intervq••4, 'lit muet b& don ," _ "Why must 'it1" Wonderingly que~ led the aurgeon. ' "Because," wae tbe startlin g s:ejolnd~r or the eou~eru man, '.~ told all the boys 'at home tbat 1 w I 'soln" to have an operat~on peMormed, and • If 1 don't m~e good tbe), wtLl kid Us. life out of lPe.~'-Phll.d~lp1:lIa 1'elegrapb.

You C.n Rely bn Real/,ol to Do Work Quickly ."d Perfe.ctly. Have been troubl84 with , dry Eczema rOr eevera! mouUla" and bav& tried DIan)," dlfferel)t reme4let1, Jlut I bl/ove gotten more reUet , 8Jl~ ~etter re. suits with t\Vo avpllcatlo1U '!' ' Un~ Reslnol than all other remecUeJ. \ Will Iladl,. recommend It ~he1lever anel wherev er 'l can. A. E. Batch, D.D.S.. Cl8yelaD'd, OhiO. " , MIXing H.s Q.te~ , There Is a litO!,), of 1\ mau w~ ~aa .a transpo rted wlth J'J)' a. b~ stood up at the oltar rall to be mal1led, that his tbought s ~ver eel to ~ af' da)' ",hen he st od up at tb:e- prisone r'. bar In a court of Ju.U~e to plead "guill,)," 01' "not guUt," to IL criminal charge. So powerfully dad tbat, the most p~1ntul event ot hi. ute btrude Itself uJlOn hie mlnd, ,~t _ _ ttIe ~Iergyman put the qUeiJ6011, '·Wtlt thou h"ve this womu tQ be thy , wedded .,wJt~od eo on, ijle poor dlstract od bridegroom er1i4 :"'Uh startllo l' allltlnctn~a8: "Not nlltY, 80 belp me God! ...,.....F)!om · Tuo1l:ermaD·. "rersoJl al Re.:o)!ectlonl." '

TwIn axtrilv. .ancea. "'I 4Jon'i supPolle the", Is anrthlDl .tll out ot date Quloker than .. WOIDo <aD'1I bat'" "Unl•• It III a battleshIp.

"Lame Leg Well"

ARE YOU THE MA'Nf We want an honest, ambltlouill work. er In your vicinIty as mstrlct Agen' 7 lIor Health.Accldent 1U'0poslUon. month· HE great mUl· 11 premium plan. Most popular offertary manoeu· ing on market. Our officers are expe' "1 wish to vcrs In Plcardy RICHMOND RAID say t ha t I ,Ience, practical Insurance men. LIbby the Second have used eral agency contracts, fair treatment and Third Soldiers Confined In Sloan's Lini\ ~nd prompt claim settlements. Write Corps or the Pemberton Secured Large Amount for sample polley, stating experience French army . . . . . . . . . all nrent on a of Sweet St:.Jff. lame leg that ..nd territory desired. Address Federal w h I c h took ba.s given me much trouble for siz Or.sualty Company, Detroit, Mlcb. place early In September, In th ' fa ll of 18G3. Iluoul l\ov mb I' months. It was so bad that I probably were the most ri . III lb t· PUlObe l'lo u 'aulldlng at Hl c:h· coulda't walk sometimes for a I Youthful Wladom, scientifically planned Lil..d !llond . were cunfln d IlCllong th pris' week. I tried doctors' medicine J1'ather-Why dId my little bOT lend executed ot any of the o ners myse lf. a Ulllrlld e nllDl -'d and had a rubber bandage for my ibis papa a letter wIth only a c;:apttaJ great naUonal war games G ~ or ll \V . H\n\<e (drulTIm r boy , of leg, and bought everything that I T wrItten on the while he wu that the nations of Eu· Ihe Tw 1Ily·thl rd Pl'nll Mylvanhl , and J . hcard of, but they all did me no ...way? ropo havo played as yet. II. LI\' l n g~ on . of th<! Third ~lI f1 t;l ss lppl good, until a t last I was persuaded LIttle Son-Because 1 thought you'd In these manoeuvers the to try Sloan's Linimcnt. The first batt ry . W e poss slI' d n jackkntre ,.0 nround among your trlends with It utility of neroplanes and application helped it, and in two \V.ilh u hl'ok n blatl ubout one lo ch and say: "My boy is only four yean dlrlglhles tor actual war· weeks my leg was well."-A. L. long. \\' e w'}re tI t rmlned to cul th e -old. and just see tho capital letter b, fare was given Its most HUNTER. of Hunter, Ala. fluor Iw hlnu th e wbRcco press s that wrttflS'''-Judge. severe test. The aerC)wp. rp. a lung the puny wnll thruugh th planes proved to be a Good for Athletea. build ing. Tho v r te!;~C~ II' 1" auuut two The Winning Candidate. most marvelous means Mr. K. GILMAN. instructor of I'<' et rrom th o wl\l\. W e start u t.ho Two candidates tor the sa'm e oMoe for transmitting orders athletics, 417 \Varren St., RoxIlros p ct hoi ,rell ving 'uch uth er and -eame Into . a certain town ODe day. and uns urpassed tor' rebury, Mass .• says :-,'1 have used The one called at a house where a Ut, wurkln g contInu ously. It W UII slow tle girl oame to the door. Sald he: connoltering. The dlrlgl· 9 work In CUlling th e. uoard s oy I' IbA "Slsslo, wlll you pleas9 brlng me a bles were used In trans· jo ist. At las t \\' e succeede(J In oven· <class of waterT" Having brought the mlttlng m essages long lng a bole largE! enough for Blhnl, to water, he gave her lIottle oandy and distances. Paris was s up· &liked: "DId the man ahead ot me posed to be beleaguered, ~ve you candy?" "Yes, air." Then and one ot these giant be rave ber a n10kel and said: "DId cyUndrlcal balloons was be give you money?" "Yes. sir; be Bent across the with great success In cases of ex.ave me ten oenta." Then, plck.lD.8 bllls and plal1ls treme fatigue after physical exerber up, he kissed her and said: "Old and d r 0 p p ed tion. when an ordinary rub-doWll ,be kiss you?" "Yes. IIlr. and be )dslle4 sately to Its would not make any impression." «Damma tool" . appoInted rest· , Inc place In Sloan's Liniment UNSIGHTLY COMPLEXIONS the heart of army with a fu ll stomach war every genern l who loses bls li nes has no equal as a the F r en c h will fight ev ery step of the of commnnlcnlioD des rv s de ath ." remedy for Rheucapital. way If It b~s to retreat. For It once the foe BU cessfu Jl y In · The constant use of Outlcura Soap. Franoe has If It Is hungry the retreat te rrupts tbe flow of food to his oPPC)matism, Neuraladslated by Cutlcura Ointment, for th e greatest wl\l be turn d Into a rout. nent's Ilrlng line his vlclory Is prac· gia or any pain or tOilet, bath and nurser, purposes not number of air. In the French army t1cally assured. stiffness in the -only pre servos. purUies. and beautUlea men employed In Its army ot any na· Quite as much attention Is paid to Th ese 'g reat manoeuv ers or large the IIkln. acalp. h'a lr and handa'; an4 tlon In the 'World. In the manoeuvers givIng the soldiers the kind ot bodl s of aruieu me n a re n common muscles or joints. "rovent. fnflammaUon. lrrftatiOD aD4 In Plcardy eleven aeroplanes and four food they have be n accustomed thing In Europe nnd nre beginning to Prlon,260.,600.1 81.00 c:logsing of the porea, the common dirIgibles were In use. As the result to and plenty of It at regular be common In this countr}, . Ivillal18 C)aulle of pimples. blackhead., rednen of these tests the French army's Rerlal Intervals as to anytblng else. Amer· . often wond r wh er ein Is tb sc nse ot ~!Io.o·. book OD bo .........Ule•• heep ud roughnesl. yellow. OUT, molby and fieet wl\l be Increased without delay. Ica n army officers who have watched spend ing hours. days. weel,s, tea ching ()ther unwholesome concHtlon8 of the The military authorities alreadY pos· the big manoeuvers. p noS like those a man to srond In a certain fashion. ilomplexlon and akin. All who sess thirty aeroplanes, and orders In Plcardy. say two Frenchmen can to step In a certain 'Way or to arry Dr. Earl S. Sloan, In a clear akin. 80ft, wbJte handa, • have been given for thirty more llve well on what one American a gun In a certain manner. They BoItoD, ..... v. S. A.. elean, wholesome 8call) and liTe... gloesy ·to be delivered as soon as possIble. olvlUan cook wastes. Yet It is quite ask themselves what dIfference It hair, will 1lnd Cutlcura Soap mOlt au!> They wUJ conBlst of ten Blerlat monC)- likely the French soldier can march mal<es whether t he soldier fa ces to e.lstul 1.11 reallzlnc evel'7 exp.ctation. planes and twellty Farman biplanes. as tar and be j st as fresh at the the right or to the left about, or Cutlcura Soap and Omtment are &4. seven of whIch are to be capable ot end of the journey as the American. whether he rubs shoulders with the UNCLE CALHOUN SPOKE OUT mlrablT adapted to preserve the . carrying two passengers. besldl:!s the The French are ahead ot the Ger. same man or a different one day aft· health of the 8kin and scalp 01 1D- pilot, and makIng a sIngle flight of mans In the matter ot cool~ng selen. er day. To these people It seems Anlwer No Doubt Truthful. but by Ne rante and children, and to preTent 180 mlles Jlt f.I mInimum Bpeed of tiflca11y. Also the French soldier like a waste of time training lurge M....n. What tho Orator minor blemlabea or inherited akin hD- thlrty.slx miles an hour. Prizes have knows about as wen as any In the bodies of men to step a pace this way Dealred. / mora becomlnc chronlo, and may btl been offered by the Illlnlster ot war world that hIB ration must be made or that and to do It IUBtinctlve~ au· We ObtaIned a Copy of the Richmond ased trom the bour of birth. CUtlcura for machInes that 'Will fly In excess to last for the fun period of time for tomutlcally. always just the same. BO Booker T. Waahlngton. congratulaExamIner. Remedlea are ao14 throuahout tH elT- ot thIs speed wblch It Is Issued. and that once It is they could not do It in any other way go through to the basement, writes ted by a New York reporter on the Dlzed world. Bend to Potter Drua • Never bero~ hall there been such eaten or wasted or given away the to save theIr lives. Yet although all Thomas Bo~· le. Third Wisconsin, . of sucoese he hal made of hla Ut •• aald Corp. aole proprletora BostoD. rOhem. r th ir f ' . CUUoura book. a grellt contTast .In warfare aB balance of the l)erlod wlll be a food· thl's may seem trifling and purpose· Pboenix, Arlv;.. In the National with a smile: o e ree .. p In these evolutions In PI cardy. Mov· · less one, be It twenty·four hours or less It Is like the Interminable polish· Tribune. He dropped onto a hogsitead "I suppose I mUlt be modest and of inTaluable adTice on care and tr-" Ing along the highways were great tbree days. tng and oiling of a delicate mechan· of sugar. Blanke brought up a cupful declare that luck hall had much to do ••Dt Of the aldD. acalp aDd hair. automobUe wagon tralnl loaded with This Is an Important thing for the Ism. It Is the process by which 18 of tbe sweet stulT. and we divided with with mT pro,r;rells, or otherwise I'll H In Senator Dash's shoes. NO TIM! TO LdlL lIuppUes for the troops. Far In ad· soldier to reallze. for the gross manufacturel! a human machine that some ot the comrades. "Senator Dash ot Tallll.poosa prldecl vance and hIgh up In the aIr soared 'WeIght of one day's rations for an will ·work cheerrull, to exhaustion, The smell and flavor of the su~ar the aeroplanell. Tbey lIeemed like starve without a murmur. or march spread all over th building. and the hImself on hIs rIse [rom the bottom. huge-winged birds of prey hovering army ot 160.000 men Is 620.141 up to tbe cannon's mouth merely betor Senator Dasb In bill youth bad over the earth ready to swoop down pounds. It takes more thlln 100 au· cause the voice they have been train· secret was soon out. Much In our fa· cotton fields. vor .was tbe faot that It was near night when they sighted their Quarry . . In tomoblle trucks. such as tliose used ed to recognize tells them to. It Is "Boastlng at a pollUcal meelin, and getting dark. The prisoners on reality .tbey were spying out the po- tor the French army. to haul a day's the means by which the ballmark of tbe upper floor crowded down upon us. about his rise. the sena,or slngle4 sltlon ot the opposing torce which, supplies of .food . But all this vast proficIency Is placed upon the pro· 1 told them to k ee~ Quiet and go t<' out Unole Oalhoun Webster among hil under ordinary ciroumstancetl, would maohlnery Is necessary. Napoleon tesRlonal soldIer. and that Is the ultl· tbelr quarters. I told them to send Iludlence and said: have been bJdden by the contour ot once said: "According to the laws of . mate end of these great manoeuver&. two men from each mess, and all. .. '1 8ee betore me 010 Calhoun Webthe country. Tbe aeroplanes moved ster. beside whom. In the brolllD.8 sw1ftly to and f\'o dlreoting the slow· - - - - - - -........--.....,.------------------..;....----, would get some sugar. Order was lIoon ' southern Bun, I tolled Clay after day. restored . . The boys formed In line. er pror;ress of tbe foot soldiers and ~ J supplied wltb shirt sacks. A forc e Now. ladles and gentlemen. I appeal the cavalry and. the supply " trains. went Into tbe basement and worked to Uncle Calhoun. Tell us all, uncle, Becaus~ tbe alr·men made the ' WilY . The plague. or Asiatic cholera, or wea.k. hal~fed man dI es-that Is why like beavers bolstlng sugar. and tbe was I, or was I not. a I(ood til sure and plain tor those upon the as It used to be called, '''the black the plague was otten !lO violent In the next morning al1 tbe prisoners on our the cotton field l' earth. the troops lost no time or et· death," has been spreading of late In old days just a.fter a famIne. "'Yo' WUI a gooc man, senatah: sIde were well supplied. fort In aImless wanl\erlnga. but pro- Europe. As far back as the fourteenth cen· the aged negro replied; 'yo' WUI • Tbe prisoners on the other sIde or ceeded directly to theIr !festination In RussIa.' where the people are tnTY Qabrlel de Mussls obs 1'ved that the party wall cut through the floor on p;ood man. fo' a tack; but yo' sUt·D,. by the shortelt route. dirtiest and most superstitious. the thOltA who ElScaped the plag"e gave It theIr side. went into the basement. didn't work much.' " The first, and most Important prln· plague thrives best. Seventy thousand to others .w lth wbotn they came In con· and struck salt. It was a rich nnd, clple of the art of war consIsts of I,arsons are known to bave d1ed ot lMt. All' In Gool1 Time. and prevented mu ch sourvy. A bole concentrating at a given Ume at thIs attack In Russia already. TheY gave It to others because the3' was out through a plank door about the Seven·yoar-old William had beoome JINo some point In contact wIth the enemy This Is nol surprising, tor the In- bad the plague ...'Ithln themselves; middle of th~ building. We opened the proud owner ot a pet pIg. and inBug-Hey I watt a mlDute, a force superior to ' his at that point. habitants. Instead of ' clean1ng their t.helr essentlal t ract was Infected with _aU. . up communlclltion with tbrm. and sisted upon havIng all the care of It One eminent authority exprelsed It wells, . cleaning their bodIes, and U8- the dlileaee, and this disease tbey scat· traded sugar for salt. Wl,len 'ntght himself. Atter a few weekll, as the Mrs. Bnall-l .ean·t atop. now; I am as the prinolple ot "gttUn' thar fust· Ing their brains, get out the little teredo came agaIn we sent down a force to pIg did not seem to thrive. hIs fatber tbinc to tOwn tOc!o some Ohrlstmu test with tbe mostest men." The rest Ikons or Imllges whIch the Greek It. Is some comfort to know that th~ holst up tbe sweet Iltult to replenish said to blm: . Jbopplng, and It's November Dowl of the game of war Is 'a relatively slm· church sells at II. consIderable profit, disease cnn only be aOQulred by actu· our supply, Quietly: Tbe prisoners on "Wllilam. I'm afraId you are 'not . . pIe operation. It resolves Itself Illto and to these 'little Images superstl· ally swn.1lowlng Ule diseuse germs. the other side were getting uneasy. reeding your pig enougb. It does not STOMACH MISERY , V~NISHES tbe . mere' question of comparative tloUil peasants pray-the prayers be- The man wbo will be sufficIently care- They decided to get at the sugar. The Beem to be fattening at all." man.kllling 'or man·scarlng capactty. Ing Interrupted In thousands of cases tul need not get the plagufl. "I don't waSIl hIm to fatten yet." third night our ferc e was busy bolst· It you will drink only wnter that Irldlgeltlon, Gas~ 8ourne.. and Dy.. AU otlier oonslderatlons being any- by death from the ·p lague. William repUed. knowIngly. "I'm walt.- ' In g sugar wh n tho prIsoners from lhe pep.,a Go and Your Stomach .,...1. where near . equal, the Question of beThere Is nothing more tragio In an you Icnow to be clean, and only from lug . until h e gels to be as long as I • other s ide got through. There was Fine In Five MInute.. Ing able to move rapIdly Is the thing the history of man than tbe record of vessels tbat you know to be clean; It want him, then I'll begIn to widen him that counts In war. The best of ,·the black death" In Europe. you eat no fruIt that has not been much confusion Ilnd racket. I call ed out."-Tlt·D1ts. U Jour ' meals don·t tempt ;you, qr troops are worthless' to II. commander In the fOllr,t eenth century one pl· oarefully oooked, or cllrefully peel d up our s ide. and covered til hoi . ns At th,., Cou .. ty Fair. what Uttle you do eat seem a to 1m unleltS he can bave them where be demlc after another spread. among thEl wlt.h a n Ilbsolutely clean ImUe, and It we had tobacoo presses nnd everything Visitor-And 8 0 that is what tbey you. or, fays like a lUD)p of lead·.. ln wants them when he wants them, people. Twenty·flve mUlions of hUIU~n 8.11 the food that you eat Is well cook· else filled with sugar. The baseme nt. 11001' on the front, th o can the wild horse at P:>-tagonla. Tour stomach. or it you have heart.- and, moreover, fn a condition to do halngs are believed to have perIshed ed nnd enten when freshly coolted. YOll facing Llbbcy, was one slory What do you f ed It? burn or a siCk. ' sour. upset. or· susT what he wants them to do. In thlll sIngle series of tlIlldemlcR. will not get ~h e plague. low er than til rear nd of tbe build· Zoo Attenullnt- \'Vild oats. atomacb; that hi a sip IndlseStiOD. The fighting men are uBeless untess Th e I'lch nnd the poor aUkll wertt The maIn thing Is not to worry lng, and contained th!! guard hous Ask your Pharmacllt for a 60-cent they can reach the place of conflIct affected.. In Oxford two·thlrds of the about It In this country. There Is lit· 'l'ho a larm was given. guards charged Women seem to I\vo fa ster than case ot Pape's Dlapeplin and take a In time to take part In It. and t11ey student populaUon die d. . ' tle ch ance. probably no pos sib ili ty In , driving up our confused comrades llttle . jUst n.s soon 118 yo~ can. Th~re are equally without value If the ef. In COllstantinople tile people died at whatever, of a plngue of the old kind to their fl oor. IInu compellin g them to met\. MallY a man has IIveu to fl.lrt wlt!- th e daughter of t be woman he wUl be no sour rlslnga, DO belchlnC fort to get there exhausts them. That the rate of 10.000 a day. amot)g us. stand Ilt til > uri of theh' floor a ll t ha t of undIgested food mixed 1Vtth acid, Is why the aeroplanes are so tremenCharms, Incantations, tear . filth, Ig· The work that Is not done hy th e night an d the 11 xt dllY wllhout any calVe near marryIng. no 's tomach gas or beartburn, fullneaa dously .useful in spying out the loea· norance and superstition fed the dis· little sacred IUlages of the Russlnn ra tions. try ing to find lh I arlers. Th or heary teellng lD the stomaoh. Nau· tlon of the enemy and ennl,>lIng the ease. . peasants Is done very w 11 by good ri xt morulng roll was call ed 0 11 our CurIous results came of t,h e long pe· sewers, plenty of d isinfectants, pi nty .Id . No one was missIng. AlI 'qule t; sea. Debllltatlng Headacheal Dlzll· troov'a ' to reach that poInt w.£th the ness or Intestinal 81'll11n,. 'Thla wlU very least nmount of ' exertion. ' riod of panIc and Qf dying. of soap and hot water, and a little I' ll smiles. all ';0, and besides; 't here wUl be no But no matter. bow fast tllq troops Tbe famou s "dance of death." In common sense. The news of t he s ngBI' mid' spread - -----. undIgested' 'fo'o d left ovel\ lD the, 8tom· may" 'm arch ,. they lIlust be .ted regu- which desperate humnn belnga paro· all over the city. Crowds of' J) opl e aCh topolS0D yoUr breath with nause- That la where the automobile d!ed aud Plude flln of the plague. 11· gathered around thc building. Tbe Doell Opposition Create Love? ous odors. . supplY' trains . come In-huge motot' lustratl~ the "dance of deatb" wIt\} stl' ets weI' crowded with and Pape's DlapepslJi fa certam:.cGr! fo, driven trucks that never grow ·Urlld. grinnIng skulls and skeletons, was one 'There Is one thing that parents and drays to haul away what \\'8S l eft. out-o!-order stomach8. because It pre- A buratingshell might . dlsable the teature ot tbe epIdemic. guardians never seem .10 learn. and Ampty bogshead after hogshend wero A single dish of ven.t.a...1er~li~a~OD .a04 .~boIcI. borses , .dragglng the comMIssary Another, curiously enough, wall In that is. how opposition fans the firune rolled out on the cobbl stone pav· your 'food and digest!! It Ju"t , th~ sam, wago,lls 0.1' the ammunition caissons, England. the tremendous .rlse tn the ot l(lve. mont. The joke was on tbe m rchants as : If 10dr stomaoh wua't 'thete. .' 'but it would take a well placed shot cost of labor. The workmen dIed so 'Cbarley Is not rlcp enough to sat· who had tored It there. , . ReUef ~ tlve apinutee· fl'Q~ . ~1( atom· In a Vital part' of Ian 'automobile's. ma- ' faet that 't here were few lett to do the Isty .t heir : Ideal of the man who shall We obtaln,ed a copy of tbe Rlcbmond . aoh ml·sety . la.·'ttat~ for YOIl at aDI cbln.~ry"t~ put, It 01,1t of ' commissIon. Vfork. an4 • .followlng the law of suppl:r marry pretty Molly-or .J.ltn nl' ' :"'" Exntllin r, \Vh'lob estimated that we 4rug" stor~ . h~e 'bi ltown. . -., , 'Ilben. too, a WQUDded. horae cannot 'and demaniJ. tbe few that pould, work chance la too ;oung, or too somethIng YanKs ute up $36.000 worth of sugar: , lJ:hese ·la'rpYlio;~t ,~ea 'pf Pape~ ,. repaJtejJ. ~ but, "a:w.t>un~ed'. motor . were ~ffered :extravagant wu~e~al· else to their minds. ' " Sugar was.,7.60 p~r IIOund. a~d It .was DlaPtp,sli!, " CQJl~" Dl9~1haD ,ullllcje~ltJ ttUc:k can , be patcb'ell up unless ,It. Is though laws were. paJlsed to keep. tbe Forthwith one or the young 'not ltn'o.wn l that that mu h sugar was to ,tb6!c?uJ1l1y ' c.U,... . n.7 ~e o.f 'bl~wn. ~Dto ·smfth.e~~ ••' " . J ' • • • . ' wa~e's ' do~n: " A":d It Is s~ld that this 18 crIUolseiJ.' ·snllted ,at and gen· In the,'''clty u'ntH we .d ug It Up" lIeps~. IndJ,estr01fj ,' ~~1tt• ..or . Tl,le 1Il'Qbtem , br·· rood .•~vpUe8 fa endlleu rise 1~ ,w'!-ges 1~ld tile fo~nda.- erani .beilttled.:...-with the rnevitabl~ " , '. t~· ," other .to~Oh 'd1It~b~ae. '. . on, or the pea~ thlDp .tn, war.: It la tloD of \he emanclp~tlon of w0.rklng re"ult t.l)at MollY' boco~es bls ch~' , Gun I. 200 Yeara Old •. aDd Wte h71nl ' that all a~,. people In England. pIon and lovel" hlni Ji' thollBandl Umes James L. B~att of .,M lnot, ~, D., hall with 'Sugar . and cream travela upon . 1t,8 beUy. ' :Ali ... Th~ pl.ague Iu. . Europe appNli'a ,~ow better tor ev,e rr sbarp "ord or snub received a rifle whloh has been In. I. 'a cftr fi"'l dqwn .udden11, JIJ the>old familiar way-bre~ng out that he l'.celve~. the family ·for ·th:e genernUon8\ beIng . tbe 'wbC)le story- . D1Iht, u it ~~ 1D , the.· CQ1Ul·" -be". &Jld th~re, alwan In filth and ~n :Anel eVeD more apparent It the ra- band,ed down from lather to sOD smee' tr7. It 180", _ bY" etay In a. tporance, ap,re&41q Ifadually. ault when 'a mother Qd 'slater striTe 1776, The barrel of the gun was _Imer .. ' NQ,1ltra ~t at'Ilhe cHaeue la Dot thoroug~, unde... to t~ the current of .. 8l'D 'a nd broth- made 1ft Jamestown, Va., abo~t '200 all to Ita et004 llOW. B~t th. , meth~ o~ tlsht- e~.· loTe. fi.ry ' ch(!alrOUII ' 11Il.P~ :re&n!' ago. The guD at that pm, wu taW.-at, . • atep III&' tt iii imderetood. The J180ple muat cani4)a Illm to · tile aJde of the lid a tl111 .~k· flint lock atrair It .be;rtll ,..... atroDIr lIlaDhim, ID87' ~ hay. wbo 4ri. . hlmj pel' purc)l.~ecl tiT Sam" R7att'1i ~t­ the 41.......... With ba,,~IItoabaH4. die ftl'7ad . ell ~ '" " " ireat-:&J'Uldfatlaet JD the BeyOlqtt~ . . . . U4 4la11 . . .· of~" ..,.. ... talDlb' ,It ~






II ....

#''F''he Black Death"












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In hll annual address lilt the openot tho State University this year. Preeldent Thompson spoke III part package lly mail within the a.tI tallows: ' International Postal limit of First ot all I cong,ratulate the young men and w<l'IIIen here and at weight, which is 4 pounds. ()ther col1eges and un.lversltles au J the ' opportunity tp secure an education. I lay this fully a.ware of th9 somewhat current opinion that a col- I lege educa.tlon does not pay. It hU always been true that a ooJlelJe education wa.t not an absolu,te necenlty. Seventh Ave. at Thirty-second St.-one Block (rom Broadway It I. an.d always haa been true tha.t for some people a college was nel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. ther a oonvenlenoe, a necellSi>tr nor ~~~_ _~~~~_ _ _....._ _~~.....~~~~~~~~~'!!!"'!~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-::: II luxury. Such people oould make .. ~- .- _. - - - - - - to pay The E . W . Ross Co , 115\1 13 brush . prot eotion on Corw lIl ulI ll no use whatevor or 8uoh an IneUtu- dellb rat dls re~81'11 lor [hC 8ogos coout!:! sometimes win whioh be confeslled he owed in nn , Henpeok I'olld 11 011 r r eRide nolJ of tJon. 'I'he real Il18ue with the eduoated And hat Is fill'll! I' to the point I.B Ameriolln girls, a.n d bogus oounts Iswer to suit for lIame. ~nell IlOU Willi/LIn Gommlntl in Milt! c.!t1l en Is whether he I. wllllng tIo the serious qu stlon wh ether the qoite frequllntly win eleot,i hold ot llre-of the world-ot ~tate ought to ue asl, d to endure that 10 t,be case of Cora Brunk ngu.inst sie township ut e. tirunte MO. busfness-of oppo·rtunLty, and WOJ"K kind of a spirit Rnd to .enrouruge It Mares bred In November will fOlll ':;,).n ,norr'Pleas Court. W . E . ~Ieatbouse et al the defendContra ot WI1l:l ent red iuto with at his j ob. by furnishing free education to ant was ordered to pay plaint.itl OregonilL Brid '6 Co , fllr variou s Th e Colleoe an Opportunity. young men or young' wom u wbo the following Ootober, II.fter most or New Suils gllllrd rtlilings.f I' ar hes I1nd bridge:! First of ali the oli ege Is only an have not In th m the patriotism and the farm work is done, and the filelL 12500, . I in Warre n Count" S Ilt i n n umber lit OP POi'lu ui ty. It will be just what integrity to stand for olJedl ence to lire gone. Bertha. ROlterll flied 80lt again t Real Estate Transfers. th ' tl t "'17' yo u In I ' " it. ,T'C' at 111Il l1 are not cou- the raws of the stnte. . i ell' e U1R e,.. ,.. ' dill n lJ u.• UPO I1 .: 11 ' uul1diu's, extenNo c'tlzen wbo hilS boon the subG Jrge W Rogers fordlvoroe 0 Iam ~ ~... a " . . ' O. 8 . Hi ginl to T .• leff Smith, • lect of publl ducatloll Ilo ' the right Iity of e x " , slve I .\h l"I LOI i ~ . lIc hclurly profes~ b b t b e bos log t. a en ,,0 - lots io Waynesv1lle, 11, etc. Ends \\tinter's Troubles sors and h igh.r!. ~s t 'ad e s . Th se to regard hlml!elt lUI a good moro.l BARNHART, t·reme oa:uelty ,n t hl\t be has threat : Mary L. Clagett and Phillip D. 'fo Ulllny win tor is n Sllason of ar a ll gO(;tl III t wi l' JlIJ' ~ a n d are characte.r who doeB not IldBUme hla Notary Public e ned to kill her It' she did not leave Clagett '0 Julia M. Henderson, lot trooble . 'rh e troMt bitten loes ~nd wo rth all t l!' Y C·ll.:, b UI J o n '\ t o r g e t responsibilities and demonstrate his ber home and gu to straDKers and Ci 0 g onia 11 eto tiugers ohupp d h uods .and IIp R. that tb l' r ' .lI wayl< h .1vo 11\'1.' 11 men at citizenship by II. proper rt'gard for All kinds of N/)tary Work . PenetlJo thlLt b~ bRS. tailed to provide her n rle JIll ' H' d' t 0 obill-lains, oold !:Iores, r ed a nll r ou gh the blg-h, S I lth ic\ ' 1n6 l1 l who n ' ver ADd obedience to tbe law . i Ja Work' a tipeoinlty. .. . f lif8 U lo . en erson 0 mar skiDS prove thi Bat 1m lh trooble have b d 'ollege OPI10!'l unl ty. What The Outlook. With lhe n6C6ssltlelt 0 8 '9 O~Pte Holllngswortb, l ot in Oregonill., 11. fly b~tore Bu klen's Arnica 111ve the college mesus or lUay meun to I a.m happy today In my t ellet that were married April 6, 1 9 ,an. 0 etc . A trial oonvlnces. Gre ll test heal er you dellends primarily upon your tbe modern state uni versity with Its wAYNESVILLE CHURCHES tbem one Ohil~ has b~een born, Flora M. Van Borne to 00.1'1 Ritz of Burns, Boil~, P~lell, Cuts, ~~re8, own de.terml naUon to maltt' a good t:ver-Increaslng variety of educa.tlon, bringing upon one oam.pus and Into Lowell, uged eight' F. M. and Henry Ritz, lots In Franklin, I!loZ80lR. II.nd p~alos. Ooly 200 at use of It. OUJ)ninghllrD is attorney for plain ISOO. Fred C !:Soh WIl~~ .. Not a Power HOUle. the 8ame classroom the young men St. Augustine·s Catholic Churda. ~ • The college Is not a great power and women Erom all Wlllkll ot lite 'ff Fatber George ~ Iuvephoeter. PL\lllOr Jonas Eitzroth &ne W F. Eltzroth BIG CORN CROP house run under' high pressure for wbo w1l1 engage In all forllls ' or our tl • . MIUI8 everr second SUDdar o f tbe montb .. P"lul Brotl~k8elok 61el\ suit for d't· to O. V. Sellrs and Ells Seare. trllot the purpose of pumping lJ(~ns, en- Industry: lurulsh s th e opportunity to U:O\l a. m. voroe f~OIll b r bUtiband John T in Harlan towQ.sbtp, 13300 Beoa.use of the buwper or op this ergy, Industry, InJtlaUve and moral thresh out In an elemeu.tnry way the St. Mary's E;pi8copa) Chum.. ,. year, the Uni ted Stat 8 has mOre quality Into atudents . . It II rat her a fundamental probl IDS ot democracy Flo '8roQokselok ".ering tbat he is Rev. J . F . CIIdwailader. .Reell'l. guilty of habitual dr~akenness and Probate Court. corD th"p It o"n bandle. A oiroulllr great organized opportunity where and t-o prepare )''() un g men lIud young unday Sobool. ' 0 :(}O a. m MorolDl ser. I f ' " .. these native QualIties can ha.vG Uvely wome n for n high-class citizenship . W : H. Allen waS apPOinted ,ex il'lmed by one of the la r gest ,(ommts. and syltemaUc exQrclae-where t,he In a republl'J whose history and tra- vice, 10 :1)0 a. m. Iloly CommuDlon 'he Oru grOllll negleot of dntv and 11 so 0 ex. t'reme crueft:y threatening to obot", eoutor of tbe estelte of 81lrah 0 sion houl'es in t:inoinnltti prelents aid or atudents, professor. and ed.u-, dltlons we r'!vere. whose opportunl- Suud~)' oj eacb moo~b. ber. Couple were m"rri'ed t;epteo1 AlJen deoeased. S. Lev. Cartwright Bome surprising . fig utes. Tukiog catlond equipment Will enable you Ues we IIppreclatp, and whose wei· M~thodist Episcopal Chun:ll. bea: 2f, 1891», and ~ tbem ·t wo ch,U A B. CbandJAr and ,J. E , Januey the gov"'rnm'eot's estlm"'te of 3,057,. to come to a hea.lthy. vigorous and tar shall bave our ()~Sclentlous Rev. Ii. W. BrJley. Putot " ... m i t f t II t al d 1 It _. consideration and our devoted loySund~, Scbool, 0 : .0 a. m. " OrlllOIf s erdreD have been . born, . Viols, Ilged were aPl?olo ted appraisers. OO() 000 bushels for thiil yea.r's orop, ~ite~ e;her! ~I e~o~ a 'C:urse8~~e~~ alty. Into tbls opportunity the Ituvlcc. 10 :30 11 . m. I!:lIwo r~b League, 1 :00 peight and, Els~e aged six. 'Plbintiff The first and tinal aooount In the it S~y-&, and adding to this the ,158, in this or any college 1 know ot that deuts of this uulv rstty have come. m. li:vool n g servIce. 7 : 00 p . m l Mtdweele ' pray. fo~ oDtJtody of children T. estate of William A , Prioe, deceased 000,000 bushels ol1rried over from Is not a reasonably good opportunity and I now cong.r atulate the state Pr lyer Aloelilng. 7 p. w. C. Cbriltie i!, attorney -(or plt~intlff was filed QY Alber~ L . Prioe, admln- la~t year by faclDers i be tottJl sup to demonstrate what is In you. Take that yO\,\ ar her to utllize the tacUChristian ChurCh. Ray Oline tiled 80it against. M , abel istrater; ' ply I'S 8,21".000,OOU b'USbel!!., or 863, liny one of them, but be sUI'e to ~ke Itles provld d and t<' demonstrate to Rev. L. O. TbompeQo. l'UIAn U them. Some oue hlUl saId tlre 1Bsue the , world that the educated oltlzen h I i t d B.1b1e School. 8:10 .. m. 80clal mee,aq~ OUne for .divoroe 0 81m ng t a a.. . ,Inventory and apprlltsement filed '000,000 boshel!! gTeater thl1D th'l'80p- 18 not whether a man haa ' 'gone Is the beat product of modern clvU- 10:10 .. m. ObrlatjlW Eodeavor. 1:0U p. m. Berman by paator ever,. alWflllW Sundu" fendant has refused to- Ihe with him by F . B. Pol1en executor of the es ply a yoor ago, and 646,000,000 g retlt- through college but whether the col. Izatloll. 10:IU .. m. and 1:ilO p. m. for nearly two ye~~8 ..pa8t. T. 0 .. tate of ,Malinda .Pul1en, deceased. 'e r than t he average supply for th~ lege haa gone through the man. Af· M-a-k-e-u-p-~;u; Own· Mind Chris&ie iit ' aUornoy for plaintiff. Lee Mason. adruini'atra.t.or of the Jast three ter all. the problem Is one or' :your HicksJte. Friends Cl'\ura. ' La " B I filed 't t t . --ears. lIolving. It o.ll depend s upon When ill the need of 'lL Joogh Fll'llt Day Mee~. U:OO a. m. Flnt OaJ ura ar an , . Snl aga ne ~tate of DaVid Maeon, deoeased, . - - • w~at sort of a ch'a.p yOu are. The medioine. If yoo bay Ur. Bell 's tOool, 11 ;0(1 il. m. Founh DUy MCeUolr. Willter HlI.rlen for divoroe OD the filed hta seoond and finlll aocount. The Rev. Irl Hicks 19'11 Almanac. ,college la worth while If you are-I Plne-Tilr Bon y we gUlLrante.; you 10:0 U a. m. grounde of gross negleot of duty. . ' . ' otherwl.s e not. get t,he be . t. . • Orthodox Friends Chul'Ql. Marrl-- Lk:eoaes. . . The Rev . lrl R ' Hioks Almllnno Whether oollege educatIon, ......... • __.- - Oon'pie were married April 8, 1888, -. '" . ,. .J Mn. Ellzabeth I,arido, Pastor and to them four ohildren have been W Ita' Lt D_ 66 . for 1911, th£l.~ gnardinn An/i:el In or whether we are to measure th(\lo. Smoothing Out the Palt. Rabbatb Sobool. U :au a. m. ReRular ahureb n B .' borD, , h d 2 th ' ed a r <:I """ms, ,farmer of t. · d d th d h l' 0'" educated clth;en by what the college 1 Mr. RalltngWhatl Your Doroaa 8ervloe. 10 ·qO U. Ql. ChrleUan t:D4flaI'OT. e, age "; er "'-rdini" "nd SarAh B K f a unn re olls'\n omeS, !f n .. , QG .. .. . . .. tng, 600 d N t '11" does for him Is not therefore merely BOclety Is goln, to ttve an oyster sup7 :30 p .' d P Ii BQ i .dee" age d U an ao ne, Lebanon, roo y . o . many are now Wl IU~ f! ques\ lon of money. of so'olal atand. per n.e xt week' ,Wby,1t w~ only last _ . . ,-ten yelLrs: Plaintiff /praYI " to 'be without it a nd tlbe Rtl v. 11'1 R . lng or of personal reaponslblUty. It month that the ohlcken and wa.l!le IUPfoi i()u8*ody of ~in~r obildren and 'li'rederlok' t: Boh~, 21. olerk of Hlok8 MagazIne, Word and Works 1. to be judged ratber by the quality per came off. aIhl1ony. W : J. Wright i. a&tor· LebaDon and Ida O. Joh:nsoD, 19, of 'fhetwo only One Dollar u, yel1 r 01. his citizenship aa shown ' by what ' Mra. RaJllng-1 knoW', Charlel, but Dr. Bell'f? AntisepticSalv8 ney for plaintIff. Lab mono . ' trh~ Alrnlloao is 350 .p re l'l1id. No he ' stauds tor al well aa what he It's ~eelary for u* to «Ive the oyster Good for an Skin ·Dl.e..... of· home or offioe sl:oold fllil to sena .... o"'tually does. - supper; we'lI have to make some J """'eph J . JAokson ,49 "", ,_minister . . D-Iph V .. n·.... et·er filed suit agAInst -"G .. . . ~ Bell f "-i d 8" th Bell Pt · The Attitude Toward Law. moner to pay the chicken and Wallie \ the InterUrban B~l way and Terml· teO e on- nfe ,an ",r , a e a - for them; to I want· ~""'ak clearly ' upon: the sulllJer defiolt. , .' . rllon, 29,0 . ~b anon . • W k P bl' h' C"'~ nal Company for' ,076 ~amages for G T;' b 26 '11 ' Word and ors u IS lOgO., queatlon of rundamental ,moraUty .. ' a.-i _A ' D b '· .29 orem __m, ,paper ml em'. d injuriee eus\IIt n..... 808m er f 1 fF kU d M . IIot B I s St. Loois, Mo. involved m the atUtude of the e uMlcroecoplc. 1909 PI i tiff a ' . s t1 t' after p oye 0 . ran n ~D ~~e e ow e ~ _ • eated citben toward law.. . O~lr thl. "Tou·U not tlnd a ' lteak like this In " an . y.epperated r ", 111. by the" 1. of Franklin week from one o,r the IImIlUer cltl.. a hur.....," boasted the taU '-alter. I ,· boarding a uaottoD 0000 AND BAD EGOS J " COmpaU7 at CiDcinnati he ~sed up , CommialoD~nl ProceedInIS. ~ C~!!~d:::bl:e::~~r. ~e~ am~::'~ t~e gueet looked up' with an lor An authority on how to test egg~., Btu denta ent erng I ' I r.. you would like to supply t h e ..II Ie. an d f e 1' 1 th roog h ' a t r~p The requisition for deputies, Ill!a ..., If(h00 "I sllould 1&1 not. It III ao leourely . d~or that had o~releeslv been left sistants, book.keepers and olerta a8 to discern be~ween good an~ bll~, fUlled to sign their registration pa. hidden under ~be'le te~ ohlps of pola your table with ·this high- ' OpeD. ' He 8a7S hewa8 . then ra..: named by the ooun~7 offioials waf! sl1ylt: A· fresb <H?B, If ~eld ~::g:e::::IV:eyno~~~: .~1~~:~:e toes It II . doubtful 'It I tind It at all." of ~". grade silverware : oeivl~1 treatment for appendioltis. allowed a@ follows for the year 1911 :' ,up to tbe light, IS Illway~ olear, tree lltatutes of Ohio. It this were the cost, write us for our spea~d that tbis fall retarded his ·Philip Spenoe, Rlloorde r , 12440; Alex ! from allsp'lt8, u,nd tentl vely tilled 'only Ina.tance lil ' the state It might ~o'e. 8urrou~ed by DyspepI'a. cial offer. Address· .. oovery ~d 0,,1100 f~r the expebdi'. Boxwell. Probate Jqdge, 11080; Will i' with me."t. ,At! the llge ,.,f the egg be looked upon 1UI '·a freak or a few Meat Eater-I've tried nuts u tOO4. ture of money for medioal purpolt88. R Lewis T.reasorer 11200' Daniel Inol'eases tbe oontents of the shell foolish boy.. but they don·t s'eem to agree with me Brandon & Ivios are attoroeys for .P. Bone, ~Ie;'k, 1750:, T. Patter- s. hl'iDk so thtlt if there I.S a di80er~The Illue. Vegetarian-What JtInd ot nuts did STANDARD FASIION tOMPANI . I:. ' bl it i f th t th The ISSUe I. whether any ,rowlnc f )'ou u.e? ' . . ..... , . . . . Stnd, NewY_No Y. plaintiff. . .son; Atiditor, 11600; Frank P. l!'orgy II e spaoe, s pror), '.4 E'I egg 1 00)' can blmself afford to wreck th. M. E.-Doughnuts. . sberlff, 1780. . of Ilnoor.talD age: If an egg bo fouijdatlon of hla own Integrity with



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rul~_C~~A,~~~~,s*d~ped~n~R~~n~~~r.ifuAw r~~=~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'.~~~~~~:

Thecatu~ofLeura t::Iimmopugainst of oode 121.50 j Samuel O. Henkle, }lAid it WIl~ d~op to th.e b~ttom, but William ~mmons was dismissed at fees a~d expenses, 18420 i James in propor~on to' aga, It Will liri.stl t il pl~iDtlff's OOElt as a11elotlon8 were Follen, 86lary, 150; Raymond Harsb the satflloll. If Ito fiu[l,tfl on the urnot 80Btained by the evidenoe. bargElr, salary, $40; Willard Wright., faol', bewlIre of it . I . 10 the 08se of 'David ' Walker attorney tor stllte of OUio vs, Uaulel Banks on Su':; Thing Now ftgl&inet M .· Noll et ~\. Fred Snider Petti~, $10; Philip SpenM, fees, .12'5; w~ brooght Into oourt ohILrged with J. C. Trovillo, servioes on borial "I'll never be without Or, l{ing'~ . New Lifa Pills ,,!-tuiu," writes A. contempt but after his testimony oommisslon, S . ; Wilson Uogle\4bv, Sohlngeok, 54,? Elm tit , Bulfillo, was obtained this obu,rge .w as dis undertaker's bill, 175; W W. MeIlJt- N. Y "rhey oured me of ohroulc missed. Jriry found verdict for' de- er, insuranoe polioy, 145; F. p.loonetiPlltlon when 1111 uthers fu.lled " fendantll. Forgy fees f20' V. J . Zentmever Unequll}ed for Billi o\l!\oe s, .,~un. , , , " . . , dioe, IndigestIOn, Hell.dll.ohe, Chlllll, , llar~ 1-. Leming was granted bridge repair work, 116.76; Georg,e Mlllu.rta und DehiJity. 2lio tit E. C. , Il divoroe from P,hilip B. LemingoD T. MoKinDey, bridger~pairs, '117% .; tiobwBrtz'8, ground" of wilful absenoe for t~ree Chrl,8tliln Henry, bridge repairs, --~ .. ___- - 116.60; Oregonia Bridge Co , bridge MAKE LONG JOURNEY Defendant flIes answer in case of 1235; bridge, $315; Chamberlain, Sua . ~. Simonton against WilHam .b~idge work, $45 .cn; Wllolte~ S. Chari eM Crockett aud 800, of S, Simonton. Wbltaore, bridge repair, 1327.80; Ipringboro, left last Friday in In the case ,ot George M. Corry Frank Stokes, brldiewor~, .08.50: a lllrge . roomf oover~d wagon for all.inst the Dr. Corry Canoer Cure John J. Irons, J>rtd'~e work, 114 40. ; ~ex~s~ Th~ distanoe ~o be o.~vere,~ , Op., , the defendants ore given Johl1 ,0. tfimpklns, br.idge ,work, is ~,500 r;nUes, ILnd they expeot ' to ' 30 days to .file pleadirlKS. 17 · ; ' !tJoD~~&Johtl80n, bridge work" make , tbeir eXp'!'rses enroute : Uy " j Ea~,t '~i~mQ~r, . bridKe:."'ork,· ~~y.trig RUd: s'elIlD~ oo'u ntry ~I:o~~oe . "l'he case (of &rah Q'ailler agaiDllt t86 the Urlioq OaoDiog CO~PIloDY i8 re 116 i .Perry Monoa, brldg~ ;work,. 'l'he ' wagoD IlIfoUy equipped' ,!itq , tarned to. the oourt -of .M8~letrate 11.':5Q. -', '. ". ' . . ", ;beddlD~ ,..uW· ,. ~o make them .oom, ...... metlon· iL~ I~ no :~PP~1 'had been ,,~ntra.o'a:;::;.OQnt·ra~b 'w as,' '~n~ered io~table for,' th~' jpu~n~y. . tak.~D~ . . into' wUh I)ati, Art.JiUr fpr ,repairiilg, ' ~, . .. . '. ~ ~ ' . lI1~tbe ~ of ,Huee BOrle aglainst stone .ot1lvetts· and . h~d ";.11". on ' , . YO'i.C(ln. Alway._ ~t , . 'BoWaJ.d.. COllett, 'admr. tbe defeDd~ Foe-er near· catholio ohurch in The .bes' coog~ medlojn~ if you . ,. . ' I' . . ,. , uk for Or . .BeU's Pineltar .. .aoney allt . . . fP'V8D leave to fi ~ ~emurrer Deerfjeld19 wuht p .tfee~tPl"""1:I.S~ . IDd. look'.for tile ~Jl on. tbe bo~tle ·So . . .Dde4lMt~ht~D. , :, _ ' ' . <;Ootr&o\ w•• · entered , liito ,with 'Gaarali&eed to IIv,e .lIa'tlet~'iOb. I ..... .lD. ~bt&Mre , o~ered· Johll Wolfe.tor rapalriq It'oDe '...4 , tlolcl evel')',whe~ " . , I . . , . ,., , " ~~~

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.'r FICE • _ .... ' MAl : '" :r~tEE'r Un Vall XpBot tn Mtnd ",our lI\ut,b- 1 (I., Wr~te .YOl;lr own address tn full _ _~__~_ _ __ ~~ _ _ er, Mwe t,be>llI't, or ' frl l:l~d Il Ohn t_ eo!neWhura 01;), tbe lJ~o"lIoge, follow


VAI,..I.J';Y 'P~J.'/WllllNIl:-:'O"'LL

'12jtlllt !lpr ~.',ntl lhlM venri' If II, ~u ~l ing tlW prefix "F.otU ........... '......... ', -,,-.--~-- .\'0'. 1 find It, ,Ilp, ct'· IIry t.o plltron l 7:il 7 ' EnclJse I\, oo rd in ellch box (r !:lom e I£xprn'~ COlIIlJlIU Y, it would ue p,lIokng r /IdlDg: D, L. C I(A NE. Editor and Manager Will I tl' btU~ I' ill mind l,lle lo)lowlug , uAges~lo)lfj liub,llllttad by un Ex From ........................... ·· .. )vou r Ratetl of Subscription pr esl! lntm : I ) addrpqs Ono Year ( 8~rlc~ly In advance) ..•.••. , S1.00 1 ~ nlp y ur ptlckll~ ell.rly, b y )here 81.11,,10 Cu py ... , . . , , '" •. , . • ' . . , .. .00 p MlelSth If pO~sihl(l . Tue Ex reMl! ll'o .............................. )Uoo(OigDee. lJOIDIJIIlIj' will I;'iv~ Y<'U 11, soonlllabel )llddreslI Rntes 'of Advertising 1l00lCllng Loculs, por IIno .•.. . .. , . .•... t pu~te on tb~ V6cktlRe readin g ........... ........ .............. ,bere RulUllng Local s, b lacle fnc·o. per IbuJ. ... , Don t Open Christmas" OhUllljflod Ads, not l~' eXe", II th'u !l1l1lS :& Us wooden boxes fur paoking. This in order that should the OUtH 'rhroo Insertions ., .• . •..• .. , .. 25c UllltI!.> or frugil e Ilrt.iole~ shOUld he murking be destroyed the inn. r Obituaries. il vo 11U'IIC11 fl'(It!; over tlve IlIchC8. per IIno . , , . . .. ... .•. , . lie wei ! proteot '1. It muy co~t u rew r murk w.i11 ins~rpprompt forwarding urU o f thnlll(s . . . . . , , , , .... . , . . . , . .. , Uosolu'tlou'" .... ' " .. , , .. .. .. "'" . , .. . ~~ oentll m ure, but the clt\u~er of IOl!t! lind delivery . 80 lals Ole. whlll'O c1I11Tgc Is milli e . . ..••. ~Gc or t1flmll~e iR very IlJU h reduced H If not oonvenient t,o ship in Display AdvllrLIshjl! \lor Inch .. , .. , .•. • . tOe a Write tbe oddresti in fo il, Stahl, wuoden boxell, usa strong wrupplng Discouuts gl von OU cllutru ct. ')oun ty. Ulty. t:)treet Rnd Numb r, vuper (not newspaper), Bnd tie with - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - on the box ur pllokage with Ink, or strong cord . DECICMJ3ER '8. 1910. om yon. T!1gs ure frequently torn 9 If puokllge contains anything of peri hable nut,ure. write word ot! und ' lost, :'Let the flook hurvesti.the SllilllJ 4 If ,Vou wunt to pra'lliY cbarges, "perishable" in l!&rge pluin letters turnips on l,be ground . 'w rite th tt word" Ptiid "to large plain 011 the box. or paokage, to lnsure speoial uttentlon and first d elivery . 'j'hllot old she }J that snlffiee will let·ters on the ptioktlge . e Iosist uo Il receipt und lice 'hat If you wiIJ oblServe tb6l\e suggesbe done for before spring , Let her the amount paid is mllrked on the tions, you will grelltly IUlslst tn ingo now . reoelpt und puokllge>, lind the vulue suring the prompt d elivery of yon r -------•• 4.~.~----gHt In ~ood oonditlon. Not Cood rf the pao, declared thereon. for everything. But-berlRnd's Eagle Eye Malve Is good for nothing bu t the t:\ye8. If yon ul;e It u.nd are not slltis11t1d oomtl back tlud get your 21>0 You bl' the j'ldge No.

i.................. ,.....................

< .,



. ... .

Magazine Reviews for December

------___ Bring the fattening pigs from pus4_~_~-----


ture to oonoentrated feed grad oolly . - - - - -.--.. The brood sows should have two oompartmeuti, ODe for feeding 8nd ona for s,l!epiog. • -...-


A novel WilY to dis~rlbuta Christ mas gift\l ill a bOU!lehold is by metin ' If a "olipping," Extend bright-ool. ,rert ribbons or stout: oords w aunn with gay ti su~ plLper high /lOrOR' 80methlng .Just Aa Cood tile room, dlugon>llIy from oornl1r 1 Can on ly. btl tbe cuse wben it i.. Jorner. ILnd f,'om side to sittft U ~nother botLlA of Dr, Bull's PlOeTlIor-tloney. Every bottle rhe lIalO£'. ' I~ mllny UR oeAded; th m ' lre t lo Look for ~ h p bl1 l1 lJn th bOltle. tiler , Wrap ver y present 1 _ _--l!,l., __ • (Jolored paper, IlJlottmg pllrtionl ll Don't, d tlpuna Ul!0U the fro~t-blll ~hude to ellob p r@oo. and SUllpAn, ten pu tor,,; t,be re is nothlug In it tbe p'Lckn.~ '8 Irom the upper oor,l. .... ~... r tibboDR by ~ lit ry f(troog ~tri D ~ Ke p t,htl 110rN tI doing 'l3owetbiou Pbe chiidren'ti gift!! "hoold ht\ve th o every day . An Icll e hl.!rtle will be / lon~est, trIO~i!. eo liS ttl lower thelll " Biok Il Ort~e h ... f. :re yuu know it. _____• _.. .vtthio el\"Y re/t.oh Jf tit ir hnod Cranulated Eye Lids r, ~11 member ' of tbe fb.U1l1y should are 1'0811y oured-ell,a tio itl not n~o h , v tb .. lr gift.s hU1l1( high On eSS'lry. u t,hArlunl1's Engle E\"' lchri 'mils morni"", II. trll8u ros tl,e ~ulve is Pat'ale II l,nli ~l\rmlal:\!\ Il lJd 114 II inll (1 1,0 snoll pllrtloiprLnt, oor gllarontietld ~o Oll lt! , tititl never r "~poodinn io o,)lor to the p !)fir failed on u. OURI'~ =~tl26C • with WhiOh hi,. glfl is Rrapp 1: furA llttltln61>\h CI. U.t tills ~IO)~ of y e,., .,illb V 6 1·Y U O.dy with 8clS-lor!l , ~b etl ~ay stlirt. It I.m!! ,w lotar of 10 ~. one flod:4 II. p, ro I to m tob hI r os t·t,e he olips tb twine tb 'Lt b 'll l.I To have g l'/ d·tl1~" d :ob . ap tht>' it., lind r.hiil I)resflot 11' b n. Ftftv or mos ~ be growu rupldly whIle young rnore 'I'ly-olll red plLok ~~l~:! thut! Ilnd it is ImV0rtllot t,o give tht'UI bung rn ~ke (~ pretty sight --\I It a good stILTt. 10 'rhe De i/(ner D amb 1'.



----- ... ...------

" Thls ma.kes a delightful little ohange from the oolnventionlll wuys of distributing gifts." says Ko.tber toe Glllnll.n 6rou in the Woman's '-{.)me UOUlplI,nion f,lr December 'T k dl ' i d Wul:! h .t ll b • 11 ell me urn s Zt' - prAferu bly one thlLt blls not been ' llnttld, that; tbe 11Iu~loo OlliY be lora complete Qnd when it bas beeD 1lled witb ill1wduf!t, plitlte tIghtly .ud smootbly oVl:lr tbe entire top l pleoe uf hellvy wbite pll.pc,r l.urge ,nou g h ttl reaob down ,,0 inch over r 1 th sides . 'his is to represent t. Ie k 1 frosting of th~!.lIl e . Ou t lis fruKIt .. g are pioned or 8ewed At,ring!! of p lpour.l to resemble the rll.\ ed deo,lr lLtion ul"u llily 8een on large oaketla t fe... tiv e oootil>i()I\s. Through ' Iitt,le slits Ollt in the ))tlJlor, stiCk spril;ls of h l,lly lind sm.'}1 «;lI .lored oandle!#, IUlri the r pretlenttitlon of an ldtlbl ; ~IIlIl!DlI) I,h cake. will be complete [b e tuu O(' Qle~ 10 wben th~ to}.) ot • t,he 011 ke iii cut to allow the ohtldr£n til KnIJ for' gift wblcbare found, eUllb ntlu foly t.ll'd Uv. hidtlen in tbe 811Wdu t whioh forms the qen ter of tb,> ollkA , "


Eczema Wants to H~lp' Some One {s oon"ldered bard to oure. 't'r;\' Dr Bell'lI Antillelltlo 8/tlv6 IlDd~o\l For tbirty y artl J . F. Boyer, of will oh~nge your mind You wi! Fertilo. Mo,. DPe(ied h lp alld see fln Impr.lveUlent frOID t,he, first oouldu't fitld it . Thut.'tI why he bppllofl ti110, w(mt.s t,o' helll somA one now . Sul--------.~ fering 80 long blDlIl If fie feelK ,f r The pinoh ~f a. frost,y night will 1\11 distrfss hom Bltokltobfl. Nervous mllkeB bIg hol~ in the ,pooketbook , ne!lS, LeIlM of Appt'tite, Lu ~itude on I ....~----[{Id.ney disorders. 8e sbq""s I·hilt Feeding a IQi of dr~ or ~ea.rly dry Blleot rio Bitter!! wor k WOnnt;lrH for cows in tbe winter \(~ "I~ost ap uoli trouble!' , ' ~ Five , bott-Iell," h e wasteful a8 keeping up rOtiring llrt'1! writes wh olly ourad me lind n ow I ,m well and heMty" If. ·s' !tltlo in tl.ut bouse all sumDl~r. I>.osltl vely gdaranteed for Lt ver 'rrouble, Dyspepl,lia. Blood Olsor<1tlr", Try It,. Try It Female Oomphlints and MI~l!lritt Try '1>r. Bell~!I 'Ant;i~t!Jlijo Salve Tr~ them . 50(' tit ll'. C , 8ohwartz'l! . for aU iIllu..~ton,l!leB It is RP pleas ant I\S sweet ns ' Or6ttm line' gUIlTlln~d to give satisfuo in worst CHR'STMAS IN A MI\D-HOUSE ,)68ell. 260 11 box ' "These 'rerr!!:'I'" As"lums" is ' the " J ~------.-~.-----Look ont carttfully for the (inlln. tldeoflinattlolebyUhllrlesFrllnoi" age of the hog pen . Whel'e do~slt, M '!?, i iti the, Christmtl& De. gQ? Surely -it must not find it!' way 11oell.tlir. The d()otor's desorlption "llOWS kindl" infli"ut and a be9uti. to the well or Into the strellm I " ,... foloptimlsm which will brjng oom ,fort to thous!&nds who!le fri e nds or reltLt.lvbs ar~ tbus" ffilc}ed . . Here is f d' bls desc..rlpttoo of the AU l" OOf! 0 the IDaline ot I b fJbrltl tmtls trAil: "'fht) milD ~ith tbp. fine' bead f\lId Itlndh, ~orrled eyes II! 'Lord ROl!e ber",' ' tn pro,oees (if trlln81 tion to





W I••• BUI· ' d a" yefgre~~~ etltate, Th,e troubled 'U p ' , " 10011: oomlHr"of the faot thaI! the fuur Y, ~, U, teen baUleshlps he oommands I\re and Make of nose"rvloe to him ,so far, fr~m the I


' YO'". Strong





80 I\n a'ppalll,ng cala.mlty in Ilis fllmiJy Wl\S prevented Is toJd hy A D MoOontlld, ' of Fayetteville. N . C · R F. 0 No 8. "My 1118ter bad oonsurn ption," he writefl, "Ahe wus very tbin !Lnd palE', had no applltlte nd !leemed to grow wea,k er OVAr y day. f\8 all remMlos failed, till Dr. King'S New Disoovery wall' t,ri t'd, Rnd so onmplete,l y c;:ured her, that sbe hilS nl)t beeu troubled with ' (\. or,lUgh inoe. Us thef,ellt medioine I ever IIltW or heard or • lI'or oOullhll. ootds , l~l!rippe, R8thma, oroup, hem.orrhttge, 11.11 bronoblal trouble", it hnt! no equal, 50c·.' 11 00 Trial bot~ tIe Iree, Gult1'llnteed by Fred C.





RIDE . . .. .............


When the Yorick famlly'B telephone rlnga It Is answered by "hoever chance. to be Dea.reet. , The houaemaJd pronoUDces the ram117 DAme "Jorlck," 80 no one aTer contuses bel' with the re.t of the household. Alao. Yorick has a · deep baSB which II easily recognh:a.ble. But Mre. Yorick and Miss Yorick han Tolces that are much alike. the result beIng that there are many amualng mtatakea over the 'WIre. One day last week. dlrectly after luncheon; both Mrs. Yorick and CoDlltantina Btarted upata1re to dr... tor the BUeet. It 11'&1 the maid. afternOOD out. 80 when the phone rang Collato.ntlne hurried down to the II, brary. although her hair 11''' UDc\>lled and her mouth WII full of pin.. She displaced the plna with flare and took up th" recelTer. "Yel," she said. IWeetlJ. ..thll 18 Mn. Yorick's residence. Yea. Oh. yel. ooal. Tomorrow T Very. well. I'll tell her and let you know. Good,by." She ran upstairs again and began ·to bruah her hair TloJently. being late. ConatantlDa was goIng to the matlDee and Mrs. Yorick 11'88 going out to aee ber daughter. Evelyn. who II married and lives on the north side. The married dauchter. Mra. Delfort, was con, fined to the hOlHle with a cold and was lanrulshlnc for compaDlon!'hlp.

Has the

Best Reading Best Ads Best Features Best Want Column Best Social Best Personal In 'fact it is

For Coughs and Colds. .

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:"\.',', F",III(l11 [) i!-.' I~U5 l o u:\ltll I. u f) o 1\ 1M} 1''' \11111, 10 lu(ormlllion u ll It It hUllU' lllld II 'r."Ilill 1111mrrs. Onl,


fAk: II roar IlIrtudlnll

n (rcl) Illlllnro. Sub· Wdl\)' or scnd for froo ~ nUll)le cOPY. Mceau P.., _ I\' 111 e nnhlll you to mnko In yonr own borno. wllb fourown hlUlds. ' Iolblu~ f" r yourself nud cb lld rn u whi c h wi ll b 11 rrON Iu styl o and O~ Prlen-nuno hl!rher lban If> CaUL'!. Sond for fTOO Pallern C\U\tnguo • • ~t:rll.lll


your THE IIcCAU mII'ANY. 239 .. 2491.. 3.,. St.,NEWYOn name on our mailing list Du.H.E.HATUAWAY

Let us put

W. WiD Cit. Y.. flee P......h for Ifoltlull ~ub· scrlptlous among your frlonlls. Send for (roe Prcmlum aud< a..l\ PrllD Oll"r.r.

"It was the Ice oompany," Constan· tina explained to her mother. who waa IIhoe hunting In the floor. of the adjoining clothe. closet. "and they want to sell u. our winter coal." "Coal?" Inquired Mrs. .Yorick; emerging from the oloset. fluBhed and dlsheveled. ,Wayues ville'8 Leadin~ {}t,n ..'~. Constantina nodded. Mrs. Yorick offioe in Keys Bld~. Mliln 1:01* straightened herB elf with a shake antt Jabbed four halrpina Into place. "DId r underBund you to sny that the Ice cQlI}pany , wlsh~d to 8upply us "!"Ith coal T" DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN ConBtantlna nodded again. For Intema' .,,4 External Pau"Old you ever!" commented Mrs. Yorlok with dlsrust. "AB If their toe attllftped didn't melt fast enou,h 88 It IB! There goes that telephone again." URE. 'fhls time It was the "rong number. WALTER When ·tt rang the third time MrB. Yorlok hersett rose. "I'll go. dear." last lo~r throuah Iwder Funeral Dir~, !tor~ service tlwl W other beshe saIl!. "Your puffs fell beblnd the ~use the, bave • roand bureau." toutu, wblch doe. aWIf ",Ith anup comers (wbere Then she went downBtalrs. "Yes," , Is Joined to Iwldlt) ",berewelf II conltant and sbe said when she reached the phone. Telephon'e day 01 1I1J(llt,. larded. ThIs II but one "Tbls Is Mra. YorIck. Oh. Dr. Dele01 IIWIJ notable leatures 01 Vall~y phone No. ' " I..oD!>C van, To Evelyn's? I W8I getting Di8tanoe No. 69-~·, ready to go this mInute. Yes. Indeed; 'J _ . thank you. In balf an hour!" I kIllvtl, wblch lin lutlna At thls moment ConatanUna , de· W 1\ VNESVILLE. :...enlce and iat&sllctiOIl. • l l/umerou•. p.ttern •••·SSU'e, Boe,nded, ready to go. "It ~as young ~td In thli famous.. Dr. Delevan,''' her mother Informed Branch Office, HarveJ'lbur•• O· , HI' Plim tMt We/IfI. her. "He said he was driving north dealers , Sold b, leadl everywbere. Se~ lor catthis afternoon. and he ~hought I . a!ol\le "o-L" Ibowinl 111 might like to 10 to Evel1D·.. It hap- ~ ce. pens most eODvenlenUy and I. v.ry , (LD_lloDa18UTW kInd of hIm. I. It 'DOt r' CO'.8a..,' . ConstantiDa Bmlled with pleuure at -.c... the doctor'. courtesy and departed In pUl'luit of her appolDtment. Thirty minute. later -Mra. Yorick lT~ted Dr. nele-ran III the drawinl We can offer you' good room. , Paying Employme,n t J. W. MILLER, ''It WII tIC) nice 0( Tou," .he U8ured him 88 she drew op' her glo1'8s.. "The 't hat you will enjoy and weather \Jt .ttll delightful for drlv, ... DENTIST .•• at home. Write to-day Ing. with plenty of Yl'ap.. And 1 am o' m oe In' ready on time, you ...... WaYnesville, 0 AUra. The doctor appeared BUChUy em bar- National B&nk B~.' raised. ''I• . MI•• Con.tanUna~r­ TIle BuHmek .............. eo. 'Would she ~re to CO. too, do you .upIhdterlek .aDd.... NeiW York. No Y. poseY" he 1n9u1red. . "She has &,one to the matinee." a Mra. Yorick told hlm .mIllnCly, "or ... ' she would be charmed." , C.W.HENDE~SON.M~ .D~~~ \Upqn reach1nc IIlnl1D·' .h. lOucht Waynesville, Ohlo..her dauchter·. room. IN THa WORI.D ''1. that you, Con'" called lIl"el)'D'·. 1'UBUSBJ!l) WEEnY. $4.00 l'ER ~ Main Strert ' voice to the apptoachlq footStep.. . Il It e v Ph91\e 153 , '. "I'm In the .outh room. Why, mother HOT.L., DRUOOIITS, ...aOIALIITS, I'm BO glad you came, too." OO.TUMa .. I,TRANIFa.,OAB A.. D 'BUI B...VICIl CA.. ....OFIT "Too," repeated Mrs. Yorick, wou· av UIINO ITS ADV ... TISINO OO,"\!MNS derlngly. "You weren't expec\lng SAMPLE COPY FREE Constantinq.. were YOU' She'. at the matinee." AcId,... Naw YORK CLI ...... "But." began Evelyn, In perplexity. N.w Yortl. N. V. "Dr. Delevan told me he was colna to ask Can to motor out with him this afternoon. I thought--" She pauled. Her mother swallowed twice and regarded her fixedly for a moment. "I see ft alll" she said, Undertaker and Embalme r ftnally. with a . pap of amusement. Will be found in the 01.4 "It was Con.tantlna he Bilked roJ'Bank Bnllding. opposite Mias ~orlck, not Mrs. Yorick. That t.he National Bank. telephone II defective, an ou~ Telephone bi h01l88 of· 11lgel I .hall have a man come ~ fioe where J can be oalJed morrow to tis It." day or night, J oIOfII';!t cit< to SI!~C~~ down auddell17 and bepn ,}' er",l. ea. Valley Pbone 1'-2. no".denl'nI "After all." Bhe said when her voice Main Street. Waynesville, Ohio 1B~, :'~ew . returned "there I. no harm done. X!.'~"Jt.. • tit.. w __ IIt~ .... >. , . th9u,h the' 3,ok': Is ' on me. Con h~ alway. prote.ted that Dr. Delevan. 18 · the right , ' :attentions 'Wert! much too Impersonal tp be ftattering. and If he wl.b. to OW time to snb· ' Good fo.. Nott.ln~ bUt the cOIDJP~. n,lcate the Yorick famUr orl~ .for l'be Miami GazeUe. . . ' b:r, ~~on. he mu.-t do .0 at ,hIa OW11l

Triple Plated Knivei





-A re You Looking



Int.onewlththe8plrlt of ChrilltmRS oheer and helpfulness is · ,"The Silent Givers," by James E. al\rrow in Human Life for Deoember, 'l'bese stories of men lind wl)n:ien of VRSt wenlth wllo, partioularly at this ;: eason, do ~o , Dluoh to lt~hteD thf'l WOf!S of the homeless 804 hope II'lIlA. Hbow thtlt en,t 'sth "robes Bnd furred"'~owns" beat b~ltr.~s tbllt aftf r a\l feel thalr kinsbip with the world ' of wl\nt and piiln. .1 AlJ oheokllfllgned by .T . M. 'Buyler for ohnrltl\ble purp08£,R he drew from an Rooount, mOl'kpd "M . P" Fo 1' yekrs the reoiplents of tbelle oheok!! wondAred what the mystlo letters might m(llln. h,ut he did not expJutn ulltil shortly before hi~ death liM' P ,. stood for liMy Pnrt-









sea 'rhe old dltme over there wlt,h tbe oorksorew'ourls hR8 merely, oouOld people, tired, weak, sell ted to grace, th~ oooli~tiln-shtN~ a -qeot:\ral and m O,r e fortllnn~8 thlLO ' run down eeopIei ,.de llcate ~ .n ' b t th ' h ' 11 t t • ;, ' . , ',. children; fr~lll mothers, and Lord , olt,e ,ery, n, !it ~I" , ~a &t ner,!' and by tbat be · meant God ,. ' f rom s, evere, on,e o~, a mIllion,d hair.blp~! : !he Be w·lls.a rleepIY "reUglo. as, m~n and those ,recovenng tth t • ' .. ' " f ' , . ,!,o~"n,ju8t bebin ., 9~, w be sinoer~ly oO~8idet:ed ' ht~Aelf a8 actI11ne~, tillS IS a a,c t.. . d~'olllte,~as~ 11k.e tC;loe, ,hilS .O?~ iD~ in a viCarious ' OI\p,IlOity, 'and' ~11 mlL , • .. ,!h<!u.s,ail~~of .ge~ulne ~eg.. .. Iri\tted ,. , ,orime ; SO hoa:r\~~e , 8h~. those ,who benefit.ed· by ·his. silent ' ___~~",,--"RY L.VER~TEA-~--'--~ , tiIPomals: If~0!ll ' ~!lablc:: peo-. ha.s p~ve~ ~en:fl~le ,t'l? .~~ll.o~ i~, "nd. gi v(t!,g felt.t~at tbere ,wlt.~80mething . . Apparent ' DI ••g.... m.nt. te prove thiS clcum, ~nd,' to v Itl oonfleqaen!)e theel'ttreCatboJ\o of the idelll ' p'r le8t in bis miDl~tra. 01d09~utte-I'''. been' U,,1q in: . ;.," tho f .' 'd ' ' '. '" ',' h' , ".'' ,,' sarbanvn~ DOW tQr a~ut thMe, JUri. I urth~r, S\u~p<?r.t. ;.e,.· .. act, ~ , ohnr~~,. $~g~~her.., wit .' ~~~Dt:v-o.n.e ',tlODS, .~, ~.t.Ve ,8noo,,1I1, ~lol!le 'to , "" NftCQmmutw-Three 7UrI?, , prove' ' O~r., f~t~. , m~.wllat YI-!!., mt~lloD soul.l'; hae beeD u~",rlY ' de balt'a 7Dnli~o' dolllu's to ftl) sotte of. the' otber . day 10U told me 7~u had, , ,Sa.y_ ' we :: unh,e"S t~t~ngly" de:- I~r()fed, ,,~cldg,lv~. pea~li()l1e: ~w.~ p~lla.nt~ro~lo ,~ork, bnt <~e had m:~"ed there ~~e yea~ ..o . , LIYefete. for. coict. iI.ok~ and 'Weak Llver ,or Kidney•• ' aO' one '\ina' tormented 8qql, e~8e ,another Clltillt- '8" &y 01 doing it whioh ' Bubordi. -, Oldcoll1mutt&.;-Tbat. ap riebl. but! ~ .' eA~ .L1t , ' Po' ;T " , ' 1I , 1 't 4l ' d'·", " £1 ', /1, ' \ " ,',' '" <' Jou· mU.tTememberthatlhlt.".U.A ' t ~'ERI":r ' Alwa~ k~p' , try' a ,': m,a. Wi \;1 ' '.' '. girt to ·two " " 'OD traJ.U.. .-th.l.. e lfaye then~ ' m<?l1er. ,~tpmed 'r, ' ,<' ',,' I • , t~oQgb~ }j~lPo4.1:". &illS Co~ , J , &-.,

- ht N R18



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Bclme of _'he or.ot~. in the stable . With th~ 'I all leWDI Dp 01 WOrk'j 'DaD be,stoPRNi 0 'moreo~_ply· tb.D le* liP oa the helliVyleecl, Like mn . Prepared froID yoo GaD- reed ,0 '" to kee, 'ba)10nu. hol'88ll dot0l·ltU1e , w.ork .b01lld - , PiuiIr

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Liverites Prevents Serious S~ckness 'LI' ',' .,', 'ES'




Dr. Bell's Pine-T(=;4r-Honev

,lor a PoslUon?

Saved from Awful Death

~ohwartz .

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~ N.ta.~ Rerhl, the~ aeaaM ... 8m....d

theB1~ aJUl: th... PQVENT SERlOtJS SICIQIBSS. ' '-:.::=-;;..;;i;;p;_;;;; _____~~~~.....,

Ing It ft~f"rem her ]fP8' noB't 1'OU think It would be sac'rllege?" "Murde r," J wbispered, and pressed tile handker hler to her ~y es, "We wue 80 happy:""ar e so bappy our111\ ves"-Bbe murmured In my ear. "I wfllt them to b'e, too, so ,d.on't let's say a word to spoil It. to lake It from them, Fredd y, dear!" . ")'d dI e first," J told her, and we were sllE'nt a long tIme while the r ooks III the be(!ches outs fde our open windows, Ilke an al'my of Uttle old maids In lJla k, scolded and gossIped abou t us. But In cx])IJcably enough. I never t elt the discomfort of kneeling so long, though ther e wasn't so much as a rug b(' twee n my knees aDd the hardwood floor,

couldn't Do It. wlilch Terbull8 'aM M1n LaW'l'eba. "J can't stay long," , said tbe ebafl'. 1I11d dJi en ott that morning appeared, man of the ' commlttoee trom tbe colappr41,cblng brlslilT '{rom the illreot loD ored church, "I just came to 'S88 If of tb castle wbere Terhllne bad ap. yo' wouldn't Join de , mission band." parenUy left hili eompanlon on his ''Fo' de lan' sakes, honey," replied way tb the. stab lEIs, ' , . the old mIlD my, "doan' come to mel · "Vantage In! Onme!" called my wire triumphan tly. ~'You'ro no good Having Necessary Equipment {or Repalr of F~rm Imple- T ca'o't Men playa mouf,organ,"Lippincott\). at all, Wilfred," "Oame, set," Ire· ments Close at Hand Is Great Savlngplied. "Wonderful ,ood tennis, Dear, Llt.t.1e Traintng N eeded. est:' and dropping o)ir racquets, we went to speak to Arch, I wouldn't have told Dearest {or the (By W . R BEATTIJ1J,) chases, A slllull, well selected ou tfi t, world, of course, but the truth wa.s The successful managemont of a used, to the b at ad vantage and well , ' that In spite at my praise of ber play· modern farm depends la rgely upon car d for, w ill pI'ove IIlore sl\Utlfactory ing, I had let her beat. Ihe e ffici ency of the eq uipment with than a mise lIaneous' assortment fm, . "Couldn't you find a groom to take ,o,:hl cn the work Is p I'formed . Th e prop rly kellt a nd used, Wh re spe· the cart down for you?" I Inquired equipm ent or the average farm can cla ll zed farming Is llursued, only tbo . By , rather indignantly as Terhune came to be divldea Into about three more or tooh; and s upplies wllh wblc1l to re· EDITH a halt In the road, "Lazy beggars, I ss disti nct class 5 , as follows: Fil'!; t, l)alr the 8p cial farm qulpmeut will Newh otel in the delightful fruit and garCHAPTER IV. those grooms'" and most important, al'C the bulld- be required, A workbench of some den district near Jacksonville-short ride HUNTINGTON "The butler told me you people tugs, fences, implements, machinery, kInd Is essenUnI, Illust rations of a rt was on tbe morning follow ing that MASON were down bere playing tennis," said wagons, and all appllancos ' used In workshop and bench are 1Ierewlth from the Atla~tic Ocean. Outdoor reour match-milking schemes took a Arch, "and I was In such a hurry to the more Importa nt farming opera- shown, 'l'hE'se will prove of great as· creadon, hunting, fiHhing, boating and,automore decisive turn, and the s ituation see you I brought It down myseif, tlons; sp.cond, ut nslls and machinery sls tance to fal'm ers in pla nning these mobiling in ' F lorida's moat cbarming and which I bad resolved to let strIctly Thought I'd walk back wl1h you, used in connection wIth the dairy, convenIences. irresistible region. 4u'bor af a lone began ot Itself to develop In a Y'lmow." garden tools, butcherin g outfit, and rn deciding what toois and materIals "The Real Aga.ha" way that real ly seemed crucial, or I I ' Agatha held out her hands to him the numerous small things for general to purchase , aiways give preference bad better say, final. , eagerly as he got down and stood be- ose abou·t the piace; third , th tools, to t.hose most fr Quently and urgen tDearest and I were playing a fast side us, materials, and fa cilities for keeping Iy needed, pass ing over th ose that game of tennis on the court down by "Then you've got something to teU the first two classes of equipm ent In ,'vlll b mre ly used , the lodge, which was In better condi- us!" she cried, "you have!-I kno~ re pair Elnd In good working orde r, K ee ping a machine or vehicle In tion than the ones nearer the castle, you have '" In order to secure th g r ates t et· good re pair and well oiled not only and were bard at it. with the satisfy· SYNOPSIS. "II. a way-yes !" he answered, "but Hclency, all IUlplements and machin- increases Its e fficI ency, but lessens Ing consciousness that things were go- It's no t what you think, at ieast not the power requIred In using It. Archlbl!.l<! T rhune, a popular ,.oun. ing 'Well with our lovere rs pervading exaotly. By Jove, Vincent!" turning The propel' maintenance of farm bachelor at Lo ndon, Is 8uddl?nly aroul!oo every stroke, We had obserVed with to me, "I'm in an awful mess! A beas t· machin ery not only saves money lJut from the Illmle.u, and Indolent life he pleasnre on the evening previous that Iy unfortunate dilemma. don't you avoids dangers to those who operate leadll, by th o startllnll nows trom tho law tlrm ot Bnrnelll, Wlloughby & Son, that he Archibald had done nothing but d e· know!" th m, Keeping the harness and ve- THE HILUARD lNN, HlLUARD, FLA. .. lhe heir to a sheep turm In Australia vote himself to Agatha 'Sixth: and had "But I don't knowl What's the trou, hicles in repair may pre v nt a dan· Managed by northern hotel mao, Large bringi ng In an Income ot $20,000 a yenr, gerous runaway. ' Tho bequest comes trom an aunt, Mrs, brought his devotion' In publlo to a ble, Arch? TeU us!" comforlable rooms witll meals $ 2 .00 per "Yes, tell us!" urged' my wife, . Georgiana James of Essex. She makell well,managed termination by InvitIng So far as poss ible let the repair day. R.educed rates by the week or month. htm her heIr on condition that he marry the l'irl out for a stroU on the terrace "Well, you 8,ee," began tbe old boy, work be done when the regular farm Low rates for automobiles by hour or day, w'tthln , te-ti daye or fo rtelt the lepcy to a "to see the moon I" Happy excuse for work is not pressing, as on rain y days Write for terms and rt!duc.ed tourist railthIrd coullin Uvlng In America. The "tOfT seeln~ each otber! Time-honored and and he mopped his brow with his bandkercblef In an anxious way that and during the Winter season. Pur· rOM rates good to March. 19J1, and bll oponll at Culle Wyckoft', wbere Lord VIncent 'and hili wlte, staunch trlendll of Ter- time-worn, but as good as new to each made me feel Quite 1I0rry 10r him, s ue the repair work as a kind of ill ustratcd book. hune, are d!.IIcusslng plane to ftnd Ter- fresh pair of lovers l And from thf. "YOU see the way of It was. I went recreation or rest from the regular hune a wIfe within the allotted time. It moonlight walk Agatha bad augured, and asked her all right. but-" he F. W. CORNWALL farm opemtlons. Bepms that Lady VIncent III one of seven paused, Do not have seyeml piaces for the :543 Firat National Bank Baildi ... persona 'named Agatha, Il-ll whom have and I had hoped, great things, Then. again early that morning we boen clo.e · girlhood chums, 8he declden "But what! What did she say1" CHICAGO, ILUNOIS storage of repair tools and supplies, to Invite t,.,'o ot them to a party at the liad seen them de part for a drive to cried Dearest and I together, Have one convenient place, and bee : CjI..'1UU and havo ArchIe thore 8.11 one ot the "llTage, where It seemed young "For heaven's sake!" 1 added. as be that aU tools are kept there when not . ttl., guell"", Archle acc.opllll the InvItation In uS,e_ and the Vlncents discuss hl9 prollpect. In Miss Lawrence had an errand. 1 don't still stammered, '''get It out!" all theIr varIed bearIngs. He listens to know t.hat 1 have mentioned berore "She said," he replle4 grandly, Tools and materials should be kept til \J' descrIptions at the two A[fatho.'n "that she cared tor IlIe." In their proper places. Do not kee p C.'OSS Section of Work Bench, a.nd decIdes tl)at the. sIxth shall be hIli "Then what on earth ar" you puta ll sizes of bolts or scre~ e mixed to· ·abolee, Agatha ftret and Agatha sIxth arrive at the CIllltle. Agatha Ule SlxUl ting on such a long face About 1" I ery should be properly housed when gether In a single receptacle, but fit .trlke!! ArchIe M a handpaJnted beauty. roared, and Dearest asked him anx· not In actual service, so as to be In up sultabie boxes or bins, so tbat the , Ag tha FIrst I. A breezy AmerIcan ~rL good working condition ' when re- supplies may be accessible on short lously what was wrong about that. Only eight da)'ll remain tor ArchIe to Se"Wby, trouble Is." he told n. quired for use, Alterations and re· notice. Keep all tQols c1enn and free' t!ure a brIde, Lady VIncent tell&her hUII- , ,band that Agatha. the Sixlh already care, ~ett:l;ng more and more serious, "thClt pairs on buildJngs and fences are re- from rust, and all edge tools stiarp .1or ArcbJe, In spite of that admission she wot:'t quired {rom time to time to accom· The system of storing the tools sboul.! give me a definite aDswer unW a modate them to changed conditions conform to the n eeds ot those uslliS CHAPTER III.-contlnued. and to protect the crops, Farm ma, them and to the work to be permonth from now!" "But she can't walt that lonel" t chlnery and equipment generally are She looked at me with an Infinite eXPClstulated, all It Terhune blms&1f subject to w~ar and breskage, and "kJndnells In her eyes: " were to blame for this complication, constant' attention to repair Is neces· "Dear Freddy!" .she replied. "can't "Don't you see that If you're not am- sary, Breakdowns are most frequent you see that WOUldn't do at all f Arch..: ally and for a fact engapd by the during the busy season. and .much val· (bald · must pro~e he Ipves Iier, rein, end of this week, you might as well uable Ume may be lost In going to loves her, before Ib! can know thaU" not be engaged at all, at least as far Bome distant shop for repairs or In "But I thiilk be does," I expostulatall your aunt's prope1't7 II concemed 1" waiting until a new part of some maed: "I really believe he cares for her! "I know," he aald. "Nobody aeel ohlne can be secured. In many caaes an He's always said he couldn't forget that any plainer than. I do, That•• accident to one of the , farm Imple. about her, ever slnco that time we why I'm ao 'upset. What can ha.,e poa- ments will cause the loss of not only Floor ~Ian of Work Shop. were aU here togeth'e r, Wben you presessed the girl, eto you sUPpolle? I a ·portlon of the crop but also the time ended to be Miss Marsh." dldn·t think sbe was the trilling Qr' a number of farm hands until neo, formed, In many Instances It may be "I have.n ·t a 'doubt of. ft," ahe kind!" ... essary repairs can be made and work desirable to keep the tools In port-'Plied, "It 1 bad, do you think I would "Nonsenle." eteclared my wite, author. resumed, Perlllanept repairs can ,fre· able chest In whIch they may be carb~ve 'Inv~ted Ule PQor gtrl here to be ltatively. "a little coquetry In th. rlsht Quently be made at once, and under ried to any part of ·the ' farm or plan'Ulade aPort bn Mer,ely. tor the 10J:d1cl place la Perfectly admissible I She most Circumstances' temporary re- tatlon; on Uae other hand, If the work 'i)ul'noiIe ,of provliUng yoill' friend with ' Fe" to ~Iaylnll 8ome ' Pretty "ast 41dn't want to make It too eas)" for pairs; at least. can be made. provided Is done almost entirely at ' th~ IIhop .a cbance to win a fortune? Ali if the Tenn',: you, that's all. Very feminIne, ucJ the necessary supplies are at hand, the tools will be more accessible wben thing were a kind of game of ·cb~ce. quIte dellebUuI of her, I call ItI" . By the aid of a little traIning, to- supported on the walls or upon shelves ud ,she the prize for' the man luck)" that,Lawrenlle ,was Aptha Sixth's last "That>s all very .we11/' replied Tel' gether with , the necessary tools ' and above the bench, 4nough to 'guess right'" name. just .' as Endicott was Agatha pune with some heat, "and p",per supplies. the farmer can repair all In cUmates where the atmosphere , As sbe said this my wUe blush81S First's, 1-have gr()wn so used to re- enough I dare say! But think ' what ordinary Injuriea to the farm equip. Is moist the greater part of the time, <charmingly, and there was a kind of ,ferrlng. to them as Arch and I were ' that same ' co~uetry may cost me-I" ment. and as a :-ule he can do this It Is not wise to · keep the tools exIn41gilatlon In her tone, I gaMd at accustomed to do In tho days, .when And you could see a8 he saId ·it tllat In 'a shorter time than, would ,be reo J)osed by banging them on the walls her. I dldn't see what , there waa, to there was a necess'1ty for keeplne he already beheld In. his Dllnd's eje qulred to go to a distant shop, '" or laying them upon open shelves, but iCu quickly he _ eet so ,mad a.bout. " their I.dentltles Ii secret beY01ld the that third ooualn of his aunt's alWna 'On most farms tbere Js a deficiency cabinet or a tool chest should ,CARTEl'S LITI'LI "So 'that's what you did It forf Be- knowledge of their first names, ,t bat on the veranda of the bouse on ht. of sultlible repair tools and st'ipplles, abe wall provlteil, It should be the aim to cause y~ wan t 4i!d to help Agatha I'd almost . for&,otten they bad any aunt~ property In Australia; with h1II and an increased InVestment along this have a place for every tool. and tben . 'UVEA PILLS~ Slxtb.' " I sa.l4 slowly;, with a feeling other, , feet on the raUln&" !lne Is strongly recomm~nded, Some cultivate the ,practice of returning It that· I did n.o t ' yet Quite know my The beat part of the thine wal that "Well, if that's all you care about! farmers, however. need to be caution- ,to its proper place Immedlate'!ly upon, - . d 1ft, Ud MDII,oll tile wJfe, I'm always learning somethine a1t~ough they· had only two miles to U · you're only Interested In gettJbf ed against hast7. indiscriminate pur- ' ~e comp,letion ' of the work I.n hand liftr; CUre new, It seems ' to me. about the un- 'ro" tbe 'p air h~~ not yet returned, An.d that silly old fortune of your aunt's. i selfishness atul Sweetness of lier char- It was now high noon. Dearest hOlle yell 'I ,081t1vely hope that sbe ..cter, couldn't get bver It. and frisked and wlll 'keep' you wal~ untli It I. too "Mainly:" sbe replied. "I've' been hopped 10, I ,had to bet.hel;' to remem- late!" said Dearest unexpectedly. .Aglfotha Slxtb's con1ldante a long time, bel' that "be Will! playtne ~nnls and Terhune stared In 'surprise at thIs and have ,kilown of her: a:tt'acbment for ,not "cup and ball," . poInt of view and I own I couldn', ' 'Jour friend e ver slnoe the first Castle ",F orty lovel" I ca~ed across the help siding witb him a little, Wyckbott bouse. party." , • net, servln~ my fast serve that I sel!'But my dear &,Irl:' he protested, "And had loag ago resolved to make ,~Qm use against my wife, In my pre- "how can I help' being Interested In ber cause your ' own 'should a chance occupatJ 0n as my thoughts would per- It? A fortune's a 'fortune, and besides, 4f fu~therlng It present Hself!"1 cried slst ' In dWElUlng upon Arch and his Isn't ,It for her, too, that I want It as -wIth' new enthusiasm tor her loyalty love atralr ' rather than upon tbe game. well as myself? And then you 11114 devoUon to her friends. "good fel- "I say, do you think they can have how absurd It is If she's ~olng to B~ low that you. are!" eloped 1" eept me anyway as I'm ratber aure " Crul •• "DOn't," said :Qearest: "I've jullt "That's too good to bope tor!" re- the Is. that sbe :can't say so In time Co Cbe ,done my haIr!" A,nd I laughed as I turned Agatba, though she ~as not"so to get me a fortune as we)) as a wUe1" An Oriental Cruise leaving New beard this new. varIation 'of an old successful with the ba~l, Gamel , I "Oome, now'" I put In, "that d0811 York January' 28, IDil', by the ·theme. crIed, as It smashed Into the net. But Iroem reasonable, doesn't It, Dearest?"' "But stili," I said, "I don't see why- for, once Dearest was not v~xed with "I thought you understood better \ 1~ they both love each othor and you me for winning, With a Eot)'llle so ab- Ulan that, WUfred," ahe saId, with a for Ma_elra, Spaln, ....y, Greece, know that they both love eacb other- stracted and Cl31"oyant as to make Itlok almost of severity at me and to Turkey, i!gypf, Holy Llln", etc. I don't see why we can't tell Arcb me guess at once the tenor of ber Terhune, "I see you must be choBtene4 DUrllUon of 80 dey.. Rates from 5325 u p, Includlni laMlni lUl.d emtiarkll)lf 8][ab'o ut it, jus t to burry things along thoughts, she pIcked up the ball and still further; ArQhlbald:' sbe told hl~ pense!. Also cruises to the We.' 'nclle., .and put the poor old boy out of bls wandered back to the servl~e line, "until you learn what true love 1.1 Soutb Amerlce a'1d Ar~a'd ibe W~~liI. $,1i4 fi, llluttrm'" BHI, BUSpen!;e !" . "Ready!" spe called, but Instead DIsinterested, .unselfish love!" , HAMDVRG.aMERICAN LINE "Because be must prove that · he of serving, suddenly let her racquet .' (TO BE CONTINUED.) .;0.10.1767 , U .ad U It•••••,. N. Y. ' loves her, first!" said Agatha, In tones fall clattering to tbe 1J'0und, 'of decision . "He ll'lust, indeed, Free!."Wilfred I" she cr:led, as IC a hapP1 Health. dy. It's Impcra Llve that he should, thought had struck her, "do you supThe bodl' has rlghta, and we ha.. He's an old d eal', of course , but at the pose he w ill ask ber tod&),?" duties toward It. The body Is the utesam e tIme he's too egotistical for any· "More than likely'" 1 answered ex- long companion of the mind, and It , thlng-to~ conceited for words! He ubernnUy, and then, coming close up cannot be unimportant bow It I. The use of this machine In the corn axle to which two small: wide-tire thlnl<s every girl be meets Is in love to the net, "but I say, sweetheart, treated. field IIi Invaluable as It easily dou- wheels are fitted (tbe trucl,s from the wllh blm! .And for that reason the aren't you going to play any more?" One unbl'ldled paSSion Is enough to bles the amount of work possible to I grain binder ure excellent), while the p,ursl1lt, the wooing, must be enth'ely "0, yes!" she (.... 1ed, sta,rtlng and destroy the beauty at life. One exce8s.. accomplish, as well a~ at the same front end of the machln'e rests on' a o n bls side and fostered by us with stooping quickly' to recover her It it does no more, can mar the crace time doing It much easler, The small boat or block of wood that Is the gr alest care. It w('uld ruin racquet. "Of course I am! I was lIo~d 4armony of the whole, "He thl'i er bas seen several of tbese home· bolted to the front end ot platform AgntlJa Sixth's chances _of ,ha ppiness, only just thlnklng-" 6trlveth for tbe' mastery must be made machInes ' In operaUon and and' lis this slides on the ground in th~ 'fIllppose s lle should marry him; If It.e "So was I! Dut don't let's any Illore, perate In all things," ' " knows how emcten~ they are, twp manner of a stone· boat tbe machine Is wero to hear by any means wbatever or we can't play the game!" So we The duty of a wise care torbealth men and a horse being ' able to cut h\lld Ipore ,steadily than it a. wheel tbat h ' cared for hIm, be fore ,he tells 's ucceeded tn putting all thought of the Is bigger than merely addlnr to our seven and one:half aores of ,corn In ' were used at the front end, The ~er he cares for her, ' And as likely two dut or our heads. and fell to play' personal happiness. .To a laree exte~t one day', says A, A, Houghton In Farm whiffletree is nttaclfed wlth .'a short BR not, Il would break otr the mo.tch, lng some pretty , fast tennis; ; It de~e~mlne8 the emclency . Qf our . PresS, It can be opero.~ed by one mlin, piece ' of chain, In the manner' -fUus. .Men are tluit way!'" Agatha First, 1 may ' expla,ln, In .the 1,lvee, Many a man learns. a:tter I~ . la -but as two rowfl 'of corn are cut at, a trated, -wblle the, knives attached to ' "I SuppOse you're right." I 81ghed, meantime wa... playing golf al1' by her- too late that he would bave beell ftt time, In lieavr corn 'two ~en can wo~k each side ' are easily made '(rom two "but It' seems bard ," " self dow n on the course by the rl-yer, for . better . ~d ~ore :work ' If he~ h84 much ' easier 'a nd ~aster. Tbe tI~tlok .old ,: saw-blades, gt:oun~ .. dOw;n' to ,an ~'S ui>pose?" ques tioned my wife, De&rest had f;I!fered ber the escol't of alwan. preserved t~e lSa;oe and Bensh ' OWB are started " ~y hand. cutting two edge on the., back and bf;llted f . .t know." I.correc d myself hasUlt. young 'Leslie Freer, the rector's s!ln .. ble bearlng ,towar,d the. laws of ,t1eallb ~ row a ',and "making the starters ' 'plntrorm: Tbe expens'e this ma., , "YOI,! should," slte ~ald. "DQ you wbo lived down In the village, but and lIf~ \;'Ihlcb experIence teac~e.s, ' fO;ntlie ahocks across ~'e lleldj tl;len, cblne Is but a few do))ars and l}ence !think yqu .would have liked , It:~ ber she ' would have Mne of him, to my No. one In ~e8e dan. baa an,. e:KCuH 'the niachlD~ i~ ~arted ,between two It iJbould ,'pay for lt$6lf ·lIi ope day's , .eyes auddenl grew v.ery large !lnd dismay, In fQ.ct r bad begun to feel . for t,no~~e' of ~he common ..p~Co rowa next '.to. t\le line ot shOcks, and ' US81 Iv: the , Increased l\lDount of 'work 'swalD [n teat's, loU any. One bad wid consclence-strlcke~ Illmost fOl fear , ,tt,c al 1~lea , ot , hea.lth., There . are II t~e; uie,~ ~l~e on seata ereote~ ' 6n ,th13l .'that can be dC!!le with, it" *I~ll less ,.o'q that r' cared. b.a tore Y.Qu'd pro.' we were peglectlng ~e poor ltirl In gC?04 ~aDJ' popular book'a on the, .u~ ptatfor~; , catel,ilns ,t he corn , dnd pun, etrol'~ .tban when, cuttlng the corn by posed?" , , our ' _abioTPUon , In our ottie.r ,t'\'o'o ject.-HQ&h" Bl,~k. .. ~ ' Ing l~ upon the,platfQNl as t~,e knives ha~d~ , , . " " The Retort Apologetlo. ,cut -U 'op!; .at each, sbQc:k the bu~ . ' . ' , "No,", I. sal4, ta.kins out. (be fresh ' pest,a. 'bu~ :Dearest bal,l rea"sur~d ~e Ilandkercbtef J had' jUllt stowed away by saytnt; Ijhe thought Agatha , lI'Iri!t "'et! he", did 'fou , tell Voil Clubb., are' left or set up un.tt1 .t he :ahock row . ~ pocket of Diy dinner coat.. and was the kind '0' girl who preferred .t was the, w9Ht liar. loa e~.r. metT" J. completed; · It Is '8W'Prislng the • knelt down beatde bel', ' out-of-door exerciae and bel' own com- " 'N"t IDUCb, old , cb!lPI J told IWit rapidity &lid eue 'with whIch tb1a ma"Tbe~ don't JOu tblrtk It · would be ,pany. to' any number 'ot "oliDe mea; · 10U ·w.... ·lIIe beIIt."~udlr!t: chine co:npletUa ,a row fif sJlocIat. .ert UDk!ad or • to I'Ob ~er or the I had jOlt tiu~ed la, ~S the A tb"&comerec1 platform ·1. buUt ebaDee to tell blm. ao beraeU when he score of a boUT contelted ,&ale TIl. DINl wbo lIutl'" wb_ ..... the ODe' IIde r"1m* UJOJa a.a. .,er, &04 Idm " tile JOT or b " "4euoe" aplD. wIlD ·the..4C?1 ,cart III JOmic au tab 1& ...,. ...... bft ...

Arcb.ibald's Agatha


Spend Your Winter in









.T he Wretchedness ',o f ,CoDStiP~~OD ~"~




S. S. Cleveland,









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,nor Th~phlle 'S raga, Who: W Choaen to Hold the ReIne of .p.ortugal'a Qovern~ent.

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Copyrla'ht. lillO, by



Llterary Pr.... ·

make .troDl', '''A cheetah,U aa!d 1durray pleasant,. jumped at him Ilnd chewed his abOut· bealth,. kidneys . I,., "Is the pet of kings and raJabs ~er. Then thlB youngs ter ,,'ent after and

Hr" ~ohn ',A. LlDk, liB lIIut Perri St., Bucyrus, 0., SIl,.S: "I .... tembly aWcted with kidIRI, '; ompla1 nt, I could Dot stir out of bed. 1 'Wu attended, by several doctors but aU raned to help me. Doan's KidDey pms gave me relle! after 'l bad ""en up aU hope and soon cured !pe, I have,ha d 110 kidney trouble In ·three ,eare." . . Remem ber the tAme-D oan's. I'or lale br. all dealers. 60 cents a M1 Fo"te~Ml1burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.


On the Senator s. wit of Bishop Seth Ward &mU'i ea Nuhvl1 1e freQuen tly. ~Ilbop Ward, In compan y with two ..nators, camo forth from • Nuh· . YlUe rooeptlon the other day and en. tered a walUng motor oar. "Ab, bishop," said .one at bls com· panlons, "you are not Uke your mu-. tar. ·He wu content to ride an a ..... Ward anllwcred, "but there'. no Buch animal to be got nowada y.. Tbey make them all senator s." ~e

nabobs and tbe other classy gen· try at the .far elUit. Ever see one?" "['m not sure,u little Sammy Clanc,answere d. The two sbowme n were on the train en route to join othen at the tent !amlly to show In Phllade lpbla. Clanoy was new to the olrcu. buslness. He ·had appeare d out ot the west wltbout w'arnlng and bad bought out the Rawling s I1nd W ell a Orienta l hlpPQdrome on wheels, ao to speak. Both Rawling s 'nod Wells had de~amped for New York without speclfy. Ins their Intentio ns as soon as the transter wns made, and the new owner bad appeare d simulta neously and had picked up the reins on the run· away outfit and stopped the danger. He was a very .polite, low-voiced cha.p, about thirty, amoot h shaven, dark, with a slow, ' boylsD smile and a steady eye. The show people Uklld him at sJght, and within a week reo spai ted him. He ,did not yell at tbem nol' use large languag e. As Murray express ed it after a perso~al experl. ance: "He's an ultimate conclus ion, 80 and IlO'i the case, and there you arB, and what 1U'e you going to do about ItT He's a wise little boy, and he's my bosl and tbe relit of the Iho.... '.,

It, but, It had tasted blood and was teellng mighty airy. It only cuffed at the boy, but It lald him out, and ·all· at once Clover heard tbe row and ran out at her tent and clown ~e otreet after It.. And lilly, she had her belt, little elasUe buslnes e wltb a pretty buckle on it-you know the klild girls wear_ nd ahe put t hat nlound his neck and led It back ·to Its· wagon. . How's thaU Phlc\Q'? yes. WbUe the boya were bangtng back with pltchfor :ts and nets and hot Iron .... "Anoth er time It bad toothac be and tb.y got a den tist tn, and she mad~ him gIve It an anaesth etic. ' LitUe tlilngs, but they made t nat heathen cheetah animal love ' ~e girl as If It bad been a pel cat.

. Lisbon. -Chiet among those w'bo dethroned King Manuel of PortJJ gal and sent him a !ugttlve to the fri endly asylum of otber sbores la Senor Theophlle Braga, first presIde nt or Ule Portugese republic . Senor Braga baa heen styled the Vleto!' Hugo at Portuga l. He Is the son at a LlshoQ doctor and was born in th e Azores in 1843. HI li connect ion with r epublica nism began In. 1870, but he did not become active In pOlitics until quite r ecenUY. E arly In Ule present year be was elected a de puty tor LI sbon Ilnd at once, owing to his ablllty as a s peaker, bl s great fund



InherIta nce for Which Mother Did Not 8~m to' Be In Any Grest I)egrelt Th.ankf ul. .



RlchaM Harding DavIs, at • foot· in Philade lphia, pralaed the voices of the young undergr ad· uates shoutin g their weird conege

baJl game

)<I811s • "It make. me think of a

Locust atreet wife," snld Mr. Davis, amlllng. .. 811.... turned to her husband one night at d\nner and remarke d: "~y dear, tho first time I saw you wos a.t Frankli n Field. Your h ead waa thrown back, your mouth wide open nnd your face was very redyou were ye11lng your college yell.' .. 'Yell, I re member ,' ,ald the young

./ - - - : - - -

Lydia E. p'l nkha m's

Vegetable Compound


.. 'And I noUced,' she continu ed. 'what a remarka ble voice y()U hod.' .. 'y'es, you spoke of It at the tlme: .aid he. 'But wbat mnkes you think of It DOW?' .. 'Oh. nothing,' said the wlte, 'Only I wish the baby badn't InherIte d It. That's nll.'"

."Pop was thinkin g or lel1lug out along this Ume, and the prospec tive buyer oame on from Kansas City to look the show over. Inl!tend , he looked OIover over, and spoke to Pop. Intentio ns? I don't know anythln l about them, son. It he had any good onea be certainl y kept them out of sllht. But he made Clover the bonue In the busInes s deal and he bougbt Trylnll to <fon,ole. the outfit tbat nl,ht. 'Long aboul "My laD," remarke d th& Itern 11.30 he come out of Pop's quarter . parent, "when I WIUI your ace 1 had 8~no~ Theoph lle Braga. and makel tor Clover. She hadn't .ery little Um. for frivolou s dl•• r- toO." "There gonG" are to aeverlll bel!. hi Sbe this was over at the ~t' InformaUon, country," ..on.... hla standin g as an ''Well," replied .the young man, "yOU went 011 Murray . "Some ot the .parka Qbeetab 's wagon talking to It and to educato r and. his power at leaders blp, have the them. kId. But It was they moonlig an seem ht, dl thOle .. .l4n't mJss mucb. BelIeve me, thiII plrited. J never saw but one live one. nf,hta In Aucuat . when the m.oon took a promin ent part amon, thl)' re. ., Ufe ..n't ,,'bat It looka to be." You don't know'" a ny of, the old Umers, comes up like a lTeat flame-cotored publica ns, wbo were seeking tbe r&do yoq? Hnven:t been In the hUal· blolsom , and they were hi K~ntuck7, generat ion of their country . Senor nells long?" near the Ohio ' border. . The kid wu Braga .is a poet and a pblloso pher. 'For "Not so very longo" saId Sammy. playlnl' on a mouth' organ. real soft J'ears he was profeas or at literatu re 'Tbla bappene d pearly elgbt years and decent, when the big. chap cama at the Hlgb Literary College in Lis· ago, Just about the time a~al1 clr· over, took hold ot Clover' s arm and bon and Is an author of note. In all he bas publlsb ed 130 volume s and waa cuses began to lose theIr I'r1P on. ac· told ber wbat tho deal was. the last man one woUld auspect of bewunt or vaudevi lle packing ,the the. "When ~ Cloyer s.c reamed ·Pop him· coming involve d In' a revoluti on. It aelt ,cnme alit and tried to reaspn with Is too early yet her. Sbe was to go 'o n tbat night' to futur e, but one to predica te aa to 1I1s would eXiled the raKansas City and marry the fellow publ1c to be sate In hIs handa. there and then llack to thB ihow. POl' said be ' W8S sick and , tll'ed. of the w~ole shoW buslnes . and waa galnl abl'old to seek a long·de served from his labors. And he struck with one of tbose short whips tbey New One Recentl y Has Been Found use on the animals when they 11ft In MexIco In the Palo th'lr upper lips- andgrow l." " Amarill o Tree. There wa~ a brief silence. , The train was i peedtnr along at Mty CJty of Mexlco .-Anot her practica l mile!! an hour. Samm, 'stared out 01 and VI!J'Y extensi ve source or crude "the ,moker window p~te nte dly. tn· rubbe; supply was recently discove red te""'te.dly. and watch~d the landsca pe In tJ:\.~ .vlcll)lty of GUanajuato. It 111 of New Jersey take Wlngll to Itself the palo amarill o tree; which growa an!! roll up like the se.r oll, of a parch! wild In 0. bro~d' scoJ)e of territor y bor· ment. bering the Pacffto coast and extendi ng t~war.ds tbe I;nterlor' BS tar as Guana· '''Then whatf" he 'aald' ftnall,.. ~'Tbe 'kid Jet ·the cheetah loose," Jllato. Tbe commer cIal posslQIIIUes ot sat! Murray .lowly. "And when tbe thl,s tree as a produce r ot rubber have t1!'o' ot them grabbed her ana tried to been thoroug bly tested by the Mex· e8JT1 her off 'lt leaped on' their backs. lean governm ent and by' reprcae qta· That'. about all [know. Pop lett tbe Uves ot large AmerJc an Interea~s that ho.plta l ftve . mo~th. later ".w1tlJ sce,rs are Investin g cQnslde rable; capital In Ha Had That AnImal LIke .. T . tJlat lie'll b~r aU hlB lite and K tten Arou.nd Him, palO aJllarfllo .tree bears no ream. otber feUow lo.t one arm. That chee- theThe new iqdustr y. ·guayule . to the tah was a dlscrlm lnatlq animaL . It semblan ce shrub tram ate"" , lind I'Gutng tbe. beit acta. ODe died from • bullet Pop which large quantiti es ot rubber are manage d to i>t the last ' to, klve Ul) wu old POl) land rlgbt ftnall,.; but, It had done Ita being manufaCltured in Nortber n Mex· Atkins .... 'Bf jove. he Hotted hla wor. well. ).nd the other two sklpped Ico ~d Southw estern Texas. This 'old clillult with tbe same ,old ele- 'out: that night, tlie kid and OJover. J tre.e Itl also of a differen t species front pb~nts and wagoDIl and anlmala ' that always thougbt they made for where .the · rubber tree of the troplc&l regions he'd beeh glvJng 'tl\em tor )'~ars. His her ·mother 's folb lived, tn' mdlana of Mexl~o' and other countri es . . It at·· wlr. ~fed that year, but be didn't .omeYo'here." lutna Ii. height at 'about 30 teet. Its . care. Tbey'd ~atned 'the daulhte r, ':Tbat'. just ",hat the,. dill:" broke tOlDk gets to be ot a tblckne sll of one Clover. to ~e her plaoe, an.d - ~. In Sammy happily; "And the folka to two feet. The tree la of rapld took belle.. tban the 0111 lady." ~own tb!'lrfl woe· ~d to them. T.be1 growth, r6Jlchillg a commer cial size In ftve ,yearll. , SIUIUnY evtnlle!! a r,dij interest . let the: kld wo ..k around . tbe farm, anct Tbe.· news tliat the palo amarillo (0'0004 100k,8r 1" " , ' Oloyer got .well . anel pre'tty, [netead at " "M9re' tban tbat, B()n, plore than loo'lllnr; like a wax 'candle tree Is be.lnc uUlIzed for tbe· manufac moat She 11'811' .tbe~ $1(),OOO beapty. .,11' .Um •. , They lIved tbflre ' up to or'the ture crude rubber has caused a number, .of' Indepen dent rubber con· or yourllt tle aawe~,off ago. It was a ,pretty load .farm'n'. .yeu You Slim and fair, .he w~~. haven't seen" Mrs; CllUlcy, ba"e 70u-':" C81'118 to en~er the new field of Indus· gTIILcelrul.-~' I1, y~ Lor\! Har,ryi ~ou '14~.' Sam.m y"~C.lanoy? No? J thgUghl b'y, io' the extent tba~ ~hey are I1CUVe•"BUU".lIU have . s~en. her r11\e a ' hOr8lt we not. · She'a going to bleet uli In Phil • . had,' ~ It , would waltz on,ts . eye11ds If delphlil t.o nlgbt. She sUll lIkes . t~e ehe UUed b,e r whip. But , th~ che~t:ab busillesll, somehoW.. f goen Its " Jual loved ber bttat, .,op used to : be~t, It because abe'seClover, and I'm that kid and '·'poke. It playfull y wltb ~ li,ot l~onl tlIat looked alter' the cheetn'b .'· ! and ' so oD. Once wben It didn't mind .\ . hffu he stuck th~ ~sh~ed e~lt Qt a f" c l,nr .fl~ ttle UI) ot Its nose. Ob. yes,> . ' 'r' Animal Ihtolllg ence. Pop w.s sPtely pla)'tu!.... Anl~al ' Inte1Ugenc~ .... IlltG ' the ftc. .1'~u .~th bhp: then?'.. asked ure. · and deslgiiB 'rude 1D 11 cal\tlng : ~ ., • ; It' Is not acqu.1te'4 or mucb flban«e4 ws:s-~up· to two weeks before I~ by upenen ee, whUe buman int~lU~ 1'b,llPpBlltld. TII~n p~p . and I )i~ ~ . geq'Ce I, ' slOWly :d,evelo ped. j, tilrougJj dt~erenc;e ,lot .oPinion" ~all'" ..~u~Uve ' ~i)llelty. · The ani. e1l.8t. ~e ,use~ to w~tp m&1 I. ' Ii. "creatur e of hablts luberit wax ·be . bad ·b,er ,,mother;' 'an-c'l ,a~ciJtred, In 'a sense that man ~ II but ·tt wasn't an, 'not;' certatn t~nc. mat :be ntamp'd. Ipl:a~rer,ea. Wen, be wu Into the animal's mind. and~ cert8ln 1·'iii.~h·"'M' y.ou , ~ere. And thIDP.: rnay be a'tliinp e{out; .we ,can' Ii!have ·h lm , ar, t.raln It IntQ :the formati on of r.~W: bah'i ll' nSl,'blm•.. 80 1~ but wo .cl1nDot educate or "' ..'MI.",-I ~'un.(lea. P.op and relle~ed ita'" mind 'as we 'that '; of i\ Frele~IJllJlI ancl - been decUne d b, ,'. left the sbo,,'" all ' il!SO that it; "'I'll} '.kn~w the why" 4D15 !let\ VIlb. the 'c:ee~:b wbe.~e(ore .. ··. I~ docs ' ~.e trIe:t : ~r :w~i4.l; tliey Jook Il)[e' taek ·be~au.B~ we h,av~ ghl!ope~ , Ita 1Il,I11l",II ,dcIUrura ":.rold 'U"'Da:ro . n ' • to the llartlClular pattern';,' ,we f"b~ :t.~u::: s·tamped In Ws ,1~4.a, .whlch t • . '. -ThJI ODIt , Id.ea. to the anImal ,but I~VOIIlIl liana. ~ that Ilmp!1IBe. ~ Tbat :W,b loh exist.. · L~I'7" 1 RDJ.. .nuu" 1.I.d',lrop. Poj).... I .,; • mlnd of man. aa me tal


Schurz Was Sure of Him. He Couldn' t See. Uttle Jack's father was the teacber of the Sunday Bchool clnss of which Jaok was a new member . He had b een told tbat as this was his first Sunday be would not be asked any Questio ns but he must pay olose attenUo n just the same. So, on the way bome his father aaked him who It was who kUled Goliath . ''1 don't know, I was sltUng on the baok seat and couldn' t see," was the nady anBwer .-From Norman Mack's NaUona l Monthly. DI8TI! MP!R · In .n Ita foTUlll amoDi aU ape of honel, .. well al dop" cured Ind othlrl in uml stable prevented from ~avl .n the d1aeaae with SPOHN'S DIS CURE, EnzT bottle 1fUarantee . O,'cr 600 000 bottle. IQld lad. year , .110 and f1.00. :Gy aood druuitt or lend to 1I1lUlufaoturera. Aaenta wanted. Spohn Medical Co., Speo. 06ntaa1oUl D~. Golhon, indo Home V.udev llle. "So you used to be on the stap,,' ''YetI'm; and I done a ald •• plltttng aketoh." "Well, let's· ... what you can do In the way of .. wood·sp llttlng .ketoh." PneumonIa and OonllUmption ira al· by an ordjnary cold. Banlpa Wilard 011 rubbed ' into the aba" rawl out the Infiammation, breakl p • ool~ and preventa aU ..riOIll troubfe.

~yl j)r~dad


'A baohelo r girls' club ts an ..lOOb,,· tion ot women who' think Uley are mo~ likely to get busband s by pr. tending not to want tbem.


The bo~ show first siga .1 of things ROing '.VfQng•• A .. Cfll(;Qrrl taken every mght .u geeded keeps the bowe1a~ working naturally- without grip, gripe .and that upset . jick feeling. ...•





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Ita aimpUc lt)' . . . .trona of the




Bome people are too fresh- but the same thing can't be safd ot eep.

. .... WIutow ". 8ootllhll'~.t

~:1!!D.Jr:::~io~.:.~~l:t.:M::~:'l:w:.: .

Good luok likes to visIt people whe are not ~xpectlng It. W. N. U" CINCINNAT" NO, 4I-~~1~ -


or '

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drult Itorel. · Blnelt HIler ID wol'l4-mWlon ~ .moatb.

"Wbat Hurtne EY:e Bemed7 DoetI~. to lleneab.'l ntal)le, Bt~~... A! l,.le "LUI1'u.1 O\r.:UlatiO " ormal !lO -. Try ""rIDe IIIDroarI'IVGlQU .1••

JI1£l.i e.


N... " 1jwr.; 0... Gets II.

Be8.rq-·the PrOillotts Di,e~'tioo~Churtul"

ntss and Re~t.Conlaln5 neither Opium,Morphine nor Mlntral NOT NAR COTI C . .


A/w NOfti A-SAIfl IEUm., . ~ill J-'~ . 1

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.1 -.,wlf,'JIXtWf',·

A~ecl Rerri~-dy-ro-r-C~l,I5tfPa.' lion, Sour Stomach,DiarrtlOtl Worms ,ConYutsion5~f~i~h­ ness And LosS OF SLE~ t ltc Si~1e . signallu" 01 , , _. .J'~~

~~.1. ----. .. ~









The Neighborhood News Sprtng

•• ••

Harveysburg • .

Vall ~y

•• ••

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Hats at oslo MrS. mi th. $25.00 Talking Macbine ro DiXon Is !l very buey mBn Mrs, W V . Luo id on t h ~io1r . Wlth 'HIII 60<: Hooord~ " buyi ll g flnd el1iu g fnr. , 1i~ t . For eig ht years Mr. Wig-gam has $6.50 El"c. Lamp , G ' L Bn,roo r 's 8'Ile Monday wlis Mrt!. 0 , W. AO l1 bee oct 1.1tl ugbta belohged to the best class of the pop. w 1l Mtend d e very tiling elling Oli ve were OrlytOQ h up I' Sllotnl. $2.00 Nickle Coffee Pot ' ular lecturer wll who entertains, make9 (1 " y. $1.00 Eml~ Dbl. Cookers 'PEople think, and leaves a message ' Frtlnk u. Rurrls end d bis series {rR. 0 , A. P tereon 1 0 nfIoed 75c box fan . Chocolates wit h his hearers. In "that time he I t " h tJ\· hom nn fl ooont or fli Ii n R:l. f lIoot ion t:;llturday night disp lR. 109 of II qunntit,y of goodA. \lr lavtlr Griffy is v ry _\ k has appeared in over eighteen hun· A green ticket with each en h Mnl , W. W . We loh I1ttenuecl the witl:). pn Iltllllnlll dred I cture courses, Chaulauquas, purchase. Get your ticket, IUD orll1 of uu Bunt at Plnin City, Ind OHnt Luco wbo hilS been io write your name on t ick t and etc, and the repor ts from those en· I duy . r.:1lorl1do (or !! Illlle time r et orn ed W ~un deposit in box. Drawing on gaging him indicate a popularity .. . 1. N . Seal, aft r 11D lib enoe hume last w 80k Saturday eveni ng, Dec. 31s+;. M two weeks, r etur ned to his home that has not been surpassed. His Mrs titl>ut movEld h r m illi uery Monday evoning. The5 presents are lo be given to success has been continuous from his ' ~ r.' lte IA8t week to their ne w hom o n 5 different customers. no one W t' ure soon t o hllve I~ coment 'Hle first appearance upo~ the platform ' . '1'to rrli oe Ave . . customer allowed 2 presents. ma cbiue In tbis vitlintty and shou,l d rba W . U. T , U baH ft, white rib· be Itlrgtlly patronized. and we believe his record has scarce· Use the Green tickets they are b on 800 ltllilt the bome o f Mr und good ply in this contest, and Iy a parallel. '1'11 0 plllY g i ven lit Flremllnll Hill) Mrs. Woo Alexll n jeJ III t Wedn .9 remember we will have al\ the Fri day by tbe Kingwun Highsohool tillY evening. good things in the mark-et for NEW CENTURY , CLUB WUH n s u oe~ ! the attenuu noe being Xmas. Wholesale price on Lanra Louise Barlev WIlS a viotlm gllll(\. uDd t.lle talon , ?ias of tho Canditls and Orange for or ~be 8rippe lRst we k . A fitting close for the Thanksgiv1\I J.t h ~t. tYIJe. Churches and chools. Get our Mr. ancl Mrs , H . B Ellgle spent 'rh bu ye r of produ M lire nu· ing season, was t he meeting of the $1 19 25lbs Granulated Sugar prices before buying, we can ~:lIIdIlY with Mr. and Mrli R y m roull In tbis eotlon. One of onr 'Ulve you money . New Cent ury Club at the home of 05 Waynesvil1~ Tomatoes, per can. 11:11 Ide. . b ust li ng 111 dies Bold *164 worth at Mrs. J. T. Ellis on Wednesday af· 05 Mr. "od Mrs. Wm . Ky uo en ter. one time und ml\ny ot.hers rnnglng Waynesville PUlllpkin, per can. Good Ttiin){s This Week ternoon, November 30th Twenty t,lI lUed SuodllY in b ouor Of their Bon from ' 75 to ~ lOO . 7X Waynesville Com, per can . . Navel and Flo rida Oranges, ApB ron and wift). ' members r esponded to the roll· call ples, Grape ' Fru it , Grapes, 'b,i~tmaR onndieli Ilre ooming into 25 7 lbs. Rolled Oats . . . . " The MissAs Mne and Lizzi e {i;van market. by na ming and giving a description Lemons, Eng. Walnu , Pea· 25 7 Ibs. Lump Starch . . . . . wero Dayton vltll tor ~l\turtltlY nuts, Ct'anberries , Dates, Figs, of a E uropean City. After a short Benjamin Weeks will o1;an up an 25 4 lbs. Fancy Head Rice '. . . . . CIBu ter Raisi ns, Apple Butter, Mr, Jllm ell Bo ton il4 working in Imvlement store in our oity Febru. business session and cunent event'l . (Regular 12X c Rice) Mince Meat, Dan;sh abbage, Oil Y ton. ary 18'. by Mrs. Lina Davitt, Mrs. Evans Buckwheat, Hominy. 10 5 Ibs. Com Meal . . . . . . . . . . Milton Bowe, of the firm of Lev Mr. Ilnd ! · l.e1l1l0 Po te r8o~ en. gave an in teresting and instructive The Best of Everything that is tart.aioed .Ed Elam and wife Honday. ioy and Howe, trans!&ote I business 39 101bs. Buckwheat Flour . . . talk . on ":Echoes ' from My Trip , good to ~at at \ir. anel Mr... D ~ . AnlLbee en. in the Queen City'rhursday. 25 8 Bars Lenox Soap . . . . . . . . . Abroad ." This was thOl'oughly en. tertllined ~on(I~'1 A C. Ml'IDdenball Mr. Frank Gorman and family of 65 24X lb. Sack Premium Flour . joyed by al l prl'sent for together wife.and dtloug hter near Wilmington, have renttld B. L 10 12,X'c fancy Peaches, per Ib ., Mrd. Charles Ev,," flod , daugh DllkIne f,um and ore now in POSSAI!. with her excellent memory and her OF COURSE ~r., lC llajJti nf ner J>vellttl W . V . len of eame. wonderful descriptive po}Vers, Mrs. I -lS Good Table Peaches, per doz Laoe Ilna wife. ' Robert Lett of Dayton oalled on 1j:vans held the undivided attention · 190 Fancy Lemon Cling Peaches , Mias (;tertil~ ~altl\;Jarv 18 vlsitinl{ friend. bere H~turday a~d un day of he r hearers for more than an hour Fancy Pine Apple, per can . 15 I het fllt~er Audy &1 bury . .' Our merobr.nts lue feeling proud and a half. Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per pk 20 Re v. Uflrllb'!y begll.D · protflloted of their patronage, We have an ex MEAN TRICK ON OPPONENT A delicious two course lunch was servioe. at UOlon ~uoday evening. oellent farming oommonity und Fancy Cranberries 3 qts for • . . 25 Mr • Arnold, ft deaooness of Ch~iet their ps tronage should Qe oore', I!O How a We.tern Lawyer Won a Caee served by the hostess, assisted by Old Reliable Coffee, per lb . . . . 20 1l0~pitttoJ tlpen' the latter part of tbe long IlS we can oompe 'e with mail. Mrs. Janney apd daughter, Miss lay Making tho Court Think It Pure Kettle Rendered Lard, per Ib 14 we~~ with Mrs . Tf'l lbert. order house!!, nnder the Sllme oon Edna. Had Been Ineulted. ditions, . • _ • Two·year-old Pop Com 2 lbs 5 The guests were Mrs. H W. Bailey JOlleph H . Ohoate, Ilt 11 dinner at the Mrs. S. L . Cartwright, Mrs, Zim. l1r. aod Mr8 . Atlron Harvey hove Apples Bananas' Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Utica moved into our midst. They are Lawyers' club hi New York. said ot a merman, Mrs: Harry Murray, Mrs. Malaga Grapes, Celery, 'Figs, Dates, pIece ot legal cblOanery: weloomed book. J, H ' Mo~enzie and Jat:'. Black "It was mean; too mean. It remln4· J. 'C. Hawke, Mrs. Chas. Hough, Cocoanuts an" Fresh Nuts. htlve gone W~verly, Pike Co., 00 Ed Bogau well known to mooy 01 ed me ot a sneak of a lawyer In prac· '~ bQsin6@S our re"der , nnderwent an operati on tlce In the far welt. Th.! s 'chllp was Mrs. CIllgett, Mrs. Marlatt, Mrs. Chas. Ellie and Miss Mayme Bro·ma. 00 aooollnt of 'bad waather the at tbe MoClellun Hospital at Xenia, defending a man In a promissory note Friday, At. this writ.iug ill thought Secretary. rally. D"y service at U~ioa U . B .to be getting along nioely, his mllny case, and he knew he was golog to cborcb wa ~ po"'poned . n.,'I} next friends Jook 10rward to the time 10le: But In the lunch bour, in bls KING'S HERALDS tricky way. be ch,a nged the markers &bba'h. Q~ite tUl loteres'lng pro when he will be a well man, In &l1 the proseoutlng couosel's refer· gram bAR beeo prepared. There . ~aYlng Misses Edith and ' Rachel Sheehan will ' be good muslo. AU lnvi~d . Oor sohool is progressing nioely ence books. The judge, after consultMr . Wm MOYflr and wife";'ere th~ under th~ nlllDagement of ollr very. ing all these reference books two entertained the King's Heralds last houra later, pronounced, sternly: 8UDd$y . giles's of , 'their daughter, . effioiaDt lDstrQoto~8 Saturday afternoon, ''I' should certalnly have decreed lira. Jaa. Black. . . Mrs. .Barry Cleaver; of Xenia, The following .program was reno lii8S E8~y Carey·has gorleto Leb,. Ilpenteeveral days here last week for the plaintiff, but. on reterrlng to dered! Ml:lsi~. Ethan Cr~ne; r~ading, the citations quoted by plalntl(('s coun· anoll'.lOl" a '.short time . , the gneet o~ 'M;r. and Mra. Ohlls . . Oleaver. music, lei, I find tbat they none of them bear Marg~ret \ Satterthwaite; , M.n, Olllra Kirby 18 on the alok ' -,., - - ... - ...- - even remotely on the case before us. Helen Haw~ e; reading,. Howard Gusliet . ' , and I decllna to , think tbat a gross tin. Miss Minnie' Satterthwaite gave Oregonia. Tne p riDeipal of 't he ,'ot.IO. 8O~001 insult blUl been perpetrated !>n this hae been (In 1he-810k . lie' for .. few~ court. Counlel, with Idiotic levity, an interesting talk' on the work in day., 'bat hu relomed his duttes MIss GladY8 SpenoAr and Mr has referred me to the action of a Ci.ncinnati Children's Home. puring I====-=-!====-=======-=-=====___":'_~';"_iiiil__ Zaln ,ArmiCilge .prung quite Ii sur. Frenohmlln who sued a %oolngtolll so. &gaUa. ' . the social hour delicious refresh. prize '. on t·be)r mnny friends here' . Mr. John ' Lewts' 11 comfQrtably thie week, ",ben they annotlDoed clety for having been bitten by a b~ar. ments )Nere served. settled to hi. new home. . that tbey. had eloped to Newport-, . The aecond reference Is to a case or ~ -.~.~----SHE TRIMMED HER OWN HAT Ky., on :November thesixtaenth Ilnd sla~der. Next, I am directed to an Infanticide, a . forgeCi will and a sate· HOLIDAYS ARE COMING od had been . marrt d. The , onI'v , \,lb" Wb,a t have thjlse things to Pretty Girl De Ignad Neal Piece ' 0; , Ed ~ew.O r . j~tion ~hetr ~re\nte had' ~ad to tb~ robplng. with an action ' to recover Oil a Headgear but Left the Price Veterll':larl~n ," .' ~ . c , ' matoh .. wllli 'the YOl'ltptulne(fe of t.b~ do Call and get your 'Photo work done: Tag on the Feather, . Ma~~n~~d~' 'b88 l'e~QrDed bride'( Mr,' 'A,,'uiltllge is ' one' of our prom1alorY \ note? But. per~aps, the Aln~test styles of Post card and Has' opened an offiCe in , • , I --' fro~ a ~Q8iDesS 'ri~ .,t,o KentD~ky,. qlost popul~r ' youog man, Ilnd' hie most abameless Insult to this court Waynes\iiUe for ,practice. , Halt a dozen pretty ,Iris ,vere dl. . ,Waltal' ·Beet, Qf Dayton, '~n' wife l8.the oharming yoonger daugll· Uea In coUnsel's final reterence to the Mounted work. Also ~e our Photo cUIIlllng "Treats all. diseases of dumillinery. Baid onp of them. I Ridge's Gallery. ~nnday with hiiflit~er, lit .lobn ter of Mr, aod Mrs. J. K . Spenoer. notorloua Lippman vs. Henshaw case Pillow tops. mestic animals 1. am not in refere'nce to an absent friend: ''Uel' DedI of tJilI place. , . They will live with Mrs. Ar'm itage 's -the silliest ' and rlbllld bi'each - -- .... 80 comm,on as you mi,lrht bats certat~y are stuDnlnl I.Ild ah. of promise suit · In 1111 the annals ot , ~eorge Boger 'Wu in ~aytOb hat parents nntil ~pr1ng . , CROP' ROTAflON trlml all 'of 'them herself." Bald animqine. . I halve ~n in waltern jurisprudence. Jud"ment tor Toeeday, · ~ Mr. and Mr8. Joe Kersey, who defendants,. wltlr costs.' .. , other: ''1 hope abe may never .ba.,. practice for 20 years. Word w8a !reoeived 1u' wee~ tbat have removed fr,o m . Xenia to are Che rainaus ' r esnlts of frequently such an ex}Ierlen'ce aa I bad ·r ecenU,. C~ls promptly attended Wallace Tiobalil, of uebaDoo, was gonia, en~rtaioed ,,~ a famHy dioner to day night. ' \ repeating the 8I1me orops ou any lilT lenae of humor enabled me. to 8~erlng from aaothe~ .trolr. o~ Snnday tn honor of Mr. KArsey's THEY LEARN BY EXPERIENCE fito"lus ue beooming sh'ikiogly ap.,' tbrough It, but I'd not like to aee Pho, n e No. 118. aoi Is .till Tery low at' birthday, aDd io oelebrlltion.of their "I\rent On Loog JsJa.nd, 1"'e two Ua, elae hare, It. I, allo, trim m7 , th18 wl'ittag. . • wedding anniversary. ,. , ,U Olfn bats. -'" Data Collected by German, NaturaliSt ... stlt pie orQPs pt'i:idooed Ire oa nlilll)\V. , "Thla 'fall I dea'p~4 . one, that .1 J. 1(, Idpenc~r retoJ:n.e d 'J ~st week' 8hew That Animal. Often· Become , ••~ Kirby, wUe and ci"ngb,ter ,wete Geto OlaY"viai'OrB Qne dar 1.Bt from ~ fOrtnight SPtIDt in Tllxae. WI.~'r Than Their Parenti. . 61''and pfltlltoes, . ,In , t~e PIiSt. the thoul'ht was abo~~ the moat etrect"e l' weak. ',· " On hie way home he stopped otf for ! ' s~il·blla produced th.8t\~ iu · gretl.tes$ I e~er bad, though It was estremel, Deoember th~ ruth balDg 'J . . L. a .s bort :visit with MaQrI6~, SteddotD, ,A German namral1st blUl been col· , Ilbuodanoe, and the great New York IImple.. It ' c9nllateil oDly ot a fe&tliOook'. tweoty 8eventh birthday uod fam.Oy hi Oklahoma qt.y, Okla. lecUng data to show that animals learn OJ1Ilr k t b' g t ttl . d ' h er and a twist ot velvet around the ., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.:.. - e ehlU tt 8Jr v,e r y loord~dtl e crown of !' big, atyllsh ahape. The Adas~7t'1>v:e ~::1>v:;e: \h7:::~tfo; ht, flieoda decided to 8urprise him ho~" . '. by. experience, and thu&.t In some In· f tlve iated JlP en I y . ft~ttlme.l wore It was to church. I twenty· live c'enu for tbree IOll4lrttou,,!, ' Charles Bradbury Is raj·')ioiog stances, become wiser ~hlUl their un- <l.1'01el·8 '.nd his good wite aleo. It was L!l.tterly things hu,ve been going the felt gratified to think that the e:rel wben lIII!nw not more tban live Un••• a oompJete 80rprise it aaythtng over the arrival of his brother. S~d. Instructed parents. , Game antmats of all . kinds, It ap· ol.l ier wuy. For ' sdveral yea1'8 the of the whole conpel'atlon were reat,. ~- ..........._ ....., ~ , oonid be 'jodged fr,o m tbeir cou~te , nev, wbo came over from England pears, have learned the rallge of moti· orup8 .have bl\reJy melde th · U _ Inc, at, ·one time or another, on tbat FOR SALE . Danoe8. 'A fter Mr. ' and Mrs. Oook last week; . em IL v hat, becauee the It,-la wal one to { .. had r.oovilr~d from , tbelr 8UrpriSe Mr, And Mrs. C. H ~herwood ern rifles. Gr~yhounds Ilulckly learn all sat; down to a 'boantifnl rep!&st. moved to LabllQOD last week Their to let rnbblte alone. and foxboun ds lug, rnd the Pllst 8e88 n they have challenge attention &Dd DobOd, could Tbiat II: ' nobody Tb08e present wflre ·· .1 aiDes Oook, 80Q, CJarenoe, h~ pur9hllsed their pa.y no attention to either· rabbits or fuiled to m llke eJtpeo!!es . . DJ'outb avoid eeeing It. ~lfa and SOD VIllIW~, Mrs .. COOk, C?r forme~ hom.e, uod bitS, taken posses. hares. Killer whllies and gulls tollow bliH blld t!om~tl.iing' to do bot within a~'racUue of a mUe or.. :8O. W)ien DOUBLIn-BARRIIIL I&hioa ' 1 H~m 'wballng vllssels, Just .. v.ullures fol· the g'r Jllt oa088 it! tbe etelld; ex~ ·1 returned bome ~cl ~removed hie bit . werley ~bo"I~n, -. good.i~Oo' . Kentookv; ~oh,~ Simpson tt,pd flim eion. . low &U army. Crows begin to accom· · ' f . '. .. , tbere wal a larca "',bite tlck't!t dan," iug 80~ ·' h68 Uever beeD .1ned .: bnt ' t1v, Will ~lmpson and family and Mr . .and Mrs. (.J. A. Spenoer, '!)f pany ' the chamois bunter Il9 soop as b /i u~tlon 0 the on,oe riob saIl" W~th lInc fr:om ~mOlt the tip of the feath- In~18 and i. in good OOJl~ttioo. ,. 10-' " , , Mr. and Mrs. James 8i~p80n, of LebahoD spent t;unduy wUh J K. they have seen the l'C!jlult of biB first no rotlltiun (!f orops eX,oep~ as b~. er; and on It waa mar~ed In large 'flg- qgire at ~hiAOt!ioe. ' Rldgev.ille j Mr Georga 900k, of Spenoer ~nd family bere. ' . .. . , Lebaoon j poraca Kirby, wife aDd Th C' . . luccessful abot, and rough·legged buz· tween the!!e two the hnpovarit!h. ures ':8~c." .Il'he. Ucket had been cundanghter of IIdgewood . and 'a4e.8r8 ' e E Society will hold t.helt zards follow the eportQmen after ment of the SO~1 it! inevi tllb le Un. n,lnl'ly concealed undepieatb,' We ' Fl~E White Leghorn a~d' 'White . lb ' feather, 19 that all the, time I wa. ·Plym~Dth Book' Oocltel'els . f()r F.lrnest' lL~d Wilbur LaJ and stster' bosiness meelin~ at the home of Mr winged game. 'rhe number of birds that kill or In. ess .t e farmer8 learu to adopt trlmmlnl'the bat I never bad leen I~ sale. Applv &0 E. W, RtOk8, PIiQne !!lle8 Evea, ot.Uayton. Y r . 'lind Mrs. Will Kersey Friday oight '.. '... jure themselvea by tlylnl: against tele- ~ rlltlonol syt-tem of o.. op rota tiOD, but wear1i11' the , bat had jarred tile 8S-G. ... graph wlrell Is much smalier than It wit~ stook Illso tlddad, so I)S to ticket Into IlI'ht. 'I 'had picked up the .. . I ueed to be. The fact Is also brought 1\ bou!.i the redemption of their soil feather at · a j,ar,aln counter. 'It wal ·New Burlington , . out that birds and quadrupeds have they may count · tbti days of thel; ,& IboW7. one and reaD, l~~ed aii If learn~d to illsregard passing, raHway .' " . . .. ' , H. mlght . liave cost tlfo. or . three dolRev, A. T. Cowgill {'8 in KansBs trains, . lIS borses quIckly cealle" to be pr l spar tty itS. ~ n th" pus~: . A j Ilst J~riI. Qf COline, t had the 'pl.uur_ Of visiting a siolr broth"r. . frll'htened by automObiles: ,Instances rotnt ion of Ol'OPS it hll8 been te · kilowln, that the. wb~le coqreaa\loll Ralpb Leaming's 'new hon~e east ot ,'the Intelligent .selection exercised miuked., ."Impruves the 110,1, tb$ 'bad read ~e 'price." . '. ~f town is a~out ready for ooooPanoy by Iheep clogs are farlllUar to all. orop, the wl,ilet and farm life." .....;...-~.~,...;........,...-Ed . Blgaq pllssed 'SuooE\8llfnlly .- ... , thl'ougb a~ oper'!otioo lor appendl. bitll' 10 Dr. MoClellan's HQspht\lln Xenia, l8efFrtaay; , Rev . and Mrs: Willis O'Nerll are 'gnea~8 of '~lleir: daughter, Mrs Ed Bogltn. " . ".' Mr " B1i~ acil'8; Cblls : Mandenliu1i ·w~l'e in Cqioll·g(\' week a.ttending tbe Fiue ,StOO)[ 'llxbi bltioD. ' " ~ v. ~b~ &JUQDio-'LGdge 1i1t1J~tbird de. B"" ~d'r.k ·· and a: b~nque'. Tneldll.Y




,CHRISTMAS SPECIALS .My goods have arrived, and w: ill be in pla.c e Saturday.

.. ------

For Saturday








are ·







- ..---



.Olaaallled. "Ada "



- - - _ ---





SIXl'Y-FIRt::'1' YEAR.

.-_.I Former Citizens





Jo e ph Atkin so n, thIrd S Oil of Joseph and Mary Stevt!n !!ort A t H. F. Campbell, of Gooding. ldahc ki IItlOI1. was born near M t. Holl v, sa,e: "We are all well and havinp New J e rsey, May 4, 1827, lind the fine and lovely weather here; no cold urI), years 01 his life we l'e sPt:nt weather yet, but we can see thesno .... in hi S native s tat l! . on the mountains." In November 1852 b e wa s m ... r n ed to ";lIzlIbflth An L1 li'ollll110r , :The Cler1'l'ollt' Courier says: ,. When and to tilt m were Loru t'lgh I Rev. E. Burdsall and wife were re· dlild re n, Clara dyIng ill iuflln e\' turned to Batavia by the M. E. con George, th e eld es t c hild, pr," H nt! ference, they were received by thE ladies of the missionary societies in ced ln~ hUI father to the lIfe Be· "apple pie order" at the home of YOlld. oIl Sept mLer no, 190il. Mrs. Jennie Titus and her daughter, He came to Ohio 11\ 185411 ntl, Mrs. Dr. Griffith. After a beautiful ~ xcepting one year spellt ill program of s(.ng, readings and reci Hilli e r county he bl1 s resided e Vt! r tations, the refreshments conslRted ,; Ince ill this county. of apple pie and creum, a most de· The great sorrow of hi s life .licious service. The )tastor said : cawe iu the autuwn II I 1874 wlt ", n. •'This is what I call being received in ,Icath took frum 111m hi WIfe. apple pie order." The remal'k wa~ greatlv enjoyed by all. But Thanh· . I' o,r th e pa t thirteell years It t' giving night lhe cO'lgregation caugh ( ha s wad e hi s home with Iti ~ the reverened gentleman and hi .i allg-hte r , Mrs. '1', Jf,fT ~Ulilh, wife completely off gua, d, and gave where his pre ence wi II be so .· a(1I y them a ('hicken shower, It was most IIII S eu by nil, eve rt It!) lither ch ilrl · enjoyable indeed. [t was an occasion re ll and relatives wi): m . s hi ~ of j'laugh and-- grn\y fat," as they kllldly viSIt to th eIr hom es . H Ifiled into the parsonage, each bear· III"po 'Ilion was Ilenial, hi ' frillud· ing a cackling hen, crowing rooster , Ilip s ince re, hi friends many. or singing guinea. with many other H tl beclme 1I m(,IUber uf th o valuable articles of groceries, fruits , Ulillecl Brelhrl!o 'lt urch, at Utica, pumpkins, com, et<'. T~e pastor and his wife were completely over- many ,y ears ago, and altho' Uti . whelmed. able to atte nd I!ervices th re, d ~ Rev. Burdsall was for severnl ired to retaiu bl s member 111 years the popular paslor of the M. with them, IlDcI we believe t h a t E. church here. the faith he professed in God feurs ago, waM a sus tall~ll1 g HOLIDAYS ARE COMING ~ trenJ{ tb in th e clOSIng ho'u rs of hl!- Ii fe. A few da y before hi~ Call an~get your photo work done !lenth h e Ba ld to hi younge t A 11 latest styles of Post card and d ll ughte r, "Lucy, th ere IS not Mounted work. Also see our Photo much comfort hertl, but when we Pillow tops. Ridge's Gallery. . it. will b ~ bette r." me ' l agatn ----NOTICE During the earl v pltrt !If hl l' " y i ' . illness he suffered ,areatly, but l'zens'" The' st k·holders of the C I ' t th e last few wee ks were of wea ri. Bank of aynesville, Ohio" will meet il l'S .· rathe r tban suffering and at their ankinghoulle on Tuesday, ' 1911, between the hours through It all he WIIS lovlnglv and ~--n.~ uary tenderl V cared tor, but t he voi ce of 1 and o'clock, p , m., to elect di- of the Master ca lled him to Ili s rectors fer the ensuing year. /I; te rnal Hnme. . C. Hartsock , Cash ier. . And agllb ro th e r, DunH'1 Atkin' on, with th e bereaved childrer: L ClURE COURSE Marth", Della, Marv. Luoy. AIThe ~nd number of the Lecture fred and , LewIs, aud e vera) Course d ·Thursday evenl'ng at ~ral1dchlldren a re Idt to IUouro School jail , w~ thoroughly en- thtlir lOllS. joye I all present. "Dollars . I Peac ~ fullv, I\S a chilli gOf\~ to and Se " proved to be a medical lecture II of· interellt to the major- its rest', he died Deoember 7, 1910. 11 d r ed Th aKed ~3 ypar!'. 6 months Slid 3 dltV s . ity, an , was we elver. . e . next n mber will be the TyroleiUl DEATHS ' i ' J ' Ii 1"11 Alpine. IS ngers on anuary , " . Mrs: Delida Yeazell, wife of NaF~RMERS' INSTITUTE thaniel Yeazell, died at her home -=- --+J:- th f to M d t6 y e' The nrmers'Institute will be held ~u 0 wn on a . venmg a here J'nuary 11th and 12th at Phil. 0 clock, a~tor a short Sickness. The . ips' Hall. The speakers assigned are funeral WIll b!! ~eld . from her late f' d home Thursday mornmg at 9 o'clock Dr• ACugRust Swtabler, 0 BfrlgAhtl~D' .In Interment wiII be made at Clarksville an d , . agner, 0 r mgton, Ohio. Both of these speakers come . ighly recommended as public speak· Wiley Love, of. Harveysburg, died h Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Th~ ers, and it has been our privilege to funeral · will be held today at 10:80 hear Mr. Wagner, who is a fine speakh E h h '11 b . -..I 1:\. m. from teA. M. . c urc at er. Theprogram WI e announcr.u Harveysburg. Interment will be at a later date in the pr~. I made at Harveysburg. • - • '• _ • / MARKST AND BAZAR R. S, KINGSBURY •



. - ----~~ . . . . _ _ _ _ • _



AND 7.

L~-:.r~~:,~ ~e~~~~.~~r:_~~~_.!~~r.eJ C. G. Williamson was in Columbus Go to Zell and Son tor Tobacco Monday. Boxes.

Dr. P. D. Clagett was in Dayton Monday.

Lou Printz was a Dayton visitor Monday. S. L. a rtwright was a Dayton Mrs. Harry Murray was a Dayton vis·itol.Mon:iay. visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew were We are very anxious to have you Daylon visitors Monday. see the large and lovely lot of goods MI'. and Mrs. Fred Henderson were we are opening today, direct from in Lebanon Wedne3day. Chicago. You have to see them to appreciate the style and quality. MI' and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart were John A. Funkey. in Cincinnati last Wednesday. R. A. Cross transacted busines.q in Miss Marie Miller W'lS a week-end Cincinnati Tuesday. vi sitor with relatives in Dayton. Misses Annie and Mame Brown We .offer you a most desirable line were Dayton visitors Saturday. of pictures to choose from; whfln seen they will impress you with their A. B. Chandler has purchaaed the beauty a nd reasonable prices. Hoblit property on Fourth street. J. E. Janney. Do you want a fine Overcoat or Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wadsworth Suit made to orJer. We can show visited the Xenia , Poultry show last you 1,000 samples to select from . The International Tailoring Co • and Thursday. .Mrs. J . F. Cadwallader and Mrs. The Universal Tailoring Co., the best E. V, Barnhart were in Dayton Mon- fitt.ers in the world,. J. A. Funkey.




+---- -,------- -+-----~------+

day shopping.





FRANCHISE · •. _. - - - - - .. , - - - - - .

MCoduncil at. caltled metetDin g on ay evemng I no gran r. C. A. Hough and his company a franchise through Waynesville. Another pet itiC'n representing about four-fifths of the property owners, was presented to council against granting the franchise and they recognized the . petition aO(~ voted ag:linst the franchise. . Dr. Hough and Attorney Eltzroth, of Lebanon, were present, and presented their side of the question. both gentlem en talking at length. A resolution was presented by Councilman Hartsock as follows: That the council of the Village of Waynesville desires-a traction line, and to t.hat end is wilJng to cooperat~, and stands ready .to grant a franchIse to any responSIble persQn or persons who shall assure them that their intentions to construct such a line are bonifide, and that a copy of the resolution be spread on the minutes of this meeting, and a copy mailed to the Cincinnat~ Union Depot and Terminal Co. After reading, the aye and nay vote was caIled for, and the vote was unanimous in favor ofthe resolution. Mr. Bleekman, wrote aletter to Mayor Cartwright, in which he said it was to the advantage of Waynesville to furt.her Dr. Houlth's interests by granting the franchise. After passing the resolution council adjourned.

1_ ~~~~~~~e_n~~ _I

Mr. and Mrs. Ch~. Grav and family had as their iruests Sunday. MI'. and Mrs. Albert Gray and son Will. of Utica. The many friends of Mrs H. E. Hatton heard with great plea.qure the talented reader Mis'! EINie May Kirker, of ' Cincinnati . Her reading embraces pathos, humor, t ragedy in all of which she is at home Mr. and Mrs. Ed Retallick Qntertained at dinner last Wednesday th e following guests: Mrs. Sarah Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Zimmerman and family, Mrs. Rachel Crew, Mr. and Mrs; Robert Crew, Frank Crew and Phineas Cook. Mr. and Mrs J. O. Cartwright entertained at dinner Tuesday evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barn~tt, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hawke.


- - -... ...- : - - Harveysburg.

Mrs. Doyle, 1lI0ther of MfS. Frank We extend to one and all most Jones of the Lytle pike. is very Sick. James J. BaUer and 80n tttewart hearty Christmas greetings. and inMrs. J. D. Marlatt and MI'ss Jessl'e of Dayton, oalled 00 friend!! bele Thur8day, returning bome in tbe vite you all to come and see us no were shopping in Dayton Tuesday. evening. m~tter whether you come to Ipok or Our blaoksmlthll bave been very buy. J. E. Janney. Walter Elzey while etill confined blllty d urll1 iC the ioy tlmel. Cold8 are very oommon amonK . Mrs. Dr. Oglesbee, of Cmcinnati, to the house is getting much better. We offer you the Happpiest ComOUl" ot~lzen8. was the guest of Mrs. Fetter and • -Dr. Htevene, of . Lebanon, mllde other friends here Saturday evening bination, of a Superior Stock, at the 01\ Tf. IS CHANGED a profel810uaJ 0311 iu this vlolaUy and Sunday. Lowest Prices, every article is worth - '- Wednesday of lae' week. Don't forgpt that we can show you twice the price we ask you for it. The Miami ValIey Poultry AasociaMr. and Mr8. aarry Shldaker save tho largest assortment of most use- every artical is useful as well as or· tion, has changed the date of their I . danae t-O their friends 1'hurada, ful presents at the lowest p08:lible namental We refer to our well se- show here on account of the judge. othlghft before ' 'odheltr departhured.bfl"Om . lected 1iSS0rtment of that beautifUl He was unable to come at the date andwlllberemembere4. e arm, a go t me wu a . y .an prices. Everyone can secure holiday gifts at our prices this year. John Iridescent and Venetian Art wares: decided upon, and the show will come FrrJm the present 'sppearauce the A . Funkey all go at the Low Price of only lOc. off on January 6, 6 and 7, 1911. ioe men -ill soon get bU8'" prenar_ . . . " J. E. Janne),. The Judge, Mr, Case, is one of the lug for epmmer. Our assortment of Jewelry, con'-. d . h Sheriff Frank Fo""'" and Jas. Fol- vc:5texpert JU gel 10 t e country, Frank Sbldaker mad6 a drive to .,isting of brooches, link buttons, 'aJ d bas tte ded h II h W viii u_. _..lI I"h~ len of Lebanon were in town Sun- an 'a n sows a over t e aynee e "",.Qs-uay n-e D, aooom scarf pins, necklace.s, watch fobs." tate th f thO puied by lIeurs Horniok and Jones bid h' ff day morning a short tinle s us ar IS season. race ets an at pms, we 0 er at . There will he a called meeting of F. L. Harris manager of the.Har· prices that will meet the wants and D H h I Fi h h ed to v'eysburg Fer'Uizer Co. and Frank r. ersc e s er as mov the association this evening, Wednes- Uhlda~er one of ~he s~~kholders plewm·r e of every one. . th ' b UI'Id'109, d ay, at D r. H end e~n 'ffi Q. ~ IIUU 0 ffi ces 10 e new M . orris so ce, traosao&ed bua1ne88 In Dayton ' J. E. Janney. next to the postoffice, Lebanon. • - • Wedneaday. C j Miss Et~el Stokes, of Dayton, spe.nt In our assortment of leather goods orw D. Our farmers are very busy sbredSund"y With her parents here. MISS ., ding fod~8r. St k h d 't' t th AmerIcas best manufacturers have 'l'he UlI.yUght Store has put on Therehasheeneeveraloooda1sed e 'contrl'b ute d th elr . bes t seII et'S to tho19 holiday ' attire. The 8bow windoW8 lots of hOIlB eoJd tn 'hts viotnity ... C o hesRe as . fa goo Co POSI Ion a re o as gls .e r . I splendid line. When you buy one of are attraotive aUd tbe Uhr18tmas oently. Dantel Daw80n sold a floe Our large and beautiful'dlsplay of our ladies' hand bags, you get one 8plrit i8 8hoWD all the way throagh bnnoh this week. Mr. Dawson lit books and booklets meets all requl're- th t ' ad . bt Ii' hed . ht this up to date srore. oon81dered one of our bett farmer8. · a IS m e ng ,DIS ng, MttI. F. Graftf weiltradlng in .OlnMoving around b ... begun now ments from first to last; we offer and Styled right. The prices are oinnatlSaturdey. and wtll oontlnue till tbe fire' of these books for your selection at bed rock. J. E . Janae1. Mill LtlIle Nedry~lI1 arrlvebome March. . h h thi k fte dl th , Prices t at are in perfect armony Those frcm a distance who attend- ye~r~leth aher rltlBteperoln nK~ .. aa~ CiPMty WliluatmtoEoton 111and famlll!i are with your pocket book; they are the h k' .. .. ........, 'mov ng n our v age &8 0 • zen. newest and best of the season. ed the funeral of JoseP. At lOson Mo. from (,'linton County 'hell' l08e is Sunday were Hiram Vanderburg, of OllOar 8'i.181, of Clnoinnati, 18 vie- our gain. ' J. E. Janney. D k Co M . d M J h K' ttiog hi8 mother, IIfI. Rope Stiles, U Tr i1 ar e . ., r. an rs a n 109, Mr8. Cbrtstie MoKtn8eY anddaugb _r. uman G 1 am after, a long Our high grade, strictly modern Mrs. Lucy Dyne, West Elkton, Mrs. ~r have moved to Waynesville for and serious et.ok lpelJ il though' to attractions in imported china, can't Ellen Manington, Spring Valley, the winler. be improvin8· help but be in harmony with your Mrs. Ed Smith and daughters. of ' Mr. Cbarlee Brown hat' had for Frank MoOarron one of Wayne Christmas needs. Our 10c plates are X . M d M Ed CI . hili Knelt. the pINIt week his II.ter, Town8hipfarmers wa80n ouratreeta I fb t d I A -k edntfa"1 r. afn rs ·. evenger Mrs, A. Surface and ohildren, of here laet week. marve s 0 eau y an e egance. n,:, an ami y, 0 F rankl m. Benbrook. lIr. and Mr8. Ed MoFarlan SGn-. to see our 50c hand painted china Mr, and Mrs. Walter Jordan and Mr. F Graef hal been aoltng a8 dayed'with Mr. and Mrs, Ohal. Hhl. cake plates; they will impress you family arrived home from Texas extra aient at Selma the last two daker. with their great value, beauty and ' . , week8. Olint Cleaver and wife were bl . J E J Thursday evenmg. The Jordan s Mr. Geo Reynolde and wife, of guaate of Mr. and Mr8. A, T. Moler reasona , e price. .. . anney. will stay here if Mr. Jordan's health Middletown, are vi81ting Cba8. Sunday. J h A. Funkey has re fived will.permit and their many fwiends Reynoldsand family. - - -......._ . -- 0 n . E t H i t i ed Ita Edgewood the second shipment of . Red Ball are rejoicing over the fact and hopernes ar an 8UI Ii n qu B . d ,~ I . .' ' I a number of outs and brul88tl whtle an J.' e t Boots, everything in the climate Will allow them to re- 0081tlng on the Corwin tlln l"st Sam Charlton was a Dayton vis. h h . h ' Oversboes, t e in t e world, maIO ere. I Wedne8day. . itor Saturrtay. . prices as · Iow as the Rubber lines Holiday suggestions in useful gifts Mrl. Brown, of Bellbrook, who Mr. Beokett,' residtng on the farm come. and we win keep YOul· feet dry at John A FUllkey's in the large as- has befln serioo81y m at 'he home of of G. W. Ba-,rke, near Ridgville, d b t . . ' . bel' 80n, Mr. Chal. Brown it.. now gave a danoe at hl8 home last &turan warm,remem er ourassor ment sortment dIrect . from the .ChICWlO improving elowl1. day evening. represents over 40 cases; the largest importer. Prices will be lower than I Mr. Beoathorne and famU,.. b"ve ·Mr. and Mre. Boger enter. The Guild of St. Mary's church d' led ' W ' 1 1 J .. Of Xenia, will have an ad OP.xt ever ISP ay 10 aynesvi e. Cincinnati or Dayt.n. The beauti- ' moved to Dayton. ..ined friends la8t I'rld"y. will hold their annual Market and h t' f II f d n' f " • _ • . T h' h Sa weel< t a IS U 0 goo sugges ons ( . With the compliments of the ful Handkerchiefs4~ or U or lOc, 10e We are glad to rep:>r' tbat Wal· Bazar In the owns IP ouse tur· of where to b~y your holiday pres-' j season to all our patrons, we ask or 3 for 25c, loc or 2 for26c, 2Ocor2 .( Orelt0nla. laoe Tibball, of Lebanon 18 very "day December 17th. . . ents. Everybody knows that the you the question. of the hourfor 35c, 26c and 35c have to be seen mnoh Improv8d at th18 writing. name o~ Kingsbur)' stands for the ,I What about Christmas? The Ito be appreciated. The assortment Miss J4uolle Masou . ~t8ited Mitis Velour. lIarquardt, of Daytou. · . • ~. 8pent t:5unday wltb her pareute, Mr. ~ ~ ~! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =. hlghest·tvpe in all that goes to make children are asking it with hope- lof Gloves and Mitten'3 lovely ilod ' Myrtle Kibler a few days Ja8t wee.lIt. and Mrs. O. J, Marquard', of tnis h' L k f . ful and wond('.ring expectations I . 1M " h' I th The Deoember bUlinell meeting ' ~ ~ !>. Ing~ ~~ nUeP~tawC , eelotk.l11g .sto ._re... 00 or . It I of what Santa Claus is likely to \ prlc~ ow, . ufHers, t e atest, e of 'he O. E llOOiety whloh wae beld place. _.: ~ ~ _. ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ _ ~__ _ bring them. The older people IChrlstmas ties, the lateAt and never at the home of \II'. and Mrs. Wilt Horace Kirby and family visited ~re asking it, too, as an inquiry Jso up·to·date. Special in Ladies' Kersey Friday evening, Wall well at- W, W . Crane and fsmllv one day t:l'he Masons had.the annual Instal- . . ~pring. Branch as to' how they are to provide Silk Auto 'Sca~fs, Overgaiters and tended . laRt week . . . 1ation and workiJl th~ M. M. degree ' . . . suitab!e pres~nt.~ f9r re'ative.~ . Leggings. Men's lUld Boy's latest Mr8 George H;'oker. 8pent Hatur.R. M Duke'8 are eDtertainlng l . Mrs Frank BC\W611 bas been lick nnd friends wlt.hout too heavy a da I M O t I tl I . Tuesda.Y eveD1~g. . ~ot is beUer ' at the '.hn~ 'of tbllJ draiJ'l upon their time and purse. style Hats and Caps, Chrill\mas Susy n orrow. ay on .re a. ves. , f writiug. Ma' we help you to solve the penders. the latest style in Shoes, There will be a home MI!'lIloriary Clyde W. Reitz, of OILY ton, spent . . . f ffi' " " eervioe beld ~nnday mornln'g at pal"t of lallt week with nis mother e annual election 0 a cers, 0 . M~. Hnd Mrs Ar~9 Obenowit·b problem and put you in tbe way a gl1lnd present fol' 8 man or boy, 10 :30 at the U . B: ohuroh. The pal W esvil1e.G~nge was held Satu,:- 8pent Ills~ Sno4tt.y evening with t~ell" of doing your Christmas shop- nothing better for'tadies. Ask to see tor baa 8ecured a mJRsion"ry to Jllm8R COOkWwife and 80n V,II .. day,Dece'm ber 8i-d •• "The" offices-... ()o.o~in8, Mr r '~u, ' C~eDo~t"h .tid . ping ~1th pleasure,' satisfaction the lovely Batpins, Combs and Side- make theadl1resl. Everyone 1800r- ' ~~t : : : . tn ayoesvil,le oue day elcfc are as follo:w: Worthy.MaS:- 'MIS8 Bertb.1& Cb6~owtlth, ., and economy to yourSelf? .. ,'" d 11 t had ' , . . . K . 0 ' --- . ", Mr ....rbODlftal.8oy ~n4 famUy htld " J. E. Janney. combs, fine Tabh! Linen. Gent's Dress 18 y nv • Mrs Phoebft Kirby ~ quite ill at " . arren H. ~ LeceYt~- v~~llr,,, butcbering llt8t'Wedneltday Ch • 'f th ' t J h and Driving Gloves, Ladiea Collars.- Mr. loud Mr8. '-Zarlu Arm itafge rei her home In Rldgvtlle , Ro . .WiIliamson: , ,,,rer, Ane a ' Mre J&me8·0benoweth Ipen' ~Ul&- " rlstmas gl lis-get . em a o. n The 8S8O~t.ment i8 too I to men- turned I..., wee. rom ~ b rle Vl8 t Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kirby, or . (Am. I; TreasUrer; .se~h Furnas; day home ~.tti he"18~tly~. . A. ~nk~~'s JUl~ ~ wh~t you ~v,e. ti~n 'all we ask ou to~l and see. in Dayton and Lebanon. IIGnday Pektn, lpent a p •.,' of I",t week with " t:'!Io- "'n Stt!lIa Cornell' Secretary, .Mr~. Ada Da"i~ \"!ld · qhlldrep Almost ever.Y conce1vable want IS an' y . . . Mr. "nd,M!,s Edwin Ar~1~ge enter M Pb b K1 by ' l . . '. ~.~p ' . , ' , .. .0 . • llpent SUDdsy, .fte~oooD ~W'f,h her ' . . ' ' . ' ". .. t . ' f ~ou will find Mias Atla Stoke. tn. taine4 at a dinner in . ~~eir honol". n . . oe e r • , '" ,.' . ~ary Iver., s~eWa(dRoss'GHnu.:eo..;...~t icl'andmotller; Mnt DhtoJl Warton, ~!:IPatedh' In . PteTh~~ vari~ 'I to charge of Notion and .Fancy Goods ThOle · ~en' ·w ere lit:: aDd Mn. ~~d ~'!l G rater. e~De TJC . R~;y ~; 't Stt!ward, . ar~; f' Mt ' QoUy. .'. ' . wares s QWD, . ere .1' a sty e or deparfment and anxious to,show you Zltin Armitap, 1I't~ and loll'll IIIdwtn. '!' Cl bi . p arm· ·Gatek Ala ElI\Gtt; ~ Ruth 0 , . ' e\'el')' taste and a price for every · . • Armitage, Mr. and Mrt, J . K. Hpen- en u ae~ . Q y. · ," . ' ' II' II;rll, lII~wton Smi~h . ll . a'~(jme W ·. d " thegreatendleasbarpina.iDtbisend- oar Mt8lSpenoer,IUIILuo11eMa801~ Sam, Ubarl~nand family. caUed. ~Wl e• .PG~~mo-. LULadCile Corne;, "lain ,!liter an operatton~ Bel' purse. ~e exten t~ ~ou a most leas ~J'tment~ Come and brin&' BrIt':' Luolle Norton and Vel'Qe Armt. on' Bora~ Kirby and family Sabda,. tlora, . ura Hlnk1~; '( Ass t I1IIIn1 fr1e~4. ~o1Je fGII a speedy": . cordi" an~ ·unrent invitation to visit , frieJia ...e. . aUerliOOll. . '.' Stewar 0Da Stri~' . ' ~ver1" '. . and p~ yo . &bare Gf barplba. Iyour .,

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Archibald's Agatha Oy EDITH HUNTINGTON MASON " .......1

uTbe Rell Agllha"

8YNOPSIS. "r('hlbald Tortlune. .. popular young

illn h lor ot Lond.on. I. But!denly Ilroue d

6~ 0l Ih6 (limleae and Indolent lite he leads. by the Blartlloe neWll trom the law ' ftrn. ot Barnell, Wllouah\ly A Son. thAt he .. the heIr to a .heep farm In AuatraUa tlrlnglng In an Income ot .,.,,000 a year. 'rhe bequellt cornea from an aunt, Mr•. ~ rglana .Tamea ot Esaell:. She makel I hIm her hell' on oondlUon that be marry withIn ten days or torfelt the Ie alloy to a t hird cou.ln IIvlac In Amerlca.. The BtOry opens I1t Cwllle WYCkoff. wben! Lord Vlnoent and bla wire, staunch triende ot Ter. "!tune, are dl.CWIIIln~ plan. t. nn. Tertlune a wife withIn the alh,Ued Ume. It _ ms that lAd,. VIncent I. one of seven .,eraonB named Agatha. all whom have . een ol ••e clrlhood chums. Sbe declde. to Invite two or them to A party at th. Cl811Ue and have ArchJe there .. one or he !lUes", ArchIe accepts the InvllaUon .. nd the Vlncents dillcUBS hIli prospNlts In all their varied beulnc-. He lI,ten. to t heIr descrlptlone of the two Agatha', ant! decJdlll that the .llI:tll .hAU be hI. c hoIce. Aptba nl'8t And Aptha sixth _rrlve at the cuUe. AB'atha the Bath . It'Ikes Archie .. a bandpllJnted beauty. Aaratha Ftrat J. a breezy AmerIcan clrl <Only e.lght day. remain for Arcbl" to Be~ure a brlde.. Lady VIncent teu. her hu.__ nd that Antha the 8txtb already calles "for ArchIe. The plot IIto.rts worklnc wltb '!loth &1rlB of the urlfency of the sltuatJen. Archie pins trom Antha Slxth the ailmlalllon that shit ear8.1 for bim. but will require & month'. tJme fully to make up ber mlDdo .1- , CHAp:rER I V......contlnued.

aIl4 r looked at PederlOll, the obauf- . ttOD for • cbap to be caU&ht ... I bat!. aCvanced lbt, Mea ,he ~. . wlthllred mo with a look ud ha4 d.,. ea v~dropplnl, aDd U they had leen feur, In dlama1. c\lmld U to be her opltUon that lUI "Wb, t'l to be done," I alked, but ine the,· wouid never bve beU"vecl attachment that couldn't stand the received no help from that Quarter, I bad Got been Ipylnl on them. "Dld fOU get G jack',,, Inquired fiN of a IIttlo con v DUonal coquetry, only a dismal 8hake of the hea.d, whIch she thought one' of tbe most In. Neverthelells 88slstance 1 did re- Freer -as 1 oame up. lie could see 'alle'nILI/Ie of women's lichts, wne not oelve. though rather unexpectedly I perfectlT well ~at I was emptyworth havIng, and th~ .t I could no' The acoldent bad occurred. al 1 have handed, XClIAe or explain Arch'. conduct 1D "No," 1 laid Ihortly, too absorbed said, to the middle of the ' woods jUlt tb at ,v"y. . where two roads crossed. and stand- In conjecturing tbe meaning of the However that may be, wben Agatba Ing at the entrance to one ot these strange discovery 1 had just stum· First ODd young 1~ or ba d romped out roads I now observed a small boy, a bled upon to Invent any oxcuse tor of s ight In tbe dlroctlon of tIle garage little freckle-taced v1l1age lad, Who tho tallure of my errand. tor the fun ·of t elling the men the m"We'll lust have to walk home," I stnred at us 88 If he 'd never seen an selves to send the e lec tric runabout 'automoblle before, and they're surely sold. "Pederson can walt with th& aro und, Aglltha SIl:th rose slowly from car and I'll send him help from the common e nough!' the little rockor where she hnd sat But It appenred that he had, ' for castle." throus h a ll tho ta lk as It s be wore And all the waT home I pondered when Freer remarked uselessly and By 1l0t at all conc Tn d In It, and elenchobviously for the third time, "What upon ' my Queer adventure. What Ing he r sewing In Qne tlmall hand, beastly luck to have forgotten tIJle could Agatba Ftl'llt be doing In a walk ed past us In sil ence toward the jack. Now if only It had bappened strange automobile In the middle ot HUNTINGTON ' bouse. out on tho mnln I'oad Instead of In the woods when she was supposed to MASON "Are you going to get I'('ady, d pnrr this short-cut, we would ' have stood be 111 at horne, and who wns the man "e my wife to th e sma ll t'lgld a chance ot borrowing one from nn· who was with her, the owner of the bnck. " We ri ght aW6Y. you otb er car !" the little chap who WI18 checked cont? That Was the most kllOW." Aulbor 01 s tanding by, came torward and In- mysterious part of the whole buslnesl Ther e was a mome nt'A s ilence, II.Dd form ed us In 0. shrl11 childish pipe to me, and thougb I racked by brain then at tlle door she tur he cl th e braY' that If It was another machine we I could not possibly think who bA pst little fa ce toward us you evtlr wanted he'd seen a "big feller" come migbt be! saw. through that same wood not a mlh"Yell," s be s a id swoetly. " I'm golns ute ago and It hnd stopped not far PART TWO. to get rendy. You needn't think I away. And he pointed a grimy thumb CHAPTER VI. shall s tay at bom:- Just because be'l I over his s houlder toward the road SYNOPSIS. not going." The "!le's" wns empha· It wa8n't unUI later that same aft· that led to our left. s ized . 'Td rather go ~Ithout him any-. "0, they stopped. did they'" I asked, ernoon of our Northbury. trtP. whell ArchIbald Terlmne. Ito popular anel In- and thought to myself with eome sat- 4dy Vincent and I had ascended to way!" And she vanished into the dolent younlr bachelor ot London, rehouse. celve.l news that he hlUl bocn mllde holr 18taction that they were In trouble, our room8 to dresl for dJnner. that My wife and I stare d at each otber. to the eatate or hIs Aunt G orgtana, wI th too. . The misery that 80 otten at- 1 found a chance (0 tell her the newi. ' "Well, what do you think of that!" an Income ot $20,000 a year, on condItion tends an automobl1lst Is especla1l1 I CAD alwaYI be lure of an uniDterI exchllmed that he beoome. engaged to be married rupted chat with ber then. . "wllbln ton days. Failing to do 10 the tond of company. " " "And BO you saw her sitting In the I tllink she s a little heroine! the legacy will go to a tblrd cousin In Amor"Wonder 11 they'd lend us a lack,.. secretary-I mean Dearest- answered. lca. Tho IItory open. at CaBUe Wyckoff. I :oemarkecl aloud. "What ktnd of a automobile aione tn the middle ot tlle ,. As for that nu1n! -" she stollped, but wbere Lord Vincent and his wife, trlo~d~ wooda?" alked Dearest, when I had her expression was such that I was of Terhune, are dlscullslng plans to . n machine was It, kid 1" . him a wIre wIthIn the prosorlbed time. It "A whopplll' big feUer, red. llke tlni8hed mT breathless recital, ,lad T wasn't there to see It. I .ecma that Lady Vincent I. one ot Beyen your 10rdshlp'II," said the )oy. Ot "Yea, that la a8 far aa 1 could I .., "We ll, It Is a shame!" 1 conceded. pel'l!ens named Agn tha. t\~1 clolle girlhood course he knew me. even It 1 (Udn~ ahe was alone." I repIIed. "But you "He o'U ght not to treat the poor little chums. 8he decldos to Invite two at them to the CARlle and have Archie there nB know him. He wal probablT the torget the man'l laugb and the g1rl so! Wbat can he be about, any- onE' or tho gu ell" '. Agatha SIJtlh .trlkes butcher's or baker's boy from Wye checked coat. Tilere was a man wtth way? It he doesn't take care ho'll Archie Il3 Il handpl1.lnted belluty. Agatha on his way back from the casUe. her right enough, !MId though 1 dldn't jolly wen fall betw een two s tools !" Ftrst III a broezy AmerlcaD girl. Lady "Sounds rather promJslng," 8ald think so at the time, ~ think now that "Y If b I I by Vince"! lellll her husband that Agatha es, you mellon t e g r s BI~th already nres for ArchIe. He aalns Dearest. "00 go and see If they make8 the thins much more m)'Bteri'stools :" agreed Dearest. "nnd serve tr-om Aglllha SIxth the admlllllion that can't belp us out. 1 don't want OUI." him rlgbt, too--the old flirt! Dut .he care..\! for hIm, but will requIre a "Of courae there W1UI a maD wtth Wlltre d .. and she fixed me with a 1001& I month'. lime fully to make up her mInd. Agatha Lawrence to walk all that her," remarked Dearaat. "It wal a way home In this mud!" , AgaUII~ Fll'8t, neglected by Terhune, relover'e tryst, al plaiD u plain .can that J secretly trembled before b.- celvM attentlona from Leslie Frecr. Four "Very well," I snld, "but It sounds cause It means an unpleasnnt duty to daYII of the precloUB Ume have passed al If tbey were in need of assistance be'" Dearest' II so romanUc. But be pe rformed by me, "you must find "hell Terhune III called to Lendon on then at the eame time I'll have to out what he's up to!" But before I buolneaa. Ag'Iltha FIrat, on tho p i en of admit· Ihe'l nearly always ri,;ht. slckn_, exculle. herself trom Il. motor "Bilt who under blgb heaven could reply we were In the midst of tYip plannei! by the Vlncon .... hurried farewells to Terhune, who If could It have been'" 1 cried, ' neur be were jn disgrace, was also our more puzzled In my llle. CHAPT~R V.-contlnued. cuest, ruid we bad packed him ott In "We know it wasn't Freer; be wal wtth us an the Ume, aDd Terhune baa the little runabout to catcb his train, "Wh1, that'l too bad!" aald my been in London all dayl". without a word of rebuke. wtfe sincerely, thougl} somow~at sur"He laid be was golnt to be 'l D Not halt an hour later we were prtaed1y, "I'm awfully SOITY, dear London," remarked my wUe with the standing on the 8tePI of tbe side en- obtId, and 'W8 shall mil. you, of Iltptest posllble em.,haatl . on the trance · to the castle In our o.utomohUe CIouree. But you mnstn't think of "aald.'· I gaped at her a moment, togs, with Agatha Sixth alld Leille going If your head ache8. Go up. &.ben 8elzecl her Ihoulder. Freer, waltln, for A'g atha First, or lta1.n and Ue down a wblle. why "Do you mean to eay It w.. Archl. Miss EndIcott-to use ber proper don't fOU, and I'll haYe some tea bald'" I cried, "who was the owner name once In a while-to jtlm us ' be- lent up to YQUo It'a awfully good of the checked coat,.. fore startlnr on our trtp to see the for headache." And Ihe 8poke to "I dldn't eay," abe repllecl, "onl1' cricket. Freer, a pale·eyed, sandy· the footmaD who waited at the door It doee look a little Uk. It, d08lll1't IU' halred young chlUl, was enveloped' In of the automobile. Yoo lee he couldn't EO to the cricket one ot the coats that go with the ma"I wUJ, thanks. Sorry to mill the wtth us becau8e he had dlI' ~ .... cbJne for tbe convenience I. ~aDce trip," repllea the glrl. "You're an London. and Ibe, beeaue be bad a guests, and WI18 promising us that he aIlPl. Agatha!" And with anotber headache. Valla tout!" "Then VOLI Can't Go With U. to See would . he quite comfortable, though farewell word or. two we left ber and "But we laW the," objected. no one seemed partlcularly 80lloltous. bad 8tarted on our 1m1 to . NorthblU'1. the CrlckeU" "I .w onder why Miss Endicott "Oh, u to that!" 8he d," a tel. And now comea the very strangeat gJ'Ilm'l eully enough' coo up! He to the plan from them and a more en- doesn't com&-9he'l so elow," be rebad only to write one blm If aDd tell thusiastic one from Arch, wbo .bad marked tor the twentieth Ume; at part of tha. rather strange or at least unusual attempt to make a match and be«nn to real\zeln spite of hl8 anxi- least.. the etaUon·malter to s d It over. But it wasn·t until I had q~ilte fin- . wtn a tortun~ for a frtend at one and eties that cricket was crIcket after We none ot us en.mJne It closely. . the eame time on the ~part" of DeareSt all, something occurred which changed Isbed tusslng wltl). the machine, a alx· Agatha Firat Ro~. In the Machine. It'8 an old dodge, 100 lmo " the formation of our party most un- cyllndered touring car, havl!lg gone and m1self. By Jove. It certainly "So It IIY" I . c,rted. nd you're over every part of her with the chs-uf. dld give me a start wben I dIscovered themselves! Why elae should they rtght. It mUlt baye be n old Ter: expectedly, That somethIng Wa' a wIre for Ter- teur, and was beginning to set a bit -but this was t1!.e way It happened wallt to stop In tho mJddle of the hune! What a dunderhe I've been woods? . However , I'U make the at- lJ()t to lee It before! Btl say." . ~ hune, stating that his presence was Impatient, that the young lad,. wllo -not to get ahead of my 8tor1. We had made a pretty quIck run tempt. Freer. you ltay .by the la- added, l&lll exuberanU, absolutely necessary In London that was responsible tor the delay appeato a tbought to Northbury and had been dies. and I'll go and lee what I caD Itru.c k me, "If that'l the cue, wbat \lay and slped by the head partner of ed In the han entrlU' - 'I. But to our astonishment 8he did spectators at an exhlblUon of aome do!" And ' jU8t stopping to give the . does he me~ by It, Dea U What the business firm wllh whloh Terhllne not wear so much as a linen duster rather fnst crtcket wbJch 1 had been llttle boy a ahUlIng or two tor his do the1 both mean by It, was connected. and Ihe' "0, what a nuisance'" sald my wire over the whIte frock she 'had worn pretty keen about. The two teams Information, 1 strQde down the wood And what doel It pOrten In regard when Terhune had Informed us In that morning to Indicate that she had played evell unW the 8econd half, r;oad tn the direction he had pointed to the match we're tmq inake b .. gene fa I terms ot the necessity ' for' his iDtended to motor :with us thlLt day. when Corcoran who wa~ guardl.n g the out. tween Arch and !tUss, La noe1 An. ' "Good gracious, Aggie, dear!" ex· wicket for the Lowsbtres-but I don't r hndn't gone 'ar and was just swer any of th08e quesu~D8 If you. Immediate departure for town. ." Wbat Il hanged sba,JDe!" was my postulated Dearest from tbe ton- suppose' the detalll ot the gamo ·are wondering again What In the world canl Wiseacre ' that you are, I ' be. more forceful comment. Agatha Sixth neau where she and Agatha Slxth ot · ,v ery general Interest. after all. would possess liny one to ' p'uilh down lleve ;ou'l1 have to let me 'count ten saId nothing at all, but Agatha ,First wore already. ensconced, "aren'\ you Odd thing. but I've never been able so narrow a road In a big machine. on t.h ntl" came forward with more show of In- going to wear anything warmer than "to make Dearest· understa.n d It at when tlle ' machlrle In Question came "l~m afraJd ·1 11' .' 111." sbe a$tted. aa tere&t and feeling than I'd seen ber that? It's cold ,motoring, you kn\lW, 8))- [ gave up trying years ago. It's to Sight. It wa. a 'big tourtns car, puzzled as I was. "You s 1 never the only ~Ing In the worl<\ we are~'t red like mine; to be sure, but nn en. knew A~atba EndIcott 88 ell a8 ( exhibit over anything since the boglb- •.nen in June." . "But I'm not going, Agatha," 1'& equally enthusiastic about. She won't tlrely different make, and I IStopped did tbe other fivo Agathas &a well nlng of ber stay with liS. "Yon ' \'on't be ' gone tong, win you, pllod the girl llieasantly. "I've rt~ admit It, but sometimes I'm afraid It's and stared at It In an overwhelming as I do Agatha Sixth, and then. You clded not to!" . because she prefers the American surprise. ' But not for an'y reason In know. Agatha SIxth has Visited Die Mr. T erhune?" sb e s alted anxiously. "Dec.lded not to!" e choed her bo~t> 'game of baseball! Fancy! But of connection wit\,l tile automobile Itself. before. and -this Is the first Ume I've "0, no ; I can be baok tor dinner," saId Arch, t rying as T thought, not to ess. a little taken aback, "\nd why, course If she does it's all the fault It was the glrl who 'vas Its sole pas- seen Agatha First since we parted plellse?" While Freer adde6 a dl"ll.w\- of that American stepfatber ot hers senger ' that hold my attention and on the occas ion of my marriage." look pleased by her solicitude. "It's not a matter that requires lng, "0, I s ay. Miss Endlct/tt. that's for bringing her Ull In the States. But caused my . surprIse. SltUng In the (TO DE CONTINUllJD.) much -time," he added to me In an a 's ha me! We can't gO' without YC'U, then, nat.-uraUy, he couldn't help front seat, a light pongee ~oai about behl'" ' a i r 0f expec t ancy, as If Burlesque Wedding GLleata. und ortone. "Y should be able to dis· rou Imow!" to her eltPostu;a U o n . " an Amerlcan-I try to romem - h er. wfIth an Poulbot, a ParIs carlcaturllt, hartDI patch It th is afternoon." "No, I can't go," explained Agstha bel' tbat! 8he awaited the coming of some one As J was saying, however, we had not far ott, sat Agatha Firat. Yea, determined upon so cor;nmopplnce 8 "Thea 'YOll cun't go with liS lo see Plrst. coming down a ste p or two. the crlr.ket!" contlnuod Aga tha First, "You see- you see-" sho passed ~ seen the match played to the end In the very same. As. cheel'tul and a8 Itep as getUn«. marr.l ed, decIded that brown hand across a I spite of the languJd Interest dis· much herself as If sbe bad not .plead- be would be marrIed In no common. IhterrllPtlng our nslde by her ap- strong proach, as If Just renllzlng what Ter- flne, lun·burnt forehead, '" don't feel played by the CemJnlne mombers of ed a headache as an excuse for not place ,way. He uked aU hl8 friend. to the weddln«. but tht't'o wu a Ilna hune's absence really meant. And very well. rye tile worst headache! , our party, and hnd lunched at the automoblllng wlth us that mornIng. again [ telt that the Inter est In Arch's Knocking that ball around In the sun Northbury Inn. a Jolly little den of ' 1 stood Itock stll) iD tho road as Qua non condition attacho~ to the In. gOings nnel comings should have come so long tbJs morning, I guess." lI!le 8 place, nnll at about halt after tw.o my unwliUng eyes took In this amaz- vestlgatlon. You had ·to 10 with • not from her, but [I'om Agatha Sixth , added, looking severely at the YOUlljJ were speeding towards 1!ome again. iDg sight, ,and It was a tull minute "made-up head," or you would not be admitted. Preferably you were' r& who had said nothing. And wh en man trom the vUla(;e, much ; as If 1\ The roads were fairly decent. before my routed wits apprehended quested to make up al • countr1 Agntha First added: - "Well, If you were bls' fault. tbough there had been a good deal the sIgnificance ot a man's cbecked at a vtllage weddlnl. Boni. nlust go, you must. But be sure-to be (TO BE CONTINUED.) ot rain lately, and the machine had , automobile coat that hung over the cousin guelts arrived al ancient peUIlIlta. back.In time to show thnt new move been running along so s'moothly'that bnck of the seat beside ber. EvLI~ our chess game." 'fhen, lnughlng· SOUL .RESEMBLES EASTER EGG It did my heart good to see her. We ' dently s~e was with Bome one, which oth91's as vlllage Idiots. Thero were several bluff IQulrel and "ural ~lderlY Iy, "Rt-member, It's a date !" 1 thought had left the main road when we had .omehow seemed less extraodlnary so mO'l'e than ever. Terhunt' , r edd en- Man Leaves Body In St. Louis Boa~ llaSSeQ Wye village, for one that led at the, moment than tha.t sbe should gentlemen with meane, a humber of reUred omcera and exuberan~ ' uncles Ing slightly, muttered some thlnJ; anel more directly to the castle, and had be alone.. Her escort tbougb not from the south, b~sld,es ft~rce mlllt,f;'" lng Hou.e and Goea Traveling ' left us to pack bls bag. Le ft \IS. nnd slowed down a~ the r6aU turned out visible 'was apparently not far dis. gentlemen f'om tbe hottest itatJonll With Spirits, wIthout so much as a word to Agatha to be rougher than I thought-whfln tant, for even as 1 stared, Agntha of Algeria. The only ve180nll .ho Sixth. "\ A gE'ntleman wbo III bls mundan, the worst happened . 1 wns driving First rose In the ma~hlne displaying wore tbelr f,atur"l phy,llognomles "flre Frankly, [ dfdn't like the look ot It. existenoe goes unde r the name of Hal' myself, and In ateerlng to clear a a' 'huge bunch ot wUd nowera In ,her the couple most ooncerned.. Tbey had And 1 know Dearest felt the snme manus Ruebenguhl left bls body In I jutting tree I ran the big car straight han'd s' ns sbe dld so, . and hallooed to drawn '. ttlo ·lIne at mak.l ng · u'p tllem· ' ,yay. We had obsen 'ed with some St. Louis boardIng house, he says. and Into tho dicl{ens of rut ilDii .our hind him. ' "Don't plclt any. more!'" she' 101ves QIi '0 bUrlesque bride IUI4 • anxiety, not to .say surprise, that dur- went {raveling Itl Iils unclad sout. 11. wbeel went In ~ star. ,I ·kllled the ca\1ed, !!1 don't whnt any more 1I0w· c~mlc - ~rld8Jt'ol)m. . Inr; the . last day or 'two Tetbune and reports an enjoyable trip and a very engine at once and jumped .out to ere, 1 want you I" A laugh quite near at . _ .' - 1. : Caught! , Agatha First had struck up an ox- sociable t.lwp with . kindred spirit. see what was tp be don'e, dlsgustell . !land sciunded for a response an!! I bii", traordlnary Intimacy. Extraordlnnry' ' with whom ~e' bobnobbed whlie 011 enough. I . oan · toll , you, " though of tiedly started' baot, ' down the road. . "Do you re1Jlember t me bllYlng of COU1'se In the light of tl~e arr!l'lr he- his jOllrney. . , "., course 1 ~ouldn't pos.SlbQt hav!llmowti 'r wanteil .a'Vfully to see' who the man mllttresl trIllD .· you the '. Other t:weel1 Te'rhune and Agatba "Slxtb, All the souls he met were about the' .the tbJng \VIlS so doep, toor 'lt ;WM .half that. belonged to .tbe . ch'e eked coat 'askeeS ,t!)e la!Iy•. · " .:. though of course AgaUI8 \1'\rst could size and shape of goose eggs, lint col. fllle,d ·wlth water. ' Th!s sl!ort cut Is' - wa ll, bllt" t wan'ted "stlll..• mor.e "to e~­ ., ': Perfectly 'well. 'ma'ain," __,'- ,1... _" " , '. not hn\'e been aware of· that. ,I had ored occordlng to: tb~lr qharacten. ,a ' tavorlte ape , of . m,ID~. ' tb,O\lr;~ '. Diy Q8pe · beIng ' 8~n althe:' bi bl'm ·or b'y IIly ·of .the dealer. told Dearest when "we had first ob- Blue sOuls, for example. were super- cha'urr~urs ha·ve 'oCten ..1Varnett ~e tn,y . eccentrtc -guellt: ' MIl'S Eildlqott; , "Welll ' l've ' dhieOYereC1 '. served f.bfs new stake , In ou,: m,ntch- . sUttous;· red, bloOdthlrst,: w~lte, . un- ,apInlt t!lktng a big. cal' ihro\lgh t~e The pos!Jul!uty thai I , inlgh~·,. f~ll. 'In aJ»put IltiB-'CIuartol' of .the UII..&UIH" "The~ )Tali aertalzili do inaldnr venture, that It was ~Iahied ~ultured. High Ipvers bad pink. ba~,'. 'woods that cov~J' Wyckoff rtse .at thlB · "'Ith' .. tbe f()mier ; returtWigl. fJ:qm ,his b~r Ie IhQl't. by Agatha SIr.t~·s actton Iii ' d~laylng or do~s on tbe soul eggshell; . h"mor- point. Tbe t~1 are so ·' ~lck ' and little ramble, ftO'.vers · tn tiand .... . lmost nie' wbere ' her answer ... hen Terhune had pro- 'I sta w~re·- sreen, aDd lirown 1101111 . 'h~. road 110 narro~. '. . ':made ron;, and t1\e' :fear ', tlia:t ~i ~ ~ posed. Feeling that thlnp wel'e ·now were dec.p~lve and .nbt to . be tru~tecL The worst ,0n,lIe bl1~lneal no",, ' as lOokl,ng .for b~, ttle latter ~ WBI al. You 'will ,1Inll an aorta or "up to her," as my Amertcan II (luglltA ~ .. a meatlD, of uaol'ted ~ull ' r BOon tOJUld ~t · was that there- was . ready on, the. polbt o~ c1iscovel'.ln. the . wol'lU" l~ollJcUns up wltc! would say. t~e old boy' ~ad re- mUli look like a eollecHon 0.1 Euterllo jal!k to be found in t.h.e «iar'. kit retreaUq form. caused .1fta. t6 lend 'to like WlIlUlI'_.IUI!M.Ift• lolved to let matters pretty ,'m 'Icb .egp If Mr. ' Ruebenguhl'l factil aN , of tool. wit\! 'WhIch to ~.r, and ' cI08~ to ~e, IVAdstde ·ini,! ~.. .-halter GJo~~ ~ alolle. And I couldn~ blameb1m I rellule. He II relatln, bIB expertenet! I remem.,ered wlur chgrln ·that ·1 of the treeI 'Ulte ally tblef ,01" t~· thought )Jls friendShip with Agath, In !l .lecture toar of tbe middle "ad taken It o~ mynJf .In buntlDW PUles:'- . ADet 1 ~~'t FIrat rather a Judgment OIl APtha and applU'ell.Uy 1. ezpecUal to ~"I ror lOiIletbJu, 81. . aDd bad left It ~breath. freelJ' Sixth for playlllK willi bJm In· that lIOul lUI" IIOdT toPtUr Y.\Ua tile PI'D the..,.... Bfa tIae ~o~ or mltoDDer.. Dut 'Dot .1O Deareltt WIIa CHClb,. ~lDIlIOIIl. . . . .

sIble tb a low rocker at my wife'. ~ acrols the terrace from hIm , Aa for Agatha First. IIhe wa s knock- ' Ing a golt ball around ori the velvet lawn lind absolutely Ignorlns the bumble attentions of youpg Leslie Freer, · the rector's son, whom we 'had nt length succeeded iD folsUng upon her a s cn va.1ler. I thoug ht the party was too du\1 for te n o'd ock In th e morni ng of a rlp\:Iln' Jun o day, and I threw the cigare tte I'd b n smoking over tho railing and set myselt to rous ing them aU to a moro becoming s tM of jolli ty. "1 sny , you peoplc !" I cried cheerily. "what do YO Il want to do today? It couldn't bEl fine r weath er. W ha t do YO U s ny t o a dr ive over to Nortbbury to see the crl ellet 1 Nor t hbury IlIld Lowshlre are going to play." These were two crac k tea ms and I ('x pcc ted to extract en th us iasm fr om Arch If not from the girl s , because Y 1m w be was IJ.S I{ en on c ri cket a ~ I. Dut be only mad e mo the most Indlf· fe rent kind of asscnt while none of lhe other s' took up th e Itlea nt nil. 1 looked ralher r eproac hfully nt I)('arest. Sh e us ua lly bacl{s up an y propositions of mine. but 1 saw that she was busy explaining Ule Intrlcncles ot lome 8Utch or other to Agatha Sixth and forgave her. So I tried again. "Don't you think It would be sport '" asked, walkIng over to her and put· tine my hand on her shoulder. "It', such a bully day for a drl \"'e!" "Yes!" sbe cried, turning to me at once. all IlIllmation. "I do think It would be sport! Come, let's nil get ready and ,0. When's the match played?" "Eleven tblrty," I told her, "and shall we motor or take the draltr "Oh, motor!" she said. "by RlI means! Drlvlng's ' too slow!" But Just as we had succeeded In fetching Agatha First and Freer from tbe lawn Rnd had won a lukewarm assent

, ., And I see that you aren't 1m my wIde anT more, Mrs. Wlltred." said Terhune bltterl,. "I thoUlht you 'Wanted. to belp mel" . . ·"1 do," Ihe aDlwered, tllJ'Dlnr: on blm oearnesUT; "that'" Just what 1 want to do moat In the world! . Only you dou't undentaDd how I want to belp you!" "And I don't care'" he replledeap:er1,-, "U only 1OU'l1. use your. In1luenc" wltb A,atha Sixth to · make her· cut .bort the pertOd of my probation and .make It oD17 . . Ion. as the remalntnc days of t~ weeki. Ab, eta; Mra, Wilfred! Dear ~clY Vincent, do! I bow you can!" and he caucht ber band entreaUn"y. "But I lhan't--,.anythlnr oUhe sort!" ehe 8aiel. puttl'n r It awaT again; Myou're too much In need of a le88on! 'Believe me. It's for your own good. 'Seslde8," 8he added, "It wouldn't dO a bit of ,~od If I were to speak to herl [ COUldn't «lve her any reason for try.. tng to bulTY her dec:lslon. I can't tell about your Aunt Qeorgy and the 'property I.n ' Austl'aUa, can J?" "Thunder, no!" I answered fOr Terh une'; "tbat would never do! She wouldn't like that part of It, at all!" "Naturally not. She wouldn't like to think you only wanted to man'Y ber r or a reWlon as mcrcenary as that! I dOll't wonder you wish to keep your real motive from ber!" As sbe said this my wife favored Terhune ~Ith a ucornful and penetrating glance. He hung bls bead; nnd 1 confess 1 f.e lt a bit dashed myselt Women alw ays have the most Intensely romantic notions of bonor ' and that sort of thing, and it mnkes a feHow feel awk-' wa rd . You can ·t explllin to 'em, you know. " Dut t.hnt Isn't tue only reason," be b egan, nnd put hi:! hand to his short mus tache nervously, a8 Ita does when h e 's genuinely moved. " Very well, theD," Qlloth my wl(e -cheerl!y, "11 that's the case you're ..urc to come out all right In the end! Tou've ODly to provo y.our other rea4CJn to Agatha Sixth, that'l all!" " Do you mean because YOIl think sb c'lI change ber mind aud give Arch his auswe l' In time?" I sbouted after h er, for s be bad already smrti:ld ba~k t.o'll'nrd the house. I ku ew instlncttvely u> find Agntha Sixth. le called back over her " No." rO ;;houlder for our furth er comfort; " b aliso I think Arch will be man ~ no ugh 10 change It for ber! " And ",,'f) bad to be content with lhat. CHAPTER V. Tho Castle W,..ckhoff house-party Wf' re a~ s mbl ed on tbe east terrace, and It wa s the fourtb duy' ot the ten iVbloh \vere to deolde Arch's fate. , Aach himself, with a countenance as IUIJdouS Ilnd troubled as If he bad not 'l.h:t:ady obtaloed a guaraf)tee ot 100d M th from Agatha Sixth which. WI18 in e ll probability to InsUre his Inberl'u nee tor him, WI18 leaning gloomily • gll1nst the broad Ittone ralllng ' ot the reh lIud gazln, somborly at the "bl\e peacocka that Itrutted In leUC'Ol1scloua m84DU1~uoe obout tbe e106l!;cut lawn'. ~gatba ElIlttla, who Mould undoubtedly hue been 4t hli Ide, ('on8lderlq tbat there Will beIt D tbem tIOme&.blq In lIle nature e ell 4UIl&cemeut UDderalOOd, ' wu t..d. u far "AT from blm .. poe-

Archibald's Agatha


"The Real Aglth."









the ,



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. F,w. .




HOw ~ Severe C.... of J(1~n.y Trouble w•• f ,ln."y Canqutred,



137.1'01.1 BaUnette;.' 1018 Bt. Clair ~~e.• East Llverpc)OJ. Q•• llaye: ~'S~

Emigrants of the Air Th~t Go on

month.S J was helpleaii Good Vi>atnasre Is Necessary and Walls ,Must. ~OD6&rUct~-=ecl :=.jI--_ _ _A_n~ hual Itineraries. - In bed wIth kidDe), So as to Allow Free CirculatioD o£ trouble. kldne), SeOte, Air Over Top. Uons were palilful, my Alaskan Hawk, WhiCh Ma\<ea Prodl· bead ached terribly glolls Journeys from Top, to Bot· and m)' body bloated. tom of the Herntsphere-The J ran ' d~D , upijl I Mysterious Chimney Swift. weighed but 80 pounds and everyone thought 'ltl cr:go.-No tbeory yet 'advanced J. bad consumption. A by ornithologists accounts for the mi.peclallst gMle me up and flO did my gration of birds. ,W hy does tbe Alashome physlclem. SUrprising 8S It ma)' kan hawk quit his home In the Arctic .eem, 1 wa. able to ieave my bed after regions nnd joul'lley with such migb ty USing six boxes of Doan's Kidney Pllla toll through t.Ue torrid zone to reach and for six Y«lIU"S I have remained free~ , from kldne), trouble. I confidently bathe Antarctic Ice !lelds, 01l)y to return In a. li ttle whlle over the same lIeve Doan's Kidney PIUs saved my life." ' route to, the starting point. spending Remember the lIama-Doan's. his whole life In the r epetition of tbese prodigious but apparently useFor sale ~ all dealers. 60 cents .. Jess journeys back nnd forth from one box. Foater·l4uburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. end ot the earth to the othe r. We know more about the forces at play UNKIND JOLT FROM ADAM In the solar system thllJl we knnw about the Impulses ot the migrant Ae If I!v~ -Hadn't Borrow Enough, bird; we know more Halley's comet Serviceable Farm Ice H OUBe With Cement Ftnllh. Her Partner Had to Add to than we Imow ot the forces that 1m. the ..AffUctlon. , A house for tce storRie must hr.v~ will be ample In size Cor tbe ordinary pel the fli ght at the Alaskan Ilawk or the golden plover. family. . Adam had just recelve4 his noUce proper drainage, to keep ,the Ice out of the water; the foundation and Perhaps the best co~str uctlon for T b~ golden plover Is on.e at the of e.1ectmeUl.· Be atared at It a long Ume In waU. must be so constructed Ulat air an Ice house Is one with a stucco roost remarkable t ravelers In the btrd aUence, wblle Eve, crouohed lD a cannot get to the Ice from below, and fini sh, as shown In the aCColllpanylng I kingdom. The plover passes nortb· ~u must have a free circulation ot I.llustratlon. This stucco Is Simply two ward In May to Its breeding site dusky corner, softly wbJmpered. Presently the father ot mankind air over the top at the Ice at all times, coats ot Portland cement plaster, around tbe norlh pole. The eggs are wz:ltes J . El. Bridgeman, In ,the Na· over wood or metal lath. Native lum· Itlid on a cake of Ice In June and sl.x looked around. Tbe ber may be used, and the studding weeks later th old bird and the As Eve caught . hla angry eye her tlonal Slockman and Farmer. roof inust of C01lrse be tight to keep covered with rough lumber, over chlc\ts start south. They loiter alone wblmper Clbanged to a gulping sob, "Well;' h, sa,ld sternly, "you've eer- out the rain. Such a bouae will keeD which Is placed the stucco finish. slowly until they reach Labrador the Ice falr17 well, regardless ot Ita The sand and gravel tor cement work where they malte a stand tor sam. ta1n1y put U8 ' In a fine mesa with construction. are, usually found on tho farm. or weeks feasting on crow berries and :your, silly curlosny! And yet 'W'bell t But loehouses, like everything olse. refused to have anything to do wU.h w111 live better rcsults it built with close at hand. WlllcJl mAkes th e ce- becom ing very fat. S'u ddenly a ll the ment work cheaper ilian wood. This plovers In Labrador rise as by slgnnl your apple Bcheme you called me a bouse hos a composition roof, and a nnd make for the sea. The route \& poor tQOl. Do yOU remember that you ventllator built of boards one by two now over th e broad Atlantic 400 mJles ca.lled me a poor fool7" feet square. Tbe spaces between tbe from Innd . southWard to the Bermu· "Ya-ea," BObbed Ever rafters are lelt open for ventilation, das, over the Gult. through VeneWell; there'a One question I and the walls are plastered down to zuela and Bra.zll . across tbe entire want to 1lak fOU,'" said Adam. grade line. The d1rt should be so . "What Sa IU" auped the flrst graded tbat all water wiU drain a.way m.o ther. · . from the bouse. "Who;s looney now'" he hnrsh1:y I I',· demlUlded. ~ , Then he turned aWAy. abruptly and etart,e4 to pack up the fiuntl), gourd. ond the teIU polea.-Cleveland PI&11a Dealer.



It Revolted HIm. WllIlllDl Loeb, Jr.• at a dinner tJi New Yo~ referred wl4l1 a smile ' to the harsbet' PetialtJes,. even to fmprf .. olUllent, that are 1I0W to be .1nftlcied upon p!uRlere. . P ''The, \*e It hard, Tery'bard, thelle smbalers," sala ill': Loeb. "Revolted at the sue of ' tbell' tines, they; mall4il , ,' me think or' ~rge White, the chlck-.. eD thief. . . .' , • '''~atl,: O~'co . JI~oUt:ed ~~acbfuUy OD be_ _ hie sentence. 'l '\\That I Ten dolles ~ stealln' that cbl,c kent . Wby,' j~dce, ; I could ,'a' boutrbt . ' , ama.rtel"ben tOl' 50 'cootsl'" ,

... Ice



Flpor Plan. .

"ome care. Tbe studding ,should be 2:a:~lnc~ timbers, an~ tbe spaces be; tween walls tilled with sawdust. or o~er Inl!ul~g , material. The In. tenor w.a'fls may he oovered with any lumber or material that wUl keep the sawdust In plaee. The exterior wall, may be coverM with boxing ' and the cracks battened, o~ drop sidIng may be uaed and tbe J'9Of may be cov,.. er~d with any roofing materIal , that, wlll keep .. out the rain and '· snow. ITo , (nsure proper drainage. excavate the ~te'nches two. teet below the founda· tlon, and fill the excavation with brokeD stone. Build' the foundation on the atone. A house 10xl2 or, 12x14 feet aQuare and eight 'or t~n feet lD Jielgh,t,

Net Income

$3,000 From 28 Acres of California IJ3nd ' The original price per acre was $40. Planted to peaches, plums, grapes and pears it y~elds $3,000 a year net, and would be cheap at $500 an acre. , This is only one example of whd has Deeo done in a climate that drat" tourists from ail over the world.

Union Pacific Southern Pacific StaacJard Boatl! of the We.d

EleCltrlc Block Sldnals For further facts and accurate inform. about California calion or addrcss



U. P. R. R .• 871 Farua at. OMABA.IWI.


L. DOUCLAS '3 '3.50 &. '4 SHOES ~o~o=~~ Boys' SHOES •• 2.00, .2.150 a .3.00. BE.T IN THe WORLD. ,.". -..IH• . , , _ ",d_ .. .", ~ you ,lJeflaflUGeil'.I'/H • r:ial't IIOW _ . " ,• • " . . to ,.18 ... '" mon~belt_ _ d ~y ""Gel

_I.'..,her,."., _olll.,blt'" ..,. Ie.,her, ,..,...,.. "aJ_ 10."'.


, • .10_ '0 ,,,,.,

."".,. "'''''''' .B,



".IJD . " " _ - - ,,,... "tile t_ , ,.••,.,.". 8tQIll1ar3 for over 30 "8lUl1I, thllt 1 malee anl\ sell more .a.oo, IS,M8I1d '4.00 Aboe. · than allY ot))or manllrllO~uror In the U.S.; and thAt Dollar ff)1' n,,1)""r I Guarautee lily Shoe. to hold theIr .ha~lloolt and lIt, Rnl! 'WOIIr \on&or tblUl any othor '3.00, IS.lSO or ...00 ahoes YOO. CIW bU1 ? QllI\lIty bAlI made my .hoee Tho Lelldera 01 the World. You wUl bo pl'lNiOO whoo you buy my MOOS beeluSi! or tho '~

ftt IUld appearanoe, and when It oomOll tlmo for you to pUl'ChllilO


anotber palr, you will be moro IJlIl.ll ' plOMoo b ocauso the l ..t onu wore 80,11'011, and gaye Joa 10 much comfort. '

N'ollO IIIIDufne without W. 1,. 1)0ulIl.. TAKE 'NO'SUBSTITUTE CAUTION I nalnean4prlooeiAI1IIlM01I UlobOllom.

. ~IQPpIJ JOll"lth W. L.l)OI!III.. Rhoee, w\'lle ro.lI,,1I /)rder'C&lnloll. II ~ ' W. L. DOtlULAAI••• 611 ....... IU •• U..-1U..., _


C01d Frames Should Have Glass Pu~ on Befor. Severe Cold , Weather Set. tn-Air on Mild nays.

The cold f~es In 'which are plaDt· ed thelle 1l0wers should haTe the Slass put CD before cold weather eets In; cover the sssh frosty nights with straw mats. The outside at frame sbould be baoked .UP with leaves or rotted straw. Air the frames In. tbe mJddJe of everl mUd' dI\1. Daisies and vfole~ will sur· .,Ive the ' winter In a warm border, covered ' with a 'Ught of clean ryo straw which shoull\ ' be taken off In mUd 'weather to Llrden the plants. When weather I, severe put · on the straw an.d <rover with a ltttle IIgbt brush to hold- the atraw In placo. Planta that are tei fiower must be glyen an extra ,coverlng tn '- sever8" w~ather: a light, covering at lea'76s' may b~ spreail IJver the plantlJ In the frame, In seY,re we~t~er.



'( The Alaskan Hawk.


a Clock;

There had been some tail[ of placing a clock In the 'tower. of the village ohurch . But .John, the old sexton, who live!! .In the llttle cot· tage opposite the church, declare4 hlmself "dead again It," and expr8~ed the opinion tbat It would mean awtul waste o· brass" were scheme carried out .. "We want no clocks," he sol/! other day. "We've done wJthout olocks up to now. an' we shall nlan. age. Why. Iytn' l' my bed at 11 morn· in' 1 can see the time by the 8undial a er the porch." "Yes," replied one who approved cf the scheme, "that's all 'right so tar as It "oes. But th slln doesn't shine every morning. What do yau dQ then?" "Why:' , IlDBw ~rcd John •. surprisr.dl y, !'I knows 'then as It. ain't tit weather to be out 0" bed, an' I just tltoll& f>'her~ I Is.'!-Tlt-l,3lts. '

continent or South America to tar oft Patagonia. The journey completed tbe .weary, emaciated travelers rest' for two weeks before startIng upon the return trip. The long and terrtflc voyage over t.he sea Js exhaustive to the ·last. degree. But the plover Uvee ten or even twenty years, moving pel' petually, and In the course of a litet1m'e may trayel 200,000 mUes: 8 teams and untll the repair lr record which few speCies can equal. affected, The advl\Dtage ot some'sy& Nature has ~I\de the' bird the greatalso apparent, est travele'r s In the universe. temaUo arrangement The ' chimney swift. perhapB thl' In order that the exact 'tool may be at hand when wanted a nd thus avoid lOll. moat numeroufl of bird species and the' and delay by reason of mlslaJd, bor most unlversal1y dlstl'ibuted over . tb,e rowed, ·stolen or lost tools. earth, g'~B sout.b from our lstltude In 'The . fnventorles . of the thfrty·threQ September a'nd (01' SOme 'Xeeks sWtfts f.r~s IDvestigated ' are ;~ull1marl1<e(I ate plen~tful over the Gulf statel!. they 'congregate seemingly for ,and 'dlscus,Bed itn Clre.ular 98 of ths 'O hlo experu.Dent station, and. the ..aI:u~+"-,,,~,e great 'purpose.' They are ' seen' , No U';lon. clefi,aro'·< so clal\slfie~ and ' arrange~, as there by the . mUllons and mUllons. to .make l~ ' eas)' . tor any farmer to $udden11 tbey , all ·'disappear and no Mrs. O. H.:P. BelmQnt, at luncn~n' 'oompare the bat with tJioile 'tound OD' !Dorta! man ' kn'o ws 'wl!-Itber they go. at the Colony' club in New York, urged his own flUID. ; Thls . circular" "v~U 'be Tile winter de8t1naUon of the chlmne'y on-. women the necessity for uniob . "If .we : are 'to get the vote;' she sent, free upon , fe~UeSL . swift' 'has ever been one of the most said, . "we mUllt stand tog et~er. Too many women face this question as they face all others-Uke the elderiy beillis ' at the charity bail. ' .. 'What a flatterer Wooter 'on Tvdl· ler Is!' safd the first belle. f' 'Why, I 'd ' he te\1 you you looked nice?' said Lhe second. f' 'No,' was, the reply. 'He told me you !lId!'"


'Why' .Rant a Farm

Old Sexton Had HI. TI!'1e Mapped , Out, and There Was No Need


It's awful hard for a Uttle woman people wltb her dignIty.

to 1m pre liS



tWO GRAND CAU'Sl!S of 6bOul"

New"" H.,. t. lin,

tbreG Ilnd I one~haU months' duriUlpn each.

'Tho Msllo leave

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B,o.d•• )I. Ne.l'orll,.

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. I'~port.allt N~W8 FUll ,DEALERS '



K~OW'tII.lrvalue. \!Vaaav. yl!umOlieyl' becaule KNOW lb a Fur ~rk~ at>4pay


blab.1t prlc.. on Jlberal a-.tmenra...Prfce

Ult apodall)/: arranlre!\ for your l 'crrllorY. It I. YOIJRS .for the uklnll. C<!nvlllce YOORSIU.i' L'YJIIIIl!lna \Q. ~~l •.blpm'eDt. W~





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t'su11E1I'Intenc1ont 'Agrlculturlll Exlen.~ ilion. O. S. U.. Columbus.



N'e w 'Y'ork T



\;'l~ ralns

Now Arrive at

and Depart from

... ·!-++-K-++.:.+++.H.++++-t.+++++++ It Iii! not unoommon to tlnd In the dwelling bouse and grounds surround· In Ing It a Dlanlt station of prld kt>eplog ,t'rlvate prop rty In repair. 'Dhe dwelling hous and barn, outSOlUe buildings and r nc 8. malt weight. which is 4 pounds.___ 1:011' of nn appre 'Iallon of til beau· tlful. From year to yellr more good taste Is being 'd lsplayod In ornament· a' plantings nod In the k eplng of the la wn. Many years ngo ever· J;I'OOlIS were planted dlre' tly In tront of th residence completely hiding It Seventh Aye. at Tblrty-socoad St.--Qne Block from Broadway fro m ·,·iew. In so me , plnces thele have hoon cut a wily from the front at ~~~~~~~~!'!!!!~~~~~ ~~~~~!!!!:~~~~~~~~~ , ....-;~~~~~~~~~~"~~.... the house. making It the central l fu.v,r ;)f the plalnt.iff and Ilgtlinst Blluter, fI rvio'" Allt III flrmflry, t\2 50 point ot observation. Locnl pride also \ Itself i In d cl ean tence rows, schoo l llUllQlng. I Notl·ce of ApPOl'ntrnent the defendllDt, be made B olalm and expent,el.l oou. nt"·J bOIll'd of. vl ~i tllr ~. manifests 1-" d I . 1 and rlgnt or til gl'ave eu T veways, an n mowe< with a green grass plot In front. tbe lien upon till of the re'll estnte oon- '16:30; ~ , F l'ed \"'Ilste btl~k et loadsldes. No one will deny that it picture presented to the passerby Eltat~ ot Sarah O. Allen, deceued, . veyed to Anna Dunn, after t.he be· GOe j Gf'o rgtl Brndfiolrl. md ~t" . 01' la kes some natural or I\.cqulred taste. would be mucb mor p)easlng. Low The undol'811!1led has been appoln~ and QuaWled &/I Exocuwr ot tbe estate or Sarah C J(o , on Pleas Court. ginning of this 801t. j l~l1. t-3 25 j lSalUUt'1 D Henkle , f ~ o" time. and pains to make tbe home- plantlng{l, 8uch all lilacs, snowballll, Allen. latoe of Warren Oounty, Ohio, deceued. "7 stead appear well to tlbose who live hardy hydrangeas, flow.erlng Qulnc!e nlt.od tbla 21et cJal'.Of.Noveml>er. A. D. lII10 1 , Proba te u Co rt " , lO i Alton F . 1 tl W. B. ALLEN. ltxecllt.or. . , Ilo B r IlXpeUflQ ~ . n 1e commu nlt y an d to th e OCCIIr and , IIYrlngas. ailould be planted In New Suits "own, eXpenl'eR IHI pro u tlOg a t- ,slonal passerby. masses around the borders and In the harle'" M nlltn flleci auit IH~"jnst Default for answer of detendllDt torney, ' l.·lll j John W oJf • ooot,r llot, How iI Farmer la Judged. cornerll ot the scbool lot. The plant. John B. Muillu, Euwin lJ . Mullin, B. F . Pettior~w wlls()pened ,up with *,40 j W. S . (;trahun:, onntrtlot, *234 _ The Carme r Is judged more by th'e Ing of the sQhoolyard can be done In BARNHART, . 1 A r t !lur. C otruot, ",12 ~ 3G ; gen ra.l , appearance of his fa.rm and I 8uch a way that there may be beau· 8arr.v Mallin, Ev J Mullin u.nd 1eave t 0 A n swer f or th w,'th an d sawe 38 j DaDie buildings than by anything eleoe tlful pleoell of shrubbery in bloom Notary Public Lt.urn 1. MIlII'n, prllying for the is flied In case of Demosthenes Weer Willi m A , Soott, britlg repair", wWcb may come to lbe stranger's at- I bef<>ce th tiohool oloses, brlgbt-oo). part.Ul on o r r 1.1 stute leH by the exeoutor of the estate of Mary Ann '750 '; J, U Ki,:h urt, bridge r p- tentioD .. The well-1tept bome brings ored tollage for the fall, and eYR AU kinds of NI)t.ary W~lk 'Penslon Ill'te Clnyt otl, W . Mullin, Stlmley &. Staley, deoe~sed, against Max W. pairs, U2 45; Lewis Atkin n, fc rth no nci ot tavoral)l comment. arched and grolned palaces In 1t1nWork a. ~peollllt.v . Stanley Ilre Ilttoroeys for. tbe PlaiO-1 Boain, bridge repair j ~3a 05 ; Alvie Webb, but what shall b snld \Vh r . the ter formed by tbe anow·laden tt". , . Kenneth Chamberlin wRsappolnt. bridge rep uirfl, M3 59 tront gal hangs by one hinge, the br~uch.s .of 'the tr~es ' and buabel, ,u. old wnlnllt or appl t l" bas l> come Uae the Lawn Mower~ Frank betriQk filt>d soit against ed adonlnlstr:s tor of ~he eltate of , Uontraots-()on t.rtl ct wall eDter~r1 tbe roosti ng pi co for turic),'8 IUld ' It III certainly not too mUoh tID C. W . A~n(lArl\\lD lind Julia Y.. Ben- Nanoy T. Chamberllo, deoeasel1, lUtO with V .•J Zeotm yer fO)· r l!- chick liS, tile che rry tree turnlsbes , suggest that tbe lawn mower be 1ltIed WAY.NESVILL6CHURCHES . ' derson (or ,170 1>0 ' wit.h interest on with N. 1. Weise, Ge~rge W. Byers plliring st-one ou lv rt n.bp v K l n ~fI shelter th wInte r th roug h tor the upon tb& tront of the' scbOOI yar~. a proll.lissl'l''' note. Alb I't Allder~ nlld •. ~. Albaugh as appralsera. Dam on Ri ver rOlld ; 0 U ulon t')Wll- old soy the anci t11 field mower, the Too ofte.n tbese yards RJ'e aHowed to St. Augustlnf8 Catholic Churc:D J 'l'h '}1 b I WII C undergrowth of lo 'u land rOf;e husb· grow up 10 tall weeds wplch are cut , Fo.l,ber Georg .\ll1\,cDbocfer. f'uolO'l' 800 I!' tlJe phintiff's at,tol'n y . ' e WI of t e lite Ham . ship at e timat e "15 ' es hides from yi w '~hat m\1Y be a down onl1 a week or two betore the Mass en'!', 8OIlO;,J. liuDd4r uf tbe IlU;"lb a N r~ Da:kin , flle(l Aott flgainst McV~y, deoeiUlet, WIlS flIed lind proContraot WIlS ute r ed into wHh w 11 conslruct d resld nee? begins. II : QU a. Ill. J"mes' W. Dakin f ' r divoroe on t.he bated the Oregoolu Bdd ge Co , for rnj)lng'.! The Sohool Yard-A Mirror. Buch IIcbool ,pr01)ertiell ,l UI com. ~rouods M gross negleot of doty.. ' Amy AI Parker w..s Ilppointed a.nd extra work 00 bl'lug s I\t e ' j Wbat mj ~bt be coosldl r d IUl avo mand the relpeel and ad'mlratlon of St. Mary's Episcopal Churco. Coor.le ' were luarried Ootober 2~, admioistrat~i,x of the estate (If Dan. rnBte, $91 65 ,. erage of pride IlS to prlv4 te property .tile oocaslonal visitor of the 8C~ool Rev, J . F. Cadwalllll1er, 1(ocl' I t" 1P k 'd ' flnds It elf r Heeled in the 8cbool .. well lUI the ,patrons. oh!14ren and 'unda, Soboot 9 :(Ju II. m Mornang lIe~ . 19()O "t I'l arve,yllburg 'lDd to them no te ar er. ~eased . Contrl),ot 'was enlisted into with pl'Qperty. Tile sohool grounds of ' teacher. make better oltizen.., bap. vice. 10 :80 a. m. l:ioly Cowmunlou 'b l) Ilra t obUdt'en were born. WilJard J. ~. D" Grioe gotlrdlun of Mildred Charles L . Bender 0 for stone OhIo are but 'a mirror In wblcb a pter chndre~ ' IUld . mQre , " hopeful ulld .., 01 each montb • • Wright is attorney for pl"int.lff. and Viola Grice, minors, ft.led bis abutmsnts on MIl1(lr. roud \Vest f commuui!,>, can lice Its own prtde .re- teachers. . Methodlat Episcopal Ch~ flrat and finlll aoooon\. Dayton pike near the, Froaob farm flee ted. An ash pile that bp.s been Tulip bulbi can be pllUlted thla tall. , . B. W, B&lIe,. l>"WI , Court ProceedIOI[8. The fifth accoon't of the estRote of in Turtll}creek town hip ~t flstima ' 0 accumulating Cor yeaI'!! shows . the A flower bed, smali shrubbery i.nd ' Sunday. ReV. U: 15 a, Ill. orulllR 8eu' . greatest degree of IndJrf rence on the an old cow never make a ha'ppy or vloe, 10 :80Scbool, tI . 01. J::p~or~b ~Bgue, 1 :()U p. PartUlon of real e.tlLt~ lUI pr~yed William H 'Witham, deoeased, WIlS 95. part of botb tel\.Cb 'r and patrons. beautiful combination for a OC)untry m. Evening serVice. ":011 p. m. Mht'lrfl/llt for ,wae made in th.e case of Gharles flied 'by Lee TJ:lompson, administrf\C~otrllot WIlS entered into wi Of all lI!?-p,rQv,emen.ts ~hat can be easl· Ichool ground. ' \, " , Pr \l'e~lI(oe~illlr! 7 p. m. .Mnllin ,agatnllt John B, Mullln .' , tor Peny B" Monoe for etone }Vork and ly made. the remOoval ot the a8b bile DanjUe a& much t1~e to tmprovtnl 'Christian ~hurch~ Platn, tUfs were J{tven tbirty days 8. D.. MoVay and Fllnnie B•.~ree. flU ~o bridge nenr tbe re Ideno of from tbe ftont yard Is tbe elUllest. . ' school «round as 10U ,:would to • , Rey. L. O. ThomjlllOD. P..",. , A Dimorallzlng ~g"nt. aood horle , r~ce. ' Blbla8Cboo1. 8:10 .. m. 8oclallllllauo,; ' in whioh to amend their petUlon in ley were appointed e~eootore of the' Ide Sherbet on the Qoud n :Soho.or Perhaps the most demorallzlns ' A preacber may oMclat at a fun. JO:30 .. m; Obrllthw ~ndoavof. , 1:00 ', ~ JII. 'the oaa8 of ElIsal?eth F. Chapman estate .of William O. MoV."y, ' de Gouse ron.d In Wfi hington town. agency ' on rural ~bool ' pro1)erty 1.8 , eral. ~ut be 18n'~ xpect~d to ,keep up &!rmon bJ' paltor ever)' "ltorJIar.o SUDl:1u" e'.l .gain~t TbeQdore D Lyon ,e ' al \ oe.s.eci; , sbip IlUhe e6t.ima t~ 16 • 5, tl1e Impro~r1y , cared for outbulldiog. tbe ,grave ill:ra.~· Don't , expect 'too ~o; ao a. m. ~d 7"WO P m. the case of Qlara Conn,er: goal'. ~Qsle '!.t. Smith WI,,; appointed ad. ' , An expoaed outbuilding can be a:uch of ')'6ur Icbool teacher. Hlckslte friend~ Cburo., ..........,._ _ ' Mlsoellnneous-Tlla acoouut of screened with a few, plantings that I ", ,FIrat Day tdee'tlnu:. 0 100' a . m. Flre'Da, di.:n ~alhl5t Ethel ~onner, et 'dl ministratrlx of the ,6stat.e of Elmer the depositories The L p.bu.non Nat, ui a shott ti:me will ' hide It.' It will' . . , LOoO', J 1 ;0(1 a. m . Four\b. Day MelilloI'. , court named Olint Clj!llVer, Thomas f!l, Sm\th, de~aRAd. L. M. Soofie ld, ional Bank aod the Citizens N,.tioo. pay 8JlY oommunlty tl) direct. Ita: at. i The Rev. Irl ~icks 1!111 Almanac. 10:9.0 a. Ill. ' . , MoGlade and ~tl1lam Brook8 ~o ap.' John W, ~hawhaD and Walter Aroh· al Bank ,for the , month of Nov m tentlon t9 <{leaning up a~d. placing In. : ' . ' Orthodox ' Friend. 'CKu",* real. ' estate'ln qU~8non and .deaoon ~as apPointed ' appraiser'll. ber were ~udtted nod 1'ound oorreot. ' I'roper <lOndlt1on allot tbese bulldingll The ~ev lrl R Bloks Ahnllllao make their 'return. Clifford G . and Lester L Loc~ Th fl . I 'that cblldren 1Ul~ ~thera , rrp~ the , for . 1911, t:hy,t !(un.rdlan Ao~el '~n , sabb::;-~!~:[~:~J:~'lt~r~~~burell '. Judge Miitoo Clark ren'derecla de. WOOd, ' executors of 'the estate of di.e ., oadllola statl.' ments . !)f ~he lLost respect-lng famlllee may not II. bundred tlioos \nd home~( is D(\W eervloo, 1Q " \0 a. til. 'CbrlsUlln ' tJDdU&Yor. ,., ,> . I c' 'r _ Lo au vor an ' trea urel' for the moo t.b have tl!elr sense of common d~ency . d l N 'Ill " 7 :30 p clltton tn the 08S8 ' of A:nno. Lytle .-ura ti. oJrwood, deoelL8ed, flied f N h • and propriety dally offended. I r8ft y, I)t ~~ny lire now WI ng ,t5hnrts va. Henry , 0 Sburts" in their fl~8t aod flnll.laooonnt. . o. ovemuer s owln r the bllhulce ' Detracts From Appearilnce. to be without It alid the R~v, Irl R. ' ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~ whioh·,t.he plaintlff' was found to' be .lohn B , Mnlltn, Edwin C. 110IUn, in eaoh tuod and l\Coount t~t- the be T,he conl.hollsf! or woodbouse' that BlokA MagaZine, Word and Works , . ' . . ;, . '. , entitled to a -divoroe 'from said de. , ,Harry Mnllin and Oh~rles M",llin g~nni:g O! th~m~oth were present· t urnlsh 8 n place ~or tl1e ~UJ I10 ster The two ure only On~ Dollar u"yeu "Dr~' Bell'.s AntisepticSajVfendaD"t ~n 't he" grOtlnd of ~xtrame eleot to tflke under of estate of the e an or are }' 1l0~d 00 tIle. ~~c~r~~~!e t~~ ::;d s~:::.\:ecaS: Th'3 A,hnt!ooflo is 3lio prepilid. No pood for. ~I 81dn DIa.... . ' c~uejty . OefeoQllnt walt deoied the I!,te .Mary 0" ~nllio, deoeased. reach' tt. . wllh()ut making an extra ·ef. home or . o~.~ e '. sl o~ld faU. , to send . "',,': "" I'lgl1' ~ any ot h 'e r per sbiuil ' properThe first and final acoount io the Banks on Sure Thilig Now , tort. In fact bill posUng of eYGr1 fQr the?l, to ' &y as olaim~ by him,a~d lq,dgmeut, estate o~ Thomas Soot.t, deoeased" "I'll ~ever. be withou~, Dr. King 's 'k:1nd ~tl IIcbqol property ought to be Word and Works Publishing Co., was awarded against the defend an' was flIed by Wal\er J!l , Scott and T. New Life : ~lll!l "/,tn,lo, writes A; proW1>lted: The so·called convenience St · Lonls, Mo Sohlngeok, 647 Elm tit Boffalo that comes from ha.vlng \ coal• • __ ...._._,-, . fo'r t3850.00. 0b Iloooun' ,of oertaln ~nton ' Soott, eX60tltore.· N. Y "~'hey oured m& ~f onronlJ bouse n~ar ~he road Is mor.e tban Off.' "', , ~he ~ilI of the late ,Robert Cook oonstipll"tlon :when .tl\ others fulled . ". set by 1~8 ' detr-acUng ~rooi the len.· 'The ' 8ketch Dlall"oaed, ' .mQnies QOlleoted by him, b~lBng~.nJ to aaid plaintiff, and never. al)OoQnt· waa flied for probation, , Un,eqnllled fot' BlIllou8ness • ."ann. eral appearance at tbe fl'9,nt of the I When the , o\lrtalll went uP at .. II " .. , . ' Dnl ' b B Ii flIed .hiA inventorf dioe l~digestlon . B d ' h Oh ' U house and th~ YI!-t:d. \ . , ' ,'lnIal)'1 p~e OD -the, y.udevllle, plal1et, ~ for, . ,n 4 also o~ a~ount of a ~r-.·" .... p . !OO s' M )' , " .. ell 110 , 1 , ' In this day " of cheap ,construotlon ' .. weeplnc·wlllow lady,., I ,owned In and appraisement 'of the estate of ' uharla Il~d Dehlhtv. 250 lit F. O. tbe ' walks 'from tb~ , road to ,the. front 110ft, cllna1n" W&I discovered ' .tn' note ,of 82,000 held by plaiotiil' ,. , .C tSo Wo.rt,2; s, .. , .. atuU , • _ • .entrance, to the well curb, ,aQd 'per- se.ted .' a.Jon·• . ~etore , the red'latitafD. , again at dj!fsndan., The oonrt, for,. Calvin onner, deceased. haps. to the outbu1ldfngll, should . be' UShtri ~relSlace I,n the ' dlmly·llghted , ther awarded the oustody of the·tWo minor ohildren to the o~re and oon. Martlap Li~nses. Moctly Hall. made of such ma.terlal that thei will draw'D,·room, of ' • late Noyember , ' i ' , " ' , , N always be 1n prope.~ condition to be "enlnc, " trol ot the pltuntlff, and ordered tbe Riohard H. Grater. 21, driver of 11 A ledw YIOrklaler blought one of thOle used R8 pnth8 or wallls. '''That lIetties It,': wh1apered Gale1 ' III , Ohi d M I ne 0 co on p aces down In Vir' . to'hl If h h ' , deren" da-' nt to' pAy 15 00 pe'r wee':' for M d ulonv e ", an yrt·le 1\1. I1nla, prinolpally on acoount ot the Plant 'to Beautify., ... II W e, ~ e reac ,ed for hll hat;' , their snpport. ,The Cour~ a180 or. Haley, 21, of I:)ooth Lebanon, / glowing deacrJption ot the real estat In many' places Wbere trees have Im 'solnc, out to. lee a man, for half de red that the jndgment of 13350 in agent 'and on Information trom friends ' , boon plnnted In th~ school YJU'd, ~~ . Ul hour-~?f CIUl do t.b e weepl.n l tor Real Estate Transfers. Wben he went down to see hlB man: _ entlTe rront or the hOll8e Is b'ldd'6o•.'(,both at. ~•. ~Illustr~d 8un~ay Mq·, slon he was mucb Impressed by ,tbe If the. pla~tl~gs wer "'("1\ to th~ l.~ uin.t. , : ., Mary B, DODson . to Jenette R ~eat pillars. the spaCious porcb and .- ;!"!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!! Thompson, lot in 1\1&11,)0, 12,000. partloularly the great ball ru~nlng Ezra. W. VllnDnzen 'L\ Henrletto. f.r om the tront to tbe back ot the ' V yo t t 'I house. , ' . He Inspected the p1ace and came . _oon a, raot 1. George , F. Roby to NellJly Roby back to l'few York. I Tired aU the time; not much 79 5 ao~es iD Uaerfield ,township, "Wbat· aball you name IU" he WIUI good for anything, hardlyab.le to 'S,OOO. asked. . . d Peter , B. Duo hum to Owen~ . '1 think," he re~Jled. "I shall ' oall It · all d rag aroun d I Just run own. "Mostly HaLl."-SaturdIlY Evening If you are, we guarantee ~ur VI- HIggins, lot in , uebllno'l. II. Poet . NOL ,viii ~elp you. It ~as helped Martha A Bradley to Wnlter many people aro~d here who were Reese" two . traots in TartleJreck / . Exce~dln(lly Conicientioul. ALL ' I'OR; , in this condition. t.own8hl.p , 11:" Mr. Mokeb1 (the 'prospecU've Il'OOtn) ONLY ' Now look here, just Qn~ bot· Benry~ . Grett.tho08e , to DaDle) -Now. we'd like to lit de knot tied' tIe Qf V1~OL, and if you are not H. Greathonse ~ lot ' in "..ebanon, a1. In fouah own. house, pabson, It you , " Df\.ni~l H. 'G'r eatho08fl to Ambrose habn? 'objectlona. ,. . satisfied that it,did you good, cofue back and get your money. It will . . 1· ' , Partlon Black-Buttalnly, I , habn't be ,returned with.out question. That M; JJowe,r, , ot in ,Lebl1non, ~ll.o0 Mlsta,h Moke~y; what 'make", YOU .t hlnk


deliver free to your nearest Ex pre s s or Freight Station all purchases amounting to $5.00 and ov·er.


.---- .-----~

In NewY~rk City~;Busiest Spot


County Courts









, In.

I' ,









Are' You ' Like This?





~ . ~:b~!:!~y_I .done he~d 110 often ; ' . dat marrla,re ' am a lott I th ,., h not want your. money unless you re- ' 'BUJs-H. P. Lan~, appratstnff in. "p'rapa you'. might ' hab er~, 'I 0bUI ~ r . ' be efi " . " '. ' ,.. ' , sorup el a. out CClve nt; " '. oorporated oo~p&ny, a 8~ Franklin,. conducUn', qat k!.ild ob gamblln' on" ~e:,~ow:.,'Wh~t we are talking , ' ,24 50;1'11~e ,W est,\!J:n Star" ~tuqiped ' 10,uab premllles:" . ., ", , about," b~¢anse we ' ~ave soJd VI- env~10P!3s, , 123 50 ;.,two recol,'ds, '161S; '.1, , NOL for 'y ears, and: ha~e sceb how ' th :~o'tloe8lipt!!, 110 '; eJeotlQb .i>roo ' ' M.~e . up !our O~n MIQ,d " " muc;h gOod it h~, done, am,ong o~, " l~~a~lon. P08tet:~, 1~5 ; RellnU t Type . W.beo :, in ' th~ ',I 'need · of ' a. , o'cigf-, .~~mers.. ~ " ,', . wtlter Co, rlbbon8, fl~ i '~I.'~D~1in m~d~9Ine:" If. ro,o . ~u:v .qr.· }~qn 1 \; VIN'OL IS 'not a ' patent 'secret Oh t' il bl k d' ," ' ·...1 · , Plp,e, Till' Bon~t we g\1M'ante3 You . .' . '. , , , ' ron 0 e, . an l' ao · e~v", o~ geli t,hlf best. ': , ' ' 1'I0st~i.' but an ,liont;St tned and '116 GO' 'M: ',W, l!Iar", .. rt 'e "nAn' ' -'-"l:"'"--;--~ trQ 'bod b 'ld r d tre MI;, ' , ' , , u"" " "'~.- eea y. Ul «: ~ s ~&'''. crea· a" '~(}l'eta.ry 801die1'l ReU'sf 00 <" ._ e I tor of world-Wlde tame, deliciOUs " . . , mmaQ . and ~8sy to take. 'CQme in today "OD, ~o i I.!aIPes , MoMnl~en, , ~me! ~tJd, fapt your cur.. at' on~" You '25 j~. L. Oar&,!rlK,lit, same, UIS;. take no rilIk. . , '. LeWis BrOIl., drar,age, 00111 and iIe",er is

afail 'propositioo":and shows o,ur

~: t;.omln"loners~ · Proceeci'lnis,

f~itb, in VlNQL, and . t~at we do ' .



b "


PIpe, N8 Gf i L, M• ..PiiDoe, :l1IpPJI8II ' ',,11 lOr lin. I. B.

,,"'g,ist .for .QrY87o',


) •.. '









' ,







. ,







Eaoh year. at Ob,r lltmas· time, the ' R eci (;rOS8 Hooiety ~0'ndoot8 the lIa)e - - , MAl N S1'ImET I of R ed CroB8 Seals, the ~oney de_ '! 'E LE'I'JlO E--OAL l. No. 1121 rlvad from ~hlll lIal~ bE-log devoted t;:':;'=';':;';:;':;';;:';;:';:':;_=:;':;':;';;:';:';:'= ':;' to tbe Ruppor t of aoti .tuooro ulosi'4 D. L. C ltANE, Editor and Manag er work in vIlrlou8 oommu nitieK. Dotty WUk had cone TillUq in OblTbis v ~ar an effort it'! being madt' cago and when Ihe returne d home BY OSCAR ERF, to plaoe th~ Seals on sale in bVt'f .r wIth a bunch of pub on the back of Ratet! of Subllcr iption P r ofcBsor at D aJry lng, Colleee at Has the t(l wn in .,h e Stllte of Ohlp. In towns he'r head whIch Ihe hadn't taken awar Ono Y nr l strlcMy in ad vnnco ) .• . , .. . . Il l. 00 Alflicult ure, O. S U ,. Columbll l!. with her and a «hoat book and a pll Sln~le Cop y ., ... . , . . ,.... . .. . .. .. , . . , .06 Nhere there i8 an "nti·tub eroulo'S IR book ellclt.m ent spr8a4 thl'ou&h the tlocletv , 75 per oeut of the prooee d" vl11age. The graioll and other produc t. Rates of Advert ising had attende d a P&rt7 whUe g,rown tbe farm find a sure and will be ktlpt for local use,I:&X po sheDott¥ neadlng LocnlH. Pir HUll • .• ~ . , . . . . . .•• lit 'protltabupon wu In the clty and the hoateu oe nt. will go to thl'sup port of theStat e le marke t In the dai ry cow. UOIIdlug Locale. hllLCk facq, per Une. , ' . had made everyboc1y do a pace fn Oluslflod Ada, nQt t.o exc.ood five IID68 tOe That ahe of all farm animo Is Is tile "llloie t,y. and 12% pel' oeot t..) the ghost book. It waa a bound volumeher of 25f most econom ical produ cer of human Nl\l.l onol R ~(l Cri\dS Ilt Wasbin gton blank pages Throe IlIlIflrtio1l8 . .·. , . . .. . . . . , . rOlded throqh the midfoods 18 evIdenc ed by tbe fn.cts In Oblt ullrlOll, fl've Im,h Oll Iroo ; ovor fi ve towns whllre there is no aoti dle and the procelll wu to open a Dr. Bell's Pine- (t:r'~ H o ne"'; Inehell, pur IIno .. .. . . .•. . ...• . IkI learned through many eXIJerlmenls. t,uherou l osis 8001ety, the entire pase, splatter a lot of lnk biota on it. Oard ot thaokB • . • ' •. • .. ... , .•• • . . . . , • 21k. It hall been shown that a cow For CoUCh . and Colds. , yieldItllSOlut,!on '" .. •.. ..... .. .. .. . .. ... , . , • 60e Ing 10 qua.r ls of 4 amouo t of the 841e, wlt~ tbe exoep. fold it back and prell, it dowo hard. per cent milk Tben Soolals et.c. where chnrgo Is made . .... , . 21k' dally produce s lUI mu ch fat and fat lion of 12X per' oent wbloh;goee to body you slped your name &D4 110m.· DIHIlI,,), A ll v rtiHllIlI per loch . ~ •..• ••.• • elae cried •"Oh. DOW let m. U7 I Oc equival ent In seven daYIl 11.8 would the WHsbi ngton to defrBY expens e", iU" Dlscount li glvon 00 contl"llct. s leer that ts gaining 15 pound8 tn ): 1.-.. - , " In the p~ book you drew a pia with ;, the same time. 10 addItion to tills will be given to tbe Ruppor t of tbtl ,.~~ ...: Style your by ey.. Read:,;; .hut ; ~~.:Cal1 ~1t\.le &D4 you couIdn·t talle work , 's the cow ylelda sIx times as much DEOEMBER 14. 11110: the from the paper after you mineral malter and six times &II Magazin Obio h1l8, at. pres 'ot, !lllti.tll berou. had pencll e and UsinR lY1cCaii' Patlel'll l ltarted. lI)uoh nitrogen ous matter. which are l . ) s l~ orgltlllz tltiontl in Otlnton 1'lt~.Il·. fIlorOlI •• wIH , Oelln!l. Everybody went Cl1LIY ClTer these Got'all the; leaves yoa caD tal tb( the nutrlen ta which render M2GALl:S ..MGAI IN£ IW III you elr M 51)' 1' sIdm milk Ch ll1ic\>lbe, lJlnoion lltl, c'leve!t md, tadl and 1:.ldy ,,\ n mod ernl o Peterao n. the drug1e t, who t b' 80 valuabl e for feedIng all youn~ anI· Colum Bora '0 109 pen~. ba!!, ~ ,"''''I'U by keo vll> ~ Dtlyton . Etltl)o , Lima, a1ao lold ltaUone ry and maPain el, mala. The dairy cow accomplishes }' H\I pOf;; l f' cl 0 11 t.lJo • ----.~- • this by consuming the 'rougb~ or Lorllin, Toledo , and Yoang had to order a lecond coutcnm eDt ell 111 1' ·' 1 fns hl o u s lu stown, the '", 1, ,·. We need new breeds when they ~beap food with a amaH amount Kll d 11I\1.s. 60 popWmr volum... or and 'here Sll l.uld be tn ellob oommu 1\ H ' F" 'lIlou \} I~IS are better 'hlln tbe breeds we bllve concent rated or eJlJ)enslve III ~ h u ll I SlIII U. Also food , while oHy an aotive organi zdlon for ear·· ,:1111111)10 Inform.lli on Nearly an the pls 01J1I~ either -------.~,~ the steer reqUlrp.8 concent rated ex- rying on t.bis work . There " 11 nil h o mo aud pel" is B great one book or the other. SCi UllI ",Mien!. But wIleD Qnly pensive food largely In order to malte deman d for inoreas ed bottpitl Eczem a hUe a yoaf, Inc;ludlnl l \l faotl. ao~eb0d.7 uked Olarioe EmertOn how hla ,aln8. Il rruo palle.n. Sub· _ _ • _ Is:oonil iderad hard to oare. Try _ _ ._ lICrlbe lOOty or send Thero Are Cow. and Cow., ities t.hroug hout the ~tclte to OIlre many paael In hel'll ahe had fllle4 the 'Dr , &11'8 Antisep tlo &1Ve tlnd yoo queaUo fur (roo sample ner ran cop,. up qa10at a ltolle There Is a vast dllrere nce between for tuberou lo!,ls patlen tl Rome of wall. OIartoe elented ber will clillnge your mind. You will IIc(AlI PIIlt>InI will ollable yO UlO make In deUcata OWn bomo. willi youruwn hands. c lOlblnlf fllr see an lmpr"v ement from the fir~t the profits yi e lct ~ d by the commoo 'be countie s bave already takeo ad. eyebrow s a trlae and Iald falntl, younolf anti c llildren wh lcll will be \lfIrroct that cow and lhe 'ow whope anl'e8tora vantag e ot the State law bPpJlcSation. In 81ylo and nt. Price-nUllOblllllOr tban 1& whiob per IIhe . IIItereatacl neither tn IhoIti cenla. Send ror tree l'llleru Catalogu e. , ::~~o: e~~r b~~~ct;O ~s e~fn;:~:~l ; : mits' the ooaaty c8mml sstoner e to nOT In pip. "I have a 18Ilt1ment W. WII em T•• ,... ""-10 for aelllnir eubBow bAnI! d o Uke IIwee' .applu l "rofitab le dairy cow Is a source of IICrlptionl ImoDg your rylends. Send ror free book, howe"e r. whioh I wlll Iho. you." build a taberoa losls hospita l. PromLum CatalOllu e Ind Casb Prlae Olrer. Ihe uJl!. Good for them, too. Shlire tbelL large. regular and Bure profils. and 10 order to develo p aoti.ta beroa · 1H! IIcCW. Cl*PAIIY, 23' 1t7At~... m .. tmr~ Thereup on ahe lald in the baDcb of betwee n theJbenll and tbe pigs. !\ conserv er and restorer t'r CerUlIly . IOS18 organtz atlon8 in eaoh county . th...buhed .,oung perlOn wbo bad io' bllt do you know the difference be- and In order 10 interes t the county troduce 'the April hetchp,d pl1lletB should tween profitable and unprofitable oummiBBloners io builatn g a oounty OIarice d the aubJeot a book wbloh berleU bad made of paledairYlng '? Here It Is: Some cow. now be laytrg 'fbey oertain ly art', are capable ot prodUCi ng more milk hOl!pltal, it ia propos ed to fioance the blue Unen paper and wateNlOlor pa.if tbey bl> V~ bean when prop .. 1 trom a given quan tity of feed than tUllote Sootety anci to pat an aotlve per cOYerl. laced togethe r with blue ribbon to match.. Clarlce had painted teed und ol,rt' othera. In fact, Borne , COW8 produoe ~eOretilry tn the field, whose Wa.Yge8rille'e Lead1nv I>eIwu ba81ntl ~ S a spray of wild rosel on ten times the cover. It more milk or oearly the .... ()ftloe III Keys Bld~. same degree of rlcbness. A cow coo- i t will he to uodertl lke the alalD ~ develop ..... lodeed. a chute volu: , ~. Try It, Try It sumlng the aame amount or food that ment of tbis work, tilliing ','What' l it for'" ltamme red the pus. from Try Or, Hdl '~ Ant.1,;ev tlo Salve the a.ver~ dalry oow conSum ea and . IHoa to ,'lttoa Il tub,'roa lopls exbiblt , 1:184, holder of the lenUme nt book. I for 1111 ~"iu trouble It 18 B~ pieH l' producing 360 gallona of mlllt Per Atliltic~ Olarloe looked ,entl, p&lDed. "I nd glvlog leota res on the Ilnbjeol, Ilnt 88 8W~' t't. HII or um lind gllllrt"' cocrect ..,1e.·1wiUiut year, oin produce aD:1 a a It , at to a have coat my of frleodl 23 'i'be St-ate Board of Bellith . under write fiai.h, . combiaod wish tef\d to 1(1 ve ' sat1Sf" otlun in worst centa per calion; a cow produclng be.auUful QuotaUOI1l of noble leoU,boaat .aiDe, maIre "JllIlell. 250 II bf'x 470 ,&110111 or milk per year produces Dr, O. 0 Pro~st, ta readv and, wlll. m8llta of their own 10 It,.. · abe Iald, It- at a coat of 20.5 centa fler gallon; ing t.o 00 operate in every ... WilY pOI!. IOtU,. It you ' n ~' litLIl' \»otato" s;the ~ cow produclng 590 gallons per year 8ible, Bnrt it Is hoped tbat "'lotho Everyb0<!7 I&1d that It w.. eucu, he08 o.m 'lJ',k~ gOllli USt'l of tb"11 produces It at a C08t of 18 oent. pe~ .v eU.r slle a gTeat develo pment ltke Clarice Emer.o n and that Ihe a cow producl WAL TER MCn LtTR B. 710 gallons of tbiR ~tale work. Every ' oomma , Yi~ a ridiculous atuck·up thinc, and Boll tb w up t;d l , IIIJ\l I "act r"t,I" n gallon; per year produces It lUInga COlt ot 14 .5 who oared. an1bo,w? Clarlce alW"1'1 now Ilnd t~"'II. cent. per gallon; Ii. cow producing n.t.;v Ilbould be 'interea ted In l.blp sat with her eyea looldq upward. Uk. - -- - . - . 830 gallons per year producea 1l 'at projPot Hod should Fune ral Dlre·: tor. uodertl ike ' 10 Bt. ,Oecllia at the oraan. and her / Cranul at,d Eye Ucla a cost ot 12 centa per gallon; and a belpin some WRy . clothel were a1\'''1'8 limp and clraped. are f'REllly c urt-U-'lJllu8Iio III DOt 0 c cow that a1ves 950 gallons of mJlk , Ao opport anity Ie now giveo to She held thiDal with the Ups ot her ess.. ry. 'Utll(ltit Hld's EHl(le illy.. In one year ~roducell ' It tor 9.6 cent. eaoh ()lJwmu nity to belp throuj( b flqera and 'lIhe talked about fOllr IOU '· '1;'elepholle day or nigbt ~Illvlt Ie Pillute!!!! fiUa bltrmll:!"s ,u d per gallon. And 10 we ml,bt go on ,So' Ibe waa not exaotly popular but . Valley phone No. -: J.upl{ guaraD teed to OllI e •• Hilt! heVe'} until we reach tbe production of the IIHI.. of Bed. Cros!l SAaltt. LAt her tather wu promlDeot and Ibe fllllltd ou Ii 011:<1 ..·• OOl't.t' lillio Distance No. 69-"~,' Colantba 4th', Johanna . who In one 89'tln one m .. te it' a poiot to pallh could .nOt be aDubbed. , year produced 3.190, gallona ot milk. Whell tbe 1Iu,leti Ihe Ilnd ltarte4 ase out 'the anarlq peoSettls on 1111 Let 's Dot .!JaKin t.o ooddle Ollr hI r,1/ If ted tbe .ame ration all the averAge mllil ,mut.ter . If tbe t:ieu')s WA YNESVILLE, ' • OHIO are bot ple with her .enUme nt book people cow she would have produced this broke ioto cold w'lLh ~btl fit !,!t whit! of f~o8ty wellr,b. procllgtoWi ,amoun t tor 2.7 cents per ID 881e in tbis tuwo, write at oooe ted ' their teet peraplraUon and tWis· &ll&ufahedl), aI'OUDd Branch Harve "lbul'lr . 0 ' er: That 14urtp,nt4 ,:b m Ilolld mu k t!~ gallon. However. tbls doea not· hold t ti, Livio~ton " . Mat.her . Cbatrm lln chair lep and bit tbelr toncuel . and tham . e ndtll ,'or r.h r(l81 ' C 1&1 ,t,bat true beyond a produc~on of 900 or Oat of.Tow n &168, 2u70 EaR' 91.b &Tipped the pen harc1 u11na to rememol 1.000 calIon., tor the reasoo that an· is' oominl!! ber 'Ipmeth Imal8 produalng such latge amount . ~ tree ~, Cltlve,Jllod, Obio, a.od th e palel to lq nobl.. Tbey turoitd the ------~.~.~.~---lee who had wr1ttan what :;Sltht Will be forwa ded require to yoa ~ . extra amount 'of feed and 80met hlna .J,u .t Aa Cood and. the, murmUJ'lld, "Bow 'loyell'l" care. or "How true'" Cau oury be the o...tle Wtl.BU h 1~ ' A Cow. For a Definite , Purpo.e . ..oother bottlf'l of Dr, ' ~1l'8 PlUto At\er ltook lantime otl, like "Art' la Wants; to Help Some One 'l'ar.Ii oney . . 'Every bot.t,le lhe I'8Ui~. " Tbere II much dltrerence In 'the In· Joq and' tIlDe ~ leeUq, " "s. Ioocl dlvlduallty of COWl and their poWera For tbifty years J. F. Boyer, of ~nd Look for tbl' \>till @ tbe ,ho' tie. wW be happ,:' and "Count to pr~duce mUk. ' One cow conlum es Fertilo . Mo., Deeded belp Rnd .that 70U We can offer you gOod --~--~ ~ ~---dA7 corn tillage, clover and altalfa bay, oooldu '.t find it That'lt wby he lUll Ti~wI lost wlloee 19W deac.n dlq from th7 haIld no worthy DR. , Corn.m eal Dllsed wrth skim.m ilk, oata. bran, etc •• aod convert s it J. Payin g, Empl oyme rit W. MILL ER, in,to wllnts t, Bome one now. SUI. aotloo don.... bad all been oed up 10 ~Dd fed tbrE'e . tim"s a. day' alt tbt BOU. juicy. muscula r texture. _hlcl) , Il:!rlug so loog hll~lIelf ·.he for " that you will enjoy and " Olartce 'l book lata comen had l fowls w\U eat, Is the be15t l ,tUeoiolit after the animal II klllecl;, turn,iebee' !ill dlst,l'es~ flom' ~llcltaohe, Neryoo 8 bl. Urn... ' SeanU , they thOUCbtterrtthe, at 08118, ,the ho~e. Write to-day ete&lu L988 of Appeti te, La88ltUd~an .1 pIC bookl lot-. and roasts which we all diet I hll ve eve~ tried Feea ' IVarm . Oftlee I~ more tun. ID' faot, NatioDa relish 80 much. Then there Ie a Kidney disol'de r8. Be SbOW8 'bat, WlieDe WlO'De lVllle;' l BalIk 0 Okla, "r Clarice appeaN d III the dll' to COld weatbe r. AU,... third cow that takt\s this lame ration EleQ~rio BltteNl work wonder s for taDoe. WttJi a Ump volome adoned !laob trouble ~d' cOn.ven s' ."F. . It neither Into much milk i ve bottlefl~" h ;" W\~ wtld ' tol.l · III ", her hand, there fte BaHe ddl ....... ..... ~ nor , into much meat. The ft.rat two writes '..ylivlly cured me lind DOW w.. a ltampe d•• At1tIH ptlc' RemOc nea ....~ ..u..... New~fIII'Ir,III. Y. COWli are profttab le cow.. but the [am 119611 Bod hellrly ," . It.!e 1l11l0 del\~ ' dne",~a K~I UltI, Or. Be.i'8 thl,rd Artie KlIDe lD"e a creat hit at a oo.w Is' ,unprof)tahle. Unfortu- pql!~ "lvely ' guarau t,eed: for Liver part)" whioh Aoti.P aln' is BD 80tlSlll ltio rem1tdy ClUtce did Troubl nately, e, Dyepep too many farmere p&l'slst In sid, Blood DI80rdl:!rtt, coln« around ,uklq ' Dot atteod by for ex~erDltl "od ext,erulI.l plltn .., re.' evWJ' ooe l.Il a l1'emale Oompl h\nts aDd Malari . dyiq 118f 18 almost insthn'l Ineouli . t50ld Iteeplnc tile third Cow. and that 18 Try ..wan tooe. "'Won't you write a them. SOc at JI', U. 1::l04wlirta'i!. Doble '.. JUlt where the differen ce ,between oUmeo t In ID7 mUe book T by all d"llle'r" . eueceaetul and unluooe ssful dairying Oh, do writ. '. ,em of thOUCht in IIlJ' -------.~-~.~--~~ 11... book I" Wayn esvill e, Oblo . .11 THK WORLD Some fBI m 1'.9 alluw the young wee~ Out the Bo.rde .... I'tIBIJSIIED WE!lLY. $4.00 PEl tuI , stook to r oost. uOldoor~ d'o ria8 ~he . Buccesl lIell not In the number ot Whell Profe.l or GltUel. til. Dew HOTKLa aile v phone 153 Main SUe.- & 8omme r, Ilnd it ttl hOpl)rl llnt tblit cows that a man keeps, ,but rather ""'. aPIIOIA L""" teaoher of ,:qUlh In the h"h eohool, OO.TU,M DRUOO •••• T.A ....... . OA. suoh birdS .blt Ilt onoe plaoed lo , ~heir in the kind of cows he keeps. It Is re~hed town and It va leeD that h. AMD 'au. , .'EI_VIO . OAII PROFIT more profttable to keep a small . num· ,vu barell' thlrty, and"-haDdlome in an av ua.llo ,,.. ADV.RT lIlIIO COI-UM II. 'Winter q~hrte'8. bel' or g'?Od cows than a: large numaUlitere .a" the feminine POPuJaUOIl ..-- ~--~SAMPLE Ce)PV FREE ber of average cows. The fonowlog became deeply Intereat ed. Ue w~ In- Add,... N. . yoaK OLIPP lI\ay be c~ted OJ! an exampl e: A •• vitees everyw bere and , pl. and cholt· , N.w York. N. Y. 'for every tbtngt lul berl"ud i!J 'Ett~J~ boob war,e thrown at him b1 .srla Eye t:!a.lve III good for llot,hing bot of ev~I'7 ' 10rt. It. ,.emed \"81'7' darln. ;'he yeti . It 3'on u~e \t "nd .are n , to uk a protellO r to draw a pI, with s"ti~llu d CIltl,li:J hucll \lnd ~et y our :lSo. MAFFI~ hll e,.M Ihut, ao It became a popular ' YOIl bt' t,be 'j'lllt!" .

Sure and Profitable Market 10' Dairy Cow.


:;.:;_==- 1


Best Rea ding Best Ads Best Fea ture s Best Wa nt Col umn ~ -1; .,;;:~·e :;1 '!~ <.,;,~. , Best Social Bes t Pers ona l In fact it is







.-..--- --

Let us put you r nam e on' our mai ling list

... .

- - -..




Choosing Silver


--- -... - - -







- --

.. -..- --





... DENTlST, •.










.' Do no' IlJlo1'f loferio r ..,oabbligtl, potatoe/il 'a,od ,beetll to freeze'; 8tOre them for .lhe ~~p,8 ~ The time is Dei" 'w b¥n 't.~~y , will D,sed ~oob f eeds ., .. ~dd soo~1l1eooe t.o ,be I:lltl,oo. . ,"j .

Are You LOOkbig lor a POSIUOD?



WhUe he . . . tullol pas.. ID ..veil "lIorted boob wbleh had beeD thrult at , litrn. Olarloe Hlmereon 4rtftec1 thl'9Uih ,t h.. -crowd ODe nl«bt. She ImUed .t him with a beautifu l minallo. of reapectfUl tear and modelt hope and Iweetl7 : "Dear Pro, tellor, Gtttlea, ma, I uk you to Illecnbct a "eeJitlmeot III ID7 uWe book T 80me It'eat thouaht of lOme tuiloWi .~tar or: of y~ur ~WD. ' Of ' OOllJ'Hi I Ibould ,be ..peolall,. pleued ' wfth

Undertaker and Embalmer Wlll be foond tn 'he 014 Bank Buildin g, oppodt e the Nation al Bank. Teleph one tn, b01l88 and offloe where J oaD be caUed 'day fir,night. , V.l'e" PhOD8 , 1'-~,




O'Wll.H ,




Mal" Stt'Mt. W.1IlelYi~i, OJdo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~

00, ; .;

The 'Miami Gazette D.


MANY WOMEN UP IN BALLO,ONS A Recounting of 'the Adventure. of Feminine Aeronal,lta Before the Aeroplane'. Day. •





' li


Paris,-The ,intez:est . shown by wOo men In ae rial' nllvigatlon In tb s days Is no new tblng. Women In the past have done their s hare In 'onql1erl ng the roadways or the alr. Mil . Tlble was the first F rencb woman to mak an ascent. On June 4, 1784. s he went up In a balloon from Lyons and landed safelY In Belfor. In the following year Mme. aincs and Ime. Luzarche. In Paris, and two French girls, the Sisters Simmonet. In London . made BU cesBful asccuts. The first of the women wbos darlug was I'el!ald by death as Mme.


The 'most perre ·t resting ,place ver d vi sed for It bu~an bei ng Is just be· ,.neath tlle roof, an d then YO II mllst bo Jlble to see the shingle nnlls stinking through. It n g nU rain be fulling . so much the beller. Five mi nu tes spent In lhat sweet retl' at are enollg)) to banish the memqry of ev ry trouble. Debt and death Ibse I belr t n ors, and the pence tbat passes uuders tandlng comes upon YOIl, says the Wa shi ngton Post. Yon be ollle a boy ngaln and enter onco mor Into lhe world tll!!t used to be. Soon the dnrk corn'rs of tho room uro peopled with the images of cblldhood . Over where lho old clothos aro hanging YOIl can s e the olltlln s of a dismantled ship, while down the sRndy shore CODie Robtnson rusoe and Man FrIday. A swarthy fa ce peeps from behind the big trunk, It Is Farlnghea, the strangler. creep. tng stealthily upon bls victim. F8ster and faster they come, some pleas· Jng, some ferocious. You welcome t hema1l and are not a bit afraid, and the ruin drips, drips" with a steady. monotonous BOund. : Then comcs a blank. Next morning tbe spell Is broken. but th~ memory remains. You sce the old clothes and the trunk, and find that the only gobelln tapestry In 'the room Is a cluster 'ot cobwebs over the little doriner wimlow. But you had slept the !Sleep of the just, and found It most ,refres~g.

I........ . -----, --. Practical fashions

She ' Covered Her .. ead, Seene, a co,untTY chuicb ot m".... 'pallan 4enominatlon In p~ooesa of being decorated (or the Oht:IBlmaa lIeason. Tbe rector, ""ho lias, a stron. leaulo'g townrll forms ot ' all kJnds. i. fastening a testoon of evergreen. about tho bapUsmllJ font, when, en· tEir ' Miss DymIlle, who unceremonIOusly flings her hat upon the seat of a pew nnd comes lo ,his assistance. The rector 8udd.enly ohserves that IIho Is hatless and remarks severely) "Miss Dymple, It is particularly. forbidden that women shall come Into tbe ch urch with uncovered heads." "Ob, bolher. I fo rgot'" res pondecl the young lady IrreverenUy. "We ll," grabbing up the rector's derby a nll seltlng It jaunllly on her pert lIttl .. head, "will this do!"

non! II more CaI,l l'fb In tllil _ lion 01 the <ountJy I.h&n all olbor dlse..... pu, w ~etl1.r. a od until tbe 1..~e !Dcurabl/!. For a lrea, man, , onrl docwre pronounced It a loeal d lllUlO ~ p..-rlbod local "mrll'... lod b" cOI.-tantl y IlllIlDtJ to cure "Ith lori' tr.. tlDont, pronounced" IIleurabJ6,. Belon ... II... provoo Catarrh 10 b. a <on.Ulu t lo.,.' d. ea». and tbordore ~lIl r.. OOllltltUtlOIUl' t.rulmen\, n awl C&lArrb CUrt. ml nut"'Iu.~ b" F. J . Cheney ., Co .. 'Toledo. Ob IO. \II tho ooly Oon.tllutlonal eure oq tile mArko ' . It II IAken IIlt.<mall" 10 <1 _ (rom IQ< I." Yl&re ... &.11 IUIIIK••.," 10

~m~.:UI~~:~' ll. •• ~~I:ctJh~ ,::.:~ blloclN!d doll... for an, .... I~ lalll 1O.un. s::J lot clr.ul&l1/ anll Imtlmonlala. Add,..: F. J . CliENEY 41: 00.• Toledo. OllJG.

The Sea Wall at St. Augustine.


town and the cstabllehment of th., )ort at hJs tongue's end, and once bfl' Is started on the story there Is no iddelracklng him until he has finished. Fort Marlon 18 the water end of tbe Old , Spanish works, wbich began at thl! city gates away over at thepther side of the town. Between the enlrance anll the main fort it bas a barbfcan, a small fo rtUlcation which mny have had its uses some day In the paal The tort Is surround ed by a moat and originally was r eached by two drawbridges, one of which extended from the glncl~ and the other from the sally port, which Is now the only entrance. In the casements are to be .aeen tho old dungeons wbere the soldiers wbc. bad gaIned the enmity of the comm nd· ant or the governor were confined In cbains. Let It be whispered, however, that the thrllllng tales of skeletons found chained to tl-9 walls and of the tortures authorized by the' Inquisition and carried out by Its agents are largoIy If not wholly mooushine. From the watchtower, a beauUtul view Is gained ot tile 1ttatanzas river. Anastasia Island, the r011lng BllDd dunes'and the be a~lng /Jea beyond. On Anastasia stands the "barber pole lighthouse," so named becaUse It hu been painted blaok and white in sp\ral st.ripes so that mariners may distinguish It . from other beacoDS. The ~athlng beach of St. Augustine is on Anastasia Island also. Here landed the band of Huguenots who were ' slaughtered by Pedro Mene.n del, away back In the alxteenth centUry, after they had been Induoed to give up theIr arms by false pretenses. ' Menendez sent boats to them, brougbt them over In small bands, bound theD:! when out of sight of their walt1ng comrades, b/lndfolded them and took -them behind the sand hills where be put them to death. All tbls, done In tlle name of "reUglon," happened In ~erlca, nol in mediaeval Europe. ',r he MatanZalJ 11 aptly named. Ha,tanzas Is Spawsh for massacre, and $e name and memorle. cllng perlst'enUy to the~ spol Tbe ocean ' constant!y moans on the beaoh of Anastasia Islana. . Superstl~ tfous persons say It Is ",ailing for the victims of Pedro Menendez; otbers claim that the soul ot the murderous governor Is bound In the wavea and that there It will always ,stsy, mourn· Ing and weeping for the evH deedS ot MeneJ?dez In the fle ~ h. ' Tbe slaughter of the Huguenots Ii' not' the only, massaore remembered hoare. Not far from tbo United states barracks, on co the old Franclflcan man. nstry, ls a military cemetery, In whJch three white pyraqllds ' rlse 'consplcu. ously to marll the spotwbere rest' tne bones ot the massacred mtin who went out against the SemInoles under Major Dade.

The passenger tra1llo between the United States 'and Europe continues to . IE RECENT Cuban hurrIcane . ,o ffer most alluring Inducements. Many wh.lcb swept across to the Flor9t ,the bIg cOmpanJes are adding the Ida peninsula and .. among other pewest, largest and swiftest vessels lo places In Its path, greatly dam· Ulelr fleets. , One of the latest launoh,aged ·St. AugusUne, serves to Is that ot a sblp that Is being call attention to this our oldest and built ,bv a Fre, ncr. line", to run t.o New perhaps most Interesting city. The en· ~ tire business section of the city was York, 'flIls ls on8;,o-f ute, greatest craft tlooded with Inrus hlug sea water, ,while tret ()ombl~ted, 'and when put In com· the wlDd and waves created b~voo, tbe ml~sfoD will be able (0' carry 2,020 pas· w!lter pouring ov~r tbe famous sea .enfers. The 'total cost wlll be about wall. . '6,000,000. ' That Is ·what foreign cOnThe spirit manana-tomorrow-ls ~ern. are d oing to get Amerl!!8~ trade. so visible In St. Augustine '~e moment And Americans 'permtt tbem to mo- the traveler allgh ~s trom hlB train that n opoltte a busin68s' that should b ' In he does .not need 1:0 be. told. the Span, e. Ish once )Jved In 'and rule4 the town. . American control and which sbould , There Is not another city' to the Unl. be a . most Important auxiliary In ex· ted Statell; not 'exceptlng stich few tTl>t~Ddlng American commerce. .coUy allen towns as Ue alobg the Mex. ~ Ican bord~r In the far southWjilst, which . Engllsb ot homing ,pigeons 1" so foreign. No matter I wbere the han 10lt 110 many at them thJs season vlsltor goe" he finds treml\ldera of old they believe tbere' Is an especial Spatn, con~ntly .lJec'k.onhir him ~o .beeau"e. Tbla cause; man'y of tbem are hold her anclent gto~les. ; incUnedto luspect, Is wlreleas ,telegraYet here there I~ ,a dellghtfuJ. blend· .p h l. Many will 41amlss . the .. tndlct. iii, of the o,ld ~nd. new, Spain left .ment as fanciful 0 ' .' , many old buUdln~ whloh 8re quaint , .n acco.unt of tbe and odd In tbelr typl\laUy ' S'llanlsb and • comparative , weaknells ,o( the current Moorlsb. architectural features, and WbICb., wireless telegraphy brings into their methods of bulldlng are still tol. play, The answer to tbls Is tb~t the lowed to a considerable extent, adapt· eurrent 40ee not lQll tbe bird" but ed, of course, to lnodern needs. It lit ~nlY contuses them, causing niem to nearly a ce.nturY sll)ce s'paln · ceded misll theIr wa,.. If the MarconJ our. Florida to the UnJted S ~ates, but St. ,rent affects pigeons ' why not gohs! Augustine remaIns as a living reminder ~ndeed, It would see~ 'not Impossible at the rule of the Do~, and the shadp,W tbAt 'w ireless telegra Ii t tI ot the Andaluslan regime remains. But -r ,. ~ s a ons may It Is a shadow without gloom. Every:' be the means or , greater- disaster to w~ere.Jn tN.s old, old clty' the spirit of gull" tl)all IIghtl\o,!ses. Spain Is breathed, but only to the won. der and delight of the vlsttor, never From London comes the announce- with bitter me~orles . ment of tbe dea~ of tbe woman wbo The wealth of many millionaires bas claimed to be ' tbe orlghial of "Little been lavished on Bt.lAugustine. RealizDorrlt," tbat famoUil . ba"Mt~r of Ing tbat the chief, cbarm of the old elty Dlck~nll. The lady was EIJlUUed to the was Its antiquity and tbat Ita monubenefit ot tne doubt, but tt Is a lact ments and strllctures left by tbe Span· that !!Imilar claims bave been m~de I)y ,Ish were, neo ssary to Its life, as It otbers. ' It Is also ' asserted that a were, thl3 anolent lanilmarlls have hee'n preserved or restored, and many , , brotber at 'tbe woman who has ' just sectlpns nre ' Spanish as they ever . 4,lle4 was tbe orIginal "Tlny Tim," ilDd were In the days of tho baugbty gover, tbat be 'served In part 8S the model lor nors. Qr Castile. Tbe Bpa.llish flag float"Paul Dombey." It all those asser. ed two centuries over the bastions of' tions can 'be proved It woul~ s~em San Marco, and were It to be suddenly that tbe famJJy formed a sort of trust ralsed agaIn on that old fort the Span· Ish effect would b~ complete. for Dickens cba~acters . San M.arco, by the way, Is probably Perbaps It !be truth were ' known a the greatest object of ourloslty to vis· ItorJl. Tbe Unlted ,Stales government considerable proportion of the eo- has renamed tlie place Fort , Marlon,' called automobile "accidents" would but moderJi1zaUon cannot take away be founl1 to have resulted from be. Its quaintness nor Its charm. Over the f~ddled heads and unste~dy nerves. door of the sally port, the coat of Tba lJ?enace of a man under tbe In. arms of Spain aWl looks out, carved 1n ftuence ot liquor and In an automobile stone, and nearly 8S sbarp as In the I. easily appreciated. and 'when It Is days when It came across the ocean; demonstrated that crashes on the and nil the "Fort Marlons" In creation road are due to drunkenness the pun.' cannot modernize that. It Is one of the first things the tourtst sees wben' fshment should be severe. Those wbo be comes to ' t,he old fort, and It preInsist upon running amuck on tile pares him for the typically Spanish Wa;hways should be made to pay 8 things he wUl find further on. t.eavy penalty, wbether they be sober Vlsltors Uke to stand long , In the or drunk. 's hadow of the walls ot Fort Marion. and ollmb to Its watchtower at the corThe usual fate o( get-rlch'Qulck ner of the rampart. The sentry towers ollapse at the end. And too, are attractive; and the place Is Vljs:. the "Iambs" are fleeced ,'as a prelim, lted over and over ag~ln. What there tnary. A speculatl ve schame of thIs Is In tills old ~rortlflcotlon ' tbat exerts 1.dnd In Connecticut has b)'ought u-p so subtle a charm Is a mystery. Other ' In the .bank rup tcy cOllrt, :)\' Ith unse. places there are in tbls counth which , cured claims or $5000bO to b t.' p'~e more of bistory nnd a great deal , _ • e se more of Importance. but they bave not Ued. And tbe rur ther sequel no do ub t tbe power to atlract. 't'd me the will ' be the cbarglng of t be sum to that It Is the only:example of medl'a eval the profit and 108s accol.\nt of those . strongbolds on the ·Amerlca.n' continent Is somethJng of a reason, and doubt_, I.D11RllIe' ,foo lish ' enoug~ to "Invest." less others are ·similarly Impressed. , ' ' The spirit of ,Spain 'bovers over A G~rmnn mus loll~ n saYB that our oldfort. "in Imagtnatlouone sees'1 ragtime Is,'the gl'eat ()bstacl~ !lol!'llefs '~f, c~turlEis, !lgC 'loUljlg to creative work In American muslo. the lll!lce. gamblin&" .duelLng1 aUllrrl~)'o\ 'll, tboUltb na:gtl~e ? . ,Sounds llke a taint echo ,lng, , dr.lnking) swaggerIng. from our riO st. Our rrlen'd must ba\ie these swaggereri 'a nd adven pt hls "ldea f MIJl old ,newspaper tUes. their taBte of life In:',Uie w~.tern apd tbe~ tho,. lett their atronge.s:t 1m. that hay. 1D lU17 part of ib. Amonl alnnen exceSsive nolrduP(Jise prfnt ~eiicaJI 'ClClDtlD8IlL . '. it 'at A discount. ~~t, or thQ suco~. Fort Martoll 'Ia' In charse or,a 'r.pI4. I--thNllllm fal atmosphere navigators beln, "hys ar, o~C!e .equllt of the tTblted, leal llJlltw.rgbtll. IJI thIs .• s In ao~e Statu &I'ID.1, ..laO tUu ,the. . mattera .GOd· pod. oIten tctIQ. Jtile DIAP,."pOlDta or . J&C~PL , " e'IU7 ~eWl of _ -"'- · ~:t!.!'1~~~~~m~~~





~ ~~r.UR':,'t.7~lla lor ooutlP&tIoL



Daring Bird-Woman.

We 1l1ustrate 11 ver y Oharmlng Ru.. sian suit. Both back and fron t are entirely plain ond the front hall an opeulng at the lett sldo for buttons and butto nholes or bookB and eyes, ns the maker may prefer. 'fhe small sleeves are on tbe, blsbop order and ar~ gathered Into n narrow cuft. The trousers are In knickerbocker etyle gathered on elasUc bands th~ knees. The outllne of tho neck and the sIde opening IlDd also the cuff can be made somewbat ornamental by tbe use of , , braId cOOltrastlng with the color of the material used ror tbe body of the garment. Dark blue may havo' white or black bratd or even gUt. While may be trimmed with light ~reen, gold or sUver. and so on. . Suitable materials are serge. cbev· lot, brlllJanUne, poplin" pluue • . and Unen. Toe pattern (223 2) Is cut In sizes ~ to ' 7 years. ' To make the suit In the medium size wlil require 1% yards of material 64 Incbes wide.

Couldn't Be Thankful. Bishop Charles W. Smith at a hllJ'o vest dinner In Portland said of tbe barvest spirit : , "Tho barvest s pirit III one of thankfuln ess. but there sre some crabbe~. old farmcrs who couldn't be thankful It they tried. "I said to such an old fellow as be cond u ted me ov r his farm on a gole!. en autumn afternoon and showed m.

Blanchard, Wife of a famous areonaut. a record harvest: While sailing over Parts In a balloon .. 'Well, sir, tbls year, at least, on July 6. 1819, alle set off a rocket, you've got nothing, notblng wbate"e~ the ba lloon caught fire and sbe wall to complain of: , . t<llled by falling on a roof. "'J don't know about that . blsbop,' Mme. Rader, In 1863, was caught In he nnswered, with a s.bake of \h" the ropes of her balloon and suffohoad. 'I'm afraid there'll be no apoUt cated. hay tor the youug calves: " Among tho attempts of women to , conquer the air none was more exImportant to Mothere citing than that of Mrs, StOCk. who Examine carefully every bottle 01 CASTORlA, a safe and sure remedy fop In 1824 went up from London In com· Infants and ch1ldren and see ~t it pany wltb the balloonist Harris. The ~' __ journey conUnued without Incll;1ent Beare the JP??{ _ unUI an attempt was made to d esl'~nd. Signature of • ~ Then the ' apparatus for emptYing tbe In Uso For Over. 30 Years. balloQn did not work properly and tbe The 'Klnd You Have Alwl!Ys BoUChCo gas escaped too rapidly. Only lightening the car could save Good sense Is not a merel,. Int.... tbe two balloonists, and all the bal, leCtual attr1bute. it I'll rather the Nlast had been thrown out. Then BarrIl Ilult. of a Just equilibrium of our faouJo and Mn. Stock looked each other In , ties-spiritual and moral.-Lavater. the eye tor a second. Tben, Harris threw hlmseIt from the car to save SOlUe men malTY for money &Del some women for al~ony. tbe lIte ot the woman who bad ' been procure thIs pattern Ben4 to centll . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!!t brave enough to sbare his peril wltb toTo"Pattern Department," ot thJa pltper.' hIm. Write name and addreslI plaInly, an4 be Mme. Flammarlon, wife of the '{am· aure to give alae and numher ot pattern. OUII Oamllle, made a boneymoon trl.., with her hUsband in the month of Au· ' SIZE ................ . NO. 2232. guat, 1847, f'nd landed tJapplly after Ilrteen hours at Spa. Thla sucoesstul NAMB ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• 4 example was followed by one tragic roWN ••••••••• n •••••••••• , ••••••••••• ~ ••••• Imitation, when Gtuset>~ Oharlemont, , , . - . In ~893, started out from ~1Uan ",!th STREET' AND NO ••••••••••••••••••••••• bls bride and two others to make the STATE ••••••• '••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••• Journey to Parfll. ' Tbe flrat day passed without :lccldent. On the second day, as the bal· GIRL DOLL'S SET. toon was crossing 'the' Alps, It was - -I I caught In a whirlwind. met a snowstorm and tell more than one tbous· and reet 10 a few secondl!. The storm drove the car fro~ one rocky peak to anotber and dragged It over the I was a~' glaciers until all ~e gaa bad escaped It~f!:~'ro~~troubles' .blob and, the car was left on a mountain. ~usedJ& ~~,.. and broken doWD It remained tbere ' all night, and the condltion ot . ~ next day the four, with no Implements 8ystem. , ~ read .0 and no protection against the ~cold, mUCbOf~hatLS started to make tbe perilous descent. Eo Flnkham'. /.. snowstorm was ', ragtng and the et\\ble ComS!ou,n young husban.d SlIpped Into a crevasse had done tor and was dashed to death at the bot· BUftertng felt aure tom. It was three daYII. betore the "belp_w........ party found refuge in a 'hut. Tbe Httle girl wbo Is lucky enough 'Sarah Bernhardt made '1lD ascent In to have a dolpn bet Christmas stock1876 wltb the ~Inter Clartn and GOd7 1· lng w1Jl w8,nt to make it some clot~es ~ard, the' billloo",st: .' -.I " ' 1 1~med!aleJy !lnd we recommend the Among the mOllt ~arlng a,'lators pattern hereWith Illustrated. , " wbo recently gave exblbltlon flights The set consi~ts of a petticoat,' at D~ncaster, England. was Mlle. Du. mounted on a waist. a pair 'ot drawtrieu, a young. Frencbwoman. Her era,' '" dress and a p~cQue. These are tn mtdalr ",ere really remark. made lust llke thq \tttle mothers own imd sbe III tbe only woman In the clothes. The petticoat may serve as world wbo bas ateerlld an aeroplane a pattern ,or a flannel one also for a Thouaanda ot QnSOllcltecl anil p!l~ musllo on... whlcb may he trimmed. with a passenger aboard. . testimo~"l1 like the a~i,tl~~' with edgln,. . Tbe dress Has a little Ine the emclen~y 'ot LydJa l ' m". 'ION ' OF' ARKANSAS and round yok~ whlcb may b.. ot tuckJllI VegetableOomjlound, wMch ·ti' lDacJe the sacltue fa to be of flauDOl trIm. exc~ua1Telr from roota:and heJbL PRONUNCIAT med wlth ' rillbon. Women who luffer trom tboae,cU.. . " t ·T.he pattern (3426) Is \.out fn alzes ~ lIla pequUar to thGil'8ez Ibon!4: "~~kanaaw" . ~e~ognlzed aa Correct: , for ' dolla trom 14 to 26 fnchos long. Tbe not -loae a1aht of ,theile fa'ota·or 46.... but It Brought ~bout a DI,pute 18 In'ell slEe requires % yard of 36 I.ncb the ab.llltr 'ot' LydIa ' B. pt,oo,am" In the Seriate'. material and % yard of 18"lnch tuck. ~'r:-bl& Compolmd 'to ~~ ~ Ing,' for t.h e . dre/ls,' " yard at 27 Inch Lithe Rock, Ark;-Yn' the Untted goods for the. aacque; ~. yard ot 36 Statea nameli of piaces are pro- Incb material and 1 yard of edging for D'o unead according to caprice ratber the petticoat and yard of 36 Incl> than aecordln". to rule~ Tbe people ot musUn and ~ yard , of edging for the, QuincY, Mase., Ils wetl B8 the people drawers. of Massacbusetts generally, say "Quln· 'procure this pattern 'aen4' 10 «lentl zy," wbtle wellte~ peopl~ say' ~'Qu'ln. toTo"Pattern Department:: of this paper 8Y." In the s,am~ way New England: Write name an.t address pla.lnly, and ,,~ era are muoh amused sboul!! anyone aure to alva a!se .. &n4 nu~ber of pattern. pr~lDounc~ ~e !,ame , of ,thetr tam OilS , town as -every , Olle pronounces the . Nq. 3425. 8IZE.~.·.,............ . .com·mon '. '\foret, ~at te oIIpeil~:d In the NAME " .. ( . ' ; same waY, In ot'her.,woril, 'thidnhabl. \" tonls ' of Cob cord , Mass:.. gl"e"the seeTO~N·t~···················~··· r~········ "ond "0" an , obscure, SOu,l'!d am. qmlt trJ'UE'r ~D NO .•••••••••,_ . ........... . the "r" altoge~e( Tbey ltv;e in' "Con· '.', . ,CUd." 8TA~ •••• , ••••• : ••••,•••••••••• " ••••••••••• , Most everybody laiQwd tbat the cor· ~ct pronunc,l ation' or AlkansD.s Is "Ar· kans!!-w," llut ,t,be ~ , ar," st111 roanY'per. sons .wbo call It Arkan~as. , The name





WANTSIlER tETTER' I'PUBLISHED-, For Benefit of Women who

'Suffer 'from Female IUs , l '





.. .... ............ ...... ........... ...\ ~.

! I.















mllill II 1IUmtlll 1111 Iilll 111111'1ImtUftmftl

SANITATION IN SCHOOLS "hyalcal Health and 8trength lentlal to a Vigoroua Mind,

Are b

. Keo plng the skin tn good condition Js sO Important to the general health thnt It should receive es pecial attention at sohool. 'l' be school lavatory as well as the home bathroom should be furnlshod with Res lnol So;p, because It removes tho germ-laden dust of the playground and streot atmosphere better than anything else. It prevents t he advent at contagious skin trou. bles and keeps the complexion !resb, r osy and smooth as that of youth s bould be. No child should be hampered or disfigured with slun eruptions when a few applications ot Resl· nol OIntment will cure them. Eczema, Acne, Rashes, Sores, Pllllilles and blotches are quickly cured with this easily applied remedy" and It should be kept In every home ao that It can be used at the flrllt appearance of Hk!1l troubles. Students who 8have will find the Roslnol Medicated Shaving Stick the bes t. It Is highly r.ecOIDtIl.ended by pbyslclans and skin speclaltsts to keep the face free trom pimples and erupIts soothlnS', healing lather tions. counteracts I any Irritation or tenderness from shaving too close. ReslJiol Soap and Ointment' can be obtained wherever the best toilet arttcles are eold. Booklet on "Care of the Skin and Complexion" sent free. ReslbOl ChemIcal Co., DalUmore, Md. McLean Met HI. Match. John R. M.cLean stepped In front 01 a lurching Irishman one evening aDd obstructed the I1ldewn.1k 80 that the Irishman was obliged to stop and look at blm. McLean sold: "Here's that half dollar I borrowed of you. Now you must quIt telltn, the neighbors that I never pay ~ debts." . Halt drunk, and wholll' dazed. the Irishman took the silver plece, looked ~t It In lently, and then saW: "De dad, yez can't get off that alsy. ft war a whole dollar that yel borryd; so fork over." And he forked oyer another balf dollor, and went hts way, laughln, hearUly at the quick Wit of the Irlsbman,-LIlustrated Sunday Magazine. Doctora More Thorough. A ph~' slclan at a dinner !n Denver an ered at certain Blbl1caJ miracles. "Lazarus," he said, "was raised from the dead- and yet I don t any dead folks being ralsed In our ttme." "No:' said Rev. Herbert H. Tre8· bam, th Biblical aehalar, wIth a emile. "Modern medical science h:u progrellsed too tar for that, eh 1"WWlblngton Star.


Church Must Disarin Criticism



EV. JAMES H. M'LAREN, pastor' or the 'e n· ual Park Congr(>g atlonal '. church, Chi cago, declared In a rer-ent 6 rmon that t ho cburch of the present Is the recipie nt or many lus t crilil'l s ms tram me n of tb e world, and It would do well to profit by thenl. "The church In III ancient form ll, has pnssed," said Doclor Mc Lare n. "nnd Ils modern form Is likewis e paf:ls, Ing away. ' oUeo: I sa} torm, and to this 1 would add CUSlom. Time Is the test of all things. To Its Inralllble decis ion must be s ubjected the lhln'g1l of scie nce, gove rnment, religion and all elso. Sci ence proves and aUb dJsproves. But custom, cUngs. "Witness lbe passing of old cblnery, likewise of old theories no longer able to re tain their place In any sound working phllosopfiy of lite. Witn ess also the passing of ancleDt form s In rellglon and theololY. "That Is not to say that 80me «t'od has not risen out of tbls strange mUs or curious forms and now ImpOllslble beliefs. Quite otten w() ftnd a spirit accomplI.Dylng them utterly foreign to the forms In which they are clothed - a spirit ' whlcb grappled with the higher and the truer, whlch It at times beheld with singular clearness and beauty, but which In lieu of the limes and customs It could Delther untold nor retain. "The profound studeDt can cateh even between tbe linea of CalvlnJsm glimpses which III future mlnll, equally strong and more enlightened, ",1\1 formulate Into IL great working theology which we do not now pOIIS88S. Infinitely · truer and sweeter than his tb\!ology was the soul of St. Augustine, (lnd there WDJI Dever n lheologlaD V(hOS9 heart wall mol's thoroup;hly an· chored In the Inftolte. And this I. true of many an ancient and modern theologian and ureed mak,er. World I. Progreaalng. "Out of this age of absurdities the world hu passed Into another age of le8B ab8urdltles and less cruelty, and yet an age whose religious effects have palned and crippled the more enlightened and hindered the progren or the kLngdom of Ood. "I reter to the age of cr8f!d, clua 'and sect distinctions, The first haa p.ssed, the second I. passing ~nd the third Is doomed to die. The age of Christ and Chrlstlanlty is comIng, but Is not yet here. All we have yet recelved Is a toregleam, a prophecy of what Is yet to be. "That the church ~f today dOGS not meet the demands at the age Is too pain tully evident to need comment. Certainly, the church of today Is not without Its magnificent examples of life cbaracter and generosity; herein Is Its 8alvatJon. But that It 18 far Cram meeting the demands of our ad. vanced life and progress Is true to an extent that most people do not real· !.zo. "On one of our chautauqua prog ams this season In which the speak r" , . er al"o had a part, one of tbe greatest wall delivered by a. brllllant young lawyer of the New York bar on "The Trln.1 of Jesus FrOID a Lawyer's


diffe rence In time at wblch the .arl· ous Ice centers re,a ched their gn>atest development, we wl\1 be very n early the truth In aa ylng that from the southern limit, shown on tbe map, northward the Ice lay In one unbroken expanse , with the excElption of the so· callell -drlftless area and possibly one of tb e highest mountain peaks In the CRS t. It Is calculated tbat Its thickn ss at the two eastern centers must have been something Uke 5,000 to 10.. 000 fe et. On Its way from th norlh the Ice mass gathered to Itself Immense quantitles ,of soli and loose reek which wet:e carried along with It. Occasion· ally huge blocks of rock from moun· taln slopes and stream bottums were clutched In the firm grip at the Ice . ~. and carted for hundreds of mJles, Froquently tbe Ice would 11ft great bowl· , Be tbat IlS It may, the tact remaina ders from the bottom of a valley to that over certain centers-()ne on the the top ot a mountain. east of Hudson bay, the Labra.dorlan; · Presently the , Ice began to retreat anot.her on the west of It, the Kee· before a more congenial climate. It wattn, and a third In the Canadian was not at first, however, a steady 1'& rockle!l, the Cordllle;oan-snow, grad- treat, as not less than tour times tbe ually changing In~ tce, accumulated Ice . again advanced after having al· year after year In such Immellse thick- most vanished, and each time It waa nosaes that tlnally, Impelled by Its followed by animals and plants adapt' e' ed to the semWrlgld climate at Ita own we Ig ht ,rna Uon b egan, an d th re ed-. During one of these Interglacial g Ian t g Iac Iers· crep t au t ov e I' tbe ad .. jacent country. These final\y joined epochs man appeared upon the scene. Into a continental Ice mass that at Its But as 'he tce melted and dlsapgreatest extent covered two·thlrds of peared the earth nnd rocks which It North America- an area ,at about carried were dumped, sometimes a. 4,000,000 square miles. an even mantle, but more orten In While ma.y have been, some hills and rid lei. -


100 as large as a small cabin could be lodged on top of a mountain when there Is no slmJlar rock within a hundred miles or more. we must trace Its history back to a time at least 200,000 ,.ears ago, when the geologic period called the terUary was drawing to lu TOUGH· LUCK, INDEED. clo86. The first tact to attract our attentlon, could we have taken a birdseye view of the northern part of our cantlnent at that Ume, would be Ita grea~ er extent than at present. Looking eastward we would see the shoreline extending In places a hundred miles beyond the shoreltne of today, and In vaIn would we scan for the Islands, . bays and reaches that now lend such enchantment to our plcture8que coast. Northward the land probably stretohcd unbroken over. the present arctic SUPIJOSe "au become an English man or your footman yO\l can get archipelago, and connected on the J I east by way of Gre'enland, Iceland Ilnd pee r and are naturally anxious to !lnd very heavy pena ties against him 10 the Scandinavian penin.sula with Eu- out exactly wbat personal rlgbts and the courts. rope and on t\le west by closing of prlvlleg s your new station gives, you You cann~t be arrested except for wlll have to give your l3ecretary a nn Indictable ollense. For any olJense 'Baling str~t with ~Ia. . month or so to hunt through rows uf ' les8 serious you can, of course, be . Tbls circumstance had a very Impor- dust-covered volumes. A'nd even then sbmmoned to appear. But the police. tant bearing on the fauna of that day, you will not Iwow one.halt of them. man Is not allowed to ulle In your case as It enabled the IlnlDlals from the one Lots at tbem are obsoleto Indeed. his usual efficient method of making continent to cross to the other. lila' They have not been repeale d, how. sure that people do actually appear. ' land- ever:' and, It you wish to take advan· If t11e ?ffense Is serious, bow ver, you " 6ction. .of the t Jug a closer Jns .. seape beneath' us, we would be sur· tago of e very: pri v1\ege tbnt your ne w CAn be arrested In the ordinary way, prlsed at the total absence of tbe rank gtv f:I you you wl\l find plenty of Th en you can claim to be tried bl:' a smaller lakes tbat now are Its most opporlul1f[ es. Jury at your fellow peers, - ---::N uTse-lllvlns ! - The baby swal· characteristic feature. !iJ,'en the great If YOU are unfortunate enough to be If a society paper gossips about you lowed n bott i'e of Inlt un' 'l1ot a bit 01 lakes were mIssing, with the pOllslble 'condemn d to death. for Instance, you In a wny you do not like , the proprleblotting paper In th' hOllse! exception of Lalle Superior, whtle I,n can demand a noose of silk. If yo1.\ tor~ are guilty of the crime of "scan· , the valleys In which thcse latter now are bald lind shy. of displaying your dalum magnatum:: and YOIl should END STOMACH TROUBLE NOW Ue flowed rivers belonging to one InfirmIty: YOII a re a.t liberty ·to Ilee p find It easy to make them regret' that or more systems , on your ha t wh en In a court of JU R. e ver they were born . DYlpepsla, Gaa, Sournesa or Indlge. The mountain groups of today we Uce, 1\ prh1l1?ge that not ey n the L astly. you need not buy stamps for tlcn Go Flvo Mlnutea After Taking would reoognlze at once. notwlthslnnd· prime lllltll' t or enjoys- ex cpt. of your I tters II III ss YOIl 11k. P ers a Little Dlapepsln, ,Ing 'their somewhnt more rugged out- course, wh en b~ huppens to be a \lee r. are stili entitled to use lhe old method Every time tiarilam nt reopens you of "franking" letters. Bllt your ' line, and the same would be true ' In If your meals don't fit comfortably, the case of the rivers l While we are allowed by rI.'ynl charter, If your fri ends would not bless YOIl wh en they or you fe el bloated . otter eating, and would flee a number of them In way' to tho hOUSG !ealls throu gh one at l'el:!elved lett rs with only your prlyou ,bell evo It Is tbe tood which fiU. strange courses, . the Dlaster streams tbe royal deer ' padls, to kill and, If vate matk Instead CIt a stamp. Tbe you; If what little you eat lies like we would know at first glanc . For you wish It, carry away one or two pc,s tman would probl\bly camp out on lead on your stomach; it there Is dU- mJlUons of years til se had b"en cut· deer. \Vh n returulllg home you may the doorstep till 1'Ie had that two ftculty In breathing, eructations of tlng the II' channels undisturbed, until do th e same agaln . Tt:.ere Is only one ponce. Though tl'll<;l , prlvllego ot Bour, undigested food and apld, heart· at the close or the te rtiary a new 1m· ' ondltlon . You must, wben ent !'Ing "franking" still exist.8, theoretically, );lurn, brush or a belchlng of gas, you petus was Imparted to them, owing to the llarlt, give the royal fore tel'S no· Cor peers, the busf u.css·lIl{e posto(· can mal{e up your mInd that you need the recent rise of land an(l th ever· lice of your Intention hy souudlng flee would Drobnbly :"fuse to recognlze It:-Stray Storle".l. Bomethlng to stop' food fermentation Increasing humidity of the climate. 'your hunting horn. and curo Indlgestton, So we would probably see them turIt a common er s o far for ge t8 blm· A large case of Pape's Dlapepsin bulent nnd swoll en and the sides of self, for reasons of his own, as to C'a re of Children'S Teeth. costs only fifty ce.n ts at any drug their water COllfS s orten pre cipitous punch your head, you ha,' e the )'IrtvlTho Lance t. In a strong ple a for store here In town,'and will cODvlnce and jagged, overhung In plac,es by lege of balllug him before tlte crlm· t. tte r care of tbe teeth of English chll· any stomach sutterer five minutes atter great ledges and loos blooks reudlly Inal courts as one gu!lty of the crime Ilren, which, It says, "Is a matter of taking a single ,dose t~at FermeJ1t~·, dislodged ,by the lellst iorco. of showing' contenipt for the whole the first Importance to tbe country." tion and Sour Stomllch Is caUsing the The cl1mate 'o ver t~le whole conti- house of parliament. And b for e be declares that "tooth brush drill Is of misery of IndlgesUon. ' n"n t was ,semitropical" or at least tem- leav s the Old Bailey he will be v \.y, little value when carried out during . No matter It you caU your · trouble p~rate. al;ld 8uch , plants as the big and very sorry. If, on tbe otbei' hand, It .3chool .hollrs ~ to b of value It must Catarrh of tho Stomach, Dyspepsia, great red wooils ,of California grow nl Is you \"ho BO far forget your.3elf as b carried out at the proper times, tbe Nervousness or Gasullls, or by. any far north as Oreenland and Iceland. to punch the commoner's bead, he can niost tmpor~fUlt of all being the last other· 'napto-always re~e~ber that a ,ADd through the almost'en,d less woods summpns you, ,just as he wp uld any thing before going to rest." This medcertaln 'CUre 'ls ' wt\lUnir, al your drug ' ot the. nm:th roam.,d herds~ Qt mssto- one else, at t1:e police court.. But It, Ical authority thinks, allli!, that "a well " ~~ore ' tbo m9me.nt yo,u, decide be~n do~ 'and' other h,~rhlvore ofgreatsl'lle, when you are there, you breathe out orgaolzl'!d cl'usade tllroughout the Ita' use. together wlth' such beasts o( pre) BS threat8nlrigs and slaughter against country on the Importance of tbe teeth Pape's Dlapepsfn :WUl .regulate' any the now xUnct saber-toothed U&ItJ'. him, and tell hlot exactly what you and the technlllue' of their proper car wm 'do to hIm when you get him out· would be tolloWed In a goncrat\op by Ilut.or-ordei' Stobl~cb within five mIn:' But we find no trace'of D).a n. " utes' alld dlgestproPlptly;' without any Over this ~trl;\nge and' magnHlc"nt side, you can do so tor as long as you,l1\enlle Improvement In the health (Jl~s';or d,l~com'~ort, 'all' ~ ' )dJ'l4 " ot world ·the Ice swept ,'4own 'so suddenlY, please. . " , of ' the ~nat\on, and, from the point of foOd lOU eat. .', '. '. ' I • geololPc ~me Is reckone'd : that The m~strate bas tfo ' p~wel' to view o( the con,ibntimt servlcell, 'by an . ";J;'hese larg.e". 6~-cent " eaa'es 'Contain· Ploet or tile tllen uIstlng· animal ~nd blnt! rOil over 'to , keep the peace, or enormous decrease lD the percentage . <. ' Y hI J" ptant forms, 'pushed south ' befd1)e Ita comitllt :rou for contem1?t of cour t ,one a r reeru' It8 ' , r~Jeot.. JIlore ,than. 8umClent to' . t'".,oroJ18, e.. for d e fe ct1 ve . , 'CUl'e ' anf ' chl'Onlc,.c&ae q, Dys~plla; advanee, had not time enough to adapt · of '" hl~b·'thlngs he would certotnly cio teeth.... . ' , Indigestion,. Gastrltla or., ~DJ other theJDlelves' to' ,their new· envl~ment, It your name, 'dld not appea.r on the , fUld tb.tN't0J;8 b~e IJ'8&tI:r altered. reatiter . of tho house of lor,de. Oets Them R,u nnlng, . Sto,mach troQble. . .', $llou~ yoU·-.t. thkrmO"Dt· be or es~e1'Dllnated. . ' But these lire not '· the onlT · advan· "WID the busIDOU men of tht. oo~ rerlDK' tropa " lD"'Wtlobf :Q'1It. : .\- 'tet th.... baa been DO 'l oad ~ tapa 10ur r~k elve. you III the' munlt): 8ob.ldl•• a Marathon meet'" ~1 atomacll41IGl'll." ,peRl CIUl IOD .. OhaDD \JIat lD • court., If 10U are concenled In .. . "Ho~ wUl a Marathon help . the



A vice to . spirants




p~ "uer ~ .•"~.m~hlU;~-~U~'Sii~i~:ti'm~e~ttaufOl'1!led IAto that or ~ta. ..... 1i;~Bro.~ .. '~



Cured in One Day


HENEVER your vacatIon rambles ha ve taken you' to one of the nortbern stales of th o counll'Y, you have no doubt otlen been struck by the slgbt of some un· usually large bowlders perched on the top of a mOllntKln, or resting. mayhe. In such a nicely bal· anced position by the very edge of th e sea that n dusblng wave may rock It to and fro, Writes O. N. Collins In the National Geographic Magazine. Examine one of these bowlders more closoly and iou will find sev· eral thincs to dIstinguish It trolD others that you lDay bave noticed In other parts of the country. Should the rock on which the bowlder lies be bare O.f soil. It wl\l o(ten be found to be of a different killd than that at which the bowlder Is composed . Thus the bowlder Itself may be of granite and rest on a surface at JJmestone, ahale or sandstone. You wtll also often find tblll bare rock ,polished to a remarkable degree, or marred by scratches, Ilnd even deep grooves running In a more or less parallel direction, known as glacial strine. To understand bow a block of gran-




ellaoce.,. cue andJOur ' baveword to WOUld, III lIlenr tlJe wtUtetll boz, It bUllDeae "In IIWl7 wart- TIle tel.....pll eomfOIl Win.. It. ~ tabIl .. equlftl8D~ P8oD7 OUSbt- to 1MI .aterMted. l.Mt to IlIlOtber oatJa, It aIlJaD• •.,W It wU1 ltlIDaia. tW Va . . . . . . . pt...-l wtoltlQe to JOur...... ..... . , '


"/ ~arJ my cold /I


a~ being brltn U-

We In.wanu Polley •'- MUNYON.

A fe,,, doses of Munyon'a Cold Cure wiD h renk up Rrl,Y cold and pl'eVcat pneumonia.

It. rcli ,'cs tho heRd, thron t nud lungs a1mO!lt instnntly. Thl'S8 litLle sugar penet. can be eODvcl1ienLly curried in the ,vest pocket for u se at any tim or oUYlfhere. Price 25 cents at any dnlllgists. If l ' OU need Medical Ad\'ice 'l't'rite to Munyon's DoctOr!!. They will carefully diagn Ol'e yo ur cnso and ih'o you odvic8 by mail, nbRolu teTy free. '1'hey pu~ y_ und l'r no obligation".


J~'1ho rl! l orv.

MlI llYOn'K

ll<Jcton, Munyon'. .tnet.a. PlWo

Il:ld a n d J efie1'llQn adelp IliA. 'pa.



Patient-Look here, doctor; 1'01) 8all1 It I took a bottle of your tonlo I would bave a remarkable appetite: Why, J only eat one .ada crack.. each week. Doctor-Well, don't yoU \ cal;I t'h at • remarkable appetite?

BABY'S SCALP CRUSTED "Our little daughter, when three months old, began to break out on the head and we had the best doctore to treat her, but they did not do her anT good. They snld she had eczema. Her 8calp was a 80Ud scale allover. The burning and itching waa 10 levere that she could not rest, day or night, We had about given up aU hopes when we read of the CutIcura Remedies. We a' once cot a cake of Outtcura 'Boap, a bOlt of CuUcura OIntment and one bo.. Ue at Cutlcura ResolYeBt, and foJ.. lowed directions carefully. After tbe flrat dose of the Cutlcura Resolvent, we ueed the 'C uUcura Soap lre ly and appIJed tbe Cutlcura Ointment. TheD sbe began to Improve rOllldly and lD two weeks the scale clLme ott her head and now hall' began to grow. III a very short Ume she was well. She la now sixteen years or ap;e Ilnd a pic> ture of health. We used the Cut!· cura Remedies !lbollt five weeks, reg· ularly, and ' then we could not tell she bad been affected by the disease. We used no other treatment after we tound out what the ClIticura Remedies would do tor her. J. Fish and Ella ~ Fish, Mt. Vernon, .Ky., Oct. 12, 1909.

Stanlliloint l' From Renan to Channlng a moro beauUful trIbute to J OO UI Hardl), a Compliment. had not be n llald. And yet this high. Tn the excite ment o( tbe moment class lawyer and man, honoring and llUbUe speakers oUen 8ay tbe opposite worshiping th hrlst as he se ms to, at what t il y meim to convey, and bas no use for tbe church and does "when Henry Trvlng gave a rending III not attend It. t be Ulst er ball. In 1878:' says Bram '''1'n manager of tbe plnHorm, Illso Stoker, In j'Personal Romlnlsoen'ce. a leudln g lawyer. of long experi ence or Henry Trvlng," "on o speaker made and on e of tbe flnellt citizen s of Ialva, lUI pretty an Irish lJuli as could be assum es a like pcsltlon , whll a lend· found, th oug h I he bull Is gencrally supIng physlctan In the audlenc decla red p Olied to helong to oth er provinces hIm self a membe r .ot the sa rn o 'big than th e bard ·hendcd Is ter. Tn deschurch.' Those aro not tb e canr!; r canting on the many virtu ' II at tblt sllepll cn.1 class, but men or th e hlgh eJ gu est of th e evenin g h mOIllloneu the type. excolle n.:: or bls moral nntur and rect;. Criticism of the Church Orter, JL.'St. It ude of his pri vate life In tbese "Th ese gentlemen ga vo qulttl fr eely t e rm&: "Mr. Irvin g, sir, Is a gentletb elr rea sons for the pos lLion whi ch rll nll what lellds a life or unbroken they taite, which, by tbe way . are not blornl"h.' .. ::Je w. We have heard the all before-that the churcbes are stili too narrow, TRY MURINe EYE REMEDY too sectarian, too Intolerant. and that tor R&d, Weak, Weary, Wa tet'Y Eytl8 churches- especially In tbe s maller RudGrunulnted Eyelids. Murine Doesn't towns- are 80 numerous and conflict· Smart- Soothes E ye Pain. Druggists Ing that they maintain only a Ul edi· Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve If.. ocre ministry which does not appeal 600, Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eve Books to the brains and heart at th e com· and Eye Advice Free bl' 1\1all. inunlly at all. That the gentlemen Murine Eye Remedy Co.. (;.ucagO, referr ed to ba\'e a misconce ption of the church Is plain to be s een, but HI' Never Snaved Again. that there II! ground tor tbe lr asserMarmaduke- Wha t do you suppose lions nud som elfmes for their position that wretcbed barber said when he Is \I1lewlse unfortunately true. sha ved ]pC 1 "To set such criticism a side as nn' BerUe--I don't know. Marmaduke-Ho said It reminded "'ortby our attention Were utter folly on our part.. Th e true man Is he who him of a game he used to play when will listen to bls crlllcs, It they are a boy called "Hunt the Har()." ,ust, and strive to profit there by. And Rbeumatis m, Neurnl!tia and SOni tlle church will do well to observe tbe Throa ~ will not 11 vo ulldl'r the slime root lame rule. with Hamlins Wizard Oil, the best 01 "As a remedy for thlJ defects cIted, all remedies for the r~Jje£ of all pain:the speaker developed the follow In, points: A more united, a ,more' com, The Simple Lifo. prehenslve and a , better working or. MH. Knll'ker-You will have to get. ganlzaUon. Denominationalism mnat up to light the fire. go. These things of the past w1\l suit Kn!cker-Unne cessary, my dear; 1 'no Urnes to come, They liave had never smoke before' broa'k fast. their day. 'Give us now a reat union of tihrlstendom In the name Bnd 'splrlt ' Aluaiider'1I Remedy for A.tbma . Will cnre 1 ou , Wl11 .ull~r dlll\.ntU · l\.D[J lOrtll'" of Jeaus. Let the smaller churchee Iolla"r! Bend 10r aaDlple bottle. 0 . "" . AI QllllAder unite their forces and maiD. ' (lumpur, UBzal!aua.a,reet.. Po~~, ,MaillU, min atronger mll1lstry. l;Iecuodly: At alxt~en : a girl thinka about roMII j'Lflt tbe ctiurch becoJDe ao Btronc, arid poetry; at tw.enty-slx her th'Oqhta BO sweet, so vllOrO)!e, to aelt-sacr.lft. riDt tb cabbaieB 'and DlOney, ~ elDS ln and IIplrlt and practlae _.' , .., that the ecclealUtlcal t7ran~ the . .... ~1IooUaID.""""--!:.




church the relteloUi with hllbol., e~kerecl IOld, or bYPOCrite,. ' the .11' 1!!,!','A!;:'£-=::'==iiiii:= noraDt aee4 victim, with hJB rule 01 A quanel maNlJ proy- u.t Oil. If ruin lIoUq, a~a1l lilA DO "elcolU ~ the putt.. to It bull't aar mort . . . . Quarter III U. \tau the otIlw.

n • " •~ ltl¢~



-.- ,



Born to Mr. and Mrll. J ohn Orndo rf Monday . D eember 12th , a son,




-About -----People ,.·.·--·, t 1- -... .... .... .


RaymolJd Wiiliaml:lon, of Dayt on, ' ~pe n t Sunday with his parents here.



The Daylight Store


Mrs. J. L. McCurfe and sister , MislJ Ruth Mi ller are visiting reIaI li ves in Dayton.

Xmas Goo

I ~=~==~=

J_ H_ OPP, Jewe ler

Santa Claus will be at our Store all day Saturday before Xmas_ Bring the children to see him~ We will have a treat for every boy and girl_ Calendars, we hav:,e a very pretty calendar_Ask for one_



lia ju t rcc ived a lot of Holiday Goods, embraci ng a nice line of


J pwelry, Watches, Brace, I ver. lets, Clocks, . Si



~ll I 00 Berry et, cu t l ) I 00 Berry Bowl, Cllt to 50(' Bread Plat ,cut to 25c Bread Plates, cut to I Dc Pi Plates, ell t to "


79c All tOc Games, cut to 79c 35c 7 cents Igc 6c

Ladic ' Hand 13ng, SI.:..S kind, cut to . . 8 Bc 7,5c kind, ClIt to . . . . 5 9 c 3;c kind, Cllt to . . . . 2Sc 5 C Chain Pmsc', Cll t l ( 3 4c

w'a re, etc.

. . Give me a ~all and Se lect your Presents

2 50 Clocks, cut to . . . I .50 I 00 Writi ng Pap [, cut t o 74e 50c Ink tands ; Clit to . 3ge 75c W riting Paper, cut to 5ge 1Oc picture Frames, cu t to 7 e 10c ABC Stencil , cut to Bc Comb and rush , r~g u lar 75c 57c 10c Checker Boa rds, " 6c kind, cut to 100 Toilet ets , , , , . 74c lOc Holly Wreaths, " 7c 50c Toy Dishes, li t to 3gc 5(,c Games, Clit to . . . 37 c 1 00 Fountain Pens, c ut t o 78c 25c Gam ,cut to .. : . 19c ' ' Books on taining 50 Seals, Buy an Edison Phonl/graph f r cut to . . . . ' . . . . . 7c 25c Boys' T ool Chests, . 9c Xmas and have enjoymen t ut to . . . .. . . . . Xmas 1'ags, c,u t to a pkg 3c 35 365 days in the year Silver Tinsel, 9 feet fo r' . . I Oc 50c P ictures, cut to .

We can fit you with"any kind of

Glasses, Spectacles, etc.


will be In s(' r tc(\ unllcr ~h l s bead for t wenty· llve cc nl.~ for ~ h ree Ins r ll oll., wh n u I llg not more t han five li nes.


. ~ $25,

' ..



All 3 for 5c Cards cut to Ic each, except Xmas . Cards.




FOR SALE ALLON gl'lv8Dized iron ' J6-G A HUlla r Ttl-nk. good aM new.

$55 .

Call or " dd rfl S~ E H Brown, R. D. 5 Way n eR vl\I ~, Ohio. ,



Mrs. Clara Kirby r Epprted siok la8t week Is mlloh better Mr. J ames Blaok is no r iog 1l}J t. boll on his neok Rev. MoKi n~ie went D', fur us Cinohmoti with his 80 n h r eturned home. . There will be 1\ tn i ionnry Rall y servloe at Oregonin next l"abbath the 1 tho Tbe sermon will he preaohed b.v D, nll s!:! innu ry l!Ant by tbe U B. P \1 bliR h Ing h () 11Ilf) OIlY ton .


Il ~ ood ~ hoot:

The place to buy you r CROCE;RIES is where, you get what you want at the price you ought to pay.




Figs, Dates.


Sweet Navel Ol'an ~es , Sweet, !i'loricIa Orange . Fancy F lorida Grape Frui t, Fancy Eati ng Ap· pies, Dates, Figs, New CaIn Eng. Walnuts, New F rench Walnu ts, Alm onds, Bt'azils, Pecans, Cocoanuts, Peanuts,

Candy, pure cut, mixed and Stick Candy, 3lbs. for ............... .. . 25c

CANDIES - We sell U I~ derwood' s P ure Cand ies, Cut Mix, French CreamH, Honey Comb, Chocolates, Cocoa Bon Bons; Peanu t crisp, al'amels, .Jellies and many others,

APRICOTS-Extra choice, Cal.'· i!:vaporated; crop of 1910. Reg price l8c per lb .... ............................ .. · .. 15c

MINCEMEAT- Ah how good! We have ' an extra fine selection of candies at a reasonable price which should be examined by tE'achers ann others before buying~

OYSTER::3- The Best Ouste spacked when . hucked ii, anita· . ry cans, !;"ancy Large Cran herries, Edg-emont Botter Crackers, Fancy J umbo Ce lery . PickIeR, Oli ve' , Horse radjsh, New Apple . Bu tter', N w Mince .. . Mea ~.Nf w Dried F rui ts.

FANCY BOX CANDIES- Sftmoset. Chocolates; the best ,o f all; from 25c up.


Do you have t rouble in making bread? If so, try a sack of


Grape Fruit, Cranberries , Nuts of all kinds.


Special prices t o 6hurches and Schools on CandiE'S & Oranges. Don't f ail to get Y04l: Green 'tiokets and per'haps you will get a , nice Pr sent. <' I

White" Loaf


SEALSHIPT OYSTERS Don't forget to send us your order for-Oysters


We are paying '36e for Eggi

I Yours for a Merry Xmas . WANTED ' . MAN past 30 with horse ond bng I . WALTER J KILBON to Bell Rtook oondition pow• .



rt'er in Warren Connty. Sllllu'v 170 I - _ _ _ _ _ _~~ pAr m .... ot.h . Addre88 801 Uni~y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.........- - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I>ldg .• IndionapoJts, Indianll. ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






. EverY thing good to 'eat f or . ChristmaS at '



.. I Wh'-t,e '• ·I........ Whet ' Ie.


" I

I ,

Wh-t' I e 's


Holiday Goods.

Useful Meat Cutters Scales A.xes Oil Stoves Washing Machines Nickle Tea and Coffee Pots A larm Clocks Clothes Wringers Lamps and Lanterns Lard P ress



For Father, Mother,


Malaga Grapes,



Cood Things for

APPLES-Selected Cal Bellflower and American Beauty.



Toq ues', Scarfs, Over Gaiters, Center Pieces, lots of presents for all members of the 'family.

HOR E8-BorRBS for Rille singly or In P AirS. Inqatre or J. B, Uhapmllo, Wa~nesvme. Ohio. I

Our Holiday Stock this season being larger t han ever before, is a marvel of bpau ty unu elegance.• its new features a re innu merable, its variety almost unli mi ted. J. E. J an ney .


ORANGES- ChoIce Florida. California and Arizona fruit thin skin, sweet and juicy, per doz ...... .. .. .. 25c. 3Oc. 35c.


Premium F lou r. . . . . . .65 . White Cliff F lour. . . . . .70 Alb' FI 70 mo ' our. . . . . .. . Buckwheat Bour, 10lbs . .39 7 lbs Rolled Oats. . ' . . .. .25 71bs Lump Starch . . . .. .25 Ibs Fancy Head Rice. . . .25 Fancy Pe~ches per lb. . . . .10 Pure Kettle Rendered Lard per lb . . . . . . . . . . .14 2-year-old Pop com, 2 Ibs .. .05 If you have Dever traded at Kilbon's give us a trial. You will come back.

. . . . . .~. .Bm. ._ . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~. .~··. .

·0 . . W~ Hawke

Tomatoes; hand~'packed; whole Tomatoes, worth 12c, Special price, per can ................. .. .. ...... 9c

a 'e ates·, uPCs, an. IS es, T S aucers, 0 b aeco J ars, rack PI J · er J ars, D mner ates, apanPI t d D' h Th ese 11 es, an IS es. e best assortment we ever had.

li t tle and IR in good oondition. Inquir e at this office.

----- ..- - -




OU BLE-BAR.REL .. Itbioa. BRmD llIer\ p s gun , iog gun; hns n ver been u!led bu'

3- 5.

Mr. O. W. AIloKin:tlte hll8 been vis. 1*lIi8 hl8 father, Rev MoKinzie for a few ·days. Mr. MoKinzie i. snper. intenden' of the Jone~ Heel mann. f.O'Dr~g oompany at Williamsbarg James Blaok WII.R in Dayton Wedneaday.


Jew C·lelckBoMxes, 'pCIOckSS'd All a{m o s, rs. , otts a rons, Com Poppers, et c.

Whi te Leghorn and White FINEPlymouth R ook OookerA1R fOfj

Mr. Thoma. Mellio, of Mt.Oreb, Brown Ooouty, was in oar neighbor . bood trying to bay a carload of oorn . The oorn orop i8 almost a total fail are in t.his sootion. Rev. MoKinzie and Bon went to Davton Wednellday. ' Rally day servioe at Ut.ioa w..:. well attended considerin'g the weatber.

For Men, Boys & Children. Men's and Boys' Shirts, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Mittens, Cloves, Leggings for Men, Boys and Child ren.

InqUire of W B . . Lashley, R D.1. Waynesville, Ohio ~ h (lt

FRUITS Oranges, weet and juicy, 20c to 45c, per doz. Special prices by the Box. Bananas, Ap ples, Grape Fruit, Tange rines, Figs, Dates. Nuts, aU kinds. Home made Mince Meat , Pumpk ins, Celery, Cranberries, Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes.


~~le., . A pply toE . W. Rioks, Phone


We have t he la rgest assortment we have e\ er had from 8c to 40c per lb. Also home-made taffy . Special prices to Sunday .Schools.

Sa~~4a ~as~s, Pirt V~es, Sala~ Granulated Sugar, 251bs for 1.25

of o. U. Rh(ldfl Jp_ A NUMRER lanq Red oooker elM, pnTA bree'l,

Waynesville, Ohio_





Olassifled Ads \J~


Wagons, Sleds, Skates, Guns, Teddy Bears, Dancing Clowns, Dolls, Drums, Games, Balls, Whips, Go Carts, To y F urnit ure, R ock ing Chairs, Doll HQuses, Hobby Horses, Pianos, Checker Boards, Dominoes, Harps, BiJlikin Dolls, T eddy Lions, and lots of other toys.


J. H. OPP,

Xmas Seals


For Si8te~, Brother

Our store is ready \yith the largest assortment of Holiday Gift Goods to be found in the county. A larger ,-:ariety than ever before in u seful and practical gifts. No matter whom you have in mind you surely can find something here.

Air Rines Butter Knives lJocket Knives Bread Knives Chamber Sets Corn poppers · Silver Tea and Table Spoons Safety Razors

Cheap (lhina 'C ounter .... oft I



Christmas Candy .

TOYS! 'You will find that S~tita Claus has been left a variety of Drums . Wheel barrows Wagons Doll Houses Books , Iron-Toys Trains Blackboards Desks :'

Rockers'. Hobby -Horses Chairs , . Rut?J>er balls . Rubller bubbles Rubber Dolls Autb)li6biles . Sleds '· , , Hatchets ..

h~fe and

Pure, deliCious candy, everything ftom, the che.a pest to the fine c~ocollltes in boxes.

Holiday Grgeeri~, Sweet Oranges Bananas <;}rapes Dills .

Figs . Fancy Canned Goods RaisiDs ,. _. ", Nuts




Cream Cheese







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