Miami Gazette November 8, 1911 - May 1, 1912

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' TheDevitt centur, .Club ofmet Mrs. at the bo~e Mrs E coane·aafol". :;.,.......~_~,I ......" .... S. Baily ~riday, aft~moon, , , ....... 0 I ,0'_""0' " .. " I 'f< I' ''.'' ..~ .. <!+o' 1P:7, J911. Twenty-one D'embers refrc.m a trip . " I .. ) , '. ', sponded to 1:011 call with .q of Ohio Pooth'a Best White IJ., " F!el~ch.mann'8 eompr~ yeast at fro~ Aliee and Phoebe Cary. The ICaftlr JJoy ' .. '. ,WhIte B. ' , ' busin~ ot the h ur was taken up F. C. Carey was an Cmcinnati , ." 'd dl ___>lI af't" 'b' 'eli th ' -.:I R A C b ' lsi an 9CUaaeu er W 1 e re,iru, TballlUay. · . : .' , ~88 was a uBlness v tor' lar program wu siven .. The first "@ll~l itl...'V-.. Sun~~ng ' ..t, 'i aI'ana ~I.or lAUe __ I • l jl Ctnc:mn~tt last Wednesday. number ' wu ' a moat inte-ti;'.. and '!t' ... , f' " " . . . ' of6~. Albert McKay, of Dayton, was the well preparea 'sketch of ~iee and of Th08. J. Brown and fandly Pbo.~ Cary by ~N. Bun~eU which ~:unday waa hsbmed to With marked atten. tion. Mrs. White then pve the Mears. Eli Burnett, A. B. Sid. readiq, "An Order for a Picture," leaae Unooln wore in Lebanon foJlowed by "Our H(lmelltei.d,·' ~y llra.llaftlt. Mrs. Funke~ ttien fa· vored \J8 with a very excellent report Mary Thome W~ter, ,o f of the Feeleration, ~e attended as a Ii'a·.,toln. wu a recent l'l1eat of 'Mrs. delepte, at Cleveland. A. Wise. ' This concluded our pr~grarn. Adjoumment bei~ in order a,moat de· Mil18E1laStaley.of Dayton, was lI,htfulaocialbourwaSBJM!Dt,during Walter Reed lupendiq 'tbJa peat of her aunt, Mra Enoch which time - two-eopl'M luncheon "~I·"'i1r •..tth re~tlv.faClnebmatl. '. ~~nee week. 'Wat very much enjoyed by the ladiE'S Mrs. Devitt was' ably UIIiBte4 in 1If. , and Mra. J. H. CaakeJ. of her aerviD&" by Mr.- Joe Chapman, Il~anon, were the guelta of Rev. Ml'I. A. T. Wright, and Ml'I. Bally. He~ peets for the' afternoon Mrs. Cadwallader Tilesdily. Mrs. A. T.' Wrilbt, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J08. Thompeon, of Wright, Mrs Gao. Hawke, Ml'I. Joe ~~i:Inrlllti. attended the funeral of Chapman, Mrs. £aftel Satterthwaite, father, Mr. J, M. Thompson. Mrs. P.· D. Clagett, Mrs NewlanJ, . Mt. Lluie Baily and t,iaater Chad, Mr and Mrs. J. J . Edlnafteld, of ChaInUD. , "!UllIIJD, were Pelta of Mr. and Mrs. ' Mrs. J. W. White. See. pro tern. A. Bruner SuncIaJ . . Mondaf. • _ •

L_._........ "" ............. ,,"


Mrs. A. B. Ivtna baa retumeel after a pleaaant three weeks with relatives in Greeneville. W C Pb'lU wili 1.1 • ..IAtul'f'e , • I pa nn -:= ..... I

week, eYer'I W~ and


niahta duriDIr

l1IIIllllir 11ilv~lPYbiOdv invited.

the WUlter.


.~--- ,- , - ' . • - , ---'-

Social Events .' ""

. - _ .• - - .- - - ~~ ~ Mr. grnest Amy \",Il'! t~e, guest.o-l Mr. C. M. Robitzer at dinner"SundllY-. .••• , .. ,,' " " ' , - ' Mr and Mrs Carl Duke !:tll!..:!:" ,• od tained ,Mr. and Mrs; F. B. Sherwo " and family at ainner Sunday; , , __ _ . Mr. ~nd Mrs. J. H. t:oleman and Mr and Mrs. D. L. Crane, on lut Frids~ ' evenin~ at thehom~of the former. enteJ1;ained for Mra. W,alter Rtied. The guests were Mr.$1d Mrs Emmor. Blilly, ' Dr. lind Mrs. A. T Wright. ' Mr, and.Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mra. W. N Newland, Mr. and Mrs J. O. Cartwright, Mrs. Laura M~er Mr.lmd Mrs, Geo. ,H awke, Mr. Mrs. E. V.Barnhart; M'lIIe& Emma Hei,hway, Edith MOIIher,and Donna Hawke. •

and '

' Mill Emma -Heigh WilY pleasantly . .ntertain~ last Weaneilday evenine in honor of Mrs. ,Walter Reed. "600" was tbe.feature of tbe evenina and delicioul r~fretlhment" , were sened, Those pr~nt ,were: Mr· and , Mrs. J. 1I. Coleman. Mr. and' Mrs. "JJ ~ H. Allen, Dr. and Mrs. A Wridlt, Mr. and Mra. E V. Barn· A PRACTICAL HALLOWE'EN- hart, IIf apd Mn Geo. Hawk~, Mr, and Ml'I F. B. Sh~rwood, Mt and ,BenJamin Hawkina :.nd wife were Mrs. D. }.. Crane, Mrs. Laura Moab· ~t1y surprised by the Hallowe'en er and Mila Edith Mosher. . party who lIuddenly anel mylteriOUS' , . . . Iy filled the "Friena Paraonap at QraBIJ Runi' in Clinton Coanty, O. . night, the. SlIt. On Thu~ eveniq Mr. and Mrs. After a time of merriment and E. V. BarnhartentAlrtlined a number


'''~eUa.J: :ette conjecture aa to who waa who, of friaa in compliment to their IUJ=I=:aI~:~::, l~=~~L~~~~EcS" J~ to miaka l"ePraentinar every natlonaU- bouaeguest, Ml'!!.. Walter Reed, o~ IID1I8J mo tr, were laid _e, re...tna mem- Cbicaao. At a MUOnable boar a de- . j~l~DII:bol~ San", aDd apent the ben of th. 8ock~ old aad Uciou. t9iO-(lOune lunch waalNl~ed. , lj&ft~'DOn With relatl,ves there. who Invaded the entire premilee Th6ae invited were Yr. and BIn. ~. 0

after apendina the' eveni~ aoelalJy wftharoodnirhtandbeetwiahel,departed leaviq the putor and ~ Wife bewildered at variO\J8 . in the kitcllen, and ' at.the cellar well .. filled with fruit and. vege~l. of Several of our Scottish ltit:8' m~ni. ~y kinda; 'alao a IiberailUPplJ' of 1. . . J4cClure arrived home from leave for Dayton today, whe grain in tbe crib, for th-e family CllIlcutG Tueaday evening. Jimmie wi) Bpend"three daysattheaemi. horse ,and chickens. 'J\J8t how It flne and 'WII alad to let ~rlLnrluar Consistory meetiDg•."In all all came a~ut ,if aUU 18 ,m~rioua Be will probabIJ nmain be~ there ~n be two or~bree !!pd· ~onJahi~ as ,the ~pen of the Uhtllaft.erThukeKlvlng. candidates from Waynesville•. "Spooka of Hallowe'~~.',' .. '.

Matt McKinsey arrived bere from Tu-tai ' evening, io :i'eslllODlIle to a tel~ ' in regard to • IIInetIB. 0 f h'18 BlB . te r Mrs aennua ,. Sid


O. Cartwri~htj Mr.. and Mr..yW. H. . Ilrs. W.N.Newland, r.and . ill'Ll; B. Henderson, Mr. ~a ltJra. F. B, Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. ' yo Chapman, _... and Mr a . . Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. U. M. White J&Dd Miaa Emma Heigh~q. . ' Wedn~

N ""

be~ lfit 'beili&'

w ' c ~b;I;v:e~n;,irtbda; ;about.. • 1 , , . b' lI ,' . ' i , hlP8 '~an · d~ #"' ~ bo t


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'to Hallowe'en theY all cam" tri~ed;' A few were quickly 'r'e!:OBnized'but some were more diftleult. FlJ)ally all were gu~ and the ' evenine:was spent in lamas an4 mu· , , ' £.. ' " .. _.i ~ ., mc:, Li~t refreebinenut ~ere -,..,veu. '." . Pilil\ipa, was ' the recipi~9t ' of 1: vert.pretty rem_b~«:ef' All d,a"art.1!d 'wiShing 'her' 'manr ;mol'e

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jFlr. :_.~"~IDiIIId" ....~__.;;...Ja;.;.;;.,......;..;-.;.;....~-l~~--:~..;;.~....--: -~~---~~-..............-.,...~--....I

Mrs. Edoa A. S.....ood

~.~ -" ,~.1 "::~'I'".i, ·'.1·~1i· ¥ One. ;Wbo,. 'fNas .P,reaent. : 01,




D. ·L. CRANE, Publl.h .... ,OHIO,




Surprise Is Expressed That Farmers Do ~ot. Use More Precaution and Care In Construction ot Cribs and Granarles- Bulldlnsr Shown Would be , an Ornament to Any Farm •

. DIVERIITV IN FARMING. 'I'b. tarmer II-;;:;-; ·~~rdou. b.u& .... at th. be.t. ~ IUcca.. de'p ead. to a ' ,ery lai-,eexteaton lbe w.atber. X>rolllhl8 or, ., ralDa are Clt... troll' to .1lIm. ' Earl'; fro.ta tbreatea " IlIm, 8&7,1 tb. 'Charleltoa New. aDd Courter. AI In olb.r buardoul bUll· II.·..•• be musL make. larl. prolll8 In the goo4 year. to make up fOr tbe .10... of "the ~ y...... His prollts muwt be recorded In ten,"ear perl....L J ,.H. CaDDot 'udle trom the recorel or • on. ,.ear what hll prollta are: _lIPr. o,.r. It II .,Ideat that II a .ucee. .Ioll of leuons must aullt eacb otb.r

European Highways AJ:e Excellent Object Lessons of Dura· . 0 2 000 billty 'and ';Maintenance- Roman Roads Are ver , Y 01 ' G . C M k I I ears d- ettmg ,tops to ar et s 'mportant.

(By J. Ill. BRIDGEMAN,) 'Jrhe grain annually destroyed and waate'd by ratB and mice, It I. claimed. ruu. well up Into the millions or bultbeill. It thla true. and the writer hae real9n to believe that It I., It Ie certainly .tl'flage, with the preleat high price of III grain, that the farmer and otbenl wbo ban.d le and atore more or lela ..,rala, do not uae mOire precaution and care In the arec· lIou of crib. and «ranaria.. It II aot a 'very bard or expea81ve matter to builid a practical rat and moule proof gnmar,. The building ahown III rat proot lind will be an ornament to. any farm, It


lowed' to dry out before the 600r II nruled In pi lice. The writer Ie aware . thRt Borne builder. 8ay that It Is the Lydia proper thing to nail doVt'1l the llDOr Ilt Much la belq wrItten of methods for Some of the French roadll would ceronce, but our experience Is tbat .where Vegetable Com~ I~replag crop produodon but unlea,s. tainl, be a della!ht to tbe ma~ with thlB III done, the mol,ture will swell we lpend -.ome ,tim. thlalilng about the automobile and you couldn't blame the (loor, and when the concrete 18 aetUni croll' to market we have only .Im If he lOme times .xceeded tbe ftnaUy dry, tbe noor will shrink to Its . natural ala, which always leave, -ne Part way on tbe road to the eco- .AAAA limit. In the more level .eeb I ev .,.,.... cracks In the floor . And If t ere I nomIc&! leedl_ and clotblna of the tJODI of England the blo1cle I. Uled d 11 I I ylng the race: any a vantage ot n n 0 more than It ever Will here e,en In noor while the concrete Is green, we the' day. when everybody wanted bave never yet learned what It la. "blkel' Inatead of '·outo." ae DOW. In While It III Intended to 611 the bini In mAtntalnlni ' a lea.raJ Uerale, of Crom' the hall, the aarne may be IIsed thlB way tbe good road a meaa much to • for IItoring 'graln In bogs, when tbl • ucceaa. 10 tb. belt Insurance be caD Ia.n In &117 onl ...lOn II lb. planttq people of Ilmlted mea~. blna ar. full. The noor of the ball af dl"ra. cro~. th. hano"Una or : What can we learn about road maIn· may be ot cement, If you so desire. by . tenance h'Om 'European roads? Firat, b h that It paYI to build 'well for the fOUDleaving out the jolata In same, ut t e wblcb wlU ta~4! pllce at (IUrereDt 'IOn. of lbe ,wear, JH caD thu. mlxtur. ot cement would hllve I10 beC daUonl 01 theN old road. are deep; m...lete cal·-Ily In .... lOme stronger, and a top dress ng ahi a ·...... ~ .. .... . . .e""eD· ... a.coad. that eternal 'YlgllInoe la til. ~ -"" road. . . well a. lOme two Inehel ulled; allo board. wou atarm or olbe-• aatural price of ....... 'JIb. man. for InBtanee, who other ~thIDP, All along the 1I1abways have to be placed under the grain "aiade moDe--OII true" la the .p.... .:. II foun.d mate"'al for repair 10 that .acka al tbe cement II liable to be In " • '- ~ ~, wet weather. more or leu dllmp. It face '!,be 'loll Of ilia oottoo crop wltJa 1lolea don't g' t to be bl« .noulh to Rat Proof ~ranary. :. aomeUlJle. necNeary to leave a bul')' a horae' before the,. ate tilled, It load , of gratn .taadlnl over night and e:QllUimll)'. ~ tile .'e..... tOt'· , ..r b, bd. thlDP balaaclU' up, !nd It P'U" a ratiroad to keep up lta road· kelPt aeatly paJntedl While It ma), 'be a auddea rain, wll). aomeUmell hit UJ ..thouah b. haa 100t til. pro'tt.... of the In the mat,ter or-un- 'r oad I our bed aU the Lme• ..theN .... JIO reaIOn ,-.nyli&e,-a. by '411 , ••~will · be.rourid wltb a lotd of grala, In luch CaBM the I ~v ~ I ,' why our wagon ro;d.· may not be more lutitiable for tb. u.ual fal'm. ~ • oae ~p III tile deatruoUon Cir dae nelgbbore on the other ·.1de of the econoQllcally maIntained In tb. aame ~rb. arraJl,e.m ent of J,be floor plan drive\\'ay will be found v.ry ,handy. Street;!~~~~' other. be iaal ¥ea laBured &plot "poad" haY~ ~ .,.fea a toq WIY· WIl7 lllltead of tbe uauaL .puma of,... ~ve. t~ ~Ih.. 'l"~ 4rt.,ew.)'. alao' The etude for thl. buUdlng are ten &1 or ~ tIle~Jlaye more e~peJ{ence :pa1r and neglec tbe Imall ,pUe at the front .end, for feet. The corniCe ma,. be leU open, or aolgt.10I8-0D th. .. eaU... ,..aI"8 TheCban~ tlOD.. It II til. ~pac:lt)' of' til. ~l In tIab we. for lOme of tb. Roman road. lcalel .and b.... No iralo bin .bould clo.ed wltb beaded celllng. In lome Women enrywhere period of • aectloD lor .wlde11 dlyerle .Ull III ole and theM han been .' O. M. JOHNSON" be over ,,,bt 'e,t aquare, a. tbe lralo !leotlona I. la neeea.. ry to keep a ~ran- cal uiat mal.. It 110 yaluable. II not bullt for more tpJa two tboUBand' College of A&rlculture. Ohio State I. liable to mold n a larser. bla: ary cluled aM cover all openlngll, that there 11 no other a ODIM:rop' aeetloD. The 1ancI. oe !lot Jea~ ' '. . Unlveralty· . While It la not advlaable to' keep corn yeaUlatonl, etc., with fine .creen wire, 0\0 medicine tLlat win lD a gr8!Ull'7 It II IOmeUmee done and la order to keep out tbe weevtla. Tbe ltArf7 women periOd aB LydJa ~~~~dJ=r~ J metely Iood cottoa labdL 'rbey an n AIT ' ' ES~ENTIAL ' AI ' ~ UH~' crib bemalleratproofltyloeauon.cllmate. etc .• wl11 have ~uch table Oompound. , -aooet' tructlandl, good orob~ 1aDdJ. ;Yoi'd' 1,Ia.ft E.ftL.~~ l:!ulldlng tbe outer ' wall .I.e .hown ' In ' to do with theBe tblngl. If JOu would-like ~·W'" IQIod jjaatu... ,~ad., :riaey can be ma..a th~! Imall' .ecUon. One by .four or ilx The ventilator sbould be four by sIX about ,"our eue Wl'leea.C0D8d.., to rleldl ~ea1tb> ln .. "rlet)' of way.. " . lac:h .trlPI .a re uaed aad both edgel re~t equare. and about three feet blgh. ttal letter ,t o lin. ~~ .•• ~_ _...........,....~ . ..' -It. ! . ' . IJ'be out-er wolll are covered with ~ .~ ' .." .. b01l8M 1011.1 be ;pollnted... at the One 'X,¥d,o:w ope~ bow."'r, ,~I ,Iien. beveled, os .Itvwu: they are pl~ced elliht:lnch Ihlplap, and thll In lurn L;nnt. Mau. Her a4l1oe .. ~ A JOIIaIil 1I&UH\l ' ~ uUaer day 011 breathed from our 1)11lP and u .two. Ve~t,U'Un" IhOllld be dolt. In not farth.r tho three-ell~tlll lacbel Ith lx-I b d . Idln . both .hould A4 -.pNIo hr "Il to RaII~resa:d'!d b,. that eacaplng 1ro~ Ie Itoy... nCh . Ii 1'(ay •• not to cool. ·the '~m Ipart. The bevel lIlust be at lea.t -at w I nc rop I g. WHEN JOHNNY CAN'T ':-HEAR' )CMU'DerhIa thlUier .. tbtt foat or .ter- O(Ilttalu ·normou 'nll~~ o( du.t toO mUllbi fo th~ J'eUOll., tlle window aD anll. ot UA.,reeL ThiS wUl leep ·.- e ~I aal b»plll...-.nel uplaIDe4 !bat tile ~clea. TIle a,erage clb' air l.... . II ~t 10weNd fr~m \h. top. III otder out rat. ~d mtc., JDd ~Uow ........ -'1iI1WHI w.. a bore'dd thO " ' ' 1. iii tbat th• .air may b. beated betore air to ent.r the crib. but Vel')' IIttl. loy at -Play I. Alway. D••f ,'41"11 .............. _.. . "ri umated to eoll~ll thhMI 1nI.,loa da mlngllnll wlth lbe air In the lower r&tn or ano,J. ' I \I Hie Mot".r I. C.III"~ - - IDqllalamllll W1III .~t. ere partJclea to Ple.cob 0 Incb. , CoUD~ . "art ot"l'iit. room. Tbe . lower lub The foundaUon ma,. be of .tone. ,. Him. •• • _ oertalD UllOIlDt otl truth III wbat •• ,.. ' \ , _ nn.'~~ ""'_-AI of .... .......... air eontalu two ~oUl~d duat par ...• may be railed ~nd a , 1000ely atted brl~1I or cez!a,e at. b,,~ .hollld ~ b~low . .... - . . - ... u ... _ ... tO~.cublclncll, .fteatrlndoon board merted: freBh rur theo entere ' the froat 'II~.: .IX or eIght IDcbeal of U ~l ..~ ct "0I'kbII for the ''''1, "\1111 contaiu ten ttmetl .. maD), dllit parU·. tbrougb the 'paco between. tho( upper the top cllrt, In.lde tlie fOllndal1on la D , - " • abe Brltqa . . thD...tO daltty!&te thOlK' cl.. 'U the .aIr 'till ,.t~l1I. With and lower saah .and· III, directed up- no~ removed. and' tb. ~mt flh.d to " Floor Plan. ..... of life wbleb,.PP~ eo ~nc'1 dUl't, of co'~..... ]Dlna1e4 tb.e imall ward, thus . avoiding direct draf~. tbe UDder Iide' qf Joll~ 11th, brolten ' to til.. ;.mlalo. Jaeart, the N."" dust planta ,. with probable -prma of .~One, cruel or COIll;fe 'I!l~der.: ~ be ta~tened- in place wltb ten penD' 'Jon Jlerald. But h. wbQ ma.t wo.,ll dIM.... VenUlaUon h tbe repjaclnc .hould lle d&mpenc;a .~d well t~DIPM . &UL There ' I. no lining at an, an It eftl7 doUar tbat btl wile apen:lB or the Impure air of a room. or other The .m. ar" nest .et tn mortar. , aod would ,only mue a hiding placo tor . . . DO IlION JtID. \0 dmte td .oclal encloNd sPace, wIth ' proller air from the 'Jo"ta,.llIned In place:' ·1141 ~paC81 ra~ aD4 mIce. If they ehopld b,. .ome ........ tlWI U i.e w.... ft1tiIc to 111 out-of-doora. . betw.,o the _me are next IIlled wllb JDeaa~ ent.r the building, while 'wllh ... "" :L:: cOncrete, TbI. mil)' be wbat II termed tb'e -\Idi opoaed I't would be ,an 'e aay • ale,. '1ft.. watel'. uut.. It N,, ," 0' "1!'ure Al,r. I-ft .......ftA-e. "•... t I., DOt mUAb '. ~ ., GIll " _ r "",",,~'''' "''''' ~ -- matter to clear the bunellng of tbem eneI to I web a ,m e a boh and IDUmuch as the adult human bodT . I, ,oot ezpected ' to wLtb a ~te 01: . dog, .. tbe, bava DO IatIlllate thtt becauaa b. Ia a~~, iequlrel for 'relU\aJ' use ' lbout a,e II il,ed oulY for place to bide. •., 1!IIUlb. a~a, Uom be ' «fuble Incbe.,.c Iltr,Clyert min. 'fbiB con· Immediate' "delalt)' , In the prop01" . ~~. ' "ulo~l,. "-d ap ., An'"¥ an ~thre. "artB Pennaylvania H.y Field •• othr ..i_r~ ,U ,Ile ,," ......, ... " "Joblln,.," tbl. air I.!breath: • broken The ~Y fI,lds of Pennlylvanla n · .......ha. t9Uld ltI~te ~th • It ·f. tbe~re .tIOp. or graveL It ahould 'b. well erqell Olgbt'otpounbdB more PIlr a~~11 :~~C:I~o!nor~ ..It1Itd-~trb_Ht::'-'IleII""''''''-''-7''-''-~ liciariJl&, ICllPClt)· lor 1P8i,I" air "from o~t-of. m~ lxed and tbe .pa~1 ailed clClAr . to , than - tbo.. ot .r states n e And does 'that ..... _Y1t7 of PJaDJIer til. ~0!l.Y· oece"'l7 that 400ft be collitantly })CHlrillS lato oar the to~, of tb~ lol.~ 1)1. mu.t be~. V' n lon aurlng 19JO. Wby. he'l ' at tbe, bat aow del . .IDa of ', ~. Am"lci.n ,',., ". • - - - - .. -______ .. w - ..,. ~ w w w w w w __ ~ .... . ...,...."..... par.d to ths ball ••wat tba~ '!fDI . • allalll4 .....ft'. ltuabaDII of tile lort sa· roome and the lm-'pure afr' I*l!'blI ou~ , Oue ' ~,n DOt !1o ~ bIa beat 'Work J,f he . " IIInd It halt WIY doWn the IIr~ • . tq rob "aD of QJOIt of Ita 'bUlo I. breath lag Impure air. ' Oaa I. more •• .l I~ , all tbln•• ,.l.e are U to btL ." ~ ' .uec.pUble to dlaeaae 11 he 'breathel 1llA11Wl\:ti au:; ., ..., But now hear tb • . ",Uant mother. IlIipu" air; 'beeauN hi • . boa7 .. not It I. b~tter to b,,'e a wladow opea ~OR 1 fi tbl. Ume rantly, fOf .':'OWI that. ,: •• • b'oq enOUgh to re.llt ' the .4l1eue aU the time than to aIr the room only 1'" ~ , .ItA} 00,. wll1 be bo,.: " ; g~rlUl "hea lhe, are once aclDittted occaslonall,. Tbere .hould be..a con· ____ ...... _... ~. ... _ S--11 _.~ "Jo..bnn,., I W\lllt' ,.ou to . ~~e, ~ , Ipto tbe ,body. plN~lIe •• rms wblch ltan,t removal of Impure air and R ,.... BaaIa ~ .T~a4Q1U1 FH4........1"b:t~t..A-;;'UI Rabbtd:.. 110.. , irow la tlie Interior of our 1io~les' allO ft.ah aupply of pure air. ' All ' open , ' 01 ~ SoU-Sbouta be "to Ch~the Carrea' Jobnn,. II at tbl. mOmelit na~1lII floiiii.b be"t: I~, a limall_sUpplY of 1Ilr. sto~e or dreplace I~ a rellable mean. '. G .... Ad4t.U_l 01 W.t... . • 1I.lle a wild man, or ,tiDY, mall , ~'e. Tbo roof tba't',"""ple are IDJal'ed b'" of lettIng <rId iif Impare air. " .' '1.Mt Moal4. , -. ' ., I ' 0 :" tbat tree h. wal. tb~lIlII ,"t. ..• - QIOo . p - breatblng 'llmpure air. b., been ob- ·A. r Is of eVeI\ greater Importaace at t d tte 1_ ' fillY! i of talned by ·. comparlDK .taUaticl for ' a nlilj.t than it, ls during the dll7. . The (By MTRLJIl T~R' IRONII.) (B)' J , O. M08IA.) men II!! an u r" 0 AA , " . " ..... 0_ cI t 1.._", When IOU. are' IIkel,. to walb, an e.,.",lhlng la tl)e worla, \be ~. ' l! cerJahl num"1' · of ~~ .,.eara pthered _1 reeu.,.ra ..... mostl,. at ' allht-dul'> ' A corre.JIOD en .... ,IF 'manu", L... • ,ole. Inelu'ded, But .... '-~ c'--,. Mo...:' '' :, ~ la unveatllated. and , ng. Ie.ep; th worth Dlan1 .II"qala now: among mea , lIylag , en IIIrge &moun".. of C)x,.~' ,will harm ron "uU. b ea ." I addl ng l1o ba t ounce , of p""yentio ".. - . . - . ,. tbon U!fill . ln wel\ venUlated pla~•., gen are required. 10 there .bould be ODe of :ber nelghbore' told lier i~lt It pouadll of cure. Tbe lie.t remedy III "Jobnny!" ,. , , . :plen~y of fresb air . at night. The would preveat tJiem tram flowerlhg: a preveDUve one. Thll , lppliea elt J b l ' too .. ~.tfioda ,of V.~tllatlnll' .Ieeper IDaY be .protected tram d-". We , De?er b••rd ,of .ueb a thine peelall1 to the formatton ot cuUles OD 0 RO,. • ltandln, ~~ 011." t .,' . . .~~ i hlll.ldM b,. _Which a farm may be the toot of the tr~ ucl..tlao otb.\, fool Air does oot move of Itl own ao- by a actee)1 or 'cbalr between th. WID- befor., It ,I~ a fact, ho"{.,,,r, tbat n .stended. an read;-' ,to ,i1Iis" ad ria '. ' cord. la .... hODlea we be.t create a dow and th. bed. .ome parte 01 the! eQ.untry P1ere ar. ruined to 'a fer)' f.w )'e.,... ' ...11 clrculal!9D ,01 a1r. b~ ,. aYlqH"!!'9 :,,,,In. . ELIZABETH JEF'!'ERBON, If,~p!e wbo .UJl ~belleye tbat :manur. ·Wb.ll theae dltcbea a~e am all tbe1 "~'~:~::y~~y "t ~. b'~ Ialla,Ole ~ . dows operi~lone for t)le Impure 'air, tl> College ot Agriculture, Ohio Btate wlUl PO'BOD the loll for fllrDI cmps. may b. lIJled with rttlib ••h tbat will And JobnDY r"al' " 1 .... all - "' ~ • to ent .r. • v ...vers It y. ' . b t... 1 thl'a ldea' b aa IP . i' ead to cbeck tbe current of water anci caliS, ••••ed. Dol for' bnm., but ·o·r .....'- bu.. paa. o~ tI a 110the r f or Pure air ~ arid dau ' b" b" . , tile ' .e"lmeat ' to be de~ollted tbere, I' .. . . . hitS. UI el. . " ... and tbere be ltand •• whlhf U' eeeoeeeeeeoeeeee~H~, .• e, eeeQH3GeQH~eeeeeeo NothIng wu eYer '~or'e ab.urd. wbleb wUl relult la tbe filling ot tht 1 d th -.I " 19 "e e «iI RtOle bUlbe. ar. ~re~en40u. ' fMGer. clltc:h. w '~J:h';n~~~e. q,ala e ' ... 0 ce: e ' HELPFUL HINTS FOR 0 0 A 'FEW AUTU,.,N SUGGE8- 0 of rich .011 and it ihoui4 ~alwaJ~ tie ' The general wallbtng that takes e HOUSEKEEPERS. " ~ TIONS. C:C;Im(lOied of , wel).J'Qt~ ~uUlur. ' be- place trom thCl a,+rface of nil 'hilly CI•• rly Outola~.". ~ a ~ .tflei . addItional ' . Ie~ 'mola IIId l lll& nnd .v.n .lIahU,. rolling laad Iboald "There's" ao ill. of" t.iJkloi,.. .... '61 , Ink stalnl can be removed & ~ Plan to attend lhe farmere' ~ ·entlr. loll oula: be of .tbe rico" . be looked after .. well. Mr. Cumr9x, "pet. pie'. mlad. are • ~ by waablag In " sweet milk. ~ e Ihort ~ourBe at tbe Coll~~e of ' 61 cbaracter.: ·r, " Tbll w8lbJog remllyes the best soil h~p quleller than the,.. uMcl -to 'be.~ Aa old bath towel makell 'an ' ~ e Agriculture this wlnter~ ~ . A be~'l loam or- cIa;' and I1'IY411, and lowenl tbe productive. capacity 01 "We ~<!n at a rapid pace." ' .' ~ excellent mop ,cloth, 61 t) . Get Iii 'the fuel supply be(ore ,.0 .wJB11 draioe4. ~re .ultable lolla for roae very IIrge &feu of land. Much 01 "WoDderful' My daulbt.r bu.bed e Tbe Ipatula or' palett&-knlfe t) e wtnt~r,· ~te In ,'" e , A tre ch ' Iellt tbr~ feet . tbla was not of the best to beldn with, AWay' to 'achoo.1 a year anll " balf· all. 61 la quite Ii useful uleu.n la tbe 0 ~ " Clean up all ,t lle ' tralh that ' -e .' , ' be ciug alld 1l1led " with "Iul 'tlie ternoval of tbe tbln top eol1 IIbe ba. learned Oreek" Latin. phtlOlo61 Idtcben, . bavJilg a . broad, clull- ~ ~ hils o.ccumulated BrOUUd ·the e -at maaure ana . com· baa rendered maDf tracta almo.' phy, c1a.aclnl, mUllb. math.lUu. Ie edged l>,l ade mode of very liex· - " ~ place 'liilrlng ~he lumlQer .ea,'" ' up ~ro", ·'ttle wortb~ell", , lawn tennli; p!,lntinc ~4 a.tronomy. e Ible steel. It wUl be fOUnd use· " m lOll. Some of 'lt will m~ke lOodi " ,.' if.> . Slit aDd ,tlay 1011& ,are mucb mO~Q Aod In ~ol'e than half a . ,Ifetlme I e ~I In maay way.;' e ~ Ilrf1w(:od" .nd InBect · peste will ha . e ~~m~'7 ~ell to 1Illlllb than sandy . ones, be .. ~!lTen't 1earned:' to spell ~ore 'tblD e Jameand buttera ' may be ~ ~ b., deprived of thelr-.'. ~Inter, .t~ried · t~e,. ' .tlll -r~eIY!l caUIIB tbe patUc!es are Imaller, con halt the warda In tho EnlUlh lan~ ~ made .from' pulp lett from jelly 0 e ('.Come. -, m:an,we , ana thll aholild ... be aPplied aequen,tb more eully carried bY :l ~ makinl or from lwarled or 1m· m m See thllt all lar,mlns Impl&- ~' evel')' .prla, In , UJ>eral \,Q,Uan~tteL ' • "ater; and ••• tbesq 80US do . nol , ~ porfect trult. , ~ 19 mente are under IhRl~, .r. \. ~ ' ~ , oot · be ...f.... " ,ot 'iI.~ . your, lorb tbe' raln~all · teadlly, be'cause the o . A cbeap and .erllceable fruit ~ m paired and oiled. , . . ' ~ 10Ie busbel'a ~IJ 'too I1ch. 'nIe 'rlelier .por.. are' small, . '10 there III more o~ ',tbe weal~'1 lodlell of , New. ~ cupboa~d can 1)e. made out of m ~ . P.rovlde plenty of good read. '~ It III ! ~~e , m"re . ytgoro~1 wl~1 ,be ,t he ",.ter to run orr, ~ ,glrDwtb of" your plants . .and ,the more Wblle It II 'Imposalbl• . to cbange ' lbO 'a dinner and dance 10r ber at the boxes tbat malon jars come ~ m '~g f.o r the Winter mODt)1a, 4tODle.,sUc",ervants Ii Cew evenlngl ago, o In. TheiS boxel -can be PMlced ~ m Attend aU larmon' meetlngs .. Q bi!autlrlll will the color or' four PQWer9 I~orgnnlc C:onstl.tuentB of salls til 'aD7 ~ appreclable enetH• . yet t.he)' may rel!l>f ted to bave l>een a tame m on tbelr sIdes, 'one above the m • beld in 'YQur ·county·. Study ~'~, ,bll~., >-, treated In , a WaY 'as to cb None th~ paitlclpants dD:oced e otber, In ' tbe' cellal'; nnd the 0 ~ your bUBlnea. and 'try to 1m· ~ .1& fruit pla.c ed In tbem. A piece e prove. , ' , ~ the a lew ·nlanl. or eloped wltb 'pue In a ~ 'of black builders'. paper makes me . .'Get ,the t!tables ':reody tor tho E2 Thle ' 'dooe: by ' Inr.nrI'lIRI'f[ttn,1r ,0C lire. 19 a con.ilDlent"cove,r ' to ' abut out :m e IIv!, at!lck. It -pays ,t o keep ' ~ 'orgalilc tliem.:,Tho ~ tbe light. . ' , ~' ci tbem ' comrorfafle ' c1ui1ng ,\ho '. Iy ' .' 'e , '. ~ 61 wlDter, ' , ' 19..19 61 e e ,0 e e-~'mQl " ,19 ~~ :m e) m'.. ' Get "rId of surplue atock 'he. -~ ',~ , " ,.' " , . , feecllng begin• •. , neXt 8prll1#'" auy " I, " prIJPerly








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. '

Rheumatic Pains quickly reHeved

FIRST DAY OF CHICKAMAUGA Deltall. of Bloody Engage ment Gillen In Letter Written Home by Sergean t John Stellen •.

or all lh e bnltles- of the Civil war the battle of Chickam auga result ed In lbe grentell l IOlis of fighting Dlen from both sides combined. A bloody detail of the engage ment was set down Septembel' 26. 1863. In a letter written bOlDe trom Camp Chattan ooga by a Union Boldler. Sergt. John W. Slevens , wbo 1s now the rsllroad flagman at tbe Kenilwo rth avellue crossIng In Oak Pal'k, Ill. An e):tract from tbe letter. telling of tbe first day's tlgh t (tbat ot Septem ber 19. 1863). Is a8 follows: "After marchin g all nlgb~ we halt · ed-<Jrd ers. 20 minutes tor corree- but before tbe 20 mllnutes were up our bu· gle sounded 'Fall In: and our or· fleers re!)eated the commsnd. We could see mounted orderlie s rldlllg In all directio ns, ' D,nd It WM apparen t there was lomethl ng more on hand than we knew. me only marche d a

Sloan's Linime nt is good for pain of anysort . It penetra tes, without rubbing, - throug~ the muscular tissue right to the bone-re lieves the congcstion and gives perman ent as well as tempor ary relief.

Here's Proof.

A. W. LA. v of Lafayette, Ala., wrltes: .. 1 h:ld rheurr:atism for Ii ve years. I tried but doctors and several diffe~nt remedies til! did not help me. 1 lained a bottle of lloan" Liniment whie id me so much do without It good that I would for :lnything." THOMAS L. RICK of Easton, Pa., writes : .. I have used Sloan'. Liniment a nd find it firsl<laA. for rheumatic pains." Mr. G.G. JON Esof Bald,rine. L.t.. . ...;rite5:- " 1 h:lve found Sloan's Linthe knee Iment par exceDence. I have uBod It for broken sinews above cap c;aused by a fall. and 10 my great satisfaction I was able to resume my dulles in less than three \\'eeks altel the accident."


borlel and followed hIm. Half lIf them had ' no Illea of what they were about to do, but by lbe time . tbey hast reached the bOUle wbere the wounde d mIDI had been taken, tile" were Itcblng , to .pull at a rope.. In 'o.t luch careleu, tnvlal waYI tbe mob .plrlt born • . The mob Iplnt doea nol Decellla rU, vent Il.8elf In murdw. Here aljl lOme typlcal ' lnltanc el of mob emotlod lilaC occur ID eYeryday life. A bueban crowd wben the bome la.wlonlDS .10,a K1'1lod· clolhil ratleam ' ly wben 'tbe ,ame .eemed lost. A football ' crowd, wheo lome lIalf· mell to bold out ..a1D8t the desire of, back ·breaks looso. from a tanlle '01 bundred s, when Ute bunger of the man players aod elect;Tt.lles the .t.amll b" bubt II In tbe yelli• . of · the hund~l. an ·elghty· yard run' doW1l the lIeld. TheIr comblnocl will Ie a P9wertu l In· The Intense e'xeltement t"bat accom· Guen~ that pull a them otr· tbelr teet ' panlel Bome of the gTeat revival meet.and out of tbemle l,... Inga wbere thouun dll are under tlie . La BOIl: a Frenchm an, hu mad. tbe 8pell of an emotion al oratot. . .' mOlt earerul Itud, of til!! mob. how , The frenited ovation s that are somett t~Fm. and- ,..hat Impulse l sway It: tlmel given a preside ntial candida te ' He calli b,ti work on the atiblect," Tbe after a lob, week of tbe excitem ent Cro,..d." It \I .. ·coIal1 ana1,.Ucal of- a Dation&! politica l convention. . , . . ' r~ord ·of th" thlnp that mobS do ' Tbe sudden blue of ClOcltement tbat "Our aatter,' Came Up on the Run." and -l'..hy the" do tbe~ : He Gnda lb.t folio,.,'. aDy war teare Ie tbe ,manlfes\ undttr tbe Itreu ot I!xplte!Denl the tatlon of 'Il nallnna l mob eplrlt. It tl . , 161 ~.....k 8t., ....,k&oa. . . . . DOI1 " lit plND, tober man , abeda bls veneer ·or 1!1ec:trlcal In ItI eltect on . the creat ,Ibort way before tbe Second Mlnnebattle. of Une In formed t regimen full .ofa bealt a a' Modern Pharma cy. chlllut ton aDd become cr~wd. tbat torm 10 lucb period., ' WQrat. Very The the run' and We bave a very 1Ine courlle In pharblood bunger. He wanta to ' kill. 8pellbln dera of tbe pollttea l cam Out battery came u~ ' on Clemen t J. nrtlcoll , at a dinner In MlnBa,a the preside nt of the eoi;macy," WIIell lie l'anti to. w....1r YeDp8l1 co palml, lre p",t mastel'1! In the art of. ,Qi1ii6-d on ' ~h" Jett .of. the Se'qOlld amusing of form, New York, told ' a num)er strenuo us lite aI lege to the father of the IItudent wbll It mu.t ~ full of atroc:lt lu and bor- .Urrlng up mob emotlon l. They are ne~L .The Tblrtr-ftft~ Ohio hili ahout Itorle. IIIU-.Uy battered .alued accordi ng to their ability 'to !4 on the len of t!i.e battery, ana our commlsBloner of welSht8 and meas- 11 entering . ron. The ylc:tlm Indiana , "I'm slad to heal' tbat. My boy exand mUWatecl by the ehib., the banda IItlr the crowd II Into yellin,. Icreecb - re~lment, Uie ElghtY- Ie,enth as a: sup- ures last year. battery the' of rear In formed to become a druggis t: . pects Drismobs. Mr, asms. the said ot enthusi Ing the feet "A friend ot mine," "_ We only advance d a short dill' coll, "noticed one mornIng that hili Well, we give special lectures 011 . ·The good · elUsen who waa lIeHtDg "stop thief!" Is another cry -n....... tance before ~ ot" IDtelUl ence ' I. tull In 'we found the rebs stamps. cigars. perfume ry. soda aD callc'o'1)ver a counter a tew boure be- .Itartll the mob emotion, makes every force; and thE! ball game wa's on. The grocer looked very aad. 'What's the soap. I • Il1cb," wdt., a mlnllte ". who made candy, city director ies. telewater, uked profesfriend Tbe my savage. mall?' a . old become matter. worst fore . '1J1Y~ptlOo " there,<&fte" the exclt. he Is about to do Tblrty-I ltth Oblo was geltlng tbe er whatev drop and statione ry."-LU e. man books pbone s measure and aelenand weights books 'The ~ · me~lli'4. dl,!Id;ctoWD. :"Tber~ are millay Ilonal man Who loves .omethl ng sUr and turns him Into a hunter of tbe o( 'lt and tbEI Eighty- seventh was or. Jokingly. you, on In g man basn't been droppin ' ·churcb ea bere and ·tbe reUgtous IplrtJ tlflc dilloulllion -feelJi bunted. dered to rellElve them. We formed In I hope?' A woman Is apt to regard a bacbelor hll' nerve-'cellll tbat waa Implant ed ThlrtyThe down. lay and ru.r their -tlaa .!ll,way'e ·~e~ good. " you If be defense your would a man who Is too much of a coward What as grocer. d the execute snDpped era bas,' he forefatb ·Yes. hi. .. . "I am 'at a 10" tq , account for tbta tfire wben with Grtb pa.Bed to lbe rear. We were 'orcharged court Into get married . to brought aay,' were to mean really ow-n lr don·t e th. you .. 'But JusUce on ollende ra 'wltb when tbe Thlrty' terrible thiDe that bas hapP4/ned." . beIng 1\ membe r or a ·mob? Is there de~ed to hold our fire 'tbat ho caught I friend, my the ed day a exclaim 'or hour an For the on banda: went same They the 'Other InveltlP to're made ..0111 ALL any defense that 'Could be made al Ilttb went back. to the to cciat~', 8pell I.', on him. He come I out of this lawa Btand now? In tbe past ' the man run. The rebs thought they were on ' you giving only fifteen ounces \ EYE " ' .". ,el,)Ort. It was a ' m~i~1'1 hact , . I III pound?' com were be DI8EA s,. ~lie.n conditio n aa though such the retreat. They came after the Tblr, .,llIe .,' to why tbtl th\ns ' ' • charged wltb belDg a membe r ofrelied "'Wors e tban that!' groaned the t ftt alwilYI haa ··, laee. A ""few houri before bad been out of ;a nllbtma re. band g avengin ab en.''' wild sevente like givIng grocer. 'I've been A ' wbne alid' ao ' IIUools de8!)erndo upon tecbnlCli.lltiel and the po.'er of ". th on a charge, felling 'U Quiet and 'peaceab le a town' •• aDY t. Tbey had not leen our regimen two constab lea In bls lentlm~nt 10 belp him go Cree. mell· ublic yards, 40 about within get 1Q the ,tate. Somew here ' out of tbe -if.. arreated by We let them Sallie to Conaclence. to' arre.t and In P our teet, gave 'IDlabt .Qd frqlil amoDg 'tbe people 'of' cabin. . He lubmltt ed' Now the allenlBu. and pBycholoSlstl wbeD we Ju:mped to acat a concert, wbere tbe re- aDd b. eompeU<'d to pap to ,.our landlord malt wal was It be that · fact ' tbe or meet aplte, to ;'and ltarted tllem one volley and . '. til.' town ' .. mob ' bid fortJle.d aWD 'a new-loophole. found hue was not obllgatolT, .tllI of )OOU. bard_rn .d prollt" Own your batll of moval ofU!e er charact lI a daq~u f.rm. Socur• • Pr •• Homeot.. d or rl are tbem with cold IIteel. Thp.y broke and the woman with a conscience wished . "'ut ':(0 ., ' bot11b ledeatb a De,ro ~e· cou~t.dallowed mem6e mob ibat allert They ewan to 8.lkatcb ., freedom Mlollob hIm lome -~~~ of a .' crhile.- 'TIll' ~ext !Domin , f1eera .of tllll mag- nn Uke scared Iheep. Alberta, or pureh ••• lo be accomm odating. She turned to to a~compan,. 'under the dIabolic eway land la one of,tb... "After ,lvlng three cheers wo once the woman slttlDg beside her and " 't .. ·to,,rD waa ",peli~l1t 'and. borror: make arnolem eDtI around the eab- DeUam of the mob, dlltrlctl .nd ha" • moylng We Wblle ll. Jobnnle the for relldy got more any for ~le, , -,' :.~cllen,. I~ la lUll, wODderlll, h.o fi the tbem. re&ponsl II!rof.t of $10,00 Dr 'l;'bat be Ie not 9ald: .rllle, a for Jeap a made 1 were ~}IddeDI • • • Gr • b" They In ,. 111:1.00 long. . , walt _ to ",' have ~bouf" "Dot did I '~cur"'lI:ce. ,!)Am. .. act. tha~ be may bave commit ted "Does my bat bother you 1" • y.Q ~Nr. otllcere dead and mor· ~I1t]e In that;str ange,' trance-l ike Itate lOOn back at, ua, three \lnes deep. Our the 'of ooe for: " •••d 3 Plloch ~lnklDg 1 Laod otber blmlelf" the sald .m~a~0~b_1 i ' least." the liiiMt., In "Not 1{;;,--'t;t3E.;,'~ bullet A other. the · ~ wOUDd an '.0.00 canisI • a lID I wIth ,. .... wlliili· r;DaD; a mazr'ln 1.'1 that ,lazes men's eyel batterie s opl~ned on them , so lhe woman with a , .cr. baa ' . 0 en tI)O hl.m I~' ~e thillih.. durlti. lbe of excitem ent r,. 1V0man IIweetly · a (raciioD 'of ' biiD!II~If, Ia ., ob.ace d band • • t the gentles t lIOul Ibto acre&- t!f. We were pouring In the mUlketWe conscie nce lettled complac ently I turns atld up. , It .n .cre. The .ftHq. gave 825.00 they . ·_ bot ~ .. 10 got thlok It and : . peraonl opInion while their " be tbl~ ... the mob I. musIc ce the to vengean of IIl1ten to ture crop••rown on th ••• cartrldl e our . The wounded crlmlua l fled (rom the ~mptled almoet bad necks pe-.. their warrant tbe tbll d. n 1. twisted under seatll wblle , .., i T~t .11 ~he 'I ummll) .· 'P, 'ot tb~ back tha actions I)n Hlis by tile darlime ll, • You can are it utter n- boses. but Boon had tbem filled up out ot join~ tryIng to lee around ber ; llnosl. • ',. "'.cue, UncanD,. power Wat· gi1PI meD cabiD and, !a,or~ mob·bY cullar bottom creek a of "l1nch blm~ '.081 up. made bla wa,. aOrolS tbat he baa aplD. By tbls time the Ninth Ohio ,.,.- . ~ l'be, tjle Poslea were nance with enrylh lns had eometo Il)ur aid and none too soon. hat. befoNl. 'Tbat Ie' the auDimIDI up of the opInIon and IIld In the ~{mber. lite hi. all In dODe ever blm do!'n. Moat of b,. ••ttI ••• I.I .....daJrylnlr. mh.ed reba had been strongly re.enfor ced The otb·. aDd himself led ·ot.tlie aJlen~lt who tiu \~4 ~ oppor<- formed JO bunt bypnoti He has SPOHN 'S mSTEM PER CURE will , rarmlne and In arly eDpar(tcuJ Dot were battery. bert m our me. on cbarge a I and made !P.::R, had form aDd DlSTE1> mob a of of .. cl\~e Ide watch the PI'O,1.c e. of ....Uah •• ' tulllb' to cure an,)' po.sibl" erl at the aame time wltb Sa ....leh...... a.d AI~erta_ raged at' the crime. During the wbole . ' " two plecea, but were repulse d PINK EYE. Rnd tho like among horsea :: taking , ~p ~lt'a miDd, (:e. veogealJ Pre. loom .. l .. d aad r.rebeatlug of the of all age., .. nd prevents .. II olhers io the Tblrty· and ota Minnes Second the b" • • pU.D .re••••• well •• and Into Tbe allenllt does not belle,e ' tbat 'Of the da;.'1 liunt. tbe nl peer ...: 011 who men · th~ to ng AI.a Accordi dil!CRBe. . the baving from bl!la atahlc the Aame or ,earchl tbe d an' h.ld b,. raUway .nd ~.nd oam· tl IlftlY 01110. Learnin g that they had cnTeS chicken cholera, and dog diHtcmper. "~. ',.).;&IlJ' ilIaD-' IIJ:i epon alble fOr' '~mber ".01.... will pro".da hom ..s 'a form , of .por.t. our motives and llBleet our {bough .... \lPOD I,,,.a. Ad:; __ the .rll . battery, .end our 38 or of YOIl, 1~lecel Hupply !let elln two ~,' , .. ror ..11110... Any good druggist ,..-hy we taken ot· the ,t hue are the real reasona The low Nlntb Ohio ILDd our regimen t fixed bs,. . to mfn. 00 OCilla and ,1.00 a bottlc. Agent6 Ad.p'ab le .0.1, heaUhfu l temPet the ' cam!! .eliool. LynCh." dld •• "Judge apl .., ~ ,"'" ."', the to ell...... been .appeal . Free book . Spohn Co., ;r~e" had IDd ehurd,el ' •• ood ..Uw.,. •• He Ie. ions In. Dllault l. ooets and cparged the reba, recaptu r- WRnted .;,. • .', Spec. Contagious Dise811C9. Gooheu, Ind. t~Irlg lill d"y percent ale of convict lam~ . rs. tbe prisone Borne and B gunl our IDg of ue 1It!~L::!~1·~8 . r;::"l ~:s,~'PflZ: ~atalog whole the and .'" ' .•~ s murder aml:tnl becan to mutler "We tbeIl returne d to our old posl... ~erYf:~!'1::~~M!:.:I: tfc~,~~.t ce. ,outragl lf . have had 10 ' d9. with our ·Referen .. A Cro for the rebl. f.e~t~~.~~~::m~::~~a~~~ UIe readlne sa to ca·1T)' tbe calle Into tbe lion, wbere we waited let UII alone. a referenc e? you ls-Have MIstrel to trlbuga l of that iudge wbo works In Tbey leeme,d latislled Brldge s-Folne ; 01 held tbe poker H. M. WILLIAMS until about tbe dirk and who alwa;. convlctll and We remalne d ' on the field our division over ber till I got It.-Har per's Bazar. 413 aardne, .. ",., Toledo. Ohio Joined we Pl. . . wrlt.t;to never grantl a rehearln g_ ·Race preJII' • p. m., ' when knowD as the ·d lce helps tbe mob to appeal Crom tbe weet of us on what waa •. Wtn.lo .. ·~ Boothia:!: 8YTup for Cbll~...,n , Hr Dyre farm, west of the Lafayet te aDd The sound or boof. court • . of the state to thll mytblca l. ChlckamauE:& pike. We had sent' all lind !>urned hanged, baa t.hat ;court 'taken' Iheni! wbo bad tentl, blanket ll and knapsac kl to our 1800. sloce vtctlml 4,00 For eo"'Upa tloa, TorpId LSYer, tbe prillOner. B1 taillns a Ihot nearly The noblest work or God Is man, but rear. ,We were oat allowed to the ~relell. g Lynchin g II not becomlD ~~":i,,:e~~:~.:: ~~ t''::''~ 1th'l'01l.Jh tbe wood. he man· unl· build any tlrea to cook or make cof· you can't make lome married women aat.... u ...a4 :'oha~or .... ARe\De4 e.ea-pe' tbe now thorouc hly, quent. · The average bolcl.s _nearly we It. lIght, believe day'a bard ..u.raeI<>1' SlDlln dOlO.asQ/1oralo prlc~. but perf"", e 'fear after another. StateB tee. So, after a . 'Price ' l , s<I'OI~~~ , iJ!ob lbat. bad been '1oklnl' aad form on' y r1P.clrap .... sowbell eat raw .;'lIf::':~:':'~IUI Doul.·. C,..,ap fleJD.dJ' tbo Old r.lIablo IIf. ~",'~::~t. tbat Dever knew the vengean ce of II "I'ere compelled todrInk , "-M-D! JI.t~""nl ' an ,hour" before. HOM. our for water .. I Co. .. and k Noop<um , hardtac aild nOullluDla ... "" been •• m-pre cents, recently 60 ror.bl1dn .... (Juanml&o d Dl A . P. lJo.u lo. - DO naUlOA.. aw,ned the fane, of , mob before . have Schen. ct.dr. N. Y. . • ' O~1r bedl were the cold eartb. , ' lUtel\able farnier ' .libcked and borrlqe d " by ou.tbrealCl· supper, .. ski ll eloudlel and dew thIYheavy It II Quite POlslble for a man to w~en be 'pt thla spirit wl~ID their boundar Ies. with bla U::.:=.w~!: I "lIDp...'. Efl W.t., grim for our cover," be hot-headed and lUll set cold feet. ..Jl1>tur" ,· ' arid .;rbe eU8~om ~ a,PPealJnI to that no ,far :' let'8 gO ' :'jlidse" II spreadlDg, and thu8 ~o.tal A"• .! ..... bien deviled tbat U"'''' ...",n .. , Into the meanl ' haveIt. ever g Is a luperlc rlptlon of followin . Tbe deepl, too lie. It ouL IItamp will Clllld, and througb tbe Lout. .palled tbillt letter a their . flreil . In Ule emotlon l. . 'f1Ue, Ky .• poltomo e: "FedS and COD red., let this ,0 tree Dowli to Naabvllle. TeDne a_: ,' Tbll ~nt stamp 11'1,1 PA)" tbe COlt Until 'ou (llld' 8l1pbla TOIt. " - •. p(lil\~"'lera DOrth, or even south; MQop en.; It an!!' .1\I!iI the trutb; . t i,· ... " m1 wile"'. ailt .ill, • ~\wl' • b&bJ eND U:-• .•







Why Rant a Farm 'D





"'' ' ' ;.l1li

~:!~::;r~;:~=,~~:..u:~::~~~~~n~'::t~l:: ! DR.-WINTERS ~f::~I;;:~;i Plu.s



If You Hal. a Sickly

.Youngslar Try This Frai









Miami OazaUc, I year . .. . .. . $1.00 McCall's t\\lIgazlne, J years . . ,1.50 J Free .5c McCall's PaUerns . .45 Total Value . .. ' " ........ $2,95


Will Oost yOU····· '1.80

Being prepared frolll Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse, the I ; lll\vlng sold Uly fllrm, 'koowu 88 System and Purify the Blood, Bnd 'fOlie t ne System; and thus the\Vay08l!ville, Telegrtlph Mill, l X mllee south or 00 Way nellville tlnd ........................... _.................................................'....""..."'. . . . . . . . . . .-..... . ;..........''''"'-..,.,.''''' ...''''''''';...;.,.;'"'';........."'."'--.,.-"'-....;...;...-...._;...; - -.".., Oregonl" Pike . I will offer sale on 'Tuesday, November 21, 1911

McCall' s Magazine, though selling for 50c per year, is positively worth $1 per year instead. Call at this office any time and see late issues. The Free Patterns are ordered by post ·card from New York City and ca1l be u sed any tillle you .need one. . This offer is available to anyone who subscribes, renews or extends their time on the Miami Gazette. The only perequisite is that you "pay in advance." Call at this office or seud $1.50 by mail. 8END IN YOUR ORDER

BeginnluK at 10 .1l m ., the flJllow. property: Borse8-0ne . Gelding, 7 Y<l8rll old, weight about BOO Ibs, good looleer ond wurker i one (leIding, 9 years <lId, good worker anywhere; oDe Mare, weight 1100 Ibl', good worker tlud liu er; one (leldlog, 14 Y6llrll olel, good worker everywftY; one brown Mllre, goud worker. All good geDoral purpose horaes 23 CaUle-tO Good Milk t:ows, all unlller 7 yel11s old except one, 1111 tested aDd proven good . ~veral o ~ lbe8e cow., WIll be fresh io Decem. ber aod FebruHry, and they us good ooes . 8 Hetters,from 2· to IS mouths old. t:)IX of these are sired by thur. oug:hbred Bolstein bull, and all are from tested cows -1 Steer Calves, Ilx months old 2 Heau Bbeep, 8 eW68, 12 lambs 18 A ngora Goats. 9 Bogs-6 ROW8, 3 with pigs by


Now 18 Your Chance- Subscribe. Today.



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Barbed Wire

Methodist Episcopal ChUrell.

LINIMENT GUARANTEED to helll without leav-

log 1\ blemish,or MONEY REFUNDED. 50c IUId $1.00 {or fresb wounds. old sores, BOre backs and Sholllucr8~~llrus lUIei bruiaee. 2f>o size (or Family use. DR.

He v. O. 8. IIrnlllwf. Putor. S U"dllY Seh""I, 0 : 15 n . In. MOrlllnK 8 f! r vlcc . ttl ::111 ~ . III . I~ pworth L<!IlIIUI!, 7 :OU p' m . ~; \' e IlJIl It "e rvlcc , ~ : 00 p. m . MIIlw ....1r Pr Iye r MOeLI"I(. 7 p. 10.

St. Augustine·, Catholic Churdl. Father Ohnrles Yau.


Is pninlcn and guaranteed to cure Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Sweeny/ Splint, PuffS\ or any. enlargement o( DODe or IDUse e, or money refunded. Price 600, fOil SALE .V ALL DRUGGISTS

Waynesville, Ohio 1 Chickens-lot of faDoy Brown~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~3~~row~n,1~la. ' J liot Air Inoubator, , . Y COURT NEWS • • Bert Reed, oontraot, $U8; F. 21)0 egg oapaolty. D·R. H• E • H A.THA.W A. l' •• •• COUNT • • liIalnol', oontract $T2~Jo8eph Perrine FIlrw Implements-2Wagons, one •


LlVERITES-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chrooic Con· stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it.


Mil"" 11 : 00


St. Mary's Episc:opal Churcb. Itov. J . \". Cudwall"der. !Welol . SUlluny Soboa!. 0 :30 a. m Morolng Ber vlco. IU :il(J a . m. Holl' (lommunloo tbe Unt SUlltln1 u' eaeh mOntb, .


~~"",:"..............- -......- - - - - - , : - , - - - - - - - - . . . : . . . - - - -

Rooum! Sund,,\' of tbe moutb a

a . w.

Christian Cburch.

viewer on Bwank road, I"; Horaoe Browpnl neat uYSnew'i NeDwI kHooD8ilelir W" "'u8sriUe's Le~"'_" ....... H • • Dll>le 8eUooI. II: 10 .. m. lIoclallllOeftlaa Third 8(,C. ouat of Sumnel Fo'" '.. lin waukee er, uper or Binder, s rIn , OftlceJ in Keya Bldg. IIUAU~ .lJ'>1I.10:.0 .. m. ObrlllLI&u 11Id...or, '1:0U p • ..: .. .. vp. B .... ""9&8(1, villwer on Swank road 8 or'D hlood, Mil Corn Main 8t ~on I>y put.or evet'1 ..~ 811J1d1l¥" . 10 •• 0 .. Pl. aDd 7:,10 p. III, guardlaii of estate of Walter E. Khl- I'; Alva Htll, ohainmaD 00 S",.nk goold order; Ohamplon 'Mower, 'l'iger , New Sultl del' e' al, minora, approved aDd COD. road, 12 i Wright aDd Tbompeon, Tobll~o !:Setter in good oondltioD, Hldaite FrIeods Ctiurca.. FRIQHTENED HENS llober' U, MoOutoheon .,11. 'he fltmtld. .. .,'orlley fitt ~.te n. 1'. Slapk flO' (""ultlvatot', Krau Cftttlva. FiroII DQ MCeIlDI{•. 0 :00 .. m. Fln'Da, . - , •• an" final 000 t f E Tb W ' ''<)r, n8llrly new, 2 Bl'8ftkiDI Plowa, SOhool, 11 ;0(1 n, m. Founll nay Nee\lq . JIll a un 0 - e eatern Star, record and a~ 2 lIarrowlI, one nearly ne",; Bay V map of J'ran'1Io SAte· of OblQ, 10 :00 a. m. • Dd :' the 8. Ill, (.,'onkey cOmpaDY Dutrey.a iadmlnillb..trb: or 8II'aM of tionllr, for roo :>rder, 163 POI; The R1lllging, Platform 8-:&le ; Feed OookA (rentle an telll ot having had 'a ooryora'loa . • Pow:ell aDd Bowell Lewla L . Dds!. ~eceased, approved Wealern Star bar dooke"', tio i S,1.. ar and Steamer; New Tobacco Spray .. hired milD who did Dot like &0 baTe Ortbodox Friend... Cbun.. "nd 'h'rtok .~.ynor, at&Orney. rqt. and oonfi~~ed , aDd 'eeAte 18 fully van A. Le",II. aenicea aelnflrmarJ Wa~l:!r Barrel, BAY Forlr, rope beDII co!Deabout 'he barn. Every Mra. Ruth MUITa)'. Putor ~abbath Sohool, II :30 :l. 01 . ne~\Ilar ohurea p!alntJfI, injunction. . admlnta~red ... " , . director, 1'9 ~,; J : Q. Baker, eers' &I\" ~~~~:~BJ!~, '::fg'raf:::: now and then a flne hen \loold· be IICrvloo. 10 ·qo ~. Ill. ClJrulIJan ElIdeavo.., · ..J.m~s. :W,ilke,ion va. Warren .B'lr~' aDd final aOOQoDt of. Mary E . vloss as Infirmary director, . • ~,. 50; a~~1 nnmerous other .r&lc1ell. bronlM in with a leg' or a .Ing 7 :30 p_ Connt, .~ fair and Park ' Com. Moltord," administratrix of as'de C, V. Wmrlmll, esprel8, 400 i Ed 'H I)e La vaHJream 8epan'or In good bro.k en, HII ('xplanatlon wu tbM pany ". ~rPora"9D • . L . K. 1ADa. orJo~n M. Mulford, decealed, ap. (,)on'1I0, li&amplI for andl&Or, 16; oreller, 'f>.' \ 'heborll88atepp6don 'bem. don, a"o~., for plafD&lfI. Mone,w fproved aDd oGn. f lrmed .. nd 8IItale sa State of Ohio ve. E. U. Bnr eU flaroe811 and Vebiolell-2 Seta The oWner becaJlle sa~isfied thai U d I . n ,Work HarDess, ODe ae' ne"rly Dew; I ' olllT. .moua'olaliDed 1108 and In a • nlstered. 'S 8D; !1tate of Ohio va. Raymond 1 Be' Illht Double 1 s., 'he hired mao did it by throwlDg A LTE R URB , . tenet trpm ~pMDlber 0; 1110. · )'fDal ,corlon& of John .ll&loJ••• Bornett,t3.IIO; .tale of .Oblo VS, new Lea'her Work NeY, one amry, ."be o.bloken!l 'tlota or at lnee. Wilham ' C. Pbnll.,. .. exeoa&or ad.mtnl.tra&or of 8IIAte of Robed Leorn 8&1.ton, '18 80 ; Sialeof Ohio ~oo bu. Sorted Corn, 815 Bal88 S'r~wt The bird. bad become shy of him . of ...&will and teaAII;l~' ;of Mary Oook, deceased . approved an(\" oon. VB RaymoDd Btirne"; IS 110 : Beate 3~ Tonti . . 7 Tona ~leC1 aDd ran &0 hide anywhere wben he t. "l~.,. ~Ied VI, aUI')'" '~y, firmed and estate til fully admlni.. ~f Obio VII James and Lnolnda J. ·Jr~~~?td ~OS~o!'~dF!i~lnK came around. Telephone day or nllllt• E_ltZ:OUl. aDd Mapl!tt a&lonie,a tor -~, . \ .Sweney, 18.66; S~" of Ohlo '" Beel Deatly DewjBea'iug B&oves,Oook ODe reau" waa tha' 'he egg proValley' phone No. f. ~ J'inal .ooo~n' of _ ..hlon Gebhar. Ed Metbod, 118; State of Ohio v.. ~t(Jlve, Exlenllton rabIe, and maDY daotlon ",al dlmtnt.hed. Ben. wlll . plaiDtiff. 140~1f" and foreolOl1lf8, Distance No. · tI\J-~. Amoan' claiJDed 18OS.8.' .pd IDler. . .aljp,lee of eetale.of Barry Oaborn, Lydia Benne". 17.76;, ZalD Armi. otber- artlo~l. . . Dot lay well unlen 'hey are oom· ~f frOm Jl'ebroa.., 1 11011 wltb in ...ipor••pproved .nd oonfirmed &age, pain' '127.50 ~rerml :-All aoma -of Ili or 11118, rortable in feeling. They should btl OHIO • , . . and eat te i f II el , . Ot'@lb ;on Inm. over ,5 a ore..Ut of 8 f . WAYNESVILLE , ~, pill. "8,laG 'from February I, a s· n J a mlntllered. 4 -mOlnthll will be gl.,en on BaDkable o~ _term I o. perfect oonfldenoe with , , . 1810, IUIdf tnte....t OD 14820 from .B'1nt aoooont of Ida M. . Boollett, Saved Many From Death Notes, or a dl..oount will be allowed every o'leaboDt tbe plaoe 10 order Branl(h Office, Harye;nbura. O. ~:~~'!HI~:\'.;";~il'l'i. '. ~e~11, leU 1 • '\ U adminta'ratrllr; of eaate of J, E. w. L 34ook, of jlook. .Ark be. at :rate of 6% per anDom '0 do, tbelr bQllt In laying. When OIiD~' W. StaDton &Del .Eel Libe. Hcoke". de08ued, approved. and lIevee he :hu aved o;aan, liv;a fn , T L. Nloholl_OD. t~e lilfed man was ~mls86d the .o1al»- parhu'nhlp.. Edwat'cl T eon~rmed. hta 25 Jean of expertenoe iD the iul' ~aWke, I Auo"s, ' tieDII 800n ' r8IIumed their former DeoliUt; .tbnr L. K LanidOD, adpl1nl.trator of d rugd "What r always]ilte W.l!l Clerk qole' habiw aDd with 'hell' bOSln8llll ' t , . , . .ate of TIl . . ·1 W o o e", tea "ia to recommend " -' , ", f la I ~ plalntUr. Youe, Amoun' eopw aa IIname, de Dr. ' King'a 'N e", dlloovery lor weak Lunch serveG, by tbe Miami Valley 0 'Di eRI"· , . 01alm~'.'1S88.0l w1\h InHrea' 'frolD oe&¥d! ordered to olaim of lore IUDp hArd OGld.. hoaneDess' Pooltry AuooIatton. • - ••----"' --,. h1ne-for-;'I'raln..· I ~~; .';' ~'ll. / ,... 1)1111ab Burle,aalrJna, ea'&ate. ' obailuate oough.. , ' 4 ._ . _ MfII. Obarl.. w,hItae,.. who U... lD , • ':" '. . Gear,. E . YOUDR, ualgnee ID &sUuna or other A Fatbet'l Vengeance OYerbroo1t and -.bole hWlband coma ...... COurt. matler of a.tgnmen' of Ohio Tea for Ifeelllnre that a number of my .. . Couipany or G W G' is Id fi1 nelgbbora are aUve and well today w(Jluld bavlt _fallen 00 . anyone who to town e"1T mornlnl, called 01. . . . ., . ~1Iu7 Kale Brown a tnted ad . " I' wo, ~II beoaoae they wok my advice to 1188 Ilttaoluld the 80n of Peter Bondy. of ' maid ,...ter487 With rather coiled '';tsll • ' p~, lrat aDd final aoooun& with vooohers U. .1 hone8tly believe I,s the belt. 801l1th Rockwood, Woh .. bu' he waa cUrecUOD. -!Ob·. Saraht- lb. uJd, "I hadn't D_1'~~:t 1n eata.. of Jamea O. lor aettlement whloh Is ordered .u.. thrOl~t and lnng mediolne that's powerless before attackll of Kidney ,-:u~ d8OM~~, under 1'000 bond. panded, made. " Eas1 to prove he's rlgM trooble. "Dootors oonl4 not help noUced ,bow late It ' Ie. Go uJ)ltaln It, Qj B, S~ Cono.,er anel L -K. Langdon ad ini t ~ f Get a 'r11d bottle tree, .1r regalar hirn," he wrote, "110 he Improved and tell Mr, Whltne,. to hlU'l'J or m1a8 bltI traln." .a.,WI,AlbaUgh appolnled .pprale- ........ f •• ". 'f 'fbm I ra l' 0 600 or It. 110 bottle Guaranleed by wonderfully trom takiug six bo"le8 "I called 1lIDt,· Sarah anlweNd en. / ~ 0 61_!'W 0 eoplllloa WU· all druggls", . U. t~e beat Kitloey medlcille I ever , 1tama. decealed, files first aooount ._ • saw; " Backaohe, Tired feeliug prou41,., "aDd 11.' iaa11l. rna·am, that outal~ Oairt~ G. LiD go appoln~ ad. ,"'h. .,ooch~1'8 for aeUlemeDt wbich NetnOUlln8lll, Loae of Appetl~: If I puta the rrapefruJt minl.iraHix of esAte of Rebeooa O. ia orderld .Gapended. WHY NOT YOUR SCHOOL ",.rn of Kidney trouble th"t may dr. 400r and the cho,. on the top ;:. f LtnRo ' t10der ,2000 bond. I, A. Geor e JC Y . eml ~n dropey, .ll,\betes or Bright'8 ItQ an4 tile roUI ·aa4 odae aD tU I .' ;; RUDyan, CI. Sani.y aDd Deaar &ate f ~' oong, 80ardlln of es· .AmODI( 'be various thlngl done dlll8ue, Beware: Take Eleotrlo IaIuUaa Ilia Gall. ~ u.. 1,10 tnIa,• ., A &&&DIe . 0 rah Jane WUSOD, lnsaDe, by the extensIon dep"rtmeDt ' of the BI1~58r. aDd be ..fe. Every bo"ll! J".:i.-":' 'S7u ~Iappotnaed .p,.,al..ra. fllea fire' aocoun' with vouchen fOf/! Ohio AgrJcuUaral 0011 t guaran.teed . .. 680 d all drunlat. ,~ .. . Mer admtnta'n&ol' of ea ae&tlement whioh I. d ad ega • um· • _ ...- - . . .. o~ ' Johanna Bntler. deceaaed, nded, or er .Us bal, I. the laying oot and making . . YOU ' ...... ID..nWry aDd appralaemen' pe planl for the plan&lng of eohool SAVED BY BAD .HA.NDWIUTINO wlilah-fa ordered recorded, MarrIqe grounds, ~e ",ork l8 done wi'hoot cost exoept tbe .. king, Among 'he Lord t:nrz~n ",beD • voung man 'PrOof of pablloatloD of . DOtioe .f 'apPolDimen' of "enwn G: Hllfer u Arthur E. Bo",man 2" macblDlat, IIOhools whloh havs acoept84 'he at OQUege ODlle fonnd htl bad hand· We can offer you good eUoatqr in ea"M of Illiaabeth F. of KiDge 1i1lI1 and ~elUe Grlmn, 20, .enioe 18 the centralized IObool In ",rI'ing Jlta~d him io gbod .tead Paying Employment aarD.,4eoeaaed, flle4 aDd ordered &eao~er of KlnlS 111111, Jaokson township. Proble coonty, WrltlD.g two' letter., ODe to a reillothat you will enjoy and noorded. ' • Floyd Eltzroth 19, farmer of the oen&rallzed scbool at Selma &h.e, the otber to a ohum, he en. at home. Write to-day 'p foof Qf publloat1~ of eeatH Pleasant PlaiD, aDd Hazel HmUb, 17, Clark ooon'y; the hl,h lIObool i~ cl(laed tbem in 'be wroDg envelopes, for eeUlemeat fo," heariDlon of ButJervllle. Rlleytownahip, PutuamoountY,and chllnoed tbat In ~e aecond le.Uer Addr... Oowber Jard flied and recorded David Armstrong 51, englueer of a number of tblt emaller dilltriot he had made some uuoompl1mantary o.Ulerlne Kohl, a. 8XeOutrlx of D.yton, and Margaretta t:. Mo eohoola. relferllnoe ,,, bls relative, aDd on dill. _tate of Andrew Kohl, dec'1._;", 50, of franklin." Whyahall not your eohool receive h i d the mistake he bad made I 'I'Ile . .aalell . .bllllJdDg eo. ........ Comas, J h R A tkl Ihdtelck IhIIIdI.... New York. N. Y. files . lnven'01"1 and appraisement 0 ',l' n80n, ~2, farmer of this beoefit? You help to pay the 8 , "wa ttl developments ",ith anx. whloh ta ordered recorded. Xenia and Roth f. Mooser, III, do- taxe8 whioh benefit the relit, Why lety, FlfteenUl acooUllt of Henry B. m6llUo of Franklin. aot feoeive a flhare yourself? Beau. . There presently came a letter Olemen' aa adm1nlltrator of eatate Cbarles O. ~hintle, 25, grooery tlrying the grouods of the oonntry ffo~ the uU!lle "I btl~~ tried h.'lrd of WtlIlam H. t,'l9meDt., deceased olerk, of South Lebtinon ILnd Madge sohool is on8 or the way,. for keep. to dlolpher your epistle, it ran, "but approved and ool;lfirmed and Mta'; D~ Butl.r, 28, of South Lebanon. lng tbe boys and Kirts f~om runoing Jtmf writing la 110 'It.rocloua 'h,,' 1 ill fully' admlnllltered. oIe88 Hammer, 11, farmer of Har 6WI\Y to the ctty. ' . oannot make bead or '811 of It. Bow lIlilh&b aooollnt of John B. Olem . V;~bUrg, baUd Mabel "nson. 182 Start M4 -h· T ev'edr, 1 guess fhl) drift be ' th"t .v on ent., .. admlDis'raMr ot elAte f 0 aneys urg 8 uc rouble Dele !!Ome m ·lne." , you rogue, ~o I I'lo~ce p, tJlement, deoeaaed, a; Francis A, Surface '7, fllrmer of if all people know th:t neglect of ID'olose fa chook " - ..'lull" .. · ChrllQl. proved And ooDftrmed and e tat Ie Lebanon 8ud Effie E . Aadereoni. 29 , ?OnstlpatloD would re8ult in severe olt~ . . faU- admtnl le ed I e of Lebanon. Indlt(estton, yellow jaundlC1e or virus -- - .. r I r . lent liver trouble they would Boon An Arithmetic Snake. , TblrMlen'h aooount of JohD B Real Estate TrmJ,rera. take Dr. t{lng'lI New Life }lIJlB, and An Englishman billy- one day told Clemen' al admiDlltra&Or of est"te Angustns E. Mulford and wife to end It. Ita the ooly ellfe way. Beat aD editor several analee storlea which of Caroline W. 8o'eldo. benefiolary fo~ b!llousnas~, hel Itlohe, ftYllpep81a made the newspaper man laugh,. and approved and oonfirmed and 6IIa~ Benry Will and wife. Lot In War . o~lllB aq«\ d8blll ty. 350 at all drug then be Bald as a wlnd·up: . reo County, tl. glEits. "I can't call any ' more to mind juat - - - ~-at . prelent. My wife knowB • lot of II folly admiDlaMred. " Oxen In Lumber CampI. BIlBke atorle., but 1 forg~t 'em. By J'ira, and fiD4l aooonnt of Samnel After nearly flfty years' retirement the way. though, I've got 'a regular 'Weskle, .. admlnl8tra~r or estate Loultl8 Lewis to William Buttel·. from active service the 0][ bill .galn· curiosity cfOWD on my· place. ~f ~da A. Yeakle, deeealed. ap wortb, lot In Warren Connty, 111100 come Into recognition all a motive One day my eldest hoy w" taltthig on ' .proved and oonfirmed and eetlltlS b CattlerlDe Fox &0 ~ohn C. ShhkiDS power in the lumbering Induatl'1 of the back ltep doing bl. lumi, and h. northel'D Mlnneeota, Dortliel'D WIlcon. couldrl·t.get 'em rlgbt. He felt lome.: fally admlnl.tered, lot In Warren County, .SOO. ..; . Fir.' aC,OQon' of Samuel Yealle 'N. H. MoGrathjo Eugene Smith llo and amoDg the fronUer letUerw of tJilnr asalnst his fa~ and ,there wal tbele ltam. Tbe'relllOn II the high a little 'enake clirJe.d up 00 hili Ibou)· •• IJl&nllu of .'a&8 of lIarsard lot ill Warren Opab'y,.I; price of feed for horaes. der ud 100UIDI at tbe alate.- In feur ~~:kle m IIOrf', approved Ardon ~ny and Jamel B. Dilly There II UtUe or no ezpenle f~t the mlnut.. ~1!e bid. done aU tti'oBe luml. .to Lonlll Philip Kreb ·and WUllllm HJteep" of ~zeD ·•• ·coml/Ared wlth~atW~'ve ·tamed h~in, 10 be keep8: ~tt, JU. ·e~th",_afAl4, that re·. and he ia ' ot. hOfllM. .;t',iIOlU-al"taaOO;Of·oon& of Jamee L. Brown Thloker Jr" lotin Masllll, Sl. . . WllconllD ' nd. V_"," _"' " . now ~ ;c.{:·~ ~ ~~~Jinbl8Ol.l• . of'h A. Ipaz' M, and ' of ·....... ·'.lm .. '~In:oftd and ClClD· io:.J • .


Com.qpn Pleas Court.

Rov. L. O. Tbomp.on. Put.ol.





~n& .twrneJ~






'.'11 ha".





Are Lookblg. . lor a PoslUon?



----- -

Gifts of· Silverware

er~n't!t~'D ~!~:~ t~l!:~;~ ~;~~

,. =: "







.. ..---

- '.






Report of Wayn\) Town~hip Schools for Month E.n dlng Oct. 27, 1911.


Pub~lld Weekly a~ Wuynllliville. Ohio OF F lOE


Al A IN B' rn J;J::~'





D. L. CRANE , Editor and Manager

Moore's Range features' of a I MPORTANT Moore's Range are-first-

Rates of Subscription One Year (s t rictly lu IUlvance)....... . 11.00 811l1!Ie Cop y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . • . . OD

Moore's GlassOvenDoor Enrollment .. .... ... . ...... ... ......... 21

Rates of Advertising . Roa.dJDg Locala. per llru! .... .. ....... . 6< Readlug Locals. blad< tuco, per Iino.. . 1 0(' Olualftod Ada. uot to el<cood II \'0 11008 Throo luaertloDJI .. . ......... . . 211<' OblLullriBoJ. live luclltlll tree ; o ver live 1o!1i.. , lochoa. per lloe . . . . ... .... ... . ~ Ow of thank • . . . ... ... . . .. .•.... .... 211c a-,Iutlona . ... . ...... . . ... . ..•.. , ..• 60r










1,, 1fiO








Per cent of enrollment neither absent nor tardy ..... .... .... .. ... 29








0 I









1 8

All you need do is g1ance occasionally at your food through the glass oven door and you caR see how it's coming along.



Neither absent nor tardy ...... .. •.;>

Per cent of attendance . ....... .. 87


Pupils in Township neither tardy nor absent during October.

Then th e re's Moore's ex act tempe rature therm ometer-the most sensithermometer

28 6


1\ {rs. Rorer's ThcrIIlC1 lll ct c r Guid e t ells how long and at what temperature to cook foorl. . Moore's controller damper holds a certain fix ed heat at a ce rtain temperature as long as you wish. Moore's Range has been . describetd as an absolutely controllable cooking machine. macle.

96 95 96 4

Villits of Buperintende,:.!.:.:.::::2.. 4 1.



Number of pupils tardy ... .. .. ..

Oolj 'he w641thy man OI\D IIIf'Jrd to keep a poor OJW,




N OVEMBER 8. 1911. -


Rank in enrollment ........... ..... .

80clu ew. whero cbtu'K e III made ..... . . 211c Cases of tardiness .. ...... .... .i •• • •

DlJIplal' AdvIlrtl8lng per III~h • • . •. ....•. lJlIIoouuUl h en ou cont ract.





Harmony Grove.

Mrs. Cuokrigllt and Mrs. CU;·_"!VOnI. Mrs. CaT<"orn- "1 ha,1 an awful

rim ~ last evening, M~. Cookri;;ht, yo'.l kI10\~ my h. ,hall ell ik.o l broiltdst. alt- Well, I tritt! Illy blOt to broi l on m y . tovt - ·finally I burnt it upfill ed my kitd 'f n wi th brlloke all .\ Johll had no steak at all. And - Inv, but \\" .. n ' t he . .. ' ry "bel\ he had to gu out alld buy . nother- which I fri".J-alld fried very poorly at that." Mrs. Cookright--"'Vell Mr•. Cercworn-you certainly are to be pitied for your troubles-particularly whcn you needn ' t have any . uch •• you describe at all. Now my an".,er i. Moore's RallCt- Here's one-acethe hinged tO I'~ When I gel II good bed of glowing coal. I open the hinged top- ju.t ao--put in my .tcak-theuppcr lid. hdp to cover it and keep the hellt in- and every scrap of amoV goet up the chimney.

L:>rena Weeks Clement H~er Sugar Orove. Maria Simpson Olive Wilson (iet 'be roota and other torll 8e for Alice Gons Margaret Simpson 'be Bwioe stored away for winter Burnett Butterworth Clyde Shutts Rhodes Bunnel Gordon Weeks 1I8e. Lulu -Roland Marion Surface Mabel Stanley Marybelle Harner Mary Roland Inez Thomas Harold Earnhart Lowell Thomas Roscoe Furnas Russell Stanley Drop. line to Moore Brothen Com piny, Joliet, 111 . for their free book on the con.truction 01 Mqorc', RanKe tbowing b~ Tbe martS with the fall DOlt shOllld Roy Green Paul Stokea Mary Pri'le meant of ita conltruction-thi. pat uvin, il poeeible-and I « M.oorc'. Rinse at be kept motlt of 'be time In a roomy. Marie Surface Everett Thomas By consulting the abov~ report we warm box 8tall. . Eva Prater Opal Gray find Sugar Grove leads in enrollment'. RUSiell Surface Madison ~hhart To Lowell lIi1l belongs the honor of « having the best percentage of attendr The oolla and unused horael' Red Oak. . ance. Three schools report no cases tng to their Intelligence-Just as they I n th e pas t , Will A ao wnat 1t CIlU WM. n . a : ilhould 8pend moe' of M(lb pl~~ant Robert Snider of tardiness for October where the are doing now tn their light on the make Ohio the best state In the union ~ d.j in 'bepuddook, September report showed five. OhIo 8tate BoaI'd or--Commerce. They In which to earn a living, to own Pt'01)o Undertaker and ElI).ballQt'r. ' ~ Spring Branch. lose Bight of the fac~t tbat the funda- erty and to operate a buslneas. • The enrollment for the entire town mental functlon of a constitution Is to Yours re8pectflllly, Will be fouoet in the C'I~ . Harry Lacy Goldie Conner ship increased nearly 6 percent over crystallize Into con()ret~ form prlnclALLEN R. FOOTE, President. ' 8>t" It Bollillog. OJlpolP'" If a n1 hOrtles are to be Idle dorlot Nelilon Brown Earnest Braddock the September enrollment. pIes and poUeles concerning wbtch the - _ ;-~ • ~h~ Nlltionlll Bank 'be wiater give a IIgb& diet, but d, Esther Curtis - .E<Jna Lacy . It is ellmestly hoped that the pat- .people are In general agreement BO as Telephone hi hotlJile IlDd ot· DOU.1n! a11l1rala away from tbem H Co . to gtve' 8tabIlIty to the state govern~, STOCK FEEDINO ON ONE LINE fioe wbere 1 ~n be call"" any Dner rons will look over thes ) monthly ment and protect minorities against llft.v " r ni gbt,. lowell Hili. reports and do everything l'D8Sible to Ill·consldered action of & preJudl?ed : fhA man wbo ohlDges frf' Vnll!> >: 1'~'1n" 1'-:-2. " 'ilber G.·III·land Bertha Orndorf help make their school have a good majority guided by Blo~e ludden POpu- from one line of IlWolr to another In . Balked a.t Cold Steel lar Imp}llse. I . Main ~t'eet, WayneSVIlle, Ohio " record. . Helen Harris Anyone who has faith In popUlar the hope of hitting tbe best prioad, ' . "I·wooll.ln't let a d ootor ont ' m3 Fred' Simpkins Henry Orndorf In each of the country schools ex- lovernment must .believe that the peo- i8 apt hit too often 'he low priee" ~!'!'!'!!!"!!'!'!'!!!"!!'!'!'!!!"!!'!'!'!!!"!!'!'!'!!!"!!!!_!'!'!'!!!"!!'!'!'!!!"!!'!'!'!!!"!!'!'!'!!!"!!'!'!'!!!"!!'!'!'!!!"!!'!!!. .foo' ~; " ,.atd Ii. O. Ely, Bailkm. Ethel SirMdns Ohto, 'Ialtboogh _ horrible ulool Joseph Shutts Milburn 6i1lilan~ cell.P.Dt librahri~ are found containin.g PI let Wilts I decIdeII Wb 81t 11 forththe bgt88t , Any lioe, ",hethE'r ca"le, hog a or E ~ V. BARN HART. bad IIMo·t1ie piligue of mv life fOI' Pearl Omdorf Florence Woolard nearIy one undred books of fiction n ereB 0f a . wh,enever ey ve ibeep, will prove profUablo wben four ' year. . Instead I used Blloll. and .r eference. These libraries. may careful. sober thougibt to pubUo QUes'\lntemg anuy followed. There will Notary Public tlons on which they have to pails. leo 'e ArnlDa Salve, .Dd my foO& WIU l College Hili. and should be patronized ' by the But when ' they are guided by the be yea1'll 0 : le88 profit thaD o'ben , A.1l kinds C)f Notary Wo.k,~PeOillon eooa . oompletely ollred" Belli,. Hazel Salisbury patronS in each school district, The demagogue, the ftrebrand, the selfish. but'the luger profit or otber yean Work a tipeojalt.v~ BurDII, Bolli, tiora';', Braise., Eozemll Marie Squires Carl Squires boob of fiction may be taken home and frenzied l&jader then It . Ie that will more tban make up for tlae 108888 Pimpl.,., CorOll , 8ure,,' PUe oore 26c' Flora Barbee a' _aU drnggt.ta. G.~'le Evans Adria Cornell and kept unti~ read but the books of women are tarred all1d feathered, men La8t y.r 80me of tbe farmen " ef t l · are burned at the stake and .tragedles I d Bertha Barbee Marie Barbee r erenee are constan V needed 1D oCcur like that at N4~wark, Ohio. 101' o. oaHle feadi~g, AI in ioa C W HENDERSON M D Mabel Salisbu ry '. Francis Sqdires the schoolroom and should be a~the 1 'No good cause .oed fear the orderly. 'iODS point lood priDes for this • • .' ' . • . W III ~hl school at ~11 times school is in aesaion .1 d1oug1itful crow~ but the best cause wluMr alld 8pring. rbe per8i1'9ni • obUl roogti on the ' lIdd~. Mt. HoUy. The teacher will make a record, or must tremble before the hasty, aoarDity of I'ook caUle d<ree not Inoil: aynesv e," U • .llOminR 10 oout"ot 'Wlib the fl'Ollt, Cynthia Burden see that it is done ' .of. all volumes thoughtless action olr a misinformed or toward lower price... Thef.t&eninR Valle, Phone-l53 Main ~trtyl IrQllud wav roln your btost. cow Lester Dill Pauline 'Marlatt Le~ Marlatt:.... leaving the schoolroom in orier that excited citizenry. of hO.B1I also proml8es good profits .'Ii' George ' Smith Bertha Marlatt books m~ not 6elost. Books that Is n:~ :o~~::!e :;(~blg business" or t·h l. winter. Indeed lou. OD this o Bri are destroyed or badly treated must "seillsh Interests." We enter a pleat kInd of stock when properly man • U ilhouid be t embered that, It bolt'~ reen ar. , be replacej by the persap' taking at .guilty 'to the charge that we aged are more. When 100aetI oooar J. W. MILLER. ooM of hair is oot heavy nor of th l' Rena- Smith . Eucenia Whitaker same from the library. are dominated by "special privilege" 'hey are more 8pt '0 be on .boats kind &0 iltOp 00' ex'remeoold. Con_ Heber Ross . Howard Whitaker When the books of' one district -for the right to own propet~y-be hpt Over one wln'er tr. be Mn' to tM!qiaeDlly Ii feel I tbe ohabgQI 10 O r -I S-" 'th Ca h It a home, a farm (~r a tactory-Is a . '"'( .•• DE~TIST... muter m. t . arine Bur,net have been generally read they will SPECIAL PRIVILEGE and the right to mark at the foHowin, WInter. "lUper.tore mOlit keemly. Raymond Whitaker be exchanged with another district. vote a special fraocllise. . • - ...- - - 0111011 In Waynesville, 0' National Bide. ~_~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!= . The Ohio State Board of Commerce UNSPRAYED FRUIT has not raised a "slullh" fund of U25,' Ing that "big buSIuess;:' the "Interests" 000. Wbatever mOlley Is raised will '3brtnble to milk, lumps In &hp ••••••• 8. ••••••••• •••••••• and "special privilege are mnaquerad· be spent In an appeal to the Intem. There Is a mats rial dlfferenoe beudder.: atarting 008t, can all hiIng under the name of the Ohio State genee of the people and Dot to their 'wilen the frnU trom aprayed aod brough, OD by ODO nlRbt on ·t be Board of Commerce. The light on this I prejudice and pas810ns. We would fruit from unspr.yed treee. Apples frot\ty Iroood. All thill means lost' organiZation Is 'Wholly on the plea that Ilke' to raise ,125 OOQ to be used for f rom the lInllprayed 81'8 to a larD'e . It "big buelneBs" with "barrelB of money'" of bard o&lIb. It doesn" pitY: purpOS8S_ We know &low extent wormy and where 'he San . TH. GR&ATKlT Ie Bee klng t 0 throttl e the tnterestB 0 f educational we can use Jt In ways that w11l be I ' the people, when not a alngle measure certain to benefit every citizen of the J o.e 80ale is preJleDt tkey are al80 adVocated by this BOard can be allown state. We. have 00 deBlre to · use In liabl .. to IpeoklnlJ ~n the sorface .N THIl WO.LD. . to be a measure ~eslgn.ed for the any other way or for any other pur· ADother place of dlffereDoo Is In 't ho rtJBIJSHED WEEnY. su)O PER TEAl Rbeam"t-Iern tn hOlJII II caused b., special beneftt of any Interest.. pose. We hope the people of the .tate I h k ted As a matter of fact, the buslnesB _ , pur~ w en mar e . DRVOc.m, .,..OIA....,.. 'mllJ'Oper feedlDg, ~hlob prodllCf'fI m back of tbe Ohlo State Board of -will PQ.t U8 In posltfon to demonltrate , . Apples from orobarcla that b ·,d no OO'TV M .... TRA.''' ••• OA. indlRe.llon, byiaDlt of exerols, and •••••• •••••••••••• .••• ••••• en the truth that money Bpent_tor corCommerce do not begin to conatltute 'rect education Is put to Ita highest fruit 111.8& year sbow very little ~DU.:::~·:::~CR~'~:: by damllD8M aDd expotlllfO to drafts Columbus. O. (Speclal) .-Allen R. as men"aclng a .. "speclal .. pl'lvflege," as econopllc use, by supplylog us with all worminoB8, al the oGddliQg moth .It il eaeler to preveDt tbo dt8e88P Foote, PresIdent of the OhIo State dangerous an Interest, or as big a the fUDds requlred_ foood no plano to breed, aDd tbere SAMPLE COPY. FREE tban it is to oore it. Board of Commerce, makes public a bUBlness as your foreign-owned neW6When th\l' have learned the truth . tl f moth Add,... N. . YORK OLIPPI. paper trust ' If h I h loll I th' was ooDs~qDen y no Drop .0 N_ York.... V_ letter addres8ed to edItors of S c r i p p s · ' t e peop e want t e t at ve, EO thts r to 1& the _ JOlt y 8IJ"y . The Ohio State Board of COlDJDerce referendum the r8<'.a1l or any of the I Hla 80n .. Easily Broken .• McRae newspapers In Ohio In which Is conducting a publicity campaign In l other prop~slUODl d1JscuBsed. they are • - ...- - ICDOW1l ae the "glallll·bone boy." he resents attaekB upon his or- Which an effort Is being made to tell entltled to them and as a lawabldlng lam•• Loertach of Caldwell, N. J., ganlzatlon. the' people . he whole truth about the 11atriotic organIzation the Ohio Stats Subscribe for .the Gazette Dr.·Bell'sPine-TClr-Honev kept up his noord when be fell on President Foote BaYB he asked the Jaaues InvQlved 10 the constitutional Q:~ard of Commerce, In the future, . as . . For Cousha and Colds. the aJdewalk tn' front of his bomt' SerlpPs.McRae papers to publish his convention campaign. IT IS NOT RE- . a few dll7S alO lind broke his arm _ SORTING TO APPEALS TO .TlIE ___ 'thla Is Jamea' elchth bone-brealrln~ communication either as news or as PASSIONS OR PREJUDICES. It 18 . - - . -. feat tn the el;ht :rears of his life vertlljlng at regular rates, which they not seeking to array one class of cftl.' M~.~~~~~~~~ _y~ and his third within the last flye have reCused to do. zens .aga lnst another. If the PUbIl6ItY l ~~JI¥~"''''~''»1I~~''';_Ift~ mqntha. In 8eptember he broke hIe The Scrlpps·McRae pallers In Oblo matter sent out by thIs organization Is ; rt;bt' Ie. In klcklnl a football . lu are the Akron Press, Cincinnati Post, etrectlve th'en It must be right, for the ' . . ~~~ ~._~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ .' No" mber. wben he Itandlnl In ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ed~~~ i ' . wagon. the hbrle moved uneXlloct· Bee and the Columbus CItizen, all. of l ing spacious arguments. If the pub- j • ,-edly and Joltett him to tile walon bed. which received a COllY ot tb.'s letter . I·llelty campaign Ie not effective tben ~ The Jolt did not roll him from tbe To the Edltor:the people who are majdng a fight on ·"aton, but' ~rok. bl. 19ft arm. . The Ohio State Board of Commerce, the Ohio State Board ...()f commerce, . Its constitutlon educational committee have nuthlng to fear. and ' ltB Individual members have been But the truth told In this educatlOnal BubJected to crl~lclsm and abu8e by campaign must be ell'ectlye or the yel- 1 UI\L papers of the 8crl.pIlB·MeRae League. low preS8 would gtve no heed to the I ."~d"'e ; 'W " ell' BY' ~Vino ... l--Letten We bave been patiently awaiting Camllalgn. beLng carried o~ by this 01'-1 ,- the wiod-up of the fal8e statements ganlzatlon. abOut the board and Its work, bellev· 'I'he attitude of your paper and the t . , from' a Grateful Mother · 'New ilave'ii. Conn:-"M'J 'U ttielng .that ":sooner ~or later even your other Scdpps-MoRae papers, Is the . \ ~ .. 'evei' jilncie" her ~Irth. was' trail brllbt lmaglna'tors would run out of best argument yet presented against ' matedal for the fabrIcations Y0l.l have the Initiative, the referendum ' and the · ~lck1; .and nqthlng aeamed to • ~T bntll 'we tried jour been retailing In the guise of factB. . recall for these principles are not· dis· lIr . toblo,' Vtnol. Aa ioon ..~ . The . constitution educational ~om' cllssed ·on their merits, but abuse and I co)D~lenic~ to take It, ~ I ~tI~ ...Dlttee , of the Ohio State BOard ot prejudice are clep,ended upon -as de" ~lmIDI'l~telilii!ll:lt, . . ~eal~ ,&D~.Pi. Couun" rc.e bas 'been .aB8alled because fenBes. If r.our campaign were, a .tafl"1 . take~ III 'nUal1Jig 'an ..lton to give to the one this communication would Dot be I . . . . Ohlo discussions on .. both' ,Iven to the' publl~.. If your news-) tllat ~i11 papers were not ~ttemptfng to buU4.up Bentiment a~alnet the . Ohlp State

Let as Ten You How to Save One-third to One-half Your Fuel Bill-Send for Book.


Waynesville, Ohio



















I. ,




_____ ___



SI""i 'y CHILD ..



P·· RIN .T .E D .. AT

'j.~~:~~:~~ iflll,m~b<1Idi~,~~~~~~~~I.~!~~~~~l~;~;~;~""~I~lfII'P"'''~ asiaulta have - BOard yoUr effortS of Commerce to ~D.4~.\l8(~., ~!l!.~ ·'



were'devo. ot .tbe tfJia lnl. ·..




a.,It•Your fr•• 'lckaCI DruIcla". Wonderful New 'l'r'e atment for Kid.

-~D6YII B1ad4er,RlmImat1sm, _ _-+--1--

acbe-Tboll8&Dds of Free Sam. pIes Beinl Given Awayl '1'0 PI'OTi th.,



II. &t l ...t , on. nail.

~~d7 for all lIuoh dlllOld.,.. the makerB of Dr. Darby', Kldne, pm, han' ."th~11IflCI dru..latB nOIT"b .... \0 dilUlbo aWl freo b-ial DaOkace. \0 &II aopl!O&II&e.


~ ,oa .,,11'01' from dlabeteL dl'O"',

Cement Talk No. 10

llriaht·. Disuae, pain In bladdll1'. theumatIIIIllll uw form? Doel ,au bMk 1IGh" ,Lela





4IOh •. head aoh_w:1Ioll ~ aob.? PalU 411' twltoblq III. POIII. QI' limbe? 11Il101 ..

eoN, "'ud,I', Inl1l10111l4' DUDoul" 1II .."u. . urill.

blll':lll•• Mua\\OIl'


eedll'QO~' III Urlll'!. 01' UDIIII'ural oolor1

1\.... "UI' DlpreNld r Beed 'b, el....1' maulal Delil" waI' uUI We too 1....1 -.,

OOtotb."'....... d~..... 0Il~1;"-••• Dr, DR.', I[lda" Pllle-r:01l'U ibr.ak 1'0,,,

.iaN fOl'aa~ 40.,IO,w 1\' 1 tbe ODe ~"


________ ____. _ , • • ~~l.~c~~~: I




Kellh, n Virginian. now Il bor·

.:te .. pl~in 8nlltn. I" rl,lIng a long tI ,e S"nla, 1'0 lraJI on th e lookou I for roamlns war partie.. ot snvag"8. Ho nottces 1\ camp ft're at n di s tance uOlI then sccs a team ullnched 10 a wagon li nd lit full gallop llUr!lul!4 by men on ponies. Wh e n K eith r eaehr. the wagon the raiders have mua· Iler Old two men 'Ind de partod, He search .. Ihe victims Hndln" paper. ana a look 01 with a woman's portrait, Ho reRoh'es W hunt down tho murdcre rL K eith, Is a,· r(lsted a t Cnrson City , cherged w1th the murder, hIs ac c u ~ er btllnr: a rutHan named Black Dart. H o gOeM to jail full y r enlla· Ing the pe ril of 8,.,lft border ju s tice, A compllnlon In hla cell I. . . ncsro, who le Ila him h e 18 N e b u nd thnt ho knew the Keith family bnek III Vir/fllll a.. Ne b suys on o of the murdered m en WaR .Tohn Slbl"y, the olher Ge n. WillI. W'n lt o, tor,"" rly an ofOce r In tho Cpnfrdca'o to army, 'l'he plalnsmnn and Ncb UCRpe from Ine col\ , a nd In ter t he two fugltlvos become lo.t In U,e Bnnel desD . They come UPOIl & cabin and nnd Itl lono occupant to" ba a younlr girl. whom Keith recoplaee U 8 .Inlller he eaw at Canon Cit)" The Klr 1 explain. thu ~ !lhe carno Ihero In 1I0llrcb ot a brother who had desc rted trom tho army;· Mr. Hawley Indu ced h"r to come bin whl10 he aought to 10er. Hawley ap""ars, und reCOgnizes hJm na Blnck trlea 1'0 make love 10 the a terrillc bailie In the

In ...·hl clt Keith· IIvercomes

are approprlate4. and h er nBme Is Hope. racnpe. Keith explains hla the rUlrltlv es maile tor Fort tho Rlrl Is left with the

Mlu Hope ' lpllB thet ahe ot Gonoral Waite. .

CHAPTER XVI.-(Contlnued,) It 9;111 a er1m picture of depravity nnd deBolaUon, tile envIronment dull, gloomy, forl0nt: all wal worthy tbe ~ye or thought belog tbe pulslllg buman element. All about extended the, barren plain I, elcept wbere on one IIlde a ravlDe cut tbrough an o.e!'· banging rldl!:e. From the IB'!tblng street one could lilok up to t.he lum· mit. ' and Bee tbere' tile graves of ' the many who bad died de.tbl of vIolence, aDd been borne thither In '~belr boota." Amid all thIs Burroundlqg deaoll\tfon, was ~berldan:- tbe chll~ 01 a few brIef montbs of ext.tence, aJad "ScrI.b b ·to,le! me' destined to perish 'almost as 'qulckly.. '20-* prll:' ltor,.." . lh. center of the grim plcltlre, 'l ~ere ':All" dtd-b pt ~e'lq.OOOr· .­ cl\llter of ,rude, unpainted bouses, "NO. The iiilrl ,wrot.,FU4 told Il1DI poorly erected sbacks, . grimy . ten~ ... had accepted. 11111 -t-: . rtn . ..." . fte,pplng' In tbe never ceaalng wind a'c ro,s the treeless' wRllte, tbe ~~~~-Al:MOl~~A;'U- WITH E'CZEMA IIwtrllng uaty rod stat\On, tbe rougb cowpenl filled wltb low1ng cattle, tbe buger un· • ~1, the un4ersl~n~ot JI•• calnly storel; their false 'robts dec()o ..noqb ' pra!ae to the Cuttcura Rem- rated by ' amateur . wielders of Ule . ' edlel. I ha4 been docto~IDC for at paint brullh, and the garlsb denll of ileut a year for eczema. 'o n 'my foot. I vlel'! tucked In everywbere. The pen· ~ trleil doctor after doctor all to dulum of 'lIfe never ceased swingIng. no avaU, Wben a young gIrl 1 apralned Society W88 mixed ; no man cared who lIlT ankle tbree dltrerent Urnes, paylnl his neighbOr was, or dared to question. ' U~tle or no attention to, It. wben ftve Of women . worthy the name tbere ~"'rt1 ago a amaU apot ,hawed upon were few, )'.et there were Olltlnc feGl7 left ankle. I wal worried and sent male forms In plenly, the saloon IIgbtll 10r & doctor. lie aal4.1t was eCllema. revealing Ilowdered cbeeks anti paintlIIe drew a small bone from the ank~s ed eyebrows. It was a strange, rest..bout the Ilze of a match and about IOS8 populaCe, the majority here today, disappearing tomorrow-cow · '&II Inch long. The ' amao hole irew boYII, baU:breeds, trackmen, grllders, to about the illz., of an apple, and tb. desperadoes, gamblers, saloon·keepers, . ecsema apread to theJme., The docmercbants, generally Jewlab, pett)' of· tore never; could heal the bole In the ' DcI~III, and n rUr·raft no one could ac· _k1e. T'h e wbole fOO~,~D water aU count for, mere floating debris. Tbe tile Ume. . town was v.n eddy catching odd bits "My balband and mY .. IOIlI were up of drlftwoo4: sucb as only the frontier 'Illgbt and day wbeellD. me from one eyer knew, Queer charactere were C'OOm to anotber In tbe bope of glvln, everywbere wrecks of dlsslpa.lIon, deme lOme relief, I would aIt for hours relicts ot I~e East, seeking notblng at • time In front the ftreplace sllve obllvlc·'1. lIopIn&, for daybreak. The pain wu Everytbll'i; W88 prlmltlve-poll6lon ~ Intense I W88 almolt cr~,.. In tact, and pleallule ruled, To spend eaally I would 10.. m,. reaaon for bours at made mone~; noIsily, brazenly, W88 the • time, One day a trlend ot mine Ideal. Fro~i dawn to dawn the searcb dropped ·In to lee me, No more bad lifter Joy CI ntlnued. Tbe hagnloll and ahe ,lanced at my foot thi.n Ihe e,l- dance ball. were ablaze; tbe bar· claimed: 'Mrs. Finnegan, why In the rooma cro()ded wltb bllarlous or world don't you try the Cutlcura Rem- quarrelsom. humanity, the gambling edlell' BeIng dllgulted with the doc· tables allvoII wIth excitement. Men tora and theIr medlclnel, and not be- swaggered along t he streets looking (nc able to sleep at all, I decIded to for trouble, lind generlilly ftndlng It; ctve tbe Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura cowboys I'<fIJA Into open saloon doors Ointment a trial. After using them and drank In tbe saddle ; troops of tbree days that night I slept as sound congenial ~ ,)Irlls, frenzied wIth liquor, .s a silver dollar for eight long hourI. Ipurre!l reI klessly through tbe street r awoke In the mornin:&, with hut very tlrlng Into the air, or the crowd. as little pain, In fact, I tbough t I wal tbelr whIm led; bands played popular tn heaven. After using the Cutlcura airs on bllconles, and Innumerable Remedies for three IIUlnthll I was per· "barkers" l.dde(\ their honeyed Invl· fectly restored to health, thanks to tations to tJ 'e Ilerpt:ttlal din. From end the Cutlcura So~ and Ointment. ' I to end It v liS a saturnalia of vice, a will he IIlxty·four · )'ears or age m,. babel of SG IDd, a glimpse of the In· Dext blrtbday, hale and hearty at pres- ferno. Monf 7 flowed like waler; every ent," (Signed) Mrs. Julia Finnegan, lDan was t \11 own law. an" tbe gun 2234 Hebert · St" st. Louis, Mo., Mar. the arbiter ot deatlny. The town "I, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and marshal, al·t a few cool·headed depu · Ointment are sold by druggists and ties tnov,'. ~ here and there amid tbe dealers everywhere. & sample of each, chnos, pat" ent, tireless. undaunted, with 32-page book. will be mailed seeking D'.tlrely to exerclso some free on application to "Cuttcura," slight reBt~'ilnt. This was Sherldon. Into tbe c'ne long street just at dusk Dept. 12 K, Boston. rode Keltb and NeD, the third borle A Broken Bone, trailing be: Ind. Already lights were Your·llrst duty, after notlrylng a sur· begInning ~o gleam In tbe cro,"lded .eon, III to provide support tor the In · saloonll, an·j tbey were obliged to Jured mcmller In the torm of an 1m· proceed sloY,ly. Leaving the negro at provilled Ipllnt. Flat pieces of board. tbe corral ,,'> fl 'ld sOlQe purcbaser for .. broad, It possible, 88 the 11mb and the animals, NI t! such ' accommoda,Ullbtly longer tban tbe broken bone. tions for bhnse r~ ' as be could achieve. eane., umbrellll!!, In tact anything thnt l{elth 8bou : tler'~ bis way on foot wlU accomplish your end may be used. through tb' ~ h~arogeneous m-ull tOo' I. ad.!uIUng these, pad wlth- an,. ward tbe ot~y I\~',\~I", !I. 10llg ~w()osto~ed malerial that Is at bud ; Itrair," .wOOden .t"'~~tU!'ll, !l~·l>alii'ted .. fro~t11l,C .or i'auahlOllI made ot crUl mal' , ,lItier rJ PAgoeer, Da'lc~ :U~l, liiM4, 'Aif~ld ' any pressure OD tb. · I. bud wal splltUng , ~l1d 1Iart. :c:over It ,w ith -a c!Ioth, d~l. tp~l~nt .notea. . loud; ~ "at wllh clean, 1:014 \water. ;-W~, ~~~r c, MI~rM.,~ .. ~ • . . . . ~oaie eompantOD. ." .' ': ~

bere and there, mOllt of tbe ror~er In shlrt·sleeves, all eating silently, . A rew s maller tablel at the back of the roum were dJatlngulBhed from the otb· ers h white coverings In placo or oU, cloth, evidently reserved for tbe more dlstlngulsbed guest". DisdainIng ceremony, the new comer wormed hil way through, ftnally dlscoverlng a vacant seat where his back would be 10 Ule wall, thus e,nnbllng hJm to tlurvey the entire apartment, It WIUI not of great Interellt, sAve for Its coDltant change and tbe prlmlt1ve manner In wbJcb the majority at· tacked their food lIupply, which waa plied helter·Bkelter upon tb,e long tahlell, yet he ran , hili eyell Bearchlnsly over tbe numerous bce" seeking 1m· partially for eltber friend or enemy, No countenance I.lrelent. I. reveaJed . In the dIm IIgbt ot lbe rew IIwID'I~1l lampI, appeaTed tani.l llar. 'a nd '.atllIled that be remaIned Ubknuwn, K~IUI begin .devotlng hIs attention to tbe dishes before bJm, mellt\llly express· Inl bill opInion .. to theIr attractivecelis. C.ban,elng IInally to apln Uft hta eres, he met the ,ale of a man Ilttlng directly oppoalte, a man wbo IOmebow did not ' tieeth exactly In barmOil, wltb hil lurrbundlng., He w.. ,hort and etocldly buUt, with round rOIY face, &id a perfect i bock 'ot wiry r.a~,lr brustf" blck from a broad fore-

Puzzled al the unllxpected recognlt1on, yet realizing the friendliness 01 the mlan. Keith grasped the pudgy tin· gers extended wltb Bome cqrdlaUty . "Do lI'l rememher me ' l ,'pose-don't tblnk you ever saw me-dellrlout! when I cams - bate to tell you wbat you wal talking about-gave YOU bypodermlo flrst thlng- bebaved well enough (hough when I dug out the lelld-M lnle bullet, badJy blunted hitting tbe rlb-tbought you mJgiudie w:lth blood 1I0Ison-coulc1n't ataS' to see-- to damn mucb to do-evident· Iy Illdlll't tbough-remember me nowT" "No. only from what 10U aay. You must bave been at General Walte'll beadq,uarters." "That's It-cbarge of Stonewall's ·fteld Ibospltal-Jult bappened to ride Into Walte'l camp that nlght-dlAmn lucky for you I dld-younll Inl tIIere wante~ to saw tbe bone-L Itopped tbat-Ilked your face-Imlglned you mllbt be wortb laving-aIn't 10 lure of It now. or you wouldn't be out In tbls I[;od forsaken country, ~Unl lucb rrub-m,. name'l Falrbaln-J()o ilepb Wrl&ht FalrhalD, M. D.-eolltract surgeon ' for the rallroad-worlUnc 011 the line T" Kelt.h .hook hll bead, feellDI awat, enlng Interelt In bla pecuUar com· panlon. ' . "No; Just drifted III bere rrom down





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or ~rushed ston~ have 'been mi"ed ~roperlyWith


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foundations or other concrtlt work. Our best customen are our old r. customers who

know J~I_~~_n~

&bat ~ made from \lNIVEKML cement it rood for f.!!~.!'f use: · .Ask your deller, 10' VNIV,;RSAL when you haVCl ' an, c:oncrete work to do. . 'D JQYD&AL PoItrLAIID CDIP'I co.

" IAG.a '10.000,000 •• ~.

~ 0GII'8I'














Sta , e. g.'

:\. .:


Not In Vain. Th, Test. Noah II.hted MClU1It Ararat. Madge-I refnled Jaek eIght UIll':' "At la~t," he erteet. "tbe mouatala before !!Dally aaylug ",.81." rellO.,t with aD OCIfIAD ttlewl" Ethel-Why· dId 'au cbange "\.of Her.wlth he the vOJ8&e wu not Keith Elbowed HII WIY Through 'the Heterollenoul Crowe mind T . iia Yaln.,--Puck, . ", ' • belld; bill nOlle wide but tltubbJ, and on the ArkansllI," be explilned brlef- , Madge-I dIdn't. r wu merely ae... cbln , massive, Apparently lie was be- Iy, "DId YOIl know Oeneral Waite Ing. 1t be would cbanle biB, t ween forty and 6fty yearll of' age, e., was dead?" IlL The Worlt, ceedlngly well dressed, hlB gray eyes 1rbe doctor's rudd,. faee whitened. He-I Ibol1ldn't marry Wlle.1 tl10 nbrewd and full of a grlm bumor. "Desd 1-WillIs Waite deail f" ha reKeltb observed all this In a Ilance, peuted. "What do )'ou mean, IlrT Ar, woman was my exact oppoalte. Sbe-You'll never lind 110 perfect a becoming aWare at th ~ lIame time that ,0111 Bure! Wben T" bls neigbbor was apparently It'udylnl .•,' oUlbt to be sure; I burled blm blllnl as tbat! him al£o.- Tba latter broke. silence wltb a quick, 'Jerky utlerance, wblcb 1bere·s onlY one Reemed to peculia rly ftt his perianal troUble With appearance, 'Damn It all-know you, slr-tlure , I do-but for 1110 of me can't tell where," ..,00' .,. Keith stared across at blm more searcblngly. and replied, ratber In· A"peal to Pllywrlghts to Mike Their a ', entlemln ncr an . Am,rlcan. It II dllferently : Characters a Little More . true be no langeI' ejaculates "Sy uProilably II mistake tben, as I bave True to N.,ure, . goeb I" or '" calculate," but be cut00 recollection of ,.our face," tlntrel to be a carlclture, aad a bl.d "Never made a mistake, elr--never At th. · ·annlversary festlval -of tbe 'caricature at thaL forget a facet t.he other ;IInapped wltb some Ihow or Indl&'llatlon, his handa Royal Genl!ral TIJeatrlcal 'F und J, L. . C.... ltled Mall. .' now clasped on tbe table, one stubby Grlfllths, United Statel conau1 gen, foreftnger pointed, 88 be leaned for· e~iI, lpoklt a word of appeal for.. so~. ' ''GOod morulnll;'!' tbe yqunl ' wom,.D ward, "Don't teU me-I've seeD )'OU Improvemeata In the drama. , He laltt al Ibe Itepped 't o tbe .'Wlndow 80mewbere-'llo, not a word-don't would lIkl1, be laId, to lee • piaJ In tbe post olllc.: "II thero • ,Iattel' ,o~ . . , ",., ,., . eyeD tell me your nInDe-I'm 'OlD, t<1 ",blob tbere was 11' really Iplrltu!Ll 'me today" cl,ergyman, ,an hODeat . ~arrlater.. 'a :'1'11 look;" tbe It"l::"'I#; ,'tl~\"!~ ; think of It" , 'Tbe YOUD ". 'nmllb,._bl~"IIe4· _ c,''''''"'~ KeIth smiled, not unwllllDg to bU1l!,!lr atralgbtforward dlp!o\DaUlt . and a~ the man'l eccentrlcU)" and returned .lq .AmeriCan , lept~eman. Mr•• orJmthl . ~~:e his meal, wIth only an Occallonal la, vl~w. ' '~.v, · ~B!n ,eperaJ,b" t.nd~r.. ~ by qulrlDl glanoe aero.. otbe~ .. t and beau .. y~,brcIWI .• ,Inkle«, glad'

~'nI ,.t ,~~~~~~J~.;~~;4~~~Jt,~g~§~ :J:!. .......

stands the weath-

In the Next Room, , Keith, bIB e),e8 ,lIlIed wltb undlsgullied doubt, atudled tbe face of tbe • man oPpollte, almoat convinced Ulat ~"'II'IIIII'II"'~,..-t be WAI, In ' Ipme way, connected wllb tbe puullnl my_ter" But the bon· nty ot the rugie;] face only added to .' bll peJ'1)le¥lty, - "Are ),ou ·certaln )'our are' not mls· talent" -, . "Of coune I am, KeIth. , I've known Wafte for tlfteen yurs a bit Intimately-,baYe met him frequeptly IIlnce·tbe war--end I certaJnly talked '..,lth blm, He told ·me enoucb to p8l't1all~ <lOnllrqt your ItOry, He aald be. bad r'..llted fbr Sanla Fe lIiht, be~u.e be couldn't get «l!I0Ulb men to ' run a caraYanafJ'~IK IneHanl,' )'ou now. So, he' determined to -take monellc:::bli1 Mexll::~_~~~:iri!!=~~~~~ can co ods-and rllk blmletr, ct· am flgbtln"ct'ick WOUldn't turn back for poem wlth · ~.. ,. J ~ . yei7 ~. all tIIe·1ndhlns on the .plaln once be. 1n1tgot 'an' Idea ID his head-be wal tbat Poet-But wlaat.T . . kind-LOrd; you"' ougbt to leen tbe EdltoJI-L-Tile .mauacemeDt liIailta 11• flabt be· pu' up at . Spot~yIY~nlal " He on my ,decllD1D~ I'll' poem. , ....t · ...,.. ....t to Carloll City with two wagonl" 70U IIDow, _ '.. . . " ,, .,v h .. ........--, a driver aDd a CQC!.k-had eight- t ou· Ins.Woma",..E1.~ VIIW. sand dollars with' blm, too, the damn Tb. aVlatol"1 .". ~ h4/' _ fool. .. Coolt ~ot Into row, gambling. cut Jlr8~~lp with her' bu!~and hi hi,. i ,man, and w.i( Ju~ged" Old- Waite a .... hlp. "w."~ mlDute, Oeorpj" Ille laid, "I'm atia1d we "ur bav. to 10 wouldn't leave eveD' a nigger In sort of I\:I-natural lighter-likes an?, ~own allain," . • ' ktnd of row. So, be hung on there Itt '"'Wbat'~ '" ,ronl.'" .,.ked the huaCil...qo, tiut had' aeDle enough-Len tJ balld; ". t .. ~-' • . ' , • knowa .wbere he got It-tg · pnt -1111 ".' bellevJ ' l 1I&ve ' drOPped 'OIle nf but " a , few bund~i1 dPUars In D<~ ,the pW) ~Jl1IttODI oll" m" Jacket, .I Levy'l IIf., Then, he went ou~ 01). tblnk I can _ It ,UltetJD.. OIl th, ' nlgbt to play pOker wIth hll drly.. r lrl'Ound." . ," "., and a frlel)d-:-had a dtlnk or two "KHP-Your lIe&ti my 41..1'." ial4 tU doped. . probably, and never woke '" " avilltot" "that'• . L;tJIe EI;le~ .'r'. , for forty-ellbt ·, bou.-.-Iost clot bel, . money .papal'll, and' wbole outllt.... wllll 8ometlm" NOt ~t Hom.. JUllt ~aturany cleaned out-eouldn't Cbarfty Worker-Tou . poor "oJl get a trace w!)rtll ,. rollowlnl aft.,.. Doell hUlbanti a1~a hi'" You oUlhl to bave beard blm eusl aroWld tbf,' bouie aU I • .,! wben be told me-It Beemed to be tbl Mr,a. . Teaemeat (eh. .rtully.)-I.... llaperi that botherell him mOlt-them, dade. DO" . Half th. tolm. h.'. III tM, and the mIl18l.'~ . IOClu~P,.:....TIt.BIt.. ,



Juat tbls Iide the Clmmaron, Croslling out on the .santa Fe trail." "But do you know It wnl!l Oeneral Waite?" the man'., Inllistent lODlI full of doubt. '1 have no question about I' ," reo turned Keith, cODclu~el", "Tb ~ mnn waa Watte's Bllte and general appear· ance, with gra,. beard, shf.llar to the one I remember he wore during the war, He bad been ,Icalped, and bill face beaten beyond recognition, but paperl In bill pockets were lumclent to proye hIs Identity. Beilldes, be and his companlon-a youllg fellow lIamed SlbleJ-were known to bays pulled ollt two daye before from Canon City." "WheD wal thll!" "Ten daYI ago." Falrb.ln'." IIPI smiled. the ruddJ coloring 8weeplnl back Into hlB cheekl. "Damn mo, Kf>ltb, you came nenr giving me ,a Ibc.cll," be I8ld, Jerktly. "Shouldn't be 10 carele.l-not lur, m)' be art's Just · rll!(bt-tendenc, t, apoplexy, too-got to be guarclod asalnlt. Now, let me tell you lometblnl-maybe you burled lome poor devil out at Clminaron CroJl.lna-bul It wAln't WlIlla Waite. How do l DOw' Because I laW him, .nd talked ~th him ~teo!ay~amn. me, If I didn't, rlgbt !fere In tbll town." CHAP.TER XVII,



Concrete work

(C'opyrllhL A. C, KcC1ur. • Co.,


Mo,tJl~t ~

... .; . Says





. NS ARE Practical Fashions .CONTAGIOUS

Salt from My Attic


How te Prevent Thain.


Th. glD and Its milnol11 'Of pel'el are o~n to every' form coutaclOD, trom the accidental' cut. lOre, Ical!l or burn, or the appearance ot bollll, C&1' bUllcles' or felons, to the .more aerlDul .10 BN A. SHEDD dleeIUIell of the aldo.· It II 110t'l1eeN' lIary to more than '8UBlelt tbat oye!')' Ot't It .today In uwal liquid fonn or family and everT OIle, CArT7, rMdy tor ohOOOla~ .l&bl.ta e&lled e8rut8b .. Immedlatl use, the ",orld'i l1'eat ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Itandard IIklD remed,....,l\eelnot OJ~t.­ AV~ttable Preparalion for As· ment. This olntmeDt, IDdoreed .ild ~imilalill1tkFoo<lllndR~uJa · WO thouland years ago the recommended by thoWlanlls of ph"l· ,intth~ Siomllcbs and Bowels of .world'il greatelt Ln. WII clana. Durses and eltperta, remalnl the -------------------IImothered by a IDsI: to- lltandard or standarjl". It 11 acleDtlI~ . day I bave aeeD great prlD' c.a lly compounded from l1atural In".. Promotes Digestion,Churrulclple, 11m lied to tbe death. dlentl, each QDe, and aU tocether, . For reverence 80me bind particularly adapted to the Ikln. It ness and Rcsl.Conlains neither .Ood In a book, and theD for conven1· III put up in opal cODtalDerl, Opium.Morphine nor Mineral . ence they . lOBe the book. Have you .elllng !or fttty- cents and a dollar, ac· NOT NARC OTIC 10Bt a book r cordlnlr to .Ize. ReBinot Ointment II . IiWtjN ,;()Id 16SAI'FlI£lI'fTUSI1 Few men ever lhake the world. as ea.y to appJy .s cold cream. It II • "-,.It; .. S".I .11,.".__ - . But It'a a graDd thlDC for a YOUDg utterly Impossible for It to harm the ,.".". Sc16 • man to try. ' / most delicate IklD, for it cODtaln. ODly . ,i. s",1 • Oeolua II uDlque, aDd 110 18 Impolal· I hlgbeet grade of remedial apDta, ." ,,,iJ • i ;w.....r,s..t... ble of comparillon' that III why It without even a trace ot mercury or S.ltt • be aD . utter' Itrancer to Envy. lead, or aDY other poISOD. Tbe oint, £,1_,¥...IS.I,"' HE ' GETS AWAY WITH IT Ihould Would you blVe your chlldrell meDt ta sold by all drucgtats. Salli· Wi...",.." :na.". ... healthy! See th.t' the)' are clean and pie sont tree It you will mention DeI Aperful Remedy ror<;onstipa· V.rlllty Aotor T.cki .. Second Gr.v.. relted every morDlng, dirty and tired partment ·No. 61. ReBIDOI Chemical lion, Sour Stomach, Dlarr~a, digger In Hlmlet and Steall All every eyenlDg. Co., Baltimore, Md. . J Although! thla waist Is a lallor made Worms ,Convulsions ,feveri sftthe LIUllhl. ~ The Arabs have a thousand namel . one. Ihere III a novel effect .or CIOllol, ness and Loss OF SLEEP tor the Iword. AD AmericaD general AN EXPLANATiON, 101llmuch III tbe neck aDd tront edge .. are Irlmmled with a band shaped to A eompanr playing "J{nmlet" WII rolled them all Into one when be laid: Vac Simile S;gnatul"t ·torced to find an actor to play the "War III hell." tbem. TbEire Is alao a full length tucll of water couic! not drown lind I sllort one at eacb side In front. SecOnd Gr.vedll,er on .ccount of the ~ The back, bowever, Is plain, IlIDe.. Of the' secoDd comedlnD of the NO.b;. few draulhu of wine did. eomph'Ay. The on1y actor avallllble AI Idle lold malen DO Intereat, lin All wlls t materials, cambric. mad· w.. a varlet, performer, wbo bid DO Idle grace earDa no coodnell. ral. chambr.y, linen , flannel, silk and 1',VereDCe for Shakeapellre and no reWe never can iet Into glory unUl lIatin are nvallable ror thl!! model. .~ct tor the tradlUons of the we get out of ourael,". Tbe pattern (6557) Is cut In sizes 32 drama. Tbe Second Oravedlgger ..... Thank God to.' IUDllhIDe' nnd for to 42 Inc!les' liust measure. Medium a comedy part, and be knew that be cloudl. for rlln,torm nl well nB clear sIze requlrel 2% yards of 36 Incb mao '. C9~~. "'p t a WII)' willi It" weather, for dew Ind for snow: It Is terlat. ""t ••tI'ftM. __MIl.,••e..... em. ' 1" ',11_ ~e First Oravedilier threw nilsed ' weather only that brlngl a ",11 1'0 procul'e this pattern .end 10 cents oil the Otst waistcoat, revcalln, aD, banelt of wheat o"r mind or land or to "Pattern t>epllrlment." or this paper. ' Write naml' and Ilddr.,." plainly. a.nd be nth er ,UD d erneat h , t b e IU dl ence tI "soul. eure \0 IIlvn .Izoo and number Df cattetil. . terec!. The removal of the lecon" Wh~n f'rl errC1~hip Countl . EXCUSABLE. Walltcoat bfOugbt • loud laucb, .n.d There ta b~t one prescrlptioD for .11 The doors of the deformed man are tile thIrd produced. roar. The FIrst the dlsealel of thla world and aoolety; SiZE. .. .. .•.•••••••• Ilwo)'8 locked, and the key Is on the 5557. Gr.ve4l8ler was delighted. He had It al'lli.YI cures wben faIthfully taken OQ~ !! . He . may have treasures or NAMI!l .. ......................... ... ....... . 11...,.'· to luch an appreclaUve and It waa given by the creat PhYII· cbarm Inside, but Ihey will never be revealed unlelll the person outside c0~4J.D". aDd vii Ions cif good noUcell clan. . ' 'tOWN . ...........................":;:: ..... .. BometJmel we are poor hy what we opera tes with him In unlocking the In tJle pa~ra and a po.alble Inerea.. bave Ind rlcb by what ",e ·Iack.. 8TREE'l' AND NO .. .... r ..... .......... . door. A frleDd becomes, to a much to aalary bePJI to loom up betore hll Priyer .nd Work: , greater .Iegree than with the ordinary .Y., 'A. he threw olr th. tourth STATJD ........... ... ............ .... ...... .. granwamm,r, wb.t wallt.coat lie turned parUy Irouud, Tbe beat prayers bave l\ bit ot work man, tbe Indlspen~l1hle means of dis'makes de moon sblne 60 bright lOmeand the caule ot the unWluai hit... before them and a lot afterwards. covering one's 0\\'11 pe rso nality. One dlacloaea to 111m, DoIng great deed a II denied moat of Umell, wblle lIome nlgbtl III 10 dark? ollly exIsts. so to Hpeak, wltb friends. CHILD'S ONE-PIECE DRESS. GraDmammy-Well, chile, I reckoll The Second Gravedl"er, beln,.Oo 01, but we caD all , bave great thoughts It Is easy to see b4lw hopelessly sllch dat de good Lawd made clem d.rk tlultomed to bUild laugbl on line. anel for our dally 'Companions If we '\V1I1. 11 lIenRltlveness Incapacitates 11 man ror business. proreeslonnl or social "utiin•• ~ of other .ctora, .a", hll 01>' Much'of the lo-talled Iplrltual peace nlgbtll 80 dat poor colored tolks kiD life, wbere the hasly anrl superficial have chicken 'Ithout de formality ob pOrtllD'tT ' and selled It. AI tut AI II la1:lneslI In a rellgtoul gown. ImpreSSion Is every thing: alld dlsaB' th. FIrat GravedJ"er ",ould thrOw He 'who deneB Pbanaees as "aD an· payln' roh It. ter IB the fate or lhe man who has waaatcoats on the crouDd, the clent and extlDct aect" 88YS too much; GIVEN UP TO DIE, not all I be treasures ot hlB pel'l!oDal· · .arl.~ Comedlln would pick them up . ~b~)" are aDclent. • Ity · In the tronl window whero they ad, put. · tbem on. The now bUllnelll KiDgl of meD or of movementll must can be readily In spected nDd ap..... much funnier to tbs audleDce have klDlll' he.dl, princely heartl, Cured By OOln'l Kldnel Pili. ~ner praised . - From f~a September At· Dootora G."e Up Hope.\e old, wlUt wblch 1\ wu ,1hor- IDd ro)'al loubl. or the), are a nul· I a.n tic. ., J. 1.. RJchard80n, Red Key, Ind .. ogply familiar. aanee. . Not conte:et wIth bavlDg stoleD.the .... The CODtrarlea conquer (Ha.hD. &l7S: "For frve monthl 1 was COD' Judg_You 1a1llbl !rom the recular cometllBil III ,)nAnD to the CODtra!')'). Strong drink floed to my bed, a helpless invalid. I Thll Time for a Friend. · dlla IceDe, the Dew mill went fu,.. weaken. men, wblle b'om the weakest almost weDt crazy. Twenty·five hours .. 'Tls a wlae man," 81lld Robert Ed&- ter than drive Cast whlle crossing that . bridge: didn't you see the Blgn "WaUl · th.... WheD tbe Firat Gravedlcee, drink comel createst strength. ~"~----~~I~~~'~~~~-----,IftI~I'U~!~tf--------~-----rBm~UWbo-k~~~i~n- to ask ques· ' ,,4 U! htm, "Go, got thee to Y.UIJa. ' Tbe truth 'ma)' be a 1010, whUe a laKe of the urloe. tionl. Th'l other night I was stllndlnl 70ur horBes 1" Prlsoner-Dat's right, Jedge; bu~ .il; J'elob me a ltoUP of liquor" (tochorul' may. be falle. The doctofl 'began to Inside tbe railroad IIlallon wben an "hlch ' there II no reply 10 the test), How we ehade down .Itn by Iweet take the water from Irlsb cab driver came up to me and dem was mUles wh'at I were drlvlng. Ole "alltaDt lexton replied: aynoDyml1 We lay, "She III artlfi· mo With • catbeter. ukcd me bow soon tlle next train ''Y"uaban . told me to tell you that clal.'" "lie Is politic." "Sbe Is atreetNo Guarantee. They did this once a came In. f told hIm alld he Bald tbank JOU eouJdp,'t bue aD), more liquor ""He la IDllncei'e." I can tell )'OU day . for fiety daYI. FOU and went 1I""'1IY. In about five "I. pay as I go," Bnld tbe Independfrom bhil 'UI you -paid for th. lilt YOD to be hODeat ·.nd- eave man), word.; Finally m,r doctor minutes be came bnck with lhe eame ent man. COL~-The Bookman. lUlt call them by the Dam8 God haa told me my Ume w.. question. '1 told you not more than "You're lucky," replied Mr. ChUS'" chrl,teDed. them, "They .re ell,boD' up. The neJ[t day a nve mlnules ago: I said. '1 know It; gins. "It you tl')' keeplnf; a motor car est." rrlend advised me to take DoaD'S Kid· be anlwered cbeerrully. ' bul Ira 1I0t In repair you'll pay whether YOI1 ao Too L.te to Chan lie. Thlre II no denrlnc tllat weedl .are Dey PlIIs. WheD I had ulled live me th't wanls to know Ihls time. It', or not." "A maD can no more chllnge hIli rep; a trlen! or mine outside t11 ~ t bu to alaUoD thlll be clln change bla fac. weectl; but when a weed doe. It wee4'. boxel, I got out of bed and Improved to wa.lcb bls bOrBel and call't come In or hll arme," laid Senator La Follett.. work, It .. not UleleY. God created unUI eDtirely well. For ' Ove ' ),eare 1 Cool Nelghborl, But Friendly. tbe weed al well al tbe roBe. !lave ,nol hall .tho aUghtelt trouble." In' uk ye~ hllDleltl'" - Young'l Townley-I bear thlll your nes' at a ~quet ID Madison. , About balfway between the hute .ot "WheD 'Your ' Back II Lalne,.ft. In thl.s one piece dre&a we bave a .. I,azloe . . "Tbore ",u once n wlckod old M.d" door neIghbor has an addition to bl. family. eGo mffilonalre who took hi. putor BeRartoWII al1d the palaces of the member the Nam_DOAN'S." 600. a model It II made without underarm etty of TlX'rlch II " h.ppy vlll.Be ca1l· ,box at all Itorn. Foster-Milburn Co., ..arna, be,lng buttoned at thll point. Pitching Ind ParagraphlnlJ. Subbuba- Yea; almost every BUm...d. ad aald: There I. a leparate "dmpe wblcb rua, .Atter Walter JohllRon, tbe Wasblng. mer we -bave a little Soow out ollr "'I .~ ·SOlal to devote tbe r. ed CoDtent; but the slgnboardl on the 'Du1l':l10, N. Y. road.·.. are 100t.-John A. Shedd. ID be of wblte waeh material wblle tbe ton pltcber, had "held out" ror severl\l lA'ay.-Boston Transcript. malnder of ID1 lICe to dolne lood.' II of 8cotch Origin. trock Itself II of serge. casbmere or Weeks ror !DOre salary than bnd beu "Dr. T~lrdl1, outepoken maD, re- New York Chrlltllll Advocate. ' EJlen Key. wbo haa written . - nvm· tort4!d: loft woolen good I. otrered to him originally, and ba/l A dollar eaved Is ofteD a dClllar bel' ot boolta and bas bl!,d much to clo "'Do )'Oil melD Jobn II. Oood, the ~.cb.uiat.&eI:l1.,.cLIllil.D.ili.J.....IJL..Ia.u.....UI.--"L"""lJ..f-ll!l.l!.Jlll...JUl!ill.I:!LJW JQI' a..1at lot of mono loaDed. Be Gooel at' Home, wl~b molding public opinIon In Sw. to 8 years. Medium Ilze reQuires n~ ey, he procoeded 10 pItch one or t",·o I -=~--w= .. ::irtbY . farmer ,or young Sam Good, ' .~====~~~ O~'>II Inft\len¢e Is likely to be den, I. descended from a Scotch bllb· yardl of 44 Incb material ror tbe loelng games . This was surprisIng, the ~laUlt ~1U1()na1ref''' ItrongeBt at home. A way from home lander, Colonel McKay. who fought un· dre .., l~ yardl ot Z7 Incb for the becllll~e Johnson Is one of the best ~ The OD'E! II "on parade," the real character • • • You m., have !loUced bow 4ltrer- always more or lells cODcealed. the In· der OustavUR Adolpbuli. III 1880 ber fa- gulmpe .Ild % of • yard of 27 Incb In tbe busincss. George Brown, a Wasblngton wit eat meD are from bog.. The latter nuence of that character more or Jell ther loat all bls money, a.lld Mias Key contraltlnll! fabrIc to trim . and I)nragrapber, explained the mlllter I Can . kI be '. Uever ",.nt to do thlng8 that Ire not diverted by the effort to make ODC·. went to work aa a teacher. Sbe then gave lecture!! and has for 20 )'eari tor~'P~~~JOreD~~~~~[!! :,'n~hl!O p~~~ In Ihese words' qUlc y overcome .Q~ '10 them. better self'·promIDeDt. In the home been lecturcr on tbe history of clvlll· Wrlle l'iam~ and addrcu pllllnl)'. and be "Jcbn son Is 'too busy going to the CARTER'S LlTIL£ . ",e are our true. unaffected. ..lve8. Eatlon at . lhe Popular Unlveralty of iura to ..Ive .I&e and Dumber Dt naltern. bank to p\t('h ."- Populur Magllzlne. UVER PILLS. AUltrall. Llk .. American Maglzlnla. nnd onr real InnueDce upon others bas Stockbolm. Purely vegetable ~mericaD magazInes are C(\DatanUy fullest pla7. And It Is In the house NO, 5582. SIZE... ...... ....... The AWOIkeninll. -act surely and increasing tbelr popularity ID b(>lh tbat we are with tbose who are dear· They're All About Tillora, OIgultled motLe r of pre~pecllve fi;~~y C~~e AUltralla and New Zcalnnd. NAKE ............... ...................... . est to us. and UPOD whom we would "All crltlcllm," IIlld Protessor bride (to social edltor)-And little 1 Biliousness. like our InnueDce alway a to be for Brander Mottbews In aile of 'blll brl! TOWN .. .. .. , ...... ....·...................... . Dorotba, sisler of the bride, who Is to I Head. 8HI" the best. Vet how orten do \'I'e let our lIant Columbia lectures, "Is, to a cer be ftower girl. will be dressed like a . a c he, .. Your Food Falll to 8u.t.'~ .•VO". unworthiest aelves crop out tbere. bc- taln extent. pet:sonal and bIBeed." He BTR&ET A.:NO NO ...................... Dresden shephel'llcFH. wltb golden Dizz i· . Change, cause at bome we are loved aDd "un· paused and smiled. "The Tailor an" crook restooned with rosebuds and- ness, and In!!igestion. They do the1rdl1tJL STATE .. .... ........... ; ....... ...... ...... . derltood." . nnd we know our faultl Cutter. a wc('kly paper," he resumed. Young voice rrom the stairway- SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PiUC&. .O~ lort of diet ~ay m~l!e a persOD will be ()\'erlooked and torgl"en! ".ald In' a rece nt leading article: Ma, w.ber., Is the wushrag?- Judge. ~nuine must bear Signature '41~D,de.nt. depressed nnd blue and a. Which Is true enougb; but thllt tact " 'Carlyle's "Sartor ResartuB," MereCalddles Rile In Revolt. chab•• to tbe kind of tood the body does not undo tbe harm, and tbe In· dith's "Evnn Harrlnglon" nn.1 KIngs· Would Arrest Him Anyway. .I The gol'r caddie bas rlBen In revolt _ ~tlDlanda will change the whole- tbln,. !tnence theae failures are Bure to le y's "Allon Locke" will 'be grellt Sergeat:t- ' A!t! 'falte Murpby·. /~~e~~~ :It last, and tile golfer', pet privilege A young, woman from PbIlR ~ 81\71: nam(, (or tnlkln' In the mnks. _ _ ____________ work. The place ",here we can least classics when the epbemeral cUovel8 endangered "For lIoveral yel118 I kept In a ruu· atrord to let dOWD from our blgbest or tntiay will have long since per· Is thereby seriously Corporal-W'y, sergeAnt. '41 weren't Itberto .t he plllyer bas considered the down, miserable sort of cODdltlon, wal endea\'or III In tbe midst of those clos· Ished.' " an excellent place ror giving talkln·. ':cJ~prelsed nnd apprehensive uf trouble, eat ,and dearest to ue. Our home deScrgea:tt- Wasn't he? Well, cross vent to bla feelings. AniJ, la8t1y, I loet Hesh ID a dlstJlesslDg way aDd ienel our ' belt. Our home lire HII Lo'ln9a. It out on' put 'im III Lhe guardroom for "WlJllt did you lose on that ". res t· wben one grew tired of analbematls· decelvln ' me.-TaUer. ioetntld In. a Derpetu~ lort of dream),. tq be oilr hlghelt III ,e.- ·,.u6'O Ing clubs'. play, the ball allk(', tbere ling match?" 1I1gbtml\re "No oile -aerlous 418e06 OhUl'Ch R'ecord. . "About nlne·ten t bs of my respect for alwaYB . remained Ihe cadiJle! But "bowed but the 'all (lver' sickness wu Some of us are Il\'l to tllite advice DOW Iho caddies of Dray. ' Ireland: the human race." ,~o~gb: W, N. U., CINCINNATI, NO •. 43-181 .... SometimES Il girl gets confidential melln to I~ut an ond to this state ot Ihnt does n't belong 10 us . _.' " ~n.u11, bet",eon the doctor and fa· Marriage. nffalrs. A. strIke was proclaimed. and ond tells a mOl] that a 'Iot or other ~el!i I was put on Grolle·Nuts nne' Tblnk of marrlnge us a VOCllttOll . A cream ' 1I .1t waB decided I mllS," womon may be eltber ' a sister. unwar, n.en haVe tried to kiss ber, bllt he I. an Indlgnatloll meeting beld arouDd tbe first hole, Finally. amid man, Dour~IMDg food tbat tbe bob , rled" or 8. wlfo; a me.n may be eltber tbe only one wbo succeed.erl. tbmgs, It WAS declde4 ·to complain' of make w.e. of. a moIikf unmarried or a husband. lie· Wbea • woman ~b 01 her ' and prote'st ngalnst Ihe strong Inn t\ cci,)e"t~ . l1urns, 6cllld~, SprlliM, ''The' "'onderful chllnge that fore accepUOIl: a man. berorli usklng a litant Ie a re t luJfenag abe nrui ~ e., Jlump-; CUI.j!. ·Wounde,.. . nil an guaga lba.t wal uled to them and In G,ier: ,me.;vail 'uot, Ilke Jonah's I£mll"u .• - ' 'll'o.m~, prOf for IIl1ht I\S. to God's .wlll. rm infu1. llnmlins ,Vimrd Oil aril\\'. Ollt their preijenCC, and whlcb they were truat. you, MiUiOl~1 have beo Itowecl this mark 01 000&• . o! a sb11l6 night, ,.et It ·M..l.'ll ·lbe,. engligemcnt becallse Uod the inflftlDmnlion nnt\ " i v e~ inGtnnt . rcli~f. forc~ d to Bwallo\\' and endure ID denco on Dr, R, V. ,Pi8l<l8. · Du)' it 110 11'. allenco aO.d bumillatlon! It, money, social p091· Don't ''1I'a,it for. the ~ccident. rapldJtT that astonlsh.,\l ) ' of Dulf.Io, N, y, Bvery. looka nre aU where there Ire women who a'~l'~I ~.mlld 3. jI~ilra:l:)le.-Rev. H. . P. lieu witDe81 to the wonder-

S1rcombines th.e great cura. tive principles of Roots. Barks and Herbs as to raise them the!f. highest efficie,n cy. hence It.S unequaled ):ures


The Kind You Hava Always Bought


Bears the


Signature of

} -_ _--







--- --0'


For .O-ver

_.. Thirty' Years




W retchedneu

of Constipation





A..,A -

Hot1orecl ~b, Women



;::~~,:e~~!'~~f;'!POw'8I' of ~.


ZIMMERMA-N'S OYSTERS Fresh Oysters I eceived fresh 3 times a week in sanitary cans - pints. quarts, I, 3 anli 5nllon We ill have Oysters this -----t-'se.dWaS""o~n...,a ....,n'-"y'-I! way you wIAnt them, retail or wholt>sale. Solid ~eat. Pl'esh crisp Celery,Jumbo Bunch es, Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, Fresh Edgemont, Star, Cream. Oyst er and. Butter Crackers, Heinz Pickl~. C~t· sup. Olives. New Bean~,

New Oa ls , Ne w H ominy, New Haisins, New Mince Meat, New Currants, .New Corn Meal, New Cheese, New Pan CHke Flour, New Honey, New ~rups, New Canned Goods .

Cabbage Onion!! Sweet Potatoes Lemons Grapes BananaS Peanl New Oranges Nkw Fat Markerel, New White Fish.

0,10, P.:~~:~:..I~'


Jiloob Real, aged 87, die" at bl~ bOlne . ,nth of town last .Saturday . J . F. Wellver ~nd son Juhn are erecting au elgbt ro)m bouse on B. Mllin street . -Mr. J . 0 B&m888 and obildrlin were week.end guests of b er (lIster, Mn Uhas Brelsford . Mary Busiok is vhllting relatives at Detroit, Ao loh . ~everal fro.n her a IIttended 11 Masquerade party ~tven lit thA home of Mr8. Wm Fulkerl'lln at Sprltlg Vlllley . Mrl'l Em line Urellg hnR movO<! int o the !lId 8 Jlt1hr prlll'orty on N Mil in wlreet, Mrs . A. B Brt1Yl'er Houd daughtllr, Nor .. , speD I 11l8~1'hur8day with MrR. Juhn Unde rwood . e11l18 Hurley Wbo blls belln sick j,. now II ble to be out. Mrll Clem Settler, of Ollyt,on, iR vl~it.iDg ber mother, Mrs G W . KIDder.



[~b~~t_ ~~~~]



For Sal~



A Mother's Meeting will be held at

Or Exchange



Try Our Old-Fashioned


afternoon at 2:30. This will be special meel ing f or women only . All women Mrs . J . E. Janney and MI'8. J. T. amI girls of Waynesville and vicinity I!:l1is were in Dayton Saturday. are co rdially in vited. was home Sunday.

- --


We are Ready to -

F. C. Schwartz, of Columbus, the Christian church next Sunday

Read Zimmerman's ad in regard to coffee. He can save you money.



t Tuesday evening was the scene ()f ~alety 811 over town. Many

persona costumed, and went out in Window Glass and Putty at White's crowdll to make calls and have a good time generally. There was much Store, merriment and some very fine COBMrs. Hannah Rogers is visiting in tumes on the str(>6t. Dayton. ------+.--••-----Otho Arnold, of Ripley, Ohio, was in town Tuesday.



.. -----


Highest Cash Price for


The Ihawing for tickets for the Fancy New Sorghum at White's Lecture Course was to have taken Store. place S!lturday, but owing to the abo George Thompson, of Dayton, at· sence of Mr. C. A. Bruner, the tended the funeral of his father, Mr. drawing will not take place until . - - - - -. . " J. ~. Thompson . Saturday, November 18th.

Waynesville :Mills


---_.- ..- - -


W!\NTED 1'0 RENT Mr. and Mrs. Drane Reed spent Born to Mr . Rod Mre Chlls. W\1. We are stiU sel ling a fancy San. TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION son SundRY, October 211th, B dllDRb several days with their parents, Mr. DR. E. H • .COSNER, tos Coffee at 23c, worth SOc, Fall pasture for a bunch of young ~r . and Mrs. C. D. Reed laat week. This pnce won't laat long. You . The Warr~n County Teacher's As· cattle. Address H. E. Stokes, Phone Mr . and Mr8 Chester Harrle be Mr. and Mrs. Reed had just finished are paying more money for gan a seriell of IDse$lngs at tbe sociation will meet at University Hall 22-2~ rings, Waynesville, Ohio. Rio Coffee, . Only 500 pounds their Bummer's theater engagement, Friend'. ohuroh Sunday . Lebanon, Ohio, November 18.1911. • - • at23c. and were enroute to Boston, Mass. ',l'be Ladles of 'he Friends' Snn Following is the program: OWNERS OF ·ooos TAKE NOTICS COAL OIL-We loave all kinds, y School beld a pro"'lision market 912 Relbold Building, Mrs. Walter Sherwood, of Las Rayolight, Eoceue. Moores. ' in Xenltl, &turdILY· 10 O'CLOCK A. M. Owners dogs must keep them Ed Bogan lost two flne ' young Cruces, Mr.and Mrs, Earl Sberwood, Devot ional Exercises.. ........ . Oayton, • . • Ohio Steel Imltern and Lamp Bum' off my place on account of the aheep. hor868, by fOClBderlnf{, Illst week Mrs. Harvey Grubb, Mr. Andrew .... ................... Rev. A. J. Kastle C B Le is -eM-they give a powerful light A third one wae very siok but .re Grubb anti Miss Bertie, of Dayton, "Glimpses of Western Life" . ....... • w . and cannot smoke. oovered . . --Ora4uate Amerlcall !lehool: Klrksvllla, 1110 at.tended the funeral of Mrs. Edna .... ....................... Leslie E. Carey Jlltr. Ilud Yra. F. D. Compton were Bring us yourproduee. It paya "Tennyson's Relation 'to the ArNotice of Presenting : - - - - - - - - - - - - ' called to Xenia 1a8' week by tbe Sherwood, Wednesday. to tt1lde at th~lln Lei[end" ... Ernest F. Amy County Road and .udden death of thelr bruther Mr. Cyrus Thompson~ of Indiana; In-law, Mr. Fit.gerald. J Miss Sarah' Uaydeob: en'ertalned Mr. and Mrs. Elmore and Mrs. HenPetition No~ICl1a bereb, gtveo th&~ a petl"oo wlU her friend, Miu barrl., of Harvey!. derson and children, of Cincinnati; 1: 0 CLOCK P. M. 00 lI_ted to 'be Oomml..solleN of Wr.rburar-a few .dayt! laat week. Mr. and Mrs. John Monfort. of near Add ' rcu Oounty, at their next ~Oll November '. r'e ss· ...... ···................. P rea. Ell IS 27, lell, pra,IDg lor the la,..Dg out and .. Mlamf QOllrterlr Meetittg will be Lebanon, attended the funeral of J . Alice Cook, Sec. tab\Wling 01 a Oounty Ro&40ll Ute foUowlog Lytle held at the Friend.' ohul'ch M. Thompson Monday afternoon. Un~I~~ at tbe ceoter of thll Oard road We will give you $35.00 worth of Friday, Sa&ul'day aud Buuday. THEY ATE HIS MEAT on tlUIllUt .dll or thll peolllltL,vanla R. R . Thoro Bred Poultry free of charge Mr. t'e,~, C('olr. of Waynenm., • _ • ~f~!:~""~~ ::l:!.~tb~ I'~nv~;-!e~r:: as per our <;Jombinatjon Poultry Out· .peD' looday .I&h Mr. CIUfBOI'oe" MOVED MOUTH IN ONE NIOHT MEETING A SUCCESS ship and In aurvey No. 3'U. ruonlng thllnce Offer. Wnte for full particulars. . Mr. ,Wlll Lov, wife and babyaod Butch.\" Attrlbut.. Gen'ua of Arttlt l ~r::: '=~lJ1~~~~dtrrO~ Beautiful colored "chick picture" M •. Floy4 &v-.e aod wife .pebt River In. One Night Moved Ita The meetings und; the. di~tion and Act..... to Fact They Eat lIUI4 or Jam.. O. Sale. K. SrMenhwAlte, o. free. ~UDda,. wi'b Mr. aDd Mr•. Fol'8ll' Mouth Th .... Mil .. to the H I. Meat. MUIer, A. anll B. Kelly &lid a. C. &lid A. u. Graham. ' . ., Northward. of Evangelist Crabtree continue.· .l In. Jan.-Dyke aiad Yahloo Rooke Several have made the good contesIt 1. not altogether eallY to Imas1ne tanCil or abou' lJi mlla mol'll 01' !eM. spIb' ".~nda1 "Uh 'tt);lel'lDan Dyke • There I. a .tream to thl. .tat. sion, and the spirit of revival pre- a IAIdy Macbeth eaUn. cbopa. Yet 81gned B. K . BURNET. . PrIncipal Petl~looer. 982 Harriet St. WInOna, Minn • aDd f"mU" . called the North rlYer. It .tana In a vails. Meetings every night thill bel' IrNIltellt Impersonator got bel' In· Iplrs,t ion from them, It one ma1 l'81y '> •_ . . ~r. and ..ra.l! .rohar& were pond near Raoaon and ruJlI to the lea week. called to Oolumba on Saturday on at Scituate. It Ia ten mU" b1 Ilir Une ' on lin altogether dellgbttul author• .,oooot of tlle mo~ of their Ion, from. Hanaon to Scituate and the riYer The church was crowded Sunday Ity. On a certaIn occallon, writa 'Mr. Not~ce of Appointment Lee. 'We 'lloJ8for bJ. .pe~y I'800V. Ia 40 mU.. Ion.. night, and theserv!ce was most in· E . V. Lucaa In hll recent book; "'The e~ • . • ' _ . Tbl"1Yer II probabl1 the moat re- spiring. \ l'he 8unday Bohoo) con....ntion markable bod7 of water. banlq the ~--........--.-.--... ."" J tor ....Un tbe,.¥ w _xell of the eatete of expreAlng great admiration for the LuclDdl AlItram, late Of w _ OoUllt)'. A4a will ~ luerte« aude!' till. llead for .. will be he14 in Miamllburg on Dead.ea, On tb1a footItOOl -4 h~ ELECTION DAY artllt'l palntlng of '·Alexander." .. ·'~~~~ittb dBTof OctoberA. D . 1811. tweat,·a.,e ceota lot tllree 101lllrt1'>0_ Thu"da;r and FrIday . ltood more alluae 'and ba4 lanpqe . • "Qnlte aUve, ml" MId the butt-her. .Jl'ralIC1a A. AlIktm. Admr. wilen Wllo. Dot more tlliloD a.,e Uael. SiumDAI aalD", aD lied rut, ~ ~e Cblcaco ItTer. When the tide The electIon PasseC off fmly "1 am glad you think 10," nld the Publlahed by 0I'dIr of the Probate Judcc~ ... uu p,ltU)8 haa been quite ~ comlDI la the rlnr ruu u~tnam Tueaday. The judg~ and cle\oka ~ artl ..t. - - - -...- ••- - - .week. " . 'In4 DOt cml7 \bat., but tlM upper part their hands full counti~g the votes, FOR SALE of It" whlob fa trMh water, also ruJlI • • . . ''1''_, IIII'; but u ' l have 'often nld ~.a1e- -""f~!~!e ~:,+';~"'';;;'.J+'"-i'-r-,.:.-.o'M1P:-11m.i~Fo..-4=!-~Juhna enter- up, and the Ipectacle of a tr..h w.. The leadUlg question was, how to to m.y Illter. you .could not 'hive PilDt· Ti:I ~ ttld Coon an~ ter riYer beatlDa It up hill te alone vote, not who to vote for. Some ed tlilat picture, IItr, It you hid not eat - F&A.'CB.I:R "nd Pillo. for ¥,--fu-:-"'~"7~:--1:~ii!~'5''-i'~~~~~~ ::d aDOuP to call attenUon to ltalU. But candid"tes were on all the tickets my .lIneat, Ilr:' '~rerr true, Mr: 8owerby} ' 1lI pI1ftU&DCII 01 an ordllr of the Probate saltt Inquire of , IIllme T there Ia muoh more to It tb.In that. and the voter had to be careful lest Wi·•. Court. or Warrea OoWlt)'. Ohio. tbe UlIder- B O W ·~A.h, Ilr, I have a tanc:7 for pn'ul, sIgned .. admlnlat.rator of the _tate 01 rown, p' b one e-.. , .,nBevIIIe, 0 • ThIa North 1tM&" fa notec1 for l*DI d'd' ; Mrs. oIl.·e ,Dyke haa been t.he week the ICen ot the Jut lDdIan r&l4 on he vote for one can I ate tWice, Ilr." AnD LeODard. d-.-J. wlU ol!er tor aale at " UbUC auc&loo...oJl tbe prem~, at. o'clock enG guea, of BJlanohe Graham . tlM NUlementa. It Ia notable which of course would inv~lidate his "Have you, Mr. 8owerby'" t1 ~be Ift.-aooD. 00 COW-A freah oow for _Ie. lu "Yea, .Ir. Mra. SL4donl, Ilr, hal Beveran. tbis violnUy ,are suffer far IlaTlq IlTeD birth to the Ihlp eo. vote. ----.... . . Saturday November 18'11 qQlre of Morrll BrowD, Way, lag with aolda. ... .eatJD7 meat, al.r. Neyer wu lueb • lumbla. WbOM captain dt.coYen4 , , l1_vll'e. Ohio PhoDe 83 lY.. MASONIC NOTICE Ab, .Ir. ahe woman for chopa. air! .,,". Catharine Johnll apeo' Fri aDd umed the COlumbia river an4 the foUowlac deecribed l'IIal lIItate: 'WU taa. lrat American Teuel to 011' Wall a wonderfUl cra7lure!" Situated ID tile vill of Wa IlIvJ1le ta 1G . - .4-y aDd 8&~rday 10 Day~OD. thllcoUllt)"otWan'llo. r:"'he 8~otOhio. I P S-Two male , pIp. aave Waynesville Lodge, F. & A. M. , . "She waa, Mr. 8owel'b1." , 111811 lI'loreooe Groby apen' Batur. ClUlDDATtpte the world. It II notori· "Ah III' when Ibe Ue4 to act th.t and~paNotlo~DUmberedtwllll'3·thne i beeD InooQlakd agalolt obol· . day Hooday with her aUIl' 11~ au tor bariq .u44anl7 ohanpd Itl will hold its stated meeting, Tuesday there' cba~eter-but L9rd, luch a ~2.~~.:'~;tOW'a~~fl~~~~ l er.. Inquire of -I . &'ter'b~alk>, , O.kBld~e, . m!D4 OIl Ita ooune on Uae of evening, November 14th at their hall heall all 1 la1 to my' II Iter-that tbe 1D0fi .lterl1 c:oraerof'lot DUlDbiind W",neavllIe,Oblo. . , . tWlat7'lour CU) aDd ruDll1rur tbeDce wlUJ the , . , James aal!}ea bat! been spending HOYIIIIlMr 11, 1881, when It moved Itli Work inj;he F. C. degree. Soiourn- ther'e, woman, Ilr. that murders a ' wlllt UDe of 8lxtll8treet, .,. rlld out by JOliab " . moGUl tMM mn. to tlM aorthwU'd, .'. 'be put wee~ with hla brother in the tcnnl of ManhAe1d with ing brethren invited. kIn.' between '4§m" Roee.... ODe hundred (100) reet to iheUne be- ~R 8AT.E-2 Oy'ole Eiat-ol'erll " 'wean low lIumbered '''I111','''WO (22) uad . . , ' De,tOo. "Oh. Lady' Macbeth." ~wlIDtJ'.three (21)' tbeDce 1i1f4l laid UaeaDd n",rlv Dew; few Pbllp 'oolony a d ..p brbor. kIlI.d three men and F. B. Henderson, W. M. \ .. .' \ Quite a number of young lI8r8008 00Ilnrte4 about 100,000 acres of prime "Ah, air• tbat'l It-Lad1 M.cbeth. J a' &IlII'1e. to Sinh 8tn111t 0011 "huDdJ'lld 1000"" io aoed O')Df1ltioD· alao ,,'" andrI.llt twenty·lIvll (1211) teet· t.IleIwe naraIIIJI .... , ,. • E. V. Barnhart, Sec'y. . wereJn a'tttndanoe at 'he Ballowe 'en mM4crw IaD4 Into a aalt manh. u.ell to get up with the butler beblnd wl$b Slx&tutreetolie hUDdred poo~INt' o~. O. Ba" r.ellCboms and Wbl~ Part~D, lIonday .evenlng, liven by her carriage when abe acted, and I' tit: ~11~~ ~~~':~=.!Rooke,. oh_Plf told eGOD. · BUA8ll But tlM ohI.ef thl.q. about thla ItYer ..... ICl...beUl Doke. used to lee her looklnl quite Wild, 'wlIDt)"·lIn (110 fee' to the be8ln11lDC. Parle", LebaDon, 0 ., R. F. D. ,. 18 Ita CI'O('kednee ThII Itver Ia 10 HAS RESI.OSED POSITION Ill.. Anna H, Sandidge, of Oln ciroob4 that It 4oubl. OI'OM" ltaeH. and all the people quIte frlghtene\!. 8aIdlotli _located oaSJxih . --oloDAtI, wiU glTe a "'It to the in U 701l 4oG'\ beUne It 10 and.... ~ALE foU Blood Hamp~ , Mi88 Laura McKinsey haa re8ignlld 'Abu, my lady,' laYII ' : 'If It 'WUn't ~~2~~~~I~~~gtF1!:i;Ja~~ lereal of Gbrls' ..I the '1'Il.... Ia-vae plaoe to HaDoYer where her position with ' the Villey Tele- for my meat. though, y.ou wouldn't 8aId realllltate bu heeD ,ar.praleed-aHl/s· sblre atale Bog. a ·. IOWI! wlt4-~yl)e ~urQb next Hunda, a"emoon bl mUIq tbrM loo~ the ltv.. moves phone Co., and on Monday m~rning be IIble to do thatt'''-Youth'l Cam, R~l~~:~ ·=er:li~et~a~~!=:a~ young Pi,.. +iso a. 11.118 .Paro~1J lIan.on. laid appraleed nlue. Dri vina a~, 4 ye"r8' old. J. 8. Bed 8_oy and family visited Mil· towu4 the ... for a dlataDoe of aJ. . • IIIOIt Itt7 feet and mM.D4erl about entered the Normal Untverslty at The tIlmIs of ll&ii! Ale will be u foUoWl. LeamtDK, 1 mlle west of .NB!IV 'por. Ion Earnhad '. 00:. Hulay. - -- • One-third of abe purchue price cull 111 UnltoD O. • for 11 mll.. to dolqlt.-BoetoD TraD- Lebanon. Miss McKinsey ·haa ~n ----~ ~ "'The Club." hand, 00 thll day ollale oOe-thlid tll..-or • , aortpt. . faithful in her duties. pleasant and ~ I I 41nln- ......Iet.... the In.1x (8) monllU hum ihe da.y of ..Ie. alii! "' 9 ' Sprjn~ Valley ..:D esc UI ve .. """ J" ol\e-~hlrd thweof ID one year,from the da, of ' B ~ RAL'tD neW Apple Batter for aale • - • courteous to every one. The best one bearing tbe arropnt title "The !ialII. tbe deferred paJDlBata to bear tote.... Inquire of I A"tt.rthw.l~, Clul~," wt~ch ltoce lte foundation hal =u~e~~=::dt:II~~=t= W tJI Obi I <Dela7ed) WORLD'S BIGGEST BABY FARM wiShes of &111'0 with her. beem ltmlted to thlrt,·f\ye members. to be MlCUI'O\I b~ moncace 011 ,lie PI'lllD.... ~YDellV!, o. ,.-. The Ladle. Aid of Ibe M. E. Johnlon, Burke, Reynoldl and GpI4- .old ' PERRY. E . KENRIOK. oolored a.d plal~ Pd.. ahuro.b will hold a Hallowe'en Mask Wonderful Foundllnll Aaylum In Me. PEDAOOOUES TO JC C)NCINNATI amlth were amODS the original ·me!D· Adf.::=tor Of tbe _tate of ADDa lAolIard, per .Napkina at. the Gtlsotte t:!c)Otal OO~ber '8 la'. at the home of cow Startlld Orlglnall,. II,. bern. Garrick and Dolwell joined to . 8eUJ W 'BIOWD Attol'DllJ 08108 .· Mr. and lire. I. W, Fulkerson. Emp ..... Oatherlne II. • , • The teachers of our public schools 1'778, and Olbbon IUId 1I'os: In 1114. Mr. A. C. Mendenhall, ' wife and The blllelt baby fann to the worl4, will attend the Ohio Teachers ' Asso· Of the ellhteen premiers tn the .toe:. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!~ daQgbter took dinner wUb Mr. and lmown locally all the "home- ' of the ciatlon at Cincinnati Friday and Sat- teellth century nine wen! memben of !~_lIrs Ray Ea,le, • 1Ii. . .~.------. the olub, 11'0][, Lh'erpool,· Canolu., Walter Bultz, wife and daughter pla)'lng card bablel,'· II Iltuted In urday' \ They have secured low rates aUl,N U, Aberdeen, Gladltone, Ball. left 'fbureday alter a pleas'lnt visit MOloow. ThIll' woaderful foun411n. on the railroad, and have arranged bur,r, Lord Roaeberr anil Mr. Balfour, a8ylum wal ..tarted ori&lnally b1 the with relatives bere. Chronicle. , Empr... Catherine II., and II malo· for the early morning train to atop -London , were talned, 04dly, by &; tax on playlq here Friday morning, 80 88 to itet carda. In all lome 14,000 babies p.... into Cincinnati in good:time. · .', R..d'e .are..m. through the Inltitutlon every year. -. Senator Lodee, In the CentUrT M.... The aaylum, which II under the pat.aane. larl: "In 1814 I recall oomllW ronaCI of the royalty, conilltli of IUl LPOKED "NUMBER FIVE FAT" a~ no... B. aN 'OIIe daT ID IneUtuUon ltandlq In a hollow aquan! State Itreet 'Ult after the nomlnatlo. rollDd a .al·den, with loyely treea 1Ul4 Man Ie Dllappolnted In Deeorlptlon '", of Mr. Blaine. The br.eak In the a. lawn., wbere the c1lUdn!n pla1. .I. ,HI. Appe.,anoe In the Eye. pubUCIUl party had bepn, IUId I ...keel great feature of thll al),lum II that all of Othe .... Mr.. Reed wbat he thought of the out· the lerYantl ther. wear tha red Uy· loolk. 'Well,' be II&ld, 'It II a sreat Kan, a IUD baa want.e4 to know oOllilfort to think that the wtcked poIiery of the r01al tamll" and Ita aocountl are audited and kept by the how b. appeared III th, e,._ of hla tIclanl were not allowed to plclr the RUilian treaaurr department. Chll· fellow men-aJld been M41, 4laap- CIUII41datell, IUId tbat the nomlilaUOII dren of aU Ilzea from "'.. bablel are poInted te find out. JDllhu Vedder, ..alt made by the people. The poll· tended here, and tbe, have the bftt wriUn. III the AtlaDdo MonW" t.11a UollUI. would have beeD gulded on11 attention and ~ wboleeome food. • ltol'7 of nob a maD. b, a b ..e dellre to win.' " .About 11fti' babl. are. reoe1vtcl . lI.... W .." and hot fJ'om bII loq I11JDevery dlY. and after a 10Journ.t a mel: elare worli: nptown. be ",u ",1DdO Ihe Them• mODth nUlla take them to thalr e.".. ~ bII 'WQ'to the South rwr,. .~ lin. .cIu'lI: Hnt the new matd to b. hom... bom. 'WU on Staten Wand. In and,oI- ~ to a pa1J' of SclAOra. When patlon of the oooUq b ....... '· 00 . the Ibe A Flyer'. Joke. . ~btoh .he 41d attet an baT, wlth .dril!Pfq brow he stopped to UD8OOO1I11lJiLllIY loq, Hubert Latham. the utotoette retreal1 blmHlf frequentl" but In .1bl..."11 Taln-tor It wU a TWT bot·daT.

OsteOpathic Physician


--- ..- - -



CODS.lder this Offer

Ad;::.'Ai~·t~~·Eiii~, ' ..oh~~·u~i~~~ty



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~t~~:~?.!i~~!!l~~¥:: Western

PO'ulfry Farm

.O lasBlllad Ads PB~d'nblda ~:~~~e~, ~hop&reetn~ep~.caHt~d~~ unt:..~ ~~A:::tD~-:=tA.J~! .... .... .. .......... _.. ............ ........ .. .......

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Signs" ·

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eau t'f I uI country )'If e and sincere ·-...····-···---····-····· - · - · · - -- -.......•••..--·· ..... •..•..··-t

•I____ D~a!~a:. ___ ! fr~~d:o~~i:u:r~i~~~~r~al practice Ir. . . ·. . r...·······--·..·...I··.....M-.....-··~......···...C ..··...I-·-······---~j iI






Tho.",,, .fthe ""'tom Star mot Monday evening and h~ld its annual election. The officers for the emlu, ing year are as follows: W. M.. Mrs. Sue Hawke~ W. P .• C. A. Bruner; A. M,. Mrs. Ruth Janney; Sec'y., Miss Laura MeKinseYi treas! M~. Amanda Maffit. conductress. MISS Donna Hawke; ass't conductrESS. Miss Luella Cornell. After election, an elegant lunch wasrserv ed'10 th e b anque t rooms. A Irreat many were absent on account of sickness. - - - . - .- • WINTER. CAME QUICK Saturday night and Sunday morning was a hummer. A drop of 50 degrees in less than fourteen hours. rnakes a person Sl't up and tak e notice. After mid,n ight Saturd81. the wind raised and rain came. but before morning snow lell. and people froze--a\most. \ • - • IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE




... -~ ..............

-- ---- -- -- I.

Social Events

.-..-...-...-. .-.-. until 1903, when an affection in his 0 I ~rs . Ellen Sides. widow of the late nose. which had caused him great L ..........................-........_...................................... ....J Miss Emma Cartwright wa.'\ the George ~ides. and a most estimable pain. forced him to retire. ' This af· .............................. _ ........._ .....~ ... _................................... guest of Mrs, Emilia ' D:ll<in at tlinllP\' woman, died at her home Tuesday 'ection was cured in Cincinnati. but . . . I Sunday, evening, November 7th. after several on returning to Harveysburg for a Mrs. Ralph LUWIS was shoppmg In Mrs, Lee Hawke and daughter, , J...:lllie. were in Dayton Thursday. weeks of Buffering. The funeral was visit, the excitement of meeting old Dayton Monday. Thl1 regular Friday night Club dance wa~ not lal'~ely attended. put held at her late home Thursday after- frien?s br?ught ~n a s~roke of ~a. Mis.q Flizabeth Mart was in D81J Mrs. Harry Williamson is spendthose pres~nt t!ojoyed themselves noon, Rev. C. S. Grauser. pastor of ralysls, Which pal'bally dIsabled him, tall Friday snu Saturday. ing a couple of weeks in DaytOn. the M. E. church. officiating. Inter- He lived for several years with his greatly, Mrs. Abi Haines. of Dayton. is the I Mrs. Walter Smith and daughter, ment was made in Miami cemetery. son Lawrence at Covington. but spen t Mr, and Mrs. F. E. Sherwood en· - .- the last three years of his life in Har· guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Kauffman. ' are visiting relatives in Lima. Ohio. tertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and IN MEMORIAM b . veys urg. John Coleman attended the funer'l The Guild of St. Mary'li church Mrs. B S. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. During his entire career in th~ of Mr. Langdon at Springboro Frl- will hold a morket in the Township Ellen McKinsey Sides was born Frank Braddock. January 15.1835, and died Novem· practice of medicine. he paid little day. • , • house Saturday. November 18th. ber 7,1911. or no attention to the bU!~ine9S side Rev. and Mrs. J. F . Cadwallader, Don,t miss the first lecture course Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherwood These dates mark the beginning of the work. his aim being to serve Mr and Mrs. S. L . Cartwright and and the close of a life which extended hi ~ clients. without r(!gard to any number. the Kaffir boys Monday moved here from Lebanon and Miss Letitia MrKay were guests of over almost 77 'years. and was set financial reward, ,When offered mon- evening at school hall. are occupying the CI('ments house. Mi88 Kezia Merrit at dinner Sunday. ey byththose :whho he Idfeltfneededf it Miss Clara Hawke arrived hOl Elizabeth Moore is back from Mi. with gems of noble deeds. h Her parents were Patrick and Eliz· 't more . an h' e e wou 0 ten re use f . h H rom Dayton Monday after a t aIm" Valley hO~Pltal, where she unaheth McKinsey, and she WIIS bom I • saymg e was m no urry. e k' " 'th 1 f th ' i derwent an operation. She l'S aetMr. and Mrs. Everett Early pleasI . I · antly entertained at dinner Sunday on what is known as the old McKin- considered that the members of his wee S V1Slt WI re a lVes e~e~. . d d h . . . mg a ong mce y. ' f' sey h omestea,j in East Wayne town pro esslOn owe a uty to umamty . Mr. and Mrs. J. O. CartwrIght the following guests: Mr. and Mrs ship, Warren county. Ohio. where to render service, and to this high and daulthter. were guests of r~la. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Compton with Ralph Lewis and son, Mr. and Mrs. her ehildhoort and girlhood were ideal he held throughout his life. tives in Dayton several days last week their daulrhter, Mrs. Mabel FitzgerPerry Wade and daughters. " • . . aid will move here in a few days and --spent, contributing a large me841ure His chief regret for his life seemed to the comfort and happiness of the to be that he could not die in harness, Balme.r s wonde~ul smgmg boya, occupy the Bank Flat. A pleasant social function was family of three sIsters and seven After the death of his wife in 1910 and ElSIe Clark wI,1I be at School . . . Mrs. Anna Thorpe inilerted an ad a farewell reception given by the brothers. all of whom have been he felt that the end would be wel-' Hall Monday evemng, .November MISS Edl~h Wilson, of Selma, .at- in the Gazette a week ago, advertit4- Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. gathered to the Other Shore. except come, though his fondness for his 20th. .,' tended Friends Quarterly Meetmlr ing some fancy chickens · for aale. church, for Mrs. F. C. SChwartz at one brother, Madison McKinsey, who children. especially hiB grand chil· . and was the guest over Sunday of Last week she called us up and told th' e home of M· rs. C. T . Hawke last , d b ed h' '1 d Mrs. EupJiemla Hough B'ld daugh- Mfr and MrS F B Sherwood ad Yet survives. r~. ~OYth 1m up U?t~1 the ~~h' t ter. Miss Erma and Miss Alice Carey' . . . . , us ~ d~p ~~' as bome ono h Friday afL<lrnvon. The~e was a large 856Ro' bElle~cMI cKin· Decembe~ ~ed8; 1to . s. etha came qUlfeh~' Wh!ld ou were week.end guests of Dayton The Misses Edna. Luella', Jeanette sto en e c .er:' • attendance and delicious refresheey was marrl ert eaver. pam,m e presence 0 IS C t ren, I ti . and Frances Jannev and Helen Marmenta were served. Is~tt spent the week-end with rela. Go see the Kaffir Boys Monday eve ; who died 'March 13, 1863. leaving her whom he was able to recognize the re a . ves. The drawing for the first . lecture tives at Butterwot:th Station. • - • M d MEV B rt I • with one son. George: whose death momlnlr of his death. oc!<urred in Mexico. January 6, 1911 He leaves three chHdren. Lutie, at eo urse will take place Saturday. Spring Branch r: an .~',; . d&rn a .~~ On October 29 1879 she mara!ied Harveysburg Lawren!e at Coving. November'18th at the Township Mrs. J. S. Thompson, of Route 4, ' tertameQ..,at , 600 Mon ayevenmll', Georp Sides, who. afier a long i~1 ton, Ky .• lind ·Carl at pittsburg, Pa. House at 2 o'cIO::k. . lin so mu~h improv~ in health that 'Mr. IDd Mre. Frank 8ml&h aDd ~rs. Walter R~ being the gues~~ .ness, died May 3, 1905. He was a most generous and loving . . • ahe was m tOmt Mobday, the first family enwr~..ined OD lae~ Hatarday honor. , Those In~ited were Mr. . Thus was ahe bereft of her loved husband and father, a steadfast MI8I:IeS Lydia and ~ary Wrlg~t tIme since early in September. nlght Elde~ ~eorlle A , Bretz aDd Mrs. Emmor Body, Mr. and M~. have returned to theIr home In Wife, Mrs. Corwia and Idt. lIo4damil J. B. Chapman, Mr. arad Mm. Geo. ones. yet abe exercised a cheerful fnend, and a benefactor to those In S . bo fte I t ' it 'th St. Marys Guild will meet with aud I41s1 WUla Pagh , , d M d M I Satte th, resignation, believing and trusting need. While not at his death a reg· ~rl~g Tro~ . ~~ p ~n .rlB WI Mrs. U. M. White on Thursday af. Mia8 Alice Cheaoweth had &8 her t,:;"U, M r. a~ M rs.~ Ha:ke : that He doeth all things well. blar member of any church, his en- I r. . . rIg '&n amI y. t;ernoon The box for the Chit lUBe'. M1'8. Ida MoAdame the pae' ~ te, d~' an H She was·&,enero~8 to a fault; shar tire life was,an example of Chris· Mrs. I. N. Harris. of "Dayton. dren'd;08nital will be prepared fo; moath. Lir • anD vi rs ' a TblN&Y· C a:~ A t in hat h h d ·tb thoSe bo ti .. 1 h k d wi b h th " , "': ' . . Mt. Glee ae. hu lODe ~ W.., na, e t, Dna or:pe, fI1 1. g.w ~ s e , Ii . W,l a ~l ,an pnnclp es .• _ • ' spent t . .e wee e.n ,t ~~mo e~, i men ' 'd', er;.E,~1!S at~d: v'irlltDJa &0 1P!!t'" !~L~~W~ ~lih l!."v.ans, Moeber, ApeS Wright. ,h~r,. Charita'Dle to~ the abortOBITUARY Mrs. Allce McKi,n&ey and at ed' to, . , . her unale, ClArk Baker &Del wif., M!aI Errlma He!&hway, Meaan. Oasie commga of others; kind and compas" . ' _ the funeral of Mrs. Ellen Sides. I l •• Mr. aDd lire. Jedward Cook and Rl-'_.. d C G' W'lr nAt, ionate; and she has now gone to a James Mtlton Thompson, son of , ' The Kllffir Boy ChoU' WIll be the oblldren were enwftatned b, IIr o;aII an " ~ .! lamBO, • Thomas and Elizabeth Thompson, Misses Henrietta McKinsey and j~rst number in the lecture course atid:Mrs. Waller Dakln on lal' 8nn- • eeuoI1J,ble hour refre.hments ,.........-'--=~~ . 'rich reward. - Her house ,has been the home of was bom at Spring ,Hill, Ohio. -xpril Alma WaterhoUJe attended the con· t his season, Monday evp.ning, No- day. served. " _ ••_ _~ ,.rand.children and great grand-chilo 7, 1~, and died at ~is home in ventionof the Central Ohio Teachers ,.,ember 20th. at School Hall. They Ilr. "nd-Mra. WmChenow.tbaod ' WAS, ELEVEN DAY lltal dren, who have always received liber· Waynesville, November 2. 1911, age association in Cincinnati Friday and come highly recommended by Mr. ~~eoeted' 'B e cF10r8 b'008 LIIdoYTben~r. ths d 15 d Sa da C E B n VS. ra ree an omp . 76 6 ,ally of the beat that heart and hand years, mon an ays. lur Y·. • • ratten. lOB on I.., ThaDda, af~!'Iloon. Eleven~leven-eleven • . He Wag married to Keziah King. J F S kret ed M d l 141' load Ilra 'J'l'&Dk 8811 were Write It that way or make alJf: • could bt1stow. ' Ml'I5.Side8hadformanyy~rs' Jul.Y1,i~andtothis union were ,Harry Johns. ofna;yton, was here : . n~ um .on ay rom enHrt..tDedby Kr. and Mra. &0, quickdownatrokes with your pen.,. a member o! the M. E. church, born eight ch'ldl'e!" four boys ana Friday, visitinglelat.iy~~nd f~ienthd$ lnddl~napothhsln'wdhiereCanhehas ,been at· Cbenowe'h '0 8DDday diDner. ' That was SatunJay. You will not 'i\'as a faithful .attendant upon four girls. two children died in in Mr. Johns has 'sold hJS mterest 10 e t ~n mg e ana ners conven· ·Mn. Edward Cook ' load IOD, be able to ~"in write the date· by, privileges sa 10Dg as ' health and fancy, and one ciaughter lOme 15 store.he has been operating for the I bon. Be BayS everybody l?Dked George were the gnel'l of Ilr. and repeating lixdigita until December, t.wmoot.h 'tted' d h years ago past two years, and bas purchased happy, as all had,a successful season Mrl, (:Ieorlle Pta" on'l'tuMlda,. ' 12th, next,_r, and you will not be sth'--, -"'r permll , ~th er AM Be serv~ ,three years t-n the ....iv·il a store on the west side. in the packing business. Mn. Ada DaklD and daalrhwn. 1es were a ways W1 e,,:ery gv,,\:, ' . , v Lots and Hazel, Mn H. C , oaklD, able tQ write 11-11-11 again ~or pui'pose. , WI!-r, 'the 79th regiment, Co.' H., of Mr. and . Mrs. Hillie Evans, of C. B. Bentley has started", butch- Mrs. ,Poarl Dakin aDd IOlle RUI8I a cent1lry assuming that you ,intel)~ . With the exception. of one y~ar in O. Y. 1. " SRringfield, Mr. and M.... Wolf, and ! er shop next door to 'the Gazette of- and .lJarold, cal,l ed 00 MrA. WUlle to live for another hundred ' yea~. Cincinnati durilig the lifetime of Mr. He was a member ofthe I. O. O. F . , ~1l of Xenia Mr and Mrs fice where YOI] will find everythini' Raley, of ,IU. HOlly, Satorday aUer Probably you don't remember It, ' ' Zell of Yel16w ' Sp' rinD'a Mr' good to eat in his line When , you DO~D, WbaO ta ~~.~Ird · &b but 800 years ago the date ~as writ;;.; Sides, th! years of her pil,rimage lodge'of thi. place. B . ed ·th th Ch" , ....~.. • _n 801'1_ ",0 OD wu e ' bod d' were, spe~t in Wayne , township or in e urt1t .Wl e. nstlan and Mrs. Horace Zell, of Xenia" ,at· want a good roast of beef, pork, KU88' ~f Mre. Ada Dakta on Thorl' ten thus: 11·11-11. 1f any, .!: 18- , WfU'n~vllle, wl\ereber worthy deed Church whtle Bro. Robmson WM tehded the funeral of Mrs: Ellen mutton or anything in the meat line, day. ' , covers the fount of ~rpe£ual .life he '" won for her a larlte ci~le., friends pastor. •. Sides Thursday. give him a call. . Mr. and :II.... George Pt." were will be ahle 9,200 years benea to . =--.,---, who grieve 'thatahe is no more. The gr~ter part o! ,hls hfe has CI tbe glJ88Y of lIr. aDd Mrl. Army write the date thus: 11.11.11111.-•. ,. M. been spent ,10 Wavnesvtlle. He was McCray. o~ Corwin. ' Dayton Herald. -. '-O-B.:eI"T-U--A-RY a blacksmith, al89 a veterinary sur· LET US OATHER AT THE R.IVER. MISSIONARY MEETING MLu Nora Ellis called on Mra. - - - _.....__.--'--:-,Walkr Datlll Thorsday nenin" The naked hills lie wanton to the gaon, and was known by all the pea- ' James Wilkerson Van der Voort pie of Waynesville and vjcinit~. He Our milkman has quit. and,Pe<lple At the M. E. parsonage last t -G~ve. breeze; . The fieldl are nude, the graves'un· was born at Spring Hill. {1'ebrunry 6, was a well respect~ o~d cltlze~. are again skirmishing to find k place W~dnesday afternoon, Mrs. Grauser 1834, one of eleven children of Pilul a. man ofdstron g CO~8bluIg.on, ami bl· to get their lacteal fluid. ,It BSSlst,ededby Mrs. N. L. B~n~ll en· Everybody bOIY hueklllg oorD, frocked; Van der Voortand Elizabeth Wilker. b,ous an eutergetlc. a ways p an· too bad that we cannot ~ve.a milk· te~tam the W. F . M. S. and Several from tbiB place atteDded ,B are are rhivering limbs of shameBOn Van der Voort. His early life mng BOrne work to do. . . man, but such ~ems to be the case, friends. An excellent Jl~gram was Quar&erly MeeUnjC a' bl\ver Grove ' less treeS; t'l h He leaves to mourn hIS loss a Wife. Mr. B. T. VIce started a tnonth rend .. rcd as follows: Plano ' solo, on Haturday aad Bl1nday. What wondeda it that the corn is -th f t h ,. ' gen· Mrs. F . B . Sherwoo; . d Sc' . shocked.-Trade Journal. ' fwash'spen hon I' e . arm, H fi unt I · e 't t tree sons, two daugh ters. seven ago. an d h e · was glvlnlr rlpture , Frank Sbank ,s Dew ...... ..... rn Is oomor IS SC 00 mg. e rs wen 0 dh"d t t d h'l 1 . f ' h' . ' d' d M B l I l t d .. - ••-~Ant' h i l t Y 11 S ' "'" gran c I, ren, wo grea gra,n c I· era satts actlOn to IS customers, rea mg an prayer, rs. unne i pee . !~afteCO ege a the oW prmt&tUo dren. one sister and a number of but a visit from the state inspector song, reading, Mrs. C. M. Hough; R J. Morray aDd wife have re NOTICE TO HUNTER.S 10, r a year , ere h e wen hi' df ' d ' I t seems r ead 109, ' M ' S'I I turned to tbelr home bere af"er ..... put h'1m out. 0 f b usmess. rs. M aunce I veri voca tt:ue Uni versl'ty' 0 f M'lC h'19an, a t A nn ot er re atlVeR an rlen s. " h h h . ted h' I M G ead' M' ing abient for several W8tlltB , We, the undersigned, positively Arbor. During the summer he Farewell, dear one, sweet thy rest. BS t °tu.g t e.1nsp ecto.r wIan to tlhm SOL 0'11 yrs'd rau8e r;·Mlss M. M. Terry und K . E. Thorup- forbid all hunting or trespassing studied medicine at" Harveysbuyg Weary with yeurs and \~orn with to pu In repaIrs on h IS pace . e u~ a an ervoor t,; ~ . IDIr, re. 800 were in Waynesville on Satur upon our premises or farma. The · amount'" of $150. I:Ind Mr • . Vlce McClure; report of dIstrIct conven· f d a y . . law prohl' bl'ting the I8me wlll be under Dr. Hadley, an d Ia te r wen t to · t'Ion h e Id at X ' Mrs. Grauser; i" A. 'I Mobler. ~he 8 arveysb Drg strictly enforced: the Ohio vedlcal 11 t F pain; II 'fll' h I cou' Id n ' t stan d t h e pressure, so ema, • 'It. co ega a ' . arewe I 10 some appy p aae quit , song; piano solo, Mrs. F. B. Sher.lllutcher WitS hert! last week baying natl, completIng the full course. He We shall behold thy face again. Wh'l "t' d thO t h ' 11 od 8'ld kllllng beeves, ktHlDg two OD B V S ith S F Elbo was an instructor in th.t college and . ~ e I IS ~ goo m~ 0 ave a. wo ' . . Wednesday and ,wo OD i'rlday, Will J~n Sbe:han was made an . interne ot tJte Cincin. "!'is ours to miss thee all OUl' years. mtlk an,d ml}kmen. Bamtary, yet It ~rlng the pleasant SOCIal hour We are glad '0 report POltmMter Seth Fumas Martin Gons . nati Hospital as a '-rewant'f~r his ex- ~nd .tender ~emories of thee keep. seems al~ost, ImpOSSIble t~ 'tet a m~ dehclous refreshments were served. Farr, of Wayneavllle, 8till ilDprov. D. B. Hockett George Witcraft cellent the medical school. :rnme ,m th~ Lord to rest. fpr us ~hat can hv~ U? to the mspector s • -1ng, , J. R. Peterson Mrs. Ella Michener After' the :war in whlch he ae'rved . H~ giveth His beloved sleep. Ideas of samtatlon. KINO'S HERALDS Mre. Da1l". Bogar, of near Ohve Dr. C. W. Henrlerson Isaac Wilson' j " ( , ' . " Perhaps some da;y, however, we , B r a n o h called nn friende bere on Richari grown A. E. Chenoweth .",. as ~~.tantsu~~eon, be took a special " CAR,D OF THANKS. ' can have one that will stick. Master Chasrle Grauser pleasantly J'rlday af~rDooa. C. H. Hartsock WeIlZ'l1 Herl'6S COUl1l8U: ~edlclDe. an~ ~ul'gery at the . We desire to thank all our friends There is much milk shipped to entertained the King'8 Heralds. on Mrll, Adah Talma." wae .hoppln& C. B. Iswis Edward S. Fumu BeDevu,e .K08J)ital collei~ of New ' their many kindnessea to us in foreign parts that ought to be' BOld Saturday afternoon. An interestmg tn Lebauoa on·&&urday af&erDQ.!t~, roh;C=~ga \tr~:yc~=~i': YO "tk, wb1ch.e .om,,~leted the ' ' bl e be reavemen t ' men don't want the proOlram was rendered consisH...... .... of Addie Dea'hrrlle aDd Ii rfo J. "'4; r I! l.! J;C ki thorough f .'11. our d OU here but these 0 N Mesdames C Tb d 'wi b W' M. 0 m r. Mend a II , , ' preparauon ·D~ wail, ma ng o'r "-'lis M ' J 'M ' . Th .. • d f '1 troub' Ie ~f dl·s...., nsm' g I't 'f ro'm' hou"" readings by He.len Dinwiddie ,and IIely hUee IIpent Dre av ~ Eli De&b J. M;.'J.i)mdod ' prof_on: ' the .cloao ~f tile ' rs ., i ., ' omssotl an ami y. :1"" ...., T relatlvee aDd tdeDde lD Lebanon W II 0 d rf E R Fi " wu' he , " . ·'1>.... l·n· , ... - . to house. " Eth~ ' Crane, plano solo by Mabel J . C. &ed C.,roll. of 8arveJl'lbnrg, B~ifton r·:.~~·~~ree=:.~ , "" • - •. caSt and a vocal 8010 by little kouiae tao b 1 t 'hi lace .:.' wi~'~ b~~ . ' SCOTTISH RITE MASONS Smith., A dainty lunch was served ~:'d.a; ue D888 a I p . on E. S~~::ll M.










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. after Which the chlldr~ &pent a de· .Mlalea "ura ,Ktbler alld .~[J5i~~:J[:~~ J. E. lilrhtf~ hour. ', ' . . iStarr' atwDded the annul me,ealllllr'l ~a~~~~rl'J.l of the HouUiera ,Ohio ~ohen' . '':T~~d::V'oO~:t'~'~ IIOOl,UOD which wall' held In Chloln. 1I I'tlday" and .~'ur,d" . of we.~.

"'. ,.:,. ' '.

Talma~ .u.d '


·an . '

.\ . '."la.'

Headachet. Colds, 1D.1i~ Paint. CoD!~patioa. Sour Stomach. Dizziness) If you are not. the moll effedive, prompt aild ' pleasant method of getting rid of them is ~ ZOUAVES SPIN WAP. STORIES take. now and then. a desertspoonful of the.ever refreshing and but, Remn a nt ' of Fa mous Civil War Regl· beneficial laxative remedy-S)'lUD ment Celebrates Fiftieth Annl· f Fi dEli' of Sen It F venary-Slxteen Left.

SVNOPSIS. .J....,k K~lth. " VleR'Inllln, no .. a borpIAln. mltn. -. rid ing " Ionl( . <he Ba nIa Fe trAil 00 Ihe IQ(l ko ul tor rOlt mln!: war

J r.lck Keltb," No espreaslon or recognltJ(' n come Into' Ihe roce of the olber, and I<ellh ac;ldod curti)', "Shall we tnllt Y" Tbere W&8 I mom e nt'a Bllence, and IDen Wlilougbby Bwung bIB feet over lbe edge of tbe bed onlo tbe Hoor. "Fire oway," be said .bortly. "liD' til I see wbllt tbe game II Bbout."


' Iller

H t;" f10th.."e8 n camp o t .. d lstan .:(· And th en 8f"eR a h 'u.• n

partltts of 8IH' n,Jf't., ft~

&ftac h ed 10 Ii \OIlI~u n and rpU-Mlut:'d by O\ .. t 0 0 ponlt"s

li t

tull ' VI ",,,"

f.{~ II " p

1" .. tt h -ft'a("ht'"8 th f!: wn~ltll rh p ru'd(' r !' havC" m as!\ · .&Cl'ed t W1) n u> n ... n d dt· purt t'd . H f' s t-afc he rt ....h e vh-tlm s nm,HnJol p ltp er H Hnd It l ockt"t wit h It womlln ' .. poftrn lt . H o r ('fmlves to t.un ( down th e m u r d er e r s. 1(.:·Uh Ie ar· res l t'd II I Cal'llOn C ll y , eha rg"" IVllh Ih~


myrd .. r. hie lleeuacr b,'lnft R rurn an na"," <1 .Jlla,· k BllrL H e Jo; O,' R 10 lall rull y reall,,:"'g Ihe penl of s wln border luollce. A ' oomponlon In hi. ('t.\I la 11 ne.: ro, Wh o '"Ie" s hIm h" Is N ~ b nn ·1 Ihot he kne w Ih .. ' K eith ' . mlly bltrk In \' In:I,,I/l, Neb SRYN • on.:' of · h p mllrdpre(1 mr n W0 8 John 'lIlhley, th" nl h~ r G~ n WIllis \V., lt". tor-

Interviewing Willoughby • Coolly, yet wltbout In tbe leMt . compre ben dlng b,Ow beRt lo proceed, Keith drew toward blm tbe only cbalr III tbe room, and lat !lawn, MltlB I-Iope-m ,:' P wIdely known as 9 hri Stl e ~hclolre- b od clnl med thl B drllnken lad a 8 her brol her, but. accordlnlt to Ha wley, bnd vl' bemen tl y d e nl .. d n ny Illlcli r plo lionllblp Vet tbe re muat be some pI'evtous assocIation be woon tbe two , and what thi s WIll th e plalnllma n proposed to discover Tbe pro bI,em was ho w bes t to calise tbe lello"" to tal k fran kly -cou!d be he rl!achlld more ell811y by re fe ronce to the girt or the gambler? Ke ltb IllIdylng tbe Ilu ll (>n , obstltillte lace C'onrrontlna tlflll, ,"I th Instint'llve antagon Ism ove r tlls, Inll' ut;l on. swiftly determined 011 tbe girl "It WBS DOt very nI ce o f me to coma In on you tbls way ," be began . apoto, getlca lly, ··but you see I ba ppe.necl LO ItUOW yOU1' sister" "My sISler? (l h, I gue ss DOt !~ "Yes, bul I do·... tbrowlng a con· IIdence IDto bls lone he WIIB rar trom I~ee lln g, "M lSI! HOAle an d I Bre frl eno a." The boy spran g to bls feet, his face

~ '"'t!r l y Jl~ ofn (' (~ r In th .,. Conf pd c rll.\ .. arm), Th ~ pla ln smnn n n tl N t'h f"tH"npe fro m t he . eeU. and l al~r 11 .. IWo r u ~llI \' ea becom e "1_0W1 In fh .. tUl n ('l (I.-su rl Th..-y (,o rno U~ O I1 • .,.bln and IIml 11 0 lone OCC UDBnl to be a


yOunit ~rl. wh om Kt'ilh r~ I' OlfnJ z 8 a.' .. -4Iogrr \' " M O.' of Cu r eo n Cit y , The Rlrt - explains thai IIhfl' cn m l' th e", In aearoh of " .. orothe! Who had d09HtPd from tI.e " rmy . A \lr, HlIwlf' Y Indll r~ her to · come to lh~ cabIn whil e h...oultht to 10· ""Ie h .. r b·olher. Hl\wley n ppCUNI. and ' Kelt/' In hlltlnlll rec:oRnlze8 htm as DlB('k Bart. Hawler. Irtcs In mak!' love 10 Ih .. .t1'1. Thcre • a It' rrlne ba t lie In the -ilo.rtc.e n..d rocm In wh ... h K ..llh nvercome_ ;Slack Bart, Tio""", are RpproprlalPd , antI ,th .. Rtrl who .. aye Ihat her name t. Hope ·kohll. I" Ih ...~'·IIp", KIl lth IIpl Aln ~ h l~ "'tllatlon and the fultltl vf!1I make for Fort Lam!'d. wh .. r1 th.. s::trt Is l eft with {he 1Iolel 'ondIRd~ MI511 Hop<, t .. n. tha t .hr .. thr daulthttr of ~nerBI Walle. 'Keith and Neb drUI Into 8hertdan. where Keltll meet. a,n old frt end. Dr, Falrbllin.

CHAPTER •.;VII_(Contlnued.) -You III" Utel" was DO traceT ~ , "NotblDI to travel on after forty: _bt bourtf--il 'poele started out lillllt eorn.lnl, ,!ODn al the), fOUDd hlm.wben tbe, ' pt back they reportl'd bu, 1Da I'UD the' f~lIow8 al far al Clm· . .rolt Cl"OIIllnc-tbere the, cot &erOBB AIad eaea.,8d," .:.wbo led, tile pone?"_ -,& m8.D called ~la'Ck. I thlDIL lie

j~u8b ed ,









"'Yea, that'e the name ; · eo, I reckon

.~ dldq't bql7 WIllis Waite (bill Olll" . ~ptat~ · _ WIlA ' a

You woul4n't have tbougbt

d •..-If one It )'ou bad bearel • aim awear ! , i lllle he WII telllllg tile 4tot'Y.,dt' cUd tum proud: never beard ..111m do better lince the second day at ,oetty"buis-bad btll IIlr Ihot off , oen bad to Ox blm up-Lord. , tMIt 'be caJl~ me a, few tblnp,· I KeJtb at ,tle'!.~ ' fqll)', convInced 119~ thllt tile dpctor was telll~1 tbe cnatb. yet more puzzleC! tbaD eYer _81' 'llie peculiar sltuatioD In wbteb ae,foUDd IalmleU In.volved. "\Vbat broucbt tbe GeDeral up · "ere'!:· he quesllon ed , ft llally, "I baveD't mucb ' Idea ," wal the ..-epl" ~1' dOD't ' tblnk 'i .aked blm cil· ¥W'et:tIY:"" WUD 't mllcb Interested. ~e~ ""~ a blnt droJlped, bowenr, ..,w YQu apeak about It. He'o keeD atter 'lUiO"'e paPers. aoC\ -d<lel\D't teel satll· • lIIed n!K'&IcUnc the report of tbe poase. 'Ii'". my ,0 p"lnloD b,e'B trailln, "tter Blaek Bart," ' \ ,'Tb~ dlntng-room wal tblnnlnr: out, ....d they werG 'about the oDly ones leU oat tWj table• . ' KeIth Btretcbed blm' :"'If, footlnc around. "'Well, Qgetor, I am very clad to "".e met . YOU e,gain, and to l~arD . . .tt.e I. lIc;ttlaU, alive! This Is a rIIlher queer al1alr, but will bave to ..ork Itself out, Any way. I am too . .4 t1re4 t"Il L~bt to bunt after clues ~ ml'clst 'of ,hi!4 babel. I'vo bE'en In the £.IlddJe moat of tbe Ume for a .cek, and bave I'Ot to find a bed " -, reckon you won'l dI sco ve r Buch .. thing bere," dr),ly, "Got seven l!:l a nlOlD uplltalra, nnd otbers corded aJol\g the ball, Bette r sbare my cellGIll, tblnr; to do," "'Th'a t w0'Yd be Dskfng too mucbI caD turn In at the corral wltb Neb ; ""'e slepl I.u worsl! placlla," ·'Couldn·t think of It, Keltb:' ano ~ "e doctor got up, "Besides, you ••'"Ieep at night, don 't you?" - Usu ally . ye s, " tbe other udmtttPd, -rh on you woo't botller me any~ s leep s III nl g ltl \II Sbertdsn; ' IJO doctor -that·s our barvest time, Come on. _15 f'J1 Rhow you tbe way , Wb e n morning comes I'll rout YOU out and 4Jlkc my turn." Keltb b a d enjoyed considerable ex, J;ler1 ellce ID frontier botels . but notb, 111& before bud ever qutte equalled thIS, ebe pride or Sberldan Tbe . product Qf n mus broom town. wbtcb merely ~Il· 4ste d by grace or the te mporary rali, ...ay terminus, It bad beeD hastily lind CUmsUy cons tructed. 80 Il could transport ed elaewbere at a moment'a Dorice, I':ve t)' cr~ak of a bed echoed trom wall to wall , Tbe thin parti· tious allen failed 1.0 reacb tbe celltnK rool or two, and tbe Bllgbt"lt lIGUle arollSed tbe entire ftoor ADd .GIere was Dolse of every conceivable IMDd, tD ple nty, from lbe blare 01 a !land at ' tbe PIoneer Dance Hall ollPato the ellergetlc curling of tbe coole In the rear, ' A dlBcordaDt din GI voices lIurged up from the atreel t.!o_laugbter,' BboutB. tile sbrle'lu! 01, "'-'lIDen, a 'ratUe of' dlce, an occ;a!lI.oDal , :»l~Ol .bpt, aDd tile 'coDttnu(lU, 7ell· -,. 111& of Ind~itrlou~ "barkerl." tllere DO sl\felY anY'!I'bei'8. An .IPICKlIDg


"7 •






"Oh. You Mean Hope? *


..;. . . . u . u

"Oh. YOU mean Hope? Do YOII ltDo,," Iller,? Bay. I tbough t you wllre glvtDI m!! that old p& ' ab out Cbrlstie .Maololre .. . "CertaIn I)' not; wbo II Rbe?" "Thtit's more th tl n ' I know; fello. 'c ame to m e l Rt Car,son. Ind IIIld lIe'~ met my alBler OD a Il.!Ige welt Topeka I knew be waR 1,ln', bea\uI. eh"'B br)me ovar III MI~l\out1 ll'lDall)', I got It out 01 blm tbot' ahe 'elalmed te: be my Rllter, . but her- Dame ·wall Mllclalre Wb),. I don't even kDOW her, D,"d ",bat do ' -you IUppOser Bhe ever picked mb out .I or ber brOtbel tQr '" , • \ , H. waH jl laiDI), - puztl ed ,-8flll- Pt'rfect Iy cqnvlnced It w'all ',all 8 mll<talte. :rbot bliJ s l ~ter mI g ht bave lert ' bom A si nce be did. and, drlfled West unoor 'lP asaume d name. opparenll), nev e .. dt'cur red to him. as poss Ible. To Keltb '"Is waa tbe explAnatloD. and nOlnlng ('ould be more na ural, coDslde rlng he r work, Yet b e dId DO.t Ieel IIl1e I botterlnl thll IRd'H loyalty, Falt b III thO sillter mt,;bt )'et lIave blm. '''Perhaps' tbe fell OW wb.o told ),oU,' he hazarded , bllndl)" s p'eakl~g tbe ftrll tbougbl wblcb ctl mf' to bll m ind, "baO !!ome reaSOD to. dell Ire to make y'0'l tblnl! l bls Macla.ire alrl WB8 your '8 1. tar " 1 } T he luggelltlon caused blm to IBUllb ftrllt ; " t hen lilB face IlIddenly 80bered, as tboulh a new tboU&b~ b8~ DC' curred to him " Damn lIle, no. It couldn't be that." lie tlxolalmtld. one hand pressing .lila be(ld "Jle couldn ', be ' workl!!' .1111 trfck of tbRt kind , on me," , "Wbom ,to YOIl meJl n ~ " "A fellow Dome d Hnwley," evaslv • Iy. "The man ' wbo claIme d ·to nllv, met Ill\' IIltter" .. 'mack Rart' Hawley·" Tbe boy lifted biB head again, btl C!ye" filled with lusplelon. , "Ytlll, II you must IInow; he's i ~I.a·. C!f 68th gambler all rlgbt, but bO'/I l _tll.CIl: tlf me whe n I was down aDd put. YOI Bloody Anal..'" , T~ey jU!Dped' the' know blm'" breastworks on that dllJ .Dd took ITO BE CONTINUED.) more prlsoDe" thaD tluire w;ere meD In Ihelr 0\11( 0 reJimeDl ,'l 'be a d t.l~ 101"1 laughed over Itl -last Dillit. , 1 ' , ~bey 'told or the tlif~ terrible jlan '!t GeUYlburs, too, but tbe,' dId oqt laugb about tbem. Tb,)' IOlt JUlt hatr ' tbelr 'number III tbola Ulree dOla of l·ftlllJtllng·-\62 or tb. 81 p,leli who then rormeil tbe, I'!I'lmep~ It · , tbere that ' tbe bauieoal. or o,nd Zoqavel , racel • ." (ib. 'Itorm ' ollho~ a#d Ib,ll~&Ild belrl\n Inl away In~o tbe lorr, b~ of r:1bbon . the)' were · 1~8t night. 'Pai. !~gtm~ntll flag, a mor, ~andfDI of blta, w~1s lUll proudly llreBerved; bow ever, and after 'tbe war tile wife of _OoloDel, M, W. Burnll. aewed tbe blt~ on the nh~IIY aquare of .wblte ~lIng tbat ~bey , be saved In after 1e,,1'1. . I,f tbelr ' 911'n. ~I . "waif · . tbey r eca,led few Tbey .




througb th.e thlo'r. With Ibis to trou. ble him: be oould lie UJere and' ollar everytblng tbat ocCurre d wftbhi ·and wlt.Jout. Every cteak: ' stamp. and pnore was, faltbtully reportlld; every curBe, blow, Inarl re-ecboed to blB eora InBlde WBB bell: oUlllde WBB Sberldon Wearied, and balf dead, as Ke. t1l WBS, s lee p waB Blmply Imposs ible. tie beard beavy feet tramping . up aod dowD tbe ball; opce • drunken man endeavorec! vainly to op~n hla door: not far away' t bere was a BCUWe, and tbe sound ot ~ bo~y failing do;wD 81alrs In Bome dlBtant aparlment a. fellow w'B8 struggling to draw off bla Ugbt boots , skipping . about aD ODe tool amId muc~ protanlt~ , That tb~ boot conquered waft evident when tbe man craw led Into the creakIng bed, .n, nounclng dp.flantly, "u thf' laodlord waall them Il rotB aI!, Ict blm come aD ' pull 'em off" ACroBI ' the 01\11 WaR' a rattle ot chips. and tbe VOlcell or HE- veral meD, occasIonally rat"ed tn anger, Now and tben tbe)' 'would stamp OD the floor aB aD order ror liquid rerres bmenlB rrom below ," ,om s ome"'be re beyond, tbe , 10DK.dra~n me lancholy bowl of a dlBtressed dog greeled the rIsing moon, Out rrom aU tbls pande moDlum Keltb bega n to uncolIBclously detect tb e sound of voIces talking In toe room to Dis left, ID tbe lull 01 Ol>siructlng so und a fe~ words reacb e d btm tbrougb tbe sllgllt open space netween wall aud ce iling

A BmaH tamp was on We was bsta nd, a balt,"mptJed bottle aIULuULll: IQ a b~sld e It, wblle a Pllck of .ca[ds fa, scattered on the floor Fully dr"B8~ , fllIce pt f('i r a coat, the lIol e occ.upa pt lay on tbe bed, but atarted up at Keith's unceremonIous r entrance. reaching for biB revolver, ' wblcb ba d s(lp ped to tbe wrong aIde of hlB bf! 1I "What tbe bell! " he excJlUmed. stllrtled aDd eonlused Tbe Intruder took ODe glance at blm througb the ding; IIgbt-a bo)' o f elgbteeD. dark balr, dark 6)1e8. nlll f ~ce, already . exblbltlng IIlgnl of dll · s lpatlon, yet manly enougb ID cb ln aDd n.outb-and s mi led "I could draw wbllt' you were tblnl(· Ing aboul It," be said , eaRlly, "but I am Olot berf! on tbe fl g bt. Are yOU Fred Willoughby"" Tbe lad star~d at blm, bla ,lInu ... t .a ln blind now closed on t he lIutt o r ble revolver, yet be ld Inactive lIy tbe otber's , Quiet aSllu rance. "Wbat do , you want to know for! "Curlolllty lorsely ; t bollllbt I'd like to ask you a Ques tion or two." . "You-you're not rrom -tbe rort"" "Notb,lng to do wltb Ibe army; tnll IB B prl vat,e atralr .. The boy W88 Rullen trom drink, bls eyes beavy "Tben who llle devil are you1 nevel' saw YOII be fore" , "Tbat'l very true, and my D:lme wouldn't belp Ilny Ne verthelesB, you're pe rfectly welcome to It. I am


·' Hell, Bill, wb a t 's Ibe use gOlD out again wben we baven't the price?' "Ob, we mIght find Hart somewbere, and he'd Blake Ull. I guell~ I know enougb to make blm loosen up Come on : I'm 11;01n'" "Nol me; tbls town ' Is too near Fort Hays; I'm liable to run tnto some or the fellowa," A cbalr 8crap~ across tbe noor aBI' Illll srost! to bls feet ; evidently from tbe noise be bud bee n drinking, out , " I<eltb beard blm 11ft the latco ot ute door, "All rlg bt. Willougbby, be.. 11\10, tblckl), "I'll try my luck, an II I Bee Bart I'il tell him yer bere, So ioDK ", He sbumed along tbe naU aud " weDt. ball sliding, dowD ltalrs, and , Keith dlstlngulabed tbtl click 01 Ilad Bnd boltlu 10 tbe nellt room He ",a. alttlng up ID bed nl'w wide Ilwa,~ olNiessed IIVJtb . a desire 10 Inv&lU· gote, ,Tbe reference o~erb~.r~ have beeD to Ha~' lel. an" II WlIlougbb', wbo 91&8 afraid IID& aoldlers from tbe ort. , ::~~~~~i~:?'~~~;~ tbe delSerte~ MIB8 hoPt' .• aa ,."'... a,II' •. " Tbere' C)oul~ be ' no barto In.: m.klu~ lure. and be Bllp~td . IDtl! bll , elolb~, and I.' alieDUy .... pOI\~I~le, UD)atcbed nla door'; TliI!re WIUI • • noll" at the fartb"r ' e'od . of tb., ball,



Merely Obeyed the Rulei


No. 47 wasIlumbere qulte.JlkelJ .~:f.:=~::':~~~~:~~~~~!li-~~~ , of ' tbe

li>f~c,("~ite]~n~C:I!£.IIl\~" ol

N'o,: aod .~+ry tbtl . tbi-o'o,ed b.... lbe ·'odgfir',!O eorl


}:lr;~r.;~"j~;~~;~lli;~ .. eJtpectadO . 'II • Iii 'iiOO.ral~lit-



Balr a doze n s trips or nag , rIPped by , tbe storm Il nd s be ll of fltt)' battle a and sewed toge ther fo r sale ,keeping arter tbe wllr by th e Colonel's wlte OD a wblle wraltbll ke nag of ga uze. lorme d tbe ,0SBamer g bost or tbe Iplepdld regi mentsl Dag 'tbat tbe Ne.w York and Brooklyn and Wllllaml bu rg ft re departme nts preBented to tbe Second RegIment ot Ne w York Fire ~Zouaves wben It let out, on 'Augult 23. 186t, rOt tbe leat ot tbe Civil war. Tbe otber nlgbt, reuDlted beneBtb tbe gbolt of Ita flag, the gbolt or , the reglme nt-l6 men of tbe 1.360 wbo set ' orr BO gallantly on tbat d"'~I' sembled at the Union Square botel ror the ftftl e tb anniversary celebratioD of tbBt e venL Side by side Dext to tbe remnant of tbe reg Ime ntal ft ng, hung a few colorless rIbbons tbat bad been tbe reltlment's natiOnal and state fiagB; lind a little rurtber on drooped a buncb or IIhot·torn Btreamers tbat bad been t L8 rlgbt and le ft guidons. ' For the Second New York Zouaves was a figblln g regim ent. Bervlng trom early In the war to Its ftnlsh;! Its Dumbers were thlnDed out terribly long before tbe war became a memory and tht' years got In tbelr work.. The y talc! a bout It as the), llit around tbe two small tableB last nlgbt, The r egiment wal o'r ganlzec! aD May 3, 186l; at tbe Gotbam botel OD tbe Bowery, and consIsted allnoBt exclusively of membera of • the New York, Brooklyn and Williamsburg ftre departme nts. OQ August 23 tbey marcbed, 1,350 tltrong, for tbe troDt. On r eacblng Wasblngton tbey were assIgned to tbe Exce lsior (SIckles) BrIgade, Second DIvision (Hooken), ThIrd Corpl ot tbe ~rmy ot tbe Potomac. They went away Jaun til)' In tbelr O'd d uDlform of Iky-blue Zouaz~ breeobes, dark blne Zouave jlcket. red ablrt, wblte leggings, 'aDd blue Clap. They came back wear), aDd fa"'ed and war·worn-S39 or tbem, I Tbe)' , 10lt 71l men In tbe war. , Tbe)' aerved through 'no leOI thaD twenty-nine major battlea, aDd It was bard' J\gbtlng all tbe time, Tbe), told laal night" witb an odd alter-glow ot the old war-time .rdor. of tbe treDulD' 'da)' LbB)' bad put In together .t Spottsylvanla, wb"Ore Capt Cbrlstopher W, Wlilon, wllo 11'88 OD bnnd '.It 11lgbt, won a medal of bono. for capturing the ' flag or tbe 56tb VlrglDla ID tbe Ibell-raked narrowl of



0 Igs an XU thDL ldll well known throuehout e wor U the best of family laxative reme,d...... i- L-----se it ae.. 10 0Dendy and IJCQIU .~ena naturally Without iRithe onNt_ in any way ~. To sa ,ita beoe6ciaI effeda it it

, '\

.a""" -J--

always nt!ceaaUy to buy ~enu­ iDe, manufactured by the, . orma C L:..":...: __ th fig Syrup 0.. UQUu~ ~ ruune of the COmpany. plainly priDted OD ~ front , of ",fNery package. ,

'T. M, K. Ville <lid


this at Mercedes. in the lower Gulf Coast

Count ry of Texas and Louisiana, Jan. 18th last he planted 6 acres to corn, He got 240 bushels. which sold for ,'I a bushel. The whole cost of raIsing came to '33. leavin g a net profit of '207. June J st be plan ted .. SECOND crop and got 240 bushels_

Tbi"c rop COSI h9, leaving him a net profit of hoI. Fr9m tbe :r ~ rops be cleareil t4oS--not bad for 6 acres; and he COD grow a crop of fan potatoes on Ihtl "'~ me 1 ~lld and mar llel them before Cb~istmas, ' TbiJo I. not unusua l in the

Gulf Coast Country of Te,as and Louisiana Three cropta year ismoltloR money tUM 3 lim .. as fU I as you,are, Aud the GJlIf COBlt farmer saves more of .,hal he mall"" lhan tbe lIorthern farmer, becau.-.e he hu non" of Ihe 1I0nhem farmer 's he'avywiDl erexpen"", •

Better Look Inlo Tb·.s I

The pleasure 01 a lrip \0 tbe Gull tout Country, via the Frisco Lincs. i. w/o ll wortb Ihe lillie cost of goillg. On Ib ~ fint and ,rd Tuesdays o( each month, round trip fares, via Frisco Lilies. an! GREA'rL'l REDUCED 10 point in tb Gulf CoalIt Counlry of Texu and !.<lulslanl1. Tile Frisco LInes operale 5~"'ndid, eleClria lighled. all Rlael trains. dally from Cblqlj{o. St, l.ouis. K.a nsas City, Hirmiollham . anll New OrlennL Every day th ese Ir:tms ca rry through cars an on ~ltcuninn dn ys 1\110 carry lourist sleepen throllElIi III tbe Gulf Coast Country.

r r


3 Splendid Books F~~el" Tbey describe Ibis wunderflll couutry Irom olle end 10 the"olher; g:l ve eu,rn pl .. and personal Mntemenb by m n ... ,10 hay. gODe Ihere and made good. SCOff.! <Ie liu piclures. Write tor youdre" copie. lOda,. while you Ihink of it 1 will alllO rend 0Ia informati on about fare from )'Our honle IOWli aDd Rive you complele ICbed ule , etc.. ........


0 ...,., P .....i.r Ai..1 1537 Friac. aw .. SI.LMia

. ' .. •



Splendid Crops Saikltche.aa ( 800 BU!II".e'a

'; ,







Voungltlr'1 8cl~lmi Wal All '''lIl1t. But EconolYllcaf Fath" W.. a Mitch for Him.


Tbe proprietor of tbe mOlt proml· nent hotel In tbe town of 8 - -. Ky., Is a man ot II, ver), economIcal na· ture, In fact hI' Ia an ex trem lat In lllia featu re. He bas a slx·year-old . red·bended 80n, that didn't Inherll hiS I rather's econom.lcal disposItion. Re· I cently the liOn 'wall ve'1,.mllch In need of a five-cent ptece rer soda WQ tel' purposes. He went Into tbe din Ing .. room, wbere bo waH free from ohser · vatlon. Rnd removed hIli IIhoe strings Rnd placed them In bls blp pocket for futur _·re[eren,ae_ ...ReturnJn, to . tbp omce he aPPToached bls rnther and . , saId : , "Pa, give mE' 1\ nldtel to get ,m e a p\\lr of IIboe 8trlngs,"· HIli (nther .:Ianc.ed down at bIll 8.,n'lI IIhoes, then turnIng around ap· proached tbe lomcs eMe and opener! It In sllonee. He 100 k 011 t lb e cash box and raisin g tbe ltd extrncted a paIr of ne~ ~: boe strings. which he banded to ~IS son without a word. Tbe YOllngster took tbe strIngs with a crestfallen air and Ihen to Ihe amus&ment ot tbo onlookers exclaImed: "stu,ng ag&.ln, by grauny." . - -- - - - -



TIl.,. wlra dlloulalnl a certalD authore .. at diDDlr. aDd a w,l1·knowD Ol'Jdo :-aUed a laulh by remarklnl: "Well. her halr'1 red. eveD It her boob an nol.·· The mild young man In the corner made a mental note ot the sally for tu· ture Ule, and at anothe r party ehortl, afterwa.rd he carefttHy-gttlded- tire- con.verea.Uon Into literary channels. TIt· Blta Informs 11.8 re aders. Fortunately, 60me one mentIoned tbe desired name. and be trlumphllntly crled .out: :'Well. ehe's got red balr , even \I her boou baven·t!"

A 8" ••,,,-

811e-:-It J were 10u. dIU. I woal" Dot ..~d tOJ' that plumber qalp ' wbo oame today, HI'I too ID'J:ptlrI~D.0e4. He-Didn't he do the worll rlfbt1 She-Til, be did the work all rfOt. but he brou,ht all the teola .b. Deed". . with him. -------~.

-".-to Dlte, inst Aug ust there vlalted tbe Cana"I notice that Y'WI, DoctGr CUre. dluu wesl tbe vlce-prealdent of th. uses autoh,nolla 1D hili ,ractlcer' largest Individual hardware compaDY "Of couree lie ~I. Didn't YOn bo~ in the United Statea. Aa hlB Orm have he specIalizes In motor De"e'''' a turnover of mlllloni. and deala ex.' All tbe world may be I stage. but tenslvely wltb fnrm Implementl, tbl. unfortun ately we can't aIwaYIl hear lIIan took a deep Interest ID crop COD". the prompter. dltlons In Canada. and on biB returD' MUllclan Wanted. he e mbodied his flndlngl In an article In a parish In Wnlea wbere ve ry lit· To ..tlng U1e Teich.,., for the Ha rdwure Reporter. Thla arUe English wos spoken \l genera l Tbere wss a meetlnr o~ the neW' ticle should be or special. lnterellt to meeting .., ... held to cons id er tho d&- teachers and the old. It WBe a sort of Inrmers. filrsb l'lt)' of putting B cbund eller Into love fellst. recepUon or whatever you The writer speaks or the Imporlanc. the schoolroom. Everyone seellle d in cnll It. Anybow, all the teachers got of tbe spring wheat crop or Weltern Cavor or th e Idea . logetber and pretended they dldu't Canudn. He might allO bave l!)OkeD "00 you tbink we ought to hnve one. ba ve a care In the world. After we IOf lbe Importance or tbe oat crop and Mr. Davis?" &old tll e ~c hoolD1uste r to eats were et the BymJ)08lareh pro!)O'ecl also of tbe winter wheat crop, all we}l a venerable pari ~ bo ner . a toaet: a8 barley, Winter Wheat during the "I agree to It," was I be reply: "blll "Long Live Our Telchers!" vust few years haa heen a great suethero 18 one tblng I wldb 10 know . If It wal drank enthusiastically. One ·cess. and experiments hnve ShOWD we bave a- a -" or tbe new teachers was called on to that it can be grown with lucceSI ID "Cbandeller," said tbe scboolmas· res pdnd . He modBldy accepted, lIJ.a almost any portion of the tbree provo ter, bel ping blm Olil. answer was: tncn or l\[lUlltoba, Salkatcbewan aDd "U w., bove 0 chandelier," tbe old "Wbat on?" :Alberta. But apart from this, the man continued, "wbo Ig go log 10 play Iprlng Wheat crop Is the one generally ItT" Brown, nnd all who know anythIng of A Change of Opin io n. Brain, nnyone who baa bad anythlDg r! SUFFERING -ralk II cbeap," cbuckled tbe poll· to do with marketl. · knowa or baa I. Iou of Titelity. Ti&or ., toGe. IDCl fa BABY S TERRIBL _~ • Uclan with the telepb on e frunk In bls often a forerunner of Pl'lltnl.ioa dJ8. .tIeard ' of tbe blgh cbaracter of thJ. pockel. eue. cerenl and the splendid yields that are "Wben my boby wal six months Old, Alte'r talk:Jng $20 worlh, he pulled It _ ...nou. and apecI.ny ., to peoo annua])y produced, Reproducing from his body was c:omphltely covered wIth out hit frank aud Cound It bad n. pie that mot keep up dd doiDI ..... this arUcle:BUILD an automobile road loned prairie scbooner. On his Urst large lIores that seemerl to Iteb and plre4. "By beck!" he ,muttered rue- bebindhlUld. "In a land of 8uch great Iw.ep, and from the Missouri river ,to .tbe expedition, he traversed every mile of burn, and cause terrible lutrerlng. rully, "that py 1tas rIght 1\Iben be The best medieine to take for It II tM or Incb difference In 11011 and climate, mouth of the Columbia, follow· the trail to Independence. tben can. The eruption lilegan ID pimples wblch said that 'Silence Is golden.' "-Judge. lP'eat eo11llitutlooal nmed:r there are mllny resourcell, but nODe \Ing tho route ot the old Ore- tlnued on to New York city, and Hnal· 'Would open ond run, making large We alway respect the oplnlonll of a are at preseDt ot the same overwhelmgon Trail, Is the amblUous pro· Iy to Wallhlngton, reaching the ~a.ores. His buM c.nme out and finger man who lleeps tbem to hlmsel!. tng Importance al the april). wheat Ject tbat has receiv ed tbe JnllorB&- tlonal capital November 29. 1907. It Whieh pllriHee and ~riebea the bJ00a4 crop, In the. lDtermlnable prairie Ulent of automobile clubs, good roads was hIs Intention to ask congreslI at Dalia tell ofr, Emd tbe sores were over Involuntary. and builda up the 'Whole qltem. Itretcbes of the nortllwest provlncel IIssoclaUolIs and men prominent In that Ume to approprIate -f'un·d s to the enUre body. causIng little or no Photograpber-Say! Pardon me! Get it today in _ I liquid form ar It II the one absorbing topic of Inter- state nnd national nnalrs. As yet tbe make of tho Oregon trail a national Ileep for baby or myself. Great scab. Dut that'll the third time yon've cov- ' chocoiAted tablett called aereatebe. eat and or conversation during Itl project Is little morc than n dreamhighway: but [rom tbls be wos dill- would come Clla wbeD I removed hli ered your face with a handkerchief powlng and Its barvelltlDg, tor UPOD but It 18 of tb e Ilind of dreams that suaded by Prelldent Roosevelt, wbo llhirt. lust lUI I wall ready. It I success or failure hangll the weal come true. advIsed blm to content himself with "We tried II great many remedies. SUbJect-I kno,\\', but 1 con't help or woe of n large part of the DomIDAlthougb the old Oregon Tra il start· the comparntlvf. ly modest request for but notJilng-;woUid help blm. till a It I'l'e been indicted 8 good deal ton, Ita Influence extendll far down ed at Independencc. Mo., ond propor· Iln approprlu t lon sUWclent to place trlend luduce dl me to try the Cutlcura latel" and I got the bablt trying to IDto the United Slatel, drawing thou- Iy terminated Ilt The Dalles, Ore., It Is monum en t s ·Ilnd markers along tile Soap and Olntme.n t. I used tho CuU- dodge newspaper pbotograpbers.eands ot farmera northwards wIth tbe planned to s tart Its successor (to be roule. . ' cura Soap and Ointment but a short Puck. lure of cheap lands, but IIkewlle be- known as tbe Pioneer Woy) at St. Meeller Silent tbe winter Of 1909·]0 Ume before 1 couid see that be was 10Dd the great"lalleB, even to the easy LoUiS, and to continue It on to tile enmpalgning tbrougb California, In ImprOVing, and In sil: weeks; time be He t.hat dotb a bMe thing In zesl colng maritime provlDcel, call1ne the Bouth of the Columbia. 11 totnl dis· the endeavor to arouse tbe Interest wss enllrely cured. He bad suffered tor bill friends burn s the golden thread flower of their young mOD to Ita op- tance of approximatelY 2.500 mUes. and secure tlle co-()peraUon or tile about six wel3ks before we tried tbe tbat tlOtI their hearls together.-Jere· I\ ______________ ~~ portunltlea, Development In · theae When completed, It will be · unsur· peo ple or that state. He bas a4dressed I Cutlcura Soap and OIL" ment. althougn Tllylor_ . ____ prairie provinces goea on at blgb pre. pall80d among the world's b~bwaY8 more than 100,000 school cblldren' we had tried several olher tblngs. and .ure tor everytblng hangs OD tbe out- In Its blstorlc associations. Rnd In the bllndreds of public meetings In tOWD 1 I doctors, too. I think the Cutlcura Rem. buy llallC1nll1a,,,of k1-. .111' F!!W Re tbat la taught to live IIpon little We !I.I11ft1" w. __ . ,pecteU,. OOLbBN .8 Clome of Bprlng wheat, Succesl' has variety, beauty and sublimity of the hall,S , cburches, schoolhouses and pub- " I!dles wUl do all tbat Is claimed for emboldened the railers of thla one all natural SCeDery along tbe wny. It IIc squares, and tbousaDds of Btreet I them, and a greal deol more." owe. more to bls falber's wIsdom tban ~2.'f~~~li:l:: l::fr"tra, ~T~~r~ be tbat haa a «reat deal lert him doel I. L HOPKINS. CO.. Drill 1I1i1.,.. ... yirt 0111 Important crop, and each year there will traverse or enter seven IItatcII'1 corner crowds. Fur!bermore, he bas (Signed) 1I1rs. Nollie Tubmon, Dodson. to hll fatbe,'s care.- Penn . 18 further IncursloD Into thOle north- croaa the roof of tbe continent at an secur(>d the erection of 2~ monumen,~s ~ont.. Jan . 28, 1911. Althougb Cut!ern field_ tbat only a abort time AIO elevation of 7,460 feet, Ilnd nnally de· to mnrk tbe trnll; bas Inscribed ~4 cura Soap and Ointment are sold by .... . - -.. 8oc>tlllDW S,",p fO? Cbtl~NII 8. ~uce. IDllemm .. · ..,ere regarded u Arctic 'Walltell, Tbe scend to sea level. It will paIs wrougll boulders and erected many wooden druggists and dealera eVerywhere, a Canad~ Northwelt aeeml to be one tho wheat anli corn fields of KanslUl posts. He bas ascertaIned that 7UU • Isample of ellch, ~lth;;e book. llaa.alIe,p.,.a... c .......lAd colic. iIIc. botU", of those modern agricultural examplel and Nebraska. crOBS tbe~hlgb ' plain. monuments will be necessary to 11'111 be mailed tree on appllcaUon to Too maDy b~es bave.all the mod· aet forth to drtve ,the Dnal naU In the of Wyoming; traver"e tb newly Irrl· adequately .mark tbe ent,!re . route, "CuUcura," Dept. 18 K. Boston. ern Incot-venlel.. ..s. . coffin of that ancleDt Malthullian d.. gated lands of Idaho. d give a ami that tile approxlmste cost will be Illllon that population tendil to outrull . • llmpR8 ot tbe famous "lnlalld Em- about $85.000. Through blseltortl RUlkin Pitied American .. the msanl ot lubll_tence. Iince th. I plre" of eastern Oregon. bllls were Introduced in both tbo Silt· It II not ' only the balf million only fear DOW amoq . Canadian aeoD~m SL Louis the Pioneer Way tleth and ~h[ty·ttrst· cODgresaes, pro- brlckl of 'raltter'Bhall tbat have beeD 1 omllta II U to the' ~nler of oyel'- will follow th'e Missouri to Independ- vldlng for the appropriation of ,50.000 n\Jmbered fOI' tran&-sblpment acr08S .toCldnc the wheat market. Oul1 ence. Tbence It will 10 up tbe Little (or the marldng of the trail; but theso tbe Atlantlo. Rosk·ln. when ' he Jas a about two &Dd oDe-half per cent of Blue river. reaching the Platte at billa never: came up for action, b01. pitied tbe Americans for being polilble arable lands ID tbe Dorthwelt OraDd Island. 660 miles It:wtll The Oregon and the ·Banta Fe so unhllpPY aa to live In a countr1 provlncel 111 now under culthatloD. tollow the Pla:te and Sweetwater, to_~~JlI~!P!Jl!!~~-ft;.t:;;;;;~I;t~;;~~~;w~~~ "'-and thlII year the crop promlle. to South pus-that hardly percepUble castle now, nDd no nation likes to be clole to 200,000,000 buabell. 10 crolliing of the Rocky mountaIns, pitied. 811t the otber IlJIportation. tbat )'our Imagination and your artth- 460 feet above the sea. For 100 mUes made by Mrsl. Gardner as an addltlon meUo can Mlllly aupply the anAer &I the route Ilea over aD almost level to her ludlam villa Deor Boston. was tbe poaaIble ur even proballle out- fmlateau, 1.000 feet and more In helgbt. that of an ellUre cbapel as It IItandll. come." ' n thll long Itretch, with anowy with all Itl! I:nl e rlor furnishing!!. even . Dnrlns- th" montha or .July aDd AU- mountains In Slglit for much of the to tbo halt·burn ed candles In tbe al· rilt the .. eather .... unfavourabl • . way OD both the north and tbe soutb, tar. Tbe monks who aerved the aDd the pr:oductlOD o~ a 200 mUHon rar from centers of populoUon. In a chapel had 'b een scattered by the Jtelcl ·.of wbeat wil1 not .1Itely be. real- , regton absolutely unlnbablted and utistrong hond of Ibe la\\l, ond tbe !led but c ,en with thl., th tbreBhlDI Inhabitable, tbe old Oregon Trail 1ft bllJldlng was to .be dt'voled to tbe re~1I coming to band' Ibow tbat the just tbe. same tods)' al It was 60 yenrs [lIck 111[, Tbe courageous American c!I'op be a .pleDcUdiy pQln, on.. ago. wIth the exception that the thou· Indy had It IPacked up In a Venetl~n sands wbo then traversed It have dtahill cOllntry, wbere It stood, and Cal'WAIL 'OF MODERN BENEDICT appeared. and that It hss rel~p8ed rled down pl'e cemeal and. embarked.Into Its ' primeval lIolltude. Mile ar~er London Cbro.nlcle. Adaptltlon ' Thl!t \0 Set For~" mUe of the roadbed Is R!I dlstlnotly outlined .as ever. worn by tbe wheel II tile Trlill and TrlbulatJonl Luck, DISTDIPEI FOR of tons of tbo·usan!ls of prairie schoonThat Been LIf" Brugg- Bab! Llick Is bnt the prod· CATARRHAL~ ers and tbe hoofs of mjlllons of draft uct of care and diligence. . AND Au. ROSE 1. 14y wife la my bOIl. I Iball IIOt anlmnls and pack animals to a depth Waggs-Yes. An old rrlend 01 mine AND THROAT DISEASII ,.. de!!y. _ of from two to fifteen teet, and to a Ich be couldn't get Oore.. the .Ick e11~ acl ••, e preyeDU • ., 'n. CJlIle... lIqulcS RiT...... ......_ _ ::.,''IT.'' . - She mnketb me He down behInd width of anywhere trom twelve to one """t1•.,tonlJ"e, I,,,f., for broo<\ U1.~ea"ndaJlothtl1'.. BeatktdDtlyrtlmed.7111 rid of, and. R great eal or core cen\a and aUIO" boltl .. ; '6.00aod 110,00 tb., dOUln, Sold u,. .n clrul!ai_ tlie bed when tbe Iwell c<llJlpnny hmldred feet.: and dlllgencf!. a railroad was run rIght aDd horae (looda bon.ea, or .cDI u1)re •• p"ld. by tho ID.U~""IU~ comes. and she leadeth me behind tier TheD Green river Is crossed, with tbrough the mIddle or It and now my SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Ch .. rniat.. COSHEN, INDIANA up 14sln street. Its rocks aud palisades. Fartber on III friends Is a Irlcb man .-LlCe. , s. Shl;l restoretb my IlOcketboolr the for.d or Bear rher. after wblch alter' she bal allent all Itl content. on that stream Is rollowed for forty miles . Prudent men lock up !belr motives, h!lbble Bklrts and tbeater tlcl.etll, and to SQda Springs. 1,170 miles from In· letting ramillors have R key to thl'lr IIhe leadeth me _up tbe maJn alale of dependence. Here tho later Cauror· bearts as t.o their gardeus.-Sben· church for ber new bat's 18k... nla Trail turned 01T to the soutbwest. stone. 4. Yea. though I Walk ml're than Tbe road to Oregon continued on to half ·the nlgbt tbrpugh dark. room. the Raft river, where tlle Old Callfor· Thou!t1lnde of country, people Irnow the '..,Uh (I, crying baby; 1 will get no relit. nla Trall-tbe one followed by the v.h'l! of HAmlins Wiznrd Oil. t./1c ,bet!t for she Is beb~nd me: het brootDlUolc forty.nlaers-dlvergod to the BOutb. fnmily medicine in C1I~e of Dccidl!nt or and her hatpln tliey do Tben down tbe Sunke rlvel' ma the «utiden iI1n el!~. For the ufcty ot ,our ("mily buy a bottle DOW. elee but comfort .me. road to Oregon. This will be the 5. She prepareth a cold··-enaclr for most plcturesljue and benlltlful long Located, , .me, then 1'Duketb a bee-line for an ' aid stretch of tbe Pioneer Way-just all Clerk- W11ere shull 1 Ole tbe love loclety supper. Sbe anolntetb my It wall the most difficult pnrt of tho letters In tbla 8t1lt? head with the roiling pin occasionall1· Oregon Trnll. Past American foils. Lawyer-Under tbe hea.d ot promls· :My nrms runneth over with bUDdle. Twin falls. Sboabone !qlls (cnlled tbe sory uotes. before abe III balf done ber , Iljopplng, Niagara of the west), Upper and Low. 6. Surely . he\' dresllmaker'e' and er Salmon lalls, down Boise river, ull Some people never go ahead b&millInery bllli shall tallow me all the the seemingly ImpossIble fnee of the OOUlle they walt too long to make lure c1aya ot my. life and 1 will dwell In the Blue moulltalns. tbrough tbe plea8ant they are rlg:bt. houlle. or my wl'e toreter.:;-Eltchan,.. . SiMes o[ great Illne foresta, across .a dust-euraed desel·t, and and at last to Synonym .. ' • .- , the broad Columbia. Wbere the tn~1J The Frencb Canadian, alwaYI bu first strikes It the ColumbIa 18 a mile trouble ' wltb the aspirate ' :~u.." At a 'wide; but It a~o\)' reaobes the remark. debatlDg club In be p,rovlpcl. of ,Que- ,l\ble chasm Ict\own 8.!1 the Oollea, DOUG 1 . IJpe." 8t.. U:ockwu, Ill .... be~ membep were required " to. dt;a,! 'where It Is pent bet\veen rock walls a Illp trom a ' hat and debate uPqu', "o~: 190 to ~OO feet wIde. and wbere the subject ·they .. r~l.ed. A. 10un, ho plua!.me~ 'bas ever sounded Itl! countryman arolle. , ; '. d I... U t lit II "river "I have dte,w' ~~ ~~r4. ~at.· , 'I epw. ' , +foe~e , ~ era Y n . . , ·told · you dare ' II ' ~wo, ''tree' ilIfferent. ~rned on edce. ·ltnll of br.,. De~e '. ,. ~e bat wor .lou " P,lladl fo~ ,t hl Old Tra," . play de .bale~aJf wit- ,de ba\.,vOl I; Ul . P~~t , dV , lDtereat In the (,JregoD . de air ali DI,ht aDd '-'o !~',~at ~ratl 11 '1.a~~l!lJt.d ' aOl~11 to the ·.twe!l\~\:IJ::' • you ~ke de .~rm"-;SuClCe" "aKa- to~ l ot· EII'&Mj!ekllr ofPuyaUup, Laram II. "I , aiDe, '" " ! " . Waab ,( qr devo~d , . b~"'f to ... th..-_ _tV-<lna.rltllilll.

Loss of Appetite




Hood's Sarsaparilla







WEEnS lnm '

_LIlIa., .'k•• 'I(, .,. ...













COU1U.Y CO.'U RT NEW~· : : : :



New Suits


J8Ilnie G, Brobftker et al vs "''"ro''el Roote'al,J . D. Mtllerll' "'.. " ·~-I:m>'Ile:v for pta111111f. Partition. " Allee M Er\el VII . •Tames K . Ertel ea a1. IlITOToe granted. S&aw of Ohto:,vs Leorn Ral8ton. Derendant pleadl Roilty SO oharge 10 ludlotmeot, of t·"klng ahara" without leaye lind Is given five days 10 thb ooun ~y J. (\ II aud oo~t. .

Chl\rlea E, Bill to Gearle Bleiso h· I ta\e i W Co, man, relA es 0 arret} un y, $UIOO. . Robert A . ..M.oCutohoon O-Lillia Weaver, lot in FraDklin, 11. LIllie Weaver to Robert A. Mo C h I t 'l eo iiI' '1 ato eon, 0 u s: ran · In" IhBnk Peters to Andrew ROflhmer real esta\e iQ Warrell oounty, t1. Beury W , Bflemeolng Ilnd Mary 6uemening to Mrs. )va Harrlson,lot

1t '


:::::::=LIVERITES . ( .


--~~~~~-~P~~~'~s~·\~c~oo~r~L--~-~-R~~-E~.-~~~~~~~~--~~M~c~O~U~~~h~oo-n~f-o~r~c~h~a~n~~~n~~-~~a~p~n-hl "


of Clear oreek and grobbing oot willows at estimate of 119ol, OOD'rao' f'nter6d , with Heorge Feldkamp for- five sewers at estl. mate of 1142 50. Contraot entered with Uoorge T , MoKlnney for three oulverts a' ea

How Widowed 80e ety Woman ~a. :


Being prepared ftom Pure Native . Herbs,' they ClelChse 'the

-~~==~~ ' l ,~~~~ '~~~~~~~~~~ I .'. Not long ago' a charmlns soc,ety I Prevents.. ' Sie·..k ne. 8S. , woman was thrown high and dry on


the barren eboJ'e1l of reduced circum· lltancel by the d atb ot her husband, ' .... .. .. -.. ......._ ..... .... .... , ... .. wbo lett her almo,t pennlles8, This I LIVERITES--A purely v'egetabte Laxative, curj Chronic Con· ault~1 ber not nt all. 110 being clever stipation, Liver aud Kidney Tropbles. Ask Y?l1 Grocer for it. abe thought and plnDned until she bit ManufllOtured b~ .ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., 8p\1n8fleld, Ohio upon a money·mllklng Icbeme very . tlmate of 183 65. near arfluence, This Is bow she ."ar· Contraot ontered with fed Beaoh. rlved.,, · ,• ler for ohanglng ohannel at brldg" A year ago she leased 11 charming on MaDe rOlld at ostlmllte of '''7.60. place on Long Island. hired an elft, RHEUMATISM IN HOGS Contrl\ot entered with B . F. Mor. c1ent corp. ot eervants. a flne ~et. WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES. stock~!d tho larder with tbe belt In In Lebannn, tOll Cor oleaniog aod pGinting Dine the n:larket. and tben eent out cards RheoD:lI\ti@m in 'hogll Is oaueed by B~te of Ohio ve Thotnl!oll Ballard MarglAre~ M, Hendrlok to QOiDn brldgett at 68timllte of $135. to heIr friends and acquaintances that a1. Releaaed from j 'lll epon pay- Leahy, rell.l estate io WarreD CoUll • -_ • Ihe was prepared to entertain them improper feedlDg, whioh produOElII men' of 001&8 ID oa8e 11 for a d..,. or two or tbree. at 10 much indlKelltlon, by laok of exeroise aDd William E. Beedle VII . Johu W tY~a~vey T. Williams w'rill~ WiIA Father's Vengeance per enteitalnment. . by daml'Deeti.aDd eXp080re w drafts . would have fllllen on nny one who Thel Idea caught on at once, With· It II euter to preyeD' the dlaeatlft Colltn" at al. RherUr ordered to ad llama, relll esta\e In Wuren County . attnoked the son of Peter Bondy, of In. a few weelul her modeat menage . verti¥ ·p.·opertv by poster". William Fa'ose to JamAtl F , Bu ~oath Rl)()kwood, Mioh , bnt he W!18 waa 110 overrun tbat thON who wi.hed than it. is to oure it, St. Auaustlnc's Catholic Cburda. oonllet, real68ta~ in Warron Coan. powerl688 before attaok~ of Klduey t,p IIp~md the Ume from Saturday to ItlL~her OhlLrloe Yaus Probate Court. ty, '" 60, . trouble. "DootcrB oould not help MondllY had to make th.r arrange· Only tbe wealthy man oan IIffo~ Matis I!y('ry 8000111.1 l:IuUOny of thl! moatb • . I-e ;011 II, UI, I'raDk M. Fox.ppointed adminis SRrah T. Morrie to Marv E . Chap. him," he wrote, ""0 he Improved menta weelul in advan06, to keep a poor oow, wonderfully trom taking si~ bot\le8 No one without the belt of refers -"-r _. e.···of ADDa AI Johnson m "u "" , lot I" "'raolttio t500. ttt d ... - - -... _ ••- - St, Mary's Episcopal Churdl. ......... ...... " II , he the bt'st Kidney wedloine I ever ence wall a dme. ,,, -••. Widow 'deoeaaed, with ,!"Ul annexed, under J, oMmon Barnhars to P. 0 Jack· saw ," Baokaohe, Tired feeliog. managed affaire admirably. Every· !lev. J . ~'. O.. dWiLlh,der. !lectOl . bond on '700. IOn, real state in Warren Coun'y. NarnoullnBRR, . L088 of A ppetl&... thing W&I up to date, and yet lDform· U C · SundlloJ SObool. 0 :au a. m Mornlnl Ber u • It. vice. 10 ,no 11. m, Holy Communion \be Urlt W . E, Habin, administrator of fl . w.rn of Kidoey trooble th"t m~y ally formal, 101tot~~fro n£tober to 1 ill II P bll i Sunlllll' 0' eacb montb.. end In dropsy, ..II .betel! or Brl~ht's Her lIeaBon at..... m u.. w ae .. , u . c Auo' on at eA&a&e of Edwin Rodney SablD, de. CommJuIooera' Prof.eedlnKs. dlaease . Beware: Take Eleotrio .Tune. elnae when .he hu been takiq tny resldenoe 2~ mllee Weltt of/LYe . Christian Church. 08&l8d, fllll8 flre' lAod flnal &ooouil' BUtera Rnd be Bafe, Every ,bo'tI~ Ullngel eaBY. with plenty of money and tie aDd ,mUes EIUI& of t5priog. Rev. L . 0, TbomPllOa. p..-. wi'h vouobera for Met'lement whloh ISbOc) temporarily " 'Ruftferred ~ut\ranf..eed . 1i00 at all drUII,18te . the owner of aD automobtle, blred at boro OD the AKron Wilson fl&rm Dlblo SChool, II: 10 Is m. l!IocIal 1II_'aa 10:30 Is m, Ohrfatlau Endeavor, 1;011 P.I!': ill ordered -ullp6oded from the Special Bridge Fund of ... _ • the bllginnlnlf on a "I!hoestr:tnlf." 1" Tuesday, . November 28, 1911 8emlOll b7 puklr eve&')' a1~atG Sulld., _ She'. now makinlf arrangementa fo F . a. Pollen. exooutor eWl. vs. 18011 &0 ,he Bridge fund . HICK'S 1912 ALMANAC the al~mlng naBon. and I. aJ,J'eady Beginning at 10 a, m 'he follow- 10:1 0 • . w. and 7:10 p , m. F_ 8 . Pnllen ·e' al. dour' orders BUilt AlIo'wed Ohio Corrugnted boo~.ed up to the bolldB7l. ' Ing·proper,y: Hldaite Friends ChurQ. £-'e of .-~1 e.ta·-, H, W· . ..... em· "ulvert Co, oulv-rt pipe, ·"7. . 12 ,' 4 Borsee-oonslaUo§ of blaok -......., au v ...... Before tbe grot' lirou'b Or 1101, •_ • 6 Id IJ bone It Firat Oil) MccUne:. 0:00 • . m. Ftn~ Oil)' eDlo" a, Wilds Gllohrll& and Ohto Corrugated Culver' 00 .. cuI mare, y~r~ 0 • we ro e; ooe 8obool, 11 :0(1 01. IU, FaUN Day lIeeLiaK the Blolll1 Alin "0 0 ~ ... ·e tlmel,. Saved Many From Death bay ml&ro 8168rs old; ODe browD 10:00 II. 'In. Ao"utQ8 Sleter appointed apprals vert pipe, 1478'; (Jallon Iron wl&I'ning. For Oyer ,I' prior mare 8 years old; one sorrel mare. efjl. Workt! Co., oulver~ pipe, 19980 i to 1911, 'be Bloirl Alq)luO ,lal W. L liook j of Mook. Art, be. 5 Bead Cattle-OOD,iaatni of Miloh Orthodox Friends Cburc.. Leooard Mounts, admlni.tra&or of G"UOD IrOD Worka Co, ,oulvert,ipe, 1I011Oded t\ w~rlltD' f 4 "hd I r IInNI he haa Baved many IIns In Cowe, Beiferland one 8ull . I 10[1'11. Ruth MUl'I'a7. Putor 9abba&b Sobool. 11 :80., m, Uej{Ular obure. e.taM of Lool. F . Moonts, decealMfd, "7,70; D. Bol\lngawodh, bridge hll 15 years of experlenoe In the 15 Bead of Spring Pigs, 3 Brood .enloe, 1Q ~n ... Ill , Cbrl~~lan Endeavor And 10 for for" ,. ,. ~QI... drug Dulness. "What [l\lwaY8 \lke Bows, one Male Ho,. . liftll permiMioD to leU certalD Val- ,,:spairs U6 25; Uoorge B . FeldIwn - p,. friend of an the peopll ~ t'"<l, ~ do," be writel, "II to recommend S-arm · Implemen&a-Ooe Farm 7:30 p _ . I.,. Telephon. ltoOts at priva\e ule. brid,e repairs, t23 85;\1. W, Sweney falny refneed 'b. oife,. I ala Dr, KInK'I New dlaoovery for weak, Wligon,l MoCormlok blnder,1 new . Jam88 J'olleD 81'" guardian of ee bridge repatrl, 1641; F, H. Dqke tors aDoi ooD'loue4 t.o ""rn 'be pub- loro lio nllt hard ooldl, hoarsene88, Mower, 1 ~anore Hpr.ader, 1 Stile1 ··t . , 'Dbo .. II h 1 be -6522 J B Smith 10m obllUDa\e oougb", lllgrippe, oroop, RoUer, Disk ' Barrow, Spike Tooth - e 0, m orp Y .. lDean" om 1 ' , . ; '" . , • lio of thl oomlng d'lDlter. of Ik>rm aethma or o'her bronohlal alleotlon, Barrow Corn Planter' wilh J'.rtlll 81.,. 18000d lOOO0J:l' with vouohen ber, ts5.S2; B, P. Blair oem eat, and welAther. A. ,heYlboald baye for I feel lore that a DORIber of my zer Attaohment 1 Boolier Grain Barbed Wire !Or aeU)em8llt whioh ill ordered a08- l"li lSI; Uharlee StlbbB,oootract, 175; d~ne, the people bave n,obly saooo oetghbors are aUve and well today Urill wll,b Fer,ill~or a"aohment, a ~ecl. l!Tank &4, Colllns, oontrao~, 1173 25,; by Prof8llll0r Biotl, their faUhful beoRoae &bey ~ook my 11IIe cnlthatora, Tobacco ' Tr~nllpIIDter, .• C. W. Ungleaby goardiaD of ea· The Daily Timee, pubUahiog Hher. pu~llo I8rvaD,~' wbo baa IlrOWD old It. t hone8t\y belt eve i'a Ule be~! L INo Bar,row, 1 bay Tedder, Bay .... of ~ E . Ub«leeby, minor, ur'a ProolamaUon. , " .25; Hkte of throat and lung medlolDe that .. Rak.e, 1 ~yraoose Gang Plow, 11m. GUARANTEED to beal witbout leav ... tn tbelr lervloe. Seod 0011' ODe mllde," Eaay s" prove he'e rlgM perlal Plow, Grind atone, Cream log a blemish; or MONEY REFUNDED Ill_ iDV8Iltor)' ..hiob t. ord.a red re. Obio VI . Arthur Spader, 11l1().; J . dollar to Word and Worka PllbU.h- Get a ,ri.1 bottle nee, ;'1' relular Beplra,or and OhUfn, 200 egg lnou. 600 and $1.00 Nell for fresh WOl1llde, old80res, sore bub and Bhonlden!~nfl18 oorc1ed" 8, Komi, reoord and suppllea for inK C:)ompauy 3401 Frankllu AveDoe ' 500 01' tl 00 bOttle Guaranteed'by bdor, t3prlol Walon, 1 Buttgy, Bay and braisell. 260 size for Family UI8. O. W. UD,leab7,lurdiaD of . . PiobdeJodge,P6.70jJ"S, Morraa 8& Uoola, 'Mt..ourl, aod It&t hi. alldrllJRgista. Ladder., Work Barn88ll, BogRY DR. cors PAIMLEIS ISLISTER h E , U niH I b y, m inor, Ink, pencla 1 f t h OWle, '25 ; lIIag••1De a.nd Almanao bo'h for one • - • Barneatl, of Donbie Barn~., fa etc· or ooar Bay RopE',Het Forlt-aD9 Pnlleya, Forke, Ia palnllllltl arid guaranteed to eure Spavin, RingboDs, Curb, Sween11Splint, 11_ ~. aDd ~al .o~unt with J !:J. .\l.orrla, recordl and IUPPU" .year. '!'be .&.Iman~c alone ... fiDe SHE NEEDED THE EXERCISE hoeK, s'-ovels, rake. and other III'''' Fulfil or any 6Il1argemen' of DODe or vOlioben for "'tlaOleDt whi08 la or for ol.rk, 18145 j Johnllon aDd Wa' bo~k or CiO paillft, Is 850 , by mall, , ole. The abovelmplementa afe I\\t 1II1l1Cie, or moner refunded Price GOc roll &aU n ALL DIlUQQIS1S dend .nep8Dde4. lOP 00 , auppU68 for 1!1lrifi',' U j H . Lec eVbl'ybody respond aDd recoin How Man Dodged ' Crltlol.m 'f er AIIClWo oeatlY Dew and 10 lood oon"ttpc;ln ~.".]{a&e BrOtm. admlolilb~'rlxE. W~rwlok, loap for jatl, ,'1.25, tbe watninla. of 'o ur National Seer Inm La~ of Ampl. proportlonl 100 b08helll of 0&&8. 200 bUllhela ~I ....te of Jennie C &0'11'11, d. B. E. Warwlok mawhee for oo~ lor tho'oorning year. I ~o .~ow Him. . ~T:~ma-80m. of 110 and under'l ~ 81.. lDT8Dtqrr aDd appr,.,tae. hOWle,'l; Gee, W, Larrlok, haulltll •_ • AlleD had been TIIIUD, frlenda oaab, over tbJ't a~ooDt a oredtG of ~blob .. cm1en4 reoordecl: lawdu$, ~.O~,; LebaDon Ice .nd their houHboat, .n\oored orr lIldpwa 1 year bv givlog approved BeODtity. ALTER MeHLURK. Jp~ It. a4m1D1a'rawr Qf Coal Co., 108 for ooor' bOD!8, P 30'; Imparvlou. to Hard K'lockeo tel', Oil the .Teney llel.. Wbe~ It cam!! '% ofi' for oub • ...... of Let!))' Thayer, Xent. Work Bo~; boardinl prlaOD. All ltonee about the hardu.. of time to leave Mr. and Jlre, WIlIOD TO\' John R. Kruer i funeral' Dlrer!tor. fU-Ifua-aoooUat wlUl e~ lor Ook>ber ' lDll• . ,7 71S; !Jewla nllroea' ltuna "ere put Into the back, unteered tQ row Allen and MI .. WIl· A. A MoSell, Aoo'. ~_,~ J: I " ' ; -'Lewt. 'sroUDd by tlVo whlch Go- lon, Ilater of tl;le bUlband. to a dock W. KeQrtok, Clert. - . • . ourrecl the 1jther daT,· i'oUowiil, a near the Fort Lee ferry. ____ Telephooe day ' 01 nllrlat. , ooal court; ~Ot1l8, quarrel, .. 1lCl'O, HeDty Lewll. 'WU JI.rI., WilBon and MIlS WUso~ are of deoea_, U2.711; 'F, P rorlfY', bOard aDd Ihot fOUf Umee lit the head at a r:an~ ample, l'roportloll8, and AII'en didn't nRvlng sold nl1 'erm, known all Valley phoDe No. f. 'ADC . 8lt4 Uui 80&108 PTtID to tl~. wUbIQl tor .,1911, i 1'. ',p, of leu than ave feel After' penetnt- . like tl~e Idea of allowing hie hostes8 the Telegrllpb Mill, 1~ mUes ~ooth Dil!tanoo No. 69-''' • ., ' ." »..11_ eseoak>r of ]'orlY hone aDd __oblolel for 00&0- In,' the.fleeh the bullete flattened and to r01ll. especially a. It wal reugb and If \\"aYlltlllVlIle, 00 Wtt.YDeMville lind r'Dnih::. f' ~ ' . ' . " 1..';" dropped to the loor. The man wu tbe tide Wat coming In, So he pro· Oregonia Pike . I wlll ofi'er folr a!lle WO\YNESVILLE: • ORI'-' on .".". ..... ~Blled, VII. Jenoie PullaD bel', 1911, $95 j I' P, Forgy exPt-· taken to ho.pltal, but WAI lOOn per· tested. "No, .!must row," he said. ~~.~ al. Real 6II&ate or4ered el al sherifi' '0 OotOber .7392 ' m1Lte\l to go to hie home; Hli at- ' ''Couldn't think of It," returned Mre. Tuesday, November 21, 1911 Branch HaryeT'lbuq. (J. 1I01Cl-.,·DOt 1eel thaD appraiead valoe AOOOUD' of 'wo deposUoriee, the ·.allent eec.aped, AnOther colored man. WIlIOIIl eJIIlllnlf. "1- need the exercllMl, ' , . - L. Brown goardlan of LebaDoD' and OlUzeos' NatloDal WlUJam Pulren. whUe, blU'DeBBln~ a ,.ou' bow•. I don't ¥et exercille on the Boginoiulr a' 10 a 01 . , the follow. ~~~~~!!'!!~~!!'!!~~!!!'!!!!!!!!!! , ,,'-"1. • _ .. _' d mule, wu kicked oir the head and bou.eliloaL" And .be had taken tbe ing property: KU _ _ A. Dr.....11 VI. Ellzabe\h Hank were a~dlted and fOOD 001'· knoeked down. Oettlnc to ble teet, he Becond 'pair of oars and settled ber, 4 Hon'ell-One Uelding, 7 ' y.!ars ~" Bn4ID. ~l ..tate ordered reo'. disQOT8red the mule lying on the eel( In the lleat lNihlnd her huehand be- old, weigbt IIboot 1400 Ibtl. , goud ., ~" ", pabllo allOUoD.' pot 1688 J'IDllDOial .tatements of Auditor ground. ExamtnAUon Ibowed that' lta fore .Alleo could b,e.tow hlmeelt and looker lJud work~r; one Ueldlng. 9 of appraill8Cl value. aDd Trealurer were p18lJen\ed aDd Jeg wu broken.' Pulren,.. taken to baaalle an.d aBBI.t JI.-e WlllOn to a yeara vld, good wOr'kP.r anywhere; '~Del I 0am0Dd eX60awr of the Germantown ho.pltal, where IIIx leat ID the atern,. une Mare, weight LIOO Ibft, good ._.... -"0 . d • • • fE plaoed 00 file, IIUtahe. were put In bll Icalp.-Phllas "WIll at will tholle IIshermen think of wor ker. aod liner; one UeldlDll', 14' an etII.am80t 0 m~a General oontract ea\ered with delpbla Ledger. me a!Ilowlnlf a woman to row: me!" years old, good worker eV#lrywa:r; : . UillDoad" deceased 'Y., SamDel t. William EvuDI for 10mberaDd looolt~ he.' Pl'1)teated, "I'm IrOIDc to e~pla1n one brown Mare, good worller . . AU 10000Pc! Ileal.tate d red Id ' I til I d 't t t good leoeral purpo.e horNa • . . or e 80 poe ... a& market. pri088 valid 'llllUl Happy Microbe. t to em u we p.....; OIl wan ? :l3 Oa"1&--10 (Jeod IUlk.Co'wll, all ., ~ft"l81a at Dot 1811 thaD ap . ' , pt in bad." ' · . ~L_:. a1 Ch 1 . .September.22 1912. The mlarobe Ie tenaclon. of life, for Sure enough al the boat palled the under 7 years 014 ezoept . on~ aU ~ " '. ae. ar 611 Ludlam, Cieneral oontract entered wUh MJgula found the baoWu. lepolporul' lIahermen on the plera AlleD. caUed 'elltOO and proveD good: 8everal 0 :. J,GcllQIII, • .,.... Lewl. aDd Brower GeOrie Veld' for repa1rinl bridges Placed on a .beet of Iflau lived for ou,t: "The lady needs. enrclle!" ADd' tbele oow_ WIll be fre~h ' ~n D~em- , , ~~.t-l!:!!OI}I7.!,~'!~I~'.~~~1 8to~u appointed appralaers. . '. 0 la d Kid. IIYe 7ean. ~l'JD8 of potato dlHale the dllhermen. appreciating the altua. bel" and,Febl'o ry, at)cl the, .rel0od. . oa rDade .rouDd 8000 aD ~ .ealed ·1D a tube w~re llvlng after a ,tlon, grinned. and by their demeaoor on.. S-Beifert,,/ root 2 to 18 mouth.. . ,~ .MarrIqe Lk:caaes. dleboro . period of eleht yeart. ID 1879 Ball, lItdJoatecl tbey absolved Allen from ape old, t3lx of thee8 are IIlrel1 ,by 'b~r. ~ ". OoD'raot eotered with Bel" Reed of Prque. after a lapee ot eighteen poarlng to tako it euy.-New York oughbred Boletllin bull, IAn II, aU are .'1> ", · . from telted ~we . .t H&eer ( . f ". ~1.. H, JODe., 24, el~'rtoa1 for three oorrngated sewere aDd oon )'eare, lDfected • moule ftotally with Herallll. tome baclUL Ne.Uer Inve.Upte\l . • _. .Ix l,IIoDths old . • . uataeer ot DaDvi1le, Ky, aDd AnD orete headwalls at 6IItlmste of clod of earth .tared In a herbarium 2 Bead Sheep, 8 ewe...., 121amba "7 J'arley, 2», ef LebaDOD, '11 25, . for 0Tel' half a century, and found Starts Mucb Trouble 18 'A ngora' Goata. . " . Wlnlam MoNeely 27, laborer of Coatrao~ entered, with A D. : 89,200 living. aporel to the gramme. 1f "U people know t1~"t negleot of ' 9 Boga-6 Rowa, 3 with pill by &tOoD apd Pauline Peacock, In, Bond for oonorete headwall~ and Some ~ w~ppecl tD. paper Iince oon8&tlp atloo would ~e8~lt in 8evere _ . ·3 to f~rr(1w:l1oon! 1 male. ' conorete box oulvert eden.tou to I 182f, and prot.cted from atmospheria Inclltces\toD yellow jaundice or vito. Chiok~ns-Io' of fllonoy B~(1wn laborer ot Soutb Lebanon, •••howed on examination 19,000 lent Iher. t;ooble tb'e". WClold 800n LeahofDa, I . Hot Air Inoub. dol', 1>ulte1 B. Greathot1l8 57, blaak sewer b Y M.entz) far. m and otber \ Ilerm bacteria to the rramme. IIllght7"eY' cake Dr I{lo g '. New Life l'Uls and 21)0 egl oapacity, '. ....lth fit LebaDon aDd AnDa B. Sim· work a' e.timate of '101),10. en 7eara Ie a ri- - - eTen for a d it . · e on Iy." ' t e way.,...,., 'b_':, BL F.rt)llmplelUeDtll-2Wa~on8, ... _. eD ... ' . ' I' ' N B one i I h Rob er t ldu, fie; hOt1l8keeper of LebaDoD CoDkaot en\ered w, microbe. , for btl'oOlnen, hee taohe, flyspepBia'" rOWn ~ear Y new, e"" ooa er ohUla and debility. 350 at all dral Corn 'l?lan\e~"..'Superlor DI\lk I &8 hoed, Milwaukee ~orn . Bluder, ~ _ • order ; ~a~plon ~o'wer, 'tiger g8 . ITCllbll\ooo 'Hetter ID goQd oondlti\)n, Care of thl Ey~ Bookeye UoUlva:tor,~Krao. , OtUUvii~ If • woman baa t12e 81lrbteat cIUIl., \or, nearly oew, II B~ttJo.· Plow" culty with ber algbt, Ihe Ihould lCJ!le Bar~ows, oue nearly new; Bay no time in conlulUng .a n oCulllL Noth- RllIglng, Platform ~'!ale; Ji'ee~Cook. In. will briD. undesirable orowl', feet er and ·t!\eamer ; New Tobacoo .Spra)' mor. qu1ck17 than etrali11q the .,el, Wah,r Barral, Bay Fork and 1~lC&1 treatment to, 'p-r event tile polleys, Blip &cop, Ur4_DU' ., Grass Seeder, J.o' Grain Haoks Unel will be Inemc&cloUi it the .eat Of New York City, we offer every of the ·trouble Ie not· attended to. It II Dnweroul other ar"ole.. ' one the opportumty to secure The . tar hatler to wear 'glaMeS when leW' De Lnal Oream Bepardor in 1000 !!!!!!'!!~!!!~~~!,!!,~~~~~!!! Miami Gazette absolutely free for 1 Inc and ' wl1t1nir th~ , to ,let tJIe w~o1e order" year, by merely subscribing to the face bJI.... a drawn and qed 100L ' AUllP.S8 Dod Vehl01e!l-1I Beta .. ot 'oonr.e,m&aaag\n. at!out.the 00..: Work Burn688. ODe DeOirly, pew I Md:all's Magazine for 3 years at 1 ~t liers 0# '!.he .tea will PJ8Ite' lI uemen- 1 .Set U,ht Qoo~le the rate of SOc per year. In addidC)Q Jmprovement lit a womu'l Dew Leat.ber Work . ~~~~~~~~!!!~!!!!i!~!!J!!!~'f~ tion you receive 3 Free 15c McCall , pearanlCe but the ' work will. be bo, Sor&edCor~,825 Patternl. out r.,ulfa UDle. . . d~ 'it . Toall lIloBilap, 7, .....r)' . AI.a" elle Shookl ,I:0ddIBr. MIamI OazeUe, I year ••••••• $1.00


UVERITES Only 10c'-=====




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Mc:CaJI'. Magazine, 3 years .• ·, ••50 3 Free' Mce.U'. PaUetna. :45 ,.,. llc . , ". ~

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d? r:O

. 'l'HE - AoUAMl





~Io()re'sGlass O ,\YCll D()()r


h I Propagating Carp. Ingenious Method of Teac Ing H I Pulaador Loewy, tormerly Ii rabbi but pI! Ac10pted by the Highland In late year. employed as a police Musician. CO li n Illterpreter, burrled Into night court In a state of perplexity. i\'1AKES A Hi ghland piller who had a pupil "Does anybody here know how to . VAJ~LEY 'l'Jj;J.1£~'1I 0N E- .. OA LL No. 112 The great hall of the Botel de Ville ; to tel1Cil origina ted a method by ree d a carp1" be asked a court attendof ArIes, France. designed by Man- whi ch be succeeded In reducing the ant.. . . sard, Is th e :.vond r aud admira tion or >• L, 1illt\NE, Editor and MIl'll1l!('r h h " It t ' dlmcultles of the taak to a minimum, "Wbat's a carp?" asked the at.. .. ' . . everyone w oos seen on aCCOUD and at th e s am e time fixed hl R losson te ndant. - - - - - . - . - - - I ot t he grolned r~of. , In the pUllll's mind . ' "It's a fish. " answered Loewy, "and Rat('s o( Subscription In regard ' to tbls . a , neighboring I "Here Donald " said he "tnk yer It·s fine. Three pounds It weighB. My o ne Year (~ In c tI )' In VIUlC., .) • • ••• • , • 1100 caret lell sXIV a some what grim tory. pipes " I~d an ' g l~ us a . b la~l. wire sh e hought tbree carp at the mar. • KI g ler t.ouls happened to \)e spass81nglo Coil )" . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ' .. , .. ... ,00 ' n h ' I j I t h I "So! Verra weel blawn, Indeed. but I, et and hrought them home. One was log through te e ty us a. t e t me what's II. sound, Donald. wl'out making nll vo and I put It In the Dath tub. The I 1\1 o n Bnr~ WD S superintending th e com· You may blaw forev er wrout ruaklog other two I ate . Rates of Advertising ! pleUon of his creation. The root was a tune o't, It I dlnnn. tell ye how the "I don't wnnt that fish to die. In ROlldlng Local. , ller llne .. . . . ... . .. . . . ~.. s upported by a powerful plll ar. Thc Queer things on the paper maun help elgbt days I will eat him, but not beReBdlog Ln ~lli l . blllCk Inee, per 1I0e . . . fore, and I want blm to live and grow CllIoIIIllfied Ada, no ~ to oxccetl II \'I, liuos 101 ' monarch admired the work and con· yeo "Ye see tha t. big tellow wi' a round fat." 'l'hree InscrtloDll .. . .. c . , . . . . . ~:... gratulated the archlte~t on his design. I ObILuari8ll. Iho Indies free; over "VIl I At tbat moment the architect wa s 9»en tace"-polntlng to a seml·brev"Where are you r;olllg to Jlieep It all iDelU. , lICIr IIno ... _. . . .. . .. .. . lie 1..P!!ssln g throu h great dom estic trllm- "between two line s of a bar? He 1T40ves thlll Ume?" was asked. Ouod of thanks. , .. . . . ... , .. . , , .. . . . . , ~Gc latlon, He had a Ilon under sentence slowly trom th tll line to thlB while ye "In the bath tub, lure. Wbere RllIIOlutiona .. . . . .. . . . . , , . , . , "/ . .. •.. , 60c of d eath. so he thought It would be a beat ane wi ' ye r fist an' gl~ a lone e1..... .. Loewy 80cfale etc. whore chlU'gll 18 made ... . .. . ~lIe good opportunity to Intercede cn be, blast ~, I answered.-New York D~la)' AdvertiSing per lneb . . .. . . . . . , . lOe hnlf of tbe lad. "If' ye put a leg to him, ye mak twa Wor d. I DIMcou01Al Iven 00 oon~ract. Mansard threw hlms?Jt at the teet 0' him. an' he'll move twice as fast. of the king and Bald : Your majes ty .. It, now, ye black his face, he'll run ; Coroner'. Inqueat Over Ooln.. 1 NOVEMBER I~, lOll , sees.lnrrthe ce~~r tha\hmnl~~lvetCol. four tim es faster than the fellow wl' l A short time ago 150 goldcolna dat. I umn. you w spare e e 0 my lhe white face; .and It, after blacking , Ing trom the period of the Roma~ oc. so~ ~hWI1l r~m~v~l thte l~SI~!I~IY tillar his Cace, ye'll bend his knee or tie his I cUllation of Britain, were found In 'a IS PROTECTING ITS IN DIANS an t" e ,~~o 8 ~"s an \I ~ thOU k~UP- leg, he'll hop eight times taster than bronze Jar about one foot below the ~~,r ans~~ b t~!~ ~Ira I: I ;I~i the white taced chap 1 showed ye flrst. j Surtace of the ground three miles you accomp s c "Now," concluded the piper, senten- from Hexbam, England, on the site Government of Brazil Treat. Them :ardon yourl::nblbu~, If you fall I will tloue)y, "whene'er ye blow your plpesl ot the anCient Roman clty of CorstopWIth 80llcltude and the R.., ang you w m. Donald, remember tbls : that the t1ght- l l turn. aultl- Are Good, The architect removed the pllJar er those tellows' legs are tied, the last. I A. coroner's Inque.t has been beld _======Showio, Pire.Tcateci GI.s, OveD DOOI' without great difficulty and with th e er tbey'll run, and the quicker theY're ' to ·d etermlne their ownership, The The Brazilian governmenl appeara result deSired. The ca/eller Is a sure to dance." jury, however, was unable to agree all to ltave found a way of dealing with phllos~pher and he concludes hIs story Mrs. Cool:rigTlt and Mrs. Alwa.vs Working to whetber the coin. were trea.ure Ita Indiana which Is altogether dlf· with the reftection that bad not Mantrove or not the contention of the Mn. Ahvay. Working-"Thal aeeml to be a goot.! fCllture Mr:" ferent from that 80 extensively em· sard's son been a scamp the hall at ARE YOU ON OPPOSITE SIDE1 owner of the iand being that the coins Cookrighl-Ihal GI ... Ovcn-door-:-thc Ihingl look eo good III ployed 10 North America where the Aires would be just like any other the oven." had been left on an ancient highway "clvllllers" proceeded on the aSllUmp· lin, Cookrighl- "Thai doesn't merely enable thinge 1.0 look hall. Frank Crane Think. the "Standing and abandoned during a raId by the tlon that "all good Indian. are liead nice-it UVe3 tim~avc. m..terial, and helpa to make my rooked Minority Report" Necea.ary ~ Caledonians agaln.t the Romans. The Indian .... thinga perfect. All I need do 10 tree how m,/ cooking i. comi'S Keep Mankind Honest. coroner theretore agreed to keep tbe Ilong i. to look Ihrough the door-no Openm, the oven door "The government of Brazil," says SMALL COURTESIES ARE LOST no ian to make my cake fall, etc. coIns for a week to see If lIome ar· L'Tto!1e du Sud of Rio de Janeiro, Doubtless each of us knows some- rangement. could be made with the "Is always occupied with more or less The.e Thing. That Make Life Really one In bls circle or acquaintances treasury as to tne1r dlBpoaal. Worth Whll. Seem to Be 10Ucitude In the amelioration of the Who Is Intellectually contrary. Such Forgotten. lot of the uatlves, who are yet numer· ," · a OI\e delights to take on every occa. ous In Il part ot the country. Many "Holy Land.. 1 slon the opposite side. Small courtesies of lite seem 10 be In a Ihort apace of time the most enIf he Is In a religious community he Christians use the term Ho Y entirely lost In the rush for hlg things. couraclng relults have been obtained. will take his stand firmly for atbelsm' Land to designate Palestine, as being OORE'S Fire-Tested GItw OrumA great number of tribe.. protected This lea.vlng orr of tbe llttle things tbat If be Is among scotrers he will argu~ 1 the scene of the birth, mlnilltry Bnd go to make living worth the while Is 11 by the admlnilltratlon, ar becoming Door isn't merely p.n ornament Just as valiantly tor the church. He death of Christ. but, Intereltlnry civilized little by llttle. The result well·knowq and recognized fact to Is a standing minority report. He 18 enough. other religious sects emp oy -it is one of the features of of thll '1 an Increased production women who crave those gracious at. · a crooked stlclt that will not Ite In the same term for places sacred to tentioos so easy In the giving when Moore'. Range that will make you ~ of oultlvated toodll offering lIuperlor the WOOdpile. Like Goetbe's devll l tbem from association. Thue the ~: advantages to an Indultry. cOl].slstln;; the thought 18 right. good cook if you've never cooked in e Many men no longer .c onslder It nec-- he Is the spirit Who constantly de- ' hammedane speak of Mecca as onl, of hunting and fI.hlng, which haa I Hollr Land, It belne the birthplace of nles your life before. been the sole re.ource ot many essary to rise when a la~y enters the This class of persons Is a steady, Mohammed, The Chinese Buddhl.tll The other featut'ea-the enct temperature the-.terIndigenous, trlbel. Ip the stste ot room. It they proffer a chair, It Is normal crop In the field of humanity.' call India the Holy Land, becau.e the Rorer', Guide and the Controller Dam!*, Parana. the Indlanll , belonging for the seldom done with the old·tlme alacrity, Moore', Range an abaolutely controll. We would not get along without them. ' foulilder of their reUgion waa born mOlt part to the nation of the Caln- and a few trips on a city car will be cookin, machine. It alto sane J'OII time They keep the kettle of things sUrred, 1 there, while the Greeks bestow thlll sufllclent to convince the veriest are cultivating their landa In moaey. Which otherwise would settle and same title on Ells, where was situated malae, rice and .weet potatoe.. The tic of the truth of courtesy's deoaspoil. These are they that keep the the temple. of Olympian Zeull. s-! few 1tooIE "How to Sa_ 0....... to natlvell of the vall." or tbe river dence. course of social life pure as a run· I 0M-IaaIf Your p..a BilL" ItI . . . . Be It aald In favor of man, contlnTlbqy have recently constructed Ave Why We 8hake Hand.. Thi. fuel-sarin, ability I. all III the CODIlructiOD lqar mills, very 9:ude, It III true, bul uolJy on the rack regarding these omis- nlng stream and prevent It from be- I A writer In the New York Sun hal of Moorc', Range-and the conatruction I, .pluned 10 nevertheleal a creat lltep In their prog- Sions, that he Is by no means the coming like a gree'n, stagnant poo\. u cao ae. for 10uncU.. Drop a poalal to Moore Bros., The7 supply ginger for political unenrtbed the following explanation of r.a:~ greatest orrender. Women who enterollet, lII" for thia book-aDd call to Nt a IIacft tain wUl lell you of scores of Invita- campaigns. They are the party out \ a common custom: '~;;;;;=i!!!1!!!!!1!lIioI &IliC at · . How many of us, for In.tance, know tion. to which they have never even of power. They are the watchdogll of progress. Without them religion ! why friends .hake hands when they ,SAN SALVADOR'S 'NAME LOST received t~ courtelY of an acknowl- would harden Into a cruel tyranny meet? The Cblne.e are said to .hake edgment. "R. 9. V. P." -at the enlJ of Idtlntlty of '.'and on WhIch Oolum- a card or note means ~othlng to wom.- superstition, falsehoods would b!, cry. I their Own h.B nd. In greetine, with an eo too thoughtless or too Ill·bred to talUzed In power and ancient fraud nlr of cordIal deUght. Why do people I bua F'1r8t La{ldld I. No L!lnger I LER j O..... ln. take Ave minutes for a reply, Such llve forever. They harass mankind . of t'he so-ealled civilised natiODs preI fer to ahake each other by the hand T . DR. J. W. M L , treatment of a .oclal courtesy Is an of- Into being honest.-Frank Crane. ~- are told thaWt-I&-aD-Old Roman i garl.h 'enough to 'Cause the ofBan Balvador Is perhaPI the moat . cust. o m, spread by the Romani DENTIST : IDtAlreatlna hlatorlcal polDt on the lender'. name to be struck from the ynwelcome Wedding Gue.t. throughout the countries of their do••• ••• IUndertaker and Embalmer, American Iide of the world, 8S It Is Bochll list of the hOB tess, The origin of a black cat that at mlnl:on. Shaking hands meanll, "You Witl be found In olel the Illaml upon which Columbus l1r8t The IImall courtesies of woman to makes his appearance In 9t. are my friend. BelieVe It for the exOffice In Waynesville. () . Bank Bollding. oppoe'" landQd. Yet It has 10llt Itll name. In woman are fully 48 Important aa those Intervals RegIs III somewhat of BI myatery, . but cellE!nt reason that If you were not I NatIonal Bank Dldi. I the National Bank view of the hlatol')' not only of tM from man to woman, or coman to · be always shows up, according to the .hould draw my aword. And how !!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Telephone in house and or. Bahamaa group, but of tbe American entertainment department, when a i coul,! I draw my s~ord with my shield fioe where J can be oaUe4 continenti I I well, It' III far from lIur· .... wedding receptlo~ Is going on, relates . upon my lert arm and my right balul HATBAWA" , day or night. Prl.lng that the IdeDtity of the la· the New York Sun. Bis last appear- l firm lY clasPed In yours?" So when .we Valley Phone 1..,. Balked at Cold ·Steel mOUI IlIlane! IIhould have been long ance was at a. reception the otqer day, Ilhall:e handll we are merely II&7lng In DelaUd 101t; or that the r&-Identlftcatlon III woaldn't let Il d<Jctor cot my The guests had all congntulated the the pantomime of ancient Rome: W'Ryueaville'& Leadlnjr ' Main Street. WaynenlU.. Qhlo Ihould have been delayed until the root. oft," eald Ii. I). Ely. Bantam, bride and bridegroom and were sam· "There III peace and good will between Omoe in Keys Bldg. Main 8t i "'!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! middle of the lat' centul')', when CaP- Ohio, "although _ horrIble oloer pUng the burret,wben from apparently us. "or our Ilwords are In their lICab. = tain Beoher of the British navy. by b"d been the pllljflle o( m~ life for nowhere In. particular Master Tom . bards:' application of the dellcrlptlon, contain· four V8A.T8, Jnstei'd I used Bnl));. appeared. apparently feeUng very I E. V. BARNHART, 8d Columbua' journal. to the courlle 1(, 0'1 ArnIca Salve, and my foot WIIM much at home and trying to fraterfrom Oomera to the Bahamas, detel'- 10000 oomple&elr oured" Bell I~ nize with the In~d guests, A horrl" Contlnuoua Tungltln. mIned clearly that WatllilX'1I Island Bornll. Boll8, I:!orep, BrQI8~, Eozemtl fled employe removed him, but Tom After three 7eara' reaearc'b work, a alone met all . requlrementa of the Pimples. Cornl',8Ure8& Pile oore 250 tound his w~ back, and then again Brltlllh concern has lIucceeded, 110 IW. ,cue. YR. OR.ATIIT Work a Mpeolltlh'. lit ojl druggIsts , untll he was conveyed to the street. I 8ald, In producing tung.ten In BlI!b I Orderll have been ISllued to bar Tom I a torm that It could be drawn Into a ~-----..~~.~----trom the next reception, even sbould .. ' •• " ; 'To !I~lghten the E,... .1..- - -:. Smoking In the Dark. he bring a card with him. Inch In thlcknf!llB, uled In any length Bi1lbt 81M are a.m ong the mOBt According to experts In the tobacco or bent to any shape. At the same C.W.HENDERSON,M.D 1'Ildtant of beaut,'1 jewel., Iinc.. they llullt.neBl the prevailing Impression time., Its tenille IItreqth baa been I HOTI~.. DRUcciiii8. IPIOIALII,... ctv. anlmaUon &D~ light to the 'entlre that a man cannot enjoy .Il sI-oke In The Incrt-aaed OOITUM Iltl. TRANIFIl .., OA. Waynesville, Ohlv. ' faoe, .A. dull eye a heav7, the dark Is , erroneous. Lt all depends The region known as the Everglades , lllther~ tungaten haa onlT been AND '.UI IIIItYIOI OAN PROF' I':" ADYIItTIIINC OOIoUMNI 4roopinc apre18lon, .. condition to be on the dgar. AccordIng to the best I or Florida Is about 60 miles ·long by 55 : JlNlduclble In IIhort length I. '!'he new .V·UIINO Valley Phone 153 avorded b1 the employment of ex- aul!Jbrlty, eight plays no part. In the mUes broad, and Is one vast swamp, : discovery -makea It pos.lble to Ule a SAMPLE COpy FREE Main Stre.' trem. meul1rel on the part of the enjoyment of 1\ .moke, and It \s polnt- studded w!th Islands of from a quarter conUnuouli wire In the lamp, 80 that AcId,... HIW YOR" OLIPPIR H_ Yorlc. N. V. 'KIrl who '1fould attract, ed out that blind men are most Invet- of an acre to hundreds of acres In ex- the :rlsk of breakage II reduoed to .. A harmlell and generaUy aatlBfac- erate "mokers ; In fact, bHnd .men are tent. These Islands are generally cov' l minImum and the life of the lamp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honev tol')' 'Way. to btlng brlghtnes. to the expert In telling a good cigar from a. ered wIth dense thickets of shrubbery considerably extended. .yes II bathe them lVlth a lolutlon poor one, as their Bense of smell Is so ,or vines, and occasionally with lofty _ .. • Subscribe for 'or CouKha and Colds. PubUIlh8d \Voeklr a~ WlI)"uelVlUe, Ohio How Manaard Came to Con.truct the ' -- - - .- - -- ----:-.- , Gre.t ; Hali at 'Arle. ,W ithout " Oh' F101'l - - Mf'IN STREET . OfJntr_alP.II, lar. .'. • - ,-









Moore's Range M




J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio A. MAFFI1' ,

---_. - ----


D u. H.E.



JEW YOIIUPPEI ! AIl"D::''::,yP::!I~PeD~D








the Gazette

~~~~~~'Wa~~~~~~~~w~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~;p;n~_~~;t~oo;k~I;O~w;I~;;~p~q~n;R;rl;e;r;R~ . !!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ dealer lays that one of his best cus- from oue to .Ix feet deep, the bottom. ,'!! _

In a balln l'I1l1 of tepid 1fater as much '. boraclet acid .. Can be placed on a ·dlme. when'tt.hU enUrely dlilOlved .bithe. eyel i ,entl,. ' Do not be 'afr&ld to allow ' the ' water to pt Into . . the eye, .JllI It will remove all In~am-


:~~0be::~ t~!:t~re

tomers Is a blind man and he can tell a good c~ar trom a bad . one by hie . lIense of ameli even when standing 0. )'ard or 'more from bls counter. Most smokers do not like to smoke

as a rule, covered with a growth of l rank grass, During the rat.ny season, 1 from July to October, the dlatrlct com, prlsed In the Everglades Ie practically Impenetrable. The vegetable deposits

~:~m~~: ~ ~:tc~~~~ ::~e s:~c~~~s a~~C~~8:~~ :~a~t~Et:e~~~d::o;~~~~s~:r::8 :~

m!t!!r :Jlant, at the BIne ~lme livlnc .. NIl'" the "!'Ings curl In order to thoroughly other fruits, and when properl7 drain. 'fill. and Itrencthenln.c effect. ' 'enjoy It, but dealers Bay the en- ed the region will undoubtedly be one j01ment II really In tbe taste and not of the most ferUle on earth. • In the odor and tbe sense of taste need. 110 liabt to make smoking enJoy,




. :.&~~~~~~ . . . ~ j~~~. . . ~:1Nt&«~a!' • • R!ll!!Pll.wr~~"Ii5III"'",,_



- - - - .. - - -....... . - - - - - ...............

-~---- ............ - -

.. .. ........ ..

to do ~Ol' 'OU qUIckly and well. Ia hard work that 70U' do not liave to 'ItRnUGul lodnlJ that,.Invl.t e. the . ".






.. .......... ..






Th~ Miami Gaze~le


D. L. CRANE. Publliher.

WAY NJ;;fW II.Lli:.


THE CARELESS SMOKER. The average Amaker Is too carelesl In the manner to .. bl eb he losses burn· Ing cl!;a\' nnd clgareltll butts and IIg bt· ed Dlatches aboul. Tt.e cllanceB are th at no dnmage will bp. cnuscd, a nd he tl\kcs th ose chancos .. Wbe n a borne, a bu siness house. a city bl ock . or e ven a la"ge section nf II city. 18 hurned by B tiru st aM lng !rom a snIoker's carele6sness t ile smoker goes scot Iree. Ie It not pprU ncn t to a sk :vby tn e Il\w 6bould puulf b a mao for SlllttlU g on th e ~ Id e",alk beca use Borne ono mtgO) con lract n germ di sease as a res ult or his carelessnesa. Willie no punlsbment · Is Ilx e d to dete r blm from lbrowlns tire about, ul tb oug h mllilonl! of dollars worth or property and many lives may bo losl If tile butt or match chances to 'all where It can Atart a tire. Tbe cru· sade ot Ihe a nll'l!lIloko contlngent Is 110t ma~tn ll mucb headway a s a moral 188UO, a mo" ment lor the Improvemj!nt of public h " It b or aD agitation against th :. ",orillb Individual wbo Is cUscollrt OU. to tbolle with wbom he · comee In contact. 10,8 tbe LoulsvUle Courte r·Journal. If It I!boold result In the ena~men t of cit, ordinances mak· Jog It a misdemeanor to throw IIgbted matcheB and butta about. and In state laws p.rovldln& punlsbment wbere It 15 'Ilosa{ble to fix the blame for a flre uPO" • negllgcnt smoker. mllllooB of doll au' 'Worth of property and many mlgbt be saved. Tbe habit at .smoking ~not be ended by agltatJon.

RHUBARB PlANTS CAN BE FORCED I~W'-HA~T'--...f-I' D"RINt THE WINT~! ~ONTH_S I Is the Reason~ Production of a Beautiful and Healthful Table Delicacy Is a Very Simple Process, Being Easily Supplied By the Most Humble Home.

Practical Fashions LAOY'S COMBINATION.

Kidney Trouble 'Is Very Deceptive Few Realize They're Affected TID Danger Point is Reached-Dr. Derby's l<:idney Pills Work Wonders-Sample Freel Kidney dlsen.'!e It much more commOll than most people Io.agino. ManY8utrcron do not know what's niling them- until the truu hie becomes tieriou... Some trifl lnr affection mny run Into tho d read d\.'\betee. dropsy or Bright's disease beforo ODe reo.liaIe the re's anything.wrong "dtll his kidneys. Usually tho mo.t noticeable lymptT.IIII wl\lch first appear nre far rrom the IUt .... the t rouble, and tile sufferer mistakes •.hI nature of bls ailment. Dull headaches or ne)'\'O \L~ nellS, for instanCt!, be never thll1klof u signs of diseased kidneys. Even the aching back and sid~. rheuma.. Iism pains or twitching In t:rolns or limbe, ~ore: Inflamed mtL~c\es , be Dlay consider In· diCl\ t ion~ ofsomeolher troubre. UnnaturallJ colored or cloudy uri ne, too frequent or too leanty urination. burning scn!'lltion. are of , course rcJdily recoglUzed as symptoms nf / luch disorders. Bc!Cll:lse of the de<>epttvo and dangerolD charncter of th . 5e AilUlenL~, If you sus pect your kid neys are diseased, 10>10 no t ime In beginning trea tment. The best possible remedy for you Is Dr. Derby 's Kidney PUIs.They are quite dlfferellt fruUl anything elM In the ma rket. They Act in two wayscleanse the clogged kidneYli of thei r poL~ou. ous Impurltl!5. strengthen them so they perfonn their duties nonnnlIy. oAturally. There' H no other way to real\ y cure IrIdne, derangements. resultant bladder troublea and rheumatlsm-nnd pennnnently banlab those frightful acbes Bnd pains. Cet a paclca,e of these marnlau. Dr. Derby'. Kidne7 Pill. at once. 25c and SOe pack .....

By' Dr. J . H. JOWETT. Pastor of Fifth Avenue (New York) Presbyterian Church.

(By L. M. Montgomery. Professo r of Hortlcu l:ure . Ohio Btate University.)

NE 01 the 1U0Bt striking ut· ternnces of Dr. J . H . Jowett Is as folloW 8: ~ "You may procla im tile Lord as 1\ great etblcal • T eacber. but the ethics may generate no more energ y tban tile 'ren Commandments painte d upon the cold s,urrace of tbe walls or a cllurch. You may proc:alm Him as 1\ young RerOn)"lr. lJut the program will no more IHt me u out of tllelr deadly grooves th un n psrt y prog ram will 11ft me n out of tllelr ulns. Je8us, tile youn g: Prol ille t, may draw cb eera ; the uplift ed Lord drawe men. The young Ref o rme r may gain men' s signatures; thu sac rlfl ca l Saviour wIns their beartl, ." We may be allowed to say reverent· Iy th~Lt the blog rnllhy of God bas been wrlttllD lind tbat It Is In tbree vol· umes. One volume treats of Him as A Tootheome Table Delicacy Ea.lly Grown at Homl During Wlnte~ Fathe r, another of Him as Son, and Month .. tbe tblrd of Him lUI the Holy Ghost. Jr you ".nl 10 try Ih_ fi rat •• 1< your dru&l trill lar a I,..,. aample package, or "m Mllny gardeners and the majority of can be c rowded In. All spaces be- For UlallY long decades tbe last was a be ICnt direct Dy Dub, Mcdlclno Ea_ agriculturis ts Ilre not aware of the tween the several crowns and th e In· l'rnctlcnlly unread volume. So little Ilapidl" Jrlich. fact thal one of the most agreeablo tao dlvhlual roots must be 11IIed with fine was s aid of the Holy Obost from tile loamy soll. pulpU and In books and periodical ble delicacies may .be grown during Wben as many plants aro set as are puhltc ations that the people could ap, The BI.hop .nd th. Boy• the cold wlntor months wltbout IIpe- desire d tor II single crop. th e whole proprlately 8ay, wltb the disciples of The late iii shop WllliaDls OflldCOD' clal equipment. Such a delicacy Is nectlcut was very fond of cb reno selling may be 'well watered, but not Ephe s u8: "We bov e not so mucll al fthd It was always a jov to UD youn •. found In rbubarb, tbe stalks of whic h saturated. After which. If teem· b t h ' " wh elber t or. b ~" a ear.. e "ue any Holw • , atArl when be clime for bls visit to ~_ may be abundanti"• and cheapl"I pro- perature 18 sufficiently high. the young Gh OSI. I" Thl S vo Iume. \ h owever, Is Thl s ncot modern com bl nal I011 con· I grather's v ...... parish . His nnccllotes and duced at a season when such a relis h stalks may be expect~d to appear In now :rece Iv t ng more s tt en tl on. I I ~ le houg~hold. 8 III t S 0 f a corset cover w It h a II Qt. pan IItorlee enlivened tIl e who f ib t Wben doee slang cease to be IIlang? Is much desired. The stalks when tho course of a couple of wee k s. or Blograp h y of C h r Ilit. ronl w t a Imoet 00 fu II lIeSIl w ba' Once n' ben he WDS' staying with~us h. W e, may b e a II owe d t 0 say reveren·. t ever Th e d rawers are cut I0 C I rcu Iar told the ~ rollowlng Blory: "l'bIa I. not a conuodrum. but the In· well .."rown furolsh the material fnr less time. and to continue to d e ve I01' "One Sunday morning, juet after ~ntry of a correspondent wbo lIeeke the most beaullful. healthful and taBte- until Lbe store of available rese rve Iy. also. that the biography Of Cllrlst slyle aod fit enugly around the body . food In tbe roota la consumed. has been written. It has three cbapBaUste. lawn, longcloth. organdle brea kfast, I repaired 10 the rertor'II to know wbat length of life a word ful of dcsse r18. The processes of production are The te mperature required to Induce ters. They may be entllled "Cbrlst and the like are used for undergar· study. where 1 wus loon followed by mUlt bave. 110"1' long mult It be used hJs IIltle four.yenr-old Bon. who and generally underetooil, t ltore It very simple, telng easily supplied by growth Is not very high nor should tbe Propbet," "Christ tbe Priest." and ments. the most humblo home. It ever be allowed to reach a very ~Chrl,8 t the King." We \hsve among The pattero C5549) Ie cut In IIlzes 32 climbed up on my kn ee and began to ]lauet! from being. at! It "el'e. 1111 un· The requirements are: flrst, a blgb point. Usually Jl temperature ot u man y wbo claim to hllve obtained to H Inches bust measure. Medium tnlk. Suddenly the little fellOW look· .. allen In the realm of our Quantity of strong healthy rhubarb from 60 to 60 degrees F . will be satls· \ clear and adequate view of Cbrlst. size reQuire!! 21,4 yuds of 36 Incb mao ed up Into my face and 8Rld: ·Oluop. iWords and becomes naturaUzed . EverJ crowna with roots Intact; and. sec- factory. Tbe lower the temperature ;'ut It Is sore to say that no clear and terlal. · do '00 want to aee my plgg)' book!' 8cboolboy knows that "the berrlng· ond. n dry. moderately warm pit, cave tho slower wl\l be the growth and the adequate view of Him bas been ob- . .TO procure thts pattern IIBTJd 10 ~entll "'Yes, Indeed,' saJd I. So the child Jlood" meaDa the ae&. MOBt people, or cellar. Tbe crowns used are pre· stronger the stalks. talned by Rny one wbo has not leen to "Pattern DepartmenL" or this pape r Illd down and Btarted to pet the book. , I I J 'Wrlte name and addreSll plainly and bE' .. would probablJ term It an American- ferablT tboBe two or three years of High temperature wlll Ind~ce a Him In this official tr n ty. uat as , aure to !fIve- alao IUld number n' ?~,,~ . ~ When half·way across tile room a ludIsm reterrlnl to the Atlantlc ocean. age. However. many gardeners are more rapid growtb' and a greater n~m. we must study Ood aa Fatber. Bon den Idea seemed to strike blm, and. NO. ~549. 8IZE................ ' running back an.d putting qne band OD trbe only dictionary bandy dulJ admlta able to ralle planta from aeed In a ber of ltalks. but thele will be Iplnd. and Holy Ohost, 60 we must s tudY my knee, be looked ' up In my face and the bypbenated Word. Gescrlbel It ae lingle aealon whIch will be large Ilng and weak and of Inferior quallt}'. Cbrl!lt as Propbet. Prtest and King. enough tor use tbe succeedIng Winter. WI! fear that tbe Prlestbood volume NAKB .. ~................................... shook bla little forellnger at me. whl .. aJang. and lIIuetrates It wIth "to be There are several methoda of apply· Old. over crowded and diseased roots Ing heat. 10 large celiaI'I a small of the blograpb-y of Cbrlst Is not now 'l'OWN .......... _........................... Ilerlng: 'Blesop. It's SUOdRy. We mUlt • aent aeross the berrlne·pond: to 'be are not wortb ualng. as the result Is receIving the nttentlon which It redo zis on ze sly!' "-Harper'l Mac" transported," Bays the London Chronlo likely to be the development of a stove· may be an advantage but roost celve d a genera Uon ago. Tb eo Cb r Is t .. A ~ 0 . 8TR....... ou'"' N . ........................ zlne. cle. The wo~d was Uled as long' ago large number of long slender stalks frequently one or two lampa wlll ful'- the Priest. the atoning One. the great n1sb all necessary heat. provided tbe Dellverer from eternal d eath willeD 8'1''\''1'...................................... . as 1763. wben an English ambassador of Interior. wortla. More, Englllh Humor. "rote trom calais to a s~ta1'1 or It la Important to know that. In the pit or cellar be tight and naturally WII pIctured as tb e wages 0 t s In, was The !trst nlgbt Walter Kelly, knoWD atate tba t he bad "tranraed the b~1' forcIng of rhubarb In winter. all warm. Tbe direct light of tbe lampi h e Id up be f ore tbe eyes 0 f d Y IOC men to vaudeville u tbe "Virginia Judee,'· CHILO'S BISHOP OR~SS. or other heat sbould be screened from d M h d f th an - lfomeo. uc was ~ e 0 It nne'pond-after about ten .boule' S81\." crowtll takel place aa a result of con. walked up the Straod be complained CeDi"l condlUons _vdth n'lsPIMtt-1llLtlam'i-itifllwenrigl~o~wrrii~n;g~pi1'la__n~ta rnl~nl~Onr,-de,rl1ltltlllhIf'a'1t 'rt,mbmerf.!~~I~~=~~: Tbe "blood of Jesue to his Enlt\llh companion that the fa· The burglar will always be about perature and moleture which operate Cbrllst" was represented as a real and mous Ifreet In London " 'al dark at to retlew the activities of the rhubarb emcflclous reality. Tbe . greates~ aer· IIlne o·cloek. "Why,," said be, "at leeklng for .a chance to ro ~...b<&.- 'a"'n""d"-'to=! Il . ,-j-,....."""mr"f1l-.m'clra IDOnlg - ~Fe -~n-tb8-8u~ect of "The thll hour ' Broad'lla), Is al brlgbt . . polke problem ' Is bow to reduce tht development of stall,a from the food such a. roanner as to admit no light. ·Aton.ement." The JH!nltent at the al· day:, Tbere I~ one slgo alooe. 'The .H ,nka. of ;,these tblevell to a mlllttrlum material. stored In the roota. largely It Is •strange that a factor so 1m· tar :relt tbat wbat he ' was trying to Cbarlot. Raco,' In which there are 60,· aJld malle theIr work sn dangerou! as stnrch durin:"; the growIng seaaon. portant as Ilght In the ordinary sum· lind had been made possible tbrougb 000 electrlo !lShta." "But I 014 tbat lew w1l1 dare to undertake It. It ehould be remembered that tbere mer culture Of plant. Ihould not be the lIulrerlngl and deat~ of the Ball of top," said bIB Enlfllllll [rlend. Car8lessnesB and forgetfulnels on tbe II 110 additional tood taken up by tbe required 10 thla Inatance. but Bucb II God, the great High Prlelt "that Is "wouldn't that be rather COIllp1cu" pan of the houlekeeper make tbe roote nor formed OJ the leaves. but true. passed Into the Heavens. Jesus . the oUlr' work .o.f th.e ee gentry tar easier than th:..t growth ot atalk II at tbe direct While the presence of IIgbt DO Son of Ood." . food I Q th e particular detriment ao tar as growth N~d of the Day It 1I'0uld otherwlee be. The police expense 0 f thIt reaene w~ • RI.kyau.ln.... . Is concerned, It la unnecelsary and II Cbrlst Is stili we are glad to aay -enually do tbe hest th"y can.' but roote. ' MH. CraWford-I'll be glad wheD • Method.. likely to result In a drawn condition the theme of Cbrlstian preacbers and• this falle·balr fad goes out. tbey could do far better were DOt the of tbe stalks as well as thEl unfolding other thlnkerp . Mcn are preacblng Mrs. Crababaw-So wlll I, dear, rIO blirglat'll ollered ' GO many gOIde'n ' opo Dig uP. before tlgbt freezing weath- of the leat blades. Which Is not deslra- Christ from tbe pulpit and platform wearing so many CJlferent kind. that Ilortunltles for the .work the)' are al· er. sufficient rhubarb crowns. with all ble as It usea up mucb food material and In newepllpe~s·. magazines, and when r find a strange hair on my bUI' .ways aO . 1'e.ady to do. tbelr attached flesby roots. to QCcuPY. which shou\d be reserved for ltallr as never before In tbe blstory band'. coa,t I really baven't the Den_ wben closely cro~ded together, as development. Besldea In the presence of t.he world. This Is an Insplrlng :0 accu .. him. mucb . floor space as can be set aside of light In any quantity tbere ' will be fact. Yet' lt Is mainly of Christ tho A one-pounder mounted on a gun for tbe purpose In the cellar ' or cave. developed the green color not deslra· Prollhet 'a6'd King that we hear. Chrtet earrlage Is said now to solve tbe prob-. Tbese roots should bG put In small ble In this forced article. Tbe stalkl the Teacber. Cbrlst tbe Pbllosopber. , A Croll-Reflrence. lem of firin g at aeropillnes. };low Buch plies and lightly covered to prevent when. well grown should be of good 'Chrlst the social Leader. Christ the Mlstre.I~Hav e you a rererell,ce1 a weullOn could be e'rrectl vely sighted drying out. and allowed to ftteeze tbor· size. and moderate length aod of a Love r of man. Christ tbe Victor over Brldget-Foloe; 01 held the poker remains to he sbown. The convic- oughly. They may then be- tnken to rich red color. When so grown It deatb and all other foes Is a familiar over ber till I ~o t It.-Harper's Buar. "ttract'lve B B t ware h og ring as No style Is eas.ler to make for werJ V d S h th ey are t o'-"'2...J......r!&'.!I4-.l!1.l~ll!:Si:!!-..f!.......!.!i!!...l.....!..!."'-!~~ rich ~nnd tion grows tbat ellorts to prepare ' th o I' Iace were !!.!!.....!!"c!<.':!~~ gure. u _--.l!. ~.. little tOtll than II thll ooe. The mateChurcb and as 0 people for sometDlng the 'aerlal battles hip should be along and set as closely together as they dllb. ' THE TEA PENALTY. ~al IB gatbered at the neck and ~he conllernlng Cbrlst as our great Hlgb sleetes are Inserted wltb a 8eam ID the line of perfecting tile Bight, en· ~ '8trong Man'. El!perleno-. Priest; of Him who, knowing no sin. .Iargin!; t be caliber and leogtheiling 'Was made aln for U8. "that we mlgbt the usual manner. .. , . Battste, lawn, orgnndle, dimity. cotWrItIng from a busy rallroad toWD tbe ,·tIoge of sbarpshooter rtnes, and ~e made the righteousness of Cod In ton. crepe ond chalJls are uBed for the wire of an emplQye of one of the training ' men for lbelr speediest and Him." How we long for an old·tlme these dresses. r;reat r?ads Bays: most acc urate use. . I "My busband III railroad man Who lerllOon on the atonement! Our plea for a larger place for Tbe pattel'o (5560) - Ie cut In Ilul Christ the Priest In mInd. heart and % to 5 years. Medium Ilze require! bas been sO'1Iluch benetlted by the use The seizure 01 Dr. Ri chter. a noted lite will receive, we feel sure, only 2% yards of an loch mate.t1al of Postum tbat be wlsbes me to exGermun engineer. by Greek bandits •• press hla thanks to cold. disdain from some wbo teacb tbat ,. '1'0 procure th Is pattem 1180d JO ceo.... . yod for the good to "Pllttern DeDartment: ot thaa pBpor. It haa done blm. His waking hours wbo held him fol' a rnnsome of $225.· no goOl! can come out of Nazareth 01 Wrlto name and addre... plainly. and be are taken up with his work. and he 000 will be al,t to cause tra\'elere to wlllllt they' ean the "old theology." lIur" to 'l.ive .Ize ~ QumlHU or oatter,.. haa no Ume to write blmself. ovoid Moun t Olyml,u B until assurance Yet. It Is a (act written plain on the ' ''He baa been a great tea drinker Ie r C('cl\'lld that tbe governmeot of t.ablet of common observation and ex· , ' \110. 6660. · ·8IZE .... _........... all bl1 Ufe and bas nlwB,}'S liked It Greece Is strong e nough to prevent perlence tbat the clean. cleat·cut con· Itrong. . vernlona which have enrlcbed the NAMIIl ........ ,............................. I "Tea has. of Inte Years. acted on 8uc h proceedi ngs by tbe Gree k Na· Chris tian lI·fe of tbe pa8t and are en, TOWN .................... _................. him Ilke morphlnd docs ,upon most tlon a l society. so-called . for the rerlcb,lng that of the present followed people. At first It 8Qotbed hltl'l. but ple n ls b me nt of t he suclety's treasu~y . tbe uplifting of a sufferlog and aton· I STREET.AND 'Illy for an bour or 80. the'll It began Ing Christ. Why should we seek the to nfl'ect hIs norves tQ s'u'c h an extent A Bos lOn Clllnnm~n Is goIng back I living among the dead? The saint.. lIest lives ar" tbose which enshrine ' that lie could not Bleep at night. and to hi s nnllve land IIlter bavlng ' be would go to bla work In tbe morn· nm n. ~ e d a fo rtunu or bntr a mlllloQ the crucified One. The Cry Which aUII Old·Tlme Garden.. Ing wretcbed and mlBerable from the do llars out of cuc p s uey. We venture deep ly toucbes the divIne Heart Is tbo In the dark ages a garden was only I loss of reat. This condition grew can. to pl'edlc l ,hat. lJe will lose bls bead old. old cry qO famlllor to our rathers a patcb of "s!mples" teoded by a pa' ' stanllY worse, until bJs friends peran (1 mothers: tlent laborious monk. ' But the Italian suaded him. eome (onr mOl"t1\s. ngo. to H be e ver trios to s pri ng thal Amer· ' J"ot n~ I am. one ,,11m, garden of tbe day of 'Lorenzo de Me- I quit tea and use Pustum lean Inve"tion on Ills fellow country· l But ·that ·Thy blood was shed for me. dlcl h~d become all that the gorden "At Ilrst be used PostUIb only for men . wisdom. pklll and expenditure ~ould breakfast. but as he liked the taBte of Things to Remember. make. A formal garden of the Villa It, and It Bomehow 8eemed to do bJm ' David SIlYS, speaking directly to Falco,nlert, more than Ilve eeoturtel rood. be added It to lits evening meal. Wb e n we I:~n d ne ..... the aviators are A Pile of Pumpkinl Ready For Feeding. . hlmaelf in the spirit of gratitude. old, III IItlll considered. the mOBI be.a ull. Then. as he grew better. be began to held u II by rnln a nd fogs aod otber "BI'~8s th e I.ord. 0 my Boul. and tOI' weath"r cr. ·,d II 10ns It becomes more ful an1J dignified oroamen.tal garden drink It for his noon meal. and now Pumpkins bflve tor years been rea large alDounts Of pumpk·ins. They are and more (lvlcl"n t Iha t un Immense de- by our farmel's and. while returo! simply u!'ed a!l a supplementary foed get not all hie benefits." He doel\. ex· In the worJd. a palnte~:a...and a poet'8 be will drink nothing else at table. pect himself to recall each Individual dream of cool, clear poole and etately "His condItion Is 80 '",underfutly Imvelopmc ut must come In tbe flying ma. have been favorable, we know little of at a season when a large amouot of favor that God bas bestowed, the mil· cyprelSe8 In Japao they go 10 fnr U proved that he. could ~ot be hired to cbloe berore it ar rl ves at the staJ(e ot their feeding value on the basIs of ex· grain Is bel!lg fed. lion. of Instances In which the divine to make every look on~ getll over waUl give up Poatum aild\ CO. Da!)k to tea.. ;Jerlme'n t station reports. A sum!Dary It Is claimed by some tbat the .eedl . much \1~ehtln es9 . ~ nenell have beexlme llteady anti of the findings of three experiment of the pumpkin bave a vermicidal beneflts bad fallen Into hll beart and or through windows a perfect picture. atatlons sbows thnt 273 . pou~ds of property and are of value In ridding life, but he begs bls 80ul not to tOl' reliable. Otl.c e .more, .IUI!! .htl' .leap II get tbem all. Some persons s~m to retrelhlng. , In certaIn parta of tbe country ' iraln together with 376 po.nndl of raw pigs of· Intestinal parasites. The real bave forgotten ev'.~rv'thl'n .. . value of lucculent fOGd tor Iwlne can PdllturD_ 'f or be 'armera have been cuWng bay wltb pumpkins gave 100 po un as or gain did for . . with, fattening plgB, When cooked~ It not be measured , by simple galill ID. mi!lIlCln_;' .~ ,"" of Ood l. t~ Cllr uutomoblles. Unfortun,ately It to ulred 1160 poundl of pumpkins welght"_ ~r~e ; plgB .,t~en such • '_'..,\11 not l)e posslblo fO':, mony df tliem u~ pOunds of : grain ' tor 100 · liD.!mals ·are · given. ol3IusI1'. ... I.·__..o-" .' •••·.. . to .dlg potatoee wltb auto.mohUel ' . We ~


. . . . ,- - - - -














NO........................ 8,-ATJD......................................

MANY POINTS ESSENnAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HOG HOUSES Dryness. Warmth, Fresb Air, Sunshtne and Freedom Fr"D: Dratts are AmoD~ Most Important Thtn~s to CODslder When BuUding-Pigs 81'01 the Mose. ~lac48" oa:-Fa-a:aa-A-nlmal


.TH tbe completion of the Copper River and Northwestern r a 11WItY a new scenic route hall been ollened In Alaska. On the arrival of every Iteamer at Cordova a Bpecial train III made up for tbe to ]'lIIell glacier. In the put lOuth· eastern A1ukl\, 88 tar a. Skagway, waB conlldered ex. elusively the tourlat center; but after malting the crUise Ilround Prlnc. Wil. Uam lound, Relurrectlon bay and the • Ide trip up the Copper RIver raHway ODe caDllot but admit tbat the Icenery tn that portion af Alaska entities It to lie consIdered na tbe equal, at lealt, ot the Justly celebrated Inside Puugo. StOPB are made at KetchIkan, JUDeau, Cordova, Ellnmar, Latoucbe, Valdes ,aDd SQward, both going north ..nd returning south . At Cordova on the north-bound trip a Bpeclal train w\II be run up t he opper river ror 8ft)' miles, without additional expense. Prince William sound, from a Icenlc atnndpolnt, Is one of tbe most beautl. tul Wl.lter courses In the world_ The late E. H. Harriman declared It to be by fo-r tbe most Interesting and ~eau. tJtul portion or Alaska. The new rallrolld probably eclipses lUI)' American transcontinental line tal' dlveflltled scenery. Btartlng trom the dock lit Cordova bay It skirts tbat beautiful, placid body of water, and in thfl distance can be seen Kayak laland and lhe neighborhood around Katalla. , JUlt beyond Cordova It Itrlkes lbe wonderful Eya}( lake. wbleb It follows tor leveral mllea and then reacbes the

W'lk, Tired and Almo.t Hllp'''' From Waiting Kidney Troublea. , Mrs. Emily Howes, 1700 Burling at.. ChiCago. III., says: "I baC! awful pains througb my hips and freQuentl1 wished I had never been born_ I seemed to have lost all Interes t In lite. I doclored for female trouble, tblnklng my cond!· tlon was due to ~ some derangement YAl ~ of that nature, but /lp 7 got no better, Flnat· ~,u,;CM,1 Iy I began ualn. Doan's Kidney Pills and to my survrlse I begnn to improve, Tbey no' only corrected tbe kidney action but stopped the pain and sickness I hall thoultbt was due to remnle trouble." "Whe n Your Back II·e, Re-. member the Name-DOAN'S." 60c.. box at all stores_ Fos.ter-MUbunl Buffalo, N. Y•


A_tonlshed the "Cop." Police Lleutcnant "Barney" Kelehet alwaya bal a new story to tell. \. "TwQ or ' our 'flneal' were walltlna A. A common but unaatl.factory type of hog houle. Insufficient light, along Broadway not 10 long ago," ~ and standi north and louth_ B. A very poor hou_e,'no provISion of light gan th e lieutenant. unroldlng bls lateat I Or ventll'ltlon. C_ A well-built, well-arranged hog hoUlCl, showing arrangeofl'erlng. "and tbelr attention was at.ment of o,ut.lde penB_ D. Hog -house (cro""Dctlon) .howlng where the tracted to tbe bronze figure ot an ape sun'l raYII. • hould reach . • .stnndlng upright In tbe window ot • (By J. A. W .I\nn E N .• valllng In a community. Tbere are, large Je welry store. .. 'Whnt kind ot an anlmaJ ill that In tbe corn belt hogs furni s h one hnwever. only two or tbree genera.! or tba .most Imporlant means or mar· types whlcb commend tbe mse lves tel supposed to be l' asked one of tb kp.tlng tbe corn crop , Wltb th e ex· tbe careful bog man. o r tbe tw~ otber. .. 'You surprille lI1e with your Ihlclt· ceptloo ol~ chicken s . thcy· are tbe most styles or large bouses. tbe large: lias numerous ot all farm animal s. Dnd two rows of pen s. an nlley throup tbe nre grown for market on morl) farms middle . and a jog In th e root tor win- ~~~~~!l :e;~~~~: ~~:er ~:orn~f t~~~ thun nny other stoell. /-log ral s lng hus dows to lIgbt th e north pens. while berore !' trobably made more clenr money for tb e s maller baa but oue row or pens, ( .. ·Sore. and I rend aboilt them In tbe h lstorlen,' be answered_ 'MY', what tile corn-belt rarmen than any other with un alley und a row Of wtndows a lot or damage Ihey did dllrin« the enterprlsll. In view of this one mlgbt on tb e 80uth s ide, Tbe double bouso CI\' \1 worl How did a «eneral e.,", expect to ftod bogs tbp. best bou,.ed Is much ch ea per por pen. and Cor tIIat malle those tblngl mind blm r "-NeW' or any animals on the rarm. but • he renson Is to be prererred . Less worll: York Sun. opposite Is the case. It Is It III hard Is al so r equired to caro for tbe hOI;S for many tarmers to get rid or lue tho n wbere a single row or pons Is Important to Mother. noUon that BDythlng Is good enough used. E xamine carefully every · bottle ot ror a hog. A large bog house should always CASTOIUA, a Bafe and sure remedy for Tbere Is no animal on tbe farm stand east ond wes t. fac ing the soutb, Infants and children, and see that It whlcb reclulres better protection tram BO tbat tbe ma ximum amount of Bun· cold thnn tbe hog; none for wblcll a sblne may be had In eacb pen. Wben . good bed Is more necessary; and none 1\ double housll- Is used. wblcb Is much In Use For Over 30 Years, so mucb In n~d of sunsblne ns the the cb eapest . Lbe outside pens on tbe ChHdren Cry for Fletcher's Castolia lIUle pig. nortb are ~ten or little use In eart, The bClfse and the cow have gO'od spring and late fall on account or tbe A Jolt to Romance, road turnl to the left, following the cants at hair, even a catr or a colt shade and tbe cold winds. Tbls dlf· "Hubby, you bave a lock of IIlJ' Kotslna river for lome distance, and wben letr. In tbe cold Is provided wltb tlculty can be partially overcome by hair, baven't you!" then turns to the right and tollowe tbe a good ru r coat; the bcn's teatbers are changing BOWS s o that tbose which " Next my heart." Chitina tor a short time. It then the best protection against cold. bave not rarrowed nnd tbose with tbe "·See If you can In IOtlle Itrlkea easterly to cross tbe Kusku. but tbe bog haa almost nothing be- oldest pIgs, whlcb have least need of putts when you co downtown._" warm outBlde pens, are on the north lana river on the blgh cantilever tween his sktn and the weather. bridge, whlcb Is one or I he mOBt no- l One 01 the Brat requiSites tor _BUC- sIde. Dr_ Pierce', Pleal8nt Pelle.. first put In a mojorlty of large bog bouser up 40 yean I1go. They regulate Ilnd inTi.. table engineering feats on the rallroact. i cess w\llb hogs Is a shelter wbere te stomach; liver and bowell_ BuPl' This section of tbe caulS try Ie very dry ypunp: pigs can be. kept warm nnd t he upper windows nre not so Vlacet' . orn co~t ed tiny gl'llDulel_ and warm In lummer and Is ~ ravorlte I well supplied with sunsblne nnd fresb that the sunsblne will strike the flOOI' wfdeapread delta of the lower Cop.,er tbe water falll o.... r the rockl' and relort at fishermen, aa the Itreaml a. air. I little I1lg takes cold vel'Y, eallly wben It Is most needed there_ InSilence. river. To the rlgbt, on a cleat dl.)', lava to reacb the levell belo1f. ,At well as Long lake are Hlled with gray- and recoverll slowly It at all . To pre- deed. a hog house with tbe wludows Ball-What 18 silence'? . can be Been tbe ocean, and to the left about Mile 'POlt 53 tbe waler becomes ling and trout and the nenrby hills VI'O- vent ta.k.lng cold he must be tev t In tbe proper poslUon Is rarely seen_ Hail-The college yell of the school the wonderful peakl of tbe frontal placid anil the train entera Abercrom-, duce any amount or gam~ dry. warm, away from draugbts. aod Direct sunshine should strike tbe f1oo, of eJlperlence.-Hl.lrper·s Bazar. In every pen for 8S many bours In tb, , ...n~e, wltb Sheridan glacier In the ble canyon. Thence on the road la At Mile Post 191 tbe ~enDlcott .rITer vrovtded with tresb air.. forepound. Alaranlk, once an old built to water grade through thli can- Is crOllled. Looking to the left one On tb'3 average , the hog house la day ns Vosslble at the time when tile The one way to belp a worthlesa RUlllan trodlng post. 11 rull of Intet- yon and Wood canyon, formIng one sees the tace ot Kennlcott glacler_ ~ t.!Ie poorest building on the farm and plge are farrowed . Nearly everyone mnD along 1_ to administer a swUt eiu, .~. leveral of Ibe old block boulee of the mOllt picturesque scenic roads That It bas some lite underlying the the least adapted to the purpose for realizes Ibis Is a moller at tbe great- kick In tbe proper place: :atlll remain as relics or a by-gone era. Imaginable, ftanked on either side by valt tace Is apparen't, as tram the cen- whIch It: was Intended. Good-'1.nrllll est Importnnce. but too often the At MJle Post 49 the train II Btopped' pine-clad, snow-capped mountain tar at tbls dull waste bolts rorth an may be secn on a large provortlon ot builder does not lake the trouble to Wblle tbe pussengers wnlk half a mile ' ranges, with email glaciers, blgb wn· Immenle geyser known as the "Pot the rarms. hut good hog houses lire find out ' whether he Is getllng It or (Ol1Ie Childs glacier. undoubtedly tbe tertanl, clear mountain streams and I-Iole," out of which II formed tbe Ken- generally hard to flnd. It Is economy not. Ordinarily t he farm e r baB no 1JI00t remarkable and beautiful JL~nl poola, l~adY della, .and glades, with nlcott river. It has no othar source to put up first tbe buildings that TIIII menns of as certainIng wh e re to put llacler In tbe world. It la troni -SOO tol thlcll COvering 01 underbrulh and thad this underground watersvout I-ell' most ' to make money. A large tbe wIndows S O as 10 get the max1500 'feet high and three mllel long, treea. Tbe whol.e tour Is one present· tram the dead glacier. but within a portion ot the rarmer9 recogniZe tbla Imum amount or sunshi ne at tbe time iblld 1D81111 of gleaming Ice, the white Ing a new picture wIth every mile hundred yards of the geyser the river nnd build a good barn berore puttlng be want9 It. unless he hnppens to be 'of tbe exposed Burface IntersperSed traveQJld. . Is several hundred feet In width. sbow- liP a good bouse. saying : "The barn buildIng just at that time. wblcb la with dainty coloring In turquolle blue To those who are tntere.ted II) rail. Ing wbat a tremendous subterranean will help build tbo bouse, but tbe very unusual. Tbe country Is dotted Sloan's Liniment is al\ exDuring tbe sutpmer se8aon every tew road construction the line ttself will torce Is back ot this remarkable mud- I house will never help build ~he bnrn." wIth bog houses In wblcb the ownel' celleQt remedy for chest and moments, willi tbe mOlt tremendous be found mOlt Interesting; Here a dy fountain . From this point one can 'l'bl s prInciple seems to be lost slgbt tbougbt be was putting the windows throat affections. It quickly nol.e, great masses a tbe Ice fall great «orge Is spanned by a It eel start from tbe railroad to various or wben It comes to tbe bog bouse, yet where he wanted the m. but found relieves cOngestion and inloto the Copper river and lend t.he brldge_ There a 80lld mountain of pollita In tbe Interior. ThO! tratn, bow- I no otbelr building on tho rarm pays later they w"re In tbe wrong Vlaco. flammation. A few drops ~avel rusblng across the Itream 1,200 granite baa been cut tbrough wltb a dver. movee to Mile Post 197, wbere Is ~fol' ilBelf so Quickly. In double houses the wlndow8 for Unpubllsbed ' in water used all a gargle iJI .feet to the rocky beacb on wblch you tunnel. Again we come to a btt at located the famous Bonan!a mine. The data collected by tbe wrtter sbows IIgbtlng tbe soutb pells must be I1S antiseptic and healing, are Itandlng..' It '11 a malt uousual side bill where a 'a belt of solid ma- railroad wae completed only Ln Maroh .!hat g0104 hog men ' average about high liP as poss ible In order to get .' ' and awe-Inllvlrlng slgbt. It II the moat 80nry baa been -built to permIt of the 1910, and opened for tralllo last sum- seven pigs rais ed to the litter and tbem 8way tram the bogs. I. Proof a,t tractlve gillcler In the World. and for rallrpad construction, and so on t~. the mer, aolt 10 entirely new to ,t.he travel· , many surpass this record. Tbe same " I bave _ . 510&Q" UlIlm<nc (or that rca80~ I. already' Winning the very end 'of tbe line. Many tunnels, Ing publlc_ AI years roll by and tbe c'lala Indicates that the general aver· 1U'" C&D 'alU,1o 110 woncferful attention of t.o urlsts and aclentlats trelUee. eteel bridges a~d permanent stMmshlp company completea Ita ar- bge raised on the rarm does not exeffici.DCJ" J 10.......d II lor lOre cbroac l croup, Lime back and rheumatlam "'" from all' over the country. 110 that In structures too numerous to mention rangementll for tbe Improved south· ':eed rou 'r Vlgs to the litter. Tbls wtde Ia every cue" pye la.tarn ,dief." "' due : 1me It will take precedence 81 make the line a8 perfect a.1 'modern western 'excurllQD business, It Is conft- r1llference Is very largely due to tbe REBECCA JANE ISAACS) the malt attractive glacier to ~e tound engineering can accomplish. l.ucJ, K.eDtuCk,. dently expected that this tour at housing. , "tJI ,America. A mile nbove the Childs AIl- t-be 'IIUlY to Cbltlna, 'at Mile Post ka will become the popular tourist Many houses whlcb CQjlt enougb to Lister, PlaDter aDd Rid •• Buste.. , iJicler 18 (be MIres glacier, also at- l~, this ennyon scenery conUnuel,tbut trip and JUlt as many will view tbe be good are thoroughly unfit tor the ComblDed I .. Invented by . ·tractlve, but not .0 'large or beauttrul lktore arriving at Chitina, ' It the pall- Bcenlc wonderl of Prince WIlliam purpoee becouse tbe sun cannot sblne Wokctleld (KCUI.I .. . t"e Cblldl. Mao. senger keeps a lookout ahead, Mount pound and the popper River valley as '-::to the pens. Nearly every lurge Between the .wo glaclera tbe CoP- Wrnngell In all lis beauty Can be dis· bove In the palt enjoyed the totem Jog house Is de Hclcnt" In eltber sun· per' ·rlver t. spanned by ' the notable covered. and probably, If condition. poles and . other curlosltlel at Sitka. shine or ventJlatioll, or In both. A combh/ed list er, planter and rldl!e steel bridge eet on concrete piers, each continue sucb 08 they were last sum- the old Russlnn capital. The writer bas 10 mind a. farrowing buster bas lie en Invcnted by 8amu .~ 1 is excellent for sprains 'and 'pIer being protected by a Iteel-rlbbed Dler, the mountain top will be Columbia .glacle!" leen on Lbe way lIen seen on one at tbe mos t hlgbly S. Hamilton of Wakefield, Kan., sal'S bruises. It IItOps the pain cOocrete Ice breaker to denect the ' lce wreatbed In smoke, for Wrangell has to Valdes, 'lone of the most Vlctur- Improved farms in the middlo wesl. the Scientific American. at once and reduces swell" This Inventor Jlrovldes a mecbsnlsm eontlnUaUY lIowlng down from . ~Ulea been In constont eruption .for some esque of all Alaska's glaciers. Back To replace the buildings on Lbls Corm ing very quickly. alJcter And a't otller volnt. on the time 'past. ' at Valde. Is atlll ·another.. Ellamar ' ls would cost many thousands at dollars. wblcb may b!) sdju s tell to space the ti"et,' . Sold by all dealers. At Cbltlna the mllroad crosses tbfO renched tlirougb a beautIful bay, nod Tbc hog bouse Is ' the neareet building operation of u lis ter plow to rorm pal ' 'lulme(llUtely on crol!\slng tire river Copper river on a long temporary Sewnrd nnd Larouche aJOC IIIled wlt.h to the ,house, and stands between It nllel ridges ; provides a rrame for an PriDe, 2110., 1100., $1.00 t,be : tr'ain tallows the Itrellm near the trestle. JU8t berore croBslng tbe scenes of Interest_ The railroad trip anll a large. line, modern borse bnrn. Implement. or the charncter specUled . \ ' abore.' One mile rrom the bridge coine bridge one enn look acrosB tbe river rrom Seward Into tbe Intenor Is well Tbls bog sbed Is 24 teet wide lind 84 bnvlng Rtrengtb . IIgbtne ss nnd dllra.. Sioan'_ Trelillse tli. rap}da abd (o!" B dl'lIa~ce of ab\lut and see to the rlgbt the Chitina nver worth taking, so all In all this nelY feet long. Tbere Is tlot a willdow or I1blty; provldcs carry In,; wbeels aton tho tbree mile. thl! Copper river be'comel lind ·to the lett the KotBlna. After excursion enables passengers to view I \'enl!hitor In It, the only Dleans of ad · Horse • . tur~ulent, rushing torrent, crossing.. tbe COPller river tbe roll· Alaska In an entirely new IIghl. mIlling air and light being the nlley t 'r lent free. .~~:2S~~~:2S~~~~~~~~~~~:;::; io}Ofli and a 'f ew small hog doors. }\ * . . . . . . . -'101 .. ... ~ ... ore uns uitable etrucl'lre could bardly .................. ;;;;; •••• ~ be devised. The writer also hr. s personal knowledge of another hog bousc quite sImIlar to this but only about balf us. Inrge. t1~e only ovenlngs being olle Not Taken a_ a Compliment. Trapped _ Ethel Wal "On_" alley door. ono hog door, nnd onc A Itlllg, OIall tbollgbt lie wonl4 It was out In tbe lIuburbs or BOStOD Maud, wllo was sllling wltb ber •••e mon.y by taklllg nl8 wife to a young man on tbe piazza, called · In to and Ihe pretty baby was brougbt In small window. In this bouse ovP,r lltl -picture sbo ill yesterday altorooon." Ethel In tbe pa.rlor to pl&.y tbem sowe- wearing a daInty, tlgbt-Ottlng wblte per cent. ' 01 tbe early pigs were lost In some seasons. mostly frolll thumps . , 'To keep ber mInd olr bargain COUD- tblng. cap. , "Well. he looks exactly like tb. pie:- 'rl1e IVIIS In a slpglo season would ters, I l're~ulllo1'" . "What shall I play 1" the latter call.. ~'1bactly And wbat do you lIuppoae ed back. ture or tbe little KinK Cbarlel!" ea- .. ave more than paid for 11 good b'llId · Ing. "".. ib's IIrst plclure throwl! on tb. "Ob, anytbln« you can tblnk of claimed the visitor. admlrlngl,. Combined LI.ter, Planter a"d Rldg. A IIttue 1I1g loves sunshine and needs '" doo't think Mrs. H. would car" lereenr' that's approprIIJ1.e." BUlter, 1t almollt as much as be lIecds food_ "1 can-t Imagine" "Then l'll play sometblng loft." to bavo It uld ber bOl looked like a "Some or tbe lateal stylel ID hrtl laid Etbel, lealln, berself at tbe dog!" :was ,rondmamma'8 freezln. re- No plgl!;ery III fit for tlla pllrvoue un- ranged to cause tbe wbeels to traCk ply. lesa It admits direct · 8ulls hlno ODt<- toward tbe cellter ot furrows, to form pJaDo. bala," the 800r of evel'Y pen at tho Ume tbe a revolving wedge the rearward spread plga are .farrowed, tllrnlsties plenty whereor bears against the sides of tbe Ulual Program, . True LDnellnlll,. . Aft A"oma'~. ~ ~DO yOU , mlDk ....1r;gln8 Ie I\S dclu· bad a nice time at Plun.· of tretih nlr, and pro~ldell (or exercise furrOWI and prevents tlI8 drift of tbe . "I a~l1 my «oodl for casb .nd cbar,e In tbe open air. Dr,Ytless, sunshine, wbeels and 1m plement, atid provides a 1.I.,.oI.aa ne"'pretendl t9 be"" , the 88me tI me, U the CUI· wilrmth. tl'8lh air, treedom, from sllllple, durable and economlcal frame . . " 'ere be wouldn't oj, "".bell.···; ) DOllltllpn,' ••, draUa, ,a nd exercise are' of primary structure. Tbe illustration shows a .,nat eon or ,coda' do I. · · 'nn,nn:art'~ .. In raising pigs. Theae se- verlPeetll'o view of tile Implement., :rure4, the, battle· I. haU won. In constructed \n accordance wttla ' Mr. puttlnl up buUdlDP" ata I't'qulre-' HnmUtGn'8 IU'le'ntloD_ mllPtt,'· .!X!,n tJo'!8U .' tie kept la m~d; ~ b3




Chest .Pains and Sp~ai~s













!~:l~~~:.. ':,;_' "





;~':;';~I"II' '. - ."


"And be BBld be 'Wal 'Willlna


to die

fO~'N~~?':)(UCtly In hut that was tbe ImpreslloD be waa evi· those 'Words,

mmBIBlltlllfillSUlBlmmmUUDmmmmmmm.mllBfBlllmBUlmmmmlmlllliDBII ii!.' ' . "

II . tIt It

Karl Brown ~ Aucts


W.~.~'tJ~:II, Clerk ~. - --

_ .




New Buckwheat Flour. new Navy Beanll, new .Raisins . Currants. Mince Meat, new Ralston Breakfast Food. neW Pan cake Flour snd White Syrup. new Cooked Whole Wheat. Herring Roe, Mexican .,ChiliCon Carne, TamalE'S, New Comb Honey, new Kraut. New Crop Oranges, Grapes, new English Walnuts, new Cheese, Pine Apples. Lemons. Bananas New quart jar Sweet Pickles.



.-- -

In pursuauce of an order or the Probate centum per annUJD. and tbe payment thereof Court 01 Warren County. Ohio. tho under· 1<1 be ltOCurod by mortg8&9 on &I1e premlae8 \lJItllte 01 , Ann Leooard, docoll8Od. w ill oller lor sale Ilt 80ld PERRY E. KENRIOK.

~;~~;:.n;;:::ra~~:.c~ . A=~::::.h;:;;: ~nard·1



and J)&I'toI! 0' 10" numbered twenty·three (21) beilll and twenty·tour (U) of Rosen' Addition

:t:-,~o:tn=l!:rI~~r:';I~av' 10~~::~

Notice of Presenting County Road Petition

NotIce Is hereby given that. a petition ..III runntrur thence wltb tho be p.-nted to the Commll8lonel'll ot Warweltune ot SOOh Street, .. rtdd out b,. Josiah ron OoUDty. at their next -'on November Rocva 008 hundrod ( 100) reet to the line be- , 21, 1811. prayll!l! ·for the laying out IUId es· ' _D 'Iota numbered twenty-two (~2) alid tabllahlUlf 0' a County Road on the rollowlng tweoty-tbree (2J)" th8llC8 with laid Une and Uno. to-wit: at rf&IIt anales to Sixth Street one hundred Beg1nu1og at the center or tbe Ow road and twG!\ty-f\ve (12~) leet· thence D&ral1e1 on tbe eut IIde 01 the Pennsylvania R. R . with emh....,t 000 hundred (JOO) leet to rlgbt 01 way and near tbo BOutb-west comer tl\e JTanklIn Road: thence w{tb tho eoutb of'J&ID.. O. 8aIee' fann In Eaat WaYUB 'fown1108 of Cbe FruIIUn road ODe hundred and ship and In IUl'VBY No. 216t. runnlllg thence ~weD.:"av. (125 teet to t~D~. , eut of and nearly J!araUel to Aid R. R. ~t ~w-:, ~v:t: ~'d lot 8;:0 t~e:': f~Dd".itI~~,:~be~~ dlwt~~~t!!i~~t:e ~B '-"') .-_,_ .~..,..-' __ t .. _ Roo'; M.l11 A d u' RA'I'" -ftd H 0 and A 'u· tO~&2:"'~&J.uhu"""'_ o:;p~ e~ ROlf:: to' t~near center ,:;,'th'e Keliy In ilur-: 'l1llldTecl and 8eventy.ftve Dollan (1610)ataDd vey No.1111 the eut aide of a brtdge on n will Dot be IIOkI for ~ thaD · , wo·thlrda of &ald Kelly roa" end t here to end'l:,.tng a dillaaldon:P=.-:,v::a- . . will be u toIto~. t~~about I Ji m111.m~~~bRN&T. O-'htrd or tbe ~ price cub til __ --: Prlnel..1 PetItioner. t_Dty·tour ( ~t )o&nd














= m

$2.00 A To.... On II





• •• We will "'ive you <tOll:. 00 worth of 0 """'. Thoro Dred Poultry free of charge Co b· t· P It 0 t as.per our m ma Ion ou ry uOffer. Write for full particulars. Beau t'f I I ed I I e h'Ie kpicure t " I u co or free.

Western Poultry Farm

982 H

• t St arne.

. If II m II II II Ii

tv aynesv IIIe Millo. Itm £..


mBllfDmnnDIBBlllImmlUlUlUIUll~mmBlmmBlIDBlmmBlmmmmllmmmmmmm ~.~~=======~==========~=;=========~~ = OlaaalBed Ada C



1LIl·ddll·l\ds ~ 19 1 ~

. k b th 1 d We oan furnish you feed by the sao or Y e car oa. . F d Let Us Figure With You on Your Winter's ~e .'

Ii1 II

CODS)'der th')S Offer i


One Fourth has already been sold. J."'or a f~,w da.ys only we are allowing . ~ Discount of




tbe tollo ..lnl dllllCribed real estate: · Situaled Lbe vWlCII of WayneevlUo. In theoounty olWarren.' I.ti tbo Stateof·OWo,




"'filled. as admlnlstrlltor 01 the



Hunting Season opens today. Wewill sell all kinds of Shot GUo. She118' Black Semt' Smoke les~' ana Smokeiess Powder. -Get the habit and trade at

1~~1; ~~~£::e~r:tal~{~t~~at~xlnr;:~


! W i t !! One Car rime 'C<:ltton, S~r.d ~ea 40 pc . pro t el.n I m Cremo Cotton Seed Feed Meal, 22 pct. protein II F d m m One Car Sucren~ . Dairy ee m , m Sucrene Horse and nule Feed II m m Alf If M I m m Sucrene a a ea m m m 0 C S th B B st Quality . m. ne ar ou ern ran e III m Our prices are low on the above feed and we are mak'lng a III m m i al L O'\Al P~i III m Spec r ce F rotTl C ar m m

N~r~~~~.~~~~.~~.~~~~~.~~~ toc II ~COFFEE 8PECIAL HI Fancy Santos, 23c,3X lbs,.: $1.00 II Mrs . Rorers Coffee. only ... 30e 1ft

l:,"~I~·rG~tl1~~n~:r%~heont.;~ s:~~r:-~f

A t.

We expect the following Brands of Feed in a few dav~ • Olne Car Old Process Oil Meal~ 32 per ""ent protel.n






Fresh Oysters received 3 times a week- in bulk and sanitary cans-Solid meat, no water. Fancy Large Bright Cranberries. frei'lh crisp Celery, fresh Edgemont Crackers, Heinz Pickles. Olives, Catsup,



- ,

low P ric e s


Sale of Real Estate ol1lHhlrd thereot In one year from the day ot _ _ _




Beginning at 10 o'clock, Ihe following property :




TUESDAY, NOVEMBrR 21, 1911, 4 Head of Horse$, all general pur· pose horses, 22 head of Cattle,. consisti~ of 10 Milk Cows, 8 Heifers, sired by Holsteins, 4 Calves, 20 Sheep, 9 Hogs, six with pigs by side, 13 An, gora Goats, 200 bu. Sorted r orn, 7 tons baled Clover Hay, 325 bales of Straw, 100 shocks Fodder, 30 tons Ensilage. All kinds of 'F arming 1mp!ements and Household ·Goods. Hal'ness, etc. Usual terms of sale

H'-Ah Quo'll-ty'. Feads

den tiy trying to convey," 1ft "Wbat did be say?" ~ "W e said be was read, to eat JOur cooking any time you s&1d the word."

At my faml'Telegrsph Mill IX miles south of Waynesville, on the __ ' - --Oregonia~ikc, I .wULofrer on ,./ -



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ I


Osteopathic - . Physician 912 Relbold Bulldln a •


OW- A fresh oow for 8ale. In ql1lre of Morrie Brown, Wayoeevllle, Ohio Pbone SS IY-.

ww . . . . . . . ._

wUl be IDierted uncler tbl. bud tor twenty· live cents lor tbree IDeerllollA pIGS-TWO male pig.. Dave wben usIng nol moro than live JInes. been inoculated agaln8t obol · era, Inqnlre ' of I. ' 8a', ""..,.. . ..-v. . . . . . . . ."" ................-"". . . . . . . -,.. . . .. -.. . ._,..--.-v . . . .....-.N~yo-:_ Waynesville, Ohio .





Dayton, . . • Ohio


. Graduate AmertclUl School, Klrknlllo. Ho FEAt'HER Bed. and Pillow8 for ' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 1 8ale. Inquire . of Mame T , WI~. Minn • .Brown, Pbone 6-2, Wayneevllle. 0


..... ,


TX>R SAT.&-2 Cyole B~to"'ierll, C De~rlv Dew ,·rew Philo 00 ony


"nopa In Rood onndltloD; allln few S. C. Buft' T.ellhorDII and Whltn RI)()". oheap tf lIold lIoon . RUMell Parlen. Leb'anon, 0 ., R. F. D . 2. ~

. . . . . w • • • • • www

Tim¢ to li¢t Tbat

° U¢'Itcoa

Off Your Mind and On Your Back. . The air' is getting a little shl!LI"per every day, and its time for you to see about that OVERC()'A.T. It is not ~onlythethingfor you \0 be wearing these days, but its a tbing that you need. . The Overcoats at the Kingsbury Store' are the kind you'll like to wear.


A Boy from Kingsbury Boyland You can always tell a "boy from Kingsburys, because his clothes not only look well, but they WILL WEAR WELL, as the boys and mothers can testify.






$30, $25, $20 and

$15, $12, $10, $8 arid



Suits for Men and Young Men


$25, $20, $15 and.

$_2. $1-0, $8 and






I ~



_ :::::L

~----~---­ WAYNE8·nLLE, -O-H-I-O-,--W-E~D-N~~D~A~Y~N~O~V~E~M~B~ER~~2~2',tl~91~1-.----~-------t


---1 --E

WHOL E NUMB Elt 1$134


VALLEY POULTRY ASs()' * TO ALL "OHIO STATE" MEN AND **** **** **** **** CIATI ON-PO ULTRY AND :' , ~ WOMEN CORN EXHIBIT DE'* \ , " * .. _ • _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CEMB ER 13-16 p' Messrs. Terrel Macy and Bryon -191 1' A state-w ide celebration among * U 0 : rgast, who have been workinlt under, and Prende ts. studen L. A, Zimmerman is in Cincinnati alull,ni, former lvania, have accepted Pennsy pnivel' in State Ohio the of tes gradua today. * ; Manv valuable and useful prizes in the Wester El t'ctric ;- si~y is announ ced for Friday, Becem~ both 4epartm ents. Now i. the time a position with located at Jac;W-Jn, now of are groups and Ray Hawke, of Dayton, was In bel" first . On this dRte :: to get your entries ready, both poul. Co., : , women and a, men F'I "Ohio State" town S':!nday, * \ try and com. Help make the week ville. "'" ,youn gI an.d old, will8l!semblesimulta'd :t of December 13-16 interestinlr and A B . SI es were In neous y 10 every county and every *Mr, an d Mrs., """ Prof. T . Ad 'iison Brown, who is 7F * instruc tive. publica tion day to Wednesd change has Dayton Saturda y. Gazette The ill, hall hecn moved to the home anew very pJedge to state the in city large judges have been Betent Compe :: rural the ter hereaf ,and , afterno v 's sister, Mrs. Geo. T. day instead of Tuesda to sing lhe -:: cured and you will have the opportu · of Mrs, Brown Frank Zell was a juror nt Lebanon fealty to Alma Mater, old, avenue, where Dayton colin of time ' Cust, old songs, to rouse the nity to learn many useful lessons two days of last week. patrons will il;et their paper Thu ~ mornin g. e to call on welcom be lege enthusi asm. and to send the will friends good : the raising of good poultry and This change has been conte platro some time, mostly on : State . "Ohio Many Gazette , a .-Xeni ringing s Brown 'wahoo Mr. at social ioned Attend the old,fash * corn. Send for a catalog ue. of the short days of win~'r, and to elimina te the night t accoun wlJl state the outside ations organiz 30. Sec'y. ber son, C. W. Hender the home of Dr. Ellis, Novem work. also hold meetin gs on this date. Avery Needles watchm an at Sloan • - • : ads. and chan"'e will not effe~t , e sending in of news This : for ed organiz be to is county Every end wep.k Miss Maria Stout was the and Copper lakes, claims he is one of " THE LECTURE COURSE * Thanksgiving jollification. (oach ,* Tuesda y at 3 o'clock, to in· be in must ads all and nl!ws the hel· .... to proper ty valued at $1.guest of friends in New Burlington. thi'l The * ,h ", i b f be *s, worker f ce at WIt its own local corps..o 'II The first num r o t e eeture 500,000, and wil'h the assistan sure publication, A patron of, ' • paper must remem ber that * Elijah Compton and family have Progra ms M enterta i nmen t WI" ccess va~y * wasasu Boys, course, the Kaffir prepar , it takes time to set the type, an 'Ida not put off sending in the OhIO taken up their abode in the Bank of course, but loyalty to both in the matter of a good enter: Attorne y John T. Barnet t is In , Monday and ay Saturd the~ Send y. Tuesda until ttlr. news themat in n here. decisio legal everyw a for same ing the It be .... will Flat . . ho" d State" * ltal'nment and a cro"'de Needles is eighty years of age. ...... .... * shape in ing everyth get to ';e ti At exactly 8 o'clock, 8:30 and 9, and * more us give will it this way of his re* is truly wondeJ:'ful the way in which He came to the kno.\le dge Allen Haines and son, of Xenia, withou ta grand rush~t the last;'llinute. *' t~er~. hO,ur h~lf uncle, ing dead " ~ucceed of every fortune at the to lation trained * these African boys have been were in town Sunday visiting relaWe again solicit you to sen~ tin the news, but don't wait sement adverti an reading , every JollIh evening throug t~e cIa&'! ~ur1O~ ~ood the af~er lly especia and to sing, : tives. found t'l th I t ' t to d it '!:' f~1Og ~roup WIll yell the-sam e yell, of music they sing. The choruses, in an old Indian publication . o e mmu as e 'I un nogave the which take and rubish, song, some same e amon~ t sing good, all were Dean, of duets en, solo parts and MiBB Elsie Van Harling ood news and notices :rhborb length, any of ries Obitua I the Ch f With ce. h J h Needl and altoget her the entert ainme nt. Ohio, is visiting her sister, Mrs. U. BUrne oath of allegian publica tion for that ecure s : ~ on ea· , afterno ar . y Monda ~thO in I be d' nd must °h atC ts and tlce tes gradua loyal the ingenu ity of no Imme ~ was simply fine. a Ie WI ton M. White. 71" few for these edber plans .h only remem d I ' ," ex-stud ents at work on Clark's lee- . ' h'elrs week's issue . . If our patrons will , Mr BalDler's and Miss n t lerewlt summo an Of dlate . . . . the Needl * and h f b I l jollification, · tures were 1Oterestm~ and . m.truc Miss Dora Ellis, of the- hWoostekr bthis genera ruJes, it will benefit them and u$ .also. Them, for we can give *es . . of the underg raduates 7t' . ary co\late ra dmemk ers . tS . th 0 t1e kn . * to h 't. muslOn good bee d a making tte both Ex perl. men tatlon spent t e wee· reezy spIrit tive, d'ng m*re ave them won '#: we ause \IS, n ' 1", · rna I rea to come an rna e emse ves own. to keep t hIngs movmg, a loud huzza * talks end at horne. on time. them to er . pap the get to r in,orde night at work one from Avery Needles knew that , he was •- • for Alma Mater will sweep *' back and other a nephew of the Sout.h Carolina man. the to '; Ohio of ELEC'f end M. A. were F. & * Mr:. and Mrs, Harry Murray When asked at hl~ home at 2~2% in Dayton Sunday, guests of Mrs, A. , again. . , " : tremen a be wha~bemtended dOing. The event is sure to ' sville ' Locige, F. & A. M. Stua~ street Q. Bradst reet. ****** Wayneelected **'* **** .*** '*~~** ** gained the fortune **.* had ne **** when **** offiC'ers ng **** befollowi is the ent NoA163 dOUB success , This movem G d J .:I M ' shook his head slowly s Needle AVerJ • ]ast Tuesda y evening for the ensuing Mr. anw rs, OI:l on oy spent BeV ,G , or· n,ewly ~he of all BUmmer I spent e "Well ~nstanc the, said: at and !!un. at s eral days last week with relative FRACT URED A BONE ' boY8 f rom around ~ . . ch , FARMERS' INSTITUTE ~oty U~lversl Stal.te. asm. OhdlO In time g.ant~ed my Lerado , Ohio. commi ttees • te d h ' h cia lon, an pre Immary this lak • , rhcomes win 'the en w an e h I I already have f or genera organiz ation Hawke , who fractur ed I . • '!l Gr ~ . e~ to , ; oc~me . ' Mrs. A, J. Alexan der apent Fri· been w , men y aseawa c Ralph nt Preside appoin ted by tarm,r eeentJ y, . nhislef lbonei Ilalnal year thiS te Institu familY rs and Farme der The Alexan I;)r. day with D. Merehon. shoot . ducks. So when I have the s. is Qt~ni alo~.,U ~en U ~~d be at Dayton , Ohio. rest. It is the purpose of. this letter to will be held during the holiday ~~ne)' eaf~ I shall take a.h>Di , . yeara tb~~ h and ~l:. ~ Fine: expecte d, Be was mi~ at "the, 'I~: ber Dpeakecem mat alr~ ,;:~ plans put the of Qe: you ~~ .J inform ,~'. Sa· of ~'~ ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Collins, e1'8I 'w~. f ere, a~ t ~ a~n;t J,time, and slapped at th~ cow'to make s , ''3.£! ,,' ~. :~1i'~ ~~~be n~"";;~oj ]em, N. Y., are guests of Warren turing, and we ~t-the hearty. coo' .tru~k" ~ ,his ~~d ....lYa onarea , ..,~~":'<:I<,;w,.,;.a;'~g.,d w I ~tand over, ~vmlf Ihe atoer v 8 re ~o ~'lgte.orwabr Idtoh em ~an State" d "Ohio mtende as evety ot 'h8nd on htl of . operati tnstead -,I' I her " era. ~et and family. t he b est mstltu ever e . ' ~- ~--"fI'I£-' -th ' ii and as did IJlY ·grandf ather before ~ auu woman. VY nen e call comes . , ou will re therefo county him, 80 that I aball no doubt have your in borne d , Miat Ethel H08ler returne -, Ot~cr still time in which to enjoy my.elf ." Satunl ay after a t~o months vi!it not do your share to boost' you to mailed Mr. Needles was a residen t of be inform ation will with ~Iativefl jn Iowa; WaYnesville for many yean, and h'J I h t f f f Ie t West f or the benefit 0 f h'tI Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolcott and ro~ Ime 0 Imde. n t e meanw wen . first. ber Decem ate. t forgetfthe "Oh' S family' s health. The inany' friends " aaught er • Goldie , of Lena " Ohic, au don Y tate, 10 ours or of hie bete, are only hoping that he guests of relative s bere, an can prove his claim to the estate. Chairm Carl Steeb, , ry • - • Secreta s, Cockin rs Edith neiihbo . the der, that It is with pain en· , Mesns. S. E. and F. M. Alexan Please send in your accoun ts ofl Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Chapm an ONED SOCIAL r FASHI Webbe OLD Karl and her lee tz Snnday Schwar Fred spent Mrs, town, of Middle tertain ed at dinner Sunday Mr. and of hOme,\ your at ring r occu items soeial Sater Lowry . nity, for home with Mrs. A. J. Alexan der. . ty 0 f th e Mrs. Geo. Hawke , Mr. and Mrs. Is· her family ]eave our commu The Lad'les, A'd I socle Harry Harrin gton broad· the in or neighb a been shehaa er. daught and hwaite . I Sattert rael h 1 1 ' ' h h E M Ran 0 Id a IOCla WI Ms. and Mrs. John Davia, of Herber t Warwick ' • c urc k an d t wo Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Baily, Mrs. eIItsen se,alwa Yllplan ningso metrea t Lee H awe M d M of home rs. the at his night of ttee. givinlr Centra l Commi Cocas, N, J., was the guest or enterta inment in her cozy home Thankt , of Dayton, Lina Devitt and Emmor Baily Jr. Hawke Ray and n, childre cor· is • _ ody • Everyb Ellis. brother , Mark Davia and family last for the friends about her with the Dr. J. T. t.ook din'ner Sunday Ilt the home of IN MEMORIAM . appare nt pleasur e that she dially invited to attend. week. same --Hawke. C. J. Mrs. and Mr. A goo4 o]d-fashioned time insured house" The ladies of the Christian church Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Hainea enter- would for those of her own foris seat e fln' , broken is wu for all. _ __ .... - - - - will hold a Thanksgiving market at "The circle tained Sunday at dinner in honor ' of hold. Hence as soon as the time I ·saken·, Gay, No. to eave Ul!, HAVE YOU A BLUE RIBBON BOW Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hawke had as their compan y, Mr, iind Mrs. Wm . settled for the family the Township house Wednes ead y at once to h . friend our of tree the from bud One as their guests for dinner Friday. Wolcott, of Lena, Ohio. Those who t e neiahb ors were r vembe r29th. Every 'farmer 's wife, daught er or "hip is shaken ; to the family what appreeiaMrs. enjoyed tht;! dinner were: Mr. and show hnd Mr. , Hawke I C, oJ. h' Mrs. f Id longer no lis . among from heart or t elr a ways sister should wear her blue ribbon • . Mrs. Walter Reed, after a plelU'- On~ Ben Hawke and Miss Clara Hawke . Mrcl. Chas. Rye, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. tlon they cou thrill will ss Mrs. Schwar tz The farmer s' vote will keep Warren . visit- -with friends here and at ................--...lIAtt -- - - - Sattert hwalfe , Mr. alld MiS. John thoughtf!!] kind"ne in grief or s, g]aanes our in joy With 'ncinna ti returne d to ber home in and children were invited to 4ine on county dry. Rachel Keys, Miss Martha Rye and daught ers, Esther and MolMrs. Buy I do? wantto Doyou ! Women ilL" our Omar Mr. ck and Tuesda y at the home of , "'Chicago TueMa y. Burnet t, Mr. and Mrs, S. Lev . lie, Mr. and Mrs. Ed . Hartso it up in bows Mr. Lewis, from where she was called some blue ribbon, make Valley, Spring of , Harold son, most ined enterta were ight Cart~r of er Ma· Miss daught , UlaraA lice Clingan Mr. Walter Bentley and home to and pin one on every woman who and Mrs. Earl Conne. , Mess~ , about noon to ' her own EmMiss by , Sunday on tly rtand. pleasan ton, was Burling Clingan New of William , bel Bentley Martha and answer a telepho ne call, to which has not one. Show where you Harvey and Clarence Rye, ight. girls your Cartwr and rna you NoWill died rs! and Mrs and Teache 1877, 26, Mr. r as ting with Octobe ' suspec born Sund8J little spent place she hurried 21 years, 34 ribbon~ vern bel" 17, 1911, aged Clarenc e Bentley, her look of amazem ent clearly wear the blue days. On Sunday, Novem ber the 26th, door, Mesdames Warren Barnet and E. showed_when ~he opened the were 'familY and t Wolcot Wm. Mr, to ge marria in united of friends would be there let every woman wear her colors. Mf!I. F. C. Gilmou r was called to She was home of V. Barnha rt enterta ined at a "thim- that a lot the at ay Thursd ined enterw 1895. 10, March Haley E. .-h n d th ere was a l'egu Iar t t South Lebanon' Thuntd ay eveninlr on William h'lI - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conner, and on ble" party Monday afterno on. The ~ gree er'!1 f b th" T SATURDAY her of MEET c death our WILL orn sudden the and weae of t fine, union IS accoun o dann:r steamang hot and y at the home of Mr. and occaaion was a "farew ell" for Mrs. Monda Oaisy Lee, Edward .• C Walter dren, that out, y. father, Mr. Bretne Walter Reed, who left for her home nothang seemed to be le~t The Wayne Township Detecti ve be a feast as It should Maria and Glenna May. Daisy Marie Mrs Chas. Sattert hwaite . to make goes M . d T ked Ch' . . will meet from down F. C. Schwa rtz came lcago ues ay momlDg. f Srs. suchaschlcken,oy~ters ba 10 preceded her mother to the Great beans, and Protect ive Association CoIl' M t . t' B ber 25th. bUlly been Novem has on. O , afterno Columbull Sunday hot coffee Saturd ay fruits, pastry, cake, [Jeyond April 1900. h n ar• salads,' 1\" er, I rs. es ItnSf' of the I arne ' SySIS d event rt social t pl('asan very their A . paid h ' 0 ready 0 not 0 h have goods old who soagu househ those 'ld ,wasa All his getting sf em, N I" 'd k Three chI ren toget er Wit e~c. , a 10 varfllety., qua I ~ atn adqudanto- dues are request ed to do so at this afterful delight y a Apent ladies Y The a rHI own paMrt a for ,removal to that cit-y. ~as husband mother and many relative s past wee while tlty to over ow1Og, anI: 0 f I asan t . b . . AII en . ion of the oc- time. and friends ar~ left to mourn the ternoon , gIven y rs. sister. k a the wannth and attract I lon, sB dconvtefr Pkeed nthoon In J. C. Hawke, Sec'y. t t th d' t " in compli ment to her I' 'd Ml'1s. to t ' . h · oc Mrs. Horace Cleaver, of Xenia, I c a our a ,an wor ey _1 h r< e 1o· f The caslon a s rm se 10 JUS a er qUle un · W. N . NewIand , 0' Pa Isal es, \.AJI. t th eel h I 0 one, w 0, In 083 s HallVey of Gillam, n Truma Mrs. and soma uMncesdwas seArv · t J ing hour, and so approp riate did it ~uming way IIond devotion to her CHURCH OF CHRIST 00 ts h h burg, were guests of Mr. , and ){ rs. family won the respect and esteem Six tables were filled for "500" and goes bat th ,. ames . Maffi were 0 w en ec an was ere t aeem Kate an Col H I J lln f t le F Cad f h Clarence Bentley Tuesday. of all, with whom she came in con· at t he ClOse 0 t e a ternoon said, "I JUBt hoped it would Bible School at 9:80 a. m. Preach · 'New~ some one M'-r<- wa WerH' 'AI] • WemN . J es Mesdam by assisted " hostess t thO t ' . . en, . . s, l.'\..Nma at 10:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. d ing d ' Prater arrived ' home from ta ct • Sh Batry B Ime. F 18 h a . C 0 L Crane snow I d G W H k an erwoo . . t, artwrlg to us for g at the hard seems it the west last week. Be called on Although ~w: ~ y l!ilizabeth Webav enodou btbutth eSchw artz Mid-week Prayer meetin erveda delici0 1.lS .;:' Baird,s Myra Miss we when ne," p. m., . 7:30 l1bedo at od'~wi sday in saY."G Wedne friends sville of church family will find plenty a great' many of the Wayne rse lunch. The favors were C ~l mdm~ e:ru: , two,cou e presenc eart~ly t her of subjec kindThe need the their is feel leader. it zie since found McKen and home, Rev. new West, their U,le boys while in yra. Those,in arro an ' 80 much, let us remem ber that God beautif ul red carnati ons. recipro- ill found discussed in the Lookout. be will that spirit dly them all getting along well. Iyfrien · caUli those, whom he loveth, " and vited were Mesdames E. V.Bam Young People's meetin g . Sunday cate4 wherev er they may go. Baily, r Emmo Reed, . Walter hart, own his claim not he shou]d why Meawere eveninlr just before preachi ng. We Reame r Ref!d wits home a couple Mr and Mrs. Robert Crew were Those who were there Devitt, A. B. Chandler, J. B. Lina h althoug home his in. shin~ to , jewe]s Arnold 1m Susan take n, to are anxiouS that we have a' full turn left Madde but e on dames Lina of dayslp t week, Chapman,' F. B, Henderson, J. ~. victimR of a genuin e BUrpris dreary. mude be own our Lewis, Bewill lizzie winter. Smith, the for out at all these services. Lincorn ent Grace 'e ngqem 21st, that being to give Colem'an, A, T. Wright , P. D. Clag- Tuellday evenin g, the Callie Zell, L. O. Thompson. Pastor. Rachel od, Sherwo Will artrave11~ the 8&lhec:orn~y with bls ' The human heart is ,prone theis·m H. E. Hathaw ay, the. tenth annive rsary of. Evans, a Cynthi ett, but ations, lament nd griiafa n, to Robiuo brother , Dr!lfl~ Reed and wife: O. riage. A ]ar«e numb:t!r of friends , Cross, May Cl'OII8, Hester FOR SALE he wiD take you homt! to re ' G" W. Hawke , Laura MQsiter, J. Phillips, May ?t;t. with' Mrs. Jason SheehAn at the h~ Edna Woo]la~, Clara , Ify., in fhi~~i r~lativea and friends Cartwr ight, F. B: Sherwood, U.· Ella Carey, ViOla re, McC]u Eliza- were presen t, eacb one breaen ting ' have: been 'so long White, D. L. ,Crane, _ . Sadie One fresh grade Jejney Cow, the couple witM~ piece of tin ware. ,Olive Lewis, ' Edith Fra.z(er Emlma. : ., Myra, , Carroll •. ~' , Jeraey heifer with .ft~ ' call. 'phillips i Mame 'lbe ~onr' was ,a very ~e'njoyable ~. Ida Parsbalt..-Misl . lJeilr!J,wIlY, .. Edith Lindley M8!ld~I~ ' R• . D•• ·MiII' Ze))~ Lola 4_ 1 ' 'e, and' Stella ' 'on~:-: At ' a. 'a easOi.b le' houro1 8ter Carl MeCllU Jei.iae'· - ~, ;~ev.,~!o\1lD8ani.~~" ~i~ : ~~' W"'~~le. '«;>hi_ o.; ';' ,<~+

Pers ona l Men tion



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The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE, Publ is he r.


. __ _


The 0"'''''''1: of t be present !heatncal season Is acco mpllnled by the J,ro clnlllll iio n of a ne w prin ciple. f' or 20 yea rs or mo ro tb o stllr bas been t he Ido l of t ho publi c and the god ~I 'm nn llgcrM ~I ' .... ' I Y wu s th e walio Of tbl s dh' l, I' , ... c s tar sY6t e m see med pernu" .. ,. '. ,lil t In&t season was one 01 Ibl , _, tr yin g tbul Lb eater man a ge rs h n ~' t! t' \' ~ r \V en tb ered . Scurc.:ly one has not rllrtl1 i1eLl bls en le rjl rlscs. aaya t he Ne w York SUIl . Tbea trlcal Invest· meu t Is on a mu cb les eJltenslve ~ca l e tb oll It WIIS I ~ montlls IIgo. /!:x · t r('w o co n ~e rva t lgm ma r ks tbe busl· n ss tbl s ta ll. Ma nngers tu"e searell· Ing for sugges t Ion s 8 8 to tile best men ns of IlUttlng tb cl r a tra lrs on a 80 1111 bas is. One res ult or this Inves· tlga llon Is th e asse rtion tba t It would prlluab ly be mucb be tter lor the theat e rs If tb e re wore rewer stars or tl nne a t a ll. Th e reas ons for this declalon s ee m sound. 8t all events Bound· er 10 reasonable laymen than tbe ca uses of Lbe s udd e n promotion ot every blue·ey ed Inge nue to tbe rank of R stnr. Manage rs have decided that Lbe thentrl c.a l celebrity tbey make holds tbem &fterward In tyran· nlcal grasp. They must eventually accede to all the condlllonB lbese play· ers may Impose. Tbus by deliberately creating a star tbey ue ralalng up • force tbat will eveutually be Inimical to them.


IN GOD ~~::====::::=:==I GEORGE R.




Sabbath Reading

ow n ecess ary Is Is for tbe

business man to put blu trust In God to belp him tbrough hili trials and dis· The Manure Shed That Helped to Increase Mr. Smlth's Corn Vleld. appointments. How many hours he .has of tbem. How worried som e times he Is to keep bill obligations to otbers. The buslneal man hall pec uliar troubles and standi In need at ahe belp of God. The 1V0rkingman al60 has hard work to make enda m eet; be has fl wife tlnd children whom he loves. nnd to see them want any of the good things of this life makes bla heart feel sore; and what can he do In such an e mergency but look to God for help In bill hour of need. Workingmen are more to be pitied than employers, Tbe Raglan ahoulder Ie among the for they have generally Ie so buslnesB Ilbllity to ()vercome obstacles tbat lIewest of tbe various 8tyles In ulle for surround them tban thoM wbo em· coats. Tbe long tab has qomewbat the (By Alfred Vlvlall. Colle ge of A ~ l·lcu\ture , Ohio State University.) ! 1>IOY them. Tbe slightest accident ktmono elrect and Is more comfort· able. For ·tbelle coats reversible cloth This Is tbe story of a manuro ah ed. this out betore 1 can put In tbe ceme nt and tbey bE!COme financially crlpplet! Is especially desirable. as It needll DO and stand h~ need of a father's care Mr. Smith, of Delaware county, owns floor." 80 be bauled tho "stull" from and protection. How ne ce ssary It II lining and tweed . heather mlxturell th e s bed. He hlld a r eason for build· under the floor and spread It on th'l for them to be ev ery ready to look to and monnlsh materials In general ue Ing IL The reason will ap,peal to you. field . On anoth er part of the sa.n(J God tor hel" . Ge nerally wllh no 88Y. well liked for them. The pattern (5588) Is cut In 81zell 8 Mr. Smith purchase d a run·down tarm. field he spread the "good" manure Ings In the bank. how deplorable their Th~ farm produced twe nty·five bUlihels from tbe yard. And at harvest time- condl.llon wben struck by hard tlmeB. to 12 years. Medium size requIres 2~ yard8 of 50 Inch materia\. of corn to tbe acre th o first year. Last Lo! t he ground receiving the "stu Blckness sometlmell Is tbelr lot. and procure thl. pattern eend JO cent. year It produced elghtllfive boehels from under the floor yielded mucb just at that time how much they toTo"r'attern Department,·· of thlB paper. Grlndell MattbewI, a young Eng· per acre. The manure shed accounts more abundantly. Mr. Smltb saw. tho etand In need of courage to belp them Write nnme and address plalnly. and be .ure to elv .. "1.11 and numb!!, ot IlI1ttern. for the difference. And this Is bow he point. Tbe rains had wnshed Bornetbrougb their dlftlcultles. llsb engineer. Is .believed by bll friends to be on · Lbe ~~rge of clvlng to the happened to build the shed. In the thing out of toe manure In tbe yard '· Wbetber we are rich or poor we NO. 5588. 6IZE............... . 'World a wlrelesa telepbone wIth wblcb yard wal a Inrge pile or manure left which had not been lost from tho all lire cOllstantly In need of the help conversatlons may be carried on by former te nants. "Thls la well." manure uni:ler the flool'. That 80me-, of Ood to assist ana comfort UII. NAKE .... ; . .... .............. . ............. . thing was too valuable to lose. "So Need for DivIne Help. acrols tbe AUanUo. It ma;r not be- .ald Mr. Smith, " for well rotted I'll bulld a shed." said Mr. Smith, We all bave our peculiar trIal II and TOWN . ................. . ................... . '(lOme publlo. al the BrtUab lonrn· manure I bave heard Is good for crops. " and never allow any manure to temptations and know not what aD STREET AND NO....................... : ment may lleek to acquire the 10141 I will baul It out." On the farm was a In th e yard expoaed to the weal her." I bour mny bring fortb . We cannot get iJ'Iaht to It. preservtu. the heret, anel pretty good barn, nil but the floor. Hence the shed. Hence. 11180. 85 . ~long alOne but stand In need of dl· STATI! ...... ; ............................. .. J'etalnlng It 'for ulle In WIU'. All that wblch waa worn out and full of cracks. bushels of corn In tbe acre. Hencc, "Ine belp 1111 tbe time. Put your trullt In Ood when you are .. bown concerning the apparatul II He decided to put In a cement floor again, 20 ton9 of sl1ag.- to the acre. that It Is In a box so Imall 'that one and use tile bam for dnlry cows. and the clover and the alfalfa, and thl! well and wben you are IIlck. f01' you FIVE GORE HABIT BACK ' SKIRT. aiay easily carry It about. Jnlt'm~ Under tbe floor was several Inches large monthly milk Check. and tbe au. : kno~ DOt whllt II to take place In an 'flDenta may be tuned 10 that they wlU of dry. cbaffy material that had· 81fted tomoblle. All becauee one m~n "Baw . bonr s time. throqgh tbe crackll~' "What a nuls. tbe point." And the manure .hed lu How plea8lBnt It III to bave the ... URnlmlt only to others tuned In the ance." aald Mr. Smith. "I mUBt clear stJ\1 on the job. alltance of God In the hour of ilame key. A man mIght telepbone to ==============-:==~=-=============== emergency. t lO lean on bll arm In tbe . . time of need, and to feel that hi ~. wife wblle abe II out Ibopplng. Te.ta ba"e been ma4e In whlcb tile belps you when you call upon · blm. How weak we are at tlmea and what Interpoaltlon of brlclt and Iron a good tblng It II to know where to w~ .boWD to b8 no ban1er. Notlllnl , go for help. How many tlmel bave . aeeml too wonderful In the way of In· ' lome of us bad the experience of .. ",ntlon_lSPBclaui wbere electricIty finding help and aBsllt8nce wblle we . '1 li'oucerned; .0 oobocJy 'wW be peat. .i telt downcast. aDd Incompetent to do .,. aurprlsed If Matthewa' In"ent.on anythIng for oul'tlelvel. fulllJIa Ita prom.... ' ... In IIlcknell ~nd In health .I t II well to look to O(Jld tor hll blesslnga upon UI. We tleec! hili help enry day lind are dependent upon him for all the blessln$1I thall we enjoy. Whst mller. I able belngll we would be without th. culpable In assistance of God. To blm we are In regard to another letter of tbe ''&JPba. I debted for all the protection from JlBt. "r." How It doea Iby at "r." both. enemlell and friends that comel Wben tbe letter II not dropped en· to our lot, and bow thankful we Bbould feel thnt hIs wntchful care I. tlrely It hecomell "01," aa In ,·'ou" ever over us. f.o r girl. or "wolld" for world. Wbat The bahlt blck II tllled on nearly all Great Is (lod'lI love for UI. as IIhown II being done In our publtc school. .klrta. e:rcept wbeM there II a panel by the ways that be leads us from to COrl'ect thtl bad bablt and others temptation Into patbs of rectitude. effect. It III employed 10 tbe modt:! equally bad? Tbo · Cockney language . Today he taj(es care of us In answer berewlth lIIulltrated . combined wltb a panel front and lored cnd Jtted sldel. la not a tbln« of beauty or a deUgllt to praye~nd tomorrow he will do The skirt baa botb the blgb waillt and to tbe ear. but positively we are deI the llame thing If we put our trust In the normal Onlsb, provided In the pat· "eloping an argot bere that III much him. tern. Serge. cbevlot. broadclotb. lilt· worse; a monstrous. hybrid form of ThOle That Are H.ppy. In and taffeta all well all novel wool· • peech, devoid at once of grace and God bl!!8S fathers and mothera ens are aultabls for 8klrts of tblll wbo make It a praetlce to ask Ood kInd. mUllc. Let our Bcbool commlslllon· . to bleslI th!llr families: thrice bappy erl look to It! The pattern (6576) Ip 'mt 10 .Izell 22 udder of the tresh cow Is a very early age. After the first fow are the cblldtren wbo baTe such parto 30 Incbet wallt measure. Medium tn good condition and ahows no traces weeks the skim milk mny be gradually onts. size requlrell , yards of 3& Incb ma· When a man bolds up bls fellow of garget the cull should be re moved I ncreased to seven or eight quarls and You need not e"er be lett alone to man at the point or a cun and relieves after It has nursed once or twice. late r to nine or ten quarts per 1lay. tackle your dllftlculUes. for God's earll terlal. blm of hIs belonglngll. It II -~=~..:.1~~IS Is of advantage not only to the All tills time the fe 0 d er mua t b e are open to b,ear your requests to be To procure <hi. pattern eend 10 c..,,111 10 "Pattern Department." ot thl. paper. blab way robbery. Wben a nation cow and calf bllt to the plltlenco of tbe careful that the calf Is not over·fed. delivered froll! tbe darknellll tbat Wrtte nama and ac1dreu plainly. and be doell tbe eame tblDg I~ Is called war. maste r. also. t.hat the pall Is perfoctly clean and 80metlmes surroundS' you. Alwa1s be aur" to ~Iv. alae &nd numbor ot oattern. What the world needs Is an Interna· Whe n the calf Is removed It should that no grain Is left In the trough to willing to receive nelp from hi. tIonal police force . be placed in II. clean, warm' pen. out become sour, A little carelesBness In bountiful hanei. Do not eTer doubt NO. 6675. SIZE. . .. ...•. . •••••• of sight of Its dam. It should be fed neglecting to heat the milk to the body hts power to help you when you stand NAME ..................·................... . . Wben a man sues a girl for tDe from four to sili: t}uartn of milk dally. temperatuJ'e, In hllvlng It sweet one In need of bel p from him. the BmouDt given depending upon Its day and sQUr tbe next. or In neglect- i Read bIll w'ort! carefully ant! pick TOWN .. ................. . ................. .. money be spent In courting ber, It tilze and v igor. In nature. a calf takes Ing to scald the pall, may CIlUBe a from It hIs promlBell to aId ),011 on all bebooves tbe girl to enter a counter Its feed f,.equently and In small quan. severo case of Lbe scours. from which occasions wbem you most need bl. STREET AND NO ............. ......... .. lult for tbe gas tbat was burne<! dur- titles. Its stomach Is quito small at the calf does not wholly recover for ald. Be alw.i.''IrTI!r:T''thankful. to blm. STATE . ...... , •...•.••.....•........•.•.•••. Inc the sessions In tbe parlor. Trust God every day In tbe year first. bence It Is very easy to over. weeks. feed. For this reason It Is better In The skim milk from a farm sep. and be always ready to receive hl~ An Ohio man fainted arter he had fee d it three limes per dllY. rather orator Is much preferable to tbat bleBslngs that he ball In store for you How to Clean I 'Wallt. brought from a creamery. In case the and youre. Be always thankful for Put two cupfula of flour Into one played a plano continuously ror twen. than twtce. for the first few weeks. For the first week the milk given the milk is separated at the crenmery thl' his Ilsslstance and keep looking up to quart O( cnollne and sUr well. Put ty·seven hours. We haven't lIeard calf should corne directly from its patron shonld Insist thnt tbe skim blm for all the blesllinga tbat he fl wall' In tbla snd let remain a couple wbat bappened to tbe people who dam. The milk of R fresb cow Is so milk be thoroughly pasteurized beforo , so Bnxloull to bestow Upon you. of bours, tbake ~d IUr around. but were compelled to IIBtejJ. There III nothlnll: 110 much to be de. do Dot rub; give a second batb of dlffer",,,t from that produced later thaI It Is returned to the farlD . Tbls lt Is fermed colostrum. This Is claimed not only keep It io better condition. , splsed 88 Ingratttude to Ood. He clear pllollne; put a clean corBet A Chicago man jumped from the to) be unfit for human consumption, bu t, also. 10Bures tbe calf against POIT loves the che,erful receiver or bl. cover over a form or pillow; stretch third story of a burning 'hotel, but tbe but It III tbe Ideal food Cor tbe calf. sible Infection from diseased herds In goodness and will remember tbem wallt on thll to dl')', theD brusb wltb kInd t'bat jump a bill on tbe first rIoor It Is very high in ash and proteIn. the community. a 801. brulh to remov~ Bily remalnlnc when In trouble. In Borne caaes tbe whole milk ratber Let your conversation dally be In flour. The wal.t will look like tleW III the silent night arn the kind the for buildIng up the body, and also t')ontalns II. laxative useful In purging than tbe cream or butter Is sold from , pralae of Ood \'or III his goodness dl ... and the beadl will be brlCbL The botelkeepers don't like. ~he newly born oalt and In sllmulat. tbe tarm and the calves are raised on played toward you. GIve blm tbe seaDIl. oilly. need prellinc. 'Iflg the digestive organs. special feeds dealgned to take the credit for all of your deliverance I One of the esteemed mlaslonarlell Return of Lltel Blou8el. After ten or twelve days, If so de· place of milk. Some are quite sue· trom sIn and troubln. and 10 walk tells us that ChIna wtll Otle day doml. sired. skim milk may be nubstltuted cessful In raiSing calves in this way. through thla wlo rld that you may ,\aTe WhIte Isce blouaell are comlne Into 0:, te tbe world. TlIlnlt, brethren. of tor wbole mllk. This change should but. so far. as good results have not an' abundant entrance Into Henven. thel own alam It BeemB. Some beau. hcl ng forced to eat all one's meall In be made !,-radually, a pint of skim been obtained as from the ratlnn of Uful modelll ba"e come from Parla. wbere Worth II IIbowln, lIeparate • Chinese relltauran·1.! !nllk replacing a lIke amount ot wbole skim milk and grain. Abulldantly Able; milk each time, until tbe wbole milk In case two or more calves lire kepI The most Inlplrlng thoull:bt about blousell of wbite lace lIDd chllron wlUl A telepbone clrl In Portugal cave has been .entlrely re;;lacecl. It Is a togetber. stancblons are very deslr· this mlgbty promIse til tbat It remind. dark IIklrta of two-plt!ce 8ults. 'C,p,ese ",amlnl! Of a royaltlt attack Bnd commo:! mistake to sU\lPose that able.. These may be made like tbe 'lS that Got! blmlelf II the creatOr of new wblte Watllta are very 110ft ' and quelled a rnolt, proTlng hers.lf a becaulle tbe rat has been removed rigid cow stanchions only smaller. tbat which ho promllea to do. He I. IIbaer. and. In malt callel. combine two tlret-cla811 Informlltion operator. large amounts of skim milk should be Then after drinking tbelr milk. all not cor, line". 1:11 anllwering our pray. IOrta of lace: Vat and cluny or AU. fed . The difference between the two they are una.ble In get at each otherB era. to reBOU~oel and materlall al. Ian; or a dainty net lace wllh ratber la one of the fat content only. and the. cars. tbey will begin to eat tbe grain ready on banlt. but out of bl. Infinite beaY)' filet Inlutioa . . The trellbman and 1I0pbomore med- problem before us Is to supply thlslll~d hay pla.ce<! before them much power alld wlldom he' can make the A 'ooll.h Man. Ica are ratber rouch In theIr rulbe •• in other feeds. For thl:l '1 lurpose a more readily thnn If tbey are pel' thlnc we Bilk even out of Dotblnl. BUJ'ely thl' II. encoursgement to ask MWbat', tbe matter with yOU anel bat &fter they 8laduate they will mu. amall amount of bran or ground oats mltted to run 100Be at tbls time. E. F. RINEHART. the IP'fIate,t tJlllnp and to prove all Katherine!" Is nl')' good. Calf middlings. BCald~ tUate wltb more flnesle. 1.0 tbey aJ'e In the torm of a Jelly. Oollege of Agriculture. Ohio Stat, tbe pGNlbUlttea 'of .talth and pra"el'."Mad ber partner at brtdce the othmake quite a valuable iuldl~lo. 1) to the University. n.Y. ..... "11.' BlmpioD. ' · .r nllbL 8be uked me to teU ber 01 Challinc a monoplane wltb aulomo- teed unUI tbe calf call 1;)e Induced 0;, I aD1 . ml.iak~. Ibe.. lIIade.'· "II 'a merl')' IIport It wblcb not ·to eat the dr;. .gratn;'placed before It. r ' At th1..e seaSOD or the yeu It I, .well Latl' HOUri, . "Wei"" !':i.,:'; .....- •.,...'u. Lbe ralr! '~alea of our cbl:dhood In a week or two 'corn ,-neal or . whol~ to remember th,llt! bamy~rcl ' In8n IJ.r.' , ,'J?o · lIC!t ~ map~·" ~"",, ..om__ . . M~.eU. I told ber." ~~ mlQ'.. ~ ~upplled; .90rn II ,valuahl/l Ie a v,lua"l8' and perlahable IIMinci\. :wbo a)lo,,~>be~l! ~\~oct~UD~\1h• ." '.' . , ' .' tfh., replaclnf; tlie fat!n the mUk. ~,et. No IYllt"m of storIng hP.a eutlrel, Delgh'lOrb.lDa tOP b1qD'·er ."ato! '. .. .. ,..!I~T.hl. '~ , DI"erent. I It 'I hoq\d ~,t De. tea to ezcea le.t tbe ..done away ' with tbe '10118et1 In CODnef moblae.runt\J \2 o~CIloCk ' So"the '~onJDa " , Fan.. la ~d Q80~e. "you kno", 'Ii_ ~If ~ecome' too fat. I~ a .mall amouDJ .~n < ...vltb :'i t. . ' T~e~ 'U<lulil mlAy;: rut wslli a eOUDlIrfeft· .por(' Wfui 'a . . . : :tGwar / ou: 'Do . !OU reCSp.". Jf cobel (llo"er or altalta hlr. Is 'pr~ away. the '80Jllble plant loocf leal;. ,ou~ 1IIw aDd, :weuer .~.,..~~ ~ II ell Moab .. ' . ' ~ ' .. " . ., c YIdeIf tlIe CAlf wlU 1Ie&tD. to '~ It at Of Oie D~tro'8D" be loat' by lieap"l. · > Alk.,....tIloask _ _ ,__ ;" ....r :d,·Gel~~_..~_ "I~. wllh a~ . • . , • .. . ' .... ., ., ' . " .. ,. • ..,.,,1 •••


A Delaware County Farmer Accidentally Discovers Something That Has Paid Him Wflil - Story of How a Manure Shed Was Built.






O~ I



OH iO t=

Practical Fashions










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Eouma C.uled Ablcel..1 Now Entirely Cured hy Rellnnl. Who can tell tbe terrlblo lufferlns of tbls poor boy unlll hll motber flnolly discovered Reslnol T Taken trolD .cbool because of bll Illd plight, h. was In mlsel'Y greater. probably. thaD words can describe. Read wbat hie motber says: "My boy had Eczema In luch a form tbat It caulled abscessea on his bead. I was com[>elled to take blm from Ichool. Arter using your loap ' and ointment tor three weeks bo was en· Urely cured. 1 will always keep bolb tn my home. "MRS. FLORENCE ORIFFIN. MI2S WintOn street. Philadelphia. Pa." It Reslnol can do thll In one c. . . It can do It In all callOB of Ikln dl .. lase. We have tbouaanda or tesu. monlalo telling at wonderful cure•• Relinol Ointment Is prescribed by' phYllclaDII for every Bkln Irritation. Including cutll. so rea. .cahfa and burn8. and la a remedy for bolli, carbuncles. felons, pllell, eczema, barber's Itch. tetter, sb Ingles, pllorlaala. oruptlons of pol80n Ivy IUld other Ikln troubles. GIves Immediate relief. and Ibould be on hand ready for hnmedJ.. ate use. . It Is put up In screw·top opal contalDerl lelling at .:letT t'enUt and a dollar. Reslnol Soap, made of the sama InIredlents. represents the blgheat art In 80aj)-Dlaklng. It II refresblng and .ootblng and should be u8ed hT every One for the toilet and bllth. It Is n· peelaUy adllpted to tbe skin of Infuta. Preventl many at the 8idn .trouhle. and there Is nothing quite 80 cood for Ihampoolng and the cleaning of th. 'calp. The ointment and lIoap are tor pIe by all druggists. Sample lIenl free If you will mention Department No. 61. Rellnol ChemIcal Co., Bal~ more. Md.


j , i

.... . .

Her Infinite Varlet)'. A woman smoked a clcarette. an' made thereby a aenllatlon. Such a Bensatlon. In' fact, that IIbort. b' another woman wal 8moldnl. and then anoLber. But 88 more and more womea Imoked the senlatlon theT made lTe,. lelll and lei.. until at ienctb the, made no lenlatlon at aU. That elided IL "Well. wbat nextT" Quotb womaDo kInd, for age could not Wither her 1I0r eulltom atale her Inllnlte y.arl.t:r.PuelL Summoned al Wltn ...... Whenever Rev. Solon J.lI:ef8Oll called on Aunt Candace It wa. ber cUltom to let a plate of gincerbre" before blm and tben pI,. bl .. , ~tJI wbat Ibe caUed .. ·lItiou. ·.poUlldln·.... "Wha' fo' doel de Lawd ,",nCl epS. deml~ into d. land 1" Ibe ..ked hila ''When folk. get 10 bad dey mUlt W removed, lIo.e of em, SI.t· Cand,_IIr-- -- - - ----a:'en d~ Lawd permltl de cOlllln. ob aD epidemic. IIIlld Mr. J efferaoD, anAl tooll. a laree hlte of llineerbread. ''tJb,.hl'' iatd Auat Candace. "'JIll dat'. 10. bow come de Coed people .eta removed alonc wid de bad one .... "De good onel are .ummonH4 fd .wltne..... " pld Rey. Bolon. fortlftef In ,plrlt and c1arllled ID milld by thl ' gincerbread, although .UChtly. embaJruhd In bl' utterance. "n. Lawcl gib" lITel')' man a faIr trlaI."-youth·. Cofnllanlon. N

RII.tored Courag •• The lOuthern Inver was Impetuou.. 18YS tbe lutbor of a recent book of J'eminl.s eenc88 of ealtem VirginIa. eDo titled "Memory DaYII." and the maideD wall timId and unused to pBBlllonat. propollall ot marriage. "Ob. don· Interrupted In a whillper. "Yo. frIghten me dreadfully." - -...:...:.- - - - - - - - - --- O"ercome ·b" contrition, the you ... man humbly apologized for hll ferv ' and a palnfut" Illence enllued. The " rorl broke It at lallt. "Robert." sbe bepn. will} • bopeful IImlle. "I don't tblnk-I-aball-be .. frfcbtelleCl thl8 time."

To Be Pleasant In the Morning Have



'Toasties - The

rest of

the day will

take care of ibelf. Post T outiea are thin

bib of White Indian Com - cooked and' touted un- ' til deliciou,ly CrilP and ' a~a·








~ ,. f'

r .

That Canada hall com;~aPldlY to the tront In the past ten years Ie am. ply shown In the results of tbe cenllUI recently made public. The populsUon oT- Clie Dominion Is now placed at '1,081.869. whlcb with oully(ng POIDtl to be beard frum, may bring it up to '1'4 willon8 a8 compared with 6371. • , 116 In 1"\0 ~ 1. Tbougb theBe figure. are large, tbey do not "reaent a total al " Iarll:e aB wall expected but tbey do Ihow a greater Increase of percentage In populaUon tor the decade than aDY Ilmllar Increase tn the United State.: The blgbe8t perceDtage ever reached by tbe Republlo was 2.%; the percentage at Increase In Canada for tbe decade Is 32%. Thus it will be Hen that tbe provinces weat of the lakell, with the great broad tertlle aorel ready for the aowlng aDd Immediate reaplnc of grain and the Valley. of British Columbia capable of productDC rrult with wblch to supply It I neigh· boring provinces eaet or the moun· tal~R. have attracted Dumbers, which., baa exceeded ·the mOlt 'opUmlaUc the expectations or ten ),eare ago. Upon the prairies or the ten yeara a&o there was but a lpare scattering of people; but today. no matter In which way yOU go. take. any dlrectloD, and YOll Gnd bomes and farme and ,ood onel too. occupied by the ...ery best class or peo,le In '<cood alzed eet· ~ tlem ents with plenty of room for 'flve or six tlmcs as many mort). The populutlon of Alberta III eet down at 8'13.919. as compared with 73.022 In 1901; Saskatcbewan 463.608 as compared "'Jlh 91.210 In 1901; Manltoba'e .64.. e91 compar1!ls well with Its 265.211 In 1901; and so doee that at British eo. lumbla-362.768 as agalnat 178.657 In 1901; but In a territory as large aa this a population or 1,6.3.000 I.s ·lIttle more than discernible In poInt of num· bers. The work tbrough It hae been' creat. Look at the towns that have been built up; It II cities, Winnipeg with ]35,000; Vancouver with upwardl of ]00,000; Calgary with 43.000; Ed· manton, Re$lna. Saskatoon; Leth· bridge; Medicine Hat, Moo.ejaw. Iplendld clUes-oone better aDY· where; well maintained and equipped. Tbese bave come with edstence and been built as they bave heen built. b)' reason at the Iplendld agricultural country by wblch they are lIurrouDd· ed. The population I. IIcarcely ' discernlble•• A populaUon ten or twelve time. that .bown by the recent censul could be eully maintained In even greater weallh lhan tbat whloh malntalnl the prellent numbers. There II certalnly a wonderful future for Western CaDada and that wblch goea to the development 'of the welt will enrich the tut. Tbll I. tbe growlnl time In Canada L\ld what haa · b"D clone In lhe put ten ,earl .l. but a beginnJng. The next decade will Ibow a far greater advancement. In the meahtlme Canada Is hlddln" welcome the procrellll ...e aDd Indu.trlou. cItizen. The invitation Is a .tandln. 41ne. At tbe fortbcomlng 1811d expoal. Uon In Chicago. Canada 11'111 have one or the beat exhlbltl of farm producta that /:1l8 ever been made and It 11'01 be .,,,11 worth wblle IDepectlnl It and ,et.tln!!: InrQrmation trom- tho •• wb.o may be In char&e.




Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle at CASTOlUA. a safe and lure remedy tor tnrants and children, and see that It Dearsthe ~/~



ID Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Casto ria Natural FeeUng. "Our cook's dt!ad ." "I ndeed? Old sbe die a natural deatb" "Yes the natural death of a person who t;leM to Ugb t a fire with Itero.ene! "-Stray Stories. A town that paYII tbe preacher aDd .UPllOrts the editor Is mighty close to beaven.-Atlanta Conatltutlon. Dr. Pierce's Pleallllat .Pelletl reculate Ind invigornte atomBcb, hver and bOwel •. SUgnT-(,O/\ ted, tiny II'I'nuln. Eu)' to take aB eandy. It Is by no means .umclent to make an auditor grin wltb laughter.

Boule'. CroDI! ReD.ed7


I. ".._I.

oare ...

pro'fenli'o of OUI4a. CtIt1.t11 aDd Oroe,. lriu opSa. -DO U,UlIeL ~ld. Jnil«at....., • oaau.

In order to become a nulUDce JOII ban onl)' to hunt up a ....yaDc•.

.. • .1>

d· ,~

Hoo 's ~a,s~iJ~r'lJa

Cures all humor~. catarrb\Rnd rheumatism. reHeves that" tired feeling. rest~~~ the ·appetite, . p~eneaa~, , ne~\I'ness,

Fot' Autumn Wear





of many failures . P e rbaps tbat il wby, now tbat It haa come. It 18 very Finally Cured by Lydia E. PinkpreCIous; It baa I>QSl a great price ." barn's Vegetable Compound. "Wbat sort 01 ;T.r)' Is It?" Frio. ra. -" I BulIered for five yean ..It Is "the simple Httle story or tbe fron. female at last wa. cblldbood good times or myself and' h elpless. 1 some of my friends. I wrote of tbe to three doc.. thlng8 tbat all a little girl I loved." " nnd they did "A Juvenile book?" There was dl .. 80 my tin ct disappointment In hla voice. " 1 vised me to supposed you bad written a noveL" ia E. Pink.. ,, Vegetable A Burprilled. startled look came Into i Compound. and ber eyes . "Wbat dlUerence does It . : wuen I had taken make what Bart of book It la7" sbe . ,j only two bottles I asked . "The wonderful thing Is tblLt could see a blW I have done something sumclenUy change, so I took good to win the approval of a critical six bottles and I am editor." ..........,....-",--,...-'.,.,...-::J now sttOhg and well agatn. I bo\v to expreu "Literature Ie an Interesting vocamy thnnks Cor tl:e v.ood It bas done me Uon," be sald, patronizingly. "I am and I hope all suffering womeu wiU glad you bave taken It up. 1 Intend Rive Lyll1a Eo Pinkham's Vegetable to write a novel w.ben 1 ba.v e Ume. Compound a ' triaL It was worth Ita I may do It ned Bummer during my welgut in gold. "-Mrs. J. 1'. ENDLIOlIo vacation ." R. F . D, No, '1, Erie, l'a. Arter he had gone she aat for a long Lydla E : Pinkham's Vp.getable Com. pound. made from Dative roots and time before the fire . Tbere wal no , btrbs. contains no narcotic or harm. joy In bsr eyee, and her face was , rul drugs. and holds the record wblte and tired. . for the.largest number of actual curea ~ A" clear. trilling wblstle called ber of female diseases we know of. and from her reverIe. Sbe went Into We thousands of voluntary testlmonlala ball .and opened the . fr ont door. are on file in the Pinkham Iaborator)' "Come In, Rob." at Lynn, M'l1S8.• from women who hay. ,. been cured from almost every form of "I 'saw you sitting alone III 1 came I female complaints, 8uch as inflammaup the street and I saluted you. I tion, ulceration, displacements. flbro1cl. dldn't expect Buch good luck Bll nn Intumors, irregularitleo, periodlo palDi(" vitation In. Why. Jean:' be exclaimed. I backache. indigestion and ne"oua as tbe light In the library sbowed tbe prostration. E"ery lJufferlng WOUIBU cbange In ber face. "wbat Is the matowes It to hersell to give Lydia E. Pint.ham'8 Vegetable COlIlpound a trial. ter? Tbere Is sometbln'g wrong." "Tbere Is noL Rob, I bave bad a ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:..:~:_____.,.j If you wRnt 8pec161 adTlce write Mrs.Plnkham, Lynn,~laa8 .. forU. book accepted." It 18 free and always helpful. "What? A book? You bave writ· Costume of " Pnvlova" Russian green RESS of tan cloth and black vel ten II book?" . vel. stamped on Ian background . ratlne and Persian lamb: with lorge .. And an editor has accepted It." LITTLE TALK DID THE WORK lawn killed frills at necl' black 8atln bow at neck. Hat of Per· Fl1le " Ot course he bas. Any editor that sian 111mb. lin ed wltb green vel\'et R[ld and sleeves. Bla ck velvet waist· you would bonor with a manuscript Pastor. of CQurse. Had Only Uood 0' aod trimm ed wltb black and green would accept It. Jean. I'm so glad. bnLDd ' and kilted bow at neck . Congreg,atlon at Heilrt. but He Dress of "Storm grey" crepe de strl ped rl bb on'. Got Monetary Reault•• I can't tell you how glad. I'll wager Ermine nnd RelLl toque, wltb) the Chine and ninon. trimmed with sliver It's the very best book tbat has ever new h!gh crown. and gold lace and. gold frll.!ge. been written. But how bard you must At tbe end at the fInt all[ montha bf have worked. You are sucb a can· hi III!;IlIlS t orate, Rev. Amos Johnson had sclentlou"s person ' tbat you "ut ~our learn ed 'the waye of his flock so thor· Wbole soul ' wto everythfng ,-OU· do. ONE.PIECE STREET DRESSES NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON ougbly that be knew exactly how to nnd tbls book must re))resent long deal wltb them. One Sunday the col· bours of work. the careful exprllsslon Miany Material. In Favor for Autumn- Jewelers Have Been Busy Devising lectlon was deplorably slender. The Sla.hed Skirt Firmly EltabPretty Things fo,. the Embelll.h· of your personality and the realization next week Mr.' Johhson made a !lhort lIahed In Pari.. ment of Milady. of a dresm." and lelllng speech at the close of hi. The jov. greater tban betore. bad sermon. A novelty In the way of jewelry thll.t come back to ber ey~8. "Rob," sbe Navy blue silk serge. surah silk or "I don't want any man to glb more said solemnly. "you are tbe Iilost un· F'rebch serge are the malerlals for t -.s round Its place among the smart dan his share. bredren." he said gent· derstandlng person I bave ever seen." the smart one-piece street dresses of things for wlnter's wear Is a black Iy. bending toward the congregatlol1. Tbe understandlDg person looked autumn. Their neatness and ,the sense velvet band studded with beautiful "but we mllst all glb according BS ~be slightly bewildered. "I want to see or' security enjoyed In the wearing tracerlel of diamonds or Intrlcnte t.ll.wd has bleSBed and favored ue. and the book Immedlatel1. 1 can't walt recommend. them to the .out~f-door patlerDt. of precious stones. Tbls ta according to what we rightly hab. fount to be tnr more becoming tblln till It la puhl~hed. Let me see tbe "I lay rtghtl)' hab. bredren." be manuscript." . nne ' remains slightly the ordlilany -neekla.ce -or La valliere went on. ifter a Bhortt pause, "be"It Is ani), a simple. little talC! of ralsed~ with a narrow belt of the ma· and Is an appropriate touch to the cause we don·t want any tainted man· my own cblldhood," lerlal of the dress securlnf the skirt Wllist and Bort lines at the 1)r88' ey In de box, Squire Jamell told me ent mode. ~at he'd mlssod Bome cblckens dl. "Tben It Is the story of a most to the blouse. adorable little girl wbo became an "A lonl! straIght tunIc reacblng aiFor some time It has been the vogue week. Now II IIny ob m1 pore be· I'P-t-aOOrajEl le..-..~Cl.UlI;n.tI~W.....lW1mIUIJ.lll....l'L1~4_rD<8I!1~1,0 ..;,~om of the skirt la a to wear tbe clumsy melal or ungaInly nlghted bredren has fallen by de way an , Of course Halstead Is Immensel1 f'lUIblonable development of both the leatber wr ist band In wblcb watcb ee In connection wid dose chickens. let p1eased and proud." Cine-piece dress and the suit skirt. One are Inserted . Much daintier and far him slAy bls hand tram de box wbe. "He 1& not . He doe8 not realize of the most popular cuts of the autumn more beautiful are the tiny watcbel, It comes to him. "Brudder Leroy. will you past 4e what my accepted book means to me. Is the slashed skIrt, already firmly cs· gold·faced arid bejeweled. which are He does not understand. as you do. tabllshed In Paris. Most o~ tbe models either round or square and wblcb are box wbJle I watch de algnB and Bee It that a woman bas ambitions a8 real lib ow the .Ias h extendln:: onl1 IIlIgbt· fastened upon narrow velvet banda dere's nn10ne In de congregation dat needs me to wrastle In prll1er for as a man's. and that for tbem she I. Iy above the three.lnch hem. It a and worn on the wrist. hlm."-Youth·1 CompanloD. w.I1IIDg to work and to sutrer as a man 1 10 ., "I" slash Is used It extends :0 the doeR. He Is So-IIO Interested In blm· Imee In Dlrectolre rasblon and Is llt1ed Arms Made to Order. CASHMERE DRESS. selr ,and so proud of himself. .ROb. a I In with a pleated drop or silk In a A United States senator worth mU: man s attitude toward a woman s dear· contrasting shade. lions w!,lcb he made rapidly. lias a est Interest may decide her regard for The fasblonable autumn sleeve ends cout-of·at1IlB recently acquIred. He hIm ." She laid her bands on hlB half way between the wrist and the g:lve a large dInner party one night. shoulders and looked Bteadlly Into tile .elbow. it bas a slll.lnch glaring cuff. Ills coat or arms was emblazoDed III eyes In whlcb sbe saw the rellectlon sllgbtly stllfened. and 18 enbanced by gold on th e top of the dinner card•. of ber own rapture and ellaltatlon. an undersleeve of all.over lace or net The Illdy wbo went In with tbe BeD"Your attitUde, Rob, to""ard my lit· lInlshell with a trill of lace. ator. the wife of snothe senator. obtle dream, You understand tbe dream. Th Dtreclolre period Is stili noserved the In signia wbeL sbe plcke4 Don't you ,.~nder8tand sometblng ~J"e. tlcea:le In wide revers. cut aW8Y ef· up her dinner c.a rd and exclAimed: • Rob. dear. fects In tailored coats lind stralgbt "How pretty!" " Yes." replied tbe senator proudly, ,n arrow sllbouettes. and though rumor I think It Is rather nent. My wife til, ~--'s'":.'"'v~e..d'--'bl)yLllBlI.'!'!w~·ruIJJtIW olllgl''-.-~+idko)(cclllulLlr~e~9 for fulle r skirts. smaller "How Do You Know?" Tented Il."-Saturday ~vell ing Post. Lord Curzon. wben a young DIan at walBt lines and puffs at tbe elbows. The power to ncbleve a definite aim college. once found his bad handwrlt· fashlo.) 11'111 not carry out tbe predlc· .Ia the most latlsfactory gllt tbe gods Ing stand him In good stead. Writing Uon for SODle time to come because Not for Him . grant." Farmer Hayseed (In Ihe ctty)-I two letters. aile to n relatIve. the of the universally beco ming effect or "The power to achieve meanl mucb otber to a chum, he Inclosed them In presenl makes. want tar tlnd an ealln··house. to n womall ." Accosted Pedestrian-Are you 10011· the wrong envelopes. It chanced that "Does It r' be laid. a little abo In the second letter be had made some Ing for nny [lDrtlcular place! separate BloU8e.. sently. }o~url1ler H. - Wall, not to durnecl uncomplimentary refereDce to his relBotb the peasant and the eet·ID "Ambition bas ltil place In a wom· ative. and on discovering tbe mIStake p·lkkler.- Iloslon Transcript. .Ieeve are used tbls y ear. with per· an's life." be had made be awaited developments A bnld mon doe~ n 't want the ep,rth. "Certain ly It bas, Boclal position. with anxiety. Tbere presently came a haps th ~ preference given to the peas· Give 111m a batt Ie ot hnlr reSlorer that wealth. beauty J)Opularlty are desires letter from the uncle. "I have tried ant type In the modlned form. sayll Harper'8 Bazar. In some cuses tbe will r eH tOl"e, and he' " go on blR wo,.y of ever1 womaD." bard to declpber your epistle." It ran. rejoi cing. Jean's gtowlng ~ce lost a little of "bu t your writing Is so atrocious that yoke extends over tbe sboulder to tbe Its Joy. "I don't mean those things. 1 cannot make bead or tall out of It. elbow or even below It. endIng In a Lata at mell wbo sit around on dr), Tbe world 's recognition of one's abll· However. 1 guess tbe drift of It to bo cut!. -",g:lln lbe sleeve preserves tbe goods buxeR an.1 growl about hard Ity to do so.metblng rea111 wortb tbat you need some money. yOU rogue. kimono outline. but Is cut separately and set on wltb cordIng of satin or lImes would consl.l er Ii nn Insult It wll\le Is as aatJlifactoy to a woman so I Inclose a cbeck." .,lliffon below the low sbou lder line . If any aile were to ollel" them a job u It Is to " man." tbe lull· length sleeve Is used. tbe long "How do you know"" be asked Wedding Cake Pagodil. line Is hroken by a. cutr. from four to Wbat ntukcs old nge so sad I., ~ulzdcal1y . At Mlngun. on the right bank 01 not thal our joys. bllt tbat Ollr bope. She turned from blm and looked In· tbe Irrawaddy Tlver, about live miles sl,. Incbes In depth. Bet on to the cen8c . -~ll'hter to the blazing fire. "Her bands were from Mandala1, In Burma. there close-fitting upper portion. clasped tlgbtly on her knees. Her stands a peculiar pagoda known 8A For tho Hair. hreath was coming quickly. the Wedding Cake Pagoda. because It "I kOow," she said Boftly with the looks like a marvelously magnllied Quite new are embroidered band· Quiet of a areat b!lpptneas In her bridal cake. It was built In tbe early eaux for tbe balr- to be worn In preyolce "I know. because reoognltlon part of the nlneleenth century. aDd I. cisely the same way that girls have haa ~ome to me." In thoroughly good presenatlon, nnl), been wearing Ihe dainty silken and "To 10U'" a few of the Images Inalde bavlng satin ribbon bands_ She nodded, unahle for a moment to been broken . The elltreme belgbt to One may choose black velvet e!ll' speak. "I have had a book accepted, the top of the minaret II 80 feet and broidering It .ln opalescent shades. Or, The letter from the publlllbere came the cIrcumference about 600 fNt, Tbe It mlgbt be embroidered In a shad~ to today. 1 baTe told no one else. 1-1 pagoda IltaDdll back from tbe rlyer ']latch the gown with wblch tbe wear· vent pn~u",onia. !t relie.~ the head, wanted you to be the Ilrst to know ." some 800 reet and Is hidden from It 'a r Intends using It. As the silk la throat nnd IIIDg8 almoat in.tantly. Price "You bave written a book? 1 did by a grove of teak treee. Clole to It Quite heavy the emhroldery may be This Is a very pretl), Jrese carrled Z5 cent. at any drllgRi.~· •• or .ent postpaid,. aot know you . had literary aspira- Is the famoul Mlnaun bell.-Wlde done quIte limply-without padding. out In ametbyst ~,olor(!d callhmere. If you IIced Medic,,1 adviM write to The aklrt Is blgb·w~!8ted Ilnd Is open Munyon's Docton. Ther will c,R':8full" tion.," Worl!! . your ca8e and give you ...Ylce b)r '1 have alwSY8 WBDted to do IOm~ at sides over black and white strll)ed diagnolle Hat of Oxidized Silver Net . mail "b.olutely free. thing that would .tend 81 proof tbat silk cut on the cross; polntl'd tnbl Ad.lress Profe8lOT MUnI'on. 63d A hat that Is dres.y !lnough for aDY How Birds Keep Warm. I .was not merely an Idle. bappy ctrl. at the material with black buttons In JeiterllOn street., Philadelphia, PI. The hllJh temperature of bird. eD.. occallo n and CAn be worn with Dearly J belien to write .torles wblle I waa tbe points extend from edge of tront ablelJ them to rea,.t cold ' effectively. any c\llor II made of oxidized silver In .chooL For years I ban writ· , et. It I. hlgb and narrow. and folda over the silk and just lie over tbe and without the Blood Ileat In • mu II 98.:4 Fahrea· of t'h e net, closely lapped. It and up- edge of sides. TttE CAPIT~L G~80LINE ENGIN.-· or .ucce... . " bave hel~ while It 'I . 107 degrees In Tbe bodice bal a veat <k silk "no~ot~hecbe.p puab rocll.rpe. nasuu ••Ifte the . domeatlc' . tawi. and , more ID right abou~ the ~own, from which, b1 tD rUu ~Jhu"<r ....~.... Wrlle Ibr b", ~ ••aI... _ famll)' or my friends . .. I . ' vi., of lIr1D!, a nlU'l'IlW frill of Det crossed by longer taba, wblcb are Ge.• ourproU."b.rID'p~l'08hlon. 0 .. Ibo _ _ . - bombal'ded .' 80me other , bird •. I n ao~e c!u~1 i<edle~i.'wltlt Inch-wide friDge or the f\xed by buttons to , left side; ' the kat 17 7~.a."" c.1.A. OlSltnEl. 110. CO .. llJIUJllt." ._-..!-- --,--- ---,,' CNtllI,.• .regvdfel. I r dropl down over tbe face sleeves· aro ftnlshed 'wltb silk culrl. ~.'"Ja.ot(~~t.,. t.lDIl"tlb~.,I ' .~ame~.o., The ,~t' Ii entl1'ely old all: MaLerlalB retlu!red: 4~ · yard~ U :'JlO ... \Ouch Of : CC?lor k !il.turb. I~ Incht" wlde •. l%. yard .Uk 110 htr.h", I'i=;~~~~.:~r,~~~ . ' I .blrpmer. .' . ". , wlei.,ll bll~tonl. . .

The new IIgbt In ber eyes caugllt Wayne'lI attention lUI soon a8 he en· tered the room. • "What ta It?" be asked. "Sometblng very good. II It not 7" "You know? How did you find out?" "I don't know anything. Tell me." Sbe shook ber bead. "Not yet. Rob." "Jean." be a.kel' abruptly. "Is It about Halalead" "No. It Is not." "Some time ),ou will tell me thllt you lotend to marr)' blm and wben that tline com..-" "Hueh. ROb." ·You love h.... !10n·t you?" "You bave DO rlgbt to QuesUon me." . "You know tbat eTer alnce you were a little glrl I have lo·ved · you be)'ond an)'thlng In m1 lite. We bave been the truest and beet or frIends . But for several months Halstead haa bad all )'our time and thoughts. I hRTe no rlgbt to complain. You don·t 10Ye me. I have no claim. Well. we'lI not talk of that. You are look· Ing very bappy tonlgbt. SomethIng truly 'great bas happened to you. Whllt Is It 1" "I'll tell you aoon. Rob. but notnot ,ust yet." She glanced a little anxiously at the clock, ". am going." he ~nnounced . "When YOU are read1 to tell me. Jean. the giorioul thing whlcb baa added a new cl1arm to the Bweetest face In tbe world, you will find a deeply Inter· qted man." A few minutes Illter Hallltead came. "How dellghUul your fire Is," be ellclalmed as he, entered the room. He sat down In a large eaS1 cbalr before the hearth. "I bave had a busy da1.~ b., remarked . "Ive been In court sllice early this morning." "A luccessful lawyer hall a bard lire. It 10.U were not so brilliant dnd ao clever you would not ba...e · to IIpeDd all your time handling Impor· tant cases." . He settled himself more comfort· ably In bls cbalr aod amlled approv· IDgly at ber. ' ''[ am bavlng a meas· Ilre of success, of course." he sald. a lltUe pompouRly . "A great <\gal of success." .. be amended. Hla Imlle deep end. "To a man succe•• means more than anything else.

If They All Knew. A woman speaker told a New York euffrage meelln, that "we womeD have n't concentration. Our mlods JUllt Co flirting around and don't get aD)" where." Considering wblch. Is It not euperfluous for mere mau to mUll' " aboul In women's arralrs when they know themselvel so well!-St. Loula Post·Dlspatcb,

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======L I V E R I T E S======

l'be Ode of the 8t" te of Ohio VB. G . > orge Bnobanan WIlS held last " ,·.,k and be WIIo8 fonnd " not gull t,y" $0 ohara In th ~ Indi ctment. Be obarged with larceny. The O'l lrge s tated t hat h e had ta ke n t Jl rty oents worth of s weet oorn I · .m tue fi eld of '1'011: Weloh . H a n . J\ ,bert Andertlo n re presented him In t,be 088e I)f W1J\iIilD J . Roaoh V.- /:larry Collill!! ll t III tb e Court ordered the defentlu'lt to PIiY tbe I ' , I.e Qf $501 with Interest over 1lI.bloh "1 1l litigation arose. in default of whtoh tba mort~ll iol e WIiS ur(le red 1 " reolOged . In tbe case of Ada Karel! vs. Mar. L Nicely et al (·he sl\le prooeed. 1'lgS were appruved and OOllfirmed Ii nd th. prooeed!! ordored dlstri buted uooording to law . in the ollse of T. C. Patterson VB . () M Beroaw, in whioh the plaln'Iff olaitnoo a OODllUi!4!!loll tor the aelllng of a far .. , tbe jury granted bim ,»60 This il! the seoond trial of 'his 0488 thE' jury dls!'groolUg In



tbe flrat. '"on Pleas Court Com ,u .

• to lower headwall. to 481noh (lewer ii ' • on Couden sohool hou8e road iu Being prepared ' from Pure Native Herbs,' they Cleanse the Washington Townehlp estilnattl at System and Purify the Blood, and Tone t.he System, and thus $20 .GO. orde red. lIeloy alld George Anderson ap. Cofttnot entertld Into with Bert Harold M. Benham appoln'ed I>d · pointed appraisers . REled for putting In two oorrng \ted minlstraSor of t.he estate of K!ltle sewers eaoh 20 n. by 2-1 Inchel!. Real Estate TransferL M. Benham. deceased nuder bOlld 01le on Butler County line by R.l88 w • • www.w . . . . w ~ww . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "" • - . - • • • " ' . . . •• of '4000. James Sellar ~, tilArry CowFra nols M. t:!eut! to Loul. James BiIllI Ilnd one on G reely pike by LIVERITES-A purely vegetable La..'Cative, cures Chronic Co~­ an aud Lewis 8tlbbs a ppOin ted "p. and Franols M. James . Lot In Jeff Fryers. Inoluding oement grave stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for It.' pnisers. 80ntb Leb"non, '600. masonry Ilnd tiUI, IAt etltimllte of G eor ~ e A. WUoraH, a li ministra Minnie Mullenix to LeonlArd Cole Manufactured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., 8prlnKfleld, Ohio 'S6 .G9. tor of estate of Mary U. Browu, d e. I blink and LOD,lse Uolebanc Lot in oeased files first Boovunt witll l }l~r"nklln, 11000. ' Bills Allo\vlld :-A. B. Kaufma n, vo noh~r8 for se&tlement- whioh Is ·or . \ Mlssonri t:!nook and Epbraim K. lIupplles for, ' 5. 2:J i A. B. Kauf· d ~re 1 sospended. I Hn uoll to \.;ulu Adams . Lot in South Wlln , s npplies for oourt. bouse, ' 2.54; WAVNESVIl1.E CHURCHES. E. B. Dakin. exeoutor of estllLe of · Lebanon, $t. M. B. ORwllld, eots for jail, $360 i 'Ann B. Kelly, deceased tiles fiftlll F . 8. Pnllen to Wilham E . Hal'. M. H . Oswllld, ohalrs for Judge's aooount with vouchers for seUle. mon o Lot in Lebanon, $4000 . oftioe, $54 .73 ; Trusteei Publlo Affalrll Barbed Wire Methodist Episcopal Churell. ment whloh III ordered sospended. Is 000 Bobenck to Walter Schenok 1 1I1~ht at coort h ootle, two mon'h~, Ro v. C. 8. (, rll U~l r . Put-or. S u tll1ny Sch oo l , U : 1:' a , lU . :'I OflIIllJt Her· Leonllrd and Grace E Mounts, ex. et a\. Lot in Franklin. ,Ui [i0 ; Trnstees Publio Afftlirs.llght vice . 10:30 a . m. E l'wor~h l.e " Kue. ; :OU p. eoutors of estate of J . L Moun ts. Sarah A . Chamberlin to Cinoln· Ilti jail t·wn mon\l!s, f.8 .11 i TruBtees l GUARA~TEED to"beal without lenv· UI. ";vo llin g .crv lcc. 7 : 0U p. Ul . M III WOOIl Pr 'Y er Meeting. 7 II. \D . deoeased filei tint acOOU'lt with nati Northern Railway Comptlny Publio Affairs, wllter, $6. 2"; . The i lug a ~ledlDlB$bl ~r ~ONfEY fREFbUNDEdD. 600 an .\IV sizes or res woun 8. vouohertt for sattlement whioh · is Right of Way $860. LI~ban on P!'trlot publlt!hmg times oldsoros, sore backs and sboulders burne St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb ordered sU8pended. t-;nsan B . Rankin to Anna D. of Common Plea!! Court, '2~ ; O . W . and bruisca. 250 eize for Family Usc. Fnther Chnrlos YaWl MM. e very .e~oII\J S uu ~" l' of the lUooth a Leonard Mounts, administrator Rust, reol estate in Warre n Couuty, Morrie snd Co. linoleum for oourS · DR. COX'S PAll(~ BLISTER ,., .~ Ie pninlc88 and guaranteed to cure U : OU a. ID. of eBtate at Lonls F . Monnts, de \'1 h otlS8, '4, .11; Tbe Miami Gllzette, Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Sweeny Splint, ceased, filee first and final lIooooun' Samnel 1. Osmond to Cora A. postllll>nd printing for 01er1l:, ' 4.50; Puffs, or ally enlargement of ~one or St. Mary·s Episcopal Churc;b. Ilev. J . I·'. Cudw a llud e r . Rect(),. with vOUObel'6 for settle.eut whloh Watts, real estate In WarreD Conn. ,3.1ton F. Brown expenses as prose I mu8Cl:o~r:~:/:~n:~~QQr.:e 600. Sunda y Soh ool. U :ao ". m Mornttl g Be. IS ordered stlSpendqd. ty '1400. clut-I'lg attorney for Octoher 1'11, vI ce, lU :ao a . ID . Hol y ComUlunlon ~b e Ilral J ob PI I ted a d mID . Is. Nanoy Jane Davis to Llz.le May 11 65; Lewis Atkinson. bridge re I Sum] " y 01 eac h lU onLb . Ii err De appo n

.~~:~:;~ 'SE"iilOUS"s~~~:;

-===,LIVERITES Only 10c==:




tratorof es tate of Eliza Perrine, de. oelllled uuder bond of '1800 R S Eiagembn, Frank Todhnuter ' and Chri8 Jaok appolut6Ci "pprai sers. Willi L B d I I • am . arvey. a m n sora. t or of e8~llte r)f Rllth D"vls,dooe,sed fil d . es Inventory an appraisement w.tJioh Is ordered reoorded.

~~:~s,ye~ aI,

rMI estate in Warren

WeB d

J . . n son to amel! Hnpe lot New Suits In Franklin 146. N J, Oatrow VB. MIlSUda bl1mll. Llz.le May Davis et al to George ton, J. M. Hamilton, Slg, ~'relber~ A . DI\VI:~6reOoal e8tate in Warren and 801 B. Freiber g, P . B . Rne, oonnty.... . a'$orney tor plsintiff Jad"ment on Lydb. Ounningham to John T. ., promissory no\6 and foreoloenra of Ounningham, relll estate in Warren mor"a,e. Amount olaimed 'lS25 Samuel I. Osmond, executor of Coun~y, ,5810. wl&h lD\6ree' at 6 percent ptlyable 81Hate of Emma Osmond, dooeased, OUte Gustin to Will 0 ~UBtin lIemi.ILnnUlilly from ~aroh 27, 1907 who was 811eontrix, of estllte of lot i a Lebanon I • 10 88 Ii orecht of on acconnt of Martha E~gle, deceased Surn8 '15 ' In'eres( paid July 27, 1907. remaining in hands of Emma OsCommlalonerl' Proceedlnls. fbe Deney Bros. Co., vs. Charlee mood, ov~r to Probate Judge for General oontract en tered Into B . Morton. EUzroth and Maple at dissribntlou. with E. C. Earnhart $0 furnish torDe"'" for plaintUf. Money onlv.. Samuel I. Ollmond, exoolltgr of paint and 011 at market prices as or~ oTAmount olaim~ 1894.40 and inter. Ilast will . aDd ~tament of Emm'\ dered. Valid until September 22, eat from June 20,11111. ,08mond. dece'lsed "TS. Samuel I. Os · 11112. I ' mond. Sale prooeedings oonfirmed Ueneral oontraot entered iuto PrObate Court. Iand distribution otprooeeds ordered with Monroe Gnd Johnson tor lum In the matter of the alltate of W . • Brown,"U.. D . filB8affidavit berandlOQu8tpolltsatmarketpriooll Miriam a..oweD8, deceased. Frank ' for admillllion of. W. S. Bett\emiro Valid nnm September 22, 1912 'U--i Whit D U I G 1 acre I to aytoD S.te u.08plta , AppUos. enera contraot entered into wUh T , Whit acre aD d -.or On ordered to leU certain stooks at tiou made to Superintendent ')f Hos. Albert Parker tor repairing bridges T&laee~byoourt. I \Pltalforhl8 admUtanoe. . ouMorrow&nd Lebanon road and A. o. administrator of e8. Catherine .Wager appoln'ed ad. were divided in &lem 'rownship, 'ate of BUlb D. Taylor. dooeased mlD18tratrix of 8II"'te of Catberlne Valicl until ~pteruber 22, 1912 va. Rufus Taylor et al . 8ale pro- Tansey, deoeased under bond of Contract entered into with P . B. oeedlDP confirmed and dls&ributlon ,'SOOO. Joeeph W. ~bawhan, John Munole for 6 foo& additional length


n .'s



Imd Boward, sewer pipe. ,5.40 ', L.

ChristIan Church. Tbomp80n. l'uLOl. DIble Scbool. 8: 80 a. m. I!oclal meatiq. m. Obrlatla" Endeavor. 1:00 p. m. 8ertllon by paator every alL6rllate 8undu .. Rey. L. O.

Funeral Diret:tor.

Pit. Prlnoe, merohandlse for Burvey or, '1 .65; Charles Btibbl!. finat estl · t t t '15 10 A D Dlll e on con rao , ;.. Telephone day 01 nlgbt. Bond, oontraot, '105.10; Ed Beaoh· Valley phone No.1. Lonll' lor, oontraot, 147.60; George T. Distanoo No. 69-''' • MoKinney oontract, $32 611; Perry Wolfe, bridge repaln In Wllshing . WO\YNESVILLE,. OHIO ton towushio, $9 i The Dally Times, vrinttng tax lisLs for treasnrer, ~ 10; Branch Office, Hane,,,burs. O. W II. Anderson (Jo., volume 84 "'!'!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~~~~~!!! OhiO State Reports for Prob~te -= Jl nd~e '1.50 i R . A . Rlohards Co, typewriter supplleB for Probate Judge 14.40 ; Ohio Corrugated Cnl· ~I.e... vert Co., oulvert pipe. '2892; The ~En'''lala· _'.ktinIlN01 Daily Times, pnbllshiug timell for BI.WUund His Dan4s Thete an tbet thltl5UI w hich Common Pleas Uourt8, $28; The ..111 m ok. a m ~n 0' ~ our bo,. l[)ally Times printing poBters of 1O::~::.~!~::,v..~n'~I:~I'~:h~IDWbOl" SherlJr'1I Proolamation. The AMERICAN BOY

10: 50 ...

10: ' \) ... m. &Ild 7:30 p. m.

Hkksite Friends ChurQ. Fi rtl t

Mre. Rutb MUITD)'. PlUltor Sobool. g :;)0 a. m. I(e ~ul u


80r\'l ce. 10 ·qll

All klnd8 of NC$ary Work.:Pension Work a Mpeolalty.

f;lIrldLl an


E ud ea vor:



An,.on ...

n~II1' a 0'0' rf~~::~~r~r.'~":-., fN"!J "

qul c kl, u eorlJ1. ln ollr OI II/unn luther . . 1".o"Uon 1""ob~~ I, lrd 1'. ." HANOBOtJK " ' "b '" CO," ... tt On8ltrlotg. eOn tldcllt on ",Unt Pat.eDla

··r!.':~ I.~~~~ ;F.~~~W'I,:!:~~r ~"c!'~~~

I :~,:=::...r...."l:\·:::::.~'''II,.,ar. a. ~Slaldno~l<n·"t~llt~io;oDmo.,~~oi"an ce. .1oIl. " I \0 J1 '" ~ • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" band,omel, II1n' '''III'''' ...... On 1Ill.


Notary Public

Ul .

TAAt £





1')'" 1111 It. -. Bn uUPullr It u. · ""batI '0- do. - and noW' to do


M ee Llno: . U :00 " . m. PI", Dar F ounb Day Mee~IQI(

Orthodox Friends Churc..

~~11:.,~lb.n':i~ ~"':r"I:.fY;;~~~. '~,~~~'l:.·t~~J':;



Sohool, 11 ;00 a. m . 10 :00 a. m.

l·rlncdlC\llv,~~nnvlent.,'poPrtb..OIOllml'1l.P.h)''r.IfI·I,mb'o'',.·\1... ·<·1




:~tS~~e~l,e~;~;::t~7~~I:; ~~:n!: 1 WALTER McflLURE.

I ' Subscribe I



for the Gazette

cal. Utl ll

fi t

_ l1linn, I r lo'" U1 ft " II '111'. tl l~ J'j ..... 'um,., II.

. _rflt.. ~:.~ !.r... n.~'

~TU:N'iri~Ctob·s~~.:';'~~aJ, ·iie··w. . yCft~-;t.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~222b~~ /

Off Your Mind and On ' Your ' Back. .....

The air is getting a little ~5harper every day, I:\nd its time for you 10 see about that OVERCOAT. It is not lonly the thing for you to be wearing these days, but 'its' a thing that you need. The Overcoats at the Kingsbury Store' are the kind you'll like. to wear.

A Boy from Kingsbury Boyland You can always tell a boy from Kingsburys, because his clothes not only look well, but they WILL WEAR WELL, as the boys and mothers can testify. .



$30, $25, $20 and

$15,$12,$J0,$8 and ..


, ~

'1 ~

.( ,

Suits for, MeQ and Young Men



$25, $20, $15 and ·

"t c·

$12, $10, $8 and





You'D Find It At Kingsbury's

If It'8 Rlght--Ifn's Right You'U Fi~d It At .Kingsbury's.
















.. , . .



THE . MIAMI Pul)Ushod



bt Wllynna*llle, Olll!>

.~--- - - - - - - .',


Correpondents -.. -- - ...





II I llo






COllll-IIIUY ' wilh I

A (J



I X"ulll mell i14 au '4 hout.


D. L. CHANE, Editor nnd Manag~r ing trllJ iD Plkt' oounty .

Rt,uben Jon es b'lI! beeR visiting reltt.t.ivell in Columbn8 und NeWllrk ' 1 Rates of Subscription O"rl Peterson liod fl\mily, of B",IIOne Year (8trlo~ly Inlldvllnco) ..... .. . 11.00 8iIlgle Copy ..•..• . ..•. , . . .. · •. . . . . .. .00 brook, ,.pent I::!nndliY with friends here . . Mrs. Ed BogAn hl1d liS ~ue8t8 lll&t I Rat~s of Advertising week her IIll1tcer, Mrs &1m I::lnrf'lcH Rea,llng Locnlil , per line .. . . . . .. . ... . . tH "oel dl\ogbter, of Bellsfontainfl lind I Readlng Locals. black Illco, per 1100 . •• lUI' her f"tber, Rev. Willitl O'Nljllll, Of ! OIUldllod All • . nOL 1-0' excOOll til''' II .."" Tb",., IWlertionl .. • .... , . ... . . 20\ t:lenscu ooun ty . Obl~Ullrlllll, 111'0 Inclles t roo; over 11\'0 Mill!r Mlnla titont" of W aynplI vl1\p, , 'I Inclles, J)tjr IIno .. , ..... ...... . Ii<: spent tbe week-end at the h 'Jwe ul' Oarll 01 thank • . .... . , ',' . .. . . , ... . ... . 2!1c M. Y'J I Mendenhlllliind tllmlly . Resolutions . , .. , . , . .. ~ .. . . ..... . . , .. . Miss ~llIbel Plline who telloh es t.he Soclllla ef,(!. where clllll'I!6 ill mado .... .. . ~~ DhrI>hlY Ad vortJslng per Inch . , . .. .. .. . ' lUC Peterson t!011001 ellst of tuwn, "'Pilot the week-end wltll Aoir , a~d Mrs IHllooUJJ~ Ivou 011 contracL. .J . B. utillmlng, A oolleo'ion of more thlln 125 W.I S NO VEMBE It n. 1911. t·aken In t,he morutog service ut the Friends oburob, Suuday f or N~tlllln " nd Esther Frame who bore in very ALFALFA I-N OHIO pOOl health. They lire widel:v known ministers In the Friend!! Alfalfa as a farm crop in Ohio haS ollurch -------..-..~.~----risen during recent years from a po · Spring Branch sltion of doubtful adaptation to one of recognized value; though its utili · Ad" Dt.lkin entertllined tit (Iinn e r zation is by no means 8S extensive W' lnilt TuesrlflY MeNdrlmat! Minnie \llIrits merits would warrant. In order llit,L aod G" orglo. Gordon to obtain more definite knowledge Mr . lind Mrs. Guy Chellowet·h respecting the actual experience ')f olpent Tue~dllY ui l:hl. lind W ~ dn tl!< farmers with alfalfa. the Ohio Ex- dUJ with tbe ~o rlUtlr's s ist e r, Mr periment Station, at Wooster, has Ann~ Luol1~ Il nd fllmily . Aunt Btlthllny Uhenowe t,h j~ II tmade a atate-wide survey of t his horne IIgdin uHer spending 1\ fe w crop, and the information thus ob- days with ber gflloddl\Uf,ht~r, Mrll tained haa bef'n brought together in Ifrnnk Oouk unci fRmll.V . Circular 113, just issued, and which Mr . and 1I1rl'. 'Cboma!' L,lCf lin d describes the practice of farmers in ftUntly tint rtliined 011 B'rldu.y "od all parts of the state who are success SlI.turday, Mrs .J H . Cbeooweth Mr . and Mrs Will Uhenuwetb e n fully growing alfalfa. turto.ined on Illst Monday evenin/{ The questions of soil, time and Mr and Mrs. Ed Bllrdsook .. nd Mr. manner of seeding, liming, drainage, Ilnd Mrs. Guy Chenoweth manuring, fertilizinK, cultivating, Mr , /lnd Mrs . OSOl\r Mowrer trtlnsharvesting, ecO':lomy of production aoted ba81nells 111 Dliyton on tiatnr. and marketing are treated in this ,lay . Several from thill oommunlt.v at circular in a way to answer theques the Juueral of Mrs. Will tiona where to grow alfalfa, under tended Elaley Handay. what conditions it is most likely to Mrs Ada Dallin very ·pleosa.ol1y succeed and under what ones to fail. entertained Mr§. Emln.. Uhenow~lh The circular will be sent free to any to dinner We(lneadIiY. applicant, Mrl' . Anna LUOilS lind family en. tertained hEr mother, Mrs. ElDm-t Address Ubenoweth l3uodllY lind Monday . Experiment Station, • • Wooster, Ohio.






Starts Much Trouble


Revival meeting will commenoe

it aU peopJe know Ib.t oegleof, o! at the M. E . oburch next Hunday

SAVING one~thir·d tc one-

Light Meal Followed by Moderate Ellerelse, Well Alred Room and Warm Feet Uauililly Will Bring Peaceful Slumber:

half on an ordinary range's yearly coal b~l IS no unu s -~ __ .1 achievement for ' a

Th ere ure sound hygienIc methodll by whi ch slee p may be Indu ced. Incursions Inlo the rc alma. of patent medicines . opiates . and all Borts or Slumbe r elLxlrH which are summed up as --:-'dope: ' should be avoided . Rut the mnr al (li lhls lesson bl18 been pointed n V e l' "nd OVIJr. yet little OOS i been s aid ,d.... llt natural methods of woo lul!; slee l'. l1nd IJ r this head does In adJiti on, i'le c xan tcm T_ .' _.. ur ~ tl crnot ~ olU U th " \'u rlous mental contrlv" r~ 101l1ctc:r-\I1 rs. r ~t ) rc !"s Thenr ome, _ , ( . . Ie: nneae stl cll ns "couttting sheep" or reo : .: j I\ loo n~ '5 COllln , .I . ~ J ': 1 ~ per are other citing II:e multllJllcatlon table. I OX H:l ' D Is as necessaty to the body I L:aturcs t !lat inakc L cell s .Inrlng the bOUfS of s leep as at , \100[(:'5 Range th e ~~.\....:..:, U11j' ot her time. Perbaps In the case 'I of children It Is eve n more necessa ry. only perfectly COI:For thcrn s leel) means tbe tlme or tro lled cooking m ;,nnnbollsm, 81'0wth and repair. The I AIrs. Cookri::"t and ft.1 rs. Careless. c hin e . You can t cguold pre judice against open windows . . till I Mrs. Cardt",-"nc~r 111 . , Mrs. C oo kn g ~ I, hut I nC\'<T rrnl· s ex sts, In spite or the campaigns i .. d hoI\' n,ul' h I wa s spend in!.! 011 (lid III1 .il l b. Of her .by late the heat as surel y of education In the newspapers and X added up all my coal bill , lor Ihe )'c ~r and lound I I,ad as t hough you turm:J it 011 In th e Bchools. Dust In the rooms. IIpont 3 whole lot of mOIll·Y." lUI Irn uglnary draft. the fear at colds . . . Cookright- "Yes,:lOd you could have h~d bett.r cook- at a faucet. The n l\loorc's and many otber stupid reasons are Mora iing-m u;~ t: :-:I~ to younelf and a better lookillg ran ge and fire-tested glass oven-ooor is aclva nced In excuse of tbls pernIcious Ihaye saved lrom one-third to one-h311 your fuel Cosl il you furthcr help nnd a saving. preJudice. Ihnd had a Moore's Range. I know the killd of range Th e orl:'nns or the body also sh ould you own-il has caused more dom"!!lic unhappiness-ruined You can see your food all more cooking-put more women iuto untimely graves than t he time it's cooking. You he cons id e red, alld no excessive work 'WaS called ior. You'll go along spending three time. a. should be given the hen rt or digestive :much as rou ought-and ruining your health until IIOme don't need to spoil your orga na before retiring to r est. High day you 'I be unable to keep up longer-Ihen it will pillows lead to an Increllse In the be good-bye to you-and a wrry Ii e you will have made baking by constantly openheart's force nt a lime when the ing the oven-door. of it." .... henrt s hould bave the lightest work. Pillow ,; that are too low mey 'cause Bill-Send for Book that Ten. How headaches . and ""e n slee plessness. Drop a line to Moore Bros., Joliet, lll., for their illustrated and descriptive range book, and be lure to see • tbrou gh an excess of blood beIng In Moore's RanKe at th e brain . Heavy Inte s uppe rs are

Moore's Rfrnge



Savel One-third to One-half of Your Fuel

J.' H. COLEMAN, Waynesv.-lle, Oh.-o

unwise . but a light menl, followed by sl1{'h moderate exercise as a short

walk,I Bg~emlly~~ucl"~oo~d

s leep. The \l ght meal causes a withdrawal of blood from the head IDto the stomach area and the body generally. The body Is therefore warme d, a nd this Is Important. Cold extremities, particularly cold feet, cause sensory stimulations. which produce sleeplessness, often for hourS. People who Burrer In this way shou ld take means to keep theit reet warm artlficlnlly by using sleep. Ing socks, or slipper batbs, or by the use of hot water • hottles, and by sleeping between blankets. It Is, of course, fatal to sound Illeep to go to bed "with anytblng on the mind." In these sensational and pl easure·lovlng days we often retire to rest after receiving a long eerlell of vivId sensations whIch otten account for bours of sleepless toBslng. Sometimes thts may be relieved by a gentle friction or the head with a medium hard brush. ... :.. We cannot hope to always drive away tbe disturbing -sensory Impulses, for, built as man III, joy, suffering. grief, res ponslblllty and worry (lnst, but by no menns least) . must lind their place In his lite at some time or other. Life without these would be at best a mere exIstence , and eo We must pay the bill at such times. And even then fa.tlgue must CRuse sleep ere long. . It may be wise not to be too par. twnlar about noIses when little chll . dren ·asleep. At some future time they may be tbl\nkful for learnIng to Bleep wblle a certain amount of noisE' Is goolng on. For Instance, there ' Is no reason why they should not be ar.customed to sleep while 0. plano Is being plnYE'd In another foom In the bouse.-Silokane Spokesman.Revlew.

'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----- -•


A Father's Vengeance would have fallen on nny one who attaoked , be soo of t>eter Bondy, of 80uth R t)okwoo!l, Mich. , bllt he WIIS power less before attaoks of Kiduey trouble "Doctors could not help him, " he wrote, "so he improved won!lerfully tram taking six bottles tts the best Kidney medioine I ever SIlW . " Bllckllohe, Tired feellug. NervouHnfllls, Loss of AppetIte, warn of Kidney trouble thl\t mllY end in dropsy, .Ji lbetes or Bright's disease. Beware: Take Eleotric Bitoors and be Slife, Every boUle guaranteed . {jOo at all druggists . __--'CL- _


Old Not Fill the Bill. Old Lady- There Is one thing I notice particularly about that young man who calls to aee you. He seems to have an Inborn, Instinctive resl)ect for women. He treats every woman al though ahe were a being from a higher sphere, to be approached only with the utmost delicacy and deference. Granddaughter (sweet elghteen)YeB, be's horridly basllfuI.-New York Weekly.




Public Sale

••_ _ _ _ __

A. MAFFrI, Undertaker and Embalmer, Will be fotJod In tbe 010 Bank BUIlding, 0pp081&.. ibe Natiooal Bank. Telepbooe in house "ud or · floe where J can be ca.ll ...' . day or nigh t . Valley 'Phone 1'-2. Main Street.

Waynesville, Ohio


1 will sell at Public Auo,loD.t ... DENTIST... my realden08 2Ys mUes W6IIt 01 Lytle aod 3X miles Ead of tlpring• H-ilndlel of Walking Stlcke are Re- bora on tbe Aaron Wilson fllorm Office tn Waynesville, National BIU1iI: Dldl(. ceptacles for Coins, Matchea and Other Thlnga. -Tuesday, November 28, 1911


nllCht. Mr. Wll)tam Duke lin .. ~ed resl . 0 dent of thl!! place Itl seriously sick Mr •. l!!lmeon Browo has been ailln~ for QUI'8 awhile .. BegiDolng at 10 • . m . the foUow. The Ingenuity of the Frenchman Mr. lind MrII. Howard LIloy nrfl iog property; DR.H.E.HATHAWAY hn l~ not been confined to the making visiting in ElJghl1\od county . 4 BOl'sea-consis&ln~ of ODe blaok of weapons ou.- of apparently harm~i8t8, Mr. Heorge Soott went huutiug iu WRY'1eavi11e'. Leadinv DeDClIII ------- ~ less canes. In fact there Is Quite a mare, 6 year~ old, well broke; one Br.own oounty . variety or uses which the cane III bay ware 8 years old i one brown OJlloo In Keys Bldg. Matn fit mare 8 yl'8r1 old; one sorrel mare Good In Low-Voiced Repl)'. Rumors have It there 1'1111 Ie mil de to &erve. 5 Bead Vattle-oon!lill'in~ of Mlloh We have discovered In our home a wedding in this town 80'on, One of the canes Is fitted with a tbat It the table talk getll t~o :n.olsy coin box and a match box, these be· Cowa. Beifer" and one Bull . ------ ..... - ---15 Head of Spring Pigs, 3 Brood one of the family may bring the relit Ing contained In the hend, which Is SOW" one Male Hog. Bellbrook. to order by speaking In a Budd'e n whisprovided with a carefully concealed Farm ImplementS-One Farm 11'.1. The coin box Is arranged to perper. Parenta often sacrifice much to give their children dancing IlIId music mI t of depositing and ealllly remov- Wagon,l Mo(Jormlok binder, 10ew Mr!!. J. U. Moult haM ooen sick TH. Oll.AT.IT ing tbe coin by a slight pressure or Mower, 1 h:.anore 8preader, 1 Steel Jellons, but the mOllt lovely accom- with tonsillitis. Roller, Dlllk Barrow, Spike Tootb the thumb, thus obviating tbe neces· pUlhment ot all, a lott and pleasantMrs. Minnie Nllgley and son, Barrow (Jorn Planter wl,li F.rtm • peaking voice, II lIometblng they may Joshull. have gllne to Cedluville (,n slty or fishing for coIns In the pocket . .N TH. WOIILD Another cane handle contains .a zer Attaohment 1 HOOlier Grain themaelves develop In the children. r a visit. rtJBLISlIED WEEnY. $4.1)0 rER TEAR Urill wltb Ferti\!:&er attaobment, 3 complete outfit at. the game known all llnd that a cblld reflectll almost InGeorJ(fI Earnhllrt wh ,) works Ilt Pt;!tlts Chevaux. When the lid Is CUltivators, Tobaooo Tranllpl,nter, HOY..... DIIUOOISTI, SP.OIALII.,.. lltantly the tone of voice of one who the N . C. R . vl~it!l d IWI [lltren tiil lns t, TIIANSF.". OAB open betting can beg)n and the horse t Iron Harrow, 1 bay Tedder. Hay OOITUM.III. IIpeaka to him. A very gentle and tiondllY, Rake, 1 ~yraou8e Gaog Plow, 11m- AND ·.UI SERVICE CAN PROFI" crossing the wire first wins the atake., low-voiced reply to an excited or anBY UIINO ITa ADVERTISINO COLUMNS Cbllfley Ke mp who hlu! b l'en 10111 · One at too latest Parisian novelties perial Plow, Grind ti'one, Cream gry child reduces his next remark to - -Separator and Churn, 200 egg Inou. SAMPLE COPY FREE lng the W es t for threa years is vi!! cOrtslSls In a ladles' parasol handle '9lalf In ,olume. "To anlwer the vexa· bator, ~pring Wagon, 1 Bultgy, Hay Add,... NIIW YOIIK CLIPPEII SavM Many From OeaCh . JtlDg frlt\nd .. here, cOTltnlnl~ a roulette wheel which tlon ot a little child In a whisper N.w YON. N. Y. l..8ddere, Work BarnesB, Buggy Ml's Wm . P"nflwitc was a Dayton W. L Moc k, of Mook. Ark, be- cn ll be used tor gambling at any place Barness, ~et of Double Barnells, catches attention, often brings a laugh li eveR he hl1s HII ved ml1uy Ii Vo'S in or momeot. and Is far hetter than to Btamp the shopIJer hl'lt ~"t\lrdI\Y, ' Bay Rope, Fork and Pulleys, Forke, These hanel· have become very fretful tone deeper by mlmlcldng It, Prutraoteflm Boti ng will OOmlll!lnCII his 25 :'fellr~ of e xpt'rlelloe in I·Ile hoes, shoveltl, rllkes and other arti"Whut I ,dwaysltlte popular. Tbey are of fine workman· oles . The above implemeota are all C.W.HENDERSON,M.D as PIlrenta Bometlmes do, Exnmple Is II.t t,he Presbyt.erilln churc ,I, DIlOf\lll dru g busio"~8 shl)) and generally or gold or s liver. 'n early Dew and In good condition I to cia," htl writos, "i~ 1(1 TtlCO IDlIl tlftrl better than precept. Parents wbo have ber hit. themselves learned self-control, and One handle contains almost every· 100 bushels of Oats. 200 bushels Willis Underwootl IInrl f"mil; Dr. Kinj('s New dit:!Covery for weak, Waynesville, Ohlu. that It Is never necessary to raise oorth oi town vi"ited hiH punmt.:! (lore lungs llltr,l cold~, b Ollrseness, thing thl!t one would be III,ely to need. , Corn . obs linut,fI oo n g h~, IlIgripJlf', oro.up, A lon g sheet of paller Is wound one's voIce In order to speak with dIg· b tlr!' lllst Hllo(I"S. Terms-Sums of ,10 and onder. Main StreIt Mthmu or other brol\obial 81feDtiol1 , around the rod, f:'om whlcb pieces CBsb over tbl\t amount 11 oredit of Valley PhOhe 153 nlty an'd authority, nre t-eachlng their J . I,. F.. rgu ..on ~)Jent the past, children priceless lessons. That a wellk in Xenin l111-alllling 1\ t.rlal all f or I fHel ~ure ttllit a nUni her of mv may be torn orr fol' taking notes. 1 ye~r bv giving approved seotJrity. n nigb bart< ure IIlive ROO well today When the lid Is opene,l penknife, pell' 5% off for CBsh. soft IlIIswer turneth nway wrath Is a he wat! on the jury beolluRH tlley touk my odvioe to UIII' cll, nail file. combs and looking glass cardinal maxim for Jthe household.John R . Kruer Bell's PineQuite 1\ hlrgtl (lrowel at,tenrled t,he it 1 honeflt·lv belie ve its the be~t aN:. disclosed. These objects are Good Housekeeping. A. A MoNeil, Auct, !lecond num he r of t,hl' lectur!! oourse I.hrout "nli iun ~ mt>elioine that'H smn.ll, but Inrge enough tor practlcal For Coughs and Col.:1:.. W. Kenriok, Clerk. her~ last 'rhorlldil~ ui,{i: t --tl111dtl" Ea8Y to prove he's right uBEI.-Sclentitlc American. Industrlea of Cor,'ea. Uet· 0. t.ri ·1I bot,I,le tnl t! . . ·r regoln"I"!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!'!!!"!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The two principal Industries In the liOn or 00 bottle Guaranteed b.v Balked at Cold Steel Frencb Island of Corsica are tbe man· • 110 11 druggist.!'. "I wouldn't le t- 0. duotol' cnt my ufacture of chestnut wood extract and - -foot oll." sllid E:i. I). Ely, j3untnoUl, the makIn, at cboese. OhiO, "olt,hough Il h " rribl", olcp r hud been the pillgll6 of mv liftl for Coatly Picture I" L.umn...,. Room. four ~ears. Instead 1 u f;ed BUOII- I A .plcture esllmatetl to be worth lbO'S ArnICa !solve, lind my f or. WII~ $35.000. which for 80 many yenrs was lioon com plelely 'c~red" Belll .~ hidde n a way In a lumber room at st. Burn", Bo~It!, :-; o re~, Bru1~es, Eczpmn Mary's hall. Coventry. has jU8t been McCall's Magazine, though selling Are Being Cured by Vinol Pimples, Corn~. 8Ul'eMt Pile oure 25c restored nnel put In n place or hOll.or Of New York City, we otTer every ' for 50c per year, is positively worth NeW' Haven, Conn.-"I W88 troubled at 011 drnjrgist,,. . In St. Mary's hall . one the opportl\nity to secure The $1 per year instead, Call at this with a " most persistent chronic cough - - Owing to damp and an accumulation Miami Gazette absolutely free for 1 office any time and see late issues . , Child of Genius. of dust nnd dirt. tho picture had be· . lor a long Ume and had tried so many year, by merely subscribing to the r emedlel and prescriptions without The Free Patterns are ordered McCall's Magazine for 3 years at An aclor was talking nt the Play. com . e so defaced that th e corpora tl on benefit that I was discouraged. J waa by post-card from New YQrk City the rate of 50c per year. In addiV ers' Club In New York about David I or Coventry bad d ec Id ed t 0 se II It If periuaded by my trlends to try I· Belasco's Bkill as a stage manager. they could get ,375 (Of It. But Messrs. and can be used any time you tion you ..eceive 3 Free 15c ~cCall nol. Aft'er taldng the l8Cond bottle, "Belasco." Mid the actor, ' "has a I-ad & C0 .. a L on c\ on fI rID 0 f P Icture Deed one. Patterns. A con"b left m and. I must say I 8uperhuman sense of the harmonies, res torers wer e a t Waf k upon th e p ICo m .. # _ . . . This offer is available to anyone telt better In my ute. I can ai- the fltnelses Of things. This enables tures In St . 1\'"ary ,8 ha. II an d one 0 f lle';'er • who subscribes, renews or extends Miami Gazette, I year ....... '$1.00 ... -mmend Vlnol to anyone tn a their x rt I d It ... ....... blm to carry oJlt a stage stene to e pe S fecogn ze 88 a mas· their time on the Miami Gazette. McCall'1I Magazine, 3 years . . $1.50 ru.-dO~ 'o~~dltlon 88 the best poSlI· .pc~ small ttetalll aa no man ever terplece. ' . The oDly perequisite is that you 111. remedy. , dreamed of before. . . It was found to be one of the Jl~eBt 3 Free 15c McCall's Patterns. .45 "pay in advance." eomb!ned acUon o~ t~~ . ' '''Belasco, even In his cblldhood. examples extant at. the work of Jacob Call at this office or send $1.50 ot the codl . u~~ -~bs.e88ed thlB unique senae of har_l.Jordaens, a pupil IlIId fellow-worker .' Total Value. . • . . . . . . • • • •. $2.95 by mail. blood-mating .n~ilY, An uncle once gave hlrn a or Jlube~s. .J ordaens was born ,In AntPI'Q~ertfes;'f! t!n, C</uple of !)bocolate clgara, then said Werp, .tJ-nd . the p.lcture w~ ,probably 'ViIll ',Cost YOU. ; .. .. 'I.ISO .• .:B:::a!I!_ _ 8END. IN . YOUR "'llllIIll'.I1~Alrflll Vlnol ·1O e dO en t!» ..tlie llttle boy:. !. " " " painted .about, I,640. It represent. Bac,. ., and ~udiDg , '~ ,'What are .y:ou : going to do . wIth c~~s aprln.ging, f,ro1Ii his car upon' Ml8-' ,'!lm~ , ~ . , rth~bi. Dand Ing . :Arl~dne. . The canvas Is .;.tJal!l,;jlr_k.~I~, rim-dO~~~ ( .': .'~ 'TII. 'go an~ ejlt .tbe~_' !)1 .,th~, smok- ' thlr~ feet by, ~ell Pr,lil4l!lnf; VJngl WI .<.," . .;..... . lric room,Oft,·w.., the »,rompt ,.'pIt.· ;' to OmrlmtrY ~~~~1~:==~,~;'::~~ .)'"-"!..,.' , . ... , ",.I ". '·A·' '''-• .;~ a'otmODey." \ lL"p< ~ .",. ,.', t~t· . .' :- . ...-~.;a • • "" ) . ' ... : '\; ~" ~~r ~~ .. coos'lpRtioD woul.1 relult io severt' IDdiges&\on, yellow jaundioeor virulen' liver trooble they would SOOIl take Dr. f{lng'i8 New Life Pills, and --end it. Ita tbe only aate way. Besl for bIliousness, baa taohe, fts"pep"ln obUia and debility. 260 at aP drug·


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unc ovo re d lite I ru lh; he would lIud o ut what dirty Iri ck " OIack Burl" WILB up to. A., be tbought tb ls out, nol Bw lrll), as record ud, hu t s lowly, de ll boratety . piecIng Ih" blls toge tb e r within his mind, blindly ree ling hla wa y to 11 final cODc lusluu, tho boy bad 8unk back upon tho bed, ovorcome wllh liquor, nnd ralle n Btlleep. Kei th s tep ped over, Il.ud looked dowo upon blrn In tlt l! dim light. He could recogI1I"e s OIL{,lhlng or ber features In tbe uplurned face, and bls eye8 softened. Tbere was no use see king again to srouse blm; e\'en bad he bee n Bober. he would not bave talked rreel ~ Ke ith lifte d the dangling ree t In·to a more comfortable poslllQD, turned ,he lamp lower, went out. and latcbed the door. Two men were tramping beavl· I,. up tbe stairs, ood they turned Into, the hall at tbe very mome ut he disappeared within bls own room . He stili retained his grasp upon tbe latcb, when a voice outside a aked: " Wbat number did you Ba)" BIIl%9'" Keltb straigbtened up as thougb

now A bOr·

c1t>r p l atns mnn . ,. l ook lrl J{ for r oa min g wnr

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ch n rgf'"() with th e m u rd er. hi ' aCl.'UNror b&t nJl It r ufn an nnm pd TlIA.C'l< Barl. A IIr\(ro

c ompan i on In hi. cell n arn.,rd .Nt'b t e ll !! h tm th ul he knrw th o K ~llI ' H In " Intlnl" Neh ot the murc1f"rro<1 rnt" n WM J o hn Bt bl<·)'.I1 ... "Ih.r G~n . Wilits Walt~ . rnrmor-

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II Con f ,'d e rate ofO ,"rr. The pt8 h ltunRn an d N~b (ltlcap" . and t ll t e r th.. rU 'ft tt\· ~ .. c om_" upon R ('fl h i" a nd nnc1 U s o re'lIltl\nl t o he D. you ng girl. whom K"1[h thl n \c s IWW a t Cn r.o,r~ C ity. Th~ gi rl ~J:pl"1r' " th nl alit" Is In Ilf'nr(" r, nf R brnlh(tr. \,t h O


ilnd .-tP8f' r ted fnl nl the U"ny . and thR.t a

).f r. 1I 0wl,,)· tndu red h er to ro mo 10 Ihe pallln while he 101lll'hl her bmlhcr. H aw "PP~Ilr•. IIn,l Keith -In hldlnll; recoll'elzf'a htm as RInck Dnrt. Th.,..., la a le r~flc bailie In th .. dukened room tn .. hloh !< pllh II vlrlor. Rontea arB approl'rt .. l ~d . .. nd Ihe Wlrt who .. YI thaI hp( nam e t. H op... Join. In Ihe UCR,,". Keith ox pt"ln l ttl .... ltuallon Ilnd the ruWlltv"," mllke ror F ort lArned. where the I<1rl I. ten with ~h c hotel I_ndhul y MI._ Hope t ~ n. that lah c t. th., dft ur;ht"r or Of' ner_1 WILlie. K eith Rnll Neb drift Int., Bherldan , .. here 1tellh meet. An old friend. Or. Fatrbaln. K ellh meets the brother of R.,pe WaIte. \ln c1~ r Ihe ",,"umed ' ,name or Freel WII· Ioull'hby. ley

CHAPTER XVIII .-(Contlnued.) "Just a little," carelesaly; "but whot IIOrt of a trIck could he be worklns trying to make YOIl acknowledge Cbrls tle Maclalre a8 your Blster?" Willoughby did not answer, sblftlng un easily about on the hed. Keitb 'Wa lte ll, and at last the boy I'lurted Dut : "Ob, It wun't nothing mucb. I told him 1!0methJng wben I was drunk once, that I thougbt maybe mlgbt lIave stuck to blm. Odd be Bbould make that mistake, too, for I sbowed Illm .Dope'li picture. Bart'. a Bchemer, and I dldo't kDOW but wbat be mlgbt IInve ' flgured out. a trick, thougb I 40n't Bee bow he COUld. It wlsn't no more tbaD a pipe dream, I reckon. Where dId you meet HopeT Back In l4_lssolll'l ?" "Oh, I've known ber BOme time. Not long ago I did her a servloo tor wblch • be Is rrateful. DId you know Bbe 'Was. out In thll country searcblng for 70u?" " Out hereT III Kansas'" "Sure; that ' lBn·t much of a trip tor a spirited rtrl. She got It In ber bead from your letterB tbat you were In trouble, and let out - to find you aDd bring you home. Bbe dldD't tell me thle, ,but tbat I. the way I heard IL It was for her Bake I came In here. Why n.o t go to ber, Wlllougbby. and then botb -of you return "to Missouri?" Tbe aullenneas had gone out or tbe boy's tace; be looked tired, c!lsoour· aged. "Where III Hope'" be uked. 1 "Fort Larned, I 8uppose. Bbe went to Carson City first." " Well, tbat settles 11." shaking bls head. "You don't suppose I eould go browsln' 'round Larned, and not get •mapped up, do you? They don't chase d ese rters very tar out bere, but tbat's the post I skipped from, and lheY·d jug me all rlgbt. Besides, ('m dlllDned If I'll go back unUl L get a stake, I want to see a fellow flrat. i , . "What fellow!" "Well, It'a Hawley, It yOU want to know so bad. He said If I would come h e re and walt for blm he'd put me 00 to a goof!. thing." Was there a deeply laid plot back or all tbcse prcparatlons Involving hath Wlllougbby and bls alster! What wss It Hawley was s cheming about RO cBrefully . balding this boy de ~e rt e r In one band, whtl u be reacbed out Ibe otb e r atter Cbrls tle Maclalre1 Surely. th e man was not working bliDdly; he muSI bave a purpose In view . WII· Joughby bad a cknowl edged be bad told the fellow s ome tblng once wben he wos drunk-about bls family hlatory, no douht, for he hnd sbown hIm Hope's picture. Wh!1t that family seCI'et was Keith bad no means of llE BRlng, but Howley, the moment be sa w the face on tbe cardboard, bad evltlen tl1 t ecognlzed Cbrlstle Maclslr.. -had thought of some way to whlcb 'II'hat he now knew could be turDed t o advantage . The few scattered facta whi ch Keith bad collected all Bcemed to poInt to sucb a conclu s ion-Hawley had scn! tbe boy to Sheridan, wbere h e would be out of sIght .. wllb orders to walt for hIm tbere, and the promIse of a "stake" to keep hhn quiet. Tb en be bad gone to Independence and Topeka seeking after Cbrl.t1e Madelre. Evidently he meaot to keep the two apart uoUl be had gained trom each whatever It Wlla be Bougbt. But wbat could that beT What family aecret could W\lIoUgbby bave blurted out In bls cups, wblcb bad 10 .Umulated the gambler·. wits! ~ Two t h Ings comb I ned to cauae Ke ith to determine be wou~ uncoyer thIs rascalll)l-bis de.lre to repay Hawley, and bls Interest In tbe Clrl rescued 011 the Salt Fork. 'l!hla ·C088a· m e r w'e b of Intrigue Into whlcb be' "ad ,. to .tumbled uDwtttlngly was nothing illm personallf; bad It npt IDYolved botb , Hawley and MillS Hope, be woulCl ha"ve 'left It unsolved wl\hout, aD~lb,r, 'c-:cl~(~u'M.. , But under tht' ' clrctim-a tAnoos "E:t:&~I 'blll own battle, Tb'e re ~~ . . y~ '.... OO•• llmlD8ted...:..-.~ ' ":'(

Many a cnse of ltldne,. dillealle baa proven fala l beca use the lIymptoma were not r ecognized. It you Butrer from backacbe or bladder Irregularl· ties, follow tbe ad· vice ot O. H. Tut· tie, R ogerl street. Broken Bow, Nebr. 8a,.s Mr. 'tuttle: "I wall confined to my bome for weeks, unabl. to walk more than ten teet at a timll. Tbe dortor aald I had gravl!>l, and hili treatment belped me lemllOrn rlly, but soon tbe ' ,),mptoms re turned with «reater severity tban before. Being urled, 1 uBed Doan's Kidney PIlls and rece ived almost lostant relief. In a few weeks' time I lII'as completely cured." "Wben Your Back Is Lame, Remember the Name-DOAN'S." 50c. a box al all Btore&. Foster-Milburn Co,. BulIalo, N. Y•

~\,. "'--"

tWNOPSI8. l n C"' k








A df.Ungulabe4 UleOloalla w.. UI,\led to malle an addrell before a gundllY achoo!. Thll dJvlr(41 lpoke lor oyer an hour and liJs remllrka were of too deep a character for tbe anrale ju,enlle mInd to comprebend. At tbe conclul loo. tht! superintendent, accord· ~n, to custow, requested aome on. In ~b'e sChool to name 'dymn to s in,: "Sing 'Revive Us Apln,' .. Ihouted a . beJ In the renr of the rooIn.-LU • .

"Let Upl Damn Veri

bls bun ds. apparently bas tlly reading the m wltb Borne difficulty In the dim light "Nothing th e re to giv e us an), be lli," he acknowle dged reluct unlly, "mostly ndv lce us rar a8 I cun see. Damn we light ; a glow worm woulLl bo be ttel;." rhere was 11 pause; tben he 9lupp'ed hl H leg. " I-Iowt've r. It's cle nr th ey live In Springfield . Missouri, and tbls pbtotogrul)h Is a peacb_ JU Bt look bel'e, UIII! Wbat did I tell you '! Alu't Cbrlstie a dead ringer for tbls girl ?" "You bet tibe Is, Bart," admitt ed tbe olher In maudlin admiration, "only, I reckon, moyhe some older." " WeH, s be ougbt to be acco rdln' to Wlllougbby's story, an' th e m papers bear him out all rlgbt, so I reckon he's told It stralght-tbla Phyl lJs would be twe nty·slx now , and thlu's Just about what Cbrlstie II. It wpuldU't, bave fit better It we had made It ,)n purpose. If tbe girl will only pl :l1 up to the port we won't need any otll· er evidence," Keltb could bear tbe bea ting of Ills own heart In the silence that tollow· ed . Here was a now tbought, a ne w underslandlng. A complete n ew tu r n to alfBlrs. ChrlsUe Maclaire, then,

He Called Him 8elf Jack Keith."

s uddeoly pricked by a knife: be could never forget tbat voice-It was Haw· leY'I. CH,\PTER XIX. A Gllmple at ConspIracy. Leaulug against the Inside at his own door, startled by the rapid soquence of e vents, Keltb was able , [rom different sounds reacblng blm, to me ntally picture mOBt of wbat occurred In the next room_ He hua rd ~III sink down Into lbe coovenlent cbalr, and drink from the bottle. while the gambler apparently advanced toward the bcd, wbere be stood looklD& down on Its uncon scious occupant. "Tbe fool Is dead drunk," be de· elared disg ustedly. "We can't do an,.· thing with him tonight." "I 6ny-tbrow bucket water over blm," hlccougbed the other genially, "allers sobers me olf." HaWley made no response, evldentl)' finding a seat on ' one end of the wasb. stand. "Hardly worth while, Scott,'· be returned finally . "Perhaps I better bave Bome understandln, wltb Christie, anybow, before I pump the boy any rurther. It we can once get her work. Inc with us, Willoughby woo't bave much band In tbe ' play-we Iban't need blm. Tbougbt I told you to ~eep & lIober'" ·i. aober," IOlemnly, "ain't bad Am but sIlt 4rlnka; Just nat'rly Ured out,'· "Ob, Indeed; wet I, .ucb a roo.m as

was not Willoughby's s ister Hope. The gIrl be rescued on the desert-the girl with the pleadIng bro wn eyes. .aod th e salt blur of tbe South on her lips-was not tb e music ball s inge r. He could hardly grasp tb e truth at first, It anlagonlzed so sharply with all be bad previously believed . Ye t. It tbls were true bls own duty became clearer than ever; aye, :lIld would he more willingly perform ed. But wbat did Hawley know? Did he a lready realize that Ihe girl he bad flrst m'"' on tbe stage coacb, and later InvelglE!d Into the desert, was Hope, and not tbe music boll artist 7 He, of course, tul ly

believe d her to be Cbrlstle Maclalre ut tbat lime, but som ething mlghl uc curred since to change that belI er. Anyhow, the man waB Qat now seekin g Hope. out the other. Appal"' enlly th e la ttor WI18 eltber alreudy he~e In Sheridan or expected soon. And smclly wbut was It tbe gambler desIre d tbls l\Iaclulre woman to do! Tbls \\'8.8 tb e Important mutter, and for Its 80lutlo n Ke llb possessed mereIy a few blnts, a rew vague s uggestions. S be was expected to represent herse lr ns Phyllis- Phyllis who? Some Pbyl. lis s urely whoso pb)'slca l resembisucli 10 Hope must be ~umc lently marl(ed to be at on ce noUc eable. Willougbby bad cvlde ntly revealed to Hawley some hidden family secret, hnvlng mon c y Involved, no doubt, and In .whl c b tbe discovery at this mysterl' (oua Phyllia figured _ She might, per· baps, be a alster, or halt.slster, wllo hud disappeared, aud remained Ignol"' ant 06 to any Inbe rltance. Ho"e', pictu re shown by the boy, and r. min ding H aw ley at once of Christie Maclalre, had bee n tbe basis of tbe whole plot. Exactly what the detailS of that plot might be Keith could not figure out. but ono thing was reasoll' ably certai n-It was propoBe d to d. frnud Hop e. And who In the ver,. truth was Hope ? It Buddenly occurred to him as a remarkably s t range tact tbnt be possessed not tho sllghle.t Inkling 08 to tb e girl's name. HII' brother hod B8Bum 'Jd to be ca lled WIl· loughby when h e enli sted In tbe army, and bls com pa.olons conllnued to call blm this. If be could Interview lIle f:lrl now for only Ove mlnule8 lUI sbould be able probably to Btralgblen out tbe whole Intricate tangle. But wbe re was sbe? Would s be bav e remained until this time at Fort LaroeG with KRte Murphy? There was a noiSe at ' 1I\0vement Ik tbe next room . Apparently as Hawley arose carele8111y from bls edge of tbt wasbStand be bad dis lodge d the IIlass. whlCb fell s hivering 00 the Ooor. ScoU swore audibly at tbe loss, "Shut up, Bill," snapped tbe lambier, Irritated, "you've got the bottl • lert. I'm going; there'. Ilothln& (0' any or us to do now, untJI after I se. i!hrlstle. - You relllaln ·lIero! Do )'ou understand ?-remaln here. Damn me, ,If t hat drunken ' (001 Iij'n 't waldng up." Tbere was a rattling of tbe rickety bed, and tben the sound or WllIougb. by's voice, thick from liquor. "Almlgbty glad to see you. Bartam, Indeed. Want money-Bill all' I both want money-cao't drink wlUl· out mone y-can't eat wHbout mooey-·· shay, wben you gain' stake U8?" "I'll see you again In the morn Ina, Fred," returned the other briefly. "u. on back to sleep." "W11I when I glt good an' ready-· go sleep, staY wake, just as I pleal.. • don't care domo 'II'bat yer do-got new (rlen' now." "A oew [rlend? Wbo?" Hawley spoke with aroused intereat. "Oh , he's all rlgbt-be's might)' ane fellow-come In wlsout In-Invlta· tloD-called ber Hope-you fool, Bart Hawley, think my sister Cbrlstla- : Cbrlstl~amfino the na:me-my BI.. t"r. 1;lope-don't ' want yer mone),-my-my new friend, he'll stake mohe knows my sister-Hope." The gambler grasped tbe speaker, shaking blm tnto some sllgbt Bem· blance of Bobrlety. "Now, look here, Willoughby, I wllnt tbe truth. ",nd mean to have It," bEl tnslsted. · "Has some one been In bere while Scott was gone7" "Sure- didn't I Juat tell yer? -:- · fri end 0' Hope'• ." "W ho was he? Speak , up! I wall I the name!" . There was a faillt gurgling BouQd, as thougb the gamhler's vlce·llke I1D· gers were at tbe boy's tbroat; a IIlIght struggle, and tben the cboked volM ga sped ' out : "Let up! damn yer !. _He called blmse l( Jack Keith." (TO BEl CONTINUED.)

Hired Man \ryas Not Dainty


"Uncle Joe" Cannon Polntl Moral WIth One of HI. Typical Humoroul Storie.,

and tound tbe cook's and pl'Olt peets looking very dark. "'Wby,' said Blar,k reprocchfuU" 'you are eating your loft-abell crab. "Uncle Joe" Cannon,. at a dInner In wltbout bread!' .. 'Well, b08S,; replied the hiNt Washington, said of a .ple"e of tar!.! man, aB he tbrult halt a erab Into hi. revision that ' he opposed: "It Is UleleBI for tbe forellller Old mouth, 'them wot can't eat good rioll craba like the"e wJthout bread . .. no sood at all ror tbe American proto &0 huner,.:" Th b I 'thl' I tl11 tbl. would drive aD)' man to drink. ducer. e woe t,DI. a co~ Did you "'et what I ,lent you bere error. like th. c... ., ,e of Slaak'a blrtld ". al.ter' . "I aure dld, . Bart," aDd Keltb beard ,the J~I~ow pt, to ~, f~t,. un tea'Y.IY, "Here e· the picture. · &11 . lOme le~tel'l.


"dl~~rt ~e ~,nJl.· '\'~t ,Jle t~, In.}~~ . 7"'r" ''-:<'"'4~ __,~ -.',:.' '.' -Ra,,1e) .b~";Ul. letten ·o.-- lA

.~p. j





- -- - - -


Cement Talk No.ll There are countl ess!. uses for UNIVERSA L \ Portland Cern eJJ t , about the place. F <?r -,,"-. the cellar, concrete IS water-proof, ratproof and everlasting. Concrete is the best material for sidewalks, steps, foundatiom, well curbs, posts, trOllghs, water tanks, barn floors and cisterns. I t will pay you to build of concrete.

It lasts forever. It is fireproof, sanitary and cheap in the long run. Use UNIVERS A L Portland C~mmt-it makes the best concrttt. AJQQJAL 01lTPUT



10,000,000 BAR1tELS

44 Bu. to Ihe Acre

always get under


tree when there'l a thunder IItorm. Secood Tramp-A1n·t YOU afratd UT Ugbtnlngt First Tramp-Well, ye....but I'm more afraid uv water.

ERUPTION COVERED BODY 'Three 1ears ago ' thls winter I had a breaking out tbat covered my 'Whole should gO crazy.

It 1Irst came out In

little pimples on my hack and spread till It covered my whole body and limbs d9 wn to my knees, alao my arms down to my elbows, . Wbere I Bcratched It made sores. and tbe terrib Ie itching and burnIng kept me from sleeping. I tried several reme. 0 I dies all to no purpose, Then I cOIM, rI Nine Urnes In ten when the liver II eluded 'trY flie-Mitura 'RemedlellotJl ;£likt the stomach and buwela are riaht. use!! the CuUcura Soap aod Cuudu~CAIRTER'S UmE Ointment, also the Resolvent. foru !VER PILLS about four montbs, and they com· '".ntlybutfinnly pletely cured me of eczema. 1 have Jlel a lazy liver bad no returp or tbe dlBease Iince. I do Ita duty, never had a ,ood nJght:1 rest aCter the Cutes , f.~'" akin erupUon Drat b.roke out Ull 1 com . menced uBlng the CuUcura ~80ap and Ointment. I bad ooly used tbem a few daYI b.efore 1 cOuld see they were Uillft.. Altar beglnnln« to beal, and the terrlbl. SMALL Plu" SMAU DOSE, SMALL PRlCL ItcMng was gone. Genuine muet bear Signature "Tbose that lived In ilie bouse at the time know how I sulfered, an}l how the CuUcura Soap and Olntraeilt crured me. I never take a batb filthout using tbe Cutlcura Soap, and I do not believe there are better remedlea for any skin disease thao the ~or Bllck_ahe.Boa. ratn • •l;lyulltm II l\f' d, 01 Cutlcura Soap and Ointment." (Slped) )"'eet. lCot.r&eddolD'II,)1 nlleJo toou rtll1" ... aad N",u'al«lc rill ... 01 an klntll. Tll U Ul v.lll r"Uab le Miss Sarab CalkIns, WaukegaD Ill,. abt:l ~atl.l.. ctol'J U om .. RemtKlJe1'8 r pluc('d lJ e pUbucrorlbepermanItIUCnreoftblltru lJblcsoW8W D_ ' Mar. 16, 1911. Although Cutlcura dltluD. A \ria) "lllnotd'.appu'Dt1~) II . KIll, to ta ll.H ,mn.11 hllalta and )t (,oClt!rIlte J"r1oa. Soap and Ointment are Bold by drug- 'UlldtdOMJ-PraDlpt. dlN'C\toDI-Dua&-Olet &net M" U6",,' tn~ l r\l~ gists and dealers everywhere, a 88m. &tObl"lth".c b pa.allaae. hIH., •• II,iOt-ilU, ...'H....... pie of each, with book, will bll OR. WINTERS ~.?h~~.~~':l~D~,C~: mailed free on application to "CuU. cura." Dept. 6 It. BostoQ• .

Make thever Li D ·ta Duty





No More Room. Tbe rl!-lIway carriage was crowded. but a very fat old gentleman wbo sat by th&- window calmty Ignored . tbe ominous looks of tbe passeogerl lor taking up SOt mucb room. A boy aelling bunl! poked hll head In at the window and Inquired: "Buns, sir?" Tbe old gentleman was ellgbtly deaf. and, not noUclng tne buns, tbou,llt the boy wanted a seat In tbe already P acked carrIage; so be remarked: '"Full up, my boyl No more room Inside I" A roar or laugbter tollowed hll reply, and the old gentleman Innocent.' 1,. 'Wondered aa to the, cause of their merrlment.-London Tit-Bits.

_._--- - ---- -



. .81'OaTSIP'S oat G...... D!1TPPlIII "IOII Pr1a. llqua,. Deal O"ar.RI," Bold !Io. .limp I.,. 10 II.lee

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POWEllAClEMENI CO. ttO MAin St., ClnclnnlU.

- --- ----... - ..



'\T ALUABLE 'WEEDS ~ bundnMIa "IDdt We aper.lall, • bOJ






OOl . r)F.NI~i.~t

at Igli:.:J:..r:I:l~: IQW'Tri~ ~;!I~"I ;~' I". liyofi .. L "0'((1"1 ., CO.. Drug IIllIers. Ne:"'::,:rc: , --.- -.

BEFlt.CE Cold Weter Starch

aaualallD4r7 W!JrJta»IeUure. 16 or.. pq. 1Oa.

- --





a.ful Back.i,hlnl

Kldne, Troublel

l"fIolt FIckle Man. Wben Col. William lit. Howard, now a member or Lbo tarlIJ board, WBB @lectionee rlng ror co ngress cnt autumn In hygone day s he struck .. backwoods coun ty In Georgia, and got very hu s y t.lllkh g softly to the voters, lie was mucb concerned about a man Dnm e d Jobn , wbo WB9 now for blm, , il l' lI Ilga ln st him, and nlwaye change· 11>1e, " \\' h n t '~ t h e lIIal l ~ r wli ll .J o hn'!" the cnlone l 3" I,cd olle or hlR r nRlitU (! nts. "Aw, you cu,,' t t ell nf)t hln ' a hout I" lIn, ('olon(' \." "' a ~ I he nRR uran r e. " He I S the mo st 11<'1<10 IlIlIn )'O Ll evu r s .. o Wh y, h .. hos bOIl q 'l\gl on so ITI R n y t l nl(,~, 0 11 <1 1"'rTl IJ R[1l lzed III th o cr ~ c ll dowll h ~ r(' so often Ihnt lbe uull fru gs lIDO\\' blm e ver y lillie be's

<:~ge ,

Dr. Derby'. FamoUi Pill. Will Q1l1ckly Reatore Your Klelne)'l and Jnadder_ Banish Your Rheumatlam - Try Them Pree I

ES. whyT

What Travele,.. Needed. A traveler'a outllt 300 YVllrs ago WIIB somewhat dln'erent from lbe preeent dny , In 'Touring In 1600." , by E. S. Bates. the [ol1owlnl: list II glyen : "First omong rOQulsltes 18 .. book ot prnyers and hymns etrectlve for 8alvstlon wllbout belDg 10 pugna.' clou8, do ctrin a lly, lUI to cnuse 8 Ua. pl elo n . N('xt, a nolebook; Il WDt Ctl. or n (loellet Bundlal; If a wat r. h. not .. s trlk c r. ror thnt wnrns tbe w lclle« YOII Ilnv (l c n ~ h; a broRd ·rlmm ed lIat. g n H (! r~, bOOI S, breec hes (a8 If hi. frI e nds would let him stnrt without Rny I I, gl o ve8. 8hnp.~ . shIrts, h n ud lterchi efs , ctc."

Today It Is one of be CrylDg evils &DlLe"r,. mulCl., boa. aDd nener You .. bo of thO) UDlted States. ",lI'e. trom IrldllflF aDd bladder t.rouble. Recently tbe Nntloual DOW \he UPlneDo. oulF \00 ... Ii. YOD Child Lnbor committee ' hilS bee n holdIng n com· pre hens lve exhibit ID New York City or the borrors alld Fever'. On. evils that [ollow the sla\'e ry of little "Th e re's no fe ve r III<e the foot M il children In our mills and mInes. Tbe ' 1IIcr"' ed ," r('v e r ," Hold George 'II . Enrl (' , Jr .. fi t evidence of tbe c:l[JJ e ra, tbe bald facll! a dInner pnrty In Phlladelpbla. " I.e' or staUstlcs and go ve rnment report. In{' tt' ll you nbout n broker'lJ boy 10 Scared Out, huve told the story only too truly . Tb e g "ld~ " hall a pr('lI y . tor y to Third s lreet. l~e w today reullze tbat such thIngs t t", 11 n~ uf lt, t1 at:. 1 h,-.y \\' l) ~ P ~HI\t: d WilY " A Tblrd titrl!et bro!(er ent at ilia can he . d es k th e olhe r mornI n g wben bl s ofl rla p c \l rr ~ I::l Y" h rll'k 11 0 >1(llll"\. Jiundred or thou s ands uf chIldren A l>eau,lr,,1 Ec llo I s o Ill(' s lory mnl fl ce hoy entered and 8al1l respE' c tl'u lly: have grown old bdore theIr time; bun· "'It you pleas ll, elr, my r;run~ ror lllN ly d" ell In til e VIlli!')" II lId had dr ods of tbou sands mo .. e bave beeu [(rpa t f un mo<' kl ng peOlll o w ho. choll c· tather's dead anll I'd like to get of! crillpled ror life iii an age wben tbey In g that w ny. III nny m Ul lne r 1.1 1'0 110 carly to 11:0 1.0 thA run e rnl matcb-l ought to be ruunlng lu the woods Rud mean We football ceremoDy-Wat ·,ho fy lvan Rllell el] . tt elds. Thousand s have d ied berore !lilt once \lPll 11 a lImfl a part y of 18- ' " And then, blu8hlng 8carlet, the ho~ Slllltrl wo rn r n , prom pled by t he g\lld es bow wba~ I~ mYna to dralf throll ..h the they had evcn begun to live. And of rooa da,., achlo .. .from h, .... to foot-lame. all tbe misery and Injury and vIce and Ime w not wha t ca prlc(', sa t duwll In withdrew ." eor., "e&l[, rulllClrt.ble aud d •• poudeD!.. dl s eu ~ nnd dealh - It Is too s bocklng th e Imm l)(lI nt e ne lgh bor boo d to enjoy What', the 11M of IIOIDa \hroullh all tbat, gam e of pro&ress lvo whI s t. d1\,. after daV_1>eodlolr bOr1'iI)le.."eleeplellll to be more than hinted at~ Dlirht~? n .... 10D't aD,.-aIDoa ur, Derb,. The e xhibIt wblcb tbe publi c snw In "Gee , I :~ lv e It up! " crl l'<l lh e Ec ho ,Aye hi. wondflrrul dlsconr, to the world. therl' llpon , a nd In COll s tc r11:l tl o n " ed Dr, Derh,.', KIdDer 1'111. Cl'Uarant.eed) helD the rooms at Fourth ave nue and Twen· !'tom the .,ery flr~~ - th .., oao't hurt. YOI. ti eth street has been doIng Its good Ih e pl oc{', nc v{,l' nto rc to returl1 .- Puck . .aDn flod the, are "dllreNlut"_ trul,. IIOlan- work all over the couutry since last Uflo proplnatlon whlob rcnll,. NlmOT"e tb. autumn- In ract , It bOB beeD a travel· oanee of Kldoey dert.ol'erueola. Judge Ste ve n" was nngl ln g In the If ,011 ban dlabetn, droPl!'. 8l'1tbt'a dla- lug exhibit . MI ss Ellzaootb McM, DIn· ~taultowl 8 b wol er H, and just a fte r fIID' e~, Inlllom ..d bladder, an, urlolory dlIDoer became Involved III IIU argumeut I!ult,., rhenmloU.Dl In an, form. a.t Dr. wlddle, wbo Is In cha rge of It, has bee& Sloan's Liniment is a reliaDerh'1I Kldna, Pille at ODD... 260 aDd ~ from OD e cnd o[ tbe country to the with hIs bOllt co mpanlou , The de bate paolluee. S"mple pI!OlIa.... trep. At druc. ble, remedy for any kind of 1'I"\8'.or tll!Dtdlreo' br Derb,lIIIedlollleCo. other, showing It where 1\ could do Bud didn't know how to spell his own such a golden·halred, blue-eyed, roay- la s ted some minutes, nDd durIng thllt aawu bpllSl. Ulab. horse lamcness. Will kill the the most good at the psychological nllme! cbeeked hoy that It seemed a shame time tbe Jud ge bnd hIs bolted book growth of spavin, curb or splint, " a nglleg lu th e air over bIB sboulder, momeDt. 1\ had beeu Intended to Bob, a bo}' who worked In the Bame he was doomed th'ere BO SOOD In lICe, Imm.nllty of Nature. The guide took a hllud . absorb enlargement5, and is Of co'~r8e, fatalltle8 amon!: child They were ou a trip to SwItzerland sbow It ID New York Orst. but urgent mIll. owned up to Hfteen years, aDd "Judge," said he, peremptorily, excellent for sweeny. fistula and bad tbat day braved all dllllg<.l rB re!Ul()Da called It to otber places flrlt. sliid he bad been worklDg there for tOilers Ilre tar more numerOU8 than It was taken to North Carolina, elU\.t years. He showed It, too, In hili among adults, Ob"lously youth II "drop your line lu tb e wa ter . Tbere and asceDded one or the hlgbest and thrush. wbere . the Inadequate low against o\'ergrown. thin, aDaemlc frame. aDd less cautious tbaD experience. Not a lire no flying e s b around herll ."-Cbl· polDta In tho Alps , Proof. ., .... d SloaQ'. Linlment olla.aIa for He was very fat. and as he stood child labor Is more hODored ID the looked tertlle ground for tbe eeeds of dny pasaea that death does not take ollilO Post . • bllh lamel1eu, aod cured ber. I am HIs IntelllgeDce bad Its toll of the child workers and panUng aDd moppln« bls brow at the than lu the obaervunce, juat at tuberculosis, lienr without • bottle 01 JOur Uolmen1; Curative Treatment. ha... e bouahl more At " thaD aD,. other top or the mOuDtaln. he turned to bin the time thot a child labor low WaB Btood stationary with the f1lgbt of posses ulODg mnny more to the raDkl t'UDcdy 'or BAILY K' •• ! J In hl8 re ding lessun DobbY bad wlfo and laid. with patholl ID bll pending In tbe Btate legislature. It years, ond so be 11'08 still doing tbe of the crIppled and helplesB. C_dy,Ifo.Y· '. Slo.ant, Unlmml " tbe but .... de. 1 went to ProvIdence, R. I., In order to lIame tblDg be bad started oD- takIn PeDlIS)'lvanla tbe fatalities and coUle to tbe "'6i:4 "punis hment," aud "olce: baTe nmo¥~d YUJ la"e ,ho. boU. of{ • It was too loog and bard for blm. "See. dear. bow Imail ODe Is In the meet a rederatioD of womeu's welfare Ing off the empty spoola trom lhe SpID' accldeDt.8 to tbe boys In breakers pick· ho.... with II. I ..... killed a quartu CTUk OD a mare I"" .... awfully ba4. 1 Immensity ot Dature," clubs convened there. it went to the dice, Anytblng more complex was too Ing elate out of the coal with their Atter puzzling a while, be asked \.lie haye a.lao bealed n:w, aor. 1Iec:U on thre. "Small. Indeed!" answered hIe bet- Itate capitola of Alabama, Tenuesaee much for his stunted IntellIgence. little fillgers Is 300 per cent. higher teacher what tbe word wos. bon... I ha.. beaJd pue hed CD a "You ought uot to let tbat puule l1l&I'. \hat !tOut. hanllJ: walk." ler haIr. "W hy. you're ataudln« In and WIBCQDsln In the hope of In· In the c'oal mines of Pennsylvania thaD among adulll! aDd mlnoTB over "JOT......., 0, Il!:'c'k~~' Pa" trODt of me, bldlDg tbe whole ot MouDt HueDclDg the legialntors when In· and WeBt VIrginia they found boys 01 sixteen, In Indiana the pbJ'lllcal risk yoU, Bobby ." she an8wered . "Wbat Blanc aDd the best part of tbe valley fiuence WBI hadlY needed to protect twelve masquerading I1S slltteen, They to children In fllctorles under Ilxteen does your mother gi.,e YOII when you 9 of Cbamonlx! "-Exchanle, the American child life agnlnet the worked In the damp and darkDess Is 2GO per cent. greater lhan amon, have bee n an unusually nauJ!:bty boy?" "Cas tor oil!" he exclnlmed , sure -rapacity of money-mad employel'll. alongside ot mules and took their lives adults. III Michigan It Is 4.. 0 per cent. • Appetite Not a Nece~llty. tbat he hnd lueelled It.- Youtb'a Com· Better than words do the picture' In their hands every time they weDt against the chUd. Dr. Job .. .R.. Murlln or New York. upanlon, Children who go lo scbool under the Ilatant professor of phYllology at the and posters tell theIr story of the down Into the shaUs to tbelr dally toll, DIstemper Cornell uDlvenlty medical college. In tweDtieth ceDtury crime against child hundreds of teel down In the bowels moat objec,t ionnble condItions are conis good for all farm stock. an article In the Octo her number of life. The boys In 'the cool breaten. ot the earth. fined 1,000 hours annually, In MasB&' In an It. forma amon" all t.jlu of hone. the Journal or the Outdoor Ute. com· tbe gIrls ID the cOttoD milia. the Idd-, "I haven't grown any In five years.'" chusettll the factory child 'I coDIIDed and do,l. eured and otbcn in the IIIlme "My hoct had boa e ....l. . 1Iwae dart be,.,.. .... Joar \Tn1.......I • •~lch I ... paree the food we eat to the fuel uBed dlea In the Dlght shift at the glul sald Charlie. a tbln, hollow-cbeated. 3.120 houn a year, aDd In New York Itllble prevented from baving the dilleR8e a.hlacd I 11... ..... It DOW lor tbr.. IIop ate aIm...t _II. In furnlshlDI IIleam and power for an work I who ou«bt to have been In bed anaemic lad of fourteeD , with a dull. where t.he elght·hour day prevails, be j Witb Spohn'A Distemper Cure. Every One hoa I .." lbe lJalmCDt, englDe. In selectln« our rood be aaYI dreaming ot baseball aDd trout hrooke, Itupld face, He bal been on tbe night Is etlll IlUbjected to 2,496 hours of con· bottle ,uuranked. Ovcr 700,000 bottle. but I lui.. 001 IlDC<l." • ., .old lut year. $.50 nnd ,1.00. Good dru;. A, 1. loJutu.. IDol. that we should eat enougb to furnlsb the anllemlc. undersl~ed, over-worried. shift for seven years and makes ble HnemeDt, Ilckly boYI and rtrll wbo should have 60 cents a night All stetes wltb Important canDIDg .. ilta, or lend to mllnufllcturers. Agenh enero for the day'a work. hut that Iol4byall At Fairmont. W. Va., at work In the Induatrlee employ c blldren without r&- wanted. Write for free , book. , Spohn mucb more than thll II not needed , been at Ichool Inlltead of at tbe mao Dealer-. Prifll He boldl that the appetite II not a ne- chines-they all told their own alorles "«tory hole" of the glaes works, where ItrlcUoll. Tbey can dC' tbe work just ~:ie~i~d Spec. ContlllPOUI DJ8~ ...ea. lOa &'l.QO . . .Ity.· for lood eSl..-tloD.' · ·!.Tbua.ia by tbelr face. alone. the temperat1lre 1'8uged aa high a1l the ' as well al 1Idults aDd ror far leal pay, , _ ._ _ _ _ _ __ . DO fallacy of Dutrltlon." he lIaYI. Go to the r;IIIIS work, tbe mlDes. the human system can ltand, there were In the <:hlef cIties, where clothlDg, arPlaur;lble. "Bl'eater than that which Itlppolel cotton milia. tbe canaerles. the tene- more boys thaD men at work, tUlcJnl Howers and otber arUcles are Sunday School Teacher-Why wu that a food car-.not be digested and uti· menta-tbere you ahall aee thom! In "The works II cluttered Yo'lth kids," made 111 tbe tenements, there are no the fiery furnace seveu times heated? Und without appetite," Most of tbe 10m II. caBel the rapacity of tbe em· remarked a Dlltlve, __ _ ____ +,_ '.-10 .protocU1ttle cblldren Xhl:es _ Tommy-I luppose It IVcnt out becod we eat, fuUy four·fifths, «oes to ployers 18 to blame; In othen It II One of the saddest CASee was thllt or aDd fou:r·year-old fingers Ond plenty to t ween times, aupply eDergy for our every-day laBkl. the ,reed of the pareuta. In lome little Savannab, a Crall eleveD·year-old do for 11 few peDnles a day more to while lOllS than one-fUlb goeB to BUP- casel It I. both, "Tbe -boBS says ahe'a a cracker·Jack the tam.lly tund. 8hlpwreck Up to Date. ply bu~ldlDg material. "She JUllt happened In.'' laid the at IplnDIDg·... declared ber gaunt fath· This tenement·house work. done to "Captain, 15 there mucb danger!" Bloan'. Book GD ~i burly overseer . In a Soutb Ca1'()Una er proudly. "She aln't Batisfled unlen saye rent, carfares and to impress the "Not a pllrtlcle. A mO"lng'plcture CallIe. Hop ad lOlllC17 En, to Undel'8tand. MIlt free. ~ children, haa other dangers beside. outfit will 600U bo along and rescue When SeDator JohD E. Hessln aDd cottQn mill wben an Investigator ran Ihe's In the mill." Poor little Savanah owned up that those olr the child. The consumer III us after they have I a.ken n few fllml." Dr. Earl S. SlOB daulhter of Manhattan were dOlni acrriis a baby girl of eight tending her a-o.. M_ ~urope and, Asia lailt summer, says tilt "lIldes" like a veteran. He was lying she had Dever had a doll and never Just ss likely to become, the .,Ictlm. Rlood Pol'if!inp: i. often c.u s ~d hy Kansas City Journal. t.}Iey took a mo- The child wal JUlt as bandy and UIIe- plsyed on Suudays because she w~ PhyslclllDl! who will agree to conceal .light cut. or wound e, n ent h mlly result, tor boat ride on the Sea or Galilee. tut &I a grown·up and COlt only halt as too tired. Her tenBe. drawn face was the contagion from the health authorl· Hamlin. Wi1ud Oil "Will ,Iraw out the that of an old woman. tiM arE' ' the mOBt popul!lr with tbe poi.on. h~.1 the wound ODd prevent eeIn the part)' waa a New York IIllnla· much tor her labor. In a PeDDlylvanla coal·breaker they The gruelling labor ot the mould tenement·house workers, Agents found riou. trouble . "r, When the party had ftnlshed We . women and children worklDg on gllr· ride the mlnl.ter asked the boatmRn pbotographed nlne·year-old Leo. He boys In the glus works wall really Atter a man bas been married nbout the amount of the blll, The bOlltman '10'81 toiling nine hours a day In ~me ful Here ,,'ert teDder youngsters ments while cblldren were ID tbe and dirt for a pitiful wace. And there dowD In cellars gulltlellll of sunlight. eame room sulferlDg with CODtagiOUS a year he begIns to woodar wb)' his c.old blm. It WB8 exorbltaDt rrlends didn't get bllsy and ~lIve him ". eaJl. readily understaud wby '10'81 round on a muaty. dusty .chool slltlDg In cramped positions snd tend. dlsealleel. In BOliDe ot theae city tenementl Icelled up betore he did It. Christ walked on the water bere." anld Ole tbe sworn amdavlt of his parents Ing moulds all day lonl: aDd all night. that he W8S too .Ickly to Itay In Other boys Yo'orked the molten glaa. wbere the child Is put to work as SOOD the mlnllter. Itn. 'Wnu.low'a SoothlYiIt :;,.rnp tor Chllc!ftD --:-::~:-:::--:Ichool! nt the furnnce maws In heat unbear- as It ca.n use Ita bODds and before It l~ r.tbIDA' ••ofLe lJ ~ the gum ~ , r~ l1ur.e tt InftAllIm .. Tilt of Greatneal. " Four years." aDlwered a lood·look· able by thoso uDoccustomed to It. One goes to scbool-nearly alwa,. hy CODl' ~ I"DI pain. cures wind colle, ~ a OOIU.. Columbus had made the egga .tand Ing twelve·yeaMlld boy III a South baby boy of five was found earning his pulsIon from the authorities-two cbll· on end. CarollDa cotton mill. wben asked how few pennies a day In tbe mill wbere dien die for every JlJle In 10callUe. ApologIes are perfectly satisfactory =--:"Bnt could ~u unlcramble Itr' d.. long he had been tbere. He couldD't his motMr worked. He watl too where tbe child Is Dot put to work be- -to tbose wbo make tbem . manded the mortified courtiers, tell the letter "A" from the letter "'s." young to go to school! ADd he was fore Its time! Which merely accentuates the lTea' F:v~ry corrupt Judge e::mmlnea budly truth that nobody la IP.lncIDC u , the Iruth W. N. U., CINCINNATI, Nt''\. 4&-1911 • •• w puulea Dowada,l. all of Its nutrllive principles, had 10lt RED. Its aromatic constttueutll. gons to It'e the Red Blood Corpu.clea That make the despised extra.ct [or the Proper Food Mak'e •• preparatIon of brotbs. M.DT women .ulrer Deedlelll,. from ,irlhood to "omID. ScIence After Deepl.lnll Brothl for The physlcllln muy beucefortb ad· bood lind from motherbood to eld a,o-witb baobche, An Ohio "omaD laya Grape-Nuta Long TIme Find, Out Why They gesUve fluldl. wltb the result that vise be(~f tea and meat brothll gener· dizzino" or headache. She becomee broken·down, Ileepfood can her lood red blood lind reA,.. Good. lell, DervoUI. irritahle aDd fcell tired from momin, co real tood, «Iven wIth or after the ally with a clear conscIence and .elItored the rosel ot youth to, a com· Dii!bt. When P.iD. Dod acbel rack tbe womaoly Iy.lom at hroth, Is Ipeedlly and gratefully asslm· enUflc ,lIatillfactlon '; they have trl· From Ilme Immemorial beef lea, or lIated,' plexlon that had beeD muddy and frequllllt intervlla, cut your alltlsbor . u ' umphed over their enemies and dea brot.h made In a similar manDer blotchy. She I&YI: Milk. which dlsagreea wltb so many trncton aDd will re8um~ tbelr honored "For 10 ,earl 1 had ltomach trouhle from mutton or chicken, ba• . been a people. will cause no diitreB9 If ad· iltation upon the Inyalld's tray aa UD' "hlob produced a breaking 'lilt OD my feature of the sickroom. the prIde of ministered after a cup of bot broth, approachable adJu vaDts to digestion 7'b'. Pre.erl"tloll hD8, lor orerllO F.e,... b.e. face, Tbe 4ecto,. pve it a 10Dg LaUD tbe nurse. It BOUrce or Tbe mere lIavor of meat Is tbus ahown and assllmllatiou. lidding one more el' eDrllld "efl"e,e, wee", "elll·wrll,,"ed wo..... name. but their mP.CIlclneB :a1lecl to comfort to the IDvlLlld, tne Invariable to be necessary and valuahle to dlges· ample to the list of remedies founded by Ibe band,.ed. 01 thou•• llde end Ibl. 100 In cure It. Alonl with thhi I "ad fre- ataple of the menu permitted hy the tlon, What caused dlsgult amODI the In craBB empiricism. but flDdlDg at IBlt tlJe "r'rlley 01 'he/,. hom•• wltbout tbelr Aer. quent headachel. nervousness IIDd UI- physician. troops In the Spanlsb war was that a true !iclentlnc ba.els tor their ralSOD 'DII to .ubmlt to I.dellee,e 1I0e.,'o.'.,. e." Wben It waa IDdllputahly proved uall, pain In my stomach after meall. the preserved meat. while. retaining d·etre. onell./re/y ,..."fllIlI.llt ".mllleUo"•• "I lot 4111SUIted with the druK8. that the home-made broth was In no Siok womeD Ir. iDvlted to oonlult il) oonlld.noe lIy letter Addree. etopped them and cofte41.oft abort. and len Ie a rood. bumanlty refu.ed creWorld'. DilpoD•• ry Medical AII'n, R. V. Ple~M. D., Pm't; BaI'810, N. Y. quit eating everythln~ but fruit and denc_ aDd InYllllds went ahead wltb Tlck.t. Not Tranlftrable, return ltJalt'ell. It was lIucceuful aDd Da. PIS.CI'I Gn"., FAMILY DOCTOa BooI, 'lbtI People'. Common SeD.e Grape-Nuta, with PoatuDl for m7 table their consumption of mllliou of lal· Tbe BrlgbtoD Rallwsy compapy. ' settled the Important QuestiOD from . Medical Advller, newly revil~d up·to·deto edltioD-IOOO pe,ee anlwen I. Ions. perllsUng Iii tbe exhlbftlon of wblch haa Just paased It. , leventieth \ the rnlltway POIDt ot view tbat II bev.race. Plel. Eatlhl bOlt. of dolioato queltio ... wbich every women, .iu'l~ or m.rri9d, "Tbe beadaches, .tomach trouble, lure sipi ot convalellcence aDd de- annlversarr. 11'811, altboulh not the Ucket (!xprellsea a personal contract oqIIt co kDowabout. Sent "". to eny addrell 00 . ~ipC of 31 ooe-oenC aDd Denous weakness eSlaappeared .... mod IDa with InlllsteDce further IUP- first company to run an .exeuralon ,and Is . thererore not transrerable.• llamp. to coYer _ t of wnppiD, and mamo, •• 10 Fnaob oloth blndin,... l mOlt. Jike magic, whlcb ahowed that pilei of the rngl'ant potlon,\ tralD. the first ODe to run 'a regulnr London CllroDlcle. Dr. Tbomu DarllngtoD. In a reeent servIce of Buch tralDB at 10"" tarea, wben tbe caule wal removed aDd -------1004 food and drlDk used nature ml Ilaue of the New York Medical Jour- Half a crown wae the fare for a day • A GOOd RII,Ie. nal, Ihowa at lut the reason of thll trip to Brighton and back In the "Wby did you trust this Itruggllng rea~7 to help. '1f1' blood "u purified and my como uushakable faith : Brotb I. ontl of the early '701. but lifter a time the coni' young roan ror all tbese goods r" depldJon bec&me like a young girl'a, few gennlDe stimulants In the a~ma· pa6)' found tbat It was losing money mandt!d tbe Benlor partner. 'Mea aDII w ___ W.LDouaiu abou wttl. my weJgbt wu Increa.eed trom nlentarlum DOW that alcohol II known by the returD balvell beIng OpeDIy "I tbougbt biB proepecta lookt'd t.eea_ die, ....... beet Ih_ prochlced ill '0 to ,120 poullda In a few month_ to be a narcotic. The experiments of lold. Rather thlln atop the cheap pretty [olr,"- rcplle!! the JUDI or part· .... - " 7 f. the price. IDliat upoD ..... IOC!d. 101ld firm fie8ll, where it uaed Pawlow on dop demoDltrate that the traIns. bowever. It pro.ecut~ tbe nero "He's struggling to marry an .......... Take DO otIa.r make.. to be 80ft and lIabb)'. 1."0" Uquld Is powerfully IUmulaDt tOllt. *bo crowded Brighton ' station heiress. with 'lOry good pro_peetl of , 1 lIE srAND~RO OF Q\,1Al.f1"Y! "I recommended Grape-Nuts &nil to the laatrlc lecretlon and other 111- and Importuned penons to sell or b\lY luccels," Poatum to one of mJ frleDds. who waa ~Icted u J had been. She followeel UIUIaDce that p i wiIh an aIaI). DY / Inca ancltbi. a ehort time waa reo atorecI to comJ!let4t hea:lUl aDd 111 a~ut lept;1IaIiI1IIl is yow UIUrIIICe ill buyiq .hoes. live there '" • lucr. .aN from

, Ch. the w.tu N d • •eUIII. liD I.n tlae 1D/lJ'tl!~.-tho.e ".,Illie paIn. lI~bbID. 70a ...rowrh and'wl!lUna at\ll.neuoh-






- -- - --

\1_'. I


~~~~.., .



In Defense of Beef Tea

,Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription



w. L. DOUCLA, '2.50. '3.00, '3.50 " '4.00 SHOES


Man Stole Love Letters·




f! ~E~R~.


you "O.~J. .,Iaa~lrieaJ :


: , "! ... . ....

$ (:'

.,t' . .








I "..a

--111!11----------. . . ---.. ...






·f ~ ·


GEORGB B. ANDEIlSON . 'I . . George B. Andelson. the ybunge st ' 0/b. ... son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ·K. Andt'rson ~ . ~Z r · of Holton , Kans . passed away Octobe r ~ ~ B. S. Howell transac ted business in 26th in the thirty-fifth year of his age. y. K1ea n He was born at WaynesoJi:Je, Ohio, .~ .. Cincinnati Tuesda 10J.hes ~ ~. the first day of March, -1876. 10 his ~ Edward s-was in town Sat· ninth year he came with his parentS Wilson ~ urday and Sunday. f.: Thom as L. Pierc e, Prop. to this part of Kansas. Here his . d was-spent, here he received ~ boyhoo .. n I • ~ I I d u U " n t e r p r I, • e Mrs. Hannah Rogers has returne •~ his educational advantages, and here _ . home 'from Dayton. 0 h I 0 ~ W 8 Y n e s v I I Ie, ..... ~ he made many friendships which add ~ .~ Fred. !Ion. to the joy of his earlier ' years. and much White Mrs. J. W. ~ ~. ay_ fitted himself as an electri- , ~ Thursd ving Ha ~ Dayton M( O in H AT were SUI TS PR ESSED A GE NT FO R ~ cian he spent the last seven years in S H0RT O R O E R S A S P EC 'AL TV ~ : :'~:-i The French Dry Cleaning CO. l· ro C. Wilson imd II. E. Kelliso n, of Cali fornia in continual tervice in ~ Sp ringboro, were ill tOWII Tuesday. thal profes.'l ion . He rt'turne d home ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~R~ ~~~ ~.~ ~~~~~~ the fourlh of July and spent several I 00 Mrs. Phineas Walker. of Selma, is weeks with his parents . which were visiting Mr. and Mrs . .Robert Crew. indeerl happy days to lhem. On the I HUNTING SEASON OPENS , Ihe was united in Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert CQrron, of second of Auguet opened wa~ !leason Minnie Weeks. of Miss huntillg to The Ds) ton. are guests of Miss Lizzie Joy . marriagl~ Belleville, Kansas . Taken ill only ' here Wednesday by almost every eood Thin gs to Eat nimrou in tow n turni ng oul to try Mrs_ Kate McComas, of Hamilton. a few days ago, he riieJ suddenly at his luck. The boys say birds are is the guest of Mr. and Mrs J. H. their residence in Topeka. He is Our sto re is chuck full of good right are that goods t hingsElurvived by hi' father and mother , scarce. but there are plenty of rab- Coleman. in season . ODe brotho r, Roy Anderson, Ilolton , b i l-'~ . Born - To Mr. bnd Mri. Frank Kans .. and four sisters, Mrs. Chas. Fres h Oyst ers Frank Zell and e has. Cornell ber Fry. Chicago. 111., Mrs. Hertley in pint. quart. and I. 2.3.5 gal. I ramped all day and got one rabbit. Stansb erry. Wednesciay. Novt'm cans, fresh stock. :;olid meat. that ty 22. a 80n. Smyth, Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Sumne r It was tolu on good authori Don't forget we will have a fifty k Hartsoc Will William", Topeka, Kansas, Mrs. J. Charl ey paid large supply for Thank sgiving . . of Centerville. was C. . Thom8.'1, Pawhu ska, Okla., and Keever Wynne and k Hartsoc George will we one. r and fo cen ts Leave yo ur order of Alfred and Elliott the wife to whom he so lately pligktd,·liver the goods. J esse Thomas bagged a big lot of the I!;ue!:!t ay and Sunday. Salurd Wright ed his sacred troth. Those who rabhits . A party went South of Fancy large Cranhe rri<'s. fresh Malaga '1ew foron Celery, got crisp best speak much of his town. and a::cidentally (1) Born-T hursda y, November 16, to knew hirh Grapes, Toka GraJges. Catawaparty • this ways. He was a toiler issaid It ious y. bidden territor Dr. and Mrs. Cooper, nee Ethel Wil. indu,tr ba Grapes. Pineapples. new Elphere his " in and "Wink good and n commo rabbit .the of dead a spt up Florida Oranges, Bananas, Iiamson, of Dayton, a son, J. Byron. ::::s. of ,t oil did his part to forwar d the Leonar d sbot it dead. Lemons . for noted . He was A great deal Clf sport and lots of Carefpl ly Selected . The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. wQrld's welfare Ola ssif ied Ads New Calaso ft shell English Waltion. disposi but , happy parties over 2.000 beautlru l volnt and have differe bright by "We ,his had was fun I , Raisins soDates, ioned Figs. old-fash new an nuts, church will give ......... •. Mr ... . some of the older ones only enjoyed cial at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. He looked on the bright side of life umes In our lIbrlU'J now," Bald ~urrants. fitron . Mince Meat, Munn. Lotto new Dried Peaches, new Cod and therefo re gained much joy out it for the ene day. lnacned un" " r lhl. head fo r Ellis Thanksgiving night. Come. "Of course "ou cannot read all of Aell will be·lIve --Fish, new Mac.kerel. new Hom.... cenlH Co r tbree ID fIOr t\·, "q tw"ol, all his years. He was very loyal to them." Mr• . Oldca.t le. replied ' style Canaea ren's iny. MacLa lDorc tban Uve line•. not WlIOI wheD throup get him. to to dear "Ob. no. but I oped CARD OF THANKS thosp who were near and "Nippy " Cheese. new mild DEATHS " " _" " "" " I .... " "" " " " " His parents found hIm very though t- most ot them some Ume. I teel that Cream Cheese, Bologna, new v. ...... T~ ·~S· I vel'7 been bave We myeelt to N. On account of ill health Mrs. 1. rate. The owe this pure Buckwheat, new Apple Turner Welch, aged 79 years, died ful and kind and conside our selectlo n. Near· happie r careful In maktng Butter. lived Hatfield has gone to spent! the winter sisters and r brothe Wm. Welch, son, bave Kilt toUII." his of them of home all the ly at Just received 5 barrels White with her sister, Mrs. Nutt. She wants Near HarveysburK. Tuesday morn- lives by reason of his presence in the POCKETBOOK oontalolng II Clover Cak~, specialS for 6c same the to thank her neighbol'8 and friends carried had he and home w8.!l oheok ,or t8, and other VlI.lo'l· Welch ing at 4 o'clock. .Mr. !!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! home that ~~~~~~~!!!!! for kindness shown during sickness new l!:dgemont Crackers, old fashion the . Finder wtll plene r" into paper. spirit ble joyful Town· M8I8ie of t a pioneer residen Butters . funerbook to A . B Sides. The the d. 'urn I and death of her husban d and since founde been ship, and was a man respect ed by all bad just Ohio. ,. eevtlle, WII.YD parents Shotgun Shells, 40c box and up his at held tlhe has been left a widow and eswere s service al who knew him. fhe funeral will m. p. 2 at on pecially Bra, Thomp!on. afterno Hams Cold Blast Dash Sunday home, take place at the Friend s church in . Lanterns. Mrs.!. N. Hatfield Rev. S. A. Fulton , of tbe Presby terHarvey sburg Thursd ay afterno on at ian church conducto!d the services. FOR SALE - - Just received, 600 po~nds Fresh i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ of 1 o'clock. you $35.®ofworth A men's quarte t rendere d ve~ apWe will give Roasted fancy Santos Coffee, _ _ .. charge TURE UL free AGIlIC Poultry OF T llred DEPARTMEN propria te music. The body was Thoro ~ial price still 23c pound, ~ ~laid to rest in the Holton cemete ry. as per Q,!!r Combination Poultry Out4Yo pounds for $1. Mrs. Wm E Haley, aged 24, died I N. Hlltfiel d proper ty on ng report is compu ted - - -... followi The Offer. Write for full particu lars. New Sweet. Pickles. qt. jars 15c FriD .Hood InquIre ot Holly Mt. J'rll.nltU near " home late picture offiher ng the at "chick enti from d colored Pres ful receive of Beauti returns ce from Noti New Prepar ed Mustard, qt. 103 LlviDI!8\OQ Yodng, N. David took fllneral the free. cial corresp ondent s of the Depart - day at 10 a. m., and Coun ty Road jars .......... .......... .......... .. lOc church HoH1 Mt. the at place Sunday ment: Petit ion Get the habit and trade at Holly ... til Wheat -Area sown last fall re- In~nnent was made in Mt. IP van &hal a petUlonWal"d pm: •• r" Commt.l oDenl or turned by townsh ip assessors, 2.032,. cemete ry. er Novemb ~n next .,.1"• • Inquire of Ihme 1'. Winon a, Minn. / tile Ia7In& out and o.~ 932 Harrie t St. 139 acres; sown this fall compared Phone 6-2, WII.Ynesvllle. O. Brown, toUo"'ln8 the Road OD with last year. 94 percen t. Hamer Wills. aged 56, a well-known ~bJ~'llt. road'·~=~~~~~~~~ Alfalf a-Area in 1910 returne d by farmer west of town, died at his I'mID8YllvanJa R. R. I ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ for SIlle. 10 corner t _ _ _ _ _~ COW -A fresh oow eou'b-'.... ·rown- I"'!"'_ _ _ _ _...;. township 881e81O l'S, 23,477 acree. home Sunday evenin g at 10:30 of MorrIs Browo, Wayqaire theDce Rye-A rea sown last fall returne d o'clock . Mr. Will bas been failing NOTICE TO HUNTERS r1fht oesviUe, Ohio Phone 83 lYo. be DR. E. H. COSNER, by township assessors, 66,663 acres: for some time, but the end came " ••,I41nD ....~ .... O. H. last peacefully at lut. The funeral took Have IGS-T wo male pigs. We, the undersigned, P08itively sown this fall compar ed with' _ g mornin this hQme t. late percen his 94 a~ been inOOlllated agllost ohol· place forbiil all hunting or trespassinK an at 10 o'clock . Intennen~ was made era. Inqalre of I . S.Uertb wait9, upon our premises or farms. The Com-P rospec t compar ed with W.YDesvllIe, Ohio in Miami cemete ry. law prohiltiting the same will be averaKe, 90 percen t. ., . , ed compar t rospec Buckw heat-P 912 Relbold . Building, strictly enforced: Notice of Appointn,tent with an averag e, 8! percen t. ~R 8A~2 Cy~e Batol>erp, GRANGE OA ve A PLA V Ohio on, Dayt Dear!v new i few PhUo oolony J;" S. F. Elban Clover Seed -Prosp ect compared B. V. Smith Esta1le or Ellen SId.... deceued . The unn good oondltlon i allo few ooopii n ~heeha Jason apPQlntod an1 Qu.lIlled Will Williams Last Saturd ay even'i ng the unmar- del'll\cned baa ~ntate with an average, 50 percen t. or BUeo Sid.... late at 0. Baft' J .eghornll aDd White H. OXOCUt(1.r or the ... Martin Gons Seth Furnas townGranee Ity r's Potatoe s - Area planted ried sisters of the ' Farme Warren County. 'blo. deceUed . Graduat e .\merlca n School. Kirkavillo. Ala Rook8. oheap if lold 8000. RUIIMIl I\ D. H. Hocket t George Witera ft D~d tbla 16th Ilal or November A. D . In 1. averag e had charKe of the proKram, which acres; ...... Parlett . Lebanon, 0., R. F, D. 2. _ r. 111.704 _ rs, _ Executo _ Y _ 8S8eISO _ ship _ cKINSE ) _ AI. _ _ _ _ er • Michen Ella Mrs. n J. R. Peterso the Probate Judge. Isaac Wilson produc t per acre 72 bushels. consisted of a very unique play, "The P,ublJlahed by orner ot Dr. C. W. Henoerson Richani Brown A. E. Chenoweth Hogs-C onditio n compared with Peak Sisters ." This was given by C. H. Hartsock Wenzel Herres averag e, 94 percen t. an eight young ladieEl, and each one Edward S. Furnas C. B. Lewis many seemed to have the ability to fill the in nt prevale is cholera Hog Harty Stokes W. T. Frame .. II l John Cummings Wm. Cummings sections of the state. The genera role 888igned to her. It was an open ---$.. M. Orndor f J. L. Mendenhall condition of swine is estimat ed at meetin g und the play 'was enjoye d J . M. Orndor f Eli Dean 94 per cent, compared with an av- by their many young friends . W. H. Orndor f E . R. FireR ----- -.... erage. In comparison with last year N . H. Hamilton ~_ Simkins fatbeing s animal of r numbe the YOUR COLORS son SHOW Hemler M. L. III W. E. O'Neall At BI George Hamilton tened for market is estimat ed at 91 J . A. Shutts Isaac W. Lincoln per cent . Frank Sams To the Women of Warren County: Geor&,e Gilliland Nathan Gray Will you be a Blue RibboD wearer ? J. W. Hisey Minnie Sattert hwaite RS you show your colors? Do you Will GUTTE ANING BUSY .Jas. Vandervoort F. C. Sawin want Warr~n County to remain Dry? been has Mart ssioner Commi Street Shall we protect our homes and our ~ent 2 other and It'aves boys? We may not vote; we may the g OWNERS OF DOGS TAKE NOTICE busy cleanin debris out of the gutters and cross- wear a blue ribbon bow and show we 0 are true. Will you? Sp~d Ings. them keep Owners of dogs must Iamea Howard M1'9. off my place on account of the sheep. Mrs. Harry Settlem yer . Bubsori be for the Gazett e DOW 22 C. B Lewis. Cotto~Se~d Mrs. Edward JefflT Charles Huffman ' S~creD'! Home Comm itteeof the Olive Branch Ladies Aid.

~\ti\ti\tjdi\jj\tidj\ti\ti\ti'A;\ti='ti\ti\ti\ti\'\1i\Ii\Ii\Ii\Ii\liw~ f.;. PRICES -RICHT , :--~} SATISFACTION CUARANTEED



Sh op

Th e


Qy_s_ter_1) __S_cals_bip_t____





You r Thanksgiving dinnerwill not be complete with out these. The y are bett er this yea r than ever. Also, a full line of Fancy Frui t and Vegetables. Sen d us your order; we hav e the goods, and our prices are right.

· d











.--- .



·fer Of Consider .this ..

- ---.- ...






Western ponltry Farm ;:~,:::'::•••


.- .



Ost eop athi c P Physician



-- ...----- -




High O~anty Feeds

Lo w P ric es m davs . m We expect the following Brands of Feed in a few prot ein mOne Car Old -pro ces s Oil Meal, 3 per Meal" 4 _p et. prot ein mOne Car Prim e Cot t9n




pet. prot ein Peed Meal, Dai ry Fee d, -. . Sucr~ne Ho~se 'and ~ule Fee d ' m ION ELECT AN WILL HOLD ,. Suc ren t Alfa lfa Meal The commissioners of Warren m eou~ty met Saturd ay to set the day B~$f Qua lity n Bra n for the wet and dry .eleetloD; as pe- II One. Car Sou ther


Crerilo One Car -




See ui befo re you ~ellit We are payi~g Cin cinn ati prices. '.

KllbQn. "




titioned under the Roae law. The petition has 2418 names · siped to it and nothinl ' was though t to stand in the way of the election, but Superintende nt Eldridg e of the anti· saloon league of Cincinnati appear ed \Jefore the body and objected to the JJe.tition because of the lack of the addrt!8188 of some of the signers, as the law says that the addl'e8!l and the street numbe r of each signer must be written . Some of the names had ditto marks for their ad~r~ ~d he objectM to 'this. ..After a hot . ~lltel!lt.

Our pIjc es are low on the a.bove feed and we are ma.king a.

Specl~l. L01 J\l Pr ice, -Pr om Ca r \.:




On~ F.ou rth has alre ady ,b~en S.914. (..

" •





(]o~n·ty _B -,--._e_m~a~i.____ _n~D=---=r:: . .v. ~?=--_ -





Dispatches in the daily papeTS Tuesday announce the death at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. of Irving Bedell Dudley U. S. Minister to Brazil. Mr. Dudley was for a short time a resident of Wa~ nes· ville, hie father having been reeLor of St. Marys church. It be remembered that he favored the Ga· zette with a letter for its "Home Coming" edition. Mr. Dudley had gained considerable fame in diplomatic circles having been steadill advanced from post to post.


C. M. Cartwright is chairman of the committee of management of the new north end department of the Young Men's Christian Association of Evanston, III. Over $5,000 war expended in fit.ting up the Jepart ment, consisting of a large gymna· sium, locker rooms and shower bathR. billiard and pool room. game room and readilijf room. At the opening night 1Rhenthere Wtls 'a communilY mass Jlleeting to dedicate the build. ing, Mr. Cartwright presided, there being talks by prominent men of the city. I A department secretary and physical director are in charge of the work. '




The Van Wert Packing Company is now completing one of the most pl"OAperous .eaaons in the history of the plant. Mr. James StooP. fltated that it was a banner year for business. Prices were right, quality excellent and"tile returns were satisfactory. There were over 75 cars of canned products shipped to almolt every State in the Union. Over $2000 improvementlt vier-> made in the plant • the past year and the management intends investing. large amonnt oj money in bettering the _nitary aystem which will benefit the employes. Over~,OOO was distribut~ among the farmers and employes this_ n ~~~

' (~TIm~

. . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,' ""' ' .,,' _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . -........ ..,., -. irr. . . . ·. . .·_. ....-..-....,," ' '" . . . .:--.. . . . .. _ . . . . ._--, I

MIAMI VALLE V POULTRY <\s:;oCIATION- POULTRY AND Probate Judge Boxwell had an ar· The New Century Club mel at the COR~ EXHIBIT DEticle in the Western Star last week i ; i beautiful home of Mrs. J. F. Cad· CEMBER 13-16, that especially appealed to us. It is 1 ! wallader. on last Friday afternoon. 1911 ......... _......................,.............. ....J There were only three members a strong argument in fa vol' of a th'y L. ........................................... _ county, . and we hope every vote r absent. At roll eall eKch responded Manv valuable and u~eful prizes in J. M. Taylor tla w the "Hanlons" in with the name ohome noted woman. both df'pa rtments. ~uw i~ th{, t;m~ will read it, In part it is as follows: ' r. R. Smith was in Cincinnati Dayton Satu rday. Two excellent papers were given. to get your en lri e:'l ready. both )1"..1:About threp. years ago, by a sma ll Thursday . majority, Warren County voted dry. , one entitled, "Women who have in- try and co rn Help make the week P. E. Kenrick wa.~ in Dayton on I Prof. E. F. Amy Ipent Sunday at fluenced American life." by Mrs. of Decembe r 13· 16 interesting and und er the Rose Local Option Law. Our town a nd county hav e bl:!en business Thursday. the home of Mr. Lawrence Brown. Harris; the other "The Ideal ArneI" instructi ve. prosperous and di~order has become d M L H k "t d Misses Ruth and Eva Morford spent iean Woman." by Mrs. Frame. Compettmt judges have been se· ' i socia ' I hour Mr. an .' rs . ee , d aw e , V1Sl ,e j Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter D urmg th e peasant less frequent during the past three cured and you will have the opportu· years thun for many previous years. Dayton fllends Tu es ay. Clark , delicious refre<!hments were served nity to learn many useful lessons in by the hostess. assisted by Mrs. E. the raising of good poultry and good The universal testimony of bank. Patr<!.!lize the IT. arket at the To wnJoel McGee, of near Dayton. V. Barnhart and Miss Elsie Hartsock. corn. Send for a r.atalogue. building assuciations. ami all classes of legitimate mercantil e and me- ship House next Saturday. brought a party of hunters here The invited guests were Mrs. Col· C. W. Henderson. Sec·y. chanical industry furnish strong arDr. Sherwood and F. B. She rwood Monday. lins, of New York. Mrs. J<'rank Taft. - - --.- - - guments for the above assertion. I t of Dayton, Mrs. Newland and Mrs. ST. MARY'S CHURCH were Dayton visitors Friday. Mrs. W. H. Allen and Mrs. W. N. Barnett. 1 ••• is very plain to all that our streets Thankslliving Day-Service and are freer from the output of the Att~nd the old . fashioned social at Newland spent last Wednesday with ALMOST A LAWSUIT sermon at 10 a c1oek. liquor traffic; the cQjJdren are bet· the home of Dr, Ellis, November 80. friends in Xenia. The First Sunday in Advent. Dec. ter clothed and fed under present conditiolUl, than under former ones: MAocrs , David Brown and Gordon Mrs. Frank Taft, of Dayton. wa.'! Frank Zell is up against it. He 3rd, Sunday School at 9:30; address J W . was threatened Ia.qt week with a law and Holy Communion at 10:30; subspent Wednesday in Springfield, the gu~t .,,' 0 f Mr . an d M rs.. t hat I~b?rers h ~ve more cas h f or t h.e Joy ~ necesslttes of hfe-to pay on their Ohio White l'lSt week. suit, but finally settled with the ject of address, "International Peace homes-to deposit for a Rain~1 Day" . man. It is said that he shot a pet and Arbitration." Look at our Classified Column this ra bb't . t 0 a farmer • -'hose Evening Prayer and sermon at 7 to use for the promotion of all good Frank Snook spent sElveral days in I be Ionglng .. causes that tend to build up and lift Van Wert. Ohio, last week. the guest wheek. There may be something natrie we will not mention, north of o·clock. There will be an evening up humanity. f J S t ere that you might want. town, and the farmer happened to service the four Sunday nights in a as. toops. see the cruel act, and threatened Advent. Every body invited to these We have had before the juvenile - -Th I d' f th Ch I ' h h court 607 boys and girls charged with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. 'Walter and lion '11 ~ I~ les; : . : stian c kU~c t Frank, and it is alleged that it was services. Last Sunday was anpther of the neglect. d."pendency and delinquency of Lebanon. spent Sunday with Mr, WI 0 a an sgwmg mar e . a a costly rabbit to him. the Township house Wednesday, No· __ .. __ many red letter days in the eccleduring the last' three years . From. and Mrs. J. H. CQleman. vember 29th. ' ' siastical life of the c8:lgregation of May 1908 to November 1909. there HAD HAND AMPUTATED St. Mary's church. were 298 ca'JfS, from November 1909 Don't forget to see "Not a Man in Mesdamed F. C. Carey, Chas. Rye, . esd h' hredd' Sunday School and church service to November 1910. 200 cases; f"om the House" at the school house Fri· Walter McClure. Miss Lilla Ben. Last Wedn . ay, w lie s .mg were largelv attended. .November 1910 to November 1911, qay night, December 8th. ham, AIi::e Carey and CIil'I McClure com at the resIdence of Jas. Allen, At the 10:30 service the sacrament north of town, near Ferry; Chas. 109 Cases, the number gradually de' Th 0 th d F ' d S S '\1 spent Saturday in Dayton . Thomas had his ri~ht hand cauaht in of Holy Baptism was administer~ creasing as the years go by under . e .r 0 o~ nen s '. ' WI ...,., e M th 90 (1,1 f gIve thell" Christmas eutertamm4ant Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward. of the shrec:lderanddread~ully mangled by the rector to four adults, Donna a d ry r~... m. are an 111 a Ph • t . D ' Ib these unfortunate little ones can; h \J rls mas everung. ecem e: Harveysburg. are 1!pending the Drs. Hende.reon and Elba were ealled, May Hawke, H.3nrietta McKinsey, trace ~he ca~se of th'eir delinquency t. . holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. and found It neceasa~ to. amputate John Wilson and Herbert Sides Edthe hand a~ the. wnst Joint.. The wards. a most IJUbstantial and promdirectly or i"ldirectiy to the liquor Ice crram ' and fruit cake makes Ferree at Washington, C_ H. young man IS gettmg alonK' mcely. ising class. It was the harvest of traffic. This is an a})pllllin~ fact, yet a fine course for a Thanksgiving dinmonths of sowing, and a goodly harthe experience and testimony of the nero Leave your order with W. C. Friday night December 8, the • - • vest it was. best judges of the children's court, Phillips. NOTICE young ladies of the M. E. Sunday The choir augmented by Miss throughont the land is the same. . In· School will give an Entertainment in Dr. H. E. Hatha"ay will be in at- Neibert, of Christ. Church 1!ayton, quire of Judge ~in.dsq., pi Denver, Mrs. Rachel Lane, of Mt .. Auburn, the school house. The evening will J uilge Brac of Columbus. J I1d~e Cincinnati, has been visiting her st:ep· be given to music. readings, tableaux tendance at Stllte Dental Association rendered the mU81C most ImpresCaldwell of Cincinnati. Judge Adams brothers. Walter and Wilbur Cla.rk, and a play, "Not a Man in the at Columbus 5th "6th ami 7th of De- siveJy and thrilled all hearts present cember.' with the spirit of prai8e and thanks· of Cleveland, or any other of the of Lytle. House." AdmiS8ion We and lOco givill2'. judges who are charged with these Such days and such servicei' induties and the same verdict is renOoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _-r___...... crease one's courage and confirm dered. one's hope. of our co~nty are fil~~ -~With httle ~nes to whom we as CltlMASONIC NOTICE zens are obhgated: V!e owe, them. whether they r~l~e an our home or Stated communication of Waynee___ ______________________________ \N APPEAL TO THE VOTERS

Relatives here have received word that Mrs. Genevieve Moore Franks, who is in Denver. Col., on account ot her health, is ~radually getting bet· ter.



Personal Mention Column


L................... ,................................._..............................._.....J





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tlon from every phase of CIVIC hfe Mrs. Agnes Wright entertained Mr. and Mrs. Albart Shutts enter~ Tuesday evening. December 6th. and citizenship that would weaken Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, M:-,. W. the Card Club Thursday afternoon. talned at "inner Sunday, Mr. and Wurk in the M. M. degree and in. Worth Osborn and family had the them in their moral character or N. Newland and daughters Mlldlred Mrs Ed Edwards. Mr. Lee Shutts stallation of officers: The work will p.easure of. entertaining Thursday, make them less able to discharge and Ruthoowereguests of Miss Georg- Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Bruner.enter- and little BOn of Springfield and be done by past masters, Dr. ' J. W. · Mrs. A. M. Du Hadw8Y, of Rich- their duty as citizens of this country. ia Ha~den at dinner Monday. tained Saturday evening in their Clarence Edwards. Ward, presiding. Sojourning and mond. a connoiaaeur an:) collector of Dare we, who have bye for our usual charmin~ manner, Rev. C. S. visiting members invited. ~tiQues. • country, and hope for the perpetuity F. H. Farr entertaineoJ his Sunday Grau!'er and family , and Prof. E. F. F . B. Henderson, W M,; Mrs. Du Had\yay viewed .nthus- of ita institutions. do anything that School claas Tpesday evening at his Amy. A delightful affair took place E. V. Barnhart, See'y. iaaticaU)' Mr. Osborn'. miscellaneous would render them unfit for the home . The evenin~ was spent in - -Thursday evening at the home of ............,...--- eoJle<;tiqn of rare old thing!!. ~ut at duty of patriotic ('itizenship. Can c(tnversation and at 9 o'clock Mrs. Mesdames Cynthia Evans and H. Mrs. Lee Hawke, when ab(lut thirty. SECURED LAROE ORDER the present time she has a passion we not afford to deny ourselves of Farr served an appetizing oyster E. Hathaway planned and successful- five of -Mrs. Jesse Lewis' friends - - 1or antique pitchers possesEing al· some of the habit1! which have been s~w. The boys had a fine time. Iy ~ rried out ~ unique but "most de- gathered there and Pl1!8C n te<i her I .. A. Zimmerman secured a large ready about 200 and while in Win- indulged in by u~ for the safety o f . Iightful entertainment ~hich took with a miscellaneous shower, prepar. order for groceriedrom the Warren chester, ahe found many of these these helpless chIldren. Who would! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fur?as eIllter· t*lC~ a? ~uesday evemng. When atory to moving into her new home. Co. Children's Home at Lebanon, .oulded near to her heart's desire be benefitted by the ret?rn of the tained a hunting PlW"ty at dlllner Sat. the inVItations were extended each The evening was spent pleasantly in last week. Sealed Bids were made in Mrs. Cly'de Hiatt's interesting col· open saloons? I can thmk of but urday . Those present were Ray· guest was urged to be at the home convereatlon and a nice lunch W:i8 by the leading Grocers in the County. Tbis . shows that Zimmerman buys lection. ~e wasespeciaJly covetous three in Franklin. Ask yourself mond Davis. Fred Hawke and Em- of Mrs. Evans promptly at 7 o'clock; served ' of ..,ieral pitchers among Mrs. this question. Then answer it hon· mor Baily Jr. C. E. Bratton, of no later or she milrht "get left." , _ __ his goods right and ean !ell them at Riatt~. antiqllechina. estIy.. Let every man and woman, Kings Mills, was to have been one of When all had assembled they were the right prices. Thesepi8!:e!I beine.heirlooms hand· boy \lIld girl, who must earn a Jiving the party, but on account of sickness invited to go with thp. hostesses who A very pleasant surprise planned MARKET ed down several generations. Mrs by the sweat of the brow, study the could not be present. led them to W. C. Phillips' parlors, by Misses ~Iah Hartso~k and Mabel Hiatt would not part with them for problem of labor. read the requirewhere everything had been arranged Satterthwaite occurred at the home The ladies of Wayne Township will many times the tempting price of· ments of nearly all cooperations and to make a pleasant evening. After of Elsie and Leslie Smith. on li'riday hold a market in the Tuwnship House . fered.-Winchester (Ind .) Herald. employers of labor, learn of the ban Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hawke pleas- an hour 8,ent in enjoying the mov· evening. when a merry host oftheir • - • placed on all who would become antly entertained on Sunday, th,e oc- iug pictures the tables were drawn young friends gathered at their Saturday, December 2, the proceeds A NEW ENTERPRISE members of any secret society or casion being the twenty·seventh an- out and a delicious two-course lunch home. The evening was spent in of which will be added to the camand playing paign fund of the dry ,side in the benevolent organization whl)' are niversary of their: marriage_ The was served after which another reel aocial conversation , The Waynesville 'tLuto and .Ma. engaged iii the saloon bu~inellS. guests were Mr. and Mrs. John CoI- of pictures was shown. During the games. Those present were: Misses coming election. Let 8verybody chinery Co. have rented the Wright After three years without the open lins, of Salem. N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. evening Miss Hazel Gustin presided Mary Da~is, Helen .McClure, F~e come out and help keep the saloon w~n shop of Mr. Rye fo~ a Garage saloon-having the testimony of men Warren Barnett. Mr. and. Mrs. E .. V. at the piano dispensing most excel- Hess, Emily Berry~IJI. Ruth Chne, out of Warren county. ---.~ .....- - and lnstalled the best eqUlP~ ~~. in businea.'i from mouth and from Barnhart. Mrs. Laura MO:iher, MISS- lent music. On the whole it was an Blanche.Sheehan. Lily Baker, Pearl CANNING SEASON ENDED er~ttepairshopin the county: WhIte observation. that nothin~ good has Edith Mosh~r and Emma Heigh· evening long to be remembered. Cline, Frances ~uires, Reva Sheathey i~tend to make auto~obde work suffered during this period, we are way and Mr. Wdson Edwards. The invited guests were Meadames han, Pearl Smith, Ruth Maxwell, Manager Frank Snook infol1llll us a specialty th~y .are eq~l~ped to do asked to go back to those wet days, S. L. Cartwright. J. O. Cartwright. Flo~ence Hess, Nora. Scott, Isabel that the last of the corn packed this g~r)eral ma~hmery , repamng of all because some have been engaged in On Sunday November 26th, Mr. J . A. Funkey, A. T. Wright. A. Mat· SmIth, ~ther Berryhill, Sa~ah_ Sat- year was shipped out Tuesday. It kInds. Mr. H. M. Sherwood. form- the businesS of bootlegging, and and Mrs. W. S. Graham celebl'ated fit. Upshere White. J. T. Ellis, Laura terthwalte, I.denaOsborn, Wmmfred has been a good year under the cir- . . erly with th~ Kilpatrick·French Co., for the fUI-ther reason that many go the twenty. fifth anniversary of their Mosher, Emma Dakin. F. B. Sher- M,eredith, NIna Scott, Glenna. Hob- cumiltances, and the Canning Compa· ~ban~n, II gell~ral matlager of out of the county to buy drinks marriage, At noon a handsomelY wood, J. W. Whim, Frank Taft, V!. ht, Edna Morgan. Helen SWigart, ny and farmers are correspondillJly n~w company, in other towns• . (n:answer ~ these appointed dinner was served. The H. Allen W. N. Newland. J , F. Cad- Lel.ah Hartsock. Mabel. Satterth. happy. t ~" • - • arguments I,.would like' to Iiav~ all table decorations were pink and wallader, C. S. Grauser, C. T. Hawke wal~, Messrs. Sam MeredIth, Foreat ...... ." ., AT. ORJI;I0D?X FRIENDS the bootleggers , stand up ,!lnd be white carnations and the same color Frank Zell, C. A. Bruner. E. V. Bam· H?bht, Howa.-d McClure, Allen McHOURC; AT POSTOFFICE s&bbath a;~oon December counted. [)jd not the; county em~loy scheme was tastily dieplayed through. hart, P. D. Clagett' George Hawke,. Kinney,. Faunce SmW~~' .:'ar~.~ The bours for Tbanklgiving Day . '. . n " k P~f 'Elbert a speci,,1 detective, twhOftC sworn out the house., Covers were laid for Una Devitt. Emmor Baily. J. ~. ,terthwaute,.Walter . Ita er, I r at , ~ 191~i .a~!t C;~oc;i3i'l)Ilca1' work in duty was to ferret ou\; all viol"tions th~ following: . Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman. Harvey Burnet•. Anme Marl~tt, Ch~ord DaVIS, JeBIe Beas, the poetoffice will be aa foJlow5: ., :' ~1Ii!e " , ~, i Richmondlnd of the liquor: Ja\V1> aild report to, the Cornell; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark. Thorpe, George Stroud. J. H. Co~e- Benme S~llttI. Walter Squires, Lobby open from 7 •• m. to 7 p. ro.; .' . o . .' th' "I". coun~'s 'p~uting" ttorney? Con Mr. and ; Mrs. Emerson ' Mason, Mr,' man, Aines Wright. I. Satterthwaute George SlDlth. ~Iva l!artsock, Emer- All departments open from 9 a, m. j&,u e, ~o the records of the ' county,in ·andMrs.lf~lp~ ', lAlwi8, ~r~ and D. L. Crane, J, E. Janney. Frank son Dill, Cb~rlie Smith, Linley Mar- to 10 •. m. Ru.-al cUrie~will .... ~is . I1l8tt,e~' a~d fi~d ~ow many. Mrs. fl. ·A:. Coriu! l1. Mrs... "ern~Fa~r. Wa,r ren ~mett., J0M. Collins. latt, Ralph Sbeehan.~pton Sml.tb, make their tripe. ' " F. H~ f)ri',, ~• 'f 'i h ifany,<wer41 indlctec1' ~pr euch ' . · lda ,· andr.eUa Githens }1isse8 Edith Harris, M~S8HGeol1rlaHadden Jacob Scott, Chari", Penn~wltt. i.-'''' .. ~ .~ e tiODS. Our . and" ' . Adr8 Col'lleit' ,zlUa 'Elizabeth Stewart, ~th-CarrolJ. James Osborn, oIohn BerryhUI, Roy . . . .' ~eney:;: '~ev. ~Y~ Baird, uK . ¥en;~, Mame Smi~" firs. 1:Qan Cline 'gd Mr. lWII",llt aD~l;.~utElr.. I,;eeIie LeW. ; .- 'Brown a d ~a ~e~.way. . . , J~~. ¥~'" •








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D• .L, CRANE, Pllbllihor.

W AVNlllRVtLL1ll.







·Practical Fashions




BIRDS AND THEIR ENEMII!8. A recent reporf Cit ·the United StatGs ,tlureaU at entornololY consUtut es one of the strongest nrguments Im ng1 n .... ble upon the absolute economIc tolly ot extermInating America's bird lire. Tbls country. Bays a bureau expert, autrers each year throngh Insects II los8 qgregatlng 11.200.000,000; ro«enta cost us $200.000,000 ; "' eed~ more than $400,000,000. Tbese arl' ltanerlng flgures. Indeed. Tbey need Dot he minutely accurate to poInt s moral 8B obvloUB as tt Is Important EYer, thinking person knows tlley are near enough the trutb to mak~ til warning algnlDcanL In nature'S line balance ot 1I.,lng age nclclI Ih .. birds found thetr largest ulility In ateeplnl the Insect pests of mankInd In IlUbjecUon. Not all blrde eavln · aecta, but most do. Others dest roy rodents. and many eat tbe ~eedB or weeds. It Wae a fine scbem~ of econ' om,.. nature had . Man In bls cruel bllndnesl bill uPlet tb • . balance. lie baa made plumage rU!:Ilonable for b .... and glo.ritled bird dln&lers. Even pot·hunUnl bas been wInked at. A poUq widely recognized as Indefensl· ble baa beeD followed for yearB, Amertca rqot. lbe bill for her owu In· 4ltrereiloe. ' 'nteflrst punishment II "f111t.ed . upon tbe farmen. but ItB ef· recti are felt by every famll1 In tbe Iud. . The rapid transmission ot news .. among Kaftlra and Hottentot. Is a '. ID~.ter, which even Mr. Rider Halt· . prd Ia ~nabie to IOlve. Mr. Haggard ...~ ",f...Pretoria In 1879. at the time Of. ~e battie ot Isandblwana. Twel"e ' ~UH after tbe elIsaBter an old Hot· I ~t .... asb.rwoman told blDl that ~law""o bad defeatfld tbe BrlUsb II'oOpa, aDd 'cue details of the IIgbt. .' 'SO ImpreBled 11'88 Mr. Haccard that lie rePOrted tbe Information to blS 0(' .acl&l · .auperlor. . The BrlUlh oftlclal ~lDted out that It was Impossible for ~e Dew. to be true. . . laandblwana wu 191 mil.. from Pretoria, and no telecrapblc or raJlway communication , . ; eqat_d between tbe two places. O~ th. follOWing da, orllclal eonlirmaUon th. dlluter was brought by mount· ed ineasenlerl. wbo were dllp&tched -,iDe,uatel, atter the battie and tra.,· eJed ,.t top speed all the way. Yet • the natl"ee won by twenty boura, and , '. ~e wa8J!er\Voman's atory was true In .wer)' detall . .,




1!--:-''---.....;:~-~Rle~.erUol'I tbGt cats are necessary

tiakeriea Is supported by wide abo . .rycitjon ud b, tbe ju..<~ment at blgb ,p racttcal ud sCientific autborlties In aU pal;tl ' of the "irorld. Rat. are f ~a~, '111.4 no. better anUdote for tbem th~ catl ~u ever been found. Polson will no~ d~sp~lally In a bakery. "'b~. the ,mell or tbe poisoned ratB CIOml!!1 from .tbe boies Into Wlllcb uaey bad retreated to die would cor· runt', ~e , afr and tbe bread. It IE «;apdoua Crittclsm lbat would object to baker. keeping cats, .


,.. , ...:,..


Dr. HBlttngs, tbe Torortto medical iaealth omcer. complains tbat only about III per cent. of tbe 600 caW.. ,killed for consumption weeki, In tbat -ettJ' are Inspec~ed. aod that an aver· &Ill! of 1i6 dlseaaed animals a week are aold for food. A Canadian govern· ment analyst asserts that [or tbe last third or a century tbe pepper ",ed In «..anada has been adulteratell to pel canL We Ar.e doIng better tban can· ada In 80me tblngs. How Interesting It would be to stu· dents of mechanics a~ well as to stu· dents of blstory to ·I!\ee tbe flnt Bteam· boat In whlcl1 FUlton took passengers on the Hudaon In 1807. 13y pr~rvl!lg tn the National Mu.eum at Wasblng ton tbE' tint 11:vln!f .mochlne purchalled 'rom the Wrlg!lts for the war depart.· ment. Ihe government Is providIng 1\ treat for studenls In ce~turles 10 come. We are Informed tbnt an easterner whose best ~Irl gnve him the frigId 1I1ltt bas gone Jnsane. We bav. cftcn beard or people who went crazY ... Ith joy. We rail to understand wb, Borne people ore so badly .aung by Ibe avla tion bug wben nil the dellgbts and dancera ot tbe gnrnfl Of4Y be CJ:pert. enoed on a rollE'r C')1! Tbe policemen uf I.yno, Mass,. ere eo be ormed with r.lubs made of paper. 'I'heae 11'111 logically go with paper san· ltary drinking cups. BOlton hlgbbrows are trylnc to determine whctber "been" shOUld be "ronounced "bin" or .. bean." If tbey are patrlOUr. Doslohlr.ns tbe bean will win In a wolk

, .' A 1\!omnn of <'tgbt)! In a Cooner.ttcul , ,Cllptured I\4Id field a burglar un _.,,_., ... cruv.e. \lI e re Is lIie IIrst knOCK for',the age IhnlL . ~

In Africa

Home Medic1ne Chest Is Important Addition to Household Equipment··- Need Only Cost $3,50, Including


the Necessary Articles. P'ow people r ea li ze the Importnnce of a medl ' lne cb es t In tbe home. Med· Iclne ~ are usually scattered prom Is· cously nbou t th e house, nnd If wllnled suddenly can neve r be found, In cases of accid ent or Hudden Illness. tbc prolllpt sppllcatlon of some sImple re medy may pre vent 10SR of life or at least bours ot Buffe rIng. ProvisIon sbould be made to keep the articles necessary for s uch a n emergency or Illness, In a special place wltbln easy 0(:<'e8S . . Th e medicine c heBt does not have to be an e laborat e atrllir- lnste nd. It can be nn ordinary sboe l),)X or any box large e noug h to bold a few weco essary articles. The list sbould In· clude: DisInfectants: medIcated !ot· ton; medicIne dropper; medlclne glass; bot water bottle ; etimulants; collodIon; adhesive plaster; all of cloves; clinIcal thermometer; bath thermome ter. As to diSinfectants, the Question may arlse-wbat are some good dlBln· feetants; wbat I. theIr use and how are they applied! Some good die In·

Ihe m to tbe Irtruugth gIven on the out· side ot tbe I,ottle for Ibe 'purposo In· lended. Medloalf,!d or absorbent cotton Is "pry necessllry In the medicIne chosL As It comes In Ihe pllckage. It Is clean, sterile and Il(;ht, and has a great ad· vll ntage over ordlllai'Y colton tor med · Icrrl pUrJlOB"S . In u sing o.rdlnary cot ton for dresdlng wounds, etc., It sbould

HERE are many and greal h indrances to the spread or Christianity In Africa. Tbe dense Ignorance and lazl· DeS A and BblttiesBnell ot • most ot the people. added to tbe Inberent perverllt, of buman nature would of tbemselvell form II very Btrong barrier Bgalnlt the re1I«lon wblcb teacbes selrodenlal and lervlce. and wblch requlrea open· rnlndedlles!l and tboulbttulnellB. But Ildded to tbeBe. tbere 18 the curse ot drunkenne~ls. Introduced b, the wblte men, and tbere 18 In large por· tlons of Ibe continent an almost In· 8urmountable beller In tetichlsm and wltcbcraft--the witch dOClor belnl tbe terror of tbe wbol .. nelgbborbood In wblcb be r 'e slde8. And addl!d to all these obltacleo to the procreRIS of the kingdom of Cbrlst there Is the capUvatinl Innuenee 0( Mohammedanlem. wblch . bas alread7 A Hand), Home Medicine ' Che't, ensnared multltudell and I. ItIII mak· (Open). Ing more rapid progres.· II) many dl· be sterilized either by baking In the rectlonl Hlan, CbrllUanity. Tbere Is oven or by dipping Into boiling water. en ouCh ot (~~UIlD'otruth (atolen from Bandagee should always be kepi Cbrlstlan B<~urees) In the teachlngl of ready for an emergency. They comE Mohammed to ,he the Ignorant AI· In dltrerent widths. and an- thih ,rican- tbe lelea that It Is quite a8 good adapted t.o dltterent uses. .ri applylnJ a. ,· Cbrlstlanlty , wblle. on the other bandages do not unroll only as used hand. It doe8 not require of blm the keep roll side up. The medicinE leU·denlal and lervlce wbleh ChrIs· dropper assuree accurate droPI OJ tlulty requlrel, and It promises blm medicine, Tbe medicine gl ..s II a beaven t.hat la much more to hll Important for, the same relWln as till tute than the Christian Idea of ' medicine dropper- to get accurat( heaven. Attraction of IIIam. meaauremente, Tce bot water botth " Ia Important In that It Is • Qplck ud Tbe Mlsllonary Review or the World eaey means or Bupplylng heat In cast IIIYI: "hlam Is getUng In I deadly work, beat Is needed. For stimulants. splrllE of ammonia, · wblsky. camphor and ... bleb complicates tbe problem ror Christian mllslonarles. The crecd of black calfee are very gooel. A Hand, Home Medicine Ched, Collodion Is , liquId court Jjlaster. II the Koran does not Interr_ with (clo,ed). sealll over cuts. burne. etc .• and keep! sl.very Bn~1 polygamy .nd olrera .DO feetants are: Formalin: blmodlde: out foreign matter, The adhesiVE 14ealll abovo the sensual and material corroelve lubllmate or bl-chlorlde at plaster comes In long strips with onE thUR rendering the transItion froni n': mercury tableta; boracic acid. Tbe 81de atlcky. which Is npplled next to UVe lIupereUUon both ealY and agreenrat tbree mentioned are poisonous. the akin. 011 of cloves Is a very good .ble." MR. Allae 0, West 'writes: "The and sbould be kept securely locked up. toolbache remedy. The cllnLcal ther It Is a Wise plan to tie a clotb over the niometer Is used In taking ·the body African MOlllem.jlateoing curiously to toPI of bottles containing polson8. so temperature and In many calee 01 the new te'achlnlL~ laya: ·Yea. I bethey will not be mistaken for a harm· slokness this Is required to note thE lieve most of tb.t alreody: but our les8 drug, • patlent's condition. By means of the Mobammed promises as much reward As to the use of disinfectants. they bath thermometer one can obtain thE •• your Chlrlst. and for far less self· are applied to any wounds or separ· co~ect temperature of tbe water for denial and lIacrUlce. Your Btble requlree trutbfulness: not so the Koran; nUon of the skin, to prohibit the bathing. whether It Is bot or cold. growth of bacteria which thrive under Tbe medicine chest containing thE and we Afrlcanll orten Dnd tbe l1e con· such conditions and are liable to cause above lI\el!t!~~e1 articles can b e venlent. No; sInce tbe two paths serloue results. Blooil polaonlng can equipped for $3.1i0. The cost I... nol lead aUke to beaven. I chOOle the . be caulled by Beveral Idnds of bacteria grellt and, eonslderlng the amount 01 laaler way.' '' But no oblstacle .cnn prevent-t-be-on· growing ~n even a slight cut or suffering a little expenditure of tblr, ecratcb, Tbe prompt application of a kind might prevent. It can ·,m ake Ib ward march of tbe Kingdom of Chrtst If the Benants of Christ are faithful good disinfectant to a supposedly sllgbt own appeatl . and loyal I!n tbelr Obedience to hill wound will prevent this dreadful dis· CLARE WEST, command to go Into all the world and clUle. To apply disinfectants ' dilute College of Agriculture. O. B. U. preacb tbe gospel to every creature and If tbey pray In faltb for bls guld· ance and bill bleSSing on their etrorts, Example for Chrlltlan•• Tbere aro very mllDY splendId ex· At tbls sealO,n of the year. planl 1 health· of tbe fowli. but greatly hlndel amples of Christian character In tbe ahould be formed and work done to wlntvr egg production. African eburches. Wbere among the make winter poultry "keeping ;proftt· A box. that Is a few Incbes hlgb churches or . Christian America could ahle. Tbe poultry house should bave but Beveral feet long and wide. should one look fOI~ such berole oonaf'cratlon .. careful cleanIng and wbltewashlng be filled with dust or dry earth. III .. was exhablted by tbe African ~rl lind everything about It put Into re- which .the hens may wallow. Hav~ men aoned In tbe follOWing elltract "air. The neat. Ihould be cleaned the dropping boardB a couple of feet rrom the L.ondon Missionary Cbron· . , froDI the floor Itnd the feed happen Iele? and thorpugbly sprayed . wltb a. 10uBe and drinking fouotalns on platform. "A young eonvert on the west eo.1t spray and a disinfectant, They should about the same height, so that a" the of Afrlea, saved out of tbe most ho~ be Oiled w\tb clean hay. alraw or ex· nOOf space may be used as a scratch· rlble savagery. came Into tbe house of celslor. as hens have no desire to lay Ing place for tbe bens. Cover thE God on Christmas day to olfer a girt In a dirty nest. All dust. webs and dis· floor wltb at least Blx Inches of straw, on the Lord's blrtbday-for they abo tarded fealhers, chIck brooders. boxes cut hay. cut f;)dde or wood sbavlnga serve Christmas day there by not gtv· and Doards ahould be removed from the Tbrow some grains Into thlB IIltel Ing their boat to each otber. but b,. house. each day. The fowls will get mucb bringIng tbelr best girt and olferlng Make sure that there are no open exercise In aCflltcblng for the grain. ' to Cbrlat. whose blrtbday Is belnl cracks or knot holes behind the roost No ellerclse-no egp. If the poultr, celebrated. or at either side of It. Heavy tar house Is SDlRIJ. build a low opeD-tron~ "At the close of tbe service tbe,. paper should cover this portion of the sC,ratchlng shed at one eml of It. 118me In a procession to the front 01 ' b~uRe . The po per will prevent any 'Such envlronlDeDl.. tcgether ~ltl! Ihe church. 4!ach olrerlng the !fUts tbey draft over tbe fowls while tbev are well selected bens and teed. will s& had brought f_ the saviour. Tbe,. on the roosts. The dropping board. profits trom poultry during thr were so very poor tbat most of tbem al80 should be void of crac):s so thai winter. only had a bandful of vegetables to bring and S41me only a bunch of now· no drafts can come up under the C. R. TITLOW. en! to sbow their good will. If any· t:Jwls. Drafts not on'IY endanger the College or Agriculture. O. S. U. one; could bring a coin worth a . penny or two It was counted a partlcularl, FALL PLANTING ON valuable gift. SCHOOL GROUNDS. '. • "But tbere came thIs ~rl. sixteen




Powerful Amerloan Fecteratlon Cond~ .loin. In FIght Allalnst • 8pread cf TII~rculoaiL


Dlrecl npprovol or the eampafgn fol' the 6ale of Red Cross seals hilS been gtVOII b, tile American FederatIon at LAbor, ac cordIng 10 an announcement 1>y tbe National Assnclation for ' the Sludy and Preve ntl~:l of Tubercula61s. At Ibe last annual conTentloll or tbe American FederatIon of Labor a rpsolutlon WIlS adopted O8ll1ng 00 all the membe rs of tbe Federation to furlber the sale as mucb possible. The resolution rellds DB tollows : "Wbereus, Tbe AmerIcan Feder-..· lion of Labor bas In every possible wa, aided the movement for the stud, and prevention of tuberculo-I I througbout tbe United Statn t.nd Canada; and. "Wheras. The American Nallonal ,'.ed Cro.s bas been In tbe past snd Ie now /ballinc an eepeclal elfort. Ibrougb the sale at Red Cross Cbrlst· maa Heals, \0 secure runds to enrry on the war ngaln.t tuberculosIs, and by means or the fund. rnleed In tbl. mann er baa been able to do mucb et· fecllve work In tbla direction. tberefore , be It "Resolved, That Ibe American Fed· eratlon at Labor give Ita end(lrs. ment 10 the movement of rhe Am..... Ican National Red CroIB. and enCOU... ThIs waist, cut In tbe lIewest mpde, age Its me~ber. to further ID e"e". Is. I\lrplice model wltb a IdmoDo reasonable way the 18le of tbetle Ileal. sboulder. The cbemllette II part of • In their respective communltlel," separate culmpe to whlcb tbe ale.ns CURED 81X YEARS. ars attacbed, Silk. ..Un. casbmere, c~i1pe ..Jl~ eblDe aDd' other IQ.rt materI~la coDll!lned wIth lace" or net will No Fear of Further .Kldney Troubl. loire. Josiah Clinker, State St., Tam .. be: approprtate for tbll waist. Tb. pattern' (5577) II cut 10 IluI S! Iowa. IIIYI: "My flrlt 11IDPtom of to 42 Incbel 'bUlt meAlure. Medium kldney .troublo wu Inten.e pain In mT, slle requires Z~ yards of 24 Ineb tna· baeL Thll grew worae uotll 1 ached In every put ot mT. terlal ror the .....I.l and 2% yard I of body. 1 rellted poora ., , 27 Incb for the ",Impe. Iy and '' ltal aD Itll! In TO procure U\la _nern _nl! 10 centa the mornlng .1 found to "Pattem Department,:· ot thla paper• Write name and addr~.. plalaly. and be It b.rd to 41't11S, I ."r~ to .tva elite and number or oaUern. became tired ~.UY. 10Bt flesh and 'lVaB In NO. .IZIll................ a bad way. I was 'Well pleeaed with tb. NAIIlD .................................. ~ •••• quick relief Doan'. Kidney Pilla gavo I TOWN ...................................... . m.. The1 drove the pains awlif' .nd 81'IU!UII'l' AND NO••~ .................... . rettored . my kidneYI to • Dormal 001)· dhlon. I have been free from kldnel 81'A.Ta.................................... .. trouble for lib: ,.eara." '''When Your Back Js Lam., Rememberthe N"m_DOAN'S." IiOc.allltoret. BOY'S OVERCOAT. Po.ter-Mllburn Co.. Bullalo, N. Y. ~


-- .

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Sinca Teacher Did Not Know. It waa In the prlmar1 clus at a rraded scbool In a weHtern cit, u4 the day 11'81 lhe 22d of February. "Now, who C8.n tell me wbose blrt}a. :lay tblll I,?" alked the teacber. A little girl arose timidly. "Well. Margaret. you may tell UI,said the teacher. . "Mine." wal the · unezpecte4 rep17. -Everyb~Y'B Magazine.


Youth and AIIL ''T1le dlll'erence between youtb and sae wal never 10 well put." said Rev. O. W. "enlow. In an addrel8 at an Ocean Grov• .beae'b meeting. .... by a playwrJgb,t .who wrote: "·Youth. 'Wblcb Is' ·Corgl.,en eve,.,... Iblng, forgive. Ilielf Dothlnlt. Are. wblch rorglves It.elf evir7thlnC. Ia forgiven nO,t hln,:"· ,



...... ..'.



yell'1l of age. and just sayed out or the paganism. and tram under her old


Why sbould not the sclloul ground be made one of tbe beautiful places dress IIhe drew a sUTer. coin. worth In the school district? Here tbe cblld· H 3s. 6d.. and banded this to tbe mi. ren spend more of their wakeful ' . . . . . .i ,Ionary. hours during th(l school term than at "He was amazed at the magnitude home. '1;'hese bours of study or play or It and he at first rerused to aecept mean much more when the surround· It. for be ~Ibougbt she must Burel, Inga are conducive to putting forlh the bave got It dlsbonestly; but leat he beat elrorta: might create confusion be did take It The accompanying diagram shows 0 .. " and called .ber aside at tbe close 01 the ' planting on a country acbool 0". the service to ask her wbere sbe .go', ground In western Ohio. Observe that such a rortune liS tbat. ' . the busb roses. Japonlca or flowerIng "Sbp. ellplnlned to him very IlmplJ quince. snOWballs. sweet clover. bridal i that In order to gtve Christ an DireI' .~ ,,,r·····-_·_·····o .. wreatb. etc .• are eet In masseB In cortbat satisfied her own heart. ab, ners and near the sides. that the play· ~ ~:: . • W Inl had gone to 8 neIghboring planter and • ':: ! ¥It ,"0 •• "round might not be encroached upon. ::!I"':i""y bound hersellf out to blm tor 'tbe rest Those which do not grow very high of her lire. a lnd bad brought tbe wbole I are set In front. The hardy hydrangea ,ftnanclnl equIvalent of ber Ufe of and trumpet vine are suitable tor , pledled servIce aDd laid It dOWD In e Iprlng planting; they should be OD slnglc 111ft al: tbe feet of the Lai-d. every scbool lOl"Ound. Nenr the tront porcb are planted .";oson ramblers. .. .... ImpertInence. Near tbe fences bave beon planted \, , .:::::;. hardy cbryaanther..lume which were . . . ",. ___ " _______ J :: •. " A bualnellB man Is glad to have any. s) brought In trom an ovel~'rowded bed "...,wp" .. " -... ~ one Bsk how he Bucceeda., But alk r In some yard. To bide tbe fOl!ndatlon. Itow bls Chrlstll\D lite Is progress,l nl .~ sE:vernl hundred tulips and hyacint hs liDd bf' avoIds, the answer. He thlnb S Ctt diffe rent colors were used. ' Croyou are I.mperfJnent and bave nil ~ cuses were peeping through tbe green rlgbt to alik.·.:..Rev. R. C, StonD. ~ lad In theeatrly spring. The cbUdrell" byterlan. DelIver. ' ahou.d be permitted to do a part'of .the • work, because It Is a Joy to a child to inow that he 818isted In doing, "'. good work, ". There I. a Ipirlt til bOth' . 'old aud youog boy8 ·l and girls ' that' , ..: ; , ,.' . . Ukes to say qufetl:r, " ! lteI'pe\i!' I.) ••; .. ,'. ,:. ' .A. B. ,9RAHAM, .. : ; c:ou~,. 'Acrlolllture, O. ~.

• '""

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' woman wbo II ele'ver wltb ber needle will Ind tbe. acqo~tan'lnl


sign correct In e"er7 detail for 1\ bofla overcoat made ' 'In, a..lgle.' breaated IItyle .. with the a~lil am.~IJ 0011" ud notched rev.rB .• _The II.... are let In without tullJlese at the ..houlder. Me.lton. lIersey. t.~~·er.venetied tabo rice. etc., are Uled tor ' these l overcoat': TM pattern (1)612) Is cut In slsell 8 to 12 yeara. Medium size rer.ulrea t~ ,ardl of 64 Incb material "rod ~ ,ani of 20 hic6 velvet,' cut bl... for collar. To . procure .tbIa pa,tterl> .end 10 een~. to "Pattel"n Department," or thll pBper. Write name and addr... plaInly. and tie lure to alv:, alA an4 number 01 pattera. NO.




.IZB ..••••••••••••••

HA .. ID ..................................... . 1'OWH ................................ _ •••••

BTREE'r AND NO........................ 8'l'A~ ... _ ........... :~................ .. , )




A certain · editor bad cau.e to ad· monish bll Ion OD account or Iltl ,.. luetaDce to attend school. . -You musl go relfuJarli. anc! leana to be a ..reat Bcholar," saId the lond fatber. encouragingly; "otberwlle yo" cal) ne"er be .n editor. 10U kDOW. Wbat would y~u do. for Instanee, ., )'Our paper came out 'ull or mtst. tHeir" I Tbe bo, looked up Into .h ls pereot:s f.c_ wlt~ cbll,dllllb Innoee~• . "Fatber." he aald. IOlemoly. ~I'd blame 'em on the prlnterl" And tbeo th • .csltor tell. upoo bl. Ion". Deck ~Dd wept tean 0; joy He koew be bail Buceenor lor ih. etU! totlal cllalr. . .




Jlundreds'Of ncb Jetten

from mo~

era eXJ!reaa1r:!~~elr gratttude' for what L~ Eo Pi m's Vegetable Com. ppund bal accomplished for them' baft

.be~ ~tved by the Lydia. E, PinkhalD

eo",panl. L~ Maaf. " yo.... G1I:~ B~ ThJs Advice.


.' Glr~ who n~ troubled with ..tuM backache" hea4. ac~ draatng.qown aetisattollS'. falbt.

or l~gul&r perlodJJ.

~. SPIll.. or' Ini:UJeBtion, &houldltaQ .mm~~ ~tioa.tLDd be i'ellf:n~ to

health by LtdJa' E'. Pinkham'.

v.... •

t31ile OompoUnd. Tho_nds haft bisa

health by Ita use. ,,:' . :Wrlte to. Mrs. Plnkb.... '14aa.

' ~t'9~ to

I' JrI'.... fOl'.ad.~ tree. , " , '. . .

. >

• •

" ~.




l ,oll,..wlty Pel'lOnlfled, Senator I!~njam'n F. Tillman reiatell an amusinG' anecdote about a colored nl an numed leff, who has been with a ne ig h bo r ing So Itb Carollua ramll y s in ce berOl'e th e ·va r. "On e d ay," said Mr. 'fillman, "bls 1lI 161ress Was rul ber s urprl se,l wbell old J eff 115 I< " d to ha ve !\ fel\' days 0 1T h gn as he put It , "up : o do old state o r 1I (J~ ll nl:: ' 10 s('o bl s a ~ u l. " 'Why, J e ll,' su ld th ,) Iud)'. 'your nun t TUU ll t be pr elty old . Isn't sb e ?' " ' Y ("m,' he l't' plle cl , 'yeti 'lU : III an a lin t mlls t lJe Il rl'll y o le !lo w- s he 's ' lJOllt nb b Ulldre u a u ' !Ivo yea rs ole

Ptlri -Am~rtcan


n ow.'

" One hu ndr ed a nd !Il/e Y " Il l' S ~' (Ox' cla lme cl hl ~ mls lrc'S8, ' what o n earth Is s h e dt,l ug lip t h,'('o 10 BORl on ?' "'Dced, I',; rlunn o Wha t's sl1o's rloln'. IDn"lm : r(OJolnc'd olt! J ell , In all s eriousn ess , 's he'y up dere II vln' wid he r grsc'nl(Jthe r .' "

Hi': past few year s bllH witnessed IiU Import . an t' addition to tbe fl xed Mnual ceremon . lal fun c tions at tbe ca pital of tb e nation. • This new eve nt on Uncle Sam's cal e nda r or spectu cles II kno wn as the Pun·Ame rl can TbankB' giving MaRS nnd It bids faIr to ere long take ra nk. In significan ce and popular Illterest with tbe presid e nt'. iUluulIl Ne w Yeal"s reception at the WhIte HOuse and other sImilar ftxlurea, Even al Ihe outaet thI s e ve nt vl e3 with any of the other gatbe rlng. liB a Bpe clacle. The pres ence of hlgb church dlgnlta rl eo In their , most gar. geoUS robes of state lind the participation of tbe diplomats trom all the Latin-Am erlcllD countrieB In tbelr court dress, with uniforms adorned In many Inatancea wIth Je weled decorations, contrIbutes to a PAnorama of pomp and glitter. ~ It la ratber dlmcult to trace the exact orIgin and development of the Idea for thIs unique new International Thanbglvlng Bervlce, but Mgr. WUllam T . RUB8eU, paltor or St. Patrlck'l cburcb at Walhlngton, Is generally gtven credit for the evolution of the plan In Itl present form. st. Patrick's has alwaYI been one of the ~court churcbes" at tbo Amerlc"an leat of governmenl Ind II well known b)' reputaUon to almolt all newlpaper readers all the scene of man), memorial and comme morative servlcell In bonor of decealled foreign rulers wbole Amerlcan reprelentatlvea have been aMllated with tbla church . However, many Inlluencel long at work bue combined to make thll aervlce wbat It II, It hili been more readily practicable, of COUrle, from c:ln:llJDlt&nce tbat practlcaU,. all of the dlplomatl etatloned In tbe UnIted Statu In the aervlce of the variOUI republlcl of Central lind South America are ot one ' rellgtoul lalth-the RomaD Catholic, .Moreo'er, <::----1~"~llI'heat dlgnitarlea of tbe CatbQllc cburch In thll oountry, wblle relpectIng the American aenUment for a atrlct leparaUon of churcb and atate, are, naturally, dllpo8ed to encourage clOle loclal and rellgloull relation lI'ltb the a1lenll temporarll,. relldent In tbe United Statel aa the accredited agents of lovernmenta wblcb by olllolal action or In effect. recognIse th. Catbollc IS th. Itate church, Thll new 'Thanksglvlng lenlee ::.1 yet another Ilplftcance alone of leveral diltlncU,. Important factora whicb have latel, made their appearance, all loo~Jng to the oeme_\lng of, e10ler IOClal, trade and political rela-' tlonl between the varloua In.d ependent natlonl of this continent. In thll reIpect It may be laid to be malting common cause with ' Jhe perIodical Pan-American congresses, tb. exten~tcnr-ut tile actlvttfee 'Of the PanAmerican bureau at Wllhlngton, our own government'l llpeclelliatlon on the lubject as expressed In tbe ne" dlvilion of Latin-American affairs at the state department, and finally, tbe latest prol~ct of all- tbat for the or· p.nlzaUon of a Pan-American soc let,. of tbe United States wltb headquar· terl In New York and branches In all the lar8e cities, the projected new organization being one whlcb will bold relationship to Latin America sImilar to tbat wblcb the Pilgrims' lIoclety haa with Grent Britain and tht' Japan loclety has with rererence to tbe Flowery KIngdom, The Pan·Amerlcan Thnnksglvlng ~ervlce depends, It Is needlesl to any, for IIlgnlficance, upon tbe occasion and the per80nnel of the cosmopolitan congregation tbat occupies the reeerved seata In the cburch ratber than on the service ItaeJC a s of ct>urse there are no Innovations In the latter, The routine 18 that of tbe selemn blgh mas a and S8'e for the fact that tbe ehurch III decorated with fl ags nnd reS: toon8 of buntlng abowlng the Intertwined colors of the Pan-AmerIcan uatlonll, and that there Is a IIPeclal .ermon of thanlts for the continuation or amicable relations among tbe republiCI of the New World, tbere 1<1 tittle tn the program or appointments to bear, \\o1tn8l8 of tbe mea.nlng or tbe ptlierlng. That the church, bow,.ver; delllred to Inveat thlll IIpeclal . ."Ice wIth nil the ·aolemnlt,. that mar' be, Infulled hI Indicated by the tact tht the conduct of the lIervlce II larael,. Iii tbe •. bandl of Cudlnal Olbtbe he." '.Of· tbe Roman Catbollc and Arcbbllbop apc)iI_tc)Uc delegate"to tbe


.. Faint 1,' '

Hllve ,.. woNk hetlrt, dlazy feeUntl., eppre.1ed bretllhinll oJler 111811. P Or do )'ou experience pliD over Ihe heart, .bortnes. 01 breatb on going up·stair. and tbe many diltrelling .ymptom. lIIbiob indicato poor ciroulation snd bad blood P A beart tonic, blood and body-builder tbat h.... tood the te.t of over .0 ye8111 of cures is

Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery

c:xccisive tissue waBte, in conv.le.cencl!! from fevers or for ruo-down, anemic.

thio-blooded people. Stick to thil 'Ife Ind remedy and refuse .11 .. jUle eood" kindo oITered by the dealer who is lookinll for a lorger profit, Noth. io, will do you half IS much good •• Dr, Pierce'l Golden Medical Dilcovery,



Came Easy, Re prcflcnt.atlvo J UI11I' B T . Lloyd nr Misso uri waB dl sc llssl nrr th e ur eal · de nL' R beli ef Ih ut Lb e extra sess ion or cnngress wo uld not try to revi se tbe wbol e LarllT la w. "H e ha d a bout as IDuc h to go on," said Ll OYd, "liS th e ma n who a p[Iroached a bunk e r wllh a req lles t to Ic nd him mo ne y on a note. He want· I'd fiY B bundred dollars. "'Can you get au Indorser?' asked the hlln~l l' r. 'SurE',' r e plied the prospective horrower, me nllonlug tile Indorser's name. "'Out has he got any mone y?' ., ' Lots oC It,' an ~ wered tbe otber. ' He wins It at poker.' "- The Sunday Magazine.


Tree De.troyers, Porcupines are good climbers, and when unable to get enough apples wlnd·blown to the ground, swarm a tree and cut down ilie ft~est bearing limbe IU!. quickly and neatly as a beav· er can &ever tbe trunk at a young bemlock_ Besldell that, when otber rood 18 Bcarce they nibble the bark off young apple trees, and cnn delltroy I a newly planted orchard In a Ihort : ' time. 'I'be,. also are a great eneI'll' to ' the young spruce, but wby the;r cut them il a mYltery, as It Is not found that they even eat tbe tenderest aboots.


The beart become. regular as Clock-work, Tbo red blood corpuscle. are incre •• ed in number-and the nerves in turn are well fed, The artcries .re filled ..ilb good rich blood_ That is wby nervvo l debility ~ irritability, fainting spell., d,sappear and arc over. come by thi. Illerlrive exlract of medicinal roots put up by Dr, Pierce .. ithout tho use of alcohol _ Alik your nei&hbor, Many have been cured of Icrofuloul oondltionl, uler-re, "fever-.orel,.. lIIhite s,",ellings, etc" by taking Dr, Pieroe'. Discovery. Ju. t the refrethintl Ind vilalizing tonic needed for

Daughter-Pa, why you let the rurnace go out every evening Mr, Romance comee to aee me? Father-I am trying to freeze out the microbe or love, my deluded daughter,

C~rlng for Consuncptlve., The re ure now four s ppc lul mothods by wblch cons umpllv B workmen In tb e Unl t l'd States ar e h e ln~ cared for, In slI cll cities liB AlblUlY, Elmira anel DlnglJam\ o n, N . Y., tb e unions support a se pa rnte pavilion or bospital. In cities like Hllrtford, New ilrllaln and Soulh Man chester, Conn .. the workmen conlrlbut e towards th e maintenance 01 a Cund for the care of consumpti ves, Tbe employer s also contribute to these funds. Th ~ re are alsct two national sanatoria Cor tbe treat>meot of tubercul.osla owned and operated by labor nnlons; on e l,y tbe International Typographical unIon, and the otber by tbe Printing Press moll and Assistants' union, In MassachuseUs, illinOis and elsewbere large COTporatlons and mauuCacturers bave agreed voluntarily to care tor all tbetr consumptive employes tor II. IImltect length of lime.

Death Bed Jelt, Among wbat may ba called (Ieathi bed jestB, that of the Rev. James Guthrles of 'Stlrllng, one of the Covenanter marlytl, deBervell a hlgb place. I Lord Guthrles recalls the star), In "From a Northern \ Window ." MI'. DIstinction, Guilirles was executea at the CrolS In Senator LOllmaun-Who Is thlll Me- the High IItreet, EdInburgh. The Chunkerson that wants _ contlulshlp, ' night before he asked for cheese for and what claIm. bas he on me for B supper. HIs frlends wondered, ror tbe' political job? pbyslclanl had forbIdden him to eat Private Secretary-He sa)'s bG·s the cbeale, But be eald, with a ImUe. only man wbo hasn't been mentioned "I am now be)'ond the hazard of all as a candidate for governor of 1111- , eartbly dI8ealel,"-Uncle RemuI" nols. Magazine,


Mexico and Brlllll are both De .. ' cowera at our capital, although Mr. de Gama of Brazil was years auached In a eubordlnate capacity to tbe embasBY of whIch Ihe 18 now the bead, Hla rlgbt-hand o!an, Mr. R. LIma e Silva, coun, Ilelor of the embasl" III, moreover, a pa.r tlcularl,. well-known ftgure ' In Washlugton diplomatic In tbe bands of a woman tbe powcirclell; having aeen a lon8 Inter- der rag Is mightier thlln the sword . val of continuous lervlce at the p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;............__..__;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ " city on the Potomac, A peraonage of Invariable Interest to Ipectatora at tbe annual Thanksgiving mas I Is Benor luch occaslonl tbe prelident of the Calvo, the minister of Collta Rica, United Statel and his wife are Invited who ranks ·all of the other minto be present 31 are IIkewllle the lee- Isters at Wasblngton In senlorlt)' retary and alalwtant eecretarles of of sorvlce, baving been contlnuall)' ltate, the otIclall of tbe Pan-Amer- on d'u t)' at bls country'l "branch The big coffee trust, made up of BraziUan Ican unton and othera bavtng to do olllce" here IIIDce earl, In the with omclal Intercourle between the year 1899. Senor Calvo hili a large growel'!! and American importers, bas been trying nation I of the three AmerleRB. Otht'r family, most of the memberl of wblcb various tactics to boost the price of coffee and get dlploinata would always be made wel- accompany blm on sucb occaalons, and come, too, aDd In tbla connechon It not tile least Intereltlng circumIlwre money from the people, may be noted that lUlt now, tbere III stance In connection wIth thll boulenot a little lpeculaUon on tbe part of bold from Central America II tbat all Always the man who is trying to dig extra people who watcb 8uch tblnge aa to the 'memberl are muslclanll and In comoney out of the public pocket, on a combination, what will be the tuture attItude of operation they present a full are beltholle ' ln charee of the Thanksgiving lra, even to a barpllt, one of tbs hates the ~an who blocks the game, maaa with reference to the represllnta. daughters being an accomplillhed pertrves of 1wo European countrlell, former on tbls fascinating Instrument. Now comes a plaintive bleat from the "eutlSpain and P'Ortugal mIght be laid Another Pan-American envoy who per'lied" onea, to have an elmolt paternal Interest' In hili been a resident of thIs countt)' the Central and South American coun- lonl: enougb to have formed an exten, The Journal of Commeroe lately said: "A stirtries-the relationlblp Is closer and slve circle of acqualntancell III Senor more cordial In many respectl tban Ignacio Calderon, who bae been IItaring circular blls just been issued to the coffee tbat between the Ulltted Statee and Uoned at WllIIblngton for upward of tra,dc," The article furtber says: .England, Upward of a Icore of tbe eight yeara. He recently married for republics, tbougb they hav, long since tbe second tIme, taking as hll brIde "The coffee world is discu@sing wp,t is to be thrown off the yok!t of Spain poUtI- an Amerl ~an woman. I!enor Herrarte,' cally, still Ipeak ber: language and are tbe mlnistl!1' of Guatemala, and Senor the future of coffee as a resu!t. of 1 he campaign ellentlall,. Spanlllh In sentiment and MeJia, the iplnlater of Salvador" lrave of rniseducation "cn1ried' bn by the cereal coffee sYIDpathlell, Similarly Brazil wlut her each been actlng"l1 ~re!llted' agents Pc)rtul\lele.. peakln8 ,people II yet at Uncle Sam'a seat of rovernment rbr pe<llple, We have before us a' letter from one of closefy allied to Portugal In Ideaa and upward of halJ a decade, and other the.largcst roasters in the South asking what can Ideals, UDder tbe circumstances there- prominent Pan-Amerlcanll 'who are fore, It would appear natural to al- conspicuoul at tbe ThanksgIving man be done to counteract the work of the enemies' waya Invite the . Spanleh and Portu- Inc.l ude Senor Rojas of Venezuela and gese envoYI and the memhera of their Senor Joubert of the DominIcan reo of coffee, Sta1r1l to be prellent at any Pan·Am4>1' public. A comparative newcomer who bill Ican festival of good feeling, Dut In "The matter should have been faken :.p by vIew of the recent attitude of Spain arous~d much Interest by bls own perihe Brazilian Gov't when they wero completing toward the Catbollc church and lhe sonality, as well as because at the policy of Portugal In tbe same line country he represents, II Senor Bell· their ,.b eautiful valorization scheme," sInce tbe establlllhment of the new re- aarlo Porral, the mInister of Panama public, It Is lometblng of a question -a republlo for wblcb Uncle Sam Is 'I.'hen the article proceeds to deLet us continue to quote from his This Is one or the highest comto jUllt what extent the Catholic pow- supposed to, In a way, stand sponsor nonnce F41stum and works IDto a article. pllmeats ever paid to the level-h.aaderl tbat be on this 'Bide of tbe Atlantic just as he does for Cuba. Senor Por· flnl~ frenzy, because we bave pubwill go In giving formal and offlclal ras Is a great admirer of the American "Not wltbstandlng the enormous ed, common sense of Americans JiBbed facts regarding the effect of increase In population during tbe who cut orr about two hundred milrecognition to tbe officials of these people and of American Inlltltutlons. coUee on some pea pIa. two powers. • Beforo coming to Washington he ho<1 past thrce years, cotree shows an lion pounds of coffee wben they appalling decr ease In consumption ," found by actual experiment (In tbe Two ambassadors- the envoys froOl proven hlmsclf R capable IItatp.sman 'rhe harrowing tole goes on. Mellco and Brazll-wltb tbelr rp.Sllec- by his part Iclpatlon In the Hague can · majority of case s) that tb,e subtle "Where a fe w years ago every· • • live starrs , head the procession or In- ference of 1907 and his part In the lalL Then follows a tI resolUe lot ot drug carte lne, In corree, workecl disbody drank corree, several cups a congress, held at vited rorelg~ guests at the ThanksgIV- Pall·Am erlcan day, now wa flnd In every walk. In statis tics which willd up by Fhow· comfort and varying forws of dising lervlce, for, be It known. th e am· Buenoll A I:e:l. Ye t another dlstln' lifE' people who Imagine they c:ln- Ing 11 decre ase ot consumption In ease, bassadors being tbe personal repre· gulshed participant In th e mDS8 who not drInk It. (The underscorIng Is two yea rs of, In round figu :'es, two Some people haven't th o characsentatlves of rulers are of higher ronk has becn a mcmber of Uncle Sam's ter to s top 11 hllbit when they know ours.) Burly blacksmiths, carpen· hundred million pounds. nnd take precedence over ministers "offlcl a l foreign colony" for little more wbo are merely tbe' representatives of than a year Is Senor Arlzaga of Ecuaters, laborers nnd athletes have disHere we se e th e cause for the al- It Is lellling tbem, but It Is 'e asy governments. The present envoys from dor, c ontinued or cut down tbe use of tncles on U8 and the Brazilian to shift from corree to Postum, for, cartee; as there Is not a person s neers nt Americans who prefe r to when mndo according to dIrections, who r ends this nnd will not bo able use a healthful, home·made break.· It comcs to table a cup lit bevernge. to 'find the same conditions exls llng fast drink and Incidentally keep th e se al brown color, which turns to among his own cIrcle of sCQ\wlnt- money In Ame rica, rather than rich gold en brown when cream II ''t'--- - -- - - - - - - - -___ ancos, Is It not " 'ell for th e Brazil- send the millions to Brazil and Vay ndd ed, and th e taste Is ver y like Landlady Promptly at Hand With Rem· Ians to .s lt up and takil notice?" for nn article that chemis ts class the milder grades of Old Oov't Java, the drummer, wbo gave a grunt of Ilur. edy When Comfort of Guelt among the drugs ant! not alDong these "burIsn't it curious Postum Is a veritable tood-drlnk prIse and pain, and then she IIllld, aa Was Threatened, she turned to depart: and hIghly nourishing, containIng Iy" strong men should pick out cof- the food s. "There, son, now yer all right, an" Major John J. Dixon of tbe state fee tQ "ImagIne" about? Why not Will tbe reader please remem- all tbe parts of wheat carefully preboxing commIssion of New York said JIBt as soon as the tub IIlls UD yoU yell "Imagine·' that regulllr doses of ber, we never announce that cotree pared to which Is added about ten. to &. reporter, apropos of certain rem- ag'ln, an ' I'll have anotber empty oue ,,'blskey are harmful, or dnlly slugs "hurts a.ii"'jiOOvle," per cent of New Orl eans molassel, rendy tor ye.' " edlel for ticket s)leculatlng : of morpblne? Some persons seem to have ex. and tbat Is absolutely all that "Tbese remedies promise to allevIIf "Imaglnntlon" makes the caf- cess vltullty enough to use coffee, Pas tum Is made of. ate the evil about as well as the old Ingenious Reply, fell~e In coffee clog the liver, de- tobacco and whIskey for years and Thousands of "Ialtors to the pure landlady of the Nola Churky boarding A bostess, whose friends bad ar. press the heart, aod 8teadlly tear appareutly be none the worse, but food faclorles Bee the Ingredients lioule alleviated the leaking root. rived unexpectedly, got up an 1m. down the nervous Bystem, bringing the number Is smnll, and when a and how prepared. Every nook "A drummer put up for the night In prompttl dinner party and WBS comon one or more of the dozens at sensIble man or womnn finds an ar- • and corner Is open for every vllllttbll boarding houae, His room was pelled to send to the nearest haket)' tyPes or' "dlaeasea which rollow Ucle acts hannfully . they exercise or to carefully Inspect, Crowds under the roof, In the middle of the Cor tarts, All weDt on well until the brclken-down nervous systems, I)lgbt, !lwakenlng, froUl a drei1tp. ,tbat hostells unluckily wlsblng. to ahow' b)' Borne degree of Intelligence by come dl1!ly snd seem to enjor It. many people don't know It. dropping It. 'h~, wall ,b~~~1 clro1VDe'Q, be. found a ter· pretending not· to. noW' ~bat \"a•• · . l~l~~ ~~~~~~~~i:~.f8In 'this lhe p'Ope'lI per., ]Jut It remaIned for the man who. f Vv'e quote agnln tram th!! Bt'tfcle: 'rlfto tbunder . alorm In P1"OJtr.elll and her own table, polDt~ to ~be ' 41I1h. ~j count".. <. bas' .' , morphJne or . w hlskey :I:tjlllllkll(l~lng· masi Is In- . ~• •tre~lnl. ln~oil .~lm , thro~gh a ' with Bn air ot great d!gnl~ ~4 , In"These .figures are pllro.lyzlng to ' the lupl'eme nerve ..;·,r '•.•. ' . . ' . (julred: ' "John, :whBt.~ tholli!.. ta,rta r 'Sam!1 . . but correct, being takell from ';' Whereat JOh~; In the, lanoc:~noe' ot Ilt, 'your -'the ~ ~1 ~h' , - atatistlc", I'ecogb.lzed 'U "; ' . % ' , , old bean, lookinl at · til" tal"u. til .. ~ the ~ciBt r.ellable:" . -:.-.. ,. (atO-. '1Ii~'al ' ?tbll,r- .,tb~ !l'-'l~.f.J 'Ji9.~t ~ "tL· f J~ ,'f • I " . Bll., tit; Vlewi brl.kly rep'lIl4: ..rt......, 't.'!'i"",'.~' ..- ' ,J ~ ~~I. t ' _ top of apl., ma'am." , "


We Get a Slap

Ready for the Emergency



"Tbere'~.. ' R~~s~n~'

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, I.







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'~~:r;~~ hnuse ;. ~B. yn.rd, lit. John, '1rees fo r ollur I n~raot 12 D owbllugh aud Bol. eon' contract. '-




· ·: .:e-OIllle of ' 1'bo....';a;y-;; 9J obarged wlth orlmlnul Il• •aU a.,ciDelght ye~r old Geneva


. . . . . . .. :........ -'V' . . . .



A MOl' GoneroUI Nature. : . 'l'tH!1 bad been married but a ahort Ume. and their happiness was Idylllo. ...,.,..,.. !'a~r,,~~II~t~~:tR ~~:~:e~~ law; his mer' j

1142 GO; Robert McC1I1tcb. *194 i Walt?r R . Allen.

t 0


.• r'




A"Tnoddaalyl, ..t hhI5ISonwe,7e·6°w1{\reWmeeukt·'mu red. I

mer reptllr8 at oourt hou~e *1960 i , oontraot •• 16826 i J . 8. ISmttb, lum. II.! they sat together nlter their even)(",De. dlealtreed 11.\ tW('l o 'olook 81lm D. Stlnkle. fees Ilud expense'! uer '''0 98 i J . K . Spencer, I~~bllr, Ing meal. "I saw the loveliest lace CI1l'-

HI*arday morning. Both partlee trom lI'raninn whel'e tlin I\8!!an t, j~ allegftd to . Silken I'Id.ce 1118t . \ugult. 'rhOmBI WB8 under the In. finenoe. of liquor a~ tbe time, Bcourd loa to tbe te8timony of eilief W . E . U:abam ot Franklln. wh" ml1de tbe .rr~t Rb 'rr,ly after till' III1E1anlt ',as 1181d to ba.,e lieen (lomrulttlld

.......-----::.. ';'; r8


Aher days t.estlmnny and pleadllli tbeol1l1e wena to tbe jUlY "bout five o·olook. FridllY Dtl(ht but "t ·"r aD al·"ost· 1111 nl"ht 8e~. 811)n t,111I "'" ... ,; jury returned and r eporttlll they 'Were QQable to Karee . .. In the 08se ohhel:!tate of Ohio VII


I4l1baney who Willi ubl\rged wllh tbe !.h,dt of a borse from W\JI1alD Bogan nellt WayneSVille, tne defend:\nt pleaded guilty to ahe h h d 1 o ·trge I\n was 8ontenOBC to t e Obl0 tltate Retorml1\ory unUIltlglll. ' dllobllrged . tOil r I I 'h .11 • 8 CAlle 0 ver raz er '1'8. M"r~ E FraSier, a diV'Uro6 WaH · Ifta . • &eel on the groondiOl of wilful • blenee. ,. , ~DlI Allowed County Officers.


I=======.L I V E R I T 'ES -



Being prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse r : System and )?uofy the Blood, and .:'O~~.:i ~e ~y~:e~~~ ~:.::.,

~p'".................. ·s··

WWE'" ..


·R. . . ·1-"'0 US S ·ckn e sS ~

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• •••

a8 8urveyor for Ootn ollr Illll. t : 82 . IUI2,.26; State of Ohio VI!. Uhuton ~:s~s:e~d ~h:c:!~!~~e,"~:tII :I~:~ Zl~·~R;;E;:.~ p::;I~-::;etab~;·I~:x·a~~ve. ~~:res Chronic CO~l' . 70; (;eoa.non lOB and C"tLI Uo , onlll P errlnB. 115 40. get them." stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask Y9 l1f Grocer for It. f or oourt h OLltle * 4 50 i Ohio eorru Coutraot entered wltb Robert Me. And agatn sbe sighed. Manuract'ured bV ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., Springfield, Ohio gl1tert Uul vert Cn . ('ul ve rt pipr , Cutob'eoD for OlHnl{lng channel and "Dearest," he murmured tonclly, . 17-1 88 ; Ohio Uu rru t( 1I .111 Culvert I IllOvln.g wtllow!! lIud drift Itt lower "evel')'thlng you want shall be yours I UlI , olllve rL pip " . ~:i 1 VI;; IS ·,.t. )',, ~ .• I , · 8 11 I tl 0 f l , Iel1ro .r ~o k b r 1:1"'6 l.. o n Union AnylWng wlhch adds to your happld cont-mot, ,;\1\ fj U; l'.·r r v )l Mu uel·. 1 rl llllllll ~' - auk l in t.u wn Mbif!' ut· e~tt · ~;::': a::y::~:\:~d~~~t:::.sY~~~r ~~ Ol.ntrllc t . I:!O ;.(1; U<' un,: " F" I,lk"WP. 1 IIIILtc 119 5.7G mes tlc cares, my dl1rllng. and gilds WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES. ~~~~~~...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!'"'~~~~~~~-~ th e towe ring clouds; anything WhlCh ~ ~ - borders the thorny path ot duty wtth j - - - --_.. -; sweet tragrnnt flowers. and appeals ) Barbed Wire M hod I [ i I Ch r • carn e louder as th eir number aug· ' n ble aesthetic nBture. · you ' et 51 p scopa uc • Ill en~ed. F1nllliy hIs mind, distracted I ~~ait~rll'V e~ \l1~ loved 'one; you must ! I Rov . O . limu""r. pa:Lo~;11 11 by t e noIse without, broke from the h It. Ir" Rnd his voloo broke a GUARANTEED to b elli without lellv, . um Il)' ~cho" I. \I : III :L· llu · , 0 7f. el . b IU t I b have . EY REFUNDEIl I vice lu :au a U \ 1·;IJ\\'o r~. L CUKU~ . : OO .. o stru8 ell 0 ts pro lem. n.nd e little with th e stress of e motton- "If ing 1\ blemish, or ~ON . tn . • C£\'cnh'lj" Mervlc<'. : : o~ p . UI. ~lIi1 .. ",." W S SCOLDED FOR BEING I turned to confront external conditIons. , d sn't cost moro th an elgbteen 50c and $1.00 sIzes for fresh wObltnda. pr Iyer NMLIIIN. 7 p. 10. SHE A I The jeers died away and he faced t oe It Bit oldsorllS sorebllcksandshouldere t :UTII8 ._~_ s. .' . f or F amt'1y use • St. A tholl ARRESTED FOR SPEE DING .' I his followers- tben broke Ollt loud er I (len c e .'''- London T · and brul8tlS. 25e sIze ugustiDe'sCa C Ch-" u ....... _ ___ I than before. As the professor be~taD to t DR. COX'S PAINLESS BUSTER ~'athor CIIILrl08 Yaul with his tormentol'S BI Odd Waye of Catc:hlng Fish, is puinless ond gllllrrllltcl'd to Mil •• "cc.. ,.J "1,II,h,\, of tbe mootlh Austare ProfelSor When Absent Mind- I crowd gath ered. bringing wltb I~ a . The Ice land ers are Sllld at o~et u::e S RILVill, RingbollC'I' Curb, S~'C(TYb~~~n~; u:ou a . m. _. __ _ j lid Wo.... Wrong Hat and Tel.. . blue-clad llOlI ce n.l1ll. who sp.oedlly : to have taUght bea", tO u~~ : ~Ird: l-\f[fS'1 or n.IIYo:~lya:;r~~~d~~d 0 Price 500. I ln /\Jade his 10'/1 t th t f th I sea and catcb sea ls. n musc 0 , or Ul I ' , St, Mary'S Episcopal Chun:b. phoned From the Police Sta. y 0professor e ce n eturn r CJ, d toe I do eQuaII y we II • for at a algnal tbey FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS I'a v. J . I". ..... wallll(lcr. Itocll". gsthe rlng. ~ The w. tlon for Her Help_ blm wIth relief and began to explain I dive into the lakes and brIng up large Sl1nday School. II :au ... u. Morntng . tr • I d In their buts ln Greece ~lcu . IU : aO a. w . lIol y COlUlU u nl ll" Lh o IIr.t "No M Ilssl1" the professor rotIe the altuation In somewhat Intricate fish gT88pe b 'h f in , e , English tbe fishermen use ranc es 0 p e W SUllillLT 01 C!llc b 111 0mb . vdth deliberation, "I callnot but teel Th . II I t ped in pitch and lighted; the InA LT E R that my duty to you, my wife. COD-" e po ce~:,n smiled genIal y. I ~ e:lta.nts of Amorgos used cypres8Christian Church. stratns me to forbid tho repetition or Drunk agnl~ 1 said he. . You come 11 'Ved cedar. which lIerved when Rev, L. O. Thompaoo, Put.oe. lucb a vulgar happening If you can- with me_ It II be t6l1 dllys or $10 tor lea 11 and the Cblnese Funeral Dire-:tor. . 10Bible lIChool, 11:'0 a. m. SocIal _ t i l l " . dllturbln' the peace" lighted as a am.,.,..u. :10 a. m. Ohrlatlau Bndeavor. 7:00 p. m. not Indulge In automobiling wltbout InH . ft In the night wIth white painted Sermon by putor every alr.ornat.o Bunda)' .. currlne the contamination Incident to e took a. firm grip on the ~lroteB- bB rds placed in a manner to reflect 10 :'0 a. m . ud 7:'0 p. m . arrest tor overspeedtng, I sball reluct- sor s ha~m- hjlust above the elboVl', and t~1l rays of the moon doubly upon the Telephone day or nlgnt, antly be compelled to dispose of the I' m:-c e hll m . Otft, protesting. e These attract the flsb to the Hkksite Friend. Cbu~ Vulley phone No. i. 1.o"'1l ter car.. eanw e Me IS51l, ber lord aud pro- ::at 'when the men eBBt a large net PiNt Day M eetln~. U:00 a . m. l''1r.t Dar Dilltunce No. 61l-9~. Sohool. 11 ;0(1 a. w. FOllr.1I DOl), MoeUDj( He drew h.lmselt up Imposingly, and tector departed, had seated berself In and 'seldom fall to drn.w out consider10: 00 a. m. left Ihe room wIth a firm tread; but an easy chair to read the morning pa- a'b le uanUUes. Ancbov1es are fished WAVNESVILLE. OHIO In the hall hili agitation Ihowed Itlel.! yer. Atter awblle she t08sed It aliI de. Q 11 anner . Orthodo)( Friends Chun:•. tor he captured and placed on bls head' "He ca n -b e 1us t h orr Id w h en he wan t 8 for in a 81m ar m Branch Office, HarveY'lburJf, C. ldra. Uuth Aluln),. Pastor the first hat which came to hand. It ' to," she cO/\Jplalned. Then a amlle Hopeful of Relultl. l'labbaLb . bool. \1 :3u a. II I . llcgular obureu happened to be a Jaunty toque ot 80tt c~ . over her face, "and, besides, he "Your wife Is taking a tremendous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ service, 10 '1/\ ,. . 111. Cb r lri Llan Endeav(lr telt that Melllla bad careles8ly lett on torcot that It's my auto, not hiS," she - -- -. 7 :30p_ InteJ'll!llt In abstruse economlo Ques- - - the ball table. chuckled. tions. Before the ptofe8sor had gone ten The telephone bell rang. and. she BARNHART, "Yes," replied Mr, Meelrton; "and steplI, however. hll domestic trlbula- t00!t ..uP ~e receiver. "Well'" I'm glad of It. Maybe It wlll result In t10nll bad left his mind and be WIUI A meek and Quavering voice came Notary Public DR. J. W. MILLER, her convereaUon'. putUng me to sleep deep fn the conslderatlo~ ot- a dim cult ov~r the wire. "II-all'-Is this: 1I14t-1 IDltead of keeplJig me awake." All kindAnf Notary WOlk.:Penslun problem. Therefore he did not notice ]l8.~~1'i " - - -An Alloy. .,.DENTIST.,. Work a t:lpeolillty. the curious glances and amused staroes i ", .. 8. I that began to tollow Lim. As he prog· · .' I-e~I-I:' then with an agonized Bh_Dld Maud mD.l'l'Y Jack Rich· =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~il reuecl further and further he ao- rush: Please hurr; down In the car leigh out of pure 10.e1 Office lo Waynesville, 0 Iluirecl a following of Itreet boy. ud and b~1 me outl I m In th_b-po. H_No: I tear It was very much Subscribe for the Gazette Natlooal Bank Bldll. _ ...... ".lama lQers and hoo",_.1)e. lice saUonl" . adulterated with cupidi t y. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!'!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!.

!II:=====LIVERITES Only 10c I












I .



I '


E. v.




New Suits



Adam Bridge, Matthew Ur.u bler ., .~ beDr, auS, ~QI'" of ~t P.ul .. :B:Y&DpJioal Lu.her,u .c hurob of ,'; l'nDkUD, Ohio, '\'8 The 'tI,. . Paul .,a.eJloal La'heraD oburoh of · .B'r"nkUn. Ohio Sal, '01' leave to .<~now money •eto. J . 0 Meyers Br1....t, a.Corney. for plain.

, aDd..

·'i·~I/8j(l!1W" •• tift.


'aarve7 A, MoMUllen v. , Emma )llanGh MollbUeD. Thom.. C. (\ V~riatie aatarDe)' for pi&1ntttr' 'DI l

.~~j~.!1 aoorperaUOD. Money oDly olaimed t2?'00. Hl,\mtlton a"OrDe}. for plalntUf n . The Village Stale of 01110, PAtriok Ga'1D~ a~e7 fo.r pJaiDti1r. lion. , . , ,0001'. Amoun. olaimed '1010. WIJDIf,~' )Iurph,


,." ·Ltcr-.


"Wonder how the old thing wUl work today." • TIle ordlMrll nJJIfjIItfIOt .llOOftl·,

OONSTERNA'flON The ordinary Bangerw& MOO'rfl"

2714 ordinary RangeftOC Moore',


."Well, wba.t do you think ot that? All spoiled." TJleordlnn"llmngenvt MOO1'I'·a:.


INVESTIGATION "Must get new range. I will look at a Moore."

"Tho Moore De:" '!r e:tplainlng princl j."


. 1

· " loti Kirb7 85, a.rpeDler of UUca .:.~ . . . . L. ao.llee\ 20, domeetio , Cit Utica. · ' . 40lia William Marlatt, .hoe .... ,of Norwood aDd FanDY

. flwi'.'"

. au., 11. of ,Morrow•.

, . <q~...e G.

TarwlUlser 23, farmer '. ~· iioftow, and Ethel K. Rider, 20

'~KorrQ;r. . '·.Loat. 0, Sauok 24, palnler of

., aeYe1ua_ aDd

. De"

Dorotby M. MoKIn. of l'nukUn.

RNI EItate TraDJfen. - aeleu ICokford &0 CharlN W. Zell aad lIar7 J. ZeI1. Real eatlLf>e In Wa'rnD Oonnt, .no. WUUam M. Thomplon and Lillie O. ThompiOA *<l Thomas O. Ohris· tie,~real estate in Warren oounty,


Elmer O. Smith, deceased to Les.

tel' D. Smith aDd B07 H. Smltb, 10* In LebaDon. lMter D. Smith and Roy H, timlth to 8081e M. Smith, lot in LebanoD, 11. Sarah M. 1I11ler aDd David B Ureen lot In Franklin, 14.110 • . Beojamin Long and Rolla Loog to tile Bal&lmore and Oblo aouth.weetern railroad oompany, right of way


t38i. ,


O. O. Lansdon '0 IIlnerva J. "ngdoD, los In B{lrlDlboro . Ada Nicely Karoh to Barry. C. KlnglDd heirs, relll 88tste in War. " ~e. oounty. '8400. James K. El1el to Alice II. Ben. .-;- drloka, ~o' In Ilalllevil1~, 11. , Alice iI. HeDdrioks to R Brael, real es&a'e in WarreD oounty,


up IJt tbe kitchen." The fire-tested Glasa oven door.



"Now we'n see If It's asgOod as tho gua.rantee."

"B'eat comes up qulckly."

VERIFICATION 'Mrs. Rorer'S Guide tells how hot to keep the oven. I'll iollow her Instructions."




"The Controller Damper keeps the heat lhed at a certain temperaturelt does 1t all rlgbt."

''Tho best baking 1 ever had."

Moore's Range is a Perfectly Controllable Cooking Machine Moore's Range lIaS many exclusive and superior feature_ I

1st - Absolutely sensitive oven thermometer. 2nd-Mrs. Rorer's Cooking Guide-that tells at what tt!mf.erature and how long to cook roasts, game, fow , bread, cakes, etc. r 3rd-The Controller Damper which f:nables you to keep Moore's Range at a certain tlemperature any length of time. . , Note:~These three features make Moore's Range ' an absolutely controllable cooking machine.

4th-Moore's Everlasting Fireback-which makes perfect combustion and saves one-third to one-half of


5th-Moore's Hinged Top-for feeding the fire-broiling-toasting; etc. 6t -Moore's three-piece fire-tested Glass Oven Door. 7th":"-Moore's Anti-Scorch Lid. 8th-Beauty ~nd simplicity of' design and durability of construction.

These features make Moore's Ranges superior in every way to every other range made -They save time-worry~money'-fuel, and give the best possible cooking results.

\'. 11. /: Frank Brandon, trustee to Jame. . X .' Ertel, real estate 10 WarreD ..~Dt7,'1.

• ~


ScOy•• . Alway•

Pi..... .

Let U. TeD 'You How To Save One-Third to Onli-Half Your Fuel BOL ' Send for Free Book. . r








•. _'

~ •.: ~.


T. ~rite Moore:.Q~thtri-COmpaiiy, J.o,liet. 114 for tti~ir: . bpOk'\ if (,.<instruction of ~oo.r,:'~ .. ' . means ofiu · ~onairuc;tion-tlli. ' ir~t', __ ilil' ,i l . . . ' ~j, ,~. ~ )'. ~ ~ .".~ ,



~~~~~~l~~~~~~~ - ~-~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



rUhlla~~_'_VOO_k~~ .~L ... '~u~nCllvlI_ lo, ~~






CUI'19UI ,Carved Che.l. for the SafeKeeping of Cople. of the Scrlpturee.






W' on' derful



By special arrangement with McCall Co.

Almollt Invariably after some great wave ot religIous entlluslasm. we are D. L. CHANf~ , Editor and M ll n:l r,-or confronted by straoge fragments or I Light Meal Followed by Moderate McCan's Magazine, though selling I Of New York City, we offer every 8alvage rellcls of the emotional pa8' for 50c per year. is positively worth Exerc ise. Well Alred Room and one the opportunity fo secure The slon and religious ardor of a deporterl I I per year instead. Can at this Warm Feet Usually Will Bring Miami Gazette absolutely free for 1 Rates of Subscription hOllr, says the Queen. Buch were the office any time and see late issues. Peaceful Slumber. year. by merely subscribing to the Ono Yenr (.trlcUy In ndvance) . .. , , . . , 11.00 devoUonal carvingll of the middle The Free }-atterns are ordered McCall's IVlagazine for 3 years at Single Capy. , . , . . . .. , , . . , , . . . . , , . . . . .00 agee-the trlptycbes, the private tab· by post·card from New York City eroacles. the beautiful little Ivory I There ar e sound hYI(IC'I;i,· m.. thodll the rate of 50c per year. In addiby whlcb sleep may be Ill dul:ed In· madonnas. and can be u sed any time YVI. tion you receive 3 Free 15c Mctall RateR of Advertising Amon, such 'memorIals are the va st cUTslonl! Into thtl rea l lll~ or palent Patterns. need one. Uell(lillll' l.ocuJs, per lino, ... . , , .. ,. . .. 6· ' old Puritan Bible boxes. Cumbrous. I medIcIn es . opIates. a nd a ll so rts of This offer is available to allY one Reading Loclll•. black face. )lCIr linll . ,. I ~c ancient arks. Into wblch the revised I slumb<lr elixIrs whI Ch Bre summed up ! Miami Oaietle, I year ...... . s1.00 who subscribes, renews or ex tend s OIBABlIled Ada, not to exceed {h'D lint'" verelon of James 1. was once commit. us "dol)e." should be avoided. But their time on the Miami GU7.elle. McCall's Magazine. 3 y~rs .. $1.50 Three IlllICrllon • . , . , . . .. . . , . . . 2n.· ted for liare ward and Iteenlng. TOe th e morn l c. ~ tbls les80n has been ' UblLuarlOll. ftvo In~b tl8 ' 1'00; over live .. The only perequisite is that YOIl ,1 free 15c McCall's Patterns . .45 Inch ... Jl8r IIno ", .. " .. . , ... , sound oakboards wltb whlcb tbey were pointed ovel Ilnd ov er. yet IItll e b/18 "pay in advance." Card of Uuwka .• , ., .. . , , . . . , .. , , . . . . 201' made lLave resisted the tooth of t\me. be en 8u1(1 a tH.'U I natural metbods of Call at this office or send $ 1.50 ItesolutioWi ... . :'; : , , . , , , ... , . :-.. . •. .. 0 0< In the long Journeys of the men or wooi ng sl o: ' I'. Under thIs bead docs TOlal Value ..........•.• , $2.95 BocluJa ow. whore clHU'lre I. m,,<lo . . , .. , .. 201 tbe Puritan period. when the scrip' not corne II:<.' various men tal contrl'll ' by mail. , "f Display AdverLlslng lIer Incb .".... . . . 10<' tures were part of tbe dally accom· atl ces 8uC' h li S "counting s boep" or reo Will Cost YOU · .. -- $1.50 8END IN YOUR ORDER T ODAY O)a(:ounls Iven on C('.lllracL, panlment of Ufe. the province of tbeRe ci ting [ lie n. u!llplicatlou table. Ox ygp n Is aB necessary to tbe body old boxes may readily he seen. WIth· 10 lhe bome they were made to con· cel s rI urlng the bours of Bleep as at Now is Your Chance-Subscribe Today_ NOV E A.lDER 2 taln tholle ponderous family Bibles in an y othe r time . Pl'rbaps In tbe casc wblch. especially during the common· of C'1, lhJrcn It 18 even more necessary , wealtli, tho hend of the house care· !o'or [h e m slee p means tb e Ume of tully InscrIbed the bIrth. death or mar. annboll slll . growth and ropalr, Tile rlage ot bls children wIth othe r memo· old 1'1' JudI ce agaInst open wln dow8 rahll1a of family lire. Tbls cIrcum· Btlll ex l ~s . In s~le of the cnllivalgns _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ otber authen- ,01 ~dllcation In th e n ewspaper s nnd i stance In the absence tic records. and the laxl ty of PII rlsh In th e Bcbools, Dust In tho roo l·". •• •• Waynesville is to be congrat - registers. bas sometimes pro\'ed an In· nIl Im agi nary draft. tbe fear of cold8. . . . . U Ie a c. W. HEN DE~SON, M. D valuable ald. How little Wo could have Bnd nlany other stupid reasons are wwww • wwwwwwwwwwWwwww ulated upon the fact that not spared. for Instance. that volume In advnnced In excuse of thI s pernicIous WayneSVille, Ohl". whlcb' Milton record~d lbe very bour preJudice. liHVIn!! rf' "I,.. d my f"rw knOWD as 1following property ooollistinR in one business man here signed and minute ot his cblldren's bIrth. Tbe organs of tbe body also shoul d the Auro" (:t. •. :h!:c r flinn , nn the ! part of 2 Ilurses- l horsll 9 years Valley Phonp 153 Main Strt.. t Asb wood was som etimes used in he consJdered. and no exces s[ve work Wl.lynOFIVIII " Hnd Xenitt pik e. 2 miles old, n ~ood liDer, will work I.Iny the petition . How will we tbe manufacture of DIble boxes. but should be given tile heart or dlgesllve n urt,h efl@t of 'A' llvDtlllviJle on I'I"c.\; I ~orrsl mOIre 3 VAllrll uld ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oak was the most popular from Its organs before retirIng 10 r est. High Saturday, December 16, 1911. I Wf'11 IJr"k .. , 2 ex r.rll g ')od milch vote? superior powers of resistance. for we pillows lell.d to an In crease In the BPginniD~ at 10 o'cloclc tt. , W . the I cO.w~ <! MUWI! lind ~ PIgs-l must remember they were at tImes In heart's forc e at a tIme when the f(l l1oWlU~ Cll/lt.I·leR' 3 Beaa of Horlle" 'I WJt.h to pl~~, Iinri I ,vlth , J.I11:f1l; 6 W e were dry long before the p08sesslon 01 ecclesIastical stal· heart should have the lightest work. -1 BI~y Ue ldin g, B ytsrs old, weight ~hl) 'lt, . , WIll wp.ll{h ub,)ut 100 ellob Undertaker and Embalmer, warts. the vI,or of "'hose preachIng PlllowB that Bre too low may caUlle bout 1350,1.1 good general pUq)O'H ; ~ "rmltlg ImfJl em eutll-l Deering allY other township in the was IIOmeUmes calculated by tbe beadache s. and eve n slee plessness. ahoree !lnd good worker; IIi.yelLr ,li d I Rlllrl>'T , Kuod till new; 1 Bemis To. Will bR found 10 the ola amount of damage done to the pulpit through an excess of hlood being In Browu Geltlinll', weight Ilbout 140", 1),'100 ). Trl~n~Jllllntl!r, good as new; Blink Building . 0PPOIII", county, and dry we will reo furniture. the bralt!. Heavy late Buppers are 1\ good Il'ur~er 8'ltll~ good work '1 r; I I , Mr'h~'" COl:O , P.I.. ntAr, in good oou· ~be NIlt.ional Blluk Throucbout the commonwealth. and unwise. but a light meal. followed by 1 &rrol M[Jre. i:! ,v'l lrs old, 110 Il 'ld I rhtl'~Il. 1 H~ n,It, III Rlnlng PloW l Telephone to hOll8e and Of· ll l by the general convention of 1656. su cb moderate ex ercise liS 11 short worker. Il fintl rUtHlste r ~od 8lladler. main , Il(nod BTt",i(JrII( PI,,, . .Ollvtlr No 3; fioe where J can be oo.lIM travelJng miDllten 'Were gratuitously wnlk, 18 generally conducive to sound Ken lucky brwl IIv(1 geutle Douhl ll,shnv tli Plow, In cood Ihape; <lay 11r night. When the, voters of Wayne supplied with Bibles. IL very expensive sleep. The light meal causes a 211 Beud of H Llgl' oO[)I4I~ti Dg o( anA 1 60 to ,th BIlrroow, In good 8!1l\pe; Valll':V ~hone 14-2. Item; and In struggling pastorale8 the withdrawal ot blood trom tbe bead Duroe ,Bro ')1i ~ow and 28 8hOattlil R rllt,t W'lg'lIl n ... "r1l" .ew, 1 good book, with Its approprtate coller, orten polls Township Into tbe stomach area and tbe body relld" to tlltton ROlld \V'II{ ,n, I br ·md new Rubber Main Stl'ee(' W.ynesvill., Obi" fOl'Jlled the sale olrects of a new con· generally. The body III therefore U H elld of,lIe-2 fresh Mlluh tire BIl&gy; 1 Spring W ligon, 1 , they venticle. It Is a curlou, fact that warmed. and this Is Important. Saturday ue'~DI Cows. 2 g,, ~d young Helfflrs "Will b'l short shaft Cart. 1 ~uod Bo~ orrlto,\ , r ... , Dlblel "ere sometimes 8ubJeoted to Cold extrl'mltfes. partfoularly cold fre~h in February, 1 .ler80y cow ancl 14 feet long; 1 grllVel Bod, io lI:ood HA 1'BA W A:Y ra~lng. even In those austete daya . intend to stick m nothing but teet. cause sensory stlmulaUons. ] Blllok Bn l\. ODe V'1ar Did , I4hape; 2 oomplete tlerR good Work I . .. . .' In 1676 one Dr. Wilde bequeathed '260 which produce sleeplesslless. often Aboq t 4 doseu Rhode 19land Red Blirness, Colla~s, Brldl'ls. I3ho vels. for tbe purpo8e of provIding BIbles to far hours. People wbo sutler In thla " . ~ ,l JeMViUe'1l Lel&dln,. ~ CI lokAns ILnd 12 Indiu,.raDoer Duck8 Boell, Rilkes, Ii orkl, Bay fork. II od DRY VOTES ~ rame4 ~ong tbe pOOrer brethren. way should take means to keep thel! (0 IIIUD'" "bout 800 bu of Corn 3 or 4 tone of PalleYIl Imll mIlOY' other thiog .. "00 ()ffioe to Keys Bldg. -t·, --~ feet Warm artfllclalJy by aslng sl~ep. gaud hlty, 1 rnbbor . tl~e~ auto sea.t oumerous to eDumerate , A Father's Vengeance Ing socks. or slipper bath. or by the BUl/:gy nea.rly Dew . 1 plauo box BUII:Terms-A crerllt of 9 mouths will Starts Much Trouble use of hot water bottles. and by gy ,1 11";ell body Cnttllr Rlelgh good 8S be given all Illl 8um~ ovor 15 00, by 11 811 people knew H1It. neglect. of would have I.aJlen on anyone wbo sleeping between blanketl. new with 2 strllnds of bells, 1 2 horlle purohaser el vlog b .. Dkf.ble Dote . Con8tlplltlon wuuM I'ellolt ID sevele d~ked theaon of. i>eter Bondy, 0 1 It Is. · of course. fatal to sound Sled, 1 good ROlLd Wllgou,l of . Rufos Drake IDdll(ellL\on, yf\\low JIluodioe or vlru~ tSou'h Rookwood, Mlob ., bnt he Wll8 Ileep to go to bed "with Ilnythlng on blloY Itt.dden new, 1 Gravel Bed Dew, A. E . ()beDowath. Auot. lent liver tronbll! the,. would 8001' ~owerl888 before attaoks of Klduey ths mlbd." In th'ese lerisatlonal and 1 RollmtlD T llbllco') Hetter, u8e'd bot N . B. AU8tln. Clerk kite Dr, 1{IDg'" New Life i"iUI!, RDd . jDoo~ra oould not belp 1Ilea8ure-Iovlng days we often retire mtle. 1 Oliver Chill Breaking I'low, eDd It Ita tho only •• Ie way. Bel!~ wrote, "110 he Improved to rest after receiving a long eeflell 1 Bnokeye rldlDg Uorll CultIvator, for bllloutlneI!R,.he.a hlObtl, d.vl\p8p1'lo wornCllar'fnllv from takiDg lIix bottles o~ Vivid senaations wblch otten ae- 1 Gardeu Plow, 1 60 tootb hf.rrow . I will offer at Publto Sale. 1 mile ....>. ...r". KldDey m ediolne I eVAt count for hourI of IIleepleal tOBBlng. goocta~ new, 1 MoCormiok MowlnK chil1$ ILnd dobtllty . 260 11.$ all clrUIf Ri8IS, ; ' Backaohe, Tir feeltllJt . Sometimell this may be reUeved by }la6hlo6, nsed 2 seasoos, 1 Revolv. south of Wayneevl1le OD the Waynes ---. -. . , er:~'Ot~etll4'8, L08s of Appet. \1'1 , Ii _g~nth~ friction ot the head with a Ing H"y R"ke j ODe man Grind ville aod Lebaooo pike on the fum ~ 1,'III,al'n·'lo r.. KidDey tToublc tbM ' ml.IY medium bard brush. , ~tODI:l, H0fI8, Axes. C!lain8, FQrke, of Daniel Linn, 00. CHARACTER IS. , UTESl ~nd tn 4ropaYt .I1,Ibetes or Brlght. ·t" We cannot bope to always drive 8hovels. Grubbing Mattook, a swill Tuesday, December 5, 1911. ;, dilleale. Beware: Take Eleot... \(· a tb dl ~ Bitten lIod bl) 1I1Ltt!. Every bottl' way e 8turblng IIlInsory 1m· ou.r., or088 00 t 811 w, eta. 4 sets It.. HunIl88, 2 se18 of ."Iogle Beglnulng at 10 o'olook tbe fol· - EIIoh Type Ie Made After th~i"ortr.'t I(aarant-eoo . G80 at all rtr<l1o:.m.ltR ·--Hr::::=.~:...·for. built as man lB. Joy.-suf.; - - - .,-- or Photograph of a R~I grief. responsibility and worry HarDess. 2 sete . Iedothel' team Nots, lowIng propert:v; 7 I:lead ot Odtlt1 Child. ' - - - -4 - ...---(Iallt. b9~ by. no means leut). must bridleR c()l1ars, baiters, etc. All''' -1 6.year old Cow, be tresh In J40. find their .;plllce In his lite at some Housebold Goods OQDsis$ing of uary ; 2 4.yel\r old Cows, be fresh iu \ h~aps the most InterellUnl TPWER OF ENEMIES' HEAD~ time or otber. Lite without these I' ook Mile, Folding Lounge, Stands Deoember; II 'hred yeILr old Cow., 1 would be at beet a mere existence. Cb!llr8, Bedsteads and springs, 3 due to calf December 14tb; 2 2 ye'lr ure . about the jOinted child don. • , the tact tbat each type III made ~o"um.", of Modern · Barbarian, and so we must pay tbe bill at sucb Halloting I:)tOVfll, 1 WilIlird !Steel old Helters. 1 due to OIIolf Del'ember Umell. And even then fallgue must Rn n~e; 1 StlLr Bllrrel Cb uro, Buater 21. 1 dll8 to oa1f in Maroh. 3 Bor808 " , Eroc:tod by the Turk. In 1801 _ the pOrtrait 01' photo~ph of a cause sleep ere long, Bowl. Urooke, Jars anti ar~loles too -1 general purpose tlol'lle,l bay 'Clhlld. and II often a copy of IL .' , . at Nllh, a,rvla. It may be wise not to lie too par. numerous to mention , ' model. One trecei tho iDcenll,.e to "<' , __ Bone, 14 yeu old, Kood lIDor; 1 TH. C.PT.IT Termr< of RILle-AU Bum, of 00 lionel Borse, !lood worker, welgb t reaUlm In doll man11facture to a love· lti'anCe ~onument of moiern ticular about noises when little chll. ( Iy elderly ladf 10 MUDlch. Sbe I. alJ.l,..).J\t~ll1!i. :,;jUll .'jIlnrvlvee ' at Nish In dren are asleep. At some future tim,. 'Ion under ea!<h j on an sums over 1500 poonds Farming Imple.entl IN THI WORLD artist. ,and OD4I with ,a' deep love 8en1~ 'Durlng the war 01 they may be thankful for learning to $5 00 'l 'oredit of nine mODths will -ooDel8tlDg of 2 Breaking Plows, rtJIIL1SJIED WlEILY. $1.00 l'!l1!.&Jt. chtJdbood. It leemee! to bor .lib ·J:809 the 8ervlan gar. Ile'e p whlle a certain amount or nolsl' '1o/live n, purobl!.stu to gIve a baok 1 0180 HlIorrow. 1 Corn Plan'«lr, 2 B. P. Harteook Conlvatorll,lli.8hovel Tobaooo Plow HOT.LI, D.UCCijTi, ."'CIAL~: a powder magll.- la gaolng on . For Instance. there Is Ilbla nottl , when ono considered all tbe 1 60.t.ootb , Barrow, 1 Bemis Tobjlo GOITU '' ')U'., T.AN ....... OA_ of lo,.e which a doll 'Inlplres In ratbe than no reason why'tbey should not be a~ ChnM. Bawke. Auot cUlltomed to '.aleep while a plano Is 00 Planter, !fOod all new, 1 Sorghum .AND ·.u....... ItVIC. CAN ...on~ A. \j HideR, (llerk . brealt of Ita owner, that Uttle of tn.e Turks. Mill oomplete oooliltlDg of 1 PILO, 1 • ., UIINO 1ft ADVI:ItTlI(NO CO~U"N. oucht to have a pet that loolted more 't aken place being played In another mom In the 111808 Tank, 1 Cooler and Skimmer... humd thaD doll1 ha•• be~,;ont<, to their bOUI8.-Spokane Spokesman.Review. SAMPLE COpy FREE ' I .... 1\1 " ff .. r llt Pubh~ Bale OD the Vehlolee-l Spriog Wasoll, 1 Car · M d _ M.W YOItI( CLlPP.. t"iS' look. With thll Idea Ih. d.....lope4, - - -_0 _ ••- - -r'!TIn known 1\9 the BI8pbam tarm, rtaKe 1 "Milk WagoD 8 MUk Cans N_ Yortl. II. Y. Iii pluter. dolle that ..ere esaet ImI·, . -. 2 mi_le~ north If Waynesville on the Meuur. Botti., 1 ..ilk Cooler. ' Saved Many From Oeath tatlolll of the UrtoUI peallUlt BAil brook ke 00 J ' B. T. Vice, l\'ho,-came to MuDlch from Ba'ral'!lan -------- ~~-----December 9, 1911. O. T. Sawke, 4uot, and other pro.iDcoa of • tSW1GIlY. than :ali feet Beg inniQg at 10 o'olllok sbarp the .&'red E, Sherwood, Clerk. holiday atUre of each · - ... - '.'~" exasg'!ration. bill 26 years of expf'rieooe In t,h l'

- - -- --- - -- _




I ----------------------------------------------------THE MIAMI GAZETTE,



Comlng . PhI" S Ies


a a a ...... a




...... a


WaynesviUe, Ohio :: \






D '(, H E

.- .

--- .. - ..


Doll ,



.... "p~lM!n~. Thete d~~~~~~II~:~~~~~~~ travelers re- drugbusinAss , "\\,hatlnlwaysJiIl F UtUe 11,111.... of peannt lite I still clinging I to dO," he writeI', "h t o reeomlllenrt the' attenUon of the JlWID""". have formed Dr. Klog'(: New discovery for weak, manr three fears ago-at During many lore lung~ ha.rd ooldA. b08rseness, =~clne cthhertflt·ft..nut nrellen1t1l vlll~~ J{l::ere In the habit ot obstinate oongh". hl~rip PI" oroup, e&mIDg air slCUlls as souveDlra. but uthma or other bronohial affeotion. ehlldren of the ro,alholllM!:hold. when Nlih 'became Servlan t~ re~ tor Ifeel 80re tha t a Durll her o f my ".1 dellghted ..Ith ttle hUIIII.IIl·1("~ malnder were ' taken away tor decent neigbbors alive ond well todn y manlklnl. and thlll fllct did oat' lJ'blurllal. all save a few that were too beCRuRA they took my odvioe to U~I' looe to IIprelid tbrou,hout the Imbedded. ReclV1t1y the reo it., I honestly believe its t.1u. be"t, plre an.d reach' the ean at of the tower bave been covered t.hTOllt and lung InAl)ielne tbrtt"~ No.. the artllt In 'Munich bas . • roof to protect tbem made:" E08Y tl' prove hA'S right artist aulltaut. to aid her 10 deYelop:. the elements and they are re- Get' /\ trl"l "bottle tree . . ·r regnlnr n... ' I>eUMt face. ao~ typel, aDd carded a pious object of patriotic 500 or 'I 00 bottle GUll'ranteed b y tactori.l ~JT.. awalt mo4elis from :pUSrlmage.-Wlde World Magazine. all dr~ggl!lt,s, her Itudlo to··dtfl.1 accordlDI to· 'her _ _ _.."_ ,, _ _ ,_, deBI,oll.-Harper'1 Banr. ----.~ ..,- •


Are you going to have a sale? print, your bills.

.:...... WOMER HOW I liRa _ May Be Made Strong at Small E~e and No RIlk ' There are hundreds of ..'Omen In thll .Y1olnIl1.. weak, tbln. run-down. ttreclout and 'Ilervoull. Buch womeD ' Deed Vinal JUlt as much as did Mnr. Jane P.P~r, of 2307 Howard .•treat. San' l'nIlclsco, Cal., who I&,.s. .. ' "I ha•• used Vlnol for lOme t1m4!l ~th Part!cuwl,. graUrytng relulUt. I ..... 'nm 'dOWD, . ..eak and debilitated, 8I14·. J' .PpeUt. was gone. After ~e~r."fI1U bottles of ViDal I ~:~~;:!:~~~t:greatl,. , 'm to recommend



COd liver

sllid .(:[

Ely, BIID t,.. m , Ohio; "altho~gh & h ':Jrrlbl" uka" d' bee~ the pl .. gue of mv life for tour ,8&rll. Intlteao 1 u~fld BOI)1;. l&n·. ·.6rDtoo ~lillve, Ilnd my f<.Or. WAM completelY oured" . B.,'II" Bu'rDR. B :I1II1. ~ore~, Bruh~lIl', E0:6I- "11l PlmpletJ, Corolli Hilre~t Pile onrll 250 ,,~':all drnggist" . I).



Bfttorfl the grett Dront.n of 1901 . the Sicks AltnllUu,c glt VII t,imely w~rolllg Fur "'w ~ I' tw rear" pri')r to 1911, tbe I:IlcllJJ Almt.n:,.) ftgfllu 80Ullded a warning of drout,1I ellloger Aod so 'for forty yo"rs thi!:! slime


' .

frllln~ of all tb~ peoplo h ',14 IItllllrl flltltly ,rdfu!leri t,h" (,!forM or spt>ollhl .',•_ _ I tors ami oontlnnllU to wllrn tile pllb .. ' 1.110 of tb;8 oOlUlng d ',ngtlu 0 1 IItorm In the Gard,n of Edon. 'Ilnd we"tber . 'As tboy tlhould hrtV f' my"'ttlrth· ., , ,; ~one, tbft peop\~ lJllvR o obl y 111000. anllwered AdQlJl, by, Pl:6t~90r 'Biokl4, their fllltbfu J you, thle yea.r ,PQbli9t~r.ylln~.. wbo I1l1s grown old' .·'Dj"i.,....,_I..t me guesa. · In ~tboij. ' lIarvlo"! , ~ » n, l \> nly one . I d .".., .' (Iolt"r<~tb Word Itud Wor.,s Pllblish. cr 3-10l Franl.:li'l A ' men~ .. MisMourl, lind Ket bit!

~t. '~".~\:~I idK'.COo;pa~y,

~illlllli~;IIIII~~' l i~ ~

_.'""""" ..


~en tHI

):~~~t~::~~~~"~:A'l··~'~I·l· 1~.~ '





.011 Iil~il ,

b -fer..-' •...


Let us

Holiday Gifts


Balked at Cold Steel "I ~.bOldo 't, let a d'lctor cut. my



Silverware it the 6nt

Ihouaht when ~.


for lIOy IeUOIl or occuion.eI1IltJJo mere pceful compliment can be extended th. an oIIerins of rich Ulver elepDt in detisn, per,,: feet in lute and in the neweat abapes.

181 ROGERS BROS.T~pt it the muk which repre8Cnls the highest perfecbon in silver plate. With this imprint 00 eV«1 uticle you can buy

,.Sillier Plat. ,"'at W.aT'" • aafd, .. u spat. Thia .amp alto gullus- thai each.piece u perhct ID arti.Iic deaip aDd fiUh. Sold- b, Ieediaa clea1m mItJ· where. seDd lor Utalatue "CoL" ~.u-.... ·.niD.N _.ITANMtA 00. •_ _IIIIi_c. . ...... .)


.ed~II, ~!,".



We are equi~ped

to do

• J



TIl, Farmer'. 'Son's Great 0

: nt~rventlon

That Made It Certain Hour for Sena to r', Death Had Not Struck.

S~nntllr Duucan Ii . POII ~l1\ h id bl'l'tll

Flctcher of Flor· O'lC ni ght ou a ~ l fep l llS ('ar on Ih o WRY so utll (rom \\·a shill;; tl1 D. Pulli ng lHlel( the cur· [:\Iull or a lo\\'er nine . hc S !\W tbat tllti heel \\'U~ ulrC!atly OCCllpled. ·'HI. th ere !" I'ull erl t.h e "enlltor. Rhnklng th e ~lrnu bcr bj ttl., shoulder. Tbe sleeper I.\woke and protested IlIlirlly. , . "lily nam e's F'l etcccr," explailiod , tbe s tat esman, "anti thi s Is my berth ." " You'vo go t not hln!: on me ," uu· ~ wer ~ d th e otber . ' "~ ly nuUlo'S Fletch· the eastward . The coacb Ullc d tina er, and this Is IlI .V ol'rth." wi u partition run through It, and, 8~ "My full nHm " Is lIutll'lIn U. l" lelcb· soon a8 tlile buey trainmen discovered er." tb o senator plabo rllled . Jncll J<elth. " Vlrglnl"n. now " b o r · ladles on board. tbey unceremonlou~ly '''So's mine." agreed tile Intruder. Cer [.Jlnlrllunnn. t", l('1n ktn g for rnl'lmtng' W a l" partl ~1J of tsavag ('~. lh~ sees Q wt\lr( on t ~ 1\ 1Il drove the more bibulous pll88 e Dl:e r~, "Ah, I scc," sa lll the senator. po· at rull gllllop PIIP! U(lt! by m ~ " P Vtll CH protesting, Into the forward compart· IItoly . "Th cre UlUst ha ve been a mIS' , Wt1f'1ll K e ith reth.· h e~ th o w nj:t(I U th e rut d · era have m !Ulsat" Tf'(( t \ \ ' O nl l l l) 11 l l ti d ~ · ment. This lett Hope In comparative tal,e In rcs ervln g tile Hame berth Cor pal' l t' d . H I! Rearc h l'!04 I h e \' l l'tlm s 1111(\ lnl( peace. bell' remolnlng neighbors qutet, two Ulen uf the same nnme. "I'll go pA. J')('nl R.ntl n loe k cl \\'lth .1l w o mlin ' ~ Illlrtr>Wl . Keith Is urr~8 1 0,1 'il t C" r8011 C II)·. taciturn IDen. wbom abe lOOked al loto Ihe oext s leeplll g car ." cha r g-ed with lh f" 1lIllr( h ' r. his nC(,U Sf,' r b otbrough tho folds of ber veil <luring The strang er. by tlt l. time. W:l ti (lilly In" .1 TUrn On n nmr-d Hl n ("k Ba rl . A " ~o IflOmrn niotl In hi e (' .... 11 flttll1M N f'b tp Us hhn the long, slow. exasparaUng journey, nWBke. and procemit'd t o opologl ze. _'10 . .. ",110 In U. • ....,"I (h nl h u kn"w t h~ 1« ,'llh. III Virginia. Neh mentally guessing at theIr varlou» 00- aDd to olTe r to gl,'o up th e berth. Th is I _,g,.....tIJla. . .____...;.;...;;;.;..;;;;.;_~_~;'O _Ol' on$ o r th e- rnu rl h ' r ed m on WI!LI John etbl ~ ~l.tI, e olher O<' n . \\' lIlts 'Valte. tormercupnllons. It was lin e xceedingly t r "1'1 th e se natnr would n ot do, but went , 1)1 n cont ud~rll( e n rrk £.' r. Tho pla.lnsman OUH, monotonolls trIp, the truln Hinck· Into .the car ah ead, and found a pille I' I end Npb csrn pe. II nd Inlp r tho fuglth' u ""mo upon u cshln nnd find Iltl occupant enlng up . and Jerkin g fOl'wRnl. aPlmr· to b() .. )'ounj( gIrl. ",born Keith think. 8leep. S ent ly without sllghtt:tit reus on : tben to An bour IRter tb e traln WIlS wreck· OU VlI b .. aa,,' at Carson Ity, The gtrl e ~plalM Uutt 8h~ Ie tn 8"!U'c h or a brother, who occllslona lly achi e ving 11 lull atop, ed. The car In which the strange r Cut out cothh'3~~":~ic~~',;a~n,~dr.1r;=!;i lIad deserted trom" the army. and thnt a while men. always untl er guard. went occunled tbe lower nine fell through brUlal. hanh. ul IMr. Hl1wley Inducrd her to como to Ihe "libl.. while he -4IouRht hor brother. Hawabead to Ilx U{) SUDle lIlt of dllmagl'd n tresUe. nnd ' tllut Fletcher was ' CARTER'S L1nLE ley a(1pear~., Illl<l Keith In hIdIng rucog trAck. s cross .,k' lIlcb thc engIneer killed . The Hcna tor's cn r was not LIVER PILLS .. II:M him aa Black "Bart. There 1ft II. tcr · ril'lc battJoo In the darkened room In which dared IIOt: advance. At encb bridge damaged at all .-Pollular Masazlne. : Purely '~"~~'U'~. KeIth .. \-tellor. HOMlea are approprlaled. spllonlug lbe numerolls small streama, ' aent!)' 00 4Utd til" .1I'It1 who Baye tbat her name Is Hope, jolna In the eacap... Keith e ~(11aln . trainmen examin ed tbe structure b&EVEN IN THE DEEP. ;I eliminate !oolh.the fI .. situation a:.d the fuarttlvcs make for I membrnne fore ,'en luring forward, and at eacll Fort Larn", where ttle artrl " left wllh bowel. u UtI> hotel landlady. loll" Hope lelle th .. t h I d passengers grew C,aIU,.tIC ... stop t e wear c • he Ie the daughter of General Waite. more Im.patlent and oarcaatlC' a per· llIItu •• _ JCel~!\ .,,4 Neb 4rlrt Into SherIdan. wher. likk II ....IDIII.utl.... u keIth meete an old friend. Dr. Fnlrbnln. f eet str~am of fi uent pro ran Ity be Iug I acb. Ila... Keith meetll the brother of Hope 'Vatle. wafted bllck whenever tbe door be· SHALL Plu.. SMALL DOSE. SMALL mC&. under tbe ..sumoll name of Fred WI!louehblr. and becomes convlnoed that tween the two sectlons chanced to be Genuine mUllt bear Signature Blailc 'Bart, baa aome plot InvolvIng the lett ajar. Hope was not the only woman on CHA~TER XIX.-(Contlnued,) board, yet. a glance at the otbers was lIulllcleot to decide their status, even .-- ~ The\ dead allence whlcb enllued was bad their freedom ot mallner and loud. "roken only by beaV)' breatblng. T,!len talking n4)t made It eQuolly obvious. ;Scott s.14l~e" , bringing hla flat down Fearful 14lllt sbe might be mistaken "'tb a cr~lh on tba wasbstand. for one of tho same clasa, IIbe re"That rather IItumpa y~r, don't It, mained In silence, her veU merely 'BartT Well, ·1t don't iiie-. I tell yer lifted enough to enable her to peer It'. jUllt as I uld from the first. It out through the grimy window at tbe .... KeIth an' tbat nigger what barren view IIlIpplnll alowly past. Tbls jumped ye .111 the cabin. The1 WIUl eonllated of the bare prairie. /Jrown · :Illdl.n ' U1ere when '11'11 rode ·In. He and deeolate, occaslonall1 ID.t eraected \ lust nat'rl, pumped the pi, au' now boY lome Imall watel'courlle, th. low . lIle'I!' UD).be're traUln' yoU, Blame' It all, · hllla rlllng and falling like wava to . ! . ,tt ~k,. ~e , lalllb," " the tar horllon. Few Incidents broke heal' t l itOll't "" what you lee to 14Ulb the dead monotony; occasionally a Baa. COUldn't get 011 the police torce. .• 1. Keith ln't all eaiy man I to herd of antelope appeared In the dl.· . Mr, Eel-No. they drew the coIoI' t1&7 WlU1, lit m. teU JOU. Ue m.,. tance, IIllhoueUed agalnlt tbe .1l1· UneOD blm, ,. -.e pt OU to ··our pme." line, Bn' once the1 fidrl,. crept for an '"OIl, lljdl. · Bart; ' don't 1088 10ur hour throuSh a masl of bulralo, cr&~ '''-Ulletl. ABSORBINE Ine 10 ciole that a fuslllede of KIlnS A .trapplng GerDian ..... ble beMl .can:t do an,thlllc, becau, lounded (rom the fran I cd of thl of p8l"11plratlon IItreamlnc doW1il bll ....e>ve got tbe \lIlder Ilolt.· He'l a (uct· face waa dartlnc- tn aM oat of tile "It'a My Notion T".t Hawley'. Got Hold av Thlm Pap.ra av Ve, Fath.~'" U.e; all we ',ot to do Is locate him, tral,n, A U~Ue farther alone Ille C:&Ugll\ alalee ot a PbUadelp." cleiNtrtment ~: All' b.ave blm · Clune back Inter jalla aUmple ot a troop of wUd han_ to .b. !'tIIere's , murder an' bo..·.'ealln' allD da.blng recklesaly down into a a1Ht1· s Ft~ exclted actlm. tM at. "Sbure, honey, It'. 1I0t ao bad tile "Oh, no; Fred and 1 wJllre the onJy ~.'~ . , way tbf;r tell It now," Ihe explained, children; but what IIha1\ I d01 What (erlne T8;Yine. Yet. prlnetpally - all tentlon of all . laleepenOlla, and tbey • Hawle1 ~ed to be thl,nldna c0Dl!0udgl,. '!Nobody bela;vee 110'11' It , ought I to do?" that met Iber atralnlng !'1el w.. ster- hardl, knew wh.t to make a. ·It. A lily,' whUe hlj companion took an· '11''' ),4fr father 'that r;ot Idlt. It '11''' ne desolatioD. Here ~nd there a creat hUIUlng young rna. of tb. elothlnl The Irtah mouth of Kate Murpb), I~ther 'dilD1L . ualy wator tank reared Ita hldeOua department walked' up to bl. a.' two ~ feller. what stole his outfit, let firmly, ber blue eyes burnln,. ~ ·..WeU. pard, ain't that .01" . c1o~eal &11' all, an' was drlvln' ort wid "It'a not IIthronr; 01 am on advlaln','· IIbape bea:lde the track, th. etlgin, aJ· asked, "Are you lookln, for aomethtn. . (; . " 'No, ' thal trick won't' work, Scott. 'em Intel' the land btlla. Dlvtl & wan Bhe aald, BborUy, "hut If It was me wan ~UllfDIl for a freell supply:. Be- In meD'1 :clotbln,r -We could do It e .. lIy enough U we does kllow wbo kilt 'em, but there's 01'4 be fer fain din' out what all this aide It WIUI InYAriably a pUe of coal, "No!" be roarett; "lIot men'. cletb. · ~ere .clOWD ID Cal"llon, where tbe bo,.. some ugly IItorl.. traTeHn' about. mlx·up wall about. There'll BomeWn' a few conltruotlon cars, a bUl halt Ing; vlmen'. clotblllS. I can'l fta.d IIl1 burled \.Ioder ea~, loop-holed and wife ! "-L1pplncott'a. ..ould help UI out. The trouble up Some sa1' Injuns; some . aaYI the Quare In It. It·. m,. DOUOIl barrlca4eil, with seyeral , rou.b mea _ _ __ __ .ere ta that 'Wild Bill' Hlckoclt 111 p08lle run 'em dowII; an' Blaell: Bart m61ghty that Hawle)"1 got hold av thlm papen A W*'ilarehal of Sberldan, and be and • an' his dirtily ouUlt. they .wear It wa. a. yer falher's. The owld clDt thlDlI., lodn, about, heanly anH4 IIld IJl. "No, me dear," saId Mrs. MaIGII.,. , Mvel\: did bitcb. Be.ldea, Kllith was Keith. Ol've got me own noUon. An· 10, too, an' that', wb, be's 110 bot q,d.lti"". A few of thelle points Itad · -one or. bill depuU.. down at DocIle two nyhow, tbere's 'bout three hunt!red afther catchln' him, May the dlnl once been terminal, the lurroundln. to the charity worker wben tile topic "'J. " . . . . . .I~UI>eV chdl a AIL.It . 3ean aio-you remember wben Dutcll dollan, lome mule., an' a lot 9' Tal- admolre me Ii.'\r - 01 \mow where lhlll IcenerJj leTldenclng pa.t glorle. b,. had turned UPOD tbe Questlon of mar· oVa tNI_ _ ..... I .... . tor ..-... . .JQ 8IY flll1Hn _ pnes or t.n canl, and aU manner of rled women taklnll UIIOII tltem .. l,.. aarlle'. place wlla cleaned outT Well. 1ble papel'll ' mlasln'.'~ 14.aclalre gyurl come. ln, but 0111 be, .. L ..OPUII ................... t.-CIlJ Hlcll:ock and Keith did that job all "But If It ",'osn't fatber. wbere III be the black dlvll Jlall get ,'her \1Da.rll:e~ debrl., w:lth qccaalonally a Tacant tbe lupport of tile family whell the husband la out or work. "DuD"t 1ee. alOIle, aDd 'Wild Bill' ian't r;olng back now 1" fer lIome part In the' pIa),. What abacll:, Ief·t 'd uerted and forlorn. on th.t kind ot a pal, II he 1 I tell Wearied IIld heartslc", Hope ever begin annn'ln, or tbot kol~d It "Tbat's what Ol've been tryln' ter ' would 01 do? .lIe goory, Ol'd to :rou we'Ye aot tc) 11ibt thl8 affair folnd out. Firat orr he went out to tile Sheridan, an' folnd the Oln.raJ, aD' away froln this outalde drearln.. a to ao hnp yeea ahouid . . . day bay. a •. alone, IIld on the Quiet. May tie the Clmmaron Croulnr;: gyard8d by a till him a\1 t \mew. Ma),be he could coD1em"lIIw ,'more ' clo,~y ber nele"" !aulband BY your oW,n. ID tbe evlnt fellow dOD'·t know· milch Jet, but he'. IQuad 0' cavalry from the fort here, piece It together, 1Ile!' KIle.. wliat 60n on board ' but found them acar~ a.:r tbot happenlue III be llhould come Iy more tnte"relttne. Several were . hdme an' rall to eryln' beca~UI he w.. .ure. OIl the trail, or el.e he wouldn't Tommy CaIne wlnt alou" an' tOld Hawle)' wu up ter." aTON Ilave be4lD In bere talking to ~Iough· me all about It. Tbey dug \ip the ~ope was already . upon her feet, p1aytllC cardl othen ..moodily ltarlD, ~t av a Job, do yeel sit dOWn an' CT'l br. W.'ye got to get bJm, Scott, aome- bodlea, but nlvell a th,n8 did tbey find ber pUllle4 face brlghtenln" out ot the .1~dOWI, wblle a tew werc ..ntH" be fOlnda, It as'ln. lIIollld tbot, """ ' . ' A~M". Jlow. Lord, ma~, · ~ere'. a clean mil· on 'em-not a p~per, nor a dollar. "Oh, that Is what I wanted to do, laugblnlf 'and talklne with the glri.. nnw. -Woman • . World. Oon doUara wattlng for UI In thla deal, Tbey'd bin robbed all !'olght. The but I '11'&8 not lure It would be be.t. tbelr convenatlon' Inane and punctu. People who tall:e tb. will for tbe : ::"~I~~ and I'm re&dY to fight for It. But' l·m owld Olnerll Iwore lolke a 'wild man How can I get there from bere 1" ated with profaalt)'. · One man wa.r, deed neyer b1'eall: . Into the mlllionalra I . _ _ damned sleepy, .and I'm golne to ~d, all the way back, Tomm, said, an' "Ye'd bave ter ~e the 1Iu... bacll figurine OD a Icratcb pad, aDd HoPI clan. W, N, U., c'Ne,,.NATI, NO......1I1t,. You locate Keith tomorrow, and then, the 11rst thing he did at Cal"llon City 1.0 Topek)'; lolkel, tbey·d · be runnln' decided IIle muat · be an engineer em'When )'ou're Bober, we'll 11gure out was to start hun tin' fer 'Black Bart.' thralnll out from there on tbe new ployed 01) tbe UDe; othen ahe cl...~ 1I0w we can ,et to bit'll beat; I'Ye got He was two daya glttln' on the trail road. It'll be al.y fer me ter folnd . .. Iman merchante, a,aloon·\u!epera, to aet Chrl.tle rllht. Good·nlght. av him; then he beard the feller Wall ' out from lome av the lads dOWD ~ and frollitler rlft·raft. Tbey would Bill." elance curloully at her IlS the1 gone awa1 trapslng after a alngin' or low." 'He went. out Into tbe hall and dando' gyurl called ChrlllUe Mac1ll1re. The only equlpme'n t operatine Into marched ' up and dowa tlI. narrow Clown tbe creaking stalrs, the man he Sbe was sUPPOlled to be ayther at Sheridan wall a constructlon train, alale, but her veil, and averted face. wanted 10 bad I), !latenlng to bill de· Topeky or Sheridan. A trelghter told w,ltb an old battered paaaenter coach ptBYente4 - even the bold~t from .condlng footstepl, half tampted to the owld man she was at Sheridan, an' coupled to tbe rear, A squad of lpeaklll,. Once Ihe a4dreased the tollow. Scott did nol move, perbaps 80 he started there overland, hopln' hcavlly ormed Infa.ntry rode :aIonll, N , CQIl'ductor, and the mlln wile was IIKPor Infante and Chlldren. llad already fallen drunkenly aaleep ter bead olt 'Black Bart: 01 reckon protectlon against posBlhle Indian lirlne turned and looked back at ber, on bla cbalr, and finally ' KeIth crossed we could a ttlwld mor'n lhat." raiders, but there was , no crowl! 'yldimUy attracte4 by the loft note bla own roolD nnd lay down. Tbe din ·'Wbat do you mean 1" aboard on tbls special trIp, as all Or her VOllce. But be made no etrort ·'Why shure, honey, what's the ule conetructlon work bad been sUllpended at advallcies" returning Immediately tA 'outllde contlnued unabated, but tbe man'a Inteose wearlnesa overcame It tryln' ter declive rue 7 Dldn't Jack 00 the line Indefinitely,·· and malt · of hla pad, ohllvlou. to all e\ee. "tllot"".,. " " .. , all, and he fell asleep, bls last can· Keith, wId his own lips . tell me yo .lhe travel, thercfore~ had cbanged to (~ro BEl CON'rlNUED.l , ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT .cJOU8 thoughl a memory of Hope. was Christie Maclnh:o?" "Bllt I'm not! I'm not , 1\·l rs. Mur· A\~tabIe 'Preparation for As· phy. (don't evcn know the woman. l>imilllting rhe FoodandRet!uIaCHAPTER XX. It Is sucb a s trange thi ng; I caonot ling /he Siomacbs "I'ilB;owels Hop'e Goes to SherIdan. account for It - both those men mls· The dis covery of the locket which bac! took; me for her . and- and I let t.hem. fa1l8n rrom about Ke ltb's ne ck made It I didn't care who the man Hawl ey sup· Promotr ~ Dj~~~onJChu rrul' hl1l)088lhle fOI' Hope to remain quietly posed me to be, but I Intended to have nl!SS and Resl.Contains Reitha' fOr long In lho hotel at Fort Larned. told Mr. Keltb be was mlstnke n. I "the more carefully she thought over don't Imow why I didn't, only I SliP' Opium,Morphine nor Minfral tile atory or thnt murder at the elm· posed l:Ie finally understood . But I NOT NARC OTIC alaron Crollslng. Bnd Keltb's tale of want YOIl to believe, Mrs. Mllrplly"""" v()ld IJrsixvElI'frrRR Iaow he had discovered and burled the [ am Hope Waite, and not Chrlst.\e A.y!t,io SHt/· ruutllated bodies. the more aBsured Maclalre." Alx..r_•• N.A4s,.", •. ale became that that was where tblll "It's little the loss to ye not ter be Declined to 8wap an Old " ••t for I land he klndl!:" refused tbe olrer. A Alliu/n.I. few 1ears later hi, clear dlamon" Worn·Out Farm Full or locket came from. anc! that the ~Inln ber, an' Ol'm thlnkln' lolkely Jack were found on thla waate str~teh. and «relghter .must have been her own fa- Keith will be molghty well plascd ter DIamond •• r::~,,~. .1'u/J • DOW million. of dollal'll could not purtiler. Sbo bever once ques tioned the know tbe truth. Whnt's 'Black Bart' (',..."w/ J'.n.~ It I. chas.ll ~th or Keltb's report; tbere WB/.< tbat ~o nyger tcr glt hold av this Maclolre I#!....",.,.". ~ ... - : - - .1XIut the lUan which would not per· I gyuTI ter?" . Apctftcl Remedy forConslipaA MUllea.1 Prodl{j),. . of ber doubting him. Hc lIaO "I do nol In tbe leallt know. He lion, Sour Slofnach,DiarrhOta, la 1841 arrhed tD London a RU811aD .tmply fnlled to menUon wbat he ra- must bave Induced me to go to that Worms,Conwlsions,Fewrishbo)', ca.lled Antoine RublDsteln, ao\ 'IDOv'e d trom the bodle9, aUPPOl;lng this plsce In the de sert believing me to be twelTe J,t!ara old, wboae perror,maDce• ness and Loss OF SLEEP. . .-Quld b$ oC no special Interest. the othe r woman. Yet he said noth· 011 tbo pl'"V' b .. ~ ,eJclted.; won!ler .' Nrl! ' Murplty, bOJl'ug thus to quiet Ing ot any purpcile; indeed. he round fae Similt. Sianahlft ~ and ~ell.:ht am.o nl . tbe mllAlqJ . am .. . ' . of her charge, sct no opportunity." . : , eqU,a ll" 'skill.,. 1'0 1~be work to discover Mrs. Murphy Bhook her bead dla· ~ ... w,e l.1 as or • was ' filled pl\r8K1n~ly, . ~ "It. was ahure snme dlvllment," a8s er~ed, /lloUtlY. . "He'll :tie' up ,to Eortle trick will tbe ·}lOOr. gyurl; 01 luiow 'thO:' Iplkes"'llv hlm.:· ' Shute; ~1Wt· . ~~o ~r rc't: m~'st'.I0o~·'iI~ ~u~h :~Olk. 'j,b4r"ft" 'i:l~iQ>o~>,,:At>l!l at 'BII' t.~o P4yea. I~.' a. pod,.:•. (;qlkely nOw, 10011 It'. a~t\vtn . 81~tet 'Y..·Te · lo.t?'.' ~'· .-a.t·~ :-~H~Po sll';\lI~f · alttio.~ '. be~ . ?-1Ida







Don't Persecut e Y r Bo"u,reI



.. .










W.,. ..










1IIIIIHI""..... ".IIII"I1I1III1 ... "I1 .....




1ha Kind You Hava Always ' Bousht Bears the Signature



Casting Aside a Fortune









-' ......: ....1)" ~,



,' ...- , " .,"


For·. O.Vaf •






GREAT CARE SHOULD BE USED ., IHoW Weak Kidneys \ IN CONSTRUCTION' OF A' SILO CauS! Rheumatism .. Many of Fallures That. Have Dlscourage,d Inc.roductton Hqe Tonks Are Due e.o Faulty Bulldlng-Alr Should be. Excluded t.o Prevent. Con. sequent. Decay of Silage.



IaJoinIIbould er helng made wbere tbe tho foundation Tbe foundation

(Br J. B. DA VIDSON onel M. L. KINO. Iowa.) 8oldler, Believed to Be Deaertu. Ie 'rbe Importance and value of lb6 . Ordered Under Arre8t-Hla P ... i lia In rurnlshlng succulent rood for Found to BII Genuine. (laIr,. eows and other farm anImals In 1'863. not long before tbe battl. Is now being Inore generally appre· or Cblckamauga. Bilid Capt. E. B. Pal)" elated. Onl, a trial Is necessary to aonB of tbe Twenty·fourtb WISCOn8JD. conVince lltock rnlserl tbat silage 18 an a regiment he bad tbe bonor to eom. economl<;al (e.ed for- the production or mand on aeveral occaalona. write. lleer .. well aa for tbe production of Lleut. Col. J . A. WatroU8. U . B. A.. mUIr.: Silage I when Included In tbe In the Milwaukee Sentinel I bad aD raUon for IlteerB makea It more pal. experlenCil whlcb made 80' strong an atable·. and In ~I~ m~nner III an acllve Impl'M8lon upon my mind tbllt I recflU .gent In '. brlnglng a~out more rapid It today aa vivIdly as tr It bad oc' ~alnl . Also In man,. ' case. well precurred oDly yesterday. It. member ot ~ved IIlIage bas been found a cbeap my compan, . K. aUddenly dlllllppeared ..lid luccessrul reed for sheep. IIwlne and tor a Ume WDS carried as a ele. and boraea. The 11110 may be made lin ornament serter. 800n art.r dark on. evenhl, be walked Into esmp Ilnd wben I !-O any group or farm bulldlnggs. Its .. ked blm to give nn account of 111m. form III sucb t~,at It may be mad\l 10 aelt be Inrormed me tbat be bad bet!a add to the appearance of any style of In tbe 8eCret l14!n1ee on a detail b, conllLructlon . One or more conical silo Maj . Oen. Roaecmn •• then In eommand roofs wben view ed trom Il dl.tuce. at thllt army. and 118 an evldenlle or or In tbe full belgbt of tbe curved lls at a closer range. glvel a very IOOd talth abo wed me a pai. "lea p easing errect wben placed In a 8el· permitted tbe bearer to .&'0 throUgli tile Union IInft or anywhere about tbe tlng of rectangular bulldln,s. It Is the purpose or any silo. reo army. at wttl. He 'told about bnlng .lept '111"11 the Conrederate army the gardlesll or lis conatrucUon. to exclude nlebt berOl'8 Bad related Tary Interest· air aa far ~s POsalble from tbe sllnge, In~ Incldanta. lind tben aald. '1 gueslI and In tills way prevent deca)' . To pre· I will go up and see tbe old man.' Tba vent Lbe air (rom reacblng the sUage. 'old mu' W&8 Col. Charles H. Larra· all 111108 mUlt have alNlgbt wslls. bee. tben In command ot tbe Twent,.. Thele must be rIgid enough qDt to be tourt.h. . Bprung out of IIbape by tbe pressllre Tbe colonel wall not In bla usual of tbe 811age, permitting air to enter IOOd health tblll evenlnl( and tha mo- next to the wall. Not only the walls ment he saw tbe aoldler. wboBe nama but the doorll. also, must be perrectly "'.. Azur Ho,t. be ordered him under air tight. To accompll8b this tbey arrest as a dOllerter and be waa tak· en to brtl(ade beadquartera. Ten or eleyeD o'c1ock tbat night. after I bad ,ODe to h«I. aD orderly f.rom , brl,ade headquarter. woke "" liP and ID' formed me that Oen. vt. R. (.,Ue. our brigade commander. desired that I ,.. POrt to blm wIthout delay. I told tb. Orderl,. to pye tbe ,en era I my com· pllments abd to .a, tbat I -would be rl,bt over. .... 1 entered bla teat. Oen. L,.tle. one of tbe mMt loyable of mea .. Well aa be was .oae of the bnl't'l'lt 01 &oldIei'll. aald: , ·Capt. PanlOna. t.lI ,'he Fundamental PrInciple In the Pre .. rvatlon Qreen Forage When me about lbll man Ho,.L HII pal. "Iaced In • 1$110 I. the ExclUlion Hem. to be an rI«bt. but ,our eolonel Air. ' teUa me be III a deaerter. I elan UD. del'ltaDd wby DO regular reconted d. allo liS Flet In Diameter. Four Fest Pallalla From Feeding stable to tutl was mad. for tbe man. He wal 8110. Convenl.nt Arrangement for to al a IPY. and tbe geDeral naturaUi ' dl4 Dot waDt anytblng Imown Feeding. about tbe man'l bavln, been talle!' ebould be well fitted and tbe Joints [rom tb. reatment and ordered to WdQuartera. But tbl. pus . ~ay be made l,Ilore lIerrOCt by felt pads or psketl. It II a ,ood 'prnctl'ce wbere bolUa." It wa. a (beautlrul mODnllgbt nlgbt the silo door aets against a s boulder aDd tbe ,eDeral and myaelf were to place clay worked Into tbe con· C' _ _ !lfatency of putty In the Joint. The clay. Is placed on tbll bearing sUrface and tbe door placed over It. and wilen tbe pressure of tbe silage comes agalast tile door an alr·tlgbt JoInt Is obtained. Tar paller II suc~eserullY uaed. 'by lome I lIo'"'Owo·e l'l. eJther In striPI to cover tbe cracks around the doora or In wldtbs suftlclent to cover the entire door and lap a rew Incbes on tbe .110 walli. Not on I,. aboqlci tJie walls be tlgbt ,Ud rigid, . but they should allO be perr4lctly ,mooth on the Inside to per· ~I' the alla«e to Bettie wltbout form· I'!. air pockets, whIch' caule Ii cel1a1o ·amount of the ad'ohUn, IIl1age to rol : tratl~i'e ~.. e been. caused b,.



wall, and In fact th", wo.l!s or tbe enUre sil o, should be aa smootb as possible. U due c,are Is lIsed In tamping lIle silage during tbe :-::lIng. do ora wh lCn extend Into tile silo are not a senou. obJection. tbougb Perfectly tlus b doors are certainly an advantage. A. verUesl wall 18 lbe only satlsractory wall to use, as a wall Inclined outward will support the silage to a certain extent and pre\'ent It settling .atlsrllctorlly. tbuB creating air pockets. Wben the wail Is IDcllned Inward tbe silage will settle away from It. In the cllse ot concrete alloa wIth taper ed wall.. tbelle sbould be vertical on tbe Inside. Bea t rtlsu lts"are obtruoed wbere the silage la untrormly distributed tbrour;hout the silo and la carefull,. packed near tbe walla and nTound tbe door. by trampIJir;. Care sbould be taken tba t tbe beavy and light por. tlons s ball be uniformly mixed. 80me silo owners are of the QPlqJon that a great amount of tramping III unnoce •. Bary. bllt lhe InVestigation. 01 lbe writers would IndIcate that wb,1'tl tamping W[lB not followed OJ ere 11'11.1 I\lwaya a certalo amount of spoiled silage aOlt that tbe money spent ror labor used In tboroughl)' rramplng tbe allage III tbe ella ,.'ben h'lIed brouGbt good returna. In localities wbere freezing occurs. It Is necessary to construct the silo so as to preven t. as rar as possIble. rreez. In : or Lbe silage. It 18 dlftlcult to make a comparison between tbe mer· It8 of tbe various types of silos In thts respect. owing to the Inability to t1nd tbeUl under like conditions.: FreeZtng of silage Is due to loss of beat, Itr.t througb tbe silo waU; second. to .OJe air In contact wltb tbe feeding lur· face. Tbe first loes may be reduced by ullng a non·conductlng wall In tbe sUo. aDd tbe second by preventing tbe cIrculation of air above lbe IIlIall:'! In tile silo. Any kind at 8n atr apa~ will par· tlaUy prevent freezing. depending upon bow little the air circulates In lbla space and alBo upon how mucb con· .dueling maUlrlaJ Is required to tie tbe He-Wben we are married we will outer and Inner walls togetber. Uve on bread 8lIId Usscs, won't we" The King and Gueler Sl10B were darling? . among tbe first to make use of an air Sbe-Ohl I don't like bread. space to provent 10118 of bea~ tbrougb .! the Willis. but t he air space8 were eo I MRS. SELBY I~ND PRIZE BABY deep tbat clreulatlon of air tram the "I have always used Cutlcura Soap and no other tor my baby and he bas Dever hacl a BOr'l) at any kind. He doel not -even - c!taf~-as-mOll t- babtelt· dd. I teel eure tsla t It Is allowing to Cutlcura Soap. for be Is flne and healthy, and wben flve months ole!. won a pr1.ze In a baby eontest. It makes my beart ache to go Into .0 many homes and see a Bweet·faced baby with the wbole top of Itll hea4 a sol1d maas ot s4~uri, caused by poor 8Oap. I alwa,.s recommend Cutloura. A. Incorrect Method of Constructing and Dine times ~lUt of ten the Dext time I Bee the mother she Baya: '0111 Silo Foundation, B. Correct Methr am so .Iad you told me of Cutlcura.' " od. C. Ground Lll\e. (SIgned) Mrs. G. .... Selby, Redondo top t.o the bottom at the wall wu )leacb. Calltornla. Jan. 16, 1911. quite free and readily transmltteCl Althou,b Cutlcura Soap a~d Ointbeat rrom wall to wnll In tbJa man., Di'8nt are .old eVie rywber'e, a sample neT. of :each. with aZ-page book. will be IDratl.d free on application to "CuU· aura." Dept. 20 L,. B'oatom








ExplanatlonL MI.....wlosoui 'lof a - poetical turn Wblcb are tau of opln\on one .bould .", protesior: "'Summer til...• or !o ;i ) '. ) ' f . . • . • "8uP.l~er _ fte,. tOO . ' ........ be T~ 1':rom til. Home-' "'baent.Mlnded !Profel.or (l'I'eat on .l Growo C ....P a04 B.rle4 in . J»ita-YteI4 .• • Very en~molog)')-Tb8 two lpecleS, III}' Small. If~v 10un, lad,. It.., entlrel, ~11~nct. Now, tbe commonl boulle fty- ' Tben ,owlnr to the lobg drought 10 tbe Wf!; hav.e a kaflr ·.eorn topper wbll'b be won4ered wb,. .be eue!denl, o·p en· lal'ae -pqtato.growlnr states. the cl'qP' w~ use lQ top cane, ~~ h: ed a converll~t!olli with tbe 1QU~ :11 very .bort and price. are ,ust making It. two stralgbf blalies trom.:.= I maR 011 her· rlgbt.--London Sphere. Him UnCI., Arre.t .a O. double what tlley were 't hle time 1I\8t old stalk cutter were Uled. ono bolted .--' """"---year. Well.lnformed commlllsion men onto a: piece of 2:14. tbree feet long. A Matte,. of Conatltutlon . •• rter." .. d tb bl d f t.e e! I ·'Tbere's no u.e talking about wom· , ~.t ~ped ~t~t~1 will . sell tor an e upper a e 118 ne to t at en making tbemlelVeB tbe eqaul. of wa1ldill baok aDd forth In fr~ni t'6. lUI) re!' t'leb~1 next .prlng. one end with a bolt. A. wblcb allows meD. Tbe, never' can do It. It'a a h.adCJu~ra ta.lldq tba matt.r will be acanle. ., . t ho two Imlves to work ll~.• Icillor mere watter ot constitution." When .b. abruptl,. Itopped and :r~e"t )I,tte." ~~ tltt tru~l:ora ILnd "How do you make tbat out? It bal "Capt. Panon•• I wllb yot) would tell .arli~, ~deners wOu,ld ~e .to seled been demon8frated Ibat women can ale wbat you .ould do If the' cil!a w.. out ,tram the home·gro:wn crop as endure bsrdsblps even 1Il0re Itoleall1 one tbat' rllQulred action by ,.ou." man, bushels aa they will nee<l nnd tban men." HI., qu,.tlOD ~. .tly ,'toolt in, breatb !Jury them In pita lug· In blgh. I\ry, "Oh. I don't mean It that wa,. Ther a.,a,. Ther. . . . a brigadIer I'eneral ..round. jU8t berore the ground ,,111 ahra,.. walt for the change. eyen "Irtu.lly uklng 11 captain In one of freeze.. Make tbe pits 20 Inches It !t doean't alUoUont to more than a bl. reglmenla to tell, blm wbat to do. deep. 12 Inche. wide and liS lonl( II. ~ cent." I old: "Gen. L,Ue. 8j. you bave asked may be needed. Select· medlum.sized. u..n me I will ' tell ' ~o\J . frankl, , wbat I Bound. smool·b.aklnned potatoeR. nil Pain and Sweninl'l aeldom indicilte In· ·d tern,,1 oT'lltanic trouble. They are QlUall,. would do If It· wi.e my caae: I .,oul tbe trencb level rull, cover top wltb the rellult of local cold or in8ammation , lend Uie maD to Gen. Rose~ranl' bead· 81x Incbel at long straw. evenl,. Inlet Han.dY Tapper for Kaftr Corn. which can be quickly removed by HaDlIill8 iluarter. wltb direction. tbat be: ne on. tbon cover with one foot of eartb blades. Two cleats are nailed at each Wizard Oil . taken to tile ••neral. If be balds Uen i.IId plow ' n deep', rurrow two feet end of lbe 2x4 to ttt over the edge Few Hen. In I!:nghlnd. Ro.ecrana' pu. that oftleer ,wOllld out t~om tbe JIlt on each IIe!e to 'lftrrr of the wagon box. One man 8tands III Itngland baa on,. ben to tbe acre know a C once wbetber It Is I6nulne olr tbe aurtaee water. Open tbe fl!r· the . wagon ' and works the topper of terrItory. , or not." . roWI at eacb' end 110 tbe wnlE'r 'lllft while anotber lilts the bundles of corn Without • JDbmei1t nf b.,attJl.uo!t·! MlD, orr qulckl,.. The top of pit ahllll'C! Rnd PUt8 them tn. The bead8 wher Q,en. :Qtle.' call"' au ~rderly ~n!l dl: be . coy~red wltb one foo~ or straw.. cut tall Into tbe wagon. reeted lba\. it wo·b!ouuted·loldlera. Wltb manure. leaves 'or ' rotted 8trnW. just u ext... .bor... report to blm ·;tI'ltbout before sllvere weatber l! ~t!' ..Iu. Pota· The Valul of Duck EglIl. delay. ' reported be dlr~ct"d. \DeIl '1"t1! ' keell 8~und,a.n~ ioJld In p\ts • Nearly nil gooll eaters In Engle , cba~Re of Hoyt .a nd 10 conlltructed . . ·Tbe bouse cellar Is Gen. ROBecrans' bead not a good' place t~ ~ ,tor.e ~~d pota· and on the contlp,en~ rell8b duck egJ;B oven more tban the ~ens' eggB. '1UI.",:~... . .;II,bt~ee· 0 miles o\ivay. , tOP. •. os It II usuall, too worm or ton at odce (ound thDt dnmp.. Medlum..Jled seed potat·Oett ,Propetly ' fed (on "sweet, ,clelln graIn ,teen' Bturr witb pure water tbe duc" ."my. IIple8 ill ~b.~tJ at th.e (larly- vllHetle . inay now ~ produces ' eggs. tbat,. are dellc\oul. , be pleased. Ttle, at the . produ!le yuda In , Tbe. RunneT duck lays' bette, V4#X~d . 201 ··tor U;2ii per .:~\I~~ei~ , R«!tl!l~ althougb tbe Inl ' 'tbe : tlme .'tif ...buf-W,l!~ 1 ...... AII .... favor In tbe Onltt~ . , ranroad rre,l lbte .· at ., Ita ., '!>ure w~lti ' '. " ,4,i " I '. "'~' ,

C. '"'I\T.5





-rhere'l DO Question about It." laid Scrlbblelgh. "England Is the place ror an autbor to Uve In who willhes to write perfect Engllsb. We become How Dr. Derby's Kidney Pills Un- merely tbe expression or our environ· Ulent, afte r all. I(nd I wlah to do my failingly Restore Kidneys and work In B.D _ atmoaphere in- ..1II.hlch tbo Bladder-Cur~ ~cumatism laDguage 1 use for the expression or - Trial Package Free I my Ideas Is spoken In all its pristine puplty. Do you not agree w~b me, Ev~ry one Im.ows rheumatism is CJl11.Scd b,. Lord Mlggleton 1" excess of uri c add In the system. The "By Jowve. you're bally rlgbt, old poisonous accumulation i. there became the top!" replied bls 10rdBhlp.-Harper·1 k idne)'~ (all to fi1.ter it from the blood. Kidneys are diseased, too weak to perform Waekly, tbelr (ull duty. Rubbed Hard. Naturally the thing to do Is to restore the The Vanus of Milo explained ber kidneys to nonnal- them extract mll8tD~ arms. lind expel the uric ILCId polson. That'. "I trlee! to get the tan off," sbe aaid. bow to really cure rheumatism-Ihn'e'" lID Herewith she rejoiced IIbe hac1D't olhw way. u.ed tbe same metbod on her necli:.TIlat's be" Dr. Derby's Kidney Pills cure. Harpr'l Bazar. That 's why their cures are II01I"SI,. not make. believo-'pN'lIIanme, Instelld of IaatlDg only !. Que.tlon of Art. wbile the effect of tll e mediclne loatll. ''WaB that play you apeak at bllbl,. No malterwhat t'be form or rheumatlsmarticulor, i nl1ammalory. muscuia.,,","wbether artlatlc and poetical!" asked tbe lirl In your back (lumbago), your feet (gout), wbo polles. 'Or In any part of the body - there's c;ne "I don·t belleTe It oould haye baen," remedy you can fLbsolutely depend upon . l'8plled the Ilrl wbo la trank. ". un· One thllt not only litop! every ache and pain, derlltoad and enjoyed ever,. wor4 of ·but lhat banlshea tbelr cauae. It." Dr, Derby'. Kidney PiUs drive out the polson. - cleanse the clogged kldneysThe Happier Age • Itl'englben and la'9igorate them, IlO tbey do Tbe Bronze Age man cbuokled. their work as N.tUJ'B Intended. If troubled "If I was IItoel. I IUPPOIIS tba, with any rheumatic condition, any kidney or urinary trouble" don't delay treatment would dissolve me," he cried. Herewith be rejoiced be dldn't live 0011 bour I There are no aliments more deatrucUve - ttoat so quickly lead to (alai too late. results -If not proomptly checked. 0.-. DerbJ'. Klein.!)' PUr. are 1014 UDder a CoDitipation eou_ and IIerioualy aare· ,.,.ilive cuaranlee. Om";.t, are authorized to ntea many di.e&ae.. It i, thorouchly ,dun4 money In cue or dioaatiofactJOll. Pricu, cured by Dr. Pierce', Pelleh. Tiny IlUPr· :1St and SOc. Sample ~tkace free, If yGu'd eo&ted ttranulel. . tile. to try lb .... finst. At druaalata. or IleDt 41kct by Derby Medicine Co., Eaton Ilapidl, The Humor of It. MidI. ; Stella-Were ,.ou sbopplng today? Bella-Yea. 1 ~ot 80me thln,a to ex· OTHER PA :R T ALl. RIGHT. cbange.

Scoutln, at Ho·m .. '1'io thanka," .ayl ~be maD wltb _ . grizzly mustacbe. "I 'd like to Indulp In a Uttle game (If poker, bllt ' 1 tblnk I'd best.o home." says bls rrlell& "Nonsense!" "Whst's cbanged you allot a IU" · d enT" "We ll. 'OU llee. my son baa Jolneci tbe Boy Scouts. and the IltUo ralcal bas become 80 shre",d tbat he caa tell by wbere by bat 111 just what time I came In t'te nll'bt before." Judge. No Jury. "Dldn't you give that man a Juq trial?" "Look bere." repl ied Broncho Do'~ "tbere &In't a bIg l('lt 0' men In tbW ABettlement. · We couldn't polllbl, . 12 of 'em together ..'Ithout Itartln' a fatal argument .hcY,Jt somathln' tbat bad uoblo' wbatever to do wltb Ua.


c ......

Illent Innuendo. "Tbat woman always speak. tlll4lr of otbera." "Yea," replied Mias Cayenn.: "but Ib" afwaYI doel. It In suoh a wu .. to Impl,. tbat lbe Is maklo, lome t . rible mental re.el"Vatlon8."

Could Hardly Hear


8.n..a of Tllte and amen At.· Grea~ly :Impal,.d. . "I ....... .filleted, with catarrh." wri. Etuene Flirt-. ;Lebanon KaDae. "I ~ooJt. ..ey~l · dilr~nt midicill8l, each 'a filII ·trl.I, ,but IP'IIW I could bardlY bear, .tnlte or ...D. WBII about to Klve u~ in d~ bot . . . luded to try -11004_ ,SanaP&riua. Att.. "'tnkinl three bottlea of tbl. medlctDe J 'WBII 'cured, Ind. have not had &Dt I'Itva of the ~se." , Hood', Sarsaparilla effecta radical . . . permanent curet! of catarrh. . Get it tDday in DIn" liqai4 .... WlIlalow·. 8oo1ll11l. 8yru p tor Cbl14reD t.eethln •• .otten. the IUmll. redu~e. ll1tlamm. chol:OlaUd tableta 'c:alled ••, . ... b . . uoo. aIIa7. pain, cllI'ea _11Id collc.1$c • bun,Do

w_ "?t'

rona •

After all, roung women judie a man more b, hla accompllahmenll Ulan b,. ""bat he baa accompllllhe4.

MarrIage III a conttl\ct-and there are loll of enntract Jumpers. Ev!!ry tIme you meet a groucb band It a lemon.



' .,





.uu_u!~~~~~i~~~r.~~od _~~~~....::~~--= ·!-Ab;u--t---P-~--p-i-;-'-'I· Beech Grov~.

, Lytle


- - - - - - - - - - .• -

Bart Kelly. of Cincinnati. spent J . II. 8taoy and witt! lIpt\nb Mun Bave 'YUU Rot a little blue bO w Sunday with relatives here. d .IY "Ith their SI)n, Bett aDd family. yeH Mr•. CAsto haa gOD8 toDay&on &0 Every bodv Is gettlog ready for Met!SI'lI. Chas: 'Stansberry and "lleD4 the winter with h6r daugh the Corn and Ponltry show. Orange Raper are in Dayton today. t t'r . Frank Sbank la getting better. Idd Clark, of Wayne8ville is visit. Albert Helpmyer ba8 bonght a Mrs. Jas. Vandervoort and eon ng 1111 broth'!r, Ohal'1ee. new horlle. were guests of Lebanon relatives'last The Snndl" &hool Will meet at . 8 . F . Linooln. of Lebl1non , spent wook. Abl. Harry MoGlnnis' next Friday Sund"y at bl8 farm bere. e vening to prlloti06 Singing Clint Ward and Wife, of Miher U. H. Kf'nrlok. of Cent erville Don't forget to patronize the topenUSunday with t! H Htlinel and Grove. lipan' Sunday atterooou with market at the township House next S~ U~ Mrs Amanda Garner Bnd daughter · family . MI88 Jelilie. ~~~~ Horace Foolirl met wi,b a serlou8 L . U . Chllee and wife ate their ftootden' tSalurday morning. He Young Onions, Rad~8he8, ran against a botlrd runDlnr a splln Sunday dlnDer with Frank I:Jhank and wife. Parsley, Cranberries. ter to hil e,e. Our 'soiJO'l' teaoher, Misl Marie ' :rhe 6rat Qaar~rly Conference Celery, Oranges, Grapes, will be held at J~ytle ohuroh next Starr Ipent 81ltnrday 8nd t:tu!lda, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gilmourspent It Pineapples, ~'urday a' 2 :30 Oommunion with her home folks near BarveY8. Sunday with bis sister. Mrs. Mary ~r"lce will be at 3 0'0100)( 00 Sun. borg. Nuts, Bananas, Figs, Mrl. Mabel Terry Hpent HDnday Decker. in Lebanon. day. Dr. S. O. Royal, ef Dayton. will preaoh. . afternoon with Mrtl. MI\ry Mannon fact, ~verything that goes to make up a Thanksgiving dinner, M,... BaJhel LAne, of Clnolooati, d Ohurohville Mrs. Warren Barnett. ·Mrs. Col. Grocerltes The MisseS" {..aura, Myrtle and We · have the uoods and our haa been vtll&lng a' the home ot U · Wilbur Clark for the pAat two weeks Lillie Kibler aDd brother Guy. of ~:,=: !?~!';~n~r::~rt were priCeti are ria:ht. Karton Duke, ,)f Dayton. ' lpeot Green Briar attended ohnrch here Mand.., wUh hia fa~her who la qui&e on Snnday eveDlng. Mias Leola Hatfield and George ill . Jeeale sDd Alma 8aJ n888 and Sneetben, of Lebanon, spent Sunday brother Raper liIpen' Sunda, after II... Benha Kenrlok of Waynes noon with Esther, Mary IlDd Pauline with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zell. ville, wu the gUll8t of Mn. LeeSer Edwar,d l. Keprlok on Wedneaday. For Sale-A Jersey cow, fresh. ~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _" _ _ _ _ _ _• • •_ _ _• _ _ _ Ed "honahan. wife and son, of Rev. 8 . W. Campbell will begin nellr Wellman, and Mrs ChOll Car For information, call on ~eth Fur· ~ -=~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!T!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! II serlll of revival meet-Inga here = 80n and two ohlldren. of 'Mllford, nas, R. D. 3, Waynesville. Ohio. next ~unda, evening. He will be epent ~unday with Mr. and Mn. U . W. C. T. tJ. NOTICE ItMlliaed part of. the tlml by Mr. OlassUled Ada A lecture course coupon was picked AN APPEAL TO THE VOTERS nany c.impbell, of O..y&ou. who Is 8 . 8hanahan. ·K . E. Thompson "pent Sunday up on the street Monday. Owner quile an able ei nRer All are cor The regular mef!tiDg of the W. C. dlaJl,. invited to "tltlnd the8e I18r afternoon with the Hnlfman bo"8 can A'et the same by coming to this Prosecutor, presented to the lasttwo T. U. will be beltl at the home of at Olive Bnnoh. • Ada · w lU be luaerted unlSet' 'blR bead for vtoa.. office. grand juries-all the testimony that ·Mrs. J. A. Funkey, Friday afternoon, twcnly·flvo ce nts for .brec I ll8CIrUou. Dan.. Soiar, . wire aud 80n. of Mn. B . ·M. Clark haa beeo quite wben Ullnl DOl' more tban live lines. could be obtained in the eounty that December 1st. . near Olive Branob. called on K . E. poorly for the puS week. . You can get ice cream and fruit woul:l convict any 'citizen of boot·leg. • _ ...- - • • • • ~% • • ~.u ••• ~ sod wife OD Sonda, cake for your Thanksgiving . •lin~er, w• • &lloe" Earnhart and wife and Thompeon morning. ging or violating the liquor law and LEONARD 'PROPERTY SOLD &rt ~Ycy an.\ wife motored to FOR RENT by leaving your order with W. C. Bert Williams, 01 Ollve Branob, but very few indictments were reClarksville and New Vieona on Philips. led tbe Young People'l meeting on turned. P. E. Kenrick bought the ·Leon· W~n8edaJ'. laa' Hunday evening aDd Lon Bran. ~-~.------After full consideration of all sidea ani property eold .recently, but last rx>a RENT-Farm of 1I1S aorill. Mrs. Jane Sides received Monday nOD will be t~e leader out Sand '1 New' Burllnpon and pha.qes of the question, I can see week it passed . into the hand• . of .. good ImprovemloM, 16 .. oree, of evening. the sad intelligence'of the llieath of no reason why our county should vote Danl. Woollard. The consideration whea$ and II aor .. at rye loel witb · Protraotecl meeUiap a. the i'rlende Jed Vanmeter hae moved onto tbe M1'8. JOB. Rboades. of Kanaas Ci~. place. Oalh rent. Apply to C. G for the return of the saloon. . was $600. . Hur'* place. . charoh cloeed .delayevenlng. WlllialDlon, aynelYlIle, Ohio whicb occurred last week. . -. : . \ Now 18 a IPOod time to aub<orlbe .... Sarah Baydook epent " part OWNERS OF DOOS TAKE .NOTICE LACKSMITd SHOP 100d loea of .... wt!8k with ber friend Mill for 'he . Miami ~.~'te and keep The Ladiea' Aid the M. E. MASS TEMPERANCE MEETINGS . . POited about the great Oorn aDd churcb will give an old·fashioned so . ' Ion. Inquire at tbil oftloe . . BeleD Bania In BarveYlborg Owners of dogs must keep . tbem The Wayne Township ADti-Saloon lin. T. 0. Haydook la '!I.e IUN' Poul,r1li1how. cial at the home of Dr. and M1'8. J. T • • off my 'place on account of the abeep. ~~ n1aU".tn Wilmington. LEarie will hold a meeting in the Ellis Thanksgiving nigbt. Coqte. ..301. Batled,. wbo bae beeD In ,C. I.ewia. LOST sclilool house at Corwin, next Monday poor "...lth' for _veral monthe, 18 ev, e ning, Dec. 4th, to diseuss the Is. Chaa. Taylor, of Cincinnati, and • maoJa wone~ · Bevlnl 881'vloel opened ., the : Spring · Bi'aneh Cbai. ~ Ioea.hower, w)lo with bt8 U. B. ohuroh KODda, evaDIDg with Wm. Taylor. of Columbus, Rttended IU'es of the coming "wet and dry" POCKJ!:TBOOK OIlntainlng a el.~tion, Rev.J F. Cadwallader will the Hamer Wills funeral Wedne8day, ·falpily moved w Port William a tow Rev. Reber. the new pester, In ob~k .or tar and other valu,,· IIi.. AltOl" Ohenoweth and Roea , mODtua,o, II .af Ua.e home of hie oharge. Eyer, O.U 18 cordially io. and made Mahlon Rid~e a call b&- be the spealuir tor the occasion. a Davl. epen' laeUJanda,. nr, plea. ble paper.. Finder will plea8e reo 'alher. ha poor bet.1th. t. _ yned to atlend. I . quartette will N, present. Every- aDtl,. wltb Mr. aod Mn . Tim HOlUb 'uro 'he book to A. 8. Sid ... fore train time.,Ohto. . Wm. Lumpkin w.. oalled to Iowa lin. 9ara!a Jeeney. who baa beeD body is especially urpd to be pres- and family . . teoeD'~ .by 'he death ot1ila mother. I8rlO118ly 1Il all lammer, I. undergo. Miss Edna Satterthwaite and lIu- ent. Come alld bring all 'your Mee<I&me.t Raobel AOlthl aneL Mr. aDd .1IC'i. BaymoDd aeevea lnl treatment at tbe 8e&betda hotl · Amanda Smith, Mil888 Rebecca ter Kenneth Conn;of Sprina'field, frlerldB with you. If Warren County lpe~ &l1e . wiIlter with Mn. pttal ID' Clnolnnatl. , II'ORSALE Cre"mer, A)tce ph.n~we'b aDd Beena' ~'.Un%eDia. . 3. K. Spenoer lef. Taeeday morn . came Tuesda.7 evening to apeod is to remain "dry" tbe temperance Cele tta AustlD aUen4811 a 10l'priee :,~,B~mao ~ been tbe IDg for ·.n uteaded lWo), ill Texu. Thankqivina holidQa witb Mr. and forellB must work and work hard. J08eph EnDlla" To~y ~ Arrangements are on foot for a f.tne.& ,0( ill ~Iombu" 1\In. Geor,,, Mote · aud IlOna, of MrS. Israel SatterthwAite; Mn. Erank Hees t. 'he ,08111 of ' 1;;;, !loa.~~ . :r~ ., . Oohlmbhl, tpen' Sonday ' wltb ret.. 'NIO& Dome. Wh'feln three and • - • rousing temperance meeting to be lier mother, lira . Clin' Grubb, of . attvee bere. the Pltat week. foar aCree·of ,roond In Wa.:rne'• . .: Corwin. DEIld at the M. E: cburch .. Tuesday I>a-An, ;r'" ville \ .HoQ88 hat tJ ~oom.a, .ummer II. . Luo111fl Nurten wae the week. Min EloreDce .Lao, ia spendlo, kitcheD, Milar. huD,.lable and CO" e~rerun~, 5t!t.. M~. C, E. El· end IIIIS' or Mrl Will NortoD. '. lin. Alice McKineey baa been vi.. dridge, ef CinCinnati, WIll be present a few1laYI with her all&er, ' lin. Ihed~ corD orib, •••on ,bed, ohiokeD The II"",, Mabel ~her"'ood and 1$1111 tbe put 'wo weeh "Ith \ ber with his stereontiean 'and a splendid B'1'8Dk Cook. . honae lind all al108l88r1' oa&b,u Uchlid lI:dna Spellolr were home fpr 'he daulh~1' ,in Daytou. • Of" •Alt.. Alice Chenoweth en&ertaln'ed See II. 1I0Klu)J, W."n.. ~lIe,O, • Thing. to .Eat week.lnd. JIiM AliCl! Cook ia ependiDI blr address is 8lmurecl. Good musIc will Mrl. FaDay Sqolrea ai1d III.. &Ill III'. aDd Mrl. Jonaa Groft enjoyed ThaDbgtvlog vacation at Foe&er. also be lurnisbed, Come and brillj' maCbeoo1,t'etblaetThorlday to din. 'ATBOROUGcIBRILDPOI&nd Obt•. .. vlalt' from the former'. faSber )IlS' wI'h her home 'olb. "aU your friends. AdmiEion FREE. ner; oa . Male Bog, lor Infornlllwelk. IIr.llnd Kra. Thomal Laoy liod "on, 'c"lorad~r... JI 8., . Bar' fteU87, of Qin.olnnatl, If vou want Warren County to Our ItoM II chuck full of J'OOII lIeMtl. Hllrry and Garf 1I0Clel, 0;0 b~ilUl8ll ODe day 1..t week. m:a in' "dry" sho,w your 00101'8 by famUy enter.tamed Mr .. add Mre . Wa,oeavt~le, Ohic-. . , ' ~s tbat. &re. ri&'ht laDel aDd .uf. Drake, 01 KIDP Mill., . , Iltea LUUe Nedr.1 apen' Tbankl ooimilll' to this meeti~&, . ~d ~riDging Frank Cook. and ~augh&er, lIan~e, 10 iieuon. lpeDI one day lut week hantlDI trI'vlDK wISh bel' nephew, Joe MO r 'ev'erybociy else that you PoSsIbly and Mr .. and Mrs.' Guy (:,'IloDo".cb A : CL&BIIO'f Ooolf Stove; 100C\' with Frank Cleaver. . Co ~iln~a1 fJiuner. '. I • baker ·aleo'ClOal qll range; bo'!;. , F ....h OysteN Kinse, aDd family at Morrow. , 0 Wed esd ' ni D 6th --~-Mra. Ada,Datto bad u her guee.. JD roOO oO'dl'I~. laqulrl a' 'tita 'i Mr. and .loIn.' Ohaa. Brown Ilnd ' n. q • .8Y ev!! ~j ea. • in pmt.·= , and l, 2, 8, 6 gal. I ' '. family lpent Sull~y will,. Dan ~nr. a meeting Will be held m I:.ytle Hall, Mr •. Geo1'Cia Gordan on Baturd..,... oftlOO. , Spr'ng Valley 1CIUI!'I Btoek, sona meat. Mr •. Kn.· Cbeoowe'b entlr. .. ' , ' face aDd famlly. . L,tJe. in the interest of .tbe same I t<' ~ fOlJet .e will have a 1'U1."[~BLQOri Dnroo Je....,. 'Jarp auppi.J for '111anbaivlrur. , A Dllmber of relatt",a and frl8llQ Wprel 11... been received here from ~use GOod ..aPeake~ arid goo'O tatned M.r . oUpet Ohenoweth. ot " boar, .el,b' ,bout lOO" aDd.10 jour order an4 "WDl very pl...aotly aUrprleed Ill'. Del Sp~e, Wuh., of 'he m~rrI~ge of Pl~C ~ aasured. · Co~e If you low., OD'l'dday Dight' Mi. and lira. Boy Cbenoweth and 80".. Ia'qal~ of · Thad 'Z!mlDft, dill.... ·t:be goods. IIr•. A. O. MendellhaJl Jae' Frlday Ra"mond HarlaD. Be "eo' Welt ~; if you can't come; lend some.IIl1l8 Alice Chenoweth w,," " ~~ mail, ~~"I"81YllleI JO~~ . eveDln&,. · .', a few y.n alO and w.. sUOO8l8f,.1 b....Ay ' . Fancy larp Cranberri-. fresh _II!' ~~ '&vaneia vlaltlngl'. B . hi drawlDg a luora'lve,. olaim ··OD , ~ .... ' . . -----'-' trUB8b of Kr. "nd .. n. J'raDk Bams plUO lor .... le or ~t. 1aqulr erisp • Celery, new Malqa Evanl and wife of Springfield. . wbioh be and bla wits now Ih,.. aD4. r.m~b' to 8~nd\,y ,IUDD~r. .' hi,aftloe. " , . 1 , ~ " SHOW '1'9VR' cOLORS Gr,pea, Toka Grapes, Ottawa. Kr. Frank Hawes weD" on s.t1lJ'J .'" '. '. ) • • ' .ra Benhey re'ul1led J'ri. 11ft'. ... Graef 'vlll~ ber IraDd.; .' .. , , . ' . , ! h 9dnrapes. , Pineappl., ;n~w­ clay'from a vtalt 10 Sprio/rfleld.' ''',' '. parente in D&yWD reoeDtly: . Flon. OI'aDi'tlB, Banimas, .' T~;' th~; W~)lnen,~ Warr.en County: . , day to,. )J~Wel'8Vllleto~~cbi~' br~t~t· ,nnt' HAL'm-7.Ro..' C".omb ~ODl. ,'t , The ,hlrd numwl',of ' ,be ")eo'urd ~,N~at~.D Ullw8s, 1!b0f" ·I1~~~._ .' I" '"" ; a8d $9oItarll,or will ' _ ..: ooone, Sidney LandOD, .Charao&er be~D~U?:'~~':: n!~~a::l:::OV~~ .~ilJ ybu be,a Bhie ·RibbOn w~~8rT . Mills Allee ()b.eno.w et'ti eDt~r'aln~d c!Jan8 8 for blne. Inquire of D. ; • . ' . New ~aq(t.shel1 ~&'liab..Wal. Anilt Wall eajoyed by lill. 'l'he Dex' . Mi.. Marla Stau' la vtll'mg frlenda WtlJ. you abow your c~101'81 Do you ·M~ . Ca.per . Chenowetb, of Iowa, OD Meea . ' .Tliurma.,.. . ' ' . ". , . . , \ nutll, new Fi&'s, Dates; Raisins, w1l1 be a IllQtore, December lIS". Dear New 811rlllll&on. want Warren~untyto~ai!l Dry? t.'urranta, Cftron.lliDee M.t, IIr. and lln. ClaytoD 80llen 'and Mr. 'OIiDt Qrubb,-' of, Da,&OD, 11.. 811 t. N.' Batfield pr~PIl't:r . oft Mre. ~raef apen' l!everl\l da11 )ut Shall w~ p,ot;e¢t oar bomes ~d our new Dried Peach.. Dew Cod obUdreo were guetlte over, SUllday I'rankUn Jload. Inqat're bf. week in L'inotnnatt. · . . ' 6oYJl? We m., not vote; .we may beeD. spend~gtbe Pelt week "lth Fiab, new Mackerel, new Bom. Jof Ds"ton relattv8jl. Charlie 'f1ldd~~ .;!D.d hanllne p~~ David N. , 100nll lOS · IMlo".&oD. ·iny, MacLaren'8 Cauda 8tyle Our little vn~e la potUl1g OD WMr a blu(! rib~n bow an~ . sho~ I.. Ave ..• Da,,'OD; O. .' "Nippy" Cbeese. new mild , lin. Ida Mendenhall la ea20yiDg qDire a hoUday attire, are trUe. Will you? . , " , .. " .. .. I ' , '\ mit with relatlvea lu New Bur. . " " .... tur.II)'. . . , Cheese. Bologna, new aUnllon., Mrs: Howard lames W. J. Kilboo II sbippIDi poult" • "BftutT dOcton 'ar.' lupe$jal F&Ao1.·8~R ~~ aud PlUo.a .ure Buckwheat, new Apple , ,,1'8. 'ilar~ Settl'emyer lin. W, D ADabee w•• the IU.' to New York o1cy. He hal ahlpped Butter. men." : \. " '. Ale. Inquire 'or lIame T• . , leveral thonADd poundl. . Mrs: ' E dward'Jeff Thol'lCla, of Xebia ,frlftnds. ,. "Why are tl\et'" ;. . 1 '. . Brow~ •.~o 8 , .••-2, Wa7nelVlIle,l ' l:>~ ';" Tbe Pan Hand'e bouse ta dolDI . . . " ry . Just received 1000 lbs PUle Buck• 'uBeeawJe tJieT II..,," tab PI01I~ . Mrs. Robert ADdenoD Is very qulle a 'bri'(lDg baalDeu. IIr. (;JharJea Huffm&f:l . at': lhelr face·'nJue." ", • , " . W -" ". .:.. wbeat, 5 lb. ttags 2Oe, 10 lb. Ilok. O MoC'ra" makee -' 'very Benta) aDd 60; Hl()me Commi"~ of the Olive Branch -.-.l .beab. ~oo;:r for ~II. ,lB' '. , bags4Oc. Mr. WIlIOD Compton remalna commoda'lnl laDdlord. .. q~~ of' Mo..r .. Browil, Wal!.~ '. . Ladies Aid. , ,. ' t , . '. ~ '. .' h' Gaze" D8B"t1I1~, Pblo Phone ~ 1y.. . . .,. New Sweet Pickles. qt. jars 15c aboot the 811tmft. S ..b8eribe .d)r t e He . . .'., . " '., Mias Looisa FaltenoD WIIfI lbl N~w Prepared Mustard, qt. OLD F~SHIONED SOCIAL NOTICJ!' TO lHON1ERS. Jars ................ - .. ..... ....... lOc luest Muoday iD Xenta of Mis8 Helen IGS-Two. ' male 'plp: '·Bay .. • Compton. The Ladies ' Aid soeiety .if the ~~~~~~;.~~~~~~ beeil IDqolll_kd "phiat obol . . , Get the habit and trade at . We, ·the undeiaianed~ ~tlve)y ... . :'.,~" Homer Barnett and wUe are tbe M. E. church will bold a social . 1 ' er... lDqait8 of '1. &'tedhw,lse '.' puents of a IUtie daughter. ail buntlflg . or treePaasine , Notle• of .4PpollltDient, W"I)~vllle, O.b lo. n.. . 'J , Thanla;giving night at tbe bome of ~ ~ I ,~:, I ! ' , ' \ Mr. O. W. Anabee WIIS a Dayton Ulton 9ur pr~miaes o. r . t .. Dr. J. T. Ellis. Everybody is cor· vl.Itor Monday. ~ oi. ~~ ald..; ld~ . . The JUl- roB SAJ&-2 CY;I~ ' 8_to';er.·', . 1a111V prohibiting the ·. ame Will dially invited to attend. f1Jea~':t~Il:l J:' nearlv new; faw Pbllo oolqpi\:' &tIrictly enforced:A goolli old-fashioll.ed time insured l!·ot~~=~A. ~. 1811. WO;~'~h~~~o~~daliWO 'bfe,'l_!. '".~" for aU. , • . .. li. JlcKINSEY, Bxecuklr. . 1 ~ ,'(7orderottheProb.~Judp. Roob. obeaptr sold lOOn. RDueU , Parlett, LebaDon, 0., R.I'. D. 2. . ANNUAL CORN SHOW

For Thanksgiving


Your Thanksgiving dinner will no.t be complete without these. They are better this year than ever.




H a'

a Supply

fresh Vegetables frUI S f9ncy



KILBON "_I. __.I_"___"_.___





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Dr. J. W. Miller is quite sick.





Harry Sherwood waa in Dayton 1'0 Lbe Editor oltbe Miami GllieLlo MM. J, H. Smith was in Dayton Tuesday. Some of the most jDspirinll To Lhe Miami GueLW: Tuesda~. helpful friend~ that have\ come .into Hear Sylves ter A. Long at School ' Dear Gazett e-Alth ough not cer· . .. 0 my life first became known to me Hall, Monday evening. WaI~er Elzey 18 at home 81Ck wIth tain of the proprietors of the Gazetle through the medium of mutual the grIppe. since the days of Drew SI1't'et and friends. My mental temperament, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell were Mr. and Mrs. T. J . Brown, Lhe nam Mrs. L. ('). ThompBOn has been on ' in Cincinnati Tuesday , likes and dislikes, idiosyncrasies and 'the sick li"t. Miami Gazette and tho! associations ... nature being well known to a friend, St• Marv 'G with ' the mention of it, s UI'ld WI'11 mee t a t th e that arise . he perchance WM equally well ac. recto o~ Thured afterno A, · Maffit transac ted business in on. however might fi ttmgiy be compared ry q uainted with BOrne one else. He be. Dayton ]ast,Fri day. ay so far W! I am concerned to Stephen . CompetI. . Heves we two would readily become Mrs. F. B. Sherwo od &ad childre tion n Open Decatu r's toast; "My Country! May to the World . • At School Hall Monday evening. I were in Dayton last Friday . congenial and 80'T prinp us together. she ever be right, but righ t or The introducJion is the ·betrin~ing . of hear Sylvester A. Lon.g. wrong, My Countr y," an d wh'll ethe !'Irs ..J. E. Janney and daug~ter, purpot'e of this the develnpmellt of fond and"]asting Mrs. Cynthia Evans was"n Dayton I writing is the hope MISS Edna. were in Dayton Friday. of temporal benefit, I can not refrain ties. . Both' are .the--'appreciaiive Thursday, the guest of friends . POUL TRY EXHI~IT-MASONIC ROOM Wm. Thorpe, of Dayton, was in from adding a touch of that feeJinabeneftciaries the ,. friend who , S. G. Gase, Judge. Roy Hathaw , brough t them tojret-her. ay, Superi ntende nt. " WaynesVille Monda yand Tuesday. of love anrl pride in the old Mrs. W. N. Newland spent sun-I home • an .. ~ble pe __ nl '.... r. day withl'e]ative8" ' That IS in Spring and associ'ates which will endure un' Valley· .~I~.... Born-T o Mr. and Mrs. Everet t til tillle shall be no more. CORN EXHI BIT-C ROSS HALL vice: the c~tion of fiiendsbiJ!ll'tha t Mrs. Wm. Hoblit, of Dayton, spent MEl Sat d . are to become clear Ilftd ~ent. Thanksgiving holidays with relative c Wef', ur ay eveDlng, a son, I am still preserving "the Souvenir s H. M. Snook and Frank Hartso ck, Judges . Frank Elbon, Get your carda . for the Poultry and Home Comin p' edition of Some of my 'clioieeet litenil")' ~m. here. the ~ SuperintendE!nt. radeships have been formed" ,in':just Show printed at the Gazette office. Gazette, and even at the presen ' t this way-t he 'ID~ucta0n ~y " 'lnU . Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gilmour and , time on perusin g its pages the tual friend .. FlJrhoOp are; or daught er were in South Lebano 'Mr. (:. E. Bratton , of Kinp Mills, "Tears unbidden start" . when memo n spentSundaY ,withfr iend8in Wayne e-. orp recalls some touching inciden Mould be, frjend wi~ alttqe Irr&da· Thursday; , t. ville. tions of atte~hme'nt. ~ ~e in . hu· Th.) account of school with its Miss Edith Mosher has returne d $300,00 in cash and Prizes wUl be awarde d to wiDDers. man life. Mrs. A. B. Sides was in Hamilton "spelli ng bee," by children who . , ',' -' ' home after a pleasant visit with reI. .1, ' $50.00 in L:ash and prizes will be awarde d on com. I last Friday attendi ng the Poultry remem ber as men and women In Gelett "-Burg~s!, tascinabng atives in Cincinnati. when There are many fine birds bred every year on' the work-for children, "GOOPll," the lit ~how. I was a small boy. being one the farms of Warren and adjoini ng counties, and the owners tIe jlngi'8 on. bOo~ is: ' , Mrs. Etta Printz, df Dayton, was , touching incidents to me. fail to realize what they have, or their value. i Mr. F. B Henderso~ and Mrs. My Q!lsoclation with the old school . .' ' ' ' the guest Thanksgiving Oay of her If you have ed poultry of any variety , don't fail J. H. Coleman were m Lebanon is of a IRter date: but If you 1 ha91!1 a n,Uon . , brother, J. M. Taylor and wife. could to show. TWs is the only way t,o find out just how good Tuesda y. . The Books·on ~he]v. , hear me',rec ite frOID ~emory after a ".JSS' JU8tl'na Hartsock, of the b' d d Are ,just'aa much persona th d nd f d b' d . 1Yl Mr. and MI'Il. Jas. Stoops and son. lapse of 40 years, "The Prisone r your If s are, an e ema or goo As W8'ate. ouraelvea. 11' S IS never Holmes, of Dayton. spent Sunday University at Athens, Ohio, WB!! Debt." "Look on him t~rough for supplie d his home for the Thanks givin , g holiday s. E . Wh.r\~o~ ari. older, b' d bi d d d tJ' ld th h J d' . h with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stoopa. ' nter your 1r san atten prison irate, fee le sow. an co u glDg m t e e You'll find tbis true; . .. Miss Sybil Hawke and May StrajYn. . ' morning light comesy stealln g'roun d Poultry Depart ment will begin 1rhursd ay morning at 8 Mrs. Howard HopkIns, and !amdy him cliro. and late as if it loathed YOQ'd .,ett~r be ea~fu] of Delaware University, are sperul· the o'clock. m ....... B "-I'k of Da.vton, 8pent Thanks tiving Day sight/ 'Rienzi's address to the , ing the holidDu s with their parents 1.0 m_ .., ~1lH I evou. Ro· Judgin g in Com Department: will begin Friday momin g .... with Mra. Alice Keys and family. man'8, "I came not here to talk you here. at ~ o'clock. . And all 'this ~y ~'tI", of introduc· One ' "Common SenIle" Dust-pan know too'well the 8tOry of our thral· R~1ar admission ticket (tOe)' admits to both de· don to 88Jlng ~a~ 'the other dly Free this month, with every purchase dom' and others in McGuffey's Mrs. Edith Harris arrived home partme nts: ......A f' d i Ci i ti t . from Chi"DO' 10f One DOllar or more at J. H. Co]~ Reader, you would all agree I Sixth o Wednesday evening, a ........ ntn . n DC nna . .1IeD me had at -.. "Exhib itors in Poultry. Dep~rtmel)t admitt ed free. W. H. Venable's new book from the and left Saturd ' hi man'. store. f ay to visit relativee least been , unier the . teac ngB 0 . of the Robert Clarke ,Co., "A in Morrow countY. this Miss Eliza Buntin a. I alBO~ when Exhibi tors to com d~~llit admitt ed free to I Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Cornell and lookin at the photo of John 0 . ~.,BO:JhOOi ~ . -. - Mrs. Alethia Alwnd el' and Miss dedart ment ODly. " ,.," . Venable iii W,a,yneevil .·s .moat Rev; and I(~ C. A.G~ motenod FalkJ,~:-' remem ber my'·'Unele. Write for catalog ue and entry b~ank. . Katherine Alexander spent Thursto n.,yton .Friday , return1D&' Satur- Da":. Furnas , readin ... a letter versatile mill) of le~l'II ; ,,,,.ip day h~ Dayton, the guest. of d w.itb Dr. TBOS. HUNT~R. Preside nt. ·.bim to Waynesville bee8use the name ay mo~ . , much pleasure he had'rec eived from ot'the to.,n1ncludea within ita eon· arid Mrs. A. Q. Alexan der. A caN from C. G. Williamaon. John after htl! btA bad some real ~C. W. HEND ERSO N, Secreta ry. who is in Chieaa-o• ..,. thatth e Land perienee on a battle.ship. Especia - fin...m'~ ,adjacent ~rfito..,.lne1ud· Miss (}raee Smart, of Hartwell. lly Show beiDii held there at prsen t is did uncle enjoy reading that .p _ ina the. Beetion about Ridgeville whoha abeen spending the Thanks· art of _ ...... , " " " ' ' ' _ . _ ' ' ' ' ' ' , ...... ,,'''' ""'''''' '''''' ",i "out of sight." where he formerly resided. ' givine holidays in Harvey sburg spent tbe]ett erwhic hstated thathe woq]d , The book has lLore than a mere Sund~v with frienu in Wayne . very much have preferr ed pJowin.c sville. ~ John DaV18, of Dayton, was In historical o.r rem1niecent value, ' It bottom with "o]d Messrs. Ross Hartsock. Kenneth town Satu ....--and Sunday. "Jack" cO.m d••own lD MUST HAVE BILLS IN e Wr:~E QUIET LY po_.e a a buman personal interes t MMl~I ED has the sa:a~]d hearty handshake, Ltze. . h T __ Earnh. ... d L . Ih·. an ~DU\n and . ,cbarmi~ loe¥ color. T0 t he Houg, u= d] f ._ W ]'k th m ]d h" ~--ti a - r .....ards myself, while 1 have The Trustee s 0 an 001\.. I e ewor wu Lna ng 4D ayne .J.owns IP older eenera tion it will briug back Silv.e r, of. the hOi':' U , hspent h ~ .. , ~ . ~ must have all bills in by ~ttlement On Sunday mornin g at the NCto- hi ki dl never 8ucceed , eel in inacribina my the ex~cesand8Cenesofpioneer Th~klijriVlna 0 I ays m n V· name very high on thellCroll of fame; ere Wit day, December 25th, so they can ry. the marria ge of Mr. Brewe r ad days. Eve to the younger school theIr parents. FridBf nilrht December 8, the nor wealth .J believe I would be j1l&: clean up th!1ir year's bueiness"as the , MiB8 ~] Rosell was c:onsur nmated youna Juies of the M. E. Sunday tifiM in aaaumina (with it baa _ ap~.lIng voice becaWlt' Mr. and Mrs. John Collins ra- Commissioners will likely .take due allowhold Iby Rev. J. F. Cadwallader. ~ter School will give an Ente '-Buck eye yhood for all time will tuiMd Friday morning, to ~ent in ance etc.) that were It -poIIsIble ,for ' their of the county roads the fir;'t of the the ce1re",J0ny , the hap~y palr d~ the school house. '!be evening wUl you to review my family hav~ 8om~ of the experiences of the home in Salem, N. Y. after a pleasof eblldr;eri yea'!'. Please.attend to th18 matte~ parted WIth the best WIShes of the be riven to music, rea4inga, tab]_u x l would be unanimoUsly Venable da;J.. ,.,-:: t t eeks visit with Warren I and oblige the Trustees. pa!88d into Rector and Mrs. CadWallader for and a p]..,., '~Not a Man in 'tnlcan the 'filat time' 1 saw and :m=;~'d family. the long line of boys and Kir]s Who F. C. Carey, Clerk. tbeirfu ture welfare . House. " Admission 20c and lOe. heard Dr. Venable' thoUi'h it were hav. gone outfro m Wayneaville into ~ ')elterdllf' Y~rs ago in ..old Cad· the world and made it better for . • their having lived in it . . ' M!;'M ;n: =- theBu lnor' .and Pathoa of a )Joy's Heighway Wf're dinner guests of • _ _ ~~ ~ ~.:~ ~ ~~l at the J:lome of Mr. and Mrs. Lee be put in cemmumeatlon Wl~ Life.." Sweet intr04uced the Rev. and ·Mrs. J. F. 'Cadwallader ~'l,I1e ' . . ' , Hende non. lIP88ker \\1tb tha~ ' ~q~iaite lI!anner Thanksgiving Day. of the Big Family of WaynfliB tanli vlll Cook Mrs, Ann~ Cook k, Miss MaryTh h M!;L. anksd ~~. C' Al:dBrunier:.spent and phrase of whiCh he so capa Lut Friday evenina, at the who and Perry Coo were 10 uests are connec ted with railroa h d' \lrst L ;! e ' ... . ] gJVlng 0 lay. n _aeon. f ,.._ .. ,.._ Ch ] Sta b ' b]e: Th~re was ~~a~!", . k or have friends who have 'Mr: and Mrs. F. B. Henderson and day 0 f Mr , an d M rs. Ral p h Lewi 0 me. an. ~. ar ea ns eny, wor t, h\Jt a~ least that ,event baa lived in daught er, Mr.. lUld Mrs. b. L. an elegant three-course IUpper influence along that line: 1 h ave a Crane near ~yt!e. nr. and ·Mrs. A. T. Wrilih t and llerved to seventeen young men, one ' Ufe .. a preclQU8 .meJllo,!'Y.. ~r. and son and Mrs. Louise Woolltl SOll who bas made an ~nVlable ~ni y . . sOns Alfred and Elliott ate Th anka- membel'l and IUpportel'l of the Venable ~,~ed \h~, that 10tlmate along ~e line of operato~ and station Thanksgiving ()ay with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. It, Allen enter· giving dinner with relativ es in ami Bale Ball Club. The app~t!&~ of ,~u'!lan; nature . th~~ agent, Mrs. j. H. Co]eman. but could not resist the temp-. tiPned at dinner Thanksgiving Day, Springboro. fine graBP;ol the 1Il0Vtn~. ,forces .In menu WaUe "M: Meek.t urtle IOUp, tatton of trying tb~ agricUlture ~ Mll!8 Georgia Hadden, Miss Elizabeth , c~era, plcldea, eheeae, fried oye. the past ~n, 10 order t~atfield boyhood. W~9uamt . hum?r. be Stewar t Mias Letitia , ~ of , eX McKay and MiSu EIi&abeth CArroll aud Mr ters fried braiDS bread and butter, 8Weijtn esa o~ Edna Sattert hwaite was giv' . ." miJrht be With us all, But WIth po. " t ... \. ' .( tility 'o f en',Miss . complete 8urprise on Saturd ay MlSS ' ,' calc' d f 1 A Ahee Frame. tatoee dapple s beillg shipptld the E. C. Amy were a-tu~ts :u~~en ~~ , ~e.,raa at dinner iee cream, e an b evening. About forty of her young " ru t. t a n , 00 d $126 per Thanks giving Day ?Ulr ,t e ap of Mr. and Mrs. ') m~< s , ~g friends ..... thered at her home where of supper the pesta were called wrong way at 1. . . J : E. Janney . aaa ~y~, . to oMer and, after J, W Lewis had respectively and ot er crope ' ..Mrs. Rachel Kevs, the Misses Em~ Since been aeled.ed .. toutoi&ater, the fo]- portion ate the plaasure is t"fO proth y apent a' very ~leasant evening. maCar twrigh t, Lola Zell, K~iaM expen· er. lowi~ ~ffic:ers were eleeted lor next aive and he is compell~ to return Ve~ble !,'put , to ritt and Martha Burnet t were wel' Mr. an, d ~~. S. L .. ~rtwrlght season: Play lIlanqe r, Chas. Stana- ~ 8Jr8 but w~~ , we ~ love. 1 d~ not ~b to trans, comed to the home of'Mr. ' and Mrs. are e.nteT\Ammg at dinner tod87 berry; bUslnaa manap r, Geo. A. form the old a.oclatlo~ o~r ~,~~p'~, aD4 into .a labor Mrs. Marr Waterho~,. Mr. Geo. Zell. Mre.St ansber rywaa JlT89till8'"l have ~ureau but, have don~ ' 8(\ wi~ 'my , .M.r•. ~~el Kels. MUIBeII a with a nice claalr in apprec:iatioa b,uer pla"ee of ,bUline u thii fall, . many M~itt and Emma CartwriJrht. ' her many kindn.... to:~e team. ~ tl~•. Drop me aUne jf you ~~ of , . TJle reqWnd~f of the eVeluDir service and I 'wi~l8Ubmit, letter ~nMfa... James Frazier, Miss Neva at a dinner party Sunday at her On ~v i~ Day a pariJ of pleasan tly lJI)ent in pmII ancl YQUDg and Mill8 Marga ret Zellers. home on Fourth street. Those as to ability. togethe r With who youngp eop]e't lereroy allyent ertaJne d versatlon and the lJUeatI depu:tecl bank referen~, etc. , enjoyed the dinner were the Misles at the home of Mrs. Annie Thorpe . a h te hpur vot,ng Mr. and Mra: •Respectfully. ' M d M W Z Chenoweth Mary Swain, Edith Crane, Blanche A sumptu ous , turkey dinner " .. StausberrY royal enterta iners. te~ta~:eel Sa~rda; e~ening at an Riley, Martha O'Neall, Luella Cor. Seth W Furna!l:'H ' to which all did ample justice .~'1)e pleasur e ot .the tlveni q wasP en te . S. ,When d08lJ\beT~"\i .~~~ he. fol'iiicR~';:t!i~e;~',~iQipo~~t o,s r supper , M1'8. F ran k Hartsock nell and Ellen Sherwood. Those presen t were Mr. and Mrs.•]ightly m~ by. the CominJr' eome ' off.. d ~ ' Ray Geo. ., ~'t e " ~~:d nd James d Mr. an d M rou, than up rs. Fred a_nce 0 f ' Ben . Smith, th inftlie~l", ,< '. e lOON.. :d :'~~hte~: Marir:~nM:' and M~. • . . ' Elbon, Misses Louisa Stokea, M~' pitcher . who waa IU~ Ed H tsoc:k Miss Edna Smith Mr. The4llurnet COUSJDS who go huntan importilnt SHOT HUNTING ',' J , Ethe] Stokt!8, Donna factor 10 the ~Iendid IU~ of the d:; 0' · Mo rer Mr' and ing each Thanksgiving were enter. -, ,,' . Emma Hawke, LucUe Cor- team during the . Put -..on: The dI:i.telS' ~. ~ ~ IO~ 'Warren tained this y~ by Mr. and 'Mrs. Hawke \I out with Stella·'Lemmon, Henrie tta Me- follow inlP..t a were PreMnt: ~t~~;~~;~~i!!~~~IJl~V~;~~Q~ll~'~!~;~ an~Ha:;~d ~~uehters" 'Florence Amos COOk. Th~ &tte.moo~ , w"" K~y, Alma. Waterh ouse, Mary J. W.I:ewia, W. O. Raper, 'Her-I~~::!~~~~ Meashi spent by the ~ ....a_n_.... , boys In a clay bird con" . Davia , a nel M... teat HI!!.l Harvey" . John . ~e moat , CarlBurt~~, Hawke..HOIl'tolB . Jam_. ,,,llLO"Uie ,1iIu1:i4. _._,. ..,",",_."_i~ 1.@i\v.i!rBII~~~.~,"~:;~;b~, "~I\18Elm~n~ Those,pteaen~ we~ ";"~'21';~;~~ .~.I~lDlI':r.,'"'lIII'ft..tJi -~,'~"!""'~ tlla.w)t49.,J4_ 'l1il1lm,l""l~DOI·'-!~:.l.v ~,"Ui: .b"dlilllln ••'"

Miami Valley Poultry Association Ex· h f P I ibit · ou try and Com, December 13-16, 1911






1:' -





. C"- _





=~e~:~~~~::~~;~. ~~

~ ~dBM~!er;~:~


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r-'T! b;;k ;ivi____ ';;W...-eeki-ye';;]T___ --I'~~':~y=t c.n!~:!er;: cot::n~~~~::.~~;~th~u;~~!~ _,_ _ _













C..U!!d. !nJl~t.!~1

Remedy · ",,\1 break up any cold and pre-

It. nUe..... tho head, throat and IUDI5 shuOIt InatanUy. Price postpaid. write to

Yent pl,1."mon(a.

25 cenll at any druI.j.t'lI, or ieDt It you nred Medical advice MUllyon'. Doctors. ' They will diagnoll8 your c&le IDd give you tnilil. llbeollltely free. AdclreH profeuor :Mum·on.


adVice b, 53d and

JeffeJ'llOn Itl'tetl, Philadelphia, Pa.

(Cop)'rlabl" A. Co Jl[oClura •



I llek Ke.l lh. a V lr!;1l1hLn. now abo.... Ger pl ....... mlll\, Is looklll&' tor r oaming war parl1"" r .... ,. s . H sees a wagon tea m al filII p l lOI) pursued by m e n on ponl,,1\, "'"ben }; " It II !'taches Ihe w~n Ihe raid· ..... hln·. mt.saacNld two m on a.nd de· p:lMed JJe 10aN: hen Ih. vtotlma ftndlnl ft.I\d .. 10000et Wllh .. wom .. portrail. ":"llh I. IIrt'esl e d .. t C .. Nlon C ity. c: h ~d "'lI h t he mu rdor, h1l IICCUlo r be· lII« Il r uf fian nam ed B IIICK Bart. A ne~o orunpanlo n In h is cell nllmed Neb t e lla him ttllt h e kn.,w the K e ltha In Vlr.snill. Neb . .)~ on e ot t h e m u rdered m en wa.a John 011 • •ldolD reil.llz!lI'- the,. all come hom d. .. ngee! kldneT~. When the IndA.,.1I go ,,"roDe BIble,.. the o t her O on. WHile Walto. forme rI;, 8. Conlt.'dorllte otnC4lr . The pla.lnama.ft =-hWhllJl tbe, fall to espel _he foul PQI!ODI and I" e b eaCApe. And Inler the tuglU\l~ • at Bbonld pass throurh tham-~. eat.lle come upon 8. cabIn And nnd ItII oocupa.nt ITlltem Is IIOUuted. . No womnn 80 .lIItoted Deed contbl1le 81If- to be A young gi rl. whom R aIth thlnltll be saw At Il rscm City. The girl upla l"" ferlDf: tho .... nt that kldne, trouble brill" -w1th r8~nltan b ladder dleorder. rh euma· tha t ehe Is In s.,nrcb of 1\ brothe r. who Ittld d eserled fro m tho army, and lhat a il!!Dl. eto.-If she will n 8e Dr. Dub,'!! Kldne, P 1118. TboueaDd. of women t.hrouaboll' u.. Vr. Hawley Inclu ccc! h e r to come to Ihe cabtn while h e lWuglll be r b r othe r. Hllw. land_nd milD-han beel1 made well aod hallP' bF "b\s gI01'IoIl 8 remecb. when nothln. le y n ppeAra. li nd K eith In hidinG recog, nlses him n s Black Ba rt. Th &re fa a. te r. .1118 could belp.. It·s 80re, Af_d ruarritlc ba Ili e In the dllrke ned room In whi ch ant.eecl v lc l or . HoraeJI ore approprt .. ted, Doll" l»e prematDrlll,. old. dllore!)!" 'InIIIl1I;lecl. Oa. Dr. Derb,'a KidDe, Pille to- 1n~ ril e g ir l who snys Ihat h e r nlUlle III H op o. joins In t ho escape. Keith e&plalllll da,-J50 aud &Oo--i!r free eamphl. pacltNe U J'OD 'flab. At dr1llf~Rtaitlgbof DIIl'b7 Kecb- hla Bltull tlo n and 'h ~ tu~-1t1v e. maKe tor F o rt l.arn ~d. wh e re the girl I. le ft 1flth Eakin BaWd&. the hole l landlady . MIDI H ope tell. that e Is t h~ d a ug h te r ot Ge neral Wo.It e. When one Is ltd' or out .ot sorts for eh K " lth a nd N e b d rift Into Sh e rIdan. whe re Ilny cauBO whatever, there Is no rem· Keith m celJl n n o ld triend. Dr. FolrboJn. K e llh' m eet s Ih ft brother ot Hope Waite, edy ao' InfalU\>le as trying to make undcr I he naoum ed namo of Fred Wilsomebody else happy.--J · W. Cllrney. lou g hby. Ilnd becomea convinced that Black Bart 1\48 IIOme plot Involvlnc the two. Hope Icomll that Ge n. Watt• • who For ove t' fifty yetu·. ltheumlltiam, Neu· was thou gh t murdere4. 11 at 8herlc1a.n, and cae. there. ' . ralgia, and ot her plli nful oilmt.nta hava



. "QI.

been elU't:'d by Hamlina Wizoro Oil. It i. good lione l remedy lind )·ou will no' regret hllving a bottle ~dy for \lie.


. .

CHAPTER XX..-(Contlnued.)





bls barge to th9 cinders below. BendIng lJefore ber. and butUng bl. great tihoulde rs loto the surging crowd. be su cceeded In pushing a pllssaae through. thus finally bringing her forth to tho edgs of the atreet. "Hey. tbere." he said IIbortiy. grabbing a sblrt·sleeved Individual by the arm. "Where's Cbarlle 1" The tell ow looked ' at him wonde~ Ingly . "Cbarlle? Ob. you mean the 'Kld!' Well, he aln't hero ler.nlght; bad a weddln'. an' - I. . 10Un' the bridal couple ·round." Falrbaln swo~e discreetly under bl' breath, and east an uncerta1n•.glance at the slender figure sbrlnklng besIde him. The streeti' of Sheridan · were not over plealant at nlgbt, "Only hack In town III somewhere else, Mls8," he elIplalned brIefty. "I reckon you and I wll1 have to hoor It." He Celt the crlp of her BDgera on hili sleeve. "Tbe boys are a little noisy. but It's lust their way-don't mean Ilnythlngyou bang on to me, an' keep the veil down-wo·lI .be there In the IIhake of a dog's tall." He , belped her over the muddy croll8ln~, and al they reacbed a stretch ot board walk, began expatiating on the varloll8 place!! Itnlng tbe waY. "Tbat'l the 'Mammoth' over theredance ball back of it-biggest thing west of the Missouri-three men killed

.:; ~------It was growing d~k. the outalde Tbere are BtJU plenty or green Pili- world, now conllillting ot level plains. turea tor all the Lord's sbeep. radlne Into darknellll. with a few great stars burning overhead. Trainmen lit Dr. Pierce's Pleasant. PelletAl nculate ~nd invigorate stoloneh, liver and bOwel.. the Cew emoklng oU lamps Bcrewed oupNloated, tiny granules, ell.lY to taka agalnat til e Iidel of the car, and Ita .. candy. . occupantl became little more ' than dim shadow!!. .: All by thla tJme we... The moment a man beglnl to 10". fatigued tnto slleD,CS; and severlll 'll'ere .h!a e~emlell he hilS the devU's bIte. asleep, Anding IUch amall comfort .. was pOllslblll on t1ae cramped aeata. ~ ••• Croup Re ..ed,. hu rio rtfttln lb. "',. . of VRlDp- h . • ,dau 0," ttl" f'OtIt. oJ lb. '<Uaeaat. . . Hope ,lanced t\>ward the bet:etofore .pl.....- DD ......0<0 /10 .""Ia. . nolllY eroup t4e re.r-.tJ.l~ girl nellJ'o Nt her ~sted with un.cqnsclou. head eUCCE88.F tJL COLt,.ECTOR. pillowed upon the shoulder of her man friend, and both were .Ieeptng. How haggard ¥4 gllutty the wom, an's powciered face looketl, ·wlth the IIlht JUlt above ·It. and; 'aU 'Jemtilance ot joy goue. It wu as though a mas~ bad been taken -off. Out III the dark·· 1I.¥ II" the englno. whJ.tl84 .hafpJy. and tAen ,came to a bumptnC atop cat aqme des~r~ IItatlon. Thro?'b~. Ill"9k dow a few lanteml could be aeen " will Dickering about. and there . arose the aound of gruft voices speaking. Tbe • Iel!pers lnslde, arouaed by tbe al1D.r.p stoP. rolled over and swore, seeking euler postures. Then the Cront door opened, and slammed shut, and a new p8ssenger entered. He came down the aisle. glancing carelessly at tbe upturned facell, and finally sRnk Into the seat directly opposite Hope. He was a broad shouldered man. biB coat buttoned to the throat. with strong Cace showlng clearly beneath the ~--,--­ Easte Tumer-I ahotJ\d think, you'4 broad hat brim and IIgbted up with Il five ' lo~ .of trouble collecting 'way ABlr of s~rewd. kindly eyes. The . conductor came' through. nodded at ~rn . .. OJlt .here:· Collector Suremark-Not on yet and passM on. Hope thought be Ufe; everybody here knows I kIll must be lIome official of the road. an"'e~.tured ~ break the prolonged aI. ~hmk tho bull.'I.eYe· nine shots out • ,. . ~al leDce with 'luesUon: "Could yOU teli Joe bow long It ~IIJ ". ··berore we reac.h She,rldan?" . The GI.t . ... It. She bad partl.lIy pushed asIde b6r 1 frO anll two make fuur. This II • nil In order to speak more clearl:t, plaUlude. T'\VQ Ilnd two 1II ke three. Ttlla I. and tJ,le man, turning at sound ot her voice, took olr hIJs hat, hJa learllhlllg demugO~8fth.----~'~----Two and two make one hundred .yell QuizzIcal. . "Well. no, I can't, madam," the and· flrty. This Is high .ftnance.-Llpwords comiDI with a jerk. "For I'm plnoott', MlIgl\Zlne. Dot at all lIure we'll keep the track. Ought to make It In an hour. however, A BRAIN WORKER, Muat Have the Kind of Food That It everything goes right. Live In Sberl. dan?" . . Nourt.hee Brain, Don't Be Nervou.-I'II 8 •• You Make the Hot •• All Right.She shook her head, uncertatn ho.w bow. lIIe here-Operated on mo.t 'of there last week-what torT Oil, they . "1 am a Jlterary man wbose nervoul frankly to answer. "No lOllS to you-worst place to U,.e 'em-relt espect to ~ Damn that 'got too fresh-that's the 'Oaslno: aud energy.,. ~ great part oC my B~ock In trad,;:' and oralnltrUy 1 have mUe pa.. In on earth-no oeJ:csptionll-1 . know- engineer I d~lD:t beUeve he know. the one beyond Is 'Pont· JOe'. Plaee' t1eilce with breakta8t foods and the been there mh,,1t three montha-got whether he's lolnk ahe.d or Mckla, -'-CDt bls! ieg oft '1lnee I'"e been here up." He peered out ot the window. -llcht onr '& girl. AIn't th~re ¥~ ntravagant claims made ot them. But frlellds , there likely?" "I hardly now." she acknowledged prelllln« hie tac. bard agalnat the stores1-aure; Uley're farther baQk...'\ cannot wlthbold my aCkaOwleag· .ment of the debt that lowe to Grate- toubtfuUy. "I think 110, but I shall Ilul. "I reckoD that'l Sheridan he'l you lee the saloon8 ,ot In, Al"lt!...thih bave to hun' lome place In whlcb to whl.tllng for now-don't be ne"ou.- 'Sheeny ·Mlke'Il' gambtlni johit ,you're ~uta food. "I discovered long ago that the verT, atay tonight. Can you tell me of .om. I'U see )'OU make 'th.· liotel all rilht." looktnl at--llke to go . over .aDd .e. -IIome respectable botel, or boardln.· bulld~ee8 of the ordinary diet Was not CHAPTER XXI. calculated to elve one a clear bead. bouae'" The man w~eeled about. unUI b. the powe, of 8uBtained, accurate thinkTh, M....h.I of 8fI.rldan. lDg. . 1 alwaYI felt he~vy and Ilugpb 'oould look at her more clearly. "That's a pretty hard comml.slon, It " .. called II depot merely th~ulb In mind as wen aa bOdy after eatml the ordtnary meal. which dlverted the Hiss." he returned une88l1y. "Tbere courtel', conalatlng at _layer of mublpoc1.·trom the brain to the d1g8lUve may belluch a place In Sheridan, but· del'll; ecatterecl. 110 "' ,to I have never tound It. Old Mother' partlaUy conceal th... und,rl)'lna mud, apparatue. "I tcled foods eaST of dlge.Uon, but Shattuck keeps roomel"l, but • .be, and ' 'a ....maDtled box CIIl', In which found them uljually deficient In nutrl, ,,"on:t . have II woman In the hou... J preafdldi tlcket agent 'alld t.el.erapbiJr', ment. I experimented with many br~ reckon' YOll'U bave to try It at .tIle A hundrall .yards below wu th. ~Ig fast fooda and .theY, too, p~oved 1IJl- \otel-I'II get you In there If I have .where tbe ~Iroad Dmcl~1 Iil&UI(actory. Ull I reached Grape-Nuts. . to- mesmerize the 'clerk-you'lI ftnd It I ,~..... _ . Aerols tb. traeb bla&ed In· • bit nollY tbough." the "Firat Obauca" ealoon: And' ~h~a the problem Was solved: . IPac. w.. crowdect "Oh, I thank y,OU .0 mucb. 1 ,son't AliI "Grape-Nuta 'agreed with me perfectly from the be,lnning, satlsfyin, mind the noise, so It Is resnectabl.... with ~en, _urelng aIm.I_ly ~OOut In He laughed, good humoredb'. . the gJare or a locomotlve head Uabt. my hunger aIiIt. supplying the nutrl· don't propose to ,ouc~ for and ', ruUn, the' all,hUnc P!Uiali~.erl "WeU, I ment that eo 101UI1, other prepared tlat-the · prorrletor ain't out there with free aDd euy badlna'e. Btrall,er foods lack. ' "I had not beeL lUling :t very lonl' lor bl8 ·bealth-but. I :eckoD, )'ou or aCQwdhtaliGe made 110" dUferClJlC8J to SherSdu. "u Dollll1 before 1 tound that ~ was turning out won't bave no lerious troubl_th,1 the ~. roup pia,. IUld. hoar.. an unWlual quaptlty .nit quality or OO,e mostly know a eood ' woman mals. work. Contlnued use' baa demon.trat,. when they aee one-Which Isn't ' 01teD" ' ~1'eIl ed . to my enUre '~!l thlLt -anyhow, the7'Jle liable to hi de.cell't DI as 1 vouch you.~ Orape-Nuts f09Cl-contatD8 tbe elementll _ough "But yoU ' . , Deeda4 ·)t, ' th. :b'~ · &IId neryoul ·sy. "Don't nCl,l!d t.o-r':'Y.A)Ur f.~,}IJ,~,~jll§ll""; . tem ot tJje,' Jud:d1 ?.DrJdq. pllbllc ."ri-. [~j~~~~~If~~~ ter.~· ···}\lame given." Poatum Cp •• Bat. -MI"cet yc.u· "Cr"kf.:lI'~. _' '- -, ~ ,, <. ~ ~.'. ' \oa ........." and' lCo : ex. ', p!*!~ed.'." ltlla. Uttle ~~ "~e Ro~ ,W..btb~~ 1Il ppr :. j ' l.' Ii;



bim-no ue"_mlgbty poor etulr moat of the rlft·rat! out bere-ball wnan't In much below the skin-In· dian mUllt have plugged him rrom th e lop of the blulr- blame good sbot too -ragsed looking alug-Uke to eee It!" • She ehcok her Iiead energetically . "Don't blame you-nothing very un· common- get a do&en casell like It a day sometlmell-stay In Sberldan, ahow you . something worth whilever, pretty surslc.l operation to-mor· row-oom. round and eet you If you eRN! to see It- lot, to opeu the atom· aob-don't know what I'U flnd-Utee to go?" "Ob, no! I'm lure you mean It all kindly. but--llut I would ratber not." "Hardly supposed you wouht-cnly knew one woman who eared for tbat sort of tblng much_he wu nursing tor me during the war-had a hair lip and an eye like a dagger-good nUl'8e though- rather have your klud round me-ever nW'lle IUlY T Could get you a dOlen lobi In SherIdannew pr08peeta every nlgbt-flft)' dol· Ian a wellk-wbat do you layT" "But I'm not aeeidng work, Doctor," smiling In IIptte of her bewilderment. "I have money enough with me." "Well, I didn't Inlow-thought may· be you wanted a lob, and dldn't like to uk for It-have 1tIIown 'em tlke that-no barm done-If yoil ever do want anything like that, jut come to me-my ,name'a Falrbaln_nrybolt;



.. . '=-~'

r..... Jetter, ,l.a: .~

... . . . . . . ....... dljai, .....P I: . . .. . ............ , . , ~,.-~ ---r


Co., U1CI..)

'em play? All right, juet th!Jusht 1'4 ask You- It'll early anyhow, and thlnga wouldn't be goln' yery llnlfyet. Sa7, tbere. ,ou red head. 1fbat are you try· Ing to <\01" The fellow had lurched out ot th·. c;rowd tn Buob a manner &I to bruah partially aatde thl! Pra vetl. permlttlnc the glare ot "Sbeeny Mlke'.lights to fall fuU upon her revealed Cace. It wae accomplished eo openly as to anllelu planned, but betore be could reel aWIlY apIn, FBlrbaln struck oul, and lhe ,mau went down. With an oath he wu on his feet, and Hope cowe.r ed back againllt her protector. Enoh man bad weapons drawn, tb. crowd Ilcurrylng ms.dly to keep out of the .lIne oC fire, when. with a strlde, a uew figure stepped Quietly In between them. Straight &I ali arrow broad Ihouldered. yet am all "Valsted as a woman, his hair hanelng iow over hi. coat·collar, his racs smooth .hanD eJ:cept tor a long mOllstacbe, and emotionless, the revolvers In bla belt untouched. be. slmp)y looked at the two. and then Ilruck the revolver .out at tbe drunken man's hand. It · teU harmlels to the ground. ' . "And don't you pIck It · up untll 1 tell you, Scott." he aald 'lu·leUy. Mit you do you've got to tight me." Without apparently ,«Lv Ins the fal· low another thougbt, he wheeled anel faced the othera. "Oh, It's you, Is It, Doctor' Tb. drunken tool '\Von't make any more trouble. Where were yOU takIng the lady'" " To the botel, Bill" • \'1'11 ,,"alk alon, with you, I reckon the ~oYS wUl gIve UI plenty of room .... He ,\anced qver the crowd, and thea more dlreoUy at Scotl "Pick up your ~n!" the brlef word. .. napping out. "This II 'the lecon4 tim. I've caugbt you hunting t rouble. The next Ume you are going to 'ftnd It. I saw you ,run Into thta lady-what did you do It for'" "I only wanted to aea wtlo .be ",II,

'S tops Neuralgia Pains Sloan's Liniment has a sQothing effect OD the nerves, It utops neuralgia and . sciatica pains in· . stantly, .

Here's Proof Mft.C. M. Do.karol 19hano .. bu~, MlA:h., wrltos .-" Ill .." .... LlnldI-.nt 10

Ih. belt .... dicl ne in the "",Id.

11 h ..

nlleved "'TIlt N .~i .. ·r ho... pat •• iii•• all lOoe and '1 can UIII, ..., '"" LI.l .....t ·i41d .top them." )fr.Andrew 1'. Laro! GOGo" SIUd, Cumber~nd. lid. .mtCl .-· 1 hu. .-d 510•••• LlOk"'1 for N : a Ud I tuIaIAIy do jnbe It very ".

:SLoAK·S .

remedy for rheu· matiSm, backa?#e, sore thrda't and . s~rains. At all de~lers. Price 2Sc.,60c.cilld $1.00 Sloan'. book em . Honee, Cattle, H.,.. and ~ ~ ..,.

.... t



Dr. Karl5.SIDa


Bill." . . "You needn't call me. Bill.

1 4,on't trot tn rour claaa. , My nmne . I. Hlokock to you. w.. ' It an1 c;f 'your attalr who Iha w,u '". . ". reckoned I 1tIIb'll"4 her, · and I dI4/' The manbal turned hll eyel toward denUy slightly Interested. .':;JoT Recognbed ~ &JLj)ld trlend, 1 suppose'" Tbe sU,ht soeer In "Wild' Dill·... soft voice caused Scott to flame up In sU.d den pnaslon. . "No, 1 dldn·t! but I called the turn just the 8ame-she's Cbrlstle Mao lalfil." The marshal smiled. "All right, little boy," be said sobel' Iy. "Now you trot straight along to bed. bon't let me catch you on the street again to-night. and I'd advllll you not to pull another gun-you're too slow on the trigger for this town. Come along, Doctor, and we'lI get Mist !.Iaclaire to her bote\."

HQrses . ~


E6xir =:". .

Don' tbedon lamo or _ _ _ _ _ _• b1tRJ.llhfld lOll. Or ' IllYe

<Kber Ihlnp ba ... Wilen JOP AOp 10 \bl nll \luu tIIan ...._ of tboOMlld. of 110..- !hal bay. bet'n _110 ~unlllUl4 ... toPl t<>UocI. bpi. as .Iob" r bird wo,lt <III:r In ~nc\ 40, . .. t - thank. to Tullie·. ~lIxIr-tIlc.

~~. :!"~~

u= ::..



Pel! UIoICI u. too. 1A

U R E8"...",a,-

c.rlJ. IIpUIta. Spa,11I L•• elli_ ill_ .. . Kaou.d Cord., £oelt. lola!!,


. row.


PIty the Chl"elle SWdent. A new map of China WIUI reeentlJ publJshed by a German houle whl~ undertakes to transcrllie the chI!,' names In the elapt forma wbJch the, alllume In the dlalecta of tbe relpeo tlve -provllices ~ weil ae the commonly accepted form. In this way the fie. teen chlef dIalects are rl!preaentet1, 8aYII the National Review. Tbe com. monly IICceptcd form Is nrlnted III 1ark green, tbe dialect forml In black. Thul Bucb unfamutar forml appear as 'l'aetBlu for Talchow, Fupe' for Hu- PJ.,mpt·ReIief-Permaneot Care ' I . , :' ' pel, Fulan for ,Hunall. Hokklons for J'Q. CARTER'S LIn'LE ' klen, Blljutchon for Suchow. ete. .LIVER 'JILLS neve!' Other features which make the map faiL Purely v~ta­ -act au~ valuable are the thorOugbneal 'wlUl aentIyon which It tre.ta )4on«oll& and the Eo- I Uv~• konor COUtltr1 DOrth · of Sleclllianafter rf!glonl wblcll In mo~t, lIIa~ ,.re 'left dismore or Ie•• blank IP&e*l. , ",'.~

.ConatipatiC;»D Van18liei c'Forever . . .






Ip. a~iic8L 'ashio~


emLDD ~W~:i\ F'7.fs~ ({-{;~i:l' ~ l;~

BIsrney. A Brookl,n woman who b,d apent. great deal of time tn trying to tencb ber eook to make good drawn butter van. but to little Rvall. had occalllOo se vere ly to reb uke tbe domestic In the presence of otbers. "Ellen: 8ald she, sternly. "tb ls grllVY Is absolutely bit, ter this cvenlng." "Indade l'w s orry, mum," came II) lugubri OUS tOD es frow the cook. " How do you account for It, Ellen?' nsked tbe mistress. persistent In ber efforts to get at tbe bottom of tll.mntter. "I can't say. mum, unless It were the tenra J dropped In It. mum ."



.z-cr;:/) ..... .,.". . .-

_______ .......... _ ........ _ .........

,There are 80 many reallons why the MEGAPHONE HAS FOUR TUNE farmer and his family ahould attend S th" great International Live Stock Ex. Can Be Heard In Every position at Chicago, tbat It Is well and '"strument , Direction. Even In Sack- Looka opportune at this time to mention Explained. Like • Lobater• ~AV1Y • ome ot them. A n old lady. tbe customer of an ,-Irish tnrmer. WIlS rnther dlssaUsllell. Thill greal Exposition, the groat~lIlt Anyone Who has ever lIa~ on a THE wllb th e watery appearance at her Indeed ot all llhnilar ahow ... Is 80 apt grandBtand during a football game or mornln g's cream and IInally sbe COD" to be Viewed by the tarmer, breeder, and field sport\ Imbw,· bow 11m· A "Weol·rn ced dnl1y. plllined very bitterly to blm. With bright, gold en hair. and .tookman &II merely a placa Ited Ja the radius Qf sollnd that Iisuea Wn.s put In 0. co u c h "ne ulsy, mum." 881d Pat, "You where be should go to see the an!. from a megapbone. The announcer With 11 ble Teddy belU'. see. Lb e wenther of late bas been so mala exhibited there, and tor bualnos. must turn ~ three dllrerent dlrectlon.s Jack Harduppe-Ah! Brought that terrlflc hot that It bas scorched all "Dear me!" lhoulM the doll l)urposea only. Thill 18 a very narrow succeasfully to make an announcemlnt surt, have you! Well. I cnn'l pay you tbe grass air the pasture Innd, and (ll To her Htlle lIclf. 'flew of 10 great and Imporlant a sub. to one section. A Maine womsn baa "H e will ea t mo upnow., I'll write your employe r a let· ba ve beell compelled to feed tbe por. Jeot, tor the animals seen at this E~. apparently solved this problem In tbe The m elln. homd olf." ter. butell on water 1.U1es!"-ldeas. position, wondertul and extraQrdlnary megapbonp she bas designed. .t looks Errand Boy-N. 0 .. boso. 1 bought But U 'lIhe couldn' t holk, as they aro, are but the result. ot lI'<e a bllt lob8t~r more than anytblnc Wi sdom. like flowers, require cuitbree letters with that lIult and they Bh .. JUlIt Hal and etared; YeAra or labor on the creat Carms and else. but It IS oredlted with doing tbo Bhe · might try to walle. ture.-Brulon. It C. O. D. range' of tho West, althou,h they work. The ulual trunk tube has two It ah" only darc4. .land for the greatest and belt ot Intermediate branchel near the mid· Well DI.polid. "Beauty and the beqt." American breedlnr; and feeding. A well·knowD expert In cooking en· A IInle bOy .... Id. 5586 Tho gfeat object of the founderl bt countered trouble In a auburban com· And dolly",. . 10 shocked the InternaUonal Uve Stock Exposl· Tbls 81IIart little coat III double. m>lnlty the other afternoon wben sbe Bha looked .e If dca4. • brea.ted and Is trimmed wltb [I yoke pr.epared to lecture to the Mothera' tIon., wa. to pre.ent to the breedote and tarmerl of thll country, an obJect "LOOIt INDIAN" FOR OBJECT facing, III the back tbere la II box 't)lub. Her subject was "How to Cook." pleat wblch Is Itttched ftat to about ~lIe began by telling hQW much a man lellon or the hlgh~.t Ideall, apd a Ichool of Instruction to whtch all could Way to Find Lollt Article Is 8uo- ",'allt dept:h. Tho sleeves bnvo a lit· nppreclntes good cookIng. aDd then tie fullnell:1 at tbe Ihoulder and are Ibe prQPosed to glvo varIous reclpel. Eradicate~ scrofula . and aU come nnd learn. ' te. .fully Work.d by Youngst.r tlMlbed wltb a turn back cutr. Among the first was one for cold It gOU without .ayinr, the.t the men Who Found Stickpin. Revertlltlle clotb, tweed. Itorm serge alloW. "To have' tbll best." began the other humors, cures ali theif who have made thla great !nlUtution pollible, and the breeders and teed· When you drop a small object OD and craVElDetle fabrics sre lultable lecturer. "take a coad·bearted cab· effec,ts, makes the blood rich bage and-" . erl and tarmerswho hIlve made It the floor. "look Indian." and you're tor this co'a t. and abundant, strengthens all .At tbls pOint a young matron Inter· Tbe paftem ' (56&6) Is cut In Ilzes what It II, are lIlen of age and expertsure to find IL Here Is the modUB opTake it. 2 to 8 years. Medium 811e requires rupted. She was eager to get all the the vital organs. ence; aud tn -order \ 0 pf>rPetuate and erandi: Information pollllible. "Tell me, l)(. yard I at 6().lncb mnterlal. wltb Get it today in ulual liquid form QI Improve thlll great Ichool, and the A certain young lady dropped a methodl through which It haa gained stickpin In the ball the otber day and % of a "ard of 24·lnch soUn to trim ple8se:' sbe IIpoko up, "bow Is ona to choeolated tablet. called 8e To procure thl. pattern Hnd 10 eenta know the disposition of a cabhace!"ttl prelent day perfection: It II absohad hnrd work to find It. Sbe hunted 10 "Fattem Deparlmen"" of thlll pape r . Philadelphia Tlmel. lutely lIocesoary that the lonl of these blgh and low. and on ber handa and Writ" nam,. and addreaa plainly. and be men be permitted to see the abow. and knees, ond wltb a candle apeelally 8Ura to &Iva al&8 and number of pattern. , 10 Itart tbelr Urel or Improvement procured tor tbe purpolle. but It wal rrom the advanced point at whlcli their no use; the pin wns very t1ny-und un· NO. 66BIS . SIZE ............... . tAthers stopped. Thls,an neTer be perceivable. ttll value being that of asreallaed by remaln1ng on the farm and sociation fattier than size or brilliancy. NAJaD ..................................... . I~elng only .the stock their fatberll The young lady, after a final Ihake or 80renese snd Bleeding Quickly Cured. TOWN .................... ... / .............. . raised; for every son Is' lmbued wltn tho rug. was just about to give It UP. New Megaphon. Id.a. the Idea tbat his father breeds the when one of tbe cblldrep chanced to BTlU!Il!:T ANI> NO...................... .. Mrs. J. F. Deal, Kansas City, Ku., best there Is, and consequenUy. Is Ull' ~Ie B.nd conSisting of Ihort tubel lSI· COlUe ruong. "Wby don't you look ·In· writes: der the Impression tbat the heJgbt of reeted at an angl. at about degrees. dIau' Cor ItT" he asked. Before tbe STATa. ................................ ... .. '1 cannot 8peak too hlgh~ ot Resl· achievement has been attaIned on the Two other longer tubee extend back· Y.:lung lady realized wbat was meant. nol. When our baby was four months I home tarm. Comparison II the only ward from jUft below the mouth· clown ciropepd tho youngster 'on tbe dlsllluclonizer, and It II 'his above all piece. T}lelle JIang brancbel relit on *<lor. bill head aDd hll wbole body I,.· LADIES' SEVEN-GORED SKIRT. old Ibe wallO tat that Ihe chafed In tbe creases ot he~lege and body. She thing. that the young man wantl, not the Iboulders of the announce!' and tng sidewise. and jUlt &II close to the was so sore anll' Inl1amed that Ibe only to ihow him that there are hun· are rotatably- Joined au tbe mouth TIla,. 6n!:! level as poalble. In this poIIUon bled, and waa fretting and crying al· as his (ather, and scorea I;>e adjusted to dllrerent angles. biB .. yes moved rapIdly over the Sloor. most constantly. Reslnol Ointment II ,reit deal better. Thll QJlenl tha When a man IIhouts anything tbrougb ". have It." ·he sbouted presently. lind W88 recommended to UB. We bad I 'Y.I of these younl' men and cause. this megaphone It can b- beard on all SUTO enough. right In the middle of the tried everything th'at could be tbought I them to put on the wile cap ot tbought /lId e •• and even In back of htm. ftoor. In tiD plain a place that It bad , l ot without luccess, but Reslnol cured ' and oonBideratton as to wby, how and ellCaped notice. was the mlaalnr; sUclE· ber In a 'fery ahort tIme. We COD sider where tbelr own 'athera' tell ahort In pin. The youngster then explained It the belt household remedy for Irrl· I P1T DOG tbat "looking Indian" meant putting pining wbat the fathers ·thell" con· tatlng Bkln tronbles, and would not temporaries accomplillhed. the head to the ground In oTder to be without It. We are allo greaUy Another thing that Is IIlIdly ove~ Citizen of Chateaurou" Narl'Owly e. catcb slgbt of the smallest object bepleased with Reslnol Soap. It Is so decapes Arrelt When Pleading JoeJrt d 'by tho men ' who contrlbnte to tween oneself aDd the horizon. ~Tbey Hghtrully refrelhlng tor the bAth." for 6tu1f.d Anlmlll. tile -tEtPOBltiOil"I~.tJlillr i~ock iii, the .do It 00 .the' plains Int the tlme... · be ;; ROIIlliol Olhttnent u 'd Reslnol Toilet fact ' that their wlvel; the heart a'n d ~4. "1'IIat's why they can alway. Soap are high-grade ltandard prepare.aoul of tbelr. bomes, and the falthfal . M. AugustIn Fl10n tella an rmuslng tell who's coming. But It worb In Uona, and . their merit and reliability ",nd ~~ta~t cOIJU.laniOnD o~thelr nv'esl ator,. tn the Debata aboilt & .tuffed houles just as well as on the platnl. bave won tbem a place In millions ot bave done the! r gene1'014S sbare "and dog tbat ,on'ce belonlted to Napoleon. Why. we never 16se anything In lbe homea, They are for sale at: every contrtbu~d In' no smdll 'd egtee. to·thelt' ,ThIs dog wben alive accompanIed tlie nurlery nowadaY8; we just 'look In· +-,IIlI-+~--------h4rtlg store on the Amerlc'Pl conti· 0,-- Inmnmda' succeS8es. Falthfuny and emperor to St. Helena, and was dian' aiiifiiiid It rlgbt olr-"-' - - - - , ' nent and by an leading ch~mlst8 In UDCQmpla\n1nglY have they devoted brought back to France by Marshal BIG MONEY other countries. Sample aent free Ir Made Selling " their useful lives to the dutleJl of tba Bertrand. who died at the chateau of TRICK WITH COINS IS NOVEL ,.ou wlll menUon Department No. t8. RKPRESE!f'rATiVBS WANTED. Get I ... boal' . home allli the upbringing of tbelr cbU· Tout Vent, near CbateauToux. Reslnol Ohemlcal Co.. Baltimore. Hd. nue tor ,0tlreelt"bllCllle<l b,. tbe eompaD,}' mall· The chstenu. with all Its pOIses· dr~, with' the fostering care or moth· log Itoyes, tbat b ••a been beat lor 111/ lelU'a. erhood. Uncomplainingly they ' live aloDII. Including some relics of Nape. With Gla.. Full of , Watur Several E~oellJ!nt QpportOb1t.J lor've ... spa'!' He that does gOOd to another doe8 : PI.ces Mal Be Dropped In With· .. Dced bualouB men wlt.h ...,m0ll' .tlll» to and abl:te In .the· envlronl:Dent8 at the -leon. wn lert by tts ploull OW1ler, good also to hlwselr. not only In the secure e~ch.. l ..e well e .<llocal t4!lTilOout Overflow. ' ranch or fl\l'm, ud day In' aDd d&y out, Mme. Amedee, to the Archbllhop of rlu. Appl,. wllh filII p.nlaul ..... lIfO W HllJIO'" consequence. but In tho very act; for dolbUlly. n. ............... c:e.• ClrcilMtl.O tram yetU'll ~nd to :rears end, se. Bourgea. and became tbe propel\t1 of tbe consciousness of well doing la In Tbe ntlW , skirts are all sbowlng Take a glall8 and 1111 It to tbe brim DojJgbt' or life In their stBter world, tbe government When the church reItself ample rewa rd.-Bene ca. laV',. tbe .oecollonal Visit of a female fUled to accept the provisions of tbe wltb water, takIng care ,that the sur- oertaln tlrlmmlna feature. and In the face of the water Is ral,e" a IItUe ~pdel Illustrated we bave tbe deep friend. They tenderly preJ?are for Bep\lr&tion act. Important to Mother. flounce etreCt tn a novel manner. A above the edge of tbe ,la8<l. but their liuebands' annual outlQlng to the . The' relici of Na~leon were moved Examine carefully every bottle of I small pll!at t. placed at each aide great. International ShOW, and 10Vlngl" to a. mUleum at Bourgea. but tbe pe0a aate and lure remedy !or l,am an~1 &leo In the oenter or the CABTORIA, Infant. ud chUdren, and lee that , It ,walt hll looked tor return. It WOUld' ple of 'Cbateit.uroux were able to be b~ Ute pllU,nr o( a little wider of cure polISe ..lon>of thele treasurel and . Fo.r a skIrt ot thll cbaracter luob Bear.athe~ t.ho husband's purse to elve to these to hOUIe them In tbelr own museum. • ~ materlall. .. cbllfon, broadcloth, Berge, Signature,of admirable .women a taBte or the fascl· Tbe Itulred dol'. however, was forgot. c~eytot. satin snd ' the It~e are ap- In U.e For ao TQlI: nationa and enJoymentl of a. week'. ten and remained behind at tbe cba~ proprlate. · . OhildreJi Cry for Fletcher's Castona r 'Vlilt to a. ireat cltf, al w~U QI to a· teau. The p~tt,rn (6688) 18 cut In Ilzea At thts there wa. a great outcry at perlence the delight of loelng the aII to 30 Incbes wallt meaaure. MeThe mRn ~bo look! for ' good cannot hlbltl paued upon In the ~lld8lng ring. Chateauroux~ Cor tbe people wanted 'Ium Ilzl! requires I yards of 604 --= n-=cb-,+~loo=k"-,,, for anythIng he wllJ be more cer. Sll~a ~part from ,he·good tlie tbe dOl lu ,tbelr mUleum. Their .,tn· liDd. W. N. U., CINCINNATI, N~. 47-1IU. mat3r1al. talD change ~ould do ' tbem, ' 'f(oUld lerve ' ances were laid before the govef& the purpose ot 1nteple enJoYD,lent and m~t III prole and verse. Ho~ever. ProclllH DeP&rtmant." thle pattern oJ !tend · 10 paper. eenta -====;;:::=========================~ toTo"P,attelrft" thl8 Interestlne converlatlon 'Oil t~elr ' r': notblDg wal done untl1 a citizen of Write n&T,1I0 and addre.. ~lnJy. and be ~ aura to Irlva al •• IUId num r ot oo.tter4, .. tum, &/1d U ' wa jucU;~ 1\'cflDen aright. Chatelluroul went to Parll and laid would Illstin 10to tlielr s)'mpatheilc: bl. elalm to the dOl bero. .. three cabI Jleartl a desire to' ItUt' turther alsllt' ltiet mlul.ters. 6558 NO. 81 F. .............. .. Of tbe pela whleh mlDY ",omea ·axperieooe with e....". In' the lutur. _Jluccee,ea , ot ' tbelr ,l lluamDDth it maba the lleGtleo_ end kiDcloea Ilwa". auoci. He did 110 at conlliderable peril to NAME ..................................... . eted with WO~IDboocl _ _ to be a1mOllt I mirscle. hlmlelf for 'when he said tbat be bad Droppln~ Colnsi In Water:. bandL . t WlaiJe ID ileDcrai DO "'0ID8D rebela .,Ilioat what .... reThe daughter•• too, at diele people. come to see . the min liters ap':DPO' of runninc onr. Place a number Of nick. TOWN . .................................... .. . . . . . I Darural ..-ity I. DO womaD who would parttouiuly tbo.e WilD blVa 'attalDed a dol ~ of ' Napoleon'l tbat boo been ell or llmel on tbe table Dear the BlOt tladly be free from th1t I'eCItIrriq period of paiD, STREE'r AND NO ...................... .. or are verging upon early wOm&nbood~ eelled wltb .\be other pOllelllloa8 ot . alallS and asJr YOUf epectatora how would ireaU1 ,Improved by; . the t~e 'Archbqhdp ,of, Bourges, .b e . 91811 many cotns can be put tn the water Dr. II.FOrI,. ~"""" ..." •• STATE . .................................... . . . .&, .troa' . ." . lIIe&' .0111• • alpta" ,and .urrolJDlllnp ot.\"a trip to nearl,. 8rft8ted "I a, 'Iunati.c. ' without making It overflow Bays the • •11. _II ta•• 60", . (Jh1c:ag0 ~d ·l,u;e.jlntenll~U~nal 8how. lWbo would b"ve thought. 811 M. ,Fl· ' , II Nt.6l1d. . /HI. . . 'a"~ Youns !lilnda are narrowed b" "~eon~ , loP' "a,..~ thaL NapoleOn'l dot, who Popular MechanlcB. No, daub. the r. BUCOLIC MUSIC. .d"lI. a_I. .10.,..Uoll lI"d " ..... t .. .~nuoulI: .,i1C!eD~e, a'lCi~Jo~, thOBepf II1;ed ' bappM,. under - tbe ColiCOrdftt, ~IY will be that the watel' 911)1 run over bave got :16 wOefuU" entancle4 before two coins are dropped fn. But their o~ 'UV,,8 ~ &Jl~ )laj)ltl: and', upoD · Little 'Willie, belDS a city boy. bleS Siek womeG are IDvited to coo.ult Dr. Plera. by letter, tbe lIepara:Uon I~w ot a hundred It Ja. pollllible to put In ten or twel .. Dever selen a cow . Wblte on a Visit lucb an oo08slon .. tbls~ rather. . All correepoDdeooe .triody print. ud ..eredll '. '. or them. WI~b II great . deal ot ca... to 'bll 1:ra'nClmolher be walked out Uould· ejPand .Ull'turtbei' iJM,'trlnP iears later? -tdentl~ •. Write with~t fear ud witbO~ 'ee to World'. Diapeaaary M .... ·. , ; ~ .', the colnl maT, be mad. to. fall with· ' Joa! AalOC1&tiOD, R. V. Paeroe; M, D" PrwIc1ent, Bdelo, N. Y. or tbeht pu'ril81 to enable tbili' yo~C · ac"fl. the Gelds with bIB coulln Jobn, .- " out disturbing tbe "ater. tbe 8urtaee A ~ow .Sl mltlns there. and WlIUe's women to' lee at least lOme lIttle 'lIle. . H you wut a book, thst teU. ell about _mu', 'dl_. ., IIDII' how to 01IIe CAN F.IND THEM of whlcb will· become more and more CUriOlltt" was ,rea Uy eJlcJt.ed. them at ,home, _d 21 _ _ nt .Jaalpa to Dr. Pierce 10 pay _ t of mallbo, .IPeelall, when under tJH,lf own' and • .' . -2... '., conv'e x before the· water overftowi. ul" aDd ,be will ~ you a /r•• copy ~ bia .reat tbollftDd.,.,. in.tNtact their mother's !lIIl'" " . . ' "ob, Cousin John. wbat· Is thatr Com_ s.- Medical Adviaer-reviled, up-to-date odltioD, ill paper GOYeR. . The dellg~t,8 . ot "antlclpat!oD ~ the be a.IltOll. .. beAdeo. . aIoth.blDdlq, 31 lt8mp.. ' Pleal!ufe~ at accomplla~ent,_ ~ .uch ·"Wb,.. tbat 's only a cow," John reInexprel~l!~ 101s youth tllit It. la. plied. Jiothlu, Ihort of lDC:ioDiald'era.te t,.IIe'.fbl~ ~~:~ . wbat. are tho.e thinil'l on ber Den to prevent sDch ~*llo...Ll ,; . ment, .tli.,le . ' .OUIlIr Da!-tl"';" "HOlDll;" annerect Jobn. . Iaf)y call .be a\UuDII!I~' . Be~ore the". bad lone far the cow torDPI1~r.llt.lvely l1HI~ ' qutl&7. .: . 8Iooed long anll. loud. '11'11111 accoplplllb'·1t , w'qujI wu . IIIItouDded. Loaklnl tbcluand VI"'I tbe... .,.clt.,'be, dem&Dd4iil In a 'fery fev.r of llfter..t: ~ "WIilch bora did Ih. blow r~.I'I~·i ......10..



Hood· s Sarsapar,illa







a Fam






When Ycau Th tTlR. __ 'L










w. '3.00, L. DOUClA '3.50 " '4.00 SHOES

, : V.a,; W, All KIIOw That. ,..~ aU,HI olMl.n_ the thouPt. f1Il man. , "'thera'. alwa". a lot of dUo tereuce between .xpectaUou an4 realleat1ciD.· "You. bet," an.wen tbe man wltJla the cJlenflle whl.kera. 'TOr .tu~e.. readhll a lee4 cat&lol1le III 't ile iIPrhI~ and IoO~I1C at "our, ....d. .

...<:.,~ DIU. .,' ,,-LIt. ., ~.'


' ,








•• • ••

.,"'.y ............-... "..•..•


COURT NEWS : : : : :\ DR. . •


...... ___ ............... ---- 1

• • •

VENA BLE' S BOOK Contin ued from page 1

• 1 . 'rhe jlldsme ntll' render etl in two MeJor. . Kelly minors , files in veo- \ Plltriot , publisb ing t.lmes of Cirollit ' a" carriell with him someth ing ot ",1881. by the CIrOD" Court of War- tory and apDral8emen~ whioh it! or· !Coort, I1G. 2~ Delly Tim8l, pub- tbe style of thd memor ablo sohool reo County Were IIffirmed by tbe dered recorde d. 11I8hiDR rat811 of taxatio n, l11813 . for "A Huokey e Boyboo d" would H'lprem e Court at Coillm b'll the Frank It. Fox. I!dmln lstrutor o ~lt R"bert A. MoCu!l')beoD, ;)ODtrM t, not be called the produo t of a mod. p..llt week. eetate 01 Anna M. J OhOIlOU, d808llti l195.75 . ern author . Neverth elell8, many of In tbe oue of the VUI,'ge of ed, 61ea tovenlo ry aud apprais ement The ma"er of allowan oes f~r us have a taste for some of the old F "anklln VI a.rme l Hunter the whlob is ordered reoorde d . oler~s and deputie !' In the reoordEIf II thinge strippe d of the brusqu er Ilnd jnd,me nt 01 the Warre n' County Frank N. Fex, admini strator of offioe wae reoonside~ed and allow le8s fi~i8hed work of today. , '\roul& Conrt wae IIffirmed Bnd S8 eRtate of AnnAM . J ohnson , ,ieoeliSOO aDoe was made as followa : Depnti es, I bave Joad and r"read with In. "'''Ieon able gronnd!! for the pro ordered to lIell eet&\te R·t private 1I~ le t600; olerks, '600 orea<iD g tnteres t and apprec iation , !ledlng l iu error appear ed, 110 peD and report proceeding!! to ooort • A Terrii, ;il'lunde r tbltt ohapte r on "Bolng 110 Farme r "I~y w •• alll68lled . The defenda Dt. within six monlhs . " d Boy" A boy who ba8 been reared • rei ed • th ,n error w.. 0 er '0 negleot liver t.rouble . Never .0 recov8 r 8 0 Marriale LiceoIe 5. . h ... t it . Take Dr . King's New Life Pills 00 a hrm does not value & oel... from the plaln&l1r In error and a. ra non the fir'" sign of constip ation . Ing in God'l out· of..doors un'lJ be be If. epeclal mandd e w8e een' to the Geurge Wll1iam Croppe r, dlsllio t bil\ous nelll or inaotlv e bowels II.Dd oomee mature . And bls sen86 of its Commo n Pleu oour& orderin g thA mllnKger, or Lebano n, aDd Luoy preven t "Irolen t IndigeMtloD. j .. uo valne appBlils to him mos' keenly If jn/Igm ent to be enou'e d. Simont on, of. Leblloo n . ~io, or gall e ton88 ' Thel'S red~ubll~~e his lot· In later yellrs Is 1n t b e oalle f th VIII cast In the .. ')7 f f hVllr, stomaoh an d b owe s II.n EI wo od R ee.. y 0 e 0 c .ge a f ~, arDler 0 up your health. Only 250 at all olty. Tbe man on a farm 18 a o~a. Frankl ln .. F. a. Maybe tbe jadg Miami sburg and Bessie Luoas 21, of droggie&8 tor, a worker amid the mod Insplr ment of the Warren Coun&y OtrouU t:\prlngboro. • • ing and whole£tome "tmolp here. Uonrt .,.. afllrme d and ae rMilon. Chllrlee A. Dorl~ 24, maohln ist of Fire Loues for 1916-1911 Bot let Dr. Venabl e tell of &bis as able eround e for 'he prooee dlng In Fosters , and Kailld " Fienere r '2, , be says: \. error appear ed, no penalty wu as- or Klnifl 1\II11s. As a fire' reason for satlsf..otlon "Natu re il the soverei gn sohool . • eeled. The defend an' ID error in Rarvey '1'. ~ adson S3, book keep there 18 'be appare ut great reduotl on mistre ss: she teaohes every BOlance i &bll caee Will alao ordere d to recove r Ar of Blanoh ester, and Addle J. 1D the 10118 by fire in Uhio for 'be IDoitee &0 endleu lnvelt1 gation i the ocate from 'be plalntif t' 10 error Starke7 , of Butlerv llJe. ourren t year ael!hOWD by tbe ltatiS b ..lf dlllOlolle8 the mYl!tery of life in and aDotbe r Dlandd e WM sent to Ke18.y SaUles 20, laborer of MtIl ti08 Ratber ed by this Depart me'.l$. myriad forme ot nle and beauty . ~be Vomm on Plel8 oourt orderin g Grove and Dorll M. Morse 18 of In the ye&r 1910 thl} total 1088 In the Sb i th rom _=== ==SI iowl. ,. Fire.Te.ted GlaN ()y•• no. ter of though t and tbe eJ:eon' ton of the judgm ent. State Wall lIometh lng more thlln Morrow . e 8 ep p Inquiry the mother of ~motlon, the ProMt. Court. -6,900.000, or aD averag e per mon't h nunt!! of imagln a'ion. M,.,. Codrl,,,, a"d MrJ. AIit1Q1$ WorH", the Real Estate Trmlfe ra, of approx imately '600,00 0. For 'h~ tion of reUgion and 'p oetry. inlpir& ThereII. J. Long appoin ted admlni atra M .... AI"a,. Workin g-"Tha t tetm. to be I good 'eature Mn. EUube tb H. Roaoh and Lavina fi'""t ten mootbs of the preleD ' fore the inestim able valne or tbe Cookrlght-that 01... OveD-door-tbc thin", look to KOOd iD tor of .. taa of Mary Lonlr, decease d A Peok and Morrl. Peck to Amelia the 10Rl bas OOtIn Slightl Y tD exoe88 exp'lrie noe which the oven." may be gained • , I~OOO bond, Ind Thoma . Burn8, Wiosts l, real eshte <Mn. Cookright ...... Th.t doetn't merely enable thi. to I~~ in W.rl'flo of l',OOO,OOO or a monUl IY averal~e frolD Datura l objec&8 aD! process68 *1It'1 Donba m and U . D. Runya n ConDty. fl . Dice-it .aYH time-la Y" material. end belJ>ll to make my oook... of l4oo,00 0, showln g an averalit8 .oqolre d by th" aotu ..l observ thiDga perfect. A II I need do to .ee bow my cooking I. cominc ation appoin Wd appratatll'4. M.ry J. Spuhle r &0 Charle a 8poh- monthl y reduoti on of '200,00 Ilonl i, to look through the door-no opeDIDC the DYeD ~0 ,Dr of, and partioip at.lon in, 'he variou l Catber ine Kohl •• dminlB tratrlx or ler. real estate in Warre n DO jan to make my ealte fall, etc. Coanty , one third. These figuree may n'o t . tl of farmer 's life. Be ea*'ta of Andrew Kobl. deoaaeed, l1. &..lIy ex.oUy wltb those of Inllura.nllle ~:8 :a:~1 lind whoe, reoreat ions fil88 Ind and IInal lloooun ' witb JNepb A. Wortm au, as aSllignee oompan tee, pu' tbe . proport to,nl bring blm into dally and bonrly vODoh en for IIIttJem ent whloh I. of the Union Land and Improv emont Ihonld be approx imately oorrect . otdeM d ,unaftd ed. . Ith th- d k 10 their The 10lpao&1on wo,k 01 tbe De- oontao t wea 1"'Compa r ny aD s y to A . W . Burton , real el. Doe ,rool of pabUca tion of notloe learn most .....rtment ha. tbls yeln been 'v aetly thouM nd aspects mDllt 1 of appola tment of Cather ine 'Kohl ta&e In Warren Uonnty , l2959 20. ....of the elemen tal aWIl 0 r belng expand ed liB oompa OOR E'S Fi,.,.T(811d Ghm Ovmred with previou a all _eoutr lx of .taa of Aadrew . W B. Hoppin g fo L A. Sieller, years. The efleotiven888 ot tbft8 Be Is verv near to the Door isn't merely an ornament eeoretB .of B. W . Saem.euiu", Ed M. Johnso a Kohl IIled and ordete d recorde d. Hod' he drlnke at tbe fonnta in .. branoh of the eerVloe waB m.dle -it U' .. nd , is one of the features of Charle s E . Mooroe, lot ill Leo· .Jobu B. Bewl... gaardl au of __ poea~ble by the amend ment to UIL b ell. d II of knowle dge' aDd with fl.O Moor e', Rang , e that will make you a . . 11,200. . fi- ma-ha llaw bv the lut aeneft. l oltlea quloke ned to Interpr tate of Sopbla aewltt , minor. Wee anon. Ir. et every U. Ertel &0 Anna good B. cook Ertel, if . you'v v bOt". Th Fi' e never cooked in lire' aDct.tlut" &OOOUDt with vouob· ... -L_I ". phenom ena "nd whispe red hint of " lUlBem y, e re ..... r..... • fOti HWemenl wblob la ordered Tealee tate 10 WarreD (Joonty y~ur life before. , 27il2 . iratefu i to ~he people for tbe spirit nat are he / reoor4ecl. The enct temperltu.. tht _ _er t.e'ltla Jane aeeton et al to Albert 10 whioh they have met his eflorts . • •!111~~!:: I Will of John Breen Hr;, 'decMlUecl, Gllid, and the CoIItnII l. Demper Bee~n, real ee&aa in Warrea to perform hll duttee nnder tbe laW' ·'Fiad. 1 make Moore', Rup aD abtolutelr CODIIOIItongne e In treel!. books In :admlatecl to ot»ate ' Connty , ,1 able cookiDf aaac:JalM. It allO .., . JOU time and to remove d 'bnUdt op the runnln i br9 0kB , " . WIUu t..J P'Wrlah t appoin ted ex. ud~. .J~ A, Ball and wife to ArOh1 ewhtoh have heea .. me~ to ~em. $eJmOn . B In I'tone. ' aad good In ':.-.." of _a.te . 01 John .Bn'en S"., .Obl· !"~blnderl and .Grat)fJl . . . , . ..... "How to Sa" 0.. ....... L.:w V.~t eel'1'811 loa. -.~ , , adjoini ng propert hlll everyth lDg ," ' auer rea . ' "ta.e a 0- WI Y_ ,.aam .- It..... n arren uDder 11600 hond. '. . while belDg of lltUe or no aoooun t .. ,< \viW... B. NewpO rt, eXeOator of ~"', 11800, Thh fuel-m .c ability h all III. die ---d9 a tbelr owner. . He takee oooaBloln Dr. VeQable desorlb es hi. trip to fl Moore', RlIDp- lDd the CODItructioa II aplli_ 10 '...... of , Newpo rt,' 4... Comm l...... .' ProI:ee"Inp. u can ,ee 'or younclf. Drop a pottal to M_ ..... too. at 'hiB time, to reaurn hte en• .Corwln In 19U to aee th~ ~~:al 0I'derecl to ..l1 oedalD hoDcJ.. l~ 011... · III., for tIliI book-aD d cell to _ . . B .... . peetal &hanke to tbe 100&1 au'bolr . way baln paes lover·th e ' e am up at, ot lAu... A, Newpo it, Bill. allowe d :-JCd S. Ocm~n. l&1e., partiou larly. Mayors , Fh'e nUroa d. A large ~noonrse" p;atb , 4eoeaie ll. Sale jrooeedlnlif .PPJOY · _IOJW f~ olerk til. ' W. B . Htan. Ohlef. aad Bnlldln g lnapeo $on who ered to witneu the' Bongia e pu!f .( "eca'aDd 00DBtmed. P' . . . . a"d Co.• reqord for. aadUor , t112. b ...... e.o .reatly , freely and loyally aDd shriek. , WUJ of B. Il. DearlJl , deoeaHcl. . tI~ka!ta PeD C?o.~ .uppll•• for aadl...11&84 blm la eJlmln atini , vart u. Bn' aU throug ~tlt.t to probate . h Ihis book are io. 'or, tJl~. ~ta'e of .... W. Euu. C!.~===="===:. . from their reepac tive ooin. oldenta of pionee r d~Y8 pre8& n'e~lJ..I-========'brl~~!.-IK--I--1 .~..... . ~ r..." B, a.nb $art. two mon,b . lIemee .. aeore huard ~• muilUiee. [ll.:4~~4~~~~8.~~lltaiktD Dearth.jJpoto&84 eaoa· &&l'1 of Soldier wUb pleulu g eettlng . . Being prepar ed from Pure N~tive ' Herbs, they Clianse . 'the s Bellef Co1ilm~t&ee, In tbe work of educat ing the peo.· Those wbo know Clnoinnat.1 'oda, System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System , and ~us .of ...... or •. It. Dear'h , de-' '18,82. James Mollul len, , tin pIe 1n r.ard to fire danller s tb.e \till find .. mos' en\rano tnB obap. ~, . - . ' mOD~be I8IIvloe a. Seore- 'ry or 801 newspa pers, daily aud ~~._.",."~ "~~" "~----""_01 weekly hav'e tar o~ Dr. Venabl e's firat vltll& to .t. 'Da8 ~f or pllbltoa'iC)n of DOUoe clt8n Belief Comm tttee. lee,ee. -"""" " ..... """ J. been moe' valnab le alda. Many of tbe olty, m"kln~ the trip In a oovor ...~_ _, of PtItt'f E. Xenrlo k B. Biieem aa, ten monlib s aervtoe .. them bave not only oPened 'heir ered farm 5, ickn .. wagoD. And whal ....cJmim.. .tor of ..tate of AD~a, IIOre" ", of 801cl1erll Relief ·Gom. oolum~ to ma"er furnieh ed by tlall a weaUh of tion the lI.::.tllor _ L80aucJ,deol.lICI.dJedaD4~ mUtee, 12l·18. 1iI• .L. a.rtwr ight'of * ••• -:•• "..... . • •• __ . . . . . .... tloe bu"n both thetr ne"loo l glveel n ' hls atory of "The BIR LlVER ITES- Apure 1yveg etable Laxati ve,cur esChro nicCo n'OUI y~n'eervtee on 1:J9141ef. Be- nmD~ on tbe work of the Depart WOOdB." , . Bowa d COU...., ~Dl8&ra.or of Uef Comm ittee. 125. Su.meD stipatio n, Liver and Kidney T~ublts. Ask your Grocer for it• ing ment in 'belr varloO l looa)ltiea and I rejoloe thl' ~n life B , eventid e l!dal!l ·or .WIl1t&m J. OdUette, de· aodln. ker, I1IPPU.. for tr8llla rer'. edltor lallya. Manuf acture d by ALPHA CHEM ICAL 00., 8prlnc fleld, OhIO well, tbey 'have ren Dr Venabl e ha. glveD ns this book. ~ 11. WftlaD 4 ftD&1 a'.XIOU~. oftioe,. lUi 88. J. J. ·Warbt4 gton. demed moat import ant _nloe . Fo, It has pu' in per~.n 10(~====1 ent form tbe ;;*t~. yO~ for ""lam eD, whlcb I8nlos e on ·Uoion . Towne hlp bnrial all of 'hta 'lie ~ire Marsha l 1A ex:. experle noes of 'be daYI of' o~r · .t. ~ .1iIptDc Ied. an oommi riee, ta. John Baatet t, 881' 'remel, . Kraafn l an 1 m ..k.. th~1 oestors , h tells of tbe .. joyo.D8n888 '. ' '1'. ; 8. ca" aDd J. W, Bowma n. 'noel on UDion TOWDI btp burial aoknow ledgem ent. . of. Ufe even amgng rode and Bevere :' ' 'or ,..t&&e of I II. oom_ "-. ta, . WllaoD Unlrleeby, BARNHART, ' John W. Znber, . oonditl ons, Boli 'twal jna~ 'bla life ; ~. WAYNESVILLB CHURCHES. . oaNf.. d ...... . ~Ie 8.m aDd>8D~)' barial of J. B. B~u.,., ~7i, A. S'a\8 I'1re Maraha l th.,!lt na Dr. Venabl e and other aoooun t with 'VOnohen f~ ~le Maftltt . bDrlal of WIJtlam NotaQ r Pu.bll e ·. ' Xing, ,76. •_ • boys or Bnokey edom wbo bad to wblob ill orclencI ~, .A. ~affi". barial of Calm Zell, t76. All kiuds of N')tary Work.: Pen8Io n Mefbocillt EpIIcopaI Ctiurclt. Ends Winter's Troubl es make their own way. .~ o. .ADdenoD, appolDWd . . . .lohn Wolf~, bridge repain , USB/). Work a ~peotaJty. Be". O. 8. OrauIV. Padol'. To many, winter IB a ee&llou of O. M. C, alpee)lD ma~_ of Ulignm en& of B. B. l:5mlth, oemen t,I6.'" SIIlUIa, 8Obool, 0: 11 m. MOrDIDIt lerHarlan trouble . ' The IrOIl'· bItten toea ancl ~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!~!!!! vloe, 10:80 a. m. 1I:veolDI !lerner, 1'::00 p. • • • .~. J. W ..'IdoI, . ~ WhUao re, lumber , 'leU' . E. B. fingers , obappe d hands m. Kid_eelr Pr "er MeeUDir. 7 Po Ill. and lips, U&htning Knit Few . · Oll~er Kelly appoin ted ,nardl an' IInrrel l, brid,e repairs . -~ ~ , , ' f21.09· obllbla lns, ~ld .• ore•• red and rOllah In lil06 lIghtn.l ni DR. J. W. MILL ER, ' . St. ~aJUlO De·. Cath.Ollc CtiwQ. killed only 189 , of ...... of .Ibert \Veme r and J~ J.m. Follen Sr., ealary for Novem ., Ikln.B, proveBth l~'1 ~utA·~h tr~~bllel! people In tble wboleo ountry . One'. Lout. Yaua ,~hlDe " Medora Kelley , mtoor. , ber 1911, f60. R . Barshb .rger, la· I fiy before 110. en • mloa MIA ....ery _nil BIIDl1ar of (he a .,.", A trial oonvio t oea Greate l' healelr .•• DEN obanoe s ot deat h b Y 11,g bt"ng TIST ••• U:OII a. •• ". u'nd.. ·1IOOQ boDda, are ary for Novem ber ~ I'll, The ot Burns Hoi" 'PIIN, Cntl, 8orel, 1ell than dtwoh In • mlllJllonk.dThe ..John, . .PerrIn e, admlDl.'ra~r of Leba.o n Patrtot, pub 1111h.l . " 0 I .. f olaanoe 0 nK ratee Brnlee l, Eczem a and Spraln l. · f rom 1 St. Mary'. Eplsoopal Cbwda. omce In ver,greater 1 ney D..,. or stomac b eat tronble is v&lltly "&ate .Of Ell.. PerriDe , d808llsed, for t.natio D, 1236 2e. The , Natlooal pank Blda. Waynesville, 0 Wee tern 250 a' all drugsi etl. Be" J. ". cac1wallader. RKto,·. bot not if Eleotri o Bittere be ntted, fllee lay_to ry and apprats ement Sar, pabltab tng ntel for Sunda, 8Obool. 8 :80 t. m 1I0roln, HI' tabtion " • - • aB Robert Madsen . of whloh ill ordere d .record ed, Weet Bnrnng vice. 111:80 •• m. RolJ CommunloD 'be lint 118,18. Tbe Weear o Star, Inpplte e j It II a good thing to know SUDday 0' eacb mODUI, wheliL ton, la., proved, Foor dOl'tdn gave . OQ..,r Keli y • gullrdl an of eeate for lre..orer, "2.2i. 0. V. Wil- f we are rigM, and It II Impor hnt ~~!?n:P f~~:r. v~~~!nt mli~!~\ of Albert , W,me r and Josepb lne 11ams, expr8118, 400. ~!::l'~ ChriItJaD Churdl. The LebanoD I hllo, to know wheu we are left. "nd yellow jlLuudlce fie Watl theon 8eY. ~L. O. Thompaoa, Pu&ot. !~~~~~~~~~

., #

M oo re 's R an ge M



, ..'earn_a.

Lil_ . . . ..1M. ill •••


~ J. H. ' COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio


1.-Prev ---ents ----...'S ". ". .E . RII. US.


..ell ". . .


. .












~ com~~~yoored~E~~rioBU~rB • • • • •__II• •_ • • • •___ __..___ ___ _IIIIiI!!l_ II!II__~..-----~. They'r e tbe beet IItomaob. liver


' nllne and kidney remedy '1nd blood

The Miami Valley Poultry ASlOcia, tion will hold its Second Ann ual Exhibit at the Masonic . Room, on

Come. · '.r'




The Cor n Sho w will be held at Cro.1 HaU. Price. of admiUion to both Shows, 10c


IlenMJl b,. DUtor.V V)' "'-ate 811DdQ .. 10:10 a. m.

UcI 1:10 P. m,

purifie r on . eartb. Ooly 600 at all GUARANTEED to heal leavJog a blemish, pr MONEY.Ri:t3g~DED. HJd(alte Frieadl CbU1'C6. d.raggtB ts 000 and $1.00 sizell 'f\>r fresh WOUDds, Pl.rtt DIl) JleetlDtt. 0 :0'0 •. ID. nrn Oa,• _ • old Boree, sore backs and Bhouldel'l!&!,orne 8011001, U :00 a. 18. FOlu'&\l "Day lfoeUDIt 10:00 a. 111. . and brolaee. ~ me for F.~ly UI6. TAKE CA~E OF VOU~ CLOTH ES DR. cors PAIMLE8S·BLISTER Ortbodol Prlendi '~hUI'CII.' . Is painJese and , ~teed. to cure lira. Ruth HUIft7. ' In the Deoem ber Wom.n 'l B.ome Ringbone, . rb,l1Iw8eoy; Splint, flabblllb 8ebool. 0,80 a. 111.Putor . . a~ obu-" any enIarae ment of DOlle or Comc., nlo.n, Graoe Marl.r et 60ut.l, .vll or rnoDI!)'refuo\ill!l. Price ,1IOc. aenlot, 111'''0 a. 111. OIlrJa"....-..""or. ' . ... 'he 'albion editor, repGr&8 a11t be 7:80 proII ..... !IY .... DIIU~ latea' faots "nd Idell.s Rbout t.he I .' ,. .' =~~~~~~~ ·~·~~~k~ · ~~ . lee. lu oonneo tion wl~b a llpe alai page entitled "Sugieatlon~ tor Yoar Negllg er.," she makeB the foil lWJng genera l comme nt: "Learn to hke care of your clothes , aQd lurn alia to use eaoh drell 10 your wardro be for jU8t wh&' it :waa orlg 'J IID.l1y intende d. No matter how' tired yon a~ when you oome from a aboppl DI expedlt lou, don" bke' a bit of rest In your tai1or~d. 100.,'llme· , It you are KoiDg to . reat,. )


D ec em be r 13th to 16th •


Bible 8cbooI, 1:10 II!.. Ill. 1Ioda 10:10 .. iii. Ohn.&lau KDdeaYOr. 1:00 I~, Po JII.

D -.....

L ___ ___L ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .....:L___ _

.: ~ II_---_-'!!"------------.;...-----------

Barb "d Wire

We are equipped tq do ,

reeUn yoar negllgewitholJ it. (loD" ·'"Inte ,. olothes ~ l~~~""..

~~I;!~!!!i~ .'It".'lII~·










, Report,of \Va}'n~ Township &hools fOI'-Monlh Ending ,

a WllynMvlUe.


Nov. 24, 1911;


.. '




By special arrangement with McCall Co.

D. L. _Q~ Editor and Mennger Ratea of Subscription One Year (Itrlctly In advance) .... . . .. 11.00 8J.nsle Copy •.. .•...•• . • . . .• . .. .. ... , .O~ . Ratel of Advertising Reading


P8l! line ..... .. ..... . . lie ~adllli Local•. black 18Ctl. por 11116 .. . l Or OI_1I1ed Ada. 1I0t to excood live lin....





Rank in enrollment ...... ........ .. .




Neither absent nor tardy." ... ...

7 ' Il



Per cent of enrollJI!ent neither absent nor lardy..... .... .... ..... 3B

Reeolutloll& ....... '" , ..... . .... . , .. . 60c 80ciaIJI etc. where cbllJ'le III wade ....... llic

Cases of tardiness .... . .... .. ..... ..



Dblpla, Ad vertllln« per Ilicb •... . .. . . , . Hie Dlaoounta IV8n on OOD~nu:~.

Number of pupils tardy .. ...... .












I,.. ·..









I 31












o o o o












DEOEMBER 6. 11111.

Per cent of attendance. ......... 86 Vilits of superintendent ...... .. .




1 .





I~.eber R~:~mondE;~~:!~:hl tJk~r

Harmony Orove

t,on8 that Warren oonnty ia eojoy. Lorena Weeks Maria 81011180n log at the preaent Ume . 00 your Clement l:iarner Olive Wilson dut.r, then, oOlne and Alloe GoD8 Ml1rgl1ret MlmpsoD VOTE Rhodes Bunnell Gorden Week8 Mabel 8tanley ROBooe Fornas AND Ru@sellBtanley VOTE Red Oak DRY None

------..-- ..------


When In doubt uk your .wlfe.

TIle co,,1 dealer Ihoilld - be careful to kke the right


lalt may be ooarse wltnou t bollill Sbe leA8~ bit ' obJeotlou"blfl

Those wllo ell.t oorn oa 'he oob ron a rlak of havin, corn In the ear.


Moat meD 8Dd" easier to hold bold ' tbe a runaway horae tbaD 'ODI\18.


Fal~y foUtl I'rain a' little tblngl; and 10, . ioo• .doee 'be o~refQl .d.lr1~

1O·. n.


. The maD whoobeapena htmaelNI pretty lure be tnarked dowo ' by I4llulgbbom. •


c -. _ __


The new broom awee~ olean oDlT ' wheo there Ie a wlll10l tiaDd at tbe o'her eDd of 1&.

It ia no, ';wonh white now to ad-..I . follta. to hep 0001 ; the weaLher man will see to thitt.

When you see a hen eaUnl taoka you IAre rash to assume that ah8 1s lolog to lit') 1\ oarpe&.

tie elentor man Is " !leDuine bam!\Dttarham : He ip8ndll bll days in elevating meo an~ womeD . . )





Ethel Simkins

Helen Sarris ,JoSeph Sbutts ),lorenoe Woolltu'cS






Waynesville, Ohio

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~ •••• ••••

C oming Public Salea



::'c. w. HENDERSON. M. D

JlU::." ·~I:er"'C:;;;::I:~"l~l:::.

; : ; : I,t tharesldenoe ofthe I 1 Waynes v ill e, Oh lu. lato Elleu t:;ld..,s, deoeu.sed. on North 1 Bnckeye riding Uorn Un)tI'I"ator VaDey Phonf! 153 Main StreIt stte '9t., In Wu,Vnesvllle. un 1 Garden Plow, 1 60 tooth hllorrow, T uesday, December 19, 1911 ~Odh~" new, ~ ~oCOrmloltl r:!~wllnR '!!!"!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B.~ glnnlng at 10'olock sharp the 110 . nl', U8e 8e&80nS, ......vo v/ Mt. Holly following gonds: ' I n g H"~ R,b; oDe man ~rind One oow-Thl8 oow Is a Rood on's; HnA8, AX8II, C tlllin8, F o r k . , · , Lester Dill Albert Marlatt • aud will be fr..h thie month. ' Hhovsls, Grnbblng' Manook, a swill Undertaker and Embalmer, Velma Mnlatt Lena Mlloriatt Chattell-l Oak heating Itove, otlrf., orOll!! out ~!lw • .eto. 4 sets ___ \ Bertha Marlatt Altia Borden ga,eolene stove and oven 100uk Work HItrD8811, 2 seta of ,..,Ingle Will be found In the ula Margaret Marlatt ston 76 yardl of 'Carpet '2 good Htlrnellll, :a lIeta lellther '-m Nete, Bank . Bntlding . 0Ppolli ... oorn.~r oupooards. 2 mantie otocb~ hridlell ooUllre, IIlIlter", Allo lhe Nll'tluuRI Bank 18xt6nston table I kit~hen table l! I Hoolle.bold G" ori s consiatlDg of TelephoDe io hOUlle !lnd or An eplro d emlo of mumps In the drOll' leaf table8,' 3 rooking ohalrl',1 , k F 11·...... S tand1 I 00 caPEl, 0 (lUg Ullunge, fice where J can be 00.11('(1 Oollege BlII distrlot helped to bring II oane-seated obalrs . 2 halr.cloSh Chairs, Bpdsteud .. anll Iprings, 3 day " r night. down the attendanoe for that sohool. ohal:rs, 1 kltohen safe, pioturea, vWles Heating . titov ' ", 1 Willard ~teel Vulll"v Phone U-2 The sohool having the beet utt-end rtWD, mirrur8. oil oloth, stands, Ran g e',1 ~t"r B"rr81 Churn, Butter . . anoe for November was ~llgBr Grove oballr ou ~ hlons WQsh boiler 2 tube Bowl. Ul'oOk!!, Jar8 !lnd artioles too Main Street, WaynesvUl•• Ohio 1 wa.e h benoh ~ith wringer, iot cook' Dumerous to mentlOD . Un a list of fifty words submitted Ing utensils, di8hes, t. bleware, oarv:t'erms of ea)~AIl aums of IS 00 in a !lpa1llng OQute:lt tLl elloh sohool Ing Smlfe and forJr, 6 &able 8POOD8, aud uotter oa8~ i on all 8ums over L1 HA1'BA.W tbe following were tbe five best milk pan8 and jars, canned trnlC, $600" oredit of nine D10nths will I\f. • • A'T gradel!: Geneva Curtis, 114,,; Lor" 4 Oll.lllS KrfJ.p8 juice, cider barrel, 1 be /tlvsn, purcba8er to give a-~ok . . featl!ter bed. 1 paIr large pIllOWII, 3 able note. B. P. Har~ock Wit". '.lellrille'l Leadin, I>ead1I1' ettllo Betz, 87,96 ,Ko.aoe Furnae, 85,96 , bolllters, 2 ooverle's, 8 comforu, 1 Cbaa. Hawke. Auo'(>moe in K\,ya ~ldg. lla1n 8t Opal Grp.y, 82,96 ; Jamell EVIln8, 82 96 . bede,tglld, 1 bed apread and lou of A . •. Sides, Oler~ Of thtl oompositions 00 oorn, Op"1 other thibg" too numero1lS W men_ __ Gray had the b8llt, !lnd Olive Willon tloD . 80 obiokeos. 1 ladder, 2 iron 1 ~lll otter 1\1 Public Bale on lhe seocnd. There were many very keUm!'B. farm known al the Blapham farm,' od b . tt d d h Terms-Cash 00 day of s~le. 2 mUM norah .>f Wayn8lvtlle on the .10 pap8ra. IIU 1D1 e an t. e M. M. MoKiD8ey, Admr. Bellbrook pike au laotlon of the beat was no easy wk . O. T . Hawke, Auot. Sa F 0 Gil S tul1laY. December 9, 1911. Having rented ml farm koown al Begbnl1ag a' 10 o'oloot sharp the the Aaron ChaDdler farm, on 'he following property oonalatlnK in STONES THAT ARE SOCIABLE northeall& WaYD88vllle aDd Xenia pita. 2 mil.. par' of » aOl'l88-1 borae '$ y.ra of Wayn8lville on 00, a gQod IIDer, will work any pl,pe; 1 aorrel m 3 ,ell.'" uld . Sa.t urday, Decemller 16, 1911. weU. broke, a exira good mUoh Travelfn; Pebbl.. of f\levada When Separated Mova Rapidly Toward Beginning a' 10 0 'olock a . m . the ooWI,·· J '.' tkJW1I and r Plp-l a Common Center. f6He~hattles ~ S 8_d of B r,anH 1 wUh 7 pip; 6 -l Bay Gelding, 8 y~ar8 old, weigh' liho.\a,,,,wlll weigh about 100 -ub,' aboll~ 1360, a good I(eneral purpol8 Jrarl'DlAg .. Implemeuta-1 ' De8rlag "Traveling atone,:' from the size a pea to six inches in diameter, ore horee and good worlrer ; 1 6..year old B1D!1P, .iood &II Dew; 1 Bernt' ~ T~ lound I.n Nevada. Brown Geldin8', weigbt about 1450, ~o Tranaplanter, load . . Dew; When distributed. on a ft.oor or oth, a good leaner at:ld a good worker; 1' ''911De Cora PJ"n&er, In gooolOOD' er level surtace, within two or three 1 Sor'rel lIare, 8 yearl.l aId, a good dl&lon' 1 Bamlltofl Bldtnl( ' PloW ' 1 .








~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~~m;o~u=:r~,~u~p~t=.~ , . .. _ &__ Saved HII Wile.'s Life "lIy wU" would have bet!n in her

c- ~

Fred Simkins



College Hill

Gayle Evanll Harold MoCoy The.preacher can &le a koct as Adria Vornell Uhl1rles Evans well as • saUor. Ellis Smith Mabel Slilisburv James EvaDa

yOU .....

Now i& Your Chance-Subscribe Today.


own voting. By . thlll means yon ~y ,be able to keep the good oondl

I(an propOMl, but verI often" la papa who dlapoaea.

Will Cost



PoUtlOl are often tbe moat bother lOme kind of tloks.

TOlal Value . . .. .. .. . .... , $2.95


PupUa i~ Township Bohools neitb Spring Branch er tardy nor absent for November I Chua Beflyblll Lester Curtis So muoh h.a been Bald In rerard U l 1 . . I E~~; ~~~wn to the elect.ion Saturday, tba' U il SUIar Grove Esther Curtis Clydelibutt8 I Green Briar lm~lble to aay anythlnll new on lnezThomaa tbe lubjeot. There la jUl' one 'bing b~wever, that onght &0 be Impr88eed Eva Prater Everett Th,olD&s Ambrose Ballinger apon the minds of every voter, and Opal Gray Earnest E~'nbart Boward Whitaker that l&-doo'tlet tbe otber milD do Ruasel Surface Madison Earohart Catherine Burnet Burnett BllU,erworth tbe vottDg-oome In and do your

~~I~I~!:;a:&II ::;n~:e::utts

McCall's Maga 7.ine, though selling for 50c per year, is positively worth $1 per year instead. Call at this office any time and see late issues. The free l'a tterns are ord e red by post ·card fro lll New York City and can b e I1scd an y t inlt" yo t, need one. This offer is ava ilahle to a ll )' "IIC who subscribes , renews o r cx tends their time on the Miami l ~a7. l' tt e. The only pere411isitc is llt~l you "pay in advance." Call at this oflice or selld S I .!i0 by mail.

Miami Gazette, 1 year , .... . . $1.00 McCall's Magazine, J years . . $1.50 3 Free ISc McCall's Patterns. .45




Of New York City, we· off~r every one the opportunity to secure The Miami Gazette absolutely free for 1 year, by merely subscribing to the McCall 's Magazine for 3 years at the rate of 50c per year. In addi· tion you receive 3 Free 15c McCall Patterns.

- -


• Enrollment ....... .. . ......... ....... ...

Three IlutertloDll .. • .... •.. 11k Obltu~M. llve InchM free; over five ,r. Inchee. per line. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ Oard of thankl •..... . .• .. .. . • . ..... " 16c 00


"'''8 today,"wrUeaO. a Brown, of oaoadtbe, Ala , "If 1& bad oat be£ln for Dr. . King's Ne., ,· Discovery. She Wl18 down In her bed, DOt able '0 let up wltbou' help. Sbe blAd a severe broDobial troob:e and " dreadful oou,h. 1 got her a bottle of Or, King'. New Dlsoovery, and abesoon beran meod.and WIiB welI In a Ihort "me. " tnfalltble for ooURbl and cold a, U8 the moa' rA ltabJ, remedy on earth tor de8perate lunlJ trouble, hemorrhage8, lagripPl', ulilma, ' bay fever, oroop anll whoopIDg.oough. '600, nOG. Trill I · free. G'lll rau teed by II 11 drDR,iell. .' • _ •


\ Ha~ to Realize. . 'I1ie 'Varlet, of waYII In 'which a ctv' en .numbe~ of article. may be placed lin otten 'created much surprtae. A mathemaUclan once set himself to the taak of calculating the number of dllrerent ways In wbloh the arty·two carc!s of a pack could lie distributed among four players. thirteen to eaoh.· taldng e't'ery pollilble combination. It would be oaelesl to present the an· swer here In a long row of figures. fot no one CIUl realize what such a numerical array really meana, but the following Illultratlon can be readily era.ped: If the enUre population of the earth, lay one tbousand millions of persons, were to deal the cardl continually, day lind nlgbt, for 'one hondred mil· Honl ot years. at the rate ot a deal by each penon a minute, they would oot ha"e exhausted the one hundred thou18ndtb part of the number of e. sentially dllrerent ways In which It III pOllibJe tlIat the carda can be 10 dl. trtbuted.

~:~t~~:~:a:~~~:~~-: c=:!a!:~ K~~::~k; ~::t~:~S::~:,~d eadC\ler, 1~ti:i:::~~tJlo':;;I~~!~~':~ ~ 211 ead of Hogs conal8tlng of one 1 GO tooth Barrow, tn good lha~;

ter, and there lie huddled like a clutch ot eggs In a nest. A slng'le atone remoTed to a dll' mnce of th.ree aJild a half teet, upon being reieased, at once startect with wonderful and somewhat comical ce!· erlty to join Its tellowil. . Theile Queer atones are t01llld In a reglon that Is comparaUvel,. leTe1 and little more than bare rock. Scattered over thi8 barren region are little ba· IIlns, from a few feet to a rod or tWo In diameter, and It Is In the bottom of these that the rOiling stonea are found. The cause tor the strange conduct of these IItonell Is doubtleBl to be tound In the material ot which they are composed, which appear. to be lodestone or magneUo Iron ON.-Harper'. Weekly.




More LIkely.

. "What's the escltement , .t tlIat atreet croBslng? Some automobUe collision!" "I think not; the crowd'•. too big tor that. Some professional pugilist m'ust have Btepped Into the ,alooD at tbat corner. and they're waltlng tor blm ' t.o ,come .out."

- ---...

- ..---

HICK'S 1912


Bafor" the grecat IJrollth of 1I0!, the Hioks AlmtlnllC gue timely warning For over two ' :vear~ prto~ toIIIl1, the ·Hlck.. Alm1t&nuo agaiD sounded a warniDg' of drouth danger And 80 for forty . years tbls 811om~ friend of all tbe people bile "tead · lastly r"fnsed the olfers uf Ip9Cul!l tors and oontlnued to warD' tbe publio of the oomltlg d'lngen or 8torm !lnd w8llther. As they 8honld. have doue, the peopl.e have Dobly .tood by Professor Blob, tbeir faUhrul publlo servllnt., who bal Krown old 10 tbeir servioe. Seotl only ooe doll .. r to Word and Work8 I'ob118hlUR (,Jompany, 340l Franklin Avenpe 8' Louis. Misaouri , aDd !fet hla lIlaga~ln~ ~~d ~Imanao both fC!~ ~~e . ; .The ' 4lmllonllc .1 a '8ne . . ,' alone, -' . wel~ . t..oo.)ItI'O[ p.~. Ie ~lIcU,\ b,. ~/lil. 1'88lpon',ilaM"" = .

Spare the Dove.. The turtle do,,_ are 'great feedera OD the aeeda of weede. and do much to pro~ot growlog orop. trom harm through the ravagea ot those weedl on the ieecI. of which they feed . The governm_t bloloSical aurvey, In oon· duc&lq Ita InVelUptlOD to determine the economiC .value ot thes'e bird •. fouod In the atomacbl of three turtle dovea 13,100 hawkweed seedll, wlt1l the seeda of ae"eral other kinds ot weeda which have caused the tarmer InconTemences and: expense during larger portion of ,t be crop growing 'Ieaion. These blrdi are mucb more elrecU'VIii 'sa a 'weed - exterminating toroe than aD army of men with hoel .~eeden, . the best that 'c an do . the weeda In · t,o~ & ft~Jit". while. the · tIM' ~~ I. ' de-,



Duroo Bro'ld Sow and 28 Sboau 1 ~~. W.,oo nearly aew, 1800d TNa 'aRIEAHIT roudvtofatten. . BoadWa;lD,l br~Dc1new Bobber \ 'l'llbA'TRJ'I'AI p'I'D'l:D 6 Hesd of C",ttle-2 freeh M1Ioh tlre Baag,.; 1 Sprinl W&lon, 1 IIlI:.ft. ~ AI'".a;.&\. COWS" 2 ~ood young Heifers will 'be IIbort ilhan Cart, 1 good BOil Orate, III THIl WORLO f.rel!b In i:ebrnary, 1 Je~.v cow aDd 14 fee' long; 1 gravel Bed, In ROod rtJIUSBI!D WEElLT. M.OO PEl. 1IAll ] ,BI".ok Boll, one yaar old. sbape; 2 complete ~ta good ' Work HOTIlL" IPaCIALlln, About 4 daRn Rhode .I81and Red Barli_, Co11arl, Brtdl4ll, Sho.vetl, ooaTU MDItUaciiiii, II: Ite,' TRAil.'''''. OA. Cl10kilDS /,Ind 121ndia-rauner Duolte Boea, Bakes, Forb, ISay fork. and AND '.ua '. . .Vloa oAll' ""OFt':' t\bont 800 'bu of Corn, 8 or , wnll of Pnlle~a and ma~ o~her thinp too .v ua.Ma 1ft ADV."T.a.NO,COI-UMNa goud h lty, 1 rubber.tlre, auto numerOIll ao ·8nofiierat•. SAMPLE ·COPY FREE Bllltgy, naa.rly new; 1 ph,no box BURTerlD ____• credit of" moothl .wUl N. . YOItK 01.......1t , gY,l'tlwlOlj boay UutwrAlelghgood lUI begiveD oD.aUlulDI oyer t6.00, by Add". Mew York. N. Y. DeW with 211trl\Dds of beUI, 12 horae porcbuer ".IDg bankable Dote. Sled, 1 gond Road Wagoo, 1 88t of J , . Rata Drake. ba~ hldden ne\v. 1 Gravel Bed new, A. B. CJ;lenowe'h, Auo&. Subscribe for the Gazette 1 R"UmuD T,lb4oo'> Metter. ulMld but N. S .•l'tll&tn, Clerk


Veneered Furf)Iture.

Are yo" going to have a aale? Let us print your billa.

In Ithese days or the veneered furniture. ~hen the buyer choosel only that plee\. or qilartered oak that shows the most flake In the cut. It I. weH to mnke It a point to never allow w!'-ter or liquid long to remain on the surfac:Es. this espoe:ally or tables, for It Is liable to reacb the glue beneath t~la IpaJ\ef·1tke surfo ceo and later when drying ont make It · 11ft and J!ulce, to ~palr wblch .only an esp'ert la capable. Dampnells can eallll,. reach ' It almollt unlmowlngly by Plac'l Ing. on it a va.c or Jar which bal In It 101De. cool substance that might make mollture oollect on the outer Iide 81nd leak to the table top. Thll Ihourcl be ·guarded aplnat, a. varnished 8u:rfacea become opaque and tbl. more often than the veneer 'bulglng, which happening I. Terlll" a calamlt1. ->c~

At. a Dial dvahtau e• ""I IIUPpole you ~Ylll mill your boJ "b.lle he la at college." "Yep," replied Farmer Corntoillel. "I dum no .nt I '1\. 11\ do without him. Be go,t the I1ve stock so they wouldn't move unless he · give 'em the college 1'011. 81n' I can't remembar It." s__ _ _ _ ___ _


Funeral Dire-:to,• -;









durability and 'exquisite design '-the hiRhest ideals in plated ware-are allured in :lpOOos. forks, and fancy ICI'Viog pieces bearing the . 'renowned trade mark . .



There ar~ various nulkea of ~erplpted tableware 'which are Claimed to be ··just .. 800<1." but, like all the ~~ty ~ . . ~~.;~~I~C)~~md~·~~e

'Canada at the Chicago Land Show

The Miami .'

D. L. CRANE, Publisher• .,WA YNI':!=IVTl ,1 ,F:. IACHlEVEMENTS




On"Jack 0' Lantern

Oeenrat Bam'a report concernIng

---....;B ::.L..-C =L=ARA = LUCY DEACON

· -t ........." cflclent

dldates e.Iamlned for aClmlBslon to West Point Military Academy la Interesting tram more than one point at view. These young men were not taken at hazani tram the mass at theIr tellows. nor were tbey merely )'oung men of average ability. Elich at tbem had been lelected and chosen al a nominee for • cadetahlp. Each ot them had prellumably prepared for the examination he knew awaited him. aays the New York World_ Yet many of them dlaclosed a degree of Ignor· ance ('Oncemln& hlatory and IIteraature lhat could hardly be lurpRlsed among IlItter.tee. One of thele &Illiranta tor Welt Point- lItated that !.ee and Stonewall J.cUon had fought at PrInceton and Trenton. another ,t h.t the battle ~t Waterloo was fougllt between "N.pollcan" and' "Welling· toni." . Of Muon and Dlldn'. line It WU 'Kld It "dIYld_ M.ryl.nd from ~rata-.. Amon& the -moet Import· ant wrltera of the nineteenth century" ",ere ' Uu:luded "ElI.r wneeler WIlCOI, lIIlbert HUcgard. Jack London and Dorothy DI%." Tbese you\1C ' men are Iftduat.. of Amerlc.n IIchooll. To them bue been open from their boy· ibood all the .dYantal" of public 11· lbrart.. .nd an tnc....nt and wen· mcb eouutle.. .tream of ma&Uln~a ,and n.w.p.pera. Tbey .urely .re nOl ;401\ boy. nor unambitloull. Tllelr Ig· ;uoraDci. therefore. la 81 dlacredltable ;to their teaehen aa to themaelve •. The Idea of reclatmln& RUlllaD _amp land. II Dot new. ' LUte ~ther 'faluable Idean It IPraD3 up the fertile mind of Peter the Great. "'Who built hi. capltai In • IIwamp. becaus. It 'II'al tbe only place be could tlDd a!fordlng aces IS to the lea. Peter .elected the Holmogorl dlstrlot tn the ProYlDCC of ArchaDcel for ralllnll: ~tch cattle because he .n9tlced the 'resem blaDca between the &raI' ot Holland and that of the Holmolol'l dtatrlct. It t. now pointed, out taa t at .mall exponH the ~~It 'iwampi In the . pro'fUIoo of ArcbaDgel ca'l , be turned Into land. conred wltb the Holmocorl sraal, and that after a few Tea.,. a larle portlon of It wtll be tit for nliins cereale and Tegetables. A ,,.Itematlc AClamatloD mOTement II now planned hy the RUlllu depart· ment ' of qrlculture.


There waa a rattling '\'olley of grav· el agalullt the wlndo .... pane and then loundll of scampering footst e ps dylnl: .",ny In the distance. "What wal that?" BIlked Mise Gerrtck ot her atartled guests. , A ripple of laugbter came from the lOWer end at tbe table. "Wby. Aunt Grae_don't you know It'8 Ha l· lowe'en 1" Kitty Gerrlok's wl8cble veouely prett)' face peeped around tbe lIowen at her h.ndllome, dignified .unt. "Hallowe'en! Wby--1lear me. I bad forgotten there wal sucb a festival!" exclaimed Mlaa Gerrick so sincerely that nerybod7 laughed again. "I tbooarbt the fatal rltea were rather weird an<1 fantaaUc-lndeed. wben I w.. quite • Uttl. girl myoid Ger· man DUrte called It 'Walpurgle night: aD<1 I recollect ahe Imprellaed It upOIl me th.t It 'W811 .ell to keep under COTer aD that e"enlnl, tor ",1tcbee an'd gobUna were abroad." NTbl1 II a twentieth cmtury fan' laay." remarked Mn. Bllae cynically. NNowada,1 "e ant convinced tbat bobcobllnl are a delualon of the Ig·· norant and luperst1tloUi. but In tal· eratlt recognltlon of the occallion we rlne doorbell •• lteal gatel from their hlng.. and tOil gravel agalnet the window pene. to startle our aenelble or forlettuJ nel&hbon." "Ob, 1dn. BUll!" cried Kitty reproachfully, "what. tUrDcoat you are! Don 't you remember ",bat a dellgbtful Hallowe'en party you lave UI two ,earil 88or . We did all the proper thln&&-worked alJ the old charme; we bad a perfectly lovely Ume." Mn. BUn Imlled at KlttY'lI en· thUlIum. "Tbank you. clear. I know you were all the most charming arueltl-but I ,will conteel I 11'811 dll' appointed when my younar people took It In lucb • matter-of·fact way. They seemed bored wltb the charms. but perfectlr bappy when.the dancing bepn. Yon all .poke of It a. "J ack-o·· Lantern tllcht. when In reality It was the mye of All Soul.I" .. "no you really beUeve In thole old ~harml!" uked Kltt)' rather' timidly.


A carload ot grain In IItraw, graBses and other at l,he products of Woatern Canada arrived at Chicago th e otber day, and III no", Instanecl In tllo Coliseum, where the United States land and IrrJgation exposition III und er WilY. ThaN wbo are Inl erested In the "Baok to tbe land movement" will tlnd In tlle Canadian exhlhlt on e of tbe best dlaplaya of tpe agricultural producta of Welltern Canada tbllt hili ever been made. Tbere arE: rcpr. lentatiTe men there, who will be pleaeed to ,ITe the fullett Informatlou reprdlnl' the country. Tbe exhibit IIhow. ",hat con be done 011 the free &rant land. of thnt oountry aDd mOlt oJ the groIn was produced on the farml ·ot former resl· dent. of til. Unlted~ Statell who have takJlD adTantl,e of tbe bomestead land. r Manitoba, Sukatcllewlln and Alberta. Th. vecotabl. exblblt ~III attract a creat deal of .ttentlon, and Bome maneloUi poUtoea, C&fJ'Otl. · turnlps , cabbqe .nd cauliflower are IIhown. It I. true that the bomestead area I. beln, rapidly takeD up and tbe bulk of ~at now to be bad Ilel north of the Sukatehewan TiTer ' In • po.rUon of the countr,. ,known •• tbe park country. Here theN JI • lar~e Quan· tlty of opeD prairie Interaperaed by beautifUl Cl'O'fe. of poplar and willow. W.ter II III abund.nce, bBY II plenti· ful aDd conaeq\lltltly fodder fot aal· mals fl rlKbt at band. Those who b.Te taken _.chaDt.... at f.rm lng In thel. dlltrlcta and watobed the elrorta of lhole In ttie pra.lrle proper feel that they baTe tbe advantaare of their brother, wbo II Dot able to aecure fuel and the othsr convenlencel at tt.e l*rk dJatrlct Oil hi. OWD fann . The crop conditions through~ut Western Canada the pallt year taTe beeJ' &enerall, Kood, Rnd aome won· d.rful crop )'feld. of wbeat, oat, Bnd barley are recorde". Tbe Canadian GOTernment, under whose a·uaplceB the ublblt ~ken of t • . being made. I. prepartDC reporle on cropa In the different Weatem Canada dIstricts, a.nd whll. the.e will not be Nady for dlltrlbutloll at the land eh,w com· IDBGclDC 011 18th of November and cla.lng on Dec. 8th, application made to the CanadIan Governme nt a,ent nearelt you wl11 bring them to you as IOOD al ·the, are publllbed.

All I-f l/illows ~: v o should All th e tlme·worn cb,ums were reluted nnd las tly th e ail e wblcb bldll th e expec tnnt mold en walk reurtuUy nround t hI' house. wltb hair unbound Bud mfrror held 10 her hand. timidly ' In Selecting II Brood 80w, Sec:ure One Having II Long Body, SVong Back lind Deep 81dOl, bo plng to see th e 8hadowy race m be r future hu s ban d Ptle r log over her should er a nd rl' Oect (\lj In tb e gla 8s. "That woul d gi\'l' a chor> a fnlr chance." obserl' ed (he captain Berioullly. wh en Mrs. !llls 8 had conclud· cd . "Any fellow that r~ally wanted a g irl , you l(Oow ~ could arrange It flO tbat be mlgbt pee p ove r hcr shoulder juat aB It struck eight bells." "That wouldtl 't be playing faIr," cried Kitty Gern ck. "You WOUldn't be giving the rates their due.' "Tben there Is bope for me." reS~ort, turned Capt. Aymer. wltb mock solemnIty. and aa they laugbed no ODe saw the IIghtnlng·lIke glance that he ahot at their hostess lr ~be, had leen CDy c. S. Plumb, College of AgrIculture, Ohio State Unlveralty.) It nobody woul<1 have wondered. for The breelLlns of boga on the Amer- develop a herd of brood IIOWI. eveD U they dld r not know that Orace GerrIck nnd tha hand80me captain were old Ican farm la. In mOllt cosea, f1) rerog· not pure bred, that will be vcry pr& frlendll, and would have been more nlzed business. III tbe corn belt. farm · fttable. If one has a brood 11011' that than trlends bad not lIome ml.under· era commonly keep a numher of brood flU'rowI a large litter and Is 0. gnod Btandlng arleen between them Tbe, sows and breed m08t of the hogs fat· mother; 'she should be retained In the had not met for years until recently. tened. In the pro<1UCtiOD of soch atock herd as long al POBslble. 8uch a eOw and the captaIn bad joIned tbe hOule tbere are 0. fe w things to consider that may live to Blx or ,elgbt years of nj;e, I part,. more as a dlslnnt relallv\t 01 are essential to luccess. The more uniform tbe bogs In breed ond farrow an average of one line I t· Tom Blla8 than DB a specIal friend of MIllS Gerrick. Not even the BIIIsea cha.racterletloa, even It· gradea, the ter 1\ year, and perh.pI t'll'O. It I, suspecled a blighted romance between more a ttra ctive they will be t.ibuyen. Dot desl:-ahle however, 00 have a sow tbe two. althougb many wondered wby A load of fnt hoca of one color. of farrow more than once a year It Ibe two 8u~h handsome and altolether de- much the Bame size and appearance; raise a eight or more pigs io the one lightful people sbould have remalnefi produces a favorable ImpressloD upon litter. tbe market. In selecting a brood BOW, sec ore one unmr.rrled. One should aelect a type of breed- bavlng a long body. strong back and After dInner there was muelc In the Ing anlmalB that far!'ow la rge IIttera . deep aides. The ahort. tat type doea d~a"'lng·room and the topic or HaJ· lowe'en was not brought up agaIn. As 817.e of litter Is a breed cbaracter- not make a desirable brood BOW. .she a long motor ride had been planned IsUc. some breeds being noted for far· II DOt buill properly for reproduclnK for the nelt day and an early start rowing more abundantly than othera. and nuralng to greatest advaDtage. Size with breeding anlmnlll Is now wn.a essel.JUal, the company broke up The Duroc·J ersey and Cbester White hreeda nre eacl:\, note d for prOdUClngt being recognized aa Important. In t,Ile shortly after mldnl~ht. larger IIlle rs thun tll(' Poland China: past, the tendency has been to produce Capt. Aymer went out on tbe Yer· If one Is to aelect a hreed, or a grade, hogs of too much refinement. whic h ando for a Hnal cigar berore solng that Is not Inclined to be prollftc, th en tended to fatten or mature early. u, to bl8 room. The Orat Quarter of sowa of good Blze, with plenty of lackrng ID Beale, feeding or breeding the moon was rlalng above the distant length nnd good tenta should be capacity. Today thero III ~ stron& mountaIn. and tbe broad path tha. en· aelected, and these mated with boars dema!ld for large brood sov,'1! of lood circled the bOUle lay revealed. The trom prolific families and strains. The quality. A mat~l'e br06d SOW ebould captain was thinkIng somewhat bitter· farmer. ~y careful observatloo, may weigh 400 til 600 poundl. Iy of what might have been Ir tbe fates bad taken a kindly hllnd In bls affalra, ""hen suddenly there , wa. en· acted .. little scene that WMlnK · bls heart-so poIgnant tbat bla memcr,. of hJs first an<1 only love. Kitty Gerrick 111'81 Uptoelng cautlou .. Wanted to Bo More Earnellt. Iy around the boust' wltb ber back Rev. Sylvester Horne, tbe Llbornl toward him. ' a ellver band·arlass held M. p, from Loudon. "'88 tnlklng nbout before ber faoo. the aklrta of ber ul. rellBlon it a dinner In New Y9rlt. '-'Germany I. fait becomtng "Too man, bf ull In our r"'lIgloue 01). tra·mod4!tn gown he:d above the 'amp:. eaDlaed, according UI the reportl of lIervancea," lie Bald, ".re like n nttl .. nels of tbe path-twenU'etb century the Brltilh conlul ·.t M"'''lt·h,-_rhftrl-lIIfj~l!4lfflt.~J'C. l'Otlenham COurt Roed girl. asauran¢e and· prnctical common senae "This little girl aa1d one 1llght ,to ber notee t~e aymptomll In baqd III hand wltb ancient auperlU, .nUlDUll:-_ _ _- '-:--_ -:-:::--_ _ __ Uon . Coming softly behInd her. lak· - 'Oh, muat I sle"p In the dark 7' Inl ber by lurprlse, wall youn,; Hazell. ing by houlles and tbe growtb .. 'Yes, mila: tbe nurBe .nllwered. With a little slgll. be tolled .wa,f hi. of luxury and reatlelln..1 In private .. 'Then _alt a ' mLnute; sahl the lit· cllar and Capt. A,.mer ' Itole Into uJe . lUe, ..,. the New York World. Bllt tie girl. '1'11 let up· ~d lIay m)' pray· bouae. 'Wbat will .trike Am eri canll themers more carefully.''' The great ball wal delerted and ' '..lTea u tbe beSt evidence of Amerl· one dim candle burned on a dlltaDt eaD· tendeno1es In German)-, II eon· table. Standing near the IItalrw.y, PJlYSICIAN ADVISES ltatJ1ed tn the mountJDC cQ" of IIvlni wltb her back toward blm. "'.11 Grace "In ~rmany and tD >the 1m perinI chan: \ CUTICORA REMEDIES Gerrick, ~dJusting a waye of he!' beau. ,Hllor'a IUCgeation tilat It mual 1)e ac· Uful white hair hefore a looking &Iau cepted .1. part ' of the Jle",. eo~dl Uon• . that' bung over a table "Four yeara .10 I bad plae .. break . , Capt. Aymer besltated one 1~ltant out all my Wrllt and on my ahln which and than wIth feveral quick steJ)l .be Geologists are eJalmlng that tl\e would ltc:ll · and burn by .pella. and stood beb~d her and their eyea , 1It,~t .rreatalt undllrground ·. rlTer , ID the icratcbln, them . would Dot seeDil "OO In the glasB. aad were hel<1 untU 'World now. from tbe . Roc~J. ,m oun· ,Ive an, AUef, WIlen the ts:ouble ,tiNt Orace turned the full glory of ber, loy· baS.n, my wrtlt and sbln Itched U_e 'taiDB .underneath New ,lIellloq _Dd AdJuatlng Her Hair, Ing glance to him. "If I had only l)e\BOn, I woUld acratcta those places Texas. emPtylnar Ilielf la the 01l1l of done thla yelU's before I" he IIlghed all QnW they w~uld blCM;d b9fore 1 ,could Meldco. Tbts rlYer II tbodKbt' to be and the 'ounl ' m .... bealde ber .eemed tbelr IIPII met. 10 UBten a. ·ea,.l,. .. slie dId (or ,let' reU~, . Aft.erward. tbe pla~ in plBCe8 sev.eral mUe. wide, and It la Mn. BII..•• rep I,.; '"It 111'.8 my fault thot you did Dot." would Ieale OTer, r.n4 the fteab un· belleTed tb.t It feeds rtven tbat 1I0w Indeed'" returned that bap. · Ihe cried sottly "Tbat I. why I Itood i ' d.meatb'would look red and feveriah. y married maws • •eJ(ebanstnw-a there-ond waited for you to come ,In It frequIJntly happen. that. all a reat at proft~ble pricell d~lDC tbe belt of Tene I. pointed to .. the up· Iwltt Klance with her huaband. "Wby, -I wanted you to lIave your cbance!" It 1Voul4 , waken Di. from my sleep, Kitty "errlck ~nd ./Ier laTer looked Jult of a temporary over-supply or h&lght, of th.e garden or fnI,l , leaBOn, ,Ifllne of tbe . water froD! thlll river, Mr. BII8I .nd I becamo en&&ged on i 'wOUld baTe to 10 through. the througb the BIde IIghta of tbe 'front lack of proper dlltrtbutlve method.. but. .Inferlor nrod.ucts which are e~ther It'.ratchtog orde.1 &Pin. orteD from elr;ht bundred feet below. H.llowe·en!" and facllltlel, many producta of the abllolutely unsaleable or would not door and 8aw the two beautiful white "DId one of the cbarmll really worll Our phyalclaD proDounced It "dl1" true?" aaked Kitty, blusblnl( under the heads so cloae together. Young Ha farm more or lesa perl8hable In char· bring lumclent return UI pay for their ecaema," I used an olntment which Icter. are annualIy allowed to ' go to handling 118 raw producta . . For ex. A Chlcap;o man who was arrested &ue at the . Interested younl II!~. zen'l arm Ughtenea about bill sweet, waste. Thla Is especially true with ample: Intertor tomatoes, bunted ~e ~toI'PTe me, but I~ did no cood. for klsBlng a girl made a pIe. for . .. Y...... Mra': BII88 8mlled ' terDlnl .. heart. respect to certalo vegetablea and cabbages. nubblnll of corn, lmperfect Th~n be advtHCl me to .tf')' tbO! .Cutl· mercy by explainIng tbat h~ . wal . 10 cenUy, "It worked true and In the. "I sball cever ca.1 It 'Ji'ck o· Lan· cura RemedieS: , AI thla trouble h4' fruits. fruita and ' similar arUele!!. badl,. under the InHuen~e of Intoll· mqllt unexpected manr.tlr posalble." tern' night after this," bfeathed Kit· been In our famU, tor lean, and II Sucb Il condltloD II morally and Tbree fundamental realons may be ty aoftli, as they entered the bouse. "In II< "ery rorelble manner. I may canta that be dldo't know wbether he conlldered heredlt&r7, I felt aJxloua 1I0000mlcal1y wrong; Is Indicative of ad .. anced for sucb a courae of proway klulng a girl or a bors~, . Tbe .4d." lal<1 Mr. BII88 Impreaslvely. l:O try ~ . ~ad It. d, 1 lOt tbe GuU· tax business methods or resourcel; cedure on tbe part of the producer, "Jt was one o! tboae old gamel Ijudge. being unwilling to a~ept In. All Old Peer. sud ought not to prevatl, 'l'be large First, to prevent abaolute waite ... cura ' SoaP. Otntm8Dt and Pilla. and wbere you pare an apple and toll the tOlillcatlon aa an eXCUlIe, Hned the of. Tbe marqula at Abergavenny recent· manufacturing establlBhmenta dl.cov· aecoDd. tcJ remove s e lf.competltloD they MelDed to be SUIt What I needed . "T~ d\8ease was maktng srea~ fender $26 and COBta. Things are not parlnar· over your ahoulder to I~ · wb.t Iy celebrat~d his elgh~y·flrth blrtbdlY. ered long ago. that their revenue. with reapect to the remaining superior Initial wfll take form. } bad pared tile headway on my aystem uDtll J ,at .. they uied to be, He ownl property In about Beven 'coua· could be materially Increaeed .by the fre8h products; third. to secure U~e apple and beld it In one hand; wltb the . Cutlcura Remedial wblcb bave tbe otber bari<1 I wu to tall th, par- tit": be la a founder of tbe tamoua utlllzatioD of the fragments, and ·other. added value of a more hlgbly ftnlebed oleared iii,. I .khi ot ,t he Il'eat peat. . CODlltltutional club; b~, Is a Nevlll, seemIngly waIte producta lu m.aklpg product. Massachusetta Is preparIng to put tcg over my left IIboulder; only. unfor' an:; a descendant of Warwick the tbe so-called by·products. In many Tbe writer I. not an alarmIst, but From tbe tim.,tb.'·ec~m~ healed four In. ro....c; a law . ,b lch will compel the tunately, I became confused and 'to8'. KiDgll'aker." and he holds the ~atron. inBtancel the by-producta become tbe the fact remains that we have arrived yearl 880, unW DOW, I baveDever felt ed the apple over my rlgbt shoulder retirement of ~tate employeea on age agE> (\t twenty·four cburcb lIyln!;s . In principle source of revenue and prac· at a perlo<1 In our natlonnl develop- any Of III pe.t,' and'i am thankful ·to the,CIIUcura soap and Oln~ment which limit, but wIth a pension. Inasmucb and 1t at ruck Mr. BIIs8 In tbs eye." "After that I coull! not eacape," com. hlr younger <1ays he WII considered , l\cally auataln the operative expenlea mento which demands greater economy certainly cured m.. J allta):1 UBe the all part at tbe penllon fund Is to be on the port of not only' the conlumer, platned · Mr. 811ss gloomily, "and &II a great shot. and ",a~ c~rtalnl)l noted ')t the establlahment. CutlOUi'a ItON for ,toltet, all~ I bope In tb(> world of Iport, wblle tor many The farm Ie a manufacturing plant but tbe producer obtained from enforced contributions I demanded an explanation and com. be hunted wltb the Ertdge pack. d d th f . . other '1I1hterr' ft'Olil HIll dJHlUleis will from tbese enil/loyees, based on cer· pensation tor my pain and_r-Crlgbt years b d I g La d of tbe highest or er, an e armer With reference to the second factor u.e tb. Soap an4 Ointment." taln percentages of their salarle~. -we 10mptomlsed by accf;dlng . to Tbere Ie .& story t~~d t at I u; n k8 bl::e : and [!ardener may, with equal advan· It may be IBid that there often ~cu~ \ ... 5...~ · . ·Tbree Rlv· there cannot he 10 much ohjectlon to fate's eVI(!ent selection and were mar- Abergavenny'a res ence n or th I : tage, Increase tbe productive capacity lil tbe belgbt of tho producU"e sea'lIon OJ traveler one day oblerved some nK I II b th roper 'utlllzatloD • Althollp the plan aa there might otherwise be rIed forthwith ." p al cn tbe side of a blil Pro- (If h 8 so yep . a temporary over,suppl,. o! various ,O lIl(ment, .~e h dl d at surplus and wallte products. producta consequent upon fbe lack of There was a little murmur of de- unu u ct'dlng to Inve8t1gath~' e I I~overe , A pertinent Instance of sucb a pla1\ suitable dletrlbutive agencies. Such a MusIc Is said to Increase a COW'8 lighted Interellt. for the Bllsles were that the obJe."!t at 8 cur 08 y W81 I near at hand A gardener In tbe ,~ Itb r more nor leIS tban the beela l 8 ' . 11 add ~DQltlon ~lways Involve~ a reduc~on output at milk. but farmers wbo sub· markedly an Ideally married ' pair h h vicinitY of Columbull annua y . I '.tri prltes to a point frequently below "There must \be sometblng In this u" e ject tbelr COW8 to phonograph concerta Hallowe'en business, atter all." ell' ot the viscount-ali e ~ en was- . . from $700 to 00 bla Jacome from th. actual coat of prOduction. If the are lacking In the mllk of human kind· claimed young Hazen, who sat nelt whose body andt {eg~;e burled In a ten·acre tract. by a Tery thorou~~ p1'9ducer flnds blmself . lo the grlp . .>f neBS. Nevllli . utlllzatioD . of .ucb thmatelrlal;;;m: . • uch a c;ollgeatlon of products. he '' '1 to Kitty Garrick. and 811 a IIttre smile went around the table he blusl:1ed Cu. d b Id tenals whlcb would 0 erw Be a only loore&iilng the financial lOla by for nearly 600 1lyeara eo;utely wasted. HI. methodl lnvolT' throwiDg bt!! 'Gods ' UPOD 'the market' New York omclall prohibit flying on rlouely. b 'han ~t ~ ed a ('utIe Queen E . za et Ipen s I aYI tb borne "annlng of lOch pertah.ble '. . . '. , Bunday, but Newport autnorltles place Capt. Aymer put In a word of la. I" '1573 aa "the cuelt of Lord Bur· o . eel from. fh a,t any price bn can get. In an e!fot't no restriction whatever on the high Qulry," "Plealle tell UII sbout theae -e ny" Lord Aberpvenny'e eupport products P,II are r~turntb' tlm . ...e to prevent their total JOBII. . charmll. Mra. Blla8." be Inld in bla dl. !f Dlareoll at a time when tbe r. market ntand from t me bean8-COa !lying game. Tho third factor Bnda IIUpport In I .... ..r!\ll". . . In :;tomatoes. aaparagull, an d '" , . ..... b tb hi hI!d . rect sailor way. spectabtllUp,a ' of conservatism were dl.ttoo til tbe subsequent preparatloll of Iact t at e " -mar, g y . ~ All eyes turned to the handllQme. lookIng allkance at Ihe brilliant ,ounl ItltudlllOu, varl.... of plcklee ia. p~u~ts always COmmand tha be.t Another A/llerican heIress bas (\4!j wblte·halred and lea· bronzed naval member led In 1876 to Lord Aberga· ava1mvU prices, There_ Is ,q,lway. a good . d'.. .:1ii~ii~iir=Ii;it.~ii ..", ~~-.:Ing th e use .a f ~. elded to cut , berself a<1rlft from her olllcer wbo bnd been II qlllet lIatener, venny's advancement . . ".., t !tomo-pac_d to a marqul ••te. b for clean, ho.n ' Doble apouse, bpt ,Ole market prIce 01 It anyone- had glanced aC Grace Ger:.:..:.-=:-,,:-_~ ! dukea aud earll .. as h:arli . 88 e'er. rick be' would ba... tJot\ced lha: their Th.e Leuer Evil, lllaDCoea. , the ' ,",..n'"r hOlteu had .,ushed tbe Boft. waves "Mer!!yl Do 10U al1o", you- bu. etAl . . ... WbICh" .mor~ Q;;;~;;;t;~~~i~liiJ.~l-:)~ band ·to Imok!! In the hO~lel't . ' cum ,ers, ·011 market " . WOlllell'S hate appear to of her Inow,,· ,_,..,_It..",.. ·Ai " Almer Ultened )flU! ~ye " ':WiU. ·if I dl!lD'( lIit b11ii 1!D«!h ~".."-<'c·..·!:' 01 WOIUUI'II,-l1D< atteDtJoD . Mra, zeUsa . . ~.. I:tm .• .'vi, .. fui:De;"ADd '_th.\ ,WO]Ild ~ . a ~ '





Select Sows That Farrow Large Litters and That Have Long Bodies, Strong Backs and Sides-The Fat Type Is Not Desirable.






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Prajudici Is a-.

Arrsnsement ShOW'D in Illustration Will be Founllldeal (or Prejudlco I. a hard thine to onrcom .. but where heLlth I. at .take and the PrcKection 0 ( F ow 1s D ur t ns M ost S evere W ea theropinion of thounnd8 of reliable people E " Production Should be PleuU!'qJ dlfte,.. from YOUI'8, preJudloe tllen beDurtnsr Winter Months. come. your menace and YOU ou,ht to lay It ulde. Tbl. I. Bald In tile Intereat ot p.opl. autrerln&, tram OhroDI. con.Upa.t1on, and It I. worthr of thea attenUoD. In . the opinion or lerion. of rellab" AmerIcan PMlple the mOllt .tubbona conatlpatlon ImariDable can be cure4 by a brle! UBe ot Dr. Caldwell'. Syrup P"JIIIln. You rna:;- -:oot have heard of 1& before, but do not doubt Ita merlta On that aCCoullt, or becaua. It 11 ... nOI beer. bla.tanlly adverUae<l. It h... eold very lucce&sful1y on word of mouth recommendaUon. Perenta ar. livlol It to their chtldren today who were given I~ by their porenta, and It haa been truthfully aald that more drulI'glata UI. It personally In their families than other laxative. Elevation of Poultry Hou.&--30 Feet Long. 18 Wide. WindOW OpenIng. Letters recenlly received trom Mr. (m)Are Four Feet HIgh and FIve Long; Thl. I. Dlv!ded, Each Frame n ..nry G . Vo.kamp, 7908 Decker Ave., Cleveland, OhIo, and LydIa R. Paulaon. Being Two by Two a nd One-Half Feet. Jewett, 01110. are but a tew at thouaand8 .howlng the e.teem In which Dr. CllldIn response to a query tor a design are raIsed from the noor. and have 8 well', Syrup Pepaln Is held. It Is mild. non-grlplnl(-not violent. 11k. [or a poultry bouse to accommodate slanting lid turned down at nIght to ,entlo. lalts or cathartIcs. It cures gradually 125 rowls. tb e Count ry Gentleman prevent tbe hens trom roosting In or and pleasnntly 80 that In time nature agaIn doee Its own work without outmakes tbe followIng r eply: on the nesta. Tbe roosts ,re elevated ,Ide ald. ConlUpated people owe It to For 125 fowls, tbe arrangement of 30 Incbea above tbe fioor. Tbls allowlI tl1em8olvc. to Ulle this grand bowel al)cclnc. tbe house Illustrated III Idea l. It can the Ilens to get ben eath tbe droppIngAnyone wishIng to make a trial of thl. be built all any farm; It will Ihelter board and under the nests 118 well. rem edy before buying It In tho rellUlar and protect poultry In the coldest Tbe dropplng·board beneatb tbe roost way at a dru,rlat a t tlfty cent. or ona climate; and egg production sbould be should be made ot tongue'Bnd-groove dollar a large hottle (fnmlly 81",e) can have a aample bottle sent to the hom. plenttful In such a bouse durIng tbe flooring, wIth the graIn of tbe wood free ot chargo b,. simply nddre8lln, ~. coldest ""Inter weatber, providing the 10Vo' nrd the front. Tbls Ie more easily W. B . Caldwell, 201 Waahlllgton 8t., poultry anl properly fed. cleaned tban If laId lengtbwlse. Tbe Monticello. III. Your namo IUld addre•• on a p08tal c&rd will do. Tbe buildIng Is 16 reet WIde and 30 droppln g·board Is lupported by feet long; the elevation In front Is ten wblcb rest on tbe lIoor. and tbe roosts T•he man wbo tries to taller olf III feet and five In tbe rear. Tbls gives are set In grooves In tbe croBs-pleces. sIn will socn be In over bIB bead a good fall for tbe roof and provides A buildIng like tblq I. easily kept again. sufficient he Ig ht for the roosting of clean. The floor s hould be of cethe fowls. Tbe wlodows In tbe frvnt menL A good cement floor Is alwayl IT WEARS YOU OUT. o r the bouse have 18 panel! of eight dry and clea e. It should be well cov· by ten glnss In each. Hetweee the ered In wlnler with dry straw, In Bum· Kidney Trouble. Lower the VItality of windows are rour ope nIngs four feet mll r wltb sand or earth from tile the Whole Body. Dbn't walt for lIerlous kIdney III· hlgb and Iwo and one·balf wIde. flelde. Theso openIngs are closed wIth In caring for a building of this kInd. neiss; begin using Doan's Klc1J1eT Pills frames covered with beavy muslin tbe enUre InterIor can be swept out wb,en you IIrst feel backache or notice cloth . Tb,a outside of tb ese, ns . well wltb tbe "broom. There are no crevIces url~y disorders. David P. Corey, 236 W. Washington as th e glaEls wIndOWS, are covered wltb to harbor Insects. Tbe roost poles may St., Ionia, Mich., SaY8: balf-Inch mesb poultry netllng: This be carrIed out for cleanIng. and tbe "I bad k1dnfJY trouble Is to prev,ent the po~!t!'y gelting out entire droppIng board sprayed w~tb eo badly, that for Bix and sparrows from ftylng througb roe the spray pump, The nest boxes bemonth I I could only window. Durleg tbe s unimer Lbe Ing hung against tbe wall. are quick· get· around with a frames. which arc hinged at tbe top Iy removed for cleaning. With every, cane or crutohel. The on Ihe Insid e. are turned up against tblng removed and the ent1Je l'lterlor backache grew cradu- ' tbe roof. permitting free clrculallon swept out clean. the building Is ready &11y worse untlll ·was of air. When ·alr Is reQuIred. the WIn-I for IIpraylng. Tbe advantage of tb.e COU1,pelled to tab to dows can be lowered from tbe top. cement Iloor 18 cleanllnes!! and I/rotec· lilY bed. Wblle Itm In bed, I began u.lns - ....- . Doan'. Kidney pml &n4 sraduallT improvlld u~tti w~I1." "Wben Your Back Ia Lame, Rememberthe Nam~DOAN'S," 60c.alletore.. Foater-Mllburn CO •• Bullalo, N. Y.

HE SpIrit of God Is an Almlgbty Splrtt: tbe SpIrIt of Gol bas cbanged tbe bardes t bearts; be bas saved tbe very v11~lt; , be has done It already; be hI.. aften done It. and be can do It again. Our Lord J es us Chrlat Is hore (Jolln H IIpeaklng o'f , tble great cbange to a man occupyIng a high and prominent pOliltion In the Old Testame nt churcll -a ruler of tbe Jews . a member of . their great eccleslaBtical council, tbe . ilanb6drlm-a mOlt moral. rellgloul, : rellpectable and conscl~Uoul man. If we were to blnt tbat suc b a maD reQuired converting to God nowadays, we sbould be said to be uncbarltable. l I10uld we not? Suppose we knew sucb a man. earn· OME three hundred and ties along tbe shelving terract'ls of tbe eighty miles welt of Albu· mountains. under beetling projections eat. zealous. conscientious In tbe dla' . querque, N. M .• on the mAin of tbe strata are to b e seen tbe 'most cbarge of his duties, bls heart In Ills line of tho railroad Is IIttU' elaborate of tbe Quaint c Urt dwell1ng8. work, blgbly esteemed. Suppose we ated the little city or Wil- divided Into se'ileral compart:llents by were to suggest such a question: "Hila liams, ArIz. Tbe place recel ved Ita cemented walls. The Tonto basI n bas that man ever been born agaIn 1" peoprosaic Dane trom the noted pioneer the largest natural bridge In Ihe pIe would say: "Of course be hasscout. BUI Wlillams, w~o lIel burled at world, being 200 teet hIgh, 600 teet YOU bave no right to suggest a doubt fhe foot of Bill Wllliamll mountain wide, an arcb sill feet thick. with an Dn tbe /lubject." But tbere Is no "of nearby. Tbe city bas a picturesque lo- orcbard on Its top and miles of 8talac· course" In tbe maile r. Our blell6ed cation. 6.71)0 teot above sea level, and Ute caves und er Its a butments. Here Lord s ingled out about tbe very best I. at the jttnctlon of tbe Grand Can· 18 tbe fcmous yucca plant, growing as and most religious man wbo ever yon rallroll~ wblch leads to the won· a tree. the trult ot wblch the Indians came to hIm. and perhai13 tbe best -Je rful e rOsion. '!lOme 60 miles north, and Mexicans use for food. Its stems educated man who ever came to hIm. Tho Orand canyon IB acknowledged for soap. and from the Icaves malte He told tbat man be would bave to ·be to b e Incomparably the world'lI grand- horse Irlankets, ropes, twine, nets. born again, and tbat It he· was not elt natural wonder. WIthIn tbe glgan· hats. Ihoes and mattresses. Here, too, born agaIn be could never get to tic stretch of Ibe canyon, varying II tbe wonderful FIsh-book cactus. Ileaven; that all bls religIon, morality trom five to twelve mile. In wldtb. tbat. durIng tbe moIst season. stores and respectability would not save hIm the Colorado rIver and Ita tributaries up a large quantity of water and from hell. wInd their ways for over 200 mllel. wben the top II removed and a hoiMy dear fellow sInner. be bone st Most of the walla of tbe canyon rtae low Is made by Bcooplng out some (If wltb yourself and put tbe Question to to tbe IncredIble height of 6,000 to tbe soft Inner part. Immedhitel), filii yourself: "Have I ever undergone tbe li.OOO feet. &nd dIsplay every · varietY with cool. retreshlng water. tbpl be- ohanceY" A hIghly educated man of curving rIdge and ' ravIne. ot fell Ing the means of savlne many Uves. beard a 8ermon on tbe text, Jobn III : precipice and rocky -gorge. The Gila Moniter. 3, and tbe verse awakened In blm In this Bun-scorched land 18 Lbe luch solemn tbougbtB tbat atter tbe FuUy 100 tourllt., en route to Call· ronlla. daily IwJtch olr here for a view largest and only poisonous lizard In lermon be weDt Into tbe vel try and of ·the . TItan ot Chum_the malt America-thu Gila monster. It otten Bald to the clergyman : "Mr. - - . not gigantic example of eroaloD- on the attains a length of three feet and In your sermon. but your teIt. has made globe. The marble and BllanUc wall. appearance Is very repulsive. beIng a deep Imprelslon upon me. and have 01 tbl. IIlupendoul watel'owom trench covered with scales. Tbe general awakened I serioul thougbta In mJ aN !rom 1,000 to 6,500 feet hlah, orten color 18 black. marked with yellowllh mind as. to whetber 1 have really UDvery _preclpltoul a nd perpendicular. Interspacell. The tall II cyllnt!.rlcal dergone the · change. lculptured Into wildly fantalUe forml, and clumsy and tbe movementll of the Awakened to HII Duty. and brtlllantly tlbted In deep red and anlm~L are like thoae of the you~ "I used to tblnk I WIiS a go04 yellow, broW'D and any, purple and alligator, Its bite, though, .not 8lwaYI churchman, and' attended to my reblack. The canlon II abo~t 240 1011" ratal, , is very dangerou., ' paralYzing long; . and, thfou, t.he rocky gorge, (be 'action - of the beart. Down 'n elr II«1ous duties, and I wa. doing ' Wbat the Gila i:Jier II a horned toad farm. I could to Improve thoBe around me, Ihe work. of centuA., the turb\1lent fM~ . ~tn'.~l~·.:a-tlIJOU·laJIld~cJt'j and ,I bope4..all. .'Would.• ba ..we1l;. blLt river wInd. Ita way 'with nrylng deare aol~ annually to tiiat teIt, "Except a man' be born _nL 'rhe e:hannel conttactl and then tlie 11ttle expands...,... tomoul , rlbbon of sllV1lr, Indlttduall abd to zqologl,cal sOQlotiel. aga,ln. he cannot lee tbe Idngdom of "'hoae boundarlel of obJectl. tbough Near Phoenix Is the largest ostrich Uod: hu awakened very painful mlsAmerica. A veritable OG- glvlngs as to ml state before God. 1 glgantlc In IIlle, are lost to slgbt In tbe ranch Bhall be very much obliged If you wlll envlronmenta. answer my question, U-you- wlll not 8l:en. of 8plendor. {3 thInk It Impertinent and made rrom tn lome. places these buge clilb fair· lld trIvIal curIosity. because J want help I, overhanl the water. and the boat· to my own BOUI. Now. sIr (to tbe 'I • I man. looking' upward, CAb see but a clergyman). bave you ever been born Interior View, Showing RaOlte and DroppIng Board (1'), Water Pane (w), naTl'Ow striP of blue sky. Frequently again yoursel r? Have you ever underNeats (n). MUllin Front WIndow (m). cloud.1 gat,ller oVer tbe top of tbe lone this great change?'" gorge, and one 1I0aWi along In dark· The clergyman could ('not a,nswer, Tbe fo wlu can go In and out eltber tion from ~ermln. Tbe feed hoppers nils. From tbe rim above. the rusb· and was obliged to acknowledge and tbrougb t he main door at tbe end or can he fllhid with dry mash 01' otber Ing and tbt') whitening of the waters : "I am very 80rry I cannot an- ,openlng may be ~ut tbrouFb tbe . front grain. 'wbICh Ie one of tb.e must sucbelow may be seen. but the dilltance Is swe,r .your QueB~on:'L The genqeman or rea r of' the building. ce'asfu1 metbods of feodlng. so gre~t that no 80und II ever beard, went nway upsatlslled. But tb.e 'reBult The muslin covered wlndowljI cannot tbe rear are roosts sufficIent for Stolid. indeed, Is be who can front tbe was ihat, bi tbe grace of God. ' botb or 12a fowls. Tbe four rooets occUpy 20 be too hlgllly ,recommendeil. No mat· awful 8C~llIe and view Ita ' unearthly them-tbe "mlnlstE;r. an unconverted, teet each, or 100 runnin g fee t of roost ter bow cold the weather may be. the splendor ~ot color and fonn without earnest clergyman. And hIs consclen- poles. allowIng the pro per proportion venlllation througb the munlln curquallln ~,".• Thl. laUyrtnth of Immense UOUIl'" bearer, such a man as Nlcode- of spnce tor eacb ben; tbls would pro- tains Ie beneficl/l l to tbe paul",,!')', The Ilfchft.r.l tllrms IB endlellsly varied mUB-underwent tbls great change. vid e for 125, At eacb end of tbe build- muslle s blelds from wInd currente or In design. fretted witb ornamental deWhen L havo gone upon missIon Ing Is a food bop per wltb tbree apart- drafts. but permll:J rree clrculatioO vicei. festc"ned wIth lice-like webs work. It Is remarkable tbat the con· ments. In tbe mIddle of tbe floor are of aIr througbout tbe buildIng and formed from talus from ·the upper cllrts ve rslnns whlcb bave ta.ken place have tbree lart;e crocks for water. Water prev ents dampness gatberlng on th. land palnted' wUh every color known to generally been first among tbe church. fountains or pans can be used. In tbe walls, the ' pa1etto In ' pure tranlparent tones members and workCf"s. I remember front of the buildIng, und er neatb tbe - of marvelous delicacy. when I was balding mIssion services muslin covered windowS: are the nest Oregan HOIl Output. a iilcture more barIn a large church In Hull. we bad boxes, 12 Incbes wIde and 18 deep, proTbe output of tbe Oregon hop fieldS monlo~; !lever a fiower more exBucb a body of fine young fellows go- vidIng on'6 nest for every eight bens. Is estima ted thIs year at from 9 &,(100 quIsitely beauUrul. The Grand canyon Ing out every evenIng, givIng out pa- If lIeede~I, more nests of the Bame 10 100,000 bales. Taklne 100,000 country II not only the hugest. but the pers and InvIting people to the mla· kind can be built agaInst the sIde bales as a ralr figu~' o the Oregon bop most varied and Instructive specimen PompelJ PIllar. slon. One evening tbey did not go. In· walls . crop will brin g Into the state, figuring .or earth buildIng and 'deatrucUon on The InterIor view Bbows plainly tbe on tbe probable prIce, no less tban the globe. Nowbere else on earth 18 trtch village II laid out In Ihe re- stead of turnIng out, tbey came to UII there luch an example of deep gnaw- claImed deaert lands. the main and In a body. Tbe vicar asklld: "How Is construction ot tbe nest boxes, wblch $&.&00,000. Ing waters or of water hlgb·carvlng. aIde streetll beIng all named and It you bave not gone out7" A young New York ' may boast of It I NIagara; numhered. Most of tbe propagation man lald : "You have set us to do Is not a strong reason for letting It Cl\lIfornla, Itl YosemIte: Kentucky. Its Is done by IncublltJon. When batcbed whllt we can tor tbe conversIon of tbe Mammoth Cave; VirgInIa. Its Natural the, are almoat as large all full grown people In the parIsh. but. do you remain. Tbe condlllon at the pasture only BrIdge, aod Wyo~lng, Ita gey.era-all chIckens. and at 81x monLbI tbey are know. we are IIndlng out that we have can be taken as IndIcative of whether wonderfully eaborate and grand In .Ix teet hlah. When tbe ostrlcbes are never undergone tble change ourtbelr way. but bere, lD an alUtudlnoJlB about four years old they are mated; selvea! We bave been Sunday .cbool It should remaln or be demollsbed. mela .. is a challm that would hide them and, If left ·to themBelvel. the be~ tenchers, cburch workers. aull com· Fielde Frequently eo Foul Some ftelds are eo foul that a sum· That Summer FaUoW" I . all and thell be but partJally decora~d. ~Ird wUJ de~lt eggl .at tbe rate of Inunlcanta-some of us for )'earil~ mer tallow Is urgently needed In tbelr R'HlUlre4 {or Their 'much Iells ftiled. tine' a day for a month In .uccelslon working as we thOUght for the salva· redemption. I am not adverse to thla Redempuon. Won" ..... of Chalcedony Park. tn a neat hollowed out or the land. Uon of othera. and have not beeD course, tbough It means ~elay and J Whlle the Grand canyonl are . the Tbe oltrich ben. sit. on the eggll bJ ~.ved ourselves!" If the 1Ioldll. are not actually overrun (B" 8. C. MILLER.) ireatest. they are by no meanl the dar and the mille bIrd at nIGht. wltb tenacious weeds. they may be Que.tlon All Mu.t Anewer. It II Willi to have a good reason tor broken up In Ihe fall. cleaned a. ".OIlJJ ob1ects of lntere.~ In thll I~Dd of Olle of the ' inOlt pleallng natural I dare not exclude any trom thll wondera. With ~ta ~tle domel, thumb CUriositieS of Aii..,na Ii the pool Queatlon: "Have you tbill everything and the m~n reason for mucb as possIble In tbe spring and butte• .and solitary IUpr-loaf peab: !mown aa Montezuma'l well. great change7" It III ablolutely necea. plowing up pastures Is wben the for- persevere wltb In the succeedIng year: 15 mile. northeast of &aryl We ' bave Inherited .l& fallen. cor- ace pantl become Icarce and thIn ·Iu mew of bare rocll, beds or albea 11 land Is plowed In the fall. or leapel of yellow ~d ,.ennJllcn the old .~doned military post ~f rupt, .Inful nllture from our Gr.t pel'o and wee(ls and moss are plentifUl. barrowed In the sprIng. cleaned sa "'ndl, Attsona abound. In the Itra'uae .P.a:m~ terd4!_ ' T¥ weU Is 160 feet hi entH. "By one man IIln entered Into ManJ I lu(:h fleJds are tound and tbey mueb all poulble and a graIn crop nne! tbe wondeml. ChalcedonY ~rk, dliiD.ter and the pure water II the world, and .0 death paslled opo, are allowed to remaIn so-a mOlt wltb rather tblck seedIng IntrOduced. In .A.pac be·'counU-. COYer. J ,OOtl a~, about .urface of all mel!, for that all ¥ve sinned" prolltlesB proceeding, for wblle we tbe weeds will have experienced a aml4 a ,.nt dilert ot IIIld.tOne &Ad the pool lial (Rom. ,.:12). We are ~I by nature have ' malDY lIlht and poor cropi on severe setback by the tall and If careIa,.a, 'wlth .the .fra8ID~ta ~ thO~rldl' of w,ater .Inrul polluted bell13l1. and In CYoir arabte land, ' worn-out pastureB are tu 1Iy prepared for roots to follow, ot stl11ntlo plDe. aDd cetirs broq_t. about bearta ba,.e. the seeda or eYer')' crlm. qotte aa ,common; Quite a new state of things will be bJ flood or ,lacier and chaQe4 b1 lOuildlng- whleb ever dle.,aced any INIal cltJ. mQ" be the Argument III that experienced, " nature'B olleml1m- into brlll~~ ,m in' leet: without Therefore. the solemn, learchlnr worcl. tbere I~ 110t tbe eIpenll8 of cultivation erais of eXQulsltf colors. :AUnt.~I, ' ildes of the of' the Holy Oho.t by Je~mlah (2?:1I) thU there 11 with arable. Tblll Is Hog Feedln,. one ·Iee. on ..,.ery sIde gUIChei tOm w)ih ,Cave. Hog feeders are comJng to UDderare: "The heart (t!I!!.ro la thi 'aource, true,-· but unremunerative grails land out of the 101ld l'OcJt by the to ' d .. II decelUUI abov.• all ~. .,. and cl~ I. . . unde..lfab~e as any other. The IItand that Iklm milk from the Bepa. ot dlot '~ IllDt, peratel' wloked. · Who cian tm;,,,,."It't" durabUlty of ·pastures dependll to a rator III worth muoh more tban that loge or -eve.., . What we bave to deal .~tth ·.~. no~ great eItent tc: ~e clean Btate and obtained by' deep setUng, open setunl an,! lUll the outward Ufe :"eonduct: wa ~ hea·rt at the lJ!.nd wben the Beed or the com moo ,kim milk of tile want to go to the very fountalil. ,Jaead Is BOwn 'flnd also on tbe Quam, of tbe creamery. You will get be.tter reluJtI ... Uk h I and lource. and there -It\Wlt ,be '" new, B~ : Some are ~eaUy llerPJUllal, .and ftftrDliulent. o.thers .<:ontahl a great tram feeding . . .·.m m w en t IB Divine' nature ,. U ' th4lr e II. n . and frellh than If it Is allowe4 Jree'd s;'an'G ·all auch lIaatu;'.1 rau " 1ii'f'''~" '' 1e1tr., ' ~ ., - ~ 1'tDr" IIIt1lnd' over nlgot.









it .

. ' be

Tho Talker--,J tell you. no man hILI ,ot a rlgbt to ~e sick nowadays! The Joker-You've evIdently beell reading some patent m edicine alherUaements. Ready for More Sacrlflce. McIntyre, after a recout perbMllanCe of "Snobs." fell Intu a Q(ory·te lllllg mood and recalled tbe .-,\cclnatlon of tbe slx-year-()Id son of ·me of bill trlendn. The boy was :iven 60 cent" tor undergoIng the or· :,:)01. The following day ho saId to 0111 tnth e r: "DlLlidy. IlIn 't tbere anythIng else you cun have done to me? 1 need !hfl UlOIl!;:y," ~nnk

Tbe man wbo Is envious of evlldoerR will ~oon be one himself.

1\ "Teaser" For Jaded Appetites-

Post Toastie$ cream

with br preserved ti'uit~ . .Rea~y to aerve inatan~y '

.-just open the 1>,ox .nd enjoy ~n . utra good di~ Cmve.u~t. c:nsp, '. delicio~ wholWJme.

Me.~o.,. '. LiD'~"" . .. .

'J - C.~"'"-~. ~.




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.... -..

.' T~e


Neighborhood News .................. ......,.*;w.




Oreionla. · ;

_ _-,.. ... larae orowd at~ndecHbe , loain g • ~nioe of tbe revival mAetlllRs at ;\b'jl U B oborob Sunday tIlornin"f. . R+iv Reber baa made many fr Iends unrlne hi' brief etay here, and /Ouob hrere., baa been evinced in the In c'ettnp 'fbe ftleDds of MI88 Carmen Ed "'·H.rtU aDd t{armon Moore were J,IMeed to learn of tbelr marrl"e ,.n TbantealvlnlJ eveq!llg. Mlu Luolle !duon ball as ber wAek..end gONU. MI•• P~y and Mr Hullook,o.f tbe Labellon Univenlty. 111M Vama Craddock, of Lebaoon, "pen, Thanlllgl",log wllh MI98 Em ,-Une Jeffery. The Mi8He lIabel Sberwood Cora Kel'MY and Edna t3penoer '"pen' .helr Tban.'lIivlng holldaY8 at borne WUbor Jeffery t.. t.he prood poI· teuor of an 80$0 . lire I'ra~Uleaveripeu' Thante. Riving wUh relatives ID Xenia. Yr. and IIrl O. A. Spenoer and nbUdren. of Lebanon. took 'rhankl. t!lviDIJ dinner wUh IIr. and lire. Osborne Johu O. Bradbury was over from LebaDOD for a Thanksgiving vlalt. 'VerDe Armttag, was In Dayton one day lal' week. .Jllok ReYDoldtl. of Xdnia, was the IV..' of Frank Cleaver aD ThlLDlrll_ aivtng day.

.- .


•• ••

•• •• •. . ,. ............ .

Mr. and Mrtl. Charl~ Reyuoldll 8pent. Thankegi viDa Day in Morrow with rela ti ve8. Mrs . Christie MoKlnsev enter · t"lnea 0. oompllny of friends at din ner TbankBgi vlnK DAY , Mr. and Mr". Epb Kmhh and son spent Thanksli(i vlng Day with friends In ClnoinnllH . Mlea loll Dav" visit al} friends In Day'oD ]aa* week. Mn. Alice MoKlnsey IlDd tbe MI",es LUlie Nedry aDd Heltln Hilr. rilllpent Tbankilglvlnlt Day with Joe McKlnlley and tamily In Morr ow



- - -... ...--Lytle

Mr. and Mn. Levi Greathou8e llpent lIevenl dllYs In Blghland ooon'y IllS' week. Mr . Joshua Cbenoweth and fam tly llpent Sonday with T, U , Rogers and wife. Mrs. Anna C :011', dllollhter Mary and lion Perry. apent Thllnksglvlng day wltb Mr. Ralpb Lewis and fam. lIy. lb. and Mrs . Sidney ;.amb spent t3nnday in Dayton . Lalit WedneHday Mr Je8ll8 Kelsey and Miss Glenna Brown stole a maroh np:>D 'belr friends and werlf quietly IDlirried in Lebanon. We wllh "hem joy aud prOlperit.y. \ • - •



1 Prof. 1.. E. \Jarey left for New 'ViteDua TburlldllY 8ventDg to l!p8Dd a few days with btl father and lila. tel'. lin. .Charlea Olark lpeDt &turday tD tbe qem ol$y. '. Lee Earnbar' of tbe O. B. U. _ .P.D' bill "~ttOD wltb home foU~II . , lin Adda Kenrick aDd Mra. Liz , llif! Bole were o.Y&OD ebopperl OD ;

Mr(l. Cbas. Hyan and, lamlly 8peDt Tb"ing day wltb ber motber at Beavertown. Pro1.raoted me"tlng oommeDoed at the PresbyterlaD oburoh tallt 8an_ dayeveDing. Let everybody atteDd, Iolrll. Laura Racer, of DAyton, v[a· ited ber parentll here last week. 111l1li' Laura Sidenstrloker. of Cin. olnnatl vtllitl)<i ber parenY }alit week , Mr . and Mrs. Lewi8 &ptlr enterMined Mr. aDd Mil , WUl Bopaln8, of RlohmoDd, last Thursday aDd FridAY· John UDdwwood moved lob tb,dr jlroperty on W. Maple 8t ,last W ednelday. aarry CoDner and W"lter Oln. wid"!e Ilre vl8iting bll nDole Cbulie Clark at Lvtle tbll week. Mre. 1:8am Earnhart baa ~D on 'be liok Mra. ' .Iosephlne Tate Is .,1"ltlalJ her danghte'r , Mra. Will. DelaDey wee' of &own '


1\1. E. ENTERTA,lNMENT The following is the program at School Hall 'Friday evening' aiven by the young ladies of the M. E. Suoday School: First Part. Piano SOlo ............... Ruth Hartsock Vocal Solo .................... Marie Miller Reading ......... ...... '... ... Luella Cornell Duet ........................................ .. Clara Hawke and Eleanor Earnhart Violin .......................... Marie Miller Solo ........................ Mary Salisbury Piano Solo .................... Ruth Miller Reading .. ............. .....J essie. Marlatt 8econd Part. Comedy-"Not a M.m in the House." The play is ~ased on the decision of Mrs. Maria Bings not to allow a man to enter her house. Characters Mrs. Maria Bings .. .... Ethelyn Jones JeB8ie, her niece ........... Clara Hawke Miss Lucy Rider, Mrs. B's sister ... ......... .................. .. Elsie Hai-tsock Aunt Belinda ............. :. Ethel Hosier Kate, the servant girl, Lucile Cornell Curtain Taltleau. Rock of Ages ............... .. ....... .......................... Mary Gray Readinlr, ist Book of Ruth .......... . ....................... " .... Luella , Cornell preceding Tableaux, Naomi and her two daughters-in·law, Ruth and Orpah.- Mary Salisbury, Louisa Stokes. Marie Miller. The entertainment will begin promptly at 8 o'clock, doors open at 7:30.






. - - - - - - - - '-_ . - •

I ' About People -1 . - _. - - - - - - - - - David E;vans was in Dayton Tues. day . Misses Edith and Rachel Sheehan

wer~ in Dayton Friday and Saturday.

Messrs. Drane and Reamet' Reed are visiting their ,arents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Chas. Reed. Mrs. Mary Pine, of Centerville. is the guest of the Misses Edith and Rachel Sheehan. Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs. W. W. Newland al'ld daughters were Dayton visitors Tuesday. The man:r friends of Mrs. George E. Riley will be Klad to hear of her continued improvement. MesdamE!S Emmor Baily and J. B. Chapman attended the Poultry Show at Hamilton last Friday.

.Wayn'esville Auto and Machinery Co. Automobile and General Ma~hinery Repairing••• Oils of all Kinds••• Gasolene and Acceasoriea••• Beat Equipped General Repa\r Shop in the County.

' ~--+ .--~.----

NOTICE Dr. H. E. Hathau,ay will be in at· tendance at. State Dental Association at Columbus 6th, 6th and 7th of December.


-- --..- - -

SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT The teachers of the Waynesville schools presented their pupils, on Wednesday afternoon, in a very well prepared entertainm~nt. School hall wae well filled with the patrons of the schooisl who witnessed as fine a program of the ~ind as has ever been given there. EVerything passed off without a hitch, showing careful training on the part of the teach~. A marked improvement ill shown in the music. Although the pupils huve had instruction in .music but three months, their singing reflects credit on their teacher. Mrs. Linton is the right persctn i6 the right place. We have a IlPlendid corps of teachers and our schocls are in a flourishinO' .. condition. Following is the program:

Come and teU us All your Troubles ,

Who ill he? He will appear at School Hall Monday eveuing, amI' is author ofthe popular Life Problem NewGoods,SpeciaiPrices Lectures, spent eight. years as New Buckwheat, 5 lb sack.. 20c a High School and College teacher. ~"". He has other business interests, but New Buckwheat, 10 lb. aack.. 40c . Georce Hoc" and wife apeD' New Raisins. per Ib ...... ...... 10e ,Tban~"Dg with IIr. Roll O"noNew Seeded Raisins, pk,. ... 12X'c is now giving most of his time to the . "e",and family a' Venable. Fresh lot Santos Coffee, a lb. 00e platform because he considers the lin. Jeute Boeier. of SpnogflelcJ, lqoceum the most democratic. and White Clover Cakes, 8 for... 6c ~ beeD, epeDdlDg 'he 11&1' week purely.American expression of the Sweet Pickles. qt. jars ....... 100 wt$h lJ.. panDh, 1Ir. and Mrs. WilUft movement of the .....e. Large Jar Prepared Mustard 10e g eneral u... liam Dub. ,. New. Canned Com, 2 cana for 15c Many persons here have heard Mr. New Wis. Canned Peas, can tOe ~ 'l'Jae Jadtea of $he church lened IUob., &be ..le of John Kraer..on Long, and 'p ronounce him a fine New Whole Tomatoes, can ... lOe Toe~a7. They reAJt.d qnl&e a Deat lecturer. On the platform btUe .UID. he has returned to citieS time after Piano duet. .Ruth Hartsock, Mr. ~y Buy a box of Happy TOWD'Chew, ,ar•. Alflifd BUD.. ILIld daughter time, and i~ alwaY8 greeted cordial. Piano trio ...... Ruth Hal'Uloek, Ruth Cfh~hW Carseakfor the little ont;SVJoJa, 0" Da:r&oli. _8peDt ..veral da,l Zimmerman and Mary Sherwood. i t ey br don't · cry-Just ~ ly whenever he appears. eat them, per box ......... .. 10e Jut week wltb S: •• Bunea aDd You will surely miss IOlIlething Room 2-Hieeitation, Chas. Grauser; family· . New Burlington good If you fail to hear him. song, by Iroom; recitation, Glenna New mild ~ Cheese lb .• 20c , ~. aDd , lin. ·V. iii. Lamb enter Mig FlorlJ Barl&D wu home fur • - • Cook: redltation, Donald Hender· ! talDed~OD Thaieday, ,. J Randolf MYSTERIOUS FIRE IOn; vocal 1010, Charles Grauser; Fresh Baltimore Oysters, bulk . ' a~c1I41Dl1J, 8taOy ILIld ~Iet Lamb, Tbanbglvln8'. ~r cans, fancy Cranberries, of '-ytca. : ' . , O. Haydook aDd family .lpeD' recitatlonl, Rue Dinwiddie; /recita. Celery, new Florida Oranges, T. , iIr.. ~ ...... VI' II. Boqb aDd TbaD1I:eglvlng tion, Isadora Lewis; concert redtaCala Lemons. Grapes, TangerwUh Jotr. aDd lire, On Monday moming, about 40',.aD, ~, O. II. Jow and lam- citrl BID~balJJ, of WllmlDgt.on. clock, A. F. Miller,wbo livea nn--M'1''II: + - tion, ROOm; song, ROOm. ~ -t-+--:.~_ Dates, Figs, Cooking Figs .,111', Ib'. UId lin. .Joeeph 'l'bomu. ICQ. 8~lan anll family 'bad all Mary Satterthwaite's farm,heard his V at 1 M ' M'll lh. andl&n. •r1.TbbmM and RON" lut weik Mr. Bocp.o'~ broth. d ba k' d fI d oc 80 0 .. arle I er. ·lIn. Jwin 8eri4al1 . .d daalJb~r er and alster. of near Barvt!Ylburg. ?&'8 r mr an went. out to . n Chorua-"Anchored," .. . HighSchool. SpeclaHor Saturday, Dec. 9th. !lpeD'\' 'l'bADUgtvIDC wl&h· tUdDey . Johu WllsoG and famny were 'be h188arn on fire. Mr. MI~ler clalml Room i-Drill; recitation, Tressler A can Baking Powder and CooD U4 famlly. ' reotpleDte of a fru". l4bOW8r l...,t he heard some one runDlng up the Lewis; vocal 8010, Dorothy Shera child's fine' knit Toque, <all , w...... 1On)' &0 repori ,bat lIr. week. Raw troUt canDed frolt, nilroad He fought the fire . and wood; relCitation, Floyd Yeazel; colors) special price, !fico These Wl~ la Dot much Improved jeUtee and jallls wero muoh lD eTI. succeeded in extiquishing it. song, Roolm. Toques sel\: everywhere at"26 at~wrttiq. deDOI. I As BOOn as was possible he had Reading ........'.......... ...Edytha Macy. to 35c c each. pne day only. , "Ben stao:r.o4 fam117 enterWnecl lIarrl_ by Rev. Jeeee HawkiDII bloodhouncls Itrought from ') .. v ton V 1 d t ' \ GIl 811Dda7• .Ilr. anel Mn JCIrner at bltl l'88ldenQa Tuesday eV8DIDi .. -J .' oea ue ...... ......... ......... ......... Get the habit and trade at Jl:anWart.D4 8011, . . . Obrietle I' Vioken'aDd Laura Wood and It 18 alleged the dogs wpnt dl· ...... Ina Hamilton and ·Mrs. Linton. 'Mr, 'W,UUamWbeatcm and Wlf. of Th.ibay~ 'he beat wtabee of thet~ rectl~ to the home of George Miller. Roo018 8 & ,l-Song. by Rooms; aonK I:IprIqtioro, Were 8a1lday 111...... maDy frlenda. a neiKhbor. Accordingly a warrant by RocGns; exercise, by RoOlllS; boiDt of wmt.. er.rmo.:r. Alii.. Cle'as Be8Yel, Marie was sWorn out , for his arrest and he BOng, boys of room 4; , JI1Ie Mabel I'oalb, of Da,&OD, LeliaI' aDd Rarah Ba,elook ..8ave .wu-brought !:tefore Justice Edwards "G' b : l H ' h "'-h 1 , ..,., 'A~:r wU\l bel' ,anaa, • parael ebower at the ' ~ome of 'be ~ho I?ounll him over to the grand It a oal'ill.. ...... JI' 0\:: 00 Boys. r~rt filday af&ernOOD at whtoh JUry In the sum ,o f $1000. ' Vocal trio ........... , High School Glrler Mr. u4 ~. ~eu:r 1'0ulD. CHURCH OF CHRIST • - • - - - . - ••- - lin. Jau:" P:rte eDIerialD8eJ OD, La1Ul&'Wood Vloken wa. 10.' of bonOI'. SHIPPED CAR OF HOOS ST. AlARY'S CHURCH lhlD4a:r.:8bermau Dykeand,famll:r Bible-Schoel at 9:30 ,. m .; Preach' - - and ,: l'QrNl' Grabam, wife aDd Geq. Hosler and family bave - ~\ daUBb.r. moved iD~ the lIorpby property, Bunnell and .Bailyshipped a doubleSecond Sunday in Adve~t, Decem- inl' at 10:30 a m.; Young Peoples meeting at 6:30 p. m., and preaching 111_ Benha and . .Ulab CooD Dr. Wblta~er aDd famlly lpent deck car af hogs Tuesday consiglned ber 10th- Sunday School at iru deUabUully aDterWned a' &beir Thankel'lvlDIl wltb'lIre. Wbltaker's to the East, In this car Morning Prll)'el' and aerRl4lR at llll-iAAr. .=m;=8<iiately following, subjec:i' The CIOuDt,) bome oa 8uday the foUow. pareDh 1n lleobaDtoeb1ll'K, head of flne hogs, bought Evening Prayer ~nd sermon at 7 a i'ype of the Chureh." Ser· IDlcaea" ; IklIaeeI Luria BarDe", lin. LUlie ComptoD And daoghter anti Kelly. to whom they paid $6 o'clock. Everybody inVl· • .-.I to these mons both morning and night by Cora BaUleld, IIlsie and Nethe Of DaytoD, llpent a part of lal' week It was a good shipment. LeU the pastor. EarDban. lI8Itn WarreD Key. Witb relaUvea here. • - • llervices. Prayer meeting Wednesday night (J)uenoe R,e, 81d Ellie, Raymond SHIPPED TO FLORIDA RuUedge died of ooDaomptloD Barn.',- ear Wade and Brneat at Joe at 7 p. m., Brother Shutts, leader. COUNCIL MEETS hil home BOutheaat of bere aOD· Earnbar&. Quarterly business meeting of the Mrs. E. S. Baily, of the Fairview day af&erDOOD. He leavea a wife Remember tbe re~Yal mee"DC and two danihtere ,:,wbo have tbe Poultry Fara, made a shi,ment toCouncil met Monday evening at church Monday night of next week. av.,. enniDg a' $he Ly&le churcb. eympatby or 'be entire oommunlty day of six pullets and a rockerel the Township House, and transacted We are anxious that a full Ilttend. to Orange Park, Fla. in their great 10l1li. routine business. F. E. Sberwood ance be at al\ of these meetings. Corwin. waB elected president pro tem in L. O. Thompson, Pastor. Spring Valley place of F. C. Schwartz. resigned. TBMPERANCE MEETINOS lin . Oharl. ilroWD enter&alned ErleDd. of Harr[eU N cab and Billa were allowed and paid. I'rlday • oompeny of 1I"le Rev. J. F. Cadwallader addressed HeDry Walton were lIurprlaed W af&ctrDooD 10 bODor of Carrol 'a II~tb bir&bday. Tboee pr8ll8llt ,were: a large crowd at Corwin Monday bear of their marriage TbllDkllglv THE ORANOE ELECTS DR. E. H. COSNER, tiraoe PaUoo JoeephlDe HarlaD, evenfng, and Mr. Eldridge, of Cln- ing Day at tbe home of Deborah Molly »eo~et" Gladdll "'wl., Bar. cinnati, spoke at the M E. church Lloyd At a recent meetina of the GranKe old Wbltahr .nd WlllOn Ur.bam. Tuesday evening. A large audience !lr. and Mrll. D. W. Anabee en· the lollowina officers were elec~,· .-.I '. terblned Tbanksglvlog Day, A , U D """" Jo. oream aa:d oalr. wae served .durwas present, and he gave a flne Mendeob"ll wife and !laugbter Ray 'be af&eraoon. ' Worthy Malster-Warren H.' KeyS lIiI. Bellll Barrts, of DIl1&OD. talk, Hlustrating his lecture with Krog wife ~nd oblldreD. E Copsey .nel wife lpeDt Overseer-Robt. Williamson &be week end '"tb her paDd· movin&, pictures. Tonight a meet912 Relbold BUildIng, ina' will be held at Lytle. Thanbgiving wlth Pbllip Hllwte Lecturer-Eva Jon~ mother, Mn. Alice ltloKIDIIY. aDd wife. Steward~bas. Michener • Dayton" Ohio MI. HeleD Herebey waa 'he gaelt AsSt. Steward-Lyman Silver **w\li~"'!W"'I.1"1"1iiIIY;U;U;u;~'ij,Uj''''''I\li\li''~ or Xenia frleDda la8' week. . , Chaplain -Stella Comell Ed Belt and wife were Xenta Ibop. Treaiurer-Seth Furnas pen I'rlday. Sec'y-Mll17 Silver k Sa Mrs, D. W. Anabee and daughter G Olive were DaytoD IIboppers frlda,. ate- eeper·- m'l. Butterworth Mr. Perry Ale%anderleft MODday Ce res-EdEdna.JthanS·nheYhan 1ean p omonafor a hip to New Me%l00. I ee lothes MI88 Lanr. Barley ' vilited whh Flora-Etlilyn Jones .' Xenia frleoda Jut week, Ladi ¥s't. · Steward....:ona Strawn Jd.lsl Helea l:5oam&borD . vllUed Musical Director-Lucile Co1'Dell Thornu L. Pro·p. with J)aYWD frlaude 1M' WNk. Member Legislative Com.-LUidley •••• r.rt •• aMII.lalr ..}4t'l Lena Barrett who t. workloR' M~denhall ,.... ' . ... ., Oblo • • ~a.evll 10 Q&lton lpe.D'.TbailkllglvlDI wUh ' . pareD.. ~ ,• - .• ,: parl Hen, Wile aDd daughmof " a,UNORY PEOPI;.E ,.. ,: ~y~90, ",.'Ied, wltb Clareooo Fal. IUITI PAEISEO AT HOMI AcaE"T 'OR 'ter~D 'uel 'faml1:""YLiVT~ baKn:rkiiisf.t ~viiID~g~.tEDf,eiHil$iiiit1eliflAC1tulie~ m~!}.~~~B~ IHORT O.DE.I It IPiCIALTY ,. anil' Il . -~~I. ~r" 'CItIIIII CI,




OI•••Uled Ada



Ada w ill be tnaert.ed under LbJa be ad fo r t wellty·llve cellts lor Lllree InllCrtlouq wholl ualllll lIot more tball live IIl1OI.

WANTED AN puUO wltb h "Irle aDd bop:; M B' I.UllOCk oondltlon der In WarreD Coonty. Salary 170 po~


per mO,nlb. Adlre.. t l'ldulltrlill BI4I ., IDdiaDapolte, lod. DOLL.SS IIpent by ml .. 2 HALF take. One d,lI.ted 1806, and


'l'hNe were belrh)QWII Please returD laformaU,on &0 tblll om"e




:0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


~a RENT-Irarm of lie aorca, r .«ODd "'. lIL.o~., of


wheat and t ao* 0( rye e088 wltb place, (Jalh reDt. Apply W O. G. Williamson, WaYDeevllle, Obi,! ;:_ 8BOP ,ood looa· BLACKSYITd tIOD. Ioqolre at thl. offioe.



PAl. of Robber Bo'o&8 10 BUlII' ZIMMERMAN'S ' A . oorn field. Finder relurn to thll doe ItOOD paulble.







---_ ..---



O.teopathic , Physician



The K







POOKIlTBOOK CIOD.lnh',,, oheat ;ql 18, and o'he,, ~I1" ble papen. ),Ind. will please re, tUrD 'be boot A. 8 .. , 8ldel, Wayn.vUle, Ohio. I





I:'OR HALl!: - Barred PltmoQth" Roob aDdtl. C. W. 'LeI(born OookereJa . 11..1. E . 8.a"I1" W.r: nelVllIe, Ohio. '



POLAND-CHIN A Male Pi!!" weilJbl abou$ 250 Ibl Call 00 UbtUl. I'r,e, R. D. I. Wa,o."'lJe, ObIB. .





, . . - - - - - - - - - - -......- - - -....- - - - - -

- . - - - - - - - - - - - - . -... Ma80n and Erma BaYlor e. 17, of Mallon . William T. Reed :11, blll olerk of Olnoinnati aDd 61adYI P. lIoMllban 20. of 80uth Lebano n. Barmo n G. Moore, 21, ~r5ified dairym an of Lebanon aDd Carme n L. Edwa~ds, 21. of l30ntb Lebanon. James R . Nloely 22, mirror maker of Frankl in aDd Ber$ba Ellen S$ew· art 19, of FrankJ tn. Elbert W. Brewer 19, lltookkeep. er at N. C. R. of Oenkrv iUe and Haasl A. RO.lell. 17, of Wayne lville G. WIIUam 33, farmer of 81anoh8lter and Lola L . SOOU 2', of Lobanon.

·Christmas Is Comin



With the finest tine of fruits and CUDdies in Town

) _____ _____ ___ t _____ _____ _____ _____



Tangerines and Grape Fruit, Bananas and Florida Oranges, Cali. and Ari~ona Navel Oranges (My, but they'r e sweet and good) ,Lemons and i •... Frid ay and Sat urd a,.• ~. Almeria Grapes, Cranberries and ; Celery, Smyrna Figs and Pl'fsian Dates. CA NN ED GO OD S Fig.--·! lb. Drums filled with Nuts APRICOTS . . . . . . . . . . . .. It Can· 19C. and Fruits PEACHES, Lemon Cling ~doz•• , •• o Date s--l lb. Boxes, filled with Al· PEACHES. Sliced. . . . . . . 'A:~:'::' monds and Walnuts. Suit New Almonds, Filberts, Pecans, New PEACHES, Yellow, Free. J PLU MS.. ... . .. .... .... yOU . California 'l'bin-shell Walnuts can, 24C. (every one good) Raisi ns on Stems, CHERRIES . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ doz, Cocoanuts. I doz. t2.80

Sp ec ia l

eat tqu in'¢z






You see"Cookery' Baga adv ertis ed in .all leading magazines. The y're a success and we hav e. them.

Oa nd y

Ca nd y'

Real Estate Tr.uufe rs. Hanna h Wageoner WUU.. m and Mary B 08OOrn,lo& in Malon.



Flam M VIlnBorll9 to Alfred Beam, lot·in fi'rankJlo 1100. J(,hn B. Ol'ebaagh '0 AlCred A. and Barry 8re1'8, lot ID l'raDkl ln, John and Ell.. LlDdel' to GeorgI! E. CI\rnah..n, real .t.a&ll lo Warren Oounty, A..thur W. Ealtma n toO. E. and Georli a BUl, real edak in Waneo OOuty . '1. Hugb D. Teylor , d~..ed, by A. O. Vall, admini strator to John Franler , lot in i'ritnkl ln 882&. John T. Ouunin gham to r :1;.. Oatle), 10llo~lialon, 'e75. Elizabeth A. Braden , tmbeclle by J amet L. BroWD, gnardi an &0 Barry Southa rd, IlJISO. . . laabel Barah an &0 Hannah~. Dearth , 10& tn.l!'raDkltn, ·11. Mary III 8. Oard to Marahall T. Terry; real e.ta&ll in WarreD CoUDty Ii. . Alarahan T. Ter~y aD4 wife JOhD T. BorDlI, real ..'ate lD War- . reD' Co~'1:, 11. .




.~-.~ .

F.rom the finest Chocolates and .Bonbons in.boxes and


. WBOL E ~ UMBE R 1187

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The tollow lo, repor& II oompu&ed from letnrn l reoein d from 1171 of 'be omolal oorr.po ndenC8 ot 'he Depar' men' : Wheat -Condi Uon com~re4 witb an averale , 83 per Gent. OOrD-A..... plan&ed in 1811 ... I'e 'Ill'ued by &own.hip ....NOI'I. 3,068,. l"a~•. Clove r-AHa 10WD lo 1110 cut for aeed. Ie per oen'. Applea -Proba ble total ,leI!! oomI)I'red wt'b 111.1' year, lel5 per Gent Tobaoc o-Prob able anrap produet<-p er aor", 887 poudll . cattle- Numb er beiu, r~ for Ip~lllg mar'" OODlI)I'l'ed wt'h an avera, e,6' pel' CleD'. Iheep- .Namb er ' betnr fed I~ mutton oompared wUh an a.erap , 51 per oent. Tbe oondl" un of wheat il tar See 01lJ' beautiful Christfrom aatl"fa otory 01' enooar aglnjf The extrem e Rnd i loo~ oon&loaed mas display. waS weath. r ha. preven ted gro_lb , Full of new ideas, nov¢! and the plant ·i" now, Yery genera l I,., w~ak "nd 'hlo 00 the I1'bund and des.irable features. . IOnd far from .being In proper oondi "00 lor goinl' loto wlnkl'. Wblie , Just pJace . to ge~ there are ' lome f.irly brl,ht and bulthy 100JrloIJ field., al1'ea 'manJ just the right: are IItl11 . bue !lnd eome wt'h DO prelpea t uf life. ln,ha. ,oDe every one. I beok IS per oen', .inGe the '.por' ot November II', and fiy i. now reo P9rted from every oollntv ill 'bt' date except OH&wa, (la1ll&l 8 log from 1 ~ Ie per Ge.'. '.l'he a •• ...... for 'he .ta&ll II • per oe~' 'lb. preeeDa proepeot for 'he wheet most pleasing noyet ~es 9£ hanel ' or'l'll te qat.. clI8oo anllD, th 11 it'll nt and uould ,be wID&IIr be ••ven e, seaso,n, w 'T. ~ .0 there will probab l, be aDotber reo .fail to meet the requit e01 wh_' ar.. by plowlDIl •. ,. up (a Ul&epr\DI. • ments of aU. Ask naeoo m prod~' for It1' a ...e our tOe ~1ates.

What to 'Give and · Where to ~et



..... ,~." ':.·.~n'~,1~~l .... ..

i n : l i n : . ~1=:: p~~' ~Hud~~M~~ · ~the· ~R~~---~~~~5~~~~~ n~.~.~"!~~~~~1~


Our Chrl·e... tma·8 Candl·e~ and Fruits, oli, Mus t Come in ancl~ See for Yourself. ,

80n, elec&rloal repatn tor '1'reull rer'l lore I. 86.' buehele. CorD haklil 118 3D; 1'. W. TbomplO~ ... . ,ree,ly relarde d by the OODg eleo&rlo1I1bt.foroollr,hoaee. 'U8; tinned we' weathe r, aIId report I . ..' &ne" 'l irother ., blaDD fOlr audl· are lenera l of mold aDd rot, - ''-; n Ie ... tot, 11.60·; LebaDOllloe aDd Coaloom ..,imate d , 'ba' 6 per OlD' , ~t of 'be paDy, lor oour' houee, 11.28;~. B. orop w.. Pat lIlto etl0.. The afti'. Smith: ooal for orion houee, IU UO ap daM of ortbbl q wu OOtOb ft L. M. Prioe, IIUPPU " tor lunelor , , prices. F~IR AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL ,5 15 ; Chari . Madden, bddp pain' 2fth-. " '1750; Hugh X.Ung road waT '1 Clo... Ieecllepor&e4in many 1,10. arpund arob, 16; J. W. BaDklDlOD, 'lonl &II a oomplate ration The ..._ ._ _ _..._ _..._ _- - . - - - - -_ _ •_ _ _ ~--------------rlluuiber,.31 Ol;Fra okDok e,lumb er, a",ra~eyt.14 per aore .. NporH d .. i ,S9 ; 0 C. CuPP. refund er of &ax.. a' 1.15 bUlb.. .. . ,. . \ ·r , 00 90 1)0 0 and B. C. pike, " 30 Lauk 'o t kllllo, boa' in .priD" • • ' •• C()lJ~ , Elliott Fishl'r Co., repa'" . 00 me. and fallll~e prnlou a year,a nowtn , ohlne, 290 i J. I . Holcomb, npplle l 11004 fral' bD4 dne1op IDen', - - _......_"""" "--......, ....·~,':'....,,.. .....·""·... .:. ... ;O ..... ·I.,;:.... . _ ..._-_.........................,......- ..... ~ ... and _... - ... _ _....__........,........,. ..................................,...............................--..................... for oonrt hOUle, U; Jobn Wolfe, IDoreeled lD&III'8I' lo IpraytD I. . Verl Utele btll(nea'MvRIl traDaaot,;' \ foreolOlDre. Amonn" olalmed. Mary A. Whhe, adllllD latratrl x 0 ' 'C.'eeI la the Ooad ' .01 OOlQmon ,Plea. 188'8 and lntere. reaponllb1e tor-lllr p apple orop able ': . ot George T. White, 4eceale<i, report map8, '60; John, year. l"" ~week. Tbr~ '\lite...we~e .de. o\d.1 W. E. Eltzrot h VI. JenDte B. I' estate ~bable &olal yield oom· filea inveot ory flnd apprais ement oontract, '20 25; Clark Ntson,O OD pared wlUlla l' y .... 14111 Per "!2!' ed aD~ .wo pew I,:,:\t. en¥,red ..Th!' Buter , Tbom'l I 1:1. Bantel ' her 1whloh itl ordered reoorded 'raot, '11 GO; 1:1. 8'. dormn . OOD marrl&J18 UOenl~ all p"i't~aut wa3 b1)8~Dd aDd B'I&Dnle . M. ~blnlo Tohaooo pr04IlOUoO per Ion Ie • ll. M. J. Long .•d~IDlltrator of atl tract,I1 25 . "mated a' 887po1lDU. tbe ~81.' uf tbe bDlf. aDd " tblrt~an ~lt.zro'h alld :Maple, at'orne ya t·)r tt\te of Mary Long, deceased, flIe8 tb~~t!~:oO~!~"o:~~~n ~~~=:i ewiDg to bl,h prioe of feed, oat· ooo.,lell celebr••~ Thiu~k~,ing by platnt ft. )Iolley aDd f~ieolo auro; lnTentoJ(Y aod apprab ,emen' whioh banks were audited aod foand unl"n~ tbeir 1uI,~ ,alid \'tIi. cor. 'le beeD 1014 oir .01OM. Oom. L.._.- ;;........;.....;;...:..;...-;;,;. A~OOD~ olai~ed, 1650 Rild interes t Is ordered reoorded. ,;.-~~ reet.. . , pared wi.UlaD ave..... 'he DDDlbft S "Its DeckI"" : fr«;lm Po~bar 6, 1101. J. Lee ~homp8 on •• d~intdr .to.. Tbe fJ,nH.nol al Itlltemeotil of 'he of _&&le betD, fed for &prlD' , U. . ":'1" ;0' . ' of Beta'. at William a·. W"ham , Audl'OI' lind 101'tlRSnrnr 8bowing the ke.. 11 . ."~&e4 a' 61 per 080'.mar. In 'he.. . of Ge>rse Jt. CUrfY . " Probate Court. . oeaeed, filBS ··~i:..'h · .oO~an' ",ttb \)aJuoe in el&Ob fond .11.' 'he end vi. 'he Dr.' Curry, Oaaoer'OureC omof . '. ' vonobe r. for lettleLDeDtwhloh II or month wer.'! pr8len&ed aDd plaoedO D WIll b~errlll~. · fil~' aud ~otlo~ len' to kin ' Dock Smith, gUa.rdlan of _t •••_ of !! ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ &~~~~~ru.~~~~~~.~~ . voroe ~ ~,om.;her "· -~~~~~~~~ , ~,. ~:.. iIb\o!lU IIon40. B . MOllntll,. with vouohe ~.--~~~~~~~~~!~~ rs ,o~.e"le~en, ,..D.IDIII . I ' . ~"alonl oD" tho . ' appot ~~ ex~u~ ra" of estate .of· iaorde red 8u8~n4~. / , "ii..leo. tir ' Btctrie ' q., JI·~un'". . AI ' .. , ". ~ I· · ,~ 11, I



G~ ,

w~ · '





H :A W K E


NEWS : : : : : ,t'




.,. ~1~~a~~J~~~~ ~~~~U~~~~~~~~. · j'

" ~ ~nl;:~ldld '

" ,ur aDd 'he j

I, , . '






~, '~erln8 ,Wltger,: adl;Jllnia~l'atrix J).f ~'. .~ ~qf .C.'ber lne TaDeey, de· -rueB tDV~Dtol''' aud appfat e, , t. rord.e~d reool'd~.




LiCelUl eli _



" ,'. ' "\ . F,.nk D. MeokJiI~1 21, L~thera.iD minlak r' of Franld in lionel ~l&h L. :'~J[CIlIr"Y~:;" ~1IDrllok' d , lt.dmlDi'e 'n. 'Joh ,til 28, aohQo1 ~ ." ,' t .· '/ of J'raDk· . ':'~,I&II~ ,O[ ·AaDlll' .1AQoar!1 1'8;' . ' ~.': • • '.' . ~~Ii\!l." j~ol~1id et a~ : S~l~ ,pr~~ ~. 'f. JV~rr!'l1 ''J!;..~ur~n .. ~, .: t"~8a: aDd · IOnlll'mecl and rranldi li ·~lfd . Clara .1.' ilarpti ,.",....,••.•• " , .. , 'frl'D4e :'oN\lred . .. · o~:f1:aDi.iD · '1 " ,.'.,-,". -,,,.~,,,, ~,; t,. ·:·"'JIM"II"111_ guardi an of ., 8herm an . E~rrloj, 18, tanner 'A D¥ I!t: I




." . '




The Mj-inj ,V.allev 'Poul.... •• ~J"-~ ~ . tion will ' hold 'ita Second Ann UIia ' EX h·""· '" · U~, . ,'. . I IDlt ~. at .. e ·MaaOl " . 'Roo 'i

·t' h .

'~ m,'L .


00 '









.Qulok" Our•• Lam. ) . aiel, We.k Kld.e,' l'oaea .P,on ItWith aatbp enaeGet • Free Package Dr. Derby'. GurAJ lteedK f4neyP 1llB:- r.y Dr. Derby'. Kldne, fill. abloiut elJ cUI'e Iddne, and bhr.dder trouble . and

aYNOP818. "


\ .~ ~ lack Kelth, a Vlralnl..... IIOW • bor"'ar • .,. p1lllnama JI. I. lookIIIC tot' I'Osmln.1team a " ...on partll·. of savag••, He leel ponlea. on men by ~t tu~1 pllOp pureuO!1l wacon the r1\IdWhen Keith roaches lhe two m e n and de.... have manaer ed the vl otim. ftndlng j)arted. H. aearehea a woman'. P Ol'"pe... ~J"a locket ..lib at CAmon City. mit .. ~th IIItheAl'l'8llte4 mllrder. hla accu8er beell.reed ..!'!~h .. It' o. rUm... nnm.e d 'Black BarL A negro ~!"pan1oD In hIe ..... 11 named IITcb tell. him .... t he kllew the K;eltha In VirgInia . Neb ~. one ot the murdeN111 lOOn WIUI John tormer"'bley. the other Oen., WIUI. Waite. Th" pia' namdn 17 4a. NCOII~ed~~a.r" ottlcer. tu"ltlvea the later aqd eeeape. .... . eb ~~mbe" upon a cllbln and nnd Its OCCUpM t thInk. a ,OUDg g1rl. whom K eith""plain. Klrl aaw a.t Cal'89n City. The brother. !'.! who n or aearch In. ib I. e _ -at kd d~t"" trom Ihe anny. and that. the to come to er h a ..... XI'. 'Hawlel' Indu ~In ",hlle h~ lought ner Hawreeoghiding In Keith - T ' .ppe~ lind ~_ hIm .. Black Bart. There Is 11 lerI 'hbattle In the darkene d room In which .-tile • • t Ia .vlctor, Rl)rses are appropriated. &Ii4 tba I1rl who .aye that her n.ome Is 0Ilq-'!I'l n- In the ·ell:1l."". Keith explains tor



'Xlleiractlon Is poaltlvo ,oertaln -qll\ck. The 'rCry drat dose take. hold. You 0&0 1M and feel &ho dUferenco 10 ulua-Ie day, Some Interest Ing Happen ing, Related You can fIDel th1a out withou t" oeD' of coat to you. by Comrades of the Navy-O hase laltask yoUI' dl'U&'lI'l.t for.tre e sample ef Blockade Runner. paokaae-oso pIlla u dlreot.ed-.ucl 100 An article en Utled IIStarvl nc the for JOUJ'sell. Get &he pilla at oncoJII YOIl bave dialleConfederacy." which tella of tbe block.1U'llI&I7troUo ade running at Wilmington. was ' re- ·~B,drop,y,Brlabt'lIdI8_ In aD)' form, or rheumatlsJD t.hese tleman' s luggq& to '47'-b" ball Jdnd· cently published. ThIs port receive d ble, I1mptomllP Ban YOIl &n7 ot Iy consent ed Ito give up bill old room tbe runners from Nassau. 1 h3d eeen We-" lame. &QblDI' back. Sh~l'D. olel'Oloe Sore.. to a ladr-co me along, Montgoruery." their sIgnal IIght8 along tbe sbore to paIDltnbladdel', Itldoel•. Iide or IhDIIL r mUlIQlea. Bladder 01' oeGal teDder. 'wUoblo It was possibly Dve minutes later guide tbe hlockade runnera . Our Ihlp IDlIromed loabllltl' to bol4 water· Too freo . too 'when he came, down. stili smokln ,. bls waa tbe Sacramenl(), a new bark-rl&- IIUtU' orloatloJl. Urioe 010u47. b1oodT.ledl01' odor. al oDIl.tur dark. too " •• u II b t .. d . 500 l t b IrrItable f race not even fluBhed. ged stenmer a a ou, ons, u t IDIID' In It. Nenoll8. restleea. ~ "Montgomol:y Is feeling so badly at Kittery (Me.) navy yard. Our first ,poden\ . JI'NI[U.I""heal'taolJoD. BI"IlI PllmDizzY' .. pella. U. Bloated Be-" am. ,now A,dmlrarJ ~....Dull hNldeoh e.. ~~m"l We wero obliged to lock blm III," be lieutena nt "a erea. 'bl .... 's report ed to the clerk. !'Seems to be Benhllm . We were statione d at We.t GeI14lral weUoeaa. OOllAl,ad t.IftId. "0I'1I-G1 l" ion. dIsposit nervouB at somewb at a Bar. Tbe writer or tbat article .peaks all.~. teellu,DarbTs Kidney Pilla with· Then let Dr. Well, KQod-nlgbt, Doctor." he Jltled hII ot tbe runnlDg Dsbore ot the blockad e bal. "And to you. Mlils. plelUlant runner Kate on the eastern end at ou\. momen\'11 dela7. Tbe1 will lIur:& the dlaeue pollODSoutof Jou-b dream .. " Smlth'~ Island. I rememb er lhl!-t well, drive Itreuathon, build up tho weak, dlsoMe Btepped he as elM can. blm watcbed Hope writes W. G. Pert, (luDJtermaster on kidney! and 'b ladder al Ilothlua outside, pausing · a momen t In the the U. S. S. Sacram ento. now living In U'I &he modem, oommon-IIOUIlO, rafJonaL s badows to 1:laoce keenly up and ~dgwlck, Me .. In the Nationa l TTlb- aelentillo kloeJ and bladder cure. Andtbe\r'eaCmellt IBIWlTanteed: mOlle7 down the lonl{ street before venturi ni une. had man quIet This If It dDIIIl'~ ~o.1l ol.tJmed for Jt. steps lack the down It III of tb, ohase ot the blockad e PUla "11 for 250 a11fl Dr. Derb,'. Kidney enemies . huodrOlla or them, despera te runner Giraffe (Capl Wilkins . ' tb a t ' 6Oo-\b elarae.. P80kqe coa... lulDi more on ~ ,! nnd reckJetUl; ceasele ss vIglJance In 150 silO. If 1'0. pilla &he arly want to write. Wllkln- ~ ~oe nlone prot~M him. Yet ber eye8 I parUcul uk forfreea ample. fin" kJthelJ1 wan'to obased -war Iloop-of 8 'tbat 88YI Bon only. and not ber thoughte. were riv- him all day. and tellll at the' ruse' by . Sold. by 10ur drunist , or lent prepaid eted on the disappe aring Dlarsba l 8b• whlcb he got away. The 8acram eQto upon !'BCIeip' of prioe, by Detby Medlolne t urned to Falrbal n, wbo had r1884 to went I~to Beauto rt Bome time In April, 00.. Eaton B;.plda, )(lob. his fest. to coal up, which would take U8 "r wish 1 mlgbt see. lilm, also.· abe 1863, Knowledge That W .."" Printed : four or five daYII. I rememb er sOlDe wteran lnc said, u thougb continu ntaUve McDermott of CbJc. Repreae . l beautifu a out. the mornin g we came n ...toot 'r upted conver'lIn tion. morning with a light breeze rrom tbe 10, who represe ntl In congreing hoW' "See blm!' Who'" 0' clook a. m. we made ,yardll dlstrlct , wa. discuss 10 About north. "Mr. Kolth. I-I knew htm ailce, out black smOke' -oft to the southea st, he had been trented by tbe DemoeraUo and-an ti. Doctor, won't you tell hIm and at onoe went after . It. . [n an Clrpnlza UOD whlob appoint ed men til ( should like to have hIm come al14 hour'lI run lookout aioft .made her out tho varloull ltandlo g commit tee I of 'see me Just-·Ju st as soon , as be can." to be a large steamer . The captaIn tbe houle. "Firat," he laid, "theT. "a.nt8& co ordered all 1&11 aet. aDd soon we saw CHAPT ER XXIJ. me on the commIt tee OD a~loul· put wa. and us red that abe ad dl.cove lure and I haven:t an asre at deare4 g directly away. atandln Then tbey trled Intllr rllpted Intervll w. In the meantim e the wind hud In- ground In my distrICt: Mlsa ChrIstie ,Maclaire. attired ill a creased and heavy clctudll were com- to Have ~e I~to 'lle commit tee on edsott l(lunglng robe, her lururlan t hair InC (rom tbe nortb. By tour o'clock- ucatton , a.nd 1 n~ went ~o Icboo' . woun~ Blmply about her head., r.,rmlDI( tbe wind was blowlna lieavlly, willi a day '11 my Jr•• . Popular a deetded ly aUracl!fve picture. gazed we had to with manifes t dleSaUaf':cUon on th. freQ.uent rain sQuana, and teacl;' we wer 1mre walla of' her room, and then wt aborten lall. Still ~ and juat ef re It through tbe open ,wlndow Into tbe Ill' gaining on ber.dark we ' '11' ' .. ne&!" thlelc down shut The below. ' atreet QuIet compar ative .... (...tlm CIIII.II, .aloh reached her wi have to enough directly ." bar-tend er at the "Palace '. Bu.he -aGo ' It wn. ecaltie.but or-wbeat gun on ourAhr ,... f"oppoBlte, bwsinesB being alaek.. Wall rifted tbe <;ast not could leonlnC'. nelililgently rn the doorwa,.. sO r,ougb ~at we C'ettrnc off ' Hll!, ~oYln« eyell caught the ralr ra~. I gun' loose. •We were now 6~reQm, gult the at current the IDtO / .framed In the wfndow, and be waved st wind. bla hiUld ent~ouraglngly, Mias Chrl.. w,1I1ch, with a nO.rth or northwe aDd we '1I(ere Ue's brown Elyes stared sCtOS8 at him ' klcks up an ugly eea, prl2:~ Slip away that ee .. to ed oompell ed wander then and in silent .djll:guet. . , again about the room, her foot laPplus Into tbe darkne s.. We beard an. .~ds llla~ II waa tbe ~eltYo\l1\il.T;t on Ul, f1\3 .c:a.rpel. .' olear weathe r "I~'s iny vt~ry last trip to this . town. - Glra1re. Hnd ~t bl'elL 'iJ~I~~~~.~:;J~~:l:'~!~, lure. Arter ber could have taken ~nV~' ICritly A.. lg" iltfe said dtlclB1vely, bel' red Up. we g along awblle we, took In salil-'--f'illlll'l ... ltandln '. togethM tlgbtly ested p " ommr1 to tp tbe Mlaa Maelalr e bad tnde8d ample and }lrougbt (b~ ablp up "" t;o· enough julil abead g steamin reo ber over ed "DId you clearly inform Mr.-o. h- reason to feel aggrlev the steersg e way all .bel'; but; t.kln." all bave to wrltten had She cepUon. room the ·Montgomery that we desired tbe bouse reserved lalla off ber, there was - notblng to ror the use, ot a lady?" he question ed best aparlm. mt In merely because alie steady her, aaa she rocked feartull ,.. then, and ge~t1y, apparen Uy both' pained and Cor bel', to Fort Soon' after 10 o'clOck, ' 811 sbe took out ( had later b,een invited \ shocked. day be- deep t roll to "Wboa m; ' a .ea broke a enUy consequ wns , and Hays, I :'1 dId. IIlr." .'that into th.,- Grst, cotter t1iat waB bangred dJscove bad val, ani In bind "n 8urprlsell me ' to tlnd one In our ae" Inc at her cranes at the starboa rd r. Imposte bue a ....... woDlan ~lY witb so little r~gard tor the o!'- another rorerlgglng, and took It away with • nam_ ber under dlnary courtes ies or Ute, Tommy. Per- ually masque rading d 'in the conted man that wU, lJU,Ddlng lD It on 'Ioot~ baps 1 can persuad e the gentlem an." had been duly InstalleIn from th. tort out. Instantl y the cry of "Man ove... · , .~~ He disappe ared up the !ltalrs, taking .apartm ent. DrIving anled by two of board" wu heard.. The ~nglne w.s ·rethem dellber atel, Btep by step, the that morning, acco¥lp ible Junior olllee'" versed to .top headwa,.. The 'ollleel' cigar s~\11 Ilmoklng betweeD hla Ups. the ' more sUllceptabe bad perform e4 ot the 'd~k ordered "Pipe' awa, tbe that B conlloloU "Red" called after him. , " evening hetO". life boaL" the work arUst!., most "Keep away from In tront at . the lD V boat'wa the ot wbtatle abrlll The (8811111 and il, ·d09r. ,BlU; 'he'll sboot suri. tor be In tho spaciou s milia-ha I or(te,:' boal'8ethe and ' mate~, hfB and .. qUarte, cocked bts guD Yihen I wu up there... · ronJldeDt ()f com~oitable 1'011 life boats ·aw&,.I"'· 1 therel \Aw~y ' of DC sometbl bMn bad it hel:. g hl8 .walttp I Blckock alaDced back. waved men, comp osIng ' a sbock to. be informe 4 by the"... . tbe ofticer aild ,eIcht took hand. places n..t' their' crew, OO{ltl8 lite tbe already W&l "16" that . "Don't worry-- ;the' room occupied by turbed. olerllt lower another . "A 1.d-1 'lFba. In' the boa! ) aDd prepa'r ed to v. Mr.-ah~Montgomery 1I'&' '15: I be- OecUPl1I\J b1' aW8,.. The boat used ' 191UI lbe ' ca~ natu~ I and !lI,ht; ~lJIIt In come lieve yoU said bUDg at the atarboa ni ·wDloli gfi, \&In'l . ,00.;0 willa suppos WbateTer occurre d above, It was pro~led. ~ vain 114lallMaclalre over wltb very shortly. ThOBe IlItenolbce~ ful worsblp the the b1 heud b'acked, lltalrs ably ~he or foot Ing at the flrst gen tie rap on tbe door. an out- wbo BtllI ' gtlllanUy attende d her;' the burst of profanit y. followed almost manale men't was' obdurat e. TheD .be Instantl y by a Bharp Inap, as U a wonld , go up hereeH. aili , throw the for lock had given way. then brtef hUS8Y out. Indeed. ' too IndigeatIon and Sick Headache scumlng mingled with the loud creak· banteri ng ru~er warda, Chrtltle' bet Intend· s!alrs, later SIWJ. PILL, SIW.L DOSE. SMALL PlUe&. act)leJ.lY st4rt~d for the Ing of a bed. Scarcel y a minute the marshal appeare d on the landmg Ing to execute her threat. · 'lFhen the mUllt bear Signature above. ooe haod firmly rrtPped In the· perspiri ng 'rllmmy lIucceeded In .top. neck-band or an undersb lrt. thus II&- pIng her. by pleJ.n1Y blurUn l out the , curely baldIng the writhing , helple88 eXl\ct truth . · (TO BE C~NTlNUlm.) figure ot a man, who B'\VQre violently every time he could catch bJlI breath. , IUpllft In .Ru.. la. '. _ :"Any otber room 'you could conven· Even tblt Bubmerg"d 'Ruul' " are venlent1::r assign Mr.-ah- Montg omfrui" ery to, Tommy?" he' asked pleasan tly. UfUn.r,thelr bead. to the better U~Il, OI"lI'l:a at· ell Induatr'l c, the ' of mornJn, the In It Uke U[~ be doesD't bsn1r8' O'f teen yean .. be could be ohanged. you, know." baye . rtsen frol;D' '236,OOO.~OO, to' "Glve-. glve blm '47.·" All rlgl!\. I'm the bell-boy tom- OilO,OOO.\ LJttle by little, toO, tbe .beaD '_ be pOrarUy, Montgo mery; eaily now, my 81~, bonda. whlc'll 'ha4' to the man, ~aay. or I'll be compelled to .broad ~ ar;;. lI~h;iC ',.b ack u.. bOth hun dB. 'Red: carry tbe gen· lectl of thIS c:.ur.


D.... ""\1.

11...... h,otet

• • IUUIUon , a04 the ' fug1t1vea make

left with .L0rt Larne4, where the trlrl Is telll that landlady . KIM Hope -Walle. Oenaral of l' daulC'hte 'tlte Ia ahe "here .. . • ldth 'and Neb drIft 111 to SherIdan ·.. .elth. meet. an old friend. Dr. Falrbn.ln .

Walto. 'lCelth "II.eta the brothol' .of Hope _der~:tbe Uaumed ' name of Ft-e4 WI!. aJ:lIS , becom a convince d l' that tl!\llr!i the !Il&'Ck, art hal! .ome p !o~ Involvln who two. Hope. I.-rnil that Qen. Walle. , SheridAn at P.1u'de~, III ~ thoa~t Whe'" Ihe 1.1 mletake n for ~_~ sln.(1Ir. City eu.OIl the' Qrt.IUe IIa.c



-..----0r0p8 s'· did

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, . ~ . _ft

.. . .. ...... 7



Livet . our - ed CIogg







·. -,In

-rer even hear ' that; wbat b. . "'mt" sort:Y eame otlla~1" ll.1 ·-Iet btll eye. reet.'qu ". Il'ho 1I0Dtnclt, ,OIl , th. 'dOctor's face ton,All






"Well, 1 bappene d to be Just beblDd N'ed." w~e!l" be ,y ent," be s~d genUy, "Rell! win ·be burled liD 'BOOtS , ' BJll~ ' .t o-morro ". ('m afraid I don·t at~~>,ou . m'!l?lJ Cl~lle~o ah?",' your ' ,.kin. ·JjOc/' with a smlle. . ' aU ' Iho~ like. you .do, Dl7 ~' ', "U , protesi1 on ' '''onl., be uselesll. Wh.t·s ,~ mattel' wltb your -other .c1epuUes!" "!;ack ·of nerve, prtncIJl.~IY ,I"ftlfk.eDI aIn't 01\8 ot 'em worth qae powder to.. bloVl' bJm up.. I·d gIve Bom.tN ng just lipVI' for. fellO'!l' 1 bad down at Dodge .!..he WIUI a maD. "{ever bad to when to· go In; good judgme nt out hunting Cor trouble, tOo; enougb to take bls , bu~ In OUT army, Cap·'>,",__ ... _L he never ~talked ; mll7be you knew






"Ins. '


, :tk 4'4


~~ ', :m,:z ·· ,


Dt.ea~meJ} ,


(c:bp~t, DU. tIT


"You are ·trelpaslilng on my 'prop.rty,,, camo a vol,c e fl'om' the moon· 1I1bt. " . Blair Icrutlnlzed t~o clump of bush.,s. He ' bad .upposed tbll white thin, flitting abo\tt...tbere to' be alUm beam from tbe\iDoOU. "But. the gard.Dii'1 Dever j)ome ~own bere and uncle Is away, 10 It 'I aU rlgbt." The voIce waT"nearel" to Blatr tban ·befoR. '. He Ibaded his eyell and looked more clogly, A low .rlppla of auabter aecompanIed bl. aeareb. "Hers I am." She ' bad .paned the bushell and stili B1atr te\t , that a wed,e of D;loonbeam bad squeezed down through the treel. He Itared at her wIth bll .band Ihldlng bill eye8. "J caD't ·.ee wbether or Dot I ,like Jour e,e8," Ihe iald hall lletIJlanU,. " ~Ialr obedlenfb ' drOllPedl hi. hand and turned toward , the ' U,bt that came from tbe sman cloor of bls cara· 'Tile dresmer's looit was 10 bJlI (lye. 1Ul;" ·the d~eaDtor'I ' wblmllcal 1~lIe 00 bll Jlp.. •. . Molly ' loolt'ed at blm.- ...Ith . grave . ey" tor a Inoment. , "Wbat ~re 10U 401b, ber4\?" llhe'd, ed'~1 oearer to 111m, " '.' . \ ·'t.ookfuC for talrl..-lIl1e' you," be ..Id III tile t948 of one Ip8ak~ng to a cblld. '" RJn el,lbteen,'l She resented bla toDe. "ADd then 1whal: do you do'" 1'1 weave them lilto faIry talel." HI sup"po.. that you meln YOU are a wr:lter and tIIal your name Is In all the bll ina l,Lae.'" •~ : "About that," lie -BmlleCl. ' "Couldn' 1 jl18t 'ha,e' one ~p Into JOW' caravan too IIbe ' aSker' ..It looks

r • •



BlaIr turned Iwlftly from tbe ClaN "Come!" be s.ld, and hi. voice held a not. of command, WIth little ~urt look ' in . her .es "oily p.ut out ber hands. For a 'breatblng lIp~II ' the universe seemed hung In mldatr. Molly tore berseU free tbeD CLod lied . In the darllDelll. Blair watcbed ber go, a moonbeam dartlog from pnil lO patb and ~Dally Into tbe ofd rose garden . and up the ~reat stone Btepa bstwe4!D tbe ~atd· inc Ilona and out .of bls slabt tbrouab tbe . Fren«h wIndow• . For a 10Dr; moment he lIat staring at the - wlDdowa through ' which Ibe. bad gone, FInally be arOle, bla boraell, hitched tbem to the caravan and drove off Into ths Dlgbt. "She Is too wonderful," hta lips reo peated. "1 could Dot wltbstand her loog." , Three . years came aDd went ~rore MolIYI '&lIhwelt and tbe Vagabon4 Dreamer met, three yeara In ... blch ber eyes had worD a peeular, lI·r ood· In, look_ look wblc~ Jobn Oray, hid tried In vain to atbooi or to 11gbteD. ., . "You are Dot 10 hapPT looldng. younell," ahe had chIded bllA on one occasion, . He had crown a Ihade pal"r. ") bave cause-a. terrIble caule tor bollll IIII.erable-but 1 dellerve It," was all Ire bad ' laId. . 8be ' glanced qulC1tlr at him now as they .at ' In the tiieat ~r. The cur,t aln weDt up on a Dew pl~ .• The seene WI\I an ID terlor, ' "It I.· almost oxac;t1y lite our draw IDg room'" exclaimed Mally breath. leul, and waited tor conDrmaUon of 10 ' coz,y," , het ...ords. "It Is coI]/." .. He wu amuled at John Ora,. neIther anllwered Dor ber qualDt curfollty. UJ ",IU baYe seemEiil consclOUII ot ber j)rfjlenee. to 11ft yoU 'up on tbe Step/' As tile play prcjgresled Mollr .felt , "1,In't , It darllJl~P' She turned thll peculiar' teD.lon' tbat beld John tOl'ard hIm. "' , didn't bow I1PII.1 After a .paBroodlc clutCh ot had .ueh exqul.tt_" the banda 'On tbe ohair anns be :",B ut I am ..not .. UJWi17," 'put ID malned as ODe 1urned to ".:11\•. Blair, bit In tllti dalltbels a IItrapce Tb_ play wal tbe old. old Itory of lilttel'll .... 'c rept tDto hI. eyeL' "It 1 the BOn who had frequented the .t~e 'Were I ~9Uld abul ihat dqor with doors and·J1ad. beeoHumed awa, from )'OU '\Dslde aDd la!~ up ,my ponl".," home by an Irate par.nt. In . tbl" c.... ·'Oh. wouldn t ~'t be ~ove}y," ~b6' the .on bad lived In the tbeatrical I J9joul)1, . " ~ut a~mcisPbere mer~"y as ·.Iteppluc Jet ove!" to · • stDne. He 'had rliD away from borne ·.urvl'". otllfl't' , to' co on "tbe stage ·tbat be mlgbt calll ~ blUet- ' Intlmate kilowledp " ot Itnaitmdt. "_ • .1.11!'.\~,A';I\"",_.M The strong. plo~ TJoven In tbJa fabrio . n.lth4tr ~ here nor there exoept thAt at the,., lose ' of ~e 'Jut act tbe author was ~«;atIe4 - fonh; ' He came, from , tile. wfDp. ·"" Jbbn 0\'&1 spranc to bla feet and bel4, oat a patrt of" Ihaklce arm. t~ ,.,~ ~e ,~an .on . tJi8 etap ,I , My "v~nd Dreamerl" · ~e a . ,ltr!'e ~olJe f thrOlllb the bUlh that foUo ...ed- the meeUng of, father ais4 of the lamp.





or lb. e)[cftel! audleDce. met . anel thl. older m~ otber ID 11't1 ' WI U U. vea .mall boy . br, 1Je14 the awll·



Sir Walter · Ra'elgh Und.r '.ntenc. It Ie a Breach of Pollten..s for the oof Death, F~lted to Win Pardon Wlfo to Brelk the by Lilt v.o),age. . , Seal.



' -' -

Fate aDd 'ulltlee worked some.,. A wife II In doubt whether she cUlIo.r pranks In the olden daYI. SIr Ibould open ber husband's letters, an" WaHer Ralelgb, wIth tbe death len· , Implies her willingness to let him -teIuC8_b&Dgt~~1m-!0 ear....·.J-GDeII.-, bers before they coml' fallJng ID blednal voyage of discovery, lnto her hand I. Tbere.l8 DO violation returned to England and went cheer- of conOdeDfJe Involvea In a preference fully to the block. He left the Tower to read ODe's corr.espondence before It wltillout the royal pardon In 1615. Tbe Is so mueh as glanced over by tbe adventurous but stili condemned man eyes of another, A letter Is a bIt of bad, receIved permIssIon to mate an· personal property, and It III a breach othe r voyage to Sout" AmerlcL It be of' ordlnRry polltenesll to break Its should be successful In the outcome seal. Wlte and husband alike have of hIs venture RaleIgh knew the th e prIvilege of openIng ~belr Indlvld· kJng's mercy would be granted hIm. ual correspondence. and of sharIng But: tbls last expe,dltlon, undertaken It together If they choose. As no ODe with such a vital Interelt at stake for wbo Is entirely polite ollens a closed RI\I:elgh. ""BS utifortunate In all Its reo door wltbout the formality of a knock, spects. At San Tomas, on the Cay· thougb the door belong to a member. enne rIver In Gulan hIe men made Il or the family , and I ~ the .e ntrance to hOli>tlle attack upon a SpanIsh Bettie' an hidlvldual room., 80 no really polite me'nt. As J!;nglal1d was then at peace perSOD opens wIthout lenv e the corre' wIth Spaln, - thls act of war acalost epondence Of anoU'er. It should be \)e people of a ' trloDdly nation was a tall en for granted th nt marrIed IICDmo~t grievous offense agaInst the pi c are mutunlly Int ereSl ed In one nn . kIng. On October 29, 1618. he sulfered other's lett ers. but It Is no t to he 1m. deatll bY' the ax. Having fingered the aglned thnt they shall nec essarily al. edge, be returned It and saId, smIling waye read every wrItt e n scrop th at to the sherllf.: "ThIs Is a sharp medl. comes Into the bouse for one or the cine, but It Ie a Bound cure for all dis· other. MarrIed happiness Is so per. eaelel." clous a tblng tbat It dhould be guart1· ed wIth the grentest care, and If elth· HE WAS NEXT. er partner In tho home dIscerns on the horIzon th e smallest hilit of a cloud, tbe duty , Is at onc e to tako m easures to prevent a storm .- Th " Chrlstlnn Herald .

• lIucollo ~ Lltoe WI~le, belD... NU, ~, ~ Dever aeen 9-: 90",.. -Whlle,OR a ,'flllt_ his grandJDother he w"Ured out .croiIe the flelds wIth h!a coulln Jdl,. A COl' WaM grszing th~~, and WIIUe., ~ Ity 'Wall ,greatly'" elielted. " , ' "Oh, CouBln John, what II 'thaU" he aaked. "Why, thAt 18 only .. C01l'," Jobll r .. plied. " ":And what are tbose thlncs on h .. head ?" "Horns," answered Jehn, .J Before they had gone far the CO"f" mooed JODg and loud~ , WillIe was astonished. Loold~ back, he demanded 10 a very fever of Interest: "Wblch born dId SU\! blow f"7""Eve~ body's Magar:lne. - --"'----,--Age of .en Egg.

In a glass of water the Cresb ~. will assume a borlzontal position . 'n. egg of three :~ five .days makes wlta Ihe horIzon ar. angle or 30 delITeeL Th e nngle Increases to 45 decrees ror an egg elr;ht oays old , to 76 for one' of three weeks, and at 30 duys tbe elle reSIR on Its potnt.


One of the mORt oommon of blood d,i.. i. roue" aggravated by the ,udd'eD ebanges of ",cather at thi' time of yeur. BeRin treatment Rt once with Hood'. Sill'Rllparilln, wuich effects radit'S1 .a~d p~~ maneel cure.. Thi. great· me(hcme baa. eII " CA,



- - - .!-




Backache Is u8ually kidney ache. . There Is only one way to remove tho ' pain. You must reach the cause-the kidneys. No better kidney remedy exists tban Doan's KIdney Pills. Mrs. · John A. LInk, 122 E. Terry St., Bucy· rus, 0., says: "I was so terrIbly at· 1llcted with kid· ney complaint, I could not leave my .~_, 's...bed. I wae attend· , ed by several doeThis nlgbt gbwn baa the plstn ' l!{atherlne-There Is never any ex· ...... ~ tora but they all round ,<ike wblcb II So comfortable. ·cnlle foJ' ignorance. talled to helplDe. Doan's Kidney Pll1s The materIal belOW It Is llligbtly litldder-Thllt's rll;bt. There ' were pve me relief a.!ter 1 had gl.ven up all gathered 'anll attacbed to ·tbe lower . knlgbt achools In . the dark hope and soon cured me. I have bad ed,e·. · Tbere ' Is a turn~ver collar. no kidney trOUble In three years," I whlcb caD be omitted and the Deck ,ag'eR. "When You~ack Is Lame, Remem- , IInllhed a IItlle low If, preferred How to' Ua. Red Cro .. Seal.. I bertbe Nnme-DOAN'S." 60c,allstorea. Tbls gown may be made ot batIste. "How to' Use Red . Cross Sea)s" la Foster.Mllburn CI) .. Buffalo, N. Y. , lawn, cambric. longeloth or OUtJDC th'lI title of an interesting publl~tton ftannel. , , Fleldy . Perml~.lon. ', ' re,aently Issued by, tbe Natlonai ASBO' Tbe pattern (6~86) Is cut ID sIlOS ellLtlon for tbe Btudy and PreventIon As an uptown manUfacturer and bls -30 to 4f Inches bUlt Dteuure. ,M. of wlte were motoring lhrouglt the coun' dlum IIlze requlrell 6' yardl of 31l-In!!b Red OIOSS Seslll mUllt be • placed try In Buck's counLY,tbewlfesaw an material. ' ollll,. on the back .. of. letters 'aDd not apple orchard, wIth severol trees To !prOcu~ thta pattem 1Ien4 lO , ceDtII , 0111 tJJ. address side of packages that laden wllh brigbt red fruit. aer j to ''Pattern bepartment. .,t tbl• •paper. are gain" tbrougb ~e mall. 'flIey mouth watered lor apple., aDd ahe Write , name a,nd adl!re.. plo1nly, anI! be m ill, be placed anywhere on ' matter IndueI'd her bua'/l'~lld to stop the car . . . . to IIIv••'IM U14 Dumbel' of p,&t ru. i9,IDg . y eXPfelll, Ca,. sbould be and go Into 't he orcbard• ta'~'8n. n sending niercbliJit'llll,e"tltraugh' - "As he.put 'bIs foo\ hillde 1111 enroun. NO, 6685 mzm.... " ... ,._••: the matla not to place ,",alB over the tered'; ~n" "Msy I bave BOme ap.:.. . ,.......................1•_ .................... ., st1rl~gs with wblch the package II tlled , pies 7" he asked. . d b ... _.. .. • 11III1Ce thll aeale the PIlckage aga ns t "Sure help yoursell," ,replle t e ta'OWN•••••.• •••• _ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Inspection 'a n4' sub,ecta It to ftrat other.' ' , , cllus pOstl!C'e rates. AIf- mlJl1 sell\s ."HoWjmuch wllli owe you1" . IITRIIIII'l' AND NO....................... . . . mllY b. und on the back ot a letter "Ob, nothing, nothing 11t all. J Oil' pack ate as may be desIred. Ever)' don't own the orchard," laid the man, ....Atf'II. •••••••••••••••••••••.• ••.••• _."" •••• ,.. fl oreed ,to use them .UberallY. -Pbil!Ldelphla Times.


In two ,.ear., which prove it. wondmu" efficA cy ' in purifying nnd .,nricbing the · blood. Beet for .11 blood di:lell8eB. Tn lI sual liquid form or chocolJlted tlI.~ lets known 8A Sar.ata!'_. 100 da.ea $l __



MatUrt:" ·


ev...,. Nat .. a buUet In the war ==~~=~=~~:::====::::::;;;;:;:;:.::=,==;,=~::~:;:=~ii:;t~~,I~.~~~!~~ UDIES' SHORT'pmfCOAT.· aIIIlce ~1lfnit tubereulo81s, ' A' ~ Red ,(:I'OiIII >aeale . are neit good for ' I ' 1,;,_ ~

~'Btage and' will not

Cl.lT7 mall mat·

te~ bu~ auy kInd of mall matter will ca";"':them. Flnli.lIY.~ver)' letter or par·

I { , ~ tb~ q~let tones of the "~"'J went out to ....u .... r that un·



~ , 'S




..... ••_. _ _ 01. ' Dr. P;.....,.,•• 00' -' M....' ....t _..... .a_ ........ -...,......,__ , _:&!III _ _~~ cel aent out, eftber by mati or In lome ClOftI'Y ia curia, _ k atom.cb. _fiDeI ~", ,~"1'~ 1uqI, and ,o,",tlaate Ud Iia~ oou~, b . otber w&,., durIng the bo11 day lea, the _enition p( tho fUD~~en~ . ~~ that :tJ Go~ ,aCln .ho,uld benr one or m~re. Red Medical DblCovery" lupphea NCltu"! WI,th ~.~~ . CJ~III seals. . .i,.u"rep.jriag, mUlclc·muill' hi 'ftOD• • . I" dlllllod 8.lJd oouOOG.nted. fo\'ID. Wi,th chi. belp ~~re of • s"ppliea the neceasry to ItolDAFlrh,tq 'd l.-t ..... ....ID. •" , o O d build uP tbe body and tberelly throw 0 1lII&ari.JII CASTORIA,4 a eate and aure remedy for Clbtti'oace oouDis. Tho "Discovcry.'~ ~tiblWJiij . tho Infanta and 'cblldreD. and .ee that it dl'eativ. IIDd ,Dutritive CI~. in ~d tiecltll•.pyriin ~eara ~e' ~ ,iIDd ~rictioa the blood, ~nd nourubc8, tJw. aerv-7Ur n.- nf J • . • , 74,~ - . IIwrt:abtbUihes aoUDd VJlloroua .beellh. ,'. ". . ( . Sl 1~: '... -... - ....1" ~ _#... . .. . . . , I lui Ua. For Over aq eara. . , " FOil" flell'." otteN .o",etbl.~ •• ",., _ ,~.'" • ' , CJ!rlldren fo. r Fl.e~her'8 Castoria ,It , • . ,.robably b.tte,.' ,POR HI•••• H' ." . , . : . . . " . AJ BII' YQ" . , . tAl.ttl". 01 lb. CIlI'e DOt ",...." Il~... ' ill • Sime. Oere'. Ddlldo. 46/ll. , -.•,' ' .o od" 1o. FOil_ . . .~ I, .:, .... I. '" " .... Frlend-WIIat were your sensationl .!>r. Pi.roe'. Common Modlcd .,vl,!r•• b .,.... En61", "1' 1" m, the ... reck L ioloe Simplified 1008 paces, 'over too ,;. . .. , Victim-Just the Barne as In toot- , Edition p.per.~. IeIIt for 21 .o-OCDt .tamPI, to covor Cott'JI'" " "", . bllll. Three coaches passed over me, ~6oth.lio.und, 31 ,tamp.. AddntA Dr. 'R. V. Pieflle; 8ufl'a1o; N.;y. ~, ,. ~.t< . ; al1d then tbe doct.ors came .7"Puck. . Diphtheria, \.tUtUS)' nnll 'lon. i1iti. beg ill with lOre throat. How much better to cure" BOre Ulroat in n day . or two than .to &; .be! in bed ltar lineek'l(i~:3 8ir;;e~h~ .All SlY.. AU Leather.. ,All . . . aDcI t::~.keep m 9 WIdth., for ' ~.D aDd W~ ' _ _ __ THE STAN.DARD OF QUALITY It Goel Off. .~ FOR OVEII' SO YEARS Dragc'og a gun through the feDce . 'Theworkman.bip·wbicIibumadew.L seems til' be almost as , effective al roc\dnt: tbe boat. Douglaa .bees famoua the worJd- over is ___~_ _ __

":-1eII .... . ,


.;.-a..!mDe~cr!!etnutllo), ·evote~~tUe


.~tb ~



CS70 . .

~ . Thla ~ j,eltlcoat

Is cut on tbe IInel of, the bour and Otll snugly about tbe bl~. · The yoke may be uBed or not ---._.'" as ,preferred ~d t~e same bolds wltb lbe rume. . , illill model III ~ultable for silk. pongee baUste, cambric and other wllite ~asb goods. The, pattern (5570) Is c.ut In sizes " 2 to 34 Inches . waIst measure. Me· dfum sIze requlrell yards or 3S·IDcb materIal . "1'0 p.'OC'iJrw thlll pattern lIenl! 10 cent!l , "Pattern Department. ~ of this pap"r. name and addie.s lilalnly, and be a1ve and Dumber' Of pattern.






'N.h. DOU$lLAS '2.50,' .no, '3.50 .4.uo,siiiiES




8ootbln~ Byrnp for ,Olll14ft1O leB1l!::fQlIOfLeDlO til", ,""118. re6""etI ~""m. ..... • paID.., ...... ,,1II& ~ . . . 110&~

8!ZE .• . ••••••••••••• -

i ,... IlIuatn~~, ~I, "!vr~ ~ .


Wbenever tbetdevU ,bas!i. m~ut. to ,a:p.". he B8~ another trap for tile'



maiDtaiued in evt!rY pair. ,. If 1could take you into my larae f~ariee at Brockton. Mus., and .how you how c:arefulyW.L.Doualauhoel are made, IOU

Would·then realize why I warrant' them lo'hoId their Ihape, fit Il1d look better and than other makes for Ihe price.




,S~E~;Dt;; ~~ ~ !:! :! ~ ~:...




, ~nd ~.JDe. 'tow~ahip ~id I~, .. y~



Another tIlNe 0'1 \I' I \ . I it oniy 811, the mt.wtity Mr alild Mrs Emenoll Muon had . It jUt P 'Ye', pNClicted. an4 , tbla;year was ·.fa,r. ~~r th~ be, §~':'1l:~~:~~.»~:~!~!'~:':':.~}~'.~...r-:.=.:~:~:.:.:.:.:.:-.:.:.:.. ~:~.:.:-:-:!t:~.:.::-~:-:.....:.:,.!-:-:.:.:-:o:'-:~'~'!."=':-:':':-!oC,,!~~~~~»:-~/):;):i(«'~ u their S\lIIdQ'. at dinner Wvne:;rQ""p.l&vecl thetlay~ rrbe f~re. ~U~ In l~ 1t 1'MII tb\1



J, '

of Ser\1ing, the people-W-Waynesville at1<tvicinity with the vel'}," best in the market We start the 11th year with a larger stock and brighter prospects than ever, with 7 ' rocims the ,~l1ar chuCk fun of Groceries bought at the right time, we are in shape to sell yo~ the , Best Eatables 'at the tight prices, We have e.very thing that is in tbe Market-aU New Fresh Stock. ~ WitJa' our Cincinnati Connections (BnlDs Bros. 6rocery Co.) we buy our goods the same as the Large Wholesale Houses aDd 'can sell you lit Retai\ of Wholesale. any quantity you want at the right ,;p~. Space:wiU Dot permit mentioning only a few of the ,many Good Things we haVe. ~I we ask is .__ iia~ of your patronage. We will treat yoa right-one price to all-16 ounces for a pound. prompt d~veries, ~urteoUs treatment. ,


'Cb .• t

Ca ' d i . ns mas n es

·,Look at these prices-Cut Mixt>d. French Creams, Bon Bon Mixed. , Taffy Mixed, Gum Drops. Jelly Drops and several ather kinds. Special Low Price

. ,N ut. QlJa Soft Shell. ~liah Wal· .......................... I-uw. Bruil•• Ib .................



~ALIlL ~d.,.:!~M~:bertIo w. S~~~8Dl an~,~ lttr: O.~=:' !~~~~ r·!:!::: =I~l, ~1e,r~~ ~!t: :, a · ThOJDpeon. together with M~. a 8'rand rictory for us, E. Janney, C, A. The eit.)' vote in 1908 ... 199. this Dr. Ellis,


,~ 't binp to eat)



'Ib Ca



Ohocolate DrO'Il8. I........ ...... 100 Coeoanut Bon Bona lb ........ 100 Oranae Sberberta•.lb ........... 15c HaH Made Chocolates. fancy Box Candles.

~aaon Sheehan and family enter. Bruner, F. B. Sherwood. E. O. year It wu 189. The majoriQr this tamed ati dinner Sunday. ~r. Miell· and a few more, to therq can year is 89, makina ... increue over ene~ aD(~ famUy, of Leb,alion •.Mi. attributed thft ~ abowln. of 1908. " . While Franklin and Tur~eereek Lydia (~raves. of ~hattUlooga. cit.)' and town. Ten~ .• Mti98 Mary H. ~e. ~f Oen Saturday wu uahere41 In wet-by toWDlhipa .ade sUght gains. Olearthe eltIllenta-but b did not deter creek Ihowed up- fine, and made tentlle. and ~ Ada Mlc:hen~r. ttie faithful from aettlnl down to 1004 pins. Morrow. Deedeld. On bUll W.w..d1U' 8V~ the buain... an. workblC like Turb. Muon. South Lebanon made .liaht Miaeea Janney pve a , ~ little A aood vote WaR polled in me city pine for the wets. tea,pa~' in honor of MiaMs MOdred anJ townahlp. and a fairly aood vote A look at' the followinl' tabhl will and Ruth Newland. Beeldes the tbrou8'hout the COlmty. explain the vote. All are loud it:l eU8lts 'of honor. MiaaeI Taq' OlllPtt 'l\ree yean aco the total Vet. In their prailM! for Wayne township. and Bel,en SberwoH were present.' the toWDlhip wu 402. but tlds year however.

tin Mrs. Cynthia EvaDa wu plee..ntly IIlrPriaedl on Tuesday evenin8', that 20c ~ the eve of her birthday. wheD _ _ _ _P_RW_ 15c , _ ..... IN_OTS. ______ HeY. and Mrs. GraWMIr. Dr. and Mn. ' I.arp Filberta. I........ ......... 115c Oysters . Soft Shell Almonde. Ib........ 20c H.tbawat, Mr. and Mn. O. A. Fruits , ..... Routed Peanuts. Ib... lOc With our new lee Box we always 9'7 sweet Florida Oranges. aU sizes. Bruf\8r Walked into her hom. with East Clearereek .......................... .......... .. ~ Mixed ' NutS . have a large supply of fresh Weat .. • .................................... . 7' New Naval Oranl8ll. Fancy well filled baBkete and annoU9ced l:!Prina'boro ......... ......... .. ..................... .. ~uta .................... I; to lOe o,sien on banda. in pint, quart 26 -tina Applei'. Malap Grapell. that they were ping to take IJPpper East Deerfield ................................... .. Zoyear 0111 Pop corn and 1'1 pilon calls. S~ia1 • larae bunches. Fancy Jumbo J)!icee on 1 to 10 PIlon 'lotS. It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. with her" It wu a most enjoYable . Weet Bananas, Grape Fruit, TanOanned Goods Will have a larae .upply for affair. ' . I M..,n ...•......•••••••••.•.•••....•••.•..•••.••••••••... , prineS. Af., of the man, Idnda we have Obrlatmaa. Don't foraet to ~ .' ~tcI8j b~ht bulk. lb ......... tOe Ealt Franklin ........................................ . •~~n. ,,~_ give u. your orders. , , FilS. Cal~ornia.Jlkg .. ....... )Oe ~ lDvlitttion to the home ' of Mr • West . If , •••• , .................................. .. Peeled I Apricots, 'Lemon Olina' C k Fanq Im~rted 141p, I)"..... 2Oc . and Mrs.•' Jobn Hawk., alwQSmeana Cor. N. •• ...••.•.•....•.••........•.. -Mlddte""- " • .••••.••••••••• ~ Pe.cb-. YeJh.wFrejl ~~--. _' ~.c ere New Comb H~l}ey ..............'. 20c a day 'of pleasure. and ThundQ the South •. 0•• •••• •••••••• ~ ......................... .. Il. . .t GraPlBo Wblte Cher~ We 11811 Green &; Green's Ed8'&'NewCrack:ed Hominy, new Flake leventh, was no exception. A co... Harlan .•••••••• ,•...•••••••.••.•••.••••••'••••...•.•••... , n..."lack Cherriee, Ptn.pple ' mont Butt-n. 'Star, O......r Hominy. new RolledOatl,'new J-luma. Pears, Kraut. PQmp'Hard Dutter, Oyster. Thelr elial welcome awaited the friends, "HamUtoa .•••.•..•••..•.•••.•.••.•• ;...•.•• ,........... .. pure Buelrwheat. new Papcake Cor ................., ................... .. kln. AJlparq118. TomaWM, crisp Graham Walen can't be . Flour, . new Corn MeAl, new and they were BOOn inVited' to' the Maineville Ma.le .•••••"..•..••....• _•••..... ~~ ..................... .Com.. p . .; Hom.illJ'. iUeta. beat. A nice line of fancY Navy Beans. new Marrowfat dinina room. The' table wu artia- Haneyaltura Cor ............. ~.................... . ama ......,,' Heml Rot. Cakes. 8 bbla. more · White ~ new Kidney Beaha. ne" tic~lIy (ieeoratecl with fruit and Salem.·· ••;•.•••.•.••..•.' \.............................. l!'.ulilh lIacteNl. (aov~ Oakee, ~for ..... o..... 6c Lima Beans. new Minea Meat, branches ,o f holl,y leaV8l. The dinner Morrow Cor.......................................... . new RaUains. new _Ourrantl. ·~~~~~~ifp~;, Ooffoes Tal'tlecs-eek ..•••••••......••••••..•.••.•• ,•..~. new Citron. new Dried PeacheY ",p perf.let. All of the u. 1Ieribw. tm~ , &i4~ , Our Coffee sales &re increaaina- Just received 85 boxs fanq san- cept MUlaI BelPn Hawk." remained W.t •• - ..... ~ ...............,. ............ • ' 1 - ' .flVery--- week. , our' etoek and ta Olai'a Prunes, fancy. aooda.: untU almost dark. 'Those who .pent ; , '. almon ' 1)riCM tell th.. story. , pricee debt. , the day ~ left tbanking their heat It JOD~t "'tblllJ ~ liM ~ Fucy Santos OOffee. -Only,..: 23e Lippineotta Apple Butter. Preand bOlt.. for the deliPtful boun, 1l0000~s.lmOn ....... ~ . Acme,Sanb Coffee.. onl,,,, !fie serves, Oatsup!. Heinz PfcJdes., Union ..,.•.•.••.•• :- ..................................... Wliria' 8iabDoa •• ~., ........~. . ., . • ,bite Star CA>ff~• .only ... ,oo ~ were: ,Mr. and lin -Frank Zell. Baked Beans. IJataup, BeechSouth Lebanon CO~ ............ ·............. • .... ftDao Pbik SaIiDOli...... - .... lliC Mn. Rorer', Coffee, only ...•. SOc an.4i M,N . C. T. Hawke. Mr. anel W ...~n nut Peanu.t .Butter. Bacon. ...............................- •••.•••••• 8II1II ~ s.laon...... t ....... tOe ,Rof1i1 Jnue Coffees .. ,.,.- 28c. SOc Balred Beans. CatsuP. Marma· , Mn. Harry Murra.r.. Mr~ MI'L ~ Wayn••••••.• ,....................... - ••••••••.• lade~ , .• , 'd BUrlqtClJO Ball, COffee....:- 40c West·· ......................•.......... ~..... "... S. L. OaItwright, . Bree HOMe GroWn Potatoes Qlives-Tbe 6nest line in . Warn.vine CJor .••••••••••••••••••••••• ,••••••• ~ ••• . --~ QUaHtJ, and 1J.~..Nl.. town, bottle ........... IOe to 6Oc , Bt.dncelveclfNJb ~ bu. Cooken, Carmona, FAIRMERS' 'INSTITlTI'E Special full quart OliveS ..... SOc T.tIJa .................. ~ 81 ' , . " give them a trial: • r Prepared Mu.tard. larp jar ,10e' A .... . . : . . . Bem;lUda onions, Je'tflS1 Sweet The Farmel'R' Institute "will be S~eet Piekl8l, ~uart jar...... 16c Potatoes. YeUow-()njona. CabIndian Salt. dOll t get hard beld 'Dec::ember... 29th and 80th in OF 11tANKS P•• D. MEetING ~ool H~I, John Ben &(ld 0, w. ' CARD _ " ,l. • ' -.11 sack........................ " 00 Try Wa"eIa Cooked Wh..t. ita . . . ~,8 for ...........• • • Cigars . E1)j~tt iMliq die State apeiake...: The . I... of tb .. 2 ' 1be WU'De Townahip Protectl,. ready tel eat. :'Dr. Shoop'. 1m· , On'FridllU'.· December· ~. Mr. yoUDlr • • 'Ud Dttectl". AIIoctatidQ will meet , ,~t=·~~ A nice aieortment of cipns for i~tion Coffee. ita cheaper than R. S~ McKay or th~ . Divwon of church d8ltre to up.... tbelnpp.... SatnrdlU' .vEna at the To~ . ,.._'.... , ', . Cbriatm~ , Pipes and , , . ~!fee •. • \.AI~.. ; . SmoIdna'Tpbatco.. ' , NIlI'II4tI'J .~d < Orchard Inspection of ci.ation for the ..troup of the ,peG- H~. Thi. is an iatpotUnt ~ Com-Ohio Com. ~ caDI for 100 Q:I~~ ......... 1 . ... 20c Fane; Baskets, a nice line and Opjo ,wiU be p~t with an edue&- pie of W..,naeviUe ~ 'ViciDl.t 1 at inc. anel fI'Ierr memw Ihoul~ ~ If..,· ~ ~........... ,8C ther make a bioe alft. Cooking Filii Ib only........ lOe tioDaJ exbibit alon. fniit itow1n:g tbeir recent entettlimDent. pnMbt.. _ • _ . HE' Willi be'pleuled to &pawer , . M." .D~vII, Pr-. " ,.r 8I.le-~o f .... cO~ ~'. ~ questiona and tn8peC't any ..,.ciRath IIUler.' See" . of &hrJn Fumaa. ,lW~ to - ScboOls and d"rlDg Churches. of: d~ treeI. vins 'Cir , .', ,'" 0' , ' • , lor theit:geoerous ptatronage tile 'Oet ~t. and pric:ee ~ before ... CHRISTMAS TO ~LJ,. ," ' . I.h .... hathllt may feW Bntr O~ .' ~)l ~pear iq fulr~t puU_ ~"Q" "," ~ ~__ Ann" ThoI'Jlf. W~. Ohio. 'bb18. fame, Red CranberrIes, special price during Holld9~. per Quart............ .... lOc, 12,",c



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t. ••••



• •••••••

. . . . . . . ..

..t.. ....


200 ,,,he

., v.... ~ .....~~..:~.~ ~



. '

, ~,





~,:=i~~~~5~~~j~r:Nuts, O~


I ,





tt.o.k "


~~~~~~,~,~~I~~~jmmty the matron to know _." __._A _ ';.tbItt,......1d IMp thus dilcb&rpd. un· \, ..~~~lPlJ and without previotJ8 llIbilke. ...ld little ! fraternal 'counsel


. \







A. E, Sides was in Lebanon Thursday. Mrs. Harry Murray was in Dayton Friday.

Are Comin~ In Evet:'y Day New Candlel, New Nuts, New Raisi~s and Currants New Oranges, Lemons and Bananas: New Figs, New Dat~, etc.


ToYS-Wagons and Sleds, New Hobby Horses and Shoe Flys, New Books, and Dolis, ~d Carts, New Money Banks and Flyiog J,Jachines.


New China

an_d ClaS8Ware-New



Laoten;ls, New Roasters and Bakers, New Knives, Forks and Carvers. New Plated Ware.

New angerlol Watche8

and Fobs-New Pocket

Knives and Air Rifles.


New Orleans Molaaaea-A barrel of the new crop JUSt open~. As fine as we have ever seen. Bring your lug. New 8alt-A fresh car of A I Salt. Best for Meat and best for stock. Won't get hard io the barrel. Yours truly,

Mrs. W. H. Allen il!! a Dayton visitor today. We have New Novelties in hand· some but inexpensive Jewelry. J. E. Janney. .

Mrs, Geo. Hamilton was in Dayton Thursday. Neck-wear put up in single boxes ready for a Gift at Barnhart's. Mra. E, V, Barnhart .,88 shoppini' in Dayton Friday.


' ~



-.•. Former Citi7en

.-....-..- ---

:'MlAMJI w~

Patent, uather Shoes. , , ...... $3.00 and $4.00 House Slippers .......... . . ... . . $1.00 to $2.00 W·1sO I n Bros. SL:~~ ....£1011 .• , . , . . . • . • • $l.00 to $1.50' Hosiery, Silk Lisle, a pair .. , .... , . . . . . . 25c HOIIiery, Pure Silk, a pair .. , ... .. .. . . , 50c ~ Hosiery .. , . . . . ....... 15c, 01' 2 for 25c All 'Kinds of Handkerchiefs ,3 for 2ac, to flOc Red Man Collar ....... , .......... 2 for 25c Neek Ties ... . ........ , .... .from 25c to 75c

K V. Barnhart was in Cincinnati Monday. Bollnd books in handsome covers for only IOe at J. E. Janneys.

J. W •. WHITE.



E. V. Barnhart has the latest novelties in Ties.

Do not fail to see our special attractiona in books. J. E. Janney r Raymond Conner was a Dayton visitor Thursdav. Joe Marshall visited friends in Bellbrook, Sunday . -~GA:ZETTE The Schwartz Store open ",11 next M W~YIlle. Ohio week. Get your Christmas goods ~--~--------~ there. Walter Burnett · and Wm. Dyke were in Lebanon, Thursday. You ('an buy a present for every member of the fam ily at E. V. Barnhart's. MJ88 Clara Hawke was the weekend guest of relativtlS in Lebanon. . Pure Silk hosier)':only 50c the poUr at Barnhart's.


For G irIS,==============-"':":'::':

Hoosier School Shoes ... , ....... $1.50 to $2.00 SteM-kings, best in the land .. . , . . . . . . . . 25e Leggins ..... . .. , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Rubbers and Aretio- .. . . , ... , , , . . 5Oc to $1.25 ~h Cut Shoes ...... ... ......... , .... $2 up

==-==-=====For Ladies========= Felt Slippel'll . ......... . , ...... . .9Se to $1.25 DI'e88 Shoes ......... , ..... , ...... $2 to 53.50 Rubbers aDd Aretim ............. Sse $1.50

















Harvey Gustin &f)d da'~~~t~~[-iE+--_....Jll'L~~~IAM Hazel, were Franklin visitors, SunAnn M. Hadley. one of I8veD day. children bom ' to Jonathan A. arid If you want 80me ~e, BOQds call Olive M. Badley, was tiom 27th of at the Schwanz Store next Srd .fDonth 1886, at Sprinefleld. Ohio. They are se'iUng at cost and·under. J;>ied 4th of 11th month 19i1 at Bu,

For tben it ia·.y bappm.;

T~ bave bbII alwa,. oIab. ~ the ,oke ~er. - Hr Lord and I. ,


I- tell him all my IOrroWS, I tell him all'm.J jO)'ll, tell.hlm aU that'pi.... me.

eateel near Barvey,bura, Winen CountY: 0., OD a traCt ot laDi reachin. ·from Miami eA»1let«Y to ere8k at th~ f09t of the S.



hill emb.racitJB·8000 aeree. '; .Tumer'Welch RC*888ed ,the ~­ ac~t&!a . of his anceatoll \ always·. caNfuHn exp~ bIa o~}.n npt

to be too poeStlve but thathe·1bo~bt ·" it WII 10 and 80. He at.ood foi ·lr\lth · riBbtand as hiI co• •xp~ " it, "Ria life 11" a flne ~t race."

-.,...;...-."""' . . CU'nINO ieRAPlf .

Be biq me tell h1a woDdro1l8 lo~e.

' ,1.~ 1.._ " ell . ~.w..., _ cam. to e; .. _..I '

And 10 ·we work~. . Ml.L9rd and I. . . . ' ~ We1c:b. BOD . of Webeter G.

,- m",.......,,;..... .

is'in reditt~ " for .the





. ' warrants. " D~~ Daw;. '. I 1 .co~ored man. ancJ 'JameifMc7 <out


Carren were the partie. jntereeted ~ . It f, alleged ,that

after·\ .om_

words DaweoD pulled .'. ;Jml(.: arid at~ McCarren. '


Pure linen handkerchief's at E: V.

~nharts. pnly ~ each, all., put up


corn abow, Th " l~"Bi~le packages"ready for .a Gift. nN:ira'r1,t_ it,;." ...I"".."t", ,!'f.e tull, Mrs. W. 'N. Newland· ~d daugh-I¢AlllltJll] IEIi'ViCtlS. iD(1', e~re~,tliilnlr paa.t , · teis. after ' a pleasant . 1't@I_t,1IfI

. Bird, began .


D1i~.• t.....rMl"


Friendl 8Cbii'ol~l..t ~IPt1llrie,lcl .Meetiq, C1in&£.

. ,M. B. CHURCH , ~ Sebool at 9:16 a. m.; preach-

early louth and iDB bYl*wr 10:80 .. in. ,ap~ ., p. achool at Farlham Subject of .omi~ eermon, . •n tbrii'ait.bful.\· , Subject w8a ~ farmer and a Republlcan tbe~ni'.-rm0D,"How . ,nnlliti....'. Hia life ,tood for all Tb. public I($nyited to .~ten4





The Miami Gazette WAYNESVILLE.






That Runs Uniform In Color, Size and length lato_ l'~!!I1 1JL $tol Yllln 's re~· A mltton 01 tbe cu.paclty oC wom en l'ur Hands, and That Is Packed Well, Will Sell iJlubllc buslnees took a "ory practical form . "'blcb I ii pleasing 10 the wom en of Russia In general &8 well a ll In the strong-mi nded Dowage r EmlJr~S8 (By W. H. Dsrst, College ot Agriculture. Oblo State University.) lt 18 dls plenslng to me n . ' bo are can · ,Ildll.lCS ttlr omclal bonor, as It make. ,."omen In certnln CD&eS tbelr succeBS' tul ri vals. It Is t r uIl that lly nn amendm ent orde red aUer tbe ori ginal promulgation of thtJ ord er only one IIJ 11"0 of the cl .. 11 service I!ta l! cun be I'. woman; flor ClUJ fl womBn rl ~ e hlgller tltun tbe ee" cnUl 1'l1 tbe twelve ranks ttl ttle servlM. says the ~ll1wllukee E"enln~ Wisconsin So men will can tlllUe to monO'poll lo tb o cove tcd titre " Hlgb Ex <>e lkm~'," nnd tbo chance tIIat II womnn ",ojll be 11 cabinet minis· ter Is Cler)' remote One noteworthy featul\e Is that women receive the pay at: moo In positions or equal ..atitrg, Women omclals are to receive full pensIons, even If tbcy marry b~ 'lore lea'Vtng tbe senice. a.nd tbelr dlildnru ,.,,111 get the same penlllonll U It tIIey had fnthers In the senlce ~ tk-Ith parent.s serve. tbey will set almost double pensIons. In all (lasell. the women to ba"e the _me ·8alarles. lod&tng and tmvEllng A Wln·Ventllated .a.m f"r AI...curll1g Tohacco. The Horizontal Coors oeJIIpenaell aB tbe men. Tbta latter ProvIde Veritll.tlon Between the TIe..... Upright ' Doors Give Ventn. feIrt1noe or the Stolyplu 'Ylltem 18 the tlon Aoroea thl T!e", ere.lclng thl Tobacco Whfln Out of C.... , , ! .~ that la likely to make the deepeat tmlJN!&IIlon aD the wotneb .,Bcbool ., 'l;'b0ughUulneS8 lB. good polloy whlle slCSerable. On the other hand, 'l)ba,ccc: strlppluJ and boxing a crop of toblle- too ~Igh In ~a1l8 18 liable to t.erm'enl ~chera C!t the Untted States. . co. · Very otten an ~cellent crop 1al and spoils' easily. Strlp~lng eILoulci b, • i~ ' ------------bandied In Such a manBer a" to bring done carefully. See to It that !tbe far' but a 'lair price on the market. A 'dlrrerent sizes and C'.olor~ tab ~~o. crop lhAt runa uniform tn color In are ~trlpped Beparate!y. T_le up tb, l.~ , • • tobacco, whe~ IItrlPpln~ Into email alii and lengw of ' handa. and III neat hands. Uniformity In co'or. to liac~etl ' well, wJl1 command a good length ot leat and In quality wtlt ,,, • price, e.,en thoug.b the quality II n9t long way In lIelllog tbe crop at a'gcHld of tbe very beat. By exercllln&, ju.t price. ' a little <lire In ' aorung and atrlpplng " ~Icklng Tobacco Betole BOilIng. th18 unlrorrul~ CaD be obtalnejl wlUl The~ practice of rlcklr.g tOb!lcCO beY8:-, little coat. tore boxing til a go04 ODe. 'T hls g-ln8 Takln'1 Down Tobacco. t1~e '~r It t~ ture, and to case \lui· .Where tbe grower depent11 oa I:&Iny, (OMPlY, thereby ImproYlng the cOlor damp 'weatbe_" for curIng h.11I tobacco, \ntl the Qltellt)'. Tobacco Impr""·. be 18 obliged to pile It In some man· wJth bandllug. Tbe 'Iolla In w~t b1 lIer BO' as to bold ' It tn case until BJ:1akl,ng out the dirt III very s!baU, strIpped. It the tobacco ' III hlgh In and should not be consIdered. Atter ~e .t the ttpJe ' ot ~kln. doWII. It eacb. d,!'s' IInlppln,s ahake out , the bad bet~r b. bulked dn me latb, ... tob,\cco well befor."kheelll3 40wn ~o It will 1I0t b'e so apt tb beat. by. this PIe rick. The rlcked ·tobacco I. ~b,eu method. ' It. good grade ot. cora fodder weighted down heavilT, uaUI the nozt 'bundlea. will ~e a IGOd. clea~ ' da,'l1 Btripplng III ready. , , ' C!o'rer~IDr: for the tobacco. . s , 8OXI~1 T~oo. • \' I After curIng In the rtck for • 1D6Dtlt or so, tbe · tobacco IIboald be ~eta" " on Bome clamp, ,wa:-ui daY. W;b~le tranBferrlng,lIhake the banda" out w«:lI; before ·packlng Into t .b e bo~es. TI~& ·reasona .tor this are two: Fir.t. tobacCOJ can be packed more even I" In the boz: and secoudly, the Dioi& ture wUl be dlatk'tbuted more ulll· fQrmly.·, Tbls w111 Improve the colclr, ,Quality and appearance. '.fba bozes abould be packed carefully; Lap the hllDda 80 aa to. g~t a hlgb. ftrm 'center In the bor: The hot air generated · by the termenta~loa ' Tbe thing 'abo\lt Parts that _HIIIII . .I,,' .. t • sbould ellc!lpe unitormly t~ouch tll, to Iba.e ·mqlf fmpreBlle'd" ou~ great tel· If " the , ceB"f/ Is low, tlie tobacco low A.merlcall, 1!lc!tl5on, :111' tbat the IItlot:llci be takllU off tb.e latb. U8d ' In ends of tbe h~nda. If the box Is pac'k· ~P8 'lIDY8eea ill a -twilight laDe In bundle. and , packed In 'bltlk or rick. ed attowlng the' ce,n ter to be loolle, tIl. hot aIr Is aure to pass out at the pO\11t tbe «)inltry compared with ttle greal Tba calle ,w ill be Improved by 48.f1lJ);of leallt resIstance, sll0111ng the tOo wtrtt-e W8\l' In little' old·, New' York:, It eqlog the ' butts o( tbe \o.bacco with bacco at tIl.!s point. . I. ~ 'be ,p;ellumed tJiat this III the 'warm water and covering over witta' ~en tob,acco Is dam~ed by reI' • , faun -of, Pari.' ag'e being aome thQu, damp t~der. mentatl.on ,In a box. It Is more oCten . • Stripping. ~ ~"'In'I . the senior of Manhattan. due 'to \ poor packlng than any Ot'talll Tobacco Bb~uld be In good caae one tblng. The:"'poorly 'packed box II! .,'l ie ,'.ts r.. ibe;:"avel'8e '(0 callUng lOO 11luDihlatl on or. her featllrell- wben stripped. It too dry. the 10&8 Iln IndlQetlon to the buyer thl1t tIIle feeling haa been knowh by by brealUne" ot! the II!ave8 wm lbe coa. ~hole .CI;OP bas been hadly hanlited.. " of bumanlty, It Is !laltJ. It lakes lJTe.prellslbte ,yo'!tb to IIt,!-nd tbe daz. de , it Brpadwll3. But If P r'ls -doesn't ,~urD so maDY electriC ·lIgblS. 1 . I" • • . . . ft 'h'~ ' cbll'.:m. " that Gotbam cannot aintdh. .


+.E--- -.-----'--:- The

To Good Advantage.



~ , -= W=-oR==t= D'= S'= CH =~= -=: ~i;;=;: :;=i=; ON = GU=:E:= 'R N =S= El="C== O=W= . :~

w~· .be learned that her busband lind 1nllen belr to $1.000.000 a woman 'Who h1ld ' g6ne to Reno for the purpose ,.ot .aecurluc a divorce d ~clded to with· .. raw: bel' n'\'lpllcatlon . Now If sbe caf! eonvmee the ·gen ~lem ilD that "be loves film ;ryr tlitn!lel ~! /l(one all will be WEll

. )j!mpjca has a nevr banana dlsea~e, , Wttb "moderJl , rmetl1ods of tracing the odgtn and ~ammunlcaUoll of disease. It soonH be easy to, bandle It, It the '! tanana 'tree were a slow grower. the Oul'Oct1i tor tble Jamaica Industry wouu,



. 1

., ...

A historian daclaros .that the !'early Critist!1lD foth e rs IJ!1Oteateci )~galn!lt ~he WEaring of , (alse blll ..( . But as uaual. unJler sucb circumstances, tbey (all. ed to 8111 anything iWout padded • boulden. A Gotbam mInister sa.l's tbat bappl· lIeS8 Is tbe best I=osmetic, TOIs Ie 8 valuable blot ·, to husbands .110 dlsllke \ tbelr wives to WI,ear artificial complez· Ions.



Only ·In C8se.n tlale «'aea the spl raJ &lide'· performed by an aViator dltrer from tbat of ttle bibulous clubmen re' turnl'ng bome Illte. Tbel tell ua tbat tbill-. I. a bUB, bUl ooe -pial a dllrerent ' 1m ....alllioo by walcblDC Il ctowd arouu.



HCl'St Important Considerations Are Plenty of Store. ot Good Quanty. Sound Hives end Gooel Protec:tioD From Colel8lld De~pne6S-MaDY LUUe Tblngs Count.


(By F . G. HERMAN.)

Durin, tbe oourse of a repl1 to aD address presented to Hon. Robert Rog! ers tbe uewly appointed Minister of lhe' ]oterlor ot Canada at a bauquet given at Wlnllipeg In bls honor that gentleman spoke on Immigration. Th. tone et bls reClllrka 'NaB tbat be Intend· ed to pursue an aggressive and fo~ ward policy In the malter of Immtgra,. UQu. In part. be snld: "The malt Important b.aDch pe~ hnps or that dellartment (Interior) 1. that of Immigration. "It there Is aoythlng more tban aa· otb er we want bere It 18 a creater popalatton, and It IIhall be my duty to p~ .ent to tbe peopls In aU p.rts or the Spring Bee Elcape .,'orld where de,; lrsble emlgran.ta are . to be round the advantllgell and the to the Burrace ot tbe comba, whIch ' veat pOBslbllltlea of thl. counlrT. W. by tbe IneltPerlen~ 10 orten mlstak- have received In the past a rS880nablT large Immigration from south of tha tin tor mOld. The bees also muat be kept dry. A International houndary, ann In tblll , substantial hive, with a tlgbt roof, conaectlon let me say juat a wOJ'd tor wUl keep out tbe rain . 1 our American coualna wbo have :foua4 A few Inches of dl')', poroua material, happy homell amoo«8t lil. aad thoae allch u cbalr or grouad cork paclled whom we bope, to welcome In lTeater between the cluster and the root. will numbers In the years to come. Tbere have a good elrect on keeping tbe ,beel are hundreds or thouiaodll Pt i em 'lD. (Ioinfortabll'. allowIng the mOisture to our prairie province., bappy In 'tbe eltpus 011 Blow I),. ' 'oyment of a freedom all great 'AII tb..,. , A draught would be laJurloul; We ever knew, IUld all cootrlbutlq 11:1 a advlae a wlnd.break of lome 1I0rt -on material wllY,towardll the de'feJopmeat the north and west aldea ot the blvea. of Canada. We are not b,lInd to tbelr Alllo guard agalnllt the mice. and have nlue as settler.. TlIey come better tb.e hive entrances ahpjlow and iong, equipped wllh Bcleatlfte (Ilrmtq rather than ronnd. knowledge than most of our e~ Do not neglect the b,eel!' aee to It aranta, and consUtute wltho"t doubt that they bave ' foeld enon~h and to ' tbe Wealthiest class of emllt'BntJ I ,DJ' apare. Bees dltTer from otber farm lIew country hla ever know.n. "stock In this reepect. that they can bead of the Immlgratlo1l depar.t meat ., be gtven their (ull supply of food at will be my prl.,Uep to olrel' tbem A once and tbey wrn help themllehu welcome bearty and IIlncere. and to 8S their need requirea. Plenty ot . 10 contribute to theIr welfare tbat ungood food above the cluGter Is whp.t der tbe prptectlnc toldll of the Unloll ,Tack they will eaJoT aa gre:rt a d,lICfee takEII them through' erer7 time. • " .' • ! of liberty and h&llll1neaa ' ail "llnd,er the Stal'l IUld 'St.rlpes. Tpe Borden ernment . cherl_h.e. '!lothlal but, the . r 1l.ludUe8t feeltn .. for the people or tbe creat republic to the 10\lth, and' wlU do all lu It II pOWer to Increal. "' the ' boads of IdDlhip aad netcbl-t0~I)" ,r004 feellag that , lwI. 10 1011• • ~t.ML ' (Hear, bear,) "WIllie we adopt ' A nlOrold emf. I • cratlOl1 policy III that country, ..e wID The ItJnking Imut of wheat cau.e. also adopt tbe um. "Icoroua PQ1I6;lll co~slderable 1088es almo.t every~ other parts or the world. ' We will 10 ,here that wheat III croWD. It II ea.,. to England. Ireland and Scotlaqd, an4 to, aUeguard agatnst It, arid thlS'lIhOuld • .,ery other oou~try lrre.peetl'ft - of not be neglected. The seed may be f!lce, creed or 11Il\lonallty, 1I',here w. treated to. severa] :ways to ]dll lbe CIUl and Iqltaltl0 and d,,,lrabl, .• •t· 't he cIt.ease. "Any o~e I. ef· If8.IIt. tor thIB gre.l t country. 1 p!,I,aJl . much good woO: can ~ done \Ia UI_ ': , (copPer ooUJItrle.. ahd ellpeclall, perllalll at ' ~~~L~~~~~~~~~~roft~e.a~ Ule precent time 'fn En"ad;'llHlaall ' Ion. of water will be aatlaf"ctory. 'I'ho ud' ScoU&IId. No:w. : then, It WIll be lI~ed" .hq,uid be ImJ;l1eraed In ·th181 m1 duty. tg, .~ up that IIQUey III tlIe ' Drone and QUHn Tl'llp on Hive 'En- luUon for ten minutes. Sl.Im .off tha mo.t ,\ 'I"orona,manDel! po.aJble." tl'llnC8. grain. that 1I0at. all ,th~y are lntee, eeL Then It IIhou]d be Ip~ad out o~a hive It lometlmell conge~s Into fro.te, ftoor or wagon bed to dry, Or f O . Mule W.a a Dlld Shot. .,' , meltlnc Into water and running out of lin ma,. be used, malting the 101u Ion A louthem farmer 'wu "ttft... to the bite .. BOon. a8 the weather Is of on, pound fo~eJ.lD to, AftJ pt~D' Mil a mUle to& n-ITO .WIaO two y..,a warm eDough. at water. It will t~e thirty mla~te. betol'f' ball been IticJie4. Oil th-. ,laia4 SomeJJmea It merely condenlee In. for this to tlo the work. Hot Viatet''' .by tbe anl~lll••a3'l ~e 'Poplllar to water and runa out of tbe hive IlS llIao 'someUmell U~B'tl ellecUvely. U!~~ .courae." Did soon all enough la collected. mether mUle klel., but-" , cold or warm, tbla ,vapor Is being Feed for. elilcka. ' ''] dou't "Iat jalm."obJ.e cted 0;41 eo}" .ent off all the tJme,' only when It Wlq,. the mornl!!g nlllSh w~ ~<e8cS orad man., empllatlcalty. fSI. warm eaough It doeB not co~dJnse boiled DOtatoes, All ~t ollr ,1It.tie DOW "Juet becaule he kick.'" a.tJes ' tlIe SJito water or Ice, ' toell tbat are not fed to the hera 'are'I'fan'n er With an &lr ~f (!onte~pt. It "ery often OCCur8 that tbe en· used tn this way... ye a -writer In "Humphl" grunted th ~ nelrO, trance, of .hive, become,. ""U,55"U ,1 ~lI:Cha}lce. We uee n'o' (1Ondltlon ~w. mule dOIl't lllck ... ' ~e .boot:'I.l:~ with. dead beell, aDd the collonlea der, only meat meat.. ;For. ~n toods . l not ventllatJon enoUgb. .One o( we teed clover ha_). enB~ace ,alld tbe 't lle Indh;nt.lons of thIs III when fO'U mUe p~tatoes. . •

In considering the requisites for cesst·.11 bee wintering, 11 may be well to note tbat success 18 frequently hlngell upon very Ilmall tblngs. Tbe n eglect In attending to tbe small af· fairs of lite Is sure to bring about dis· aster. Dees starve to death Tlltb honey In tbe hll'es. nnd sometimes that wltbIII two Inches at them, from the fnct that during cold weather bees form tbemselves Into one compnct body, land wb en all tbe hon ey Is consumed within their reach, unless the weatber 18 wllrm enough for them to cnango their loclltlon from one part of tbe hive to another, In order to reacb their stol'es, they wilt surelY stane , ~ltb plenty of feed near them. This 18 uaually the cmle with IIlbgle· wpjled hives, hence the option of chall hives to confine the ~eat a~lslng rrom the bees. Beea u.unny move toward the warmer part or the hive. It the sun shines on one, ltIde of ·the hIve in cool or cold weather. the cluster &,oea to that ·Blde. I have otten had! col· owea eat out 1111 th,e honey in oae end or ·tbe hive, and leave the other"end fuU. As to passageway., through the ,combll, tbere ts a dillereace or oJ)lDlon. However, my eltperlence leads m~ to conclude that ·they are unneceB8arr. It II true that tbey allord an opportunity tor an outer 'portion or the c1UII· ter to reach an adjacent Inner comb,apace It the bees bappen to bQ located directly over the pasllageway and the weather Is warm. otberwlae they aene no purpose. I have settled down ' for my own part on usl'llg a woolen blanket or carpet cover. - a!1d, on top of It, porus and absorbent material auch aa aaw dust, chall, cut straw aDd leavea. The woolen material next the lIeea conveys tbe moIsture to the other /lide of. tbe pIece of blanket 01'. carpet where cdutact with with the absorbent material COUBes It to PUB upWard. BO ,rendering It harmJess to the bees. I aullPose there III the slightest po. alble upward ' 'VentJ1atton • .a .on at slow percolation of alr and mollttu-e, but' It worka weU, provided the en· trance of the hive I. not too narrow aDd contracted. J!eelle Inhale \'aDOI', and wben \bll "'~l' IU~I the cold Wlll18 of, t'Ile

FAii:PLOgG ,.... j


or .

r~ul~ .~,,!!;ot'l:r'eI!



'SAVES 'MUSctE ,. ~.

G.-.-tty In.:r-p!Des .~ Ca~tY 01 the SOli. .,.or Sto~ 'UD IIDd ~ee&'V.q the


~er ~!l1c8'd;e;









leils -Will :be cro,p II ,


, '"


' It ta' espeolally ,urged that ra:ll pIpw• lng tble year be deeper than hall been cuatomary 'in mo';t panll of the ,atate, Plowint; to tbe depth oC alx or Iferen inches, al compared Vo(ith the cUltom· .tOl1" or llve tnche.,. win not only • morj» room tor the aevelop-, ment or \be root system ot wbntever ctqp~ 'may be sown. bu(tt will great,lY increase ,tbe Ul\aClty o~ .the ground (or Btor1ng up and retaining moisture, 8CalDlt the necessltlell at whatimay be another dry seaaon. Ot course, / bow· ever" tlie depth. of the ~low1ng sho'l1ld be' adju.t'~i to the nat\lre 'o~ · the Boll. Jlght soli of the "jack pIne" farm 1' C8.nn'~~ be deeply plowed. Light Dolla heve this advantage, however; they The above pIcture Is a good like- best held by. Dqlt)' be plowed muc.h 1I00Qer after a' aella of Spotswood nalllY Pearl. 17696.1 of buttert~t./.'., rain. and' without the lIablUty ot,milk• the w.orl~'s cIlamplon Guernsey . cow. Spdtl.slW'ood"JDaiIIlY Pearl. la a sentor' Ing It ldmpy or cloddy, ftS OCCUr8 In owned by O. C. Barber, of , Summit 7-year-old • lIVas bred and owdl)(ll t11e case of heavy, 'soUs. ~speclally C<lUntYI Ohio. TlIls wonderful cow nuW two Jl;8/II,r1 lISa by B. W. Beldl~r. those which are clayey In texture. Deep plowing In the tall permits ( produced In one year the enormous o! Lake county. qwp, ' ~en she waa amount of 1S,90() pounds at milk, a senior. 5-year-ol'd, ahe produced 672: :the .ettllng and compacting ot whl'ch contained 937 pounds of butter- pounds of rat. The tesla are otllclal, 8011 b"fore; the , cOqlJng 0(. tl!e SliMS', been cr;)O~uct;,;i under tbe aeed bed ahould 'b e flnl't~c~ fat ThIs reprel'ents 1,125 pounds or bavlng pervlBlon ot ,·'the College of ·AI!'rlcult. . ·\ ,.-:<',.._ ... and barrow. 'The butter made 10 365 days. Tbe next ure, Obto State UniverSity. U""".Ull tl1atcan be Jgtvcn nA'·n.... ''''." •• · ,

To produce well, tbo cow carefully <' ,T,be anuual dalry,men f8edIDg ration



(By O. M. OLS,ON', Mlnnelota Experlmant

CloRE OF TH'E DRY COW. , 'The dairy cow la the hardest work· ed of ~I\ our domp)Jtic ~q1m.• I.I!. · Every year ·lIhIt give• .froJll fin to ten _tlmea ber welgbt ~ mUlt, containing . "f,tulll -dry' ~tter~ 08 \lo' o! . tJiroo llfe,~ ·

see wator running out of tbe entrance, wltlch goes to sbow that the air Inside Is damp and Impure. Talre a alout piece of wire wltb a book on the end, aud rake out tbe dend bees. When frost forms about the Inside of the blve, the vapor from the bees, togetber with the congepj· log of It In tbe remote parte of the blve, gives a blusb·whlte appearance



:'=======~======;:======':!::' ======~



It II no easy job to IOlld ,corn, fodder upon the ordinar¥ 'Wagon. It III hl\r4 work, with heavy stl-aln and tug a.11 day long, 'A ,il,t tle tWO-Wheeled '~alJon can be &rrange'd that ;Will make tbe work DillCh eular: A ppjr ,of old wagon .wh.,el., to wblch llJ'e' bolted' poles or ·planKs from 13 ti) 16 feet long. the ends resting on the grotind: ~akea · a handy fodder COnVeyor. -'i'h'e croaa·plece: niiBr tbe lower ends; "


GAMe Muoc



HEN they .., that Virtue Is Ita own r~ -,....ward tbey do not r&I, • fer to baseball. Not FROM SAB13A TH READING <S) ne.:essarlly. Wben bank ers. mercbants. pbyslclans, ministers. ;e.wyen, professors, cbauffeurs, Illbor/C.", R afte r year 80me naml' ers, om ce boys ntHl cborus girls to the les8 manIt labors on n aggregllto number of perbllps forty rou gh bloclt of some catb e' mUllon pay admission In tb e course or dral ,eolumn till It tUTtIS ooe lell60n to the baLI parks or tbe Into the very lik eness 01 United States of America, thoae ID Ch rl sr. . He dies, and th eY ,charge of the sport bury him In '& rorgotten grave; but !flnd tbat bonest, 18 every morning tb e light streaming lI'emuneratlve. luera. tbrougb the Pllste rn window over tbe ~Iv~nothlng Ie... head of Christ; as, from the eyes of the ~ Cact. than a bll Judgo, toucbes with gold that Imago IPoying propoalUon. of the Lord wrougbt by his servanl; Baseball barona nnd as the generatIons pace the sll.le . of the prelen~ day beneath, hIgh above them, beautiful lin'. become sucb and unchangIng. remains the un· b ecaUle tile publlo known worker's memorlal."-11lIl MaclIelleves the naUonlaMn . • 1 game, Is conduct. But. after all, It Ie only an Image In ed on. ~e prtnclple Itone. and wblle multItudes may ad· of a fair l1eld and mire It. only persons of an artistic po favor. :rbey lOOk temperament are likely to find any Inon the playerl as spiration In It. ' beln, 01 true to tbe And In any case, It Is only one man Interelt of tbelr or woman In a million, or In ten mil· club. 08 tbe needle lion, '!Who can make such an Image, to tbe pole. even at tbe cost of tbe labor of a lifeBaseball did not 'tlme. alwaYI bear tbe But it 18 possible for every human cbarmed life tbat It being to produce an Image ot Cbrlst DOW aeem, to POIwhIch WIll be an Inspiration to all who a.a. · A tlme tbere A TYPICAL CLOSE PLAY INVOLV· eoe It and which 'will make an Imprell' waa .hen to be a ING SEVERAL OPPORTUNITIES TO sloo on the worl.d that will he perma· bas&professional "THROW". THE GAME. nent. For he who created man In hi' baH plaYer w8a to · The fielder might purpolely hurl the own Image at first longs to restore In be relegated to the ...lal! a little wide, thu. " orclng the U8 tbat Image, which we bave 108t r~r In the pubUc baseman off the bag In order to catch through lin. and he has sent hili resard. Baseball IL The runner•• Ildlnll, might pu", Holy Spirit to dwell In our benrtl and then was AD excule pOllly fall to touah thl b&le by the mold UI Into bls Image. If tberefore [rlol,jj::::=~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;==::==~:==:;::::;ii ror bedlne, Orooked . fraotlon an Inch. The b..eman we wfll but determinedly tlx our eyell . pi..,. fOUowed gambling aa tile night brlbel to thl'OW a cam.. Tbey were might ' fumble the ball or on Chrlllt as our Ilea.der. and Itrlve to tbe dV, Women did not lIock 'to ball catapulted out of tbe leape. Tbe), faU to touch l the 'runner by a hair'. rollow him faithfully. this mIracle ot N CONDUCTING a grE/at modern mind the profoundly complex problamea tben. Even the ""IVetl and never came bllck. "Nls. forever" w., breadth, The umpire might decide tranlfiguratlon wllt be In UI . military campaign there are plen· lems connected with the movemen~, ilaulbt8l'8 of the pla)'en preferred the decision of the inrectors ot the that the runner beat the ball or the more and more fully al tbe yenrs go I t)' of probleml to solve besides of such leglonl of human englnell of bot to be seen ~ at the ball groundS. Dew' anU·gnmbllDg ouUlt wben these ball beat the runner, by the tenth of by. And It wlll by and by be true of ' those or generslshlp. The feedIng war? Would Molt~e, the greatest ~hen Jbe:r clld attend a came tb'e ,. men made numerOU8 appeals tor re- a I,cond. and the cloud of dUlt would UB that "we all with unvel1e~ face reof Iluch vast bosta or men Is of It· strategist of modern times, It be were aVPlauded In' whlsperl trom belllnd 'lDstatement. One ' man ilent bls WUe Cover th.e "orror" of Judgment or Iklll flectlng (oJ" rather, beboldlng and r&- selt a gigantic taak, and as It bas been alive, be ablo to haDdle modern th. ciubbo\lle door. ' The bar at a to Hulbert. Sbe said that the league whlch .l. the worst a "fan,1 would cali flectfng) aB a mIrror tbe glory of tbe said tba~. "an army advances on Its armies of millions with tbe ease and f:JaU park uled . to be tbe eanter of bad ;'eduoed her and ber -children to It I Lord are transformed Into ' the same atomacb. this Is one of the most 1m· celerity neceslary to auccess! Are , n eac h cale; 10 con fld In t I• th e .' t h . k 1 :. latereat. Beta were placed on Ita hunger. "Rere's a hundred dollars; public of the honor our bl Ilia UI Image from ' glory to glory, even lUI portant problems conrronlLog com· e gJ'ea.t armies orea~d by .... e e ...• IlIppe17 lurtace. and there the odda. take It and ent," laid HUlbert. "Come la re g g \ from the Lord tbe Splrlt."-(2 Oor. manders. Ing countries of Europe reall)' emtofetber "I'tb 'flrIOU' degrees of o· to me .agalD It you.r busband doesn't ~ y: •.•• .:. ••• 1.. •••• _...... '!18,) . The probable size of a modern Mtlle- clent InstrUments or war. or WOUI~ tbe ium,~au.on. were collected. . . get wprk. I wlll never relnltate ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~ The Sacrifice Required. fteld bas been the subject of discussion compllcated machinery . brenk dOWl1 Ptli:ll~rl. , IbortstoPI. eveu . tile cap- bJm." r th~ season of 1908 wben be failed to Tbe recille for the attainment of recently among G'erman mILItary ex- under tbe strestl of actual b08t1IlUes7 tabla of teaml "Yere, not too e.olU8lve It was atroog mediolne. but It ei.nd toucb second baso. Wben Bridwell. thIs great bonor Is a 'Very simple one, perts, who bave been stimulated thereAll these questions ar.e occqpyln, to · patronize the bettIDl faclllties of the game. The lesson burned t. made the bit that should have WOIl tllougb not by any means easily fol- to by a book by General Falkeobausen, the minds of German experta, but only , the bar ' " pn tJlelr wa7 t9 t~e fleld meslage on the minds and heart. o~ the pennant for New York tIlousandB lowed. '" beee.ech ,.ou therefore, one of tbe most emInent nuthorltles a war can IUPDly a conclualve re~ly to before lU,te pme pla!era used to de- the players everywllere.. Gambling of frantic "rans" leaped upon the lIeld bretbren ~ 18YII the apostle "by the 'on land war strategy. The conclu810na t hem. There til; hoWever. a strong .lD- ' ) !IOalt the bartender ncb wagerl wal taken by tbe band and led to tbe to conJ1;l:lltulato tile Glanta. O'l)ay m8!'CIO~' Ood to. present .y~ur bOOls. at which lhe participants In tbls Inter- cllnnllon !,mong many c,ompeteq~ on outcome iii ihe~ 'Cet't "the, bail enttanoe of the ' ball pitt and accord- saw Merkle run \0 the clubboule ·and, a JlTlng sacrifice. holy. acceptable to esting debate arrive, says a Berlin cor· Judges to regard tbe countless legions . ' o!')ll rl~~t ~i-r't.'k I~ '~'eW' of their ed leal tban fifteen Becondl to go t browing down his protector. be ran O~, which II yoor reAsonable servo respondent, reveal to tbe uninitiated of tbe great powers aa . lnetl\.c!IIAt be,dutY to tbej" families. It I. no" bill' away. From that day the league bas Into t;be diamond, saw Evers bold the Ice (or, IIplrltual worship). 'And be the amazing dimensions wblch a battle- cause ' it 1jI tbougbt tbat ' ~I!Y '1lJ'e' loO , . too tb.t sometime. thele · playera regarded gambling as the cancer of bali 0;1 second base and, above tbe not taahJoned accordfng to thte world; field In a ~wentletb centnry war would big and unwieldy t~. ~e b~ndled wrtfL , WOuld bot on tbe Invulnerability o'f the pme. faclUty. and becauao nq human bTatn tumult. called Merkle out. l<"Ive thou· but be ye transformed by tbe renew- assume. th., . OPll081te Itd~, Tbe Op~oijtte' Side ID'Idoubtedly tbe players as a elaas aand men were IIwarmlog madly Ing of you,r mind tbat ye may prove General FalkenbaUBen dlscU8seil tile can liurmount !.be 'dlln'cuIUes of 't1lreot- : ofteD ·"on;=,A-duslc tII.Ultratlon of are today the cleanest body ot pro- around O'Day and the Cblcago play· wbst Is tbe good' and acceptable and tbeoretlcl\! case 'of an ' army of' 1,380" Ing their movelII'Emts with preclalon.; tile, unlovely posslbl1tUel , of ' 8ucb a fellslonal atbletes In the new world. era. only . partly undoratandlng tbe perfect wilt of God." . 000 men engaged In batUe wUb a rIval Problem of Fe~dl"" Million •• BYltem Is tho 'caSe of a 'pitcher wbo In the 70's tbe fanl uled to say: "Aw, cause of tbe excitement. Men ItruclC The whole secr'et ' lIea In that ex. of approximately tbe same . number. As the great army moved forward 19. . . Men to dlYldQ ..-100 wltli two of they threw the &ame." Wben doel at O·Day. struck Cbance and Itruck IIresslon "tlle renewIng of your mind." and be says tbat the operations would something like 3.000 field bakeries btj able lupporters. The mone)' one beu a Berlous cbuge of that kUid PBellter; but the umpire abouldered As long as the customs ond fuhlonl extend over an area fully 200 mile. would bave to be c'onstructed ror UIj'O out \lefore tile ' came on now7 _ hll w~ along. hrushed angry men and Ideall or the world occupy our trom side to side. nnd oot le88 tban every day. abd as tbese are under.: During the deBP8Tate pennant 1'8ce aside to get bll protector and walked !)lInda. and are accepted as worthy of 150 mllel deeJ>-tbat Is. from tbe rear .ground and crealed by . excavaUnlf .tiotel bed. If tile playerl bad been Ie.. , .ble; ~ perbllp.,. t be, : .could bue In the American league.'tn 1(108 a lin' tbroug~ the crowd to hla dresllnc ' purlult. Sf) long our mfndll w\Jl be of one army to tbe rear of the enemy. earth, extensive areas of coun ry" lIMn le~red fo'r a Imaller amount. .cle decIsion by 'Bherld&JI on a play at room. I fixed on the thlngll or thlll life' .but it But an army of ' 1,250.000 soldiers would be honeycombed by thelle ,ho).,•• but ' 170(l was theIr price tor tbroWlnl the plate klUed the hopeI 01 Rl Loula ~uppoBe O'Da:y bad been lacktng ID wltb !letermlned ,IPurpose ' we 'set he' would be 81 comparatively small one Involving both damage to landllwIUtr., and A day later decillion In the ftrlt IIcruplel! HII easlelt course by far rore UII all the goal of our· ambition tbe In an IIp·to-date warfare, for forces of and farmers lind danlfer to all pedee- . • decidl." pme. ' . ! 10 .bUY a b.lI playe.r 10IueIOlm'N,1 lnolne, ' 11 ball wbleb the Whlte.. Sox was to, call Merkl!, sare. I accomplishment or tbe will of God In tbls numerical , strength took tbe \)eld trlll:DS In tboso resions . . Soldlel'l, d!, " co" ofe than thll, . A pItcher ,of the In118.-.d was a Btrlke, ended Oblcago'l T~e .molt re8l>onslble plan" on tbe . our IIvea. then . graduall,. our whole so long ago a8 the Fra.nco·Gel!tDan not live by bread alone, and the IUPSl"'t ~ rank ·or . tIIat da,.-eo rat that , bopel. In Uiat 8ame seaaen Fred team. of coune, II the pltcber. He ~btlraot4!r will alSapt Itlelf to thlll hIgh. campaign In 1870, s ince wben marvel· ply 'of other provl810~s for an army of J,a ~e.. ttme~ ot IIOlIer P~l'It1 - ID tb~ Clarke )Was ' called out at tblrd ' baae comes Dreny n~arlY . ltnowlnc ; tile er obJlICt of PUflUIt. and we Ihall be. ous dev.e lopment8 In ,m.llltary mstters 3,000,000 ,~o\.lld strain the re1!ources ot . , . have ensued. (n a sttuggle between any commllsarlat , department, even .,.moe ancll 'a man wowa not ·be at· cin the aut dQ' cit the Natlopal loque w~ spote In the batters wbo face come like Cbrllt. two g~eat European mtlltary powers It the 8martest. to the uttermost. TAO lOwed to Car" :lIait to tbe railroad 'leatOD at Gblcqo. ana Pittsburg Jolt blm. He .know, that eertaln hattera ' 8tat.l~~ent to: ' the mound 'd rltll the ,pennant by that deClalon, Ilile to connect ' With, a Ilow ball. ! Tbe ~e~:r::.:!~~::~~":~~ of us Is quite pOllllble and, Indeed. supply of pure water, too, would pre, .ftcurelror tu~tng .traitor: ID t118flI waa not a wbllper of crltlclam qthera, deaplse a Bplt ball •. etc. If the II that we do not and cannot el\ll tbat eacb of the opposing forces would lent gt'llve Ilnd II} dr7 w~atber perbaPs r Ie number sometblng lilee 3.000.000 Inlupel'able dUllcultleB. Tbere &lao , ~t1~ulel" poqket It, wo~Jd respecting the umpire. wlaOle decl· utlBulceptiblUty .of , tIIese meb to the bow Ir 0 II I embarrullDg to the pltcber, ilon. ' bl~ .the fonclest hoPe.. pe... 1>I1&I Ini 01 would·be bribe l\ye"l wat betw rec nCdl~b ell . tbe Intagonlam troops. for Oermanl. France, Russia woutd be ' tens of, tbousands of 1l0rBeIJ '~QMi~ ;aut, If be bad .bur- hapli, th.~ , ba'~ball. piarel'l can "DOW, ~ell IIronounced bow 'eally .the IIltcll. and' W wor aJ~~~:' a~~ Ohl'l"tUoelB.· and Aust.rlll·Hungary are all capable . to tend and feed. and' enormous quhD. · are , , e me . trying to of sending lIucb armies to tbe tront titles of petrol .would be reqUlre~ for In:.atltt . .....,.Dj.t 18,...t • II the honelty of'tbe ,am., were not e;r IlilCht throw a 48cldlDI pme' Yet pat b t compromise b&c up ' th eIr res]Jec Uve ' Iast tb·· . d e d for m II• tbe front , so' tinl'fereaU~ and cheerfully reepg· no one beUe.V4l1 a pitcher capable, of twe~ th lome t IIOr4!.. 0 "'J ' wItb ou t t ouc bl ng e .arIous motor cara nee than '10.,.6' hatd wol'kln. elfort "Lo · !' eae wtbo D:lorta enemfell. lines of ·reaervea. Itary auxlllan. le"lce8. Tue ordinary , oUler "ft.,... ~,.... nll~. the numerous sl_tuaUonl a,wa"l , ,.... . I ve DO t e worl d " Jobn' I la,.1• Batt Ie'. Are,. 150.000 Square Mllel. .blaln .. reels at t h e tbought of all the '. C&"ID'II:.,IlD. manlreltlu, them let.., wbere the 014· to advance the , fortunes of his team. "naltbe, th till ' tb't a are n tbe If two such mIghty armlea were en· IntHcate machinery tbat would ,ba.-. falbioned crooked ' work could do the The ' re.ul~ II U\at< buebiLIl Ia one of ' , Id 11 e ny nlra trick' 110 ' ea11.7 wquld lealt ' to doubts the mOlt pro8pel'Oua Indultrlea at wtho I ' , fath man 10'fe tbe wqrld, pged In battle the fteld of their OJ)- to be set In motion and kellt In Sood, . ' ovetb0 t ' l e Ifather I. not In him . era Uon8 wou Id pro ba bl y exten d quite wor kl' ng or d er In th e even t 0 f a g..,.at -'- _ aparl It II elU, Fae all III tbe minds. Of 41e fanl aM the PlDt! well 1'"".a\ o\l1 ·naUonal Would die. Except fo" tile .Ptrt~ that mated that at ieaat forty mililoll .pe... . f ~b 'ft ' ~ s d? tbe world, th~ IUlt 60 m'lIes from side to side. wblle tbe ,modern war. e es , an the IUlt !,f tbe eyes. dillta!tce from the re r of oue (orce to Italy bas organized tbe expedItion to ""adea the promoters. alld ' playera BOna laW ' the Samel .of. . about tltt7 0 !,f the came.( that 'they mUlt ' be con, baaebalJ leaguea tliis ' ieaaon. Baa.· :~htbe ~a!nrIOI'T ~f lite, II pot ot tbe tbe rear of the other could bardly be TrIpoli with celerity and ,E!f~,cIell,cy. er, u a of tbe world, And tbo les8 thlUl 80 miles. 1'hul {be batt!&- In tbe lI1ustratlon we see a berd of but. stant a the nortbern !Ita", ,the oppar- ball h~a been ,BYltemaUzed and com. tupltlel for a w~ak man to be tempt· blned' been reduced a lelence and :;,orld ra:setb "a1/l(1lJ/. al\(I the lust field would have an area of 150,000 lockll being , conducted tbrougb tbe • . .\ ereo; \It be thllt doeth the 1'(111 of square' JOlles. , ~tre .. ts of NapieR on t,be!r way to the ed ""ould be 10 ·man,. anet mICbt ' be '"uu..••.n.... ".. and .American I" ... TRie Natlonal Jeagueat God ahldeth ., .(orevEif." " Wben Frederick the Creat fought Inndlng stage (or embarkation. B~ Di~d;e ft.nancl&l11 10 ld'fantaSeouli' ~at 'b Id t . Not only: doe. fh., man 'blmlelf abllSe bls battles In ' the elgbteenth century bind the railing!! Is ' ttJe arsenal. At ,t wo~liI DO . ~ ~ j.l8~I. for IUrprtl. ,if sao a prel li!n, a 8eCl'e... , for 'ever but hIs Infiu ' bf" , , , . ' . and board ,of d'rectora. as thOl;ougb- 1 . ' ence I ue,a or the field of operations never extended tbe Bummlt or tbe 1\111 In tbe baok· a cog _lipped 'iI~"I' and th,en. • '. , ' Aa baaebaU ,II pla,.e4 t~a1 It'l Iy eQuIpped 81 tR\088 of the 'augar ever. It fl a living thIng, !l aplrltual more than four miles Crom sIde to ground may be s"e~ tbe wall o,r ~e ~1\~:~b~i~~.~ ·~~~J~~i[,,"low ·,Rr.,c,Ucalll,·, jplF...tile. ror q,!eltlpnable trult:. aDd ' wltb, apl/a"enUY. a better ; fo~~e . WbfC~ <:~nnot «!I~ and whl<;~~.,. stile. and In the 'Russo-Japanese war. castle of St Elmo and a portion DC '....,""".... frOm' U1~ opetaUona to creep, IJlto"tbe ' maneu· apJireelaUon of how to aeqUlre ' PPpu, , pro uce~ tie'y ~n , otber lIear:.t1 and wheD. OWing to 'tbe great distance tbe monastery of St. Martino, Some authorities predict an abanwIth tb:e iiublli Me~elT from .a l ll~es ,llel'lJet1uan ; (hough the man with from the r~BPe~Uve. ~a8es. t~ere were the 'cllamon~ . StDce tbe 'creal 'pitcber "The " 'ellfloaieli ia 'bllng' the ])111111128111 ltandpofnt' baseball' fl' en' ~ om It or JPnatedl Iliay be altogethe" never more than tbre or foul' hundred donm en t of very grent arm'es ba8ed to a lea!lln, . plaee ,In' n,a~lona; rl9tte~. .tb~u8and troops Blmultal.leously In ae- on compulsory mtltary ' servlce . fo" and bd1 inow" ' , " lion, tbe battlefields remained IImlt~ every ndult male In tbe country and , A 'commerclai' Jnliltutloq.' ,'....... i ........ "z , WbI1iDd"~ ...."."-- ., '''In om4t of .810.000.000 '1.- , j Llltenlng Tim... In ,extent,. , Will the ~ genel'r ls of tbe Tecourse to smaller nrmlell or u;alned notewb~7 "1m What w~ need Ilbove aU thfngll In future be '!qual t!l tbe almost 8uperbu. fighll.'rs. Tbe comparatl,veiy few pro. I'l lf. '., We ba.e ':14111 u I ~ele. crowc\ed aaYII Is the Betting apart man task of directing op,eratlons ex- tes. lonnl soldlerA would. according to ::'I~~~~~!~: ', bdebill! l' U -: dCMfll . J..Pf l,!lany ,Ultenlnf: tlmes; tlmes of tendl,)g 'over IUO~, 1 tmmense areas! this view. be paid to fight the battles Ul4~ ' '':~~', 1 ' builDe'" 'a nd' 40.'! quler. . In wblcb we can hear ' the Every army mUllt have a commaoder of the' nation, as Is the case In Amerl" 'Plnlm," 'tta "'J)C)PUlatul 'lI amoD' i bea"~nly ,:oloes that call to us unre- tn chief, and tbat generaliSSimo must ca and England. trade:' .'take 'jut 'I~th.'a~ 1.l8rded In tha I!U8~' day . . . . God haa control tbe mpvementa . oC all tbe ------. 'rb. two .omethln, to lay t,o u~ wblcb. In tbe tr~ps united >;nde" h.l s orders. He bil\':~~ W~I"I .of. our II!8rthly alilbftlonl. we CAD· wl1\ bave all tlie' Iiitest tecbnlcal ae~;;" I::~~ibi~~i' , tile Qortdectare Ulat i l1~t liear; an~ be mlkell the nola... of ,Ice'. !'t biB disposal. Hundreds of fB41'U',DlirOI~!I< mIUl" .;: ""·n. l\tnatead ' fori-,,' tht! wo~I~. to, ce•• ' ~hat lle mllY miles of ~e!«;~\lpb and telepbone wires . '. . , t}l, BOUI. I!fometlme~ . . wUl)le ",llilllj laid In order that be all In ~ ~.lht,"· Bometimel be. 'mar eX9b~nge orders and communlca""'T"".I, ! tiOnp" ~~ . the ' . night," ioibe. Uona wltb bla auxiliary' omcers. :.~ ,Tllllpll , IJJ the ' Mod,rn Arm1e. Too Large. :t1J4!" we..Ib&ll atllbere will be .motor cara and lIY1ng qUle(" tilDe and '·tc) ··:'UI. ., . ofiDie'riarfn'ir :b). ....~t~ .. ifl~QI)i

... --











rtaII': ,·

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uCb 'week'ier'







•• ••




: T)~LE


Mi.. Re\'a WliUamloD, of Day&on lU' Tu~eday after SpeD ling .ever.l APeD' lionda, . a' the bome : ' Sprilll' Branch of Mill " / <laYI wi&Ja "her lon, W~l'er, and Zilla aUheo a. IIIOIl.LET MADE SOLDIE R FORGE T llr, and lire. ' Barry Moruy en family. lIr, ,and )Cr., W, C, Cornel l en THE PLACE OF HIDING . t,l,l\·taln ed at Tbankl!Rlvlng dinDer , Mre , Minnie Marlat t Wal 'he Kllellt tartain ed Hra. BroWll and JoIn, ),I r and 141'8. frault B888, 8111881 of Mre. Ada Vakin ou Wedntl ldey , Ketterm ao, of Dayton , on Thurlld ay, A li ce Obenowe&h and LeDa Oonnar • - • Mrs , E. J. Bmith, of Wllmio gton, IMernory R.tuml d aefore HI. Deatll, alld E~erson Conner . New Burli ngton lind Son Now II 8earohlng for apent a few daya lal' week with Mr. and Kra, Frank Hawes enter· TrealUr e Concealed ,"",or her Ileter, Mra, C E, Jobn • . lined , a' Thanke glvlng dinner, T . C. Baydoo k and daoght er to the Olvll Wer. 8er' Staoy and family motore d to ~rl' J. B, Cbenow€tb and 80n, epent ThuradllY in CinoinnRti. Dayson on Bunday to viflit ,J . M. Tbe ItOrJ' of .. WOUD\1 Ncel ved In the J ltooh. T he funersl of J08. RoM ego wa B atvll war which aealed 'the hldLng place Mr , and Hra. Thow,,!! \.o oyand hllid ,, ~ the I'd. E. ohuroh Tueed" , Staoy and wife. Will Pine IIond wife Ilpeut Bevera' of a fortune for more than half a oen· 'umll, eDter~lned ~belr 1100 c.;barlell mornin g. day. 11ll1t weak with the latter's par. turJ' and of a atrange trick of fate .. ud frientl of Oay &on <)n 'l'hall kllgi v Wm. RBevea bu bought bia whIch elear.ed the hlder'1 memory l.n entll, Mr, and Mre, 8enjam ln Milia, the IDg d.y, brother, B . 8, Reevo'8 proper ty iD ltV-.lng of hll We Wal bro~ht to near New Bnrling ton , Lol ~.I b, OM hider'. IOD, J. It. Mr. Ralpb Iilvans WaB ~be Itllee~ of &u'h 8nrling kln. Mre, !:ianna h LeW!II, of Day ton, II Andlll'lOll of New Orle&DI, who .. at Tho funeral of Mr8. MoUnd" La 1:1, C. Dekin and family lalt Snnda, . visiting her daught er, )Ira , Waller the Van Nuy. en route to the old Uar occurre d at Friend s ob\lroh placer mlnhle' fleld. of CallforuJa. ,Mr. end Mra. NeWlon Sml$b bad Wedne adtly , Fortbe ttsveral yearllb e Janney , An4el'lO father jolned ill the gold all 'heir laeMe I.., ~unday Elder had been living with adauih Mrl, frank Rogere ,pent lallt rush and wn'I .. OIIe of the miner. of tlie ter In (Jeorle A. Brets aod Al10e Oheno- Frankl in. wbek near Bld.""l 1le with her Iii. .. '49'" da,yl. He located a claim ill ..etb. Mr, Mra, Alice Jamee who ill quite Placer COWl"" IWI8r Auburn and New· Tha many friendl of Jam". caatl4~. WIthIn a year he had snatche?Mr. J. B. Ohenow etb aDd fam· ~&ewar Ill. d (ooJored) who lived iu tbll from the river bottOlD8 a fortune. ily en&ertalDed~. and Mrs. Claro Dr. J. W. Ward, of BarveYIl. aell(bb orhood tor many year8 wtlre Th8D the call of tbe IOUth for "f'01un· anoe Tbomp eon and Min FraDol . bnrR, made cl frlondl ,. 0111 at the tll(lJ'S reached him. He burled the ul1den ed to learn ot hi. deaah, SUD· Chenow eth of Wi!mlnl&On lall& Ha', day, home of Mr . William Doke OD Bat lold beneath the adobe bl.o;9P of ~ tavern In the T1ctn1tT of~ clalm, orday otahi.. urday afterno on. strapped all the preclou••ubatance be G.orp Davia arrived Mr. and Mr•. Dttnlel Morgan ao. tlatol'd uy Lytle coukl about hla bodT. and hUJ'o , _veoin i from Cinoln natl &0 epe04 rled toeaJ'J'7 famUy .n&erta lned on Thanlla gt.iDIr Jol.n the Oonfede.rat. a.rmy. Ib, William Duke doea FACTORY---Wright's Carriage Shop, No, Main. 110' tm. Sunday whh bll famil,. here. Mr. aDd Ittra Nay CbeDo w.'b, v AnCleI'lOn 11&71 that hla father wu . prove very rapidly . Mr. and Mre. B. M. Clark and Itrue), In &Il ellPCelD8Ilt with the IAr , and IIr•. ThollUUl La)y aDd Mr. "nd Un aalpb Lewl. llpent Mr.. Jane Dylul lpen' Bunda ya, Unlolll troopa b, a bullet whJob tore family. a&er& aioed Oil I..., ~Dnda,. BaturdAy and IiQoda,. In Da,'on . Cea&ervtlle with Mrs. (''lark' i brotll open hll acalp and robbecl hJm of hll memo,r , for 110 ,ean. DI1rtDc that IIr. a,d II .... mareno e Tbomp 8oo, lb. ,ad lira, .Olaren oe Hmlth "pent er, Mr , Phinell l Bibbar d. Ume the eon 11&7* the IlUftt ".. Jlke Mr. and lire. Guy Chenow e,b, lire. tletord ay · and Sanday tn Dayton , lire Chloe Side. aDd Mn. Matild a a child, with all Jmowle 4p of the J. B. Cllenow e.b, Frao08ll an~ IU.. Reva WUltam800 of Day too Emriok took a tllp to Wayne8vtl1~ hldlng place of the go1d lEOne. Before Jaoob Ohenow eth. aPeIl. t5undll.Y in our .I~. 00 Tharld a, botb f.:>r ,pleaeu re and he dl,ed a year ago hla memol')' of .MI'. and Mn A. E. ':beDow eth the gold ruah ~turned to him and be Pro'rao led mee&illJ will oonttDue b ..ln.... w•• lJivtnr apia III the palt that pr. \hla weall. let eve1'1body atleDd, eDte,'a tned IIrl . . Roy Oheqowe~b ).I... II_bel Foulk.. of Dlty,ton Jamel Joho a and famtly, ~r. and ceded hll part in the eonfUct. aod AUoe Cheaowe&h l.. t Tb.~1 ~t Sa&orda,. and Sanda, It ..,.. during theae l.. t mootentl . wUh Mn. LM&er Kenric k "Dd and Mr• . TlIom u Hen ar,lncJ 110m. bc:;me folkll. '. Mra. Cbarl811 Thoma ll were ~an, lay that tIIIe old man told hl' lOll and the mothar where he bad burled wbat be lu~te at 'he home of Allen Bole. clalmec l wu a COrlun. Tbe Ion la The AD" Saloon Leagoe meetin g hlllT)1:ng to unearth, If. poilible DR. E. H. COSN ER, . the tleld, here on WOOo8lday evenin g burled treaaure . Anderson wd: "My tather .ald be burled the 101d wae wellat& ended And enjoye d by Ado! will be Inlerted under 'bitt beal! for tweoty·ftve eente for ~l'«e 101llrt101l' I The eplend ld tamper anoe under a corner of an old adobe tal'ern patron.1se4 by the mlnen In the early wbeD llllioa not more tblD lin I18rmon by Rev. Campb ell on Friday da7" Thlatav ern w.. Pi Lon, VaUey ."entnl l Is .Iao wor&hy of no&e. at a plJllnt halt way, I haYe leaned , be•• •• 'ean '12 Relbold tween Ano'he the Bulldln prelent r new l. town h01l8e of tn Newcu Lytle U. wlll WANT lothe s ED aOOD be oomple ted, U will be 00· and Auburn. ,I have learned through Dayto D, • Ohio ,correell Ondenc e that a famlly 'b, the ., oupte'd by Allen Dole IDd famUy . name (If Scott ocQujllel AN pa.UO wt~h h :i~e aDd bag. Tbom u L. Pierce. Prop, We weloome them in*«> our !bIelat, a farmhouae and that the tavern u the country p *«> ael1.~k oondUioo po ... · Tbe Obio Weller ail Unhen tty around it la devoted to the ralalq of der til W Cout,. . BaJa,., 170 "a Glee Olub of whloh Elmu. (J, Oar. c1 trua trruIta. per montb . AdJr~ ,I I"lduet rl.1 I, e" Obi 0 "No 'Olle baa di.turbe d the orIl1!1'al BId,'" IncllanapoUa. Ind. m~n:r, of lhi. pJa«!"il! manag er wUl . llIllII of' the buUdlna. Tbe adobe blOOD appear in Dayton at y, M. 0 , A. are h~lV7. I have ob~ned perma. BALI' DOLLA RS Il»'n' b,. mt •• auditor ium, Thursd ay evenID•• De- alOIl from the OWDe" to proaecute m7 '''ITI PIIlI.ED AT HOMI tak.. One dated 1805, and ooe Cember 211t. Elmtll tD'Vliea bia aearch and" will ell'. them a Ihare of 1826 'l'betle ,vere belrluo WI p,le ••• 1D4lD.p. ' Otherw lle I 'Would' ha,.. reaqrn tatoria a,jon '&0 thl.. oftll». frienda 00* to hear 'he boy• . to buy the propert7," .bdeno ll la, a c1vU ene1lleer. He -We win. give you $85.00 wortli cif The Cbtoke n:Show all 'hte~ week w.. ellPCed b, the goTlrnment ~.for Tboro, Bred Poultry free of charge , IIOIDe tJm, III worll OD the Panama 88~per our Combin ation Poultry Ou~• al b t h Bellbrook. hi Offer. Wri~ for full ~culara. C&Il • 'U . . lett I employm nt to Beau' 'Iful colo, .....a "cbick picture " ~ll fOr the treuur e ..hlob he,emain• "'" • MIM La Melta MUla wu anable hill tather bu, hidden a ~1n~f~ t ~b:e~O~ld~_ I~f~ree~' ~ _ __ ~_:-:---::-~--N~~~~~~::z;:;:~~' ~ IrAlnille 881d. of 0 teuh a' Sagar 8ro.e IOhool lu' week bu\ la beUe, ., " hll wrUin , , (''bea&er Blroh, of Wlno.1o Lake il oondnotlDg a nryln& erelUn g-aerle a 982 Harrie t St. Ends Winter's Troubles Winon a. Minn of enDlle U.'lo _moee at the Prea 5to"•• To maDY,' wiDter , is a eeatlOD of by&erlaD ~urob aDt wUl ~tlDue 'rouble . Thelro e\ .blt~D AI""~ , wee and HEN DERS ON,·M. D Pl.... an&11 Del»m ber 17th, Everyb ody fiDlen , cbappe d handa and Ups, , chHbl. bla, oold·.o ree, red 'aDd rOIlKh oordlally, iDnted . Mn. FIIU tiN . . aklnA, pr'o ve ahle. 8at 8noh 'rouble a LOST 'W~yne8ville. , Oblo•., Vr, .at&enoar, or Colnmb ue luialdo b bef,o l'e Bnokle D'e Arnica Mn. Codrl ,., S.lve ,. ~ted pennan eatly la the Manh ,n A trial oonviD oe.. Great88~' heAle, Mn. ~"How do ~ . . Street miD. to cooIIlhi!lJ!110 proper ty OIl W. I'rlDkl tn .""." •.•1 of BOfn!!, Botti, PI lea, Cq ~, Sore., !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!~!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IIi. "lanie Natley wa, a l>IIy&On Brolae l. JCczema and SpralD... _II Mn. Cootri ptl" Oniy , . Mn. ~o'okrilh~"MJ ' TII"OI' 8a~~y IGo at a~l drngll l'e. ' aDd Su!Wy . MAFFI~ I , nop teUI me how:' I ' • • , '" , ~fte a Moore *an~1tit " ilr.aa4 I1n. (,'1. Plln.w U an~ • . . U ., nd .. rta~.., r and e:uct temperature tbcr- daalh& er, 'Ooro'h , 'rialted rel.U. .. , , lIrer RabbIt. the H..... r , ~-M". ROftI". .t .bil place Honday . . ' The foudore tale. of ' " IIOIltIa and Th.m -m Guide lad III' Wm. , Botaa' . who ha. bee'D, of ,' " Weat lnjlle. are often Moore ~ 1 Coauo lln. " IDlIIar, , . tbe on17 "CU.erence belne .. til. hero, I' ",' Damper, mall. it. inipoa- very •01, ,,,,til 'YPll~1 teftl' I. re of til. pilOt. " B~ RaJlbtt t., the bero " ~ble for me to I~I lhiap-a nd I liTe mucll PJed ao. be'''r~~ 'b wr"tn~. of eouthe:rn. folJtloretalea; Bo"4D uoi Mr...4 Mn. lamea ,Peppe r. of ~ Ule leadlDI" part 1D the Wilt hi fuel-/ baidet. You iii· could c:oOlt' u well.,.. aaar Wap~pll., . . iut&la l ,their cUan .~lll" , Geopapb1oal ' dl.UJ,D iI¥t7' I if JOlt bad a Moole eOn TheocJQ N Pepper and famli,.;, of, ortcIn expiable , the;' the Raole -it'. aa' ablo, , . ' , ~,:, rabbit .tort.. " are' of Col'llOlee. or 'lutC!1,coD\J'OlIlbl., dlolt· ,11'- i'lO"D0 8 aDd lIar~erl~ Bantn'orttitn; Anaoq .torl.. orlPiat iilg iJulchinel' , : -' "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!~~~~.!!! WtUlama of TeUow Sprln, . are .l.. ed oil the 'IOld cout. The rabbit WII '" Uta, ,h.1r ai...r,llp- r. ,B. YonD,. the "totem from ',w)11ch tH Bqtua . ,' III'. aDd 11ft!. Soy Blaok are 'were IUPpoeed to De d,eecende4, While p..:... .. "'-0'- bf a lae Ion who the Tlhf.llpeakine tribe., frOm , ' . ' , " wlom , av_ --'":' , " ' ,' Weet Indian nesroea tr&ge their ~ _ ~.~ 'l'ban~nal day. . , lcent, · 1 the an&llq, or Iplder, .. , ", , Thom.. Baoer of Ur~1UI. w." their totem. In the Anaao;r atorllll wild ~ viaUlnlr old fri_de Iaa" 8ata~ ulmale h~'T. ' ~ 11ft of .peechl ~~,. 'n~el" cont~ol day tbla be1D, hie Ira' yWt iD 'wen- COIl"4rM treel, with mep and Ul'e ~.!,&C.'&&i'J t7 )'&18. on , ',' " !IIU7' IOClal term I wftlt ~Dem.-

Waynesville Auto and Machinery ·Co. Aut omo bile and Gen eral Machin ery Rep airin g ... Oils of all Kin ds .•• Gasolene and Accessories.•• Bes t Equ ippe d Gen eral Rep air Sho p in the Cou nty.

. .



Come and tellus All your Troubles


. , ...n


al.a aill ed Ad.

Ost eop athi c



U.... .


Sh op


". ,1.1.,


Consider tbis 'Offer 2






'Western Poultry hm

~ ADa~lel H~~

c. w.





' R,a n'ge

,machine that , you can con '. as',' an e'ng1'· can





Da4a.~ho lt~eaeu~ of toWll

1, eto" e;uct ,temp eratur e 'oven , therm~meter-it really D'iii,~.porled ', ._1' . , - • , , ~act lieat and il al useful as '~ steam gauge to a' ' HI~K'S ' ALMAN ,





.,ofUe:t;·,,> Iir'iL < ,; r: "'!'f(l~eri ¥rl •.RO,rer"s Tb~rmomcter Guid~e tellB how: hot 0'






keep tlie oven for a certain time "lufficiel1t to cook rOaBt beef7ftu"e~ \,. ' ha!ll, lamh .:9..uatten, bread, sugar ~9(J~'~, mQ,t. ' everj t'uns 1D f~ct. Then more than that-, the ,c:C?ntroUcr Damp er e.n' ".".,cs yO~1 to keep the' he~t at the 'dclifecl point almoBt inMoo...•• d efi " I ". 5toY.. nl e y. Arad, JOY ~an aetulll,. _ )'Our food

. ,·10 ,'

eooti.'~roup MOOh'. fire-tatN gl... oftadilo to l!*'li. 'Ir. COat 'one·thi,d to ooe·half Iell

Ah"a" . Pi....




B,. Jonel,

I~ the So:ther n Y'0~~, j,


, " ,Lllbtn.lDI KlIJ'

In' lilOG ' ' , ~ple 10 Betore 'be poeS' Drouth 'of 1101; oban088 ot &be" Biokll ' AlaialUlO gne ' 18la th~p ~arolal. · ·For on, 'w.o prior ' of to I ,Gil, 'h" , llioka ':AI!D~~O IlrlolD :~~~:~~~;r=:~: aoDndecl wamta l of cl~'h daoge~ And 80 for font ieara 'ht. lame _,~""'_ ' nr,~vAd. fr,iead aU 'h,i;,' people ~;., .'eadJ!~~~!ml'~:!~~~~·'i~9ill~le.1 f~'lY ~fuiie¢'~~ !)1fitn ot ,apaonla. l~~~~;e B:i~~~iil~;;~: toraan d O'On&tDoecl'-k) wa~ 'he pub. ~~!!~~ltll-!;~'!~~:r~~ lie _o r the oOm1~g ,d '" a"en of .torm ,.,. "'" .. and we.,1ie r. , AI " bey aJao~ld have done, the people have nobly a&004 by Profeeaol' Biotai' 'heir t.tlhfa~ pnblio ..nan'. wbo baa, aro~ 014 in ' ~belr ' aenlo'e , j Selld 'oiae dohar to Word Au4 '07 __ '0. lI'Obll~~~ •


J ,




!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!I, '~~:!'J~~~~I ~~


" ,. _-C.. .. ,



:t • •,



On Saturday ~ December ' 9th, I.E Mn. Mary Roberta Moore, of Wash Inrton, D. C., was deacendina tb .. cellar lite.,. at her home with het little dauahter H~tta, when abeuthalt WA7 down, she ' dizzy and fell. with the chUrl on . of hR. Both bones of M.... Moore's leftiw~t '\ere broken and she recelved' lIOme bruisea. . injurle8 ~ere bra_and a black eYe, The, are reported U letting ieel n y.




th~~~m~'!:;~:;~;~;.,"i~.:t Annual Poultry Sbow and Corn hbibit Cl~~=;~M~;;~~"';,:~ [~~~(~~~l~]

Frank Vepable, of Utica, from t h e . . Ze~ on Tlllireday, Deeember 14th. . . in Da ton Tueseffects of a fall that s~e had received Of the Miami Poultry Association a Oreat SuccessAlthouah the weather was very da~.Ugh Ridge W811 y on the MOlfday prevIOUS, aged 87 Some Pine Birds Shown- Great Interest bad all but three members responded lears. DeceaseQ was unusually acto the roll call. Jet!8e Lewis was a Dayton visitor tive for her years and had gone to In the Corn Department The prolf1'llJJl opened with a piano Tuesday. the pump for some water when she duet by Mrs C A. Bruner and Mias slipped. and feU. injuring herself in - -- - Helen Hawke. Mrs. Henkle not be· Bound books in handsome coven ternalJy. The funeral was conductTHE big Poultry Show and Com Exhibit last week ing present, no current events were for only lOc at J. E JanneY8. ed from the residence by Rev Mr. passed off in a very creditable manner. While given. . ., . Mn. J. Watkins and dauahter Keatle Wednesday morning at 10:30. extremely bad weather kept down the The question for dl8CU1810n waa f M t ded th P It Interment was made in Miami cern · . . "Bow Can W., keep Our Boy!! and 0 orrow a ten e ou, y etery Ja!lt Wednesday. . suU the rooms were c~o~~d all the time. Girls on the Farm!" Mn. Hawke Show Friday. opened the discu8lli.>n with a few re. .. . The POultry exhIbit was all that coold WlShed for the entries were full-about 400 birds ks h'eh h 'd that The Corwm ..choul WIll give an fin· . J I Obed'ah F ou, ' lks 0 f L ..1 at ' . . w I tag s e sal d a tertaI nment at t he 8Ch00 I houae F rl• .' 1 ytIe.d'lIN - and some lline stock was exhibited In fact mar !rOOd ,amona I't ad 11111 Ruth lJd4y and Mr. John bOlLe Sunday afternoon at 2:15, \ the stock was above the average, and'the result pleaaa~t,ecr:nryaenia~::me ~~nphere tiay eve.ning. Admission lOc. Bart."., of Col., both aecom· a complic.ation of diseases. The pllabed mUlic:IaM, ~k It into their funera1 service was held this Wednes- was some high·scoring birds, were I~eat inducements for the boy The eolian thlll stand the aUDdry Birds ~ommenc~ to com~ iu early We~n('sday morning, and by and &'irl to stay 011 the farm. Mr •• are known aa Red Man. and you buy hellda to 'elope, .afte~ J.n's court- 'd ay Inoming at 10:80. Rev. Campbell. ahip. ~. went to Li~""toD; Wedn. . officiating. Bu.rial was made in Mi. Olght all entnes were m. The coops were Dlcely arranged upon plat- Hou8'h thouaht that unleea a boy them at Barnhart's. d." No'(ember 4th, to pt married, I forms, and aisles wide enough for two persons were made, thus makiog could be a auc:cesaful farmer he ~ad but OD &COOU!lt of'. mlnlaten' con. am cemetery. • _ • plenty of room for sightseers. ' better choose some other ~upataon. Mr. JOII. Marshall. of thia plaee. vention In »eo! er,. they e.uld not GRANGE NOTICE Judge Case, of course, gave g,eneral satisfaction, and not Ii note P . Q. ~Iaptt, th~,lI8II&Ylst Kave,ua left TueedayJorBoloxi. Mille., where fi~ any OI)e'to marty them, 80 they of discord was heard througbout tht. entire show a splendid paper on The ProiTft8l ve h. will spend the winter. went back. to I)enver, wbe~ ' thf' The time ot meeting for the T cb' t be" Secte' Head "U Farmer of Today." Rev. B. B. TJ1ertled theJmc t. The months has- been chailged ip the 00 mu praise canno ~~en to eISOn, mesars. After a short talk br Rev. Mr. Meldamea J. D. Marlatt and Barv ", -ho 1..17 W '''''L d hte f F 'G Th· · ht tBrown and Kunker. and, Mesdames Baily, Sides, Chapman we adjoumed to meet in rv Mu ..... tbe MI.,.. Luella brl . \. J " • , we aUK r 0 armers ranie. e nlg mee . d S ·th f th' . . l ' th . h th . • • ..., and . Mr. aDd lin;. EIlaworth Liddy•• both inp heraafter will be held on the ,lRt an ml or . en untinn~ tea.1D e mterest s own and e long With Mr. and &In. Hawke. Fomorin and Helen Marlatt weJ'e' ot wltom-we.... former reeldenta. ISaturday evening in each month and hours !!ond hard work giv etrto- make the show a success. • -.. Dayton viaitors Saturday. " . Mr. Liddy fa 'IOn . of Mr. M. C. I the afternoon meeti~gs on the Srd : The C?rD exhibit was not giv,c~ the attention that was hoped for CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENTS -!!!'!!"'!'!!!"'!'!!!"'"!'!!!!!!!!"'!'!!!"'!'!~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!~!!!!! Liddj, of thfapl., and Mrs . Liddy Saturday aftern!)On in each month. but mterise mterest was , taken by those who competed. Carl Frye CHRISTIAN CHURCH -= . fa the _",ter of Mr. and 'Mrs. This ehaDge haa been made ' in or- took' almost everything in sight. The Christian church will hold ita . Avert Needl.. . ' der. to hold the night sessions on Following will be found the winn'eJ;s 'and specials of tl1e show: Chriatmaa exereilea Sunday eveninsr .,. " • .- • moonlijrht ni~hta: . . at 7 o'clock. 'EWARD, OffERED ' • -.. B:URBD P. ROOKS. 1 2 pen young-W. C. Welch. , . w, CISTERN CtEANINO 1 c, 1 2 3 hen, 1 2 ckl, 3 pul, 1 pen 2 c-Mn. E. T. Stroud. The program will coDlist of muaic, ..At UM lu~ meetinr of the Protee, old 2 pen young-Henry Kunkel' 2 h-A. C. Tomlinson. recitations, a Star drill and a ~leau tive ..." Detective ' aiIIOCiation it Wm. Daulhters haa bouaht.a Re- Mo~ow Ohio. \ ' 8 c. 1 h, 2 S pul, 2 pin eld, 3 pen "The Shepherd. and the Star. wu naolved to offer a 'i eward olfif. haQ!De Vacuum Air Cistern Cleaner, 8 ckl, 2 pul. 1 pen youna-Mrs. young-Philip Condon, West Cheater '. ty doUarl (1&0.00) tor the arrest and and fa now ready to clean cisterns. E. S. Baily. Ohio. . OJmlODOX FRIBNDS CHURCH conVlcdctn OfUF penon or persons With this machine the water does 2 c-D. L,'Crane. BUPF P. ROOIC8 The Orthodox Friends will give . ' • ~ ~~, fro~ the mem~ra ot have to be pumped out. Satis" hnd 2 c, 1 2 Sh. 12 cld. 12 pul. Chriabnal :entertainment on pi the ~latiOQ. . , ' , faction &'\W'8Ilteed. Leave oQlers Wm;rB P ROCKS 1 pen old-Mrs. W. H. GlOlHr, S~· moming dUl'ina the Sund., . J, C. HaWk.. ~'y. at' KUbon', store. ' l Ie, 3 h. 12 ~ ckl. 1 pul • .1 p.:m 01", Lebanon. School bOur.j








,I c, I 2 8h, 2 pul, 1 pen old-E. /1

EvanS. ,




pul-.E. S. KanbalJ. GOLDEN-LACBDWYANDOIT88 . 4 . -_ _ _ _ _ _ _


--,--l~_-l-,C-,:....l_:h::: en=-_::_G_::.=B:_:_._::_:M~I= llII=.


1 ckl, 1 pol-E. C, Evans.

•• &. cuucaa '1)" M.•,.Jl. SUJJdv~1ICb901 will,...... ,.c:;.a.• their Qariatmu on ThUl'lday evenlnc. of thia week. EIch of the cbUl"Ch and Sund.v adaGeI is tleqUe8ted to brlna' IOmetbiD&' to put in the Chriatmu box to be aeot • Cioeinnati.

Whal to .Give and . Where t6 Get It



1 c, '} 2 p-J. C. Witaon, Kinp Mills.

mas display. Full of new ideas, novel

and desirable features.



place to

every one.


Our China ~.


8 C. B. LBGBOllN8

1 c, 2 h,-Lytle Beltz. The meetin&' of the W. F. M. ~2 c, 13 h, 1 cld, 1 2 pul, 1 pen e~ of the M. E. cbureb at the boapltyoung-Amos Allen, Oregonia, Ohio. able home of Mn. J. W. White . . . S c 2 3 ckl 1 pen old 2 pen 70unK a very pleaaant affair, Mn. White -J~. Bellto~. Sprin&'b~ro . and Mn. J. E. JIIlD81 behl~ Joint .3 pul, 3 pen rOling-Mrs.. J. A. h08te8llell. The ..eetf~1 was opeJled ,C raig. with devotional exercla. conaia~ . s. C. We / LEGHORNS of llilllinl, a acripture l_nfrom 1 c, 12 S h, 12'ckl, 12 'Spul. 1.2 18th chapter of let Corinthiana read lpetlyounl-Dr. J .. E. Brown. and explained by the president, Un. 2c, 1 pen old-P4,-.. E. ,S. Baily. N, L. Bunnell, and. prater by ~n. 3 e-H. A. MilIaN, Oiei'onla. Gra\l88l', after which the foUoWU1&' '. intereatinc pfOKT&lll . was render:ed: R.C. w. ,LEaHOaMS , -Violin 80101 Ethel HOlier; .-diDa'S 1 2 ckl. 13 .ul,-Dr. J.~ Ii. Brown. "Un4iel'lfOlq Ill8peetioaa," Ity Mn. , ' S cld, 2 pul-Mary R. Sb~.r, WUI Dodd; An Iroerate 'Kan)'ilo, by . Harveysburg. . Mia. Frank Fau; report of Na.tlonal r s. C. B. KINORCA8 . Executive meeting, by 'Mn. C. T. . . Hawke; A Retl'Olpect into the Fu"n. H . E. Hauwwa.1; ..L_ 1 c. ~3 h, 1 pen old . : .Mra. J. ~t. ture, b Cba 7 .. vocal pman. ' . ' 'by Mn. Emma Dakin. ·1 h, Scld.,1S pul,.J.1H'!l70~L.. Seuon&ble.refreahmeDta were enSt! JohD. . , . . ' . ' 'Jovecl by the ....i . duriq the pleal.:


, "



cld...-tJ. W. HeQdenon. -' .'


"'.'1 .


'. It, 'C~ B; lIINoacls '/ l'~E. C; ~'. "\, . ":", , 1-.2 8' h, 2 cld ·spuJ,l. peft -L: lt;,HeUcl.r.on. . -'


aoelaI hOur.


Lobby open trem 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. d8partmenbl open from 8:10 to i~ .t cltl, ', 2 ' P1ll-:-'C; W~ : BeriderliOia. 10:80 ' "; m. an. from 5 to 6 p .•. ' . /, .' 8. C. BUFF · ~UING~". · Camera make tri~ all uauat Pl~ . .'::-.. not call wbea windon are down 1 ~, old-pr. E. R. you not be~~. . .' ~7, '~~iJjb~~.


. '.




Farr. ·P_ M. ' >, •


the season. which can not fail to meet the require., Dtents of all. Ask ·to see, , (

our tOe plates.,

See our splendid assOrt~· merit of the latest a~d , most popular ' bookS, lOe, 200, SOc and 5Oe: ··t


Our High-Class J*"ur".lrv"'11i ~ce1s in novelty, .u ........''''.·

aD,d unusual . a,ttra(~"~· prices,


Mra. Lippincott Glvea the Inalde Faota of Her Cue.




Jilek K p l th , a Vlr/;ln1un. " " ,. " h(l~­ ac r ll! :.t.n , Is l tl'f)kl n ...: to r rl'l\ mltl~ warpart i r·s

(I f

It VH £:'~ ~


~ "&

n W U lo: n ll II -lI n1


a, (11 11 K!1l1op l,u r 9u" rf b y o n p o n lf>tI . Wh n K ~ H h r l' l u ' lh'f4 tll ~ '"\, ;.t ~ (J n t ll t' r u 1d 4 "rs h:I.\' ( · rn n¥!!l.lI ' r,·t! cwo n; .· " n Oll li t·· pllr( t!d . H e fO " urt'l H'!I tilt.. ''It- I l n l ~ FH hiin ~ p aCh- !".!! n l H t

HH"kt ' l w ,i lh



\\' UlI1I ,n '~ ~ () .. .

r, f' t l it ts n rr ~" If' d ut l' unliU Cl C ity. \\ i l ll tilt' l1I u r(h: r . litH tlnc uUr b,~ ~ i n /.: a I Ur n U Ii 1\1I111 ... d UI IH-k U Rrl. A " p ~ro 7011 \ IIH.n l n n tn I d~ C"en n n rn eod N h t el18 h I m Ihlll Ite l"h' Yo II, . r; ,,11 1'18 In Vlqp nl i\- !,;pb .aYH 011' '} r th e " ",rd r cd nt.- n was J oh n

ch 8r~ e ,1

SIl>lt'y. Ih "

oth~' (; ~n, Wlll ~

Wlllte. r"rm·

erl ), " ('ontcdeNLt", orn r"r. Tho p l u lns m a n and Nell .. cape. Gnt! laler the fugitives

(!Orne upon ~ cabin !lnd tin" It .. occupa nt ' 0 he .. )'ounx glrl\ whom K"tth 1I,lnk~ he Ra W at Cllf'llQn C ty. Th girl ""p lains tbat she III 1n ... a rch nf a brother. who all,d d~lIerl...a , rrom th~ army, anti that 11 Ur. Hawlq IDdu c~d ller lei como to the cabin "'hll<, tIe aQugh t her brol h r. Haw· ley ap»<,aI'<i, !lnd Keltb In hIdIng """0"Dlxes 111m .. Dlack Bar t. There Is .. ter. rtftclbll ttl£ IJI the darkened room li1 whle , KeIth t. Vltltor. HOI'84)8 appropriated. &Ud th ~ gln whO IIOY8 that her ' T)sme I. Hope' J61n8 In the escnt'B. Keith explnln8 hi. IIltuaL!oq anti the fUlrltlve8 make tor . P'c:!rt LanlCf'l . whe re the II1rl Ib l~ft with the botel ta1.ltllady, Miu"'Hope teU" tb M abe III tile !laughter of Oeneral Waite, 'Keith and Neb drtft Into Sh rldan. where Keith meet. an 014 trl nct. Dr. Fal.rbaln. K eith meela the broth r ot Hope Walt ... UDder the auumed name of FNd WUlou, bby, .... tI!ll cODvln<:fld tba' BI!'elt B.1'I·' hM 110m!! plot tnvolvln.r the 1....0. n~ Il!.\Im. that Gen. Waite, who ...,.. murc1ered. Ie &t SherIdan. all4 aD" lheTe -;ybue ahe I. mistaken tor Cbrtath 1\(1\01..In. the Cnnon Cky etnser. Kellb .....\11 the rea l Chrl.tle lJaclaJre.,



CHAPTER ' XXII.-(Contlnued.) !'tioDlt' ;VU e,"r do It;"' be Inslated. In. bere. room 110 . ... to "ye' rt to her. He'd elean out , til.. house' U we .run In .a cold deck-on ~. , manbal b,ought ber uad ~ • fellow out 0' the

• 'fit_Dd 0'


Sh e look f:'d f 0(' rOmlJIPt " "",!u.I I!>.; . me nt Khe (('It. 61t1lng up In the chai r. b.-r ~ yes Illlrtj with Qut:stlonl ng doubL "Ooctor ra lrbal o ! My message! Surely you are mis take n? I kn ow no OU P. of tbllt nllUI • aud bllv e lIen l 110 mellsnge." . "You did nol UI)reS9 a des ire to Hee me?" She lougbed. exhi biting a row 01 whlie teeth. "Certainl y not; not until lhls 010ment \\'8S I v n nware 01 tb a exlM' t e nce of Mr. Jack K e ltb." His own eyes mUed In res ponse to cballen~e of bers. " I can 'usura you tbe 8urpriRe W08 mine also." he bos te ned to Inrorm -b e r . now mort! nt ease. [IS be grasped tbe situation. '" could 1I0t unde rsta nd 'lOW I ha d become knowll to you , l'f1t , pledge you my word th e message was actually brour;ht. Of course you may suspicion otherwise•. for I have seen )IOU on the 8tage. and being a normal man. have wlsbed tbat I could devls., some excuse for meeting you." " Ind eed~" b er eye· brows slightly Ul)lifted. ' "Y ell. 1 make tbat confession frank· Iy. yet this call comes from no aucb desire. 1 bad no Question wben I came. but what 1 bad been sent foryou wm believe this?" "I auppose 1 must. yet It &eems very peculiar," she rQPUed. feeltn, con· vlnced tlult be was Il gentleman, aDd troubled as to wllat ahe had best do.

cOllld possibly bave with )'ou, MISs ,\Iacialre." The woman's e yes llaF hed. barden· Ing In tbe lr brown depths . "What right bave you to a sk?" s lle bega n Indl g nan lly. "I a m capable of deciding my VWIl allalrs. As I b a \'e told you I hu ve ne ver Iliel Mr. lI a w· ley. bllt I am not to be InOu n oe.1 agilln s t him mere ly by the denun els· tlon of on avowed c ne my. He hilS wrllten lIIe 01 something h e bll s dlb' covered wblcb Is 01 dee p pe rsonal In· terest to me. and baa IJroDil sed 10 tell me the det ails, as we ll as plnce wltb ln my honds certalo necessary pRpe~." ;' 1 appreciate your feelings," he saId gently, as she pous ed. "but ·would you mind tell ing me the notu re 01 tbou papers ?" , Tbe re was somethIng In Keith', face wblc.h tol« of honesty, BDd In· spired confid_ce. MI88 MaclaJre', worldly expenance had given her d eep Inslgbt IDtO the cbaracter of men. and r.omebow. as sbe looked Into the cleal' gray eyes. ahe felt Impelled to answer. a vague doubt of the uDkDown Haw· Ie)' in her mind. "Tbey-they "'ere papel'1l to eatablIab Identity. He had discovered them by accident; they ave to do with an Inheritance. Re~ that II all I knG"'. for be wrote very brlelly, ,tating 'lt would be ...fer to confer with me pereooally-only I .Imaalne there .. I large aum Involved." "From wbose estate?"

Mrs, M. E. Lippincott. at PlllJaslel· phlIL, made a disclosure 0 .,lIme .· I ,. " 'hl cb s hould b e r ead by ,ve~y ~all and woman , Not only that', but Mrs. Lippincott 8 0YS tbat eve ryono abouhl hea r at the wonde rtul history Of thiS Ilart Iculor cllse and pront as she did. H e re Is tile Btory In h er own words: mit to see tn t> Ullin . nnd con s ider wbat "About on e month a go I was ath e bas 10 sa y . I dou' t cllre baIr ao tracted by you r advertisement In a much about the ruone)' as I do to !lnd local news paper on the merits ot your out wbc~ I 1Ill' Ir li e cnn t brow any Reslnol 8'001' . IIgbt on my pa rly IJrI' , on roy parent· "H av ing at that time a very annoy· age . I shl1l1 lie tho hOllplest womao In g e ruJl lion on my face [ purchnse4 a , In tbe 'l\'orld . ' I am sO rl'y I told you cake of the n cslnol Soap. and before , :\lIyth ln g- but I lllil goIng to 8l'e hIm It was balf used tbe eruptloQ dlsao- I ju~t th e sam e. l'erbapR be mlgbt toll pea red e ntire ly. th e old s kin peeled 011 me omel bing about you." and tres n Dew ailio formed. 1'h('y we rr bot b standing. the wom"I wis h to tbank you for placlnr I tln' s .. yes tl t\.'5 bl ug angrily, deOanlly, "'Ithln reac h so merltorloua an article, li er hands cli nched. Keltb, rea llztng .... hlch [ do not h esltale to recommend the In lse posilioo Into wblc h be bad to my fri ends ." drffled. besltated to ans,,'er. He Not only Is Res lnol Boop highly ef. meant to tell ber the whole IItory, and fecth'e In removing skin aUectlona, urge bf' r to co-operate with blm In but Reslnol 'O lntment haa no equal In • Can quickly be 9vercome learnin g tbe gam bler·s purpose. The ' ""OmaD Impressed blm as honest at relie ving eczel:!,la, 8calds aDd burna or "" .. DYER'S ...... E' any form of eruptive akin disease," "'"' Ln a_ beart. In splle of her 1I1e and environ· tetter, ringworm, barber's Itcb, eroft. UVER PILLS. meot; 8,be was not one wbom a s",ln· PUre! ,. dle r could eully dupe Into beaamllQC ·tlona of polsoll Ivy, stingS of'polBonoul , Y a tool. InBects. plmplea, ralh, sunburn, prle)t· ;:=~~.., " MIsIl l\faclalre," he b eg... d. ly beat, cbaOng, 1~lng, blackhellds, Uver. Cure , termlned on his courlle, "listen to me bOils, IIcalds, bUrDlI, etc. Reliinol Bili~ , for jUlit II moment. 1 am-" , Ointment comell In opal jan at ftfty HeadThere .... as a rap at the door 'l·n. centa and a dollar. Sold by all drulr' ache, . eyes of both turned that way. and dsta. Sample Bent tree It you men. 1)1nlft-andT- .. .,-...on. thelr""~ lIoll beading or this ad. Reslnol ' - ............. , UWo,(' then Keltb backed alo",ly into tile CAemlcal Co., BaJtJmm'e. ·Md. SMALL PUJ., ~ DOSE.~. PIlei. darkened corner beyond the' "'Inltow. . ;'--uioe muat b-ar Signature hla rlgbt band thru8t Into the pooJIet \ICII of bls c:oat. MI8a Maclalre obsenecl Bu.ln.... ~ ~ the mOl'ement. ber Up. smJlIng, a J'eIi A train In ArIzona. wu boarded by ~ ~AZJ ~ lIuab (In either cbeek. Then .be (obbel'll, wbo went throUlh the pock· V' ~ stepped acr08S tbe room. and opene4 eta of the luckleBs paalleu!ren. One the door. Framed agaJnlt the black )f them bappened to be a trayelln, bacltground of the haJI, bls dark, .ratb- Jaleaman from New York, wbq, wilen er ban-dlome face Clearly revealed .. bls turn came, ftaBbe4 out $ZOO, but be front ed the window. biB black, au- rapldl, took $. from tbe PLle and dacloua eyea tilted appreclatin«ly upcni plaeed It In 11,18 velt pooket. tbe lady, stood . "Black Bart" Hawl.,.. "What do you mean by than" asked He II&W no one but her." realized ne PIe robber, .. he toyed witb biB re~h'er. HurrIedly came the answer: other presence, bad no tboUlbt eSC8pt ~Ine runt. you aurel,. vould not r~ to make a · go04 Impre8110D. He was. tuse me two per cent. dt.count on a IN OW'I' VARIaTT a beautltul womao, ",bam b. Itrlctly casb tranaaction like dlaT"POll. 8ALB .:AT. THa sougbt to use. and be bowed low. hat Fun. &.OWDT ~ , BY In band. .

~ .-181 )facJAlre le~ecI baell, against ~e .ui,l.,.t&tl; ·ber ey'" turning from fommr to her .peechl-ellll ··supportera. " IlIqWly the trutb Hemed to penetrate Iter bralil. "011." sbe "sped' at 'last. "ThenI 'aell bilt elae eaD you gIve mer ~ TIle OIJ1u'1I bad 'long alnca..!depBrt· , 1Iill.. promi"r... bqwever: . til r emain ...i In ~' Qd- e~ ' her- again 'tl\at bl&bt III tt:e, with hint. . til .... late 11J)~; ' abe d recelye4- a , _ . 1I1e ~an.gK· of that '., popul~ reeor\; ud haJ rendeted h .. UI. m"erab~. W' numerous de_dil l ll.cI~,~~a!}d balf an boul" pracilcin, .......:.:!!~.....¥!1!.;..!lead~r 'of \he orcbeltra; but , ..................;..':""l!!S"~ . aow, ~8& at, I"~ alo)1e, tired. 'decided· 1, Irritable, abd atill tempted to In' Tad_ '~1~," 1l!'o4 ""'~ that ~ther 'WomaD , • ~e of ber ' mlnd. Tben some o~e rapped' on the door. Tbere WIUI a de. dded accent of vexation In die yolce : _,blell·b&de tbe one outside en~er! tlut I~ I mood chan,ed' awlftly , a. '.hr bro..u eles perceived standhlg in til," 4ooi'Wa.y the erect lonn of Keith, t~e :lIgll~ (Tom tbe window revealing ·a ....ty b.. etrong face. The man 1It000ba,t ~n_, "and, bpwlng slightly, ·un· ab,e to com prebend why be sbould "'ye · bee::t "coot for, yet mane!lln, . . . .In' at the ' remarkable resemblance . between tbll . woman. and that other wllom be bad ·Ieft at F'ort Larned . As Mt •• Mp,c1ulre IItoad wIth hack toward the ·"WlIldo.w. ahe presented Ihe same )'OUthful appearanoe, tbe same s len· '",.esll of figure, lhe same contour 01







tlme ago I lias comiDC up lome Itepa 'W~ell th8- board cMlllhed ttJ1der m.e like an ' egg ehell; and my right Umb ,w.ent throqh to -the 'bee. and IlCJ'ape4 he fteah ot! ' the bone Jut in.lde ~d ~low ' tlMt .knee. I , It foz a day or t",o. then It hurt' ~e pretty badli. 'l} put





!lZ1-5n W. Adam. ~ Cbleqo



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PalhA IooMdIlil.., Ot CaUI."d.........1• • 1oaIIe, ..... a-.. aIfft Y~1cJ -u4'GIU' - - ~ .. icrIlII., ...... eo( iIU .. IIiiaU ....., ""lID caD UN .. ~IM u4 fttdfe ...........


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flr OD to dra'W o,ut the JlOI80D. but 'When I had uaed It a week: If hurt 10 badly that r cbange,d to - - - oint. ". -.,. ;, ment. Tbat'made~lt Bmart and burn Reacler.~· oElhit~CI.,; . .i,ia. t A ,...., so badly that I COUldn't use ' It any " ~';#'._ more .. aDd that waa the fourth week ill· ill _ _ " iaaiIt " after I . wu hurt. • IaaYiIl( wt..& Ihy. (or, ~ .II : "How dl4 ~!tyh b~:~ .tbe ne"'l of "Tb~n I liei:an to uSe Cutlcura .Olnt· ~ .1,;, ,. , ' ment for the sore. It ato' p ped tiurting ~~" ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ber Budlden bereavement to hla d a r Immediately and ' began bealln, right "It ",as dOlle with considerable · away. It wal a bad.loo\dng sore b&and wltb eVllry preesut!on ~ lighten fore Cut,cura OlDt~nt healed It-, 8.,,4 the blclw. . Her lady friend .selected I d for tbe task. said to her, "I bave lOme suUere 80 I couldn't aleep from two bad ne111'11 for you, Htlda. abCHIt Jame.. ~YII after J fell unti~ -I began \win, CuUcUra' Ol~tment. ' . ", but It mlgbt bave . been II. Ileat deal . worse. It certainly Is a bleaaloS'· yoil "OuthlUr. 80ap) l. the , best loap ! ' . of put 011 getting your a~mer ou tlI\, eyer ' saw. I have used_ .1 aU kind. . ' tor you ,.,1\1 look ~lmplY .tunoloc ID aoap for wBllhlng my face, and · wldow'll 'Weeds.''' ' 1\ would lea II lIlY . faoe; amllrtl~" I h~cl to keep a lotion ' to atop 'the llIlart. DO maiter h~w expensive a soa)) l ~ , A Puzzle... IRed. J ftnll at last 'n cutlcm Soap Mre. Gadily-Tbere are 80mB ellatlne- a ao~p tbat wiJI c1e~ .my' faee uad t. tlonl hl Ille wblcb ' are very pllullnc leave DC) smarting, alld I do not have to me. . , -1""2'1',..... any lot on7'O'l' anything else to .' Professor Pundlt-Llk" wbat. for Ill· aase It. J believe CuUcura So'a p is tile ' stance~' . . ' I oest Boap made." fBlgne~) _'Mra, Jot. 'Mrs. Gaddy-When you write enry· E. Falrchlld. 805 Lafayette St., WICh. ,nRtDEYES . thing bnd and mean In. a man'. me Ita, ~D., May ' 11, ":1911.. ,Altbough ~ . In a b'olok tor everybody to read. 'It I. Cutlcura Soap aDd OInt;ment Bie lold blogra~lliy. but whell you 'uat r,en th. by druggillta and dealel'll everywher.e;· same t hings to a te", people 011 a aample of eacb, with 32·page 1So0k, 16 ouncet to tI\e pacbge-ol~er ~ tront porch. It's I;oslp. . be maUed free on application .to only 12 · ou~~ price and . "Ou~lc1i~' 22 It. ~a\On.

to· a of liqUid moUve po",e., ud " lta '10ventol'll say that enoUlb ·to Pf':OII81 a car 1,2(10 mile\! can be carried .. __ .... III ra ·llt· th t Ia- bo 1 on tb e r~n Ing ...-no 0 a macbJne.







. Deflanca Sta'reh



- - - -.:"""


N 'w Auto Motive Power. Autcimo'b Ulsti In' En,land-tbey eau tbem motorl.lts over tber..-re mach Interelted I.n tha aUCCHI of an Inven· tlOD known as '''soUd petrOlt or &aa& Itlle In little brlcka. lUI>euct"comlio. I 10 . on Ia, G f c,c?u~e, a - ,acret. It ~ talu. 80 per ceJlt. of ordlDal'1 ...,lijae, , a pereentace . of 1O&0y matter. -. . ' on. pell' cent. of .. foreign ' aubatan~ whlcb A



"' I


• ~u't.' ,.

"Miss Chris tie Maclalre?" he asked, . . thougb In d('ubt. "Yea," graclo·tsly. won Instantly by the zpan's app1'lnrance and manner, -ryou wle hed to see me? Will you be . .ated?" He crossed the oarrow room to tile ·.t!fl'·hacked chair Indi ca ted. ond tbe lady ' sank negligently down Inlo be r 'o wn, resting her head again s t a nil· low, and regarding blm ex pectantly. Hoi could view ber now mucb m ore ~t1nctJ;y , observlng the slight dUrer· ence In age. the fuller lips . tbe darker sbade of tbe haIr, and Ihe vari ed pression of the eyes .. It was a s II n .l~erent Boul had lool(ed fortb Irom tbe same face. He bajJ never before ' ~Uzed how little, apparently trlOlog, 4.tafle " marked the buman counten· . . ce, and, . embarrassed by ber 'Own anutlpy. h18 ' glance swept about tbe I'O()m. Misunderstanding this shifting of eyes, Miss Chris tie sougbt to place l2Ie man more at ease. . "Tbe room 18 B perfect frlgbt,' ; sbe obsel'Ved briskly: "but what can oue expect In these musbroom tOWl.lS. Really I ..bad gever been bere betore, or I shouldn't have come. They pay COOd money tbough for talent. and we all bave to live, you know. Areare you In profesRlonal work?" He shook his head. smiling. Barnawbat pe rplued at bls reception. ··.. Really 1 dldn't s uppose YOU were," .~e went on, "you dOll"t look It. Dut tber6 Ilre s o many who come to me to help them t hat I 'nave gro~n SUB' plclolls 01 eve ry stranger. May I ask wby yOU d_e slred to see me?" Anotber suspicion bad token pall' . of Qer mJnd, for the men of were Dever backward In admiration, yl'!t Bomebow ~ot leem .exa~t1y of tbat

The Wretchedn'ell of Constl·p'at.·OD



':'What I!o I . car. for what your . ."hi don'" "But be', Btu Hlckock, MIIII, 'Wild




Keith Backed into


Corner-HI. Hand In HI. Pocket.

"Ye t now that you bave discovered your mlstake- " "I bope to take advantage of tbe opportunitY," he broke In Ormly, leaning slightly forward. "May I ask you a Qu es tlon?" "\ cou ld hardly prevent It, and real· Iy I do not know that I bave anything to conceal." "Tben I wtu' risk the ellort-do YOU know a man named HawleyT-Bart· le tt Hawley?" ·He r eyes did not talter, altbougb a red spot shot .Into her cheeks, and her IIPI pressed together. "No: that Is I have never met him," she acknowledged , just a IJttle con· fused . "But 'I bave received two lel· ters sl'g ned by that nnme, and ratber expected the gentleman would call upon me here In Sberldan during my engagement. Is that your mission! We re YOll sent by hIm! or are you Mr. Hawley?" "I disclaim all relation, MlslI Mse· Islre. even frlen,dshlp. You, of course. kDow wbo this Individual Is?" "No." the short monosyilable W'IUI not encouraging. "HIs messages were of a business cbaracter," "So I presumed . yet one likes to know sometblng even at the person he does business with. 1 have heen acqualDted ,.·Jth Hawley for years, and bave never been aware IUiy honorable business he baa eYet e'nga~ed ' lb. J.Je , la a '·· prote8sJopaJ gamljler, -.kno\V~ ) on~the. aa' 'Black Dart:' la,sl, .Dlght nlng a tar'o «alii'; aliJ'oSll .

"M y graadfatber's." "And bls Dame was?" "Why- why, Mr. Keltb. actually I do not know. It may seem strange, but-but I cannot even tell the .nam!)8 of my parents; I cannot remember either my tatber or mother. Ob. 1 do not know why I should tell you all this! Wbo are you. really? Wby do you ask me auch QUeltlons'" 1 He leaned forward, ~oucbed bT the womlln's emotion. "MIsa," be said gravely. ' "I am not prytng into your lite needleas· Iy, but am endeavoring ,to sen\! you as well as others. Hawley may In; deed possess papere of great value. but If 80 they were not fqund by accident, but stolen froin tbe body of ,. murdered m~. Tbese papen mat possibly refer to yqu. but U 80 Hawley himself does not believe It-be ba. simply ch08en yOU' to ImPersonat!! tbll rlgbt party because of 1.opr pby. ' leal resemblance:" '. "ResemblanCe to whom "To 'a YOUDe WOalan. a ·w.i B~Pfl'" • But how do yO~ know thla T 'Wby BbQuld you be IJ)terested 1 YOU a' deUlctlV.r"

·PaJa_.' 1:' cannot: ' .belp~ :,,~,~~~~ti~~jl,~,~t:~i:~i~~;t~~~.~~ ldD~ ~ lIua,I IlU'" B,ti~ ,'I

"DEFla.e!" ,I.IUPERIOR QUlun


An economical young man wbo . . . much bored hy the requests of ftc~ young ladles to return ' their photos, decldell upon desperate measures to put a atop to the .uDneceesary expenill' ture of time alld poataJe. He announced· bll InteD'tlon CIt· atart· Ing a Venus col1ecUill~ ' to contaln· tile pictures of tbe ' 100 mOlt beautiful women In the world, and now the stria never I18k tor their picturel. • .

f'jatural, Lady Visitor-Doctor, 'the burt in my little do~'8 paw ' lootia J10 angry. ' Vetet1n,a rlan-Naturally•.. mr .dear , lady, wh r il you cpnslder ' It' ts In 'a ' pet,, 'J




Coustlplrtlon ~ cdUses mnny !IlIK'S, It is tboriltillbly: oured Pieroo·. l')ossant Pellets. On.,- a tlute for cathllrii~. : .








All I I I 1 I :1 1 I 1 I I 1 llii. Practical Fashions

llrs. Jack's Elopement ~.

(CuP,ri,b •• ,guo by 4_1 ••• <1




Large buslnes8 organlzntlons have to stay. WI ' cannot go back to ollLcOJulltloJlB. We_mullt meet world ~ ompetilioD. l..llrg.. concerns cn n pro· du ce goods nt lo wcr coot thall smnll on'~8. Germany ravors lal'ge corpora· tlons . The method of tbe present Oil' tlonnl admInistration 18 to dls80h'e tho great organlzn t Ions and make them smaller . whlcb Is a backward alE'p. Therc should be no limit to a cor poration doing a large n'nd legit!· mUlte business, such Ill! would be pOs· sible under the IIcenllug plan which I f'a vor. writes W . L . Douglas. rorm er gO'v ernor ot Massachusetts. In the Boston Herald. Prejudices agaln)!t corporations mltrely because the, are big. perhap8. must be done aWIlY wllh. They give labor bet ter r eturns. They chenrle n pr,odu ct Ulld thlls benefit the conRm· pro They give opportunities to small In vestors who get returns otherwise unaltll.lna ble . Th ey employable young Ulell who h ave no capital at all. but wbo rece ive handsome snl· ar Ies for tb e lr abllliv and se rvice. In plnce of tbe Rherman Ia"'" It Is my opInion there should be a depart· m4~nt at " ' asllington to grant I\cenlles to all manufacturers and ('. orporntlons In thIs country who do en Interstate commerce business. The law s hould be mado so elear. phlln and def\JQite that it could not be ml.suoderstood. It sbould require all capital to be paId In full. Seml·yearly stntements sbould be glveD to the public and certffted by a publfc ac· countant. There should be a board of eJ:amlnera In each state to look att· er tbese corporations Just as our nl\' tional baDka are watcbed by the na· tional government. They sbould bave th. rlgbt to eDter the omces a'n d ~x· amine the record L.2UJJ tbe dlrec· tOlratell of these companle •.

Tit I'e are somo new. or. least. un· famlllnr sl ories or Robert E. Lee In nw:uall .. 1 ll ratlford . Jr.'s arti cles on " Arter th e War" In tb e South At· lantl c Quurte rly. Lee 'Mme thods of reo A stu· proor were pecullllr to bim. dent was once ca lled 10 account (or absonco . "Mr. M .. I am glad to see you belt er," Lee said to him, smlllng. "But. ge neral. I bave nul been Rick ." "T he n I am glad you hav e bl·lter news from hom e." "Uut. genera l. I have had 110 bad new 8. " "Ah . I took It (or grant ed 1hat lIoth lng less tban sick· ness or dl Btresslng new s rrom home could hln 'e kept you from your duty ." In t he snme I' eln was his remark to 1\ sludent who hnd bee n lato ror pray· ers. "1\Ir. Page . will yOIl kindly give my compitm E'n ts to Ml ss- - und Ils k her if she will pl ease hnv o hreakrast a little earlie r for you?" To u negligent st udent he said : "lIow IH you r molU · e r~ I am sure you mUllt be devote d 10 her; ye·.! are RO carerul of the health or her son' Summon ed to Lee'll office. a lad waR told thllt only palfe nc e nlld Industry would SAve him rl'UIIl f: luro In col· ll'ge and In lICe . " lIut, gllll ral, you failed," the Bl ud en t rpplled, wltb sOllhOmoro Inn"tll Utl fl . " I hope that you may be more fortunate tbo.n l." wa5 the Quiet answer.


1',.... )

wbole affnlr. It·s bad e. nough as It Is. But If I cnn get a chance to speak to Lenore nlone. l>erbaps 1 may be ..ble to belp he r for hie sake--" He paused . Tbe door opeDed . A discreet little Fr_b maid regarded tbem demurely Was madame at home? But ye&. lIurely! They eD' tered the narrow hali ~UJt ID time to face Lenore herself. But not a penl· tent Lenore. Standing btlfore the oval 'Louls Seize mirror, she was bappy. care·rree and rrankly amused when sbe saw ber guesl.8. "Why, Carey. you dear old tellow . I'm so glad to see you. And Dlaneoh. I have heard." Sbe startett to kls8 Dlane's cheek, and notl cet! the toucli of hauteur as the girl sllgh!ly drew away from her. "What IR It?" she Rsked quickly . "Come In and t e ll me. A rO' you In trouble?" Were the y In trouble? ('R~Y could have grinned at he r for her coolDess. but he didn't. It WaS a delicate situ· aUon. "Have you heard from JaD"T" he asked, gravely. thlnklDg to a!.artle her. . "Jnck! or coune.· She t11mpled amusedly. "Why!U "Why?' Oh. say. Mrll. Jack, forgl.,e me If I apeak IIlalnly, but I'm tb. boy'. friend. yOU know, and we can't tlDd n trace of hIm . It looks aa If he had taken this tblng to heart and made away with blmselt- -" "What thIDg~" Her eye. were yer, brIght DOW. "\"hy· ~r-wby--"

"Vour clopement," O1an. ~t In. boldly. "My elopement!" repeated Lenore. slowly. "Is tbat what you are all saylnr of me! How very. very kIDd ." She besltated, while Carey tried not to look Bympathetlc. Diane was gazIng out of tile win· dow coldly. It was almost too much. the way Lenor o regarded her eaca. pade. Suddenly she be'gan to laugh.

General Lee'a Real Klndnesa of Heart Made Manifest on Such Occasion •.

Thlnkl Government Should Obtain PUbllvlty by a Llcenle SYltem.



Tbe Percival Kilmeys started the rumor. TbeI had motored Ollt to Edgemere to surprise Mrs. Jac lt, who was going tbrouRh one ot ber IlCrlod· ical grass wldowhoods . Jack had tak.'n a sudden Dotlon he wanted 1.0 have a fling st fall IIhootlDg In Saskatchewan. "Or WRII It Kamcbatka!" mused Mrs. Kinney . te\llng of tbe whole tragedy later. "I'm not Kure. But h" went two weeks ago. and I Imew lAmore, poor dear, would be lonely . 80 Percival said we'd run down nnd lI!.ay tbe weekeDd wltb her. The Clinton Haslelghs bad been at Edge. mere a week and over and I \rnew l..enore would be halt dead entertain· Ing them . And the Jameses from New Orleans suld tbey were going down for Thanksgiving. Well. that's really all there Is to tell. We arrived. The hOU80 WIlS In uller de80laUon servants gone. Lenore gone! Only tbe stables Intllct, lind the housekeeper lott. 'I'he large tourIng car was gone. too. No, ODe knows the t.ruth . In the dead of nlgbt a mes· aage arrived by A. D. T . lAlnore rolle. dressed fo; traveling, acted OJ:· cltedly. took her jewel case and turs and the tourlns car. cbauf1eur and maId." "But even 80. my dear," protellted KIDney mildly. "Sbe may bave ~eeD summoned to a deathbed." "A deathbed! Percival. why do you l14!ek to protect tbe guilty merely because tboy - happeD - to be socIal acciualntance8'! It Is a l)OslUve fact lb~t Lenore met a miln at the Castle. wood IDD, half way to New York. and tbey went away together In her ('ar. Poor Jack! And there's no getting word to him. for we're not sure wbetber It Is Kamcbatka or Sa8katch. ewaD. But I'm really surprised nt lAmore. Married two years. and so young." Kin. "Wbom do you suspect. Mrs. Dey!" Imlled Carey Roberts. Jack Barton's clolle pa\. "I would not dare to say," Mrs. KeDney's b~ows lifted. "Wouldn't you7 Somehow 1 can't teel bothered over It. Lenore's a



Bronson- Is tb ere IIJIY doubt abo"l ollr pl'081le rlty? WoodBon- ;':one wha~ever. It yOll don 't bcll e \'o we have monu, to burn, look at tbe way we celebrate the },'ourth or Jllly. Ne vp.r fl'ar to bring the HullUmest motiv e Into the s mnllest duty and the Illos t Infinite comrort to tha s mall est lrouble.-Hebe r.

Cleanses the System

Naive Optlml.t•. "SIx mODtha IIgo there was another outburst of optfmlsm 8S naive 88 though th e world were stili livIng In tbe sent hu ental era or glass exhlblUons. 8ln('e then there bas open ed another ern or political earthquakes and con· fl agratlons . and the area of dlBturb· anee continues to eJ:tend. Before tbe Trll)oll problem has been safely liquid· ated or th e peace of the Balkans Is as· SIlTed. \\oe hllve the outburst In China or. R of an Insurrection whlcb may chang'! I 110 I S ICla 4 the fac e or I he rar eRllt and give a:l mralculnbl e In crease or force to aU 'III~, Wu the Impulses set movlog by tbe trl· umph of Japan. All we can be certain ~ or In the region of world polltlca Is l tbat nothing Is certain. Do we need II.. further lesso ns to convince us thai ftlainl,~rinted the peace of civilization la fouuded I! upon tbe crust of a volcano?" asks 0 ~ackaq. lhe London Observer.

effectually; Dispels. colds and Headach. due to constipation. Best for men. women and chi rdren: yoU"q and old. qet·t ..,enef·· I e.l e-'s,aI ,. . 1$ nOte ... the

of 1he Compaq (jname .AUEiORHIA IG 5 . vnUP @

Tbls coat ill ODe of tbe Dovel r.. Yeralble models. It haB DO leam under' the arm nor at aDY other point except the .boulders and armhole&. The neck may bave eltber a deep collar or a hood. Sleeves are inset In the reg· ular wa,. Reveralble cloth Is the only correct materIal for thll coat If It III to be nsed reversibly, but otherwise It may be of aDy good coatlne and lined to Bult. The pattern (5652) la cnt tn .\seII H, 16 aDd 18 years. Medium alze r&quires 2% yards of 66 Inch material.


on the



of 'the Genuine ---


Indefinite. her old. gay Ilttle rlpille of IlmUle· "I want a purt," suddenly anuouDced the petted, spoiled star. ment. and rose. "I want you to meet my partn~r In "Yes, my dear Miss Starllte." meek· guilt," Bhe Baid. and crossing the Iy aoswered tbe long Buffering man· room she pushed back tbe glass doom ager. "Sball I call on tbe confection· and disclosed Jack himself at hlB da&k er or the press agent?" To procure thl. pattern 80nd 10 eenta In a snug library. 10 "Paltern Depe.rtmenl." of thl. paper. "Wby did we do it?" he laughed, Writ .. name and Ilddreu plainly. and be aur. to «Ive _1:&e and nwnber ot pattern. after the storm of greeUngs. "B&cau&e we were going too fast a pace, and we couldn't pay up. I knew If we NO. 5662. BIZE· .. · .. ·• .. ·.... , . , i.l...,".: l1)~BBg-·.l never Sp'.l!~_Qr ~,e Fourth could get awny for a tew montbs, 1 July as 'Independence Day. SAlltE .. ..................................... • could get on my feet; but keepIng up Stagg-Why not? 0. Edgemere, and running a steady botel TOWN ... .... .. .. ... ........... .. ........... . DR0I1S Nagg-Why, I waa married on that for one crowd after another. was put· For Infants STR6ET AND NO .. .......... ." .. ,. -: .. -:.. :-:-.:-::-,......P"' ..... ~",,,I .. IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,IIIIII,.I.,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,II"1 tlng .us altogetber on the fiDanclal i blink. to tell tbe plain truth, and so USED HYPODERMICS. STATE ......... . .. .... . ......... .. . ... . .. ... . we eloped . Didn't we. sweetheart!" I "B\Kgeat scandal this year," Carey Only Relief from Terrible Suffering. ~etumed . . "I shall spread It broad· CHILD'S DRESS. Thotnaa E, Veet. 1606 So. 12th St•• cast. When a maD elopes wIth hIs ferre Haute. Ind.. eaye: "I had' DO 1IIIII'''",''U'''''III\lI'"I,,,,,,,,''I'''UI''''III'''''IIIII''1I owu wife. the rlgbt8 ' ot bachelors r.ontrol ovel' the urine and the pain muat be protected. Diane. thlB Is no "beD voidIng was 80 great. I often place tor nn engaged couple. You'll sorenmed. I grew be eloplDg with me dIrectly after tbe worse aDd lay In bed ,h oneymoon, and by Jove, If we could for weeks, tbe only ftnd a nest like thIs, Jack, I'd do It." relief coming from 'Vou may have this after Christ· bypodermlcs. I was )ons," ..sald Jack. "We're golDg home." treated by three phy· Promotes Djg~~·tion,Churrut· alelana wltbout help ness and Rcsl.Con lains neither Atoll,. and the lut one Baid Opium.Morphine nor Mineral .they Trailed the Firat O~.. It Is showD by the . Inveat\p.Uons nn operation wss NOT "NARC OTIC cODducted by scleDtlflc expedltloDs to necessary. I tberemlgbty straight little girl, and Jack'! the PaCific Islands that there I. a alow. HNIjN .t'(}IrI.I :t'SANrI£lI'f1'Ul1t upon began ualng Doan's Kidney Pills a prince. I thln.k I Ihall wire .....• ....'''=.1 elevation going on there, which. by . ~,ioS-'· and paBBed a gravel stone al large aa AI".J'__ • ehean." lifting the reefs graduaUy above the .. pea. The next day I passed two NoJorIJ.Sclb • He dId, but tbere was no ~'ponle. waves, preserves them from erosIon more and trom then on Improved rapA,.,'s,J..J <--_ _ _-=T:.;:Jie rujpor grew Into alarmln« 1'8- at the top, and enabltfll vegetation and ~i'" cured." 6(l',,"-'ks..t.. . porta. Mra. Jack had been " seen certain animal forms of a terreatrlal "When Your Back Is Lame, Remem· ,t • abroad with a tbln, fair man, reported char~cter to tbere. Tbl! la (Julte ~'MiC,J .rM~~ bf!rthe Name-DOAN'S." SOc,allstores. to be the Baron Oritz Somebody.' Mr.. ID oppOSition to Darwin'S Idea tbat "'"""r Ft~ater-lIInburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Jack had been Q,baerved at Palm the atolls were formed by the grad. 1\ perfect Remedy for ~on5'ipa· Beach pacing tbe promenade with a ual aubmergence of ama'U islandl. and Heroic Treatment. tion . Sour Stomach, DiarrhOea, tbort. atout man, undoubtedly eeDa· that the coral Insects built up enclr. "W.'y must you Invariably take a Worms ,Convulsions. Feveri~h­ tor (rom a certaIn 'lVestern atate. Mrl. taxicab wben you have been drink· ness and Loss OF SLEEP Jack had occupied a box at tbe ' open. cling reefs &s the Islands sa!lk. ing?" IDg opera season In LoDdoD. and b&Recent reports 8how tbat tbe eleva· "Tbe bill always sobers me InstaDt· Fac Simi\( signature bind ' her lIat the well.known I!.allan lion of the Islands la a general pb&Iy." nomenon, but variable In amouDt• ~ . ?far(JnIB Seooand·So. l!ldgemere 1'8- some iBlands rIsing rapidly. and otbera malned closed. The tall, Ivy CO.,ered A USEFUL XMAS GIFT uptown bouse, tbat ' been Jack's very slowly. ror man, woma,n or cblld la a good weddIng preaent to bls bride. was Both tbe 1I0ra and the fauna of theSe Tbi, Uttle girls dreBII IB made wIth fountaIn pen. Waterman's Ideal la cloSely boarded up. Rumor stated islanda are confined to a very few body and sieev.. In one aDIi at tbe tba best pen made and the one tbat Is that &evetal bOdies had been found specIes, altl;1ough, BeeD from a dIs· neck there Is a faDc, ,oke faclne. most Imitated. theref9re In81at on the resembling Jack a1 various point. of lance, so.w.e· of tlj~m ~ppear 'Very rich wblch comel down ID tabs' ID front g(mulne. Sold by all good dealers. tbe com.,allll. .. In vegetatlon.-Harper'B Weekly. aDd on tbe shoulders. Tbls can be omitted If desired. Cashmere It 'lVall late In November when Jonah Snickered. Euct eop, 01 Wrapper. Carey Roberts, whirling around Paris Rel,ial~" Fo~ard Movement Spreadl. fine twill serge, challtB, Dovelty mat&.. A IIDe fleet," he cried, ' "but the , with bls fJ'ancee, plane Boileau. . :rj:J~ ~en ,a,nd Religion Forward rials ID check. stripe of plaid deallns president would bave somethIng to I caugllt Ilgbt of " ' fac~ In' a paIBln' movement leel;9.a to be proceeding are lultable for this dres&. talk ahout If he reviewed me." . Tbe pattern (66381 Is cut ID IIllel 4 . Herewith he en tered the tlrst BUbo taxI. 1t' lurely. wal ' JIIrs. Jack, look.' alon~· the 'saneal lInei punlU~ In latl Ing mlTe beautltul ihan ever, tn a 1ears. , i;'er~apB It 'I becaula It wsa to 12 1ea"l. Medium stzo reqUlreB 2 'Itt' marl lie. . I bl k d hit t d founded . and II being promoted by yards of Hinch malerlal. IItunn ng ac a~ '91' e ge up, an .b--" . ~ead.d la..... en are UBed to beilde her waa a man. Hls .bead IOn. ,_ .. Stiff neck! Doe8n'~ amount to much. ! IIroeure thla pMtern .~nd 10 cenlt but miJ{llly disogt·eeable. You will be ·RUr· All Styl... AU Leathen, AU Sizae aad wa. turned away, but Carey gai..e eane > at1lods ID b\llllnelllJ outlllde . of II)1'0"Pattern Department." 01 thl. pllper. 'rised 10 .ee holY Quickly )fnmlin~ \Vi7.nrd Wicltbe, for Men aDd WOlDea startled exclamation. . .' the ' work'of extendIng the goapel It Write name and .ddre.. plalnty. a.nd b. m will drive thllt .tiffneu out. ' OD!il THE STAN DARD OF QUALITV ''riIanel You've got to trult me; 'tvidentiY' l'eltl; first: upon the broad aur. to ..Iv. -1110 and number at pan.rn. ~j.ght, that'. nil. FOR OVER aOYEAR8 See that . taxI. I've got to follow It. 1I11..!' .tbat t~e c.hurch has a mllalon The workmatuhip which has madeW. L A little candle went Ollt walkIng one Come with me, and don"t allk (Jne.~ 0 perform, which It bas not been per· SIZE ........ .. ..... . NO. 5638. tions .. - tormt"g lia wei) a8 It 1I-'oUld, that m la· diUk night, and· bugs and files, moths Douglas shoes ftmous the world over is NAME ............................. ... ...... . . , d 810n 'belng 0 help' the world ID Bolv· atnd men gave It aD ovation; the next maintained in ev'!ry pair. Diane Wall American bred an Ing It's ' "ro·bJema. It can do thlB better noonday It went out again. but DO one If 1could lake you into my large fa~oriet ~Dch l .. bpm. she . Imlled and ... TOWN ............ . .................. .... , . .. noticed It. stepped Iinto another ta-xl, tresh for when It gets Into c1oBer. working reat Brockton. Mass.. and show you how STREET AND NO ..................... .. th. clia'se ' Through the · streets and latJo~. with tbe worl ; The present carefullyW.LDouglas shoes are made. you boulevards they' trailed the tlrst one. movement for. once· r~cogulllea thls.Mrs. WIllBlo... •.. eooUlIDIf ",",p for Cbll4rmo STATE ...... . ................. .. ........... .. would then realize why I warrant them tt'ethlitg. fMJ(ten8 \110 gum", redqeea Innamln ... iuili .'flnaUy It drew up before a very Omalla-:-l!lvenlng B:1ie; ~ '. . ,', to hold their shape, fit and look better and ikIDo alla,J- paID, "una _ 00110. boUl. modest! bou&e In a pretty outlying ~ . "b . wear than olher makes for the price. au~.ur~. . " There Wall a blgh wall In. . M.n 'Stung to' ,by aa ..~ It thought photography enr b~ .h ...... W. elcillnl a prden. VInes rambled over Claude Henaff, Ii famier of Douer:comes practical the .world will learn the . . Tb.e Wfndowswere dll. nanes; h1U! been ' .to . deatb~ b, lome astonlshlDg lIecreta. , wi tb beel; 118.7s dllpatch. It appear. from Ola . 'bad








and Chlldien.

Kind You Hava· r~j ~~ j i! j :-If.J TheAlways BOUIM Bears the Signature




"""''1'"''' ---"._--

In '.U·S8

For Over


--- "- - -


'ThirtJ Years





w. L. DOUCLA '2.50. '3.00. '3.50 &'4.00 SHOES




W on de rf u'J O ffe r!

By special arr ang eme nt with Of New York City, we offer every one tbe opport unity to secure The MiamLGazett e absolu tely free for 1 year, by merely subscri bing to the McCall 's Magazine fo r 3 yea rs at t he rate of 50c per year. In addition you recei ve 3 F rec 15c McCal1 PattA!rn s. Miami Oazette, I year , .. . .. , $1.00 McOall', Magea ne, J years . . $1,50 J Free ISc McCall's Pattern s. .45

TOlal Value . .. ...... .... , $2.95

Will Cost

YOU . .. ..

S 1.50 .~!!:SS~!!!!!!~~


Gov., rnment






Common Plea Court.

New Suit. MiDDle 'J. Ra'ter 'h waita VI. Gao MttI.... Wrigh t and Thomp eon ; ~ney only i amouD t olaime d, ' 10,OUO. J'IO~"oe W . Jeffrey 'fl. Charle s B. 8berwo od e" at. )t. Corwin D",ke a'torne y for plainti ff; parti tion of real ~te a~ equitab le reu.r.

Suits Decided

C. W . Unil61 by, admini strak)r of eatate of John Place, deoeale d, filee fir.' aud final aooolln t with vouohe rs for settlem ent whloh 18 ordered 8n8pen ded, M. Ella M.lohener, iuardia D of 88· tate of Charle a E. Ada and William B. lIiolJ,ener, miDor. , files aftldav it of final Bettlem ent wllioh Is order8 d record ed. liar J J . Bradst reet, exe :lnt rlx of eatate or Mmlth Bradst reet. deoease d filea fif8t and final aoooun t with vouohe rll for BeUlem ent wbioh Is ordered reoorde d . Will of Benjam in B .. l>llillipe, de. oeued . filed and notlee seut to kin J<lseph G . Trlmbl ellB exoout or of will of Louie E t:llmonda. deoel488d V8. M.aud Simon dl et a1. Real .. ta&8 ordered sold at publio auotion .

• •

Fraoois Antrltm sod Alioe E. An. tram, to J B. M!>KenBle and F . M. Harlau re"l estate In Warreo Couo. ty, II . . John B'reeze k)The Buokey e Fisb .. ing olub, at Re"diull, OhiO, real 88\atlt 10 Warre ll oounty , 1150, Uharlea E. Monroe aod Ed At. J obnsou to Frault W. Aod reWlI, lot in Lebano n, 11 Frank W . Audrew l t, Cllarle s U. and Eliz"be tb E Domba uu gh, lot In Lebaoo n, II . Fra Dk and Clara L Young to Ed ward Long, 10& on Avalon \:leigb tR U









,. Wayuesville .Auto and . Machinery Co.

FACfORY--Wright'8 Carriage Shop, No. Main.

Come and tell us All your TrouWes \ ,.,~


Thro ugh ' the Miam i . ,Q az",tt e " ~



Ugbtn lnl Kills Few In 11106 lIgbtni ns kll1ed oDly 1611 people tn this ""holeo otJntry . One'. obaooe s ot death by Iightni og are 1888 tbau two in a millloD , The obanoe of de"tb frOID liver. kidney or IItbmaoh trouble le vaatty greater . but not if Eleotri o Bitters be wsed. liS Robert Madsen . of West Bnrling . ton, Ia., proved . Fourdo (ltore gave Ihim up after eight lDonth s of auf· ferlo" from vlruleo t liver tronble and yellow Jaundic e. be wall.tb pn oomple tely ound by Eleotri o BIUerB They'r e tbe best Itomao b,lIve r nlln8 and kidney remedy 'lnd blood purifie r on earth. OnJy 1100 at Ii Il drugsla tB. • - •



1et.'.: ' AII ~'1thll! :Ne'WA



Automobile and Gen eral Machin ery Rep airin g •••Oils of all .Kinds••• Gaaolene and · Accessori el••• Beat Equipped General Rep air Sho p in the County.


F. p, Forgy, admini lltratlo nhorllell of and aberU!'1 vebiole I oftloe e for from Octobe r 1, 1810 to Ootobe r I. 1'11. tlOO, . merk of Courts W"8 authori zed to puroha se aD L , C. Smith typewr ite r No . S for 8um of 165.05.


~ ."!

Th. P.rve.... HUlband. Jobn ColUer. tbe lecretar'J" of New York'B Board of MoYlnc Picture Cen· 1I0rs, laId the other da,.: ,"It'll no good gettlog up obJectlona· ble picture play.. We never pus them. In fact. we turn tbem down 80 Invariably that It seem. to me the compo serB ot .uch plaYII are lUll· mated by a Bplrit of pe"el'll lty. The,. remind me of old Uncle Jethro Huek. "Uncle Jethro eat laMng on the bank of a tiny rI'fulet. whell a ItraIl· ger BtOPped beelde h1Iia arid laid: "1. It poBlible that there are &1l1 fillb In Buch a amall IItream 81 that" " 'No, tbere, ain't oone,. Uncle Jeth· ro grunted. '~'But you're f11h1q" ." 'Yep,'lia1d Uncle J~. , "'What , then, Ie TOUr object" "'My obJect.' ~d ~ocle Jeth.. 'tl_to dOW my de l~'t iot acf time to a1ft the ..hel .. ·.. ~'


, -



:.... ' ,

, -"';:~\,'\>t~·'


Th e


~ ':-:t'


Sh op


P" f.:


State o~ Ohio .. BeDtY kman der.nd eD' pleade d ao' auilty to oha.... of realitiD I aa ·oftlolr aDd f l1rDlIbe4 ,100 ballaa d was releaee d , Comm lilloae n' Proceedinp. B.pedo l' Dritl . Compa ny et al VB, BUll allowe d-C, Wilbur ivins, A. B, Sldee, (Jue Ie aettled and anti toxlq for diphth eria patien b, d.,..leI e4 with no reoord •. 12 65; James V. Hankin son, bridge Manto A. JamllllQl1, KuardiaD va. lumber , 11250; FraDk " 8 . Elboo. M, B, Gna41 D et al. Cue ls seUled Marria p Licerues. bridge replLirB, 14.75; Ber~ Reed. ad dlamlu ed wlUl no recorda . Elroy T . Sk)rer 27, phYlio ian, of bndge repairl . 3S 75: I:It".e of Ohio ,\ aaftT I'ord ... 8mnh F. W.t , Rookfo rd, aud Cather ine Null 2', VI , G~rg8 MllIer. 16.40 i S'ate of .klDa!foll4 CWlt.' B. Watllln 8, Case ~1aool *eaobe r of Frankl iu . Ohio VI, Ll1ther BunHr . 114 15 ; II ....~' and cUam1lMd witb DO reo· Peroe W. V9. Bolme r II, pl\1mb er John W. Shawh an. premiu m OD iDo~. of LebaDOD and. Nellie aran' a5, of sur"Do e polioy.aOO ; JObD , W. JaDes. _ #Lebanon. labor and Dll'teri al ~n treasur er'lI I,a.1e ...., .... of ill. knI' oreated aDd alldt&ora' Ilftloe, 137,.5; Colnmby"tIut Will of J.aih u Wblte deR.eaI Estate TraIlIfen. bus Blank Boolt:l lanufa otarlng Co., ADaa D," ~lte appotD&ed Wiltor d 0 HudsoD kJ ,Tobo A , FreoOrd for Pl'oba&8 Jodge, IS8 ; A1&oo •• ..4... .boDcI Of 18000. Groves , lot iu FraDkl ia. 1165. . Brow~. expenllM all proeeoo dDg ~~~::-;-.t.Q_ _ 'aOl,~:¥ a4mlal.'raaor of Wilfor d C. Rudeon to Mlasou ri a"orne y for Novem ber !tOo i A . B. ..... of'T nmU Bo1l11_. de3eUe d, Grov8ll. lot 10 FraDkllD, 1180. Ball. meroba ndiee for jail, 1875; J ' fl~ " ' b, aooo~& wUb 'fouobe ftl Sarah T, Butler Morril to Georle ' Bun&8r. serrioe a a' infirma ry for f~ , . . . . . .t WIiIOh oidere4 IllS .B. Ball, lot IIi FraDkl in 1250. . Ootobe r and Novem ber, 125 ; The . . Ellube 'h Elirnb ar' to Q1raa II MIAmi G ...~&te pnblisb lng KellY , ~ P,fooe 8cllnp lD..... of Kit. Barnha rt, 10' iD LebaDoD. 11. road no'ioe. 17 115 ; J. 8 . 1oI0rrlll. tax ,t.. q.~. deoeue 4, appro'f ed Wilfor t U. Bud.ou to Bnld..h reoeip " for 1911, f164.60 ; Xenia CiS1 ~~ ocmarm.ct. Newoo mb, lot iD Frankll D. t95. Work BOIl8e, boardin g prisone rs " .~B. Lewll,g uardlan ofea&a &e Hanna b A, Deartb io Wal&8 r8. durIDgNove~ber.17.5.;The rr"uk. of Ban."... ldlo" flIes sixtb real el'a'" 10 Warren CoUD'y, lin Chronl ole, at.mpe d envelop ee aoooaD ', ' with , 'f'Ouchere for .."Ie- ,ll, for Probat e Judge, 111,60 iThe B'rank .. , __" ~la1ollla ordere d luapea ded ,! Ilnube tb Zecher et 1'1 to Lyman lin Chronl ole, vouohe r book for II. Babr. appola ted 1 D. alact. lot in Frankl in, fl. treasur er, 50; 1'. P.l'org y, board clIaD of B~ 1', BreeD, mJ~or. wiUl I LoreUa Ayera to Charlet i Trow. aad waahln g for NoVtlm blr, 112 • . 79.: , ;, ~ "boD4. ' bridge. lot in lIorrow .11toO . Walter N. Allen. contrac t. 11S5 SO;




• • • • . . . . . . . . . . . .________. . . . . . . . . . . . __ . .,..,.. . •. . . . . .,. "•. , . ,., •. ,.,._. . .•. . . . -..


r'tp:lpz I'~ '

M. Cruppl. as mloJllter ot ju.ttce. K1ea n s lothe hard at work attempting to cruab 1I ~ ~ .~ .:-: praett ce of 1I0rcery In France. "I:bl. ~ seeDlB a curloua neeellBlty In the twentie th century. but It I. a 'fer)' : Thom as L. Pierc e, rop. ,1Ir': real nec8ll1JIty tor all that. French B • B. I • • peop,le. Uke all Latini . are very Buper- :'I .:-: II t • r p r •• U II • .. BU lIoUB. and although moat people In Way a • IJ V I I I e . 0 b I 0 .. the t owns langh at the thought read· ~ erB and the relit ot the tribe even . .r:. .,.; while they go to conlJUlt them. the : AOENT FOR SUITS PREISEO AT HOMl . . wlBe woman, the witch IUId worken ot UlagtC, black ,lUId white, exllt In :.a .. ~ DI FrlDcb Dry Cllllla, Ce, SHOIIT OR DE'" A 'PlCIALTY the cOUDb7 IUId pra.ctlile their ana ... ..:-: with Impunity. to their own . .~ . . ~.~ . . . . ~. . ~. . ~. . .~~ . . t\~~ tlon IUId oceaalonally to that aatllfao ~H~"""""" of their' vlctlmll . . A cue In a village In NOrDllUIQ may be recalled . a abort while ago, whel'e an oM woman died of h1ght DR. E, ".CO SNE R, beealUBe she had been "bewltcbed.Bhe ha4 refused to giTe or lell the ·C be hu:--:: r wlteb Bome egga because .he wanted twenty· liv e cent. lor 'hrae Inaertloa e them berealf. Tbe witch made alps when IWlng not more thaa live lin"•. at hur and told her Ibe wu strloken YS1C Ian _.... _ _..........,.••_._ ••_ ••_••~ ......... _....,.-.._.... -_ .. dumb. Tbe old womlUl proved conclusIvel y till the witcb _nt away 912 Relbold Building, tbat Bhe waa not dumb just yet at all WANT ED evenlt8. but that evening .he _Ided Dayt on, Ohio ber ton~ badly with her soup; It MAN palt 30 wltb b:Jree aDd bUK' swelled a little, and IIhe eould not 8Y &0 lellll&oolr oondi"o D pow· speUt distinctly. Thla frlgbtened her Graduat e American School. KlrkevUl e, Mo der in WarreD Couoty . Salary 170 BO ( she w as a woman of 80 IUId nUt· ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...1 per montb . Ad:1re u II I'1dUlt rial erate) that Ibe took to her bed, had Bldg .• lndiaD apoll.,I Dd. II. stroke ot paral)'1lls aDd dIed a few daYII ~rw.rd. BALI' DOLLA RS spen' by ml ... At Morlalx lut weel!; a work.r of take, Ooe dated 1805, aad one white magic ldl1ed a girl ol 18 81 1825. 1'he1e were beirluo lDI, Pleaae lurell' ' .. thO~h be had ahot her re'urn IDforma'loD to tbll otnoe, through tho head. She lutrere4 trom ••• bronc:bltle. To cure ber the Hwtsard" ordered her to CO baNfoo t to the ,we will give you $36.00 worth of cemet ery, collect .ome earth from a Thoro Dred Poultry free of c~) FOR RENT .". newl"'made gra.... I'b1p heraelf com- as per our Combin ation Poultry Out-pletely. and after lIDding a .plder to Offer, Write for full partlculaJ'll. Beautif ul colored "chick .pietur e" r:el>a RBNT -Farm w&llt home with the l1'&'fe earth In of nt 8Orf'S, . ono band IUId the .plder ID the oth- free, .. good improvemeD&a.16 .orlMl. of er. She wu then to bury them outwbea' and t aoree of r1e.10 8l with 'pl&08. ealh reo', Apply to C, G . sIde Iller ' garden pte IUId to cut her linger naUI and toe n&lle wltb a pair WilliamsoD, Wayne lyllle, Ohto, at rulJQ- IcllIIOI'I I before abe rtHInter- 932 Harrie t St, ed tb,e houae. The.. girl followed the Wlnon .. MInn LACK SIIITd 8HOP lood loca· preecriptlon carefull,., and, belq W .'OD, Ioqoire at 'bls omo~. beforEI Ibe followed It, ahe not UJlnaturILll,. caucbt another co14 and C. W. HENDERSO N, M. D dled.--P ul. Letter to the LoDdoa Expre.... LOST

Gla sslS ad Ads

A: ·:11:

Osteopathl .. Ph


COU NTY CO UR T NEWS . ."'. . . . . . .4. . .·. .·"'. . . . . . .,.. . _____ ,..'. .







b ', r ' metzri~s*m

?% )



McCall's Magaz ine, though selling for 50c per year, is positively worth $ 1 per year instead. Call at this office any time and see late issues. The Free l'attern s a re ordered by post · card fr0 111 New York City a nd can be used any time you need one. T his offer is avail able to any one who subscribes, renews or extend s their time on the Miami Gazette . The only perequisite is that you "pay in advanc e. " Call at this office or send $1,50 by mai\'

__rHE MIAMI GA ZET TE, -:- Waynesville, __,___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ..! ••

of ,


Now is Your Chan ce- Subs cribe Toda y.


Worke" ,

Ma llio Who Fatten on Creduli ty of the ' Peau nt-. '



, • . After

un a t

un~er· :1:

Consider this Offer 2

West D ern Ponltry Farm


Wayn esvill e, Ohio .

Ends Winter 's Troublca V.lley Phon. 153 MaID Strftt 'ro many, winter Is a 18180D of trouble . The fr08'· blUen IOeI and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!! !!!"!!!!!"!!!!!!!! fin gel'll, chappe d hands aud lips, ohHblatD8, oold,aores, red aDd roojlb WAL TER MCO LUR B. skinl, prove tbis. Bnt lIuoh trouble l ti1 before Buokle o '. Arnica Sal ve Fune ral Direr.tor. A 'rtal oonvio0 e8, Greate a' beater of BUl'1l8, Buila. Piles. CD". 80rell, Broillell, Eczem a and Sprain s, 0011 Teleph on8 day a. al8!at. · 250 at all drl1lgl e',. Valley phoae No, f. Lou Scl.ntlflo Martillement., Diltano e No, 8~"'. One cold WInter day lOme rallroe4 ot!lclal., while mak1nc au lD.pectloll ~YNESVILLE, OHIO •



ora~~1~7~1~~I~~~ror-.~DOI~I~~~~--~~-­ wide a IwttcbmlUl'S Ilwlty to pt Branch 08lce,




IIDUb Ibop. coDtalo iDI $11 ~o Jl'inder pI8aM1l.... a' Ga.e". oftloe,

of RQbbe r 800" iD 1C1lt.' A PAl. corn field . Finder recarD .O 'bll omoe .. IIUOII .. pualbl e. TBOOK OOD&aioIDI. A· POCKE oheolll ot

A. MA FFI 1',


BOW8, Polaod Obtna, fol' BROOD ..Ie aDd alllO Bwlft'l Ui.-t1v e

'1'IDh p. lequire of S , A WaYDe..,Ule. UhlO, , It. D. 8



G Gobble re, 1 Turk.y ben 4 YOON pare bred S. O. B Orplnl toa"

oonllIt iDI ot beD., poll... and cook. eret., 11111' be IIOld by I" oIM.~rob lin. a V. Bmith. 80x 715, pboDe 2~ WaYDeaville. Oblo,


8AL8- Two

f ....h


.. 00"'; Ioquire or IIdwiD rut·


Warn• .,Ule, Olllo,

UR Urplap oo (Coo. 8"UD) , "'B Puu.... a few for ..Ie , Will ...,11 oheap.

lira. ' ADnie 'l'borpe . '

,W,.;1n"ville, Oblo;


R.I. ReclI f!lr ..Ie. S. e O.01.. Coot.. .,ll. lira.

BoIe.R . D. " W.,n..'f'llle, 0,



SALI I- Barred Pl,mou~b • .. Boeke . .d Il 0, W. LetrborD 0001l.reJ8 lin. Ill. 8. Bally, W.y: ae..,nie , Obl~. '


roB 8ALB -A ,Jene;; 00". fNlb. .. I'or IDform aUon, oall on Se*h FurD. " B. D. 2, Wa1Dl lllvllle. Oblo.


TBOR OUGaB RED Poland Cbl, A na Male BOS' tor lalorm a. tion. oan or IIddrM l J, B. OIu!pmaD, Wayne avlll.,O hlC'.

iON r Cook IHov•• IQOCl A OLEBI baker, also coal 011 raDle. both

10 load ooudi&l!)D. IDqul re.' 'bll oftioe. ' '







FUlAL..BLOOD Duroo J.reey oo.r, welgb' about iOO, 1.0410 . . . UU .., ALL DIlUIICU 'IS SoWI. loqulre of Thad ZlmllUlr • A Terrible Blunder ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ lDaD, Waynll 8'fm.,O lllo, to negleillt liver trouble . Neyer do IANO f()r lale or nat, laquln It . Take Dr. KinK's New Life Pine ~t thl~ oftloe, on 'he' sign of oonl"p aUoD. btUoDloElea or hl8()'lv e bowell aDd £'OR SALII- -7 Bole r..omb Rhod • .. preven t '"rnlen ' Indiges tion, jaQn. .. Ielaa4 Bed BoOdera, or wUl ell:~ dio, or gall stonea , They r8lula '" obatla. tor ~elUl, IDquin' er D. W, 1Iyer, .'omao h aDd bowels &ltd bum: lleea. " ,, \ '. f,f"> '... np yoor health 0011' 250 a' all • '. "",,) druggifl&l. BS I. N. Batflel d .,· OD ·· J'nDkl iD .oa4. taqQIie , of ' Da'll4 'N, Yo~nl. lOB ''''\I.~ISOD ' .Ave, " oa-toa '. , " ," ". II ' 0

. .


IS, aDd other valna ble . .pen, fiDcIu wlll please reo 'urn She boot to A. B. Bid.., WaYD .IYme, Oblo.

Ban.,... . .,

O~ warm. Amoq them wu a general .u. perlnte ndent who' wal known to have a manJ& for ".clenWlo lDaDaCement." and the reduction of , expen. ... oM BARN , HART, the,. were lea'ftng, the lwit.clu nall UIled IUae travelln c )'ardmu ter. wbom Nota ry Publi c he All kinds of NOIIII'Y Work,: ,Peollo D ''Now. caD 7' be teilln' me wbo ,thot mqn 181,.. Work a tlpeoIa lty. . ''That'l the Iteneral aUperfIltendent," tile 1IU~r replleCl. "Wluat do ),OU think thot, Se's a folna loo~' mon, and ,e never would belleve the tal.. 7e are after Unde rtake r and Embalmer, bear1n' about '1m." "What ban :rou beard about lllm. WlU be foud ID the 014 Mike'" wu the curious queat!oo. -Bank Butldin l, op~te "Wby, the,. do lIlT that he .... at the NaUon al Baak. the tuDeral of Mr. Mltcben's wolfe. Teleph one III h9nM and .01· . and when th. sax pallbearera oOme out floe where J can be OaUecI be raI.ed bl. blUld' IUId eald: 'Hold OD day or ailba, • mlDute, boYB. I think ,es caD pt r . aloq ,rithou t two of thlm,"-lIIYerJ· y ane,. PbOD8 1'-'. bod)"a Magallne. )laID Street. W.,ne....m.. Old. HI. Wife'. Aooompllallmerttl. "Naturally. I am clad that m,. l'WUe DR. J. W.• MILL ER, i; la a g(llOd boulelteeper, neverth eless the tlaunUnC of bel' aocomplllbmenta ' beco~ IOmewhat embarraaelnll at . •~.DENTIST:•• tim..," IBI'd the mtddle4PCl Il0be trotter. Olllce III "Bhortl,. , before ltartlng back to !ll'a&IoDU BUlk BI~. , WayaesvlIIe,O .America we watched the chanllD l or tbe SUardl one ' mornlns at , IF Buckingham Palace. It wu lin 1m· presslve ceremo n,. Lo,&I Briton. aod .ympath eUc villtol'll alike stood InterB ..... edWI re elted and BUenL Preaen D, the new ranb f(l.rmed and the old suard, preceded by tbe Col/1stream band, GuABD1TEED to beal wlthollt le.vmarcbed away to the barrac u. Tbeo lit•• bl8Dlilb.or MONEY REFUNDED• my wife epoke: . &00 aocl aLOO liaee for freIlh woundl. .. 'Wen: aald ahe, 1'm glad I came, dd ic)ft!iI, lOre backs and ahouldel'l&!'urDI If I hadlll't Men It for m,..elf I ne'fer aod brDilel. 260 liM for 1'am111 Ule. would have belleved that the queen DR. cors PA11U.E8S BLISTER haa scrim auh curtains Just 11ke mine 3e painleel and lllarlUlteed ~ GtIr8 hanging at threo Qf her frOIlt wID· SpaVin, BiDgbone, Curb. Sweeny. 8Jllint, :pnffal or any . enlarce ment of bcfle or dow• .' .. :mUlOle. or money refuncll!d. Price Il00.


BTBO OK-Be tweeo G, 8 A .POCK Billa' and lIoJ1llwM'1 blaolt.






j •

THE PubUahed

MIAMr GAZETTE • Weekly at WI4YDeevllle. Oh lu


. . MAIN

D. L.






~armtr£i' 3Jnstitute . larogr~m

~l'r m: ln



11 2

Christmas Is Comin

Editor and MlSllltl{er


Ratell of Subscription Oue Year (atrlctly ill &e1vlUlCe) • •.• •.. . 11. 00 SinaI., Copy . .. .. . ... .. ••. '. • • • • . . • . • • . O ~

Re.olUUoDI . . • . • . . . . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • •• 60r

Dl.Iplay Ad vertlaiJll' per DIacoWltl

Incb. . . . . . . . . . . contract.

With the finest Line of fruits and Candies in Town

"rlda~, o.>ecember 29- 9:30 a. m.

Rates of Advertising Rl'adlDg Locals. per Uno . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 1M Re&e1IDI' LoctJa. black face. per Une, • . I Dc Ota.lfted Ada. not to III:ceed live UnN I Three InaertJOIll .. • . : •.•• . .. '. 25<' Obltuartlll. live Incbee free; o ver li ve ... lIlelllll. per Ilno . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • 1M' Oard of t.hanb . .•.. •. ... • ••• , •• . . •. .• 21M,

8ocI&Ia etc. where charp Ie m&e1e . •• .• "

251' 1(Ie

IVOil 00

DE OEMBER 20. 1811.

. R ev.] . F. Cadwallader Music- Miss Bertha Coon Reading of Minutes The Problem ot- Soil f ertility , John Begg Mu sic Farm Management . . . C. W . E lliott Round Table Topic~ Appointment of Comm ittees Music Invocation

Tangerines and Grape Fruit, Bananas and Florioa Oranges, Cali. and Arizona Navel Oranges (My, but t hey're sweet a nd good) ,Lemons and • Almeria Grapes, Cranberries and Celery, Smyrna Figs and Persian Dates. Figs---} lb. Drums ' filled with Nuts and Fruits Dates-·-! lb. Boxes, filled with Almonds and Walnuts. New Almonds, Filberts, Pecans, New California Thin-shell . Walnuts (every one good) Rlisins on Stems, Cocoanuts.

Aftemoon 8e88lon- t:oo p. m.

Beech Grove.

Music-Quartet Economy in Bam Building . . . . C. W. E lliott Reading- J essie Marlatt Music The Higb Cost of Living . . . . . . Elias Oglesbee Live Stock vs. Grain Farming . . • . . . John Begg Orchard Enemies and Spraying R. S. McKay Round Table Music

A Merry Cbristma. and Sappy New Year to one !lDd aJ). A yearillubllCripUOD to the MIllml Gaze'te would make a DI~e Cbrillt

mall prelen t tor yonr frleodl . 'I'bomal ColUnl &Dd 'aml1y bave mond from the 8 . 1'. Linooln farm &0 'b. Theodore Smith p!i\08 OD I'laUork. Tbe many frlenda of Kg Mn'lfl Taylor who baa beeD 10 lerlOOli y III for tbe .-at montb w111 be plealfd &0 learn 'ba' Ibe II oonval'l80lnl!. K. E. Tbompeon han180ted b,Ds· . n88l10 Lebanon oa Toelday. W . B , T~rJ'Y ud- haao- Mille. lpen' Sa"'''day tn WaynenotJIe. A IIUle dsulbter bal oome tt br1lbHn the bomo of Leroy Ellit and wI'e, IItullarie In.rr who I,. teachin g 01lr Y01lDI ld.1i bow to Iboot lpell! Saturday and ~andl'" at ber homp . nl.r UarveYllbarg A . A. AUen, K E , Tbomplon and O. V. Bafnelll wlllibow ,belr fine poohr,..., Xeoill, Daywn and Cia . oinut! Uila H ...OO. II. II. Terry "raohete4 bOltiiel1 IiliLebanoD OD Sa'urds,... Mn. g&'le ShanahaD le enkrt-aln 1111( ber .lller from Da7&on tbll



Evenln. 8eaalOn-713O p. m.

Music-Quartet Reading- Edytha Macy Landlord and Tena.qt . . . . . Music Boys and Girls On the Farm Reading-Justina Hartsock Music

Music-Quartet Reports of Committees Farmers' Repair SHop Our Country School.s Music

Jlollt. Powell, ot Bea vedawn wltb • mixed oboraa will give a Vbrl., DiM 04nta&41 In ,'he 'I'own Rail dar· lDI 'he holllla7' Mr. aDd Dilre. Oharlle Uramer lpien' ~ blaD!!ay wUb IIr. and IIrI. Wilda II:lIIoU .oQ,b of &own. '. '.~ , A i 8. i5ree"lIr. of Dayton "al\ed ·-< "'n. .Jobn Uia4erwood 1.., , I· t·




fine Christmas Present



NOTICE-Meals will be furnished by the Ladies' Aid Society ~.

Saved HI, Wife's Life


Afraid 'Of Hie hat. "Where are you coin« to locate 1OUJ' ,"11, ~Ilfl would have been In ber law alii_in Wintervllle'" lravi today, "writ. o. a. Brown, of "No." "Wby !IOU" . MaeoadiDeL..Ala 'J "If U had nqt bellO tor Dr. Klnl. New Dilloovery. '.1 lIanl a tenor 1010 '"tth our col. Sbe " .. 40"'D In ber bed. DOt able lege glee club In Winterville u4 I'm w ..i ;ap without bel~'. Sbe had a afraid . tbe,. bann't forpttAln !Mo" l8"en bl'onohlal kouble and 1\ drea4fal ooub. I go' her· .. bottle of Or. .. Jtlnl~1 New Dl80overy. and IbMOon .bepni ~mend wal well 10 ,l. .bora ', "..,e. " ~ tiar..lllb18 for 000.__ and , qbldl. ·U.' 'be ' mOl' re UabllremedT, ,on:ear'J!'foi: d.-perete TH_ ORUTUT trouble; heiaorrbape, laKrippe, "'.bIOI, . ,O roap· ',and , !l'rla1 .Ire4••'£···~II'IiIIlHtIQi}(i by.;



Being prepared from Pure Native ,Herbs, they Cleanse the

f..4.m:.· . iJ .........s...y""st.....e...m""ao,.....d.......p""U,""e""'B""!I~oo""d....,""an,..·~d~T~o~n~e_t~h~e....s....ys_t_e...m_,....ao_d_.....~~ ~'lIY" ~~:. "p.·r··e·v·:~~S-E-.,R·_. ·1·0· · ·U'··S' " " . . Sickness ~t od f.U It:J I,

Dis :I~~:.nir~ ~~:,

'*"""""'" ........ •

'l110D6 llru t h o Ulln;a ,,-hk '

T/I! l mal:o ~ · b,au. ' ~o ..r .. '

••••• ....,..,.

V &:.,

stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles.


AMERICAN BOY , F1aool \\'lIbl 'n~ .... dl. 1!' w hich 'cadn.' •• b oya. 0' a d"en1UFe, ' I'D " ol. b lStory

•••••••• -

• .... .. ...................

• ebr . C A purely vegetable Laxative, cures G owc& on~ •


i)lcure hl1 Uvdyl nt Cl r 41" t Md ,,",(.oh·· ..,nlodovelopruen l bnI1·JlIl!'llha

~:tf~tr~~::nv~taiJ,r~tOln'1l: ~"'r:lr~n.:nel~~: · w hot to do ttncf \Jow to I:rL ael u1UulJJ" 1l1u. -



smERLIIID'1 OGLE EYE lUff rl====L I V E R I T E Good fo .. Nothlne but the Era

1 EI('tl1,ml • one. 1 Ohio Department of ~icuhure. 2 Experiment Station. 3 Airicultural CoUege. 4 Farm Labor Bllreau. S Cheap Ohio Lands. 6 U.e. of Gasoline Engine•. ' 7 Use. of Cemeot on Farm. S Pure Seed Law. 9 Soc:ial Life on Farm. 10 Why Decrea.inll Rural Population I 11 Beautifying County Homet. . 12 The State Fair. 13 Governmental Aid for Good Roads. 14 Community Buying and SeIliDJt. 15 Why Decline of Couotry School and Church. 16 Farm Book Keeping. 17 Clover BoOltl and ThiJtle Knocks. 18 Parcels POlt~ 19 Free Garden Seeds. 20 A(ricultural Trains. 21 Orchard Demonltration! • 22 Extenlion Schoob. .23 County Fair Exhibits by State. 24 Fumen Exchange. 2S .Hollle Sweet Home.


From the finest Chocolates and Bonbons in boxes and pails, to Hard-cut Mixed by the barrel. To Appreciate Our Christmas Candies and Fraits, You Must Come in and See for Yourself.

I '

.soUoyand flltll Iy 01 nlar Xenia, ,,1.tMd bll Illter, krll, G, U, B'~", 1.., week. , lit. Irm. MUll, . of Ctnolnn .. tt "ljl arrive ~be Ja8~ of 'bl week &0 lpeael lbe. .boUdaYI wUb ber paleDtII, llr. anellin. Obaa. Mill•. Wo.. Bolm.. ODe of 'hi mal' J!I'OmlDlna reel den" of Buproreek . towDmtp died a' hi. hOlDe Dorth or aa 1:1fi <- 'clook 1'r'41Y enDln,. . • f.r au..! illne.. of IiikeD weelte from "'Photd fever oompll~ted wltb' puamoala. 8e WI• •' yearl 'of .... 8,arlal will be ~ade Wed. 1!8ICiay ,..fHrnOOQ, lIl'I• .lOhD Ed WII rdll aDd daucMer a....ry witra Dayton abopper'll lut I'rldsy. JlIII Ilbry Ryan la on 'be Ilok v,; Jilqene Pilnewit vlllkld friend, at

C. W. Elliott

F. C. Gilmour

RO\IUd Table Ohio State Board of Agriculture .and Experiment Station '. . John Begg Music Reading-Ethelyn Jones Devotional-Rev. L. O. Thompson


I'.r:ry la.t dooday .


You see Cookery Bags advertised in all leading magazines. They're a success and we have them.

Afternoon SeaalOn- t 100 P. m •



C . W, Elliott

. Rev. C. S. Grauser Music-Hazel Gustin Reading of Minutes The Ideal American Woman . Mary Frame New Farm Specialties. John Beg g • Reading-Clara Hawke Music-Piano Duet-Mrs. F. B . Sherwood and Mrs. Bessie C. White. Equal Rights in Business Management and Home Government • Mrs. M. M. Farnsworth Farmer's Orchard and Garden ' . . C. W. Elliott The New Rural Education, Its Relation to the Great Kid ' Problem Cora A. Thompson Round Table

---.. - ..


Good Assortment


John Begg

Invocation .




AIumirlum Ware

Ladlea' Seselon- Saturday Momll18- 9 o'cIoclk

IlLon BranDon a.d wife, of Well. man apeD' SaudI:' wUIa IIrl. Bran DODI paren'I, K . E. ThompaOQ and wlf•• .' A. 8. AII,e o took flVeryUllnl 10 Nht wltb ble 8 ~). 8. Lel~rnl af. ab. Poalb7 Sbo". . The Grove hu hru new dentil,J b , abbel 'forry aDd MI!48 HeleQ Edward. IlpeDt tlaDday .f&erDoon "lth 11118 Oriel AileD, A. H. Allen and wife villted witb 8. A. Elile and tamlly OD tlunda,.., p,..le, V'UlhD aDd wife, of LaD dOD, 0., are lvendlnll a tew 111\711 "Uh lin. VaUlhD '8 palent., L. D. , 0bI1.. and wlle, II. II. Terry, K . E: Thompeou, A. B, Allen and 0. V. Barnell as. _ded die Miami Val1el PouUry iJao".... WaYD8IvtI1tt Jut week Rnd repor"a ,plendld eltow.



Ask your

roeer ,or It.

by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., SprtnKf\eld, Ohio UVERITES OnlY 10'c:=====1 11::==== Manufactured


tr:::tr:rn1~e';~~,J ~:'~bb~:l~~Tt~:I~

f\1T~nt.. 8u:nd .1 .00 for a ,,11 ., .,w!Joltttnd. Dt 10 ceot••

t:rl ,10'.

au _ Ie at

TIlE SFIl!TJE FUl~WIIW' CI. 101 ........... hnII, . . .


I'I:(o get ImJMdJire nIkf fnII Subseribe for the Gazette

PILL.J Dr. ShooD's'" olldalal4.l

WR,)'llMrllle'. LeadlD,r DeIll1el Oftloo In Keye Bldg. 11alD 8'

Moore's Range .-1' -



MPORTANT features of a Moore's Range are--first-

Moore's Glass Ove!nDoor All you need do is glance ;'occasionally , at your food through the glass ove~ door and you can see how it's coming along. Then the e's Moore's exact ten:perature therMrs. Cookrig"t and Mrs. Careworn. mometer-the most sen d'- Mn. Carewom-"( had an awful timr last evening, Mn. tive oven th e r mOlT. e t e r Cookright,you knowmrhulbandlikuabroilrdltrak-Wrll,

made. Mrs. Rorer's ThcrI tried my best to broi on my.tove-finally I burnt it upmometcr Guirie tdls how ' fill.d my kitchen with . moke and John bad no ,teat II all. And-my, but wasn' t he angry when he had to go long 'and at wli::t temperature out and buy anathrr-which I fried-and frird very poorly to cook food. at that. " /Moorc'scur.trolJ,rrdamper Mrs. Cookright-"Well Mn . Careworn-you certainly .we • holds a certam fixed heat at a to be pitied for ),our troubl_partic:ularl), when )'OI! ce~ain temperature as 10nl as needn ' t have anr luc:h U Y.(OIi deteribe at all. Now my . .h anlwer i, Moore I Range- Hrre'. on_ the hinged top? you ,Wls • When I get I goo<! bed of glowing coal, [.open th~ hi\lged Moore'. Ranre lias been top-jult ao-put 1ft mYlteait-!heupper hdl help to cower , : deso ribed as an .absolutely , it Ind keep the heat in-aod eYery acrap of IIDOW &oea ilp ". , ,. , iontrollable coJkingmachine. ,the chimney. ..:' " ",

.'....,." .....:•.:'l o" .

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OJ.e-Wf 'YoarFa~l ~sbC":· f41!...v~"* '

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~oo~~. ~qe,:,l!b!nij~~~~..

The Miami Gazette O. L. CRANE, Publliher. WAYNESVILLE.



The poor man, or the man madera!&Iy well to do, wllo makes the few good books or Il slllall collection the companlon8 of his home, IUld wbo hangs upon the wall a tew plcturel havIng In them for hIm and hIs fam· lIy a meaning. a beauty and an Ins plr· lIt1on. Is rl cber by far tban tbe vulgar captain wbo crowds" magnificent II· brary wltb unread books and We un apprecIated worlls of pain tere and IIculptorB. Moreover, It II not easy today to tell tbe rich man'8 cblld from the poor maD's child; Ihey wear the illUDe kInd ot cloWes, attend the lame \ 1I(.'ilools, e njoy th e same harmless lUll' urles, and In all essential parllculant live upon terms of equality. says the 8'eattle POlt.lntelllgencer. And 110 far all neceslary material comforts are concerned, the poor mlln's 'home II not different from the rich man'. home. What, then, Is the reason for the per· vlLlllve discontent of the hour? The reason II to be found In falle lenU· ments and false opInions made· ble becaule the poor have been fool· Ish enougb. I.D • moment ot' p&ll8lon and prejudlJe, to become jealoUB of the vulaar qstentaUoQ and unbridled extravacance of tbe foo1llh rich. All women today bave a wIder horl· The mother Itudlel the tuk of feedlnl and carinJ for her chlldren ud buntl Information. Tbe matron, Whether ber blilband'a Income ~ larlle or small, belol1p to lIome club 10 thurcb, tn the bome and acbool league or In her aoclal life, Ind baa a ;warm \f oraanlzatlona in which she Inter· uted. AD overwhelming sbare of tbe 8.000.000 volumea yearl, circulated In WI cit" are read by women, probably leveD or e1I:ht out of teD. saYI the Pbtladelpbla Pre... Concerti, muele In the home, art and the theater all live on the Interelt of ..omen, u the audlencel sbow. Novel. and -mag&' .' Iinel grow and multIply on their IUPport. PhysIcal training, sounder by· IIlene and wiser tODd have greatly developed tbe American woman. The daughter of today I. nearl,- ahraya taller than her motber and ulually bet· ter Ichooled. FaIr al was her moth· er. llie ta fairer still. u the Roman poet /noted of mother and daugbter In a day of corresponding kdvance. But though fairer and phYllcally stronger, WbeD tbe American woman Lblnkl of the "perfect woman," 'she glvel the major weight and Importance to thOle Wnp of mInd and beart whIch year. do Jlot rob, but Instead enrich. lOb.


BACUN PRODUCING HOGS ARE Japan, NOW IN VERY 'GRE~T DEMAND' Korea Those Weighing 200 Pounds With Long Sjje~, Smooth and Fat Are Best. -Corn Alone Not a Good Feed for Hogs, BO('on produ('tlou In the 1 nl ted Stalt~s Is receiving more and more at· tentlon. l.arge, Cat bogs make a poor quality ot baco n. Pigs weighing trOlll 160 to 200 pounds, with long sides, Sl1Iooth and well tattened, are the best. The packe r lJeeks such a \.llg which when split In hair after s laughter has lJbt an Inch or an Inch and a half of fat at the d eeueat PlHnt

grade. Tbe ranker makes severul grades. and Qis best make may cost twice as mu ch per pUllnd as tbe heav· ler, fat "a<:on. A choll'o 1)lece will not be Illll ~h oyer an illch in tblck. ness, will btl rath!'r Hl11ull and will have a IIrm cOlllbllllltlon of It'll n und tat. C. S. !'LI1MB, College 'of Agriculture, O hio State U nh·erslty . Arrallg" lllcnIS h:-l \"1; "('en Illude witb the proft' ~Bo rB ot ~hc Colleg e or Agrl· culture, Ohlt) S lnlt, l'nlverKlty. wh ere· by inquiri es on farl1l 8 ubJ"I·t ~ will ue answered in Ih ello co lumn s. Any read9r wan ling Information along agrlculturnl lines can obtain ~ ame' by writing the Exte uslon IJelJUrtm er..t, College of Agriculture, Columbus, Oblo. Enclosp. two·cent s tamp Ir 1m· meulate reply by mall Is d esired ..


Bacon that Command. Top Market Price. It Is of a More Oulrable Thlcknes. and Le.. Fat With a Greater Per Cent of Lean. on the back. Where bacon Is desIred, there should be somewbat Illore lean than fat In the meat. Tbe best bacon Is produced In Den· mark, Great BrItaIn, and Canada. In feedIng experiments corn Is ahowD to produce soft, oily bacon, while oats. peas and barley make the very best bacon. In Denmsrk, barley Is a favorIte feed for fattening bacon hogs. Corn not only makes soft pork,



~ ~ ~


~ ~

In ~

In ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

\l' \l' ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ A Piece Bacon of the Heavy, ~ Cheaper Grade, Teo Thlcl( and Fat. II; ~


but fattens too much. The moderate use of corn In bacon production Is not obJectionable, say 25 per cent, along wIth toods like skim milk, barley, oats, peas and pasture. The bacon found In the market va· aries much In Quality and value. Tbe Accordtng to a Turldsb diplomat larger anI! fa tter It Is, the poorer tbe no.. In thll country, tbe Turklsb women no longer keep 'their facel covered In public. Tber go about as they please, and make goo·goo eyel The use of hlgb explosives In prac· and 1IIrt just al women do elsewhere. .. ThlB II a great reform which II lIIaid tltal agriculture Is becoming quite to be pleaSing to both selles, but It II common. For removIng obstructions Dot likely to create '80 rush to Turkey from cultivated lIeld8, such as stumps 'for beauty exhIbItion. The most and large boulders whicb lie at or beautiful women In tbe world are not to be found In Turkey-not In e,· travag&nt oumberl. Now tba~ tbey ean ebow themlelyes, bowever, It ma)' be expected tbey will take more palne to enhance tbelr charms.


II; ~ ~




~l' ~

~ A few suggestions for the ~ use of left·over meats mar ~ prove helpful to the housewIfe. ~ Cottage Pie. Place a laYllr of hot maahed " potatoes In the bollom of a Q> buttered hoking dIsh. On this \l1 vlace a layer of chopped cook- l! ed be ef moistened wltb gravy. t:' Cover wIth another layer ot \ ~ mllshed potatoes and brown In ~. 11 Quick oven. \l' Minced Meat On TOilst. ~ Chop or grind cold cooked ~ meal. Heat with some of the ~l! gro.vy. Serve on lhln sllceB of t1\ toast, dipped for an Instant In ~ salted hot water. {Il Croquette.. ~ Mal,e a "ery thi ck white t{l sauce (about tlix leve l table· ~ spoo ns of fl ou r to one·balf pint ~ ot milk). Add cold chol>ped II! meat and s uape Into oro· Ql Que Ues. Roll in crumbs, tben In In eggs , then In c rumbs agaIn, ~ and fry In deep fat. ero/luettes ~ JUay also be made by mlxlng ~ meat with moshed potatoes or ~ by mixing with bread crumbs ~ and beaten I egg. Ell Scallopped Meat. ~ Plll a bakIng dish wIth alter· ~ nate layers of cooked rice or ~ macaroni and cho/lJ;ed meat. ~ Pour tomato sauce over it, cov, ~ er w itb buttered crumbs and ~ brown In th e oven. ~

~ ~ ~ ~ \l' ~ ~ ~ ~ It! ~ \l' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ell ~




they .s hould be placed c lose to the one ha,'lng the cap aud fuse attached, but It is not necessary to attach a fuss and cap to each s tIck. In using dynamIte, care sbould be ~aken In· connecting the fuse atld <:01): The end of the tUlle sbould be cut ott square and gently Inserted Into tbe cap, car" beln'l tak e n that the powder In tbe fuse comes In contact with the explosive In the end of the cap with· . out exerting undue pre8sure · on the

Lutber Burbank, tbe wIzard of nat· nraliita. has produced a blackberry bUlh without thornl. But the real belle factor of the race will be he wbo evolvel the dumb and 8tingleB8 mo .. QUito. A ,G erman haa been arrested

for Imolgllng glus eyes Into tbls coun· try. Thll Ie proper. Let o~r glaBs eye factorlea have the fullest 'measure of protection tbat Is p08slble. Tbey need It, owln. to the disinclination ot peo1IIe In general to make a larger output of the gl081 eyes n·e cessary. Let ua hope tbat the babr emperor he means when .-'ben be saYB "the aplrltt of our nine emperors are unable to enjoy tbe sacrlfices." In English, at any rate, It II a bit hazy.

.,f China knows what

The Stone As It Appeared in the Field Before the Flrlt Explosion, lear the surface of the ground. the ase at dynamite provides an easy and economical method, Perhaps the most satIsfactory reo sults from dynamite are obtaIned In breakIng boulders. A great many largll stones can be removed from a 'field In a very short time and with a mini· mum of labor. When the stone Is onty partly exposed, It should be thrown

An umbrella was found In the stom. Reh of a shark caugbt In Delaware bay a few days IIgo. Searcb woe made for tbe owner, but no trace ot blm was discovered. Panama hats are now to be made In Panama, but We frankfurter, tbe Hllmburger steak and the Havana cigar will contInue to regIster from -IIny old place. Stone Throw'; to the Surface by Firat Explollon. Dynamlto Placed For Second Explollon. Astronomen report from the Low· ell obse rvatory at Flagstatr, Ariz., tbat Msrs bad Its tllst frost o'f the sea80n. They have not bt'en able to wbether Martians Hucceded In getting their lale corD .1fider cover before the Jrollt came. , 'i '.

If Mr.

'. -.


Erllso_; rornlng Ull ~ew York

r on lly relt IIKtI klsslnl ·tbe gOd L1llerty. as he lIa ~'is btl lU'UIU b_u Inore tllan 0;" InarUy OItliI


tb. way acfO'~ ~'



.' ' '.

on tbe lurface by placing the charge dIrectly under it. When on the sur· face of the cround It Is affected more br tbe expl~sll)n as tt Is nbt supported by the loll and tbe operator hal Ii better chance to place the charge wbere It will do most effective wor.k. Since the . torce from the: explosloD ()t d~m.lte' ,tends 'to go' ao~ward t he exp]oalve18 p!&ced OD ' tolf~~th:e atone

CoverIng the DynamIte With Sift 1)lrt to Increaae Efficiency of Charg'" cap, The cap Is then fastened securely to the fuse by means of a pall' of crimpers made tor that purpose. The crimping slJOuld be done close to the hollow end of the cop, beln~ carorul not to exert pressure on tbe end wblch contains the explosIve. A hole Is then bored In the stick of dyna. mite wltb the bandle of the crimper or some other object a little larger

CornerJof§e and


Progreaa Reviewed By a Missionary . . •

HE tl mplro of Japan, since 1 ho

jubilee celebratlonl on Ol'lober &-10, 19 09. bas en· _ Joyed a perlor! ot Ilulet de· velopment, durIng whIch , Cbrlstla nlty bas made nOf' mill Ilrogres6. 10 the department of f'ducallon fllr.reachlnc efforts are be111K made nn Ih., one band by seeking nil te l"ecogn lOon of the more ad · vIlfl('ed nllsslon Rchools, and all tbe ot bN hy rormlng pillns for a private Cb n Kl lnn unlv erHlty on th e lines ot th' WI\SI da unIv ersity In TokIo. In l\ore8, the mlgbty revIval move\I1(»lt Ie stili progressIng. The Korean Chri stians di splay praiseworthy eagt>r· I:et!s to malle known the UORpel to their heatben neIghbors. J n China there Is the usual mIxture of retorm and reaction. In one year fonr hun· dred Rnd eIghty new postomce8 were esta bllslled, two new ratlways were coust ructed and opened for tramc, lind several commissions were sent to Europe to study Questions of polltlcal economy and admInistration. One Itrlkln" B:o'mptom of the new era II the great uatlonal exblbitlon at Nan. king, atter tbe pattern of our Interna. Uonal exhIbItions. It Is Intended to b. a great demonstratton to the nOD.Chl. nese world of all tllat ChInese culture had &iready produced, and an object lesson to the ChInese themselvel In the many tblnlls they have BUll to learn from the west. The m'sslonary BocleUes Intend to make use of the opportunity to Inau~rate a areat evanrellsUc etrort among the vast con. course of people vlslUnr the exhlhl. tlon , and trave secured a buUdlnl clole to lbe exblbltlon pound8 ill their besdquarters. P.ndor to Supel~tltlon. A comparatively trlOiog IncIdent will serv" to show what a '~eYloul coune Is being steered. The prIMe ragent had abolished, by an om"lal decree, the superstltloul practices Dbserved at eclipses of the' suo and 01000 ; yet, when an eclipse ItCtually occurred. be allowed all the old practlces to be carrIed out all usua!. It Is the same wIth the lIbetal and m'o deru mandarins; when drought and famIne excite the people to uproar, they pr&fer, notwIthstandIng all their enllgbt. enment, to permit and even t&ke part In Idol processions and all the rest of the superstitious humbug, for fear or beIng lynched by the people. While the tendency In government' circles Is, on the whole, toward rerorm tbe evil forces of reaction are In Bom~ places asserting the!r power among the masses of the people to an alarm. Ing degree. Vast tracts of the country bave been vIsIted by dronght and tam_ Ine, and the greed of the ChInese me ..... chants has, as usual. made these calamitIes a pretext for an eoormous rlae In the price ot provlslon.B. Tbls ellcited the starvIng populace to fury, and caused dIsturbances In many parts of tbe empIre. RIots brOke out In Hu·Nan at the capital. Chang.sba, and In Yusn·cbow and other towns of that provInce, where popular feslfng la hostile to foreIgners, and mucb mls. slon property was destroyed. Happily, no lives were 8Bcrlllced, at least among the Protestant Christians. With the belp of a tlotilla of English, German, Japanese and other foreign pnboatl tbe government quIckly succeeded In Quellloc the disturbances. Good Work of Mlllionarle .. In the provInce or Kan·Su, wber. there was also great dIstress, the milBlonarles gaIned the confidence of the people by dIstributing I,Juantltles 'of food and seed. Some foreIgn bouses of business to their shame be It saId. place dlm~UI. ties In the way of the ChInese In the closIng ot the opium denB and others have Introduced cigarettes to take the place of opium. One English firm ac· tually succeeded, wIth the help of the British conSUl, In securing the reopen. Ing of already clQsed opium shops. The under secretary of Itate tor India assured ' the British parliament th't the Anglo-IndIan government could not shorten the period of ten yearl agreed upon between Inftla and China for tbe· gradual cessation of the 1m. portatlou of opium, bllcause "such a measure would put too beavy a straIn on Indian tlnances, would cause dIs. turbances among the tallparerl and opium growers, And would be a source of trouble between tbe Indian .overn.· ment and the trlbu~ary statea." In spIte of this, however, England, as well as all the other clvlU:r.ed countries and China, agreed to the proposal or' Presl. dent Tart to hold anf)ther International opium confereJ1ee.:-Mlsslonaf)' Re..,Iew of the World.

He Redeemed UI for Hlm .. I,. It was not enough tbJlt Cbrlst 8hould deliver us from the condemnation and penalty of sin; he has also redeemed us to blmself, to be a people tor hla own possessIon, so that we should become his bond·servantt and IIlavea. Ab, what a claim ' ts this. that he should be sble' to put bts band on After Second ExplOSion. Small Fr'ag flMh of our. memtlera and ·~ay. ~'Thta la montl of Stone That Are Ealil:~ . mIne; 1 purchased It for miself and t~ Ule It at au';- I'rDufpUnir" but intne " Picked Up and Haliled Away, ~crllege."-=F.'

than- the fUBe, The end of.· the fuse, having ~be ca,p slt(lUrely fasteD" 'to It~ Is tben Insertet' and the up '1tiibedd8cl In the



..lid covereit:'With .110ft ' dlr~' &i~ shon qutelyl"' in 'place 1)~'-~.!1,I~,~:?~,~~J ~=~!~~~I·~~;~~~I:i~:~:~ ID Ule . lliu8·tr"~OD; WheD ' more thaD itrlila. ',tYllig .tho fUie to ';-I ! J

~De' IUc" '01 .. " ~JiiaIJ!~$e . ~ ' ,1l~.~7 ;~~~e .







~:~ eFuniorJ

TO BE GRACEFUL HURDLERS Not An Eaay Acoompllahment and Worth Boy" While to Praotlce Feat Carefully. It ill tb e great I1l11bltlon of most boy athletes to be graceful and s uccessful hurdlers. Hurdling Is not an easy ac· ('()mpllsbment· lind It Is worth every boy's while 10 practice It carefully In order . to perform this feat to advan· tagI'. In taking tile barrIer. tbe great hurdlers of tile present day use tbe straight leg In front and let the rear leg hang. but at s uch a h eIght that It will clear thfl obstacle. Greater ef· fort Is 'used In clearIng the hlgb burdie, which Is thre e feet 81x Inches high. The lOwer Is two feet six Inc hes. On ris Ing from th e grouod to clear the s tICk. great attention should be paId to the pOSition of the body and armll. for on landing every thinK wants to be In r eadiness for the dasb to the next burdle. lSome athletes use the lett foot, wblle others UBe tbe rlgbt. In hurd·


Good Form OVllr Stlckl,

ling u In sprinting and high jumlllnl things should also be done naturally. The lIurdles eYents, 120 yards blgb and 220 yards low, are essentially sp rints. All the best hurdlers lIav", been fast sllTlnters . To cover any dis· tance In tbe hurdle races, wbetber hIgh or low, the greatest agility Is needlld. Thue all hurll.lers should make sprInting lin Important part of tbelr traInIng, tor otherwise tbey will not attain th eir highest speed over the ·stlcks. The hurdler should practice starting Just as assld\loualy as the sprinter. Altbougb the lIurdler must be a fut aprlnter, to make a successful hurdler, he must, or course, bave over the sticks, or he will to bring bls wUI perform dlsaP1>olntlngly.

Dot- What's the difference between n fwog an' a tadpole?

Dash- The tadpole wears a bobble skirt. and the fw o;; wears a harem skIrt.



Made Out of Stiff PIece Cardboard .. With Thread Attached, It Jumpi About Glyly. It YOIl hnl'e a little Japanese boy orgIrl you v,/ould knGw all ·about· th&green paper toy frog, and you would. probably ' tblnk It one of the 1I.eUest and most entertainIng of all ,our· toys. Ooe or the most pleasing thine. abont. lhls QuaInt little creature Sa that y03 can make It )'oul'1Ielf. To do thll cnt a piece of tougb paper Into the form of a square. a gooll deal larger thanyou expect the frog to be. Draw Une. from corner to corner of the equare, and trom sIde to Iide at the middle. Now fold the paper a10DI the dllgonal lines, then turn It over and told along the IInel from the 81des. Tbls 11'111 alveyou a sort of ball, wblch yc . break In t.h e center along tbe folds, thua; makIng a trlanlular !lgure, with thefolds stickIng up like pyramldl. Nest arasp the paper below the end of thepyramIds and fold It backward so ." to make two regular and equal polntA!. Wben tbls 18 done to eacb of the' elgbt pyramids the result will be a. dIamond, wIth a Bmaller diamond ID the center. Fold each one of the pyramIds agaIn so a.s to get all the point.

PLEASING TOY FOR THE BOYS Tee-ta-tum I. Handy Little Plaything and Can Be Carried In PocketHow to Play Game. A Japan... Frog, I..Ittle boy. are yoU bandy wltb your toolsT It eo, make thIs toy. You wlll find It handy to carry In your pocket and fun to play with. AI you wlll'aee In the mustratlon, th,e round part of the tee-to-tUID" has 12 aides, eacb one

around tbe center and as even and equal 8S POBllble. Now turn the up,. per points out to form the fore leiS and the lower point I to form the hl~d. legs and YOllr fros Is com]lleted. .A. !l.n e thread attached to a frog's body at one end and a pole or cane at th. other will make It easy for yoli to let Mr. Frog. to ',umpln«-thout'-P1"ly.. TheLccompanylog illustration sbowa . IIOW' tl:e frog looka wben .completed. .

8mall Boy Felt Exceedingly 80rry for Little Roolter, but Llttor Took , Cara of Hlmlelf.

A Pleulng Toy. marked with a number. Througb the center Is & stick. shaped to suit your taste. only it must lie poInted at tbe bottom, so that It can spin. A good game Is to shoot marblea at tbe te&totum whUe the thing Is In motion. To torm a pool, each player puts In about five marbles. The object of the pme II to shoot a marble at the splnDln. tee-to-tum and try to atrlke It, over and cause It to stop. If tbls Is accomplished, the player gets as many marbles out of the pool as are Indlcat· ed on the side that faU. uppermoBt.

/II. Boy'l Eaeay on Breath. Prof. EmU Otto, the German' educa· tor. read at a dinner In MUwaukee an ellaay 'on "Breath .. tbllt a Milwaukee achool teacher bad .Ilven him as '. curiosity. This eS88Y, the work of a boy of nine. ran a. follows:. "Breath -Is made or alr. We 'breathe with our lunga, our Illbll, our livers, 'and our kldneYII It It W&BD't for breath .we would die when we Ilept. Our breath keeps the Ufe "roldg through the oose, wben we are asleep, BOYI tbat stay In a room all 4ay should not breathe. They sbOllld walt till ther get out of dool'1l. Boys In a room make carbonlclde. Carbonlclde Is tbe most POISOLlOUI of.llvlng thlnga. de~d or. allve."-TM American Bo~. /II. Centurion Deftned. .,' ·.Io.nDllly·..· · the - SuIlday ·.achool' .pupil.: "what Sa • ,


He was a very bill wblte rooster, and. as he he longed onlr to WlIlte. wby, of course, tbere never wal QuIte s uch a wonderful roolter In tbe world before. At least Willie thoulht so. One day Wlllle's papa lIrought' home a new rooster. and When WillIe laW him he really felt 101T)' for blm, because he was such a very I~t tle roost. er by tbe aide of old Tom that WIlUe felt quite Bure Tom ..ould not . let him stay In tbe barnYlU'd. But the new roos~r did not feel the . least b" afraid of Tom, even If 'be wal bIg, and walked rllbt ur to blm: lookl. very much as If ·he would Uke to IlabL And then wbat do you auppose old Tom did! Well, be just turned and ran fait as he could acrOBS the barnyard. wtth the new rooster close beblnd him. • YO)! may be sure WillIe's face look. ed very serioul for a mODI eDt hut It BuddeDly brSgbtened uP . ai ex. Illalmed: "We11, papa; old Tom can .run the faltest, anyw8Y," A~d so old Tom Is atlll a "2nclerful roOllter, Willie tbougbt; tiut" papa . Il!oughed very bard.-Youth'l· ' ~ml)all- .. Ion. . " t'1..






litij lIy~zzrr~GJ 11U@I1J'ITCUm~w~ ICO:P:~~~~:SI~~~~:=lNTS ~..rmJL\ , ~nllP IT ~ /\rr~Tl)l LAlJNID . l1ll1.llJ9lJm


. ~

N a tinnd.brown barren ' -bin top tbe little town at Durham, 111 e., Is Shl· lob, one at thll most rsmarks ble religious , col•. onleH In th e wOI·lel. At Its head Is Rev. Fran k W. Sandford, o!1e of , the ID Qllt re markllble religiOUS lende rs In the world. ' The cnlonl sts /Ire clIlIed ''Tbe Salnts, or tho Holy Ghost and Us." Tbe leader Is called EIIJnll [bo Sec· <Ind. To bls fOllowers be Is the dIrect reprelentstlve or Ood on oarth; to his detTactors he' Is a hypnotist; to -tile casually Interested, a fa natic; Always more or less In tbe world's ~ye througb the adventures and mlsadventuree or Its energetic leader and tlis disciples, wbo rove the seas and carry the "word of Ood to all coun<tries of he earth," the Holy Obosters 8eem to have come to the zenith of thetr ' not~rlety. The yacht Coronet, onli' at a Ileet at eeYeral craft belongIng to" the colony. arrived at Portland recently, battered and B~-(OUled, her topmasts gone. lIer' saUB torn to ribbons, and ber worm-eaten hull riddled with tbe bar: tnp" of the dread teredo worm of the trOplcl. lealdng 1,000 Buoke8 sn bour. OIl board were Sandford, hll family, and ft~ other memberl or the Holy .Gllo.t ,ect. most of them living akel· lito I. from the ravages at BCU", snd ..,..akened to tho point of e:r.hauBtlon 'from many days' work at the pumps. Soon after their arrival three men 'Were sent to the hospital b)' port at· aclals. Sandford btmaelt WIUI arrest· .ct on a clYlI ~tttt brought b)' a woman, "bo elalmed Ulat 'ahe had been Illegal. 11 detatned two ,eara .mevloual,. wbep. ..Ii. ' woted to leave the Holi Gbost barken'(tDe' KI.n (dom, and sfter tbe Holf Obo.t lea~er had &1,-.n no,OOO 1ial1 on, t,hla cbatle he '!Val 800n atter .......ted again by the Federal authol' ttiea, . cbarred With, being responsIble for the de'th ot one ot his flock wbo _d been !lurled at 8ea, and tor tbe inn... o( tl\e other8, both charges be· 1nJ b..ed on the fact tbat be bad kept utem' at Bealn' /l boat Improperly pro'VIIIloned wben be mlgDt have made JIO~

• ; ..


, ••

..,ork. .

810wl,. • · white Teluple, the

91n,1l ""iDg ' the purpoae ! of a dar,.... ~. ~ erectM. a f\:IUl"ltO{7 brick laotpltal "lUI al1ded, atld '"Veral cot-'UKu .pranl up. , . 8aDdford's original three cents, In'Ye'!ed In tbe "bank of God," aB tbe HOJ1'.<\bost,eray;ofll~ BAY, bote ~eny · Uterea~ J and no-wan outlay at ',1100.', ~ .' 01' more 18 . represented ,tn the bulldlnl8 on "the hJlI tDP," . The ' 'wu In which mo~el;' ~al 'flt tlm'"Bs poured Into the ~orrer. or t,he SbllohJtes haa astounded the curlOu. C)ut~cle world. :Bandfijtd's method ' f')lr~ fundI III to pray. He declares qat; God bas never yet faUed b.lm ~IUl money wheu It was needed. 1:.. ' l ' ,,' ~~8 ~ ot S.1l1i<lb" 8a~ tJaat.;·uod blmBlI\r oroerel1 tbe ereotlon ol 'l'.tnJile a'nd 'e elected afte; that he lurnJabell the money, 'Yltb wnlch ~,~o '.rubd',' that eacb sucOoBslve ~.tage , cir ~.YUctl<ln I1as been by' a mli-acle In order tbat I mlglit be -,IKnfn,tbat. Ood Will dlrec : tbat·ofs . wben It lIeemed, tllne atter money and matel1~ "e~e be ·bad. w.ben It appeared work had stopped for good, , were > •proxitptl,. ftinihlbecf




~othlnllT BeUer Cor Sanitary and PermanenL Farm Bulldlall8 Suc:h as Barns, Dairy Houses. Troughs. Wallts aad E ,v ea Dw'eUto!iJ Places- Floors Do Not. Harbor Germs. . ,



· • Iti 1ral fifteen years ago. In one of -the : Quaintest and quIetest Quaker <communities of Maine, ,tor the Inbabltafila of Durham,' outside or ShUoh, are ~~eIY Quakers, that ReT, Frank 'Sandford · and ' bta 'satnta of ~e ' • ."lr abOlt and Us" crunde ,. eiiabUlh8a the lleadQuartera at tbelr re~arkable creed and ltart.e4 the ereo"qt\:.~r tbell' Temple. : W~ tile l\nI~ Spldlllul,pf j!arUl WII8 · ~an~' atDcltord'. .ole capital . ~nd <l;QuJpment was tbree centl. a wheel~", p~D," ' a sbo\'eL . .JObn. Benry DoiBtaali wbose Dame Is now ,lmoJor' MJJlld Imongst Bhllohltea, r&~e " the ',1a1l\f of bls) bome farm- for the lite. \bUler farmers became cOnverted ; by he '1Olln, leader, tbe~ only 'eleyen o~t or college, TallY (Jate their Ume; Uaelr labor and their. land. and. iilDaUy. ttiemselves to "tbe mol'SGI.~t.:' liI'tlle Sbllobltea spea~ of'thelr



A rew years ago farm ers U 8f' U lI olh· Ing but lumLer ror thei r farm work. Tbough It rolt d Oll t In a rew y arR, It , W IUI good (' nou!: h fu r HmaH 8 1 rll . tu rcs co uld Il e bll ill Qui ckl y nud hea plr. The fa,rlll Pr could cut tlmi.e r fro m Il ls o\l'n lalld anu ha ve It B!\II'E' d aea r·by, so tha t hi s own trees were conve rted IU lo Il ls t ro ughs, daIry bOllses. wal ks an d eve n lut o IJi s ho use lnd b'arn . Hilt t orlllY for mers are t ryIng to make improveme nt s tllU t ' will last. They are belt e r oft flnull clatty and th ei r crops a ro seil ing f o[" priceK that we re IInllell rtl ot len years RgO. In fllc t. th e fanue r E DS n ('l aslI nre th o most pros pero us In til e r ount ry. Thi s bas resulted lu th eI r wan ling more sanHary bulldlrl J~ K , thut will need no re newals. ,and t hat " '1\1 malle th!'ir farmB look prosperou s und neat. The farm er at today doetl not plan to r ebuild even ID fit ly yenrs. H e Is buildIng out of concrete and lettlug his reo malnlng Umber stand. Already the damage due to cutting timber from

II.' a Fr•• Pacltag. At Your Druggist'. Wonderful New Treatment for Kf4,o neys, Bladder, Rheumatiam,Back- ' ache-Thousands of Fre. Samples Beine Given Awayl To Drove thAt tbol'e Is. .t1ari, one ,...u,

depelldab le I'omedy tOl' .U such dllOrd..18, Ule m.uers of Dr. DerbY's Kidney PUla haft lI en tLng II, · hlliltl ing In Winter, Ita autborlEcd drunlsWl e",oT7whel'o to dlablbuL<! free trlall)w.a.ea to.11 apl)l1oanta. ('on<"felP nCNrs ulld \\' a ll ~ CCl ntIOt hnrDo ,.ou aulfer from dlabeL<!1I, dl'OPIF. bnr g~rllls . If IH'ct'RSllry , th e ('nti re Brllht·s Dl eollse, PAin In bll>dder. rheUJllaoo ..a n h e flu s lle!1 (J ut wJlh WII' \tam In an,. form? Doea your bt.Ok a.oh...141 k,' pt elea ll c nd Nn n It:lr y

Making Sidewalka at Odd Tlmea.

..ohe. hoad aahe-wbole body o.cho? Pal.,. or ~wttoblulr In Irrolne or limbs? MUIIOI•• !!Ore. ender.lpllamed? Dlmouity In retainInlr urlne? Hoaldlnlr. burllill. alllleatioll' 80dlmell tin urille. 01' uunatur.1 oolor? Ne.. "uus? Depreaeed? Heed \be danlrer Blnalll Dull"walb untU I~'a too latol Go to the neaPe8t drul-Btol'B at olloe. I.' Dr. Dorb,.·e Kldne,. Pillll-J'OU'U 'hanll YOU .tu-a for ha.lnl don~ 10. It'8 'ba one 1I1U'e, ,afa. 1101 fill tI II a MImed,.. No bad .fter etrllOa Bold In 2$0 .nd GOo l)aok. . 08. 11 ,.ou w.nt '"' them flrat. r.ek tor the free _ p i .. 'l'UII'lrlat oan" SUDlIly ,.on. Mild dlreo' til Derby Medlcln. Co.. Eat.ola RaIl1dl. IIIola

enough for · the most strict state In. spection . On th e same farm there are many small sidewalks. They nre narrow and require Itttle mnterlal and very little work, The picture shows tbe forms that are Deeded and all the lools required for the making ot such work . When sprlng·tlme with Its heavy rains LOOKINQ AFTER THE Dt'rAIL& comes, these walks pay for themselves many times over. Thore Is no reason why tbe farm Bbould not be equipped with as good sldewalkB as Is the average city haase, when a little outlay for cement and odd times may be ullllzed for maKIng permanent walks like this. Mnny different kinds of tanks can be used aD the farm. I


Solid Conorete Mlfk HOUle. Though fana Ical, an extremist In religious matterlJ. lIrmly holdm~ to the jellet that ",e must return to tbe w&JI1J of apolJtollc Umee. and 'Intolerant of f!"ery creed, the evangellet exercises M 1\'oncSerful power over bls proselytes. He Insplrell the whole movement. Hla dJsclples who gO ahroad ,hrougb the ' coull try preacb as be directs' them to llreacb. Of a mag· netic preaence, and ready and ImpetU.O UI In·. dlseou.rse l ~ he sways bls audiences In remarkable ~nsblon, and b\.8 detractors ha'-e ac used him ot"bypno\lam. ' . . I' In' 1887 Sandfbrd vaduated from Batee college 'in 'LeWiston. He was a fto.e schola-r but, not ·a grind, for he walJ an athlete as well. Had Sandford stuck t~ profes~lonal baseball he might hare been the Idol at thousands, ,or big league fana. He put the aame Intense energt, the same concentration Into , hil buebatl playing that be doe. ,i nto hta ·teUg1on. and he ....a. one of, H not the greatest college catchers MalDe liver !laW. For one year after leavln,r be played seml,profllBIIlOnal ball with equal succell. "God called" this stalwart, . blonde. blue.led, detel1llt,lled young man and he entered til. m\n1atry. He started a* lhe putor at, a Free WJ11 Baptlat church In a flourishing New Hamp: ahlre town. He was coneldered a verT brilliant youqg , cleJ'CYlXlan. He ........ not saUalled, however, with, the Umlted field In whlcb he worked. lie talked lhe matter over with bls wHe, and both decld..,d tbat he was not preaching Btble, neltber were they living ,Bible. '80 lle preached biB farewell sermon and . explained tb hta aBtonl.hed , parishioner. taat be pro,posed to give away all his property and go forth IDtO tbe. world. He saId ·t.llat he. never again would accept a cent qt,' money for preachlDg, nor allow a contribution bOI: to be passed hts pre8ence. ,TbIB ' surrender Of a comfortable bouBe anet .a gQOd salary was loOked upon by lile frlendB of tile young oo\lple 'as a 'lad example 'of Quixotic faith . .Practlcal people endeavored to dl_uade them. But ·tlley broke up bome, sav.e il'1I their property to tbe poor, and came ' down Into MaIne 11,nnlleB', 'lwlthout. Ialowlng wbere to , I~ ~,theJr .b,e ad .... , " . . After three years and 11 I'Ialt spent In 'makins conyer~ . to .the .movement. the motto .of which ,Is 81m'ply "the ;rrU~.'.aDd 11>' ,ft,v angeUsation, work on. t!'e Te~,l~ .p. ~hllo~ w!is , beJUn. 1;ben ,HUi m re JIlODeY. coinlng In, the '!be,Dk of Ood" apparently , to '. the first ves-

DlcaUty at clearing at every port, III t1Ir fa~m lands, al well as from our ~oreBted areM, has caused unlold Is required ot wercb'a nt velsels. All o\'er tbe world these ve88elll damage and now thnt there is a mB' have sailed carrying Sandford and his terlal so read II)' used and so widely dlsolple9 with the "word of trutb" to understood as cDncrete, there Is little many lands. Man], tlmei temporary eltcuse tor the destruction ot our r eo colonists were left In foreIgn coun, malnlng t1ml>er. There Is no branch of farm con · tries to scatter the seeds Of the movement. They wont to Liverpool, wbere a brancb was ,establlsbed and where one entbuslastlc friend donated a. magnificent residence as beadqual' ters of tbe sect. They earned tbelr religion rlgbt to the ' Holy' Land Itself, and PalestIne and Assyria were In· vaded. . When the Coronet was obUged to turn hnck In th" Nortb AUantlc on ber ( last llI:st&rred voyage she w.. bound for Greenlsnd, where It was InteDded tba~ the Holy Ghosters should pass the winter spreading the "truth." Tbe cn.toms and tile model of lit. at Shllob are unique. In the big tower, whlch stands sharp agalnlt the skyand-ean--be Been 'ro:l'-tnan"-IE~lJt~...jconstant prayer Is offered to God. Plain Concrete Surface. Marked Off Regularly, like sentries ' or the faltb, Into Blocks. one after another takes his or her turn tn Ilrayer. Never since tbe tow- .trucUop. where concrete Is not of or wal built has thIs ever been v... yalue. . Tbe accompanying pictures show cated. The ShUobltes live mucb after the wbat farmers a:re doing allover the community system. Tbere la a com· country. The waU8 of the milk bouse mlssary 'departmeDt. So many loave. are of solid cDncrete and tbe root Is at bread. 80 mucb Dour, so mucb of s. relnrorced concrete IIlab. The walls thl~ and that Is given out aB the Lord have been marked olr In tbe shape ot dlrectll, some days In plenty, othera frugally. They raise scarce enougb for their sUlltenance; the land I. poor: They pray rather than work. You will Bee them walking about bour arter bour rending the Bible with beadl bowed. Tbey don't fear sta"atlon. "Tbe Lord will provlde~ tbey tell ypu. The cblldreD have schoolIng In tbe ordinary brancbe8,_ but tbe tbelr chlet text boolt. There. Is ODe wblte building specially dedIcated to the young folk called tbe "Hosanna." Tbe Holy Ohosters do not believe In mOUrnlDg. Wben a person dIes ~e bDdy Ie placed In a primitively rude eBlket. The ceremony at t,he graTe II almost. none. Tears are rarely Ilbed . Tbe body Is but a worthless busk, they say. Whon God takes the spirit ~b1 ah<iuld we mourn. Tbe population at ShilOh numbered Concrete Trough and Heater. f 200 ' soon arter the ftrst temple wal I hullt, nDd has held .flear that t1gure blocka, lJut they are merely surface ever since. They tePlJeBent almost all Ihies. Tbe building Is the mOBt sunlstates In .the UnIon, and sever~1 foro, tary that It Is poSsible to build for elgn cDuntrles, Mfny of tbem were auch a purpDse. IlIslde are tanks for well to do. wbeD tbey joined tbe col- tbe cooling wal:er nnd a stove. for ony. but their gooda, cbattels and all worldly wealth 18 ~urned In ror ~I\e """' CDmmon good. They seem to give IIway their farms and tbelr bank· books willIngly; too.. In the slabg Of. the day, .. It·s LIke taking candy tram B baby." ... .


~Uttr. Not TabD Iota Qoaat4eraUo,n by Farmer CD· . ._ _ They ~Dve at J..arn ." , "a~ta4e. ·;

:( ,

OW F ,


There are ilIsecta' Whale methods of 1._._,.',_ are' so' obscure and' covert that Dot .us~lallT ' dlscoveredl a't .a ll or,dlll,afV' larmer, .11',110 almIlly .tb:e E1P4 , ,of the' teal; .tbat not :dbne well and}!l.e . Illtl ~~ro.fltb.b\e one f~r •






PROFIT MADE IN SUNFLOWERS Seed Ie Vsed MalDly Cor Pout"'" Feed-Plant May be Gro'Wa OD Any Corn Land.

Suntlower seed Is used mainly tor birds and poultry as feed, It Is a naUve of Kansas and the far western country. . Sunflowers can be grown In any good coro Isud, but It takes tte nitrogen out of the soil in great quantities and therefore the crop Bbould not be repeated on the same soil. Plant with a drlll or corn -planter as you would corn In rows about 3% feet apart. The seeds abould be three or tour Inches apart In drills and thinned lster 011 to about 18 Inches. It requires from s ix to 12 pound a ot seed per acre and It should be. planted a little shallower tban corn. Tbe cultivation must be very shallow 80 as not to dlaturb the roots. Artal the plants are In bloom pinch orr all but three or tour bead8. HarvBl!t before the seeds are tully ripe as they hegln to sbatter early and It III slso dlmcult to protect them from the bIrds wbloh ·fall upon them In great flOCkS.

It Is


nat easy to harvest the sun·

!lower as they sbatter so ea8\1y. Sometimes tbey are tJlresbed by runnIng them through an ordinary lIeparator wbUe some farmers construct a wooden wheel banging .. on supports like a grind·stone. On the sIdes of the wbeel nails are driven quite thickly I\nd as tbe wheel turnB round the heads of the 6untlowers are held sgalnst them 'and the seeds are thus removed . The Beeils must be thorougbly dry .1:efore being stored. Tbey can he saved In sacks or small bins alld must be kept perfectly dry or tbey will quickly spall. An acre of gooil land will produce ahout 1,000 to 1,200 pounrls of Beed. It grDund' lind mixed wllh other grains It adds to the palatability and flavor of other s tock foodll. The large seeded var,lety Is best tor poultry and stock 'while the small seeded varieties are used m,qr, t or the oiL Thle all is sometimes. U8e~ tor the table and also for candle maklDg. Manutncturers of poultry and slack feeds are the buyers. whereas It was tbe corn root worm that ruined his crop, a pest that he might eaBlly have avoided. HIs timothy lI)eado.w bas died out. nnd he does not know· Wby It Bhould have done ao. ' W.ben had he looked carefully about 'tbe roote he would have found the short wmged form or the chlncb bug 'present ther'e In myrIads. 8uc~ 108se8 as these are not can· sidered at all and dq not enter Into conl3ideratlon, 'elther by the farmer or ststhiUchin, unless they are ot such magnitude &II to devastate large areas oz:coUhtri. • " Jter~ we ' have a financial 10SB. fall· Infl; upon a. smgletnduBtrY' nearly tb~ee , times al great as tbat caused by fire; and to ·alk ·1f Buch a factor shoUld be' re'ckQD'e d upon and care,C onsidered by tliose engaged iii . iuduBli')' \ app~aril - almolt rldlcu· J



t~ '



, '



Blngs-Wlngs would not propose to hlB girl until, he got out In a boat. D1Dg8-W


Blngs-He itutters and dldn·t wut _r to haTe a cbance W get ·away. , It Sounded Well. Horace Taylor. the Artlat, who.. newllpaper lI1U8tra~on," ulf!d -t,o . ~ admIred here, came frDm NOkoml~ Ill.• In the Egypt cUatrlct. III "H04', ear1:r daYII they organlled bl!-l1d ,lit. . wblch he blew an. IDcOD.BeQUellttaJ horn. -I "We bad a hard time nammg band," .ald Taytor. "However, aa we were a thouaand miles from the OC88Jl wd lleven a considerable dlstluac. tram 'the ' great' lakes, we called It the Marine: Band ot Nokoml,,:'-(JhJ' ca~o Evening Post.



Mean InaJnllatlbn. Pat-That McGInty I. ·a fine fellow. Mlck-Is be? Pat-He Is. Indeed .. Oreat frIend oe mine. Did ye notice how .boartll1 Jae tbook handa wid me? ' Mlck-I did. He ,Pllt-Great frlsnd of mine. WRsn't satisfied wtd sbaklng wan hanllMlck-No? Pat-He grabbed both ~,. llaMsline fellow-grabbed both my handlS •. 'flnck-Yes; I suppose he tbojJgbt hIs watch and Clbaln would be lIater that way. . , , WORKS WITHOUT FA~TH . FaIth Came A~.,r the WQrk, Had LaId the Four18ation.


A Bay state belle 'talks ' ab,out coffee: "Wblle a coffee drinker I Willi .. aUf· re,er trom IndlgestioD and tqtllllsely painful nervous headaches, f~orq ch~. hood. . "i' "Seven years ago my beaU" - gave Dut entirely. I grew eo weak lthat tbe exertion of walking, It only a tew feet. made It necessary tor me to lie down. My frlendll thought I waa mnrked for consumptloll-weak. thin and pale. , "I realized tbe danger I WaB In and' tried falthrully to get reller from medICines, till, at last. after having em· ployed all klndl 0: drugs, tbe doctor acknowledged that he did not believe it WlUI In his power to cure me. "While In this condition a friend Induced me to. Quit coffee and try POBt· um, and I did 80 wltbout the leaBt bope tbat It would do me any good. I did not like It at lirst. but when It waa properly made I found It was a mo.t delicious and refresblng beverage. I am especially tDnd ot It se"ed din· ner Ice~old, wltb cream. • "In a month's time I beean to Improve. and In a ' few weekI m1 Ind..,.. Uon ceased to trouble aDd my headaclie stopped entlrl!Jy, I pe'rfectl:-- well now t1~"(~ dO . alid, 1 like the am gaJned In' hean_r than . '1'hi. Is , , ,1 s~nl Name




't-:::-.. . . ,. ..""" . . ". ,..... "." ..;"" . ..:_', . , .'' ' . ' ...._-. ,

Chr istm as Candies Ora nge s Nuts Frui ts Oys ters Cra nbe rrie s Gelery


[::.:::.:~~~~~~~~.:.~~~~~~. . ..J.J -


w . C. Philli~ iB ill Lebanon today. E . C. Amy was in Dayton Saturday. Barnhart'Baboe lltore will be cl()~ all day Christmas.



We wil h all our·Patr onl.

.... _

Mrs. Angie Miller Is very seriously ill.

and .Friends A Mer ry Cb.r iltm as and a

Mrs. Warren Barnet t was quite

aick lut week.

Great big Chanquinola , finest shipped into Ohio at Hawk. '.

Dr. M. W. Lang of Ridgeville. ~rocery. wu in town today. Mila Emma Heicbw ay epent Mon• Milia Clara H,wke ie the &'\le6t of day in Cincinnati. relative s in Da,yton. Walter Elzey is sufferi n« a Sweet Petatoe1. Fancy Apples. FineSt boxed candies in town. the attack of pleurisy. Ilatee, Figs. price Is right at ~ G. ·W. Hawk .'. Ev&y thing that is good to eat and our prices are the lowest. Barnhart'B shoe stors will be eloeed A. Maffit iB attendi ng a vehIcle all day Chrisbn as. . sale in Dayton today. Fresh Fish Friday this JOHN BEGG. J. W. White was in Cinaianati I1Btitpte Lectu. er, Columbus Grove, Merry Cbriat mu To AU J. A. Funkey wu a bulineB8 viei- Monday on busineeB I Putnam Counly . Ohio. . " tor In Dayton lut week. Age 66 . Born In Ohio. Married. J H Wife and six cblld ren. Farm 160 fSpri bo t OB eaton. 0 ng reo wu a We have New Novelt ies in handthe Poultry Show saturd acres. Educated In publi c schools . BOrne but inexpe nsiv.Je welry. ay. J. E. Llve steck and grain pri ncipal prod· OfCoa ne ucts. Speciali zed with cattle and Janney . THE BIC STO RE The nieeet. mo,t apPl'Qpriate and hogs. Progreaslve In commu nity 1m· useful gitts in China at J. E. Jan· ~~~~~~~~~~~~= provem ents. BelleveB In ci viC &d· Henry' Kunke r. of Morrow nnce menl. Was lecturer Ohio State attenda nce at the Poultry . WUI in ney'l. ShoYi. Grange 1902·6. Appoint ed t.rustee M- W H Gl f Leban Btate Normal Bchool May, 1911; 18 ,0 d the Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hawke, ailld attende . . •Po. ultry 088er. 0 Show ·Frida,y.on, ~~~==~~~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . aConti nued Paae 1), board. SucceB8ful . Advoca te8 be&11- daught day. er, Helen; _ _ _ _ _ _ _from , , at'8 iD Dayton to· . December 29th and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tlfylng home and farm. WAYNESViLLB QlURCHIiI. . era' Institu te. ~eQ... Institute subjects: "The Prohlem , You cannot "uy a f~liah PreM~t • 8. C. W. ORPINGTON8 • of Soil Fertmty ;" "Live Stock VI. at Bamhart~8. everyth Metbod llt EpllCO pII Cbun:& ing ot!ered! is 8uy the Boy a pair of Button . Grain ' Farming ;" "New Farm Specl&l· uaeful. . Be'f.o. I. o~....... 1 ekl-H . A.. Millard. ./ shoes at Barnha rt's. All lites in M8I8l'I. RaymODd Da'fia. RUllell 811114a,8c1lOO"a, 0 ties," "Landlord and Tenant" 111 a, • • · ...CIII'!ltaa Hr 2 3 ekl-L. M. Hende non. an. Leon SallUu l7 were (night) ; "Ohio S40te Boord of AcrI- - Mrs. A. Maffit attteIMted a Pythlan Btock at nee, 10:80 a . ·1D. CTelltar Ml'Ytee. IT :10' 1\, • 1 2 I pt,ll-C . W. Hendel'llOll. dinner Sunday ~f Mr. Barry Stok. III. 1114__ Pr!,8r culture an Jilxperlment Sta~on." .,.ID, Sister aupper at Harv.yabul'lr TuesSee the progra m for the Farme r'. and family. st. A Mr. Begg will be at the Fartner s' ciay evening. ...... 8. o~ B~CK OIlPINGTONS .. •• CatholI c ~ . Il!stitute in anothe r eolumn. Institu te ·here next week.- Ed. : ...... 1.oo1a1a Y_' I . .le, 1 2 3 h, ~ tkl. 1 2 S pul, 1 pen SU~ 'bel ' Walter MeCI ' . ~ nery - - - alUldlo, of &be _\II a • _ • C. M. RobitH r haa a dandy new MiMeS Donna and Emma Hawke, ay ng old--li n. ~ $. B&ilr. . U~ .I 8100 •• 1¥T1T UTE SEASON BEOINS light delivery wagon, a flltC8ilJlile ~f Stella Lemmon and Alma Waterh ouae b~J'thda y bis . . .t1' I~rpriae'd st. his ""'~ large EpIIc:G one. fII ~. , ~ 8. SPANo l-liD R.UlBU ROS were Dayton visitors Saturo.,y. h!D' by invitiq in a few fneoda to The wOTld IBnOt fi&' tbe m o o n . ..... J. P. Clldw&Ua4er. . . . . . dmnerThoee who enjoyed the ~ BIlUW -.001. 8 :10 LIII lIotaIJI • •r l cJd, 11 S pul, 1 Pen young -E. isn't oheNe, and Satan Is not Before II"'"D'" your Christmas It is the quality of the gift were Mr and Mrs. F. C. Carer. Mr. nee, IV:" L III. RoI, OoaIIlla loa • adorDed willi a taU. Agrlou lture 11 e&f.dlea don't...,.f~rpt 0, Evan&. __ JII U alII ant ,...... 1t_ M d M ' .. 8uIIcla, of ' .n ell. ~oataa, to come in allld countl and the quality is of the IUIQ ml'll .......... ~",e, .' r. an l'II. a. havlllg ahe paJns ' ofane w birtb see what Hawkes have. '/0 • if you buy it at Bamha rt's. CORNISH I. OAlll"B V.Rc;bUt. Miale aGlert naHob lita • J ~ . CInadl . Old ways and old qotiOD. were gooo J C E B..... tto d Harvq P uJ . f . , 'e,'1 2 ~ b, 1 pen old'-L. Nicholson ID.0b elr day.' Tb I a Dew 1 . m ~ice CaIw7. M..... Tbo son. ' and a • ........ 0 ere. a;.:. Mr. W and 1:..~ Mr.. ~ t me, Ki . .14'))... n an .:t .. BeRtam in Haw Clarence RJ'e and t Sal rd h . J_ mal. UJ .. . · a new mIlP." new ~\1m&D, a Dew , urr COCIIIH ~AIl8 ' np spen t:"c .. . ., u a, ere. ef near SaIlina.· were ' the peats of EXTEN SION ·SC-Hoo · LS HBLO I ~ ':. ~:ii' h IDe, and a new way to ble•• the vieitjng friendB. ;~ •. ... ...... .. mac relative 1 cJd~ 1.1 , pul. 1 pen youn~Ar­ . . . s here the , first of the .week. F~ t,.en"e th century . Farme ra wh~ thur, RlJoU Mes4lames Jason Sheeha J. C. . .. Mrs. Matt Anderllon.ofWilming_ qrieu1 turai ~t.euloa "1a.\1)Qlltetta~. 0'00 .... I'lft\Da malt8 .• Uemp' '0 atteDd lome Hawke and Ed Thomaa weren.D-vton kt d Do f to Obi . t Fri.l_I I haYe been held 80 far this .DIIooI, 11110 a. III. I'0Il'" Da.J ........ , . -OJ n, o. spen. _ among 0 Id . , D 0 aD air ouUoral. meet II, visitors Thursday. 10:00.. .. friends bere. U\d attende d the Poul- winter by theCo lJep of Acriea " , have el~.r ripened and lODe ~ leed, ltllre, . try Show. Ohio State Vniye! "ly. The • or lP'aduated 10 tbelr buaiDe u.. Another new .ahipment ' Or~ ,Prtead I at..... of N~attendaDee bu beeil 2,000 . . . all. lCltber diHiue excitea the DeI,hb ora' weal'ar~v~atBamh¥t'8 W~D. 'J I& .... 'II...,....... Youcouldnotmaltea~a wOIDlIl. The I..... 'lCbool w. ~~.!:.~Il'II{!:: aDd 04_ remar t.. SoieD08. aDd clay.;.~ pnca are ria'ht. .~. u!l8ful presen t tUn to alve him ODe at where. the enrolJm,rat. 7110 p brain, uperle D.oe "Dd ezperJmeo" . .~ . . of thoee '1 abir&* at'Barohart'~ , _ 3ZT. of wbicb 171 'wel'!l • • arid ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! edat'&tloD aD4 ' OODYeraa&lon wUl Mrs. Edith Harris hu. r,st1qp, I!!_ d. . "oDa_~ TheN are 'help w man U1e .Urt more n~doot ~olDe after a ,two,.weeka .vialt = P.ith . Dr. Eli ,Ir Crew. of Miami lbu.... ... ""'". be b-I.I .' he a1l4 more profitable. 'file loaU re1aUtes : yet to·. ~. PI. Morrow vot· . ' .., , ' . the &'\lest of relatives here Jatt• •week. --'-" _IIBDIIN 0-": .. - • (, 'Ole la '*be rOrUm of ~fI Our new line of HoJidq GoodI full 'l'IIe doCtor Ilia _8 tie V.n..... "urn.... ... .

Hap py New Year




The ·Poultry ShOW .~:: o~e~~~~u~~ I:~':s~t;orc:~h~~


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Poultry Show. nftIUy 40r ..........won y .. ....~r. One "Common SetuIe" Duat-pan tJaat ~ of q~ are \hlDklDg aDd 40101. aDd make Decem ber 16. J .• E. Janney . . Free this month with every purcha se .",. tIM moat leu ID tWaaIr t • lood wagee a' 'be 'hD". U'. ewt, It !II . sn~Cup, ~ue .12.~~belt .pOOr SilO t.,eeea .,oor farmer . • lN11 to roP. It a polDt to 1If?'" aIJoiIr Mr. and,Mrs. George Harqoc k left of One DoUal lormor ~,~:.:;?~~,;;t~.~:;,; 1 41~"" diapl., hemg d.ter- 'rylng to make.for',. eatJ. H. Cole· wa_orUQ1dclloqtorelD~ODtba oeDta b, .ta,- Tueeday for Darke County. where man'a store. IIIIDed Ity poiDt8:-Ml'II. E. S. BalW. Ing away from a farmer ioatUu .."..,. .. tbIa ..~, of ta..... ro. '. le. they will apend th~ Chriltm ai holi. 1. polnta. . . . ~ .. ltaW. to reacb th. lllIe . All a rul.e the ~t f.rm.r . oome claya. Mr. Geo Waterh ouse arrived Tues· I ~ D,A.,....Uu Hrfact. aD4.....tII. .'HIlver ~p, Yalu. f7-Qn bett cock _rly. warm a troD" . .~ aDd 1&_ .a.t day evening from Delaware. w~ -~ Simpldna. .' t,"!:. u";"IC -:-:j. queatio o.. Oblo.a grloolt ure It oot Qon't fail to come and make lt.:~ th;. he is ..~endlnc Ohio Wad., ... t:J~- I. .pallla . ~.,a.. ~ . -.ui ' Sflverc up,valu e$1--o abeltC Ck'k- oUbeo radle,a Dd>_tlDla Uhe fir'" Institu te o"e of the _ t venity ,tospen dthebo Udaya . . - . e1-:-Amoe Allen. ~ It . . . . IJIlJalo wlqlt bJ ~ table. Th. farmer 111 "e"lo. I olOier ever•.Frida, and Satun .,,, Sil _1 _ _ n.. ~ h " Decem.,er cup, l YlMue oil It a -n .. or jar. wbleb .... III .,-Vll _ " en to .buaIJulI III mMllod GiVe ... __ him a. lome ODe O&D her 29th and BOth. ",,,_ an orelel'" for a lAiit of ItqIIOIDa , cool .~1Iataaoe lIIat t ~ _ ... ___ -''--'0 __ ..... .... clothes made to bIa . · W _~_ -~ AIftIIl, • ' , _ ••"'" _ . v . . . . . . _---.make'. 01018 iiaeu' OD .... at pro ' . Silver ~p, ~ue f7:...on beat pul- dacia ,. bubel of Into or . {II6a ad Jeuto" U. ' ~1I1. top. 'I!bIa You 41Q not have to, decide abo~lt .~~art . will l'Uarantee a let-li n. A. B•. Sid8l!,'" aJaoaI4 be .,....a.a .......t, u'Y&I'IIb" , auimal. J'arme ra ' a~ DOW dotDr the atyleofUae artie}es at Bambart\1I It. .. nrtaoea ~""" opaque ' ail til.. ClOP. valu. $5-On belt pen ibiD, ... poi'poee. . e0811 work and for everytitiDg. offered II up to tJJ.' A fall suppl,. of white and" eolored =~".:::_::.= of C. B. Minore u. Blue GrUB oh..ooe t •.are d!'Oreaalag. Seed t. minute . tiSsue ,.per for Wrapping Chriat. S~-L, c. st. John. ' • ted Go ' 04"' ' .- - - , I .I ..,110 in __1.. . , 1..-0. " . . f ·___I • .&eII· < pack. ' ua:& Dap ~nlUres bet Mrs. B. : M'. Allen. ' Gardan of ··Ed"' · of Detroi t. IIl88 ... . ..-u on u.." pen 0 ~ &er reenJh . . . at ~e Gazett e office. Mich • . sPent ..vera! clap ;With MlIB "'DI4 ,.. bow Wa w.. .,.. and "hens -Dr. Ell Crew. Telohe r•. aol?- preach ers, gardeD Leti&. ~cKa, andt, other reJlltive -..=.~_ . o 'Only three ' more dQam which to ~~~o !!:~~ ~I of acbre l aDd and deep~lo,"DI, dral.aR eaod here IaIt ='1t r' ..... an4M aa. (I!p ' . . . . . . week. . ..' do your shopp iq. Look over the "Let·.... '-ow old .... ~ WI,.. .. . J' ... ~1'_ 08 . en .:::.....~ aeed "re aU wllllDI ~ bead the <. .' .0 In the Gazette, aDd ,~U will prooeaaloD and keep step to the A~ 1Maffit -.ow cIOa't auwer ... '~ed to 'D.,top -lat .·£De ~t= :~=~~=:::::~~:~ find lOinethini' that will make . Yov .. all ...,8111" Corn Depa rtme nt ' '. , ..... _ farmer ·small o. orr. IIatehal wrateJal" .s.4 ..... Friday on atcoun t .of ·~. deatb. lOme ODe -bappy. The . etarea· "'ria oa1T a.,.. ·u4 fOG ~ ~ . Tbl. ;rear a aDmbe r of lady apeak. of lin. LOll SrDltll an .... aDd Cbri,Jtmu IeRIOn are fun (of nice . SWUPSTAKES "ht.1tIa&t Sa Jut Ub , . _.,;...~ ert will leotore at At.,ec ted citizen of 'New BU; ~ . p~ta : snvet' Cup-En gl'lWe d. value ,10 many Dlaoee there wtll be a frol$ and , . tI7 .. ,...... tat. u..' I • • 4naaIa c. . .4 tJaat roar ' ~ . -On 10 beat ears of com, any varie- orchll1'd eXpert with a HDe exhibit. " 'I II Meet GaMraut .N...... . tJ.-Oa rI B. Frye. 1N'WIq -oI4l " lut ~""'~~,I::!!~~~~~~~~!!l!;~~~ ~ ell. IDIUtU&e pre.l D888 aDd um..,,, ,aaCJe ~.oom..Ia """!la d baQ murtec l bat ,,1IboIt : : " . : . sn.,.. Cup-E ngrave d. value f1~a:: ~"t= promlt ed &0 begin meet ll&e, or DO& to ~o 00 time. . 8.,.; UEDe, and their 'happtu U ... SdilUo. \ . . . . "".~ &lie ..... .Qnl0 Nat ears of com exhibited by a~d run It Itriotly all orop f.rmI q t. worah tlitDcl~tlM Her allp~l~ ~ ·u "w~ • ·pupil ofth~ Pub1ic achoo" of Ohio, a matter . The tostito te You 18' IDtoa r~t.. w~S eat wbl• .wu· an,y variety .-Carl B. Ftfe. ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!\!!!!!!!!l~!!!!!!i!!!!.!!.J!!!~!!!!i~~~ 0 »&alfoo d money. It il w .. teful. oDly of 'bl~ aDd orolll ~11 Aad all.~ .~ ,1.10 .. " ',1 Diplom a-The ConimiMBlon of ., Irandr ather ralM4. . Wh 1 DOS "Toclaj . bill w.. WIf. al1l~~ . P,ubJlc 'SebooI8 will preeen t a lUit;a~ u tII..,. eat toptIle r ~ tbaIr ..... &od eaJOar& ge *be ts.'fl tq ~ "I aaw'tIa .loft)la atlUe eaJ'o ble reward ·to the boy winnin~ the i .peake r. to drlll new leleulD~O oo'r ' taSu." Aa4 ah. alrb,cl. · ....tI ~ a!tove eup.-c arl B. Frye. IDlmU '''' wlll give aUentioll ~ wlabacl to eo'l e4a't -Larae Yellow Dent, lBt prize $2\' wort. MOBlo and eDtertalaDl8Da ~." .tarJ' B. Fry.. . fIj tile JI~ Abel of Wa! will Dot be overdone. State .....t. ~~ "'-yot h.r van'ety than yellow o · "]0".• aummed up her All will not try to be popula r at She Baden, In'd utatenc e ..:........ . wbite, 1st. prize $2-Ra lph Smith. aft~ haYIng I ..... Il' .... q .,.~ ~ , "". IIODcbt In vala for health. . ot thorou gh wotk, ~ I Aa)'thl q I wiboti ~t ad.. ,to lOV Silver eup-EnIJ'&~ed, value $7- abe wrltea: ''1 ~ a oomple t.e 1\'f8Ck ia 0014 blooded bQ8ID~ •. DaI;I.,ac l"rijJp . . 10 ..._ ....... On ten beilt e&I'I of com- Edpr -slwa" , tired. worD out and n~ S"'" ~peaters will m.k. ,oud If, .,...; ~ Sh:n pkiu. . I'bad tD lpend about one-third of mf sJve~ .t&ea"oD &ndaU UI. I meaUo ...... · 1 ~~~=~= ~=. II;:~~~Ji :~~~1.'.~i""{,&,."~1po In bed. ;, I Tr I. U· lArge Yellow Dent, 1st· prize 12- ttme 'h ·... s_... lowartUs C I " ''VInol, your d81lclou l cod liver aDd 1 ~ . rie ~ ~ " C.eiUR.I.I .E~ maD =-;il!:;~I~~:r .' QJu. ElliB; 2nd prize $I-H. C. Bur. Iron tonic, wu .recommended, ~ ·and .l ~~Dg J olts,So come. It. " . ~o ~ lIC111t'ar.. nett. can truly say It baa done me. more ID\'..~meD'. Go 10~lf ~d ~~lo ~~~~~:~I~D.i' . Small Yellow Dent, 1st prize $2- co:oo than all the medicine 1 ever . . to~. apekl,r a ' ID " Bel ID -my life . . That n~"oul L oJ-' . and · anel make farlD.lDr Ole we ts. feeling II all Ione..·1 bave ' plae4 ,ID . .. \. . WJU~ Com, 1st prize $2-Kd gar .health._ fte.h an4. streDgth, 'lUltll Ueel ooonpatloD on ~~ T,,!.. t . , , ...·8ImpkfnJ; 2ad P~$l-E!iwiaRicka like another )I81'8OD.... ~e · ~te < " SpeeW -l Sel :Q:orae SbOee -On 10 this teilt1mOD~ to be pnuID,e.)' e . -.. ........ of .yell"", Com-. Charle i . What VIno~ 414 for, ~ A~ we 'onll"'I,.,.'a1b;,";,:;·__ 1Iali'ftJ'·et El11a. . . .. . .thlD q4 "1.1~ratillCl 'IIclDH7; . btltJiid&7 "._mIII7.!~ ..-., .. bow It wID. "






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LIFE lor 1l1l11I LIVIIS





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WHOLE N UMBElt l1 l :J V

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barbecue will enjoyed .by the en· . _ _ ............ _ ..................... ti~ population of .the village and all tJle surrounding community. The Decem"hh 29th and 80th- Farmaffair Is being planned by the mer- ers' Institute. chant! of the villaa'e, all of whom have joined together to make this Messrs. Walter, Charles and Cliff affair the biRest and jolliest event Burnett were Dayton VISItOrs last Sprin~ Valley has ever experienced. week . •Miller; recitation. The ball was started to ~olliDg by the Jos. Ebright, of Dayton, was the :'~lI&I1_:t:, ~1..... tlOD · Loui8e Spring Valley· Mercanqle. Company, ChristmaS guest of Mr. and Mrs F. .••r-·" ··' &~_...J_t.' "ft"'~~ which planned a cele.bratlon .on the H. Farr. ~.-...HendeteO ,~ -~ ...' U';...aIo~ -~-, 0 t th e opemng 0 f Its new Donalcf I _ " ' - ' _ p~m: In o~er to make the cel~ Miss Sarah Burnett has been quite 'IDln - ·I..i..ll . ~enerallD character, all the ill at Ridgeville where she is ~achRu ''''Ii'f ·• •·.!It1iU9Ii. e recltation, 'f ,,",8. IDe r'c ba n~t8 1.0 led' ' n m, an d th ~ I P, IlIUI ing school. W._. ,:~JIlw.r; . reeijatiOa. Harold . fOl',the b~ barbecue .reaul~. ~. A. Amy; reef. celebration ~Ill begl~ at 1 Mr. and Mrs. D•.W. ~eeks wQ~e Butt.woftb· duet in the and wlll clO4Je the guests of relatIves. m Franklm J __tte at \0 ,. ,~, Durbag that time roast Saturday aud Su~Qay. CJ.. beef• .rout pig. rout .turkey 8IJd all ., JeI::lta'tlol~~ iathlee~ the .'~~' ~at goes with 'em" , Mrs•. Mamie CllmtnlllP and son;-. b .• 1 . Tb wiu'" I8rWd an a bi&' room in the of Xema, lpent TUesday. with her ..;: .... flee To newadd bu.i1ding of the of the oceas~ Co. mother,. Mrs. Mary A i WIse. ~y. ~~_n to the pleasure "





i&QD'" yer·I/J4~·


.!'I·.~qIIUDI_ niomi~,


fon, ~Y,ral 'of t;qe bUslne88





M.r. Palll

M~ClellaDd. of


Allen W. Haines. of Xenia, spent Sunday with relatives here. Misses H.~el and Elsie Gustin were Lebanon VISitOrs last Thursday. Miss Anna Meredith of Pleusant Ridge, Ohio. is home' for tho holidays. Harris, Mosher, of Cincinnati; came up to sltElOd the holidays with his home folks. Mias l~lizabPth Stewart is spending the Christmas holidays with Dayton I'elatives.

even on the hill. Thus, time amI again the community sees the need of a public hitching ground, and sti ll the council and th~ business men go on th eir way and forget ab'mt it after it is all over. The stores were crowded to their capacity; and every . merchant in town had all they could attend to. and many went away, because' there was not sufficient help in the stores to attend to tl lem. The wids circulation ofthe Gazette makes the wlints of merchants here known , and the result Saturday proves it .' If you want to have the crowds here often don't be afraid to let them hear of you.

Mr. ani Mrs. Guy -Dakin and daugfltel' of Osborn, Ohio, are spendin~ t,he holidays with Mrs. Emma Dakin.





Danil'l l'ox, an old ami 1"1'~i)ected cilizell of Lytle. · li l~d at the home of hi:! 5foll. Will . 'ox. M'mday morning about 6 o'clutk . Mr. Cox is a pioneer of Wavn e Tuwl1 ship . and was known : .11( 1 r <'!oil'" le d loya'l knew him Th e fUI :.:ra l will Lake place at LYTle Thur~ d ay !Ilo rning at 10 o'clock


a t th e home "f WI!1 . Cox .

Mrs. M. M. Hale, of Top~ka, Kan ., died at her home th pre Sat urd ay evening at 11 o·clol:k . of heart troublp.. Her death came without a moment"s warn Her sister, Mrs. S L. Cartwright. receivillg a telegram to · thi~ effect Sunday morning. L'&'CY-~IRBY Mrs. Lydia Lawson died at Ridge. ville Friday, and the body was A pretty wedding was solemnized shipped to Spar~ursville Sunday. at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lawson was making her home Horace Kirby, (>n Sunday Dec. 24th, with her daughter, who teaches

their only daughter school at Ridgeville. _ __ ~ Mrs. Wilford Elzey died rather Scbaol helcl'lts eq~ of W. W. Whitacre, O. M. thIS, Wednesday everung. Compton and family. Rev. C. W. Hil:!tren, of Mason, of- suddenl y at thl! he,mo of her I19n. ,.~. . .). .~.~'" SuNt... . d Arch Co te Od ficiating. At twelve o'clock the b 12' 1 k ... on u.ny even· ~:..u · an peey, ex n a M ' d· M H ~ 'La k d · groom came down stairs attended by Walter, Monday. a out 0 c oc I;~~~' ......eral invitation to evel'Yone in and f ~I' an f D rsto r t C ~Yt Ion ' h lth .-., . ami y 0 a" ' ..narapen ~ns mas The sad news has been received his best man. Howard Toura, of Mrs E Izey h ad b een In poor ea .a nd n .... Spring Va :-Xenja qazette: d' ·th',.i ~ d M' 'H K' ,by latives of Mr. Chas. E. M. erritt. 1 b t ot con a.yWI "'Ir. an rs. . e ry mg f ,... H 11 N - J h h . I. Dayton, 0 ., nex t came the bride on for severa l ears, . ~ w~ n .. . . ~··" ~~'l< lpURE BItI,;D LTRY SCARCe ' 0 !Q~. ~ y. . ., t at e IS yang the arm of her father followed by 3ider~d dan~erouBlv III untIl Mondav 1IIt_I'tII.. ]~onofrlq ." , r Mr~ and Mrs. C. A. Bruner left t ~e pomt of death. ihe brides maid Miss Eva Lacy, siBter mornmg, whpn death came u~n h:r WbIl. on the qricultural special Saturday morni~ for.M&2on, where lof the «room. unawares. The funeral wtll, ta e ........ •.._ She ood train over the Ohio River & Western they will spend the christ1Jlaa holi- B MJ'11f· lUt1~ Mrs. J~es Hd.awke'th° f The bride was married in a blue place Friday momi~ at 100 clock . .,.,..,....., ' rw I railroad th . 1 • t t ~.:u -, e e on :ame. are .. spen I ng e I· .. d 'ed b t • aaaJmv tirI ' · e PO,\! try IPS .ruc ors ""'Y~. / • ChnilmaA holirlays with the for mer's me:- satm an . carn a , oque UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER - - ''''.adenolil; reefta· (rom thT-,,-POlleg~ of Agriculture. . a ' ts Mr d Mrs Jose h Hawke . of wblte carnations. Her going , Oblo~tat. University. took Occaaion Mr,·and Mrs. ~~ HartlOck, an p~~ j . • an . p . away gown w&\I navy blue serge A magnificent male pheasant was to inquire. of the farmers who visit'" .slaughter. of Mr and Mrs. Arthur Bailey of trimmed with panne IIelvet and abe killed Wednesday in a most unusual eel ~ .. trabi. ~ow many kept DU!""I~=~ of Mrs. 1 rrls an Wa~orieta. and Mr. and Mrs. wore a large picture hat of black way by Pennsylvania eugineer, Ospoult..,. ·Of a total num~.~~ y. . Chaa Bailey. of Miamisb\lr&', were Ivelvet. . ,Cl;\r Bales. Whit.eon hiar~n betw~n l~ ·peo.le, \Tho were w~ 'f ~lua ,<' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. of the~eslts of Mr. and Mrft. Ralph.The bome ,was prettily decorated Dayton and Xema, the bird. fiYIDK ·.-:JtOn.tbl'olqoestlo.... ~nJ,y. , l~2 ~wered l~etCbic!agO' are the iuesta cf Mrs. Lewie. F. tiday, . ;' With holly. There were about fifty with the apeed Of. a bullet, at ruck t~e SblH'1lrood. aftll'lD&tiv~ Tliia m~M that 1. . 'Edith Harris ana lamUy during the • . ~ests p~nt by ,,:hCJm she was front of the engine. crulhing Its ...IIIII!lGlr.,......t.,.ilt~'E=~~~~=::.~t.-k~ :pure ~tecl · ehr~holiday8, _ ,.~d,! Mrs. S._L Cart'!~~h.~ mcei! remembe~ With ~resents in breaat. The cal'Ca88 was caught on Ja :co~dered, to be ... .. were in1Leb~n Friday. a~nding. ailveNalle, cut-glass, hand-painted thep ilot of 'the engine, wh,ere Mr. ...wI percen~. especially Mr. and MrS. O. J. ' Ed'\arda and board ml:leting. The Chriatmas treat ehina and linen. Ba·les found It upon his arrival in ~ pu~ bl'led bir:d- .a... 10 IOns. WdlIOD and Hert»ert, apent !for,theChildren olthe Home was also They will be at , home to their Xenia. Mr. Bales will eat the deli. c,:~~ii~~~~~" : more profi~ble. P~fetl89r: Cbristmasday :wi~, lire. Mol~i~' Ed- lgiven on that day. Every one had friends at 60 Bonner St.. Dayton, ciousbird for his Christmas dinner • ......,...• _......uuv say- that pare b~ poultry•.warda and famn, Dl)'ton. ,. good t iinJe';---0., after Jan. 1st, ~912. -Xer.ia Gazette. ............... lees feed, produeea mOre ' , '. • _ ...._ __



...-.-. .............. _ ......... ...... ....

+..-..-.. ..... -----~+

1911, ·when

arrim~ to Jive away souvenirs, v~nla UniveJ'81tj, Lex!n~ton, Ky .• daugJlter Miss Katherine, of Spring- Hazel M. was united in marriage to The committee 'In cbar~e, which wl~lspeak at th~ C~nstian church field~ spent Christmas with Elijah Wilbur A. Lacy, of Dayton, 0., oy



Cin~~~tia'a a~e t~d

,* .



ens and ~ worth at least one-fou~


more to the farmer than monarel .~ , '

.- .


Professor F, S. Jacoby. pJultry instructor at the College of Agriculture. Ohio'State University Is recommending a lice powder wbich he says poultrymen will find effective in ridding their fowls of parasites, Directi\>ns for ·making the powder are as follows:-Take 2~ pounds of plaste~ of Paris and pu~ it in a p~. Then mix together X pint gasohne and y. pint cresol. Stir the pllster ,. Mr. M~ J. H. CoJemar;l of P~ris while the ; l.iqllid. Chrlatmas breakfast with F. B. Hen.. When thoroughly mixed themlx1;u derson and family. . ahould be rather cr~mbJy. Th~. ~~ should be dried and Sifted, then It 18 __ ready for use.___ 4_____- - The dance given at the 'l: O. O. F. Hall ' (i'riday evening, was well at· )\IILL MEET.SATURDAY tended, and a fine time was enjoyed The Miami Valley Poultry Associaby all present. tion will meet Saturday afte~ogn at 2 o'clock, at the Township House, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hawke bad All members are reQueated to be present. as matters of importance to a family di~ner Cbrlstmas Day. every member will come up. Those who ~nlOyed the day v.:ere Mr. and Mrs, Hlllie Eva~. of Sprmgfield, ST. MARY'S CHU~CH Mr. 8ndM~.Jas •. Hawkeanddaughter. of Bellef~ntatne. Mr. and Mrs. The Sunday after Christmas. D~ •.. George Hamilton, of Dayton, and 31st. Sunday Sch(lol at 9:30 s , m.• Mr, and Mrs. Ben Hawke, of Har- Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. veYl!burg. Evening Prayer and sermon at 7~. m. The evening Bermon will be.ap- . "'lb t propriate to the last nigbt of the Old . ' .Mr . ' an. d Mrs ' Fred ,'. on en er- Year Come tained Christmas Day at dinner Mrs. . ' . _ ••_ __ Elbon's motber and brothers, Mrs. ~EWARD OFFERED ' Nannie Brown, Mr. Miles Brown • and family. aJld Mr Karl Brown. of 'At th( last meetfng of the Protec· , Lebanon, Mr. Dnd Mrs. Frank Elbon, tive and Detective 8l1SOciation, .it · Mr: !Uld Mrs. Harry Earnhart and was resolved to offer a rew",rd offif. fl\f!1i1~, Mies ~bbfe Graham anel Mr. ty dollars ($60.00) for tpe arrest~ and GllWrtGraham. ofanyperso . n or ~~ " . .; stealing anything from the members :. • ~~ I~' • of the Associatlon, . . • .<:'.,1•• " " ' ~ \ ~ : I'~' " ' •. " . .; ..,.:T. 'C. Hawke. ~i~ ' Mr. and M~; F. B. SherwoOd en. . _,' • ._ . " , 'I.' ,;" , tertallllecl':atOlll.m er on·~briatmaa'DaJ . CISTER'~ "' ... ,... ,,, ...., '... .

Dinners and Society Notes

Mrs. Gynthia . Evans entertained the New , gentury Club last Friday aftemoo:n. ~ ;1\, ~_

Mt~'~~'d Mrs. tained

T. R. Smith enter-

at a ChristmaS Day breakfast

Mr.' 81ld . Mrs, Frank Zel~. Mr. and Mrs. E. 'l/. Barnhart, Mr, and Mrs. R. G. 'Ct'Oaa, E. E. Sommermier be"

ing pl'C'8ent and enjoyingthe occasion very mu,c~. -, - and Mrs. Fred Hartsock and daughter, Mildred, of Cincinnati, Mr. ' and Mrs. Archer Hartsock, Dayton. Mrs . J. D. Marlatt and dauchters. ,Miasea Jessie and Helen ...:._._ . .. .·spent Sunday with 'J. L. ' and family,




Mary A. Wise gave a sump· dinner on Christmas Day. p_n~ were Edgar ' Bergan 1~~I;'I~U.ll.Y.·~ ,of Detroit, Mich., Jas. , 'family, MI'!!. Julia MiMes Winnifred

F . te . d ~l'r en . r

ChriWhliablBAS. MIDD;er






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f t.




ApparenU the scienllet8 canllo be prevented fro;n robbing us of all ollr cberl: he" IraJltlon R Rlld prlvlleg a. After bavlng upset abont everythIng elsB In the world they bave now dl ~ · co,'ered a WilY or taking tbe puck er out at tbe p rslmmon . altbough Why tbey sbould hllvc t.hought this nec s· sary no one seems to know. The s"' · entlsts elea.rly are Interrerlng v..tth B law of nature and also robbing liCe ot one of Its lIources or JOY. There nre fe w more mlrth·provoklng things In the world thlln watch Ing tbe unlnltl· ated attempllng to eat 3 green per!!llm· man. Tbe pucker or the persimmon comes tram tannic acid and we (all to aee wbat the scientists sre goIng to accomplisb by removing tnnnin (rom the persimmon. 0110 mIght BJI well eat a cucumber aod be done wltb It.. The danger In tbe dlspovery 1& the barm . It "'&y. do to ,the' persimmon In tbe later stage of Its development. How do tha aclenU.t.a know that nature did Dot put the lannlc acid Into tbe per· Ilmmon U alii! of the elements that, wben ' the frost comes. cQllSlllrCl to make the once puckery and uoedlbl! peratIDmon a rlch-er. riper. Iweeter monel than lalence ever amacked ·ftJo ,Uplonr!


Physical Condition Must Be 'Improved and Available Plant BEDFtOOM SET FOR THE GIRLS .Food Increased--Drain, Add Lime, Grow Clover, Very Pretty. Simple and Inexpensive Increase Organic Matter, Apply Phosphorus. May Bo Made of Plain,



Heavy Mustin. (B, O. M. J olln son, College of Agricultu re. Ob lo State University.)


A very pr Ity, sImple nnd Inexpen · sl\'e bedroom ~ e t may bo made ur plaIn heavy lUUfdln. tho kInd tbat you pa.y ten cenl s a yard ror. Make the be" spread In the shalle or II wldo s beet, slashed at the lower cornen; so that it will haaG over lhl! rool and sides or the bed nicely . About tile I I;nllw 11 funn)' 11111 " boy. The hnpplpsl e \'er bo rn ; edge of the bedspread put a broad (uca Is Itk e n lJ ~nn l or Joy, band of fadeless red or bluc cotton His AlthoUjj:h hI. c lO ll\o.. n.Nl t o ,·n. clotb. Above thIs band-wblcb should be abollt sIx Inches wide-draw 1\ de- 1 !J aw him tum ble on hi s n ose, wnltc tl ror f\ g-ronn : Sll{ll of a windIng vine lind smnll ten · BuAt nrlh ('lw li lt IRU gl1t.~ ( I ! Do )' OU 8 11ppOau drills and leav es. This shoull1 be close H e 811' Ul' k hI. t unn)' bone? to tb e band. Chalo·stltcb tbe desIgn In fsdele ss colton the ~Ilme color as There'. 8un9hln" In eneh worC! he .pollk& HI. laugh l a ..... m " lhlng grundthe band . It. rIpple. ov errlln hIe t'heeka A dresser scarf and pillow vllance Llku wuvea on anowy Band. or sbams are made In the Bame way. li e Illugh. 1 ho 010011> .. 1 he awake. aa are the coverl for cuablons, trunk. And till the day I. don,,;


Th at'hool uo m for 0 joke he tok .. Hitl leBBonu are ·'JUBt fun ! '"

mnll ~ r how the Ooy mllY &0 You con no\- moke hIm cry; H.. ·• worth a dor:on bOYB I know Who pout ond mope and 81.1\.


A H.avy Crop of 80)' Bean.. Thl. Crop, Like Clover, Will Add Nitrogen . and Organic Matter to the Soli.


The term "clay soli" Is made to In- I cases botb, will do much to belp milo Pound or Pint Varlll al It May Suit In (avorln, a Uberal appropriation elude a wide varIety of sol1B varying chanlcal condition and Increase nitroMerchant'l Fancy-Way of Count· tram tbose ,.ery tenacious to the gen. Ing Perlon'l Age. b, the .tate to p8)' tbe tUIUOD or lighter Bllt ~mB, but may generally CIIlY sol\s are usuallY high In and slrll at coll'3ge. IIlready eatabbe taken to mean any Boll that Isn't potash. that Is. unavailable. rather lo.w Tile Chinese rejoice In a ""onderful IlIhed. rather than to fouad • Dew black or ·Randy. Theee Ball'\. .p relent l In nluogen and phosporlc acid. The talent for Inaccuracy In every detail. ltilt. university. Governor Fo.. advo- two problems alway. (ound III any nitrogen can be Inc~eased by gTowlng For InBta'nce, a pound or pl.nt vartea catel 'a very IlIDIJlble policy••ayl the kind of IOU treatment, Jlamely, the olover and plowIng It under or by 81 It Bults the mercbant's (anc),. In Boatoll~ Globe. It the ltate I. to aId Improvement of physical condition I feeding It Into livestock and caring 'lome plrts you get half or a quarter deeenln, young men anel )'ouna wom· and the Increaalna of avallllble plant '1 for the malfllre. The use of large . a. much al you do In otbers for .the , quantities of organic matter · will libeli In their elron. to obtain a collep food. prIce and meaaure. ThIjD. ag~ln . .,.", . ".1 ..... ''('>IT Tbe ftrat thlna that must be done erate large Q,uantltles ot pota.h froto education, It would certainl, · .eem their wa), of calculatlna ,dlltance does not at all tally wltb' .ucUd. For In· wiler, tor economical reUODa, It on aU of these 8011s Is to Bee that the unavailable forms so that wa geu-· la good and In most cases erally need only small amounts at stance, you are told -from A. to B .. iot no other rea,ac;al, to take drainage Utla meanl tlllna, even on land that potalh In tertllilers to be used on : four miles. but from B to A la e1cbt advantap of tIM many excellent IDIU- Il8I (alr17 good aurface dralnaga. Til- clay Bolli. I Prett)' Bedroom let for Girl'. Room. mile.. 1t )'ou ask bow thlslB possible. tatlonl of the' bllher learnlne atread, Ing admIts air, Increase. root dllpth, Practloally an clay solis are low In shoe box and window seat. -Even the you are ' told It dependB from wblch estlt1lt« In JI..aaelliJaetta. The lIfobo IIlIlkea these rather cold aolls much pbosphoronJl. so that this element window curtains may be made ot tbe end you start, If you Btart from A It t,em ~I leleetln, the rllbt .Del warmer and Ireatty Improves the me- must be suppUed. At the Ohio experl. muslln, ·'trlmmed In the same wa7 at Is down hili. so much eaSier to wl1lk' ment station 16 'centB invelted In Ilrla upon whom bestow ~ree ac:bol~ chanlcal condition.. whereas. starting frOm B, you have to 'After drainage, tbe hext thing reo uftoats" to be used In manure haa the rest of the set. with pleasIng ef- walll: liP bill, whlcb Is Inuch mor'a eXvaldptj _oulht .not to be dlfllcult to aolvlt, for tlui.t mllbt be left to the Qulred on clay aolls Is organic mat· returned more thsn $1.30 when .that fect. As thelle covers can be tubbed ertlnJr Bnd faUgu1ng-,.ln fact, It II the Judcmeni and t.trne.. · of hllb. 'aChool ter. The addition ot thlB wlU give manu'ra was well cal'ed for, thU8 sliow. frequently, a girl may have a fresh .ame as walking a longer distance two results at the same time. Firat, Ing the necessity of this elem!!nt. and Immaculately clean room all the un ,e ven grou~~. This tor~ ar,u- . teachen aDd boarda of educatio.n 1D It will Improve the tilth, or In other Phosphorous lllay "be qpplled all " fer.- time. .m4i'nt alwaYB amuses .nel\rl.y 81, much ~vel'1 com'munlty, who ~rta1n11 wOul" words, make a clay loam of the sticky tlIlzer In acid phollphate or bone meal Another pretty set' of bed room b_va mean. of' ku'o wlng whether ttie, clay soli; lecond, an Increase In 01'- 1 when not much UveBtock 18 kept, bllt covers I. made of a Btrlped cotton as the way the Chlnes9 have of countIng a person's age by tene. "My motb· 1C!b01~tii}). were well 1 beltowed. ganic matter Is always accompanied on a IIve,s tock tarm, good results cll.n sturt. . AvoId dark oolors. Pale .plnk. er," theY' will tell you; "Ia 30 ,(or 40). . • Neltber polltlcal "pull'" Dor othel' 1m· by an Increase in nItrogen. be obtaIned by u~lng 40 pounds ot lavender and light brow.,n make up a Wben sbe leaves 30 Bhtl 18 getUns On moat clay SO\1B in Eastern Obio 1 floatB or acid ·phospbate on man1l:re» barmonloua who I.e which Is plea,Blng near 40. Sbould we all like to be told proper lDftuences Deed enter Into the an' npJ)licatlon of a ton.of qulck·llme ' It Is made. In effect. The bed ·spread It made of that, I wonder?" . decl.lon. or two tona o( ground JiJnestone must Brlelly, tben, to improve cla1 Itrlped or ·colored . materIal should . From tbe. eftete east c.omlia word of be uBed In order to get clover ~efore . sollB: drain; lime, If good clovar can- have a broad valance. reacblng from TRICK WITH STRAIGHT. LINES much can be daDe ' in' increasing or- not be grown; Increase organIc mat.- th.e edge at the top of the mattres8 the Intuitive kill. JI.4L'~t!.11tlv. Idaa gamc fuaUei-. Farm manure or green I tat by farm manure or green mauure; to tbe lloor. The ~Indow curtains. 'lone wblcb YOU are lur. you arl! manuring with legumeB, and In some ~ud add . phosphorous. " pillow, bOI. and trunk covers m~ tie By Adding Two Dots Sentonce of Elgl'lt Words can,lIe Mad.,-How , about to' eet. but you never let · It. made or the aame, as. also tbe cuab· It II Don •. I You tllel Intuitively that you are to beion tops. But the dresBer top sboldd come a kissee. But you dop't. says. the always be In white. Jane-Uere lire sIx oneB ('Vrlttng on .c .. 8t. Louis Globe·Democral The fact a pIece of paper) tbus: t hnt. the kIss la never delivered Is NEW PLAYTHING IS I.NVENTED Jessie-How pretty they look. Like whDt ~ake8. t~e glrlll 80 angry. .. .... ,. f Little Flyer C;.ln Be U.ed Indoora or , Tbere Is a man In Texas who preIn Open A)r-lr ' ll QuIto .' Ea.y , She Straight Llnell. . of Construction. fertl solid bome COplfort to pedIgree a row at peoplo standing (lutslde the and pre,Uge. He Is looking for a ThIs little flyer can be used out- pit or 0. th¢,ater. • ~dow to marry. wbose firBt busband doorB or Indoors. It 18 80 IIgbt thot It Jane -(llatlenUy)-Can ),1)' 1. with two was banged, so lie may be secure from will 1lI0t mar tbo ce!\lng. Out ot doors dots. make an elght-worll sentence bavlng bIB predecelBor beld up to blm It wi li attain a belght of twenty·flve out of them? a. model. (I'or gen\llne, long·seelng leet ,lind upward and 81111 about for jessie-No; bow IB It dnne'f phll05pphy. thlB .Texan cballenges tbe ,ome time. The total cOBt Is but one Jane-Like t~IB (w'rltes): cent. All that Is used or any value wi'dP~ ot Solomon. In thel con.trUction IIi a pIece or raflla, 28 Inches long, wblch ma"~ be (ounl! I~--"I---=-I AnoUler prelly American helre.. II around tbe houae or purchased (or to lliarry a forel~ noblemau. Tbl. 8olutlon of Trlok. one cent. Cut It tnt a . the tollowlng abows our young American men are length s: One piece 10 I~chea, long, JeBsle-;-le that an elabt·word sen· too bUlY makfng money to tbluk of on.e 1)lece 11 Incbes long. and' two tence! other thlngs-tbat the real prizes. plecels 3 Illches long. Find tbe mId· Jane-Certaln~, Isn't tbat "The both In beauty and mlllloDs. are being dIe of tbe ll·lnch pIece and make a 'eleventh of Novemher, nineteen bun· carried off, by tbe lellure clall ao d. hole lin ~t with u lmlttlng needle. On .. dred ·.ud. eleven'" JeBsle:-O-o;b! Iplled bere.



.. ,," .",,, ,.,s."




I !






I. I I

That German doctor who predlcu that American women will have'fewer toe. • thousand yearB bence leem. bound to ecare tbe life out of UI lome way. HI! DOW tella us that ridIng UP and down In skYlcraper elenton I. Ihortenlng life. Well. life would have to be coDslderably prolonged to enable UI to make many round trIps by atalr· wlY· New York aldermen are trying to pasl a resolution to prohibit women from Bmoklng In public places &l\ In· ,urlous to public moral I. Tbe practice aimed at II neither pretty' nor elevatlne. but &l\ picked out .f or tbe ,u.b. ject of IPeclnl legislation In defense 01 IlUblh: morall. the proposed ordinance Is dl"Unctly. thougb unconscloully. bu· moroul . . Indianapolis ministers denounce motor raelng, as being al vicloul 88 buU· ftgbtlng. IndlanapollB hal bad more than III sbue of tbe tragedies of tb. _ came.l A ,Maasacbuletll·e r , wbo tl under IndIctment cbarged with bav· tOK ~urdered a young woman bas quit . pulptt. It seems a natural thing d9, conalj1erlng the clrcumlltaoce s .

Two Hundr,ed and Fifty Fowl. Kept on thl. Lot, WhIch I. 40 by By • Man wh6 Work. In a Factory. Wonderful stories have been told and Pllbllsbed of the great profits In keeping pOllltry, even though the space on which It waB kept waB no

eO Feet,

~ . J





Sir Thomas Shaugbnessy ~ UIO Canadian Pacific RnJlway altered $1,000 lu gold as B pr~o for the best 100 Ibll. at whtlnt, grown on the Ameri can canUn en t, to be competed tor at the rece nt Land Show In New York. 111 malllllg the c om !letl tlon open, ' the dOllar of this handsome prIze showed his belief In the superiority of CA· nadlan whea t lunds, by throwing the contest open to farmers or all Amer· Ica, botb United States and Canada. The United States rallwaYB were by no meana anxioul to bave the Canadian railways rcpresented at th. Bhow and IlL New York paper comment· Ing on the results ot tbe competition. 6ay8 that tbey were not to be blamed, as the Canadians captured the most Important prize at the Ihow. The . wInner of this big wbeat prize 'I\Ias Mr, Seager Wbooler of Rostbel1l. 8ukatchewan. and Ita wInning hall brought a great deal at credit on the dlstrlc;t. , The winDIng whllat wat the MarquIs varIety, and J'lecelved no more attention from Mr. Wbeeler than hi. other ,rBln, but h. 1s a very partloular farmer. HII tnrm II one at the ~Ieanesl and best kept In the Ro.· thern district, and this year be WOIl Grat prize In cood tarm competition whJch Included every teatur. of farmIng and eYery part of the tarm . . Laat Winter Wheelet' lfU • prise winDti' at the provincial ~11!4 fair In Rellin.. Wheeler I. a ftrm believer In Ing clean Hed ot th, belt quality pr0curable, 'tl)naequently hi. CraiG I. much sought .arte~ · )lf ~.e beat ta:mertl tor seed pUrPQ.e., . Wheeler II &Jlr~-lahnlan. He II a pioneer or Ko.thern. comiq ber.e tIr~n yeara &&0. In the last lilt " eara he ha. ,done muob eJ;perlmentln(, pal' ~cularl7 In wbea~ . nrle~e.. HII farm r;semble. an experlplental farm. A lone drlvewa~: 'Uned on both Iidee with treel. leadl·. to a modest hOUM. the home of Whe'.eleT.~ a modeat, UDal.wnlng man with the appearance ot a Itudent ratber than a. ·mo.n engsged II. corqmerclal- puraulu. There are DOW . DO tree homest,ajl, to be . bad In W. dl.trlol, and farm tartila ar:e worth from to UO Per acre, wlUch a tew yearl 'ago were Hcured 'b, their present owners, eltber as a'tree gm or pt::cbascd at trom $5 to $8 per acre. lt is-'Dot p!any mile. ,from "ostbern, where the "!armer lives, 'I\Ibo secure4 tbe ftrat Drlze tor wbeat year at the National Corn at eo.. lumbus and Weat ~uH'ili~~aboUl 160 mlles, UveB ru",Du8D., the 811'vlt.....




oatti, CMn Bhow~~Hwmb~~-~9·10.-~---------~--+NClt contentod wIth the blgb obtained In ItB wbeat" Canad:l Itepped forward Into tbe sbow rlog; I'nd carried oft tha Stlllwell trophy and $1,000 ,for the best' po~ 08' on. the contincnt. Tbls time ~ha" wa. a BrlUsh Columbia man, Mr. Asalle} Smith: tbe "Potato King:" of' ' UiM · provlnce. Tho es.blblt consisted. ot one hundred IUld oDe \'arle~w drawn from all ports ot ~be provinceaggro!3atlng In welgbt one Ilnd fA haIr tons. . At . the recent Dry Fai'm.lng Con,tesl. held at Colorado Sprlnga, anti. at which time It was decided to hold: the next Con«resl at Lethbl'ldge: I. 191%, the Province ot Alberta mllde wonderful sbowlnc ot' cra:OI, and "e~tableB. "A.t the Congreu; Alberta ~t mON prlze. and trop!d,el!r tet' te .IIB8., tbaD any .tate of the Unloq," said Mr. Hotchlllll to 'tbe IMmo~ton Bulletin. "We brought 'bacleall but the build· IDg with UI. aDd they olrefed UI 'tllltp '" AI:ylng we mlcht .1 well talte :all that ''; wal goln&,. W. Would havs ' bro~t It along, too,-Il w. bad h,d. a 'lliat ell' t~ Pllt'lt Alberta captlJre4 ,n~rlT 60 first rllea•. 20 second., S third., • cups, 40 medall, 60, rll/bon. a~a I aweepafakee. Tbe ' crand aweepatak' pl118.' tor tbe. belt e~hlblt · b;' Itate or proTlnee•• JDagnlftcont · aJlver CUP. ;:W"I pre"nted to UI with mucb , ee~ , .' 'mQn', a~ .. reception tQ the C.l'nA9Ian~ . In the Elnpr... botel. The preHlita. • tion' 1l!aa made' b, PrOf. olli' chair.. lqall ·,of·. tile,' 'adliDI comb'lltt~~ &pi' the cup wu 'recelved on ~~f ot tbe pr.,vlnc. b, the Hon• • DUncan Mar- . Ihall.


op. .

at breakfast have not been In cold to Perform Apparently Impo.. ... - . .A storage for six months or a year, bllt ble feat of Making Match Hold that they are strictly fresh and were ~3~~:;~~:-_---,f' Up a Bottle. produced by healthy hens, ITom clean and untainted (oods, adds PerbapI ~ome o( our boys and girl., larger than the back yard of a city mllcb to the pl asures and benellts bave llot learned bow to take advanlot. The truthflllness . of tJlese rOo of the meal. laIe ot a creat .clentlflc principle, the ports Is not quest!oned, but the As' a toad product scarcely any. operation of which will enaole tbem Whole truth has not been told. It thing qan be tound that excelll eggs, to do the apparently Impossible reat condltlonB are most favorable $1,600 but mO.ny peogle capnot, eat 'them beof making B match bold up a bottle may be made In one year by raising. C«UBB . so many eggB come tram the whlcb hangs over the elige of a man..,,1 or .helt of any sorl \ poultry on a city lot or more than market In a Btale or rotten condition. $6.00 may be tho yearly profl\ on City children as well as countr, . This I, ' bow the' thing 18 done. Tie & Little 'Iy.r. slrln" around tbe ' neck of" the botil. each hen, but such profits wlll be children find much pleasure In Tals· " ' aid" of thl. bolAv tben, tie the two ends together In realized In only one out of many years. Ing cblckB, caring for the ht!ns, and baIt Inch from A8cb ~ t Jud-,q ,from J1er PAliioD tor bate" the ..eggs, and by but few persons who have gathering It ' t d I Man, Itboya be· bend th6v raflla back ao tbat the end. such a way tbat a loop will be left. c:a.n It wotDan expeet to beba,PJ' come 80 n eruB e n · pou ry work meet., f.a .ten them with a piece of for tbe Insertlob ot a match. .Place and ml.iIe on 1 balo Jut h •• eBtabiished a superior strain of fowls th a t th e s tree t IoseB . It s a tt rac tlon. line wIre; having It long enough 10 one en d 0 t th e matc h on a s be ; or a market that commands extra and bls spare hours are Uled at home. that the end ca~ be bent Into.a Bmall slip tbe loop over the otber end, then I t ~~~~~tp'!'!!j!!~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 high prices. "uv~ pet8 are the delight at an lads book. Take tbe 3.lncb pieces aod place that end on top of the cork However. a fair profit can be real· Bnd lasBles." It la a good way to tsstelll one on each sIde wlt~ a threlld ot the bottle. You will find tbat with a Ized from keeping poultry If aB mucb teach a boy Bome practlcal buslnesi and .,lil. llttle ,Iue. i1ear tlie trant, as little adJultment of the end ot the thought and care be given tbe work methods as well aB to calise him to b II ' h matcb that It rests on the abeU, what • love borne and Its pleaBures. \ t e ~ a~ra~ , . ow. II called a center of' o' .....- vl..:.,i -l.11 ... ,! as a bushiess man gives his vocation. .,... .~ We woulll not expect a man to make Poultry culture Is frequently taken . ' Janitor ""al 8enlltlve. establlsbed aDd the bottle : hanl a BucceSB IIlI a merchant unless be up' by persons wbo have poor bealth, :' Tli'4l Janitor In a . Milwaukee scbool. at a Blight ·angle••u~rtl!id ".obl,,' b, trequently verf ,.coul4 btjnllftcllil up biB place tbe other day. When the match ,anjl': .tr,ni ....~ . . , . .; '~:~:~'~~t~~=JDti~~ has bad Bome buslneBB training, and results. J.lany . with exall~pl~1! , liB "'ave, D nelth-er can we expect 'a person' who given of 'piii's,o ns-Who were pbySIe'ally ulcedr. wll&t -" 'alr tlIe"'1rouble ' b'tl' Bald : bas not studied the methods used weak and wbo 'were aultereJog from , honeat, and r wou·t stand belo. · }>y BIICCI/adul poultry·men to make nervousnesB, . froni " o\,erwork,' or laell 1·..·u..l)4Ic~te~~ . If I IIn~ a pencil or hlUld· much prolt. Of outdoqr ' exe!'cls9, ,wbo .becamt. about tlk- Bcbool wben .. t 0 meet strong ' ~y caring for pon/poy. " Man, ..·V;ee:ljl~lg J band or put It up: U the selection 0 ( a b ree.. certain conditions, the laws of mating .btiBln~eB and protesll;" ..dC men' take the teacher. or Bomo and breedlilg. Incubation and brooll- I,lP pciult.t y culWre aBI ~ and coWardly "to face me. lng, reeds anll feedIng, house, . reallze 'a profl't as well , slu~. Why, n little disease, etc.. be · carefully ..lUIU!tl\lt'l ~re' 10 the.l r 'work. w~ote on tile board : and good management mu·l tlple: ~"r.". ' ~. per cent of profit ,,:,111 be to . tbe alJlount 01 Rlone:,. hivested . . ~epend. upon tbc ' us~ ot braina the uae of , money. . 'Tbe Qoultry .J:1 . not o~ly profitable ' bu addli mucb .to " the [lleasure" I of'.' g



~OD!.~·~. 'To· ~dW '~t ,Ui~, '"~ 'Po., •


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Hoods Sarsaparilla

18J l(:ksmHh Furnishes IIltch Shown In Accompanylnst Illustration Whtch He Has Ofte n Mad e aDd Will An s wer the Purpose For Which It Is D e signed to . Satisfactory Manne r.

C ures all blood hum ors , aU eru ptio:'.s. cl c:lrs th e c um plexio n, crea tes an appe tite, aids d igesti on. r e li e v~s that tired feelill g. g ives vigor :l nd vim.


,an d l\;orse tra dlll,lQR nil e IlL Phlls\z" 111 <: e xorcl s lnt;, as ,we ll au the a!nu t o r ~ prup c ' lRltit'8 uf th e wux(: u s pra y, Th~ 1 i:3cundlll llv la ns ha ve it co nsecratl'd to r"reyu. 0 " Fre y In- ''rr uw W\J(l1ll tl uwH overy ble Rs ill g. th e win nI n g s m il e. the me lting Ii i~s ." S h(' Is the VCll US 01 l he :\0 1' 8" !>a nt hE' on , Ihe G o dd lo' S ~ or luve. of " (':Lee. Joy. 11I1:gh ter. fruitful · n e Q~ , I J rl n ~ l lI ::: illc1'caoe " to Il pl,1 nnd sUl lt. " :!!ld ' J H,' 111(' l ute la ry cl e lly pr ... si d ln l,! ' JI'c r :. l:ll l. <l H llllel c hll rl h lrl l1 A [') o[lll ln r myrh n~ l a ;( ' !l how Ba ldu r. I Ll 1(' \ .. i ~ (' ~ ; a nd n ob l e ~ t o r t iJ e i:O<i R, Is ' 11 Vle t llll or Ille Ill vl'l l'rt. .e ha Ir d or I Lo lli , Ih r- Sa t,," of t he 1·: dd.1S. T he dC' nJ" :l I~ \JPnt nn th p ,l e st ru c tln n or 111 0 }l1 '1'~ (,!Il110 1' nl ly pooll g od . sO he a ",I hl ~ ('1I1 1S:':l 1'1 eS !l eg ln ti 1"l r [J('rs," ' u' 1 t io n!] IIy I hrow lng 1l1 iss! le8 " r 1111 de · S,'rl [, lln 11f1 nt I\a ld ll l'. al! o f w h ic h T hree·Hors e Eve ner for Wag on . prc\'!;' lla rll1 lp~ ~. 6111'"£, t he deity IA li n, del' \1 1(' [Jr',I"ct l" n or hi s m oliH' r , Fr ey· In r e ply 10 a Qu ery rt rlia'; l'am or a 1'I';i pec tiv e ly. J Is t he po int o f atta ch· ja . In d" f. l1l'rli tio ll 1.0 1\1, di sg uised a s three-ho rs e e V(, ll cr I ~ g iV l' ll . t hc id ea lI1 C' nt for th e o rd inary wagon d ouble· a n old W ( I111 11 11 . IK ad m ll terl to th e be ln}; fo r t\\·o horsc5 10 wallt in th e tJ'ce. In ste ad o f baYing th e ordinary (' e lf's t In I n boOe o r Frey j :t. who Inn o· ro ad und o ne on th e ollt ~ l d e, <lou ble·tre e h er e . two pie ces of fi at r l'nll y h l'll'fL~' s th e rue t that a ll t. h lngs 1n th e n r st place, If t wo h or s es nre Iron, D a nd EJ nr e u sed, E bei ng t w ice h ad lak r' n 11 11 oa th to prll t ect Unldur to work on one s id e of th e t ong ue as long as 0 , T h ese t wo a l'ma artl· ex cepthlF, t he ml a ll tl toe. whi c h. bein g th er e will be some s id e d ra rt lO be c ul ate at J, th o wugon h um me r h old· !\ pn raslte. wus too feebl e to h a rm , e quali ze d. he nce the r e must be s ome In g th e m In place Insl e a d ot tb o d o u· In Hc (' rc t Joy I he d emo n bas tens back way of doi ng tbl s 80 tha t ea ch horse bl e·trep.. T be di a gr a m sho ws th ese 10 10 Ra ld ll r . on th e wa y fas hion ing ap .".1\1 be drawin g hi s prollortlonate be fa s tened und ern eath tb e ton g ue . a rrow o f mls tlr;ltoe . which soon pl erCQB eh are of the load . Th e ucco mpa nylng This Is fo r gres t e r clearnoss III llIus · t he hea r t o f th e di vin ity . After a SD- cut Illustrates the appea rance of the tratlon. In pra cti ce the y sbould r es t journ In H e ll-Qr H a des-th e pe ace· ID you e vnr, as you we re God's fi rst te mplell" IB found In fu l a blloe of th e dead. the Sa viour I. evener, a portion of t be tong ue a nd on top of th e tongue ju s t the sa me a s The two ome late d 08 hlgb th e arche R and vaulted root s of GothIc restored to lire. a nd on h is resurrl'c , axle at the wa gon vie wed from b e- the ordInary doubl e- tree. prl est- or priestess cburch arehlte clure , revered tokcns of tloll he consecrot es tbe mistletoe to neath. H Is th e a xle. B Is a block rod s , C, conne ct D and E wIth the in the osculatory tbp b ending ore be!! . of Intertwined Frey j[1- a ll .ot whl e h en ll hrouds dlvln t: of wood fastened under tbe bole bar A, under lhe axle as sbown. The where the King pin com es through 8 0 s ingle -tree F fas te ne s onto the end of ril e s of yuletide. bongbl. The Yul e tide custom at deck· t ru t hs In Imngo aod symbo.l. that th'e Iron bar A will he nllowed to D and th e doubl e-tree G onto the e nd dId you ever won· Ing our c hurch es and ollr homes wIth AstrologIcally VonuB gover nll the move back and forth und e r the axle, of E . ThUll a hitch for three horses d e,r wbat tradition. bougbs, wreaths and garlands !lnds Its D1lstlptoe. as well :1 S the li ps. ond all free from the obs truction or any nut8 Is provided . the drnft Is equalized. mytb or lIullerat!· IUltecedence In heathen Banctuorleij. tlon had confe rred The 1!plrlt of ChrlBtnlas Is mo st th e te nder de mon stra t ions or Love. 10 or bolts that may be tbere. The bar and the re are two horseR on one side le t u s eve r prop iti ate the benignant ..,. Is a flat piece or Iron 2t,fa to 3 of the tongue and one on the otber. ullon you lIuch de- magnanlm0usly mnnlfested In York. Inches wide and one-half to flve-elgbths A sickle bar from a c ast off mower Eng land. wh e re. they carry mlstleloe g »dde as andlec table prl "liege ' Did you eve r bough. to the high alt nr ot the cathe- "Hang 111) Lov ~' s mhlUe toe over the Inches tblck, fnslened nt I by ~ns Is good material for the bar A. Sbow eartb . or tbe King pin beIng length e ned suf· tbls diagram to your blacksmltb and stup, In your ar· dral ,and proclolm "n public and unld ent ceremonial. to \'e raal liberty, pardon and freedom to And lel us kiss under It an tbe year flcl ently and having a k ey In Its end to If be Is any good h e carl make a n even· round ." hold It In place. One arm o f t his bar e r th at will ans wer t he purpose sple n· ronalder tbat you were pe rpetuntlng all lortl of Jnferlor and wicked peo. A Is twice as long as the other. good dldly. wher e three horse s are required ICd or tbe molat ballowed and exalted pie." They s uspend It under tbe cban,'Vf rell glou8 ordinance. bl\nde d dOwn ' cel a.rc h nlld be ar It to th e city gate •. DISTRIBUTING CHRISTMA8 GIFTS. l engths be h:g twelve and six Inches , on the wogan. through the a gell la renderin g such toward the rour Quarters of heaven. In tbe vari ed .nomenclalure ,of the lender bomage to lbls "orpban II lnnt La s t year wo bou gbL a large. nat others. but about fiv e qUarts at I word " mlsLl e toe." ncc0rdln g to tbe na· cloth es basliet. draped It wUII whilE of ""ondrous bIrth?" mess twic e 0. d ay Is e nougb for any '"' And would It not lurprlse )'011 t o tlonalitles cou cer~ed, ~ o we dIscover cll ees e clotb. and trlwllle d Il wILli calf It It 18 s upplied w ltb hay, m e al learn tbat our 'very word "marry ." t he . magical virtues with - wblch th e bolly, and then' HUed It with our and water . BiJd that our must Impasliioned at th e welrl! pla nt Is Invested, Dr. Jobnson Christmas packa ge s tor the family. W e provide our calve s with w ater e m ce s or T erpllle bore-the wnltz- lIays the word Is derl ved rrom Dlis tion. \Ve went Inlo the room one III e are tradIt Ionally enm esbed In tbe cnn· state of being min g led, tod or toe time lind de pos ited our gi rts, nnd wiler: 'Y~ Aolloal.. Noed Milk ~or a after tb ey have drunk t he ir milk and glvo them all t he y w an t. Skim milk Py tendrils of tb e pearly-berried ml s· bush. In Ge rman It Is m lBlel , mI xed. lhe pile wa s compl e ted . spread a largo! WIIU. aB Mach aB BabieD _ 4 should be warme d to blood heat beand Sa,xon tan (Dani s h tlene. Dutch s he e t of holly cre pe pa per on top tletoe! to Keep GrOW-IllS MUlit fore f e eding to young ca lves. The mllltietoe Is a fr eak plant . a tee ne ), twig. s prig," ln ArmorIca n. Have It. We sa t around the dining room F e d to calves. the milk maKes them parasite or e xcr es cence. In its em· We lSh Dnd Iris h It Is all yach . ,or It s table with the bas ket In the cellter; grow fa st e r Clnd pay s as well as bryonlc; period It Is SRld to defy' the equivale nt for all heal : al1d Pliny and the youngest me mber or th e fum (Hy J . W. II'GHAM. P ennsy lvania.) when fed to pIgs . They are provlderl laws of gra\' ltati on by pu s hing Its calls It omnia sana ns, II term llt Blml - lIy tooll tb e g in s U "!'--.ill.l"--""'-~'-'-+---U1.--C1I:G8I'_-tn-UI.I~~~llti e In-Ul4-GAit- - - <::"flrn leles-In the opposite dIre ction !,o lar Import. Only one pacl;n ge wus presented ut a with any pTofit. or without loss, we with a ahelter In the pasture to go In upper Germany on Ch rlslmall tim e' and the re ci pie nt opepell It and must have one or the oth er or the under wlie n It storms or the sun Is the -gene rality or plnnt s, Not C1nly Ite berries but 1t8 Il!n vea grow In clu ster. morning th ey go about knockin g on all s aw Rnd admire d It before l)aa sluK beef breeds. The Shorthorns , H er e- hot and the y appreCiate It highly. of three unil ed on o ne stock , henc{t e a ch othe r's doors. s houtin g "Gut hy\." on to the n ext. \ forda land Ab erdee n Angus, ar e ' all ItB sacred pl nce In re ligious rites as t he synonym for tbe Dr uid na me. In \.... e lIad original versell and a l,t quo. good IIInd each has Its a dmlrel·s. 1 BrIttany It Is tbe herb de 10 Croll!, a Bymbol or tb e Holy TrinIty . . t at laos writte n -on ma n y of thc lIun· prefer the Shorthorns because tbe It 1\Ia s belie ved by tbe Druld a and whlcp beals fev e rs and g ives strenl\' h di es whi ch th ~ dis tributor rend n 'oud cows llTe ge nerally the belter milkother onclent aeets In northe rn and for wr estlin g. At the time of Ge orge anrl nil , ~nJo Y!'l d t be fun ,- House-. erB" weatel:n . Europe t hat an y tree to I. It was caJled lignum anncln c ruc ls Whatever othe rs may thInk iliey wblc h tt:e mis tl etoe attach es 'ltselt Is wood ur the holy cross - S(l blghl)' keept'.1·. can do, or ha ve done, I cnn' t raise Automobile Plow III IDveDt.e4 selecle d hy Cod hlm sclf tor specla.l ' ,,:ere Its medicinal prope rlles e s· One Kind of Emptiness. good c!alves on dis hwater, milk Bloll tavor, nnd tha I 011 thst gro",'s un It Is te c:med. Ka.oaea Man-Plowshare.. Two hunl ers had " beat en " th e trail and hSlY tea. Young calves lIeed milk Held DoWIl to Work by .1 Hung about the n eck It rende rs Bent 'd Irec t from h eaven . Wetsht ·Thereat. It Is used In alonK the mars he s or Long Island for for a while as much a s babies and to Contrary to tb e ge,;e rul be li e f. It 111 witc he s Ilowerless, found more rarely on the oak tree bouse. io "~rlve out evil spirits. It la three days wl,t b nIL unu s ually 8Lltnll keep them growing right along they In d escribin g a rece nt InventlPn 01 an' aniulet aglllns~ POl80DII, and the ID' bng r eo ultl ng. Th e rood BU Pl'lt had must ]~&ve it. (ban , on the apple. IIs h. e ]III." "opl We prefer , to bave our cows calve Oliver H . LIncoln and ,Edson O. Park· willow and bawthorn, and It Is due to hablta~tB p f Eig\Q nnd Morn:r ~eep\ It run out mucb ah ead 01 schedlliod thla scarc Ity tilllt It WIIB ve sted with as c harms. Throughout Drlta:mla It tIme : lor wors e. lho " liquid , In the fall, botl1 on account or winte r hurst or Brp wn e ll, KUD., the Scie ntific . ucep'\lonnl reverence wb en dlsco'",ere,Si. bad a place asslgb,e d to It In every tlop" had been exh a usted In lhe t!arly dalrylng and~ for raising the calves, Amerlea n s uys : wblch if kept In a warm s tabre durThis Inl'e ntlon . th o se ction al vie w of clluginl'; to tb e sncre d tree or the ' kitchen, and a young man ",as deem· stages or tbe hunt. following th e coust vu lnly tor lng the winter and fe d milk, bay aDd . which Is Illus trated h e r e wi th. relates Drulrls_ nllme derived from the ed to ha ve the right to kles lin, la88111 Qreek word I drul. or druce. meanlnl caught beneatb the cherished bra ncb. th re e bours. lookIng fo r s o me ~ I gn 01 mea.l will sooner obtain till! s ize mos t to automobile plows, and It h as for Ita plucking orr ~ her ry .wlth each ki ss . hl1bltaUon. they spied an emllty bouse-jpNilIffi:mia'roi' theIr di s posal to tbe object to pN vl<le one , with traction • n o~--. but!;he r. wh eels disposed near the front and at SaYI Pliny : "When It ( mis tletoe It a maid were not ki ssed .. nder the o n Ibe be ach. ' "00 In lind look It ove r . 13 111. " said Our calves, wh en taken from their ~o..,lng upon sn oak) 'Is dlllcbvered It, mist letoe It"wns a slgn · t hat ebe " 'ould motber s. are eaeh provided with a Is treated " ' Ilh great ceremony. ' The y n'ot marry during th e ensuIng year. a one. , He dId s o: re turnIng In a m omen l separa,t e pen for conv enie nce In fe e d, 'It by a nam~ (g uthll. or gu1heyl tradition still premlllng, . Even Mr. empty·hnnded . ",'--11'[10<1 heal) . "ihleb , In the~~ language Plqkwlck availed himse lf or tho plea. "Anything In there !" aslled ble Ing so they nee d not light for th e ant pti'v lle[(e despite hlo ort.quoted In· ttie e urer or all Ills," Arier food bucket. rob eacb ot her of th e ir Iunellon. To 'dream of IDls tietoe pre- c ompanion. expectantly , have ,,;ell and du ly ' prepRred " Nope," repli e d his ru n nIng m8le. mess, or suck eneh ot he rs ea r s 8n d SAges wealth, an'd In the language of tbelr testlV1l1 cheer under tbo tree. ftowr rs It signifies : I Burmount -..U with n pl'o fo unrl s lg h- "nothlnl: hut navels when done drinki ng, they bring blthe r a mllk·whlte cow dlm(:ultles. two empty hottles fu ll ot wDt er ,"The latter Is a vi cl0l1S hnhlt, which ' aD~ a . b.~lIocJc. hlt M[.tP ,unyplt'l.dJ tben. thp.y soon acquire wh n t wo or 1l1 0 r ~ The CymrIc, CeltIc. Oaellc, Teu!o~le Ever ybody 's Mag Rt ln e, tb e priests In Whi le ves ture climb Into ar~ penned toge th er and unl ess pre>the tree and t/r,un'e ' orr the herb vented It soon c ause s a blem is h on wltb a " "Old lith>k. bill 01' I lcld~. the the beUy, Automoble Plow. 'b~anches rallln~ b en,a~b ' lnto a wblte Eaoh oalf Is provld eu with a feE-d· :sagum sh ~et. T ~ey ii\u"t: ~ever touc h Ing b\1lcket In a box wh ich I ~ n ailed nll times tim es jn th e s am e po~ llIon the ground: ; ''Tb ~ ~ mollj p, oplo re(a lit to. the s ide of t he )Jcn. This pre· rc la tiv e ly to th e en gin e, ' whether the 'lDnln nt R 'dlstart ~: tui'Jlle d 1n 8 circle, vents tbe bucke t fr om being upset plow Is belug rlrlven In it s traig ht lin e -whlle' the prl jlsts appro ach ''''' i l b trem· and the milk spille el by th e cnl \" e~' or Is being tUCl ed to on e s ide or t he bllng a~e the blood,. " lcUms. wblcb greedy butting. oth er wise th e fe d ' r. olbe r, lhe plo w·s bnreg being dl sposecl were carried Ilt'ount! the dmen , flr l!. for sa'rety, would h a \'(~ 10 stand a nd und er th e eriglne and 1J ('ln ~ h eltl dowo Atter this the anl~ls are slnughte red hold It while th e ca lves wore drink· to th eI r work by th e wei ght there of. 88 a sIlCrlfice7""dQ.u bthl9B ,to the g~d· lng. By 0. mo vem en t or a lever th e plow· -dess pr fecundll y. tor the m IsUet0e 18 E ART or tbe W orld. he nl struuglyAs so on B..9 we begi n feeding t he s hares m ay be m oved up or .town to a 'a Iymbol uf Lbo . prolific. This Is lh e season ot hope: . calves skim mil k . wh ich Is ubo ut t en 'Pos ition wh e r e th ey will en gage the ·In .,tbe· myths of 1111 natlous we Bonlsbe o the doubts t~ L1 t bave d ays af ter being taken from th e cow. eart h an d will do the ge ne r al work; lI e . • "holy tree," a "world tree." AmODS wrongly B. han df ul of wll at middli ngs Is pu t s ire d, tb ese plow·s hares bein g s ec\)4>d the DruIds, 8a :welf ni among ' ~ther Clouded Iire 's gen era l scope , IDto th e mill; o f oac h ~n l r and the to t he lo wer fra me bavln g Ihe tram~· creeds, thll tree wal the oak: and It .' I Unp,e r Jbe snow germs arll stirring ve rse me mbe rs. ca.tves ar e fed t wIce a d ay. 1t , ft" nry' Interel!t1n'g • thing- to" kndll( Fruits o f the s umme..r 10ng' Oow n ; , The qua ntity Is ~ radu~"l y Inc reased t h!,t ; our word f!E," ~lr1tLIfe l1as one PI.! pose un e rrIng ; until !l 1)lnt or Ulore call be fe d to Necealary for Good Shelfer. 1\nds Its root In quer~\I'", th ~\,ge~ertc Rlp'Dlng t be ,seeds thnt are' sown. ndvant.age lwl ce a day. Arter th e)' The birds must hav e a ccess tc.. 1h1me . for the oak, ~11.'llW; t~ ~88 • J ri ~ have IlJ eccm e ronrl of t he mid dlin gs she lter durin g the ra iny weather. A chmshed· •• the, al(\t1\e r 4\fd :nur8~ ' or He art or the world beRt goylyIt Js b ett.~!' to fe cd It to th e m dr y I:.· \h oro ug h soakln~ wh e n th ey nre man, and Wls lupp.)sed i~ to'';,'be '.;,' e ' '(jbls Is tbe Ileason or mirth, ~,ea,1 of putting i t Into t he milk so ne arly bare of feath e r s , is a\11 to r eo ·dwelllng pl. ce' ~f th'e' food.·dls'p en" This S- ~ th~ sea son' \vbe n dally th at t hey will h a \'e to eat It Gl ower nult In a u a l tack o f r oup, or cause :god. :r~e . ~mlnou~ ' ''l!stl{n&'.. ;~of. the , Joy '· ls enewed fn th e earth lll s lead of go bb ,ln g It down . a chlil lhllt ma y 'hrow the b ir rl leave!! 'aM ·the' In:;.,~rlQ,tJ. ' npte .or I, be eked 'r e the looma ann th~ s p indles Oats, c orn nl1<1 r yo ground togeth er bnett for wee ks. Bll t t he hen th at 'the fe!lt~r~ " songster,: .1Q~I) Wlille ,'througb the sHe'<I<!\I th ore rln g ~ D1al'e ,;,ood fec d fo r ca h'es in ad di tion ge ts throug h t he mo ll. e a rly and preseDee · of the dlvli:lIlT to " t~ aweLaugh ~e l\"b~ C)blf"dren that kindles t.) mtHe, but the r e is m oro u P.n ge r In qui ckly will a lmost Inv urla bly prove ..truckh 'i itu.les who conlulb;d the In· ··Eehoe 'n' hea verily tblngs. . I'" "';,,+ , ., , , ; ' I ' ~ed lng lhls k ind of m ea l tban mi ll: u g ood w,n ter laye r. -c!welllng .. dracle. burning ollorif, rolul ·~eart 9r .\~e ~OJ' peat klndlyrl ll11 gS as It Is m ore li ke ly to produco fumes 10 . homage. Tbe" Dodonean 'lIl11I fs the. ,:o~ 10vo; ~k ' onela , In ' rl larrhclea or scours. A little HaxEle eo ~ellef for I nd rowlng t=eathers. ~ ---..,. , '_ grope' bllnd .. y. me al " rl1\ Improve the ration aO(I s up· Sometim es w hell a fowl Is thi c k In ~ !,.. th~~ pJa.ce of other foooll. the l!)ol t It will be seo n cons tantlY T.'e[orq they nre four weeks ,01<1 p'o ckl ng at one pa rticul a r plac e on tbe}' are 'red' IL little ' hay, or r bwel\; Its bOdy. T ble ' may be <mused by ona in: ad~ ltlC'u, to the~!' milk Il~d meal. 0." , more r t ~hO I1~W feathers ! alling to There. ill lP01'6 (lan ger of fd di n g ton pase 'tl!r ,tUgti · ·the skin , ' and cauP'~ p, muct) a'klm' mllk tban too ·\tti le. US ' great Irritation. . '. . f~~'lIt~tl.t ;.fl:!ed!i1g ~ ~~'. 'It, Is to .'j . ~f . 1f ne edle jS iiu s,E!4 undllt tile cuy; I)rlll. ,,~ ~.b e sCflI!~:' r T . ., ' " er? rl. end of Lbo fea.ther; .rt. ')'-ill enabl. ~..} .,t.lvea ~ Wad ~~~8 : tl-'I'l. ,~, t~,- bO/_dra wn 14110'.• th~· 8k~, .

\ :rt it to,jay ' in u"unl li'l uici form or ehueola led tuLl e ts called Sareatobs.

- ------

The Farmer's Son's Great Opportunity WilT wa l\ t or th o

, out Inhorl lun•• f



THICK, SWOLLEN GLAND8 lbat bOl1lo Wh........ Roar.make bA'fO.. Tblok WaDel (J buke-dOWD, caD be r omo. o<I "hb ,


" No

!.'!Jater. DO bal .. p-D. . . . 1I4 INn!) lilt", ac. .Oltr: • • ..P8P bol.-



are. .





1.1. c1'I\'~rocI. Book It II: r ..... AB80 DUIE.... JR., lIahae!l' t o. _alliacl. Ucel vr,rI....

oltro. "J."Dmolil. 'We Dl , PalntnJ, Knoued e1n .. Ul oe . .. 11.00. aad JI.IIO a botllo ..

• ..Ien or daUnted.


wltb t,a Umoal." t,...

W.F.YOUN8,P.O.F•• 8IOT. .OI.II., ..rln.n........

... - a


"."11,... __

r:: =::'~J'r.: •. IUIL 10"1 ..1111....... 1lY•

. . . . 1. hrI. ..........



AbolleH fm. "You s ay that sbe marrie d benelltb h er?" "She certainly did: be r fat he r was an aviator her bus band a chaur· feur."




~ .•





Wlinted-A Handhold . Mea nd ering r.1lke ueav e r:J Buch II. de el) s igh· tbat bls compu liion was move d to aslt him wl1a t UJ e oIatter was : "I was just tblnklng about ball roads and the wond!'r s o f 6clence; ' 'Na s the ans w er . . "Tbls ea rth Is s pIn· nl ng round Ills t,'r' u a raj; \'ay tra Il' be hind tim e." "Well, we aln 't f ell o tT yet," "No. But t hIll k or ~' b a t a cOllv enl· e nce It wou ld be Ir we could l1ave so me pl aco to g rnl> on to whil e de territ or y s lid und e r our !'ee t until de ,. pill ce we wnnt ed 10 go to coml) nlon&,." - ¥ oull1 's Companion. Precis e. T ho proofrea de r on a s m a l) lUlodlewe s te rn da lI y w as a womnn of great precIsion ~ttd ex treme propriety. Olle dsy [1 reporte r succeed ed In getting Into type an Item about "WillI e Drown. the boy who was burned In the West eod by a IIvo wire." On the rollowlng day tho re porte r fo und 011 II Is desk a rrl gld note allk· lng, "Which Iii! tbe west e nd or I boy? It to ok only a o' In sta nt to reply'''IJbe end the son s els on. of cours e." - I..ndles· Home Jo urn al. THE L ITTLE WIDOW Nl!lgh~or

A Mighty Good Sort of Have.


"A little vddow, a nl' lgh bo r of mine. JWlrs nnded me to Iry Grnpe -l': uts when m y stomnch wa s 8 0 wen k th at It 1\Iould no t r e ta in too,1 at II nr oth er kInd." writ e s " g r nlcful woman. from Sa n Rernarhlno Co .. Ca \. "I had been III nn d eonfinecl to my bed with fe ver nnd n eryOU S IJro strn. ,Ion for th ree lon g months af ler the birt h of my secol1 ,1 boy. ' Ve were In ,des polr until the litt le wld ow's advice bro ug ht r e lief. "I like d Gl'8 peSu ls roorl fro m thll beginnin g. nnd In a ll Inc red ibly s hort time It A"ave mo ' nueh st rengt h that I was abl e to lea ve my bed und enjoy m y thre e good mea ls EI d:l)'. In 2 montbs my we lgbt In cr eased f rom 95 to 113 pound s. my nc rves .had s teadi ed down and 1 fe lt r oady for Imyl hlng. My Ile lghl>or s we re amazed to see mo ga in so I'l). pld ly. an d s till l:lOre 80 wl10n tlle y he a rd that G r ~pe·Nuta alone bad broug ht th e ch an ge. "My 4-yell r·old boy hod eczema v ery ba ll last spr ing and los t h is appetite " /l llrely, which m ad o hi m crOBS . and " eey is h. I put him on a diet o f m'apa!\·.Its, whic h he rellslled at once. He, Impl'oveLi froU1 t he beginnin g, the ee' r:e ~ a dIsa ppea red and now ' he Is. fat ~~d r.o sy, with ~ d el;;bUull y soth clear akin. The Grape·Nuta dl~t. il(d . lt: J 'Will willingly anllwer all . Inqulr"~s; Nama gIven by Poat~,m Co .• Bat~e. Cr~elr. .. MIch. .•. :",'.' "'~ ~ ~<." Read tlie ,little .boo~ ~~.The · Ro~d ~ . Well\rI~lIi' : l~pkp.;"".T"'re:. II ~80~" EftP ' _ 4 til• •~ lett•• ,


t;~~ ~t= .~~ '.


• ) '")?

, • .................................... •• •• •• •• COUNTY ,



JohD B. Doll, Anna Blodtlr "Dj Ilopbla 0011, 1"11 'be uokoown belrs or FleI OaU, d80fJ88ed . Eltnotb and Maplt', attoroeY8 ~ or p l"tnttfJ. ~Ie' title. Com .n on Pleas Court. Cat.herioe Mo. Snook va anmlnla· tr , trl x of EI!It.ate of Eltllllbe tb Mount.s neo8A8ed VII t!. Wood welrd al tmrvl v 1 " If admlnlatrator with will an nexlttJ Itf e.t... 'e of Catberlne MOIlD'. Klb b ~ 1, deoeaeed. Plain'ift' olalm. ' ~01l . 50 and case is for January 3, 1912. Jam81 E. Deor'b, lIIaao B Deartb and CUn'oo Deartb, exeoatora of I18tate of 8 . M. . Deu'b, d.oeaaed . file tbelr Inventory aDd appraise m80t whlob i. ordered recorded. &mnel I . OttmoDd, exeonwr of es~&e of Emma OttmoDn. decea8ed, fiJea flr.' and flaal Ilooount witb voooherl for 88Ulemen' whiob i. ordered loepended Rowarel P. Early aad Jobo BI PeD08, exeouton of "&ate of Marliha P. PenOtl, deoealed , ile 'heir first aod fiaal aCOO1lBt wUb vouoberll for le'Uemen' whlob ia ordered SUI peaded . WUl or BeDjamin •. Phllllpe, deeeased. adm.'ted to probate. W. O. PhlJllpe uppolnlied execator of "&ate of BeDJamlD B. Pblllipa, d'lOeU4ld, onder 12000 bOd. Anu D. White appointed luardian or ea&elie of EleaDor White an .11~ ImbeoU•. Jobn A. Ball8Y aa admlDII'rator wtlib will aODend of Henry Beller, d808aled, plaJaCitJr VI Jo,eepb Beller e' a]. Uonn bela 'ba' real 88&a1ie .booteS • .ald and Newton r•. Bar'~ · .ey. l amet V. BaDklneoQ and BeDl'J" W. lleeklr are app:»inlied bppralll


•n .


Proof 01 pabUoatioD 01 ap.

pOIDImeI» of Almoa Bo"d u

ad.ill ..tate of Alben Bo~i deoea~ 8let ADd.ordered re.

mtDlelra'rb: oordet.



, :



Hiram Eyer . Testtunent ary Trua. tee of eatate of Ulandle E Surface. benefiolary. fil e8 Ofteentll account wltll vooohers for "" tLlemeDt wh loh la ordered s uspended. &.ary A. Wh ite, admtnletratri x 01 &:It& te of G eorgn T . Wbl~e, dqoe"sed, aa tr ush!e uf 6't ttte u f JODllthttu White et Ill , deoeu8od , fil et' flnell 1'0 o:mn t with vonobers f ill' lIe ttlemen ~ wblob i8 ordered anlJ p8n;:!ed Olive M . Pah .. , goardlllD of Benry F . BNlen . minor va Btlory F . Breeo minor et al . Peti tion fil ed tor _IE of real e8to1lte an.! 0,,8t! . et t or Jan, uary " 11112 and nolioe ordered '0 deteod"n ts.









123.711. FraDk Andereoo. dellnd, log Jerll ~abaDey , prlsoDer, 1311. State of Oblo V8 Benry. Exman. 13 66 12. 000 wall tem porarily trelns{"r. red from the 8peoial Bridge Fund of 1909 the (Jounty Fuod - - -- - --- - Lightning Kills Few In ) 906 lig btning ki lled only 169 peopl e in tbls wboleoountry . One 's obanoee ot deatb by Jigb\ning Bre le81 th&D two 10 1& minloD . The obBnoe of death from liver, kidney or 8tomach trouble 18 vhtly greater, lint no' it Electrlo Bitten be ulled , 98 Robert }ladseD. of We8t Burling. ton. la .• pr~ved. I'our dootOll! gave blm up atser elgh' montbs of Inf. ft' ring from ... Irulent liver trouble UceDles. And yellow janndlce. be Willi tben George Barllon 22, brloklnyer of completely oored by Eleotrlo Bltter8 Tbey 're tbe best stomaob. liver Clnclnaati, aod !:la.le Kadlener. 22. ntorve and kidney remedy .. nd blood parlfier aD ear'h. Only 500 at till of I:)prlngboro. Ubarlea F. tioathl/:ate 6M, of Cb l. druggisf s oaltO, Illinois and E8~ber P . Welob , THE BOOSTE~ CAR 42, of Morrow . Norvel E. Cllft'ord 20t laborer or Oblo will ba ve a Booster Celr tra'l, Franklin and lIelen ~'rv 17, 0' el10t dayund Kive 100 relllona to etay In Oblo. At reqaeet of The Franklin. Ohio etate Board or AirlouUnre 'be Real Estate TraMfe.... New, York Central RaHway liDei Smith F Watkloa a nd wife to I b d f I t JOflepb Wutklo8, real estate ill War urn e an treln8port, ree, a arle p"88enBeJ' ooaoh, eea'- removed, reo Coanty. fl . over ite entire IIYltem. Thil oar, Sidoey E . Wat.on to Abram Bod tbe firet of itaklod,wiIJ be filled wltb lIary J . Oaborn. re&1 eskte In War. exblbitl 8bowtno the l'88ourcea a.Dd .. ren Coun'y, 11. area' poll8lbtutles of Ohio. Tbe Cl&rroltoD Snell e~ ai, Cia Cbarley work of the E:s:perlmeDt ijtaliton . Goodputer, )0' iD Cozllddale,IIOO. tbe College or Agrloulture, and tbe Mary E. M"Ubewa to Nanoy K Oblo Department of Alrlooltare win Bellar, real ell tate 10 WarreD COOIl· IIbown . 8t.ereoptloan vlewa,aotual be demoDetratlona, leota rea, exblbl'-, ty,11 , M'a ry E.' Matthewa to Nanoy K . e:s:pertmeDta, maohlDery, wool from and Ellery F . Beller,loli 10 LebanoD, every OOQDtry .of 'be world. aDd o'ber Items of ID&ereet Will be Ibown II. !lnd giveD. Kartba W. BreedlDg to Joseph Everytblol free. Nothiog .aId: Youug. real estate io Warren coon No ordera talleu . No oontribaUoo8

'y, 1S50~

K&'bew Fo\ey, deoeued b" De, vil888 't;o JohD P . Fole" real ....te IQ WarreD .0000t1. II. Benjamin O. H'llee &0 George W. Winlleld. real 81U&8 iD WarreD COUDty. II.


elliked. NotblDg adverlii88d lXoept Ohio. Thb three big A,rlool_ural 10Iltl'0'loDI 01 $he a&ate and libe New York CeDtral1in.. bavejolDed iu this mis.ional'J' wort., a'artl! Jaoaar7 2nd. from UolambQ!l al'ld 8&opa at Mar1Avllle and KentoD tbe flrs' day. Findlay and BOWUDI Green tbe DUt. Balf day lliop. will be made a' eaob BY-Uon 1'tallied. The lare of $he W .., and SoQIib IDduoea maoy people to leave Ohio. ilzbiblt 6&H fUled wlab plo &u'., frulli .....tD and blabl" ootoreel acheriUlemeDU oome from

Tbomu ~ '. Welob aod Martha Due ProOf at 'aoUae of .PllOln Welob to D. W. 'and Grace Weimer, , mn\ of Ba~14 K. u adreal . . ..., in Warreo Oooot,. 11500 mI......tor of ..... of Katie II. Bnbam••.,...,,~ ADd ot'4ered Sophia Van Derver to Ka,el B. Goldman, lot In FrapkhD. II. ~• .t · LawlOn &0 OollJu i:arubar', '.. ·; oU paooof of-piabUoatloD of ao'tO. lot.AUce In BI4p'riIlI. It. of .ppoIn......., of '.JebD Pernne ad. QJmm'....,....' mI....... of ..... of Ell.. PerBUlII allowed :-Colu~b1lll o$her eta. .· Receotly ~ train load $ecl an4 reBook IIf . Co. bl mu for robate ~f weslierD lovernors v lilted 9blo, ocded. I" P aud uDloaded argumeD. wby we ~ peOot of pobllcaUOD of uoti08 Sad,., 181.80 W. UDII• .", burial IhooteS emlgnk aod boy their lande 'Of ;.ppoba....' of Ca$herl... Wiler, of lIiohael ·.TobDlo", 111i. 8, L. t f I S tb d 6 6 pr 088.d •• OU erD .. ad",lnl-'trm of ...... 01 Ca'h- ,'---. ,--,.·. wrI1b •. 18r"t oea on b a rta 1 00lD · • ano" "1 de anfd 11'88.. Ua ... b- ern Cl esSpeD • OOI&D 0 0 at ...... 12 Th W, erlD8· TaMe~. cIeoealld, flleclaDd 01'. m I--, e 81 ern r. pu to boom tbelr l&atea. Ohio hal ct.i4 noOrde4. It.hlq 'imea of olroDlIi oou', Ill. beeD $heir riobfJIli banee' fleld . peate . ~. ~ of pobHoatlon of Dolioe BandaU & IIODpr. clOthlDg tor L ed b bl h t nat ~ 'a~bDn' of IIuy A. WhIte prlloDlre, liS. Borroqu AddiJll m~:y' h.~e g~De:' c:~~r':, Uv~ Co .• 1'epairln, machiDe in . .. adJDtDil.....&rIx of • •te of Gearp ,JlacbiJle ' m ' 1580. .rte" under the fia,or a kiDg. Too.of&en, - T. Wldte, 4an_ ft1ed ua4 order. .....arer a 0 08, . whllD lioo lalie. tbey dllOover aDd ed a,ocmlecl. Bro&ben. blann for recorder, 900. ! relf1'eli tbali "Aoree of DiamoDda" Doe proof of pabUoaUoa of nO&I08 Harry lIorphy, I~DIDI aDd re- whlob $hey .aqh& were no' to be palrtDK lawn mower. II . Ed S. f .... 1 b i b be .of appointmen' of ... ;J. Lo.." ·.. Conkl .., lliam- for aDdttor. 15. au .... ar away. D' r . Ii re AU rOhio ....wtldntor of .tate of Mary •- • LoII_,' lleo.leCI, II......d Wllliam Br1deDbaQb. 1'12 f t . ' wood arah O8Dten, ttJ. .T. 8 . 8mlth, Eadl Wlnfcr'. Troubles .noIJrded·. IDai~, 168. aaliOD Iron Worn To many. wlDter .... 88uon of Doe prOOf of publication of ....t. Co, ooh'en . pipe, 14S.20. C. B. 'ronble. Tbelroe'· bitteD COee aDd for for bearinl OD BoU. brldKe repal.... I~. B. H, flDgen, obapped hand I! aDd Iipe, Deoamber 11, 1111, Illed ua4 ordered KUla lumber, saO.36. JI'.4 lIurrell, obtlb,latu.. oold.aoree, red and rOllab -iecOl'ClecJ. I I 50 E w.t>nmr rd IklDII, prove 'hie. Bo' aooh 'ronb].. • 0 , fiy before Baoklen'l ArDloa Bel"e oODtnot, 71. ' . . prooeedlDl1 iD ettate. '01 bridge repairs, 18. Robert Hbu,., A 'rial ooDviD08I. Great.., bealer llath.w 1'0]81', de08Med, oonfIrllUld brtdle lepairl, IS.S'. Ore(JOnia of Bat'D", Boi"" Pilei, Cou, Sorel, .Dd or.ered reoerded. Bridge CompaDY, ooDliraot. '2'12.10 Brull88. Eczema aDd SpralD8. ODly John <P~ Foll7 .admIDh'rator 01 1OregoDla Brlclp Company. oon- '50 a' aU dro"!I!.. estate.f .Ublw Foley. deoe.aeed, ' tnot, ,265. Oreloota Bridge Com, ",uet a. ~a.y. firet and lIDal aooooo' w"h pany, ooDtraot, 11113.411. Jed Beaob· It would probably be Juat . . ...,. to woObeq for .'lemeDIi wbioh 118 ler, brldp repalre, IS8,5'. DeBaam ~.:.a~ ~ It Ulan ordtind :lUlpeDdad. and Co., pelll for variooa oftloerl



.•• 4.os.-.



,,"kmen', ..,




' l







By special arrangement with McCall Co. M~all's

Of New York City, we offer every one the opportunity to secure The

for 50e per year, is positively worth . $1 per year instead. Call at this

Miami Gazette ab80lntely free for 1 year; by merely subscribing to the McCall's MagaZine for 3 years at the rate of 50c per year. In addi· tion you receive 3 Free 15c McCall Patterns,

office any time and see late issues. The Free Patterns are ordered by post·card Crom New York City and can be used any time you need o~. . This offer is available to anyone who subscnDes, renews or extends their time OIJ the Miami Gazette. The only perequisite is that you "pay in advance." Call at this office or send '1.50 by mail.

Miami OUette, 1 year •.•..•• $1.00 McCall', MagAZine, .1 years . . $1.50 .1 Free 15c McCall'. Patterns. .45

ToW Value. • . . . . • • . • . . .. p.95

Will Cost yOU ••••. 'I.SO Now Is Your

Magazine, though selling

Waynesville, .


Scl.ntlfto Manag.ment. \1i"\i\li"\Ii"u;\Ii\li\liu;Iu;\tilli\ti~Ui\liu;\Ai\Ai\i\liio One cold whiter day lOme railroad SATlSFACTION CUARANTEED ' PRICES RICHT oftlclalll, wbile malliDg an lnapecUOD , of a large ,ard, lltepped for a mom.Dt ~ ~ lnald. a .witcbmao·. lhanty to pt "..,111.. Amoq th.m wu a ceneral .uper1.nteDdent Who wa. kn01l'D to ha.... K1ean a maD1a tor "BotentJllo maMCelDeDt," lothes and the re4uetioD of HPeDI8I. A.a ~ E the,. were ...'+'fDA'. the lw1toJlman ukcKi thl traveUnc yaMmaater, wbom :-1 Thomas L. Pierce, Prop. f.: be Imew: ~ 1I"' •• p.I •• Bull.I... f.: "Now, can ye be teWD' me wbo thot mon lar ~ W.,aelvll 0, Ohio ....~. the general I1IPt1f1D,tudent.~ the 7Vdmuter repll~. ~ ~'l\Tbat do you tblnk o· thoU He-a AGENT FOil S UITS PRU S EO AT HOMl a folne lookln' mon, &nd y. ~ would beUeye the talu 'a ..... atter ~ . n. Frllc~ Dry Cltllll' CD. S HOII,T OliO .. ". A SPlO'ALTY . . beariD' about ·lm." "VVhat you beard about blJD, ~~'-' ~~ ~ ~ ~~\ IIIlker wa. the eurtoUi qua.tloD_ "Why. they do .ay tbat be wu at the funeral of Mr. 1II1tc1leU·. woUe. and when tbe . tx pallbearer. 0001. Ollt "THE WORLD IN CINCINNATI" be r;ataed bl. baud aDd 1aJ4: 'Hold on a mlnuu. boy.. I think ye. can pt The World is to be produced ia ... " ......- - -......- - - - - -............ alon;r without two ot thlm."-Je'fer" miniature next Marcb~ in Cincinnati, Ada will be IDierted under this bead for Magulne. and 12,000 Cincinnatiana are prepar. twenty· lin cents for three lnaertloua jng to impersonate the nAnple of all wben u.e101r Dot more tban live IInu. HI. Wife'. "' .. -~ "Naturally. I am Slad ~ m, wu. nations in "The World in Cincinnati" .... ow . . . . . . . . . . . Ie a good hou •• keep .... _erthe'". Exposition, which is to be held in the WANTED the lIIauntlng of her aooompUahmeDta Music Hall in Cincinnati from March _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ __ becCDIfl 10lJl4lwhat ambamu.lq at 9th t A '1 6th 19J2 t1mu," ..Id the mJddl ....ed Ilobe 0 prl • . N trott-ar. The purpoeeofthe ~tionis~ MA SY':'.:~1 :i!:k~:I:I~~:::: "81bortl, betore .tanln, back to show the pro~1'e8I of Cbnstian CiVll- cler in WarreD Uoonty. Salary 170 America we watohed the ohanrtnc of ization in every part of the world. per mODIib. Ad,tre.. II l'ldoatrtal thl royal lillard, 011. mornlDi at In order to do thl.ln a mCl8teftectiv. Blde·,IDdlanapoUI, (Dd. BucllliD,ham Palaoe. It w.. an 1Ja- way, life· like seenes.f foreim landl pre ..,l...e ceremony. Loyal Brltou U4, and aeetiona of America in which the BALI' DOLLAIW lpeO' b, mt .. .J'1IIEllthetic vlsltora aUk. lt004 ...... ' . Ooe dalied 1805, aDd ODe ..ted and Illent. Preaently the .." work of mLaslon&n81 ht earned on, 1825. Tb8l8were belrloolDl Pleue rankJl tormed and the old pard, p.... will be sat Up in the Music Hall. return InformatioD &0 tbtl ofti08. 0Icle;1! by the Cold.tNam baDcL Each section wllI be eurrounded by marc1te4 away to tbe barraca. ft_ bea tif lly painted ~ my ,t1fe lpoke: u U aeenery, rerro') . FOR RENT .. 'VIetl: eald .b•• '1'm 11&4 I cam.. ducinl' parte of Forelrn lanu'and of If I Ibadn't Men 1\ for DlJ'lelf I D.nt our own country. Inside of. th. . woul,d ba...e beJleftd that the qoeen scenes therewill beereeted buildinp £'OR RENT-Farm of 186 aorea, hu Bcrtm Alb om1aIDI JUlt Uke mlnl which 'will be dapUcationa of the ... jJood Impro"emen CIt. 1G.oree. of ~.! a' tbrM cf - rroat .... Str.uctUIWl which a visitor to a for- wb.' aDd II aor.. of rJ. 10811 wt&b _ elgn city .~ht look upon. In all place. Oa.b rent. Appl" W C. O . • - • there will be MtWeml 80 and 40 of, Waynenl1le. Obt,. A Terrible Blunder theae sections. '0 Mgleo' liver trouble. Never do !'welve thousand ,eople, .who are LOST It ~rake Dr. KlD,"a New LlIe ~1111 beiJl8 enrolled .. volunteer helpers on f,he fira' IIlgo of OUDI"paUOD. for the Expo.ition, hom chbreh. bt\l0l18nell8 or lnaottve bowel8 aod f Cin in ti - - . I vi-'nl -.Illlm preTeDt virolenli lndtB8lIUOD. jaaD' 0 C na lUlU ' " W,.I POCKETBOOK-BetweeDG. B dlo, or 1811 llton... They resulale peraonate the niti~8I of each COOD£1U1' and 1I0Elwel'I blaok • IIver.lltomaoh and bowelaand buUe. try, and ma.t of them wJll wear ....I$h Ibop, ooDtalDlol16 IKlIi'iDder op your heaUh. Onl, 2:10 at all~ull'lleterilltic costumes. 'l'hey wilt pl_Ieu.ali Gu.". om08. droggl!!_ _ • .....:11 th.._.....J b caret I • • • pre.-.""" "j'U......vee' u PAl. of Bobber Boo.. ID &Ula' IDESTRUCTIVE RODENTS Btudy to answer the questions of viaourn 8eld. l'illder relUfD 10 .. I itun ail41 explain flV8r7 thinl' which 'hll oftloe .. III)OD .. pullb1e. Tbe earl~ 8DOwa &hla lMIoa will a person may see at the ExpoeItion. bave a teodenoy lio IDoreue tbe - - • FOR sALE dangle r of ' oaCialpa aDd mulberry Aft All.,. n.-Dld )(ao~ 1IWT7' .Juk ftlOb'reea being iDJUed by mice. Tb.. letp out of puro ml' rodlnta work more pel'liateotl" UD, He-No; I It " ......r, Dluob SKOOI) SOW8, PoI.Dd Ob\Da, for der 100W aDd their operations ma7 adulterated with eupJdlt;. _Ie and alto 8wlU'. UI~tlve be IUpeoted UDIiU aooomplla~~, TaDk.,e. Inqo,", : ~ S .. ·~ · "tbl, ' Darlug libe WiDter of ~gOIl,10, , . . - - - - - . . . , ; , , - - - - - . . . . . Wa"un-Ille, UbIO., B. D. 3. .



~ :t

Th e



•I-: I-:







.... ...... ....... .... ............-.


OlasslRed Ads







1i"~h~l1l~f;'iiilibiie~~~ja~D~o;w~;:;_;':tt;«t~b~·tt-.JlJC...-e.c-I'lr.~I;I.~WlClI(,-114 maDY po1'.a 8 .r ad hoeavily. Owaen rep'lrtad to 'he JIlzperlmeoli C]'ation, .. var,iofC de.rt.. of 10jarT. In .01De oa188 en. tire M:r01'811 of lir.... went girdled. .. Mloe prefer &0 w.ork 'wbere 'here .. dead Bratl. weeda or debrle or lome nature In whiob to barbor, aDd II fan of 100W mU8I this Ihel. .T_ d .~ I I ...r mon eecure. &II or er ov m D • mlze &te daDpr 'he I f ' " and weedl Ihoul~d be removed from abuo' Ihe &reee for a dll.D08 of one or two leet. Cavitlel aometlm.. 000Ql' about . 'be roob of catalpa t ...... Oauaed by henln. tbronlh frenlDI aDd thamDI. 8nob 'rlllll are aubj8O' to lihe Bleat... danpr 01 10, jury, IIID08 ~ce prefer 'be .bark of the I~OO'- to tbali of tbe lironk. Glrdlio, below 'be roo' OroWD, If oompley, lEllla 'be tree. A few IbovelfDI. of eartb tbrown aboat 889b tree, will he~p SO elilDinate the danger 01 iDjar,.. A .dro1'8 of bop tDrned In. Ir01'e for 110 litme ~I iD a Domber of calell been fOUDd to I» luooeuful iD drtvinllihe mice out. Ownere of grovea IIboold waSOh oloaet, for evldeo08l I)f "&'dUDI. S):ould beny IDowa aDd oold weatber prevail, many may IIDd 'heir fln.& (,1'1181 roiBed. ID' t_ wlD'.r of 19O1l-lO 'reee fl1'e lnob. In dialDeter wereoompletel" Ri&'dled lD-tbe oau.lpa ,rove ali 'be Ohio Ex. perlm.eDt RtatloD, Wblle examloiDg fo .... try planta. tioollor mice aDd rabbU Injory It would be well to also exam IDe Y08DI oreha'M treee, Mpeolally IihOM growl1 I~ IOd or wbere tbere baa been a beftvy growtb of ouver orop arouo.d tbe tl'8el. Mouodlng '-"e wllih ellr'll Ot 00,,1 dbee la of Ilme protection bali whel'fllibere .. d.nKer of IDjUl'J' aD IDexpeDlI1'e tree proteotor II formed by oolitln'


PbYI.·.CI-an 912 R.eIboId BuWIaIt


Ol'ldu$e AIDertcua 8cbool.1DIb'fWe. 110


Consider tbis Offer . I

We will ~ve you PG.OO worth of Thoro·BI'eI1 Poultry/free ot · charp as per our Combination Poultry OutOffer Write for full ~rtlC\1lara. BeautifUl colored lie ek picture"

~stern 932 Harriet St.



a,JnMyu e,





Jereey Fur·

00.... IDqol"e 01 EdwiD ...., W.yaea'riUe, Ohio.

_ _ _ _-.,.._ _.......


Gobblure~ 1 Turke, ben bNd H. C B. OrplDI&oo'. of beD I, poll. and oook. erell. be .aId by lROf II "oh lin. ,B. V. 8ml'h, Bolt 75, pboo. It-a W Obi YOUNtf


• , . OhlQ

Orplqtoo BurF PulaeSe, a few

(Uook Strain) for I&le. Will ..II oheap. lira. Annle Tborpe, .WaYM81'Ule, Ohio.

B. I. Beds for ...]e. Se o.oJ.. Cookerel&. .....

ao., B.

D .... WaYDfJI.uI~, O.


~B HALK - Bsrred PlJmont.b ... . Boob ..d tS. C. W. Le,horn

m. 8. B"ny, Wa~

Couterele ' lire. a_ville, Ohio. _ ~K

SALE-A Jene1 0011'. fl'8lh. For IDfor....&1oD. call OD Hath 1'IIrau, B •. D. B, Wa"DfJlville,Oblo, ...

Poultry Farm Mann T WInOna,

BIl I , N. 8a.14 property OD J'rankllD .cad. 10qQlre of

Da'rid N. YOUDB, lOS "hIDeaton . Ave., Da,,&OD, 0 .




Waynesville. Ohio.

Barb.d .....

ValleJ Pbo.. l11 ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Funeral DI.",:tOl'. '

Telephone -7 • otallt. VaUey phone No. f ..... DtaIiaD08 No. ID-,...




GtTAtiNTBIID to bell wlt.ooali lea.. a ~,Qf MOREY IlDtJRDBD. . an4 I1.OQ...... for freeb 1rOUDClI. . o¥lIOI'8I,lOft bac1lil and IhouJaenJKtnw aD4 bnaliel. JiIo .... for l'amU, UN.


Braaeh OSee, ~.... 0. ~i!!"!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'


WGvelll wire wtth olle·tbln) tDob m8lh 10 pteoea 18 tD3bea Iqoue. . TIlle wbeD r'ollscl ID .. oyUDder, .'ftl.,·....'l a ..oaud the wee and pl'8lled UUftM' • , , iIlto ' Ibe .aU, will preveat aDT roden' •• IDjat'Y. . . . . •• TIII .WOIn.D . . .,Bo11e'lo 208 Riv. a full 'dlecua- .• nIl5m WlDLT. $UO" IIIOD Oir be vrolieOlitoD oUrul' tr888 .1Id may be ob.~ b" 'D' , IIxperlmeDl 'iUatlou, <

Ohio.~ .


Sh Op


Chance-.u~scrlbe Today.


. " " bs




n t ·· :pe

DR. PAIIU.EU 8LIS1D II ~_ and lDaraDt.eed to eare Spavin, lUDelMme) CUrb, SWfIe!lr apllm, ·~t . or an1 enJarpmeDIi of· fMiU or 1DUCl8, or lDoDe, refunded. ,Price lOa. ~""11.

,.. ..... .,. ALL



• .' THE MIAMI ('ubUahed






III W a ynesville, Ohio







0_ L_






OHIO - - - - - - - - --

Editor and Manager


Rates of Subsuiption Ono Year (.tr!cUy in advlUlce ) . .. . . ... 11.00 Single Oopy . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 00

Reading Locw. per tine . . . . .• .. . , . . . . Reading Local • • black face. per Une . .. OI. .1IIed Ada. oot to e~ Ove 11008 Three InaertJODl .... . . . .. . . . .. Obltuarl8l, Ilve lochoa tree; OV8l' Ih'o . . luchllll. per tine. ... .. .. ... . ... Oard of thlUlluo . . ... .. , .. . •. .• ... .. . " Re.olutloDl . . . . . . . .. . . . . . • . . • . • . . • • . • SOCIaItI etc. where chr.rye Ia made. . . . . . . Dllpla, AdvertilllDlr J)8I" Inch . . . . . . . . . • . DIIIooWlta IvtID 00 oont.ract.

IX lOr

25< lie'

2 fie olk311<' 1u.,


Dan~el Cox died at tbe bome of

bit 100 Tuelctay merning a' 8 0 'clook Lee Earohal' il bome to lpend the boUdMYI, William aDd Staoley Dulre art .peodlo& a few day. 10 Lytle, Mr. aod Mn: Cb.rle. Ulark werf o..,loo ylllklra Thurlday. Il,.. Marrarel Johol 'peot Friday a' 'hot oouo&ry home of her brother AmOtl Coot. . Prof. L. E, Care, baa leDe .plnd • week wiah bam. folkl. I4n. Rober' I'rteod aDd ohildrell ' are 1'illl'Ina ber pareote Dear Ge, ~ 1IUI0",wn. IIrl. Catherine Johu enjoyed lev .ral daJ. IaIt weet wUb ber BOD Barry iD Daysoh. a.v. aDd lite. Uampbell, of (;en Mrrille, hu. .baeD lpeodiol 'h. pua week wl&b ,beir Lyll. friend" lira. Add. Paroellle" on TJlon4&1 &0 lpeod ·Ohn.tmae with be, 100, .001', in Deyton. .Bo, Uatee. of. New Bo.'on, bait retarDed b ,lme af&lr .. week ', .l!1t witb bie onole, WUUlm CollmlD aDel wil e. IIr. William Dakl" .UIl remlto ~ io a verI 18"001 GOodmon, with llme boP.' of btl rloovery. 8. II. Olark aad wife eojoyed as.larday and HaociJ1 at &be b(lmll of theSr «Iaugh&lr, Mr• . Arthar Wat.


.......oeaaenm... ... ~. - . JOOel,


Rev. J . F. Cad wallader Music- Miss Bertha Coon Reading of Minutes The Problem of Soil Fertility John Begg Music Farm Management . C. W. Elliott Round Table Topics Appointment of Committees Music

Music- Quartet Economy in Bam Building Reading- Jessie Marlatt Music The High Cost of Living Live Stock vs. Grain Farming . . Orchard Eoemies and Spraying Round Table Music




J. .. 'rbemu, ...., llauor i Dr. 14. ' G. Brook' a04 'aml11 wish IIr: anf lin. ....Ml'IU~~r,to 0.,.

toD ; Mr 'u4 lin. !Mae" Kenrlok aaclrnDklto Tbomu to Oeowni1le BUt *"'1 'a.4 familY wi,b'J II. .ad ·..'.1D DA1ioo i WalMr EeI.rlot and wlfl wtth P. 111. Ken' riot 104 fa.", ha ~.1Jl8I"'lIe.


C. W . E lliott

Everything is Reduced

Elias Oglesbee . John Begg R . S. McKay


Music-Quartet ~eading-Edytha Macy . John Begg Landlord and Tenant . . Music C . W. Elliott Boys and Girls On the Farm Reading- Justioa Hartsock Music L .....' 8M81on-Saturdlly Moml~-9 o'c:Iook

. Rev. C. S. Grauser Music-Hazel Gustin Reading of Minutes The Ideal American Woman. Mary Frame New Fann Specialties. John Begg Reading-Clara Hawke " Music-Piano Duet-Mrs. F. B. Sherwood and Mrs. Bessie C. White. ' Equal Rights in Business Management and Home Governmeat . Mrs. M. M. Farnsworth Farmer's Orcliard and Garden C. W. Elliott The New Rural EducatJ'on, Its Relation to the Great Kid Problem Cora A. Thompson Round.Table lovocation.


aad daoltblere lod Lemia ' Keorlok were 0.1'00 .hoppen 00 FridlY C n.-Tooeral of ebecllab I'onla wu bel~ a' ht. la.. reeiden08' Wed DeICIa, moroinl. Rev. Campbell of Sol.Un.. 10lermeDt in Ilte~i Cemetery. Aboot ~hlrt1 01 'be ptlrenb and fri.Ddl .tleoded lhl e&08lllo' elt lrelt.. of &be primar1 room 00 Thoreda,. ,,'lerooOD. Mill Roah CJbaadl.r Ie &be I:mOllo& teaoher of ,bi. departmeo&. Ill'. a ..d II,.. William Carmooy. lin- W"~r Ol.,k, Gleo Brook. aod IIan7 &owo wen& to DeytOD ThanneDlD. to bear \Jle Ohio W ... ll,ao U~.... rlll1 Ulle Ulab Tbe proaraot.e4. mll8t.iol here ball beeD lIQOOeI.fol ,-od bM8 beaD made ....rT iDcereami. by- (he .pl.odtd ..rmoll. of ae•. U.mpbell. Be haa beaD . . .ie&ed by bill 100 aarry. WblrtoLY'le 'olk .peot Ohrillt. I mu: . aarr111oGiooti !lnd tllmill io aet1brOOk ; O. tl. "mb· lod Wife wi'b R . a.Dclolpb· 10 . D."oO ; Mr. aad )In. O. Eo Jobo, ' and .on


As has been our custom- ex'cept a very few items we contract to sell at a fixed price-

Evenl"" Se••lon-7130 p. m.

Afternoon aeaelQn-IIOO P.

)lotJmall,nd daqbM,. Belle Cooo


So well and favorably known has our Winter Sale become, that this simple announcement Is all that is necessary.

Afternoon Seaalon- I:OO p. m.


, lIeedam.. Liul.


Friday, December 29-9:30 a. m •

Rate8 of Adverti8inlr



Music-Quartet Reports of Committees Fanners' Repair Shop C. W. Elliott Our Country Schools F. C. Gilmour Music Round Table Ohio State Board of Agriculture and Experiment Station John Begg Music Reading-Ethelyn Jones Devotional-Rev. L. O. Thompson .


1 Ohio Department of Agriculture. 2 Experiment Station. 3 Airicultural College. 4 Farm Labor Bureau. S Qheap Ohio Land •. 6 Uaes of Guoline Enjtinel. 7 Use. of Cement on Farm. 8 Pure Seed Law. 9 Social Life on Farm. 10 Why Decmuinr: Rural Population ? 11 Beautifying County Home •. 12 The State Fur. 13 Governmental Aid for Good Roads. 14 Community Buying and Sellirqr. . IS Why Decline of Coul\!ry School and Church. 16 Farm Book Keeping: 17 Clover Boon. and Thistle Knocks. Parcel.,PoIt. 19 Free Garden Seed. . ' 20 Agricultural .Trains. 21 Orchard Demonatratio'li. 22 Estenlioll School •• 23 County Fair Exhibit. by State. 24 Farmers Exchange. _ 25 HOllie Sweet Home.



Public Sale


I will offer at Publlo &Ie at 'he late residence of Betlj .. mio a . PItl lipj5. dooeased. at Ucicli. Clearoreek Township. Wlirren (Jonnty, Ohlo,on Wednesday, Jauuary 10, 1912 Elf08inniDI( "t 10 o'clook am. the fo ll owlo~ chaUele: 2 8 0l'8es-l 810,011 tione, 10 yellors Old, & good driver; 1 Dun Mare, 12 ye"re old, a good ~e Deral_purpoee mare aDd a good driver. Both elred bv Clem · ent-, recf)rd :l :28, dam Ethel P . rec· ord, 2:18 500 busbels Irood Corn io crib, 5 to08 ttimo~hy Bay, 1 Traok 8iE" ne1V. 1 BDRlfr. 1 BOIIJY Pole. 1 Road Oart, Hay Rope aad PolleYII. 2 boxee Tobaoco, 1 Mowing MachlDe. 1 (Joro Plo'w. Sleigb, 1000 Tobaooo Satokl. and other tblD~e &00 oomeroOl W mentloo. , ' Terma-AU 80m8 or t6 00 aDd DDder, Msh on day of ...le. All 1I0ma over 'f5 OOt a oradi' of nloe montiw win be giveo by poroh..ler IIlvlog , oo'e with approv.d l8Cority.

Being prepared from Pure Native Herbs, ' they Cleanse the System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System. and thu s


Prevents ..,.

v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "".



• • • • • -"

........ .

LIVERITES-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic Constipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it. Manuf8Ctured by ALPHA CHEMICAL co •• 8prlnlJfleld. Ohio

I===UVERITES Only lOc=== A. MAFFrI, Undertaker and Embalmer,

WUl be foond in the Olel Baok BoUding, oppoli.., tbe Na&ional Baok. Telephooe 10 hotl8e aDd orfloe where I OlD be oa.lle4 day or allbt. Vaney Phooe 1'-2.

Maio Street.

. . -.



Waynesvlll.. Ohio


More Likely. "Wbat'e the excitement at that Notary Public IItreet croaslngT 80me automobUe """'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ All tiods of Notary Work.:PensioD coUlalour' Work a tlpeoialty. "I think oot; the crowd'. too bta for that. Some profelllioual puc\Ust muat

.. PILES a:.s:.-::.::.=

hne .tepped Into the sa100ll at that . COl'Der. and thl1'r. wa1Unc tor b1m to cOlDe out." ~~~






••• DENTIST...

Wa,Y08lriJle'. LeauUn,r Den"" "atn Sa

Waynesville. 0 0fII08 tn KeYI Bldg.


SAVING one-third to oneh~1f on an ordinary range's yearly coal bill is no unusu,al achievement for a


Moore's Range

NOTICE-Meals will be furnished py the Ladies' Aid Society .

Mrs. Coomtlzt and Mrs. CarelaJ.

In addition, the exact temperature thermometer-Mrs. Rorer', Thermometer Guide ::nd Moore', Controller Damper atc other features that make Moore's Range the only perfectly controlled cooking rna. chine. You can regulate the heat as surely

Mn. Carcl(ll-"Dur me . Mn. Cookright, but I nrver rcalbed how 'much I wa. ~pending on fuel until the other day J added up all my coal bill, for the ),eu and found I had as though you turned it on ' .pc!nt a whole lot of money. I t at a faucet. Then Moore's Mh. Cook right-"Yn. and you could haft h.d better rookIng-more time to JOunelf and a better looking range and fire-tested Klass oven-door is ban from ODe-third to one-half )'Our fuel cost jf you fu h hId . b..1 bact a Moore'. Range. I kno" the kind of range n er e p an a IAVlDg_ JO" OWlI-~t hu caulc:d more dO",?,ic un~.ppin_-roincd You can ace Jour food aU more cooklDg-ptlt more ." omen IlIto UIl~me11 gra,:n thlll the time it'. c.ookinr You w" callcel fOr. You'll 10 alon, .pendinr three tlmn u , • mucb u you ousht-lIld lIbininc your bealth until _ don t need to epoiI JOur day you' ll be unabl. eo bep up ~1Ionger:-thCII It will bakina b, conatantl, opcabe·aOod-bt. eo fOU-uuI a 101'17 life fOU WIll ~YC lIIIeIe ... of iIIg the OYCD-door.



.". ' .


~~ a Hne' to·


.' .

0De.baIf ofYoar Fuel'BiD.:..s... for . . ,.J~.r ~. >for clacriptift ' raDp .'~ ",.",-.. ,,,...

. " ,









His Own Harvest Ii. PRACTICAL



A. C. McClure. Co .• ).Slo.J



I f> rl

!nr'k, t'('~th. ft \ ·! n:1nlnn . n nw n b l r · ; I I,tliln s nilln . I. IUf'klll~ f (tr t " :lIHIlIj,; w " r I


"'. (1111 (t'ull o p pur ~ Ut · " h y mf'n on 111'1 11 1. · ... V\ Itt,,\ J..: uil h rf'lIdw~ ' h e wu-.:-on t h., nt ~ d I ("~ hf\ve 1 · 1ft~RHl· n... 1 t w u o w n aill i dp "Ort ta. li e s('arrlh' & tho , '''' t im..,. I\H~1 1 K f, lqlcrs I~n d t\ Jo c h " l ,, 1t1l 1\ Wlllllnn ':4 iii r ' I


l\ t:tlh II rt. rJ'f'~f(·d a t l'ar~nn

,"I t)' ,


<ehu rK~ d wit h t hl' 1TI 1Ird.,r. I ds acc.' use r h ,'- I 'ns: 1\ f UrO n n nunu ·d B lad( HHrL A " f'ern I POmponlon In hi .. "p l l nll ttl f ·d ~ ~ b H-ll s him I fla t!! II,. kn e w rhe I\:l' lt h :-c ,,, \' Irg-Illt :l . :'\'f·h I 1'4\) H. ow' n t th {l mu tujlrl'c1 11\ ('1 1\ \ \' ll~ .Jnhn BILJt~ )·. the' n rh (l r G\\ n , \\' 111 1"" \\'ull,:.. (l rl)' r.. Cont'l·t') Prlll e "flk L' T. Ti ll' p lnln»mutl nnd Neb "'RI'npf' , n ul! l alt'r l ilt' f u,:;:l th ",!f,


('u rn.' UtHHl a cu tll n an~l find Uti O l 't: II I UUll to h I:' n YO\ln~ ",1 1"1. wh o m K ,..tth t hll1k ~ hit.. M: l\V a t o r son Cl ly , T h e ",Irl ~xn l H ln ~ " o t sh e Is tn ,. "'nrl.' h or n. brllth",' "" wl w ' lfH t clCI!C rt l'tj fr om

fhe urm)', nnrl that



Mr. H. a wl .-·y I l1llu ,,'o rt Iwr to { ' fHlIt ! to th,' ("Rbln whlh~ h e II!!nUl.:" lif her hrnr ht.'r. f-1 n \\' , Jf'»' Upf'lCurM, n n d l~ " llh In hl , l \ l1~ "" ('Ill:-


nl ~t:" him aN t:J h l l ' k Bu rl. TII,ore l~ a I ~r ­ "',IO t.; b li itie In rh ~ d Ul'k f' n eci r oom tn whli' h I J< ;'hh Is vi c tor, H o r st''' nrp u pp rO ltrtllt"il I'


.and t he J:'lrl who Hill'S t hnt h e r nome 1:-4 Hop~.

jOl1l8 In th ~ <'" ~ 'lp e . I',·lth ,., plnln6 Rl t u n. llon and tho ru,;ltlv4:! ft rnHk e fflr ForI Larlled. wh ere Ih" KltJ Is ler l with 1h~ hOl el le..nd 'nlly Mi llS 11 01'" 1 ~ 1t ~ Ihlll wlw Is th e d~u !{ ht e l ' or G e n ~rnl WIlII ~. J, <'lth and Ncb dr Ift Ihln Sheridan . whpre I{,",II) m. r t8 ILn olt! rrl end . Or, Falrbuln. K e ith meals t he brother or H o ~>e Willi e

\ "'S

'J ndc r the

ICHI,::h by ,

fttlll um

a nd



numc of T· rod " · 11 : c onl'l nrl!l,1 t hn t

b ucom l?s

Bla ck 13llrt h"8 some plot In\'ol " ln,!! the "-wo. l-rop" lellrns th tH Oon . Wnlle, who ""IlS th ou~ ht murder ed. III nt Sherldn". end got's th ero, whe r e tlh'" Ie mt . tak f' n fur -Cllrl.tlc MncluJre, th e ClIrson ClLy ~Inge r, X "lL h Il\oelll Ihe real Chrlslle MIl" lnlr. :an<l' finds Ih.rHlne/< Qnrl haa con,lnc"d Iter tbnt H.ert' III Ik mystery In l1l'r Ilro . whIch he I• •01nK to turo to her !lchan-

, .age.

4:HAPTEft XXII.-(Ccntclnued.) '., ""'1l1li Moclalre," lie lIald, pleasantly,

I tru.t you will 'pardon all that has occurred bl"tween UM, Rnd permtt me 110 explain." "'-I do zmt understand," IIhe ra'Plied, puzr,left by these unexpected ·words. "Tbere \las nothing occurred !between U8, I IIDl sure, which requires ~Iplannllon . we met before!" The man Ilrnlled. Seeing the wom· an's face In Ule shadows he was still convinced Me '1' a8 the same .he· had last parted with 00 the Bait' Fork. liowever, If II~ preferred to Ignore all that, and bellin their relations anew, It wall Vl!!sUy t(> bls liking. It gave' him 1n\llght Into ber character, and frellh , -4:0lIfidence tliM be ' could gain ber as· - - - -- --413t-811ce. An.rhow. 'be was read)' enougb to plr.y her game. "Let us IUlsume not," JUBt the sllghtt"--f---------,nlrt1nn!iitit~~k~;; In tbe tone. "and begin anew. ,'\t least. you will contess :tbe receipt ~ lilY letters-I am Bart1etl Hawley . ~ She cast a Illtlf-frlghtened g lance to-,vlud Keith. "tid the man, following 'the direction ot her eyes, perce'l ved -the presenc" or the otber, His rlltht -Ie! went ba~kl ll1rd, bls hand dropping , to the bolt. b!1\ form stlffenlog erect. :J("ltb's voIce. low but clear In the tlIl1ence, see;rno~ to t:!ut the air. "Not a m"tlOIl, Hawley! I ha"e you




out tben and there became almost overpowering. He had no fear ot Hawley; Indeod , physical fea r had scarcely a place In his r.omposll1on. but he was not as yet" sumclently for· tlfted wltb fact s for the seeking of rucb an e ncounter. A mao cnme In through the omce, and beguo climbing Ibe · stairs. He was almost at tbe landing before Keith recognized hi m or the otber glanced IIIJ· "Ah-seen ber, I suppose:' "Yes," return~d Ke ith. not tblnktng ~vered," It worth While to m~ntlon tho lady's "Oh, gent_emllu, please don't!" denial of bavlng sent for him, "I have "Have no f~. Miss Maclalre: this just come trom th e re." "Hum - tho'lght you'd ,be througb by Ulan and I .....m lIetlle our difference 'elsewhere, e.old lIot In your presence." this tlm e-flne looking girl, aln't she? 'He --stepped Carlh IntQ the 'mIddle ot -believe I'll run In and cbst with ber 'the room, revoivtor drawn , but held myself." low at the hlp . hl~ watcMul eyes "J would advise you to sel~ct some IGflver des'ert!.o;,r tbe I'lamhler's face, otber time, Doctor," said thtl ybuoger, "flack Ill) '1!!&ln/'!t t.we wall, Hawley." drily, "as the lady has a visitor at b. commandrd . "I hurdly need to tell present." .1ou how I s hoot, for we, st least, hnve "A visitor?" his face rosY, his mGt before. NC'w, I'U] going out, and 611rewd eyes darkening. "Ab, Indeed I leave ,you tl) 10nr Int'!rvlcw wIth Miss Of the male sex?" Mllclalre, ana I " ' lsl'I you happiness "I Judge so- 'Black Darl' Hnwley." • orl IIUCCCIIS." "Good Lord!" so startled hl& voice Be moved acms" to Ihe ope ning, brok e. "Did be see youl" keoplng bill fl\co lo ....'nrd bls nll"er"!talho.; I backed him up I.galnst r.ary; then bur.k ed ont ' slowly, closed IIw wall with a guo while I made my {ho door with 1.1 s nnp, nnd SI)rung 1ndl e u," ",sldo to avol<1 any po ,s llJlllty of a bul· I "Uti! wbat lJroughl him tbNe? Are -let crasblng nfl er him . No !;o un~ o f til e}, ac quainted?" movement from \\' lthln · r e ncllt'd his " !Jun ' t a s k co nundrums. Doct(lr. He ~ars, how e vN. nnd h" wailled Hlle ntly llI ay be your rival with Ibe fair lady toe the b end of Iho stairs, for ;>11 I Il now. If he Is. my flympa· t1l1 08 ure nil wllh YOU., Only I wouldn't CHA~Tl~R XXIII. Iry 10 sc e Miss Chri s tie just now; I'd . wnll lor a clcarer fi e ld . Hawl ey 1r . An Une~t>~~t cd proi.Jni.Jl y not In tbe bes t of humor." r' e ith paus e , 1'.. Ih e I"ndln~, lo r- It· F u ll'lIuln 6ta red Inlo the fa ce of the In ;: down Int o til e d ese rl ed o ffi er.. ul· s p('a ker, u Dcerlal n wl;elber or tlot be ID (lS I t e tuj'JIQcI to rCHlrn an<l fOl'ce ',"a s i.Jelnl: la ugh ed at.. II n '.,jpy Into a (!o!lfe~s l n n of h l~ )lilt·· " Hl'eHO n rou' re r ig ht" be aclinowl. rt'l!;'~, II WI' S t' 4bY for him 10 c(,n-. eUI(" t1 li t 11I~ 1. " Tlreu ·n.nYhOw-becn -cell' o wl". 1 '.0",:(\ I..., t ho n llo l rc. ult ~ Oll l all nl g ht - Ih OUg ht ' l'd 1IIIe 10 8~ -of IIII B II~t(,T\'I ~:' \ lJC'lW(, UlI the nrtf ~ li c : ht'r aga in, Ibougb-nnest looking 410nlulcr atld ~,iss I\l 0c lalro. In spite "(,mnn I' vo m et since I came West(If Ih o V :" I~ IH' s lti l,lc lon of e vil wh :c h relllal'klli.Jl e e yes - wei!. I'll go along to tl}l: ~laln s ',mlD b~d Implante d wllhln 1)(> 11 - - '; "0 you again to·morrow, .tack ." t.~e womaH s nd~d, Ib o other posse"s('d I\('ith wnl c hed th o sturdy flguro tbE' /I~I' antag c .• (\ I~ d wOllld eN lainly stamp \"\1y do wl1 Ihe ha1f.way, tmprole It. AI . • a DdIti o ns were d e · l oo~o board s creaking under hi s \losl. ,clded l,' In his fav o r, He merely l ive Ir onel, nntl smiled to hlmselr at .c eed Cd I (~ l·u nv .n re 11.10 girl that s ho th e Itw ....,ln Ihat he might hav e. In· wa s lIctu ,lIly l.le patly 60llg bt, and deed , hcco m o tt'uly Int e rested In the .. h(' " 'ould 1:0 forward. pln y lng rb e n ll . ~ l c hall s ill ger, Som e bow tbe doc~"m e he df' ~ lrr · d. he llev lng hers ... 1f tOt· clld 1101 harmonize with' tbe conJ I!;h l. t~t a 1fY l'II"IJ !lS ~ 'UUS of nny I'e pli o n of love. or tit graciously Into ! ~~ ,u,d . 1 he ve n ' " ltlIpll ci lY of It re n· Ih e plct lt re. SIIII, stranger matlngs ete. ~d t he /l.01 Ih Oi! lUore dan ge rou s. hall (lc("llrre d. and CupId does not ask tbe '~lOre difficult [(I .ex pose , Hawley perml5slon be forc he p lays pranks tlad s urely .been fa v()t cd by fortun e In with hea rts , Ke ilh turn ed again toodl~coverlDg tbl s ., In gor who c ll linc ed ward Ih e s tairs, oDly to observe ". to resemble 1·lo pe s o rpm:l.rk ahly, Anel WOlnan s lowly cross tb e office and "'bo. at Ihe sunl(- lInw. v:a s In sucb cO lll me nce Ih e asce nt. She was In the Ignoraoce Oli to her o \\'n pa rentage. shadow, h e r foce OH!n more dee pl'y ~b(, would be ro!uly 10 g~asp' lIt: a sbaded by b er hat. )'el he stared at .stl'hW, and, ollce vers uall ed as to her ber 10 a mazement-s urely. It was ty apd I gu l rlgbLS, could henct;- MIss ;\Iaclajre! :vet ' how could It trusted Itnllijeltfy as an ally, He had left 't hat person scarcely ~"n!It"'''!! 0\1 , lb !~ , a'nd co~pr-Et.b!3,nd- llllnuleS . ~tore In ·'26,"·/qnd thl1\ easily. Icy '!YoUliI win 'way 'V6S the onl, ,,,o'3I:1t." Hls ·,~litl,tl(ll~¢e overc:ot;ne, bla Imlsped tbo ' rail. ' his beart





him. CD:sn:et1


rUgl· , stl1wce!r,., ~'~. a 's'tisb1c:1,qn ' m'Urde.r. cToned obi. brain. COl.\ld ,thra; IICb~ 't~ Honft? Coull! 'It.'he ,that :ahi' . ;.. . .Ja .

ItS" 'i\

1 '



fll1rt II'S o ( HH \ 'Il"U' ''' . I I ·' ~" I"' !'t n \\ 1I Jr:IIU 1 1~ l ln


tier !lU W Ihul .. I' hOIl[? h h e Introdllced hllll""li. I :)('\'(' 1' nll ce Ib o u ~ lll 10 rn,'n· I Ion 10 111111 m y IInml', The town ",Uf " (> ry roug1l laHI 1I1~~t - lhe (:u mpany : !J ..·d p :1 1,1 o fT 1II<' 1'(1' Idern I w a~ lold I ti l,.,) th e'! 11 wa s no I· :lrrla~(' . ~o we 'v~ re I cnllllll' ll ' II 10 wa lk , I- I tl fl ",' r ~ aw I ~u(' h n "'lib of drunk en m e n. One I (' an I(' 1'("( 'llng : I/.:nln~t m r. and brus hr d I !I~ lrl o lil Y veil , ' j) n~ 10 pc'e lil Y fu ce. , T il l' tluc'lor s ' ,.,,("11 hllll. nnd lhen Ihe , 1I111rs ;.1l 1 ('!lnu' IIP- ),OU I{(]oll' hi III , Hili Hi c lwrk - fllll i I lie> Implld f' nt fe llow , Elc lllnlly .I 1'c I1l1'(' d Ill! kn e w mf'. tbllt' I wa s (,h r ls l l" ~l n l' lnlre I trl ('rl 10 ,' xl.l nln, lJu t Ih ey hurried :tl e o n Ih l"OlI;:: l. Iho ero wc! 10 the hotpl. a nn I iJ or-a tll €! clIn fu ·e d . Hnd forgot. Llo y o~ : S lIflP OSI' Ibey reglslefl'd me II. IDl1t



also? As her foot tOU Ched the land· lng, sbe saw him. her eye!! lighting up Buddenly In recognition, a wa\'e , ot color fioodln& her cheek!!. "Why, Captain Keith." she oxclalmed, extending hel§gloved hand frankly "you have boon to my room, and wer~ going away. I am BO glad I came 10 Um e." "I bard I)' thought 10 meet yotl," he r eplied, r e taining her fing ers In ble grasp. "When did you reach Sberl· dan?" "Only last night. I boel no Idea yoU were bere' unlll Doctor Fnlrbaln cbanced to mention your name, Then I at onco begged him to tell yOU bow exceedingly anxious I was to see you. You see, I was sure you would come I( you ooly knew. I really tbougbt you would be here tbl s morning. and remained In my room waIting, but th~re were some things I actually bad to have. 'wasn't out ten minutes. so you mustn't think I sent you a message and then forgot." Tbe nature er tbe mistake I'\'as becomIng apparent. nnd Keith's .grny eyes smiled B8 they looked Into tbe depths of the brown. "Your message bod r:!tb "~ r nn amusIng re s ult," he snld, "os the doctor In· tormed me that Miss Christie Maclnlre was the one who desired my ·pres. ence," "Mlss M8c\a'~e! " her "ol ce exhibit· Ing starl.led ~.Jrpr l s e . "Why- wbyob , I did forget; I n e l"er told hIm dit· lerentl)'. Why. It was mos t rldlcu· lous." She lau~h e ll . white teelh gleaming between tbo parled reo lips, yet not altogether hnllPlly. "Let me explain, Captain Keith . for r ea lly , have not b een masqlJerndlng, Doctor I,'alrballl n.nd I I}l'rlv ed upon the sarne tl'am last e v e nln~ . Ho Is sucll a funny Ulan, but was very nic e, nnd orrer-

!lUnl l'?"

"Quite IIllell'; at leal'l l Fulrbaln sllll bcli evoN It wns Ihe Chrl s lie whom be 1;0 gll llanll y escortAd last night.'· "How pro vo king ," hp. r foot t a pl)lng 1 r.he floor , a little wrinkle between her 11Y<'8, "It seems a s tbough I couldu't 11scnp<' thnt woman-does IIhtt-{\oos "he r eally look like me~" "At a little distance, yes," he admltted, "ber (a rm and (ace resemble yours ver), clo se ly. but her hair Is durkE' r , h e r eyes bave a dllTerent ex. pression . anti she must be five or six years older." ::~O-dO YOtl IIDOw lIer woll!" No. Ind eed; I have seen her severa l times 00 the stage, but never met her uotll a few moments ago." "A few moments ngo! Do you meaD sbe Is here In this hotel!" "Yes, Miss Hope, and thst was what made the mistake In names 60 laughable. Falrbaln gave mo your message, hut as coming from Cbrlstie. 1 was. of oourl\e, greully SUrl)rlsed, yet respond e d . The lady very prom"tly deni ed bavlng sent for me, but as I was anxious to Interview ber myse lf, we managed to drlrt Into conversation, and I must bave passed a haic bour tbere. I might bave been tbere sUIl, but for an Interruption." "Ob, Indeed!" with rising Intlectlon. He glanced Quickly about, reminded of the situation. . _ --,,-,,-,..~..awley came In. and I would proter not to meet him h ere, or have blm discover you were In She ridan. Could we not go to your room? I have mucb to tell you." Her questioning ey68 lert hIs ro.ce, and stared down ove r the rail. A hellYlIy built man, with red moustache, leaned ngalnst the clerk's desk, "Do you know that man?" she asked qulckly_ "He ' followed rne all tbe Ume I was sbopplng. I_I believe be Is the sarno one who Jostled me In thtl crowd Inst nlgbt.'· Keith leaned past her to get a better view. but tbe rellow turned. and slouched away. ~ "I only had a glimpse, but have no recollection of ever seeing hIm before. You h ear,l no name?" "'Wlld Bill' called him either Bcott. or Scotty-If tbls'ls the Ilame man:' KeIth's Jaw set, the fighting i1 g bl burning In bls eye II. Tbat was tbe name at the fellow roaming wlth WUloughby. the ooe " 'bo seeme~ to bo Uawley's special assistant. "A mere aecldunt probably: D~lt about my 'request? May I talk wltb you a few moments alone?" Sbe bowed, apparently stlll dlssatls. fled regarding hIs lengthy con versa, tlon wltb Christie. yet pel'mltted bJm to follow down the hall. ' Shtl held Ollen Ihe door of "16," and he entered silently, 1J0t wholly understanding tbe cbange In b er manner. Sbe stood before tho dresser, drawing otT hl!r gloves and removing ber bat. "Will YOl' be seated. Captain; tne arm-c balr by Ihe wlodow Is the more comfortable." She turned toward blm. almost shyly, yet with womanly curl. oslty wblcb would not be stilled. "Was your call upon Miss Maclalre very In· ter estlng? DltI you admire her ver, mucb ?" ITO BE CONTINUED.)

"His Efforts Unappreciated .... Cltnrlel H. ' Sherrlll, to Ih~ Argentine Republic. who bS.8 heen Itl the United Slates telling huslness ot· ganlzaUons about the oppertUnWel1 to get wealthy from trad'e wltb ,Soutb A,m orka, received a 4:nJl from a mIddle: aged woman who approached him In n wp.stem city wltb tbe S18Lemen~~ WI. am going to assist you In your work." "Yes 1" said Mr. Sherrill. ,., om goIng , to -tak!) 's0II!'1 of these . lectl/rti dates --olT"':)")u~anda And give ' Ib'ljJrl myseU ~ fl.y ,~e ,.how, r.t u!!b dc) get a !nlgnt, for thnrn?" MI'.' - . '.a .. dlrectnee8

man, but It seems Ihat you are onl, doing a great Injury to tile lecturQ ~arl;et In Ihls section." Her Way, Mrs. WOtgs-SO you keep your nUllband home evenll}gs? I 8uIIl'oae you put )lls Slippers wh ere be <lan find 'em? . Mrs. Boggs-No; I put b's nt·or" £loes wbe~e he


thadie 'did ' 0'1),(.;~t,JL~(J~~I~~ . bill 'ex~leiule • . )b,..


Few Roalize Th..,y'i"o Affected Till Danger Poinl is Reached-Dr. Derby's Kidnl'Y Pills Work Wonders-Sample Freel than lIIost people Im a).:lIl c . M an)' ~uJ'fc rer5 do n u t ),:nu\v whnt's uiling Hlcz:l- unlH tb.e

trou blo l>c ~O lll cs serio;!.. So",c Irifling .111fcdiu" may nm Illto the d re" d t1i"bc t~, dropsy or Bri ght 's d i.cnse l>eCu l'e one realizea th ere's anything wro ng wit h h is kidlleys. Usually the most Dotlet:c.bla .yn; pl ~ m' wh leh first Ilppear Ilre (ar frolll tho seat at the trouble, lind tho suITere r m. su "e ·.b. Mture of his ailmont. Dull h .....dllche. or ner\"ousnc~, for Insta nCQ, he !lever thiaks as signs of diseased ki.lne}"!l, E "eu the aelling back aod sides, rheumatTsm, palns or tw ilc hlllg In &"roln. or limbs.


100 old u m un for I he place, sorno sa hl; e ven Iho ~o wbo lOved bltn tor his long y eurs of falthClI1 ~"rvl ce could not bell) 00' lIclll~ thut when be mount· p.d the pulpit stairs hi s step was a I little un s teady aDd that toward tb l ore , i nflamed lu usd('~ , he I'n :ly ('ut1si tler Inend ot the sermon bls voice broke no; di,-:;tt iO llS of flo me at h e r trou!:>lc. l ' l1natu rally colorert or c loudy u r ' ne. too frequent Or too lind \llon , l One Sunday h e r e nd tbe bymn ov er 'CHelY urinnt ion, bu rn lrg u: ::s:ltion, are ot again after h o bad given out tb e no- course readi ly rec'VStllZl'J as SY"' l'tolllS 0/ tl ceB. and J<; ld c r F enwick frowned at sucl! disorders_ Be ',:l.Se of the d ecep h'" ""J clanKeroWl tbe Dutter or fan s and the s light titt er character of theso t,il''' '':lI", .1 ),,1l1 SIlSp<OCt In th o choir lo ft. yo ~r k~d ners a te di scru:C,.I, 10 ....,: no time in beglOm ng tn.!!ume n t. rj he Ul's t po5!1i ;hl o Elder Penwlck, wbo hlld gl\'(!O n hundred doll ars toward th e lI e w pipe remeliy {or you i~ Dr. D ~ I' ''Y ' " Kidney Pill,. They are qlll le d.ilTercnt ( "ull . anylhing else org an. thought tbnt It did nol h ave a In Ihe ma rke t. T iI(' )" fin III two WII)"'fair c Vllbce. Tbe young peo ple , be c1enClse Ihe clogged klClncY' of t heir polSo n~uld, w'8.e "drifting 01T," espec ially In ou~ Impuril ies, <: ren lllllcn InelQ so they the e venings; IllIlUY of Ibe older on es ~rl')fIu thc. r du lOS nonnall y, n"turn;ly. J"h ere's no olher "':1 y to renllycure ki d ncy bnd "los t Interest : " the attendllnce demngements, resu llan t bladder troubles was not what It s bould be. and. a ll and rheumatlsm-. und perm[\nenlly bau ls b Ihlngs consldl' rcd, tile c hurch n eedcd th ose !rightful aches Ilod puins. Get n pack:l::o Gf these mnrvt) ous Dr. Dt'rbv·. Il c hn nge of pastors . Kidn<y Pill. at once. 25c .lId SOc j)l1Ck'A~" Kot n rew ngreed with EIller Fen- 1~ yu u want to try {hem first your dru'4 wick, but po on e like d to spenk to th e lilll {or a free II&mple patk3Ke. o r ume will minister, He had b ee n long among be ""r t direct by Derby Medlclno Co...... t... the m. tbls old mnn wltb tbe gray hair Rapid" Micb. nnd th e ralter lnr step, He lIad bapTbe tcllow who goes arollnn 1001(1,,11: Uzed ~hlldren wbo were now ratbers for trouble generally Dlrots somcbod;' a~d mothers; he hall lllessed many of wbo takes him at his word. th e men and women of the parish at the marriage altar; he had prayed hy Dr. I' ierce'. Pell"t., .mnll, lugar,coRted, tbe sick beds ot llome who Bat week ly ea.y to tuke a> cundy, rt'llulate tlOd jnv;8In the blgh-backed pewli, and of many orule I tomach, Ih'I}r t!oDd bowela and CW"8 more who reAted In peace under the coustipatioa. green turr ot the churchyard near by. LOTS OF EXCITEMENT. Reward In tho End It was a delicate matter speak I\I>0ut, but It was "managed"-no matter how. As the old minister stood up for his laat service In tho cburch wbere th'e beat years of his manhood had been spent, hla yolce Quavered more than ever. By his reQueli, It bad been made a communion Sunday. At sucb a service, It seemed to blm. he could bav9\ the tenderest partin I with the ' people wbom he loved 80 well. A strange tblng happened that day. Tbere was a moment's pause after tbe sermon and tbe prayer, for tbe mlnlster'a eyell were too misty to Hnd at opee the number in tbe bymn book. In the pause a young man In one of the center pews rose to his feet. "1 hope you will let- let me speak R word," he Bald, abasbed, for tbe eyes or tbe whole congregation were UPOD hlm;. lUd be WAS bardly more tban a boy. "I've been tblnklng since 1 sat here I\enrly every that-that, wben lobe new minister dlngest most comea and bolds bls first communion. at th e store a g,?Od many will jolo tbe cburcb. It Is alwnys BO. I lil\d Intended to be line of tbem, but-but It doesn't Beem Somewhat Incon.l .tent. talr, when Mr. Borden's influence and The young woman had ' spent a b\'s y preaching and the kInd of life be's aay. She bad browbeaten rourteen IIted that's brought me to decide that .eales·people. bullyragged a Bi1~p­ way . If It could be arranged so tbllt walker. argued vlclorlously wltb It I could-ns late as It Is nOW-I'd like mllliner, la,l\l down tbe law to a modl,lite, nipped In the bud a tnxl cbautto join today." teur'lI attempt to ' overcharge ber. Tribute to Loved Pastor. Tbe young man 's yolce died out made ' ll street car conductor stop tbe • Into a dead silence. Then tbe nUnls. car In the middle of a non -s top rUD te r called his session together In tones for her, discharged ber maid and enthat were subdued an~ tremu~our.. gaged . auother, and otherwise refused Tbere was a stir bere and tbere as to allow berself to be ImV08ed . upon. one arter another rose and t01l0~NS Yot she did not smile Ihat evenln. when a :follng man begged: t he elders to the room nbove. "Let me be your protector tbrouCIl F'ourteen young people bad In thel .. heartH decided upon the Btep which life I " must mean so mucb to tbem In the tuJust to Make Sure. turo; and ' sUrred by tbe generous "How sball I ex pres my sentiment. tbought of tbe youtb wbo bad spOken first tbey, too, chose to give tbe t.)\vards )'ou!" said the young lUan, sheaves Into tbe faltbful hand that tendorly. "On paper, please," aald the girl. had scattered the seed. The gray beRd or tbe pastor was "Then there can be no cltancQ ot Your bowed reverently, whUe be read the ..-rlggllng oul of It ...· names, as If to receiVe this baptism of n great joy. Other hearte grew tonder under tb~ Infiuences of the day . When tbe servt ce was over a bundred bands graspe& the bund of the old pastor, not wltb the regret that marks a Hnal pnrtlng, but wl t b tb e gladness that belongs to Il new welcome.-Youtb', CODlpnnlon. -------Prevailing Prayer. The rl\' ~r that rUlls slow :wd creeps by tbo banks. and hegs lenve of every t~rf to let It \laas, Is drawn Into little bollow." csscs, and spends Itself In smaller pot"t~ons, nnd, dies with dlverelan; but when It runa with vIgorous. ness and a fu ll atream , and break. down every obstacle. making It even as Its owu brow, it Btn),s not to be tempted by little avocations. and to c reep Into , holes, but runs Into the sea tbrougb fuJI and us eful channels .• So Is a man's prayer. Ir It movel upon the feet or an nbnted aplletite, It w~nderll Into the society of every trlftlng accltlent, And stays nt the corners or the fancy, and tlliks with ev~ry obstacle' It meets. and cannot arrive nt Heaven; but wuen It Is carried upon Ihe wings Qf pnsslon nnd . desires, a swltt motion nud a hlln ......1>1P appetite. It Lla~ses on through all the Intermedlnl !"eglons or clollds. nDd stays OC'l ttJ1 It dwells all the toot ' of the Ihr.o ne, where m ercy Blta, . dnd thence souds holy showerlf of refre.b. ment.-Jeremy Taylor. ' .. .

I I " ~"urt III>:' 10 Ih e IWl el. I rem em ·


Is Very Deceptive

Kidney disease Is much m'/re cornmOIl f..",.










Practical Fashions

If Mans Haaltb

For the Ohild


'l'b. co.rc(ul mOlher. wl;o watche, closely tho physlc·rd. pI" ,·llarlll •• of her c hlJ· nr~rr, wrw seJnl1 1I1.,·cnem ln l t he mos lmport a nl



c l: ll .s· ~


I,owe l!. will

In 4'Ol10 6ctlo n ,,'Ith a 1:1I0Ll h ~u lch Is 10 keep

"t ·8 ul a.r l~1

np c n .

S luggis h

h I' rvllow r.\1 by loos of npper e811E'!HU1\'S9 tlurl ng st eel), I rr It a .. t,n lty a.nll II tl ll z. ~n a 1l') (j ne slmlln,r e vl .. u c n ('t!tl o r ph )'sl cn l d \::w rd ~ r . At th a fi rs l 81"': 11 o r s lII"h dlsord r r g lvA I he ( 1, 1111 n Ic"spo"" rul or I1r . ("'" Idwell', S~'r ull P e p s in il l nl t; lll n n r e llrlnlr and

(COP7riRh l. IQU , by AlJocu.tot J Lilerar, Pee. . .)

(Cu ily rl ;rht,

t h i ll g'

ConsW ltt

bow t!la



SOME CRUEL AND UNUSUAL Double Penalty Threate ned for Thoae Who Dared to Interfer e With the Wires· Rotort!n bna been laugllln g over the . · .. dlng - 0 1'-8 no lice that baa been pl uce b y th e Public Works depart· me Dt a D SOUle or tbe e lectric wire POs tR 0 11 tb c ro ad to Ok e re . In Ncw Ze ul a nd . Some lim e ago a :\lnol"1 youth. wbo ~ ocm pd 10 un I'C Il misgu ided taste ro r experim entin g. tllre w U long piece or cable oy cr Ibe e lectri c wires Ulllt run to itoto rull from Ihe power sta tion at t b o Okere "'u II s. Th e town WII ~ at on ce plunged In dllrkn eRB for t \\"0 or thrce hours until t he mischie f had been lo('ate d. Th e du s ky uud youtbru l experl· me nl e r Wa s (' arpet ed In lh e court and filled for bl s sc le ntilic enlhu ulasm. a nd tb e de pa rtm e nt Jlut lip th is no" I 8uppt;l o;e you' l) be an agricul h.... tice : 1st when lIoU grow up?" "Any person s r. itmblng tbe electrIc "No·m . l ' m Jes t gain' to work O"D IIg bt pole s or dnm a glng tb a in s ulators tbls farm . that's all." Bre lin ble to a fatll t sbo ck and a pen· a lty o r '£1 0."- Tlt· n1ts. Oeclded ly Novel. Ella It was a novel propolla l. BOTAN ICAL BA.DINAGE. Ste lla- What did he sayT EIlII-T hat he begged the proud prl vllege of getting up mQrnlngB 10 build' t he fire tor me.

\ Iul"u " I_IIHl\ ry "'0" .. I lhoughl - I hud ht'lIrd - )"ou WHe " ..... .) abruad. " Cunnle (allerel! . .. 11 be r dim· TllI~re wus a Ruccestil on at dl scour'l llll' K flushing und 1)luYlng bowllde r· aged grunts. lind tho little narrow _Illll{l}·. rOllollt the do.c Iho rollowlng night It guuge ellglne CUtn~ up to a deud hult " Yes . Illy rrlendH bellenl I w'.,nt n CC'C8sn ry-nwn" t hnn thal Will acu rc e l y III th .. Isulntecl Vermon t HI.lle." . ..... needed. You will nni! thnt th e ('hlld wi th th e McAllHters In .. line. But I '\'111 r~"o \'e r fl s Iloouatonlpd good Bplrlts "Stalled !" exclaim ed a dia l us at s tole awuy n il by myself ,.1 stud y ' ~p &.-t onc e n nd w ill cut und s lee p n(Jrmally _ voices In varying degrp.fls at anuoy. tor the 1J00k I'm wrlUng Thl . rr medy Ie e. va at Improv ~ m .. nt 01' ~r e6 try. unc a and disgust. ove r 9u ha, c'ulhn r t lcs, lIu: atlv fl I've put. tn six weeks or sollrl work." walers Rnd simil ar th lrU;d, wh ich nre oltogeth er Mrs . Van Urun t sltt Iud den I:! e,ect. A look passed b tween (he two t o o p owe rful r ll r a ri l l Ill , T h t! h om es o t She was a mugnlfic c nt persona g e. ag. made Mrs. Vun Brunl writhe. Was 101m. 0"0. L . Onnsby. X c n l". Ohto. and "resslve and ol' erb ea rlng. mu ch too all her plotting and Mrs. J a • . ~( o Lu. l n. lI a 01 01o",18\'l lI o. 011 10 . wlre·pu lll.·g to s wartly dressed for u journey Into !.be COlDe to naught? U1'0 nl wuy n "'lI ppll ~\ l \\'tth D r. ( 'a.ld She had coui.ted we ll'o Hy nlp I ' ~ ' I) !' I II , wilda . n. n<l w lth t he'n, on definite ly se ttling her niece's tu· nil with l ho\HUQld fJ or o t hc r :i. lh e ro "How c xaHlleratlu g ! Th ere's no tllre wltbln ~w e nty·rour hours. Now it! no lIuustil u t e for t h \s gr;\nd l u :< n tlv o. tellIng how long we will be delayed ! Ihe one man " 'ho could It ·1. really 01 0 " 0 thll ll 11 loxn tl\·c , for It !!po!1 her lit· cC'nta.lns Bup ('rlor toni c pro p erties whi c h And we are due 01 Stormcl llr In an tie game had unexr-ec teuly, <Tossed help 10 lone "".1 . t re n ~ th e n lhe stomach. hour. What's wrong. I wonder ?" their path. liver lind bowr l. so 111M 0 (ler a brief The male pn ne nge rs werc pourIng I "I hear the ' warning uoe or It nil la x a clves "an be dlspene ed wbisllll>" she with nnd IIA\I Uro will do Its o wn work . out of th e dingy little coaches on a' exclaim ed . "'" e muot hU8te n 'f laclc" Anyono wl _II ln lil' to mnks B trial of this tour ot \:)vestlg otlon . Mra. Van Brunt Duncan Vance walked down to tbe rem edy before bu), lng It In the retrUlar I watched from the cor window as they tl"alll with them. way of :l drugl;lst al nrty ~ents or on" He and Conuie hurried down the track, then ber cold ch8tted In accen IB dollnr B large bottle (family size) ean ot suppre~5ed ex· _ __ ____ _ 4' hn •• 0. . ampl e bottle lent to th e home eyes swept the Illnuecll)Je. An elt. ellemen t. hut Mrs. Van Brunt kept There Is nothing newer. nothln. (re" of ch:trga by limply add reulnlr Dr. elamll.tlon wae smolher ed In her close at their lIeels. W . B. Cntdw" n. 201 Wa8hlncton 8t.. She . hurried Imarter than. tbe little empire coatI throat. She turned hastily to her Connie IJiIO the conch. 1II0nticello. III. Your nnme and uddreBa bllt tLe young of th~ present !!ellson. The mode1 on a postal. c ~d '11'111 do. niece, a Very pretty girl with dark. man stood at the window until Ihe shown II one of thllo, beet. The back' velvety eyes and copper gleams In her lraln began 10 move. II seamles s, tb e (ront ftlled by 10Dg Not tOI' Earthly Ear•. hair. ' "I shall Bee you again soon." he French d·a rtl. tbe neck trimmed with Dr. Heed. II ' mInIste r. WIIS open"Con8tl lnee. lIlY dear" didn't we cslled after them. a handsom e collar and broad . Dlrec· ng tbe Sund!IY morning service brIng fruIt ond sandwlc bes along! at "Not It 1 can help It!" Mrs. Van tolre revera. Tbe peplum below tbe !Jls church with Ibe usual prayer. They'll help to llaSH !.be time." Brunt ejaculat ed to herself. belt complet ell the &armen L Tholle While be was III the wldsl of It a ConnIe opened u s mall handbag aad SQJIle hour. later Connie "tood on coats are made of velvet. Itranger enterel\ , l4e churcb Bnd took aatln. laId It on the sent. tbe broad veranda at Storm..J ltr. The cloth and other dres8)' materia broad· .1 seat far back. ls. "Here they art'. Aunt Helena. Bun had gone down behind Stra'ton . The pattern (6633) Dr. Reed was prayIng In a low Is cut In !!Izes don't want anytbln; ;." Sbe bad rls· mounta in. ~II the IU8ser h'elghtB : the 32 tp 12 Inc he!! bUlt measure . Me- 10te. and the man.Jn tbe rear. after en ROd slipped Quietly into the aisle. nr~rowJled I lopcs, were " 'I' apped In dium size require s 2% yards or 4.. ilralnln g hIs ears for awhile. called ''1'11 get out anll walk about." a wondor ful 01)&1 halte. lut: "Pray louder. Dr. Reed. I can't Inch materIa l "Don·t you 811r a Itep! You'lI .et and e ..... In II •• weell.. :We wtll ...1•• Soveral 'thlngs had happene d since ~ear you ." 10ll ID at.artilltr • l\r.r"l&ln Jour &oWD or bel. left!" To procure thl. pallern • .md ID eenU ~ tbelr .rrl~BI. Colonel Cab erl. tbelr Dr. )IOU .ret • poaltlon In ()lnelnna t1. Reed paused. opened his eye!! AUIO btWoo to "Pilltern Departm ent, " ot (hi _ paper. "No danger. She-Ah nell. wUl be reater De.' ,eap \han eTfW. lUHt beard one ot host. a railroad preside nt, wIth . dearest one. when you 'md turned Write tb<em around untJ~ they name t.ntl addrelll pllLlnly. lind be no Specl..1 01. . . for OIJ.~-OHOWD maD ope... J .... the trBlnme n 8ay we'd be here for a Immedi ate family or are gone .lIre 1 shall &0 trlve pIne 1110 away~ lind n .. mbcr of plLuern. 'ested on the man In the rear. Then hl8 i,wn. had I. . Wrlt.e \OQ7 for free c ..ta1otrQe ...d ~ halt hour or longer." He-Tu t! tutl S~ruce up. shown tbem over the beautl,u l house. - - - - - - - - - Y. M. C. A. AUTO SCHO OL - - - - - - - . ~e said: ."1 was not address ing you . .•( torbld you to lanye the car; Then Jack. hlB handsom N. W. Col'. 7th l.-Waln ut.Clocl nDltl.O hJo.. , Ir ; I was speakin g to Ood."-L ondon e nephew . had I 1110.563 3. SIZE .. .. ...... .... .. cried 1'01 re. Van Bnmt. majestic ally. Watcbd og. Import ant to Mothe r. escorted Connie through tho. Examin e carefull y .every bottle of RebellIo us red came Into the girl's grounds . Afterwa rd Mrs. NAME .. ......... ·. ...... .. ... . ...... .. . . .... . Van Brunt CASTORIA.11 safe and sure remedy for cheeks. "Wbat Is the harm? Yd'u had. unearth ed trom her trunk a very TOWN ... ... ..... ........ ... .... .. ..... .. ... . IT IS CRIMINAL TO NEGLECT Infants and ~e are unreaso nable, Aunt lIeleoll." And' lovely gown, her latest ~at It , purcblls e tor Beaf8tb e • he Itarted tor th e door. ,. - I STREE T AND NO .. .. .. ... , . .. .. .... .... . THE SKIN AND HAIR he .... niece. Mrs. Van Brunt so.lIed after ber. Slgno.tu reof "Ot e04IJse tbls Is rio mt're PlelUlUrSj STATE . .. ..... .... .. ......... . .... .. . .. ... . .. Tbere were ao gry ! lllbtches In tbe trip." was her cold·blo I od ed declllra · Think of tb'e Bufterln g entailed by Tn Use For OVer 30 Years. elder woman' s rnce Childre n Ury for Fletche r's Castoriu : tlon . "Make the most of your oppor'l neglect ed skin trouble s-menl al be"Perbap s )·ou think don't know. tunity. ~y dear. You will never ~ave cause ' 01 dlsllgur aUon. pbyalca l bebUI 1 do!" sbe hIs sed. "That tarm· such CHILD' S TUCKE D COAT. Touchin g. another . There'l Bnother neph· CDUBe ot pain. ThInk of tbe pleasur e Jennie -Eve rything be toucbes ew. a .racele ai Bcamp, I I·waglne : bllt ot a clear okln, sort, whIte hands, IInu seem s to tUI"O to gold . Jack ought to get tbe lion's sbare of good hair. These blessIng s. so essen· Jim - Yes; he touehed me today tor the mOlley. It you let him slip tlal to happIne ss and even success In a soverelg n .- London OpInIon . tbrough your fingers because oC arly lire, are often only a matter at a little foollshn es8, you'll g e l n"O more help th9\lght ful ' carEl in tbe lelectJo n of M . I IIIl ve , . g gums. Rllb ~ no v Jlt!o p C from me," r ece ulo ef!l!t:Uve remedia l agents. Cut!cur a II nmhil6 \\'I ZlIfll 011 0 11 ~um . lind 8~Op . the It was riot Jack's face I hat danced S(Io\Q nnd Ointme nt do 60 mucb for l'l~ CII )' ; ch llsc t he o.1 i,wUI!6 gornlll with Il p(1fl!" complex loms. red, rough hands. mouth Wllsh betore tbe 'glrl's eyea as she arrayed o f Il fe ll' drops to· a spoonful YOU OAN 0 N A ,. RM I Iln~ dry. thin nnd falling hair. and Cost of water. berH~lt In the grudiln gly·glve n IInery. F e. TE.. ....., 0Tertlli. RID r..whlee Indeed. bad sbe no become very fond If.lllIIrnA so little. that It 10 almost crimIna l Jlot f After a woman Lllo '1'.living In n 8~all Sc:oru 01 men all!maltln "IOOOpe r.cra nt.ln, at Colonel Cal\tert, wbose acl}u/llnt· to .use tb em . Al. tboug b C utlcuro. Soap I town hall visited In frull •• d ve,elable . to ,rI...t 11_ So caa' ,011. the cIty tor a cou· Gucl<. trucklo'qulck'.lu'u.; _ _ •.,.. ... &uit. ance' he ,had mllue In NElW York tb'e · and OIntme nt a'r e 801d everyw here, a pIe of weeks she calls Iier hired .glrl up.ool pecaos locb~p,olill wllhllltlc labor. Our vrevlou o wrnter. she would never haVE) I•• d 10 bautifuU , I_t«laloe postal"' tO" CUtlClll'lI:' Dept. 21 L. Bos· 11 maid. & ~ 0..11 Ul'uoocounty .wenelulliod&dclv'i!o" ...oU'aD consent ed to come to Stormcl ilr. H, IIe. !'r... ton • • wi II secure a 'IIb ertll Bample of duCet be"8nd hl'h....prleeoI ...-nunl tJ!"... lruli had taken an almost paterna l Interese obippedoutofFlorida-"'IOUIOllollo""",Dperacre. each, with 32'llage booklet on skin M.... WtDslow's 900lblnlt 8yn1p for Cbllcll'ell In hel' (rom \)Ie firat. l'rOIlucuI972ccltrylseaoI6Ituce;l60o.tno"berrlcs; l. t r:etb lutl. soften s t!Jc: "uul s. r ec.l 1lc e s .ul1"01101 \ I'OOc"Fumbaw, etc •. Three crOp. rabcd each and scalp treatnle ni. year. \IGD, allo.l" paiD. "ure ....1." COlic. ~ • butu.. Nervoua sobs were very near lht:! FIaI1, oy.tera .n~ ... ml\ In I/>undan<e. Send 10' IuD lIIlo. . .c1on on thl. p'ropo.IIIon·.o\oapor , Burr-ace as she stood there and watcb· tall' to,oe; I'ORT lUCllK l. COIIPA NY The Differen ce. We arc apt to speak of a man as ed the Hun go UuWn . · Her (ate was ,. 011100. 211 y .."klli! SI •• Tim ' Via. "John M. Harlan. " said II. ChIcago being lucky when hA has Ir. her own 0 hands. Sbe liked lux· 8u,cc~cle4< -=_-=--=la wyer:' In a eu logy of the late SUo where we have faUt' ury and hated poverty . It waR l1er· W. N. U., CINC'I NNAT', NO. 5O-1911~ preme Court Justice, "had a way of feelly clear Why this Invl~atlon to pointIng an obs ervation with a story. ~====~= =~~========~- , the Calvert eumDle r bome had heen Once he wanted to rebuke a man for' extende d. Cnld. common sense ad· Rxagger aUon, so he said . be was ae monishe d her to accept tbankfu lly bsd as a P I (~sburg milliona Ire wbo what the gods had provide d. ~e heart I wondorful lI~uble pump, throu;b tb" was beIng Intervie wed by B New York But ection of whioh the blood I atream I •.~U,*, ."cepio , ehe dldn't love Jack-s he never . could reporte r. 'round and round throu~ the body at P.le·,ate ~ .ev." love him! It would be 11 caBe at blU' "'Wher e, IIlr, were you born '!. the 'milea em hour. .. Remem ber thi.;' that o~f.:.:bodlea ler.. anel sale-. reporter , ae he .s barpene d his pencil, ",HI not ,taDd the .triln of ove"'IWorit ",ithOu'i iI~, ~ X ftrm: qulck ' ~l!Croaii'l!d Ibe ve: · This coat Ilf a' real COld weather gar· . lUIked. pure blood any' more ttim 'ihe eD~inec ...· ru'it;~tnoOtb,. . anda. Sbe &a.lIn'~Cit c:Ofl11llg and bEtr Inent. The kent II "'1 was born In PIttsbu rg: laId the without oil." After many'y .,.n Of ittu8'fin thi douhle breasted heart leaped, Ini<. li'er ·a ctive. p'rpq&e of lIIe4ipaoe, Dr. R. V. Ilierce found Whitt and at each 'aide tbere are two deep milliona ire. 1...__....._ _~......:..Ji~......a:u" lshbuld ahe !!IIY to 111m' throat. .. that wheo tbc •• ~oJ!&Ch Will ,Qut· 01 order, tlae. bloOd . .. 'And where did you ftrst-e r-aee ~lIcks. wbleb add conside rable mateimpure and there were "mptom . of ,cnenl breakTen mlnu~el! Jater It bad been B,,1d ' r1~ .and· warmth . In tbe the light of day~' back the tuck. Nook H.d It., Mel\1ory. , down, a tonlo made. of tbe ,Iyoeric extract of bertaiD "",aU uncerta inty was over (orever, are used to form a double •• 'When I was nID'e ,' tbe mlllion alre boll: plait .f· l.ootl Will the belt ~rrective, Tbi. be c.lIed :.. ~~ d lb ' , <j~ck had rushed away snappin g at her feel The neck hall replied. 'My pe,oplethen moved to a wide orname ntal house u;,1 yon er a were , l i.L ' d ' Phllade lphla. • collar and tbe sleeves " 'hlcb lire' :'"II'!' w9f 0. Jut .," . ~ .~ . r wllh -the MeAl ' Au,! .. she must. tace her aunt's. gathere d atI the Blloulde.r. end In a kr.ow I . b·om tbe plclur.~ on · your 'bltter nc; Ullbrald lngs. She knew the lIl!p.bIlCk cuff. Reversi ble cloth. Left Him ThinkIn g. tweed. drelaln l table at home. Beio' .m~~, W:ltbou~ aloohol, tbll "Medic a. Dilcove ry" II I price abe would havo to l1ey-po or cheviot, velvet, etc., "I promise d my wife a half·cro wD heipi the .torusoh to are used "Yes, !laId ConnIe. a gueFr for these _Icoila re the !oed, theNlby curin, ~y~peppia. It I. eapeeial tt e , 1\ I .. ~" ....... ~I .. I iillrmen ta. adapted to di_IBa to put In a bOlIte'Bate every time 1 lilt In b/i;- voIce. "!t·s s~ch a dear clothel, . ' o tteoded witli' elICBaIlive tiseue "aete, notlbiy in coovalelyecCl_ plein . v n8', u... . from ".rioua Id 1 I I kissed her. Later, when sbe opened t goQd I<}ok at J~ tasks; bul her heart bAng withIn ber. fe"en, 'tor thlo-blooded ' people and tho •.e ",~o are alway... catobin, The Dallern (56H) Is cut In 8!ze!! 2 the sa~e. there were a lot of soverei cold. It· ;b .~~~~llster:n:rE~a In Europe. ,. Tbe " Mrs. v.a!! Brunfw buld call gns Dr. Plerec.'. lier' Commo a sen· o Seo~ to 8 M~i,o.1 Aflviyer i. lent 00 r_ipt. of 31 one. ,ears. B·year Blze requires 2'4 aDd half·sov erelglls " .II I d in It. 1 asked ber CeDt I tlmenta Itampe l ' fool; for the but h ouee French sbe II ose -no b a d y .wll'~ ··• kn"""" telt cloth·bo that und bOo~ of she yard. of 50 Incb a:aterla L ......... . where abe got them. A d !ih R. V. Piotce, No. 66J Street, Bulfaio, N. Y. 1008 palle.. Add,... Dr. d on' again wftii'"ah lnlnll had done- .the wise and Ben,slble Ollng. n "'Every body Is not 80 stingy a.s . e. mpve . To Jl"ocure thl. Il'\tter1\ .end 10 eent. .' . S!qwlY the ').a!l,~. g~e~ of daylle,h t to : ~patlern Departm ent." of thl. paper. you: IIhe replled ."-Lond on Tlt·Blls . ey;~ . ~ were Umes 'wh£_ even M~: taded; stara fta.bed / tnt() the darken.' WlIte nt.Dle a.nd add ..... plainly. and be VI IMISnJ t . dar d ' not CroSB the 'Irl. Ing sky. Colonel Calvert allN &0 alve alae and number of paUerDo . mo!!t ber a8 . GOITRE (ll1RED n I e sbe re-enter wttAolIt. .... ID <!f ."rill~~ .oj)<l~1l0D . Write fo, koustl. and drew l ~o~ let ber have her w.a 11 Fate h~r Into theedbigthedrawIng IIOOkIe1. PH. U. IL Wu..&.oI.UIII, IIIClDa1. Ohio. room. Into . lared a shabby trlcl' In per~lt. the brillian t gaslight . &; SiZE ...... .. .. ..... . 5644. It's humIlia ting to dIscove r tbat the e train, to break down lit u;la "So you h.ave retused jockl" Ther. 1110. ~A)lEl .......... ......... .... .. ... . .. .. ..... . AU tolks who we Imnllne despIse UI Dev· ular po!nt." But the "'orst that ,,'48 an ftmU!ed gleam lu h" B s hrewd THB STANO AltD OF QUALIT Y . . ,come !rom . It ' Wall the awakeu · gllSY tlyes aa they er " even think of us! 8earcbe d her face. ~OWN; .......... .......... .......... ....... . FOR 'OYER' 3O·Y.EAR8 I III of .m[morl e8 that m!ght belter "'''Why? Don't be' afraidtell me. my 8TREET "',",0 '"'0 . .. ... .. .......... ..... . 11te worbW iabip whiCh humadeW.L . U' C<ln~"... co~'!.: Croup &DCl Bore Tllroo.t 'I"f s~)l~ber. . . .. dear. Why did you do It?" DouBlu lu=-I; ' moet famous the world over • :~!:l S:111~~l l - "I thought you bl!.d more sense, ~\:~t!:'a ~~Le~, STATE . . ...... ..... .......... ..... . ......... . Down went her head tl\lOn mainlain she SI!-Id un@il'aclOt,lllY. Uftlng ber d r " I found- I c4luldl' bls ~boUI. ed in ~ pair. l't-sell my. '. Too many "eye openers " wUl close sldrta t.o allgqt r~om ~he car. BI could take yOll iiato my lat• .fadoriea "or s:lr:' ehe taltered . a man'l eyes. course 1 can' ~ let you go prowlln l( .t Brocktoo. M..... and ,how "yOU how Colonel Calvert" stroked ber rum· SleepinG With Childre n. about the drJli~tul place alone." earefull yW.LD ouslauh oet are made. you I d haIr tenderly . "Tbat·s wher& Wben It Is necesla ry lor aD adull Buy Connie ollmlied "tbe hlU ,lpwly, ~o~ ehQwetl " good' senle.. would then realize WIly I warra nt them Now. I won· to Bleep 10 tbe ume bed wIth a youn8 :roo can be happier In the 80ut h aDd mue more money glancl, ., from r.1~b.~ to 16ft.; Eacb der It there Isn·t Roweb!) to their "y else who ~blld. the . followin g methOd witt Up on teo acrei in the 6t and look better and than OD. 6fty nook · all!! ta~ Its . bltter·sw eet ball /l. better-s ho,,' than ' poor Jack?" 1....._ t·h.n other maliet for.he . found quIte ......t8C(Ory. and Insure acrea in the FlORO North.Soutb BARGA INSmemory . the tlofldero us' ' fig· Connie sta~~e( bilck: pile and trem· rolllfort to the adult at lelalt. Make Florida -Io a. 1460.: 29 a. t725; urI!' clos, ~er. Ibe /would ban bllllg. 'flitl sudden ·tear ,waH un round· the bed with tl\ree sheea Inst.ead 01 Teua trnclc farms. 10 a . lgoo; ]b10 a. $630; a. 12000; been . '.' restrain her SOb8. ed . Be gave a .10w evlde~tb' two; tben have the ehlld sleep be· 40 a. t3:\00: Tenn. !j2S a. $9500; Ark. 80 L ' 'rooo. Olber bargains in 8QUlhem states. In the " .slgnal. A man In otor coat tween · tbe mIddle and lower IIheetll • III«MtloIa Ilaita Co. lie.. ........ T..... CIacIIId. .. and the adult between the middle Dnll. u"per sbeeti This preven ts ibe chltd You have a eorklng goo4 memory from roillni'~ aro411d. aJld ; &110 ..lIolds , the·i;hee:t; tlfthtly about It!i should ers.- If you don·t: tell ·the. aame:.s tory·'I0· the-' ·twlc!I:-;-:.i\tebls on .01obe. Oood Houllellee.l~ln, . 1911' • OJ'




Yoa Can Learn to Drive

' .~ I


, " I


.The ·Haman'· Hearl !.





Dr. Pier~'s Golden Medical Discovery

"'-1 ' .

w~ L., '2.50: '3.00"'3.50


~!I:h..i ~~~=


a Farm





...... ...............

Edgemonte Butters'

:A H,ppy


"Bill- FIlller I. a phtiolOpber, wblcb F. C. Gilmour spent ChristmaS in he needB to be, Inasmuch all hI! 18 • John Smith was in Cincinnati. C· . tl Upton SIncla1r'. faUler·in·law. He ad· S d mires SInclair, Ule Clnelnnatl 1'lme... un ay. mcmDlil • Star's New York correepondent wrtt.., and haB no crlUc1am whatever to Karl Hawke spent Christmas in MI98 Sybil Hawke, of Delaw~. make on the dUfeT8ncee which haYe Chillicothe. is home for the Christmaa hOlidayS' j developed between bls daughter and Don't forget the Oyster Supper at the YOUnt; wrIter. "They're both blgb. Mrs. F. S. Baily is attending the browlI." IIIlYII Fuller, "and Heaven Poultry' Show in Xenia. today. the Township House, Monday even. know" that two hlghhrows can't Itet . Mrs. A. Maffltt was in Spring Val- mg. along. Wh),. e VeD one blghbrow can't Itet 610nlr." But be doeBn't approve of Sln~alr'1 ley Tuesday, the Il'uest of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thompson. of dletal'7 Idea., ., neYer Iu:low,- -.1d Cincinnati, are tht! Chriatmu i'UesU he, "wben 1 take a meal wlUl 'Oppte, Aqelbert McKay, of Dayton, spent of relatives here. whether he wID d4tc1are that the onI7 Christmas D8¥ with T. J . Brown and .ane diet la to chew a prune 400 tlmeB family E. E. Sommermier, of Columbus, and Ulen rub the lltone in Ule hair, or • was the Sunday gueat of Mr. and . whether he '111111 want forty poundl of NW meat aDd a couple of uncooked , Rev. an" Mrs. C. S. Grauser and Mrs. R. G. CrOl!8. cabbages. He doean't run true to form 1 90n, charles, spent Chris tmas in Mr. amd Mrs. Cliff Ridlle. of Dayone mIght "Y. He never haB th~ I Dayton. ...... aame Idea about rood twice In aucce. 1 ' ton, spent Christlllas with Mr. and • • • •% • lion. OnC41 I nlliteel hIm at Arden. . Miss Luella Fomorin went to her Mrs. Mllhlon Ridge. where be bad planned a IOrt of 110- h . clalilltlc Ggden of Eden. By anel by I o~e In Clermont County for the I bepn to need my todder. ' hohdays. Tom Homine and family. of Day.. 'When do we eaU' [ slIked 'Opple. toln, spent Christmaa with his mother. FOR SALE OREAT WHITE PLAQUE " There: laid he, 'iB a loaf of wbole Geo. Thomp80n, of Dayton, visited Mrs. An,os Romill!,. wheat bread, &DIll the .prlng I, ouly his mother. Mrs. J. M. Thompson 2 freeh COWl WarrEm Edwards is spendin£ the Co[U!umptJon has been 100 yards away.' He bep.n to teU me I Monday. 1 fann wacon that tWs sort or cold poultice wu all holidays with his parents Mr and termed the "Great White PI8&'Ue." 5lhoata m~ .atomaell needed. Messrs. George and Warren Dakin. Urs. O.:J. Edwards. Of all dis~ common to man it is 1 AUl'he breakin£ plow That may be aU rIIht for yaup f M'ddl 0 . h . the moat wide-apread and the most , • 8tomach,' Bald I, 'but my atomach has 0 I etown, hio, spent C nat. 100 bUl!hel Com in crib Edwal'd Strouse. of BliBBfielcl, deadly. As haa been correctly statbeeD pampered. When doee the nut mas here I. L. Frye. R. D: •• train leaYer Mich., is, spending the holidays with ed. other diaeasea have caused more Wayneliville.Obio. Lou Printz spent Christmas day his mother near town. "'In which direction" ..ked 'Opple. dismay, more panic and, occasionally, -.~.----~!~ "'Any dlrec:tJon: Bald I. with Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Weller. at for short 'periods, even wider deLATE CLASSIFIED ADS . "But htrore I left I dJd one .ood Centerville. but consumption haa been Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton, of deed. ['d DCICSo.s a J)MII:ed IdDd of a Dayton, spent Christmas with Mr. the most constant and the most pelto pup lelUlq acatna tlae wall of UpA bi£ bow I of Oysters lind the and Mrs. J. H. Hawke. pie's Ihack. The colored mal4 said tilential of all; the worst acourp of FOR SALE trimmings at the Township House • the dOC was 'atu~Ito.' C. Gilmour and little mCoankinli. g' . ~'f Mrs. F. Monday night. "'He ,..' won·t eat hJa tomattoea; . . nsump on \I Wle cause 0 one tan th1tI cU ••e. 'An' Mlltab Slnolalr dau~htc!r. spent Chnstmas Day wltb out of every four death8 wbich MALIC ROR', Pol"od China, to .ay~ tomattoel II a putreot food for a Mi88 Marv Hawke. of Leb'50n • relatives In South Lebanon. tak I bet tb f 20 mllat9 old, wel,bt 350 lbe. e p ace ween e agee. Inquire or 8aml. Heokle B D. 6 dO!:I ... _.'...... • was the guest of relatives here Sun· cuel8 - - 1 .....t, lIaYII I. Mrs. R G• Cro98 left Monday and 5O.--Bulletin Illinois Board of \V.yo• •Ule, Ohio Oen&enillepbODe' 'Tllat'. aU the)'"re 1It for. But before day and Monday. . . '115. 1 go me and the doC are cotng to Ila't'e mominl' for Amelia, Ohio. for a four Health. a tout.' Mrs. Alethia Alexander and MillS days visit to relatives there. A tteod 'be Farmer.' IOlmu" ANTED-Good oM PUP-COI'1l. "So [ aent out and bought lITe KatAerine Alexander spent Tuesday. loqolre at &hu. oflloe. , Mr and Mrs. Jos.· Evans anil son pound. of Bteak, and I broUed It over with relatives in Dayton. an open ftre and the ck..~ and me eat W'lb d' tb h l'd the whole workB. The trqrance Of I ur are spen 109 e 0 I ays FINJI: yooeR Tarlle,.· Uobbl.,. th. brollinc broUCht Upple out of hlB Mr. Waller McClure and family with rellitives in Cincinnati. for ..I. Inqolre" or lin at tent. He Itoo4 ther. looklq at UI, spent Christmas Day with Mr. J88 . W, R , D. " WaYD.vllle, Mi88 Laura McKinsey, of the N. with teara In lllI en. and water on McClure, near Bellbrook. Ofllo. hJa Upl. ; N. U., Lebanon, is spending the va~ 'M,. aoodIf...: I&JW UPIlI., 'I .,. Mi~ Clara Hawke returned home ,c ation at beJ:..home in Corwin. u.y. rm ceWq hUD."..' WAYNI;SVILLE CHURCltE& I "'Good,' 117& L 'Ra,.. a tomato, Friday evelling after a week's v~it with relatives in Dayton. ' Mi99 Anna Thomson, of Dayton. is uppte,'spending the holidays with her par--''-----Metbodllt EpiIcopaJ Chaan:a. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M rgan and ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thomson. BUlY Word. BeY. O. 8. Orauaor• .....0.. " 811D4a, 8c1lOO1; II: 11 a, ID. .~orDUlIf'" Tbere fa no wonl. lone or .hort, In daughter, of Detroit. Mich., are the viae. 10 :80 a. ID, _ . . DiD, Mr't'lce. 1':' :011 p. Mr. Ilnd Mm. Frank Andrews•. of th. IlnIlIab lannace capable of per- lJUesta of Mrs. Julia Bergan, •. M1d_. P-rl'.r·... &ta.r. 7 Po ID. \ , Lebanon. were Cbriatmu peets of formlni ~ much labor In a clear. IntelJ1cIhle . . . . u the 'Nit» to eet: Mr. and Mm. ailUe Evans, of the latulr's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. • an4 here • &D old-time IQ)eClmen or Sprinaneld. were Christmas peets Geo. Hamilton • . Ita oQabWU.. -of Ole moeUl ai ' .... nerr _JIll allllilla, Joe Hawke. 1:00 a. .. "l lOt Oil I10nebadr wlthfn tc of Mr, and Don)t fail to come and make the DWaUt. after I · lot your ~ Fannersl' Institute one of the Miss Pearl Carey, of Dayton. spent I act to CaDw1nlr7 I act a cbaIae for towD: but I I'Ot wet tbroach before 1 Christmas Day at the home of her ever. Fridavand Saturday. Decemlot to Canterbury and 1 ba'N cot Rch parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. C~. ber 29th and soth. • cold u I Iball not be able to jet lid of In a htll'l'7. I sot to the' u.a.. Paul McClelland. of Transylvania . Mm. Mary P. WillIOn. of the ChrIIdaa A.a...... 107 &beNt aoon, but ant aI aIltI lOt anon Patriot. has illued illvitatiolllAl --.,... University at Lexiqton. Ky~, is ...... and 4NIH4. I IOOIl lot lato . f ./ BeY.L.o.~ ....... . JOHN BEOO. ..... ~ the MCNt ot lettlD. • memorial .,. spendinsr the holidays with his aunt. to the lrJUU'nqa 0 her datJlmlter'.J ,... the board. bllt 1 coolcl DOt pt an Millll Lola ZeIt. Mile Mt,rrill Proctor. to Frederic l1atltute Lecturer ColumbUi oro""I·g;;~~'~~;;~~I::fi ~~~ . . . . . then: howe'Nr. I lOt the In· Booker Ball, of. WilIiamaburJr. Va., PlItuam County. Ohio. .. ) ' ,) - , from the mellelllW Uaat I Miss Kiuie Merritt left Monday at her home in' Broadway.1I1unday Age 416. Born In Ohio. Manted. . . H......... fIt-+ .............., UoaI4 IDOIt IIbIJ eet OD. the nen ni th 28th I Wife and six children. Farm 160 ~ e ut,. at 8 o·clock. acres. Educated In public ' BohOoII. ftnt 0., ....u... 0;00 -... J'int.,., mornlq. Aa.ooa .. I lOt back to mJ momin. for Topeka. Kana. where eve O£. • - • Ll ve stock and grain prod - 80Il001. "11;00.... I'oIanli ' Daf ~ , baD I cot 1117 811R*'. When I lot up she was called 0... .. ..count of the 1':00.... ' » Ia the mol'lJJq I lot mJ breUtast death of her l!Iister. Mrs. M. M. ' N(]~TED DIVINE DEAD ncta. Speclallzed with cattle . and an4 thea act IIlJMlt cIreIIed that I Bale. who died Saturday at her. , hogB. ProgreulYe In comJllull1t, lJIl.. , ~'........ qaun:a. .' aJPt . . oat In time to .t &D ea· home in Topeka. The Rt. Rev. J. Milia Kendrick, proYementa. Belle't'e8' In cl't'le a.cI. KrL B_. . . . . . . . . . . . _er to 1117 JDeIIMJI1al. Aa IOOD U I Bi-'-op of DI--- of N- ..--t_~ of "ancement. Wu Ulcturer Ohio State IIabbaala IIeIiool, ' :Ie! L . . Beplar olll"e• lICIt It I lOt IDto the ant cbala. aa4 .. -..... - - Orange 1903-6. Appointed WItH IIr't'SoI, a..: oarta\l4a KaGI6"" Meaars. Rosa Hartaoek, Kenneth ,the Proteltant Epillcopal church. State Normal .chool . Ma,; 1911: 18 7 :~o J . ",:~_~-:_._. . . to ~ b7 ~ dcloc*. u4 allqat t.. t1IIIIe.aut ....... Hough, L)tman Silver. Hersebel Ban· died iii PUadima, Cal.. Saturday, teal'll on Inatltute, lecture foree; ,19 ' ,. nen and MIIIII May Strawn. of th41 Deeetb~r" 16th. Bishop Kendrick ,e&J'oI member of township .oboo. TIl. Patient O. S. U t • calL, home Friday e.ven · ~',bo~ at Gam.,ier. anel educated board. Sucoo8lfut. ' Ad't'ocatM beag. Prof. W. La'ftOll 'l'alJ, &pI'Opoli aI in£. and .will spend the ho1li~ in'tIJia aWe; , IIDhop Kendrick tva Uf:D~~t!~:ea~~~~~'''Tbe Prohl.m =d : : : ::::.. c=~, with their parenta. llialioiw:'j .in the Southern Ohio of Soil Fertility;" :'Uve Stock " •• "'ThIs eve Ia tM IWaIt of r ,DiOceae for i num6er of yean and Oraln Farming;" "New Farm Special· ..... ---. • bed,'I''many . " tim. in St. :! -, tI~,'" ".UfO-Ddlord and Tenant" the ftIIult aI much . . .t totL Ia. Cora MeK. ay atarted JutI I.preac; JIIIary's deed. 1!Hn I thfnk or the patleDt ni for Los Anpl-. He. wu univeraallv loved ltv .~.... __ (night); "Ohio State. Board or Acd-'U .- 01 • " " WIU8II: eulture ·and JllQlertment Statlon.- , .... nc ..." ved In th. perfecUq or where ' Ibe will join her brother who knew him. Wa cure, I am remlIlded of Dr. Bob Clark,MclT--, for an indeftnie stay. - - -......_.....- - 8&1'7er'1 ante-room. ) , ~ ''Dr. Bob BaW)'er ltepped pnnidlJ after , B])!Im4Iin£ the summer in NEW YEAR'S OYSTER SUPPER Into hi. ante-room on. da,.. There ~ayneeville and vicinity. "ere quit. ~ght or DIne peJ'1IODI Th Y M' rot__ f &'- M there. ADd Dr. Bob, 100"'-. ,from 0.... e 4tlln£ en 8 v . . . 0 Wle .. ...... E Su d"" (!O_'- __ I III gi ,_.... face to aDOther willa complaceD_ • D _ o1I\lIIYU W ve an O"D...,& said : aupPflr the ToWnship Bowie o~ ~ 'Well, who com.. BratT WIlo·. the Eastern Star. for 1912. The Mond.., evenin£. Jan. 1ft. fJ'Om 6 to been waiting tbe lonceat'" .. appointment came in the nature ~f 8. Com4e. anJ _pI,· ,t he .boY'1!I .. 'Here, dL~'that'a me: ..14 Snip surprise to Mrs. Hawke, but abe 18 ',eoqkiDfr, and help tb~' with your the tailor. nllng and ftourtlhlq her honors lrBCefully. quutera. :;::tt.!nb~~~ ..been walttnc oyer IWIear:irur r _~_._ _ _• _ __ _ __ __ Laurence Sherwood. of Cleveland. A, Moat ·......roue.N.tu ..... is the gUeit of his parentll. Dr. and 'I'Ile7 llM '"", ~e4 but a .hem Mrs. T. E. Sherwood. Mr. Sher.' tim.. ~I. tII..r· "p~" w.. IdJlIIc. . h . , Her, ,Upl.i )~ ~~ law: h18 m .... Look Out for Trouble wood has been t""veh~ t rou£h t~e ~t w~'; l'...,.,.tulcid.··· , The atter-eJfects of tbe Grip are a1)( New England states thl8 l!Iummer.ln. Atid lIlJi.tIaJa .oB fllO • wMkl . to be Berious, but II normal healthy the inter.taof an electrical , "1'Od4T:' wtt. munDured. condition may be restored In II BUr.. they at Itocetherl an.r tMlr IYea· prlBlogl,. ahort time bY' Vlnol. We are in receipt' of a card from ::r1;l~aI. "I ..w th.lonUwt 1&ce • Watertown. WIs.-"After II aeveT8 Mr. Joe Ma-'-allon which is a ' . A~D4 .be ,"beeL "But ,I b.w attack of the Orlp my system was In ....11 )'OU , wtlh,ed to ecoDOmts.. ..,. I dJcln'i. a 't'ery weakened. nervous and run· street scene in Biloxi, MIss. . Pat tlaem. - . . ". ' .' down condItion. J began taklng Vlnol 811Ys:-We left Dayton at 3 p. m. . Accl .....D ahe .tcW. with the very beat results, and In a ITiu;a"i .." and arrived in Biloxi Wed· . ~~". hemtirmure4 foa41J. Bhort time I bepn to feel like an en· Deaday at 8 p. m • all JrOod and tired. "..~ 101l· "~ .hall be tlrel,. different penon, and I am better • k ADJWnI Ytheb dd. to ,our hap,.. and stronger than 1 have been for We secured a very nice place to eep and brta.. ' to,Our d_ years." Adelaide Oamm. (We guaran- boule. u,rtJalq ,Oai': tee w. teatlmonlal to be genulna) Ja. McClure received a very handWe have ,.nenr ..,14 In our IItore .uch a 1'&108ble st:rensth creator and ChristmlB present hi the w,q bol"lII~f.,..:raa:Lt D,OWI_ health 1'eIItonr for the oooyaleaeent. the weak ~ 'ran-cl~ .. Vln.ot. ~.d .... uk ~pte in thla Ttolll1t1 to tIT a ~ttl. of: ' . ' the .1"04er!.tandlnc




To All.






L.A.Zimmerman Corwin, III.. Heorlll~'a ., oKlnaey IB spendtbls boUd.y weell: witb her lIill-


ter 10 o.y&on , Geo. Waterho08e, of Delaware College II home 00 hu. Cl1rl,tmlls


. Mr. "J80&'


Smitb. of OioolnDAtl.

Cbraesmu dalY wUb bi"s moth-

er. Mi•. Alloe MoK.lnsey bad for h er gUaM" Cbl'l,,'& m, 1I day, IIr. and •• . N MoRtDMY aDd mtle lIOn. of




:Morrow, aDd Mr. Mal' MoK.insey

"1'11 , ..... Graf. we "re ghill port. fa mooh improved.

to re-

M.ra. llart Wa&erbonllB and daughttntflr&aloed 8unday 111 honor or Qe"rp, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Edward~, JlI!II8'&&ell• .LemmoD. Meure. (;lar. enOl! il:dw&I'de. Raymond Da vis aDd John Lemmoo. "rlh. Olrons was Lo Dayton Thurlday, Bay IIID. made .. busioess 'rip to c.."1DotDDatt TburldAy. • W. J, KUbon 18 unller the doclonoue, _ . 1reD1l and Audrey Collini. of Ol'll8Onia. speo' a few daye reoeotl.Y with 'heir aoot, Mra. W . Bt,p. , Mr. 04 Ill'll. Colemao, Of Xeuta, MiUeallilooielU1d Laora MoKtuleY. of LebaoOD. .peot Chrlltma, with 111'11. Obrla*le lIoK1DMY.· tir. L'Urt Blaey eDjoyed Sooday cUDD'" ,al'" IIr. and lin. Alb~rL

lBIunt•• ·

lb., anh lin. I .., IIorpn .re ,"II*1oa tht. week wi~ lbell' 80D in

. ~.

and I'l~oe "....rk. ofXeDIa,'I'MD' OIlriatmu with &heir Dlo&ber'u 41ie&en.

Jlr. "...... Brown a04 tamil,

10lIl. of ,.tl...,. Obrt.tmaa.



\V.. Ne4rr. of ~r.rnIYlbQq, 'riatsecllln, AUoe lIIoKiD..,.l'rtday. "1I'e .lUo. Cook 18 ..111*101 her 'pareD" Dear !'oe&en. Ohaa. .Reynolcll aDd f.mlly are TlIltlD. relattYIII ia o.,.klD. 111M Lydia Graham, 6f Day too I. .. i.I*l0B lIer paren&e., , ,..


caNtun,. ••__ . . . have o-.w 1.000 beAtIfaI ftIo. .... In ~ IIbnr7 1&14 ..... 1Aitto· MUn.


-or 'OO1I1'M.-J01I

" I

eIUUlOt NIi4 ...



tbem... ,replied lira. OI4autlL "()b, D!" ht to pt tJIrouab IfIlOIl or them 80m. ttm.. I,... tJaat I ~ thIa

to 1D7HJf. W. ba•• bella 1'WJ'

CIUtib11 til maJdq oar.eleaCIoIt,. 17 flit them 11&,..


.ut .....



THE REAL ISSUE In our .... me1!18 out here In the ,

, ."



I r

Middle West to herald to the world the magnitude of our com and Wheat crops, the superiority of our beef cattle and tborou£h-bred swine and the tremendous productiveness of our dom.tie hen. we are prone to 1080 sight of the real i88ue. namely, the splendid crop of stroO£ sons and lair dau£htel'8 that the country i8 producinc•. In their joyous natures we behold at once the bright Bunlight of hope and the beautiful bow of promise of OUt' future greatness and £Iory. [)rouths and dehlges may destroy our £rowiD£ erops; disease and degeneration may play havoc among our cattle 'on a thousand hilll!l and our trEasured porkers ~~ boasted I n the alla Ifa fi e I ua; yea, our domf8tie ben may even occasionally cease her productive labors-all these calamities miaht conceivably come upon us eaCh in ita tnm lind ' . ' yet our £Iory not be' dimmed; provided onb', that our growing boys IlDd airla btJ 80 trained and safeguarded in the hoine.80 educated h 1 h · - ' ~ . tb and, d ~~lip_ In. .e ae 00. t e ~u~ aDd the other lnsti~Uona of , the couotry. that they ' will- dev.elop . " ' 1P8C-






St.~ .!!~~~


. -.





::b.ote;:;. -U--











.I n. tL




81Xl'Y _1'8IR O YEAR .



-i---------------l· Are __ ! !~~t_ ~~p1~ _



You Ready?





_____ ___ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _..-..CI



, For mer Citi zens

We are expecti ng an outpou ring "Death is the gate of life." .. . h Id ' Alex Mart was .. Leballon vititor 0 f God.,11 Sptrlt John H. Caskey, Superin tenden t .---~.-...-. --~-..-..m teo time way .. . b Re . aI Se . Sunday. In t e , VIV rvICet\ to commence of the Warren County Childre n's 0 Geor~e Upp, former ly of this place in the Method Home, died at Miami Valley Episcopal Church Hospi'''1 for the Roy I",ns, of Dayton , was In town in Waynesville,ist past is months in San Sernar on Januar y 7, 1912. ...., ~. at Dayton , Ohio, Decem ber 29th , dino, Cal., was struck either by II , Theee services are for YOU and 00 1911 in the 65th year of bis age. buggy ur wh.! I, Saturd Walter McClure wu in Daytor.. our intentio n ia to make the preachay evening . Saturd ay. His !!ondition was such that an oper- Decemb er 23rd , and his sk ull was ing ap'plicable to YOUR needs. aUon was deemed necessary, but fractur ed , He died at 3 o'clock . hi Joe. Heato... of Spri....boro, ,was In PI aln preac ng an d goo d Gospe I when perform ed he only survive d it ,: ... . singing will charact erize the s~ rnext mornin g, S un d aY,:in d was b urtown Sunday. , . vices some thirty·s ix hours. . Waynesville Farme r's Institu te Cornell, Elmer Eal:nha rt. ried at Rialto, Cat: He is survive d H'arry Toe deceased was born August Wm. Thorpe. of Dayton, was in Get ready for the visitation of opened its sessi~ns in Sc~oot Hall, y hiR widow and these three chil a~ Stokes ~nd Jesse Hartso town Tuelda y. ck. 31st, 18(7, in Warren County where, ,h'en: ' Mrs: John Finn. Cincinn God's S 'r't 9:80 a , m. WIth PreSIdent P . D. ati; QuestIon chosen for the Round with the exception of one or two .'drs. E'thel Washbu.n and Miss ~I~r~nce S. Grause r Past Clagett in th~ chair. • Table discussion for the afterno on short periods spent in Holme . StooPil spent last week ___ __ • adjoini ng Martha UIIP, Xenia ' or. The followmg progra m was car- was... Why the Decline of Countr y counties, he always lived He was wi~b Mr. and Mra. A. Stoops. VeAR lY WE.H HER REPOR T ried out. Invocat~o~ Rev. J . F, School and Church ." Adjo~rnment twice married , on Mr. ad Mrs. Crawf~nI Perry and Decem ber 22nd. Cadwallader. MUSIC, Instrum ental. to 1 p. m. 1870 to Rosella Githens, and of this family apent Sunday i~ Lebanon. We are the recipie nts ' of a letter The following summa ry of the ' MiS8 ~ertha Coon. Minutes of las* , AFTERNOON SESSION union two children were born. and rpgiste red packag e from weathe r report fer the ye~r 1911, se8.!ions read ~nd a~p.roved. our "The. Mn. Roy Jones. of was the was prepare d by C. E. Michen " Lavern aand Lester. RosellaCaskey old friend, D. R Anderson er, Problem of flail- Fertlht y," by Stat· . of Waynes~llh~ Qua~,te tte-The &'11- ot relativ e. bere 1at died May 18th, 1881 On Septem ber fayette , Ind. The p~cka~e and makes interes ting reading: contam Speaker. Mr. John Begg, of Colum- CO,~nty Falr y!ar Song. . . ., Lauren ee Brown was the &'\lest of 16th, 1885 he was again marrie d to ed a beautif ully embroi dered , . . shirt· bus Grove, Ohio, was taken up Eco~om y III Barn Bulldmg, was Mary M. Antram and to them was waist 'Pattern Dayton friends over New Y-r·s. Januar y ... 3.44 ~D July ........ 1.02 ~n Speake r enid in part· Every . and he inform ed us r thin"" Februa ry ..1.04,m AUgU8t .. .3.76 m . I t he subject of C. W. Elliott. First. b . t St. Mary'. GuUd will meet at the March ...... 2.73 in .. I t' B k b own orn one c I11'Id , FdA Sept ..... 5.67 in we enJoy, eat or wear, comes from re n ram. w h0 that it was the work of his . . oca ~on. . an arn m.ost rectory Thund ay afterno on at 2:80. Aprll ........4.88 in ~onom with hiS mother and Lavern a and hands. It is a handso me deftlgn. and ' Octobe r .. 3.65 in the Boi\' Base of all eoil is rock. Ical, I~ pOSl'lble ~o ha~e It. 81ze and Lester sUI'vive him . May ......... 1.64!n Nov ........2.51 !n humus is decomposed vegetab the embroi dery work is beautif (4' rnaterla~ to bUIld WIth .. Cheape st lIisa Sue Crane. 0 Cbicrinnati, is June ..........8.71 m Dec ........4.24.m Since 1895 MI'. Casl<ey has been a rlone. He says it is the forty-se ully matter , soil with humus content·~ oundat lon concret e outsIde cond frame devoted and faithfu l commu nicant one he has worked , and the pest of her slater Mra. Eli Bur Total ramfal l for ~ear .....38.29 ~n. darker than soil withou t it. Humus he should be e~ter frarr.rd togethe r th~n spiked. ,I of St . Mary's Church. He was also very nett. Averaa-e yearly ramfllll ... 8 0 m. is porous and aerates the soil; proud of hie achieye ments. liS ab- . ulld large enoug h to glv~ ample an Odd I"dlow. a Mason. a Knight we certain ly are. Born, Saturd ay. Deeem ber80tb . to The' rainfal l for Februa ry May sorbs water and holds it the same as ;ro~~. an~ do notII make. mistak e of Templa r. and a Shriner . He served Mr, and Mrs. ~ Da1I!n, a cJau~h. ' , . It takes three hundre d pul mg too sma. InSide June and JQ)Y was notIceably defiC-j at sponge of barn tho public in many ways. Year "<: f te to ter. f d • n • Bhawve r plan open center system f . ient, th~t of Febrnal'Y being 1.63 on~~ ~a r g~OW one ton I .. W. H. Gard. of MonrOVIa. Cal,. \ r~ dvocates cove'red yards for pro~ a ~er year as Townsh. \ Ip ~ru!ltee, and Iin writing to Frank Zellsay s IiO many Mr. and Mr-. J. H. area,e nd. in. below normal . for May 2.82 in.; mata' : In c°",l't ' encFe, nhecessl Y Of :acting manure until drawn to field as fre 83urer; for a lon g time a md e~ · I good things . I . b I h , re mmg mOis ure. i~ 1& few days in Colilmb1l8 with J une .82 m.; ac m regard to Waynescrop a ~ . Ju y 1.85 m. e ow t e tift h d ed d I Readin normal. 'd Marlat t follow- ber 0 f t he school b oard an d Its I VI'11 e f ormer .relativee. . corn remov(,s " een un r POU? s ~!d b m~ by. Jessie resl ents, we 1 ""B~ed to b ' . tr~a9~rer; secreta ry o~ the boar of i write a few sentenc The rainfaU for Septem ber and of per acre. Wheat or es from it. He (Im- ,Q ' y USIC Y the Waynesville MiamI Cemete ry and m many oth ..r says Mr. S. L. Cartwri~ht and:tte v. JI in part: "The weathe r is fine d December was unusually heavy that \ othy eIghtee n hun~re pounds of uartett e. J.I ,n. F. 'C adwalla der were in LebaJrOD, • H e was ' "Th . . . " . POSI't'Ions 0 f t ru".. .• per acre. ever a I out here have had bllt ~. lQrlall are clover dIes ', . e U'Igh Cost of Llvmg of Septem ber helD" the heaVIest on I fhumus 8aturday.· was capable and pair.sta king official, : " I '. ck t . t th '., h I k IiIqbJec t of . paper ~ by Elias • Oglesb • ee reeord which covers 19 years. The i rfohm a °th mOlfs ure, " ' bl . tJ rou g BC who said in part-In clinati on to re: Plroh~Pht and y amoun t of ram thls fall anet wmter . Ml"I Mary Upp apent atrlSt m. • I II h hreh~ h e fflll ° ~very umus, wa th an rom atly 0 er one , in the garden s are sti1l lireen. r Deeember", ramJ.8 was t e ea est . n IS orne e was a Elct\onate an d· Vines Ph'li ' ,Week with her daueb tn . M.... d P tash d th d ducc cost especially upon the 1."894 things ' d I "I ca.u se• f ' d osp orus an 'd 0 an are e ays are warm ~d, 8tmn1, ot.'h f . . . ' III U ~ent, as a rle~ consl erate I purcha , . Oa~. mmera '· l elemen sed a new car shortly after ts of soil. Averag e :" .e armer raIses. Beheve No extrE mely low temper ature t s pnces true as a citizen public spirited . d ' ) t' ' b . • 9n farm ,prQciucts are not too high and d ' . A ~n *orde ll during ~he year; , ~mer ISp:~ mg S;I,'1 0ftu~ f " my return home. ' and I~ is a.dand,.o I~ e:orlRidering price of land and cost of at~ Pl'Ogdr~thlve'h on the 6th of , Januar y beiha porou s. man 0 fC°thnvlc. It is a Parry, mode162; '6.Passe nIter. 0 , ~.n , 8()l na , 1'8 l ' i:... ..J ti WI t ecoura ge 0 lock~ up ,"""" ..ture ese· ,85-ho...... P.Ower ' fully'·, equip.;r.-~l. -The fa ...... - P..nxlUC on. F rom t he d epressed h'lonsan The coldest thi~ winter but . ' .'P'A. 113, . }'. t ' .~ "'?;, taO • - ',. : . :rti t ." ' 'f ~ .... . . \8 lJ.e gave ou no uncer In BOund ' 1 . . er's bUlilness 18 to learn tQ uruock !t. con I on 0 f f never' rode in suc1,1 ' an' e8sy-ri< U"" armmg a ew years His paulng ia a real 1088 u,I~~~d, ~ \be lath ~~eJNIOVenl,,)07. Nitro~. ilie ,t hlrd . e)em~ Ilgo, the pendulum has s,w ung baek. The .funeral was held from St Bmachlhne SaWt ~\~~~~~:~=~~~~~t:m~~=~~ij:~~~;~:~:~'\~i~~to &.. eddrov e down ' b ~ ' ~.' I. 4' _ k ,to I»b'q _ I. " u.'luJ o"~ GO. _l ,-, k .', let-.aIo i .....l.' . LeD', 1'-~e- wilLAr • • -~ ul.' l;ust J' ~ • "" Ch U1:ch • ·OD - , _UJ;8 o · . at J.wit . ranc'tltUt' , ._pr ond ay.>~ ~ • . f,.vnl'Q,hl .. for It. Manur e 19 abon to contro Wlir f ~work ~oo ,ulDe IflOIl .Clerile nts and "in '/tJ. dlS88ter eleven o'clock and was largely at,; wu99 \vas recorde d on ak d't' f .hI f ' to the farmer Law of supply Jnd ded M' . Co . d July4t b, Thia.w uthebi ghestt em ~n.:' con.ltlo na ~o~ e f afterno on took Mrs. Be.tJe,C eD)~ta y .orre- cleman Jshould govern Laborc ost ~l'I. h' T lam: per'&b.lre sin~ JUly , loot when ;nmLabn , er hOd and the two girls ' home , with us. " g m018 ure. lllg n muous crop'EHlOW-regulated by: labor organiz a- h . 0 ' r ts f em P :.r, 0. . e ~Oll, ad The next day-we went to PUade na, _ .. mercur y ~ ,tQ 105 • ' country " c asge 0 t h e masOniC BerVlce U" conten t , ;ul"I Harry 8h hood an "'-() d ways of do ' ·th I · ... g tion. In BUm k H ' BelIeve ' " 'f ' d D s " our Dece is not d _.> 't .., . t . ...,., " .' .,. • . I I an lunched e " . WI d~ tb' I - I unellg, ..I~ber6there bas beedn this--k Fran O'Re ~ . • ren en:u t mos Impressive eeping live stock and return bemg farmed up to its possibilities, 'l elteater Saturd ay; atten IJlK e .LU- on y d t ed h . It termen t in MIami Cemete ry. y, n· famI .clear ....,-s; partly clou y to I d i f f y. ~nl re utm ~~ef" . 'II . ' b\Jt will be done when AmeriCIAn ~.nao', .relatlve ' M I' h 20 cloudy da,ys. Thereh fBbeen croPSi " an n. orm~ lman; . aI h' was certam yap easant VISIt or a re- farmer finds it profitable to eo 00 h ay dlgh.t pedrpeb tu _ IL .. . .: s IDe upon of us. Weare allwel lexeen tbroth . . on AQa. gprlow dna ar~ ~~~PlI 't P?W own. We -hould look well to the workl'n' lin. Moll Ie Edwaro s. of . ' gs' Bel 1m, ' an ..r "4 IS th en . e peace. ' h er David's wife, who bas been suf· own.ry e UCl.ore I JOin ts . ' ....t ae~enlI cJa,ya with her '. .. I :.....:~'1-,181:".,enb l..e..av1ge~e mont. - ,ow - • MUllic. Instrum ental. Mi88 Ber. (lIf our ' f" h h ." Congr6l 'S that no drastic Jaws ..l,"Ed,r atda and family. OBlTtl ARY 1·nwu. _ ,.Lor., t e.,.... ermg WIt r eumat18m . YearII. tha Coon. ', I be .t!nacte d discriminatin~ against 'M~ Otto Chalfa nt. of ... %.98' in ,juJy........ 2.87 in Pr!8idlint Claget t 1;Iext intrOduced j ~hefarme~ Org~nization to protect !i.I~:Pa.iathel'Jlestofher Obediah Foulks, son of Michael Samuel A. Eberly. who had M2.67 in ~urust ...S.36in Mr. C. W. Elliott. New Coneord. , mteres ~n tslsVe ry Import ant. Farm- alldAc hsa Foulks was born near Kia. ,p ..trick Clark and family. , ...... S.'l'1'in Sept .......2.65 in Ohio, who gave his lecture on "Farm makin ghisho mewit hhialia uJrbte r • . I tlrs do not ask for special priviJeR'es. Ridgeville, Warren County. Ohio, Mrs William G. ···i:~ Octobe r ..2.68 in 'Mana~p.ment.'! Manag er mlist have I but deman Kiger. 1305 Hartd fair a~d just treatm ent. Septem ber 28, 1850. and his ~~. and~~~ J. taT: ,Li!dY.'Od' fqrd etreet. died Decem ber 22nd' at .;., ........08 in ~.;::::.:;::::: l~ knowledge 'of farml location and lay Censur e for l'8Uee of hiR'h cost of lif~ was spent within a few miles ..,u, were WHJ pea ,0 ",r ,an •_ r the home of his lIOn, George EilerlY • . of farm v~y import ant. Take good living is now beinil' ·shifted from the the place of his birth. He was aar- in Pine Vi1lage ~. C. '';Jd~ a few ld~ last . About ten day ago 'XE1'4JA:POULTRY SHOW~ farm, papers and get the' publica . farmer to the middleman. , . It-. HalT)' Hamilton'ahd on Septem ber 25, 1873 to Miss Emma he went ' ',-' 7 " . " the home of his IOn and tiona from Experi ment Station State Mr. S. L. ,Cartwr igbt thinks pres- Elizabe th Wilsqn, and to this ~. ofPQt on, .~re, New . y~,,·. WapesvUte ~en. and their union expeete d to remain tbere aJrood PfU't and U~ited. ~tates ~epartments of elit conditiona very satisfac tory ami were bo~ five ('hildreri7Mu. George of the' winter. Mr. a,u- Of Mr, and M~. GeorseB~ wlluiin p at the Xe.u. Poul~ry Show Agricu lture. Apply Eberly . lOon , manure on ~hat a dollar h~ as much pqrcha s- W. DaVIS, Ut;n, . :..: '• Mrs. O. F. Fite, !frs. after his arrival in Pine Village , bad " ../ roots. PlGw-~ly.-Rotat ' .. ng power as It ever had. Two Edwin Longac re, Horace and -=-- --L 'Roi R" Ern~t a alight stroke of paralys is and 'it is 't" ate }frs. E, S.., Baily. ·B: RoW. 6th Take good care of pasture lands. elemen tBente riuto high cost of Iiv· Foulks, and ther, with his ~iU Nt n. y • Ism,~r , Ilb ~/ . ' wife. supposed that this was the immed iate ' , Saving and applying of manure direct lng-w aste and extravagance. three tirothe rs and one sister are left cause 'o f his death. Mr. Eberty Kri. ~~~ ea:~.;; .W CoNC!1i~atedPoultryF8nns, White from stables very ~iinportant. ' was Goo.d M~ •. George RiJe~ thinkll high c.o st to ~ou.rn his death. 'be8~ ''''' ' f i" ' ~ , . ' born in Waynesville. Ohio a~ut ' 2 c, 2 S ckl. 4 5 hen, 235 barns and sheds for live stock and (lI! .hwng comes Simply from high ~, HIS Illness covered a period of sev, ty-five years a~o and '!,hen the farm implements. Harrow wheat hVlng. , YI~~ . • ", Yo~ , Men 8 class enteen ~onths and althou g a p~rt broke out enlisted in 'an Ohi!> ~Poul~1l' Farms•.White for BOwing of clover seed. r~ • Mr. D. Dunham thmks presen t of the time he w~ able to rIde ~" E. ~~unU18Choot took In out. ment and served throug hout the 1 C" 12 ben. 8 pul.l Pres. Claget t .announced the fol- high cost of living eff~ts 9.7% of our there were weeks of intense ~uffer- war. He was a brave MoNIa) nijbt at tb~ . !I': soldier and lowing commi ttees:- Resolu tions:- J. J~merican peopl~. Tlie percen t To~ .~~; , . . ing. an enthusi astic membe r of the & S. BailY. S. C. W. LeR'- F. Cadwallader, Mt:a. W. T. 'Frame profit. of the mIddleman is higher Hif! greates t solicitude was for the Grand '.. -.n.,pOyle, ~o'luir'qf ~rmy of the Rep~blie. Soon ckl," 4 pen; O. K. Poultry and S. L. Cartwr ight. ',Nomin ations than It WI:IS ten years ago. future of hi!> family, when he should after the war be became a ~tu'* bome ~.,l.c..- 6;Ckl.1 hen. 12 pul, -Miss Blanche" Riley. !'Irs. Stella residen t (Contin ued in next week's ~ no longer b.e with them, eRpecia boro' :Where sbt to ' lly of Pine. Village and was a contract:or was he anxlOUS that she who for and buIlder. In every walk ~ of ber iiater. ~~)' of hfe NEW-CENTURY· CLUB: , -. ~ Jo.ej,btn'" 0 ' l' .bee more than 38 years had borne the Samuel A. Eberly was ,agoqd citizen , "0. '.K . QUA~lTV!l WINS AO~IN I burden s of life with him should ~ th ho~day '.II t be His wife died anumb erofye ars ago. The New Centur y olub-' held the ~ . .... ~~_ ~_L...~ u I tenderl y cared for in her declitling The funeral is announ ced , HKU"'t "' , .Poultry Farnis. $. C. D to take b meet' Frid fter 'j Dr. J. E. Brown , of t.he O. K. years. ' ~ . ~ ~o~....... 0 en . :1 ~ 8 hen. place in Pine Villa. e Sunday at 10:80 1 ckll ecell1the ~ 22d l~gtbon GIad)'l QcJoper and __ ·ayh a . 'fP, o ultry and Supply Co. took a little One of the great joys of his life a. m. Mr. Eberly was a membe ., noon. e • a.. e cosy , ••1. if~ 0 b h f S C Wh' f r of Le h t Mrs. Cynthi a Evans. ,The"ome rooms trn~ ~ ' I't ~t~ ~h orns 0 was 1h~ ~at~e.ring of his ~hildren John. ~l""" .~n~... " , • 1°f A. Logan Poultry Post No.8. Farms G. A. R~ . were bright with Christm as cheer le · en d .ou ry . ' rn l t MIOj'I.... lWas ~e &'I1..t ' d and thelr tamlhe saroun d ' hlm, and of this place. The birds ,...ere d h _ '" t f It th Ch' t week ,lI.n III competitIOn WI Ir s on last Thanksgiving Day. gather · beN IaStw _. She .wiJl. itoP shipped to Day- :;iri~n :;:In ;. ~~:::alfl~mtsUrban~ ~:inci~n~ti t~d o~er mg his gr~ndchildren in a g~oup,re- Mr. Eberly was the eon of David ·Dll'eiIl.... .Mr. and' ,}f,~. J 0 h n Eberly. who is ~ll known to many' this week. for the day were . Curren t Events , Plnn • won rs coc, rs en. rst questE'd hIS son to take a pIcture UWlPlDIII.' :l,vr a vialt before of our older resiAn ts. He enlisted , a couple Mr;s. J F. Cadwa llader read a most and second pullets . first pen, and them that he might frequen tly see it. in the 34th Dayton O. V. 1.)- and served II t "Ch . t their sin~le comb White Leghor n H9 was not a membe r of any throug h the war. exce en paper . rls mas ">eCial h ;· Thou~hts." which on followi! f h . f . d by a ~. : • _. c uren, but was t. e t . alth - - -..... most approp riate and well de1iver~d . WilL SELl. 'POP CORN and often. expreBl!ed behef m. . b M . CAB ~ISTE . RN CLEANING love of God for hIS chIldren, behevread m~ y ,rs .. ,' • rune;. ,.. .. ing that ,Durin~ the delight ful, SOCIal hour, '.l'he Ert~eav W D h h Ito h b_ orers of the ChrIsti an m. aug ters as an elegant u~ t a n.u' was aery,ed c~ur~ WIll sell pop corn, Saturd ay "No harm from Him can come haume Vacuum Air Cistern Cleane r, daintily , , ... ,' "r," n.IJI e vacan room y r. On ocean or on shore." , .' WI·.1.. thl's machl'ne the' wa"-- ' ,' .. ~'ath~wa'y·s. ColJ)e and buy. .... '. .. o.v& ""'eni .... ·," th •' _ •t Hethem died Decem ber 17, 1911, afed and b D not have to be p.m~ ' out~ is now ready to clean .,: iW. C. T. U. 'NOTICE 61 years. 2 '!l0nth sand24 days. h.e Jluaran~. ' Leave ·'O~I.I1J.":',,\ ·0' .... _. ·_ funeral se1'V1ces were , r:,~ " ; .,, --,from hlB . t K'lbo ' ·s' to ' I' , .. , ' . ,c, I ' W a 1 n8 reo , Th~:~ul~r meetin g ot the W. C. ate a&e:. ' oj, .. .. .will ,be he~d afterno on. . (

0 ne f the Best Ever H Id H ' e ere -Feloe Speak ers, and' a G d Program W as Reodered



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The Miami Gazette O. L . CRANE, Publisher. W,A YNES\'IL1.F:.

0111 0



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~~rrlIlr)JIii I; TIttrnrn®rn il® IIITM)f i I'



JI:~pertlllellta llA.e been wade In an iEn4r1lr.b aqullJ1um with nlgllrd to lla lleep of nahel, &A,8 HArper's We~ll· b. It II neoeuar, to "mewber tllal IIIteep LI tho reat at the bralo, .. ad tlUlI I th, need of It will be In proponion 'to the :Ullmarl cerebral B.Ctlvlt)'. :Now the braln or a Il8h I. rldlcu1ouaiy Imall In rektlo!! to tbe actual size of the anlmal It II merely n double row at Uny protuberance" with n lea!· Uke porUon correSlIOndln(; .0 llle cer· ebeUwn of other animals. Sluce they I have 80 LIttle bralu US8ue. Ihe wlU!te to be repaired by aleep Is Bligh t a.mon!; lIsbea. The result of care lul experl. ment bas sl10wn Iba! among tresb wa· ler fl.ahcs the roach. dace, gudgeon, C!l.rP, !.ench and minnow Ilre known to aleep periodically, like land I1nlmal.; among marine Csbes the wra.sse, can· Iler eel, dory, dogfish, base a.nd nil nal fish do the like. while the goldfieb, .pike and IUll;ler l1ah nm'e, s leep. but reat perlodlcall,. Flsb s,ecm to bave 110 preference tor the nlgbt as their eleeplng time. A naturalist travelln(; trom Constantlnople to London In 0 ICall schooner reported that one morn· . 'nc be notleed a pilot flsb a tew Inches . from the side at tbe vessel. sw imming 110 steadJl, that It seemed to be at· tacbed to one parUcul!l.r spot. All day long It remnlnod there. neither edvanc· Jng nor lagging behlno, aod so It bappened tor several days. Thcn came n pie of wind, and tbe vessel was sepfl rated from Its little companion. It WIUI evident thllt the nsb could not bave alept during all tbls time. as tbe 'Vessel was sailing quite rapldl,. The ~apta ln, moreover. asserted that lie bad known a pilot fish to accompany II vessel tbull for more ~aD 0 (ort· IIlght.



The report that a cUseale resembllo« trlcb.lna Is rife tlUa year among the deer In northern WisconsIn III not like· ly to whet tbe public's appetite for venlROn. If It co-operateB ' with tbe pme law In «1\'lng tbe deer a cbaDce (tir their Uves, It may be beneOclal In two directions-Drat In conlervlng the deer and aecond In reducing the mor. tallty amoog Wisconsin bunters, for tbe smaller the crowd of men with gllns that goes Illto the nortbern wood, tbe tewer w'~1 be tbe fatal accldenta wboae vIctims are human beings. In. dlans Bill' that tbe dlaease now prevail. Illg among tbe deer broke out seventy wluters ago. and killed many deer snd mnny Indian s. To make tbe flesh at deer harmlcss It shollid be well cooked . I:-:Ighty ·nloe people bave beeu llll1ed over llGO Injured In automobile ac. c.ldents in New York city since the t1rst of the year. It 16 3n appalling Nerlflce ~ o sometblog wblch Is a lUll' lIry oot a necessity of lire, sod the more appalling since the majority of Illlcb accidents are aVOidable. It Is time that accldents.preventlon, as well as I1ro-preventlon, be Introduced In all large communities. on the prin· (' Iple that wbat II avoldablc, Deed not occur .

11 nd

While It Is very well that nil reason· able precautlonB sbould be taken to prevent the spread of rablel, It Is not at all dealrable that tbe publlo sbould be worked up Iota a frenzy on lbe subject. For ?very IInthenticated case ot rabies there are scorell and perhaps bundreds at cluell of nervou. neS8 simulating the reputed lI:ymptoma of tbat dread dl8e&11e, whlcb, Indeed, II so rare tbat tbere lUll are very IntelUgent people who are unconvlnced tbat It exlsu. Possibly the clergyman wbo aaYI a Buccesstul buslnesl man cannot be 110Dcst bas been apeculatlng In w.n street.


, .J. ,

A e1ergymaD refel'll to Ad~ and EYe as modeill. Up to a certafn epl. 80de they , certaInly ' dldpoae In !lie


It III ,raUrylnc to Dote that tbe bm for the creation of a federal bealth board will not be aUowed to p.. s with· out a protelt. Reporta or or.anaed re,llhlnce come trom all parts of tile country, and It may be that tbe oppoIIIt10n will sooo be luMcleDlIy Bolldl· fled to deCent a project tbat proml8el InOnlte mischief for the community. and Burrerlnar and injustice lor the IlldlvldaJ.. Tbe proposal III blU!ed upon those .peelou. clalmll tbat are notoriousl,. bard to controvert. lJ a federal bealtb board v.·ere to conflne Its activIties to the pro[IJ ulgaLion at sal utary advice upon :byglenlc watters, 10 tbe abatement of Quackery, and to the purity of drugs, It mlgbt be po.alble to say much In Itt tavor. althougb It would , 111111 be difficult to &IIY tbat tillch an nrganlzatlon Is needed . Bul we know tbat It wlll llttempt to do far more I than I[bla. see ing that Its !ldberenu ba\'C Jp udly proclaimed their Inten· llonll . . Ind eed, there III no secrecy I about tbem. It Is conOdently expected tbat the board will can Blat at advoI cates of one Ichool of medicine only and tllIlt the metbodB of that achool I will be Dot ooly recommended, but entorc'eeI upon tbe naUon. Indeed a board tbat wall In an), way repreaenta.tlve of the medical profe.. loo .. a wbole would be atultlfled by Ita owp dhlagrl~ ementa. Outalde the domalh 01 Ilmple byglene, for wblcb lI'e Deed no fedleral board at all, tbere la no , lingle point of medical practice u)lOll which allopatha, bomeopathl, eclecUcl &Dd osteopaths coule: be In UnlBOo. AllY board tbal could he devised by . the wit of man muat be composed or reprell,entaUves of one scbool . only. and this meaDi tbat all otber Icbooll Ire branded as of an Inferior calte, even thougb notblnG worle happened to theln. And somethln« worse would bappell to tbem. If we are to ellabllllb I scbool at medicine, If we are to aelert, tbiat tbe governmeut of the Unit· ed Statell favors one varlet, of prac· tlce more than othen. wby not elltabU.b slso a sect or r,ellgton and be: Itow special authorltiea upoo Bap'Jats. 1~le(hodlste and Epillcopallanl? An esltabUlbed scbool , of rellgtoul conjeclturo seems IBOIDowhAt leIS oblectlonllble than An eatabllibed I18Ct Df paellldo-lClentilic conjecture. Thol:e who luppose that a federal board of health would have DO concern wltb IIDdlvldual rlghtl are IIkel' to lind ·themlel"es undeceived, It II for the purpole of Interfering wltb Inlll· ,Idual rl~bts tbat the proposal ' baa beeo made. We need 00 Ipeelal kIlowled.e of conditions to be aware that wbat may be called unortbodoJ: metho~II ' of beal!Dg bave made aad In' roads Into the ortho~lI. Homeopatb, claim. a \put number of adbereDta who are just .. well educated and jUlt .. IDtelll.eot u thole wbo adhere to

....-------, IASTONISHED Practical Fashions

1 '




H E Camorm. the dread italian secret society, thrives 'and 11'111

ECZEMA This ornllmental waist sbows bow the surplice effect can be made ex· .tremely drelll),. Tbe tronts are draped one acro811 tbe other aod on one sldll Ie placed a large 80ft rever, wblle 00 tbe otber la a wIde trill In tbe lateat 8tyle. This may be omltled. Tbere ia also a CbemlBette and tbls Is attach· ed to a Btandlng collar. WOolsts In tblB IItyle can be made of mesBaltne, crepe de cblne, volle, marquisette, chalUa. and other 80ft fabrica . Tbe pattern (6639) 18 cut In sizes 31 to 411 ' Inches bu,t measure. Medium size requIres 3% yard. of :14 Incb material. To procure thl. PAttern Hnd 10 centl to "Pau.rn Depar(men(," of (hIs paper. Writ. name and addreaa plaJnly. and b, lurl lO elVe llae and n!-lmber of pattiI'll.

NO. 5639,

SIZE .. . .... .. ...... .

NA ..E . ... .. . . ................ , ... . . . ...... ..





i' .

catablli~el't! Jnltb(!f' llcl In. o~ .'\ t\l. "~CUI·Il:'O'4 1l1 : 1"~'

Presc:her Might Well Have Caul' to Wonder .t CDnt,nt. of Note Delivered tD Him. Ju st us the mln1ster wne abouL to begin his sermoo woman remem· bered tbat she bad left the gila burn· In g In the roUSe oveD. Visions of a ru Ined dInn e r and a amoky kitchen stared Ii er In the race. She borrowed 11 pencIl CrolD th e young Ullln In tbe next pew lin d scribbled a note. With II lIlurmured ".rurry," sbe thrust It luto the ha nd or ber busband. a n usb · er. who rani up the aisle at tba t mer ment . li p. wltb an understanding nod . turn ed . pn ~ s ed up tbe rusle, Bud hand· ed tba note 10 the minister. Tbe worn· an sow tile [lct In speechloss borror and shudd ercd as sho saw the min· Ister smillultl)' open tbe note nnd be· gin to road, but bor eXllre3sIon of rllslIlIIY WIl S fully equaled by th e look of IllllR7.01Ul'nt nnd wralh on the gooll 1Il0n'fi faco os he read th o wOfll 8: " Gu homp nntl tur n v f!' the gas!"

Camorrlsts or btgh and low degree, good italians and bad, lIachemB and TOWN . .... . .... . .. ......... _...... . . .. . .. .... I . el'er thrive In Naples so long outlaws. They took Fucci, the chief, STREET AND NO .. .................... .. U8 the profoundly depressed and De Marlnill. whose Insolence bad condlUons at economic and In· drawn down · tbe lightning; they took STATE : ..... , ... . .. . .. . .. . .. .... ... . .... ... .. telieclulli poverty Ilubslst , but tbey !lnd Prot. Ralll, ~reasurer of tbe Camorra the world at large will never be able and a dilltrict leader of tbe old Bcbool, tu understand bow. In spite of tbe a gambler, a bon vivant, a scholar of a LADY'8 FDUf\ GORED SKIRT. hJgb degree of civilization ot our ¥lad. 80rt; tbo great Errlcone Alfano was ern times, tbe Camorra can easily co~· arrested In New York. Otbers, too, mit daring robberies, assaults. atro- were taken In the net-more negll; cloui murderll and other excesseB of glble men, thieves, bad buab~dll, day Inconceivable ferocity and stili have sleepers, plckpocketa, kidnapers, and the almolt complete certainty of be- rogues of tbe Chlala anll tbe Vlcarla Inl left systematically unpunlsbcd, r. the larva of tbe jails and tbe lying pRrtly on Its ' members' secrecy, slums. That romance mlgbt not wholly wblch Is tbe very COlpel or tbls erlm' die, the, netted a bUtbe glr1 of Nt.· Inal aS80clatlon, partly on tt.e weak· pies, Marla Stend!l.rdo, and kept her neSR or public ofllclale. For every blln· to deeorate the Iron cage of Vlterbo. dred Camorrlsts that are caught tbere For five years Ihele prlsonerl lay are otb r .t housands who will come to In IranI. Many o( them dted. ·Mean. tbe front. Aa heppeDll pn the morrow while tbe Idng's carnbhieers. urged bY' or a deadly battle where lbe etat t.he relentless duke of AOllta, '-~";'::".f.IoI:fI""'m"',!III1"n'£d bait a daRn other methodl majeur hoa been dlapersed by the ~tronl' the CBBe agalnlt tbem. Da:y by of prlLdl~ are certainly DOt loalnc Ihrapnel, tbe cadets, are promoted In day tbe aatoundlng Abbatemogglo, the lI'Ound. Beyood them II tile vast and maBiea to the hJgber rankl; and tbe traltd!-, revealed nev.' secreta of the 10- IDcreulDg ann, or those who mu be Camorra's cadets, boldet" tban ever, det,.. cJaued under the cenera. aDd vacue nre eBger to ncel tbelr leaderl. Twenly of tbe prl,onere' were Indict· Dame of mental healers. ThOM who nvc years ago a great lady of ' eO tor tbelle varloua crlmel dllCloled are ad,f!cted to any ' of lila.. forms of NapJea drove out 10 take the aIr I by Abbatemasglo. One atter tbe oth. llIlorthllldollY' 'Deed .ba". DO 'd oubt as In' tbe Villa Nall:lonale. tbat strip of er they were bougbt liP and tried In to the purpoeel ot the tederal be.ltb ))tlrlr by tbe sea. Bhe \\'aa. blltbe and various couris. One after tbe otber board. Those purpos... are to man smiling. for royalty ·wall to drink tea tbey were &CQullted-and sent 7back to It dllllCUlt for them to follow with ber at five. Tbere came rtdlng jail. rn only one cue did the cara· particular tada and flinel ... to I_d by a big man, all sold cbalns and dla· hlneel's secure a coDvlctlon O!l the flYl· them, alld II necnlalT to 'drlv. them. monds, on a young horse. He wn8 De dence furnJsbed by the Infortller, aDd eaJ Marlnls, boel ot one at the electton that cnnvlctlon lias bee.n quasbed b,. rrom 1.IIedlcaJ unorthodoll, to medl Drtbo\'l(I.,. la tbla akirt we bav. a decided 001'districts of Naple., a plumed chlel 01 the court of appeals. N~w the Ar"onaut bold. DO brief .U1. The ' upper part of the skirt II the Camorra. Was the !.'Teat ladY'1 FII'e arB cbarged with the murder or • coacbmao at fault or In any C88e, <.:uooolo and biB wife. Tbe otlMtrll are lor an,' of the eseenea .ild the lupe... by darta and at ftounce depth tbere was a colllaloD and the mlgbty being tried for "crlD!lnal ~lIoo~aUq.D" IUtion. connected with the care of the tber. I. a tuck, wblch producea a polltlcia.n was rolled In tbe dirt. He -In other words, for beloncllJ' to the hod, ID which thll ace 11 '80 rU.. 'But ftounce e~ect. There art? ·Ione, na... row paDels In ·~tb mot and back. got to ' bls teet, curlllDg-ob, a black ('..m~rra. The maxImum penalty fat, Itdoea feel 'conoemed lQr tile' A IItream 01 blaspbemy- ' bubbled (rom this olfense by Itallau law, four years' ,..Uon of bum an ' liberty and f~r lb. and thes. eDd '.' above the h.m. bls moutb! He cursed and spat Into Imprisonment. The accllsed men ha\'e rlefttl of the Indlvrdual to doctor hlai. skirt of this \lJ!.aracter can be made ber carriage. I already been iJl pr\Bon Ove yearl. Ie\( In any ' way be plealea '10 lonc as ot .Uk, ..Un, vetftt, tierle. cheviot or As mucb ut It ll8 could be told tbe Origin of the CamOrra, b. does Dot- Indubitably threaten tb. ot novell7 fabrlca. "rbe panela caD bo great lady told the duke of Aosta. Camorra come. from kAmora-con· bealth or tbe commuDlty: . He may ~f contr8ltlDC . or barmonlslng IIUt, Thnt indignant prlnco vowed to pull testation. The word tbat gave Ita name take la.rge doael or ImaU ODes, or DO ed~ wl~ · frl!lce. I Tbe pattf!rD (66t7) II CII' In SIHI down this toppling Insolence. to the tormldable and long establlsb. doaea at all: he may be muaaged, What Ih'il cluke vf AnMta did wa. to ed cryptogamous plant of Neapolitan anolntE!d with oil, or pra,.ed oyer, Jua! :lIZ to 80 tncbel waSlt measure. Medium go stralgbt to the king. When bls me Is Calltlllan neologillm imported .. tbe wblm of the moment ma, ato. llle requirell 2% Jar"l of 60 Inch mao . majesly was b i t th th b Into Naples througb tbe Spanish dam· tnte, and probably It makea IIQ par terlal e roe rone e InallQn tiel. of' dlll'ereoce whlcb be doel. But J)Tocure this natt.ern Il!nol 10 eftlta lived (or Dlany yeara in Naples. None If w~ tblnk of the Iberian penln. be bss tbe rlgbt to cboole, jult .. be toTo , "Pattem Department," of thl. paper. better than he knew tbe power of lbe Wrtte nsme and adol",1 plainly, and be Camorra; llone better/than he knew sula, tbat country of bristly slerral cboos" tbe color of his necktie or the lure W elv. llae aMI number of paUwa. that hIs ministers lOOked to It tor a and deep valleys arranged In tbo cbaracter of bll underelothlDC, It II governmelllB.I majority In Naples; but shape of a saw, full ot precipIces and r not a matier In lI'blcb JIll' "sa.. 10,· NO. 6847. 8IZE he said; "Stamp them out It yoU can. u:eretore. very rich In natural bid lug erDmellt will aeetc to Interetere. ThIs ... .........~ ... : I am with YOIl In tbls 6gbt.'· And king p.aees-If we consider tbe peculiar II precisely th. libert, tbat the healtb HA ..ID ...................................... . and duke planned the war on tbe physical featureB of thele regions, we board Intende to ' take from blm. TOWN ............................... . .. . ... , Camorra. There WIUl DO Rretense of can eallU, understaod bow they af· Ortboclos medicine, conscIous of Ita trusUng tbe magistracy or the poUce forded tbe beat oPPOrtunlUes for the 10lBel, II try Inc to buttr~.1 ltaelf b,. STREET AND NO. -:". ................ ... .. -rat.rlddfln, both, wltb Camorra cor. thriving of tbe gamurl (SpanlBb br1l'- tederal Itatute, to' esalt aUopatbJ' to 8'l'ATE .................................... .. rllptlon . Tbe work wos given to tbe ' audll of the Blerl'8ll), banerul torerun· the .taltU' of a prlYllerecl calte, .nel army. Notabl:y It Wal gIven to the nera and anceltors cf the drelde4 to Clr~.te . all eltabllsheel Ichool 01 mllltar:y Ilollc&-more notably stili ,to Neapolitan Camorrtata. medicine just IOqle other ClOulltries Dur Ureateat ~nlar. Capt. Fabron I of tbe Carabineers, a Not • pe.lIJerby nor a vehicle escaped bav. allowed tbem.elvel to creat. aD, "umber Rat. smart "oung Roman om If b at tbelr wat.c hlul eye and tbelr fleree t!l!tabllabed .cbool of NUlton, It 'I An old story IlIed 10 p around of and pl~ck. cer, a r n clawa, RO tbat traveling or go log from for the commOD· len.e ot 'the commaplace to aDother on huslness W88 nit,. to rebuke tbat e!rort ad to , . a .plumber wbo kept a lot of rate In' A n d th e c hi e fs a f th e C llIDorra took one I Ibl f ' _ r.-I tho air or the Villa Nazlonale on lbelr mposs e or aoy one without abar- pel an unwatr8llt.... ·,'nvaaI00 ·UpeD el. bla .hop III a tra'p, &lid Wb.D be bad an tall horses the talk d Uti d Ing wl~b the feroelous l\'atcbers of th. mentar" bUlIJ rlrbta.-Soll ".,.. a call alwa,.s took ODe .. oq. TIle rat frlchtened or forGed to take , Y e po cs all IIlerras either the mOlley he bad WIth .co ArgOlla.t. crltne In the Bmart Cale ThrtUDlo In him 01' tbe prollts of the huslneslI that to the drain, ~d be bl1lT01r,icJ threu,lI the Galleria; they supped at Sa.nta Lu· had taken him on bls journey It to his liberty InIthe aewer, Of COUI'll•• cia and took their eale. They neltber W88 tberetore necesaal7 to co~ to Waltlnl, It' W81 DotD~..aalT to ULke the plpu knew nor care4 tbat ,}"abronl, captain ter~1I with' tb~ brlpnt1s' so muc: 80 ''Ha.,. you naJlle4 TOUr oab), yet!'" all ,to pieces. but til. laic bill came of the carablneerB, was at work Es' anthow. ' "No."" I eclall tbe did t k b'Fa that In time a regular tariff of Camol:" "r P ,. 7 no now t at b- ra due. wall ngreed upon with the "H.'II cetUnc pretty 014 to be wlUlo ronl had loosed amoDg them a soft. .. ... C laborers, and sbepberdl, the mlnera, ~ut a name, 11.. ber . Grogn".. ' ..r, foot e d R oman 11 oun.. -one apezzuto . d I h tb II b ' ~e elnp ... pta In and out at tbe , dark boles of tb~ etc., au w t e ma coac el tor tbe .. "Yel; but ·m, 1t1f. wIlli. to call .r. , Crunorra this deVil t 1\ 'd- passage at the travelers. according to ~.Im Perel~ ,.Ild ' w.'re wafttq . ' til a a man e ppe tbelr social Importauce and standing:- ADd, ciut .Iwbether I b.'1 plnc to 1Ia"": sometimes pOSing 81) a crlmJnal, a fuWtenever there was a dllference ~t U ",' ' . . rltlve, a beggar, till they lald the oath opInion upon tbe dlvlelon or som'~ a " ~~'( ". or the Camorra. 00 him and told him thing, ,the t:!amorrlst ' Intervened and , 8tun... tblngs best untold, But the true work pronuulJC1ed bie decision-so toucb to '"You call tbIa cu. &DIe!, fOOd," Rk1 be did was to find a traitor. And What tbe one so muc/I to the lither' th a traltor' ' •. , e re- lbe 1aarsh b1ilballd. . malodf!r, 1he b~8t: sh~re, or course, Ito. . ~y.."de'ar"~ ..,4 lbe, ~hnJ4 wif.. ; :g:lIll ll.allW "'-lI'lIl4~mll: Get a Camorra . Chle!. long!'! ' 10 ·ille· ju.dge bY ' ''rlght or Ca- 'If the' cUet ,Hem. ...aetllY"1,tia,.I The Feat chiefs ot tbe CaltlOrra morra:' were quJte at ease. E;rlc~n~ Allalll';. v,er)' I.II!fer~ nt rr.O!ll wbo had , !jeen (he eMet aliH..'e ' '18a:J:' IlncE\Jl oi- I"",~I belr l)r~SI~OI,,elli~hl.uctp--I--'....' resigned that ,blgh post .all(! -<;onl..ente;j · descenll A'T. ! .. . '~ e .JI'''UI"r.'' ,\; ''UU'JrHIJI~ :;I,~~~~,t~:~:=~lr."~:~=~!9 blmse.l~ wltb .hlS dlllt:lr.t ieaders ll16' or lfOlJ.le~f· ~ [Il\\,)l II" , ' '''n', .. ,~ .i the VIWI.. 'Jile ~vell Ittad e,:'a '11; 'It rH pic(u f' OIlI ' 1,lie N~w YorJt: ,~;bere. he\ was (ti!i.I" ~n~ : t '!\~ t)rG uht.d , ta!l:J!1et~. , Fucci r'cI~ile ,) " )J ~ ' tI1M:.~: b :f~ ' _', I rt Ill. \llIIH TJieIL.tJi\! ~Iow, ffll ~' ' On,~ ' 111(;'11.1, 11(,; ')...", .. ~ I .. ~ho '


THE 0000 MAN




England bas suddenly awakeb,Jd to n realization of tbe tact ' tbat 90 per cent. of CauadllUl post·.,.aduate Slu· dentl go to American or German unl· "erllitles to complete tbelr educ&t1on. Naturally abe wond,ers why sucb · a sit· uatlon exiSts. Are not Oxford and Cambridge the equals of auy foreign inltltutions? Tbey Ire, Indeed, but they take 00 particular palol to let anyone know' It. u.ys tbe Boeton 'rranlcrillt, C1lnclnl to their old COD· • lenati e tradltloDI, th~y are about a ~ntury beblDd tbe relt of tbe world In the ~tter of Pllbllclty, and bave lIev~r beep IaIOWD to let fortb tbe opPortunItiea they otier tor advanced work. ' OD tbe other band, foreign unl· "emUes not only adverUle tbemselvel, but tbey ne,( graut tel· lowshlps to poet·graduate studenr-, often awarding tbem on the nomina· tlon of tbe collele lIeodlnl tbe ItU'




"Our lillie boy Gilbert WIl8 troubled lI'tth eczema wben but a fcw weeks old. HIli little tace waB covered wllh 60res even to back or his ears. The poor little tellow Burrered very much . 'l' he lores began al plmr.lc8, bill lit tie fa ce WIlS dls llgured' very mucb. We hardly knew wbat be looked like. Tba tnce looked like raw meat. We Ued little bagB at clotb over hIs banda t~ prevent him trom loratchlng. He wae very restless at night, hi8 11IlIo taco Itcbed. "We consulted two doctors at Ch icago, where we resided al tbat time. After trying all tbe medIcine of tbe two do ctors without nny res ult, W. rend of the OuUcura Remedi es, ond at once bougllt Cullcura Soap and Ointment. l~ollowlng tho directions carefully and promptly we saw tbe r esult , lind after tour weeks, tbe dent chlld's taco was as One and clean al any little baby's face. Every olle wbo Baw Gilbert after usIng tbe Cutlcura Remedies waa surprised. He b81 a head of hair wblcb Is a pride for any boy of hili age, three yea",. We can only: recommend the Cutleura Remedi os to overybody." (Signed) Mrl!. H. Albrecbt, Box 883, West Point, Neb .• Oct. 26. 1910. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are Bold by druggilltl and dealers everywhere, a Inmple ot each, with S2·poge book. mil·be mallet! free on application to "Cutlcura." Dept. 14 L. B08tOo. Great Sc:heme, "Dear me," said MI'II. !foUllewlf.. wltb a deep 11gb, "I can't man.... .. keep a cook for a week." . .. "You Ibeuld CODY me," obllerved her trlel'id, "Since my bUlbUld learned French I can keep Ons a ,ear." 1ttn. Housewlte looked surprlNd. '"l don't lee tbe connection," abe ..Id, "It'l Ilmple enoulb. He oow .Weal'll at hor In French Inltead of BnarUsb. It elvel him a vfln't for bla temper, lome valua~e practice-and the oook thlnke ~ maldna love to her'''Satire. -. Up to 80th. . Uarry Lauder, laudlns from ttle Saxonll1. told a New York reporter ,. new atory. "It'll a Itor,.,", be lJe&an, "about olle of your AmerlCl'n peeresea, a lady of Itrillins IDdepeodence. Sbe rADIi for • her maid tbe q.tber atteriloon, and aald, vf!ry abarply: .. 'Yvonne, It I -;,e atch JOu and my husband kll!llklt acaln, olle of roa will have to, ,co.'"

. Important to Mother. l ExamiDe carefull)t. ey.ry bottle of CASTORI.A. &aafe and lure remedy tor lotants and' cblldreD, aDd lee !lIat It Deal'llthe ~rr Slguatureof • ~. In Use For O\'er ao Yeara. Children Cry·for Fle'tcher's Ca~tol'ia In Deep Water. Jack'a Uncle (c9mlnlJ up on pial' aa)-Wbat do you .luppo.e? Jack baa Just reacued that youn, widoW', M~ Wile., tram the lurtl , HIB Aunt-There! '· t; expActed lOmethine of tbe sort. Now we11 have to reacue \Jack,-Bolton rTranscrlpt



Miss Celia's Bow iI



By MAIUA. CRAWFORD • J '" . • 1






fbp tile



Maay OUler Field Crops Are Damaged by Little Aalmals in Many Parts o~ Uae West- Poisoned Food Belas Introduced Below the Surface Ellmt. aates Deager to All Stock.


by AUOClAloci Utorur rr ....1

(By T, J. HBADLEE. K a n8lls. ) c\plIolly wllh gases, traps aut! noi ~o n . LII(e most Important fi e1<1 crops al· t he res ults o r wblch llrOve cOllvlnd ng- LEGEND OF THE MISTLETOE tbe crimson of the fnll. Tbe re was Lbe poln of a.n acblng beart In the falfa conslllnlly sull'er8 from tbe at, Iy t:bal th e mos t effective and eCODOll'" mUllc or the' Ij LTlngs and Betty nestled tacks at many kInds 01 hungry cr.ea · ical method of dealing wllh thIs Ilcst Some Claim Goddesse8 Kissed All closer to the man aod turned her plnl( tures. Root8 . stems. foliage, Howers Is b y means of polson lutroduced lnto Who Passed Under Plant as Sym. palin to meet the big hand tbat had and !le edll s erve to fill countless empt)' toad and placed ill their runwuys. bol of Love. Pock et gophc rs are easily Iloisoned. olosed proteotlngly Ol' er her small I!tomach s and to support myriads of living thIngs. Most or the creatures Tbey lirc ve r y fond of oomruon TlOta· S ~ " the Boldle..,. all In line ! one. IBy F:. rt. GA1LLAR D . ) .... Ih e battle'" onl According to Scandina vian Dlytb ot· E"No 800n the mUllc changed. Tbe notell whIch rely wbolly or III part 00 alfalra toel!, sweet potatoes, a lll)1 ell. raisins c ry mnn will havo tn test grow IIgbt and happ)' and then for their food ure eltber use ful or too aDd prunes. Tbe )ll'e8enc" of Rtrrch · ogy. LokI (llle god or e vil) \\'11 _ tbe Hh. mettle and hI. bru.WTL launohed Into at11umpbant love song. scarce to do appreciable damage, but nIne . ars cnlc or othel' poisons dO t~ B s worn e nemy or Baldur (the god at not Beem to .Ieter tbe m from eallng IIgbt), and tried by every me ans In hi s Ammunltlon's pil ei! up hIgh It Will al If tbe player himself were To uoe throu ghout the fray the food; but If Ihe Iloison Is ij wf"et· power lo kill him, but (ailed becallse calling to ber mate and It seemed, 10 Illch Just begin. when school lit oul euell they seem to eaL It more readily. he was Invulne rable to eve rything that WAnd IOlllltent was tbe call, that If lIuob end. a( close or do.;y. In l3umme r It may bc deelrnble to take came from earth- slf. fire, or water. were tbe case: be must antwer, even tbe t roubl e to 8w eet c li the 1I0lson. bllt Loki. at last, concelveli the Idea thllt Th e BIll' 8now Fort I. near ot h&nd., tboll&b be had to come acrCHIs a world ~.J~==========~a.-=~ In the fall and early sprIng It do es And soldl,,", great and emBI!, /I tbe mistletoe, sprInging from neither, Will strive to win the victory to her. . A-Front of the Prairie Pocket Go- not. seem worth while to do this. The would se rve his purpo ~ ~ . a nd. having With the power Cu-I snowball. :'00104, Betty," laId Bub Thorne pher. Band C--Spechtl Tools for poisoned rood being Introduce d to th e an arrow made from th a t wood. he hoar.ely, "take me ove r to .ee your Locating and Opening Gopher Bur. burrows below the Burface . there Is helpell Hodl (the blind god or da rk · HOMi::-MADE MOTOR 'CEBO." MIss 'C4I1a." no da.nger or pOisoning stock. It mlgbt ness), to aim Il. nnd Baldur re ll dead row., "I wanted to tak4 YOu' th18 morn be we ll, however, not to let s wIll run -sbot through tbe beart. jng but you said yoU hoped IOU would One CDn.tructed to Take Place at Raooccasionally lome one s pecies nppE'ars In the ,aJCalfa fleldll for a time after All the golls and god esses [lrnyed ~e dell~ereil fro," an, gfrls here. I'm ular 8all Iceboat and Used With sucb number less hordes thnt the In the polson hae been llut out. for biN restoration to IIrt', :Ll1d wben awful glad, we'", 'Botn«. I lust can't 8ucc:eft Last Winter. crop at large eocUons Is devoured and Cut the potatoes or othcr foo(1 Into the prayer waB granted Il WIlS de· get along 'tftthout .seetng MillS 'Cella great hn,'oc Is wrought. ~Ie<:es not more than three·fourtb s or creed that tb e mistletoe sbould never· every . day." ' , , • Tbls motor·drlven Iceboat Will conNo other anImal attacking tbe uo· an Inch In ,\lom eler. Cut II. slit In more have power to do barm unl ess Betty pu.bed open the door a.nd structed to take the place ot the reguderground parts or atralfa can equal each piece and with the polnl of tbe It touched tbe earth. nnd lhe gaMe". lar sail Iceboat, and the O.De from POilred In the .ha4ows at tbe living or even closely approacb the gopher knUe blade Inaert a little sulphat.. of of love waB appointed to guard It. room In t\)A cottage', wblch the accompaoylng ' mUltratioD Some legends claIm that the god· was made was used with ilUceeBB aIli ··Walt," .be wblspered to tbe mao In destructiveness. It has proven one at the mOllt formldahl e mammalian desB kIssed all who passed under the last winter. bell de ber, and went tn alone. r pellts wltll wblch alfalfa growers plant aB a token that It was no 10Dg· "Hello, Miss 'Cella, Let'l IIgbt the Tba boat Is '% feet wide at the have bad to contend . Kanaa" alone er a weapon of deatb, but a symbol of widest part and ten feet long, The candles so we ·can see!" sutters a 10811 of fully $800,000 yearly. love. wblle others allsert that Bbe ex· That task accomplished, Ilett)' deTIlls damll.8e' ls not directly In the de· aeteil a klslI from eacb 89 a propltla· manded more So It was that structlon at the alfalfa rllant so mucb tIon, or the bough. should . be allowed just a8 Mls8 'Cella lifted the little as It II in the Interference with tbe l.o work ' harm. rOll4lwood InBtrument to her shoull\er work of cutting tbe crop and the losa Another· reason for tbe kissIng Bob Thorne, ftndlng tbat he could b,. reason of having to cut the plant prlyt\ege conferred by tbe plant Is walt no longer, IItepped Int.o the gloW far atlOve thll ground, to avoid running • aald to lie tbat a lovely mald~n preof tbe oandles. Into tbe mounds thrown ujl by tbe gD-' ferred death to the kisses of an old "This," lIald Bett1 prouilly, "Is m1 Jlbera'. This loss amoun t 8 to I!,.bout monk wbo pursued hor. and her pray· Miss 'Cella, Uncle . Bob." ' one-tenth of tbe enUre crop. Besides ers for deliverance were answered by "Entirely yours?" gTajely (Juestloll' the damage to aJfaUII., there is a simI· A Double-Header Gopher Trap. transforming her Into a -mIstletoe ed the mao as he took M188, :Cella'i lar one to c\ov4tr, timothy IUId native IIrancb and placing ber In a tree. cold IIttIe handll In hi. own. meadows, and the direct destruction of strycbnlne; a8 much as half the bulk The monk waited for ber return. The Introduotlon properly ecrected, -Vegetable gardens and other cropa. of a graIn of wbeat will answer tbe Icebolt Propelled by Engine • . Betty went ocr In search ' of 1141.. Tile gopber has tbe external cbeek p\llrllose. The moisture from the pota.- but rather than that, she clasped the tree and remal06t£ clingIng to It, leav· are about ten Incbel hlgb,. 'Cella's mother and the cookles that pouohes. strong 10il'er jaws, fore feet to will cause the polson to adh e re to Ing the waltlog mQnk to kiss whom. ahod wltb steel ground concave lIle were always ready for Iier, strongly developed for digging, and tbe blade. Prepare the bait In BUm· .ever be could catch. same as a 8'kate runner, Th~ motor "Well." asked the man, "I. It al-- very small eyes and ears, client quantity before goIng to tbe The custom or "klBalng beneatb Is a tbree-hor.epower air-cooled e~­ wan to be ·ju.t t~o vfoJln. 'CellaT" . The gopber tunnels blther and field. tbe mistletoe" Is so old that no one ruB tODe beld the bltternells of loog thither In search of tood, at Jnte"als Whatever 90rt or bait may be used, knowl wheD or bow It origInated; glne whlcb' was taken from an 014' motorcycle. Tbe power 111' tranlmit-. Bucrerlng. digging short lateral burrows to the SIlIcceBS depeDds upon Introduolng It "Not If you- If you Btlll want me." surface tbrough whloh ~t ·pushes the Into fresh rUllwaYII. Cboose fresh· but wben young people ure found se- ted by a b~lt to a. aplked drlYIDC . anllwered tbe .Kirl breatblessly, Tben eX'f1Ivated earth and dumps It outside, lookIng mounds 1lDd prod on the line lectlnc the brancbes tbat have the wheel. giving a reduotion ,o f about 7~ . to 1, says a writer In the Popular Mewb~n she was clasped clolle to him thus forming the mounds that Indicate bl~tweE'n them- with a wagon rod or chanics, The rear wheel of tbe molOl'a voIce Cram 'somewhere under bl. Its preBence and mark its progress. sharpened broom handle to locate the Cblo" lIald, "Oh. I waa 80 afraId It These anlmalll are most acUve during runway; or, failing tbere, prod about cycle waa also taken and lUI tron banel' shrunk on for a Ure, and steel honew'luldn't be YOU oJter nil, and you the fall and sprIng, and one Individual tlle fre s hest mounds. The Budden glv· wouldn't hear tonlght.'· sboe calks attached at four-Inch Inter- • may tbrow up severnl mounds dally lug of the soli and the apparent loose"'Cella, bow did It bal'pen? What for 8everal 'Weeks at a time. During ncss or the stick In It Is suIDclent to vals for the spike., Tile two plecee baa come to change you .0 1" that lIupport the spiked driving wheel tbese BeaSOnS the work or a tew go- show that the runway has been locat· are blnged so as to allow' the wheel to "Time." sald 'Cella, "and sorrowful pbers tn an ,altalfa field may caulle ~d. 7 Remove the prod nod drOll a tea· 10n~llne.II, Art may be enough for tbe unltlated to euppOse the field In· spoonful of thF polsoDlid bait Into tbe rise and fall over any bumpB 00 the some women. Bob, but 1 am not ODe fested · by dOJens. · Although the ani borrow, leaving the hole allen. L evel Ice and to let tbe engfae ruo free ot tlie ' elect," . • mals are most:' active at th~se timeB tl~e ' mound. with some sort of a drag. when desired. The enUre , boat with "Elect?" sccrnfully. Its propelling equipment w.elgb. 120 and as soop. as new ooea appear locate "I thought lowed It to motber to pounds: the burrows and put polsoQ, Into them. make ' something out of my u\ The boat Is operated from the rear In caije the . area to be treate,1 Is wheD I had been 10 carefully educatwltb one lever for controlling th., ed. 1 tried barder tban ever atter spark, aootber ror tbe throttl., and the l . nlent for locating the runways Is deyou went aW&Y--" third for directing the course of the sirable. A very good one caD be made l'Aftor you Bent me away," be In. boat. {Irom a Bpade handle by' covering tbe terrupted . pointed end with Iron and fastening a • • "But my genJuB , came down to foot rest about 15 Incbes nbo\'t~ lbe Method of Setting Gopher T~ap.. EDUCATIONAL TOY IS QUEER Mistletoe. "It's Mighty Sad rilereJ1.(talent and I grew dlscou·raged. point. I broke down then, kln'e up my col· they work only less vigorously througb. By tbe use of the means just ,Ieate IIbe bad forgotten tbe rapt lege work and came to the mounlaln. · out the rest of the year, Even in scribed the enterprising farmer cnn most berries on, It Is ralr to Iouppose Wheel Rolls Round Enda of Magnet.. Lbat they know a kiss must be given but Doean't Fall Orr-Amusing Playfaoe of the chl\d before ber and wu to get strong and t:3 to fOJlget-you, thing Patented by Ohioan. JI'flng ,agalD til her romantic past, But whlln I met Betty I gaYe up all winter, whenever the ground Is suID· rid bls laud of gophers WId keep them lor each berry plucked, and that tbe clently free from frost, tbey throw up Clut ot It. Once the rarm Is freli<!, the ceremony Is never complete until wlllch had been of so Ibort dUI'8t1on hope of forgetting, for sbe has your moundl here and there. 'Y'lgflnnee and prompt treatment neces· every berry Is 011' tbe branch. A toy thnt Is both amusing p.nd ot! that It often seemed as mY8terl~1I way of demanding tblngl and getUn' M!ply experiments ~n destroying tbe sary to keep It so will require but There was ooce a common. though educational value has been patented) nnd unreal as a dream, " ... what sbe wants," pocket gophera have beeD made, prln- UtUe time and ettort. mistaken belief that the mistletoe by lin Ohio man. A horseshoe mBsnetJ "That'B grand. MIs! 'Cella." The "Not alway.... There wall a ahuo. grew on oak trees only, but tbat waa with uo'u8ua11-y long poles has the'en4ar c hll,d:1I voJce brougbt her 'bapJt ·~o In the man's eyes a~ thought of hb 80 far from true that the Drt.JldB, who of these polel roun<Jed. A alngle' wheel, Pfell~t. . "It'e ·tnlght1 . sad "ilOunding, ,Ionelr louruey over tbe world to for· beld tbe oak as absolutely aacred be- with a round eteel bar running throuall thougb.' ' It maltel' cold .hl'fen run get ODe face and the .ound. of ODe cause they believed It to represent It for an axle. rests upon this ale on... "I) and down iny back and • hurt way lloUn, , the One Supreme God, deemed the the poles of the magnet, wblch formInald(l, Motber 8aya that loundl like J "Don't look like that, Bob," cried mistletoe dOllbly sDcred If found on an endless traok for It. The wheel. 01: JJ had the heartacbe, li'ut, of. courle, th~- Kirl. "I, am .0 much better lit. one, and carefully guarded It untll the sbe II&ld/ I am' too little for Uiat." · fqr 10U 'if~tf you stili want me." sixtb day after Lbe first new moon -c:-_ _·_1 ... hope ~j)u will lltay too little to terThere (I was a pa.ule wh\le he proyed of each year. the agon,..... · Bald MliB 'Cella. to 'ber entire satilifaction again ' bow ... When tbls time arrived. priests • su'ddenl,. wrapping ber violin to put tt :nuch be wanted ber. ,, robed in white Burrounded the tree away. ''vou koow I tried to belleve tbat J , and held Bolemn ceremonies. amoog "Pla1.,. one Joll,. pIece IUId mak'e me was a modern woman. I wantild I " 1 which was tbe sacrifice of two white feel l tood, Mli. 'qella. Try ,~bat .one Concrete rence postll never wear Take two tour·by·five pieces of very bulls. career and fame. Bett1 made " / ~here leaves are d.nClng, I lIoundll realize that a .bailPY Ufe for a woman out. To make them, forms of wood or atrong ""ood 11 to 12 teet long, and ,I' ~ After Lbe ceremonies, prle,t In JUlt lilte tbe leaves do out there 00 metal are used. Wbere varloua formll cut a notch In eacb, so. al to fit down 1s"'1 )oun4ed b110ve and a bome." 8potlesl robes ascended tbe tree and, tbe ' mountain whe~ the wind' bl'owe.'" are required, as corner post, brace over bind bolster at the wagon to "God blellll Betty," aald her uncle "Wb~t a jl~~t4lr~r .;"u,,' ,are; .. ~tu! posts or gate pOBts, probably 'Wood I)revent tbe rack 'from Slipping back· wIth a golden knife. 'c ut tbe mIstletoe and let It rail on to awhile clotb One more, then I mUlt etop, elle lb. fe"ently. "When I beard tbat a man W1lI forms are the cheaper. In case a ward or forward, says tbe Homestead. held by otber priests. ' people ,qfer 10 the, botel ~U. ~ uk· large number of posts of one ~Ind Is U.e four or six standards on eacb side Ing ~ t'!' ·... oye;.. · ,',". . coming, and all tbey told me wal to be used, metal formll are more deTbe branches were then formally 1 T t~ 'I " " I und the same· number of crosspieces, that hie name was Bob, aDd tbat be "No, tbey won't. EVel'1body Ba1. sirable. Tbe1 are 11gb tel', mot'e oaaUy 110 placed tbat tbe standard In going "blessed" aud dIvIded omong tbe peowaa bl" f hoped, ob, you don't lmow ple wbo believed the sprays gIven they love 'to h~ ' 10B _pl.,.: Old Mr, h'o w 1 bop'~ and prayed that be handled, and last lODger than Wooden dowo tbrough the Bocket catches tbem lO have miraculous powers. WIlIOD Bay!'piat1yqu C·. Ii(· rilalte a for· forms. Tbey also give a better Bur· against tbe end of tbe crosspiece. as would pro"e by some miracle to be t une by plaYing 'Oll the .tage. Thl. II The common beller In tbe emcacy face flnlah to the concrete. shown In the accompanying sketcJl. th.• loveliest cotta,e I ever 'Baw. -.How or tbe plant was such that It was There are several klods of re-en· "SO 10U' are willing to give up I long '. are ,"ou going to I~Y on the called all·beal; but according to an forcement. Perhaps tbe best II the · c1Ujeer for Ine '" JUouutain . Mila 'Cella 1" I, old legend, a certaIn lover searched "1'1. never play again. Bob, unle.. Commercial rods placed on tile mar· "I don't ~?w, ~41ar. ' I fe,1 . ,• . If I y.ou want to hear me." many dllYB (or a speclmeo growing ket for concrete re-enfor~lng. The wouid,~ nke t~ .. etlly. · b4l re , alway.,~ . on lin oak tree, tbat be mlgbt Becure more common materials. fall ~bls pur· ,"Tbat be orten, dear. ' I am not "I know ' all the Kirla,'ere charmitllf," It. brlUlcbes' for tbe cure of his beielftah aud I'll never be jelliou. of pose are heavy, smooth wire and gal· SaId Bol1 .Thome to hll sl.ter, the1 ,.,our trothed, wbo was sick unto death but I An Educational Toy. violin . agatn.' To tell you th. vanized barb wire. . when be (ouod It he touched tb~ sap lY~9t ·,,1,?wI1, up tbe ' .mo\lllt&1D 1'O!''d, tru·t h ,{ have run fropl the Bound oj Rack for Hauling Wood. Most forms for concrete POBta are while cutting tbe branches, and fell course. Is made IIgbt enougb that the ' :Jll;It, plel!Jo keep .tbem at a dl.stan..~e, ,vlo'Un for; . year, ·tllr the mUlllc of triangular. . Owing to tta .hape, aDd 111a:lle tbe standards tbree aDd a half I came .. doWll b,1'4I -to ,you &lid dead near tbe tree, IlIdlcatlnc that attraction of the magnet keeps It from havlJlg re-ellforcement tn each corone alWa.Ye made me want you." Bet.t,. . for a' week. , Of course I will falling oft. yet the wbeel can 'ron about ner, tblB post Is almost lUI strong al :feet long. They may be cut orr after· the sap was a deadly polson. "You "ran to It tonlgbt." ' 'ward If desired. Make the standard The plant thrives In America from easily on what Is praotically an end· . . 7,OUJ'C,tr.lend,_ I don't want j o :y,. a Iquare one, and to make It requlr.., becauae I knew .the IIOUnd of ' l~ketB from old wagon tires to admit New JerBey soutbward and westward . a ' tioor:-lrirt don't ' expect an,. Chel- . "Orlly les8 track. To a child this toy brlng& bow on the .trlnp, 'a nd 1 knew leIS material and labo.r than fo.r a .taudard one and a half by four and those wbo know It ooly. lUI a part bome more forcibly than any lecture .,_"_, .__ ,._ ~~ me ~r .y~u "Ill b, dll' Iquare one. I" . liud .you ,here. 80 you . , ':',," The mixture of concrete depend, :Inc he. aDd wIth holea for one-balf·lnch of Cbrlstmas decorations can ha'fe by hIs Bchool teacher tbe power and to Clve up walkfDl Bolt all crosspieces lirmly. little Idea of bow often It overrun I prfnclple of magnetism and be wtll de-. upon where th~ POllt til to be ·u.ed, bolts. the clare of the foot· One part cement to four of . .nd tl Have-wagon near by when making 'the trees to tbe extsot of being " nul ... light In "fOOling" his frleods with It. Tbe uninitiated will naturally expect coocl. For posta lD isolated placee, rack, and place the raok 10 far for· aoce. ward ' that tn turulng tho froDt wheelB (hp wbeel to roll- oft .tbe ami. ql th., not subject to atraln, a mJxture of J~~ mlas tbe end. borseshoe and will he amase8 to lee . Approprlat. Locatlonl, to flye 111 luIDclent. ' 'Those -tilled in a oorral or around farm' bulld~ where The place tor babl carrlages- It merel~ roll down the endl and baek on tbe apper IIlde. .. Indlana Ownl a Few Ho,... •. etOOk I. k(lpt are aubject to constant Wbeellng. etralD and a mixture of oDe. to"ibhe ! Th~re' ~ are 1,176,260 horse. owned The place for 'bank savings-Port the lItate of IndIana. Thl. Include~ Depollit. . Served Two Purpo.... Ie preferable. "Tblll 'Kivee .. more .'. horses and mules. Tbe value "Oeorge. ml son, don't . ,.~p. tbtllk It deDse material when hUd •. The place for ·pollttclans--HolIlI.ton. hDlace4' OIl the whole II '143,874,500. The place for ilia auto center-Mo- Is rather eJtt~vagant of I · 1Ou to eat butter with tbat dellcloua . jam," " ~III. '. " the greatest record ever ful" bUe. "No, motileI', It Is economicaL Tile . Hooaler state. the anI' Tbe place for a laundry townsame piece of bread doel for bolll." Waahlngton, _ ·~r bead, The .pl.c.. for "tbe 1UlUon.1 pm_

"That's lovely. Miss ·Cella. Play 80me mo~," demanded Betty, gelling up to spread out her wblte skirts with precision borore BlttlDg dOWD agalD. "1 buvo to keep tflls dress Dice, you koow, because motber bas gODe dowD the l!Iollntllln to the station to meet IUY uncle, aDd be Is most -particular Ilbout tho way I look," "So your uDcle Ia coming! Wjlar.-JII be like, Botty 7" . . " Motber said ahe boped he WOUld fll.11 In love with you, for abe tbought 70U' the ftnest girl she e'fer koew. I CIUI't, tell you wbat he's like, ' cause It's been a IODg time since I HUW him. He's been traveling for a long while. Daddy said be·a. been In luve wltb Rome gIrl wbo wouldn't Tllllrry hIm, but mother lauKhecl and > bo was silly to eay sucb a thing, lor all the gIrls adore UDcle BGb and he '('ould just take bls choIce If be ....anted any of them." "You never told mo that his name \\'I1 H flob . netty." " Dldn't I? Well, thllt dOeRn·t make ll ny dlll'ereroce, does It 7 Don't you li kf' tho name of Bob. Miss 'Cella 7" "Yell, or course, dear, I-I JUllt dlrln't remember bavlDg beard bla nalue. Vou baven't told me wbat he Is IlkI'. Rett1." "Big as a barn. Daddy say. tbat'" t he most 'llpresstve thIng you can I&y about Uncle Bob." " Robert Mayfield Is a very prett1 nRme. IlIn't It 1" "Tbat's not bls name. He Is moth· .. r·s brotber. Now ~lease play." A frRld to arouse tbe child's suspl. ,~Ion by too many question8. Min 'Cella tucked tbe vIolin lovingly un· der her chin and lIottly drew tbe li llfl bow acroBB tbe strIngs. In a min·


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****W*..iiliHllAI,,\1i\1i"WI\1i\i·\i\i\liUie: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED






In tbe Mde of N .1. Vatrow va a ttoruey8 for plldnLltr. Money ooly . 01. A . Rud.. ce. guardian of ela.$e $ee, Ill; Barre" Brothera. bl.a.1 :-t .. of Blanobe E . Cornell, minor, ap. for auditor. ts.75; Cblrlelt !lUler. ~ Klean .,., la awarded • 117376t juclgUlen, Probate Ccurt. proved and confirmed .Dd - ,... ill refuneler of tax on boWII b1lJ'Ded, ?t. lothes ·· "d tbe de'endaDtordere4 10 PtlY in fully a('ml~lltered. 116.06 ; Fnok Soutb.rd. refunder 11 Ie d.YII or have t·be mllrtga Re fore· .r. R. B.U. execntor of eltate.of Flret and fiDal aooouo' of Ueorge of tax on house removed. 12.110; C 01 Md. Jaoob aa11. deceased. filed first.o G. King, Barry. L. KtDg. Rober' A. F. Bat-field, refunder of tax on 1100' : Thoma5 L. Pierce, rop. .. Tb. . .Ie prooee~ In tbe OIlse oount with v.ouobers for Bettlement King and J . A. RUDyaD executprl ohattell too muoh lined 11.04 j M ;,.:a B D •• , p , I •• • B .. I I diD • ~ lit Leonard MOUD' et al vs . Prod· whiob il ordered 8pepeuded. . of ea'ate of Ahhpaas KiDg, dec ..lI. A . JatntlBoD. lervloee 00 bliod oom ?• a y a e • v I I Ie. 0 b I 0 ,-:. f·ooe Feoneman Itt al were approved Due proof of pub1iOQtloo' of notloe edt approvC!d and confirmed and _ mlMiou, 110; D. B. WilBon, lIer. :-t ~ " 'ld o'lnfirlDed. of appointment of Amelia TreaBler, tate 18 f\llly admlnlltered. vloea 00 blind oommlsslon. 110; B . Wllllim 0 Phillips /I II exer utor of aa administratrix of ellt.ute . Firat and final aooonnt of Chaa. I . FiBh er. eervices 00 bUnd oom· AGENT rOA SUITS PAUIEO AT HOMI . . 'he lal t will and 'eltamen' ul Mary Amell. Tresliler, 8S admtnlAtratrlx B. Skinner, guardian of of mil!8ion. 11&; nan P. Bone, feea.l:-t n F ... D CI I C IHOIlT OIlDUI ".PICIALTY . . H MIlI_. deoeued, wall Il.wllI'rlod a of tlte of Bury 08boro. deceuecl. Olive A. SklDner, miDor, approved olerlt lrrom UOtober 1 to December:t .1' rllill " 1111, •• .. j Idamenl of li~0 . 17 BDd tbe deten. tllad and Tecorded. Rnd oonfirmed and 8lltate til fully ad · 31 II II 94' L U lmI1&b .nd ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II _ _ _ _ .\~\"""~"~" d.. os Barry Laokey ordered tl) pav P. H. Ruo appotnted guardian of mlnlltered. . B;o'ber~ Ty~wri~r ~'ompaoYt' ~,~,~:,~~~,~,~~,~~,~~,~~,~~,~~,~~,~~,~~,~~,~~, . . .. ...•••.•... to fi i'e day. or bave tbe mortgage eltate of Samuel and Fred Reed, 8eoond .Dd final Iccount of Lillie 186 05 j B L. C.rtwrlgb" l18",i08l toreolcled. . minors. onder 1100 bood. WOodward "ardlog, adminUltr.trlx on burlaloommlUee. 11; A . Mat. 18 d A .... (n 'be oale of Ma. E. Loebr va. William B. Newport executor of of ~lItate or Clarence a. BardtDr, fit. blllrill.l of Jamell W. Vander SINCLAIR'S ODD FOOD FADS u.a r..ewill C. Kemp et 1101 the l8)e pro- estate of Laura A. Newport. de. deoeased, approved and oonfirmed voort, 176; W. B . Hoppinlr, Mrpen . fill • • • oeedlnlll were oonfirmed and tbe 08&IIed, flies Ileound !Iond Onal 8000UOt and eetate il fully' admlnlll&ered , ter work 10 oour' hooae, 'lll.7J. -8111" ........r. ...~w ~ the Auhr. Didn't Enjoy M..... a' AclIi w ill be IUlened under ~b18 bead for prooelld. ordered dl8trlbuted. with vonobera for leUlement whiob Fir.t .nd 1101101 lCOount of EUII Ed B'etall\ok. eervloee on burlll t wenty·lIve cen 18 for ~br.e IDl!ertioDI Arden. . wben Wllnl1 not wore tban live line •. Erdln Snider ..1\8 gr.nted .. dl. tl ordered eusptludecl. TaDsey, guardlaD of eatate of Ca\h. QOmmUtee. 12 ; T . M. Prince. Illp. hlkr 111 a plaUOIOpber, w~1I . vorce from B'red A . Soider et al on MBrtln dall appointed guardiau erlne Tanaey. IMane ajl~rovt!d lod pU811 ror 8urveyor. 1~. 10; Joeepb he"BfIl" 01Mld. to be.. 1Dumuc!l .. lie 111 ..............."...." - _.........,......................................................_ ........_." tbe grooodl of extreme oruelty. of estate of W"Jlace RoO Elijah B. eODfirmed and ee"'te III tolly admln· Miller" oODtraot. 167.111 j Fr.nk Upto .. B1DCIIIItn faUMl-lD-Iaw. He loCI. FOR RENT .'1 be .... 1101110 ~iveD the ouetodyof and JeMie O. Ball, ' m in on. under istered.,oontraot.. 122; Ed Fox, con. mlrea 8luCllalr, ~ ChlCISD.. aU '11m. . ,be obUd. All alimony, ebe W88 1680 bond. Due proof of pDbUOlitlon of noti08 trao' • . $75; Ueorge Veldt, h"ldge Btaral!lew York ClOn'MpOlldent writ... - - . ---------gtvID an of tbe bl)IllIBhold ;roodl. W . O. ~bi1lip" execlltor or etllate of appointment of Annioe M. Oroeler repaitl!. '2710; Ohio Uorrngl\ted ~a:. baa DO cn1Uelam to roR RB:NT-Fllrm of 1111 1I0rtlll, aud tbe defendaDt Wal ordered to of Benjamin B. Phillipl. fllell in 11.1 ftxoon~rlx of ell·ate of B .. Uie S. CQlvea:~ UompBny. onlver' pipe, e OD ~ dlaera. wbleb aYe.. good improvemeDa. 18 aoree of witb pay 1230.83 .od 112 50 monthly for ventory Bnd BppralsemeD& wbiob Is btepbenB. deoel\lIed. tiled and order. 12128; J . C . Mulford. bridge reo de"eloped betw_ h1I csaqllter and wbeat and" aorel of ry'; tbe J'ouq writer. "TheT1'e boUl ~h.. C G ,180e. (Jalh reDt. Apply to . . tbe Inpport of the ohild. ordered reoorded . ad IBcorded. p61n, ~.4'7 06 i G ilorge U Feldkamp, brow." 11&78 J'IaDer "and JI C.&harlne Bnook waH grlin ted a O. C. Moore. Ildmlolatrator of eeMarrIaae l.lceIUc& bridge reptlln. 122,75; 4lber& D. tDow~ that two ~brow. C&Il~~: ' WllIlamllon. Waynelvllle,Oblo dl'foroo from Edward SDook on tbe tate of Joseph 8 . Moore. deoeaaed. Bond. bridRe repllirB, ,40.2G; Sta.e aloq. WQ, . . . . CJDe ~brow C&Il't .:=====::::~=====::. . I!'roundl of adultery. filed u&e bill whloh ill approved Ind Cl'lyton O. WIndrol8. ~6t f ..rmer of Ohio V8. OyrU Eberat 114 58; let . . . .• But be 4oeID't appro". of Btno&llr'. LOST ' -l'he eale prooeedlogl 10 tbe caa. coofirmed aDd ordered recorded. ef Wilmington and JOII8pblne Mad State of Obto VB. Alber' Clark, dletal'1 Id.... .,....... IDIow," II1d of William E. B(\edle n. John W. Sll]e prooeecilngl of ' Annloe M. dox. 2G. of Cl..rkevtlle. 114 ISO I; State of Obi" VII. WalUam be, "WbeD I tate a IDMI with opp... C. RU88ell Blake, 13. f.rmer of Clark, ,114 50; State of Oblo VI. Wbether he wUJ 4eoIare tbat tile 0D1J {'.alliDI e' 1101 were oonfirmed 8Dd tbe Orosler, exeoutrix of "tale of 1:111.\. aa0!t diet 111 to chew. pmoe 400 POCKETBooK-BetwMnG. B prooeeda ordered dlatrib&ted. tIe B:. l:itepbenl, deoeaeed, Ipproved ~bafton aDd EUle 81Pt&h. 215, of Cbarle.1I Thomllll, ,110,66. ~o theD rub the atona III the baIr. or Em8' aDd McElwee'1I biROk. . • ___. -- fraDoM (JolliDI waa ~rln$8d a dl. and oonfirmed and ordered recorded Lovela\ld. "'~tier he wtl1 ....t foIt7 pou4l .of Imtlb .bop, oont.Iolng $11 W finder voroe from Wtlliam Col1ln.. 00 tbe ADnioe M . Crosier, UeontrlX of Cllnk)n A . Meofield 30, farmer or A Olrl's Wild Midnilht Ride ra.. .1O_t aD4 I couple of tlDoooked p]elll8 lea 'fe "t OaMUe oftloe. Irollnds of 11'081 nalleot of daty .tate of a"UIe E I:i&ephens, de MuoD and Sblrley M: Bllroh 18, of To 'fI'arn people of • fearful forelt ca~~. He cro.." I'1IJI true to rOl'1R. • .. Dd her matdln of FranOOI oeaMed, files ' fin' account with Mason. fire In the Ca~ki1l1 A ,ouul girl OD, IDIIht..,. He DeYer Iau tile '1'ownlley w.. retltored. vOIlJbere for sattlemeDt wblob ia Hugb ThompeoD 23, conduotor of rode horae·back at mldntabt &Jld lAID. tel....1Ioat food twlc!e tD 11100IISALE lSoD. . ODoe I 'ftISt.4 btm at .AIaa. rannte Place W&ll sranted "di. ordered Bl1l1pended , Deer Park .nd .8eaale Edn. Merrtll, llayed man, U'f". Her deed wu where III Iwl PDNd a eort of . . Jj'II'II* And fia.l aooount of Frank 26. of LovelaDd. glorloua bu* UVIle IreDtlOoYery often .ved voroe from Albert Plltoe OD 'be by Dr. King'. New In cJallIIUo Oard"- of 1Id-. lIT IUld liT groundl of rrOM neglect of dut y V. Wblte as at\minll1tralor of el*a~ . Frank J . Baumgardner. 27. book . OUriDg Inllg 'rouble, ootllbl and I ~ to Jaeed .,. fodder. ALE Hog', Polaud China, 20 'W1len 40 we eat r I ..ted Uppl.. • nd W&l reatored to ber maiden of Ellen V . Wblte, d80e....ed. ap. kee pllr of ~&tle, W~lIhlDgton, and cold!!, '.blob mlgb' have ended tn old, welllbt 3110 lb•. "-n.".' II1d ... , . .. . . , or wllo18 InqnlremOD'bl . of. I'annle· II.,.: proved aod confirmet\ and _sate til J'lorenoe D Brown, 28. lteDograpller ooolumo"on or pneumonia. of 8aml. tjenkJe. R D. 5, wllaat bread. aDd tile Iprtq II oaIT 4:1 .. ah'" "I ._.. follyadmtnlatered . . of Franklin. oured me of a dreadful oouah ..nd I~ 7U4t ....,... S. 1Mpo to t.U me W",D.vUle, Obio Centerville pbout! _r .,. g mODton W.I gr" n....... IUDg diJ!eall8," wrl&81 W . R. Patter. dlYorce from WtlIiam Simonton on Flra' aoooun' of George E . Yonng J. ElIeD JaokloD ~O, farmer of Ion. W,elllDg*on. Tu, "aner foar ~t WI IOIt of 00J4 »CMlltIoe ..... au 7~ . . • tbelfOaa4lorpOllnI!l1eo&otdllty. ,Ilardi.nofelta$eof Sar..b· J . Wu. Pleuan' Plain and IIlthell4. bODB 10. our tamily had dted WUbOOD- .,. II&oIaaQ .......... '''''I'baC ID&1 be an r1Pt for J'GaI' WANTED-Good old ptlp-oorn. In 'he DUe of Edna Berb VI. 1100, Inaaoe, approved .nd confirm 2', nllrfle of Lebanon. !lumptlon. and I gained 87 pounda." ..... I. 'but .,. atomaclllau Inqolre at 'hil oftloe. a ...._ B-b'" "', Adv.n ..... B.g ed ' Wllbor Allen La"'" 111 .hee' metal NoUllolg 10 8ure and eate for an atomaclI" "..v_, ... ..... "'" • . -01 , tbroat I,ud luog 'rollbl... PrIce 1100 .,.,. PUlaPlNd. Wtia 110M tile iIut Ooalpaa,. W6I ordered &0 pay li5 Fire' account of .... K Lanldon, worker of DaywD aDd Baz~l M. lind 11.00. Trial bottl. free . tratD : :' 1D "~ob 4lreoUoa" ute4 Uppl.. FINE yOuDIf Tarle, Uobbler ll &ad theD the reatralning order admlotltratol' of ee'lte of Tbeopbe- Klrbv 19, ',f WaYDeavtl1e. UUllr"n,teed by all drantla.. .. 'AD, dINotIaa.. laid L . for aSle Inquire of lire II. woa14 be cllIeolYe4. The defendaD& lu Wllllallll, dene.Ied, appruved Albert O. Bears. 8S, fa~er of • - • __t lief... I left I 414 ODe IOOd W Sn.,.r. R . D. " Waynesville, 'WU"rdend to pa,. plalD'Uf '2.U. and oonfirmed. Cosadd •.ae and Mabel MUler . 111, of A Moat q.tteroua N8tura. d...., 1'4 DOtIOIMl a PIUed ldad or I Oblo. mo.y ....kl'. ~d aoooun' uf Jamell FoneD BOlter.. on.., bad been married but a IJaort pup . . . . . . IDIDIt tile wall or opu.~ Baoter W6I ~-".... dl ' Gro'fer O. Gtt:eo ~6 farmer of tfm"~aDld their bappIDe...... W,Wc. ~I~I IluioL De .................. Rool) BOWS. Poi"nd China, tor 1-0""" ........u"'" • Sr. , ,urd n of eetate of Thom.. K r" . Her .1Ia:btut wh wu Ia.. : bI8 mal'o the . . . . . . 'Ita\bOU.' . . ..Ie ..Dd 101M S"ln'l "lgMotl,e voroe from SU'V.,. BUD.r 00 the Marphy,lolI.De, a,Pprovecl .od OOD. ylee and · hute W. aarper 2&, etlt wbbo w.. padllecl. • -. It 'Be Jea' WOII't eat ... Ta~k.... Inqolre ' of ~ . A Dhll, ,roaoU or pa. DealeDa of duty ,firmed. • '-ober of BOlten. ADd aU W. 00 .1.60 a ..eekl ean .~ IIIetaJa 8JMIaIr aDd w..... . D *he ouetocl,. of the 1'1' d fi I , r W JC Fredrlo B. Ban 41. real 81tale man "TodIY." hi' wee wile marmuNd. ..,. '....uoaa II • pdeat food fw • Wa,nenn.e.Ublo., R. D. 3 . . n ~D DA aooonD 0 • of WllUameb1ll'l, V...,· and lIerril u the, ..t ~ after their ..,... 4~.' ohllcl. .... ..... taiI&'II . rtIM.' ..,. L YOU!f(f Oobblun. 1 Tarley.ben Ia the_ of Bober' A.. MoOo~h ~bl!, Radodmi~"8a'ra:r ~~___~~.!«' ,ot Proo&or 81. of lAhaD.:lD. IDa ~lI. "I . .w thaloYeUetlt lace CUJIo parI! ~red S.. C. B Orpiolk)oll, ,,-- ... -.w,n Dey · 0, .....,.,--.u. ap· 'Cheater P . aamilton 26 flUOl.r taIu. And Iba lIPecL "But I ~ ~ III G.n. at for. But befDre ' V -eoo n. the 1__- of 11 raulr1la e' al proved ..od oonfirmed .nd _ ... te 11 f --b d .... b 8. 'J b 08 ,.OU wheel to ICIOnomtse, 10 I ' diu" 1 me U4 the au. ........ to ...n ttonal~'l~1 01 benll. pultete aDd oook thll plalDtUf 11 ed . ' 0 . ..., IDOD an .....n. •. 0 n., pt tlleDl" . ,. .. ,..... 8rell• . lIuI b'e .old b,. 11'l'lf .. ,roh en&1"fICl to the reUef l'r.,.ed fa '1 Administer • . of LebaOOD. ADd .~n 'lbe e"bed. "So I IMIDt out uti boaIIlt ...,.. lira. 8 . V . Smith, 80x 711, pbone for uuUhe retltrei~lng order.... Fire' .nd final aoooun~ of Gaor,e . • Estate "Deareat," he murmiu0e4 fODCU1. poIIDdI .of etea1I:. and I hroDed It 0'111' ,.4-8, Wa,.aNriUe, Obio. 41Jeolftll. To.n of thll 'be plain. E . Yonnl, uetgoe& of 88&8te of G. Real TranJfen. "everythln .. ,.OU waut .hlU be "01II'II1 an OpeD ..... ud the dOC aDd l1li lit . < aur aoepted aDd filed no&toe of ap. W. Gmwold. or the Oblo Tea Com J. E Lone by belra, '0 Beeter A. Anythtnlf wlhcb add. to YU1lI' uPIII-' ·lb. . .bol. worb. The tn.cruaae or roR SALK-Two fre.b Je,.,.,. OOWI . Inqlltre of Edwla I'llr. _ ' . The bood ..... llxed a' paD7 ....Ignor. approved and OOD Wolfrum, real estate In WllrrID De.., and brlnp ,lladDe.. to:roar dear lbl hroWDa hroupt Uppla oat cl bII r He ItocMl 01. . IookIq 'at aa. W"YDeevllle, Oblo. -firmed aDd ee'ak II fully"' admln18 oono'y, 1160. eyetl; aJllJ1.h1nc thlt U,hteDa ,.oar do.. teDt. wftlI teaN ID bI8 ., ............ oa I meatlo learetl. m,. darUq. and 1114. bl8Upe. New SuItt teredo 'Wilford C. Bud~n .nd wife to the lowertnl Cicada; an1thln. . .hleb BI: I N. al'fleld property 00 "'11, IOOCID....• ..,. t1ppIe, .. ... . B. ,II. BracUey aDd 'b. Clear1leld Firat aad final 1000110' of ~. W. Calvin MUler, 10' 10 J'rIDklln, 1230. borden the thOI'llJ' path of '4ut7 wtlb J'ranklin Mead. Inqnlre of Lambei' oompaa,. "ftI 'he I'raDkllD Uo,INby, KlJ,Irdlaa of ..tate of ',fbeodore ~ r. lIatbewl Co Nanoy Iweet, flraarant 1I0wer•. and .ppealI line I'm aetUDa' hulr1: '000&.' . , . I. 'Ban a· ...... .David N. YODDg, \01 "hID_Iwn ..... _ ...• D .... Iller, a • . 8ara" II. Uql_b:r.d adDor,.pprov8(,\ K. BeUer real ..t-te ia W ..rren to J'0W' Doble. IeIthetla Dature. ,OU UP.'· . Ave., Dayton, O. .... ..-. "",mpaay. ... . ¥ t f II '''I'' .ball b..,e. m,. loyed one; 100 m1llt tomey for plaID&t1r, mODey. Amoun' and CODflrme4 an 11 Y oolln',. II. ban It, II"-toil hi. YOIoe broke .. o1a~ "72.117 with ID&4!iree' admlaitl'er.d. Ob.rJee F. Myer. to JOlepbDl'T. little with the .tnt.. ot emotiOll-"If ffOlD Aprll'4, 11110 aDd for OOIt of Fifth ~UD' of .Tbb~ B . Thayer, WUlOn .nd Eva R . WilllO.D, re.l.. It doean't coat more than . " h _ DR. E. H. COSNe~, IDI.. admin",;a$or ot ....... of ~rOJ 'ate la WarreD Coun'y, 81. pen_IN-Londoll Tlt·S.... llary II. ror4 n. Archibald I'ord, Thayer•. 4eoeued" ap~ved ~ncl J.m.. W. Loop WlUlam Bacon. • _ • L. K. LaDI\1OD, aUoruey fol' plain. confirmed. 10' In I'raakUn. 11. . ' ••• 'Uf. Dt.,oroe on p01lacla of wllfal, 1'1......000aD' of Geor,. A. Wit: . G ;;., oN J t WI.. S 100 Per Piat. We wiD atve you .~oo worth Of ableaOll and 081180&, onft, ..11m1D11I&rator of u • • of y eor..:.. ;_& ou.. w 0 \Il1..... r . wall plid ., a banque' to Benr, Thoro·Drecf Poultry tree of ebarae , . -'-' .. oneil r __ ee_ e l n arren ~unt. OIl,.. 10 New Orleana 1n 18~. a_per our CombinAtiol\.PoultrJ Out. W • • D. TbompeoD "ftI. a. EIlIII Mary O. 8rowD. dlO8&ll4, .pproyllU 1111117.50: • 01, JUgbty (losaly for 'bOle wltb .,Olp 91~ Relboid BuUclbilo Offer. WritAt fo.r full partieD I.,.. . Hath....,. aDd ".bel O. BI.b.waT'land ~llrmed. ' aoh'rolllble or Indi,81tion. Toda,Beautiful colored "ebiek pleture" WriMh' .ad TbomPIOD ."OI'neYI for I'U,h &OOOllD' of E. B. Dakin. Q 1.o1a II Kooble e'.1 10 Barry -p eople every wbere D8I Dr. XtDla Dayton, . . • . Ohio free. pl..l.tUf. MODey oDly. AmboD' 801Itor of eet.1e of ADa B, Xelly, · ~Irandl. lot In Middleboro, 1250. . New ~ifl' Pill" for tbue .roublee a" olalmed "120 with 1Y.&e , • 8111' Ideoeaaed approved confirmed. lIand8'C. Konger and Bow.rd a . well III u.ver. kidney _nd bowel.lclterllll a 7Q I ' orden. .maey, eafe, IIllre. 001, '150 Grad..... "-taD School, JQrbvUle. 110 per anDllm from January 1. 18116. J'our,h aooollnt. ot Perr,. B. Rue, . lI~nger'o Mlry .A. White, real ea a' ..U dragllls'. George P. Downey VII. The aclmlDle&ratorancl 'rue&ee of ..tate ,,.'eiD Warren Count7, '1. _ _ _ _ _. - - 982 Barri~ st. WlftOIUIt MIM ton, LebaDoO and l.'iDoInn.U Rail. Iof SaUte K. Evanll. dW,)8Ued, apo Z.ld Simpson e& al t.() Arthllr O . Bue, Word. road .Dd Termlnll compllay • cor./proved ..nd collflrmed. ! Jonee aoet JeDnle JODII, real el'a" TbeN lIDO "Ord, loq or Ihort., In C. W. HENDBRSON, M. 0 por.."on. almihon aod Brown. Tblrd aad dDal of I'ran in W.rren Cono'7, '4800. the BnaUah 1&D~&18 CI~b1e of PlI'>


Mlttllda Oamllton et. III tbe plll.lntilf Amoqot oltdmell 12700,


.... ..


I'-1 . :t







............. .






, N






toIiaa.· B 4



w.. .DO'





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I D.,..

O.teopathic . . Physician


lestern Ponltry Farm



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Of New York City, we offer every ' _ - - - - - - -.... , McCall's Magazine, tboughselling one the opportunity to secure The for 50c per year. is positively worth Miami Gazette absolutely free for 1 $1 per year instead. Call at this )"tar, by merely lubscribiug to the office any time and see late issues. McCaU's Magazine for 3 yean at The Free Patterns are ordered the rate of 6Oc: per year. ID addi. by post·card from Ne. York City tiOIJ you receive 3 Free 16c McCall and can be used any time you


Miami OueUe, I year ....... $1.00 McCall', MaEazlne, 3 years .. f1.50

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.:~ ,"I


Waynesvill~ Ohio '" , '"


19 mach


labor tD a cl..... !Do

,Waynesville, Ohio..

telUIfble u the .,.,.b to pt: .nd here fa an old·tlme QlClm8ll or V.U- Phone'W MaID SUert lte capablJld81 . -, t ... rot OD honeb&c1l: wlthlD teD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! minute. Itter I lot :rour Jetter. Wb.D WALTER! MCnL tTRB. 1 rot to ClaDterbur,'I' 19! a cba1M for tOWll: but I go& wet th.,. befon I rot to Callterbul'1 and I ba'fe rot luel! a oold u I lhall not be abie to pi Funera' Ol.",:to•• rtd of lD 1& hUl1'J. I lOt to the .u.. UI'1 about Doon. but ant' of all 1 ...,. "h...,ed &Jlld drelaecl. I IOOIl lOt; IJ!toTelephone dai ' 01 the HCret of ..etttq a JDlJIlOrtal .,. V....e;, phone'No. f . .LoII!r fore the board, but I 001II4 'Dot _ ... . ~&aDoe No.' tlt..,... &DReI' tIllen; ho"l.,.r, I . . til. ' hl~ t.elUieDCII from the m8ll8Jll'8l' tbt I ~YNEsVII.L8, • IhouJcl mOlt Ukel, pt Ooe thl oat " mol'lllq. AlIOOD' u I Cot lIauto' m,. Breach 0Ilee, 1larf1lJRhra. o. IDD I rot :m , IUpper. WIleB i cot up In the morDID, I rot hrMlErut and ~ rot m,..ell '. dreaM4 ' tIi&t J:




mJPt ..t oot lD


tim. COAIPt.,..... ' I

to IDJ" memorilil.

u.n. ti, ,

~ It I rot IDto .tha ~t ' ' " to OaDterb1ll'1 ' ud about tea I rot





Pubu.he d




·WaJll..v llle. Ohio

- -



:: --- --- TH IS

D. L. CHANE, Editor and Munllg or

Ona Year (atrlctly In advance) .... .. .. 11.00 Sln&la Copy .... . .. .. .... ... '.. .. .... . 00

Enrollm ent ...... .. ....... .... ......... 21

Rate. of Advert ising ReadJDI Locala. per UDe. ... . • ... .. . .. ~ Reading Local•. black C&ee. per Una. . . . I ()( OluG.lJed Ada. Dot to axt.--t live 1In~ Three rn.en.lolW. . • . .. . . . . . . . . lG< Obltuan .. lbe 1nch8a h-ee; over Ava • \nchel, per line .. . . . .. .. .. . .. . ~ Oard of thaDIuI ..... . ..... .. .. .. . . . . .. 11k a.,lUtJo lIII ........ ........ .... . . , ... 110<

8odaI.a at.!:. whore cht.l'1la II made • .. .... 211c DI.pla,. Advertla\n& per Inch. . . . . . . . . • . HIe contrac~.


p,....rv . Your Dignity, The wa,. to ward olr old age III Dot to fear It, not to allow one'll Balt to be appre..ed b,. tbe dread ot advanci ng }'eare. U.e only lelfltlmate preven· Uves aDd avoid trying experim ents wltb P.l'e,.ra tlon. · not lodol'1led by physlclaDl. Do Dot wear toilettes In· tended for young IIrla. they only add ,...,.. to the appeara nce. Keep Ull IntMelt In the }'OUOC-. but do not en~ them. Retire with dignIty from the It~u'le, do not pose as your daucbtl r'a rival Above9 aU ••urfOund JOur life 'With .weet. true affectlo na wblch prevent the be"rt trom growIng blttlr. Dq Dot loae IDt~relt In the sro'Willl e"entl of the day: do not fall lleblnd the time.. and do not harp 0'1 other aDd better da,... To tbo.e wbo come to rou for ad"toe be alwayp kind and aJ1Dpathetio. A8 you ad nooe In "ean- p,,'lIe" e oaretlli h "our pereona i appearanoe, for onOt' Jolt It .a,. DOt be reralne d .ave b,· atrenuo aa effort. Your eOlltume~ IhoulcS be .Imple and unpretenUoW! "et II'&ce~l. n.e rule., carefull y a114 MUJbl, . fonowe d. 'Will keep "OU :rou... ail. attraott ve.




Thl R.mlnd er. J'rederl ck Townae nd Martin, apro·


.. ,.. nerlf of aa 01'er~orked .oter..a s lite breakl ut: , .



.e .

fri&htful Polar WlndJ blow with ' 18rrlflo for09 at tbe 'al' Dortb and play bllvoo whh tbe "kin, O&OIlnl red. rou~h or lOre oh"ppe d band, .nd lipco, that; nerd Bnokle D'. Ante-. . Salvot &0 bt'l81 them. It ID&k8II 'be akin loft lin" IImoo'b . UDrt.,.~ f~roold.lor~, .,~o burne, bon., ~.... aloorll, otUa, braille . aDd ptl... . Qn)y 211 oenb at an drag .}


=-=::..., 1 _ _-

•• _

••_ __

. _.,. lpare the Rod, Pareita take notice. TIle ac1roCate. of wblppln e .. a 111_ or dllclpll ne are aoculto med to Quote Solomo n .. aI1m.: "Spare tile .roc1 I.D4 .poU tbe child." . What 801omaD cUd taT wu: "He that .p .... .tIl ro4 bteth IlIJI IOD." But the 'WOr4~ "iocr In that oonnect ion doel Dot a.D~ ••• rU7· ..... corpora l PUDIG.aL , ~t, 1Im,17 llleani parenta l . au-



tIaort..,.·lD4 ptdUc e.

The aame He-

....", '.'' ''''' ta aae4. In PAlalli. DIll, ....... Daft! ..,.: ' "TIle .Lord I. my ~: .1, ~ aot want; bla rod an. ~ .1ta1r th"' ~ OOIll(ort me." The iocJ..,, ,,., tM .".bol' 01 autb"ortt;r aDd power... . .& : raw~~, ~ l'Uler or a . hlck0t7 ~"""M~ " ". r >


.. '





























22 11



Neithe r absent nor tardy .. ... ...



Per cent of enrollm ent neither absent nor tardy .-..... .. ........ . 24



59 I 25



Cases of tardine ss .......... ........




Numbe r of pupils tardy ........ .









Per cent of attenda nee .......... 91








21 5




Vi.its of superin tenden t ...... ...



Pupils neither absent nor tardy, during Dec. 1911. Red Oak Annie Burge Harold Burge Stanley Thom)JltOn Henry Burge

College Hili leona Evans Gladya Rosell Mabel Salisbu ry Adria Cornell Edmon d Evans Gayle Evan8 Charles Evans James Evans Elli. Smith

Harmony Grove






Lowell Hili Bertha Omdo n James Woolar d Fred Simkin8 Henry Orndo rf J08. Shutts PearlO rndorf Florenc e Woolard




Spring Branch Geneva Curtis Harry LallY Clara Berryhiit uater Curtis Earnes t Braddo ck Neleon Brown Thther Curtis Edna Lacy Harry Conner



Lorena Weeks Clemen t Hamer Oreen Briar Maria Simpson Olive WilbOn Eugeni a Whitak er Marga ret Simpson Aliee Gons Howar d Whitak er Rhodes Bunnell Gordon' Weeks Ambrose Balling er Mabel Stanley - Marybelle Hamer Raymond Whitak er Roaeoe Furnas Russel Stanley Cathar ine Burnet Leslie Sattert hwaite Sugar Grove Mt. Holly Madison Earnha rt Lula Roland Cynthi a Burden Kennet h Bratten Earnes t Shutts Everet t Thoma s Martin Marlat t Ulna Marlat t Burnet t Butterw orth Joseph Haines

•• ••




~~~"~~~ .. ~~~~

Methodist Episcopal Churda.

Rev. O. S. Grllu scr . PlIBtor. SundllS School, 9: U a . m. .\ Iornlng s e r vloe. 10 :80 11. m. Evening Her,·lce . 17 : 00 p. m. Mld.weelo Pr \yer I\I~~I",I . 7 p . m.

St, Augustine's Catholi c ChurdJ. Father Louis Yaua Mil .. e Vt"fV IIOOOnd Sunday of the mnn\b a

g :00 a . ID.




Being prepare d from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the . System , and thus

.................................. Prev ents ,.,~~~..,.






SERIO US 'Sickness \






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Public Sales


LlVER ITES- A purely vegetab le Laxativ e. cures Chroni c Constipatio n, Liver and Kidney Troubl es. Ask your Grocer for it.

I== =LI VE RIT ES Only lOc :== =1 (

Christian Church.


!lev. L. O. Tbompeo n. Putoo. Bible SChool. 11:10 .. m. l5oc1aJ meet\na'. 10:80 .. m. .Ohrllltlll1l Endeavo r. 1:0U p. m. Sermon Iby putor avl!l'y alternate Sund.., .. 10: 10 .. III aDd 1:30 p. m. r

Undertaker and Embalmer, Will be found in the, ola

Bank BuUdlng, oppoal.., the Ndlon al Bank. Teleph one in hon8e &nd ot· fice wbere J QaD be called day or night, • VlI.lley Phone 1'-2. Main Street, Wayne s"m.. Ohio

JilJcbite friends CluuQ .

First IDa) lIIeetlnl(.

School, II :00 a. m. 10:00

a. Ill•

0 :00 a .;t': Firat Da,. Founb Day Meellnlt

Orthodox Friends

Chur~, _M.ra. Ruth Murray, Putol' l'Iabbath School, 9 :80 a . m. Rej(uJar oburen


I wtU offer at Publio Sale at the late residenoo of Benjam in- B . Pul· lips. dOO8868d, at Ultoa, Clearo reek 'row08hlp, Warren . Oon.'" Ohio, on

aervlOII. 10 ·GO 7:80 p _ .


.,., .


Chrl.8t1an Endoavo r.


More Likely.

Wednesday, Jaauar y 10, 1912

8f>l!;innlog a~ 10 o'ol06k a. m., 'be fOllowlo~ ohattel s: 3 Borae B-l Black: liorse, 10 yeara old, a 800d driver i 1 000 Mare, 12 yeare old. Il good l!(E'nt'rlll-purpoee mare aDd Il good driver 80th aired bv <-'lem ent; reoord II :28, dam Ethel P. reo · ord 2 :18 . fiCO bU8hels rood Corn In orlb, 0 ton8 Timoth y 8ay, 1 Traok BUl' new, 1 Buggy. 1 Bnggy Pole, 1 Road Car., BIlY Rope and Pulleye , 2 bol[8tt Tob"ooo, 1 Mowing Medun e, 1 Corn Plow, Sleigh, 1000 Tobllooo Stloke, And other things wo nuO\eroD. to mentio n . Terme -Allliu m8 of 00 and tln · der, cash on dav of BIlle. All eume over tl> 00. a oredlt of nine month s will be givon by purohtl aer giving note with approv ed aeourlty.


"'What'. the exoltement at th&t Itreet oroslln g? Some automobUe

ooWelo :o'" "I think not: the orowd'. too bIg for that. 80me professi onal PUglUlt mult bave at~pped Into the saloon at that corner, ud th.1're walttne for him to' nome ont."

PILE~ Dr. SbooD's Ma$ OIntmeJ14.


BARN HART , Nota ry Publi c

All kinds of Notary Wotk.: Penslo n

Work a t;peoIIl.Jty.

DR, J. W. MILL ER, ••• DEN TIST•••

:~ jet Imme..1ate Idler froIII

Office In

National Bank BId".

D it. R.E. HAT HAW AY \~/ ny'ue8vil1e's

Leadin jl DeDtlI t Ma1n at

Waynesville, 0 Office' to KeY8 Bldg.



ING one -thi rd to \one SAV half on an ordi nary rang e's

W . C. Phtlhpl !,

of elltate of Benj. B . . Phil.

IIpe, deoell.8ed.


C. T. Hawke . Auot .'


Manufa ctured by ALPHA CHEM ICAL CO., Spring field, Ohio





.. 'WlU :rou poet th •• lettlr for me. ....., It... to the han1er ClOunte~ 1IaaD4inc'1DJ' order for that ,900 sable ..,---- '-_ _ .tol.. You'll be 'UI'8 to NIMIIl berr , "'!'be uie4 .,... of the barasae d. alaabbJ prOmoter Itt up 'With Jo". He Mla4 a .ktpplq ;.:ope that lay with • heap of don. aDeI to". In a corner, ...4, 101111 to hi. wIfe, he wit: , .. 'He~. tie han4 to Dl7 left foOt 10 1 won't forpt.· . , ••

NOT Con tain


Rank in enrollm ent ........... ......

ot the extrava pnees ot the Idle ::

rioh. nicS at a dinner In New York: "It I. bad enoueh for the rlch. who e&D alford It., to be ertrava pnt, but "ha\ of ttle atrava pnce ot the mereIt wen to·do, who oan't? "Bow. man" a poor, Itrug,lI ng bro ker qr \IIw".r or promot er alavel blm· ..If lato ne"ou . proltrat lon In order to ....Ufy the extran pnt tast.. of bIB .tre, MJ bear« of & cue In polDt :relter·

SA LE --- -I

I. Imp orta nt Also for Wh-at It Does

Rates of Subscr iption

DIxoUII Y Iven on



year ly, coal bill IS no unu sua l achievemen t 'for a

A Hero In A Lighthouse Vor yean J. '3. DOD-ahu e, So. Bllven, BIlC'b., a mvll war capalD , ae a Ilgh*.hoU88keeper, averted A"· ful ' wreoks, but ~ queer filo, .., be mljlbt h"ve been a wreo~, 111m.elf, if Electrio BIUerl bad not pJ:8VeDted "They cared me of kidney trouble aDd obn~," be writ.,.,. "afkr I bad tllkeD o'her eO oaned oars for yean, withoo t benefit and \be, also impro" ed my eight ' Now, 1$ Beventy. I ' am .f eeling flne." For dy.pep~'a, Indlge"UoD, all .comao h, liver aDd kidDe,. ", $bey'... wlthouC eq 11&1. Try tbtlm. Onl,. 500te at all druggl stl.

.- .

The PatIent Walter. : Prof. W. IA"IOB TaU. apropoe ..r the ne" ivniD cure for ha,. me. nicS at a medl'cal banque t In



Moore's Range Mrs. Coollriglt, and Mrs. Carelcs:;.

tdr.. Carelea -"DClIr me, Mrs. Cookri ght, b t: t I never r~n l -

• -bed hoo", much 'I was 'rending on fucl until th e o lhe r d •. y . 1 added up .11 my bills for the year and fount! ! h~d I!Ptnt I , whole lot of money." Un. Cook right_lO Y CI, and you could have hll~ better cool:• ing-mlD te time lQ younclf and a beller 100Lung rang.e and have ...ed one·third to one-half your fuel co. t If you



I n additi on, the exact tempe rature therr. lOi11 c:cr-M rs. Rorer 's Therm omete r Guide :.. d 1\l oore's Contr oller Damp er are other . fe;:.(urcs that make .\-10 r~) s Rang e the c il ly pe rfectly cont rnlkd cooki ng JTIUC i;~;1C . You can regu· latei:h e heat as surely

::s, though you turned it on at a faucet. Then Moore 's fire-tested glass oven-d oor is further help and a saving.

'11fF!!E!!5~5!!5!55:=====~~ I PIM PLES, BLACKHEADS,




All DI •• PPI.r When Getty.bura Man Uee. Realnol.


How happy would men aod womllll be did tbey know, u does It- 0 , Parry. of Gettysb urg. Pa., bow to re mova blackheads and plmplcs lind r estore their skIn to Its natural h ealthy statol Many a beautiful woman Is rendere d homely by faolal eruptions. Thill let ter may be the' mean l or showIng a way to those thull alllioted. Read I. thoroughly and give It thought. "For some month, my fnce wu COyered with plm'plell and \)fl.ckhead • • Hearing of ReBlnol 'Boap, , Immed1at&ly began to use It. and waa greatly benefited. espaclally BO In It I havlnc caus ed the dlaappearanc8 of all facl.tJ eruptions. ''R, O. PARRY, "OettYllbutC. Pa." ReBIDol S'oap quickly relieves and removes Ikln dectlonl and ReBlnol Olntment Is wltbout a rtral In relle.. Inc eczema, scalds. burnll. tetter. mlllE crullt. rlnl(worm, barber'lI Itch, pimple•• rallh, Itching. blackhead.. bolla, chllblalnl, chapa and cracltlnl of the .kln. etc. Your drunllt I. famlJtar Vlitll the emcaey of Rellnol Ointment, an4 wilt Bell It to you In tlfty1:ent and on.. doll.r alills, or, If free trial Ie desired. write for sample to Department 86. Keslnot Chemical Co., Baltimore, MIS.



ELL, we n e ver ye t depended on S a m a ud hud him fall UII, H e Is a lw ay a on band to delive r the good s ," I ('a pla in I'c ll b Why dhl Ib is ma n bring h im he re. He would te ll you (or dup))'!r and 1'i!81- As to tbe result Tbese words fe ll on my S YNOPS I S, • lI "w l,, \' ",' nr! Ill" 10 Ih e ~all For k?" what c n'r It W!lS ho told Haw ley. antI ur t hnl Int ervi ew t here could be little e a rs al I was hurrying I ' 11(, · IhoUll lH IJo VoD ~ ,kullllg wfl b th llt \\'111 give t!8 tb e cl ue," doubl P rovid ing tb o gambl er POII- down t he s treet one morning, and J r",h Kf"l t h . n \ ' l nc 11t ! ul1, 11('\\1 II h H r - 1 , ' lJl'i lt' :\l u('lnlre l i e h HU so nle r enl ie pl clte cl " p hi s b ~t rro m t be lab le , s!"seed tb e prop!" r pope rs be woul ll t\~r i,ht l n,mJfUl, 115 1 0t\~hll-; (nr r ,, ;t n , llI.c \\11 1 ~. • • theY struck me with s ue!! rorce I ha t I lU4.rlh t> \I r 'u,\'u~t 'ai . Ht . ,e .... · H & ,,,'Iu:on U'ILIn so n (0 1' g l'l'iug h e r 1\\\'0.)' ; g e t tin g h er but sbe ro oc to bel' foo t, h oldin g [ortb h/1\' o s ma ll d lHlcul ty In co n\'llI cln g t he found myself re peating over aDd ov e r : ul ril l! ~n. ll op Vllr>-lh·d II) fl h 'lt " " I' UIlIt':i I w lll' r u he COUl d exe r ci se l u tluf' n c e over he r bunch;, girl tha t s be wa s I n d~d t be one "He never fail ed us , He alwllY s delly\.\'h ;' 11 1-\:~ lth n'H C'!UI ,s Ihl' W~. IJ.: II " \ 110 ruil t · hor ." ~ rs h n\,f ' Illt1UJl .. n ,H1 t \\' , , IlIt' l ' u..nd,f1O "I ca nno t l bank YOIl e nougb. Cli P- so ug ht. Keltb had probed sum clently erll tbe goods ," It set Itse lt to a little JJarft'd . lI H S t' ,'U " ' h l' H I til' \" 1<' \ 1t 1l1'l nl , (1I1 11: " Y('fI -- ye8; h ut w ho I~ s hll~" lain Kelt b," s he excla ime d "rankly, Into her m ind to fee l u8sured th a t hoI' tune, and kOI,t singIng Itself like a r~U"tl' rti a nd n Iv cl<t'l t wt , It 1\ \V \! lUlllI '~ f ' l lr t.rlttt . K e lth Ie u r rt' :ih' c1 1\ 1 4 'al' ~ ~1 1l f ' lt)" . "Thn t Is wh al 1.1Ia k ('~ Ihe mall(' r so "You 8.1'e doin g so much, tlnd 'wi th 11 0 Incllnu tlon w as 10 sid" with Hawley , beautlrul rerraln, and I r eali zed. as I ~ ~ h or/tr; (' d w ith the OI ur ll,-"r . hIt- Itt "Wh ' r buhnr d I.) unraye l. She doe8 n 't eve n pc rson ul In ter est-" LI nd er all tbe ci rcumstances this was bad Dev er done betore, bow mu cb tbat \" ": " ru f Nsn n tt.m ed U JR\' k B lln. All eg ro ,·"III lla n .un In hi s c'el1 n a m ru1 Nr'b te tht h i m kn o w ber se lr, Hawley Is going to " Ob, bu t I have ," IIll tu rul enough , a nd h u dI d not blame me ROt. th'" he k n tlw t he K ~ ltt\H I n VlrKl nl&. N f' t. ta ke nr!vR nl Hge or he r Ignoranc e In The long IIlS beli d roppp..1 over the b er ,,:it.\' .. one Of Ih t* mu r d .... r cl1 m e n "'l' " J t 11\ I bad been havIng s ome dlsbearte nm il lt,y, the other Ge n , W HII~ 'Val lt e. ( vrn &4 t his r~ti pec t, nnd conv ince he r tb a t hrow n e yes, lie gIll ne ed Iota tb e ba r -room all be Ing e xperIe nces that very morning ~ r l y u' C:u nrl~dr r~ 1 11 u fO cer . T h e pl n lnamM n y s be 18 the person he wish es her to " Whut 11 0 you lUelln?" passed, not In a ny 8nticlps llon, but ... nd r-e l> e.Cl1pu , and IllIer lh.. ru gll l .. with people wbo could not be dependcom e upon n co h ln and tt nd Its oecup;l.u t I'Oprese nt- bu t who Is t t. e pereon ! II "That I h oye R p;'l eoua l Intereul - In m ere ly fro m th e vigilance whIch be- ed upon, tbereby putting me to Ii great 10 t>. d young girl. wll"n( K .. lt h U,l nk. we knew lllat we m lgbt block the you; Hope_" c omes lIecond natul'e upon th e fron- deal of trouble and Inconvenience. and h ,. SttW ol t: a r su n C ity. Th ~ tt1 r 1 e ..p l 8. lnll t hnl sh e I. In searc h ot n Or'o the r . w h o gam e," Sb e .. tood s ilent. h e r b oaom r is ing ti e r, Ha wley slood leaning ngalns t as I beard tbe words of commendation btu ) df"Hftrtt!d tro m th e a.rnl Y, (l n d tl lIl ' n Botb 3s t s ile nt. striving to figure an d ralll'llt[ to ra pid b rea t hIn g, Ihe ba r. wbere be coula see IIny one for tbe boy wbo could he depended lJIr. H llwltt)' I ndu c ed h er to (' on lO to Ihu 4,.' /l bl n ..... hU e h e Iwug ht ht! f b r o t hor. Ha w - out s ome rea son a ble e xplanation, " Yo u don,: mind my cal l1llg you puss log tb rougb th e ha ll, Tbe ey ea upon, some way the world seeme d I e)' npp"ILr. , " I\d I( ellh In hiding re<'OI"00 yo u know of any s pe cial papers Hope? r b aven 't got u sed to Mla8 or th e t wo m en mel. but t ho gamble r brighter, for I now knew tbat all of nl .. ,. 111m fL8 Black Uarl. T hero la ... rorWaite yet. " nevo r mov ed, ne ver chan ged hie at- tbolle most comfortable people to r1ne uu tl'e tr. th ~ d a rkc o" d room In whi c h your fatber carrIe d ?" h e uked , 1< rll h I. viclor. Honoe. Bro "pproprlated, Her eyes Dl At bl8 s wiftly, tllud e, a lthougb Keith noted tbat bls have around-tho ones who "dell vel' " No; none outs ide hla bUAlness .. nel Ihe .:Irl who . aye Ih Bt her IIllm e I ~ Meant B. R•• I Bad. "Of courae_ nol.. Such ce,re moily ri gh t hand wall bidd e n be neath tbe tbe goods" bad not all vanished from B I,I><' lolna In the eIIcl1pe, Keit h .. s pl alna agreeme nts," Two little clrll rellldlni In E ut hi••Ituatlon and the rU«lIt vC8 rIIflk e ror would be fooll s b alt er a ll you h ave s ki rts of hili long coal The plaIns· " HilS aoy one e ve r dls nppeared conFO r! Larned, wh e .... th o girl I. t ~ rt with tbe face at the eartb_ Elghty·slxth street, Vlrclnla CloUCb th .. hotul l&ndlal'l y, 1141 .. Hopo loll. th at nec ted wltb your family ! Old you done ror me. Do--do you c.all her man dr ew bac k. racing bla e nemy, un· I fe lt 1\ great longing to lIee tbat boy, ahl' I. t he dau, ht"r ot General Wolte, have an older s is t e r?" C brl s tl e~ " til he reacbed tb e oute r door_ Tbere to take hIm by the hand, t o look Into and Clalrle Feldman, wbo ha4 lonc XOllh a nd Neb clrltt Into Sherll'llln, ..'here " Fred and I we re tb e only children, H e laugbed, clas pi ng he r bands was a snee r on Hawley's dark IIlnls- hl l clear, bright eyes and frank, man- enYIe4 tbelr ,boy pl.ymates for theIr ]( . , .h mee\JI an 0 11'1 rrlend. Dr, Falrbllln_ K," lh meets the brother at Ho~ Walle. Why sbould you as k that Qu estion?" closer , te,r fa ce like a n Invitation, but a lI\em- ly tace, I knew bls eyes wer e clear a bility to .nJoy such batlne.. as Is tn· " m'l ... th e aaeumed nl1 mo of 11 red WII" Be cause sometblng at tbat nature "I assure you no-sh e Is strictly ory a t tb e girl he had Just lert, and and brlgbt, for how could tbey be herent In hoy., re l olyed to be bad lou/Jhby, and , becomea convinced that themlelye.. To thli end th.,. Ibut • B!a"k BlU1 ha. eome plot Involvlntr the ,,'ould seem to be the owy rational e x· Mis s Maclalre. an d, " solem nly " "s hll ll he r dope nd e nce upon blw. caused otherwis e when the owner of them tbemlelvel up In VIrginia', room anti I w", Hope learn. Ihat Gen, Watte. who planation, Your brothe r mUllt have be to the e nd or the c hapte r.': Kei th to a void an e ncounter, He th ought murderee!, I. st Shertdan, was always able to look otbera In the proceeded to be naulhty. In fac t, ILll d goes lhere! where 8h" I~ mt. ta ke n to r told Hawley lIome thlng- snme family "Ob, we ll. I didn 't cnre, ooly tbat would IIgbt tb ls alral r out In a d\1Ier- eye alHl not feel em barrused oye r Chrl aUe Mo.cllll re. the Caraon CIty 8In,,,r_ lIBeret-whlch be felL could be utllizod they practiced .wearlna-Juat to aee was "' bat you called her wb en you e nt way, AI! the door opened Intt be dUties neglected! And 1 al60 knew what woultl happeD. Keith meeta the real ChrteUe Maclalra Rnd nnde that Black nart hM convInced to his own advantage, Tben be s aw were te lling me wha t s he BRht, Are Bllplole d fortb Into the gloom , he brus b· that tbe face of that boy mUlt be Wb.n th.y Vlere quite lure tlla t har that there I• • myetery In tier lifo your pietIlA, and WIl8 Immediately ro- you going ?" ed agains t a ma n appare ntly Jus t en- clear. manly. and frank, for It was Ir· which he la , Din, to turn 10 her adY annon. would overhear them each prolage. Tho plalnemlln telle Hope Waite of mtbdM of tbe r e Qlarkable resem· "Yas , to find Fred ; th e Boon e r we terlng, Th e g leam of lI,bt tell for an radiated by a clear conscience: and duced a .1Ip of paper contalnm. the It.. n."mbla nce to ChrleU" Maclilre, blance between 'ou and Cbrlstle can ge t tbls stralgbten ed out. the bet· Instant up on th e fac e or the otber--It wben did a clear cODsclence ever color awear worcltt anti fired awaT_ "aclalre. Evidently tb.18 discove ry ter: ' ... II!! :OCOlty with tba r f<l Inoustacne. the cheek with sbame anll cloud the "Bul1do"I" aatd VlrcinlL CHAPTER XXIII..-(Continued.) fitted Into bls pla n, and made It posTbey ba d been watching tor him boyish eye. that ougbt always to look "Cllar.I" ,wu Claire'. rept,.. Bible for blm to proceed, H e bu been CHAPTER XXIV. tbe n- wbat for 1 Hawley on t~ I. tho world In the face unabaabed 1 But tb. cetllnl didn't tlrGp, .nd KeIth·. eYIIII lifted to her tace . bl. trying e ver IIlnce to get an Interview s ide . and thlli m an Scott wIthout, _ re there wu no , earthquake to . wallow Thin". to Remember. earll quick to detect tbe unde rtone with lhe woman; t(\ sound ber, and A MI.take In Aua • • inatlon. waiting to de termine when he left Why. laddIes , there Is II wbole ser- them UP. and the two reanmed thalr tlnd out what b e can do with h er. He Let bls tuture 'he wha t It mlgbt. t he hotel: would probably dog 11111 mon In that romark- slanc anll all. play, a trlfie disappointed at the tam. In bel' VGlce. "ln teresUnk7 yes, tor 1 W.B seeking baa written le tter. , s utftclenU, 811- Jac k Keith would ne ver a gain rorget footsteps to discover whe re he W('lOt. Always to be depllllded upon- Is not termlnaUon of their ba4n8U,-Cley. Kelt b 100Ben ed his revolver, 10 u to ,that a (TlUld ambition for ' a boy to land IAader. after Illforniatlon, and met with some .ucc_.· As to the other que.tlon, I be a 88m·ed he could draw quIckly. ani! bayeT And. you know. It generally s Upped back Into tb e shadow of til., tollowlI tbat as Is the hoy, 80 Is tbe SID Dot lIure whether I admire the lady M.n Who LIYe Long. (lr not: Sbe II brIght, pretty, and s teps. hlB eyes on tbe door of th. man; aDd If you wls b to be a man tbat TIle 10lllevity ot artiste 18 almost Icompa.DlOnable, and In spIte of ber bote \. The re was Ii cold. drizzly rll:,n tbe world depends upon for It,a good, pronrblal, d4 tbe caN of Mr. Thom. . proleaalon. at beart. I believe, a good (ailing, Ibe s tree ts almos t del ert". Its great deeds, you must begin now Robert MacQuold, wbo at the ace of woman. But really, Mia. Hope, I wu appearlog s odde n nod miserable to be a "dependable" boy, If you Illnet.1-one I. sUll palnUnc. II remarktoo deeply Immersed In my purpose wbero the IIghu, s hone 'torth tbroulI~ have dreaml (an,d what boy bas notT) able. but Dot unparalleled. T. 8. ,000p. to give her personality much cons ld· saloon wlndows_ OD e or t wo mell, of great aod wond erful things to bap. er, R. A •• exblblted at the Rojal aead· eratlon. Among othe r thlngs we IIpoke s eekJn g s uppe r, coat collars turned liP pen to YOU, jUllt r e member. please. tbat emf tor .eyeral Tear. after pIUIllnlr and bata drawn low over their eyt's, great results do nnt "bappen." Tbey hltt ninetieth bIrthday; Jon Mane,. or you." climbed t ~e rI ckety steps and went In, a re always tbe sequel of natural lawl Wrtcht. & water color arttat,- born In ' ''Of meT Wby?" bu t no oDe came out Perba ps be -of Ood's law _ that "what you l OW, 1713, wu (utly occupIed and In aetly. "I told her sometblng of our ad· ..entures together; of how botb Haw· was mIs taken IllI to the purpose of tbat also shall you reap," , worlt up £0 the tlme of hll death , at ley and 1 Ilad been confused.. She '\VU , those fe llow. ; they may haYe deslre4 No Idle, Il'responslble boy eYer be- ilie age of nlnety.ttmie. Moat notable, !;T:~:-I--------anxl()U8 to team wbo you wer6, but me re ly to know when be left. -or-- came a euccesllt ul man wlthouf however wu TI,U an, who. born III ullfortunatel,. I bave ne'Yer. e'Yen yet, ScoU's return Just at tbat moment changing hili ways, turnIng face If77, UVh d JUlt olle year sbort of a mig ht bave been un accident, To be _ anlLhegtnnlng _Ul'-""'__........._-".u.-AII.u.a,.-t--.c•.e._D,_t_Ury. and conUnued to paInt pieheard ,our name." ~~~--------~-------=~. have n~o~t~!"~--un e nry lalt.-LondoD Bure, tbe botel posleased a back , exlt. aud thIs beginn!.ng al( over again III so but be could not cover bot~ ends "f hard_ It means the breaking of 0111 Chronicle. "No: I left you at Vort Larned be-' the ,buildIng. and must take bll bablts, the lettlne go of old friends and -------lIe\olng 'OU Cbrl.Ue Maela1re-eupchancy, It was too we t and dlsagre. old assocIations, Yvu kIlow "If thJ Wh.U Rub a Klu on" posing It your lltage name, of cOllrae ' abl e to remain crouched there, noVi rlgbt band offend thee, cut tt olr." and .At the tender q. ot 'quoee mucu· - and WIUI contlrmed In this belief by tbat It wal evIdent there WRI no In- that lIeemll a pretty severe remedy for line conceit had gripped that IImall findIng In the bol.ter ot the saddle tentlon of (ollow lng blm. With hanG the trouble, doeso't ItT But It must boy WIth a telentleu clutch. He had you bad been rldln, an enyelope bearon the butt of bls lun. sus plclo\l8 and be done. for one who knowlI n8SUr811 u. klBled a little girl of three. anel sb. Ing tha t addre68." watchful, yet with scarcely a faster It Is the only way. was rubbIng ber " I remembe r; It contained the nole ' bellt to his heart. Keith stralghtenecl In the Beginning. ''You mustn't do that &ga.\n,- said tbe man brought to me from Hawley; up, and began splashIng hIs wa~ How to begin? Well, these are Bome the boT'1 mother. "Sbe doe,n't 11k. he bad written It that way_" Sbe througb the mud dOW11 the etreet. HI of the s teps to that end: A strong d~ It. Just lee bow hard she Itt trTlnc c roS8ed tbe room, .Inklng down Into a ...... to rub JOur klsl 'otr," knew where WlIlougb by would b • termination ,to be the verT beat boy cbalr facln" blm. "And you bave most likely found at this hour-wlt.b that with Ood's help yOU can be' "Oh, no, she ain't," .ald tile boy, actually confuaed me with Christie ' cronies at tb e "Ten der t 00 tOO -an d h • obedience to parente •and teacbers: a, "Sbe u ti..t-... ....... to rub It m." Ma c/alre all this while? Have never meant to discover the boy, and make cbolce of pure, clean·mlnded COml/aDknown wbo 1 w.. ?" him confess to Hope the truth. Ma~ lone. people and' books, and keeping Kindly Rlpart... He shook bls head, ter s had, now reacbed a point wber, away rrom evil places. Pool rooms and "I refUNd him becanle 1 WaDt .. "1 lold you lo call me Hope; that Is longer delay wu dange rous_, .lJowllng alleys and saloon. never bUlband who ·b .. 1UI0Wll aouow all« - my Dam e-I am Hope Walte." Sberldan wu leemlngly de ad, the have furnIshed our best men-tile men acquIred wladom." , "Wnlte!" he leaned forward, stnrlong streef silent, 'Cloomy. black, ell- "wbo deliver tile goods"_nd, laddie, "But. my dear'. U you bad aeoopted lied by the posslblllty-"nol-not-" "Yes," she burst In, balding out ber ce pt 101' tbole .tream. or lIaloon IIgol tb•.e~~y~r~nlle~ve;r~w~I~Il~.ruWi~;lode:p;rom,0ffim~sija~nfidiiielardffiili-t.tlbllllmi1l!4lJhne.:Wn~OUld lOOD Ilave met Jour resblnlng acrOSIl pools of water, ne ~?r::':-:-----------Jtr.n:rds';-c la8,pl[lg lbe-toclmt; - "and thla wandererll ploughod through the mu ck. Inventors and presldenta, and n.ver w aH my rnther's; where did you let 'uoh • ~!".re"c.. 11 ?,. dim uncerta In sbapes appearing and will. lor they cannot "del1,.er tbe Usher--Are you a friend 01 vanlsblng In the "loom, He had gODI goods," I He took the trinket Cram her, turn· -.. a block and over, tbe struggle ogaln., Take tbls 's ermon to heart. my boys croom! log It over In bls nngera. Little by litMa4am-Qh. my; IIOJ th. tbe elements leaving hlm '1or$eUul Clf --tbe sennon that was not meant' tle Ibe threada of mystel7 were bebrlde'l moth.r.~ud,a. all else. wben 0. man reeled out 01 be such, but contaIned more truth and 'tng unrayeled. yet, even DOW. be could some dimly lit ehack to bls right, ant Inspiration than many a sermon ( no l. sec ve ry fnr. He looked up Irom tor CIOlI", ~bo." staggered drunkenly forward & ' fe'" bave ,beard from tbe pulptt. Be a boy ~.::E:"'fr!kmedF th e loc ket Into ber Queetlonlng face, l'm-~.. ·~:I!?~'l:~ t:~w. nteet In advance, He could barely dl. wbo, Is alwayll to be depended upon. " Old J not tell you? No; tben It tlngulsh the fellow a's outUnell, glvln, wbo always "delivers the goods." was a n ove rsight. This was about tbe A ' c"eerful Har Itt more en-tertalnloi little thougbt to the occurrence, for throat or o ne of the men I burled at thaD a 'lC10mr trutll telloI'. ' the Way w'" unusually blac), aloo, (;lm tDaron Cross Ing, but-but. Hope, Make Saturday Euler. ' there, tbe saloon opposite \avlnl Jt was not your tather," Tbere Is a movement on toot ,to Insbades drawn. Suddenly a 1II.h 0= duce tbe closing of stores on Sl(turday -' I kn ow." ber voloe choking sllgbtred nre spurtAld Into tbe nlgl', ' wIth • Jy, " Mrs, Murphy fouod that out: nlgbt, so &8 to put an end to the larger sbarp report. It wu so clos. It.t baulS part at tbe Saturday olght dlsllpation Ibat is wby I am here, I heard my It hllnded him, and be HunCl up onl -that 18, tbe tradIng and the worry~ fath e r calTJo to SherIdan. and [ wanted arm over bis eyes, and yef. In tbat Inc unUl Dear mIdnight. Tbe purpose YO U to he lp me find hIm," Keith Saw the Man Go Down In II Heap. sIngle Instant. he perceived til. wboll Is to bring' about a Sabbath day pre~ H I! was tblnklng and did not answer At on ce, Illld s be went on 10 some pllelt to mnke It clear ' his scheme la tbe girl wbo held the door open for picture u revealed by the r eet flam., aratlon. and In this' way to secure a .al arm , based upon" will drawn, as be claIm.. his pussnge wIth one band, her other He lIaw the man In tront go ,town In I'eal reat for tbe people, Perbaps the "Do you know anything about blm, by ChristIe's grAndfatbe r, No doubt clasped In bls, Interested before, yet a heap, the projection of the Inllldinc promoters of thIs movement · have Capta in Kolth? Where Is he? Why by thlll time be haa fully convInced fo rcIng blmself Into Indltrerence now from behind wblcb tbe shot came, tbe more In mind the sacred nature ,- Or Is be bere? Don't 'be afraId to tell the girl that she Is lbe r ightful helreBII tllat he knew who she really was, tbe e nd 01 a wagon sticking tortl!. Into the Sunday aDd a desire for Its obseryance 1 0(~ :' to propert y~ as be stnted to scott- man made l ull surrender, It was a Iltreet wblch had concealed the a. a;1 Ood'lI day rather than as man'. , I HI' preRsed tbe locket back Into her valued at oyer a million dollars. Tbat·. struggle that kept hIm from clasptn: sat5sln_ The blinding ,fluh, tbe .hoeK day. We are Inclined to think, bow. ' ha nd , reu.lnlng the latter, uoreslated. a stake worth figbtlng for . and tbese the slender figure In his arms. and of that sudden dl.charge, tor a mO' ever, that It would' be a good thtnc, If within bls own, two 11'111 make a hard comblaaUon_ pouring rorth tbe wordl of tenderness m ent held blm motlonle •• ; tben he everybody would sborten ble Saturda, "I have not seen your rather" Hope, Hc'e got the pllperll. or c:lalm8 to have. whlcb be sternly choked bac~:, Tbls leaped forward, revolver In band. work ,a nti get the tired feeling out or' but be 11'1\8 certaInly bere a few days and tbey 'musl bo the ones stolen from wal neither the time, nor tb.3 place, sprang around tbe end of the wacoa, hli lOul before be goes to hili &go , for "'alrbaln met hIm. Tbey were your fatber. I have been trusting you yet bls eyes must have spo'.en. for and rUBhed down tbe ' dark alief be· lleep. Sunday In tbat way tOKetJler In the army. I am golog to mlgbt know lIomethlnlE In your tamlly Hope's glance fell, and her cheeks tween two bulldlnill. He could . - !!Ome a more tboroughly genial notblng, but , lOPle one wu runnl~ wllotellome atralr and give ,UI wbat "". te ll you all I know-It seema to be a history which would make It all grew crimson, "I do Dot nl!«1d to pledge you to re- abead of him, and hI! Gre4 neet-real ' re.t,-ChriltianRectster~ ' tangled web. but tbe enda _must be plain." "But I do not," declB.\vely, "You turn this time, 00 n" she Questioned. In tbe dlrecUon of the, .OUII~. 'tile l omewbere. although, I confesa, I am all at see," must believe me; not so much &.8 a ber 'Yolce trembling, leaping Jlpurt. of flame ~eldlDI II dUD Love Word.. ,,' The "oeabulB.17 of molt murleCI He told It alowly and .Imply. brlng- blnt of any secret bas ever reached , "No," he an8wered. "nor any time outline of tbe f~tI".. Tllr. . U_ be prelsed tbe -trlgretl; then the,. ,pl. ~ t.rrl~IY l'Un dOWD. "tlld 'lbiid~ejI.,J-II log forth bls earlier su.plclon. and me, There are only the tour of UII, again." Tbe hall was de8erted. but a few was nothing to sboot at-the telloW "~use m~y of the dear, h'ow he bad stumbled upon tacta ap. Father, Mother. Fred, and I. I am In the omce. Keith had faded awa)' Into 'the lIJ:ack worde tIlat were current ~rentl, confirmlnc them. He relatell lure there can be no secret ; nothing men loitered fler fatber's robbery, bls 1088 of valu- which I would not know, Perllape, If 1'eClO••bed none of the fllcea, and did Qr prairie. Kelth stOQd there bafIl~~. ~1I'Y~rIlliUoD before , mllrTilo:. no~ .top to make any InQulrl~11 of tbe stnrln, about llito, 1tb" ; ~IOO~ tlie IWitildrawn from elreula\loli able papers. tind the conversation be- 1 could see Miss Maclalre-" '" am convinced that would be us. clel'k. It wu crowlDg, dark, the lights smo~nl revo)ver ID " ~~.. · ~4 , ': ~lte, Waiod/l..",;,,:,ReT. Ll O. Bricke,: ~I~~J~ tween HaWley aneJ Scott wblcb led to Ule sus picion tbat ~hese eame patlaDtL lees,"acroes h. InterruDlM. rlllinl. and bali pa- already, burnhlr, and w~dow, from th13: ' ...U " ) , 1, : ., the ",oor. "If Hawl1l1 tng of dropi on ~e It plaah· J,Dut 8(lIiDd that re"d~~ 1i,m, ~d' r",~~ ,tt , t -~"..,--,p e ra had fallen Into the handa ~ng .... - oClf tbe . fOrpler. " and were tbe convlnped her of -the JUltlce _of til, he _ raining oU~tlde, 'U&wl8J 1witUld' le~lJ1Iea. of furtb~ 'PIlJSUlt.;. ,J.ced bl' , ~1 ~eII ~~ the ..... buli of his plot, Hope U.tened. claim, he wlll also baYIiI pled«et1 her' I ~ur~ly ~ve 8DdCl4 hi. c,1I 'u'iiipJi- MI.. breathliBBi " Ith Illterest, bp.i' ,wldelT t9 ,lIecre~7· He Is ~or:ltlng out or ."~t M,ac}alre I,?DI betore thl., aDel Ilert the . ro~ -paa,a~. d -,... ' .' ' opene-d e,,8S filled , with wonder, ' Aa 1I"e 'S:_mote; ·~0.r- b~ }(~ow. ~e ·rraud. ",otel- H,qweyea: ,lntti';"Unl b~i co~. ..'" 0 "."<ft ..S cok'1'lNmatu " J , , '. i ' _b e i. <;on_eluded '.vea,Id~, ah~ hurst and.. wl\I ' '11ever·· come , to tile, ,I!urr&ce munlcat1oC' mt,ljt. _ have'. prOV:4Ia .Ile . (wth; ',, ' UDtU, evel')'.thl~g, If 'll, ~n"L '. i'~ muat) ill -her ,evelllQ ,~t Ime ~d...taD4I " " ' 1& woulll ~ _ taIk.-.\ -'R. ··:Bllt. [ donit\&'D~ in fbe i,fou~- ~OVl a b! tter w.y; -I'll fiI~.~, ,Ud- the TrocacJero,








.hr" aFarm


o~t. meD~1 ;'~,Ica.~~inil', ~





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PERFECTL Y r res 11, orlsp on e-dollar bill, tbat bas never been Ulled un· W It reacbes your bands, will not buy MY more loaves of bread, ferry tlcketll or rides OD I,he trolley car than aD Old, worn ana soiled bill for one dollar whlcb bas passed th rough a great many hands before Its -coming to you. The government will [rodeem It for ono bundred cents, IIkp. Lh O( work you whetber It Is old or new, clean or are about, wben, ·dlrty, If It be a good one-dollar bill. I n tact, tbere Is .NeverthelesB, )'ou prefer a bright, auythlng In life not Inew bill, and 10 do I. When Time, tbat docs jlhe enchanter, comes to 118 with a gUt, please you. make ILbe gift of a new year, the comparison up your mind to wlLb regard to the b1ll rallB In a lingle bear what can: ,Ifeature, Tbe bllJ that Is worD and not be belped il!OlIed haa, !teen doing duty In the ~ar· and to help your· Iket·place for a longer or .horter pe- I!elf by taklna 'riad. It Is probably to remain In hold of whatever Ibuslnella uDtll it absolutely falll comee, with good ,apart, and even tben It may be re- cbeer and an !deemed. The New Year, freah, aball earnest will. 'We sU, as a coin from the mint, bas Next, resolve 11I0t as yet done lenloe anywbere. It that each <Ciay· o[ s unltallJed and wblte aa the snow Ulls New Year shall mark for you an !tbat feU In the night, and coverl lIIe advanco 111 the Inner lite. By tbls I :llllld In the morning wltb 80 mantle of m ~aD that you sbould make It your ern-IiDe. It Is Ilks the beauUful gowD aIm to be braver, truer alld more 'that II to be put on for the first tIme. sorene, 81 we ll as le88 Impatient lban and haa not a apot or I wrinkle . ...!t you have hitherto been. Our Inner Is like a book whlcb you bave not yet life writes Itself upon our fac es. We r ...1d. Tbe story: may be 4;barmlng or show the Btuff of whlcb we arc made ]lroaalc, ~ or sorrowful; It 18 BUll by tbe ezpression we hDbl tually weDr. '\Inknown to you. Tbe New Year It Is no credit to anyone to sumo ds the gladdest thlJlg . In creation just BUll and It Is a dIsgrace to :LUY one '!teoaule II 1.1 fun of all ,Iort.. of Lbe to be rorever ellpplng backward . lovelleat posBtbllItles. , Ae the . dollllr Thls .New Year should make us turn bill II good for one hundred centil, 80 over· a new lelIf. When I was a cblJd the New Year wUl 6e good for _a 1 used to be \'ory proud and dellgbted t1~flnlle number of months, weeki: when' I bad a new copy bOOK. The dll)"a and !lour&. What are you golDg tencher In' those dayft wrote a copy at to doo- you wbo I,ro girls, young, IIg11t- the tall of eRcb page. The pupil lmt,bearted and bappy, wltb Time's gift tated tbe copy as well as sbe COUld. to J~U or a .Iad New YearT r. ' ia n.d ~hen starting 1\ new book there FIrat, let me advise you to be&Jn as was .lnot "a · blot, a blur or a careless you meaD to go on. Throwaway piece ~t work of wblch to be asbamed.. once 811 ,our needlea8 worrIes ' The . troubl~ ..wlth most of us then was and y~r fOoUIl1l reare. Some or us that we apent l]Iore pains on tbe lint aUo,., 'the · bablt of worrying to take page tban on tile lecond, and that we nch pouen\cm at us that we never got beadlesl In , tbe middle of the reall; eDjoy anytblns as we ougllL book and hurried a. (ast as we could 'There are ajrls"for eaample. who are without eItrBor~ln.ary effort to do afl'ald 'tn ~ dllt tbey are well~ tblt well, V{htlll we ftppronohed t,be end. Wey baye beadacbea uiat they Some of UI treat the Yeara In ' tbla ar. . .lclOal tired. alld thai life Is. way, We make BOOd beginnings In ple&qllt oil Jo,OUI ' thll1J, becau.. January and r~lOlv. upon a great baclr Ia ebUdbood tbers was a dear many Improvements, but our resolu· aUDUe .r a kind .rlUldmotber who, ttons are forgotten In Februar1, are was ali",-UtJonl 'Bbe Uled to warD an old atory In March, aDd by April 10una p.op&e not' to be too conl1dent have been tOBlled to tbe- wlnda. Enry ...,..-::'-1IDd- ne¥er to boast Of ' bealth dr blp- broken resolution weakena ' character. pin.... '"Klloek on w'o'ocl," you bear It II mucb better to make no reaolu· 'oik n;' When you declare that you tlona than to make acod ones and hlY. DeUber aeh. . Dor Wnl. Why neglect them. luao.con wood? .1 bue been' tor,ln.' Havlnr sald thla, may I sUSie8t to '01' lOme time past to I"certata «Ie you a certaIn line of action ror Nine~n bn~dred and twelve! Tbll cen· .root or tIlll fal!1lJ1ar bit of counael, perhar It 1'fU'ted away back ID the. tury fa arOWIDC up. The child wbo dara 'o prlme. .1 mytbology, wben was eleven when It bepn, Is two Irya4a dwelt In tree., and pilgrlma years paat twenty today, aDd you went to tbe wood. to Clmlult oracles. may make your own accountlDS aa to TheD, It, rna" be, one knocked on the your are. on that lame bal!ls, I bave b.rll.."'Of a tree and IIlteDed aDd beard warned ,ou not to worry. Now I am unrnnur 'o f wl140m frolh th~ heart going to warn you agaIn not to hurry. or tbe oai.:: 01' tbe pine or tbe cedar, Worry lod burry are twins. and Lbey Whether one knocked on wood or not, are not anaels. They are a Cood deal there tl atIll aure to be renovation more like fiends. Hurried work la 'and Pl'etl' and courace walung for IUpab(lCl work. People wbo burry tJloee no -ean DOW and til en leaye thomaely" and others make a lot ot ·trtckl and 1D0rtar beblnd them and fua., aUr up a great ~eal of copfu,lon • nll IJito ttle country among the Ueea. and put themBelves In ' disagreeable Only :' dbll'tr lie afrald, · 1n ' fbla ' New evIdanee, but they do not accompllsb ~ whl,*, ~ YOUre r to ~'y, that YOu . so much 8S the peop,le who gO, stralgJiI are weU, to laY that )'OU are glad, on, minute by minute, dolDg wbat and to praise the Lord for the good ousllt to be' done ID the Ume it ougbt «lftA whleb be has b.atowed upon to take. The wbole uDlverse ruus OD you. • Throw your ·wor.rlea overhoard Bcbeduled time. Tbe Buna anit the Ind trample' upon '7 0ur fears. In' planeta' and the cometa, the Udea that 8lei'd of worTj'ltig wbeli you , are dIs- ebb and 11011', lbe entire curren~ of na· appointed, WbeD yOU fall in what you , ture and tbe four 8easons move ac· undEortau; wben you have-Dot enougb cording to achedule. Again, In tbls New Year, wblch I monllY, wtlen YOll do DO~ '- altogetb,!r







PleasantReGeshin& Beneficia!" Gent19 and.Effectiw.

Western (;anadn. proba bl y Burrered , les8 (rom weather cond it ions dlll'lng the yellr or 19 H th a n did /limollt uny · othe r porlion of thp country . Spad ing wn ~ mos t BtlCC'cssful alHl the gro wi ng conditi ons up 1,0 .luly w()re Il(' \'c r b t· In 1fte Circle tel'. ('rop " of all kinds Bhowed wo n· on eve"J' Pacl{a&6 of Gonuine. derful growt h at th ut time anll we re unl\' <:'rs/l il y good . but III ra was not I the usuall y ",x(,E' ll em ripe ning wefl the r ' 00 NOT LET ANY DEALER In Au gu ~ t nnd the errl'clB of tbl N were : tell . ~Ian)' fi elds that lute In Ju ly DECEIVE YOU ., promi sed 41) lind r,O b~hels yie ld or ~ ,,'heat wl' re reduced to 25 nnd 30 Lush· I IYI\UP OF nos AND WXIR 01' SDlftA HAS els, while som l) of ('ourso ~uvo tho i full exp<'o'Ian<, )' nn d ot 1I(, I's somewhat ' les R. Th e quullty wa s a lso lowered. In fn('e of tlll~8e ('o nllltiou B. It Is round ~ that during tb e mouths at Se l)tember Bnd Octobt' r. the tOlal amollnt of can.' trart wbeut mnrkt'l cd and In s pected : was about 20 million bus hels. which ' realized a total of 1 8~{, million dollSl's. 1 tbe avera gll price ror this whcat be· lug 9i* cenls; that b ... low contract I'IUHIm STRAIGHT1H£ TOP OF £VERY THE ~ tHE CItCLE.NEAIt for the two monthg \VIIS Il li ttle ove r GII'IUIN!. REGULAR PRIQ: 100 PER BOTTlE! 0tI1! IIZ& Hi millIon bll ~ h e I 8. Whi ch at nn aver· ONLY, FOR S4I.E IIY AU. LEADING DIUIGGIST'a. age prh'o ot 8~)I,2 ePllt ~ per bllBbol I STltUP OF FICS AND ntXlIl ' " SPMCA II '1M! MOST PlL\S.AffT, WHQU. realized 11 IItile O\'or (!I('\'ell million 80ME AND EFFECTlV& IlENWY FOR STOMACH 11IOUatA HEADACHIS dollars, or II g rand total for nil wbeat AIID BlUOUSNf31 DUE 10 CONSIIPAT'ION, AND 10 cr:r m IOUICIAL of 3S million bushe ls. which realized IIPfu:TS IT IS NlCD5J.ltY 10 IIU1' 11(£ 0RtCIJIAL AIm QfO.Y CZIIUINL a total of a IItlle over tblrly·one mIl. WHIOI IS IWft./FAC1\IIIED n tHE bope Is lu lie tbe haIJlllest YOIl ba ve lion dolla rs . I eVt'r bad, take an Interest In people. , On the first of l'\ovl'mLcr, there ' Instead of sllIlng down and thinking was ill tbe bands of tbe farmers of thal you ure lone1y and lert out, look ManItoba, Sasl,at c hewnn Dnd Albe rta about for somebody e lso wbo needa for sale a'nd seed about ]30 million Wonder What WhinIer 611d. HUSBAND WAS A LAWVER. to Le cbeered . Do not take 011 Inter· bush of wbea t. from wblch fuct Robert Henri, the New York paln"" tlr, was talking about those miUlODest In only one kInd of folk , One lome Idea malY be had of the valuo alrt'8 who buy, merely to Bhow orr. s hould ha vo friends everywhere, nnd of tbe wbeat 'crop or ]~ Il. doubtful "old mastere" at fabulou.· among all sorts of pcople. There are A (:arefn l can valis made by the Win· very few people wbom you meel, w no prlcee. nlpeg Free Plres8 made of a number "Tbelr know ledge of art," Mr. cannot tell you sowetblng you do 1I0t of men farming In 11 1I11'ge way Indi· Henri saId, " Is ahout equal to that ot know or give you a good 8uggestlon It catoB that evcn wllb the e~tre me ex· I the ,ausRge manufacturer wbo we you have an open mInd. Whatever pense of barl/eslln g t l!e crOll. wblch to Whistler: yoU do, avoid the t emptation to con· bas been cnU!!ed by Ihe bad weather .• 'What would )'OU charge to do . , . descend to anyone or look upon any and difficulty In thre8h lng, whent baB in oil!" one ·In a spiri t or patronage. been produced and put on \1le market "'Ten thousand," aJlswered WbIInDo not shut YOllr eyea to the run of for less than &5 ets, a bus bel. Tbe ler, promptly. the sltuatlori. You may say that there "'But suppose J furnll!hed the IIIIr are sItuations with wblch (un hu average trelg'ht rate is not o\'er 13 ,' laId tbe nll1lfona~e."-Exohlllll" nothIng to do. You are mlBtaken. ~s. per bushel. ThlB would make the Tbe r. 18 always fun It YOII can under· cost ot Ilrodu.~tlon and freight 68 cts. Awful Moment. stand 11 and. enjoy It.. A person wbo aDd would leo "e the farmer an actual "That. .man~UDg .uOn.llared a' ~ hall DO 'scnse of bllmor Is to margin on hlB low·grade wbeat of just before) you IIhot bim , .. be 1)ltIed. Fortunately, IUOllt Slrls are 171,;' ct•. and :f or bla blgh·grllde wbeat "Intently," replied the Iclentllt. "a. bubbling over witb fun. and do not of 19~ cts.; and though this 18 not ~ppeared a.a It be were looklna . . ha,'e' to be told bow to lind It. When aa largo a p1'01lt 118 the farmer bas over ror 1\ pure food label." I bear tbe morry laughter or younl every right to expect. It Is n. proHt glrlll, when I lice theIr face a dlmpllnll not to .be despised, and " 'hleb should In ttla Sanctum, and their eyes sparkling " 'Ith pure de- lellve a yery faIr nmount or money to The Tombstone Man-What kind of "I want a good feature ltory." light In the jO)' of existence, I am hll credIt when all the expensel of a monument do you wIsh put over "Then why not take thll dlbet." glnd not only for them, but for every tho year have been psld, unle .. tb. yout' bUlband? It Is full of 'aye.' alld 'Doell.' " ODe they meet. To be Bure there are value of low·,g rade wbeat sInk. very MI'1I. Weedl-You can carve any clrcumBtanl'eS whlcb Uy the equaJlI· much below Ita pre Bent level. Bgure, I IUPPDBe? The eaeleat thinS we do fa to _ _ mlty of Lbe 100llt pbllo!:opblc aoul, but Tbe Tombstone Man-Qh! yel, vInce oUrll4\lvel that we are OY .... · B.lttlmore French, no matter what theY are. somewbere A 811.1 tlmOI~o bon Iface tells of a ·ma'aliP. worked-but th41 'amlly II . Ikeptlcalt within them there III sure to be run tr MI'1I. Weed_Then make th. you kDOW wbere, to look-Jw- 1t.._1D4 It waitel' In th,a t cIty who lately an· I you have a wholelome . Intention to Dounced that Ite ' had taken liP tbe Itatute ot limitations. I've oftell heard ltudy ot the lrtench language. mT huaband mention that. make Ihe beHt· of 'tblnga all they are, "no you find It necessary bere ?" HavlDg said this, I wIsh every on. Modem Method., nskt'c lbe pa.tron to whom tbe man at you the happiest. most fortunate. Moliere bad wrItten many playa to conllded thIs bit of Information. most fruitful and dellgbtful year that Nine timea in tm ",ben ~ IlYer .. "Not .bere, sir," explaIned the walt· ridiCUle doctor. and medicIne. Loula you can possibly bave. i\ bappy New er: "but J've been offered a IIteady XIV. heard that the author had. how- rf8ht the.ltomacb &D4 bowela are riebL Y.ear to encb and all. job In Parts at one of tbe hotel I tr I e\'er, a doctor at hlB aervlee sInce he ·CARTER'S U1TLE became famoua and well-to-do, 10 the UVER PIW can learn Rrench." . Beginning the Jourftey. "But l>aril la fun ot Frencb walt· kIng one day called UJlOn MoJlere and gentlybutfinnly pel • lazy liver ThIll Is the first of 11 Dew year. \Ve e",," . lJllld the patron. "I'm afraid sald to him: are setting out on a journey ot whIch ·you're beinl ciecelved." "I have' heard,, that you do Ita duty, CUJ'e8 C_ we can bave no knowledgt! In adl'anC8. "No. illr," Iiald the mao. with mucb have a pbyelclan. Wbat J. be doing ....tioa, ... The road 18 one ~n which we never el\tneltness land absolute Simplicity. to you?" d . . .doa, have gone heretor.lre. We know nul '"rhe proposlt:1on's ~ straight one. The "SIre," aDswered the author of tile Sick what any day will lIave for UB, what proprietor of the hotel says thnt the "Malade lmaglnalre," '''we cbat tOleth· our duties wll1 bo, what burdens sball walters be bas can't understand er, he writes prescriptions for me, I be laid upon UII, wbat Borrows we French lUI w.! Baltlmorean8 speak It. don 't take tbem and I cured !"sball' have to endure. '!Vhat battles we at,,1 that's wbat he wants me for, you Lite. sball ba\-e to fight. We cannot see .~ ."-Ltpplncott'a . one Btep before us. How can we know It W .. No Porterheule. · "How did you find your steak, Ilr!" tbe way! Ae we sit In tbe quiet, He Knew Her Well. this first eve ning, and ask tbe quee· "Now, old man, make yourself com· InQllh'ed the expectant walter, as he tlon, we hear an answer which Is full fortable and let'a talk over the good held Ollt hl8 band to receive a tip. "Only by dogged preseverance," .... of comtort. Jesus says to UII : "10m .old tlmea. 'We haven't seen each otb· tbe Way." All · we sball have to do, er Iince we were boys together. I plied tbe guesl. "The chet hid It un· theretore, wlU be to stay with Christ. tolel YOU I WIll! married, dIdn't I? By der 11 BrusselB sprout to keep It hot." He baa made a way througb tbe world the .way, did YOU evcr Jlye In Palnns· -Youtb's Companion. for us. HIl has gone over all the Jour· vllie?" Good. ney and openod a road for us at ""lea, I llvl!d there three years." Tbe [''ather- But wbat special great cost. He went over the way "Ever meet Miss Kalish?" himself-we shail find his tootprlntl . "Hal ha! Why, 1 was engaged to Qualll\catioDtI has your school that at every step. He bas a definIte way her! But tbat'a nothing-ali the fel· might Interest my SOD? The Prlnclpal- Just ' tell blm that for each one of UI. "Every mile or tbe Iowa In my crowd were engagod to journey be has chosen, and every her at ope Ume or another. I Bee we overlook tbe Hudson and non·at· p'\aee where I pitch my tent be hal ' you ~ve lived In Painesville. Why did tendance at classes.-Puck. aelected for me."-Rev. J. ' R. l\1ll1er. )OU uk about her, In particular! Come, cOnfess?" What Happened. "Why, J_Ir-J married ber." "Old he have any 1l8slfltUooce In Weather and Wlldom. • writing thnt sllccessful pla~' ?" Weatber and wllldom prophetll wbo RI'ld It Differently. "Assistance? Wby, man, the stage have loat faltb In the ftckle barometer of thla paper desiring to buy any· -A man wall charged with stealing a cnrpenter and the heall usher reo and fallible Old Moore, IIhould ~ock aD thing advertiaed in ito columJUI sho~~ .heep belonling to Sir Oarnett ~'1tz· wrote It for him." observaDt e,e upon the weather durIllIIist uJlOn havillJ what they ask for, mOIling aU suhaututes or Imltapon.. Ing tbe early days of the year. It II Maurice. "I found tllle 'J)OOr creature stray in' Pericles wore bls hair pretty close an Immemorial tradItion that the - -- -- -.--.....-- -- -- . --weatber of JaDuary 26 foreteUa tbe' CD the road, me lord, an' was JUBt to his eyell. but nobody ever called W. CINCINNATI, NO,. 61-19tt.. blm_a__ low·brow! _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _.:... _ _N. _ _ U., _ _ _ _ /I , whole year, The articles of faltb on drtyJn' It home," pleaded tbe aeeused. _ I'Can 70U 1'e&41" naked bll lordsblp. thll! pnlnt bave been let rorth In In':A little, my lord." numerable verus, the best autbeDtI· "You could not bave been Ignorant, eated of which warns you that fall' weather on St. Paul'l day meanl I . llIen, that the sheep belonged to your Housework il dnadprr 'or the weak She brush. landlord, Sir Garnett Fltz·Maurlce, as pa;psperous yelr; rain or IInow 10"" eI, duat. IDd IOrabe. 01' Ie _ her feet aU day .ttendiD~ too "btl -brand, '0,. F. M.,' "11'88 on Lbe aDl· tella dear ,tlmea; cloud. and (Og · mor. lhe lOur··detair. oC tho houselaold, her beck aching, her ""'1&1:' tcmplea throhhin~, Dervetl Qui.verin~ udder the et,... of ulilty among catUe, and hIgh wl6aa "'Tru. for ye. mT lord, bu t Bure I pain, po..1bl1' dizzy Iodin':'. So_time. ....t In bed ie. wirs. The orlgtn of all luperltltf'oD' tho~ht the I'ttera means 'Oood Fat not nf"'bia~t booa_ the poor tired Detvee do DOt per·· la wholly loet in antiquity. But :" lIe M,n tton!' " mit Of "" ....llIn4 sleep. Tho ft&1 need oCweak, neno_old chronlclera callecl tbe ·daY' l '''41 •• w_eo i ...tilfied b)' Dr. Plerce'a Vavoriee PrclCriptioD. EaTptlaeuI" (or unlucky day), '10 Hllme ' and FunctIon. wbat De Quincy would have '· called It Makes Weak Women StroDj Tbe folloWing atory II told of Dr. hlhlldderlng propItiation," Boyd .C;rpenter, the b.lllhop of Ripon. "11.'; Sick WOlIJelJ Well. ' Iii .tlJe d.,1 or' his early minIstry there 'I'aJ. . . PHeon.llo.·· reaoree tlte Thl Mod.rn 8ort. came to him one day a young mao and w.... Ina OD • • 0 . ,• ..."UOlf• • •" .III'ef1 "What we wal'lt," IIlld the publ1l~' . a nlaI!1eb': Y41ry buh'ul, very .elf-eon· we ..... -00 .I.all•• It er, "II, the terse, hard ·hitllna JDo<Ie~. Icloo., aDd on a very obvIous errand. ",,",,, ' "0 ue........ ~~oo....,e. till. .",e",. • •11 aleep. '.tyle of expreallon," , • •. '~A're , 10~ ]~r. Carpenter?" aaked the Dr, PicftlO \Q perfeod, wllliof Co Icc eve" oae bow wbat' "I bo,!, ," replied Uie _w rltln&. Jer· young.. maD In a falterIng ·volce. hlo .. Davorito 'Proaoripdoo" contaiDI, Q. aomplcle He. of 'laD; t '/the .iturr .that lIou ntla,' i;Ul- P1'o. ·'IYetI," W'aLB ilie reuaurlng repli, lIl,recllcntl'Oa tho boctlo-wrappor. Do'DOC fUaltl '\wltb Ii little , ~ll.oat. ot ~ >C~IfJMII~t~ar--~d jolJler." ulo'ue druWat pen_a 10U that hle8allOtltat,e'Olf !albia,.. Iii at:." ,~' , ' " _lIOIltloDla "ltI# ~ tIiM" iD order lbtlt 1"',I~Y ', t~U • \1' ,:.... a hlaer. profit, JIJ!It _110 'u ti abake Dr. Pieroe'l , PeUera ·au....









Make ,the Liver DO ita ' Duty


Not a

Ilncl~ . em.erald ember, a gltnt or slearn of gold, GlI41 tbe garden where for warden Brooda the pallid wralth of Cold; Snow..l.ea d.OWb the gray alcy ftylna Hither, thltber, Iwlft and aheer, . Bqllet,':' ~d to wind ~plnlng, ~t Weleo;ae' to the youngling year.• I ~o~





~ '",.

: .(.'

-, of

~j v~tI, !" }!,/


Far alOlJ& the rlyer border

~9 ·.~I~ f~~!ed, ! ~11 I. fro.e; tea.1 'blnltlel· '!rIms-whIte 'shIngle, LtDe .~ ~eD., reach o( abore; ~et -Pl""~ ~eachel gUlteD, AIIel . tleet. luter' dart aDd Jeer, IG1eefai 'Woton-u,,'but Ulten!Welcome 'ib the· younglloc yeaI': · ""




Wb!Lt:a1lihO,-h be



;, ~ "r'I

,", I







011"" 0'='...... eN... '0Ite.'..,0_..I.n.,.· ""0.0-

"".00. ,...",u



Mrs. E. L. Bergdall, of Dayton,











is the guest of her parents Mr. and

. I



working as it should?


W e are equipped to do General Machinery Repairing of all kinds.


Complete line of


Eli D. Burnett suffered a stroke of paralytlis Monday night and is in a very critical condition.




Always Fresh


Wholesale Or Retail

Mre. Philip HOjJkins.

blow-out repaired now? .i

Direct from Baltimore


Mrs. R. M. Roberts, of South Charle!!ton, spent Tuesday with her sister. MI'll, Ella Michener.

SPECIAL This Week.

TRY A CAN OF Butt Olney's_Tomatoes .... 1 •••••••• _ Asparagus ...... .-.. ....... I5c and Soups, all kinds ...........•..... . .. Plums .................. 10e, 15c and Olives ....... . ... . .. . .. . •.... 1Oe to Succotash .. , ........... , .... IOe and Syrups ....•... • ..........•.•. lOe to Oats in Bulk:, per ·lb. . • • . • . • . . . . . . . .. Home Luxury Coffee, per lb .......•.. New York ~ilu Dried Buckwheat. Pop Corn, two years old. Cooking Figs Aprico~

Charle!! Michener. Warren Keys and RoBS Hartsock attended Pomona grange at Clarksville last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Satterthwaite and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterth, I waite spent New Year'8 in Springfield, where they were entertained at a theater party and had a royal good time.

Oils, . Gaso-

15c 20e lOe

20e 60e 15c 50c

4c 28c

Waynesville Canned Corn CASE ...•.... SI .50 DOZEN...... 7:. CAN......... 07

Carqulnez Canned eood. CASE ..... . . 14.00 DOZEN ...... 2.05 CAN......... 19 We'U have some other SPECIALS for SATURDAY. It will pay you to come in . AND SEE THEM.

Mrs. Florence Hudr!le, of Loveland Mrs. John Trainor. of Morrow, Mr. lene and Accessories. and Mrs. Bradstreet. of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rich of Harveysburg, Mr. and Mrs S . D. Everly, Mrs. Mollie Edwards, Ida and Lelia Githens. of Fresh always, EDGEMONTE that Creamy Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Caskey, Cracker •••• W e have the _ beit assortment of Cakes in of Marietta. Mrs. Verna Kelley, Miss Miriam Kelley, Mr. Lester Caskey, Valley Phone IO!) town.... Sour rickles, just opened up a new barrel•••• of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and two daughters, of SpringB e a n s - R e d Kidney, Navy, Marrow fat, Lima •••• Gelboro, Messrs. Brown, Beck and atine, no.w's the time to make it, plenty of We ""!!!!!!!!!"!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dechant, of Lebanon, Chas. Githens Bellbrook. ~Qndl1Y guestl! a& tbe bome of WII and family. of Lytle. were among are clos!1lI.. out our Candies in pails CHEAP•••• Try lIam Wheaton Dear 8prlngbC'ro. those from oul 6f town who attend· Ralpb II~QDt tlpeo' ~he ~0ItdaY8 1\ Mr. aod Mrs. Josepb Cbamplon eli the funeral of Mr. John Caskey Baum~n s ~read, it's the beat. wUh hla fatber d Indlanapolla, Ind 8nter'aiued 00 Bunday, Mr. lind Monday. Muter Boward Bor~o la oon· Mrs. Cbarlell Goll aod children, • - ...- -You find anything you want to eat a t floed to tbe hOUM with ICArle' fever. Dorothy aDd MUas, and Misl Ella _.~ _ _ ~ _ _ .• __ A many of onr yoons peo- }reorlok, of Dayton, , S pte aHanded the barbeaoe at tJpllbg MI' and Mrs. Allen Emeriok, Mise OCI vents 'Valle, lu' ~a&Dnlay evening. Blanohe Cornell Wilbur Clark and . - . - - - - - - - - - - - . Joho 'BarDUI and family. of wlte, Elmer EIl.~nbll.rt, aad family M" A' d M B .J...... b'''' MrH . Bldney Coon IlUd daughters,' IBSeS arne rown X.nta mo~ Into'h e H aynUl,oolL . . d nme F 'd an d' M I.., Wedoeeday. Lester KenriCk and Bert Btlloyat ertertame ~I ay at lOner rs. Tbe L"hri,hnaII o&ntaa giveo last teoded tbe Farmer's Inlltltute at A.. Maffitt, Mrs .. G. W. Hawke, and And thiop all strange to mortal eight WILL LECTURE IN SCHOOL HALL But in the afterward of yean. MIBS Em ma Helghway. WedDMda1 ennlal by Molet Powell Waynesville last week, Ilt is a more familiar place; IIOhlo hu a State Soci.ty for the of Be....r~wn, WJUI well attended Rev. M. W. Cllm'pbeJl reoeived A hom~ unhurt hy sighs and tears. Prevention of TulterculOlis. Th. aDd 'h~ muo wu iDe. ,weive Dew meDlbere lnio full memo Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haines, of David Hopkins and wife eD,*,r· berehlp ~unday aUerooon. He was near Spring Val:ey, and Mr. and Where waiteth manv a well known Executive Secretary of this Society. face. ' ' Dr. Robt. G. PaterlOn, of Colwnbua. talned 'be following lal' !Ilonday, aaalsssd by ble old friend Re". C. O. Mrs. W. S. Haines took dinner with will deliver a stereopticaa lecture on .111'. and lllre. Ray Wa,kln. aDd Mr. lI~nse1, of Sou'h Cbarle'~D, Ohio, their mother, Mrs. Sarah Haines, With passing months it comes Tubercul_ in School Hall, on the aDd lire, Jamea Baoer,allof Day,oD' whoee ~lk was greatly enjoyed by N~w Year's Day. near, evenin&' of Jan. 19th, at 8 o'cloek. Deonll Duft~, of Dayton, wu vi&- all. Re u alllie'log Rev. Campbell • - • It growe more real day by day; All are ura-eeI to attend. e.pecla)ly lUDI bU old frlende bere lu& Thura in the rev1 val mee"ng DOW being Not etrange or colli but very dear, the school children. The community IN MP.MOIUAM day. , ' lteld at Ceo'-rvUle. Rev. MolUleV The glad homeland and not far away. is fortunate in 8eeuriq thia leetu ,111'. A. a. Howland and daulb'-r will preaoh a' the Lytle cburch next MatT Emma Fordyce, dau&'hter of Where Don. are aick or poor or lone. and it fa hoped that u many u ~ We are payiq the IIIN Bertha 8pen' Obrill&mae in Sonday af'-rnooo a'S o'olock. Re William F. and Lavina F.rdyce, w ,lace where we lIhall- find our sible will profit by it. "' . I """'n. member ~Qoday Sobool a' 20'olook. born near Clarksville, Clinton county, Highest- Cuh Price own. ....., Lyil~ Ohio, March BO, 18M, died December And WI we thl.k of all we know. LATE CL~S';I~IED ADS ' for Hop. Call us up • !, New Burlln¥ton 25th, Christmas Day, at noon, 1911 Who there have met te part no more, " Mr. Haniaon CorneJlla qnite poorat the age of 57 years, 9 months and Our 10ngiDa' heart8 desire home, too. and we will qao~ , .. 1,. a. thII wriUng. . T. II.Harlan. and famUy of Mlam. 25 .days. With all the strife and trouble o'er." No 1 rarm for ren'. Call., PRICES• . lin. Alda J[eHerman enjoyed Ule lsborg. were Ule ,oea'. of hll 'a,her In 1878 she was united in marria«e thla 01808 for (or,ner 10fol1l1_. lu, week. . W. f . . ' 'ion. pu. week wUh relaatT"aJ;Id frlendl ltJ' d M Th H d k to II ord Elzey. From thIB unIon CARD OF 7HANKS here. '-rialn-: a~~~' C:rty a~O:M e:~ there were born five cRildren, two We desire to expreee our thanks to egg~TIQre-Ha"'h" 1001lb&JC. J. OlrmoDY, of Del.w....e, ar- Wedoeeday of lal' week In honor of 80118, Charles and Walt.: r , ~d ' three all who 80 kindly asafeted us in Mre. G!rge J'roo~lko:~nw~;: r-===========~ rind Buday to lpend New Yean their IOD Cbee'-r aDd and bride. daugllters, Alma, MmDle and a ad bereavement, In the 10811 of w.i fe nenUle,Oblo, Phone 8S-G. witb home folb.. I'red Suoe palHd eoooe18raUy daughter, who died in infancy. All Ilnd mother. t~roogh an oparalloo .,8,. Anthon the others lIurvive. Wilford EIzey and famil v SOI4I1: Pore-bred' AnooDI Cbiokeol IIIn. Wlmam 8erpU .nd daogh. y e bOlpttal. Oolomhne aa'nrday. Sh .tb h f '1 .1' Tbey are ar.. , la181'11 aaJ do '-r,6lad,.s wen Da,ton vtat~n His many frlenda ar. re}oloiD, over e w~ er amI y moveQ to - - • well tn small qaar&ere. PboDe I I.., week. the ..oelleot prospeCt he hu for re. Waynesville, 0., about, fourteen Sherl-ff's Sale ' Gli-S~. 1'. (J, Sawl0. W.yoelvUle 1111, lIami. EnOl, of Labaaon, oovery. ," -, yean qo, and there remained Ohio. ' Waynesville, Ohio lpent .'orday whh Mrs. WnUam KiM Oiive Anabee. of 8prtna Val. until' death called her away. good drtvlog ho..... Iman, 1_ Coleman. ley. was the eo,,' of 'r.-evor 0 Bay. She united with the United Breth· ' for womeo aad oblldreD wUb PIlon. 115 Wal'-r Lawle, of Wilmlngkln. haa dock and familylH& week. ren church at Second Creek. near IN FORECLOSURE boll'lrY, barDeel, blaote... 'Cheap if ~r. and lin. E. D. Harlan, of Blanchester when about sixteen eold a' onoe. AIIO a Buff Roct oook beeo spendlog sennl dara wlUl btl Wilmington, were holiday Koe." of ... anti a dozen and a balf ben.. L. 0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ooolln, GleD Johns. T. (J. Haydock and family. years of age. In whIch faith abe has ~bomploD, Wayo_vUle, 0 ...... Con Whea&oD. of TrOT, wae Earl Schammeborn il eDtertaln since lived. For l8Veral years abe Warren Common Pleas tbe IDee' of WUh.m Carmon1 IIond lDg aa old 8Old18r frIend froni Day. has been una~le to attend church good Coal oil Rabre wUb 80M . wife Satarday aad Sand.y, 'on. rea-ularlyon account of ill health, . o.,en. I~qulre.t tbil otBoe. 8'-01ey IAmb, of Dayton, Wal Wm. HarlaD eo'er~ioed b1181l0. but while others worshipped, she Wm. O. PhiJUp. u .Dr. etc. OK QualUy . White LeghorD Okll GciocI fop Nothinc but ....., . a L".le v'.l.Ar on UonA_V. day Scbool olaell ,[hllllld"y neolD" was found ministering to the sick HUI')'1A.ck1l)' (botb Oombl), good IIZfI. lbape I,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "JI. .. ltV _.... of las~ week. 0.. No. 1 un and 0010", 'be lame blood ltDee tba' I ' IItIe ~urla Burne" entertained A party of young nAopls wa.-'-,8d and unfortunate, and her words of B bave heeo wlDning priaea for 0' ber frieod, MilS Cora HaUleld, of 'he old year out. a' ,";e bome ofMr, comfort and encouragement short- I'roci :!5*due&,u~. ~1:'eo~= ~~~~ Wrtte, pbone I~r. or oome and ....... LIved 1n1"1" Woman. ' . Mlamlebor. over BOD"-". and Mrs. H F. Compton. ened the weary hours of her suffer- IU1d me dtnlCWd. I willatolfllt b1 lee 01 , "-. woaaaa 1I&IIIe4 Bur.. of UD"JI way to of -.J)UbUe auetlon. &be for door 0 'hll K for P par'lenla... It d' and prt08l . 1011..... abollt teD M_rpnt tl frOm'" lin. AmaDda Hannan .lId Mlal • - • iDa' friends and helped often to wipe Ohlo.oa Court Bo_ In LebaooD. w_ County. Wa),D88vllle, . ou ryan Supply Co. '-b • m ",OWl'J', O. ,. Ie_ ...' " ber . IUlDdred ad . 1ll.tIl Emma Cox, of 08.y&oa, attended the the teare away. In thl\t day whtln M d bSrtII4a, , .. urda,. Sbe .. atilt abl. fooeral of tbeir uDols, Daniel ()ox, REWARD OFFERED we shall stand ooforetbepresence of on ay, February 5, 1912, HORSB--Blgbone, obeap, brown, to Nieto ltort_ of mIlD,. 01 00 Thoraday. . the Great Shepherd. we shall ne JU 10 o'cloek A: II .. on laid da),. &be Iollowwelgb' UH. Aleo "Bell, II:Yllr" rIDe eYeDU wblch ocourred durlDa the At the Jast meeting of the Protec- doubt h th d "I h illlJ deecrlbed real .ate, "'-wit: Gan5f Plow almos' Dew. hete ,heara part ot ber We, u. OU mew. e wtobr 8, n asb mthuc Mn. "-nna Cook, Walter Lewis, tive ani Detective &II8OCiation, it as ye di:al'trunto Situate' In the'County of -Warnn. State of one h88 1 '1I1I)..e.,er been ued. Inquire IJIoat tile ~-LoDcI... 1IIqI...... lIary aDd Peny (Jook were guests waa resolved to offer a reward of fifese my re ren Ohio. and In the ToWllllblp of Wa:rn_ and at' 8 0 08. b b f Lt d M. "E ye did it unto Me " boUDdIld IIDd d_rtbed u 'oUO.... via: Part . . a •• • • e ome 0 _I'. an 1'8. v . . ty dollars ($SO.OO) for the arrest and Sh h b : Section Numbered Fourteen (U) ToWliahlp ' , .Jobnl oa Tueeday ; . . ' e as een m poor health for Numbered Three (e> ot~ Numbered Five . convIctIon of any flerson or persons I d I W-.l (~) betwllIlD the Miami Rlven.l '-Innhll ~ Mr. and Mrs. Joe MoCray and stealing anything from the members setovoekrasuYdedarsn'1 an on astSheunesdaY 11~~~C~=B~r.8honS:~Ja~~~=::;: oblldreD of .... "lddle·~- en'oyed t.he f th A . t'Ion. ef hy worse.Wal e was a.t In' ~. ~ de«r'l!l! W. 16 --"81 to a .take or ...--.. 1tV ... ~, ~ 0 e SBOCla th h Samuel Montcome'rY-liouthlllle; &ben;N. ilolidaYIL wit.h their pal'en$8, MI', J C H k S' e orne 0 er son ter at thIS 811 'd~ w. 8 LbIlllCll s. H deer-. and lara. Alber' Cornell. . . awe. ec y. time helping to nurse him t)ack to ~JJ'~B(J~~~/~~I~.po",!: MIssee Ee'a Zelma, Rea and Cleo • -. health. As she was accustomed to Al8oalotlDllaidaectlonbeKiDnJlIIJatuaue BUoy lipan' severa) daye last week FOR ' SALE sudden atb\ck'3 not infrequently no land: In &be"&benee 8Ou&h Une 8amuel Jlonttrolll8O". • wl&ltofthe .... lillie oran a\le)' to Day too with 'heh graodpareota, - -specIal alarln was aroused. But 8. ~ dec!'M Je. 8 pol. to a .tone corner to 2 fresh cows Ch . t . . bee . John BI'IlJaIol'd'. )Ot; ,hence 8. 8'" ~ IIr. aod Mre. J. M. 8tay. riB mas mommg It ame eVI- B. 8 POIee to utoDf~=CIl N: ~d,,-;W. Tinner WaUu Neleon, of Day&on, wal in 1 farm wagon dent that she was dangerously ill. :: 1:1: t: :b~~~ of ~ • J town on Tbnrllday ~ atteDd the I) shoats . Word waa sent to h~r friends, but :::r~u:J::) ::'a:.r"=n:;:o~~.= Fumacea~i funeral of Mr. cOx. He took dioner 1 Aughe breaking plow . before they arrived from a distance ~~.~~~Y2~~:: ~~. &'~~8'?J. at 'be home of G. B. Lamb a04 100 bushel Com in crib she peacefully closed her eyes in the ~etal lpen' 'he afternoon oalling 00 old I. L. Frye, R. D. 4, blessed sleep. frieuda. · Waynesville, Ohio. She was a good mother, a ',.ood Mre. CAtharine. •Iobns met with • - ": neighbor, and in her quiet way went qDI&e a ..rtous acolden' last Thorl'l NOTICE about her Master's work. She leaves 1I~~=;~ tU.;y mor.lng, at 'be bome of b'e r hehind to mourn the 1018, a husband., 01 80n, J. R . Jobas. tlhe walked off The Corporation Treasurer's books four children, grandchildren, OFFICE IN OI ..D 'he landtog of ~be cellar way and may be found at the Klean Klothes four · brothers, besides a hoat of fell to tbe boUom, breaklul bOtb Shop in the Enterprile 'Bld&,., over neighbors and acquaintances. "~~f~!~~~~tr=!"~5i ~D" of her len arm at the w~t. GJ'!Ult', tin ~op. AU~, ~l'POration "Life chances ~I oUr thoughts of !~ , Wilber,Clark and famUy, Mr.aod orders a~ p.yable at! that plye after . ben-en' - .1 lire . .~tlJ~ : (Jarmony, · lIr. arid' 2:00 P~ . m.' the fin .· tue8cl.1.y of 'each At first· ' w~ tbjnk of .street. aold, ~0~:L. ;pierce, Of nt~ of PeArt~ 4az&lIu&, U&'ht, ." " whUam BrowD, ~ C9~ month. ···


Waynesville, Ohio


fruit. •..





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A 1::

C. B. BfNTLn





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Bert A. Grant,




~d: S~.ter,

Roofln. and

Spouting,.Sbeet Jobbing of aUkinda. ••••


~' ~~: U.d ',~ ;J ~: ~~~';.,"'~ ." };~.



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JANUARY 10, 1912.




.-------~,' OBITUARY I THE FARMERS" INSTITUTE About People 1 Eli D. Burnett, fourth child O f - ____ __,___ William and Elizabeth Burnelt, wa:l


-.::=-=. lEts I

WON AT THE DAYTON SHOW - - - _ .•• ' S • Mrs. Laura A. Sideswas in Day- , ton,last week. with her R. C Rhode . - - - - - Ialand Red Chickena. She succeeded Misses Alma


d f La ContInue rom st Week's IssueSame Offl·cers Re-elected for E . Y

born near WayrlesviJIe, Warren Co,, ).. Ohio, January 12, 1848, and d ied


-----. Mrs. J. W. WhiteiaQuiteaick. Waterhou!le and uests Willie Haines is sick with a cold. January"', 1912, ~ed 63 years. II in landing the following: Firat Stella Lemmon were t at dinner months and 23 days. Premium on Pullet for which ahe ra- Sunday at the Sali~bury home on the F. C. Gijmour was in Morrow On February e5, 1869, he was ceived comhination Plyer; also Spec- Spring Valley pike. Saturday. united in marriage to Huldah E. ial Purse of $5.00 in golc;1, in a class Crane and to them were born fiv e I ot twentY·8Qven entries; also $1.50 The home of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus M. C. Liddy is ill at hi8 home on children, Florence, who died in in. for First Premium on same. One Smith was the ,,!ilLer of a happy MafnBtreet. fancy. Lu9', now Mrs Sherman "L'Ive S , lock vs Grain Farming," State Epeaker, John Begg, then 3d Premium on Pullet, $1.00 in cash. family group Sunday. January 8, D H Dyke. Wafter C., H. Clifton and was the subject of John Begg. The spoke on the subject "Landlord and .Third Pen and received a $5.00 Set· 1912 for they had ~athered there to Mn. 'A'. ' , Tenant" who said in part, no ques· ting R. C. R. I. Eggll. One 4th on celebrate the filst . ·Ianiage annivelDayton, today.• Farr is ehopping in Charles S., who with the widow, f u t ure prosperity of the farmer deIlnd two siaters, Mrs. Ella Kendall. pends upon , succf's!'1fully managing tion can come before our AMerican Pullet; one 6th on Cockerel. Only sary of the aired coupltl. Children Mrs. J. H. Coleman was in Cin. of Portland, Ind., and Miss Martha his husinegs. Grain farmer should pe(llplethat is of more vital impor had ?ne. h~rcl but what go~ a place and grandchildren Wile happy to excinnati Tueaday. Burnett, of Waynesville, survive und e rstand hi s soil. He selIs his tance than the question of the inter· and It did m pen. The&e blrda were , tend affectionate greetings to their him. pI'oduct often titlle~ for less than the estB of capital and labor or landlord , judged by Pierce, of [ndianapolis, ' parents, and the feast spread at noon His whole life WaB spent in the element, that have been removed and tenant. The reason of our rich Indiana. was typical of the banquets that have K. E. Thompson, of Beech Grove, neighborhood in which he was born. from lhe gro und have cost. Live people and poor people is not of Qur She WhS alao at Xenia Show the ' been partaken of upon each anniver· haa been on the sick list. , his o'\n farm adjoining that of his stock farmer has larger market than volition. One man born with natur- week before and received on Pullets, sary for more than halt a century _ old home place. grain farm er. as he can market in III ability for accumulating money, 2d. 3d, 4th and 6th at that ahow in passed, yet each year there are fewer MI'!!. Cynthia Evans is out ·t7ain aftera couple ofweekllllneM. Eli Burnett was a man respected so many different forms and they !another with musical talent. another comparison , Judginlr by Stites, of ,guests at the table who attended the Miu Lola Zell ia spending a few and revered by all who knew him , are seldom. if ever, all low at once. a poetic genius and so on. Rich men Elyra, Ohi ". ' . : marriage of Cyrus Smith 'and Phebe daya with relatives in Dayton. Just and upright in all hia dealings. The Live Stock man has greater risk necessary to give labor to the poor. Mra. E. S. Baily took the foll.w- Graham in 1851. hie word WaB as good QlI his bond. than grain farmer It requires Poor men necessary to labor for the ing on her birds at the Dayton Show Both Mr. and Mra. Smith are nnMrs. J. C. Hawke and Milll Clara A good friend and. neighbor, a kind judg mtlnt and more skill to produce rich. Being rich never mllkes a man January }- 6: S. C. W. Leghorns usually well preserved, both mentally Hawke were in I}Qron Tuesday. and indull'ent husband and fath er, a good finished product in the form mean. There isno man BO poor but - let Ckl ; 2d Pul. ; 3d Pul.; 4th Pul.; land physically, for people who ha\'e of beef, bacon, wool or mutton. what if he is honorable and uprigh 1st Pen. S. C. Black Orpingtons l reached their age, and none enjoyed he will be sadly missed. Little Katherine Burnett has beer He was a staunch adherent to the Mr. Begg emphasizes the fact that stands in the imaq-e of his Creator. - 1st. Ck ,; 1st. Hen; 2nd. Hen; 3rd. the festivities of the day more than quite ill, but is better at present. faith of the Society of Friends in the li~e stock man must have a taste Farmers occupy an enviable position Hen; 1st. Pul; 1st. Pen, She alBO they . IN M-EMOIUAM which he had a birthright member- foJ' hiS work in order to succeed. in the industrial world. Boya of the had highest Icoring male bird bred Mrs. Wm. Rich' lett Tuesday to ship He was a prominent member Live slock gives best of fertility to country have the advantage over city and exhibited by anv lady exhibitor, ! .. .. join her hUlband at Cedar Rapids, of Waynesville Grange and as often return to the land - no boys in that they have the oppportu- and lacked ~ point of having high_I "Death is the gate of life." On Iowa. as waBpossibleattended its meetings. ever. lalks of th~ run down con~itio.n nit.y .very young to learn to work. est scoring male bird in show. ~aturday night, December 23, I9H, . of hiS farm. Live Stock farmmg IA SPirit of eppresssion in this country Dr. Henderson who had two en- at 11 o'clock after a brief illness of Mrs. Harry Murray and Mra. .CARD OF THANKS decre" ~ing i? Ohio. Why? A desire mu!~t M curbE:d by governmental in· tries took second and fifth on Buff half an hour: the "gate of death" Frank Braddock were in Daytor, We de8lre to extend our hl!artfeltl ~ avol~ wmter work and fear of ~erf:erellce . Capital and labor inter- Orpingtons. swung open, and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Thunda,y. thanks to those who so· kindly min. hlgh ,prlCed feed. est8 are inseparable. Golden Rule AmOB Allen won Becond on Brown Hale passed beyond to life everlast. "Orchard Enemies and Spraying" will solve RII the vexing questions Legborn pullet, lirat on Brown Leg- ing. Though her health h;W long Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides attended isterf'd to us in our asd bereave. ment. was the Bubject OC R. S. McKay. and troubles. God will bless the born pullet, and ' first on S. C. Buff been failing, it WaB 80 ~radua1 and the Poultry Show in Daylon, lad Mrs. E. D. Burnet~ and Family. The Division of Orchard and Nursery man or woman that is honest and up- Leghorn. she was BO bright aud chP.erful, that ThuradB1. • - • Inspection was established in 1892. right. • - • her nearest and dearest friends did Hop:arol comin~ into tbiA market IN MEMORIAM Ohio buys from three to four .mil R.eading-Eriytha Macy. OET ItiGHT WITH GOD ' not reaIiz~ how aerious it WIl8. pretty rapidly now, and buyers are Sam I Bas -- II Mrs. Hale was. woman of fine inL. H lion seedlings each year. He ad-I S()ng-Quartet. pttin&, -\18)'. ue worth ayslit, son of : tellectual cultu~e" but it was her inThom.. K , and Margaret Hayslit, vises buying from Ohio nurseries o n , Mi8 Winnie Meredith, on the Bell- was born June 26, 1851. at James. account of state protection. Fall LADIES SESSION : tenaaly aympathetic nat~re that specbrook pike haa been nuite sick but to Ohi H f f '1 buying is best and trees should be '\ . . , ' ially endeared her ~ her friends . • ' >6 , tm; . o. ewasoneo a amlY headedbackwhenset Lesserpeaeh Mnl•.Ma\'JiSllver presldmg: Toho'- manv··..lIhear·· her gentle lI,much better at present. of seven children, two brothers and t ree bover lays its eggs in June. ~ Th I' words.. brougb\ ...... comfort, .... . . ~ Lad , _ ~~' ~io~ opened at 9:16 only her ne '. ..-a:.I•• ' R liv ,:( turday mornIng WJitb a •well _ _ m ell I"IL. \JII_ , ye, It" r. C• C arey a e. Bilters, ~_ • h onlyJ.' of the family . , H'II' I mg trees in May will overcome ;::;a • filled Heavenly Father knows. __ ..I , "al~. n..n 111 ow 1 ng. · _ .~' ....r U~ ~"",.ure aTe. fn ....... ton 81IJ On....r. September 10, 1878. he WJ\S It, Recommends severe headilijl house . Afte r the. 'bened IC t Ion b.y People heavily burdened instincttociay. attendma the matinee. married to Am d T t h' h and ~runing especially in old or- Rev'. Grause~. MISS Hazel GustlR ively BOul'ht her,' sure not only of . an a erry, 0 w IC chards, .thus forcin fruit be ri gave a fine plano BOlo, Then followed aympathy, but of wile words of Do DOt forpt the lecture on T\i. union three children were born; one, In pruning, remove all dead and e. rea mg of the mmute8 counsel which lightened their bur· bereUloe1. at School Hall, on Karl, ~vin~ died in infancy. when disetlSed wood, and all crossing which were approved as r~. ~l'S. dens. or pointed to a thoroughfare evenIq of January 19th. Free abollt 18 months old. I!:thel Mo~ris. limbs -heading back well. The best Malry Fra~e read a moet mt:erestmg through their troubles. In her charall. wife of !Whert Morri.., and Ernest, time to prune is the latter part of pape~. on The .Ideal AmerIcan WoA campaign for hearts commeJ)ced acter tbere wa.. no alloy of selfishneaa remain to comfort their mothe!'. March or April. but it may be done man. S. he satd we all fell ellort, at the M. E. church Sunday evenini', or -tentatl·on. Waite!" ElM1 has l'\'8Umed1tis posi. They removed from Waynesville to at any time except extreme cold an d, a d VI~ __ .l ua a II tel keep up ap- and will continue for some time. ,She vv was always Interested in the tion in Zimmennan's KJ'Ocery, after Lebanon.Obio, about twent)' years weather. Keep a well balanced tree pea.rances. not .to follow fashion Although the weather haB been ex- club movement and took an active •weelta. mee- of 'illness luting several aince. 1&80, where they have lived ever bl dl t b td tc b tremelyl cold, the attendance has Samuel Iilayslit was a black- and trim .'\0 as to admit pl.entyof In y, 0 elY, ,e ., ut NOT been good. part in club life, She was identified sunlight and air. The destruction have our homes. too Immaculate for WJ'th the W. T. K. club from ita smith Ity trade and successfully fol· th f d f h b d d Rev. Grauaer preaches at every Wantecl-A cook at the Warren lowed that calling all his life. of forests destroy the natural en': peace 0 mm 0 us an an service, and he will try to adapt his first inception, and for many ¥ear& Coun~ Children'e Home. Good He died on Janua S 1912 emies of t he plum curcullo, hence chlldren. sennona to the needs of the people. has been its president, anJ her death ."....10 the riKht, patty. Inquire eixty years, six Dl~th~ and' :g;:t their prevalf'ncp of late years. F, r Mrs. ~arn8worth then came before A large choir is furnishing excellent will create a void in the hearts of ita at thia office. daya IK t codling moth. spray when blossoms the audience. She first told us that members that can never be filled. are falling-apple scale can be cun. Secretary Sandles asked for a vote music_ Try and come to these aerShe was an enthusiutic church . • . as to wheth Lad'es' Sess· d vices. They will do you good. H e was converted and umted with J _ Burton la the busielt boy in th Wayn . ill M E Cb reb bo trolled by the S8Q1e spraymg. Mulch· '. er I , IOns an. •- • worker, and her friends in the Second town:. He has thawfd out a thous '/2,e __ esv e · • IU a ut ing will hold trees back in spring Lady ;:)pe~kers were ~anteel. and It TEACH EllS' ASSOCIATION Presbyterian church \'11m sadly miss y..... ~o. H e was a so a memo t'l th . I d f f t Wru:1 unanimously carried that Way· -i k h b d h and pi.,. and hydrants more or leas ber of th I 0 0 F f W '11 un I ere IS ess anger 0 ros . · . . her. On her stric en us an, er IL th ld ' , e. . . .0 aynesvI e. Lime-sulphur solution will contr6'l nesville Institute wanted BOTH. Tbe program of the Warren Coun- lIOns and daughters and their fclmilies - +-..-mlDC8 e co IO&p came on J Intermen t tol09k12placet OWn Satur. bitter rot. • 0:. . rs. the~ - spoRe on ty Teachers' Association to be laeld the blow falls heaviest, and their 6 , anuary, • a ayn~vllle &)ual Rlght~ m Busmess Manage· U· . Ch I L b Oh' . ' Jlr. JohD Hamilton and two chil, cemetel"V Rev Arthur Cooper Round Table-"Why the Decline t dH ' . G " Sh at mverslty ape, e anon, 10, only consolation Ie that she has en· . •.., . " I d Ch .. men an ome overnment . e Sat d J 20 1912 eel h "H 1 M . " d~tand MlIIII Hazel Earl>. of MI· pastor of the East Bapti8t Church, of Country Schoo an urch. said that both the labor and pleasur ay, a n u a r y , . ter ~e eaven y analona amiabu!,&" . bave been the guests of of 'Lebanon, officiating. His widow' Mr. Begg thinks Boxwell Law haa ures should be divided and that . I 10:00 M. E G W Ik where 8m and death enter nO.t. and IIr. and Mra. Harry Murray. i8 a member of the above church. tended to depopulate the country children should be taught at an early Devotlona ...... .. .... ~ Q' ~ t ~~ere sooner or laterted'they will re~ _____ • school. Country churches are not h . h f Song .. ............... ":'... • ua t! Jom her, to be par nevermor.. J ...,'19 8 ' I k OBITU age t elr s 0 work and respon- Violin Solo ........ MlS' Grace Carman anu • at 0 c oc p. m., at AllY so well attended on account of better sibiJity. She "told us we should all Need f R rat Schools Prof "Death is but the chilliness that preSchool Hall, Dr. Paterson, of --_ . roads and better 'modes of travel r. th .. Some. sou ,. ed h d b will....l h· te t' Hannah Graham, daui'hter of . . rea Ize at every man IS a Kmg. F. C. Gilmour, Supt. Wayne Tp. c es t e awn ut, ••ve II s reoP 1'dC&l'li88i,onl n .d d 'A ~hus mcreasmg the tendency towards every son a Prince, every mother a P bl' Sch 1 We Bhudder for a moment, then ture on ,TubereuIOila. No... ln aVl an nna Proud Graham, was vil1age~ and centers of population. Q . u IC 00 a. fee. born near Utica. Ohio, June 5, 1833, . ueen, and every rlaughter a Prm- Violin Solo ,........ MIss Grace Carman awake . f Rev. Thompson said the reports 9 ces.'3, and that the best of these come Our Heritage, Dr~ Frank S. Fox, In the broad sunshme of eternal died January 7, 1912, aged 78 yean, Dr. Patenon'. sterwticon lee- 7 months and 2 days. abandoned rhurches has been great- from the country. Then she told ua Pres. Capitol Coll~e Oratory & day,...:._"_ _ _- - - tuJe on Tubereulosia, a~ool Hall. She was one of a family of seven ly exaggerated and .that the country that the ru.ral population is the hope Music, Columbus, O. CHURCH OF CHRIST 8 p. m. January 19th, will be too children, and although ~he wy of a church of today IS the means of o~ r,he nation and ~hat we should 1.00 P. M. e the Prayer Meeting Wednesday, 7 p.m. , valuable to mila. All are Ul'8'eel to rather delicate constitution, (lutlived gr..e,at glOOd' "Th Lo Ch d" gthlVe d Ivery best t Ifn ourselvh~ldt,o Song .................. ,... L. U. Quartet Cboir practice at the home of Mig l attend. of her sisters and one broth~r. ~ oca so 0, ' e d st 7 30or. . ltd ! eve Shopmen t ba k our th CIS t th Piano Solo ,........ Miss Hazel Mitchell Eva Davis. Fliday Ilight. f A my, Ad Journe to: p. m. mI. e w~n ac. en 0 e And before afHictlon settled ao deep. P ro. hu ba d d f t d eel Vocal SOlo ...... Prof. George Hunter Bible School, 9:30 a. m.; Preach1I n an WI e ques Ion an urg Athletics in Public Schools.......... . D r. S. D. Clayton. of Mexico, hall Jr, had expressed a desire to reacb ini' by the pallor. 11:80 a. m. and PDurcbued Dr. ElIII' lntert'llts henl the century mark. EVENING SESSION !h8,t:rheaeY hl.anvte ONtE. pocket book '~Td ..................... '. Prof. V. S. Loer t nE 7:00 p. m. Yout\&' People', meetiDK r. Ellla intenda to retire from the For a number of years she haB t h " Afte 0 Violin Solo ........ · M'188 Grace Cannan 6:30 p. m. Everybocly invited. I e.•a d h I eres In commonprof_on, and devote hil timeto heenaftiicted;yetborebersufferings Quartet-" Winter Song." t~~ ~ ~~I onedanod·er.. r Address ............. ··Dr Frank S. Fox other lnterata. with praiseworthy patience. Reading-Miss Justina Hartsock, terlBe d mto .per by 0 owe a ISCUSSlon en· George R. Franz, Pres. Mra. J. L Mendenhall TOOK ALL HE COULD CARRY ......-G entitled "Old Mother Goose." anc'l M\88' El1·zaheth Chandler. Alice Cooke, Secretary• ... _ reat White PIB&'\le exacts the There's a day in every household. heaviest toll froID tbOliein the bloom When a loved one'8 voice ia stilled, Quartet-"Calastrophies." Miss Clara Hawke then entertain· ~: ~'. Wffli~ms Executive Com. A young man by the name of of ....1)" . ~ood .and womanhood. And the BOuls that loved her dearly "Boys and Girls on the Farm," by ed us with a well delivered reading. C. A. Bruner \ Chas. Le"is, who has been etayir)£' Attead ,th~ eomiq IfCture on Are with deepest an~uish filled. C. W. Elliott. The greatest ques- after which MI"/!. Bessie White Dr. Fox is well worth he8rin~ by at the home of Cal Bum., decamped , But her name becomes more sacrP.d, lion before the farmer. Childs dia- Mrs. l!;lizabeth Sherwood gave a teachers and others. He iscOI18id· Friday with Cal's overcoat, a razor calOlia at School Hall. ' It may 'y.... added to )"our Ute and AI. we \lear the chastening rod, posit:t&n is fashioned very much after beautiful piano duet. ered fine in biB line. . • and a brush. Cal e8timates hia loea KnowillK that she dwells with angels, IDaren'[8 GlittM arid show of ci~ Mrs. Cora Thompson then read a •- • at $14.00. He would like to pt his Very n ..r throne of God. attracts younK people. Fanning is hig:hly paper on "The WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT overcoat in particular as be needs It as honorable as any calling. Chil- New Rural and its rela· badly durin~ thia cOld weather. dren should be allowed to bave .in. tiOD to ' "Kid Question." Herbert DiKelow, of Cincinnati, Tbe youn&, man, was ael-n in Read· EASTERN STAR · terest in stock, 8Omet.biq ~ make Slu~ ~ade ,lea for bett-er , rural. elected president of the Oblo iD&', Ohio, thie week. ,', .. feel that a part of the busineais 'scboola : out: pre:oioua~un~ry Constitutional 'convention at Colu~· " ... . ,Eastern Star met \a~ their haH · Sh ' _.1_ed tba' th bus y·-terd av, on. th~· eleventh 'bal· ' HAVINOREA....,WlNTSR , bo ~arm' is th,eits. , . They 'apo~l~ va . '.~ ~ ',' .t e1 "" -., " ," 1'b4un'ven goiJl\l'eiluc,tiC)bal ~vaptaa6l!l ~ , NOT • brain·Wile and hand reeeivin~ 62 vot... two -. more r .. , t • .. ., ...• , . te8Cilinsr .fot:!" ot


















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Pill ar Stand s Among Rocks of the





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Flag-stliN'. ,\r iz. - Th,' ~tl'U nll P lli llill fOl'llllllill1l ":111,,<1 " Tllol"~ lluntll'(!l'." Is [o UIllI In tilill regio n or uallll'ni won d,·r". llie 1;1':111 11 ('lIn),on of Arl zonu. his farm ill Neut'o!l It i. l'Prc·li .. ti Oil ti:,> Hlcle of Lhl! (lrec·l· Count l' in t he Gulf Cua~t pice ~ cHl 10 : hp P)(>~ of Ihe tourlsl It Co untr y o f Texa s and Loui · 1I1\\1I\' H >,'{'II IS i\!JOUl to s lip Int o tho sia n a, aVflra~e!l ~ 1 2~. O O all :lI' Y~~. !Jilt Ilk., th e I",anl ll l'; tow or or acre It et profil 011 I JI ~ c u c llmbe r ~ . l'1 ~ 1l till! ,' elli er of f,;1'II\'liy fu ll s wllh· III t ht' \HI "I' ('f I lie 1'1 rIl·l1 /W fOI'OlaLl oll . He plallted th ell'! in Ft!llfIlarv ;uld !;Iandlug Ir. th e 1ll'tl~enCe of the mark e t ed th em in Marcil. pl'l'I'l p l\ o!lS l'l ' l~ k'll or lh,' Gru nu Can- Think ut Il -e nouKh prufi t III twu IlI l JOth 'l IO



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WIIS huntl n' lor' . Il 111<' f' n ...:o. Ihe 1,""1 "",I timJ Tuesday. or e:t "' e ."tllll1t h. maL.! the trtp 1III' .\pe n 5Ivt! Mu r pr1s lu ' ct rcum Sln nco. ('uhlll whll41 li e fU'UI-:I U hl' r I!lOl lil 'l . tl :-lW 1t, ~ Up p 'lIJ I·... hllt"l 1 ~1 ' l lh I II I d d h u::: rt:: I ·. '..r ~ I Th(~ .1 "n3co 1.,Ines () I't-" r, It" :,plel\tlul. ,..I t; C lrl C ~ II h ·- /1I ttl!) ." Murp rl s ln' cIrcums tan ce ." JII ZNI hi ll! ns Bl ac k Bliri. Th,'re t\ t l'r ~ l igtll~ { t. all slt! ol traltl s. d;lI lv from C h t C ~o " \\ dl, ~o ou: wh ero did YOll see rlt\ r 1"'llI t"' til lhl.! l\ur hp IH' c1 I'u vm I ii w iil('h S l Lo uis, Ka u&'\S '1\)" U1rmm..:ham an ti K e it h Is \· Iclt, r . Jl u r1'4f'ti nre pT'lnl d . I h co Ill ? 1'0 ) 0 11 mea u they were to&nu t h ,' ~ trl who tmys th lll tH' r IIIl nH' I=-Now Orl~:lus T ht!~e tra i o.s carry Ihruu~h :H ope. j o lll S III th " t'Hl' U DI' . I, ('hll f'xpluimt I /,;l' lIH'1' ." cars. daily , ilnd on e" Cllr'lon days. t hru URh hi" situallun Illal th e- fUIS'Hlv cI\ lOuk ' f or The uegro took a Inng llreath. evl· lour;,t sl~eper to Ih ~ Gul! Co.""1 'OUDlry }o'erl Lllrrwu. wh e re Ill" !:trl 16 Idl willi (1('IllIy overcoillo by the Imparla nce of .lie hOlel Inn<lI nd, lIIl •• Hupu te ll" th"l .tll' ,,, th e daughter ur U c n ernl 'V",H c, 3 Splendid Books FREE his IJIc~ s l\go. nud unab le to conjure K eltll nnli Neb drltl Into AII,·I·ld,,". wbore ' Oue un &htt )tlrl ·c;.,ant \' lIlln(I"Y of "'c .u\-., oue 0 11 U IJ wortl s wbolly satisfnctory to bla K e ith nt C~ t. an old tr le",!. t' r. '··alrhAln. 'b e lower Irrl.:-",tt".1 !of\".' l lu u l!I or I.h" Klv Or~uJ.e Thor's Holm mer_ K .. lth " ..·. lH .he hroth ... 0 1 "01.'9 W(l\t~ . td e ns. V"llcy ,,",t v ue un I....out.t · under thu MKUOl(' ti flume or I' red "{\'I1~ R.U'. , "u ~ ..... u 'ltuIl1 1111... · IOll gh b~. nnd bpco mc8 convlnoed t hnt \~~I~~J~ i "I t . Iw· lim de strangest t'lng. yon . which towe l' to heights of 5,000 Bla ck Dnrt hnR Barno pial Involving .he 1 l\Iassa JIlt'k. e bb e r , I "rognos tl cnted. I feet . piercing the clouds a bo\·e. th e _ • • ~~~':~I .!~::~~rt ~:-::,c. two. Hnpc lenrns I hn t Gen. ' VaJ te. who .... 'rlbt" th e ('\JU U l~Y A nd I was loest com ln' rou n ' de corne r ob .... IUI th ough t murdered. I" 'It Sh ~ rldAn . libr~s yawni ng at hi,; feel, th e 8I'ef" ,,'rup" rrum u n ... fow l a.o ,11 • J:lnd g oe ... I h p l"e', wh er' ",he ItJ mlstn..kl' n tor I Sbee ny J oo'~ Ahebang. back dar by de tator If< overpowered at Ihelr im· . IItht'r, /I('''hll( t!I, .. mplea 0' Christie Mt\cluJrc. th Ca rlon ~Il>' Binger. .ucce.-.H "nd 1't"lI'fWU".\ "U\. t.owelll.M by (O e.ll who blackHmltb shop . wben d e Lawd Kellh me t8 thc rea l Ch rl H t t~ Mncllli re me n s lt y. lie sta nd s t ra nsfixed ! hAve Q'0 ll e t.1t4're L,u lt m.we !lltOli. WI'lLe 10' ant'I !Inda tha t Black Bart h"" c" nvlnced snve lTle! - yere com e 01' Mas sa WaIte. There III I)('ohubly no s pot on eart h Jou r trH CO,)\ed Wtlf1)' , wbllfJ l uU Lhlu ll u( lL , IIcr Ihat tbere I I a mystery tn her lifo n rldln ' 'Iong on a cream colo'd pinto ... hl ch It .. te goln ll to turn to her advanwhere lUau Is llIore Impressed wllh A. HILTON. Geoeral Pa..enl'" A,eD" tage. The plalnBman tells Hopo Waite of just as much alille as ebber he was. his own InslrnlHcance or more ov er · 637 Friec:o BuildiDI. St. Loui•• Mao. her resomblance 10 e Mnclnlre. Vas. sah ; b o's wblskers W8.8 blowln' They declde that Fred Wi lloughby mllY rOllnd. nn ' I co uld eben yeah blm wb elmt-d wltU the lTto jesLy of :Iature. bold the key to the eUunt!on. . cussln' he boss. when he done aby at It Is the grandesi. of gorges. it In· CHAPTER XXIV.-(Cont lnued .) OUDCe prenntioD n m/U] wh at got U(I Budden like from sp ires one wllh It s !mbJlmit y; It nll' a cart·wbeel be was set tin' on. I done llallM him with Its he ights . Its de pths . I is worth a poood of care" A croup Willi ga lbered a bout the look (l lle look at dat secon ' foliar. and Its awful ~Dlltude. body In the rain. a single lantern 1)0 not let .nol her da'l pass withThe ha nd ot th e Inflllite has chiseled sced It was dal black debbIe from out I!etlilig a bollill 0 TUTTl.S·lI "Immerlog. 'two or thre e men bad down Carso n WRY. Den I ducked Inta th ese l'tlt' kil Inlo mOot fantastic form s. FAMILY I::LI)(11l. .tarted down the pasllageway. and de blacksm ith sho p .out 'er s ight. I lhelr towf'rlng tlUT t s and imposing Da.the the lim bs well alter hanl work Ke.lth met them, revolvers drawn .and mlnaJ'f't s sla ndln g' out boldl y In ba R shoo dldn't want Mister Hawley to &1t or viol!!nt eurciae. and you will be reauspicious. no cbance at dis nlgger- I aho' dldn·t." re lief nga ln Ht th e dee p blue of a warded by a hea.lthy, natural cin:u ...• "Wbo are YOu~" anapped one tion. Yuu little reali,. bow much "Old th ey s peak to one anolher~" s<ll1the rn Hky. Ami over a1\ Is th e il.harply. "Were you 40lnc all that better you will ft;el, Keith asked. anxiously. "Old you hear lusion ot di stance. One cannot con.hooUnr; yonder?" ceive Ih e vus tn eRS of It all. and III met what was said 7" Keltb recognll:ed tbe Yolce. tbank"Sbo' d ey talked. Massa Jack. I by a Rerl('~ IIf surprises. a6 Il III borne ful that be did so. sortelr rec kon dey was dal' for dllt In upon him that yon der gorge. ot' "1 fired at the fellow. but he got specllal p ur (los e. Sutt·nly. sah. dey roc k . fit' Ilf'ak. or c r ag il eA perhaps away ooto the prairie. I reckon you 'iI' ent right at talkln' like dey bad miles away. At t he boltom of th e ' beps the ~u.des pllabla and rellablecouldo't bave done any better. BUI." som·!.'lng on dey mlnda. 01' MlUllla gorge th e river. turbulen t lIud (lictul" producu a quick •• ooedy and pennanent "Jack Keith!" and Hlckock's votce nlie( rrom rheunul1am ••pralo •• brui_ Walt'll WIlB a alttln' stralgbt up on de .,sque. madly rus hes on amid Its bad a new tone. his hand dropping on tIIlro luroal, tqll~be, b011l an' dat black debbie was a r()c' k y em ·lronm en t. lasbln g Itsolf Intu "Som't'lng 'Bout • Ga'. M•••• Jack- .n· a Law Suit . IlImha, o and manyaimlthe otber's .boulder. "Never wa. stan~lIn' da r In rront ob him. 01' foa~. About the mighty peaks tb e br dra.bolclu which doIn m,1-ille..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...,.."",,,,,,,,...,............,...,,...,.~--.,,...,.~~~......~~.,,........~.~ Massa Waite be was mad from de - .ph. -YOllof..Bood be:t.Itb. Boys. thla la an old deputy of mine 1 over his eyes and drop(led on bls forme d agaInst hIm. If Fred could first jump off, un' I could beah most eagle ~oarK and struggling vegele Hon Guaranteed under the down In Dodg1!. When he elves up knees into lhe mud beside tbe body. know the trouble his chance wordS eberlrt'lng be said. but Mr. Hawley t'uut e ndl! IIgainst tate for a motholtl pure food laws. Co ..... s lIIong th e 1'0ck ~: . po.ed or IUnu. alb and cJluln' a uiurderer lllere llln't mucb staring speecblesll Into the while face. have caused. be 'II'ould wlsb you to do b e grin d e same way be do when be Yllgetable ""trattL WMI our tryln,. Let'a go back, and find the sightless eyes. Hlckock walch· tbls. With hIm gone. we are going to deal fa ro. an' speaks kinder low. De A.k you. d"'ul... II h. ollt bow tla4 the (ellow 18 burl Wblle Ing blm close ly and gripped bls arm. lind th e unravelling harder than ever. 01' man he IIwear fine at blm, he call WOMAN RAILROAD PRESIDENT cannot ,.upply you, lenclue 150 cent. in llampe. t.ocethe, ".·re fcellD' our way. Jack. you mlgbt " What IB It7 Do you know him?" It Is my Judgment. Hope, your broth- hIm eberyt'lng- a damo liar, a daroll with hIJ ........ and " •. will tell l1li "bat you know about thl. aI.. nd you prompll, . prepaid, "My God. yes; Fr"d WlIloughbyl" er should be burled here." scoulDdrel-but Mr. Hawley he Jest Her Wile Management Mr •. a larg. ,b. bonl.. MOBeJ Calr. Sbe 8buddered. her hands pressed arln. aDd say ober de same Ung." Kidder of California Ha. Accumbock II u...II"I<:IO.,. "It wa. Just tbe flaab of a guo. and CHAPTER XXV. to ber eyes. "\vb.t was tbat, Neb?" ulated a Fortune. Tattl. E1im Co. tile mao dropped." K\llth explained, "Oh. on that horrible 'Boots Hill!'" "SoOm'l'Ing 'bout a gal. Massa Jack brtell,. " I wae te.n or a dOlen f(>et A Reappearance of the Genllral, "Only temporarily. IItUe girl." bill -an' a law suit-an' how de 01' man Sacram ento. Cal.-As preside nt or a behInd. Ilnd the fellow ftred (rom unKeltb did not Inform Hope of ber voice full of deepest sympnthy. "In betWr settle up wldout no lIghtln·. railroad in CalifornIa, Mrs. John J .. - --- ...... - - - -;.der the wagon tbe re. He must bave brother's death ' until the following a few weeks. perhaps. It could be r& I jellt dldn't glt de whole ob It, be Kidder. "'ho recel" " tjlsposed or h t'r been laying for some on8--1 reckon. morning. but had the body properly moved East." talke d so low like." (' on trolling iuterest In the road. has . maybe, It W8.8 me." prepared for burial. and devoted lbe Sbe was Silent for wbat Beemed to " What did Waite Bay?" bee n no me re flgure-bead . Wben her l ed "You? Then 1t'1I likely you bave remaind er of tbe nlgbt to sear()blng him a long wblle; then IIhe lookod ul' "Well. mosUy be jest cussed. He husband die d ami sh e found among' lin S.lblohe.ln Ina I) .orne noHon who he ", ,,s1" for General Waite. and. Incidentally. Into bls face. cl·l ngtng to bls arm. sbo' told dat black de bbie 'bout w:ta.t h e r 01 her n08sesslons II. narrow gauge ' 800 Buahela from 20 ~ of wbeat 'W • • the th "Well. If I have, Bill." and Keltb's for both Hawley and Scott. Botb " Yes." sbe said, "that will be best." be thought ob blm. but bo dldn't 0111>· rail roo d runnin g tbrough the Sacra,.turn (rom a lips were set Ugbt. "I'm not Jla ble to Hlckock and Fulrbalu assi s ted In tbls That same afternoon. tbe sun low ber call blm Hawley-no. sab. nDt m enl o valley she confessed to bel' min ot., fa rm In .eaton of 1010. M any tell you. if U's tho lad I thInk likely. errort to learn the whereabouts of tbe In the west. lhey placed tbe d ead boy once; he done call blm Bartlett. or friends tbat she wns "stumped. " u DlslIeld.ln Ih n. uwell •• I'U attend to the case myself. You dead boy's falber, but without lbe In hlB s hallow graye on "Boots HIlI.·· s omet'lng or odder like daL But be nO lle of It " th ey sug ..ested No sbe olher dl.trl< •• ,.IetdI' , • C • ~ ed (rom 25 to 55 buunderstaDd- tbls Is my personal af- s ligh tes t rp.8ult. nor did Kelth's Inves- It wall a strange funeral . In Ii strange Bult'nly read dat man's pedIgree from couldn't do that. The road had been obel. o(whu. to .b. . faIr." tigations reveal th e gambler at any or eDvlronment-all about the barren. de- way back to de time of d e flood. I he r husband's pride and Bhe felt that aOI • • Olh.r Irali,. 10 propon.lon. Hicl(oc k noddel!. bls baod agalo his accustom ed resorts. while Scott serted plnlns; far away .to tbe east reek'n. AD' be done swore be'd ligbt s he must relaln It for II. time at leasl. pressing the other's sboulde r. Dad apparently made a complete get- and west. tb e darkor IIn o markJng the for whatebber It Willi, papers or no pa.. .re ..... derhed "Sure. Jack. If you fee) tbnl way. away. These dlijappearuncell merely railroad grodo, and just below, nestled pers. De n Hawley, bl! got plumb tlrod SO. b eing n tru e exalLlple or weste rn , wom a nhood sh e sta rted right In t n Ir 0 ID .b e Fit tJ tJ There's enough doing bere In Sheri· served lo co nvince him as to the trlltb close In against the root of the bill. oh de 01' man swearln' at him. an' r.~ learn the dull es and r esponsi bilities HOM E liT!: A I) LA NOS of "',,'ern C.o.d •• dan to kee p a marshal r easonably of bls lIrst sus picions; Scott mlgbt the squalid town of tents and IIhacks. grabbed a plcter out ob be's pocket. of railroad manage ment-and s hu II Thl ••...,.tlont ' bu"I",~ can ... busy. wIthout dlppln' Into prlvute bave depa rt ed [or good. but Hawley The re we re not many to stand beside au ' says. ' Damn you; look at datI prlcae til ad.,u.Ill't!. Lu nu .-slue. succeeded. To know how well. one . bould dUllbleln '''0 J ca..• IIUl,. matters. I ratber reckon you can would ce rtainly reappear Just as soon lhe open grave. [or few In SherIdan Wbllt kind ob a flgbt can yo' make Ontlll f{tn,auf. ,n,h,6t1 take care of yourself. bllt If you n eed 11.8 a ss ured his name hnd not been kne w lbe lad . and fuuerals were not against dot face?' Do 01' man star"d I::~' ~~! :Ir-~:t:;~:~\~. Hon.~.t e ud fl t)r 160 MCreaare me. old boy. I'm always rlgbt b"re on mentioned In connectioa wltb the un common-Borne cronle8. balf· drunk III It a' wblle. Borter cbokln ' up; den In b~ hnd In the ""17 be.t th e job. You know that." trage dy . T o Neb IIlone did the plains: and maudlin . awed somewbat by tbe be flay softer like: ·It·s Hope ; wbere ~~~__iI!I ~111!:.~I~~·.l.t~·. ~)~';.tI.f.~:-:f:I:: "I do . Bill. and appreciate It." mall candidly co nfide bl s belief In the prese nce of the marshal. Doctor Falr- did yo' ebber ge t dat 7' and d e black In oertRlnurVlUt. "" 'hool,, .nd t'ltur('.b .. " In .,,,.,ry NtU,.· The sroup about the motionless guilt or th ese two. and wben other baln. Keltb and Hope. Tbat was all debilill be laug b ed. a n' shoved de pic, Jurnt,. c' lIU1Mte " ..... eelle.' .. nU tile rldll·"t: _,""I. body fell away. and made room for tOe duUes call ed blm eolsewhere. be le ft exce pting tbe post chaplain from Fort tel' back Into he's pocket. 'HOlle. bellI' .. . ,d hua Idlut( wat marshal. tbe last man to ri se 6aylng the negro scou ri ng lh e low n for auy Hays. who, In s plrled by a glimpse of he say. 'It's Pbyllls. an' I'll 'put ber 1IJJ....~·.!i1_ pl.~~t· ~:-:.h ('uta", n~ to ""'OW""" lioberly : In ", He ltlrrli' rll.lI'n'JI, nLLd all possible reappea ra nce of either. tbe glrl's unve iled face. s poke simple before IIny Jury yo'ro mind to get-ob. 1I,,' .. rr f ,.tl,o 111nM n'I~4 rnrnpble " H e's d ead all ri ght. Hlckock. Hea vy·eye d [ro m hICK o[ slee p. words 01 comfort. It was all over I've got yo' naile d. Waite. dis time,' .. , l ': l ~ t 11,~t. W~:"1." ond uLhcr in· r"rnU\llu .() ~nlle to ~ np' t' ()f lanni I!:uess be never kn cw wbat bit blm. beavy.he arted· with bl R messoge, yot with quickly, and with lbe red s un ITO BE CONTlNUED., ~~~4rG J!j,~~~~~I~~~eIlC:: \0 Good s hootin·. too. dark liS It I.. here" lully d ecid e d 08 to wbat advice be " Had tbe range flx ed . mc ely." reo sho uld offo r. Keltb returned 10 tbe H. N. WtLlIAMS 413 a.rdner Blda" Toledo, Ohlt turned Ihe marsh .. !. "That's wbat bote l. and req ues ted nn Intervlow wllh Ploua-wrl'- toth "ace.n l~tJ'OO makes It loo k like It was arranged Hope. Although sti li co mparatlve ly early. 60me prem onition or evil had fDr ." He be llt dow n . striving to dlstln· owakened the girl. and In a very fe w CUlsb th e d Cad man's featur es turned moments sbe was p"cpared to receive up to the drizzle. but tbe 'n lgbt ra- her vis itor,' A qu esUc nlng glance Into bls fa co was sufllclenl to assu re ber of vE:nled only tb e falntost outlin e. " Anybod y know him?" Tbero was unpleasant news. bu t. wltb one quick Cut out cathartic. nnd pU!pitlv.. no response. only a shuf!Ung of leet brea tb . s be grasped hIs a rm a8 tbougb brulRl, haOlh. unlnec.c..... ry. bls very presence nl'lorded her tn th e mUd. "Here. you ma u wltb tbe CARTER'S lan te rn. hold It over wbere I can see. strength. LIVER PILLS "How tired ' you look! Sometblng Tbere. I bal Is hette r. Now. you felPurely lows tuk e a 10011. and see I' some of bas occurred to kee p you out all ntgbt ~ntly on eliminate 'OU can " nam e t h e poor devil." -nnd-and I know you bave brought Mr... ,J olin F. Kidder. IIOOth" the They glanced down, one after tbe me had news. Don't be afraid to tell mMlbrano More tban on..-tb lrd or the area of field season. In only flv. states hal has only to menUon ber name in the bowel. ell other. over UIII 's sboulder. sbadlng me : I can bear anything bet'ter than C.a.UpaUOD. the United States baa been surveyed ICSB than one-tenth of the area been far west. tbeir e yes tro m the rain so as to sec suspense. Is It about fatber7" aUlou.n.... "No. Hope," and he took bel' band, aneS mappe d by topographers ot tbe covered . The lillie westerner quietly direct· IlcS. Bea.. c learer. Tbe light ot tli e flickering " ••• .It III not yet pos sible to make an ell- e d the operation of tbe rOlld-every ..II. and lad!&ut1oa. .. lantern streamed [ull on the ghastly and led ber to a cbalr. Bending above United States geological survey lil l ace, but each man s book b is head. ber he gl)ve bel' the whole story of the counectlon with the prepnratlon or a tlmale ot the llumber o( lihee19 tbat · employe swears all eg iance to he r- WALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICK. must bear Signature and pas~ ed on. Keith bung back . bop· night. and sbe Bcarcely InterruPted de tailed topographic atlas ot tho COUIl- wUl form the completed atlas. but It increased Its value and Is now s aid 'wlll probably exceed 8.000.-·BrookJyn to be wortb more than $1.000.000 .. 'ReInc 60me one would IdenUCy the body. with a Question. sitting there dry·eyed. try, and , not ma ke 11 n ecessary [or blm to with only an occasional soIl shaJdng The maps repreeent areas CAlled Clt.lzen . Otlntly she accepted the olfer 10 sell take pa r t In tbe grew some task. It ber slender form. As bo ended. sbe quadrangles. and abow by a systom of he r Interest In the road to tbe Call· was not like ly toO be uny one he lUlew. looked up Into hll race. and now be coutour lines all topogra{lhlc features. (ernillo M idland. and by 80 doin g e nds Rnd b esIdes. be fe lt the mlln bad died could seo a mlat of unahed tear • . In giving elevations ad determined by her career 9S ral\ron~ prcsldelltOTHER GR1Y;S In bls stead. and be dread ed to look her eyes. , lhe survey's spirit i evel work. The lIrobably the only one of ber sex ID so PO~DEBS upon tbe st.r1cken face , W~ e n tbe laat "What sball I do. Captain Keith r I quadrangles are areas limited by parthe United States. ~ell ~e . Fcytrhslln (t!S , Conltipa.. '.. of the gTOUP had drifled back out of am all alone with this. except for aUels or latitude ' aDd m e ridiana of • .... Iloa .Cold' nad cort<ct dillO!'.\.nof tb. slolOncb Bnd bowet~. UII1II., . . the n dl us or lI,bt: H.1cliock looked up )'0\1" longltude.-~nd ·dlffer.Jil size with the Aawk . ~l\led by , Locomotive,. , II/nth,.·, flH' 22 Yto:... At an U .d . BRW blm. " I bave -coosldered that, Hope." be latitude of the areal' and wltla the _._. , _. wi'to 2.k. !\~m l>l. ,""iIM PII,'R ..~ . . . . . . .lld..... A.. •• OhM.... L.~. . . . Jack," b e· sald. gravely •. "you ·'''Here. answered, ·gravely. ""II'd - it seem!, to scales of t be ·mapl.. \ _ ' bett,' :' try, ,,oiqlllglit. knQW b!m:: " me!'y.Ollr .Pl'ellent duty Is mor~ .to the Toppgrapblc work br.a!Il , eom: ..·j(,'eltb ~nt DYer ' and looked'. down. 'IIYI~g 'tilan ~the ·'dead . Bbo..ld ".·1"PI ~ted In· c;:pbnectICuf~! M8BBach.usettl; 'M .b 4 ,did Ill) Illa Ii.e art 'seemed tc. rise maln : bere ' ulltil we learD~ something ,'NeW Jer8~r. :.~RhOd. ~.aland ..~d \ tlle ,_ ":' ~ldn' fnto' .h!s tJirpat. aM -. blur delln:lte regardlna " your falber. ana Dlltrlcl ur- &,l~:'~, t nd "'Ill bj! '-0' , .ucur.d hili III,bt. . nil Iwept a bud Cuacove,f- ~ ~rutb .o f conB,PlrnC7. \lahe4 ,io M~r) · .. .: 4~~ ·t hi :~ ~ ~ . 't J , .! .. r~ ~, ' ;;'\'~'~f 4


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Tuttle's Fa·m ily. Elixir.




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SPIand Ide r0 pS <W.ste"





Don't Persecute .Y our Bowels

Mapping the


















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In' _Stress of Pity '



... ...


Pr ince'. Answer to Que.tlon Typical of L ife In the Countriea of the Orient. Tllp 1)1(0( Jl lluknl1 flol'P,.1 anti flaggl',l :lel we('11 tile l·o h'IIII1~ . liB WH S U i nil.) tttlk ... 1. ~l t·lIH:;llhlb . wh o wns \)oro In t~) u ('''U''UHU'' IIlIlltl Uelirglull Itnd C lr· raH s llIII dl g ll\l u rl l·~. alld 80 1I h a p · I'Y wuy wl l b Orl " nlill prln Ges . t oo k ' I.I ~ 1111 u bu c!! b .l· Bll dti Anly ask lu g the goo J I:rn y prIn t·" how 'Il auy bro'them ht.: IlIl.d . HI~ hll:hneall looked lit h e l' wi th Il l.Iut'"r lill ie SUl li e . halt loleralil . hal f a ll1 l.1 se.) . )\lI d lI t·gU D. with g r"at s how o f ~l'rl n " " n~6 ti . Iu CT) UIII 11,0 111 un hIM fing erH. IIrMI oJ' Ih e rlg hl hUIIJ. 111(>11 or lhl' 11'1'1: Ilfl~r go lll g .oll ce or 1",1<:,. 1'011 1101 . h" h ·1It ....1. Slllrled ugnln . 1111 .. 11 .iul'\lc·t\ n nd ~\tIld : 1 "r alii afl'lIl-1 r I"ust a.s k Ill)' til'c rl'· lll n ' ! " ·I·· h .. ~('(' n"ary re\1 II('J. wIth ,) I ~nil )' ; "Yollr 1 . !~:llIIeS B 11IIll a bundred all"



Bellboy'. Su ggestion Would Seem to Bo Natu ra l Way to Oot Around Situation . Th e ElIglh' hlllhU wllo I III ~ lIepn 1V<'1l1'1 1l1( a lUI' hnl IIlld a rro ('\( COll t IlUliI'etitieo nil Who HIIW o lm wllh III ~ dl Htin gll l_heJ uppea r an e e Ita 013 ,;lrolleu nbou l Wll h 1111 explln"h' e nlr In on e or tb e 1LI0r e ex penBh'e 11Ot {'I~ . On W(' drl es duy lIlUrlllug he CIUlItl UI) tu a cler ic " I would lIk e to lillIe II sldrl Inull ' d E' rl·d." b L' Ru ld . " I "",Sl lIu I'u It t,;u ' k by lIve o·,·lllc ll." Th l) cler k lUld him Ih !,t the Lillie was url"~Uf.lIl .v s llor l. hUI h .. wuuld .10 what be ·ould. nll 'l. lilt! s u lrt wal! d"" \ III' pr e n on Hnl l'. 11 (j CHlll e duwn Thu r • •la~· II,or nJ Il J; I nD(1 ",,1,1 lie Wllllled an oth c r shIrt lau u/i (·I'P(1. hilt tIlUl tlJ1 ~ Oil .: IlIU Ht be bllell br I II u o'(' lu(' k In lIi (: H fi cl'IIl'OIl . VI s it or (ildlllirhig palnl l n g )-I ~ h a t Til e l'1 " " k sol d Ihat w01I1<1 lJ e 101) ont' of ih " "III llIiI "IT,!,"? HA Slu s- :-;u . sa b ; d nt Le lo lll:H to oe $hor! a 1111 1(>. Th' ilrllon IF" w Iw g l' y und cI"II HU l cit 'd (0 e ~~ I b~ IJrop r l~ to r . ole ml s~uij. Il l' 1-;01 II~ ral' II ~ lh e b" lI hoy cailinin . I " d,a 's G~r rlsa n . \I I" " " h " prot"8 ,p,1 thut b,. wO III.1 ,






"Work 18 work . !Jul "I t' III, 8 18 OD ly 1111 the woodH b)' a rushing alrallw. be picnics." 6Umll1~ UI) Aunt IIt;LJzlbl1h wltbdrew to II. dlatance and Barbara lartly. 'TIll golD ' to towu nud vou'lI Jo ln oo a g roup or chatterln& gtrlll try atay bere and do tllat Ironln ' . HO 'dOD' t one or the swlnga. let's have Mother word about It." He kept shyly apart from her duro Barbara LarKen >ltood. Ill ea k and Ing tbe afternoon. though blH ayeij aubmlsslve. bravel y huldlnt,; IJIlek the rollowed her everywhere with II. dumb 1// \. tears uil lI e r Runt's gau ll t form bad worllblp. Wbcn twIlight ca me and /1 I lllrnod down the road lind dlsap· th ey begall to flock hom eward ID ,Ii peaTed tl'olleyward . Theil sllt>. lhrew chattering grOUPij of twos ulld threes. "I herself down ill til", old rod«'r Dud Ilarhnra hud Ull Instllnt's pUlig lest lie 10b!Jod nnre slruilledly . s hould rail he r . but 11 mom !! nt 1r1lCT he I S he bad lold .Jaa per 1\"rl1h a 1l1 she (ell Into step ut her Bide. llint'lf 'e n I, rutrl :tr~!" ... us golng-.J n~per . who hau Iwv (' r b e· ,WIth the homewurd w a lk ('a rne .\1 f'IIH,lIld b. ):01 11 wh ll ahusl,, ·d . l lh· " roro llIuatel't"d JIll ('oura!:e 10 88k he r buck Ih e ('rushing teur or what Illlgbi Iwk ...1 Ihl " K.)tlll {Jrli'nlul 110 [, 1"",,,11 10 go a nywh e re. And II"W hC"d lhlnk bp.raI! her as a r es ult ot h .. r dIMII""" Ilai i a i .~ garrl ~ IJIlhl Ilr :t l~ . I \1I 1 1 1I11·n. ( ·u n (·t- rll hl~ b i~ t\ i ~ l('r~. nor sl ~ l J)d for ~ lIrh tr('atrnf'nt. The Bhe "U B dlllll!: It on purras,· ' lh at she dlf'lJee. She kllew olil y l ao w,,11 III .. I 11 ,· Oilll ih'd "'1' .1' dlllr lll ln>; I.I' . 'HI), illl; : b"'11 ho)' ~ " /:K('~ I('d til ,· (lUrd1ll 8p. or II I \\ h o ~· . , d illY il I, '0 pro lP.·' .t 1I 'rrtll ,I " dldn't (;or". hnrsh III · u' mjler or lI"r nlllll Sh" (If 1 .-;j :~ . I II\I' ~ f1l1l1r · t· " , tI, 's, " I alii ,, !'nJi(\ I d" llol lilJ("" : III' Iilird ~ hlr' .- :-.I ,'\\' York SU II S hp rns,. lit In RI . Th" IrfJnlilj.: must lagged lUore und 1Il0re slow ly. 1111 all he dUll e . Hilt RS s he 1'1'11 <'11 ·,1 I be 11ho happy. laughtpr·lovlng crowd hud 5 G:)7 " ",pr . Ih e lll : " t 'III,II' I('s .1,11111 ' kltcllen door HOllie wuywUl'I1 IlIIlIulse le rt them. Jasper lallged e \·... n ntl ~ I> lu" I" tl". Al lllll l k ~ 1""IIII ) lurned h ~r eleps IInt~ flll"'!'d her up Klep slower. liming louth 10 hrin!: ~'or \\('arlllg H('llllt Olll('r "klns. a Into I"'r own tiny h pu r oo lil . where lay the sile nt walk to an end. Yel the Bcam jll' l I i(-oat Is I\n eSHe nllnl. a nd the Pantom Ime Cod •. In nil Ihelr deR r. 8edur.lh·e I;lory her twilight. th e solitariness. tile ve ry 0".' s lill w n hNe wlth IB built nlo ol( Ju nll's ... . I··h· ld s of Ihe nrm nf TI ,·k· I "!J"Rl Ihln~8 " Ihnl Bile ha,1 1,,111 o ut nenrn eHS to the object at bls dev.,. Ih es,. IIIlE'li. II iM a IW O pleco desIg n . nor &. F .c hl s wor t! it tlowlfl g uf'ard. ' ~ r eally 10 wpar. Soh~ s hook hef noew tl o n hl'oo In him n paralyzing shyneell. HI tI'd by Ul lrl s at Ih e top. and witb a~ IlInny Incn of his time d l,1. II I' W<L8 I, I; as Rhe ";B7. ed at Ihem . Rhe mov e d a very ngoDY ot selr-consL!louSneti8. Sllulil plnlle,l seclloDS at eacb s ide aC'rll n\1llJlI ~ in Ihe ('lIre of It . nnd In ~~. qOODROPS ov e r II> tht' bure au li nd opeiling tbe Never, ne rhaps. would he bave .. ~"n fll . M I'"~a lln!'. sort s ilk. and other lhe m ain IJ llt uagpd It at lL~ lable \ t~ For Infants and Children, bottom dra we r look fro lll It a s hInIng chullce like thIs agnltl. yet the \'e ry ",ate r iAI" that do no l rU B~ le caD be with s kill. .~Q:: ....'U..UIUlllfluullun'.ulltltll.,Ult.II....UIUIl .......... length or rIbbon . thaI II1l1 lched the Ihoug ht or s peakIng. or even rencll1 l1 l( u8pd for Ihl s petilcoaL His wI fe WIUI !Jlways Oil WI\I(' 11 fl)r ~ IItlle rose b1Hls on lIpr dn<a . out nnd touchIng the littl e hand tl1.l1 Th e nati e rn t f, ll:l., Is cut ID s izes 22 hIm. 100. when Ihey "'o nt ('lit 10 din· I:o~ With n SIIddp!l Impul se s he bega n swung near him. hrou g ht tb e pe r sJlira. 10 30 Inch·" WHI RL me,u; ure. Medium D€'r 10jge lh e r. Til e y bud a 'pUlllnllllll'" .~t to unhook Ih e llDlx!comln~ brown lion In g reat heads to hIs brow . "Izl' "p'IIIlrPR ~16 r nrd s of 30 in c h ma· code and a few ",x l, retish'e " I>o ke u big· 'Ii c1nghnm that was h e r Invariable n a rbn.ra. with Ih e growing Intulti\,n t l· rlal. DIlle. ::;lIollld It bread l'rllmb catch ill t~~ u,n.UII.uuuuun"""U"U.UII1UIUIIIIIIIUUIIUIItIl, week-day garh. or Rwakl'ned womanhood. vaglle'" tb e tlOSR M rs . ~'l e ILis \\'ollid suy : ~~ • ALCOHOL- .1 PER CE(I!T " 1'1 1 t th .. I . 1'0 procu re Ihl. p'"I~r n ,rnrl 10 r pn,. "My 'I ~ar tII OI· n • • a ua7.p ll 1'1 tile I, TY e 1l1 011, anyway, ~ Ie reo r enl l7.eLl all this. , <> " Pa ll ern O."llrlm"nl." o( 'his p~per. I ~. - H " . e' ( ~.. A\~ttable Preparation for 4s · 80lvod . _ As they arne In sight of the hous e Wrlle name ,wd a<lolr ... plu l:lIy. amI be g llrd en. " '. . sure 10 IIlv e size Ilnd number at p,,"erll. ;,; ~imn(}1ing the rood all<!1re~ula · F UII Y arr~y ed. lie I I' I nil r lubo n he r hellrt hegnn to b eat palntully . - - -- - - - -- . (~ r;l eamlnll around Iwr wll\'ln!: brown S ho 1Il0V d c lose r to Jl\spe r . ' BURNII1~G ITCH WAS CURED I~ ling Ih" Siomochs and Bowels of hair. she 8urveyed he r s(> lf with II 'Tm rrlghte ned ." e h e whi s pl'red . 1'0. 5637. SIZE .. ..... .. ....... ~I mournful Ballsfartion . S he had n ' t Jo'or Ul e second t.lme thal dny a flr e "I d eem It my dutl' to tel! about 11. ' i! ~ ~I!0wn she could !Je . so pre tty . She ot Indl g nallon swept Jasper's Belr· NAMJ').. ..... .... .. .. ................ ...... .. cure tbat th e · ·uUcurll. S oap aud Oint· ~i~l Promotes Digestion.CheerfullOOked lon gingly out al tbe radiant conscIousness from hIm . His band TOW:-l .. ...... . .. .. ........ .... ......... ... ment have made on m), self. My trou. ness amiReSI.Conlains neilhn ..rternoon. S .• Inglng dow n th e road. we nt out suddenly and grasped ber bJe began In splotches breuklug o~t I' Opium.Morphine nor Mineral wltb furtive. basbful glances loward small ail e . I STREET AI"D NO .. .. .................... t NOT NARC OTIC the bouse. callle .Jasper. Barbara's "Don't you be drald ." he s aid right i:n the e dge of my hair aD the ,J henrt bent hard . Turnin g . s hp ran soothingly. I STATE .. . .. ....... ,. ........ .. ...... ... ...... forebead. and spread ove r the front R",'I" of QM P,SAI'FtI£LnlUOI d ow n th e stairway . and o ut on Ihe Tb(>y came opposite the wIndow. "-_ _ _ ..J part of the top of my head from ear to P.,.,/,," S."I · vlne-covered porch. loslde Anllt Hpp!lbah sat. waiting. LADY'S WAIST. ear. a n d over my ears which caused a ",-A,II,, . "J'II let him we r was rC!ady . nny· )-f er Jaws were set In a beavy. \lur. mo~t fearrul burning It c h. or eczema. .!~ A",'u s",J .. way." !lhe thought de llantly . " a'n d posetul revenge. Darbara grasped "FoT' three yea rs I had this t e rrible III ~IJ#"""'" //''(n,",-"k$..(" • W.r", Sr,,/ • then he'lI think soml'thlng hllpp e ned Jasper's arm with a littl e halr·sob. breakllllg out on my forehea d and ~ rl",..f"J Stl1.." afterward." "Oh 1-) hate her'" she whispered . Itt . W,,,t'Y""M 'F/(f.-tlr Jnsp e r 1l8used un ce rtainl y at the Jasper Btood silent, staring at tl18 scalp. 1 tri ed our family doctor and li C .. lat he failed to cure It. Then I tried the It;~ e. WomOD. an<\ with t he helll1es8. trem· C S l~ Q A perfect Remedy for Conslip..'· "ComIng?" he ca lled . bllng touch on his arm i.h~rc sur"'cd utlcura oup and Ointme nt and used )-~!Ii lion . So·.tr Stomach,DiarrhOea. looked up til r d d .. them Ior two months with lhe r esult ~I" Worms.Convulsions.fevcri:lhB nrbnra ~ e oa an saw up within him a mighty passion. He " W the othel' girls cbatterlng nlODg wltb ot a ,: omple te cure. CutiCUla Soap I ~~ . ' . n , shook Barbara's hand trom bls arm ",~ ness and Ldss OF SLEEP their IIw eelbearte all bound fo Hie and O:lntme nt should bave lhe credit Il( - - - "- • r almost roughly and took 'three great due, and 1 have advIsed a lot of peo. :~, . fae Simile Signature of ,,!!!!!IJI~-~~~~~~ strides lOward th e bouse. Then bA pie to use Ulem." (Si gn e d) C. D. 1,!Q~ ~ halted, s uddenly. and turned. "'I'.o~... ~ 'Y . . Tharrington, Creek, X. 4ln . 26, 1911. --'- ' :.- - . au come..wlth rue." h e enid. Itching Scalp-Hair Fell Out. I~~ TIfE CENTAUR COl'fPAl'-'Y, She' had to run to keep up wtth "I will say \ Ihat I hav e b een s uffe r . ,~~~\ NEW YORK. . him . Th e re was no breath lett for Ii , speeoh. Presently th e y turned In at Ing wlith un itching on my scalp for I ~~ AtE> mon1h .. old i Yl'1US My a ga t e way. In sPOtH all over my h ead. AI y sca lp C "Why. It's the mlnlster·s." panted slarted to trouble me with so res. then Barbara. the s.ores he ul e d up, and crustu Guaranteed under the Fooda~ Jaspe r knocked loudly at tbe <loor. formecl on the top. Then Ih e hair fell ........;..;.;...;;.-.;.;..;......:~;:..;.:~;.;.;.-.;..;.--.., , T .... O ..... T .. U .. COM ...... " . ...... .,0". Ct"" , "We want to get married," an· out and lett me three bald 8110lS the Exact Col'Y of Wrapper. nounced Jasper, a steady fire burning shape of 0. hnlf dollar. I we nt 10 more _ _ '_ _ _ _ • _ _ _ -""- 'Jol . _ _ In- .hl s e y e s. Ihan oue doc tor. but could not gct anY "Well . now. I'm sure!" excla Im ed reUef. so I starl ed to use the C uti c ura His Suspicion . the mlnlster's wife bewllderectly . Remedies. I tried one bar of CUll Clira "W ell. whaddy YOIl walll'!" "Why. It's little Barbara Lar~n lind Soap and some Cmi c ura Olnlluent. "I nm th e man \\'ho was Ulan'led In ~!IIUI.1I1Y IUOOO-Oo you real1le wbat it - an d J lIaperl W el I , well. well!" Sbe and felt relieved right away. Now the l be cage of wild cats ." m""". W cl\e ll ,,"', vr ".1 •••I"D r.... r .... led th em Into the tront room and bald s :pots bave dlsupp eu r ",d. a nd my I " I aSl e d ye whaddy you want ?" ".noU •• • •••• ""., IH., 'j·h. bl.."d 18 tho dlsajlpe'nred. hair has grown. tlJanks to til e Cull. " I tbou g hl I would Itke 1.0 looK Into rt::::";~'~':,~~~~r~.:'~t~~~~rr~~':I~~'!.·~:I~~:::'~:'I~ .... I ht d thl '" This grac~rul surplice waIst is mad ' T••••II.' .,.... Dllla no h ... "r ",,".r. """ blth. In g y goo ng. they beard cura Boap and Ointment. I hIghly I t be cag<' again . I feur I left lilY wlte I .Iwll.y. hlckn" . n.rvon>D'·••. tJU in. "' .... 1 Dntllnlluwmuth. D. J~)tb .., .....'tr~ r. th emil I I s l er say. "That child leads" in tbe kImono s tyle. without shoulder recomlnend tbe Cutlcura R e m edi es to I here nnd took one of tlJte wildcat s. " ontl . hlld ro·. ruil (n nullu .... 1f thl.oontllliun dog's lite." FJe strode Into the room. 6eams. Th e e dges of the Deck opeD- all that are suffering with Bcal l) trou' l Ca III ng a Ha It. ::1~j'i.J:'~~.II::::'~~~\'.r~.CL~";:~,.'i."~~~~· D:::J "\\' e II . we II'" h e sa'1d kIndly. "so In'" I D'" • • ,·"'MI/O n,·)' _ curuq u I~ "I . .. are trImm ed with a wide collar and ble." (Signed) Samuel Ste rD. 236 Ilfi'-I cn n marr y any woman . , . P!<lUlP l'.11 &ntl sbawl revers IIDd dis play a small cbem. poruoTLu"",ly . Scml rnrD b.u I,xlllf-J.hnf .. III yOU want to get married! Tbat'a ,1sette nttllclred 10 a standl Dg c o FloydlSt.. Brooklyn. N. " .. E~ eb . jllCa8e. 8UI/I/lf .11 tho cunl-1""" c ll,II, ••,-Dolttvo lar.' o'''''D. e''. dllrln~lb'''''nlor 'OD.n n. Uo.fol t J aSJl'Cr. 'Y ou're doing tine · wIth r Ig II. 1911. Although Cutlcura. Soall and ~h e-- Ab. hut (10 yo u please ILIlY'!tor ...·rr ""'Ulh o ' (.r I.h. r"l1IlI,. t' ulle •• . T~e s leeves end at the elbow. Tills I dl,oo,,,,"HD.. d rroo Mol •• If fU " uk tor fI, th e rarm now. A w It e Is Juat wbat I . b OIntment are sold by drugglats and Baltimore I\mer can. 8<1JId lur nur ("''' clrcularo unu l.eoll mnn'.'. .t k th I \\'a st may be made ot messallne. cas • I •• P Iltllli n ~ ,ou , "stl'm lOt bom~ ,,,,,..t· you nee d 0 rna e e 0 d plnce look m ere or ot some ot th e Dovelty dre8s dealers everywljere, a sample at each . . mem o "w. '"orli )"011 I", ... t.. .... y c"r"". " t." . He slOod them up betore bIll. . fabrics. and a.l so 0 t wa slM~>tltt-1l!l-i>el~~l1IJGiSl! "PJ!!IDiLJ!m:ws.~lY.IlL.llJ"IL...w.aLIeiI4-.11r": WIn.ln",·. Snntblng ByrllR ~r Children I'rl oo 10, m.11 bO ernt.. 81l. buna. rL6U. DR. WIIOlAS HOII REnOY (OIPoo. SO![,\!CTAOY. ". Y. Wh en It was over IlDd tbey were rree on application to "Cut1 curu " : h,.' h l n~ . .... n en' lin' 1('1'"'. ,·.,Inc~. '"" .. rum,,· . l!===============d agaIn outsld41. 'Jasper took Barbara'! lecture. s ucb as mercerized gingbam Dept.. 9 K , Boston. • I" trOD. ~I .. y. V.. iu.c·Ir •• wind "ol le, !!be " bolLlo. l hand In his und th e lik e. Aunt Hepzibah Sat Wait ing. . . ~~ome." :~e :a~d. d 32 T~: :2at~:~~e!56b5:~t I~e:~~rl:, Sl~e:. . Turklah Medicines. I l1h~~~n·~\. ~;·:s~~fI~lm:I (~~~lng S\~~~~I la~~ MOler II TIl'''''. w. MI1,0111 ...... ae4 picnic of tbe year. Then s be elYI wa de, atn InIII hand and dlum sIze re quires 2~iI yards at U Old·fasbloned phYSician s huve ple nty I more plelltlful lllall blrde. I I'.' b .. tp,I", Wri_ tor ..... kl, p,I •• U,d looked· &gll.ln at· Jasper. Shyness. III a P!lec J esa. own h e v age street Inch mate rIal. of reliable remedies ror (·bo lem . All aud ...,.'.11.... agate I.n the pocket an d a hyac lnlh nil ' • - .- - - - - , I the face of all the ad\'anclng ('rowd. and along the road that led to Jas- , • . SABEL. SONS To ' pr~urc thi~ pnttf'rn "end 10 ('@ntl the ne,~k are muc h est eerned. bllt the !;!?~I~!~ ~1I~ft~',~!l' ~~'~" ·:":t~);·~!l~Q~:~~I:1rrl~\~~~JI\II~~ J ""&11 overpowerIng b.1~ . He hnd I urn- I,er's ra.rm. As they reached the LOVl8Y1LU, a,. gateway the moon peeped out from to "Pallern DepA· uncnt ... or Ihl. paper. bone of a dead child car ri ed In tile IO U II a ll , ,·a . ,;"".'U.,, .. ,.~", A . I' Ll vn l,· IoU ••" " ... : ed to go. Barbara's heart gR\'O ltD Drlle" II fIIr.. 11ft' .... Write n a m e nnd _d clr eBS plainly, nnd be a.MbU,bed 1t:Je. agpnlzed throb. under a cloud lind flooded the OT· aure to !r,ve al1e and numoor oC pattern. pocket III nearly as eflkaclolls. (·hol· A IIlnn lIlilY be a m e mh er or I he chnrd with sliver light. Jasper ~rrha. \1\"3 leaI'll. Is caused hy t.he moo n . 1';I1(~ and \\, e 1ll' fi ll o\'e rcoal wllh a fur .. ye$·... Bhe called suddeDly. ::l eretore drink decoc tion s of Ia.ure l collnr and s tilI nOI be an actor. W N. U .• CINCINNATI. NO. 52··1911. • She ran down the paUl . through stopped and gazed dazedly about at the famll\ar Bcene. then 'down at hll NO. 5656. SiZE .... ... .. .. ..... wblle iMars or Mercury Is ID Ih e OJ;· . _ .• __ _ _ • the ~te. an4 Paused beside him. NAME .. ............... ...... .. ...... .. .. ... . rendant. since Ulese plan e ts nre un· Wltbout a word he started on . hUDcls wlfe'll drooping beael., "Barbara!" he wblspered unbel'rov. rrlend'" t.o tile moon. We a r e g lnd 10 plunge4 deep In br8 ~ockets . s peec h· .1. .TOWN.. ............ ....... .. .............. .. know Ihla, as we have alwuYH hlld our I less and overcome by his OWJl daring. IDgly. She looked uP. her eyes stili daTil doubts about the moon. Barbara walked beside ~m wit!! with Were we perfect. which ....0 are not, medtcin ... would wonder. STR~~ET AN D NO . : ..... .. ...... .. not olten- be needed. Ilut lince our Byaternl bave be· downcast Presently. stealing a HI, Idea of Heaven . como weakened, impaired and brokell down tbrout!> He took her suddenly In bls arms • . STATE glance At ber. be saw the nlgns or The Snnday 8coool t(!uch e r ha(1 bee n i indiscretions which have llano on from tllO carly .,CI, !.earl on her" ( A rush of pitylng Th e peitt·up \ longing of two endlcsfI lelltng her Infant c luss or Ib e lI el1ghl~ through countl.... lIene(atiollS, remedi ... are needed to Indlgantlon ~'anlshed self-coDsclous· years seemed to culminate In that aid Naturo in correcting our inherited and otbe""ilo of heaven. One youn[l'flt e r paid close Church For Funerals Only . mowenL neBB for tbe moment.. acquired weaknelses, To . reacb lhe leat of Ito mach New York has one rhllrl: h " 'hlcb at.teutlon and arter Suuday 6(:boo l was "Why. Baroara!" he cried paBslon. "Wllo'e been burtln~. you?" he dewe.knell and consequent dillestivo troubles. there i. ovp,r. walked up to tb e teucher. i Is devoted ~ntlre ly . to rune ral s"I'\'Ic~ft ately. "you're mlne.:-you·re mine! JIlanded. nothing so good as Dr. Pierce'l Golden Medical Dilcov"Te~lc ber." be said. "do tIl ey have Jt III called tbe Funeral church. and And ( dldn't know I waa .dolng It!" ery •• ,Iyune compound. eJ:trnctad from native medico . ';No one." sh41 denIed. It I u8efuluess comes from lhe fact Iiilly 1Il'0ats wltb long wbl~kers up Ina! rootS-laid for over forly years with ,reat I8tisNctiOD to an u.erw. Fot' "Then wh.t'~8 you been crylDg th.t many ramilies IIvlllg in small Ihere? I want ODe Rwrul bad. but Weak Stomach, Biliousn""s. Liver Complaint. Paib in tho a!ter earlng, . Here Today. GOlIe Tomorrow, tor'" g randpa says I can't have one. H they .' neartburn, B.d Breath. Belcbing 'of food. Chronic Diarrhea and other IntestiDal In 1901 Vancouver. B. C .• bod onl,. apartments In Ibe cIty de s lr .. to have "Becau'~b~su.e aun~ eald Dennllementl, tbe "Discovery" i. a time.proven and moet efficient remedy_ Ihe la8t aervlceB ' ror theIr doad con· !lon't t,ave billy goats ur' In heaven I 27.000 Inbllbltants. Wltb Its Buburbs 1& 4bouldll't go." IIbe Htammered. I. <.I01l·t believe I want to go." ducted In a larger pluce tltl'O Is prO: The lIenulne has on Its has now 127.000. But It Is at tblB mi-A Budden. terrifyIng sense of vlded by tbelr home. HaVIng 00 flxed outside wrapper the ment engaged \ In revisIng Its IIl1t "r .be bali done ol'erwhelrneil . . , )ler. . Irl'ls;a tlon proJecl.t! are rece iving the cburcb affiliation, Cbey seek this place SllInature tbe [lQulld of happy, lau~hlng VOiceI': voters. Tbe list under revisIon COD' for tbe Bervlces. 8e rlo:1I1 attention or tbe government behind brougbt a wave of deftant .e tt· tatl\Jl Boilie 20.000 names and trom It You can't .frQl'd to accept. IeOret JlOtItfllm . . . lubatitute for thia ooo-alooof Drozll. ultaUon. ".~.. .' .' . no leBB ' than 6.000 are to be remoyed holic. medicino OP IlNOWN COMPOSITION. IIOt even though the UI'lInt dealer may Beyond Power 'to Injure. thereby • little biUer profit. ' "Wbat1l ' Ibe clo,," tiaked Ja8per a8 no longer resident. The tyrant will blnd-wb8['1 The ,mlBerablest day we live there'" The Dr. Pierce'. PI....ant Pellet. refulale and Invigorate ,to_b, UftI' mad Ihortly. 'I . ~ n the last revIsIon occurred three leg He will take away-what! Tlte many a beUer thing ·to do than dyln&~ ... els. Sugar'costed, tiny g.... ul .... eIIsy to take .. ·rf .dontt ·· kilow:....(ton"t tet's ' thInk yearll' al\'o thIs meaDS that every year : be~d. What. then. clln he oot - Darley. about It:' ,be beRed. . on&-tent~ of Ita vot"rs leave Vancou· I aDd not toke awayT Th" wll1. But Jal~r's mind clung to the sub- ver. As the larger proportion or Its beDce tbat precept of the ftootlllg population cannot consIst of "Know Thyself."-Ji':plctetuH . 'ect. I . .. he bUl'llt''forth, "Why voterB this would Imply that durIng T, . She'. not your nisi the last teo' years some 200.000 people No Sale. Bpent some time In Vancouver, '.i I' " ' MI'II. Irvlng- You didn't buy of them nearly half lu:ve decUned took' .me ,when ll was ' oriental rug ull. dill YOU! _ .;!A ~'.-""'-'- . 'ud railed to sllttle . there, IIfr". Clint-No; .we 100It a f ..le nd , Some of courBe ha:f8- ~one to other George'lI .to ~ It and he .said IliaJ . parte of tlie· provInce, but It 8eem&- whlle 'iL wall a genU'D!! I!okbara. belu · . , 'th~ .'. that the" tte'a ter tlfull; ,woven and ' , : l tbut. It IUt· than II hUDdr~ l ',ed . to foot r.uit t1er." .







, C J




CASTORIA Bears the Signature


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I ,.


""r.r_. . ~





For Over Thirty Ye~rs



I.uLJ.l:.JclLour I





,,,.u ....

7' 1







1_------·_________. . . . .


Remedies are Needed

i '1




'- '




Kind You Have ;r~U1!1uJ TheAlways Bought


...., '.






Farmers' Institute





({;ontlnued from page 1)



" . 'a;\a;\1i'a;\Ii\1i"\Ii\li\1i=.'a;\1i\6i\1iu;\Ii.~\1i\6i'a; ~ !?ATISFACTION CUARANTEED





polish •• . thllot oor boys be taagh~ to ~ ~ double the farm yield. and our girls to sew. bake, eto, Inst-ead of .~ ~ 1,0 plliot Bod play tbe pillno ~he ~ ~ McCall's Magazine. though selling Of New York City. we offer every told Uti goveromen' Willi IIpend Thomas L. Pierce. Prop. for 50c per year. is positively worth one the opportunity to secu re The ilDg Il50.000 IInnually on Bolentifio $1 per year inst ead. Call at this BDt.rprl o •, .. Miami Gazette absolutely free fo r 1 JI~grio uhur e !lod thllt it W&I our oflice a ny time and see late issues. year . by merel y subscribing to t he WaJDe.vllle. Ohio own. persooal f!luU. 'ha' 110 IIUle T he Free l'atterns are ordered McCall:s Magazine for 3 y ears a t ~ ~ W !!:'I spent fo r our roral lohoolll by po s t·card from New York City t he rate of 50c per year. I n add i· ,' t ~: Mrs Ethel l>uke and MIBII Rutb and can be used any time you tion you receive 3 F ree 15c McCall ~ • SUITS PRUSEO AT HOME eo: ~ AGENT FOA need one. Chllndler entered Into a disou8110n Patterns. This offe r is a vailable to auy one ~ Dt Frlla Dry ClllSlsl CI. .HpAT OADERS A '''CIALTY ~ of tbill sphmdld paper. who subicribes, ruoews or extends Miami Gazette, I year .. : . : . : $1.00 A vote Willi taken on tbe topio their time on the Miami Gazette. ~~~~'t\....'l'~'l' McCall's Magazine, J years . . $1.50 for RO[lnd Table dllouaten. "Sooial ~~~MM The only perequisite is that you Life on Ute Farm," carry tag . Mrll. J Free 15c h\cCall 's Pa tterns . .45 "pay in advance." Irarnllworth begaD by ••yiog. have Call at this office or send $ 1.50 ebould be olO8el" a ..oola\6d, By Total Value . . . .. . . .. . . . .. $1.95 plenty of books and olean, pure by mail. 'he proRrllll~Yenen of our IObool. '"' '"' '"' !LmUeements and an 'he home .......... wtJ1 our oouD'ry be Jollied. Will Cost You .. ·· · $1.50 . SEND IN YOU" ORDER TODAY plealiures /Iond oomroru we oould af. VooallOlo-Prof. Amy . Ada will be In.~rt.ed unller Ihl. hud for t~ord . Mr: EllIot\ spoke of -making tw~nt"IIYC c~nw tor Ihre e In18rUoU JIlDoore : Now is Your Chance- Subscribe Today. when ...1011 not' more than Dve Unto. l~ome 80 at'raotlvd that we oould Ohio 8 ..&e Board of Agrioulture li:tle" our boy. !lnd Ilir Is "U ntll lome and Experiment tl,-Uon wu 'h.................,..,..,..,..,..,..,.".."' ..."' ...."' ........."' .. ..,.".•..,."......._ .........-...-..... . Qne fllRe wonted them. ,. Other. ensobjec' of John We 1h01l1d FOR SALE \ered into 'b18 general dlsonl8lon famill.r ""th 'he worktal' of our and mllny good poink were brouRht publio inat"uUooa. Publioity i. out : 'heir .f"guard. '!'b • .Ihperi C. Bd O'plng~n Polle" and Mr. Begg then gave 0. short talk meot SaUoD w.lI_abllahed 10 1883· Cookerel.. for IAle. lire. B. V. : on "New F/\fm Speclaltit'l" m08t •• •• •• •• •• Box, 75 phooe 4-8, Warnes. •• •• •• Value of 'be d ....ioage la 10 In intaD- 8 mUh. ville.' Ohio . I(lt hi. "me being 'aktm up by. de'f""'"- ••••• -.....-.. ••• - -.- _.. I!orlptlon of the Milk Coudensorle. oy &8 to UII real dlDt on I.nd aDd No.1 rum for r.n': Call a\,> Com ln on p~ Court. Johu A : Iblsey. admlnistrlltor rent for pro8eootiog attorneY8' of Northwelltern Ohio. W6 epoke oHma\6- The prao"oal farmer hae no' time : ~ mak. ezper1menn aud 'hia omoe for fur'ner I nfo. mi. with will annexed of estate of Hen- offioe, 125; George Holzlln 8r., re 'v ery briefly on the growing of New Suitt ry Beller, deoeased, vs Jotle~h Kel · fonder on tax on '930 h8ted by error I:Iweet Uorn and Peas .tter whlob tbe Experlmeo$ 8"'lon dqea 'btl '100. Gf'orge H. Springer n. Wanen ler et 0.1. Inv entory approved a nd 14,15; Johnson Bnd Watson Co, we adjourned nntll the afternooo work tor him. ..II farmer• •bould let 'h. BulleUo. .howln, the... 150., "tlure-Hawh" Inoaba· Ur'on e' al. T . tJ Christie attor. admlnistrutor ordered to : give new oourt calendar. for probate judge, a_Ion . salCe of y,.rs of ezplrt..eIlM. The) tor. Will lIell reuonable. ney tor plalnHff .. rartltion . bond ot 112.000. 18,50; Aome ~teno\l and Engraving Ethel G. Duke,8eors"ry. Mn. Gear,e Stroud. Rouce 3. WayExperlmen' S'-*'on Bndl '-Ilk. .e oenDle, OhiO, Phooe 8S-5. Suits Decided 10 matter ot assignment of I:hrry tJo., 8t,amp for t reasurer. 14 85 j B, AFTERNOON sasloN, 1 p . It : gJod feed for hOKe, e8peclally 'hOle Os born, fiJti8 report of paymeot of H. Blair. seoreta ry, expeol88 of {;lalm,of SUas Ulher ve . Warren folldwlng cattle. 01111: Pure-bred AnooDa CblokeDe QUllrtet&&-"WhUe ( Bave You." di vldend[l whloh la oonfirmed. ~ all- \ward visiton. 'IU.30 j MU~ O D Lumlklunty disallowed . Tne 8t1te Board of Agrloulture Ie -They are great 100yen .DJ do 10D Gebh ar t di soh tu ged 8S a!lsigne e b el' Co .. sewer pipe cement, 127 57; Resolution Committee made t·be appointed by the GoverDor-two wel) In .mall quartere Pbone Probate Court. an(\ truU' if' termiuated. Wunl.z LumLer UI) • lumber 1411.20; I:ollllwing report whioh W88 adopted eaoh yen. Is oon.IlIc. of len reprJ U-3Y. . 11'. U: Sa ... In, Wayoeavlll. Ollve II. Bahr, as gu...rdlan o f Wllhud ,J . Wright, exeoutor of W . B . Madden. oement, 110.40; A' thill, the 01018 of .nother or OhiQ. Henry F : Breen T8 8enry Ii'. Breen estllte of J olln Breen Sr, lile!! 10 I Atlilc Drake. bridge rep6lrll, 13.20; I,he many pleasant; and Ine'ruotive een'-tlve men who .re paid no&bID, rood drtvlog horse •• mall, qalet a mitior e' al. Guardian file. am. ventory 0 nd B!>prBI!\elllent whloh Is Bert Reed, bridge repairs. ' ,aO.50; In8tltutes held In Waynesville, we for 'heir .ervl088. No gran wu for "omell aod oblldreD, w\l," warninR an 88IIlgnment of ordered r eoorded . ChBs: 8Impklnp.. bridge repairs . clesire to unitedly ex pre.. thuu ~ ever koown in ttia Board. bufty. hal1len, blankeu. Uheap if 8S&\6 8eoretar,,' Saudi. han dower to her by metee and bonds, Thomas C. Uhri8tle, goudilln of 130. \5; William B.arper. oontraot, the 8 ate speakertl for 'heir helpful 8014 at OUOI: AI80a Bd Rook oook 'be work of thlll office in a v_y ef. Lawrenoe Bahr appointe<l gua,,- estate of Benjamin B : Philhps, im· 11050 ; Funk Colline.oontraot. 121; words; to tbe IItngers for ~helr and a dOll8D and. half heoa. L.O: diaD of Henry 8reea. beene, files. firstaooount with vouoh · E P . Clink. 8emi oiroular woed mee&&ge of song; '0 'he School Bol.D' manner. TbomplOD, Wayoenllle. 0 , The Sa'" Fair DD.Urll ....ed by Diadanna Ban~, guardian of 68' ers for se'tlement whloh is ordered cut·terEl, 117 j George Veidt. oon. Bcard for 'he use of 'he oomfor\able good Co&I 011 RaDge wltb BOA '-M of Boward E. &ota. minor, suspended. t ..aot ••14 70: William Moore. com. "nd oommodlona "ball, aod Iio an .oy in 'he Uoioo. EYery YODnl mau and womaD shoald a".nd. oven. Inquire at ,hi. offioe. fU.. firtl' and final aooouot with MarrIap Lic;emes. pensation for road arouod brtdge, others wbo oontributed by Tbe macbioery ezblbi& alone i. ao vpuohera for I8Ulemeot whloh i. Joho tJ Jones 28, farmer of Ore 55; Ca 'hetlne Fox. oompenlatiou for 8pe8Clh, dilOWIIIloo aod 0'herWll8 \0 eduoation. We Ihould iDlalllabor QnallSy" White Legboro 'Ckl. ordered flull)llnded. (K d T Ethel Ohamberlain ro~d around bridge, 110: Ura. A. J. 'he suooe.. of &heae teelIOD •. (both oombfl), 100d !liz". Ib"Pd : carne Mooger, g~rdlau of estase ue. y. an . I Worllsl.4, oompeDMtioD for road Reeolved, Tha' we ewe a debt of BUving maoblnery io our !lome... [and 00101' the lAme blood Hoea ,bd of lIary Monger et aI, minor.. filee 20,. ot Franklin. around bridge, 15 ; Valley Telepbone gratUude til tbe 8ta&e M.n....ra of Tbe pa.. ~y.&em hal been aboliflhed have hee~ wlllnlnR pril8l for 01 . fint; aooount; with vouobers tor liltuetdle A. Buohanan 21. stanogra· 80. , renk ud toll •• 1"0.&5; Ray . Inetitu&8 work, for a time of mee$. ., &he State FAir allclan .Yod on aD Writ •• phone or come and Iftf' UII for parUonlan.and prloea K poular, tJ.ment wbloh ts ordered snapended pher of Yarrow and Kathryn O. mond Harshbarger. .lary. &8Ils' 108 'hat enabled D. to hne the 1ltI8 eqo.1 footlnl The Inlltltute depar'meot i. 'h. and auppl,. Co , WaJoeevU)p, 0. aot jani~r, 140: Jam_ Fallen Sr., of ODr Sirh ~hool Hall for our O. a. BI«l1nl, lUardlao of 8II,-te Ramsey 20. of Morrow. mOlt in'rioate to haodle of .ny In of.Beeter Gerard, .imbeolJe. fiJ88 In· Conunlalooen' Proc-eedlnp. janiCor. 150; Sam D. Henkle, feea l8118iOn8. : OR8IC-Blr horae, ohe.p, brown, nator,. whloh IloOrdered reoorded. BlUs Allo wed-H.. Wilds Gilohrls' and upeo. . al .urveyor. 1115: 50 , Resolved. Tha' we IJIO extend 'b. departmeDt . . "et,h'18M. Also "Bell' Ever" The Ltv. Stoak oommi..IoD .• our appreolation and thankl te the Gan. Plo" .lmOit ne .... a.etlllhe"n one Dever ~o U8ed Inquire Sate managemeot for the-itDeGor dolD. all 10 1&8 power '0 ' a.I •• 1P!=~'-------.I'II'I\r,.......~..-,.....-:7>''''''' THE '(i()M- r 8clentlflo M.n.......,.t. . 181g PrIzes at" College Com Show Ilgementof the Women'. 8eulon by farmer but il hllmpered by 10luf at tbil omoe. PANION FOR *1 75 .. ~ne coli wlDter da7 80me ra1lnMl4 I.Bndlng UI AlrlI. M. II. Farnsworth. floieo' faod. Iio proparly carry OD omctab, whU. maldDc - IDapecUOIl ALE HOR·, Polaoel China. 20 Over a hundred dollars in trophies The publjahers of Ute Youth's Colli· .of a lara'e 7U4. .tapped for a mOlDeDt 4)f Hlotavllle, OhiO, wbOll8 work Was the work. moa'hs old, welrbt 350 Ibl. H waa moved aDd lIeooDded th.' panion announce that they will aC- \ lDIJde a Iwltehman·s ahanty to 1ft and cash premiums will be divided Ihighly Ilppreoia&ed. inqUire of "amI. Heukle. R D. 5, we hold aD IDlltUa&e oex' yea&'. cept yearly 8ubecripUons at $1.75 up wana. Amoq tbem wu a «eneral n- among the winners In the "Battle of Wayo.viUe, Ohio Centervllle phone Where.s. It has ple&led the pertateDdeDt who W.I known to hay. the Kernel.," the com MOW to be Canted u.aDimoul,.. 7'15. . to the end of March. The new rate a maaIa for "lcleDWlo manapmlllt." Pr8lldeot; of OUt IIre.& nat100 to be Vt..laolo. Prof. Am,.. held at the College of Agriculture. of $2.00 willp into effect promptly aD4 ' reduotlon of e~...... Aa A lesder In t'nternatlonal peace Beoedlo\iotl, Rev. UraUHf. ~NTI:D-Good old pop.ooro. on April lit. The larp number tU7 w.... JeaTiq. the 11rftcIlmaD Columbus. 0., Janua"Y 11 and 12, movemen:" aDd ba•• o f.r oonsumW Inquire a' 'bi. omne. AdjsurnmeDt. whose IUhecriptionll run over into uHcl til. lrayel1Dc 7U'dmuter. whom 1912. The National StoekrnUI and mased trea~lea between the lJDI~d the early weeks of the year, as w~ll !&e"N~~'. be telUD' me who tIlot Farmer cup Ie a beautiful ailver tro- S'-tea, Great Brl'lau .nd France, phy offered for the best five ears of I;hat it only remaioli to be apPtoved arSublCribe for the Miami Gazette FINE yOUIlR Tllrlle, Uobbler. as thoee who were unable to lend In IDDD lar. for ...Ie Inqutre of IIr. II, new 8ubecriptiona before January "That'. the aeDerainpermteadut,.. yellow corn. A twenty. five dollar by oor Nation.1 ConRreae. W 8llnr, R . O. 4, Wayn.lIVlIle implen!ent will be presented by the 1st, wlll have this opportunity to get tile pr4lDaater repUecL Thereforfl, 8ft U Reaolyed, That Ohio. The Companion for another fifty.two "What do ,oa thIDk d tIloU H ... International Harvester Company. 1lre individually aod oolllOtively uae • • 1.._.:1 • folD. lookln' mon, aDel ,e Deyer DR. E. H. COSNER, weeka .t the old pnce. U you , - woo14 belleye: the tal.. , ..... after Governor Harmon'. ~old medal is .~very bonorable meanslio effec' tbe aoou SOWS. PQI.nd Ohlna, for the sweepstltkes pria. Among oth· opeedy ratlBoa'ion by our I8Iill,,· no other periodical readin~ for your hearbl' about 'tm. •• Ie aDd alllO a"II&·. 'It.ative 'l'anlulle: .Inquire ot S. A Elhs, .!lUIlily., .The Youth's Companhm "What J01l heard about him. ers who have made donations are the tors. I Waynea.lIl.,Ubao .• R . O. 3, would be iufticient-sufficient for Mlker. wu the curIoaa QUeItIOD. . Ohio Farmer. American Aa'ricultur. ReIIolved. Tha' &he good attenb '!WlU', tile,. do ..,. that he ,.. at ist, &04 Farm and Fireside. Last of danoe, manirest interest and deyoted ~,enloymen! Y ev..ry one, youn~ til. ruDer" of Mr. KItchell'. W'Olfe, I:'OR 8ALa-Two fr..b Jerley and old; suffiCIent to keep you poet- aDd wheD the .Ix palIbeareft ooml out all. from thirty to fifty dollars in attention tbroughoo' aU etllllioni roo.... Inquire or ICdwin "ur. 912 Relbold 8ullcUa" , ed on the important news and events II. ratleel bll hand aDd laid: '11014 on cash will go to the best~rain raisers. juetifietl na in,. reqW!ltlnl nu, WayneaY1lle, Ohio. of the day' sufficient to give you a mlDute. bel),.. I thlDk ,... eU pc nn Iostitute next y~ar. Ohio Dayton. a mind ri~hlY stored with useful alDn« wtthout two of thlm."-IDY.".. NOT AFRAID OF WORK B& I . N. Hatfield propet"y OD Signed on l>ehalf of 'he Committee. knowled~e. The new departments M&IU __ln_e_. _ _ __ J'rankl1ll Mcad. Inqutre of W. '1'. Frame, Ondua&e A....tcaD 8cboo1. IDrbY1lle. )(0 Donning blue overalls and a cor· David N. YOUDg, 103 L'vin ... ~n have become indispensable features The repor' of 'be Domin.tinK oom. Ave., Dayton, O. Hie Wife'. Acoomplllhmenta. 'duroy coat. Francis B. Anderson. of the paper. The page devoted to Inlttee wa. !'e.d ... folio ... alld om. -Nlturally. I am «lad that my WUe _ . . . the Interest! of boY8 in school and tl a ·good boulekeeper neYertbeleal prolftllJent Cmcmnatl man, has gone <,ere d80lared el80~ : Pre.lden', . collea'e always has an article of ex- the ilaunpng of her ~mpUlhlDentJI to work in Xenia, as an employe of P. D. Ulagett; vice-prelldeo'. aarpert advice on atilletics by lOme one become. somewhat embarra.u1q at the Pennsylvania railroad in the vey Burn.~t; treaaurer, W. J!:. Cor C. W. HENDERSON, M. 0 who speaka with authority, whether time.... .aId the mldcne:.a-ed alobe Maintenance of Way department. nell; eeoreary, J. L. Mendenhall He will be connected with the elec. it is football, baseball, skating. IIwim· trotter. EX80utiTe lklmmlUee: ·lohn Cum Waynesville, Oblo. . 1 • "Shortly be rare BtartJng back to • I • ming, or other vigorous plstime. Amerlea we watched the changing of i trlca gang. He admits he has not loinp, O. L. Dake, Ern8lt Butter. The page for girlll aUl'gests ulllful the royal guards one morning at had the slightest experience in the l"or'b, En Jooes. Ethel S'Okel. Valle, Plaou153 We will give you $35.00 worth of occupations at home and profitable Bueldngbam Palace.. It waa au im· work. In fact he frankly says he l!:lIz!lbeth Chandler. Thoro,Bred POUltry free of charge !!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u j)8r our Combination Poultry Outoccupations in the community. with· prel8ive ceremony. Lo:Tal Brltens and has never had much expl!rience at Signed: BJanobe Riley, Elma Offer. Write for full particulars. eYDl,patbet1c visitors alike ltood Inter· any kind: of work. out forgetting that iirls like to be l~"robart. ~tella Cornell, aarry WALTER MC(1L URB. eeU!d and allent. PreeenUy the new H' h Beautiful colored "chick picture" ornamental as well as ~ful. And rankl~ormed and the old guard pree IS t e son of a wealthy Queen Bloke", J. L : Bart.ook. free. there 1* the family page. which in ceded by the Coldlltream band. City woman and it is urtderstood Qaartet-Ftlhing. Funeral 01.".:101'. the eourse of a year fills the plaee of marcbed away to lbe barracks. Th.n that he has had an allowance of BeV· Farmers Repair Shop-C •W. EI. m,. wife s~ke: eral hundred dollars a month. Hi8 a domestic encyclopedia. UoU. Shop should be loo.ted aboot 'Well: ewd she, 'I'm glad I eame. 88lary on the railroad will be about Subscribe now-to-day-while The h.lf way between hoalle and barn Telephone day a. ollbt. · 912 Harriet st. 1 hadn't seen it for myselr I never $2 a day.-Xenia Gazette. Winona. MIn" Cumpanion may yet be had for $1.75. If Be Ihould do all klod, of repair would have belJeved that the queen Valley phone No.'. l.oair The YOUth'B Companion, has scrim ilash curtains Juet like mine • - • work. Belteves farmers oollJd sboe Dis&aooe No. &g...,~. 1" Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. banging at three of her front wlDThe P.tlent W, Iter. I;heir own borlel aod do their OWn dow • .' " Prof. W. LawlOn Tall. apropoa ., I WA VNE,SVILLE, OHIO • the new cure for hay r...... I~pairing In iron. It wou d lave A GIrl'. Wild Mldnlaht Ride said at a medleal banquet In DeDy.r: Inl&nyexpsnlel. Be can .Ieo make Braneh OOlee, Barver'lb...... O. 'Barbed W.... Tu warn people of a feartul fores t Spare the Rod. "Thl. cure il the Nlult of paUa.. llsefni oonvenlenoe8 ont ot worn ont fire In the Catslli1)8 a young girl Parents take notice. rode boree baok .t midnight and The adVocates of whipping as a the relult of ·muoh patient toll. Ia· I.mplementl. GUAJlANTEEO wheal whbotlt leavr Mved many Uvel. Her d8fld was means of dillclpllne are accuBtomed to deed, I Wnk of pertectlq the pau.t Oor CouDtry School-F. C au w&StinKwhen IDvolyed In the ef bur. b&emlIb,or MONEY REFUNDED. gloriOUS bD& ltV611 are often tlaved Quote King Solomon as eaylng: "Spare WI cure, I .m reminded of Dr. Beb mour. ·Alr Uilmoor lpoke from an . 100 and ,1.00 IiseI for frNb wounds, by Dr. Kiog'. New Disoovery In the rod and spall the child." What aawrer'l ante-roolD. experlenoe of 8 years 10 Mlral sOhools old aoree, 101'8 bacu and ebOOlden~urtll curiog lUllg "ooble OOOKhll and Solomon dld say wall: "He that IPal'and ~ 260 lise for Family \lie. TN. OIlUTUT "Dr. Bob Sawyer lItapped proudl,. w~out IInpttrYillloo. Under flllpe.rcoldl' whiob migbt have eoded In etll the rod hateth btl BOd." But the D.. PAIRLEU IILI&TEll hi. ante-room one daT. There vllioo, IOhool. have uniform text 'I'Im &'l'DII" , t ." I ~ oool~JIIP'iOO or \ pneumonia . "It word "rod" ID tlI&t conneeUoQ doe. Into were quite eight or nine peMlOU lIu.ft.INuu", .I"AorJ:.l\ II ~ and ..guaranteed So cure Cll1red me o~ a dreadfol oough and . not neeeuarU,. mean corporal puoiall- there. ADd: Dr. Bob. loolrin« from 0lI4l blOki Wayoe Tu ....hip ia amool ' , •• ' Tila WO.LD 81)• •, Ringbone, CUt:b, S:l'een1~lJnt, haDg dilleale," writel W . R. Pa&ter- ment. It limply meau paNtaJ au- f.c. to another wtth complaeen.... leader" aloDg the Un. of .upenl.' rulUSllDW!!ILT. SUOi'll ma ~\ ~or any en!arullieo' of or IOn. Wellinlton. Tex, "aner (ODr t2Mli1tT &Del KUfclaDoe. The Ame Ii. 1&14: lDIlIIMti 0(. m~n., rel1mcl~. , PrIoe 600, ' .: IliOn. "gliooi'ural &ex' books ar• . _ _LJ ' ''L ' · 1JDIl'UW _ til our lamily b.d died witb 000- brew wcml 11 1I1eCl ID Paalml, DIU, .. ·Well. ~ho aom~. Gr.u 1rery .• a&lalaewt,. lie NUn.. ( 0'. lamp'ioo, ~d I .~ioed 8.7 pound»" wb.... D...tcU.~".!- "TIle Lot:'!l SI my ~ wattIDr the IODPIlT" __ _' , ' , • BoUlID, 1O·. ore and Mfe fo ... all lhepherd; I Ihall aot .&D~; hll rod "·H..... dOC!--that·. me, ..14 Iii: ~a ~Ilcb .,ncn}'arel..Jler tlil'Oi., And IIlDR 'rouble. Prloe 600 aDd lISa ltd the, ~0rt me.". ne tile taJlor. rllbil &D4 Sourlah1q :' " bert !JpeDOeI"., . , of ._ ....._ '. aM '. tL.Go. Trial boUle free. 104 ~ tbe : IJ.ID~1 or allUaorttT &Del upa14 b~ ha waltlq .... :&Ion, · "BdaoaHon , . ,. ..... 14 POW. ' . ' a 'ra~ a nIIr . ~!'P'" bT. &1 . ~.". . . i · " .• "!~ a ,....... ~I·· ' ~. 'ii.'-ooIDPle..i,. ". : :1~9J

The K::~~es Shop


By special arr angement with M. cCall . Co.

~ f.i

.-t :-t :t



...............'l' ....


01aasilled Ads




Waynesville, Ohio

. . -- ----.- ··········i--·-···· . . . . ···--.. . ···---·· I





...... .







"I. A A





- ---......-'--.i.. .





Osteopathic Physician



----- ...---



Consider this Offer Western Poultry.Farm


. -.









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....,:,.011 ., S


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'~ .,.,,~.-,- --:"r; f :;.~ ,:':.




.~ .:~






grl~od IHlre'lt!l,

- lJ;.~o~~a~p'C:;I~ry;'~n; - ·-'P~hlic' -Sai~ ----

F=======L I V E R I T E S========1

with 1.161 Mr aod [ Plan ning Mrl'l . R . E ,JODB14 . PubU. hod Wookly aL Wllynll8vlllo. Ohio Mr . aUlI Mrs . ChaN. t:!windl£Or, o f J '1:\1 ~ a\'e nll W ueing completed for Being prepared from Pure Native .H erbs, they Cl~anse the System and P urify t he Blood, a nd TOllc t 'l e Sys t em , and thus ---- - DIH' to n, spent f\ few d,Y14 lust weHk thl' new poultry buildillgs at the r wi'll t!ell ut Publio Auction at FFIOE ..,...., .............. __ ........ ... - .............. -""""'"'... .... ....... ..... .. - • MAIN STHJo:ET Ilt the b owe of Mr . ulHI Mrs . B. til Ohill Stale Unive rsity and the work my r 6t!lde noe, on what is known Uti - - - - - - -- - -- MoKay. or CIlllfltl'uclion wi ll begin at an theNeiICla r kfarm,:l X mlloR80U 1 h. VALLEY TJ.:LE PHONIt--CA I.l, No. III f t' t / ·1 H," YlIl O1nd Hcrogl{y Wfl H 1\ 1\,.w ' early J :lte. Jt will b(> remembered l eIll! t oven ervi·11 e ao d 1' J. Ull at! . Ye IrBIlI1 ,,~ 1 of hiH p" re nl ". Mr lind I lI', at lhe last le~is l atur~ approp r iated west of Fer ry . on ...... ww .............. ,.,...... ........................ w"'w . . . . D. L.. CRANE. , Editor and Manau er . Wcdncscday January 17 1912 '" Mrs rrIl B() r o l!'~Y 1$7';,00 for lhi.~ PU l'pose 1\!JcI the • , :. LIVERITE5-A purely vegetable Laxat ive, cures Ch roni c Con- --- - ' I H lIn l t Begin nin g at 10 o'c lock, (·be fol. I A. n~ma u ~ >am ry e par me~ . l.lw ll/ llI cLtl.tlels: () li on:Hl8-4 !Jel\vy s ti pation , Liver and Kidney Troubles. Jhk YOllr Groce r for it. Rates of Subscription A Hero In A Lig hthou se \ Wlllch ha" charg-e o f the poult.ry 111' 1W or k :Vllln1~ I li g ht Mure i ll fuu.1 Manufactured by ALPHA CHEMIC AL CO., sprlngrleld, Ohio One Year (.LrlcUyln advlUlC8) . ... . ... 11.00 Fur yeur~ .J . '-; J)llnul"lI1' , HI) , slr ucti nn . is pru posing' t ll ma l, e the I t\\'r,.yr' llr.'lIld Co lt . 1 Mul n. Singlo Copy ...... . .. ... . . .. ·" ...... . OG Btl.ven ,· Mlr.b .. II civil wllr cllptnl/!', Ill uney g'() as far as pn~s i bl e . It is : (' ILttle- 1 J !J,r,;ey Cuw giving, milk. as II J ig!J t..h"I1~llkllept1r, uV llrl"d nw· pl!Jllllt'd L(J I. uilt! a IOllt{ la yillg' house Helfer with oa lf b y Hi d e, 1 co :v'to Rate8 of Adverti8ing flll wreo K!'. lont .. (111\'l' r fa u t. I ~, bl1 '1 ' .1 .·' 1' " I' ' A' , • I h I ' H Irel'h In Feurllluy, L dr y (;,)"; RtladiujrLoc&la.porllllo ..... .. . ""I m i~ bthllv o Ufl!l nu. wr eck .l lilU~e ll , \\11 <.: ' \\ 11 .'l ll lll11(,tte ~~ Vlr:.l . un ' I I Z h ud l:ituok . l:i og~ , to;ood ono!! Re&dlnILoe~ •. bJacktace. J>W'Uno . . . . 1 0~ I IfEleo~rio BlttlH!'hlld U()I. p ra vput. , dr ' dfflWIS O( a.-i many of t hedJiter· A hout 7G bU 8bll l ~ C" rn in crib, ~o \ AVNESVILLI: CH URCHES Clual1Ied Ad •. not to 8Xceed live UDell I ed "Tbey cured lII EI of kidn £OY ent breeds ;" p u~ib le. Adjoining- bUi;hel~ OlltU, 2 tons Timothy I:hy, . Three IllMI'\lolUI " .. . ... ... . . . 30<: trouble u.nd obilll'," be writlll<, . lifter Ithi s building w ill be a feed house some Fodder in the field . Obltuarlee. IIvII Incheo free; over live ililld tltken other so c" l\ eti cnras fully equill lJPd with the necessary Fu.11Il Implemflnttl-l Oli",er 12.l n. D lnchOll. por llne... . .. ... ... . . . 0.: for years, WIth out benefit. /lnli thA.VI ., . . . O~ng Plllw, I~ood Iltl n flW, I () 10 . Par. Melhodist E piscopal Churco. Oard or thanka " ................ .. ... 30<: 8180 Improv ed illY "ig h t l" ow.) t . machll,ery I.,r t he p reparatIOn of r o tt A ughfl :l .b orse Plow used oae l i l· \ . C', ~ . (,,'a Il St' r , PuSLur. s.o8ocJ~t~~. 'b" .. ch .... · ·18" .. ~.; .... ' ... ~~ 8Aventy, I am fee liDg fin e." "'or I feeds . Seve ral types of colony I>tlf\8 on. ~ \1o:rl:le Oliver ~t(lol Pluw, SUl ldu y ...; ..."1,,1111 , ~ . l a :t , 1:.1 '! u rnIUIit Ht:( II ..... w ere tu'le maue . . . .•. . • "" h 1B () PI 1 K C ' "\\-c . 1 / 1 .\ 0 ,1 :11 /';\ " Iliu g !" l' r y ! n.:', 17 : 00 Ii , Dlaplay Advenlalnc por Incb . . . .. .... .. JOe dyapep ~ 'u., Indl geflt.i on, 1111 tl toml\C:h , I (IUSe::l are t o b ~ cOllstructed to s how tl.nuul' ur n ow . . ruse .orn Ill . :\ll , Iw{>.· \r "r ~\"l' r ,\I .· f· t.! U!.(, 7 V. lD . DlIIooun... lveDOD conLracL. \lvAr and kldDey t.r ou ul es, tb ev'rl1 th e vari"us methods of brooding Pl uw. DoulJ/ Il.,; hovel P lo w. tiltle J witbont. equal. Tr y t htlUl . Only . 'h' k I dd· h '11 b H.olltlr. 1 M. to oth stee l fume Har. St. At!g'lI s !ine'~ Ca tho:ic Ch urch. 5U ota 81 all drug~i tlt8 . c. IC 8. n a ILI on t er e WI e a r ow , 1 IlO-tuo th wood frame Barro w Fal li t lr l .AH I I", \ ' UIIS JANUARY 10. 1an. ____• _ • Ipipe sy!!Le m brooder house , 60 feet Riohmond Corn Planter, 1 Tr oy Mu · . t: vt· r.,· ' ."t.'.>I,. 1 -- ''' Hill , 01 th t.' fOC'H' \h ~ Iiong. wi th capacity for from 500 to Wagon, 1 CIlDOpy tOlJ Cu.rriage, 1 Bet \I : UU • T1J Spring Branch ' 1,000 ch icks . Th e pou ltry instr uc. double HarDess. Tiger Tobaoco Lytle . '" P lanter. set BIlY Ladliort', run-!lbout SI. ft1ar;( s Episcopa l ChurCh, (Delayed ) . lIOn bull /hng IS. to be loca.te') on t~e Bnggy Heat, 2000 Tobll cco Htiok~, H C\' .J , F ta d\l.. alllHler, a ce t ,t, Lytle and vlolnl'y bave baen en~r. and MrfO. Frllnk Hawes e ntr r. campu s. It will be eqUIpped With Coa l HeAting Htove l500d as new, SUIIU .l Y SclwtJi 0 ::10 I ~ , t il ,\J u rl1lng Mer \' lc(·. l u ·all i.\ III 11 I,ly C<J I U l utHll o n Ut e Itn~t 'ert aiolnll King Wlo&er tor sever ,1 Ie ined their Mrandohlld ren, Ablg,d, ' an incu ba tor cellar and a m a rke t Davis t:le Wi DI,; Maobine Suutlay UJ ,'adl IIIPIlt.b . dIIya, Tbe tbermometer ranillog du.rry, Mary Ilnd Lulu Roland ' poultry room in the basement. The Term"-All SOUlS of ~ 1 0 lOud u r . from ten '0 seventeen below zero. ' D ' aim is to make these buildings as der, 08sh . All I.'Om8 over fIOu.cnAi\ Christ ian Church. I . . . It of one ye,a r Will he !" Iven. PUI' Chrl!ltmaR oy. Hov. L . (). Thompson. Pas!.(" We are glad to repor' Mr, William Mr. anu Mrs. FrllDk Dokiu are r e. : com plete as poss lbl(> and It IS h ')ped c btl.8er givl o'll note wit h IIpprov d DIble S<:JlOul. 9 · 30 a. m. Soclal m ootlll8 . Duke muob Improved al 'h18 time . joioing over tbe arrival of a daOl;:h. !to hav e th em ready for occupancy seelld ty .. A, OHIC ol uut " I (l !JIll' ceot Undertaker and Embalmer, 10:au ". DI . l:hrl. tiull i'ndeavor. 7: OU p. m. SemlOll by " M I" r O" ory alLorn8t.o SundlU' .lira. W. C. Coroell visited 'be ser, Opal Louistl . about the firdt of next June. Inas · wI Ill>e g l Vt'1l on ",II t!IlLllS OVtlr ~1 0 10:308. U1. allli 7:30 )J . m. Wi ll be fuund in t,ho Old Gem CI$y aD Tbunday . Mr. Frank l:iartao('k Is on the siok Imu ch as . th e land to be devote d to • ' t N II E . M .. PI1t.' er son. HII II Ic Building . OPPUIt;'" ., . . lh 01 ta . A . ....... 0.( e ,Auctlon tluc H/cksitc Fricnds Chura. tbE'!1lli Bunk . Mra. Cbarlea Barnhar', of Fraok- liss, . pou.It ryauJ 0JnS e en ngy r!ver , J . E. liim es, Cler k I,' j .. l IJa) lII c e ltn ~. Il :00 fl . m. Flr.L Da, Telop lLon e in hOUHA /lnd ot· 110, 'lfrlved Suuday morning at · Mr. and Mra. Thomas L:1cf aud i various breeds of waterfowl WIll be SeLo<,1. II :on a, m . I·'ou nb Day Me~\lnR: fioe wbere J can bo 0011 9(\ 10 :00 a . D1 Se~d 'be funeral of Mr. Ell Buroett, daugbters Florence and EdulL were i r aised and studied. Considerable More Likely. lIll Y '1 1' n; gh t . wbioh wal beld 00 Mondav d ten entertained by Mr. and Mrs Fru.nk I attention will also be g iven to the "What's the excitement at tbat , Orthodo~ Friends Churc• . o'clock. Coot la8t Sunday . rais ing of capons. Proft:s!lO r F. S. street crosE,lng ? Bome automobUe \Vaynesvilltt. Ohio MNI. 11mb ~l lIrrny. Pastor coUls lon T" Main Slreet. Jaco Ly, the new poultry Instructor, MI 88 B e Ien ...N e ib ert., 'he I oterme ~"bl>a th S hool. I' :au a Dl . Ilegular ohurcn Mr. and Mra. TbomaB Lilov enter Iis in charge of t his work ''I tblnk not: the crowd's too big for ~!'!!""~~~~_~!'!!""!'!!""!'!!""!'!!""~:::::" I Hc rvl ou. )0 '1 0 n . U'l . r.! b.rIHtlan "; D~eQvn dla'e teaober, waa abaent fr(lm '"Ined Mrs. ,J. B. Chenoweth New ' _ __ -- ~ ~ 7 : ~Op_ tha.t. Some Iprofesslonal pugtllst must - -IIChool a oouple of daf8 las' weell 011 Years Day. bave steppe(1 Into tbe sllloon at that 100 Per Plate acOODOt of 8IckDesl. · - -- •• - - - - iL A T HAW A '\' WIIR puid at, a bnnqu(\t to Henry corner, and Itbey're waiting for him to .1 B. Applegate aUended tbe fo U..ful Suggestion. elllY. In Now Or leanA 10 1842. come out." Way!lesl'l lle 'l! Letlilinv DtlDO.' Lord Luftlngham (wa.rml y) - The : ~I i~~h1y (~ORt.J.V fnr tb ose wit.b Rtom · neral of bll frleod, Mr. Dill at Leb DR_ J. W. MILLER, /) fIice i n K 11 :;~ 11 " 1~ . M.1l1O I-<t E. V. BARNHART, blawlted commoners will soon have ~ch trouule or inrligesticm . TfldltY anoo on Saturday. UI out of buslneBs entirely. boh Jove! paople evory wbere U~f' Dr. KiD~'A WaUer Kenrlok made a bnalnel!~ WhatT N r>tary Public Ne w Life Pdl~ for tbeRR trouules AR , .• DENTIST.,. srlp W Day too Friday. Lord Punlelgh-Yoas, bah Jo ve! ' woll fiR li ver, kiLIDey nUll howel diR. SALY~ All kit ,d;. "I N' ltfl ry WOIk. , Penlli.>D B. II. Clark aod Albert 8&8oy, We'l1loon-ha, ba. ha!-be notblng <1 rdf'r~. EIIRY, safe, su r e voly 25c Office II:, W n k u t:$pf'clu lty . qood for Nothing but the Waynesville. 0 ational Bank Bldg. "Ub a OOlllpany of others trorn bllt recreatlcn peers. y·know !-Pllck. i nt· 1111 ( Irn~ I!H. ts Rid«evfile and Centerville vi'1lted tbe Co Oper8t1Ve Tobaooo Warf\· boWIe at Grel'oville on Wedne~d8Y \ Or. 1... 6. Brook aod family eo &ert.ined on 8undllY, Mr. and Hr!' Ii. J, Balter and 1100, 01 IndihollpI' UI. IIr. BDddll!l'ton aod faml11., whu bave beebBivioKa IIhowio our Vl\lRg~ tor tbe past week, left 00 MondllY fQr an exttlou u l vhllt with r el .. tlvel' l i:1dian. ~'rom 1\11 Apptlltru.oce Albert etaoy will rnn the lIbo'IV ill thetr absenoe William land t:ltanley Do~f' j .,lnt!(l ----Sbe oolisle ral'RtI last wAell: . ISl"l1ltl~ i. sakil'11( work af the Normn! UOI veraity",'· L.. lJlluon /l r d W IllIlUll 18 takiog Eleclrical l£ngiolltlring II; SPEOULATION STERNATION Obioago - - - _.....--- "Wonder how the old thing 'l'cc ordinary R angeThe ordinary Rang6"Must J:[ct llew r ange. I will '~Well, what do you think of "Tho Moore Deale r wlll work toda.y." that? All spoiled." look a.t a. Moore." !lot ](~e' s n~MOOTe ' s eXIlJai lllll!r principle:;." FrI&hlful Polar Winds The omlnarv mnoeTh~ om lrntl1l m noetwtMoon'8 ,wt Moore'''' . blow with &errlflc toroo Ilt tbe f8r Dorth lod play hl/voo wltb t.bllilklo, oanllol red, rllul\h ur IIlIre (l h~ ,'ped band! aDd Iipp, that ne" d B\lc ~ Ian 'a Anloa t:!alv" til belli tbe lll, It makell tb&..,lIktn soft nu(I .. lImollth. Unrivaled fllr oold.llllr .... , ...181) burn!', boU., lore8, oleer~, 00 111, hrU '~l' 1 and pUee. Only 26 Ot!1111J ul· 1111 drug...,.










I===LIVERITES Only 1Oc:- -: :-==~






/1. E, ((




, to



---_...- - Burlington New

lllilNt.v;-l>llttJrson ill IIgaln at tbe bome of Mr. aDd Mrs . J . W BaydOOIE and htUI resumetl her IObool work 8fter 8everal Wl't'ks ab. . I HDoe. FJed i:lbIlDe Is Itill improvlog Dicely at the bospnal in Columbus. The Fr!end. .lIulooary MOo1et.y met a' tbe bome of Mn . R . E JODes OD Batardl'lY. 'fbere Willi aD opeoiog .of mi&e boxetl, literary pro· pam aDd refreahmeota . !'be listie daughter of Lee Cay Ie, bael her fee' frozeD wblle on ber 'fila, bome from lobool, Fdday. Ill.. ButhaDDa PetenoD le'urned bom. t!.turda, after a pleaMot vis-

ANTICIPATION ·'Set up in the kitcheft." The fire-tested Glass oven door.

iMide- Strong by Vlnol •

who baI • deUcate, IIck11 child. to

trr )'OordelicloQl cod liver Iron tonlo.




Nltorecl our little 4aqbter to b..tth and etreqtb .fter e.eqthlng elle bad tailed. It tutetl 10 aoo4 she Imed to take It ,-not. bit of ood liver on tute.-IIrI."o. W. Stump. CaDtoU. Ohlo,The reuoti 'Vlncl fa 10 SUCCetllfUl III b1IDdblg up , . . delicate, ailing .,1iu~ IS becaDH It • combtna~




REALIZATION "IIeat comes up qulcluy, "

VERmlCA TION 'Mrs. Rorer 's Guide tells how hot to kee p t he ove D. 1 ' II Cullow ber instructions."

CONTROLLATION "The Controll er Damper keeps lhe heaL fixed at a. certain temperatureIt does it all rIg h t."


"Tho best bak iug I ever had. " .

Moore's Range is a Perfi!~Y Controllable Cooking Machine Moore's Range has many exclusive and superior features-

BB.lClTE CHILDREN "I wtah I oould IDduoe every moth-


"Nuw we'll SPC if i t's as good lW tile gu ac:.t.uwc. "



1st - Absolutely sensitive oven thermometer. 2nd-Mrs. Rorer's Cooking Guide-that tells at what temr.erature and how long to cook roasts, game, fow , bread, cakes, etc. 3rd-The Controller Damper which enables you to keep Moore's Range at a certain temperature any length of time. Note:-These three features make Moore's Range an absolutely controllable cookingmachilne. (

4th-Moore's Everlasting Fireback-which makes per· feet combustion and saves one-third to one-half of fuel. Sth-Moore's Hinged Top-for feeding the fire-broil.. jng-toasting, etc. 6th-Moore's three-piece fire-tested Glass Oven Door. 7th--Moore's Anti-Scorch Lid. 8th-Beauty and simplicity of design . and durability of construction.

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D. L CRANE, Publlaher.

Minister's Three By-Products


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with s'lI'h ,·tolence nglllo H Ih e glasft to bl' r('l lllplel e ly HLu nn<>d . It did this for mu r.., I hun Ib,'cl' mon t hs I;..,fore It learoed (·a1/t lon . Then w hl' 1l th e glaHs r e wov ...1 lhe pike w('l uld not o ttal'k tho se 118rti (' u lor fishe s. bllt would tlm'o ur oth ers fres hl, Introduced . II did not 8t nil understand the eltuo.lion . bIll aSSOCiated t he punishment It hal l received nOl wltb the glass, but " 'HIl & particlllar kind of fisb . Our· ,,/O'a American monkeys pro\'ed tbem. ~ "I"e s more "knowing." \Vhen they I'ut t h .. rna ph·es once with aoy s barp 1001 I he) wou ld not touch Il aga.lo Of " Ise wo uld handle It with th e greatest rR1/tlon. Th ns they gave evidence o f lhe 811l!pler forms or rearson of wblch IJl0nke ys are no doubt capnble. but birds are e,'ldently lacking 10 r"ason Ing POWers. I.S



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I I I·: 1I' ·I.:IUIl II1'; u f 1/11' III 111 b · I f'r'~ J PRr IH not IIccordlllg t:r"!l:o r lan 1'llIl'n 'I(\ .r . ~ IUU ( ·hrI 5Imo. Rnli New . ""nr Ren ~on Is til .. r llrthe~t " (, n1ll II bol ld ny fur blm . III' IS lli pn tu IIlld·Sl rPllm. HIIII III !'u1 1 ~a l 1. . \ fl h I' confnllllN hi . year N "'<,rk . IIllW It Is wl·1I tbat b e ",Isht's t') bove pSJl ~C llllll' I~r the su k.., or hlg Ilea pie. I b ege thrp p Ihlnl;P, In 11111 mpUNur .. : orthodoxy. happin ess and a !l:r"at ser Ill"n . L"t him know that no !llle at th ('se ma y ue olit,/iin pd . ('X('I'pt as bl ~ b)' · P I'od u I't. It 1M rille ' ~ hy ·prorhll'! thnt oftenest " ;\('8 t h.., rll~tory al,d ollr blls ln e~s. II \\'111 bp a grell t ~avlng IIr mt He lllplO l'pd liMOI' , dllll c llit labor and ~ Incrre dest re whl rll I. ~ lIl'e to 110 dlsol' llulnt cd, It our preol' hpr sbull cens 10 expect ,,!t he r of th t's o tbl'(,o valuabl e things to come to bls bnnd . hy starttng out to c n'ate or ohw In pHlie r of tbf' m liS th e IIrst and lIlaln obl .Cl 01 hts e n · dt"llvor. lI e canno t I; et a IIl'el1t sermon wtthout IlUllplno!ls. In mind !lud telDller; nnd It /D UHt be s1Ich bappln !'MI! as COIll 11I1I1I1I'al es It ~e lf to hl8 alldh\llce . In fine contllglon. He anr! bls audience Illu st hO\'e 1\ ",hol .. some regard. I\ I ~o , ro r ortbodoxy- ortbod oxy being. o r rourse . onl y what the constituted aut h orlt l e~ . wb a teve r t be y ar.. , a~c e Jlt III t ru lh . It mu y not be t he tl'lIth . I ~ ma y be less : It IDa), be m or e. Truth Above All. Ortbodoxy Is, bowe\,cr, no t the maIn Ih lng. Truth 18. PUl you r plow In for tbe bArYest of Trutb . a nd Ull to the beam . T h en you are like li est to turn lip a hidd en pot of gold. old and s ure to be admIred. even by ~ be dull folk who orten get a-weary waItI ng fo r :hings richer tban pots to get ri pe. Happlne88 Is 11 cblld wblch wise llnrents Il eve r pray for or anticIpate. Set your li fe upon holiness; work [or It, Hnd you will ha ve ha ppIness. Hapvl n ess, wlthollt s uch a fatberbood as only a life Bet upon bolinesH gives to It Is a poor. bastard , ftlw8Y8 hom eless, a nd not a little r agged. An II lml esA, drudging un d gloomy thIng Is nny bappln ess wblcb blls been oonceh ed a nd horn without bollness alld self-sacrifice as It s father anr! m otb er. It usnally dI es teet bing. It It lives It III sc rawny, gels Ill-tempered, requires ' to be petted and bOB tbe sel f _ consc~ousn e5s of a poo r egotism. Start out In uny manner to be hnppy; let that be the muln thing. and you will Boon see h ow ml 9f'ra ble you cll n be. T be birt hmark of se llls bllCss 1l(l01l your olTSllrlng called balJplneS8 will d evelop Into II ~ UI'I' . Follow After Holiness . On tb e other bant'!. d e t er mine by s weet com puls ion o f a vIsion of God's holiness to fo llow afte r 'ho liness . Hea r and obey tbe ('ommant1: "Be ye boly, for I am hol y." Pllt out or' )'olir lI ead and h eart nny vls loll of God hlmselr wblch could possibly make h1m say to vou: "Oe happy . ror I am bappy." Follow God's deep ~r joy, until h e leads you to bls Calvary ; behold Ilnd ,l ove your Chri st. wbo. "for the JOY that was se t before him, endurfd t be cross ." Ilnd you cannot fall to find t he by-p roduct of happiness wrapped liP In a joy Ilk e his "'ho reigns from hI e cross. All t hat I b llve said of bapplness Is t rue of ortbodoxy and tbe great ser· man. Tbe ro Is onty on e main tblng for us, as the r esult at any religious activity withIn and wltbout onrselves. nnd that Is to get trutb and get men und trutb togetber. This last- t be brInging at trutb and men toge ther, on good t errus of perlij uas lon nnd profound allian ce-thIs Is tbtl grand la bor wbose by-product, In tile form of Bpeecb. Is a great sermon_ Hefuse to make tbe slightest deUber· :lite el'fort to make It. Be bappy In try l n~ to be boly. Be ortbodox In being ' I ruo. Tben be Intent on making men better. Let us put the plow In up to tbe beam, for these alone, Rnd tbe least of us wlll now and then Dnd a great ser· mon gleawlng from bls plowsbare.


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111.': recenl coronal Ion. 01 Kin/: I I)l/r"O~e of "al'1'y lllg o n t mrle with t lt e I;eorge a nd Qlleen 1I19.ry at Del- ~;n st In dl eA. Ill' the adddl e Of t.he cen hi mark e d t lJr' firsl tlDie In tbe tllry trlldill~ Bett leme nts had been e s V>1mtever may be Bald of the ex· !l lltHll s of tlte BI'Hi~h crown talJlfsh e, 1 at Bo mbay. CRlcl1tta. MR' .Ing of Portugal, be bas a 8uvlng sense Ib u t the fi:ngll Hh "n lp ror of In· dras. IIl1 rl uther Illaee8. At lbe end 01 Dt humor. Incontinently dumJ>t'd out Df hIe rega l poeltloll . ho makes b ls dill went there 1<1 lit' 'Tllwlled In the the IIl'xt 100 years. bowever, i':ng ll sh bome near London , tram which va n. b eurt of hi s vnst ARlalic dOlllinloll8' I Inilu elice In Indln wus practically ex· and th e re 10 1'0colvo t he ul!(~ lamatlon8 tin ct. Thp l-'rench. IInder leaders of tI,ge pnln I he ca n watch the .dforts of a nd 1I0mnge or over 300.000.000 of great ability and co urage, had a llied tbo!!e W a dethroned blm. Down In his his s ubj I'ts. I lhenl sel\' Cs With many of the n a ti ve l eart, of course, tbe r e mus t be anger Th e flr s t recognition of the India n prl nce6 and wer e rapid ly obtain ing comblbed wltb regret tbat he Is no empire rn Englund was In 1877 wben I grent power. In le65 than b a it a dozen V)nger (he omcla l head of hili coun- Disraeli. tben prime ministe r of Eng· years con ditions were completely retI.·; bilt Ir we may _believe t be reportll, land. per suaded Queen Victoria. 8S a versed. I hrnllgh t he military skl ll Rnd eX-ICIng Manuel Is not eati ng hi s heart matter of policy aud to con c ilia te tbe daring of Robl!rt ~1I"e. who bad held a nt on tbat or any other account. Tbe IlaUves. to a llow berRe lf to be pro· a smn ll cle rkship at Madras. Cllve'8 most recent In lernatlonal gossip that claimed em press at Deihl, the ancient rnemorahle capture and subsequent d ethe dnke de Vlzeu hns fu lie n heir to seat nf tb e fumous Grent Moguls. As fense of Are a l In 17 51, against overa mea ns of recon c iling tile people to whelmin g num bers. broke the 8p ell of the role at tbe Portuguese pretp.nder, Brltl sb rule the stately ceremonial was Frencb In vincibi lity. Five years later nnd Is eodeavor: ng to so Interest an an Immense success , a nd the later the In fam0l18 ~UI'njo Dowlah ~apture<l American woman that she will bac k proclamation o f King Edward by Lord Calcllttll and contlned tbe English li p biB el'forts wllh he r money (ber Cu rzon sti li furlber s olidifIed the loy- prIsoners, 146 In number. In tbe mealdaughter IH his \VUe) must amu se tb e alty of tbat lnnd of 81)1 odor. ~q u u lor orable lllock Hole. Only 23 surv ived ex·klng, BSyS th e Cincinnati Tlmes- a ud mystery. till tbe morning. Clive recovered Calcutta the next year, a nd com plete ly deSta r . Th089 close to h im say he Is m OB t A Battlefleld of Races. l! ut.ed Surajll Dowlab st tbe decisive frank In declaring thllt be bas no a nx· A great alMS of entirely legendary lety to gain his tbrone ogaln-ju8t yet. histor y of I he aboriginal Inhabllants battle of Plas scy. whic h perm8uentPortugal. accord in g to Hev. Dr. GaA t er. e:rl s ls lu mythical a nd reUglous nar- Iy esta blis h ed tbe supremacy at England. wbo Is said 10 kn ow the sll uation, rati ve. but tbe first au th enLi cated recThe hundred year!5. fru01 the h at tle "w ill not be a re publlc lang." nut Dr. ord s go 11 0 fu rtber b tlck tha n tbe tblrd ot Plassey to the mU l lny. were occuOOliteI' believes that If th e tb rone 19 ceutury before Cbrlst. Tbls beaUc.!(ul pied iu I he lI(;qulsition und consollda. regaln c d It will he for Manuel. not tbe and mysterlons land has been a c8n- t lon at m ll<: b new t"rltor},. often by Dulte de Vlzeu . Me unwhlle the yn ung lInn ol battle grounll for l!olllend ing 10- QueRtionable meaDS . Braganza, doing his o wn Ihinklng. vade!"!;, ull rac te ll by its fertile plains The Great Mutiny. makes lise of th at exce ll p.l1t o ld sa y- and en o rmous wealtb . Hindu alld MoTh e great m uti llY, which broke out MOll ga l a nd Tartar. tng : .. Potlenl!C-and sb ul'fl el"t he cards." bam meda n. Frenchman and Englishman. have In Apri l. 1~57. wa,; du e to tbe wilful wugr d fierce war s for Its possess ion. disregard of til e relI gio us prejudices Tbe old question. "Do lI ghtni ng erec ting dynnslles und e mplreR amid an d cas te customs of Ibe nallve 801There was much fi erce fightrods protect?" ba.s been r('fel-rP',1 to the ruin !lnd desolation of a devastated dlers. T ll oma s A. Edison. nn d M~ . E dl s oo reo country. Ing, e~pcclo lIY a t Deihl. Caw npore oud plies : "One cr more metallic ca n· Prior to t he first Mohammedan In- at th e defense oC Luckuow. Tbe relief duclors at Il'ost one Qurll'ter In ch to vaBlon at tbe beginning o f tb e e le ventb of tho latte r c Ity b y Sir Colin Campdlamp.ter of ell l'er Ir6n or cOllper. century , India was lbe seal of nnmer- bell practi ca ll y broke the bllel! of lbe Nllna Sah ib . wbo massacred witho ut j olllta. w ben connected to a ous Buddhis t kingdoms no one of revolt. s urre nd ored prisoners Rt C~wnpo re. proper 1I 11l 0nnt of metfJ lile surfore which would see m to ba ve attained com pl etely disappeared . and Ihe able "onnecte d wltb a perman ently dllm p any <l ell nlt e overlordshlp. Tbe founders be longe d to Invudlng brancbes of f'ar tb , will cer t a inl y prote ct 1/ bous a the Aryan race and were the ancestors I t from be in g IllTeeted by lightnIng . of thA Modern Hindu. The Sultan 1 Any mp.Jollic s urface on fo:>f" . etc .. Jllahmund was tbe fir st conqueror wbo ""h e n conne cled with rorl s. wIll In · permunently establi s hed .t he Mobam'Teuse protectlon." Th at OLtg hL to se t· mptlnn power In India. ubout tbe year 1001). During the ne xt 700 ye nrs fre· l ie thu !. qu e nt Invas io ns by tbe followers of j',lohummednn tight ene d the s frong ~ot 10llg ago a New YOI'k tea drink , bold of that religion on the country . I'r \\as repol·te d 118 suy ln g Ihat G6 About UIls time. a series of fi erce 1·P- Dl.S· WI)l·th of Len would make twl ~ Inroad s by tb e Mongolian and Tartar liB IJlElIlY Cli PS of beverage nil t he sarna bordes from tbe nortb threatened the "01111.' ,.eJll'e~ented III coffee. Tbls bas MU88ulman dOllllnation sntl Involved brollg ht forth II calCUlati o n s \)owlng tbe country In fresb mi series. The IIl0hamme!lans. bowever. retain-I s llli more In fav or of the ecollolllY 01 '1.'''. A pound (lr coffee tha t coats the ed tbe en1ll1re ulltil 1526 wb en Barber "IIb li c ;!I) (,(, Ilt s . It Is Ilsserted. will -scbolar. dlplomaUlt and warlike de- l!!!!!!!!l~~!!==== scendnnt of T a merlane--agalu InvadIlInk!' only 45 c ups of good eo tree. while ed tbe unbappy country, deCeated tbe The Taj Mahal . R PO ll 1111 of t ell. cos ting GO centRo will Sultan Ibrablm on tbe plaLns of Delbl tl/~ke ~::; to fiOO CliPS ot teu. So tea and became the flr8t of tbe Great Mo- rebe l leade r, THnlla Topee. was bangSubmlulon Essential to Prayer. I·!)"IS fr o))) one-tourtb t o on e·thlrd aa guls. His grandson, the celebrated ed. Tile last great Mogul. I!nown as If you bave any trial which seems OilH'h :-15 l'ofTec. Akbor. 'was the grentest Aslatlc mon · tbe King of Deihl. was sentenced by Intolerable, pray-pray that It be rearcb of mod e rn times . He brougbt the l:lst re presentative of the East lie ved or cbanged. Tbere III no harm tbe whole of India und e r tbe Mogul India co mllu.ny "to be trans ported In that. We may pray for anything, S tntl s t klon le lls us thot Edmonton .. sway. ruled wltb w isdom, vIgor and a cruss Ule seas as a felon." not wrong In itself, with perfect free· ( ·It IIB ,I II . hll ~ only t,,·o b Ollrs 01 actual humanity, encouraged literature and As a result at tbe mut iny . the go\'- dom, If we do not pray selfisbly. One uo r kn"ss In SlI lllmer. Bibulous per. education, and, altbough a Mobam - ernm e nt of India and tbe pOwera of dlsablcd tram . duty by sicknesl may .OI1 ~ In t hat \'idn lt y can uo t nse the medan, trea,ed otller religions wltb the co mpany were transferre d to the pray for benlth, tbat be may do bls ,,1,1 PI ~ II S(, IIbOli 1 be lrl g nfl'altJ to go wonderful toleran ce. Akbar's grand- crown. snd arrangem e nts were ma de ,i'ork' or one hemmed In by Internal 110m " tn th e "ark. son tbe Emperor Sbab Jehan. Is maln· ror liquIdating tbe India stack. Tbe Impediments may pray for utterance, Iy ; e memberAd for the building of tbe yeara since tben bave see n tbo paclJl- 1bat be mn y serve better tbe truth extraordinary and b eauUful maullO- cation of t be frontier s . and the furtber llind tbe right. ' He y. :\Ir. ~lllb"rn 6HYS tbnt ~'or::an leum at tbe Tal Mabs!. Twenty tbou· consolidation of British rule. Tbe conBut tbe answer to the prayer may c(Jntilder~ lH' r He lr I he white of the egg Band men were employed on It Inces· ditlon of the j,eoplo baa bee r , mucb be as It wns to Paul, n(lt Ibe removal n.od clings to tbe }'olk . wbi<'ll Is man . santly tor 22 years, and It Ie probably ameliorated, and l'amlntl8 are less nu~f' lhe tborn. 'but. Instead, a growing ~lImr· t lm l?li nn " I(g Is found wl t.h II tbe most beautiful building In tbe merous aod less .. Iole nt tbun before. insight Into Its meanIng and value, d nq blt, yoUI world. It wall designed for tbe em· Deihl, the most historic town In In. Tbe voice of God In our soul may pe ror and b\s favorite wife. dJa and tbe capital of tbe aoc:ent ew. .tllow us. as we look up to him, tbot His eon. tbe famoue Aurungrzebe, plre, was recently the Bcene of tbe litis strength is enougb to enable us ), \\' R~ h i ll ~lon JI~Slor gl \'en In· u8urped tbe Imperial power In 1657, coronation durbnr, 88 It wae. of the to bear It.-J. F. Clal·ke. IlIlDlllla a ~ "I ~ ren >'o n for r"!llg nl 11g. Hnd ruled wIth energy and eaect for proclamation of tbe Imperial tJtle In at her worrls. If he ('/}1I Idll 't 8lel'p balf a c e otury. He cleared hIs way to of Queen Victoria. and King E.:. The Dead Put. he wasn 't going to s tunrI up every thu tbrone by tbe murder of hIs tbree , ward: . No cburcb ca:J be better than Itl •'IIn,lny nnd watcb his ,·ongr..,gatlon brotbers an.d Is allo believed to baye Tbe modern town dates back lell8 leaders wbo control It. The theo,~. pal Boned hIs fatber. He was the mOBl . than 300 years .and was founded by Ill ln's error repents fuel! In lUi ,cl'eed. powerful of tbe Grent Mogulll, bijl ~be Shah Jeban, who :embeillehed-tbe c . "'''Ile bigot's narrownell.8 III . fraud and macbery bT whlch_ be wltb many m~Ulcent mosqUe8 a04 We Intolerance. . A hor ~e tbl ef 111 Pelln s ,\'l~ o nl:l ~'n" tabllebed blH' empire engendered--;Jit.",· patace.s' wblcb ',are etJU. or. great be~u; '~be!1 l\e nleneed to 20 l' a rs III prl ~o ll . an d a red and dlBtrust .amolll ble luliJecla. tJ. ·. Th,e rema1~ .or , Bllclent:Qe!Hl,: .~. Ita wbl te alaver 'iU New YOI'k t o t .... o At bill death tbe glgantlo ·' 'em. ·the .\lank . <]f , the Jumn!'-. conlllt'1I1; 0' ~e8.ra and 0 ·8n ·. The COlIJparnliv. plre ,rapidly fell ',to •.pI~~lt '. ~ .'.. r"~!1~ .t ombl: . .rdel;l~ and .' ,Ila ..c.... ~a.IU~tl'Ot)' or ' tb 'J I~W ' In , ~Ii' ('0,;0; , The llJa/It India' oomll&lf'1 hid been do", 'an area Of about ~O mllel b! elf<; lncorpO'rated u!1cJ"'~ a .cb~er'· crUJecJ ' c~ter&!llce. ucJ PNHn a reat,$abl. , ' e~d ~rJ J.lIclr o~n " 1 b,. ,QueeD ElJsa"tlI ID leot••or . ~ eceIIeor cJ~laUo. aDd .decQ;



. ...



, The term. ",lry ("rmlna" d 068 not '\ Indil'n t .. a ll ThRt m Ight b e Implfed . It ~~~ ,~,.- doee not mean a systo m of Irrigation . RETREATING TO LITTLE ROCK but onll where all the r ain tall and I prel'lpltlltloll II' ~tored up a'nd CllD' De tails of Battle of Salina River Dc- I 6Pn-ed In the 8011. to be drawn 1I110D. sril' nlillc nnd sano procesfle s when SCri bed by Old Veteran . W ho I "J' U It ma y bt' r""lul red to fo r wllrd aod III.. W as Part icipant . cren"o t he ~rowth of gru ln . In ('('rtulll sel' tlons or the CRnRdlun Ttl li t' 11 j;ull s /lt lt II lIuli t ht' pro t))'I{'- '''!'8t 88 \\'e11 a. In tbe Amt1r1 can. tor of a hll<lOtill~ /:111 "'1')' ~c ' eu\' I II b l' \\, pst. t/lere te a portio n of tbe ('OUD na tura l for n ,'('I,'ra n of thl ' ('I , il wa r tr Y In which Th e soil Is tbe very ~8t In tln k .. rin~ with the nlt'I 'I,,",I"'1 of fo~ thn grow ing of ce reals. but th r lll(:9 li nd 1'1 ' n h"f'r" nud IU ' ''It' II III!! g"o~rnJ>h"'l\l locations and r e lnt lv & th (l BIJlnlif' of "arlrlllg,'s .lo h n II, t·,..·· po,;ltl on tn tilt' r81n a.' eoues , <1 0 IIOt cllebnllg h kl.'pp. Il fllm illnrlty \\ 1111 hlR gh'f' the nll\'untngo thnt other port ~ ' ·ollth . III Ib ... wur he was >I "ohliN possess In tue mlltter of preclpltntioD . ~f th" 4t 1t h Iowa Inf:lIllry /,('/:ltncn f I Agrlrultnra I sdence. bowevtlr. ha s Afterward he h"" ' anw a • I1111' I' s II 0(11 (' I I been mltl, lng TRpld progress durin .. with HulTalo Hill. Wild 11111 a nrl o th I' tbe past fe w :ears. Dud It la no w 118. persons or ~I m llar IlI·ofes" lon. li t.· ... .. c l' rtslned Iha t It Is not altogetber the lain " thfl OPllrorUlI(, c of Ihe fronti.· .. ~ number of illl'll l's of ruin that I~ e~ . mOil . li e ('onrt'g~t'ti to t he 11):1 ' nr ti:, Bentlal to l be growing of crops, but thouRh n caslla l IP IPs.ser \\.'Oll id 11 01 ap' li lts conR .... ~al lon. nnll t bnt Is tb& m"onlng of "n ry farm in g." "Dr" pro a<'l, tha t 1l~lI rc by '''' (, Ilty .,,' a r~ One of th" 8101'11'8 thaI Ill' tell s In his Farming" ma~' well be applied to dIshome anrl plar .. of bll " lne8~ III ('hi trl et8 wbere tllPre Is a beavy ra in fait C'OIlO Is of Ih e bailie o f Sali ll" rh·", . and bener reS1.I1I 8 will follow . T b. Aritan sas . April 311. 1~ r.-I . HIl II Is 11" educatlon of the public Into these no .... 10llo'\'I!: m et bods. Ilo t D!,\\' eXllc lly. but 8UCtt "Uf'Il . SI t'('1 's ('xpe tliti01l \\ n. N" a s ba"e had sntlsfactory demons trn . tre ating b efllre th .. H(I\'a lll'(' or l it" tl on , Is n o t ulone tbe p urpose of thee. l ~ onred eTR t e nrmy l h at h",1 \\'hlpp<'d dry.formlng Congrl'sses. One Idea I_ (l e ll . nalll, ~. \\,(. hRd dOl'" nllr Pllrt to bring Into life and Into operation. In orC1IJlying the ArkallsnR "01l ntl'Y tbe great areas of splen did l and lying down to ('amde n . bu t Ihe n.'<1 rh'rr within wbat mlgb t be termed semI. pxp edltlon in northern Loui siana \\':\8 arid. 'W ithout pla('lng th em under the broken Ill' hy Pr,,"e and Kirby Smith N!lItrlcUve a.nd 6panslve J)roCCHI of b efore we cou ld Joi n G I" II . Blink s li t IrrlgaUon. S h reveporr. Tho C'onfE'derato army The CongrE'ssee are attended b,. drO\'p liS OUt or our pos ition lIud ha cl, tbousands and tbey brIng represents toward Utile Rock . tlvee trom 81\ parll! or tbe world . The. " We hud been on tbe march sev..,rnl PrOVince of Alb erta. Bnd al eo of Sa!dnys rrom Cam!l.e·1l wben the en..,my katcbewan, has taken a vital Interest ca ught up with tiS nenr tbe Slllln e In the ConlTeeaes wblch bave been. r h o r. whi ch we bad to crOSB. The held in the past two or three years. crossing WtlS going to be di fficul t be- The ProvLnce ot Alberta baa made. CRUSe It was In the 81,rlng a nd tbe provinCial e:lh1bltB, dlBtriots bRV ~ river wn s flood e d . Our crossi n g. the IIhown their productll, and lut year. onl y one UE'nl' th e (llaee we htld come Beveral hundred dollars were taken In. to. WtlS lu a sharp b e nd of the r iver. prizes; thIs year tbe Provl'iice of Alwblch we were app roachin g from tbe berta took prizes ten to one tn excess conca"e side. W e came down tbe road of any state In the UnIon . AlbertA tbat led to tbe terry, aod at a crOS8 has won eight out of twenty IIJ)eciaL rand a re h el b atte ry opened tlre on us. CUPII, tbat pronnce taking OM, l.ctbBeyond , between U8 Ilnd the rh·er. bridge one, Artbur Perry 111x, nnd there was n rise of ground nnd most Jobn Baxter, Edm.o nton, carrying o ff' of t h e army I!ept on n nd passed this on8 sweepstakes. : Wben It came tori se. leaving tbe rear , gUard to bold a matter ot location tor the Congress back tbo nUack. The 40th lawn reg.l· t()r 1912. tbe CIty of Letbbrldge, ment was In the renr guard Dnd we which bad put up a splllndid figbt fol' b elped prevent Ihe advance of Lbe It, secured t he Congresa by a unanl cne nt ); . W e fonght until nightfall. moua v ote. It Is expected tbat the "When lhe day's fighting WlIS ove r LethbrIdge Congress will be the larg. we wlth']I'!' w be hlntl th e rise 01 yet h eld nnd will be the hl ggest g-rolllld . The s lo(le ":ent down to tbe con,'entlon In the hIstory of Western bottorir lu n,1 of tbe river nnd It wa~ Callada. In cmIlhaslzlng hi s JnvltA wet:- T W(,ll t t o- Hleep sitti n g tlon to Letbbr idge , one of the BPeakagaillst a trM truol, Bn d In Ihe morn · ers said h e had just recplved a taleIn l': I a\\'o l\o III <'old water up to m y lTam from !\Illgra th (neat Lethbridge) ur a~t. It was stili early in th e year . stating tb at or one thousand acres or t he morning of April 30. All th e bot- whOjit ju st tbrashed Hetbershaw and: tom hnrl been noodml In the night arid Bradshaw bad thras he d ~7 .000 bush.. t h ILrmy hart to go through t h e water ele. to the po ntoon bridge that was laid -Literature sent alit recently by tb.,. U('I'OSS tlt e c ha nne l o f th e rlrer. Canadian Government Agents, w bleb. "While the erossl n g was goIng on will be sent postage tree on IIPllllcathe r l?n r gunrd hnd more fighllng to tlon, te lla of hundreds of 8ple ndl d! do. We 'wen t b a(,k' to th e l'lse of yields In a~ parts of Weatern Canada. _ g rOUlIlI IIntl took Ollr position t h..,re . n nt go ing down to tbe cross roodH , e Was the Man. Tbe ri ver bent b ehind us ami camf' A you n g New Haven man, returning around to the left nnd right In a big home from a health trip to Colorado. bow , 110 that 0111' line could exteml told bis fatber abou t buying a s live rfrom water to watcr and preVCnt th e mine for $3,000. " I knew th ey'd roper eb elR t ram getUng to the ferry. We you In!" exclaim e d. the old man. "Sofought from daylight until noon. By you were ass enough to buy Il bumbus; that time the r ebels , we re ly ing five mine." " Yes, but I dldn 't lose anyand s ix d oon ·In three lines on the tblng. I formed a company and Boldo Rlolle o f the hill . bait tbe s tock to a Connecticut man. "Tbere waa aile batte ry tbnt we for $7.000." "V-you did." gaaped lb. cotlldn'L take for a long time. though old man as be turned wblte. "I'll bet I'm tbe one who boug ht It." "I know you are." coolly obsened the young man as he crossed bls lega and tri ed to appear very much at bome.


Juatl)/ Punished. "Wby, bave you dl scbarged Rlcb. ards? Do YOII tblnk becol/se be bu r e acbed the age of forty -tlvQ thllt be Is no longer use ful ?" "No, tbat Isn't It. Wben I wa s comIng Into the clly on my car the other morning he got In front of It at It. croeslng and wae ao slow tbat In or. der .to avoId runnIng blm down 1 ball to lose nearly baU a minute. More. First Kid-My papa's got 110 mu c ta money be don't know how to Spenti It. Second Kid-That's notblng. M y papa's got 80 mu c h money that malU ma can't even spend' It. The ChicRgo Fire could have been P~"" vented " 'ith one pnil of water, but the w8ter wu not bonlly . Keep a bottl~ of Hamlin" Wprd Oil hnndy nnd pr.v~Da the fier?, .,RinA of . .

"We Fought Until Nlgr,tfall."

In Boaton. . Te~cber-Waldo, nllme one of tb. bait known character. In tletSoo'. Waldo (~ed Dve, superclllouSIY)santa Claus.-PuCk~

we cbarged It repeatedl, . At last we were succes8ful and the guns were oura. I went to tbe caissons and In . Dr. Pierce's Pellet., !mln, ftURllr~n8ted. one of them I found a big plecj3 of sey to take a li candy, regulate Rnd invil!0r. \te .tomlch, liver pnd bOwels. Dt. .n ot KT'pe. corn pone a nd I divIded It. Tbat WIl.B the Bweetest bread I ever tal ted. It A mou se "'ls afraid of a man, a man lOude tbe beat mea l I bad had In two 18 afraid · of a woman, a muntb s. It was the firat tood I had Of jl ~ous ~and had in four days. . "Finally the enemy \lad ~ tbelr a~alnBt UB, mVeTl'bOdy, '11 ioel$ ·the. l,leIBt·ro;,~. ,



- -,-


I NICKNAMES ON THE OCEAN Tradition Governs Them Amonll Americ an and Engll.h Sailor. a nd They Never Alter.



III Iii I' .;\11I eriran IInei l~ n g ll 8 b nllvles, as we ll its III Ihe m er ch an t murlneij, a r e ronu( 1 III (; koalllf' ~ tba l hill'e lJeen in U ~I' ~1 1I ('p. IJI>l'ore !II e ll drea m eel thut t b el'l' was ' uoLl O il Ibe ot h er ~ I d e ot tbe w,'s le rn n!'ea ll . Tradition , 1Il0st jn Dc' xlil l ... nf nil r ll i ca . gO \'Pr n s t h em , Hnll tll f')' 1\I'l'l'r altl 'r. whet h er til e 8111 [1 ,'Iell rs 11'01 11 I h I' l;o ldl'lI (lnt t' o r r r o lll LOllllli n 11l! I' k H. SOllie 1:1' I no nlc \( ·

Addition of Some Carrirr of Phosphoric Acid Supplies One Elemont 01 Plant Food That Is Lacking III Most Ohio Soils, (D y M. A Rn("hcel1, ('oll~<;,'


A g ri c ulture, Oh i o Rtote Unlv('r Hlly .)

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, Crafty Orien ta l T urned Tide in Bo xer Re l/o lt by 5h"o tlng Man Prote ct ed by "Bulle t Proof Oath" (By S. ~r. C LI :-':TU:-: . ) Ilnrl Y 0IJ5",·,·,·d tn t bo selection 0 1 tile - Fri end Ilf the People, \\' 1111 tl"" a nllu al pro du cl loll of t' l o~o 111,,1'1 1111 ,' . to !breI! ' bliliull s or IJu<lIel s uf C(II' II \\' 11 11 11 rll a,.hine ill whil'll Ilw bllll' .. hangl la l - YlJan f-l IJl Kill, (' oil ed und til " I' r (, " allillg 81'll r d ty or farlll ,lt e" \If ('om a ,',' lIo""'; whll .. III " h"rl . h e lp . tli t- 1:1!'tl l ers (If th lH Cllunl ry f l.OIlU,1 l H !~ ll j nll Ibtlfl . 1-; lI ti ua ll \' Ill o re "11,,1 :-i lnJIII! m a ll of l ' h in i l, " to \'nrd~ w ou lrl I", I1t l<-rl )' UII "I,I.. 10 lIurv l'HI ; or I",;s trlluh ll' tr,1I1i I t", ilUlld l"8 "h"111 I II<' " ) ~,, o f all th r' wn r l,l l ocia)' t hclr c r il l ', \llIl lulJl hu!"" u I,a ll d". . ('nldllll~ "II till ' ~1I'hlJl (' 111'11 III In).: Hr,' 1""II,·ll. Ill,,' h' ·,' n ofr CI'N I Ih" F'orilln a h ' ly t h i H ('1I 1J1 ti t\un o r a rra l f !==

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I ll" 1" 0 :' 11 }, II h l~h, h , ' /H 'C' l(':-; ~.; l it d J.,:;t \ ,lilt :->U P t' l 11 1...1 Iii. g l l ll i li f \ 11, · n l v lt . 11 11 I~ (rllllllll~ dru,r h ll1l 11 "lIl1d l~~ ;tr l d d r-ti l' it in ! O 11 1"( II I 1 I I II t> JI""'(''' i R r l''IIII1'"' ' I" 1'1111 it. .\ I'P '')' 11,' 10 I II' " ,, ' . ,. ,a d np ' ,~ r nn c e( J," Some Resu lts Obtain ed lit the Ohio E x periment Station W i th Reinforced i .I a d ; ,'· II I' 111 11 1 . ' I tI' if ' lly ·· f; l ltl ~"; tJl E* I 'win d r ows Wh l !f'(' I I nl ll~· quh-I\I)' IH ' h U Tl d \' a { l: u ' lil1 J( ' 11I i Jo.: a kJ rt l('l tll:l l r'\I( s : yn nd I !a' lJord pn ; of ll i H own c 0 1lu lry 'li i ' Ji,' Illr 'lI lI TIt, " TIl I- p etlo .l ac"" or e lf'\'u tl:'d t t) \\agu IlH :t ud Ira ll l t"u tu tlH ' . il TH} ltt' S p , ':tkH no 1 ~II1 g- u:\ ge IJtll hi li Manure, At the L eft, th e Produce o f One Ton of Untre ated Yard Ij tnl'l" "~ I " "' II ~ ." ;11'.1 III " ""I·i gnlill).: oflkt'l', silo,; , til .. HIIII"JI " .. I" " l' 1(, lto" grl.lll 1111 , l Il li, Manure . In the Center, the Produc e of One T o n of Untreated l Ma, "TI ' '' '\; '11' . S . \ ' ,lIlkll! );, rll .. th ('1' (I p('I'a I 111118 011 th~ 0\\'11 , III , "llli llt rYll1 en say lh:ll the nUre, At R i ght, th e Produce of Or.e Ton of Stall Manure Treated With " .. '. ' . . , " Ollltl rarrllerA 1'I Il IUl Ihal Ill' till' 8<1111 1" groll l11\ " " 11'(' 1'l) llv I' lli pn t. sl re ll g- t h '" his II rt r.... " 1 to th('1ll III'S ",: . \111 " 1.11 .. 1111 ;' 1" .. 1\I"IId \;11 0 \\ Ih n t lise or cu,.n· h a " \'I'~ llllg 1I\n"lIlnery al1d . , . . .. . " in thp. fn et that h e i s qlllLe genem tt y Flo ats, . I Ollllll ) 1'11'1''; '' "''' " lli p l>o" I ~\\'alll . 'he silo t ho vnlue of tI, el .. cor n IHlIll I n hl .. ti lli g ' o,n, lil e old pl,lIl l(l" of " (,hl p,;" lh,' 1'," 'Ift"""", " .JIIIII1I), Ihn ' gs" 1]11 ,;\(1111-( lUI' ('.1 " " ~n <l If'u\'llIg Illo nnd Orml)' b ell el ' ed, tbrou g hou t Ihe Cont-reu. Is rpillfon 'foil In Illill(> ' I so li Is dp l f'l'IlIi lleli by th e (Ole ll'I'lI t nl 11 11. I'''tl l,,' r . IIl1d " ~III1 ,," lll e 8ultrna k . HUlll(s- \lllich ('onlaln ov(>r 411 jll!r I!mpl!'e, t o b e patrio t i c, fllI'ollger ; manum Is rl'llIfur('pl l 1'01' LiH' plunt fooel I II 1f!lIst abundant .. , T tHtl ' I t , (If II 11' II1I H I r P f' t II II g nl I ti e 0 r tIe I Jli s d epo ~ ILion f!'Om Ilowe r rO I' ~ r .-- Tht ' Sq l l dil Y ~la~ i lli n ~ . \,~ £'1 ('Iem e nl. i n lLte II I'e 1 '0 J;:f! soil, Is pil ot!· sa in e r e a su n. 1. ll •• to llJHk f' iT n s trO Il Acorn ('ro p- III I.h (. fipl<1 to decay , Is en- th r ee yenrs, 1!108 to ] 9 11, was dlle to ~l' "rol' pruduc er . By l'el llrnl'c" "I"lIt o r ,, \t ork IIci li . tlrely l OO wa~l('rll l n nd 1I111 6t g h'e way his b av l ug rertealedly compelled the manure Is lllea nt t h .. :ul,l i; Ill il 10 It of to more l 11lfln 81 \' e m et holl s, lIluncllll pri nces to r ellnclllish ce rt ain T!ll rd . it Is profilalJl e, At. t he O hio I SMOKING BY THE SMALL BOY 110 1110 carri er of ' P\tO ti l,IIIJrl c udd . experllll nL statlop-, \\' ooslel'. II tOll 8 Thi s 11I I'fIIl R of ('Ollr!'e Ihnl some ~evenu es whic h t h er were u sing for Th pr e lLre tbreo r{,f1 ~ O I I~ wh)' llHlllure of manure upp lled to t h o ('orn I'rOIl III How the Question W as Smoothly and kind of 11 modern (,O rll han' t'~ t er must private )Jurposes, that h e might h ave s hould havo som(' p h osphu rl<- :lI'ld nd,l· t he I'olatloll, COI'Il, wb eal n nd c lo ver. b e u sed . ~ o tb e co rn b ind er hMS toe- 1II0ue)' to build up tile army ahd to Easily Se ttled by One Wiso ~ d to It: Firs t , IlIU IIUI'" i~ 110 t It w ell· gave nn uvel'Sl!;e Inc r enso for th e I>UB t co m e n pcnn nn l'l1l thlllre 0 11 a Insti l ute r eform s In th e school s, Yuao Fath er, Harvester M Ade of Steel. bit l anced plant fooll , A tOil ,'u ll la ln s 17 y eurs of :13 ~~ bu sh el s o f COrll, 10 \-I" l arge nunda'" or w e ll mnn:lg cd Curlns alwll Ys see lll ed to hllve In m Ind BOmlt (I n Lbo average nbout 10 1)(I IIIId s of ni- bush el!! of Wh eat and a bou t 1.41) U ultim at e b enefi t t o th e people at "Th p qlll's i ton or slIlO\tl ng ca me up Is doubl ed, Nothill g Is wasted . 'Wh en Ih rougbout th e corn he lt. trog.\n, about 6 pounds of I , ho ~ phofl(: pounds of c lovel' ba y , .on lUI u djolu, In h aulln l': rol'll fodde r from the la r ge, regardl ess of th e personal wish. earl y In o ur I lt lll ll y . Luwr,," ('e hus 0 1- fodder Is led wh ole It Is lr aillped Into acid Ilnd about 10 pou lul s of pol as h, Ing plot 8 tonI' of manure, to whleh w aya ue"11 j;reatly aUrar t ed 11), wbnt the ground , th e husks, IJl ades aud fi eld to tb e ~ hr pdder or whPl' I'\' er Il 1& es (J f tile ru lin g dyn as tr , "{'here ought to be more pboij phorlc had b een ndded $1.40 worth of ground h e co n sld ,' l's ll1 !tnl y lI('collq,lIshmentti, tender !Ops only nre unl ell br th e desired , low ·whe el ed wagon s are best. Tho In c lden l thDl brought Yuan to phospbate rock or tlOiLtS. Incr Clised the tbe notice of the crafty old empress If h(' bud IIpe n hro ugllt 1I 1) III a Purl- cattle wb lle Ihe stll lk s, whlcb con tain yie ld of corn 29% bus hel s. th e yi eld <If dowager and tbe admiration of the tan ntlllo s ph t? I·I). h e would h ave sown Borne of tbe m ost valuab le rood 'ele· wheat 16'h bllsh el ll ILnd the yield 01 m ents. are wasted, rorelgo dlplomnts occurred while be 1111 alJllndulIl n o p or wild oatH- SO ciol'er hny :1,400 pounds. Th e pbos Corn that Is n ot put into the Silo ~real to h im Is ' Ih e ,(/1l1ll0UI' or the phorlc IIcld hnB b een r espon si bl e f( r f oriJ l<ld E'1l t ll lil/l . If It Hn vo r s or fllUb, Is torn Into btls lJy tbe sbredder, th e Ii bu shel s d c orn, li bushel s or when t Ion 01' luxury, It ber olll es alm08t Ir- stalks bein g l'edu c~1 to 0 8 line a con· and 1,000 pounds or c lo\'er ba)', Six (litton IlS the bln des, tops and husk s resIstibl e. bushels of corn at 40 cenls are worth and I s I~O greatly rell sbed by live " l-I e \\'n ~ only rOl1r t p{'n when we no$2,40; 6 bushels of wheat at 80 cen ts stock of all kinds tha t It I s eaten up are wort h $4. and 1,000 pouuds of ticed II Ruggl's l iotl of ('i gure lt e !UUOlle clean, about hi lli . clover hay are worth t hls y ear any· The modern corn, huRker wil l hu sk "'lIa\'e you be n ~ mo king, my where from $6 to $10: If worth $5. the all tbe way from 500 lO 1.000 bu shels total vn lue of the Increase 'Is $11.40, boy ?' bl s faliler usk .. <i In 11 tone un- per day, th e output being regulated Tak e out the firRt CORt a nd $ 10 Is l ett sUf/:gestl vp. of r ebuk e, 1. ~ \\'rellce ad- . by the C4)ndltlon of tbe corn and the Derrick for Loading. as net prollt. T hat Is nbout 700 per mitt ed that h e hlld . ' I should be sorr y weather, The husker does Its be sl It It slop ped YOllr growtb or In jured cent I nler est on the money Invested work on bright, snallPY dnys When the These have a platform extending out your h pn r l, so t hllt you cou ld nOL go In th e fertilizer, corn Is dr¥. This machine snaps Ule over the wheels, and tbe corn Is eas' In f o r lIl hlellcs at college,' his father Acid -ph08phate mny alRO be used !ly loaded and unloaded and muCtl ~'e nt 011 In a (~a s uul ton t' o 'I w ould can be hauled nt a tIme. The ·May Bo Compared to a Tub, for r einforcing manur e, It can be ap' ruther y ou · did nOl o tr you do care An Ohio farmer, writing of the con, the. ·.lIlve. of Which Aro of Differ-' piled just before the .. taf)le Is clean ed v er y I11l1 c h alJ out It. I will give eac b or after the stable Is clean ed Ilnd th en venlences of t be mod ern corn husker, ent Height•• of y ou b oys $100 If YOII will not smoke co vered wi t h some litter, Whetber snys: l.ast y ea r 1 had I,OUO busbels of until you are tw en ty·on e, Think It acid. If the mannre Is low In Phos- floats or acid phosphate Is u sed , at shocks . I hIred a man to ov er for a few days. U ' )~'O~I~ I ~==+-"--PIiOrfc acid and our solis a r e low In , least 40 pounds per ton of manure that yo u prl'f er to smol(e , lind. If, after come to tbe lIeld and husk It, I have -phospborlc acid w e might as well mix should be applied , EXperlmentnl rea t eam of my own with which I YOIl h :l\'e bad a talk '~Ilh tbe doc t or, .IIome phosphoric acid with the manure suits at 'Vooster sh ow one to be about cribbed the corn. hauling from 26 to you nre not afraid of what It may do Oo.r n Picker and HUlkor. _nd aPJlJy .bot h lit t he sam e lime. as good as the other. Floata la a little &0 bushels at a load, I arranged wltb to YOll , y our mot bel' will !lnd a 1>lace The soU may b o cOlllpllred to a tUb, ch eaper but acid phosphate Is more ear, condlucts tbem between two Iron six of my neigh bors to haul up Ulo for YOIl to smok e.' "t he staves of whi ch nl'e of differ ent cQIlvenlent to purchllse, corn and fodder, It took four men to ",\ f., \1' words from ollr tl oetor treat- cyllnders on which are rastened 1I~t1e heIghts. No more WII (I' I' ca ll be put Any system of agriculture which Is load the corn on tbe wagonR In the Ing th .. m att er from a 8cl entltlc point pegs whllch grup the ears and t enr Into the' 'tub thnn the lowest s tnv e lo b e pl'rmanent calls tor t he' purchaRo the huek:s tram them , Tbe cor~ ' Is fleh.! and we had two men to three ",III permit. In our tub or soli of phosp horic acid In eome form or of "I e w, belp ed L awrence lo decide then elnated Into the wngon while thaL he would tuke the • I 00 . The -fertility. J)h08Jlhorlc acid Is th e low, I oth er . I n addition to tloate and acid olh er boy s d pcld ed as he did : this the sheUled corn drops Into another -est stave, A c baln Is no st ron gel' thnn phosphate, phosphori c acid , may be obl ended It,"- W omnu's Home Com- receptacle and all Is saved. Th e rna· jts weakest link : the fto nilit y of th e ' talned ,In bone, b asic slag and tankag.,. chlne of course shells more or l ess panlon , ~==========~==~=corn and the dryer the corn tbe more it shells, Dogfish. Arter >th e fodder leaves the snap· A flsb erman rroUi Montauk Point ping rows It comes Into contact with was l ei ling hi s rrl ends of ca l ching 0. a shredder-head: whic h t ea rs It Into huge d(lg flsh Ihat had It 'm ost n bnor- fine bits" and It Is t hen blown Into mnl skull. The nng lN oJ}ernLed on his t he barn OJ' wherever It Is wnnted tor ugh' n ud w orth less cutch , a nd found storage, In th e skllil HII till'lL was l e ft o f a Careful Inveatlgatlons, not only by Tho Old,Fashloned Way. onc e stro nr; ruh hel' llUnd . Evid ently tlHl----govefnment:, but by ruanyorthe wh en tilnt ui g dogll sh was IItlle someo state eXI>erlment stations, show tbat wl\gons. I paid f o r the bu sk lng and a ng l er who h ad r lgg('d liP for cod or corn Carl be hC1Jldled more cbenply tour men, but tb elr work put all of Yuan Shl Kal. other bOlt om fish h ad cllu!;'ht the dog by tbe IIlse or m.achlnery tban by tbe corn In th e crib and 0.11 of my shredd er fodd er In th o barn, I l too\( was mayor of a small town In 'the aroun d Its gltl ~ nnd tu r ned It. loose, hand, e xp l'rt iu r; th o Illrtul'ed thi ng to lil e, There are severol kinds of corn, lIle just U week to clean up my eUUre Pr ov in ce or Shantung, The Boxer Th at r eca ll ed Ih e sl ory of how some binders, and wbll6 ench kind ma y corn c r op In bel t 'l r shape than 1 movement was stroag and many ot fi sherm en not so gentle and human .. have Its special advantage s, ther e Bre cou ld h uve done I t by h and , u s ing my tbe most r epulaul e Ch inese w ere on fiS t he ruling Illl g\(' r t r eat th l'! poor some 1l0:lnta that sbo\l.l:1 be partlcu· two men lind ruyself, I n a month, lhe verge of Joinin g It. wb en Yuan debut pestiferou s dl1gllsil es w hen tl1<,)' cided th at be IIIlI st 1:l11e lin Impressive nre c3ught. Ge n era ll y th er e iH a ll stand again st th e f>; n atlenl 'ascendency empty beer boltle hRn rlr , and this Is or this secr et o rd er. tl gbll)' corked Ilnd t l ed to the tail of Ou e of th e l en ets ot t he Boxer faith the fi sh, w hi c h Ii:> tb row n un ck In to was t hat partieiJ1 l1 lion In tile rites ot the sea. ) t gops 10 the bo tt om, of I ho or der r end ered It )Jcrson Immune conrse, hil l th o ste:tdy p ull of Ihnt a irto th e eUec t s o f bull e l ~ , Th ey b efill ed bolli e fina lly )Il'OVl'S too mild ! IIc ,'e d th e "foreign d evils" could not Left Out Under An Applo Tree Through Someone's Negligence. for It s 61 r c n g tb, and It ('om es wi g- c.-oe.·bl-ed Abllnals Found t.o Be Gate Holde r Is Very Simple and hur t th em with t h ei r g uns, r EasJly Horltes Har,Uer Than Coallnoa g ling liP, t il t) first, onl y t o go dow n Wl' en Yua ll \V U le! invited to join tho ThouSIIJlds, doll!lrs' wo r lh of farm or cn n yon 'see slich a scene d~y aftet agaIn a nd r e pent the pe rformall(: e un· FrOID GetUns Cat. Cat.t Ie and Endure Moro BOxers be did not dare r efuse, and by Wlre. Exposure. impl em ents rllsL o ut eVE' I'Y y enr I'e' day on the rond to I.OW'1 or to !;o'hool~ til the wretc h ed t hlll g d Ies. I-' rehe did n ot wish t o Acc'e lll, becau se be oellu'se no care Is !;'In' " to plllt i ll ~ th l' nl I Oil wi ll u su all y pr eye nt rust. Sh e), Qu!mtly, wh en lh er e Is " " uee r 1J0t tle sa w dcf{'n t "h ead for them, Severall years ago wilen the coun , The sk et c h s hown h er ewith I s or a to be had, II. piece o f wood will do just .away properly or prol ('('li n,.; Ib ptll frolll t (' r f o r ~ h e 1Il1[11 em enl s a nd 011 for tho "1 will join with you," he said, try woke up to th e tact tbat th e lIu/· d evi ce which Is v ery simple lind easily "IIP(l1l one COlluillnl1-t h ;\t y ou provo -e xl)Osttre to th e wea th er . h eal'lll gs ~O'J L!H'! (>xpoSE' d ~urfl\ ces of BS well, or j ust as 111. ralo bad become pr acti ca lll' extinct mad e, nn<1 wh ere wire gates a re u!led to m e you cnllnot be h arm ed by for, It h as been mnnv VE'ar ~ flnre Ih e llIela l SUCIl :13 a m ou ldl>oa nJ, ~~IOVOIS, , , et c, ar e I I llilgS wh ic h must ue prothere was much Interes t In the \.Ilun f or pas lllr e, fl elu or ('orral It IlIIIY 811r e elg n bull el s," f rames tor h nrrows. j;r!l ill h ~ rv e~l.e r, \' id ed Character's Commercial Value, or crossing butrllio es with Gallow ay geLting 11 1I0 rse c ut In the wire, whic h Th e Boxer cOlll mlttee agreed lo the Charnctel' has co mm erCi al yalue cattle, :add a few other farm illlplr.'ll en' s Welf) S:Ort j ust a mom ent lind ('nll' lIlate Th e Galloway s ligh tl y 1'(,. Iii Oll e o f th e g r eat .. s t dllllger s or n test. nnd one enth u si as tic Box er st ood nnd sometim es m en sre honeSI: ae, m~de ot wood, To·day nouly t he .' 11 , ho w many days eac h ypnr a selrblndcr lIt!mbles tbe buffalo, ns th ey ha\' e w ire gale If thro w n l oose ly w he n cordin g to In w solely hE'('allHe It I s thick, <Iall'k , woolly coats, a!'1'! bloClty ollon, To mnlle th is, yo u sbo uld h ave agall1M th e wall of the muyor's gart ire , implement or th e pnrts Ihal m';st i s used M alle a '~ n k ~ l nlio ll as 10 the den to btl shoL at by Yuan himself politi c, or poli t e. a('('or,lIng to Bocla l Ilnd rathElr low on th e ground, be till'ongesl ar e lo ade of sleel \\' h en !'im e o! h er e xpc l\:;ive Impl enH' l11 s nrc with a n e w model Martini-Henry rille, r equirements b ecauRe It Pill'S, !l ut the Man y (:r088es bet w eeu uuf(1I10 bull s ~hese implem ents were made of w,iod .used eueh )'ea l', M~ k e 1\ table o f Lhe hOI1 ,sty and courtesy of su c h men Ylla n sm iilng ex pl nined l hn t this test and domllstlc cattle ' hllve been malh" many could be see ll rotting to p ieu:, s. cos t o f each olle. Don 't you think I t nr o not \' Irtues, They aro hflmlmald, would sett le for all time In til e minds i i i : ; ()r ~fler more ~ears l?f exposure Ih an II pre lty h eav)' !n ves t m p.nt fO,r th e eUR..oF covetou sness, They con trJ bllle o.hd at oille time ,It l£1olte<l as though of the c ltlz e ll ~ how ul1lmllo rtant was thi s cr081slng might prove succells rul. 118e Ihey were ' kno ck ed to pl eccs to tim e th ey are In actunl use . A sh n oth ing 10 self·rHspec t. thi s bO!ls teu po wo r of the foreign Th ey have A Gate Holder. The croRs,bred anlmnls w('re hIli" (eed the k,ltchen /Ire, But' "OW tllnt some ?ne to fllld out how many years no 11101'111 con ten t , and se rv e onl}' to " e,·i1s. dll'r than the COmmon cat tl e, could enr steel ' after Oil ex ' his most expeush'e Implements have ald. In bol stering up a v IcIous c bar· Th e Boxe r l ender w as r ev erentially 0. pon SlIt bll ek nbo ul tht' snme d is' t b ey lilW. In'a d e . 0 , been In use. dure mOl'e exposure and some IJr!'E' <i ' t a n c e n~ t he wlrlth of th e l!;ate a n d I!ntombed at Yu an's exp en se a nd a ct erlstlc, However, It I s a t ribute pOailre ' lOf ten or eleoVell months enc il ers tbouS:ht ""ould' mnke a "bett er lise year, they become a part of a grelll i There are Bome who pay a little to th e k lngliness of ch arnct e r that, fasten lo th is a 100/1 at the top !lnd prayers were said o\'er his gl:ave for junk . , (,' dh down nnd mak e a small pOlym l' nl ei ther f or Its m nrket. "a lne or be· of feed ahd , take on fnt more r pad II)' 1I0ttom t o hold th e gR t e well I n pla!'e 100' days, than the common cnttle, Howeve r luok for such n (r" eh year, In cne year from tb e lalit CR lI se or its Inherent worth , m en Thi s Is the man ot nerve, cunning and k eeJl the wires from th e g ro und that may be, the cross-bred lIu ima l s negligence,? As on e goes Insta llment the dealer makes a n e w clot h e th em , e lveR In Its apPearanoe so tbe h orHl's v."ill not step In It when nnd d lplolllllCr wbo Is being called lid l ess of 1>lcturesQue b eaut y than . rand tpere can be trade, ~aklng I~ the first machi n e lit 1\ wh en th ey clo no t seek t.h e subst.ance, the gnte is nwuJlg ba ck, U\lon ill China today, the pure-bred bulTalo and very much o(the ,Wl l1tet.n. corn -price .toat wouldn,:.t pur-<;hase half the -From "The f:llxth Sen se," b)/ lOllS apparent good meat than t.he tl'ue it. was l eft Ilt the end raw m~terlal for the lIew one, 'Ohnrl es H. B r ent. Angus ca.t Ue with which t h ey --had Automobile Plow. Wolf K i lls Eloven Cat .. 010S6 of tbe ,warm f ,THe latel!t. ~pro~~ment, the ne~'eg l b een, mb:!ed: J"\The automobile plow h as arrlve~. San Antonio, Te.x,-An anlmal,• .,be'ever used, "gaul',l~ , a nd ,.. the ilrlgl(tes t · paint And <aI , ·thne , goea. You sit 011 a cushion with a eteerlns lIeved to b e Q. lot<o wolC" passed IIlong ' eho,elll w lll be p,~rmltted t o· >II)J'II ·" caJj~.J;Qr.,.t;,·na.ra,!, gear In your hands, anti do\\'~ u nd er- tbe fourth block ,)f San i>e.dr~ ave~~e . pu~ ' St!IUlur; bJ I;~iiM'(I'p;~~.~';'f.eedlless , l'.J1'U''' . ... , n eath tbe machlqe the blades 'o f • ooe nig ht, and nt ,.dead plow- are 'fixe'd .': · .By , t his ' de.vJce 12 cat.B were", fo\lDd 1l(lr~8. of rand can ··be ,PlOWed du,l houses, ~n ""~~"~~,"';" 41!..4 'Ufe !;Je made 'eu,. ,tor':th41 ' I.~tl . e~ ""'D~r, ..."....... ~-;j~:. ~ ".!It . ~ ..... 1 t ~ '.- I Itfb or , ~ ~ ..... ...... , ~. \. . ~:. ;:: ..... . , .'" ' ~. ..


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t.o Production o (

o tll f;l n ;

a ll

Both Factions Offer Leadership to Yuan Shi Kai.

Some l~armers Claim That by Use 0(' Corn Harvestlng 1mpllilmeuts and SUo the Value o( Land Is Nearly Do1lbled-Blnder Gt.Yes Much hnpetus

!!"l' lli 10 ~alll Il)n'(' by tht'lr IlpparPllt " " 'k "I' l'I'Ii S"" , fl BIII .... "


1 / 1, ·

H :lH ' h


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-~-T l Deaths 1'1

+-- - - - - -

£i5.nJdta;1h I


- +-----------

( .~

Mr. H. V. Wal ter . of Lebanon, Ihas purchase~ the Daily and Weekly . ,-. Times, and as he is a newspaper man Si\MLJI~ L U. HA):sLlT lof rare abi li t.y , he is sure to make it S. 8. Hayslit died at hiOl home III one of the f oremost papers in the Leuanon last Wed nesday evening , county. a ft er a ~hort illness, Mr. Hayslit i In hi ~ c>ditorial announcing his li" ed in Wayne vi:le for many years, 'I poli cy he says.: Havi ng invested my and engage'll ill his busineM of black· own mon ey 1I1 the plants of The smithing. li e wa~ lnnrrif'd here to ! DRily and Week ly Times, and not Miss Amanda Tf'rry in Hl71l , wh o being connect ed with or beholden to with tw o child ren are le ft to mourn lany man or sel of men as to my their 1088. The funeral was held I policy , I desire to 'illy in the begin· Saturday and interment was ning that I expect to conduct the mad e in Miami cemetery. Mr. paper as best suits my purpose. Havsli t was well known and well without first getting or seeking the likeJ here at hiS old home. The adv ice or consent of anyone . While Odd fellows t urned out to attend th e Ithe policy of the paper will continue funeral, as he was R member of to be Republican on all main issues, lil willl>e absolutely independent in Waynesvi lle lodjl'e. ___ I lot'al affairs . _ ..._ _ _


HOT SAUSAGE AND BUCI{WHEAT CAKES for breakfast, I'Itcaming fresh from the griddle. THE BEST are made from

and First Prile PURE BUCI{WHEAT

1-----'------:1 !='"S~~~~~~~~!




Allen W. Haines. of Xenia, is in town. loday . Mrs. Angie Miller, who has been ver y ill, is g radually improving.


I\lrtl. C. T. Hawke will entertain the W. F. M . Soci ety of the M, E. chur 'h , Friday afternoon.


Cynthi'.l Eval1s and H. E. Hathaway attended the funeral of Mr, Clay Warwick in Dayton, Friday . M:r. and Mrs. Frank Coon, of Da nville, .111.. are the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs, Lucy I. Pratt and family.

S,"&\ITH- FUnNAS "- F , C. Carey. went to Dayton Mr Clay Warwi ('k di>tl at t he A ---) .,. I Tuesday. where he attended an in. , \'t' ry pn~ tt y W o;' ulng \VIIS so emb d M C hum eofh issister,Mn Wm .Goodell , . d t th t h f'l su rance anquet, an r. arey e COUll ry olne 0 "r. . fi t . !llze a of Dlwton In!it Wedn esday eventng ' d '1 S lh I ' I t l 'hursd y says It · ... as a ne one, 00. '. an I' rs ~ 'u rnas a'l a . ' For sale by at 5 o'clo.·k after a 10nR' Illness. I . • h M' Ad L' b .' . ' evenmg, w en ISS a l-u rnas eMI B II B dd tt r f Mr Wal Wi ck was tak en sudd enlv 111 1 tl l. ' I f M H Smith rs. e e urns an aug 1 e ,0 : . b d' learnt! Ie orl( eo r. arr y . Reading. Ohio, who have been the d M C lB' whIl e here III Septem er, an was:w i At the appointed hour t ilt' b, idal parill tha t he cou lrl not be mov"d for t y acco mpanied by Miss Pearl Smi th guests of Mr. an .rs. a Ul11S, OF COURSE , IIe wen . t 'm tl Mr Frank CI'ew en tcred th e have returned to theIr severa I wec ks. Aft er th'I:;, ' . home, afler I d hI ' " a pleasant ten days VISit here . ' th h' . D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ to 8ytO~ -'W l .IS S IS er, an . ar pa rl or tu the ~trains of t he weddin~ been conh 11 e~ to hIS room eve r SInce. ma rch played by Miss Elean or EarnHarold Howell and Russell Parlett An Alloy. Mr. Wa nvlck was for many year~ har t. Rev. C. S. Grauser pronounced left last Wednesday evening for Sb_Dld Maud marry Jack Weh- a resident of Wa~ nesville, where Ir' the words that made them husband Ch' H Id 'lI t Ph le!gh out of pure love? worked at his trade of tailor. and wife The bride looked very . u;acgo j ar\ ~l ~n a ~ H_No; 1 tea r It w as very much t ey pro The funeral took place Frida~' at winsome 'in a whi te costume and the Sib cia ~lltbure sc 00 a~ te aaulterll~d with cupidi ty, k .. h bod y was Sh'IPP ed groom wore the customary blsck, ' a Y WI e gone a 11 WID r. 2 o 'I r oc an .. t e Ulef.lll Suggestion, _ to Defiance, Ohio, for ~urial. He Auout twenty guests were present, Ice ackers commenced to cut ice Lord Luftlnfh&m (warmly) The leaves a daught:er two sisters and (l d d I' . edd ' P blil'steV0mmoners will Boon have , ' .. an a e I(,IOUS w mg supper was Tue!lday. A i'ood quality is being 11lWlIIl o'fbuilnesl enUrely. bab Jove! brother to mourn hiS demise, served in three course&. The Ga· har.rested- clear and about lIeven Wbat! zette extends hearty congratulations, inches thick Lord Punlelgb-Ynaa, bah Jove! . ..' The slang saying "it We'l\ soon-ha, ha, ba!-be nothlDg ELI () . BURNRTT .. - . . cuts no Ice IS out of date today. bllt recreation peers. y'know!-Puck. • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• Eli, D. Burnett, a prominent farm- f f Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Hartsock have er, died at his home north of Waynes- f !!.I• • • • • •_____. . . ville last Thursday night. He had • •, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,., _ _ _ • moved to Lancaster, Ohio, where they will make their futurfl home. not been very weN for several months We are always sorry to have such but his falllily had not noticed any Relatives here have re~eived estimable people leave the communichange for the worse until Monday the sali details of the death of ty. night of last week, when he was sod- George Upp, in California. M-r denly stricken with paralysis and Upp went West in September 1910, BANK ELECTION soon lapied into an unclms~ious ytate to make his home near his brtther, fro~ which he never rallied. The John Upp, who was a former resi- The annual election of directors of the Waynesvi1lv National Bank funeral took place Monday morning dent. at eleven o'clock at the White Brick The accident which caused Mr, occurred yesterday. Meetinl' House. Interment was Upp's death happened on Saturday The former directors were reWe are paying the ptade in Miami cemetery. evening, December 23rd, when he eleded as follows: W. H. Allen, was struck by an automobile, while President, Geo. E. Riley, Vice RreR.: Highest Cash Price on his way from work at the BIOGm- J. O. Cartwright, Cuhier , Direcfor Hogs, fot' shipping MISS HANNAH GRAHAM ington Fruit Tree Association, The tors : W. H. Allen, J. Will White, ah G ab d'ed t th skull was fractured, and he W88 ta- Geolrge E. Riley, C. T. Hawke, S. M' H purposes. Call us up ann ant 189 f h . r M , Al as e ken to the Emergency aospi~l, Lev Cartwright, C. S. Sears, J. B. h om. 0 er mece, rs. nna ur- W h ere his d eath occu rred at ~'I k P en,ce. ad we wiD quote you 0 c oc, f ace, J anullry 7th , a t th e a d vanced iunday morniDi', Mr. Upp wu un. - - -....--..PRICES. asre.of 71 years. , coll8Cioua and passed away before POMONA ORANOE Smce her fathen death some 20 hil ltrother and sister were notified. yean a&'O. she had made her laome The funeral eervices were held on The Warren County Pomona with Mrs. Surface, where. she was Tuesday afternoon ill Rialto, Cal., Gral~ge met with Clarksville Pomona most : tenderly ~red for 1n her de- and were conducted by Rev. Chat, on Saturday Dect!mber 80th. War, clinin. days. Watlon, pastor of the Methodist ren Keys was elected M88~er for ,the Her funeral W88 held from the bu h of that city year. He also gave an mterest.Jng Surface home on Tuesday morning,' c G:rge Elmer Upp lIOn of Henry talk in regard to the National Grange the Rev. J. F. Cadwallader officiat- and Martha Lee Upp 'was bom near meeting at Columbus recently. ing. Interment in Miami cemetery. Middletown 'Ohio 'May 2'1 1856 Tht Pomona will meet at WayntlS· W~nesvllle, Ohio • - a • . , " v i l l e Saturday, March 30th. InII' f ffi ill take OHIO DAIRYMEN'S CONVENTION and died December 24, 1911, aged 55 years. 6 months and 'l:l daYII. He ata llltlOn . o. 0 cera w VaUe,. PhOD. 135 . The eighteenth annual conventIon waa th e eIdest son 0f seven ~h'ld I ren, place at thIS tIme. _ ...__a--of tlbe Ohio State Dairymen's Asso- alt of whom preceded him to the . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 ciation will be held in Townshend Great Beyond, exceltt the brother Pelatal Savings Bank At Morrow



Former Citizens f












~. e~d llm e8

CLAY \\'Ai1WJ('1{

Hogs 1=============1




Fruits and Vegetables of all kind. BRING YOUR PRODUCE TO

·w. Hawke



Sheriff'. Sale

Beginning Monday, February 19th and continuing for nine full daYlI, the Cincinnati Automobile Show is IN FORECWSURE to be held at Music Hall. under auspices of the Cincinnati Automobile Warren Common Pleas Dealers' A&ociation. Every promise is that the coming show will outshine anything of the Wm. o. PhIlUJ:. u)Jlnr. e\c, kind ever before- attempted in the Middle West. Ha1r7 Lackey 0.. No. lUll There will be more than.5 differ· By ylrtue of an order of we. dul, ~ ent exhibitors in the pleasure vehicle I :',fto-:~ Jl"":'~~lt~~:re =~ by display alone, which is to extend over way of ..public auction. a~ Ule door 01 'he , Oourl Hou.e In Lebanon. W _ OoUD.y , t he flrst alx days (February 19-24, InOhio. 0111 elusive) and wi~1 represent every ad. Monday F.brua- 5 vance recorded m motor car construc, • tion durin .... the year closed and for A' 10 o'clock A; 11 .. eta" fDIIowlaa dMCribed reel _yo kl-wl':


J, ·u.a,


the new one just breakini'. 81&uay III the 00 '" of w_. 8i11.. of For th1'ee days of theaecond week, Ohio. and ill ,be ~ownabJp .t aDd •• bouDded and dMCribed .. 10li0. . na: (February 26·28, inclusIVe I , only of 8ec&loo Numbered Poun-'I') To p .• Numbered Three (1101 RI!IIIP Kumbend YO motor trucks are to be on exhibIt, (5) be'w.u ,be .)1 ami bMiIIIIl at this being the first lime that partie; ~~r~~~~8boD':" to a ular and exclusive spaeehL'I been al· f!'J:.::r=:~.:~=~r. lotted to this style of vehicle. l~ d~~ti t,»:.!:i.t:"~..!:.JtI_~~


===m =:

• -


The Patient Waitef'.

Prof. W. LawBOD TaU, apl'OlIOII et the new aerum cure for baT mer,

MIIll~ T1I'o (3) __ aDd Jl'O~ Allo a 1cK11II-.ld .action ~ a& ... aJre la tbe 80uUl Une of Sam • )loa~~

=-:.= 0a::.,


d = . 'r~ to eald at a medical banquet In Den"... : BOlIO BNl8ford'. lei,: ~~ fi .,,, d~ "Tbll cure I. the retlult of patl8ll~ " ~ :O~U;EJ::~. i.~;: the result ot much patient toll. la. 8 pol. 10 tbe pIIIOI of ~1UWIIr -iiiaJiii deed, when 'I think ot the patleat r::t:'u~) :.mua:.r::a=~~ nltlnr fuol ....d In Ule perfectlq .r B. QJx bJ' V ' - , IIccm UI4 ..,. Va .,.. tbl. cure, I am reminded of Dr. Beb da&ed the 18tb dar of April 4. D. II I. , Bawyer'lI ante·room. Allo 'be loUo1l'1aa pram'" ..' .... 10 ''D .-p...". ...... pro""f - - iIame 8ecUoo. Towo8hlp iUid. Bua. .. t r, B 0b Bawyer ..... ~himo. a' a .IODII1il_ Clu$Cb Into bill . ante-room one day,,,..... ' 1 0 JOdIua Wa~ &IIBacB 1110 were QuIte eight or nIne penou' U 0 po" 10 a doIIIe: Ul._ If. ~ .~, de. ~ .8 polla lOalklDe, ~. d .. there. And Dr. Bob, looklnr from olle ,., 1:. 2. 1-1. 1:'- 10 a~. ' .N. face to another wIth complacelloe, ~n~".:.-r;) .::.~=g lIald: moreorl-. ~tbe ~ to "'w.n, who com" ftr.U WIl... gl-=~':~~-.:l'fn~.,... Oou& been watUng tbe lonCNU" 10 W _ OoutF,Ohlo, ' .. 'Here, doc-that'. m....ald 8l11p 8a1d .... "tebaa~nintJ.b. .......... the tailor, rtlllnr and ftourllhJq IaI8 uader order 01 ... Ooun anile IiaiD -ii' Min. unpaid btu, 'r.e been waltlq 0,.. HllDdnd ""J' doIIan. (ISO.OO) UI4 wlU efIh.... 'lDODthal'· ~= ~~ tbua ho-Wnta 01 laid ap-





.An old rule for routing turkey it


P. P. lrORGY, . BMrUr. w_ OcIwKy,Ohlo

HaIl, at the Ohio State University, who has been mentioned, and hid sisDoc Haney, the genial postmaster "an hour for each year." ELTZROTH "1UPLJ:, A'.....,.. ~ebrua,?, 8 and~. "12. An i?te~t- ter, Ml'II. M.ary Jane Ea~hart, for- t Morrow, ann:)Unc~1I that t~at vit• mg and mstrucbve pro~Br? IS be~ng merl~ of Middletown, OhIO, but age will have a ,oatal savinp bank. arranged for the occasIon mc~udlng a resIdent of Cal.; be al80 has.a step· While he has npt yet completed his You Get All the News Through ' ~e Miami Oazette some of the best ~peakers. In the ~~ther, Mrs. Mary Upp, of thiS place arrangements for a bank vault in sta~ On one eveDlng durmg the hVlng. . . which to keep tbe money deposited. convention attending dairymen will Mr. Upp was marned to Nanme HaMY says that the Savings Departbe ·g iven a big banquet. For fUl'ther Hoff, of Leb,?-non, 0" December 28, menl will open on ~anu&ry 15th. particulars write the secretary. Pro- 1880, and to them were born three • -'. . ST. MARV'S!CHURCH feasor Oscar Ert, Ohio State Univer- dau~ht~rs, ,,:ho are: Mrs. Edna Finn, of Cmcmuatl: Mrs. Ethel Wa!!hburn sUy, Columbus, O. --- -and Miss Martha Upp, of this city. Second Sunday after Epiphany, January 14th, Sunday Sehoul at 9:80 TAKEN TO THE HOME Frank Zell took a 12.year-old child' i 0 sCldlontllDflO Madnagoment. a, m.; Morning Prayer and ~rmon ne co w t er ay some ratlroad at ]0:30; "Prayer and sermon at 7 the son of Mrs Jacob Chenoweth, oftlclals, whUe making an Inspection to the Orphan'S Asylum at Lebanon, ot a large yard, IItepped for a' moment p. m. You are invited to these serlast Saturday. Inside B IIw1tcbman's shanty to get vices. ~-----warm. Among them was a general suRece~ve ~~--- - -- l -'-- -- ' perIntendent wbo was known to bave CISTERN Cl.EANING a mania tor "Bclentlllc management," and the reduction ot expenses. AA Wm. Daughters has bought a Rethey were leaTlne, the IIwttchman haume Vacuum Air Cistern Cleaner, asked tho traveling )'ardmillte-, wbom . . I be knew: and IS now ready to clean cisterns. , "Now, can ye be tellba' mo who thot With this machine the water rioes. I mon tar not have to be pumped out. Satis"That'. the r enerall1lpertntendent... facti<m lluaranteed Leave orders the 7U'dmaater replied. . , ' "What 40 you think 0' thoU H .... at Kllbon s store. . , a folne lookfn' mon, and ye ne". • - ••- - would beU."e the tal•• y. are after REWARD OFFERED beam' about '1m." "What ban JOU beard about 111m, At the last meeting of the ProtecMlt.r wall the 'curloua qoellttOD. "WII7, they do ft7 that he wu at tive ana Dett'ctive ..association, it the funeral of Mr, MttcbeU'a woft. waa resolved to offer a reward of fifo and wbeD the Ills Pallbe&rera come out ty dollars ($50.00) for the arrest and b. nlBecl bta band IDd a&l4: 'Ho14 on conviction of any perilon or 'persons a mlDute, bo)'& I tblDk YeS CJUl p t . . be aIoq Wltbout two of tJllJD."-~ Bteah:ng anythmg from the mem ra bo47'a Ifuum.. of the Asaeciation. - - -... - • J. C. Hawke. See'y' .'

The Waynesville Auto Machinery Company


Bert A. Grant, ~inner


and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spo"ting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of aU kindse OFFICE


ValleY Pbooe 113



Tires for the Johnson' Garage. Wby not have that blow-out repaired now?

Is your GASOLENE ENGINE ' working as it should? . Weare eq~ipoed ~'! do General Machinery Repamng of aU kind•• Complete line of on., GaIOlene and AccellOriea.




.------ - -


Former Citizens , .I---



TEACHERS' MEETING The teachers of the W:yne Town·

. . -. . . . ·-· . . . · . ·~.. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . I r·. . ·· ·. · · . · · . ·. ·. . . ·--.. . .·-:----··. -.. ·. . -.. ·. ··! I

r ;.....~~~ ···-··~····

:~iras~~~~r~:v~~h~::r~n ~::~~:; L.............................. L._ ........~.~.~~~n~~ ...~~~~~~.~ ....~~lu~n ... j I . .................. _..............................._ ...........


a____ ._- -

- _ ••

tt Social Events .



On January 14. 1912. In the seven· tieth year of his age. God called into . - - - - - - - - - - - • --------~. I Eternal Life, His faithful soldier and The regular dance at l. O. O. F. Thle foHoMn&, tele&'ramhn~s no monthly ~ion at the home of Supt. servant. Charles Ewan Merritt at his hall will \.alr e place Friday evening. exp anation except to l8y t at It WIU Gilmour. home in Mt. Holly. N. J. from Katherine Frame Piper: ..- 2 All the teachers were present ex. Mrs. C. T. Hawke was in Col umMiss Emma Heighway has been The son of Absolem E. and Esther P~ena, Cal., January 9, J.91 cept Mis, Stokes wbo was sick and bUH, Saturday. on the Rick list. E. Metritt he w&s born at Waynes- Miss Elhelyn J ones entertained at To .lVllham T .• Frame, Waynesvtlle, had been compellild to give up her ville, Ohio. November 22, 1842. dinner Sunday in a very charming OIuo: .Dear ~randpa ami ~randma school work the previous w~k. Mrs. T. R. Smith was a Cincinnati Matt McKinsey was in Lebanon Ever loyal and true to the place of manner. Th e lCu e~t.s wert! Mi sse5 -I arrived with a shout Uus mom· . Tbe morning 8eR8ion was taken up visitor I:lst Saturday. Saturday on business. his nativity, she in return viewed Mary Baker. of I)iiyton. Ethel Hosier ing at eight o'clock ~d. as smart ~ by reviews and discussions. In thr with admiration and pride. his just. and 'dary [)avi ~ . Ch~ . Burnett Wanted-Girl for generul houseMessrs. Walter and a cric~et. Mamm~ IS Juat fine. . afternoon seMion Miss McClureapoke upright and suceesaful life. work. Inquire at this office. am I'OlDg to look hke her. Papa ~ on "School Room Schemes" and Miss were Lebanon visitors, Friday. The life work of Charles E. Mer· well anll ~e and mamma send then McKinsey on "Opening Exercises." C. G. Williamson arrived home Mrs. C. S. Grauser was in Dayton ritt may be summed up as a record Mr. and Mrs. George Hawke en· Monday. the guest of relatives. love. Wish you were here. I think Miss Lila Reed of Yellow Springs from Chicago Monday evening. of victory in th(> rJiBcharge of hiB duo tertained at 6 o'clock dinner Monthila flne country. With lov~ to all. Ohio, had been ' secured and gave d ties in the station of life unto which day. the following guelits: Mr. and Barbara Frame Piper. delightful address on "Primary Miss Marv Baker, of Dayton, is Dr. J. T. Ellis and Frank Elbon it ,leased God to eall him. PoSS€s· Mrs. E . S. Baily. Mr. and Mrs. Israel • - • Work." Miss Reed is a graduate of the g uest of Mr and Mrs. Frank attended the Agriculture gathering sing a strong mind, well trained, a Satterthwaite and daughter Marat Columbus, last week. FIRE AT CLARKSVILLE Antioch college and has taken special Zell. graduate of the Ohio Wesleyan Uni- garet, Mr. hnd Mrs. J B: Chapm~n work in Chicago University. She ib varsity at Delawar£>, he was well pre· and son. Charles. Mrs. EdIth HarrIS, Clarksville had a bl&' fir~ In the considered one of the best primary Miss Clal'a Lile. of Xenia. spent Misses Ethel Hosier and Lela pared and equipped for the activities ~rs. Lina Devitt, Miss Edith Mosher. early morning hours of Sunday,. teachers in Green County. Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Hartsock visited relatives in Kings of life. In the great struggle for Mpssrs. Wilson Edwards and Emmor ril'ht in the heart of one of its busi Mi'lis two days last week In part she said, that the Aldine Cad wallader. the inleg~ity of the republic he was Baily, Jr nell blocke. and the loss to the vii· ~ystem is the best Way to teach reada gallant soldier and won distinction Donald and Kathleen Henderson. laP. as well as the owners of the ing. Much better than the Ward . Mr. and Mrs, Walter Elzey are DEATHS and PI'ol110tion on the field of battle. moving in the Harris property on son and daughter of Dr. Carl Henproperty, was very great. The But that the Ward system is a thous. An intelligent and devoted church· A. L. WYSONG derson, have the chicken pClX. flames started at 2:80 about the flue and times better than the old hit or Main street, today. A L W. former well known man. he served her in manifold ca . . Y d t · . )80ng, in the ceil~ng of ~ rop.m occupied by · ml9l, 'no system' way of teaching Ml!ssl'R. Ralph Smith and Fred pacltles. ears an years as ves ry· Waynesville man, died at 2 o'clock Miss Lizzie Pratt left Thursday Georgtl Nichols wlth.h~ harness sh~p beginners to read. That teaching Hawke were in Spring Valley Thurs- man ~nd lay reader, Sunday Sch~1 Wednesday morning, at the Dayton in ~ _two atory on. Mall re'ldin&, ,properly would determine evenin g for Danville, Ill .• where !lhe day evenin&, atteJlding a dance. supermtendent. treasurer of the 1- State HOl'Pital, where he had been street. owned by Jason Hamill. and whether the child would love good will mak e an extended visit. ocese of New Jerspy, delegate time . t bo t ear Mr Wy when the fire was discovered and tht literature understand the meaning Mrs. Will Benecke is at Napol~n. after time to the General Convention a patlen a u. ~ y b ' ~ation E. S. Haily, who has been serving citizena r~hed the ~Iace the top. of of the printed page and determine Ohio, where she was called on ac- he always served and guarded her song wh~ a Pdam . r .y o~cusal'd to' .palnBtakmg .. the Btru~ture was m flames. Thf whether he would continue on in ' his on the grand jury at Lebanon, finil!h· count 0 f the d eath 0 f Mr. Benecke "8 mterests With and loya I and w Ite lea h pOlsomng f h'19 m<ntal ed his labors there Monday evening. . other rooin of the buildina- was rent school career. J' have been t e cause 0 IS '" sister. care. In the early and strugg mg disorder He is survived by his eel b" Gray Brothers for their hn Busy work and hand work was days of St. Mary'a church, Waynes· . h'ld . P I d Dr. Greenlee. of Georgia. who ,was ,Ie~ent ~re. The Duilding burned then touched upon and made very au ~ MessrR. Herbert Edwards and ville, pe served as lay reader long wld?w and !our .c I re~. several years ago, a practising phy. u did the , harness ~tock and alllO a interesting by Miss Reed, showing AI Elx Mart attende? a dance at Leb- 'and well A lawyer of eminent abi!- Lev,.. w~o hv~ With their .mother I~ number of farm Implemen~ wert ~xactly what she had done. what she sician of Waynesville, was in Har- anon Friday evemng. They had a ity, a man of the highest culture, he Sprm~ '\ alle.y, Mrs. Ada Willemborr cold drive home. ,always brought to his church and of Spring Valley, and Mrs. Le 18 burned. although some bua'&'1es wer~ had bad success with and what h ad veysburg this week. . . h . f h' Irons, of Dayton. gotten out. On the west aide was a not proven so. From her experience We call attention to thf'l ad of Mr. and Mrs. L. Nicholson lett t~llow,cltlZens t e servIces 0 IS The funeral took place at Sprinj( one-etory buildinlf, owned by Mrs, she IlBiti that it was indeed bad when Traxler's, of Dayton. See the many Monday morning for Jacksonville, gifts of learning, with. tho~ .Iovable V II S nda interment being Elijah Penquite ~d occupied: by the teacher was out of sympathy good things they offer, and they will ones, of a cheerful disposition and aadey h u I y, Florida where they will spend the . h f II f d met ere a so. Lawrenc;e Long With a meat atort'. with the home and advised the teach· h sympathetic eart, u • ten ernei8 baRance of this cold winter. purc ases I t. ~·th I'ts contenta, w~ d eat roy.ed . ers to try to understand the home of save you money on _ for "all sorts and conditions of \ --If space permits we intend to print Adjoinin&, !he latter 18 the hrlck the child better, then success would The next leeture course number men." MISS MINNIE BUROETr' buildln&, built by J. D. S~rry. no'\ crown their efforts. a description of Biloxi, Mislissippi, wiU be January 2f1th, Wilbur L. Y• . Filled with the spirit of Christ, a After a long illness, Miss Minnie owned by C. L, .Ford and oc~upled Adjournment was made Rt a late kindly sent us by Mr. J08. Mal'llMU, DSvis;--bein&, the I~turer. - Don't loyal and devout servant of his, Mas- Burgett. aged 24 years, p888'ld away by R. C. Pattel'lOn with h18 dr.y hour. all the teachers feeling they who at present is at this point,for fail to hear him at School Hall. ter, beloved and honored by hiS fel- at her home in Harveysburg, Sunday '-woods ltore. This had a fire wall, had been well repaid for their efforts his health. low-men 88 one without reproach, avenina' at 5:30 o·clock. Mi89 Bur· 'aDd here ~e flam. were stop~, In getting to this meeting. Messrs. J. F . Snook and Leroy our dear friend has passed to the gett had many friends here. as she on the w.t.adde 01 the confiqratlon. • _ • J , O. Cartwright left MOAday Iro'ns attended the Ohio Canner's blessed reward promised to the faith· wu a High School scholar, and a.tbeqll the eaves and the roof were evening- for Mt. Holly. N. J ., to aJ- Convention at Columbus last week. ful !IOul in Paradise, te enter into ~rUuated in the Clau of '06. I on at times and the buildiog It. GOOD ·SUGOESTION tend the funeral of his' uncle, Mr. They report an enLhusi&tic meeting, the JOY of his Lord and to see the The funeral took place Tuesda.v On ~ east adde of . There ill a plar. under . way at Leb- Chas. Merritt. He will be joined and everybody satisfied with last King in His beauty in the land very morning at 10 o'clock at the Friends ,he H8mill bulldtng w88 an alley, anon tor merchants to close their on \ ht! road by his brother Chas. M. ast yea r's business. far off, yetalways near. J. F. C. church in Harveysburg. Rev •. L. O. ~ the flames jumpel ac;ross it .a nd at 6 o'clock, . during January Cartwright wh~ left Chicago this ; . • • Thompson, of this place, officiatinc· IMamed Dr. F, A. Batten s office and &nd February. and in all probability morning for Mt. Hollv. Dr. Paterson ~f the OhiO Socie~y A VALUABLE QUERY Intennent was made in Miami cerabis bam, and came near th '. will ' cceed ' '. I for' the Prevention of Tuberculoslll, etery. -~ naideuce but by hard work th .\ cit ~ ..eame _BU I d hI t Mrs. Fred Hartsock and I~ttle i of which Gov. Harmon is honorary "What are you to do, my br~er. lzena ..;ed the latter, although it ' keb ~= as Ie. ere as f daughter, have returned to their Vice Preside.nt, will. bring a n~nlber men, for thia higher aide of human liltS. WILLIAM THOMPSON wa. damaged. Mrs. Lizzie Wykoff. ~ ut fm • ~~re IS no us~ 0g home in Cincinnati after a pleasant of lantem shdes to Illustrate h18 leeU life? What contribution are you 1'0Mrs. William Thompson. wife of Pen durltn three week's Visit with relatives ture on The Great Whito! Plague. ali who occupied rooms over Dr Bat- °th! m~rch~t8 ~eeldP~nlr °h • 18 extreme eo weat er, as he H k' th M I Sct · I H II Fr'd . t ing to make of your stength. your Wi1li.m Thompson, who residea on, S d tAIn's omce. leat everything ahehad. b-ade dont pay for the )ights and here. Mrs. artsoc s mo .~r'th ra. 8 !o~ k a Dne~~ .1 a~h~ve~ID:. a influence, your money, youreelf, to ., her houaehold goods and. even f50 coal consumed. Besidel, it gives Laura Moshder , ~clctompam em 0 c o~. on mw IS ec ure. make a cleaner, fuller, happier.larg. Broatlway, died suddenly on, un ay morning about 8:15. Death came abe had saved. It was a big fire for _ merchant' time to spend at home for an exten ed VIS . Fr lee. er, nobler life possible for some of almost without warning, u Mrs. . the vil1!'Ce and the sufferers to ,be bet.t ar prepared for the duties _ _ _ _ ___ ___ your fellow men P" -Henry Van DYke Th . h d t been complaining The medical profession bas under. omp80n.a no the ~mpathy of -.U. Some 01 t~e of the f~lIowina' day. HAD SOftiE FINE SPORT WANTS TO RE1:IRE taken the gigantic task of ridiing greatly durmg the past few weeks. 1000ra earried insurance, some did There are other ways of bringing _ _ __ d' The deceased was formerly Mrs. • Main street had an attraction ,'Hon. Matthew R. Denver will not the world of tuberculOSIS, a tsease Samuel Morrow and hadlmany friends not, ~ut' no on~ bad Insurance equal trade to town during the day, and d d Leb to whom to hie 10ll.-Wdmilllrton Journal. but few countrymen return to town Tuesday aftel'noon---that the R9mination fol'--a fourth that causes one death out of every. four deathl which take place between 10 an aroun an~n. .. - • these cold nights, and those who do neased by a number of our citizens. term in congress. fays the Clinton the ages of 20 and 50! Attend Dr. the n~ws of her .sudden death comes ST. ,MARY'S CHURCH come to trade, wadld do the same Word was passed early in the day County Democrat. Mr. Denver exPaterson'li lecture 011 Dext Friday as qUite a e~rprlse. Mrs. Thompson trading in the day, if they knew the that the fliers would be out, and BeV· plained his attitude in substantially . . t S h I H 11 and learn was also a sister of Georl'e Staley. evenmg, a e 00 a, f D to and Mrs Enoch The Third Sunday after Epiphany BtOres were cl~ at night. eral of country people came to the following language: this no~ 0 f th~ n · • January 218t, Sunday School at 9:30 'J'Iae one trouble with our mer· town in the afternoon, prepared to "I shaU not seek or accept the h.w you can help in conquering l IS pace. · f Hames 0 a. m.; Morning Prayer anll sermon ehants is that they do nClt stand to- see some good racing. nomination for another term in con. dread m~ady ... ~ ad mi8810n ee. The funeral w.a. held from the late at 10:10; Prver and sermon at 7 p. g~ther. The one slopn for a town While there w.ere no gotten.up af- gte3s,·. and having arrived at this E(ECTEO OFFICERS residence on Tuesday afternoon at m. You are invitei to theee eer- like oura. is to boost, and not knock! fairs, .several brushes betw8eIJ the determination, I feel that lowe It to two o'clock, Rev. G. E. Gowdy hav.lees. K~p close to each other and we will horses were made. and it was a nip- the democrats of the district and the At a recent lIleetiD~ of the stock- ing charge of the services, and burial e - • have as much trade as we had years and.tunk affair throuKhout, many republicans who w4lrmly sup- holders of the Waynesville Canning was mue In the Lebanon Cemetery. ago. " C. B. ,Bentley had his pacing IIUlre. pox·ted mt! in each of the three cam. Co" the following officers were electDR. STOR K REAL BUSY Let's close our shops evenings dur- Lucy 8.; "Tuck" Rogers was out paigns in I was chosen by the ed: Pres., J. C. Wilson, Vice Pres., JOHN HOILAND 80m-To Mr. and Mrs. Roy MIU'- ing the cold weatherl i with his pacer, Rays; Frank MHler people of the Sixth district for their Le Roy Irons: Sec'y. and Treas., J. John Holland. of Spring Valley. a ~I. January IS. a son. • - • "with his sorrel trotter; Herbert Sat- representative to congress, to ap- F. Snook. Directors: J. C. Wilson, prominent citizen of that place, died .Bom-To Mr. and Mrs. F. H. SUCCESSFUL OPERATION terthwaite with Old Henry, a pacer. prise them of my intention in order J. F. Snook, Le Roy Irons, W. T. suddenly of heart failure Monday Miltenberger January 16 · a son . J F S .k . f th W· These four had two or thrt!e goes, thut they ~ave time to co over the ZeIJ and G. A. Zell. . afternoon at 2 o'clock after . only a •. • noo: manager 0 e ~y- and they surely "went some." fieM and pick a capable and worthy Mr. Snook was also rtltamed. as few days' illness. Hill condition was , , 80m-To Mr. and Mrs. Frank nesvllJe CannIDg Co., w~nt to CmThere were several more horses man for the succession." General manag~r for the. commg not considered serious and he suc. cinnati. JanuatT, wh~re he un- out today, but aa w~ are going to • - • year, and was hIghly comphmented cumbed while I!t!8ted in a chair in Miller; January 1', a daughter. derwent an operatl':>n which proved press just as they are gatherin" it WILL LEAVE TOWN for his untiring efforts in the succ~- his home, talkin&' 'to members or his • - • A LIBERAL REWARD to be 8uccessful. Some years ago is impossible to note all of them this ___ ful management of the company II fa_ily. Mr. Holland was 64 years Mr. Snook h~d his nose brokenbalnedd week. Rev. L. O. Thompson, who has business for the past year. of age, and was a native of New 1 will- pay a liberal reward to Iince that' tlme has been trout "·al·n· street I'S I'n fine cond'ltion, b th.....,· t t t th • - • b had I' ed i s ' d ro. een e ..... cum pas or a e WILL TALK ON CHOLERA Burlington, ut IV n prmg peraon who fumlahes me informa· with that member. He det~rmtne and unlesS they are stopped some Christian church here for the past ____ Valley since he was a young man. ~on which will lead to the return of to have it attended to, and 10 oper· good sport may be expected for a two years. will leave February 1st. ' Dr. Paul Fischer, State Veterinari. Funeral services will be held at I1l7 red. black and tan hound, which ating it was found n~~ry to few days, at lealt. to accept a pastorate at Pendleton, 'an wI'11 talk on "'-rum Treatment for the Friends' church in ~pring Valley I believe 'lila atolen New Years eve. remove two large bones m hIS nose. • - • I d Re h.... X . G ..:I I n . on January 20, at Opera Thursday at 1 o'c1ock.- ema aThe d~ is o..i...!.naJ and th, end of' Mr. Snook lltood this trying oraea FRIOiD WEATHER I' hed v. Thompson d k h as accomd t hoacholera, • • ~ ' A. ' B, JobRlOn. without the use of anesthetics. pF ~. a dgooh wor ere an t a· . Hou.... of zette• t . . . Lebanon. ,See proaram • b h fM . his tall...clipped. Mr. Holland was a rot er 0 rs. . . The cold weather of the past week el't')·, an t e wo congrep Ions Farmers' In&titute at LeNnon JanuFrarudin, R. R. $. •- • 0 are loath to have him leave. M Geo S' I.e tz lAuiae Woolley. ofthis place. ' ' ~ -,. • A CARD OF THANKS caught mQSt of us unawares. n J"Th h feels ary 19 and 20. _rs. •• n om'hpIOn • owever, C HQuaek eeper will be the , • - • . . Saturday mornmg t h e mercury.Wall tlu_v. t h' ch broad and G•• ' RD' O·FFERED:' REWA c, ., ' , • ' - • • • l IS new c argels amu . ak AT THE M E CHU~CH Anna M. Surface and family desire clear out of sl&,bt. ~e rt!i'lltration er field than this. and therefore he state spe ers... . - . • • At theJ.nmeeUq. 01 totb~k our many frie~ds~ndneigh. ranged from 10 to 31 belq~zer~.,. ~d can accomplish more for the Master. The Great White Plague exacts the The Rrvices at the M. E. church .. , tin 'f or .'the 'kindnesses shown us the general topic for the day W88 . -. . ' • _ • heaviest toll froID thOle in the bloom are ~wing in interest . ~ . larae riliOlved. .tcJ .iof~••~~Jll'.:~t,!'.!~.,;C!t!~.r~'c;J~ltill*,Cltl1t~~.tber~vement. Also the weather. ho~ever. ,vas '. ....., . hood cl ':-Loocl . .• f_ t '--);, I h. '-:" " r ~ plelUlant . Dr. Patenon's stereopticon lee- of early man an ,!omUUl . • cop~regabon lIS p~.. ~ '~ g ~, ·conso ~~ ~m: as high':' . ~n ' a~ School Hall, AtteI!d ,the coinin&',lecture oJ! Tuber- and tb, ~lar tb.e ' uIKlerltak4~!.' . .l!P ~gaiil ' , ~9th. will ~ too .cul<?9'11 at .~.~ool, Hall.. .~~ may marl snow f~l ' All .~ 'u.... ' to 'y~~<to .you~ an~ ~~ ~ . 1r18J'1!U ." ". • !. - .~. n-., '. . ~. ~. '• •~!" ~""!P9l'~


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The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE, Publllhir.


IM@~l1~m<re{(O) £~~ @Ir





ALLAVING A SCARE. It takes precloul little. 80meUme.. to Btut a Bertoua "s('.are." Tbe merelt , lJTespoll81ble n1!Dor may result In a run 011 a bank. and a hInt or fire may preclpltllte Ii dhastroua panIc III tact. It might be cllmeult to dl .. prove a ltatcment. If made. thaI we mortalB tborougbly E'oJoy bfOln8 Bcared. and "' clcome the a8ellcy by wblch tbla end ma)' be accompllsbed . AI &D Instance at the pop~lar luve for a Bcare may be cited the rRad lIy-ercd· Ited reports. the BOurce of wblch DQ one seems to know. that all nickels dated 1910 were counterfeit. II1lY8 tbe Mancbester Un lun. Tbe treaaury d. partment at Waah lDgtoll bas received bundreds at IUQulrles from all lieDtions or tbe coulltry. on the strengtb of tbese reporta. and the perslstellcy wltb wblcb the report s have spread bas occasioned banks and buulnesl meD mucb IncoDven lence, A. a mat· tel' of ract. tbere are 30.000.000 nick· ela at 1910 10 clrculaLlon. and. ao tar 8a tbe treaaury department know8. all are genuin e. Some of them were dl. colored In the mloling. by fumes 01 wlpburlc acid. Which give. them ao unU8ual appearance. Tbls fact ma, Ilav. afforded apparent groundl tor the "counterlelt" report, whlcb I. It.elt bogue. Tbe nickels are I(ood for live cents eacb. and there I. 110 ~ culon tor sbylnl( at tbem_

Currant BUlh Befo", Pruning . .

plallts cnn be kppt up to theIr maxi· mum product"· nell';. and at IlO Unit' should they suITer Crom lllvere prun· Illg and the consequent Icss of bear· Ing wood. The prunin g ot tlte gooseberry Is very slmplp. but In lhls cuse the bCfl : fruit Is borne u\Jon wood that Is two nnd three yenrs Old. The aim tb en tbould be to k eep up a con:.l Duou8 au;). ply of uo w vlsorous shoolB, This will necessitate the removal of so me of th e old cunes pracLically {'uc b year. un(1 In no ('.nse should th ey be allowed l<l become Cee ble and unproduc tive. PCI" baps six or se"cn main canes wou'" lie un average for a gooseberry bush , It Ie more Important to ba"c a thin h ead wi th tbe goose berry than with the currant as most of our varieti es nre subject to mild ew . While mildew cnn be co mbatted fnlrly well willi sprays, yet It Is muc h tbe better plan to let nature assist In titls work , Thill cnn be done by hnvlng op ~ n headed plents wblch admit at a free circulI! ' tlon of ai r. W. PADDOCK. Prolessor of Horticulture, Ohio Statn UnIversity. (Note-Tbe pictures used In tile above article are repruducel\ Crom th ~ book, How to l1ake a Fruit Garden, by S. M. Fletcher.)

botb old alld new wood. but It Is at Its best at tbe base ot the ye arling Iboots and tbe young spur·llke growths. In cutting out surplus sboots and spurs It Is often desirable to leave a tew buds at their blUl88 wblcb will produce very fille clusters of trult, and His IncorrJclble activity In v.rlOUI . thU8 add to the productlvenesa of thc Plirts ot the globe bas gIven the war plants. In a genera l way It may be Irod mucb to anawer lor durlnc tb. .ald that from four to ten maiD canell NEW YEAR'S SUGGESTIONS FOR THE FARMER. laat foew months ; but with I(ods I I to each plant II desirable. The exact with men It can perhaps he said tbat An Ideal III a kind at a mental piclbere Ia IIOme I(ood In the worat of ture. Every farmer abould have Ideals the specie.. In bebalf at &tar•• tor In regard to his work. The begineumple. It may not be amlaa to put nIng of tbe new year 18 a good tJme to fortb the extenuating clrcumstaDc, thlnk some of theBe thlngll over. Havo that bla re.t1e,snes. bas at leut Ideala In regard to the appearnuce or added mlcbtlly to tbe geograpblcal your farm. Say that next year no briers or busbes wlll stand along your .rudltioo of mortal men, I&Y. the Bosfence rows . Determine that no noxton Herald. Tuite Apdl!'. lor inIous weeds wtll be allowed to go to stance. EYery Due knows where It II seed. Try to bave your roadside look 1l0W. But three montha ago onl, a the neatest and cleanest of any In tbo dartDI( lotellect would bave YQucbed entire community. See tbat all gates ror Ita locatloo on tbe Atlantic ratber are bung so ss to open and abut free· lban uJ)OD the Medlterrane&it. .&mOJ. Iy. Keep things tidy nround tbe barn Currant BUlh After Pruning. I U~~lse, hu been located for UI, tar and, otber farm buildings. Then don't to the louth ot 8banlb.t, wherl In number lert wlll depeod aomewbat on forget the appearances of things about our IporanC8 we leut expeCted to variety and on ngor of the plants. It the bouse. Endeavor to have tbe neat· . 8n4 It. B7 JIIe lam. token, we ba,. Ia tbe aim to leave no ' wood that la est and most Banltary backyard ' to be been Introduced to DUmOn. at l our older t~n three yea,rs,' thue It wlll be tound anywhere. Try to make tblogs Jlbert,-Iovlng frlendl In tbe proYincea seen that a "-onatant renewal II to be Ideal about tbe house for yeur wite's practiced. i'lumerous sboots are sent sake. He watchful tor tbe little con· of HunaD, nupeb and Hu·know. wber. op by the currant busl1el each year, venlences you can make for her. S~ t elle. . and these must be tblnned out regu· tbe standard ot your work and living larly. otberwbe the plants will soon a little higher tbls year tban It wa. lDcreUlnlr frequenc7 or deatba b7 become choked with surplus wood. By laat. H. E. ESWINE, polaon compel. the conclu.lon that It proper attention to detail I It 11'111 tbus _ _ _ __ ___wuuld be better tor the communlt7 If be seen tllat lome at the 01d canes can College of Agriculture, Ohio Statf! UnIversity. 41 ••4117 drup were leu e.II1, ob- be removed each Jeal' and thU8 the tained. Nearl, eve.., d.y'. newl C..... rlea Ita ItOI'7 of murder or aulcld. b, polaon. In man, c.... the crlm.. are made poulbl. b7 tb, ..Ie of druca The gate II the Important part of ev· ·It I. yery common to Dnd tilts Pl1rt of tb.t under no clrcum.tancee .bould be aold Incllacrlmlnate17. ~Id.nce In ery fence. Tbe characterlllt\cs of a the farm equipment neglected. A tbee. casea almoat InYanabl7 .bowa good gate are lightness, stren~th, duro binge pulls vut, a board break., the lb.. the crlmlnala purcbued th, ability and eue of operaUon.. Tbese latcb camel off, or the ,POlt aaga and -deeth poUoa wltb the aame .... and are dependent upon the Ityle of can. Uttle attention I. given to repatra. ItrucUon alld kind of mattlrlal uBed. Consequently, ODe can lind, on most lack of reatricUon that would attend the ..Ie of ' a b ... of _p, thl Farm gatea are made of both wood and Chlcaco JDurnal. KON rlctd recul.. lron, 'the former material being tho UOD of th. ule or 418&41, pollODI ~re ~mmon. Tbey may be 10 COD' mlPat Dot put a .top'to theee crime.. etrueted al to .wlng on hlnees from a Itut It certalnl, would tbelll polt or sUde open on rollers or' wood· mor. cUmcult. At the leut lel1. en pegs or strip I futened to the poat. latu,.. would do well to problblt tb. This .Udlng ga~ la tbe more primitive type aDd la ItIII much 4n use. It Is .... of .udden deatb In the .bape ot the lealt expeD.I,e but the bard eat to - - - - C7llJ1ld., ot potualum, and oth.. IlmJlar druClI, except to 'pb,llclanl and thole wbo are known to bave a lectU. m.te ule tor tbem. I farms, gate a In various stages of neg· The Bnal lettlemeut ot tb••o-calle4 lect. A coat of paint Improves the German pot alb dispute out 01 court. appearance or Increllaes durability. A little time spent each senson In mnk· eO to speak. Is a decided trlumpb fOI Ing simple repalra will make the farm aane diplomacy. Tbose wbo may re gates last longer aud give better aen·· call the blstrlonica wblcb aUended Ice. tbe dlacu.slon ot thla queltlon Dearl, T . L. WHEELER, a year ago. tM bysterlcal demaDd fOJ College of Agriculture, Oblo State a tarlff war wltb Germany, the lID University . . Pllsloned denunclatton of German, ~ Well Con.tructed Gate But Giving &lid the appeals to the department 01 Poor 8ervlce Beclu.e of Neglect. ~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ atate to wield "tbe big .tlck" ma7 be ~ ~ aurprlsed to find lhe announcement 01 lperate. Other tblngs being equal. the tlI QUESTIONS FOR THE BOVS ~ ~ate that can be opened and shut wllh a final eettlement. apparently litis ~ AND GIRLS TO ANSWER. ~ factory to all concllrned. In a brl~ ~he least effort I. the most satlsfa.ctory, ~ ~ no matter wbat style It may be. ~~~~~tlI~~~~~~~~~~~ eablecram tram Berlin. Tbe hinge gate should be hung to a :)0




good post, one tbat will not allg out Tbe Journal ot tbe Amerlcall Med, ot PQslUon and allow tbe gate to drag teal Association warne agatnst tile on tbe ground. Tbls III a common ulle ot thyroid all an obesity cure. It fault and one .larmera often flDd dIm· b dllIlgerous because it reduces pre) taln 81 well III fat. and baa beer 'Imown to brIne on .erlou. tIlne... Most cal ell ot undue welgbt are dUI to o,ereaUng. or lack of lIumclent ex· erclle. or both. The Bat"et treatment lor obesity la abstemIousness combln. ed with excrcla_not too vlolen •• for lIIat mlgbt Injure the beart.








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M..... I.

4 -tdoe6n' L take slurs.


lilib erm l~ cui.

Her Fate. "I ba\'A thrt'S hUllb»nda to support," pleaded the ragged beggar womllu. "Whal - are you It bigamist 1" "No. aIr, One bUBband's IUlne and the otburt! be long to DIY two daugl,· tIfB."


Remarkable. "HIs wife Is 1\ remarkable womlln." IIHow so?"

"Sbe cau look 6t),lIsb 10 bonnets that he IIku, "


WOULD be easy to rolss tbe The Montenerrln typo or feee Ie froutl er of Montenegro It one were ahort. square. brown eyed . dark haIred . not on the lootout for It. It Is It Is ready e noulb 10 emil e. to see a tn llr\o;Ed by a row at paving etonea joke. but In repolle It has a tragic sad, set obliquely acrOBS the road &lid nllss. a look of mourning that matches a post pllinted wltb tbe Austrian hlack tbe black cap brim. What ,10 th E' and y"lIow. Then we turned Inland MontengrlnB ruoum In theIr IIunDy and co\' ered the level mile to Njelusb. bomeT Perhaps It Is tho Heritegovlnn. This Important vllIace Is the ('mdle a talrer and more fertile lanl! . It was or the present dynalty and the birth· ouce their country. but the tide at Tur, place at King Nlcbolaa I. It I. a cel'- klah Illvaelon drove tbem from It. aud tile IIPOt and like all the cultivable tbey lied to the Black moulDaln . and land of Montenegro appearl to be wrung a livIng trom Its ~ay. uufrlend , the baaln 01 a long dry lake. We were Iy Ilopel . too blgb now for the vlue, the olive and tbe orange. The Treaty With AU5trla. l"ot even the wild pomegranate,'o They Bowed their seed II In the IltUe plenUrul In Dalmatia. could foUow us pockete of earth tbat collect In dip. here. There were tlelds or rye Ilnd IUId dells In the rock and built them· potatoel, or earth pean. We luncbed scln8 hou6es ot the plenttful ,toile lightly Ilt the Inn on excellent rye Tbey grew hardy from the bard lite. breud and coffee-one can generally looked torward to the time when tbey rel7 upon thelle nnd the wine belne would bave their rev~ge upon the good_nd when Ihe borlles were Turks and kept their ~e.ponl IbUll rested drove on through tbe valley, and theIr wlta brlgbt aplnlt ' the dk)'. over a pall and then down itlgmp to The 1011 ts rich, but there II , . , Cettlnje, which with Il. 2.000 Inhabl. little ot It, .0 every patch II made tG tantl I. th. amallnt cnpltal In Eu. contribute lte balf dOlen polatoea or rope. Its bandful ot ...a1n. "You will won· The atreetl are WIde and well met- der." IUlJd a DAlmatian trlend. "bow a}led . Tbe boulea are IImall, but they lIuch a country can grow luch tall, BDS looked well built and comfortable, and roen." He bad been In Celtlnje In ()o. there are well. at varIous ~nr'ft ..... , I tober, 1909, at tbe ttme of the ratlllc:a· wbere the people draw water In the tlob ot tbe treaty by wblch AI:I'trla evenID,. None of the Montenegrlne Is aJanexed Bosnia IlIld the RenegovlnL l1'eatJy rich or greatly poor. ' Tbe In· He laid tbat war bad seemed certain dependeDoo of tbe Individual III III reo and tbat tbe MODtenelP'lDI wlsbed to markahle as tbal of tbe nation. We crOBS the border ImmedIately to attack only saw two beggars In ' Cettillje. a crlppled woman In a wbeeled cbalr and a blind man wbo lang to the gulla. This II the nattonal Instrument. a DOe atrlnged . head. There are vlllalite palaces tor the royal family and varlou. rather ImpoI· Ing legation I. but tn the main botb and churcbea are very modelt In appearacce and do Dot lay claim to any «reat antiqUity. It Will tbe people who Inter..ted u. chiefly. \ .Tb. Dalmatian Ilouches. He \1 801. wa,. ready for a re.t, and though tie fall. loto tbe mOlt lP'acetul poeltlons upon • doOratep. acaln.t a tree or dowD UPOIl bla mother earth ODe leta tired of hll pleturelqu. Idlene... Tbe Montlaui,rlD baa squarer Ihouldera anI! a aUffer helL He waill. a. If he wtlhea to arrhe aornewhere acd Iookl upward iUld outward' uteca an P....". Ln.' tn, ",,,lI,,,,.... Tbe pe.l~te .e.r 10DC coate of til. Au.trI.n. .tIO-lndlpant were theJ wblte ..ltUke cloth with brllht .ub.. that tbe COUDtrJ whlcb waa OIIot1 and all ba,e the "torb." or pouch c:9m· tIlelra, aDd from wblch their prlDce mon throughout nalmatlL It I•• bll had-ouated tbe Turkll. Ibould be liven .Ieatber contrl'~ce, hand7 receptacle'ope to Au.trla. tor pl.tol. pipe ' and tobacco. Envoy I came In from all tbe vtllac.. Tbe women are very comely. QuIet eqerl, ~n., "Will tbere be war taeyed. dark balred. Tbey wear baud· dat1" The atandardl were on their kerchlefll or lace vena over their bead. . . , to .tbe churcb. One 11'.1 carried and lonl, Il"'I'eleel coati of a ' pale by an old man over 60. wbo waa told color, JIlII' touched with embroidery, ,. that be wal too old to nght. ne reo becoming dre... tor old and YOtrDlr. torted that bll family bad beld tbi Tue Montenegrin wife doel not bave baJaDer lor 300 years, and tbat until a very eaay time. She doee nearly all bll lon, tor whom be bad cabled, rethe work .and aoon crow. Old. turDed (rom Amerlca _ho would yield It On Ihe n~bt ot our arrival In Cel· to Done. But tbe envoy. went lad I,. t1nje khaki coate were beln" experl· baek to tbelr v,llages to.say thllt tbere mented wltb for tbe first time. wltb a would be no war. Tbe prince coun. vIew to tbelr being worn by the army. leted peace and hll loyal lubjecll We wondered wby they should he con· obeyed hIm. sldered neceBlary. for the rough peaa· The Montenegrln's simple neld ant coat faUs In wltb the land,cape equIpment baugl In a corner ot even better. One Itreak ot crime upoo houle. It coulIlsta ot a rlfte and a new hIm and tbe wearer II a stone amGbg paIr of "opanka" (sandals) . Tile tbe Itonea, a tree .tump 10 tbe WOOdl, Queatlon at eupply and transport doe. one sheep of bitt flock. a bit ot broken not occupy tile .taff very lIIerloully, masonry under a waiL No kbakl CAn for a man will live two day. OIl a bide blm better thllIl bla ' OWD home- piece of bread the Ilae of hltt flllt. He spun and In hla natl,e mountalna be takes three dayi' rations him can defy tbe eye and tbe spy,iasl. when he goel out to tlaht. and II he The man of meanll does not wear were asked why b. did not take more thIs uodyed materIal. He has a Jrl'Mn, be would an.we,, : "I haye eoougb fo; wide skirted coat, with sleevell lilt three daYI. By that tlme eltber I Iliall Dear the Iboulder. 60 that be rony wear have killed' the eQemy and taken the coat without , them wben It I. fODd or el.e) eball be dead mYlelf. warm. And thIs gives blm a Itrange Plopl. Cdurteoua and BraVI. though very dllrDlfted appearance a. These were the views held b7\ be walka down tbe Katuo8ka Ullca, a ·.aw 'walkln, ~ spare paIr ot sleevea hllIlglnc behlbd peoPle '-~bo~" blm and hll "lItruka." a brown car· arm I.n CettlilJe In tbe cool ot tbe eYell. pety plaid. with snlckl of color, fold'e,1 log or talking l In little groups. Now over hIs shOUlder. Its lon, trln .. and· then Ql1e IPlndld b,ll1e and .earlet would' detach ltaelf .aDd .Itrlde:_ uP. awlnglnlr at 'evel'7, salute,. p.rbap. kl'l. ahalie All alike wear tile P«Kitic .lIe'ld,dk!81 ot tbelr COUJltrJ, a , little -~~~' .'~Ith'il' ra~w'ew ImllJng aDd t1 . '.a,alll'. ' Weword. .... _ ••IV. ,.. wblch la at once a .ong Of .nd. brim l'

Where are tbe toads, troga, snakes and turtles now? ,What has become at the graSB' boppera and butterlliea that were with UB In Selltember and October? Is the hall' on borses and cattle BD1 longer now than In August? Why? Does t he Bun rlae directly In the !.lltat and set dIrectly In tbe west? How mucb tarther can It shine In at the soutb door or window at noon than It did In October? I,8 tbe b~rk of our common tOie~ trees darker on the north than on tbll ' BOUth side? How can tbls condition be accounted for? Do you Bnd the e,,'eet clover an" teaael wbere H.ey were found 'a1l1 Are tbe day!' loalng more slInplllnc In tbe morning. or In tbe evcnlngs~ GRAHAM, I.m01li'nSiillr Colleglj of Unl veflllt~

GI.d tidings (rom Waahlnl(ton. The bureau ot engraving and prInting will put on Bn extr~ torce or workmen ID Horae High Bilt Not Pig Tight. order to get out a larce lIuppl, of amall btJls. We like tbe small bUll cult to remedy. However. If the post ....... use they are 10 democratic. I. properly set aDd braced It will not .ull out of plilce. Tbe large cement ~ost Is giving aatl,s lilctioo In thltt par_ A wlrelell DleBl!age has beatell aU licu lar. recordl b, lulnr; a distance of 4,000 , The Iron 'gate, ",bUe more expen· mil... .Mod.rn magic blls pIned slve, is light aDd durable and .-is U8U' If bolD Ume aDd ~~;!?,~~'~~;p-~l~ ~.te". o,er both ~t1me and space Ib ally \'0.,. latlafactory~, But DO · lSClnI , ap1»lI~, .the • w~ formerlJ 't!lo\llht Poulbl. 01111 "'bat)'~d of a pte la !ll!Bd It'; mu~t be put on a few ,r;oollt.billl a41rulCCl 1a· 1aI"~ , "pt' Iil repaira to ' ~... pOd HrYIM.. t.i111Llen. ' (' . • i


nft y......r ..............

The IInre of Henl]' J. Gold.l.el!). U Burton SlrClel. Booto!), another .ictory for Hood's Slrtaparilla. Thll R"'~ lIled icn. e h.. IUIX'eOded in Dumy ca_ wbeNt olben bave ullerl, fniled. Mr. Uold.teln lIfIye: "I .uffered froro rhe~ma ­ tllw years. it kept me from bUIID_ and cauee'd ucruciolmg pain . My knee .. would bt.cOIlIIl a ••tiIT a8 lIeel. I tried lTUIn, nt(odic jnll~ wiuU'Jut relief. th eD look Hood'. &rNlllllrin• • lOon fell much \>.ltter. Ind now conlider mr4!1t entire!), cured. I recommend Hood' •. ' Gd It tod"" in usual IiQuiJ fonn o. ehocolal.ed tahlets called Barastab••


Is Small Matter and One That Is Usually Neglected in the Home Garden, But Should Be Systematically and Carefully Attended To. The pruning of ('un-anls aml goosebMrlE'S Is a small DlIllt{'r, but It Is one that . whil e usually neg lec t ed. shOUld be Bystematlea l\y followell up If one Is to sec ure tho b c~t res ults In ei ther lh e hom e garden or commercial plan , tntlon . In pntnlng Ihe currant It la Important to r emem !Jor that frillt Is borne

Knee. Became Stiff



Th ink of Itl Two brothers. eacb at wbom I. nearly six feel and a half tall. were one day Introduced by an acC)ualnl' Ince to Il ,oung lady. All sbe Int ,azlng up at the pair or glantl In wonder and a\\·e. she exclaimed: "Grellt beavens! Suppose tber. had been oul, one 01 you!" Gentle Corr.etlan Mr. Llttlerest-Doctor, what dId JOU teU me wae your epectal treatment for aleeplelsne.. ? Medico-We strIke Ilt tbe causo or tbe origin of the trouble. Mr. IJttlerelt-You don't .., 101 Well, 'OU 11'111 find tbe baby In the oth· .r room. Only. dOD't .trike at bllll too bard. A Llttll orr. Senat')r Penrole wu ta:JdDg III Wuhln,lon .bout the .\relUl(ul bUlltlog aCCIdent!! at last mt'nth "Wben buck fever lelles • ·Ulan.'· lie Ii.ld. "b. IDeS •• far off WII alai all tbe old lad7 .... ent In ter detlDltloD of the word Sbe waa ,talkinl wltb a trieDd • blsbop. 'He's a Bne man;' salet the trlead, ". tiDe, band.ome man . Hie onlT trouble III lbat he'lI a lillie belllcoae: 'Belllc08e?' .ald the old lady wltb a lurprlged frown . 'He mult fllallged. then. The laBt time I .... latm he 'fI'U t.1I and ratber aleDder: H








I--=- ===:::.



~':..- ' The Dea~D.-You shOuldn't b' Jour kite 00 Bundl,}'. , . ~ lIoJ-oh I Will, d. kite'. 'lDad. outer a Nllctoul paper. . TIED DQWN. 10 V..r.' Slavlry-How Ihe Got F ... dom • A 4¥ veterall wllo "rllea tram ODe of England'. charmlDc rural home. to tell how ahe won victor, III ber 20 yearll' IIgbt, n.turally ellUlt. In ber triumph over the tea lind call•• laablt: "I feel It a duty to tell .ou" ab. • , , hal 'aY8, "how much good POltum done ' me. 1 am Iratetul, but allo de. .Ire to let others who maY' b~ lullerlne 81 I dId, know 01 tbe dellgbtful meth-· od by which 1 wu relle,ed. "I bad luffered for 20 yeare Irom dYlpePlla, IUl,d tbe glddlnesa tbat UIUally accompanies that palntul aUm'em. and which frequently prostrated m .. J never drank mpch colfee, ~d cocoa and 'ev.,n milk dId not agree with m7 Impaired dlgestton, 80 I ual!d tea ex. elu.lvel" till about a :rear ago, ~heD I' ~und In a p.ckage of Grape-Nuts the UUh, book, 'Tbe Road to Wellvllle.' "After a careful reading of tbe book. let 1 'Wal CUrious to try. Postum' aD4 lent for a packace. 1 enjoyed It from tb,e firet, ~d , at once lB." up tea In I~ favor. > . "I began 'feel ~etter . very lOOn. My glddlnell left me after the tint feu daYI' u.e .~f POltUm, ind m) stOm. aqb,became stronger 10 rajildlT that It ~..., .Ilot.Joog tllll wu .ble (a.'{ Itlll ~m) to. tit:k- Dillk and 'mID" other 'ar~lel" .or fl)04 of whlbh 1 'iral' formerly compelled to. deny. mjlhlr. ·' ' I ' bave prov~d 1he truth 'at .Jour '.tateltleut ~at~ P9ItJlfIl :make~ ~; red, blodcl.. 1 hllve beco~e vii". tlAthull.iltlc






'I NTH T 18 not 80 many yeara ago -tbat tounata did nOl Dnct- mucb Inducement to make a prolonged 8t8Y In tIlo Frencb Protectorate of Tunisia, Ille aew tang· led name for tbat ancient promontory of Nortb At· rica, wblch once knew tbe glory ot Carthage nnd of Rome, Ita ch!et c ity now beln, "Tunl~ the Wblte," I!O white that It Is called "Tbe Bllrnoul o r tbe Prophet;" for a new Cart bage, anotber Gibraltar, was tn process ot torDlaUon a~ Blzerta, on tb e very alte ot I\ll ancient Pbollnlclall colony, where Agathoclos built a barb'lr tWllntT-tWt) c e nlurles before th e ~'r e n('h, 8elz lng Tunls with Ii high ull.nd, s e t to work to trunsform It Illto a ,,'Te at nll,al atatlon. Strangors- und In tholle "re-I~ dwnrdlan dn ys Eng lis h s trangers e apeclally- were not we lcome at DI'.ertll; but tbe old orde r has c. hIlng,td, &1vlng place to ne!\' . Muc b tbat wae picturesqu e. at UI zerta; at Tunis, and ellow he re , hus bMn willed out; towne bave bee n girded wltb neal French streets and ,;.' Ido boulevards-wb e rever Iho Frenchman ~oeB he paves and plllnts a boulevard - -tbe land hns ueen cov ere d with a network of rallwaY8. Tbe lIiUll e en· ergy mid skill tbnt hav e anndt'l AlgierS! IUId Its cbarmlng subutb or Mustapha1\ tavorlte winter resort of Europeanl bBve been displayed at Tunis. Tbe uplltled on bundreds ot magnillcent Protectorate II faat taking Its place aa arches, de livere d 81x mllllou gallona ODe of tbe winter baunts ot libolle fOT- ot wilter 1\ day rrom ~he rocky heights tunates wbo can lIy south ward \Vito. of Zagbouan, far away In the south, InIbe 8wallow.. to Roman Carthage. The Vandal and . Having caugbt the last gllmplie of tbe Spaniard belped to destroy tbls Notre Dame de la Garde at Marselllel great work, but Ihere-Indestruc tlble 'lod bid farewell to Europe, tbll steam- IlII Rome Itself_till atand hundreds of er tbese lucky mort.als straight Its arches orosslng the Valley ot the At the first sight of them acroall the Mediterranean to tbe AI- Molfao . .erlan port of Bone Bod tbenoe In two one word rises to the IIp8- "Rome!" eallterl,. loope aloog tbe CO!I,I!t of BJTbe line of Lbe great aqueduct T.erta ali4 Goletla. Houled at ' Tilnlll polnta In the direction of tbe churm · or MaJ'8a, alld havlllg performed the Ing little town of Zagbouan , allout tIrat dutJ'-a yll,t to the alte of Cartb- forty mllea from Tunis. tbe starting .s e-;-th,e, can lurn their attention to a place ot the aqueduct, "/l pleasant lIerles of wOllderful excuraions, each , pot, emboliled In orange and ftg tree s . one of wblch will be a treab revelation a wllderne8s of cactus, myrtle, rose of that eternal lutlject beStt1ng an laurel, and arbutus, with a tall palm Eternal CIb'-;th41 power and mllht ot .here alld there lifting Its head Into the tbe Rom~ empire, Tbe winter real· clear Iky:: Zogbouan nOW bousts Ita dent will realize In 'Nortb 4rrtca bet· "Hotel de France," nnd Is becoming ter thaD anywhere e:le, and 'In Tuollia II favorite resort of winter visitors b4!lter ,thaD an,. where elae ,In ,Nortb from all parlll ot Europe, bidding folr Africa, that the Medlterra~ean was a to be, on a IImaller acale. !r ~ TUnis Roman lalle.- and 11 be II a wldel,- read what Blelua Is tor Algiers. and wldel, traveled man he wlll .aa ree : ,Tbe chlet charm ot Zagboull.D lie !! on tbe wbole, with tbe opinion ex- In' Its Nymphaeum, a Roman aemlcirpres8ed In the auJde book tbat "no cular colonnade and water temple , c:c)untrJ tn the world, wllh tbe excep. which' Ollce belel the st::tUI! of the protlon of ItaI1. la more r emarkable for tecODg divinity of tbe. sprIng. The t omGnble "eventl linG moftmelltt Nymplfifeum die" Iprlllg head of the than Tunlala." and ttat "of all the pe- water IU~PI~ of Cartbage, ia one or rlctCl8' of Tullialan history the Roman I' t he 'moat htlaiitlrul of the Roman reoccupation was the Olre whlcb hna lett malna or Tl.nlllia as cbarmlng In nrIts rre~te.t , ~~rk In th, countr,." obltectural deGIg~ as It la In Its con- - ..,-.''''l'here II no more ' lmpresaive ROman ception. Whit .-ore StUllg than a samark than the Roman aQueduoL Italy, cred shrIne a\. tbe fountaIn and origin Spain, BQutbern France, and Nortbern of 10 benelident a ""ork? TowerAttlea 'are stamped With tbls symbol IDg aboy" Ibe ,'esolate dwelling of tbe ot power and clvlllzatloll- tbe long water nympb I. tbe vast peak of Ras running el·K-au It tl1kes rour bours to os· Une of ~gBllilc arcbes il tralght aci'eBl countr.y, bringing Crom cend Itl .,OQQ fe4!t of he1gbt, but when far-off- aprlngs. over valley a'Dd ploln, you Itand or. the 'summlt you can seo tlIe cool mountain Itre'lm Into the I more Ulan .a hnl~ of the · whole torrl!Ie rt. of the parcbed city . The aque- I tory ot TuDIII(a. duct and , the batb were the first "InOnce settled In winter .uarters In et;ijlhUoDs" of ' a conquerinG Roman Tunla, the villtor h81 a "ewlldoerlng arlDy afler the Roman road and the eholoe of excur~lon". One or tbe moSl RQmlin camp had done their " 'ork. onjoyable II that \ly ateamer Boutb80 it waa In Tunilla. Tbe lirst tbln, . ward: along tbe COlI,t of tbe Oult" of t he traveler leel 10 tbe great aque- B1l'U., toucblng at 8u8a, where one diJot ,wblc.b, "7 ullder,roUDd canals ,Dr can lan4 anel talru tbe rflU to tbe Hoi)'

1&, Is en English Blrd, ' Deslroble AUke for E!JS


end Table Fowl-All Four Vorleltes are Rat.ed aa Good Sltters and Mothers-Gray Flesh ot ·BIQcks Detracts.

THRILLING FIGHT AT SHILOH As Both Sidea Bcgan Firing Panic Sltrlcken Butl and White Dog Seen Running Acron Field_ Ou Snn uav Illomln g, April



w e we r" cnll " " to arm s and bu r rl el l to the rront al ~ hl1 ob . Over I he vrow of iL low hili I co ul u seo u r ('be l nag

slowly a ,lv lule lng, wrll es T . ,J. !lla xw I' 1i of t be Ca llro rn lu Sold iers' Hom e In (he Natto na l Trlblln" . Bolh ~ t deB lJ A. gan flrlu g. Ih e rebe ls u ll II", 1I "H' a d · vandnS". Be tw ee n th e lin t'S I saw a paule-lIlrle-kell b ull a nu 0 white dOl( . Afte r 8. reg ulll.!" hall I:It orm of II,ud I loo~le d arouud, Il ud [lOt a ''' !t U co ul rl be I;ee n e xce pt th e d p.a d -atld wll un ded. I ra u be c k to lo wer grou nJ, II lId th e sho t aud shc ll puss oJ o\"Cr me. ;l1y brotber camp to Ille , alld salol we mus t hurry or Ih e ca valry wou ld captu r e u s. W e fo nnd t be reg lm p- n l. nnd we re tak.~n to fi ll p po rt a. boll e r y vr one plero wblch \\"II S h uvln g a du e l wi t h u r elle l gun. Tb e II wlng an ,1 I ca ~ horses h illl been sbol down: th e n a. s olid II ho t toolt both of th e wh eele r s. An o ffi ('p r rod e up near the gun, dismoun te d a nd tbn?w th e rein H.Tound a Hllplln g. He Jublloe Orplngton Cock and Black "'cn_ bad no sooner d une this wh e n a sho t passed througb his borse . Had h.! r.lty or Kerolian. Arter Suaa. tho been in tb e sad,ll p. both his Ic gs wo uld As breeds go, the Orplngton clanses ' Indee d. 1n Inst."" <:en individual flocks rulu s ot Tha ps us are passed. where have 'b ee n Cllt olf. Tb e nex t shot e0811)1' a s " ne w," Rln ce Its history and sing le BIJeclm e ns have tIlade Julltl~ Ca esar NmDti bed the pow er of raked tbe gull . The boys ca st u ff lhe dates only from 1890. or tb er en bouts. slliendid rc.cords. Dy tbls Is not Ihe !'ompelan pDrl Y; then tbe st6:1m llrolong, dragge u the Iltece a rl'w r ous It Is an English bird rated In tbat meant tbat they e xcell all otber or clIII 6 In al ~I n h e dln . where Hannibal to t.he le ft, hnd In about balf an bour I country as a. gc neral purposo towl. de- bree<ls and varleUes In tbis respect: look ship aft er hi s I1lght from Carth· uad sllenceu tbe r e bel gun. ! slrable alike for eggs as well as car- as a matter ot fact, tbey rank wlt~ age. now a prett y lillie towo wltb Morning cam e , and we we re tak en cass. The four varieties nre Wacks, the Rock s and Wyanciottes In ben· mod e rn Impro ve ments and tbe In- tn the edge of a m endow. III fronl , Duffs, 'W hltes, and Spangled . Color of fruit productlon. As a table fowl, evltllble " Ho le l de Fran ce ." Tll e lll!e rrolD the tOI' ot a low WOOded hili a fles b nnll sldn. In Blacks, gray: In all however. th ey are somewhat heavier, to SfW(, e ruu ch bombarded town, battery was Ilrlng on us . . SODle of th e otber varie ties, white. Color ot egg- being of larller frame. The Black III ' whlr.1! Pllt up 1I fair light against tbe sollu shot 1I,"ould reacb our rank s . W o \ aheU8 & m e dium brown. a big. bulky bird, tbe largeB~ ot the "'ren cb In J SR J ; nnll so to Gubes, a ' crol,sod the mendow to nttack, tbrew Tbe blood tbat c ommlngle!l in each varle tl es, and also the most ty.plcal 'pl nce or Greeks snd Jews . surrounded do",n tbe fence , and soon we r e it variety Is Indeed of wide rnngo. In of th e breed. Its great d e r,th of body, by oa se!!. aDlI vill a gos of Arnb tent· struggling mob, trying to climb , the production of tbe Bln.c!'s, Mr. full breast. sbort legs . and . g eneral clwe llerB. 01lb£8 la nn oa s is of gar· through tbe tblck brush and sapllng5. Cook, the celebrated Engllsb bre eder blocky appearanco give a good Idea den:; n nd dat e pal m~ , entwined by Tbose who got near the top saw tbe and creator, us ed Dlack Mlnorcns , of Its marke t value, though somewhat clingi ng vi nes One can wander at InflUllry suddenly rise and aim, th e n Black Rocks and Langs hllns , from b eavy In llone. Tbe gray Heah ot tbe will Ilmong orange, cltrou, ullnood, fig, dropped to eartb us a volley passed whlcb by selection and careflll brecd- Blacks somewbat detracta In Ameranel po megranate tr ees. ' amid wblcb over tbem _ Tbo olllcer In comman ,l Ing he claims to bave evolved tbe Icon markets, wb ere yellow and wblte run gu rgling IllIIo waterwaya. From saw that It would be a elaugbte r pen. modern Flack Orplngton. The anees- carcasses are preferred, a. fa.ult from Glibes tue sOlllhward Journey can be and Quickly ordered a re treat. try of the Buffs Is composed or 001- whlcb the other varletle8 are free . AJI conti n ue d to Djerb:\- lho Island or the We made a left wheel, Illld marche,\ den Spat;gled Hamburgs, Duff Cochlns tour sorts ore rated as good altterl LOl us· !i:lIle rs-of wbom Homer Eang In a sbort dis tance through open timber and Colored or Dork Dorklng. In the and moth ers. •. Ihllt " Ro man ce or th e Youth ot lhe to level ground, and opened fire. I process ot selection and carefully mat· J'o1o breed In tbe English 011\88 baa World ." th e Ollysse r: was atandlng a few paces rrom a largo ing ot the progeny of the abo\-e 80 large a vogue In tbe tar wcst 89 Now wbosoe ve r diu eat the boneY- tree, My gun barrol W!lS bot, and I crosses we may attribute Ihe Butt the Orplngton, wltb tbe Burts, In tbe s weet fr uit of lhe Lotus had no moro_ bad but two or three cartridge s le rt . Orplngton or today. An Engllsb au- earlier development of Its popularity, wlijh to bring tidings. nor to come Facing us WQ.8 a rebel brlgllde or dlvl. tbortty Is responsible for the state- decid edly lu t he lead, with the B1acka bacts. but the re be chose to abide wltb s lon_ To the left It e xtend e d a quar. ment that the W,hltes are tb e result or a close second. Of later yeare, bow· th e lotus-calln g meD, ever fe edIng on ler ot a ~1I0. Off to my rlgljt tbe tim, crosses between While Leghom, eve r, the Whit e s have become decldth e Ictu s and forg etful of bla home- ber covered them _ Ali thl s t'l me White Dorklng and Black Hamburg, edly popular. due to tbelr elplollll' musket halls were flying past me and and that the , Spangled represent Old tlon by a few we p.1tby eastern breedward wa), '" Whnt was It, th is lot liS rrult, tbe tbrowlng up dust at my teet. I tblnk Engllsb Game and Dorklng 8I1cestry. era, wbo hnv e strengthened tlle In economic considerations tbe Whites by caretul hondllng, thus mak, fruit of forgelfuln esn ! Comm entatora 10 or 15 men weie ftrlng at will. and hav e c ove red reu mH of pnpe r with the· I turned to see wbom they were shoot. Orplngton towl stands well. Where Ing them more prodllctlve, anll also orr a.nd cunjecture. Uut tbls Is what 109' at, but tbere was no one but my. the strain bas been bre~, for egg pr~ by popularizing th em along oduca. tlonal JInes In the poultrY presB. Sir l..amue rl P lllyfn lr say s: ··It s eeml sel:r In s l g ' I went hack to th e rear, ductlon. tbe hens bavo mad e good; ulluec essary to s o 0111 of one'E way to and soon ca~ to a line of Infantry /.'.A._~",""""""''''''_''''''''''~_,,""__'''''''''''''-'"'''''''_''''''"''''''''''''''''''_''''''''''''''''''''';'''''''___ sear c h for Ibe lI om erle food . Tbe la· firlng_ I pails cd throug h tbe lin e. Th ey land Is c O"e rcd wllh It. Nu greater said not n word to m e nor I to thE'ln. bless inG wa s e ver bestowod hy Prov o I came to a pool or water, nud my r e, Iden cC! on man , no otber rndl i. Hection sbowed my face s treak e d wltb s o all·suffic lent ror human 8us le nuncp powde r, smoke anu dus t . My \Ip s were a s the ho ney,s wE'E't lotu s of lhe an Caused to May be Satlst"actortly Dono b3I clenls-the d a le o r th e m o d~ru Arab ' 'J A.'ve Stock and to Several ane-Hall 01 Heavy , DJe rba Is ferlile anel beau l lrul; th e III . Loc:allUes Pea pl. Have Hlnze tn Cement hubiLant9 arl' genlle aud quiet ; aud' Beon BitteD, WblleWel. growing on Ihe Island ure O:le mlilloll~ lhree Ilundred th ousand dllte pllims Woud Ilosts mny be attached to con· · I,e t tho winte r re s ide nt or tho cos lilIl (l3y L . W. CASS, Ka.nsM .) tourist beware. tberefore, bow lie landa During tbe past year tbere have crete floors hy s etting one·halt ot 'a OD tbo Isle of lhe Lotus-Enters Il!st be heen mllny cases ot rabies In Kansas h ellvy hinge lu the wet concrete, ill, forget . tbe bomeward woy! and other western states wblch bave lowing sufficient length above the surcllused much loss of live stock and In face to admit two of tbe screw bolea, ~ ~~ several localities people have been sllya n writer In tbe Popular Mecb"nICB, Wben tbe cement Is dry the post dasbed off. the GIllY. Evidently tbls , bitten by rabid dogs_ Thl8 Is onc ot the oldest diseases ""al! oot Ita Ilnt les80n. for It hurlea Itself Into a beautiful swoop an,j Imown and It wae described by Aristot::... _ '1.~ ~ actuall,. caught the proy before It tle in tbe tourth century, B. C. The tlcnson ot tbe year makes very little "1'01. '. Mc'orJe), of Seaford, L, I~ got frIendly like, I I'lt them play reacbed t~e woier. The youngster WOI not allowed to difference, as tbe disease Is just as around ' ~he frC?lIt YBJ'r. with my pet C~II ••' Them With Flylna oyatera until they lot used to them. enjoy It. bowever. for down come th,· prevalent In the winter as In summer. . 'Iah, Thill Is contrary to the Ideas of many After & wblle I ~et I'lme of , tbe e". old bird, and with the utmost graN Inatcbed U from the young one', my Incubator wlt~ ·)yster Beed . per SODS wbo tblnk that July and Au"We~' l Pail '~ tb ( ;cle\l.tllta I.n "Tbat gust, known as "dog days," Is the wa. oniy tbe lIrat atage_ Tile gralp and ascended In rapid rings I" of the world l read1 to come to ~ · for. only time that doge are subject to .ldn4,r..,-ten lDatruetlcia again," said l!.y.JD' fleb. :wben hat~r.ed, looked a lit- tbe belgbt of leveral bundrt'd felll rabies, AloTlltR · Darwin Huxley OOlum· tle like or.ter. ,&D~ ,.~ oratera a little The dlscomftted youngster, with som. Tbe :Is('aso 18 caused In nearly all bua McSorley ' of Beatoi'd. L, 1_. wilen like ftyln. 1I1b_ l ..T...hen when these laid dlmC4lty. returned to tbe roc ky Mhelf The old hawk repeotell Ihls man,," ca ses by the bite of a rabid anlmol , be dropped ' Into town' today -for bla egp ana I 'blltched them tlley looked Ver, dropping the prey this time In but It Is possible to contract rabi es t'8gular weeldy dilt to Broadway;, .4YS more alike tMn ever. "Now 1'1e 'Itot my ftying oysterll per· front cif number two from the s aliva, the tears from th e 4 New YorlC correlponc1ent df tlIe Bt'8The YOUl\~ all knew their IC590n, fUI eyes or th e milk of a rabid animal. ton.Herald, - :.... ~ '" , rect, When I want a meas of the best The rabid dog Is a. sotlf(~e ot danger "Before the end of th~ week tbey'll blue po1nu all I've got to do la to ring neither number one nor number thr(lf a few days lIt,rore th e Rymptollls or tb a bat'e a ',dOI8D clliar..... aew 'automoblle," a bell and thfl ' Jump out at tbe oyster ventured to sllr. It waa number twe Anchoring a Post to Concrete• c\lsena6 nprenr . bllt In no case be fore ....coup\e ot aeropl~nea and a con\, bed, ,all '"rlgbt Into tbe bin and walt wllo Jllarted In pursuit. nnd, like It. brotber or siste r. succt'ed ed In Intf>r he was bitte n by a rabid Rnlmlll or bllle4 breakfast food ·'illld turnlturo to be opeMd. can be {n gte ned to Its support wltb "I'm colllg to try to cross a 8word- ruptlng the tul11ng prey herore II "You Can't Go Through Here." oUI P-rwls e l;ac(' ulated. pOlish nam'&d ~\e .. ~e. '; , scre ws. Th e hl" ge can vo relntorced 1ll1h Into th" bNled ne~t "year nnd make reach e d the wster. Hot wenth e l", lac k of wa le r , or 111 . "Th18 week 'r!.e ftililhed a Job tba~ swollen from tearing oIY thc end of tho by '" se rlin g a pll'ce of rod Iro D Into Tbe old hnwk did as b C!fore. snal('11 them lelf-opebJng, but \'\," been too trea l men t will n eve l' In thel!l selv es 1 tlilnk Is ' worth while, I aln·t going pa:per cartridge with my teetb. Pres· the hol o befor e th e cement 15 ta.mped busy trost fishing Illt~ly to work th!a Ing the prey ,t'om her offspring. Rls prod uca ra bles. to . «lye aDY exblblUOD' ~t· my latest . 1u arounu II. Ing hiGb In the alr, shc Ihls tlnll eD'tIy I carne to a ca\,alryman, wbo lu· Til e symp to ms seld om cl evelop. In hybrid; but, take it from me, It out- Bcllemo 'o ut to the best advantage." quir:ed: dr~l\1ed It be;or6 numb e r lhre ~. ,.. t.o loss th nn ].I d ays ;lft e r t he ;"lnlm a l WU5 b"rbrlda aliytlllng In tbe hybl'1dology "Wh~re are you 'olng?" turn, caught It . But number Ihr·? Knowledge in O:\lrying . FOOD In bltten-l11 os t ("o mmonly t.hree to Blx line that .eYer wa. h,.brlded: That'l SHOWN HOW TO "'I am bunting. ror. my ret:ll ncn t .wan not all ~H\"e d to Il os se~s I he prh e TIll' ,ta ir y bus in ess cll l:s for a grea t wee ksbut. t hev I11I1Y not s how from ,olng SOlDe" .~. for by-ktng dPI' Waving hla sabe r ove r my he ud . he six month s to a- your. !'\(I t all animals ti cal of te ch nical knowle dge. m ore so fisb that , Wle!! to j eatt!li chiUlnel cate· Young Hawkl Are Syatomatlcally Tbe old hawk now asc l/,uled 10 lb. said: ·'You can't go through her e." sbelf b eside th e young on,~a. tore thc, bitte n d e velop the dt sease . It de- Ihan all Y 01he r s Ylltem or farmln lJ. To Taught ~y ,Parent the Way wal pret'T ' lisaz: perfectIon ~d, With a Quick ate p back I thre w my prey to plece8 and proceu\ed to dl r.c nd s som ew hat on the part or tbe 0 (' a good (lair)"ll1all one mll ~ t f1rst- 'lie to Seize Prey, collapaitile ., mule , ....a.·· ' ""onder . vlde -,U equally IImong her Lungry nnd m\ll!ke~ at ful1 cock, anel sllld I wOllld body which WII S hlU e n. a s llct:c ~ s ful ftll"mer . H e mll ~ t kn9'Y1 the age .tO~ '~ time, ,.'cxpectant prog e ny . -H~rpe~'8 Weekly go through: He lowere.1 his saber, and While Ilshlng In a remote and wild In mnn th ere Is less lIon ger If bit· how to h af\' (~s t aDd l)rOs o\"\" ~ , }\h~ /Jl "You"\I88, tbl_, tOllched hlB borae and moved out uf tim tbrough the clothing than Ullon Ilrope rly. In addition to tllis ho must varl or Scotlond a Brltiab naturalist -010,," 1• .tJie . . my way_ Had Auntie Stumpe", kno w how to ge t tbe grt:' at es t value clli\lIced to w'ltnela an entertulnlng rheunu~t.!cf last "When f gOt to camp tOllts were t be bare IJarts of the body, tb e face nut or th ese crOI's. Here Is wh c re adSheldon Rnd Huntley ore twin!. p iformance In the form or a teedlng being the most dangerous. It Is not toun~ tbl. nlllrced by balls, some wer e torn d it ional knowle dge Is r e quir ed 10 dairy• elven by an old hawk to ' Ite e qually Inquls ltil'e and I'ke fnll or boy &I I UlleG' IP''''UO down and commissary ancl sutler lln('ommon fOI" tbe symptoms to devel· Ing as compared with an y otbCl" branch lao enthu2lusm. TheIr Aunt Ann~ lin> • ih&b 01' In leS8 than two we eke ""ben bitgoods weie scattered over tbe grounll. or agri c ulture. of a -young hawk to Ita parent especial e ba rGe of their religious traJn I tbre', down my musket. aDd carried ten upon tb.e head. the n&turall.~ aoon 10- Ing. II., the COUI" Re of wblch Iho ha~ In cattle, they are prone to ebase wawr ~ tbe 'wou\?ded-bluB and gray peregrine falcons , been Q t pnl n9 to tell them or the chickens and Ilogs and occas lonall)' Germany Losel Potatoes, aUke_" ' of rock Lord's omnipotence. t un at man, orte n tailing down, with Lust ye ar Germany lost 6,000,000 " Whate ver exists," ahe told tbgm. ,l twitching of muscles, but seldom tons of potato c5 uy decay nud disease. M 1Ie1;y T ra.glc. " God made-the treeB. and ,the ftow nud tbe government ba3 now olfered . "Ie · Torke,'g Dew play melodrama. biting. erB, tbe slIn and the moon and thE ~ '~ Horseo are more vicious than cet- a large money prize for 6. metbod -of starll-everytblng, everywbere," .. tie, biting tbe maDger, himself or any- preserving potatnes during hll wi/Iter, "Motiaer," ·Isld .. Sheldoq, 'oil Sunthing wltbln reach, . lurge prices to prevent, lolis by decay day '·vlewlnc· l . ~he p'rel!~r.itet Ii tlre pun", Treatment conelsis of tbe Puteul" and trom disease. 'Ii: ... "", Uons ' for ' ~iJdlni, '·'duea ~ \.' procels which must. be taken betore . t,1od make ~ '1. ,__ :' . the s)'Diptbm ~ }lave develnped., In . ' Mare" Wlth Colt., '~., . "'Yes, ·reIlIT,.; :"E."Y:.IN~P'Ol..lIl1le<EXDlar;iliitlon: "' ,_. or tIer to ~~~:,,~ . •t ,.m u.8 be ta\Cen The m!lre' wltb ' tlie, ~I colt m~ : ' .. • II ~ .. ~~fhlll ,· a, •.".e ry : !ew_ dBY.!I ; after Wltng ' have a. ,gOQd ~lIk:tnIlJdDf rar-Uon. Oats., . ., .f' ~ < bl,t t,n by a ' ~bld animal , .-Th~ ''mad 1_whnat·bran, a little !tnaftd'll1~..l, wUh . 1~~;~~tl-;;~~;~~: -" ~e'rhll)l.I",;bl".~· WU. It"c!be" I. of 'DO:'1I~ •• a preyentlOn brIght" swe~t .ct.oyer or a1,faU~ - . . . let .rablN. _, l ' .' aI good mllk·mDII,IIIJ; .OM • . . .























Tb¢ L.ouis TJtaxl¢It," Co.

Railroad Fare Refunded It need not cost you one C' at· tend this great sale. Buy a round trip ticket, present r eturn ticket with purchase check Rnd we will refund vnur fare on a most liberal ba:;is. ~ S '{ about it.

. FREE! FREE! We deliver purchases free to your Dearest railroad station anywhere within 80 miles on purchases of $5.00 or over.



That Big Twice-A-Year Ba,rgain Event. \

,2 U, ~~

Begins Thursday, January

The 26th Mill End the Biggest I~ Our History.

1912-Lasts Fifteen Days

" '

HEAPS AND PILES-CARLOADS AND MOUNTAINS OF NEW GOODS OF THE CHOICEST AND BEST' QUAUTIES. INCLUDING MILL ENDS, LOOM ENDS, SHORTS, FACTORY LOTS, SAMPLES AND SURPLUS LINES, AND OUR OWN REGULAR STOCKS, THROWN ON SALE UTTERLY REGARDLESS OF PROFIT, COST OR REAL, AT PRICES SENSATIONAL IN THE EXTREME. Twice a year under contract with the mills , we take all their Mill Ends, Fadory Lot8, Short Lengths, Loom End8, Samples and Surplus Lotll-but with the great records of former sales to beat, we realize that even these en~rrnous quantities would nol bp s ufficient. Hence, our clever buyerl were sent into the market with carte blanche to BUY. BUY! BUY! but to buy nothing but VALUES- Senlational VALUESthe best they ever bouo{ht. Every inch of goods wni:! required til measure up to the high 'standard of "NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD." No "trash" at any price. BESIDES THE,.,E MILL END P URCHASES (WHICH ARE MOSTLY NEW SPRING GOODS), EVE:RYTHING IN STOCK IN OUR 50 COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS SEARS A REDUCED MILL END SALE PRICE, MAKl ~G THIS SALE BIGGER IN VALl ' l:.~ , IHWAIJElt IN SCOPE AND GRANDER IN EVERY WAY THAN ANY SALE WE EVJ<:R HELD.

--------------------------------------------~'---------------------------THESE 11 EMS ARE SAMPLES OF HUNDREDS OF SENSATIONAL MILL END SALE VALUES 65C Foulard SlIke 39c - 1 ,4 0[1 \':trol s I 0 White Persian Lawns 6 v. n~\Y Sprinj!" Foulard Silk" ni cc l'al1<''''' ',Ot lll )fJ S. \\' hitc P ~ r,.;jan Lawn s; hUt" and good col orings for th < .cw .lIrer ,! ""l il), l" 'rfrct ~OI)J s ; IC Spring Dre .. ; ~Se qualit ), . " ' I!'" lar llIe qualilY ., ~ I OSeersucker Clngham 6 L, -T h~ 50e Bleached Sheet...- ISl\ clU"'1I \\Ctl . k" tJ\\, ' t: :..,: ':.1IH1 Src,rsu c-ker CinJ! blea~htd Shutt 12.9(1 ; ixt, madt "f Ii". h:lI 11 , fCir :-.ilir h a nd s kirts ; ' trjpt" en fini'!l muslin ; a big ' Oc an ti d ,e"k <; till' lOr qua.lity 2C number ., 6 Chatll<:ls 3 ' , -Trollville ehall i«. in 12 li c Cambric MU81 'n 8 ', c - :\ a ,arifl), (II prnlt inc. anu dcsiltll>, higMillEnd~hipmtntol1 2 rline I'c rl"("1 g o "d -, Ih e f-t' 'I ual it )' zC Ca mbrirs. I .to IO-yard Ie nth. ~Sc D /\ :\ ISI I C \.oTH Pc- T it,·," 25C Solsettes 15C-4 , OOfi yore!, ~,' n wide ·I\T Ud\ f' rl i" l"ti 1):lI lIsh C illt h'i, H. ill uine SoiltUti. in a ll the nn v shade,. per· "jck , pl al l1 an I " l rirt'~ : alwa ys feet goods, ill I ttl IO· yard ~' l': I 10 S - ~J rd lell h' !h'li . C lengths; regular 2 Ie . I H A:-': DKEIH ' 1I1 EFS Ic-Wo men ' und 59c Silk Melsallnee 39c-l\f,.".1( 'hilol«,, ', "I,itf lttlllSlil~hcd C line Si lks, I q in. wide, staple and ~nll ­ lIan,fIa'''' hith; k "alues ing shade •• all I,erfect ~ood ., i\ffll' S I,' hen"lilch . J wh ile 1 in lull pi.ce. ; S9c qualily .. lIandl:.rrt'hi r/, .. 2 75cBed8preade46c- H ClTIllleJ 11f t! ell KTA I N :-TR I':T( 'H ERS 7 'Jr -~ I. 29 Sp~eads. lull...\!t.d.: " '; me dium H,nllc Kissed Cu rta ill Stret chers weIght ; rt~ 71 r . . - known th e 1V0rl,1 over--<>nly 8C India Linen 4 -,C- Fine shr" r CURTA I N STR IPS 2Sc-Lol .. I '}I)O qualilY, in I to 10-yard lengths; C urtain Strip. , 1 3}~ )·ardslong. perfect goods; Bc qualily, yaA! 2 worth 75.: til ~ I . . , ., 6c Shlrttng Prints 3 Ji C-2 , 700 yd. ROY'S SIJITS £. 1. 50 - Double· brealted Bedford Shirtinr Prints, standard Sliits, in bla"", blue and brown-knickgradel, fut colors; 6c <Iuality 2 "rbocker 1',,"t.-7 to 15 39c 8eco Foularde 19c-2,40U yd. yean--positive $3 ralue. . . ., brocaded Seeo Foulard Silk., beautiful HOYS' KNH£ PANTS lBe- Ma,le of patterns for Spring Dreue. and Mill End s of tailorinlt labrics, will stand .v.ningwear2'Hn. widel 39c roughelt wear. 29c and 39c 7 ~ C Apron Clnaha""* 5C-2,SOU values, I to I S years yarda extra heavy staple Apron Gingham. LADIES' DRAWERS 12e- Lot of all we check. and, coloring•• in 1 Root! cambric Drawers, with hemsti che<l to lO-yard length.; rCi\llar 7Jic . hem and tucks, well made, full 10e Turkl8h Towela 8 ~C-IO()d02sizes, 21c values. A great we at en hetRmed and bordered Turkiah TowI Sc Trimmings, 7c- Lot of ell; llood quality, rei\llar IQc narrow silk Gimpa a\ld Bandl . . . C rradc . . . . . . . . . .•••••••.. . . . . 4.


34c 81c a


IOe IIILL MUSLll'< 6~. -O r the well known "Hope" llI ea c h ~d I\llIslins. 36 indieS ",ide , perfec t gnorls. Ihc 3 I'tr (IUalitie, 4C

6' 31

Ille OUT ING FLANNEI.S-I,(lOOyd, h"a")" siriped Outing FIBnllei. a lso ~ hrck . , li~hl ;lIld dark patterns, I 10 IU1 yard !tlll!:th. . file '1 ual ity 2C 1\(' TEN NIS SIIlTI NGS S! s-Tenni s Suit illl!:. one of the nelV 'p rill': fabric s. . in slri"u and checks, regllillf




39c 46c 41c 31c

2c 79c 25c

$1 50




12c 7


ISc SE RPENTINE CREPES 12HcS, OOO yards N tw Serpentine Crepes, in newest designs, in 2Ji to 10-yd. 1 lengths, usual price is lBc , , . 2


12 c fa~~~CES Je~2.000yd~. ~o~~h~n 3c 17c ART I:IURLAP IOe-Plain art Burlap, r .. rd wide-deepesl, rich- IOc eot colors, 17c kind .


I Ie

FLOOR OIL CLOTH 11 e-3 0C!O yd. , Floor Oil C loth- t he mill' s ' 'trial" rolls 2 and l Ji yards wide, 30c g rade . Square )'ard . . . . . , "" 7c APRON GINGHAM 4~- 1 6 , OOO yards good standa rd '1uality Apron Ginlt· hams. all .ize clleck. nnd co lors, 7c grade ,.,' .. . , .. " " , .

8Ic 3

. .


.\1 EN'S SOX k-l\·l rn·s co llnn Half l inse , hhtrk, hrown, navy, and stamlcn


lIIixe d wor k sox, E~ t ra ht'fH'1', a nd 7 Li e ,'al ues

" ':i"


STA I R CA J.:I' ET I(I('-BOO yards light IIr dark colo r Stair Car pet, full rolls, H.c <IU:uiI Y. )':11,1 C "SAM PLE R UG S 19c- Im porteu' Saillples, 1800 Matting Rug-s, lor bed · rooms. etc " 27xH in ches. ~; e vallie. . .. nc BREAD BO XES-With g ilt . tene il BOY'S $ 1.00WOOL SWEATERS49c - Boys' heav y ribbed Wool Sweatcl!, all colon anti combinations, neatly trimmed, $1 value, ,. _ C 39c ..'iOc CORSET COVERS-Spring Sample s, 01 nainso ok with lace. embro id ery and ribbon'-Iomc of the prettiest st yle. " "" " . C 3lic SALAD BOWLS-German china, assorted . hape. and decorations, red,


~lto I2. S0

FANCY FEATHERS- Big a"ortment of Aigrettes, Winj('i, Pompons, fancy oltrich novelties

19c 57c

GIRLS' DRESSES-Channing "girl. i.h" slyles, 3 makers' sample lines in ginlZ'ham, percale, etc., 6 to 14 yean, valuea to C 6Sc WATER PAILS-12.quart . i2e, mottled bille and white outside, white lined, regular6Scvalue .. ,.,.C 12 ~ c ZEPHYR GINGHAMS 8}1c--Newest Spring Zephyr Ginghams, plain and co rded, stripe., checka, m ill 1 end. of I to 10 yd., 12 ~c gnde a

'3 ....... 98 2:.0




19c WAISTlNG FLANNEL 10c-Gray Waining Flannel, or nice for men ', Shirts, 19c quality, in mill ends I to 10-yd. lengths . ... ,. . ..


15c PERCALES yards fine Percales. new Ityles in stripes and 8 l c check.-36 in.-the quality 2

~:~d' ~~'d ~~ec~ , ~Iend •• 12 l~

, 35C

CHILD'S DRESSES 49c---Lot of fine white Dresses---.i. e. 6 months to 2 yrs , , sligbtly mussed from handlinjr. Choice of SI to '2 values . • . • C

8 ~,-4 ,800 12 ~~ e

25 C





TEDDY BEAR BLANKETS--· Lot of 600 "Little Gem" Teddy Bear B1ankell, every eolo~ SSc kind BRASS JARDINIERES---Lot of 245 hammered brass Jardinieres, with large ball feet, 69 value . . . . C LADIES' CAMBRlC GOWNS--- Ladiu' Cambric Gowns, embroidtry trimmed---full sizes . , . . ,. C /lOc-'l. OO TUREENS---With covers, neat decorationl, 7 and 8-inch lizes, regularly 60c 10 '1 ... , Il c PILLO W CASES 8c--- Bleached Pillo.v Ca., es, aize 42x 36, made of linen finish mu slin, extra good 15e qualily . . . .. , ... , , .. , . MUSLIN SH EETING---2Sc 9 · 4 Brown Sheeting .... . . 29c 9-4 Bleached Sheeting . , . , , . , , . , . .. . .. • H ~ c 36-in Bleached


I 5c and 19c Huck Towels I <>c80 dozen large hemmrJ and hematitch.d Huck Towel.; reg\llarISc&nd 19c kind • .. ,.. .

29 C 73 35 10C

7c 81m Pion'. Print. 4C-IO,OOO yards of Simp.on·1 be.t Prin", in all colora, I 10 I O.yud lengtlu; reg\lIar 7c quality "... . ", . .. . I 5c Galatea Cloth 100-6,000 ydl -01 the well-known Passaic Galatra Cloth, , stripes and fii\lrea, for boYI' wai.11 and shirt.; lSc qualit, C


10e India Linen 8lic-Thi. i.. 36inch fine Whito Lawn or Indian Linon, 1,, 10 lO-yard length.; IOc grade .. , . . .. ,...,... 2


25<: Silk Stripe Volle Uk~-Newe.t Spring Wash Good., Silk Stripe

10c 4c




21c Clove SPeciale-2-Clasp Real Kid Lamb.kin Glovr.; '1 and 57 MIl.lin ... , . .. ... . ,. .. 5c and ,1. 2S qualities , ... . C II c HOSIERY Il c---Women's black Women'l 16-button Kid $1 95 ribbed top Ho,,, (.Iight mill im. Glovel; Special .. . . ,. . . • perfec tions ) , A 1. 0 Reece-lined Ho.e. double heel and toe, all good II Women's Neckwear-Pick from a I[,C values. for . , , ... ,' C Voilel, full piecel; 2Sc '1uality


. !:ic SILKOLINES 7e·--600yards of mill end. of Silkulines, yd. wide, useful lenrrths, fine l t 1,k quality, yard . C CURTAIN SC RIMS Ic ---1400 yam. mill end bolts 40-illch Cunain Scrim., striped design •• 9c quality C ~\.SO-$SCO RSETS 69c-- -W. B., J. B. , \"'arner' s, La Rose, La Reliata, Thompson's, American Lady---a11 hroken lots . ,. .... . ...... DINNER PLATES---7.inch Dinner Plates nssorted spr" y and border decorations, IOc aud ISc value , C


CUrtain Goo~ 8 lio-2000 yardl of


~!i:;a~e~. ~~~i.~~~ . 20c and 22~ 9~c

69 C



bir table full of variou. kind. of pretty 2Sc Neckwear and pAy only


Embroidered Curtain Swi"ennd staineu

.1 T •• Kettlee-Nickelplat ed Tea Kettle.; rei"lar'l mel

T::=~ "


. , $2.19

Chid'. Shoee-No heel and .prine hcel, vicildd,laeeand button; ,erular 6Sc Yalue , , "" .. . ..


I)ayton, Ohio



•• •• ""






.... .,..






-!"Or a number of yearl berore oe- f comIng a barber." he continued ••• ( 11'. . ) employed by undertakers. (IBW 10 many dead persons that I became hlrd. ---,~... ened. I wondered why people crIed at tunerals. tor I alway. have IDlliited that IlB we don't know JVhether the dead pereon III happy or alherwl ••, hll friends ehould not cry over him. I have wltnesled the pallllns of fourteen memberll of my family and whtle my ~' feelings were sorrowful. Dot a tear· have (sbed. In fact. I cannot recall the time when I did cry. I hay. DO one In the world to whom I Ihould 'eaYe mT little Inlurance money and' I think I ought to be allowed to do all I pleaee."

Silver of Quality

Loullvili. Sarber Prov~d.. FundI to WlLnen Coun'y Appeal, tax notices Jlel"oOTOI"O"~ . ._ _• Make It Oecallon of JollIty J\Idem_.t to Edward 8h"whan. 47, farmer of for U8a8orer, 14.26; The B. "red and ~I&ltlnll. Demurrer Ie overrule4 in the oue p.tte..... b II t reo For' Ancien' aDd Margaret 8. Klog, Co., linoleom for ooor& boole, a87 8/\ lIlecber d .... blJltY- . t. the m ...t IIIlJlOlof Beajamio Younl ft • .lames 18, of IIUlgrove. au. J. B. Bald, Ca'bartDe NunUs&, wasbing, t12 .25 i BMtng hLe beU.t on the argument, taDt feature. Y<lnng et.1. wi. Darned to perfc.rm tbsoeremony J. B. Woodward, "nioe8 on burial "The only weeping that Ihould be ddne In 'bit ouee of Sarab AleuDder over a mIn Ihould be 'wept' at his aDd llamultl E. Ala.nder TI The Real Eltate TrUlfen. oommmee, Ii i W. B. Robin8on, birth," FrederIck O. Burghardt, barIl'lrvlces on borial oommiUee, II ;ber, Uvlng at 211 South Shelby street, Obio I:leoUto RaUway Co., OD mo· JODa'han M. Coot and BeNte L. Oregonia I1rtdce Co., oon'raot, 14S9. haa made hll wlll, wherein he provides &too of clefendan's 'b. plaio'rlf wtlI Coot t.o Tbomas Anelnwe, trao' In 79; E. MIllI. Cornell, refnneler oftundl tor the. hiring ot a brass band to I. the .allle .taasped ... the baCk of .pooo., fork. orduad &q Ill"" MOlIri'y for OOIU. Wayne townllblp, 11',000. $az on d.:>g I~' WUllam Evans r.. play onlT r&«tlme tunel at hLe tuneral. aDd raac, ..... IIIC plO«l In tile au. of 1'I0renoe N. Jeffery LeRoy D . Chile. and OoroeJl.!to Y. Jfunder of :ax ~n .'h'I5I5.· '22 18, ' IBnother lum of moneT for the serving 10 .lIor.. plate or PI'O_ .and . . . at a lunch and accompanying drlnka, ,... Chari. B . 8b IIrwood ·... .... d e- CbU.. to · Pearlle . O. Gutbrie • _ ...._ - - qua1ltl II and an additional sum tor hll under"Sll~". ,11m fenelant Ie ,ran led lie daye plea William J. Gotbrie, 33715 aoras In But In Her Clle:taker. who Is to place him ,a~e down IIwI bla .... Muaie townsblp, '22'0. WOIIiu'a . wt~ reaclU7 adapt. Itselt In the cuket that "he may· relt COlD. Wide latitUde (orcbolee Is ,ranted pl.lntlff $0 file Mre, Selma Romer &nil Joe Romer to an pJac:ee and all OCculonl. A tortablT." HIli body he wanta covered III olr.~ ID the as ••,. lIDIul.lte d ... ll(1W. amended pel1&lon to oall8 of Dewey '0 Emma Wlum .. n trae' in Deer. WOIIWl lecturer wu deUyerlns .. with hYlclDths and rolebuds. J . e.,.fully .,'ect.d. Sol4 by I cadi ... Cb 1 B II t praet1ca1 talk Oil beauty and the b1lJ'goarot doel not look upon the 00 "We have over 1.000 beautUul YO" 4.a'erl nerywhe..,. BroUlan . ,.a, ar ell . or nn field $o"nshlp, 1700. beauty calt for the entertainment ot pro v1l10ns of his will as being humor. umel In our UbraJ7 now," laid Ib'L \ SeDd (or C.t.locue Cour' orders sheriff '0 sell prop Ber~ Dr~ke '0 Jobn and o.&1e the Woman'l Prot.llonal league of I~UI. On the contrary he declares he Lotto Munll. "o.L." abo.toa aU I er'y Involved In osse ~f The Wind ' Rek\lIiok, 1~1 acres lu county, 11, N~w York at an Intereltlng selslon Ila so serious that he has frustrated the "Of coune you cannot read all 01 laob Moblbauler ve E''dmn. MoF"" , and other oonsidtlr.Uon8, one afternoon. Ilacret..,. of the Barbel'll' Aid to let. them," replied Mrs. Oldcutle. land Dwire. at al. In the conne ot ber lecture the'IIUlde the beneOtll accruing to him "Oh, no. but 1 espect to ••t tbroqh c;ommlSSloners' Proceed/nIS. speaker emPhallled the point that cer- Irrom that organllBtlon tor the pur. mo.t of them 80m. time. I feel tJlat I Probate ft. taln measurements were fundamental. IPoees outUned. Allked for the rea- owe thla to m),selt W. ha•• beeD .f11'7 The rtlpor t of the Probhtl1 Judgn ly Important. Unhappily. how..v~. 1 150n tor hili deslrea. he said: careful in mak1q oar laIectJoa. . . . . O. L. Lonlr, admiuhr,rator de hQ.18hOWing the 1lIU'),lDt of fee~ dUfllwd ' the lecturer hereelt had a form-It I "I don't lee anything unusual about all non wl&b tbe will al.Dezed of t.lle unp!\\d bis offi [\t:l for the tim E! e ncl. her unusual bulk could be dignified bY ' t hem. A will, &I I understand It. gen- ~~~- ~~estate' of Andrew Bllii 1, deoeasHd , lorr DdOem b'" r 31 . 11111 was pre~e nt such 1\ term--that waa fashIoned on erally II the last wish of a man. and flied hlstlnalaoooo.ntfc.t settlemeDt , ' e (l'and orderfld pl 'lOed on fil l' ::~!~~p!~t the lln61 of the Keller- :~: =~~~: ~1~u~:Sb. wbat II tha You Oet All the News Through the Mtaml Oazette MsyP. M~~~ w~ appmo ~d Oa ntrno~-O~ntm~ W~H HDt~rfl(1 1 Pro~~~~llihMd~~r~~non ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ admln~k~rixof~ee~a~ofJohn in~wi~ Gemgo F. McKinn ey fu r meMureme~~~eh~dupav~y~~ ••-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I_~~~~~ Q . Mulford, deceased. labllr'lI.od lllM e rit~1 putting in ' c, ' ll ' round wrlet, . and said: "Now. twice .: ... I t J h S h uround my wrist. once around my T be wi 11 0 f tue • e • n c eurer orete Il.pron IIU,j pilvlng t" b ' nt """ ,·n . Illr .. on t. TWl oe aroun d my t h roat, once deceased, wa. admit~ to rrob I tfl , Butler county liue In Turll eufflH I, around my waist. Twice around my I and reoorded . A. J. i:!Oburer Wilil ltowllship at est.imnt'l $14 115 wal st--" , appolntedexecotorgivingabolJdof Agdo fl rlll oootmct . \V~ .. t' ll ,' rl1d "Once around Central Park!" ex· 1300. into with J <:l rry M, Ur pp lv to U ' o , ~" plodod an Irrepressible young thins . Ollt In tile audience. and the storm ot The Will <If 'he late Andrf' w brttlg" lumber SA ')rilf'nd I r, !.D "0 laughter that followed was altogether I Gu"ery, deceased 'WIl8 admitted to to time hy Llltl O'i Ullt\· ~ O ' IIIIII" ' I ' 0 Immeasurable.-Sunday l\'iagazlne. I Of New York City, we offer every McCall's Magazine, though selling prob'\te. Demas Guttery aad Lewi s erB ut. th e tollo ,qU~ pI fcm" one the opportunity to secure The for SOC per year, is positively worth C. GoUery were a"polnted exl'·cuBills-U. W . U~, g l('!!by, lmrll tl o f : SomethIng Milling. ~ I' Miami Gazette absolutely free for 1 II per year instead. ' Call at tbis year, by merely subscribing to the 'or8 at a bond of 113,000. Mliftba b ~y~, '7~ i F . U H ,· u~ e I Life guards at a Jersey Beaslde reoffice any time and see late issues. McCall's Magazine for 3 years at M.ry M. Callkey wu aPPolDt,>d worth, euv.,)ootlS for R eco rlll' r, *3; sort tell wIth great glee of an Incident I The Free ' Patterns are ordered the rate of 50c per year. In addi. admlnl"'ratrix of the eatate of John J. W. Lingo, supplies for C!l urt that happened there lut Bummer. A by post·card from New York City: 'tioo you receive 3 Free 15c McCall B . Caekey a' a bond of ·171O. houae and j<lil, 13.S6; LlDgo & H111.1r, I German, wIth hili boy (It ten, waa and can be used any time you Patterns. In 'be oue of OUn II. Babr at nails 12 25' Etf.rbart'll Drng Store ,Itandln g at the rail ot one ot the plerlo need OJ1e. , ' . , , quite at the end thereof, when sudden. ~. tttfet; is available to anyone RQArdian of denry F . • reen, minor paint aDd 011, '25; A. M. Monfort, IT the yoonpter toppled through Into Miami Gazette, I year ......• $1.00 who 8uliscnbes, renews or : extends asaills' Benr, F. Breen, a. minor, eleotrtoal repairs at J.iI, .~ 30; B. the water. AI no life pardi were 'out McCall's Magazine, 3 years •• $1.50 their time 00 the Miami Gazette. 'he appnlaement of the el!tatp W&8 E. Warwlok. soap for jail, 1250; that tar at the tim. a well dresled The ouly . perequisite is that you 3 Free 1St McCall's Patterns. .45 approved by tbeoour' and 'be ~uar- A. D. Strlokler, servloee a. Infirm. young colleltan on the pier, Without " 'pay iD advance." diaD 11'&8 ruqoireci '0 giTe aD addl- .r1 Director ,1i9' 8,1. n A Lewt waiting to divest hlmllelf of Ihoes or , , .. . ., clothlng, jumped In and atter battllDl Tota. Value •. ~ ..••..•.. , .. $2.95 Call at this office or seud'I.60 *,oul bond of 111100. . 1191'1'10811 Il8lnfirmary Director, 150 _ with the w.yel for some minutes Bot by mail . ' T. I: Ivins admlnletrator of the 70; J. Q, Bater, lervioee .. Infh'm the halt-dl'01JDed boT to the beach. (0 Will Cost yOU ..... '1. 0 lEND 1N...xGU1t OIl_it TODAY es"'te of Amelia E. "'las. deoeuacl,\ar, Dlreowr, .sIlO; Xen~' C,.,'Uy the meantime the. tather bad hutene4 flied ble IeOOnd aooooa&. , Work Boolle boardlDg -llOnere from the Iller. . . II b.wr 'r- . , The pU!8IIt. how8ft!' bore hlmMlf .... ". Bolmer, ,urdlaD ~f 1660; F. P . Forgy, boartllo. and with rreat ooolDeA. t~i-j~i6~~~~: ,be of O. Leslie 801m ..., e' al w.. blng, I~J3.48· ; . Ill. .Oonk'im ~ttii ddpptiliflact an minON flied bar fourtb aod IlDaI ~ 1$a1D.., for au.dt$or, III; lliallli. Ga. feet. the ea1ml7 In!lUlr.ed:

Com.noa PIeU Court.












By special arr angement with McCall Co.







' ~~~~b~~H~~T

~~'" I.!Y~~~ Chance--~ub~crl"e' ~Qda,~

.-~~~ m~~~=~~~~=~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~a~s~~~~~_~~

4. ,









, Iu tb e Jl\nulHY W tl lUlln s HOJl) " Being prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the C O'lI~I\I)i vlJ, ,J t:o lJ.OL1lltttl L . Gd d" . Movement Afoot Agalnat Taking Oft' I' l w il l !' tl !lllt . Publlo Auction on System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System, and thus FFIOE • • MAIN STR E ET tell"Sbll tolh>wlnl!( lut.llre~tlU ~ Ill t le , tho Hat on Occa.lon8 of Meettho R o mIne tl\rm 2mUes nor'hot IttlJry in IJ,D Ilrtl cle elH ltlt-tI "ri ll' I Ing and Separation. BRrveYllburg . 4 mlleB east of Way nos vllle on VALLEY TELEPUONE- -OALL No. In R '",dlng HlJ,bit. ' wblet t B h l'w~ I h e ,0., ' I Th e progress In urbanity- the art Thursda•v, February I, 1912 Vii I no 0 t Ouu W"lU tl ll II s pe u t Wi l li f 'l Ilf () < ly ('-- which Is taki ng place Beginning at 10 0 'olook 11. . m , the ............. ....... "' . . . . . . . www ,., D. L. CRANE, Editor and Milnager l(u lJd lJ,uLbort< : " IUOli g mUlle r'n Ge rma ns Is Illu stra ted fo llowin g oh8.ttl.ea~ -1 H ones-l "1 knvw IJ, IlU U wh u Lall u h .. ll . by t lH' 1ll0Vtlme nt f or mod ify In!". or al· regist e red paroberou m.llre, oomlng " LIVERITES-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic OonRafes of Subscription hour'l! journc,y~1O tind out u t ;S~IV tog(H hcr dO,I,n g uw l1y with tlH) " Gel'YAlJ,r ~ ol d . BOllnd, tlrelltlble worker stipatioD, Liver aud Kidney Troubles. Ask your Groce r for it. One Year (.t.rlctly In adVlWce) .. .. . .. . ll.O!1 Y"rlt ev e ry liuy lU dt tl<H1 VI r u.Uj _ lI~ n n a~lu l e , s ays a cflb lpl( rHm to the In f oul.h .v lniIJ ' rteri pe roherol'lstal i Manufa tured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., Springfield, OhIo Single Copy . . .• . .. .. . . . . . . . · ..... . . . . O~ hi t · l\ ew .'ork Am r1cll n. l lnde!' th e ex· li on, we llo(lltl 19:11i Ibs. i 1 dllrk @'ro.y 109 S Iltl\\ls~ti(ltlr on Uo rl' <IolU , ll ; press IOn Is mCan t t h e t rad itional l"e ~ i H tt\T ed percheron filly ooming must m en tlo, h e gltiuoed ov r I I I'L fnH lilon .01' lal[l n); off tll<' hat on acca· ~ y elJ,rs Old , fine form, excellen t bone Ratea of Advertising while h e WttM dre"'~in g , !lnd 1)11 th .· SI "" H 0 1 mC(·lln g. or sepurull on. It Is lind baok r. ve ry p" omi8ing youni Readlnlr Locala. per Une . ..... . . . . . . . . 6. ' \rllt. he s t udLed Frdu oh . 10 II v.", y a Ul ): hly (·I:dJoratc pe rform a nce, In Inlue. TheliA mares lire bigh clllllt! Re&d1nl Locala. blaok tllCe, per Ilne . . . . to,' shurt timtl htl blld wlJ, tlLt:o rt!d 11 ;:-1 I th l~'\l ItIO l lo ll~. BUKgellllll g military of th e be8t o f br eed InK ; they are ClualAed Ada. not to ex~ live Ilnee WAYNESVILU: CHURCHES . I 1' 1'('l'l~iolt, I h I' first being the raiSing prope rl y r eoorded In the P e roberon Three m.rtlou. .. ... . . .... . . . 211<' vdrb~, ~od bdf0re 110 y all r W I.I ~ II1l Lh e o r Ihl' ItH I \ . ;lh stlm y exte nde d arm. Sooie ty of America . To the purObltuartoa. live Inchoa free; anI' ,h'e IiIII Inch8l. per Unll . . ....•. . .. ... . Ii<' rflo.d:Frenoh sufficie ntly well to ll Ll : th o 8' ·'·PIlt.! Ihro lowerin g or It to the Oht18 l:l r \\ilJ he Ki':en 110 OlJrtifiotLt.e of Card ot tbanka ... • .. . .. .. . . . , . .. . .. . . 211t JOT French book8 aod mltga~iIl Ciit' . i kn ee \\'Iltl a dll" lIward cuttin g moti on p~ digr tl6 and propel' transfer . For Methodist Episcopal Churca. C Oll ft1 "I' GC() ~ r.': f rl ' ;. il. RMOlutloO.l .. ........ . . . .. .. . .. .. , . . . 60r .. nd betol'e the seoood yeC1r Wil t! lI 11 t I Hilt.! t hn lhl rd the si mil arly llreciao full pel lllo(reO tldd,· ~tl 8 ownln'. One Ro\, . e. S. ( i r IUl lioC r . l 'flij l or . ln f n t . J\ .~~h,' . '" t i., 80clala etc. wbere charae .. made ....•.. 211c . re pl nCClnel1 1 0 11 the h ead. The action ~:rlid e pel'C)b er o n <X l mue corning ~\II I( II' y S r lh)o l . H ' 15 a . m . .l o rlllllJt He r nl~ WI:, .a ! , !I.:'" Dlapla, Advert.1ain& per Ineb •.. ..• • .. , . 10<' be WIlS spett.kmg the IIlQgull. ge "" ,Ii b ... tw ee n alll; it " Hl>pca rs tormal e nou gh !'i y elir H 0 10 , Ro und . kind gentle dis Th e$~ are \: . i! t .... ' I vkc . 111 ;W a . ti l '·;,",' u IIlK :ic r v l n : , 17 :on p . \\'1 11 n l l l- a it m " 11 ,T \ :, ' III M t ,lw,." ", lt r \,r c r Mf'.. tln ~. 7 I) , m , DI800WlU Ivlln 011 COlitract. enough $0 h,)ld oouvers iltl e n IU II . I to draw Il Hlnil e from fore igners of pO!4iti on. 1l re lllloi ll work er CLOy pluoe g t CUI " "'.1:;; I t,'\- I), IlI h' , " ':':' ," .1 . &Jon lC d e vcl o pnHm l by " I v il\ ~ 10 , , Wherenpoo he trented bimilllir I" I " as lel' 11·;II1 I1 ('\'S. but It becom es laugh· 'l. pr' )V(i/I brood mare, at presfmt The AMERICAI\: dOY. 1 St. Augustine's Catholic Churen, I/o 8'llllmer vl1c'Ltion in Fuo oe '11I d IIb le ,\' 11 <' 11 on e sees It practi ced with Il bkl w el~ hR 1635 lb ~ . has w e ighed JANUARY 17. 11112. fill e d ¥1 1th f ill e r r ,ldlllli&' v. h tch f;l ~ ' I IHIl t:. :1!I» s F ULlwr Lu u i.'S Yo. U~ . . ' I 11 11 !;I':t ';1ty I,{·t w('cn a pa ir of Bchool· 17HO I bs . bv her ~Ide is a mare fOil I. !·~d'(tll,~~~n~'~~,lt~ ~t.o t PI'lt;,~~:~~~,;>.: ' ~I\'I~:P~:·~I\.!~. I M'U·.ACVI 'l'Y h i ! , .. I'd . . u u llUl u f tb t:' w o nl ll a never .poke u word of h:oglllj h whl " ' ! j,(l.l' ~ or ('oll cl(e st udents. How deeply 'w hioh will' be soU sepllro.te a 8 It will ' r lclty. clI rpc l l1n , , poo r1 a. t.: IUn l' l. T t" II'1 h UYI ! U!i t \) ' Oil a , W ' '" ha l to d o and ho w to do II . 9 u lI lI rull, II u, · tr:a l ft d. (t Md f'v (' ry li ne In h a rm o ll }, w ll h r e f ln ...1 There II nothing tbac gives 110 won tiler .·, unle~8 he happened t o 11 1< 11 t t he " Cct rllllln sill ute" Is engrnlned In bo Ii mon,hs old by dlJ,y of sale. This h o m o l na inln,, ; e ndo ned b y ~ O,CK " lI Jo Y II o, nd 'li e U t he nation al fo rm s of so-call ed pollt&- oolt i8 Inr~e, h el1vv, boned. oolllr St. Mary 's Episcopal ChurCh. vurt' nh . ti e nd ' 1.00 for a fu ll Y': i.r, UII .a le a t luob .. re anobera-ge io life 1M I/o sood lIome of hl8 fellow ooulltrYlll un a ll n r- w ,, -! ' tn d. It JO CCl nl ~. ness Is pruv ed h y the story ot tho g my ~ ire d by a 1900 Ib Import.e d - - --" - • Illi SPur.I:! 'C~II SIlIX ~ ca . I O l "'lul~ ' Iii< D'Ir~ I . " let.. wife. Ind C!p <: nd.'lIll y mind ed subordinate of· ~t"lli on 14 Hh eAp ~rlJ,de delHineewell SU II ~l ay S ~ )J Ool. 11 ::w H. III M o rnin g Her Frightful Polar Winds Hein l who ~ t end lly refu s£d to make I II ne t o Il1lll b t.lle lust half of F eb, n . -=====~========~ \' l c(I . I U ::l O a . III H ol ~' Cow lIl u n! on th e Ur~ l _ \ ~ uu d ~r 01 r a c tlllI ontb. blow with ttlrrifio foroe Ilt th e fOLr Ihn I ra rlll lona l obeisance to the Ilrv . . Fij,t 'bl! oroncut laW yoorlelf; north Bnd pla y havoc wit.b the Itk ill . "ch ief" lind go t the allernatlve ot mak· Farm Implemen ts- l MoCorm l(lk Christian Church. YOIl will 'bU," OOD save enoulb II ' oautlillg ,ud: rough or soru chuPtJe: l. l ln l~ It or !H..·ln g di smissed. In Ge T' binder, 7-fv ot out. n Aul .v new; 1 Rev. L. O. Thompooa. Putot. handll Dnd IH)~, t.hllt need Buoklun ~ lTIan y It Ie e tl Quc tte for a ge ntleman Olive r riding bre .. king plllw nellTl y bUla new •••. Bible Scbool. 9:30 a . m. 80cIaJ meetlq. ArlllOa Malv", ,"V heal th fl Dl. 1L IIlt'etlng a lud y of hi s acquaintance In upw. 1 Oli ve'r s t ..w l w 'll\( l n~ bre .. k. Undertaker and Embalmer, 10:aO a . ill . Chrlst!BII Endeavor. 7:00 " . m. mllk llS 'he skin 80ft anri t!moo tb . th e el reet to ta ke off his hat to her be- iug plow ill f(ood ~h"\lEl ;) KTDIl!l oul. Bormon by " .... Io r e\'ery alternate 8Wlday'" 10:80 a. m. and 7:80 " . m . W ill be found In the Ola Unrivaled for oold-eores, !11sl) b uro ~, fore ijhe bow s. In Anglo·Saxon cOlln· tn-hl.o r,,) (/< g "n~ ~) Dfl llrly new, I Blell88d be. work I U .glvea UI 'hI' bolh,IIor8ll, nlCAr!!, OUf.S, brut!le8 allli trlcH t he reverse Is the practice. and Aug be brelJ,king plow, 1 ( )Iiver stelll BRlIk Bl1Ilding. oppo"U" fikksitc Friends Chura.. Ob.Doe of maklnl I'reng, oapable pllils. Only 26 oen~1I at all dru g a n Amt! rlca ll woman would teel not II. beam breu.kiof;! plow . ;) !Hl.too th hlu the N IJ,t,ionl11 Blink FirM lla) M oe tln~. (J :00 B. m. Flnt Dar Tel ephone in hou!!e I1nd or· men so,1 womeD of ounel vea, "illte. littl e a6to nlshm ent. as well doubtless roWII. 1 Boosier d fJUhltl oorn di-ill Sot OOI . II :0(1 a . m. Founh Day Me~tlnl( fice where J nan he CI\UfId 10 :00 a . m. - - - - " ~" as some amuaement. If sb e were ollElok row tltt.a ohmeut wll11 100 rodll da.v ',r II i I(h t. Strawberrle. Every Month. brought up against one ot he r male oh eok wire. 1 Bell 1enter ont di so VC1l1l'.V phone 14-2. Orthodox Friends Chure., A strawberry plant, Importe d from frl E'lIds saluting her In the German h l lTrOW with truok bitch, I 14.tooth Draw up about Uae tire a HUle AI .... Ru th MUIT&Y. Putor hurrow new only used two doy~, 1 Main Street. olo8er. Nice In here, even Whf n Siberia last spring by Edward Dixon fas hio n. Wayne8ville. Ohio Ra bbatb Sobool. 0 ,~O a . m. Hell;ular obu roll of Fore.t Grove, Ore., beara fruit e very McCormick mower. 1 Ii boed on e· 'he d, If'" are ,blKh 01l'"lde. Henloo. 10 10 a . m . CbrIA,'all EocJea vo". month 10 the year, tbe berries belnt: LOVE horfle wheat, tlrill, 1 light one.h orHe 7 : 30 p _ white In eolor when fully ripe. The STOR-Y OF ARCHDUKE spring wagrm. 1 wal(on box wll·ll be rrlell a.fe not so large as the Orego n two .. et8 of sldebOtlrds, 1 Shunk ii. HATHA W A '\' berry. The ftavor resembles that 01 8 Ferdinand Ch~rle. Louie ot Bavarl.. low wheeled wa~on nearly new. I 00 Per Plate pineapple. Wedded to Rosa Czuber, EnJoy3 set.s double trAe~ wit·\) l'linJl\etree p , WByne8 VillA'l!l 1.A'u.dl.ny DeDUd Blo.soma and fruit are tound on th e Ing Peaceful Exile. 1 hay forll, 115 ft rope" pulliep, Will paid ., a b.nquec to Benr~' ()1Dce in Keys 8Id:(. MII.ln !-'t I BARNHART, sooop shovel. fork~. bOAll, flbovtol~. Clay. In Ntw Orleaos In 184:1 plant every week In th e yea r; how. ever the best sen son tor bearing Is The Archduke Ferdinand Charles orossout Pllw,3 sets of aingle work ~illbty cos'11. for 'boee with IIt·on l N!)tary Public aoh 'rouble· ~ ludlg88tilln . Toda .' from Augu.t 1 uotll about th e end or LOllis or Aus tria, scratohed trom the hArnesl1, 2 seta obeok lIoes,, Almnnach Gotha, scratched from the bddle8. hA Iters, a ~I)()d farm bell, people every where Ollfl Dr. Kln~ ' ~ the year. A,ll killll" o)f N"t.nry WOI k. : PeD!lioD The berrleB hang 10 clllste ra on a a rm y, deprived of all hlB titles. rankB bE,om 110""e~ (5C!0 Ibll) . revolving IUlHERWDl1 New Lire Poll.. for tbetle trollblee /I , Good for Nothlnlt bu~ the W"rk \to I:!ppollllty. long, slender stelD. Each plant h a ~ and orde rs, Is peacefully enjoying per· wood ba.y rake, a tons oboloe tim well ae II ver.'.ltitiDey II.nd bowel di ... ordera. E"",lIlfe, aure. Ooly 26, several Btemll on which the fruit grow. fect love as an ex ile. He Is no w known oth, hay, 200 bu good yellow oorn T.he stemll with leaves bear no frllit. ~1. F erdina nd Be rg. and la painting on tn orib. 40 Rhooks fodder . • t all drQ8I~'l' Household Goods-Black walnut Inlltead of propagating new plants th e bort.!e rs or Lake Lllgnno. DR. J . .'If. MILLER, tram runners, 88 Is the case of nati ve His fa ult was a gracious one, for _e oretary, 1 good single oouoh, 1 bed. etrawberrles, 10 this species the par. to marry morganntlcally has become st.l~au, 3 dlnlnJl'.room ohair", 1, rock DR. E. H. COSNER, ... DENTIST..• 'l'al1:e thlt froat out of your grind eot plant IB broken up, the sel'e ral almost a b ablt In the Hapsbourg tam· er, 1 morrie ohair, 1 w(' od box heat8\ooe before you grind the IJ,X, bol trult.bearlng stems are sepa rated and Ily. But thl y fault was aggravated by tog IItove, llirge stona jarll, 2 new planted Individually. _ New York the tac t that the marriage was cele- titl lurd Ooins. 1 fifty pound tiD flonr Omce In Waynesville. 0 do' U gra.iualty, and no' loy u,,'n., World. I National Bank Bld,. brated wl lho ut Imperia) autborlzatlOn'l hin with l'iftor. 25 steel traps aod too hot water. T .... ·would Injnre His elde r broth. the heir to the throne. mlllny a~efulllorUolellllot mentioned. nnd the du c he res8e of Hohenberg, who 'Term S-All Bums nnder 1'0 oa8h, the quall'y of 'he "ooe. Zull.. were likewise separated hy II. great all sumA of '10 or over a oredlt of 9 912 Reibold Building, It 18 stated tbat no matter wb. t dltterence In Btation. were more adroit, m(>nthe wiJI be given by purcbaser Ohio Dayton, ellal of aJllmal la brougbt to ~z and had taken Into their play Madame e:ivlnll ban.klble note. A disoount Barbed Wire de Ia Frontera. Spain, 10 two genern. Scbrab. the mistress o! FranelB Jo- of 47,;' per cent off faoe of note for A Hero IQ A U,bthouse . .... . ...- .. . tiona It acquires remarkable tough. seph. oal~h. Wllliam A tHarr . For :rOUIl J. S . Donal up, &. neu and endurance. Tbls IB Dttrlbuted Graduate American 8cbool. K1rknllle. Mo Madame Ferdinand Berg, nee Roaa 'YIlHlJ,m Mills I Auo,. SaveD, IIIt'h., a olvil war captalD, partly to the ' climate, but principall y Czuber. haB nothing wIth whIch to reo I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....1 . GUARANTEED to heal without leav· U '1. Hawi-e \ •• a Jlllbt.bou8elreeper, averted aw. to their feeding on a rich, wild cia\,· proach herself tor '. I Ing a blemish, or MONEY REFUNDED • W . ·E O'Neall I t;ler'-l;kH'sl--- - ful wreo!&.II, but Cl queer taof It', 11, . er called " zlllla," round only In tb e quest of tbo archduke I~======~~====~~=~ oldIiOc sizes for fTe8h wounds. an Harvey I I aoreB,80re backs and shoulders.tEuroa ---millb' bave bl!eo a wreak, !limslIlI, provInce of Cadiz. which peoille th ere reception at Prague. The arcbduke and bruises. 260 size for Family use. If Eleot·rio 8iMerli had Dot. prevclill . Hny IB the flneat tood In the world ha d Immediately demanded her bund. C.W.HENDERSON,M.D D~COrSPAm~S~ft eel . "'rhlt.\· l'(1Y'Pcl 1JIt4 01 1\ tdney for horses. but the s evere Dr. Czuher made him Is painless gullrllnteed to cure troublfllllld Cbl ; I~, " lit< wrl1ll", . " The IUIIa 18 very rlch In allstenance wnlt five years. Spavin, Ringbolle, CurlJlBweenY18plint, I had t .. kiln "I·lllfr ,..) 0 .t Ill" " 111'68 and groWl! to three or four feet In Waynesville, Ohlu. 1t is only Il. Question now ot ob- '" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • • • •••• _ ••• _ .... PUffs or any enlargement of PODe or for yett.r", wlthu"r, Ll'lIl'fit· lIull II I.!!.! belght, and with more lUXUriance III t nlning the pardon of the emperor museie, or money refunded. Price 500. also tmproveit my .. ll(ht, l'''w . It Main Stre(t roll IoAU BY ALL DIlUQClI.ta chalky. cluey 11011, auch as Is roumJ F ra ncis Jose ph. The arcbduchesse Ads will be IIll!~ rLet1 n nele r tbls bead for VaUey Phone 153 lIevont.y. I II m fee II n" Ii ne ., ~'o, here III the 't1neyards which produce Annoll clade Is employed to do this, twenty·Dvc cenls lor tbree In8.rtlona dJllpep.I., lodllCt>,.t\ou, 1111 tlt.omaoh, the famou. Jerez wIne or sberry. It bu t It Is feu red nil he r efforts will rawben uelng nol morc lhan Ih'e line •. U.,or and kld"".y t.rnublt!CI. thtly're fa Ileyer sown or cultivated, as It ma in unfruit ful It she can- not flrllt •• . . . . . . . w.w • • w • • • wi~boll\ equ.l I'ry thWIJI. Only to Crow best wlld. move the exce ll e nt Madame Schrob.A.LTER MC(lLURB, 500u .t all dra",,\st8 I.e Crl de Paris. . FOR SALE - - Dttr.renoe of Decree. TH. OIlEATEIT . Funeral Dlrer:tor. "What fa the difference." asked a A Girl's Wild Midnight Ride Keep wide patbll IIhov .. I"ll tu ev· dear and trustJng al.ter of Deacon C . Buff Orplngtoo Pullets and ]J Ao pl e of a fearlul f ores t. t'ooke relA for 81\1e, Mrs. B. V erY oat-bulldlolC. Help til "pen the Philander of Osborne the otber da,y, firs'1'" illwuru IN THE WORLD Telephone day otr nlgbt. I.h fl Clltskilld A young girl l'UBUSHED WEEnY. ~.OO I'Ell Y!All roada wheD b ·,,,vyt.nowli drilttllem, "between the probate judge and the rode b O:S 6 UhCt. at mi d night and Smith, Box ' 75, phone 4-3, Wo.yne~ Valley phone No. i . LoDIl ville. Obi o . whetb... yoo lire olilled oot by tbo dl.tr1ct judge r' Baved 1lJ8nv \tv a!! . Htl r del1d Willi HOTELS, DRuoelSTI, ePECIALII", Distance No. 69-9~, ''Well.'' repl1ed old Philander. with gl orinu s bti~ lives Rre oft,en tUlved COITUME"a, TRANeF.R, OAR . .tbm ..ter or nnt !-lee lhut 'he ODe of hIs rare smiles, "yOU tell the 'BUI SERVICE 'OAN PROFI~ OHIO AND ,SOOk 18 ablll~ered from the role! pl'Oba~ judge you 6ao't live wltbout by Dr . Kin~!! Nl'w Dlao ()VElrl!~n+-.Ar..J~.J....~¥I~.mJ~reIIJj.*"I-:F:.,-- ... -- . BY USINC ITI ADVE"TIIING COl.UMN8 . c::curiog IUllg trouble. oonghs Ilno her and you tell tbe district judge coldli, whicb might have ended In 8.,..., and eV""Y.DhrM. SAMPLE COPY FREE · Branch Office. Hal'VeYllbul'S, O. 70u can't live wltb ber."-New Or. oon8ulUpti t' n or ' pn eumonia "It. Add,..s NEW YORK GLIP ... " I leaDs Picayune. New Vo...... V. oured me II : II dreudflll onugh and 150 egg "~ure·HlJ.toh' · IDrnbli. lung diseab!!, " writes W it. PIlH,er· . tC)r . Will tlell reallonl1ble. Wblle wllltlnjt IruplJ,t1entlv for I.he BROUGHT DOWN TWO VICTIMS 80n, Wel1ill ~to n, Tex, " four hl rll . (~eorlCe Stroud. Route 3, WayIC.Ce '0 ~eplljr chll' mad.b lie. w ·,aliill our lam ily bnd died with 0011- nesville, Ohio, Phontl 83-5 . oat or other btt.d place In tbe bllb But the Desr Hunter Got 8urprll. of ~nmptlon. Iml1 I g.linl1d 87 p Ollnds . , Notbing 80 sure Ilnd ..ate for 1111 Will', woaldn" U be a good Ide. to His Life When He ExamOME Pore-brerl' Anoo na Cblokens tbr'Jat u.nd luog trouble!! Prloe 50c Inlld Them~ Tlle{ are IZrp<\1 I.. ~~r" an.J do SAar .. a rew boar. off aad fix it your Ind 00. Trittl boWe free . well In funfll1 q ll llrr.MII . Phone We will give you $35.00 worth of !l81f? If every fumer .peD' • fEOW by all drullgif!t.s . GUlJ,r'lnteed One of tbe beet hunUog atorle8 ot 65-·au. F. () Sawin, Waynesville Thoro Ured Poultry free of charge Iloan oooa.tonally, wOrkln~ on tbe the sealon comea trom northern Wis· as per our Combination Poultry Out---~.Oh io, Offer. Write for full particulars. 'ro.d, oQt"blghwa;YI w01l1dlOOD ahow conslD. where a prominent resident Beautiful colored "chick picture" • deoldecl Improvemea.. Let 1111 of PhllIIpl. accompanIed by a friend, MORE D!AMONDS IN . BRAZil gool1 driviug horse, email, quiet free . allpped out ot town one eVening two for women and Olllldren, with Dm aDly , • lood 1'0ada-JeC os dan 10 advanoe of the legal openIng Excitement Cau8ed By New Dlecevery bUllgy, barnesll, ullmket.fl . Cheap it wo..k bad r!Jlldll . day of tbe lea eon for killing deer. of Great Field In the State sold s t: onoe. Also a Buff Rook oook HI. oblect was to bunt deer at nIght of Goyaz. IIond 8 dOZfln ,.nd R half hpnl-l. L. 0, by the air at a strong reftector dark Thompson, Waynesvllle. 0 932 Harriet St. Winona, Mlnn lantern. He lucoeeood In a way tar Newl!papara just received trom RIo beyond hla most optlmlBtJc hopes In de Janeiro Bhow symptOlDs of excitegood Coal oU Rllnge with B08s llllllq 10methJng. but hIs overwhelm· ment over reports or tbe :ecent dIsoyeo . Inquire at this offioe. gtt ImJMdl1lt relief Ing surprlle on first vIewing the covery ot a. great dlamood field In "gamll" may be better Imagtned than the atate of GOY&2, repuhllc or Braillade Strong bsr Vlno! Dr_ ShooD'S Matic Oin~ K Quality" White Leghorn Clds "I wfah I ooold Induce enIT moth. "rttteo. and hili language was borrld. zil, In a . llttle Btream called the Gar(both oomb!'), good elzll, sbl\pa He drove hlB own team of horses • cas, one ot the mmor aftluentll ot the . . who hal & deUcate, .Ickly eh1ld, to colo,", tb~ ~a.mfl blood line .. '.hat trY 10111' deUeloua eocl nyer IroD tonic. n,lued at $SOO, and' Bome dlstollce Araguaya. whIch flowa nortb toward 'tnd VlooL from ·town he turned Into an aban· the Amazon. The state of Goyaz Is bIlV'~ heen wlnnina' prizes fllr us . ~~~~~~~~~.~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ doned loggtng road. traveralng It tor dIrectly west or the state or Dahla. WrHe, pbont' CIt oome anit see UII for "It .reatorecl 0111' tittle claushter to parUculore,al1d prloe, 0 K Poultry SATISFACTION CUARANTEED PRICES RICHT llea1th and atreD~ after _....~ eeveral miles. Tben be tied up tbe and Ilea near the center of Brazil. It elae ha4 failed. It tut. 10 load ahe team and prowled Gbout In tbe woods la a 'Wild and tblnly settled region. nod Supply Co , Wavneevlllp, 0 . the Bcant populatJon about tbe dia.10m to take It-'not a btt of GOd liYer for halt an hour with biB Ught. ~ oU tute.-Mn. O. W. Stump. Oantou. Suddenly he beard a snort, and tbo mond fields being composed of JaOR8E- -Bi~ borse, oheap, brown, Ohio." light revealed a paIr of glarIng eyes dlans. wpight· 1300. AIAO "Bellt Ever" The news of thIs find has alrtady. tt Galllll Plow Ilhilost nllW, aflets !lheRra ~ The 1'eU01l Vlnbl 18 10 neee..tol from lOme animal a Bhort dlBtanr.e ~ til 1nilldlq 1IP paDY. delicate. .Ulq awa,.. In hla excItement he handed Is Bald. brought to the diamond coun- one lie' nllVer been used Inqoire ~ ~ dllId,... Iw beca1lH It 18", & oomblll&- the light to .hIs friend and bllnged at try a thousand ·eager "garlmpelros" at tbi8 01l1oe. Thomas L. Pierce, Prop. tloa of the two maR w.orldTfamed to.. the eTu: Down tumbled tbe uDlmul. (dfamond hunters). The first flnda b-the . medlclll&l botlT-1iurtdllll ' el. and lnltanUy t~re was a com motion In the field IndIcate that the stream BtIl II . N. Htf.tOeld property on B a •• r r I • e B a I I II I n If .. ~ p ... IlUlDta of 004 llYer aided b,. the In the aame lpot, 811d the Itght ra- ot Garcoa contalna prodlgloua rlchea FrN"Dkyltn liond. loqnlre of . ~. W • J d II • v 1 ' 1 e . . 0 b l O l L . . David . 1doo4-m&k1nr aDti ~tIDC .....Ied another pall' of glaring eyes. which may be secured 'WIthout ouog, tOO LhiD'Ia'oD ~ .:; Thebunter ·qulckly .flred and the aeo- treme lobor. The . exaat location aud AVI!I" .DaytoD, O. , .. JI'Opeitlee or toDI~ Ina. .' " ~ tt l_ ID41Ioe Jd'D t.t trr ·& bottI.• oud 8Jllmal d~pped. course of tbhi IItteam are acarCe1t I . The . . \'!Bot;'.- :~' ·' aDA kno'W.n, aa It a1)pellra On few 'mapa. Poland. ChlDa, 20 AGENT FOR ' SUITS PRE'~EO ~T HO~E ~. ~:< tb;elr The &t9S that are even wlthl~ . J'O'lr. ..:vrel,bt alio Jbe. l ' Fr'I~ ' DI'J Clullil CI. . akORT ORDI". It S~iO'ALT't' ~.".:, ·that four I hluidred' mllea, of the; all · YeDkle, R. D. Ii, .' . . . 'J . are nOw -, expfoffbl" Uielr. PubU.bed


at WaY1l8lvWe. OWo





I I,



Sickness ' .........










Only 10c=====~



= _ _____ ____







fl. E.

E. v,



Osteopathic Physician



-- -





and $1.00 and

OlasslBed Ads



----- ...








Consider ...this Offer






Western Poultry Farm















:.': ~








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""n.. ,.., b~ W.

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! ,

~============~!91llwful Bac"aching ~ I Kidney Troublel

Importance If Personal "{ I 1 k VV or

Dr, DerbY'1i Fau1'oull Pil1s WUJ Quickly Reatore Your KJdntyt and Bladder - Banish Your Rheumatism-Try them Freel Oh. the torture ot Irot t ln l( liD In th e ,morD' IOIr - tho.o t errib l e unll' h Au,flbln; ~oa

thl 'O u/ilh nod t.brouch - t.wl ~ t1U 1l Hll d wru u oh -

In J,L c ve J'Y mu ~oh, . btl ll O a nd lI un."1 Yuu who fm fT nr (rum khJo l1 Y .. ,ut blt"lch.. ,. tr uub1 8S knuw tbo ~"perl uno" ODly \"" wall . YOII



wh y do I a l, pe,, 1 for thi s IdnlI of wt> :' k '! Firs t. , be t'ause anyb ody (' ll'1 du .It, <Copyrl,ht,. 4. C. McClur. a Co., 191()') , W e r unllot u ll pn.., bllt Till')' were e ntrusled to "'e eR n all do personal 111 reC;o \' .:rln g t heS(' : bil l. wl tb tlm ~ lI e ve thnl. I- I IHi \'o h ard It whis ' " bn u l t hu t tl SYNOPSIS. work , Thl!r ~ 18 nOI n busl· limit ed . he h nd he£'1l Be nt hac k 00 a pe red It mi ght he bN 'nu_e "e th e o t he r him by II n nit! man whom b e dINeo\" ~ r l' d Bkk In It l d e lJ ~ n de n cl' . anel wh o lIe RS ma n who I ~ 1\ (,hr ls t inn that wild gooso ~ ha s e , whil e Ke ith I\I ODe gIrl." "The o lhr r gIrl !" In cOlll pl e le s ur · dI ed In hi s room Ihr ee Y0 01'S ogo . could 1I0t s pe llk to hl8 pllrto e r tl)J ft I< Krlth, II Vln.ln b n, now " oor- ku e w. with all Y d l?g re e of pOHlth' eu ess . & ,' r1 tt. tntt 1t lU I1 . 18 h \llk!! \ ,\( f" r l'i'a mlng " a r ~Ir , flawl e y hilS bee n sellrchlng evcr llI or row m urnlll !;. There Is 1101 :I n em · .,:11"( 1, ' " of tc.ll " R o\r: N . I lt· :-:l·.·,:t n. walton t l' l UII \\h p r o th ose docu Tlll ' nt s n au tl y wore. pris e at tbl" Hw lfl re turn . ... (ull g ll llop pu r" ,,',1 1> ), n1O' 1I " " 1'0111.,. , Hllwl oy cer tolnly hll (1 Ih e m In hI s pOti· "Y ee , s ir." r OnSl'IOIiR of h n v l \I~ nt· .I nc'e fll r Ihe olel mnn 's grnnlld a uRbl e r , ploy er ur la bor tha! ('o uld nOI s pt'al! ~If\ e n K(\lth f'N\(' h t"" lh r. \\' tl~ u n t ho raid · ..:n. ' ''l\'~ mlUlsal'r,'d t w m Oil nnd li e · ijt's ~ lu n th e ,IllY he (or,', (or bo bud talned the II I' p,' r hU" I1. " Ml s~, 110 1''' It Ig T! ' lIln rk n bl o hnw he wn s \lnul!y to hl~ pIllpillY OS bt' (o re th c wel' 11 Is t'll n\·I"r .. d Ih n t I wu s the on o." 41nrtNt. li e e l'/ln · h . , ~ th e " ICl lmB ~ 11l1l" " In ken tb e m 10 ~I b~ ~ll1c lal r l' to th us Wlll te." d o ne , Th ('fe 18 n ot .. fll th er ",leu cO lild " ~l ('rti nnfl 11 t rtckflt w lt l l n. w ll m n n s p o r · "A p hlllu!: raph , was It not'" "Some more o f :\I r. li n IYl e )"o Cnn · not s Pcll k to hi s boy be (or £' tom o l' ruW "'ltH . I ,~ I"' 18 arrr"I ,'<1 /It Cu rBo n l'lI)' , co nvin ce be l' n>! In th o trul II of bIB ,\ g lea m of 8t1tld e n s us pi c ion np· ni g ht. Anybod y enn do It. The s ll1 a ll · <)hn r" .tl ,,·lth Ih l' mur("'r. hi. nce"." r b e· st stf' m" nt s, And I ln\\ "-'y WIIS s tilI clell." be re tort ed , pe rp lexed t hat 8 0 1n lo! n 'U,nl1 n n n m El') Hl lu' k H art. A 11 (' f!ro I . t mu cb should be H) lti PCCI cd , " Hllvo yo u pe nr od In th t' browlI e y es. a f light es t child COli do It. I went out Into <!l1t1l I'l",,,lon Ir. h I" ,'1" 11 IlH III l' d N f' b t t' ll ~ 1 ~'" 1 n Sh e rld lt n . ,tlOW , \ \"t' I'. it WIlA n O cbnnge In facIal <' xprcs s lon . ,t hol he kn e w th ~ I~ \'lt h " In \,lr ,..luh.. l' u b :Ike ly tha ma n \\,0 ,, 1<1 ri s k cllrryttl!; seell h er?" nn Ohio c it)' to prell ch, and they toltl Imow ",hnt It mMnll to d r a~ tbroutrb ths tiny:. (Jn e 'lr th e n lllnkr ~ t1 m t.' n Wll ~ J v hn d I "Thn t w as 1\ clue. yes , but fal' (rom me the r k h ~s t ma n In th e cit y W lIS In lonar dl\Y ..oh l n " f ro m h (l d ~I f uot - kame. " Why, of rOllrs!? I a m a womnn, BU>I ~ y . II,,, othor O ~ n , W il li , Wall O, rorm · o cu me nt s o( stic h \'a lli l', and (ocu ' 110"', "oAk. ml ~e,.j, b lo u nd (j"" I>llDde " t. a Confcdrmt o orti<'r r. 'l'h o plRlnsmll n me nta con n ec tin g bl tl! ~ u c1oM~ l l' with Mr. Keltb. wi t h all tho Duturol I' ur l· be ing n il. \l il t wh y s hould I te ll 'ou t h e audI e nce. 1 Il' vcled nil my argu· What'~ ths u sc or ,,"'I n ~ 1" ""(I.,h a ll thnt.. . Neb e~r.ll pc and la tcr t ha !u>:lll v ,' . b , . T II osfty of ruy 8" )( . In I his ca~<l I hnd lhls?- yoll be lle \' e nothing I sa)'." af te r tl lly-sptm d llll: h u rrtlJl ot lilucDl ~;4a ments at hIm . m y pyes went ho ck Lo day e upon II cabtn nnd lind li B OC':UI'a llt t a t l1lu n lt' r on th (' SA nto ~ e rll. nlC'ht!i'? Tbt}ru t ~ n ' t nu y - ~I n ae Dr. I>c r h , "I belie ve tbllt you be li e ve : Ihat blm oF;aln and agllln, bllt 1 did nOI IItLYO hllJ \Vuntlprru l d h' co ve ry to tb u wurlrt. ·tt be "Jollng girl. \\,h o lll lC ollh th ink . obou t upon h is \l l' r~o l 1. At best. IH o " peellll ren son to be Intucsled , One ~ ea. Carao .. City, The "trl ~ X PI Rl ln" wns Chea l) In that ('o mmunlty a nd doc9 not m ee t h er counterpart e y('ry )'ou oro rully conv inct'd of Ihe jusUce win blm. 1I0w tlo yoo SUPPOSf' he was Dr . ll~ rby' " Kldn l" Pills (IrtHu:",ntm'dl helo ·('bat IIho 18 to teearc h or a brot he r . W 10 or )lour clnlm. Pc rbnps It IR jus t. bot c onv e rted~ H e WOB con\'erted by hIe from tho very nr"t - tb o, can t hllrt. Yun tt,a.d c\caorted (rom Ih . .. rm~· , "nd that a nl ac k Ua rl mu s t P OliH l'KS e nem ies In da y," !lnd tbe, 0,"," dllT oront"- trulY 8 01 0 0 'Mr, Hnwl4'Y IndueI'(! hor to como to tl ,o ple nty . Yet If not on hi ", lIe r80n"The resenlblnD ce betwe en you Is I am 8t1 SI)lclo1l8 of anythin g whlcb llttle f\vp·ye llr-old gtrl. GoIng ho me lIOOD tlflo orel1"ratlol) ",blob ""nib ",woves lobe .......,In while he sou",ht her brolher. II,,\\, · , n a rt Ho wl ('y bas a baDd In, Mls6 fr om the servic e, all d climbing UIJ Into oanso of Kidn ey deMlDarOmentlL le.' appear8, nnd -Keith In hldln(f r CCOI(- wb e re ? Scoll wos onl y a tool. .. mere ce rtaInly mos t strikIng." It 'Oil have dtabe"-'e, drolli'J' , Bl'I!I'ht's dl .. "Sumclently so ," sh o saId slowly. r.brl s tle, YOIl renlly mnk e me \\' Isb te- hIs nrms b l! fore she said guod·nl g ht, ...Ize.a him WI Black Dnrt. Th ere I. II ter· Ignorant uesPcl'n do not to bo tru 6 t ~ d e"!III, IDII"IDfd bl&dth,J', nn, nrlDa" dlmntlc battle In the dorl<e"ed roo m In whld , . rh~um ... tl8m In tillS' form. aret Dr . .feelt•• I~ ,·Iclor. Horses ure t\llllrOprlnted, to lIu cb I) dpgree- yet Appare nlly be hm- eyOll on bla fa ce. "to nbundantly relaln your fri endship. but I cannot !;h e patted hhn OD tbe ch oek and quIt" Derb,'s KldneS' Pille at ontle. Uo aDol ~ end ttle Klrl who oa Y8 thot her n a m e 10 wa s th b onl .' on e workIn g wI t h the confirm In my mind tbo trutb of nil clo so If tho cost Includes faith In RaId : "Father. toIl me ~hy you do pr.ckqeL S"l1Il1le ""okalre free. At dru~· -11_ jotmo 10 the eecupe. Keith o~ pl u l n. . Hll wl ey. Do )·ou know tbnt Is not not love Jesus," Every word I had r~l~t 8 ', 0" sent dlreo\ by DerbS' Med.lowo Co., ..... eitulltlon and th e tUKltiv 8 make eM ~nmbler In tMs deRI. th e (loly olle tbat ball been told me." E"Wll Raplds, AUoh, The walter allproacbed ~Itb Ibe or· even bl ~ llflm p- lbat !Ie JI\' e 8 undp.r an Fort Larnod. where tho g_lrl Is lert ",li to cognizant li S to his \llan li. (, bri s tle--1.reacbed bod tailed . e"ery ' argument HIe hotel U.. ndlndy MI88 Hope I . II ~ th ut "he t. lite dnuKhier of O e n ~ra l Watt " Ke ltb ca ml' to B s top In th e s tree t Bt de ra, and tbe two remained (n !'Ilonce alla.~ ?" 1 bad IIsed wna 118ele8s. hut thll busl· until he bad deposited bls load upon lCeUh an" N eb drlrt Into 8h orldAn. " 'here tho re curre nce or th e womon 's nllme "Is tb e re a nytblnll strange In thai Mn "man told me : "Wbeo DIY Ove· PULLED IN DIFFERENT WAYS KeIth meN.. an old friend . Dr. Falrb nln. ~ Ke th mool" the brothl' r at Hope WRIt O, Why nol . Ir sb e had bl'e n cunv lDCEd. tbe table, and departed . She was oot b ere?" sb o a skel! stoutly, '" ~old year·old child becam~ a pr!'aeber, I .. n(ler the e""umed nllrn~ of Frod WII· tr 6be r e Ally be ll e\'ed thnt t bese po· watcblDg the fnce oppOf<l t e through you how d eeply be regretted bls \lte: could not ansy.'er that!" Mr. Al1!xan· o. dl"sry Man on the Street SomO' .0"11'''\)'', and beeon.e_ COIl\'ln ced tha t what Puuled by Seeming Busl · BI ..."" Bart hM eoms plot In .-ot.-lnK th e pe rs p rov ed hor rlglH to both property lowered laahes tbat ve iled ber eyes, tbot alone would m, sumclegt cause der Ind I went out to preacb !lnd but Keltb was tlrst tD brellk .tbe, 1It11l · for hIm to drop his "amlly namo. DId ~ . Hope lenrne thot G<> n. Wnlte. wh o and parentage. tbcn s he would guord rie •• Contradlctiqnl. sIng In a little couotry cburch one ..... thou«hl murdered. Is III Bhertdlln, h i d A d ne 88. you ever learn bls t/"ue name?" «oea there. wh ere she I. mlstakon (or t em os a t gress Of'S h er young. n Sunday morning. netlr to a city where '" wllh , might bo told wbat tbat ~rl.tlo Madalre. tho Co rson City etng cr, Hawlev would know tbal. nnd must "Life Is full or contralUc\ionM." He was uot Bure - only as NE'b had "', were holdIng a mlaslon. He heKeith ~ta the relll ChrlllUe Maclc..tre realize' th e y would be (ar soCer In ber waa." "Yes '!" reported whnt 'Walth had called the caMe Inte reste d In one of tbe gIrls In IIInCl linda Ihal Black Dart h..... convinced "To what do you refer'" apparent· man. yet ve ntured a (flrect Teply , tilltit' that thore la a n,),st ery In her lire bands tban In b1B pocket. She could "Por Instance, about six Dlontba the choir. he aus o he saw sbe was wh.eIl ho ,. «olng to turn to Iter &c\\,l1n - uot us e tbem wltbout bls aId aDd Iy forgetful as to wbere tbel r con ver· "Uurllet!, I bellevt"--ho usee It 110., p::lylng s llcclal atte ntion, and he led ngo a life IDsurance nRcnt gOI after ~ , The Ill .... nsman telta Hope Waite or J!ler resemblance to ChrlRUe MnclRlre. guidance. and yot, whatever happened Batton !lad beeD brok.m, aa a prefix." ber to Christ. Theu he dId as he me, and hounded me neUl' ly to dOAth . "To Hawley's I)roposltlon." ~ey decide that Fred Willoughby mny to him they would sill! bo safely be"~artlett !- Oartl e tl!" be r hind. usually does-be asked her to lead I tc.ld him at tbe start ; hat I bnd all .Joold the key to Ut. eJtulltion. lCe lth linda ',WIIIDtlChbS' a"'" dllad. yond reach. True. tbls might not bave , "No dl)ubt," ber lips s mIling" "but clullplng, and unclBsplng nervoU,ly. someone el8e. and aho saId : "I wtll the Insuran('o I was oble to carry. bu L been done; tbe gamhle r mlgbt not yet you have como to the wrong market, "Why, what a strange coincidence'" go aod seek my father." She made he kept rlgbt on trylul! to JJC rHualle have felt that he had sulHclent bold Mr. Jack Keith." "How? Wbat do YOU m ean?" .oHAPTER XXV.-(Contlnued.) lIer ""IIY back from tbe service, found me that l needed more nllIl. nnblly. tn "Yet," be Inllated earncstly. "If tbls upon the woman to trust her thus far, "Oh, notbIDg-notblng." bitting ber ber worldly fath er In hili home. Sbe sheer dcspemtlon, I con o,cllted 10 tnk" but It was, at least. a posslbtllty to be 18 all straIght, with no fraud conceal· IIp!1 In vexation. "The name merely pleaded with hIm to' he a Christian, out ~anotl1er policy. " TblJlI t be com· 'Was that aU 7" ed anywbere. H you ha,' e the proore In I'ecalled somethIng. Met realty, 'must and acted upon . and she came to our mIlls Ion meeting pany's ' .Ioolo~ ' began Uylllg In e l'ery "ne 01' Clo'ral be dldo't s eem ter considered, Stili wrestling wltb the Intricate your banJs, wby are YOU afraid to talk go. Mr . K e ith, or I sball be late at tbe 'n the city to say her fMher had wny h e' 'could think 'of t ,) mAke It 1m· ·...,ow what ter say; he done set dar problem, Keith entered the dlnlDg· o"enly? The very manDer In whlcb th eater. You have not attended slnc. hlfDed to ChrISt, Anybody ('an do It , possible rv r Ol d to get Ite Inellr.nce. ~eoklo' 011 ober de prairIe like be waa room. ond welll'ed bls w .. y. as uaual. Hawley work!! shoold convince you , came?" He acted as · 1f I 'was volulltnrtl y try· etar f\umePllttld. He abo' did look through the miscellaneous crowd, to- be III blmself afraId to face tbe trutb ." The Lord'. Work Well Done, " No," arising from the table willi Ing to beat tb e com pon y In ~o m o wOy. tlke da« black debbie bed bit blm ward the more exclusive tables at the "No, YOIl are wrong. TheN! are per· her, "However. I bave heard you Rut there Is another reaaon. It and wben I failed to P'lS~ t ht' ,~ x a mt . 'II1labtJ , hard. Den be .ays slow like, r4rnr, A woman sat alone at one of fec~ly satisfactory reasonll wby we sing before, and hope I may again ,» may be done nnywhere. I 11'811 trav- natloD botll he and the ngent ll l'l'ea red tIlmln' bl, boe. 'round: 'Bartlett, yo' thflSe, ber back toward the door. His IIhould for the present keep our plan. "How te Dderly you dwell on lbl1t ellng on a railroad train from Chicago to think I had wrongod t b cm by tnk· am puttan' up l\ good blulr, but, by nrat thought was that It must be word 'hope.''' sbe said banterlnglY,·1t to New York not a great while ago. , Ing up 'h e lr time." Gawd, I'm «oln' ter call yO'. Yo' don't Hope, and he advancetl toward her. almost makes me eT' vlous." had a little Gospel or St, John tbat "Tbnl'iI IJearly as had 11 8 m y case. eel a cent ob dat money 'less yo' put hIs beart tbrobblDg. Sbe glnnced up, "Your resembln,nce almost mak.. 1 hnd got f!'Om tbe Scripture Gift SeVeral months ago represo ntoll\'es or 1111 de oroof. · 1'1\ meet yo' wbar yo' a sllgbt frown wrln kllnl: her forehea!. me (orget." mIssIon, It was bound In red leather, a plano ilollse got after Ine fo r the pl1r· till),. tNt fir I can gtt hoi' ob Bome pa· and he bowed, recognizing ChrlsUe "But not Quite?" and becii1llle tha porter In that railroad poBe or pellsundlng me to bu y II plnno pen dat'. mlslS'n' tllke dat grln orr Maclalre. " No , not quite," be confee88d, tmln bad shovo'D IDe specIal klndnes8 on Ibe Inl>tBlIment pion. .Ju>'t to get YO' bce.' De odder one laugbed, ao' smlllng back Into her quizzing eyell. I gave him tbls little Gospel. 1 Bflked rid of th e m , at last l1~recd 10 bu, . , de 01' glo'ral .tart-~ fo' ter ride away, 'They went out loto the ball togetlF' It he were a Christian, and lie lIald be No\\' they 've got a corps of me n out CHAPTER XXVI. dn be pull up he's boes, an' look er,. ooly to meet ,.-Ith Doctor FBlrbnln was not, but be promised he wnuld trying !o dig liP proof tlHtt I nover baa. 'Yo' sorter berd wid dat kind at tbe door. l'bfl Illlter 8tar~d st the read the Gos pel. Within a we ek a let· A Chance Converaallon. could or II'culd pay tor til e !A<1no Ir ~b caltle. Bartlett: he say, sbarp like, two wltb some embarrassment, tor a ter came to me (rom hIm, and be sald: The oPPOI·tunlty t huB 60 unexpected· "maybe )'0' know a gambler rouo' mom ent forgetful of bls purpose. HI. " I ~ a nt you to send me at lelUlt (\ur· tbey were to let me hav,) It. Ou ~ ln esa ')'ere called HawlHyT De blnck debbie Iy alrorded was DOt one to be wast ! d. gaze settler! on the (ace or tbe lad,. leel. moro or thoBe GOIlpels. Rver, Is a gre Bt thing." Clebber eben lose be'. grin. '00 yo' and Keltb acce pted It with swlrt deter· ' "'Always getting you two mb: ed." .be porte" OD the troln wants one. A Young, but Oh, Myl mean Black Bart Hawley?' 'Dat's tile mlDaHon . The expre ssIon In the womblurted rorth. "Never saw such reo numbn- of us have alrendy given ourrace wa6 scarcely one of wei· an'lI <!D. 0, where Is be?' 'Dealln' foro fa' Tbe la wyer wns sitting a t "Is d l!~ k. semblnnce-posltlvely UI'CanDy-e4ml selves to .Jestls Cbrlst, and we are come. ye t his purposo was 5ufflclf'ntly 'Mlke Ke nna In Tope ka a week ago-hote l too means trouble-tbls Mlsa \loping that eye ry port e r on the sys, a bsorbe d :n tbe prepa rarlon o( II brIer. <frtend ob yours?' 'Dat's nODe ab yo' serious to cmlse blm to Ignore thIs ' Waite?" tem wll\ accc him:' It mo)' be dODe So bent waf' he un his worlt thllt be oiIAmned business,' anorted de 01' with lIasy connrtenee In blmself. d Id not hO'l r Ibo Joor a~ It " ' [l M !lu sh· " No. Doc tor; , am MI\l8 Maclall'e." nnywh e re , "I am, Indeed, most fortunate to dIs· :gin'ral, g1 vln' his bose de spur. Sbo', cd genlly ope n. nor see tb o curly bead SOlved for Better Life. "Ought to bave known It-If I knew cover YOII nlono, Mi ss Maclalre:' be :Mass3 Jack, be nebber knowed be was tbat was tbru s t Into LIs omce, A lit· 8S mucb about races as , do nbout all' "Will yoo go wIth me to mnke a talltto' ter dat Bnme Hawley, an ' dat sl\Jd, avoiding her eyes by a swIrl tIe sob nttracted bls Dotlce . and tllrD' at,omy never would make sucb ml .. coil?" sRld a mlnl8t~r In a western blaclt: debbie jelt laughed as be rode glance ove r the tnble, "and evidently take-very sorry-wbat rlloled me W1\8 , cIty, and he took me to a bovel. I lug, he >l IIW a raco IbM was streaked at a tim e when you are only beginnIng ort." seelog you with Kelth-tbought lie stepped Inlo the hovel. and 1 bad to wlth tea r H. aDd told plaInly th a t Ills yoor m eal. Mny I jolD you?" "Wben WII8 all this, Neb?" was arter the otber one-gay ~nR ttoo to get In . When I entered I feelings had bee n hurL She hesltoted for aD IDstant. debat· "Well. my little man, ,lid ,~ou wllnt ~ 'Dout de Um'l 70' all weat up on tbough-never saLlslled-was hunl10g e I~ I b t h ,. Ing wlth herse lf. and os quIckly deafter you." ou Bcarce y ae e . u \\' en m t., see nll! ?'. ' '''e bill, ' I .reck'n. I done come rIght ciding on disagreeable tactlce. "Atter me'" e ... ldently amused. ~es became accustomed to tbe gloom, "Are Yl)u . a lawyer?" .yere. and waited," "I presume tbls Is a publl,c table, '" Llko Many Peoplo Whom Perhap. "Certalnly-you-weot to the ro"Ul I eaw ID the corner. upon a beap ot "Ycs, Wblll Is It yOU want?" Keith walked acrO~B the room, Beand I consequently bove little cbolce - .then to the clerk- said you weM ' .traw. a poor, wretched·loklog mnn. Ought Not, Including You, Mr, "I want--" and there was a resolute 'leeted a elgar, and came bnck, bls In the matter, If you Insist," sbe reIn at eupper-just occurred to me T, thought my friend hnd asked ' me ring In tis vole&-'" want a divorce Jack K.lth." mlod bU8Y with the problem. Hawley plied, ber , 'olce more civil than her -tlad in 1I0me manner, then. got tnto words. "Stili. Ur. Ketth, I am not secreL There are detaIls yet to be de- Btreeta here bad at nlght-tbougbt l'cI ..... ere to wiD tblll man. but we did not from my papa and mamma!" ----eommunlc:atlon with Waite, aod WII8 acl!uBtomed to r.ssoclatlng with crlm· clded upon, and Mr. Hawley'. pre.ent 8IiIk you to let me escort you to thea. ltop. We turned rlcht away, and went ter aDd back-a bit of lunch later-" on to a little houae, We rang ~he AU Very True, Butthreatening blm, But Walte evIdently Inals." objection to pu b\lclty Is only nrdlnary btl glanced susplcloualy at Keltb- ilonr·bell and went In. A gentleman ~"ond Jo~ather-Yes, Johnny, when knew the man under anotber nameHo smiled, holding hie temper In prudence," "llrobably got bere too late:' came toward me, wbo said: ". am tbe mllennlum II come the lamb call ilia «Iven oam&-and tbe gamhler bad cbeck, more tban ever determined to She leaned toward him, ber fingerl "Well, really, you bave, Doctor,l specially glad to see you, sir. My lie dow~ with the 1100 In perfect _nt him olr 00 a raise trail. The lost wIn. playing nervously wltb a knife. she replied sweetly, v~lIIng her eyel w\fe Is not bere, an~ the cblldren are safety. P1l1)OT8 apparently contained the solu· "Tben, pOBflbly: you may ratber "Mr. Keith, I canDot help but like LIttle Johnny (doubthlgly)-I S'POI8 tlOD to all lhls mystery. }Valle be- welcome a now dIversIon , I can 1m' you. and 1 also feel most kindly dis· to bIde their laughter. "But I can lUI- et scbool: hut tbl., be said, picking fle,ed Hawley possessed them, but sure you our crlmlnnle out here are posed toward Mr. Hawley. I Wish In stlre you It la not Mr. Keltb," ceul'- up ao old·fashloned album. "II my that' I la, but I'd rather be tbe 11"0, odld not lIuspect tbat Bartlett Ilnd Haw· tbe most Int~re8tlng portion of our thl. I was no longer compelled to con· tssylng slightly to tho latter. "tor he wire'. portrait." Tben be went on Bnd ju.t the same. .e), were the Bume persoo. What population, I wlsb I mlgbt bave your sider you an enemy of us botb. Tbere bas not honored me: we merely me' ~ald: "These tire my cblldren, and r b~~ cbance at the table. I am sure I might as well tell you tbat my wIre, _uld bo most nnturally do now'! permIssion." Stlmp Needed In That C ..e, Is no relUlon wby I sbould, except ror should enjoy your company exceedlns. because of my drinking, had gone out ~eek Hllwley tn Topekn probably; "She stamped her (oot:1 Standing th e re before her, bare- your blind prejudIce ogalnst thla otber Iy, but to-nIght I must plead a prevl. to servIce, and tbelle little girls had .elze the Ilri1t opportunity or getting beaded. bls ~ lI ghtl y tanDed race strong man wbo Is my rrlend. I know you "Tbat wae all rIght. If ber foot wu gone to tbe poorbouse. But this mln- going hy mall." theN!, Keith turned Impallently to and monly, his gray eyell flll f' d wltb bll\'!! some caCI''' , for he bae told mIl 01111 engagemenL" "Ah-ah. some other nlRhU" 'Iter round me Iyln,; In a bovel In tbe clerl(. humor. M I~ s Ma clalre rccognlzed tbe entire story, yet I am sure he did "With pleasure, yell." wretebedDe8B, and led me to Jesua." "Any traIn running e as t?" AccoptlnG a Compliment. ngaln tbat be was not of the com· no more tbon bls nctual duty. He let Tbe doctor faded away Into tbe or· fheD 1 understood wby be bad taken "Well. they gencrally start one out mon herd. a nd th e innate cOQuetry or me realize how very sorry be was that NeIghbor-What a lovely day thla lice, not wbolly 'saLlsfted because Kelt.b me to that hovel. So, from tbe man evert day," wltb 0 glance toward the her nature ohtalned mastery. What tbe marshal at Carson City hod called sUII lingered. MIss Cbrlstle ~ .tended In the hovel 10 tbe grelltes t lawyer or II'Weather Man-Thank rOll. c1ocll, "'long 'bout tbls time. Maybe bnrm could It do (or h er to cbat wUh UPOD him ror IlSsIRtan ce ." h er hand. n great. state. all classes can be dt's BUne, and maybo It ba s n 't." blm for half nn hour ? It was belter "Who? Hawley'!" Keltb QuestloDed. "IBn't be a funny man' But I do II.. e I f!Bcbed. PfLEI! (lImED IN 8TO.f. D"Y~ It wall already n..,urly d ork ouLs lde tban eallDR a 10n,>ly m eal, and. be· bardly trusting hIs own ears. Tonrdn.lul:lt w\1I r.,lnnd ruuCCJ it I"A~AJ UINT... h :lm-sOOleway 1 like so many peopl. • 1; the two men h as teDed toward tbe ,. ....:N'1' 'nU s to (Him J\'Jl ctlm uf Itet1ln,. IJ li ud,. s ides. she mighl lenrn something of "Yes; Ind eed ho Is II very different wbom perhaps I ought DOt., Incl'Jdlng 81e~qurJ'ru" ruulT1"rll C8 lDG-wl'QA111. Wo. Fault Finding Does No Good, d"I'OI , The y ul'rlved th e re barely 111 value to f('port to Hawley, Her own mnn from what YOll have been led to y,ou, Mr. Jack Keith, Plense tblnk (lme to see the red IIgh ts 011 t be last e yes brlgbl.cDCd. the Rllgbt frown ols· believe. I know he i9 a gambler. and o'ver what' told you about Mr. Ha'" It Is olways better to help others It seems that to tnake both en!!1 Ql.r dl :<a\lpenr, No Inquiri es made of appearIng all tbnt, but re nlly It I~ not altogetber ley, won't you?" to crltldze tbemselves than It Is to meet requires no end of money. 'l bOBO lounging about brought resu lts "You ar.., cprlalnly nD illustration or bls (ault, He tolll me about his life, "Certainly; you have glvell me food criticize tbem , Tbey will believe ~~~~~::;;;;:;;::;~;;~;;~=~ - t1:I(~y bud bee n In te res ted In a lot at your tbeor y ," s he Knld plens antly. 5 "I and It was very snd . Ho was drh'en tor t.hought. I presume he Is to bo t hemselves; they arc not likely to be- "' . drunken graders londed on tb e nliL ~ball hav e to say y es . but. really, I did from bome wben only a boy. and your escort?" neve you. Tbe way to brIng about care by lor(:e. and 6eDt out under not SUllpc'se you wOllld enjoy beIng naturally drlrted Into evil company. Sbe bowed, evidently resenUns tbe thIs bealtby and belpful condltfon or self·erltlclsm, wltb Its accompanyln! cuard-- aud DOt one could toll wb e lbel rnnked amoDg tllat class. " His one ambItion Is to break away, queatlon. <fl0Y mRIl answ e ring Walte'g descrlp· He dre'v out a chaIr. ond sat down aDd redeem himself. 'am so IInxloua "Yea, and It may Interest y"u to destre (or Improvemeut, IB to sbow tlon "'''8 In tbo s ingle pasl:lengE'r facing bi;!r. leanIng .lIgbtly rorward to belp blm, and wlsb you could real- know that be bas somHtlng of tile ut,. by our IIveB, silently, the better way, ooaoo . C'ollvlnce d. bowever. tbat tbe opon tbe InterveDlng table. Ize hie purpose, as I do. and become most Importance to tell me to-nlllllt- wbllo resolutely refraining from urg· G CDeral wo uld wlIs te 110 tlm c In prose"Nor would I. only I recognize you hie rrlend. Won't you. for my sakeT be bas actually scen my , guarcJlan. Ing It upon others. It WIUI a blgh IIOIIn II n_ ....... w..... ,.,.. _ tribute pold to a ChrlsLlan man, wbo -cutlug bls aoarch, Koltb believed blm do !Jot I;omprebend. The source or Why, even In this nlralr he bas DOt Doo't you wlsb you could be there?" Is now livIng, when one wbo bad ~Ir(lad)' on tlls WilY cuM, aud after dis· your luformatlon Is a bit polluted, ,be sllgbtest mercenary purposo-be She gave him a tantnllzln, .mUe, r::. ,missi ng Ne ll, wttl1 In"trucllons to Miss Maclalre. Tbere aro tbose wbolje bas only tbought of what was rlghUul. ""lthdrawlng her hand, ana ' rurinlnl! tmown him lntlmalely lald: "He nevel' .,UIELa80111 "' atch out clnsely lor llawley, be good opllllon I do not seek, and you .1 , mine." up the stairs beroN! be amid an.·, told rue that , ougbt to do better, ""~18mu, &1. Keith Ustened, reeling to the tull the Over the railing or tbe hardin, sb, but l illwayB came away {rom any made his own ,,'ny buck to tbe botel. should not form your decisions on the !II*f.•• tt lI'I,em ed strange e ooug b how com· unsupported t estimony of a pereonal woman's earnestoess. the Im\loselblll- glanced down, cd tben dleappcnN!cI, conversation wIth him wanting to ·do ....tobo4'_ enemy." t,. of CblUlglDg her fllted convlcUon. IIlctel), be was blocl;ed ea ch time, just better." If we would do tbls ror oth· (TO Bill CONTlN\.IElD,1 "Oh, Indeed," ratber resenting the Howley had planted bls Beed deep II.nd' lUI he thougbt tbe wbole ba mlng ·myaers, let us aeal our IIpa to criticism and 'Incaroate the ' better way SA au. t«y Wil li about to be mnde clenr. Haw· words, aDd already regretflll of ber well In fruitful soil Hla Wortfl.. "You make a strong und charmlntt tey was pl8~llIg In rare luck, all tbe compliance. "Surely ,I have a. much Uves. ' It'e car~s runnIng easily to bls baud ., reMon to trust my Informant as I advocate. Miss 1I1aclalre," be returned, .. t teaHt. galnlug tim e. nnd s tre ngtben' have you. He. at leaat, baa oroven reellnR the neeessity Ilf saylns RomeTho Game of Llf•• · r tblng. "I should IIko to have YOI1 tllg hla position . There could 00 long· himself 8' frIend :" Th~ ~ame or lire Is aO abloi-bln, -er be nny doubt lbat the gambler pos· . "I wlsb , could reel as tully aSlun·J equally earnest on my II Ide. Yet It. . the 'MII!led lIome kQowledge wblch ma~e of thM "s yOU do," be returned hoqe.t.- wll\ he hard to convince me tbat '''III- a formidabl e adversary. FrOID I,.. "I would then lia,e every tomp,t a' 'B1iu'k Bsrt' Is tile paragClll of vfrtue ·Wastlt'. lltatemtmt It W8S lhll loss or tlon tn meddle ' 'urtber .. tak~n aW&7 yo," ~Bcrlbe. I wfl!la I IDlght Wlleve. , ~Itt ~ ~hlch le rt b~m helpleslI to from me. I?o YOU reatlae tha,t , mY ', IO, ' .ror'I YOur. sake, . . ~d he ,ruNt e~p\al~ ~I)" I'6I!llt tbe claim being made: tereet ,Is very larRely ' upon yqur at> ' baw be {eame Inw to.leilion of til... ., , • iIapel.r'. · t,':' ",~ ,~ blm oa ,bellalr or ,41 mY8terltlus oOUJ1t!:' --:. ?, '~Qb., 1~, lDd&ecl; Lure .. DO yciit U~IL lila __11 bo~" t.btl'\l[ore, 117 . "Ob; . ~o ,'· 0 \ ....












---,.. '


t . M}~K"'Q



Young Mr. Wells




THE W .. ltK


Remarkably SOlond Advice for the Woman Who Ha. Some Year. of Life to Her Credit.


The "'d .\' to ward art 010 abe Is not to fea r It. not to allow one's sel! to Le oppressed by tbe drl'ad of Rdvan· clng yen r~ l Ise ooly ."gltlnllile preventll'es a nd uI'olrt trying t!xJK;rlmenta with prClluatlons not I r1l10r~fd hy I PhY S ICI.l ll~ . 00 not wear tO II", Ue8 In· le l1(l(-d for you ng glrlR, tlJey only add ycars to til e appcllrnnce. Keep up )'our Int eres t In the young. ht:1 do oot I e llvy then, . Hetlre with dlJ:;nlty from Ihe Rtru ,m le, do not pOee n~ your daughter'" ril·al. A Love all, ~urrollnd your IIf') with SW('(' t. lrlle n rTectlo ns whIch prevenl th e h('u rt from gro "'ln g bltler. Do not \ lo~e IntPfl' ~ 1 In the _ : grow' ln" ('v ents or th e day: do IHlt tall I beh ind th p tlllle s and do nOI hurp 1111 She--I am sorry I e"rr ma r rlen youl otber IIld hetlt'r dal's . To 11 '"se wh n He-Ob. dou't worry IIbout me. I'm : com e to YOII ror ad\'lce be 111\\ ") S Itllld pretly tougll Rnd can s tand It! l oo d sYIll;J:lthctl c /I" YO ll vlh ' :! IH ' C Itl )'earM pre np. rI'c carp(ully yOllr r~ rs" nn l ALMOST FRANTIC WITH I al'lJl'aran cc. fllr on ce lo"t It mal' nOI I be rt'galll('tJ Fa\'C' by str en 1l01l ~ p()'urt. ITCHING ECZEMA I Ynur c:oslllmC's fi hOl/ltl \lI Himple anrl I "nprf>tentl ous . ye t gJ'flcc ful. Tbelle "EI h I 11 ' ril les. cllrl'fu lly ami sen~llJ ly followed, g t ycars a go got eczema a ' Will kee,) ,·ou you ng 'I ud attractive _ over my hands. My fingers fairly bled I E b .. • . and It Itcbed until It almost drove me I e X C r,n gE'. f ran tI c, The eruption b egun wltb Itching und c r the sk In , It spread tast Expensive Pocaesslon, fronl betw ee n tb e fingers around the I A smull appllt-ant tor Christmas nails and all oy er Ihe wbole hands, 1 ,1 cc ~~oCoerjrt"w,a\,sOrkbeerln. g Int e rviewed by the


There are certain men who tee I a \ ht! did not eal'e a coope r 's maledlc· ue nao or proprletonblp 8JI lloon liS tbey tton - tbl~t he WRS actually glad or It ; become engaged, PerhllplI this Is tbe I that he had had II narrow I'ac:ape troUl right thing. but now and then tbere III' marrying a girl wllil a dreadtul tem· II girl who objecte to It. It WIIS 80 In !J er~ne who would hav e drlveo hili' the eale of Mlall Dora Thurston. from borne after IL tew wee k!. And ~ank Wella had scar(.-ely secured an then he dee hl ed thnt h e dhl cal'f', hut avowal trom her that he was loved In that he would be th e bOHS or perlsb. return when be heaved a loug RI,b Tbe tblrd d ec l ~ ItHl waR th at be hnd of relief and .aId: made an Idiot of himself and cou ldn 't "And now, at course. t!Jat fellOW ask forglveneos allY too soon. (lIve a I Squllbob-Don't know bow to coart Wakefield will get a hint that he ueed doukey o f a YOUli/l man tim e e oou g h the glrl7 We ll. illY hoy , YOU just tell Ilot call here WlY more?" tuld he will slrlke th e right ItOll cy , her tbat YOIl kn ow she d es pises "Jol"But wh,y'I" woe ask!!d. I\lr. 'Ve ils wanted torglven e6s, but lyi ng" ane! Is ': Ilc one wOlllan In th_ "And you won 'l Ilol'e thut Burto:.l wlle re 10 go ror It ? H e hud n pull Ilt world who cno't bo fi a ltered. cla.ngllng aroulld'" th " hllnk and got rour daYH art. He Squlltlgan- Well ? "Mr. Burton nel'" r dlln&led." had a cr isp ten·dollar bill ror th e but· "Thnt sort of gut! will flatter her!"And that cad of a Graham wlll!.Je ler, lllld th e !.Jutler prov ed tl1 810),!ll 10 told that ),OU are not at hom e?" bls mlstreHs, JU Ht lie ah., hud flgllred , "H e w 111 " Profitabl e goods are good frl l'n d. ue Itod no B U ~ II tlI Ing! l\f I r. t hat he WOUld , G hIt ( " _I that we dearly 10\'e 10 pnrt with . ra om a ar rom"" Ill: a cad." A brlp was pncke,1 and th e! "hollsy" "And Peterson will not be pe rmltr ),ollng mnll hied him to a mOlllltaln reo 4 ted to drop In bere os It It were bls sort. He hadn 't pI an llC'd that he Tb ls ~"rH". t coAer Is especial ly A _ club," t v \J~ wnuld , hut sOlDe Olle had planned or s iruble for stout wO lne n. as It ball t "I don'l unders tand YOll. Mr. Wella," I I With 11 d tI t bl d _Id the new ly-tlngaged 1\8 she drew I m. a ra rOll lI1e Il e an fitled frollt linin g ov e r wblch the 11 lead pencil nnd thirty minutes to 11K' loose outer tronts are attacbed. The !:rBelf UlJ. "13ecnuse I hR\' e promised ure In Mhe \1\'88 sure eve n or th e tra in IJIl(:k has a seam less center panel and May be promoted by those who marry ),ou doeo It tallow tbat I am he would arrive on. And IlIllf Bn hOllr there fs a small peplum to bold the u tl L th d to become a prisoner I" the garret or before tbe arrJval ot that train , MIs8 garment down. Longclotb, cambric. got a pla ir of rubber gloves In order to "What Is your toth e r?" aslled tbe gen Y Ctc&nse e .ystem. now an down cellar?" Dora Thurston took to the wool1s. In bati ste and even twilled jean are used d:lshes. Thc n It spread all over I~(t(· r. then, when in need of a laxative "Dora. you bav e given me the right other warda. dressed for a walk on the tar these garment", the lett side or my ches L A fine doc· " '),;'s me (ather." r eel b &_1-'d-.--poonful to say wlult company you 8ball keep." hills. sbo lett the botel and took l\ Th ~ . tor tren.tcd the trouble two weeks, but "Ye9 but wbat Is he '" emfth y. y ~g hiDe. CM;IbU> I WIlA tbe repl)'. "You aro su vreclou8 path leading upwards amoog the troell e pattern (56101 1ft cut In III&e. dId me, no good. I cried nIght and "Oll!' ']';' 8 me 8Ie p(otlll'r." 0 e ever fares g, W oeaomo to me tbat-tbat--" an d bowlders and outc roll. . 3: to 4& Incbes bust measure. Medium day, 'fhen J decided to try Culleura "Yes, yes, hut wb at dol'S be do! and buly bene6cial Syrup of FtgI "Tha.t )IOU woold trent me like tl Mr Wells trIed to Ilrrh'o wl'll hie SIte requires I ~ yards (Jf 3C Inch ma· Soap and OIntment but wit bout mucb Does he sweep chimneys or drIve d Elixir f bich' th fhe-,ear-old chUd! Aut you can't do dimity. but It waa rather a f,' ,!lure. terJa!. hope all I had gone eo long, There ·bus~es . or what 7" an . 0 . w IS 0 IL UntO we are married I IIhall In· He hunted up Mrs. Tlllll'4!ton nnd ex . ... -wal a IDarked change tbe second day. "O-o·w!" exclaims tbe sma ll allpll. only f8IDIly laxabve (lenerallv apI .0 procure thl. patlern nnd to eenU d tl' I II I d ed b .1j1 b 1 It all receiving my friends at tblll plalned tbat he had b~en granted a to "Paltern DepArtm.nt," or thl. pII""r. fln BO on un I was en re y cure, cant. with dawiling light or cow pre· prov y we most emment p ybou8e, A great change seems to have few day I ott to cure his hay teve r. Write n .. m • • nd addr .... pl ..lnly, and"'" The Cutreura Soap we have alwaYII henSIon "No 'e ain't done notbln' I •• beca' . '::' • come over l OU all or a Budden. Here- and that be had arrived at tbe Bald • W'. Lo elv. el&e and num","r ot pau...... '...... ••'....... Illi our home. nnd we declA\J ed since we've .'ad 'lIu."- London Aa· I IlCWlI, gth. use It actadm a DIlbir~ __ :J torore y<lu have not obJectod to ony Eagle quIte by accident and abe hnd F atter that leason that It Is a cheap Iwerl, .tren erung wayan warms UIQ or tbe gentlemen named." the ('ourtesY not tu smile . It was all rw. 5610, SIZE .. .. ............ I .oap In price and the very best In tones up the internal OMans without "lIecause I had not tbe right. Even of three minute! nnd a bait beror"! he Quality. My husband w!ll use no otber H Is Theory, W-- Lenm' a them. It' .t) U L ___ I:. It I Ilnew tbem to be cads I could not carelesllly Inquired tor Miss Dora and !'lAME . " " .... " ....... " .. . " .. .. .. .. "".. lOap In Ills sl:avlng mug," (Signed) T eacher-What is It, TommIe. that ~ ~ 0 Isequa 1UCOC;OobJecL Now, however, It III dllferent." learned t.bat IIbe had gone for a 'ltrllk . TOW!'! " . .. .... " ... " ." .. " .... .. ..... ".. Mrs, 0" A, Selby. Redonda BeRrll. Shukespeare tells us "be('omes the 6cial for the very youngaQd the "Mr, Wellll. do you mean to ROY that Then he carole8!ly said he would loolt Cal.. Jan. 16. HIll , Altbougb Cutlcura I th ro nl'd monBr'~ :1 bet ter than bl8 dIe aged. as it is ~ways edicient and I hue been recolvlng cads In my her up, as ahe would probably he QuiTe , STREET Ar\D !'IO .. " " . ,, " " " " . .. .... Soap :iIld Ointment are lIold by drug. c rown ~" free from aU hannful ingredientL father'. house?" the girl demanded, anxious to know that tbe weatber In STATE .. . " ...... .. " ... " " " .... ... ,,... ... IPltS alld dealerll everywbere. a sam· I Tommle-Halr.-Rn rper's Bazar. I net ita bene&cial df....... it IS' .'wa"Well-ilr--,ou know ." town ",as 60 hot that truck bones pie of ,e ach. with 32'l/age hook. will , e ~ cy~"I \[Dow. Blr. tbnt I do not like the "'ere tailing like autumn leaxes be, be mailed free on application to ! Not Affinities. DecesaaJY to buy the (lenuine. bear· wa, you talk, I think you Introduced toro Its fiery blast. Young ladltis do CHtLD'S BOX COAT. "CutIculra," Dept. 2. X. Bos~oll. Mistress-And why did you Itl8Ve ing the name Of the me to oyery gentlemlln we have take vivid Interest In th ese thinK'S! YOllr Inst plnce? Calif . Fi -rpl-:-'~ L named,u MI8S Dora met a boy And sbe met n How He Found Out, Mnld - :\Ie and the mlssls W:lS not orrua Ii yrup . - ~!1' "But betJIg engaged to you. you man, and sbe met two romantic girls, '·M r. Chairman," shouted one or Ihe congenlal.-Harper·s Bazar, 1 printedonthefrontofeverypacltaae. IBe ." anti she toolt p!,lns that they should delegates to tbe conv ention . " I move "Tben we are engaged. are we?" see her take a patb marked : "Dan' that thel nomlnatlDg speecb". be 11m· He Had None. "Perbap. not!" geroull-Beware of Avnlanches!" Up Ited to onc minute eacb!" He-Don't YOIl like to eat a peacb "ADd youog !IIIr. Wells Was Just don, that p"tb to a spot where there hnd "SecOlrHI the motion !" yp.llell a dozen with tile sltln on ? ke7 enougb to walk out of the parlor been a slide of rock. a week betort!, otherR. She-No, It's like kl sRlng II. mnn . \:.a" h.a~, ,.1.ld. butlllaL" .. bat JOM Keuedfot with a mustnche-e l'-I think I bear moD\oJl ,f..~rOl&f·8'p\'r.. t OI4l~"'\~b~a~D.."·Q·,r'!~'! an d out of the house and l<Jave the 1m· and then Ihe dropped her bandker· A Itorm ot protest I\fo~e. but the mother calling. -.'dlat ... ,1.\0 l\e~._ t",mol Intbatp.".,_ cblef, remo"ed her IlAt and tossed It cllalrman put the motllln. luco oboweclolb.reacelfrom her. and then ",ent Into hiding, It wae 10llt by a vote of h to 46, ~''i:'::~~'':~i MIn Dorn had figured time as cloee "I me.rely wIshed to find out. Mr. The Sixth Se'n le, troD> 120 UI'OA o. Ill.! IlS a train dlspatcber. She had not Chalrma.n." explained the delegate "Mrs. Meddle makes 80 much b:;'C:{;,"o'l~...:..a.!'..~ been In biding ten mlnute8 wben Mr. " ' ho hael. mllde the motl.)n. "how many trouble In the neighborhood," ::;-:~~.~ Wellll came I1P on the run . He saw ambitious oratorll thert" ar. In tbls "Yes. she has sueh a fine sense of ~~~~'::t..~I~ humor! "-Lite. the hat and bandke rcblef Ilnd uttered 'conventlo;} Tbere are 47." - -- - - a ~oan and a shollt. He Will not 1111 Man7CbildrenA ... ShlkJ 7· fl.\ ...... nee." !!vou... on avalanche •• lind he took thla for a Important to Moth_ MotberGm' ·.S .... 'Powd ... forCblld ...... n ...,. nJ, ...... w.nt.SIo' ... .. I Id b f d "mlln" carefully eveP'V bottle of up Quldo In :lot bo .... ,..,u ... l"eHrlIbDOOO. u • ...s· .&lbeIUGo ........... new one, U nuer t lI'OU e oun ., ""be.l!,,,.,...b 'l'ruubleo, .'l'eetbln.&>I..,rdo .......OYe Il<IlIlfblbl,ut.ral..... ru_ Uo. ...'" the dead and mangled body of t be girl C "'STOJUA. a sa fe and lure remedy for .Dd "'.,,1 .... tb. b.. ".I .. and 1Ie""'f Worm>. Tbe, tr.yl':t~':~~~r"Ir.8~r:=:~~:gel= 1 nfanta la nd c h IIdren. and aee that it . "'.opl.a.."ttotAlt•• blld""' U.edb, he had tried to bolll! .c.~ .1<a •••~n!!!'A'!.II4K11111_lII r' ~ wOLberefnr%lyearL AtaliOraq'lta.260. Samplf' ....... VIJ...-..-. Olf came tbe coat and hat and veet ~ Bea.l'1Ilhe , walled ~ · J\Kbl . Add ...... .&, 8, Ol",.tod. Lel\ul, N.Y. F ..... hOVl".t ..... of leo at the fmnUe 10Ter, and he went to Slpatul'e of ~ :e':E!~o~~~r1'3~llrt.';-':; work like a dog dl"ln& out 11 wood· In U8e For OTer SO Yeare, I The modern womAn gets next to the I' ~8ttu:',,'t.~~:[a.!U:~ cbuck. Help could have been had 5618 Childrell Cry for Fl tch r' C t ' tal est wrInkle wIth a massnge rna" IIclhool. _ ...,aient. eUe e l U orl& I ' chlue, I lDat" .,, 10:::';::""_ hnlf a mile away, but he felt be could h;.,'" ________ •• ry tr.t.raIlWa,.." at .: • I haDel, "ltdID! IQ""_~ not ,top to lIummon It. No hero ever Tile aackterlologi.t. eh_ ... u_ -""l tolled harder for a quarter Of an bour. Tbe Rlmple box coat olfers a Iplen A RIchmond clarky ehancecl to meet Wbat bas become ot the old·rub· : .... a""Dabl_IIl d.,:r::.t and be wae etlll at It ",hen Mile Dora did utility garmeDt tor little girl. ID 011 the .treet a friend wbo colDplalned loned IOBn ",hOlle ' word wae a rood ~~!n!;:a~ t ... '*-. " 0lll."· IIlId gracefully down to hll feet and winter. Our model Is cut on straight of mucb "mJ8'"," Indeed. the at. as bls bond! nlu...:K .crambled to remark: , .acQue lines, the neck trimmed wltb ftlcted ODe wa. in de.palr. 10 Htucker. t".:!L ..:W~~·TT_~= "Now. ' then. It ;you have cba.nged a handaome collar and with .mall ed out .u be. "" •• Lbeb.b'rl'Otlltb............. rcrollP.\VbooPI ... ! ~f,I.''e,UC:1O:l~rr~~"tr..!" 5tralght r Mer. Tb _ I l t d Ouuah 41' t"oeUlDunl&. .lIh Ho •• '.·. Croup I .. your mind about cads and othel' e. , e.v' a .0 a I an· "Wot oeeml to be de llIatter!" asked IIcR,edl" Uua ...."'-<\ by A. P. n .... 'o. 111""".& ~"A':~:~~a4 thIngs we will alt down and talk. It lUI collar and an Inner .bleld to pro- the ftl'lJt nlero. i ..... WlWAIII you worle any longer. you wtll haye a tect the cbesL Tweed. velvet. cbflY· "JIm." .ald the other with a moan A womnn fall! In love gracefully. ! ..rd_lI4I.. , ..... Jame back tomorrow!" I~t. reversIble clotb. etc,. aNl u8e4 tor and a , .ellture IndIcating the portIon but R man uluaU, stumbles Into It, "...n.a,. "Oh. Dora. I-I--!" I t ese coat.. of bl. anatom7 that wu giylng blm 10 "Th .. Ilrl bOlllel before mllY'flage The pattern (6618) III cut In llllee 2 ml:cb troubJe. "I'.e cot lacb awf;)1 )'ou know. and the busband atter-". 6 aDd I years. Medium .I.e r. pafna ID mab back· lIeahl" ~ard •. " qulNlI 2~ ,ardl of 44 Incb IIIllterlal. · -Ifm-a.llumed an air ot creat lolem· wltb " yard of !4 Inch satin and 3% nlt7 and willdnm. "In dat ca.e." AId The npreulon CKlC!Un 10 may d _ III lettere &oca yards of braid to trim. , be...·dere·. only ODe tblng to' ,.ou to do. .Iok ...omen. "I ... oompletely di.eounCed." And theN Fall Autumn Leavee, Je.' ,.0' put )'o'se'f In de banda o· dat i.......1'. ,ood ,..,..on for tbe dillOOun.ement. Yeen 01 No Hero Ever TolI.d Harder. The fall of lean. In autuml. Is & pein ad 'U8'eriD.. Deetor rafter doGtor tri~ in win. remarkably variable process . the fol· toT~.p~~~~.;e~~:r~~~er!! ~~n~'l!o p~~~~~ Doctah Blank, I heare dat he'. de MedieiDri doin, DO I •• tin, It it DO .0Dder m.t WrIt. nllme and addre •• plaInly , and b. Ane.t bal~terlolocl8t In de 'Wbole 10Uf." lage of ollks and beeches belug slowl, .\If. the ...oman feel. dilOOun.ed. to elva .I&a and numbl:r of pallarn,: dropped durIng B perIod of weelta an.1 omen blYe fouikI . ThousaDcM of tbeee ...e.k and Phy.leaJ Proof. evel) montha, wblle Borne trees Bod beallb and couna'e re,.ined .. the l'e'Iult 01 the uac aI "Mr, Jlma. I laW your double aD th. SIZ E ... . " . """ ... sbrubs become 8uddenly bare lu a few NO. 51118. IItreet today," day.. A curious report Is made by NAME, ..... " .. ,' '''''' •• '' , . " .." . • ' ,: . , ' .. "ImpolIBlble. mndam. I'm a slnl:le Prot. G, Krnus of A horee chestnut and man.'· It esl.bli.hce te,ul.rity, belli. iDflsDlm.tloo IIDd TOWN .. ",,, ..... " ......... , .. "", ........ B. maple In the botanical garden at tiou. IIId CUI'e'I ...e81.oe... Halle. Germany. Doth trees W('fe In BTRI!;ET AND ~O ...... ..... .. .. " ..... , IT .:lIIrES WE2I1t WOMEN STftONG Thole Dear Girt .. hIli lea.f when a frost of 26 dt:grees • " .. .. " ... . l\Iaud--1 am told I got m)' good aND ./fur WOttlEN W£LI.. Fabrenhelt on tb e night or Oct, STATE.'...... ... ........ looke from my mother. 2G·27. 1892, And ,when thp. Blln rose at Refuse .ubetitute. offered by unacrupulOUIl druUI* Ethel-I wouldn't repeat that U I 8 o'clock a veritable shower began for tbi. reliable remedy. were you, Sick womeo Ire invited to con.ult by lettet', /rH. All oorrnpoadeacle Etbel-Peopl~ wlll tblnk your moth· "Tbe I given a .trictl, private and ..credly confidential. Write ... ithoul (ev and .idaoae ffe 10 World'. Di.penury. R. V. Pierce. M. D,. Pree't, Bufflllp. N. Y:. ~uddenly at the end of nn hour from walter In my lite . was bes'towed hy er WIUI stingy. Dr. Pierce'. PIea•• ol Pellet. tellul.te IIDd invillonte .tom.cb. Rver aD4 the horse chestnut and In half the late Jobn W . Gotes In Paris," said bo...ell. Sue.r.coated. liDY .ranulee, e..y 10 lake .. OIIDdy. You nleed expect DO Quarter Cram an hour trom the maple. rn thl' hou!' :I mnn wbo Is accustomed to he gener. the horae chestnut lost 87.1l03 ~en\·l'~. OUII In thnt Un e himself "This hllp, the footpad unW 10U ,Ive uP. your weighing l:1li pounds, nnd the hnlf t>cned about ten or twelve years ago lut cenlt. ... olt,. ener...... I mportant DistInction. ABEITS N1I&~..P_ !l:I1. op Inun\t, a' ODC!e. hour fall trom tbe maple was 61 Gates enterlllined a party or ahout n "You can take that ax and get up J6ctur ......~I.. DIIPT,lI 36LlberuSt.. bI •• '1'0 pOllnds, or 16.618 leaves, at the aver· ; dozen at Ill' to dInner al the Ritz ho' qoD8tiJ!l~tlon caUIe~ and .agravatee many an appetite for a little dinner." Bald Age of !l .~ per Reeotld . Th e lust leaf leI, and had the little prh'ate dlolng I D:IOPie~~~:p.'· It •• thoJ'OuahlhCUJ'ed by the tarmer·. wife. tell from the horae chl!stnnt on Nov. room on the right as you go to",ard lte' family lu:a~~nt Pellet.. e fnor"Lad,." replied Mennderlng Mike, 10, the total fall from It from O('t . 21 Ibe reltauran\ Betore tbe meal W8! "what 1 W"II applyln' fur wae food : hal'lng been 2iG,900 leave9, welghl •. g finIshed Gates cnlled tor Olivier, the MOlt ot n. would keeDI1 enjo, not physical culture." 446 Il~unds . head walter. Jobn never did 9uecee,1 worklng--It onl1 we weren't compelled Prompt Relief-Pel1lWlent C...... In gettloll:' I.hat man'e nnme right to do It. Bore Throat I. no tritliotf ailment. It ,. '6Uver,' flo sa·l d. 'hl:rc's n little somC!SouvenIr Bracelets In Vogue, will IOmetime. carry infectIOn to the eo· CARTER'S LmLE TO (lUBE A COLD IX ONE D.a T tIre .,..tem tbrou/lb th e food \'ou eat. UVER PILLS never A fad RmOI'. ~ the wheH or aviators IR thIng for you,' and he handed blm a fail Purely vegeta'l'ak. LALA.TIVa BBOllO OIIlol.e Tableta allmlina Wimrd 0 .. emmA Sore Throat. " pounnfr b' nr e lel. The IlleR orll':lnat· 1.000 frllllc note (UIIO) . I told Gatt!I !/"1DI"\"'NI:'Ud "'otIe, If It tan.,.. .a,., .. W. ble ~ sct aurely ed ,,'Ith MrH. 'G lenn 1-1. Cllrtfs~, wire or he was fooll sb, and that he was spall GIIOV • • 1IIjpla,..... I. lID _ca IIoL . . Tearful Pair. I but !fCJ\t1y 00 the Inventor WbORl' arm r.lrclpt ('{In · Ing thIngs ror the relt of u~, but be "I'm the saddest thIng tbere Is- ·the I the liver. And the love of mane, III allo thl tatns ~he nlLm es 14 airmen who gueHEed tie kne'! what be was doStop ~er root of mucb matrlmoliT IUlcl all all- cbost at a lost love." have flown at meets tllnt she hfl8 at- In,," "Huh! I'm worae than that! I'm ~~ alQD7. tf ndf·d. Now almost e ve!'y wIre ot nn tbe g~.oat ot a vanl.hed bank ac, indigestion. 8I1en<:. tl GOlden. aIrman ownll ont' of these sou yen Irs, Improve the compleJliOIl, brighten Pl,ee7S Some l :oc1ety women are tilown 117 count! -Puck, ' A pert 10Unl( laWYer oace SIIAU. PILL, SltIALL DOSE. SMAIL PRla.. wbat they 'WU" their atrectfuna 011. 10 a memb~r ot tbe bar that be Probably. GOOd . Teacher-What dId the Phlll.Unell must bear 5jpatute to Pllll tbtl reeeh'ed 111'0 bU!ldred . dollar. .peaklo!! In a c:ertalD 1.lnult; arter' David bad alaln Goliath? . Dtber replied, "1 received double tba WWle-O. I suppolle the7 88.1d. "Nev· .• um lor lleeplDS .lIear III tbat .ref:' er mlad. The .ulOn·. 10un8' 7et. . ea..... Wait un David hlta a IluIQp."-clIrist.o maB Puck, ' 8elf.Evldl;;'" . ';There III one 'bIt .'IlecOi1aUqo ' 'mow ,thl'" hrid 'in lilat famoua · 0. palnce," ~.,. .~ ,':,' ,. . MWhll1 WBII ,I t ", ,-;' '''.A 11m· frtei..-







Senn a.







I :1



44 BU. I0 thI Acr.



:f: :'.::

lbe SlInr CUp









... -


_,.'o ___







',ck ...

Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.


~:o~ :r::~ !~~:~~~e ~~:v~=11 d:~~;~:: !

~:~:'stG~I~e ae~~~ ::~.

'I'l'" .


Constipation Vanishes Forever







--*------ ---





I\lr. Jos. Marshall. who is in Biloxi , Auditor T. C. Patterson is in 'Hil, 's 10 us as follows :-- \ ceipt of several s ums of Il'oney which SPECIALS THI S WEE I{! t hought j w(Juld wr ite you a lim' \l r WiII be distributed to v"arious funds ~o and 1('1\ you :>o metl1i ng aho ut this a bou t the county. $2124 .60, interest . plnce. Il is about 80 m ileR north ("I f on section number twenty ·nine min · Fancy Sugar 4 forOhio ........... .......Curn. ....... ~(' . ..C~1I1 . ~~,, : I: New Orleans on t he L : & N . railroad isterial fund, wi ll be di stribut ed 8 all T(,lmatoel! .. ..... , .. . ' ,.lUe· si tuated r ig ht along the Klilf of Rmong the '1arious churcht's; $244 40, --+~F~an'-'c"'y' W i~con8in Peal!, a ran · 10 Mex ico, has a population of ilUO\) , frum Virginia military survey, will 31b Can Red Kidney Bea m: .... lOc Iand is right up to date; has paved go to the schools east of the Miami ~l~ g!~~e:k:d" n;';;~;':: :::' .. ': ~ ~~~ !,;treets, elec tric liJrh t." Rno electrie lriver; $624 1, from the state fund, Walrus Salmon. R C311 . " ....... ~lIr tracti on ca rs and nice " t "1'' ''' , )l't " will be dis tributed to th e several Santos Co ffee, only :;!:k III .... ~:k : plan t and ice plant and (\ ,,11 "11 rna,1 schoo l districts at the rate of 100 R ipe O lives. . . . . Van Camp's Milk. . . 5 and 35c Lenox Soap. 8 cbkOll fo r ." " ... ij,c lalong the beach f~r Rix or 8e~~n cmta per capit.a; $4083.42. i~terest 6lb Sack Buckwheat ... .. ..... . 20e miles. The beach IS bordered With on school section number t;uteen, Pimentos . . . , Baked Beans. . . 5, 10 and Illc Argo iltarch, 3pltg-. for ...... ... lOc d'ff d Raisins Ib .. ... .... ....... .... ..... I Oe very large live oak ueei that are &'Oe8 to I .rent ranges an town(:arnpbell's Soup . . . . . Salmon . . . . . . . . . . . \ 0 and 211c Cooking F!gtI~ Ib ...... ..... . . .... IOc fine' they are evergreen. There are shi~ in that saction.-Warren CounStrawberries . . . . . Kinney's Salmon, one·half Ib . . 10 and 25c 17c Knust'S LiqUId Sm~~e ...... .. . 6~c Imany boats on the water 30me for ty T i m e s . ' ,I Raspberries . Mackerel . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c Quart Jar Sweet Plckles ...... l.>c pleasure and others eni1llred in the CISTER·N-Cl·EANINO Large Jar Mu 3tard ..... ......... 10c d Th fi Blackberries. Cooked Kidney BeaDs. oyster tra e. e oysters are ne, Fresh Baltimore Oysu-r~, Cra n· and we get them right fresla out of Wm. Dauglatel'll has bou&ht a Re. 10, 15 and 26c Sauer Kraut . . . . . . berrit'.s, Celery, Home Grown the shell eve ry day. I lik e it fi ne , haume Vacuum Air Cistern Cleaner, Spinach . . . POtatles, Onions, Oranges , I lie here and am Itenefited by t he res L. I and is now ready to clean cisterns.: Lemons, Grapefruit. Asparagus Succotash . . . . . . 15 and 20c 10 and Illc hut ruy nerves are no better. ', With thie machine the water rloes ,' We have tne best of eve rything - - -- -- -Pineapple .. Lima Beans . . • • . ' not have to be pumped (Ju t. Satis- I 10 and 25c . 10 and Ille and our prices always the Low. ARE THEY BIG EI'WUUH ? fa ction Iluaranteed, Leave orders I Plums • . . . . . . . Green String Beans . 10, 15 an ti 20c , 10 and Ille est give U9 a trial und be con· at Kilbon's sto re . vinced. Beets .. 15 and 20c . .... IOe Congress mall Denver has in tl' '' ' ...- - nuced three bills in t h e HOll!4e. prO). Pears, 3-pound can . . . Corn . . . 7X ,10, 12X and Ille Beech Grove, I viding f or postoffice build ings 111 ' Pumpkin . . . . . . . . Peas . . • . . . 10, 13 and I Se IOc Wilming ton, Hill sbo , 0 anu 1.(~ban()ll. E v nr,\' Gud y Ie slelghrldlng. Mince !\teat . . . . . . . Tomatoes . • • . . . • . .10 and 15c each te. c.. "L ~IOO ,OOO and uf co ur ~ e ' P ret ty good tbftnk YO I1 . - - -- -- --- - they \vere refe rred t o the Approp ri~ 20 llelo\\, zero in out' httle Urov e Peaches, sliced. , Syrups . . . . . 10 and 25c . . 10 and 50c ation Co IJlmittee and then the word ou I:!lItnrday morolng. Peaches, halv ed . .10 and 25c Bacon • • • • . • • . . . • . . . . ••• 20e Tbe FreDell lbould \rfn Edmund went out thal these t ownl! were be. : Mr>l. MIlUie Davis blls been oon. Apple Butter . . Peanut Butter . . , . . . 10, 15 and 25c . 10 and 36c QbNe's (l(unm'eodaUOIl tor the whok!- ing con side red 8l:l ~uita blc place!; in ' fill ed to the hOlllle tor lIt'veral dllYs sale mRnner In wb.lcb they have de- ' which a govf'rnmentstrncltlre might wi t,u II. 118vere cold , I~,ed boob. They_have even gone be e rectl'd. They will be ~o consid. ! Mrs. L. D. Chil~ is s uffering to the $Itent of coining a special . , ' w0r4. "btblJoqtte." to donate '''la de- ~rerl hut wheth e r they Will be fav "r. , wlt,h t hront troubl e , Itnc:tlcm volontalre -dee UVll8I! ." Tho ably reported rem ains to be st'E'Il ' \( . I!; , Thorn P"OII who has beeD gr8ateit date In the alllleis of blbllo • • Mr. Denv er will do a ll he can t o S l'. <lick ~i llce l' hrlt'tUltltl It! ROUl I! b~: tflr ~ Sa 1790, when churcb propertY j curefavorauleactionuponthem b ut ' L . D. COII"II hllll IIlllt.l bls farm .. .OOa1!lcated by the revoluUonary the policy of the present Congress is l forln ~rlY kn owD liS tbe liirum Allen pvemment. During that year, in ' . . , ' PlUta Ilone. 808,m volumes taken rather agalllst very liberal e xpend l farlll to Ww . UuthrH' , 01 Soulll As~ from monaMerle. and ~onventa were tures. - Wa rren Coun ty Tim es. Uhll rles tow n. Mr. Uhi\os will bave barDed. and throqJwut the "hole II. Ha le next montb aud COUDU7 the total dMtroyed Sa aa1d to SCHOOL BOARD MEETS to wn . baM ~te4 to UH..OO. ~, Tbe hog oholera is stili The city achool board met Monday our oommun'ty. __ 8f'a1Wft1i.r AItON'''' and reorganized, F. B. Sherwood , ):Ieveral from thill place went to . - .tile tu Pd babIeB Ie cJyng1ng I ed be tD,~. TlleT aN tall.. tt.iac tbeT tbe new y elect mem r, and Ch~s. Cli\rksville on BunBay to view the UM4 to ' be &D4 come tuWJ the world I Cornell, who WHS re-elected, were 111- raloll of tbe fire. In 8amulllloo~ ·..outbl1De; UmloeN. wtUl men-. YIt.aHt7. Nat-. hu un. stalled. At the caucus, B. S. Howe ll fbe dBat.b of Wm. Hoblit, of Day. Lytle n ~ W. 8 polea ; \beDCII •. ~ d...... , doabte41Y taken " " " " D M of, u.. ad· was made president and O. J. Ed-' ton, 0, last week W&8 quite a Ihook B. polea &0 tbe place 01 bellDillq, coo_ _ _ ,alma. Two (2) _ aAd FouI14iID (U) polfl ?eDt of mIlltpt ~ &D4 II d d "'" I B bl 'equtpptar 1lIe11Ule GDea lor the atrU.. war s, secretary an treasurer. ~lIe t.o tl118 community. l4r. 0 for· Sidney (Joan hall been on the slok '11 C • Co A1eo a lotto Aid IICtioo bIKI.DDlDa a& a.take Th e Waynesvi e anmnlr general committees are the same as merly owned tbe 8 , O. Bailey 'farlll Itlt for & oouple of w~eh. mpany 10 me lOulh IJoe of 8amulil KoiitcomeO'·. is now ready to contract for com at land; tblOOll wi,b tbe ead IIde of" ao Illoy Sublcribe f~; the Gazette last year, F. B. Sherwood taking and sold it to Albert I:lelpmyer. Born to Mr.- and Mrs Jo~eph 8. ~ d~ E. 8 poioa &0 a l&on. COrDer to John Brelatord'llOt: tbeoc» 8, 81" d~ the place of F. C. Schwartz. The MaIlle Townllhlp ~und&;y tHtbene, ~aturday, Jannary 13th, their office in Waynesville. Ohio. E. II polel &0 .11&000: tbeoce N, ~~ w. J . F • Snoo, k Gen. Mgr. . 8 POle. &0 a eteke ; tbeDco N. IS d..... w. "lI!2E2s!!!!~!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~ &hooloonven$1on will be held at 110 fine boy. .. --, 8 polel &0 tbe place of bcIclDolD. contaiolol ;-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'he III. E, ohurch In Harve,lburg Mr. and Mrs. Albert Staoy were Ro y Irons,.n.BB t. Ilx'y.four (8') Mlu.... polee more or 11M. be· I~ ,be IUIHI ~ CODn,." &0 Daniel ,00 aex' Bnnay .nel'DOOD, J atlUBry Oay~n , vtal~rl on W 8\loetlday . B . 00& by Vlue.ln &cou aod wu. by DNd daced lbe 26U1 d.,- of April A. D. 1111. ' 21" It will &1.0 be 'he day tor Mre. Sarah (Juro, of Dilyton, LEGAL NeTICE TO NON . Aim u.. f\)lJo~ ...-'- 11..... 10 tbe eleo"on bf omeers. EveryoDe In,er. lpeDt leveral daya lal' week With MIDI BIdIoo. TownAhlp ua RUIn .. ~be abo VI. ~ a' a a&one 10 "_"Clutch'l .wd Ihonld a,,_d. her daughter, Mrs. L. G Brook. RESIDENTS lIDe COnI8I' &0 IcMhua W.,Idu; ~ DOrtb aa 2·11 pollll &0 a atone: ,beDCI !f. 81" dlEm.' Mannon, "!Jfe and da..qhe Dul., who by heen w . . - W •• to 1HCoDII; CMDce I • .~ B. 1. polel &0 a 1&0. .. ,benoe N. Mr,lIl. Rutla, of lhlll place, and la,. few wee~1 wUh htl famUy J_le Cleanr, .... bo oI'MJd81 a' the Amcul· i ' ~B , • poIeI &0 tbe lIIace o~~. Joe Dane, .f Da,ton, lpen' Sunday heJ~e , tural <Jollep ID St. Pt.ul, In the Ita... of" MIn· OODtalJaJq One (I) acre tbm,·four ~1iI n08Ota: Leo Cleaver. a mlDOr. who ....dea at more or ~ betq tbe P _ ' with <leo, W. "vii and family. I:"Ue Carey enk!rttllnB<1 at tbe No ~16 NIcollet Avo, Mlnll8lowlla. 'be I~te of Dalll4ll B. (lOa b,Obartty oanaaa, " - - I&0 ~fJnllMOta. arB hereby notlll., Ioha' lIadllOo by hit' .... will r8c0rded In ,be Proba&e <Jout Relen'l. . .nd merollue la lte hOlme of Mr . and \11'11. George S<.lot-t. Me K1naey ... tho executor oUbe Jut,..11I aod of WU1'lll Coun'Y. Ohio. ....-- . of Ellen Sidea. d~. 00 tbe O8uel.,.. h&J'v,"' of louIe. Dea 'b the 011 Saturday and 8uuday, Prof..f . fatamont 17th d~y of Juuary A. D. 1913, IIled ht. Said Nat eetatehubeeortW.Qluty appral,led grim Re.per, claimed another victim RIc)e (Jowarl, I)f Lebanon. . \lOUtloQ In Cue No. 1a18 10 tbe Probate UDder o~ ot &be Oourt a' tbe lum of Niue \Jourt of Warren <Jouoty .•tate of Ohio. 00'1· Huodrad Plt&r doU..... ('50. 00) aod win not when In 'he atiU mYI&erioua hour Mlp Anna Dnile wall taken int.o tied MadJaoIl McKiIUMlY .. executor or, lbe be &Old tor .... Iohua two-th1rda of Aid IPlaSt wIU aod _~ment or Klleo Sidea. dl- P~ value. before dawn on laet Bnnday morn- fall merpber",bip In she cburoh here ceued. D1alDtlft. VI. Harry Oleaver. Jeelle TERMS-Cuh. Cleaver. Leo Oleaver .• mlDor of ~o ye .... of J'. P. FORGY. In. another h01Lll8hold wal filled IIot i ta regaltlt aervloe on Sunday. III!". Albert Oleaver. a mInor of 11 Yllan of S....... • W O O . Ohlo ace. IlDd MIami Oometery A.ocIatloll. def8ll..-.... urea lUI r, with lor row and gloom .1 'be leo 8taoy lAmb, of Dayton, apent dant. Tbe prayer of the petltlooer amoq BLTZROTH .. )(APLa, At&orDlJ1l. other 'hlDal II tor ao order &0 IIIIlllohe foUowln1 loTtD" beart ~f Mtu lIianie Saturday aud Bunday with hie par. dellCribed &0 pay tbo debte of laid "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ellen Sldea.real theeatate lepclea named 10 her will and BDrge" OMlled lte feeble throbbingl entie here, tbe ~te 01 admlllllltraUon of ber eatate t IoJid tbat the right of The Miami Oemlltel')" ~ and one of Mrl. (JJar. (Jonnor'., of .Ir. and lira. Will PiDe have reo e1atloo. I morta...,.. lOa,. be d.._loed aDd OFFICE IN OLD ENTERPRISE BUILDING Bu"YeYllbarg, mOl' &Cl9Omplllhed 'al'ned home after a two week'. adjudicated: and JO"YiDg daughwn wae oaliid to via" with the la'ten pareDte, M,r, reet. The fnneral waa beld In 'he ab4 IIrs•. 8eDj'lmtn Mille near New B~~~~~I~r!r.: Friendll ohurch a' Baneylburl Burltugton. n' on Tuee4ay a' 10 :30 o'olook atler Mra. C. E. Johnl WAI in Dayton Valley Phone III which 'he Utel... body of Minnie on Tuesday ot tbl. week. ~ I i ~s"




The price is right, and the goods have got the QUALITY.Try them.









- ..





When you w.ant something fancy try our Marachino or Creme de Menthe Cherries•.• With your fancy to try them. Desserts serve Cocoanut Dainties ••.







Not.·ce to Farmers .0"


------..--- ..------

Bert A. Grant, Tinner


,t po' .. "



Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sbeet Metal Jobbing of aU kinds.





WaynesviUe,. Ohio



~~-------------------_ _.;..._..._I wu laid to ree' in the beautifnl


H . ". UJ!\rlr, C W. Cox and W. C Bergdftn IIottended the stc?ok hold. ers QIIIe',lng of 'be Gein City Secur! ty Co. at Dayton th. , ti..., of Jalt. New Burllnlton week. l~rof . Rioe COWllo, 8eo'vof War· Kinl Wlnt-er gave UI. wmpera. ren (Jounty Sunday ~ohool Aaooi&ture of 30 below zero Saturday ,Ir'n vllUed our aohool on ~Dnda:y morning. Hfterooon an~ gave an interetl'log ~." .. _._,.,..._ \Irs. Ann Farqnbar lofrered an ta)lr. '. attaok of neurll1gja of the sSOmftob Do Dot f orget the I t T deod ec ure on uinst week. bercul08is as School Hall OD the J _ Cleaver and Leo Cleaver are bereby !!11_______• •__1III1 Mr. Ilud Mre. Lester Comptollbave evening of January l!th. ' Free to fe~~~ ~a~~e~~~k,~ ~ moved on the Ed McKay farm. all qulred to answer tbe AIDe on or before \be 16~b day of March A. D.· 11111 . The report reaol}ed here Suo day • - • KADISON McKINSEY tbllt. MrR. Martha ElIllI lor many ~ng t.~ .1..::~~ Execu&or ot the lu' Will and Teatamell' of Ellen SldM ye il.fS II. resident ef eor "illllge hlid ~rueaday markld the betrbInIllI' of « deceued. plalDtllf. died at tbe Melhecilet flome f~r the new order ot thing, In the daUy life Robt, J. Shllwhall. Atty. .. 10f the Maine woodsman In tlw! peat DaloOd. January 17. un. Ilged In qoclDnall nOlrthern lumber regIons. At! o'clock _ - .. Relatives of Phlltp FlUqubarhave on the afternoon of that day tlw! new receiyed word of his lerlou8 Illness lumbermen', ChrlaUan associaUon I at his home In Lawton Okla bulldJng at Greenville opened wide Ita , dqol'll to the 12,000 men annually en. I We are paying the • ~• terJq and leavtDg the northern tor- ' Spring Valley este. On the thIrd tloor of this buildHighest Price IN FORECLOSLJRE Ing II a hospItal, with expert attend- I for Hop, for shipping The funeral of Mr . A L WYllonR ,ants In constant charge, and through ' WR" held !:;undtlY Itt the M E ohurob tbE!lr mInistration many an Injured : . lUlllberman will be saved from death Warren Comm~)D Pleas Purp0Be8. Call u up by R'IV. PIlI·too . .' throup:h careless or Inexperienced Mr . D W . Ana bee ret,u roed lut handLug. That 18 the principal mlsand we wiD quote you week from 110 visit to Indianllo rela., ;810111 of the organization, and be8loos Wm. O. PhlWPII u1Extr. ete. VI. t i vell. . ,the, hOlpltal work In the bulldJq ltaelt TOP PRICES. HUI'J' Lackey 0.. No. U1UI Mr, Cliarley AIusnder hI very ,men ril be Bent out among thl lum;ber camPI to teach the ..-eat IdVIID&poor I y. ~gel of IkJlful llrat atd.-LewiltoD ~~18ued Mr. Theodore BerryhtU dlrd lallt :Journal. .'.==================~. ,!!n",...n.-~~,.~7~ ~~~,.~ lIIiami Camewry. • - •



The Waynesville Auto and Machinery Company Receive Tires for the Johnson Garage. Why not have that blow-out repaired now? Is your GASOLENE ENGINE working as it should? We are equipped to do Gen. e,a1 Machinery Repairing of all 'kinds• . Complete line of Oils, Guolene and Accessories.

Waynesville, Ohio Valley Phone lOr. '




t'h:tu::'.: c:::


Sheriff's Sale

.,.. -,.----


C. B•.BfNTLEY. Waynesville, Ohio'"· ,

, ':'







.I-- - ---_.. -- --_.-..--.I .-.

Former . ,Citizens .----~-





Ir·;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~=:::::::.-=~=~::::::=::=:::::~-;, NOTED EDUCATOR DEAD Charles Ewan Merritt, a well ~ ~ • 1 .I . The entire community isin mourn- I k~own lawyer of. thiscoun ly. died ill i Personal MentIon Column h h H h S Ing. Prot. E. B. Cox iR dead . Fol· I:


... -~. Resolutions



.----. -~.,.--



Emma Loui~, the little daught'el i~sOU~::o~n Hlg h st~et, unda y,. ! L. ... ..............................- ..... ~~.- .............. - - .... lowing an illness of little more than Resolution!' adopLed by Farmeroi' a but eenhisIn d PO,)! .......................... _ - _ ......... '" b Ioved superintendent of Mr, lind Mrs, ,Frank Woolley, ('1 health for a . longe tillie, eath ._ ...................... --.. _ _.._ a wee k the e Grange on the deaU: of Brother Eli Dayton, h811 beeil very sick, but is was sudden and unexpected. Thrt'e M I'S. Sarah 'mith i3 slowly imMrs. E. V. Barnha! t was in DaY' of the Xenia public schools pas@ed D. Burnett. better now, years ago Mr. Merritt was attack l'U prn\'ing-. ton Tuesday. away at 2 o'clock Monday morning at his home on West Church st reet "[ ran not say, anu I will not say with 'paralysis, but he reco\'~ I'l:d Mrs .. I . (J . Ca r lw riO'h~was in Day · MEA W II f' I Hi~dealh b'n . I . f Thal he i;l uead·- He isjust.awa:; . The many friends of Mrs. Elias ~ufficierttly to attend to his iJusilH::ss ,., rs '. . e er, 0 Centervil e, rl gs untversa grte to With a cheery smil e ancl a wave of Barley, of Macorn b, III, who suffered and suffered no bad effects u (:VOI1 t1 um Satu l'J ay. WIll!! in town Tuesday. the entire city where he has been suo t he hand. a IIli~ht stroke of paralysis about the inability to move a.~ f~e(! I" perintendent of the public schools He has wandered into an unknown ~ l' ha. . Amall, of Day ton, was in B. S. Howell was a bUSI'n ~a VI·SI·· f thO t two weeka ago, will De glad to know as before the stroke. In October tow n Tu esday. land, ...,., or over Ir y years. he was attacked wilh aC:.tte ind iges tor in Cincinnati Tuesday. Prof. Cox suffered asudden attack And left us dreaming h fl W very fair that ahe i8 improving rapidly. tion and from that lillie he grauual . Messrs W. H. All en and Ray Mi lls Wanted-~Irl · for. general house- lI·of heart troubJe while attending It needs mu st be, since he lingers a meeting of the Board of Educatl'on there. k I t h ffi Oswega, Kan.,-We had a cold anp Iy failed and the weak ened conti i t io n were in Lebanon Monday. wor . nqUire a t IS 0 ceo a littl e more than a week ago and And you- O you, who the wildest .. dry November but December has of his systen, affected his heart and !\1iss Ada Slagle, of Co lumbus. is Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie and Miss from th at t.ime his condition gradu· yearn been fin.. Wheat looks fine; hPalth it was the givin~ C'ut of that or~an which caused death . Dr. VanDeI" the g-ues l of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Zel\. Sarah Burnet were in Dayton Satur. ally. grew more critical until death For the old time step and the glad aoo4. Don't bee many names in the return veer, his physician, was at the h'om e day. arrived. paper any more ;nat is familiar to of Mr. Merritt a short time before 1\1 1'5. Susall Hayslit and Miss Mary Attending physicians did every. Think of him faring on as dear me. B. D. Roberta Mrs. J . F' . Cad wa II ad er was t he thl'n'".. I'n thel'. r power t 0 save th e I·t jtath occurred, He found his pa. E. Bisllharn were in Dayton Saturleo f In the love of There, as the love of Here." tient's heart actin~ in a very unsati s. uay . guest of relatives in Xenia on MOD " the dying educa tor, but their efforts In renewing his lIubscription, J. W. factory manner, but did not th ink Mr '. Seth Cook and MiRB Bessie : day . were in vain, He lapsed into a state of semi-coma late Sunday afternoon, Patrons. we are called to separate Satterthwaite, of Laketown Utah t here was immediate danger. He White were Dayton shoppers Tues. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides a ttend- at which time it be ,'ame apparent from a worthy brother, but let us says: Can't spare the Gazette yet' h dh d o ed the Corn Show in Springfield lallt• that he could not survive. remember there is healing In the It's like a letter from kind friends. a ar ly reached his home be fore da". he was lIummoned to r9turn to the F d : r i ay. i'rom the first Prof, Cox seemed bitter cup. Sorry to hear of 80 m any old ac Me8.'!I·5. Matt McKinsey and Frank side of the sick man, wh o had bed to know that he could not survI've Whereas, An all wise Creator has quaintances pasainlr away. But timf' before medical assistance cou ld Z e II were in Lebanon Tuesday on Re v . a. n d Mrs. LOTh d On the nig).t he suffered the attack been pleasee, in his wisdom, to take dbeiedrendered. omps~n. an business. . . is flEeting; we are aetting old. hvo children ",ere Dayton VIsitors of heart f 'l . h' ffi h Id from our order, and from the field Mr. Merritt. was born in Ohio. S t d i a l ure In IS 0 ce, e to A. C. Hale died at hill home in To. H' , J. C. Liddy. of Dayton, is at the l!l. ur ay. Mr. J. F. Orr, president of the of labor, to that of reward, our IS parenti were natives of BurlingB d worthy hrot.her, Ell' II . Burnett, and ,.ka, KanBILI, Saturoay moming, to n coun t y, wh0 removedOh ' homE of his par en t.~, Mr. and Mrs. Born --ro Mr. and Mrs. Walter h oar ofd Education, that he thought to 10 in . Whereas. We recall with pleasure 1837 • I n 1842 M ' was bom . M. C. Liddy. Clark, of Lytle, Wednesday, Janu. effi was Ylng Before leavinK hill the many pleasant associations with J anuary 20, at 2:80. r. M errltt aliY 24, a daughter. 0 ce that night ke closed up his afMany 0 f our older eitizenl will reo He entered the freshman class of member ' Mr. Hale 811 he was born Lee Haw ke and family have moved faIrs in a manner that would indicate him, and commend to all, the noble and reared in Waynesville. Mrs Ohio Wesleyan University, and joi ned into th e varated by WaleI' EIWait for Fred's Co.Operative that he did not expect to rpturn example of honor he set before us, I the volunteer rank!i of the Union d f I Raaolved, That we feel we have ' zey an ami y. . Stores' big ad in next week's paper. That night be made his wit\.- Xenia ~ H ale Wall al80 a native of Waynesvillr army 1n 1862, serving in an Ohi o G sustained a great loss to our order ab M~ha~:~~~~~~~:e;r:,:i~: regiment under command of th e late Miss Lucile Cornell 'is off duty on He will surprise you. azette.. - • by being deprived of his noble exam.· El' B . President Harrison Beginning army acco unt of illness. Miss Eva Davis Messrs. C. T. Hawke and Frank WILBU~ L. Y. DAVIS pIe of manhood: tza Imung. life as a private he was honorably is teaching for her. Zell attP.nded the Farmers' Institute Resolved, That we heartily en· LECTURE ON "Tt7BERCULOSIS di~harged in 1865 with the rank of at Lebanon Saturday. At School Hall Friday evening. dorae the principles that formed the '" . . . , say8; retrlmental Quartermaster.~er()'eant. Miss Pearl Carey, of Dayton spent Mr . Garver , of Sprl'nO'field f oun daU on 0 f h is 1i fe and character Given by Dr. Robert G. Pateraon, He at once resumed his studies and the week-end wit.h her parents, Mr. Mrs. Walter McClure and Miss He has a pleasing delivery, char-' worthy of our imitation. executive seerelilry Ohio Society for araduated from Wesleyan Universi· ancl Mrs. F. C. Carey. Lilla Benham saw "The Rosary" at acterilltic of the man, forceful, but Resolvel, That a c;opy of these 868.. "1e87wOas addmittehd to the Prevention ?fTuberc~loeilI. at School ::h~n lbar Ella Micbener and son Dayton matinee Sa~urday. easy and graceful. Mr. Davis ill,OIl' be sent. to the be· Hal11allt Fnday evemn~' l o m a n to t e Ne\\ Ch I . Leb . ' 1 '1\ Ii . a student of the finer type who is reaved family and spread upon' our' Tuberculoais QUIleS ~ore deaths Jeney bar in 1871. He opened an ar e?, were m. anon l<'rlday, t WI e worth hearing. What? able to get the best out of everything records and' that our charrer be ," other dl·a.......... ...~ .....a. ODe 'l\Araon office in Ohio but on the death of hl's attendmg the Institute. Wilbur L. Y .. Davis' .lecture at and re taOms wha t h e ge..... •• H e leads draped 'in mourning for thirty days. than an of every It>n WhO die in Ohio dies uncle, Ewan Merritt, he returned to Mr. and Mrl!. J. E. Janney and I School Hall Friday evenmg, as he runs, and thinks as he. reads, Signed EvaJonea ~ from tuberculosis. The annual trib- Moun.t Holly and took the office &ncl , daughters, Luella Ilnd Jeannett~ M R M'Il' d M Id and accordingly commands a fund Mary Silver Committee ute exacted in this State by thill dis practice of ~he latter. .. i were Dayton visitors Saturday. "F1~' ose I er, an r!l. a of informa~ion coverinK vaat . fieldll Ednli Burnett _ ill mON than 45,500 of our people. Mr. Merritt was a public.spirited ' · e e, of Dayton, ~ere the guesta of literature, biography and history. • - • In 1910, the statilltica ahow that 7 208 gentleman and was identified with Misses Edith Mosher and Donna ) Mr. Mrs. chas. Stansberry His lectures evidence his complete A SLlOHT BLAZE The house of John Simpson, who pel'MDl4iied in Ohio fro.. consu'mp many of the interests of the town Hawke were guests of Miss Hen- t IS wee . mastery of th2 fruits of his research, d tion. NewMaolme, the areatest liv. an county He always retained rietta McKinsey at rlinner Sunday. ' M dM R G C t t They are original in their literary 1__ th't . tal kl'nd feell' n'" for 'I't If . r. an rs. . . ross wen 0 t I h' h . I d'dl kl' lives on the Foster Compton farm, au on, on YI ptatistica, ml I arv a airs . ,. C· . t' M d to t d th f II Y e, w Ie IS a sp en I y spar mg Btatea that for every death recorded and at one time was the caJ,llaill of Eltz&beth Stewart returned 1M on Sa ten .e u- and epigrammatic one. Mr. Davis about three miles east of ,town, In a community th4lre are not less the local company, holding th <! c, nn . : horne 1 uesJay fro m Dayton, where n.erta .0 I rs' MO n ,. ommermler, a 1with rare good tact, putsjnlt enough caUKht fire Tuesday evening from than three livina cues. At this very mi8llion for more than eleven years. I she spent the past month visiting SIB er-tn· aw 0 f rs ... ross. of the relilh of humor into hill ad_ a defective flue. The fire was dis· ... Sh relahv covered in ti.e to stop the Rames Ge A moment, therefore, there are not n. . Ill. ir.. Post, G, A. R. , es. Dr. J . A. McCoy attended the dre!I8eB to keep hill hearers ever on from lipreading. A hole was bUl'1lt a I. . than 20,000 cues of this diaeaae WaR ... orKanized mainly through his J. O. Cartwright returned Friday State Medical Association at Col urn- the alert, thus compellin• attention in the roof and the damace will not in our State. euorta. . to the more lIerious chain of thouKht, , At th ti' f h' d from Mi. Holly, N. J., where he at- bus last Wednesday and Thursday. . exceed ~50. Th. dieeue of tuberculosis is as e me 0 IS eath Mr. Mer· tended the funeral of his uncle, lrhere was a full atteftdance and in- Without seeming to compel it, and • - ••- - old u eivilization itaell, ' Until thir. ritt was president of th4t Farmer's Chas. E. Merritt. commanding interested attention to ST. MARY'S CHURCH etl'uctives.essions. T t Co ty yean qo it wu believed by every- rua mpany, be ing elected to the end. bod7 to be a hopelf'Mdiaease because ,that.t office Tuesday. the If you are in need of an engine, Mr. an d Mrs. W. S. Graham were An eloquent, picturesque recital. January Fourth28th, Sunday after Epiphany, Ion e d when h Sunday School at g:30 the CBuywaanotclearlj under.tood. rus company rep ac t e Farm· read Lingo & Blair's ad on another the guests of Lester Caskey and Mrs. -Western Christian Advocate, Cin· FInally Dr. Robert Koch of Berlin ers' National. Bank. He had been page. They are headquarters for Verna Kelly, in Springfield last week. dnnati, Ohio. a. m.; Morning Prayer and Sermon __ .a a dl·r....tor· th 1 tt . t' . W'lb L Y D ' ted at 10:30; Evening Prayer and Sermon annoUDCQI in 1882 that ·be had dis.... In e a er ms Itutlon these goods in WarreD County. ,They attended the Com Show and I ur . . aVlH waa gree -covenll the cause of tuberculosil' since January, 1888, and its presireport it as being fine, . by an overflowing house. The ad· at 7 p. m. Come. He found that the disease;s dent since January. 1901. While an Mr. B. !ittokes Silver, of Cincinnati ', dress was a maaterpiece.-Times. "I was glad when they said unto ' ardent R hI' h h Id Sta c·· . Oh' me, We will go into the bouse of the - ' J a vma Kerm-the "\.uhercJ. ba. epu lean e never e spent the week-end with his parents. : J. W. Lingo, who has laken r, mcmnatl, 10. Lord." ' b Ii cmu·II." The . ..erm il 80 small that a state office. The only one ' he as· He has been with the Proctor and ' ~L partner into his business, the firm A vivid description. The lecture • _ ••- - it musrbe m8lrDifted about one thous. pired to was the state Senate, in the Gambl e Co. there for two years, but Jlame being Lingo & Blair, who ill of Mr. Davis was above the average WARREN COUNTY TE~CHERS and tim .. in order to be leen at all. contest for waich he was defeated by was recen tly transferred to the SL veteran in the hardware and im. Chautauqua addreases.-The Sun, Tbe preeence of the aenna in the ~he latfl H. B. Smith. He was solic· Proc-tor and Gamble plant at Kanaas "lement business, has an attractive Sprinaiield. Ohio. Messrs. C, A. Bruner and F. C. body ..ive rise to a number of Iymp. ltor of the Board of Freeholders for Cit.y, where he will have entire ; ad on page 4. Read it and see him, • - Gilmour attended the Warren Countoms which miaht: lead • person to several years, a member of the North· charge of the oil refinery department as he can out sell all of them. TOOK IN NEW MEMBEltS ty Teachers' Association at Lebanon IUapect ' tbat he had consumption. ampton township committee for Saturday. Three are 1018 of weiaht, lou of ap. one term, and was connected with +-The local Grange has for many Mr, Gilmour spoke on "Some petite. fever in the afternoon, couah man~ocal and ~oullty institutions, .~tronger even though the newspaJ THE O~EAT 1 SOCIAL yellrlJ been a substantial organization Needs of Rural'Schools" and gave laatill&' eeveral weeks, spittina of among them bem .. the Burlillgton per life was ftlterrupted. Ae a law. ! and one which has exerted an influ· a fine talk ----- - • blood, chillll niaht sweat. and pains County Sate Deposit and Trubt Com- yer Mr. Merritt was a safe and val- I Never heard of it, heh? Well, ence for fraternal feeling amongst in the cheat. pany. at Moorestown, of which he ued counselor, and his Iflvice, fre. \ here it is: • its member!:!. and haa heen a Kreat BOUOHT NEW PROPERTY ConauJIIPtion ill not inherited. It was .a director and , solicitor; the quently 8ought, was carefully can· At the Ma80ni~ Hall, January 30, benefit in social literary, friendly The James McC~ homestead at is infectious and ill lipread hy care- BurhnKton County Lyceum of Histo- sidered. This characteristic wss 1l912. It will B·gin at 7:07 p. m, and financial ways. This fact is be· the comer of MU1'ket and Monroe hili spitting hy conllumptives. The ry and Natural Sci~nces. and the not confined to his leg:ll life, for he \llDd will continue at intervals of 7 ing recognized more and more, streets, has been IIOld to C G. WiIeoMumptive mother ia not conaelous ~epJ)le's Building and Loan As!!ocia· was always ready to give advice and Imil1utes until it is over. and tbere is a constant increase of liamllOn, of Waynesville. Tht' house of the danaer to which ahe exposes tlon. He was treasurer of the Bur- extend a helping hand without re , It will cost 7 cents to gilt in, 7 membership. At the regular meet· haa ten rooms and is now occupied by her elJild. So abe must be taught. lington County Fair Association, and garding the pecuniary return that .cents for your supper, and 7 cents ing Saturday afternoon, January R. H. Snead. Mr. Williamson is a ......_of the whole cam. of St. Andrew's church, all well as might be expected to follow. Thil ill the pur"""" Ito get out. providing you 82 times 20th, a class of nineteen men and real estate agent, who has done conpaian apinat' to tNCh the treasurer of the Diocese of New Charles Ewan Merritt had the es- 7, but if you R above 7 and under 2 women was initiated into the mys- siderable business in or near Xenia people the danae... of iDf~tion and Jersey. He was also a warden in teem and confidence of his fellowmen ~imes 7, then U won't have to pay 2 teries of the Order by the beauti- and thinks seriously of makinK this the methods of preventicm. the vestry of St. Andrew's, and was in the highest degree, He was a per I~et out. And B U 7 and under 7, ful ritual prescribed for thl" same, city hi' home.-Xenia Gazette. •_ • superintendent of the Sunday school fcct gentlemen and a conscientious '7 cents will then suffice. Every 7th as exemplified in a dignified and im . Brother Chew has "another think FAIR AND PARK CO. attached to that church until failing and consistent christian . H~~ leaves :1 will get in free, and B 17 times T pressive manner by Brother J. L coming," al Mr. Williamson will not . health compelled him to relinquish a widow, son and three daughters, ' :veal'8 old, then he can get clean Mendenhall and Sister Ona Strawn. leave Waynesville. President M. A. Jarneaon, of the the office. who will miss a lovinl' and devoted 'through without paying anythitiK. 'The new memhers were !riven • - ...- - WarreD County Fair and Park Com. At the death of Charles H. Folwell, husband and father, and in all cir- There will B 7 thingR served by a hearty welcome by the Grange and HORSE STOLE N lIan)". baa announeed the annual Sr., Mr. Merritt became editor of des there will be a loss. thllt time several waiters who will wait on U were made to feel at home by the mNti~ of that company which will the Mirror, and for four ~ ears he alone can repair. while U wait on yourself. 7 num. hearty hand clasp given. Rev. I. N. McKenzie had his horse be held In "i. office on Jan.u aryl7th, eonduc~ the editorial page in The funeral took place WednEn·bers will B on the proaram, 7 After a brief recess, Mias Ethelyn atolen from his stable on Fifth street the lut Saturday of the month. a ~er that was hi..hly beneficial day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Ser· .lIpriahtly IIpinatera II sinK a BOng; Jones gave a reading in negro dia- Tuesday evening. He heaN tidings The meetina it open to .tock hoMers to the paper, and to the principles vices were said at St. Andrew'schureh there will B 7 kinds of music' a airl leet of the horse at Lytle today, and has and 111 for the purpol!l of 'el~ii~ which It. advocated.. Thill positirn and interment was in .S t. Andrew'. of 7 ~ilI !P8ak ··We are 7," Amona POULT~V· ;~IATlON IrOne there to look after it. o~cera and directors, Mr. Jameaon he . . .. compell~ ~ relinquish be· burial ground.-Mt. Holly News. the 7 • WIll B a apeech by a man 7 • - • - :', .-. B·aides Th M' . V II P FARMCHANOES HANDS . • :- • • . tfc:6~ hleh ' e~~aJJ ~f lU'atime If tM average mAn were to 1m- these 7'8 there will B Iota of 4ther . e IIUWI • ey oultry Aaao' . . 'F.Ilt'lDen.. It ·w U ot'lLCkbaseball playerand 7e. :.. : 'oo Frank Braddock· . .)aoo..,ola. ' on tbe'eaw:'b. ·Wftle.... inti- ,mliee:a ':home a. be . At 7:07 p, m, U 'will find the door at20 clock at Dr. 8 office fal'm ... ~ .. ........ Of t~.,., DUpUU,-teIt .cq....nted ..r Y:em ge~ pla w~.k;. P&Y, the 8a)~J!.·, 2~n, 2·rec:.ive U. . . .. It is hoped there will baa i'ood at- ~tt trade takiDa pl~ ' '~~~." . " ~ .•t.S",,,,,Or~. _UMir. , Tbe: f~ -tbei~'.to'~ ,~ wou.ldbeo~lliled to~oou' o~)'''ll t .!fha, ~)'8l Sons aneJ .The Loyal t~danee I 8!l . ~ere.. are matte..- o~ !Jbe.eonlidlriti.on&t~ "~I1,~ ,~ ._ ~ . ., .. ,,"' . "'. • ...t-':" , .~......,. DeM. c " • < .. I ~UPte~~prl_teJ'l~ importance 'on bal)dfol' tit, known. . Q





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u~alarae!'ttendaDce.. ca~·ofthe..-c>wtbofhielf;'lralprac. are~4.~'. Ua",m~f dUtlq 'iihil~, '.·~of~bislif~ l~atl'the ~ ~ ~.,; Writer·:jlr.became



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c1atio~wi1lmeetSaturdayaf~emoon JI~derao~ Chu~ Cle~enta


~ bo~t ,~. , ~t'ot.~~

..-. I

The Miami Gazette D_ L CRANE, Pub ll sher. WAY Nli:SVI1A,R:.


Jacob Riis on Neighborliness






We8t Phll.delphla Wom.n Tell. How It Wa. Accomplished,

Harper's Ferry One of the Cauntry's Interesting Towns.

So mMY people go through liCe troubl ed w ith eczema of BOOl O sort or otber, II.IlI,l the dlsel1Ho Is 80 Ioatlillo m e. Qua int, Pictureaque and Almolt th at we beg rul to r end the follow1n~ F oreign. Village In the Shen anlotter 'It, beuefit to themsol 'l'ell nDCS pv ~s S8, 11,f-Y C:lIl n(,lnl y, II Dill e ll· doali V a ll ey H aa Proml. :helr frltm ds: t1r p l~ . dC5 1ro y It. Th eir nO I loDlIl pre!>I nent Place In Hi story. "ReslDol Ointment and Soall oom( lly G. U"l n ~S lon, ColI""c or Agrl c u l tu rc, Ohi o ~IlJl" .Un i verslt y, Idce t tl VO\\ ~ lli s u et cr m lna llon to r al11 pl ot el y cur,ed,, )Do of Eczema ~ the , - - - - - -- - t.h e o r g l))\I~'HIIl O LO an a ss ault U>,OD IIEA I ITWUI. story wns H arper'a Ii\)rry, Vn..- Amoo~ Ill o head In ablu,L three w eeks.. Have t 111' g r dfl, \\' tllt' II , Il l! S:I)' 6, rllOlS up . , lo ld hy J""ob A Hil s III ml!lJ~' i llter eStlngl t owns III tltt! D lli t· rel(,'Omhmendef~ them to sev era l fri endS, $ 50.0L' ~1 .UO O 11 year In t he Ul'lle d 3i s n .Ju reH .. ill tb f' com . el ", tate ~ , nOll e 3 m ure qllalnl . pic ' w 10 ave o und t~ e m excell en t ar· SlUl ,'. I t Ibooo 1\ '[lI' t ·'; \:Vc ll apm .. nC" ' !lI eni E'x ercl_ee 011 t to re.·que anti alruost rOTl~ I ~" than I Ucles ror all akin ' cr upUoDs. \ s hall !, pHalll1stu Ibe laetti, 11 :1I)i n& Is Ulure t . A, hl c)' h:1l l . " scbllo l for I Harper 's Jo"e rry. I';ve r yw h er" t,le lI e w contlnue t,p . recollJml!nd t llom wbertb Oll U IllJ huOl'~ LO 111,1 1I'irll)UI 8, It Is " YOIIDI,; "om,, " I n Churles' l s(')'''"m~ ul th e old , w hil e lhe uld ever pos8Ible." ClD {, ll orDl Oll& I Olt 111'( " LHISI D S8 thai TPtlllilltP.S wi tll slienet'. ('onHduus th at ' IDA B . LESHeR, tOil . "'ll(l~ t' llt'inclll:11. .\1 "n M ary V i ~l (· llct'. wU S lIl1ce n (IIn',' ,ur wl tb b lm lis apP"al to the Irnllgi n atloD i s pro' ; . Wes t. Philad el phia, PIL tlbou lu nu t iJ e t"lernl ,.(( It blUl Illude : tD hi s. ( 1:I:iI std e ~e ttl(' ;,) n 1 ""ork 10 I pond eranL Through til e bUSItH-t Bti )It)r· It may be n simp lo burn. a cut or ~ }lar a~It (' n,ll Oltl.' u f I I.... rue 01 scr' : :-':E'''' r ',' rk Th e world ~ (' 1'1' poor tlon of tbe little t o wu .. ),lIns ::lIlRQ ll e' boll, or a c~rl!u.~c le, or a f <'loo. or eo.. nIlI S. but of ('"nll lr, lillI' S or bu , l· dci'd . I;e ~ l i d. hIll for IbO! 1I0llle e n· hanna strce t , extendin g rrorn tUl' Hta- • .,lIIa, or tiarbe,r' s itch, or pi mples. D (.' ~ 8, " h l t b t b1i R. th rcl ll l\h 1111llcrpOId Itll)hl:l hm uf yo.llb 11(1U t o th e rivet' frohl whlt'h il I l1k ('p , or lI l aekhllllds. or boll 'I, or 11lRII, 01' eUlJ) IIJ)es . Prf' Y IlIJOII ,nb .,r IJ USI11CSSeS. : .~ " n l ' fllus t ra tl ou of wL o ! h t' nWIlIII • ItH . 1Iam e !ln d unltlnl' '~' Ith the 1'01le! prlokly h ea t, or pil es, or I I<'hlll1>, or Tip pi n,; lUiI;h l lind SO nt c pl a l1blbility h,' 10 1<1 lnl'm t hIs tO ll('Ulllg anI! IIca ll. 1 w h ll'h oXlend s ror llHL .y III lles down erup tion !! from pol~oll I vy. Ir I t Is a. if It a lllnU nl l'd on l y til graluil i es t o a II f lll " l lI ry or " H eart.ea~ \!." n " 'olllnn I Ite valley The fln,t IUlI)rCti sloll I sk in troubl e, · R I'.l;luol Olntmenl tM al fa lth lll i "(' )'\' an l see kI ns {() please , but \\'1 )(1 did h ~ r Itltle pa ri l ullh full y os gained of t~H! l o,,'n , I .. from t hi H I ways el!ectlve. It gives Instunt :uh.'()U8 e\' ~ r)'IJlJtI }' knoll'" thll l It gOf'S f ar be· " tr"et. and If Ollll la l uoili ng for th,' r ellet. It must Dot be cla slielJ with . sh ,' rnlln tl It : [ " I 001 111 0 U>,OIl her ono night." b e !lI odul'Il "Cit y Beuutlrul, " llisappnillt , I pat ent prepara.tlollS. R es lool O i nt · 70nd thi s. says t.bil Oruuh n Deo, The sai d. " In a meRII gtrel" O\'l" on tbe !'~ ('nl wi ll Burel >' rCHull ro r Ih ls un· I m ent Is a p'r ollu ct at acl ell ce. It has t ip Is mure uf ll'll gl' Cll . fUll ror ex tra w esl 1,(110, A bra es pl .I I C on tbe II"r'.' sIr 'et h as tal es to te ll , nnd 1lJl!- 18to04 the t est ot y ea r ll. It Is pmcU. 5Cn· lce. IJllt til g<)t HUY kind .lr se r,, · doo r al r c ,· ted my all ' '' l ll, ," as I m o tll' ~ to c h erl ~ h . . I ca lly !ntpollslhl e t o lind a ph,Sl cllUl lee nL nil It Is not s urpri sing lhat pn ss(',! ·Hea rl H·nse.' It .al d nnd I I t b history wh i c h claIms utten· who does !lot both u se It an" roC(,I'lcolll llll'Tl' ia l Ira\' c1e r s think or org anw e nt Ill , WbNe tbp~ are eu slllg tlon. ~' \' c n befor e the illation 18 out IIf I, Oleod It. ' Izin g a ullil.,oJ II ltn('k upon tlpp\ll g , Proper T relltment of Meadows Will IncI'e ase the H " y Crop. Hn I'u " 1y t en II t el ' 8 dl san t t ls w eary hearts. t b er e I ",qn) 10 be , Tbe slpl " It. A ll klndll df Akin Irrl tntlOltll trom 1 T he &lI rpr ls'J Ie th u t t he y tln" e nu t MUI 'h "r UII' lallol i ll Ih l,; Slate de· )'ear a fl" r th t! 111'11' S" "IJlI\~. 110 II'P vr.r, ~ou si.' was rnor£' of 0 bo~ th:Jn a bo ulle, th El , monumpnt t're('(ed on th e spot lhe common pimple to >Io11lf'thlll'g Eerl, don o so lo u!; yea rs figO. Th py prncv, )I (·d 10 ri ll' g rowl 11 " .. r gl'llS~, 1'1 Lbel' lh., n.)~('c ,J llIg t'flll I,.. tll.n e ('ar l y In Ille rill' el("' at ed ral l roaol 1'1111 In f To nt. \\h.r(' John Urow n took ref uge In th e out! , yleld~ Itt! h euling proporti es. It 'ticn lly li ve 00 the roar! . 10 bo t el s a nti tur hay or pa S! lIn'. Is h l!lsid. , land . o r ~ f1l'lng , In r l's'H'oIln,:: It Is Ofl plI de- rlgbt undl' r th e wlndoll'~ It wall ol d e n ~l lI e hou se. Then,. t oo. are th e contaIn s 00 lead or merc ury or othor ·tru l n s 1\ gonu purt of I be y ar. Tbat low. r."orly .lr:lilll'ti "rt·as. Ill' lanil Lltal . irahlt! 10 sow fl. mixture <If 8,'e<l s r ll til ' nallk (' ol on one sId e IJy a f actor y on tabl et s whi ch t ell all about It, though harmful Ingred i ent It d t th o " Fort" it self, after vlsl.lh1g th e 01 ,' d I " t oe8 n o g rolw sort uf li fe Is h ard at hest. To m ake for SO lll <, 1" ':1"011 I. 11 0 1 \I',! II aclall tc' oI ,'r fll nn o lle " ari" !)', A m ix tllfl' """II· t lle olh",' by a j ail . In th e r('a'r ,,- Id ' f I hi If' u an 8 as ell8Y 0 apply lUI co d or s a I' At C c ugo.•1n rusLent · cr eam . R eslnol Soap used In lbe III Rt of I t th ey PIl Y 1I11S Ibat tbey to t il .... ;;rnll'in/: o f ;.;r;tin and olh er "ul · l,v l!;v(,~ ;;rl'a l l ' l' I'ro0l1l"li oll 111;1lI ~ ," . d . hulldlng was going OJ!. p l umb up t 1 ' 1_' ' n' oll , tb nt 1"(I'lld 800n en , . IIII': for rew y eal's at ' Kat e ~"io!d's 1Unt: tl on w Itb t IIe 01 utment Ri dscon· Ola ), abtnlr. 1\ living ('"I~ t ence. 80 to t I vato 't1 ' · r l)lJ ~. :;1111)" of I hi" land 01.;0- i n).: frnln UI)(' o.;ra.<s ;In tl .,t t it!' ""1110 " anl.,s ~ ' ' ' III \,ot.'t1 to I II<' J.;l'Ow ill~ of ~ r:l~s ~ ho·.lo1 l ill1< ' I ~ R hll rC' r c rap . ";oil Irn'~II I"r l. I I,..>l y clu s{' tile Iluek wl ~" : o\\' s. T hoso ;.U ~1I1" '· . ~II~~ 'dOD th e S:ISqUah;lI; ~~' t he speedy healing ot IrrltaUon B. For I!lleak , Tho comme r cial lruvelers caD .n" 110\\ o ,.n 8 p er manent II J . aale b 11 d ItS d f f destro¥ th e tip If t lley will. Th.!l' can 'I O! Ill' 1'1,,11,.' 01 n nu ror Ihl ~ rea~on call ties li nd \\', 'a tl)t'r " u ntiiti"ns "i ll not In r\'ollt rOil cou ld not npen ror I he 11I ~ Illa cC' 011 the g routld ~ or Stor(>r y a rllgg s s. en or r ee I l ot Pllt er inlu t he r,)l:l! ion. ThIs i s Illnll,'n l 'p t il<' l I:tal "r ,l ll :1 5 lI1udl 'IS (11"1 and 1I 01' e or tlw etl'vnled 11 • sample to Dept 78 R eslnol ChenU,,"1 cel no·tl p bot els ..... bED tbey unitedly pa ni l 'ular !y trUI' Ilr hill slue tl t! lli s. t ll"\' \\'O)1\ld ,nil' l.!.a< 8 tr ro r 1" "q Urr' I "'I'l1l' r e I found my little " 'O\uan t·o eg-... . Co Daltlnlore ~lrI ' . ~ . . .• . , A ' l'lIl e's tbrow f a tl t · tl ,.1 • demand th em Sli d til"y eRn get. at l\ hlt- h ir " ioll(!II nntl " IUllt.!,1 to a l' u l· SI I"'I o.; r ,,",;, ~ s l!:J lllci li t' 81' 1" 1' 1", 11 :t~ wi ll Sh e I\:I ~ n sc hOOl t e:lo'h c r-tallJ,:h l by " r IT. Ie ~'~ on _ __ _ _ __ _ least . sam " IllIprO\'(W1 eDI In condl. , l\llt"11 1' 1"11 lI'out d l i k, ' I)' surt"r Il los 3 );1\ 1' It "lllltil ll l " I1 ~ "rl1"' Ih I llrl)llL:llnlll ,IllY in /I pullllc Rc b eo l O\' '!r al CypreRS n strul'l llr(' whoso hurl;.ollt ,t1 s.ahs . Milil f A t l·T b I I W k M , . I wrlnk l eLi with llge I' Jill ()\' \' t ho l ana IH n u ercu os • or. tion s c vc' n from Ihe sl('eplng car COIl)- '1 f t hl'! ~u rfa('(' soil 1>,1' wu , llin)!; , In I h,' SI':'SI) lI, If Ih, ' so il I:; poorl y draill' Hlli s. L I.. and Whe n 11 -: 1' work was . . I Mune" 10 th e UllIoun l of m'o r $14paD)'. H th Y succeed th e;; will h a\'e 10m ' ~lll' h ('a s C'~. :Inri III o[lt,' r ' ·USI'S. "iI t l,, · mlxtu ... ' Hll>J ulli ('011[:1111 a 111l l' r.t1 <l on e : hc re sh e (,li m e n11 th e m any [ HI'I (, Wlllk and wompn, hllbll's , d l.)~a 1500.000 was slJl.' nt III 1l.1111 . t"h "rau l oa l~ tbe t hanks of everyone wllo ever it If, Of [C' 1I u .. sl rau ll' 10 Illa i ll t ain a per, '''II OUII1 of n.tIlilp :1 11<1 u lsi k.' (' 1.)\ (' 1' .. 19 tml 't'~. allo! ac ross th e r ll''' r . 10 I bI s nn t! L1lrt, fl ~ lllln g rur tll.(ITe ma('y on I ""Il rk durlnJo; t il e Yl' ar 1911. a(:t:ordlng I b F' th e R[on e tl oo rstepa te ll with th (' U . h IIlalll'n t li to"" I uw o r \IUSltl r, '. I I " "L' '''-O\lR \\ 111 f;ruw h" ; lI ' l' tlla n p ia. ce. I 0 b e n elll t e 1) ,, 1/: 1 o r or I I ' ' I tu IC tb lrd anll u al stat elfll' llt or ex ' tra vel s away from hume. l 'crm<lnl' OL l ,aSlllrp!! :I nti IJIPado\\'s 6Ull )(' o r t he olhl 'r ~ ra sses lin tlli;; kind sbe hRd heen brough l up at :-./orthfl eld f' oquem'e of 1Il' t1 0n of t he d!'racJt'III'V I PQlldllures 10 tbe wur 1I~ ;tlllfil CO Darc usually 1'I '~'ll'I:"d by fUl'm ('r s .I S or ~o il. I u nd er I hl' In sp lr:O'ion " I !\Ir ~1 ()o, ly'lI I wroll g llt by tb e pllssl ng yenrn. It lIUlllptlol: Iss IJPl1 b)l the Nutloll al r\ ~ S O>Tb eoretlca lly, 8nys a j () Wel er. the , l it .. b ,. w all I n th e enrly P,l!'t nr lhp Illst (~n - I I I f RI.IP P IClIIp 11Iury ITO Pd allli r, ·",· I'X \Jt'c t Ma li I' n,, ·;, t!uws or paSI~HI'R Ih :! t 'Ir" l e . un .. ~ l' .. ne w Ihat f ,j- her t 08k. t Ul on or th e Sludy und Pr"v ('lI llun best watch es of tod ay are perfeet. " to he· l'(' sc' l 'o! fo ri wou td r(' s po. t llr}, tllat It ~ hos pitAlI l {I door~ flrst I nt T u b er cli I OR' I ~. '\'1,e st ' ot el)"' 111 I 9 lIIu :h I. f :I n y Il r ol1 t I.rOIll them. I t IS llo! . \tI .w, Ilo f} orI l h e n. I!\hbor. b ut actu all y t bey both gai n a nd lose Ih e g!'n cml prnctlo:(! to h a n'e~t tbl' ap pli" ;uiull of a Inn ot fl'"'1 1' ).:rou;1I1 1 ~"'ho ... ere th ese nr· tghllor s 7- C1 ~"'IH' d t o tb .. t i re d , w ayfnr!' r . its 1hased Inrgely nn reporl8 r rcclvrd frllm LIme overy day. Even 11 the good crop, ro ith,'r as 11 :11' o r by paHturlll 1!; IInH' ~ to nl ' to Ih " S II - [-)C'C aflo' I: di skin!; d run ken nlld (\I s~o lute ,,"011\ £' 11. v ile WI(\ (, \'c r and us cchoe« to the II'cn d 1I 1l t!, tllblJrc ul o ~ ls ngcncies In all parts ""BtCt) doea not va r y one secood \it Ult: h y .~:ir. forge t t ill~ that pa stilI''' amI Tbl " Is IlU rl 1('11 larly 'l ; lIe or 't. usp · fll'ld~ denR Ilnd ulves, I t s<'e p)('d ' Ih e Inst ~:olga )" ,,~lIl!II D~ n n~ J:~I Y fair, mall , "r th e Uol t od SIlli es. the cod of tbe 24 hOUNl, the- e:tpert llleao o w crop s "l u st hal'c rood th c' nu t IOclI tetl 0 11 Ih tl 1IIII08lo 11 slI i l 3. but plac e iI womnn of r "fln e m . III nnll moll. 11 b )ond be f e r r •. sl'a letl Ilnd By rar the l arge. t Item of expe n !t& was thut ro r trellt m ent ID sn.nlllOI'lll 10Rlsts. It bas both gained Rnd l os t 10 "a m I'! as 01h er (' r o ps In ord r' r to "Iv c oaen linll' 51 l1n e Ho lls \\' 111 !Jr' J,: r ally es ty ...·ould hav e c b o'en hut .he d id . j ,H all boun; ot tb e n l g llt her !Jel l ra ng. I M LI bospltal s. Dlld ror Ihe ere, tlo~ of that time. It It III wOl:od 10 the m orD , ~()o d r esults. Som e r'lW rar1l1 ers who , b enet\ttE' d hy S II<"I I an IIPpl lcutlon. 011 I ane! th e)' c0 11l e SO IlI('tI11l ". nlt enrl ed . by I InRtltullollB or tb ls k lnLl. Ovc r $I I. ~ O(),ing, It run s fast, and toward tbe next nrst In a " ex pl'rl ll ll'nt 'll wu\· h a\'e II'" 1I1C'HOWS a nd those 1h u l aro r i!. .. 01)0' 1 ' 1 t r bl I pli ed ba r n ya rd 1l1UI\ure (Jr elJf1I merl'ial ' 1' 1 '1 I I '. . ... . .' J)ollcemen , Olle sa Id : ' \V e haVe" thl~ I 1" ng 6(11'11 or t Ii purpuse a one. morning rUDs slow, thus eQ uall zlug . " I Olsp en!larles for the eltlUlll na tl on u nd . . S(P' U H IOU ( n' Ce I 'f' u n Ilflpll c.l li on to rUllollt 1I1('. aU OWS or pas· (Ir 1) ''lrl ll" II'II. 111 ,·lnur.,. 0 I' conI_ I11,'re'1,,I I r e r· I caee She Is n ot wont ed In this . t or tuberc ulosi s spell t $S50,the time , H e says the b esl w atches f ertlli• zcrs . ,' , , . ' ' h ome Ireatmen If b'II'll yu rd man ure Is a " iii a l or tbat Institutl nn. Sbe ,I un t ('ome 000 rI I ' d 8b ould bo woun d t w Ice a day an d then l ur0. s. lhl\ C bL en so 1111'.IHCLI \\ Ith th e tili ze r re".uit H Ilnd Inc l'(' llS(:d yir.ltls that th ev hl e 'l t '~hulIld'!Je 'll'I)II'r,1 ", l' t h 'l spV: d . under Ihelr rul es. I !ook ber bere In I t', 8111 "dH80ClulIonl s RII clowwlt~ee. ' . 1 . "' . , , l eu· l I b n h ! r e uca t o n a campa ~n ;q:(al D8t at ooly two-thirds or the capacity ot no\\ eo n. d pr m('uo(oVl's :uul pastur .. ~ " I' or tI,:ath'r(' d \'p r y thinly by Iland . : lop t nt J'on m ight ~tl'(ltl'h, yours tub er cu losis spent $GOO.OOO, The T&the mainspring. tbus prev enti ng eltb er or equa l va lue to th e .;ruln alld o tlll'r ,If :1 t1urcs c an he u JlPIi('d In fh e rail o r !lnd l llke her In. El sl' "'(' don t koow ma.l nlng $I 300000 was SPent ror binding or ext"eme:J or str ons or c ul tlv:) IPU ('rOI)S. ,lurl nJ!; til£! wlnl ' r. If man u r e Is ' n o t 1 1i\I~.a.t to do with her.' treatme nl In' op~ n'lIlr s(,'! bools. prisona weakened sprill g. Tile balan ce wbeel A Humher of '!xpc r llll(: nt stat io :1!1 Il\·ai l u h!t !. 1111 upplll' ntion or cornlll e l'. Riess yo u! . We !la~!! no rul es. and hnspltals f or Ib e IlI lIano, a nLi also wal! (! xpecteLi to equalI ze dlllerenCi!1 have l'I'c('l\'ed most grallfy tn g rps ult s ('l uI r~ rt ill2l! r should be made III th e Let her come In . A Dd ~ he takes ber tor the work or st Ule antI l ocal boucle ot b ealth u.~olllst tuberculosi s. -of m ai n spring tens i on, but really tIIla hy fNU il7.11I11; th e :;rass c rop with ~p r l nl; ubout th e time t lln gras!! i9 I nn.~ puts h er 10 bed, In th e midnIght hour sbe hears of III n ot the case to wbat fs cruled per- IUI'n yarol manure or comm er c lill ter , ,,1 :]),llnp; to grow. Sll1l'e ~aHses nre lili zl!fS, I: u t. Uil yet t u \\' furmt!rs r eall z not nbl e 10 u';c Ill e nitrogl'o frolll tlle It yo ung wumao. evlde otl)' 8 n pwcom ' fectloD. Hopele.. CUe. th e V:J!t1ll ot t his )J r actiee. : llmo~ph c rl', th e fertilizer s houl d C OIl- ' (er. whom th e dIve h as In Its clutch , "De trouble w ill me and m u ~ wife." 'J' h Au o ld m eadow o r pa sture t hat h aR l :\1 11 a r c l a li\'c l y hlgb IIC), r',' lI t of 01 • . Ilnd sh .. get s out ot bed and. going IIdmltted old Brotbor O aumpcnI, "am e u!J Uty o t t he all steel tmlD he<!n crOfJP('d ror I!t'vc ra l )' (~ ori!. Ir it I tl trog en . ~'1r . W l ll hilllR , ot th e Oh io ell- I'" :.uere. d emands her ~ l s · f'T. ood geta tlat, w hll3t we 'gr 0 D10~ t 0' de tilDe. a Jl fe·sa \'cr WDS dem on strated In N ew n ut dc!\ lrable for on e r eason or an o th , pC!rlment Rta ti o n, s u ggcs t~ rul' 11 tlmo- her from out the \'ery IRWS of b ell. we don ' t 'gree at de u .. .le tim e. I kin !lersey l ast week wh en such a train er t o pu t It IDto the r Ol ation , can be Illy nH!atl llw on o rtl inary soi l an IlIlPI\. 1 Again, a drunken wom .l n ftndR her 'gree 'bout an yt hillg, but we kalnt 'crtakl eg a crosllover sw Itch at GO miles r es(,eded wit hou t plowln l;, Th e t\ co l<l (,fu loo In l he Rpr lng of 100 poullds nl_ l ",a Y to ber door-Il woman wltb a w id eacb udder 'Ilout IL Wben I'm an hour was completely derailed ODd sh ou ld b e c ut U)1 preU)I tboroughly I l rale or so d a, 100 pOllndR or neid phO!I' hu sb an d and chlldren - nnd sh e getl wlIJln' to 'greo wit! h er s hp won't 'r;ree iovert lll'Ded. Here would havo been a[ With a dIsk harrow and lh en r elloet.led. : phu te a lld 25 pound s of muri a te o f pot- out of ber warm b ed agnln aod lakes wId me. and wben ahe IA r ead y to Scene In Harpcr'. Ferry_ lllorl'or InvolvIng tho crusblng and Probahly the b e~ t ti m e to disk and r e. j ash, If the fl e ld ha s beell c roppod for her, Ilome, never leavl n ~ her she 'grtie wid OlO I 've change,1 lUuh mind /burnin g to d \!a tb or ImprIson ed pall- see.1 wou l d bo III AU Ku st ~r sc;>t.elll numllo r of y ,'al's w i t hou t fcrtllll.!\. III ,~afe, WIthout c live lopes, or stumps, pal!lIed !l1le! kaln'! 'gree wId b : 1'. We kin flC n g er8 bad the coaclle s b een or wood lIer. It r ~see d cd at thiS li me a fal .. !Jon a more IIb~ ra l applica ti on shuuld I round her paperin g the l/I'sl1s a,,~ throu g h Its portals, a\ld wben In If 12, bote 'gree separate. but ",e kalut !But tb t I hid ' crop of Itay r.a n be expec t ed th e n r.Xl h o m llil e. 1I11llltlng the fl oor of he r house. I lbe a rmy o( Eogland Invaded th e 'gree togedder on de lIumo thing at e fJ ee coue es d not 1'01.\ said to her lhol I did Dn t thInk you laud , til e hostelry served as hend- Ite aaDle tim e aocl <I , mo' we tries 4e i2 1~ld Dot hurn, ond the only could do mu ch with tho"e Women,'lunrters for ' a ponlc'atrlclt t! u coun- WU58 wo ~..Hs." - Puck. )QUIP ;. ere tbe deaths of the enSlDd Delth er CBO you. If ttlel' are 'just t rya M e. ~r :'_d fir cOialL T he passengerll those women' to ~ou. The SavIour Y et th Is Is not the oiLiest spo t . Reconnoitered, not I'ven Injured. ,."" :, .(, .. ,,,' , " .. " '" ~ .,' <:ould. Ono came and !:j"t ot his feet F arther down th e street 1000lS a cotMilmma was dresslog whcn Ileven· .' ,< " ... ,' ,.; , . ' I,'" :" ,:~: . a nd Wep!, aDd dried th em with h er tage whose shining coat o[ wblte wnsh year·old Freddy burut Into the room .~ .1·~t > " . ' , .~ •• : : ' ~-~. I ; " • hair It £" I'UlS that Sappho u s s b een mis. b elles 11J! ancIent timbers. Part log s with a loud "Boo!" "'Oh! ' she sa id, 'It Isn ' t so. Tbey 'ullu"rs tood all tll4M time. Ins tead ot aod pllrtl y of rough,h e wn boards. til o "Wby, Frnd dle. dear:; e xp08ttllated c om <:'. nnd lhey arc gla d to stay. I s mall hO\l so once served nB a. v II/ago dhe, "you mustn 't open my ,1o0f' ~Ilh· .being a pale poetess or purpl e pass ion I don't tmow Illat they nre flnolly saved • Inn, b efor o Its ollter looking t:ompett., • be WitS n!pre l y a calm and classl ca i out knocklilg. I mightn ' t ha vo bee .. that th ey never stumble I\galn; but tor bad drCll m ed of enterin g t.he dressed at all," /ach ool t<'ocller. W e will learn next h ere. an y ho w . we hove r.lveo them a fi eld. It was ilef'e--that ,W,l8b lll gton "Ob, (hIs was all rlgbt," ~n ld Fred· tha t C le()ti1lG'&" wa s only""'7CiTculI ~cBUng spell and tIme to o Ihlnk.' !l od aODl e of his omcers w er e Hoverul ~1. ") looked through tho k 'ybola ~An " she told m e of .. ome ot them. IInal(&<: ba r mpr witb the P. T . Baroum t i mes entertaill ed. It Is now the ftrsL " - Juilge . .• 'I don't con sIder,' she fini sh ed . of lh e IhJl es. bom e of .. Uuel e Joe." ·t bat I am doing It rlgo t. hut I will It was earli er stili t hat tb e town yet.' IN MATCHTOWN. Wb(!U Robert !' .. " tilul an Eng-llsh Illventor K::tyS "I looked ot ber , th is frail you nlC r eceive d Its uame. Fortunately no Faith W •• Requll"fld, UIO t I1r· has b'!eu Sllccessf ul In Inv ~Ilt. g irl. w ith uns haken. '!n ,; hakable fa ith' Har p er. a n ative of Oxford, England, Fo,. Sho Had Nono. ill " 'I ll appa rat "» ror t cl epboL lng 10 tt e right. and o s k ~ <1 her bow sbe came to tb e pl nco In 174" th er e wall "I ~ad no faith whatever but tb ma n all:e tl It- flnnnCl a lIy She Illughed. alrendy n mUll In posSPS SIOll, a squattJ,,'o "L' h wate r w ith ou t wlrefl. perbaps t er Dllr.leLi St evens wh o li ved at • . ' on 0 "'The r f'nt Is pl edg~ tl by hulr a "TIle H 'e" I I p.1 pl : " "III L~ nCI'OSR t he Al.lnntlc may Sh' I h t jadVICe of a. hale, hearty old gMt/oman 0.. n ena lH on s r ee t . h . I f ' I 1 dozen friend s,. The rest-D bout $1 CiO Hnr pe r in 10\' 0 with Ih IJ 600n hr: 1111 no;('om r.lI lt1 hed f aeL Tbere'{j w 0 s po te rom eXper erl ce, begun to n. 'TIon t h -comes,' the 10C; UOII. b o ugbt out ~tov:u~~ty s~~ use Grapc·Nuts about 2 )loal's og o,'· et>rt:ti ' lly en uu,;1l waleI' there. "'nut h ow?' WhO BUYS tied In hI s hOU8e und I'stabll sbe d lh e ~r~~8 Ia~ OhIo ~'o~a~, I d she ·' Sh e polot ed to Il 10; 0' ('Ircu lars. terry from w hleb th ~ ' towl akeR ts • . 8 nown 0 e ar. an admits h I ~ I" I h A cen tennial ob servance pafn fllil y written g ut In tbo nIght n am I ' 17~ " tl b t b that sbe Is grow In g plump on til e mew e. n 1,1, or 1 'r t'a ou 8, II dleL .... atch es. of p ~ , ,, ..) j II th e 1~lIb ll ijh spenkl ng w or ld ' " J shall not try to t ell you Ilow I I!ut" 'I'm se iling soap l r;~t now,' she erect ed th o old brick hnu se on High will b e ul;Rer ved. aDll I t 1M prollO~ed street, In whi c h h e li ved till his . f1,ald, 'hut 11 I sn 't a lwn ys soap,' fered for years frum a derall'Ted slomthat (',NY " erson lu the Countrlea ID.. For W l ntcr Egg Production the Hens Must Have CongenIal Surroundings, ,. ' H ere: patting a d ,nlr, 'thls II dea th In 1782, anll whIch, half-buried t(lre); 1(> (1 ~ iJnu ld be QuIet /lv c mInutes, In Ivy, st 1lI atanda, a fitting mon u' .leb that rej ec ted almost ull IIOI't9 of l..nrkln S SOIlP; that cllaflng dish IB ,npnt to the good jndgment of tu o ~ood, and diges ted wbat little was torc- • 'fh c: ~ lid (.f a celebrntion would not Th e three j' ~ ~ (' u t l;tlS in winter ~ !: ;; I II(:s ts and roostln g plar. e ~, anti a gooll green stnmpB, Thi s set or dIshes Is ed UPOD It only at tho cos t of great be apPTf' I' )atpd b y the ellilli ren. pruducti on are 1;0';<3 h en" , cO llgeuial pla cc 10 wu liow , U lIll'sS h e n ~ Il r e Mother's Oats. W e COLI::! nOI ~el th e old pIon eer. dlstresB aod pain. ~urroulluin h s :lIlU ~lIilah l " foud, Th or , " ha pp y" no. a m oullt of sei('nl itic ilree,l· ob: yOU know, you h av e 10 tlnd the letT en years later, wben tho govern"I W88 treated by maoy different Til e t Ul'lI eYII stili li vIng h[I\'<:' rorllled is no "w i nl er "h'; pwulll:ill),; !Jreed ." Ing or fec dln~ w ill ill dul' p Ihc lll to by t ,ers : but I wrote and t e.ld Ihem and rn ent n eeded 1\ Bite tor an arsenal. doctors and tbey gave 'me man), dUrera Bu n' 11'0,.,;' assoclutlon , a nd 11ley pro~t ort! O'_'I)I'ncis UI)OIl tbe \I"l), Ihe he ns ! ciurl n)!; th e wint er . All su rro undin gs "Ie got th e dIshes. I , wrIte to people WaRhlngton ChOSB Harper's Ferry, ent medicInes, aud 1 even spout BOYernOBe to ndo llt GOme pl~n t ha t bave 1l," ' 1l Im 'u an d 8eit'cleu th a n II pO11 I sbou ld lin slIc b thllt th e hell will reel and th('y buy the thln/Zq and we get In those days watcr power was even .. u promat ho m(' more Important than It IB at pre&- al years In exile trom my homo. thinkt!be prizes W e've rurnls!Jed the house lh . ' lbe UrCf' r1 . On' shOll Id ,;el cc: t h en I> I T ' tiles t o k. ·. ·Jl th eIr heads 00 elr f r om wlnl"r. l aylog ,.;trains. Th e I',,~_I . h e "g),( i R a mnllufact um rl prudnct. so. And some gIve us money. We ent, and In thIs particular the loea- Ing cbaoge ot Bcene mlgllt do me good. " eck s. typ e of hpl) hn,. :1 budy th at i:; trlull - ' It. IH mad e from roooJ lIy 11 \','ry d ell· hU'e even got a bulldl,,!; fund . We tlon wall unrivaled. The plaoo could You may Judge of the gravity or my be easily tortlfled. and It was near condlUon when I tell you 1 W88 somegular In t il l' l!(! ways , viz., (1) o n Bi des, I ";Itl) I'I'O' :I'SS of d l~nlllllJn an d s cr: I'<..~ shull h ave to move some day.' '' enough to tbe new capital at Wa.h. times compelled to use morphlno for \) oe II Sl r ,l nODler l5ay. tbo earth wIU (ron t to r ear; (2) top and bolto.n , i t o n, ~ tllclory can not mak(! 1\ plOW It mny not be your lite .... orlE to foJ. weeka at a time. oca6e It6 I'(' \'o lutlons In 5321. Anoth- front to n )ur; ( :l l hase ot tuil dow!:- I o r a pall' oC shot.'s un.le8s I t Is provid ed low In her steplI. It ~B gIven to few , Ington to be quickly renched, Thougb the rocky bed of tho PotoOlac and "For two rears I bave eaten' Grap&t hei r ba c k s nrc! hroad and IOl1 ~ . ' ;' it It the proper llIat er lal s with Whit:h ward; er &h' CH It t en million years. It It !llut n f fghbor yoo eao alwaYII be. ODd ita swift current precludcd navlga- Nuts food at least twice a da)' and I Clot\6 U't BIOr un til astronomers IIgre" Decks of medium length, eyes bri ghl I I) \\'01' 11. N either can a Il en produc e y·ou can b e nothlDg hetter In thIs great a.nd lustr Ju s. tireat Ia.ylng 8 train ~call ! :lIn 'Jgl; unless s h e Is gIV();l t h e mate- wlldsome world. It w ould be fl8llY , UOII, a canal was teaslble nnd was can now Ba), that I have perfect it I s d estl lh'll to go on lorever, he prod uced if h c u s ot thIs t y p e lire "e- j I' a l t! tbat com po se tresh ('ggs. Bu- let us say It wltl! tha..,ks!dvlnCI to 800n under construction. Tbe caual health. I have taken no medicine In tor I tbat ttmB-Grape-Nuts bas dooe It alL lect ed from Y ':11' to year for the IJreed . I si des ~h e must bave m at eri als t o m ain· marshal 8 host or youn~ women wbo 18 I!UII In good condition Rnd A eolh' ge ,ll r cfcssor cbarges tbat lug pen. , ta lll Ille ~Ody. l!"r es b t' I;!,lS are ~01l1' h,B ve belped !o the world'" work, bave mnny yean bal been owned and used I can eat ab80lutely anIthlog I wlah, _liege InHueoces. tend to make women It ne ver pays LO k eel' 'h al f g rown Ol' ! po sed of 65.7 p er ce llt \\'a( or, 12.2 pe r b.elped shape Its enurse toward that by tbe Chesapeake and Ohio com- w~~ou\ stomach dlstre".. , am a buslnells WOJh~ aud can .prerer to h e old maldll- At wblcb aB- ve r y o ld fowls dw:hrg " th e w lnt c.r . • ce llt ash, 11.4 per ('e ut protein, 8. 9 per b'etter, brlgbter day tbat bec.'lEonl ever pany In tranBportlng coal trom Cum, "alk my 2 or 8 mila. I/o day -.nd feel _rUon olle little nan Cnpld, ,who hS8 winter. The,y lire not ooly an adtli, i ~eot fat. She wonld h a\'e a r a tion of to the young. ThInk onl., or Florence berland to Georgetown. The Sbenandoah. "Daughter at the Detter for \lolng 80. I have to UM .ore th an :til tllo wl6dom of fhe ~ol­ :i<wlJ,l expefII!'e but t b ey hinder til e ~raills, g r ec\ls, grllbs, lind g l'l ts. " A Nlgbtlt::gale, or Dorotby OIz, of mr prod'uction of layIng hens. ~ell mo. vari et y of grains. clovpr or alfa lfa hay own beloved friend, nn wbOle l1'8.e Stare," whlcb unites wltb the Poto- bralll,1I In my work, and It la remark;leeell cnmlJlned, laughs Immoderatel,. tured pull ets and yonng, h ells m ake the and vegetables tor gr eellS, ~Il~ ~e m eut tbe grasll 18 l1'een toda." Mrs. Jo•• mae at Harper'1I Ferry, Is no lei. able ,Ilow Quick. alert and tlreleaa m:r 111 bll! wi n g , win te r layers. Select a ' type 115 tor gruhs, lIharp sand or commercial plllln8 Sbaw Lowen: YOII ma,e Dever swift and took,.. than Ita companIon menta! pOwers bave become.It Name stated before and noUce 'lhe actions f;:rl! and plenty of c lean water. FeetS dtlt auy of the thlnp tlIey did, but )'011 .tream. and lite that "Iordl,.. , river, IIvell~' Postum Co" Ba~. Creek. Th ere II; 1\ new street car device In- of the fowl. She Is always busy • .amI all grains In a deep litter. ot ,traw, cnD alw"7' . , . . neilllbor."-cbureJa. ita ' waters IlIYe been long uaed for Miell. '. h'tf; ()r wood shavlogs so that IDe hen maD. Indutltrtat Purpoil., MUI race. Were "TIlere'. I. J't!UOII," 8114 It .. aplaln.. t ended to en ah l e the conductor to cal! n\'rvous. The 'Surroundings must be congen. w I be compelled to exercise In lecur(!OIlStructed at Ion early da; and ruill' e4 III the little boolr. Road to ofr the no 11 "~'l ot lbe strl!etB wlthoU! "'n h .h . Ing ber hOd_ M . .,. • boy fall. becallH II_ ta.. a of a ~tAe faetory. " lI«;JUf mill. etc.. Well",l!_." III pkn. '.;. ., . • C. R. TITLOW , ,,,"t\1ng- tll f! door . But ,..... a l·8 the us.: Is I . Thl s m ......DI t at t e house mUBt ,,:tiler .,ho - ...... ilia I!InM 40".. .. remains•. • , oe roomy. bave p!eDq ol fresb aIr ,but College of Ohio queltloD . ~ ",UI 5OlI:l!1 ril e IlrullO ~ll\·aT. ,. -, . · ~1t!ifl ~, ~. t" , .. ' . , ." ~ 0 ....... 110 drldu. a.bu~a~~ 8unllght" cleo. I1A1Tenlft. ..'. . 1 •• '''' ·~ , ~."." III , . ' , , " ' , ' : . ; ' ... '. • ..;:.I~ It the r 1l11l~ ':lr lui t rn vele rs of Ibl. ClOUD t ry r ' oil y do g o alte r lbe ll~

If Barnyard Manure Is Available It Should Be Applied . Fall Or Winter, Or Commercial F8rtilizer· Uigh In Ni tf'o~en Can Be Use d.






10' 1

l I



i I"






















, '.








_~ub" ~.

"'111I... ~.1::_.= ~ .a:~ ·.............. ... ''7


BLADDER fROUBlE CAUSES TERRIBLE PAINS. After lakIng a trI al bottle of Dr. Kll, Iller's SWalnl)·noot which you I'orward· • d to me, 1 PUrCh 'i6ed some from a 10' cal drug store nnd afte r usIng tbree dolhfr 1:Iottlos [ can truthfully Bay that 1 wns curO<! or all the terrible poln. I bad In Ill)' back. sIde And bend, caused by bladder troublo. [bad tbe worst kind at kidn ey trouble and sut· tered so thnt I could not even stay In Wd' ' ,vl,tb the paIn. Dr. Kilmer'. Swnmp·R.o ot ~nadR me feol just me a new pereon' and I am glad to re(1omUlend It to anyone ButTerIng as I did. Very truly YOl\rs, MISS MARY ARD~ER, • ~" 801 Wasblngton St. f)tlftal\e~i Obloh Bworn to berore me and In ~y pre. ellce subscribed by tho said MisB Ma17 Ardner, tills 16th day of July, 1909.

r. i Loc-. .. e..KII......

RAY, Not...,.

(f[]@~(paTI't\\(sGLF\? @(f ~


~mG~Q1rGW(b (P~@(P(S(E




Great Trouble Is Experienced by Not Havlng


.. , Rtght Point and BecRuso Crenm Has Not "Ripened" Properly-Some People Claim Food Has Much to Do With It..

Recip,: Free.


Reli eves Ur i II a r y and Kid n e y Troubles, HaLkach , S train ing, Swcllin~, Etc .

Stops Pain in th e I3ladder, Kid.neys and Bac k,

- --

W o ull l n 't It h., n !f' ft w i htn n. w ftp. k or Gil' to b. ·~ In Lv Hay g U fHJ - O)'t' (ur ~ f' c r t o the


IJ cn l d!II~. drIbbling. sl rainln g . o r too froqUt'n t ~ 'U H S8.gC o r urino : O l e for.~ h enfl nnd t) II" k, t' k ' IJ r- th ,-· h tHld Qc·tH!S ; l hu IItilche. and p a \ H ' in th o bo c k: th e Kro wlng mUAf.: h~ ", .' u h ues .: 8poL'i h e(o rfj t.le f'i'f'a: y el-

to w .k tn ;

.lulJld ~h

howe le; .wllllen ey ...

Ucls o r unkles: 1t~1C Cn lmptI : unnnturni sho rt

bnm th : 8J f'Cp \~s~UH.· ;O\!f IUII I

th o d e~ Do n d en c y'

r ,,("IDe lor th e.::le troubl e" tllat Yr) U can d(' Pf'nd on , a nd It you wlint t() mak e a. quteil recovery yuu ough t to ,,"' rile and g l.' l n. co py u r {t. M un y 0. d octO r w ould r ha.rg8 y o u $3.50 JUfll for wrltl nl' thlft prnoc rtpLl ulI . but 1 huve It a .HI ",III be g ltul to .. end I t to you e ntlr('ly rr ~ e.. Juwt ,'rop m e I. II n ~ Ilk 0 th l.; .ur. A . 1'1. Rnblnson. K-20ii7 Lurk Du llo1lnlli. DetroIt. \ Mtc h ., nod I will " e nd II hy r et urn m id i In u. p tn ln e nv ~ I O l)8 . A~ yn1l will 8ee t\rhen y ou R,II tt, thl a r eel po c o nlnl na only pure. I ha ve



... . - - •. t.


h :lrml ... , N>mfl f1l cK, but II Lng a n4 pl\ln -c"on q\J erln K Tt witt Qu l ckl), s how Its use It, ,,0 1 lhln l( y Oll ll n.d it la w! , h o ut d el a. y . L w ill

Prow Wlwt Swamp-Root WtfI Do For VOl Bend to Dr. Kilmer &: <;0., Bingham. ton, N. Y., for a sample botlle. It wlll c:ontln08 anyone. You 1V1lI also ~ celve a booklet of vah,.hle Informa.tion, telllng all about tho kIdneys nnd blodder. Wben writIng. be sure and mention thIs paper, Regular ttfty-cent and one-t1ollar .Ize bottles for eale a' _II dl'1lS ltorel.

halt great h enlpowftr.

puwer one.. you b e tt l"r "eo what Bcn(1 y ou f\. CO py

fT't"f'- ),ou c aD. u se It and c,," yo uf3elt .. t home.

DailY Grac. beKol.

New to It.

They wa.lked up to lhe desk 01 the ' Getty Hoose tn Yonkers. botb In sus· I plclous ly new clothes. lie took a pen from the hand or CierI! Mallng wltb • carel ees Indltlelen t .Ir and algned I wilb a nourls b. it was Juat hIs name. Maling look ed at him In surprIse aDd waited. Finally be satd ; " Aren't you going to register ber

N w for our m ctholl ot carIng tor (By A. GALLIQAF:fl, OhiO.) o , A ,;reat many people have trouble t.he milk ; Tbe cows are milked r egu",Ith theIr cream and butter dur!ng larly mornlng and night. a lwuYtl bethe w inter mouths; othen! have :nore Ing fed before th e milking is begun SHE KNEW. I or less trouble all th e time. Tho strlppln l\. or IIfobL part of ea ....b NE 01 lbe most uniQue travel· neS8 tbe Japalle~e transItion from pic· W!lly? Simply because thore Is milking, Is kepi Sl" :l..'1~~Le nod 81 raine d er's taleB heard In New York turesQue garments ttl Irock coalS and somethIng wrong wllb tbelr m ethod of Into th e eream ja!', Two Jllrs are u ~d for SOllie time was re in ted by top haUl. expanding ('ommerce levels caring tor the cream or churning but- and wh enever on (' is lu ll t be next tno7" by an Englillhman at luncbeon and g rad ually does awny with oddl· t~r. Sometimes the butter will not churning Is stll rted. Tbe mlUJ answereCl, "Of course,downtown recently. lies. He turned miss Ionaries, ellplor· "coale" wlUI a reasonable amount or That Is, nil [r('ah ('ream is put Into and with another ftourlsh bo addecl. "Vou 'blve dono so mucb for me, ers alld those who trovel In out of the churning. One complains of whlto t he u llt er jar. Ah oout th(' lillie the "and wlre . ~ Mr. Black. sInce I bave had to be way regions of the globe keep constant· 8(lecks In the butte r; another says 5f' CO lld jar Is rull. Ih .. f1rll t I R rf'ady tu The brIde looked at him rll"roacbbore on this steel huFlnef,.... be Ra id. Iy bringing back tales or the stranse t he butter haB n peculiar bltler taste, be c hurned ; sOl1lellnH' ~ II little before. lully. murmuring ; "What did y(\11 " you have put yourselr out to be SO ways mucb of mankind 8tl11 havo wIth and so It goes . If It I II too slow ubout rlIllml ng, Il , IUppOse I hit YOIl In tbe rIbs forf" bospltable tbat I s ball alwlIYs think of their guests. Borne of the people uso cream BOpa. litllo buttermilk I s stirr... 1i In . In the YOU as worthy to be a Society Is· WIth the Aplngl tribe or Africa Just rators, wbile otbe rs do not. How ever, winter It usually requ ires abou t 24 Simply Blulhlng. lander. \ below Ihe eQuator the essence of bos'l it 111 safe to 1Isy that In eIther case hours fur th e crOHm to rlIl t< n after the A Gillman man, It Is related , baa a "How's that? Why unless tbey ba ve pllailly Is to Include among tbo .pres- tbe cream Is not In tbe prope r conq)..' jar Is full. "ery red n088, and rece otly a very tn· changed very mucb sInce I was In th e en Ul of food banded over to tbe tlal-, tion to be ch urned. Tb c creum Is stirred fre qu entl y. Qulsltlve pel'bon said to him: "Please ·mlddle of the PacIfic twme years ago. tor a fat slave, "lie Is young and EILher th A temp erature Is at fa ult "1I1s h elps lh ll rl penln/': l,roet>6S, F'rellh don ' t take otreDse. but I'm curious to SocIety [slanders are th e mosl teOller," tbe donor says. tblnklng thll"t or e lse !I,e '"ream has not been prop. milk add ... d 10 th e c ream alao help ~ . know wby your coso Is al ways redY" people In the world . or no oo ne can fan to opprove or lhls erly "r. ! 'u,-d"-probably both com. Tb e BOOlle r the c ream Is churned I An.i this 18 the repl y the InQuisitive tbelr way of doIng tblngs Is n't gift, so much better than tbe fowls, bIOl!d. Some p eop:e conte nd that the ufte r it Is thi ck, Ibe bll lter , for Ir It gal: "My nOBI'I III me rely blushtng ~~~~~~~~~1i1?1 Ilke' New York or London. But etc. , tha~ have been Ihrown In. " Kill 'f ood whlcb a cow consumes bas more sits too lon g It will get too so ur. This with pride ove r the ract that It haa ~ It's' right'- from Ule beart. him for your even lnli' meal." On the to do witll the condItions of the cream is some times the ('a use or t he spec ks never butted In l.o anyone's bu.lness." "Very otten, wben It comes to the othe r hnnd. the Navajo IndIan conBld- Ulalll the way in whlcb It Is ripened an d nlso th e pccull ur Ilavor found In -Fort Smltb Tlmes·Reco rd . test, tbe 'beatben In ' bls bllndncss' ers the flnest tribute be can pay IB lind cburned. butrer. Woman'. Way. However tbls may be, the re is no VIsitor (e.xamlnlng picture In dtnlnl etens up pretty ...el1 with tbe white to have hIs wIfe shRmpoo the bead of Scalding tbe cream wi ll ulso cau l:le "A womnn's conventlo<l, eb? Wbat room)·-Is tkat picture one or tbe old man In takIng care of bls guests." Lbe passing traveler wIth amole, tbe denying the fact thot a welHed, weil· trouble, sometim es. Ho weve r it s boul'1 ' emarked anotber m ember or the root 01 a plont grown In MexIco and car,ed 'lor cow will gIve rich er milk b e k ept above fre ezing a lways. We do wome n know about enthusIasm? masters? Hostess-Yee; that'a & pIcture 01 party. "Here on Flftb avenUe or some parts of the "cuthwest, tbat Is nndl more of It than one thnt Is ha lf ke ep our ~ r eam ja rs near the Illtcb{'n Now .t the last nauonal convention our cook. Broadway wbat tb e~ do souOlls Queer , H very good Bubstltute for Boap, The staned and oth erwise neglected. r:mge when the weather Is very (101d .' .... e Oleo cboored our candidates for .an hour." but on the apot It ree le good, II I PalllJana of New Gull'pa In tbe Paclllc The word abused mlgllt be Bubsti. A wondllrful Holste in, Da Isy Gracn "That's all rlj;ht," aald bill wlf• . PITIFUL SIGHT WITH ECZEMA should t e ll you that B North Amerl · ha" e all eyen more nnvel way o r sbow· luted ror neglected. There should be DeKol, of Maplecrest farm at Kalu- "We tbr<lw kIsses at ours for .atsty· can Indian tribe [ drol'iled In upon Ins grent frl endsbljJ for the stranger. n lin... IlBsed to llUnlsh thoughtless mazoo, Mich., Is shown in th e iIIu~ ­ . Into one afternoon gave me a TurklRh \V nl er s lgnlftes pence and tia tl~f.netlon pOlllllle who drive theIr cows wllh dog s. tra tlon. ThIs cow has proc1uceli m arc seven minutes by tbe dock." "A few daT'l after birth we noticed bath to remove the dust and fatlsue with them, so when n boat approacbes 'ilie n ove l' bav e any trouble ' with butte r In sev en clays than any other An Inlhl.l1led spot on our baby's blp of a klDg day's journey tbrough the bearing people of wbom they approve OUI' cream or butter at any sen son of cow of her age, tbe officia T r ecord b eDr. Pierce', Plpn. nnt Pellet! first put 40 yeRrs ago. They regulate llnd illvig.. blcb , Boon . began spreadIng uolll dosert. you'd say I was crazy. would· nt flrst Hight they sl'rlnklo water on thE' year. 'Ing 32.50 pounds. In !lO days sbe pro- op 8tomnch, liV1!t nDd bowel. . SUp!" baby was completely covered even In n.'t you! Well, that Is exactly wb a t their h ends ar.t1 .IRn ce wildly nnd gayly \Ve are Dot In tbe dairy bumnen duced 352.87 pounds. It costs no more orate coa~ed tiDY II:ranuloa. bis eyes, ears and scalp. For elgbt bappened. In Ihe shllllow wRter around tbe bOIlt. nnd therefore have never trIed any to feed a cow of this character tbaD U weeks be was bandaged from bead to "Tbe Indians were Ibe HavasuB, or The average traveler would mucb Improved methods 80 essential to suc- scrub. foot. He could not bave a slltcb or tbe Hilvasupals, whIchever way you rather nol become Crlpnds wllb a Ter· celis wbell the busln<lss is conducted ciothlllg all. Our regular ph," lcllJl want to call them, ' Wben I arrived rn del F'u eslnn. Cor thp people or lbat upon a large scrue. pronounced It chronic eczemll. He I. at tbls village or tbelrs, hot and cov· nationality know ot n r:> better way ~t ' One of our cows Is a famlty pet. " very able physician and ranks with ared with grIme. I was as complete a express ing liking nD.1 sbowlng hOl!d~ She Is very old and not so very pro. Ule best In thla localIty, never\beleBl, stranger aa tbere evor was. Tbe than by hugging Ibe strang er. ;\'8 l1table. but she gets tbe sume care the dIsease began spreadIng until chIef motioned me to a sent besIde tbese sa\'uges of t be tip end 01 Soutb tbat the otbers do. baby was compl&Wlly cot·ered. He hIm, and I was well saUsHed In being America al'e ver y nearly , the dIrtIest We bave all the milk cream and was losing GeBb So rapIdly that we b .. receIved ktndly and ' sllowed 10 rest. on record, and ns tbelr ' bodIes are butt~r that we can u~e the year came alarmed and decided to try CuU No IndIan. as you kllbw, ever talks covered with grease. clay lind vermIn, ... round and some butter to sell~ulte That'. Why Vou're .......-0'_1 cura Soap and. OIntment. muelt, and hence no warnIng or wbat such hu ggi ng Is most otlenslve. It II a little more In proportion to tho num-Have No AF'ptJUlA'. "Not, untn I commenced-uaIDgC utl- WaB to come woe me. It could no t t0 lIe a v olded. t"~,nug I1. Ir any n· a I;.er of caws kept than most of our - gI-en • cura Soap and OIntment. could we teU bardly have been much over haIr an tlve of high rank takes a s trong likIng tle lghbors. CARTER'S wbat be looked like, as we dared not bour before a youth heckoned me. I 10 his vIsitor. Last wInter we milked two cows all UVER PILLS ~re Is Ii cheall lind easily made will put you right waah him, anll I had been putting one \ found out afterward that be was a Tbere Is a Siberian trIbe that makes w inter and kept an acco.nt of the outfit Ihat will save much time In in a few days. application alter another on him, Oil 80n of tho chIef, Intrusted wIth tbesl' a practice or eating 1\ guest whom It butter Wl' Bold. stackIng hay. Anyon e handy with , T b e removing the .eale from hIs bead the .peclal rItes of boapltallty toward much admires or whose virtues It balr ClUDe olf, and lett blm entirely BtrllDge-. tl d I I I tId During tbo coldest port of lbe wln- tools can build It. says a writer In their bald. but Ilnce we bave been Ullin. "H 'led t t t Later I grell y es res a emu 1\ e . n or er, ter, from December 20 to January ~O, the Farm and Hom e. The lillis, a, are CUlreCon·'~ "\ e me 0 a en so the story goes. that bll vlrtuel d I 66 d d 10 12 feet long. built of 3-inch plank, 14 atipation, CoUcura S~a[l and , OIntment be baa arn d tbat was "'nown D~ the 'flrst we cburned an so d poun s an as much ball' lIB ever. Four wee"- Ie e , .. mIght ablde-"III their mIdst." Tbe O~lDoeS. Heada~. Inches wide. Tbe mast, p, is a straight Diliousness, indIgestion after lII'e began to USlt the Cutlcura guest bouBe. It Wall practically air 'ourlst. bowever. Is. generally \Opeak"Of this amount 24~ pounds was pole 23 feet long and 7 Inches In dl· SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICB. Soap aDd Ointment he was entirely tight, entranco covered by a double lng, safe In thIs Rusplllnized country. tllle product of t<ln days' milk, mlpus ameter at the toP. The braces, b, aro Genuine must bear Signature ed I don't bellevo anyon8 could flap of blankets. In It women of the II he vIsIts tbe Tchuktchl close to that wblcb we kept for table U8e, This, 18% reet long by 4 Inches square all ~~ . th h b tmsge hall. ever sInce my arrIval. Bering's straits and gets Into one of .... ve eczoma worse an our a y. we think, Is a pretty good sbowlng around. "Before we used the Cutlcura. Rem· heen plaelng red bot stones. under thl'lr big tentB be will nnd a. famIly for two cows such as ours; for, beIng The pole, d, 18 18 feet long by 4 ecUea we could bardly look at hlm, ' b. the dlrect~n of the lad . By now It almost completely nude . Tbe women ordinary farmer folk, we keep ordlInches In dIameter, D.Od tbls needs to ai ~ ucb to plUful Ilgbt. He would wae filled with beat snd sleam. w1l1 not mInd at nil. Ir he passes nlll~ but they are well cared ;:111 ·.nUl I would treat blm, tbey "The boy told me It wss part of hIs muster tbey will bon or hIm an mB 41 fClr and In conBeQuence th~y give good be or ouk, asb, yellow pIne or some wood that wlll not easlly break. Tho lemed to relieve blm 10 much. Cutl. duty to care ror my clothes wblle I him feel at bome by putting strings rc~turnll. Aura S-p and Ointment stan" boo went Inald8. I made a record In get· of glass beads In tbelr ~alr that haa .. .,. " J II Ih DUring tbe fall and winter months themselves and the result tbey qulck- tlng tbem olf.TberA ne,~er was a been copIously cov ere w t grealle. tl~ey are kept In the stable every A surely brIng I. thAlr own recbotb 8B delightful as tbal . Tben, of courseehav!ng been sbo1Vn an ed) Mra. T. B, Odd Cu.tom of African Tribe. tbls courtesy, he mUB t e ta y In t b e nIght; In the summer they have an mmendatlon." (81 .... ".. ft emoky. stlnlng atmosphere and .up on open shed for shelter. ROIlIer, Mm Hall, Pa., ~b. 20, 1911 . "My slory will seem tame a er bot bolled reIndeer. They always have pasture In sea.f.lthougb Cutlcura S'oap and OInt. those of you two." Pllt 10 the man wbo d IItll d I t I ment are Bold by drunlsts and deal. ",118 giving tbe luncheon. "but there's R The vIsItor to an Abyssinian village 60n an a e groun gra n w ce a 411'1 'e.erywbere, . a sample of e'acb., trIbe In Africa. the OVBmboB, whom must Hrst alt under a tree and let day. When pasturo begins to get wltb all-page book, will be mailed free Stanley or Llvlnkstone or Lord Kltcb· blmself be observed . Then some 1m· scarce late in Ule summer, we t eed on application to "Cutlcura," Dept. ener or Roosevelt-somebody. a,t any port ant Indlvlllual will slep rorward g:reen fodder or Borne other green 2D K. Boston, ratl!--<llllled the 'Merry People, tbat llnd gIve him the rreedom or his home. I' roughage to take Its place.. hate YOllr Tnhllans and IndIans beaten Tbe Ashangos meet the traveler wIth In tbe wInter they have plenty at a mile when It comes to odditIes 01 dIshes of red plllnt. Bnd the man who good baY' lind fodder b'*lldea grain U nCl'lrt.untle •. "A DUUlber of men who get to tb. hoppltollty , Tbelr wa!o' Isn't nearly does not palnt blmself at once Is d.. nn. I three times a day; about two Quarts '0 pleasant lUI tbose we have been Itely "Queered" tn tlmt vllla·g e. ~ Tbe I of feed for each cow. front aro mere accIdents." Corn and oat chop or equal IJa rts "Yeti." responded Senator Sorghum; bearing about. What 110 they do! ZunIs of New Mexico and Arizona of· WITH THE NEW REMEDY "I sometimes tblnk Ibat wbat our Hold waler In tbelr moulhs as 600n rer tbelr guests a "r.ocktsll." It Is C:OfIl mean bran wltb n little 011 meal G'oternment most deeds IB Borne rei .. as you Are .eated at 1\ meal and sQulrl made of mesquite beans .lounded In added is tbA usual grain ration ill th e It In your face . YOII are expected to an eartheD Jar . parcbed corn ond nOllr, '1o'Inter. Two Quarts of g-round grain able form of accident Insurance." be greRtly dellgbt ed ~t t.hls, and then and IR reported to be 8 very superior udded· to about two gallonB of cut your host comes ar(lllnd to you and appetizer. clover makes n satisfYing meal for a ''ITUTIO'-WoQd~rtul opporttlntU .. !O. Derrick for Building a Stack. The hlack BQtokl\ ~ of tbe Zombesl (:ow. The clover Is a lways scalded F .uus ID.a8tm11IU...... lt. 'UU 110\ lJun.utJ..tull.. kolaud t b'la.. rubs your face and head wltb Ire3 11 -Grow.olt --..oil U lUonLh.A ,~ar,16O to I1Il1 p~rtLere buller. If a white g'le"t protests be Is toll on tbeir back nnd deal themselves I~efore thc grain IB added. pn...tU.• perJOIU'. lIrtOM of lJ\.D(J low and rnphU, n,d. brace, c, Is 7 feet long by 4 In ches, "not.,. Pr)OM of pruducU hljitb.. Quod Dlone~lD looked upon wltb s uspicion, resounding slaps on their naked skins. We add a little salt and th en mix ....' k ..tallllf, daI'FIIII!, chl<kcD' nl. lnll, eta. »II o Is 10 feet hy 4 Inches, and 1 8 feet malHlJ In 0 ....... AI,el Uml>o Frnl\ 0",• .,.. Oil"!." "Tbere Is another Arrlcon trIbe, If the roiling Is prolonged and tho Ilboroughly. Wooden candy buckets by "Inches. Tile cross·sllls, t, are aneurp&llod. UDe North.1m li'ann"r mA4e "i ,WI you may lik e to know. tbe Nuebra of slap" and the '1ttendant yelling very used. These buckets are large 10 reet lon g and 3x12 Inches. bet'Q ID )0 loaft. Comu aDd lot ua. tiC)fI rUD or write A ... your aru81110' 'or fr ...... mpl. for ~Rlclll&n. , W.l.a.u.., .. c..,U'&a!- ....""oIoooIIII.O, central ACrlca. that have a custom loud the guest Is bhrh In favor, Some IIlnd last \lulle a. while. Slope both ends of tbo sills, a, so or write ' very like this . They !;reel those New Zealanders SQUill on the ground Sometimes apples, rllt a ua ~ a s or , ; ~ Their Limit. they wlll s lide easily. Put an Iron "Tbere II' one queer thln~ abollt ftlb tbey are about to cntertuln by spIt. Rnd weep, The Nubh,'ls walt anxious· pumpkins (without th e secd) a:'e band 011 cilcb f'Ild of the mast to kee p EATON RAPIDS MICHIGAN tlng. yea, spltthlg, on your bo!,ds alld I)' (or Ibe coming vis itor a nd 'ore ea!':· gIven Instead of tbe Bcald "d clo ve r, It fl'oOl Hlipplng. storiea" . MoliC n *·Ineh , . _ .... _ • _. _ ___ __ _ face. It. is the most gros s nnd hitter er to entertaIn . A jar or fresh water but I" e c1ovtr, w e find, gi ves very "Wbat II ~bap" hole III lh e bottom o[ tbe mnst Ilnd ! ONLY $10 drIve nn Iron pin into It wllic h w ill I . • AN ACRE "Flsbermen, ID ullin I , or . tbelr Insult Ir you do not spit hack. One Is slways ready in e3ch house 91 the satisfactory results. In eIther case the amount of ground proj ec t 0 1111 fit Into n bole In th e mid· LIlood n o w open (u, .e~Uemco t In "honn of the eateliea, Beem able to dra,'" tb. Iraveler, It Is sold. who dirln 't know trIbe [or the stranger and no one else, Ne w&utb" IIIlong MIHBI".11l1l1 Cent ..,1 aDd Ql\lt 01 this custom . becamp terribly angry Th e I<aIDrs assure e~{'h whltn ,' Isltor grain Is the same. Whol o gra in lIot die fil. iI. Th e arm. b, Is rllste llc d to and line." ,ullro""ld nell' HatU.,ebui-" - - -.- - - - - at being SPlit upon . Ills firs t tbought thot be mnks aB a chi ef and make blling suitable fee4 ror mil ch cows, we the mast to an Iron 60 ellet, le, whlcb all .... Bud linl( o( " "xlev . In "",,19 eo' 40 .... r.. aud UII, lOj 3 bargain at. SlU a.u .....-:I"C. payable .1 A silly m u It easIly convInced that was to knock tbe negro down. Then . sood in the W8Y they ('nterloln blm, bave trIed crUShe d corn, but our cows Is boll etl to tbe arm. T h. e 1ower en d ao ....,'" on ""Ic<:tlDD or h. od !>o,lthe reet ""tou be pdsses. mor~ '-wlldom ' In one day In hta rage, a belter way suggested An extrsord:nary custom prevails cJ"0 not give aB much milk when It Is fits Into the mast and should work ,..t., Oood hume c.. n~trr, Write tod ..,. ftlr than t,he late Mr. Solomun dId In ILlI Itself. He spa t In tho ITlIln'S Cace good among one Soutb Sea nallon . It al· being fed, probably on account of the smoothly , so tbat It r.-n be turne d :!Iloi- =~~':i!.!4D.~I.~~~.8~~lh~'!; bll yean, " and , hnrd. 1'0 bls aRtonl shmen( tbe IOWA . as a great lavor, Its s upernnnual· cob. lIy. Thill attachment should be ma!!() "ruler of tbe trIbe groveled before cd men and women to Invite as theIr Bran Rnd cornmeal, eq ual pa rts, 5 I'eet from ono end and H from tho "OTHER OnAY'S SWEET O!(LYON1ll"BKOJIIOS~" ! , bluj, 'Now I know,' be sald. 'tbat you guests for a final re'lst those ..... ho will with 11 balt pInt at oll.meal added, otber. POWDERS FOti CHILD.EI r.:~I~~t..~·:~I¥:~~~~g~. ~~~u.~~o~fJ are'a gre3t chler!''' make a meal of tbem When tbey aro gives excellent r esults, lo'as te n n pulley to eacb end oC the ~ RcU""e FC'Veri.hD~.. ConlU_ on' ~ \lure .. ( '"In \hUti"I: " ,. • •~ ." \,~ _ Tbe wblms!f.alitles . or hospitality are killed. ThIs is 'a novelty In tbe WilY Our Cl'WS, ilke nil the rest of the arm and !lIIother one to Ibe basG of 1I0n.Cotd. "nd ~or=1 dioord,NCf tb ••Iomnch aud bowel.. ~ few weeks 01 •. m.triq,onlJ!.l t~tn. unendIng; ,.tbough cIvilization Is clear· or bnnQuets. , Tbe bl)~pltable Oa~ of live iitoc..." have plenty of good water t he sill. The arms e and car;' fasMol,," , fQr 22 Y"'''' At IlII 0.,.... , Ing will <!nlible s' maD to edIct bralll' . Ing :~bem 'a;way,;plecemeal. It may !lot Africa b~ve strangers met by the t\l· I to drIn\,• wislo l:1c, Snmnt. nralled paEB. tened to the mo'" nnd are put tbrougll ....." .....&&0 I!ddrNII a. .. 0 .......... L . . . . . flo y~ II MDa In . ' ' il : . . ' " I be ' true, as' lIome liave pr~dlcled ; tbat. lage cblef. ,He bea~s a pr-ocesslon or ' In Vl!fy cold ,weaUler .we tnke t be tho toggle, k, whIch turns p.aslly up. , ' , , '~ ~ ' , , '- .~ 1 , , ' •.• , j llNe;w ~eaIIlDd~r, wIll ever Btsn~ snd bIB councilors '~nd ,,,"oOlen . On e ot., chili oft -PIe wa ter, for wben the on It, It l'eQulres 70 feet of one-Inoh , Ii"...... ~ .. -.;~,. II ~' " aM ' "o,o k 00 ,;t1\8 i:U1Da. ur L:ondon- bridle, the wOp:!J1n ,~~~s. n, wblte cbl~ken, ' water · very cold or partly froze!!_ rope to work thIs outfit. If you wish pr... ~1'fO \11 1:OI!Ir!.,wuMti. ~1Ul.l.'nap. =,,~. f .... -b'l , die timo tbat· ' r ramous . onotber a plant ;'WIth fto'IVerS growlnllr cow'8 'w' 1]1 D"t d""n.k a" much as n'ey to malta two stacks wJthout mov\!!g • " -DO uto.. 81' !1I. /i"' 1"~""' .1~ !I! ..,DIa. ' • '"' ,,, , ,,, "1 ' iUi -lIe. ' I f lntoxU::a&: ""... Df '+' ~' , ' s~eture doea ra)I. I:er~ 'WIll Dot, b~. .011 ' \t, ),e t 0 en se ~ 0 (' ~" . hilth,e, an,d cowl'? nee'd,a gJlCat.·dea1 Of 'tbe outfit, merely ·sblft· the pulley IlIl \ One way to dl."QIJnt a ~ Ul.n~." ,~ew Zealoder:a left, but"u ~~~ lnl ., lIquld.. . ' water, ' ." the al11 to the oPpOel~e "end, , ,1U'IIe}lt -to".,.,..., wAU. ' . , , I " ' ', " • >, ~ -










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·•----_ ' .• COUNTY COURT NEWS - ....... - ------_ ........... ...................... . . . . . . ,..,.......,..,....................




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IIIt4 tln g th llt LU!' . " .• ullttl 'ul"I' h ll' J ohn YOUol $S w ~!llIp pOinted Ko"r· ,Ci noi nnati v.ill ex :·' 1 1$ I II I! ( I., .... t .Jisn of the estll'e of .lnt'z C' ridm " n . 'w o part.ionla n ; fi r"t. in t he ,,"uper. miDer tor q uality and be.. n ~ y of decoratioQs Acooo_'- In ~he followlDg eatatea whl oh really lire tar in a d va nce 0 1 werll approved , allowed a nd OOD anyth ing ye l aUempted for the pur firmed :-Carl Bond , minor ; Al ma p,lse; aud seoondly, In all 'round a t. K . Maxwell e' ai, mino r~ , Kdie t rM ttveness of Ihe. varlouR di ~ pl ay ~ . Benham, imbecile; Boph ia deWI t t. So wide sprea d IS Inte.reet ,n tln d min8r ; Wilham J . ColleU, tleoeas9d ; 18n t bl.l sla s.m fn r Chis event . becom R Mary E. Carey, deceasoo ; William that lDqDlrl e~ for IOforrua tlOn htl VEl 8 . WJsham, tlI2,oealed; 8t1ZO!I Pin, been r eoo rded by t he oomm ittllU in min. r'• Truman Bolm l !1 ' deceased I( , 1chargl f rom nearly I O~ uutly ill l( Perry &Uey, Idlo'; J ohn Place, d e I cities. oeaaed; 8ml' h R . Bradlltree\, deoetls . Apr opos, it may be said til!,t UlI\Oy ed; Emma o.mond. deceaeed; l4a r , of the sl ll r featnrefl a t I he N., W tha D. Pence, lleceaeed. York s how. A8 they relute t o speciAl Sarah A. Gu"ery eleots to ~ a k e boild of (''I rQ, will ae t ruuNterred under the wtll ot tbe Ide Andrew bodily to Vh oln Dati, tI_ oog til l'rn II GuUery. nu.nber of t hose r em Ar klJ ble 011 t IJllltrument par porting to be last c,pen chaSSis, t hat a re so mi llu tel y wtll and tesaament of Lillie C. disseoted as to IIhow tbe p rog r<l:l ~ of Tbompeon, deoeaaed. Will! filed. Il drn p of ga!!olin e. fr om the Ilwm..,n! · Inetromen' declpred t.o bl'! Ills t ii e nte rs t he tll.n k, ojepr lhr llll l(h wtll and tee'amen' of eamo el l Os, ever y V4r t of th o meob tl nbrn, Unll l ~oDd, deoeaeed, W!! I! dIed , it !'xhauet,s In v4por by w ily of th .. 'wel.'h .. A. Chamberlin. guar dia n ' momer oo t out ot the fOllate.t S. A. Cbamberlln, •- • inlane, fl1ed her 1800nd acoonnt . Frightful Polar Winds Y . M. MoKiaaey, executor of t ho bl o w w it h terr ifi c force at tbe fur nor th fI Dti play bl\ voo with thE' " k i n. 811'-" of Elle. iidea. deoeAsed . fi led ll!luMin g , ed. r llugh or so re oh 'II'(I" o\ 'dae proot ot pubUoa\ion of his ap 11ll.Dtl H/l nll li ps, t hAt need Hoo klpn'ji\ poin'men'. ArniOll ~ n lvtt t.o belli t belll . I t N . B, Johneoa electiJ not to ta ke mllkes t he !l kln soft nnd dmoul.b . UDder \he wUl of 'bc late Anna M. Unrivaled f or res, !l1:<0 bnr ni', boil 1', sores, ulcer!', cuts. bru i!!68 and JObDIOD. pileB . Onl y 25 cen ts at all d r og glll'8. MarrIqe :Uc:eueSo


Howard W. Rboade•• 2•• farmer of Lebanon ....4 VinDie B , Gattery, 2., of LebaDOD. '


30 GASOLINf fNGIN:fS 30 Received Two Weaks Ago from the LargestlGasoline ;Engine Fa1c tory i~ the World; 5 Sold in Oile Day.


-----_... WO~LD



Thotl8ands of people wbo e... Tr.llllfen. never had an opportual$y '0 tra~el abroad and who mRY Dever see the lin, Selma J[omeuud'Joe Komer oonn'ries of the Far Blut, will be to Emma w....... , two Jota, '700. able to Ret a very aoourate OOlloep

.S IX mULETl3l1m BnOlnE



Below ia what the manufacturers say about their Six Mule Team Engine:

Til4,a Drake anel Lewi8 Drake '<! tion of native life and teeoery when Our Six 14ule Team E~ngine is a result of tireless effort on our part and exhaustive' experiments to produce a 6 'bey vl_" "The World in CiDOiu H. P, Engine without an equal. We have such confidence in this eno-ine that we will aaree to let a m. dealer or farmer --'Y'" en, ...... 0 er 0008 ar· nati" expoii&tOD whioh will be held I th S· e.rr _OJ aaloDI. I ~b 01 f Ai h "b P ace e 1X ule Team before a board of five mechanical engineers, one of which to be selected from our factory, ~ A. Guaaery .. De,... Gu'- :, A;ri~~:n &y rom, arc three from competitive engine factories and one disinterested party, and if this board, after comparing the Six Mule "'Y, Lewtl t:luHery ~1I4 Nellt. The MO"~n deTokd to eaoh OOUD Team .po~t fQr. POin~ as t~ ! :ate.d horse power, a~tual horse power, mechanical construction, ~e desi~, th~retical cona ..UIa.. Iota tD LebaDon. '1 IDd try fb tbe erea' ~ttlO1l will be struction, andlu .thetr .dectS10~ 1sn't ~at. our engme surpasses all others, we'll ~ake yo~ a present of tli~ engme. f QUa- ooDIWuattou. . eDolONd by buutifullOllDary PAiD' -4'fien, besldes~ust1oi:>k at tlie pnce of our engme compared ' to the pnce of the 6 H. P . engIne sold by The sts , which th~y sell to the dealer for $250.00. . ~~. au....., to.N"tie Ball, tid ill ~he bee, IOeDic I~o. of 10' in LebanOD, II aDO oUler OOD· York, Within tbe IJ*l8 Ihut lD by The farmer who invests in one of our Six Mule Team Engines wil1 have made a purcha~ he will never regret. "". ."onl ~iIlte4 hU.. of J.,.., or 'u jaDI. ., . J[iklbell to Berbel'lllatfle14. I . of ladi.. will be f01Uld h01llll 1M In Lab.nOD, tIOIO. Ihope, Mmpl. . .nllbri..., alOboc)i Loulaa r , Lewil &0 S.rben Bat. a hOlpi' \1. " tea h J1IM aDd oUier 1le1d, 10' In lAbu~, ..GO. . "",,,ane ldftbfled with the Ufe , PLY-WllKEL WEIGHT H. P • BORE STROKE .II. C. Wiko1f aDd IIu7 C. Wt~ of the people. Viliton will 1M e\ al &0 ObAI'_lItepbalOD, uaot OhIDa, Korea. Paleltine aDel Afrloa. ...d o'her colUlderMl6DI. Ja' AI tbe,. an today, Alice II. S.ward ; to Earl Bey. Men and women yOUDg and old wood, II?' lD p~, PlaiD, d of ('iDolaua,i aDel i;1 nolnUy. e&lled otlaer ooD8tdentlou. I . warde; and elreued iD 'be 00., P. C. JaclrlOn to C . C. Jackeoa, tame of each land will popala. 'bs ~~~~~--~~-------------two traots iu SalD1UOD to"albip. I08nel. explalniu~ &0 vili,on ' ille aDd other oonalderatlo08. all and meaDiDr of eve'Y'hlnr and ~~--~~------------~------~~-----flarry &. Uoboll to OlDolnDa'l & tellinl of ,h., efror&. whloh are 8priDIf!.ld Ball"ay Co.. mot in being made to utend Ohris'iau ot .... ....aakliD $OWlllhip. 11 aDd osher llization tbroughou, tbe oountry of oonaideration. whlob the Itewards are temporary Ce=dr'IUI' PNcIIdInp. inhabitants. "1le-.Jel'l7 M. Greel.y, lumber So lIOOarate are the coptM of lcen· ,,,,liS; W. C. '1'ur&O•• ooal for oc ors ery and bandingll ' and I!O 'roe will · he1lH, 160.15; B. C. Dakin, ' premo be 'be impArtIOnatioD8 aod o()8'ames , lum on i.luraDoe, '16; B. M. Alex. of Dative life. that ,here will be a , aDder as Co., anU &oxIn, '6.80; Bar. fordign Ilt mosphere. and visitors ~~--~--~----------~-----= N.t nU blaake for auditor. f3 i with aven small Imaginations, 0110 , Obtainable W.I&er W'allaoe. refander oa dog. not tail tu almost beli eve t he m. '1; W . B .•"Dalle & Co. blanke for 8elVft~ tbousand!! of mil ,,~ a way The above Spt!cifications are taken from various catalogs and actual measurements. You will note tli'at the aadUor, ".78, Tr_s'eee of .t:'ublto from h ome, in llind. o[ !l l r ll n l~!' "Six Mule Team" engine is the largest engine made for its rated horse power. Aftaln • . liib' a.d water. • • • . 62 i iandsoa pe ~ , new arohi tectur e, u nd . 1 We call your particular attention to the speed at w h ich these other engines are run. We will guaraatee to vanlY Telepbona Co. reDtll. '20.20 ; unfa militlr people . absolutely . develop one·half more than our rated horse power if our engines run at a speed of 375 R. P. M. The nonnal speed is 300 R. P. M. J'rederiok KiJ»p. refander of taxes - - • DON'T OVERDRESS THE B4.BY 2.77. W herever an engine should be better, the "Six Mule Team" has them all bested. For instance, the'diam' eter of fly wheel. We have the largest fly wheel of any 6 H. P. engine. There is only one otber engine on the was award"d In a.n tl -I- - - , 'rh II J I ' CoDtract-Con'ract ' ar 0 0 on • e e lt r l Y t1;larket that h as as la rge a cra nk shaft as ours and it sells for t wice what the "Six Mule Team" does. Wal&er 8. WhUacre for putting D-b .. i tb J , DOl J, n e " nuary ',r f mUltO .. Our "Six Mule Team " engine is bigger and better all around than any other engine on the market regard· . in sewer OD JaoklOn road and head ROlDe Uo mpaDlon, ' 0 . R ogl'! r 'H . 0 en less of pnce . ...1.. ill Harlan iown.hip. nett, 4 New York 8peoialis t on t he Tne a ctual spt!cifications are here. We leav e you to be the judge. --_ -----dileal!es of cbildren makes t he fol A Olrl'. Wild MidD)zbt Ride lowing oomments on 'he dresll ing of To warn people ~f atearfnl fores t children : fire In tbe ea'lluU" a young girl " ' 2-, 4. , , , , ' • rode borae, ~ck ali midnight and The one t hin g above a ll Ilthf'r!l . _'fed many live!!. Her deAd was thtlt I have to I.a llt to mv (ll\.ti o , 1t~ 0

~arl~IOtI&O,LupD1 _ .... br'bunDer. 1°,'4 ill


N." Tw

S pecl ' -fican ' Sheet 0f V· · arlOUS H·,Igh P' rIced .E nglnes:


Six Mule Team

'l ..

International Harvester Co. Fairbanka Morae Ohio Motor Co. McVicker Automatic Bull Dog Gilson Waterloo Engine




6 1-2


2 7-16



6 340 6 360 6 ~::ainable

S 3·4 6 6


2 ' 1-4


8 9

2 1-4


1300 1300 1400

6 6

350 375

2 1-2 2 1·2



S 1·2 6

32 30 36 38



5 5 1·2

9 7 8 10

2 1·4

2 1·2



1300 1400




We have these Engl-nes len l -l 21. 4' 6 8 10 and 12 Horae Power. W e · ·m t be worId• Iare au th' orlzed t . wa.rrant th ese engInes to b e t h e b est engmes glorioa bnli ~iVN are ~ften t4llVed the . most Ililont ov ml re!l~ll1g We have all these sizes of engines on display I-n our warehouse. ' Come I·n and by Dr. King New DJ.oovery in DurlDg t be ho t wea ther baby ;lhOll ld h _ .~. oarinll laD, trouble, oougbs Il~d be kept 0001 Ou hot d th see t em In operatl-on • " . cold., wbich migh' have ended , e • , ooDlomo"oo or ·pneomonia.. ·,It flannel skirt uud 80cks a nd even t·h!' W e keep ' a 'st 04~k 0 f the genuIne NEW HOLLAND FEED, MILl -Sand oared me of a drea4lfnl oough and I! blr~ should COtnS off, pro vided lUI d ......... wrUee W. R. P4tter· biiby Is 8trong and well Any bft. WOOD SA WING MACHINERY Wellington. Tex. "aUsr fonr by who parl!pirQtI ill too . • . ill oar 'amn,. bad died with oon· warmly It i8 perfeotly to Wd guarantee · t b th I t · tb k t. lump\ion. aad I,alDed 87 poOQdll . ' . Blip on a fillnnel sklrli when a cool ' our prices on engInes 0 e e owes In e mar e BoUllnl 10 lure aDd ..t. tor all day comes, for it doel no harm to IH




" Yd



dr e~se d


'hroa' &ad laDR 'roublel. Prioe 610 aDd '1.10. TriaJ boUl. free. GaaraD&eecl by aU droRrilte, • - • "Our bel, friende aN those whQ tell a of our fauU.·i-eo rUDI ille aDalea' pronrb· bu'it II Do&teeable . , . til" tbe,. do Dol remain our frieacll ""'t .~ af~ ~ ba,"! $Old UI:

ohange the shictn.... of ~he clo~hlng from day &0, day .. the . weather abanlE's, Bor il it &dvieable to ule too warm olotbing ia tbe ' bouee ID winter. RelDembft' 'bat 'he aver. age bOUle or eteam.heated apan. menli tl MT.D', depeee , or .TeD .I,h'y dep881 1D :nr.:'ure whloh woaJd' be 00Dalcl "wara: da,. 1D 1U1DIDII'."






• V i~LLItY

Wayneav lUe,



1' ~~ Ll':PII ONE -- CA LL


II :



. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . Wi •

w .... w

Public Sales


I '''Ilt ulfp,' ,tt PII',I' c 8,k .. Ill! T (" : 1! ~ -"; UIll " of 110., CII!lh; flVA r r lIidenoe 1 " ~ 10 ,1.·" we .. ' 'I i I. ,. , , i 1\1. \1 ," " bUllknh l tl oorfl "1II1 }~ mil" , .. ~ t. flf l·hH Dll vt .1, , ,1(11 11. \' , S Wlth . " 'ur ~ Il 10 ~o h "")1 h n u~ · ·. o n ( ' , TlIuw ke!t\ll I' t!l

WeJne sday, Fehrua ry 7, 1'1/2

- --._ -- - - -

•• ••

Wi . . . . . . . . . . . . __ ~~ ...................,..,.,.,.,.,._ _ _.......... .

~ .~J.( l nll"H{ ut ill I) \lioo k tt. II I, " I I r ~ )IIOw ln !.{ prlllltl\' ry : ~ ~ ' I " I W I! ' li h Ir tiA", 4: ~ ' l lJ \ l u\lI oh O , ~w s , 1 \\ ' 1, 1 I II I fr ll~11 or ,ttl '" I

I,,,- ! I\r" wI! \ I'; " \ '11 II I CI


1\ , Ii

J.n /lu h,

"' 1 ll .... '

~' '' !I '1




nArrO N, OHIO,

Come to Traxle r's Gigant ic 26th Semi-A nnual


___I I E -. .d

~ uv I,i'll " lj'\l u, t·lu Fl'llRllln April 20 ht'," l of h llg~-:J hr nn,] ." .... ~ '" ' II It lasts only 15 day s- COME NOW, 1""1 . .. 1: •• , 1' ,:101,,· "",,1''11\ li n , 17 "i !.!~ , ',. I ' ,," : ' . 11 ~ ,,, ... • " "1' 11 , " I ~ 1 raxler 5 MIll End Sale IS thc Sale that you and all your tlt' , g hb o r ~ knr)\\ i, O htl ~"r tflrtOI)"").~ Ilu ~"p.\ (l,)" , II abol ll a ~ l ll Rates of Advert i8ing ,., - I"; 111 ,' 1, ·.. ,,,- 1 ., ' \\·u.l' have been waiting for-th e Sale that has Always done so much for YO II . lIe&dlDa Loc&ll. per II lie ....... . ..... . I> :>0 ~b"oJ[~ of f,ul,l e r . . . . II . " "'1 . " Rcad1o& Loeala. bl&e.k rICe. per Une . . . lOt F"rIU llUpleIllI'Dt"- 1 l3ruwn ,." ,.1 The Vast '1 hlll ony. Quan tities I'chrua , High ry I, Quali 11)12 ties and Low Price s in this Mill End Sale Far CllN1l1ed Ada. not 10 exceOO II ve Unee 111'11,,00 . 1 gravel btld, I hUK~\- . I I ' 1"~ II1IJ' '' g .· I II II ',' k,' k tl . lll. thn Surpa Thrw illlenJoD l .. • .... . . . . . . . ~~ isml! tobltcoo ss Any Previ ous Sale Even t We Ever Held setter . g " l)t! ,,,,. II, · W : ul l( '\\, II '1-: " "dll" s; .1 HlIrll" 'l- l Oblt1flU'lee. tin IJICbee tree; over live I tob!lOCO sprllye r, I lIl olln tl PIO n , " l't-:I~I P " ~ " P" I' 1' '' 1'011 All the Mill End Sale Bargai ns adverti sed in lasl week 's Miatlli Ga7.e tlc are 011 sale I hi s ... Incbee. per lIM . . .. ... .. .. . .. . !Illlre. c<lUlluJ'( wee k and next, togethe r with Hllndr eds of other bargain s. Oud of tbaDka ...... • ... .••••••. ... .• ~ pllllltsr , 1 cultIva tor, 1 bre ~ll\ll g ~ y tl llr" 11]01 ~" " "HI. u r El liuhle work(;r Luok uver last week 's plow. 1 hll.rrow, 1 tObACCU plow. '0 f"HI II.\' );";1 /'tud Reeolutlo oe . . . . . . . . ... • .•...•.. . . •• .. :.l.clvert isemen t again per ch erou Htul 80daIB etc. wb_ ell..,.. .. made . .. .. •. 2~ plutforU l soales, 1 set work hIHn l' ~ ~, li .1 l1 , Wtl1 :: h,. l :; ~;) Ibs . ; 1 df\rk !fra y Dlapley Ad ver\lalnc per lncb •••... • • • • • 101' lset of bugKY htHness, double trl1eH . I r"I! ''' 'I'lrt I ]1 ' 1. ,: ltuH'o fi ll y comlul( l ;<, a <'1", , \,1<1< fl.1 ill End C irc ular. Ra ilroad Fare Refunded on a to. I Usl D'-coua y Ivea OD OODtHd . (;00(15 drli\' l' r(,d frflt' to ) o u r nl"ar~!'it 81Ugletree., log ollalns, fork ~ , h ",,~ . , 2 Y""I' '' ( 1,1, Hu!! fur m, FtxC.'ell railruad stali o ll UI\ purl'l\aSt5 uf $S. t/u Cheerful ly mailccl 011 rC'luc . t . Lil>ual Ba.i s . Ilnd Ahovels, churn, mUk croc k~ 11 1111 !n ll cl IHI"\{ U very IH'u mislnl!!eu t bone younl& o r ovcr . wllny other thing8 . I IIHII''' ' TilH~t'l 1ll'1ft'" lire bigh Chi !!tI JANUA RY". 1812. T"rm': !-Al1s umllof Sl 0Ilml uud er of th n bft"t uf brf>cdin g; they are 01l8h. all . 0 ver 110 1\ crtldlt of 9 prop"rl y reuo rded in the ferohe ron moutha WIll he I{lven by vurohll;~er : :;;ooiety of A'll e rioll . , 11 a blow trom a klokln . oow II t he purMaIn Street and Arcade giving nott! wIth IIpprov ed Stlcurlt y ICh"tJtl r "PI b ll gi",Ill\ f~ ce DAYTO N, OHIO rtifiout real milk pllnoh? e of , ........- - - - - - - -......;",;~ Wttlter Murruy jI~d ll:r U H ,,"\1 jll" »)ler t.rlln~l e r For .~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --;.;.;,--.. O. T. l1awke , Auot. . , full puuIKrA U .. ddr A~ 8 ownflr. One ~~!.~~~~~~~~~~ Wlllter K"nrlc k, t:lllrk joCrltue pproher on (",~ ) mare 'Joming Marria ,e TOWI are $00 oUen fol· month . will be given by purchll8"r [, ye llr~ ,, /II , !iou.n d . kind gentle dis ~iving bank8b le note. lowed by manla ,l roWli. A diIlCOOl't. Baving lIold my fllrm I w1ll15e ll po~it. inn ,,, roliuhle wor ke r DR. E. H. COSNER, Ilt. Pnbl\o I:IlIle lit my reiliden ce one '\ pro ven IJru()(1 III II re. Itn." pliloe of 4X per oent off hce of note for Ilt presen t c88h. William A t!'arr . Enl)'b ldy hal 'boa'I. ; even mile West of Wayne 8vllle on th ll lHh " wf'i K h~ IU:15 Ib~ hft~ weighe d Ads will be Inse n e d und er Ibis bead tor I William Mill" I ~ lbe . " II compel led to .aramb le farm known t\!I the !::leth l\~ 17"O luH hV her NIue is Ii mllre fo .. l, lwenly ·t1vlI cents for ~bree IQyertlol ll C. T. I::Jllwkl' ( UO\ f.rm on whe o using not more tban five Une.lil, , whi oh Will be Ao)jsop nrateli s1t will ofknti m•. W . E O'N~nll 1<':1 k Saturday, Februa ry 10, 1912 the Gtn llo . h s 01<1 by duy of sale 'fhis W. L. H"rvey ( er 8 .,. •• -- ......... ~ • ..- ..... Be i I t 9 'I k 11 0(1 1t iH Il\r~ft . h et1vv boned, oolor _~~~~~~~~ Thol. wbo rlN early iD aile moro· goo ng 110 0000 11. . m ~~~~~~~ Ii lL(r't l' ~l rlJCl by ~ 1900 Ib import'lId ~ 912 R.eibold Building, in. are alae lIlore Ubly ~ riN above myoh .. Uel proper ty OOnll1stlng o[ ' oItlll li '>n . 1.lsb·oe FOR SALE delHln eewey 'be followi " th,lr 'rouble a. I h I 7 a If d nK; F f t:i b l i d' Peralan WeddlnlJl. Dayt on, to limb t· e IllIt ha of e ru-------:....-----Ohio ea 0 orle_ gray J{e lU g, uue tlrv . Tying the w.atriwonlill knot III a BRED 5 yeaI'I old; 1 gray gelding , -I y' art! !:lOWE! good bon ed Will FArm Il1lplew enl s- l McCorm lok v.~ry prolonged and serious allalr In \' !arrnw /Iho~t old : 1 roan, 9 yelfr8 old i 1 brown hillcltlT. 'i.foot cut, DiltLrlv 100 Per Plate 1 Perala. In fact, a weddIng may ex· C/llj' r to of Thou Zimme April II!' In Graduate American School. KlrklvllJo. &10 mllra, 13 years old, family Ulart!; 1 Uliv " r rH1inl( brd"kin " plow new; rman WaynEII wa. paid at a blDque $ to Benr) nearly tund for a week. On the last day or 1",1 e Ohio bay mare, 3.yearR ' f oM B i 1 bllY mt1re, uuw. 1 CIIY. .D New 01'1l1&li11 In 1842 Olive r IIteel wl1lkin~ bret1k- the wedding the bride. wbo hllll Mighty oOI,ly for 'hose with .tom 12 year8 old ,I billok oolt,2 yeltrll ~ld5 inll pl nw in I(o:)d tlhu Pl" . 2 Kra us oul- treated as a 80rt of outC8llt. 1a been conl;. Buff O' pi III! t"ll Pullet!! Oltl\ \I head of oatt·le as follows ~ud t.l\'HI.(l r~ (~ gtlnllH) .oh .roubl . or indl,etl tion. TOOa ~ nellrly new, 1 ducted by a neBr relative to a room. l'ncktor .. l~ tllr tI '1Ip . Mrs. B V people e"ery "here UII8 Dr. Kinll'~ miloh OOWII, fresh by dllY of sal~ Au)(hlJ g plow , 1 O'lvtlr 8teel w'here she undergo I fruh Februl es furtbe' lry 211th, and 3 Smith helfer!O . Rox 75, pU'lUe 4-3, Wayne 8, beam bretlkin~ plow, :3 (JO.tooth htlr Life Palt. for theee trollble e s> mlore elabora te decorat ton. ville, Obio r"w~. l liou!!ier douule co rn drill well .. liver, kldoey and bowel di,. Jersey bnll She then returns to the guest·room. III Bead of hug.-l li brood 80W!!, oheot. row .. ttaohm eot ord..... .,y, ..fe, lore. Only 26, with 100 rodll and her dowry Is laid before ber In No 1 F'lrll1 for rent. Call at I 4.took hogll. check ......._ _ wire. Bell 1enter out dlso traYII. The dowry otten comprla Abou' 608 bu. corn, 10 ton olover bl\rro'n with 1truck ea thill office for lurtller infOlm "_1 . ... "i,'a hl oob 1 14-toot h luch Queer things 6S cheap and high. tion. hay and 10 bu . of No 1 olover 8eed hllrrl1w nnw only used We will give you $a5.00 worth of day II, I IY'-colored oleograpbs. gaudy vasea. lien are Jlke b,a., &h. harder they 8&1'oa ..-5 setll work hltrne!!8, 1 McCorm ick mower 1 t'wo . . Thoro fired Poultry .free of charge 5 boen one. birdcag es and many useful houllehold 150.egg donble "!::lure·HIl tcb" Inonba · as per ou r Combin ation Poultry I8t of Ught driving hllrn!l8~, b orf'e wbell.t drill, l'light one-ho lIa". to IOr.tob for a JlvinK thl rae 81:Ucles. Having kissed 'or. Will 8ell re,,,oD able. Offer. Write for full particu Out,1 8et ..IDgle barnel l. spring wagon. 1 wal/:0n box wlt.h Itone of her home. ahe the hearthmore 1IIIful ahey beoome . lars. . 1a then given Mra. George I;troud . Rou$tl 3, .Way. r.rmln lJ Implem entll-r oad Wli/; two "et!! of sideboa rds, .)' : Beautif ul colored "chick picture " 1 Shunk I bread, salt, and a piece of gold. and nllsvill e, OhiO, Phone 83-6. ou wUb bed,l extra bed,ha y ladde rll , lo w wbeele d wagon ueB.rly free . new; thul eQuipped and cloeely veiled me Tb. pbYlio lostl" tell 118 'hat Wt! gravel bed, pl&Uor m wagon, our· :J set.s double trees wit.\} 8iOllle'1'Ie8, III OliE Pure-b red Anooua boillted ChiokeDS on to a gally-adorned donhay, fhe 181118", a.d ye' lOme tolk. rill", boggy, l4aode t maour~ @n re~ d 1 ha 'Y furl< , 15 h . rope 4 pullle!!, kl!1 and: accompanied They are Ilreu layera In.1 do by a elrcu. er oearly Dew, Deerin g bln<iLr n sooop .shovel . forks. hoes. 8hovtol., 11lle proceSSion of frleods. 809 to ber well in IImall qnarter ll. PhoDe ~ il tbey bad DODe, good Ibape, Deerin g mower Dellrl y cro"sc u~ Pliw,3 Silts of single work future home. where her hUllbaDCl 66-3Y. . F. C . SawiD, Waynellv11le 932 Harrie t St. ~ Dew, bay tedder, ~av rake, dlelt hornes! ', 2 sets ohec lIue8, Winon a. Mlnn Obio. 0011tlr8, .watta ber. k rebrual 'Y, It la arue, II a )\ttl/" Superio r wbeat drill In good shop", bridles . hOltera , a i00d farm bell, '!!II!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!~~~'• Held roller,2 harrow 8, dl'Jk harrow , beAm !lol1ls!! ' (500 IhII) good driviDg bone, ,mall, quiet! .... . revolvin~ .bon. bot it II likely to pull 'bronc b 2 Boo~oh ollpper brellkln g plows. wood hay rl\/[e 3 tons for women and ollUdreD, wltb WAYN ESVIL LE CHUR (nES ohoioe tim wtUaoat t.nkrn p&I., Maroh . Is the rlgb boegy, barnee ., blanke t.. Cheap aamil\o D oultiva tor nearly De~, othy hDY, 200 b~ good -e if yellow oor. time to 8ub [ron Age OQltiva~r. Bnckey e ollitl . ID orib .. ·40 shockll fodder. sold at onoe. Allioa Buff Rook oook ,. orUbe tor rhe Miami Gazett e vator, IlDd a dozen and a hllf henl. L. O. Househ old 600dll-81I1cl.t walnut; W·bU. ..itlDI ( for IIOme,blnK to 40abledllk ouUlva tor, tobllcco plow, Methodist EpIJcopaJ CbuJaI_ Tbomp eon, Wayne evllle, O . plow, John Uee~ corn tlecreta ry 1 good single oouoh 1 bed . ...... ap tt were better to ret tb" planterIIhove! Bev. O. 8. Grall8e1', Putor, ed,e drop with fe~tlhze lit· st,eau, 3·dlnin "I . StlDday Scbool, 0: 16 a. m. i'tIIornlnlli ser ALTE R plow read, for tllrDI_1f 10metblD{I ~m 9nt, Bemi.t obI\000 8etter. sled er, 1 morris obair, 1 ohaln, 1. rook ( C ,LUR E. ,ood Coal oil Range with 8011 vloe.l~aOa.m. 1!;venlo gaervtce ,17:00p wood box·he at- · OOrD oatur, bay rope, fork and pul- log !ltove. lllrge 8tooeoven. Inquire at 'hil omoe. m. Kidweell PT\yer ap. Moe"lIII. '1 p. JD. ju8, new l1YI; p:nver hor!!e olipper tl, feed tin IlIrd c ~D8 1 tirty pound tiD fio11r Fune K Qualit ral Dlrer:tor. y" Whllll Legbor n Ckll St. Auguat fne" Catholic: Cburdt . 30 Kill ; Iron kettle, hogs biD with @ifter 25 traps anei 00. of our oQoHm porari.. ad"ltel ' ooobr. (both.o omba), good ,Iu, Ibape bead, 320 g"l.; lard prA89. aausag e mll.ny nlleful arholelsteel Father Loull Yau. l not mentio ned. eoa\;'· for . he farm, an4 tbat &0 IJrindttr, t!hnple x oreaTD sepui\ tor. and 00101', 'be .. me blood lin.. tbat M&II nUl' _oDd Sunday of tbe mODtb &8 Terms -All sums under 110 oasb have been wlnDID I prizee fen UI. • :00 a. m. Telepho De day or nl,bt. JoM'on 'ter I. dolal ita bel, to IUP- aeara, Dew; d foot exteusi on tllble, aHsum .. of 110 or over 110 oredit of 91 bole rSllle, :.I a.IiGlu~ IItove~ 0 0 ' · Write, phone or com. and 188 UI for Valley pboDe No.. I. f.oq pI,. St. Mary'. Episcopal Chutcb . par~iol11ara,aJld prlO8l. 0 . K . Ponltry Di8tano o No. 611-9", Rev. J. F. Cadwall ader. Rector. and Snpply 00 ., Waya8 8vllle, O. : Sunday Scbool. 9 :80 I. m Mornln, ler • It. Hero ID A L1lhthouee ~~,toi~~c;a~!~i)\i~ur:f ~:~ch OHIO OME -Bi' hone, obeap, browD vtce. 10 :80 ... m . Holy Commun ion aile llrat IlL'~ ';N~VNESVILLE, BUDday of eacb mOD~. 'er yeaH J . "l. Oon.t ae, So. Ilretob en, weiKht 18'1. Allo "Bell' Ever': ry OBn Good for Nothlnt: but the .,.. BanD. 1I1"h., a oIv11 WIIr oap&ain, IJraDeh Office, BarveY llbuq, O. Gana Plow almollt .ew, S .eta uear. Christian Church. al a. JlRht-b ualieke eper, averted aw· one Na never been used. Inquire Rey. L. O. TbDmpao D. P..... , rDl~reoke, bot. qneer f.o" •• ,Ile at 'hil omos. Bible 8c:hoo1. II: 10 I. m. 80cIal _tm.. _lab, baye ~n a wreak. 111mlelf, 10:10 a. JD. OhrllUa.u r. 1:00 p. rD. If &I_rio Bilter. had DO' preven&. Hill I : N . Hatfiel d proper 'y On SermOIl by putor eveqBnd_vo aJ&eruace SuodI.7 .. 10:10 .. m. IIId 1:IU p. at, ed. \:' ~'Tbey cared me of kidDey Fr~nkJlD "DIld. Inquire of troRble and obUlf," be write!!, "aner David N . Young, lOS Li "ID~I'On Hkkalte Frielida Cbun:&. I bjtd "keD utber 10 o"lIed oarea Ave., Day too, O. Pint Oa) Meetlnl/t. 0 :00 a. m. Fln~ Dal' tori FHft, wUbou t beoflfit ilDd tbtly ~~~ ~~~~~~==~~=~ Scllool. 11 ;00 a .m. l'ounIl Day _ all4 '_prOT ed D;lY II"ht 1I:ow. l' Mee\lIlC . 10:00 a. JD. . ... .,y. I am rHllotl fine. " For ~ ~yi&;-todtlelltlbD, 1111 8tomlO h, 'The followi ng graphic accoun t of m, en oonue seou pitohin g h Ortbodox Friend s 8hul'Cll. l)raesbo es[ oompo sed of ,grOUnd oyster "hell", Uy..' _d kldDey 'rouble ., tb8:y're Biloxi, Mias .• WBII publish KrL Ruth Mum,. Pa.nor ed in the at iron pegs 116 though tbeir live .. hilI d, white And IImooth . wI\Jlo1ll equat Try tb.. m. Only Americ Unde rtake r and Emba lmer, Rabba&b Sobool. U:8O a. m. Rel(ular ollu~1I an Field, and was sent to UB ' deft!Dded 00 It. 'rhey surelv do .. nice, 10 '10 a. at . CllrlaUaD EDdeavu get 60 b.. a' aU dru8l' stl. Three milell aoross tbe ba.y from r. by J, H. Marsha ll, who is spendin ll 1\ lot of real fun oot of 7 :30 p_ Will be found in the oJ4 their sport. Biloxi 18. OOllan I!pring s, and bere the winter there: Bank BuUdiDg. oppo.... Well afler 1111 tbe he't safety valve are aomeo f the fine8t Jive oak "nd the Nation al Bank. tarme n ate oonlld .red t·be mOlt In these nerve-w reokln g days, 18 to pllpoer IIbell pecaD trees in MI88I88Teleph one in house and of· Early in Novem ber, memorie~ of enter heart. Ilr.d soul into bOIl.' ola. 'oD lbe ear'b, bnt eyen ~ome suoh Ippl. There i9 a 10nK ratlroa d bridge fice where I can be caned 'hil 6nlf 00&8' haunte d me . 0108- harmle8.~ fa.d. Yes, I may • b. belas of ahem are oon'tn uall, 11.8 well built over the bay betwee n Ooean day or night . BARNHART, log my eY811 in memor y's bOGt, 1 00Dfe8s It. I am 1\ fa ·. tdist ; I love to Spri &akiD, .,1.".o& ale of the VIi . .'ber. ugs and Siloxi. The great P08t8 VaHey Phone 1'6-3. drifted alo08 the bay in lIight of fish and t- unto I like Nota ry Publi c to walk whl·ch snllpor t thi'i britl ~ e lire stu<1 ~aiD Street. Wa11le fJyme. Ohio quaint old Biloxi 'own; 8hot duekll throulf h the fields IiDd woods 'lnd ded wlt.h whlt.e ha rnlloles, wbich All kiDds of Notary Work.: PeD8io D WbeD JobnDY , a ''Coan tr" We.k ·' from 'he .ame old blilld and qalltJ ro\v a boat or Wilde a. swift flowing oo ·,tllin a soh white mussel ' The Work .. I;peola lty. w~, re'orne d from a viall to green from tbe fielde ne.r pretty Bilok trout stream . Ih.eeps head very fond of dIning IJId r.l , ....., be dilOloeed '0 Bay. Then I o&up:bt tbe' speokle d D~.H.E_ HAT BAW A't ~)ne mornin g rowing II. heavy on thl8 meat. and being armed with hia _otber tbll "onder fnl Dews: Ilea troat Dear Oyster Point aDd red bOllt to the Oyster Point. oatchin i .trflng teetb they baunt tbe waters Wn'y 'lee vi He'l Leacl1Dtr DeIa&taa DR. J. W. MILLER, '4()a' at UuI farm tbey don" ,e' fiah aDd IIheepa head near the long twenty speckle d t·rout· Ilud rowlug near these posts, biting oft' ,th" .. bellll ')ffioo In Keys Bldg. ' their milk Ollt of a O'D; the, PIlWP Land N. raUroa d bridge. MalD 8' back agniD8t a. 8trong wind and tide, and eating tile o.)ntent ll. We or· From Magno lta t!pring s I alwsy " I WIIS "bout to wash up for " olll of 'be 00" ... .:.DE NTIS T••• dlnnn ganized a fi8bing party one day and ito to B11oxl, MiRs . This Is th!! old- when one of the l:iorsea boe Pitcher 8 each angler wal told to take along 011108 In 81' town on 'he Ooast and II! thlt Invited me to join him W. HENDERSON, M. 0 N.tloDaJ Wayne sville, 0 in 110 game of a quatt of 8mall oVllters. The Balik Blda. Winter Meooa of many Northl lrn B. 8. Now 1 IIlwll.Ys enjoyed 8heepe bead will steal 110 lot:lf hllit if visitors . Mlt-nf people from Wis pitohln g qaoits so r jUl't Wayn esvill e, Ohio . pitched In the IIngler la riot onto his job ond To Whom It May Concern o;)nsin, MI(\hlg"o, Mlonesotl& lind and kart it up until D8tlrly IInpper one angler Ilotullll v u~ed up hili Valley Phone mueval e. Ont., Ma,. •• 1910- ....... IlIlooill are alwl\YI! In eviden Main 153 ce in time with nary u st.op A'llong the quart of oyst·e n withou t 08tohin tI a .Ick for t"o yean wltb chroalo bron- Biloxi daring the winter monthf l oompan y were lawyeu , banker ll .. od fi!th But some of 'he party 8011 eIllt1. uut a OOlUleQuent nm-4oWllOOO- Th • 10 ize Tnere i~ It preuob e rs, and I neVElr 8aw ml'n get peotE,d dltlon. • receive d no beneAt from doothat t,he IIbeeps head did not I, BOOm .0 co n . (on or from a trip "hlcb I took for fine large ball whlob i8 used ever.? more pure flln' out of anythi ng thlin get all ~heee oyster8 as thl8 angler .., . . .tII, and I had to live ap work. ni"bt hYlom e one of tbe nortbe rn did tbe8e old bOYII • IVai very fond uf that kind of batt. VIDoI wall recomm ended, and from the It.ts 800letie a Here tbey oonduo t If you g\J to Biloxi" get a rowboa t 'l'b.ere· i8 good duok 8bootin g all 8IOOD4 bottle I comme nced to 1m- card partiee , oonoer ts and lill sorts and row BorOSH to Dear leland, 11 aloull the Gulf C~II' bllt the North. I ..Ined Inwelah t and Itrensth . of looi.1 events. Tbere 18 a\\vl&ys 8hort row from tbe town. Be IIllre erD·bu ottlr ..iIl have tG ~ bl'OlUlhIaJ trouble d.I .,1peu'e 4. and pnt up with 1ean I . . ·at work apln. .! 10methlDJ( d~iDg ID lnloxi . A good to tIe yOllr }Joat 8eoure ly to one of muob poorer aooomm odatioD I s, the lothe It .. the ooml!lDed aetfoD of the aallboa t Clan be reate<! s for 110 morn tbe little pier8 whiotl jut out Into smaUe'WD8 ) thaD o&n be enjoyed earaUv e eleaum tl of the 0041- liven. ,IDB or af&ernoon for two doll,m' , the bltY, Itlllt the ever.m ovlug tide at Biloxi or Ml*lno lia IJpriog l alGed·'. bt tile bloo4·m aktnc wl,b a good aallmB llter I shot. ourry it away. The'l just Thom as L. Pierc e, Prop . walk 80me of tbe Digbta are rather ohUly ~U nc pertl • .. or ..... coatalDed .. JIl lIro , VlJiOI . . hard wblle 8&Ddy an d t,b e' temper atllre f II "~kll from a blind Dear Deer Islltnd ~Iowly Illong the Bnl.rp.' •• a I to near . It. '. IaoIMiutal In tbe mornin g; IIhot quail trom th!' bellch. Watcb tbe pHI, the wtId tbe froar Dotob. The moistu re la WaJne.vllle Obi 0 0.111 B~ok Bay in tile af$tlr duck8 aDd pelle»nll, whiob are al~ alie .~.t. ~lI:el U leem oolder than :ollroDlO .progre sslve wi ye -iD slgb'. them 10. baok to rea'I~7 /.II . . I.~U. ~/.II' mo"" atr III • 'b~ evon Blloxl~ hire a U:veri rtl and drive be&TIlly ~barie AO(NT FOil d .w l.b ..I' aDd ozove ont to seaaVQi~" where' 'Jeftui on from Ltl1ellairouDCjIDI ·.ptDe . for.'I, ~'i.v~ull8d ·; ~~ : iiv~.•~'("l'l,~" ;,srlye,; l~ an~ i*-~~~~\~~~~O ~~ . the ~.UwQrt.b : Wh1le, .~, ~~.I'Qail)Ml4-,t1i .1181"" , ," ,'" .,•...,: . , -~': ~ ,:', " ~~/.. Rates of Subscr iption

Ono YctLr (s tri ctly in advallce) ... . . . fl.OI SllIlIlo Copy .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ...... .. .01

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Ola slliB ed Ads


Ost eop athi c Phy sicia n

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Consl'der lhl's Offer




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Rio ht Now 'W

Western Poultry Farm



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PILES r. =,~I::..c~...= Sh op



Practical Fashions

J .....nt 0",l'1 pe ...oo who l~ blUoua. con.UPDte<i or ba.e ao, lltom·


a u h or liver aUmeQl t o Iten('1 tOl' III frf6 pacJ(afl'O of In)' raw, Paw l.tlll ...

TH e

pruTo lb 3\ Lht"y p utdtlv~11 cu~e In tH ~ ".Ll v n, Sour Sh.ullGl' h. lldubluK. W llIIt,


1 "an\. \ 0

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for Cowul.,. uon. 'I'oli O ""rk thl. 1.111 wlllLn!! to Ill •• PI It It o lid of fmd druJ,(M' lti \.11




I t4ke " U \",4 rltlK. tlulLl rur ~ rente • .,.1.1. F u r 'tM p :LL'ka.1l6 t\(hl r u"K.



OC'''', 81t.oepleun ea,M ,,"0-.) a r o an lolt"llIl>ht curtt

Pro'. IoI.nron. 53,d .Jen.".n 51>.. Phlt.dol nhl •. PL

Or ' My LADY 0, THE .sOUTHWIL D[RN[~~ WA~ KINt;." [,<..[rc '

The Farmer's Son's Great Opportuni

klU~TRATlON~ 8v DUR_R N rll:L"IL. L

11 0 saId I;I·O\·oly . " You nro ·C't9.l! r UD WIlT ... U f()f' tho old farm to b ~UlO )'out lDllnrt L&n cor llt"1 10 u,. " I.' lIsod to Bu ~ h life. ~hn~, "'Itboot I fu' ,ul,r Cut,ur& 8YNOP SIS. and lrutrJ)'l' nbeen I-ve ' )~, warnIng mome nt's ntllrt'. e ndv or om 0 mllelstr o Int pilingI'd · r o h fl OW " . K e ith. n V'r l,flllh," J n~k \\ f\1 It Is dtrferell l Il nd Dre nil confuse d , f' 1 pI" I l1:t mn ll . 1M Ifl n ld u R ("'. nJ ll l l llflf;t shot at SlIo\' P Urlil ' '': o r 'HUl a,::" " 11 f' t;1"("+, n \" H': Dn h'''"' . first the slnre mewltb . , r ll tl ~ l t ll Cl p PUr"HUNt h y fll (' n on p OII(('ft l\"'f\KOn (tit: raid · ter Illy II ff' bns bee n one or DCllon, \ \ ' 1"' " I, d lh rC'Ac;-h(>s til mntt8ll r n 'd tw o ,nl'tI Itnd ( 1(' , f' rtI h u n .' pnd ndv llnture hns grown to ho tbe 11 (' -st'n r C' hcs till' \ .... (tlm H nrutin l.:" " n rl,'f! · por ,, ' 'l\fI O" \\' n II Ht Imulu s I need . nOlI upnn whI ch ' ",II 1\ d l n ~ r J'~ r l" 1, (>l lh 1ft n r rt' .!i.N1 At (':lrtitll1 C lt}t, f r n lt thrIve Bu! I -assure you." pres81nK till (" b r t'CUst' B. fJ hl , WtH'dI"l' (' lh with "'d r~ c:'hA A "'l~ rn sofl band warm,ly. '" am real." tn~ n ru(t\£\11 n ll m oo ut nr'4< Ilit rt. c:-.' '''Pll n ' lJfl In hh~ ('cll n Rrn~d ~ .. (t '''K him "or ('ollrse I Imo w tbat: It IlaltM Npb t hAI tw knnw th e I (ptth s l it Vlr~lu1n nlln J W8~ Itlod to· know It, It I could 0111, mr" mo r("('1 murde e 'h an )' M (H W o( fnrm · 611>"' v ' h~ oth~r Gen . Willi.1'hWn4te. 5598 somet hIng mYRelr. and not JUB! ~It do au plf\IIH1m (" orOe.:-r. rotc i t'" II (·nn1f'Cl" fl erp. It would all become rG1l1 enour.b ."d r-:('h ~·u· n .... ~, nnd Inlt'... Ch f' (u l{lth" ' " The- full lenglb box conI Is an excel· f:.'O nll' upo n II. (,4 b ln nnd nnd H ~ oc~vnn( 10 me" thin'," to b _ a you n!f !ftrl. whnm 0 '«"Ilh lent model for winter wellr [or IIttlo closp· '. e re ber 10 uddenly s rose p Sh ,,"ph"n. «tn to .. S II" 1\1 CI\t80n City . "10 IlS It protects Ihe rn complet ely thul Jlh e If! In fuonrrh 01 A brottll'r. who Ing ber bonds logethe r. ber race irIs. ld and wet. '{'he gur meut \IIusco ·om hOI) f1Plle rtAd from the nrnty . nnd thal " on changin g with new animati "ome to loe Mr IIKwl"y In<lu ....<1 her to cut on the sl miliest lines, Is led 'B · Haw r. ¢Abln wh ile he eoul<l,1 hor b .... tto .. "Why eouilln' t I? I am Burf' , (ould, ht"'n lt' reeOK' I! h a small turnnve r colltu and a Jo.y n!>loeol'll. and K ..lth InTh~rP m. to come just has It Keith. Mr· Ob. n I» nlzP8 hIm R.1l Bart. la rg o Hhawl collar at the neck. These nil,' bottl .. In the d nrt, .. n ..(1 f'!lom In whlrh how I ('an help." l\l<,d. oro made of tweed . re ve rsibl e conts K .. III, tft Vietor. Horae. orc nlll'r01lrt lngly, (Jucl.tlon I-I e looked at her anti th .. I\1rl who ~nY 8 thril h .. r oamr I. large, ond Lhll like lrlm· heavy. CIOltl. IlKplaln. thln 'k lnl/: or be r beauty ratb .,r than 01 Hnl>". 'otn~ In Ihe eHcnpe. K .. tthfnnk p rur med with \'elvet or lIotin . hl ~ slllln U o n nnd t11(~ tu~tlve. . saId bl' s what I. lofl wtl1l Fori I.arnf'd. whr r .. 1111' glf'1 Tbe pOU e re (&6951. Is cut la slzea t. "Do-do I really nppelll so much U,.. ho, .. 1 la ndtady. MIHS 1101><' 1.. lIs Ih a t Wnlt .. 8. 10 lind III yellrs. Med luDl size re6, d .. "h .. I~ Iho dl\urmle r 01 (1,,11,,"1 &sk she " IIkf'- lIk e tbat woman? X.,lth Rnd Noo <lrtr! Into Eni....I<lnn. wi,,,,,,, 2% yard a of 44 luc b materia l. quireS Rln a nxlou . l}' 'Kru h on"ete fln old trt .. nd. Or J1'nlrb .. Wnl( ... rnr ns e).('('ptl X"lIh ncote tho broth .. r orotHop . Inilef'd much. "Very f'N'd 'VII · To procure Ihlft PIItt .. r" .~nd 10 cenla ... n<l-. I hfl M.u"",d nome t tbe ,, "gbt differen ce In OgL ... to "Pattern Depal tme nl .· · o f 1 hbl pape r. fOIlIChby . and boCOCn"H convtnM'lI f .... .. 'h Involvln! plol .. name .nd addres s I'I .. tnl y. (lntl be oom the hR. Write Iu Hart BI'h'k "That would ne\'er he n< tiCI'd A 'IUS to trlva .t.e and n umber or pa ttun. Hope lea rne thRI 0 .... Wn~ . who same the I An. light. poor n or . darlL Btorrt"nn nt .. t .". -,. IhoUlfhl mlH'l1e,.. . 'H' S;:Th'"S U,ero, \vhe rr Rhl' lit mI Ht " ~f' n . lo r hel!;ht 1" email Glrl'l Pretty Anawer to 8tupld MRrtRlre. the CnrHon City .tll~r SIZE .. .. .. . .... .... . Inquisit ive " Prncticn ll}'. yes." Queatlo n NO. 5598. 1( .. 111. -neels Ihe real C'hrllltl .. ~'nr4,,\o'. d volce?~oull1 you ~1"t1a and nn l s thai B\IIck BRrl hM 10rOIl\'lnrr y. Ill}' "!\nd Buay!IPd ..... It r.. NA.MI!I . . .......... .......... . . ..... . ....... . bfo, IhilI th..... Ie • ml'Wll.'1'Y gl1IE:h mE' fr om be r by my voIce!" dvnn · .. hlrh he •• jI'OtnK to turn to h ..... ta«,'. Th .. "taln8mo..... It . HOD'" WRltl> or " I might : yet probabl y not. unlesl She waa a pretty little tot. and e,· TOWN . . .......... ..... _........~ . . .. ...... . . torr ....fte mblRnce to ~rtl!ll~ M""',,tr" aroulled . Whal III tvE'm nR who knew her took pleasure Busplclo my erybody rnA" hv Wlltom:h (1 ....... Ihat .. "",'1" TIl.y STREE T AND NO ... .......... .... ...... . n~ !I" to ask be r 80me kInd of a are thlnl<lo s about?" bnlol tI,,· k~)' II' th(" . I," n Unn re", ... pausing you It In "'lI1nlllthby shot (11",11 no.,.. fa Int" l IItandln breath. rely to shoW an Interest deep a me , look . question Sbe STATE . .... .. .. .. ill_ df'nlh or hi'r brother. Kf'fth tlllle to and for tbo pleas ure 01 bearlnK tbe nO'll1 directly faclog him In. lbe IIgbt. 1<I"1'll "' hat I't'l'reRp ntellnn. ili aci, Bnlll Some .h.. m..da tp Ch ..... tko MR"'Rtre. mualcal cadence or her ' voice "Of playing Miss Maclalr e to-nl«hl ." . "Of taking ber SKIRT. Questio ns were wbat might be qulekl1 the of TUNIC said be s LADY'S CHAPT ER XXVII. termed leadIng, but ror 011 sbe tovar· plaee. and learning what It Is of .0 mucb Importa nne Hawley b8JI 10 t . ably bad lome Idnd of ao answer. MIll Hopo 8ugges tl. port. Don't you tblnk It mlgbt .,. Among tbeae latter Inqllirie s waa one dOOle 1" No BOoner had ·' ltnss Madalr e V a D ' ; : ? from ~o Intrusiv e busybod t who was «iIIbp.d I ban Keith's tbOUgbtB turned to- ' Tbe sbeer aullaelt y or tbls uneJper. lold enougb to koow better. but wbo ward Hope Walle. Bbe wQ\lld nef'd ed proposa l left· blm s peechles lI. III belooge ll to a class of persons wbo eomeOlte tn ber 10lle1lness teotab! ber cever learn. Knowin g tblll tbo IIltla arose to 'Ills feet. grippin g Ihe ba.!k girl bad anI,. recently become lhe POB· . IIIlnd from olr ber brother 'a dealh. of tbe cbalr. almost doubtin g If bl vIII Bessor of a young aed attractiv e stepcould bave heard arlgbt. bla Oyo!l a.nd: besides. much bad OCCUlTed of mother, WIth curiosit y Inborn she '-lnterE'lIt III00e the luneral . tvbleb be searchi ng the glrl's face wblch wue aaked her very rrankly: d_lred to talk over wtth ber. Oe· glowing with (illeltem enl. Of courso be "Well. Polly kIna. how do you like "GIld even tbeae eOnslde ratiolls he w.s could not permit of ber e XllOSllre 10 your Itepmo tber'" becomin g aware or a pleasur e fn tile s u(:h a risk: tbe scbeme waS' Impru.:tlcable. ahsurd . But WIl8 itT Did II Tbe ohlld raised ber blue eyes ~IlVe. I1rl'a,aD1 . altogeth er foreign to anly7" "Don't You Think I Could 'Do It? Would It Be Unwom ' ChIli lIIystery wMob they were en· aod-wl th . ber face Klowlnc wltb aucces8 of I,. cbance fair a orfer no~ _ . . , . w w w w w w wwwww _ ..... w w _ w •....... w ...... w ww bapplne ss. replied: tbe posBlble result Dot was "lid ' .. vorln« to«ethe r to sdl"e. He ,w"","ww """'www w d tbe risk aSllumed? He chok*'d "Oh, very mucb, Indeed. Mre, Skll· ,a1'06d to lie wlttl ber, to look Into ul. blunt. blnn er· drawing aside the semblan ce to a lace wortby earlier word, or protf'st UJl' tbe back iler face, to mark tlow cletlfly tbe dl,. know what a dellgbtf S06wltbout rorth. Ungton. We 8t very nicely, consIde rstaring ~d curtaIn, ChrI8t1~ Mia Well. Is! he fellow fng I IV.. I Ioo even log. loto the street. IIlI that Bbe got us ready made." uttered. puzzled as to wbat be hadI '-Ur st e -'st hllve made ao Improferlng lIoul changed ber rrom ~ u.v ...... lilt 'ID w. U WUB bard farber 10 lui. Someho actually Judie. be rll ror •• ae I0 Ireo H e couId DO t ~""I resour~e beart. r tted bacbelo qul~k·wl bls A say. u.., P .-.. NIl .... II" II h . h e of ellcortln g Iy rea :lze the situatio n, and bow clos. be:8t nrl-ll ~.. • .... til'!. lot ter. yet somebo w wne coosclo ue requesl ed the .. swiftly pRsslo« woman mig t acr.omp Sll a 8 e p The ber altected It Iy tbe to back and ro, Trocade the He Knew the Worm, to or lot ally differen t atmoll1>beres sur· her bro~, II tbe oomDllcatioB arisIng 80 P'l~: looks 110 simple: ' .. he evenUi. girl WOB bOOle from colcountry to-nlgbt A nnce perform tbe after hotel cOIrld b.\m, he nearer moving roundin g Ibe two. Wltb 0110 out of notblng . Impulsi vely. t1y apparel" y. ijuddenl Christm as boll days and tbe dog ror old I~ge gay tbe luncb. a at be Illl'pant , careless . eveo cterelU ul.. -hlnled must "Don't you think I could do It? Woul4 sbe tbougb M feeling bavlng II rece ption ber were left folks or old the smgl'-do a Uke but tbe other aroued onl, the beet Hnd pranced about a dream. Sbe could It be unwom anly?" bonor. DurlllC tbe .,vent .b • be.r 10 W'ftll 41 treat to "ateb bllr surelY awake rrom It . 10llnDle y BID(~erlt own bel' blm. In thaI WOII "Tbe reBult. It accomp llubed. w(1-uld hend what It WWl aU brougbt out some or her new gownll " H 'ace when be blurted It all out. soap- not compre One of the smartes t noveltie e of tbe ..aklnw him slneere. namell Bartlett and Phyl· abunda otly Justify tbe means". ope, the . · about a swung be sbow to tbe guests. Plckldg up a If to e8 sentenc bls .. pIn bls doubl. In the Yet there was r e luotano e , to ~ g. they rep~ bEl ackno,. ledged at last. '" WII Dol present season II found .. sb. She excused meanIn f clear no l \lllk creation , sbe beld It up bad lis beautifu on bersell b The lIlustrst loo show,s a practI,neps as be approac bed tbe door 0 wblp-Ia before tbe admIrin g crOwd . s eoga.em eot." sented nothing but shadow s: aDd thla belltstl ng on tbat account . ut cou- eklrt. not ex· tile score of a ore~lou a". a Is Tbere style. tbls In "16:' a laggard nesa be could cal design • If I music ball IIlngor 1I11~erlng tbe rlBk you would Incur:' "lln't It perfectl y gorgeou s'" s be •.... ed feb "But that was not necellla rlly with other woman -tblll be Bw ~y vao.... "Tbat would be so small-m erel, gore foundat loo. whlcb baa a !Jounoe exclaIm ed. "Juat tblDk, It came Crom beCllaln. but wb common In tbere could -wbat blm from reacbln g well above tbe kneel. Over a poor little InllgnlD cant ' worm!" eDougb at Hope's greettnB , and t II Hawley ." " Yet there must be the sbort walk alone -Ith Cweeo tbem? f ' b d at amUe wltb wblcb lIbe recog"I Rsked ber directly , a ter t I' o~ Buddenblm. pleM Ihla Is tbe lunlc. wblcb Is lIeamed sbe bOlel." tbe Her bard·wo rklng rather look8d a to Jabed tbeater ,tbe &ometb lng-som etblng of vital Impolrtb• IlDd wblob comel nearly to IIlde each ared." disappe bad dlr. tor no ebe ma'-e nme." .. could It would bere ou ... "Once sure .. -"'1 . moment . then turoed and Jftllt: "yY, c "I WDS wb lag tlomelb fatber"' ber I to b l nnee II materia f ' Ooe " V an oarl, • "Vou musl b ave become yery am . If be did dlsr.ove r my IdentU-, , the edge of tbe skIrt. tlarn It, an' ['m lhat lYorm! "LLadle l' "nnd I tootr ber brat ,~u Cee'prod frankl .... bl ber's Ite fe-ce ber bad already cost thl ' neat or two may be u8ed In making a Ildrt Hom.e Journal . IDeo of , certain ODd be bere lar: , Quest Ion Ina once apI0 ,n plenty be would there ror It made :: w ng lancb 60 as to be Tbat was the ooe er. I b brougbt I It. a'i• hand to come . to my defe6ce . 0" ... of tbls cbaract \10 ceo Mles Macialr eevlden tlythou gbt. seem an actuall ty-wblc d r t. n since;" .< (6621) IB cut In IlleI ZZ a long time pattern The It has eeemed yea." lIay "So I please or thought nut MAnd vou might bave 'eyeo bome to ber lUI a rugge ac H tile n to 30 Incbes "alst measure . Medlnm Mille.d lng 8nellzlI .. make must we tben do, I "'f tbere sitting • Keltb-K oweyer that-an d manner. I releasIn g fudging from ber d b I b "Ho" do you come on with your h -.d forgotte n," be answere d.'OU fe .. size require s 4I!1a yards of 44 Inob mao could sbe answere d rrankly eoougb. and before ber-& e wou IIK Itb ted t luslon perfect. and take u !lve b au ler band reluctan tly. "If d or the Russian langul\g&," atudy I d A f I terlal. I y added the n ormat 011 ••...., as posalble . I s come chances of dlacoue. bvlO looked Into tile dlolng·r ooru evep de8antl 0 Iyet even , "Not well. Wblle I was ti-,IDc to dd Ie thl 08 to al . olbel Bome the had an bow gentlem exactly tbat-the learn oentl pronoun oe a rew words our lamU, • Instead of Btarlng out or dies.. Into ber II e so su en y, procure Ihls pAttern Hnd 10 pGj)er. d t· must d sodunexpec rhe tbe 10To"Pattern -. s." Impart to ber or the utmost Import· edly. a8 to Ieave b er 8ze an II UDDepa"m ent," of thl. drellses wlnlow , aod wben sbe leaves ' d b d be pbyslola o came along \lnd forced m. d and b plainly. t •• b ddre .. I anel I name If Write 01 me aler Fortuna tel" er ank " ror tbe succell. s e ox teoh e b to "'Wby? How for"'ott enr ber oyea ance, sorcastl cally asldos and over· ('erta D. tb ad hi IlWDber ot paUCn. to talIe .all kind I of medicin e 1(1. break and alae elv. lO sur. .. didn't wish I could be tbere '\ . , ma e y.o ur plan tbe Trocade ro permltll nc m.I as t oug DOel Ing wide In aurprlse . up a .c old," f bl e H ope, un UI I tell and touc 8 one but perform ers Y.I come bellln4 MI had the pleasur e of taking supper hear. But sit down. e. pr~~.enc alctuHa 1 aUTe °h ," occurred bas that all be YOU will SIZE .. . .......... .. ~ tbe Bcenes • 110 that Aawley _Ith Miss Mactalr e." NO. 5621. ope.'111 " b "Wb at s bl t. I tbe lady. outJildl He' went over tbe various 8venlll In er vo ce compell ed to walt Iforbad MObl" the e:lclam atlon decided ly ell· "0. oot ng-oot ng, at .0 .. . .......... ....·• better .......... .......... . NAME lIob. "'t Is so silly. t ille stage door, detail. watchin g eagerly tbe expre8' , breakln s In a little " details. tb,ese to see aod presslve . once. were yon Ir ing wonder just sbe IleteQed tn· but I was TOWN .......... .......... .......... ....... .. "Yes, I come at ooeo to YOU with slon upon her face as "Ves." ebe lIald. ber eyes sparklln ll g scems so Impossi ble ally Interrul \tlng real-ev erytbln meet· tently. only occulon th to d i l b tht' confosilion. Howeve r. OUr I hgbl t Inquiry . The STREE T AND NO .. ....... . .......... .. _. e . with aoticlpa tlon. "and t am 80 glad grasp IUR wns purely acclde nt8.l, and 80 I, wltb Borne pertinen I " r ng my m n e i caooot l h 0 I Iy I a I part sat she tbat dl. BO most fell be 11'1\1 • are wllllnlt. ' i1opo lor pardon." ' " \, 8TATE ....... . . .... ... .......... ........ :;._ s tuat on. not smile. but only took the yoU creet. You are not 80'r r,. I made lbe He did bur eyes could Dot be wbat dU· sbadow . wbere bl b "l'ardon from me' Wby. y dlmeult no nced pronnGal1" groping bood Inlo otb dof II sown. lerence COD It possibly make ta tne?" rend, .yet be experie I I' I var Ioue moods k i unders tan. (TO BJIl CONTIN UED.) tt e gr.' "WOUld you have me coosort witb In compre hending the thin MOUII. Breakl Up Woman ·1 Mlletlng , ". ., bls carra .. ve. tllo NelCt! the enemy? " be asked, scarcet , daring wltb wblcb sbe met . 00101' cbanltin g In ber cheeks. ber sup· w press ble deeper meanin g. Mrs S. T . Rorer. the cooking eJ;pert. lean· or blm. toward hOb. DO. or course not. What did pIe rorm bending compar ed Frencb aod AmerIc an COO.· cbalr. ber . Dngers JOon .talk about? Do you mind tetllog' " Ing bDckwa rd In tbe In. In a lecture to tbe clrl gra'd uatel In nervous at· " Not In tbe leasl; our COnVel'8Rtlon clllsplng or unclasp ing Is ful1ill ed .if YOU ~tart Cblcago. or Neb'B rellort. ' -wa!' entirely hnperso nal . SbE' was tentloD Ue began with as nearly os can cook:ng , wltb ItI! samPle "Ameri the meal with. word. by grill:' telling me about Hllwley ; what n \\'on· repeatIn g. word the of use free Ita and dlsbes passed wbat bad derfu\ly good Ulan be Is. t bave be- be could recollec t, Bbe sold. "Is bealthfu l. but the rlcb her ratber. He gun to 6UBpect tbe follow bas fas but\veen Hawley and sauces of Frencb rrylng aDd tbe liberal ever bad to Inquire If she on"' ed tbo poor I/:Irl- be Is a gond IIfl1lspll tbe l1IIe of tbe frying pao make tbe Frencb ' reber but . Bartlett nUDle ------Loob!og de vil. pos se~sed of Il t&lJI:ue beard oNflobby aod dyspept ic of ply \Vas merely a negativ e sbake drti'\>lng with bonOl'. " That In Some cattle to Lavra aOd Flor Instead an" "I was once er.tertal ned at a Paris Claim P:'Ie&ta x Orthodo tbelr d describe be Whee . bead e We " Surely yo u do not Ulenn she bas th atteode d somces In fares I !trove, restnuro nt famous [or Its cher 0' Russia Church es Partll tly. apparen WII8. sbe ated to these Kods. Tb6 pollee bad 'sucb dlsbes as solml of becaa~. fallen In love wltb hIm ." and Hope missing tbe train. consecr Empty. Are de· 's "Why- n~ cou\' lnccd u.s to the General .L,a ld<· rt.'(\ ut Ihe tbougbt . arl' trying to put a ' stoll t.O the movo- eluve of beef Bcd aubergI ne nu ~t1n. parture lI 11un It. altboug b Dnallya gree111'0) tbut would bo ImpossI ble (orment. bul wltbont avail. as tbe larae and tben my host. leanIng back WI~b pubs statistic Accordi ng to olllclal IlIg tbnt. tr bo really believed tbe r& (co r 8 good \VOfll on ." . forest sheltl'r the Ido\v,tor s. Interior tbe or try minIs tbll by a satisfied smile, handed 010 tbe mllliu IIsbed elsewas sougbt mon bns Bellt out Dr. Kuz and sBld: "!itul1llurdR 01 DOoratity Ilro oot 01· IlOrt tbat the milllslry ! Tbe tbe In ry peasant tbe Of rs numbe large or cbaract erlstlc ...· a~'s the R:OIUC:' bo defpnde d grn ve,.,. where. It woulll be Perm. UJa Ilnd Ylatka nleco~ at . tbe Moscow Arehaeo loslcal wbat'lI you bave next. Mra. ,or "'And entS governm get· or means Ilrst tbe pt ueee 10 him The .Swee t, crisp , Ouffy .. Mi ~>; Muclnlr o'a e nvlronm eol bas Into a mate or pagaols m. In8t1tut e to study tbe moveme nt. Rorer?' yours. Itog lbe re "If he only knew I was bave fa.lll1n from bt:e ll \'fislly dllI('re nt ,III' , bits of toast ed corn and . orthodo x . prlests complai n tbat malll have Fror we'lI gods. tblok 'I onclent I, tbe sold lng 'Well: " wOr£.blp "It . wearily ed g Quite llotte. Sbo Is a varlely holl stngur; bere." s be exclaIm 1'be,.., are now 20,001) Idola· of theIr churche s arl) ftaodlo dlcesUo o nellt.·" t. but. oh. we Rre Lavt'a read y to s.erV.~ dtTec t tbe peRe cllses some In wblle ,l'robnbl y. Irom ber own account . 0 migb1 be so dlITeren empty. and l'erm 10 4.000 Vlalka. In lars dark" tbe In groping just us of 011 pach age 10 thllil liang to {rom tbem ',,'alr ",Ince chlldbo od: aoll Hawley nas force ants to bls cbance mf'et· 11,0(10 In Ujn. es the hldes or oatUe whlel ~[Ije to bor In (he charact er ql a Tben Kehb turned "church . lid and worsblp m tile crea tbat say with officials Local d rppeale e. and , , f rIend Il ppen llu g Iootb to ber lutllrost Ing wtth Miss l\laclalr ation. dw plllni of Flor and Lavra bud neve r totally bave been sacrific ed to F1ar IlDd convers their y carefull Is HI!e 10o,y . k' not 11%1d S),Ol IIUlliy. I do LI/oyra but l. dlstrlct.l these I'rom fe" admlsBlonll dIsappe ared 'Plea 8e In love wlllJ him. ( merely BuS(lCct \\be particul arly Uflon tbe _tllrollg b be ~ lips. assume d alarmin g proport ions after : : .. ~-:rnay be-: oorl4ll1ly sbe II! ready to do wblch bad sUpped UlNe Importa nt to elth· the bad barvest s of the past ., • D.clara tlon, . "11 \bIon le 'on bls bebalf at III II II g11 lest These did not Sl.oem , , 'A Weird d them up years. Tb e pagan (Ir Ies t s W11 o · I.. treasure , the' h althol\g r, e de-.· btm. 10 belle"cs orpportut;llty. Rho ..".~n~"rft~ daoger ~"r1o. ,. cell!' -to:--do a :.Tl!at'e ! ca~t!d, s over. Tben. b~v'nll .lIngere d 10 .remote distrIct ear, ,aald 1411. QbU • your 'OD haVe '](ou '1 . feDds bim. Alld rescnts tho s'Ilghtel lt an d' lulk"d tbelU l?eaa ~!re •• sllcnce rell be- .on actlve .propag andn among 1~~~atfo~1 directed against 111m. lie exbaust ed tbe . topic Lay· I\1L a , Flor tf!at tbe~ llln~ e t, antry. p.r1Yl· the asklDa • ~n escorts he r back lUll! fortb from tweeD them. I<l;lltb as ~ .' sIP lege ot \!ghtln& '8 clgar. ..Hope • .aHe!..:1 ra · Bent . ba~. ba~e~ts . . .,r .work" . I' . ' , _ -':Inger. think,. match;~e appl): .b(m g watchin .• , ,w~ OU ){DOW -Ih~'!''' (bit " was \1ence .cgnaeQ Tbe Ihe "!I bad b. ~ faee · 1 c:llttl\loly do," <lIlI'r be Inughllji at log ~·blll. I!ftne cease/! a ~..,mt of dl 'dlOUB8D Uie wllb fortb ee ~fJOlleo tloo. "F\liri>aI~ met :- UI ' ruddy. 8ame bro\lSbt It leaD"d bacl. tead t,bl! chu~ took ~ ~crUlclJla of 11 cameo, . . _1A1 out o( tbe dinlna- rooQl-J ou clearnel l8 ,-. .'!II











.The Prom ise


Goi ng Bac k to Pag anis m

Of a Go od·;',· 'I



Toasties the'

suga r ~




. tt \] !HAVE YOU SUSPECTED YOUR KIDNEYS? Th T F' d ",~woed T here nr e IlY" woya to tell ,,'Iw , her you have \\'eak h Jnev. . Tb ,' fir, 1 iH Ih rlJ'u~h t hr pnino i n II.. baek ftnd nih.· ,' ' "l l ",,,r.l . ',," ", Th e 81'corlll iu


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·When Your Buck is Lame-Remember the Name"

DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Sold by /lll Dealers. Price 50 cenl1. foster-Mnburn co~ Burrnlo, N. Y.• r rop,letolS



phm loi an1. T il t" ( 'I)fl~ fallt t-OlIll !·!I I\W ' l 'i t Cll1J)4 'te d l,y J' r .... Hh t lrt ' l'z(l~ . t h l ' air , n ILl I .) u ~ 1l wa rtll I,; \lo n, ic' rrll lir tlrr . alld ti, .. hell t IR I, ' " ~ [P it Ihall Ihal or

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l.; 1 :: SI II ,IJ1 I/t l -.: tl :l rtCH , II I l i lt. r :&.i i wu y .. IIn211<"', I .... " , \I''' ,.I' 'u Ihl ''' 'fdl \\' all .Vi(' <1:111 1 II, S"II""I, \\1 "t" II :"rus 11'11 '" ,hi ' 1 ~111t. :\' . 11' ;, nd t ' u l s ,.11 rc , 1- 8 CII I IJl

Etlg lf:.; !) ~ lI lll lllt-:. r .


..\ ! Ih is :0 1'il SO II. (Jl osf1uH n(·~ H i lli f111 '~ IIn-- :dl !-,. I ·n l f ry Itl tl : 1 \~\I ~ t" ' :! ld If! 1,,,"'li ( HI I b ( ' tlu ' :'\: l le it-; h i~ h, :lfl(j lilt' HIII ' 1. II I at !·} " ' hi ll ",ill.:' T lth... j 'X It;lID.. i IJJl \\ ill ~ hll n InY 6lerl! Iu H I'f\'c r di ~ pl : I ) H It :-;. ,If \ 11 I r~ ;, I) j', ': " ' ! ' 1-: 1 IItH 'ld , a l O ll l~ I I~I!\' t il t'


F elt He Had K oov.n ti le W orE!. W as T e ~ tiII Q . t he b .. by. Pal O'SllI" "l ebG), lI a,1 (,('I'n to l d ill Lillie 1'1111 \\':orl'ln r . I)f Arlt1 1-. tn !.I I (, u lI"lor 11 ::. 1 hI' C(IIII I,1 11" 1' 11111 a fl) " I'll a 01 , W : ' R d elcl " "1i ! II Ih .. ~ , · t 01 1," 11I hl)"r., :: 11 <1 h lR II'lf., and ""' (!llI lth 'Li I'l' l I ll]I' (l uI Ihl) I;nl .. ·" hull' ,(0-. pilI' t,.,r IItll'(>s ~nt! (rip noi " aRI<t·.! hllll \\'h( 'ltl"r t,:l11110 pr " I Ml. Ih ...... "a~ (Ill" 1,,,1 \llbh 1'(' <111111,) tikI ! I " I JII RI v.-n nl c,l 1'1 , •• " II" ,,!III In I I ,] ha\'p I>;ra l l l], ·<.1 " '1'11 " ;0> I ~ . " salrl I ' · ~Jl I 1\ I· "flon, " W hr- ' I1N ,h" " li b ( (, 1<1 Pat. " I'd lil(c lu tll' ;.\'· til. · \,, ' 1111-:('1 tlll nd F tlll' n~H hohv I' ,-- o l' h( ' j IIlld tJ li thil l '" , play.",..", .. g:lill" '\" " 111'111",,1), Ihe i I h " ,'It)' yn, ; ra n 1.-tI n ,' hir'I<('n l i l li e I·n bc " h:.nd ~a l l l"I'<- <1 \\' !I"II II I las l 1 fp,Jlller!+ " <) n1C nul pn~ lI y Ih p. rh !,' IlOh II 1",(1 JlI :I),I'I!. " S :t )' ·\u H,' · .. 11' 1 ~1I 1 Not h:IR h" "1l In (,1hl "IOl'nltl' " (;und by ," alld Il ad t:liq rl I I ~ q W!I tl p- ! Nf't-',II ~RR t o ti:lY, ~'t'1 1 1 I,,", rin luJ,': P,l R,

thi :-t PHI'f PI' J\ frtr'u . (, t-\ p'~ " llIll y ! r llm H ' 1• • ' 1' ''-; 1 1, lIl' d " f :;n, t-: I' lIn; I :-, rll'-' 1\111(' "' (J\'enrb f'r t o Ih .. ('11 , 1 "I' I-', ·I,r \l a l )'. 1I"'j , II rI \I ' hl: ,· :\I! .. ~. ti l l ' l !a lll'·,· I·Cl IfIZIlI (' lIll1 a l l' or : h.· Nllrth"m SlIdall I, ,' I'1' Y 11 11 ,1 ' 11" \\ i l " h il l s l " I :'~i ,,~ 'h , H E'd

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parl1: n '. l\ l r ~

( " ShHtlr~ (I"!-= ." ,

k ll('l' !l II ~ I :tnt' I '

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I; r elll<·Hlll UI'Ulltag('. Jl y IIII ';l II S fl( It ~ 1" ' '''''111 ; : (t'l~ "I : 1,. . ~1 " t" ll, ii , I I,,· <'l' 1I n t h ~ r h llHL nn rl '::j l H' t! Rl c!r:, il Fk f 'cI ' Dllflcult . ~}·Jit t · rn of rull way s :1l1d ~ t f':I;rl .. r~ 111(- I, I' 'II a I . L:I .,I , 1 1'0111 .... lii, ·h al l/·.ldy "('an y" elle al sy n,," I'at ?" "V I": I I IA u:III<:lIl i ful' Mille. ,, <' Sln .. 1 " I') S ud un ~on ' rnnll'n t ( ' : I f) 1111\\' Ilrr, ' r thp. 1 \ a~t (jll:Llll i , :4 ~ II I ~I' a l n . ;.', 1"11. (,H tll 4" r " "lI c ll 1':11. " I fan 'Iio al s:; no\\ . \1, ' 11 1!'I'1l 1" ,,1<1 f!; l'a rdlltl,Y . " It IH 11111 1';< ,l ien 1ra\'(l I" r \' tir i lH l A 11'm ptl n g tOllr H and Il ll l(l fHo) I!l- ' 111" )- ~I r" ~ 1(·i[l!-!. l' J' por\(\ d ' bas lIolhin~ \\' 01'';,· 111 :111 t ha ." fllit I. ) :FOW ,, 1<1 (· It" (JI'[ully . eXj)(!dlllolll<. I n whklt Ih - JlI ar ~'''II)'I ~ 'I'll 10 WI'" 11 :11 1II :: rlt ,'I ,; li t' th('~c wil d r !'mo ltl ~ o f th (' 01 11. ' 1' ('1 ,,1 11;:11'1 11 11 (. 1 nll d 1111 1. , 1(1)0 \\'11 r. ' ~lo Il8 nro' eXI r a, Speaking A l rlly _ L' F'l rfl A,, !:r l or ' li n \\' f:II' Is Il til t he i1 D..IU"!I! ",gy p t ' I11U Y •. ue ,' 1·" 11 e d • \I' hl' l 0 f II rt~H C I' I IInlill aril y lr:t rr ,',<I!; 'IC ye l 111<- l utll· r · U5Ej"UJ II U I'OR fNT IT Ilfl eld lire t o b , \'lew d ruorll'rn unl · <Iii )' t Ollr,"1 h brll ll!;hl ,' a s lly. dlCaply GeX I J;,t. ·nl ili P 1('''' 1'''011' " \ . I 'I' "u s ZI. ( ~u rnl ,n u lll u n N. ( ':a ll (H'H lt uur h M . Uct-l el l1 s . such ItS Orud ufwlln nn r) At· Hlh l 4 ' !'\l)('tl 1tioIl S J~' t o t hf'~P 1'Ia~e~ . nn t1 6>-.... ....... ........ _ .. __ • ~ ~, C t'O l1 d i \ ' 111 01' • \\ n g 1'1·' " ('y"r u • "Yl: T II' r.II. J\('hl"f,: . ~w '-'lI~:l " "not, a. b nra. Thl s. K oros Ito , ({ arns k-, n C Ilen . 11111)' (' oll t,' n l lll"l(, a~ Raf"l), as I f he .~ 1"7" va h, ,,,I,,,, ,11,,1 ,p,,,ml.1I1. .... ... "ut H "I\ II". Mr. Henpeck-Oo YOI1 • plIII t~e tb an ll a spll" " ~ II" .. 10 )'011 1' l ell , old l'..t 1t.1 60dl"lInUIIO Theltes. Pbllo e, Memp his and AlJydo B \lU ~ ill ( 'al r'l II,,· ! t!:]t1r\t' rs all d molle!; wi thout pain? 1na n ,- Lii.· ,II n nd ..", 'hln¥ -"Ude'.!JuIlMcl,. da1 I tl lln u r ' h, ) blum! l b rU\l~ h th,' p3rl " .. can n olV b e contra st ed wit h tI e lOm t'S ,I of IIf" <lr ~"1':1 1:" pe(Jp l ('~ III w hOD! l es s D enlis! - Oh! yes, slr. • - - -- ---. I ,"1'""'~I.:"u rcl"hu'l" hllltlO" botAlllI!r or Shillukll, DlnkHs. Jurs ond oth p.r I hllll a .. ·O,·t! " f) "ars IIg l1 lhe wblt e M r. i-Ienpecl.-Theu you WOII' t, <10. I Just Ih e T h ing. " ""I"'~I~nd '1 IItU~''''I "~UW Ulol. ~I(LN .~ I"' 1 tI · H nw,' 11 1" 11 I' ~ r y 10, d " I tr:ly e \' , All , .,hln,,,,,, D " w8 0" 16. · I I I w l Id r aces. an d Wit 1 ~U(,I nte n-·s ug I II l atl wn~ 1I1 1Pri y tl Ilkt: n ·.\·n . For I ho se My mothter·:n·1Aw w a n ts to ge t se v en 1'1)1\' II __ ( 'I.)~. I.'. 1',r'o lln, 1 " " nl" Il l gtlt 1!)J.'\ ; " NH lhlUb tvou 0I0~mbl"m,....,.m... II ~ lltl¥"'''· I)bol U C '' Or y nur .R HOa[ll~n: . ~ .." who wl slr III JlUI' I. ), " l rll r llr er InlO t h e ex trac t ed , so I'll have to t alie her "o d I 'll If',t )'(\ 11 w alk I he 1100r with t o. 0. " tlllloll"n myfoo,_ A1 , f"~". h l'a rl of .\frlL-a. : lltl :'illua n p;" " el'lImen t e1 BQw b ~r'e. " . 11,· AI .. v"l"nll l" ' o' ''''1.,,0IU,,. \' nhy . l or Im lnf'l l nfJHi:tI"n. (l o lt : u, E nl:l.rgedOlant!A. !i l(l arnf' r S Jl tl\\' pl y far liP ril e "V hite Vllrl,,~ c l V ~' n u . aI 2l :, 1,4'1 1(', I!ftN ~ h1ft , Ijp r a 'n. , .' "11" lln l ll n" J~ I. In I h,' (' ga nda l'OUUUnc ,le Sam's Represe n t ativ e. " 11 ",.1. t:" •• , IJr"'.~ •. I~"\" mll o .... 1"I,·oll .to ..... . . . 'mporta nt to Mothers lUi I t.? l1J :11 n : l c rU~h \I!Ij\I\r c1,., U \o crl"d , 1\60 Ir' II r ..... II')', I> r l 'nr-h ,'11 On Ilr l . "'f1c(Ji t lon . Sel::Jtor .J ubn SbHrJI W illia ms lells I Exnmlne ca l'efully ev(> r y bo tU() of " . •. ' ''.' •• ' '. II. • ,'. II OT . ... ' ...... L 0 • • 1..,..14. 11-. II'hlelr I ~ U1 adr llil 11 r oo 111 !' , ...-)m f"rt · , )( a Jl eg!',o In(1 I n a soutu ern low n who (;ASTOH IA, a BI\ IIl and Bu n ' re m ~dy fo J' .. --. ROil' bllnl. l':t rr"ln v /I (' he>r 'Jud Ot ted waB . not th e l east zea l ous of l ncl e lufants a nd c hildren. alJd see t bat It 9';~;~{,~~1I·;~~ tbat will give )'ou a pur<!llas e lind ' ... 3 am s sen'nu I s. 0 ne d uy w Il e n lue ~ b d ... lI' ilh .. Icr ll'k l i g h t, baths. m os qui t <.' , ' Bea r s t b e ' wrn'l, V~~~' Btrlve to Quit hill range , Y ou ca lmot . sl",l l('r s n lld "0 furl h an Inflcile va· mall bng from th a t tow n W:l8 thl'O lln 81 f 1ID'~ _ . JOJ1NL.'CHIIUI'!;(lNr;ON>J .~CO.. Thor. N . ... It you turn your b ead und g l are al riel j' n'r " lid '1It',> a oll ' " ' ' '' >11';0 t!~e tl"I'Y rrom th e trnln the pou ch was cal\~hl gn a ture 0 _ . ~ I--- . . . --- - -, blm be whlsU ea III your f llce trlum · Is In b e u:e' wi l lI. Afler l'e3 c blu~ ' liP by Ib is dlmlnu l l ve courI er . wbo In Us c For Ov er 30 Ypnrs. 1 ' phanUy and puts flourish es on Ills en · ' ° HaTted all', lit! was his woot, on a lIrlsk Childr en 'ry for I'l et che r's C as torifl .Dln IN TRAPPING. core. You ca n keep a woman' ". bU I · ";07. AbI H J lIlIla. on!' iru lldr!!tl and sebv - 1 trot to t h e POHloffice. I ::~tl!,Jp~i"'~w::~~ pIn out at your eyes by Inter('e pthl~ enty-fJve milt's rrom Khnr to ulrl. t e As b e 'Wu s roundin g a corn er o f th e I .-\ nd Olllt'l lttl e. l h., ~Ir l ' ~ I n l b l~ I' t or · . o r ...... , _" .. II" your ev ening pUper b etween your eres l un d of th e pafitorn l A r ahfi I\ n.1 c UIt!- 9tatlon be e ncount er ed a la r ge r boy, bid s II youn g man Ih e h OIl~e. WbAll 1 ;:~I't~~~SONS nnd It. You can hold y our ll elll:hbor's " atnrs IR l eft behin d, and th e country with tbe r esult til at lh e l il U o co urier It wasll'l Ih e bOilS'· hc \\;lll l ell . LOUIS" ..... n. willow plumo out or your mouth. nut o( n .. ~rn ld rnl't'~ I~ PllterE',1 u llOn . was upset. Wh en Ih e latt e r "'ot up I D..lartl d ..... Hldu•••' '" I I II N i t " ~. you cannot protect y ou r enr s' from " o re~ tB "I'EI! 1l r g II up t o Ie e . lnd r eadj usted 1.lmfe l1 he l urn ed Ullon You wi ll ' lie" , !' ; pcrI1l')," f" ~1 c hill.v . . . . .~.a.bll.b.d . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . .. . tbe tooU er. or your lu ng>! from bl s un d p;a tn e IR pl CI ,llful. HlpII08 , croco- the otber excl aimin g : Y ou thi nk Y') U Ilr.' ""I"" " I~ ,'vld, IJUll't ... ) r d W:li l unti l_ Y(l,u k ilO'" it. T;tk~ tl dO Re Ilf baletul bNlatb. dll es And nllt e nile ar,~ () t en seel', an "Look 11 eall! Yo ' wants to he keer· II llmlin. W i,.'lfd Oil "lid .vuu ju.t ':;j n' t I f Doctor Lederle of th e board 01 furth er on !(lrRlTes. "I ,' phan l s ILnd otll- ful 'bou.t dIs c bll e! Whpn yo ' j ars m e ca lc h cold. t1llilltl (J A ' r ~ LOtJIJIn Ob' RI'LIiINUI/) D A nG AINIJ, b ealtb would have sIgns pu t up In all el' 10 te r cH ling b eotll 8 may (req uentl y yo' Jar" de gov'ment o ( rie t l nlted - - -- - - -- It_It. 1; 11 .' 1: 1' 1 N A (;0 .• In" .• JUc bmoDLI.\·... public conv eyances setti ng fo rtb tbe I>c oo t !!11 \ \ ' nlerf ow l 01 Innllmerabl f! States. I ('arri ('s de mall!" The Iheory that ml ~c l'y l ove~ ~LJ m' . _ _ . _ -=- - -. -r\-:1' ":- m enace of wblstlillg; I f th e Sodety varieti es give lII'e an u chnrm to t b e p~ny aCI'Qun ts fnt' som<, TIIRrrla /;PH. W. N. U. _, CINCINNATI . NO. ~-1912. for Etblcal Culture would put up p ia. rh·erscall e. and lit 1'Iln ge ho ll huge Clara'. Little H i nt. cords proclaimin g whistling t o b e tbe fi R h e~. for wh ich FallH'r ~: :!:! has alA certili o YOllrig curu t(' w anted to reco,:mlzed sign or the em lJt y h ead . WUYS Uef'n famoll ~. wILl be obser ved ~ve his l ady lo v e a Chl'I st nl3 fl prell ' th ere might he som e relief ror the In· IIm~ng Ille n Sl l ve fJsher··n lk , Tb e ent. bllt cOllld no l tll ok .. 11)1 hl~ mind n ocent victim or th e whistling fool. [) Ink ll~ an d :;hI Jluk ~ live tnalll l ~ by wbat It shou ld b e ; !lO tb e n ex l tim e Do Y01l feel weak , ti red , d""pondent. hove frequent headBut there are . Bome IlI!r SOnR wh o fi s hin g !!lI d llll uli n g. un rl ,,1I1'sue thei r b e cull e(l hI' frankly told h er th e d lffi ' acbe. , cooted t ongue. biller or bad tU:lto in mom;n!!. n ever can b e> c ured . bu sin ess Itl lon g. lIarrow " UlI/:' OU t S" culty und er wblcb he w as l u borl u,;. "heart -hum," helehintl o f ~as . ocid ri si".!_ ia throat <!Ilcr "'Vnnt to makn m e n preRe n t ! " A mnn who had been torm ente d by 01' 801ull unr ult('h raft s . equa ll y Jl8 rl rk eatioll . stomach gnaw or bu:n . foul brealh, di ,.:r.y spell • • n whlatlefl end all th e way hom e on ely as tb e (' an006. A c- clden t R to Clara el:clal ml)d , in w e ll ·rJis!;" bpct !I~ ' p oor or voriClbl .. appelile. nOllsell III times Ilnd Icindrcd un elevated train one ulJihl. met a th ese wilt! "nort~nj('11 ort ell hall- toulsbment. " \Vh y, e ll a I'll,,, you fOI" .ymptom. ? fri end to wbom be mentio' led hlR suf- pen. l h elr mo ~ t t ro ubl es ome n ei gh· get yourself." If JOU hII".. aoy coosidelrable n umber of the The curato to ok tb e b l n t. 11 11 <1 offerlnga. The frI end l en t 1\ BY01 pn - Im r s b ei ng t he> hippos, \\'h lo' h nre ve r y above symptom. you aro . ulTeriog from bmo ~ s­ theUc ear. H e w ent furth er. H e ndd· UUDlOrOUti , Pa .~ II1 & I{ odok. once f o· (pred him self ou the Sl1ot , n." • • t o r pid liYer with indigo.tinn, or dYl pep. i a_ ed his own ' plalut not only a gainst th e tll OUS li S 1"Hs holia III !'<l uJol' Mar(!hu nd '~ D r , Pie.- ce '. Golden Mcdic<1l Discovery ill mado fool wbo wblstles, but tb'l kn ave w ho tim e. T UlIllkln , I h e h cnrlq1l3r1('rl< of liP of th.. most vduRbl.. medicinal principles known to medicol .deDco for tho ~rm ..n co t rests hla fllr,hy boots u .'Jon t hll op- th e Iroo l1H Oll th t' " pper 1" 11". Is l'~lI' h · r ry Mur h", E .\'c HeuH' dy . )l; r. ",""rl l " p- F •.~I" ~urc of such abnormal couditions. It i . II most I poslte seat. advertising hlf' unra mlli ar · ed at lin, h llndf('d and th in y mllc8 ~· !u I\ - AO'l . Q,IIr.kly . It r"r 11,' .1 , \\" ·,,1,, • : W u t.('ry EY f~1i .\11 ,1 VI':\II II _LIt,.1 E yelid,. , II I 1I f1- " emdent livcr invi ;1orotor ••tomac~ tonic bowel: Ity wltb tb e rUdim ents 0: courtes" d lfll Huce rrolll Kb nrlouUl , F I,lIr I ,·/\ted Do.. \-' In ~u. 'h l'a "k,, ~.', AI ,,...1,,,' 1M re gulator Dod Derv.. st renJ:tbeo cr. Dud muklng th e space w h i s miles (H.-th er, till:' SnlJ at. \\'~kh hUH f~,-::r..-"~n~,"~\ nl~~tlOlII:; ~';;~'r!:t"l:fll1Il ..,I, I:~ ~'I'I:I\~ ~:~~ I~~~:" : bad been unfit ror m an or w oman to fuund 111\ way from t.he bl "h l llnlls IIr II"" for DIl'ny frl'N . :< " w .I"dl.·"I .'.1 '" ,,'" 1'1 11.· The "(;olden Medical Oi. colle ry" ;9 not t1 p~cen~ medi cine or oceret D08trum. a full li, t uf il. ingredi ent s bein!! pri nted qn i t'; hili t1c-wrnpper and ouearod r es t upon . The t w o ch Qd under· " lJ y~~ ln la, j()i ll ~ t h o ~[I e . Prf' ~ ~n tl y· ~~I~I~~ "K~(1u b~S::.' ~~ll~~ ,~~!J~i.'·J~~!I~c!~~:~· ~I:::t:l,l\::: under ".Ih_ A glance Ilt t hese wi ll .how t hd it cont uins no alcohol, or harmstandlcgly . the T1a hr.(' I.Zel'a f (Bv e hu n ll r e, 1 lin d Murine Eye R e mec1y co. , Chica g o ful bahit-fo rmi ng drujl,. It i n a fl ui d "" t rac t m od e w itll (Jure , triple-refined '1 doo ' t know whlrh III fh e ",·orse." slxiy.l1ve IlIilcs l (,; r Q:\ch ,'d . II cr. , gl ycerine. of proper . Irenath , from rbe r oora of n ~t h' e Ame rican mediclll A Pion ee r. snld th e first man. "th e 'l lped w ho e I Q Jlhalll ~, IIl1 lTal o, ho r lcbl' '''!:' . w alr'r fore. ' plant . . Worl d', l1i.pcn8ury Medic ol A ssociati on , Prop,..• Buffolo. N_ " , ,,,' h y w as Jona h I h r u wn over· , tnkes up three seats w1th ~Im~ e lf. hIs h ut'k a u,] l'<~ ('dltuck 111'1' pll' nll!ul, Dn !! board ?" !'x t ended arms uud hIs m llrlcly boot s or th e rar,' lind IlI'lluli f ll l ~Ir s . t;rn y '~ \\'1\ 'Tm not slIre. hil i 1"'0 n l w~y s tb e re llow who wblstl es. T he whi st ler t.e rb u c k Is 10 h !'a r d of fill' tlie flrHI Is h orrl er to get awn y from. Ill s tOT- tim e. At six hundred nlld IIfl ('('n Ibought be wa s t h e tlrst Dlfln t o rock t ure Is more deflnlte and Ilel.ti I 8tent.\III I1 ,.S frlllll Khllrlullm , La k e N n I ~ en. II boa!."

. .' 'T., .


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mat lc t'd lr) , J. I[I ~!II "r, Idon t " II! . urinary diS



:, f ( ('I ' 9.

I)vall'H I\. I.I '! I··, I ' dl ..... 1"\ ,I I I 111 ,' \.. li l nl'p, I'n ly aud :Ir{' 1I1 '.- lI dl,1I t .. .. li ll ,lll " I " :tlltJ IIt 'lp tl!('·' II . H" ', j' ! h.HI IIf*)' :U' I II I II :\ ,", InloIO


- -----








_. _____ ._ __






Virginia farms and Homes ~'-:"7:;-' - ':



What Ails YOU!

When Your Eyes Need Care '1"1'


w. L. DOUCLAS $2.25, $2.50, '3, '3,50 '4 &'5 SHOES


I gness h e's th e worst." "Don't know but he III," f(' (Jl iI' d th e other- and th en . utterly ntlc-onsf'iolls 01 wh a t be was doing. h e slo rled to w hl s tle.-N~ w Yort • Press.

t er edo a nll turnin g sltur ply til I he ~ollth th e ,; l eam er h em's Inl e. I h" nn hr' j " I·,I eiJ('1. I Ii .. mahl Htreu lll of th e U ll jlE' r Whil e , l" lJ e sysl em . Tbl K streDIl" ollc e c hnk"ll with "sudd," I.. noll' c l eared of I hat obstac le ; th e Hudd It , Extravagant, but Lucky. self I s b elo g spectally ITf'u t e d and "It's n ever Rafe to send your hu s. turoe d Inlo a I·;l l.u ab le and mark el a · band shopp in g," sai d th e brid e . bl e com m odit y I II Ih. ~ 8bupe of (ll e i. " Why n ot?" On through th e sUlld r eglolls BP ed " "M eu are so extravngllnt. The olb- th e Bt ean,)!r ; lakes lind l agIlO" " er nl gbt, I ser:t Gecrge out to buy a ;lbouod, m Id papyru s I'('cds ( orm th r turk ey , H e WIIS gone 11 t e rribly Ion!; ('hler veg el a tion. From Kl el'b, Oil Ih<! time and wb en h e ca m e bnck h e had Shrunbe lagool1, n r ou te li e\; to IWO poll'S of chick en!!, 11 turkey. tour lile till Y ('apltnl of t b, Bah r -el -Obuzal cans of oysters. a ham lind a li ve provloce. B ey ond the o ld site of pig. W .... c an't eat all that stuff In a K eol ~sa. o n ce an Austria misilion 8ta. month .'" tlon, the scenery c hall gCs, th e ngc' taLlon b eeome~ mON) trolll~al, an d th e Prayer Anlwered. B al'l neg r oes are to be observer:!. Tb, , "So you actually went to churcb Lado ";nclave I s reacbed a t Oll e tb ou last Sunday?" sa nd and seyent y -two miles. and pre ~ "1 r eally did," entl)· Gondokoro and a garrison 01 "Excuse me If ( seem sk eptical. Uganda rUles. The next aDd lallt st op' Whw. waB tcxt!'~ . pln'g place Is R ejar, Whence tbe steau . " 1 bave you tbere. Tbe text er return s to Khartonm. Tb e wbol ~ wall "He glvetb bla beloved sleep." , of tbl ~ Interesting White Nile ~xpe. "Good work. Ant! wbo were tbere"'l ditton, Inclu~lIog the return journey . "All the beloved, It seemed to me." can DOW be made In a rou!!.d trip of Iwent, -four daya, A. a r eyelatIon o i TIle Smoky Way. savage Africa. Ihere ' l. DotblDI t o com "1I9w abcr.,'t. tbat alrablp'" pan l wIth It- In modern traYel. 01 "It up 'In Imob:' , abuTter I!xpetl1tJon!J, one tbe mOf' " ""Pdl'D"••t!'· IDtereRtlng' Is Ule '. rouD'1! triD Irma ~ ~Ja. DO; HR'e' .. "~~"IOD at to ~b.l'to(lm, ~ttimlt1" by ' Port

'N"" .




-' ''ilo-1t.II).!!I~'G'' .1)P..... "'" b.... : JjlelrectUJ tNt ~ ~', .. PlttaJm.l... · , .~ ... , _ J:. . , ."


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\-VI H'n I Illl d h" "11 ill I "'d h, Ip l. ·'l/t for Lh rre I l \\'l \ ~ it 11\1 ' 1, ' II !\ ~ (,I' ) .. nl ·~. rho

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tl lIn t hr-.!c Qad o n e- ha! f l.hilv , 1 00

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T"IH lhll'/ , n I, h ;l l q.! ,'''' 1'1: 1.\ '" ,h' f. r .1 t i lYH' dtl lt ..!" 1':11"' 11 . ti ll' If II ", I· b ,lll ,': ".! :' \' p(· a r a l " .·.' '" 1&lI1 I1J1''' . \'ol ll ' 1.. 1' \11' '" l~ r ll I ' r " I

th'" r.Ooclu 810n that 70 per ce nt. of the male pOllUlation or Rrnok lyn haB tbo whllllJlng macla. In th e early morning, In Ihe eveni n g rURh hours, late at nlfi(ht. t h e puck er ed JlPR InO lcl tb elr punl sbm ent upon tbe just and the unjust alike. It Is opparently un 11 nown to th e wblBtllng flend that the pract i ce Is, wben ' Indulged puuItcl,. a proal alike of bl s ucmnnnerIIneas, blu lack of education and of breedIUf;, All emploYlls or th e B. R. T . whi stl e. 'riley bf'gln when they go on duly and lIeep It up almost contInuous l y until tbeir day'S work I s do~ e. Perhaps ODe ougbt Dot to blam e ' a n. R. T . man ror whIstling. PossIbl y hI s mind fs dlslracted rrom bl s lIJ1hnppy l ot. Possibly. like the lravel er by night through a grav eyard. h p. w hi stles to k eep bl. ~ourage UI!. _-\ nd th ere are lots of cem eteries In Ilroo k l y n . Bul hIs rem ed y If! worBe than his dlses8e. The _whistlIn g "V' guArd m ay have excuees. Tbe erran d boy ma y laYe bIll So has tile brainl ess c l .. rk hI .hectlc lOX w ho vnrl es hIs whlstllnfi( act with a g lllD~h ew ln g nct. H e h98 to Occ ury t1w outside or his h en .; wJ1b f'ome thtng . since Ib ere Is nothin~ I[lslde, But lit e well-dre ssed rnssen~er who wht at1 es bas noth in g to ex .. tenllDt e his oct. Loog and cnreful o \)· lervatl on sho w s that h e r nrely ca n carry a tunf'. He Rlmply m akeR R Doille. H e I s ho!)el ess. H e Is lo ~1 10 a sen 8(> of dec .. ll cy nnd sclf· re~ jll' r t . RiB wblRtlln p; an llOlln rea It 10 all . It fs saf e 10 £ny that n o m an w li o lU llk('s a prn c tloe of w histlin g In pulili e c \'er line r1sen ahov e m ediocrity In bu slDCBB. M Ake a little study of' lt n nd lIeE' If thi s I s not tru e, Y OII mny ge l enong\) Int ere st out of It to OrrS,! t tho torment yon ba ve endured . You wtll dlpcover, too, that h e who maltes a w eird . unca nny nol so wltb Ills mouth does 110 becanse he h0 8 nothing elite to do-no :resourco w ithin him se lf (0 leep him rrom dwellin g on bl s own mIserable state. Tbousands ot persons In New Y ork baye murder In tb elr bearts E'vf'ry day on account at the whistle tlent! . The Tn'qulsltlon mISled Ita choIcest 'torture by not IlDo~lng of the Bub· way ant! n. R, T. wblstler. He Is at JlIII woret lletween 6 and 6: 30 In tbe eY~nlng. wheD ' 8 bundred bumans are mll8bed. -,a~n "a IJ)IIce tbat Bhould' hold teo. On tbo platform 01 a Bubway ~ar tbat could be packed DO tbcmt tbe assllltance of a hydraulic ek, tbe wblstle manIac gets In biB • molt tf'l,llng blow.. He uaually bap' pen. to be directly behind you. He "0,", In the back ort yOUr Dec.lI, He tilOW't In fOur ear. He blow. over. "or 'Q1Jlrmlng aho'.ltder . lind tan. 19111' ..cbeell wltb Ilfll tortUrlDg .b htaib. .A~d bll breath uluatl, '11 ' Ylle> ' It ~ manlge to get ~ Incli oui-or tb" dtr8tt _JI~ he ablfta aUllpl'eaUX "to . Il~ hla scmn~-~"_ .;' ~ciu . uiUr" wnigle. ', You 'Da " ~r~~f •


"';1 ) !'I: " 1\ wr'l rL g d i. I):,Ht1 !'l 111 I ll y t ':l Uh(·, 1 111(' .. i x IfWII : It " 11£ f("l'n b l,

fp l lil

Sufferer Makes a Protest


Hca lth Follo wed I mprollemen t In the Action of the K i dney u. ,J. L . lti .;hilrf ll-1(Hl, 1(\,,1 I«('y. J" , ::.llV\,.

Suinillg at' [ile IlI ut! n r b !iLl ouur.

lU b hi t 'u f1l11 1ft , O!l f' J" tI) I"' :.y eV I l ft In hu: IIr). hi' Ill a y l ll lff' IIh-. pl~ · 'I -ol Ul't l Hfld v l .... w :ll ,'at ,. }-.Olll(! of tI.,. ' lIt . ' rUltl tH I lUrtH "r 1\)(> :-; 110 1'",-; 1" ,, " A ll th is wllnuerr,,1 ,'u uli lry was. ",,111 I h.. ('lin. (j1l.!KI "r Iii,' 1{II,IIII'" III 1:,!lb . lIiJHol m eI y '",,, l r ,1 In I hI' whlfl' wao , a~ II hilt! bt' P Il ro r t-ioll l4·thillt-; Ukf.! a ~~ "rli ' r;'lti ClJ) . Llltl e h ad IIl'''n knilli' ll o( II prpvl" us. Iy 'lD Vo ' rro'" till ' r(' I" ...t" of ~ Il c b lIo l d 'P.d IlItrc·" l d .. x p lnn 'r s 'I' ~ I, c k e anll Ora tl\, ~ ir Sall ll,,· 1 ilak el'. :';c heV('i n. ~lt rth , 1'.'lIl('rkk, 01'11 1'1'111 I ;" rdon ant.! t'onu"'! r ~ w nlh' °r-I"{ It :-P t'IJlX wo ndf1r . ful to 1'<'a ll t (· t h ai I I! . ",'t'J"' I" of Ihe vor y hellrl u f Afrl.. .. , R" I'I'.'1!; f or whi ch tbe ti l' :11111 olh"r •. ~ "IO I', 'I'H ~ ulTf'rcd In. c r ed l ll i e lull a nll )lri v:,tl oll. DUY. ev~ n d eHtit II ~I'I( , t o rl'vfu l. It l .. n,)w lai d tJarc to I h e r :u; u al Ir;t\' f'lf' f and tour. 1st. and ar. ' aR re:ld ll y :I""" ,,, l il lc frolll



U 1' II jldlY · l ikc , hil·k r n lng.



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thu lJetSL enJcucc.

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5a l hJy. 1t ,-ifIY "l~ dO ll dy :u' l t l l lhI' III . POll ur' ollv- Io o kllill IU_" c l' wh :l: h IiIltht"rs o n th e ~ \lI ' (II " C wilen nl l uwcu t u 'lU ll.!,

1 11~ K hnl'lo l llll In ""II lrort III ei~h l or rli l le dB) K from l-:1I1(la nt! , h a" tl l'W be ron.' hlill a n ('1I 'fIllCI\I H tra e! or ('I ' n . t r al ,'H rl " a, \\'ll ll ln \\li l r·lt. ~ IIII I r~ I' " I .

A Btudeot or tbe suhject h all come

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Th" (ol rowJn K, " " '" '" (y" ",.,I.,f t he ('0 " " dT,'d.·, ~,y. 1)",10'" /(;'III~'.Y I'ills, O r:.lc1u1

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P us,uues too

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T uu dllk or

(.'o uo -

Whlltllng Fiend on RaJtroad Tralnl Eapllcially Held Up to Obloquy al. Worthy of B anl.hment .


l -'d hct l Cr t le \,1 ncys S' k Vv' k



r t duC' c d. o r ~c nl"" lt lll olld OI.l I O(" l.

1J,'f-' U r i' ~'etJt ­ III" ' I!I'" Ill' ily t he


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dnlJ gn v C-\ rr l lll l 'nt , w ld ,' h I1'H" ('O l'd l1Ct9 th e trll "" " 'r \\ I1II I h. , I,' a,; t "mHl b!e f .. l l gu,· ft' ,.1 lroul,I .· 11 ,,1 Oil : )' I II Kh Ar . lou m ao,1 (JII l(l lI l'lIlao . with I ileil hlHlor . k: assudat.iull li, hUI IIIl1c h (uri her atlE'ld Into dim ami wond' rful r('glons, " 'h e rt> slrun ge nullv(' rn ~c fl live th e 01 a thou ~ nlJd years ol nce. Th el>e r eg l oJls l eem with wild life, aud tbe "I';' gamo sporttimt:.o , tb l) lIlrd ·co li ec lor II1ld t he fi sherm a n find nmpl c occupa. tJ on alDong n v n rl ed an d marve lou sl, Inter esting ' fau n a. Durin g winte r 10

:-\. ... 11.'1"

pjfll l'i " :I"I"\ ~ t..I


Cu i!'o o r Purt RlIdall a s a r.\ t he Vit·. t orl a F a ll s 'Jtl I ii ZII III iJct;1 1'11" '1' rro m Cap ' 1'l)wn . All til i " hllR hl'<'11 lI cr'u nt. p ll s hed hy t ite "11 1.,1'(' 1' 1. , . <l ( 111., ~II'

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by eX U' ll lll ,dlfl U u '- t ill' k i tl m'y l\t' t' n't l o n. . Th aI, . w li )' pily",,''''' ''' IIInkc sUI' h a ('l1ft ·fu l \.'\IHl1 i ll nt l ll il wllt':1 .rOll II p pl,\' f ll f i n ~lInn rr. :lnrl ,t t li t 1'1' 101 IITt\' "i p.(11 ,If k ill· Ut'\' t n. ulJ ll ' you un - J ilu ' 1.\ ,',·j. ·,-t. ·.1. I\,dlltlt ,\" di t/ll'a!"(' 11<1 8" ' ! .! fl j.! (·r"l1 ~ it i ~ a had 1I 11 ~111 1\(> t tl , ,'; ,· rlu u l\ III flI' Ldl ·!·t it . unJ i f path In 1111 ' l •.ld~. rl 'i ' IIt'l I II ~ Iwud



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,BG4aD. oD

til,! a.cI ~ .

Wh en 11 man bu rs n !lew bat be wa llts on e ' somewhnt IIh o tlt e on c be had belore- bul It ' A dllier en t II'l tb a woman. "f'A, WtnftlOW'A BooulI n Jr Syrup t or Chlh1rf'n ,t ,'t Lbiog. ,",ofte ll a the J."!": WH. rf ',I " ",.1:t I ntl a rnllll'" UOD. alh":l1i palD.cU,.e s wind ,: ... 1It.: . ~ a. ~'

In School.

"Spe ll ·Iproblbltloo.''' "I don't IIk p. dl'Y SPI'1Js " PILES C1JR F.:D IN G TO 14 u,\ t ·",

v oor 4ruffl'NI: wtll I"nlund

Dl ll n ny If !"A:t...) U ( :\1 ',

~l~~,~a~r"P~~t~~~;~I::t:tl~ l~I ~~I,~~' t:!.~ l nJ, I

Wben tr'Otb get~ bu sy. flcllo o IR apt Itself .•

- - --- -- - -

All Style•. All ~ather•• Sizes nod W idth" for Men. Women and 80,,,


I'll J:: STA)l; riA R 11 tW QUALITY


THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES l[ive W.L Dougl~ ehoea a trial. W. L Dauglas name stamped on a shoe guarantees superior quality and more value for the money than other makes. His name and price stamped on the bottom protects the, w~arer against higb prices and inferior shoe.. Insist upon having .~ the genuine W. L. Douglas shoes. ~. Take no sub&titute. Jo:::I=":i~::1~~' M 4"7

HOW TO OllDEii. BY!tIAIL. Shoes Sent EverywJtere - All Chargee Prepaid. lrw I .. f)t' Ulo:l . . " h Ot" & f'ft lIoL.ald In yOll r lown, &t'In(l d l r f'(" t o tlll.>tOTJ. Tf\ko me&ll1"@mf"Tlt.-. • ot fOOC, .u lho WD In moll ,.I ' .t.atJt .t)ltftdttRl~! ",1 %.(' 811(1 w14&11 lJ8uaJlr " u rn; Illn.lfl 0' ....IJ1 (.Ie'; h e:n'l._IOI"flluntor l'lfht J'O I4'. J rio Uwla.raut.A.o•• HCJ"Of'VI_ .....


..- ..


1I1o':·i',.l4I• ••_

)II.I..DOIJlll.A... ltll ...... n






...Eo-< ~

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CO-OPERA TIVE STORE" Cash Producing Sale, Febl'uary 3rd to 17th.




> =i

WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT I..____________ WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT ...... ..__.... __..__WAIT .................. I_.............................. ...... ------------------------------------------~ ~

t·Ice t

I .pen&lllst wel"k with Oliver Davis ICOUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL ASS'N 1'"1 I l and family . I 1,0 0 We regret to leun thll\ W J . I Miss MaTi .. ~t"ut was a ~uest. of To Pastors. Superintendents and " Kllbon OUT enterpTislng Krooerman ~rs. Earl Hockut.t recently Teachers: . The WaynesVille Cannmg Company , A combination of Sweet lias sold bls stock to .Yr. Beu Smith MiMs Al1 o.. Cuuil IIttt-lltlau . t.II'! We desire to have the repo rt from HI n?w r~ad~ to contra~t for ~o rn at I and Sour Pickles, CauliflowHe expectl to go West In the neal' T6tichst" H A,,~ool!lti on tit. Lobauou l o ur County to the State Convention their othce In Waynesville. Oh iO. er. Onions, Mangoes, etc. future to relaln his 'hb&ltb . RIl'11 2utordliY. the bel:lt eVl"r rendered. I J. F. Snook, Gen. ~gl'. Try it. One · tenth of a he aredly miased in thi~ commuoi . Thnt uur h upes may be fully r eal. Roy Irons. Ass·t. gallon for I Oe. 'y a8 he hal boon on e of o ur 18I1dw (.: Lytle ized we neeLi .v o ur acti ve and praye r- - ...- - ci tizen. Mi~!le!! An o /\ 1I0d !UHry Du lW (ul coopl"ratio n until the Cll unly ConA LIBERAL REWARD MIIII Lillie Nedty was a guel1 t Of 81 HlDt tiull(hlV to LHhallon \'entio n meat" a t Butlervill e May ~3. . . rel!.tivee to Barve"sburg lallt week ' . ' and ~4 Do "our level bes t to have I will pay a hbera l reward to the J M r8. Ml\rthu • .o0l;/\cr€l h hil beeo . J . , h f .h . f I You'Jl like them. A dOl. Mr. Ilnd Mrd . F. Gn.f were Lon . . yo ur Schoul uv o n e very PUlnt for a ' person W 0 UrniB es me In ormad o~ vl8itorl Sunday . qUIte ~1"1r r " r tbe ptUilt twu week,'" I Fro nt Lin e Sehoul I t ion which will lead to the return of IOe. Dr Broc k rep') rt R Mrs. DII VIti I . I d II k did h' I Mn. Hope 8t lll'It ill under ~h tl . You wi ll r ece ive ~tati ~ t ka l ulanks my re • ) ac an lan )ou n . W IC) ' Th nllllll! Illll oh lInpro veG ., 1 b I' . I N Y I doo'or. ollre. " soon and we UI' ''C you to fill th e m j to! Ie , e was sto en ew ear" ev e . Mrs Berne ,1 0 0es non li on 1 h e rl A ... '1'1 d . .. . . I d I If' Mre. Oliver Davie Willi shollpin g . . . . o ut carefull v anLi have th cm in yuur I It! 0 1{ IS o llgrna an t 1e el)( u J ~ . '1' . . t v I!!ltrd 10 Cen te rvIlle Thursd.v and in Cinoinnati one dBY hl!~t weok . . Town 'h ip Sec retary'8 han ds by the li S tal clipped off A . B. J o hnsu n The best that's made. 2 dOl frillllY F· kl ' I' I{ a . Mn . Delmo B~ID1 " ttlll e T. d Lim" , . ~O th day of March . When you r ead t Ia n Ill , \ . . . lISe. MI~ Emma Brown wns '·:1 11.· .. tUI . . . vlsl~ her pBrent>o , hi r . and .r.Irfl [) to M.J y • f thiS appeal ascertam what pomt.s you IIV n on nllull on Ilc cJ un~ (l Cball. Wt'rntz las t week I.h ~ "eriou!! illness of her grllncl a r~ .s hor t on. then ge t bu~y, Thf' ! LEGAL NOTICE TO NON Mr • . Eph l::Imtth \\'(U a H IlTve~'~, d llt • Iethe leney a nd s uccess of YO' lr :::,chool hlul!I vltdt-or reoently . "MUg erd' "M w e " 11 I depends on yo u and t he m l'8SUre 0( 1/ RESIUENTS r an rl! . . ,-orn l' mil'" II Per lb Mrs. Fred Everhart. of Franld iu . a lui tit 0 t TI , dl:vo tion and self-s a c r ific e yo u are i ) ~ n <'s~ ,. I! u ay on on lllr ~ - I 'II' . h ' . k . '11 b t IOC, 12.xe, lISe d Yd In g to turn mlo t IS \I o r \11 e , J ..""io Clel>ver. wbo resld"" "L UtO Ag,·ku l· !I V' the nt e 'ls ure o f good resu I t i nfT . t urlll l'"llog~ In SL . Paul. lu the st"te or .I till ' ~lr onll Mrs. C. E .l ohn .. ('n fe r < '" " ".. , Ia : 1.00 Cleaver. a minor. who ...,~ll h ·" ul I . I Ale x Boxwell Pres ... 0 ~I) :'>iil'uUet AVO. 'ulutle"lJOlis. tho otlll" or I . • . ~ (llIu~o t u . are hereby notlll"" Lbal ,\1 111 11"'''' 1 tlliotld nn :-;u lltiny Mr. dr ld .\J ,,; J. Rice Cowan. ~ec·)·. ~ l c h:III""y .... the tlxocuLor 0 1 tbe I"st \\'1 11 nllll Ch Inl e!! I:l ,'u~ b 1l0tl ~lrs . C .. tllll riul ' _ .. _ _ ' '''uunoltt or EII"u 1Ildtlll. d ecoU-"mJ. "" 11>" 1 1. 7th duy o( January A . 1). I~I ~. IIk,1 hl'~ 1 This fresh Lettuce a Ib .J ohns . ELECTION OF OFFICERS I'etilion In ClSe No. 1 3 7 ~ In Ih o I'r"h& ~ ....);u .oq , f{tl rh IIn ,l Eli'Hbeth ('b llll. Court of W&rr"n County, sL ut· " 01 Uhlo o ull · 20e. I) ~ _ <.. Ilotl \Jad iJKlIl llcKlnacy "" oxecuLOr or tho hu,t '<wlU uud Ce8tumen! or Ellou 81IltJ"".le .... tlu WEEK a'1 e r. 1.1., <, IP II N 1' 1t lCH til n d P ro f . , . Ii:, Th e I~yt Ie T 0 bacco W are h ouse ",,1\11. 1. ellltl1J. \'8. lIarry Cloaver. ~----~---Carny tltten ded th fl'l'e li (' llI'r'~ 10 !'! I I , Co mpany held its annual meeting ~~~'~ '~[bert °CI~~~".,~~ro.~?',~~or~( I~oi~~~.~ ~: New Cakes; Just In tnt.s lit L ... bn.noo on l:illturduy I last wee k and declared Ii dividend of I,,"I \11&1111 IJemoLery AJl>io;;luLlou. duro... , lI,UIL. The prayer 01 tho ptlLltloner Wlong Lemon Crisps, 30 for -- -- -- -- -- . 100 Mi ~s Minnie Uult e, of Ull y tO Il . sevenpenent. This is one of the otllur thtngs !a tor anorderLo ... 1I Lbe followlut( . (l u8{'ribod rolOl estal.e Lo pay tbo lIebt. ot ""Ill White Clover, 8 for ...... --. -- -- -- 50 IIpent Rundt\y at tbo h n ", ,, of h "r moat successful tobacco concerns 111 Elluu lSl<l08 the tegacles nlUllo<llu ber will an.1 Fil' Newtons, per pound -- ---- .. l0c U Will ' . . f . the COBia 0 1 admlnl8traLion 01 ber esLate ...n<l grltn dffit h er. _r. 1~1ll Dllke thiS sectIOn a country. The follow- that the right o( Tbe ltIit.m1, AII8O' Misses Blanoba CI).-nell. E!!tll Staoy ing officers were elected : ~:fJt~':u~:~~rtgagee may be d6lA1rminod "nd Cranberries. per qt ......... -- ... lOc Celery, LettuCe, Cabbage. Yel· aod Stella Uitbens spent Sat urda y President. William Cox. Situate 10 the Stal.e ot Ohio. County nl Jow Onions, Irish POtatoes. in the Uem Uit" . VI'co~ presl·dent. Albert Stacey. Warrell. and Village ot Wll)'o""vill~ " 1.Itlt(lnrulllt at a the .to!DO on North It""'l. corNew Mild Cream Cheese. BoMr . Ilod . Berne Jono~. enter ' Secre tary. W ia t er K end' k lUll'll at out·lota NOlI. 11 and 12. thence lOuth· riC . I wardly wllb aald Itrect Lo the ....est line ot logn., Dried Beef. Tripe. 'ained the laUer's mother. Mn . Treasurer Charles Jones. Fifth .tl'*'l, thence at riKht angles to North , • .'root and wltb aald ",ee~ IIl1e ot Firth stroet Fancy liuir Dried Peaches. Abner Dill of Mt . Bolly on 8atur Board of directorll, Alh<lrt Stacy. 80t foot more or 1681 Lo the ::i E curner ot Tho• . J. Brown'. lot. thence westwardly ant! per pound ........................ 15<: 81lndlloV, William Cox. William Clark. Charles with Tho.. J . Brown'. line IH toot to said Raiaina. per pound ...... -- ....... lOc dayaod Brown'. S Wcorner. thencenortbwa.rdl), "'Ith Willi am B rown h 118 pure h Ilsed Johns and Philip Spence. !laid Brown'. west line and parellel with FlttlJ .h Willi 0 1 • I • ,,'reet 108 toot more or 18111 to tbo Sollth 1100 Juat received another big lot • e am 0 emao proper.y 0 ofChapman.trect. thenco w""twardly and with of ·that flood 23e Coffee. Lytle• • Ild w1ll take pollelSioD of HAS BOUGHT OROCERY tbo Soutb IIneot Chapman atreet to the EMt Une ot the FraulUln and Way.lllle.YjJle turnpike 1$ the fil'llt of Marcb. Mr _ BrowD roIW. thence ooutbward and with tlio 'Eut line ~ Faney Eatilll' and Cookinfl .111 ban a _Ie 00 1I'.bro.r1 II 'h. B. V. Smith has purchB8eCl the ~o':;~d ~~~I~ W~%~:rv~.:'t_t~["*~.''t':f Apples, Orantea, Lemons, . Q .... i.... ...·r. of . 001'.mell -bo KI'QCel'Y store of Walter Kilbon. and and thence tbe17lineLoottbeNorLh .treel Bananas, Grapefruit. ... n .. .. m , .. Uneeutward of out.-Iotwith No. I>eKlnnlog 11l.--s ..... io the wbaooo b".Iwill take posaeeeion March 1st. exceptllllr trom tbe abovedescribod roalestate .... • •• ........... l.a.01 8CJ'eII of land more or I..... sold by 11&111 Special sale this week .nly fan"_I vtll'tld the Farmer'l Cuopera. Mr. Kilbon. will probably move to EUlln Bitt .. to Phillip Trout. lJy d~ <lateet. ey Santa Clara Prunes good -C l'f . Th h b December 9. 1905. and recorded In d~ boo~ Uve •• reho088i'.' Wes' &.'lmore ;a 1 ol'Dla. e grocery as een volume 87. P.... 519 Warren County Ohio BlZe and werth 12~c, specie.! in the Kilbon name for Rlany years, d-t ltlCOrd. price per pound ................. lOe ••d Greeovllle on 8a~urda". I d tb chan f • III b JllIIIIe Oleaver and Leo Cleaver are horeby Alleo Bole aod famUy moved on an e fle 0 Its name w e notUled that tbey havo been ma<le parties do Get the habit. it ~"8 to trade at -"'Il~"-y .Dd..... 1l0W 00111..... like the f t. .ain'" of aD olli land.mark. fendltllt Lo aald petitIon and that tbey are re... I ___ r- ~Ulrlld to aD."er the pme on or before the W. . . _ tiN iD 'be De" hooae 011 ShUoo • - • 6tb da, ot March A. D. 1812. Benbrook. llADJ80N McKINSBY.; .TeDUe, ball' for UlIm by Alben Executor or the Iu' Will anu Testament of EUen BId.. 8koy. IIr. Theodore BelTJbtll, • •elld~. plalatltr. The popol.Uon of Lytle aDd vl011l. bOWD farmer, sooth of tOWll, wbo Ro~:~. ~~:~'I ttlKi 2. OFFICE IN 01.0 ENTERPRISE !!!""'!!!!""'!!!!""'!!!!!!!!!""'!!!!""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U;- il iDoreulo,. A amall fanaer ' hAl beeD poorly for BODle time, died \ __ • ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ arrived at the bome of III'. aDd 111'8. a' bill bom.lut Thur., of Brlgbt. FraDk lI11teDber8er 011 J.Duary dluue Slid w .. burled in 'he Bell 16th. Allo a twelve,poolld Sirl-., brook cemetery 1M' Saturday .f$8r. the home · of Mr. aDd "rs. Jollb nooo. Valley Phone 113 Tewell 00 FridlloY J.lluuy 19 . J ..... PeMr&Oll fllled bll loe " The Board of Eduoatioll of Lytle honae whb Ice whlob w .. Il and 10 8peclll.l lJietriot mot ID regular 1611- loohel thlok lalt week. slon l88t week lod orgaolzed with Boro to Mr aDd Mrl. Ed Dnr!!t at Warren Common Pleas tbe follo'iViog members; Wilbur the Fretlb Air Farm, a floe ,irl. Clark . Elmer Ro,en, ' William lJox, Malter 80ward Bortoo whO' hal Fraok Mlltenherger 1L0d Albert been slok for tbe pu' fonr weekll Wm. O. Phillipe ulBatr. etc. We are paying ' the Stacy . Elmer Rogen was ohoseo witb scarlet fever Is out of daoger ft Harry Vtaaey Cue No. lun Pres. Walter Kenrloll. 81erk aud DOW and il gettlDg beUer right along Highest Cash Price C. E . Johns. Trell!! . Mr . Clem Mettler, of Dayton, has By TInUII or an order of _Ie, duly "'ued from aald Oourt. In the above .~at«! caM for HOgB, for shipping to me direct«!. I wUi offer for ...Ie by New B~iington beon very lo w wit-h pneumonia bot and way or jlUbUc auction. at tbll door ot the It slight nhange fur thE' hAtter wall Oourt Ho\l.le In Lebanon. Warren CountJ' purposes. <.;all us up OhlO.OD teportl1d t odu. V. MlsR Oelll1 Emerkli:. who htis been '"h u FtHmer ~ lnstitutll WRR h f' ld Monday, February 5, 1!f12, and we will quote you tbe goost, of her .. unt, Mrs . Wrn . in t hl' M E. ohuroh 11I"t ThursdllY Me ndenhall has tetilrned t u hE'. At 10 o'clock A; M .. on .ald day. the followTOP PRICES. fillet I'riday, bnt Ihe ottflccittDCe was log described·wlt: .... hom e 10 UermllDtoWU . SILual.e In the Oounty ot Warren. StaLe ot Mr find II I'S ~.vmond Rt'ev,,~. ·of n " t tH! guod u.8 la~t lElur and In tho Towll8hJp of Wayne !lnd Th .. third nutuh tl r of t,ll e Lec ' ure OhIo. Xtllll". "Pil ot several dtiYI! I .. ~ t weill! boun<lod and described "" 10110" •• viz: Pllrt 01 S~'Ct lon Numbered }"ollrtoon (H) Townsltlp I wHIl reIn t·j vel' here COl1r~e Wtl l'l givlm in fh o I'nwu H a ll 'fhree (3) of Range Numbered 1'"lve I Frod i-hllue ret.urnad from l"t. Ao ItI~t TUflRcllt,V by t.h e ::;Ol1th III u d Hln g 1'iuHloorod (5 ) hetwoon tile MiamI Rivors. beginntng at 8 sLone corne r to JOh11 Brelsrord '. lauel thOD(,S ~," . tbOlly 'B bOf4plt,d. O ,jumh ut!. 011 l'uesd .. y of Illst weak He I~ 1I10eh er~ Milltl Quart·e!. !lnt\ LJ" 11l1,( I lI lur l!d N . 60 dogrees It. 9. MO polea t.o .. 8Lone: chence Il impro ved iu h ealth !Iud it} gOtl t! f.)lk~ tllf\y l'elHlo' l'E'd SODI A fi li i' tl1u , i(l :. .. nnd tl vtl ryb.ll ly W"tI w "ll I.> le .. ~ e d HS <101(1'00II W. 8 pole>< ; thellco S. J.i deg~ R. 411~ poles to the place 0 1 bOlllnnin!!. con • • , ~ S P1~1~;lH st,llt.e d in>8e itelllS )1It!t. WIth th em bllJrllog Two (1) aeros und FourtecLI ( 14) polN week Ulfl t word bad been 1" 0"1 VI'tI JUIi'l WtltL,'er vi ~it,'d fl'iflnli~ lit. Also II lo t In said socLlon beginning at " stako ot the d"at.h of Mrs At"rthll gil ,,, Waynesvil)e, Ohio In the ooutb line ot Samuol MOlltgom"ry 's Il I\n old r. ·~ jtl l) lIt· . All notbi"~ fUI·th " r G rt' Hnllvilie l(j ~t ::;t1lld'l,Y " n<l Mon. laod : thence with the el\8t side ot all 111I6Y S. J.'l degree E. 8 pol811 to a sLooe corn~ r to hllR beell leal' n rcl, 'it itt supp()~ed (.1, . rIllY Jobn Brelsford '8 lot; thenco 8. 8 He d"gre08 Va.l1ey Phone l3S r e p<' rt Wtl~ inoorreot. It i., rl1j},)rtod t·h tJt J .,hn Boher E. 8 poleo Lo a stone; thence N. J.i degree W N olt.h VI' hi tsoll is confined tu hi;, fll rnH'l'ly of this ph;oe. h ~ H pur: 8 poles to a .take · tbence N. 88 degrees W : I 8 poles to the place of beginning containing ' hom" by II}D6tol! sixty· tour (64) .quare poles more or leas. be. c ll K"e I the Engo-JnA'K.ent. flltm north Ins the premt_ conveyert to Dllnlel D. (;ox by Vincent ScOtt IUld wife by Deod of 1111' ,;chr)Q I bouse. dated the 26th dll)' ot April A. D. 1811. MI :' ~ Minnie Underwood is on tbe Also ~he tollowlng premises, sltual.e 111 tbe slUIIe Section. TOWns}llp anu RanlUl .... the i8ck li"t. above. beginning at a atone In James -C1utch'8 J ---line comer to Jo.hua Watkhu; theuce nortb Beiug prepared from Pure NatiYe Herbs, they Cleanse the 22 2-10 poleo to 'a stone; theDce N. de· LA. TE CLASSIFIED ADS System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System, and thus gree8 W. 8 polel to a aLone; thence- S. J.i deItI'te E. 21 6-10 poles to a .tono; thencll N• . ..,. •• 114 degreM E 9 pol.... to ~heplace of beglnntl!ll" '1 contt.lnlng Oue (I) acre thirty-four CU) JlOte. / more or 1_. being the prem'" dllTIMd ~o Dantel D. Cox by Obarl~J' Carman, d~ by her lut will recorded In tbe Probate Oourt . or Warren Oounty, OhiO.,

















. ---- - - --













You can always get the beat at




Bert A. Grant, Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of all kinds.





Sheriff's Sale

Wayneaville, Ohio


The 'aynesville Auto and

Machinery .Company








................................... _--, ..... Prevents

tII • • • u~

Receive Tirea for the Johnson Garage. Why not have that blow-out ,repaired now? Is your GASOLENE ENGINE S~::::0::I(::10:~:·SO~t~I· ~~:::~t~:U:O:" working as it should? Weare equip"peci to do GenI'" er~l Machin~ry Repairing of all kinds. . CC)mplete Jine of Oils, GalOlene and AccellOriea.



"7 •••



SERIOUS Sickness

. . . . . . . w...,...~.~...............

.. - ...----

", •••

WaynesvJlle, Ohio


VaUy Pho~e- l00 "I









. ,$

':" '~-:. '


," "J',,'': , '. 1


w. Yl\!i:f> ': ILL E, C)U IO,


rio;;~; Citiz-;;;j



.- - - - - -

r·u·p·~~::::I··M~~~i~~-C~IU~~-·-~.J ...J

h,,, :

- - - - - - . noved from the Mr!:l. Harper farm f Ed , 0 the Isaac Garner farm. At a m~ting of the Board a uR J. Murray and wife attend .t! cation held Thursday afternoon, ac· c"hurch at Waynesville on Sunday . . th e tem tion was taken to continue J . W. Edward s made a uusiIlC~!l porary appointment of Prof. G. J. d Graham IlII superintendent of the trip to Lebanon on Sat ur ny. R. J. Murray IOllt a 11ne you ng Xenia Schools in place of the late IlOrse on Saturday night . Prot. Edwin B. Cox. , Quarterly meeting will bE:! Iwld at T hia action on the part of theh me F . W. B. church here on I'' rll' 1ay wI'll b- ..reeted with muc D £1Il " .. favor in Xenia as Prof. Gra h am, ,aturday and Sunday. February t · with the !nd, 3rd 'tnd 4th. I through his ong connee Ion Fred Smith who shot hlmsel f wil h Xenia schools, has won for himself d I k i . ted l shot gun one ay ast wee, S I'n thethe confidence everyone 10 teres schools. ofHis Ion&, connection ..rettina .. along as well as cou ld be ex


t>e~. ii. Talmag~

; ! : 1.. .... .. .. . ..... .... .........................._



r . (; .


was in


. ema

Herbert Edwards is sick with the



(,'uor"e Mra. A. Maffit has been on the "'" [)udds. uf Xenia, was in I k al'ck 118't town a:it wee '" • D yt c l'' r ton I'Jurn e tt W""". I'n Dayton on last Mrs. Ralph Lewis WILll in a on thUrsday. bu~in e:;s Salurday. U n I.

H . .t\"adden 1




Dr, esd Ellis bwas. in Spring









Steve Phillips, of Washington C. H. was in Waynesville Monday.

. - _.. Rev. aud Mrs. 1.. O. Thomp!lon Lytle and family will leave Thursday for . . M Ab Bom . To M•. a.d Mn. F. B. th.i•••w hom." P••dl,t.n. I.d. Mm. Ha•••hLew" ",d n.. . Hende rson , Sunday . J anuary 28th, bie Stokes have been spending sever. a daughter . Miss Sue Crane went to Cincinnatif al days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter


m".i.g. Smith h.d boo. q••",I. .. , tim. an. d I'n .. wI' th hl'R wl'fe for some a Smith. who was formerly MI5S Mrs. Leah Ross, of Lebanon . left horne,

with her children on WedneOOav ~d spent the day with Mrs. Adolph Iiams. of Ft. Ancient. When Sm:th



hom, Wed • .,.,,, ••••





and found that his wife and two chll. dren were .. "one, he foHowed them to


,.~ ". I



~hat. atoc~


Githens made a busine91 trip to Day· had a quantity of whisky him ton on Tuesday. . and that on Thursday mommg when Miss Mabel Foulks, of Dayton, he returned with the shot gun he spent Sunday with her here. bad two full quarts. Mr. and Mre. Enteri'll the ••• tende41 . Wifll ',hre lind Mrs. John Sills at Lena on which proceeded for lOme time and day. j Mra. Sills i8 Mr. Carmony a about 10 o'clock he rushed out and sister. snatcqing the gun from the buggy, On account of aickneu Rev. Camp- shot himself in the stomach. bell was unable to preach here on Dr. Leonard Mounts, of Morrow, Sundayaftemoon. was called immediately and found Will E.right. of Dayton, wall call· that the shot had entered the ing on Lytle friends . !side, tearing a large hole and that .It Prof. L E. Carey viSited had also pierced the left arm. .. le brother Charles at West Alexandria his condition is critical, the phYSICian on Saturday and Sunday. entertains hopes of his Mr. and Mrs. Will Pine. were &,?esto Friends of Smith say that when of Lester Kenrick and Wife ut dmner sober he is a peaceful and companSunday. . d f '1 after a few spent ionahie man but that ed Wilbur Clark an ami y drinks he becomes craz . Sunday with Mrs. Mary Carmony. Smith was taken to Cincinnati to Miss Bertha Coon and Mrs. Walter a hospital and from late reports he

~rents Wimam~~o~atv{!!.1ia~!t~~e Sr,nit~ ~e .~19 ~~.!':f.!~~ a~rteit9:qUarre ~IS '1u~




eve~lng, a~ter ~ pl~~ VI~lt

frlen~s ~~l~ h~r lJ,easa~t su rpr~se C'l.~ I:, .








Kenri,k Fr'd





an~ Mrs

Gnbam. dluahle. ••l.: . leaves four .ft.,.oo. ofi",t She Nancy Graham. ~heofWBISam marci . In I1,t. Protracted meeting which was In sons, two dauweek. hters sevJ


Mr. John Gillespie was town on conrealed in the buggy. ~ldents Mo~day in theinteres~ of the ?ayto.n of Ft. Ancient say that ~mlt~ wu Journal and took dmner With hIS not IOber at any tIme during biB ennephe~. He.rr/ McGinnis. . tire visit to the town and tha.t when Mrs. Lydia Pine and Mrs. Allee he arrived on Wednesday n~&'ht ~e




T.eo!ay to ."...d th' 0 J"".ey. . the WIlII.m. hom.. . Me",,,. W. fl. All.. ""d J. o. M,. Eth ... ""d M... Ed.. Meo!.m .. J ,".1. ...mb. M.Uld. Wed ••.,., .ight h. . .g.ged m a Ca rlwri ll hl t ransacted business at Bur&,e9S. Emrick and Cassie Cox we"e Dayton quarrel wit.h his wife during whIch t he co unty seat Tu esday. Mrs . Ethel Reeder and baby, shoppers on Monday. it is said that he beat her Harry Brown and " Itlsm Car., and then retired. He left the WJi. Su~an. the eight,"ear·old daugh- of Clarksvil.1e, Qhio, !lpent last week "A days Iiams home about4 o' cI'ock on Th urs . J W mony left on Thursday t" .' """n. t ~r S ~ of I\'r. l ",'nd Mrs. Lincoln Sides, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. m. trip to Jacksonville and'' t • A u&,u. day moming. andh when e re t u rned (J uite ill with tvphoid fever. Thompson. tiBe, Fla. . about 7 o'clock he had a sh~t gun




O'Neall farm, after a series 0 quarrels and a prolong-erl d runk, k Th rSd y ed suicide about 10 o'cloc u a


~~nia, ~as


fS~~ial Events

On the fourth page of this paper + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... will be found an ad containing Fred'e Cash Producing Sale from February Mr. and Mr~. J oe Hawke. who 3rd to 17th. Read it carefully f~r contemplate . leavi ng the ~a r m ~oon~ there are bargains to be had at thiS gave an !:!llJoyable fam ily chnne I sale. Su nday . f he R' uests were. Mr. am The counters of this large store , Mrs J . M. Kevg. Mr. and Mr~. are crowded with goods that must Cha..,. Hawk!:!. M r . and Mrs. John go ata small price to make ..oom for Hawkp. Mr . anrt Yl nl ~eo. Hawke, the large stock of the coming se8.'Ion Mrs. Jesse Sea rs, MI ~~eg Do nna, You will be the loser if you don't Emma am i Ht'len Hawke. Messrs. attend this big sale . Warren Ke)8. Donald and :~I:!d - - - - -- Hawke, MastE:! IB Carl Sears an oe Zentmeye r. PROTRACTED MEETINO -- - +-. h M E h rch The services at t e . . c u ATTEMPTED SUICIDE are still at the hillheat pitch, . and Fred who lives on ht f the

Decflmber 29, 1911. in the Goldsberry case. TI R v Ernst recto r of Christ F. J. Sn()ok has been spendinjt' Mr. Leppert and hIS bride are ac· • - • chu:: h. the g uest of several days in Indiana where he has eompliehed musicians and are memo Sprl ng Valley I{ev . J . F, Cadwallader Tuesday. been looking over his new canDing bere ot the Alolia Theatre orchestra interests. in this city. Mr. Leppertisthe pian· Mrs. Jennie Flammer returned last Frank Hamilton. of Lebanon, was I iat and enjoys an extenaive acquaint· week from a visit in Lima. in town Tuesday, calling on his par· It was reported Monday the anee and hllII tau&,ht a great number Mr:" Henry Walton is slowly im· ents. Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton. Cross Brothers had BOld thetr .f piano pupill in Eu&,en. and anum provmg. .. of Hardware and Implements Th18 ber of smaller towns throughout the Prof. Randall while on hiS to Mrs. Veda Haines, of J amestown, is not so, as they are preparin&, for valley. He has Ilained quite a repu school no.on fell on the Ice se- , was the weekend guest of her a largttr trade this year than ever. tation as a pianist and teacher and verely cutting hiS nose. . . er. Mr. Thad Zimmerman and faml· I'''' baa studied in leveral of the best The teachers of village attend Iy . . Dr. H. Q. Alexanaer,wife and ed the ,faneral of Prof. GoX:. -Thursd home little IOn Drue, of Dayton, Ohio, eoDlerYatodlltitt the Eat.t. 1 Both Mr. Leppert and wife are day. . Mrs. yR. A. returne n Messrs. S. E. and F. M. Alexander, from Ohio, he movin&, to Ore&,on Mr.Otho Moore able to be out I Mond,a . . t of Middletown. spent Sunday at the --;- from Tippecanoe City six years qo. after several weeks, llIness. . week a With relatiVes In Cmcln- home of their mother, Mrs. A. J. lin. Leppert is a former resident of J. Lei&'h Harper IS very , Sick hav· nali. I Alexander. Wayfteaville. having moved West iog suffered the second stroke of Mrs. J esse Sears and little ' son , . three ,ears ago. The couple will paralysis. . . , . ,. entme er of ChiSeveral of. our citizens had bad make their residence In Eugt:ne ' A number of of MISS Ma.'ltE'l . ,ZMr J oe falls on th e icy pavements Tuesday. where both have an en&,agement. Anabee &,ave a al c \ ,,,,Ling . I J. A. Funkey fell in front of H. P. ----. - on her 16th blrtbday . slJellt I HlI" !-e. : Keys' residence, and was badly shako the playIng varIOus games Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hamilton , en up. Wm. Sherwood went to his B and pulhng taffy. and Mrs. Sam!. Monfort, of Lebanon, assistance .. am! fell, and while Jos. AnnOhio, LiddvOctober was born15,in 1831, Ilt· Mr.t Barrett. was Mrs the attended the funeral of Mrs. M. C. Hormell went to assist them, he. also lerMal'1 county I of Kansas. f Mr and I gues severa aYti o . . T.: Idy Saturday. took a tumble y Ann Newt . Moore. died January 25,1912. . d Mr. Emanuel Copsey is on th e SIck ller maiden name was .Mar




Tu ayon usmess. many are going forward every mg . Rev. SWP.Ht. of Franklin. is assisting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pratt were in f f b' Rev. Grauser, in the work or a ew Leb""o. 0. I••al d.". Miss Luella Fomorin spent S un-The .son .a servl'ce at every session day at her home in Clermon t coun. is fine, and the choir is filled every ty. ' night.

~::n;i~~ea 11~~~ c:::~y :eha:f:~ ~ale'

7 ~ ~o


...............-..... ....._.. ..

.I t C. T. Hawke waa in Dayton Thurs. W. 11. AIl LII \\'; \,; in Cinci nnatI as day. week.


the hand lome salary of $28 a month ~e(1 lar&,e PTolltlers. I ed P 'ncipal J Lee a mage and Clarence He has been emp OJ I rl . d I\ lien spent sUnday afternoon '\ ilh I. the I"'" Hi.h Sohoo ." .. E Thom",..n .nd wif,. of twenty-five-yeara, and 10 t at tlmp. . 'M 'M Terry and L'ln Bran· - Don . an d' WI'fe, H . C. A'tkinson and has shown bT himMlf dto be an merits educator of a I te'''' "" m...,. . wife ••d Trum•• W.rniow ' " d, I. · ""I .. to the Q... t"l, m"".g. Xen,. ...t • Miss Garnet Edwards is confined Mias Elsie Zell, dau&'hter of Mr. LO her home with a severe cold. and Mrs. Thos. Zell, and Mr. Harry K. E. Thompson. M. M Terry d d . LepPtlrt, both of Eu&,ene, Orea-. d on.f and A. S. Allen allen e court 111d were married at the piano rtu 100 Dayton last week being Mr. Leppert at 56 E. 11th street, on there by t.he city of Dayton to testIfy


L..................... ............ _ .................. _.........................

I ted Thursday on bU sincs;:!. with the schools allO proha.bly qua i· IS still on the g rand fiea him better than anyone el!!e to k of the late jury at Lebanon . Mr . and Mr!l. Gordun Joy were . h t t • .... wo' . W. M. Tm, ,..t 0"' of hi. Doyt"•• I, leo" Cd'.,. P f G h h been teaching cows one d a y last week . Th Bupenntenllent. ro. ra am as h b L D Chiles will hold his public SI. Mary 's (;ui ld will meet urs· on 'Saturday February 10, 1912. day afte rnoon at the rectory.



JANUARY 51, 11l12.

1····················.. ·· ....···· .... ····.. ·····•.... •• ..•··•·· ...••- •...•..• ~......................_,





~h r~.very.

".ettl.~· .,d

D""". .;'Ito" .n I'



So T 0 thisunionwere .. grand. lay. E R Randolph and IOn, Ive. .._ ••_ __ IfW8 to 0 h nne. ress at the M. P. c h urc h con- e ral grandchildren and great Ed Shanahan, of We II man, h ad Mrs born five dau&,h.t,en .and one sen. ducted by the pastor Rev. Spahr h 'ld who have the sympathy of a valuable horse stolen Thursday Stacy Lamb, of Dayton, 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 SOCIAL Her '!"wted .. R9th o. V. I. d .... Frid", of f.;""d.. trom hi, amble. Th. ,hl.f. 'pe.t Su.d" at thel. I...""tal hom. Th. 7 ",,1.1 .t the M...'" - 1"'8011 •edlI> d,ed at MU ...h.... M•. and M... Philip H.wk. 'p'nt Th. th...., ..,.old aon of J ... 1 w•• t to 'h. b.rn of Fnmk H.,."""k. Lytl. w.. w.1l .............Ii. Room. Tu,,",a, ••enl.. by the Tenn., 10 1863. In 186! she. mam Sunday with her parents.. Sh b gh died Monday morning. I and took a saddle and bridle. ton on Saturday. The attractIOn Christian Church, was a 8uccess lIi,baal Liddy. T. th...."n MI.....'" Book... of D"too. 0 the little f.ll.w p.lled Sh • .;W F.anK F".. w.. p.t upon bei •• tho g .." Co ..I....." way. Th. .niq•• w., ltorn .. \I tho was the of Kas· a of 'boiling water over on track and thro:gh At a preliminary meetmr;. of to· which it was conducted, and the 7. s Early 10 hfe ahe JOined the per King anll farmly. . . h' If scalding himself badly mton c:ounty, e aVlng een bacco growers held at Lytle on Sat- that were connected with it made It odist church at four Mr. and Mrs. Ray and son Hnse, _ _ _ seen at Sabina. urday evenin&" arranl(ements were not only historical but instructive. She bu an. for spent S:mday in Xenia· ___ made for a mass meeting to After a brief but &,ood program, yeal'l, dunn&' wh1ch she Willi 'the fifth number of the lecture HOW WILL IT 8E SETTLED on Wednesday eveningatwnlchtmle the lunch was served-7 different patl..t and th.......h "'...... I,.,u.. b, Fred .E...? l!a. Rw. I. N. M, Kon,i.·, ho". i.."o. will be perl",'ed f.. thl.....nd a joll, tim. .... b, an her afliicboD: . . ker will be Tuesday night 10 the The officials of the village 'Jf Bell· not stolen as mentioneti in the Ga- the purpose uf handlin&, and those who attended. The receipts Sh61 wu a . faithful Wife, a lovmg Town Hall. brook are rather unusual Izettc. It was found Ilt ebas. Pope's in&' the so called "trash tobacco; were over $20. motller and loved by 1111 who kne,w Rev. Hershey will begin protract- dilemma which Will land i having gotten out of the stable and a machine having already been or__ ••_ __ her. ed services Sunday, February 6th them in court bp.fore It IS settled .. strayed away. '. dered SHE MAY NOT WEAR JEWELRY SheleavlIII to moum for her. a hus He will be assIsted by an evangelist At the last election six members of .. _ . ' . • _ ••_ __

~ '~i::~i.d.



lw~ lO~ns.

a~\~~.~ ~u~et

r;u~t ove~.Sunliay Km~

O~io W8I~.Ch~ter, ~n mv~hd .tl~~ ~n"'mp"'m""




~Jed CC?1D~rum


ofth~ 1. '''=:'~:=::. n.;t.n n~nlng co~ cro~~!: bad~ · innl~·: by ~. . 'i- ~~tOf taf.,. , . • 1~t. ..,~ '~'"f 'i. ~ l'b~:..~dun't~~o! cbJ·~,"",L.

It II ctaImoli halo d....-orln.

t.rt'h='"""! no......... ' Budlngto. " I. h.. n.leo. who t flO 000 000,. . falling down f"!""" 0 ; , . : ..•... '. ... White ..... , . .; \ ' ; 'wed" 'SuQlCnlle,fd, • . 'I... ' . tb• ... ,-' .... ·GII e&t .. . WM_ • ~_. ~ 'J't _141)4 ,t , :(; . , .. ~ . '".




,~ "~~



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~n '~

~e ~eld

band, dauehter, three SOIlS, foudr from Cincinnati. i'1'Ilndchi~n and ei&'ht greatgran • -. h New BurHngton c I'ld reno . h "She is at refit on heaven's brig t plain. . J . R. Leach an .Id resident of our Where ahe never from friends wJlI neighborhood. now a residen.t of be parted &pin." Wilmin&'ton was among old fnends ' here last week . CARD OF , 'HANKS WIIII'II Marshall ha.q moved on the purchased of Mrs We deaire to extend our than k t 0 farm he those who were 80 kind to us Oliver Whitson. ., the aickneu and death of our Wife Howard Carr was a witness In and mother. Squire Craig's court at Oakland M, C. Liddy ·and Chi1drell. several days last week. - - -••.- • The Women's Foreign Missionary W ON CORN CROP'S FOE Society of the Friends Church met at the home of Mrs. Chas Mendenhall ; , The state agrieultura) experiment· on Saturday. "station at Wooster today applied Mrs. H. E. spent several to the date emeraenq board for days last week with her daughter, to wace .,... ....Inst tbtlworm Mrs. Garfield Petersoa of near Xenia. ot eobrot, Mi811 Blessin&" proprietress



f~cing ~

~ durl~&'

~nd 'S~ley



w" "" .....



the village council were elected. One of the six successful candidates, Henry Weller, proved to beh" inelilri·t ble for the reagon that he a.. no been a resident of Bellbroo1k a suffit'ient length !)f time. n IS place Mayor Watson appointed Chas. Wr;j1ht, who was defeated for reelectl'on as councilman. The Mayor holds that the fact that y/ellpr is in· eligible doeS not create a vacancy 10 thE' council and that Wright has a right to the position, he having the largest number of votes of the three or four defeated for council. Members of hold that there is a vaCllncyand clal.m the right to select the man to fill It . As yet no agreement haa been reached in the matter. • _ •




Spring Branch


Wayne:sville has fallen into line with the other offices in the county, and has 8o!Cured the Postal Savings Bank . . bank wiJI be open for busine!l8 ' February 21st. The hours will be Iliom 8 B. m. to 6 p . m . Now who will be the first to deposit their money into the new bank?


- - - --



COli~SE •

WilbUir L. Y. Davis, who was on the Lecture Course for last week at Scho(\1 Hall, lectured on "The House Built," While the 9Ubwas very good, but a amall IIudlence was present.

~hat Jac~ J~t matte~ I •- • !



ST. MARY'S CH.URCI1 SeptulI&geeima Sunday. February

.,so .....

Mrs Cla~enceThompson ed hand Franyes ces Chenoweth return ome terciay haVing been calledMto side of their mother, .rs. '. Chenoweth, who seriouilly Sick but is now better. Mrs. H . C. Dakin has bee.. on the sick list. Mrs. Pearl Dakin and IOn Russel called on Mr". J. H. Chenoweth yes. terday. Mr. ClaJ'(lnceTflompsoncame from Wilmington Saturday and hiS wife and sister-in· law returned home after two-weeks with their mother Mrs. J. H. Chenoweth. . Mr , Jesse Hess and Miss EIII.e Smith aprung' a surprise on their friends and slipped oft to Kentucky in DeceIIlber anel were unitec!in mar-

th~ b~-



Prince •• Mary la Fond of It but Mllat Eachew It URtll She Ie aev.nteen.

Though Princess Mary Is very fond of jewelry ahe Is not allowed to Wear anT Orn&IIulnt except a string or tect17 matched pearls on state.occa. 81ou. and a little gold cbatn and locket which contains a piece of white peule were her home motber'lIcircle: gift to The her heatber in tbe at the time at the coronatlOll, 'and tbe locket wall presented to her tbe Prtnee of Walea, who bo1lcht It whell he wu at CoweR for the reptta Mary hu kit It be undentood QlIeen that no I. to gin Prine... Mary jewelry of anT .ort till Ibe Ie 17, anel berore tbe rOTal lett for the Durbar the queen repeate4 her wlehN hu oonfeued tG lOme of tbe ladle. of the oourt that lb. . doetl Dot 'mlnd not having rlDp and




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=--~:..~,;=.c. ~.,£~~+.~

WILL PII.EACH AT WHITE BRICK 4th SUn.... Sobool at .1_. Their tri........v. them.. : - . : ; B.a'. Elbert RuaseU. preold.... of ..,;.... and . a.lf. Comm.nlon .t .Id.tuhioned _glut week. • .......,...w .........

will~preach at the 10:80: Evenin. ~e'r and sermon at

In~tid to " ' ,- SnUth t_-, Iv.meetiQ&'. February ·19tb·anciUth. ~~.: . ~ '... . . . . recent.,. Earlham College,


Wlrit. M'il''''.'''h.tthe\.Qu.....r· 1. m' II'...... ;J


.' , .



MiSBell Alice Cheno",etb


~ ;:.,:;.:.~~~~~

Ie 1T abe hope. a eet 1fID'1H!

• .... U _




The Miami GazettE ! ME~T Publ isher. :::: . L . CRANE.


te: __

- . --


U1l 1l '

- --






If a .... orkl'.;n n In a factory In MIspou rl 1:('\8 rllq;-h. In .. mac blne and

10ff's nn nrm , he rnny e Uf for dam · II" P~. tl rin!: a lawye r 0: n per ce ntH~ e b" ,. ls In I htl co ~ rs(' o f yt' IHS be m a l'

Steak Wh t~1l Pro~ e r l y Done Should Be Well .Browned On the Outsid e and Juicy and Pi nk Inside - Methods Described ,


" E.'" i lc t, ~ : ~~s 11le K a n sns City T h .. 1110nl' Y thnt ti tt :l~ly comes In hllll Is "nil' n fra(' tlon of t he Atnouni


.rodtc:tous Use of Fcrt1l1~et"s In Rotation Systems. Whereby Hu.mus Supply Has Been Kept Up Has B~ cn MeaDS o! Mak!nSlr Many Eastern Forms Pay Good Returns- Methods oC Cult.u.rC.


~I., r

l\\\nrll .·, 1.


M '~

tl,., ('nllriS n ra , :, "~"d \\ II b Iw r,o llal InJuf) case R II ti lt' s:"t" of \\·" .. I"Il ~ ton ~Ir J A l! nnfe ld . pr ,hlt ' at of thl' publ ic IlIll , Itll'A n\n llll l ~"I() Il . · poluts out , til e In jur~d "nrk r:1 an Is al onco pai d a <) ,' tlnl lo S"UI o" t of Ii funu coll el·ted by Ih e Sl ll lS li e nCe l!s flO lawyer II I' ge ls nil rhcre Is cu mlng to him nnd lJ e get s II "' Ilhout de la y. T bal Is th e rl'Mu lt or Ihe Washlnglo n work men 's ('oIT.Ilf'lI sall ou nc t. wh ic h wae lilgned la8t March . Incidental ly, It Is TI' rre~ blnl!o III noll' t h e oplulon of th e ' Vas hl ng1!lll s uprem e cou rt In s ll6tal n· Ing ' he a.·t n fip r th ..! "ew York c ourt or appeals hnd h(' ld u so mewhat s lm· 110 1 IRW IIIH·onslltu tl onnl. TI'e opl o Io n. wrItt e n by Ju dgo F'ullerto n. CO li ' " Io prs th e ~ e w York decis io n li nd fla ys : "!'IiOl wlth sta nd 'ng t he der ls lnn com es from t he hlgll est cou rt o f tbe firs t stnt c In the l; nlon and I, sup. ported by I he mos t perBua s i,'c arg1I ' men !. we bu,'e fl a t bct'll able tn yield o ur consen t to th e vi ews t here tak· en . M ~a l ,,\ hllc


\ ,



-- ~

r e ad


UST buuks di e yo",,/!, . ~l"n y

book. are d end alre ndy wh un Ih ey nr e born . Tb cr e I ~ no d em an!l lo r th e m Tb!'!, ('ontain noUll n ~ tII ~ 1 me n w" nt , Tbt' " nre nO l

T' bey maKe no t mpre ssh lll e vel1

o n ttl e

cO mmunity wh ere th ey nre They nre 111(e a leath e r which lI ulte ru tb roue- b the aIr Rn ll no o ne 111'ar t; It ll a8~. nn ll no alit! know H Wh e n or wb e re II faits. So me boo ks l'OUlI) Into t.lle worlll with a g rea l flourish of trumpets . Th ey liro hig bly commended by reo Fig, 1_A Smoothing H~rrow for UIIO I mmedlatoly After Pl owi ng a nd to Bo vl(>w(' rll und CI'llltS They leap Inlo Followed by the Pulverizing Harrow. prom in ence III tbo Ilternry world at u ~ Ingl c boun d . They crcnl e a se u · The maintenance of prod u('t\ \'0 so llB roller sbould h ' .f oi low(>d wit h 11 II g~ t sutl on for n li m e nn ct are th o talk or and profitable fan ning on th e hl g b- hurrow to prev('ut ,' va p"ra lin n. Practica lly nil of th o lI a lu ynl'(l n):I But u fte r a le w years rr lced lunds In th o easl"rll scc tlo" nr lh" demnnd ror th e m d c('l in"s . thcy llio country Is duo lill'!(e ly to t he Inl l! l- nure IB npllllt'd 10 th o ,'or: ' , 1'0 1' . Th" lil y 1'. ln J;<' ~ ~llIwly di e, ami arc tioon ou t of Prill t. lige nt UHe of comm ercia l fNllll ze rs. rat e of o ppllr-n ti lln A l e w i.Jooll s bU\'e IIv"d tbrougtl mnny Til ls s tl\ ll' ml' nt do e~ not U '('lIll li nn r e - from t en t o 11(( 0(' 11 t Oil,' I'. r :l Tl' , ",' !;Pll cra tll,n . Th e Ili ad o f Homer, th e haD ee on fe nlllze r 3 uloll c has b,'n n th o j,,' ncl ln g u pon Ihe 1l\,lll!~ Ldl.l ~ lIp il l y. hl ,tory of Il erodotus. and th e Ilepub- men ns of maintain in,; hl g'lt crall yi eld. On e ti U CCUS~ lul fllrlll f.-l r, \\ !Hl ~e ttt · ltI~ Of Pl uto , th e, orat Io ns and ess a,ys or but t hat the judlc luus use of fertilizers r lcl cl 7G to 80 b ll Hlll' ls l,r curn \0 t ho Ci ce r o , writt en th oO!;u nds or year. !n rotation s ys te m s, where b y th o h,, · :l ert), n ev er 1)I U\\f; ulld ~ r l!l : t nUt(' e \' l' " ago, s till liv e. Tbey co nt a in 80methinK mus Ru p ply of th e 3011 h:l ~ b ee n l;tend· o n s od, but sp re:t!l ~: it III 11lv "jl rln~ wbl eb men want and will not wllllug· Ill' malt ,t Illed . ha s bp " n tb (' m eans ( If li ft er plowing a t,ll dl l< l; b a~row s It 11 11 Iy pt' rrult to lIcr ls h. keelll n e- the fa rm lau ds 60 produ ctly c. uer. 'Vh "n t en or nlorC' t en:; o f \.Iannl' .1 But tb e BI b le, wbl ch Is oue of t he Plowin g for corn or a t he r early Old es t tOOk!! In the world, Is the mo,; t s pring ('rops us ually b egins UOOll 1 nre ftlll.llled to t b,' Hcrl', ll! 'J~ t r:HIIII 'r , I vi goro us hool; on th e glObe. Many Murcb 20. or ns e:trly os the weatilc i' in thl R section cu nchl"r It Ulll let.:< .. · elTona bave been ma de to kill II. It and soli conditions will permi t. The !lar y to apply rO lllOwrrl:1I II T I III I:,.r Crusades for a natural flower h as been hurn ed. s but up In prI s on, ohicc t of plowing early Is to nll ow tho e xcept on v ery poor la l.ll 0 1' 'II' lH " ~I ' come. gro,,·. fade and d e van as regubound with c Unlns. pelted with rbe- ~cl1 to be tboroughly compact ~t.I by cum folloW8 corn. ' ....·bp l'o le r llil-or I ' la rly a nd os sweetly as tb e flowers \.<>rlc and logic and eloquence nnd tiprlng ruins BO tba t the sad 01' s tuh. tll'led for corn, n few farr llc ril ro llo\\' thelllBelv6s. VJb erefore we do not rIdi cule. AgaIn and again Its en e- blo turned und er may d ecay reudll y Ihe (lractice of applyln ~ tll thi s ('I' UII take wltb too great se rIousne ss the mles have pronounced It deall. Th ey nnd g ood capill a ry clrculatlon of Boll 300 to 500 poundH 01 rc rtlll M'r con tlli n. campaIgn said to bave been 6tnrted londly hoped tbat Inteillgent people mois ture become eBtabllsbed. Sod for Ing tbre e to four (ler c e n t .0 1' nl: roSI'II, would no longer read It. But It IIlIlI corn or potatOf1S Is plowed from s ix eig ht to ten pel' cen t. or pM Sl'h or .c to make lbe m'luntaln laurel blo&: IIHS . Its enem ies have perls hea., to nIne incheD d~p.Where the tOil soil ncld, and t e n pe r ce nt. of pUlIls lr . som tbe otllclol embklm of tbese Tb elr weapons hav e d ecaye d. !Jut tbe Is 8hallowe r thall t his It mas be deep- Otber farmers nllpear to bo j!;ettlng p:< UnIted States. Sut why, wben we are Hlbl e IIvea on. e ned by turnIng up one-ba lf to one goot! resultB wl t lt c.orn by npplylng a cbooBl ng Il national flower, do v.. e not Not aB IIlo work s or Homer ond In'c b or so of llubsul1 at each plow ing. fert l\lzer contaIn ing two to three pr r R.t least try to nnd one tbllt bas 80mll Pluto IlYe does tbe Hlble live . They Tbe field is rolled or planke d Imme dl- cent. of nitrogen. e igh t to ten p er (·e lll . famtllar connection witt Ollr dolly lire read only by a small cIrcle alely after plowing to leTel tbl.' soTl of available pbos l1horlc neld. nnd rour Ille ! The mountaIn Illurel campaign of admirers and students. Their for harrow ing and to prevent clod to six per cent. or Ilot.asb, OIIpeclallY remInds UII of tb e grocer wbo cam e lnflu~nce on tblB generation IS formation s. In stead of rolling many In' connection with on Ilpp lloatl on 01 Oven rOilltlng I. one method of cooking meat by application of dry heat. fee ble Indeed. nut the !:Ilble Is tbe tl\Tlner!; prefer 10 use a small . square l'Igbt or more tons of barnyard wn· downto wn and announced tha ' be bBd nalllAd hlB son Algernon. "Why." Tb.e metbodl of cooking meat by l ond coffee, a nd. th e r efor e, the brotl. most popular book In the world and I I cedlng or sn,oothl ng har row . 8uch 8S nure. Wbere eltber c rim son clon'r a sked bl s old t!alesmllll, ladly, "whJ appll callon of dry heat are brOiling., \ ha s Borne value a s a t:tlmulant, orten the mos t pote nt factor In modern 8 shown III F ig . 1. Th e field I.s th e n or balry vetch, or both , aro turnt'iJ don't Y6 give the poor kid a name h' pan brolllng, oven roastlneIn wbettlng t he appetite, but In cuses of tbougbt and civilization. Its enemies dIsk harrowed. lapping hair in order to under as green m an ure , tbe pract lco among succeBsful farm e rs who plnn t can get work wltb?" 8n uncovered pau or roa8t1ng se\'ere Illness s hould not be given un- bave not beeu aNe to kill It, time hall keep the Held level, erost' h ar rowing not destroyed It. and ad vonce or If nece s sary. until th e 8011 Is Hne and win ter cover crops fot' e-reen manu n ' befo re an open fire. Tbe steak less orde red by a phy sicia n. The di sk harrow Is fol. Indicates that as soocl yi eld s of cor n or It is commonly thot1Sbt tbat the learning and scl~ce naa not arrected pulverized d A d ' egusted poet !5 aulborlty COl lowed b y ... 8plke-tootbct! or other aTe obtained as frow an app llcollon of mny be broile d un er gas most expensive CUtll of m eat have tile Its InHuen ce. the ch~rgo that Ir 8 Mlltnn were IIv· ov e r glowing cnals, and if properly best flavor. but It Is frequ ently true Few hoks can survive transporta- smooth ing harrow . (Fig. 2.) The usa eig bt to ten tons or bllrny:ud Dl P- uun' Ing In Cblcago tod ay he would be a done w11l be well browned on the out- I t hat tbe e xt mctl ves are better de· tlon. They sho w s igns Of lite While l of tbe spike-tooth harrow 18 repent. Moreover, wbere the~e grecn mllnureo mute, Inglorlou, on~. Mogazlne ed· Iide and juicy and pink on the Inside. veloped In tbe mu scles whl cb have tb ey remain at borne wbere the Ot· cd 6 ,'ery ".,ek or teu days, eS1Jecially CTOPS Ilre r egu larly grown tbe nUroItors. this poet claims, look on poets A steak that Is gray a ll through will been used more and are In con se · mospbere Is congenIal. but carry after a ra,u, until the limo of plant· gen In tb e cCJmmerelal ferllllze r may tb em over th e seo. "{bere educatlonoi. In!!'. If the soil Is loose ftnd dry tbe be conslderobl y reduced, If not e ntire AI! space fillers and not lUI soul-tbrlll- not be juicy, because tbe protel ds dl B- Quence tougher. The use or dry h eat. l and political eondltlona are 1111· neld lI 110uld be rolled ngn.1n and tbe Iy omitted . erB, which, perhaps. may be oscrlbed solved In the juic es have all been wblch Is po ssi ble onl y with the tender .. socia rerent they wHher and die. They harde ned by the heat. er cuts. does te nd to de\'e lop, and be-· to the banerul Inft uence of a pork· Tho steak should be first seared on cau se of the ease of mastication thE! are like trees wblch wtll not endu ra packIng center on real poetr}" either side. to retain the julee, then fia\'o r Is more easlll' detected In thEI t.ransplantlng from one soli to anor.hremoved fartber from the flame 80 tender cuts. \Vhll e th e e xtrac tlve!1 er. But lhe Bible bas crnllsed all seaa An English minis ter lecturing In that the Inte rior wlll no t be over· are not nutrltiOll B, tbeir value as dl · and 011 continents: It bns overleapeCl Pblladelpblo declared that no lIucces.· cooked. Frequently It Is !{loro conve- gestive stimulanls must not be un· the boundarlell of all natlonB: It bo.s gone frow tBland to Islanll. from rul busIness man could be bonest. nlent to broil in a fryin g pan or skll· d e rrated . zone to zone; ane! everywhere It Is leI. In tbls case the pan s h ould be Tbts ossertlon Is properly denounced the s nme fre sh. vlgorou8, Jlvlng book . 'nol<lng h o t and may be rubb ed light. 08 e ntirely too sweeping. but our DrHTra nslation Is a 8eYere teat or the ' J wi th a bit or< fat to prevent Slick· Is b couslne are probably judging ou~ vltoll ty of 0 book. It Is almoBt 1m· lng. As soon as the meat iB brown ed buslnes8 condlLlons by what we have possIble for 0 book to carry with It on e ither side, tbe heat s hould be re been sayIng about our trusts. the vigor and fresbnesB of tbe orIgin - Fig. 2-Harrow for Smoothing and Leveling tho Soli Behind the Plow. duced. as In ordinary brolllng. It fat al Into a new language. Translated collects In tbe pan It should be pOllr· In case a part of all the. r ipe tlmb6lr . ..,. New York IB worrIed over tbe caBO ed orr. otberwlse the m eat wlll be on a woodlot Is to be cu t and the 101l~1 Into n foreign tongue, It leemB like nnother book. It bas 10llt Bome of on $50 lond would be equal to tbat 01 of a woman who goes nrouuc\ propOl, sauted ratber tban broiled and wIll cleared and placed under cultl\,atloll" the fragran ce and rlcbness of It. twenty acrell added to tile 160-arro Ing marrloge to every man sbe meete lose In Hovor. It may be d eslrahle to make a n esti- thought and fee\tng. Hut the Bible form , or $1,000; on $100 lu nd, It would A number of experiments In the mate of the o mollnt of limber on tho has been translated Into four bundred It sbe mere ly had lIome scheme wber.. b e $2 ,000. Th Is Is n low .estlmate; roasting of mellt were carried on at lund. The follOWing Is II slmvle aud by she could take bIll money (ram dlrrerent languages, and someUmeB fop the stock-cnrrylng Cllllaclty ot til .. the Unlverl!lty of illinOiS. and it wal! accurate rUle : under mOlt unfa'll'orahle condlUons. every man Bhe met New York would foued thllt for a tender cut the closed Measure the dlometer at breasl and stili It carrtes with tt Into every HaDy F ___ re TarDiDa' to H .... farm will ortl'n be In creased tully 2!i rot consider ber case remarkr.ble. per cent by the adding of n 81\0: Ao pan did not give 118 aatlBfactory reo heigh ; of all the merchantable tre es . language the sweet aavor of It. a.c.p~l. as BeDellceD' compared with Its producing villue, lIults. as far as Havor and uppear· Use an ordinary tope to get tbe cir. truth and lire. It tl a tree for all Soluttoa o~ Feecl the coet of constructing Ule allo Is Altbough tbe OY8t(;~ bas been freee! IInee were concern!!j1. and the lo sses cum(e,'ence and tilen divIde by 3, or climes, a message for all hellrts, a ProblelDo small. Round wooden slloll \~OBt from of tile typhoid Indictment tbere I!eflms were greater thnn where an open pan a regular dIameter tape or ('nllpenl song for all tongueB. a book ror aU $1.50 to $3 per ton Of capacity: tbose to be doubt In 80me cIrcles as to wall u8ed. The sarno principle of hl,b can be used. Square th e dIameter. people. "Tho gralls wltbereth. and (Dy GEORO}O; P. GROUT, M!nncBeta Unl. of stone, brick or cement. from $2 to beat al first tor searing and then u multiply the results by two and dl. . verally Farm.) wbetber It prefers to bo cbe" ed or tht> flower fadetb. but tbe wnrd or .t he lower heat to flnll!h the cooking ap' Vide by ten. Tile result ' w11l be th4' Lord endureth forever ." -Cbrts~laD It does not Jlay to devote highBwallowed whole. plies here, Illso_ If the fat sIde 18 number ot cubic feet of wood in tb4' Ad,-ocate. priced land, for long periods, to pasplaced uppermos t In the pan basting tree. Multiply the cublc feet conten't turago ond the vroductlon at hay. The 1 TlIe traveling men are trying t( wlll not be fO.\Uld necessary. It the by 8 and YOtI will bave the board feet land can be put to more profitable Our Portion, nbollsh the tipping e\' 11 In tbe hot~18 roast 14 lacking In fat. bInd a pice. or co ntent. The r eason for using 8 ralb. "All tblngB sre youra y• UBe. )n order, therefore, tbat dairying • ue t on the uppermost side. It would Beem Ihat tn stop tbe tip . The methods of cookIng by the ap. cr . than 12 Is that four Inches ha\'e ~o are Chrlst'a: and Christ I. Ood'a." - may continue proHtable. Instead of depending. aB In tbe past. wholly upon (lIng by stnJllllng the tl"s Is Ii perr ..ct· 11 ti it h t ar 8tewlng i be d educted for slabB nnd kerf. or. 1n 1 Cor. 3 : 21. 23. p ca on 0 f mo II ea e , otbe r words waste. Iy good way . bruising, Bteamlng, ete. By browning , He wbo la Chrtat'll. .nrveylng the tbe pasture for the chIef toad supply SUDJ)Ie. lnes.J)eDuve &Del Baa1J<' OJ)eraUC1 Fork Ea~taIly tbe meat first a good Havor IB proAnotber method that g.iVetl good re- wonders of creatioD. can lIay: "Glori· of thdr herd I. Dlany of our fal'mers .AclaJ)t.e4 ~or H_vy are turning toward the silo OB atrordduced and probably more of th e suits and .Is perhaps somewbat mar.; OUII tbnugh tbese things be, to me b&TuoBe ClnclnoRtI girls wbo, ae '1D Work. Ing a bc:neftcent soluUon ot the teed juices aro retained . In stewIng tbe conserv!ltive is thiS : longll that whlcb la more glorIous rar. experIment. lived on s even l·e ntl .. problem. It Is doubly beneficent In meat Is cut in smaller pieces and Is I Find the diameter at breast belghl day need not be surprIsed If tbey are served with the broth or ,.ra\·y 60 that nf 1111 merchantsble trees and aquaria The streams are preclou8, but I have that it not oDly does away wIth the A bale carrIer deVised by Edward tbe Fountaln; the vellture I. beautl· deluged wIth proposals of motrlm<ln1 none of the flavor and nutritive mate. the dlametcr as be fore. Then multli· ful. but the Wearer III mine; the por- neccsslty of devoting 60 much land to H . Boehme of Ronkin. Ill., i~ descrIbed from 8wolns of an econ(jrnlcal turn. rIal .... 111 be 10BL . In brn~Blng the mel\l ply by 3 and divide the result by 2: trait In It II every lineament II lovely, pasture ; but also. by mnklng available In the Scientific American all follows : A front presentation of 1\ brue carIs placed In a covered pan In the oven The rellult Is the number of board reet but that great Original WhOle belluty n chenp supply of succulent and hlghTbe flarontlss Molen of nerlln flu and s tea med in its OYJn jUice. A pot In the trees. Tbese rules are callen It feebly deplete Is my own. 'Ood I. ly·rellshed food all the year round. It rier patented by Mr, Boehme 111111,dei>rlyes 8tall-feedlng of some of its t rateB tblB article , and the Inventor'B Ft.artcd a "big·root" 80cl~ty . An, roost Is simllnr. except that it III cook.. the rule. of thumb and they are bas ed my portlon, the I.ord II my Inberlted In a kettle on lOP of the stove. upon many measureme nts and long· anee.' To m~ belongs aU actual and objectlonabl. featllres, while keeping object 18 to provldo a simple. Inexpen· wore statements tbat Berilli Ip tbe A small amount or water Is usually time experiments. If tbey are used , the milk flow at a blgber level. Our· sive and easily operated fork especlalr.blclIgo of Europe will be reg a rded 81 add ed In both caFes , and the meat on from 600 to 1.000 tre es they ar~ all poll81ble good. all created and un· log the past two or threo :years. more ly deBf~ned and adapted for lifting created beauty. all that eye batb seen Invldloue. m a y be floured an,l browned In smok. self'compensating, that Is, wher.e YOIl or Imagination conceiVed; and more 811011 bave been built than In all pre- material, such all hay. 8traw nnd tb~ Tbe more Ing fat betore the l\'Bter 18 added. Tho gel too much in one tree you '11'111 no; tban that, tor 'eye bath not leen. nor vlous years combined . A St. Paul clergyman decla res that te mperatur ll after tbe brownl ng pro- e-et enough In another. so the loss III ear . beard. neltber bave entered luto prosperous fanners are often supplied. I a preacher n eeds legs. lungs and cess Is finished mus t be low . This one will balance tbe gain In tbe othel'. the beart of man, the tblnKs whlcb not mcrely wit. one . but with two I!ver. He might hove Included brend, method mny be used with steak~' 1 An example l11ustratlng the use 01 Ood hath prepared for them tbat 10'11'. good silos, also, browning thoroughly. tben add- the rule: A tree Ie 25 Inches In d~l . hIm.''' The economIc value of this method t~alns nnd beers te ak. Ing a Hmall amount of water. covering ' ameter. The &Qullre of this 18 62Q', of handling feed being generally reclo Bely and cooking for a long time wh ic h multlplied hy 2 glvl.'s l,2fiO, and "I Will In No Wla. Cut Out." cognized. the oDly real obstacle to tbe The MInneapolis robber who threw over 0 slow nre. dIYlde" by 10 glveB 125 cubic feel:. I have preocbed bIll OOllpel DOW tor general Introduction of tbe silo seema R III ~ ty- year·()ld womon downlltalr. Unless tbe broth Is served with tbe ThIs multiplied by 8 gives 1,000 boarel many years, but I never met with.. to be tbe first COtlt of the structure would make a c errectlve a atone- mea6;\qulte a little of the nutritive feeL sinner yet that Cbrlst refuled to and of the machInery for filling ItWith the otber rule, taltlDg 626, the cleanse When he Came to him. I uevel More stock can be kept and Pl'oftt)lOundcr 8S a etBle prlBon could wllIL and ft ll\-orlng material may be lost, since Ibe. extractives. mLneral matter square (jf the diameter. and multiply. knew of a single cue ot a m:t.n wbo ably fed. per acre, when ensilage 18 and some of tbe proteid wlll dls80lve Ing hy 3, we get 1,875, and dividing trollted Jesu8, and uked to be for- grown, than by almost any other Women', umbrellall must matcb In water. "be scum which cover8 the tbls by 2 we bave the resnlt 937.5 thetr costumeB Is tb a fasblon edict lIurface of broth Is mOBtly made up of boaI'd feet. The second rule III mor.. gIven, conteBlllnr; hll IIln and fOHalr. method of feeding. Inl It. wbo was Cllt ouL I aay I The silo practically Incre38Cs the froOl London. But wt .at use Is a ~ob the dls solTed proteid wb,lch has been conser,\,atl"e thon the flrllt. never met oae mall wbom J.IU. re- producing capoclty of tb(, rarm at bled umbrella! bard..,ned by heat 118 are also the Bet. It Is well to remelllber that 12 COl.ltl fUled; nor aball J .ver do 10. I bav. lust 10 per ellnt. sod orten more, A \lings. In a clen; broth 'WII Icam and the logger or the lumberman about .pokeD with 4rulliumSI whom h. bal 160-acPe farm.., with· a alia will Ilrolluee A woman receIved $11,000 damaset III:lY solld partlclell are usually care- half the amount he sets for his IInlllll' -dell".red tram tbelr evil hahlt. and lit. muc6 -revenue as one of 180 aores " , . Carrier. for IDJurtea InClurred while leallck. fuU,. rem.o'll'ed before lervlng, 110 that ed ml\l _~~otfnet to ge~ lt logged ...I.PI~ wIth lDen pllty of foul IIlal wbo without. Therefore, tbe ftnt co.t-Gt Ulere Is little lett ID the broth but rua through _~e mill. So If be ,etre Som. aN wllling to die ""Ithout even lOme mIneraI' pIta , and the extrac. for hIli white 0I\It, Illy 76 cena' .pel ~ave ~ecom, !~~r• •~ ~~~~~ • . \'ro~~ a. ,1I1~O:;llke that of a dwelllng b~ulle, Uke, III ~1iu. whlch wiD ~rmlY hold. tbe -~ce of (SUr . Lord J\HUL. Tbel'.' a birn or ,a (eam'-llbould be conlllct- durlllg .1entloD aDd ~1lIl'PdrtatiOlli' a thInking of damasea. Uves. Th • •trong meaty fluor de. thousand, he pay. at leut 36 caatll bave aJ~,.. tol4 m. th,e am. ' at0r7 ared part of tho laUtal . IDYeitmellt; plnrallt7 lit balM. an\1. whicil ' mIlT be ' celvee many peoplo who Imagine be- for the CUtt!::'I, 10gg1!11 and mllllllr, . ~:I : toUCht ''''~ ':~f- ,ucl ~~ "eUd and, J~ ~II.'; capital Ie . Jlml~ed, It ' iI ' ,eaillJ:' iuu{ 'tii\Jckl, 'euPcecl "Ith an.,Ct' Tbe ' DeDver dns catcber ~&ya be', caws. o.f It that th.· brotlt I. nbutl.b· , ~ H: GOETZ; ; -1Il. .. b. hi~ " "ubed ••. llllal_ bloat, b.ttet W lJur... ·Jal'!D · imaJI.r by.· llr:n,~' Mm. till! baiel, ,~ r ~e.. _ b~u:en 2,OO() Um.II. ThI!.·• • reo tDA', Thne ellLracU,... are nlht4 to Colle,. of Alr!C1I1I\1re. QlUo Stat. . ~lI I . . . wiliter t~ ~D.t~iJllliI" per 'c.Jlt. J'lther tllan 'dfIPe!l'. wIth a. Can bOt be 411.D~ a&iW" ~:.ut• . . . . II.'. ....tanm. 10 ..olel. the Itlmll1at1a. l\Jb~ foun4 la t.. Our.raltT. .... 100, "i.~ pr04~DI .aJu. or &. Id~' " .PiUe4. .... , " IJtlbll ~ ll p d .











... .......







l<~ o w

Practical Fashions

not Ir he r eyes ar c light

A" I'II Unll1l0r ~ kl t·8 on darkes t nlch.t 1 OI"y kn ow th a t th ey a r~ dint


n.y. tery. Tn vain



surf ace. IIll e a t,.·ur TMt'rrl P1lI.~ to th e " lIk " n brim. A look or longing .... n.8 to s wim Wh l~'~r


" ocr

To make th eir hlthJ e n m eanlnK rll ' llr. th~lr

All worn ElIU] w f' D.r yl lli:e t o nl(~: .\nd thpn . n. ·sudll cnl y. my " II; It I Lllnd ed wtth " s mil e 8 0 brl!;ht. Throu gh ( o l d.-.d Htl ~ t s till m ay R l'e lily bride. my bride th,,1 I. to b,'


- Jam es Whit c omb



b7 Auociat.d Luen.ry "reuj

"What Iilttll e~ YOU hake so mu c h at I fancy ,"as pnBH II1~ '·,·e n no w a H II.8ktld JI101 es Hanson of hi s QUi c kly p.s It had com e. ~ O l 30. hoI\" wHo ns HI", Iltood looklog medlla tlv e· e V(!r. Iy lit tile :lrray of 1.les. coolll us nnd "The hn t nnd co nt nrf' ,..<'11 "no u;.:11 'T ulleMi which g ave tPstimony or her for one mo re w~ a r l n!l ." ~I 'II y ill" mornlng'll work.. ~ w e red . s lgnlfl eu lHl y. Ca refully ~ Ir . Ilun s on li rtcd hi ~ wlr' It WllS somo IIUle Ilmobl!fore ~lrs. lIull@on Ilul; worod; s he seemed to be Inl o th e carria ge 10 t a lic ti l l' r ide Uli ' ronsld e rlug wb<'thl:'r ~he woulll ~ uy r1 e r the £e mos t L;lllis ual .. lrc lIll'· whnt W IU\ In her mInd . s t1J.n oos . " YOII will need llll:m nil· durlnl~ " We'lI go fir s t no ll hun l 11\1 linn rhe n{!xt rew day s. J a mes : ' s he an . nab nnd sec If s he will r OIll l< I',I:' K 10 IIollu r'cd fllllllly . " F'or~ 1 aln going \\i.()rk." h e proposed . "Tllll cs ar e gohe nce tonight." fng to be be tl c r now ." be ad rlcd IHlne· "Golng hon(' o! ,. 1\1t·. Han son repea t- Iy . . i\1 rs . Han so n ~ mll c d l'l'spon sl ve l:,'.1 . "\Vba t in tbf\ world do you m('nn Rt the bettl!l' prO ~ I Ie (·t for the worlel b )' tbnL'!" " Ju8t what [ Bay . Jamog." ~lrR . I"'n- In gell e ral, but cOl1v eYt' d the Im prl's6 1011 lha t tlmc!!. good (,r bad. (' ould ~ on rf'ptle.1 with cOII"lnc lng finality . "I know tOI\.t tonight would be my nevel- asnln all'ec t he r pe rHonally . Aloutl 6he ~ a ld . " I thin ', JlJ y ~ o lf lust on ~ 1;0 I hav o thlnss nil ready 10 lpn\'e. The ro won 't be any too I11tl<' h th nt lIanna h would elo as w(' 1l for you as anyone; sb e kllOW~ th e wuys 00 haud with nil tbe relatives ('omIns. Yon IlUow whllt an 1111pellte of the hous ~ lind Is ho nest and fnlth ful." H .. nry n.'nadlcl alw a y" ha s." After th e y had ~ a Ll s ra c lorlJy nco "Mnry!" Gald Mr . HanBon. coming com\Jlhlhed lhls dom esti c l'rrund th e n('.arer to his ' wlfo and looking crltl · ride progrc6sed without furth e r Incl · ('ully at hor, "do you feel cold or In dent, whllo ~Ir . lia nson turtlvely a chlU!" Watched th e Quiet woman at hi s side . "No. not a bit ," the an s wer rame I! waB dusk when th e ~' reached homo ',almly . Rnd Mr. Hnnson. with lucrealling tear. "J!ot then 1" assisted Mary Into th e house. tben "No. nol hot elth('r. I feel re mark - lett her again just long enough to renbly we ll couaid l' rlul: what Is before turn the borse to the slllble nnd lea I'e me tonlgl.tL {lIo\'o the bedrooms word for Dr . .Jones to come to the I·'.mdy . too." ehe ndden, with satl sfac· Hansoll house that eve ning and be lion . "I haVe! made liP a bed In the pre paret! to /ltay all night. The Bub. •ms t room: I thought It would do well jeet of supper " 'as not hron ched . ~lr . ' ; lolIgh (ur lIoury ." Hanson made lights, whlC'h Instead of "Mary. Mary ~ What ails you'" cheering only reveal ed tbose dreadful broke in "..1'. Unn son, now thorough · preparations everywhere . . Iy arous oU to the awfulness of the The time dragged wearily until the nCCUlilon und wIth a long 109t look of ductor came. then James recited tbe t. onderueHs creeping over hiB' grim facta or the case and told of the fate · tACtI. "Do you menn to say tbat you ful end predicted by Mury . Dr. Jones really be llevo Ulnt YOII nre going to-- looked plIzzled nnd thoughtful . 1.0 die- tonight?" Mary lilY Quietly nnd comfortably "CerUllnl),," re~ponded Han- In ber bed, hut Mr. Hanson was now son, "I know Il " on the vergo of a collapse and necdf'd "Como. Mary, now, and slL Quie tly coustant rea ssuring, whlcb th e do ctor """" hlle I go after !Jr . .Joncs : he'll reno !illl'plied wltb a Ilallen ce ucc ulred ~on you out or this Illtd t ell you what through yenl's of experien ce . . a wrong itlea you bave In your Slowly t be hour!; dragged by . "Tbe nIght Ie not over ye t," ~'!sry would warn t!lCD' occaslollslly. and tbe clock ti cked on . FInally J a mes d e tected the first rav of i1ght In the eas tern hori zon. . " .'Iary~" he crie d joyfully . "The night Is (' \' e r and you are still he re!" "Why. so I tim!.' In appare nt Rur· prIse, "1l was such a stmnge Idea that 1 hat!. Ja mes ; It seemed to pa s· 6e" s me throtlgb and througb . Well, I had a real h" p(lY day ye ste rday, with the rid e and getling ready for company ." Dr. Jones ro se and started wenrlly for hOlu c. As tho door closed after him Mr. Hanson said tenderly: "Now yotl 110 sUli and rest , l\Iary. and by and by Hunnah will ' bring you up som e brenMuBt." Then he added. not without a pleased anticipation In his OWIJ voi ce . "And. Mary. I'\'e been thinking that perhall!! It would do you !looti If we went away for a little trip. I belie\'e that with the bouseworlt and mailing over the carpet and th e summer boarderB maybe you've overdono a little without realizing It." lie hurried away to send Hannah Ill' with the breakfast and left 1\lary looking nffectlonately arler him with n fi trlluge smile on her face. The n, "Maybe 1 didn't realize It and mlnti ." Mr, Hanson made blmself ready In baste. noticing meanwhile agaiu maybe I did," s he whispered oracolarly . I he air or prellDration that the whol e bouso presented. Upstnlrs on the He "Didn't Give a Whoop." be"t dl'csuer stood n huge bouquet of Wben the !l : 20 truln from Tarry· sweet POllS of Mary's own raising whIch breathed out a' Welcoming frll - town was drawing Into th e Grand Cen. grance. Tile entire elfect sent hlB t ral station Yesterday morning a pleashOlLrt to his thront and he hastened ant looking. Rquare-J.lw ed young man . who bad bee n studying a 8unday out with 8Jl.Xlety on his face. lit) Wlla gone only n few minutes. !lcbool lesson papel·, rose and followed hI s wife 10 tbo door. ,\ IJrusCJue. howove r . "Tbo doctor Iin't In, nor won't be sportlly ·drc ~s ell mun frO!:1 tbe Ba ine until ovenlng," he announced trem · up·rlver town BDW that tile wire hlld bllngb' . "How nre you reeling now, left her fur boa III Hie seat and, ficlzIll~ iI. be pu sh ed forwanl and tapped ~lal"Y!" "It's Just as well he wnsn't there. tlle y,, !; ng lIltlll on the shoulder. "Your Indy ha H lost som eWlng." be .Tamos,'· bla wife answered chee rfully . "Vou ltnow I'm not going till tonight, snit! . balding out the bOB . lie of tho square Jaw smil ed and allyway," "What \\'Qnld you say. Mary. to get- ttranl.etl tbe strange r. "Here 's an umbrella buck here, too." ting out (pr n ride! It·s a heantlful day ond it mlgbt do you good." Mr. some aile called. Hanson. suggested. at hIs wIts' end "Gee' thot's my umbrellu: bere. to!lS to Imow what to do next. it over," exclaImed the brusQlle one. "WbJ', I think that would be ver,. "Dy nil means don 't forget YOllr mI!· pleasant. We' might as wen make the breUa In tlolng 118 a kindness." laughed best of the time-Gnd I haven't been tho YOllng mall . beyond Main Itreet In more Ulan two "You betcher life 1 wonV' yenl'll." The car empded and some one Once more Mr. HanlIOn hurried out. tA(lped the brusque man aD the arm, this time to return with a comfortable "Very nice YOl\ng mon tbat. Did you _ \-ehlc1o. Theil foll2wed the · task or' .)mow wbo 1t was!" be aaked . bellling MU'T pt ~)',1fhlch he flllHNo, iUld r doo!t g1ve a wnoQJL'filled dutifully . ,.... "He was John D. ltocke1eller. J:-,"".our bOmlet 4oe1lD:& look ,ve~,wet.~ 111....' rork Worl.d . an'd yn:il:' coilt Im't "What itt Olillit "to. ~--...;-----be: you'd. better· .IIOme Dfiw 'tlinp J Not Yet. bUt . 800n. Wb;D ~ liM .uW JOoMq atoaitd. .. "Walter" ·...e )'oa U10~' tllo',,- 'w bo , . " n~,e." wt:th ': b" Y!J{~ .1,,11 ' of .• . mO. ' beUeve ID atioUlhin~ tip..!" '..' I, me;ta" llOH tbat liIal')'l..~ -rell, Ilr; b4!«IJullq. U&l weftla' 8il'."

A Fright. "Lady," mid Men IHl erlng Mike. "WOUld YOIl lend me n cake ot soap?" "Do you menn to lell m.. yOU want soap?" "Y cs ·m. Me pArtnsr'a got de hlccups an' I want to sca r e him ."

o n ce?"

5600 \\'hlle ve ry simpl e I n ouLi lno and cons t ruc tion lhla wul <l h,, " an or· nam e nta l t .. nt ure In the Side closing. whi ch call bo c losed In visibly. the o ut~Id e ha ying !'mall lJutt OIl S anel braid loops li B 6lJ~gl'st ed In th o illus tration Til e plai n s hi rl slee vo can a lsu be s hort(! ned to elbow le ngth Dnd a cut[ ndde d. Sn ll n. luessnlln e. fi gure d crepe. flunn el. nllll wlIHh male rlals can be Ilsed for thl a wai st. Th e PatlPrn (5606) Is cut In sil:es ~~ 10 42 In c hes bust measure. Medltllll size requires 3 ~ ya rds of 27 In c h mat e rlnl.


SIZE: . . .. . .. .. ..... ..

NAME , . . ..... ..

TOWN . .. . ... , ...

STATE , . ..... .. , . ......... . . ...... ... _. .. ___





~ r



< ~





The worst thing about tbIa la that the conlUmof the United State. have been compelled to put up the money through "hich thle combine• to further cinch them, baa been made effective. There wel'll fonnerly revenue dud. Impoeed upon aU coffee entering the United States. ThOll8 tax. were denounced . . an imposition upon the people; .. taxing the poor man'. breakfast table, and the like. The taxes were removed. Immediately thereafter Brazil imposed an ex rt du u n eoffee up to the full amount of t e onner CUB me taxes In thia country. The tevenue which formerly went into the treasury of the United States . . . dinrted to the treaaury of Bruil. The poor · DIaD'11 breakfast coffee continued to cost him the -ADl8 old price. Blllt this was only the commencement. The ''valorization'' plan was evolved in BraziL Thro\lgh thil plan the government, taing the revenuetl derived from the export duties for tho pur-poaea, takes all of the surplull crop in a eeason of large yields and holds it uff the market, thua keeping the lIupply down to the demands of the market and pennitting the planters to receive a much higher price than they would otherwiae bave done. The United States C»JlllUmea more Drazilian cof· fee than does the rest of the world. We are the be8t euatomerl of Brazil, and BruH buYI Uttl. from us. Now Brazil is promoting, financing and main,t aming. tTuat deaigned, and working elfeetlvely for the purpol8, to com I American con8UDMlrI to pay an exorb tant pnce for the co eo ther 11M. What fa tho remectyT-SMUlf PoM-I. c.lliglJK«'-NIID, lS, ltU.










STREET AND 1"0 . .. . .... ...... .. ... .... .



Before the Coffee Routers' Aa.leiadon; In aeeelon at ChlCiigO on Thul'llday, n.omu J. Webb, of Chl.c ago, cbtyfed that tltere i,. iD existence a eoffe41 combine W ICIl , "the mlNlt mona roWi poeltloin In the biltory of buman commerce." There fa very slight exaggeration about tbIa atatemlent. It comea very dOle to being literally tne. There" a coffee combine In BrazD. from which coUDtry comea the bulk of the coffee UlecI~ ID the United States, which fa backed by the goy.. erDJlleI/1t of Brazil and financed by it, which compela American conaumera, . . Mr, Webb wei. "to lamine pricea for coffee wheD DO famine

name a n d a d<lre •• plainly. and be \0 I:lve al •• and number or pAnern.



An Oppressive Trost.

To procure thlll J"utern st' nd 10 ~ent. to "Pattern De r nrtment ,' · ot thl. DJl~r .



Walking for NerveL The nerv es sulfe r trom want of pure oxygen . They run like a network all thro u~h the s kin aud when they au. o verwrought tile s kin Is apt to be dl')' and co lorless. WalkIng Is an excellent to nic tor tbe nerves . It gives them strength to control th e mHelvea . If one has means of leisure. there The Dog- II! thla a free con cert? are ple nty of oth er mora enjoyable exTbe ('al (pausing In bls contenled e rcis e". nut few forms are 10 ben&Llonolorue)-No, I get eo Lluch pur. flcla l as tbe regular dally Jaunt of tour or five miles for obtaining a good oxl on. Too Mu~h R«lInlng. "How was It that Gamps railed In bill bed-manufacturing bU8Inesl?" "He High Aim . got too much In Iympathy with the "Let us endeavor 80 to 11" 0 th a t business." "How could he do that?" r wh e n we come to die even the UI1d ...... "He lay down aD the job." La ker will be sorry."-Mnrk· TwaIn .

A Hold-Up



Th, 80y-Ttl, Olrl. H_Crime lIoemB ID a pretty 1_ way. ODly last week lome wom . . kIdnaped a baby-photograph. of It ta al\ tbe newspapeR. Sh_What did ahe take It for! H9-Notblng else to take, I suppo... I should have lhought myself that an1· body who kidnaped a baby would staal an earthquake 01' borrow an attack at Asiatic cholera. She-Flables are not so bad lUI all t hat. The only thing 1 have renl17 got against them Ie tbat It )'OU leave t bem long enough they crow up Into human beings.


Had to Put In Human lntereet. An old n~,l' vreac ber, eays tb e Atlanta Constilullon. ';8\'0 as his tellt: "De tree I~ known by Ita fruit, an' It's des Imposs lblo to Ih ..lre de pus sum down ." Arl er th e hl!n<!dl ctlon .u old brother .nld lo him : " I nev e r kn o""ed bero' dn l sl cb a tellt 11'117. In de Dible." "Well." admlttlltl the prear.her. "It .. ID't ge t do wn dat way. I throw ed In de possum to htt de Inte llige nce of my c OJlgrega ll on!"

MrsGJ Hanson's Presentment (Cop,riabt.


MI.1:aa1cen TtI,re. The phrenologis t was CIIIalnlnlnc the bumvs on &mbo'l head. "CuI'lolllty and aCQlIsltlYcness abD ll'mally largo." Gnmbo ro lled his eyeballl end .t.owell tw o ro ws at white Ivory. "Imltallv enens. ca8 \lallty nnd consclentlou 8 n es ~ s mall; wI! Ir.h w!th your weak mou t h Illdl eatell- '" "Doz: ' Yu be 8 0 sh u 'bout me habbin' a wea k mo uf. I kin crac k nut. In rua teef."

Quite a novel efTect Is obtained In tbls little frock by the use of tbe kimono shoulder In combination wltb a small yoke. The bodice Is nlso tucked In both front and back, while the eklrt III plaited all around. Plaid IUld check materials, plnln colors In serge and casbmero. with contrasting silk for the yoke will mako a naUy little dress In this style. The patt e rn (56081 Is cut In sizes 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Medium sIze requires 2~ yards of 50 Inch material. To


Ihls "sllern .""''' 10


to "Patt(lrn D ep artment." o f this papero I Write nam e "nil add res. plainly, nnd be .ur.· \0 clve 01.0 and number oC panera.

N'O. !i608.

SIZE ..... .. ... .. . .. .

NAME .. _...

TO"Vl' _... . . . . . . .. .. . .. _.... . ........ ..... . .. STFlEET AND NO . ...... . ...... ... _.. _.. STATE

The Man That Count•. "ncmeml;cr each of YOll that the chance for heroIc endeavor of a rath· er spectacular kind does Dot often count; lhat tho man who really counts In this life Is not the man wbo thlnb how well he could do some ble of heroism Itc he chance ·aroae .....!?)!t the Ulan who actually doea tbe humdrum, workaday, every-da)' duties all tholl8 4~U" IUIIlO,'·...:-Tbe04ore Rooaevelt.

J' ID E~rope the)' .dot ·tU~ _pillDtla .. ID art plleriu 117 means of air I" . nnp..

StandArd etatistiCll 01 the coffee tradl» .bow 8jlfalling off in sales during tho last. two yeai'll ef over two hundred mIl. 1100 poun&. Authenticated reportll from tb Postum factories in this city show a tremendoua increase in the sale of PUIlUul in e. like period of time. While tbe salell of Poetum invariably ebow marked increase year over year the' extraordinary deman~ for tbat ~eU­

known breakfast beverago during 1911 i. very likely duo to a public awakening to the oppremon 01 the coffee trust. Such an awakening naturally Wspoees tho multitude who suffer from the IH elleets of toffee drinking to be more receptive to knowledge of barm which 10 often comes as B result of the uae 0" the drug-beveraae, coffee.-BoUlf Homing NIU'-~ 19,19U.


POS is a pure food-drinK made of the field grains, with

a pleasing · flavour not unliJ:\e high grade Java


Wonderful Mackerel Catch. Tim COllUOes, be of th .. many jobs nntl ns plrarions 10 be u polls·man, Is being boomed for tlsh commissioner. says lh~ Chi cago Evenlllg Post. Tim clalm~ to hnve nsslsted In lho catcb Of ns many as 60,000 macll erel at ono clip. ."It·s this way," he says. In recital. "Ye eprel\d a great nit Bnd lower R lRInP light ed . The mackerel do be a curious lot and they swim up In great numbers to !ICe wbat tho dlvll tbe IIgbl Is tor. Lind me your (llu cll Now." eald TIm, jahblng a piece at pnpcr wIth tbo pencil point, "when they crowd around tbo light they etlck tbelr beads through tbe nit. The macke rel has little bltl of ears and getl caught by thlm. He can't raylease himself. not havlnr ann) hn·ands."

~~ ..rl~

A Big Package About


lbs. Costs 25 ctSIl At Grocers

E.conomy to one's purse is not the main reason fOlr using Postum. It is absolutely free from any harmful substa.nce. such as "caffeine" (the drug in coffee), to which so Irluch of the nervousness, biliousness and indigestion of today are due. Thousands of former coffee' drinl\ers now use Postum because they hnow from, experience the harm that coffee drinl\ing causes_ Boil it according to directions (that's easy) and it will become clear to you w.hy•

"T'here's . a -Reason" ll,~


Ljmited, 6aWe ' Creeh-• Cereal Compaq.y. : ~.

, .~


a:zz:s.' .., ' " ! ____________


&!2 ~




. .~ f , , - 31~ .. UIl s, s Izes .)'t , 00, v, Men ' s S' Dig Va lll es at $ ] .-,.00, I IO \\'



$3.50 On e lot Men's ' Gray LThll.:r Overcoats , vallie u p t o $7.50, no\\' . .. .

___________ • ______





__.m__I_- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



!2lE2_ _SS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~_ _ _ _ _ _"""~ \.

- - ----- - -

- - - --

ckan, hrief, ~ trai g ht, hOII ('s t, pl: lill s tatement of existi ng facts . ~omethiIl g ent in 'h ' IIC\\' an d different, lIulikc ;l1J\.· tl lil w" en:r kno wn ill Warren Coullty. Th e _ l:1r,~~.~t all~ . ~·i~ll'~~~l( l h(' ~ l ~ t c., c: s <.; uctd.Cllh·. (,ffC-fed a t t remendo u ' S:.1Cfiii cl'''' _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ ._


Broken Lot Men's Trousers, values up to $3.00, now .. .


95c One Lot Boys' Black Ulsters, splendid values at $15.00, now .. .... . · ·· · ·· · · ··· · .





The twentieth century methods of merchandising that characterize FRED'S CO-OPERATIVE STORE have established an invariable rule, viz.: "Never to carry goods over from one season to the ' next." The keY'note of this store's success is the giving of UNMATCHABLE VALUES and the ' showing of an almo~t endless variety . of st~es and kinds in all departments. The large Stock that this store always carries makes it especially attractive, and it ii THIS SAMEtLARGE STOCK that makes this sale necessary. COME EARL'Y~, bring your neighbors, buy for the whole familI' for the whole house, for now is your opportunity to buy while prices are sacrificed as they are in this CASH. PRODUCING SALE. Opening day of sale, Saturday, Febr.u ary 3rd. I

-----Clothing and Furnishings============ We have placed our entire stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings at a price that will lell them out and do it quick. Hart. Schaffner



Choice of any .uit in the house ....................... DO.OO and 25.00 suits ...... ........ ...... :................ 20.00 nits ....... - ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... ........ 15.00 .u!ts......... ......... ......... ......... .............. 10.00 BUtts......... ......... .................. ..............

Overcoats $26.00 overcoats, .ow ...................... ....... ...... 10.00 ancl25.oe overcoats, now .............. · ...... · 20.00 overeat... now .... ·.... ......... ..... .... ...... .. 15.00 o'fercoats, n.w......... ...... ... ... ..... ........ 10.00 overcoats, now......... ......... ......... ........

Trousers $16.75 $500 and 6.00 trousers, n.w ............................ $1.70 14.50 400 trousers, now...... ........ .......... ... ......... .... 2.75 12.75 3.00 trQusers. now ........ · .... ..... ...... ........ ....... 2.15 10.50 2.50 trouaers, now...... ..... ...... ...... ... .. ..... ...... 1.69 7.25 '1.50 corduroy vellts ... ................ .......... ... ......... 98c Overalls, blue denim. bib or plain 50c to 65e values 3ge ZOc Brownies ...... ... ........ .............. ................ .... 16e



dOt & an verco a s

$16.75 ' oy& UI 14.50 $8.60 valu!!s, now .......................................... $5.85 12.75 6.00 values,:, now .... ........ .... :.. .... ................... 3.75 10.50 10.00 valueS. now.. ... ............ .. .... ... ...... ......... 7.35 7.25 3.50 values. special .. ....... ......... .......... .... ...... 1.89

Mtlns and Boys ~Oe and 66e sweaters, now ...... .. · 35c $1.25 and 1.60 men's coat 8weaters .......... .. · .. .. · 79c Clewett and Monarch Shirts .................... ....... $1.11) $1.00 Monarch Shirts... ..... ..... .. .. ...... ... ......... .. . 75c One 101 of.76c and $1.00 shirts ....................... , 39c Soft or Stiff hats all colors ................. ............ $2.15 $2.50 values, .. ... ..... . ... . . ... ......... , . . . 1.69 One lot of Stiff and Soft Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Odds and ends Caps up to 50c values .. ..... .... .... DC 50e Caps.... .. .... .. ...... .. .... .. ... ....... .. .... ...... ... ..... 33c On~ lot of Boy's $150 Hats .. ....... ...... .............. 75c Chtldrens 75c Hats...... ......... ......... ... .. .. .. .. ...... 35c 2&c silk four in handll .................. ..... . ........ ...... ge $1.00 Wright'll Health UnCerwear, wool fleeced 6ge

White. red o~ blue handk.rchiefs...... ......... .. .... Boy's Shirts or Drawers ....................... · .. · ..... · Boy's fleececl Shirts or Drawers Boy's 35c Shirts or Drawers......... ...... ...... ...... Men's Royal Plush $1.60 Shirts or Drawers.. .. .. B ' 6"- U' S'ts oy s.... mon Ut .................................. .. Men's 15c Wool and C'.otton fleeced Sox............ 25e cotton Sox ...... ......... .......... .................... tOe Cotton Sox ............................................ SOc Work Shirts ........... "....................... ......... Cl!1 60 M ' WISh ' ts l' • .n s ~ 00 Ir ................................. . Extra heavy Fleeced ShIrts and Drawers .........

3c 39c 23c 89c


lIe 19c 7e S9c 96c



Freel'. determination to clear this surplus stock is so grfl2Lt that prices have been hammered unmercifully. READ!

Women's Departments One lot children's Cloaks former ptice $5 to 7.50 now ........................... ................ .. .. ..... On. lot l.dies' Short Coats, selling from $3.50 to 15, now...... ......... ...... ... ... ...... .. ... ... ..... Ladies' Caracul Coats (short) former prices $15 to ZIi, now ..................... ".... ........ ......... lAdies Plush Capes $6.50 to 15 values, now .. .... Ladiee' Cloth Capes $7.50 to 10 values, now· .... · Infant's Cloaks 2 to 5 years values up to $5, now 14dies' Silk Waists all colors values to $5, now.. Ladies' White Waists, values to $1. 50, now. ...... 16' Silk Petticoats, all colors, now. .......... ......... LMies' and Children'8 Sweaters ~ off Ladies' Cloaks values u, to $20, now...... ......... Ladies Suits selling: ~Iarly $16 to 18, now .. ·.. Ladies Suits selUng regularly from $20 to 25 ..... '--Slc-Bl1ack Petticoat. mercerized, 1l0W=-0-n ........... 60c Dresslns- Sacks, now ..... ·· ........ ·.... · .. · .. · ..... Fur Scarfs valuee up to $Hi, now ............ ......... SOc Phoenix Mufflers, now...... ............ ... ......... 17.50 Skirts black and colors, now......... ..... ..... $10 Ladies' Cloaks, now ........ · ........ ·.... .......... $12.00 and 1a.50 Ladles' Cloaks, now ...... ·· ....... $25 to 15 values Ladies' Cloaks, now .. · .. · ....... .... Ladies' and Mi8Sell' Suits that were ~llinjl; from $2.50 to 20, new......... .................. ...... ... SOc Table Damask extra quality per yard, how SUc Crash, now ...... ·.. ·.. ............ ...... ...... ...... ... $1 Calice Wrappers, now............ .................... 60c Facinators all colors, now ......... ......... ........ 26c Facinators all colors, now .. · ............... ........ $I Children'8 Rain Capes. all colors, now·........ .. Ladies' Kimonas 1$ and 2 values. 25,96 off lOe Linen Napkins fringed and plain, no...... · .... · lk Huck Towel and Damask, now ................. · 17lty 32 Huck Towel, now· .... · .... ·.. ·................ 10e Torehon Lace extraordinary quality per yard 15c embroideries, all width8 ... .... .... ............... 10 doz. Corset Covers, 60c and 35c values, now.. 35e and 25c Ladies' Riltbed Vests 'and Pants, now .6Oc Ladles' White and Cream Vests, Pants, now 20c Table Oil Cloth best quality white and colors




3.98 3.95 .98 1.98 2.98 .89 2.95 1.98 9.75 13.75 .69 .39 1 98 .19 3.98 5 98 7.95 16.76

Red Cross, Grover and M~y Manton-all leathers $4 .00 values, 3.50 values, 3.00 values, 2.50 values, 2.00 values, 1.50 value8, 1.25 values,

.06 .10 .05 .05 7Y.c .25 .tlJ

.39 .10

Goed unbleached muslin 7e values, now .. ·...... 6c 8Xc unbleached muslin, now ...... ·................ · 6Xc lOe Hope bleached muslin ............ ................. 7Y.c Good bleached mullin................................... 5c ac .pedal values...... ............ ...... ...... ...... ...... 6c 10e uld 1!c dreg gingham............ ............... 8Y.c

now ... ... ' . .... .... .. . , . . . $3.35 now .... .. ..... . . . ........ 2.95 now . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5& now . . .. . . .. . . ... . . ... . . . ,. 2.16 now. .... . .. . ... . . . .... . .. . 1.65 now . . . . ... . .. .. ...... . .. . . 1.10 now. ...... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .911

cmLDREN'S SHOES Budd's and Tappan's, in all leathers $1.60 values, now . . ... . .... ..... .... . .... $1.1, 1.25 values, now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9Se I 00 values, now .. , . .. ........ . ..... .. , . 85c 75c values, now, .. ... . . .. ...... .... , . .. 59c

Broken Lines in Ladies' Shoes Red Cross Shoes, $4 values, black or tan. now ... ... ..... ......... ..... . ......... $1.95 Red r:roSB and May Manton, patent and Vici, 4.00 values . ...... . ... . . . . ....... 2.48 Mill8f'8' Shoes, Budd'8 Ind Tapp~, in all leathers,2.50 values . . .. ..... . . . . .. .... 2.15 200 values ..... . ..... ..... .. . 1.69 1.50 values ...... . ..... . . . . . . . 1.19 1.25 values ..... . .. .. . . . .. .. . .98

Broken Lines in MI8le1 and Children's Shoes, One Fourth Off.

Buy Shoes for the whole family now while the prices are low. The values are great.

5 00 .39 4Y.c .79 .39 .19 1.98







Bostonian and Kaup, all leathen.

Pierce and Bellville

$5.00 Shoes, now ... ... ... ... . . ... . ... .. . $3.79 4.00 Shoes, now . . . . ........ . ....... .., 3.85 3.85 Shoes, now , .. ... ..... . . . .... . . ... , 2.95 3.00 Shoes, now .. . ...... .... . ........ .. 2.55 2.60 Sho88, now ........... . ... ... . .. . .. 2.16 2.00 Siloes, now ... ..... . .... . ... .. .. ... 1.55 Broken Linet of 4.00 and 5.00 ihoea, now .. 2.48 Broken Linea of 3,00 and 4.00 Shoes, now .. 1.98





15e gingham.. .... ......... ......... ......... ...... .... ..... Be percale, now............ ..... ....... ......... ......... .. Lancaster and Standard apron I'ingham........ Outing flannel worth fie, ROW ........................ 9-4 unbleachM sheetinl' ~d quality ........... 9-4 bleached meeting I(OOd quality...... .........





lIe 5e tic 3%c 7}{c 19c

$3,00 2.50 2.00 1.76 1.50

values, values, valu'es, values, valurs,

now ..... .... . , . . ... ... .. . . . $2.48 now ...... .. .. .... .. .... , . . . now ......... .. . . ... . ....... now ... . '" .......... .. .... . now .... ... . .. .... .. . .. . ....

Broken Lines, one-fourth off


American and Sampson blue, gray and black calico ................................................... '~c iOe to 76c dress goods ....·....................... -...... 29c $1.00 dress goods.................. ..... ..... .............. 69C San .i1k all colors.............................. ........... 8Xc




. , :reb",!?" eN to .17th. .. ~

$6.60 Library Tabl.., now .... · ...................... · .. 10 Library Tables, now ..................... ·.. ...... .. 10 Kitl'hen Cabinets...... ................. ...... ........ 15 Kitchen Cabinets ...................................... 22.50 Kitchen Cabinets .................................. 6.00 Willow Folding Go Carta......... ...... ......... ]2.60 and 15 Solid Oak Round Dining Tabl.. .. 6 and 7.50 Morris Chairs oak frame........ ... . .. . 16.60 Buffet, now ...... ·.................. ........ ....... 20 Buffet, now...... ............... ... ... ............ ...... 75c and 85c dininar chairs......... .. ...... ........ .... ... $2 oak Center Stands, now .., ...... ...... ...... ......... 17.60 Leathel' Tufted COueh.......................... Three piece Parlor Sets $23.60 ~alue... ............ 10c Towel RoUen ............ ...... ......... ...... .... .. ... lOO·piece !!emi porcelain Dinner Set value $17.60, -now ... ........................... : .......................... 42.piece Monogram Dinner Setll Chi. . $5, now.. Odd pieces fancy Cbina U off regular prices $10 Toilet Sets 12 pieces pink or blue ................. 7.50 Toilet Sets 12 pieces .......................... ....... 1.25 Bowl and Pitcher ............. .............. ....... .... 125 to 1.50 Velvet Rugs 27x54, now........ ....... 12.50 Brusaels Ruga 9x12. now...................... ... poc Ingrain Carpet per yard, now........ ............. .. 75e all Ingrllin Carpet, per yard, now ...... ........

$4.65 6.96

6.75 10.96 15.76 2.96 9.90 3.98 9.75 1'.76 .46 1.29 18.26 1'.85 .03 13,85 2.'iI \ $6.96

5.48 .98 .96

9.45 .48 .67

Ranges One leader $32.60 Ranl'e with reaervoir. . . .. $24.50 Two Peninsular $40 Ranges with reservoir ... , 42.76 Three Peninsu lar $50 Ran,_ with reservoir . .. 84.75 Malleable $60 Ranges lllrht or lett ....rvoir 50c

ana~~~rcltr!i~~ .S~nd.· oak' ancf miiii~~: 54:~

One $1.25 Umbrella Stand . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ... . . Irotl and Brass Beds entire line prices $4 to 20 One-fifth off.


~..~OP4l~1P.'___ W~


1.98 1.48 1.39 1.15

Second floor Bargains




Mearick's thread ................................... : .... BY.c Ie Cabinet of hairpins 6c ue, now......... ......... 3c Childrena petticoats..... ...... ............ ...... ........ 17c Ladies 15e 8tockinp............... ..................... lie

5c hooks and eyes black and white.......... .......






Coming Public Sales





Woekl y _o.~_w ...~_ n fl8 _v~_ e,_o~~o "..""."" ...........................................,.,.,.,...............,..."._"" ........................_ ............_...... ...,.·..,.·_...."""'..,.·v·"'."' .........._ .................,..,..___ ................-........ -,..-,.,.".................- - _......_ - -....-....,.. .... -,..-...........,"':'---....-."'."""."".....~......."'.....-.,.,............"...._ ..."',"'................................ : Undertaker - . MA IN



Common Pleas Court. Robert J. Ellhtt. udmini Mmtllr

ri.·11i I f) wn~hip, :fil1ud ot btlr consid . l'ru(lllIl S I 1\ j.! 1' IUU L Wlllln to Willillm B I \\' I'!IIoI1U IIl lind 1m U Ivel\bllum lot III !';Jlnn~ I''' ro , fl liOel utber , o08i,I I'r llll ll U!l ( 'IIICHIIIl,d,j, L() I;\u.n on & :-.I " f·t hern Ihll wtl.Y Co t tl C . L ' 1111 1 A . R,

"Kltruh A . EIIIIJtt filOlll'uiL 1l L{ lIlnHt th e Cla v,-hlnd, einoinn ltti, CllI r.,'I;" D, L. CltA NE, Ed itor and Manager & St L ou is R ,Lilwl\.v C" for "I O. llOO ___ _ __ _ ._ __ _____ _ _ dlll1ll1gll11 "lI el!'lOl{ thu.t hi:! Wif e w,~s kdledbVlltllowmu,.jllgfreigbttrnill Rates of Sub8cription through Ihe n eKlil,CllD Ce of the rlul Ono \'el1r (.(rlelly In odvlUlce) . .. , . .. . 1 1.00 , Single Copy .... . ...... . . . .. .00 roJlid coolpnny . ~. O . BIly lllS8 i!' b:lI~I".I'. llrop" rl v In L t'hullo ll $tWU - - .ttorney ior pilliotiff. A F ,' I", worl, Hud ~n ~"n "': Inwllrt Lourli L . •Ia(' ksou Fink fil lld !j \lit, 10,1 f H ,,~. ' J1. I :~V llt: rl1" t.j'~j'!i Rate8 of Advertising 1.'1 .. roO 6<' 'glllnBt Louis it. Fink for Lliy ol"(~e l',>t ri 'k t o A C. B,lY. ROf>dlna LoctolJo, por line . .. . . . . . n"ailloc Loco.l •. black. tactl. Il()r lIue . Ill<' "lIe"l011 tbll t h er bnsbl1n d is "uih .v ~()r ll , h j Ilc r t'~ . li' l oud o tu ~ r co tlsio., e " CltlMUled Ada. DO~ to "X~ li ve lIoell 1 0C of improper relatlon8 wi th Mllrl,lw e rtt.t inll~ . Three lwIo~ loWi ., . . . . , .. . . Obl~uarlllll. li ve lnebllll troo : over the E. William8 on varioull oco!lllilln~ WI 11 lit 11\ U "',HI to Cbllrl ell Miller, • IIlCbllll, per Une .. , .•..• . ,. , .• , oc -lnd tlla' be had been cruel VI hi ~,' lot in 1l'l'lIn k llll , * I ~!i O&rd at ~ht.nke. , .. • , , ............... . 20C T Ill! E III IIIIII I' I Il " tIlli n to 'I'li oma s A RllIOlu~loWl ....... . . , , . , , .... . . . , , .. , OOc uuder the Influe nce cf liquor . 8ocl.w. "I.e... hore Ch .....KO I. n1l1do ... . .. . 2!1c oo upl e Wf'rt, Illllrried N n vp nllJ,'r I ~ 1IIIIloi fI, ~"o\ ,,'''' '';4 ilJ Hltrllln t AdvutllllDIl per loeb , .. .. , , , . , . 10<: Lil lO tlo,111IIY6 " " /,! " I.1rt<.n . ~ I :\ ~ h'JI:lo1 ,IIHI ,.ther co n ~ id eratiollM . D\JIcoullLI Iv"" on contract. J .. nHR/l11 i~ 1111111"1 "- " tlO r 1)1~lnl dl :-i.or"h ~ Brnn t., ~;I ~ jl1h TI'ovilio Willi l tll 1·1 A' ,II' lIli 11 1.,01 "1I1I t . ' I III I , .I" h e V"X II n ll Li/I 'l E }!'ox VAl.LEY




THE PubIJ81led


JANUARY at , 11112,

" If ,lIJill

", U Ij

,V "ML."." Ullhll T ol l" . CIlI' 4i:!:l,:'UU t.l1l 1U "~I~ "

I{rllV" Co, HOW TO GIlAFT FRUIT TREES rb e pll1inliif Ii Vt' r tl I IIf~t" t eltl,.:r'I'" IllHd Ilt 8 ::W a . III. luld .... ~I!i(J J ttl I ) A. Metbodl of graftiDg and budding fruit 'ree.are de80rlbed in the J.n 1Iary numher of the AjfrlO1lltural Uollege Exten8\o~n Bulle'ln. pull. IIlh.,d by tile Ohio Hta'eUnlverelty The 'Itle of the bul1etlD 18 "Propa ,atlon of PlaDts" and It is wriUelJ by V. R. Davia, auillant protesllor ef hortiouUure. The lIuthor g\ves some very Interelltlng information ablJu' the growth of plants , A large --rt of the artlole i. takeu up In the dilleu.ion of graUing and budding. Among the vario . . lIinds of graft~

Job0 80 n, of Warren to n, W . V'l, and milking (Ul nppoi n.mrmt wit h 'he latter to meet him at ALi rlllU , ['ex lill , to clolle n 'and de ,.! Invo! V l1 '~ thOU Rtl nd~ of doll"rs Wn'" "n 'l!, !'fl llt until 5 p . m . Antrdlll be lj "Yln~ t u n I the me~8ai!Ce b il l.! been del1V1'rell .. ent to Adri on , Lut Johntlon di d b' U I 1 rI oot meel 1m, not IlV n g ( eoe v(' the mOllild ~e J ohnllo n a s It. r e!lul t , 0llJ8ed the dOl-I with ano t htlr mtl n J . B . Foraker and .Jud ge R . J Sh , whan are attorneys for the rlaiu tiff.

f,ltH IrI"'I~ 1U ~,d f' 1Il t""'flllbtp 11 11,"1 "Ili nr ('Or,~itlflr llil/"l" Frllll k I'll Jll1prvv""ll'flt ,';0 . to

i"Inrillnnll Ml1e ka,

lot In }!'rnlJkliu

tlsOO AifTl' ,l Hilum to HflDry Krflm .. , lot


~'rtl nkllll 12UO,

U ·!tlck :! m t,o e. C. J Hok!lon. .. 111 .~ I IIII1II. "ll tfJwl1~hip U and

I' .

tm ...

l'IIIISid,·l'IdlOnM. Commiilllllonurs' Proceedlnrl.

\) 111 '11'

Til u I" ll llw ing c Jmmuniclltion Willi Ti' I'pi \'e,1 from tbe ijtllte Board of Htl dth: "At a meeting h eld Ju.n .

ollry 1\), 19 12 t h e state bourd of hetilth upproved t,h e site in tb ~ orig inal'1'llhenmlosiil farm w bich WIlS

Hli vi n~ flold DIY farm, I will sell ut Publi c t\ale a t m y resld.nce, known 118 the Criswell farm, I y' Dlil es eus tof Oregonl", on the Ore. Kan ia lIud Ha rveysburg pike, on Saturday, February 10, 1912 /' 13~ inninll: t 10 o'olook the 101' l owl.n~ cbll tteis: 5 Belld'HorsesConlsisti ll g of 1 sorre l h o rtle, 12 .VtlIH'H ~tld ; 1 buy hor8e, 13 yellr!! old; I bh. ok Horsll, }gray mare, 12years 11(;1; 1 grl1y mare, 13 yours old, good lln ef: l1url brood. All these honol "r(' !'ood "nAS ·. ~ ' > v H !:lead Cottls-:l COWII will be fre8h 00 o r b efore Illtle, :l COW8 , one with ' lilt by ber tlilie , oth er due to oalf, I r e(i uAife r , will be fres h Maroh 18t, 1 yeullng Jertlev Heifer 2 ytoarJing belfers . , ' 21 H pild Ho~s .- 9 brood SOWII I ~UWI! wilh 1:1 pi~H ' F'IH[))lnl:' IlIl plolJlIlots-il douhle c uluvfltors. ~ t o blloco pl owR. 1 farm W llg OO, I SJlrinl( waKon, 1 oorn.oob rnill , 1 Troy ' boggy. I lIet hliY llid derK h uy fork all d ropft 160 galion oi l t ank, doubletree!! "lIngIBtreea, forkS I~nd sbovel8. "nd otber artioleR too tedi ous to m en tion . 81lrne8s 4 flet worlr h"rne~lI, 1 lIet buggV ba rne@lI. 1 Hure 'ha t oh inoubator 200-e oa.plI.oity . , I{I!; Tt1rm!l-AIl !lums uf *5 00 I\.nd un d er, cas h . All " 0UlnQ a over . ~,.) uu u. rroll it of (\ rnont,h6 will be given, porll lllltle r g ivlDg " uaukllbl e note A di!lcount of six pe r cent pe r annuOl L II C hiles Dou~III.S l:io\lingrlwllrtb, Anot . I... uo cb Rlln"ell by Llldl ,':!' Aid !::ioC:l tl l,v , I will offer at, Publio Rale at m v r eside noe, Imowu llS the Wm . Cll r m on.y farm, fir st fllrm from Lytle on tbe roal1lead i'lg south frOID Ly tie to the W .. ynesville pike , on

and Embalmer,

my ohf,ttel property oonsi!lting Of /' "_ _ _ the followi nlC : Will be fo nnLi in the Ola 7 Bead of !:lor8e1-1 g r ay lCeldlng , Bank Bl11ldi eg, oppoai'-t u years old i 1 gray geldillg , oJ YEar8 tbe NlitiolJlil Bank old; 1 roan, 9 Y88r8 old; 1 brewn Telephone In honse nn rl nr mue, 13 years old, family mare; 1 fice where) nan Le callAOI bllY mare, 3 y ~r8 old ; 1 bay mllre " da:v Il r nig!lt. 12yelltsold;lblaokoolt, 2year80Id ,i Vu1Jl'Y ~hone lol-2. .Il hhead of oattle as follows : 5 Main St;reet Wa yncsvill .. , OhIo mi lo cows, freBh by da~ of lIall3 anil • 1 freBh February 29th, a helferll, 1 ~~---_~~""""~~""""''''''''''~:-..~. Jersey bull. . III Heu.d of hogll- lG brood sows , C W HEN[)E'~SON M [) ·1 Btook h ogs. ..", , H~. h About 600 bu, oorn, 10 t on clover ay and 10 . b u . o f N o . 1 0 Iove r seelI \Vaynesville, Ohlu. d 80rne88-5 ~ets w?rk h •• rn "II~, 1 ouLI~ lIet 01 hght drtvlDg h lun esll, Valley' Phon .. 153 Main Stre' t lAet lingle harnes8. Farming Implements-road wng d I ex t rft b ed , h ay I " d e r ~' on w Itb be, gravel b ed, pilltform wagon, ou.rrlllge,buggy, MllndetmRnur9~llrtlud DR. E. H. COSNER, er nel1rly Dew, ,Deering blmll r In ~ood IIhll).fe, D6erlDg mow er Dlm rl y n e w, hay tedder, hav rake, til " k l::!uperlOr whellt drllJln good ah ape, I:\e ld roll er. ~ hllrro w8, d l.'" k hllrr ow , 2 8co.tob clipper breaklDl{ ).flow!!, 912 Reibold Building. B I\rnllton oultlvlltor n earl y ne\~, [r on All'e c ull·lva tor, Bu ckeye c ul tl, vll t " r. disk cul\lvntor. tobltooo pl ow, Oayton, Ohio r'lo uble s h o vl'1 plow. ,rohn Veer oorn planter ed ge drop with fertilize at . , t,uob lll 'ln t , Bernlll tobilCOO Re Ue r. /lIed Grad 'lBte .\merlco.n School, Klrksvlllo, Mo O'J I rn c uHn , hllY h r ope, If.o rk and fpuld I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- . l eYB i V'l:~e r or ~ 9 olppe rll, ee i 'cooker, ilO gill i Iron kettle, hog8 b ea.d. :l 2u ,gnl ; lard prf18s. Hllu8Il g e ,' g rinde r, I::!lmplex orel1lD ~8parlltor. E. V. BARNHART, nl'o.rly new; M foo~ exte n810n tclb!e , 6 h Ole r~n"e, 2 beat,log etove9 oo~· I Notary Public n l-l r o'lpboltrd, orossout eaw, raK e8, forks, hos~ aud IIhovels, 20 fJord StOVA IAll klndR f)f Notary Work,~Pen8ilJn d b 8 H h WOO, to IlOOO pntl", ure a\o I Work a ~peotalt:v. 1 50-1l1{~ Inou bato r, p ... ir of feuo I . Iltrlltchel 8, orel1mtlry JIln


Osteopathic Physician


IIpproved by lIaid b oa rd in 1909, as TerDl 8-~om s nf tiC. 0~8h; over DR. J. W. MILLER, deaorlbed .re 'he whip or root iraft. Ubarlea MoUee plead not g oilty t o sui table for t,be loou.ti on of your 110, II cr"dlt, of 9 montbs will be Slv the oleft graft, the lIide grafti and obarl!e In lodictment and in nefaull· en, puroh 'llier il ivin~ bankable note oo nnt y tnberoulo!lis h ospital." Uom · Friday February 9 1912 bridge graft;. The bulletin I~ of f21l0 he w~ remlulded to tb o " B. lDmtth ... DENTIST..• ml!!lliou e fs vo t.lId un .. nimonlilly to BIl~innln g at 10 :00 o'olook, 'he U . T . Hawkfl (A t t~lIy tlIultrated al:d farmen al well ooua'Y jail . 1L0cept the r e pol t . following ohd.ela 3 80rses-3 Karl Brl!wn \ uo tI . I om In a. teaoher" wlll dnd In it man, Wllll~m Cltlrk, A1bert Clark and I t WIIS orriered th,.t '3000 be t.em . good w ork h orllell, will work any W . E o ' N.elt I I I Clerk" tlooal lJ" :ok Dld/l:. Waynesville, 0 helpful lIu.... ....elltlons. U 18 free fa, Cyril Urb8t plelld guilty t o burglar.v porurily trllnsferred from the s pe. pillos, all tlinBle·llne hOr !lBS A. B bid es 1( . 'be ukinK. ...ddrels Exten8ion De , and were sentenced to the M'\us UILUI6-1 fine milk oow, just fresh Lunoh , MIami V ~lIey P Olll. AM8'n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! cial bridge fun d of }to!) to the coun. witb Mlf by her Bide partment, Ohio 8\ate UDlversity , field Reformatory . ty fuu d 80~s-7 Brood SoWII due to tar . WALTER MCf!LURE. Columb1l8, Ohio, In the ol\.se 01 Sanh M . Thompson ContrlJct!!-C()ntrno~ WUll entered row midtile of April, 1 mille hog, • - • V8 . Fannie Llddtl et 0.1 the oourt, into wit,h Om G usti n ~o fllrnisu fnll blood Duroo REId, 2 13hoatl, Frllhtful Polar Winds ordera that the plaintiff r eoove r ,o elght . 0 So 100 Ibs f Puneral Direr:tor. Inmber fU! dtlso ribed . F I I t 2 1 blow with ,errUlo foroe at the far trom the defendant ,1681.21 dU" on arm mp emen 8- wagons, Ada will be Ill8erLed under this b ..... d for ' A ge nora l contrll.ot w ..s entered Brown, 1 Pipe Axle, both 3 in 'read; h k \D twen ty· live cenlS for tbree IOllCrllIJu. nor'h ali d play hl\voo wit h tell . oo'ea. . O W i. t h W I"·red pl· bug"y, Deer. lUt il ialll \:I , Slmliz tor tbe • when uslog not mor~ than II \'e lines. d I h h d Telephone day or niKht. DaU. nl re .roug or sore 0 aJlpe MoKinley Drum hell er I1nd Ber . •. d O ' be handll and liplI, that need Buoklen·,. ropllir of brtuges a D tbll Mll rl Bchuol 109 uln er, eerlDg mower, am· Valley phoDe No. 'l, IADK Arnica 8&lv<I heal 'hem. It man Mar8hall plead nol guilty to h O U~6 r Olld, Red Lion I1Dd Lehanon less tobaooo setter, oorn planter, .................................. -""" ... _ ............. .. slip !!OOOP, roller, fertilizer wbeat Di8tance No. 611-'''. " b i d l t t d makee the Ikln 110ft an d IImoot h tl Ie 0 h arge" ID • e n 0 m en II An road IIn(1 Oa.v tc n l)ike IlIHi were di l 'd B k I FOR SALE Unrivaled for oold-loree, ,,180 burnll, derault of 1200 are remf\nded t o tb e dril, rJ ing uo eye corn pow, rec ted ill '1'urtltlcreek township brea kinr plow, diSK harrow, 50 tooth WAYNESVILLE,. OHIO boil" lIorell, n I oers, outs, b ru IlIell au d oouo'y J' u.ll . h h II h . I Only 25 oentill at all drng where oost of Buch r e pl1lr on any (}.rrow, corn 8 e er, ay rlgg ng pil Ii.";'. The olliendar tor trlilis during the ooe brlLlgu III (tny one time in uny wuter tunk, tob\ooo preBs, dOUble, UIiAR PAN-l;;uitable for boilllg \ Branch Office, Harve7 1l bU11r. O. preaon' term follow s : one yea l' does not cost over tien dol . tre t's, slngletreett, forks . shovelll, • - • IIllgar water, sta ' e price, and , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!~ Pronunolatlon. Thurllday, ,Ian . 1I5-And{'l r tlo n VM <.I inuer betj, ohurn, 2 d alen Chiok. Ie ~ve ioformntion tile GazeUe :-: Rer milltreill (who hu received a Illr!l . en~, oook IItove, glWlolene IItove, 3 office , fl4 WAVNEsVILLE CHUR.CHES broad hint that an e][tra "h~n'enlne I R , T Cu, Jury , BIII ~-::Hate of Ollio V:i, Franois set work hllrne88, ool1ar(l, bridles, tor wtll be 'Welcome4)---COOk teUI Friday, Jan. 26-Bergen VR. I R l:i ttwley , CI1t1t '4 20; F , • S imp80n, lint'8 ond fly neta, 1 8St buggy Ilar. ULES-4 pairs of a·year.old 11M. v._, that you want to co out & T, Co Jury nell!!, &0 . &0 mulee, unbroken, 16~ to 16 01 -I eX pe n ~tlB before stllte tax OCltllm18. 5C' b I 20 'h 'WIth a · ,.o~ man this ev.,nlng. III It Tuelld .. ,., .lau. 311- Pratt vs Dodd . I u oorn, noor r .on8. mo. y handl bigh, good ODes. Iaquira of Methodist EpiSCOpal ChurCla. • !lIon , lllJ5; F. D : MUle r , 8ame-.1 · bay;-30 bu oat8, 75 atocks fodder uraent, Jury. Rev. o. 8. Orau.eer, Put.or, G. E Riley, LebanoD, 0" pbone ~'r N It al 'L H' aG; '1' , C. Patter~on. sawe, Ii 56; tl nd SI)Dle oata 8traw. H e~_ BOW Sunday Scbool. () : 15 a , m. Mornlnl! aer - 0, mum. n el Wednellday, Jan 31-MoClelland T erms-All 8ums of 15.00 and un. 44~-2 Y., • "Ice. 10 :80 a . m. Evening 8e rvl~e, 17:00 p D17 O'Wll pat.-The Sketch. ::!nDl utl l D. Htlokle, feell ond expens, m. Mldweelr Pr ,yer Meeting. 7 p, m. VII . Clllrk . Jury der, o tltl h . All 8nms over ,500 A RM.,large 'l'obaooo ~hed 55 aorell •, It'rid.y, Ft'b :!-WiUI"m V8 . Trac fli< II H surveyor, fllO i C. H . Butt, .. 0 e d I' t0,' 9 m on th s w 'Ill be given , briti"ll '0 plow . Write 01' Beh phone St, Augustine. Catholic: Churda. $100 Co • . Jury , ., rl" IJII I rH, fa ; Gllorge F . MoKin pure h aser I( I v i ng.. bo",n k a bleI no'..,. Dr, Gregg Miamisburlr Ohio. Father Louis YaWl . ney, eunLf/,ct , I U ,1l5; Charle8 H Wm , B . Brown , , Man every 8IlOODc1 SUDda, of the monb a8 Tueaday, ~'6b G- Htnte VI! tlIIlIIOV, bridge r ep~irl!, flO. uS ; F. A A . McNeil, Auot. 9 :00 a.~. Thoma., Walter Kenrlok:, Cltlrk , Il(E Jeney Calf-I.quire of Dr. W . T ho lD 'Iso n, eleot·rio repair8, '7. 6[, A North Carolina Man Suggeso...• Thnraday. Feb 9-';I I\Le Yd . Wed· Lunch served by ltidies of the J,y . A. T WrigM, Wa,..eeville, O. St. Eplacopal Chwda. a Remedy C()lumbus Blnnk Book Co., bla.nk~ tltl eh.roh. cent.and. Jury . Rev. J. F. Cadwallader. !Uclor. Oreellllboro, N. C.-''For a loog FOUND--Lodl'e8' Cravenett~.. ooat. Sunday Sobool. 0 :30 a. m MorDIDI ler F riday, Feb 1I- ~ t.l\t e vs French. for 0Itlrk,-I:!3 5:i; Hilde brants Book no time 1 Wall 110 run down and dehlll· ~ I \lre, " ullplie~, *76,50; Franklin I will offer at Public Sale. Rt my Owner can have the lame by .. Ice, 10 :ao a. m, Holy Communloll 'be lint tated that I could hardly drag around. Jury. Uhr oui cle, publis hin g MoCutoheon ro~idenoe l y' milAs west of Lvtle oalling at thi8 offioe, proving prop SUDda, ot eacb mOD~h, My .ppetlte Wall poor and I could not 'l'ueeday, Feb, li1-J ao kson V8 , l'Ollllu 'lr,lOe, $10 ', ()lonroe & Johnl !lnd y. mile hast of the UaytoD J:ike, ' d I f d n eulr No. 10 80bool house, on erty Iln pay n~ OT a . Christian Cbu.r ch. eleep mehta. I had tried dllferent 110- Tbomps(ln. Jury . ton, [millt anri sawd us t, II iO i W W e d ne sday, F e bruary 7, 1912 Rev. L. 0, TbompeoD, PutAII. called tonica without benefit. I was Wednesday, Feb, U- Wulkur vs 8 l:i op "i llg, r epllirs -and oontrltct, BRED SOWS, good booed Will ' BIble School, 11:10 .. m. 8oclal_ttq, adTllled to try your cod liver and C b k Beginning...t. 10 o'olook a . m ,th~ farrow IIbout April 111'. In 11 10:. 0 .. m. Cbrt.tlau EDdeavor. 7:00 p.m. iron toDlc. Vinal. and I am so glad I Noll et al. Jury, t.40 4.Ut!; W. H . Stsoll ge 0" Ian ~ f l i t . 2 good work . 8ennoD by putorevery alCerDat.e 8pnd., . . Thursday, Feb. 15-Bartmllo VB. t;\l 70; ~ml tb Premier Typewriter 1) oWlnl!; proptlr ,y . qnlre of Thad Zimmerman Wayne8 10: 10 .. m. and 7:10 p. ID. did, for it gaTe me a bearty appetite, t d J 0 n o rse ., :.: gllod mlloh oows, 1 will be ville Ohio I f8 I lOOn aommenced to Ileep loundly, L n 8ay . ury. Co r e pAI r 8, "',75; M . H . swald frellt>. by time of sl!ole. the oiher Hk:ksite Friends ChurQe and I feel Itrong, well and more aeo Friday, Feb lO-Dawson VII Vii t ... ble fo r trea~Drer's offioe, U; l! _ II l' • uo ilr C B II 0 . t Pullets Gnd First Da) lIIIeeUnj(. 0:00 a. m. F1n~ Dar ---ttflrthan Itave for yearl. Fvery rnn" la,e of Franklin, Appeal. W. 1vins, Ul d ~e an d ilnpp 1611, .. 4 0 i, 20 bead 01' h ogs-3 brood sows and ~,nk I rPfolU g aOlne V Sobool, 11 ;0(1 a m, FourUl Oay MeeLing , do'W11 or debUttated person IIhould 10e__ lind Co"l ,-,00 ere II r 8 Mr8 B, . 10 : 00 fl. m. L'nesday, Feb. 10-Curry vs LelJliu on __ • __ - Cel., -- 138 25. 17 rlig8. • Smith, Bo][ 75, phone 4-3, Waynes'Ult give Vlnol a trial." K. Allsbrook. Curry Canoer Uure Co. Jury . 50 bn sorted oorD, -1 bu 8eed oorn, ville, Ohio , What VInal did for Mr. Allsbrook Ortbodox Frier ~j' Chun:.. A Girl's Wild MidDI~ht Ride 50 s,hook:8 of fodtler. It will do fOr eTery 'Weak. run-down or Mra. Ruth MW'I'&J. Putor Probate Coli rt. Fllrm IlDplement,s-l Brown road I debWtated peraoD In thla vicinity. To Til warn pl30ple of "feuful fores t, w!\~:on, 1 grllvel bed, I buggy, 1 No 1 Farm for renS. Call at : !'Iabba~bSobool , o:30a,m. Re~u1aroboreb Ihow ODJ' faIth -,ve will furnillb the this offioe for "nrt1ler Intot mil. aervloe. 10 '.0 a , Ill, Cbrl8~lan Elldeavar. lIoIay P. Mulford, administratrix of fire in tb .. Cat,skill!! R young girl iern; !! tobacoo 8etter . sood as new, 7 :30 p _ medIcine free if It doell not do all we the eekt~ of John Q. Mulford, de- rode hortle bllok at midnight and 1 tobaoco s prayer, 1 Moline ooru tion . I\IIo ved miley Ii veil. Her deed w af' claim . .come In and eet a bolUe on oeued, filed her inventory Bnd ap gloril'us bur. liv es Ilre often tlaved plllllter, 1 oultivator, 1 breaking thea••erma. phw. 1 hltrro w, 1 tobacoo Illow. J, E, J ...~!fEY Waynesville, Ohil) praleement. 1by Dr , King 's New OiBc overy in pla t f()rm soales, 1 :-1et, work burness, The will ot juah X Morgan de- curing luog trouble, oough8 and L set of buggy bl1n llJtls , doubletreElII, cold~, which might have ended in I I f .... h ceased, wsa admitted '0 probate . oontiuJUption or pneumonia , "It, sllJ~: etrees, og otlains, or .. ", oes, Being prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the I The will of &muell Osmond, oured m e Of a drecldfnl oough ollil and sb':1Vols, chnrn,. milk croolts and System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System, and thus other things. • d ecn.ed ,was adnlltted to prob~ e. lun g ditl6n.tle," writes W . R. Plltter mOllY ....... iIlIlIIIIII . T .. rm!l-AIlISUIDII of 'lOand under I -------Ella De Beok Lake wal appointed ex son. W ellin g ton, Tex ., "an ~r foor cl1Rh, all over 110 a oredit of 9 eontrlx. in onr family Md died ~ WIth oo~~ lDonths will be Iflven by purobaser 'I)O, 111111 I g luned 81 pound!! giving ool;e wHh I\pproved I'tlcurity , )· 0h n L . Y ounR, gllurdilln of the ~~nmpt. n lUlu~ !I I' ~ ure Rud RaJe for 1\ 1\ "." . . ., . A"","'''' p.tale of Charlae Young, Dunor, thr~llt lind lunll: troubles Price 50n Willter M nrray , ttl f C. T. 1111 Wkll, Allot. · I b , LlVERITES-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic Co~. fil e d hi II t ourtbacoollnt . l and ,1..9 0. T rill 0 e ree WlI.lterK ;!Driok,Ulerk stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for It. Le",i8 O. Ieenand Frank A Bone UUllr'lnteed by_&~d..:uggi~tll ' Me nufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., 8prlni(fleld. Ohio were "ppolnted exeoutors of ~e I' S COURSE IN CAMP COOKERY Baving lIold my farm I wlll sell '"te ot Benjamin Kell, deoeased 'l at, Publio Sale lit my reilidence one M.-rr__ Lice....... !\ oourlle in oamp oookery, open tc, mile West of Wayne8ville on tbe farm known at! the Heth l1ainel f or l'stry lind oogineering 8tuilentt' fll rIU 00 Alber' L. Bode, 24, tool m~lter of is to bo gi'l'en by'thedome8tio sol. Elmwood and Anna C. Ma 19, !8, of enoe Ilepalt,ment of the Obio 13tate Saturday. February 10, 1912 ~~~\.~~\.~~\.~~ ~~~\. ~~\. ~~~~~..:~~~~~".~~\.~~"'\·~~\1i\1i\~\1iUi\liUi\Ai\tiUi"e:. Beginntng nt 9 o'olonk a . m . all '" ., II U'" ., . " ' . " ' , . , • • ., roster. Rev, F. Hobllll\n nllmed to Universits . The Inltruotion will ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRICES RIGHT perform oeremony. ooosi8t of leotures, laboratory and ~ ~ ReItI EaIate Tranafen. field work The lIeleotion of the A Hero In A Lighthouse ~ W. B. WllUamsoo and Anna W . proper IIrtiole8 of diet, the oooking i'or yeart' 'J, '3. 00na1' oe, 80. K1ean of rneatt!, t·be baking of bread and Haven, Mlt'h., a oivil war oaptaln, lothes Wimamlan to Marthll M. Ivins, all the details ot oamp oookiug will a8 Ito ligbt.hoosekeeper, averted aw· ..., .. 10' to lIuoo, 11 aDd other oonsider be etudied ful wrecks, bnt Ii queer fao' ie, he ~ ~ a,lonl. • _ • . TH. O"IATUT miltht been .. wreck, l1imBeJf, :~ Thomas L. Pierce, Prop. ~ it Electrio Bltterll had not prevent. ~ • . .. Joeeph K. l:flse, and Pearl E lOa Per Plate ed , "'!'bey cured me of kidney ~ B a •• r p r I • • B II I I din If diley to John C, Bille,-, lot in Uor· WIlR pard at a b"nquet to Henry IN TN. WOllLD trOll b1e a'n d ohill!!," he wr"ell, '·.ner W a 1 nell v I I o. 0 b I 0 ~ wio, II aDd o'ber oonsfderatiooa UIIlY, In New Orlean8 in 18(2. . rtJII,DIII!D WEl!lLT. $f.OO rD .t!AI I held t.lteu other 110 oalled oorea ~ ~ Elwood AileD to i'rankltn 1m. Mighty 008tly tor 'h08e with stom· for yearll, wl&liout beDefit and they HOT..... DIlUOO_!" . 'NOIAU..,.a, provemeDt C~ " low 1n Frankltn, Sl lIoh trouble O! IndiS6!l tion , Toda,Y ~8(I1 Imp.r oved my Bight NOW,lt·,. ~, CO, T U ... " .. T" A ~. Ii • Il. 0 ~ d h ' . d . I>sop(e every Where uee Dr, KioK. sev(snty. I am feeling fine.. .. For ~ AGENT FOR SUITS PRlaSED AT HOM~ .. ~ I • - -'N Lite Pilltl tor thlllle troubles 88 A.. D '.ua-e••VIO. OAN PROp I an 0' eLOODel e".'10ns, indige8tion, an stomach, ~ 'rio. F l Dry CI.I.lnc C. SHORT ORDlRI A 'PilOIALTY' ~, ~'u""Q AD~.""'INa oo~~~. . ·W. VII" ~~!b~ " D~,. Qertha J . w:~ as liver, kidney and bowel !Ifs. dyspepida, ~iver and, kidney , 'rou blee, 'he,'re ~ IH : '.:., SAMPLE QOPY~ r.REE . ' Voorli1l' ~ ~I'\:;.,'. 1.Jl-: ~~d' Eva V:. order.: Ea8Y, aafe, sure. Only 250 without eqaal, ' 'PI')' 'hem. 0 Only ~ . ' . _____






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REACHED LIMIT OF TOR'fURE Real Realon Why Burglilr Gave EvenIng Papera Chance to Use Effec· tlve Headline.


J Ark K .,t1h. a ' · lrK' nl on . now 1\ b or · deor plni n 8ma n. hili luoktn l( tor r o,am l nft WKr IlRr11 l'toi o f 8Qvllg\-'s. li t, ef"t"':J 4 \Vtt __ u t l t eam u' ( u ll KlI \loP pu nUL"tJ b), men ("1f t l>'-H't~~ " ' ,,p n t, e lth r ("Rcht"tt t ho " ' l1..:on l h t; r llt r!f'n h n v e m 085(lC" r C'il tw o n1\.'n n n d J ~ ­ vur t f"ll. Hu sertrchc:t t h o \'kttm s !' udltl$( "u fH: rlli n n d a l oc ket wtth • WtH l1 nn S t' r(ralt. H f'lth 1ft or r e.!'t .. d at Ca rso ll "t)1, c"' nnnt'f'd \'W l t h t ho Inuf'd~ r . hi s th.' h(' InK 11 ful' Unn n n m t'd B lll el< lJu. rt , A n (' ~ro cnmpnn l o n tn his c\' lt Im m l'd N .·b t (, its h,!t1l thu.l h e kn e w t he 1'-,.·lth8 tn Virillnlll. l\ie b .dr~ nno o f t he m·.I·... d m ~ n Wtui J nh n 8 11"e v , ttlP. ot ll1>r l1t.~n . " ' llI ls \\'att~ , ( o rm " , 1v il ConfN1t'rn tH (l (fk€' r . The p l ni ll!tTllun unil N "' h {' sr a p " . nnd In t (' r t h e r Ul!ltln'/J ' to m,.. upon H ."uhln n n. 1 fi nd I U

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n Cl' u tJan l

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tiP BtlW a t CarHC'1t C it y . The g i r l t" .:p luln:t n ,n, NI1C I s ill fl~Hr. II of A bro th e r . who h"tJ c1tHH' r t t"t1 frl ' nl til@! a rm y, an d t hu l Ii AI r H u \\ I,,), I ndul · ~t1 hr r to (' o m t.: t o t he ""bin " ' h Ue he l'nu.:h( )\ ~ r bro th,· r. H n w · It'l' H ppou r~ . I\lU.I Kt·lth tn hld !n K re<:oJ( · 1-1%'" 8 him us HI Il(' k Bu r t. Th e r e ts n t e r rtn .: bo ttl E' In t he dark~ n ec1 r OOul In wh ich Kei t h hi "'h.:l o r . Hors~.A a r e app rn prillted . and th o ~tr l w h o ,",U .\' . (h at h e r n ilme 18

f lo!>" . Join. In l ilt' ~.CIl De . Keith e< DI" lns ( ; t(! tug ltlv ea m a k e (o r Fori l.arned.•vht' r" Ihe Illrl I. I. tt wllh th e holel la ndl ady. MI •• Hop" t < lI ~ Ih a t .. h l" Ie th e du u lt"h t f' r or G e n era l \V a lt e. I' ellh Rnll r-;.,h dril l Into Sherid an. where )( .,lIh mc"l" an 0111 Crlend. Dr. ~·ll lrlJ .. ln. Kellh m".t. Ih .. brother oC Hope W n lt e. umJ t- r til e R.8Bum eod n a ma ot I"re:d Wil loughby. and becom •• ~onvlnced Ihl1l BIIlck Dnrt hilS "orne plot In vo lving the two. Hope lellrn. Ihat Gen. Wnlte. who "' ... though I murdered. I. nl Sht'rldnn. and !Zoe. Ihere. wh ere .he I. mlMllke n Cor Chd. " e MaC'lalre. Ihe CBrllOn Clly . Inllcr. K ~ lIh mee lll Ihe real Christie p,.J"clalre and nnd. thol SIllck Bart boa eon,' llIeell lI .. r that there Is 8 mystery In her lire which he Ie golnl( to turn to her Illlvan· ta .... The pluln. mu" tell. Hope Wait e oC her n!IIembla nce to Chrl. tle Mllclalre. They deride thai f'r"d Wlltoughby mllY bold the key to the . Ituollon. Kellh IImlB WllloUlfhb, ehol deud. Hope Ie told of tha dealh of her brolher. Kellh raj Is to learn .hat Nlpresc nlaUona Block Dll rt boa made to Chrls tlll MO.clal ,..,. Hope a"l!I:e.ots Ihsi In order to learn Ihe secret .he muet brleny Impereonata tho .ta&o alnller. hi s dllu u tl o n and

to orll': lns ll y ('oferce this rule. togetb· wIth hon esty now ~" be protes ted, a Ill· er wllh Il s mart lIebt or two, but at tI e burt by tbe bante rln!; tone. t hi s pcr lod It W8.11 a ckoow le dge d and "o r cours e you bave ; I m erely talk ro"poctell. :'\ 0 ROO ,l e r ha d Hawley lightl y 10 keep my cou ra!,; e up, You vall lR bed th ao K e ith found occa8100 ca n ha ve no Id ea ":lW afrald I am .. to enter Intu clls llal coo ve r sa tlon wltb "Th en you are truly an a c tre ss. fo r t he door· k ~(' p e r. IlII.k lng 1\ number of you oppellr tb e picture of e njoym e nt. Illi es lloDs, nod lea ving Impre8 ~ ed But we must go. or Ha w le y will be u pon Ibe mi nd of tbat as tut e Inc1l vld· tb ere be fore UB. and tbus spall all our ual th e Ide a Ibat he was deallog wltb pluna." "hey passed out tbrougb the omce a "g eo t" e c amore d of one of tbe IItage he l\ lI tl (Os. A cu ln sl\pped quietly toge ther, s eeing DO oue fa miliar to tnto tb e man 's band set\' ed to de epea e ithe r. Hope keepln;; b er fa ce partb ls Im p ress loll , aod un locke d dl screel Ua lly co uceal~d . The e ost s ide of tbe lips oth e rwi se sw orn to Be crecy . Out s tree t was less frequ ented than tbe of mu c h ge ne ra l InformatIon a Ilttle a lbe r , bavlng few e!:, 81\100ns alone It s of rC1l1 vll lue was tbus e xtra e ted- way, and th ey cbos c Its darkne slI. As Miss Moc la lre 's a ct be ga n at 9 : 45 and tbey Ildvan ced. the lone bablt of fran· W 88 o ver promptly at 10 : 10. It rll- ti e r lite caus ed Ke ith to g la nco ' be'lulrc d a bou t t wenty mloutes more for hind before tbey blld progres sed a her 10 cbange ag ain Into street block, and be W88 tbus made awnre clothes, and ab e uBI:ally loft tbe tbea· tbnt tb e y were being followed. Con· t ~ r Imm e d ia tely Bfte r, ""blch would be versing IIgblly, and wltbout a word about 10 : 30. Yes, tb e re was a vestt· to alarm tbe girl , he manag ed to ob· bule outs ide th e s tage door, nod on serve every moyeme ut of tbe dimly bad n leb ts. those waiting ror tbe la· outlined figure wblcb advaoced wltb dleB could s l1p In tb e re. Dut on aucb tbern, timing eyery notton to tbelrs_ a nlebt as tbls tbey generally hung Long be fore they crossed Ibe street around out s ide. No, there W88 no to the Trocadero he was convln<"ed watcbman, but the mana!,;er was fr&- there wsa no ml8lake--the fellow. quenlly prowling around. He'd be whoever be mlgbt be. was trRlllnl busy. bowever, at 10:30. gettlne the them. KeIth amlled grimly to blmself. stage ready for the "Flying Her-. resolvlns that as soon as be had len

Sloan's Liniment is a ll CX· cellent remedy fo r c hes t and thr oat a ffectio ns. It qu ickly relie ve s conges t ion allll in· flammation. A few drops in water used as a g:lrgle is antisc ptic and hea ling.

Here's Proof •• I have oad 510.&0 ', Ll ulrnrnt for yeu. and un lCi l i. y to it. ","o Dd!ttu1 effi ciency. 1 have uac:d it (or I Or:e thto.\t. crou p , I. me badl and rhru n~t ulI!. AI..! fo ,"cry use it , .aye iD' I ~n t lei leI. R EIlECCA JA N E I SAA CS, Lucy, Kentuck,.

Ita be'lo,.; blm e ven 10 tbls darkoeu. Goon .bye. " Tb e longing t o clas p ber In hlB arms , to s pea k tbe langu ag e of nIl Il enr t. w as Ill mos t ov ~ rwhelm l ng, yet t he m emMY of t bllt fl g ure Mllnklnl alo ng he hl nd thl' m , nud tbe brief ume before IInwle y',; p rabllb lo a ppeR rance. fo r be \\ o uld lea I'e th e theate r al tile is excellent for sprains and con'cluslou of MI ss "I ac lal re's nn, rebruises. It stops the pBin s t ra ine d n il de mon stratloo _ Thill Will! IN AGONY WITH ITCHING at once and reduces swella mo m e nt for s ctlon . not fo r words of 10 \'e: no deln y s hou ld hazard tIle s uc, ing very quickly. "About fnur yearll I\go I broke out cess of tb el r und c r l nklng. He beo rd Sold by all dealers. tb e s lig ht creak o f Ibu door as witb sores on m y arm :! like bolls. Af· ter two month s they were all over m, Prloo, 2110., 1100., ••.00 girl s llp pcd wlthlll tb e coocPBlrocnl of the ves tibul e, and theD be g\lded body. some comillg, and some gain, SIDan·. nw ay lb rougb t be d a rkness 1,.. llb the awr.y. In about Ilx mo nths tbe bolll Ti eatllle quIt, but my arms, n ec k and body s lcallby sil ence of Bn Illdiao. Tbe re 01\ the was no one In the :llley·way, w hich broke out wIth nn \tchlng, hurnlng HORB rllsb . It would burn and Itcb, and ICnt It... Wl19 narrow and c osily ex plored, OUI come out In pimples like gralnll or Ibe glow from tbe front .... Indow. A.urpl ainly revealed tb e s badow of a mao wbeat. I ",,'as In a terrIble condlUon; Dear tbe e ntra nc e , and Keltb allppell I could not Bleep or rest. Parts of my up toward blm. hugging [be ~Idc of nesb were raw. and I could llearcely tbe bu il dIng for concenlment, prepared bear my clot hes on. I could not lie 10 resort to bars h mea sures . As b. In bed In any pOSition and resl In rea ched oul, gripping the as toolahod about a year Cle sores extended down 10lter'Br hy tbe co llar. tbe,. atared at to my feet. Tben 1 sullered agony olle a 'n olher III Ilurl'rll!e. and 'Ibe grip- wIth tbe burning, \lcblng sore8. I plog hand as Ins tantly r e les sed It. coul" hardly walk and tor a long time I could not put on Bockl, bold. "All tbls time I wall trying enry· " Yo u. Fnlrboln ~ What tbs dcvll doe. tbls me nn? Wbnt Ilre you 8pylng 00 tblng I could bear of, and hud the skill at three doctors. Thoy saId It W811 us for?" Clea rly token aback. ye t not greaU, eczema. I got no beneDt from all dlstul' be d , bls eyes sbowlns pugnacl· this. I waa nearly worn out. and had OUS Bind bls jaw set. tbe Oo,'lor rublJec1 ,:ven up 10 de. palr of ever being cured WITH TH. M.W HaMaDV bill throat wbere Keith 's knuckle, bad When I was advi sed by a frlelld to try lert a. red we lt. "Dumr. JOU, I tblnk I'm tbe one Ul • Bsk I'or an explanation," be grOWled. and used eXllct1y liS dIrected. I used "She said abe was not golnll with rou, the Cutlcura RemedIes eon8thIltl,. for I and now YOIl are around bere togelhe, four montbll. andnotblngolle,andwal at thlll bour. I bad a rlgbt 10 know perfectly cured. It Is now a year, and wbether I was belni pla)'ed with Ulle I have not had the least bIt since. I that." am ready to pralre the CuUcura Rem(Signed) E . " BI~t, man, tbat waB oot Miss Mac- adIos at nny time. Ask rou, dru.:~-.:,~c: 'roe .Impl. lalre I WIlS wltb; It W a! Hope WDlte. Cate, Exile, Ky., Nov. 10, 1910. Comu back bere under the tent flap Although CuUcura Soap and Olnt:- I whilE! I eltpIBln ." ment are Bold by druggists and dealera • Felarful of the coming or Ha.rley everywhere. a sample at each, with 32· EATON RAPIDS, MICHIGAN be fnlrly dragged tbe portly tlgur .. of -ONLY $10 the bewildered Doctor . w\tb him, page book, will be mailed tree 00 AN ACRE strIvIng, by quickly epoken warda, to application to "CutlCUla." DepL L. Boston, Land no. o~ fll1' .... ttl emen' In "hean of u.. mnk" blm comprehend tbe IIltuallon. ____ ______ Ne" Bollth' aloDIl Hllllll u lppi Centr"l aDd Gull and Sblp neur 1I.t~leabur~, Kno,wlng previously sometblng of the Saw No Difference. HI... and Oulf of I(ellioo. In tr .... ta of 40 ac_ ISlIuel Involved, It was not dlfficl\U to up. I. a balTatn a' 110 an..,.... I,,",.able .. "People wbo seek books from the and an ..,.,. on ""'1IO«on otland and «Ie ....' as JOU make Falrbaln grasp tbe meaoltllg or netloo Bectlon make some funDY .1.... Goc>d bome counl'1, Wrll~ tod~O' this present movement, yet bill Iym· f.cla aDd plctnre. free. L A. CUDINCS t:O. breaks." says a librarian of the LIbra· ....... c.......,LulDott.. ..... path'l es were at once enlisted upon the ry of Congress. "I have made note of s ide at Miss ChrIstie. H.'d be dam~ed a number of these. but none of lhem If be would ba\'e any part 10 sucb a .IUI IITWNI. amused me rnore tban the request of scbeme-If sbe had a rla:llt to the a lour.looklng spIns ter. mon,ey he'd help her get It-It wal a "She sternly demanded of me Ii copy cowlll rdly trick, and be'd figbt If n.o at 'Tbe Rscollecttons ot a LIar: I told essary, to keep her from becoming a victim. His voice rOlie. bls artD1l ber tbat 1 dldu·t know It, but tbat 1 brandlsblng vIole ntly, bls sentenc"l could give ber 'Tile Recolle ction8 of . snappIng like rltle shotl. Keith an· Il MarrIed Man: .. 'That will do: saId ahe acidly. "1t'l gered, and rearful of a dIscovery wblch would leavs Hope ellposed . real· practically tbe same thing.' "-Llppln. Ized the futility of dIscussion /lDd cott's. turned to pbyslcal foroo. Oras plna tbe Dr. Pierce'. PleoMol Pellete regull\te gesUculatlng man with botll bIlDd •• bl innKornte .tomach, liver and bolvel •. ftung blm backward and dragged blm lind Supr-coated, tin)! ernnule.. Easy to take Into the empty tent, kncellnl all blm .. candy. as be throttled blm to the e\U'th. "Now, Doctor, ,.ou listen to rue," be Tbe man wbo bldell bls light under r!.~7..!:." ~.a::.,~,,~~~,:'1':'::: said sternly "I'm tbrougll arguing. a bushel 18 sometimes lIurprllled to C;:;:::;:;;;:::::;;:;~;::::;::;~::::;:;:;.:::=;;::::, bate to treat yOU like tbla. for you are lind tbat the sun BUll shInes. my frIend, but I'll not stand for Intel' The trouble wlIIl a good bit of r& fere:oce here. Do you get tbat.. you old fool? LIe still unUl I get ::-.roughl rorm Is tbat It i, badly In need of reI respect your feellnga toward MIll forming. Maclalre. Sbe la a good girl. and I hop.~ to heaveD you get ber U you want her. Uut you never w\u If you permIt tbl8 affair to go on. Yea. I know wbat I am tantlng abouL In all that Hope and I do we are lIervlng you and CbrlstIe-our only ftgbt Ie wltb 'B1ack Hart' Hawley. Stop belnl a bullet· headed old fool. Falrbaln. and For Infante and Children. understand thle thing. Lie st\1l, I teU you. and bear me out! Hawley II a IInr.. a tblef, nnd a swIndler. Tbllr. Is a swindle In tbls thlna somewhere, and he bopes to pull out a big lIum 01 money from It. He II merely Ullnl Chrlatle to pull hIli own chelltnuts oul ot the fire. Sbe 18 Innocent; we real· lze that, but thIs fellow III goIng to ruIn tbe gIrl unless we succeed ID ex' posllng blm. He'a not only Involvlnl ber In his criminal coosplracy. but be's making love to ber; be'll tescblnl ber to love blm. Tbat'l part of nIl Promotes Digestion,Checrrulsche me, no doubt, for tben sbe will 0. ntS! and Re!t.Conlains neilher so mucb easier bandIed. I tell you, Opium,Morphine nor Mineral Falll'bllln, your only cbancs to evel NOT NARCOTIC wIn the Interest of ChrlsUe Macla1rl It'wfjN "'OItlIJrSANlI£I.~'EII II to help UII down thlB fellow Haw· "-"';, $...1 • ley. Yes, you can sIt iJp; '. reekOD .tlx,.r_•• you"l'e beglnnlnl to lIee cloarer, aiD':' ..flIr,WI, SJb • you 7"


St 0 p Th at Bacae k h•

CHAPTER XXVII.-(ConUnued.) "CertainlY nolo At first It IItruck me u altogether wrong, but tbe more I think of It tbe stronger It appeals to me. It ma, reveal to \1.8 the wbole !COnspiracy, and I cannot believe Haw· 4e1 would venture upon any gross (amUtarity IIkel), to COlt him the gooc1 oplalon of bll ally. Tbere Ia too mucb oat .. taka. Walt here. Hope. and I will 'be back the ver1 moment I learn all -that t. necellBary." A slant'e at the omce clock con· ..anced Keith tbat, In all probablllty, Miss Maclllire bad not. 811' ,et, deDArted for the scene of her evening <triumph. BUll. It could not be long 'before she would. and he lit a cigar. 'tIltUns down tn a coroer parttally (loacoaled by the clerk'lI desk to wall ber appearance, Tbls required longer than 8llticlpated, and fearing lest be mlgbt bave missed tbe departure eo· UreIT, be was about to question Ibe bUllY Thomu. w.hen he beheld Hawley enter burrledly from the street and nlll up tbe lltalrs. He. then, had been tile laggard All the better, aa be would now bave no opportunity to un· (old hIs tale to tbe lady. as It would iIe nece88ary ror tbem to hurry to the theater. Whatever the nature of tbe revelation It would have to walt until tbe walk bome. The excltemeot of 'the adventure W88 already creepIng ~ nto Kelth'l blood. hlB pulse quicken·

A burglllr broke Into I!l Ne w Yo rk mllll Blon early tb e oth er morn ing nnd Iollnd hlm ~e lf afl ('r \l'a ntl ~rl og about th e pill co In t be mu ~ l c roo m. lI earln,.; ioots te pi opp ro Ac hln g. be took refu ge behin d 8. sc rE'eu. Fro m eight 10 nine tbe e ldest dallg hter hnd a s lnglnl! les· eon , From nille to le n tho secon,l dauehte r took a pl u uo Il15son. Fro m 10 to II the e ldes t 80n got his In s[ruc, tlon on Iho ,· inl\n . Fro m 11 to 12 the younger boy go t A les50 n on tile flul e nnd pl crolo. The n, at 12: 15. Ihe fam· lI y got togelher Q1\d p rnc til'e d mus ic 00 all Ih elr In ctr ur.H'lI tB. Tber were ft x lng lip for Il concert. At 12 : 45 the porcbcllrnber staggered from be hlnll tJle acreen . "For hea \'e o' s Bake. send fo r th e police ~.. he IIhrl cked. 'T or· ture me no longer!" And In tbe e,' e n' In g paper t he l'e wns the be Adlln e : "Ne rvy Childre n Capture Dosperate Durglar ."

Chest Pains and Sprains

~::!cU;:a:.e~~:~~n~ ~':::tCh:!~I;e~~



26 and 60 Cents


Thl Derb, •• dlclne Co




Tbe two returned almost Immedl· atel,., concluslvel,. provIng that Miss Madalre. rully dressed for tbe street. hlld been awaIting tbe arrival of ber sallant wltb some Impatience_ Hawley ""118 busily explaInIng hl.e delay 811 they came down tbe IIta!l1I. and paid little attentlon to tbe seemingly deQerted offics. Indeed, Miss Cbrlstle Reckon Vou're BegInning to See Clearer. monopolized nil bill tboughts. With "Ve .. Vou Can Get Up. Ain't Vou?" -Qulck scrutiny the watcber noted the more conspicuous nrtlcles of apparel con s tituting her costume-the wblte manns." Abundantiy satisfied and re- the lady be would teacb tbe apy a lesmantilla tbrollo'n over ber head, the slating the door·keeper's professional son not soon to be forgotten _ They barely entered tbe outer circle nently fitting blue dress. the IIgbt suggeBUon that he'd better buy a c ape covering the shoulders-surely ticket aDd take a look at the IIbow. of tbe Trocadero lights, Doling a group i t would not be ' difficult to duplicate KeIth slipped away, and hastened back of men tbronglng about tbe' doors, and thesl!, 80 as to pass muster under tbe to the botel' Tbe more be Investl· bearlog tbe sound of tbe band withIn, -dIm IIgbt of the streets. Far enougb gated the more fealllble appeared tbe and tben turned swiftly down the nar' do their rear to feel safe from obser- Klrl's plan, and he 11'88 now rully com· row dark alleyway leadIng toward the vatlon he followed, noUng wIth In· mltted to IL stago entrance. KeIth, bavlng been tbere before, advaneed conlldently, but c reased pleasure the rapidity with CHAPTER XXVIII. wblch th ey covered the required dis· Hope, ber beart beating wildly, clung tance, Clearly Miss Chrlstls was aI· to his arm. acarcely venturing B word l'{.'lIdy nerVOUR lest sbe have not BUr· The Stage Door of the Trocadero, In reply to bls wblsllered assurances. llcle ot tlm c remalnlnl In wblch to Hope dIscovered very lltOe difficulty Fortunately the,. e ncountered no one. p roperly dress for ber act, and there In duplicating tbe outer garments and Keith, feeling cauUously 10 the w ould be uo excbange of conlldences Keith reported Miss Maclalre as wear- dark, easily succeeded In locating tne on the out ward journey. Hawley It!ft lng, . The colore, Indeed, were not ex· opening to the vestibule. Listening he r, us Ke ith ,Ilutlclpated , at the Btage aclly tbe same, tet tbls dUTerence wall Intelltly be became convinced tbat no entrauce. tb e la dy bastenlng withIn. not Bufficlent to bo notice able at nlgbt one occupied tbe little sbed. He bad Iter es cort st rolled leis urely back to b, the eyes of a man who bad no rea· Intended to remain with tbe girl until tbe front or tb e bouse, and finallY. lion to auspect decell Tbe girl was the time came ror ber to emerge. I;lul lIurchal!lng Il ti c ket . entered. tbe per· In a fiutler of nervous excItement as tbe remembrance or thnt flgure doggInG f orrnance alread y bavlng begun. abe !lastened about tbe room, donnIng tbem all tbe way from the hotel now Keith kn e w perfectly the arrange- bllT few requirements of masquerade, caused a change of plan. He beld ITO BE CONTINUED.• meut of til e th t'ater-the sonts tn yet KeIth noted with apprecIation tbat ber band closely clasped In bl •. front; tables nil through the center; sbe became perceptibly cooler 811 tbe "Now, Hope, I am going to lellve Old Parliamentary Us.g... a gallery fill ed with bencbea; a nOls,. moment of departure approacbed. you," he wblspered, "and YODr own Members or tbe Brltllb parlltmea. orcbebtro be neatb tbe stage; a crowd· With cheeks &.Dame and eyes spark· wit will baTe to you througb. I no longer bowl 40wn el1eh oth.r wltb e d audi ence of men, with only bere Ung, yet apeaklng with a voice ro- know' you will play your part all rtsb\. ImltaUons from tbe farmyard aDd tb. ,and Ibere a s cattered representative veaUng no falter. ebe pressed hll arm and It wUl be mloe to walt for Chrta· menqerJe. One of theee earl, niD. (It .tbe gentler sex : bllsy walters dodg· and declared beraeU prepared for tbe Ue. and !live her some elPlanauon of tee:otb century scenes Is thua d. tng In and out among the tableR, and ordeal. The face under tJ:1e shadow ".hy Hawle, faUed to meet ber u he Icribed: "One bonorable membel . c10Wll the olslol, mHog orden for of the manUlla wu so arch 8IId promllecl. It will nner 40 for her to near thl bar ~peatedl)' C!&lled . oat llqutds rrom tbe uear", saloon. The piquant. Keith could not dIB~ls. bl' suspect, untU YOIi have time to I..". 'rnud' to the members eDdeayorlJla tel .atr would be punge ut with tbe odor admiration. all poulble. You az. Dot afraid?" a.d~lre .. the houle. ·At z.~~~ Ipte,.. ~f drInk. tbick with the fumes of to"Am I Cbr1aUe Ittaclalr.?" Ihe uked "Ya, I am," CUDsIq to him, "but- vall a aorC ot droDe:;=.Uk.. lIummlfll, :baeco, aud nol.ey with Yolces, ellcept ,laughingly. - but I 'am IOlna throUlh It Jut.... bavlDa the lound of • clIataDt-:HDd or... lome s Pllelal (Ilvorlte on tbe IItage "Sumclentl,...., to fool 01lT !rJencS." a:une." gaD OJ' baaJllpe--I~I~ecI ' fr:!.'IiI ch, lIMit . 'Won tempora ry Btte nUon. Tbe 1'roca· be returned, "but I am read)' to swear ~Th. trueat kiDll of cou,..., m, lIeDchea. with concbSq. lIi..alla aruII \Cla ro Pl»'l>c$scd but · one ' _redeemlnS! that 'Iady never 100ked , Io ~:ll!~rmlq." IIrL Now IUp lJ1I14.,. bat hokl lb. , lnaeqfoullr ,ex't ended''- )'a~n, ,1»1.41 f e a tur.e., ~oo rway connected stage ' "A compUment. ' aDd !,poteen . . dOclf .....,. , .Hawle, will eerta1n1, ~ ea with .o ther MnUld.. . II '.toale ~ . anti sudlt orl-u m " Bod tbe maOlllemelle t hougb 'YOU reallt 'meant- ta." ':' . ' here wtthln tell mtautei. a4 roD. ~uat h'om the mfDI~al 'bencbe«' lmltatal, b rooke(1 no· 11:11er f(l re oce ..lUi 011\ MBa ve I not beeD uneiC eOOll,h ,ot~ btda at " ·.or elM the - ~er ' ,ftJ7 ad:w;ateat til, JelD of ~ ~., . '..,l\lill. - II" !lad '''Il!1tred 101tJe - nerve .,llb - YO U !n lbe past lO ' be -crecUte!I lldabt , ~ppeU'~ . ~oa CUI Sud. . . . ~ bOlID"''' " . ~ ~ . " ":'. • I ~ • 1 . '




lbe Kind You Have Always Bought. Bears the Signature of

~~~. s-n,--_ ... _-Remedy


"..01 • '..GrJ

"',..",.,,, 7Tne.


Jl.illll'1'f1ilVoI: • •

Worms ,convulsions,Feverishness and Loss OF SLEEP




lion , Sour Stomach,

fac Similt SiCNltliN


_ .~ _'_:._--


YORK. -:-



For ', 'v'B'r> Thirt,J . Y8a,~~~ f







TH[PUNCH[RorTOOAY fiE CUll' puncher. like the poor, Is al· ways with liS. H 1I0t In the n (,R h . th en III leas t In ~0 1U " of th e movi n g pic ture sholV:i t o hp foulld In ever'}'


'WI ~~~~O

s f iC ('t.

F.. "",er'a Grievance Waa That Story Once Accepted Should Not Remain Good. A story Is h elng told at tbe expense or IlJl old Engllsb tarmer who was rec...nLLy culle d upon U> explain why be had fn lled to take out a license for a fa vorIte fox t errier dog , "'E '~ nob· but a pupp y," the d efendant re m:lrk· ed. In r l'llpOn Se t a a Qu es t ion as to Ihe anlm nl's al;O . "Yca. yes~ So you suy_ Du t bnw old Ie be?" "Ob, wep l, I (' ou illn' tt'li to a hit," wn R tb e reply . "I Il £! " ,e r wa s muc h gooO nl remembe r · Ing dates. b ~t 'o's nohbut a pllp rIY·" On thl? oth er hand. It wa~ maint a ined that I h e anImal In Que ~ t1on wus a very, ycry o ld -rashloned puppy , and tile m a gistr at e In flIc ted th e usual fine. Shortly aft e rward the far mer was met by Il. f'rl ~nd who waoted to know b ow 110 had fured at tbe poll co court. "l'\obbut middlfo·." was th e reply , "Did t.bey flne you?" "Yes." respond · ed tho vi cti m; "an ' 'ang me If 1 can und eTl;tand it! Last year an' the year Dfore lbat 1 told tbe same tale ahout the same dog. nn' It woe aU us good enough afore' Who's h ee n IJlmperln' wi' tb e law s in' last year?"

"'f iE. y. ~uf")I"'u, 1::..J "T ... r:.. <.", 1,,1 tt

Hoods Sarsaparilla


Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purifies, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this way builds up the whole sy... tern. Take it. Get it today. In l"u,,1 liquid form or cbocolate bl)lcL. c.. lled Sarsatebe.


III I hc ~:-::-::-:-~:-:--;::~c:=======::::iici:=:;:===?""i~----.J wurltl, yun canno t 1\ £'1 fI w~y frum th c punche r :1Il 11 his e):plolt s If ) ' OU don't patro ni ze Ih t, plcluru shu \\ ~ 1I1 C' Ul~Cl\' ('t; . YOII .cnr.not bll to Il ollre Ih £' man In th e " ch arJij" prl llh'II Iu the gllyest I CARTER'S LlTILE ot r.ulortl on tbo pOli tl'rij UU' Klu l'- III HOllx- ll e Is ex ee dlngly 111. btl t be ' LIVER PILLS. f!lcl. DO pictu re ahow H'C1llS co rllpl('tc IB still holdi ng hi s own , I Pu rel y vegetable 1l1l1e"R It 100lullc3 10 Its prog ram a l least J ualo:- ll bnR to_ T h ere ore two I - act surely and on e cowl'oy plc tur ~ . ' I gcntly on the doctors wtlll blm all tb o time . liver. Cure TIle plcturcs U Sl.l a ll): r!' pn "!'1l1 I h(' Welc ome, ' Biliousness, IIlIH'her os ,n hOII\l Y. \\, ,,11 llIunnlng Imli· It was 3 o'clock ULi 11 cold nnd fr OG y I Het: d . \·Idual. with a nJlnl aturo ar8ena\ to IIIlS ' mornID" . nnd Ihe wea r)' c" ells l b:lil ' ~. taln . th' effect. wh o bn . lit tie to occupy " 'Dlzz" hi ,; time eX(,l'llt mc tldlhll: with utile': Btlll many miles to go . ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. p('nple'" bu! lness. sdmlnlsli' r lllJ; .hl s ll c£' Passing throu gh a lon ely \"1:1111; 0 h e SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRlCL Baw R light ed window. PHlrnp ~. h e G . . wllh lhe aid 0 1' n tret' Dnrl u lpngtlt of thought. ho m Igbt be abl e to get som e . enume m~t bear SIgnature ropo and beln~ In nl tb e f1 nl~h of Dny W hy He Couldn't Sit Down , thlog to eat and drinli. So lie kno ck · ~ love atT~ l r~ which Illay cIII lIIl na l!' In hi. Ha r ry, ngL'd 81x, is an orphan: but ed . ~~ 1l1'lghborhoorl . Accordi :II:; 10 I ht' mo,-Inl; In Indulgent grandmotllcr a.nd kind "Who's tb ere?" came a grulI voi ce p-i:T ~ pl cluro r.lllhol·III('5 tht' sc latle r <'-I, IEmle < mald e n aunl have taken care of him . from with in . IB " d eceptive dl ~~OR&­ • 'C OI In ('rop liP III; e Ill ll si llo nm. nn n Th e fI re t I>u lr of knlckerbockere were th ousnnu~ hn vo It "A tra\'eler," th e cy ell sl r epli e d 10 III II(\!' In t he ('n\\' ('ol1nll')', All till s Is don' t know It. It Y01l secured r ece ntly. and It was Il proud clear ton('s _ "pry nice llnd rnlll:tntl r, but. IlUfOfllln:ltl" wnnl good rClullo Y0l> momellt fo l' Ihe boy when his aunt Dack lIko a sbot clime th " IIDs wer: ro.n m(lko no mlslake by \l . ln~ Dr. KIlIy. Ir Ih e I ru th Is to I: to ld. II rail 1I0t be put t hem on him au S undny morning "Tllen travel!" m e r Oe Swu mp- Root. the I!rcot 1,l dney t'f'fI').. p. tOlmllPtl wllh Ih e halllll nril of vera c ity . rdy_ At drugglsls In fifty cent Rnd do~ and he was permitted to go to church I :. . .Izu. anmple bottlo by mn" t re .. Afler \'I p wln ~ Ihe w pklllfl'S nl ollth with bl s gnUldmothe r , l>:aturally .... 18" pa mphlet t~lltnr; you how to find out Looking Upw:lrd. nIt 'r month th e publl . m Ill; I havp u \' erv Ir you have kIdney troubl". maillen a unty know very little Ilbout (In 199!}) - "Marle, brIng out t he " ~ I(hetl IhnllJ::h nOI1 (' tllo less erroneou's N. T . / /. '1 '£ tbe arrangl' Dl ePlt ot Imlckcrboc kers, aeroambllilltor, and take ""by up (or Addre sa, Dr. Kilmer ,& Co., Dlnghamton, _ ::-::::s Idl'a of I be II ve ra gc ('ow boy unci his and there was a suspicious full l1eSB In an alrlng."- Ju() r:c. W . N. U .• CINCINNATI. NO. 3- 19120 work_ It \\'1' I£'n\'(' Ollt Ib !' In c\' lta~l e front Dnd an equally mystlrylng tight· . ~Ir l" Eome of lh e ~e lIk-tllred xploll H ll"f (, Ill ' 11 111!' In I l r~ utliu g Ih l' lIJ with ne8S In the bscl! to be observed, as IUlght well have I'e,," U 'pli col'II In real t lIelr .,'V n uut fit' s Lrn ud. u~llIg :t '· run · Ihe little chap trudged happily along, nlng IrlJu" whi ch th !'y ('arry for th e In church Harry 8nt down, but did IIf" In tbe " pa rly" du )', . hu t nny "Ioug lI nlrell" l)lu":litllen \\ ho tu(,11 part III IJllrp ~ (' . not alPpenr comfortable and Blood up. rl' !! n hnl'e now 10 bo conte nt In th e roo Tb e he nl 1l£'l oj?; now bunche d up, "Harry. sll down," wblspered his {'nulltln!, or 1i\('0l (with s Ult:tbl e em· fl l'C2 ar f! II gh l II lind th e "bempen gTandmotller. He obediently climbed llt'"I~hrn e nt s, p rubably) 10 th eir grnnd · I as Inu ch dIfference l!otween tbe mod· rll lf"" arc u nro lled. Co lves Arc roped baek on tbe sc nt, but Boon Blipped art children - if the y nrt' l\lc ll Y CIlOU!;lJ to ern ~ to ekhand lind the old 1I1l1 £' r U8 lind drugged to th e orandln!: tires. again . "HDrry, you must sIt down.'· h (\\'e nny. there Is between a deckh a nd on a where a cou [lie or men 011 root grab "Orand mo. I ('on'C My panls 18 chok· Tbero are ao t\\·o callings In tbo river boat and n deep se.L sailor. nnd hold lbe caH. c lear in g the Inrllit Ing me." She looked more closely fQ1t 00tJ)S AND HEADACH:!. IHDIC£ST1OtI AND ~ua \\ orld todny slIrr'uulllj r u by so mucb The old time cowpuncher considered ~o that the rid er lO RY be h 'ee to f etch tb an ber dIm eight had b efore permit· STOMACH, CAS AND FEJUrmlTAnoN, COHSllPAnON AND rOln nnce. [lo d aLoul wblch so llIuch I amlllg In any rorm beneath his Rllother one, They t h('n Rpply the ted, and discovered the uew little 81UOUSND5.wmt MOST SATlSFACTORl' RESULTS. hus been wrltl eJI tl ~ th oso o f plains. dIgnity, - and would hllv e viewed any heatE'd Irons for tWIl or three se(:onds. knlckerbo ckers were on bind side bellIell UII<1 snllor~, nlli l yet withal, the reqt;est to handlc the linCH much ItS a The brondlng completed. tbey a d mIn· fore. Harry utood up during the regE' lIf'ral IIUbllc b lL. 1\ v"ry hazy Ilrrd prese nt day plumber woltld I'€gard the ister a gentl e kick to tb e bewildered mainder of th e service. fiome thnpR nbs Gl'l1 conception regard. suggesllon of havIng a shovel added calf to re mInd him' be Is free , and lu g the lItl' Il nd melllbers of hotll pro. to his tool bag. For thI s re:u;on In they are r endy for the ne~t. Tbls IN THE CIRCLE LEISURE PROVIDED FOR. fcsalonl!. Perhaps tbat' tho tael tbat bygone d ays tbe roundup cook had to goes o n un til a ll tb e !'lI lves and yeorl· ON EVERY PACKAGE OFT"! GENUINE th e renl work of botb t'l\lIlngs Is dono be lin ex pert tellmster; but. lUI Is to InJ::8 hn ,'(' been brnnd <:' <i , far Ilway from tb e public I(O D, thlls be expected. wbere Burh ,\n unusual The climat ic a n" pllYlilcalrondltlons ftIE WOICD£lU\lL POPULAaITY 01' 1HZ CEHUII'IE SYltUP allOWing plenty of latitud e for n vivid combination or tnlents Is reQuired. thtll of th e ('Olllltry 5l'Cm to hnve Quite an or F1CS AHI> WXIA or SENNA HAS LED UNSCJtUPULOUS Imn glnatlon. I" r esllon slble tor many membor of outflt'll long !:ult was elfel't on the caltle runnln/: Wild . ICANU'ACTUIlUS 10 orna IIIrTAnora. IN ORDER TO ot tbe raIse Impressions concernin g seldolU within th e culinary depart· Th eir brl'cdlng prope n s ltks vary acIIAU A L.UQIt nom AT TH& f.XPEN5£ 0' T1tEIa th em. mE'n!. \ 'hlle th e old eowboY'1< lot was cording to the country. CUSlOMEJlS.. IF A D£A1EIl ASItS WHICH SIZE YOU WISH, In the flrs t plncl'. th(' averng'! cnBt 10 more s trenuou s (lays than now. Each member of n h e nl seems to OR WHAT MAK! YOU WISH. WIlDt YOU ASK fUR IXIncher mlb ht work ou tIle rangos NtII l he "'-as moro Indepe ndent allll know Its plac e. nn,l prcf(,T6 Its own to snup OF F1CS AND EUXJa 0' SENNA, HE IS PREPAR- III';;~~N!~;:" thr('c or tour yelll's and tit the cnrl enjoyed belter opportun:ttcs of nCQulr - any o lb e ;' herd. bllt Ilko nll ot.her rules II'tG TO DlCEJVE YOU nu. HIM 11IATYOU WISH TH& or thot perIod be abln to count 1I11 lug bl~ OWII herd . wherea s the prescDI this ono Is PfO\'!' '' by excepti('n s. ond ~WNE. IlAHUFACTURlD IY 1HE CAUFORHIA F1C tlle "gil·III" he h od C\'e r Boen on the dn)' puncbe r cau hardl~ ('xpec t to at · sometlm(,R 10 a large herd calves will SYitUP co AU. Il£UAIl.£ oaUCClST'S KNOW THAT flnsers of one hnnd: anti a vl~1t to the tll lD :llI ytl1 ln g t(' )'ond th e status of a· ge t mix e d up an d -a pnra ted from theIr 'nt£IIE IS BUT ON! GENUINE AND 11IAT IT IS 1lAHU"bomel" ranchcs would probably ra- fore ma n . moth prll , :lnd In 611eh c:\ses di l'P lltcl PACTUR£D IY 1H£ CAUFORNIA FIe SYRUP co ONLY \"ea l 811 many Chin ese as Indies, nnd Practically nil tb e caule rnncbes at \\'111 lu I c as to tllC own ers hip lit tho It 18 hud to ImagIne anything roo an), conseCjuence are now owned or ('nlves . lr not snt1~fnclorll y settled NOTE THE NAME mantle connecll'll with a Ch lnc se. controlied by eomp:lUles. or perhnps other \\' l ~ c. the cal! In dIspute Is tok en 'rhe "bonses" see to It that while the trusts woultl be a belter name. to th e flre and tbe branding IrOIlS ap· llllllchor IR on the payroll be bDII DurIng thO' last len y~'ar 8 wages plled witb not 6l1 mt'l ent pressure. bow. ftIHTEJ) STRAICHT A : ROSS,NEAR THE BOTTON. AND 11'1 mIghty li t tle lim p (or anything oUls!de bave decreased for range work. anti ever. to make a permn nont mark . but 'flit CIRCu:.NEAR THE TO' OF £VEJlY PACKAGE.OF THE ~~~~~~~~p bard work. wIth the decline In wages the work sufflcielltly to hurn th e cnlf nnd mall!' GENUINE ON' SIU ONLY, FOR 1AU: BY AU l.EADINa I:: haa become more general. ;';owndays It cry Olil. In a moment th Ho is 1\1, 118uc;GtSB I1CULAJI PIlla: _ na I011U. A"aln, In tbl'Be day s II''''' I1lillchcrs !lo ck a gun. Years agu . when ealtlo! the caltle ol\'oers hire their regular 11In sw('rln g bellow Irom ur.e of tbe l'Ulltllllg WDS rnmpaut. It was ailvlsaPllu help by the $eason or the year. Rnd herd s. followed by :\ st!r among the \7. 1 bat the stockmen s hould be provided ontgld<.- their work during the roundup cnttle. wbo seem almost Itl make a .. 'Marry In baste an4 ~pent at leI. SYlllIP 01 ncs AMD nlllla 01' SEHNA I!I DPttIAUY ADAJ'IU) 10 1HZ I!!EDS OP" their "Job" Ilnd 8urroundings Ilre gn ngwa'- for th o conce rned IOt'tiler Ill! "_,' you know." lADlU AND CHILDREN. AS rr IS M.LD AND I'ILUAHT CDm.I AND UfIC1TlE, AND wIth guns, as the TU Glie rs themselves milch tbe lIame a8 tbose of tho farm - she rusbes ,~" ~ '-'y r...... ~r. FR OM OBJECTIONA ••• to answer the call of her ..-...u..... ...... INGREDIENTS. rr IS EQUAU.Y 1ENEF1CL\I.went armed; but th o rea l U80 ot the "Y4~B; but my flalIcee Is rich enough, RIll WOMDC . - roa M~ YO'~ . - OLD FOR· u: IY'" ••• ....- --.~~ ..... er's hIred man . 'rhe states of Montana colt. A rope Is ello l arOI:n d h er hind ....., .... ""~ ~A ................. _ . tl un dates. back to tb E tim e wheo . .0 I'U have the lel8ure a\l rlgbL" ALWAYS IUY THE GDCU. . . aDd Wyoming PIlY the !llgllest wages lege a s she Icavcs the fring e of tbe fences and Thus. IInerlders were l)rncUcnlly uolrnown. durIng BOrne big for range work, riders reeeh'lng $7& a h e rd. ullowin/; h er no chance to make SwallowIng Glory. . h h d f ' month nnd board. On tbe other 81de any serloll" obJect ions. bl'r brand III Th'e Uttle daughter of a welJ.knoww I • IItrunpede, w ell t ousnn 0 a dollar! t th lIn D' b t 20 d h It h II d d U - - -- - - - -- - • worth of boet ""as rmmlng headlong a e e .. ages are OJ au per observed an t e I'll ran I' nccor· Baltimore clergyman recently startled A Good Turn. Iii served . Tbe cow snd tbe tamlly while at breakfast by sud· 0 eorge Ade, with the gentle cyul· to destnlctlon ond all urdlnary U1euns cent. lower tor the sam!' work. These Ingly . hud mUed to check It as a last re o wages only obtaIn durIng the roundup. {'nlf nrc turn ed loose ogaln, ancl It Is denl!, exclBlmlng: clsm of the conflrmed bachelor, was . source the foremo~: rider would shoot wblch time corresponds In the can· a flue ~Ight to watch tb em "beat It" "I'm full ot glory!" talklog In New York about New Yellr tlOWD some ot the lead ers. tbus check. duct or a cattle ranch to tbe harvest togetber for th e herd. "What on earth do ,ou mean, child r' re.olutloos. Ing tbe rush and l'nnbllng tbe riders seallon of tbe graIn tarmer. and lOany The branding donI' and stuck taking the tather hastened to ask. "Every wife," he said, "10 VIIS to see b at the punchers work ror $40 a montb flnlilb ell . th(' beef ready fo r sblpplng III exclaimed the "a bOlT husbaod turn over for her Balle b h b I 0::::-- ----.!!L"c bunc ; t at driven to ~hlf-::trrl~~~~:<:-t?~~~+iUnli'ii~-r.~~~~~~~~~;:~irt whlcbre!s!!,·t alona cbig berds callpr0C4!5R lIc keptY and lela for the relt of tbe YE'ar, l OD my spooo. a new,ellf-ln hlB check·book." There are two big roundup. during actual Bhi pmunt . nn~ tbf' remalntler of I'Ye .,,,,B'ilo·w ..,n und9J' control. wh .. n tbey show n ten. llaar ()bU4reD Ale S.clr.,. the year. the spring roundup and tall. the ('nule Drc on('e more free to IVan· IIoUIa,UraJ·' a..... Po .." .... for Cblld ..... Dreall deney ' to' bl' res tless. It consist. In or bellt. · roundup. The spring roundup. der the hills and plllins untl! the 11111. .p Oolt,. in ,. boug. nUeTe I'n'e"atmftu: Dea4 .. No Jury. maltlns the frlnRe ot the hertl move In w h Ic h takeB pl8c(\ In Mayor June, Is when th E- big drive wtll take place. a,a,Iae. BLoIll&cb Tf'oubl .. , ToeC.bll18 DtllOrd.,.., mo•• "D:ldn·t you lIve that man a lurJ' a. clre!e around the rest of tbo bunch: aDd ..."lat.e .... ""... 11, DoeLnlf WOI1llll. TII.r d Ill.'rhapa tbo. busiest time of the year. , The rounding up of cnttle Is !!om~ trial?" ... .., pl .....D. 10 1Ak. . . lldreD like tile.... U.e4 I>r \hUll tb. i Clllttle tbemsclvo!l Ilre ma e -" forelJl,.n la cbosen from eacb diS. tlnle ~ difficult. ns th"y . unlike borses, _UUin ,.,,21 f.a, .. A ... 11 ""'utata, Ik. Hampl. u~k hero," laid I!rooeho Bob, to. -,1_nUE •. ~dclnoa,.L II. Olml~. !AIlor, N .T . I " boacl';'elf their feIlO1"'~, until nnall~' trlel, Usually be la the Ion or rela· frp.Quenllv. lIIke u not ion 10 Apllt up In tbil! entire bE'rd Is one huge re\'oll'IUII: t I\'0 ot the manager or owner of tbe bundles and head off In all dIrec tions , "tbere alll't a big lot o' men 10 thla aettlement. We couldo't possIbly ~t Pe.. lml.m. IIIBIlI! 0; tesb. ranc h be Is attacbed 1.0. F..aeh fore- maklnJ( mUl'h work for Ill e riders. 12 or 'em together without .tartln· • A pesllimlit I. one who recelveB a Rut at Ihl' "rc~ ellt tim e lenCPI nnll man or captain brIngs 1\ uumber o f Cattle are not roped I\~ arc borses . fatal Il~ment about aomethln' tbat pair of glove. as a present and warrestricted l"unge. bave IIlmosl renMre·1 cowboYII with him. tbe number vllry· The Intl :! I' nrc t1lrown by tbelr rare- had notbln· Whatever to 40 wltb lbe rie. because they 11'111 BOon wear out. theBe big Rtlllllpedell 'tlll n~ w of tbp put lo~ According to the cattlo his em· leg!!. the cattle roped l1y their bind · case. and the type or me ll who cupod ,Villi 1)loyer I, eillmated to bave runnIng lege. Tbe r eallon for lilese dIfferent PILJC8 (lUllED IN e TO la DAY8 T01Ir~n."I.' .111 r.raDA1 illUDe, 11 ,..A.ZO OlN'l'them and wltb bo.tlle lodlllna hD M IIl w- mnge. Tbe ","orlt Is apportioned and metbods will be re&dlly understood DI ...tltlfactlon. III1M'T t.n. (0 o\Jre aD1 of Ucbl n., 811D~. appeared. the he lper!! are under Meml·mllltary wheo one rt'lIlemi1err, thill. while B "So you were given an Intere.t In alMd~ or Protru4lD& ru.. 111. a w 1, 4&J'. 1Oc. Wblle tbo ' modern cowboy 18 e/llh·t: organlutloll. ~ch pUllcher I.. pro· borse ri ses from tb o groun(l wltb hi!! ,our empl(lyer's bUllnesa '" ' Tbere', a dllference botweeu be ing IlIlon In a roundup to do lIIuch- Etren· \'Ided' wllh from tv" to eIght ponlel. torelegA. the cntt.le :I re able 10 rl~e "Y les." roplled tbe Industrtous youtb: .UlIIS work. durIng which til e sutety nnd the wholf) dIs trIct, sometlmcs cov· ollly wltb tbelr hlud legs, In · case "b:1t • mode a mlaroke In accepting It. uaeful and being used. from accident Is LJlcaHureil allllost en· HlnS hundreds .;;! square miles, 181nld or the hors(,R also. they ar<! les!! liable I bad 1~l!s worry as a relfUlar emplo,ee .... ",ta.low'. 800UlIDir 8yrup for OhUdr". tlrely by tbe 811rl' foot edlleRS fir bls out .In dally rides. As a rille rour 10 to b e Inlured or to Injure tbCOl fc!vel! than Q8 Il mInority atockholder." leeUlh:. • • IIOttellA .. be rUU1!'11. rf'du ce. IDft&mw ... pony nnd bill skill as Ii 1'1d 111". ml s· !lve weel(R are required to ('oYer the whell tbrown In thIs WRY · &kaD. aU.,. palu. cure_ wind cuUc. 2k • boL')" cb:mce 18 tho SUUl total at risk to lJre country. The r.ow \lony (lnjoys tit £' eh :J~ e . the Thoull8nd~ of Conaumptiye. die nery Tbe fellow who shoots air.. hl8 mouth ear. Conlulllption N!&ult. from I ne,· b£' hal! to rull. Tho rld~r !! trm'el In pair", os n rule. pllncher's '·H:Jloo·oo!" I'eln g to him ccted: cold on the lunp. Hamlin. Wiuu-d doeen't alwaYB bit the mark. Some per80ns having III 1II1nd the and IOlIch patie nce. r.oupll'd with keen what th" hllnter'R h orn Is to the Oil will cure tbeae cold.. J uat rub it into " frontier ce l,~br atl on " held lit Cbey· observatloll, Is n ee('8san" If tbelr work hound , li e unde rstand . eve ry 1Il0V~ the cbelt and draw out the inflammation. " one. Wyo .. wUI be Incliner! III .Iollbt II! to be thorongb: wetercOllrllee must ment or his rider. who. wethe r Rt Yo'u will notice that tbe man who la this statement . but. It mllst llo remem· be followed. nnd the calm try carefUllY' work or play. eeldom touehf's a bored that those gntbetlngs. which searched for stragglers, 1I0me of whlcb brIdle r eI n . Should h e wish to gallop alwa:,a talklns Ilbout bow bard he Thue i. one ,mm ia the .U~ited StatH who h •• perL.p. J..rd ..01'0 wom~.• _ret. thaQ .DY otber mID or WOlllIUI I.D the aro held 3\lllU/+lly In all bIg cow cen· t tlcclIslonally turn liP only after a )-eol' lie fltts hll! elbows an,l he I.. !Jorne bad to work when be was young I. CJ01HItry. Tline .ecret. are Dot _rell of ,wit or .......... but ter~. are SIU1ply ontortalnment!' fol' th E' ur two. away ; If ho wl s bes to go 10 tbe right uaualily beblnd wltb bls work DOW. tbe _ret, of ,ulerin" aDd tbey bave baea ooa6ded to Dr. ImbUc.1I beneOt or.11 to d'~ 1I10n ~ 1 rate Daybreak !lndn n roundup C'lmp or tn t he left he lenn~ sllgh l ly In It. V. Pierce In the hope ... d eJlpeCltatiolJ 01 adrioo aod help. ahtlleum freaks are complalnlns the skill allalllcl\ by certaIn Illdlvltlll ' I ustlr. aud tbo tiaddle borses hnvlng ('Ither direction. nnd a ;t('ntle toucll on 1Mt rew 01 theee womn have " - di •• ppoiDted In their n. alII pIcked ou~ of thOl!sauds. Thei r lJeea corralled by the night wrnngler. the pony' .. neck 18 sufficient [(J pull aboult hard tlmes; but as tor tbat. the Pf'C'tation. i. proved b,. the faot that lliocty-ei,1tt per ceDt of recklos8 dlare,sl! rd for 11mb or life Is whose duty It Is to berd the work him Ull· Wben the rld c r Is about to ouilled mnn lays thing. alwaya ba.e .,1 womea «,..ted by Dr. Pierce bave beea abeohatcl, ~ been bard with blm. net gellerRl among the puncbers. WI,:\( ponIes durlllg the night. by G Ho'clock make a lhrow the pony I<lows uP. , Bnd altofether oured. Such. record would be remarlr.ahle It the _ treatad were aWDbared b, hundred. oDI,.. Bat wbaa n man may do In thl! ordlnury coursc ' the riders l1a\'e ca ught and f:&ddled - " ' hen he I\<,e8 thl! rope uncoll abend at TO CURB A ()OLD 15 on DA T that record ar:u.. to the treatmeDt of more thaD 1Idf... milot hio work and wllllt he Is ~' l1llnl: to \ their respective mounts and are away blm h I! ad\'once again nnd Ilnally Tal'.. WX~T1V. BROMO Oalel.. Tabtete. Iioa ",omea. a a practice of over ..0 yeen. 'It ia pt..o.eM1 .."',!-a .... runcl ......., \I 1. fall. In eu... .. W • do for' thA love of aplliau~e or for "chasIng heef." in the firllt stOlteB of s tops dead all thl! loop . settleI' about !l!l1 ... IWV ......aaLQ ... I • .,. . . . . ~ . . . MId OD~tla Dr. Pierce to the ,ratitude aeeorded him by the tnt., money may be two widely different the roundup they wIll prObBlIly Dot b~ steer. j ..rka back bls head. atltrenll epeel....e. ill of womea', cn.-. ~hIOg1l: back ror Hi or 111 llourll. :118 neck and prepares tor tbe IIhock, There are two kind I of sulfnlsettll B ..ry alok "'0Gl1D _ , . _,a1t Dr. PI_' by letter abeolately wltbGrllt Smne of the IDO&t. all.lIlrul And _ In· Tbe puncher IOUBt stand alike severe aiding the rider 10 tbrowlD'g bll vic· -th41 unbapplly marrle4 and the un· AU repU. are _iled, .-Ie4 ill perfeod.I.pW.' _-'opn widloeIt ay pria.u.. 01' adnrdal., ",bet_, .poD tbeIII. Wria. widloat ...: _ ...... t Id broncho busters \(1 l1e leen In beat aod drenchlolJ rain. when after tim, Dud 801\ . tbls of bls own accord happIly uDinarrt~. at ..... to WotW'e Diapeaaery MediClaI ~. Dr. V. Pierae• ...,..... e~titllttloDI! Dey~r go neal' 1\ C"'W ~aD1V caule, . aoef 'tbtll wllb QO prolpect or Bnd \\'It.bout having rl1celved ao~ BdaIo. N. Y. ' ow... t ... 0.0•• a .....·• c.aa. from one ,ear's end to '.inotber. Sev· rellet until tbe work of tbe roundup II IJllokell command from hIs rIder. I. wIn .......... to eari. nm..l... ._ ~ral Of t"~Be ·'blgb: llrtced attractions" complctetl, When all . the cattle appar· Tbo kind of cow puncher we !'ell(\ .D •• PIEIlCB'8 PAVORITE PR88CIUPTIOX . - : -. .. ' , . • are -ellPlJed In the sheep sbearlng . ently bllye been' rOund~p to a com·· about. wbo wa• • S' ludellbly marked 1"""0. 'VVeAk. ~nrn:aeza 'b . ~ ; Jaer~ drlv~ ~8.,l)wJl:;t'''~ , mO}l ;:,~n.~ct l~l1.' el1u~~.ra.t~ol1 ;.Ia ~t). wltl'l the ~Yl!lcal 'charaeterlilica "4' .. CjC»ntletuqn~' b. UaD·'· Ileef .toc:",!•.~I~ed; .M\.~l'et! bralld· bl' caJllpg ~~r!! ,t~e 'cattle ' he bUtDi..'L. ' SO!' .theM ext!t&ltlol\s e4. ·It IIll,bt btl, ED_tinea . bere: that.- eel with tbe, braDd • o( .. their oWDer.. ~ ... t'aU9 .. a !rl'teilOD"_ ~r Ir;durlll, ' .lll"'~J.U~\,'.tbe ri~.ra hu IIYen ".,:. to the leu ~.Z:~1, ~84roll

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\The Wretchedneu I ~! qt~kJ~!!~!e!Po! tion .





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CAII FORN u._IA F16 SVRU P Co. 'Wh-J Rant ._--a Far.




Women's Secrets



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· Sa Ie Pu bl Ie


1 ' ;ll t,uM" In tho Cou llty of Warron Sta te orl Atan tbe tollowinlr proml_ · ,:u:.. :~: Ohio, ~II , I III thl! ·roWII.hlp of Wayne and l Bectlou TOWlll>lllp an d .. 01 , ., , '0 tk '"l11lort ,,,,,I ",,"allied lUI ·olio"., \,t. . Part 1"oo \·e. hetlniilollit a .tone In Jamea ut rlh with n \Jail or \Jrt'ad , and ttlnl e d up T h tl h "IU",O h )) I'1 gU 'I"" h I" ' '''/fl!! 1,,1 ;1",' 110m ="11 111 lJcnl<l (o'o ll rt "on ( 14 ) Tow lI".hll' IIl1e corner to J Oshu .. W.. tkl .... . th~nc:1 ~... de. h l8 eyes 111 ecst ns y aR h e gulped " , :- . II lh,'roo l I' h",,, ( H )("I t lln l1~" NlJ lll ber",II' I\ " 21 2- 10 pot ... to .. . to U8; thence • S {~ de" , ,·.1 (:, 101'\"" ",,, Ih, ' ~1I111l11 Hl v" rII , lJcl!lnu lult at- gr_ \\" 8pollltl to •• toDe; t honce • n N do wn th e savory m ore('!. Rut the ra t:-o to:\oJ II \III ' \, A , .i·I·I\, " , \", . t, .... , I' , I '. 1 I tilt {O " '.1 . ' 1.;:0.' 1I " / 'II 'III ' r t f 1 . ~11 11 Bn~lg'" rd· H l u.ndt,ll ... n('t\ grl-oE . 2tJ ~ - 10 po les to .. . tune • •,btn.,:, .,' ot the fOllnd e r fir the fe a~t. WU I'O u , , • I ,,, , p it'" 10 Ii ~(lIn t· . , IH'I H '{I tit dcgn'68 E " po l.,. tn the pl nce of ~ , no :lei ' .... , II ,, '. ' " I. '. I .. II sl "ho 01' Iwne\ "olltaluIDI Ooe (I ) aero thl rty-roDr I 41_!':', to t r o llhll'<l e~)lr~8~ l on , rllL·sday. Fc hruar) (I, I i) I' rno .... or 1_ being t he Vreml""" ''' v ""'!. .. T\\'o • h un oi l'c,,1 and tw\.'uty . t h r~o ' "\\'hat'B th e ma t t r. Prun k . asked ill ~ HI w i ~ 11 1I1t ""' llwry . .. , l Htllllnt', tl llI nt'tl N . lJwllol ll. ('ox by Oh ari ty (Ja,rm ~ u ' ~~ ~ .. d ",!TI"'l'I \ \ 1'\ ,)rI ,lus. tl U'IH'U:-:. 1., d eg rOOtII. h ) h o r lalt. will r8('ortlod itt t,he ) r alot! '-"'I f'elu 'R attl'r tl ' " d" ,H h ,) f Ih" fll lll [\ " ~ ' "no at his friend s. H I ' ~l n nl 'lr '" 111 t'l rk H I f l. ' r 1 , 1 I K " I' ~. )'ol t,:, h> tIlt' p lM't' oJ r IHJKil.l ul ng . CUII - lut \\' arrtlD County, O hlo , i llll,,' r o r Ih' J ',oroi all m ll ill .. \lill oio \\' III ' "all. nothing ," r e pli ed Fr» nk . pee r- r '''' 1(! "'U", ' 0 ' 1 \1 '" 11 "'1 r ~· ·t • r"r n l "" ," . tUI1 IHJ~ " \\C\ t 'J ) ft,(' I"t.\6 and Fourtoon ( 14) )>0101 . .--'1Ied 8,,1<1 ..... 1 eatate II .... been l'ftIIll r' 1 Ip ... .., h is !1I '] 1I1 0r." }, ,\ J It~ t. t" ·",, 101'"" ',1 ill I n~ ro und th .. polt shed bowl. "onl)'" " \ ' , ( ' ,-;1 \ISdUII" lfl t:lllld~t"' llnllhu~illllh:iK. ut, aHtiLka uDlI"r order ott beOourt. at tl '. i\lm ot NllI" \\" 's l llI ln st"r A hhl' Y, :-: n t "ra ll y It ,I;· I on l~' I Deem to hllye lost my finger.1 I' 1101 ·1 '" , ',,' "uII I II "," , "~ I ". IIII1 ~ 1 Molltl<omt'ry·. Huu<lnocJ Fifty doliltol'tl, (gSO n, .. nd .. lII llot 1 11,d t l ll ' III '" \\ till IIII ~ " I\.'Il, ,dcJo \I t un nlley be so ld tor 1_ t h w II wo·"h 1 1 ot l aid & 1) i' lr l ~ sr('11 ~ from til" "Ptl~rim ' s , stallt" I~ · dl '.o:n',' I~ , ., pult,\:i t o a rnOlltJ cor U() r to praJIIetJ va lue, P r"!,:r" . · ." l h" c hi!'r e l,l "od ,'s II III ~ ' BABIES ALWAYS IN STYLl 1 J! ··, ,, I< rd . ,,, r·I', 1,'1 : lhlllll'V s, h7,t degree. T E IU IS-O ... b . [1' . P . FU I"'v I E "I "1,1, '''' 1" U :cW lltI : t, hC' I H'6~ , }i (leftrc6 W . ~ 'U trll lf' \1 t f'ln~ : 'I" I", " . ".I ilk , . IhPlll' " N. B6 U~,."'~. W , 8berlJ!, Warren COunly, Uh:1J Catching Up. f ~:1! i .,l l ,,: , ·~ II H el illg \\t tl I .. 1 1 • •. I .,,~ Ea c h One I s Perfect t o Its P " ren t G I '" 1'1 \" ,. ' " til t , p h" 'l' lit 11t1~ iull ll llil conta.i nlllK .. I \ · fl l ur , I , I I "''1 \mre pll iOil ilium o r I UR."I, ht!· 11 ", IHlrn it l'I rll'e nt th " \\ i,·t' ''1 (;ato> : nelirlnJ;' fo r tho nIght . n tiny maidand P erfect N uis a nc e to I I f 1 til' :" IIIIt ' jlll'lIliM' M l'l mVP\· ~' t to 1>o.n ltil ELTZROTH c\ MAPLE , A~to"'eyL I lls dl'lIveranl' from the \)I)l"(leo o f e n climbed Into her m e lber'8 la p IUld O the r P e r son s. I! 11\ 1,\' \ l ilt "111 -- , ' 011 11.1Id · wi fe hr Deed Sublcribe for • -Guette ~ay. d ,itN we' ati th d llY or April A. ll . 187 1. BID lit tbe foot of tb" Cr . 9/\ k issed be r on both c beel's. Her manLard Cans, Lanterns, Leather 1>lety. Prudence and Cbarlty hal'- ne r bei n g ratber m o re e truslve tha n A b ab y Is a s mall p~r80 n abou t Half Soles. Leather Stri,s, neBst!log b lm w ltb armor. usual, It was s uspected that OOILte»- wbl e b t here Is gren t d ivers it y of op ln· Rubber Hal f Soles, Liljuid FIght w ltb A poUyon. s ian w ould be tortll co mln g. T h&t w u Io n . This Ie beca use .' very baby 18 Smoke. I Vani t y Fair . t he tact. not ~ dela yed, considered perfec t by t h e Jla rent~ a nd I Cross In g tbe r iver t o tb e Ce iesUal "M amma, ~ uld the Child , ''l'ye been a pe rfec t nul sllnce by eve rybody e lBe. Specials for Saturday Only Ci t )'. na ughty, I'm afraid t he lUl&,els haTe Th e r o Is reu ll y n o tbln K n e w a bout Round t h e cent er paDills. whi c h a r e mar'-i m y n a Ine In the rug Book u Saff\ty Matches,200's usual y sold th e hllby . It a In8tit ut lon dll tcs back 20 feet hlg b 11')(\ s l)[ reet In vd d t b. ru n a bud &Irl." at Ix.xes for 5c, we wi II sell to tbe begi n ning or the world. an d a t a series o f \' I)( net t es rep r ese ntin g " [ hope not. d ear,N the m otber r&- th il t tim e It \V!I ~ II ga r d e n prod uc tion . for one day only N m in or s cenes III th o a llegory , th e firs t pli ed. " W hat have YQU bee n d olng f The gar'den luea, however , Is now obot course. l";lng P il g rI m 's wlr o aod " It·s some thing I haTen 'tdone. maID· l ol ete, /lnd tor m a n y ye a r s th e boby Thillk of it-2400 Matche<; to r famil y tryin g to dlssund e h im from rna, " t he little girl explained. HI haTe bas bN! n grow n In th e h o use, wltb get them liarly, for we , milk in g t b e Journey . The hellrll lg bt ~()ne t o b(}~ fo r t~ o w_ka w ithout ea rly t r.nnspla n t ln gs t o the s u n ll g bt. only have 10 cases to sell a t contll lnil a pon r lli t or 1I u n )·s I1 . ILlIII at ~a~' l n g my prayel'!l , Eve r y ba b y has a good voice. a d isth is price. the bose of t h o wInd ow Is lll p lI1 scr lf)' I "W h y , ll eaMe." ch ided t he m other, ti nct I'('se mb lan ce to some ri ch r eIntlon "In mem o ry or J ohn Bu. nYllU : 11. j;,·n tir. " that Is really seMous . W h a t tlv e. a ll d an a rte rnoon n op. Th e voice It pal'8 to tratie at Ralston Breakfast Food. 15c Post Toast ies . . , . 10 and 15c 1628'. D , 1688 . Tb u Pllgrim 's l 'rog - : " ha n W I) rio abou t It?" III hea rd h y e ve r yone , b ut the res e m ress ." " I'"" bf'l' ll th ll/ klng It o\'er , mam- blaDce I s h ea rd chiefl y by Ih e ri c h Cream of Wheat . . • .. .. 15c Egg ·Q·Sec . . . . . . .... ... 10e I The window IA In tb e w(' s t nl s lr of ' Ul ll . .. . lllI' NllIllll 11 f" IIIl'lU cn t s IIlr\. "ilnd re lati ve. Th e afternoon nap Is h eard Quaker Farina .. . .. . ... lOe Kellogg 's Corn F lakes, 10 15c j tbe n orl l! I r .,n S ~ \lt. ,\ I lo.l~.' th(· r tbo made up Ih y rnluct t ~ SHY '0".' J.·ather' ot evpryw he r e as bein g IHlces Ra ry to memorI a l b ns cosL £ 1.2"0. r als,-,J by , and ·;o.:(1W I LlOY ~I .. ('\'L' r y III ~ h( uutll tbe bilby , b u t som e ti m es t h e nap 18 Scotch Pearled Barley . . lOe Maple Wh eat Flakes . .. 15c I lov e I'M of the "PII I~r l lll' s I' rol!'rt~~~ . " l l catch up Wllh lilY Ilru ycl'~ . " more ho nore d In t h e breach than In Grape Nuts ... 1&.2 for 2Sc ~!"!!!!'!"!!!!'!"!!!!'!"!!!!'!"!!!!'!"!!!!'!"!!!!'!"!!!!'!"!!!!'~~~~~~ : bu t th e proJN· t h n" cbh· i1 ~· he-t'll ('fl rOats in packages . . 10 and 20e the obse r vance. Af t er t he II It Jl til e . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...._ I rl ed on br th e exert ion. nnd II heralilY bahy Is u n a ble t o tln der Rt anll w hy It Uncel Sam's Food .. .. " 25e Mr. He n ry J a mes' S t yl e. Oats in bulk , a lb . . . .. . 4c ;:' IJ lot th" IIn'Pllst dNlollllnatln n , nn wh n~ (l shoul d 'b e (e X"pec t ed to al eCj) agai n at That a Jaruf'B sen tence IB as long ae Mrs. Austin's Pancake .. lOe Quake r Oa tmeal,. .. . . . . lOe l'j l lJ~bulf Dr. ClIrfn nl will forntnl l.\· I","J III/ o th e r II l1tn 's I,,,ragrapb rousee a ni g h t , and ever yone e lsB Is unable t o , onlr tbe window to th o ,if'''11 '"" ~ II nd ercta nd wby It sho ul d wll n t Lo Mrs. Austin's Buckwheat We Shredded Wheat . .. 2 for 25c I e hul /tf!!' of th e ll\Jb<,y .- Loodoll !J:1I 1, , cilast"IH'U m i rt h III a receiv er ror th e s tny aWllk e. T h e baby's d ec ision . howLo ndon GlobC--f1nrl he proceed s to Virginia Sweet Pancake . IOc eve r, a l ways t'u r rles t he d a y-or. ratb:I~ :-:e \I' 8. Triscuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOc LJurleH(IUI! tbus th t! sly Ie of tho auth or e r . th e nig h t. .. .. Buckwheat lOe o r " Tbe Outcry " : .. It we . grent ly and Puffed Wheat. . .. ..... lOe Th e re are m illions or ba bies, but E'od almo s t, aR one might say , preHAD LOST HIS FINGER·STALL Ind Postum .... . .. . . 10 and 25c Puffed Rice . . .. ..... .. 15c s umptuo usly dar in g. were, as w e In only two klDd ti - boys a nd glrl8. The boy bab y Is alwa ys the m ate rnal and this parngrapll utt e mpl, and w ith the Litt le Mis hap Th a t Pete l! Fra n k Ma l" fu ll consc lou s uess or u ltim ate a n d, In pa t e rn a l Bele cUon for tb e preslde nt hl l i a ha ll W hll o He W as Maki ng fact , In ev Itab le . not to say d is grac eful cbalr, IIIll d the girl bab,. Is ex pect e d De llc loua Sa lada. failure. loom Ing ah e ad o n our men ta l to aomll day become th e wire or III gentle nnd loving m lllionai r s who will In b ls "n ll n dom Rf'm ln lscences N hurizon. t o Im it ate the literar y, p e r· 40 hll Il>eet to apprec iate b e r . haps tbe t oo lite rary . a s o ne may deMr . Charles Urook fie ld tells an amusr..ter' on tbe presId e ntial n omi n ee l Ing s Lory or a n octor f ri end. Frank ' sc ribe it, w it bou t undue o r . In a man· cievelopa III s trong des ire to b eco m e a lI e r o r s peakIn g, journa lis ti c e xtravll· Marsba ll , an exceellingly popula r and motorm.a n. and tbe futur e millionaire's J actompllllbe d membe r or tb e profes- i gon ce , s t y le or Mr. Hen ry James. w e s hould IJ1(Nblta bly come to grle!. WIfe II aeen to blush st tbe mentionsian. w bo bad lost 11 tln ger In e a rl y : U8 Ins ot the plumber'a eon. The fond IUe, and wbo w ore II k Id fi nge r-stall T ha t author walklll tila pavl!IlDeDt pare nts sJgb ge ntly. In point of looks, partially to conceal t he d e ficiency. : alone." likewise. bablell geoorally bear IItrong

,, ~ \IC 'gounnana wip ed llw bowl ro u na


- - Orn a t e Windo w Placed In W estml~ ster Abbe y De picts Scenes From I "T he Pilgr'm 's P rogress," l








;· I





ILarrowes Pure Buckwheat, bag, 25c I

IOc a Dozen Boxes \6c.






------...--________ ' i






~I I:==============!:II


l~ I



C. B. INTL(Y, ncsvllle, Oh 10

-==-=-=== THEN=~"""'"


We are paying the Bighest Cash Price forBop, for shipping purposes. Calf up and we will quote you TOP PRICES.

if..'.'-- - -___-:--UJi.~

Use Van Camp's Milk In Hawke's Home Luxury Coffee. Don't forget Bauman'. Bread and Edgemont Crackers. All kinds of Fancy Fru Its and Delsert. at

MarllbaIl had a pre t t y t alen t for mix- ~!""!"!!""!"!!"!!!!'!"!!!!'!""!"!!""!"!!""!"!!""!"!!""!"!!""!"!!""!"!!"!!!!'!""!"!!""!"!~ inC llalada, and one ev e ning at the :: Sheridan club, al his frI e nds dropped lD to dine, they noUced him preparing one of the deUcloua I&lacItI of wbich be alone lIeemed to know the secret. I ImmedIately there w e re Criel of I 'T!ank. make me one at the aame I Utnll;" and "Ob" Frank. malte enoU8h ~ for me. too," and, beamln. 'With I taetlon at the oompUment to bi ••!dU. Frank canecl for mOM lettuoetl, ohlves. tarrapm and otMr ~ta. And ,when he hael chopped up hla herb. , Into mtnube frqmenta and mb:ec1 b1a , IIala4 In hIa ' 0'W1l ....;- "'JQIle w"

Valley Pholle 135 deUCl'W ___________ . 1 .A. ...., • "7. .....






Main St. Arcade

u4 a.&lY OlIe -*hud-

Dayton. Ohio.

Only a Few More Days of the Creat


mlll End F~


every Town. Village and Haalet the throngs of money savers are coming daily to thil mammoth sale. The enthutiasm and volume of sales showl no let-up. and is 8urpassing all previous Mill Sale records, No wonder. wh.. you consider that you ARE BUYIMG NEW SPRING GOODS AT FACTORY COST, and ALL REGULAR STOCKS,AT MOST SENSATIONAL PRICE REDUCTIONS.

Re~ember, the Time is Short.

Burry! . Don't Miss Such a Rich Opportunity.

Reme mber


We deliver FREE to your nearest Railroad Stati.n all purchases of $5.00 or over.

Write u. time for samples of goods whether adveni sed or not, or an y other information. by an experienced .hopprr and shi ped .. e day received pm. ,


Your mail orden filled


....... •



.. _._

• • •• •


Miami Oazette, I y~r .. .. . . . $1.00 McCall'i. Malazine, 3 years . . $1 .50 3 Free Ix McCall's Patterns. .45

Total Value ••••..••..•.. , $2.95

Will ,C ost YOU . . .. , $1. 0 .gill'a55ml1!i!mIi:I~~J



l\l cCa\l's Magazine, though selling fo r 50c per year, is positively worth $ 1 per year instead. Call at this nOice any time and see late issues. The F ree ¥atterns are ordered by post-card from New York City a nd can be used any time you need one. T his offer is available to any one who subscribes, renews or extends th eir time on ) the Miami Gazette, T he only perequisite is that you "pay in advance." Call at this office or send $1.50 by mail. 8END IN YOUR ORDER TODAY

Now Is Your Chan e-Sub & , rl~e Today.

GAZETTE ......- • ,. -!t




Notice to Farmers

' ..

Bert A.

The Waynesvi11e Cannin~ Company is now ready to contract for corn at their office in Waynesville. Ohio. J. F. Snook. Gen. Mer. Roy Irons, Ass't

------- - ..-------




Clener. who re.ld.. .. t t he .A1rICUI. j tural <l<.Uetle In St . Paul. In me te of AlL,,n.ota ; LeO OIeaver... minor. who reald.. at No 315 Nicollet Ave, Mlnneapoll». che .tate or llInn..ot... are hereb,. notllltid th ..t Mad 11100 I\IcKlllJ)e,., u the executor 01 cb. lut .. 1II aod ....tament or Ellen SId... deceaeed , on t he 17tb day or Janu ..ry A. D. 11112. IIled 111. petlUon, In Cue No. 1378 In the P ro b ..te Uourt ot Wt.rnln County •• t .. te 01 Ohio. eotltled Madl.lon McKln8ey u executor or, tbe iut wlU and IAletament or Ellen Sid... de~, Dlr.Intur, v•. Harry OIeaver. Jeesle Oleaver" ~ Oleaver. a mInOr ot 20 years or lIP. Alben Olea,",r . .. minor or 17 ,.ear. 01 ace, and MIr.m1 Oemetor)' AIIOCI.. tlon. det.dant. 'l'be p~er 01 the petitioner &mODI other cblnp 11 flil' r.u order to ..U tbe roliowlill doecr1blld r..l _ate to pay the debta wd Ellen 811"- Ule legaclea named In her wlU and the <JOel. ollldmlJilatr&tlon 0' ber OItate. and thee tim naht Tbe Miami Oemeter7 ~ c1 ..Uon ... mon.r.cee ma,. be determined and adjudlc ..ted: OhJ2t, Oount,. 01 81tur..te In the St..te Warroo, r.ud tlul VWI/I'B 01 "aynesvUle, Beclmuna at a .... 'DO on Nortb Ifreet, corDOl'll ouHota NOI. 17 r.ud 12, theace lOuthwlll'l1l7 witb wd .treet to the weat Une 01 FIN1 alit'Mt. thence .. t rIIbS &DIles to North &treet a,n d with wd weat Une o,t i'Uth Itreet 10. I..t more 01' leal to the 8 II: corner 0' Tho•. J . Brown'. lot. thence weatwardly r.ud with ThOi. J . Brown'. Une 1711 feet to AId Brown',. S Wcomer, th8nconorthwr.rdi,. with .. Id Brown'. Uneorand paraUel wltb FlIth .treet 108 teetweat more '-to the Bouth Une oIOhapmanltreat thew:o ...'wr.rdiyand with tbe Bouth Une 01 bhlpman .t.root to the But Uno or the Frr.nIdIn and WayneaT1lle turnpike






Valley Phone 113


Wayne.viUe, ,Ohio



The Waynesville Auto and Machinery Company




anclllne out-lot !'fo. 11 to the be«l1ID.ID1 ox!)eptlaa tI'om the "bOve dllllCl'lbed re ..l_tate 1. 8U1 ,_ollt.Ddmore or 1_.. 101d bywd ' .1£lIeII Sldea to PhllUp Trout. by deed datod , Docem'- II, 11105. r.uel recorded In deed boo k volume' 81, pap 6711 Warren Count,OhJo deed lecord. J eale Ol..var and Leo Oleaver are hereby notlOild t bat they h .. ve been made p artl ... d etendan!: to It.Id petition and that they are reQ ulrad to answer tbe 1t.IlI8 on or berore tbe 16th da,. of March A. D. IBU. MADISON l\IcKINSEY. Executor the lut WlII and Teat.amen& ot E llen Sidea decet.Md, plalntlJf, Robt, J'. Shawh..n, Atty. D.ted, Jlllluar7 17, 1812.

Receive Tire. for the John.on Garage. Why not have I~'lat blow-out repair.ed now?' Is your GASOLENE ENGlr~E working a. it should? . We are equip"'ped to do , General Machinery Repairing of aU kinds. Complete line of Oil., GalOlene and AccellOries.



Sheriff'. Sale IN FORECWSURE Warren Common Pleas Wm. O. Ph1UI.- ulBaU. etc, l

v• •

Harry 1M:keyc- No. lun By 'f1rtue of an order 01• .dul]'.... iatru14 rrom I&ld Oourt, In the abOve ata-. cue, Uld to me directed I wtJI orrer tor -'e1 . w.a ,ol pubUc auCilon t r.& tbe "oor 01 t1II~_ Oo.urt BoUIe In Lebanon. Wamm (lount,., OhIo.oa ... ...


MOJ;,llday, : Febr,:,~, 5" 1~12, .

A' 10dllI'cIftIed o'clOCk A:........ X::~.ld da,.., iI!e'lOIiow_ , ;" , . • You • .Get . : to-_~ "



Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of aU kinds.

••••• :he: :..~~ 0' :;:::l'u:! :rut;Jg~ :ttr::i

By special arll' angemen.t with McCall Co. Of New York City, we offer every ODe the opportunity to secure The Miami Gazette absolutely free for 1 year. by merely subscribing to the McCall's Magazine for 3 years at the rate of SOC' pel year. In addi tion you receive 3 Free lSc McCall Patterns.



-------..-. -------




G. We Hawke's

resemb:lance to the well-financed and unencumbered relatlve 8. FallbJIonll may come and fasblon8 ma y gClt-but ba h lea will always be 1n 8tyle.-WlIllam Sanford, In Puck.

uAllaborw beIP4 1M

We refund your Rairroad Fare. the amount depending on your ,urchal(! from ~.OO up. ASK ABOUT THIS LIB~L PLAN.












•, 1

" J

2 ~



. I

"'" ~.!. 4~f





.--I Fonner Citizens , '.- ----~- -------~.


Meal snw\.; e for sale by,J. E. Jan- , Handsome Valentines ney. , Janney's.



At White Brick Friends Meeting I evenin~, February 10, Mrs. J . F. Cadwallader is on tfle I Dr. J. 1'. f.~llis spent Sunday in The tollowlnK notice will be ot in . 7:30, given by·E1bertHussell, aubject, sick list. I~ayton. . . : . t.reet to man,-of the older citizen! "The New StrtJule for Liberty." Mrs. Eva Jones VISited ln Dayton " Mrs. Burton Earnhart is reported . of J4t]e and Waynesville: All are cordially invited. s::s . - " last week. 'on the sick list. Marrletl. January 81, 1912, - Miae COLEMAN-BURGE~S I Sara Hardeman Sneed, of Nashville, Little Esther Henders:m is another I . Mr. an d Mr sF. .B. Sh erwood are Tenneaee, to Mr. William Lee CrosAt lix o'clock, Tuesday evening, of chic~enpox. in Cincinnati today. ley. of 1M Ana'elea, Califomhl. January the thirtieth, at the home of ,. her parents in Hyde ·Park. t:incinnati. . Edwin FurnlUl and son • . Eli were j Miss Mary Gray spent the weekL. 'C. Woolley. of Dayton, driver MillS. Edna Burgess was united in In L ebanon S atur d ay on busine sa e,nd with relatives near Ha"e)'8bu~. of the Jewel Tea Com,any wagon, m_loolI~~ . to Mr. Ethan S. Coleman. F C : 1h:-~ rf ed b rank adwallader. of Lebanon, l You will l1llss a treat if you don't which viih. Xenia three or tour tim~ ceFremtony waSt pe fOtrbm W was calling on relatives here Thurs- attend the Starr Concert Monday each welk, it amon,e tile victimll of th e Rev. or une, pas or .o e a · day ,UPper)' lid.,u]ks. While making nut Hills Christian church, in the . !~ening. hbI roancla Taeeday be fell four times presence of the immediate relati~es . Jesse Thomas is spending a few ' Miss Lizzie McElwee, of Wilmingand tbelut time Itroke the little finThe OD.IY atten~antsrehrebtv.:°d httle days with his slRter, Mrs. Lester is the (rUest of Mr. and Mrs. PI' of hia right band.-Xula Ga· ft ower gJrI8, cousms 0 t e rl e. Kenrick. at Lytle. ~verett McElwee . The bride wore a beautiful gown . of white 811k marquisette and lace, Mrs Allen Haines, of Xenia, was MilS Clara Lile, of Xenia, was the f' The Lebanon Tim-- of last week and carried a shower boquet of bride tI le guest 0 Mr. anll Mrs. Allen uesl of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cad1&)'1: M~... Jama. McDonald, net- l'OIeI. , Haines, Sr. on Wednesday. allader Sunday. 141M Anna Durke, 101d Iter millinery After the short, impressive cere t t F'd Dorothy and Chalmer Sherwood H W·,.. t • .... lbe par1on en mU rry 8 ree, rl ay mony, a verY dainty 1'epast was. f M d M F B' ' . arry. I uamson spen aft.-moon, te Mrs. Rachel Lane, of IItlfveci at beautif-ully appointed tao children. 0 r. an r s . . , ·couple of daY8 Wlth her daugflter, "'-cl ti Sh d th'ck Ii t . Vl!I nna . Mrs. Lane--wUl take bles. erwoo are on e Sl 8 . Dr, Cooper, In payton last week. ch....' within a few dIU'll. Mrs . Mr. and Mrs. Coleman will reside Rachel Elliott Lane is ·well ,known to temporarily in Lancaster, Ohio. Jos. Marlatt ieft Mondav morning :. Salt-good salt-the best 8Illt.we our readers, hann&' \>een Itom and .. - • for Ashville, N. C. He accompanies liave ever sold for meat and general reared iI! Waptep.itJe, and ahe will IN EXONERATION his sister, Mrs. Earnhart, of Leba- ~. _Al1other car loon at White's 1M del~bted to lie !U'lY of her old anon. friends In Lebanon ai &n,J time. Warren County is justlv proud Mrs. Henry Satterthwal'te a~:"nd.,J Messrs. J. 0 : Cartwrieht and of ttle IUccesa of one of its citizens, ~..., ed the Constitutional conv"ntl'o'" .. ·t ~ . ~e Zell attended the an.n ual The fol1owinl'aceouD~of the death namely, D r. H. orace. . J .. Wh Itacre. '" ,.. Columbus as a delegate fro.. Be]l~ eeting of the Valley Phone ComOb d Ci t u ':":on Coffman wu received by' 8U~eon 0 nClnnat.l, 10. an n of _an T Wh Ita· brook last week. " . .any, at u-banon Thursday. IIi'. S L. C&rtwrll'bt, from Marion'" of th e Iate Hon. WIll I am. uncle. Bon. Alex Boxwell: cre, of. Morr.ow, . ~d, glad Will White :lays now'S the time to' Messrs Lyman Silver. Ro88 IfartlIarl~n Boxwell Cottman was lili d to p~bhab thIS chpp~ng ~hlch IS sent look after sap pails and spouts, syrup IBOCk, Lee Earnha1't and Kennetb . ~ reat in Tippecanoe City saturday by the .li?'qulrer.m answer tO lcans, strainers and hydromQt~rs, Hough of the O. S. U., enjoyed a~ 2 p. m. Rev. V. F. Brown a;mn ~lc19~ ~rticJ.e rec~ntly good supply on hand. ~ week's vacation with home folks. p~ed the eermon. ~ubli8bed III tbeCm?JnnatJ EnqUlre,r., i Marion wu worklnl' for a firm in .'Seat~e, ¥!,~jnetoni ·Feb. 2.. 1912 . 1, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy IroDs and son, . Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heston and Colu~b~; ~io. Had &'One home . ~o CI~~na~l ~q~r~~: I am en~ of Dayton, were guests of Mr. and ,children of Sprina-boro, were visit....nntlj u well as aaual ,last JO)'l~. t:he~4!ll~ijle}·lg~t . of an. Mrs. Beneck~ at a six a'c1ock dinner ing .. their sister,. Mrs. Harriet E. Wednelday evlllillg. stoppld awhile ~anto~ ~~"D: I did Dot ~eJl , on last Thursday evening. , -, Fum~ and family Thurad~ and at .... ~" remainiilctbere untO IDJ. ~ ~l'; ~t~ments: .nor did 1'1 _ ." . ,Friday.

J. O. Cartwright was in Lebanon on Friday attending a meeting of the directors of the Valley Telephone Co of waich body he was recently dect· ed a member. Among other important business transacted the board authorized the manager to rebuild the Waynesville exchange and put it in first class shape. While the local service ba. not been bad, yet it has not been sat· isractory to Manager Thompson and h . b it was his personal request t at It e bettered. The Valley Telephone Co is strictly a Warren County enterprise. very little atock bein" owned outside the county, and is one of the very few independent tele,hone companies in Ohio that has proven BUCcessful. This success being mainly d h I I f W C ue to t e oya ty 0 arren ounty citizens to local enterprises. With the rebuI'ldl'nD' of thei.lant countr y ... people having lines ru ingfrom the road to their re3idences should see th II I od thO dd at a po es are go as IS a S very greatly to the betterment of service. he ...:...--. - • MADE ANOl'HE~ MOVE - -H. V, Waltet', of Lebanon, who reo cently purchased the Warren County T'Imes, has accept ed t he POSI't'Ion 0 f «e,\eral manager 0 f th e M'ddl I e t own Dal')y J ournaI a t i t' a ucra Ive Ii ala ry. ,,I I been sal'd 0 f Mr . ~ las a ways Walter he is a newspaper man from the front office to the press room. and knows all the details office, This is not his first experience in met.ropolitan news~a~erdom~ he havmg managed a daIly In HamIlton, Ohio . We bespeak a prosperous career for the Journal with Mr. Walter at the of it. e _ . . ·~dock: n d ., . 'to'~ .' . ~ ' iI.iQn.~.l'he.I _M.fIig~ Serawn; c;ttb-e-O:' s:-tr:: •. e'ii'rWl, tlui grocer - creaec1 i.' RECORD .~ -to a frieiDd ~ma- date Of ~ return \.I as yet undeter· spent a week's vaCation with her quite a stir lut Saturday when he - . ,appointment, aad wu found ~in~. . ",I. J. Whitacre." parents; Mr. and Mn. Oren Strawn, Ip ut bis earl' sign out paying 40e a doz Lincoln King80I~8ix Poland-China on the bed the next .• \ . • returning to Columbllf' Tuesdav the highest price ever paid in Way- hogs, about eleven months old. 1Il0rnina after. o'clock. The PI ' NEW Cl;NTUR'V CLUB m'lrning. lnesville. Tuesday to C. B Bentley that "utilimin&' in tMIth lamp and stove averaged 870 pounds each. These and·the window up: So it does not Tb,e~w Century Club held a very e best that-bave come t. marn l2 F 'd ft R t f W T ~LI C!-h M th E dl J 26 a · t I IMIIl that he could have d led from p euan mee mg on.- rl IiY I erepor 0 ayne ownDiI p """ 00 8 , or on 0 01 an. ,". ket, so far, and why not, everyb08Y PI fum... We thinl' It must have noon, January 26. at the hom.e of kno,!s that Link _rows only the best. beeri from indi.reetion~ or some other ~rs. C. A. Bruner. N N N N N0 N • •• ailmm!,..but none will ever know in Th.e roll t!all was responded to with 1~' :. N~. ~~. 6 • FINE SLEIGHING thia world. of noted educator'3~ After a . H. wu a model younK man, wauld instrumental solo by M~s. f-~ ~.,,~!!J ~ ~ ~ ::? Some of the fast horses were out have bHn 2IDut M.". Had asplen F. B. Sherwood, Mrs. Ellis read a ::! rii ..,. CP ... III rII III E 0hn M .. ain . Tuesday afternoon ~ ~B B:t"4 C'lc en3· s::~ en did --Idon and ~ bri. ht prospect.. mOlt interesting paper on • Open '" ... 10 0 n b O-IIQ S'''' :;! n 0- r t avmg a gooa t Ime. • -<l."" ... ~ pq~ :J III ~oq Ii o;:;! ~ • - • Bia d_tb fa a great blow to an. yet Sch!Mlla." Mrs. C. M Bough r"ad an Iii ~ ftI -. ftI ftI'" II '" :;:I -IIQ ~ 3. hia parente are bearinlr up onder it exeeUent ~per on "Recent Advance· ~ g'~ =~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::l 0 willa Cbrlatlan ......... , • ment in Manuel Training." .cr ('f)ffi <(II .... == (I)-= ::r " ftI ::.: ..., ...... II" ,.. Durlag the delightfuf social hour - - --.-!.----- - -I - --- - - - Q\1"RTE(tLY ~~ETI~~ Mrs. Sherwood favo~ tb.e . ladies . ... d,;;. .. .. \ . ' . with several muaical selections. Enrollment .................... ;....... 20 19 14 22 16 .18 19 6 128 ~y;, ~!~It. 'BriCkR-"':''': Fnenda Meetine were Served by Rank in enrollment......... ..... ... 2 8 4 i . te Dainty refrelihments . 1 4 6 3 7. B oJJ", ' Elb'" er.; ' \ISNI' m ma r the bOlSteD who'w" _Ieted by Mrs. 40 apd '.Nlldent of Earlaru . ~ra,*,, ; Mn. ~ans and Hath- Neither ,absent nor tardy........ 7 7 7 9 1 4 4 1 ." ~t topt~er ~,it"'?tll~ ~rom a9fJY. ',I,'i:ie mvited peatS we",:fli'm. --:--'-----aa~~.-..Al' ~ cord~a~~ lnvited Gt&qaV an ,· a.,Mn.~GUmour~ · Per cent of enrollment n . ?o 81 to a~. , ~ ,.... . , . ,'.t.~ ~, <; ;i.Y e . ~ ;e' absent nor tardy .................. 36 ':Ie' 50 41 7 16 2617

-----~. Bouse 7th day










6' s"



















8 3 from Hawke', ~ at~re ]ut Kee~ ~at:m w~ oftown whlle Jlut- P~r cent of attendance. ......... 880-. 86 w~ ~" · better return tbe .lUQe tl~ a ~n.C!I~ Ol;l - a· fractious .co~t




0 S1





'.rbe.~ ·;~o ~k ' the' ~ ~ 'M:~;::Wh~ !iv~ on

tit" WIIti ~ av~d tiouble. " U ' areaoWD. ,_ ,:..


• -


Cases of tardiness ........ ·.... ...... 12

KICKED 'HIM the : EImer

~umber of 'pupils tardy ... :.....

~.&J'. W. ._eithFI~ickeu.-or thrown Vi_its of superintendent .........


agaiDat th.·ItalLiy'tbe colt/ and' ",aa rend8redu~CoDacioUs .for 'a bout two





0 92' 64




84 S



0 · 26 86 1

January was a hard month in rural'

, _

Mt. Holly

oo.. YO~. T~~!lik Qf n.tIS? lloun,', Qe' ha,l,\ hla . nose ,and .fa<;e 8C~ools, it being I!.~ c?ld and incle. !Albert Marlatt EdDa Dill ,- " .. ' -'P ariel the cu~ ~q ~." b~ly. ·mubed. ·arid is ment. Muc:n credit lS d~e th~ par' , Lena Marla~t Martin-Marlatt ,.......,.., !!t s;,T thno~ can d~ to keep in., ~ .plllb~ _He baa no recoJlec- enta for seeing that their I!hlldren , K~nn~ B~tt.n Bel'tha Marlatt l~ ~.:.i..~ '< f ., don !d hoW ·t Ile accit,lent ~curted. were taken on cold or snowy morn· JO!Ieph Haines

\ . W~"T


,warm••,tt ~on• . ....,.... 8IrP or ua. . '' . • _ '. ' , Tbt. artIcl. of fOOd tole to thesu· -.' , ' . ~ .';" • .' . ~,"j,;,b'''''' f' ..~ · ~-~' in ] ". FELL 0 ',THE ICE !

- Thirty-one percent of enroll. . rd bae t 1

.... . Harmoay Orove mept was/, nelther ta y nor a n I . , ~ ~I ~ , --,_ ~ areer .". .'. . Thi~ is a good record: The higbes.t Clement Harner Alice Gona . cl~'·~ ",were , fOe. . 'l'hia ia the .. attendance reeord wa, made by OUte Wilton . . Mabel Stanley f, t taU ..l~.t'~t the hen proCluct hIS Gra1Wn: who U\'eS west Spn·ng ·.Branch', .the lo'west Green Roicoo _.FurbU Marybelle Harner '--_LeU ~LL ri -working at' hi~ home . ~~ ~, p 'iii a1ipl* on the ice Bn~r .., · '. ,Ru~ll Stanley . , and two ri.. He is During January Mise Stokes was ,.. . Spri~ Branch well iaa can be·ex": on ' account of silmn_ ten Nel80n.'Brow~ · ,.' 1"";~I,"'UUtl~ ~e clrcutii,atances. d.aya, and Miu .t<:Ornel, two . itays. ~/' . 'Oreen .Btlar ;~ ,,:". . ' •..- • : MilS Elva b~visfill~ t~.,vaeahcles. . 'A~b~ ' Ballin....r , . OyStER SUPPE,R.'- : . Th~ semi' yearly eOlDlnatlon was J";". . :_1 Wbitakear" 11-1:. .o'.d' 12th • One, .I:o!Ulenua , ,.:, .. )' ~ , \. " .: glvep J an,u~ry WI • . Hbward \Vbitak.. Theladl" Qf~tbe Mt. Holly ·M. E: ~of tl\ese daYI'jtappened ~,~ be one of ."'~ ~" K8be~ RoIi churdtwliH"'ve..~ o;S'tel' suppe~ tbew~rs,t o~ the m9D~ an~ muw " ~. '.' th.chu~ satill'4J~ -ev.;nlng: pli'p118 ~ere lina~le to ·I'tt to.aoo\. ;, ~r.(·\ ", .$UIIi' Orove ary 10. All are.Co~l&l1y invi~ed to The ~ults we,e fairl1 _tlafactory. Pdl S~k~ " .~y Green - \ • 1 . , . Th8'lollowing ,IlPifa were ,neither . lEIar" Rol~d Marie Surface abullt .~dl' " tardy dpri~ ,January: Opal' Gray '.' ,F,va Prater


'I ' .'




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'-A)I1IH1~. HI1l "

l~!>wal-d. Sll~tta .


M~iIon, F.-rnbart

. B~mett Butterworth . '~' ,H~ .'.

-----, .. -1 Social Events 1 +------_..-..--- -


Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy I3unnell entertained Mr . and Mrs Henry Satterthwaite, Miss Mabelle and Mr. Harry Satterthwaite at dinner Sunday. 6 On Wednesday of last week, Mrs. Israel Sa tte rthwaite and Mi~s Sarah Satterthwait~ planned a surprise for Mr . and Mrl'. Henry Salterthwaite. which was a complete success. Had a ' tine dinner. everybody bring-in&' well filled ba.'lkets. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. 1. Sat~rth­ waite, Mr. and \irs. Joe Chapman, Mr. and Mrs C. Bunnell, Mr. aud Mrs. Willis Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Argull Osborne. Missea Blanche Shee· han, Idena Osborne, Mary Penewit Mabelle and Sarah Satterth\faite, . Messrs . Ralph Sheehan, Emmor Bailv Harry and Russell Satterthwaite The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Baily was the Bcene of a very pleas· ant affair on Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Lina Devitt ana Mrs . J . B. Chapman had invited a . few friends in to spend the evening. '. thinkinR'to Burprise Mr alad Mrs.' . Mrs Baily had ~otten a Bailv, but pretty clear understalldmg of what was grin~ on and was ready for the guests when , they arrived. Five Hundred was the chief diversion and delicious refreshments were B8rved. Those .preoent were Dr. and ~rs. A. T. Wrigl1t, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baw\f.e Mr. and Mrs Isniel Satterthwaite• Mr and Mrs J a 'Ch!!pman. M~. dames Annie Thorpe, GeorgeStl'Oud, J 0 Cartwright, . Arnes Wright, MisIIea EDoDal'Jieilrbway,' and· SUIIIJl WrI,;ht, Messrs Frank Cadwallader, of Lebanon. Edward.Ricks ~<t C ' ·~ . Willi~n. • _ • . ~ ':..: He Won't Limp Now l! . . !. No mOl'8l1mping for rom. M~ore of bad a bad sore on Coohl'an, my InlltepGa. 'hat"Iootbing Ileemed' to help 'ill I oseJ 800kleo '8 Aroloa. 8alvA," be wrUell, "b.t·tbla w~)Dderfal heal"r lIoon cared me" Beel. old, running 801'88, aloers, boila, barGs, cale, bralsl!l,. . eczema or ~iilll~I·. Try It. Only 250 ...' all dreg


e· -

New Burlington

Chu. Icenhower and family -h ave moved back to our village. . Ralph Leamin~ fell on tile ice o~e , day last week and auffered so severe a ahock, that he was confined to hi. bed for several days. '; Chas. Mendenhall and Jeue ~a",k­ ina attended the Anti 8&loon Lequ, Convention in Columbus last week. Mrs. H. O. Whitaker and dau&,p" J : ter, Lois were Dayton viai~~ Wednesday of laSt week. .. . ' .:. Dr. H. 0, Whitaker, ptesident ,?f I the Green Co. Medical AaaociaP9il , attended a meatiI" of that bodY Thursday of last week. . . ,t"':( , T. M. Harlan, of Miamisburg; '. was a business visitor here 't...·fQ.,et . ' part of the week. . , : ·r, ,I ~f. . " The W. F. M. S. of the rri~mcW" THE WILBUR STARR · CO. church held a farewelll5OCi~f~""'¥~~/ < Great ment MaleCompany Quartet toand Entertainm ., an d Mrs. Isaac Evans. Satu~ft"n a~ "i. . . " Appear. . No attraction on a Lyceum course Mtas Florence Havcook entertaine~, '. is ever more popular than a male c1aseea four and eight 01 the Frleftda; ? quartet. Hare we have a fine male S d h · I Sat rd y ;..... .; quartet and in addition an enterta;n- un ay Be 00, • u a even~. ~~ ':''''''j!'',;';-~'' ing company that cannot be sur- The occasion was a shower for Mi. ' , passed. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur' Starr Mary McNeal who is lOon to bocome " give entire programs thems~lves, full the bride of Harley Carback. ,'. , of variety and of great ment. . Noab Whitson a highly respected. .. . Wilbur Starr gave up a large salary when he resigned six years ago. as and Ufe lon~ resident of thia' nell'h. ,' . director of the Music Department, . University of 'Missouri, to enter tyce- borbood died at his home n(\rth of'· , urn work. Before teaching. he' ha~ town Wednesday tif last week· . spent thrce ~easons as leadIng ban- had been confined ·t o '''Is /., tone with the Castle Square Opera ' " Co. His success in the Lyc;eum w~s aince Ncwember. · Funera\ ..·.Pv14!"'il instantaneous. Mrs. Starr IS a brlt- were held at the M. •E. church liant pianist ·and 'cellist, an attr~ctive Re A T Co gi·U. 1....:. • little woman with a per- day, Y.. • W \ _VlnlJ : •... . . ' \'W~~~~~~~11 sonality. The trio of singers to· com· olete the male Quartet are ~rtist. of wu a Jcipient of , : : experience in the. Lyce.u.m A prD7 '_'-"cOCj~. !allll""11' ·sa:tuN .~ Il';-it be: , " Il"ram pleasioJ"( to al\ I, expteted w!le1l ... they appear here. . I.inl':t,~J~fl~.~"1 Thi., concf'rt will be at scbool Hall Monday evening instead \Tuesdq evening, u stated on the eeasq~ ti~

He ,







The,Dext drawing f9J' .the. coone :win be betel Sa~t:d&Y ~Oor',~! . !I!fOI'......,;-.~... il!lM!~;&tiC.j~I~~.l@iiItf, 2:o·c1~· ~~:tlle ~o~p 'R~u~' . · Ic_~.~.~e':~ !

.... ,





The Miami Gazette !:. L. CRANE, Publisher.

ORlu .

cz::=:: _



OU t t s hlp :p a n Rr t 80 !'I n') IU:d lUI). tIe t bot tu e wo rl d bus gone on for 1houBands of yenrs wi th Bcarc e ly a tbou gb l of red llcl nl: II 10 a nytblng like 8 defin ite sclenel' 10 b ~ IRUllhl and learn ed by rul e Tue romA ncers. to be s ure, ba ve wov el. In nume rab le tale. f rom thi s Gnrdun 01 ::Jb y Love. and la te ly the ['(>aitsts hnvfl bcgun dI ggIng lust ily Bruoog Its rOUlS li ndd hidd en t endr il s ; Ind eed. the t) Pl'cal nove l of tod o1 Is eo ncetnt'd fnr more wit b tb~ pbYIIIOlog)' tba n wl l h Ibe sentime nt of co urt ship. Ma trimon ial burelHl s bave been ,· srs bll sherl . 10 ... nnd perll _pa In ce rt alo df'spern te cnse s [hey Dll ve JusIl tle c1 the ir trade, It bas benL left, 'J owel'cr, to n hig h a(' hool ,n Lc ~ An· geles to !pad Lb'j way by establishing n tb orourhgol ng depar tmenl tor art or g Itlng ma rt"led-and a stay· Ing marrier! . S RyS tbe AlIanU:. Jourual. Tbe courses are proving !mmc nsely populnr. The re ar, Hve cla8s~ In whl cb the girls are ca refully tutored 10 matters of de portme nt during the varl · OUB ph ase( at wooing. They are a lilo Instructed In hou w bold Illaragement, home di etetics. drellSmaklnl, mHltnery and the core ot babies, It WILS origInally plsnned tbat the lx'rl OJ Los Angelel sbould he permitted to tak J theBe coursel neltt year. There Is '10" a pre· 'failing opin ion . th a t this will be altoge ther unnecessnry, tor wben tbe gi r ls have ma stered theIr s ul.J eel and have sha r pened their IlJstru"Uve IIklll with s pecial knowledge. wbat need . pray. will ther e be of any mao knowing anythlDg at all alJou', courtahlp? Tbe tact Is, the average lIam· lIel, though she abould b'3 reared. as • l'erdlta wall, upon a 10Del, tro··.serlells Island, can come upon the ~arpet at 18 at.d win 811 many proposal. ,. she seta tler head w. 0, tbole wlee women of the Welt? The Wise Men of the Eut were nothing to them.

Ured Stock Is Worth at Least One-Fourth More Thar Mongrels And Is Easier To Breed - Only The Strong Birds Should Be Sele~ted




New York ExperimeoC. Stac.ioD Rec:ommeo4s That AltaHa Seed b6 Examined Before It Is Sowo - Injurious Weed Seeds May be Readtly Removed by Slftlns ThroU1Jh Wire Sieve.


Tbere are sever al reasons wil y a ll tbose 11"t ha \' ln g th ese chara clol' every (a rm er s hoult! keep only pure· i~t l c 8 nnd mark c t t hem a t Lb e IIrst Olr bred poultry. P ure· bred poultry con· purt unlty . Se '('c t fr om th e bird s whic h show sumes les8 reed an d pro du ces 1110re eggs than mon gr el stock, an d a t lh e \'I tnl lty tho, e wh ic h ha\'e prOlluel'd same time 18 mo re uulCor m In quality u In rgc numbe r or egg•. Th e re 18 uul y Experi ments wh lcb bave heen coa' l nn e wny to do lIlis. and lhllt Is to Hhow lllg the co mparative have ~ lIc para lC breed Ing pen a Dd tra p du eted prollta d er ived trom pure- bred a nd uelt lhe hens If possible. Breed on lv mon grel I tock s how tb at pure- bred rr OOl h eD ~. A bi rd wh ic h has go ne poultry Is worth at leas. olle-to urth throl:gh on e !uy l ng seas on haa a ce r· more to th e farm er tha n mongr el lai n amoun t or vl tali ly a nd will lay s tock. P ur e- bred birds haw' lhc (ur· la rge r Dnd more hatc ha bl e eggs Iban oC being ea sie r to a YOJn g pull el. Sc lect th o eggs . 018' [h f' r ad\'nnlug breed. Wi th II fl oc k or va rious co lora, carJ all lIbn orr.·ul egg~ a Dd batch only shapes a nd bret>ds. Il III a d ifficult ma t- the Ol'ldluOl to lurge Oll es . A la rge ter to pick OU L t he most prom IRin g egg will hatch Il large cblck, and th e birds. Wltb pure-bred Slack, bow· large r th e c hick on th e day It Is ha tch· ever, any detects a re Quickly nollced cd the betl er chance It hns tO'ma ke and It Is an easy ma ll er to selecl B protHa hl e growtb . Hen'. eggs a re tho~e blrdA \\'b!c h s bow cha racter· la r ge r than pull et's Wo gs a nd s hould Istlcs deo otlng vIgor a nd v italit y. It be used eDtlrel}' tor hatc hin g s tock . Is much eaKler to hrecd bird s of pureF. ~. JACOBY, Colier, e at Agriculture. Ohio State white vnrletles true to color I han It III to breed bIrds of pa rti-colored UnIver s ity. plumage. It Is ea sIer 10 produce - - - -- - brown eggl trom th e American breeds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and white eggs trom Ule Medlter· ~ ~ ranenn breeds than It Is to gra de the ~ A FEW POUL TRV EPIGRAMS t~ 6 :!X8 from a nock whIch produces ~ ~ ~ C!eanlln es8 Is the k eyno te ~ naltb.4lr brown nor white eggs, ~ w 'It'lccess- wi t il poull ry. ~ I t3 P IHands for Pure· bred Paul· ~ ~ try a nt! ~~cl\t,'1 . ~ ~ It pays to feed your hens ~ ~ ..... hat they need nt the time ~ ~ they wa nt It. ~ ~ It you do not grad e your ~ ~ e ggs, someon e else wllJ, lind ~ ~ you wllJ pay him tor doing It. ~ ~ A louse on a hen Is like a ~ \) bedbug In your bed. The hen ~ \) can't lay ana neither can you. ~ ~ - E. S . Jacoby. College of Agrl- I!l PUN WhIte Yarletlel Are EIII., .. ES culture, OhIo State University. ~ Brlld Trua to Color. ~ ~


Many people hold to the Idea tbat


It la expenilive to change from IlIOn· There are more way8 of gettlDg the grel otock to pure-bred. It you wUl : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \'jl e ~ Qt ~ ~ ~ ~ Qt ~ ~ BlOit oot of the land than addlns w sell .one·halt of your hens thlll winter ~ TEN GOOD FARM BOOK8. ~ U. fertility by plowIng 10 guano or and Invesl the money next spring In e " pbOlpbates, "Seed corn" Holden bu !'gga from pure·bred stock. you can ~ ~ &l ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ e e ~ ~ ~ ~ beeD lecturtng to the memher. of the have ILJ1 entirely Dew flock by next Firat Principles of Soli Fertility, by New York produce exchance and tell- fall wIthout the expenditure of any VivIan . . In, them wbat he told the Iowa farm· moaey outllde of tbe poultry. Wben we have a fiock of pure-hreds Bacteria In Relation to Country Life, en, tbat It II wo~h wbU. to ever,. It Is neces8ary tbat we keep It In the by Lipman. farmer to take patns to the .electlon possible condition aod endeavor Cereal. In America, hy Hunt. , or bl. Beed, Planting the bellt lIeed II belt to I~ove Il Pure-bred poultry cao Forale and Fiber CroPII, by Hunt. rewarded wben the Ume eomes for daie•• rate as well al mongrel ltoc:k. . Typell and Breeds 01 Farm AnImal!!, ptberlnl the crop. Obeetvatlon In 10 the first place, select only tbose by Plumb. Iowa b .. Ibown tbat flrtel~ per cent. blrda whlen ahow strength and vital· Feeds and Feeding, by Henrr. Judging LIve StocJc, by CraIe. 0( tile coro kel1lelll planted are dead Ity. These blrdl will have broad, deep Pro&rellilive Poultry Culture, b, before the,. are lawn. It III Dot 41111· bodle. and broad, short heads, a sbort, eu t ad teD us s per acre to the well·curved beak, ' a full, bright eye, IBrlgham. Swine, by DIetrIch. pr9ductJon by slmpl,. takln, care with thick sbank8, and, If male birds, will sbow a disposition to fight. Discard Pby.lcil of Agriculture, bJ Kinl. ..... lI8Cl to tbe seed: -T.u ~bullhels more ' per acr e would add oearly a billion buahels , to the corn crop. UndoubtedI,. It pays the farmer to taka palnl 10 tbe lelectlon of seed. Silage I. one of the feeds that '.com or bran, replace the enillap, AI There Is something t.bat lookll very should not be Ignored by the average for Illustration: pl1lctlcal In the plan ot tbe California dairyman, even though he II the OWI114 pOUllde or t1moth,. ba,., nt and eat raocL man to teed the car. er of but ten cows, A man ownIng 8 pounds of clover ha,. eases of the rats to the catl and tbe II farm of 100 to 160 acrell usually bas ' pounds of bran. earc:ases of the cata to the rata, mak. pasture for possIbly 12& ~ay~ In th~ ' ~ p~~:~so~fJl~O:e~d meal. Inc bla profit by marketing the sklil.. year. During the halance of the time, p Of couree It win be assumed that as 240 days, which Is the feeding time, 40 poundll of silage, . tbe anlmaia Increue and multiply, tbe allage sbould play an lmportant part. 8 pounds of craver ba1-. Ii pounds of bran. • lDultlpllcatioo at eacb llpecles wm In. ThIs problem may be lI1ustrated as 4 pounds of corn. eure the food supply of the otber. Iso't follows: Tho amount of silage neeell'1 pOUnd of IInBeed meal, n rasclnatlng? And all the time the Bary for ten cows for the ahove peThe . above ratlonll contain approxi , ch(:cka .wlll be comIng In for the skins. rlod,. assuming that the COWII afe fed There Iii nothIng exclusive about thl. an average of .0 pounda Per day, mately the same food material, bllt al Ingenious Californian. He Is willing would be 48 tons. A talr average yield present priceR the first ration would t6 ailew thtt InYestln-.:--ntrlrltt!-tc,....,tm1!'M-~o:;..f~rc::e~e~n~,corn per acre Is 12 tons. At cost 33 per cent more than the secl)nd, this rate tour acres would furnlsb a This saving would amoun to about U8 cballe some ot tbe shares In hIs Indus- sufficIent amount of silage to feed 10 per cow per year, or to $180 for the trial enterp.r l lle, whlcb is organized In cow,. for 240 daYIL. 10 cows. OSCAR ERF, ' the form of a stock company. College of AgrIculture, Oblo State UnIversity.

A Field of Alfalfa,

The appearance at dodder In clover and alfalfa fields Is generally most dangerou8 to t.he crop. The ordinary operations of mowin g, raking and hauling tend to aprend this trouble some parasite, and willi every ne w center of Infection the cbances ot the crop grow les9, A recent cIrcular of tbe New York experlmeDt stutlon a t Gene va describes the Injury' rOllulting from dod· del' :In aUalfa fields, as follow a : Dodder Is a yellow, thread·llke twlnlDg weed which Is e xcecdlDgly troublesome In alfalta fie lds. It ap· pear,s In cIrcular spots 3 to 30 feet or mOrtl In diam eter . At Ihe oeDter of opot the alfalra III klll cd ou t. while around tbe margin the ground Ii! cov ered with a mat of yellow threads whIch twIne closely about tbe steml c! th" alfalta plants and slowly strano gle the m. Ttle spots locrease In sIze from year to y,e ar. Many fielda have been com· plet!!ly ruined by dodder. It Is not ottell InjurIous to other crops (ex~pt red ,clover) , but once estabUshed tn an alfalfa lield It Is very dlmcult to eradl· cate without killing the alfalfa. All dodder Is usually . Introduced wUh clover and alfalfa seed, tbe pur-


Among the nations of Europe Tur. key Is tbe only one which Illes DO Red Cross In time of war. Though a party Rotation of crops, while adding to the Geneva convention, Turkey has nothing to the soli, unless a legume be steadfastly refused to use the emblem , grown, Is one or the means of main· of that convention, the Greek cross, to talnlng tbe present rato of crop yield. prolect Its sick and wounded In time The different crops require varying 01 war. laYS tbe Westminster Gazette. amounts of tbe elements of plaot foqd . In place of tbe cross ths Turkish army Root Iystems of the plants dLffer, coa· medical corps makes UBe of a red crel' seQuently with the rolatlon of crops cent on a white. ground, but this dewe are able to ulle tbe loll to a great· parture from the recognized Interna· er depth. , Experiments show that, while the tlonal emblem has never receIved the continuoul culture or a crop may give lIanction of tbe natIons slgnallory to the Gene va convention. There Is Ut. The 8110 Provldel a Good Feed at Low larger returnl tor a short tlmll, la the course ot years the greatest proHl Is tie doubt t.bat Italy will look on the COlt. obtained · from the rolatlon. The rol· croscent at equivalent to the red According to statistics, It costa na 10wLng table lB' taken from the resulta cross. per acre to raise this corn; hence the obtained at tbe Dldlana experiment cost of the four acres would be ~52 . station: Second A man \I.·ho shot and killed his brotb. tt costa approximately 75 cents per Flrllt 6 years er·ln·law while deer hunting Is report, ton to 1111 a silo, making a total coat 6 yean $47 29 ed to have gone InsRDe after ' the of lUling the silo In t/1ls Instance of Com, conUnuoul •. , ,'93 61 '11 49 tragedy. Dldn't he go Insane belore It1 '36. This would make a total cost of Wheat, cont lnuoulI. " 88 65 79 32 $88, the cost of silage fcir 10 cow. tor Corn, oata and w.heat 84 93 hn'l "huck fever" a Ipecles ot mental ';' alienation "bleh makes many of ita 240 days, The cost tor one cow tor Corn, oata, w.heat and 240 days would be $8.80, clover ' " • ~' , • , . , ., 69 %8 96 66 • Icllme temporarily unlit to be entrult. An eq~lvalent of food material In , Tbls sho~. that a rotation of corn, ed wIth guna? timothy hay would be 12 tons, Which.. oats ,and whoat Is decresslng In reat $18 per ton wonld cost U16, mak. turn mo('8 slo9'ly than the continuous Tbe New York County Lawyers' a .. Ing a COB.t of $21.60 to feed one cow culture df corn.. but at the same time eoclaUon reports tbat "only 30 par .for 2.0 days. To turnlsh uutrlents -when a le~mp II added once In four cent. of the lawyers In New Yor. equivalent to Illage It will require 11 yean there Is an Increase In tbe remake a tatr Itvlng." All we suSPectlld, tons of oat hay, whlcb Is worth $16 tum pIJr .acle.-F. E. Bear, College Of . per ton. ThtB would ~ amount ta $176 Agrlcultture. Ohw State Unlyerslty, '10 per cent. make an unfatr lIvlne. ' for tb~ 10 COWl, or $17,60 (or one cow, '..,...;.--' - - - - for .a·ys. · . " -'J'be New Y.o rk World want. to ~ .. n' oot legitimately compare ' kn9w "Wby Is the Tombs full?" Po. clover, or aUalfa hay ' wltli ,silage; .be· "~I~ because 1t wok a few to~ man,., cause the protein In theii'e feedll ', doel no~ compare ~1th that In l11age. .T1Ie eConomy' of feedl'ng '111a,e . , JI,.. e\oen' mo.~ e'fldent wbe.n ' colilliA'reCi: 'wlth



taUou hi' ,w ill': ~o~ .~ ' ~'t:·ba,.;


R •• lnol the 8eoret-Sold Everywhe ....

There Beems to be no end to tbe ules to wblch Reslnol II pul Here I. a man who first used It for plies, tbea local troubles, and lastly tor perlplr' Ing feet. All experiments have provell luccesllful. Read what be says: "I began the use of Reslnol OIDtment about ten yeaMi ago ' for pllel; resulte sat1sfac~ory; fln&lI,. used II for all local troubles, and Iutl, for perspiring feet, and It was more thlUl satlstactory, and that after I had apeDt. over a hundred dollars for different remedIes ant! medIcal tees wltbout r&lulla. Since tho!n have recommenaec1 It to dozens of people, and It bas never failed to cure. "D. L. KILLIAN, "Memphis. 1'cnD." Not on:y Is Re slnol Ointment goOd for pllea, but tt Is unBurpu8sed_ ln rellevlng scalds anc1 burna. chllblalol, cracked lips, Itching, hlackheads, bolli, or any torm of eruptive ~kln dlBeaae, u eczema., tetter, ringworm, barber'. Itch, etc. Re.lnol Ointment can .,. purchased from your druggist In tlrt,cent llDd one-dollar sizes, but If JOu prefer to try a tree sa.mple, ""rite to Department 93, Relinol Chemical OttBalUmore, Md.

be examined beforo It 18 sown to d.termlne tbe presence of dodder. Alfalta seed Is larger than dodder seed a nd advantage was taken ot this tact by the station to pe rfect a method by which commercial altalfa seed may be made practi cally tree from dodd er and sufe to sow. It waa found that dodder seeds are readily removed by GIfting through a wire sieve havlllg 20 m eshes to tho Inch. SInce rendY'Olad e sIeves ' of thlll mesh are not readily obtaInable, It I.

- -- -- -


Hoax-My daughter hall reached the ale wben a alrl bulae to tbhlll of marrlaae. . Joax-Just leven :yeara old, ebT

61ze of Mash.

advlled to construct a Jlgbt woooon (rame 12 Inches square by a Inchell Not a Lively Fl.", at Belt, deep and tack over the bottom of It One of the porterll on the train out 20 by 20 mesh steel~wJr" cloth. of Salt Lake City 11'&1 an Imp......eThis quantity ot wire clotb oucht looking nearo, who had a readJ, it innot to cost more tban 15 or 20 cents, accurate answer to almollt aOT Que. It 1. important that the wIre cloth Uon put him by the pallsenge.... It uEed be exactly 20 by 20 mesh, which wae hard to tell whether h. belleY" may be determined by pia clog a ruler aU that he eaid or whstlMl' he w. . Oil the sIeve or cloth and counting ba"ln, fun with hili p...eogerl. the-tlUmbe ... ·of- spacett-to-the-tDeIt:- -l ()De-maIIrOIl-ftnt catchIng light of With a sieve ot tbls kind It Is eatJ· the lake, ..ked It there were 8n7 au mated that a man can clean trom to It. throe to leveD bUBbela of alfalfa leed "No, Bah," ..Id the porter, "dent per day, ain't no fillhes In dat lake, sab. Dey From one-fourth to one-balf pound done trIed ter lIee at dey couldn't bave of seed, and no more, sbould be put lIshea In dare, but dey wouldn't Ila1 into the sieve at a time a'lld vlgoroull' .Uve. De Hahell dat ltared aUve 4e ]y shaken for one-half millute. lange lit was Bait mack'rl, but deT To make tbe work unlforml1 wa'n't 'very 11ro.p'rous, IIIIh,"-Yonth'l t.borough the UBe ot a cup balding not CompanIon. over halt a pound of seed And careful -------timing of the lIfting la recommended. A Feed of Hay, tllev. and Cup, If the seed contaIns but little dod. "On08 Upo,l1 a Ume," C: M, Tbul1IalJer cba.e and \,Ise of dodder-free leed der one sifting may do, but when served upon a murder Jury. For hoara can. not be too IItrongly urged. much dodder Is Pl'sserit. and partleu. and hours the body dellberated-ll It It to ot the larg'~lIecd varIety, agreed upon a verdlet, but the twelftb 01. ean ·see, d L owever, can not always larlv " ~ obduratelY refused to cbange his pobe se,cur~d, and · therefore, cleaning two siftlngs, both made ,strictly flS altlon. Floally n court officer ropped the 'lIeed Is orten necessary. , directed, are adviled. at the door aud Inquired 811 to tIle F'requently neither the purchaser In experimenting 'wlth this mllthod prospects or agreement. nor' tbe leed dealer knowlI dodder it was observed tha besld41 the dod~- - . one n sIght," re!lpOffil'ed t: e thorseed, and eonseq~ntJy In many cases der Beed. v~rlous other small tVeed oughly disgusted C. M. tbe flI'llt proof of Ita Introduction III aeeds, broken Beedll and dirt, liB well '''Perhaps] had better bring III 11 the' appearance In the field of tbe as Bome of tbe Imaller alfalf.. seeda. luppers, then," suggested the omoer. weed flse]f. were also removed, "No:' said Tburnauer;-glurlllg vi. In 'Ylew of these facto, the New The oUUngs varl d trom one to five clously " at tbe unpersuad able member, York station recommends that. seed I 119unds. "" -I ng In 11 suppel"s and ono feed ot _~ ha,., _!Lilli.

_ ......... - ............ A----




- -- - -..,.,.--- ----...........



BlP' ··i--oa" T.., it I. PoiIalbh SaUa"" ProtecUou I. AlI~~ to Dee.c:& V.noaa KID4e . BIacle Wheu ImplemeD& 01 Deterlcnate4 Ie No' ID ~'aa1 U ... Baa. l'armers and those handUng eggs comomerotally, aa well a8 the bouae· "II'lv,es and other consumeI'll of eggo wlll be interested In Secretary WIlBoml's remarks on two systems In TOI~ne In the egg trade. 'll'be e),atem or marketing e~g8 In g4meral use in the mIddle west, known to the trade all the "callecOunt" sYlltem, has proven detrimental to Quality. BrleHy, case-Count buying conalstl of the payment of the fixed pr,ce which happenll to be current at' thEt tl!De tor each and every dozen wblch may be olfered for sale, regard· lells of whether the eggs them"lvel arEI good, bad or IndIfferent. The' onlly requisite In most caaes to con· ButDmate a sale fa foreacb egg to'liave an Intact sbell. No practical step can be taken , Ill ' Ity than to dlacard thl.' buyIng and rep-lace lrno'WO to .tbe trade 'as '10'''011',:' Where the use ttie .e .g.

In descrIbing a foldlog ba.y Imlte.recenUy Invented by Lutber L, Carr of Cbalmers, Ind" tbe SclentUla American says: The object of this improvement II to provide a novel construction of knlte In whlob the bIde can be wn· venlenUy folded bito the ' haodle 110 tnat when the knife til not 10 actual use, the blade will be housed wlth.l n and protected b, the blUldle, the ban-





8URPRISED DOCTOR, ... lIIultratlng the Effect of FoOd. The remarkable adapta.blUtJ of Grape-Nuta food to atOmacblJ BO ,UIIordered that ther will reject ever)'tblng ela., II lllt1atratetl by the can at a wom'a n In Racine, WI •. '''Two ,.ean a,o," I~e layl, "I "'u attacked by a stomach wuble 110 lierlous 'that tor a 100g tlm!! 1 coulc1 not take mucb ' of an,. sort or tood. llI'fen the varlqUi kinds prescribed by the 40ct0r produced most acute pala, . "We then lot flome Grape-Nuta food, u4 you can ImagIne my surprise IUld dellgbt wben I found tbat 1 could eat It with a rellib and wltbout the IIllIb'eat dlltresl. "When the doctor beard or It be·told me to take lIeveral emall portions eaob day, be~aulle he teared I would PO'" tired ot It al 1 had of all other food. "But to bl. surprIse, (and that of everybod;r elle), 1 did not U... of Grape-Nuta, IUld became better day b)da,., t,l1I; after Il?me Weeks, my stom' ach entlrel,.. recovered and 1 11'118 able to e~t- anythIng mT appetIte crayec!• . "My nervea, whIch ,bad becom. 10 weakened that I feared I would beeame luane, were aI.o restored b:y the Grape-Nuta "fOod In cOllnectlon w1tb Post'llill wblob bas become ' our table bevorage, ' J. appreciate mClet Ifatetully and tb8Zlklqll:r,the good th t 7o1,lr food preparatlona ~l'e dq~e,.m.. and 'lbaU ,be letter.!


" ~7



Name. :'

CrtU. ~, . ( i~"

I," .


. .____________... 1

The Value IIY

W . C.


Life 5 Puzzles

of Mr . Sta plClI, and be was arterward t mus te red In to tb e ee rvlce. " Thl ~ I ~ II bout all th e Intormatlon I can gi ve YOU with re fe ro nce to the matte r , and would s uggest th a t I( you des ire to le arn anytblng about tbe UCH of life's dally story 'a made up of racing pri va te IIro of Mr . Staples you mlgbt writ e to til e pos tmaste r or som e olber 'luestlon s morll or IOMS pers on nt Stroud sburg. Pa., ""he re porplexlng. Now and Mr , Staples lived and where he died then comes a call for a decision that plainly will J anuary 11, 1888." (s igned) J . L.. DAVENPORT, larKely shl\pe one's ruture. Almost Commissioner. every mO'lDent raises a minor problem. There are se vera l people stili IIvln, nnd later yeare may sbow that the In Stroudsburg who knew Staples and I matter waLK by no means 80 trlOlng as re me mb er tbat to blm belonged tbe It s eeme d. unique dlBUn ction of representiD' 'tbe process doell not alrect all Lincoln on tbc fi eld ot battl e. Amone nllke. All are paslling judgment on an Ihe lr number ar e J . T . Palmer, POlt- ondless Be rlell of points But those :~~t er ~DlIl ~~lnkc IPal dOlf tbe rPUblhlC wltbout a lIerloua purpose are hardly Stro °d' b ' .. TLII ra e. e tonr 0 t e a.ware of this. They are used to fol· mes. an d epreseDtn· I I til II f I u H urg live A. Mltcb ell Palmer of PenDllyl- ow ng e De 0 least res stance. In consequence th ey dec.lrte BO lightly vania . It was c barac t er Is tlc o LI · f n coin that h k t th It f th as to be unconscious of bavlng used e ep e ma e r rom e tbelr wlll!1 at all. pu bllc press , and a like modelty On th oth b d f th Itb J. 8UMMERFIELD STAPI.ES. see ms to have Impo ed lie nce the e er an. or ose w "Llncoln'l 8ubltltule." From a Pho- yo Idl h s S b on a keen seiDse of duty thl) b urde n often tograph Taken. Few Years Before ,I ungllso or w 0 Berved Is country comes to see m very heavv There Is s o we . . HI, Death. lone doeR not have 10 make a very a temptation to seek 10 eRcape It. •• - exhaustive s tudy of Lincoln's charae- Tbere Is ,a 10n~lng at times for Borne ally: "It does not appear from tbe ter :n orde r to und erRland the motive authority that s han point out tbe rlgbt offiCial records of tbe department which le d him to se nd a substi tute to patb arter tbe mann~r of a guide· board that President Lincoln ever furnished r epres ent him In the sce nes of tbe wltbout demsnd,lng any elrort 011 tbe a sublltltute." Another Intormed me, bloody drama then bolnK enacted part Df tbe traveler. One may be· that "Abraham Lincoln wall not liable throughout th e Isnd . His conaclence come weary ot belnK ~emlnded that to dralt." a fact of ""blch I WIUI al- was not of tbat ea s ily satlsfled vanety tbe Blhle 18 Il book ot prInciples. Dot ready well aware. Had not Bucb been whIc h contents Itself with a1lowlnl rules, and fancies wha~ livIng might the cue tbe employment of a Buhstl· tblngs to r e main as they are without be U It were P08s1bln 10 turn to a tute would baye lost all Ilgnlflcance. Indulging In e xertion for tbe' common given pa.~e for any eDlergellcy. nnd But a personal se arcb through ths gOOd . His was the hand whlcb wat tbere read a deftnlte, precise direction omclal recorda of the Civil war aleerlng tbe Ship of State tbrougb &8 to the rlgbt course. brought to IIgbt B reference to "Abra- tempest and erash of bostlle gunB, yet Some I~rsons take :-eruge In acbam Lincoln, principal, and John Sla- great as was tb e task assigned him, ceptlng a bumBn authorIty. either one pies, recr\llt, botb of tbe DIBtrlct of he perceived with the eagle eye that claiming l5ucb power or "De that thcy Columbia." And on anotber poge BP- watched the course of action a post tbemllelvell enthrone . Some earneat peared an entry to the effect that Lin' stlJl un Oiled. an unoccupied niche Christiane bave resorted to way. not coIn wished a representatlvs recruit. wbere a combatant could be placed to unlike kinds of divination known to and aame was uslgned as private to IItrlke In bebalf of the Union. To that other ages. Company H of tbe Second regiment. pos t he resolved to appoint a repreTbe kInd or KU!c1anco lIometimes D. C. Infantry. With tbese entnslJ as sentative. that he mlgbt be practical- wlBhed could doubtless "Rve heeD proa .bue of operatlons It became pos· Iy In person-as he was already In vlded. It baa not been. Hnd wllely, It sible to trace the subatltute, and tb e spirit - on the red field of carnsge. It must he believed. Scholars may lind dlscoyery was made tlult Jobn S. Sta· was done Quie tly, In tbat simple, unos- books tbat will gin tbe rlgbt anllwefl pIes was burled In Stroudsburg, Pa. tentatJous manner tbat distinguished to their problems. but true teacherB Furtber detaUB were furnlshed by Mr. nil of Llncoln's aclB, whether In om· rio not encourage tbe use or sucb mlsJobn 'N. Burnett of Massacbusettes, claI or private lire. He never played called helps. Not only In getting tbe alt1!wer. but a comrade of Staples, In the following to the gallery, and tbe verdict of hla letter: own conscience was all he cared learning the way to It, III of vital Im"I well recall the military career of about. pertance In training. It reason Is one J . S. Staples of my regiment. The Whlls tbl s 18 probably the only case of man 's nobleat endowments. to use awful 10SBe& of tbe Union army, east ,.In history wh ere the leader of a na- It for wortby ends Is one of his greataDd west, were' Weighing beavlly on ' lion sont a s ubstitute to flll his placo cst glorleB. With tbe added IIgbt of deal' Lincoln, and be, with otbers In In the ranks of fighting men , a sort of ·revelatlon. wltb the illumination or publle life, were cODIIlderlng the de- precede nt may be said to be found the spirit, wftb GOd'8 oJpeclal leading Birablllt)' of bavlllg personal repre- In the custom, but recently fallen Into In dark places ; tbe QUestioDs tbat sentatlve8 In the field for tbose not disuse, of appointing a "klng's cbam· stili demand thought t\nd study beeligible tor senlce at all. According pion," who wa s s uppos e d to olrer bls <"ome one of the most valuable and to my recollection, In the fall or late body In oppos itIon to any challenger blessed elements ot lite. To shun . Bummer of 1864 Mr. Lincoln bsd B of tho r e igning mo narch a rea -t emw Oiifd' io- to experIence I\. losll committee of cItizen. of tbe District Britain. Until tlle accession of the not to be made good.-Chrlstlan Enof Columbia searcb tor a8 perfect a late King Edward VII. to the crOWD deavor World. specimen of phJBlcal manhood all of England. thi s functionary was a -------could be found to become hie repre· membe r of the royal entourage. When· Endowing City Churches. Many have felt during the last twensentallve recruit. Tbls committee, or ever tbe new klDg wa D publicly crown· some of tbem, met my dear comrade ed th e "cbamplcf'" appeared berore ty-five years that the church WBS sutrerlng at the expense of the colleges. (Staples) on the atreets of George· town, and seeing bls superbly com· Once great fortunes went to the . churcb. In recent years they have pact form. and being at once satisfied been going to the universiti es and sothat be was the man wortby to be cial foundatlona. Perhaps Jehn S. Lincoln's representative In . tbe army. they made a prnpOBllIon to blm, and Kenn edy 18 reeponslble for th e turn ef the tide toward the cburches again . the loyal boy-for be was but a boy, He lett IlIrge Burns for chu rclt work. at once slgnlfted bls desIre to flll tbe honorable position. He was soon aft· I Morris K. Jesup left SlOO,OOO to the I brick P r eBbyterlan ch urch. Now erward Introduced to President Lin· : comes the good new!! that Mrs. WItcoIn, and the latter gladly chose him , IInm Van Rensselaer Smith has given as his representnUve." S I 00,000 to tbe First Presbyetrlnn Althocgb the communication reo churcb, BrOOklyn, as an endowment celved trom Mr. Burnett was as con· fund to bslp the cburch do Its work vlnclng as one could wlsb, yet It was '\'i1~H--m the fu ture. amid changed condl · clear that without governmental saDC' tlons. It stands close to the Church tlon there stili would remain doubting ! of the Pilgrims. ,,'here Doc tor StorrM Thomases wbo would dIspute the ministered 80 long. In a rp.g lon which claim made In bebalf of the dead sol· Is rapidly becoming a community of dler. Therefore, tbe facts In the case Il partmen1ts and botels where once It were laid before ttle federal alltborl· was the Ir esldential s ection of Brookties, a n d [ re ceived from tbe office of lyn's solid clUzens. The pastor of the tbe commissione r of pension at Wash· First church. Dr. L. Mason Clarke. Is Ingtoll an official s tatement confirming one of the most viril e pren c bers In the entire tradition concerning Lin· BrooklYn. thoroughly prophetic In his COin and }lIs substitute. This docu· outlook. determined 10 mee t tbe ne w ment reuds as follows: tlm{'s wltb their Dew n eeds.-The Department ot the Interior, Bure lm or Pensions. Grave of J. Summerfield Staples. I" I Congregationalist. Washington. MaJ 11, 1910. the Cemetery at Stroudsburg, Pa. Would You? "John Summerfield Staples. residing Has Jesus Christ really the first at Stroudsburg, Pa., flIed an appllca· tbe a ssembleel mul ti tude clad In Olsrtlon for pension In 1882, stating that tlal gear, nnd cRstlng down 11 gauntlet place In your heart? Would yOU dO In the Civil war he had served In Com- IIpon the g round , defi ed to mortal com- what tbe early Christians bnd to do pany C, One Hundred and Seventy- bat any pe rson er [Jers oas having In tbousliinds of Instances. 6llCrlt1c~ sixth Pennsylvania militia. and after- Quarre l with or dt'uylng tlt e rlgbt or goods, husbands, wife, ·c blldren. ratber J . SUMMERFIELD STAPLES. warda h" Company H, Second . Dlatrict tlte potenlate to reig n over I he land' j tban deny Christ f Do you love ChrIst "Lincoln's Sub.tltute." From a PhoThis custom d nted back to tbe stren- well enough to give blm your best, tograph Taken at the Time He Went of Columbia InfantrY, · and that In his second enllstment be was a SUbstitute 1l0US days wb e n a monarch was nlso' your son or daugbter for mission to the Front In Lincoln'. Stead. work? God's peace, Ood·s rest, Ood's [or P~e9ldent Lincoln. an active maU ·Rl·u rms. nnd likely to love, God's power, never tills n heart in the fllDks of the Grand Army of "The records show that said soldIer meet In n band·to·hand engagement the Republic assure\! me ttlat they enlisted November 2, 1862, In Com· wltb 50me pe rsi s tent fo e mnn at any until ':eous I!I <lnthroned lhere.--U-. were certAin that "Old Abe" was un· PIlDY C, One Hundred and Seventy- time or place. lI ence tbe Institution H. C. Mllcgregor. represe\lted In ~be ranks of tbe boys slxtb Pennsylvania dralted militia, of "klng's chlllnplon," appointed to Chrl't Build You. tn blue. For all that It lIeemed to me that he was honorably discharged keep nl\ challenge rs lit bay. a heredl· lt we sire Cbrlst's building, tben let that the story was .1!I0methlng more May 5, 1863, nnd that he afterward tary bonar, and one that was held for than one of tbose romantic Incidents e nlisted April 3, 1864, In Compan)' H, many generntlons by the descendnnts hIm rasblon us according to his di80 frequenUy Quoted as having oc- Second District of ColumbIa vollln- of the Dymoke family. But Edward vine Ideal of beauty, at whatever cost eurred In the lives of famous men aft- teers, from wblch he was '. hoDoral!ly VII., who possessed an unusually to our s'~It1shness, or pride, or 101'10er theT had passed 'Over to the great dls~harged at Alexandria, Va., Sep· strong sense of tbe ridIculous, refused lence, o~ vainglory. Chrillt working ID maJorlt7; Incidents l~lldlnK color to tember 12, 1865, and the record also to permit thIs berolc hurlesQue or a liS and upon UII, and we work with laudatory blograpblcjal iketches, hut show that In this .last· 8e"lc8 he was mediaeval cllstom to be Introduced Christ and (or blm; that Is tbe prorejeeted by the thdugbtful b.1slorlan enrolled as a repreaentatlve recl'ult Into the splendid pageantry al bls cnr- cess thnt produces lIucb atructures sa a. being formec! ot· "the .turr dreamB for Abrabam LIncoln, who Dot nlltlon and abolished the omce of B be will p\-esettt before his fatber and the boly " ",!"Oo - Theodore L. Cuyler. a~ made of..' Lincoln, with biB ex· liable to draft. ". warlike substitute forevsr. alted Ideals, his . stern . devotion to "It 18 ahown by the p.pen · OD file d\lty. his, undyln-, love for the. Unlol;l In tbls case tbat during the war' PrestNourl,hment for Invallda. alul all that It represented, ' wiU u· dent Lincoln decided tbat be 'Would act'; th ~ tYpe of man to, cbn:"de" hlm- ,place In the army a lubatltute . to the When the appetite 1!as !alled, as In 8elf at l~utt If lie ne,lects!!' to'. m¥e ' cr~lt of tbeQ.!II~~t of ,cplumbla; &lid' the cue of convalescents and man, ' , eY8IT ,~.Ible· sacrifice I. {lila pq",er that be ~mmun,cateCl ~l. daatre,to d.o · w!lak cblldren. nourllbment la of '. to 'tJle ~'U", ·~e'· !leldd~arel'·' ~afI' J f.;, ..0 to tho prov~t, ~~, of dl. prtme Importance. Tbere. la & capital .1•• cOI'I',,~qdea i.Jt~. t~s feCletar~.~' trlct~: wlth a~u8l!t' ~,U·b.,,,~,,th. way to admln'll~r It, Wb,l ch ,..rely t!llis ., ' ': ~Jltlea .at"~W.lbIDgt~ ~ {~lIs, nb': ~r.on wllo , lhC?Uld,. ~ :·'p'I~'1 11I tile' e".e n In exu:eme cues., T~ t~e w!llte . '[ ~ butl'tbll repl.lel f ~elY1Nl 'dld ~ot ienlce. and ·thA . tb,C!!1l!oYOIIt' ~n1raI ' of .&11, ai!~ t.b e Jutc,e of an oran.e , 1041. to IDe' an: c1~ ~,10a. ~.~ ·H'bt ~o~ :.'NO~l.· IUMf. .,. tb,.,..·'a , and. ~~e I~B~ blt' o! !USa,r. 8~!1i tbe. .f. paa. ~t_c' tb" p&e1te4 .....Uy..1t1 .PJ'I?,P:linesat .cJUseD' ~. m~st1ll'8' eare~u.l, ~~Il aet It a" .a , UD' • the ~' b,'adIUOIl w.. _UJe. .tat~ 10' ~m, the ~t~ ...... til' It ... y~ .",l l • The~ it m.., be ~ ..tboat~ rOQlld&tlOIl. A frdiiIl aDd ~ I.......... ' ~iIId . . ~i..N ' '........ ·'.ri"ilJ')~U'." etu..,,,ltl ~f . .- - . BRAHAM LINCOLN had a s ubstitu te who Bel've d as a de te nde r of th e Union through th e bloody and e pocb-maklng pe riod of tho Civil wllr. This IlBser· lion ba a bee n lUade many time. before. It h811 arouled bitter contro· vers y In various Quarterll ; It has Cl ven birth to columns of print, both In IUpport of and de nial of Its truth , Now, for the first time, evidence Is here presented that the story ot Lin· colo'. substitute II correct__ vldence jn (he unnasallable sbape of an officinl aokuowJed&ment trom the fed e ral gOT· ernmenL The uemptlon of the pr e8 lden~ of tbe United States from th e taking up · or arms, or serving on sn actual field of battle, la provided tor by a special atatute 41rawn up to meet such a .con· tlnsency. ;But there Is notbln, to prevent the 1Iatlon's chief e xecutive from sendlnK forth a subs titute to tight In h18 place, ' altbough Lincoln ""811 the only occupant ot lhe White House who ever took rulvantage of this fact. Tbe man who r e presented In hIs person thllt of th e martyred pl'e3lde nt was Jobn Summe rHeld Staples, wbOlle hody now ties at rest In a little cemetery at Stroudsburg, Pa. The ~mbltone above his grnve, photograph or wblch Is here reproduce d, tellttftes not only to SI !lples' war record. but atatel In granite lettefll tbe fact of hll having aerved as Abraham LlD.olll's eubltllute. - The Inllcrlptlon III queatlon read. sa followlI: J. Summerfteld Staple8, a PrIvate or Co. C., 176 R eg~. , P . V. Also a Member of tbe l! Rae. D. O. Vois., as a Su bstltute for ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Died Jan. 11, 1888, AKed ., Years, 4 MOB., 36 Days. HiB grne also bears tbe G. A. R. marker, a metalllo star upon wblcb the words "P'08t 150" appear. A small American ftag ftuttefll In tbe breeze, but ·.he outBids world seema little Inf~ rmed all to the career of tblll patrl· oUc and dlstiD&1llshed soldier bOJ. J bac! beard tbe tradition that Lincoln during tbe dark days or 186. bad Bent B Bubstltute to the (ront. But to conftrm the truth of tbe tradition was quite another matter. Tbe pqpu· Jar opinion of those I consulted appeared to be that the tale of Lincoln's 8ubsUtute belonged In tbe mytb categor" and had no more foundation In eober tact than the lege nd of Wasb· ing10n and the cberry tree. Men blgb










or .... .

.. war ~ ...........: la-. . . .ttbe~ . •





Practical Fashions







~t .. Ifteker!"


When the "'ag Lookl Good, I bave beeD In coun t ries wh e re tb, I laboring man bad mea t once a year; some tim e s twlce-Chrlatmll H and Eas l· er. And 1 ba ve s een wome u ca rrying upon th e ir hoads a bu rdoe u t hat no mnn would lik e to ca rry. a nd at tho su me ti me k nlt llng bus ily wllh both hnndH. And those wo me n ll vfld with· nul mellt: and wbe n J th o ug h t or thn Am rkn n labore r I said to m yse lf : "A fiN all. my cOlin tr y Is th e hest 10 t he "'orIU ." And wh e n I ca me loack In I he ~ ea Rnd Baw th e old tl ag !lying In Iloe ai r, It seemed to me os ,hough the nl r f mm pure joy Ioau b urst Into IlloHso m.-Rooo rt G. Inger aoll.

Any lDon ough t to ge t three s quare me nl s a lIay If he Is a bl e to work und Rble to koe p from be ing worke d

Thou.andll Of people In the East Intereeted In the pOlUllbtllUISJI of hom.. maklotr In the Nortlo""ellt dtd not have an opportunity to vlstt the Wutern Governors' SpeCial train, whleb r .. c~ ntly toured the East, nor bear the Governors tell ot tba Golden Great Northern Blat.... In order that everybod,v may learn of tbe s,Dlendld chan. C.. lI for mnkln&, hornell In IIbmeIlOUt .O"h DakoUt .0JltlUla, Illa.hO, Walla~110 IUl4 Oftll'OIl, the Oreat Northern Railway .a dlatrlbutln. tree, a million cople. of handsomel:r IIlUll· trat ed bookletadeaertbln. these ltat_ Those books deacrtb. the 11011, 011mate and agriculture, quote lettera trom men ""ho have aune Weat and became Independent. They are protusely lIIustraled trom aetual photo-.. raplu. and contaln detail map, In colors. They tell ..hat othe", have a.ccompUahed and abow wbat you ciln do. From them you can leam lhe 1oea- , lion .. tar tree homestead land In Montana and Ore!:,an. where cheap lo...ed. 011' land .. can be procured In Hlnn .. BOta, Washln.ton and Orel'on. and what Norlb Dakota oll'era the pner&1 farm er. Vou ca.n prooure one ot theBe booklet. free. SImply ule' tor book lilt on the "tate In which :rou IU'O Interested end for Information about apect&l low tarea. Write to4&,. to a. CI. t.lmDT, GaBl'&l ~UOll AI'n1. G ......odh_ aanwav. lUI G••• B14i'.. at. "111, .sa..

Here Is a design that olrers severIU suggestions for dev elopm en t. Tbe ""alst may be made a H pi ctured. wltb revers. pre tty roiling and tbr ee..qullrter II le el·os t1nlslled with a band cuff. or 11 mny be mad e Into a simple kimono waist wit bout tbe reve rs. A third Idea Is to ma ke th e waist wIth long sleev es having deep c utts. and high nec k. Various material s m a y be used. depending upon th e stylc In which the 1\ alst Is c' e ve loped. Tbe patte rnn ( 5663) La cut In Ilzel from 32 to H Incb bust measure. To make the waist In the medium Ilze will require 2 ". yards ot 36 Incb material To pro<:ure Ihla ""ltern aend 10 eenUlI to "Pallern Departr(oent." of thle paper. Write nl1ma and addre ... plainly. and b. lura to elva alae I1ncS number of panar", NO.


SIZE . ... ... .... .... .

NAME . .. ....... .. . .. .. ....... . .. ........... .

TOWN . .... ... . ... . . . . . . .. .............. . . . . . STREET ANtJ NO .. . .. .. .. . ... .. ... .... .. STATE ..... .. . . . .. .... .... ..... ......... .... _


Splendid Drops


In Salkatohe••n(W..tlrn Cana.a) 800 Bu.hel. from or wbe.t waa tbe


return. from a min.tet rarm In

aUlOn or 1910. "any fteld.ln thut •• well ••

otb .... dlltrlcta ,.Ielded from :u to ., bu· abel. of whut to tbe aor.. Olber c,al .. a I..



... thu. derived fro Ihe FaEI!: ST () LAN OS

... _. _...-

The Norfolk Bu lt 1:1 alwllY B smart tor btfys , and the model IlIuBtmled II s(rlctly UI> to date In e ve ry d etail. The collar a nd r e vers are SIn :1::. th e CIO&' Ing almost In th e ce nt e r or th e suit. The trou scrs are or knicke rbocker s tyl e. and n belt co m pletes th e s uit. ""weed. helltber mix t ures and all t a ilor Qultlllgs are used for boy s oulOl s Th" patl eroo U)6~2 . Is Cllt III sizes G. 8. 10 ond 1~ years. Medium s ize re!1u lres 2~ r a ni s o r (;0 Inc h materi a l. T n prn '=UTC t h is pntt e rn Bt"nd 10 cents t o " P n lt c r n Dcpur tm ~ nt . " or t h iS p n pe r . \,"rlle n ame and a ddre8s plo. lnt y. a nd be aure to wi ve s i%.o u nd number or plLltern.

l'JO. 5G22.

SIZE . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .

NAM El . . .... .. ..... ........... · . . . .. · . .. ... . TO ~" !'I

.. ... .. . .. .. ....... .... ..... .. . . .. . .. . .

STRE ET A:"D N O .. ...... ... .. ... .. ... . ..

PtNM writ. to tbtl&g"eD\oeuwt7"Q118

I -- - I 1


The A rmy 0 f CODStiepatieon

Ia Growing Smaller Egery Day. I

CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS nre responsible- they notonlygiverclief - they permanentlycure .lipalion. lions us them for Bilioalne.I,

In ·;t: •• tioa, Sick Hoadacho, Sallow SkiD. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PlUCE. Genuine must bear Signature



Business Proposition. " Sf!" Io e re. Mr , Sall ds ," sa id ~I rs Tompl, ln s to the groce r, "wha t do YOII meau by hl dng IIlU only nlne ·te nlhs of a pOlln d o f Swi ss c heese When I am pu ying [or a pounn ?" "In ~e llin !-; Swi ss clll:-c ' e. my dear madllm e." Ruld llie gro ce r with dig · nlty . " lou s ln ~ss cU lltlon nl'omlJt s me to allow m yse lf 10 pe r ,'ell t fur the holes . whic h. as )'011 mus t be a ware. ' malte no Impres" ioll 011 th e mos t dell ciltely adjus ted ijt:n les."- Hur pN's Weekly. A Natural PI,enomenon. "Wha t do you think of tbls vacuum Idea?" "There're Oltllions In It."

. J:-.. , :\"'. '1-.S Brown's Bronchial Troches

RelLlctant Criticism. lor Hoaraencss Gull Throat Troub!os. No ~PlatfIL "Augustus, <lea r." s alel the girl. ten, !Ioample free. JoaHL Duo.... So.., 8ooloD, II.... derly, pU Ahlll g him f rom her 8S the moonlight flood ed the ' bay window where tbfOY were stalldlng. "I think tbat you bad better try Bome other haIr dye ; youi' mustacb e ,tagi es like turpentine." ...;..:.--~---



..............'. --- -.......... -THEY CAME, THEY SAW,. THEY REALIZED-"""

u u ...... _ u



-, I

Funeral DIaw:tOl. I

TelephoDe da)' a. DIr". _Valley phoDe No. f. LoDI DIe_oe-No, 8g...~.



. .



Bruela OSee, Banelllbaq, 0 ..


Thlt!i8thesea8onoftheye,;rwheo • e, • mother I feel very muoh oonoerned HUNT IN INDIA I!!!!!'!!!"!"!!'!!!"!"!!!!!"I'!!'!!!"!"!!'!!!"!"!!'!!!"!"!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!~'!!!"!"!!'!!!"!"!!!! • .................................................... _ ............... Heroic Struggle. of a Fat Man Who over the frequent 00ld8 oontraoted CHEETAH , . Thought the Scale. their obUd,en, and have abun ~oa Plea Court. Decelvlnll Him. daDt l'ea800 for 1t a8 every oold Sport w.. Ono. Very Pepula,. Wltll Real &tale rnmsfers. Inllll.h R..ld.nt....a. Not \ve.ken8 tbe lUDga, lowers 'he vUal. . Rare a.att. Obarl&, A. 1'~lIer flied IUU, Georlle Dolmee to William Croll [ have about come to the concJullon lty and PILV611 the way for the more , ' IOD d 8.11 Or ' GO i that the COOd Lord Intended lOme of serfooe diseases tbat ao often foUow . an e O.IOD aO.r es n hli ereaturea to be fat and 110m. thin, Cbamberlain '" COQRh Remedy ia fa. Tbe cheetah hunt which th·e nceT , 0 l'1ll1.r for dhoroe alll11log t111•• her hu~DC1 ia guU" of atOM B~r~D town,hip, $1 . , ftll.rdlel. of mediclnel and lo-eaUed 100US for i$ll ourell, a.nd i8 pleuaDt roy wltDeased recently at Hyd.rbad ne,leat of4~tT. The coup'" were ,LeblttnoDNatlon.l Bank and OJlvla Infallible curea. wrltel a weltern and lIafe to '.ke. For sale by aU remlndl one that cbeetah huntlnc wal 'l.htecl' October !D. ' nOg•. ,Th. OhamberlaiDaoEQ~b Ohamberlaio, man. For a ' lo~ whUe I tried aU the dealer8. an extremely popular Iport wltb In"1~tDrur p' ra';. fOl' 'he r ..toratioD or ~o~ 10 Franklin, U50. allelled obellty cur.. and none ot • - .• cUan prince8 In formel' da,... althOUIb " . __ ..... '. .•.i-D Wrl,h& & James B. Bopplbg '0 Emma Bain- them' did me any ~ Tben I deter- PURE FOOD UW NOT MODERN the Initiation of European forml of b"et m ..... ---... mlnecl to lta"e myHlf and take Iota ~ort h.. done much In theee Um.. ·J.'hompioD are "tomey. fo.. 'be bn4ge, 'not ID DeerOeld toWDlhip, Of exerd". to rob It of ancIent yope. ' " .. .. 'I~OO. All my lire I had been a loyer of Cent_I.. AIIO Tradnm.n ' Who AdulIt wu Pl"lctlC)ed both b, Hhldu PI.tD~'-'J. .w. te...ted Good. W .... MOlt h the of wml&!'o J Bo.oh BeIIjamlo Morll'o to JUDiM lI&y ,1OOd "Unc, and cOUllted Uaat daT and MohlUllmedan ehl.ftalnl oYer tbe alD. d 0 CoUi '.' I.... Oulp. lot io hankJio. '2'000. . 'Iolt On which I did not oouume for ~T Punlehecl. greater part of India, for the ch"tah a3 , e,_ DB •• a .... my cllJmer the better part of a Ilrloln .. even now II no\ a rare bealt, and a cU,~r$ ~1Y1d.. t~ooeede of aher- LoYel nd Mu'ua.l BOl1diog and Iteak .. thick .. a darU'1 toot.wlth Pure food Jaw. ar. Dot qUite -to century or 10 ago muat baYe been JIf~lljIle amoaJiUq to P.acH, Loa~ Company ~ &al.thial LIte, los aU tU triJlUlllD... For breakfut I ~~ ~=~o:.." :'~e~ common enoulh, ,I'. ADD ." • Aodel'llOll w.. !'warded 10 Lovel':..od IUld other oo1llhler. ~ ~ed a .!~t..r of c.kea. orIu ID PlletItine that 8eem to InAnother animal uI.d In the aune . , ...., . uuw. . . . . DO _ _ of ·tbID..Uoecl way by Indian noble. wu a .ort of t r-~~ &laW' tIltl ID-.rban ,Bail atioOll. . . . . bal_ tndta and t~o oupa of IlIlcate lome IIOrt of .uperyl810n of the lynx. .pelled Yarloally u ".boe,~y aDCI ·~al ,Co., lD ber lUit Olivia Ohamberlain by 'be ah.rUr altr... . fOOd IUPPU,. delfl'ered to the palace I00I.," ".yah!U.h," But thl. WII to Noonr fOl' tojartee .• u .....eel. to LebilDoU National BaDk .lot in '.hda Uf.~ lTItea I abandonee! :nearly 1000 y.arl aco. Labelll haYe ue8d much more rarely thaD the eb ... Ba, '~ted adhorae "":"D''")Ia .au ' . , tor - .ua. JDO'Dtb. cuttmc out all been tOUlld that wer,. once a1!h:ed to tab. However. It wu Dot oul, In. , :" , . ..... a • ........ the . . . u4 &boat aU tU jar of pure' oUve 011." We may dlanl who InduIced In thll form of from ....~1 eliDe OIl $be P:C:'~da of, sa~ O l ColUD! by .herur to O. a,l.e. ., tout u4 .Iue dr IIflDt ~ 'wol(der w~at telt, wer. employed and Ipqrt. _ TH. C. .ATaT ' ~I~ ableoo8 for IDO~ ~ &hree W. 1I0ma.lll1 1.6 &OI'e. 10 W..h . lq th Plae. ·ol 1117 moniIq JDet.s. .·what would happen to the man whOle It was enjo ed and tacU b 1ollOD.&oWIIlblp 1280.. ,8D4 a ltw. nee ~ th. cider Item oU w.. found- to be ' Dot pure. ~ uropeana all well In tbe c1aT8 wheil A4emurrer o.erruled'l.tbe , • _ .... -..r d1nn... bm of faN. ably lomethlng UIIpleaullt, for tbere they were content to abide In India I.. Tltl WORLO '- _ ~ - , " " .;:. Wi~ford ~' , 8acIJoD, Kartba B Luaall 1 .0000tted wbo117. III addltloll ·w" DO Supreme court In tbole daYI. for' Mean yeara at a ·Itretch and .:.rtIJSI.BII!> W!!IlT. SUO m lUI " of Mary IIOJ£iDD8y . .aiDa' ~odaon, 10.' in B'ranklln 'owoahl." II I waDrec1 .t leaat alx IflU.......17 day We know what bappened In tbe mid· WllfJll they lived a rIndl.nne In 'a way RaUl AIlDA BDD' at .1. . Alben Gart&eQa to O. W, Dam ad did all aorta III ltuDt. III mT room dl. ace. to the enterprillng tradelman unknown to modern tim ... More than "OT.~~ DauC~ .P~~A~~ . . . . TRA.el'l" OAI ID Ule o"le of William .. BrOOD ford 1.28 aorea, and other oon.ld. With .. l7D1Dul11Dl out8L PrIor to who adulterated his Coadl. III lUi one of the Compan"1 nabobl ll:ept coeTUM AND 'lUI alRYICI CAlI PRO,... . &&&lDllt ~be Obio 1:180",0 00" 'he eralloaa. . _ _ to bed I perpetrated all 8Orta ' ., Nuremberg merchant wal bUrDed their own cheetah I. wblch were rr. I. UII.O·I,. AD.KIln,'"C oo~u".a plata,..r wuliveD 1.."., to 81. btl 01 JIla.aalar CIOlltortiona anel rolled Illl.. for m.Unc forelp materfal with qUlntl,: prelentl from friendly ehlefL SAMPLE COPY FREE '. ~ed "'I ' I 30' " Cemmltllloaln' Prall 1lnp. OD the 800r WI 1117 body .... brulhd. lilJa aa1fron and the .. trron ltaelr It may 88111, be Imqlned th.t ell ... pe OD 0 ua:WI. .u til. a4 ot thirtT deJa I felt fit l!Ilecl tor fuel. ProbablT that artllUc tah hunUng -w.. yelT Cood aport .nd . McI_ . . . YOItK CUPP.R .... YorII. . . Y. · Alben ADdenon wu employed a. A reaolutioD waa puled recula. to na a ~mU. fooWaee or 10 bl toucb Impreeled the matter uP!ln bll welcomed by tbe ""anta of the r~l ~ defeDel Ob.d_ Tbom~~ . , ; 'he bordeD be oarrt,cl 10 the rlDg with th. champloa. About liIle..OI7, , / Company as an excellent lublUtute ~'~~~~~~~~=~~~~ 0huP,d wi'h buql...y. of differeD' Itze tir.. aDd tilt. time It ooeurrecl to me that I Some AUClburg baker. wllo ual4l for tbe courting which w.. flmllIar In &be oue of aane, A II Mol OQIat to get welChed anel I made a .....e ,w elchtl .nd bad flour were to them In England and whIch, Ilk. II. . . HATBAWA" . ~ . • a .'110' eoforoemeD' wu direoted. bee lID. for the liT arooer... ducked In a mudd, pool, and throqh the cheetah bunt, b.1 nDllhed ~ , .. 1.D .... Bmma BlaDph II. Mullen the Tqe w~lghSil preaorlbe4 are u fol · .and • • that theT were correct to ., fau1\T kDowledge of the human ·~ fore tbe Ipread of ram.. IUoll 1n defeo.c1aD' wal IraDted 30 ci&1 a '0 10wI: Three'lnoh tire,.'ot . . ...oe, lIut tile, ehowed I hael IlplratoIT IYltem, or Iheer carel.... 11" and 101f.-MaclJ'u IIalL Wa,rlMl8riUe'. lAad , n.aa.& meJ111 aDlwer. . 'hree ad ODe-half ,looh tire 3800 ..suet l' pouDda In tU period of JIly 0 .... the, came to tbe IUrfac~ dead . . , I (>moe lD Ke78,8ld,. IIaID 8. , da ........oe.-lIIxchalJlleo" [n 1481 a :.wlne merehaDt wal 01'!1 POUDdI!,; f<-ur iDOl tlt:e 3800 lJOOO ; . clered to 4r1Dk Ilx quart. of hl1 on .ProM.. Cou rt. . greater 'b!lQ foor iDCh.., -d00 - - • .l4ulterated wine .nd a. he 41ed .OOD . - - - - - - - , . . . - - - - _ - - - -....--------_~ pouade. 1Ift.- It ' .. e'lde~t that the "UJJlter.. I; ID the O&H of O.therlne M. 8nook ' In oooformUt with 31'7 of the Blamed a Oood Worker dOD mut beeD aerioul. It II I .. adm'alltr&SOr of the 6IIate of R80eral oode, a repreeen&lftive of the "I blamed my heart for Inere true that he had to flnll~ the draft ~ 1136 W. . ~ . n ...-to., Ohio. I Bllabelb-roua... deoe...d agl-tnt board of state cha'l'lti08 eXIl m,i.lied dle&reu io my left 81de for two, •• liyen nU'P ber of mlnutu. and a , ~" . _ year8.·' writes W. Evaot. Danville. Elmln Dumber at t~at, hut in thOle 8. Wbodward ••••orriving .elm lD sevem} pro pOled ' sItes for II oounty I Va, "but I know now U Was indt dayl they bid a "Plealant wa, of "'rIl~r wiUl the will anDexed of toberoll108ts h08plt ~1 fOl' WII.\: rt1n gestion , 118 Dr. .K:ing'e New Life welghlnC the lcalel and loading the tb.·..ta'- of Calbertae Mounts Rib oounty . T ilts is to ,QArtify tll tl t t hl:' Pillil oomple'~Jy oared ' me." Bellt dice upon the Iide of 2uatlee. f bey deoaaaecl, the oourt ma kelf site In the ll or'h ~ l'l1 PU Tt of L,ll ' Don for s tmnuolJ, liver Bod kidney troub, OiVtllsatiOD haa changed · all that. • ~I~~OD of 'he eatate amOD" tl fl koowo . 3 8 th e Ct~ nou r S'l i or lurn les.ooustlpation, beadoobe or deb\l· Nowad.YI we IhlY.r WI~ appreh,en. · ..,. .. 1 ity , 250 at n11 dru({gist8. lion leat, & l'OI'Iae.hall he pWlllhecL...:.. beln. Ilnd the site of t be ~ollt.h SbplO l! hIli Ball FrancSleo ArIOIlaUt. See our Exhibit, Dayton Auto ShoW', Space No. U~, . l'raiao.l A. IDrf&ee WU appotot- of the luflrlD ll r v fal'ln I tl'r -uppr " \7,\d • - .. I • _ ..._ - Memoiial February 12 to 17. . eel i.dmlDil~'~ of ttie eltate uf 118 lIu i b.ble 'o r t,hn u1t .. hl1·!J, u w,t of CHINAMAN WAS TOO CUTE Never whip a horee wheD huhle• . Swben W. ADdenOD with a. bond toucb " h )S pitll i. wlll inorelee hi. fear. of ~OO. Cont ~ct~-- Con t r "~t woe ., t 'r . ~ s~P~~u.~WeddlngCakeSe~Hlm _~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r AD~ I~ka~& purpoo~n& ~ Intowil llD .~ Darllfn 11 f ,r m 'l , ln~ by En~~hm.n Who Owed . ~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.~~~~~ be 'be laa' will aDd testament of li lls [UHI npp r ' 1I1CI1(' ~ l i l t ·• • OIIl 1'U Him Money. ." 'helateJ.--hR. Bre'ney, of Union !!nted tltl ',v"' r !l 'H' (':' ''1 I,,, , ~ ('h ,,),. An Englishman who was appoInted ~r '. Towalblp W:U flIed for probate i houAe r"'ld pf\8~) U;! ' lit ' r'(l, itloIUI'I '" to an Important post In China got marAD io.'romeo1 purportiDg to ue I I(1~ ~h !' \l er t in W II"P ' ill.{ · /ln t Ir, IV rled Boon after. Among the rer.lplente I ,he Jut Will and .....ment of the I!:! h ip li t, rhtl e. t lln., t" $:;U. of the usual little card box(!s ~ontaln· la&& ... B. lIoOIang of Deerfield CODt r-,cl. WIIS flot " " I'll II' ,) ' f I II lng a piece of w~ddlng cake was a Chinese merchant with whom the towolhlpwu flledfor prob&te. Fmnk Sr,okes fo r r '~ p ,mI lO vi !'. r bridegroom had all outstandIng aoW .•. Allen. executor of tbe 88 c rAek IlOci W "y nf> t·()'fJII!lhi , count for goods supplied• Of New York City, we offer !!very \ I McCall's Magazine, thougheelJing Bilt ~ - C W U n~I \J ·b.v . hnrl 1i of After the honeymoon, one of tile • ""ofllary O. Clemente, was or_ one the opportunity to secure The for 'GOc per year. is positively worth clered by 'he ooor' to pay $lie 001 Eliz ~ be t h Bunl. '. 70; W E:I ~t... Ll. first persons the newly wedd,d hu. Miami Gazette absolutely free for 1 U ,per ,year iDstead. ~ at this , • .. band met was hIs CeleBtial creilltor year. by merely subscribing to the ' office any time ~d .~ tate issues• . laaral i.beritan08 tax amouu&tDg II.gA & (} ) , reco r\d~ ft,r (t nd : t'~ l , 'Ii.lG; : "And how dId you I1ke the cak~r' McCall's Magazine for 3 years at ' The J?~ ~tterDs are o~ered '0 fH3 ,10. The executor thTD tllild Lewll! Bros. & Co" ooal, 120. 03 ; M , snld the Enlll.bman, ]augblng, atter the rate of 50c per year. hi addir by post-cariS, from New York 'Citr hie B800Dd aod fillal aoooun~.~ A. Burke, rep~tr .. , '" 76 j Int,erurbRn I the u8ual congratulatloll•. tion you receive 3 Free 15c McCall an~ ~ be ',~ any time you An' ina'mmen' parportiDg SO be RaUv.ay & Terminal Co" ffl-ligb~ 10 "Ah, ah," returned the Chinaman. Patterns. ', aeed~ ' ,'" '<. ,~. , I th. I.., will aud $eetament of r. .10yl1 ceotl. J am08 Fullen Sr .,salary.. with a cunnloc leer. "m. no lueh big , 01~.' 1a avaUable to,ny ~e·,· , tool to eat him...h. Me put cabe In 8&ockman tate of Frenklin tow-n Janitor 150; B. a u'sbburger. ,.0; ftre. BUrD him np. He, bel" Miami Oazette, I year, ...... el.OO au • reae". or utllidl .hip w.. flIed for probate. OalY1D Ralatoo,. refunder of tax 00 "Oh. that's too bad," ..Id the lID... • , "the McCall'. Mag~,.1 yean.. ".50 ~""-.' . -'-, .Miami II 0UItte ~ :' ooe dOS. ,2 i I'nok 8herwood, UD. Ulhmall. VelT much burt: "You might eeed oU '8460' J. K. Spenoer have tutecl It. at lea.t, out of COQj' J .45 or .. :' . , , pllmnt to my Wife and my.elf. Wh lumber, '''9 88; Ora GuaUo. lum. cUdn't 70aT" 7 Total Valaie",. ~ , •• : '-;:'•• , •• ,p~~~ }. .." ,. ,. ....rl W. PbUltpa,82, laborer (If be,r! .'1'7.&.; W. F. BlbroUl, IDm"lie too clute. 1&11." aald tlle Cel. . f···· '.. '. \. " - Morrow and '()arrte II. 8'0'108, 18, .ter, '15.80; .Joha W~~fe, brlqe re- ~l. with the ~me ' WIIlD~C Imlle. , Will CO·., t. yOU .' . ,. - {;, . of Norrow BeT A .J Xeetle pai.... f1.05; Alva Webb, br~~ I.. You.!~~ me m~llee, DIl; .Ienel.. pot. " , ... . tlll 75' III Wilke ' . . !IOn - - - i I .thl~: I dI.: 70U no ~e4, to perform, &be oaremony. JMtt.UI" .• . , ~" .... , payee qP.. . Hou~lal Be. -he. Jael I ' CJ~,~~. :. L.Dg. , S:OO', farioerOf, Bl~D~ ~ o~ lMlrtaJ. oolDml~e, ~;. Wal~ kD~~,ou, ~IliI'" ,,', ) ,611..... t.Qd , ADDa "Mae 'Bliode;2t, te.. ,8 : Wht.~o~ ~nkao', fI·'S" . ~. _. . " '; of~".~ ~Y, ~. ~ ~e, : ,../ ' ;, a; ,e . :' ,~'Ue'-tlieooWliouUD $lIe ,!OrqJ . . '~''''''.;:' ~tl»ptrfOnD - \be , ~oai. , Su~"for,the'lI~i~tte ',It''lId~ - ~. ~" . r.,.~.J~.~~~~ e






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The M'arion - -A utomo ' · b-Ie, Company T , b i , . r d - S t r e e





Wonderful 'Offerl

. B~ special arrangement with ~cCall Co.



Free'lk~~Il'. Pt~"



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l'ubllabe d



at WaYU08v We, OWo - - MAIN STREET



-Coming Public Sales

•• ••

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Emma Foulke & Sons Joseph Hawl(c Waller Kilbon




..... . . _

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.............. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..


. . . . . . . . . . . . .-

•• ••


Fcbrna r ) 22

I \\ II I, ft" .. lit Puulio liial tl Ilt m y II ,·II! , I/ l'l' ,. 1: t il t; ::> utlall l:ill veDs ftl r ln Fe bruary 26 ~ :(1) 1' " " " ll ' h II I Ly tle, uo t he .... ,VU e Fe bruary 29 11 1, 01 1.1 I I", .. l'lk ,·. II llll ou D L . & (t. I' H. I , I! ~ Ill i I"" fr ulII Rl d~e v lll " ,



...... ...... ...... .....



::~~c:~·e T R A X L E R 'S Ohio . OUIt GIt~at~st Saf~ "f R" "m Ru gs,

Dayt on.

Beginn ing 8aturd ay, Februa ry tOth . Ending 8aturd ay. Februa ry 17th I " ill ~t'll HI Puhl ic A u' \' fl, . LJ " . Traxlrr' s sell by far mor~ Room Rug. than any other DaYl 0~ slorr . the Mnld u u Hi d,:" fll ' 111, iI" I !,,> There is a rcason- in Qualily, in Priers anJ in perfeff Sa lu rJ a)' , Febru ary 17, 1912 S:tt,. f~C' t io ll to the Cu.tome r.-Fun un:lle purchases right at the Mills, ~nd in enorm l>II' qua ntili rs, hrilll; )' OU th W .. y "e~ vllJ tl llud Cit.. k"" Illfl f lill d, ;j ese lla r~a i n s i:l 1\<.11 1,( , ,[ Roo m Rug. just ...·hen every body is thinking [$ , 10:1111011, ..: ti l. \( 1 11 ,,,,,,011, " 111, t h e Rates of Subscr iption of new 'pring furni shin!:. for the home. ,ull .J ~ fr () IlI WliYl1 utl vlli p. 0 11 . \ . >11.1\\1:,,: ... ·. crl be,I I'Il I. I" ,I,,: One Yur (Itrlc,ly In adnnco) . ... . . .. 11 .00 A 1.1. WOO Monda L F y, IB E Fc,brua R RUGS ry (9xI 19, 1912 81nglo Cop), . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . , .00 2), 2 beaul! Ii " '·"'>~-- l ll " i' pl " IHII ,. nmr ,' , V ilO RO DY BR USSE LS RI IL;S, 9xl2, wcar li ful R lI~' in " li e-for both sides can be Beg lnnlUg lit 10 o 'oloCI: II. m , t h.· ,·" .. r ~ o lrl . \\,~I~ I!I ,,j 'I. Of I ii i 'II, In f'JU I lih iroll ; thos< rieh ori rnlal Jcsigns. "'cJ ; $oI l ,'alue. . Sale Price ... .. .. . . . .. . • fullowl n g delloribed chliUII1 .. : Itr :::iU I I ' '' 'I' '~ "" IJpl,' I!"'" s tll lli ufI . Sale Pricc Rates af Advert ;aing ~ HT A I 'I::ST R Y BRU SSELS Rl1 GS , 9x12, 6 Beao HOflles -1 l!H lltl Tli l IJ u r po~., ph ." l ' H ~ II JII -lt l J.!lt.o 111H,r, , ' ru lli l ROYAL WILT l)N R U(;S , ?xll , fi ll e ,t< frolll " igJ1:cst and be st mill. in America \ fl Loc&Ia, 1)01' Une, ••.••. .• . . • . • ceum Jf Matoh Gray li or tles, !'i uu r! (i III 'r wH , J ~ \ t' 11'101 1\1,1, g l d1 tl "' l U ~ :f ' !io e J silk an , -1 just . l lC Ul: ilU l,fll l; l l cl:I\' )", thir k ral or Persian designs. Sale Price, cae I . .. ReaclIl\jI Locala. black lace. per lIuti . .. . l,ylc ; ):38 val",.,. Sale Price flt,US old , rull brotber s , broke ~ In gh~ \1, 111 w . 10: 11 1 111" w lt ~n III good u" odi $ 16 T O~ A4L ·lMit to uceed live lWei A PEST RY BRUSSE LS RUGS, 9x12 or double , work ... DY pluco you pul Li oll . ..55 AN G LO ·I' I': RSI(\ N R UGS, 9xl l ; exIra quality ; 100 ne" ' pring patterns. T~ · ~ona .... . .... . . .. . I No. 1 n'·.· III It£' f rPllh he t,woe n the Am<ri call K II~s wi th Iht Orie ntal 11)« them . lIait&ble tor cllb ur b An r ~ t! Obltuarl•• live lIlcbeI free ; over live Sa le prier . . . . ... . .. . . . . . , . ... . .. . beauty . S"le I'ri"t , • • wche.. per lIDe .... . .. . .. . ... . 6c work i 1 Brown Horstl, sill ~t1e I\lI nr. llIi dll '6 ,w ,l ],. -t uf Ihis m uulh AXM IN STER RUGS, ft 12, with deep SM\,R NA R UIO S. lIh GlI si,.c, one . id. a, Card or thankl! ..... . ... .... ... . . . .. " 16c works tlDy pllloe; 1 buy pony . 3 ytR :;" lll l' bruo,1 /)l . w " IIn li pi gs pillsh p)' I~ ~ floral. anJ oriental desi&,ns, 10~4 heaut iful a. tit.· other ; Pe rsian u r lI ura.1 s-,lutlo u. . . .. , ___ ..... _.. . .. . _. , .. . If lll'Il I 1III I , I ""It' , witH broke i 1 bay mare, 6 ,V ll llr .. Il~ " - 2 riding oulti ~u c s . SaJe Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~Oc • deligns; $1. 5U !'ailles. Sale P rice 8oc:IalI ate. where filharp .. made . . .. . . . 36c old, weigh8 1300 poandil , ~oou w urk _ Vl1 to rH, 1 1(,,, ,, 1 a " ne w, 1 2 horse ':28 SU PE RIUR BRUSS ELS RUGS, ' that DWpla,. AdTertJllDc per 1Ach ... . ... . . , . lOe ,:Ir and d ri ~IIr, S l.7 5 WILTO l\: " ELV ET R UGS, 11x5-1 brtlll k ing pl o w, I' lbucco pl~ut e r, top ' exIra bil:' . il e, II . 3x I; '. design. with W OD size ; a.s ri c h a'i p lu sh- ti nTOiI o r Oriell la l . DIIc:oua'- Jven OJ! contract_ S B lllid UtlUle -l full-bl oorl p.d .J ur- bu ~g 'y , II 'l jOt ,, 0 , ( t r' rAzier break ou.rt, derful beaut y. Sale I fl ee . . . . . . .. . • Sale Price sey, fresb, 2 Bb orl. h n rn~ . flo un to htl ~uud 11'3 IlHW , at um er fur stripplD g I.}bucoo, !; llttin g hox , tobuc!;/) prells, (r6I1h. We deliver FREE to your nearest Railroa d Station all purchase.!, of $0.00 or over FICBRU AJ\Y 7, 1811. , allli r e fund Railroa d Fare t;heop. Hogs- I0 head e wes, du e 10 dl nntlr up- II, h O tl ~ , 11 .. y fork ~ , r o p e~ to Out-of- Town Shoppe rs on 8 most liberal plan. I... mb /lbout April lst, 10 h end brood u ~d Jlu lle v ~, work barnes :I for 2 80WS, 3 due t·o farrn w Mltrch 27 1b, un, ~ (' b , . /It ot buggy b .. ru eR~ , ropo, DIdn't Mun It. 0barleI D. BlUe.. eeereta ry to the Lhe other 7 Aprll15 Lh, 1 Poillod Uhl- co llllr" II lId hr ielle,. Uo u"tlh "ld Goods -Cha).lel orgll.n, I~t, telJa thla on Ou. J . Karger. 0" male h('g, 14 Aholll.1I Fllrolln g Implllm eDtA- 2 roadw! I" IlOOI IIlR IIIl W, gOOd IIl ee l rtlngQ, Otlk tile Wuhln aton ne".pa per man. Kar....... a Hebrew . and " wit. 10 BUlel ons 1 b.oad 1 Dlirrow treu(l, low. hSlltl ol( t!t o v ~ , In h.rbl e-top dreBs..,r, I will offer Bt Pnblio ~ale at my II ..r. In cltcalat 1nc tbJa .IaDder. It wbetll .. d trul'k, b uy Itlud e r, g rtl vel Ir() J1 Iwd Rt eutl , " llrillgs ~on m!l.ttres!! resldeD oe, known as the Wm CII J ell, 1 12 f t exl bed, pll sion 2 buggie s 1 lOj) loplln top, bugtrIble, wlIshln g mooy farm, HAVE A COCKT AIL ON US ~ tbat Yben the pre.lden Ual first f ... rm from Lytl e J)U1F "ffet-. the ' home town of Maj. gy pole, IIprlng wagon, wpod blud tlr IIIll chiu{', d iDln ~ - ro o tn ollairs, rocit on tbe rOtld leBdiYJK south from Ly ArcIIJe Butt, the pnata- t'e aide, they In fiDe ... hape, 2 2 horsll whpllt drill .. , erll, lind o t he r Ilrtiolell too numero us tIe t o the Wliyoe tlville piae, on t o m ention 'TerUl!! mlLde known on 'i l 'homas lattea.c'lllc1 cblueh wII«'e Butt, u a Gb ... mpton. disk IInel a Riobm ol1d dtl Y u\' l!II l.. . Friday, Februa ry 9, 1912 1 I.hnrt'e t;uperi or dl ~ k Will Exhibit MrR wboot Beginll ~ I'Bnv drllJ; ing tlt 10 :()O 0 'olook, tht' E. al\ KIDdre drills d bave fertilIZ er f aDd )[uptr at In a pew Dear ' h ll ~ , ~urillce , Auot. followi ~Uaohm ng llDts cbtlttelt i Riohmo l 3 Horse s-3 nd Uorn PluU~ Pat~fiDder boDt. 'ua4 wben u.. It1rrIq l1:ood work horllell, will war It an) "Ooftl'Cl CIu1It tu Soldlen I" dr, 1 1 bOflle corn plantllr , 1 steal CarB on the ~tage At '[ hol'" the Dayton i>i B it bt: Automo tLtl l' lOedi('\ ne mtld e 1, laoe, all sin «Ie hne 1l0r~ eR bile Show next week. I".. ~ oat, the prwddent. u aaw. 'oo~h Ueerln g mower . btlY rake' l il l' c '\ ld ~ want you to call on us. If you write UEi we will send you an admi8BWe tu Ua&tle·- 1 fine milk oo w, jus t, fresl ion lifted' 1111 !dI' 'nIIoe iD 8On._ The bo11 ~teel roller, di~1l hllrrow , 1I bllrrow s , Ite\JI tlu y . uu l ; h tttDberl~in 's Coul(h ticket and invitati on, which will be exchan ged for coektai l It aot t> on Dat,ore '8 piau, witb Mlf by her IIi de with a ~ at ·ItarIw , Qd to tbalr aston- l ' 60 l\od.1 40-toot,h; 2 Kraus onlti r e liev e!:! th cherry on present ation. ogs, opens the seore· Bo!ts- 7 Brood ~nw g dUR to fH r 'lIbmat' DOt.ed tJaa, be ".. u.roUng V..roclI, 4 Breakl n" plow~, 1 Illmn ~ t 1,lO nR, tt idfie lu e xptlctor litiOl. ; row and middle renew; 2 of Atlghe AprIl. bretr.kl I mtll ng e h plows, ll~ J 10 ' .W'a)' . ~T aklGpl4 e the pres 1THE OHIO AUT OMO BILE 00., ,.,1,urr' l! th" ~ ~"III t o 0 eealtby oon fnll blood Durou R.. ,j , 2 ~hl)ut H , II del!t. "But 1 Ioobd me." .~ Hmes. 0..,000 oultiva tor, Newar k wind 01111, 1Il1i uu. ~' o rS Vlill 18 N, Jeffera on 8t., DAYTON, OHIO. ie by 1111 delliers . pla~form SOItIOIl, 1000 pounds ; toblw ,",eight 1'0 to 100 Ibs '"i.d A" tlaat JCaraw U4 hie hands CO spraye r, hogsbe tld, _10 ft hose Farm , 2 Implement~- 2 wtlgon ~, 1 \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OIl tile top'Ot tbe pew-tD troot of him, ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~t WIll uff fl r Il l· Pu b! to SI\l e at my BrowD, 1 Fipe Axle, 'Water barrel@, barrel vinega r , S u u __ both a in trlluu; J::: '1fStb IlJe ~ ~ ... IL': -- --- - age grlnGe r, 2 iroll kettilld wHu ret'lu "ll ", X mil e etl ~ t of Ridgev ille, rnbber .llred piano.b ox bugllY, DeerV BARN HART , (e ul rlt ll o .. tu fa rtn oeRr the B~ptlst ing bIDder, Deering m ower, bellDl.tllnde, 2 gralls seed powers 1 fiddl l! ' . ca.".... ,.. "ndpap er, baw 1 orank i smail r OI,e aud pulle)' , ch urc h jl1 ~ t nor t h o t Rid geVIlle,) on loss tobaooo !!etter, corn planter , Nr)ta ry Publi c _--- ___ QruIIpa .feOCIIIectI wbE the DJrlUIt:-l~traw knife, hoes, sbovels th e Dllnn n Ill1 d ....eb;.noo pikl.'l, 00 slip t!ooop, roller, fertiliz er wbea t aldmpl e im4 loftlT 1toD... ".. reavd. post augur, dooble aud , oruwbb r, Wl'dne sday, Irill, riding Buokey e oorn plow. Februa single ry Lreto~, 21, 1912 All kllldR f,r Notary WOIk.: PeDslo n Ad!! will b e lnaen e<l unllar ie4 .. SIftcIou aDd wuna pnenll T In wire streklbe 1'8. 1'hle muoblO tlry this head for i~ Bt'gIIl UIJJg II I. IU o 'olook a m . tbe breakiul!I plow,di d\{ Iltlrrow , 60 tooth lWCDI 'I'· t l~ cent3 lor 'hr,e IDsertiou . Work 110 t;peohl lty. utlrrow. oorn sheUer , hlty rigging ~',.,....,,:oraDC!- '\11 In fine l!hBpe. WbO D using nOl moro thaD five linea. r ' l l l o lN in ~ o h" LI· e l ~: 5 l:ior H e ~ -l water tlllok, jl .tUN' ".. DOt ooapw . without press, doubk, 100 bushell ! of oorn and !4ome set!u ~ r 'I 'y h.nHl' , cUDling 8 years old, tre!!s. si ngletree!!, forks shovels =~~~~~~= w_ .............. _w __ •• _._ ........ _~ ... ~ .....tpln. rm. or earr1Jlg8 'l1l'8. , w ,' I !;lh~ u bout 14Ul', ... plea.sllu , borpe DR. J. W. MILL ER, I~ ber cJaaatawra lIMn were Ilad (. Btlrne aa-4 sets work hl\rn ell~, .' t nn y klll d or wotk; 1 rOlln bortcto, "Iuotl r be , I. ob urn, 2 d<JlIeD Chiok. ltD borroW' Ud flD&Il, to InlwIriL Now with oollarll, bridles ODd linell, 4 B t- (Jo nJlu ~ 7 yeu FOR SALE enl:l, oook stove, gllsoleo e stove, 3 .' r~, extrtl good one, bOl) set work huness , Itbe prDet baa beoome 10 oommOD and '"'ora flr oets, 1 @e\ double lig h t ilt!eD u au U!i oollarll , bridles , ..• DEN TIST ..• ll Illmily hor91'1, nioli _~ thue II DODe to do It driving harneal S tleLI! 1\/(111 w'Jr ker an y wh ere; 1 bluok hor tle, 1I01"s norl fiy nets, 1 set buggy har· /JIoaor. Uc\ (!,~~ IDto_be pow. OUIrKY baroe 8, l,l(lQdDew, &0. &0 Office In line aDd reID, 7 Yflll r". ~ Dfl rlll purpUlle, good work. ue~~, UGAR PAN-I :loltab le torlioll hag ~. . . . tM GO bu. ooro, nearly 2 tons ~lmothy National Bank Blda. of ~ und- .. traode .lelih belltl, robe I1Dd hor!!!)~ Hr ull Wayne sville, 0 I augar water, sta e prioe. and f:(1 )ut,le In di~p ositlUu ; 1 draft h~y, 30 bu . t OlltS, 76 stookEi fodder blanke t ~. I olt, ;j vellr .. old, 1\ !<tood uua ; 1 yetlr. le've Ibform ation tlt the Gazett e lIDd SOOlEI oats sti·aw. , ---'--.--~-·ferma -Allsu m. of '5.00 Imu nn- lin g tI rllft mare oolt . offioe. Theile Dursell 114 Terms -Allllu DII of 16.00 and un Do yOIl know ~ba' more real dan' der, oub. All sumEi over 00 lirA ... 11 tlo und "Dd good ODeS. W. HEND~RSON, M. D der, ca8h. All 80mll over , 16 00 ,ft,'lur lr' tn. commo n cold 'han in It credit of t months wtll be glve D. 8 Crltlle- J good OOWR_ 3 2.yed r ·old 11 a ARM, la·rge1'oOOooo I:Ihed 6I1aor.... edit of 9 monthl l will be glven, aD,. oth.r of 'he minor ailmen ts? pllroh" tlr ghlDg a bankPb le note h e if ~ rs , ;j ve llrlinK beifers to plow. Write or Be I p~onQ pDroba Wayn . 'l'be . .Ie Wa~ il t-o teke Chamb er- A d18001ln$ of 4 per oent. ~:J1f tlloe of ser esvill givlDg e, & bankab le note. Ohl • Hogs. I:!be c-p-lO brood sows, 27 Dr. Gregg, Mlamla bori, Oblo. · . latD'. Coach Rqmed y a tboroug hly ao~ for oash. t Daniel Woolllt \ d Wm, B . Brown full pi gs , 1 mule hog BDd aDO fat A A . McNeil , Auot. Valley Phone 153 reliable prep". "otl, anel rid YOllr .. C_ T Hawke Anot Main Strert hO I! ; :1 "\VUS, 3 backs , aU under -4 Walter Kenrio k, Clerk . ..If oftbe cold II qalokly '" poulW E Yllllr!l 010 Clerks INE .Tersey CftU-I nqnlre of Dr. . bl.. Tht. remedy Is for 8&le by ",11 served by ItldieB of the 1.y . 8. L . Car'wr lBht auo uu . ~ orted oorD_ 3 tonEi olovor tltlLunoh A T WrigM . WaYD8IIvllle, O . dealere: . ~ - ~ . -ohuroh . TbI8 8ale will be held uDdel' oover hAY. 100 ~ h oo kl\ of rodder tied in ~. --If a bad dAY · Lunoh titan hy UI'O!; ~ bUll d l e~ , l OU Cblo ktl ll!'. I ,I uokll uo.l \'Ier!,! is a mes811ge of hope snd Reynol d .. DR. E, " •• COSNER, ~ lI iu e u <I , W " I.(.IO, gr l.l VIl I h pIl, l) ultl\Y1. lruce 'and the 8pld,r. 8RED SOWB, good boned Will " a od ch t10r .from Mrs C .1.- Marti. , farrow a boot April 18&. In · OOt' ... -~lI ~ ll" l1 {'r , brr!l1k lUg p lu w . ":-.lppu eDtJT thll UtUI 8reatde story BilO lle Mill, Va .. Whu ill the mother quire of Thad Zimme rman, Waynf 8'ferw9 - Alillull ls of '10 and un of eiKMel lu ohlldre abo\It Bruoe and UHt IPldlr I.-In the n. MrA. Martin For Iup'aln you will fiod Oham- der, otl" h All s um s aver f1IJ, WA f! oorp-Ii ville, Ohio , \ oatllOl 7 of lahleL 80 emiDent an auf8 of IItomao b trouble and berlalD 'tI a Llnlme oredlt. ut pf exoelle \I llIon t b ~ WIll be given, co os t.ipatio n by Chamb nt. It 111 thoa1t.T u Sir Herbert Maxwel\ P711 In erlain's Ta.b. lays tbe paiD, hy purChllH t1r gi viu g note witb ap.. let~ lifter ft vo ytlart! renWVllll tbe 801\lll0e'"8, ~bert thll Bruce:" of snffl1ri ng, C. Buff Orplug ton Pollett! anlt '-What II tbe eyldliDe. to bll found and loon raSH'r!'H the pllrts to pl'Ove4 ~ ec l1 l'it .v ,LDd:now recomm ends thep "'blet·s 912 Rei bold Buildin g, Cooke reI A for sale. Mrs. B V. Lhealt; a;y conditi III 25 Prest and ·ID eapport 01 on 50 oen A. ' Lawson Not In the writing s to the ).lobllo !:lold by all dealers Smith, Box 75, phone 4-3, Wayne e. bottl811 fer salu U. I'. u.Y Hawk e , Auot. 1.11 d culllrs Of Barbo\lJ'. FordUD or W,Dtoutt; tbose Dayt on, Ohio vllle, Ohio. ----- - --~.~----mOlt D....I' coDtemporar1 with Bruce - --... Having sold m'y farm I will Hell aDd l...t . IIkel, to 8uppres . a circum... t Pnbllo Sale nt my reliiden oe one Shocki ng Sounds No 1 Farm for rent. Call at; ltaDol 10 plcture .que and lIIultra tln, I will offer at Pnhllo :"u Ie, u t- my ID the enrth Bre ~omehtneB mile West ot Wayne sville pn th e Graduate American School. KlrklvWe, Mo this omoe for Inrther infoJm •• bellrd 10 apUT thll perlenr ance and pa· reslden :lYe mil.·.. e:\8L 01 'N1l ., oes betore " to rrlble e"rtbqu ake, thlltt rtlrm known as tbe 8eth balnes tiua. o~ the Datlonal bero uoder de.. vtJIe onoe, tbe hrm Wl\yu on ""vllle and l.:lpring W <l rtl of the oUlJling pedl Ndnre 's peratAI dllienJU .s: Valley Pike, 00 warnin g!! ure killd TbM doll pllin "No. DqthlD. ta lIurd ot this ad,Yen. ' Saturd ay, Februa ry lO,. 1912 l!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ Wedne sday, Februa ry 21, 1912 or aohe io the bao k w ... rnll you &lle tUN tw ; 10DC atter Bruce aIld hll Beginn ing at 9 o'olook lit. m . ..11 BegiDn lDl( tot Hi o'olook 1\. IU ,tbe Kidn eys n el"d I1ltent.\on tf yon woufd tny Oh"U>E11 proper ty oonlist oomrad.. bad paned and then lng of It 1IlUM, (ta appeara nell In oompanT followi ng dMorlb ed CIl" tt.els : esoape tboRe dh.nger ous IIlallldietl, the foHowl uR: 2 Bead florll81 1-2 work horses tlnd Drup"y , Dinbetetl or Brlgb,' e 1JttIl lach tralh u the mlracul ou. a~ dis 7 Bead of liorseo ~ray ~eldiog, . Undertaker and Embalmer, ,·or the IU'JIt bonll of st. Ftl- 1 mole, eRse . To ke Eleotrin Bitters at once 6 years old i 1 gray s-l geldlag , 4 Yfars B head U.attle -5 elttra;J er8ey milk I\od Bee backac he fiy lind all yoor old; 1 rOlin, 9 yellrs (u',. ~ 8ft of BenDocltburn. and ---- 4 . old; 1 brawo Will be foond iD the 01el wortJiT or ,.. about .. mueh oonsld- OOWII, S yonQ8 heifer8 . ;;:: ue~ t feeling s return. "My tlon reo' m'lfB, 13 years uld, famll,. mllre; 1 100 'blliher e of ooro I'D the orib. oelved grellt. be ..l fl lH from IFNlolI '" Bank Bol1dln g, oppoal '" ' tbeir ose hay mar~-, S ytltlrll old i 1 bll.Y mare, "armln a llIllPlem en&8-1 Milbllr n I for kiduev tlgd bl " dder tbe Ntltlon al Bank. . 80 IIoe8 uothlr or the ftIlerat ed ! t,roubll' ,'~ . U! yeurs old i 1 blaok oolt, 2 yetlrll old waion, good ft8 Dew, MoCOr mick I wrlt-e!! Pet e r Buudy, Teleph pne in houBe and oflIpada or ohUdbOOd. Bouth Rook. 9 helld o{ ollttle as follows : 5 blndllr, McfJor mtoltm ower, Snperl or wo ud , ~\iob , , Jr. is oerttlin floe wbere I can be callecl "ralD drill, allaoat new, It4!el roller, Il kiduey medlOi oe.·' Try ly ~ grellt lUilch cows, fresh by d ... y of "al~ anti day or night, ' It,. 600 Itt I frt:sb Fe brotlry 29th, 3 h~ller!l, 1 dllO harrow . good all new, 60 tJotb 1111 drug'i{llIl ~ MeYIMOII'I KHn Comme nt. Valley Phone 1'-2, .ferlley bull . TIle bit that"'T Num" made tron barrow , walkln gbreak iog plow, ' - -- - . 19 lie .. d of hugs-1 5 brood SOWB, ) Main Street. Wayne svillll. Ohio .. one ' of the molt pleuan t epl.oda a Bootey . I1dlog onltlva t0!J Jamell Bllviog Bold my lurm. I will sell "t'tOOI: h"KS. ID Ut.,." Jdltoa-, Tbe ItOry that Oliver aolky ,plow, CorD mil at Publlo ~Rl e "t my re!llt1encA. A bout 600 bo. corn, 10 ton olover OIadetbDe. pt a ,UmpH of the boot Dllre Ipread e ... Kitche l ·fenolD g m~· kDown Ill! tue Griswe ll farm, I ,Y. ,ltV lind 10 bu of No I olover seed at ~ :ROIe" "'''1 hOIlN. pd .pent ohine. fence .'reach er, I\...y tork, rope mil es ells I. of Orf, ~oDio, on the Ore HllrJle s",-5 sett! work hltrn8!lB, 1 'IltU da7' b.1lDUDC 01'81'. Loll4OD lor and pulleya , tOMocO spra,e r, Bemis gooill nnd l:iarvllYRburg plk-', on d lluble ~e~. O( liKht driviug h"rnesl i, ..... eeciolldolwul ooPT" II IOod eDou,h tobaQOo t .....planler . corp Plonter ' l Saturda v Fehrua ry 10, 1912 Being prepare d from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleans 1 !!ut single barDtls!l. e the to be true. It.yeDIOQ'1 OYll comme nt outtlng bolt, combin tltlon wagon bed, reJ(inDil\~' tit 10 o 'clook, t.he folSystem and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System . and thus Farmio g Implem ent!l-r oad wag· OIl b1I au~1 II decl. If polDt- fannlo~ ml.H, grindst one, hoeil, forks 1 '1 b t l ' 5 Be d Horse s- uD wil,b Illld, 1 extra bed, bay lauders l -".".".., ow nlCo e~. eI: "'ftlIl lt.. 0Il1 ltrUIe 'iboal!l tl a h ove1a an d ·many a th er till DgS '" I b E(, Oons 1 PIas f orm wagon, isLlngat" of 1 sorrel hor!!e, 1:1 grtlve 08r. BarDf 'N-'set s good work barnesl I years o lr! ; 1 b .. Y horse, 13 of bow ""1'1 bad tile commOD run of yAtlr!! old ; ring .. , \luggy, Mande t manure I!Drelld 8hold Good l-l parlor Orlftln, .000 that the "I....CNI 'thiDli: too 2...Bo1ll hlld.t.. ds 8et ohalrs oream lIepur · 1 b Illo k B orse, 1 grliY mllre 12 yellr~ I'r Dearl.v new, Deerin g blndu in bad to prtJlt. ... the ".fT ODe_ thg , " good shape, Deerlo g mower Dearly , , old' 1 /(rliy mare, 13 yO" r~ old, KO"" Ator, a .1at 01 dllhee ~t9. . , 1ir1De me. pralIe an4 pn44lD,." I'd b d All theBe hor8e ~ new, bay tedder. hav .rake, dlek Term ..... A1l8llm s 5r I~ 00 Rod un· IDer ... u roo . ::;uperl or wbetlt .drlll in good ehap8, purely . cures d IIr, 0.8h . All 80mS g ood un ell ~ver '"5 ~ 00 Ilro 81:1elHl Ollt,tle -2 now8 will be frellh flAld rol I er, 2 b arrows , dl '3 k h arro."." stipatio n, Liver and Kidney Troubl es. Ask your Grocer a oledlt ot .12 month8 Will be glveu for It. . b . I 2' 'OWB one with 2 800tob "vln!J ollpp~r . breltkln g plows, I ' Ir bl puro.... "aefl, otber v , a b In. Manut e ndt,tl onIforb elure atured l i t bY b ALPHA i d I CHE.A ICAL CO., 8prtnll fleld, Ohio d Utl to o... lf, !i"miU on ou t va or near v • tJonat ban' :::.\mlth \ ~tlred ~ei~:r I"-vili be fresb Maroh lilt" Iron Age ollltivH tor, Bookeyye new, T am Dill A uo coltl, ' , ·A, B . 'll·d .... .... 1 y.etH·lm g Jer~tlY Beifer, 2. ytolU I'In~ vat,lr,r dl8k ool\lva to". tobtlOOO prow, == ::1 .,' .A., promln at oltllC of 1II'n.nP111e, ,10oble ..bovpl plow, John !Jeer corD ... O'N 11 Olerk8 W bt'llfers , .... 1114., wrltee :-"I... . m _for tl.,e ea I A '> d . 21 A"ILd BOilS -II brood aOW!!, 2 panter .... ge rap w ith f r t ' ll . e I ze a t . tDoIltha 'trlth & polmot W7 trouble, and ------~.~ 80;8 with , ; ~ the belt of c!octora. 1)1&11 hllmor, ' . and ".. ill \I 1'efT bad W&1. OOII~~~~r~. 2 ~b .. oOO plow(O, 1 farm leys; pltwln horse ollpper s, feed SATISFACTION CUARANTEED \ , . Alm~ lOJt His Ute ' • &dYI~ of a friend I tried wAgoO', 1 tJPl'iDg WII gotl , 1 norn.oo b cooker. 30 gill ; IroD PRICES RICHT ~ kettle, hogs 8, A. '8tad, Of,ahBOD, f Mloh, WI\1 mill 1 Troy buggy_ oJ aet feel that It saveel JD.f Ufe. lII:'= h&y lad bead, 320 Ifill . ; 1ard prNI, .allise. g ,_,:.:.. .JOIl recommend., It to be. I never rorget 'hI. terrible exposu re ders', bay Jork 1I0d ropA, 160 gaUOD grinde r, ·tSimple x ore.m lIepara tor, ~ It Ii tJi8 ......t.t. medlclDe ,oD 08 a me~l1eIB lI'orm . • It gave me all t,"'Dlt , double 1 I t nearly new, tJ toot extensi on table, lean .. ng e I'ees, 6 hole f'J.U, lIe, 2 heatlb' " .tovel oor. ~ ba",. · M'f1Ieel otlt" to tl'7 a dreadfl ll'.' .. he ""'rita8. "·thllt forks lind sbovelet,reel!, and otherar tlolell " e lothe s ·the)\ ba'fe , ~ the 'SaIil1l oa0¥4 obt?S~. 110 too teOious to mentio n . Dar onpbol ird, or088C' la~'rdrakN, .:a . A BarDe st'-4 lIet wor~ b ... rne"s, 1 forke, hoe8 and .boveli't ~~&Dl. fU1'DIIlleel Oil ft. It Will ., 20 QO stova ~ wood, tobaooo ph'", Sure Batch o~ lIet bo~g:v harDellll . Thom as L. Pierc e, Prop. 61 f f 0 .. "hlob 1Snre hatoh inouba tor, 2oo-egg UiO-egg I 000 b "our, pa ... 0 en -.:':' stretob8 J'1, oreame ry OtI.n • d • a C Ilootor OII,1'aolty B • Bat • . , p r ' l . ~ of; pilflU . Terms -All ,sums of '1i.00 "n.d IlD· . Terma -HoDi l of 110., o .. h; over , v o ta I 0 wa), l l n • • ~l"IJ,Q. "~tth t'hl.'l der casb. All IInm. over J6 VO '10," oredlt • be liv, t~o bottles tl c;edlt of 6 montha wlll be 8lven, eD, pOrObll.iI8 roCt gl Il.O'~ p,nrcba ser giVing a ba~lt:able. no~e ;, _ /i , ' / '...... , ;· S~itb IUIT. ·PIlIUE 6 _ , , ,' , C:l Karl A'i1IBOOUDt.of Ilx percen t Br~wn T_ 'iliiwl&e .HOll" O"'DIIl~'~ .D""""L"'T.y..r,..~~" . , . '., W, 'JIll ' ~:,:.~." ,-"~ III' '~ I,' , t: J",: .~~tl1eil~;~A1(i' A. . v_~_ ' ',.. :: Luo~ ubi,";' .:

D. L. CaANE, Editor and Manag er

$7 89



$17 .75 29.9 5 46.0 0 93c $1.29

8.99 9.88 15 28 18 75


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Osteopathic Physician


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A. MA FFf I,



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SEillOUS Sic~e~.~ ::~;~~~~ative,

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I== LIV ER ITE S Only IOc· :



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IIII.ROAD MAl WRfIES REMARKlBl.£ LETTER. III 1903 an d 1904, I waB 1\ terrlbl. -.d!'o~r tor about nve monlbs wltb t:14nc y a nd bladd e r trouble. I could aot s leep nlghlll. On o doc tor saId I was gu lng Into cons umption a nd ga ,'e me up to die. liar. two etber doctor8 but received no be lp tram eit her ot tlIem and am sure I wou ld h ave been In my grave bad I not Beon YOllr ad· _rtlaement In the "Marinette Dally Eagle Star." After tnklng seve ral bot~ of Dr. Kllme r's Swamp-Root ( waa eDtirely cured. tn tbe Isst two years I bave been a ni1road fire man and bave paHsed two esllmlnatlons for my kidney s SUCcellafully so tbat I koow that my kidneys are In exrellent ('ondltlon now as a reo .wt of your great prellaratlon . Yours very truly, OEOROm KENSLER, t09% 13th Av e. So" Mlnnoapolls, Mlna Pel'llOl1&l1)' appeared before me thls 'Sib or t1eptember, t909, George Ken3Ier, who snbscrlbed the above sla,* ment and made oath thllt the same II true In aubatnnoe and In ract. EmJfRY ORU88,


Poor bounl.1, ....


Send to Dr. Kilmer &: Co., Bingham· ton, N. Y .. for a lample bottle. It wlU c:cmvlnce anyone. You will also reo eelve a book lilt or waluable inrorm. tIon. te lllng all about the IddneYB and ~1.ad4er. When wrttlng, be Burll and lIIenUon this paper. Regular Ilfty-oent and onHollar sl1.& botUea tor .&le at All drug sUlrel.

- ----




1 tor n tree pcwk"fl" 01 WT p" ... · P .... 1'111 •• I .,~nt. to pro,.., ,1",-, th t'y l"OB IL 1Tc l y CUft' r d '

dl ¥MtIO ll. A"ur btnlO u,· h. lklc-b l ua;. Wind , lIeOidR c h n . Nf'rvotll4 o

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a f'e n.n In (nllllJte f 'U I , t u rOtJU Mtl lJl1Unu . To t'O r-bl . I GolD ""I IUDR' to IItTtI mUllo na of (r eo r n • . aReA. I tnke all tbe rl lik . Sold by drufl Jr' '''' ''


.. • J&.eIl



Tor free


ft thlJ' ..,,,, ...

I -

SVNOPSIS. Ketth. a Vlrglnl n n. now a bor·

der ptatnaman, I~ looktng tor r oa m1nl' war DArtlu of aavage • . H e see! a ,," ugo n tea m al fUll ,a1lop puraue<! by men on ponl"a.

,,",en K.lth reac hea til e wlljfon the mldmueacred two metl Ilnd dt'parted. He aearchu th .. victim. finding papen and a lock" t with a woml\ n·. 'p'0r· trlLlt. Keith I. a rre.ted at Ca non Cit y. charpd with the murder. hla accu.or be· hi. a rurn an na med Black Bart . A negro companion In hla cell na med Neb tello hIm that he kn ..... the Keith. In Vlrglnl". N ~ b .a,.. one of the murd e r e d m e n WBe J oh n 8lbloy. the OthH Oen. Willi. Wa lle. Corm · erly a Conrodora te orn'· ..... The plalnlman and N .. b 118Cllpe. nnll la t .... Ihe ru glll,, "" C4)me upon .. cabin and nod It_ occupa n t to be a youn, trlrl. whom Keith thInk. II...... at Cannn Cit y. The gh-I ""plllins that ah .. la In "ea r~11 or Il b,,,thrr. who had deaorted trom th .. army. Illld thaI a Mr. H aw l.. y Ind uce" her Co come to t ho cabin while he 80uKht hr r bro t h~r . Haw · la,. .ppe ..... and Keith In hltHn /( recog· nl&85 him lUI Black Barl. Th r n' 'a a ler · rln c batt le In th e darkened room In which I<J!lth I. vl clor. Hon". are u(>prol,,·lal ed. and tho ..Irl .. ho says th nt her n"me IIll Hope. Jolnl In the escape. Keith ex pllLlnsl lila Bltuatlon and th e fu glll" e8 m"ke fOr ) Fort Larned. where th e Illrl la le ft Wllh the hotel landlady. MI ... H .. p~ te.ll~ lh lll Ihe I. th.. daughter of Oe n~ral Wallt'. Keith and Neb drift tnto Sherldnn . wh en keith m .. eta an old trlend. Dr. F'alrb,,1 n. Keith meets th .. broth"r of Hope 'VIl IIC. linde, the ulum ed n&mo of Fred WII. IoUlrhby. IU\d becomel convInced Ih a. ,Black Bart haa lome p101 Involvlnlr t11 0 \wo. Hope learna Ihat Oen. Walle. wh o waa thoul!fht mUrdered. t. at Sheridan. and 1I'0ee th oro, whe .... she 1ft ml.tllken for Chrletle Mac. lal ..... th. Canon Cltrslnllcr. Keith meet. Ihe relll Christi e Maclalre and ftnda that nlack Bart hu convinced her that there 1ft a my ale ry In her lito whIch he I. golnr: 10 t urn to lin advan· lalro. Tho pf.ln 5man tell. Hope Walt .. or her reaembl nnco 10 Ch rl. tle M" clIllre. They dedde that I"red Wllloul(hb y may hold th e key to th ft oll ua tlon . I{ elth nnds WtlloU\fhby .hot deed. Hopo II toll! of the dellth of 11",. bml h .. r . K. lth f&ll. to t.ern wh.t ",preacntallon. Black Bllrl h .. mad.. to Chrl.tle Maclnlr. . Hopo auaa.,.tn that In order to learn tho .ecret ahe mUll brl .. ny tmperso nalo the alalle atnger . I1r. Falrbllin Is In lov.. with Cb~h, Mnclalre.

. . baytl




, Prol. Munron, tl3n1.lellenon SII" Phllild,lphl .. ~

Keith drew s81de tbe nap of lbe tent to glance wltbout, tbe IIgbt fall· Ing on Falrbnln's fnce as be struggled to a sltUng posture. He bad had ' a . Bubb,-Tbat mUUoer of 10un must lIew tbougbl driven Into blm, yet t.e a bird. fail e d to e otirely grasp It1l algulll· Wlfe7-No1lBen.e! Sbe ball n-elthllf cance. 'nor fea.there. "But, Jack." he osked, sUIl balf Hubby-Yea; but just look at th1e angry. " how about tbe girl? Hasn't Iill1 of her. abe any rlgbt to this money?" Glrl's Temper. '" don 't know." bonestly. "we don 't can a1t0l:d to loae any of us know. but whatever sbe bas k r temper. "Nothing," BAYII a good tbe rlgbt to sbe Is going 't o get. You 8IIthority, "'NUl make you 110 anguJar can bet on tbat, old man , We're buckor give yeur face Buch an undesirable In; Hawley , not Cbrlstle Maclatre1oo'k :UI the free indulgence of Jour ~e t tbat Into your head . He bun't any own w1U." A girl wbo was thIn to .. rlghl. that's certain, Cor be murdered really painful degree gained 30 pounds and stole to get the pape rs-be Qulel! fn tiO days on the following regime : Here tbe fellow comes now t" ?welve bours' sleep a day; a wellTbe y peered out togetber FthlroUgb , -entllated and cold room to B'-ep In, tb e convenIent tent flap. • .., barbain -'th plenty of fresh air all night ·. Bcarcely les8 Intereste d tban t 0 otb· w, I 1I&ht down coverlets for warmtb and cr. Illrcady dImly com prebend ng tbat bot·water bags at the feet If tbey 1:18 truly dangerous rival was tbe .are cold; loose, light clothIng at all gamble r. and tbal be could best serve ~mee, with plenty of apace about th4 , tbe I&dy hy belplng to provo to ber .ebeet, ahoulderB and waist; a diet 01 tho renl cbaracter oC tbat Individual. ceH!als, cocoa. fresh frulls or starch; He was Btlll bllndly ~roplng In Ibe ..-egetables, potatOes, bcans, etc., roll1e haze. ye t out of Keith s sharp. sting· and c ream-everything of n war ming, Ing wo rds tbere bad come to him a "t-producing naturo In 'lbe way gU\dLJl g IIghL The latter gripped bls food; warm batbs, though net too (re- ar~ In res traint. old man, easy- let blm EAsy QnentI y. pass." ' Hawley tnrned Into tbe alley wbla· After the Party. tllng. evide ntly \\'ell pleased wIth tbe HWell. George, I !Jape you are situation and .wUclpating otber de11leased with yourse lf." IIgbts awaiting his coming. Tbe glow "Suffering Samson. what have of the Trocadero's lights se rved. an done now?" "Oh, not bill!;. or cours e . What dId lu!!l.>lnt. to reveal bls fnce. sbaded b)' you say to t.hat aristocratic Mrs. Pin· t hn~ broad brIm of bls hilt. and tben be .. nnbb ed Into tbe dark. Ke lt b leaD' eleton1" Ins far out. yet keeping woll within "Well, ,,' h nl d id f say?" .. And rlg!; t aftor I w a rn ed yoU tbe s had ow s, benrd th e faint creal!. of ngainst your awful brenltR. You s old tbe vestibule dool' and tbe 60rt ruur· CO ber: How tlmo til es! I s uppose Dlllr of dI s tant voi ces. Tben be drew your yo un g hopeful will soon put on bnck Budd e nly, hIs band agaIn gyusp· lug Fnlrbaln . Two figures-those o r loug trouse rs.''' a man a nd woman -e~erged Into tbe "Well. what's th e malter wltb l bnt? dim light. and as quIckly dI sappeared . Frlp.nd ly . wasn't It ?" "Fri e ndly! Mrs . Pingl e ton hos bllt Appan' ntly ber ha nd was upon his CIne ch ild. an d slle's a yu ung woman arm . and he was bendIng down 80 liS to gain a glimpse of the face Dar· or 20!" tinily concealed by tbe folds of L cl mantilla. Only a word or two reacbed One of the Perlln of Divorce. " Ho w do you ltl<o your now papa. then! , a lltile laugh. nnd the woman 'o voice: " W e ~Irl ? " nSltel! the nelgbbor. "Why, of course I burrled! you satd "Nol vllry we ll," was the reply. "1 told Ina ycsl N da y that I could ba ve you bnd somet b ing o f such Importance "leI,e d oul a better one myselt."- J)&. to tel l me " " Falrboln." s poke Ke Ith. bls lips al· trtlll l"roo Press. mos l Dt the ear of the otber. "Thr.t was Hope. 0\11 rlgbt, and she bas Kot Imporlanf.'to Mothers E um lne car efully every bottlo of blDl going olready. Now, man, will CAS'J'O.l:t IA. n sare aud Bure remedy for you he lp us oul?" In[ante ul~ d children. and see that it "I? Hnw!" " Go buck tbere. and meet Miss Dca rs tho ~ ~~~ "Ignatureof~~ Mnclllire. I don 't care wbere YOll lake ber- IuDc h . anywbere; only keep ber In Uae For Over 30 Years. from tbe hotel as long 08 possible. Chiltlrcn Cry for Fletcher's Cl18toria You can do It fllr better than I, for sbe will not suspect you of any InterNot MIlitant. est In tblo nffalr. Tell ber aOJ !Ie yoU ~ Tb e soc-Ial function at Mrs. Comecan thInk up on account of Hawley's G P'S the other afternoon ended In a ablence. Gilpd Lord, old man, CIUI't drawo battle." you see thl • Ia your cbance; ,0 1D -What? Not a qUllrrel?M and win." -No. Juet t\ teaftgbt." Falrbatn atruggled to bIB feet, ·BUlI a Comtipa tion cauoe. and !leriously aggra- bit dued and uncertain, yet tempted _teel T.)AD1 diacuea. It ia thorougbly b7 the opportunity. "You're perfectly sure, Keith, thll eare<I by Dr. Pierce's Pellet.. TinJ' lup1'o _kd IIl'1Ululee. Iln·t anythtng that wID burt the ,lrlT" "Sure! Of oourail I am. It's juat IEnlr notice bow much easIer It la to Hawle, I'm guonlog atter, For Goel'l, rn bad to WOl-1l4! tban r,!JIn. good ulle, baYeu't"po got tbat cI..r "etr 10 bett,r? " • ':I-! reckOn I'm , &II i old' '~I, J.a clt;: Idlbltted;the DQctot. re....UuU'. ~aD4 wbri :U " old ~I. 18 ,~)Oy~ ,11• .' ~D:t. HOI. ' left. .,.'1 u1how'

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or h tu, &0)' MW Ill -

Q.('h or Ih'er AUment to H ..

~t1APTER-XX" III.--(Continued.)


wan' e.ery peraoa

wt.n 18 hlltous. conaU·

"To wlltc b tboae ocb" rs. Tbe re Is no knowlns what play Hawley mIg ht try to pull orr. and I want l6 keep wltbln gun·abot ot blm. Hurry up. man; tbat vestl bule door creaked lus t tben.' He "hoved htm down tb e dark a ile, and dodsed ba ck blOldelr a c ro ~s the front of tb e cenl out Into tbe Rtr"e!. Tbere was a crowt1 ot men In troDt of thll Trocadero. but tb e co uple be sougbt were nowh e re In s lgbt. CHAPTER XXIX.

we ' re talklug. Wbat do you Ray!" "Ob. I would rather n ot." Hop a lal· ter e do bewildered by tbl s un ex pec ted reQ uest. already half·tem pt ed to break away and run . "Really I- I dOD 't wlint to go there:· Hn"' le y was e vldenlly surprIse al tbls refu sal , naturally s uppos ing Irow be r life t hat Miss Macl a lre 's 6 crupl e~ wou ld b .. onslly overrollle. Tbl~ ob· stlnacy of tb e girl aroust'd bls a nge r " 'Vou wome n beat tb e dev il," he e la(~ ulated . gruffly. " prPle ndlog to be 80 damn particular . Maybe you 'd ratber sland OUI th ere on tb e prairIe and talk?" wllb a sweep of 11 15 band a round tb e borlzon . "Yes. I would," catcblug des pe rat e ly 0.1 tbe s lraw. "I 'm Dot afraid of you; I m not blaming you at all . only I- I don ' t want to go to 'Sbe eny Joe'a: " He looked ,it ber. puzzlerl at ber at· lIlulle , and yet aomewbat reass ured by be r e xpression or r ntld e nce. Ub. well, wbat was tbe dlll'ere nce? It be better to leI her bave ner own way. and the . cba nge would not matJerlally Intertere wltb bls plana. Of C!ourae. It would be pleasanter 81t· tlng togetber at one of Joe's tables. but be could talk JUllt Il8 freely out yonc2er under lbe stars. Beslde8, It might be e.a well now to bumor tile girl. "A ll rlgbt. ChrIstie," bls voice regaining Its pleasant tone. "You sball hav e your way tbls Um e. Tbere IS too mucb at Stakll Cor us to Quarrel ovel' this." Fl~lghtened. yet nol daring to resIst or 4exblblt tbe least re luctance. sbe clUJIg to bIll arm, and permItted him to lead ber to tbe rlgbt down a dark passage and out Into the open land be-

By Force of A",.,.. WIth be r bea rt tbrobblng !lercely . Hope clung to tbe outer door of tbe vestibule endeavoring to see a little , of wbat was transpiring wllbouL About ber was dense darknes8. and ~ h e dare not explore lbe lIurroundlnK1!. Beblnd could be be ard. tbrou~b what must have bee n a thin parlltlon, tbe varIous dlstractlonll of tbe lito III, ehlrtlng sce nery. music, sbuHllng filet. voIces. and tbe occasional sound of applause. Tbe gIrl had nerved berself to tb e encounter wltb Hawl ey. but tbls waiting bere In darkness and uncartal·nty tried her to tbe IlttermoaL If lIome one should venture out tbat way bow could sho eXCU8e her preB' ence or explain ber purpose! Sho tound berself lre mbllng In e very 11mb trum nervous fear, slartled by e very slrange s ound. Would lhe man never com e? Surely Cbrlstle herself must be r eady to de part by tbls Ume. AI most prepared to nee berore the terrors lbus conjured up wltbln ber mind. th ey left ber all If by magic tbe momcnt her strainIng eyes dlstln· gulllhed the approa.cb of a dim Hgure without She could 1I0t tell wbo It was, only that It WIlJl tbe unmIstakable form of a man, and that be was whla· tllng BoCtly to blm self. It mIght not prove to be tbe gambler, but 8b~ Inust accept tbe chance, Cor Hes h and blood could stand tbe strain of wnltl.~g no longer. Yet sbe was not con8c","8 of rear. only of exultation, as she st'!pped forth Into tbe open , her blood agaIn circulating fre e ly In ber velnA. At tbe slight creak of tbe door tbe man saw her. bls whIs tl e ceasIng, bls bat lifted. Instantly ahe recognlzt'ld blm 8S Hawley. her beart leapIng with the excl lement of encounter . " Wby. hullo. Cbrlstio." be s aId fa. millarly, " I thougbt 4 was early, and expected a tt'n minutes' wall I came out as soon as you le ft th e stage." "Ob. I can dress In a JllI'y when tbere III any cause tor burry," Hope respond ed. pel'mltllng bllrself to drlft under his guidance. "Are YOU dlsap· poInte d ? Would you pre fer to com. mune wltb nature?" "Well. I s bould say not," drawing her hand througb bls arm. and tben patting It wltb bls own. "I bave seen Mile! With Terror, She PUlled the about all I care to at nature. but not Trigger. . of C hristie Maclalre." "You may learn to tee I tbe sn me yond. He had to teel his way careregarding ber," Hope answ e red. 'afrllld fully, and scarcely spoke, yet proto e ncourage tbe man. yet eagerly ceeded al thougb the pllS8age waa reasonably familiar and be bad Bome fe"rrl.11 leat sbe fall to play ber part definite point In view. Sbe answered aright. In monosyllables. now thoroug bly re"Not tbe sllghtc9t danger," laugblng gre tful o~ bavlng permItted beraelf to lightly, ond pressi ng her arm more drift Into thla position, yet not In tbe closely ogalnst his body. :'Altbougb I least knowing how to extrIcate berself. must confeRS you exhIbited some tem· Hawley took everytblng for granted. per wben I waa late to-nlght:' be r ve ry 8\1ell00 convluclng blm of be r "Old I not hove occas ion to? A acquiesce nce . WIth tbrobblng pulse, woman s hau Id never be k ept wa Itlng. Hope telt the small revulver hidd e 'n especially It her engagement be 1m· wltbln her dres s , undoing a button 80 P<'ra t lve." tbat. In emerge ncy, sbe mlgbt grasp It "Oil. I nm not fiodlng any fn lllt . you more QuIckly . Hawl ey felt the move· little s plt·llre. I lik e you all tbe bct· roen!, lbe trembling of her arm. ter because you flght. (jut tb o trou· "You are a[rald, Just the snme," be ble was. Cbrlstle. you s imply jumped s aid, pressing ber to blm lover· like. 011 lI1e without e ven as king bow It oc- "Darkness always g els on a woman's curred. YOll toolt It for granted I was nerves." la te on purpose lo spi te you: ' " Yes, and lonelin ess." res eLt"We ll. we re n'l you?" and t be girl Ing bls Camlllarlty. "Do we need to glan ced InquIrIn g ly up Into bls rae, go any tarther? Surely. we are alon" as th ey pMsed out of lho all ey Into benl." tbe IIgbt of tbe Trocadero's windows. ·'Only a few .stepa; the ravIne U. "Y,?U ce rtal~IY acted that way." . ~ yo nder. and we can sit down on the No. I dId not; but yOU wouldn t rocks. I want to smoke. Dnd we will lis ten. and lJes ldes I hnd no lime th en be entirely out of Bigbt there." to elt plaln. Tbe re's a lot bappened He c.elped her down tbe rathd tills ufternoon I wanl to tell you ~ hat·p decllvlt, 'mtll botll wcre thl)r' abo ut. Will you give me lime to talk ougllly concealed be low the prairie wllh you?" le vel. Feeling about wltb bls bands " Why. of course." surprI sed at Ibe be found tbe surlaco at' a smootb rock, n Ques llo , yet full at eagerncss. "Wby ond seated her upon It Tben a matcb should you ask tbat?" f1arod , casting au 'Instant'8 gleam " Becaus e I want yOU alone wbere a cross bls face 118 be lighted bls cigar. no aile ca n overb ear a s y llable. I'm Blacker tban ever tbe nlgbt shut down a(rald of tbat damned botoi. You abollt tbem, and De gropcd for a -seat never know wbo Is In tbe next rooUl. beside 'ler. She could perceive jlU!t and tbe sllgbtest wbl sper travels from ono Btar peering tllrougb a rift of one end to tbe other. Tbat Is one way cloud, and In ber nostrils was tb. In wblcb KeIth gol onto our deal-be p\Jngent odor of tobacco. With a IItlie bad a room nellt to Willougbby and shIver of dIsgust sbe drew sllgbUJ Scott, ond overheard them talklnl' away from him, dreadln:: What was to 1'10 not going to take any more come. One thing nlo~e sbe rlllt waa cbances. WllI you go to 'Sbeeny In ber lavor-However famlllar Haw· Joe'a' with meT' I lOY attempted to be, be was evldentl, Sbe drew back Crom hIm. not ,et ilUfticlently sure of MIss Mao" 'Sheeny Joe's!' You mean tbe 8&' lall'$ to become entirely oll'enal... loon near tbe depoU" "I reckon, Christie," be eaid Blowly, "Sure i wbat's tbe u,e O! being 110 bet::"8en putrB on biB elgar, the IIgbled BQuealDlsblf You BIn, and danco to a end , 01 which falnUy Illumined IlllI Ialoon crowd; don't you? Ob, I know facti·! ",ou'"e , got . the Idea I bave you're a good girl, Christie. and all tltoli,ht 10U out bere to mao I that. I'm not rankIn", YGU .wlth tbeil. lArd ' kno~a , I'd like to well eDOugb. ny-b7-11lg hU aroun,d he~e. Bllt there'. jUlt DO · " __on' that ( can aee why 'al1ould abr ~ t.~ aal. ~~, ;lou. wou't s~ '~ one. J~. 10m.' ba~ J.:oOm 'wbere, ,re by, a ·· title ~ . U



... .uti

" 1- 1 don 't thluk I understnnd." "No. of cou rtie. you don·t. You 1mo{;ln e nil we 've got to do In a maHer o f thl e kInd 18 to slell Into the Dear e6 t court. and dr;!w lbe mOD!!)'. Un e trouble Is, our eV ide nce ISI\ 't complete -we ve got to find lbat wuman wbo brou g bt YOll up." "Oh!" said II ope. not knowIng what else to 8ay . " Yes." be went on . apparenU, ..t· latled wltb ber t:ltclamallon. "or ('ollrse. I know sbe's dC'ad. or at leas t. yo u say uo. but we lIoven't gal enougll proof "Ilboul ber- not tbe waJ' old Willie promi ses to Hgbt your clalmand so we 've got to bun .. tor a fiullsU· lute. Do you bappen lo kDOW any old womlln abo ut tbe rlgbt og" wbo would ruult e affidavll for you? She probably wouldn't bave to go on the "tanG at all . Waite will cave In a8 8000 .. bll know s we've got tbe evidence." He waite d for an answer. but abe bardly knew wbat to sa,. Tben sbft remembered tbat Keith In slated lbst Miss Maclalrc bad no conception fhat there WIiB any traud In bllr clatm. "No, I know no one. But wbat do you mean! I tbougbt everylblnl straIght? Tbat th e re was no QU(>IIUOD about my rlgbt 10 Inberlt !,. "Well, there Isn·t. Cbrlstle," pUlIIllIg lIercely on hIs cigar. " Dul tbe courta a·re partJcular; tb ey bave got to b ... lbe wbole tblng In black and wblte. I thou g ht all along I could lSettie lbe en· tire mailer with WaIte outside. hut tb e old Cool won'l listen to reason. I saw blm twice to-day ."

Locatas Lamenass

Tuttla's Elixir Bast Leg and Body Wash.


"Twice?" Surprise wrung the word from her. " Yes; thoughl I bad got blm 011' 011 a fals e sce nt and out of tbe way, lbe nrst tim e, but he lurned up again like a bad penny . Wbat's worlle. be 'B evl· d ently stumbled on to a bIt of loP.1 Information wblcb makea It IInfer for us to dIsappear until we can get the links of our cbllln forged. He's blkoD tbe case Into court already. and tile s berlrr Is bere tryln' to Ond rns 110 ILl to s erve Lhe papers. I've lot to stlp out. and Bo've you." " 11" ri s Ing to ber feet, Indlt;nantly. "Wbat bave I done to be tri,bteaed

Stop That Backache WITH TH_ Haw RaMaDY


KIDNEY PILLS 25 and 50 Cents Allie

,our .. ru.....


or write

're. . . mil'.

.Thl Dlrla,' .Idlclnl 00. EATON RAPIDI, MICHIGAN

An Every.Oay Cresci. desire to ra diate b elllth, cbeerful· n ese, sinceritY, calm courage and good will. I wIsh to live without hate, whIm, jealOUSY, envy or fear. [wish to be simple, honclt, natural, frank_ clean In mind and clean in body, un· affected. ready to Bay, "I do not know" If so It ·bo. to meet all m en on an I\b.e--laug.hed.-but-not-pIea1laDLth~---hmtute eqmrttty. to face any obstacle "Oil. he ll, Christie , can't you under· and meet every dlmculty unafratd and stand? Old Walla Is after you lbe unabashed. I wish otbers to live same wa y be Is ma. It'll knock our . theIr IIvea, too, up to theIr blgholt, wbol e case If he can get you into r»llest and besl To that end I pray court before our e vidence Is ready. that I may never meddle, dictate In· All you know Is wbat I have told J1)U terfere. give advIce that .. not want· - tbnt's stralgbt enougb-but we'ye ed, nor aSlllet when my Bervlces ars got to have proof. I can get It tn a not needed. If I can help people ['II montb, but bc's got ho ld of sometblnl do It by gIving them a Chance to help 'fblch gIves . hIm a leve rage. I don·t themlM!l_i arid If I can uplift or In· know what It Is-maybe It'a just • spire let It be by example, Tbat II blurr-but tbe cbarge Is consptracy, to lIay, I deslro to be radiant-to radl· and be's got warrants out There.. ate Ilfe.-Elbert Hubbard. not bing ror UB to do but skIp." Her Logic. "Dut my clothes; my engage ment?" . It wall the week befo~ CbrlstmaB. s be urged, fe eling the IlU!lslent earn"swess of tbe mUll, and sparring for Emery and hlB younger sister, Mildred, delay. "Why, I .!.llOnot 60. Besldtll, were debating very seriously tbe realIf tbe sberllt Is buz.Li\l.& us, the train. Ity of Santa Claus. "There IlIn't any Santa Claus," Bald wIll he watched." Emory, with finality . "0 a you suppose I ' I h om 00 enoug "Why, tbere must be," Insisted hI, to ri sk lhe trains?" be exclaJmed, rou g hly, plainly losing paUence. "Not slater. ·"How 'could tbey make plomu c h; borsea and the open plains tor tures that look Ju.s t like hIm '" UR, and a good nlgbt lhe start of them. Alklng a Good Deal of Her, Tbey w\11 searcb (or me first. and IItrs. Back-Bay-I Bhall want you to you'lI never be missed until y",u fall be dreBsed by tbree o'clock. Ellen. to show up at the Trond ero. r(ever to receive any friend s who 1I1ay c nlL mInd. the clotbes; tbey ('au bo IleUt Ellen-Oh. lor, mum! Ain't you after UB." goln' to be In? " To-nlgbt! ,. sbe crlerl, oWl\kelllng to the Immediate dange r. and .Islng to ber feet. "You ul'ge me to lIy willi yoU to-night ?-now?" "Sure, dou't be foollsb and ktck up a row. The hors es arc bere wattln, Just nround tbe end of the rovlne." She IJressed her ha nds to ber brealt, sbrlnklng away tram him. " No! No! I will not go!" .be dee1ared, Indignantly. "Keep back! Don't touch me! " Hawley mu s t have ex pecte d tho rlt slstance. fOI' wltb II s ingle mm'emenl be grasped he r evcn a s she lurned to lIy, plnulng he r a mlS belplessly to bel side. holding her lUI In a vise. "Oh, but you wIll . my beauty," b4 growled. "I tbougbt YOll mIght ClC' up and I'm r('ndy . Do you tblnk I am fool enough to leave you bere alone to be pumped dry? It 115 a bIg 8tnke I'm playIng atter. girl. and I am not goln. to lose It througb tllo whlmll of a woman. If you won't gO pleasantly, then you'lI go by to.ce. Keep Btl II, you tigress! Do you waDt me to cIIoke you?" · She struggled to break loose, \WIBt In, and turni'!" but the elro" WIUI uaeloso;. Suddenly he whistled sh.. rpo 1)'. There wu the sound of fee acrambllna: down the path, and th, frightened woman perceived the dIn outlines of Beveral approachIng mon I She gave one scream. and tia" le7 releaBed bls rrlp on her arDla II graap her . tbroat. 8ho Jerked away, ball.stumbllq backward over a rock. The reyolyer, carried concealed Ib her dr.... was la' ber bimd. Mad . with tertar, ac:arc.IJ knowing ".'fbat s~e dJc:t, ahe Iaulaeci. tlafc tr.t~r, · In the ftasb ahe _w OIM~ thiow up 'h la hfD~!I ,n. DU! tu~t tbe otliera'.....' ..... ", . .~ " , :-,: , , .~ (oro BII. COB'aXUIIDoI ' ." ,


Post Toasties A Treat

So Sweet;

Add Cream



and- _,.n


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A Typographical Error . . ..




HO::ri~~ OF THE ' IOWA


Chas. Under,steln , 60 W . 44tb St., Chlcago, Ill., say!! : "Kidney trouble ran WESTERN CANADA AFFORDS ALL . THE COMFORTS AND MANY OF m e down from 196 to 136 pounds and I wos but a shadow ot m y former lIelf, THE LUXURIES. Oh! how !.J!utfered, 1 Freed From Shooting became tlO bad tbe A young lady of Wlscon s 'n secure<l l doctorB sold my left a certlltcate at t he Milwaukee oltl ce P eaa, eu. side was paralyzed , I of the Canad ian Gov ernment, and on by Lydia E. could not walk wIth· presenllng thIs to tbe ti cke t agent of Vegetable Compound I I tile railway Ilt the Canad ian boundary • out ass stance, grew I worse an d went to 0 Ilne sbe secllred a ticket at a redllced , hospItal but was not r ate wblch cnrrled ber to Edmolllon, I Ottumwa, Iowa.-"For y ears I wu hied 'I f r Ien d Po Alberta. frOID wbl ch polot, allout for · almost a cons>ft-t s"trerer from fema'... e p . "y ...... .. ' 11 th h I Id ty mil e s, sb e bad fri ends. This wa s a trouble In all .. • II oug t WOII .... dl 'rh k couple of Ye ars ago. ond Ole youn" dr ea d fu l forms-. i e, ree wee 8 .. ft I b kl lad y Is now married to ooe of tbe shooting psins all a er e gan t a n g over my body, sick Doan's Kid ne}' PI Il9.I pass ed a grave I Dromls log young farm ers of tile di s· h ea da ch e, spinal s to ne as Iargo a9 a pea.. Th e stones trlet. In wr iting or her tr ip to the Mil· weak ness, dizzinen . coolinued to puss at In lerva ls . I I Do . 'II'auk e e reprcsen La tlv {'s of th e Cana· d epressio n, and I pass ed e even D one day . SD s dl,a n Go ve rnUl ~ nt sb e says : " I e njoyed everything that waa Kidney Pilla flnaUy cu red me "'d my trip u p h er l) v ery m l:c h, an·j tn.' horrid. I tried man'" aDd 1 have bad no IU ney troubl e ., pect co go out to our ho mes t end In doctors in di ffereD~ s ince ," th o P e mbina di str Ict next filll'ln" ," To puTts of the UniOOd "When Your Back Is Lame. Hemem · " t he hou sewife tile Informa ti on that St.Dtes , but Lyd iu Eber the Name--- DOAN·S ." GOc.a ll lllol·CS, IIlt e b as "Pllt up twelve q tl art~ of r ns pPin l:ham ' s Vege laFoste r-Mllburla Co .• Bullalo, N. Y. be rries " I~ Importn llt, liS th e y " Dit'k ed bI n CoIll POulldh69doncmor~ :Cormethnn I ! NO SYMPATHY THERE. tb e m tbelllse ives ." nDd tb ey mI ght all the doctonf. 1 fe e l it my duty t o tell >- My h Clirt IB f U II of \ ba\'e plckod t en times Ihe quantll y If you tl lese f ac.... ' d I'to L)' tb e y bad requIred tht'm, for th e re Is grntitu y( la E'. Pi n kh am 'sV ..goU 110 country wbere wild fru it grows In tabl e Comfhlun d f or my h en ilh" . -".TIL E W AMI'LER, uu< ~'>A S R su cb abundance. The let ter goes on H ARRIE1' • • llD:.wlD t o say, and tlrls Is 1n tere s t lng from a Stree t, Ottu mwa, I owa.

S inalWeaIm


" It' 8 no use. 1'. "' d na . thc Lord n e ver toned nnd unbutton ed bl e waistcoat R omilnce I. Rel a ted of Baby Born on Shermiln's March to Sea-Whol. meant me to be very bappy In thlB until bIll thumbs were b11 8tered, He Regiment Takes a Peek. world 1' \1 hav e to take What I can had pull ed It down In front and get and be tb a nkfu\''' buckle d It at the back until the seUIDS Forty -sl')! ye Ms ago, do wn ne ar CoEdna look e d up with a bo red ex· threate ned to give woy . lumbl n. S, C, . there was born 11 lillie pressIon . "Some people don't d es erve " I say. old man," ho yell ed at th e black '{'yed haby girl to a Confede rate even wh at they get." bathroom door. "do you be ll eve In motiler . III a Fede ra l II mbulso co ac. The two glrlll were directly opposl oo presoutlments?" companying Gen era l S tll~ r mon's army, typel. Eleanor Will tall . gmc eful. "Det I do ," 8cream~d tbe b 'I!It man , th e n on Its famous mar c h to the sea. b19b IItrung. nervous, full of life IUId "G ot OD e now," In re cognition o f th e klndn eslles of energy . Her most attractive teatures "Whst'lI tb a t ?" shrlc lted TOlII . th e 25th Iowa troops. who csred fur weM he r eyes. dark and deep set. A shaggy head IIppeared at the door her at th e ti me. tht, Bouthern moth e r with a lon ging. un satls fl e d express ion . and amid thEl soa ll8Ud s came this, ca ll ed th e baby " ,,/t tl e lowo ," oml Elrlna was a type mu ch le8a InlereRt· " I'v e a prell<'lltim e nt tbllt thl H Is goIng slUIlfll!>ly told th e onke rs of that Ing. cold, pblegmatlc a nd ncar·s lght· to he a joll y ('old proposltlo n." regime nt th nt wh .. n " Iowa" renclH'd ed: a much smaller wo man . loa . with " W hat. my marrlo ge? " th e age or 1G years . he Khoil id be colorless 8!'BY eyes, "'Vhat 1\ "o tu'elted aBS yo u urc . Tom On the boo lay llngerl e of tbe most had r e fert' nce to my shower." glnm In marriage 10 til .. ynllnges t sol · dle r o f I he regiment. a llurin g kind, the 80rt or tblngll that Tlt e door c lose,l just In tim e to re· As a Hoquel. !'lerge alll O'Do nll e ll, of on I'I women can a ppreciate. Pile upon ce Ive a we II ·alme d b oot. !llle of lacy s turrs were scattered a bout By 11 tbe men we re ready \lo d on ll-la ple ton. Iowa. who m th c re cords sh o w 10 have bo{'n th e .l'otln"e st man the room . N eg li ges 80 attr a ct ive tbat their way to th e house . As thet near· " one could almost wish for on II lneas ed It. Tom be came more and more In th e re glme nl . Is out ut this la ic date Heekh'g the wher en bouts of "Lit· lUI an exc use to wear them, Surround. ne rvous . Therl' seemed to be a welgbt ti e Iowa." wit h Ille Inte ntion , It Is prt'· eel by these pretty things thllt women on hIs heart tbat ho co uld not lItL At sumed. of !lsklng tb e fulfillm e nt of IMe,. lat Elleanor Godfrey. wh o to· t hat moment the bell t man wa~ hang· Ole promise made 80 man y yen rs UIlO morrow would be th e bride of Tom Ing out the ca b win d ow. curs Ing t I:o Grant. driver (or Ule s oa ll·llke pace tbe y "There's one thing I an Ilever reo wore pursuing. "I say. Cnbby. thi s III a wedd ing that 81'et," s he lIald . "I told T om C\'ery tblng before he too k me, It was b r u- we are* going to , not a funeral. I'll taU, frank. I admit. to te ll yo ur fu- give you an ext ra half dollar If you ture hU\!ban d tbot tbe best love of hurry':' your life hllB been given to anothe r ." "An extra halt. Is It? You lail. 1llte "Poor boy." murmu red Edna , a polltlcll\n. We ll. sir, you m lg 'lt cor· "Poor boy. lode ed. Doo 't I hnve to rlillt me. bu t tllllI hors o can 't he bribed lI'e with him? Don't I hsve to see and we d dln 's or fun e rals . hi s 6alt Is him waste his life ? And 10 It nothing all the same, Her I e llsy wblle you t ha t I have to eke out an exl Rtence ca n. s ir- the lady .vl li drlvl! yllu fast crushin g do w n m y sIghs. forclllg back en ougb once s he gets t.h e re ins." my tenrs'" The best man was about to rail p~ W 8 Ikl ng across the room to where t h e Irl BII as a nat I011. w b e n l ' orn &0 I".. : Edna sat, sbe uut' her bandR on a pair " If snythlng should hap pen- " ot very unsympath etic s hould crs. "JumpIng Jupiter. Tom . brace uTI "How can you judge? You do not You look a8 tr you ha(1 cun' atu re of know the case. Now IIstel1. Flvery the spIne . Pull yourself togethe r. w11l breath I breathe. every prayer 'l utte r. you? Any gir l that had such a look· .ver beat o f my aching heart la fo r Ing object ns you on be r call1og lI st Jack Winston. I've lo ved him ever I would be ostnLclzed by good s ociety Iinco I was a li ttle girl. but you see I a nd one who would marry you would couldn 't very well marry him beca use be declared mentally Incompetent." he never asked me. Then. too. Jack "All rlrht. I'll pull uP. lIut I've a II 10 poor. and III my life I've boen beastly Idea that somethin g Is golog longin g for tblnp;s t hat Tom Grant's wrong, Jac k. old man. I can't do It. I'm In love with Edna CrOls Rnd not with Eleanor, I've jus t beg uD to res l· 11.0 It." " You old poacher. then wb y dId you ask Eleanor to marry yO'I. when )'OU







womao' s sta ndpolnl. " the country Ie Consider Well Tills Advice. , very heauttrul." S poaklng or tbe No woman Bufferinl; from a ny fortD f frl eods with whom sh e went up 10 a female troubles Bhollld lose hopp. unlive. s h e says : "T!Jc y ('erta lnly have til she has givcn Lydia E. Pinkham ' .. I a beautiful fnrm a nd hOll ije"- th ey Vegetable Compound Ii fai r trial. I I bad be en there ubout fOllr years. a lso This famouR r emedy, the meuicinru ioI going from W I ~con s ll\ - .. they ha vo gredie nts of which nrc d erived f rom , abo ut tw enty ac res or oatil and bar. native rootB and berbs, hBB for mIDrl,. I ley, fiv e a cre s nlfalfa . three a cre s po· forty years proved to be a most valua.! ta toes alld I do n't IIDOW how m any or ble tonic and illvlgorator of the fev{'ge ts bl es. I think th eY have obout male organism. Women everywhere forty ncros ulld pr ('u ltl vu'tloll alt ogeth. bear willing testimony to the wonderlal er. Th{'y are now drai ning a s lougb virt ue of Lydia E. P ink ham's Vego~ , wbl c ll tlle y wi ll nf t e rwo rdR lJ low a ll d ble Compound. I put Into foil wheul. Tiley !ll so have If 10U wnnt Rpf'd nl adnce r.rite t~ I a large he nl or (' attl e a nd Mrs C Lydia E, Pink ham .!IIedl cl ne Co. (conaI bas allout lO U chl cl,..,n,·. T" e~ l~ ;ak~ de ntlat) Lynn,1I8.IIs. YOlll' l eU.t'r wUl I ,. be opened, read ond onswortld bl a 00 an nvprage 01 30 pound s or butt e r woman aDd held in strict OODJlJelloe. Hcoderson- -I'm not living wltb my e ver y week , I n ev er Sll W slich grand ruoth er-In ·law any more," cream ," Hen pec ~1 ~n 't !~~h er. I Now thes e peop le are enjoy ing Ilro DR. WINTERS In Alberta ; th ey hav e a s plendId e ll· DISFIGURED WITH CRUSTS mote, exce llent pros D(>cts , and are hal1))Y th nt tll e y are part nnd parcel I In the work ing out of t he upbulldlng "Some Ume ago 1 was take D with of a new country. th at will talle Ita eczema (rom the top of my head to place amongst the, progressive coun- I my waist. It began wltb Bcales on my tries ·ot tb e ce ntury, Numbers or letbody. 1 suffered untold Itching and t ers lhat express satl sract\on S8 esburning, and could not s leep. I wal treme as tbe on e quote d appear In greatly dIsfigured with scales and literature sent out by t he Canadian crusts, ~y ears looked as If they had Gove rnm ent and whlcb may be had been mOK cut off wltb a razor. and OU application to any of Us agents. ~p my neck was perfectly raw. J lu!rered untold agony and palD. 1 tried two A Celebrated Ba .. o. doctors who ..Id 1 had ecze ma In Ita "When H err Grow le r began to alng knew tlul.t I have love d her all my The Regiment Filed Put and Took a f ullest Itage, and that It could not did not you observe bow our hostess lite. and 1 bave been tT)' ln, to forget Look. her ror montha? Night dter night I be cured. 1 then tried other rem· glanced appreben slvely at tb e wlo' 5" POWDERS FOR CIILIREII went over and sat wltb Eld na. trying by the g!'Bterul mother. O'Don n ell edles to no avail. At last, I tried a let dows?" Rdle.e 1·~. rI.bDut. c.......r_ "YeB, J dare say she ""as alral~ to make myself think I Will for,iettlng hes cailed to bls assista nce practically of the genuine Cutlcura Reme dlel. IiOD,CoIduu4 cornctclilOrd.raor the wlodow·panes would be the . Iomo"h nnd b."..ta. V,ed.,. Eleanor." all the sun'lvlng members of the reg l. which cured me of eczema when all shat· MoJllw3/or 72 ,,«trl, At all D "Anel every night." Bald Tom. '" ment. and bundreds of letters are be- else had failed, the~ror8 I cannot tered ," 1I'1 8to lll<:. SarurM mnlled I'R~ • ~ • • A.&". A~dftM a.. S. 01 . . . . . . L . . . . . . . .. went to sec Elleanor because you were Ing written by th ese veter ans to ac- , praise them t lOO blghl),. ONE "nnOMO OUININE... over Ilt Edna'8 and I had no right to qualntances In the soutb asklog ror In· "I Buffe red with eczema about teD TbAL ONLY I. I.Ax",·rIVB D1 ~OMU VmNING , I..,.,t fo. lha .1 Q'nato r~ tl f J!l . W . (HIllV'lL Used tbe World trespass on your preservel . A nice formation of " Little lo :va," I months, but am now entirely cured, Ol'e r Lu Curu u. liuhJ I h U o u UUJ . :.t:)~ . loan II lIAPPII •. mes s we've made or It. What are we None or th e Iowans ~ememberB even and I believe Cutlcura Remedies are going to do ?" e surname 0 e mo er- n ract-tbe best ak~B-~r-e-there Is," (Signed) The hupple8t Deople In the world "Do? Why, that'a easy e nough." as· nothing oth er than "U tUe Iowa" I~ Miss Mattie :r. Shaffer. R . F . D.l, B~ ore thos e who are mos t easily tl at· Bured Jack. "I am going to be thE' r emembered by the old soldie r s who 8, Dancy, MlslI., Oct. 27, 1910. tered o groom and you can JUBt BUde back In have not a slogle clew upon whic h 10 "I had suffered from eczema about to my boote aB best man. We'lI blame ba s e their search . However. (h ey tour years When bolls began to break M.., WtD. lo..•• Soothln!! B,.""I' for CblldNn the whole tblng on the printer. Trust have all juillcd Serreant O'Oooneli out on dillerent parts of my body , [t J~ e lbIDj(. 15Uf, e ll ll l bft gUO'l rt . rt:du("f! f) tuttnmmn,. me. old ma.n. I Bald I'd soo you In tht' lIun t. and It "Little Iow a" I~ started wIth 8. fine red rash. My UoD. aUays paiD. c u res wind c olic , 2X '" botlle. through this ordoal. and I'm going to not located It will not be tbe rault of back was affected lirst, wben It alBo It's eaRl er to seC-lire a patent thnn It "RBI!I OATAI,cKHlIll or 8PLliNU\I) BAROA~ keep my word." the old soldiers, i spread over DIY f[lce, Tbe Itcblng waa Is to convert it luto ca sh . R.II . CU.4.FFIN II CO .• IDC •• ,.a<: bmond. ~·'" As the cab finally reached tbe house It was tb e dny rollowln g that on almost unbearable at times. I tried the men stepped .o ut and were usher· which Gene ral She rm an 'o arm y left d1ffe re nt soaps and aaJves, but nothing ed Into the room where the mlolster ColllDlbln that tb e yO ll ng woman WRS seemed to bEllI) me until 1 began to Tf_ D II ~ was wailing for them. No word of ex· e n co unt ere d. No physician \\'3 S '! ear, use the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. . .I. planation was uttered: a nd the men The urmy cou ld not be delaycd . So One bos or lh.em cured me entirely, 1 I took tbelr places by the minister. who tht' 25 th Iowa solrlle r s )1ioO::l'd the recommended them to my s ister ror , WIIS to pronounce them man aud wife. ! woman In li n ambulan ce un der : he her baby who was troubled wltb toolh I 1 fl vLv, fJ The wedding marcb WIlS playe d and enre of S'lr~ e on Mo rah a nd took ber eczema, and t.hey completely cured her I A mon who has a weak and impaired Ilomacb ond who doci nOI as Eleanor In h er gorgeous roooB alollg with th em, i baby." (Signed) Mrs. F . L . Marber- I properly dillelf his food ",ill _oon 60d cb.t hil blood has beoome weak and impoverished, IIDd that hia wbole body i. improperly and camo forth to .meet the man or he r ! That nl gil: Ihe ('hlld WAS bOrD and gcr, Drehersv llle, Pa.• .Sept. G. 1910. \ iDauflicieotly Douri.bcd. cholce. Jack Winston stepped torth I next morning all Ihe members or th p. ; Although Cutlcura Soap and Oint· Dr. PIEReE'S GOLDEN, MEDIC!21L DISC30VERY a nd olre r ed ber hi;) arm . E leanor was re giment nled past and tool; a "look" : ment are 60ld 'eve~ywhere, a s ample make. the stomach strontJ. promotes the tlow 01 speechless. but too happy to resent, a t the rlttle one. Th ", m eu of Ge n. G. of e ach, wlt.h 32·page book. will be dille.flve lu/ces, restores tbe lost .ppetlto. DIOrites and before the gaping crowd the min· ,S one' ~ brigade took up a co ll e ct1on ' mailed free .on iiJij'jllCiillon to "CuU· D~Blmll.tlon p (' riect, /nvl!1oratel the lIve,. and later tie d t.he knot tbat made tbem For tbe ba be a nd $200 was ha nd ed Ihe curll .... Depl L. Boaton. I purities and enriches tbe blood. It 1.s tbe slrent blood.malter. one .. till d eatb do them part." motber, Then It was tha t the Intt c r i f /esh.baJldel' Bnd res torative DCI've tonic. It mahetJ meG Then Jack began hIs explanations : made th e promise thot In elxt N' n I Awful 8ulplclon. otronJj In body. Dclive la mInd Bnd cool I.~ Judgement. "Simples t tblng In th e world," he years tb e YOllngest sold ie r In th {' I'('/!I. I Freddie had bee n sick for some time. This .. Di~co\'ery" i. Q pure, glyceric cxtroct of Americon medicol rootll . said. "You llee, Tom ontered the In· ment could cla im ns hi s IIriue, It h o a nd wben hi li fatber came Int o the absolutely free fr om alcohol and all injuriou. , hobit.forming drugs . All vltnUons. and ot course the printer chOlle to do 80, Ihe ba by who WOR thl'lI I room to s,ee bow he was tbe inaredienll oro printed nn it: wrappen. It hns no rciutioo.hip with aecrct took It for granted that It WoIIS his and tb e re Darned "Little Iowa," The I yo ungster sllr'Drlsed hIm by hIe qu es· noatrums. It a every inllredi"nt is cndoned by the lendera in 011 the Behool. of' wedding-merely a typograllhlcal er· mother and her QJllid we re tak r n to tlons. medicine. Don't accept. secrct nostrum os 0 Bub slitute for this time.proveD ror, nothlng more." Chn~leBtO:1 nnd the Iowa s oldier s los t "Why do you ask If lowe the d ocremedy OP INO"'N COMPOSITION. ASI YOUR NRlOIIBOAS. They mu. t know of' , Eleanor'lI mother stepped In at tbls track of th <l l!l , I tor anything?" Inquired hl A foth e r. many ~ure~ mode by it ~uring pos,t ~O yean, right in your own neillhborhood. World I D,spensary MedIcal A.aoe,.hon, Dr. R.V. Pierc" , Prea., Buffalo, N. Y. moment and with a haughty tnDJ"I\~ 1 Tho fnct that O' Do nn e ll. os th e Oecause. ... r eplied . Freddie, "the Inquired : youngest of t.he re gi m ent . ""US to mar, medlcln e he s been gIving me late l,Y "Then may 1 ask why Tom gave the ry the girl wben sbe reRc hed 16 \\' a~ II! something fler ce." and J think be I bachelor dinner - why Tom bought the a st.andlng Joke for mllny days 1lT.1l tai)lng It out IOn me, - Judl{e. ring?" tben It was forgo tten , s a ve by L"·Don· "Yes •. mother," said Jack, with a nell. He remember ed It, nut It WAS When YOlLlr Eyes Need Care ,ery proprletory manner. "You see, not until th e sixteen years bad pa ssed Try Hurloe E,.e IRemedfuNOSmartlnlf-Vee18 AU Sl1l"., All Leathen, Sizel and Width., I was broke at tbe Ume, and Tom as and anothe r period of time e qu a l to Flue- Act. Q'II"kly. It for \ted , Weak. for Men, \Vomen and Boy.. • WGte ry Eyes ....4 O .... nu .te.1 E1~lId •• lIIu.· THE STANDARD OF QUALITY you a II kD ow, II just loaded with man, the first bad elapsed that he deter· trt&t~d BoOk In eacb P." kaj!e. Hurl .... Ie FOR OVER 30 YEARS ey. BO 1 gave him carte blancbe to mined to bun t tbe girl up ao d see ~i~~~::t ,,~'...s."I~ ~~=fu?O~b~~I',;\'~:~~r.:'!: just go ahead as If It was his own what bad beco me of he r . He dldn't i til'" for ml"c!nb1 1 810 "'1 Now dedlcaled to tbe THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES c nnc! '0 '1 DN" It ... \ 1IIIc aDd IIOa por DoLU ... wedding and I d pay him back In ~ood know her name. nor e"en U;e state In Mnrlne B,e 11&1." In "',,,pUo Tube •• Zo and 6Oc. sive W. L Dougl.. shoes a trial. W. L tlms. You lee, 1 only came Int<- 'lIY whlcb her mother had IIve\!, His on l ~' Murine lye Remedy Co •• Chlcalro Douglas name stamped on a .hoe auarInheritance yesterday, and that would clew was "Little Iowa," Rnd for n anteea superior quality and more value A girl may not really object to behave 1ieen too late to order Invitations, number of years he bas <J'llet ly con · for the money than other makes, His hig kissed . but she objects to the gtve dinners. etc. Anyway. how could ducted his s earch. ?('ce nlly. hnw· name and price stamped on the bottom you ever think that- Tom was going to ever. he has a sked the other old sol· young man's Ilhlnklnc that she doesn 't protect. the wearer against high prices marry Eleanor? Why. he's engsl{ed dieTS ot t.he regl:n ent to assist him 10 object. and inferior .hoes, Inaist upon having to mnrry Edna, Ind If yOU don't be- ftndlng this real "Daugbter of the Hamlina Wizard Oil !a recommended by the aenuine W. L OotllgiliS Heve me, uk them 'for yourself, J &~ment." man~ physician'8. It i. u-ed in many pobtell you It Wal a typographical error _ _ _ _ _ __ Take no substitute. lie lod privatE' ha.pita]a. Why not keep TO OBDER BY • bottle on halld in your own home? -nothing more." Battlefield II Marked. The color that lulrused Edna', tace An Imposing monument marklog tbe and the smile that g10rlfted Jack', revolutlonary battlelteld at Chestnut Many a self' made man merely olrers verified the statoment, -and the nellta' Neok, near Atlantic City. N. J .. wa ~ fin ex "I that doesn't explain. were In a t1utter of plealurable ell:; un.elled tbe other dny with Interest. cltement when. , In the corner, JaCll ; lDK exercises, undor the ausptces of W88 shaking. Tom by the hand and the Daughters of the American Kel" saying: "Didn't I tell yOU I'd lee you olution. Governor Wilson, former through It, old man?" ' Governor Fort lind uther were among t be speakers, ,


I I\










J J'




Virginiafarmsilnd Homes

' .lJlead 0 f ne roant-atn


money, will buy for me. I dldn't deceive him. I Bald I couldn't love hIm; but be, sUll knowlnp; thiB. wants to marry m e and I accepood. Now judge me If you wUl." Edna Itralghtened up a bit and tbe Jinea about her mouth seemed to grow d4llf!J)er In an Installt, "One question, please. before I rell' cler tbe verdict. You· take upon you r lOul the wreckIng of this man 's ex· I.oonc~ . You will suck the honey from the flower of his life and leave him -nothing but the stem. This Is eaafer tor you than bei ng an 'old maJd.' Then. too, 8upposlng that Tom .... In love with aome other girl 1" , ... plead guilty to the charge. judge. and accept the "eotence of the court , Your )ogtc Is getting atale; 80 let'lI go to ~ that I. may get my beauty sleep ai1d make , a hand80me brtde. Think of It, dear girl. tomorrow at thll hour m:r visiting card. will read 'Mrs. Tha,nas Kemp Grant.''' TIIe' lI.bts were put out and Eleanor ,... loon tast asleep, whUe Edna lay wtde awake.. as though her brain ftD the warda '1 do not love him and he kIIow. It:" If she only dared. Tbe nest morning waa colorless, the air bea.".: In fact, JUBt the lort of day to make a bride look out of the win· claw and wonder If she really were , . IUperaUUOUI. It was about 8 o'clock uad . Tom wts whistling one minute uad 'llDgtnp; the nest. He walked Into ,' t~ bedroom wbere hi' frtend and ,;"/. '; ~,man lay peacefully Bleeplnr. ~ X~I..".' " "Get uP. you IllY vagabo,l d. We . CaD" keep the bride waltilig. you ,JUlC"'; ' Tb'a t'l her privilege." . \ '!be' belt man rubbed his eye II • poW~ a bit, end ft.J;lally crawled out. I'll take a shower," he laid, lort or a bracer to put tills ordeal. I wouldn't every fellow r know, •.-,::......In.." . be went on, "al a bracer Is ""i~lo.r t~\ Wltllr. In ml nersonal. '!,;'~~~l~~I~~J• .'oplnlon: but tIlQ mald of take one cbap.. Y9,u're




Lt e





I I ..

w. L. DOUCLAS '2.25, '2.50, '3, '3.50 '4 '5 SHOES All




, .xcia'... . , - '



tA"r,ltwUtp.W' baDll b

Victor and HII 8polla. 4t ·,'Sprlnl Hili, a , dllaplc.atfld ' N!bel for" " brld. . I, ::P~ln. lDtosfc&~,~'and 1i1ii~ ~C:U~ .ba~ooter came upon nne ' o~ ~I you SUP~IDe . . . . '1 ~· ,r,., , .• ~ .Ylctlql~ uad took the dead man I , , • "What was ltlr' , ~ t.·· .1 ' b(,Ot-. I \;& comrade at~D& .~d "In the mldjJJ8" . Mrs. Blb~1 a~~


~ .~Ia.l ~ 'cout4D-t .... , ~.I r~ ~i~ t!' . t~4e . . . O!.~." .

. .


",': ' " ,


~ 9D DOW.


. Ud_cet




e- _._- ... . _ •. _. -e[

BUY GOOD As Geod As HEINZ -MotherMa kes

! About -- -...People - -.............





Master Charles Grauser has the chicken pox. Large disJllay of Valentines on dis- I play at J. E. Janney'~


Good A8


Call ned Asr a rng lls T ips,



Innia H('li~h .... . . 15c and 25c

15c. 20 c. 25c , 35c

Apple Hutter. 5}., lb. cans. :l5c Sweet Pickles, a doz . . . . , 7}g e Plain Baked Beans .. ... '. 15c Baked Beans and Tomato Sauce .. . ... . . . . IOc and Hi e Pepper Sauce. . . . . . . . . . .. 25c Mustard Sauce. . . . . . . . . .. ) 5(' Mustard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc Pick Walnuts . . . . , . . . .... 35c Picnic Onions. . . . . . . . . . .. 15c Olive Oil. ... . 25c, 50c and 75c



,\v c t G lir rk ins

, ... Sweet Midget Gherkins.. . Peanut Butter . . . . 15e and Olives .. . ~. , ..... 15e and Chili Sauce ..... . . . . .. . . .


Spinach, a l'an ... .. . . .. Sour Pil.'k les, dOZl'D .. . .. Cuban Relish, 1-10 gal. .


1-----------------1 Carquinez Canned Goods Buy


A B AR CAIN A~ so rtcd

dO l . . . . . , .

Time to begin feeding t he chickens: Buya bag of DeWines (that g?od feed). We s ell it at the right price.

35e 25c 25e

Don't forget the Starr Concert Co. at School Hall Monday evening, Miss Ada Slagle. atter a pleasant visit with friends here returned to her home in Columbus Tuesday.

Vinegar. . ... '.. , 2.'ic Tomato Soup ... _. . . . . . . . 15c ~lustanl Ketchup. some· thing ncw . . . . . , . . . . . .. 25e

Sold r q,; \l b d y at 2,,' ;, r an, n"w

Mr. J. G. Heisy. of Dayton, is calling amonit his numerous friends in t he interests of Kibler's Clothing HOllse.

Will hu\'e some Ramples open Saturd ay. Cume in and sa mple t helll .

$ 2.00


. . , ~. .











' lOc " FnIh Baltimore OyIlter8. fresh BtcJCk all the time Solid Danish Cabbage, sweet Bermuda Onlona, fancy yellow g::~. P&I"8Ilipe, Ce)eI'Y, Let-




Ho~s II


C. Q. BENTLEY, 'V.~nesvllle,


I ,~



. YalIeJ Phone 116 • ~~


Spring Valley Mr. and Mrs. I O. Peterson and are spending' sev eral months in Florida. Mr. E. M. Copsey is much better. ,Mr. and Mrs Ralston Snook an4 clllldren are ~esta of his parents. Geo. Snook and wife. Clayton SoJler, :wife and dau~hter. wertl visitors in Dayton Friiay. Roy Holland il on thielfek list. !lOll

?f Mr. andt~~' Allen Hole ill quite Ill. at ~ill wntinit. Mrs. -Clarence Smith i. on the IWIU lick )jato Mra. MarpretJoilnaa,ent Saturday and Sunday at WUminl(ton the guest.f her sister Mn. E. J. Smith. Lee .. Earbhart. Kenneth Houah and Lyman Silvere. ef Colum~UI are h _10. rt ti orne on a DUO vaea on Mr. and Mr.. Allen Emrick entertained on Sunday the followin~ ~eata: Sidney Coon and fa..lly. WI ft---aal i lialn 1 ani family, Mr. "d M C M H h d son an B JrII. • d' t ou- BDd M • &II am y an rH. J . • 0"il ..M lUcIa Em .k a nc ' .' ~ J 0 b_,DB an d . IOn GI en spent Ch arL~ Sunday In WA""eavllle at the h ' ..".. ome of Mrs. Anna Cook. . Henry Kissiniter lost a good horse S1turclay. He wM leading it to the blacksmith shop when it fell on the ice in fron t of Rogers' grocery. On examina tion by 's vqterinary it was found that the animal 's back and hip wer e bl oken and it had to be shot . • . The Tobacco CO. Wi!S organized nn last Wednesday evening and applica. tion has been made for a charter. OVl'r one hundred !'l hare l of stock have been subs('rib ed and a ),neeting on Wedne.~day evening will complete the org anization. Miss Esta Stacy deligh tfu lly enter. tained thirty-six of her friend s on Sat.urday evening in honor of her seventeenth · birthday. After a delicious oyster 8upper, music and games were played until a late hOUT when all departed wisbin~ Milll! Elta mlUl7 more happy birthdayll.



Highest Cash Price for Hop, for shipping purposes. ' Calf us Up and we will quote you TOP PRIC:iS.



of Mrs. Chas. Shidaker.n Saturday. ;Mn. Horace Batton ia enjoyinit a pleasant .vi..;t --'th her mother an.l ... W I . lilt.,. in Cincinnati. ~. Johnston aDd dau_hter, of Cincinnati ar.enjoyi~ the novelty of a ~inter in the ceuntry. having been for BOme tim.e with Mrs. Bell. TUnupe. Appl .. , . Oranges . M~. Cora Harns baa been quite , til WIth the grip Fancy Cape COO Cranberrir • Mr~ Carl Shidake~ ia enjoJing the N." I!eans. new Rolled "Oatil, h .....y ... owfall heln" the hap,"J ...... '>' au f ' h' d · _,. h cracked and flake · Hominy, Ptun_. Aprieota. tlried Peach· PO.1I81!8O~O a an ~me n~WBlelll • The friends of MI8II Nellte Vander -'-e»okin&' Fip, Ra1tins, Cur· . .. Voort, of Cotomgton, Wlll be mterestrants, Jlure Apple Butter. eel In bearin.... of her approachin'" .. J b P bl ·f . Brln~ UII your Butter aiid Eggs to Mr. marriage · est 0 we rI~ays pay the highest price Cleveland. Owing to theee recent death ot her grandfatber. Dr. Van. It PQ8 to trade at der Voort. the weddinl' will be aqui· 'ZIM~ERMAN'S etholbe aifairthe evening of Febl'u. ary lIixth. The frien ds of Dr. J. G. Macy are ============~ glad to !Ice him home t his Week, ,Mr, A. T. Mol er our genial butc h. er is suffering with a severe c( ld. Mr. Robert Gray i: recovering from an att!}ck of tOlr ill iwl. Dr. Mllria Romine i. rcco vering , nicely from hel' rpC\!IH indispositi un. Mr. Edwin Smith alt clid d the , the Lu mb E'rman's Conv <o>n tion at IDayton weE'l( before lagt. Mrs, Frank Harris and Mrs. Tru· man Gillam are wiLh thl' ir ~h. t er, Mrs. Marion El l i ~ . who is :!(: .. iNlsly We are paying the ill.

WayneBvill~·~. Ohio Valier Phone t05. .







... ..---





Wayneaville, Ohio

Receive Tirea for the Johnson Garage. Why not have ~'.lat blow-out repaired now? Is your GASOLENE.ENGlr~E · working al it aho~ld? I ) Weare equipped to do General Machin~ry ,Repairing of aU .... kind•• Complete line of O~ GalGlene and Acceasoriea.


· A""S ZlMa.ERM


The WaYDes~lIe Auto and Machinery Company




Wilbur Sears. of Arcanum . Ohio. was in town Tuesd ~y calling on old friends. Mr. Sears intends to move ': back to Waynesville. having ren ted thl! Caskey property. ana will be btlre within the next two w~ks.

Always use meat smoke to cure Miss Callie Veidt was the-Sunday I Lytle your meat. J. E. Janney. \ goest of Mr. and Mrs. George Sacker. Philip Kersey. wllo haa been In land little dao.rhter. Geraldine Lucile. I Mri. Margaret Everhart, ef Miam. Mlahlon Ridge received a letter New' Mexico for the past few years, J. C. Bradbury, of Lebanon. spent isburg spent several days lut week MOllday, stating that his brother. arrived at home la,t week to see Sunday with hit brother here. I with Mr. and Mre. Charles Clark. Rev'. Joel Ri<1~e, Iwi been taken to Ilis mother, who ill criticaOy ill. Mise 'the MiBBeS Mabel Sherwood and Misses Jennie and Zoe Duke visit. the Deaconess HospitBl. in IndianapRuthe Kersey is also bOMe from Cln· Edna Spencer spent the week end at ed the Gem City on Woonesday. alis, Ind., wbere he underwent an cinnati. · home. _ I Mrs. Rachel Brown has been quite operation. He is gettinit alODg nie,aMra, Jennie Heame. who has been Miss Lucille Norton has \teen spend. sick the past week. Iy. nursinc Mrs. Zaln Armi~ and lit- in~ a few days with Mrs. Will Moon· M' FI G b tS d ' Stanl S e" IIJ!I orenee ro y IlpeD lin ay tl e Mn, ey pencer I ....e. ". I ·t1.. ... • d M S H H i ,..- Sh D k d ,..retumtli to her home in ' Lebanon Mrs. Frank Cleaver returned this WI n rur. an . rs. . . a nes. llUD. erman yean mnII. Satit~ay. week from a visit with her lister in : M~. Les~r Kenrick visited in Cen. Forrest qraham were guests of Mr. Xenia. tervllJe Friday. and Mn. Wm. Mohr. ot Dayton. ~~~~~=.=~~~== • - • Mrs. Rathel Lane. of Cincinnati, Thundiy. They were the eut-of· ~~----~~-----: . Harveysburg. I a former citizen, of Lytle. haa pur town pests of the Ladies' Aid Soci· chased the McKay milline17 store whic,. met at tbe Mohr residence . . 1ft '~.' D.r.l. N. Seal. who. haa been. 111 .in Lebanon and will be itlad to meet t1ta~ay. TIle~ h~.a fine time. durtng the put week 18 .rreatly 1m· her friendll from here. TWO WELL BRED HORSES proved. U Will' _reo IUD M. Graham is slow· '1lIe re~va1 which has been in 'J'OIreM at the M. E. church f.r Iy receveriq from a fallon the Dr. J~ A. McCoy has made are " • I . a --k -when lIbe Pilnaementl to J. C. Simmme. Do.":" B . 1 te'--~ ... two weeks wu well attend· • severe ."'- i - ' - ' . . -4_~ u-.wbeat. 5 pound .DJUlT .f her hip _I~V"" 2.22X and MeBogon, a fine ~"~~,_o~nly~·oi-'··_"_"·~r".."_''_'''....··_2Oc_ ed,;:.~ ~d~':~;I~~r:..eo~= Hm:ey the two y~r old IOn eho'w colt ~ this eotnty to make the



IN 01.0

Valley Phone III

Wm. Barrett. who has been the "uest ot Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Sides, for a couple of daya. lett Monday morning for his home in Quenemo, Kan.

Waynesville Ohio :


Mr. and Mrs. Walter stanton. of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~==========~ Celina. Ohio. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gustin ami family over Sunday.

I t's the quality of E dgemont Butters tha t" r C'a m / 'Craeker,~h at causes · tlH:m to be so popUlar.

G. · We

The Burlon children have 8:1 had of mum ps

Misll Ethel yn J ones spe nt Ia.qt " ullday wl l h Mi~l:I Blea m)!' BHn hll r t.

~ickling cans a t

Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of all kinds.

~ i t' ge





DDBOC lIale PiP. farrowed. lil 8ep_ber. Good oa_, eUlible to IDq1l11'8

II. "ncleleoD. R. D. 8, w __..... Bemice, visited in Il9:=:.!-:=~~=.:~1rI" CJ1 -nUe, 'Ohio. Mr.

88&llOn of 1912 •• _ •

,. ,'.


~=:~=-:::::=::::::::::!: , ::::::;:::=~ , , -=

¥ ouO;t;AII the News Through the Miami QazeUe




.Iwa" ,In ua. ..... or ~ 00WJ~ , DOD" Ie' 'he oows OD' to 'he .&arm f..tar:.'!;.. -:: a~"!~onIl ~ cor' ' '" to .tand around. it d08llD" .,.,. or ouWote 1'1'_ IT ..... sa,. ~ ~-'h:o ," , • wU'dl:r wiall . . . .. Iq o. ~ , rtNa ....... u..- , M~' to . TheWaynesvilleCannin~Company • - ••- - - . .......... wttllaldw-.. ISM is now readJ to contract for com at LEGAL NON I=-I.~!'~4--:W'.::T= their office in Wa,ynemUe. Ohio. RESIDENTS :a~~~=-uD.u:r.::=r=~ J. F. Snook. Gen.~. ...... ...... 'm oreor ....... Roy lrenll. Ass't. ' . ~~==::r~~ "_ ••- -J-.O'-- -00 -'d"" ...... Aa'IcUl. lIDe ot"~!!!..~Wa -' MI__ . ", t~u.;;inhi'.l'a~In-~~';.of'M1D' ~~;twa~ , $~=-t.d t _ In RUlhf", IIoItIlft. DeIIOta; LeO a l1l.I_, w_ . . .. at North ...... II W 00I'1M 01 CI'aHot lib. n. ',' , H...._Alnth thl" t fth ... N021IlNIco\le''-~~t · tbeDIiI . .nw"&II"l&MorNonaa .... ",'I', t J~::""'.-.t· b Ca'" ta°Uo ernKIII.-,ta.lU'8bereb:rJll)Wl8clt'L!1'.~.~Ti'~~ aa4llDeofouWo$ No.n "'~'~ ',' "

Notl":Ae to Farmers








~eu:-~:"7,.PI~ w:~cal ~Pta1PI~ ~~n:':r,~~.o~.":.:~r.::I~dIe-=~-=-IDinFi:id '


17th da, ot January A. D. I1ln. At.d ,hla .... jd3;"'''' ~,....... dII4~. 'I 6etltlOD In 0 ... No. 11178 In ,he Probata o.c.mbW'••• 0•• U4 bOolt . ()om of W - Oount:r.•UI~ of Ohio. -If; '9OIu.e I.,., . . 111 W _ aoua*:r Oldo . ,led Kadiaoll McK1Dae:r .. executor of.' dRd L-.t. ' . , .. Iu' will elld tenuD8II' or ' jaIleD 81d•• d.. . ' : ceued. Dlalntur. VJI. aUQ' Olea..., I . . . , · Je.M 0Ia... aD4 ~ Olea... ." OIMveI' Leo C1Mv.r. a IIIlaor or 30 ,...,. of BOWled ..... dIeI' baft ~ ~= -.e. Alberi 01..,... alllJDOr or 17 Jelll'l of ~Uli:to 8IIiId ~ UId &lie' ... ,.. ~ ... eDd Klaml Oe1IIetwr' AaaacletJoD. ..... o.uUed to ...- &be - - OD or &be .. dan'e. The prarer of the ,~tJOD8l' ~ flth de:r of IIaI'cb A. D. lilt. ' . '. other tblDp .. for an order to.n IJu! tOIlo'lrlMl v .. ftiIOK XcUlfny . dMCrlbed ieaI_te'" to pay toM debt. ot -;;"ot ua. . . WmaDd 'r.' U !i~~::-:I~~~\10~~~~ ', . . I=:r~o.s=~)· ~e,\ot:;ee~~~·m~:=.m~ aud Bobtl'~': wIIu.,A"I: · · . . " 'I •• PO.I~ ·I adJudicated: ~ ·P"'W!II"~"IIfor'I.' It. . ., -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!! ? ..... mont rurallte. even to tho "comfortable lIandtul" 0( tobaoCCHItalDed board. B hl b It 7 m -A eursed t 0 .. :80 orueb of the h b d J 0."" -'ed .elbOWed, omew.~.. OUD. e,ueel~ and trampled. bo worked lila ,tbl0 crue. h wa7 t 0 ttl e T I m ° f .~ WlpiD. hI. perlplrlng brow be exclaimed: "Ool.lI! Wber'd they' all come from! Whflfe be they .01n'1 And. wb11D tUJllitet don't the; pt tbarr"-BoItoA


='J: \






Feed Grind ing 'Eve·ry I)ay, .,



We grind your Feed to 8IUt you. We , .


have the following Feeds for ~Ie:


Winter Wheat Bran Wint~r Wheat Middli Prime Cotton Seed Meal Grain.. . . D. D," Corn . liay ~tid .Stra~ " Corn " ~


P~re Ground Flax


oni Proc_lon Meal

Cre~o Cotton Seed Meat, \r"'" InterDati~DAfa~. Fe'ed .:··.i ' .. "



,Chicken Whe~t : ~

Cr.adeed Co~ ~_

4 ',



J r ·



"-'. ,." :... . . u.r!. :!,~.!.\~,

BIXTY-TOIRD YEAR . . - _ .... _ - - - - - •.-. ...



1Ill2 .

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1_ ~~~~t !~p~~ _1h.;:~h::Y~:nt~r;";:;;;'~~"t~:






home of Prof. F. C. Gilmour last To ~he Edito r I)f The Dispatch: Saturday. All the teachers ~ere SIr: As th~. postoffi c~ busine8l! of present and quite an interes ting the ag~ Il; a ttractlDa- some atprogJ'8111 was given ; ten~lOn, I WIll relate some of my ex.During the morning session soms ' penences aloni:' t hat line. It was in very inlltructive talk, wert given : M~. 1844, that I received the apconcerning school-room problems by pom.t ment of first assistant post.Miues Davis. Strawn, Stokes. Mc_ lmaster ~nder John M. Hadden, at IWayne~v~lIe, Warren county, Ohio, Clure. Corllell and McKinsey. In the afternoon Miss Waterhouse an ambitious town on the Columbus read an interestin:{ paper and Miss ,and Cincinnati pike : about half way Earnhart led the Current Event dis. ,' between Xenia and Lebanon. HadcU8llion There is always someth'lng I' den h ad a gen.eral .store and the poItvery beneficial at these mel' tini'S, and I 0ffi ce was a. Side Issue. He needed this time it was found in an address b.ut one 8SSlltant. I held the Dr. Mary Cook on " Health Prob- t~on about one y~ar. Durin.. that lel11.8," in wJ1ich she dealt chiefly with hme I never saw a bit of prepaiei hva-iene, ventilation and child dis . matter come through the mails; neveases er saw a letter envelope. We col • -·Ieded the postage on the letters 8'S ~PPOINTED SUPERINTENDENT they were delivered, on the papers quarterly . The customers, of the ~rs. John~. Caskey has been a~- ltore, with whom we had open ac~ Jlom~ Bupenntendent of tl$ Chil- counts, pilid up their poatqe ol~ng dren a Home to aucceed her .late with their debts for dry .oodl lIId hUlband and has also been retatned groceries, alonar about Christm8l! as a matron at a salary of $600 pt'r when thew sold their hog'S. year. , H dd' Sumner Braden baa been employed a en waa very methodIcal. . H~e as luperintendent of the home farm was the bookkeeper of the eatabUahat a ..Iary of $30 per month. ment. I.wa:' not allowed to mak~e This iap~tia&lly the aamtl outlay any .entr1~ In them. He p,r .vlded for salaries anti farm labor lUI lut a pair of hinged slates on which I reyear. corded all sales made while he was •_ • out. These he transferred to the bookB every evening ~efore cloainaST. MARY'S CHURCH up.

C. M, Robiuer w dS in Dayton , Tueaday. Miaa Pearl Carey was home over Sunday. Carl Hawke is in Dayton.

I ~,

spendin~ the week

C. B. Bentley was a business visitor in Dayton and Xenia, last week. MII8 Katherine Alexander spent two days last week in Cincinnati. F. M. Cunningham, of Lebanon . W8B in town Tuesday on busineiB. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tay lor, of Route 8, February 14. a son. . C. M. Robit zer attended WaYDe Temple lodge at Lytle, lut Friday evenin•. . , . Harris Mosher, of ClDclnnat~, spent Saturday and Sunday at hll home here. Miu Mary Gray spent the weekend with her friend. Mill! Anna fttibold, of Dayton. . Will Stroud arrived ~onle from La~ran~., Ga., Sundayeveninar. He doesn't seem much elated over th~ South.

Mia Edith Moeber left Tuesciey Quinquaaesima Sunday February where ahe will 18th. Sunday School at .':30 a. m, be the g'Ueit of Mr. and Mre. Frank Mominar Prayer and lermon at 10.30; T~lor, Evenin. Prayer and sermon at 7 p. m. MilII Eliza MeCom.. has returned Alb Wednead~ February 21st. to her home In Franklin after a Litany, Penitential Office anll Holy pleasant vuit with ht!r lister, Mrs. Communion at 10 a. m You are in· John Beach. vitei to all tlteee lJe"icea.

mornin~ for Chicaa'.


Letters in those daya were written on foolscap paper - a full sheet fold~ about as a small boy now folds hIS thumb paper. The whole sheet. as a rule. was closely written all over except the two parts that would be exposed when folded. Uncle Sam

O nTh:::~~::b~~: .th,th,iior;~;Citi;;;i

Wayne Township Farmer'a Cl ub met at the pleasant hC'me of Mr. auti MfI!. S. L. Cartwrigh t . At noon t he usual sumptuous feast was serven the hostess being assist ed bv M r'~ Ellis, Mrs Corn ell and Mrs. Zt!ll. After dinn er a short social t ime was delightfull y apent ltn ti l 1:30 when the president, Mr . Ca rl Du ke, called the meeting to ord f'r and after a 8On~ by t he Clu ll. the secretary, Miss Edi t h Crane call ed th e roll. F 01' t he fi rs t t'Im e In . t he h'Istory (l f th e Cl u b eVf' ry mem ber was prespn t. Mr and Mrs. Frank Elbon wer(' elect~d members of t he Club, by a unammous vote. The first number on th e prog r am was a reading. " Paddle your own canoe, " b! MrS'. ~wain , which wa~ g reatly enJoyed . Cur ren t Event., by ~auri,.e ~iJver, was enterl aininl1.' and ln~ tr~lctlve. Re v J. F. Cadwa llader \~as then called upon and made an excell ent address on "Peace and Arbitratbn " • Care and Fertili ty of the Soil " was the subject for dis· . h' h ed b 0 cusslon. w. IC was open y r. Ellis and Clage tt . followed by Messrs Uglesbee. Sil ver, Car twright, Riley and ~ther.s . ThIS finished the program and after ~ 84;mg by the Clu~ the meetin g ad· Journed to meet In March a t the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sil ver . The invited guests were Rev , and

The two-cent cut r:atll soon followed Mrs. ' J. F . Cadwallader , Mr. and Stamps came ~t}f the three.ceRt Mrs. D. L . Crane and Master Ethan rate, and weight, inslRad ot the num- Crane. • - ••- -ber of pieoes of paper, theh decided OBITUARY the question of double poltqe. ( Richard P. Gause, son of Samuel J. F. Linton. and Mary Gause was born near -COlumbus E,'ening Dispatch. Waynt'8ville Ohi; September 10

1823 and de~arted'thislifeFebruar; I F ' aged 88 years, 4 months and DEPOSITOR ~ . . N ORMATION 1.1912, n


. -- - - - - -- - - - - .. nr. M"eC()wan G ret' nlee, who came to Xenia re('e nt ly anti ar rangeri to locat.e h re perm anentl y as a special . ist ret ur nt' d tu A llanta , Ga. , last week a lld I\,W! IT !1 l'r ied to a prominell t lud.v uf t iJa l· :-;ta te . HI' gnd his bride a rri ved ill Xen ia Sat urday night and wi ll ht: fou nd a t No . 118% Suu t h Del roi L o; t l'l'e t. Some yeal'd back Dr. Gl'" " i",e prac t iced at Waynesvill l.' and Ld lanon, 0, and is a lTentleman of fi ne education and abi... li ty. haviJ lg had hospital experi · eace in Vienna and etherplacesacr08s the water .- Xenia Gazette. --- - - ---

Lytle M is!! M flbEl I ~ tnllr· . of L ebtln on W ll ~

the g ae!< t of MI ~s e~ Ile rth " and Be n · l a b U,lun 8a tur d, y lind Buu(hy. The I fl d l e~ of tue . ch uroh serv ud

lunoh >tt th fl !'lu i" 01 \V ru Bro wn O il F r ldllJ "nd c l""r eri ll nl1l1t hUle !1 11m B .u , C l ark lll .. da 11 bnslo t!ss trip to Lebduon ou ru e ~ l ~ y . ~r l\ . •J U IU P!I .J nh ll !l WnS hlK on sud df1 uly III 1111 Th nrt<duy ~ v, nl ng . bu t is A0mf' whu.t i rnpro) vl1l1 ,, ~ fh i " t·i lll 6 UrI< . W'lIl1 f" l\ (Joll' mulI wns In OIlJ IOD lI 'II I' Jl lW, !{ o n '1.'hnl'ltrl flY !lnd t.o·')k <1 III1' (' r with J M lit h O\' Ol ud fUllIll y . ~, o;

L" ~ lrl'

W"'.H lf·' I'l il f'

K r'llrlt!k Thll r ~ dllY

vIMiLt·<J In wi t h P E

Ken rioli. 11 1101 f ll ll lll .v . Bur r)' J O hl l >! .. ad f ,wllv, ,,1 0 ••' t on . wt! re ~ l1 nd" .v gll"!!t!! lit t he hom" 01 M r . !lad Mr!! C E Jobnll. Will t'ine hilS boulol ht a tarm of MBry Pint! on Sooillol R owand wilJ mov" there In the spring. Miss Beolah Ooon apent tbe fore part of this week w1tll . Mls!I Earnbart liod atte ndeu t be oouoer ' Il\ WIly n811vllle 00 Mulltlay Bveni n " . I-l eor ge Soott wall in Oayt,)n tSa c orall Y and Bunday the guess of bls nepbew OrA Warner M.r.. ..~d .Mr(l. Fred Mooring movlld to Lebanon on Monday. bein g unftble to find Ii vaollont house bere. Frank Carey li nd family, or lind Mrs. u ' I .rs U_1 rt Ie K In~t e. or D",'OD, GrAnd Templilf of O hiO, vtsitEd Wayne Temple 00 Frid8Y evening "nd inlltalled tbe new offi~ers. Af· ter t,be Inltitltory work wltb one ol1n.dlda'e, lunob was sened "nd 'he 1001 111 bour IrellHy enjoyed by aU The glrlM of Lytle ti llb IIOhool hue orglloBized a Basket.. Ball l'flam under the mlln~gement of Kts; Eltzi be'b Cbandler . M1Sij Mattord, of Lebanon, the In8truotor gave th(lm tbelr firat les80n at Ly'le Hall on Saturday Afternoon. . 'l'be Miami Vlilley Farmer'fI To· bacco Co ., II! the name given tbe ne" Independent tob8ooo organlz" tion here The nece6l!II.ry amolln' ot !lt oc k but! been lIobs'lrlbed and work wt\l begin 800D . At tbe meel· Ing on Wedneadn evenlnR the rollowin g offi ORri were eleo~ed: WUbnr Clorl' , Pres i C. 8 . iAmb, VlOe· pros i Alh f' ~ t 8tll~Y, tre"s., and 'ffa Kentlok, lIeo y . - - - ...- ••- - -

- _ . , -- - . , -- ....._, , _ .......""' 19l dQ!I •• .Beina- the-.,~eat. .of a - - - - - - - ..... - - - - - - ......... - ••• - -...... • - •••• .,., family of ten children. Sunday School 9:1i a. rn . Com. WHO Mj,Y DEPOSIT and $100, each bearing the name of In 1858 he was united in marriage Accounts may be opened and dEl- the depositor, the number of hil ac. to Hannah Richardson of Clark muniqn IM!rvice 10:80 a. m. All members includina: Probation- pobits n.ade by any person of the ..e I COllnt, the date of issue, the name of Co b" OhiO'lwho90depaTrte'd I.ittl F ere are Ul'Ired to be present. of 10 years or over I'n hi's or her o~, 4, 1 3. . .. ,n I the depository office and the date e ruary b Sa0 th's union Preachin~ at 7:80 by the Pastor, name and by a married woman ill her on which interel4 begins. The poat were orn two sons, ,:"uel C. and lubject of BArmon, "Can you hold own name and free from any intel" master or his representative will George R. Samuel C. died Novemout?" ference or control by her husband . make out a duplicate of each certifi- ber 27. 1899, Richard Gause spent Clarence S. Grauser, Pastor. No person can have mQre than ODe cate iBSued, which the depositor will the a-reater part of hill active husi• _ • . be req UJr . ed to' ness . cart'er at Waynesville ' Oh:o account at anyone time. al&'l1 an d wh'ICh the ., A S?ECIAL MEETING No penon may open a postal.sav- pOitmaster will retain in his recorda. ~nd reSided f.o r the put th.irtv years ings acconnt at any Post office wao i ll ' No account may be opened for In or near RIchmond, Indians. He There will be a special meetin~ of not a patron of that office. less than $1, nor will fractions of always took a .reat interest in the MrI~ Dudley . Keever and IOn, Miami Chapter Eastern Star on All accounts must be opened in a dollar be accepted fo~eposit. welfare of the country in which he Wyn f Ce te ' lI tt dad lived n~, o. n rVI e, a en Wedneeday evening, February 21st. person BY the depositor or hia atlNo person is permitted to deposit ' . Friend~ Quarterly meeting and were Tbe Grand Worthy Matron Mrs thoriEed representative. After open more than $100 in anyone calendar He was a hfe member of the So8ueste of Dr. and Mre A. T. May Elliott, of Sharonville, will be ing an accQunt a depositor ma,. fo )('- month nor to have a total balance to cietyof Friends. and for Dlany years M ' d M Cal M B 'M here ' ·:and mspect the lodge. All ward subsequent depollits to the pout his CI edit at one ' time of more than takin".an active part in the work of C ; . dasl(I~' M ~ ~ant ' A rHs. memlJers of the Eastern Star are office by mail. $500 exclusive of accumulated inter- this Society. He spent many of his •• I, r. an r<l. • • cordially invited to be prese t DeposI'''- wI'11 be accepted onl1 est; leilure houre in the Itudy of the Ga.ldll, of Dayton, attended the funn • l.II Bible ../J would be heard t' -==,,--_...:erkl ot ¥-IBS Emma Harlin. Monday. •- • from individuals, and no account Savinp certificates can not be ' quo Ing .......... HOUSE BURNED will be o~ed in the name I)fany -liTIU.sterreli or lIIegotiated and will from the book which he loved. corporation, asSociation, society, firlD \ be pay!'ble only to the person to He always looked to the comfort Mrs. A. J. Alexander was in Dayor partnership. or in the names (If whom lS8Ued. ofthose he loved rather than himself. He waa a kind husband and father. ton Saturday to attend the funera I The old house ' on the Dodds farm two or more persons jointlv. On opc!loing an account a depositor od ' . . of her nephew Mr. Ciarence Lewill, eas, of toWt), was burned to the No account will be opened in the is supplied with an envelope in which and go neIghbor, always strictly honest and just in business tranlactwho died in Las Ve~ as, New Mexico' ~ro\1nd, with all ita contents, Mon· name of one penon in trust for (lr he may keep his 8IlVirlg'S certificates. ions. . day 'e vening about 7 o'clock. Spring Branch on behalf of another person or per- On this envelope i. printed informaHallie Hathaway, who lives on the We reeeived a card from Leroy His funeral took place from the tion for his guidance, and also home of his son George in Richmond, Mr . Fra.nk Helill 18 in Day~oQ a~ lrot,ta, which saya: "Snook and I are place, ltad not Hen home all day, SOfia. SERVICE FREE a bl an k ledger record on which to Indiana. Services were held at S, Mary'. hOIlPi tal. havm!l' a fine time. Certainly a &T&nd and the fire was mysterious. Thel e Mr . and Mrs. Thomas Hees and diepla)." Dated February 9th, at ~as quite a little tobaceo staled in Th!' service of the Postal Savings keep an account of his deposits and Friendl Meeting House with approfllmil:r entert 41ned Mr. and ar. rs. . Rochester, New York. the houae. The house and contents System is free, and no charge or ftle withdJ'8wals. priate exercises. Jud ~on H"BS, of Dayton, Satarday wet. inlured. . iB COllected or required in connec:ti(ln In case a savings certificate is 10At 'He was laid tta rest in Earlham fIond BundllY . Mrs. J. D. Marlatt and daughter, with the opening of an account or or ~eatroyed the depositor should Cemetery. Hr. and Mra . Newton Smltb are Mi. Jeaaie, Mr. and Mre. Wm. WRAPPED CAKES apeuding ton" y wHh Mr. and lira. the withdrawal of money depollitetd . j notify the postmaster. If "eemed • - • J o!llltban bmith propcr• .a.pew certificate;will be issued DE "THS SaU.bury and family, Mr. and Mre: PRIVACY OF ACCOUNTS " "Silver alice-isn't it nice. upon compliance by the "'il'epolitor Elder Gtlorge A ~re'z waa enter. Frank Zell, Mealrs. F. C. Carey and P ~It with the necessary requirements. th No person connected with e Charles Alexander, one of .the tal ned by Mr an u Mr8 Jobn Har' · eat it once~you' want it twice," You H. A. Cornell attended the funeral Postmaaters are not permitted to mOllt prominent residents or Spring sook SaturdllY nlgbt, a week . Office Department or the poatal aer· Sold b1 Katherine Alexander. • f Chas. Peterson. at Spring Valle; vice iiJ permitted to diseloee the name receive savini'S certificates for .fe- Valley , a brother of P. A. Alexander, Mrs. J . H . CI' enoweth spen' sev· Try it. Sund~_ . ___ • _ ••_ __ of any depositor or give any infor- kecpiDar. member of the ~reene County Chil- eralollYs Il&dt week Ilt tbe home of , dren'. Home Board, died suddenly at her brother. Thomatl Lacy. mation concerning liD account except New Burlln&ton LECTU~'E COURSE to 'the depositor himself, unless diSAVINGS CARDS AND STAMP.s I' I k T d Elder Beadle of Thurston, Ohto, Ill. II: i'dtenon and f,mlly1aave 0 c oc hurB ay afternoon. He "ill be at Middla Run SIl'urdayatThe Wilbur Starr Quartet Com- moved 10 'be &enan' houae on W . racted to do 10 by the Postmaster Amounts le88 than $1 may be had been ill for three months but ternooo a t 2 o'clock Sunday morn pany, tbe fourth number of tlte lee· V. Laoke), 'a farm . General. saved for deposit by the purchase of appeared muck better Thursday', and tog at 10 :30 ture eourse, deli~hted a la1'l"e lra Soro",.. 'he butcher was pot. HOW TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT 10-cent Poslal'savinga carcb and ad· was able to eat a hearty dinner and Mr, lI.ud Mrtl. Will Chenoweth audience at; School Hall, Mond..,. 'lnl up ioe In hia Dew Ice bonae I.. ' Wben a person applies to open nn hesive lO-cent poatal-aavines .tamps. cOhverse with his family. Ris deaUt .nterlalned Mr . •md ~rs . Ed H".t. evenln~. Th. pro~ram w.. hlp week. account he must furnish the neeessaINTEaEST occurred while his wife was in Day- aock, Miss Floreo08 LIlOY, Mr. H ..r. claM and each numNr was thor. A u.... HarlaD, wbo h •• beeD ,. ry Laoy and Will Connly 00 Tuesdlu' ought, appreelated. ' maklna her hOlDe whh lire. &arAb ry information for the Interest will be allowed on all de- ton on a shoppmar trip. The funeral nlgbt and ThurlldliY nlgb~ of la.' Tb I ' f YoX.,., died TbumA1 night of 1.1* or hli 'representative to flIl out an aP- posite at the rate of 2 pllr cont)ler took place at hil late residence Sun- week . ' ,lication, which he will then Itt! re- annum, computed on each savin. day at ~ o'clock. Mrs J. H Ubenowetb i. spend· . • evellll8 w.. one 0 rare en· week. Mr. and II~.. '~. E. JonN .nHr quired to Bi&'l1. If the applieant certificate ..parately. and paya~le incr a few days with KI81 .. 1108 Jo),ment. • _. blnod on flaturday eYenlng, 8 . r algila Ity mark his tlil(llatuN muat be annually No interest will be paid Chen.weth. ,! ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UomptoD aDd family, Z r . tiainel eeeed b 4'si ted . • • . Miss Lena Conner arrivedsaveral bome ' Ind famil,., II. 'II' Bo,&D aDd famt. witn ya 1 ntera perIOD. I'n mene, which renuuns on deposIt Miss Emma B. Harl!!n, aared ~9 ibiB morning after apen!!lng ; ~ ~ I~. Mr. aDd 1118. BU17 Lytle'. . DEPOSITS __ for a f~tlon ot ayear. oDly. years, dau~hter of J. P. and Luey days In Dayton witb her invaltd . , .. . ' A aoodl,. DUmber of Depoa1te / are evideneed by poIItlll. Depo81t.s will bear IRterest from Harlan, died Feltruary 9, 1912. arand9lotber. ' . ~r. U,liI Mra. ~,ZelJ ente~- Hnded lIi&~i~r'erlY laee'ing a' savin.. certificates ialUed in fixi. the lit dQ of.the month nextfollow- Moat of her life was apent in ClinLon Mrs Mllry Hawes spent Sunday 'I . and Bun denominations of ,1, $2; to, $10. $210. illl( that·in which deposited. cwoeurentyh'elwdhaetre ' .MMeodrtied . w"h Mtel ADoe /', th ..• .~.... ' flY a,,!UP. , ;~n. . e~le ' J B ' 'U 't1l ' .' , .; . to , 'h I uary ",nape, III AI' Vh ' . tb ' .. " • .:, .. ,~., ." 1 am.. ,. i . ~ au •• .,.. rQ e . . . M 'd . .a ~o. enowo . ' ( ' , . . ' . ". . . on .aY,Rev. J •..1'. CadwaIl~er of., 'I~tnd& Sa.ilb '_wer,8 ,. ......... ..., £ ",~_r. . Me~nM1, ~n. .. ~!ce ~,~~1, O,.t~n fif8D4aOh,rcb wasprelen~. ., , Miaii '~Ill.. Nird""Mr. ~tt IIcKfD-- ae "lOliCUln.~ IdDiIa IQr' the D." , Mte. Re~ WI~, ~ '10, a "A&lth7-1Vldcrlr, of Malon, was ~r. ficiatiDg~ .Interment was mach~ in . John Davta . . .'" -.fiT,.• ' ~ . F " Farr.· oIi~'" At ~, ~ . ~ . . '. , riecl, Jut ~eIik~ ,t.e F~ Cranef • ~ ~~ ~,". .., , . Miami .IUi .0U", bD lI'itdav'.,l

Mn. Mary Caskey. of .LebanClll..


returned hOllle Monday morning after apendinlr a few d..,.s with Wayneeville frienda. MI'I. Edwin Furnas and Mada IOn attended the concert of . me Osborne-Hannah. In Lebanon, Thu ..... d~ .venini" Mrs. lAura Moeber hall returned ·nCI·nnatl· after a .":-'t va. hom. froll.l C. of several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock.

.... Mi -E. etttJIteH . ___ ,.~_ ~


n those daYlchara-ed rather extrav. agantly f or his services and t he folks needed to economize in thei r letterwritinlr. They wrote only at ong intervals and then crowlied the sheet to the limit. One whole sheet of foolscap was the allowance for one letter. A very small piece of paper in addition en closed, It discovered, called for double poatage. If we suspected any· thing of the kind we r .... uired the --. pnsence. letter to be opened in our A dollar bill so enclosed from more than 400 miles away, if detecte d" caused the receiver to have to pay 50 cents postage. Anything in addition to the single sheet meant double postage. In those days, the postage on a le tter from any where in the county was dX centB; from anywhere in the state 12X cents; from anywhere within 400 miles. 18X cents; a nd from anywhere within the United Stat es and territJrfes. 25 cents. It is my recollection that the first reduction from these rates was made in 1852 Tell cent. was then made the char~e for a letter from anywhere within the boundaries of our whole cowntry, if not prepaili. It ,repaid five cents T~at broua-ht abeut the ~rep~ymeni of postaa'e. The next reductien followed within a tew years and fixed all letter ' postage at three cents.



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el FasheIons Prachca



Who Could Doubt It? Arlll!· . \It.ngrll y) - No; I cton't wot I mod Ill. I oul), plli ll t flour. or rrult. Mode l (smtl!uglyl-Ob . Ibat'lI all r lgh\.. EVtlry oue ijllYS I'm a peacb. Important to Mothere ElIan1lne carefully e l' ery bo ttle or CASTOR IA, a Yllre and sure relllbdy tor In fu n ls nnd childre n, lind Bee tbat It



Bearstbe //~ S l s nllttlroot~~ In tJee F or Ove r 30 Years. C h ilJron Cry for Fletcher's Castor~

or mt PLAINS


Or'My LADY 0, 1H[ 60UTH~ 'WH[N WILD[IlNf~6 Wl\~ KING: Ert-Cre kLUIlTA ....T •.,"4 ~ DuRe.DPI HI:I.v1

Putting It Pl a Inly. "Whllt did the IJllnk e ,. · ~ daughter Rl\y wh e n you nsked h e r to llIurry yo u!"



KflUh , a

" ' I' g"nlllll .



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~ tH lJ l : "I ~! IIHln . l .!'t l Hdkjn~ for r on l11tl\~ W IU .U\'Il ~PS


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IBI ru ll f}a ll o tJ v u r .... w·d b) TIl!-n all n lJ n t,. ::t. "'·h en Haith TN l. d l «l" Ilw \\I\to:' f'l ll lilt- ruld · e rJ! hn\'tt ml\!!Isu.I~ n.· d ltv,) rnYIl ' U \l t . h t

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Jlflrtt"d .

"p,.rB tlMd l\ l,,~tth


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\\' ,lI Il Rn 'y IhH-

Is lu~" t" d III C'H rtW II l'Uy , chnrgf'c1 9o.'it h the murdpr, R.l'C 1I8t'r Iw , Ir~K Ii. rllfnan n Rmec1 Blnl' k H u r t. A ne.t;To C'ftr l' J..tftnlon In ht8 L'l'li fUt.U1t-ct !\J eb 1f111s him tha t hr I(new th~ K lI ltl, ,, In VlnclnllL , 1"\t"b .Pl\'fI, unf' o f til., l1I urdl' rt-O n l t'lll \,'I\S J nh n fltill ('y, the otlirr r.~u . \-\' 11 111'1 \\"'0.11" ( n rnl • rh' IlL C'ontf"d e r ntf" l"'I rth,',' I', The plnhuHulln


alltl N e-LJ eaCQ.l l fo, a Uf! Icll or 1he f UI(IU"<PI <' Onll' uJ)an a (' ahlrl nn rt "nil itA O('TU p l1nt

10 I' ,.


l1 e Aaw

\'O'JnK gi rl. wh o m

It i

Keith thtllk!J

ThA gir l exp }tllnl i hAt "he ,. In MNlrC' h o f 1\ brother, who t\a rt del'llertet1 trom ( he a rmy , ft.nll thft.t a ),1r, Hnwley 'nduc'ed hpt' 10 com a t o th ~ f'tlb f u whll" he .aught h e r brother, 118."" · If11r nr1pcn r !ll, nncl h: plt h \n hhHn,:: rt" C'n g -

CarBo n CII),

Tht"t'e I. 1\ t ~r · clnrk .,,~ cI room In ",10k" II \~tc t o r , H nU"l B np ,lro nrlat'·"', and the girt 'who SllY! tllllt ht'r t H,mf! til lInpn. Jo l"" In rh . e8ca"" . K eltlo ~.p laJJ\' Illllt'lf him l1e Blru:k Bnrt ,

cine ba ttle In th e ]~ e tth

hl8 sltuatlo n and th e tulfltl v". milk" t or Jo'nrt Larned. where Iho girl II I. t l wllh Ihe hulel tandlAdy. Min Hope te ll. thaI

ahe 18 the do.uKh,,.r o r Genera l Waite,

)C eil h and Neb drift tnto 8h~ rld lln . ](elth meelll IOn 0 111 frtend. fir. Falrb'''n. ](otlh meet. Ih8 brolher ot H ope Wl\tt~, und er Iho Maumed nfUll. of Fred WII· 1n" ghto)'. and boc"m.,. convinced th .. l B lack Bnrl hos some 1'101 In vol vIng the two. Hope learns tha t Gen. Walt ..... ho "'ae thou,.hl nwrd ered, 18 at 8h .. rlda n. anrl go •• the,.,. wbero .he 18 ",I.tak .. n for Chrlatl" Maela lr ... ' he Canon City olnge r. KCltlh m ...t. th. real Chrlatle lIIILCloJro aDd nnd. that Black But h"" co nvl ncocl he r that th" ... la a my.tery In h. r IIf. 'W hi ch h" I. · golnlC. to tllrn to her "clvllnt ,..e. The plaIn oman tell. H ope Walt" of bftr resem blanc. 10 Christie 1'>iaclalr~ . '!'hey 1I"..ld" tlII,t Fred Wlllou!!hby may "olcl t he k.y to the .U ull tlon. K e lt h nndll Willoughby ahot cl pad. Hope I. t l'l lrl of Ihe cleath ot her broth!'r. KeIth f a ll. to loll m what ... ,re""ntnt\onft llll,,:k Bll rt hl18 made to ChrlsUe Maclnlr. Hope .uCCMta that In order 10 learn the eee ret • he muat brleny Imperso nale the Blag. .Illtrer. Dr. "111~baln Is In 1o"" ,.,lth Chrl.Ue MaclaJre land Kt'l th Inllucel him t .. /let aln her from the alage while Hope (foe..



theate r


.. h e

nle p. ts

Blnele Bart. who. thus decelvod . I~II. Hop" that General Willi e hall 8".p '·c t~ d his plan. a nd t hat th ev must ny. 1I0 p • . cr.atly .. Inrmed. · cI~murw. CHAPTER XXX. In Christie's Room. Keith swept hI s g lan ce np and down I lle street withou t res ults. Surely Hawley and hi s compa nion cou lrt no,! have disallpeared ao Buddenly. They lind turned to We rtght, he wae ce r· taln as to that, and he pus bed through tbe crowd of men at'otlnd the the ate r e n t ronce, ond blUltened to o vertak e them. He found nothIng to overtake - nowhere alone that s tretc b of street . illu mined by window II gb ts. was tb e re any sI gn of 0 man and woman wa lking together. He stopped, hew lld e red. Itarlng blindly abou t , fa ilin g utter~y to com prebe nd this myste riou s van)s blng. What co uld It mean? What had hap· I1ened? How co uld t hey hav e dl sap· p ear ed so completely durIng that si n· gle mom e n t he bad wa lt l! d to spea k to Falrbaln? The mnn's heart beat lik e a t rlp.ham m er with ap prehe nsion. B sudden (ear (or Hope takIng posses' s ton of him. , Surely t he girl would never consent to e nte r any or tbose dens along the . way, and Hawl ey would not dare resort to foroo In the op~n street. The very t ho ug ht seemed Preposterous, a nd yet. wit b no otber auppos lUon P0881ble , he e nle r ed these one atter the othe r 10 h asty searcb, Ques tioning th e Inmates abarIlly, only to find blmselr to tolly bafH ed- Hnw ley and Hope had vanlsbed as th oug h IIwa\lowed by tbe ear th. He I!xplored dark passage·wo ys bel ween the Hcat· tere d bulldlnga, rummaging abeut r eck lessly, hut came back to th e s l rt:e t a gain withou t r ewa rd . Cou ld they have gone down, he otll· er side. In tbe ut'cpc r s hauow s . and tbus r cacbed the bol e l lIlore 'lul ck Iy

~~:'D ~~~:~ym:d c\~n~~~ f~:~I~117t: 'J~~~~~ be true , :tnd yel K eit h g raapl" d tit It dClIPeralely, cu rsln !; blmJo:e Jr (or hln'· l ng wHsled tim e. Fh'e m inu tes late,'. hreath less. almo~l 8)Jet!cb lnss with a.o xlcty . he stnrU d Ih ~ clerk. "l1as Miss \o\iu llo co me Ill? I\I1 H5 Hope Waite?" "lIla.nwd If I know ," retorted tb e (ll ber. Indifferent I>,. "Can't fo r tb e life of me t e il. those two fe ,nnl es upnr t . One of them I1asf<ed through ' bOUl t e n minutes ago; Doc 1<'8lrbalo Wa.M wltb her. Anot her par t y just weltt up. 6ta lrB buutlng Miss Mac laJre . and as tll ey haven't cOllie dO"' n , I r ec lwn It mu s t bave Lee n h er-n n yl hl ng wrong ?" "I'm not sure yet. .. ~llOr UY . "W bo 'Wa" t hi s other person?" " Old rellow wi th White hair and wh'l skers_wore lik e a pira te-had th e ~berl lt alon g w it" blm ." It ('.arne to Ke ltb III a It was WaIte. Perhaps Ch risti e kne w. Per. haps th!' Gene ral knew. Cer tainly something or Importance was crys tnl. Uzlng In the actreijs' r oom whlcb might belp to explain all else. He nl6hed up tbe stairs, bare ly " 'rutlng to raJ! once at the closed door before he pr~ssed It open. Tbe 81gbt within held blm silent, waiting opportunity to blurt out his news. Here, aleo , wal traced)', Inte~8e, compelling. whleb for the Instant Beetlled to evec overshadow the , fate of tbe girl he JO't'ed. There were three men pres' ent, and the ...oman. Sbe llrood clutcb· tnc \he back Of a chalr, wblte-faced op..n-eyed, with Fatrbaln !lllllbUY ~d;'~b"t. ODe hand I1'IUIP1nl her . ~. til, .~ ·cllncbtia; btl Jaw Bet '~~I,_, l'aclq these 'nro ,,~


"~he su ld I would hnve t o go 10 par Hlly lll'; a dyllllC mall had left w It h blm rn('~ " him. l'unnlllg Ih .. ~ I ep v e or hlf before "he cou ld take stoCk In mT certaIn pilpers. namIng one. Phy\ll~ ,'out It rfOsS h is (,}'~:I. lIll Ilppellred propos ition ." OaJe, as belross to a ,' ery large estale <iUZPIJ, ~lJllrOUlld l'U . III =-orth Ca ro lina. leU by ber g1'unrt ' l " )1), (;0(1. It's ull right ." he lIal d, Jet Rid of Rheum at is m and Neura ~lI. ruther In tt'Usl. He Bald the g Irl lind I \\' fth a .. boke III tll e IhrollL " Hhe'wSe nd one (lil l/nr tl) Tho Li ghtntnlj rt~m­ been tn.l,en W est . wh e n sCllrcely two slw'M ,h .. [;Irl." t- II)' CO lHpun y , Nl c ho l u.M fJulh l lfl~{. ro lcdo, uh l o, t ( 11' u tl u Ilwtllh 'M tr(! lllm c ll t of tile years ulr! . by he r lather In a ' tlt of l · Ktn r od at him. h e r 11111 IkHt rll c ulIl HtI(' rt' lII ~ dy known , l)u r l n tr d"lInken r age. and tb e n deoerteu Ily IHH tPd. utlRhl1l to grlUl !) what It aU I he PUN t Hi" }r cul'~ \V~ hn\'o pu r('d lh Ol I · IU tu d!:J «,t t'H8 (,IJ , \Vn hnv p.: rN' \'h' c'\1 h UIIhim III SL Louis." i nlrlllll. <in'tll) or h l tHhnonlllht to pnlVu Ihut this " VUU'-YOll Haw lbe r 'lller8~" Wlllte " You lI\PR\l I- I am actunlly .Pbyllli "" rIlPli)' IHl8 ('\lJ'ed 'h~ wun'" n l~e8 fl t rlll.umnt hul1 8 11(1 ne u rrthd n. H elldt trom brok e III . , 1:1\ 141 :' That-that t be re III no ml .... puln I n frum une tu to ur dUROII. "Yey. tboAe t h al Hawl t'y hnd ; be ' '>lk,'7" gave them 10 m. to kfM'J,l ru r hl m." 1 He Iludel ed . Il ot ;VI'I ab l. to I1ut U Trifle Wobbly . l)he c l'OIIl1ed to ber trunk. and came mort' d ell r ly Into wurds. !:lbe swayed " I I\D1 go ing to blow out m), braIns:' hack, a manilla envelo \le In ber btllld. bougb ahout to ra lnt, and FalrbalD aald h e. W aite ope n ed It baatll)' , running IUs e,\ught bl'r. but 8 h ~ s lipped through "Well ," sbe 8al d after a moment'll eyes o ver the contenta. his arms, and. fell IIpon h e r knees, b e r I'etleello n . "per ha(>l! th ey'l l sta nd a lit· " The Infernal scoundrel!" h.. e ~ ' face burl ed In ber hand s upon the Tblll cont Is cut II10ng IItralgbt IInel tie Inftallon, Horace. They've al · cla l ~d. botly. " These were BI gltln r lll\.lr. lind 18 double-breaated . cloalng down waY8 s tru c k m e IlJj being a trine wob· from me at Carson ·Ity." "(l b, thanl{ God." she Bobbed. "lhank tho c e nte r of the rrollt with tbree but- bly."- Hnrper·s W eekly . "Let me l ee tbem ." The 8berltr God ~ I know who I am! I ka.o.r who IOns. Tbe large collar Dlay be round ran them over, mere.iy ,lancing at tb e I I\ln' " or BQuare at tblt back and Bt the rront endorlemente. te rmlJlatc8 In big revera. Tbe reven " Just u you repr6!lented. Waite." CI-iAPTER XXXI. Dnd collar are mad e ot satin. a COLDS & HEADACHES be said, Blowly. " A copy ot the Wil l, pretty contrast to th e plain material your commission &8 guardian, and Tne Searcn for tho Mlnln'g. lNDIGESTlON& SOUR STOMACH or wblch tbe coat may be faabloned . me moranda or Identifi ca tion . Well, The note or unrestrained joy or re- Broadclotb, cheviot o r lIerge may be BILIOUSNESS & CONST I PATIO,.. Misli MaclaJre, bow di d you h ap pe n t o lief In the woman 'l! voi ce rang through --UBed. . . adw . . aD iDadift be 10 eully convInced that you were tbe room, stil ling all else. and caua· The pattern (~o. 5666) IB cut In !Izes t be 10Bt gtrH·' tiaa 01 the liww. Seoaaadl .... Ing thoo n w bo beard to forget for an rrom H to 18 yea rll. To make the "Mr. Hawle)' broug h t me a pfcture _, be aLtalaed __ ........, ... Instant the Hillme r purpose of tbelr COllt In the m edium size will require wblch IwJ eald ..... or thl. girl'. balr· gat h ering . fo'alrbaln be nt ove r he r, 3'riJ yarde ot 36 Inch material and l~ .... ........, '" . . . 5,... .. FIp Il l te r; the relomblance was mORt like a fM glUardlnn angel. Datting b er yards or Batl n. startling. This, with tbe fact t hat I ... EIdir cl s-... II iI eat • sboldd Ar. h pr eyes HU blurred wltll haY e never known e Ither ratbe" or ... anbW .....,. but iI . . . II, To 1>rocu,.., 11118 J"ul .. rn .entl 10 cents lears as to be prncUcnJly slgbtless, ye t mother or m y real na me , and t hat my to "Pauern D~partment : ' ot thi" pupt"r , ~01 weJl.WanDedr-mm.. ....... s til i turned QU68tlonln g ly upon Waite Wr1te nam e ami addrells plainly • .-nd be The abert It .... all first to recove r .ure to I'h' e .11.8 and n u mber uf pattern, _the-W .. speecb, a ud a senile of duty. aad !IIreaatI- Ibe . , - - . . . . . . . . "Then th is leta MIss Maclalre Ot ~ SIZE .......... .. .. .. NO. 5666. IauIift .-.It II aeeded. of the cQnsplral"Y charge," be said, J"AME . . ... ... .... ........... .. .. . . Wbea IIaJiar DOte Ihe full gravely, " but It doell U't make It any brtg bte r rOI' Hawley so rar as I can oflhe~F.. TOW:-; . ..... ... . .. . . . . . .. ... .. .. ...... ·.·· .. · seE>- t bere's a robbe r y char&1t agalnsl Co..--priDIIIII em .".., pacbp of STREET ASD NO .. ... .... .. ... .... .... .. blrn Ir notblng else. Any one her~ knuw w herE' tho fe llo w Is?" R.caJer price 50' per bot. _ STAT E .. .... .. . .. .. .. ........... · ····· .. .... · For a mom ent no one a nswered , al· tbougb K elt.h took a step forward, 1'& THl O RIGINAL . 11'", C,EN UIN E minded Instantly of Hope's predlca· SYRU P nl FIGS "11l1 mellt. Berore h e cou ld s peak, howev e r, GIRL'S DOUBLE·BREASTED COAT. Ch r istie looket! u p, with swift ges tu r. ELI X I R '!I 5 EN N' A I pus blng ha('k her loosened ba ll'. IS MANUFACTURED BY "He was 10 h ave ut e t me at the t h eater to·n lghl ," sbe s lIld , her VOiCE tremb ling, "but was.. not there ,. h eu I ~a me out; he-be Ba ld be bad ,m· MillO II TWrIII. vortn nt ne W8 ror me." . . . .tI, ........... " And rall(3d to show ' up- d ld be H nd ~~·:~~:n~ ,,110 message? " • • SABEL. SON' ' Doclor Ir'a lrbaln wa s waiting rOI LOl7llnUoB, III • me Inetead.- He so ld t bllt- Mr. H llw le, ..... I.''''''MI..... ..lOI>It.b04II01. was called Budd eu ly out of lown." The eyes of tbe sbe rl" turned to ~'al'rbaln, whose Cacll grew reddel tban usual . as h e shifted his gUt towa rd K ei th "That was A lie ," be confeslled, lame ly. ''1-- 1 was told to say that.. .. Nine times In ten when the liver Is "J us t a moment, SherIff," and K eith right the stomach and bowels are right. s tood hefor 'e tbem, hIs voice clear anq CARTER'S UmE con vincing. "r.l y name Is Ke ith, and UYER PILLS I have unavo Idably bee n mIxe d up In gently btitfirrnly tbls a ffa ir rrom tbe b eginning. ,Jusl pel a lazy liver do its duty. now I can r e li eve the doctor or hla Cures CODembarrassm ent. MIss Hope WalU ltip.tiOD, Inand I havEI been associated toge£her elilation. In an effort to solve tbls myste ry. Tbll Side evening, la.klng advantage ot the r& maTkable r esemblance existing b. IIDcl Dian .. After £adDI. tween herBeir and Miss Maclalre, MI .. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMAll PRlCL Hope de cid ed upon a mask-" must bear Signature Tbls stylish coat III made alonl! "Wbat's tbat," WaJte broke lo es. atrlllgbt eeml·box lines and baa . a cltedly. "Is Hope here!" "Yes, has been tor a we ek; we'v. close-;l1st e nlng collar wblcb may be had all the police force of SII !r1dau made eltber Bquare or round at back . The . long anug-Ilttlng IIleeves have a hunting yo u." Tbe old man s tared at tbe sJ>o!Nlller, chic turn·back cull. Rotb collar a:.d ol)e n.mout bed , and muttere d rom. c ulls are mnde of contrasting good II, t h ing abou t Fort Hays. but Keltb. pay prererahly satin. The gurment Ills· Ing littl e Il !.tentlon to him. hurried 01 l ens at the le ft side In double-brens'ed effec t. Broadcloth or cbevlot may b. wltb bls at ol'Y. "A s I say, s be decId ed u pon Impo&~ useel to equl\1 Rdva ntoge. The patt e rn (No. 5657) Is cut In 81zes so natlng Chris ti e here, hoping In tbla way to le a1'n more regllrdlng Hnwley', from G to 12 years. To make th e cont WITH TH. NEW REMEDY Ke ith Straightened Up, Looking Directly Into tho Fierce Que.tlonplan.. We hlld d iscovered tbat till In the me dium size will r equire S% ing Eyell. two were to meet aftt'r the e ve nlnl\ yards or 36 Inch material aud ~ of a perrormnn ce at the st age d oor or t bl yard of Balin tor embelllsbllleoL "You may ask me anyt hin g yo u ea rli e r lI fo was passed In Sl Louis, Trocudcl'O. I escorl ed Hope there, To oro~u,.., thll paltern ~"ntl 10 r ~ nU please," Rile IInn ouD ccd, Qulelly. "I Bunlced to make me believe h e must dres ~e d as n E-or like Mls9 Marlalre al t o " P ,~ tt~rn Department." or thl!l pape r , nm su re theijO ge nll elllcll will not tlgbt be ri g ht." pOMl lJl e . lind left h er In ahl e the vest!· Wrtte name and Ilddreoa pla inly. Ilnd tJt In my r oo m ." "You- yOU-" Waite cholled, lea D' Lule waIlin g for 'B lnc k Dart' to ap aure to &'lvre ai.z.e and numoor or pattern. "Ver y w e ll , Miss Ma clalre. It will Ing forwn r d. "You don't know your peR.r. 1\ t n ;e head o f t he alley . I rRI require only a memento How lo~ r en l nam e?" Into P alrll:.l n . told blm so metbln g Of SlZE .. . ...... . .... . ~O. 5657. bnv e you known this mlln Hawley?, I "No, I do II Ot, " her IIPII bare ly rorm· th e clrculll sta nces, nnd persua ded him A.k ,our dIUIIIII., tor fr •••ampl. "Merely a few days- Blnee 1 arrIved \ In g the words. "The womnn wbo to psco r t l\I\HS Chrl s ll e back to tb, ~AMEl .. ....... . .. .. ........ ....... . ....... _. or writ. In tihe rld an." hro ug bt me u p Dever told me." botel. lie WIlS not verf ha rd to pel' TOWN ........... . ..... ... ....... .... .. . .. . . . COB "\l ut yo u we r e In communlcaUon "Who--who was the woman?" Ruade. Well. Hawley came, and Hopt EATON RAPIDS, MICHIGAN wi th him he rore lba.t!" "A Mrs. Hllymond-Sue Raymond- m et blm; th e y w'e nt out of the aileY' STREET AN D NO ........ .. . .. ........ .. --Th e pleo sal)t voice nnd Quiet de' she was ou the stage. !llld died In way tngether arm In arm, talklnl SWAMP. J. not l'PCnmm e lld ; d' ; ' : RTATE .... .. .. meanor or Ihe sherif! spemed to yield Texas- San ADtonlo, I th lnk.'· f.,rytblnil ; but If YOI1 h •• o pl ea santly , und turn ed thi s way to Ih e gtr l confide nce and co urage. Waite swore audibly, bls eye8 never ward t be hotel. The doctor and 1 ldt.Luey , lI"cr o r bladder 'rOlllol. IL " Ill be foun4 ·'Yes . h o had wrllten me two or onoo dese rUllg the girl's face. botb saw and heard them. I was d& J\1~t t he r tmcdy 1'on n eed, AI. clru fHr lHl . In unf' o I.. flers. " "HawlB¥ told you to Bay that?" Wisely Answered. Ulty l'~nl lUlU dollnr sl1.... Yon mA' b.". layed not to ex(:eed two minute .. " Yuu m e t him h e re then by appoint· "No, he did not," she protested ~peaklng Il final word to Falrbaln, and nm clearly lor fo llowing Tblml. .. .... rup le bottle 01 Ihl. . .ondorlnl De ... dl.· Dl e ll t 1" Warmly . "It was never even mention· when I rt~ach e d tbe street they bad stoeles' advice, wbo being once !lsked M".ry by mall 'ree, .1.0 pnmpblcl l elllu. a:tll nhm a h. "He Will! to co me to Sberldan, and 1ed between us-at leaat, not Sue Ray- dlsappearE,d. I bavog hunted thelll how be would man'y bls daughter, Aol<lrua, Dr. KUmer .. Co .. BIDllbamlOn, N . Y. explalu t.o me more rully whal his let- mond's name. Wbat dlfferenoo can e verywhere without finding a trace-I whether to one tbat was poor but hon· - - - . - - - -- - -.-- - -- - tel's bad only hinted at." that make?" have even been through tbe resorta est. or to one that was ri ch but of an " You possessed no previous know\He 8tep ped forwa.rd, one band flung Sbe baa not returned to tbe botel, IIDd III reIlUtAtlon, made answer: '" bad ReU.". Tb_t TroDbl.. aDd Oonebo. No opl._ edge ot his purpose ?" out, and Falrbaln sprang Instantly be-' I burst In upon you bE're bopln, thai rather bave a man wlthont anmeanBta ." te Sampl. f...,. .Jos~~~ .. 8 0.,_8"100, " "Only the ba rest outllne-detaUa tween them, mistaking tbe action. Miss Maclalre might have lome InfOJ' than an estate without a were given m e later. " "Handa off there, Walte," be com. maUon." Cicero.. ~IHoMPaoN·a ".!tl~~m~l­ "wm you tell UB brtetly exactly manded, sternl),. "Wbatever sbe 18.111 ~nE WATER 8oIde•."wl\erwY!: Sbe shook her head, and Walt. what Hawl e y told you?!, goe . ... JOJIJI ... mOIll'8ON IIOl'IlI"~t~~iI. T. Wanted Relief. glaring Impotently at tbe two ot tbelP The girl's bewildered e)'es wandered "You blunderln, old Idiot," the oth· swore sha.rIlly. Suiferlng beneatb tbe razor of an _ rrom race to raoe, then return~ to er exploded. ""m not ,olng to,tlurt "Good God, man I my I1rll Hope, Incompetent barber, tbe customer 81e· the walUng sberlff. ber; stand &fIde, ... 111 you!" alone wltb that damn vlllalu'. COme naled to tl\e operator to bait. "Yell, "May-may I alt down 1" she asked. He reacbed the startled ,Irl, thrullt on, Sbert:lr; we've got to fl!)d her. sir'" Inquired the barber, ID~lInlDg ble "Most ce rtaInly ; and don't be alrald, aside tbe d&rk balr combed low over Walt, thougb !" and b. !!trode almOlt bead. "Give me gas!" Bilid the cusIII h I' FO~ [or really we wl.ah to be your frIends ." the neck. Bwung her about toward the menaclngll), acrOlIi 'dle ·room. "FIn" tomer. SORE EYES She sank' down · loto the chair, and IIgbt, and stared at' a birthmark be- I want tic) ~ow who \he d81'U YOi 'I'IUJIIIUAUI_&".4 tor oat lt1J~ ........ even Keith could Bee bow he~ elender bind her ear. No (lne apoke, old law ftaU 4.lIIr\ptlUDof oartaft!i8, " .....1aD4a ..sUI, Making Use of "Luck.''' eUm&Ie, 101" _ .. . . . . aaboolll ~d ollaar 1_ _ .... ..... -....,.. form trembled. - There ."'& m~ WllttlrDemJnglr.a1uwu We don't deny \hat iome men are u..... _ • ._ mant's slJ e~ ce. woman ahrlDldllc awa, from him .. ·"lucky," bilt at tb, lam, .tt~e dl4 YQII "Believe me, gentlemen," ehe beP,D, thourb abe faare4 he .. . . cruacl. I ,TO DII CON'l'INUED.) ever DoUce what a · ·remarkable aptt! falteringly , "If there Ie any .~.raud, _ any {'What" tp" uked . the aINIrur. ' ' . : '. ": . '.. ' . ,. tude: tbey dillpla, In ' taktD& . adYaDt· . conaplracy. 1 haTe borne DO conaclouall.ternb': '. " . .: . . .. TbOuIbta .re ~.t.htap tIiII& _ . ~, part In It.. Mr, Hawley cam,' .to,me , 8loWI7 Wale. .~ ~~ . ' 1nlD.a·.~,-,"k .~* are of a1J tlie~? " 't he "luck" . that' ,betaUt

a he:wlly ll1lllt mall w<'lIr Ing II br(lwn LJI"H(\ , clo~('I )' t rimmed . " "O l l ' t! h" !tor lI('knowl edlle II." W a lt .. snRl'ped uul . with II Quirk glollce Ilt th e nf'WI·omer. " It ..... 111 make It all the !'asle r fOI' you . I lell ~· ou t bls Is Ih e Khcrlrf. and we've gOl you both dfmd to rIghts." "Hut," she urgtld. "Why s h ou ld I be arr{'sted~ I bave d Olle nothing." " \'o u ' ro an ,,<iv e nturt'~8 - n damn advenluresa ·- Hawley's mlstrelill. prot>ably - a - " "Now. see b l'r. , Walle," a nd PaIr' baln sw ung hlmsf'lr forward. "you drop that. Miss Mllclalre Is m)' (rlend, and If you say a nother word I'll IImasb you. s heriff or no IIherl ll." Waite gl'Hed al. hi m. "Y ou old fool," he snorted, .. ..,ba.t hav e you got to do \\' \lh tbls '!" ''I've got t his to do "'Ith, you'lI nnd - t he woman I, to be trealed 'wlth reIl peot . or I'll blow your dRmned ottetl nate bead off." Tbe s heriff laid bls band OD Walle'l Mhould er. "Come," b e said , nrml)" "tbl. II no way to ,et at It. We want 10 Imow certain tlctS. and t b.n we can prooeed lawfully. iAJt me Queatlon U1e woman," The two old.r men stili raced one another bellIgerelltly, but Keith 8IIW Chris ti. draw the doctor back rrom be tw een her and t h e s b e rill.


\ \'"11,, . II lId

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r:! ...............

---FU RS

Make the Liver Do ·its Duty .



Stop That Backache

DR. DERBY'S KIDNEY PILLS 25 and 50 Cents

The Derby Medicine --,




he" ct h












S t ;t t ~


Bobby's Education. Under ~unt" Tutelage. Afterw;ari;l Proceehd Under Clitterent Llnu.(t7

With God

IntMrsting- Stury of What Jim Nolli e and His Churn Learned About Jud gin~ Hogs Whil e On a Visit To the State University, {By C. S . "I\II 11h. CuJI,·g .. "r Agrli·nllllrC' . Ohio


Address de\i\'ered III Kowick Convention by Rev. F S. Webster, on P;;alm I W

( nlY"rs llY I

From New England Wom.en

Ml sa TJI\JUIPSlJll. whuse forlll nattlre bas elldu wed wi t h o l].[oo·l\m "Ie cun·es. wa M giving Iter litt le n ep ll ew a l.. a~ulI In ~ lJelllllK 111 .. other day . li o ' ball ~J ' l'l t h ·... be. aud u-P. be. and n ow sh u Wllo trylllg to get iJim to t .. 11 I bl' r wllil l lII ·e. I' ve lt. ' " LI .I', n. l1olJb y." s he said e"· Iy . TII"n <"i0 111"' 1: ber lip s she I)ro ' nOIlIlI'ed tI le SO Ulid of a Inng III. and op(' lIllIg t belli . t he soun t! or a lOOK e. " Wunt ,i<.lPS tbat Hlle ll?" '"llolJIJy louked al her an ,l shooll bls b en d. Again ~ h e tried. and tl1l s time. wh ile p ro uo un d ng the sou nd s. she vlg· oro usly tapped her own rutund c:hest with be r plll lllP forefln!l:er. "Mmum. pe , Whal letter!! am I 80Y ' In&: Bnd wh at do tbey spell '!"' she ask ed. sti ll vll;orollsly tspplng ber chest. " 1 don't kno w what thl' I('ttera are." rppli cd B ub by' ",akltlng I he plump forf'fillgpr. " l",t I glle_s they spell

Prove that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.pound Does Restore the Health of Ailing Women. lJoRton, Mass.-"I '~ as p"'''l;lng thr ou~ h the Chang" of Lite and flulTered frulo heJUorrbagcR(H<l llltlti lll t'1I Instin,?" '" r w<'e\,.l. IlnJ 1'0\11 0.1 g<'t l1oU,;n" to chl'ck tli<'fD. I b el<lln taking Lydia 1:. l'i nkh'Llu's Veg,·t.ahle COI:I1po und (tahlet form) on 'I'ui'sdIlY. and the foll ow inlS Haturuay morn ; nil' th e hem· orrhages stopped. I taken them r<,gnlluly ever .. inee aud am steadily !r/Lining. "I Cf'rtainly thInk that Il"~ry one who III troul,led aq I was should give yonr Compollud TIlhld8 l\ faithflll tril\l. and they wi ll llnd reli ef. "-Mra. "ao&Q" JUDY, 802 ~' ifth Street. oo uth ,uuston, MaliS.

HI-: IPacblllg ur thl8 p~alm Is Ib a t a ll our aecret II1OU!;Uts nr e Sl,rell rt before tbe Lord Ilk,! an op.. n ~l bou lr. Rnd ttl~re 18 nOl Ii Ph 'Dnlx, R.I.-' ·I worked ste o.dy ill the mill from the time 1 was 1~ Yf'ara puge II Idden froru 111m : old untIl I h ad bccn Ulurri cd 0. yenr, and I th ink th llt cauMld my bad toolar t; )'Oll glat! It tM 80. or doe8 tile ings. I ha.rl SO ren ess III my siole ncar m y I"ft hlp thllt went aro llod t.o my knowl euge of Goo 's Ilenctrall11g eye back, and 8olllctimt·s I wuuhl have to Ii., 10 bed for two or three days. I ' till YOII wltb rlls cornfort a nd a ta rm'! 1I>o.a not ab ie to do my IItIlIK"",ork. Tbe psalmist ws s nut arrald of .. Lytlia E. }'inkham·.. V"gl'lllble Compound ha~ hclpt!'ft me wonderfully In God 's know ledge 01 111m. li e opent! every way. You moy \l ~e my Idter Cu r the gl)ull o f other... I am only too glad to clo Iln\·thinlj" within my puwer io recommend your madiclne."-MrIL tbls I,salm by dwe lling uJlon It ; tie JULIA. lUNa, DOI 21l2, J'h ccnix. 1l.1. do .e" by returning to llle 6HlIIe trutn. and 1I11' ltlng Uod t(J Ina ke specHIl Jo'Il1." Heorr' b UJJd IU ~ I' ect Ion 01 sll 1118 tn · Willimantic, Conn.-" For five ycarq I suffered untold agony from f~male mOHt lJ elng. 111l.ltl was not utrallJ. or OF' COURSE . troubles causing bllcknc h ••• irregularitIes. di7.zine88, and n ervous pro Ktra' till" ijcrullny. DeClIlI Re bl" wbol " lJearl tion. H was Impo8>1ililo fu r m e t.o walk up stairs without stopping 011 the WB S set upon bellig right wi th t;o<1. way. I WIlS all run uown in every ""Ily. The s upreme Imporlance. t.he abs()"I tried t hree d uch)rs and each told me 80methinlf dlfferpnt. I rect' I"elt lute necess ity. ul lJplng right WIIIJ DO ncfit from allY or th e m but seemed to Buffer more. The last doctor God .- We I1nd tills llll y IlI us· said it was n o u se for rue to take anything as nothing would restoro me to hellith So I bel<an taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound tra l ed In 1 Sam . · ~ :fi. "And " '111'11 tile to see what it would do, and by taking !lCven bottica of the Compo uud a.nd ark or Lbe 'ovellDnt of the Lont oth er tr" lltllleut Y')II adYised, I am restored to my natural healtb."-Mrll. carne Into tbe camll. a ll israel sbou te<l EnA DONOVAN, 762 Malll Street, Wlllimantlc, Conn. wltb a IIreat l!buut. IlO Lbat tbe earUl nUll: again." Tbere ",as tremen<1ouM enthusiasm In tb e shout. Tbe bonor Augusta. Me.-"Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured ~h. or the people WI\S (ollclled. Tbey bad backache, head ache, and the bo.d pllin I bad in my right side, and 1 am !l ulTered a del eat. their palrtotism ,,'as perfec tly welL"-Mrs. WnUlELD DANA, R,1o'.D. No.2, Augusta, Mo. I1red, th ey were tlgbtlng for tllelr 1l0meB and tbelr fatb~rl n nd . a nd tb el r religious feelings were dp.eply Btlrred . Newport. Vt.-" 1 thank you for the great benedt Lydia E. Pinkham's When Ille y 8nw tbe ork come IntO Vegetable Compound has done m e. I took elgbt botU.,!! and It did wonders their midijt I hey mulle cerUlln Ul8.t for me. as I "'1111 a n ervous wreck when I began taking It. I Illall always tind WIlS wltb th e m. speal: a good word for It to my friend.&. "-Mra. JOIDI A. TaOlU'BON, Hax '. Newport Center, Vermont. The ark IV Il8 rull or sl\cred melDorles. It hnd wroughl wondrous ylC~AW.IJtortes . L!e lIJ re Il Ibe wa t er or Jord8D Mr. Sioc k son noodl!-~oah W:lJi a Bethlehem, N.U.-" Dy working very bard, sweeping carpete, washiq, had tail ed. uu d Lb e wa ll8 of Jerlcbo wonderful financi e r . Irouinll, lifting h eavy bll.6ket.s of clothes, etc., I got all run down. 1 w . . li nd loLlen duwn . So tIley made s u re Mr. DU Btln Stax - llow so? .Iok in b ed every montb. that tiod was with Lbem. and lbe.v Mr. Stockson flonds-H e floRted a .. This iast Spring my mother ~t Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ComBbouted with Buell 8 s hout Lbat tnlt stock compo.ny whl'll everybody e ls e pound for me, and all -ry I fee l like Ilnother girl. I am regular and do lIearls or tbelr enewles were 1111e4 was torced loto In vo luntary J\qulda.not have the pains that I did, and do not have t.o go to bed. 1 will tell all wltll dismay. my triendR what the Compound is doing for me."-Mill8 GBAOIK D. DoDD" Uon. Wbat came of It ail? No thing out Box 133, Bethlehem, N.H. disaster! Tbe Pblilstlnes trtumI1llelL May Be PI"n. of Famous Ship. }'or 30 years Lydia E . Pinkham's Vegetable 'l' b e ark was ca ptured. and tbe reaBOD Grent Inlerest has bee n aroused In Compound bas becn the standard remed~' forfewas not far 10 sl'ek- l:Jopbnl and A list rail a of tll e dl Rc overy of 80me old m a le illa. No one 81ck with woman's ailments l'blnehlls were with the ark. ablps' plans. believed to be those or does jmtlce to bersclf who will DOt try this faHow could tb e re he vlctlilry tn tile the barque Endeavor in which CaptaIn mous medicine, made from roots and berbs, It open fleld wb e n in lbe courts of tile (;{)ok dlscoverl!d Australia, which are bas restored so many sufferinlr women to bealth. Lord's house there W!\B open sln·t 'l'be now In the poss l'ss lon of tbe AustraWrite to LYDIA E.PINKJUlI MEDICINE CO. poople wero not right with lOot!. and laslau Plonpers' c lub. Tho plans htlve (CON1'lDE~TLAL ) LYNN, MA!,S., for advice. our letter will be opened, read aDd an8wered PO tb e ark COllld oot s ave them . They a pparentl y bee11 In Sy(lney ror a long by a woman and beld in strict confidence. were not an%IOU8, Ul ey were not pre- lime. They belonged to M ... Cum· pared to get rlglll with Uod Tiley mln gs. a bls cl,smlt h. who r ecei ved were nIJt a11]( loU 8 to lind tiod's solu- them and othl!r cbarls and dlngrams tion of tbelr trollble. ror 111m to sllow from a. Mr. KorlT. n nav a l conlrartor. them what was wrong. said to be d ()sce nd ed from a sblp. Tbey tbougbt tbey would force tbe l\"fight who sailed with Captain Cook . band of GOd. Ther sajd: "Ir we get the lIrk InlU our midst. God Is sure to light ror u s and to give us lbe vl ~­ BABY'S HAIIR ALL CAME' OUT tory ." They tII ought tll e y would Sloan 's Liniment is gpod for pain of ompe l God to g iv e tll e m lhe victory, "When my first baby was six month. any sort It penctratcs, without rubbing, a lthough thpy hud not bumbled them- old he broko out on bls head wltb little throu gh the musc ular ti ssue right to the selves 10 give him the glory . bumps. Tbey would dry up and l eav e bone-relieves the congestion and gives Dut t hey we re mtstaken. Ood IB • a Beale. Then It wouid break out permanent as well as temporary relief. boly God . H e will uOl allow Ills boll- again and It spread all over bl s bead . neSB to su!i'er one single tal11t 0 1 dIs· All the balr I~ ame out and his head Here's Proof. bonor. So be Hllowed tbe ark to be was scaly all ov e r. The n his fllce A.. 'v. LAY of Lafayette, Ala., wrltes:('apwred ra th er tb a n support the peo- broke ou t all over In red bumps and .. 1 hlld rheurr:atis llI fur five yean. I tried doctors and several different remedies but ple who were h arbor illi sin aud bid · It kept spreading until It was on hiS , they did not help me_ I obtained a bottle Ilig Iniquity in lb elr be nrls. Hecause handa and arms. I bought seve ral of Sioao's Liniment whic.h did me so much th ey we r o not Willing 10 be rlgbt wlUl b oxes ot ointment. gave him blood good thaI J would not do without it tiud . tbe ark cO llld not h elp lbem. medicIne. and had two doctors to treat for ;anylhing." The ark would soon bave overcome bim. but he I~ot "t0rse all tbe t ime. TIIOMAS L. RICK of Easton, Pa., tbe Phlllstlne 8. II HOllhni Dud Ptllne- He had It ab,out six months wben a writes: "I have used Sloan's Linthas ane! the e ld ers of Isme l Ilad bee n frlond told me about Cutlcura. I sent Dl en! and fi nd it first-class for rheuovercome by It themselves. God's and got Il bot tlo or Cutlc ura Res olve nt, matic p:1lns:' Mr. G.G. JONKsofBaldwins, L.Y., arm Is not shortened; llut U YOII bave &. cske of Culicura Soap and a bol': or _ wi!tea,- "'l have found Sloari's Lincome hop ing lO steal a bl ess ing wltb- Cutlcura Ointment. )n tbree days iment par esceDence. I have used it for lJroken sinewa aboye the knee alit mounting th e s te.,p (lath or per- after u s ing t.hem be begau to Imcap cau~~ by a fall, "nd to my great sa tis{a~tio n 1 ""u able .to reaume lIons l r e pentan ce Of deep cOllvlclton or prove. He b ega n to tuko long mips· my duties In less than three weeks aite, the aG(;ldent." sin. or whole·lleal"ted surre nd er to and to atop 8cratchlng hI s bead. Aller God . tb en you ure absollll(>ly mlstak· taking two b ottles or Reso Lve nt. lwo 1Ill. O:lCB or Ointme nt and three cake.. or Proba bly some fir ttiP. peoJlte Raid : Soap be was SOllnd and we ll . and never "O h yes. tbe dny of tbe ark Is over;" bad IIny brealdng out ot ary kind . His and some 8ay now tbat tb e ·day ot tbe bah' came out In lillie cllrls nil ov er old·ra s hL onell OU811cl I ~ over. It Is n ot bl s hea d. I don't think anything ol se BO. Tb e cross ne " e r loseR Its powe r . would have cured him except CuUbut you can ne utralize tb e grn ce or cura. God Ir you lire not wllllllg to &:e t "I haye bo u ght ClltiCllra Ointment right willi blm . tr YOli will cast yourse lr u pon tltm. and Cuticllra S oa p several llm e~ since f'xp oc llng !Jim t o suve. to cl"ll nsl'. alld to u se for cub, and 80re8 Bnd bavli n ever known tbem to luil to cu re whnt IS an excell e nt re m edy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, a,sthma. to kee p -su thoroughly eXllcctlllg I put tbem 011. Cuti e nrn Soap is the No ru bbing n ecessary - you can apply with brush. him that If YOII rllil It will be It nlat· AI all dealers. Prloe, 2110., 1100. & $'.00. ter. not only of shame. bllt o t surprise. best that I have eve r u sed for t.oll e t Sioan's Book on lI orses. Callie. Sheep and Poultry sent free. Address because your eyes nre on J es us. He pur)X ·es." (Signed) Mrs. F . E . Ha I Dr. EAR.L S SLOAN BOSTON. ha s und e rt ake n alld you IHe t ruSti ng- mon. R. F . D. 2, Atoka. Tenn .. sept'.' , t If YO Il get Into 11,'1 altitude 01 lalLll. 10. 1910. AltbOllgh CuliclIra Soap and tben tbe beallng und tbe el pIHls ing OIntme nt are sold everywhere. a sam. , come, Bnd tbe keepluv. is maintained. pie or each, wltb 32 pago boOlc:. will . - .CANNING FACTORIES FOR s~ Rnd the Il eart Is· pur ll"··(!. Then I.l1er8 b e mailed free on application to Cull · Onti me.lIerccntoC nck.orcuh. is nothing '" cowmon " o r IlDl·It' ali ablHll r um'" Dept L Boston 1661 ... ",. Forf..... , • . tiesarTowal.Mnkoyou l30toS300 ... h" •• ,. your life : tt Is all s auc llllelJ. lind YOII • dny . Write (or Fr"" Booklet. ItdmunWD . !':\'ery Bma ll ~At stroke ot "I rtlle or TUOS. H. BKOWN, Spriqhld,. , are right vdt b God. ;011 I\ n " \\" ~ nil !ts n ever so lill ie scnr . ::--==~ .--.-:__ , I rlr vic,> louves about yOIl. Rod love ~ ynll In HllI l"lt or ProfeRso r JOIn es. W. N. U., CINCtNNATI. NO. 5-1912. ; all he kuow>I.- Lnndon C hrl~tl :l ll .


Letter from Mrs. Julia King, Phrenlx, R.I.

Letter from Mrs. Etta Donovan,WllIlmantlc, Conn.

Jim eat Oft the top board of the b.,nyard fene • • 10l1g with hi. chum.

Letter from Mrs. Winfield Dana. Augusta, Me.

JIIII Noble was the son of a Clarke : lu mllll R on Saturday to visil the county fanner. At t he age of 14 he ' Ag ricultlJl"lll ('olloge to "tee Ih .. live ente red lhe [ownHhlp high school. 1I f' I stock. nlld ('on~ "lI t \\'11 " r('atlll .,· ;;iven. W<l S large for hl ~ ytJIlr~. hnd r ell hall'. ' Th ~y aiso urranged .wlth :o.f r. W\l>lOn, a freckled face. IInu wh e n he ~ mlled t.he lr teachl'r. to wrIte 10 tile lill ve r· h I ,, \ty aboul their goInG: O\" PI" (I n Salur14 o~ed a flne sot of white t<!e lh . II.e ,lay . On Thurs day Mr. \\" i l ~o ll redldn t like lo ~tudY-fiome hoys dOll I . celvod thl ll It 'l(p r : - but be had a lI ew eXIIPrience in th is '"Dear Mr. \\"l\ soll- I shall he home hi g h IIchool. The prillcipal had lu' on Saturdn y a nd will b p. vlellRPd tn teres ted the pupil s In farmill/;. It " ~ ho\V the bors Ihe live stocle \ .... 0 are gave tltem dally tal ks all farlll 11\tlllt 8 ulwuYK glad 10 set! young pr'l)lJle at Ilnd animals. on th e Hoil und other I rh e Ulllver"lt)'. espeda ll y II' Ihey I\re lhl111;8 Important to rural lite. lie h ll d I Inte rested In Ins titutions lik e OUTII. Interestnd lhe farmers or Ill .. ' luwn· You say these boys wish In parti c ular s hip In hi s work. At hid BlI ggCSl. lon' l· to aea th e hogs. 80 I will m oel th e m mauy ot the lar ge r boys "rew Bmall at the bog barn at abo ut lU o·cl ock. Holds o[ potatoes or corn . to " llIoly th e , Cordia lly you r s. . S. PLl1l\1H.'" crop and th e cost. or produ cin g It. The I Sa t urday morn ing found Jim Rnd youngsteTli we ro keen in weir' inll'resl Luk e w!l lkln g LIP lhe N e ll Avenuo Unt· tn tbls. They ulso kep l th eI r ruthprR verslty drive just as the hand ot the pretl)' "'-o il stirre d up on lhe Bulljc('ls c lock on University Hall WB S )lOinllng of seedtime and Imrvesl. Surely this at 10; aUd. as Mr. Wllaon had dire cted. wnll no ordinary high Hchool. , thpy turned 01'1' nell r Hot·t l ultmal Hall Jim ihved th e rarlll. I l ls rllther an d went down to a wood n barn o wned . two hundre d aereR ot choice which thoy s aw a short di s ta n c p be· lnnd. Mr. Noble grew c9rn and oalR fore them . There lh e y fOllnd the pro· and clove r. Jie IIlso fed bOg ~ and ressor. H e ga ve tbem a friendly Bteers. HIl WR8 JUSl an o rdinAry fAI.m - 1greeting and at once begall to lI how er and hadn't thought mil ch ahOlll n ew' th e m about. The basement 1\' 1111 used ""sys. But this ne w teac her set JIIII exc lullively ror hogs. and t he re we re

Letter from Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Newport, Vt.


Letter from Miss Grace Dodds, Bethlehem, N.H.




Rheumatic Pains quickly relieved




This hOg has a shoTt n'ose a nd hi, . . TI stand erect.



10 thinl(lng; then the boy began to ' many pena nnd yar!!!! wlt ll pigs In h is fath er questions. I)'hese were , lhem ell about tbe building. flbout corn and hogs an d mallY other l One big blllck boar \VIIS driv en .from thlngA. .JIm WaH getting Inte r es tet! . his house Into the yard. wher e t.he aod DO were the rest of the family . ! boys co uld see him. "That,"' saicl the One beautiful April day Jim salon proFesl!or, "Ia a Berksbire. Notice that tile tOll board of th e barnyard fe lice. I he Is all black except for a lillie while •dollg \\ Ith hi B ch um. Luke Story. The I on hl~ legs, hi s face, nnd tall. Those :\ob\e r:o. nd .Story farms joilled and t.he I ar e wbat are called 'six w~lte points.' two boys wenl t.o school togoth('1" . t hou gh all Derkshlres do nut have They were lOOk ing at a bunch of hog:; th e m. They usually have some wh lta In the · Yllrd. Mr. Nobl e bou g ht up 011 the tacl'. but sometimeH a leg or YOUllg ' plgs In the ne ighborhood at t wo or. tile tail may be all black. You we!Lnl"ng ·time and fattelled them 0 11 will notlco, ,boys. t hat Ihis hog has a corn. He would buy a nything In the shor t Ilose a nd that bl s ea r s stan d pi g line tbat WI.IS heH lthy . erect. You cnn ulll'aYfl t l' lI [I Derl,Willie Jim and Luke wtre lookin g shi re by these colora and tbal Idnd of a.t tli e pigs. the Ill tter 8Hlr\. "Jim. bead and ears." · \\'Il,9.t·d you . ~hlnk of Mr. Wllson's "Now here In thIs yard III anoth e r IItory 'bOUI those different klndg o· Illg thnt Is ve ry different trom the pigs over 't. the State University? H e Be rkshire . That .lIs a Duroc.J e rs e y Bays tboy ke ep fiome hogs th ore ror Y ' • bac:on And some for Inrd. H e ~ay~ ou see that t his sow is all red In farm e rs oug ht to k eep hogll of the s aml' color. Some are u Hg ht san dy red a nll type-whatever that means- t.hat otbers are u dark cherry red. Hnd . st ill .lIorn e pl~l kill ont better'n othe r s. He others are a modlum b etwee n the two. ImoWR. for he u Hed to_be a stud e nt Thlt! last shado Is tbe most popular. ~ve\" th ere." "Well." suld JIm , ''I'v e You willuotlce that the uos e nn t! face l1ad a sl)ellkht' notion for Borne tinw of this Duroc·Jersey Is longe l' a nd father wllsn't fcedln' Quite th e ~t llff s traighter than I.qe Berlnihll·e·~ . Some . ' he 'ollght to. Those pigs don't look of t hese r ed hogs bav'3 nOBOS U8 mil c h r. .rlght to rue.· Th e r e.'s r ecl pigs u nd \00 lon g as some Derksh rre's are too white ones lind: bluek onep :Inti long I s hort. This nose IB. llbout right .or the 5no)1t8 on sume and long leg~ on breed. The ear or Iho Duroc-J e rse, others. We know that farmer'R don't droops over Instead or standing up. Jj watrt . J:ed. nnd yellow and white corn. it wer e just ·rlght It would Btand liP O!; ~hort ears Bnd .Iong e al's In the from tbe hllad about two.t hird s Its . I d" le n"th poln Ing· f d d I slime oa . .. . , onvar • IlU t len th "Jim," said Luke, "let's do some· upper third or tip would bend or break tb~ng-It!Jt's go over to Colu nibutl 011 ovor. That Is W~llt Is called a fancy Saturday Ilnd see tile Agrlc.ul1urlll Col· poJnt with a breed. These things ot lege and the hOgs ' they · breed. Mr. color, and Shape .of bead, and llosltlon \\'llson told me they bred' the yery a nd kind of i!ar, Important in beat andwdll flne prlEeE ,w ith tbem at 'descfiblng breed ...' . tbe"blg )l'~t-bnat!oilal Ih'lI ~atbCk Bhows, "I've 8een ..aom~ of' 'that kind near 'It Cblc!lgo." "All rlgh~; I'm WIUl our bome," said Jt.I Ii., !'1II.r.I,!h"Aoll b oll 1011," ~I .J~m. ·:~t. ger Mr, WH- somt~~d 80 bas ,Will, Nlle.-:r-Father _ . I 8 OVAlr. ~'t.h, )J'Ofeillio! .,bo il-; r~n~ 8~8, ptp"~O.i ~. , wIth' II¥'"C~ ,of lb•.. ~ lIe 1I,!1l ' I ,O.lD~ re~ O~81 '8m_on* thl~f~ll~ :/.lm. . {, w~!l):ilio"w,Tbem·.(Ou,," .' .... \:; ~ , 0 tJll~ ha.v.~ OONt4"'bli 1I~~''of





144 BU- -I-0 Ih'-e·-A---cra

r.:r'.eo......,. !

At the End. Wh;at? We are go ing to be tbro ugh (h is life tlefora vrory Ion);. Tht! long"'l life ls short when It Is over: nny Ilrne Is sbprt wh e n It i!< done. Th e gatl'S of time will sw lt'g to bellln .1 YO Il lJ ' lore long . TheY will awing to ue blnt! surne of UB ~oon . but beblnd MI ul liS IJelore long. And then tbe I nlllOi"llln I tbln~ will no t be wbat appo lnt lUents \\"e tHlll. or wbat raull. or an Y'.h ing or Ibut Bort-Dot wbat men lhollg lJl of US. bUl what be th ought of u ~. and w bether ' we w n r~ buill Into bl s t{ln v(lo lD .






'i '

~~tW~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~

•• ,,' . '



Divine Thought. . The buman m fnd Is made to be 11' radiated wltIl the dlvtliti t!lougbt. lUI the . dlamon!l _ t. lI!adefor, ' tbe light. The I ceDu:.a1 ,·forc~a t~ti out IIVN' -ar. . .thitM .thoqabta 8D~ wbifl~• ."~d· P~r'


, ~~ ' b0611 ~b. bO/. tO~4 ~eU: _~ ~,.m::~


And It. Bt tbe end o f , it nil. we emerge from IIfe's work fwd dls ("tp llne. crow11ed so uls. al bome or anywhere In God's universe. life ,'.111 be a BUCcess.-Prot. B. P. Bowne.

are' TarT






oUia--R.,.... , Wa.l. GIad~ .

~~~~~~ . . '

A Poor Weak Woman

A s she is t~ed, "ill endure bravel}" and PIltiently e gonies "hi.. h • atrone mlln would give "ay under. The faot i. ""omen are more patieot thllJl they ought to be under luch troubles. Every W(1.nan ought to kno .... that .be may obtain the most e~perieoced medioal .dvice fr6' Df chart' and in ab~Di.14 CD_/idnte, and privaoy by writing to t~e World'. Dispen!ary Medical Association, R_ V. Plcrce, M. D•• PreSIdent, Duffalo, N. Y_ Dr. Pierco , 1138 been no"lief consulling ph)'llician of the Invalids' Hotel and :5urgionllnstitute, of Duffolo, N. Y.; for many Yetln and bOI had • wider pl"1loticlll experience in.the t~'lDeot oCwomen'. di.""sc8 thon .ny other physicilUl in tbis country. Hw medlolaes .... "orld.famou. for their astonishint efficaoy. 'J1a. moat perfeot remedy eyer cJevtied for wed: IUId deS.. cea. WOlDeD i. Dr. Pierce'. F.Yorite Pr...eriptiolla




Tbe tand symptom. of wom.n'. peouliar ailments are fnIly Nt 101D. l.;, i"Iain Batli.h in the P~le', Mediod Advil4lr (lOO8 ""l1li), • I>Cwly revi~ ~l. .to-date Bditioa of whlob, olotb-~d, will be mailed /r.. OD recwup , to pay _ t 01 _:111m, ..",. Addie.... above.



', --..t .tam.,.


., f,





"fred's Cash Producing Sale a Great Success" : :~


Thousands of customers have taken ad~Tantage of the unprecedented values. They came, they were convinced, they bought, they returned and brought their ~[J friends and bought more. And February in,s tead of being the dullest month of ~lj~ the year was more like the week before Christmas. N ow for ~;i~




~~~~~~ ~~g~~


:::::: :~::;

, To clean up all the odds and end" and broken 10t8 left from this big sale, we will continue to sell everything in every department at the same Cash Producing Sale Prices until Feb. 29th inclusive. We make still further ap.d greater sacrifices on Overcoats. Suits, Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks and Tailored Suits.

Note tbe Prices Commencing february · 16th, Continuing Until february 29tb Inclusive.'


'6 .95




Unrestricted Choice of $25, $22.50 and 20 8uib or Overcoats Clean Sweep Sale Price.

Unrestricted Choice Unrestricted Choice of$18,16.50, 15, and of $12.50 and $10 $13.50Suits or Over- Suits or Over1coats. coats. Clean Sweep Clean Sweep Sale Pr·ce. Sale Price



eam Producing Sale _ PricesonFumlture,

RuPt CblD'., StOYel and In nery De-

9.95 · Choice •••••• . B. 95



Unrestricted Choice Unrestricted Choice " Ladies' and Milsea' Ladies' and Mines' Cloaks. Values up Cloaks. Values up to to $25. Clean Sweep $12.50. Clean Swttep Sale Price Sale Price



fZ)t¢d's . eo·Op¢)tatiu~ L~banon,




____________________ ____________, ~


• • COUNTY COURT NEWS • • Claodle _._



- -


N w Sultl


J. WllllarD Wbite tlledlluihgainl' aaoob 'Bainell and ' Maad aalDdefeDd. .. tor an iDJ~CUOD to force thei 0 in aDte &0 08. . . uper~"nl apr: pe aD aUey a' 'be re:'r. of hll pr.perty 'bu obeb~IDI IDlr ... and Ilr '" '0 Ill8 property 10 WaYD88vloe. for .......4011a.d IviollareaUorneys pJabltUf. oit a alDlt .&c.a Qulltley filed II bae~rd Joba .,. . .rald ohargial ,. Demu Qu,aery aDd Lewis Gut. &e of An ~, ~to... of 'be III" • drew Qu'ter,. deoeaHd, filed IIOU . .as Ne"le Salting. Demll8 GaU.ry.' 1101 uklng tbat tbe, be permitted to cleUnr to C, ~, Rspp a deeclln fee Ilmple tor realM,,'e io. o1 -.I I' 0 Chri·1 I. e a tt orney for platD'Uf.

.V\&. .,

ComnOll Plea Court. In 'be 0d0 of lIal'1 V , WUlon V3 8, B. Woodward It w... sbown tba' 'b. a.eaded petl&ton w.a 10llt aDd rdend that 00 y be eob" wu 0 a p .titated for'bwltb. . OIaal'l. lIoGee ohanged bie plea of oS -11- kI 'h' floUt, kI o .....J • 0 . bnl'llal'1 and w. . .eatenoed to 10 da,. Imprleonment 10 .be ooaD',


Th. 4nr tn 'he oaee of Lydia L ,



1'1'110" n. WllllalD C Dodd find8" .8I4let f01' 'b. plalDtltr aad . . . . . . the UDoua' doe plaiotttr a' ~. 50. .' IIcKIDllY Dnambeller aDd Her. ~ua ManbaU " . . ..D_oed to 20 ~ ~. . .a MOh ill tile oooD',. ~ pl.uoa plUy to petI, " ......,. - Tbe ooan napeD4ecl tile ' ~• • dVtq .~ beIl!.tOl'.. '.



.~ ~. ,...~ ..ftlfti4 {






E , Surface, bellefiOlary, torlee l'be Lehano!_ National Ballkj He Won't Ut\tp Now W. HENDERSON, M•. • "atbew 1'018"deoeaeed, Jacob .11011, and ,Tbe Citizens Ndi\)nal Bank for I' No more 11m In f r 'r II ' , deMaled, Laur" A N.wport, de. tbfl montlh of J~noary were audited lot Coohran, Ga~ '~I ~ad ~~ : : : Waynesville, Ohl.. the tbe OSI8 ot Raymond Conover oeased. Battie E, Stephens, deceat'l8d, and toollid *0 be oorraot, on my IDBtep that nothinl Hemed 'n, Walter Conover e& al w.s 000. Roward E , Bonta, minor, Benj.mln The flnanoi,,1 lltatemente of 'be to bel·p tm I aae.1 Buoklen 'l Arnica Vall., PboaelS . . . . &tntt firmed and tbe prooee"l1 divided. B. PhtlliplI imbeolle, JODatban auditor and tre&llllrer sbowiDg the aalve," bewrttel, "ht &la16 wonder. ~_~::;;_:;;;;;;=====;; ' D_ '--I d d tol healer 1000 oored me" Beal.... Laura Jaoklon Fink withdrew ber White, deooliaed, Andrew ...trd, de. ' -- anoe In eaoh fun an 8OO01lnt at old, ranniDg soree, aloere, bon., BATRAWAY petl&lon tor divorce 'from Loaill R . 08alled , the belinnintr of tbe mODth were bq,rql, ODM, braille., eczema or • .l 'lnk claiming to bave no evidenoe Marrilp I.Icea-. pr.l\.n&8l~ and ordered placed on file. pites. Try 1$. Ouly 250 at all drag Wfl.Y0eeriUo'. LeM'n,. DeIdI. alaine' blm to lubstantiate her George A Moant 21 carpenter A ooDtraot WM made alld etltered ~iltll, --Omoe ill Kayll 81d, "ala 8 charges. Jof Morrow ~ud Bel;n Conover Into wi&h 6eorge Zecber for ap , I f hO i . , b · brl t d' i I D the oalle 0 t e ewey BrOil. 25, fliotory employee of Jlalnevtlle. proao 811 "" ge an ma or ft Co, n, Chinlea H Morton the dl'l. M. A Jamellon, J. P, named to per. neaf Zeoher 'lud ,Nicbol farme In fenda.t ofter. to oonfe_ jodgmllo' form oeremony. West Ttllrtlecreek townlhlp as 'he ~ for tbe amt1lnt of ..700 on aooollnt l8eao C. Boyd, 27, merobant of 8IItimaSe '5,10. . ~ of tbe amount ollllmed by plaintU! . Grn ily V,~ and Ethel G Brown Bills-I'rank Btok88, oontraot. I I n tbe oaso of Jobn H. Doll et 1101 17, ~,.R"! ,· ' , IS4.65. Dan W . D d,oon t raot. Havibl re!l ted my f • auction, on ,th. farm on the Ij.elanc! . Rev . .J. W , Willbankll omior arm I' wdl offer at pubbc Tbe Uoknowu Belre of A.lexander nnm'l'd to perform ceremony. 150. Oregonia Brldge 00 ,GOD'ract. Spnnl Valle,. and Pai~tenville pike. lix millllllOuth of Xenia. Ball. deoeat!ed the oourt I'U\88 that '13290, JOSiah HolbrOOk, keeping and four mll .. east of Sprintr Vallf')'. on 'be pllilntiffs be given right to pOSe Re.a EBtaIe Transfers. up lode]tea to land, 18010. R . B 11811110n of property. J()bn Breen by bill exeout~r to;J. Srnl~b, IOJ~I, U340. A, a b f f i t t , ' , Prob t Co F. ISherwood, lot in Fort Anolent , $1 burllli of Mra. M. Liddy, 17[;. Lin At 9 'I k th f II I nal. ., W II I ae II rt. and otber oonsiderations. go & Blair mdHe foreberilf 11435 0 C oc, e 0 ow nl pel'110 property, . . AI en, Cexeoutor of the elle Co Mist " InK' ' 0 f 2 D raft Marea \,IT III {/lm M088 et a 1 by sb ef!'ff to Fraok Forgy serving grliDd jury tau of ~arab , Allen. deceaBed , David Wailier foor trtlot!! in oOllnty . 1129 ~2 B d d I 8 old. one i. foal; 1 fly': IlI.s bill first and final acoount. ' . ,venires, .. ou an wat! I · year-old Draft Mare-all excellent brood mares' 1 twe.7.r-old Draft Demaa Gnttery and Lewil C Gilt- '507927 . , lng for prisoners 1216.86, J . B. Mare, 1 yearly Draft Filly, a Draft Coltscominar .~e year old 1 ...... of . An. Esrl G. Wilson to Milry Rlohmond W 00 d Wllor d • senlCes . ' 1 well broken Ma re M I · -..tory .xec1ltorll of tbe estate 01 . on b IIr1B oom. u es. drew Gottery deoeal!l8d filed bill Wilson, lot in Morrow, n. love aDd mlttee, II. W. H . .t(obinson, 8er· Thorou2hbred Shorthorn.. All femal.~. IDven'ory and 'appraiBem~nt Blile stl'eotlOn . vioes 00 borlal oommittee, 11. H 'f 2 H 'f C I IS Con. ~me with youna calvee b,. aide; S ,.earllna " f d d. LewIs 0 , Ken to Mary Franolll •_ • el era, el er ave., 6 yearhn2 Steere, 4 Steer Calv.. ii proper~y Willi or ere y tbe Bone, lot In Lebauon, 11150 28 Ew. bred to lamb In coort. ' WUliliOl L. St . .Jobn &0 Tnomall Blamed a 0000 Worker April. '70 Lam!», 2 Rul. "ary E. ti$oOitman w... appoin&ed C Cb I tl • • I 00 b i . • I bla d b t' bouillet Bucks. 14 Sheate, 'I f th . rile, .rao. · n "8B ng.on • me my ear or leyere i _L exeell r x 0 e el'-&e of Lloyd townrhlp, aDd oSller vIllo.ble diltrell io my left side for two, ~ Dga tI'ea4I Waaona. 11.w 8t90kman. ld ti years .. wrItes W EVanl Danville Iron wbeel Feed W~n 1 ~oooonta In the followlog e.tates CODD. iedraJ ~I. ,t H ._ . .. Ith Va. '~bot I know" now it' wu iDdi pDlu~ Carts 1m' Cnl~alveprI LeafruMd.anuprl · SPreader,2 ScoCoteh pC1lipper B~ 11 • d . a v . _oon 0 alOUn ",a 'gestioD , as Dr. Klng'e New Life . ~ ...., ow., lOir low" S ure D lOp manter with fer· were a owe an oonflrmed .- lote in Pleuallt Plain, 'I and o.ber PIllII oOlllplMaly oared ,me." Belf ttlihzetor attac menCt, 0ltiliver Cultivato!. WIth 41ee attlcbment, Buck. Cal. Qonlidera\loo.. foratomElob, liver GDd kidDey tnab- v~ r, r ow!'r u Yator,2 Hamilton Walldng. Cultivatol'll, Tow... Pul . Thl. i. tb8lleUOD of tbe year wben David Walker and Ada Wallr81' to lee, OODlllllpatioO', headacbe or debU. Sven)Z8)r, DSeennlrFeedSelfGRakrinde Reaj)er,2 Deerilll'lIowen, 2 Harro... Com he er, weep motben f.l very maob concerned ' It,. 260 at an drollgiltl. er, Fannintr Mill, Ha, IAdden, 2 Seed Sowen. ov.r 'he treqaen' oolcle oonarao&ed Joho R. Ertel, traot In Ya nUton . 2~Gravel ~l 3 double ..ta work barn. ., and-num...u other artlcl• b7 'heir ohild,.en, and ha,e abaD towuhip. and o'ber ooDtrt4et'ariot mentionea._ dant reason for It... every oold tiou. Com In Cnb, Clover and Alfllf. Hay, Fodd.r In Shock. w.keD. the lanRa, lo.ere ahe .v ital. WtlUam A,.... to aa"le Ayere, 'V . ' BA. D"NHART, AlllUms.f $10.00 and under, euh; en alllDml OYer '10.0 ..,. .ad pa..._,be way for abe more tract In ,W....lDI&oD .towD8hlp '1 E. ~ , \ . cndlt of nlnl montha will be ;l.... . PQftbuv .s.tq. Ml'toa.di ........ 'batao of.... follow. 4 tb . , td . U IN " P b' '-- bIDkab). note with .,pro,," aeeurlty. . ~ , , . ObaabulatD" Ooqb ReIDH,.ief an 0 er OODI en .ou. , otary· u lie WK. MILLS ' Auctioneer · ~~Pl:;~ .' el.:- ' ..~ ,!'I 1.1 IIt'nP. , .) AIUtlDdn of Nota..,. Work.:P~"~ L. ti.BB~'· ~ ClerkI' ..)'0 • ;, ' • ' '; len. ' '" ' , '. . .TIIe aooo~..,,~ .... ,~ ~~'" .. 5P(o~k a ,"Peolal&7. . ~\ 1'f~ .C. ~ , ) ":" -. ,.'." .,."... . . ', ._•

" ' . .

Cob Producln, SIJe Pricel oa. Dry OOOda, Sboes, Furallblall fa eV.y

Department. '






... "" u

.... " " .... -



P' U b I•I



S a I¢





, . " 10 Horles and MuI...

27 Cattle 100 Sh eep, 14 Shoat s Farming. · ImpIements ..






::::r.:::::t!:.!':"';:: s.aa ,.



,'ILllAM' T














. ~ • -;. ."

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• 'I


, ... ~~ •







___ i _ _ __










WayneevWe. Ohio -


.-----------'----Dayton, O h i o - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1 will Aell a t Publio Anotl on, OD I Mtahlon Ridge fo, m. un th e ' - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - Wl1ynetl vllle Hnd Cla r kM vIlls r oad, 3 D, L. CRANE, Editor and Manal::'l:.'r wile., frOIlJ Wtayn e8 vllle, on ALLEY TEL&PBON E--OALL N



Monday, February 19, 191 2

Rates of Subllcription Ona Year (IItrictly In advance). . . .. , . . 11.00 8lnela Copy . .. . . .. . •. . • . . ... . . . .• . . .

-Our Removal Sale Begins on Saturday Morning February 17th


Beglnnlng ...t 10 o'oloolt a. ID • thto rolluwlng desori bed ohu t t els: Ii Heald Horsell- l gon tl rtil purpollf-l Geam )f Matob G ray Horsee, 6 atul 6 I

RateS of Advertilling Readlna LoCaIa. per Una .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 1 ~ ~;~r;u~\~; ~~r:ro:~;r~·I~ k ;~~n~~~ ~

'ace. perheUne.... 110' to ~ Una

LoeaIa. blacll:

<JluIIW Ad-.



Three ln8ertSo... ..... . ... .. . .. 211e ObthlU1el. an ~ free ; over h e ,; - . ~, per l1De. . • • • . . • • . . . . . . lie OMS 01 UIaDb .• _. . ...... • . . • . . . . . .. . 211e a..,auCloaa .. ................ . ..... . . GO<' wbent cbarp Ia mad•. . . . . . . 311e Dlapla, Adyenillllla per Inch . •. . .. . •. , . lOe D'-'o'GDt.I heD on COD~ract. FJliBRUARY l4. 1812.

CINCINNATI AUTO SHOW JCloqnena evldenoe 01 abe tense hold 'be mawr oar bill on 'be mind alld ImatrinatloD of 'he poblio III fooDd iD tbe enormoUl a'teudance belDI reoorded kt enry aatomoblle Ihow 'hll. fllr held throughout 'he .001lD~r7 . Ko' fewer 'han '80.000 penoo. visited 'be great New York ablb1t a' Madllon t!quare GardeD' i 'WhU. at ChiohiO. it I. e.'lma'ed, the Bomber of vialton II osr&&in ~ naGh a half million. The ROw at CiQoinnati will bet&ID a.rlDI 'he week of WashlDitoll'lI atrabday. bel(lunlng MOlldl\Y, I'eb waar, l~'h and ooDtlDning an'll WedDead..y, February 2'tb, IDOlu .In. . DenlopmeDbi of detail for thll ...., haYe been 10 npld 'he 'pall' week abM U hlUl now . .nmed thl' 1D&IDltilde of a "MlllioD· Dollar Show." wltb featar. aomewhat as followa: The" will be 87 dlfrereD' exhib:·

" Just a short time and we will be in our new store, new building, new fixture!', new merchandise. We ar e going to dose out our present Stock, of course , before moving. T o do this in the short time, prices have been cut (without regard to cost), but with one idea 10 mind-TO CLOSE OUT






I will offer a t. Publio Sale a& my foldtIlg lonn ge and" lot kitchen 8UU. dr. Iller ohiffoDier. wllBhataad. re~,ld e nce on t.he ~n8&n lia ven. fllrm auteo ..lhl .

1 wtll (lfter at Publlo Balle at mv rollet! nortbeast o f od4 dreNer. aDd w8sha,and fine rll8ldsnoe 2 l11il ell sou t h of Lytle, on .be ..y&le TermS-All IIUID S of 15 !lDd UDder bra8!! bed. sprlUglI and maUre8ll. on the WayoelVllle I1.Dd Lebanon PIke, and on D . L. & oallh. All 8UW S over 15 , " oredlt 0; Vernis Martin bed, Vernill Martin aDd Xenia Pike. 00 U R R 1 o~


., l y' milsB tram Rldge.U1e, • mODtha will be given. by puro\'>all' .Ingle bed. mdtrllli an~ sprin/iCII, Monday,February 26, 1912 er giving a bankable note. large oval mirror. la' of piotllres Saturday, February 17, 1912 Barv!'y B Miller BeliCiDDlnl a' 9 :30 0'010011:, i b n aDd plot·ure framell. miHsioa olook. L . M.. Saylor • .Anot Bt;glnning at 10 u 'olock. a . m • tbe p'ldeattal, '"b'lUre t , 1 9K12 orlmaon followiDg obattelll: 10 Boreee-One foll J wlnc d .. ~oribed ohattels: velvetdrugget.lllJ:12 body brall8el .. bay horae 6 yearll old welgbt ]500, Here i8 a mll8S!lge of ho~ !lDd dr n Ilget. br a"IIl'11i IItalr 2 Ho"se8-1 dapple gray mare, ~ carpet, g ood line hurtle good w urker I1.DY y euB old , weight about 1600, In foal ,ood cbeer from Mra _ C. J . ),larUa 1 ~x12 inllraln drogleel, 76 yardll pl"oe. bay hOrBe 6 yean ola wel" llt bv Surface'll dapple grav slalUon. Booue :Mill, Va .. whu Ii tbe motb.; mdtlng, 30 yards linoleum, door 1'00. tbllle tw o h0r8811l1re aound Ilnd "be la Il good eingle liner, l roan of eIRhl~~en ohildren. Mrs. Mar'ID mati, eta, 16 velvet anel iDiralD maite an Axoflllent team at any kInd horse, 12 Y81lrs old, good IIIDgle IIDer, w ..s oar ed of stomaoh tronble and rugl! 27x60 /Iond aOK60, 40 jarl oanaed of work; lIorrel mare 8 ye'ln old will weigh 1400 wbeD In good oondl. oon.tlpat100 by Chamberlalo'l Tab- fruit, Qlliok Meal GIl."IIDe ranlle. weight 1300. ~ood lIno mur" and leta after flve years of Suiflfring, 8m&\) KuoHlle Iltove. O.t a~ve. ,ood workltr ; b4Y b lrl!el0 YeArs old, tlon • No 1 oow. will be fresh between and now r eoommeDde thou 'ableu heating ewve. conk stove, ~ oilltove. general purpmle been n~ed Il4I a fllDlmidale aDll Illllt of this montb . &0 the pnblio. tJold by all dealers. los oream freezer, olothea raok. Ilv bars,, ; " !6Ilr old drllft m ille ol. tJomt' brood 10Wil and pigll. ... Ironini hoard. ourtaiD stre&ober, good one, 4 year old /iCener.l1 purpm'" Fllrm Implemen,s-2 riding 001&1 I will lieU at 'P ablio AuotlnD on olotbee buke', di.h.. gl .... w.. re. mare III rea by MEte or; 3 year oM vatorfl, 1 a.:ood as new, 1 2 bone my farm known 18 the Joab 8Maley and oooking, new leather drllft 001S weigbt 1300. 3 yell.rliug ton. breaking plow, tobaooo planter, ~p farm. IIYe mile. N. E. of Wa,Dea- RUD oue, ",I..oope or field gl8llll. o.>it., good ODes. There wUl be .00 au'omobllee on bDji:gy, 10Dg .baft Frazier break oart. Ville &tld S mUee loatb wee& of New 2 large femll. and many &r~lolee too 6 caUla-3 good Jerflev oowa" ill good a!l nllW, ateam!'r fur Itripplng BnrliDI~toD on be freJb by day of .ale. 2 belters 6 41111"", ~.etber with 70 mo~r nUlDerC't11ll to me"tloD . \ 'obaoco. cuttlDg box, tnbaooo preBs, Terms-All s ... me of flO and un. mentblold, Jeraey bull eligiNe to tnolla. Friday, February 23, 1912 dlnDer bell. boell, bay forkll. ropes der, oaeb. All lIum. over flO, register. Lo ...t prloed oar on u.biblt wlll Belfh~niDg at ~ o'olook 'be follow. "oradl, of • moothll will be gi.en, and pullen, work barnBell for 2 Corn-Aboat 610 bU8bell. sorted; &he mod8IIt tariO. 00 i hllhee, borses.· et of huggy harness, ropo. ing stock : BOl'llea-2 dra" horllell h,. puroha8er ghlng a bankable Dote 10 bu.bell seed oorn. coming Ii Yl'l. old weigbt 2iOO i 1 bearlnll six per cent interell'. 1)rioecl ODe', 'be .pleDdid .am of collllril Ilnd bridlea Bay-Aboo' I) tonll of timothy &nd tj onsebold Gooda-Cbapel O.pD, black.oomlnR 6 yrl old, weight J '00 i about 2 tons of Walter J. KII bon . ••000.00. good as De\\', good 8teel range. Oak 1 brown, ooming II yrs . old, weigh' C. T . Ha.k~l Auot. Undivided half of thirty &ore!! ~f The pleuure oan w1l1 npr ..eo, beating stove. marble-top dr8ller. 1300; 1 driving bone, oomln, 8 yn, wbea'W. E. O'.I."Ieall, 101 '" • oaab .~u. of f7riO,ooo i mo~r J . O. CartwrilCbt. ( er.a Iron bed8tead. aprlag. and mattreu :lId wl!li~ht 1300 i 1 dri.lnl borle Farmlog ImplemeD&e-Uarriage, trao ,, " KlaDe! to.i of es. 1 12-h e:UeDaion Mble. waBhlng oomlng 8 yrs . old, woman or buggy, 8pring W&gOD. 2 road wllgon", 'I OM otO. ' ....... _. .maoblne, dinlnK-room obail'll, rook' cblld OI,n drive . we.tera mare and lit of 10i bolllten. Deerlllg binder. Shocklnl Sounds •YOIl' wU, h allr.l, W..D' '0 a'teDd ers, and otber artiole. wo numer-oUll oQ)', b"y dl1y ooming 3,1'8 old. hay S Dearing mower.. olover IIAed to mention Term!! made knowD on horsft comIng' YI'II old , 06 "Ie-. 10 'he elutb are IOmetlmel beard bonoher, revolvinl haY' rake. new ,laia mapUlaaD' exhibit, Dol ODoe ll~e Janey oow~ . 60 Boge-18 Brood belore a torrlbls earchqaall:8. 'bat Iteel &oatb bay rab, hay tedder. bay - - -... _ a dllY ot 1181e. ba' 1DIIIl7:,.lmee, ..Del tble ill 'he In so,.,s. balanoe Fall pigs. MrH . t:eany E. Kindred warn of 'be comlnl peril. Nature's rinlnl. grav,,1 bed. whellt dnll wltb of , 1. and llnder warninge ant kind . Tha' doll p6ln fertilizer aUaobmeDt In good oondi tene' of Joor OWD pl __ ore and "or _ .p·alll you will find Cbam- t:bas. tlurfaoe. Auot . oallh. All snm. over flO. a orecht ~f or aohe 10 the baoil: warD I ,Oil tbe 'iOIl, 1 bOllle whea' drill. 5 braaliio@' herlalD'8 LinlmeDt excellen'. It III • profi•• • - • laY8 'be paiD, remO.4111 the s(Jrene~s There ie no btU-er medlciDe made • monthll will be sinn, by parohall KidDe,s need attentloD if yoo would plow"gangolow. new IJrouod plow, Do ,ou Illlow tba' more real dan2 and 8QOD restor911 the parta t~ for oulde tb .. n Uh".berlaln's Cou/iCh sr glviolf a bllnkable note, Moapa tbole d ..ngeroa. maladiee. riding ou\tl.ator. 2 tODg1lel8lla ooltl' .... lurk'.lD .. oommoD oold 'banlD ahea1&l.yooDdltloD 25and50osn' "emedy. Itaota aD natore's plan, Frank i:JtallleJ DroPllY, Dlabete!! or Brlght'a dil· Yators, 2 barrows, new tobaoco "low• .D7 · otb.' of tbe minor ailmenta' boUI.. fer .. I" by tall d()alera. rellev81 tbe lungs. openll 'be .eoreWm . MIllII, Auo'. • eele. Take Eleo'rio Bitten at onoe IImall banhare plOW, deld roller, TIle .fe, way ia ~ tell:e ("'hamber. tlODII. aids expectoration i and reW. C tJmlth. Clerk. and 188 backaohe fiy and all your (Jale oorD plllnter, aure drop obeolt laID'. OOqah a"medJ a tboroagbl, • _ • storll8 tbe 8Y1!tem to a "ealthy oon· best feelings retnrn. "My son re- row aUaohm.nt i 1 hor.. oorll drlll. nllable ,"lI&r.."oa. aDd rid ,001'dltion. ~'or sale by all deal era. liavilDg .old my I'ore, I will offer oelved great beded' from tbeir a .. diM harrow, 11elgh set ot 30 n, rol· ..If oUti~eo14 aa qalokly all peal. I will after a' Pllblio ~lIle, at my • - a at Publlo &Ie at my realdeD1e in for kidney aDd bladder 'rooble," ling ohains, 20 U. dral obaln, l' U. L, .-.II re81deDce mile II MilL 01 WaYDes 1 wIll'" 0-1 at· my' ute. Tb1a rem .... ' ,e f or ..Ie L. - , .11 nile on tbe2y' W""lJe8vllle and ~pring ouer a ,u..bll J<"U 0 <;1ft e Corw III. W arrell ocaD ' O y, b i0 on wrltea Peter Bondy. Soutb Koc~ dralohain, 101 pulley. oan' hook. wood. Mloh •• h III osrt.lnly a great .tamp paller ohain, double treee. dealen " ' <I resld~noe, Ye mile eutof Ridgeville, n.llrlday, Februarv. 29, 1912 .' • - a V ..lley-l'1ke, on . (en t,raDoe '0 farm DeAr tbe B_p'l.t kidney medlolne," Try It. 600 at .lnRle 'r8M, hoe., forka, .• bo.ela. .."·Ma'" oburoh Jal' nortb of Ridievllle,) OD BegilDnlDg at JO o'olook, a. m . tbe all drugKlate . larden &octll, 2 ltaDd. of beeI . A ........ aajtlrilJ of the 100II... Wednetday, February 21, 1912 the DllvtOD and lAIbllnOD pike.oD fo11owiDI oba,,·eI8: l:iarlllll-lix .e'. 4'If work har. . . . . . .../. WOIIIIIII ID this world JuJW· F 'b 21 191~ 'Bead Illl'rll..-2 tbree.year-ald ne.., bea.y .et of breeohlng harnelll, ... BeliliDIDII at )0 0'010011: " . m , tbe edneaday, e ruary , ~ weB--rD bor8-, bro"en aln"le and betq 80 without tlIe . . -' ... "" • .. of buggy harn8l., 00llln8, brldlee, [ will after a' Pubho 8ale 00 the . . . . . '01 "'rolle. follo ..... Dg deeorlbed oh.. tte18: BegmniDg at 10 o'olook ... m. 'be double. one" 4fe for lady, bltoy borse lInell, fiyneta. &0. 2 Bead Bor198-2 work bOl'llea aDd following oba.Uels : ri 80I'lle'-1 12 yearll old. 1 wee.ern 001&, oomlng tlidea Farm, one mile eal' of Lytle, Boull8bold Uooda-Tw,j tables, lot _ 1 male. gray hOl'lle. oomlng 8 yearll olti. 2 yearn old, hroken to !l8ddle aDd S mUee wes' 01 W aynenille. OD nf obair•• (lupboardA, • 10' of oarpe', 8 bead VaUle-riextn:Jer.,y mUk welgbt about 1'00, a pleuan' bol'llll duV9," boy's pet i ball dOR. 10. Thunday, February 22, 1912 1 Iteel ranKe, iren kaUI.., 1011 oh.." - OOWI, 8 yoang belferll. · ~ '" aDY kind of wo.-k i 1 roan borM, ~tlboroalfb-bred poohr, oon'ubs, wrlagen, S olocktl, RuoUne 100 bo.hela of norD In tbe orlb ooming 7 years, extra good one. b811 .1811ng of Mla')rou, boft and .. bit. 8egioninR at 10 o'olook, a. m .• the .tovo (a fi.e bnrner), aewlDfiC ma.· "arming .Jl1lplemeDta-1 MUburn l>8en Oled as a fam1)y harle, nice OrpID~r'OO!l. al.o wbi", Rooke. followinl obaUel. : obine. Sharple.1 oream eeparaSor wagoD, good as new, MoOormlok worker Anywhere; .1 blaok ·borae. Walil;OUI'. BarDel!ll and ToollI-One 5 Bead of i:3orrel No 3. oreamery cane, &0. Their LlVM blnder.. McfJorml~k mower, Superior 7 yeare, Rellera) porposs, good work- grocer;, delivery wagon, lIgb'eprlng draft horse 8 yean, and a browD Termil-Allllumi of '10 aDd ander, :l.t . . ~ .,. Wllte la more iratD drill. alI801' new, ste61 roller. er an .1 gllntle 10 dlBPUII$lOD i 1 draft wa,on. Frazier breait cart. 10DI. dran mare 13 yearl. good workerll i All Inm. 110, a credit of np14 thaD "~. The O1'IIaoa eet dleo ha.rrow. good &II new. 80 ho'h ~Olt. 3 vear~ old, " good one i 1 yea&- shaft oart, pony oar'. boy'. saddle blaok borMe, 11 years, good worker cub. IIlOI'e- 11owl, u4 leu effectually than Iron harrow, walk1DI breaking plow, ling draft m&re 001,. ThelJe borses ilL d brIdle. boy'. farm w'loD. dexi and dri ver, roaD W9IterD mare. ri ~ montb. will be II \·en. by purohas.. er IlvlDI no", wltb approved aeour· Ia J'OIIth. The clrcalatioD Ia poor, the Buokeye rldlog colt·tva40r. Jams8 are all.oond t4Dd good one8. ble dyer, set new pony barneea. dne yearl.1 Rray mare, a lood, g\ln'le Uy. 111004 tblD and """WIT. the appetite Oliver lIulky plow. VorD KiDI mR 8 CaUle-" good oows. a ,.year.old hor8e bide bUffgy .. obe. oow hide drher. J08epb HaWke. poor u4 41patlon weak. . Dure 8preader, Klscbel fenQlnl mao beiferll, a vearUng belfel'll l'Obe, plaah robe, horae blankeu. '.ead of Ca.Ule-2 100d milob C. T . tlawke, .lao'. W. want to 11&7 to pelT qecl ~ ohine, fence stretcher, hay fork, rope Bog8. tJh8l;p-18 brood lIalvll. 27 ooverll, halters , blovcl", bngiY Ian oows. fresb 10 Marcb and April i W . E O'Neall I Vlerks lOll Ia thIa TlelDJty'lJuJt Vlnol, our d. and pulleYII. &obaooo sprayer, Bemis fall pillS, 1 male bog aDd ODe fa' tern. foot stove. r, toul coal. lot of yearllDg male 1&lf. bdUer oalf. A . B. Side. I 1Ic1oaa eo4 llYer and iroD toale (with- 'obaoo6 'ralllp!tln1er, oorn planter, bog i 83 ewes. 3 buck•• all under j kindling. boxe8 and barrels, riO-gal . 14 Bead of BOIIl-3 brood lOW', Ito.ob .erved by Ladlell' Ald. oat 00) wUl proloq life. It oreatee outUng- box. oombinlltloD wagon bed, years old . 011 t&Dk, lot of lumber 4x. 2x. 11:3 11 bead of pigs and 4 <lozen obloken. ... appeUte, aide c11...UoD u4 makee falftJlng mm. grlDds'ODe, hoee, for III aoo bu. ~orted oorn, 3 tOD8 olover scan'liDg. 12 ft . 10Dg, mOilUy new. I'arming [mplemente-2 farm .1COI1 111004. In thl. oatunl manner ahovela and maDY otber thiDglI . bllY, 100 ehooh 9f fodder &led In platrol'm 10&18,800 Ib! counter lIa..le, wagoull. eprinK wagoD, • bllgg19ll • 'VID01- retards waste and "places BarDf'M-4I1etagood work barDelllI band 1611. 100 Chlt\kenl', dooke aDd double, aDd elnlle ladderll, step lad. brealduc oart, Deering wlaeat bind. ."eab... with etreqth. Ilvlq Dew BonaeholdGoodl-l parlor orRan, goineaa. wagon, gravel bad, bURlY, dera I!{arden roller. lawn mower, er. OeerlDg oorD binder Ilod Deerinl 1 life to the worn .;retIIIII. . 2 bedsteadll, eet chalrll, cream lepllr OOI'D It eller, brelltkiDg plow. 100 U . Rood h('ae. poe' dtlJRer, orow mower. hay rake . .bay rlggini. 8 bo.1 If people to thll TtclDlty oDI, reaJ· ator. a lot of dishes eto. Terml-AJlllomll of tIO and un b"rs. IIbovble. fork I, r"kea, hoel. whea' drill, 1 bor(lMl oorD planwr, 2 •• • ---.... .... ........ • , ..4 bo1r VInolIDTtaoratei old people Termll-All !,'omll ef 11) .09 and on. der. oalb All 811mB over I1U. toolll' of all kIDd", Ie' brallll mounted bor.e oorn plaDter, Bemis 'obaooo alven. dell-er'" W."OD barDe.8. 2 leta bug- SraDtlplaD'er :.I Imperial walklDg Ada w\1l be Inserted nnller ,bl_ head for we WOQl4 DOt lie able to nppl, the dp.r, oalh. All sum I over .6 00 ..• oredlt 'of 9 month!! will be . . . <I I' I" b kl t .... enty·tln cents 'or 'hree Insertion. brua8llDI p ows. IIU .y rea Dil . .... ben ualDl not more than IlYe line•. a 01 edl t of 12 month. will be giveD by puroh811er giving note wUb ap- SY barnNa . t1811Wlc!. paroh ... r .pvl~1J a bankable lIote proved lleonrity Poullrv BOI1llee-ODe lar,e bon~e ploW, set double bar plo"s, BrowD 'I'r7 • 1tottJe of 'IIDol with the unJonathan 8mith ,PrlllltoD A. LawlIOD lOx18 n., 6 portable ben bou8ee, oaD rldlne oahi.awr. Bnoke1e riding I ........... ..- ................ . deratalldlq that your mODe), win be nt1InlacJ It It c10ea not belp J01L Tom Dill, Auot V. 1'. Bawke. Auot. be tak,e o apllr~, 76 rode pouUry feno oaltlvators dlao riding oalUvator· FOR SALE A, 8 : t§ldee l 01 k Inr. aillo p08'e. aDd board., oolonv dl.o harrow. 60 ~otll steel harrow, J, 1:, ""!lillY "'a,lI ..nll.. Ohio W. JC, O'Neall ~ . ar t! h011ll8l1. 2 Cypbers aud 2 Gem brood 6.hovel plo,,! field roller, ,ra.el [ w1ll 8ell a' Pnblio AuoUon at mYers nearly new. lalVaniled brood bed, ha, fOri: rope ..Dd pulleya, NYONE wisblDg '0 paroh&lle reeidenoe In Lytle, knowD as the ooope, feed hopperll, drinking fODn. water tanll:. Tallll: pump, 20 n. 2 iD ..ny,binl 'iD 'he nureery IIDe BeDry t!idett propsrty on 'aioll, :new oatil IIproater. exbibl"oD hOle, fenoe IItretoherll, Ilood tobaooo 'bat i8 A..., olall8. oall aD IN. MilAlmost lost HII Ufo Friday, February 16, 1912 ooops. In faotmy eDtire plaot will be p ...... 30 gal •• 'ove aSeamer, lot DR. E. H. COSNER, ler, Harvey.burg. agent for .1 . W 8. A. Stld. of lIuon, Mioh, Will Beglnniog a.t 12 :30 o'olock the fol. lIold ODe dne OCOD$or 1'" IODi, bliooo oaD ••II. grl&iu bag., beam Vandervoort & Bons. f.28 forae' .hia terrible expo8ure 10w1D~ ob&"els : Borea-l GeldlDIf I Acetylene maohine in Irood order, .oalel, riOO I} .. .. donble aDd elD,le o ..... merotlell8 lltarm. "U la.e me 13 years old Farm Implemense 2 wheelbarrowll. ~ trook, oorn ireea. forb. Ihonlll, poet aqor•• UL&8-. pain of S·vear.old .. dreadful cold," he write., "'bd -1 2-horBe wagoD. good " Dew. aheller. new, buteta. _e..uree. 101 obalDS and maDY o'ber u'I.lee. mul_, unbroken, 16~' to 18 oaOMd "vere paine In my obeet, ItO 1J00d hay ladder•• 3 ..'a doable bag•• eto. UarDe!l8-' 8eSll of wurk harDeu, baDde hllh. Cood OD•. IIlqaire of " wa. hard for Die '0 brea.,ht: . A work barne.., III' bugRY harD ... 3 Bousehold aall KttoheD I'araltare :.I aese bog,y harn988 . lIel,bbor ... me sennl doe. of forkl. 50 chioken •• good laylnl heDe -roll tap 4eak, oombiaa',oa took '()()..elK copper taDk ho,"water ID. G. II: RUe,., LaballOD, 0., phoDe 913 Relboid Bulldlac. eow jjN-2y' . BOQl8boid Uoode-ioorD.r oap oaae aDd d_k, oenMr table, ball "ba~r, ,hy .pray. Dr. KIDI'. New Diecovery whloh • Ohio broD,h, Ina' nU,f .. The doo'or bo rd aoUd blaok .,..Ina' ID two tne, costumer; dne oak baftet, oak Terms-All lam. ort10 ••d IlDder • Dayton, aaid l"""e OD 'he vel'8' of pllllU ~Io~e ex&eDaloDu.ble 18 1&. long. pe4e11I;aldlolnlroom table,a.tlea&h . .h . AUlam80ver flO, • oredl& of SUeAK PAN-Haltable forbolll.g ~- - - - - - - - - mODta, bot &0 OOD"nae wI'h the II bl..toP IIr. . .r eewl~1 maohlDe er 1fI81;ed ItlaiDI ohaln, :a oaDe ..ateel 10 moo'u wlll be liveD, by pur. IDIU' water, .ta e prioe, aile! ,~~ II:lIiioL'lDdln\lllt. 1110 DtlOOvery. I did eo·aad .two boUle. ~ 811 lIew with' all a'hohmllllt.: ohiln., 2 parlor,, ohaler gt.11I1I DO" wUh approved Ie ''f'8 IDforma,lon ., SIle Ga.. tte oomplatel, oured me, tI U.. ODI kltob D oablDe&, II:ltotlen 'able 8 dln · :a mlih.DY rookere, 'oal rooken. leOorl'.. A dlaoollDt of tl ve per om.oe. fl' >" Ilia qaloll:, .fe, rellable i:nildIOh!e tDI,!,DI obatn a:rook. ., 1 ·, dilO 11111IIIiO oabtnet, J ratio roo~en, oen' qfl faos of no,; f~~ ~So .' ". " , for OO.Dllle,OOlde, _ D, ' ~iJ oq..a golden toaF.~' 'I yda. wlOker al89 qdd, ohalrll, linN Il~ma 00' De. . No 1 )'anll tor nat. can'.a

·coa' 'r.

&bem. .nltable for oab or beene work i 1 Brown Horae, .ingle lin er, work. any pllloe; 1 hay pony, 3 yrB old, wflll broke; 1 bay mare, 6 years old. weiShll 1300 ponDds, g ooa w ork.:Ir and dri ver. 3 B ead lJllt.t le- l full-bl cod ed J " rb 2 ""h I I 'ley. free , '" urt I n rn ~ , 800U to \1\ rreeb. !;beq ) , !:logB- lO li ARd "weI', d ue tu lamb about April 1:1 1. 10 h Md brood SOW8. 3 due to lar "' .... Murcb 27th, tb.:l " I,her 7 April 15 1h. 1 Pola nd t:hloa male h<.' g, 14 s b unt.s FarmlnglmplementH-2 road wagDO S 1 b. cad 1 nllrrow tread, lowwbseled buok. huy ladder, gravel bed. II bugglee 1 top lopeD top, bugSY pole, spring wagon , woM binder In fine shape, 2 2 borae wheat drills, .. Thomas disk aDd a Riohmond lJbllmpion, 1 I-b or l'e ~uperlor dill& wbeat drill; tall drillt; ba ve fertiliZer aUllohments ; RlOhmond Oorn Pt..n& er. 1 1 boree oorn plllnt!'r, 1 dteel, Kloth Deering mower, hl1Y rake s$oel roller, dldk harrow. »barrows, 1 60 &Dd 1 40-tooth; 2 KraU8 oulti .Iltorl!. 4 BreaklD" plows, 1 almost Dew i 2 Augbe brellklng plowa, to. baooo onltivator, Newark whld mill , pltnform B01l19s. 1000 ponnds; ,ohacco IIprayer, h ogllbel1d, 10 n bOIle . II "Ilter barrell'. bllrrtll vineilU, ellu,,a"e grinder, II iron kettIe" wab IItand8, 'gra~s seed .owerll 1 flddlp bow 1 orank i small rope aud pulley, straw knife, boeB, Ibovel!;, oruwber. POlt alliur. doable and single tr8tils, wire Itre~herl . Thill maobinery ill .. UID fine 8hape. 100 b'QIbel8 of oorn and some as<l(] I)a". Barn...- j .etl work barDess. with oollarll. brldlel and Iinell, , se t!' .-ork fir ne&8, 1 lie' donble light driving harDe.Ii, new. 3 le&. lij(bt bnigy harD8III. ItlIld liDe aDa rein, II .. traDd ••leigh bells. robe and horee blanlle,. Terms-Alllluma of fS.OO and IIn4er, oa.b. All lumll over S6 00 a oredlt of. monthl will be Riven plU'Obullr alnDla banks ble note A dllOOon' of , per oeD' off face of DoMforoalh. DaDlerWoollal'd 0, T . Bawk!J Aoot . W I: O·.I."I8&I1} 8. L. OanwrtBht Olerkl Thia ale will be held UDder oover If a bad dlY. Lonob 1I~lId hy Vrose sDd BeYDoldll.


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Olasslfied Ads





.Osteopathic Physician






DR~ SELL'.'ANTI.;pAllt, '= 1ti~~~:, f~oeG=~ ~ ::!;::!:,r~ ~~.=,.==~ ~::.'= :JDet;.It.!i~~=~

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~ia om.oe for f~~~~,~fOi

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PASSING OF THE PIGTAIL.. Allbou Gh th e Queue. leslI nn'erently 8S pl gl nlJ. Is most commonly lLBIIoclated In Ib public mind at today wltb lbe people of China. and al· thougb that t" s hlon or wearing tbe halr hAa probnbly be e n attriblltOO by the thoughU ess In Dlany Instance8 to what mos t lIr UB w e re taugh t by our 1ICh001 geograpbles to regard . . tlle l1alf-c.lnli&ed condltJoo or tbe Chloe.e, It I. a fIlct well wort h notlog that llIe Chinese .re by no meanll the only nation 00 eartb to have .hown retlpect and partiality to tlle queue. The reCleIIt edict .anctJonlnll tlle .boUtion of the pIgtail In Chlna remind. the LondOli Cbronicle that it I. not 110 "VJ' long ala IIlnoe the plstAil dlaapo ~ not merely trom the BrtU.b &rIDY anc! navy, but eTen from evel7' cia, clnllan Ille iD Enllanc1 Waist· Ioul pigtail. were the rashlonable ...ear In England about 1740. and berore that the bag will bad been adorned witb a plgta.ll looped up In a black allk flag. "8 late a. 1868 an old I'8ntleman waa .een In Cheapllide with hJ. p-a" balr tied behind In a .hort GUelle. and It appeara tbat eTen toda,. ID&J be found In England a rell0 of the pigtail; for. according to the Chronicle, three piece. of black "el· vet on the dreu tunic. of olllcere in tile &,al Welah Fuslllera are the remaiD. or the ribbon with whlcb the ,ueu. 11''' tied.



Anotlan ,.oung JIlngllshman baa eluhed into New York to .pend U lloure there "seelnl AlDeric.. " What an lDtereaUng report he w111 ha'Y6 to make of tbe great KI.lIOurl and KI. alppl valleyw! What accurate descripdona Il. eau l1"e of the Southland With ItI! ",oDderful work 'of unfoldlDl lelOllrcea colnl on! Wbat II1'&Phio aeoantl! of the prodigloul weat. thil ....t theater of imperial prdgr.... be wtll maker If be could run Into lome weU-1IItormed Yankee on Broadwa,. II. lIl1,bt get a lecond·hand .tatement of what America II, but be can nenr ftoel out almpl,. b,. ltandlng and viewInl w~t he find. In ' New York. lIaya the Omaha Bee.. He cannot even aM III or that ctt3, and v~r}' lItUe of the elementa and reaoures. tbat make It. Amerlcana are proud of their metro!)' ol1a, lecond city In the world In lirA! and llrat In m\lny other re8pecta, but tlley would ·neier go there to get the broadest new of continental Amerlca_ They mlgb~ go there for--thelr Ideas of American provincialism. Qur young IDest from abroad BtandB only before • .reat wIndow that looks out upon America. not before the mirror tbat adequltely reflect. It. Of course, It could not be otherwise. In the Chicago public library duro !nc the year 8.a40,OOO bookB bave been called for, more than two-third. of them for home UBe. Before decld· Inlf JUBt bow literary Cblcago lB. bow. ever, It 11'111 be neceBBary to know bow man" of the 8.8040.000 boob were biB. torte. and blograpbles and other •• nou. wor1ul and bow many of them ... ere e9bemeral "beat .elier.... The board of education In Loll An· geles baB barred boxing for the blgh ficbool cirll for fear tbelr beauty and tbelr prospectB may both be marred, It I. very likely that tbe reason gl ven ror the problbltlon will cause Its un. qU6.lltloning acceptance by tbe fair eubJecta of tbe ukase. A New York jury awarded a lawyel elx centB damages and Justice Gatt lIet the verdict aside with tbe ob8en .. tlon tbat a law yer'8 reputation rn ust be worth more than that. Neverth& less the JUBllce must admIt that It dependB on the lawyer. just 88 In an, other caBe It must depend on the man. Membership In any profesBlon or em. ployment In any occupation does not constitute a certlftcate 'of cbaracter. Tbe coloring or meeracbaum pipet can DOW be done by a machIne thaI never burns the pipe. but In IIPlte 01 tbls great modern Improvement tbere will un,loubtedly be men who will go right on lryiDg to color their m~'" schaum pipes themselves. and not In. mqueotty spoiling tbem In the pr()() elIlI. 10 tbe sarne old·tashloned way. The We s tern Unlon's new olllc. building In Ne w York h. to be 0111, 26 storlsL hi gh. nnd the New York pa. -pen! are 88klng. "Wby tllis modera. tion'" An their The,. II...

eastern couple kept tbe tact oj marr1age a secret tor fitty yeara had no fancy. evidently. tor till, or .U"er.

lA uklDg tbat tips be aboJlllbed tb. .....stere "ant It undera.1OOd that the, :..rut IOmethl~ equally ,ood . . a IUbo




.A ~ 1Aa1. wlfe,_ nrel". ,..... of

.... .... •• ked tor b. tlnIt 'IYQI'Oa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a ....... "

GRANT'S OLD- TIME WAR HOME Th .. ~' oun g doc to r dr pw t il ,. ~rl'1J 11 brellth ot countr;>, a Ir. T h e g u rd pn a l the r .. ar of Ihe old h um e In wblr h he was 10 s lIelld h is ,'ncatlon " ' as a mn S8 or sc enl e d now('re. BO BI' M, zf' n la8 dahlias all (' lu RtNPd ab out Ilk(' Illtle JOYOU 8 Boul s rO"lng In l.Ile m oo nll g b t. A refreshing ruin haa ~olpd Ihll air. Bnd because Ibe nl g bt . w,," bl'u~ tlful. aud tbe docto r young, his tboughls turn l'd toward the "Irl 10 Whom his h eart bad late ly "e BPond ed BecDuse his mInd was In a chaotic condition r egarding tba deplh or his fe e lin g towllrd Rose L .... ngdon. Dr. Eme ry bud eomt" 10 l he 801ilud e or th. old manor I,oulle on Long Island. His Iboughts. for th'\l mompnt b e nt ('bleny on Ib e beaut y or Ih e IIl g h l . were pas lly Inl e rrupled . H e pa llsed snd II s tf'llf'd. 'n th p wlllled garden ne x t door 8 80ft Bwlijhlng eound made regular har· many to bls ear. He drew neartlr tbe wall and lookl'd over through a clump of husb l's. His eyes opened- wide and be lean ed (,llu!lously " .... ay tram tlla moon raYII. Was Ilhe a wrallh or I. blood and bone girl who trallod back and forth over the raln'Bouked graall! Qr. Emery. 80 ('ompletely Iltartled out ot bls e very·day. bumdrum city life. could not deftnltely anllwer tbe queatlon. He watcbed vdth fallclnated attention. Tbe glrl 'lI attire wae wblte and clingy and ' trally, and as ahe moved across the long graBS ber bare feet peeped forth . Thosll IIIt1e feet found Il pool at water left by tbe recent raln, and a glee ful chuckle fell from tbe girl's IIp8. "Insane!" muttered the young tloc· tor. "By Jove I Whitt a pity- she II all beauUtul 88 the IIllell. "They toll nOl. neither do th e y IIpln." Ihougbt the do ctor. Rlld tb e pity dropped out of his IlJolIghl li. Ih e girl seemed 110 absolutely happy . eo evidently joyous In Ihle condilion of tbe mind. Arter humming a few notes of mUng melody the girl tripped


" IIJo ds or Ih ('


""' 1'.

,,' hl' n

Located In New Jersey and Likely t o 8e Deatroyed"':'Haro·. Vlalt. Ra· membered by Old Timor..


hl ~ h Ih ~ " Ir l ('Illn " Ulit " 'Ith hp r ~ l o rlolJ B rpd'Ko l,1 hlli r hang lnll .ll l1d

R lln

p ro(' !'edf' rI 10 " wa.v ba " kwo rrf nnd for · In I he c hy or Bu r llnglon. N. J ., t bo ""hl ch bOD~t8 or mnre colo nial histo ry all'. ll rl Pr "hl c b sh e brus h pd it \"I go ~· otl Rly. 10 I he IIqUIHO ya r d Ihllll auy otl1t' I" · · ~ow Rbe Ih ln k _ s hp. t8 an I\a ll an spot In Ne w Jer8ey . Ib ere 18 one bl s · woo d r Rr r le r: ' 'file dor lor w a t 'be, lorlc site not colonial [ hili 1ft just now h('r PUI 1\ book o n I h e crown ot her drawing the all (> lIIlon or visitors twh('od Rn d walk Rlo wl)" Itround and ClIlIse of Ih e slgnltl r llnl p[lrt It playeil around the hallSf'. " 1'11 be t Ihfl re 1M In Ill e natlonal "" Plll8 of 60 yearl al O . l\ "ppc lallsl In Ihat bOIlRe wat ching This building Is I hI' lillie IvY·CQveretl 11('1' eve ry IIIlnule! " eottage. famoua "B Ih e re81dence nr In Ihe e vpnlng whl'n Ihe moon was Oen. t l . S . Gront. and ~cognlzed h y hI g h Ih e IIlrl "arne ogHin InlO Ih. back hlatory a8 n pOlenl rO (' lor In Bayln" gllrd e n . IIr. Jo~m e ry was w pll hidden Ih e life or the hero ot I he Civil wllr be hind a dump of bushes. a.nd Ihe fu l ure prpsld ont of tbe Unltecl " G r pBI SOOIl! Rh e has lin h e r bath· St ate ~ rrom dlJ" Ih al th e honde at UI'" Ing slIlI! And ~ h e Is rOiling In Ihl s nS81l8Sln8 wbo lIat! plaJlnf'd to sla y soa king gralls ! She 'lI h"" .. something him on the nigh t noo lh ~hut Pre llidell l lomorrow t h"l will need R ,lat' lor al 1'.-\ LV IR known to mos t perBons 811 It alian .. haulre ur , \"Inceu7.0. WlIolD Ltnl'oln. sure as my IIllme 's Em e ry! " It a ly In their mo"r. (;"I1t'rtll Grant 'lI f:unlly wa. dom l· n hlnd of pxtre me PlI,·erly . Tber" tboy ent e rl'd Arler roiling over and O VN In the Is, of ('ou rse. Ihe othe r s ille t o It. Vlncel1zo stopped at the boundary. cll ed here during and ror some tim .. lre t grass Bnd then lying rull length "[Id It Is t111~ utiler s ide Ihat Is bought n Inq.;e Imllch or lIowerA from art.·r tlle CIvil wor. Ge neral Grilli 011 hor bark for a long mOIll("nt. the sumptuously pr('sl' ur ed In " italian a boy b y Ihe l"O!\dsld e RIIII hand ed wali to have bef'l1 n memb e r ot LIn girl llUlled a bsNllng cell we ll o,'er GaRlIes nn,1 COllnty Sealll." by Try· thelU to his eI111)lo),er , SHying . willi A coln's thellter parl~' a ll Ihe evening or her bead and lurned all Ihe hose. phoRll Rate8 Batcheller. how : " P e rmit me . signora. to offer Ille lIualllnatlon. ·bul lit the last moWllh Isughte r fallin g rrom hAr lips me lll. t ired and anlllouR about hi " Mrs . Bntcbeller has had mOPI unuft· YOI1 the IIrllt homnge from It n ly. " IIhe ran In and OUI. sque nllng with thlt ual' opportunltlell tor gl'tting af'Qualnt · Royal Family Prodigal. . Tamlly. he lert WRslIIII[(ton ror Burcold and exhllarallon ot hpr hORe batb . ad wltb Italy. Sbe had the e nlree to Th e lIallan royal faUilly hil l< bMln Hngton . He had '::011(' no fartber lhal ~ A door open ed In his own h0l18e. scorcs, or homes of italian no!Jlemen . prodigal of Its own s e r"lr'l's for th .. Philadelphia wl1l'n ne .... S rf'Rcb ed him. . "Oh. Dr. Emery! H ere IA .r. lele- and hor book - made up of letters writ· pE'ople of Italy . So when tir e "hulrra of the attadt upon th e pre slde nl. ILnd gram ror you." I he "ol ce from tbe ten bome-III an account of journey- reller! hundreds ot citizens th e kIng he at once r e lllrt\ (' d to Ihe capital bouse callp.d . \ Ings rr om one beautiful villa 10 anotb· Ilnd Queen were first al Lhe he ds lde of (' Ity . He afterwa rd Il'arn ed that tb" Wllh l\ lingering look lit rile hoae er. th .. Buffe ring Bud amici ed . \vhf'n Mes, LIncoln IlIIsasslns hnd plotted to tall" nymph Dr. ~~mery w e llt for his tele· In Rome ..... bere she called on the alna was dest roye\l the king .• nd Que en his own lite and hUI for his trip t o gram . queen " abe brought some presents to rU8hed to NaJlles and emharked on 9 BurUngt9n undoubl e rlly would bav He WB" sumlllon ed bock to t o wn. A. the Nllyal children . The queen aa. man-of·war wbkh was hurried 10 Ihe Imcceeded. patlent ne eded hIm and Emery took It wall . on his rplllrn (rom a batU .... lIured ber that th. teddy hear s he bnd Bl:ene of Ole cstaslropbe. Th e re th ey the lul(' train Otlt Ihnt night. He brouglilt for tile vrluce had mnde a )l<'r80na\Jy sue-cored th o \'ic tlw s of tho tlpld during a lull In t he campaig n w nt. d pIPI'mln4',1 10 re turn BS Qulckl,. that General Uralll rl'cplved trlhule· !treat hit. nnd tbat It was h'll'd [0 get earthquake. nil p08s1b1 0. Pity being IIkln to love. :-low another one at IlulY '1I royal here whlcb he Is sold to hav e appre(' l, \I. out or the youngst e r's hund. th o young doctor felt the diagnosis Tbe Queen mother Im' lte.1 Mrs. women Me lak e n up lhe burden of her aled more tban all t he laurels Bnd t rl · at his own "ase was easily mnde Tbls Is the umpha which came In hIli life latp,r. Batcbelle r to IIlng at I he palace .. Tbe country's llu!Terlngs. Wee ks warp on and stili Dr. ErneI")' Durhes8 of Aosta. who not only en· Dusly, begrimed. loqklng anythln J( program wss on amlJlUous one of W B S harn essed to Ih e grInd In town. roll ed herself AS one of the devoted hut the command e r of Ihe F edera l He fe lt. how p yer. that sln('O the Bnow classic al music. At Ibe ~nd Queen band of Hed Croal nur8es that baa armies and accomPAn ie d by n slogl Margherlta ask ed for " The Llist Hose WliB upon Ibe g round Ihe girl would gone t o Tripoli to ("are for the wOllnd· slarr office r, Orant ali g hted from th ~ not be l'prmltted [0 ClJrry on her In· of SUtIOmer." wbkb sOllnds 'Julte fl8t· ed at the italian army. but sbe reo traJII at the' Burlington s latlon . A ta,,' ural. sane wa nd e rings In Ih e gnrd en . Rose ruses to IJccapt any special IJlI e ntlon8 boys re cognl2ed him Orsl and fo lIn the course or her journeylngs Langdon had drift ed entire ly out or due h e r royal rank. lowed all he walkpd down Broad stree t. lIrll. lBatcheller oollec ted uome Intl)r· hlB thoughts and only the girl of Ihe In the camp Rhe Is known simp.,. towllrd his bome on Wood street. e8t1ng gOBslp. At a dinner wblch /lbe gllrden lin l'(e rcd. One of IheBe boys. who was John ga\'e I~ n Rome she was dlsllIrbed Ol! to II.B Nurse No. :I. but Ihe 80ldlers. who It was at a big New Yenr dinner. how to seat hel' guests. lo'tnully sbe wor8hlps this tender-bearted woman. G. Sholl. now a Bllrllngt.on busillel'" bill tlrst soc lnl moment of Ihe past know we ll who Nurse No. 3 Is. and as mall. tell8 of. tbls In c ld e .~ l. As Granl months. that Dr. I~ m e ry glanced uv placed a former mini s ter or foreign sbo pa1!ses tbrougb the wards of the and bls aid neared 0 Olllnsion III th,. atralnl on ber rlgbt and Count Gre!), to meet hls partner ror dinner. hospitals they klBs the bem at her corner ot Wood ' and Flrnad s tree t s . Tbe most radiantly beautltul girl pl. fo:rmer ambassador to St. Peters· vell and bless tbe dynasty of Savoy Mrs. KInsey , ag ed wlf o of Judge Kin · burg. on her left. Sbe apologized to be had e ver looke d upon blld Inld a the count on the ground of un· t bat gave !laly Its fine rulers and sey ot a fllmlly famolls In Ihe co urt~ hand on his arm and WIIS walking beor both Ne w Jerse y und New York:. ramlllarly wltb ltallsn etlQuette. To splendId gentlewomen. sid e him Illto the dlnlng·room. Tbe Duchess of Aosla. whose bllB' stepped on the hlgb po rch . SUPPO rl wblch he replied : "Then yOU are not Insane!" he band Is ' ln direct successIon for the ed by her daughter. s h o wsved It fillk · "You bave given me quite Ihe place uked . tbrone'. Is not distinguished In en American \lag as General Gran t. \ But any place at The girl turned wide. violet eyes ·y ou IIhoul4 bave. any parLlcular from the other nurlles. pas8ed below . your tabl e. desr mad8t1O, Is II. place upon him. Then she laughe d tbal shareB their humble cots. eat8 tbe Tbe frown passer! from Oenera l of bOIDor." same IInkllng laugb that he had same rood. doeB her full share of the Orant'8 face. a ~nille /lltt ed over his. OnE. of her friends remarked that nursing. stands watch with Lhe other countenilnce and ho doffed his hat In beard In the garden. "Not that I know of, Dr. Emery. Is "So-and·80" Is one nf tbe m08t re- nurses and does not sbrlnk from Ill· answer to the pretty salute. .., am there samet bing In my appearance ligious persons In Rome, and tbe tendlng ' the 801,lI er8 of Hall' at tbe proud to bold my cqllll t ry's emblem greatest "rascal." thnt Buggests- " operating table. over the bead of Ita mos t noble de"Nolhln g but-beauty. " Ih e doctor "But bow Is that possible?" she In· It Is said tbat the king had de- ·f ender." aald tbe pll,Irl otlc old lady . said. beause It ha d been In his he art qulred . e1ared he " 'ould not pe rm 'l t any of /l0 101lg. "But last 8umm e r - " "My dear signora. you mu s t reall,.e the royal women to race the dangers Tbe girl turn ed qui c kly toward him that ,'eHglon and morals bave nothing of nursing In Trlpoll, a danger due to and IJ brl!(ht blu8h crim son ed ber to do with eacb otber." tbe unscrupulous nature of th e Arabs . cheeks. " W here w e re you?" she Thslt In cllent recalls the older 8tory Rnd TrlpollillnA. who have Ilroved asked. wblch she relates at an Inquiry ofide themselves treacherous and murder"In the gard e n- nex t door." by a medieval pope as to bow lin of· ous. The Duchess of Aos ta dId not an· Vlole l look ed Inlo Or. Em e r y's eyes flclal kept the turbulent Blenese under nOllnce her Imentlon of going. lIut em· ILnd saeTOp.d f1l 8Clnrlled by the mulll· .contrl)l. Without besltMlon he replied : buked secretly. and It W8a not untll tude of Qtfc stlons Bhe saw th reo She " Wlth lies. holy falher ." 'Hhe was recognized aft er tbe tmnsport laughed and tried 10 kp l' l) the color WIth these ce lebrltles whom Mrs. s : nmer hot! lert Naples U,a. IIbe ad· T~ fi'/:J a/lire wn" wltiM • {rom her t"!Jeeko. Batcheller met mUl't be In cluded ber mltte d ber Ide ntity. Ilmd clm5J' and Iral(y "But wh y did you wiggle your I,X's • allout In the oozy mud- a nd why did QUiCkly towaro. the house and dls3P' you 110 dowlI In soaking grllss that d h d MUST EXPEND MUCH MONEY IIY. Il Is said. an neve rl el e ss lIired peare . might ua ve had cOllperlwad a lIlId wltbln his Income whil e expe nding Ur. Emery frown ed. partly becnuse Illucli bee tl e 8 In It - and why did you tbe garden seemed less beauUful and come OUI III dawn Imd !Job Inlo Iho Head of the St.te, In France, la Called fully tbe 600.000 franc s ollow e d for I b I had b i t Upon to Draw on Private entertainments. It Is said thut Presl· pon y eCll use Ie een n er· hydran geas ?" Fortune. dent Fallieres ha~ bee n IIble UI1 to rUlltf'd III his al tempt to diagnose Ihls Tile dotor's lool{ was "0 RP, riOllS t ~ the presen to put aside 1 ,000.000 Ptlc lllinr form or brain mlJlady. Tbe wIt" II." mlxtllre of adora ti o n Ibal f U 0 rallcs a year nnd that lost year be puzzl ed frown r e mlllne d as tbe doctor Vlol ~, t 1(lu"lled " loud. TIlB Freneb republic. In strong con· hud the pleasure or exceeding this returned to the bouse. "You al'l1 fOI·" ottlllg IIID ('(.rn and trast to tbe United Stales. usually I IImouln . MillO. F'a lI e res e l5 pe C'lolly Is ", , At un early hour or tbe mornln,:: carrots and peas?" sue sml]('(1 snd eleelEl to the presidency men or can· credited wltb being a very thrifty there come to the doetor's eSl'8 thst tried to HlC:1l11 ju s l how far lJ ~ r experl. slderlible wealtb. who are compelled huusekeep e r. ~lJme tlnkllng luugh . He jumped hur· ment had luke n hpl·. "You see. Dr. by t he hlgb station tbey holtl to enter· _ _ _ _ _ _ __ rledly 'from his bed and looked out of Emery- you 111'0 not s beauly 8pe ctal. lain extravagantly. often having as , Gave 300 Rabbits to Ule P.oor. f t he repu bll c kl ngs an d em· t h e Yo" I 0 d ow. ISl. or YO U would know tllNA 18 noth. guests a .. .'Hwen hundred pouuds. elevell big Th e Bun WIl8 a grea t b a 11 In th e lug Iik fl eurly morning de w for t he peroni.. lb e I n dl IJnlJpo II B N ews OvIng comnlp.xlon. The hydrangeas gave me serves. S everaI w h 0 Ilave Re rVe d as gunny s8',ks. or rabtJltR Were gtven d eastern Bk y. an d It cast tt sawn b to varIous charitable InslltuUons a h I I' I In t b e next ·gar d en. ths t.,. From the oozy mud. liB you ('all president 0 r t b e .Fr enc b repu bll cave co Ior over leg "Tbl 8 I8 assure dl y a pecu II ar eSMe. " It. and Ibe graSB. I was absorbing clec. seriously dIm In Is he d t h c Ir f ortunes few days ago by I. A. Bordner and ... ~. mu t tere d th e d oc t or. WIII I e IIe k ep t I.ridly and nerve roree." while, In power. M . Tbl ers IIve d as Edward McKee of th e Rtate ftab atld f asc I no Ie d eyeR upon th. e gr. I I Sh e Tb e doctor was beginnin g to lin. simply as an A merrean presl d ent. g\lme commission. Tbe rabbits were He Doffed HI. Hat. was I n tb e f ron t gar d en now a.n d a derstand. " But the book on your bead mak I:ng few Iarge I expen dl tures an d killed In a big drive near Fresno. of A. D. bl ue kl mono enye Iope d h er; h er Ilead nnd Ihe pre en vegetnbles that nQ IIvln~~ well wit hi n hi s persona. I reve· held under tbe liupervlslon . .. Ferguson. represe~lIve of tue state nnd .Gnwt . Is declDl'6d to have cber, waB bOllnd close ly In a turban ellect doubt bnd .,lOIs of little green - " nue ot 400.000 francs ($100.000) a comml8slon In th ' district. Isbed the words 8S among the cbo1cat the Ilame shade. and sbe was trip· Violet Slopped both cars and .Iurned year. est ever spoken In bla praise. • I kl b b ah L I Ordinarily tbe ra bits ohtalned In Il I p ng qu C y a out among t e great el 'l gbtly an·ay. "1 refusll to Il8ten. "Marsbal MacM on." SIlYS e Cr , The Grant cottage 18 a pretty little ~ .. ln" to dl"plJrago my que8t de Paris, "dispensed largely . He had big drive ,are throwb away. Officials bydrangea lluBhee. From time to You nre try to two·stor}' I~ure IIlt"uated on th e time sbe would select a blossom an d for b eauly and I thInk It "cry com. 600.000 franca for entertainment of of the Wells FlJrgo company aareed .. hold It In two caressIng honds. then mendable." I,rinces. ambassadors. envoys anc! otb. ship the rabbits In rree of cbarge. and east side of WiK/d stre e t. mldwlJY be. tween Hlgll and 'Broad streeta. On tb e BU dd en Iy b ury h er f !lCe In It a 80 rt "It mi"ht. be In some rllses." said ar great personages. and other ex· so tbe ftfl.een bundred pounds of game, High street side of the bJock, almost " d ept b B. ) t Willi a t sue h momen ts th a t the u·o ~tor. I' nd wben he emlled penses were vote d' Iater. The Inst whlcb WIJS distributed 10 the p,oor. . ~'. P did nol cost one cent. oPP081te, Is a bu~ldhig ~ which. tbe the .lIttle laugh rang out. The , actor straight Into he r eyes Violet had the mont.hs of his presidency he hypotbe· watched ber tUBB ovor the tiny wblte graDe to bln6h . cated somewhere near the "alue or A large number of the rabbits had colonial legt.lature at .N ew Jersey mer. petals that clung to her eyes alld IIp8 ·t be botel be possessed ,In Rile Belle- their ears cut off. as the men who and .wbere Washlng~~q Is said to bave. and nose. Music the H~wk. cbBSlle. Gambetta. In ISiS. caused to killed tbem wllnted to keep track of had temporary beadquarters dUI'lng the , Revolution. "Sbe Is Just II I um dippy I " ejaeu Ia t e d ,b e adopted a motion limiting such ex. the number of hunnles t.bey took. . There I~ IlOt TOuch to be said for Eacb Back averaged 2;) rnbblts 110 Burllngtonlan. recall m'a ny stOr\ft8 Dr. Emory. with a tlnge of Irritation pens'Bs to 100.000 francs III charge of. • ~ tbat she should. be getting so much hnwk IDUfli(·. ret the voi ce of the tor· the minIstry of war. for which the there were ahont 300 l'abblts In tbe .of General ,Grant'l life tbere. Shortly joy out ot living. "I 8uppose Ir I dis· est wonld lose the cnarm at . Its wild· ml\rs,hal W88 to be personally re o £hlpm.enl.-Los Angeles Express. after hla return from the war. accord. "' . Ing to one of the ' storlea, there WIl& covered 11 cure tor her slle wou Id b e est nole were this greal. hlrd extinct. llponslble. h I b ,. n w" and It Is be clluse It Is wild ond dU· f P d G b From Better to Worae. an amualng Incident In wlllcb' a servo tb as grumpy en os s e s IIPI1, O . rerent from sounds or e very day that The economy a res) ent revy e · , ant from a neighboring resldenco ann The girl tben went down Into tbe camo proyerbln!. President Carnot "Judge.' said the caller; "1 wlsQ td or or we love It. Th e n, as a pic ture seen I d I I d II H you'd tell me what ) have to . do tbe general ftgurell . . •Tbere was a knock b oc k gar den an d eelec e an e rrom afar. the fo res t would never be enterla ne nrp;e Y an we. e trllv, to 'at ui.e front aoor ot; the Orant home corn trl1m tile st"<:ks, lII'blch she ate. eled a great deal. In sbort. he - llIe get my name changed." comple te wltbOllt tbe se birds of tire- up 500.000 francs of his personal for· · earIY· one mortling ' ancf a serVant renibbling It with QPparent r ells h . " Wh a t Is your present name'I" Then sbe liampled peSll, carrots and le8s wing banging over It. a nd reign' tune. Mme. Carnot freely said to ber" "Bennett Lemuel Zebulon ' Su:bb," ' turned to the breakfast' table with . a beets. Ing UPOn their thrones or rur. frlen,dB, "The Elysee Is a palace, "You wlilh 10 bave ·Subti. cbangect ~eJii)~ 'that a y~ung wo~~ wished t() "Mud and allY MOlt extraordlnnr"Y" whei'e one hi bored and ruined!' Caa- to somethlng ·else?" . ' •.\ ' ,. Iee.· the general. ! .', ~ . , For the first Ume In his career Dr. Getting Even. Im~r-Perler wall too ahott Q ' Ume ' In "No; r ' want . 0 new ' one entirely. i ~eneral Grant went to .t he door. Tbe . Emery regretted that tie was nQt an Eel. are t4e luxury ot the East end, olftp.! to.explolt the taBle" fall bJ~h, Ih. ,SOD!ethlng lI~e WillIam :I'bolilpstin or ' ctt~, apron ,drawn· Jnto ' ~ h004 Or!r I Ineanity expert. . "She aeems to thrive and-th. flsb shop· stuck tip 1ll'6ttdly the iDl.~cI'laviab_ eJt:pelldltu~ wlilCll ,,!,ere . George . Jqnes-tlomeUllng .bort afld b~! b~ad, IItood up~n. ~e · "~r!Dd~,: ". ' on It-never ·.aw lIuch- a beauty In all noUce "We "ell eels to the Iklng,'· to =1 and wblch hlB ampl. ' easy you know." , .'. wanta,! to lIei! ae~eral (}rant. - .\ . ' th oug ht aa Fr pm tb e oppo site s Id e of th, e road th e I m .t .~ pe , . rl......._~t~!..... _" ... ~... ,/,1'",,:, mT life," 11'81 tHe d ootortl ~. Praident, ".':1 ~I,sI"y'.our 0 tl on. t o yo.... r Il~e,~ theD ,l ise latd. ~. he crept back lAto, bed alter the girl rival ealeaman watcbed ' biB customeTi ....~ IIbpensed bill tuU .tUowance ba . 1. that It· I. too lon" I preBume. Wb7 '.~ :!e~, I'm .t)e· gen~l,'·. ftl~ Grant. . . bad returned to the bqilile. ·He lay ' a dlvertild to ' the shop , that claimed to " ~llfertiWuner1t '. a~d . eontrilet.ed · , a ; eau't YOll luilt UI. yoiP' bJ,tfaJllr ,. ·. AUe mal" •. wh'a ~~.~_ed,:,t9J' 10111 tlme ,w ondeflDg 'liow tie Could atl- .upp11 ·the. roy~ tilple ' ~lth eel.. ~d WalT_ a.tit whlcJl he ' oe.otlatea ~" "'That only .malt.. ' It ,orae, jlldP. ltatu.MI. l~~r foIDHft~e to talk to t!1e &trl without .ro~ t\8Il,' after I. _86 __• l'elleotlOn • .be put '11&,,", : " melle".r. l ..... ID7 1iaDl. &I if. .... .. lq ber . . " . up the rI"!Il Dotlce: "God. ~.,.~ . PnlidtiDt Loabet did Udqa ....... Bubb. lOmeb04lJ t!D1~..." the ..., b. ,..tcbe4 tor 'klqf"-~d01l C1a~llIcl" , - . ;. ''''11 rd. 6 " Ish ln/: il 10 t h .. w ind 10











Dum, .\






An old b or. • . IU If ut' "tlr' fll u (l r I I .' IlIx I • Ill s slllle ~ 'Jrr. Mrft . "" n .. !tn.. ' 1JI &)QUlI t ... ,.,ldlt,!, . . lIr l"p ", til" .: 111.

Bu11t Something Like Frame Hou~e With LIning o( Boards RUDning Around It (0 R es Ist lnlmens .. Pressure 0{ SUqe-Some Strong Points art! Giv .,n

LI,uU, " " ,,),81',,,10. u u rr. Wt()... -- -

- - .-

l nl.

1f I /)j· r, ' 1:4 a ~kt'I I' ICI !I"l.x.. el , It",lt ILle oJ u"r "IH! I" " , cia.

to Favor of Tonk..

I'11.1':c,;,; . C'I ; HF:1J



TOllr (ilu.:.:llWI\ ,.1 1\ r"ltlu/i nUJnu1 II

:1~:;~'II~al:! I\'~'L;;'I~~'1I l;~I_ ': c_ ;;!, _ I ~' . T , _ _ _;7" __ TI't I" IR


WOlllid helL/pr,


j:ouLi o ~ f~ wrlnltl ~ reruover , !'l"ly,. 1. f,' .. l1nt -tlftll IUO""" h, u al na 110. (rulli' l( ..,ul411 l , t"r ( rlllll'. C.,nllC h" .~ud l L. ~ v n.,u vt • ., A lJ I)rll lill ilottt 6U ~nlll ,

I Muk well "fh'l' tl ,,' l'IH>Qrrlllneos 0 11ft', allil Ie-I 111(' d l~ lllalK ~hlft few tl"' I1I ,,'1 "'R -· I.olli sn M A kotl.


l' uu nl ry lia s 61Jl'llt so lUuch 100np), lilld lime In 1I111!1Il\ltlug to pc r ren au lIeroplllne wllil'b un· del' all tli e I'In'lIlll' 611l1l(\e8. thnt might oc· Clll' would Ilrovc ur vlll · uabla ns" l slan('c III tlw" or war, all hn s l"ran ce, uur s l ~ I .'r rl'Jlubllc W[\8 ' Olle of Ihe Nrst 10 r ecol\"' J, I1.u the P08111bllltiea or tbls great III' "entlon lUI a possible aId to her army nod navy, Military aeroplane l ests ju st COIll· ,,'leted In that cuuntry bnv e sboWII r eo markable progre8ll In Ule pe rre ct lUll .... r the fiylng lfIachlul' . Th e 1Il0st l lromlnent F'rench avIators partlelpat· tid tn OIls event and Ole macblncs repre.ented were tbe \'ery lasl word I n aeroplane conRtrll ctlou. Tbe most conspI cuou s 8tH'CeSS of ehe meet was a Dloll o plan e drIven by Weymann, wbo , wltb a dead load or -GGO pound. and ono paKliengo r , a8oCended tram a plongbed fi eld alld f1t· talned a speed at 67 ,72 mll e~ an hour. The DcperduBsln wonoplane allOwell ,;ood reaulta also, two o[ thIs t ype pllrUclpaUng In the l eM t. . One was piloted by Pre vo tit and thp. olher by Vedrlnea, 'Prevost'ij Illllcblne was tltted with a J OO·horsel lowcr Ol1ome motor, Vedrlue ~ hll(1 only 60 horse· )IOWer, but mllde 1\ Ilolt e r record 'lblUl did Prevost w\th bls fo urteen <' yUnder r evuh ' lng motor. Tile latt er ascended to 1.640 feet In mluutes ADd 12 seconds, wherelts \' edrlne8 lleeded less than 9 mlnllt s to attaIn tlle same altltlHill. Weymann bad 110 dllllculty In com· llieting tb e Ilrs t day 's telltS , H e start41d from Hb eims al )0 II . m, and land· 1!d at Montcorne t, His ma cblne was taken apart and retlll'Ded to Rtl elms, rellssemilled, uud !ll 4 p, m. he atnrt· ~ 1I "gAIn , Arter landing on a plougbell fIeld. be r ose rroUl the ti llut and !'how ed tbat bls mu chln e dId not need .any Ilelp' to rl so, except I bo t Of the paBs~ge r he car~l e d along. It Is dalmed tbat his ma c blns wns tile o nly one thnt was 'able to leave l/Ie lliou g hed fi eld wlthoul anr other as· -6IKlnnce. The Hanrl or. monoplan e, said to be nne of the leadIng ~l'en('b Hylog rna· I'hlnes, was Otted wltb a fonr·cyllnder 7()'borsepower water,cool ed Ulotor, carr ying tbe propeller at the front ....nd of tbe <!TanksbMt. TwIn wheels were used wltb double skJds, The .Ilread or this maobln e III "'.6 r ee t,





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~I':-;"" T' I ',

hll"""\lrl Agl' ic-ullul'n]

EXfll"rlm l' fll

H I H1lnn I

One or I li p III<>SI HIl" '('~8 rlll lYlH'S "r Is t.llat g ' n rn lly kU"WIl us th e " phIHle re<1 " o r (; url " .. s ilo. Tills I l ile Iti es rle, 'tnll), i\ dB plt'd 10 III u60 Sc('lInli s where t ll~l'e 18 ,1111 1 a I,,('a l ~IlIJp lr of nallve lu m b er whlt-h (urn l.hes '1 cheu J.> butldlllg malRrlul. ~lI o s


Thp Ourlpr Milo Is uullt mu c h like a frame hOllse, eXt'l'lot llollt I I Is round In form, with a IIn l ug of boor<l8 rlln · nlng l enl~hwlse arollnd it, sOlllC'lhln like the hOOI)H of II IJIlrr,,1 whlt-h gh'e 11 " treug ~lh to resi st tlo .. I UllIlI· nsl' )Ires· aure or th e silagl' , lis c"me nt. p18ll' tored walls pro l ee t h t he wood fr ame· 'l\'ork from decllY · Some of the str ong polo t s In favor of thi s style at 8110 art' :

th e tolal 1I11IJPol'tlng BurfU(!e b(' l nK sl]lIlIre fCI!!.. or the tiuccesRfu l Illanes w ere those or I b.. Itre~u .. t t~' IHl, Ih ree ot whIch (lOnldllated In Ihe COil test, One \\ 118 IH'ovlded wit h a 100·1!0l'Kepnwer Gnome, another with a 140·horsepowe r Unome Illl<t the tblrd wltb a II O·bor sepower Call ' t1 nJl~

With the cIrcle as a guide a pit hI dug to a detltb of from I \\'0 to three Ieet. The wall or dirt Is cut plumb and the floor level ed,


The Sa \'arr uliliane was a novel type, R01l1ewhat shnllal' to Ibe Ilreguet wltb the motor Il laced In rrODt ot Ihe lower plane, III auout Ule same posl· tlon ns Ihe avlator'lI Real In II Curtl 8s hlplane. Two IJrQpellerR In rront of tbe plan es are drIven by ('bn llls rrom tbe motor In Ibe same way IIR on the Wright bi plan e. Tbe aviator Is plnced In the rellr of the low er plane. Th er e Is a central skId be· low the low er plnnt' and twIn wbeels placed al,art on elll'h sille. Tbe ruotor used Is n 70· horKl'power 4·cy lluder wllter·cooled engIn e. The F1reguet biplan e Is ot tb e Old typ e, hut tbe undercllrrlage has been ('banged and now carries IUr e~ wbeelB, Tbe flregllot I s notable IU that It haM ouly I hree ur lOUT up. rlgMs connec tin g Ibe main plane s at tbe rrollt. It Is quickly dl RltlollOl ed , and ror Ihl ~ reason Is excellent lor :.ullitary li se,

WE YI'1Ah/Y 0/'1" h'/S /Y/£UMIf'T /'fO/ifJl'fAfiI.'I If'E"ALJY TO /'A/'IO

phI n > u itl nOI p rn",' I" be very sueessru l . liS u nl)' ant> mlle-hlne or tllill IYlle "li S clussod in Ih e final com' peltt l on. Th" luncll ill es ",l,tell rom[1letcd all tho I "I" " Pre entitled to compete tn lIl I' 1111,,1 ra re Bud ."ere Hissed U roJlo\\'~ :

1I1onllplan l's - I,"trsl, !':Ienporl (Weymnlllll; ~e(' III1c1, Ile per tlusstn (l'reVO sI) : Ilt l l'll, llepE'r<i uH slu (\'e drlnes J. Illpl nuPR -- Flrst. I[ reg llet (~10In e all); ~l'Cotlll, Hrf'g"" t I ~lolnea u ); t hlrll, Hr"!.:I I"1 Il l r egt ) ; I OllTlh, ~ . Parman (Itf>n eallx) : fift lt , ~I.I" armAn IUarra); slxlh, I I. F'nnu an 1I''1 sl1NI; se n )ntb, Sll \',\TY (Fmuz I . (luly Il 'n t1\a ~ blne ~ 0111 of 3 1 lin· I HIt l'd nil the 1I' ~ r s success tllll y anll Tbo GOUpy blpltlne wblch parUcl· wcrt' tll eI'P(o r e> admitted to tb e tlnat pated III lhls tetlt watl the tlrst In rn re. A speed or 1i0 m iles nil bour l';IJru\lo to use olT set planes, Two Of w as Ih e rPlJI!lr~d av · rage with a rull lbese machln eB were entered In tbo load, and un altltudl' 01 j,lHO fee t tlad competltlon, but n eltber was classed to I", allnlll pu In th e shor te sl time In Ihe Unal event. Tbls lIIaclllne tll I' n~!<th l (', not excPI!, lIl1g 15 mInutes, hullt Dloug the standard II nes, except TI,e IIn al ('I'(lss·co untry rac e was won for I he otTset \llall es, Tbe mntor Is hy \\'~)"ntan ll , wh o covNed a dtstance nn S·cyllnder olr,coOl ed Henault, and or 1, ,; mile s In tw o hOllrs and a~_ i s "llIc ed at tbe rellr or the lower ullnlll(,8. Itn l\\'ern/(e ~ IJe"d or 7l!,47 (llane wllb the prop eller on I he Cl[ . miles IIU hllllr, Pre"ost was second tre mlty or the cam shaft, It was on with an 1I\'t· mg!.' ur 56.6 miles an a macblne of I hI s construction tOst h our. Onl1 r (>: "lt or the rne .. wall to prove Heneaux ~ won tbe $20.000 tollc,b eUn prize, Hying from Paris to the PIlY conc lu slvp l.\' th at the \Jlplantl cannot de Dome mountain wltb a pa ssenger C{lInpelo' wllb the ruonoplune where on bnarll, Tbe Henry ("arman Ill· apt'"d I s tb l! Ie ·t .

thin g Ihan allY on e else In Ills genera· tlon . The c.Jltlvatlon of a "bobby" out 10 be re{'og ni zc d by th e unlveral· tl ea as It leglllmnle. Ir not n vltlll, educa tional m etbod. Wben Ibat· time c omes Ibe r ellll it to the unlversltJea th elll se iv es will be of Bome Importan ce. Tbere will return upon Ibe unl· versltles, for permane nt enrlcbment, tbe r esulls, In Ulany cnses, of the life IIccIJlIlulall on s of lIl eo wbo hav e gone out of ro ll eg~ with a Boeclal IntPl\e('llI' al Inlen's\.. Yale I~ todn y beIng remind ed Irom lime to lime or Ihe 1m porl an t I' O~s lbllitil's of tilts ntlllude, Her r ecell t I wo exlrnnrdluary gifts of rare bool(s, ror tnslnllCB, nrc In point. - Y a le Alumni \Vl'('kly .

.Cultivation of a "Hobby'"

c an Is In this country It he does, The ('oncepUon ot sucb a collateral Intel· lectual existence goes bRCll, or course, to tbe basic dlrreren ce between our own and tbe Englisb v lew of tbe per· tlonal I\!e, nnd, In Iflrge Dll'a8IJre, wbere It arrects Ule unlvorslty classes, to the public sentiment of Ibe unl· "crslty community , American a have heen Intelleclual paupers In tbls r eo tlp ect, and wc bazard the stalement Ihat, so tar as the AmerIcan collegehred man haa Buffered from the condl. lIon, hIs college life public sentiment hilS been In large part responslhle for

No foreIgner enn help admiring tb e co mpl eteness and t horoughness of Ger· Ullin InstitutIons for tbe care of the si ck and poor, and If complet e ne ~ 8 and thoroughneB~ could make people well alld bappy German patients an!l the Germau poor would bave nothing to complnfu or, But something else Is needed, Dnd tbat Is sympathy, Tb~ German doctor approaches bls patleDI


Curioul Relic. Senator Stephenson of 'WisconsIn bas presented to the Smithsonian In· etltuUon a ' CUrlOIlS relic of the early days of exploration and discovery In fhe region of the Great Lakes, It Is a steel ax of qnalnt shllPe, entlrely un· like any In use at present. Tbe finding ot this old ax was more petullar than . the Implement Itself. WhUe a lumberman was cutting a lluge log Into planks Beveral teeth were suddenly ripped from the clrcu·

Inr saw by some foreign Bubstance. On Investigatlon the ancIent ax, Bltll bright lind keen·edged, waa found firm· Iy Imbedded In the log flve Inches neath lhe bark. It Is easy to ·'Imaglne that the ax Willi struck Inlo a sapling by some ear· Iy French voyageur and forgotten, and that the young tree grew around It, hiding It from Blgbt. The ax, with a crOSB section of the embracing log, now finds a reBtlnc plaoe (n tbe SmIthsonIan.

DeceIt, Shp tUl'[lerl away Dnd Shivered. "Deceit," hc re\l(';]ted In conslerna· tlon; "w her e Is the deceit, prtrhee~" "Ttl ghl In your face," sbe answercd, "( se e II." In horror he shrank from her. "Curs e him," h e hissed, " Cu r8e thE m~n who guaranteed tbat no one could fell Ihe gl1l8S eye be sold me (rom tba g<!lJuln." .. With livId lips and baggard cbeeln he staggered trom tbe place.


When They Wore Pigtails -in E~gland

Not Enough Head, Two Phlladel~hlans were dl8CUBIIIDI a young man of their acquaintance, whose falber had been a dlstlngullhed member of tbe bar, and a usetul memo ber at loclety. "For my part," 8ald one, "I OlIn. Henry II a _yel7 brlebt and capabl. fellow, alld I am con12dent Jle-wll\ eUl'

was aeen on Ob'~aPlllde wltb bl. gray halr Ued behind In a ahort QUeue, and even today we can tlnd .. relic of the ,pigtail, for ' the' 'three pieCes of black velvet on the drelll tunica ot omce ... In tbe 'Royal Welah Futillle... are r. mailla of U1e rltA(oD which , the qu.ue . ~ . . Ued.......LolldoD ,Chronicle. '



~ ,I,



.to" .


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Fcir' ~Teri'ton ~.~ffia etm~ua. ,there


Sympathy th Ollj!1t he Wer,. ahout to so lve a prnp(lsl1irm In !':u c lltJ Scl4'llce, s kill , pr ecf(lllionnry enre, are nil In PI' ldeuce. but In II 11I1'I:;e majority • ( C8S "S the warmth, Ille feeling or II ~e l y hll1l111n tntereAt In Ibe pa tl l' llt ani! h i. fe elings nre wuultn/( III th e ('II~a or ('\llldren suc h warmlh Rn tl Bymputh)' nre partIe· nlHrl y necessary , 1111(1 the pOllr C: .. rmn n parent kn ows I hal lie cn nnOl eXlIect It fro m a public Institution,


, "Yes,'" repUed , the oUler, "be t. UDo doubtedl)' , a wortby ,OUDC man; but ( don't th1nk be (lal ~aI eno\l&ll \i flU ' bla tat.1a.8r'i ', , &boa,':' '



Tn C' rUE A c' OLU IS ONF. DAV 1 '"",.

-vP' _-


a, center stake; b,

A.rrangement for milrklng out the circle on the ground: arm; c, ~c ratching piece,


. ...... I

Point Wherein, In the Opinion of Col .. It. Few and tar between have been lege Man, Englishmen Have Ad, the college educated men In this conn· ",antage Over Americans, try who bave hit upon "hobbles" for themselves when undergraduates, and The word Is fast losing In thIs coun· ca rried out theIr specIal Interest to It bal try the ahsltrd slgnlHcance whlcb a Borne purpose In after life, veople given to geLting on In life have heen a notion of ours for a long time attached to It. Our English trlends that a college curriculum ought to --have ma~ "hobbies" a tetlcb for gen· toster the cultivation of "bobbles" by ~ rlltJons, 80 that a well bred Engllsb· some mel hod that wonld let the IItu' man who dnesn't reluru from bls otHce dent Ond ror hImself what apparently to some special week·end Interest or useless thIng he was most Inlerested hIs own which 18 quite COI'elgn to bls In outside or his dally work, and not (lally occupatlon 18 liS much of an permit blm to graduate until he knew anomaly In his country as an Amerl· -n; ore about that particular useless




The foundati on Is rel ntorced co n· crete. The III u8t ration "how", In crOHS sec tion I h e ('onsl ruC'tlon of one of the f 'r ames , whl ('h hold the forlll board s hi pla<'l' . TLu' He fraOJe ~, wbich are made of 1 by i plank, ~ hould be placed t h Irt y InC'ill' s aloart a r o l1nd the pit to bold tbe Inside and outHltle form boardH I n place, Tht-se hoard s are halr·lnch lumber or four-Incb wId th, s o /i.8 to hf~ readil y b eut to ('onform to the wall of the pll. The dlstanc.! b e· h :ucn the In81de fn rn ' hnards and IiiI'

pi l \\'nll oholll<l be (lue fool Th e "V]· (,I'pt,' r"ulldat/Oll ~ llIIllld "x1811l1 about (Ill<" fO(l1 I\U"'" J:;rulliid all Ih t' u \lI ~I"e, TIll' ti l " " ("" tl ull nl"" D l lo\\'~ liow the lIPP I' (" ('(lr n.,I'" (If th e ('OIH'reIP wnll IIr'" bl' \'~ I.,- d " fl e r tIl(' "UIler('I" lollS hN'O lne 8110klC'utly ~tl tT lO pe l' mll thl~ Ior'lng dUll p 'I'll" ~ Ii )' 4 sill wIth II la r ge ,;plke to r 1111 anchor 1M Ill ~ " RIIOWII 1m · betlded in 110 (' 1" 1> of the \\'1111 , The concrN" ShOllld hI' rtI n<l~ trolll deaD, >iital'() Ka lill lind ('nough Ponlalld (' I' mcn t to In " "l "~ a RlronK mlx l nr{' , Thf\ J.>rl)lJOrll o n ~ wil l rom nb'JlIt n ~ fu ll ows: 00<' pn rt <'NlIpnt , ~ I · ~ Pllrt s ~a nd , und p Url s or bl'ok,,11 AIO II " . Enollgh wa · tel' i s ndded dllrillg II", mlxin);, \I' hlch rllll ~ t II(> t horulI); 10 I,\' dun e, to makc a mtxlur 6 th at Is Ihlll ellollgh to settle to tile fo rm with light tampIng bul not 80 tltln Dl'I t o l'lIrry th e cement out thl'ougb t.lll' <: l'IIclls of Ihe rorm by Ihe w at er leo k i ng nul. Ttll' foundation I II relnrorced \\'11 h a piece o f three-root woven \\"I~ rl'IlC'lng plal' ed In the Clm· tel' of Ihe fu rUl uefo l'e filling wllb tbe <:ollcrPl.. ut i xt u re , Art"'I' Ihe wtlll hatl se t sufficiently 10 st" ud a\IIrte , 11 ,(, furms mny be removed ant! th e 1I00r laid to a d epth or foul' 1tJ(' h .. ~ . II Is ad\' l sable, but not nb solllh'ly Il Pl·<'H~nr ~ . t o pu('k about foul' IDl'IJ('s of w eI I'indel's In the bot· tom of I htl pit Io<,fore laying i he Hoor. Uetore Ib e \\'1111 aud ftoor have bllrd· eupd, a Nnts hl nJ'; COllt at sand s nd cement ml""" t hrp,,·to·one should b e Dllt lin with a plaRI PI'N 'S trow el.


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IJU l n t nfl 1.'llhlet. I-I ,-ure, K . W.

r:lIl .. tw a

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I r n "'''Ilw n I,. a r./p v<'r 1\ 1'1roM the ('barH"' " .LI'" I hllt Io ... r bU ~IJ Ulld will find th (l l ' h l)r ll !O( Itlllrfl Int et'PSl ln J! . Dr 11. 1111

P ,eft'''''''

P lr MtHut

111\ I~o ,~fe AtOlll tlt·h .

~\I~i\r ' · I~IJ1(·d . twy

r plle t R rpgu l"t. l1ud bowell .

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"1'8H UIt.' ~. eIL-s y

Lv ta~.

as c. ud). We are b el' on earth to learn lo alld not to grasp. we gnln moat by givlllg 1ll0Sl. - John H . Dentson, ~ivt'

I,oul" " They tell Ill\'! f\be will get a millhl11 thp <Is y Hhe 11lnrrl"s Fred ." 1... ,l1l o;(' - " \\' ell , it's worth II " - ebl· (' agn I )a \l y K('ws. Many Cblld...,,, A .... I:Ilckl7. Mnlbf'r Gra.l ·1 d'Kf!ftt .-uwdera fur CbUC1reD 8~ up Co ld,. In »& h OUf1I, ","..,YtI "o".rllbll••• Uea,d .. . "he. ~luDl&cb 'l'roubln. Teetblfl, DI ..... rdf"·.~ mOTe anll revuhllO ll1a bowel", an4 I).MOOT Worm • . ar8.0 1I1C" ..... nt to tAke c::blldl'1'lD. L1lle \bem. U"ed by Dl utbl!r~ tor 22 y"arL A. tall 11". ••i"8, Zo. Sample lu.lIed li'nMiG, A..C1dre. .. .I. . S. Olmtted, JAB.oy. 11."1'.


Much Better Purpoft, MIss C hurmynge- [)on·t YOIl tblnk t waR lIIa.. I (· for n bUAlness woman! .J Hrk IIl1s\J e r - Ko, I don't. I think you w('re 1114'11.111 for a bu"lne8s man. Stray ·torlell. Real Woman-Hater, A ""Ill of a conftrmed woman·haler. " .. ril es nrell 111. HarrIs In "Ancl~nt C urIos and !<'arnou s Wills," 18 that at a rieh old bl\(:helor who had endured mu r h fr01ll attempts made by bla family to \lut him under the yoke or rtU\lI' ll11ony. a n(1 who wrote: "I beg t bat my ('ltecutol'a will see tbal 1 am hurll'd \Vh~re there Is no woman In· te rret.l, eIther to the right or to the Ipft or Ill l'_ Should thi s 1I0l be prac· tl ra blo t~ the ordinary course of thin" .. , I t\lr~ct that they (lurcbaae Ihree gra.~s, lint! bury me In the mid· d ie onc of tll-) Ihrp{" I <>av ln;: the two others Unc c(' upled," elG DIFFERENCE. •

Cron-sectlon of one of frames that hold the form boards In place, Il, con· crete foundation wall; b, edge of Inside form boards; c, ar\n holding oute!r form boards; d, 1111,' showln9 one of the anchor spike.,


..._........._ ......,.......,.-,,..........,.."........,-...

~~ ,..·.,·v_...,..·""_~_

HO'" TO BmLD CONCRETE WALKS Mata PolDt lD Coastruc:t,OD. AIUS' Goo4 Material Securtod.. Is

PK'oper Dr...~e System. (By J , ,.,', GRIFFlN,) The main point In construcllng a. concretB walk, alt er good material has b ee,n secnred Is a Ilroper drainage, without whIch no walk will give entire satisfaction, \~·ater should at no time stand and fl't'l'ze l)follnd tb e ba se or th e w alk. Pre zing and Ibawing or th e earth adjoIning tbe walk will caURe cracks lind cbecks, If there are not lIulll cl ent absorbents 10 tak e away th e moisture. Undel~ ordInary condillons 'Wh ere the surtace drainage Is fatrly good, :l base of six IlIclres of coa rse gravel nr eruRbed stone III recommen d et!' Tills should be tamped perfeclly 6 011 tl , 80 tbat there wIll be no setlllng or gIvIng down afler tbe' walk Is corn· J..leted. Th e base of gravel or crushed stone should be two or tbree Inches wider on encb sIde tban the concrcte, In layIng ott a walk the top level or same sbould be located and maTlled on stakes driven at intervals at five OF olx feel. The ~3xcavatton should be made t en Inches deep trom the level line, six Incbes tor Ole drainage, three aud one-balt~ for the grouting and onGhal! In(~b for the top coat. ' Some prefer olle Inch tor the top coat, but i bave bad better results with one-baIt Incb, as there Is a more even curIng or drying out wben lhe top coat la not so tbick; ' then, the groutlnK may be ' made ' somewhat richer, and tbe top cnat, It put on while tlbe groutlllg Is yet snft, before Ole Inlt:lal 8et fakes place, there will be a bl~Dd lec~d that wlll never break. Too ~~mellt should be loft, smooth ' and w'clrk DlcelT, 'the sand sltould be sharp, ·coarae aDd PerfecUT tree trom clay or IIlBDl, the' craYel or cruahed etone u-.d In ~kllir the rroutlDr

Ill"" .,....


or loll

anit clay ..



... _ ......... --


the sand, The ca u se of so much <lI s· satisfaction I n concrete construction !s In tbe sand and grnvol. Wbere Ihe r e is a coat or skim at cia), 011 the grn \' e l a secure b on d 18 First Passenger (In street car)-I impossible, but If the gm\'el Is wash· wIsh you'd Ket orr at the next corner. ed or I s no t urally tree from t hIs coa t Second Passenger-Otr the car? of clay, th e C'emeut, sand and gravel First Passcuger-No; ott my toot. rnllke H ~ olld equal to stone. The water used In mIxing the con, GRAND TO LIVE creto shou ld ue deal' and cl en u , And the Last Laugh 18 Always the Baa' Wbere Wilt r is usel l . thai from ftItlly "S ix months ago I would have laugb. pond s, or ",hpl'e It Is 1I1luied 10 all· barrelR, ul l or Ih o rorelgn matler I n ed lit tbe Idea tbat there could be any. the water , coal S I h e grn vel and pre- thin g better for a tabl e bever~e tbaQ vents It perred uli ion betw ee n the cotree," writes nn Oblo woman, "now I laugh tl) kn(\w there i8. dllferent particl es In the mixture, For "SInce childhood I drank cofff'e treeth e grouting, a mIxture of seven t o Iy as dl(1 lhe otb or m embers of the tamone i s mutle. Spven pnrts saDd bnd lIy , The result wa s a puny, sIckly 011~ gro\'pl nnd OIl C parI cement. girl; and a~ 1 grew Inlo womanbood I Of the salld and gravel, Ihc \lropor· did not gaIn In health, but was afIiou will ba \'e to be made nc<.:ordltlg fill-ted with h ea rt Irouble, a weak and to tbtl slzo of tbe gravel u sed. The Ili so rdered stom ac b. wrecked nervea I and a g eneral br en klng down till last win IeI', at the age of 38, I oeeuled to be on the verge oC consumpllon, "l\ly frIends grr('ted me with 'How bad you look' \Vhat a terrible colorl' and this wus not very comfortIng. "The dociu~s and patent medIcines dId Ole ab solutely no good. I -''\5 thor. oughly discouraged, "Tben I ~ave \1p cotree and cnmmence d Poslum, At first I dIdn't like It, but after a few trIals and followlnc the directions exactly, It was grand, It was refreshing and satisfyIng. In a couple oC weeks I noticed a greaA: cbange, View of Concreto Walk MaKIng, "1 hecame stronger, 'iny braIn grew large r or coarser, tbe more Band It requires, The sand fllls tbe Inter, sLlce~ at the gravel and lbe cement those oC the sand. The sand and gravel art! mind while yet dry, The gravel Is damp. elled and plied In a cone-shaped pile, and tbe mlxl UNl of cement and Band poured over It, This Ie then turned wIth sbovels twIce, • It Is then sprinkled and mixed untU completely wet thro-tgb and through, ' It Is tben shoveled Illto tbe forms all lamped In place, The mixture f!lr th top coat la made of two parte aan and one part cement; thelle are mixed I"hlle elry anci thea dampened to, ~b. conalsteDC)" of • thick batter &lid put OD lb. croutlnr at once.

clearer, I was not troubled WIth fol'" getfulness a8 In coffee times, mT power ot endurance wa; more U1aa douhled, .~ "Tbe heart trouble aild lI\lllgestJoa dlBallpeared and my lIenell bec~ .teady and strong, "I battan tn take an Interelt IA thlnp about me. Hou.ework and bomemaking became a pleasure, My frIeDa Jlave maneled at the cbance ando whe. tbey enquIre what brougbt It ' about I anllwer 'Pootum, and 1I0tbtllc e1,le fa the world.''' Name ,'ven by Po.lua t:o:, Battle Oreek; Mlch, Reaci the "little Book, '~e WellYlt'e,"' lnpkp, "There'a. reUoL;e !her ..... tIIec . - . -' • .tt.~ _ • . - . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 'Iller


Road .. ... _

an I.e. ........ tna. ... .., ... ~ .......... II






The Miami Gazette O. L. CRANE, Publisher. WA YNESVIl. LJoJ,

01-1 10.





GRANT'S OLD-TIME WAR HOME The young doct or drew In Il ~reall breatb at country air. The garden iiI the rear ot the old home In wblc h be waa to spend hI s vocation was a mass ot scented nower.. ROBE'S, zpnlas dahlias all cJ about like 1It1le joyoua lIouls roving In tbe moonlight. A rerreahlnlt mIn hall C"J,Xlled tb_ air, and becn use the nigh t " a~ bea~ tltul, and tbe doctor young. bill thoughts turn d toward tbe Jllrl to whom hili hea rt bad late ly res ponded Because his mind was In a cbaotJo condlUon regarding tile depth of hlB feeling townrd Role Langdon, Dr, I!lmery bud come to the solitude of the old manor LaUBe on Long Island. Hla tboughts, for the moment bent cblefty 00 tha beauty of the night, were ea s ily Intel·rupted. He paused snd listened , In thl' walled garden next door a 10rt IIwlsblng sound made regular bar· mony to bls ear. He drew nellItir tile wall and looked over tIlrougb a clump of busbes. HII eyes opened- wide and be leaned cautiously a",'ay tram the moon raYI. Was Ihe a wraith or a blood and bone girl who trailed back and forth over the raln·soaked graBlI! Qr. Emery. so completely startled out.f hll every·day. humdrum city lite. could not dellnltely ans",er the quesllon. He watcbed with falclnated attention. The girl's atUre wal whIte and clingy nndi trally, and as IIhe moved ..crOll8 the long gra8S her bare teet peeped forth. Thole little feet found a pool of water lett by tbe recent rain. and a gleeful chuckle fell from tbe glrl'a lips. "lnune!" muttered tbe young doc· tor. "By Jove I What a pity-she III • 1 beautiful al tbe IIl1el. "They toll not, neither do they :apln." tbougbt the doctor, and tbe pity dropped out of bls thoughts. tbe girl seemed so absolutely bappy. so evidently joyoull In tblll condillon of Ihe mind. After bumming a few notes of lIlUng melody the girl tripped


daahecl lnto Ne", fork to lpend 14 Wbat an IIltereatins report he wtU baft 'to male or tile KJ'Mt MI..onri and MI. tIIppl .,.J"181 What accurate deecrlpUoa Il. can K1Ye of the Southland wtth Ita woDderf:ul work of UDfolcUnc ~. ~ml opl Wbal ....phlo 'IlO1IJIta of tile pJ'OClllrlonl WI ...t tlleater of Imperlal prosrea.. be wtJl mpel If coDld ran Into 110m. '1nIII4nformed ~aukee on Broad",..,. lie ~t cet a lecond·hand ltatement ~ wbat America 111, but be' can ne.-er find out almpl, b, .randtn! and vteww."t It. IlDdl .In·· New York. tile Om&ba Bee.. Be cannot. even 1M all of cI~. and ~'r)' lltUe or th. element. and I'MOU~ tbat make It. Amim_ .... ' proud of their metrop~. .ecGn4 clt;J til ·.the world In ISM and lint III m~7 otber rapeeta, but ~ , "oU1~ ilehr' lQ there to let the boura there ' "Ieelnc America."






~~~~--~--~~~~~'W- l~ contJnen~ ~erlCL

, The,. mlcbt .,~ ,

fo -their Ideal of

_~: pro"'Jl<;l~~m. Our 10UDK pee;t fmm'· abroad ltandl oDly before • ~ wln40w that 10011:1 O1It upon .lJIIerlCf, before the mirror tIlat acteijuate17: reft.eOtl It. or courae, It ~ulci DOt otJIerwtlMi. ' \



• r -~.....- : - - - - ' lJI the C~leaao publlo ~brar,. dul'-

toe -the ~ ,ear 8,340.000 bookl han

WeD CiJled ' ror. ,more tIlan two-Udrdl

" o~ diem tor ' bome UN. . Before deeld. IDC ·,ult 110'" literary· ChleaBo II. how. eyer, It will be neceasary to bOW bow maD, oflthe 3,8'40.000 book!! were bll'

tones aDd blopaJ'hlee and' other •• ' 1'10111 'Worb and h w many of them TItt! !ir!:; aI/Ire wa.s whit: .nd clin,fr ancilrai!J' were epbemertll '' 'belt ...lien." The board or eduClltion ta Lol AD· IrIlea baa barred boxlns for the hlSb IIcboot c1rlJl for fear their beauty and their, prolpecta may both ,be marred. It .. very likely that the reallOn sl.-en for the 'p rohlbition will cause Ita un. qU6lltionlp.1 acceptance b)' tbe lair .ubjeeta of the ukase. IA New Y.ork jury awarded a. I.",yel lix centa damagea and JusUce 0011 lIet tile verdict' asIde wltb the ObBe" .. tlon that a lawyer's reputation mUll' be worth more than that. Neverth& leas the Justice must admit that It d& 'p end I on the lawyer, just aa In an, other case It muat depend on the man. Membersblp In any proteaslon or eDIt< ployment In an,. occupation does Dot ~natltute a certificate or charactAlr.

Tbe coloring or meeracbaum pipet never burns tbe pipe" but In IIplte ot this great modern Improvement tbe ... uDdoubtedly be men wbo will ' 10 rlgbt on trying to color tbelr mee... IIchaum pipes tbemlelv6S. and not In, frequently spoiling tbem In the proo _ . tn the aame old·raabloned way:


The Western Union's new 01110. bulldllll: In New York Is to he I opJ, 26 storlel> blgh. and the New York: ". :pers are uldng, "Why this modera. Uonr An eastern couple kept tbe fact CIt tIlelr marriage II aecret tor I1rty yeara,' Tbey bad no fancy. eVidently, ror tlD" . _ or .U.-er. '

. , ._ ~ uklnlHbat tlP~ .be a~lIlbed;tbe ~wn , want It. IiDqerat004 that tijjtlJ .. ....t ._e~ ~ualIJ~ .U al1lbo ' ", . . ',1 • ,< r .:' \




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.............. III. NOId

• •

quiCKly towarQ the bouse and dlanp· peared. Dr. Emery frowned, partly becau!!!) the garden leemed lese beautiful and pacrtly been use he had been Interrupted In bls attempt to diagnose this peculiar form at brain malady. The puzzled frown remllined as the doctor returned to the house. At an early bour of the morning tIlere came to the doctor'B ears that lIame Unkllng laugh . He jumped hurriedly trom his bed and looked ' out ot tbe window. The ' sun was a great ball In the e811tern IIky, and It cast Itl dawning color over the girl In the next .garden. "This 18 aSBuredly a peculiar csae," mut~ered the doctor. wblle , hI! kept tasc\nated eyes upon the girt She was tbe front garden now and a blue kimono ,enveloped· her; her hea.d was bound closelY In a turban effect of the shade. and Bbe was trip· ping quickly about among tbe great bydrangea ,bushes. From time to time ahe would select a blossom and hold It In ~wo caressing handa, tben IlUddenly bury her face In Its 110ft depthe. It waa at Buch moments tIIat tb~'.1fttJe, laugh rang out. ' Tbe .doctor watcli.~ ' her fUBB over lbe tiny wblte petale ' that clung to ber eyes a~d lips and nose. "Sbe Ie juet plum dippy!" ejaculated Dr. Emery. 'Wltb 0 tinge of Irritation that she should. he getting 80 much JOY out of living. "I suppose If I dis· covered a cure tor her sbe would be as groin'pY .then as she ,is bappy now." The girl then 'Went down Into the back garden and selected , an ear of corn (rom tbe IIt(.dks, wblcb she ate, nibbling It with appare~L rellsb. Then Ibe lIampled p~u. carrote and beeta. ' . "Mdd and all!' Malt extraOrdlnar)'!" "In Jlle !.l:u:eer Dr: 'For .the · 1Irs, Elmer,. ' regretted waa nQt, aD ,lnJ!~lty : q~~ .l . thrlve on 11-:-ne"er !I" all lIlY ·ure," lfal; the ,be ~ept.back IAto h '4-' ' L.. _ _ .. "tCf"tlle


can now be done by a machine tba'




A1thougb the queue, lesl reverentl,. bown all p19ta1 I, la most commonly ...oclated In the public mind ot toda, with tbe people at China. and al· tbough tIlat t8lblon ot wesrlng the III1r baa probably been attributed by the thougbtlesl In many Instances to "'bat moet ot UII were tausht by our 1ICIh001 «eographlel to regard .. tile balt·c.h1.1i&ed condltloD at the Chlneae. at la I tact weU ",'o rtll nottnl that til. ChInese are by no meanl the only _ t10q on earth to bave IboWD I'ftpect and; parttalltJ to the Queue. The reeent edict aanctJonlns the abolltion of tIla plgtalJ In ChIna remmda the !Lon4oa Cbronicle tbat It II not so "'VJ' I~ a,o alnoe tbe p~ d1I8p~ not mere17 from the BriUlb !Pm)' and navy. but • .-en from evel")" day d"man Ilte In IilnSIand. Waist· lion&, plgtaJll were til. fuhIonabl. wear In England about 1740, and berore that tile bas wi. bad been adorned with a plctaJ,1 looped up In a blacll: IUk l1aa. .Ai late al 1868 an old cenUeman 'Waa leen In Cheaplllde wtth hil ...., hair tied behInd In a abort aueue. and It apPtl8ra that • .-en toda,. mQ' be tOUDd In Ensland a I'8UO or the Plctall; for, accordln« to tile Clu'oDlcle, three pleeea or blaclt ..el· on tile drell tunici of omcera In the Ro)'al Welah Fulmera are the 1'& malna of the ribbon wtth wbleb the .uwe 'Wu tled. ADotIaer






DQ~'90 :;~'I1!e

}~ wond~~ riUiieU~e to taUt to the ItrJ ..ottlllmt

1M her aulplCSOD:; ,.' ., Daraq the ~ be ~'ecI t . . . . . I



" .


lIIoods or IIIe rnsf', "' h~n I he was high the 1l11'1 eU "'" Ollt ..' Ilh bel' glori ous r.' d·go ld hall' hanglnlt, ulld proc eed ed 10 s way backward and ror· ward, swIshing It to th e wInd In tho all'. aft E'r whl('h sbe bruahE' d Il \'Igo!"" ou sly, "l'I\ow fih !! thInk .. Bhe Is Mn Italian ..... ood carrier ,'· 'fhe dOl'l.or watc he, her put a book on th e croll'n of her head "nd walk IIlowly Rround aod around lhe bOlls P-. ''1'11 bet there III a flpeclallsl In that bOllse watching bel' ever y minute!" In Ihe e vening when the 010011 WIlS blgh the Rlrl cnme again Into thE' bo ck garden . Dr, I!:me ry was WE'll hidde n beblnd a <'lump of busbes. "Greut Saotl! She has on ber bath· Ing Bult! And Bhe is roiling In thlB 80aklus grnss ! She')] have something lomorrow thllt w!ll need II dodor as sure as my name's Emery!" Atter roiling ove r and ov.. r In thO! wet gralls and tbe n lying rull length on he r bac k ror a long motnpn t , Ihe girl pulled a bathing csp well over her bead and turned 011 the hoae. Wllh laugbter tailing trom hllr lips she ran In and out, squealing wllb lbe cold and ex hilaratIon of her hose balh. A door opened In his own hoftse. " 'Oh, Dr. i<;mery! Here 18 .1 telegram ror you," the voice from the h01l8e called. \. Wltb a lingering look at flle hose nympb Dr. I!:mery went for hll tel& gram. He was summoned back to town. A patient needetJ him a e d Emery took tbe latc train out tbat night. He went, de tal·mlne d to re turn a6 Qlllckl,. al possible. Pity being akin to love, 't be young doctor telt tbe dlagnoB18 or his o wn calle was easily made Weeks wore on Rnd atlll Dr. Emery WBS harneased to tbe grind In town. He felt. 1J0wever. that since tbe IInow wua upon the ground the girl woul4 not be pellIlttwd to carryon he r In· SAne wanderings In the garden. Rose Langdon hnd dr!(ted entirely out ot his thongbts and only the girl or tbe garden lingered. It was at a big New Year dinner. hi!! firat aocial moment of tbo past month, that Dr. Emery glanced UP to meet bll partner for dinner. The most radiantly beautlM girl be had ever looked.' upon had laid a. hand on his arm and was walking beside 111m Into the "Then YOU are not msane!" he uked. \ ' The girl turned wide, violet eyes upon blm. Then she ' laughed tbat Aame Unkllng laugh that he bod heard In tbe garden. "Not that I know of. Dr. Emery. Is tbere something In my appearance that suggestl-" "Notblng but-beauty," tbe doctor said. beause It had been In Iils heart 110 long. "But last summer--" The girl turned quickly towsrd him nnd a bright blush crimsoned ber cbeeks. "W bere wbre you?" she asked. "In the garden - next door." Violet looked Inl.o Dr, Emery's eyeA a.nd seemed fascln ' ted by the multI· tude or ql1'estlons she saw th ere, Sbe laughed and trled to keep the color from ber c heekB. "But why did you wiggle your t~s about In the oozy mud-and wily did you lie down In soaking grass tbat might bave hsd copperheads and black bee Ues In It-and why did you come out at dawn' and bob Into the hydrangeas 1" The dotor '8 look was 80 Berlnus with Its mixture of adoration that Viol e t la ughed aloud. "You are torgE'ttlng the co rn and carrots and pens?" abe smiled and tried to recall just how tllr he r experl, ment bad taken her. "You see, Dr. Emery-you are not a beallty special· 1st. or YOIl would know there Is noth· Ing like early momlng de w for the complexIon. The hydrangeas gave me thBL From U,e oozy mud, as YOIl call It. and tbe grass, I was absorbing elec· Ulel ty and nerve force." Tbe doc lor was beginnIng to un· derstand . "But the book on your head and the green vegetables tbat nQ doubt had lots of little green-" Violet stopped both eal'll and ,turned sllgbtly away. "I retuse to listen. You are trying to disparage my Quest for beauty nnd , tblnk It very com· mendable." , "It might be In Home cases," said the doctor, and when he amlled straight Into ber eyea Violet had the graoo to blush .

Located In New 'Jer80Y and Likely t<> 8e OOitroyed....:.Herc·. VI.lta Remembered by Old Timer ..



Music of the ' Hawk. , There Is not much to be .sald tot bawk music, yet the voice ot the (9"r' , ellt would lose tbe coarm ot Its wild· est note were thla greal , bIrd extln.ct. and It Is because It 18 wild And dlt. terent from sounds or every day that we love ,It. Then. AI A picture aeen frOID afar. the forest would never be complete wltbout these birds or t1J'i1" less wing hanging over It. and reign· Inc upon tbelr thronell of sJr.


c hllutretlr, VIDct'u~o . WOoln they entered lIaly In tbelr mo"r, Vlncenzo stopped at the boundary, bougbt Il large bUll cb ot ftowers rrom a boy by the rOlldslde and handed tbem to bls empioyer. saying. wltb a bow : "Permlt me . sll;1lOra, to ofter YOII tbe first bomage rrom lIal y: ' Royal Family prodigal. , The Jtalhm roynl tumll y hlt!O b..en prodlglll or Its own serv\C'.,s Cor Ihe people or Italy , So when tbe rbolers telled bundreds of cltlzen8 tb e king and queen we re first al the bedside or the 8ufferlng and amlcted. Wb('n Mes· IIlna " deatroyet;! the king .lUd queen rushed to Naples Rnd eIDbarked on s man~f.war whlr.. h U.B B llurrled to the

I'ALY Is known to mOlt penona a. IlnJlan

land ot e xtreUle poverlY, Tbere la, of c an 1'10, the othe r slue to It. Ilnd It Is this other aide tha t Is sum ptuously Ilrt"se nted In "italian Call ties and County Beata:' by Try· pb08a Bates Batcheller. Mra, Bntcheller baa had m08l linus. ual opportunlUel ror gett.lng acquaint· tld with Itnly. Sbe had tho entree to scores of homea or \taHan nobJemen, and ber book- made up or letten writ. ten bome-- II db account ot jouruey. Ings troUl one beautltul vlllll 10 anotb. er, In Roml. where she called on the ee b b ht qu 0 , . e roug some \present8 to tbe royal c~ bUdren . Tbe queen all. lIured bel' UIBt the ted(ly bear she bad brougbt for the prince bad mnde a creat hit, nnd that It was hard to get Il Ollt of the YOllnlster's hand . The queen mothe r Invited Mre. Batcheller to IIlng at the paiaCl!. The program was an ambitious one of classical music. At tbe end Queen Marcberlta asked tor " The Lalit ROlle of Bummer." which sounds quite nst. ural. In tbe course or her journeylngs Il



scene of tbe cBtaatropbe. There they personally succored tbe victIms ot tbe eartbquake. Now another one of ltolY'1 royal women bns taken up tbe burden ot her country'~ sufferings, This is the Ouches!! of Aosta, who not only rolJed herselt AS one at tbe devoted band ot Red Crosl nurses that baa gone to Tripoli to care for the wound· ed of the Italian army. bu t abe refuses to accept allY special allentlonl due her royal rank. .P.lra. Batcheller collected lIome Inter· In the camp Rhe 18 kDown 8lmpi)' eating gossip. At a dinner wblcb Ihe «ave In Rome aha wat! cllsturbefl aa to as Nurse No. :I, but the soldiers, who bow to seat her ~uesta. l!'1nally she worlblps tbls tender-bea..rted woman, placed A tormer mInister of foreign know weU who Nurae No. t! Is, and .1 she panes tbrough the wards of the affairs on her right and Count Orep- bOllpltal8 they kIss tbe bem or her pl. former ambasaador to St. Peter ... veil and bless the dynasty of SavOJ' burs, on ber left. She Bpologlzed to tbat gave Italy Ita Hne rulera and the count on the ground or u'n· f splendid gentlewom~n. amlllarly with Itn.llan etlquet1e. To Tbe Duchess of Aosta. whose bUI' band Is' In direct succesllon for tile wblch be replied: "You have given me quite tbe place tbrone ot Italy, la not dlstlngulsbed In 'au should, bave, --B.u.t~t...JlI18A: ' :e..1U-j...,..~.......:rttmIIlD'-rrnm-t:tI1r ot.hern1lrses, your table. dear madam. Is · a placo sbares their bumble cOtl, eats the ot bonor." same food, docs ber full ' ahare ot t.bli One of her frlendl ' remarked that nursing. Itands· watch with the other "So-and·so" Is one ot the m08t r&- nurses and does not sbrlnk trom at. ltglous pel'llonl In Rome, and the tending the soldiers of Italy at tbe greatest "1"aBcal." operating table. "But how Is that possible?" she In· It Is saId tbat tbe king Ij8d dequi red. I elared he would not permit any ot "My dear signora, you mllst realtee lbe royal women to face tbe dangerl tIlat religion and mornJa bave nothing at nurBlng In Tripoli, a danger due to to do with each otber." tbe unscrupulous nature ot the Araba That Incl lent recall I the older story and Trlpolltans, who have proved wblch she relates of an inquiry cade themselvel treacherolls and -murder· by a' medl'Bval pope all to bow an ot· OilS. The Du chess of Aoeta did not an· tlclal kept the turbulent Slenese under nounce ber Intention golag, but em· control W ithout hesitation he replied: barked secretly, and It was not until. "With Uel, boly father." 'she was recognized Ilrter the transport With these celebrities whom Mrs. a:eamer had, lert Naples that sbe ad· Batcbeller met must be Included ber mJtted her Identity.


In the city or OurllngtoD, N, J " wblch boasts ot mort' 'olonJal hlator r 1.0 the IIQuare Yllrd tbun any oth !'r spot In Now Jersey. tb ere Is one his· Lorlc site not colonial t hilt Ie Just now drllwlng tbe att ention of vlaltor8 b4-cause or tbe slgnlflcanl part It played In the national eventl of 60 yearll alO This building II thE' littl e IvY·QOvereol cottage. lamoul as Ihe residence or Gen. U. S. Grant, and recognized b y blstory as a potent fa clor In savin" the lite of the bero of tbe Civil war and tbe tuture presid ent ot the Unltee! SIatell trom death at th e bnnda or th .. a8l1a8&lns '\\'ho had ' Ill/llln"d to sla y him on the nIght Roolb fthot President 'L incoln. Gonersl Grant'. , family wal dom l· clled here durlOg anu tor lIome tim " alte r tbe Civil '\\"ar. General Oran t \Val to have been a member or Un colu's theAter part Y Oil the evening or tbe u.ulnaUon. 'but lit the laet moment, tired and IInxloUII about bill Tamlly, be left Washington for Burlington . He bad gone no farther' tball Phlladelpbla when news reached him or the attac k upon the preSident, and. he at once returned to tbe capltst city. He afterward leArned that tb .. Lincoln· alllBBslnl hAd plotted to trulfl his own life and ' but tor bll trip to Burllngt41n undoubtedly would have lucceeded. It wal on his return tram a batt!". ft('ld duMng a lull 111 the cnmpalgn that General Grant receIved trlbut .. bere which he II saId to have apprecl · ated more than all the laurelll snd trl · umphl which came In his lite later . DUlty. begrimed, looking anytbltU!' but the commander ' or tbe Federal armlel and acco~pan l ed by a 81ngl& Ita If 01llcerl Orant alighted trom th~ train at the Bnrllngton station, A fewboys recognized , him first and fol lowed as he walked down Broad street toward his home on Wood street. One of tbeie bOYII, who wal John p. Bholl, nqw a 'Burllngt.o n buslne~ man, telill .of· thlll Incld811 t. All GranL and till aid neared 'a mansion at the corner or wooa ' and ' Broad streetl. Mrs. Kinsey . aiI'd wlte ot Judge Kin 5e, 'ot a .,tRmUy, tBmoul In the courta of both New Jeraey and New YorK. stel'ped on the hleh porch. Supported by. ber daughter., ehe waved a IIII~­ en American tiag 118 General Gran t passed below. The trown , passed trom Genernl "Grarit·lI .!.tace, • Imlle ftltted over b II\. countenance and be dofted 1111 bat In anBwer to the ' prelly solute. '" IUD proud to hold my cQUDtry'S ~mblem Over the head of I~ .mOBt noble de-· fender," Bald the pa,lnoUc old lady.




, Head of the 8tate, In France, II Called U Oil to Draw on Privata P Fortune. Tlle Freloch republic, In strong con· Ull6t to the United States. usuallY elects to the presidency men ot con· slderable wealtb, who are compelled by the hlgb Iltatlon they hold to entertain extravsgantly, of teD having as gueata ot the republic kings and em· perora•• the Indlanapollil News observes. Several who bave served as president ot the French republl,e bave serlousl,. dlmlnlahed their rortunell wblle tn Jlower. M. Tblers lived as slmpl,. as an Amertcan preSident, maldng few large I expenditures and living weIll within his persoaal reve· nue or 400.000 francil ($100,000) a year. "Marsha:1 MacMahon," l5ays Le Crl de Paris, "dillpensed largely. He had 600.000 francs for ' entertainment of prlnces, ambassadors, envoys and oth· er great (lerSOnalel. and otl!er 41:1' penses Were ~oted later. The laat month I of his presidency he bypotbe· cated lIomewhere near tbe value of 'the hotel he poslesBed ,tn Rue Bellecballle. Gambetta, In 1878. caused to ,\>I a.dopte~1 a motloD Ilmltlng such ex· pensee to 100,000 rrancs; In cbarge of the ministry of war, for which tbe mal'llhal 1Iras to . be person aU, re, sponslble. ' ec(momy or PreB\dent 'GreyY beprontblaL P1'esldent Carnot 'El!itettallled largely and well, He tillv· eled a '.gTcmt deal ~ Ihol'!, be -att; up" 600.000 francs ot bll personal' . . Mui,e . Carnot ' tri!'l!ly's ald, to', . ,Is . ,;,: d " !!lIB,<;.",


Iy, It IA said, and nevertheless lived wIthin bls Income while expeudlnl fnlly the 600.000. trancs ollowea t taln l It I Id h P I en er men S. ~ lIa t at res· dent Fallieres hall been able liP to tile present to put aside ' 1.000,000 trancB a year and thnt Inat yellr he had tbe pleasure of exceeding tbls Ilmolitll. Mme, Fallleres especially II credited wltb being a very thrifty bousekeeper, Gave 300 Rabblta to ths P.oor. l!'ltteen hundred pounds, eleven big gunny sa~cks , of . rabbits were given to various ebarltable Institutions a few days ago by I. A. Bordner- and Edward McKee ot the Iltate flab IIGd game commission, The rabbit I were kllled In a big drIve 'near Fresno, helel under the lIupervlstoD at A. D. Ferguson, rePr'es~t1ve of the state commission In th . dlstrlct.. , Ordinarily the ra ~Ita obtaln,e!! tn a big drive are ,t hro ' awsy, OOlclals of the Weill Fargo com~any. agreed to Iblp tbe rabblta In rreifOl eh'a rge. and 80 the fifteen hundred poUnda of game, which was dlstrlb~ted to the I\,oor. did not C08t one cent. A large number of the rabbits bad their ears cut off, as ' tbe men wbo killed them wanted to keep track of the ,number of bunnIes they took, EReb lIRek averaged 26 rabbits. eo tbere were about SOO 'rabbits la the ehIpment.-Loa Angeles Express.

'~' l He Ooffsd, ' HII 'Hat.

and ,Gmnt , II declsN!4 to liave cherIshed the words as among the eholcelt ever epoken In hi. pralsel The Orant cottage II a pretty little ' tWo-ltor)' ~re ' Ilt"nated on tbe east Ilde or Wood street,. midway he, tween Hllh" abd ·Broad street... On the Hlgb Itreet side of tbe b.oc~, almO!!t opposite, II a bmldhig ~ 'Which, tbe colonial leglllnture at ,N ew Jeney met, and ,w here' WashInito~ fil eald to have bad ' temPOrary headquarters during tile . Revolution. Bilrllngtonlanl recall m'sny stories j • ,of General ,Grant'1 Ufe tbere. Bhortly ~ alter hla 'return from tbe war, accord. f #'. • Ing to one of ~ tJ:te ' I,torles. ; tbere wl\a ;' amusing Incldenf In ,wHlch'.8 lerv- , From 'Better to Worse. , neighboring residence and " "Judge," ,Bald the caller; "I wl1l11' yOU'd tell me wbat I have to . do , to jbe;'~eneilll tllfu~~ ;. '~bere was a Imoclr l front dOW. ' the drabt home ' get my name ebanged."· "What tl! your present , ' m~ \ Jlifd" . l l'~flnt teo}. '.w ........ ·to ttl.' bl'tl.-falt;' Il ' "Bjinnett Lemuel Zebulon '~ "oUng · I .. '1, "Yii.u w'lib to ,t1Rve 'Bubo'





An old ba chp.lor will lIa7 out UII • a. III. If Lte Tl lltlLg '0. but he mltulell tM fUll or l r},I"" lu . ne uk upst.alrs wlUl bls s hueh 'Jft. "'"". ,,' t,,"lo",'. 8oothlOA' ~.vr u fl to,. Chile!,... """ ll lI u t::'. ~ 'Jh"A M lh l! J:'tl W ... r l·I..hI ,~ eH I "n.,um ..

Bullt Sontethlnl&J LUt.e Franta House With Llulng of Boards RUDnlng- Around it to Resist Immense Pressure ot SUase-Some Strong Points are Given to Favor of Tank..


"Ua181'a.lo. c u.r eJi wu:n l

c u U~ .:!!IU

• UoUl.


If IllI·rt· a Hk eli ton t n YOllr cia. 1'1 . 10 1'11 Lbe door a\1C1 lo ~c 1b e key .

Time Is a wouCld bea le r. but It'lI no good IL!I a wrinkle remover .


lUuch mon ey and lime In lIttempllug lO perfect all serovlane whlcb lin· del' nil the circum · IilanceB Ihat mIght oc· cur would prove or valliable ass istan ce In tIme or war, as has France. UUI' slal e r republic wall one of the Hrst 10 recogiJl lze the pOIBlbllltlea of thIs great In· venUon aa a pOlllllble aid to hel' army -And navy. MIUtary aeroplane lesta JUBt com· Jllet.d In that country bave IIhoWll reo markable 1IrojJre.e · In tbe pertectlon -of Ue .DY1ng macblne. The most , ll'Omlnent Frencb aViators parllclpat-ell In lJIle event and the machInes r epreeented were tbe \' ery last worO' In aeroplane construotlon. The mOllt conspicuous Bucceell of '( be meet was a mono\llane driven by We11llann, wbo, with a dead load of 0660 pounde and one JlaRlieuger. all<eended trom ~ ploughed field and at· tained a epeed of 67 . 7~ miles an bour. Tbe Deperdullllin monoplane showe(\ «cod relults also. two oC tbls type parUclpaUDjJ IJl tbe tellte . Une waa 1I110ted b1 Prevost and the ot her by VedJ1Jlea. Prevost's rna ' blne was fitted wiU a 100·borsepower Gnome motor. Vedrl.neR bad only 60 borsellOwer, but made 0 boUer record 'tban d1d Prevost with his rourteen ~,l1Dder revolving motor. Tbe latter .Icended to 1.640 reet In 9' minutes and 1lI seconds, wbereas Vedr!nes needed less than 9 minut es to attaIn the same alUtudo. Weymann bad no dlmculty In com· 1Iletlng the first day's tests. He start· ~d from llhelms at 10 n. m. and land· ~d at Montcornet. His Illacblne was taken apart and returned to Rbelms,' reassembled, nnd at 4 P. m . he start-ed agaIn. After landing on a plougbe<l ' lIeld, be rOBe from the spot anC! s bowed that bll machine dl<l not need .an' Ii.e lp· to rlso. · except that Of tho pau~,eJ; ~ I)e c¥W. along. It 1s <llaimed that hla machine was tbe onJy ' one that wliii 'able to leave the p loughed field wltbout any other ostlilitnnce. · ... Tbe Han riot monoplane. saId to he one of the lending French tlyl~g ma· cblnes, ,..,,' sa. fitted wltb a four·cyllnder 7( ,.,ater·cooled motor, carrYing the propeller at the front -end (It Ue cran kabaft. Twin wbe!lle ... ere used wltb dOUble skJds. Tbe spread or thll macblne la 4•. 6 feet.,


(By H .



the total IIII).lportlng sUl'face bp.lng 3H sQual'e feet. Of the succeS8fu i bl· pllmes were those at tbe lIreguet t~·rJe. three of whIch participated In the contest. One W88 provided ' wltb a IOO-hol'sepower OnolUe, 81l0tber :wIth a HO·horaepower Unome and tbe tblrd wltb It llO·horsepower Can· ton Uune motor. Tbe Savarr biplane was a Do.el type, somewhat similar to the Hreguet wIth the motol' plaeed In front ot tbe lower plane, 111 aboul tbe same posl· lion nil Ule avlator's @eat In a (;urUss !llpl.a ne. Two propelt'ers In front of the planes are driven by chains from tbe 1D0tor In tbe same way a~ on the Wright blplone. Ttre aViator 18 placed In rear of ·the lower plane. Tbel'e III a entral skid be· low the lowl'r plant' and twin wbeels plsced apart on each side. Tbe motor uSlld Is n 70·borsepower 4-cyUnder water-COOled engine. The Breguet blillane Is of tbe 01C! type. but tbe undercarrloge bas been cbanged and now cnrrles (hree Wheels. Tbe Breguot Is notable In that It hat! ooly t bree or fUUT up.. rights connecting tbe main p1snes al tbe front. It Is QuIckly dismounted. and for this reason 18 excellent (or :nllilary use. The GOUpy wblch par· lcl· pated In this lellt WIUI the Urat In Burope to use otrset planes. Two or tbese machines were entered In tbe coulpetltlon, but neltber was claess(\ III the finol event. 1'Qls macbJos Is built along the standard JInes. ellcept ror tbe oltset plnnes. Tbe motor Is an 8·cyUnder alr,coolecl Renault. an(\ is placed at the rear of the lower plane wltb the propeller on tbe ell· tremlty of the cam sbaft. It was on a machine of t bls construction that Reneaux , won the $20.000 MlcbeUn prl.ze. flying from Paris to the Pu, de Dome mountain with a passenger on ·board. Tbe Henry Farma.n bl·


try wbo bave hit upon "bobbles" for tbemselvell wben undergraduatell, and carried out tbelr special Interest to some purpose In oftel' life. It b .. beell a notlou of ours for a long Ume tbat a college curriculum oucbt to foster the cultivation of "hobbles" b1 Bome method tbat would let tbe IItudent find for hlmselt what apparently uselesll thing he was moat Interested In outside' ot hili dally work. and not permit blm to gradun.te un t il be knew ~ore about tbat pnrUcular nseles.

MI ••" url Al;r"' ullural 8rH 1lo n. 1

One of t hf' 111 09 1 R U(' ces~ rlll typ o~ ot that ge ncrllily kn o wl\ liS lh e "plll Hlered" ur Curle r s ilo. Thl K 1)118 Is eSllec' lall y adapt ed 10 t.hose secUolIs wh e re th e re Is lilill a local slI Pply ot IInl1\'6 lumber whi c h fllrnltlhes a cheap building mal.t>rlal. Th e Gurler s ilo IK buill mucb like a frame bouse. e xce pt lhat II I.. round In form. wltb a lining of boards rllnnlng lengthWise around It, sODletbln like the hoops of a barrel whlcb glYe It strength to resist tbe Immense re of the silage . Its cement Illaa· tCl'ed walls protects tbe wood framework from decay. 8<>me of tbe strong points In tavor of tbls style of silo are : With tbe circle as a guIde a pit Ie dug to a depth 01 from 1\\'0 to three leet. Tbtl wall of dirt Is cut plumb And the Roor leveled. Tbe foundation Is reinforced concrete. Tbe illustration showe In crOSB secltlon I he construction or one of the frames. whi c h bold the form boards In place. 'fbl'se frames. wblch are made of 1 by 4 Illa.nk, ~hould be placed thirty InC'hes a\lllrL around tbe pit to bold the Inside and outside form boards In pluce. Tht-se boards are half·lncb l umber of four·lneb wldtb . 60 as to be readll}, bent to conform to tbe ."all or the pli . The dls tanca be· hrueu thE! InsIde forll' bOllrd s and the

WEYHAI1''/y QN H/,5./YffUNRT AIV~ HEAbY m J.AhO _

plane did not ,,/,OVf' to be very 8UeliS only one machine of tbll t.ype wn~ clllJlsed III nnal com· petition. 'I'hp. rnncblnes whlcb rompleted all the teP tH were entitled to compete tn tbe IIlI n l race and .vere classed 8.1 followy : 1'0'Iono plancs- I"rst, NleupoTt (Wey· malin) : second. Oeperdu881n (Prevost) : third. Deperdussln I Vedrlne8,. ntplaue8- Flrst. Hregllet (Molneau); Recond . Hreguet I Molneau) ; tblrO. Ilrc!;U cl I Bragl \; fourlh, M. Farman (Helleallx): fIfth. M. Farman IHarra); s ixth. 11. f'arman (F'tsber): seventb. SIl\' 11 ry (Franz \. Qnly le n macblnes out of S1 nn· IHbed nil the tests successrully anC! wc re thererore admitted to tbe tlnal race. A speed or 60 miles ,"n bour wus the required averoge wltb a tull load. and an altitude of 1.640 feet had to be attained In tbo sho rtes t time p08slble. not exceeding ]1) Tbe Hnal cross-country rnce was won by Weymann , wbo covered a distance of 1 ~G ·mUes In ...t-~our.L-JlDd.. .u.-j- _ __ mlnutea, an average speed of 72 .47 mllell au bour. PTe"ost was secon(\ with aD average or · 66 .6 miles an bour. Olll! result of the race was to prove conclusively tbat the biplane cannot compete wltb the monoplan 'l wbere speed Is the test. ce ~srul .

p ll wall I5 ho ulc1 be one foot. The (',(l ~. crete rOllndatlou sbouW extend about one foot abo\'e grol\lJd on tbe oUlsllie. The IlIuslruUon also shows how Ihe upper corners of the concret!' wo ll nre be vele d after tbe concratl' bas b e(' Om8 suOlcielltly stlrr to perml l thi n be iDg dohI' . The ~ by ~ !III I with u large spike for un anrhor I s al RIJ s bowil 101 ' bedded In the 10 \1 of th e wall. The con c rete ybollid b e Ul ode rrom clean, ..haq, Rand und e nuugh Port lund ce· ment to In 8u re a Rtro nK mi xture. Thl! proportions w!ll rlln about 8S follows: One part ccment. :l l · ~ parts slind. and (; I,a rls of brokf'n stoll e. Enoug b wa· tel' Is added during Ihe mixing. whIch mllst be thorollghl .\· done. to make a mixtur e IhaL I ~ I hili enough to settle to the forlll wltb IIghL tamping but not so thin 111< to corry tbe cement out through the c racks of tbe form by Ihe wal e r lenklng oul. The foundation la reinforced wllh a pIece ot three-foot woven wIN" fl'uclnj! placed In the cen· ler of the fOI'l.n before tWlng wltb the concrete mixture . An!'I' tbe wall has set sufficIently to elond alone. tIll> torms may be removed and the 1I0or laid to a deptb of fOil I' In(,hes. II Is advisable. but nool absolutely neCE-saar),. to pa('k about four Inches of we I cinders In the bot· tom of Ihe pit hefore lsylng the ·floor. Berore the wnll and fioor bave 'bard· enE'ld. a ftnlsblng cant fJf sand and cement mIxed I hrl'e--to-one sbould .be Dllt "n ",lib n plaSlerl'r's Iro wel.

... lar 8aw by some foreign lIublltance. On

ba. \ Jlr~lited . to tbe Smlthsonl",n InIUtution a' ~url ous relic of the e,arlY darll of 4lXPlorat'on and discovery In retion of the Oreat Lakea: lL II a • teel ax of quaint shape, entirely un· like any In ule at prelent. ,': TIle ,iio'dlnl of till. 014 ~lt wae more peeiillar tban ' llle implement .Itlelf. "WbUe '. . lumbetln.\nwatt catUng a )0; Into plnb leveral teetJa ..~re IUd4ehly ripped from · the c1rOu·

brlgbt and keen-edged, wall. found L~' Iy Imbedded In the log Dve IncheeDeneatb the bark. • \ It. Is easy to ' Imagine that the ax W88 struck Into a .. plln, by IOm'e ear. 11 Frenc~ voyageur anci'rorgotten, anli that the young tree grew around It, biding It from sight. Tb"e ax. with a crosa section of tbe embracing log, now ftnlll a relt!nc place In the Bm.Jtb. sonlan.



If R woman h; <l eleve r actre8s the cblln" PH arl! that b er hll s band will Bnd tho ('h oru s more Inl e rPBting.

Dr . r i ~rcr.·. Pleas. nt Pellel. ~I.te llld i n".go~ftI,e slom"cli , ily er Ilnd boweia. i'iU~\"" naled, liny ..... . easy to tab

aa candy.

We are her on earth to learn to clv e alld not to grasp. we gain moet by giving mosL-John H . Denison.

l,ollls- "They tell me she will get & million Ihe day she marries Fred." Loulsf'-" We ll. It's worth It."-Cht· cago Ually 1" 1' \\'8 . MallY Chit" ..... A ... 81 .. 1117. Mo\ber Gn.7'. ",..""'" for Ohlld . . . JI~ liP Cold. 1" boun. reUeye " .... ertabo • •• Beadaob •• tiluQl&,Ob Troubl~. TMt.b1 . . DI-.Jrd".....O'N aDCI reru1al.ft Lb. bo".I .. &.Ad. lJe:It.roJ' ",",0,... ~ are 110 ~e ohlldreo 1Illet.bfllR. Uledi W lIlol.ben t o r 21 Jeara. AL a l l dnag1ate, Zo. 8aaapla mailed .'8.11. ~dd ..... ~. 11. 01 _ _ • IABo1,lC.r.


Much Better Purpole. MIRS Cbarmynge-Don't you tblnk t waR made for Il business womanT Jllck Hustler-No. I don't, J thldlt: YOIl were meant for a business man.Stray Stories. Resl Woman-Ha-tlll'. A wlll of a conftrmed woman·hater, writes Virgil M. Harris In "Ancl')nt CuriOS nnd Famous Wills," II tbat ot 11 rich old bachelor who had endured much from altempts made by bls family to put him under tbe yoke of malrlmony. and wbo wrote: "I beg that my e~ecutor6 will see that I am hurled wh~re there Is no woman In· terred, either to the right or to the left ot me. Should this 1Iot be practicable In the ordinary course of tblngs, I t'llrl!ct tbat tbey purcbue three grawn, and bury me In the mid· die one at the three, leavIng the two others unoccupied." rlQ DIFFERENCE. '

tblng than allY one else In his genera· Croll·aectlon of one of frames that hold the form boarde In place. a, con· crete foundation wall; b, edge of Inaldo form boards; c,' aAn holding tlon . The C'.JIUvatton of a "bObby" outer form boards; d, sUI,"' showlny one of the anchor spike •. out to be recognIzed by tbe unlversl· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ""'"""..._,........... _"'_ .._"'..,.,......_,...,................,..........". ............. ...... "'..... _ ..._....•....... _ ... • ...._....... _ ... • ....•....... _JO ..vo· ties as a legitima te. It not a vital. edu· _ catlonal metbod. When tbat Ume the sand. The cause of BO mllcb alscomes the result to tbe unlveralUee satisfaction In concrete construction themselves will be at some Impor!B In the sand and gravel. t.anca. Tbere will return upon tbe unl· Wbere there Is a. coat or Ilklm of versltles, for permanent enrichment. clay on the gravel a secure bond Is the resulls. 10 many cnses, of the life accumulations of men wbo bave gone MaID Potut tu Conlltruc:UoD. ALter Impossible. hut If the grayel Is wasb· ed or Is naturally free from this coat out of colle~ .'I\'lth a special Inl~' - GooCl-M.&erlal Sec:aredo Ia of clay, the cement, sand and gravel al Int e r est. Yale Is today helng reProper Dratuaae mllke a solid equal to stone. minded from time to · time of tbe 1m· Syat.em. Tbe woter used In milling the con· portant possibilities of this at.tltude. c rete should be cisar IUId clean. Her recent two extraordinary gifts or (IBy J. W . GRlFf'TN.) Wbere wuter Is used. tbat tram Blthy rare books. for Instllnce. are In point. Tbe me~n point In constructing a ponds. or whel'e It Is hauled In 011· -Yale Alumni Weekly. concrete walk, atter good mat~rlal barrel s. 011 or tbe foreign mailer In bas been aecured Is n proper drain· tbe water. coatB the gravel and preage, without .whlcb no walk will give vents 1\ perfe ct union between the entire satisfaction. dlfTerent particles In the mixture. For ~'ater fjbould at no time stand and tbe grouting. n mixture of seven to freeze around the base of tbe walk. one Is mnde. Seven parts sand lind as though be were nbout to solve a Jo'T eezlng and IhaV/lng of tbe earth one grnvel and olle part cement. proposition In Euclid. Science. sktll. Ildjolnlng the walk will cause cracks Ot tbe sand nnd gravel, Ihe proporprecautlon'!ry care. are all In evldeul.'e. IIl1d checks, It there are not suJIlclent tion will have to be made according but In a large majority 'f cast's lile absorbents to take tlway the molstur.e. to tbe size of the gravel used. Tbe warmtb, the feeling of II ve ly human Under ordinary condi tions where Inte~st In tbe pallent and his feelings the eurta,ce dralnage Is fairly good, are wanting. In tbe cas. of children a base ot six Incfts ot cuarse gravel Buch warmtb and sympathy are partlc· or crusheld IIlone Is recommended. ularly necessary, anel the poor r,prman Tbls shou ld be tamped perrectly solid, parent knows thllt he cannot expect It so tbat tllere w1l1 be no seWing or glylng down after the' walk Is com· from a public Institution. "Ieted. Deceit. Tbe· baSte of gravel or crusbed stone She turned awa y and shlvcred. IIbould be two or tbree Inches wider "Deceit," be repcatcd In consterna· on each side than tbe concrete. In tlon; "",bere Is the deceit, prithee!" laying olt a walk tbe top leve l of same "nigh t In your face," sbe a.nswered. should bc~ located ' and marked Oll "I Bee It." stakes drllven at intervals ot five OF In horror be shrank from her. nix feet. "Curse blm." he hlseed. " Curse the The ellc:a.atlon Ibould be mado ten man who guaranteed that no one could Incbea deep frQm tbe level line, six View of Conorete Walk Making. tell tbs glas. eye be sold me tram the Incbes 'olr the drainage, tbree and 'SolDulne" for tbe grouting 'aud one- larger or coarser, the more sand It With lIvld lips and baggard cheek. halt inch for th~ top coat. requires. Tbe Band fills tbe Inter. he ata:ggered trom the place. ' Some prefer one Inch tor tbe top stlces ot the gravel and the cement coat, but 1 !lave bad better results tbose ot the sund, ;;:~S:"":;: with one·halt Inch, 8.1 there Is a more The sand and gravel arb mixed Not Enough Heed. evell curtll8 'or do-lnc out when the wblle yet dry. Tbe 8l'avel Is damp. Two Phlladelpblans were diticullllni a young man of their acqualDtauoe, to~ • coat II not 10' thlok: . tben. the ened and ~lIed In a cQne-sbaped ~Ile, be made lomewhat and the mixture at cement and sand whose father had been a dlsttnru1anec1 groutfn. top coat, If 'Put on pou red over It. Tbls 18 tbeu turned member of the bar, and a uaetul melD· richer,' whUe )'et 80tt, before with sbovels twice. ber of loclet,. . pl-.ce, ther.e 1'111 1 It.!s then . sprln~led and mixed unUl that win never completely wet tb.rooolgb and througll.1 "For IImy. ;'-.el'1 part," br1pt aald one, thin. and ".capabl. It Is ~~n shoveled !!Ito tbe torms .I4l'l and I oOJilideat liewlU <lUl' , , ,"" ..~, tamped In place. - TlHI mixture tor thlt lIIIould . be top coat la made of - two parte . IlaDd .~~If&J~~~:si':. ~'~i~".;eitl7. tree,rrom 'and one part cement: tlleae are "!"~·'""'!~. I ~




No foreigner can help admiring the completeness and thorougbnesll of Oerman Institutions for tbe care of the sick and the poor, and II completeness and thorollghnes!! could make people well and happy German patients an(\ the German poor would bave notblng to complof.n or. Bllt something else Is needed. and tbat Is sympathy. Tbl' OeMDan doctor approacbes ~bls patient

TO C'VRE A. ('ilL!) IN ONE DA.Y I .A .t A'I'IVH HItOM U 4J llI n l ne Tablett. Hnt fU.' IIII ", r"(untlomn"J I r i l r~Il H til (' ure. JI. 'It. UK VU ~ .Itluat.urct laun t'a.,' b bo~ . :I6c.

"I' t ..

Lackin'g in Sympathy

Curloua Relic,

· bUI.


~ 1I0 1l Is

life~ator Stephen Bon or Wisconsin InVestigation the ancient ax. lUll



E:«H' rl m r' T1I

'Cultivation of a ' "Hobby" Point Wherein, In the Opinion of Col ..*It. Few and far between have been Iqe Min, Enll"ehmen Ad. tbe college educllted men In thl. coun· ' : I(antalle Oller Americana. - .. , .., Tl!e word III tast losing In tbl. coun· try the abllllrd algnlftC.II.Dce wblcb a -people ,iven to letOng on In life bave atta.cbed· to It. Our English friends bays made "bollbles" a fetlcb ror gen· ~rat1onB, 10 that a well brod Engllsb· maD wbo doesn't roturn from hlB omce to IIOrpe special week-end Interest of his own which III quite fo~elgn to bls dally occu~tlon Is as mucb of an ap~mn!y Iii hili country as an Amerl· can Is In tbts country If be does. The conception of sucb a collatera.l Intellectual exlstonce goes hnek. of course. to tbe basiC difference between our own and the Engllsb view of tbe per· 'lIonal liCe, and, In large meastlre. wbere It affects the university classes, , t.o ,tbe public sentiment of tbe unl· ~erslty community. Americans have bl!en Intellectual paupers In. this reo · speot, and we hazard tbe stalement · 't hat, 80 far tis tbe American college',red. maD ball suffered rrom tbe condl· ~ Ion, b,llI: cpllege life pu bile sentiment has been In large part responsible fOr

a, center stake; b,

Arrahgemc:nt for marking out tho circte on tho ground: um; c, scratching piece.

o counlry ha ti S\lent so

L()ok we ll ar l ~ r lh~ l'ilee rflllneBs ot life. anti IN til p <i iRlJIuls ~hl!t rOl' tb e ms(·1\ 1'" ---LOl\l sa M . Alcott.



:~l;~t*:~~~;h'H;ur" ~ ,,1l11«l4Jt,and-


nlll"'I. "

th.u daDi~necJ ~ 'eoU!lIt4111ar of ~ tJalck .b&mr .

' alV u ~

at . oae..

'On the' 1fOIl~

... "

_. :..






First PllI!senger (In street car)-I wish you'd get off at the next COrDer. Second Passenge~tr the car? First Passcuger-No; oft my toot: GRAND TO LIVE And the Le.t Laullh I. Alwa)/3 the ae., "Six months ago I would have laugh. ed at tile Idea tbat tbere could be aD1tblng ~tter for a table bever~e tbaQ corree," writes an Ohio woman, ''now I laugh tl) know tbere Ie. "Since chlldbood I drank cortt'e freely as did the otber members of fbe fam. Il y. The resul t was a puny, elckb' gIrl; and all I grew Into womanhood I did not gain In henlth, but was &tfUcted wltb heart trouble, a weak IJDd di sordered stomacb. wrecked nerves and a general breakin g down till las' winter, at tbe age of 38, I seemed to be on the verge ot consumption. "My friends grel'ted me wltb 'How bad you look! Wbat a terrible colorl' and this ~· us not very comforting. ':The doc l"~8 and patent medlclnee did me absolutely no good. 1 -"\8 tbor•. ougbly discouraged. "Tben I gave up coffee and commenced Postum. At first I dldn't like It, but after a few trials and followlnl tbe directions exoctl~ It was ~ It was refresiling Ilnd satisfying. In a couple ot weeks I noticed a great change. "I became stronger, my brain grey clearer. I was not troubled with to... gelCulnees as In corree ' tlme8, mT power of endurance 1'0; more tlJaa doublsd. .-:-'1. , "The beart trouble and 'lllilgeIitIO~ dillappeared and my lime. beC~ lteady and strong. . "I b • .lan to take an Interelt til thinp about me. Houlework and hOJliI\ ' lIIalr.llll became a pleasus:e. My tri'nd. baye ma"eled at tbe all& whG the, enquire wbat .i abo,.. I newer 'Postum,





• 1


Every ])ay.


We g-rind your Peed t,o suit you . We have f he folJowi ng Feeds for Sale:


M./~~~nut ~


That delicious cake Thi s week (l pound, only

- ..

15c Can or $1.75 Dozen

Uar olim' K i pbart. of H)Jriog field , ball for t be past week beeD t be g uest of &.I.s. Am08 VanDoren Mr. Milto n Hadley. forwerl.v 0 1 thili plRoe, is se ri uusly ilJ Ilt hill home in Oklaboma. Mr . J . H . Hiser. of Dayton. waBII business visItor to OllT v lllll ge FrId ay ':Jf ,ltI.8t week. Miss Edit h MoReyn olu s aud Inepuew. Mus ter Dooald, af" the tl ueMt'!l of Mr. and Mrs. Ed win timit h . Mrs . I,aura 8arilln a nli Mrs. Emml\ Cline tlpen' laturdflY iu Wilmington . . Mr. Harry Mbldaker b 'LS ros lgned his pOlltion in MRdden'B stor. lin d if; pn:!paring to rdmove to thtl B lrk (J"kln place, oallt of town . ThE' dauoe given at the town blill last Wednesday evening was a delightful soolal affair . A number 01 mllrried people grlloed tbe ocoosion. &talia, tbo bllrpl!lt, from D"yl on, plf\yed In hlB ullnal inspiri':lg mllnnero Miss Osse Anson ba8 reoovered fr om an "Uaok of appendloitl., but WIll be unabl e to resume ber .~udlep tbiB year. !.In. Babin MoOon!\ld and Mr~ . Ed . Clark were guests of their sIster MIS. Ker!!ey. 188' week.

Crackers Olney Tomatoes The best, a can

l5c Perfection Tomatoes Solid pack. a can

10e Lemon Crisp . Its a new cake put out ' by Green Green & Co. and its a good one. 30 for

Everything good to eat at the right prices at

Wha ?



Heinz 1_ _ _ _ ' .a.r. I ___




Sour PI·cklel We are paying the Highest Cash Price for Hogs, for shipping purposes. Call us up and we will quote you TOP PRICES.

10e Box lOc 3 for

25e Moore's That good oil, [a gallon


Post Tavern The new cereal, its fine, box


C. B. BENTLEY, Waynesville, Ohi 0



.J . F , W~t.ver and ftLmlly moved

2Oc' 18c ' 15c



10 & l5c Bauman's Bread 5c a loaf, 6Jor

- --

.. -.- - -

Notice to ·Farmers The Waynesville Canning Company iB now ready to contract for corn at thei office in Waynesville, Ohio. J. F. Snook, Gen. Mgr. Roy Irons, Ass't.


DR. J. W. MILLER, .. , DENTIST..• Waynesville, 0

February Clearance Sale


The Board of Public Service beg leave to submit t he following report of their Receipts arid Expenses for. the year ending December 31, 1911:



Full p a rticulars free at



Paid for Coal.. ...... .. .. .. ... $187 Freight ........ .... 641 Hauling eo.l .. ... 179 Supplies ...... ...... ~ Smokestack .... .. 214, Telephone Rent.. 21 .New Belt ..... .... 105 Lubricating Oil.. S2 Insurance ......... 86 Note in Bank ..... 151 Labor ........... .... 1631 Bal. on hand, Dec. 31, 11 149

88 59 71 11 48


B,. c:uh on hand Jan. 1 ... $277 Received for Li£ht .. ~ . .... 2883 Water ........1188 MODey bol'- ' rowed .. .... 160

86 02 46 00

00 00 47 10

Bert A. Grant


Situate In the 8tat., of Ohl~J. County Warren. and the Vlllago ot ....ynCllvlllef Beglnrung at a .".,ne on North street. cor uets ot ou t-Iota Nos. 11 and 12. theace southt wardly wltb stLld street t.o tho weal. line 0 Fifth street. thence a" right r.ngl.. t.o North I' .troot aud wltb said W6flt Une or Flftb s treet il04 teet more or lea t.o the 8 It comer ot Tho •. J. Brown'. lot. thfluce weatwal'dly and with Tho•. J . Brown'. line 1111 teet t.o u.ld Brown's 8 W corner. theuce northwardl, with said Brown'. west line a.nd parellel with Pllth . ueet 108 teet more or leu t.o tbe South Une ofOhallma.nstreet,.,thenceweatwardlyand wltb the South Une ot uballman .treet to the Xut Une of the l>'rankllu and Waynll8vllle tUl"nplke road. t hence soutbward ud wltb tbeEu" Une ot said Fra.nklllllUld Wayneev\lle turnDllce to Non.h .tree ~ II W corner of out-lot N'o . 17. thence eutward with the line 01 North street and line ot out-lot No. 17 t.o the beJrlnnlng exce tin, from the above d..:r1bed rea1118tate 1. 84K1 acree of land more or leu. sold by said Ellen Sides t.o PbllJIll Trout. b, deed dated . December 9, 190$. and roool'ded In deed book I volumo 81, Illll'l 6711 Warren County Ohio deed lOCOI'd. Jeasle Cleaver and Leo Cleaver are horeby notlllod tbat t hey have been made parties delendant to aa1t1 'pctltlon and that they .... _ qulred to an swer tbe eame on or before the 16th day of March A. D. 1913. )(ADI80N McKINSEY. Executor ot the 1_ WUl and TeetemenS of Ellen Sld_ dtlCNRd. plaintIff. Robt. J . Shawhan. Atty. . Dated. January 17. UU.

Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sbeet Metal Jobbing of aU kinds.







WayneaviIle, Ohio

Valley Phone 113




M. OeDdenoD, R. D. " Wanu' LA TE CLASSIFIED ADS Tille. Ohio. f Gaynor'. Ideal. One ounce of executive preyenUOD K r-olo'h toP, .torm oT8n~06. nUROC Male PiP. farrowed Is ~.-orth a J)oro-cl of judicial QlU"e·-W. In September. Good onel. and Finder pleaetl leave at J. Gaynor. e'Jigible to register. Inquire af L. oftloe. f 11




This is the ODe Great Sale you can't D1iss.

25c Asparagus

Our entire stock of Furniture. Rugs, Stoves. etc. to go at a discou nt of from 10,% to 30%. including all new up to date Spring Goads. To Ilhow you how much you can save. we name some of the barK'ains below.




Spinach A can.

$20.00 25.00 2;).00 2.00 5 .00 18.00 20.00

lSc A Mixture Horaeradish-and Mustard A can ' ''.i.

lOc We pay the Highest Cash Butter and

Eggs at

W.' HAW-If'S· -



. Campbell's and Heinzs'

Colonist Low Fares In March and April

•• miLLS

60 Intot; tbMain eir De w hOU!l6 Iflst Tuesday . on ~t. 72 Mre. M. D . SLt.I ·;· , of OaytoQ, J e68le Cion vor. who I'Il81d08 ". the AItI'ICUI'1 LUJ'&t Uollego Iu St. Paul. In t·b e stllt o 0(' Min52 visited her sister heI" lllst weB k . nesota; LtlO <JIeave r . Ii mino r . ",ho resides at 21~ N icollet A ve. ,\ Uuu6ILpoll • . the .tat., 01 Mr. 8nd Mrs. ChIlS , Brelsford .No W nnesota. are hereby notlflO!d ~hat Madison Total .......: ............... $8928 88 Total ..................... $3928 83 were eol ertBim.d fit tbe homo of .\{cKl.a.o,. lUI the 6XOIClIt.or ot the lut will and 01 January Elleu Side.. doceaaed. on tho Mr. ILnd Mrs:- Wm . Rhorbllush, LeIItament I1tb day ot A. D. 1912. tIIod h la I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... north of town, lnst 'l'hur,day. petitio,} In Case No . 1318 In the Probate iI _. " Court. of Warren County. state 01 Oblo , entl_ Mlu ~tel1B 8owIJ,ds, of DlIoyton . t ied Madlsou llcKln... y as executor 01, the andintiff. te8~runent ot Ellen Sidea. de- ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• YIsUed 8l9J~r M r B W'J.lllB Bl~ok last will pla Oleaver. J easle 18it 88 tardILY !lnd Sunday. . Leo 20 yea,.,. 01 1 yoatll ot MesuB. Walter DinwlddiA and _'';:..U' "W ~ .. ve uleten I~. ~~I~~:~~,:. detenBarry Conner visited rel rltives at Indianapolis, IBs t week. &lit.! The J , O. V. A. Y.lodjl(e gave fI the coats adm! her ""ta.te. &lid fine supper fI't their haJl, l~ st t:llliur- t ha.t the right of Cemetery ABao- ' elation. a mortgogoo may be determined aud I day evening. adJudlc .. ted : I t

Office In 1_ • • • • • • •_ • • • •_·,• Na·tlona.l Bank BidS.



Old Process Oil Meal Cremo Cotton Seed Meal International Hog Feed Chicken Wheat Cracked Corn



any Ticket Office of

Valley Phone 186




- -- ....... Bellbrook.


~ PUre Ground Flax



A dozen of big ones

Walrus Autumn Ravey's Kinney's· X)b. flat



Try Our Own Mixed Chop---None Better.

ZIMMERMAN'S Mr . unu Mrs . Be rnie 8hidllker lind Mr . and Mrs. Irons, of Lebllnon. were the g' U08Is of Mr. and Mr!l. Uhus. I:IhidHker, l lL ~ t, wee k. Mi AS .1ennie Corhin WUII I,he glltolll 'Jf Mrs. Mih.lred E'llZlo, t:!atnrdfl y tin d t:!uud!lY . Mi ~ 8 E:l f' I" 1I HII rr ill vnferl " inell Tu et;dl\v '\\ i t, Il ,~ llli sc8 11f\n (\ou~ .. how",r for "Miss Hortha Hurlfm brh.:eelect of Mr . Chlls. Gordon A d eIIcio\ls collation WII8 s~rved . MiRS Nlln Col lett is visltio g M.r~ Shirley Soott. of. Milford .


Oh mer Bow land, of Dayton, visit . PENNSYLVANIA I!d bis pilreots 11411' 8 11udav. LIN E S ,l oR6ph RUll t. B promine nt citizen (D.,..) of t hill plaoe, dl6\l at hill home last ~ ~aturda.v evening, of pnenrntmi u ~~~~~~ I , .. od Wl\iI buried io the Bellbrook oemetery ll\st \Vedne!!dBY after.

tOe .-------------D .,.••••••_••••• m.ll


Lettuce, Cel e ry . Cranberries , Cabbage, Onions. this week.


7 different kinds

uya quart.

IlO W is the lime to lay in a good supply at leh~ than wholesale prices.

Mr~ .

28 varieties You can surely find one to suit. your taste


:::'lel la 0Uld cII lJru ll t' IUI II." Expansion Yellow Free Peacl l' es and several t,ther kinds , a ll usually sold at 20 to :~OC a can. we will sell for two Jays on:y a t

... - -Harveysburg.


18c Cakes


'h . . '\,. . '1u1 ' 1 Winter Wheat Middling Prime Cotton Seed Meal D. D. Corn Grains Hay and Straw Corn

•. __

.. : .' ~J ""l' ""


uuo lumuy. I lti'lll Delsie Mo 1"1 ', of Dnyto II sp'lnt tlundoy with Iif' r fatber. Mr Oru~ha Wh lt·llker. 01' Kentllokj. It< t.he ~u " "t of relnt,lv e,; bere.



Brussels Rug ......... $16.95 $14 .00 DavenpCJrt .. ..... : ..... 19.60 10.00 4.00 Buffet .................. 16.95 Dining Chair......... 1.39 18,00 3:50 Parlor Stand ......... 3.25 Kitchen Cabinet..... 15.95 15.00 Brass Bed .............. 14.95 9.00

Dining Table ....... .. $ 9.75 Felt Mattress........ 7.95 Rocker ........... ........ 2. 45 Bogk Case .. .. .......... 13.50 Lacn Curtains ,........ 1.95 Dresser........ .. .. .. .. 11. 95 Rocker .... ...... ..... .... &.99


Willi'a m BYl1ne's



Main St. & Arcade

Ohl~. '.

Saturday, February 17th, We Begin Our Qreat

Purchase Sale



A sale of enormous quantites 01 New Spring Merchandise bouaht for ~t cash from Manufacturers, Importers and Jobberll-to be sold fo~ IpOt cUb

to One-Half ,

At One-Third

. ... i


. These Great Purch~ and Sales embrace every Department· fa tbe ~. I moth store and the Bavinp are wondJriul-particular17 iD ..

Dress' ~oods Domestics

Silki Wash 'Ooods

Dr_ ~aCe'

Chlna J..

G.ulte~are " <

wid. ,(JoOcIa . elnbiolde,rla

Linens Shoes

&Idftt : ,






Suit. . Men" Clo~i '

Boys' Clothln&

" . . ~ . ~.."


.'~~ . '" if' ' . .',. ~~"",,~,

llb~~e is 10' im,ortant we urge you te make a special ahop,l118' triP... to' D~a f;ltal~· I.l,.IIit!~· w~ ~:md railroad ,ut' .~eCedin& o~ . amount - . .,....~.., . "'id.Jjiioli!/";~~ ··~"t;

Dayton, ,OhiO. :


u."'te t

. . of

pure ,


I . ,.



t. '



Sixty-Third Year

.-- -- _., -,-- --1 er Res iden ts I •IForm ----.-.- - -_I.


::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::=:=='::::::::::.=:.+:-11 Perso na I M entio on e Iumn

Whole Numb er 3146 --- -- ----- - - - - --

!";::::::::::::::~: I~FLUENCE OF THr: GRA"IGE UPON THE COMMUNITY The 20th anniver sary of the! I ! K!liiht s of Pythias took place Mon- i : 0 I I The following ' paper was read at Word was received last week by day evening at the I. O. O. F. hall, i _jJ: the:Jast m~ting of Farme rs'il:G ran ge Mr. relative s here from Miami, Fla., to The occasion. being open; to thE' L......................... _...._ _ ••• _ _ .........__ ... __.~ and Mrs. W H Allen were _ _ •___ _ by Miss Marne Brown: the eff~t that C. A. Burnet t waa ill. Knight s and their families. There f/i1>'J:..-.~ guests of Mr . and Mrs. J .. 0 , Cartwlilre about ]00 presen t and a most White Good~ Salc March 1st White Goods Sale March 1st Fred's ~ For 39 years, with the ex ception w ri~ht at dinner We hope for hia speedy reeovery. Fred's Saturd ay eveni ng. of a ahort period, when there was no enjoyab le time was had. Seth Cook wa" a Dayton visitor C. A, Brown has bt'en on the sick organiz ation here, Farme r's Grange During the first part of the even- Friday. The many friemis of Mr. Isaac Ing list. Miss Carrie Ph illips had as her No. 13 has b~n a substan tial factor an improm ptu progra m '~as givCartwr ight, who waa a residen t of SundbY g uests. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. in the commu nity, reachina- out inen. The Misses Ruth anti Marie R, G. CrosS was a Cincinnati visithe Friends Home, for tWo years. Dr. j. T. Ellis was in Cincinnati to valley and Hay and family and Mr. and Mrs. hillside. wherev er there Miller rendere d some good music. torla1t week . Saturd ay . remem bered him on his birthda y by Lyman Day ami f'\l11i ly . is a place called home in thi' fertile and the Misses Luella Cornell and a shower of post-c&rds. Mr. Cart- Clara Hawke and and healthf ul locality Mr. Jesse Lewis , and its influMr. and Mrs. Enoch Haines were Oscar Smith spent Sunday in wria-ht is making his home with his ence will be felt for unknown years gave some &,ood readings. in Lebanon Friday. Sprin&, At their pleasanL home on the Vulley. daua-hter in New York City. to come. After the progra m, supper was Harvey sburg pike Mr, and Mrs. Mrs, J. A. Funkey is visitin" her M Fr k announced and the Knight s and their It is this organiz ation which has P . D. Cla~ ett enterta ined at dinner .. rs. ' a n Zell was a Dayton vis- united and brough t togethe r tillers Alief the family of Mr. and Mrs. guests sat down to a most sumptu ous children in Chicago. I'tor Satul day Sunday the followin g guest.s: Mr and : , of the soil; that sturdy cl\l8S of indi·, Mrs, S. W. Furnas residing in this vicino feast of all the a-ood things that Will Welch and family, Mr. Perry Cook is recover ing from Jesse Lew!.s was in Dayton Thurs- viduals, withou t whom the whole ity, pthere d at the parenta l home could be had. Fried and roast·chickna- and Mrs. Elias Og ledbee and daugha long attack of iIIneAS. day on business. tion would return to an uncivilized ter. MiilS Josephine, Sunday last, the occasion being en. and the accessories that &,0 with Mr. ami Mrs , ~ondition, certainly to starvat iun G. a farewell before the departu re to them, pie, cake and coffee was the W. Hawke and family. Mrs , W. H. Madden is the guest Mrs. J . C. Hawke was shoppi ng in for man's first recorded occupation Texas in the near future, of their temptin g menu set before them. of relatives in Clark8ville. Dayton .Thursd ay. was that of winning a livelihood After supper the young people eneldest son, O. ~. Furnas and family. Mr. and Mn Roy Earnha rt enterfrom the soil. TIle roll-call proved al1 prel¥lnt with joyed dancing for a time. Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Sides were tained Walter at dinner Sunday at their Zell. of Indiana polis. is the Throug h all the years of the existOne membe r said thi s was the Dayton ' visitors the excepti on of Charles C. and wile, last Thursd ay. cuuntry guest of home near Lytle. the follow.' relative s here. ence of ou r Order, the fact has rewho are located at Clinton, Ukla. , most enjoyab le gatheri ng they had ing Iruests: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ,~ated ly been where he is head operato r for the ever had. Mrs. C. A. Bruner was the guest illu;otrated that i~ Mrs. A. J. Alexan der spent the membe rs have faith in God, are noted Ellis and family, Mi sses Edith Earnof her parents in Mason last week. week-end in Cincinn ati. Orient Railroad, and Eugene , who is ....- - BAND REOROANIZES for fidelity, nurture hope, and dill' hart and Ruth' Rus.~ell . of Dayton , with Uncle Sam's Band boys on the Messrs. Sid Ellis, Clarence Rye and You want to get some ot our Good pem~e battles hip South Dakota. now sta· Miss Donna Hawke WIUI shoppi ng their charity . which, of itself binds J esse Thomas. The Cadet band, since the illness of Shoes at a minds bargain , heart-S and hands in one ! John A. FunKey in Dayton last Saturd ay, tioned at Honolulu. After an enjoy· its old leader, Mr. F. H. Farr. has common brother hood of mankind, able t!me, In which the festive board not been playing but Mr. Miss Kather ine Alexan der is spend. Reamer · and not alone is this in theory, but A small party of Iittlo! folks was C. B. Be ntley t ransac ted b usmess eontrlb uted Ita full -share, and the Reed has taken hold of the band h .' I ' and ing a few days in Cincinnati this in New led' h . Burling delight ton Tuesda fully ente rtained last Friday . photog rapbir.g of the ~rouP. the they met for the first time t e pr~nclp ~ Ineu cat m t e mMonday week. y structlo ns given by the Worthy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray happy hC?me-comers adjourn ed to evenin g and rehears ed , Mr. lind Mrs. Newton l Master , the Overseer. Lectur er and Smith. the occasion being the fourth mee~, at the call of the head of t~e Barton Kelly, of Newpo rt. Ky" were Dayton visitors SaturdBunnel The personel is about the same as ay. Chaplain to each class as it is .initial- birthda y anniver sary ot their daughfam!ly, on the bIlnka of t~e RIO lut year with a few new faces was the Sunday guest of relative s added . ed and thus becomes a part of the t er, Louise . The guests were Misses Ghnde-oxfor~, .lK~n.) Re&1ster. Tre boys intend to get down to here. Womell's, Girls', Childre n's Calf Ilreat body. tend to weave a cord of Esther Henderson. Kathlee n Henrl.erre !!.l work now, and be read v for the "sT. MARY'S CHU~CH Carl Duke has been alarmin gly ill Shoes at a Bargai n at John A. Funk- loyalty ani fratern al fellowship from son and Rhea Janet -;/Cartw right. ey's. street concert s by June. The citi· wit~ blood poisoning, but is . h~art to heart of its membe rs. which Mesdatnes E. V. Barnha rt and R. G. improvLent is a Blessing. But blessin p z(lns of Waynesville. ought to ' give ing slowly now. gives one a feeling of securit y Cross assi!lted Mrs. Smith in making' Mrs. Walter McClure and Mrs. against all who might trespas s come only to those who seek them. them their earnes t suppor t, as a town with- the little ones have a good time. Firat SundliY in u,nt Februa ry 25, the I!ize of ours should not be with- ,Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen attend- Fr~fJk Carey were Dayton visitors in our gates. Sunday School at 9:80; Morning out a good hrass band in it. ed the Auto Show in Cincinnati Mon- Friday. It Is no doubt in a great measur~ On last n.ursd ay evening tae Card Prayer and sermon at 10:30; Eveday and Tuesda y. Will White says.. now's the time due to th.e in~uence of t"e 'Grang e, Club held their last meetin g of the At. E. CHURCH nlDIr Prayer and sermon at 70'clor k. to sow Lawn Grass Seed. He has that h:ls m8Plr~ many of the youth season at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thelre neral theme for the Sunday Mias India Ranker , of Lebano n. is a fresh supply. of our. eomm~ mty to Sunday better SchQOl U. M. White. Ten tables of "500" at 9:15 a. m. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A, evenin g services during Lent will be: ) ~uamted w~tR the qual·ty of the were made up and the Preach ing by pastor both moruin g Perry and family. evelling was "The )(yater lee of God." Next Sun· MlSS Stella Lemmon left Sunday dliferent..-BQl ls,.of what _they are , spen t"v~ry pleasan tly. At a 'seasonday, "Stewa rds of the Mysteries of and evening. Subjec t of mornin g' to "pend a few days with an .ld col- composed, what they lack fGr the able hour delicious refresh ments 2000 Locust Fence Posts for sale sermon , "A Bro k en- hear ted Ch' rlst. " God, I Cor" iv, 1. fi tabl e prod lege chum in Cincinn ati. ' f cer taO~n were served, pro Subjec uct~on t of evenin! 0 , sennon , "That at right prices. Call on W. H. MadThose present The Question &x in the porch of . crops, wbat propor tion to supply m Mr and Mrs Israel S.tterth were waite den & Co., Corwin, Ohio. the chureh will be again used this Hypoc rite." White Goons Sale March 1st Fred's the way .of fertilizati~n, al~ many Mr: and M~. E. V. Barnha rt, Mr: You are given a special invitati on Lent. Any questio n on the Chris Mrs. Grace Lincoln Smith was in- M d M H to attend theslil services. R'd d other thmgs concern mg which a suc· and Mrs 'oJ 0 Cartwr ight ... . tian life. the Chureh, her history aDd r. an Mr and rs. arry_~e an eessful farmer must be Cincinn ati last familillr, week attendi ng ' . . the daught The er church of ,. Cincinn will giye ati spent & social on Sun. f ,,' -teach ing the Bible or Prayer Book, Fridov eveninl h' ht Mrs. G. W, Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. . , l in the MlllIOnic Hall sprmg mllhne ry openltlA'8. or t IS reason aoug out E B'I M d M day with Mr. B1'Id Mrs. E. V. Barn- and ~ J B placed therein will be answer ed at h I f h' h ed f h hart mmor al y, r. an rs. sc 00 SOl . er uca Ion w All e~e membe Chapm rs an, of the Dr. church and Mrs. It. E. Hath.. the Sunday even inA' Itlrvices. and conWhite Goods Sale Mareh 1st Fred's . they could bec~me . better ~osted 10 away, Mr. and Mrs. George Stroud . on are urged Lo come. Tbis The .iJeion ary study this year will gregati M' G III be ' th Ro fU . f tile art of sCientific farmmg', for Mr and Mrs F B Sherwnod 1SS eneva I!, gers, Mese ~ature 0 a c.h u~c h lte the Conqae st of the Contin ent by W 0 tica, was f Mrs. Davis Furnas was the guest the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. ' I' b .... '" S. armers are COl1ll~g to rea JZe t at dames Edith Harris, 8eeretal'J Burleson, of the Board of fe.llowshlp meetm g. No admISSIOn [ of her parents . Mr. and Mrs. F. J. G h Laura MOllher , I k there are many Improved method s A/lnes Wright A-nie Thorpe Missions. As in· former I ent. the WI II be Charlred . Cynthi a f Snook, at South Lebanon last week. ra am ast wee . . It d th '11 ' lUI . , 0 agncu Ure, an Clarence 8. Grause r, Pastor. ey are WI mg Evans, Lina Devitt, A. T. Wright . Guild will sew for the Childre n'. to learn Miss Jos, e phine Oglesbee is this A b' d I D~;rnS ' --Hoapital. Come, Let us grow in . f h Misses Elizabe th Carroll , Myra B' The Mis.,es Irene and Winona Tay- week visiting Judge air, anti Mrs.A. C. t t e regu ar m~tmlrs 0 t e Emma Heighway, Stella ____ Irf'&ee, and in the knowle dge of our 110 1', of South Lebam n, Lemmo n, were the R' . R01 ' R'IIII the Patron s diSCUSS matter s Donna Hawke Susan Wright Dr J Ismger and son Seth ('.ook received a sad message guests of Mr. and Mrs, Alex n&,er and Granlre f l, · Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To h d Emley , 'f f ' 1:'. to , Oh' . • 0 mutua mteres t, eac stur y yeo- W M'l ller Dr Clayton Dr. McCoy WI e, 0 "",L n. 10. • t d . Him /be Irlol'J both now and forever . on Friday , the 16th inat., telling of la!lt week. ts h' h ' ,. , man m r:1 .ucm!' argume n w I~ Messrs. the death Chaa. Williamaon. Ronald, of his daught Amen er Lillia's Purina Chicken Ft'ed, the high ..t sugges ted Ideas to others, who. • - • husban d, Georlre Dyer. at Genoa, m Hawke , Wilson Edward s, Edward Do you want good shoes at cut &Tade of eglll'-llroducinl' feed on the turn, presen t. them before th~ ~em- Ricks and Nathan Lupton COLD- WEAT HER :HE~ 111. Mr. Dyer had been i~l about ten prices? Look throug h ~ohn . A· market at White' s Store. ___ be.rahlP, andeedm this ~ay, ffertlhdtyof days, but had seemed to Improve, so Funkey 's Large Stock thiS month I,l pure s ,prlce 'O pro uce, J . C. Hawke ill reaponsibl.J, for that his passinI' away was not ex· Mr. and Mrs. Clem Crane enterand March. Miss Ada Walley and Mr. Ray c?nven ient market s, b~ides the followiua-: He asys that on the pecteci. Mrs. Cook and daught ques- tained on Wednesday evening, Feb· er, of New-P aris Oh'o -~e tlOns of moral and educational value delt du of Deeemlter he set a .Ply- Dr. Mary, left for Genoa on Saturruary 14th, at their pleasan t countr y Messrs. S. E. and F. M. Alexan - the guests of Rev. and' M~.· C. S. ar~ freely discussed, and great pront mouth Rock hen on twelve eggs, day. Dr. Mary expects to return home the following: Mr. and Mrs. by der, of Middl etown, spent Sunday Grause r last week. and that durina- all the below-zero Thursd ay, the 22d. gamed. . . Albert Grey, Mr. and Mrs. Patsy with their mother , Mrs. Alethia weathe r we had that old hen stuck Whate~er .ben~fits the mdh'ld ual Curren . Mr. 0 -. Alexan and Mrs. Andy M'1lott, der. , M AT THE I·NFIRMARY J LSd h to htlr nat and in due time hatched organIzation IS also a benefit to Mr. and rs. . . earsan son, w 0 have or Mrs. h Harry Emley, Mr. and . h . • t .' b bee ta f M dM J t e community, ence. It mus • out ten chlck"n l. They are getti ng n gues 0 Under the dlreeti on of the chap- If you n eed any "G00 d Sboes ". r. an rs. 0 •• seen that the Grange has exerted an Mrs. Harley Wills, Mr. and Mrs . In Hawke for several along fine, and are spriKhtly, and by lain ani the'lup eririten dent . Curlis Woolley, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lincoln the next six weeks come and see our turned to their home weeks. have reJune he expects them to be laying in Chicago. untold I~fluence. ~o~ good upon Wills, Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Marsh, ' P r i c e s They are Bara-ain s. JohJl Day was observe d at the Warren WaynesVille and VICinity. not only as Mr. . With8 lrpat40 c John ought to have• county and Mrs. Emerso n Mason, Mrs . Imfirm arv Sunday week A. Funkey . l' . Only broken up the nelt and aold the eggs. six more days forS. Fred's ~n ?r~amza Ion. bu t eac h 0 f thef.160 Mary Neible, of Miamis . . . burg. Misses Cash Produc ing Sale It behl)oves indiViduals who are membe rs 0 It. Be said he didn't think of that. :ev'bWJlb~nkll' o~ the Ma~ rstre:J Misses Stella Lemmon and Helen everyb Josie Decker, Geneva Rogers, Gail ody to ' go and h see the --_ 0._" goods also radiate s charity , ~enevolence, res yterlan .c urc , e Ive~ Harris, of Harvey sburg, and the offered at sla,ugh tered rice. Hormel, Roxie Zentme yer. Bertha forbear ance, faith. hope and other a most approp riate and interes tmg M Ral h Smith and Fred Hawke . and Franki e Mallott, Beryl Frazier . HOURS AT POST OFFICE p . virtues upon those with whom they address upon. the li~e of Lincoln. a~~~~ a :well dance in Wilmin Estell Wills, F.lsie Rug l, 2elia Regers , lrMra Niles Kirby of Utica sister come in contact . whethe r members A treat was glvell the mmate s at the WashlDlrton Day will be observ sd' I' . Bernice Wool\ey, Myrtle Wills, Ruth f th " , , ton f th last Wednlll d ayeven t the mg. moon . raof the late Howar d Booth was opel'- 0 conc uSlon 0 e progra m, ever1l9'lfl e or er or , as at the p t office theloll owmg hours: receivi Wills. Mabel Freeze. Glenna Marsh, ted. .'. . ng a handso me box of delicious fiect-S the light ofnothe sun. . .. . open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m l l · on recentl y m a Cmcmn ati hosd Pearl Carev, Messrs. Ray Freeze , . We will give you cut pnces on a pita\. She is reporte d &8 doing very All departm ents open from 9 t~ can y. - - .. • -.. . HerbE'r t Marsh, Lawren ce Woolley, our Shoes this month and Mar~h wen. 10 a. m. HAS TAKEN POSSESSION P. AND D. ASSOCIATION Alva Hartso ck, Emerso n Emley, The assortm ent il great, the quahty Do not call when thl! window Is Emery Roas, I rwin Pence, ROlrer the very best. Guaranteed. Come "Who' s your lailor? " Why E. ·V. Genial Ben Smith as everybody cloaecl as no answer will be given The Wayne, TownBbip Protect ive and see. John A. Funkey . Decker, Vance Decker, Perry Grey, Barnha rt, of course. .Ie has the knowll him, took possession .you. of the Charlie Rogers, Charlie F H. Farr. P. M. ' and Detect ive Association willllle et and Russell befit tailor on earth! Go see him Kilbon store in Corwin Monday - - -•• - .. ' Saturd ay, Februa ry 24th. at ~ o'clock Martin, Warren and Ernest Malott Misses Ruth Hartsock, Hazel Gus- and leave your measur e with him. momin g. He wishes to say to the CAMPS ARE OPENE D at the Townahip House, Electio nof tin Winifred Mllcy, Mary Salisbu and Herbert. Edwards. ry, old custom ers ' of this noted store, offict·rs will take · place and other M~rs. Hugh Ridge, Ralph Ca~ds and dancing were the feaSmith , Dr. Weaklr y, snperin tenden t at that he will do his best to .retain The .sugar-t1'8e campI around mattei'R of import ance. Don't fail tures of the evening. All presen t Dean Howell and Bert Hartso ck at· the Home for aged Method ists at their patrona ge, and hopes to see WaYnesville are beina open6'i but as to attend as this 'will be an import - tended report a fine timl'. church at Sprin~ Valley Sun· Cincinnati Wl~ here Sunday in the many new faces in the store He yet the sap is flowiDir very sJowly. ant m~tinlr. J. C. Hawke , .S ec'y. One Who Was There. ' day evening. intel'es ts of tIIlat institut ion and was hi'll retaine d Mr. C. M. Brown as From all indications, howeve r, it ----....~. .-~ a Iruest at tho home of Rev. and Mrs. clerk, and this fact will assure his oUlIht to be a good year for molassps.· HAD A SLlOHT BLAZE We bave received twO Isrlre ship. C. S. Grauee r. RURAL MAIL CARIU ERS custom ers of receiving the proper ...- - - - ' menta of Mill-End Goo4s. Very ' attentio n. A fire at Corwin Thursd ay eveni~ The Warren County Rural Mail largo assortm ent of Exclusive PatIS PRACTICING AG~IN Measrs. J. O. Cartwr ight, L. A. aD;mt 0 • 10 o'clock at the home of Robt • . _ Carrier s' Aasoelatlon will , meet an terns of Dreas~inghams aDIi Cham- Zimme rman, F. B. Sherwood, C. A. SAY, HAVE YOU TRIED Dr. J •. M. Miller wish. to THEM? Mountjoy, caused by the explosion of Lebano n, Februa ry 22ild. A lIump- bras. All retader s se\1 tbema t ]2~c Bruner , J. C. ·Hawk e. Saml. Smith, nounee that he is practic ing ; at h tuous 4inner ~1l be enjoye a lamp. resl,llted in the buminl r o~t - -- ' . d and ours,9c . Ladies, you can .not affo~ C. M. Roblt.zer and D. L Crane What' Why, Stone'e Wrapped of the sitting room. Chas. Werntz cientistry otRce, after ' beiD'Ir absent a pne~ discu88lon 'for; betterm ent to mi,s the many barpi~ 00 tbl. attende d : ' Lodp in· Cakes, Silver Slice and other va· received sevpra laevere burne, :fQrleveral ~w~ka • on~unt of bI. of the service wi'l ~~Id ,the attenti on larp Mill-End c:ou.~r. Conte and ~on ' evenin t. It rieUes. Sold by Kather ine Aletan · trjing to-put·~~ the tir". :" .... iIiother ·. .i~ _ ..:: --.: t' .fall ~~~ra:,~~,• •. .t'~~~~4~ John A. Funkey~ ~... " :..~} ' ~t. - ~erl l \ '. ~ . .~. .\,"'"~.. ....-t!,.: ;::::::. 'too' ~. will,amoun t·to, ~ut .~,' ~ j' • K. P. ANN IVERSA RY


L_...... _.....•.._............. _ ......____..._..... _._.....











:_W'II. aee.


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~ianu _·_Gazette ~.~;:""'~A:"~A~..~·''''''E .. r...~,,=.. r~A=''''~A3r~5!'WO FARM BOYS, A COLLEGE

D, L, CRAN E. Publiahtr. WAYNES \ ILLE, t==.



A bonftre was held by tbe postomce Department of over 170.000 CbrllltmBll poatal cards, barred beclkse of tbelr tinsel decoration. notification bavlns been made that these cards are un· mailable on account of danger to the elero In handling. Tbe number Bent In spite of the warning sbows that men and women are but children of s larger growtb, wbo keep on dolnll thIng!! appar~ntJy b ecause tbey bave been told not to do them, Cenllull returna of the forelgn·born InhabItant. of Greater New York Iho" tbat there are more nathes 01 Italy relllding In tbe Empire City tbBD tbere are In Palermo, In a .Imllar way the RUllllan-born popUlation 01 New York far exceed. tbe entire number of Inhabltl,Ults of 80 cbaracterl. lIcally .. RU8llan cIty u KIBv. Tbe RUBelan·born New Yorker. number a~ malt balf a million and the Italian. born New Yorkers exceed 340,000.

Into. The detect! Y8 bUlllne8s Is not bad." The widow laughed . . "And tbe beadwalter at a restau· rant makes ftlty dollar. 0. week." She laughed again, "Would you rather Bee me In one Of tbolle occupations than doIng noth· IngT" Tbe patIent Grlaelda's famoull "I certainly Ihould. Then I'd ord tor meeknes!I and endurance bal cbange m1 mInd about your being a 611111Y · "

boen beaten by a woman In Cblcago. "Oood! You shall chango It!" For twelve years sbe Bupported bel "Mean while, drop In occasIonally bUBband wltb patient resignation, but and renew your proposal. I can 0.1. tinally decIded that bavlng to tak. WSYB apprecIate a bit of humor."


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fro III nft"r It lin K b9<'11 s u I PI'£'<\ o\'er th ert" b}' til e t 'OI IOIl l:ieNI trll s t . !.lesl<l('s. u,.;ulll. It \l'hllie l bo eo n"'.. to h HV( ' II h Ubb~n,1 wllo I'oll id 3WClll' h y s im ply ~ hrll !;.:l ll~ 1I1 ~ ~ houlders! Yes. lit .. cOllnl lert a pleas an t 1m· press ion bt' blncl . nnd four dUY fi later. wh e n he luvitt'd Mrs . Ua re forth tl' dIn e with hIm ut a restall rant . h a jJ' eroned hy he r a unt. th e Inv ita tion wus at·c<' llted . ~Ir t'red N(' \' ln B met tb e m at th e doo r and ('ondll c ted th e m to a tabl<' In I he mos t ce re moulou H way . II e ha d got a place as head waltc r. Th a t Is, he \Va" tu bll \'e II week to make good In . li e did not s mile . The wlclo~1 was ~ o astounded that sbe coulcl n' t hn \'e sm il ed for cns h do wn . The uunt , who :l1 ~ 0 knew Fred, h a d to swa llow a n oll\'l' or lle rlsh . The on l y on e maintaIning a CO lllpla ('cnt UP.meunor wa!! th o ('aunt, nr.d ht< snallped hI s fin ge rs at th o h('ad · walt e r nnil sai d : ··Pe ll ow. sue thnt my ordl't:l ur" at:en <l .. d to wll h pro m llt llos' !" At thu t dltlller t ho count gro\\" co n· n<lentl ll i. H o was In AmerIca t o bn y the right of a p:l tf' nt flylug m achine for [I million dollars- one h e could sel1 to his goyc rn ment for Ih'o mil · lion . He didn' t need I ho rout' milli on . but he WlIS a dts rltlll>le m nn . He wo uld de vote th e profits at tbt, denl to or ph a n asylum s. H e " , [IS pra ised nnd fl a tt ered, [l nd on th e way (lut to th e tax I h e <l a re<l tn press th o wi dow's ban d . At he r door h o dn red to prc6~ I: II/:al n . It was at hi s thIrd ca Jl at the \) o n80 thnt wit h a s lm plo s hru g or the rIght shoulde r b e Ict th o widow Imow t hat h t< was In lovo with her . Thea a sh r ug or t he lett ,..'a m e d her tl111.t n pro posal mi g h t co me nt tb c n e ~ , call, nnd that she bad b ettcr get rt'ad y 'o r It, 'It would be un gal1 a nt to sa y tbat Mr s . Dare fortb was read y for It. but It ca n be related tbat tbe proposa l dIdn 't come . The count just ran In to say tbat he had bargaine d for tb e patent, but was s hort $20.000 c asb, He mu st raIse It wIthIn two bours or lose tbe four mllllonll' profit, He would bave money from Rome by nex t IIteamer, and If tbe widow would-Sbe would and she did . Sbe was happy to gtve hIm a check for the amount need ed, and tbe count Bbrug· ged hIs gratItude wltb botb sboulde rs at once. Two hours late r Mr. Fred Nevins told her over the wIre: "J've got tb e bounce at tb at ree· tau rant! " "or ('ourse you have," was the reply . "Well, what now?" "I'm In the detective busIness . Went Into It only twe nty minutes ago, but bave alreadY s truck a clew." "To wbat?" "To Count Lu gl !" "Wbat! What ! Fred NevIus, command you t o - " But he shut ber olT, and sbe had n nIght of anxie ty , Next tore noon Fred ca me agaIn. ThIs tlmo he said: "Hot on the trail!" "What do you mean?" "Count LUg!. He got your check casbed, but I hope to get hIm wIth tbe goods on hIm ." "Fred NevIns, have you gone crazy!" No answer, He waa olf agaIn. 'rwo awful hours passed, and tben came tbo rIng agaIn. "Got him .nt last!" "Oot who!" "Count I .. ugt , Took . him all tbe eteamer abQut to saIl. Oat your $20,000 back for you, He was formerly a b a rber." That nlgbt the jolly bacbelor wal taken serlou81y for once. \Vben he had finIshed telling bls story he laid : "So you can soo how bad you need a hu sband wbo IB In tbe detoctlve busIness," "Y 'e-s," 'I\'as t he long·orawn r e ply . " Whlcb Is me ." .

a little too much, even for a modern , lroaned tbe bachelor u he lett thl Ortse1da.

Interesting Story of What Jim Noble and His Chum Learned


When a mtlll la a jail )' bn chcloT of tblrt y-· w be n he be lougs t o tltrc or tuur clu bs - ..... h n he Is lIbe r al wlt b hi s mon ey "fld Is tumlJlurly ra iled FTerl by e \' ery onc, ho w Is Ilny (ltlP goin g tn tllllQ him serio us ly? It cnn 'l be dono. li p I'nn no t ge t r redl( fo r bQlng mo re than hair In ell J'fltls l Sucb a mall was Fr('(1 N(' v lu s, a nd now and tbe n ho fou n d It e mbarrnss, Ing not to be croclltod with 6c rlous · nesl . Wh e n hA druppcd In to "L'O the wIdow Darefort h one a ft crn oon "lid will observe tba t It us ually wanta otfe r be r hi s hand and heurl . It was lometblng of you wbe n It comea ratb ll r e mba rrnsslng lO rece ive tho sround, None of Its ca ll s a re courtesy reply : call 9 . T be srcb ed back and the "\t's a mlltter yo u ju s t happe ned "mew·mew" are cloquent of Its de- to tblnk of." .Iree, II It do es not rece ive tb ese " ' Pon my :uul, but I hil\' e lov e d you marks of attention and falls to find for - fa anything else that Inte re sts It. eay, a ""'or thirty lon g seconds!" nIce wurm s pot In your lap to tak e a "For a wllol e yea r." d ozo on, the cat moves maj estically " Poor mun! How you mlls t h a . e and Indl ft'erently away. Your pe rson· tbrash,~d a round nlgb t~!" allty bas no particular charm for It. " But won't you bell<' vo me?" It IIdmlreB the radIator more than tt "No, s ir. ~ven I t I dHl, I s boul d does you. Tbese characteristIc eyml" say no ." "But what's tbe tro ubl e 1" toms of eelf·cente r edness and grave "Mr. NevIus , , marrI ed one l a IH~· detacbment are relntorced by th e eye. dab man, and , don't WIlOt 1Inother. ot tb e cat. . A cat's eyes look st YOU, It , marry agaIn . It won't bE' n sissy . but they seem to be lookIng beyond You've got mon ey nnd you'vo go t :l'ou. Tbey are like tb e eyes of tbe braIns, and rou a re throwIng them caged lion, whlcb always seem to be both away. You are a non e ntity out· lIeelng the dIstant d ellert tbat It lovee sIde yo u r cI rel e ," "Ob. It's tb ut I'm not In 11 profes · and tbat la calling to It by nIght and s lon or work In g at a lrnde ?" be lIny. QuerIed . "Just that. ,JU Bt idling your tlmo From year to year tbere bave come reporte of the Increase of dee r In Can· away. Jus t being a sis sy of a man . You ma1 find some women to marry nectlcut wblcb western ~ple bave yOU, but I s ha 'n't c re dIt ber wltb tound It difficult t.o believe, Last year good se n ae. " thore were comvlalnUi tbat the pr~ "By Oeorge! but I don't amount to teeted animal. were destroyIng tal' much, do 11" laughed Fred. "Come to mer.' croP!!. ThIs ye ar comes the tblnk of Il I ought to seek a job a t ItOry that the ConnecUcut game WIU' eomethlng." "A.nd be told that you couldn't denl have given warnIng that motol' men on Interurban electric cal"8 mUlt earn ten dollars a week!" "Perhaps! SIIY. now, I 'm gOing to Gt'rcJee the utmost care not to run down deer which bappen to get upon be dllferenl I'm going to make a new 8tart. Let'B see What I can go the or they wlll be made to lncnr the fuU penalty of the law for kUling deer out of seaBOn, It I. Bald that a conlllderable number of deer have been killed In this way, espe. elally at night, wben tbe)' were at. tracted by the beadllgbts. DeeJ' .tal~g with an electric car 11 eel' tll1nly a modern method of acqulrlnll ,"enl80n: but tbe)' were always an tng4'nlollJl folk In tbe ltate of the 'Wooden nutmeg,

beatings as well as give earntngs


The Title of Countess

From tb e stanl1llo lnt or utlltty, ex ' cept In so fa r as decora tlvcn ... s s Is Utlllt1, not mu ch CB n b o said for the average CIlt th ese days. The ca t en' loya Its prlvtleg es wlt bout g rea tly con· cernlne Itself wllh the res ponsI b ilitI es . And In point fit fn cl, Its s c rvl ces In most houses would be BuperOuous T be mouselra p now does for most bouse holds what tbe cat formerly dId . Nor Is tb e cat partIc ul a rly dl st ln · gu lshed by tbe alfec tlon ror Ita mas· l e I' wllicb Is 11 0 co n s pI cuous In tb e dog, Ita Bole d ont E-s Ue rt val for the wn rm spot und e r t bo kitch en slave. It you will note lhe cat carefully, you




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yet ebe won't see anything but humor A medlc,a l journal bas started II In It!" campaIgn agaInst the beloved stu, Count Lugl called the next day dent pipe, alleging tbd Btudent. wbo He had been ratber dilatory In get· tlng around to It, as he had had con, IImoke are not tb08e Btandlng blgb· slderable trouble In aacertalnlng the est In theIr clas llell. Tbls journal wIdow 's financIal standIng. When III behInd tbe times, baldIng tbe anU· the report came tbat ebe WI1S worth «luated Idea tbnt college students la about $2,000,000 be ordered. bls auto these lltrenuous days go there to around and commanded bls cbo.ulfeur IItudy. to break all s peed laws, Count Lugl waB an Italian count. Sixteen babIes In a courtroom In He owned clletles In Italy. Some New York upset tbe court's dignIty were built on peaka and crags, tbat and yelled theIr contempt of court till be mIght hear tbe wind moan the latter was driven to Ignomlnlou8 around tbe gables; and some were lIurrender In an adjournment. Whleb on the seasbore, wbere tbe roar of proves tbat the Infant of the specIes tbe mad waters could 1xl b eard 0.8 a count sat In bls library and smoked til more \'oclferous than judIcIal pree& and IIlpped a cocktail . .. ent. Count Lugl wanted a wife, but not a rlcb one. The poorer sbe 'I\'as tbe MWhen I rend I don't lik e to think: better. She would tben appreciate .. a remark credIted to Tbomas A. his tena of mllllonll far more. Of Edison, A good many otben fee l the course, If he should cbanoo to be AmB WBY, which Is a possIble eJ[' loved by a rlcb woman be would planaUon for tbe abur.dant output of bave to make tbe bes t of It, but never, never. would he consent to IISht literature tbat calla for nit ~1Ie one alngle Btlver of ber money, thoUlbt In the procesa of It. perusal Th. count lOt tbls mucb olf In a "'enly-mlnute call. The widow The pure food board hOll II .. ued • Dareforth wu charmed - not too . 4eftDftlon of mlnce~t. " Out It hal mucb 110. but modllrately charmed ~ GIrered ao beta ' that It c:a:a deftDe the She had-alwa)'l wanted ' to live In alt: tblap mlllcemeat" product!ll ~ ~b'lltalhUl ~t1e and have bananu ... . a r1cllt at hand. Besldel, Italy II the ";f- ' plaoa - -... tile pun ollv• .,oU ~iDea .

About Judging Hogs While on a Visit to the State University. ( By C. 8 . P lum b. (" oU,'se of Ag rl cul lttre, Ollie Slllt£' Uuil'rrslty,)

( Contin ue d .) "




Pigs Showtng

D Ivor.lty of Color and

Woman Suffered for Years, Res lnol Worked Immedi~t e ly, nurln g th El wint er mun y people lulTl'r untold lIgon y Cram c hnllJled nnd c rack ed IJI'. utlH. The mu nne r 01' \\, un!l· lo g and dr yIn g tho !lunds , th e wal"r, expos ur e, blood tl ud I n. l un~C rUbIG olhe r things may ca llso this. 10 I, or· Dons eu"'ering In thi s \\,ny , a t' ft'llm nny s kin e ruption , t his \,"I1!U n's ex· perle nce sho uld prove In Yl1 It a ble. "I high ly prize Hes l"fil ~1):lP unll Olntmeut. Fnr y eAr:! I I : ~u su N" t'ed witt, my hund~ cruel" Il l ; . J ta d 1t ~ 1'1 1 all k lndR or ~fllve, bu t tu 11 0 ~\'nl l, IIntH o ll e dllY a nn m plo box or Hes luot Ointme nt wos s(' ul to ou r ltl ll1"'. AI· most dleco uru getl . I had s,"Ter"tl so long with my hund s . I o! "' l1 e ll the JlU"'{ugo and I> cga n r{'~din;.: :-otlle "r tb e t estlmonl uls. Flnnlly I \1' 1 ,t! It, an d t he elrcct was \\,onlk rC\I!. It scemc d to lu l, e 11"1tl ~o rcuc s " a W IIY, and Im me dla toly lt l' gnn l l' I",a l. liud In a few d ays (u nlng It P\"I' !'y Id ,:;ht) my bands WI'TC e tll lrdy h uled. { C('el thaI J (' nnnot ge t It I (1n~ without He_ lna l Ol ntt\l ("·ut, :Ill d n:rotn nH' nd It " '1 111 pl ensu Tt'. \\ hcnt'," (' r a I oPllortu' n lty prf'llc llts It ~"l f . ")'IIl~. :'IA TTIE H . S i t I-:'T, " Sontl'nlt:e. ~ I n~R . " Hf'slnol Olnlml'n t Is tlte tll ilR t wond e, rnl ski n rCl11c(! ~' t,, <l n y . Fll r sun's, plm pl('s, e"p ry rorm of e rl·t,t\vn ~ lll n disease , Irrl :utl on find I tit:~:nl11n I J lJn , ocz("'ntn, 1ett('r, m ill< cru s t, ~,'n ld hl'nd, 1'11I1;\\'ol'm , bn rOC r',. il c·h. plmplc", blncllhends , t'lllhlnl ns, I'rl1l·)(',1 lip", ChllllS. b urr,s und fl rahls it, Itl an d f,,('\u a l nn d r elia ble r cTTtPdy . It soothes, r e ll eyell t ho pain tJ ntl hen ls . Rl'slno l So:\1' I" o! so v(,ry he aling Iln d a perfe('\ toil et s O:1n. Your dr ll gglst will reco mm pud Ul'slnol Olnlmcnt nn,l ~e ll It to YOIl In n rtyo{'c llt an d one ·tlollnr slz('s. or you c r, n Ut :t ke Il frcI' trln l of It by writin g for Bam l ' I~ to Deportment S9. Hcs lnol Chcmlcal Co .. B ait IRlore. Mti.


w ltb me and I ,vIII sh ,)\\' you a pen of pl gB of th e s lim e t Y1>£'. Tltey are all of th e Bomo kInd . Th ey lonk /100<1. don't tb ey?" Th ey 8111'1'1), dltl, for they were of th e same eolot' type an d brecd. "Now," sn it! t he t ('ucher, HI am goIng to s uow you a mher! Iwn ," an d he t1rov e alit a bU1lch of red anti black and black lind whIte pl g~ . " Do you soe th c dllTere nc l'?" said he, " \' es," 6ald each boy, a nd Lu ke whIs pere d to Jim, "Thos e blar.k beo utl es for me every time." The pro CesBor then led the boys to. anotll" r part of the yat'I' a nd Bald , ".ile rore we leave this little le sson on j~ g lng hogs, I want to sbow y ou somethIng importan t that I have not s poken of. 1 am goin g to bave two hogs brought out for yon to see." Soon an attc ndant brou gbt out twc hogs a utl th esll were placed side by side, Wllh tb err hluder pa rts nl'uresl tbe boys. Polntlu g to tbe olle near· c6t hln'.. tbe tca c h er snid, "Here al thi s end Ilre tb e hams , tbe most valu· abl e meat In th e hog In th e opinion of many . Now th or e 18 1l great deal When You Pla:e Your Hand on It It of dltten' n ee In hogs hero. Some bave long. thi c k, dol l'p, meaty hams, while Feel. Mellow. otbers ha\'e lou g 1>\11 thin hams. wltb, some sp.,clal !orm of body, or as v.e out 80 much meat on lhem. Do you sa}' bere, conformation. All bOIlB,l see how thick tbl~ bl~ bog 1& here (or elu:uple. Dla), be sorted out lUlU In Its hams, how wide ~ar~ It Btandl ulle or thelll'l klndll, and encb Is u on Itft hlud lega because Its ha~a are lYpOI. I will gel sam ples of . tbeUt so thick and meaty that It can t get so you can aee th e dllference." Its fe et c10lle togetberT Then notice the white one How tbln Its hams Aftor a bit their Instructor brought I b I I ta d mucb out two hogs a BerkshIre !lnd II. ar.e, nne ow t8 egs II n , closer together! Its ham8 are not Largo Yl)rksblre, and proceeded with \' ery d Tb truth of It Is, If II bls le Bson. Calling the boys up close, goo . 0 be saId, "These two pIgs are being fed for the blltcber. One Is a Berlt· shire and we 8ay he Is of the lard type. The white hog Is of the . bacon type, FIrat. notice the backs of the two. One Is very broad. and when you place your band on It It Ceels mellOW. Tbat back Is wid e and thick with a covering of fat. This tbe butcher usually cuts off In lon g , th !ok slices and melts tbem down Into lard. You notice the bac k of the wblte one Is much narrower and It does not feel so m e llow under the "Y~' B!" band aB does tbe otber . Now, I will The WhIte One I. the Longe,., change the position of th ese bogs so Danger of a ForeIgn Spouse. you can see them from II. side vlcw. hog hall a broad back. a deep sIde, On e of tbe mos t promIn ent college What do you lIee1" llnd full , meaty barns, the butcher profe ssors took unto blmself as wife a "The whIte one \s the longer," very charming and hl g hl:!' cultured lIald the two bOYB together. "Yes," wIll always pay a good prlct< tor It as prIces go-that Is whero tbe valu· Ge rman lady wb o Is exquisitely par- said tbe profossor, "wh en a ho g able meat IB located," tI cular about all small matters. sbowl a narrow back and long slees, (To be continued.) Sevoral yeurs ago, just .after she had we say he Is of the bacon type. If come to live In this couutry, s be WB.l! the back 18 thick and fat, the Bides ever on tbe qui vIva for now forms of art aimost aure to be so and you de NEED OF GOOD SPRAYING OUTFIT ex pressIon. not trIlt good bacon. If tbe back Is One night til e profpsao r {'IlIDe bome narrow and tbe sIdes are long and In doing spraylllg or any kind It Is, worn out with Ibc troubles of doep, with not too much fat on them, of course, supposed tbat the fruit commencement. A s h e was dreslI- we get tbe best kInd of bacon. That grower will be sUPTIlled with good Ing to attend 1\ very fo r ma l recelltoln whlto ho,8 Is saId to be of th e baccn equIpment, A good spray pump and be remarked: type because bis form plainly sbows one tbat has a strong agitator Is Ole'" wish w e wer en 't goi ng to tbls bacon productloll. Some years ago sontlal to good work. One common shIndig." ' people In Amerlon dtd not care much reason why. msny farmers have not "ShindIg! " repeuted his wife; "wbat for' bacon, but now it Is becoming pop- h6.d beUe r suoceos with spraying II Is that?" ular, DId you ever h ear of the IrIsh- that tbey have attempted to spray " It's tbe sort of tltleg we're go- man's pig, whIch Is Bald to be made up large are&!! of trees ' wltb a knapsack Ing to tonI g ht," answered ber bu. a! a IItreak of fat and a streak of lean IIprayer or a bucket pump, This. 01 band, and then another streak of fat and an· course, Is practically uselesB. Fifteen At the clast: or a ver y enjoyable other streak ot lean T Well,. the bacon or twenty dollarB expended 10 a evening th e prof e~ sor beard bl. wIfe bog 'Is the lrll;hmnn's of long ago, good spray outfit Is money wetJ Ins ayIng : "0, Mrs. P--, I have 110 much .come to America to ste·y ," vBsted If one has orily a few trees, A enjoyed your sblndlg."- Harper'. Mag- ' ''Now, that I thln!t ot It, I have seen gasoline sprayIng outfit ",111 usuallY' azine. both kinds among those fatber feeds," be profitable If ~l'e bas morc than said ' Jim. five acres of orclla(:i. Advice to .. Frlencl, ·"there i!' an Important lesson in WE!fJ)~LL P .ADDOCK. Tbe younK man Was about to M pill the profesllor_ "You caD't Profcssor of H011ibtlltUl'e, Ohl" Stat. ~arrled . , . .nIX' up, tlie type ",t market hogs al1d I' University, "Praise )'OU~ ~lfe'l grace aDd beaD-: net tis ~I()Od a prt~ .. for a io,d, Ba )'00' • . '. ty constantly," advlled one frfen~' l . In9;·d 'rlre lJutchor ,.lway" 1I0r:t1 avO!' 'fae platit ' food ,tD til" sralns_"r "lOt. "But !on't overtlo It." coun'elect" ~, Ills 'p;lrchaa,es and he paya ~ ·tQr mo« readily dll8olvea;-"! n thnoll w~ otber. Sbe may conclude that . ,' thf!1P, wh~n theY"' ar! , alike' . I~ :· !~ If -Ih(,,,,, II 'pl'ln\7 ' o~ fURl! II.U, haa thrown berself a"u aD )'011. .... , t~an'- 1VH8J1 tbeY &rf' ~UleJ'Wj... C.e p*euJ., -, ' r.. .,:: .. wot ta 10 O'D tbe ltaafl" .'1" ,. .... , , I . i.,., : ' "Probably they bave sarno PolandChIna blood In th e m" saId the professor, "The Poland·Chlna Is black with 11 little w blte on hIm, but he has a s traIght nose a nd a turned·over ear, Quite like the Duroc·Jorsey, This breed was ftrBt produced In BOUth· western OhIo, and Is ver)! common In the state," " I wls n you would t ell .ue what 'trpe' Is wltll hogs," lIald J1m . "'Tbe word 'type:" 's ald the teacb e r , "Ia used a great d eal nowadays. It means





Esther Was Atarmed. Eh l her, a Ii v",ycIIT-o I(, ,Iaughle r or :>ionb s ide purcn t s. b eard mu cb a bout tbe dan !:,ers or dlJlhtboria . alld WOlO eBger to obse rv o eve ry r,l'e~a utlon t ... kee p from comlul; Into contact wlUl :t.. tbal sbe "nd he r two brolbers wight lI Ot "cutch It ." One day obe Insis ted on !:,olng to Ib e grocery on th e co rn er to IIPend her penny, a mI wos warnell by her mother not t o stop aud play wltb an}' cblldrcn s be ml/:bt mcet on tbe way, Aftol' ba \'lng bHI1 gone o nly a Cew mInu tes. she r us he d In to the bouse ruul' h cxcllBd . cxe1u lml/lg as s he on· te rod: " MBm ma . you must keep 'ose boy .. • wilY fr011l Mr. A .'I house. 'ca use theY ha ve dIpht h e rIa nnd have a stgn up," He r moth e r sa id: "Is that so? Wlult docs Ih e sl1;1I s:lY?" "It says [·o·r 6·a ,l·e," said Est bor.Indlanllpol ls News. Reward of Merit. Go on au,} blo w )'G' hawn 'bout who yo' Is and wb a t yo' 11011 0!" Impnllently sa id old Brother tJog us. "U ut lemme specify d nt 1'ge de on 'y ",xtlugulslte tl ci tizen 0' dIs towa dut d e presi dent o· de rallroad-dlll ruh road, rI g ht ),uh!-IJRld an y 'teu· lion to when lie went th'oo In bls s peclu l kyah In8t we ok, Ynssnb! I wuz yuh when de tram pUB!letl- rlgltt on dis spot! - and dat 'ar po'tly wblte IlIUII glmme a rtll ~ see-gyuh; flung It to me out'n de window 0' do Ilyab, lnd 't ",·uz lit, too! "- Pu ck . When people begin to lIay to .. womnn, "How YOllni: yon are lookIng." It'll a sIgn she Is gelt I~g old. "Go on, sah!

An Interruption. Gerald- With that cn.d In vlowGeraldIne-Stop lookIng at my feet. MOBt me n ",'auld ratber give their wIves credIt Cor wbat thc y do than to give them money.

Like a Pleasant Thought of


old friend-

Post Toasties with c.-eam. Sweet, crisp bits of white Indian corn, toasted to' an appetizing, golden brown.

A delightful food for break. fast, lunch or supper-always ready to scrve instantly from the package,

"The Memory


F or a pleuing variation Iprinltle lome Crape-Nuta over a saucer of POlt Toutiel, tlieD add cieam, combined flayour ia .~me.




remeiiiller. ~





"Let Not

Your Heart -' Be- '-

I Wi1 ~-; t. w i 0 Ja


\ ~ l" )oM' n

bll l" II ~. ( ' C, II ,. 11 p1Hf·.1 or l ill "" n ll \' ~ LUllI ' U. 11 ,,' 1' ,,1 1111" '" l u f,t.'tlll fvr H ( I ' .. t' 11:t('knf."

Ii. "

City People Can Purchase Perishable Goods as Nee d ed . but Remoteness o~ Country Homes {rom Market Rel14ers It Necessary to Use Conned or SlDoked M e ats.


1'( til



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Ih l ", J um w i l i mo to ,-=""' t' IIlIlH. tll " '" ( ""0 p nck· RC'''''' , J f ,lIel' n i l t h f~ t" hiL SHII~ h .\· ,trIlJl~ I H I 8 h l r~"('rn !"I ,-1 1l1, fl lr f,'e" pni"l.II l1e fHlll rcl88, ~'Ot. Munron, G3 rd A JoU....o n 5 1• .• ~llddelph il1o PL


Sabbath. N 1I0tbing be anxious; but In e ve rytblng by prayer and supplicatiOn with thanKsgiving let your requests be msde known unlo Gorl, And till. , peace 01 God. wblch paasetb all understaqdlng, aba ll guard your benrta and your tbougbts In. Christ Jes us • • • M }" God sball SUpply all your need according to bls rlcb es In glOr)! by Cbrlij t J esus. 1:'bll..: Ii, 7 : ~ol.

Stop That



REA KINO every great engineer study of the geological rormatlon s of Ing record or the world's hlll- tbe Culebrll region,. and they are aatory and surpassing Its own iured frol;1l theBe Investigations that most sanguIne expectations. they hllve made all necessary allowthe Oil "'t I algglnr; army at Bnces for further possible slldes_ Yet Panama, .... blch has marched Irom they are preparing to meet any new one victory to another under the lead · ones whlcb may develop. Should ' LlIere ershlp of Col. George W . Goethsls, III be any additional slides after J'.ne 1. now' preparlnt; ror tb. IInal assault on 1913, the canal authorities will meet , the belghts of proud Culebra moun· them by moving the ,reat dredl:es or taln. 'tho Pacltlc division Inlo lho cut and Against what odds thla canal army dredging out the Incoming ma~ erl81 has fought. few. even or Its sdmlrertl. ·at the rate or , millions or yards a f",lI, apprecIate. Wlien the plnns ror .1 montb. By tha~ tJme the locks and Ita conltructlon were prepared . It was dams at the canal wlJl have been COJD· estimated that nine " years wnuld be p1eted ' and the water can be turned re,Qulred to remove tbe 103,000,000 ' Into Cnlebra ~nt . But this Is a can· c.ublo "ards of material It was then tlngenc), that fa practlcall)' certaIn proposed to excavate. SInce that time not to arise. . one dlmcult1 aI\.d another has arisen Taking a Journey tbrough the canal and 'has forced- up, notch by not cb, the fTbm the Atlantic 10 lhe PaclH o, one total amount of material to -be remov' may leo everywhere evidences of tho ed, until today It 18 estimated that rapidity .wlLll whIch the canal IB belhe entire tuk wlll represent the ex· Ing comilleted. The seven·mlle sea cBvation of UI5,OOO,OOO cubIc yards. level section between deep wllter and SUdoll In Cqlehra cut have been reo tbe Glltun locks Is already opened to spon&lble for a varl of this Increase. navigation. It can now be used b)' wblle the wIdening of tbat J)llrt of the craft of moderate drart. and will be btg dltcb by one·halr has added much completed to Its full width of 500 feet more. Tben the oceao currents In the snd ,ltII lull depth 01 41 feet before Paclflcr and the work of the dbgtetl ThanksgiVing day next year. At Ga· river 00 -, th AUntlo aide bave d. tun ono findll additional evldeace .of pOSited large Quantities of ellt 10 tbe remarkable progresB. The lockll at Une of tbe canal and all of thIs must that place are now withIn 11 y(\l1r of he removed. wrItes Frederick J. Hu· completion except for the Inlltallation klo ID tbe tndlanapoUs NewB. or the gntea and other lock mach'ner,. Yet In Iplte of thIs tremendous In· B, the first of April the GatuD dam creale tn the amount of materIal to be will be ready to hold 65 out ot the remoye4, the lut Ibo\oelful will come tlnal 26 feet of water In Gatun like. ou~ In a little more than lis ,ears Thlt part of the dam between the after the-work belllo IIi earrfest. Thua locks and the spillway Is alread, prae· It wIll be leen tbat whtle tbe. amount UcaU, completed, and the other aecof worll to be done ball Increated b1 tion. I. being puahed to compll'Uoll more tban legen-eI,bthl, the time In rapid I,. The wbole structure will be wlJjch It wu elumafed It could be completed nearly two years before tbe dope h.. beeD out dQwn ~ by a,pproxl. C!melal opeolng day of the canal. ml\-t." .....t!l~th!~d . F)!rthermore c 110 After- pullnJ through Gatun lor.kl, , magnlt\iillltl)' has the canal army re- one Ondl the Onlshlng touches beln. sponded. to .. tbe _demands 'ot Its' leader applted to tile next 26 miles of eb-aD' for eftIclenc1 tbat the VlUlt amonnt of nel. The completion of the relocatIon ad It!0n~ work II ,being done with of the Plnama railroad along the blgh mODe, saved by economical operations ground to tbe eut of the canal haa on the wert orilinally planned. When taken the roal! out of tbe Chagres val. one ItOPI tG con8lder that all of this Ie" This permltl tbat entire portion additional work La being dODe on aay- of! the old Panama railroad to be done tnD etr.ecJe.i1 "ellewhere, and tbat It away with, aDd by May 1 the 26 mlJes haa not added one penny to tbe orll- of tbe canal hetween Gatun and Lall Inal eldmatea of co lit, the marveloul Caaca!!ea will be enUrely completed. resultl of tbe .flfolency campaign on the .llIplmlla beQo,rne appar!!nt. Cold , 8torag. Lldy BUgL ClIle'bra cUt ; .lwa'II ·'baa been tbe ' Lady bugs of Nevada orIgin are 1m· baokbone of the canal problem. Once ported Into Cal1for~la to deltroy maD, It 'w u ' thou,ht -Oatun dam would be of th3 Inlect peata of vines aDd orch· the moalJtoott" f~ture of the work. ardll. Tbey are found In mo!s under but' · Ihlll iTeat dam baa proved 10 the .SDOW: but at that .season they canmuClla "·l... ,of•• · ptoblem tIllD wu an· not be prelled Into lenolce, bee au Ie tldpated ' l~t the canal omellill long tbe worml on which they teed bB'f'e IrQ ceaae4, to 'forry about It. They not yet appeared, while tbe lady bUIS felt. ro~r ie.,.ir~acO, "ben thl,. ,were are stlll hlhernatlnl. . _ bellnnlDr to J)lan tM foundations of Accordlns.y .tbe little Nevadana are t ~ture, tbat tllere .would plac~ In refrlgeraUns wason. anti be ma01 dlmcultlel , to Qvercome; and thull conveyed to Cillfornla, to re,.et the}, 'We~ pr.pared "to maet tbem. main 10 cold storage untll their BenThe' actual wClll lias not been nearly Ices on vlDell and trees are required. ao dlmcult of accomplishment u they During all thll time they take no food. _hd ,.exp,cted, ve17 mucb to the die- With Iprlnr come the deltr011n, comtlture.of·tholle p~ople who Inslated wormll. and then thl lad, bUll II that tbe dam could nev.r be bullt. taken from her prllon nnd dispersed On. the other h~d, CO\1lebra Cllt ba. where' abo appeara mos~ likely to do proved . to ~. " mllr.b gTellter tallk ber- ,work· "e1f. As ibe ra rk'Vebdusl, th~ ' wlU! O; iiitrQIj,ated. When' Preal·' bungry, the work Is berun ana can· dent Roollevelt ordered tbat Its bot- tlnued unUl .the worms are ·i{eatroye1. tom ~~j.tltll ·~~ld ... be· II!Clrea..d from -Harper's Weekly. -. 200 to 300 feet. he added a consider· able ,.I,m~n~~ 'o _t,l I, qlf!1cu~tI!I of th~ Attaining Corl"ect Carriage. problem, ~ ·1h, .rreat ~lIIae. qf ma· terlal th8~ hf.",e ,been ldhig In~the To attain correct carriage one must canal. fl'O~' tblf adJlcenl l'.\)ahkll, one walk erect and, to ac1)leve this end Illde alone hartDg a . lurf.ce area of there Is nothIng blltter, t~an tryln« to 47 ac:Tti! . ~~ ad"ded Imme '~ely 10 walk with a book or '• .Imllar article, tbe iJetlPu.8~ •• ~ of: tthe ' protlem I1t such as a bas of "'rI_tlng paper or aev· ,· Oule~.!'a, and tet. aue b, one. these eral must,c books. ThIs Is aure to I\eep dlftlcultlea ·,. Iid ,,"obltsolea . have been lone from developing the swaying at over~9I!le" IIp ~I!!lt there' now re~alnl the bod)' more to the ooe Sld~ than to be , r:e~O,ed leu., thaD , 16,000,000 the other. Stay. ~ tbat force tbe oppocu blo ,Irefl ~lIt of. a totai of more site of thll ,rule Ibou]d l:Je discard ed than, 88,0.<1010"0;,,., So rapidly. baa. the snd. de8~royed, ,faT the)' are Dot fit for work prOat~led. tbat·, It '18 elQle.cted the Ind~vldual to . wea~, for If they that wlUlln ; \ouJ: , month. :the " bill cut work ·agalnlt · erec~e~l. or carriage practically .l ~U1 iii, cOmpleted': ucept tbey are reanf a .PI~na~e tp. the health, the thN9 mUe. ~bl'Qu,b the heart ot Throw out YGU! cllt~t; b~tter to have OUI81)ra m,ounuin: 'rIrel'e' wlU -remdn commentera ea~ .t~at '!:ItI' are 10 thtlt "In that : ,stra,tght ~at you ap.PO!,r to be falllbg ove,r ~I\cltw,ard!l-' •.ttb~,' .Ii? ': Il~ round· shoul~erea anAl , ~o~~el' phtbt~loal In . appearance,]n. locilta:'fI(not'· ln tact.









.J ,


The S"epherd'. Rod, The tenderl)esi' of Jesus ChrIst II never sentimental. It!~ a lwa ys tbe tenderlless of perfect st.rengtb. and perrcct righteousness. 'fb'e shepbenl naB "" rod as well as a "tall, A story Is told of one ""ho talked With n shel) herd In tbe higher Alps' Wblle lalk-' tng, the sbephe rd gatb r- ~\ld II bao.trul <ll the best grass and "'f~ nl to 11 lOW shelter nearby _ .. , have a "beep there with a broken leg," tie anld "How did It happen'!" Queried the traveler. ..It did not hallpen ." an· swered tbe 6hepberd ." hroke It In· tentionally. ThaI sheel) Will head· strong Slid unruly . It dl1 not love me. snd wall alwnYs leadln" the otbers astray , l"ow It knowa ' 1.11 dependence on me. and loves to eat rrom my band ... When It Is w'ell agsln It will keep nearer to me than any "f the sheep." -C. I. ScholleJ.l, O. O. "My Tlmel are In Thy Hand." "DIIslre only tbe will oC God i:!eek him alone, and you surely will tlnd (leace; )'OU shall enjoy It In spite or tbe world. What 18 It that lJ'Ollbieli ,you? PoverlY. neg lect, want 01 suece~s. externnl or Internal- troubl~sY Look upon everythIng as In Ibe ban!!, of God and all real bleestngs' that U. bestoWS upon his children, or 'wblCD you receive your portion. , l'ben tbe world 'nB), tUTtI lIa face from YOll. but nothIng 'Will deprive YI)U .lICace: ;:l.. Fenelon.




25 and 50 Cents · A.k

4: 19.

Monday. Orrer unto God tbanksglvlng, ami pay by vows unto tbe mOSI blgb : ana call upou me In tbe day 01 trouble; I will deliver tbee, and thou sbalt glorlly me: Psalm 50: H, If>. Tuesday. Wby sayest tbou, U Jacob, and speakest. 0 Israel. my way Is bid Irow tbe Lord , and my judgment IS passea over Cram my Uod 7 Hast lbou not known, bus tbou not nEard, tbut tbe everlasting God, tbe Lord, tbe Creator 01 tilt' ends 01 tbe eartb, fain tetb not, neltber la weary'l Tbere 18 no lIearcb· Ing ol,bls understanding. Tbey that wait upon tbe Lord 6ball . renew tbelr strength; l hey sball mount up wltb wings sa eagles; they IIball run and IlOt be weary. and they sball walk and not falnt. Isa. 40: 37·:U.. WodnOlday . Tbus salth tbe Lord that created tbee, 0 Jacob, and be that lormed tb lle, 0 Larael, rear not; ror I bave redeemed thee, • bave called tbeo by tby name; tbou art mIne. When tbou IlUsses t tbrougb tho waters, I w.&11 be with tbee; a.nd tbrougb the rivera, Ihey IIhall not over!tow thee; wben thou I>Ialkest through the lire, tbou shalll not be burned; neither" sball tbe !tame klnd1e upon tbee. "'or I am tbe Lord thy God, tbe Holy One 01 Israel, thy sanor. IBa. 43: 1-3. Thurlday. We know tbat to tbem that love God all thlngll work together lor good, even to them that are called according to his purpose. He tbat apared not bls own son, but delivered him up for UI all, how sball he not also wIth him freely give us all tblng6 '! • • • Gird yourselves wlfb bumllIty, to Ilene one anotber : ror liod reslsteth tbe proud, but giveth grace to tbe bumble. Humble yOUrSelves therefore under the mlgbty band or God that he ' may exalt you In due time; eaatlng all your anxiety upon God, becaule be careLb for Nom 8: 28, 32; I ,Pel. Friday. , Consider tbe 11111311 . of the Iteld bow they grow; they toll not, neltber do they spin, yet I say unto you that even Solomon In all bls glory was nOI arrayed like one 01 these. 11 ll:>tl doth so clotbe tbe grass 01 tho lIel4, sball be not mucb more clotbe you. o ye of IILlIo faith? Be not therefore anxious, saying, What 8ball we eat 'l or, Wbat sball we drInk! or. Wberewith shall we be clothed l ' for your henenly fatber knoweth that ye bave beet' of all thele things: But leek ye IIrat his 1Iingdom, and his rlgbteous· ness: and all tbese thlngl abalJ be added unto you. Mrtt. 6; 28,3:1. Siturtfay. The Lord Is my rock, and my lort' r esa, and m), deliverer; my Ood, m)' Itrength, In whom I will trust ; my buckler, and tbe horn of my ealva· Uon, and my hl,h tower, I will call upon the Lord, who Is worthy to be praised; so shall I be eaved from mine enemies. Psalm IS : 2, 3. '

Ra©~H~c he


'au' a"'l:lIl&t 'or or wr1te


elm pie

The Derby Medicine Co. EATON RAPIDS. MICHIGAN W , N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 6- 1912. H ll' h ps do nO I IIln k e n lIInn h IIPPY ;' It IR whal lie i,:cts a li t "I them.

LOlIIgltulllo.1 Section of a Combined I ca House and Dairy. Farmers' bulletin 475, entitled "Ice Houses" was prepa red by Prof. L . C Corbett, hortlcultllrlBt of the bureau of a nima l Indlu stry . The advan t.ages of II. supply or Ice for farm use a re given, also directl ulis ror harves tln@; Ice and constructin g Ice hou6es and r'efrlgerntors. The bulleUn does not t:reat with lhe Ice crop aB 8. 80urce of direct revenue, bill with Ice a8 8. factor In the economi es and comforts of lhe coun try hom e. 1n Introducing thlEl bulle tin, tbe auth or Eays tD lIart as followB : . "An amplE' supply at Ice Is of greater economIc Impor tance In the country home than In tb e cit y reSidence, CIty ' people can purchase per· Ishable supplies as neelled, bu l llle remoteness of country "omes from ma r· keta often renders It necessary La 113e canned, corn ed or s moked mea l prod· ucts during the s eason of lh e ~ en r when the t allie should be s upplied with tresh meats. Not only Is Icc flP' preclated ue co use of Its use In tb e preservation of fre Eh meats, hut ter and other talble supplles, bu t th e Ilro' dllcllon of. hllgh grade domestic dairy productS Is almost Impo s~l bl e wllhout It. Many markets to whi ch mil k Is now 8hlpped dema nd tbat It be cooled he fore shipment to a degree not attalnahle wltb,o ut the use of Ice. "Ice Is one of those luxurleB. which . In many Illlcl:\onB of the country, can



Labor.... A,lJnoal. Reverae 01 ' Those Employed III the City. (By 8 . C. MlLLER.)

Regularity and Iyslem of employment In the city are such that the employe kn(,ws exactly :what 10 reo qulred or hlil1: that he begins to work a.t a certain hour and stops at a reg· ular hour. If he labor before or after his regular working hours ,he Is allowed overtime, usually at double wages, by the hour. Furthermore, al tbe workman In the city grows . more prollclent In his line of labor., promotion almost InvarIably pUlhes him up a notcb blgher, in both posltlon and salary. Again, certainty or employment the year around hold8 many a man In the ·clty. The condItione ..surrounding tbe country labclrer are almost entirely tbe revers'e clf those Nat mentioned In tbe cltr. 'While mOlt farmers have regular bolTl'l!l for begInning work and another tor "topping, there , are . ~O many Iniernlptlons and unlooked for cotitlngencle" arising In crop or weather conldltlons, that . the hired man !!'eQuent!y works two or three hours overthn9 and tills. grows to be such 8. common occurrence that all he gets tor hla extra lahor Is perhaps a half-hour's longer rest at noon, v. hlch Is really for tho sake at the te>ams, a formal word of tbanks, or-nothlng! As for winning proDlotlon, the farm hand rarely ever expects It. Som e· times he demands better wn ges, bll t. as for promotion, In Its renl sen so. It is little thought ' ot, E-Ither by the farmer or tlle hired man, and right here a double loss Is sustalned ~ on fl for the employer Bnd one for the employe, since the hand has no Incen· tlve to spur him on to grea te r effort and conllequ43ntly, Is not as em c ~ e nt In btl work 813 be otherwise woulU ' he. Re thereb1 Idoel not Increas e bls earnings nor do the best that !II In hIm, wblch would raIse the profit!" of fila employer. Closely linked with the above drawblek Is 'tbat of employing a hand for only a vortl.on or tbe year-many times for only two or three months. "E!y sucb met:hod be scarcely beeom es accuBtoQled to bls position before he leaves, )Vhlcll II I!o decIded detrlm Eil t to ·aU conc:erilod. The farme lf '!anntX possibly obtain tbe amount"ior eMclent, bell" that he .couid· It Ul" band·'"were ret'alned long enough to_gelti 841ttied, "In tbe harnC,lSS," .to " the band , placed uBt

ue had for the gathe rin g, Tile COR t of harvestlng nnd storing It is IlO ,t great a s com pa red with tb .. comfor t that It brings, " Th e accomp anyin g Illustratlon ShllW R The mind h OR n,,,re room In It than the lon gltud Inal s ection of I} combi ned most peo l'l co th ink, If )UII w" uld bllt Ice bouse alld -dli lr y as gh en in t his furnl s b the a partlll etl l,.- Gl'ay. bullf' tln . It says In regard to thi s: "Eve n wh ere ror convenle llce a nd D r . » jpr cC" " Plt'lH llI ll l r ellt'1 H c ure COli · economy It 1s desIra ble to ha ve tb l' ,;til'a ti " lI . ('Olh.t lp,l tlOn is t lao! C[1 IJ ~e (.I r IO rl l l)' d l~ f· " ~t·'i. ( 'lin" l he ,:;tUSC 8 U l l yo u dai ry und e .. the sa me roar a s th e \c-(1 house. It Is not satls rnctory to attc mpt u rc l he dUil'R S C . EU:i)' to tu ke. to com bille tb e leo storagc wll h a Bott. Wrong. cold stor c. Whe n It Is necesSil ry to A IlId lc r oll,; sto ry Is told on an Ed. use Ice fo r chlllln:; milk or oth er dli lry Inbllrgh ha lite. wh o~e st ud ies In natuprodu cts It Is betl er 10 remove t be k(1 n il hi stor y see m to ha vo been limit. bOllse a. compa rtment nud pin eo It In I'd. Th t! rol lo\\'ln g CUSIo! ca me before a speC ia lly cons truc ted Ice box or r{>- hll11 one day : A lIIu n who kepi a fe rre t having to Irlgerntor, rather than to atte mpt 10 mailltain a co ld room by slorl ng til e , go Inlu th e ("ountry , le ft the ca ge with lee about nn'l In contll et wl lh It. Th e I lbe fe rret In c harge of a ne:ghhor till chief a rgume nt a gain st the cO : ll bl ll~ rl he sbolli d re turn . Th e neighbor In· a rra nge ment Is th a t It IWe \'<! lIts tbe cautiously ollened th e CA ge door. and storage of leo In a Bolld moss . A ~ a '.he lco rrel esr; a ped. The owne r was result. the was te Is mu cb gre nte r. Vf! r y nn,,;ry. and broll ght a cl aim Again , the requ irem ents of t he BtOI'- aga inst blm for dama ges, age room and the refrigerato r vary Th e followin g wall the lI e(;I ~ lon of from lime to lime. Advantage can be th e learn ed baili e: "Nae dual," he talteo of these flucluallons to husband 80 lrl to th e neighbor; "noe doot y. t he Ico Bupply when tho two are sep- was wraJlg 10 ope n the cDge door; arate. There are decided advenlages "bllt," he ndded, Lurnln g to t he owner, '. In having the Ice supply convenient "y O was wrang, l Oa. Wh at fr..r did Y. " to the dairy house or refrigerator, but no clip the brll le' d wings?" It Is poor e conomy to build the refrlg· - - -- - -- ern tor or cold store Inside the Ice ./It. DRAW. storage."


extent, the methods of the cUy em ~ ployer. If the hired man works over· time, he Is e arning his employer J1lOney lind Bhould receive extra pa Y for his labor. If, for any reason, he loses time. he returns hla emploYfl r nothing for t.hat time and consequent· Iy Bhould have an hour's wnges d edllctC'd from his pay. This standard would Insure abBolute fairness to both. 'rhen, let the farmer retain tbo same hand the' year Drou'nd, eV(!I\ though there he a sman part of the time that he could be dispensed with, The work of the bUBlest sea son will b~ handled all tbe ea sier when It dof's conte on. And as the seasons pns8 the really wise farmer w1ll set! amplo couse for promoting tbe competent hllnd and ralsleg bls salary accord· Ingly.


,c;;;:.... ""...:D _,~ Old Grouch- So you bad a fight with Clarence. He olalms he licked you. Cholly--Oh! tho boastah! It's twue be W,umpled my cwavat dweadrully, but When It was all ovah his collala waS r",:lghtfully wllted.

THE CARELESS GROCER ' Ac:cad8JIta May be ProvcDte4 hy sucJU... ' Prepared RoollDa Blundered, and Groat Good Came of It. OD Treada ot Steps aD4 OD Sur£.c~. A careless grocer left the wrong pn ckage nt u. Michigan home one day Cement walks and 6tepa are of ex· Ul,d I hereb y brougbt a great blessIng celle nt value upon all rcsldences and to the bou sellold. bulldln g~ . bllt when wet tbey arc posl· "Two yt' urll aKa I was a sutrerer from live to be dangerou s to the unwary. l.sLnn\aCh truulJl e>l, so a cule that the a s tlley are vory slippery. This Is I ertul'l La d igesl urJlnary fooJ gave me very easily remedied by Inkin g pieces I greal paill, alld brought on fI condition 01 the prepared fe lt roofing and s llell- . of >llI ch cxt reUl e ne rvouslIess that I ing It to th e trellds or sleps, anrl also , COllid no t be le ft Id one. I thought 1 to the surra ce of wnlk, wllh t he ce- I sliould certa inly become (li sune. I was P!!! nt or paint used to Join tb e lu ps I so rt,duced in lIes h Lhat I was little betof this roofing toge ther, say s til l' I tC)1" Lllan a li vin g sk elelon. Tbe doc. Homestead. . It will adhere ve ry ' I(-.r~ fall ed to g iv e lIIe re llet IlDd I deRp :tired of recove ry, "Olle day uur gn >ce r}"man left a p''' 'lca ge of Gru pe-Nuts fu od by mlsl 'tlle, " ~ o I lI'led lI0 1I' 1l fu r d lllil er. 1 was , S II r p rl ~e J tu /lnll tha l II sllU"lled my HI'.,e tlte alld g UI'a lI1 e no dIs tress whatt'v er . Tile ne xt meal I ate uf It aga In, nnll lO be bri ef, I hol'(,) IIv t;d for the I j)n ~ t yea r alm ost e x.-lw;lvely on Grapel\ulS, II bad III'o"eel to be !\ most hea ltbful 811d uppe tl zlng food, perrec tl y IIdapted La the I'equlrements ot my system. "Grape-Nu ts Is not ollly easily dl· gp~ 1 2 d nnd ass imilated, but I filld that s(lI ce I 1I11ve been usillg It I am able to eal nnrthlng else IllY np pellte faDclus, withou t trouble from Indlges· ti on, The MOlt\Ilch trouble and nerPrevents Slipping, vousness hn ve lelt me, I have regainstrongly and even under heavy wear ed illY plumpn ess allll my ,'lows ot will las t for several years, preventing lI rr, nre no longer despondent and



mn ny ugly falls upon the s teps and also giving a sure roothold upou treud ot step even when coaled with sleet.

Right Feed for COWl, ., No cow COil produce her maximum unless she hall the right kind of carp ' a p·"""". nn tooo. nnd Ihhe does not prod"nce lleP"' mailmum- slle mil ' ilo~ give ' the belt ',l Iroflt.. ., ',: ' ~. _~,.1 : / ' • •'

. " Kee OUl "'-Id WlndL' , ,p. , . ~ _ ,' " ' Bank up ,t he 'b (d .barn~ to abut out the, Cold wind UIld8l:.>the .1100rl1. .

~loo Ill Y.

"01 her me mbers of my fnmlly, especi a ll y my husblUld . (whose ol'ii enemy. t he :bea rt·hurrr: h'\8 ueen vanqUished) hli I'e ruso, deriv ed gTeat bene.Jlt , ft'0)l1 . th e use · or Gra po·Nut s food'" and th ink DO morning meal COllDlllete out tt." Name g h'EIll by '- Poltltuin: Bot tle CreeK, Mich. '. "'Ilbere's a ' pln,l ned 0 tbe ' to We\lv11!e: ' , ln . E ror; ~." t .... ' .... ",'pp.,.' " ;'.ar~::~tD"



. County Courts


New SuUs tillmuel Wayne Garrigul. a minor by Robert Oowden tie IOllrdlan flied Buit agalnlt the Bill rour R.n rlJ~d

compaDy a.nd Judson

f:j .. rmon


aa reoelver of lbe 0 . • & 1> - +- road oompany recover '50,000 d"majJ" for Injuries rootllYeti tD a wrook a' IUddle&own July 4, 1910 The pI.latiff deolaretl th ,t the U. if . & O. w•• opera.UDg over 'he traoka of 'be HII( lI·uur '" 'hu polo' .. Dd In a oolh.loo be aoffered 'he 10" ot an


ana. a oompound traohre of Ihe I " whloh will orlpple him for Ilfe bllllld .. otber bodll, aod meo_lin. j trl .. whloh wUl preveD' hlDa fl'OID m,kjo, a llyUhooo for him..lf. Keifer & . Keifer, LeDZ, 81,Ier '" DSDllnger antl Roy G. FUzgerald are a'~rDeys for 'he plalnUtf. 6lary anapp flied .n" IpiDa' JOIeph iI. Knapp for dl.orce on 'be IronDeII of wilful abeeDM for three ,.ean Plata'ttr praye for a rl&80nable allmoDY aDd 'he ollltody of tbe 'wo ohildreD. BreeclJDI and Joaepb .re aUomey for the plain. \Iff. Dora- Ellia broqbt aalt aiailla' Jobn •. Penoeaad Bownd P. Early, aa exooo~r of tbe laa' wlll and teA hmen' of Kanha D. hDM to re..

Sal¢ •

Stopa Thursday, February 29th. I~on~t put off any longer. Come and ..led a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit or ()vercoat, a Printzess or Bishof Cloak or Suit, and save one fourth to one half on your purchase.


Cash Prodlleing Sale Prices In every Department until F'ebruary .. 29th inclusive.

oDver'I~~almed lobe ~ok Dote wUh ID&eretlt.


apl., Charlee B. Sherwood e' at W. Z Boll wa, ~poolDted gaardlau

.f Ule minor defendaota aad 'he

ooart orderJlUhe aherlff to aell 'he proper,,,,

Pnbaa. co., It. T. G~ DoBoia loaMaan of the. taw 01 Barah 8. V.m 1I0rD, 1mbeolle Bl.d hi. MOODd Il0000_'. Sale of I'e!&l .&ate wu appro"d aDd ooDflrmed 10 'he oau of Joho A. SaJae)" admlDlltrator w1$b Slae wUl a.ued of tieDI',. Seller Ttl. Joeepla SeUer e' al. Norman L. Btohmond w.. ap polDted admlDIII'rator of 'h. ......

"00t. M·. II. Coodenba. of 'be eaMte ., Iaaao Jonee, deoeued, lied bll .,.enth aoooun'. Pe&tUoa wu flied for 'he .. lab Ulhmen' 01 a TweD'y Mile 8'-nd lpeoial aohoel dll'r1o' aod lIaroh 18 wu . , for hoarial for Ute 0U8. Henl.,. 8YDlOlla of SarlaD ''>''0. Illip dellver8d 'be deed of ualIJD lIle.' aad A. J. SavaS- wu appolDted ...110" ., It boDd of ,Soot Berben Imlth, Maroue (""urtla aod Lewll Bald wiD appolDMd ap. praiaera. 1'. H. ThomPlon. guardian of 'he ..... of Ralpb Ill. TbomPloa; minor lied hla 'oarth aoooon$. J. D. Killer wu appoloS8d ad ·mIDI.'ra'or of thtl a".te of CorDelia Boptln., deoeued, at '" bood at

fred's Co-Operative Store

MechaniC and

Common Pleas Court.


Mulberry Sts.



Almost lost His life TRAINED HOIHICULTUIUSTS ClassiBed Ad. BARNHART. Mich., will ' . . w never forget hiB terribl e flxpos urtl Tha~ men trB:lDed along. hortlcul- - ..............."' ........"'..- ..................................................._ - No.t ary Public c. us Il IIIflrcilf'S8 !ltorm. ' It gllve m e tural hnes are In demand 19 proven AWi w tll be Inle rted under tbls head for 8 dreadful cold." he write8. ' ·th l\t by the number of requests for gar · twenty·Uve cents for three Insertl01ll All kh,da of No&ary WOIk.:PeaalUD oaused Sllvere paios io my chest, 110 deners, orchardists, landscar.e art. "'hen ualng not more tban lin line.. I Work. Hpeolal',.. It :-vall hard for we to br(\a thr. A ists etc recelv9 by the h~rticul- ..-- ......... v ... - woo .. _~. nfllghbor gave me Beveral d08f'lof ' .• G Dr. King's New Disoovery whl0b tural department, of thu College of FOR SALE -------------..., br'oll~b~ grAat r\lllef 'fhe dootor Agriculture. These requests come DR. E. H. COSNBR, s d I WIlS on the . ve r~e of PDflU from all over the c.untry and m~)Ui8, butt·o oontlnue with th" many of them are tofillre,poneible ' ONE Milke f h F b DfllCoverv . I did 10 aod two bottles .. ' . . ! ow. res on e ru oomplatciy on red m ~. to Uie ooly POSitions which car~ good .saIarles. ary ltlt Lllrge heifer calf. 8S SS thiR quiok, safe, relial. ie medloine Young men are bemg tramed for i Apply t. II Mrs E. StIDIIOO. H~rveya . ~La I' U Udon to George l:I. for ooughs, ooids, or 911Y tbroat or I this work as rapidly u possible but Iburg. Pllone 47-3. rnS ~I . lung trouble. Price 500 aod 11 00. the department is greatly handiSllptnger and Thomal C . Uhril&ie Trial bottle free GUllranteed tty ed f t f d te . SEED ORts-Abou' 160 bulhell of 911 Relboid Bu....... trao' in WaBbing&on 'owolblp, 'I a\1 druggll" . " capp or wan 0 a equa eqUIp' Reed OlltS Inquire of Nathu alld other coolideratlona. • - • ment• • ;.. , ' Gray, R. D. 3, WaJoenUle, Ohio. c' .,ayto.o, . • ' .: . . .. OlHoGeorge H. Supinger ~ Thomu O. THINKS IT A aOOD INVESTMENT : - • • mS I He Woa!UJmp. Now - - - - - - Gftd A..tcu IaiiiOI.IDIbYIDa ... ObrilUe, quit olalm on 'rao' • A oun manlivin near Magnolia PIgs for I&le, aU of them goocl : au. . • Tor'leoreet 'owolhlp 'I .nd other Oh' Y decl ta te .' J)iomore IImpia. for rom Moore IDqulre of I'raDk (Jook, B. D..._ _~~~~~~~_ _ __ ooo.lderatiooll. la, a n e n r course 1.n of CoohraD, Ga. "I luMl a. bad lore , . WayoeevUle.Ohlo. '"til S _c '-Martln )4onann '0 William O. Agriculture at the collejfe of AIrri- 011 lilY i08&ep that Dothiag Memed " culture, ColwabUl, 0., duriq the to help 'ill I ue.s aGOld.. ·1 Amlo. aDd Jannle ShOll. traot In t!alem 'w inter of 190910. Be pve especial Saln," hewrl..... "b.UIaI. wonder. Pureell Coli foary.nold,.d. C W HBNDBRSON M. .D '«JW1Ilhlp. aad other oonalder. ti to h rti ltu D' fal bl&ler.aoa oured me OJ Belli dl8 horae, Ilo,le nI' • • , tI atton on 0 cu reo unns old r1I1Uliai 1Oree, uloen bolla doable, wUl ..U or 'rade for ROOd • ODa. I ' the time &inee then be baa put the ba:QI, 00'" bru..... eor.ema 0; work hone. Appl,.to O. 8. Rlob; Waynesville, Obi,. eo..IIIIoaerI PnJl ••'nIL knowledp received to eoo4 uee. Be pll.. Try ,&. Ooly »150 ataU drag W.YDenllla, Ohio. m 41 · V...., ...... III Bl11t-Ohlo Lt.w Reporter Co .• bu rwjuvenated the old home orchard .Iile. ' • _ f! DUROO U.le PIP. farrowed book, f7 r . P . l'orl1 u. and .lanted 11 acres more to peacla .. ID September. Good 011", aDd pen. . . . . Ihertfr. 1141.51. AGily and apple treee Be hu not been Teetl", Col.... eUllbla to ,., loqalre of L. Graf. aervlDI IlaDd jary, 13 CleD". eontont to keep the benefit of hfa "Tbl..e .....nother IIWl ntrerfQ M. BeDderlOD. R. D •• , Waym_. BA.TRA.W A.T J B. Wquer, ..... P". Col am- trainina to himNlf, but has or- from ,d epneratloo of publlo mllDnera,· Tille. Ohio. f ... • bill BlaDk Book 00 aupp1l. ID 71. sanlzed a Com Improvement Aaeo- lal4 the ol.rlt In an .....I••~ tOD" "I «al'aelrUle·. J .... DII'''I 18" 111m I . . plec .. ot aU •• In malt· ANYONE wtahlDg to purobue Trill.... PllbUo Aa~. ..~, reD', ciation in hiI bome Mighborh~ and .11 ala • one aayUlID, In ahe DO,....,. 11. om. ta Ke,. Blq, 17. Xenla Work SOI1lO, bou'dlDI hu influenced three -,e1'lOD8 from Iq obaqe. IIDd he t ..... ot them to ... It It wu counterfeit aha' II flrat 01.,.. oall ' 00 IN. MIlprllODer '10 60 S.Ub Premier ' hiI comJIIunfty to p to the Collep before my e7ea. It II 0111,. lat.. Jer, Hane,.aborg, agent for J. W !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I.!!!!!!!!!!!!!t!i!!!!!!~ Typewrl'HI' Co maohloe 185. el Apiculture for the winter COUnle, IT that people who I)u,. h••e act rude VaDdenoor' & Sone. f.lIS MaIOD Lumber aeDt. 'iu H. ODe of theM heins a fara hand. He .nous:h to do that. Clara alwa,.. did . _ 'I. Oc Bomb. ,e. .I". . . lSI. L.6 . aayB he leeia certain be would not It with coin that cuatomera . ..,. them. but that wu • prero.atlM ot the SUGAR PAN~utsabte1or 00111., U c1e... E . . . . .-.. :--'-#.e n4enoD t:5ona, lumber, t15I.II. I bave remained Ob the farm Ud be tnde. lI'or the cUltomer to uaume tile .opr water, 1'- e pri.., aad D .... • . r, ana,. t'elephone 00. ren.. ..4 aot taken the winter coune two ume prtYU..e I. a uaurpatJCIQ of lID. Ie," IDformaslon at 'he Gue'" WUl bit fo1lD4 III dae 014 10UI ,lI5 10 ~mQ81 D. aeDllle, : Jeara &aG, u he wu on the. point of elent The wont of It II moet ofBoe. a..k BaUd"". oppGIII" peopl4. nowaday. aN PNtt7 ' Iooc! f ' t1H .naaaiq in another occupation when the Ha_at BaDIE. . of bad mODe,.. lID. IIttte eel, • • _ • Ihfa attention wu called to tile oppor· Tet.ephoae lD boue aDd of•. No 1 "arm for reD'. can a' whU. a coin ia ..fuH4 beeaue It I. Hen II a meuaae of hope aile)' tunitiee offered by the Coil. of eouDt.rtett. The 0Dl, WaT tr&4l11Mn A thlll oflloe for larSheriofolma. "when lOUl be.u.t da~ orallb&. good oheer from Mra C . .I. lIar"a,' Aaneulture. can toach cuatomera the reapect due 'Ion'. 80011e lilli, Va .• who II 'be mother them ta to tura their OWD bacb wben !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I V....,.Phoa. 14-2. of e1.h'..D ohUdreD. lin. Martin I'or a ap .. ln you will flod Ubam. teatinc mODe,.. That lap IIIw.,.. \)ND . . . . . 1MnIt. .&11.. w.. oared of atomaoh 'roable aad i berlalD 'e Uolmen' uoelleu ,. It al tha oUl.tom In EqIaD4. No 'I. (" ........ oo.IUpatlon by Chamberlain 'a Tab- , la )" 'he pal., remo.ea the eol''''', onr tha~ would dare aUIP a eolD. ALTER .w.V ,LURB, lew.feer flye yeara of ad.rlol, and !lOOn reetorll 'he para. der a cuitomer'a D·o e.. &114 .. & eonand now reoomm ••da'b. . _b1e,,\a beaUhy oondltlon. 25 and 600eDJ aequel~oe no auafomed bu ..... taIDIIl Funeral Dlrr.tor. to 'he pablio. Sold bJ all4eale,.. boU1. fer 8IIle by IU dealerl. .that llbvQ' with LebaDon, $1 and other olJDsidttr · atloDI" John Lucal! to Mrs. Sluah L.UDaS. hil wife, lot In t:loll i h L,>bll nllD, 'I and otber oonsiderdloDIi. .. , .ICIetlnor/\ FOUOD ~ W A . 8tHI'. tr.ot.ln Bamll'on towU~bIP, 11 aud o'her ooolldl1ra"on.. Kay E . Allen and Benj,mlu T Allen to John B. Kiodle and Prleollla J .' MUler, 'raow in W"I'hlng'00 Bod Clearoreek township.


S. A. Still, ot MaBoD,









. '










DR. H.E.


Co., ..


•- •

Dayton, Ohio•

.~~e~~~~~~ ....... .. ~~e~~~~1:.. .. .. ...

TelephoDe da,. oe niche. I Valley phoDe No. f. LDII« D1a&anoe No. 81-"".


OVERcoATS S~e:~a~ ........ S~<~~~ .......

IUTREILlla,. .£IILE EYE .IILI' Good fol' NothlnE but the ....





rnwlSl!D YID1T. SUO fa 11&1 110ft. . . . . . .aoiiii, .~ OO.TU . . . . . . T.A . . . . . . . OAa




SAM....E COPY FRlI ·........... y... ou.....

.... y_.....

$6.25 II===::L I V E R IT E :r-========Being prepared from Pure Native . . . . they C1eUl.e tilt $11.38 System Purify the Blood, -.d TOIle the System, aDd thus

,... e-. ,T......... . . L


A.. "UI ••.,10. OA.


$5.25 $8.38


JEllQI GUPPFl .Y ......0 1ft


• 0'-"" Bart &0 .'WUl,i8m 11f..._ -W ' lit...... to 10'


BnDda O8lee, Baneynlta!w. 0.

FlaDk T. Loo,. 23, farmer of The season's best models aud materials. They'll be just ~ good for next winter as for now. Pick out . lIooroe aDd A. Gertrude MelA mpy, your choice and PAY JUST HALF OF THAT THE PRICE TICKET CALLS FOR. H, of Lebanon. Rev. L H YIlU!l!l All ~.75 aamecJ to perform ()8remony. Overcoats ...... .. Vlotor B. AORaPurger, 26. farmer All $14.75 of IIlddletowa aDd Mlonie Doaglas. Overcoats .. ...... . I' ' ..15, of UDioo Vmage . Rev. J R Let Your Overcoat Do Duty for' TW~ Seasons. LOOK AHEAD! lIarean named to perform oare. Men'. Panu at Special Prices, Rai!rOlld Faie Refunded on P.urchue. of Men\ Raincoat. and Slipon. IDOD),. ~ off. • . , . . ' Over. . Ii off Marked Price. J Chari. Orr. WilUaml, 24, farmer .e Lonlaad aDd Blrda M.,60oo. 1 ME,.·S AND YOUNC M~N;,:~ wID. " 10; Qf LoYeJllnd. Rev. IIr ,10.00 V.lues .. .. .. '6.9S 'H.OO Values .... ... 9.78 '18.00 Value•. . : .c' ,;,ll" U... ... ll · ~.UiDed to perform ceremony '12.00 Value• . . .. . . 'B.;.!S , '16.50 Valuea . .. .. .'10.50 . .vO.OO V.lue• . :~ :

$4.88 $7.38



Would You Invest a Few Dollars at ,100 Per Cent Interest?

Then Buy One of These which we are seiling at








Main St. and Arcade




MarrIIp Ucaa-.

. . .







due on a Eltzroth & lIaple are 'attorDe~ e fllr the plaln&lff.

Charlea 'i'bomu was fonnd gnllty of ulanlt wUbioteo' to ~peTbar8 dA, nllh' al&er i. jury bad deUber ated fIJI' alx aDd one half houra. Thoma. wu tadlo'ed for rape npon aeona M.YDe, aged 8 aDd at the lIrll' &rial the jUry disagreed the _ TOte I.aodlng 10.&0 2 '0 oonvlotioo, It lI.t4. Th. 'rial WAS Itn u :lnsual ODe \D the mo'her aod R''Bad molber of the 1I"le &11'1 telMile<! for the defen.. ud did *helr otmollt *0 free '~e defeudaDt. ThIJ marshal ·..nd 'he ph,elolan were lhe ohte' i::W~~eUee for ,he I'.'e, IbowiDg the ,od,~ at w"bloh Proeeoutor Prawn .~ ".. oompellecl to wort. Alben .bde~a, the ."Orlle,' for 'he de f'nae flied a Dew SrIal. Chari.. WeddentaDd was founll not latlly 01 Uleme..l.l. of liquor by • ju),. The veraol*7 of 'he prOl801ltblK WI'D'" wu aHaoked ud 'he proeeoulor oou d obtain DO ooe to oorrobate thll tenimoDy.



PIlb1i1be4 j



WaruenllJe, Oblo


- - llAlN 8TREET



I ,,111 ofter '.. Publlo '341e at my ALLaY TELBPBONE-OALL N 11 reeideDoe on WaiD slreet, In Mrs. - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - Upp'. prolMr&y, OD

D. L. eMNE, Editor and Manager

Siturday, February 24, 1912

BetrinDiD" at» :30 pm, tI' e 'oHow iOI: Bouaebv1d(Jooo.-tlev.inK .... OM Y_ (~ ,In .IdY_): ..••. .. 11.00 ohln., CeDMr 8&aDd DtDIDIl Table, 8JDaIe OOpr ..... ,'. ..... .... .... .. .. .01 C·)uob. BedIHlld IDd a5prIDls. VoId. Inl Bed. 2 Rooken. (',arpet.. Rugl. W'iDdow Hhadee, Laoe Cortalns . ..~ of MYerllalq ~ ~ Hue .• .. • • ... ... •. lie HeaUD, Iito.e, a.D,e. L'upboard' . . . . . ~ ..... IKe. per llDe ... . toe: KitcbeD Tab1.e, II L'haire, ''''m~, Fro", Crocka. J.n, Baoken.Iroo or....., ~ I11III toO...-l IIY. ~ ".,.. ~ ..•. •.. ••.. .. . 210 In, Board aDd oUler "'10181 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :0.. 0 . . Terau-Cuh. _ ........ perliN •..•.•.... ... •. Ge Ber'ba "arqoe~te Ol1'II of ~ .. , ...... ..... .. ....... ,lie U. T . aawke, Auo'.


A sale such as .. his can never be repeated.' We move into our new business home shortly and have reduced the prices all through ."our immense stock.



Removal •

Rate. of 8aJM.eriptiOD

aIIOl...... . ...'. ; ............... ,.. . 0011 ...,.. .... " .... dallS'lla aide.. . . . •. IGe




per........ ....... lOll furThoolda . . . . Do'be''-r ."Iclne made I... 011 CODanet.. ,h.D Cba.berlaln'l Cough




. , . . . , Ad..........

P ........


Remedy. n .ot. 00 nature'l pl.o, rllUe • • sbe luugl, OpeOI ~he aecre~"BU"T 11. 1111. 'Iou, aida expeok)ra"oD; aod reo --U-W-R-EN ...-C-e-_-LO-EH-R---1.&Oretl 'he I'lltem '0 • ~ealtby 000· dl,loD. "or ..Ie by all dealer•. ·!

- - -....

Established 1853


~et1J aDd wi~ut any want&- I wm ..II, It Publlo Sale a' my ~------------------------------------------------tlOIl1I1II ltV Loehr, uqbter of rnldeDoe ID Lytle, 0"1 tbe Ferry ::::::x: 'lin. Allee 1oeIar. of Eat TIIird rottd.oD Ilx moolhl will be ,lveD, parohllil pedeatal. tabooret, 1 9x12 orlmson I welgbt 1300, ~ood line mille aod attempt to gro~ o.un 10" fiell, rmd \ ' . 1treIt. ... married at 11 o'cloCk toSi~, February 24, 1912 velve'drllgge', 111x12 body brossel .. good WOrktlr ; btlY h )rse 10 yeare old. at the ~D1e time allow the U'!estock er glvlog banb,ble Dote. 'l!heodore Lawren~. of WDm1n.atoD. O. Dr. S. O. Royal, ef n."top. offtciated in the ,erform· .nc.of ~e ~remoll7. at wblch only the lmaedlate family and a very few frIeaU were 'NMDt.-Kiddletown ft-.I_ • . '. ....., Joamal, IIr. lawNnce had ........ frien" in _ WQDeIViJ". and lIPIdaily In Bu"fIbu1"lr wbere he had a .tore for 1__ ' h _.:1_ 101M t...-., ~ 0 are .~ to con~ _ late him. .

dart. I(r.

a· ~: more .....1 hnl

.IDa oommoD oold UlaD to er uf tb. miDor ..Um.... ' :·. a1 I. to .. ke (,,"hemberlata'. Oo.,b a"medy. Uaorolllbly . .....~ pNparalion. ud lid ~oar. .,01 ,be COId.a qulok17 .. poeet. ~ .... nit MlDedy II fow lAJe~, all ;

. dealel'l. '

• • • FOR



0... ~ hu uked the court to ... her .1Ii: the collection of a check f . 'loOcJ wbieb eM hu held for

'. .j

0 . . . . ,.....

ID her "tiUon •

._....1 d WlWga....,,'" _u.. an

.tat .... _...... __.._..;

• _

...... by Martha D. Pence on the

PanHn' Baak .t Sprfnaboro and

a..lD .... ' a' 100'01ook, the fol. 10,,10, pl'oper'y &0 "IS 1 » nonee-Oo~ bay mare oomlog U JMI'I '!)Id IenlookJ bred, ,ood w nker aDd aoot drl Yer; poeral porpoee boneI3y..,., ,ood worker "Dd 0 .... IrOOd . I eowa-Ooe fall.blood Je .... y. bred, to BolatelD, 1 yoaou oow be .. 'r8tlb April lIt. • Btood 8owe-Doe 50 farrow In AprU. farm Implement.-ODe "arm WIl,aD. b ..y rl8glol, ,n.el bed. 60 .. b arrow, oolliva'io, phw dooble .bonl, Ilnlle Ihovel plow, 0 na plow, breakiDK plo.." 2 .. tl "lfk ba~l!II8, leS dri.log barDIIIII. I.Y dy Det., top bO'IfY. rODabou~, forll .. bOlte. rakell, Ibonll, double .nd un,t- &Nel. Iteam oooker, older mlll,IrOD aeUI.. Oona hi crib, fodder iD barn. Bo~olcl Gooda-Oae ,oad or laD. !'X....ioa . table, 10 ft.. drop le ..f "bl~. of dlDlol room obatrlt, ao- l~ of InlfraiD oupe' oook a&O.e, kltcheD Oc.a,UI, lawo i"log. Tllrme-oo all I.mlof ,5 00 aq,c;! aud.r. oaeb; O... r t6.00 & oredU Of It mOD'be will be ,hell to p~ ohaae~ li.l.., banuble DO&e. . W ... B. Crelgh,oD. Cbaa. lufaoe. A1IO'. B . Clark, Clerk. • _ •



that IiDce that tIJDe Martha Pent. W cIiIIt She ltatel that.... reo Bltmed • Oood Worker ~'"'_ __i '..!.!.£l • , _ ...:. - abeck fol' CUlrKUOIl· ,n. "I biped my hea.rt for Inere that It _ .,... refUNd by the nee••••' ..... ID my lel& .Ide rot '''0, lIton. Joim B P.nce aod Howard yP.arI, L wl'l'" W. B1'au, ~DYl11e ~ lI~tb and Mapl. are ber V •. "uut I kDOW DOW it " .. IDdl

c.,.. .

......:_ _ _• _ _ ..

g"I'io" Ita Or. IIDg'l New Life Pili, oompletely oared me." BeRt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fOrl&dlDaoh,llver aDel kid Dey &flab· !! lell, oq.ol"JlAlion, headache or debil· tty . He a' aU drn,glIta,



:1:an4 B, ViDoI-Herell Proof ..,...... 1~-"I ... troabled with


I wtll.ell.' PubUc Sale 00

: ~turday, Marc:h 1,


• - • Tble I. theee.soD of the year when motbere reel very moob oonoerDed over tbe freqoeot ooids oon'rao~ by their ohlldren, and have .bnn dant reason for 1t as every oold weakens t,he longl, lowers 'he vital. I' d h f h .y ao P~ vee t e way or t e more sertoGs dlseal88 'bat so often follow. Cbam berlaiD ' .. (loo~h Remedy ill famoUl for 1&fI OotM, and 18 plelUlllot and nfe ~o take. For lale by aU dealers. • - ...- - I wlll lell a' P1IbUo Auotioo 00 Q1Y farm·lmown Itl the Josb StoSoley farm, II~ mUee N. E. of WaYDeB. ville aDd I miles looth weet of New Borliogton 00 .

.Frlday, February 23, 1912

Begluniog .t II o'olock the follow. iog stock: Borll8ll-2 draft horlles oomiDg ~;.vrs. old welgb& 2900 i \ blaok,oomlng 6 yrs old, weight' 400 ; 1 browo, oomlng II yrll. old, weight 1300; 1 driving horlle, oomlnl 6 yr8 . 'Id wei~ht 1300; 1 driving hor8e Ollmlng 0 yrs . old. aay womao or obUdoan drive . weBtern mare aod ool&, bay filly oomlng 3 yo old, bay horae oomlDIr 4 yr8 oid . ea"Ie-4 floe Jersey ooWS. 60Bogs-16 Brood So..,s, balanoe Fllll p1gB. . Terme-AllBume oUI0 .od under ollflh. AU 8umll over '10, a ored1t of • mODahl will be- given. by purohas er giviDI( a banll:a.ble Dote. Jnnll; a5taolev Wm. Millll, Auo'. W . C ' ~ml'b, Clerk. l1a.tDg pold my I'ore, I will offer at Publio oale my l'8Iiden 18 1J0rw10, Wllrrl\n OOOD'y, Oblo OD




29 1912


• . , . . . . . . . . tnMable, u4 Iva Beginning ali J 0 olook, a. m, 'be ......... 1& _ 10 bat I W to .... CommeDoiD,'" 10 0'01001\: a . m . follow log oba~Iele: .. I .... tried ftI'Iou aid.. .ba.lfUt• fonowio. ,U008 : 'Bead Bprs,.-2 three-1 e ar-old


.... 'Ifl~ MIler. ........ ~ore .p....d.n, lIBodt "od ,W tI7 ....... After taldqllae OIoTa......., i, mlQhlaea. .... IIoWe I ".. PMtl, beiteatecJ. ba~ Mdd.n, ba~ I'll kee. cluver _ . . , _ tM'Wrt 1MIWe ... ned, bonob. ., brMklDg plow .., ool&lva .to _ _ won. Aa . . . .- ....... ton. harro".. abo.el plOWI, ooro ~. · Uw. NI. P.laD&ere, dllO harrowi. Uu load of • .... ' f8aoe OUDelatlDJ ~f Looult, .' • . ,I t .. tile euatlq aedlelul aI-. 4,.'b..lDu' aad 8,"1. American ,..... • - aMI. eodI' IIftn. GDlDbIaed feDot, fal. ud P01lltry. AllO bog rill tM! ~ ,."peftJeI or flea, 11111'11_, lcad oarn aDd farm . toaIe .. . . III VbaoI wMeb W"OIl. 8mallar&l0Iea: Uoolil"n, -=........ moell.ftA ta , ..... -I'D pala of Ute folio"'DB: BUClr _ . .at tIle ... ~e wlllr-. etook food .ba" . " ..ak. . .ho-el. _ 1& ...... _ tile tInII. ow.- forkl, balMr '*lilt ul. ,reaM,"pa ~ MIl ftIH1GWIl I1ItAIIL ... &Or, IDIlOblDo oil. double 'NIIII, .. Iin,le ....... DeoIr yokel..... I.dden ' ,1'Ir.t:.......... __~~..,w;:: ~ atiDoJd..iD f.'" a IftAt mlDY otb.r ar· ,_ . Itt.. '~..._It_ 1&_ .... DOt ~ _ • :~ _" _ ...... I ·l·e~D.n .a... of t10 aDd ~ .:-. i~...&1' yta~I'" Obto oDd..."oub; OYer flO. oreel" of

.. ......u ...



,.,.. -..uoa ...




iii '''!'

~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!


AdDliDIatratris'. Sale of •

A . B Sides. C. T. aawke, Auot. Will O'Neall. ( Joe Ohapman, \ Clerks .


. . '" I wm off.

at Public Sal. on the pnmleee, ._ at 1 o'cleek p. m •• GO •

well&ern hor86l!. broken Ii ogle aDd doable. ODe S ~fe for lady. bay hone 12 years old, 1 wei cern oolt, 'ooming »yearl old, brol\:en to saddle and dll ve, • bOY'1 pet; boll dog. lOt b~ad at thoroughbred poolar, oon .18'iog of Mluorou, baJf and 1tbiM Orpinl'onto, 1101.0 white Rooke. Wa80DI, Baroels and Tools-One grocery delivery w.gon, llgbtsprillg wallOD, Frazier break onrt, loog. lban car&, POllY cart·, boy's tladdl~ .a;d bridle. boy's farm w.gon. flex!· ble dyer. ae' Dew pony haroeY, fine hor.. bide bolt'J robe, oow bide robe, plolb robe, borae blankeu, ooven halter@,blo,ols,boggy laD tern. foot I&ov~, fi ton. ooal. 10' of kiDdliDI. boxel aod ,-rrelll, oU t.o, 10' of lomber"' 2x4 1x3 IIOItD,11DI. 12 " . 10Dg, mOl'ly new, plaUormeoale,8001bs. ooDntereOlUe, doobleg.rden .nd 'in,le ladders, laddel'll roller, lawn etep mower, lto fa. good bCA8. poet dltrger, orow barl, abo.II.l•• forkl, r.k8ll, bOil, loal... of &11 kindll, let brael moonted deU.ery WAlon bun... , 2 eek bDBBoneee-Ooe largehoD!e 10dS ft., 6 por.bte beD houlee, OlD be &akeD apar_, 75 rOde poaltrJ leno ID,. allo pOlY. aDd boardl. oolon, hODl8l. I Cyphen aDd 2 Gem brood en nearl,. Dew, ,alvanised brood 000"', feed boppon, drlnkiog 'ouo. r&alDI, neW oa'i .proocer, e:a:blbltlon 000.., io 'ao~my eDtlre plant will be IOld. ODe doe oouoter 14 It 10Dg, I Aoe'JleDe maohlne in 100d order, I "beelbanowl. baa trook, oorD Ibeller. Dew, buteta, . . . .ar., bag•• e"'.

drnJ:get, brnlSl'ls Italr oarpet. geoerul purpolle bee~ used III a film. 1 9x.l2 iOl{l'&ln drugger, 75 yards Ily borse; " 1811r old drllft mare amatt log, 30 yards lInoleom. door good ooe. 4 year old gflneul purpose mat!l. eto. 15 velvet aod Ingrain mar. eired by Meteor; 3 year old rogl' 27x60 aud 30%60, 40 jan oanoed dl'll.ft 001 t weight 1300, 3 Yllarllng frnit;. Q,,!ok Meal Gasollno range, oolt!', good onel small gasolhae stove. Oak .tove. 6 O8~tle-3 good JerRev OOW8 '" til heatilng .'ove, oook 8tove, :. oilslovell be freJh by dllY of a.. le, 2 helCera 6 loe oream freezer, olotbes raok. lIlontbs Old, Jersey boll ellgil-Ie to ironl.DK board, oort&lo etretoher register. olotbes balket, dlshell. glaB8ware: (lorn-About 600 bashels, sorted, and Cloolliog uteoells, Dew leatbllr 10 bnllbell leed corn . gun Due, ~leBoope aT field g1811~, Bay-About 5 tons of timothy and 21arilJe {ernl, aod muuy "rtlol.. too Abont 2 tOOIl of olover nam"rcoull to meqUoa . I U odlvilled bulf of tbirt.y aores of Terms-Ail S(lml of ,10 Ilo·j UD- whed d.r. <iun. All sume over 110. FltrmiDg ImpIAments-(Jarriage, a oredlt of • mOllthe will be gl.8n, bugg.v, IIpring wagoD , 2 road wagonl, by purohlller glvlog a bllnlrable Dote set of log bolstl!r~. Deerlnf( binder. beariollU per cent Intflrest . 2 Deeriog m/)wtlrs. olover Soled Walter J KUbon . bUllober, revolving ~ .~ y rake. new C. T . Hawk!t. Auot . steel tooth hay rallt', hay tedder hay W. E. O'J.'jean. I Cl k rigging, gravtli bed, wheat drill with J . O. Cartwright, ( er II fertilizer aUacblllent in good coodl • _ • 'Ion, 1 horse wheat drill. 5 breaLinl! plows, gang Dlow. new ground pluw, Shocklol Sounds riding ooltlvator. 2 tongue18ll1 oDlti. 10 the earth are 80metlme8 heard .a&ore, 2 barrows. Dew tobaooo\Ilow, before a terrible earthquake. aba' I'Imall barshare plow, field roller. warn of the oomlog peril. Natore'8 Gale coro planter, sare drop obeok warningl are kind . Tha' dull pain row attaohment; 1 borlle ooro drill. or Bobe io 'he baok warn I you tbe dl80 harr6w, IIlei~b let ot 30 ft. rol KldnleYI need attention if yoo woold linf( ohaine, ft . drb g ohaln. 11 ft . escape th08e dllngerol1l1 maladies, drag ChilD, lor pulley, olin' hook, Dropsy, Dlabetell or Brlgbt'e die· 8'UDIP plli}er obtAin, double treee. ease. Take Eleotrio BltMrl.1i oooe slollle trees, hoe., fork8, IIhovelll, and ~,ee backaohe fly and an your garden tooll, 2 l&aodl of bees . HuoNlt--llx lIe'l (If work har. beet feelinga return. "IIJ IOn reo oeived Ired be4efl, from tbeir 1l8e oes8, bea vy let of breecblng barnes!', for kidoey and bladder 'rooble," 88t of boggy harneell, collare, brid18l, wrlte8 Peter Bondy, 8ou~b Book: IIDee. fiyneSll, &0. BOUl8bnld Goods--'[wLl &ablel, lot "ood, Uioh , • U i8 certainly a greal kidDey medioine." Try It. 500 at of ohain. oupboards, a lot of O8rpet, 1 IIteel range, iron kettles. Ice obeet, all druggtate. lobe. wringer II. l! 01 ook II, Kuollne • - • It.OVO (a five borner), lewlng mil. I will offer as Publlo Sale on the I (l~io?, Sharplel!! oream lIeper.tor ~idel'l Farm, one mUe ea8~ of Lytle, No 3. oreamery 08011. &0. mile. west 01 Waynenllle on Termll-Allllum8 of 110 and under, , ollsh . All sum8 over 10,110 oredit of Thunday, February 22, 1912 9 mooths 1'1'111 be gi'.'en. by parobal!Bell:iooiDg at 10 o'olock, a. m ., the er giving Dote with approved lIeour · followlog ohattels : ity. 5 lilood of Borlee-One 80rrel Josepb B .. wke. draft borae 8 years, IIDd a brown C. T da.wke, Auot. <,l,·lt,ftmare 13 yearll, good workerll; ~ :,~a1J I Clerke blaok hortle. 11 years: good work'er i .. e8 I , and driver, roan Weetern mare. 5 I.uooh served by Ladles AU. . • - • 1 gra~ mare. a !toad, g.,otle



W .:

4 Bead of Cattle- 2 good miloh oows, freeh ID Maroh and April; y ...rllng m"le '. 1f, heifer oalf. 14 Head of Bo,~-3 brood 10WI, llbea.dofplgsRnd4dozenohiokeoli Farming Implements-2 fRrm . J b Oilgie8, wagol,'S, Ipr Ing wagoo, bre~kt llg o.r&, Deering wheat bind· er, Deering ooro biDder aod Deerin. mower, h.y rake. hay rigging, 8 had whea'drlll,l..,I1orle(lOrnptaDMr, 2 ho-e ... 00 "0 plant.. 'Ur, Bem II!I t"'0 ...000 liraoflllll.nter. 2 Imperial walkiog br~alog plow8. l'Iolky bre.klDg flow, Ie' double bar plowi. Brown rldlnar ooltiva'or. Bookeye riding ou1" ~h,ltora dl10 rl d llijl' coltlv6tor duo burow, 60 tooth 8teel h.rrow,

Pasturing The Farm Woodlot

to puture 10 1& lJuring thepe win.tllr moo ths muob work olln be carried on in tbe woodlot tn the WRY or' mal'ketlog matured \imber. r.,movlng. "weed trees, to whioh m.-;v be . IIIJurioK growth of more valne Speoea may be oleared of iroownod. wa&er beecb. oalled uomeroh.n'tlble treea, aDd the qpacAa repl nnte(! to Ilone'hin, or value fn the Bpring Almol' every woodlos ca n be Improved In sume m ·,uner, flncl operat.ioDS ot tbi8 netore will greatly Inoreue It.!> pro duotl Ventlt!B and /I t t b b same t1me IDlnr~ Its PArl)flt uity . Tbe ~x:perlmeot t;tn 111m will OJ. operate wit,1I uwners Ilod Rive asIIhl"nOe in thl~ work to tboRe in tere8~l'd Write t,) the Foretlter of ~be Experlweut 8ta'ion, W008tl'r, Oblo.


WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES Metbodlst Epfacopal Cburc:a. Rev. 0.8. Grauar. Putor, Sunday School. 0 : 10 a, m. 6lornto~ eer vIce. 10 :80 a. m . \l:veolalr service. 17 :OO .. P m. Wdwee" Pnyer MoeUaa. '7 p. Ill.

St. Augustine" Catbolk Cbutdl. Father Loula


Mass every lIOOoDd SuD4ay of the mo.U1

9 :00 a.



St. Mary', Episcopal CbtUda. Rev. J . F. Cadwallader. Rect01. ' Sua day Sollool, D :8.0 a, m Morn.lac ler vice. In :80 a. m. Holy Oommuoloo 'be lint Sunda, of each mOI1'h.

Christian Church. lbIy. L. O. Thom~D. Pu&cII. Bible 8cboo1. 8: 10 .. m. 80clal ~ 10:'0 II. m. Obr1.ttau BndeaTor. 7:00 Po . . Bermoa by paator eve1'7 alterDate 8l1Dd.N. 10:10 .. m. and 7:'0 p. m.

Hlcksite Friends Chu",Jl'irat Dal' MeeUo~. 0 :00 a. m. FIn'Dar 8011001. II ;00 a. m. FOllnll Da,)' )(ee&IlIf( . 10:00 a. m.

Orthodox Friends Churca, lin. Ruth Murray. PIIMor 8011001, e:30 a , m. Rellular otillrell .


eeryloe, 111 " 0



7:30 11_



The ioveltlgatiool of 'he Experl. meot Station whioh exteod ovar ~hlrty oountles of Ohio Indloa'. tbllt onl'" a.b oot 15 per oent of tbe J na".e woctdlO\1 Is reserved from

tbe graltnl of llveslocll, Bnd benoe III ID a fair e£.aw of prodoo'lven81• . The Jtber 85 per oeot oODt.ainl bUl rew, If any youo a treel, 'whlob, • onlell Jiveltook I. exoluded wlll no' perpetuate themlelYee. bo' will be · come lee. prodoo"ve eaoh Yl!ar, aad when abe preesn' lIaDd of matured treee I. gone, wUl ceue w exlet. ~OV~~y P%~k ~~:e r~!:, p~~~ev;~, IDveltlgationl forther diiOl0l8 the water 'an.k, Tank pump. 20 ft. 2 In fac' tha~, on the whole, the wood· bale, teooe aliretcberl. Iload tob6ooo Illnd p .. ture II loferlor IlDd Is valoed preea, SO gal ••tove lteamer. lot to. I on an aver are, at no' over 60 ceDtS b O&D"&8, ,rdn bage, bellm ' 1I0ale., 600 lhe. dooble aod slDgle per aore aDDually bV the owoers . treea. forktl, Ihovels, poe' aogor.. Tb1lll the w;,odlo'. are no' only pro· logoylnl and mlny otber artlolel. doolhre as timber produolog areas, a anleo-, .e'" a f "vrk h aroen, with a olllaparatively Ibor~ period 2 ute buirly harD... . of exlltenoA . boY are unprofitable ~OO-eln oopper tank hot-water In. . ' eaba&or, dry e1,)1'&y. .. p!llltore laodl .. well. 11. 'he T...Dla-Allaomll ofll0aod nnder. majortt.y of 01. . tbe .bade II '00 NAh . All .oml over 110, • oredit of ,rea' to permit a Dormal staDd of 10 mOll,.b. ,,111 be giveo, by por- natrltloQl Krau to IIrow. Thtl 000 · oba..r 1I1vlnK Dote "ith approved d 1II00ri'.. A -dilOOllot of dve uel' UiOD oao be Improved b, feoolDg oeDt otl faoe of nOM for oub oft 'he belt porUorl of timber, re_!i~:0!t.:~d AII~II'eD r.orn~k .Irt. S:mma rooill. & 8oae. 18!vlng it frOID )lv8tltook, aDd lmoue aod dNk, oeow . .ball · A. A. lIoNeil. Aoot pro.iDg tbe foreet oODd"'on. by eo ..--.... OOIlam.r, be oak cet WalMr Kenrlok, Olerk, oOlluglog 'he Irowth of 'he more ..-_ LODOb bT Ladl.· Aid of Lytle. pedee&al dioiDg room .. • ... • valuable young treel. whioh Ipriug .r HaMd dlaiDI obail'l, ap rapidly. It .oy open Ipaoee exil'. obi in, I parlor obair. 'hey 010 be plaoted &O'reee '0' 'Ialoe I m.hogany rocken, , diec mlls'o cablDet, 2 for poet nd otber oeel eettee. wioker ohai.r, The por\lon $0 be Uled for pal~or. S ohlld. o.k ehoo14 b"ve 'he lorplUl treM rakl&oheD . t·...rvln8 cDly ShOH nloee3 kitoben eary for Ill6de , : ID 'bit mao"er a gre.ter protla ,"I8II,US'I!MJ \luID in ilial~(14 of a".mp&lDI &0 mal.· 'W,oiQd1-)' aDd' ~'ue ID tibe


1"". j .... ~. lostO-nO'





DR. J. W.


. .. DENTIST••• Office In Natloaal Ballk Bldl(.



() .

McCall's Magazine aiid McCall PaHerf.s For Women Hnva More Fri"nd. than aOf other magllzi no or pall"rns. McCall s ill the, l'(;liable Fush ion Gllill.c montlily I'n

m il l:on one h UI: drtd thousaliil hom.:.ll B " sides ~huwing .. 11 the la~l ' . designs of ~h' Ca : l Hl.ttcrns. each i~lJc is brimful of ~prlt:kling 1IIIort stories uudhcll'Cul hformatiull for wome~ ;


Su. Mon., and tc ••p ia SIJt.

(or Mct:all'. M tt~'.ihe at once. ~'&~:~':: :l cent. a ,'ur, Il1cll}iiing an, on", 01 tb M<Can ) '.1I1t MI t", • . M.CaIl Pall_» Lead .11 a, hen

di:f;l~h~~l1 ~;~D,r P~I~~rn~u~~~~

tDlIlenconlbiued. N'illC! hiAhe.r lhan yo"" df ;llu, or brmai1 from ·1


McC~~.L'~·' "!.aG~·~llltwl;


238-246 . \ W, 37th ~I'~a:w.






Cupid Buhfully

knOWlad!:~ ::a~:re~:::







for Hie

The sOllllles t boy bud brollen .. -" through th e Ice and tho fat boy ~r.u8 ,How Mrti. Bethune wa. R~ orawllng to his rescue. "Come bo ck. Fnlty!" the other !i'OllB , Itored to Health by Lydia Ilhrle ked. "You'll bust It nil In, au' Pinkham'. Vegetaden YOlI s e'1i both be drowned!" !Jut the rat boy. tlat on I1ts IItOlnble Compounct ach and lipread out to his wIdest eXtent, Ignored theae warn Ill!': ('rles and . .. IIteadlly Grellt townrd the ' blllck hole Sikeston. Mo, For ~ev~n 111aN t and Tommy's clinging ftnger~ suffored overy thing, I w~ \D bf!d fQ 'Once tho Ice mode A cracking sOllnr! fouf' or fl vedaYII ate and the walchers yelled wIth dIsmay, time ol/ery month, Out the fBt boy did not b:lIL Nearer anq so weak I could and nearer he cnme. nnd finally 1'1\11 hnrdly walk, I had • outs trelched bands cl1ught those cllag· Cl'~K9, ~aehkaChd ing finge rs and drew Ihe small boy, IItan ea ae e, an d I' b I fI WIl8 so DervoU" an t e y Iktle. onto tIe rmer I ce a~d I weak that I dreaded 110 to SafelY. ."What did youse do It for, Fatty'" to see anyone or one of the boys tearfully r-emanstrat· I ~:~~~n;'~~d~~ ed. , ' . ~ "Aw, ". rep llild the hero, "' , knS11 1x?ra gave me mediWhat, I lost In weIght I mllde' up In , _ . ~.:i .' ,:ne to case me at 'WldensIlS' see?" . th~: times, ~a BlIJd tllat I ought to T.ben his f~ Bortened. bave anope~ation, . 1 would notliaten ~ ,"Desldes ,'! he llashfully 1l"ld, "1'17.,( that" ~d wlien a fn end of my bus,band I " t o l d hi ab t Lydi E Pinkham V .'Weet on .Tommy's !rts~erl" ou a .what it hndII dODe eg. ,. etable m Compound and






J RC' k K {slth . Q Vi rgi n ia n. now Il b o r .. d t. r pl :lln:--mll n . lit l on kll1~ f o r roa mIn g wa r IHlI l. ' · ~

ttl ( li ll " ' h l' l'l


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~ , I\ ',l tr.: t ' !t .

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w agon t etun

'::lIl1 ll(l pllr ~ 1!(l J b)' m e n o n p o rri es. I' l.'l ll l ,.. HdIP~ tlil;' w'-'.gon th e raid.

h a \ " l.'

lI !: l s~n,

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me n

nn" de.

Vllrf Pd I I. t't-H r l-'! ! "S 1 h~ v t c tim s findin g llqwry DIHJ H IIJ"ht, r wi t h n \A'o mnn' s por ..


r ll i t h:, III' I N Itr r" ~ t Nl tu C nrso n C ity, rll flrged w i t It t lHl m u rd e r , h i" a ccu.!(or b e· log n r u rn fl!l n:l lllt>d B IRck Bn r l. A n egro (' c1mpnfll l)l\ 111 1,l s ('fi ll nl ltn~d N c b t ells him U,lU hI' IOl t, \\., the l~ e llhlJ In VirgInia. N c b

sn rs pH or

~h" munl en ' d me n \Val J o hn Slh l ,"'y. II I" I"Irl'(' r G" n . " ' till s Wait e . f o rm fl TI \' 11 Cun(, · d t'"a. h~ o rn cer, The pl a insman

nn .) " . "1\ t'!'i,'a l.u.', a nd In te r tll o rug,lllvee con lt! Upon 1\ I,.~ a. bln and flnd Itl!l occ upant t o lw .l y un g J:trl. wh o m K e ith thInk.



" I ('artion (,Il y. Tho girl

b "" 11 slandlng, the trampled sod I;vl d;!Ilclng tbey must bave been tbere fOI sOllie r.nnHlderable time Keith and . [ h e, ~ herlrr Circled out unm th ey final· Ii' slruck th e t rail of the party , 'Whlcb I 'd fortb southwest acrOlis the' prairIe "Sr ve n horsos, oue beln .. led light," ~n ld Ihe former, "That vras Scott's pro hnbly ." ' " Tba l's the wbole ItOr,:' repUed ff Ihe ~h e rl . staring ol! t.)wllrd the LlUre horIzon , "and tbe cu.. as haye at leust six bours the IIt.rt wIth frelb IJe turned 'a rouDd, "W-e... " tlo ',I'oes." • ~

!J oys. tbat takes 'em out of my balll· wi c k. I reckon. Some of the reat 01 you will have to run that ,ang dow~·

e~ p l aln .

( lin I ahe I .. In 8pa r ch of 8 brnlhpr, who hn41 .dcs (' rh~d trom t he arm)'. and lhnl n

Mr . H nw ley Ind w '" d her to com e t o the " Il b'n \\' 1II Ie 11(\ 8t1u gh t h e r bro ther. Haw h- y npppn rs. /I n <1 K ,' Ie h In hldlnt: recOII-



for . his wife, 1 was willing to take it. Now I-look the picture of health and feel li'kti It, too, I can do 'all my own houaewotk, won' in the garden and entertain ,company ,and enjoy them, and can walk . as far 'as any ordiQary woman. any dl11 In tb~ 'A:eek. I wisb I could talk to !-yery lutTering.woman and girl, and tell them ".1I.t.. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable ,Compound baa done for me. "-Mn. DElIA BETHUNE, Slk4!8wn, Mo. RememlM!r, the remedy whloh IUd thl. was Ly~ Eo Pinkham's Vegetable Componnd. , ;~( belped thouaanda of women who . Il'i~e De'f!n troubled with dleplaeements, .Inftaniinatio.n, ulceration, ~on; megula'rities, periodic pains, backlabe, that" be~ng ' down feeling, Indigestion, and ne~ pl'OItration,after all other meaua liave fJiled. ' Why don't you try it!

';:;;;-U8UAL WAY,


nl ze8 him 0 ' Hlllck 8 3 rt, Th ro I . II tel'rlOc ba tclr In Ihe dn rke ned room In ... hkh K e ith Is vklu r . H o r SCH u r e ullpro pria.l ed. au,l th e /0: 11'1 w h o HaYti th n t h.' r n o mo Is Jl nptl JoIn. In t he escap u. " ellh explain. hi • • 1t un lion n n d the tUllltives m il ke tor

Falrbaln and Ch',lltlll, Dr, Falrbaln had cWilnally . Jolned tbe s~archlng party. fully ns cager u l"orl L nr".d , where th e /rlrl I. !r·rt with th e hOlol I,,,,,II I\ d)'. Mlu li opu lells Ihnl Keith blmself to rnn down the reneBhe Is t h e <1 u u ,,::ht~ r o r G e n era l W o ll e . gade Hawley, but after an hour of r. I{ r lt ll ar.d /<;eb drlrt Inlo Sherid an. where K e tt h m ee ts n n old fri end, D r . F n irba ili. sulUess effort, his enUr.. thoucht sbtft. I{ ollh m",' 18 Ihe broth ~ r or Hope Wnll p. ed to the woman' they tlad left aloDe un df' r (h e Il.s8 11me4 nrune of F r6 d Wil lough by, and bItCOIh". con v ln c~ d th l\ l at tbe botel. He could not. sa yet, Blnck Bnrl has 80rno' plOI Inv olo1118 the fully grasp the sltuallon, but be r. t 1>'0. H o po 1. llrna I hili Oen. W oH e ; who "'ne th oulI'ht murdHed, Is tit Sheridan. mill ned loyal to the one overpowerlDl and goos the re. where 8he Ie mistak en 1:or tru tb tha t he loved ClIr1lIUe Maclalre, Chr IKN(' ~lncl ll lre . Ihe Carson Cil y . 'nge r, K@ltl, meets Iho rPoo l ChrlsUe Mnclnlre FBllrbaln's nature ,was rougb, orllrCllld lind . Ihnt Black Burt hns convin ced Inl~I, yet loyal to the core, .He ball her th tl l th ere Is n mystery In her life which h. Is gOing to turn to her ndvanlived all bls life long In- army camps, lage, The pl al nsrnnn tell. Hopo ~rnlt~ or an.d upon the frontier, and his codl , c:e.... ,._ her re•• mblance to ChTlstle Mnclalre. They decide Ihat FrcI1 Willoughby lOay Cif 'honor 1\' 8.8 extremely lilmpl.. " II{rs. Brown-Where did Mrs. Clolehold the key to the situation. Keith Onds I ne ver once occurred, to hIm that Chr'" Willoughby shot dead. Hope Is Inllt 01 wad go tor her new suit? the deal h or her brother. Keith rallK 10 t1E!'S profession wall not ,of the ,hIgh· Mrs, Jones-Tb'r ougb 'ber husband'lI learn what repre .... ntation. Blac k BRrl es t, or I hnt ber life- and assoclatloD.. pockets, ' . hRs made to Christie Maclnlre. Hope BuggeSls Ihat In ord ~ r to leam the Neeret In any way unfitted hel' fo!; the future. ah .. must brieny tmpersonate th a stRge ' . . FOIl A - - - - - To hIs mind sbe wu the one and onl, .Inger. Dr. Falrbaln 18 In 10"0 wllh wuman. His IllIt roemor;y of , her, .. Christie MllclaJre and Keith Indllcea him to delaln her from tho Btage whllo !lopo tbe little party .. c.f men . !tIed out of gO(>8 10 Ihe thMter where ahe m ee t s tbat room, haunted blm until be b, Black Bart. who. thus ' deceived, tella Hope Ihat Gonerol Waite has 8uspected , 'f. aUy dropped out of tbe eearcb aud hie pinna and that th ey mu.t ny, Hope. drtrted back toward 'tb~ bote./: greatly nlarmet'J, demurs. Gelleral Waite I am to tesUfy"to ; .,'/ • appears and all)'. Blae!, a an has 8tolen It was a late hour, ;yet It :wsa ~ (lr Dr. Kilmer's BWl\uip·Root, Uon~ MLln"~ta. papers from hln' regarding an InherlIy IIkel,Y the woman ha~ reUred, Her taD". bad occaalon to uee for bhidder ocimbine4. cali -proyJde bOm" a ell:cltement, ber IntereBt In the pursulL, 'ble, wllicli 1;IU'1IbysloJan was unable q~ mt"lon ,people 'antS ' tlft ' UGh CHAPTER XXXI.-(Continued.) . .. . JP.Au . ~ .to a 180 OJ' 120 &on tuDl, would ,urely prevent that; moreover, rolle.,.. ' "'-, ' 42 htl was cerlJlln he , ,aw a 1I1lbt sUlI , ..' Four fltty-cent botties ~our rem: 11nde*,' th~ proyltilona of Uncle 8IUn" I • 'hOl'IiM&.I&d. law.... • , ., "I baTe told you my Dame-Jack burainc ID b~r room, as he looted up edT elfected a complete cure. "Hllre, SherIff! Thla la One of Hawley'l -Men!" KeIth," he replied, quIetly, .. Doctor Yount· truly, from the blAck atreet below. NeyerFalrbaln knows sometblng or me. but tbeleea he besltated, uniI8rtaID of btl PETER VAN DElNSJIl. . for your lurtber Information I wlll add "Sure; It'lI clear enough how tbat Scott. He IlJIggered back at the reo- reception: Bluff, empliatJc, Deyel . GreenvWe, Mlda.', alral4 to face a man In b18 Ufe, bll that wben we met before I was Cap- came about, The boy told blm about ognltlon, barely able to ejaculate. of MOl\tcalm t ... taln Keith, Tblrd Vlrglnla envnlry, the lost belress his falher WAS searcb· "HerO'. Sheriff! This 18one of Haw- (-bjINl'PHICJW- bellt-h~~....I-b8..JmlIlea~l-+stil~-': -Michigan · ~ and bearing from Long, Ing atter, and showed him his slster'lI ley's men!" ored to muster tile neceaiJarj' . Ji~s tbla 11th day etreet to Stonewall Jackson ." picture. 'Black Instantly recog· Tbe 8herlff waa bendlng In_tantly al~e. Far down the darl!:' st1'eet sublcrlbed and e"oro T~e grul! old soldier, ball-crazed by nlzed hcr resemblance to Cbrlstle above tbe corpse. searching for the roysterer Ilred a Ihot, and ' sudden feal DI'IJ & Not.,.,. ·Publlc ·lD 04 the newl of his daugbter's peril, tbe Maclalre, and tbougbt be SAW a good truth. lelt he might b4l soucbt ·atttjL profea Mo~tealm Countr. Mlchlpo. · , .. slonnlly sent the d()()~r : bllJ"ledl. ? . .... , . . I1UID .. sleam of his eyes stili revealing ua· cbance for some easy money. He "You know the fellow?" wIthin, aud up ' the ·atalra. a. atoo4 r.--:-~~""I- - . controlled temper, stared at tbe young- needed the J)aper •• bow ever, to ascer"Yes, hIs name WBf.l Scott." er face fronting him; tben slowly be tain exactly the terms of tbe will, "Well, be's been dead some houri, Jlllilt outside her dool', qualdna. like ) held out bls hand, ' and wbnt would be necessary for the at least six I should say; 8hot Jllst cllllld, the peraplrat10D bMdb\g bls but a IlCht s~ametl "Kelth-Keltb," he repeated, 88 Identification , He neve.r Intended to above the eye, and good Heavens! forehead, thougb brInging back tho name wltb go Into court, but boped to either get look here, Keltb , at the sIze ot thlll througb tbe transom, IUld he coule Prove Whet Swlinp-Raat WJI DO an el!ort. "By God, that's eo-old Jef· Waite out of the way, or else convince bullet wound; that'll no man's gun In platnly hear movements wtthw. . -Al' Sead to Dr,' Kllmer . ',Col .BJDllbarDferson KeIth's boy- killed at An' blm tbnt Cbrlstle was tbe &1rl. relying tbls country-no more than a '3%' I'd Inst, In a Budden spasm of courase, ton, N, y" for a sample belUe.' U,,01 he knocked ' softly, EYen ID that null' convlDce anyone, Vou. ·.Iso . re- , tletam, And yOU know Hope?" on ber gratitude for bls profits. Wben say:' spot she . heard Instantly, openlns "Yes, General." celve n · booklet 'ot valuable InfQrmr.. ' Waite played Into bls bands.»y com· "Miss Waite had a emaU revolver. He looked about as thougb dazed , Ing to Carson City tbe cbance Will too Sbe must bave shot the fellow. But door without hesltaUon, IUld ·8t&ud1D. tloD, telllbg all about tbe ldcJne7s' aM and tbe sherll! broke In not unkIndly. good to be 101lt. I'm not sure he meant why did they leave the body here 'to fully .dressed withIn. Stte wu. D,O bla'dder, 'Wben,~i1~lllg; be':8tiie. and-!longer a dlscouragerl, lobblnl atrl, menUon tbis ' patier. ~egul" II1'Y~L '. "Well Waite, If we are ' going to to kill blm, but be did mean to have be discovered?" but aD aroused, Intent woman, Illto and onKoJlar lIse bplUee rot ~..\_ ,...._~.:.._-i___....___....~ .earch for yonr daughter we better t.hose papers at any cost Probably Tho sherllf srOlle to hIs feet, prowlthere bad aU dnl' stores, ' " be at It. Come on, all of )rou; Mlss JOU know tbe rest-the girl was eallY, Ing about In the brlgbtenlng glow of wbose pathetio, lonely come a new hope. Sbe appeare4 MaC\slre will be safe enougb here beCAuse sbe ,was 110 Ignorant of ber the dawn. . younger, falrcr, wIth the light IldDt . If a-. l.eap year girl bal mcm'eJ alone." parentage, and nothing prevented "They were In a burry to get away, He took hold ot Keith's arm, quel' Hawley from Winning except tbat .and knew he wouldn't be found before merlng In l)er balr and ber eyes ImIt bum It' 18n't 'dllloult for ber to : Ing weloome, . younl man ';llIInl, to 'fUrnllb a IILIllrl~.:iJ tlonlng him brletly as they 1)8SSed Waite got mad and decided to flgbt. morning. ' A six hE,ura' Itart me.ans a "Oh, Doctor:' and ber handl WeN down tbe hall. On the staIrs the lat- That knocked over tbe whole thing." good deal, They "lId drag hIm back Wbim a man hili occasion ·to thrust out towardll lIm, "I am Ilad They were outside now. and tbe ter took bls turn, sUlI confused by out of slgbt..Llook here. Thill wsa flr8t toucb of the cool nlgbt air, the where the struggle took place, and you have come, Bomebow, I thOUght pear before n 1I01lce maClltrate what he bad Just heard. "Who II Miss Maclalre!" be Bsked. first glance up and down tbe rOlllY bere Is where the man fell," tracIng l'oU WOUld, and ( bave wanteil eo' to .1It to rorlet hlil own Daine. ' tall to some ODe-to you," street, brougbt Keith to hlmsel , bll , "Pb,yllls Gale." It out upon the ground. "Tbe Clrl "To me! Do you reall,. 1Oea) that. . "Of~<iiirse, 'but wbo la Phyl1ls Gale r mInd ready to grapple wltb the pro~ put up a stiff light, ,too-aee where What bas she to do with General lem of Hope'8 disappearance. It tbey dragged her up tbe path. _ From ]MIss Chrlstle T" "Yell, I really mean th.ILt. you .,re,,' blm he bad already looked lbe footprInts there must bave beeu Waite? HIs daughter has told me she seemed never beard of anyone by that name." every'where, yet there was nothing to halt a dozen In the party, Get baok lbear of a man," arid the &\,1 lanlhed lightly, drsgglns blm In\o :be room "Well, ~~_Ith, t1!.e old man bas neVl'r do except to continue' tho search, only out of the way, Sims, whUe I follow and closIng the door, "Wby, "ho eille told me very much; he's pretty close- more systematlcaUy. Tbe sherif.. as- tbelr trail." could I expect to come tonlgbtT Vou moutbed, except for swearIng, but !"'e 8umed control-elear headed, and aoIt was plain enougb, now they had were the on I;' ohe really ,ood to me. customed to that sort of thIng-callread his papers, and picked up a point daylight to assist them, and led around 'l1' ou-you acfed as If you beUt'vec1 III or two. I reckon tbe dallghler, Miss Ing In Hlckock and his depuUes to th~ ed~e of the hill. A hundred fe~t Hope, maybe never heard a word assist. and falrly combing the town away they came to where l)orse. hDd 1me all tbe Ume--" (TO BE CONTINUED.) about It, but the boy-tbe one tbat from one end to tbe other. Not a rat could bave slipped unobserved was shot-must bave stumbled onto tbe story nnll repeated it to Hawley . througb the net he dragged down that Tbat·s what set that fellow gOing. It long ' street, or Its Intersecting' alley a se€' lDS :MTs. Wa.lte'I1! ,malden lIume was -but It was wltbout result; nowhere PlerpoL'. . and when sbe was seven· was tbere found a trace of either tbe teen yenrs old sbe was marrIed to the gamlJler or his companion. They dug Into saloons, bngnlOl, SOD of a rlcb North Carolina. planter. The fellow was a drunken, dissolute. dance·balls, searching back rooms good·for·nothlng . They had a d8l1gb- and' questioning Inmates; they rouled _ ...... w w - - - ."'...... . •••~ tel' \>orn-thls Pbyllls-and 1\' lIen tbe ' out every occupant of the hotel, In- • w w - He Lagged Superfluoul. bears fulfillment. It 8be fllllllbn u, child was three years old her fatber, valled bonrdlng bouses, and elPlored Pittsfield, In Ibe Berksblre bills, bad as she hegan ther" Ie 'DO telJih, what In a It of drunken rage, ran away, and shacks nnd tPn.ts. Indtlrerent to tbe to spite bls wife took the little girl protests of those disturbed-but wltb- In tbe old days. like many anotber the god8 may ha.... In 8tOl1l for" har, wltb 111m. All errorls to trace tbem out result. They (ound several wbo I New England town. a number of man Wben tbe ', neW8 ,ot about -;bat (ailed. and tbe mOlber tlnally secured knew Huwley, otbere who had seen tbe and women who were cslled "cberae- was a hrand new baby ID (he a dIvorce and. two years latel', Dlar· two togelher passing by tbe lighted lers," One of tbese wall "RtII" Brown, a friend made Inqulrln' aDd rled Willis Waite. Waite, of course, windows of the Trocadero, but beyond a man unfortunately a'lldlcted to drink. that the newcom"i W88 Ii Uttl. boy,' knew these facts. but probabl;,r tbey that-notblng. Convinced, at last, tbat and frequently Intollcated for days at named Robert. ",Rober;t?" ~JDqJllrt!cl were nev er told I be children. Wben the partics sought were not alive In a time. On one occoslon he went Into the friend. "I Cjln'l-thlnk of ~YOD& tbe tather of Mrs. WaIte 's Orat bus- Sberldan, and beginning to fear the Ibe shop of tbe locol hatter. Mr_ In tbe family after- whom tb.e . b&b)' It band dIed, he lerc all his large prol\er· worst, Ihe searchers separated, and Smith. Bnd Bilked tor the best beaTer nBmed. I never heard' o~ ... '.,obert or( ty to bls gralldcblld, ptovl.d lng sIlO began spreading forth over the black In tl1\t store. !\Ir Smith produced the el.tber IIlde of the ·.holi." • <{NO;'" could be found and IdentIfied wltbln a surrounding prall'le, nnd by the light deSired article. 8ayllll': BII ho took tb'" '"poke up Beatrice. ' "lr ball'c";" 'J1ilJe 40t ' tbat " • certain time, failing WhIch I be proper- of lanterns seekIng aay semblance Of money : "Tbot ben vel' will Inlit a ' ty 1\'as to be distributed amollg cer- trail. There was , no lack 01 VoJUD- a lifetime." Bill went proudl)" taln designated charities. Wolte was teers for tbls work, but It wns oay· tbe main street with bls line ' name. sole administrator. WolI, the Ilgbt before the sllgh~est clue pre- on bla bead . <lnd ImmedUltell,,: old man took 8S much Illterest In It a8 senled ItseU. Keith, wltb the sberlff brated the evenl wltb 8 though It wall bls own girl, but mnde and two or three otbers, bac) groped lJ:O.lIch. When be rec~o'rer'l!d ha11'N,tUIi'D-'J mlgbty little progress. He did dis· the ir way outwllrd until. wltb tbe firet ed to tbe shop wltb 8 ~~:~~~rl~~~i~~~i~~i~~;~~~~ cover thllt the (0 ther had ta llen tbe flusb of dawn, . they found themselves abls bat. "Loo,," "".:'fit ...r~•• h ••l' iiI""• . child to St. t;ouls and left tbere at llie opening of .a small rocky rn- . 1181d Hill." with i\: ,w\Jman named Raymond, but vloe, neBr tbe foot oh JntO"ItD 'silll ... haitnw'"d irter the:'- woman died tM- girl 'Com- Peerhlg ' (Iellthll, ' wbat aIWE~a~~ plete'lY" cl1sapi>eat'ed: : . ' ~: like ~ -(. ~:'!lflt'en ." ~ilss Maclalre ~ ~' HOile KoeUK 'w'lJte's ' baJC- 1~t~r,?" ;'.ed tlie ";J'h':I t'.~ Hie '\V4Y' It lookS 'now," , (ace 'M-all' r~veltl«l4 'Ill tile "And . IlA~ lty merely!d It was- .t.l!Ut 'of .the r8!l '. I!ltIUtlA~:IlII., ~" ~I!hlrllbl!e CD l~ t lie' r.1&>ljt party"" ,









Q,uart:er'Million 'N' 'th t orore.:, wes and 'tII" ' d_





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'~e LYNX AND HIS HABITS b.~,i:::~:~~~~~~~~g:e~~;~~~~:l:~~~~~'~~ .ran" timl~' nnd I~urrc rinl! from m omkt::~ nil(ht ,..I t I nn nc linl( Uli~k. Itous~wor ut:CUIII"S hen,'y bll rd en. :M~n~' \\Olll ~n ",ho wrr~ nfRid~d in this t\~a.\' ,..n\' th n t n lllln' S K id ll(!Y Pills 111lVC mu, Ic Ide ell.;i~r fu r t he lli .

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COt:fYJ)I61f7lJY aJTlXXlP LII'/! N th e e urly '8Ua I Bcttled In

and Night

SA VED HER LIFE. Ma de W cl l After Ooctor. Gavo Up Hope. 1>lr •. )0' . M . 11 .11. I ~ W . 10 ~ . \V.ter100. 11)\\ it . 1'l H.\:' .. ( .'Il lored tht.' IIC3t "Jf he.dt I, . U!l1 Ii t h,· I', ' "I"r "f 100" II' hen I

\Yullle n un' NIILjcr t to li i,tuC" v di ":(ln~{'. T he I: h lt 11111~ 11s l'.\' \\('n I' , th e WOI k thl ')' ,J o,

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wan M' I" " l Will i hll h ll .r t l''Iuh\p. 1 Krll tlu , 0 11\- io: IT\\ Wnl ""p i HL I l\ ; ' " Ol!\'ou l of nil


t l j(~ \\'n rr'~' an d :.t l'lli li o f lJtlari ll~ anti J"('il r . !-! n(' l'J.!.\" 11 11.1 11 1111 li t 1011 . TI II'I'" W ,lM n "Itm g· Mu so n county. Was hing· l ll g 1'11111 1 1i r" ' I!~h ! rl. k. I HI " fnl l f}w~ d hv ton. My borne W IlS near 1t1~ c hild rc n . tlle lal·k of prop e l' CIcrCI~U' ; U dull , I~ f lJ : d lll ~ 11t h,· ;111 ., .. 111\' j 'o1 l\ lt, Tho lhe foothills of th e fa m ed 0 11 h'nd 1(1 it. wlll t\:H 01 I L I~' ep· ... , . 11. ' : 1. 1'1\ l'ld n t lt nd 1\10 Bac h-neiJe. bf"urin J[-d ow n p ni n !oC. II f'n ilRC'hr'. ",\'f' lmJl ,.. l'lIl.:.,d . ~ h' tl IlL ! ~ \ll1'fl '" nil" mv Olym pic mountain rllnge. tli l.:l.~· Hrf' lI ~, fa IJIl IIt " 'Jl , fi ts of "'llu(',; ," !lilt! ftwt IWI ':II II ' , ~Il S \\ ,, 1I "1 I '101" .\ :IU:' \\('a r Where th e larges t e lk 00 o ther tro u bles Ufl (, 11 IhD\I~ht t o he (I N'tlt in r lOy ", h IlC~fI, J Ill.' 1.. ld lll"" -: " '1 1'1 1 ' nl'l C'I\\IRe li th e Am e ri ca n contine nt t o t he bC'S , a re rO tln l~ f!'C'tpl r nl '" ill kldll('Y gr('l\t. P O IlI :l ad .Ii..;,- , UI · t\ ( I' ,I TIt 'I' 11\ tllt'lI' too rou m tod ltY . Wh en I flrst frequ en t p :l\' . I rot ... " I !·r'\.l ld nld (l il t di>Ca§(·. " ' hell an )' Oll ~ of I I ,,·,~ il1A " l" lost \I'~i ~llt nllol " " " ~I' I'.ill tllv ~I "I\' I\I~ se tU lJd on Tott en'S In le t. a8 this arm p<"a l'~, t0 l-:I ' t h f'I' ", il h a cJ ut,'o llJ f'(,d l' o n Ji ~ w ('akc r and w ('at.r·r, w h. tl 11 1\' .f.'l j' r a dof the grea t Puget Boulld soa Is ca ll ed. tion ni t ht:' ;"rtocv Mf'Cret io ll'-, wIth pr' ~~ , I~<- ~ "i l!rri OOilll '6 K llt n l'''~ I ~ ,:: .... f " ht ,l lI u'd 80 tb ere we re dee r . bear . mink. otter. t oo f l't ( lI l t' li l. rwant y 01' ),ll n1 i n JZ. jn ., L Jllll ke lnuL' h b, ·nt'.lit ( ,.0 111 t h,. \ ' 1)' fit ..:t th ;l l 1 up ,rOIlt" I lI i l . d t hal y ouI' kll l nc~j' s UI'C wcnk, ('HH t i nucd a nd Ly t hf' " 'IL 1 ,, ; tILl ' t lrp't w\'l'k cats of three k.lnds. cou ga r and du c k. ~ and I.e qui r'k to ll clp th r'lll. the- hackn chcB and 11 (· ,,J;lI'l,,·'1 had . 11 ",lll}a nd b i rd s by Ute thou su nd s . ~'rolD my Don n'" I';i li ney l'i l1~ han helr r 'I a " rent Jl~lI red . J grew Bl~n d "l' \,,·'1rr. an,1 wa. bQme west to tbe Pocillc oce u n . a ll ut last comJlI~lp ly (·I1 I'1· d . })qan·. I'idn ey 11l0l n)' \'( 'ul\ \ \()!IIcn lilro ugh the t t')' ing Pill s H nv~d m y life wlll..'l1 I \f .. .. ~n ~i(·k thlJt hundred miles awuy. th e r e WilS a I iI/l OR " hon k iJnn' L1i BClltiC III cnn . 80 mu ch I dill not care whothor I 1" ' ,·, 1 01' (li cd. densu wilderness or grea l g reo n tr ' CS. oddell misl' IT . Th.. y uo n·)t Ii i, IIrb the T he doctors 0 8 well 68 my s.,) f had J!lven "11 The ga me or Ih e claw Vltrlt!ty hud 61 0 1n"d, or I,owel. Illlli co ntni n no po i.o n· hore ef my ev<,r gettinl{ we ll. I I\[II 1\0 roamed for ages tll rou gh thi s w ll tl e r · all •. " nnW' )'oll" nor b nb i t · f" rll1in ~ dl'Ugs. grnteful thnt I ronnot recolflllfeur\ D Olln'. ness and tbe bC'ar an d cat tl'll ll s we re ~Iln 's nre harm lclI8 lor children too. ") il'sl can't K~I uP!" Kidney PiUs too biKbty." lUI well detln e d as th e 6lreels In Ollr Icnirw s Ih p. game . Nltl c IIN. k, from cities Ins we r e Ll lRO tho se of tb c e lk th e time Th oma s bas lI1 e t S"WIO on : ttDd d ee r). th l' tra il slle brl llg~ fo r th II c r ~' Ol!nll - When "our~ Back Is lame-RemembeI'lhe NameMy firs t experlenco with our wbl s k· Eighte e n out of t wenty t l U1 f' ~ . t WI) I s e r ed cut came s hortly nller I be~a n t ho !lllmbe r. o ccas io nall y I hr l'(,. Il llli bun tin g In the blue hil ls 0 1 Mason sOITINlln c s fo ur. Ihl s las t nlllllb,> bC" county . Through tlto kindness or n in s ve ry rltl' e. I hnvln g Qot etl it hut Sold by All ~_ ~ SO cents. fCJ5ler.Mllbum 8ufTiilo. N. Prpprletoq fri en d In T acoma I sec urer! a white on cc. dog. bull bull Ilnd hall hound . On o Wilen the old f<'mal e IR t r:\ llt l n~ lI e r .Iay b e ron a nd troed a large old tom. kl lte ll s Ihe cn t btlllt~r '·uu ( Rl't ll re Brewer's f\u ie . Hobby of We a lth y Engli s hm~'n. I Ilred aud brolle n leg . Tbe ca t r ame of Ute YO ll ng one s be c a res to wltho UI I It wa s ro m mon knnwl edge Ih nt :1l T he e ur l or ~I Olltll .EI!:;c llrnbe . whe I down a li t tl e lame. uut full o r light, th o leas t (!unge r er trullb le. YUII Iw c d ' t \\' c ll' e o 'c lo ck Iloo n th c wealth y br ew · wll1 be I'll terllllllllll; luany parties al a nd Don waB a I'Nltt)' sore dog be· 11 Blo w hnllnd wltl! a c larion vo lecor rol led III a ll the IK>Or m en 111 lite ~ IO l1nt- F.dl;(' ullllJe during t hl' ne xt few ' lore I killed tbe ca t lor him . ThIs s low so y o u can note . h is ac tlon ~ tI(' ll;' h IJurII Oliti who warm e d tb em 'elve s I l1Innlh a, wOlild ha ve U('(' U :lld e \0 milk .. I Cut out cathartics and PU_[Jl'I U!~. dog was a bout n ye ar old at t he time a round dlrrt'r >n t t rees. 1 he o ld ca t. as ~,.('f store n flll rae tory grat ings nn d a living llS nn arc hitect If he ha ll u C'C I1 b rul:1l . han:h.unnecel\llQry. snd for tw e lve long yea rs Ilrter ' be II rill e. wh en s bl! hea rs til e " 0 1-1 . g e ts 011l 1iEl Ih e m .. ma ll pres e nt s ot foo d, born In a le s s e xa lt ed sp he re. 11 0 de · CARTER'S LlTILE was a cat and ("o ugar t reer. He her kill on s up a tree. Then bt' wa lls I-Iolhln g or mou e y. Thc brewe ry grnl· I'otcs so me of hi s s pal o m ome nt s LIVER PILLS would rather ru n n cat th an ent ; nn d t ill tll e bound Is close. a nd t hel1 1-:\I'C5, n ~.o .a lon e }'l 02sesscd no oC' t'UP'UltS. vo l\'lng fa sci na tin g toy Il:llaten . cac·1t Purely veR:ctablo. wben your humbh' 6el'Va nt h ad an him a cha se for a Ill tle wblle- Ih e n I VI e cl O tl t dar e ~ ta nd t herc on IIC- a st uu y o. li s kind. perfec t i n ('\' c ry Keotly hour to spare It was SJlOnt on tbe trees \] 01'60If. Some tim es s he w tll " OUII , of t lHl fume s ," . a id one tl nro rlu- detail. One he ha d li gh ted with c lec. ~:~':,'~..~. trall 01 the Cllt. \ Vhen I look back flght a littl e. t he n t rce near he r 1, lt· nate \\'i'o IlR d be en I'C'IIl Psleu to vn · trlclt y. T hese Al addi n Jl ft la ce s are ' m.m brnneof over tbe lon t; vista or ycnrs I spe nt t ens. A green cat hllnter \\'h ell fol· I :Hl e t he Inllllcm akc l" H g r alillg. " He s om e tim es passed on to luc llY c hl l- r.:.ih,.t~~: bunting, I can trul y MI1Y th a t I lov e lowin g hi s dog on a cold ca t tra il \\'111 \\,on ' t g il'e to any borly w ho SUi ells i d r e n or hid a cqu a lntnnce. -London ' 1I11I.u.n.... cat buntI ng 'belte r tban Bny other sudd e nl y hea r Ihe bounds ope n o ut In I Uf' C'1'Y." I Sk el·('·l1 . , ~h~ ~~~di.d·I'''II.D. .. know. lon g and c lear bays t bat dello te t li e ca l I -. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, S~A.LL PRICE. s po rt. and I mny a dd that It Is th e bardest wor,k of any ga me bunting o n Is slsr ted. H e (oUows mu d ly afte r tile PIMPLES COVERED HIS BACK Wor ks Either Way. Genuine must bea r Signature tbo coast. You aee. UI O lynx Is a hou n d ij . w I10 tl Ill! II Y t r c c IIc r. and he I T nltcrdo n T C rJl - WOl <11'0 \' 13 yO\! to great trllve ler and he doe. mos t 01 bls kill s a ulg fema le cal on whose b ~cas t -U I k '1"1 I ? ~ ' ~ traveling atter nIghtfall. "!\Iy tro ubles began al ong In tbe r n '. rs y. r han~s Ib e milk (or b er young . nnd I Th irs ty Thlngllmbob-Me lo \' e ror a ~Z(, We will suppose you are ready ror 11 He bas not the remotest Id ea wber e summer In tbe hott est we atber woma n . ___ _ _ _____ ._ _ little eat hunt. You take your do gs tbo~e young a re . tbl s green cnl ma u; took tbe for m or small er uptl ous nnd Tatterdon T orn- Ol d shc tt:rn you DON'T CUT OUT A VARICOS .. VEIN nnd start OUl tn the mornIn g. Th e)' but not eo with the man wbo t'I"· ~ Itching Rnd a kind or smarting pnl n. uown or marry )'o,,? vstABSORBIBEJR..Ult..:~ bit off bn a cat t ro ll and go yelpIng au d stUdies Ib e game at on e and tb e It took me mostly all ove r my back A ltd I I I 41 'IOWDt. .u ..:..... u l'·o·n~.nllll-r~t~1.. throll, b ~be tore&t. "Frel l! track." same time. H e notes th ut b ls I! uullds Bnd kept ge tting worse uetll Ilna II y • . , . got against tbe wire netting. Tbe old b k d Itb t HI. Economy. "' .... ft~·t~~~r.:~'J~:~'JB.r~I: you SIl Y "They will put hIm up BOOn: · cat bael been growling ber dlsapprov. nre s ome tim es tralJlng 50 to 70 fe el my ac WtlS ccvere w n mnBS 0 "What Is your Id en or eco nom)"" .' . B « t .'. Muo., beto", Ullnl dire Prel~ntly tb ere II a contused murmur apart and all h a ve a good lrall, aod pImples wh !Icb would burn and Itch at k d t t . ' . ...,modr. ourr..rod tnt~n ... I, wlUO nl of the Indian handling Iler kitten . us e one 6 a es man. . ""Inlul BDel tntlawod .eln.' of bound )'e lplI ; then none at all. ' for 60me time. 150 wb en Klan.Boup. when th e y begin to warm up he s tra in s nlgbt so tb :ll t I could hardly s tand It. "Making e l'errbody <,xeep t my can. ' t hl~ ... re . .. oU..n. ItnoU<lf1 aiia "Troeed.;!.' ' )'ou tblnk. But . no! Here Billie baclted bll rear-guard Into the every mU llcle In hlB body to k ee ll n e ar . Thill condl~lIon kept getting wo rse and s tltu e nts g et along wllb ns littl e .,~ . ! ~~. ·..Mie :.,..~ ~~~··~rt'i..::"'~ COUles old Don. racing on the back netting s b e rel\cbed ror WIIJle wltb When tbe flaal jump·up comes nnd th e worse unUI my b a ck was a solid mass mon ey as possIble:' replied tbe otber. w e,.., ~ ucod, tn'fta!=:~u~~!~~,~~~~8::),Dr trail "Back1trackl ng." you think . both hand s , and abe got bl m. too. Bnd wootla ring with th e mu sic of tbe of hlg 80rel~ wblch wou ld break open hue bad DO roeurre nce uf tbo tmublo elurlar, t~ Don's clarion bay calls the otbe r dogs houndS 00 a hot trail. tb e h uuter DoteE nnd run. My und erclothIng would be tr..:~~lr~:",ti~,':.:· c,!~~c!:l:::~~:. ~~It~ I,'Psfl:Klan sai d so m etblng tbat sounded like I f bl d When Your Eyes Need Care aM HI" o·'dllOOOto"";,,oo. _te.. ln & ptoa&lW~m.Dner. and they go bayIng the otbe r way. "!" and jumped about the llarUcula r bunc h of trees rrom a cot 0 00. , J'rt c<> l l.tIOlllld rLt.O~ hotllo.. t druuilla oreleUnre4. Tbey go a mile or 80. when tbey lose I ~ feet the flrst leap. No" '. the cat where the Ju mp took pilice. He pay' "I trIed varIous r emedIes and salves rry IImtne E\'e R om edY. No Sml\rllu z-F •• I A Book ~ {I fr" .. . Writ. I~ r It. U " d b t-"'ln e - AI ' lH Qnldcly. T r y It fu r ltt'd, W en k . w. r. TOL~U. " . n . .... , .IDT ... p.. IU,.,..... Ill""......., ..... , the track altogether. The last 8cen1 ca ge wae of wIre n ettIng. just braced no nUent Ion (0 the running bou n 6. u t or n early tbree yeartl and I was not W"Mry EyeA nlld Omll ul"t.ed Eyetl,t •. Itlu.' was on an old cedar log. Bllck a nd with small wo oden sticks. so wben goes to t his gro\'e. Often be wi ll fin d !ettlng any b enefit. It see m ed I W :l8 tm ted D IJuk In ~"c h Pu c kl\lCt. )llIrlne I. ccJ mp() undM1 b, onr UC' ull"u - no t 4 " Put~ n\. "!t'd fortb for balf an bour go t b e d ogs. Willi e jumped. tbe ca t bung o n . and bls best hound Is t bere. baying up a l in eternal mIsery and could not s lee p I.,no"- bllt 111_" In 1111 Ph,. I"''' '''· Pmc. DR. WINTERS I IC k tree: II u t mor e 0 rt en he I on my bac~: " or Ienn on a Ch 1\Ir . I wns 'Itko for ... 011\01 ! .. ant. Nu" d .w&tcOt.M to .. b o P ubb, ut ·.. ...e), -, canno t bIt tbetr aII. You lhe cage. Cltt an d WllIIe stuck togetb- sma II . tl e nnd td u,llnINat.t. Bt:26c And We,por DOtJI.' 1 look ati!lund. aDd flDd the cst's tra.1l er. Willie s tarted down th e boaeh to· b enrs them barking " tr eed " Borne dis· , flnalp- glv!!n a set of the Cutlcura MurtDO 11,0 tialn III A •• ptlo Tuue•• 700 Du4 !iih'. wbere be bad back·tracked, and away ward tbe Indian reserve yeUIng tnnce away li e Icnows Ibat cat 18 safe RemedIes lI~d Inside of two weelts I Murine Eye Remedy co., Chicago tbey go. TbIB' Is II fine country to blOOdy ca ts. This woke the bounds -I hat the tl ogs will keep b er t here. could see tl\nd feel a great rellet. I travel tn. , Tbe underbrusb Is J,uat a up, and when tbe y snw Wille s teal· Tbey kne w their mae l er Is. a tte nding 1 kept on using Cutlcura Sonp, OIntment After a .Fashlon. I IIttle ' thtcker than the hair on a bInI Ing thei r cat they put af ter him, and to business a ll righ t. Have they no t l and also the Resolve nt, and In about Church Membe r-Does your !ather ' dog's tall . . You .run Into a big log. It was the fin es t mlx.up I ever saw In bunted lon g e nougll to kn ow him an three or four months' 'tlme my IlC • t1rtrlrpre acll8s? 1t ts tlO thIck YO\l coftld not llee It my lire. Willie. as became a greal tru st hlD1 to come wheu game Is treed? was nea.rly cured and I felt IIlIe a new Mlnls te r 's Son- Yessum; b efore a You 6tOp . to Iblten. Yot< bear the cbler. scorn ed to s it down for weeks Tbe huntt' r looks t he trees ove r very beIng. NoW' I am In good ben1th ond mlrror.-CornelJ WIdow. . bounds working o V\'!r her~tbe next after tbls. but stood In It dignIfied way carefull y - yo un g CBIS hnve a way of no sIgn at any sk in diseases and I I I ridge. Tbe BIllal brus b III bIg her be fore bls wtcltlup. A slight bls s wonld gelLIn g ou t on limbs and b id ing. a s am fully satlsfled that Cuticura RemeON I.Y O NE "BRO~tO QUININE:' TIl:)" I,. I,AXA'J 'IV ~ UltOMU O tJISltH' : J..on k f o r tban your head. Above It ts at h er cause Il lll to lump clear o \' e r bls tepee stili ns d ealh wb en fa lind. fh e hunt· dies are the best ever mnde for skIn tho .1""""". o( It. w (; I\ IIV1o;, t ",,,I tbe World brush, 80 thIck you cannot see tb ror we eks after. er toIl es a lor k ed stick wIth a nooaed diseases. I .... onld not be wIthout , OYBI' W l.u ru .. l.otd 10 uoo Uur . ::!KI. B", Tbe brus b ts wet nnd you sweat But Bill Is just like II great many Hne attncbed. s lllls It over tbe kltten' s them." (SIgned) W . A. Armstrong. ., ..... ~tD.lo" .• BooLhlOIf Syrup to, Cbl1drel mre a pack bors~. .Drlpplng wet, 10U men whom I know, Tbey wl11 be out body. g ll'es tl smart pull. nnd tbe kit· Corbin, KaID., May 26. 1911. Altbough l_ellllu l! .•ort~D",h" g u Ul". rodur._ lnM"mm... travel inUe ottor mile and go over bunting when tbelr dog will strike a t e n la Boon In the canvas bng mllde for Cutlcura Sioap and OIntment are sold LIliA, "U",.8 p&lA. cures ",lAd coIlC. :!.Xl .. bolLIt. bill after bill. and yet old Don talks cat trnll. and tree t.he cat In no time. this purpose. After all Bre sec ured 01 by drugglB~s and denIers everywbere' l .boo~ the .1 ... of Jour s bon. ,.00 ean wear • In ./,e~ enticing manner to a tired Then Mr. Man proceedB to tell wbal (It out of reach) are sbot. tb e bunter n. lIample (If each, wIth 32·page book, In planning for th e fu ture don't • 1." , ,,, .. Her by ablloklng AileD'. Font-Euo, u.. AULI8cpLlc pu"tler.lnw tbem. Ju. Ltbe, hunt r . \ . be doesn't know about cats-bow easy then prooeeds to do last what Mr will be mn.lled tree on appllcn tlon to O\'erl ook th e present. Dl1ne lnv Partir. a.nd tor Brenklnatn Ne"Shoea.. Wanda.ltrlkea another cat and trees they tree--dOg8 tree th e m In no time. Gr een Man would have done llrst- hr "Cutlcura" Dept 1., Boston. I lion'..·• ,,">up IhHundy 'l bouln bo ko pt In o'er, Glvea lna tant rellet to Corn. &od Bunton •• HAmIt after ... abort run. Turk does tbe etc, That mlLY be true-It tbe cat bas goes and sboots the old cat. '. &:~:: ce~~'i,!'~'~3 ~~~~.t1il,.:;e:.o~."'bln~ Uko" Iyr ple FftEl!. Addr• • s AileD S. OJ",aUd.LeR06.N. Y. a~m . but Don, SJ)Ort. Little 801 and just dined; tben be treeB eaal1y. But Sometimes dogs will tree a slnglc We are told that It Is tbe un ex pect· Naida ban8 onto tbelr first love: You Qlo~ In the Bummer months an old cllt, then strike another cat trail and ed that a l ways happe ns If th is Is All women love n lover- but n;•• t ~p on the break of a hill. You bear tom la wone tban 8 bear to run. Tben awny tbey go. Mr. Green Man tollow s true. we sbould learn to expec t It. morr led II1pn reel sorry for him. old Don talldng loud.. long and clear. tbey not only run. but they keep a -run. bls hounds blindly-but n ot 80 wltb 8 - - -aboQt cats In general and thlll one In nlng. When tbere Is 110 light snowfall cat·hunter. He kee p!! his weatber eye 1-. particular. You reacb the tree and catll are tracked and killed pretty eas· peeled. lie notes the varIous change!; at th."" ame Ume get. your lint slgbt 11'1. Then they travel ar04nd 10 the In tbe actions ot his hounds. theIr ~ ,"Or-YOUl':"Pma-:-:a -tile, b~wn. bulldog. snow at all boul'll rabbit bunting. Tbey bars, etc.- ··' don't know wb ere he bas Al~c-01Jelr,, ~----~"'''''--,r---beaded anImal with long DundreRry don·t seem to care mucb for rabbits. ·gone"-bay-" I thlnl~ be bas Ireed",,~ LULl '.)f whllkers. You let the rlogs stlake except In tho winter season. bay- "I am a son-ol-a·gun If I kn ow The Peol~le'a Common Sense Mr:dical, in PI.lo him .w ben ' Idlled. and tben you pet Out of tbe stomacb of hundreds of wbl're he la" -b a y. The cat man no te, En~i.h, 'Dr Medicine .~i!Dpli6ed, by R. Pierce, M. D •• them. You gaze on a '.1'011 bill and cate which I examined In sprll)g and tho trees 011 along be blnd th e hound s . Chief ColO5\lltinil PhYSICUlD to the Invalldl' Hotel and Sur. find )'ou, Bre about, lilt miles from summer months I never found the reo tor If tbe cat Is runnIng nlollg t rurl· ,ical Inatilute at Buffalo, a book 01 1008 larlle pagel and bome. In a country wbleb Is no skat· mains of a . dozen rabbits. hut found way tbere ore nlwuys ca ts t urning up over 700 iIlustralioos, io strooll paper covert, to .oy ooc .endiq 21 ooe-ceot Ing rInk. even If tbe tlmb"f was orr. tbe r em olns of groUBO and different ueeXIXlctedly . Then, th e dogs may be .tamps to oover COlt of mllilintl MIl" or Jo French Cloth bindio!! for 31 .tampl. Over 680,000 copieR of Lhi. complete .. amily Doctor Book 1\'ore aold io clotb About mldnlgbt a hUDter Rnd five or birds. About 76 per cent. at th e cats' runni ng two catll; one hops Ull a tree . llindiDC .t regular price of $1.50. Altcrw:lrda, ODe lind. h.lf milliDn copiel alz tired hounds 11ft the latcbstrlng at food was moualaln beaver, or "se- the othe r keeJl s on with Ibe )lack a t b l.< were civen .w.y ••• bove. A new, up-to-dllte reviled edition i. now ready ·'Home, Sweet . Home." yowlng never welle." ThIs little onlmal Is about the heels. The6e things a ca t·bunte r tor mailioC. Better aend NO\V before ,U .re gone. Addre.. WORI. D'S DIs. ~ruu another eat (at least that size ot our .ctlmmon rabbit. with no knows. aUfI be del lg hl s to bav e som,,· nNaUT :MsnlcAL ASSOCIATION, :it. V. Pierce, M. D., PresideDt, Buffalo, N. Y. tall to spellk of, dark gray In color. thing turu tip be wa s not expec ting 0/\ iilg"bt! ). Dill. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION WbelJ mornIng cornea yon take your wllh Isrge teelb and long claws. They a cat hUIlt. To hnve hi s hounds I'U !I THE ONE REMEDY for woman'. peouHar .nmeota eaouCh gun; your dogB aro eager tor tbe live In boles In tbe ground like the bltO 11 (amlly of skunks Is Mother dl · ch.lf! fand you are tbe aame) . It prairie dog. Their food Is shrubbery version thnt sometimes occurs. ih8c1a. maken are not -'raid to print on ia. outaide wrapper I. may be but. a short cbase or It may In bot weather. Tbey will cut bushes With good voiced nnd Intellige n t ...,., ....redl.ot. No Secr.a.-No Deo.ptioD. be a .. descrlhed above. That Is lynx nod cover tbelr boles up. Tb3Y feed In houndB th cre Is notblng tbat beal s co t· THE ONE REMEDY for wOlDen ....hich cootalol no Illoohol .nel bUqtlDg In weBtern Wasblngton. a early morn . eve and nIght. Tbls pc- hunting In Washington. Tbe re a n' DO ....blt>oformin' clrull'. Made from namo medicinal fore Ie roota eJ)Ort ".. hleh I roHoll'ed tor . Ilrteen cuUar little animal Ie tound nowbere three klntl s of cats h ere. Th e fir s t. of woO eatabUlbed euratho-e ·...Iue. years. Hardly a week passed In tbat In the world save on a. strip along tb e wblch Is not very commtln. 18 t he Call tIme tbat I dId not tllke. a day or two paelftc coaSl from 1I0ulbern BrltlRb Co. ada lynx. th e fellOW wltb lon g wblskel'.· Plok F.),,,,, t : plzooUc oft' cal·huntlng, and I lIometlmes hunt· lumbla to nortbern Callfornln. and tasscls on hi s ears ; the lI ex t fShlppln!! F .. ver For ed tbem every day for montbB. Istud: In trave'l Ing Ilround these cats travel sOlaller 10 ~ I ze and ve r y Jll enthlli . 111' & C41urrbal Fever led them ' from n hunt~r'8 point at on lo&s allogtlilier • .save wben tuklng u Ing called th e bo b·ca t or bay lynx; th . vie ..... flnlt·; later becauBe J 'became BO little sIde hunt. Then tbey trnvel under next Is n lon g·ta ll (!·d fcJ1ow. wllh a t ni Interested In tbem that It became II or alongside of logs If tb ey can. as Inng as hi s body. ve,y SpulteJ. Th , .oln .1 TlapPlle, bobby with rue til trae'klng them wIth Through our. forosts III western Wasb. flnest specimen of 1111 t1 anlm o l I h OH w. '-11 , on t.. a ol dogs. Ington you will Bee great treo trnnk!' ever seell Is oW1led by Mr . Allie Re i!. pa, b .. , ; rlUI . t i.. 'or . ..111, pr'" lid Tbelr" every movo on 1\ ,b\lnt cot)ld blown down by passIng Btorms. Where form e rly 8udlt ur or lIfliBon (:Onnt ) aD4 ... h,.00•• , ,be obB~rved. Hy fol\owillit tbe dogs one lies 80 It points from tidewater to ' Was htn g t on. to whoOl I presc lli e d th , e.'lABELI SONS IoOl1lsnu.a, clolely. 1 bave bad 88. many as six the dIstant hlue·green hills, exa mine It specim en severnl yelll's ago. I a rL el 1Ia... at IIl7 home alive at une time- usn· closely. and you wUl see lh'ousaDda 01 wllt'd killed se ,'era l o r th c28 a nim a l. J:..iebll.!l.4 l d:iO, elly young. halt·grown kittens. Now lln y holes, and worn smoolh sa ve ror I ('on ~Idf' r ed thE' 1ll rr en ksof n:llurl' II> , and again ol}e that was tB:~e and very these tIny holes. This treo trunk has those t r eeu b>' hounds Wf!re t il" fi r ,; A.U st;)'.... AU . ....ther.. AU Sin. and Width. , of this paper d esiring to buY' lIoelllblle' woul~ " e8t · from' your hand. laIn for scores of yearB. and It Is our known or he re. f . Mea. Women and Boy•• noything a dvertised in its colwoulil cat orr your band cal's blghway from the hills to the Bet. I mny aU11 Itt conc lus ion tbat I toll< ,THE $TANDARD O~· QUALITY umna should insiSt upon having what they FOR 'OYER 30 YEARS c.a me wl t bln reaob. tleruents he low. 1D the latter part o! no (redlt for all the catll I killed II onp, mprl/olnl; . .an February or first of Marcb a tom wllJ the pasl 20 ye at's . I heHrtlly ,h'e' R : ask far,refusinjt all substitutes or imitatiolll .r nE NEXT% 'fIME YOU NEED SHOiS who camo to· my atart Otlt of the billa. get OD a runway, Ihe bailor to my n ub le bound s . Wh l trial. W. L - - - ' - ~----.~~trt~~~~i;~~n~:.e.: ·' I,uI9tlitl:\.,,1l1 aJ;lo.ut. and go clear down ,lnto the settlments. treed the ca ts !lnd made It possi ble fo ' UOUC.... on a .hoe guar· " lIome catll). I hR.d live or ~Ix miles owa)', snd bllCk.up Into me to k\11 th e m. These noble dOl: ,1U1Ui_ . and more value An otel ""d ftttabto Couah lIomed,. No ~ time ' "was tbe bll,1B alliin. all ·tn, a '1IIght-{lrolllcl- are now rl elld and gone-I hope to llamplo f..... Jo•• I . Jl1Iolfll" IIOIJ, lIoMoa, makes. Hia be: d~fB )ol .' . kill <\n '!b.e wayr' hunter's paal1lse. fulll.' I,",OIW,'I!..t the bottom he will a thlil,lti!, and -----'---pricee n~~,~~~:,~i~~~l~:""'w~ · ln ~bd . ' l>ro;;'ldla, btSurely 80. :. _kilt, ' '';;' ''It Is a wonder tbat down sllutt




Don -- ,--p t ersecute

all ;

Your BoweIs











Constipation 'Cur.













rr e \rl.'Ue

lbl Farmer'. Son'.







w. L. DOUCLAS '2.25, -2.50; '3, '3.50,'4 '5 SHOES &


'1. ,.I.F.,..ft*..... FU RS



pe W.L


Brown's Bronchial TrocheSi



~fi'!.~~::~;~'1 colton . Intlt~ad of bel~r ~ , bleulnc. I ~II

'D9t II curse." ··Why _lOt'




" .



;'From tile. .a),· tiel k.., 011 . dam ';'10&' .tti. 'COttOIl: ~~!Ii-'" .: .,.\:' . ' I



I W.bit~ .

Goods Sal¢ maltcbl, flt~d's ~


--,.-------------------------------A Car Load



W~ite :::::~:~::!·(ijt Fred'~ 'lp;~;~M~t~n'i : +-.---------

Mr. C~II" . \Jord oD and Mi8s Ber l' tha Harlan were wf.rrled In Lebo_ White Goods Sale March 1st F red ' s non 1 8tl~ Friday, Mr .. aDd Mrs Will Barvey accompani ed them t o " In L,. A. Zimmerman was in Cincin· olnua'I , where they SIlent two ~ ery nati Tuesday. d eUghtful dRYI . Mrs. 0, W. Meek8 is visitin" rei· Mr. Frank W iltun , of Dayton, was a visitor to UllrveYllbnr g oue atives in FrRnklin, day Int week. Mr. a nd Mrll . Park l.hd ley , of The Misse.!1 Mabel Hadley, of n ellr Ookiliud were Ib tl g uosts of Springboro, Helen Harris, of HarMr. Ilnd Mrs . l5en Week~ last week. veyslourg, Sarah Haydock, of New Mr . BDd Mrs. Marion Gordon en. Burlino{ton , a nd the Messrs Carter 'ert/lined on Sn\urdfl.Y with a D ele- H~dl ey , of Sprin"boro, and Carl gILnt dinner In hon or (If their lion Slnda ker, of Har~eysburg, were Mr. Cba rlet! Gordun lind his bride. gues~ of the Dancmg Club Friday even m g:.,._ _ _... _ ..._ _ __ \11 8. Ambr08e Mal1U. of Wayoesvlllp, was 'be gueal ot Mr8. Charles BURGETT-ALLEN 8hldaker We<!oesdsy. 141811 Mllobel Badley, allllll\an' Mr. JOB. Burgett, son of Mr. and prinolpal of our scbool, was absent Mrs. John Burgett, and Miss Orie one day of Il!.st wtlck to uttend the Allen, daug hter of Mr. and Mrs fUllI'fll 1 of her granclfllther nt Wil- Amo,s Allen, of near Oregonia, were ruill l!tu n married at the M. K Parsonage Mr!:l . Lrdll!. Har yey Is ber cllllrru. Wedne!! ;iay evening by the Rev, C. S. 01 Cinoinnati, Mr . .. nd Mrs AHred lUg Ke lt u!!ai n nft r n u Illne!!!! of Granse r , Lytle BIIII: 08 Hud dnug hter, Viola, Mi <lH! '1 t b n ' tl w('ekA. The happy couple were un attendWhtte GoodsBaleMlroh l et Fred's TrencArohdeaco nun dUlara l::! l d i\lrll W . W . Wil le', has qUile ed The ir hosts of friends tog-elh" r with the Miami Gazette wish lhem Boro to Mr. "od Mrs . Je81e Blu' . of DnytoD , C. Ii. Kenrick, of Ceo. reo' )VHrf'tl fr nm t\ . 6 " 616 cold rls, February 16th, .. boy. tervilltl. Franklin TboWIl!!, Mr DDr! Mr . hl.rinn O,, \)o rn I\n ,( Dif'Ol', a long and happy married li fe . )011,1188 Ru'h and £Uzaba'h Ohlin . Ml'II. Le!lter Ke nriok IlDd Mr . an.l :t.iistl R"l1der h " d t1 nllrrow fl~cn pel --- - - - - dler took lapper ",Ub Mr. and Mrll. Mrs. ,"lI lter Ke Drick fr"l11 deutb I'lst ~htl1rdl\y In ut Olt' . McCOY ARR<\NGES FOR Wt\1il\m ColemaD on Tuesday . : • - • l'f' mptiL1o': to eros" liI{i flirt! tt.t l'n". FINE BRED PERCHER. &fluion OJarlt b ..11 gone to D"yton New Burlington iltHS Creek I1D tce oa ka Rt ru ok I Ill' ON STALLION klllp8ud tbe remainder of wlnter. / bu ggy upsetting i t Mrs. Ella Carman, of Ferry visitWh ite (JoodH Sale Mlirch 1st Fre\.:·/I Mr. aud Mrs 'Vll~()n BI'fllll'tt '11)(.1 This horse is n beautifu l bla 'k , ed her frieDd, IIrs Nestie "Emrlok l Mrs. MYL' tle R utl udge and da ug h fa wIly w ~re Sund ~y gUU!ltll of Mr. with good cJ nforma t ion ami gen tle on Thurada,.. ter have m oved Into put of Mrs. uud Mrs . Ed. BeDtHltt . I disp'osilion Mr . and MrM. C~u l t'B t:llJiu,\kttr - --- .. - . - - Mr. aod Mrs, J, M., IStaoy oAme l Lizz.le Bhlr's h Duse. down from Dayton on WedDl'sday MI8S Sarah Haydook was th e s pen t Tbu rsd'lY w l t~ Mr. aDd Ml'd k> viii' 'be laUer'. brother, Mr. guest ot (riends it} Harveysborg Laoy . Barrlloa Coroell, who 18 very poor last w~ek . Sb e w~s a guetlt lit tb e Mrs A. K. Sargent ill reooverlng The Waynesville Canning Company Iy aDd 1'10481111,. ,rowin8 weaker , re06ptlOn for .Mr . Chilli, Gordon and fro n quite Il severe 1I1t,lI ok of r b en is now ready to contrad fur co rn at w a tillw. WUl Boge... , of CiDo1nDa" made bride, heir otIice in Waynesville . Ohio . a ft710l trtpto our villale laliE week, Dr.. O. Whitaker has a" goest Mrll Arnold (Jo ll ett, gil va Il delight. J . F. Snook, Gen. Mg r. lpending WedD....y Digh' wU.h bil hili fftther whose home is in Mf!ohlln. tul dinne1' ~unday In h onor ot Mr, Roy li o ns , \98'1. reia'lv., itr, aud lin. W , C, Cor. iosburg, O . and Mrs . Cb.trles Gordo n. Mrs. Cuarles Madrl.: " has been Dell. Mrll. Lewis RoblnlOD and 80n8 Woma n's Sense of Honor. The chart,..rt Party in honor of have returned after &s8voral weeks qnite ill with a lIever" c"' d, Much has been done by our OWD Ja.eph 8urpU aDd' bride OD !vlSlt io Indiana. She wall aooom Mr, and Mr8 . Fred BagemeY61 higher education and wldenln" field Weda8lda,. eveDto, wall weUa;teDd panted by ber brother ia ·law, Wm . have removed from t he Dr. C!agg6ft or work, and a woman now despises ed. , Robtnll?D who win spend Bome tim e farw to Shelr new b ome At Rpriog wbllt used to be by repute her most fonnldable weapontt-6 11e, teaM! and .,., Martha BOUlh waa tile pellt among relatives here. Hil\. a s1l1lltul appeal to the TaDltr of man. or lin. liaqaret John. on J'rtda,.. The 0 E . Mooiety made over Thll writer bill orten noticed th, malrkedly greater breadtll ot view and Mr. and liN. OhaL mark were ' ,w eDty dollars at their lUDOh 8'!l.Dd Corwin. the truer BeDIM! of hODor amoDg the PD . _+. (lbal, Meodeohall'lI lIale. present·day girl atudeots compllred Whlk! Goods Bale Maroh let Fred 'I wIth that which obtained when she 'j1;~ Dora 1IoCn,. aad ;;b~ldreD, aarley UarbaollaD4 Mary MoNeal Our little town waS verI moob herself W8B a student, and which Is or-lllUle&owo lpell1'"1Iuoda,. wUb were qule'lY mllrried Wedn8llday Jaer .Mr. and MN, Albert evenioR d 'he home of the bride. s'-r,led about 10 :30 l88t 'f'burllCiay Btlll l8rgely Ihat of women of her ComeU. . Bn, oJ. .e Bawklnl ofllcl.. &tnw· night when the cry of fire wal Gwm age today, AD even more atrlk· mg tact IB that the majority of meD WObor Searl! and rAmlly who are !'hey han 'be bell' wishell of a h08' heard, A limp wu overturned I\nd do Dot leem to expect al keen a lenlle eJ:ploded at Robert MOuntjOYll of 1II0nor trom women III they do from movl... k> Wa,o.."me, h~ve been of frleocll, epeDdlq .T...l daTil with Mr, aod 80~ to W . C , I5mUh and wife abrowlng the oil over the. tnterlor of themBelnB. Thll mental atmoaphere lin, A11e. Bole, !Suoda,.. February ltlsh, 'wlUII a aoo 'be room aod over Ch... Wer~tz, ~all lure]y a deterrent eftect upoo the barDioK him IlITllrely, '! 'he OltlzeDI IfOwth of that aenlle.-A WOIDloD lin, lI.rle , Mre. Viola aod daugbter. reepooded to the 0011 and 1& wal Tetlcher, tn London Spectator. Thaokua .pent WedDeadaT ",Ub Pblllp 'arqubar ..n almOBt life their Ita. Ar$bv Wa,klB. loog realden' of ~hia netghborhood 1000 exttogulllbed, All our &owo I. c.D&e~Y1ne. ' died at 'Ile home of htll daughter In 10 poorly provided with fire appar" I Mr, aDd Mre, Leeter .Kenrtolr, lAwton, Okla, .rrlday. Rematol tUI it makee tt all the more harrow. LE,GAL NOTICE TO NON . Mr. and Ilr., Wilbur Olark aDd will reaoh here Mooday evealog inR to hoar 'he cry of fire, RESIDENTS Bro•• E,rabart a"ended the "arm . aod burlal wlll be made to Clesar'll Our former o1tt'"6o, Jobn Zell DOW of (jranvilie, waB hera on bu!· artl IoaUtute Centerville OD Creek oemeter;r ToBlday. Jeule Oleaver. who reeldel a~ ~e AlITicul. tOeN a few daYII last week . tural OoUep In St. Paul.ID ,he .tate of Min.. Thvl4ay repon " Jiae, ---J .~~~~~~~~~~~'!'!"!!!'!! nesota; LeO Oleaver, a minor, who realdes at Mr, and Mrs. Bromley, of Sooth IIr. Buddleaton aDd famU, rll No :11 111 Nicollet Ave. MlnneapolJs, theMadison .takl 01 MIDlnesota, are hereby no tilled that Lebanon, were guellts of Mr . and turned I..t week and gave their McKJIlMlY, .. the executor ot the lut will and testrunent ot Ellen Sldel, deceaaed, on the ebo\. on-Batnrda,. .ad Monday ZIM~ERMAN'S Mr". 1'. UGraef. I1tbL da v 01 JanuBrv • D 1912 tiled hi Mrl .......rgaret Martin, of DllYtoo, I18tll~lon'ln Case No~ la'a'ln the Probat: enolngll, il vllittog her relBtlvea, Wm. Frame OoUIrt of Warren Oouuty, otat.e ot OhIo, entlMIIII8I1 Ru~h Roslell and Editb tIed 1\1-ulaon ot. the aDd wife and Mr and Mrs . L. Men last will and McKInsey testament asot executor Bllen Side., d&o A 810 SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY ceued, plaIntiff, n. Harry Oleaver, Jeesle EarDhar'; of Dayton, were euests .~ the home of Roy Earnhart and AND SATU~DA Y age, Albert denb ..n. Cleaver, LeoOleaver, Oleanr,a aminor mInorof ot 17 10years yo,us 01 01 ElUlI Spray and family are mov· age, and MiamI Cemet.ery Association, deleufamily. this -ee'"n a tarm n--r U'loa, dant. The prayer ot the petItioner amoll8 tn •a .. a v """. other thlop ... lor an order to sell the lollowlng carl Duke who ha" been .. Iarm. I _no " Vi a Ia B ar 1an III v tit described to named pay theIndebts 01 aald I I Dg rei· Ellen Side.,reel 'be88tat.e legacle. her will and 10gly 111 the put week 11 greatly tivall in Dayton , the COlts OJ admlnlatratlon ot her e.tate, and la that the right ot Tbe MIami Cemetel'7 A.aImproved, We will place on sale for 2 days Mn , W . W. Arnold, of Waynel. elation, a mortgagoo may be determined and adjudicated' lilt. Geneveve Rogel'll. of Leba. only, 60 doz. cans Pink Salmon vUle, llpent ODe d"7 reoently with Situate In tile State of Ohio COunty o. at the Bpeciallow priee of lliiiiWaa 'he luelt of Mr.. Ralph vmage 01 Wayne.vlUe/ Mre, C·hall. ReynOldS'. Beglnnwe and at atlla .""ne on North ~ree', cor / Le ..... Satorday aod Sund"y. Urll. Hordoo hilS roturbed home nerR of out-Iote NOlI. 17and n lOuth0tOe a Can ... U .ardly wIth aId .treat to the~eaCII ....81t 11118 J. Berne Jonee ..nd family were 1 , after sp611ding the mos-. of t.he wl'n Flttl!l .t...... , thence at right ang .... to Nortb I .troE,t and wIth seld W88t line 01 FIfth .treet All these goods are worth $1.35 entertatDed at the bome of 1111' and 804 teet moro or 1- to the 8 B corner of a dozen wholesale we will limit I ter with b elr sou Dea l' H ur I1cy"burg. Thon. J, Brown'. lot, thence w88twardlyand Iotrl, Aboer Dm ID M'. Bolly t-·atur · the sale to n'o t over 6 Cans to I !S Eyl al' i~ vi~itiDg bis daug hter, with Tho., J , Brown'. Une 170leet to said Brown'. S W corner, tbencenortbwardly wIth day aod Suoday. .anyone cU8tomer , none sold ' at ::;o u t ~ Chll rl e"tull said Brown'. Wetlt IIno nnd parellel with Filth t o Dealers. Thi s price shows strept I U8 leet mo,'O or 1_ to the South line " " . Mr, a04 Mr8, Elmer Et.rnhllrt W" Her :Smith I ~ helpllJg to ol ChnpmanltMet,th811cewestwardlyand wIth our facultieos for low bu yinJ.!, ,I Dar~. apent Hunday w"h their son Bltrrv 'f L · . , . Lha lSoli th line 01 Ohnpman street to the East we wanl you to yet the habit , e /tl a.: or El r tllthur ~I tlrlu~ \\ tl Fll l :t 1~~~d .O[I~~:?C~'~~::l~::';.:~7~~IY~~hVm:i~~~i~~ _, GreeD Brier and broutrht their ' of eating salmon . These are , • 01 saId Frnnkll u noll Wllyne.vJll" turnpike ,.., liUle granddanghter, Huth, hom e Nort,h sll'oot S W corner 0 1 out-lot 1-'0 17 1 pound cans a nd usually sold I H I• Connac tl on8. thcll('e e""t"arrj with the line ot NorLh .Lrue' at 15c. wUh thea for an eJ:tended v lsl!, The office boy for one of [he lar ~eBt " 11:1 line of uut,·lot No. 17 to tbe beg/ lllling . .. excepting from tho abovoal08crlbod real M'"l o A ,red deal of lIioknes8 prtlVlliI;I finanCIal houses In New York recently 1.~4li7 ~C''C8 0 1 IlIlIU more or leas, sold by said iD Ly'le and oommunity . MI"I Fl' Lettuce , Celery, Cranber. found a package of valuable papers. ~~~:,I,~~~a9,~Or~'.I I~I.\~ ;;:,t~o:t~nd~d~~ Simeon BroWD who hli8 been ver .v rles and Oysler~ this week. He promptly returned tb e property volume 87 . pngo 07 9 WOUTen County Ohio til with poeumonlaill £l omewbtlt 1m I Mapl e Sy rup Cans , specia l lo w . to ita OWDer and WBII told he would <leud ."cofll. i be Bent a 8ultahle rewa rd . Josslo Clon" or !lnd Leo Cleaver are horeby pricell by the 100. J)roved, .6:110 the t wo ~hildreD Jlf notLUod thoy J,,~vu boon made parties do, "And, by the wav," saId the grat~ 100ldl iUlt that to laid POLl Lion and tbat tboy are reMr, aod il1'II. Joho Tewell, fonI owner, ·~Bhnll .I 8end Il to you, care (Iuln,d to answer tbo S!lme on or belore tho It pays to trace a t " t __ 1" mentioning the Ilame of tbe 16Lh 1lll.Y 01 March A. D. 1912, Mr, and Mrl. H. B Bl\ine!l enl er· , llrm. MADISON McKINSEY. talned on Suoday in hone r of Mr. Executor 01 the IUb WUI and I "Naw," Bald tbe boy; "send ' lt care 'l'll8tnmon~ 01 Ellen BId... Baloee' Hventy.tlrst birthday I of the Darfng Dozen SocialL"clnb ' No . Uobl;, J. Shawhan, Atty. dOl.'CIUied, plalntl1\'. I ThOle preaeD' were: W, G . 8ain~8, ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I' - - East Fourteenth fltr

- - 0"- --


'P ortland Cement

Did You Ever Order a Suit of Clothes for $15 thinking it was cheap and

Oil the Way.

thell .. kick" yourself because

You will save money bv contract-

We ' are looking for men who

you had wasted money ~ have had just that experience.

ing for your supply NOW.


----------------J • W. White


- --

Notice to

------- -

. - ..



Ed. V. Price & Co. make clothes to measure for the lowest price at which fine woolens, latest style, individuality and fine workmanship can

Three·Button Nov,'ty S ack, No. 781



be obtained,



let us send them your order

Spring and Summer suit. you'lI always


satisfied that you got your money's worth.

E. V. Barnhart . .Colonist Low Fares

In March and April


~WF13T~ SOUTHWEST Full at- any Ticket

Office of



Hogs I '

We are paying the Hi hest Cash Price for Hop, fOl"shipplng purposes. . Call us up and we will quote you TOP PRICES.



Chicago tailors.

An10Delen dlili n


flltl'\" '" " n~

dUCfIh!;'M ....,

~~;~~,tfo:i:~~~~ntt,'; (I.~~I!I,"I~':!t~Ir:lJC~~~:~I::

tlOnutrlctb';co".hIO,,'''', r'~ 'mail' IK on Po .._ eep~i:~r. t.t!~~~t ~r,~~~! t ' 1~1~~:::r ~IIlC:tr'::::_

C. B. B~NTLfY,' Waynesville, Ohio VaU- PhOD.

Sdtntlfi( j11l~~l¢ 'I'i(a n

~falllot ..... Wl tlll)ut~ I ,', 'u e, \ ~ 1 ' 8


A band,omolr



IIln.lm''''' .' ·, p~l, or .",I,.lll" UUOJ',u " ·lllL

J,....... "'"

'J'orlu, .,3.

MUr'NfoN"r,m'c"'to",'s'·oLln8roUa'~,:."', I~JleewW"'yNiler",... .. -.., B.....cb omce. «l6 1'111.. \V~ •."






PILES ....Dr: 111__""" ..




-,' . _.. ~=======::=============.=-'==:. :~=:.===~~ 22!2! - - -- - --




Bert Ae Grant,


Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sb~t Metal Jobbing of aU kinds.








Valley Phone III

Wayne.viUe, Ohio.,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~e~e~~~~~ __~~!~~D~a~~~~,~J~a~n~Uar~y~I~7.~1~9~~l~.~~~~~~~., ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@;;;;;;;;;;;;~:~



WAYNESVILLE, OHIO,- WED NESD AY FEBR UARY 28, 1912 .. ~~ --~ --~ -~ -.~-~ . ~~~-~ .--~ . ~ . ~~-~-~ . ~~~~~---~~ ~~~~~~~-~~~~ - ... _ .........................···..1 .------~~- -

I Sha kers -- -

- --f

M~rry ;


,-... ................ - .............. _....... _ .. _............. .. -.-._-._. _.. _..._.-.. ··· __ ··_··_·. ·-···1 1 :-.. . ....... _....... -.................._....._

. · P tion Col umn Men erso naI

I ! i I

Whole Number 3147 ' WHITAKEI1. ,\ 1ERED ITH

-Soc r ial Events


At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam +--~---Meredi th, on the Waynpsville and ~ .~~ .J I and Mr. and P E. Kenriri< enterta ined Bellbrook pike, on Thursday at the d e Dan Cupid has lit last invad' high noon, a most charmi ng weddin g Mr. and Mrs. Walte r Zdl at supper be· wlJOse s rar,ks of the Shaker er, Friday evening. Mrs. W. H. Allen is a Dayton vis- took place. when their dauJrht been has ry Sali8bu Mary Mi~ ony matrim to of adverse wife the been lief has Winnif red M., became itor today. very Ill. M,. of son er, Whitak since the incepti on of the fai th over Mr. Walter Prof. and Mr~ C. A. Bruner en· . Miss ElIlma Cartwr ight was very a century ago and which still is P. M. Cunnin gham, of Lebano n, and Mrs. Chas. Whitak er, of Dayt(\n t t'rlaine d Prof. E. F Amy at din- \ sick last week. As the clock was strikinJr 12. to ner Sunday , havinK with. them also qainat the creed of the church . WEIS in town today. mar· in united • Recently there wall Weatling their house guesl:l. ~Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke spent the strains of Loheng rin's Mrs. Linn Devitt is the g uest of Hor· riage at Dayton . Ohio. two prolli. Lucile Miss by played March. Sunday in Dayton Indiana polis relatJves nent Shaker s of the Whitew ater So· mell, the bridal procession came into . Mr. and Mr:l . Jos. Horme ll enterattend· ciety near Harriso r., Ohio-E lder John Zell of Granvi lle Ohio is the MrlS. Elizabe th Kauffm an and Mrs. the parlor, precede d by the at dinner Sunday the follow· • Sarah tained sister of ~uest of reiative!I here. ' Peter Stephe ns and Eldress G<,rdon Joy were In Dayton Saturd ay an ts, Miss Vernie Whitak er. Mr, and Mrs. Walter guests: with ing they, , meago Smith. A Ihortti the groom and ~ r. Jacob Meredi th, d M C W B M' polis, Indiana of couple Hyatt. and Mrs. Sam MereThe Mr, Kate er. Mrs. bride. the Whitak the of from w ther bro withdre spent several others r, an. rs. . . ~ntl<!y is the guest of friends here for a few S.unday WIth New Burhng ton rela· took their places under a beautif ul dith and family, and Miss Verni. or&,anization, being unwilli ng to fur· days. canopy. where Rev. C. S. Grause r. Whitak er, of Dayton . ther submit to the intoleran~ ~ov· tives. Bar' of the ... ernmen t 88.'1umed by Andrew Enierso n·.conn er, of Dayton , spent Mrs. Goo. Larrick and son, Philip. using the full ring ceremo ny ST. MARY'S CH URCH rett and Mary GIUIS. which also was Sunday with relatives and friendll of Leblmo ., attende d JOI. Hawke 's Episcopal church . pronou nced them Prof, and Mrs, C A. Bruner most looked pleasan tly enterta ined several of bride The the cause of the upheav el, resultin g wife. and man here. . Monday lale Lent is an opport unity. Grasp it. in Eldrese Amand a Rc.ebush an aired lovely in a beautif ul gown of white their Mason friend s at a house party never ed n, neglt!ct Lebano once .f , unity Hawke Opport Alice Mrs. and carried a large boquet of sweet this last week·f'nd, The guests were sister, withdr awing from the home week. the spent Miss Clara Hawke rela· sville . Wayne returns of de&,uest convene be the to was hOod. of her young woman end in Lehllnon. the guest of Miss peas. The groom wore the Misses HeI'ter and Irene Moody, 3rd; March Lent, in Sunday . Second Monday . tives Indiana in s relative black. tional pendan t on . Hawke Mary Van Dyke a'nd Ramon a Conover. Jean Litany. ny the guests sat ceremo the True she waa given the princel y lum Sunday School at 9:30 a, m; After ge, Lagran of orth, Wadsw H. H. four sermon and holy commu nion at 10:80; of $800 after days of discussion. 2000 Locust Fence Posts for sale down to an elabora te dinner of is the guest of relative s and Ga., 7 at mon ser and Prayer g mely EveDin handoo was Mrs. J . B. Cbapm an enterta ined table · The W. H. Mad· courses. CBusin ess manag er Auguat Freder a t right prices. Call friends aere. evening the for t subjec The the m. anll p. dinner Saturd ay at "Wood ·End peM at lieu sweet in with but w, ed d~orat ick at this t.ime withdre . Ohio. n den & Co., Corwin Lebano in was Haines an in honor of Mrs. ' Geerge Jonath Farm" Hope the pretty you, a in Ruth himself Mil5S Christ. to be: ons. will of finances took d javors were carnati 'l th h . d f hi I h' h G C F f Mrs Mr. k and t Ias wee or a coup e 0 Z· Stroud , who leaves Thursd ay for I mour an . • • Col.. I 27.L' e !lYS. bride In the . pel"!lon of Sister Pearl of FGlory.P ' man got t .e t. 1m ~ m t e 'd I~~er the at boun" 'Water. were ter s. dilugh relative of guest ten· Dayton , to make her fUture home. . rl ay evemng , Itany. em McLean of the same society. bnde 8 ~~. Mr. Sam Meredi th, Jr. and Mrs D . Fum Mr of h'lJme . .o'dock 7 at address and who enjoyt,d the hospita lity of ce Those tlllioffi Fur· Robert .., ~ound the ring and ~r. Elder John Tyler, \.he predece ssor . aVI.s Mi&s Laura McKinsey, of Lebano n, Tuesd ay.' study our begin we an were Mesdames Geo. service Chapm this At Mrs. ng observi ns nas the penny. of Elder Peter Stephe . . attende d the Eastern Star Inspect ion . ent." Contin the of st Wright , Israel SatT. A. Conque . "'the of Stroud your Beated "follow to g wer? , the Shllker teachin At the bride's table n, of Morro~. Simpso Ethel Mise . men evening nt day differe h Wednes Sattert hwaite . throug Henry terthw aite. lead" also sought the congenial yoke or How God Elliott, of Sharon ville; Mr. and Mrs' Sam Merecilth, Mr. May Mrs. and nation this ' apd Afmie g Baily winnin S. is ~. , and won .Hawke G. Vi, of CUpid'B ..ponds and marrie d one of has Miss Glenna Hoblit Isout of school were guests of Mrs. J. C. ' Hawke , and Mrs. Cha. Whitak er, Mr . an~ for;Ch rist and His church . ~ the sisters. on accoun t of rheuma tism, and Miss Mrs. Seth Fum.... Mr. and Mrs.. J;os Thorpe. sday night. You are cordial ly invited to all Elizabe th Mar on accoun t of mumps . Wedne Horme n, Rftv and Mrs. C. S. Grau8Now the commu nity at Wh!te- these services, A dll,lightful event of last week ' olrl very . seven some s water contain M~. and Mrs. George Stroud leave er. -. South or ~lIers, Stanley Mrs. the happy pair left via was the' p'uaica le given 'o nSatur day and feeble people with all tlteir onre of Thursd aJ for Dayton , to make that At B0' dock guest the was STA~ INSPECTION RN Ohio, ton, EASTE Charles ' ev~lnil' at the home of ~rs C. A. ·f or a northe m trip. valuab le land now virtual ly owned ay their future home. Taegoo d wishes the D. L. & C. Saturd Keys, E. I. Mr. father. her Bt unei', In tionor,of her ·gue"t.s: 'Mia 'Very are by er Mr. and, Mrs. Whitak (cven though :i t. not paid for) of their many friends here 1'0 with The Eastern Star held a spec:al and Sunday . , \0.... Van Dyke, Miss Conover j and ~e . by " ~ p, ! , f#, ir e tb. anxious popula r and numtie~ atrange1'8 who ~~ btlass are them. occa· the nl«ht, sday Wedne c a. num~ meetin I,. wiBhinlr to see,toe last one carried the hund,. ta, They reee1!~ 'm.any lliaaes Moody. who gave the evC!nMrs. 'Rall and daught er. of Day· ion, of inspect annual the bein~ ng sion nsdJJri aelectio l musica of ry. · cemete a.·' i to the R. A.' Cross l,eft Monday mornin g handso me ani use(ul preseJi' Elliott, ton, visited her daulrht er, Mrs. C. S. ,ine. ... dainty salad" course , was Anothe r little re.nDant of a Shako the lodge. by I Mrs. May • f and ay eveland . where he will attend C Saturd for family and r Grause The Ohio. of Matron Worthy - - - lIe'f.t l'be-invitec1 towntuesl$i~ , er Societv at Pl~sant Hill, Mercer Grand OJUo..Hardware -AMoei&tieft.,~aJHi.. e . Sunday G. Ralph on red .confer ,was eluded · Misses Alexan der, . Hawke , (J(tuntY, Kem:ut!ky, are · iruidG11l'i1~"r.~~~ of which body he is one of the direct: C·· . . sh M La M Lemon, O'Neal , Mliriat t, McKinsey !'d iller. Ward present ed a "dandy " ura 0 er IS an mcmn~ I l;ors. H. will be gone four days: .rs. l lookina forwar d to welcom e any Mrs. 111tl)(~ by there to havmg been c~lled ue 'be order and Cornell. cal1ed legal destroy ers of th"ir peace bunch of AmeriCan" 'Beautv roses r. aughte grandd httle her of • Grand Matron and Mrs Bruner ness and home on terms pet"uliarly ethic· Hartso ck. A pleasan t surpris& was gn,en"'l;'--~ ,. Mildred who , Hav.:ke C. Mrs. to bunch a r familia quote to AI in KentU'~y and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton alang "there are others. " Messrs. C. D. ~, L. A. Zimme rDis· Roas, near Dodds, Saturd ay evenin g Why has the old ark of faith been is deputy Grand Matron ior this od, Chas. Comell , Sherwo E. F. mIlD, trict. of light Februa ry af, 1912. for their son, so rudely shaken ? Has the and and J. E. Janney are in Lebano n talunch good a work, id Splend d gUlU"de failed. faith ul Emery, it being his twenty ·first birththat beautif . by all day on legal busineSs. Dr. C. A. Hender son has sold his u It 18, 'by those spiritua l armo.r .clad an .excelle nt time was had day. Buell, who took present . Severa l out·of· town guest i law and gre""? o- of lov", Mrs. Theodo re Hagem an, of Ma· practic e t. Dr. Those presen t were Misses Ved~ em L---" "" '<' Dr. g. UIIZtaIIU ... pO!l8e8Sion Monday mornin . .. - • ay present Thursd were and sduy decline l Wedne tt. Josie Decker . Ruth WillI. physica spent and Poil\lle °·1 son, Why this men "" Ohio man comes an h althoug Duell, BruA. C. Mrs. and and P.rof. [With Gail Horme l, Maitel Freese, Beryl IS AGAIII! " SUFFE RER • of the Institutions? Texas, where he has been from here Star Eal!terh the d attende and lIer. Frazier , Bernice Woolley. Zelia , . Is i~ not against . public policy? for several years. . ion. Inspect f~om r suffere a , Bertha Malott. Glenna Marsh .agam IB Rol'ers Cook ~th M, S. M. , in Wester n Star. . Hazel Simpkins. Nina a broken bone, Sunday mornm g, Crane, Marie -~-•• - ••- - to d Miss Alina Meredi th returne after Zell. Walter Mrs, an~ Mr. , l iliPPed arn,hel \;t)hisb dgOing Simpkins and Mary Anders on, EARNHART VOTES FOR ISSUE asheWQ Lola Zell. her school dutiES at Pleasan t Ridge, and fell, breakin g a bom' in his in· a few days' visit with Miss Messrs. Ray Freeze. Charlie Roger•• atter being the ! left Sunday fo r thei!" home in Indian· Ohio,' Sunday ev~ning. where broken was It leg. jureti colin· Warren Decker . Perry Gray, Lorn rt, Earnha 'Vance J Milton attend the wed. d. about Ilpolis They will lea'l{e there BOOn ! here for a week to Roger Decker , Hobe~t y, Woolle ty's dele~ate to the Constit utional artifici al 11mb was fastene d Mil5S Winifre er break. for the South and may make that ding of her sister, Decker , Ernest Ma~ Forest MarSh. Convention, Vlted for the $50.000,000 three inches abOve theform er. and Mr. Walter Whitak home. future their t1n~ him put to essary .ainec it Ellic Fox, Ralph and to Hay, lott, Alfred issuanc e under a state aid plan the broke replace to tic anesthe an der intel:' of Anders on. Mr~ ction Harvey constru and the for Smith provide easy as u resting Is He bone. eJ:l and Mr. and the Gray. passed hich \\ Albert roads Mrs. and wagon county M. E. CHUR CH double conven tion Mondav by a .vote of 72 to could be expecte d uuder . this Mrs. EarWm dolph. ------o----4'~ The evening was pleasan tl)' spent 40. 'Mr. l!:arnhart decided to vote affliction. - - -.....:.._-...- - for the n\easur e becaU'se of the in car4s and dancing . ,All reporte d D. AND P. ASSOCIATION unamim ous indorse ment that the a fine 'time and wish him many more meuur e received from the county happy birthda ys. One Who Was There. commiSBioners, ·the state alln federal meet the and ent departm -~.~-hiahwa,y STANDAR.D BEARER.S MET ine of road 8uperin tenden ts at the court house heN! Monda y momin lr• The Standa rd Bearer s mi8..~ionary meetin g was held at the home of IMPORTANT NOTICE Miss Edna Janney Saturd ay afternoon. The progl'a m was augme nted On accoun t of the meetin gs being by Mason ladies. During the social . held in the Orthod ox Friends ' church ed extend was hour refresh ments we rV served. th. invitati on which .... at meet to r Grause Mrs. ~ by Mr. and SOCIAL ABLE ENJOY the paraon aee on Friday evening will kave to ' be l"8C8iled. We do not in The M. E. social. which was held an.J way want to interfe re with their in the Masonic banque nt room, last I8rvice i. At the elOte of the meetFriday evening, was largely attend · lhp thi. invitati on will qain be ex· ed and every ane had a .ood time. tended to 't he young people of the An enjoyab le lunch was served. Sunda1 School and church . Clarenc e S. Grause r, Pastor. SPRAINED HEK BACK i~ 'bUT OF~HOSPITAL Mrs. J. H. Smith, anothe r vic · tim of the treacheroUII ice, upon Frank H~, who was opera~ on going out off their porch slipped and , . at III....i Valley hospita l. about 'two fell. spraini ng her back severel y. ",; almost ~eeb, alO il out ~i fet'ling She is now just ahle to getaroun~. ~'i', ' ....,.;"- -litll18elf ap(n. He, with Mrs.. Ht1B8. , \ .' .,l' DEATHS . wiU .lpend a 'few days in nay ton be- . f(pie ~t&1'tIinl h~~e • . ORtHO DOX p~leNDS' CHURC H

-----.-.-. -.

The New Centur y Club was deIh:htful ly enterta ined at the home of Mrs. W, H. Allen on last Friday af. ternoon . There was a large attend. ance of the membe rs and three in. vited guests, Mrs. J. O. r.artwr ight, Mit!8 Myra Baird and Miss Emma Belghw ay. The responses to roll· 0011 were names of IIIoted artists. Mrl. F. B. Sherwo od played a beau· tiful selection' on the piano. Mrs. Harris read a most exrelle nt paper on the iife, art and works of Jean Franco is Millet. During. the social hour a delicious buffpt luncheon was most charmi ngly ' served by tha hostess assisted by Mesdames White and Cartwr ight.

i! I:


. ..._--.-._.....l " ""' . , ...... .......... __ ...... _ ......... ........... ............ -. .. -. . . . . . . . . ... Ll._:... .--.... ... . . . ---------.-.........---.

----- ---









. ,.,.


... .



.. - .





The Miami Guette 0, L, CRANE, Publllhsr. WAY . 'bSVlLLE,





Easy to Clcau by Simple Apqaratgs Design d for ,Taking Out Ught, Immature Seed, and This Will Help to I mprove he Crop,

'I pItIful to watch the Itrunl" tho!e who In tbelr worldly l\\rel try

It of

to be 'I\'hat the, are not. To graduaU, pa.. from a poor condlUon of Ilte Into • better one I, 'WaIIUy dlft'erent from ruBhlng from one eJ:treme to the other, .nd the epectacle of IU1vlng to keep up too hIgh. pace II ODe of the mOlt onedlfylng It II possible to oblerve,

The importance of using good seed qu enU y plants from s uch IIped or has hp.en demonstrated 110 otte n that like ly to be c ho scn In th e IlrMt plIll·

ing. Ev en though the lig ht. IrunlUture seed s prouts more Quickly, It has not the vl'Ality to pr-A u~ft ~8 good .... "I ~ strong desirable plant s as has tb o la)'l the Charleston Newl and Courier. heavy: mature seed. We rain nothing by lIuch conduct UD· PlantB produced rrom light, imma' leel perbapi It III the applause of tu re Reed hnYQ a tend ency te va ry those whoae favor we may try to cnl· In typ a nd matu:ity, In some ca s('~ Uvate, bat eYen then It often happenl being vcry early and a s a rulo ha\' ing that thoM who pralse are also our leaveR thnt a re s mall, coarse nnd m" levoerest crt tl CS. It would seem that d es lrabl(>. The Im mat ure set'cJ, ac· w. Itrlke the keynote of a happy llfe cording t o careful obse rvntion. pnr When we play our partl naturally, not duces plants wh ich nre more 6ubjt'CI to dl sea set!, s uch as mosaic and II cally atUred poppetl who dance trenching dlsf'asca, 80 commo n hI and twirl tor tbe amusement ef others, tb e I\liam i vaHey. bnt as loher-bearted, t~ aouled men It Is Impossible to se parate hea"Y and women who are content to be and ligh t to bacco sc(>d by hnn,\. It wbat tbey are and who only move w ill pa,. th e tobacco grower 0 1' grow· acroll the Itage of life tor some COOd e ra In • n eighbo rh ood to own u purpose. The only effecte tbat are slmDle, Inoxpe nsl ve ·machin e <I,'" worth Itriving for are those that come s igned for thi s purpose. See lhe RC' to UI naturally or by vIrtue of our compa nying Illu s tration.. Tbis separ' a tor Is com posed . of Nix f e~t of Olll" belt eft'ortl In a worth,. canl.. Tbe, Inch glass LUbi ng, two ree t of ,onooutlalt all tbose other efrectl upon Inch rubbe r tubing a nd an orrlinary whIch we exJ)end 10 much time ant. Paris gree n duster for a blower. Tit ' labor and which are at belt mere17 glasB tube Is h eld In an Upright posl· artIflolal The, ma, not tM, so won. tlon by a rack. derful In their color Ichemel; the, Referrin g to the Illustration It .... 1\1 ma, not rusb acroel our VllloD like he observed that the upright glass blrdl of brtnlant hnH that Illt .Croll tube Is jointed at I, y and z, ru bber the blue. but tbeJ' cather ra4lanM tuhlng being used for the connectloUt;. Witb the palllq ,eara. Tbelr colon At joint z, a s mall piece of bolting cloth, allowing air to pass throu gh, Dever, their nllulta talt fOnlY" but dbt the seed, Ie placod over thl' and the, linin lonl In (~ memor, end or the gl1lss tube D and tubes C of thOle who an so fortunate u til and D and bolting cloth are mad e lIave beheld tlIeir bt?auutul nlloL s ecure by rubbe r band z. Tbe glass tube C la then disconnected at th e joint y and about an ounce of tobacco ,There I:an be DO two oplnlol.Ae OD the aeed placed In it for aeparatlon. The vropoalUon that Chill. IOre17 heede a bolting clotb holdy the seed In the new lanauage to replace the man,. and tube C and allowB a current of air to WidelY YaJ')'Inl dlalectl that now ""e plLII through from ' the blower B. A Practical Tokoco 8 ..d Separator, to divide. rather than to unite Iler The IIa88 tube should be graduated people. EDllleb. tlIe Iancuaae or $et!d heads before all tbe seed podl Into one-fourth ounces. 80 a8 to mak.. trade IIDd dlpfOlD&eY ID the ea.t, Ie the have turned brown or are mature. It polllhie to read the amount ot Ugh1 .oat amiable. Educated Chlne-. The writer hal observed dozens ot aeed blown out at any time. Tht Datural lInptlta lbat the, an. b.y. Instances where the eeed plant W&8 blower Is connected np and us~d t u fODDd little dlfllcultJ In mutertnl It. cut oft' whUe mlLny or the 1I0were were turnlsh the current of all' for separ· sUll OD. On such seed heads there attng the seed. Anow the seed to set· But bow about the . . . . of the ·popu· will be pode In all stagel of maturity, tie back In Ule tube C e yery few Bee· IaUODf WIU the,. It Jut u ea.y' BOme ot the podll are tuU,. ripe and onds to read the amount blown out 'I'Ile .4&,. come when EnlUlh wlU contain m.ture seed, whlle others and to note the purity of tbat remain· lie epokeD quUe leneraIl, In China, have not tully developed. The 1m· Ing. The tube Is tb en disconnected but that day Ie still far awar. Pral· mature seed will be low In 'ritaUty and the beavy seed emptied ant. dentlal decreel ma,. buten Itl comlna and It contains little food for the The experIment station at Ge rman· • JJtUe. U the,. are "aeked up b,. edu. nourl8bment of the planttet. · town, Oblo, bas been using and advocaUonal pro'llllonL But ID IplW of When Ulelle beads are 'threshed out eating a macblne ot this Idnd tor all that caD be c100e to promote It the together the mature and Immatunl BOme time. The station lInds It 01 Chance mUlt Deceuarll, be 01 ';'61'7 seed Ie mbed together and sown In mucb value In tbe waye me ntioned eto... crowtb.. Tbe men wbo .... tall. the IKA!d hed& It has lleen found by ud olrers to clean seed free at charce. 1__ experIments. that the light. Immature W. H . DARST, __ thle occaelon to pat forUrtJre-plJnrhl9 ....<..-..., =Ui.-;;=='---;..:;r..r...y;.-.----.c~ o n;;.,. ~I--~ ...·:1Uege of Agriculture, O. S. U. might more properl,. be called dream· .ra tJllm procreul, ...


every farm er 8hould know that It paY8 him well to plant only the best. Tobacco is no eX~ft ptlon to this rule. ~ It has been fully proven that th e lack of uniformIty In the s ize of the 1)\l1nts In our tobacco fleids i8 la rgely due to poor lleed. Light, chaITy Beed t hat Is low In Vitality gives us weail, slow·growlng planta. Many gro ~' ers cut oft' or h arvest th e


It II a cnrioae tact that bl the mUd. ..t wtnter OD record th'e price of frelb .... tn N.w Tort ehould haye mount. eel to U UDPI'eCleCleDled helcht. But th!Jre'e a reaaoa-et leut there fa uld to be. The cold eto,..e mell, It II atatecl, bYe In etoek no fewer than tllree bundred mllUOD closen ..,.. .ame of which the,. ha"e held foJl I 19q time. The,.re afraid of c:arT7' 1111 thle etock Indeflnltel,. In the pra.. erat .tUtude of loeclslatore toward cold atorage. Tberefore the, are holdlD' frelb elCI out of the market pracU· ca1~ b, putUDs • problbltof7 price upon them, and thus creaUDI • condl, tlon III wblch many people wlll bu, ".ecoud." at llgurel that the,. would reeard a. extortionate at an, OthOl time. It's a great game--from the IlBndpolnt ot Ihrewd bualnell, not from the · ltandpolnt ot fair deallne.

Tbe gathering and storing ot the ice crop should be an Important work on the farm during the winter months. Every farm home needs Ice In lIum·· mer, especially tor cooling and keepIng daky products. The Ilrat eS8entiai to succeilltul farm refrigeraUon Js a properly CODItructed house In which to store the Ice. This should b9 located COn· nn'l ently to the lake ' or Itream whlcb Is to be the source of suPPlY I I the hauling and transporting la the most eJ:penslve part ot the.. Ice-bar· vesting bualnesll. The c~lIndrlcal Ice house Is tbe best term because It gives a smaller outer surface In proportion to tbe volume. However, for farm use, the house Is more practical and cbee p~r to build. It should be 10-

It buckwheat coal. WhIch nntU , comparaUvely few ,eara ago Wat thrown !lpon the culm bankll of the anthracite mines .. worth Ie. .. II to be boolted In price, I I reported; 11 meana JUlt that much more eleal prollt to the producIng companlll and operatora. From an economIc ltand· poInt the ntlUzaUon of what W118 on« a wute product la a good thIng fOl both the public and tbe prodncerl, &I It tends to prolong the lite ot the an, thraclte regtonl, but It II bard to le4I what justification there can be In ez, 'IUOI condltlonl for an advance I" price. DoubUeal the big compani.s, wbole dividends range from 20 1>"2 cent. dOWD to fI, need tbe monel', and what more need be aa1d'

EmoUonal women .eldom brine hot bouae lowerl to the eOIDmOllp1ac, ertmlnal who II hi prtlon for lrteallDi • cow or plcklnl • pocket. Tllell ebolce &Ina are relle"ed tor tlIe bll~ er clau ofrender who commit. • r. ..oltlnl murder. Tbe Chlnele bave ~n dolol mOh ftcbtlnl than Itraw braldlnc, and etra", bate ne.t aummer mar be blgh priced No O1Ie, however. In mldwlnter caret about ......, Ie to happen In IIIJdaum-


"Tlpe ' are Dot aerlousl, Objection ..,.. UDm tlleT take on' the proportsonj "er .forced bl1bea." .lATe the WUhlne . . Star. PerhapalO; but the 'trouble ....tIIer do Ute OIl tbat ___ •




..." ... .,err fu',




'l*C»f' ...



soon u plllDB, deSigned b1 State Superintendent ot Public Buildings and Grollnds A. 13. Conley, a nd approved by Governor Colquitt. can be carrIed Into eucutton, the historic Alamo will present 8 d~ere nt appearance to visltol'l to SaD Antonio, and, for that matter, to Sail Antonlans them· lelyell. Governor t:::olqultt wants tbe old mlss:lon , wheru tbe'" lIeed tbat sprouted Into Teu.ll libert, was 1I1'11t planted, ito be restored to as nearly Its origInal ,c ondition as possible. There haa been tor yeaH a dUrerence ot view U to just what was the physical condition of the Alamo on the 6th of March, 1836, and an even greater dlYergsnce ot opInion all to tbe actual arraar;ement ot the old can· Yent IItructure adjoln!nl", But Gov· ernor Colquitt ... not wOllnl tor mere dltrerencel of thle balure to longer retard the doing ot a public w:lrk that sbould ' h-Ien attended to lonl sao. At IL coat of '60,000 .tbe ltate, leV' eral yea1'll a.lo, boulht of HugoScbmeltzer 011: Co. the ' old convent property adjotnlnc the Alamo cba.1l81. This wholesa" grocery Ilrm had been llins for cotD.'!IIerclal purposel part of a property dflar to liberty IOYers ey· arywhere. Nobody tIrought any the Ie.. ot tbem under the clrcumltances, "nd when a moftment to have the etAte take over tbe land and the old wallll was cr,-1lltalHzed, tbe price fixed b, tbe H~o-Sc1llIMAtser interelts wae 10 I18t· lafactory u to eeam generoua. Tbe property lTuulht tor $60,(100 wnuld probably ...n today for ten tlmel this

dera and on top of tbls a thin coat 01 cement Tbe Insulating material such as chaft', cut 8traw or IlUwdulIl should then be put on before the Ie, Is put in. Tbe Inside of the honB~ IIhould be at least alz Inches abon the outside eurtace. The frame of the 1I0use can b~ made of two by fours, Tbe mllide call







CENTRAL CANADA A c.retul Canya8S made 01 anum' her of m e n farming In a Inrge way~ IndlcateB tbat even witb the eJCt rema Expe nse of harvesting the crop, which bOil been cauRed by the ba d weather snd dlfllculty In tbreshlng, whent bill been produced and pnt on the mnrke t tor lells than 65 contu a bushel. Tbe avcrnge fre ight rate Is not over 13 cents per bushel. Tbls would runke the cost of production and freight 68 cents IUld . would leave th e fnrm e r an . or.ual margin on Ws lo w·grade wben t "t 17% cc nl.8 alld for his high·grade wheat of 19 ", cents; and though tbla Is not II.B III rge a prt·!U al th e fnrmet hllll eve ry right to expect, It is a protlt not to be despised , au d wh ich sho uld leave a very faIr Bmollnt ot mone y to his cr edit when all the ex penscs of the ,ear h aye been paid, .ullios s the ,alue of low-grade wbe:tt s lnk R very mucb below Its present level. A ma t· t e r of Importance to th e prospecti ve settler Is that or the cost of produ c· tlon. The following ta blo hils been pre pllred after cnrclul l u ves Uga tion : Interes t on 320 acres, valuo taO per acre, 3 yoars a t 6 (Jer cent Interest,." .... .. 51 ,7:0.00 Interest on borsos, macbln· ery, wagons , ploughs, ha rrows, e tc " to operate 320 !lcres-sny U,f)OO for 3 years .. ... . . ..... .. .. ... . 4fJ O.OO Getting 320 acre! ready for crop first year, dOing o no's own work, with hlred belp, about $3.60 per acre . .. . ... 1,120.00 Oetting 320 ncres rendy for crop, 1Iecond and thIrd year, aliout $1.26 per acro per ,ear, or $2.50 pe r a cre Z ,ears bne's own work nnd hired be lp . .............. . . 800.00 Beed per year, wbeat, per acre $1.26, 3 yeara . .. . .. . . 1,200.00 Seeding, 320 ac res, 25 cents cer acre, 3 yea1'll_..... . . . . 2 40.00 TwIne, 320 a croes, 30 oents . per acre, 3 yea1'll., . .. . .... 288.00 H.nelltln.-, 820 acrell, 30 cents per acr" II yea1'll, . .. 288.00 M.rketlnc, 320 ~cres, estl· mate 20 bushell per acre per ,.ar for a years, 3 cents per bUBhel, or 9 cents per buahel for a yean.. . . . 67f1.00 Threshing 320 acrel, eatlmato 20 bushels per acre per year for 3 yean, e cents per bUlhel per year or 18 centll for a years.,..... ,., 1,162.00

hold "tbe enemy until Houston wu ready . At lint there was n siender chance or rescue. but It disappeared as the daYIL wen t by, and the rIO.. men quickly knew lhllt the fate ot Texas rested upon them. There 111'&8 no tlllk of surrender, of lIafety, of ... cape. They k new that tbe world would not b ear of tbeir prowell unUI after they were dust; that there was no gallery ot ' 8dmlrtng frl ~ndll to cbeer th em to their doom; tile foe outnumbe red them 20 to 1; horee. foot nnel,. artillery IItormed, enftladed, rushed them. Hungry , tomillbed and without Ileep, tbey crouched upon the ftat roof of the Alamo. bolblnd . the low masonry of the proJectlng' waUl for days and-nlgbts, 1111 0001 all IIqulrrel hunters, u gay as boys In a IInowb.1I 6gbt, ae patient and 1111 relentlea. u the vladlcUve Indian at bay . The fate of Texas WU In their bande, and the)' knew It. But when, at last, their am· munition -gonl. and quick death .t band . Colonel TraYls aekecl tbem how many wished to "lIlBy wIth him to tbe flnlsb," only one man hesitated, He hsd fougbt well for ten days. H. Total •. , ............... $7,834 .00 was brave, but he preterred to UTe. I thInk It wa... CrOCKett wbo said : ' 'Oh, coml! on, Mr. Rose; you'ye \f01 Cr'. to die an,bow, 80ms' d.,. Mllbt.1 By wbeat crop farm 820 acrea well die with U8." . for ·3 ,.ears. average 20 And he laid It wllhout recrimlna1)ulShell per acre per year tion, wltlloi)ut a Ineer, JUllt al be woald for 3 yeare, or a total of 80 bave laid: "Be a good fellow- an,d ·'akui'---'bmllR!fe;:-=- l!I.,1()O buabels at a drink with us!" 80 centa per bulhel .. ... . $15,360.00 It WOI '!arly tile next morning, after Balance' to credit of farm aftROlle had been aided to escape, tbat er 3 years operlLtloD, $2,tbe ·Me:rlcsnll k.ll e w tbat tbe hour of 683.00 per year". _•• "". 7,526.00 reyenge wall nt hnnd. The crack or ''To operate 480 acrell would COllt tbe 'r lllea from the roof became Infrequent and then cealled. A thouBllnd oC 1e.. _ In proportion, as the plant reSanta Ana's men bad already fallen quIred tor 320 acres would do for the and were burled. Three thousand Jarfer farm, and the Interest on plant more, with ftxed bayoDets, backed by tor tbe extrn 160 acrel would be a 'park ot IlrtJlIery and equJppedl with eaved." , The flgures gt1'eD ma,. be open to eriUcllm, but they will be found to be reasonabl,. accurate, wIth a talrD"a &Ivan to th expenll& columns. There are thOlJe who protesl to do tlle work at a mnch less collt thaD thOle glTen.

-----£ffeto Briton.

Two Forme of Ice Plow...

~~ lined wltb rough. boards and the outside covered wltb drop sIdIng or with up and' down siding and bat· t e ned to cover the cra.cb T~e space between IIhould be filled wltb cinders, shavings. saw dust, etc, The roof can be made of eIther shingles or Bome other roofing lJIaterlal. A door s hould be left at one sIde through wblch th e Ice can be put. In and taken out. This door IhOllid e xtend from the top of the building to within four feet of the bottom. Ven tllatloll sbould be provided by lattlc., windows on either side of the gable or a ven· ' No otb'er Ipot In Texas, nnd :ew tilator on top' of tbe roof. u,wber-e In the world, are ftlled wIth Ice should be gathernd from balf th~! historic Interest that al· streams or ponds that have an abun· taCbes Itc> the Alamo. It hU' been dant supply ot fre sh water. Stagnant known Itt' hlBtorianll (Ii... 76 ,eoril as water Illcreases the ' dangel' ot dIll" "the creL.He of Tens liberty." and It eaBe. Choose a time, If pOBslble, :leservell, In the mind of every Texan, when tb e water has frozen qUietly,. all the "lory that hall been beaped as It Is desirable to get a perfectl,. upon It. It Ie a m.tter of reCNt and 801Id, transparent Ice. It should be bum Illation to every Texan that bet· cut In square or rectsngular blocks, ter care has not been taken ot the Method of BO they will Ilt togetber well In the old pUe and all ' ItI adjuncts by the An bouse. This cutting III nslly done state aulhotttlel. with an Ice plow, although a handsaw Story of the Alamo, CIted on dry around. on • high place can be u8ed, after first b"'ng marked Know \he stOry of the Alamo? It'l If polI.lble. It III better not to build' out Into squares. be atull for American men. It etandl an Ice bouse too close to the relll· The blocke ot Ice sbOl1ld be placed ' out In the blltorlc 'pqee of tbe dence becaule of the dampness, lI.twlBe, over tbe Insulatlng material put Cellitury as the true .lIP~lIlIlon 'at .' AD Important point In building an on the 1001'. Ice house ,. to have tlle tound.Uon clORe and floor IICI arrall&ed that the water level. On top this tier place the tram the melting Ice wlU rapldl,. block I edgewIse, keeping tbe surfaee drain away, The lloor should conslat level with an adl. Continue thl8 nCIt material that will Inaula.te the Ice til the house Is full , There should be from the eartb and 80 arranged as to prevent circulation of air ii'' ; the base .It the bouse. The found.tlon proper puty be made of concret'? 8tone or hrlck, lIet deep enough to prevent the bulldlng from' seLtung. . A UII; dl'lLln should be placed nlong the Bide of tile! foundation or through, the center 0 • e ' lloo~ trap plaeed atlh. end ot this dralu w.Ul prevent thn in· r;r <:aa of. :.Ir. The ll00r abould be s:orous .I'a;n~, crulbed rock· and ., ~o..err. ,On t~p; of tile. IUd ~ . ~.






Burged to the final


Booth Tarkloltoll, the Am erican pl87wtlght and noveUlt, Is n very earl)' rller, and, when the Engllsh pia,. wright and noyelllt, Arnold Bennett, vlslt ~d Wm at bill cbarmlnl residence In Indianapolis, Mr. Tarkington saId, the nut evenIng aO dinner: " I believe In the simple life. I get up with .the sun. Will you· take a ten· mile walk with me at alx o'cloc.k tomorrow mornlllg?" "Thank you, Mr. TarkIngton," the I!lngllshman answered, " but I don't walk In my sleep." The Difterence, "After aU, there Isn't milch difference between the editor and tbe Oflloe boy." "You're joking." . "Not at all . The editor filiI the " .. te basket., and tbe omce boy emp· tles tbem."-Llfe .


Con.olatlon. . Father (to bls daugbter's lultor)-I b.,.e sad newl for ,.ou. I am ruined I I line 10lt e,erythlng! 8ultor-Console )'ourselt, dear air, 'S'tth the thou,bt that lOU are now In .0 clanler of 10Blnl :your daulhter. The Commander, , MR.'. hueband commllDd • good ul.ry? . 1 "He eanua a Iooc1 aallf7: sbe 'COIQ' IDIIDde It." "~

The evlll IIDd lorrOWII that aflllct 1DIID1tInd are of man1rlnd'a 01t'1l malt· IDe.-Marte .Corelll. '



Let u. then be wbat .... are";" ud thu. keep our_elvel 10,." to trutll,H, W, LoD~ellow: .


.' ,\ .... :. "




A Girl of Yesterday ..




'TESTIM'ONY FIV·EWOE.MEN fundamentals· OF That •

Wate r or of SlmpI e Than at.e Accur More Is Skimm ed. Milk and Use ot the Laded - Enslm Witho ut the Cream omet.e r Check .

:i.>t<K:ess Is DeSCr ibed t'or DeLecU nsr Added


Pink. Com.pound Is Reliable.



ham'. ·Vegeta~le

C. H. WElrH ERBE Preache r',

(Cop7< labl, 19l1, loT ,\.....,1&1.4 LlloruT Pr.... )

Reed~l1e! Ore. ....o .. I can truly rec0mmend LYrlia . e. Pinkham 's Vegetab le COmpOuJid ~ "II wqmen who are passin& through 0i6' Change of Life. as It made me a well woman after sufferin g three years.. .. - Mrs. MARY BOGART, Reedvil le, Oregon . New Orleans . La."When passing through the Chango of Life I wu troubled with hot finshea weak and dizzy apellll and backach e, I WBII notfiUM anythin g until I took Ly· E, Pinkham 'lI V~&Compou nd Which · worth ita weight · me,"-M rs.GAB · U, 1541 PoOrleans . -"Wopasls!nllr ~Iroul~h the


in the

Helper ' ,= . .~ . ": . .:

~ ~.


~ .:. :: ed pOBsess lon, "It'l no ule-no t the leal t," Dora Prudenc e's mOllt cberlsb cosU" deacend · aald despond ently, tbough ber lips lrloom, nne and grandm other, te NE 01 tl>e gre"l h.ludam uDtal . IJU rlell faIntly. "Wear that - thln~ to ed from a great thln," were not cOIIUy and nne whom tlnt. Thai's the Marsto ns! I won't. trDtbs 01 Chri~iia~it~ la the gIve distInct ion to any I <ton't expect, of course, to bllve rare. It ol1ld deity of Christ. 'fhls truth wae Uora y, Ihlng8 like otber girls-b ut thla onc~ l frock. Instantl Is one of " thE' CotladB1.lolf . hand, She even patted her sIster's -well , It seaml to me, If fatber -• doctrin es ot' Ih e' 'w~ole Bt· Prlle. clever, are you but ';Oh, saying, eiller, her "Sh ut up!" Prudenc e, ble; Ilod yet tbls lrutb, mOIl{:ll laln(" agaIn for B whole '11101'11 and worrlpd . Bo ld Imperal lvely. I won't be naughly eJIpress ed In the Bible, Is dis belIeVed "Nag me all you want to, but leave month," by tbousnn ds of prolessl Dg Cbrlitia ns tbe with work, to fell two tbe Then enrththe of lalt raNler out. The I bave orteD wondere l\. . al tit whut next time had e Prudenc thnt ult res lee t bat·. wbat be II-SO good I don't tbere III ahout Cbrlst's .delty .~,blcb alight. to .lIk rosehud the bow he can han 11 IUrty, HIght, cblld day to fit s hould .Iead allY proleSBlng Chrl8Ua ll more feel and LeeEllner pretty lIuch nil you." to deDI' It Cerlaln ly. 'uillhlng ' &n be ' .lrl'l IbJ' yel Dora was ueed to s1.:c b slllterl, tban reworde d by the gained by the denial. bUI . ob' the COD" e. gratitud genlline tll;Ilenltlell.' There weM just the two fal", trary, a great delll la 103t by It Th~ a han t better are"YOU-y ou of them- tath e r did not count. Un· can take she 88.ld. fact Is . . there never wonle! ba 1(e . beeD . Prue," MIss ler, godmoU had he honor, of l sou tb~ lucky, mild, than Lydia ent, such na \Ve no~ TeBtnm won't New n frock l beautifu thla e "Becnus · ven he r Vegetab le a talent for loalng whateve bave, bad not ChrIst been verily GoLl It I do dance QD Compoun!!, I am recom· tured, 80 had ccased from venturi ng turn 10 rags even ent Testam Ir\ ~ the Indeed. esh. fl In mendin gittoall myfrien da - not Qulle volllnto rlly . to be IllIre, 12 o'clock. " would 'be largel, nluele!16 D·nd nlean 'rhe Mnrllton dnnce r eached almost because of what it' baa fJQulr e H~xly, hla wlre'l tath e r, had lmineni o('lllre'i Ingles9 If Cbrlst were Dora was easily done for me. "-Mrs.C IIAS. tied up hIli dBu g hte r's portIon. 80 .1t the dignity or a hull. BAUER. 628 E. Marion St.. ly dlvlb e . even In varloufi ways by tbe uno;! oasb lng, vivid Inured Bolely to the be nefit of the two t~ helle or It- tall Mi~hawaka., Inet fnt'e, sbe cau gb t Old Testam e nt propbeclc~. typEs . end or mobile color, In snfeso <Icat In" ly safe W1I8 rt . ~rI8 greell . And the New Testam ent urt!d l'es Alton Statlon .Ky.-"F or tmnsflg ordlnaD he T eye. every . slender mighty was Iy tbe Income I suffered from s Chrlst'lf de- ' month1\ proclaim ly gowlI dlstlncl very oVler no oe her became satin nd Hence ' th(> cha1l1lgl1 of Dorn-a troublel linconse quenceo f ~ 4. S, ~~~ 1: John, of · I)ospel alen tbe her In . tty swathed It d~ne. bad ever Pruden oe's carewo rn race. my age and thought I this truth Is mnde remnrk nbl, clea r modestl y, yet al· C!ould not live, Lydia E. Prudenc e loved ber fother pRlIslon· der, curvin;: s hope Sco· I. C. Dr IIhe knew she wal and pronoun ced. Rev. Pinkh~'s Veget able Illely- becnllse abe underst ood him . lurlngly. Because he WIU! at her best Oold, In referrln ll to that pas'll~e . Compou nd mllde me well ' The One fibre thot made It Impossl · looking her beat, s happene d. AayS: ''We have lb. announc elI\en\ and I want other sufferinl { ble tor blm to be shrewd and money· -until the unex pected women tokriQw about (t. tbe deity of da' LOrd Je~lIs Ing concern WhS un account ably late In IWnor won· mOSl tbe her to makIng lIeemed was the ning begin tbe como 'In had that ahe Christ tell, to Truth . . coming petted derful thIng In the world. She Di.... ..~M~n~.~E~~~,~'~Wa nnd spent the wnrd. nnd the word "'"a wltb God'. him undemo nstrnllv ely-chlefly In the long he(ort> the reat, "I and the word wall God ,' Now theT(r kind lIIrs . Manton way ot cook Ing what he liked, exactly Inte rval In helpIng of that IIt~te­ awa1 supper. of Ing details explain no lost III ODe, tbe wIth made she , Fllrther 118 be liked, It. enougb to rest attment, ond I believe tbal the bostJllty Dora keeU he pellce- malnly by glv· Sh~ had heen wise manires ted b, the forcell destruc tive to sleep a little while. Ing the young Inlfy mucb more Ihan erwnrd -e v~n the dan· among came ahe to Cbrlstla nlt" '11111 hln and wltlllhft result a As rahad she But bers. wna e qultobly n.I fresh ily ros as and ed, dewy·ey cerll the churc" to the QOIP!!I of ~obn" , 'I Bnrt , firmly fused the new party dl'('ss, [rock. They had iiiiiiii~.'; prlmarH y to the rllet that .t ber!' spent heroe lf on r efurbish Ing an old Ihe n owcra upon her due fi r.'!!ly against Ie no avoidin g or evading It. If 'the, one. Dora had olready spent n ueh held COl0l', nnd showed e hut nC'w the 80ft· OOllpel or Jobn stands as a dIvIne more than her Abare ot the join t In· n g round once whil lace a had bolltce low e Th . book, the Questio n ot ~he deity ot th. cream est I upon como-- and Prudenc e w8.11 bent e [rost·..,ork or It Lord Jesus Christ , III Bettled ·' tn ..... bllylng bor fother a new greatroB t- 1 be r:ho at top-til w Ith a knot front In up ght cau very ftrst verse of It. I lio not bellev, WIIS nt wlnlo!rB two for on6 needed he bad Tiny fumell roses. pink enl r tbat tile proof of tbe delt, or the. ot least. of the f1.:11 skirt Jesus Christ rellts only ulloll ' Commo nly. she eith er coaxed Dora flulred ove r the foot he neot h, "like Teltlng Milk WIthou t Apparl tus, Slaleme nt. I ot!ly any tbat dDlelllUlt o ut or th e sulks, or ended th em by Truly, Elinor's feet, In nnd ouL" Her played ~fJ • mice, ...... little veree, there Is gathere d III> tbe 'alft'rm:' ld o he s time 'I'hls ' In, be giving lf tlerse g process for the detec· delivery at the station much would followin part· Tbe sImply hair, wa,'Y folr, ot alive, whlcb hoe maDY Illustrat lonll nss m antly Slo~n'8 Lin!mlJ R.,is a great nonchal ent Inlltead, she betterm the neithe r. toward llsbed p d accom: Bklmm~ oC went beButlr ull, tlon of added water or and mony lines ot proof In Scrlpt.u re;. remedy ~or I Qa~he. Xt took up her IIhenrs. saying o\'e her ed , aDd colloll low, Is more aecu· of the qua lity of milk. ver.v .Ood . . "."(lI.e . Indeed II! he that wltb the gown's lines. Altoget her. milk In ordinar y milk r pen'etra~es . '. a'nC{ ".. reliC!vClS butte greasy or One cause or waxy the lac· same 'wall In' tlie tIilglnn! ng Mtb .'fda;'" she was n pictu re, Lhe awcetell t pIe- rate than the simple u se of the stop the 'p\lin in'Stan(Jy,2po rub, sbould One rnlng. overcbu Is ecreamom the 'or DO other person on earth ~waa ture In all the world to one pair ot todensl mete r wit bout r granula In Is butter l1eceBsary'....!..·~ust lay the bing when churn be ter cbeck. The whole t es t can cye&-T nzewell Gray's eycs. e ... ~r Bnld In the Bible. or by dlVlfie It become s n mass. ti~htiy.' ·' ,:' ;" 'before on it form result The . minutes ve a fi In half Qodl . made Dora wU" -that he existed He bod hung abollt The, farmer Who allows hl8 dairy autborlt y. . yeor, all lhe while consclou ll or Elf· does not sbow whetbe r the adultera cows all to feed ttlgethe r at nIght •. before the roundat lon of this world. . .Here·. wa· , prIest, '''or allostie ~"'.eJ' nor's a.ttractl on . Commo nly he ha" tlon consiste d In the addition or ':' ' "[ hid 'V~k hurt Iii lb. B_ W. ought to know tliat some of them wltl No pro'Pbet umptllSn 'to 8ay, ' or even but cream. I ot tion nysubtrac worknd the ot In or : Som·,tra~'*o yon In world ter IIId the tbe ptel seen her In ge t more tban tbey require, while had wu hit'by a .treet w In fly alme pLac.e.. n fragmen t or the huge machin e as a rule tbls malters IIttio to tbe con· others wUl not secure enough to keep the desire to sa,. tbat he 'wn!! ' viR"; lrU:thaJl · ~lnds 01 doPe whboul .ucI liD'ces•.·• 'rwtl.1W" b.."O~ ~ known ns public educati on. Rosy and sumer, Wbnt be wanta to know 13 tbem even In normal ftesb. God ·!letore . hll own melll·ln .. ~ lib... and ,nl'\{ I\O{tI. Co rose·bes et, he knew her fo~ what Ibe wbethe r or not he' bsd wbat be paId It:)', Th~ 1i"1'IPr¥lQ~~ ca.....s .... I&DI contam ination of more, ..It Christ were !hit the or cause Tbe .Illl'. , . reUef. ""II \IO~'',t lor a IIltle ben .be WDB., tile. II:rl!Dt,es t wall-th e woman of all th e world to Jor. . milk fa largely due W lack of perfect '-man forDl"J .,.. I p!'illl Mrt~.\1.!.1 1111 and crowo his life, The Buspect ed milk Is stirred with a clean:Un ess ·wlth the milkIng utensils , ImPo!t.or tbat lhlll world ~ver :11; T~aJ,;lf NbRMM l, ." ' en ,>i'l "f. : ' ~1J " WbI ...... CaJIt. He atrode toward ber. forgetti ng spoon, In order to dissemI nate Into aurroun dlngs" method s of delivery He could not bave beeo"ev <::--. . all elsc. But betore be camB to her. t~e whole liquid the cream which man. l ' eteaalin essl l)tlrsopa and Allan Muir had whisked her off In a bave come to the surface. Then one It does not pay to keep and teed waltz. Indeed. tor a full bour he volumo or milk Is poured Into tlfty poor dnlry cows In winter when teed e O"e Muat :Strlve to' AltaiI'!, cou~d not gel near ·ber. Outbloo mlng volume s or watel'. (One fiuld ' tlUDce mpst be purcb8.l led. and valuabl e home There are nO(.\I,rd and fRst ryll!~ : for the roses of yellterd ay, sbe put even to two and a blilf pInts.) A candle grown feeds used, It is hetter (0 keer life In t!le l'iew~ Testa,!1e~.t, n~I'{her ...".,,,,,,,,o.p . , Dora In 'tb ~ shade. Partner s, Ule mosl Is lighted In a dark room. The ' expe- a te,,~ good .cows than many' poor ones there any c1ear' cut lIy ~~em ot' ftntcky, the most eligible , swarme d rlmente r takes an ordinar y drInkIn g . Expei'le nced dairyme n sotll doesn't ogy . Why!" B~~ail8e dod about her-be r card was full In n glass wltb u tolerab lt fiat and ' even pay to "rbUgb" a dry 00'111, It co~ts as ' dev e lop our ' sptrltttll i ;. oll:ture, ; twInklin g, By way or keeping th,' bott om. and holda it rIgh t nbove the much or mbre ' to brlitg her· back Into neither of tbese ' ~Ingl would peace shft even parted dances be· e~dl!J. at a distance of about ·one proper condltlo n th3U' the saving In promole d l l1at ~~~: ,,. ca'~ _ twee n the young fe llows she Ime'" (oot trom it. BO as to be ahle to see food WOUld, . a,m oun,t t~· . I\rl grow s plrltu~lt.~ Pl . . best . ' the fiame of tbe candle through tbe to r;et a cleare~ ~ bollllp'r'eillel~slon Tazewe ll would hllve no 8uch part· bottom or , the glnss. Ho then pours tr1lth "anU ' 1I6ty aUil nerllhlp . Audacio usly, In the face ot lIlowlY' nnd carefull y tbe diluted mill!; the prinCip les ' Nt,:bet ot* an eager pnrlner" he dl'ew .Ellnor out into the glass, Bfble In our 9:wn live... , .' on the plllzza ttl SIlY: ' Jt I, mor~ Impqr~(l.n t l,tO be . stud,· .The flame become s less and less u "(lIrl~ . of yesterd ay dldn't flirt-yo Ing "truth aii'I"g~illnlfie;pr clearer. an!! bright as the level of tbe liquId rises YOIl going to Ih'e Into the glas8. Tbe name I~ 800n refuller IIgbt thll'n it' .is ·t o ~bow ItrUth; .boulde r. "If you are so set agaInst look the part-ar e' Rocep tacle May BI ror It III b'::.tud y ' that· (he mind grOWl . .atent It!h ~o CODY up little A be spot. tbat'U gl~1 whIte a duU a know to I duced dress. fhlB M:ade - Use Ordin ary BUJrlrY 'NO-be cause r don't know how." more liquid. slowly ndded so , as to and It Jl tJI~n . could .ftiro'v· all th~......· II. .lad to have It. It only needa a . lit· IIghtl, g TJs'e and • FeW Natla w droopin ed, murmur Elinor f 'alst " tbe the (( 0 and to kno;' tbere,· 'Wo~14· n.!/(,' be an , Ue shorten ing and 0. bit avoid pouring an excess, BOL Fa...... it. on . blm. e. toward InvIsibl ~e-;' lY' In wblcb he could enhr~e hla Ellpo~ , abllolute fit s It . become mn~e _to re tiame --IDealu -- ~Then anr,l there h~ \dISed hcr-- All that remaln l to he done Is to 80 It fa . wltb all IIp(nt~al "She ahan't have It-It's m)' dresl Mr, Geo, Martz. of Buena Vista thentll: . To tie "Iwa,. ,.iilnln' . .-:even tr 1 don't mean to wear It." quite fOI'letll ng Dora. measur e the he1ght of the liquid In tbe be la In 'favor of gTowlng, Is' lb.e Impoftan~ Dora fi8.llh ed out. "Hatefu l thing! gla18, tbls beIng moat conveni ently Co,, ' la., sa),l. th"t while pickIng to Where ' a mllif' acta.U f' .tanda .Il! I Bandit Career Nipped In Bud, . She'd reel fine al Frlday- tbough ahe allcertah ied. by dl})plog Into It a strip pickIng seed corn a better qual. spiritua l experie nce I': I,flt , 'nearly ·110 lion, tbat e tblnks would·b e a h · , of and ta\e crib g ·her. amualn at g An tbe ing laaghln was measur dy then knew e"erybo of 'Paatebo ard and be picked. Importa n \. RS .:th.t: . 41reet1j)p, · In wblcb cap Tasse· ear r' Rene . Bounde BelgIum and from Ity cllllt-otr comes over dlt because ehe bad on my wet part. It sbould measur e not He .sends a he la trave}~ .. , , ~s sQon ",II a m,all, roul, aced 16, clerk In an olftce In ole Inch Ir the milk III pure. Wltb saYll .the Homest ead. alothea. " to cea~e8 to atrne toward ~ blgher level "You dou't, want tbem to lallgb at Brussel s. was Bent by his employ er good quality milk, diluted and tested no heard lre to, Itap;' er employ His argu· $160, Bald hank of Chrlstla ll'\lIflnk h.rl~il e 7-8 bout a Prudenc _ _.i.oIoiii!____ ber. I suppose ," as atated. the depth will be nato Rp lrlt~qj; and ' Itacnat lon . "" __-1!'. ._ _ _..o.ii_ more or him. · A week later Rene. now of n.n Inch before the flame la lost to mentatl vely. · " : . ea p.~ DO~11 gave her a witherin g ' Iook, nn elegant and ~ell·dressed youth. re- view, , . •" deterior ation:,?' \IF The ntbl\l'{ I~ lull pf problflm a, w, 1I1I),lIlg, "You know I don't want her sident . In a private botel: aBton IS'hed of one volume of milk mixture A ,,,,, M!I_' , ., ,ml.ndll tn b. e. dlffle,.UI. lppear to n.1Bn.Y to go. Bhe's BO' uppleb. and ' forward , tbe manage r of the house by rushing and a hal! a VOlume ot water abould a hing brandis eve..,· Into hIs private room. -always pushlnp ; herselt Into ties In the way or faith : but wblch are 1'1 sh ow a depth of i ¥.I Incbes. A depth really Bleppln g·stonel to belp ua Into pIstol In either band. and olrerlng tbe of 2 InQbcs Indicate s either Ilartlall y thIne." . "Your ~~st ;tItkii~'OIt~;adttdlily March Ut to of to lve tryIng nlternat ways loned nice-al old·fash she'8 a la rge!' apd more ' robu at. hIrIth. "I Bay skimme d milk or a mixture of one the tely. Fortuna ' ce life," money Of your belp ,.along. Ta:llt~" diller," Pruden volume of good milk with one of 'ilia.fa Kind.. tile counter ed loftily, IIUII clutc~lng tbe manste r wae tbo Qulok tor him, and ler; and 80 on, Suspend ed .-~~ ,Q.D~!iarl ~ .t. cm_~~a t :ffc, til year every more and more sbear.. "As J'ou say-th is Is your the young brigand wae disarme d . Ta6"I try Seed Box. The reader has already understo Oil iiriistfare of $33 ;00. fr'onlClilcagcHo poniu' iil hold judgme nt 01 olhers In frock. ·Wonde r ·lf I haven't got some- seroul confess ed that he' bad spent his that the process Is based upon the t.heGr~ntNorthwel~al!~.S9,!1tiQu~!!JIledI\U1 tin! at a lacts Elinor! lng tbe that ho made and till I can know all thIng tbat : mlgbt do (or cmploy er's money,· In purehas close relation between the ca\laclty o[ sketeb ot a seed box accused 01 toA ~Tl I '-ISth;' . was wbo one said hend." cou· very be to It ; .. r~Bre·_ my graduat ing dray-y ou store or pistols. knlvell. etc .• alld bad flnds milk IUld the number of ta.tty cor· Is using nnd This·.fare will enable everybo dy' who hi. and beIng too lentent toward otre nders I urn up YOlfr nplle at It-b1\t those decided to rob the eper In or· ed In It. Both skim- venlent to take oft tbe wngon box contain convinced of the grellt opportu nitie. puscles been luog10 d qualifie not am I com· ly .et.8re belore "Certain silks lunda old·fash loned rosebud der to obtaIn further water work put 00, All tbat Is needed III one bu~' of adding them in the Golden Great Northen a • the d n . awaiting B I. ming dment eomman ', God . ' then. U.,CI 1111 .;Ing back again." ecotlng ' out for CaI1fomUa, til re 'to Sta tes to reach the goal of hi. deaire. t de- gy tire nnd six nails to nnll Irons to to II namely. n. dIrectIo same tbe ., In "OIve It to' ber and welcome- -It e~e the life of -Do l;rlltDiilt; any ordInar y size 'Judge not!'" SUlpend ed ju gillen \I nomicaUy and quiclcly, for box seed tho snme The milk. of opacity the crease nt. It Is so comes In 'It;' sh'" . will be warNe ' than ot corn. The Irons tbe best Illnd of judgme Three daill: trains will cany the Colonlltll cannot be sold or the density. Skim. box holding a sack Impossi ble to know all tbe cIrcum the a ' laughlilp ; IItock," Dora saId, IIcowl· then and box on nailed be gatewa r-St, Paull m~lst anoth· " )il t-from t e principal es It, adding water dolesd Increas tbat ll mlng Impulse and -tonces l InK'. MInneapolis, Chicago, and Kan"l Ci~o< be:, cnn be lifted off and set away m test. oommon the and It; being made for the crenres are iom preparat apecial n condem we thIngs certain work, .' . .Pruden ce turned IIharply 011 ber. 1\0 to other er wagon tor which consists in the mere Introdu c- while utilng tb'e never De al~G conifort and accommodation of paucnge ra. "You're mJ' bloocl-- wbether or no," Infltead of wlrlng It or nailing to the thst our' judgme nt can milk, In r nslmeto lsctode the of tion or more The fa~ from ~t-.' Paul, Mloneapoli~IKa,," beau. ahe laId. "Don't let a getber lUBt ,0\8 we know Inlltlnct lve 18 wortble ss. as a skimme d milk may ngly. tbat otber! UI City, D,Uluth and Superior will be 1115.00. protelltl often les8, make you tio meu and . hateru!. and Iy, bBve a normal ' denSitY' it care has Tickets will be IOld to nearly all po~ta 1D You're ,frald ·.E1!nc:», ;wn, 'cllt 'OU out cannot judge UB rigbtly, let ua try to It a certain Into pour to laken been IljIab,o. Washington, Orego~ anti Montana won't to d IJle qualifie bope' . not are Ora,.;.I With Taeewe n rememb er tbat We be shQuld Denllity water, of l" 'includi~ Hele!!._) B,utte, amount Corumli 'eyer B~iti.h 7OU'n · Well· ~'• . tbe b..t ·eli.nee paBS judpn~P.t upon otben.~~~ ·~d Kallipell, Mqo~1 t FilII" taked before and after eklmml ng. and " . . Iprinl. EveRItt. ~ __ ,' the percent age of crear:! sbould be tland.' and-EDr determi ned with the creamo metcr. er, ·Ch.~c:t of Blckbor te in the eastwill eujorth'e lMlua. Thns applied, the denllltJ' test. reCbaract er Is made up of small duo tick4j~ ~n be; puto QUlrel a lactodeJ 18lmete r, a thennom &tlea faithfull Y perform ed , of ..!Jenlal. of of this rille, lind through 'plll1lilDg JOur-trip 'N·In !leta,. of 10'1'8 chased at low 6gurea..' .klnd,lJ' of e. ier, ad a c"eamo meter, and the telt ~Rcrl!lc tti .t1ie Golden Great omena StiteI, writlt reQuire . twenty· tour ,hours. 'Wbllt> tllo ~ o.t ~baractef (or.fn:CI~~ of Colonitt FoldC!f "chol",u' backbon The , ·duty. and ' t"fmm J'OIIf toWD "'r.ault 'll Dot much,,m or. accurat( .! tban 11 laid at borne, anll -Whether "tbe COD' thmuah ' \,i .' u,ie 01JlUl1ty .teat jUlt 'de.mb~, ' ItlmUo ul tende~cl.. be P;ood. or bad: . the . IJUClr' the . trouble to ,,~ the urea", bODle ,nflu.BDte.' w.Il~. ~..~ rule . ra".· ' bold ; the · bos ' theDlln to acllnt1 · · K11I4n "l ~I.UI .. _ -~,"_ ...









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of oraelty .Del· Plat.Dwr .·' a,. fOl' dl"o.... aUm. .,..aDd tee wasta. of'.... mat. . . . . . Obut

,Will Start Friday March 1st 9a. m. Will stop Satnrday March 16.

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".11-, 'fl. J. N.•rpa.:



. ... ;~ , ) . ::;"UJ We. ftICltot of ..,. _ p1alaU iD ... _01 CIIaNI . . . 'fl. la.pIa . , IA .....,.. r;~

Sail Price Sal. Price 1111 Prill 12lc value, 42xSB Pillow Cases . . . . . . . . . 81e , 6!c Bleached and Union Crash . . . . . . . .. 4~ Soc Corset Covers. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c SOc value, 72x90 Sheets . . ..... . . . .... 33e SOc Bleached Table Linen . . . . . . . . . . . .. ISe 50c Corset COnrs ... . .... . ..... ... ,. . 3Se 85c value, 81x90 Seamless Sheets. . . . . . 6ge 65c all ~nen' Table Damask, bleached . " 48e 65e Corset Covers . ... . .. . ....... . .... 48e 7lc ~alues. Nainsooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5e $1. 25 Bed Splreads. \, . .. . . ... . . . - . . . .. Sge $1 Muslin Gowns ........ , , ........... lSe ,;6 15C, 2Oe, 25c Embroideries. , . . . .. . .. . . ge 12~c value, Lr>ng Cloth.. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ge $1. 25 Shirt Waists . . . . .. ............. . 8Se 4~j 5Oc, SOc Corset cCover Embroideries 25e 10e Fauvell or Hope bleached Muslin . , . 7~ $1. 25 Skirts, lace and emb. trimming ..• . 98e 5th: value, All-over Embroideries. . . . . .. 29c 8k value, Unbleached Muslin . . . .. . . . . . 6~e 50c Muslin Gowns . ....... , .... .. .. .. . 3ge 7~ value; All-over Embroideries . . . . . .. 4ge 4 ~c Tobacco Canvas (by bol t) per yd. . . . 3c $1. 25 Mu~1inGowns .. . .. . . , . .. ..•..... 98e $.J7value, A1I-over Embrpideries . . . . . . . . 6ge Clark's Threlild. . . .... ...... . .. .. . . . .. 4e 50c Muslin Drawers.... .. . . . . ....... . 3Bc C·;C ..... C Thread. three Spools for .... . , '. 5e Merrick's Thl:ead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3~e 75c Muslin Drawers . ........... .. ... , 48e

. [; . . . . f:~ . , . P....... c:.... . . . I r :" ........., ..,.tIa8<to be \Iae .... wm ........., 0' ..... •. ~ ...11 ~"'1a" .r .) . . . . . . . pI'OdMlll . . . . . . . . . . aaG ·

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,~.=~~~=S Stub t.t. Friday . ! FRED'S .... ............... ell'..... ..-:. ~ March t,

~~ ' 1. ' ~',p~.,.• •7 ... ·~..

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: 1IoOl~' ........, .... 1Ia. ~4 ..... •.


NIl" ••

lot I. ami-van., Telepbont 00: .JIlIaU •••••. lIalandl'; 11.114 cAeI' oOulel. . . el toile, 111.15.., AIlclnw ...... 00Uett 1M1I.......tor 01 &.I ' Uraf --a... _ _ lor- 10'____ , ........ oJ Oollllt ..... '. " • ... I .,-, · .... -:"..::. We ~tloD ' .......&. T . . Bon. to (;,...",u. U OlD"; S. B. W..-r, ......, p 86


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~"!_: :~!!:~J::Z::: :·~r.a:.~=

....' ...... 01 tU ..... - . .w· ftii!aOt ....., •••• .-4 , . . . . . of

Sale StOPI Saturday March 16th

i1 ~:oa.oo""4. .tt....

ror.lp ..ID 7011 will Ga4 ChamberlalU'. LlDimeDt 00111.'. It at. l'Y'me pat., reDlO. . . &he ......... aod IOOD rtII&ol'll 'be parte &0 a besl&~, ooDclt"OD. 16 aDel 6000.

=: . .


II=======,L I V E R IrE S,-====== • ,• Beiug prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleauae the System and Purify the Blood, and TOIle the System, IUid thus

p. ·. ;~~. .·~. .~. ·'W'~. ....'ta. . . .•..••. .....S·....·........E· ....· ....R·'W....'''·...I......O'W....''· ....U....~·....·>#'O·~ . •


PO. II , W. B. !:5...... & fJo•• lap S,. . . . . . . . . &0 .. ....sB. -.ow. pll"': "'; Tb. W...... 8_ bu Tbe finD'" Ilu 00. tblq la bte . LivERITBS-A purely vegetable LaXative. cures Chronic CoDl1000'' .... 1' . . . . ,I ad cap. GOa cleo• • •d blaDb lor olerk...... 71 fnof-.wha' be know. be boft. StipatioD, Liver and Kidney Troubles. AU: .vnur Gnx:er for it. .... W. Wi..... aa4 W• .I. HoItt jdanllQIII.' I' . . . .(,.d .D'f'lo4te Jew &nunn~' Tb.,. 'bI DO obDDOI lor a blaft ill II!!, ........ 01 1Ii. . .tI of h~ GreeI, to ..tnu.. D. PI ~ LebaDOD Ioe II ~ Co .• ooal tilU. . tbe soiL IlIYery'hlDI Ihowl I Manufat~ by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO............. OhIo ~I" 1 f t _ ~ llIl,...... Whi.... lqt iD IAba.oa, '1611. for oOnn 1I01lll, "'.'111; Haatt1l Pt.. rtlb~ap for '111& wha" U t. wor&l1. .... ..., ...~tor:r. , . 8uaIt! J:. uppitlooH to .JMOD ml.,f.,.,pewrtHr Co., IDAGhlDt, ~I; If hatul11OOM' he caDDO' bid. . . J UIIO_ 1:.... J _ T. Lipp" Il tii. OonltliD. •. . .sw. ,,; II. B. Ilot, aael if he II a tanore \he !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ..... . a, ...... 11. ,.... '" . , ... At1l1MDU. aol4_,'notlD o...ld. butal01 Jolua LDOU. '711 (DtilbbOn are qDlok to kDew 'be CONSERVATION OF NATURAL "ALTHR M~OLUBB, II, of T~l"'" towublp, '1 ud odaIr • - • pantonlan. . OAS ~ . . . . . ,.... W. •• ..,.,.... ~..... AbDoIt LCIIt Funeral Dlrr.tor. ~ C. Ba4eoD ••• IIv'u '8, A. 8"d, 0' IIuoa IIlob, wlll fOrTb.,::.t~ac:. ~~~=~:~e~::: Tb. maob da.oa.ecl wa." of J.-,II ......... -,' f u _ 01 Il "D4Ioa '0 lin. ~ Kateer, lot Dn. rorpt .biI &enl~!e ,zpoI1II'e RemlM1ly. It 'OU PD lI.tare'. oral pi I.e ••ted by ,h. U."e4 W............ Ode .... AllIe to. ID I"r6aklta 118 • meroll. . ~, It P1'.~ me rell• ., •• tile 10..... OptDI &h, 8_. Gtoloatoal ~ar.,., ta be rep. TelepboDe da- • at-h' III, · Gn,.... • dnaclfal oold. ~ wrt':. .\h:: '100" aide eZJ)lOtoraUOD; 141, 4eo....DI. Tb. problllD of I •••'. · C 'r12.N' PUll .... _1l8I4::r:pat... to~y tb 'A• •,.tem&o • • •l&byooa. OODH1'l'IDIr &lIe nato",l.pelapply VaIltypll()uNo.f.r... ..... .. ........ ...... ........ " .... or IU. j'd~' f 121&100. Il'or _Ie b, all deal.,.. ma, be tGDel4ere4 a, ha.lnR beeD DltI. . . . No. II-~, Ooa ..... t-Co.bMt WIll _&ert4 ....bbor P N '" m.~!!n °h • i ... ~...... 1 _.a .- P 1 W.f.YNBSV .... . . . . . taI7 • - . I ....1&11. J rllDplt1l lor ftrt01l8 ' Dr. Kia.'. .w .,...,.,••". w 0 - , ............. 10 y.... &II eDD., . " . ILLS, • • OHIO ~ lin••• J~ . . . . . . . . . . to a , . • " broafh' ana' reU.I. The 400&01' INFLUENCING SLEEP nDia, &hroalboa' 'he AppalaohtaD p l - 01 .."... iD IlarIaD &owalldp , ..Id . . . on 'he ver", ofpafl1l aad the Lhu.lodlan. 8el41 and tD Bruada 0-. ~."..... 0. .... . . . . . . _ ,• a' &be tltilll'" 11611.111. moata, ba' 'p 00Dtln1l8 wUh 'he ' .a.r........ lit ,.,..01 Qoa""" wu _Mred lata with 01Il001''',.. I did 10 a.d two boUl.. Jilu& 'h. ohlldren to bed .lUa.u. Thelrea",' wuk I.e ta !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ......,.. . aD4 ....... JIu. J ba Wolf.,OI' ' .... la Dew woo4 oompl."l, oored me." Uee ooJ, wh_ &b., are DenOlU or fre".J Okl.homa ~Dd i. the Caddo field·of '. .... 11. :01 . . j 0... an4 weo4 :.:. 00 brid . 0• • ' 'hil qalck • •f., reliable medlo1ne aor wbe1l YOD ha.e word. OIl LanlelaD., owia. ia Oklaho.... &0 W. HENDERSON, M. D K81tIt ..... to pert- . , . . . , . ;'IE., au • •r WtUlam i f:~::!bi:.o1d~: ::'Ya::r':.'o~: ,oor lllpa. A penOD'1 "" waklDI probable lOOMnlU ID .DIonemeD' , .. . . IIUIer. 10, pow4. MaItit towublp ., &h. .,Ime'" Trial boUle free. (iaarantetcl bY 'boqbk IDftueoce th. Ileep. to " t. "WI aD4 tD ~nl.taaa &0 taok of. Waynesville, Obi.. ... m..lIlU. aa4114M Dubi.,.l, It fI an draa'I... . lropen"". that luoh tbougM. be market, U t. DO"'W01'&by 'bat ID. vane, PM of KIap lillie. ' Otawaot WQ .aMnd 10&0 wISh •- quiet, happy 0081 a. bedtime. ....d 'lae two wild well. io Loal.lan. . De III , IIaIa IIntt ... !aM ,.... fsrL' Wtllta II. WlattaoN to fnnt.h A 1b0& horn il .. ,r.' help wb~ do DO' De.11Clt 'he. 1Utte sood-nt,bt hne beeD 18D.a&loDaleumpl81 u ..._ A lIalfOl'4 to Wllllaa • 111l8~.tll.'UIe4 tlanr.. pn"iDloD oblldreD·. rabben. .lori.. . wuk have been Inoae.hllly .:- , • • fn,::,d lall 'hili ooneentc1 R. 'B ATRAWAY




LIVERITES Only, lOcc:::'====1



••.., ...........w.,


..,.,.. ".M&Q.




... 0nI.... ..". ....... ,.f.....

• '.,Jt.'. _






I " ..




D'' I


""''fI..... Bn."

. . . -------------------D a y ton


Next Week the ·L ast· Next week will lee the clole of our remarkable R.~v._1 Side. "It will be a tim~ of bargain opportunities t~at ~!"~ DQt ,~ repeated; Take advantqe of it. £,; >, ' .. , ,

! . I!!!

a::.'• - •


===::::;::::;::::;::::;;;;;;;=== 'nw R.E.


liere ia, m_,e of Iiope ,.4 . '.r-nu.'. ' ....'.. ".... good cheer frOtp 111'1. O. .1. lIar&lD, lD JCQ. BIclar. • ... B 800De Mill. Va .. whu I. 'bl mother !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of elKbteeo ohUdreD. IIr(l. Mar"b wAIl oDred of 'tolJiaob 'roable aDd oons'tpa&loo'b1 Obamberlat.·. Tab. B. V. BARNHART, lese a f ter' ftve years 01 11l1r.r1D" aDd DOW reootdmeudll th_ "ble" Notary Public: ' to the opobll0. Sold til .n d.18n. .. " . . " _ • AU "nele or N...,. WorlE••,...,. CA~EFULLY. EXAMINE SEeDS . WorIE aJSp.OIalV:" . ; .

'.1•. W. MILLER, ... DliNTlst ••• . ,


L .h.







at WaJn.yUle. Ohio




I wvUl sell at Pobllo Bale on OJy VALLJ:Y TBLEPBON ~ALL N u f"rm. one mile nor t h of Lytle, 011 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ til", Ferry Plko, OD

D. L. CRANE.-Editor and Manager

Thursday, March 7, 1912 Be~IDDiDIll Itt 10

be token' tlpt4rt, 76 rods poultry t6no ing. 8180 pusts, allli bUllroll, oolonv h"r.~(,II, 2 Cyphor .. and 2 Gem.brood . elll lit:/Ior ly IIOW, f,;Rlvllnized brood ooop!', foed hoppert', drinking f OUD



Main St. and Arcade

Dayton, Ohio.


A Speci a l Sal e of Silks, Dress Goods and Domesti c s ~ ~~!~::::r~;~~I~~~Dt~~~~, orc~e::u'+!-.-.tJ8T----THJ~66DS-YOU . 'c W A'NT-The-se-PYiees Good from Saturday Marrh 2nd,

o'olook t,he tvJ- sbf·Il" r. DOW, bask .. t·s ml' O ~ Urel!. r AT BELOW USUAL PRICES. to Sat.urday March 9th, Including Both Days. lowiog "roperly : bI\K ~ . e t.o I Rates of Subacription 4 lJorael<-2 good wu rk bor888, 2 Bou81lhold Ilud KUch er. (i'ornllu re I~ Ie Long Oloth. 36 III . wldo . Tlte Qc Serge 4!~c ~Pacf'FI~~~rr.n~~~;It're,.:eo~~~i.. ~ soft chllmols ! ~""I o ox. Ooe Year (.trteU), In advan~) .•..... . 1t.00 CIlUIl ooe 2-yeur-oltl and 1 ytl .. rliDg, -roll tOl ' desk, COmblUut1 .111 touk I prtl8llly tor the Louie rnx lcr Uo. 1 7c " unlit )', yard 12 >iu, naYand 0 aya. suitable lor Jacket Bult. or onB piece d"".." •••. 81111111 OOpy ................ ·........ .90 bvtt:. mllre oullll and foil IIlst-ors, O/\SIl !lnrt Ih'~ k; ' ''· U l.! 1' I >h t.·. btd l ' Wor~h Die. Special. .. .. . . . .. . ... .. .... . , . .. , . . .... 49c bolt ot U yaros. '1. S6 • 10 UtLttle-7 M'loh (JOWB. 2 J "r8 11Y trl'e, oo~ Inru e r. t ltn' 0 " It hnft·e t. III k Wool Flannels ~5 c so Whlr o W~ol S h "k M F lan nel . ; I ks Black Meaallns and Dltlck TarrHta t t (l UU I.u IY)' , ' 10" J.. lll d ttlllt 8 11b, lull yanJ wi , Ie. all pura ' Il k I.. illlril. 1 JiollCteln bull, r~illlered . l,.. rtl,tlt,Il ldlu iIl KrnnUi t,II\)It·,,, ·' I"ut,h . S Black S• Rates of Advertilling doe. "ot shrink . 4~C qua Ity . )' urd .. .. . . . ... .. . 36c l or walBt. IlDU drEti8eli . 11.00 Quality. Spechl!. ... .... 69c 'I heee 00"1 a. e all good Ort811 tl.Dd er Ht-utud .linln g chtlirrl, 2 caulllletlted UnbleachlKi MUNlln ILr 1'ol",cc Call " .... ~ LoeaII. per 1IDe •• •. . • •.••• • ' . 6cl Canyas Tobacco tull yard wide. Spocl&1 per yard . !)C. ls hll'ltlIllZtll. ~ 2~c !1o~i:rd:-~~~~tol~'!ba~~~ Ree4i-. Lot&IL blr.dl face, per Iille . . . . 101: ) .. an,. tbrlM! of these to b., fre8h obalrll, II pBrlor ob ulr, Morrl ~ ohair, per b It . per yiU'd ' . . . . . . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . ... 4 ~ c ent yua . ed1'll lie killd. Bpeclal , . , . . . . 12 ; c lI"on Sh08 1 · 1 -3 , .hoaY, 1 male 2 mllbogaoy rockort!, 4 oak roollarll, O....-.cs A4L DO' &0 uCMli Ave IIoee t.c Dress GI'nghams ~'C Ihess OlhghQm llan Bllver BIMtChOiI 'fablo Llnen, 64 Tbne~ . .• .. ... . . . ... 261: h 'IJ and 2 brood tt<1'w1 dille mallto oabln st, 2 rnlltic rookere, 2 3 III< t coloMl. In n•.oatdarkallu dux·k. Table 'j·IKI In. "lde,C"oven from cbolce 1 ax, ~ge Farmlog Implementa-2 farm lIet,tee. wloker ohl1ir, also odd ohlllrs, all' \,llllol" lor chlldreu·. or adlee' wour. . 12~ c quality , Obltuarllt. an IIIclIa ..... ; onr Ave olce pattt!l'IUI. Heavy 6k quallty. Special, a yd . . . . 58c SflC<' al ... . " ... , . . . . , ...... , ...... ... , . . ;, .. . . ... 8 '~c I lDcheI, par 1IDe . • • .. . • • .. . . .. . 6c 1I!·/tgona, oue alma.t new, 1 one~borlle ollUds Oil" rocke ra. doll go oort, ating Bleached anti Unbleacb ed Sheetl!'i . Ouod or tIauD •••.•.•...•..• , . . . . .. .. 26c jol' walloo, IOOl-lhan break oart, She OJ , 2 ~ yard. wide. An extr.. One. c Cotton Battl'ng Cotton U"tUng, lull 8 0". batt. itobeD olLblollt ,1!l'B.~S frontoupboard a goorl clelln cotto n tor milking ID q uiLllty. yard . . . .... . , .. . . .... ... . .... . . ... .. . . . . . 22c a-&uuo. .......... .. '" . . .. . . • • .. . 00.: wheat dr1ll, PlaDo BIDder. Semil :I kltohen t&bI6f1, fine oak bed room or ""pairi ng cemror..... \ onh 10C. Spec lnl 7c batt. Limi t ~o IIeaIr.II e1c. 'lll'bera ~ Ia mad, .... . " 26c klbaoco aeUer, 1r0D Age oorn plow. ba t.t.K t.o a C 1HltoUU:lr. Calicoes !~c ~~~·B~?'::·B~:a~·j,1?31~~f. WCIIa7 AllnrSIIIIII per 1IICh •••••••• _ , . lOc Krlltz plow, braakiDp: plow, 1 5.lIoed eol$, dresser ohl/roDler. wallhatand, c edot Shlrtlllg~, <lark anti IIg11t COl . Wea. Worth 7c. &:,,". a' . ..• . . . , .• ,. , . , .. . . . 5c 12 2Ie Shl' rtings 0e odd drell88r, un,1 wa8hll~8 nd tine \J 0 ..... stripeR nnd .:hec ks. I!!ltra s tronKDlIIIlowIta 1... on conl.rac&. 12 ~ c 4uallty . Sp"cial. pur yd .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 90 .)4a11 order. Ollild tor atlYertt.ed loodl. Sampltll clleertultly cu\llvawr, Deering mo ....lnll..oaoblne brasil bed, IIprlDglI and m8'~reIl8, ABk about our pi .. " o r ro ruudlng your I'I&llr".1I tal'll. . . fl ·Id rollt-r, Kollu. oorn plaoter. 60- Vernle Martln bad, Vernl" Hartin too~h dtllO haFow, pair hay ladders, IIlogle bed, maUrells and eprinKs, J'&BBU,ULY 21. 1811. 8 r avel bed, garden JI\OW hllJ rake, large oval mirror, lot of plolares DAYTON'S "BIC 8TORE" t"baooo prell8. platform .eales, 1000- and pioture framell, mlll8loa olock lit, oapllolay, lard preIS, Bllllsltge pedeltal. \aboure~, 1 9d2 orlmllon THE CHINA PIG ,riDder,lo' tobaooo ~""OV.I, w~ter velvet dragge., 1 ilxl2 body brusllel~ tank. wheeJbarrow, 3 sets of work dro~get, brql8els stair , carpe', I'm jan & lI"le abln& pi, barnee, aDd m~oy other artlclea 110t 1 ilx12 iDltl'ain drugget, 76 yardll WATER-POWER SITES wlmSCARED THEM OFF That U"ee UpoD a abelf. D1IIn"ooed ma&tIDjt, 30 yards liDoleum, door DRAWN DR. E. H~ COSNER, AD4 wor. . to keep the ma&oll. IIlle i Terml-Alliom. or 15 and nnder, mab, eto, 15 velvet and lDlJ1'alD Being al one in the houslll\nd h llllr. oalb. All IIODlll over IF) • orad" or rugl! 27dO and 30dO. 40 jarl oanned 140 it an 01, . . WaWlr.power Ilte r ..enee were Ing burglau down-atairs, a woman il moollla wUl M ginn, purohuer fruit. Qniok Meal GaloUne range. SOlan ,.loUne lI~ve. Oak lI~ve. oreated iD Arlzo,na, OaUforDla, Ida- btld 'he prellenoll of mind to take I'm ...", loaely. nry IIld. liviD, baokable DOle.) beatiDBlkl"e.oook stove, r ol1s'o"el ho, Orelon, aDd UI ..b daring Jana· a large paper bal{. blow It rllll of air bere I be.,. to ••, Knok Plokering. C. '1'. Hawke. Auot. ice oream freezer. olothell rack, ary by Presidential proolamatioD tben br8l\k It on t be wall of the (ltoirs ~ wblD &U"le Ilrl Walter KeDriok, Ulerk. Ironing board, . ourtaln IItretcber, on reoommendatlon of tbe ~IlI'.d Milltaking tbe loud rllPor t ror a pis· Oomee 10 ~ ....Dd the 912 Relbold Building, Leab by Lytle Ladlea' Aid \5001e&7 olotbell balket, dishee. glauware, and oooking uaensila, Dew lea$her l:ltatell Geologioa l Sar.ey, oo.erlag tol sb ,)t, the robbere fled Dayton, 8be ballcJI for me & UWe peD Ohio guD oue, ael.lIOope or field gl88l1, 1,3U acree. Tbill aotion W&8 t.lren or &utle'. domlDoee; 1 will ",ffer for ule a$ my relit. 3 IU'''e fernl, and man" .rtioles too I f ' b f th lio f lth mil.. ..,.. .. J 0 or. erauce ell e po yow . Ibe fM4a m. applee (mllke belle.,.) ; donoe 00 'be O'N eall ferm, 21{ /~ DUmer(\Q8 to meaUOD; d raw Ins a II pu1bll0 I &Ih... A~ r OrtJ.d llato American SChool. K1rkavWII. "0 aod 1Y.. mil~ -el' oan d 011 eoat 01 Ore"ooi., .. .... ~ Terma-All e.:.&mll of 110 aDd unOlassifled Ads Jua wba. llike Ihe .. nowa· of aenpeck, on der, oasb. All .lIuma over 110. examination to J)O"M88a ~alae lUI Monday, March 4, 1911 110 oredit 01. mo_tha wUl be giveD, power;eltell, pelldlflg legil lation by w w w w • w • ~ lb. matee IDBlqu..1 aDd lrDa' and. f I bea by parohaler Kinng a bankable note Conar"l a11lOw devtllopmeut by roll; ,_ Be/I I no I n. at 10 a ' 0 Ioolt tbe o D AdM will be In.ened u n"er ~bl " bead for 60 rEARS' rin,llx per oen' interest . IMelos or otherw18e, The $otal twen tv ' """ cents tor tbree In NcrLlo" . E)(PE RlENC. 8u mak.. me IOratoh aDd dll 10wiDI obattela: S Ronee-Gray Mtlre, 10 yeal'1l Walter J . KUbon , witbdrawala ontstandlng 00 Jans wben u81nH not more tb an live line • . Oh, wheo ,be 0001" '0 pla, wltb old weigh' 1850 ood T , Hawk!z. Auct. ~ , , g wor k er ~nv· C. W.It. O'l'Ieall ary 31.' 11112. embraoed 1,731, 376 ...w 'W_...._ ...._ ....""''''.....'''__................................ • ,.. ....,.. .........._ _.,..,.....~........ ae, wileN; Bay Horse. 16 yearll old, J . '0. n.·r.~l.;ht, C1erb I I dl thon...nda of ""w.r . 1'.- .ueb a happy pilI wtllgb' 1:.150.g00d worker .nd liDer i "'" .~. " aore., n. a DR ..... • - • sit... FOR SALE -Rabecca DeIDina Moore in )lcC"}'1 Bay Hare, 6 yeara old, good family drIver and lood worker . Sbocldnl Sounds During Janaary 7,2n aoree pre .1 Vow-Good Milk Cow, 'yeara .Ioal)y wUhdrawn were, 00 furtber 811I11III • OooctWorker URKEY Toms for .ale or trade. old, will be fl"8llh In April. In $he eartb are sometimes hellrd Aha enmlnatloo, r ..tored ~ entry .. bel ibl t h k Inqolre of Nllthan Aadin, eo Hop-18 Brood BOWl due &0 ore a err e eart qaa e. . t "IblalDed my hear' for . . . . . ta 011 " len .t4e for two, f."row in April, 1 edra good ooarae wam of 'be oomlng peril . Nature's having DO value for the development R. D. 1. Wayneeville. Oblo. m1 3 , _ , " ~_ W. Janoa. Dan.llle. Polaad Chioa boar, 46 rail pige warnln/Ce are kind. That doll pain 01 power. TbtloriglDal wi'bdrawalll o Wm . P. Zell, tor Tobacco Ya. "bua I kDOW DOW ta WAi lDdt rheie ho~. are all healthy i 110 or ache to 'be baoll: warna you the of pow~r .•l&e laDde... recommend. 8oxea, mlde of lI&rio&lv dry ....... a. Dr. KlDI·. New Ufe oholara. 300 bu,belll of good oorD, Kidney .. Deed aUentlon If you woald e'd by 'be englneera of ' .b e Survey, baled timothy hay. 880&p8 thOle dangerollll m~ladies, Illmber and kept under oover. PWI ooapleM.t oared me." Bee, , toDI Baro.. and Vebio\ea-2 setl Dropey, Dlabetelt or Bright's dis· are lDnriably made .. Imall .. putl· m13 101' akiIDaob, UTw aDd kidDey U Jobdooble work barnell, 1 aet lingle eye. Take .Elec~rio Bitters at onoe sible, but wbue more·detalled deld • • .,..u,..&1oo. bea4aohe or debtl· bUR'y barDE88. 1 buggy. 1 Iprins and 1168 baokache fly and all your examlnatloD DOWI abat ~bey can be UF. 110 aa all drupta, NE Kilk Cow, frellh 00 Febru· wlgOD. . beet feeliog. returD. "My 80n reo flldber'oo,doWD wUboul8Dduser ary lilt. Large helter calf . 'ImplemeoY-l rOld wagon in oelved great be4eflt from 'heir use iJilR ,1:8 InHrettw of tbe publio aooh Apply $0 Mre. E. StiDlon, Hllrveya~.. "Ian. ap" Uke & badly 100d llhape, 1 O.harae Bluder, near for kiduey aod bladder . 'rouble'," ei ' ·.1 . .:::. a eu ' _.... immedl ..... l. _ burg, PhOlie '7-3. m6 ~ ... ., .., J . . . trllDilae4l~o" The mao wbo keepa 1.1 ,ood &8 new Boo.ler CorD Plln$. wrlM Peler Boody. Sooth Boot: er Dearly g~.a new brealdDR wood, Hlob ., • Ii is oertalnly a great a&ored ~ 'be publio domain. ThUll, eool alwa,._ thl be". DC &he arEED Gate-Aboat 150 bUllbell of pl~wa, harrowI, oul&l~at:orll and ktdney medicine." Try It. 600 at of the Dearly 1,1000,000 acr. wblob llead oatl, Inqotre of Na~han maay o'lier artlcl... all drugcletf. d I h TH. C •• ATKeT l'erm. made DOWO 00 da.y of eale. • - • ' bave beaD wUlild"a'WO or nB , e Gray, R . D . 3, Wayn88ville, Ohio. m6 "'red Smi.h, Jua fODr yearl! for pow.r .".., • P~EPAIUNG VEGETABLES Me Woa't Ump Now U '1'. Hawke, Auotc. 18.,883 a01'8l! have been 10 rea tor ed . IN TN. WOIILD - • - • Pigll--tOT sale, all of them good - -1>1'0 more limpiD, for rom lloore . W. I:' O'Neall, Clerk. fUlIUSHED WEEnY. $4.00 PER 1!Al There are lome lime _.Inl Thl. ta the se&,80n of the year when Inquire of Frank Cook, R. O. 01 Uoobran, Oa. .., bad a bad lOre HOT.L., D.UQclaTi, ....OIALI.,.., "kioo" abou' preparing .,.,eabl... ~otbera feel very mucb oonoeroad •. Waynesville, Ohio. m 6 OD .y iaa"'P Ula' DoSblnI .008TU M •••• T.AN . . . . . . OA. We all boll beeSI with aklo. UDOOt onr the frequent ooldll oontracted to belp un I . . . . .Dakleo·, "rDloa I will 1611 at Pnblio Sale on AND ·BU. ..IIVIC. CAN "1I0PI....,.,.. he W"'&e8. "b.' Ikl' wODder. to keep the jotce tD. Now pu' po lJy'belr obUdJ'en. aoel have abuu Poroeil Colt four yell1's old , ald- BY UIIINC I,.. ADV.ItTIIINC COL-U.N. Saturday, Marcb 2, 1912 tal healer lOOn cared me" 'B eall ta'oea allO with the skina 00 in the daDS reuon for It al e.,.ry oold SAMPLE COpy FREE dIe boree, will drIve slogle or old. nanot., lOr., ulcen, bol1l1, --COmmencing at 10 o'olook a. m, lame keUle. aod 'he two veleablea weakena tbe lan,ga, lowen tbe vital. doable, w111 sell or trl\de for 8000 Add.... NIEW YOIIK CLIPP ... bunaa, 011'" brni.... lIOM. .a or Ibarp the followinl guodll : Ity Ind pavel 'he way for 'be more N_ York. N. Y. horse. Apply to O . 8. Rloke, pn_. Tq ll. Only ~Io I.' aU drill KaDare apread6r1!, lIllodt "nil oook nioely tojre$her; ooly beeu lerlone dill8&S88 'ba$.o often follow. work m 6 W,. ynenUle, Ohio . p.... Clover .Leaf i mowing macbiDee, mUll' go In dret and boil macb Ions Cbamberlaln'l Ooqh Remedy 1. fa. WAV~I!SVlLLE CHU~CHES. ha, teddera. bay r"kee, olover er. 'l'hey will Dot diaoolor 'be po lUOU8 for i&fl · OUI:.. , aoel III pleallal,\t 'Iaoee. alld IAfe to tak.~. For ..,1. by all bunoben, br .. klog plows, oulttva 011 til. IttllUlh"l ready th. Dllha doolen, No 1 Farm for rent. Can at Methodist EpiBeopai Cbun::ll. Wen, It la a . .1 pl.. nre, th... tON. harrowl, ebovel plowlI, corn _ _.,..,_.,... _ • 'bl8 office for rurtberlnloImllRev. o. 8,, P"&ol', plllDtera, dllO barrow!!. Uar 10a<1 of 0014 _orlll... to God a weD IlUed feDoe poe&ll. oonallltlol of Looast. The oold a'ritea up tbroogb HOW A LITTLE KNOWLEOOE tion . Sunday School, 9: 111 a. m . Mornl"1r .er vloe, 10 :80 & , m. Evening ae"loe. 17 : eo p bub' aU ready. ("'heemut aDd Steel. Amerloao a ma"r... ,hat just reate on .prlDga m. Mldweell Pr ,yer MeeUIl&'. 7 p. m . HELPED feDoe, farai' ud pollUry. Alto bag aDd makee ODe oold in 'bed a' _i,ha. ,..., .arrt.., load oar'a "nd farm Lay eoe or t"o tblokDeaMII of Dewa St. Augqstlne's Catholic Cburcll. AD exoelleol Ulullk&&1oD of bow Do' _ wute ,tme and ener,y wa,oD. ikDall.r&1olee: CoDlia"nl Father Loula Yau. MAFFI~, paper over 'be aprlDge i dala will a liUJe agrioultural knowledge 101.... enr, 8OO0/1d SUlldar of the mo"tb all .".., to wAlb beaD po' ahe in par' of the followlDg: BIlIIJ keep 00' the oold aDd .. ve tbe ma' · V:ou a. m . wblpe, atoOk food. bay rakea,eho"ela, dSb"y applied wlll give reen1&e haa Undertaker and Embalmer, . . . tay it Ia emp"~' Po, I' to foru, halter t .... ule Ifeue, brool1;1i.' '0 ,he nO'lce of __ _ _ _ _~~~_ from . . .r. a pa. or ....r ttl..... day, &Dd ab_ rator. maahlDe 011, double 'rees, St. Mary's Episcopal Cbutda. the College of AKrioultDre, Obio Will be found In tbe old Hev. J. F. Cndwallader. Rector. ain,le tr.... Deck yotea, .tep ladden " will olea. ..lIy. tltate Univer'''~7. J . V . Stookleln, Bank Bullding. OPPOlih Sunday Sohool, 0 :30 n. m Mornlill aer aod lD fa'" a ,reat maDY other .r· BUTCHER'S SON WAS A KINa AI.hene oOlln'y, Obio. OWDa a II. the NlLttoDal Bank. vice. 1U :ao a. dr. Holy CommunIon 'he IJrat Uol... . . Telephone io house and of· Sunday ot eac)) mOD~b. 'l'erme-OD all au~a of flO and But 0 ... 1IU1 Antony I. Did Not Rul. 80re apple orolilard, 111 yearll old, fioe where J o&D be called belt ..., of OI_DlDl ' the nabLong Over Arlucanla In nnder, O&8h; over flO • aredta of from whlob be bad receind DO re day or night. ChrlstJan Church • . . . _ • wrioliDI maoblae il South Amelica, als mODtha will be liv". poroh.. Rev. L. O . ThompeoD. p . . . . turn until las' year. The orobard Vaney Phone 14-2. nb tIIem 01. . witb a oloth dipped et ,iYiD, bankable 00$8. BIble School, 8:80 ... m. 8oc1r.I ~ ID .,....U. n woa. do aDl urm If A. B . Side•. The death of HPrtnC8II" Jlarauerlta, 111 sltaated 00 billllrOllnd. Land of Main Street. Waynesville. Ohio 10:10 ... m. OhrlaUau Ender.'t'Or. 7:00 p • ..: BermOD b,. paator evOJ')' a1klr11r.te BWlda:r .. O. T. Hawke, Auot. c!auchter of "KIDS Ol'8l1uI Anton,. I.," lih qllalUy in Athenl 'lnd adjolo l1li. nabber ablor. a li"le . . 10:10 a. m. and 1:ao p. m. In a poorboule on the Danllb lilaud oountlea oan be l;Ioagbt for 110 to '20 Will O·Neall. l otero oIoe CJba~ID&D, , • of Re,.. .I4. brinSI to 1l8bt a romaDce pe~ lore. Mr . Htaokleill attended H14slte Friends Cbura.. kaown to few, and halt tOI'lOtten even If )"0. to make till ... , l"1rst Da) McetlDI(. 0 :00 a. m. F1n~ Da, I. leo~ure ginn on a .paola} honioul. 80bool . 11 ;0(1 a. 18 , F ounh Day MeeUQI(. lSavi., .o)d my a'ore, I will offer by theae. _, d .., free from aDd 10 :00 a. m. tarat ' 'rain, tba,t ran through hi. at Publ10 &le a' my "",iden'18 10 "Kine OreUua ' Anton,. I." wea the wIllall wiU' need DO••• try CorWiD, Warrell oooDty, Ohio 00 IOU of a FreDch butcber who lived .t oounty, and bealrd aboat 'be proper Ortbodox Friends Cburea. tiki ~meo. of PDatlDI" 10.11 .. _ Tb.ratay, February 29. 1912 "'rIa'ord. the city ot p18l. HI. Dame oare at frait .tre." . Be determined Mr.. Ruth Murray, Pueor tie mull• . • , betore plaolDIir U 10 ...... DDt .....a ]0 o'olook, I.. 01, &lte w.. AntolDe TOUDenl. He Itudled law, to put loto pr.lotloe lOme of the For Women S a bbath Sohool, II :ao a. m. Rel(uJar oburll~ but havlD&' .. taate tor achanture, .et ... Po' ' '100 will be IIQrprtaed foUowlnl Obatle!. : servloe, 10 " 0 a. 111. (] hrIH~lan EodeaYDr. More Friend. than anr other out for Booth ~rlca. Th.t 'W&I In ahin,. he beard. Be pruned, 7 :30 p_ ~al,. • Bea. Bon_II 'hree.Yl1ar-old 1811L aprayed and mulobed hill treel. an" magazIn e or patterns. McCall s is the reliable: I ,' ,,~hio ll Guide monthly in w.&em hor.... broken lI~nRle .nd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! doable. ooe I .fe for lady, bay borae Hta waadtlriqa took hlm to Arlu· In the f&1I of 1911 be han..sed one m :i.! ojfl nn e! hundred thousand wbere be pel'llUaded the lDbab- ',000 bashela of fruit. prlDcipally hom ~f, 1\ , sillc5 5howing nil the latest 1,1,eare 0 Id,1 " ..&em 001&, oomiDg canla, ltaata to let up an IDdependent moo- Rome BeantJ, Beo Da"le aDd ' Bald desiK "" o r ~! , C:1I 1 Patterns. enchissue " . n old, broken to eaddle aDd arob7aa4 make him klns. Thla 414 is hn lllfo: l <or , pnrkling short stories lind hell'ful "tfllrlllatio n for women. dJive, a boy'. pe' ; bull dOIC· 100 Ilot nit. ChIle. whlcb eent a force of W1D. Be haadled bla orop in buabel b Jad of 'boroolbbred pouhry 000 eratee and wltb ~he addtt.lon of S... Money .nd Keep IA SI,le hy ."bocrlhln8 of Mlnarou, bnff and 9tbl'" troope to Araucanta. King OraUue Anfor McCa ll ' , ;\I.'f{.1 ;ue at ollee. Celta Clul" 50 OrpID,toDI, al,o wbite Boob. IoD7' I, 'WU put tn priaon and remaln- It Itorage plant. of btl OlJD be cents III \'t:al , illcill(hug allY one fIt the celebrilted McCalll'.ltt I: PI 5 I,ec . plaoed biDl!elt In a . poIltloo ~ WaIOD'. Bar...a and '1'oolfl-Ollle.1 e4 u.ere UDtII the French l'Oy.erument McCall P.tte,,,. Lead 1\1 1 nl h en In , t,lt. fir . ,rooerr 4ell"er, w&lon, lIgh&aprin, obtatDeCl hla Nle.... Hli eKorte to be r ..Uze top nntaln prlon for bla orop. 'imr,lIci'v, ~t'< · ""!nV =-ud 11\1 ll1ht :' ,old. More ..., dea er. iell J\l cC~ 1 1 P:utern,l than a ny othu two wIIIOo. ' r••ler break OIIrt. 10D,. retnatatecl OIl the ,..CUlt AraUC&DlaD makes comhhlrd . ~: l Ilt hlg htr .tau IS CCII', . liu y ManV,meo wheo in deep trouble .bara oart. pDDy oarl, boy'e uddl. tbnme wire t'uWe and th. tormer -c, from your dnltr, 0 1 IIY mail h om al.d bridle. 1»O,'e farm w 1,00, tl.exi , ttoc Nbsnaad to !'ruce and obtatned faU dod wbat may be the hI$ McCALL'S MAGAZINE bl8 flyer.... Dew poQ barneu, flne emJloJIDlIlt .. a ..~~ In .bot__ way oat-conllultiog 'he wite. She bo..... hi4e bon, I'obe, He cUed th.,. 101ft.. 238-246 YI. 37th St.. New York City robe, pluab rObe, hO~18 ' ~ .Ilft father re!pee! to tuotr 11 YODr p&r'ner, for b,tb proll'a aod !t\........,.. o.,r. " _11_,.. ...t PAM... rn•. 10111811. aDd her advice Is alwlY. I·G(lft,n. hallere. bloycle. .tIl. PJ1n~ Jlarcuertta. IUl ato"e', 6 ",he 'WU . b,. wortb ooallderiDg. boX811 and treua17. It 'WU

17e long C'ot'" , 49c



I 19c To ••


30e Ie

S8e 22c




-,. . THE LOUIS TRAXLER COMPANY, Dayton, Ohio ~--------------~-


Osteopathic Physician




. .'


G '0











.- .






.- .


wan, •


McCall's Magazine


aDd McCall Patterns

_0 _






. maarthat auttore. monlT 'WU marrt.wt Ii. DaoIIh ofl!IlCl~ l. .'nober Uf.:1n a abl~









Turnl", tile Table•. Having done hla best. by eveTl" tal' atld uufa lr means, during the las t electIon to cal e b I.he calldldute trlpplD g. Iho hecltls r grcw offensively persoDal. LADY'S 28 INCH LENGTH ' CO AT . ' "Is It true tbat Jour mother wRl\be8- " he began . but betore he could add the word "clothes." the wit· ty ('a ndld ute called out smartly : "ot course she doe". Why, doo't )'ou," . Thill rnlse d a loud laugb a t t he hlOCK' ler'l expense : but. 8tlll undu untcd. be returned to tbe attnck. "You can't deny." he said . "thut your rathe r wu a rag·nnd ·bono man. . I boug ht Bome .clothes or him thirty Tears ago ." "And I see you 'r e stili w('ar lng 'tb em!" :was. tbe clllldldnt e's IIg btnlDlI: '·etort. Tb e re was no more hel.kllng tbat nlgbt.

Prac'tical Fashions


6YNOPSIS. J ack K"lth. a V l r lftnlan. n ot\' f\, ~\~:; d er pl aI n sma n hi look t !uc (or rouml n .: pari l eal o r H~ • .,ell It wugOl1 ' ... urn .. t full ,gallop purft u ~d by Ol e n 011 p l ll1l e", . Whe n Keith r e a r hc:t t h \! "'''I:on t he- r aid · e .... have mn !fsu(-r ed t wO UI ~f1 u ml ,! eparl ed . H e aeu rc he s I he ,,· "~ t Im8 ~ndln .. p npe r ll a nd" I()(.'ket wit h 11. w u lnu.n It ..Po 0r tru l t I(pft h II Urrt\jl l ('rt at Ca r so n c.. H y. cha r ged 'W ith th (l lIlurd tl r , hi s t\CCUSUI' b e. 11th a rurr'n n n amed Alu ck l1a rl. A n ogr o c:oITlPllnl o ll In hl l l'("11 IItlm ed :-': " lJ 1{'lls htm th ll t h l-- hn e w the K d t h a In Vl r g lllin . N~b "1')'8 on" or t h~ tTl t lr(h: r ~'u m e l! WIU Jo n f.,'hle )' the o ther .:}l' lI . \\ 1I 11~ \\ If " , Co rm· ~ r lr a ' Cu nred t' r u h .' t>(tlc"' r T ht l pl ,.dns llut n .tad N-b e8l. tlpt~. u "d IUl Pr th ~ fugI ti ves com e upo n tl '"ttLln u nu nIH) It s ol:'t: upnnt t o be Il )" , lUIi M fl lr l. \\ hom Kt"llh I hlnk8 h e- an \\' at Curson CII), . Th u ..;Irl ox p lal n s tha( J h e 18 In lu' nrdl ot a brCl t he r. w ho Illid d t'8c:' rh'tl fn llll I ht! li r my. a.nd th a t 0.

IU VI'""•.

1\·l r. H u wkr II hl .. ,' d her 10 canH! t o th e nl bln whil l.' th' :t:,ul\h t lI u r bro th e r . Ha.w · SVP,·Il,.". un d Kdth In hiding rccog· rlZt>6 hi m us U~u..: k B a rt. Th e r t" t 9 n tf!r,'Itl t tJa tll e III t ild dark e n ed r oom In whi c h k )'

}\. l.! fI



vic tor,

Horse. tLro

ap pro p1'lal~d .

and t h~ ,.;Irl " ' h o .ars th ut h t" r namt" Is K e ith ex p laIn. h is situatlon a n d {h e fuglt lv I!8 !Oaku (or For t J...a r nt!d . whe r e th e girl hs tt' !t w ith

.H ope. Jollal tn t ht! ... c a p e .

lh" hotel lan<1 l"d)'. MIK. Hop" t ~ lI a lhat she I ~ th e dauICht"r ot O" nernl W lllt~ . I{eith a nd Neb drift tnl o Bh.rldnn. where l{eith meels an old frl enll. Or. Falrb" ln. Keith m"eta thu brother of Hop. WIllte. under the assumed name of Frod WIl · loughby. and becom~8 convinced th al Blac k Bart h... some plol In vol vIng H)" two. Hope leal'no thllt Oen. WallO. who wo.. thought murdered. 18 Ilt Sheridan. and CO<!. th ere whero »ho 10 mt 9 t /lk~ n for Chrlolle M llcln lre. tho Caroon City .tnger. K"lth me"tII the rea l Christie Mw: tkl .... ILDd find. thot Black Bart hlUl ronvlnced her that thero Is a mystory In , her lie.. .,..hlch h. I. going to turn 10 hn advan· tage. Th e pilltn. man tells Hop., Wullo of he r ...... embla nc. to Christi .. Maclal re. They decide that Fred Wllioulfhby mal' hold the key to Ihe situation. Keith linda 'Wllloughby ahot dead. Hope b lold of the denlh of her bruthor. Keith fuJI. to learn what repr,.,sntlltlon. Blncl. lIn rl ...... made lo Ch rlHtle Madul r". Hope "U&g sle that In ord er to Icurn I h • • cere. .he mu.t brlelly Imperso na l Ihe 8ulge "Inger. Dr. Falrballl '0 In love wlt!1 Chrlatle "' .. clalro nnd Keith In(l uc.u him to detain her !rom th e . tuge while Hop~ BOca to the th ell t ur w h~r she m ee t s BlacII Bllrt. who. lhus deceived. tell. Hope that General Wnlto haa suopected hi. plana lind that th ey muat fly . Hopo. lrTeatly alarmed. demurs. Oenerlll Wall e appearl' a nd 811YI Blllck Bort hIlS sl oten papeTll from him regarding an In herl· tance. K ell h I. In formed thllt Christie Muclalre'lI rea l I1 l1mu I" Phy llis Gal e nnd thaI Bile I. lhe ha lt . 181er or Hope. 'l'he Inli er hila beec cllrrl tid away b)' Btack Bart and hi. aang.

"It I!ln' t tbe p;rllY hairs I mind. elth. e r." be admitte d besltatlngly, "but I'ln too darn ed bald·be ad ed . 011. I aln' t so old. for 1 WIl8 only lhlrty·fiye wben tho war broke out. I was 80 thin lben I could hardly cast a sbadow. I've cbangcd some since." casUng bla' e yes adm iring ly down ward. "and got Qultu a figure. I was forty·three I.. t montb." "That Is n't old; that'8 Just right." "I've been a fraid you looked on me 118 being an old fogy' '" "I s bould eay not." Indigna ntly. " Why s hould you eve r think that T" "Well, the re were so many young fe llows ba nging about." "Who ?" "Oh. Keltb. and Hawley. and that bunah of omcel'll ' (rom the tort; you never bad any time to g ive me." Sbe Inugbed aga in. her fingers tlgbt· e nlng In lbelr clas p on bls ba nd. "Wby. how roollsb; Hawley is older tha.n you are. and I was onl y playing with K eith. Surely yOU mus t know that now. And 8e to tb o omcers. they were just tun. You see. In my profe8· sian. one bas to b e awfully nice to every body." "But dldn't you really care for Haw· ley?" he In sisted. bl untly probing t or facte.

a ny of tbose dulle rs. Can )ro u te ll we that. Chris ti e '!" S be IIrtod b el' eyes to hl ,g face. ber IIpI parted. ". caD an8wer anytblng YOII ask." "And you do Dot cllre tal' them?" "No." He drew his breath ,harply. bla round face rosy. "Then YOU bave got to Ihl ten to me. ter I'm deadly In e arnes L I' m an old. rough. bald·bead ed rool tbllt dOD't know mucb a bout womc D- 1 never thought before I'd ever wa Dt t.o- but yo u can bet on one thinS'. l 'm sq uare. Anybody In th is tOWD wll.l tell you I'm sq ua re. Tbe y'lI te ll YOII tbat wbate ve r I says goes. I'v e n ever run around 11' ucb wIth women; somehow I nev e r exactly liked th e kind I've ('ome up ngalnst, and maybe th ey did· n·t feel any parUcular Inte r es t In me. I dldn'" r.ut m uch sh ine 11.8 a ladles' man. but. I r eCKon now. It's only be· ca use tbe right one hadn't bappened along. She Is be re now. thougb. all rIght. a nd I knew It the ver y first time I set cyes on be r. Ob. you roped snd Ued me all right tbe first I hrow. May· be 1 did ge t you and tbat half·slster mixed up a bit. but just the same you were the ODe I really wanted. Hope', aU rIght; she'l a mighty Ilne gIrl, but

C HAPTER XXXII.-(Continued.)



. "

UI did. Christie : you bet I dId." broke In lhe delighted docto!·. eve r)' nerve tingling. "I 'd 'a' cleaned out that whole gaDg It 110. but I reckoD DOW It was belter to let them te ll all they knew It was like a tbund er storm clearlng t be at· mospbere." "Ob, It was, Indeed I Now I know who 1 am-who I aID I Isn't that s lm· pi)' glorious? Bit down. Doctor I'·alr· balD . there ID the bIg chat r where I can see )'our tace. I want to talk. talk. talk; I want to ask Questions. a tbou· saDd QUeStiODS; but It woulen't do any good to ask them of you. would It'{ You don't kDOW anytblng about my family. do you?" "Not vel')l' :nuch. I am afraid, only that you have got an almighty pretty balf·slpter." admitted the man. em· pbatlcally. "and old Waite posseSBes the vilest temper ever give n a bu· m bn beIng. He's no blood kin '0 )'ou. thougb." - "No, but he Is aWfully good und er· neath, 1I0't be?" "Oat a beart - - ---,WWIi:lte. a baby burt." "Have you knowD h im. then. ror a long while'" . "Ever since the Sp ring of '61. ""as brlgaded wltb him all through tbe war. aDd had to cut a bullet or so out at his hide berore It ended. If tbere was e ver a fight. W\lUs Waite was aure to get his sbare. He could swear some thE' D. bul be's Improved since . and I reckoD now h e could likeIy claim the champIonship," "Dld-dld YOU know my motber olso ?" and Chris tie It'aned forward. her eyes euddenly grown misty. "I have n't even tbe slightest memory ot h er." Tbe doctor's heart was tend e r. and he was s wift to respond. rellchlng for th aDd b'l'asplng the hand Dearest !JIm. He bad mad e love beCore. yet s omf'how thIs was differe nt ; be felt balf afraid of tbls woman. a nd It wns 1I new s ensation altogether. aod not unp leasant. " I ~a\\' h~r of teD e nougb In tbcse d8)' S, but not .Ince. She was freQu eDt· Iy In cam p. Il ver y sweet ·raced wom· An; you have ber eyes and balr. as' remember. Waite ougbt to bave recQgnlzed you At firs t sIght. By Heav· ens! that \\'a8 what mad.! me so In· fel'Dully mad, the mulish obstinacy Of th e old fool. Your mother used to come to tbe bospJtd tent. too; one of tb e best nurses I ever saw. I thOUght sbe was a beauty then. but IIbe's sam., oldel ~)' tbls time." be pauled re~etfully. "You see, I'm no .prlng chicken, my.elt,'· He r eyes wt:re upon his face. a IUgbt flus h stuwlDg ·In either chf'ek, and Bhe mad~ DO e!Iort to wlthdnur lUll ImprJaoD8d hand. "You are Just a DIce age :~ with U.rm «lODYlctton. "Boya are Ureaome. &lid

du yo U Imagine be eve r cot ber to go \\' Ith blaJ '! She Is n't that 80rt gf • girl." She s book ber hea"', IIUyerlDg a Ut tie. " He must bave mistaken ber fop m perha ps ba8 not even yet dls cov· ered bls mistake. Bu t what It a ll means. or how he calned ber consent to go with him, I ca unot conceive." Sbe s tood wIth handa clasped .• t .... Ing out of the wIndow. "There II a !JUle IIgb~ showing al· rea dy ." she exclaimed . pointing. "Seft. yonder. Oh. I trust the , will find ber alive. and un burt. That man. I b& lIe l'e. Is capable or any crime. BlIt couldn·t YOU be of 8ume belp? Why s hould you remain he r e with me! 1 am In no daDger." "You r eally wish me to go. Ctu-t. tie?" "Not tbat way- not t hat way." and s he tllrne d Im pu lsi vely. wltb hand. outstretc bed. "or course I want you here ",Ith me. but I want JOU to help bring Hop e back." He dr ew h er to him. supremely bappy now. every feuUn g ot embarrBB. ment lost In complete certainty of po. seBsloD. "And I will." be aald solemnly. "Wbe rever tbey may have &one I shall follow . I nm going now. dear. nnd wheD I come back you'l1 be clad to lue me '" "Shall I ?" ber eyee uplifted to 11111 own . and 6wlmolng In teal'll. " I will he tho ha ppies t girl In all the world, I reckon. Db. wbat 1& nlgbt this bu beeD! Wbat a wo nd erful night! ~, bas glveD me 9 nam(' . a mother. and tbe man I love ." He kissed her. not In pa8slon. but In simple tendern ess . and 118 be tutoed away ahe san k upon her knees at llIe window. with head bowt'd u pon Ibe elll. At the door be paused and looked back. and she turned and amUed at him. Then be went out. and sbe kn elt the re silently. gazing forth In to tbe dawn . ber eyes blurred with tears-racing a ne w day. aDd • new life. (TO



<lone more tor pimples. blackheads and otb er unsightly conditions of the complexion, r ed, rough. chapped haDd., dan druff, itching. sca ly 8CBlptl, and dry. thin and falllD g ha ir tbaD any oth er method. Tbey do cven more tor skln.tortured ·nnd dl sllgur ed IntnDta and child reno Altboug h cutlcura Soap 4D d Ointment arc sold by drugglsta T bls pr<H fy model may De deve lopsd and dealers througbout the world, • BS a separate ~out or may coust ltute liberal sample at each, with 33·p..part of a ('omp lp. te SUIL It Is "eml·llt· book on the care of the akin and balr tlng nDd closes In slngle·breasted 9111 be lent poat·free. on nppllcatiOD fasblon " ' Itb t,,·o rancy buttonll orr tb .. CuUcur.... Dept. L, Boaton. braid ornrun onls near tllo nec k. Tbe turn-down collnr has no Insl' rt of lat· What the Copy Boy Wrot .. In or contrnl Ung lI:oods. a nd the cutb Re presen ta tiv e Dan ADtbony of are s imilarly trim m ed . Cbevlot. broad· KaD llas publl s ber of the Leavenwortb cloth or Rerge mll Y be IIsed. The pa ttern (5675 ) Ie Cllt I n sll~. Times 'oDce had IlD om ce boy who from 32 to 42 .. nc b bust meas ure. To yea rn ~d to ~OOIV how to use 11 typemake the cont In the med ium size wtll wrIter - WhIc h accomplishment. the require 2~ yards of 44 In cb mnte- beiy Ilgured. would mAke .blm a r egular report er . rial Anthony turn ed to n old broken-down To proc uTe thle panont .~nd 10 etlnUi machin e oyer to blm. lays tbe· to " P a tt e rn D epartment," o f thi!! paper . tngton Herald. aDd bade hIm learn t • Write name and add r ..... pl llinly. al'd ba IW'a to ¥Iva . I&B an.d number ot pa ttClJ'D. run It. ' ''Wh at'lI 1 write?" the boy uked. "Ob ~ JURt talre Home BeDtence, aDY NO. 5675. SI ~E .. . .. . ..... ... .. sentence at a ll." Antbon, told hi m. "and see bow Ipng It wi ll lake )'011 to NAME .. .. . .. ....... . .. .................... .. lUi a page' with It." TOWN . .. .. .... ....... . .. .. ... . . . . .. . .... ... . Tbe boy set to work. An bour or two later Anthony clianc ed to notice STREET AND Nr) ...... .... ...... ...... .. the' page on whloh the lad bad been worklug. From top to bottcm or tbe STATE .......... ...... ...... .. .. .. . . ... .... . slieet. and tram mllrgln to margin. the boy bad wr Itten one se ntence over and LADY'S SHIRT WAIST. oyer agn ln until tbere was acarcely .. white spot visible on the paper. The een! ence the boy had selected to praetlce with wal: "Who lhe --- InveDt· ud B'!b 001 T" Another Duty. "You are my wlfe'l wclaI . • ec.... tary?" he allks of the beauteol,. CNllJ.!I. seated at the small desll: 1 -I.n,~th-:-e·=8~tudy-:- " Yes, slr." Ibe Imlles "I am eupposed to take ·Mrs. BUrrup·. place In as maDY lIoclal detalll-a. poe. s ible." "Well-el'-sbe doesn't Beem to be coming downstairs thi s laorlllng. and , It has aiwaYI boon her cUtltom to kls8 me good·by when 1 start ffllr tbe ot· Ilce."-Judge.

Wild 8tr-awberrI6l. Stra wberrles have Improved ve.., mucb 10 Gavor elnce tbe Gfleentb cen· tury. Until then the only atrawbel" rteB eaten were wild strawberrle. of a kind which would neyur GDd a market nowadaYB. By 148. bowever. tbey were beginning to be CUltivated. ror HoUnabed records undet tbat datI a particularly fine crop I'1'Own by Blsbop of EI, In tbe grounda of Oil palace, now covered by Hatton Clar· den. He Quotes the Duke of G1ouceotter as aaying to the I3lshop. "My' lord. JOU have very good strawberries In )'Ilur gardeD In Holborn. f reclulre YOI~ to let ua baye a melll or them." '(,hll speech wal copIed almost verb .. t1m by Shaklo'l!peare In "Rlcbard m." SUII. even the Blahop's fruit would nO! apThll plato, mannlsb shirt wallt bill peal m ucb to modern . connol."\lfI. tor the garden atrawberrle. at that the body aDd upper part of tbe Ileevel period were onl1 tranlplanted olld· cut In ooe. \ U I. made Without any lings. tbe plante belnl IOld at .lH>ut fullne,.. eave that produeed b,. the ptberl .t tb. walst IIDe. The · Ionl 4d. a husbel.-London Chronlcle. .Ieeves are !lnl'hed with a cblc. mlL!l': .nlsh cuI!. For ·wear· with a tailored RaIsing Llo"1 I" Dublin, The unique enterprise or raisin. Iklrt no neater nor more .tyUlb wallt Ilona for tbe trade III one practlCt'ld by could be made. Tbe p.Uern (56511) Is cut tn Illes the Zoological Oarden ' In ' Dublill wbere leveral bundred 11001 bu', rrom 32 to 44 Inob. bust measure. To been raIled sInce the ftnt exper1- make the waist In th .. medium Ilae mentll were made. more tban tblrt, ",,111 require 3 yardl or 36 Inch mate-. yeare &«0' Curlousl, eoouab, tbe raca rial. to ' wblcb thele lIonl belon. baa cU. To WWOCUNI thl. pattern lend 10' .cant. appeared from ItI .. rlglnal 1I0me In to "Pattern Department." of thl. piper. Wl'lt. name and addre •• plainly. '1l'II4 be Natal . Soutb Afrlc. . ... blle It 'lea been llUa ~ &lve a1ae and Dwnber of P"~ perpetuated under ar1tftclal CC)udltlonR In the Irtsh capital city A few yesn ago the .zoological Society of IrelanlS NO. 5659. BIZE .............. ,. \1 ell tended Its bu&lnese of lion raisin I NAME ......... .... , ......................... i and added male 1I00s ff'fim Nubia ~ tta stock, bltherto ell('lusl"ely of Natal TOWN .. .. . .. . ...... . ....... . .............. .. I blood The InstitutloD II Dowell STREET AND NO .... .. .. ............... . gaged In an attempt to Interbreed the two vRrlet~.ea. . STATE: . .. .. .. ... .......... . ... . .. .... ...... : ·


"You Know What I Mean-That I Love You." "He-be Interested me." ' admltted tbe girl, besltatlngly, her e yes dartt· eDlng wltb sudden anger. " He lied and I believed him-I would have beileved anyone wbo came wIth s ucb a IItory. Db. Dr. Falrbaln." aDd ehe clung to hIm now eagerly. "you can· 1I0t realize how hungry I have beeo for what be brought me. I wanted 60 to knew tbe trutb of my birth. Ob, I hated this lite!" She fiung her d!.s· engaged band Into tbe air. with a gea· ture ex press ive of disgust. "I was crazy to get away from It. That was wbat mad e the man look good to me - he-he promised ~o mucb. You wIll believe me. won't you? Oh. yoU must; I am going to make you. I am a singer In music nails; I was brougbt up to that life from a little girl. and of course.· I know what you Western men think at us as a clMs. Hawley sbowed It In his whole manDer toward mo. and I resented It; just tor tbat, deep down In my beart. I hated him. I kDOW It now. DOW that I real· Iy understand bll purpose; bat Bome way. wben I was with blm he Beemed to fasciDate me. to make me do just as he willed. But you have neyer beeD that way; you·-you bave acted al though I was somebodY-lIomebody nice. and not JUlt a music-hail sInger. Perbaps It's jUlt your way, and may· be, deep down you don't tb1nk I'm aay better tban the other do, bl1t-but' ·want · you 'to' 'think I am, and I am going to tell ~ou . tht! tro~. and YOl1

belfev, 'm~l

you are the one tor me . Cbrlstle. COUld you- could you care tor sucb a duff er as I am?" He r lips were emlllDg and 10 were her eyes. but It was a plesldlng Imlle. "I-I don't think It would be so very hard." she admitted. "not it you r eally wonted me to." "You know wbat I mean-that 1 love ;.rou- wlsb you to be my wife?" " I sUlJPoaed tbat was It--that-that you wanted me." "Yes. and-and you will love!" lIer head dropped slowly. so 810wly he did not realize tbe signIficance of the a ction IIntll her Ups t oucbed btl hand. "I do." she ea ld; "you are the bl!llt milD In the world." FalrblllD could Dot move. could not seem to renllze wbat It all meant. Tbe olltcome ha d been 80 sudden, 10 IIU... prlslng . that all power of exprellton deserted blm. In bewilderment be lifted her face and looked IDtO ber eyes. Pe'rhaps sbe realized-with tbe swift IDtulUon of a clever :woman:tbe man'S perplexity. tor Instantly abe led hie mind to other thin,.. I "But lot U8 not talll: of oureelv,,_ any more. tonight. There II lO: iri~' I wlsb to know; so much that · OUIllt to be done ." She sprang to 1I'~r t.~t. "Why. It Is almost lhamefllJl 'or. ut .tO " stay bere. selflsbl7 happy. whUe "re are In lucb trouble. say. dIscovered Hope!'t "A "11'0; we 8coure4 the



For more than a generation, CUU· cur~ 80ap and Cutlcura OIDtment baye


A TrUll Son of the 80Uth. A statue waa. unveiled at Sceault t.t. Clovis Hugues. poet and deputy •• al1 tbe Paris correlPQndent or the Lon don Stand.rd. CIoy11l ~u&Uell wos • typIcal IIOD or tbe louth. and IIkA aL Marselllais be belleyed that tbe ParI. boulevards would be • vel')' rllr Iml taUon of the Cann,ble~ " there wera onl, a bIt of I,a at .the end of tbe street. One srterpoon In Marseilles • 'Parillal\ :ventured to ,eltlm IIO!!" cb.rm' for PariS, "Ablurd," laId Clovl. Huguel. uParl1 ca~not ' compare wltb M~r8ei1J.. at ·. U. Here. at least. 'h ave the ' IIm," 'We"llan tbe SUII III Part.. ' .. reliiarJted bl' friend. A"b bab!" 'C\ovls Hupel; ~tour SUI fil :001y fln old' moon whld •DO' furt!ier Ii.. tor."








Slgnl of a Wlnnlr.

"Doee your wIfe win at brtdge?" "I don't know for s ure," replied Mr. Meekton, "but I tblDk 80. Tbe women all IOQk 8S U they dlllllked her "err. much, but they keep on Inviting her to pl~)'." ,.. A pretty clrl doesn't" bave to pr~ pose during leap year, and a home ly one II afraid to-bul-there·. the 'Itren' olOUI wIdow. f __ __________ ~


It·s easier to look wise than It .deliver the goOds.

~ATROUBLE. MAKE~ coire. PollOn Breeda Varlety of



A.. Ca11torula woman wbo dfdll'l . know for twent, years wbat kept her W, wrltel to tell hOw she Wall bact her health by QuItting collee : '~I alll '54 ;yearl old," Bile sayl, "b."e 'I~ 'co~ee all ~y. IUe, ·.and fOC' 20 yearl suffered from IDd18estlon aDd In80mola. Lite was a burden and a drag to me all Uie ' time; and abont ooce a year my allmeDts got luch hold u~n me that 1 was regu larly 'lIck m' bed' for leveral weeks each Ume. "I 'll'a8 reluctant . to conclude that cot!ee wal tile cause at my trOUble, bu' I am thankful that I fOijJld out .the truth. . "Then I determIned to ule Poltum ,1Icluslvely-for a week at Brat-for I doubted my ab11lly . to :4'o ' Without cot. fee (or any length of time. I lOade the Poetum clll'~fully, as illtec:ted, and betore tbe week expIred had my rewa~d . in' a ' . percePtible Inerease 1il Itrength and aplrlt.. .' , "Seel~g the good .thJlt IQ. ~rt q. perlment bad accomplished, I reaolY84 to ~onunue tbe UBe of Pdatilm. cutUna out tbe coffee entlrel,. Thll I dlcf for Dine. p1onlhl, flDdln" 4alb'. Iucrea"'4 calise for gratlftcatiOll at Impr~~hlg health. 14)' tlid.lge.• ~IQID uall, ' lett 'lpe, mT pined 26 pounds In ' changed aallow

No Telegraph Polea In Town. The us e Of telegra pb polel! bas bael! dIspensed wltb eDtlrely by ·the olllela!. of one Welsh town. by making am a ... rangement wltb the pro pert, ownen to allow tbe Wires to be Itrunl from house to bOUle. There waf lome h8l1~ taUon aD tbe p.rt of QuIte a eODslderable number . but the desired pe.,ul .. ilion ws. quite gene""lly iecur:ed con' dltlonally In one J)Ortlpn of tb~ toWll. and the Improved appearance wa. 10 great that tbere wal little trouble securing tbe Ilermllsloo of all prop-" erty bolden. Now the new CO'adltlOD I~ a source or great prlde .on the part hile &.Dc( btl(·:am: .,,!-!~.t~~~~ of tbe resident•. "T"en I lhi)ui:bt" j , ~alD.


punl.bment I .. ~~}~~~~,~~~~,~ frIend, ·Po:.~J.!~_' ~, .~ trouble,; . \. "Thllt ·

tra~. NOW~~I~~~i~~~~~'~~:lt~~t~~;~~~ ' i~~~~~~~ir~

liah' an mual ..• lrl." and wund I t.hlnk .a Ilttle gray improvement. Oh, In yo~tbe . m.U lItu·tII1m· "Great'· 0041 ' or, allra ~,000 fOU .are," 1,'lde 011 thenoprairie, but tlIICire~_Ua ~(~ &jIDe 1 sa y tbAe just to ' pleue )'ou-;-I ' be bltir:te'd oat."" ~~Drt 10\i". luppOjI. IItUechauce . or their bve IIlwal'lI .thought so~ ' 8Inc~",ell. 'I bOw:? \nat ·Iilit . what liu beeQ trail be[o~ ·dayUlhL" And ,HAwle)'!';1 ' ;~;:f~~L!i~~ .sliDe cr~'" uP . Be.l~el, lIel!i'J . 'iDell tboUletPla' I...... \ W.hi.:.)' I'd,; .a :. " ~'" ....k . youn., ~c.uae <.toe, tOUcht any buck' wttol4 '.' ID~ ~t Be ' baa ~~lat~ ~~:~ , ~ _ StII'C I\'.tured. perlU\PI • . Ko.w )'qu. ~h&t I WaD~ ~ lmo'!J w.... -4ou~t .. the, ~ ... .. .. 7~ L. .t:loctA!i"!" .,. . w~.ther o~ DOt. )'OU ......, ,~ ' . Joa luppoae 110 caa U.*- "~:'!lI~ .


..-In'. ' '·1 ........."1 •

News 'rof fife








HOME·MADE Y'ANKEE BOBSLED £lIcellent Coaltlng Sled May Be Put Together b~ Hondy Youngster -Eal)' to GUide. A good coasttng s led, wUl ch I ca ll a

Yllnllee bob, can be made lrom two hardwood barre l staves, t wo pieces or 2 by 6-lnch pIne, a pie ce or tlnr~ wood tor tbe rudd e r alld n few IlIeees or boardB, writes WIlliam Algh), Jr., or Little Falls, N. Y., III Popular MCCUa n· iCII. The 2 by 6-lncb III ecc8 s hould be a little Jonger tbau o ne· tlJlrd tile lengtb o~ th e staves, and enc b pi ece cut Wile Ing frOID tile wIdes t part. ij Incbes , down to 2 InClles, and tb en 'Bs tened to tb e sta ves wltb large wood screWB aB sbown In Fig . 1. I\oards 1 Incb thIck ur!!' nnlled on top 01 tile plecee .or a Ben t to Ilold th e r1111n ers together. Tbe boards sho ul ll bo or Bt!cb a length a8 to mak e tb l) runn e rs about e ighteen Incbes aport. A 2·lneh s haft f'Jf wood, l<'lg. ~. 18 turned down to ] Incb on th e ends a nd IJUt tbrougb boles tbat mu st be bored In the front e nds or the · 2 by tl·ln ch pieces. A slDsli pin Is pu t throu gh ~ach end or the sbaft to Ir ~e p It tn ' placo. Tbe rudd er Is a 1 ~·!n c n nard · wood piece wllich IIbould be tapered to one·half In('b a t tbe boltom Ilnd

.~i~,~ ;YF!" ¥I~I·;~'~·~.i

II '1.'~\' .,' ,\ ;,., ', ,'; 1:-I \1. ,,1.\. I 'I~ I I, , I 1\ 'I~ r . I, " \' I' . tl


, . , ' \ (.,!.

' '''''


Runn.,.. Mad. of Barrel 8tavel, .bod with a lbJn piece or Iron. A half·lnch hole 18 ixlred tbroucb tbe center of tbe s hart and a Ing screw put tbrougll Rnd turned In tbe rudder piece, malting It 10 the rudder will turD rlgbt and lett and, also, up and down. Two cleatS are nailed to the upper Bide. or the runnerl and In the middle le~bwn)'s (or Lbe person's beels to relit against, All, child can guide tbls bob, "'8 aU b. II •• to do III tQ guide Lbe ru<lder and left to go In tbe dIrection Dam"'. . If. he wantl to lltop, be pulls up ,on tile band Ie Bnd tbe beel of the rudder will dIg Into the snow, eaulllng too much rrlctlon for tbe sled to co

~ an~er .

NEW DOLL IS QUITE USEFUL L1ttl. Glrll Can U.~ . It al Muff to K •• p Their Handl Warm-In. ¥ented by New Vorke~.

\ .

A doll that Is also a mUff, or a mutr · 'ttult II .n doll, wblchever wa, ,ou . Uk~, hila been Invented by a New York:. m",'n. 'tbo doll baa the outward

1 .

Ule Doll for Muff. I4!mbl~nce


others of Ita kind , but IDllIcfe tbe skirt IB a BOft body with hand-openlnga on each aide: Tbl g dollie, or' coursOl II a wInter cblld and w"'l ~a long coat IIk~ ber ownllr, tbe coal bavlliS wIde .Ide pockets, 110 that .'_ the Ih~le:'.lrl carrying It can slip her bella through Into tbe Boft muir In· .Ide. To enhance tbe etfect thfl dot! allo earnM a muJr. But It I. not only chUd",D wbo may be looked for to · ,ca1TJ'. ~bIa doll mulf. In these taddllh a,. wben ,0Jln, ,women carl')' teddy · .bean, ..tnled dOgB lind even dolla on the atrd{, tbere "1 lio realon whr ' tbey .lIoul4 Dot cnlT)" one of tbelle chJld's loy••, a band· warmer and IIcbl.eve I. tile 40uble lIu~cell' or attr:1et\ng alten· • 't!0b ' at ' the lIame time,


Little Girl II Taught to Conv.,..e In BOlton Latin In Remark.bly Short Time. "How Jong. Pop," Etbel usked. "doel\ It tlJko to learn a ,trunge language 1" "Tut hub a tut dud e pup e nun dud ~8U' p repli e d . "Stop nr joking and tell me" Ethel plellded . "Dud 0 yuv lut ' basb I Dun kuk I mum juJ 0 kuk I nuu gllg?" I)OP Rsked. "Why wll\ you make fun of me," asked Ethel, pouting, "I'll go and aslr mama ." " Walt a minute , daughter," said pop . "Ol d YOll understa nd wbat I was saying to YOII?" "Ot coorse not." \ "We ll . , ca n teach YOll In an hour to unde rstand e ,·e r ythlng I lIay to you In th a t ton gue and to a nll wer m e III tbe oame Innguage," "Now YOII're jol, ln g ugllll1 ." "No. I'm not. 1 was only speal,lng 'Bosto n La tin,' whic h eve ry youngster bo y or g irl . within 50 miles of the Hub spolce flu e ntly along In the a rly ·· Os . " Now, pay atte ntion : Eve r, word. barrIng Brew a bbre villtions, Is 6pel1 · ell ou t In Engllsb In a dis gu ised alphu· bet. Thal makes It rathet' s low even king. hut It Is bl1l1d enough to eve rybod y who does n' t knnw the trl oll. " In thlll a lphabe t all the vowels a r e vronoun ced and written naturally Most ot the consonal1tij II re sounded and writt en with tbe Initia l letter. a ~u' and the Initial letter I'e pea ted Thus 11 Is 'a: be I ~ 'bub' and 6 0 on. " Rut there are some conaonanlll that do not work well tba t W6)' . (o'or ex· ample, c Is ' ca use." Anothe r .. uch letter Is h. ' Huh' would not be <!upbunl· OllS, 80 we call ~ 'basb.' Tne otber let ters of similar "dlmcl1lty « I'e q , W . I, y. The y are mnde 'quuv: ·wuv.' 'xuv' (pronounced zuv) and 'Yllv.' " No w. do you understand m y cause ba s h I lui dud 1" Pop asked . "Surely: 'm, cblld,''' Ethel replied Ethel lIad her less on In mind all day, nnd may be sbe lay a " 'ake until late In tbe eve ning studying It over. In tbe mornIng abe lurprlsed be r mother by sllylng to ber ' a the r at the break· rast tabl e: • "Pup 0 (lUp. a lui I t ut tut lui e mum o rur e hasb a aus basb pup lui e a 8118 e ." And Pop replied as he gave ber .ec· ond bel ping : " Yu!: e IU8. mum YIIY lIud e a rur."

AFTER BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE Julius tteldenrelch of Chlcalilo Telll of Lying Wounded Two Weeki on Battle Field. Ha Irbreadt h eSl~a pe y nfe related by vete ran s or tbe Civil wur und won ' d ere d at. by a younger s(' ncl'I1 tl on. but tbe ta lc lI of tort une In th e thick of battle are s ometi mes 1I0t tbe most wooderrul ot tbe wur. Those tbat come n eUN!st to be lll S lo~red lbl e and leave tbe li ste ne r co nfounll e d by tbe thou gh t th at only throllg h Il miracle has th e narrOlOr !.Jee n ea I'ed to the world are tbose of lon g conti n ue ll sur· fe rlng In Ilrlson or ill hos(llta l. One man w llo bas such u. ij tor )' to tell Is Juliu s H e idenreich, wh o liI"~s at 11112 Fairfield a ve nue, Sou t h Chicago. III. Mr. He illenrelch , who lo r twenly ' fiv e yea r s baa been B I.llcmbe r of U. S. Grn nt po at or the G. A . n. nod color bearer , was In Company I{ at t hc Fir· ty·nlnth IllinOis Infan try regiment, whi ch with the Thlrt y·seve n t h 11I 1nois and E lgbth. li:lgbteenth Bnd Twonty· 8econd Indiana regiments anll tb e Peoria battery mad e liP th e division o( the Union arm y ('omrnand e d by Maj. Gen. (the n co lone l) Je ff etEOn C. DaVIs. Tbe story Is of th e three days' Og hLlng ot Pea Rid ge, Ark" one ot the balf·dozen big h~ttl es ot Ib e w ('s t. "My regiment, tile Flft y,nlntb 1111 · nols, was s ent west aft er It " 'as tormed late In the summer of 1861." saId Mr. HeidenreiCh . . "Dy the begin· 'nhlg of Marcb, ]862, we bod gone on foot about 700 miles from Jeff erson City, Mo., and were headed Into Ar· kansas at the rate ot t wanty mil es a day, bot In pursuit of Gen era l Price's Cont ederate army. We were 200 mil es from our baae o f s upplies. We were sboelesB and In rags and wo li ved on corn Iss ued In tbe ear by tbe commls·


" We caught up with General Price lind bud three days' fighting with him . This was the battle of P ea Ridge . Tbe afternoon and night or March 6 J helped build defenalve breastworks. The next alternoon we were llent through an open field Into th e woode SUNDAY MANNERS OF CROWS and tbere law loldlerl partially con· cealed by a IIcrub oak thIcket. The' 8etl That Day Apart 'or General PII· displayed the ltars lind strlpell, but we i uspected tbem. Tbe order was lage and Marauding and Gloat. gIven to advance, but to bold our ftre Over Heiple.. Victims. un ti l tbe tact tbat It was the enem',


Did )·ou ever hear bow the Scotch crow observes the Sabbath? It III DO L uncommon thing to hear elderly people born In Scotland 81lY "he 18 III wIlle as a Scotch crow." To tbe uninitiated thll would no;>t Imply a ver., great degree ot wlJidom, tor tbe crow 18 Dot generally gh'en credIt for being II. Sol· omon In hili day and generation. That IB, an American crow 18 not, but hll Scotch brotber mllY have a superlor Intellect. At aD., rate, old Seotcb people think 10, for to them thle ob· servance ot Sunday Is an evIdence ef great sagacity. Unfortunatel" bo....· ever, a crow's Idea of tbe sanctity ot tbe day does not agree wltb that ot bls. bumBn foo. Ho remorlelellsly lIetll tbat day apart as a Beason tor ' plliage alld general marauding, and boldly sloau over hIs helpless vlctlmll. Ou· ring the week be dlscreetl., lIeep. wIthin the shelter or the WOOds, but on Sunday morning when he beara tbe churcb bell.s ringing and observel tbe deserted condItion at tbe ftelda, be knowl that bill Ume hall come and be unceremonIously pr_mpta tbese fields for himself. and wantonly feaatll and forages In the few hnurs that are bls, for be well understands tbat an· "I Fell In the Flrl1 Volley." other week at tasting Is at bnnd . Sucb being tbe Seotcb crow's reputatIon ue beyond a doubt. Tlien ~\'e tired Into Is hnrdly u lIafe model. not wlth:ltand· them nnd tbey returned tbo flre. Tbey Ing bls wisdom. were ten to our ODe. ."1 fell In the flnt "olley , One shot went through my forehead. two otbers, BOX FOft PRINTING PICTURES wblch 1 stili carry, througb my rlgbt arm and shoulder, a notuer t brough my Handy Device for Am.teur or Pr~ lett leg and a firtb th rough my lett fel.lonal Photographer Who Want. IIlde and a sixth struck a Ileedlecase Hom. Made Apparatus. and a tintype that I carried over the rlgbt bN!A8t and knocked me over A very bandy devlcfI for the ama. among the others, wbo " 'ere left fOT teur or profesllonal photographer deaet and dying. "What was lett ot our regiment tell who wantB a home-mach' and simple I\PIJarRtus for printing p~tllres can back and tbe rebels Ildvanced, aboot. Ing Into our rear. At my left lay .a be made In a few mlnult'i' time. The drawing BboW8 the scbem.. , corporal, wounded. A rebel (.llunged wblcb conaillts ot a IIm,,1\ atore bo", bl8 bayonet througb tbe man, " 'ho sbout 12 Inchell square and an elec. grllspt'd tbe blnde. called out to bill trlc light of an., candlellOwer deall'fld wife 'and daughter, and died. Tbe attacbed to a drop cord runnln, rebel .... aa about to do tbe same to me througb tbe end of tb, box. lIa.,. the wben anotber IItepped U(l and PTe"ented blm. Tblll man · ,ave me a Popular EleCtricIty-. The b"e Ibould be made In the top drInk of water trom' hi. canteen, of tbe box a little lareer than the wasbed the 1 blood out or my eyell. plate or film : whlcb II to be u.ed . .tralgbtened my wounded limbs and took m., reyolver away. While ' he Itooped over me a buvy volle, came from our "rmy and I law 1\ rebel com, mander fall from bill borlle. . "I Jlly tbere ror thIrteen dBYI wltb. out me!!lcal attention or anythlD, to eat except .oalled corn. 'Wator .a" brougbt to me In a greaay The ...onnded comlJldell beli4e m. were an .~~nt aDd jOlt beyoDcl m, head tbere w.. a treDcb in. .whlcb t " d ..d were burled, Day by da; I could "ar the cnve dlg,erl ,a t an,d hear the , bOdl•• cut tDto tb. t,reDcb and ~,~eback' aplD. Thl. w~Dt oq . ' and , ~t aaw DO.t hlDg Dot , tum-

Unjliltlftabl. aUlplclo", The colonel lIad clucht Rutu. rMbanded!, coming out of tb. ben coop ,\'Ith threo fat pullets uuder bill coat. "So," he laid, " I've caught you at laBt Iteallng my hens, ba ve I ?" " WbUI, me , Buh 1" replied Rastlls. In pained a urprlse. "W hy. Marse Colonel. IlIb, I ball1't lI·stealln· DO bens. Bllb ." "Tbeln what are you doing wlt b th~ lO nd er you r coa l ?" demantled t he colonell. I "Wby, Morse ColoDel, hi t look 10 me 80 like It wa r gwlne to suow, su h. dut ab went out to d e coop to bring dem bens In by de k ite- lien fl nh, s ub, to kee p 'em from gll lln' rroze. su h," lIald the old man, with a lIel'p sig h, to tblnk that hi li honor lIad bef-u SU I ' pected .- ifa rper's WeekI)' .

Good Marum.". A Yankee entered a hotel In tbe Hlr;hlandll when he overbeard a party of g enll e men IIpeaklnl about IIhoot· Ing. "Gent lemen," he lIald, '" gve. 1 have lI(Iell some good IIbootlng In my time. I have Heen II. lI y killed on a II ng pole at 300 yu rdu ." An Ir lsb Olan. who was Ol l e of t be party, allld: "lJegurra, It's pUl't y good . but I be ll('ve I've ijoo n bottt'r. Wben I wns In th e I\rmy th e m ajor used 10 roll nn empty beer barre l down tbe hili and every time tbe bunghole tur ned UII we ' put II. bullet In . An y m an wbo coulllu't do It was dismissed. 1 was In that corps for fltle e!l ye,rs rand nev· e! law a mun dismiss e d."

----_ ._-- ..

Air Lllw s.


Cnstipation o·Vanl8-hes Forever Prompt Relief-Permanent Cure CARTER'S LlTILE UVER PILLS never

lall. Purely veaeta.

bJe - act lIurely but Bently OIl tbe liver. Stop after dinner dJI. tre88-Cure indigestion, Improve the complt!ldon, brighten theeyea.


Genuine muat bear Signature




Slop Tha~i Backache

a tea In Dayton. 1 . Alread y th ere a r e all' law" . strln· Il . F . D. ~ o . I, ge nt as road laws. W ltho llt them w e I WITH THE ".W .\UJlEDY Decom bel' :' . 19 I I. .\ 1r , 1'h05 , ;>'1. Brown. Sllrlngllelli. ~to . SOOI1 be seeing ntl vert ls('lllf'nts ; i Dellr Slr: -1 boaght on e ot 'I' h08 . ~1. Iilte Ihl s: " 'Two doll ars reward will be paid I • llrowu's ca nnin g fa ctorI es f\\' o years ago . It bas rna do me more money than a.nythlng I ever tri ed . An yone ('a n m a ke money on BrO WI1 'd fu cfory . on a Wr Ight roadst er wbo, wbile fl yi ng The first year I ('anned . In 19(17 . I solll over my bou se yest e rdoy afternoon. 1 my toma loes at rsllroad stalloll for drOllped a call of all do wn my ch lm · I A.k your dru •• lat for fr •••ampl. :)0 centH pe r dozen; In ).~O.8 (or 8~ ney and ('ol1lp lelely rulued Ii plum pUd ' l or writ. cents per dozen; In 1909 r 76 ('en ts ding I "':IS cooki ng.' " tleT dozen; In 191 0 tor 8. nl ,; pe r I rt M I dozen ; In 1911 tor $1.05 pe,n d dzf' ll . In PJxaml~OCI\~e?~ll~ ev~~~tlb~tt)e of EATON RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 1911 we bad no ralo from early ' Ap ril CASTOH IA . 11 sar e and sure r emedy (or until the 20th ot August, ncarl)' (, Infa n ts a nd children, and BBe that It MOTHER ORAT'S SWEET montb ls. 1 planted 3 a cres ot toma· Dearst he ~,~ ~ POWDERS fOR CHILDREI loes a nd conned tbem . Those a a crea Relieve F ""trlo h llUI, eo..ltI_ cleared me $1.QOO.00, atter payIn g a ll Si gna tureot ~~~ · . tiOb .Coldund corrcctd . iaordtrllo' tb. otodUlcb Aud bawd.. Vitti ~ eXjJens·es for labor. canS. gu ooline. In Use For Over 30 Yenrs. N oIA"s f ", 22 )I"'~I. At all cases , etc. Tbat Is a ni ce sum to Ch ildren ( :r)' f or Fl etcher'1I Cnstoria , Irli l. :Sc. sampl. mailed FRRlt. DAJ) • • •UtE. ""dr... A~ e. 01 ........ Le . . . . . . Y • make off of 3 acres of ground for a A HInt. dry &eason-$333.33 per acro net . It Staylote (at 11 : 4[, p . m.) - -The lig ht anyono doubtll tbe above statement. Just write Peoples Bank or Slllllvan. Is going Ollt. Miss Wellry - Are YOll going to let It Mo. Yours trul y. beal you! JOHN B . REB L nA . THE:RE ARE many farmel'tl who do not el(~ar as much net cash on a 26· !lcre cm'n crop as Mr. Jobn B. Re bura clearecl on one a cre of tom ato es. He grows bls regular farm c ro)Js III addl· Uon to bls tomatoes. They are out ot the wa y before canning seaBon begln3. It you want to buy a tactory, I will sen,\ ..... Wtn.low'. SoothIng 8,MJp for CbIl~ .... you my bookle t telling you or what 1 t eething. 8O'1 ~ D. t be ~tHIU'. reducey Inn ... tl'm . have to oft'er wltb a great many tesU· LIo ... ~IAI. po.1D. cur....1J'd col k , 2S<: • bun'. monlals from farm e rll, as IItrong as Anyway, a spln,ter can Il re tend tbat above: I make 16 sizes, from $85 to $850 ' abe wOl1ld rather b e he r o wn b08s. for tbe Former, Nelgbborhood and large Community. Sell them on time pay· mec'la, or 10 or 15 per cent. of pnck, WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN or for casb; any farmer can run ractory Women lObo luffer with disorden peculiar to theIr luccea8fully. Show lblB to your neigh , lex Ibould .... rit. Co Dr. Pierce lad receive free the bor~. Yours truly, .dvice 01 II pbyaicilll of over ..0 ,..ra' "perlance THOS. M. BRO WN. __ IkiUed mid IU_CuI Ipoc!ialilt in tb. di_ee '.. Springfield, Mo. of womOll, Bvery letter of tbi. 10rt hu lbe mOlt carefUl OOI1Ilderatioa 8IId il L'eprdod .1 Moredl,. corafideotW. MIOY ICDsitiwol,. modeat women write Such Conftdence. fully co Dr. Pierce ....hIIl the, would shrink frOID The brIde , to ahow he r und ying con· tellia, to their local phYlician. The 10CIIl pbyaici.1I ftdentc In ber new hus band, gav c him b pretty lure to cbat be CIIIDOt do .nythlaj 1\ nJ,M lie.,. witboat "10 examm.tion." Dr. Pierce holdtJ tt.t Theil Bbe telephoned tor for lock· Ibeae dilwteful examinatloaa .re ,eaerally Deed. unJth · to chance tbe lock, and that _ woman, Clloopt . in rare _ , IhoaId lubmit to tt.aa. ID lmout ,

~to , .

0ROE R'8Y'S ~;g~~~S't~~bl~~~~fl~~~I~~~~~~!IOanv::~:; KID N EY PI LLS


25 and 50 Cents The Derby Medicine Co.







'p,. of bome • . Ilia .f Fuorlte Prool'iptioa·· ... ea.... IuaD4ncb thoull&Ddao 10m. of them tho wont of - . It I. die oall.lDedioine of Ihi kind that I. the product 01 • retul.rly pbyaic!-n. The 001,. ,one &ood enollllb th.t ita maken dare to print ill ever; lD,redlent on ihl outatdo wnpper. There'. no leOROY. It ....iII bar eumJaa· tion, No aJoobol .nd 00 habit-formlD, drual Ire fouod in It. Some unlOroplIIoua medlom. dealen may oD'er you a lubltituto. Doo't take it, Doa't trill, . wilh .your b8aJth, Write to World'. Dilpeosuy Medical AlaooiltlOO, Dr, R. V. PIerce, Prceldeot, Buff.lo, N. Y.,-take the .dvlce reGCived mid be w.lI.

0... Pieroeo. treatmeat wDI caN yo. fa th.

COUitipalioo' CIIUI!CB many serioua di .· It is thoroughly cured by Doctor Pierce'l Pleoaant Pelletl. One a lonti\'e, three jior cathartic.



- ------

Tbougbts are orten known b y events, A sudden ncc ldenl opens tbe closet of tbe beiuL-Csrlyle.

- - - - -_.

He Is a poor chaulfeur who dOe1ln't know what he 18 driving at.

BEIlER POI MEl, WOllER ARB CBO.DREN 1'IWf CASTOR em.. ..."'....... rlLLl"AlIIr IWUltM AND cuwaa til.! SYS1DI IIOU

unaurn,., Ale





Why Rent


acre ha. reoantl.,


c b.

11} 1'£18 Clrc:le


.DlP.toB areos . Wf'll •• J8n4 held b y rollw »y pnd !and companie' l wlU provld. laD"~.

lor mlllloD ,!! .

38 .011. III...... ' ... .,lImal", splendid .eI.ool.


.ad cburcbe •• "ood reU,.aJl')l.

11.!:t:~!~I,'~~t r~':e&i ~~lfI~'P;::: ~c~''!.~.t~ert"f~I('(~~: ~~ ·~fi~r.




h.oc1._,, ~t

hy cattle rafalnlf,dalryl n.,ml.-'2 rarminc Gnd. IIra in .row1nc: In the..,rovJDclI. 0' Maa •• oba. Sosutcbewolt and Alberta. Fl'ee hOlUelllt •• d all. pr.·



D". d

125.00 a n acre. The c: rop. crown on th ••• 1. I I d. waneat the edV&Dce. Y ou can



.c ...

eve.." ) Land: purch ••R . I ,.e a r ••• 0 at ,10J)O an

on eve" P4d{a&e of'1&e Genuine.

If IS 1UCK1'. 1O DO


8112.00 ••



to your landlord m~1t ha,rd·" .....d proftt. ' Own )'our own Se-cure III Free Home.tead In Manitoba. 8alkatehewan or Alberta, or purch ••• land In one of tho. dls ldch an4 ....... @rQ'lIof 510,00 ....

r.~~~~._~~~;:in<;::~:~''!~~ tbe



H. II. WILLIAIIS .. ald~., TDlodo, Ohio


413 G.rdnor

PI. . . . W1"1~tot b . . . . . 'D. . I"M"011

;r::~;i:»~~:an$ ftIIN'nD SI'L\ICHT ACRoss, "'[All Ttlf; sorroM. AND IN

...... aaa..NIAIt 1H& TOP or £VEltY PACUC£,OF THt








wHo pOW OF m VAUlt FltOU PD50IlAL USL 10 CIT ...




:..-::-=:--- -' :::~ .

W. N, U .. CINCINNATI, NO. 7-1912.

PUTN AM--'r ADELES_S_-DYES C;oJormorelJOO(l8brtllbterasw!lfMtel'cokJn than "",.otIltr dye. One lOe PlCkgecolol1lall flben. Theydyelnc:old ...terl>ettertban anyotller dye. You en ~any pnnem WIthout ~I apart. ~rito for frcc Dye, B~ach Dod lIllx Colo... ~ION!zOf DRUG COMPANY. ~nlllcy, 111.



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New Goods F lakes the Hi)!

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W~rve1'8 ' Cooked Wh o'l'

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Ki,pered Herring, pl ain or Tomat.o iauce, 10(' can.


PineApp)e Chunks,largE' c.a n J5c

Fig Nl!wtons, fresh and fine JOe pouna. Stove Ink-The only Polish that wont bum off. Fresh crisp Lettuce, solid Danish Uibbage, pure Jereey Sweet Potatoes, sweet Bermuda Onions, sweet Navel Orangp.s.


Fr8l'h Baltimore Oysters always on hand .






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Grahl\H\ lIll.1 : uru i iy , ht'lpif\'l; CUI' ,11,,:·('t! II, ·1 :n'I.::.,.." ., for her graudr ,HlIOiT. M I' Ullrrl.ou l rotT.wtll l "'~I • • • I", II tI.,· ,\ j J; Cornell ohuroh 0108ed I'unollY nigh t WltU .. Mrs , "UIIIlO SKY 1011 , of !:ipriDIt V .. l e veral oonver t' ll nd ad ditions to ley , I!pent I!evero I daY8 t·he PRSt 'he ohuroh Tbey will begin "t week with her sltlter. Mrp Ma.rtha Mt, Boll:v MondAY ove nln g , Mr . and Mrs IlII Y Krul,\' anll ~ on Creighton. wel'e weak. end guest8 of Xenia 'tbe oommuDity deeply aymp" relative8 , tbize v. ith Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Tewell MrR. Engone l(ent" "f Bdll e vlle, is in the IOS8 of thoir little daughter, the g u est of Iltlr pilrents Gertrude. who died on Tuesday of John Bflrlow itl movi ng to 1{"Il. p~en1Uonia . . "Mr. aDd Mra George Boott eDter- tuoky . MI@8 Lfl ura Alex~nrler. of Dayton, t.alned OD Slit'urday ana liunday, Ipeut SU(ldIIY with be l' plll'em~ . lIIis8 rq- o ill. Ro~h, of SpriDgfield, and Mrs , neo ,!l is Oil t he siok Mi&8 Maooltit rait, of L1lbanou . Mr , and Mrs . C , Jr. J ohns (lod so o list . Glen took dluner I::unday witb Mrs Anna Cook and family at Wayu fl8. vtlle. Mr. a.nd Mu. Willillm Urelgbton ha.d fI. s .. )e au till t.urday and Ilre makiug urrangements to lellve for Florida on Marob 5tb t o be (&on e a yellf , Mr, "n d Mrs. Elme r Earnbar t were s ummoD £lc) to Columbus 011 8nt u rdlW on aooount of sioknB!l8 of their tlOll Lee Mari oo Duke, of OilY ton , visit,ad his f"tber, Mr. WD.l. D UKo ou tl u u day







:.! ..;J


English ChanDel Mackerel. Its fine. ready to ea t. ~O\: can .


..,,_...-. r' Ibs. 6Se Waynesville, • .,..... ., .. .Ibs• '6 Se Arcanum, O • . • '- . l' t \'" S '/:l1 t~ t'rost Ibs. 6Se Clarksville, O. "bite Clift e 20 Ibs. 70c London, O. Gwinns-Jefferson 25 Jbs. 7Se 'Columbus, o. / Peerless 75e Miamisburg, O. • • • 25 1bs. Starlight . • • 25 Ibs. 70c Spring Valley, O. Gold Medal. 25 Ibs. SSe Minneapolis, Minn. • Red Ribbon 7lbs. 2Sc Morrow, O. ~ --- -


'1' . I -

\11' 11

11 \J





If l,\

I >I



I ... \'.

H t'fJ1d

~prl! ~ ;.!






Nunao Evp. Sweet Corn.


,,; 11 1.'

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a~ (' r,'111l1 (I f

Whlmt,2 ,pkgs fo!' ready to eli t, on Iy




I 'I ntlll " ,. ·.li th \1"

~t Corn .f ,. I\t' ~ ? r


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--- _.,- ----

,--ii' Bellbrook.

600 Earnhart o f th e N C . n Bring us your 'n is !l pondio g t b e wes [[ wit,h Bring us your Produce his parents h er e. Produce A parcel sho we r WtlS giVP D l Ullt. 'rhursdny fo r Mi ss Julia nt'ss by h i'l l' siste r, who i!l ~non t, ) brcoUl o til l! brid e ot Mr , GoorAIl Smith. of IIl t. !I!2!2J No. 2220 Boll y . REPORT Tho body or W rn. Bo wles wh oH(' Critical Moment. .dea th OCCUTr Pll ill f1 t, LOUl ~, b nt w h o \ ".. . ' At the beginning ot the CIvil war Of i ne CondItion of the Waynes f or marl y Ii v 'oj 1I··r ... . wa;! l:ill'Pllf'" , c IJ' '(ln3 ~\h u, g-ot gl'ave) f!' o ln men " 'ho knew lIule about military ville National Bank , at Waynes ville in t he State of Ohio, at the be re III st, rm'!lcl!iy "ad vw:' lIur r it'tl l t il" H. ·" t' l t. pit II I WP{'11 ~1al'ch 1. tnct lCB wer e sometimes tempora.r11y In close of business, February 20. in the B"llh roll k O" lIH '1l ' r l' I HII ant! .\'la r ~ h 1. i ! ) I~ . Rnd who ('om mand of small lJod les of the troops 1912. Mi;;~ ol lila Wh itt. wh r; li \'(\~ Vo,, ' , 111\,' li d a l e:!, I, , ·: , 1 d for SIl ) 1<' which flocked Into Wflshlllgtou, and It RESOURCES. All on Uole >!ond fumily were ~ un , I '" '. 1 . L C. ,' . I ' Is said that Senll LO r Henry Wh80n ot Loana and DlaCount. •.••. ••. . .. $26a . ~ 03 .~7 d ay g U6 l:1t:'l Il t· t,b u b orne of Mr h U ll of 1:,o w n IIIl .. t. 'I, " ,,1'.1' :11" '1., h ll l· I' I" !' '. " , '; ,1 , .11' ~ 1,1l 11('<' 1\ aSRllchusetts, arterward vlc&oprelllOnrdrtJla. and unsecured 1.06 9. 31 M r8 . uI' h ~. 1.." ," I"l .L I'r 1.1: 11 ,·. ;t I, "l lh \', ~hr(' h dellt of th e United Stutes, was tor a l'=============:1 U. 8. Bond. MCIII'ed to 1IeCur9 circulation ., 00.000. 0 0 a rl' llS R ye t II t "n 7' lI y n esv il e improv iu".., IIi1'.\ II 0\b .. boDd.ttoeecureP08tbIS~"· W €1l1ing ton , 'mlth Illldtaruill Iw cl Perr y ~1 1 1l :4 III I " ' it,· !I nti G.I'w h . ~~ · . ,:I II ·' 'II' \\ . I .. \)'>h·ll. iJ . t ime IIss lgoed to the cnptalncy of a l BoDda~..;cQiIile;.; ~::::::::::::.Io~:~gg:~g Mr Ilnci Mrs , A' inu a " rdy, or' D Y_ t€1r. MIIll l n ,,~. Cp,l II 1.. 11' f;J'" h.,. ;0 .- company of recruit!! from his natlTe I 1I11111d11a 110_...... .. ...... ... -I. bO O. OO f "'ft d I 1 I I \', state. He assisted In dr illing them to We are paying the _ J)uelrOm ajJ~ed ~e agents 214 8 4. U2 1 t on, s pent ~ u nllllY wit h hiT :; Ano . ro ', QaI OI' '1 Y \1'1'1 "II , H l 0 ~ -ce '0 • arnl S tho best oC' hl blllt · ,. t A'te ' Noee. of oUUir NatiOnal Banlui.. . . no.oo 1\1 1 h L' ., h ' I sa } . uu one IU I'" Rrac:tIonal "peI'currencY. lI.Ick.els. . l timith . rf< , . \l~ Illl '7," 1I !1 I' " , . . I noon, 8S he marched at their head up Highest Cuh · Price Law~~ii8ie'rViliDB,ink.·V(i: : 19 0. DI Rt1v . Ca.m pbell a n m' u nr. tl I h .! 1. be btlt'D ill , '01'"' 1' I . fll f ~ " fI1" 111 " 11\ , ~ ·j'1. - \ \. 11' 11(' ''1 1, "'.: 111 111' ••..- ( ~ 'mJl ' 1 I.\' Penns.l' h'anla Iweulle, he met hta Wa. j 8pec1.... • .......... . .. U .004 .a o would ltn V tI tl mitl-weolt lII ud u 1,1b.,,; 1' 0 . U rill) hI 'U)" I ) W 1'1 ,Iy to ,.',,,,' , ." 'I I til' , ' (, "1 1 I L t C'rloo. Ho bad IJccn getUng alOng ' for Hogs, shi~plng ~~d.. IIOteI .... <,.;' 2. 00 0.00 1G,004 ao " {l \\1 I O· II 1 RM_ptIoQtuDdwtthu.8.TI't!IlO· Lytle oburch ell ob wel' k, comlll"c'I'Ittl bnrl. \V I.\) ,.n,l rll lU ll,· InW I,;u \ cry we a,n d was beg-Inning to fee unir(5% ofdrcul.tlon) .• . ..._ _1 ,_6_oo_.0_0 . .1 . \.' .•-,11111' , 1. "11 .. ',"r. 'l\llto proud of th proficiency of bill purposes. Call us , 'a -> 1'h II " I' to nI ~ I .. nil I \ ,,~ I 'I" , lur"lJ 1 \' " , .. . . up , Total ....... ; . ...... ....... f62 .4S 2. U7 in g D nex< ur '\" \lv en ng _.___ .. _ .. _. __ .. I " Ir I' S ,,;. ', meu. when he sudd nly realized that LlABILITmS Earl Bur ne t t I~ n il fl1m ll y. (I I P ' I'' . I the coplug and tence e"Xtend1ng south and we will quo~ you (lapitalAodtpU1In ............ 60 ,000. 00 broo k, wer e ·n,, ",.y gu estH " Ih l · NeV\T Bur I l1gton ~ I from the t reasury lIulldlng wall rlgbt ' 8!lfPluafUDc1 ................. .. 16;000. 00 bOUI A (I f Mr . lin d Mr>l , Fru nl, Hit . ,.. " - - ' TESTli\!G !!!S ST;"; G:JQ \ .!LL la bl s for WArd patCh. He oo.uld noe TOP PRICE$. ';' UIIdI~ putt.. I.e expeD68S , \ '11 1",1,' - hl\!4 T)"rch ""H(\ h.' thInk or tbe order whlcb would awing IIIJd . . . JII'I4 .......... ,: . 13. 61L.99 n ett h I" h ' :N~ lJaJUi 110_ ollt.atanwq ~U.OO O. OO pc ' p t' \1f I, P Il ti' I ,ll " , !4 lo \V{J, t • . Co nceited Cl ub Man Cauc.,t In At. Is command In to Fifteenth .t...eet, ~ ~iA" .rub;ec\" iO 126. 00 MOCl fl l\ u'\L:, Pi cllpri ng Will h~I\' " I", . t h t. of M D lc~~' ,''; !lnll wi ll II tem pt to Prove $ ,'p eri (l l j': }' or Hi!> and thereby avoid the !lbstaole. Neal" .~ •••. ......... 26 S.8f8.'6 I!. 8Ble on t·bo ~ tlrry ro ·ld. M'lrc:h , lit! 11 .1\,,1' t n the l'll tf'r, Menta l Pow ~ cr, e r and nearer the company approaoh- ' I:====:==:::;:::::::::::': ·:.I ~ ~ ... 8. 897.2l21a. 14~.6 8 Lunoh will he I'Rrverl by Lyt,11l ~ 11lI - \ I' .. R d 'f h ed ; the men were almost upon hJI ,1 , ... , .. "mrm.. po"es a n WI A lIoYt> h I hid t10 h h nt. To , - .., ..... - _ . . . . . . . . . . . 461.481.61 d~y Sob 001 for benefit o f piltn o t U II' , . ' At one of t he clubs thu olher tl.LY Nl ~'. W en n espera De! 0 "" O.,OJllO, WARREN COUNTY,8S: . m r ·. A(l IUtt) t h o proper ty of W . H . two memb ers were arguing about w ill i ad: Come round like a gate 1 aDd Ii - - Icp n hower . T hpy will condu ot power. The conceited mao, wbo was I the 8ltuatto~ WBB 8.aved. Spring Branch 11 Rnd rilst~Ur"n' . In the habit of bol'lng..&l1-p~t wIth . . .- ...-----1,ee Coyle hB~ purohased the l.'hal , his polntles8 tales, eald that h is will S b 'b f th M' . G tte Mr and Mra Nllthlln Austin and Murpby property and wllf move to was stronger than hla frlend·s. 1I sc rJ e or e laml aze now. "You are wrong there," aald the Waynesville, Ohio , 4a u ah ter entertJ,inod Iilldor C . P. it. quiet man, "and 1 will prove It In thla 1_ W. WHITE, Beadle, of TharstoD, 0 , laBt 8lltur. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenoe l!'arquhar. way. You go and Btand In that corW. H. ALLICN. Valley Phoae 115 8. Lav. OAlI.TWRIGHT. day nlgbt . of Frl\nllllD was here for tb" funeral ner, aDa I will will you to come out DIrctoert. Mrl. Mary fill. we. an\ertatned of tbeir la\e relative. PbiUp Far. ot It. You will agaln8t me, and 'l be.t : ' _. lIeldam.. Anna 'Roland and j. S . quhar. YOI1 that I will have you trom·that cor· ner before ·1 have commanded yoU a lJarveysburg. ,'(f'; ; ' Chenowetb ,.nd )(118 Rebeooa Our sohool8 tlok Friday InsteAd second time." ' of Thur8day 8a a boliday·. Tlie Bmart one took the bet, and put ' 11_ lledba Colle", of Wl1ming- Creamer at dloner Wedneaday. IIr. and I4r9 . '.rho mae Lacy and KIBBe8 Jennie and Elizabeth himself In the corn1lr. Tbe quiet man ~ .... ,be 8unday 111"' of Killa family entertained tbeir nelghhors Reeves apent the week-end at the aa1d. In a commanding volce;X&a CoUeU. and frienda to • wood obopping home of their brother .Harry ond "Come out of that corner!" II", Boraoe aanoa baa re'nraed The other grinned and shook his hOIQ8 at_ a delightful vlalt with TaBlday, family, of-Rlobmond. Ind , head. The quiet man Bat down and ("'1aomnat1. . Mias Alice Chenoweth and Mrl. Mise, Bertha Mol'herson, of Hlgh- looked at him steadily. Five mInutes Mr. mwla Smith apent "veral J . S. ("'henowe'_, were gD88t8 of land, Ohio, t. the gnest of bel' sill- passed, "and then the man of will said, I Mra. Amanda tlmUh and 8ilfter at,' Mrs . Selty MoPherllon , with a soeer:day. of 1.., week a"eodln. 'he ...... d ' dlnoer .rlday. Eleanor ' aaydook and Vernon na n t you better ' glve It upT I . a1lto ahow la' (,,'tooinnatt. don't feel any Influence at all, and I ·lIr:. and lin. Pearl Btewarl, of MI .. Florence I,.aoy' aDd ~rs . McCroy attfmded" f!\Tewell party can't I'ltand bere all the evening," Wilmln..ob, ware Suday gnllstl of Goldta Sartaook were BUa.H of Mr. for Harold Van Pelt at the home of "There Is no hurry," said the quiet Mn. MUdred IIlalle. and IIrll. Uh~rlte Smith and family Robert. Alan aDd Mm. !kiendenhal], man. "and I bave a very comfortable lin. Georl. Denny who b .. been ,,'dinner 8unday. Ba'urdayevonlnll(. seat. There Is no time limit 'e xcept M d iii Ch Ii Th The Women 's Fa>ralgn Mls!lloDsry that you are to come out before I BBk tUa' her bome 88a' 01 town I. rr. . r. an r.. ",!lor e Olqal you t wice. Ho d as 1 dOD't Intend to " : FUU~~'t ·· ClOTerl0lr. were Suaday afternoo. oallere of Sooiety met at the . home of Mrs ask you aga in uu tll this day week, I , , ~ . Tacbt cI · . IIr_ O. II. Roul\8bulh , atteDded Mr and MI'II. John Sar&eook. Naonla Hawklos Sat,urday Bft~r_ think you will t eel the Influence bethe SympboDy OODoert at CiocinDaIIi. Glenna Hobl*, had the Doon, rore th en." This machine will be on ex- CD.-> LI:N.. .. ,",." , ... ! . ~ mumps the pl\lt week. A sister of Mrs. Dr , MoCray has The smart one came out. " 1M' week. hibition at the warehouse. of IIr. Fred Dakin hal relurned to MII& Alice Chenoweth and Mre.oome to mAke bel' borne with them Dayton after a lengthy Til*' with J . H Cbeuowet.h 8pent Sunday Mrs Compton and daughter SWALLOWS ' ARE VERY BOLD. laome folk.. with Mrs. Lydia ,Austin. ' . LOreD!l,of Dayton. I1re Kuests of I;'aJ, ' ' • '" , ,,

Get the habit and trade at.



G. W~ Hawke's




I ';






" ,I, ,' (' .',' I

,: '-.' "




' .. ' .. '

-- - .,





\Vonder .Waaher !


.. ,


Low Fares In March and April . Colonist


i ,f21 wEiiT-f7IJ ~ , "".r?J, - SOQ:j 'HWESt' osa.

'PmNNc' SYL~~~X~A





\~!!"!!"!~!!'!!!!'!~~!!!!!!!!!i""'!!!I!!"~f"i~"!!!!!~ the day of the s~le, Mar~_ DR.C 'BELL'S ANn~AI" "


o~~~~· E~::!II:h:. H,::~: .;~

Mr. an!1 MIS. Newton Smith and dives bere. On. Alto On Perry epeDt Saturday evening I Tbe fuo e ral of the late Phillip Electrlc ' Llllht Lamp. ' 1st .. Come ~ar1y. an~ see It.· Pop Intimal '. . ~ ,..... .r, MiltoD Howe made a baslne. . W1Ul Min Altce Chenowetb. tFarqubar WIlS beld at the Friends - '' Ladles espeCially lDVlted. , . 'rip to ~Dotnnatll..., week, There wtll be meeting at Middle ohllroh Tuesd,lY oonduotad by R ev A ve~y curious instance of boldnes. . " •. Min Ann Ward hi. been qoite Ran Dex' ~aturday I\t 2 o'clook and J esse H!lWkins. Barilll WII8 m!lde In 8wallows was recorded ' in 1886 III with 'hB,rip. Sunday ~ at 10.30. Preaohlng by at ClletltL r's Creek Alwoilt his from Ceylon. In $Is case the birds ., ' built over a lamp In the dining room; Mr. and lIrs. Obaa. 8hldak.r en- Elder G eorge A. Bretz. Iw h oeI J'l fe o f olg' ll t y.tour years ~as what made their choice of site more 'IIrtaiDeci at dlonner Bnnday Mr ... - • , Bp ~ nt in Ch estor tow~ship . Where remarkable was the fact that the aad lira. Walter Lacy and Ilr. Subsrribe for the G tt he IUnde mnn y fr:()nds . A nel gh- lamp coUld' be raJ sed or lowered by ~rl Laoy. aze e , hor sllid o f h im thllt h e WIIS one of counter weights and the connecting I th ll hnt.1 l' IIIZ ~ " ~ Wt' ever had . cbalns Q.uctua.lly passed · tbrough the mud walls of the nest. I Occasionally the bird selects a nest- - - - - .. - - [)" you II ", )\\' I " "t, In '' rf' r elll d n lng site '\Vhlch' hlvltes ' compar IBon with 'f ' " g ' r Ill'l'k~ In !l co mmon cold .. him in the boldness ' of the rollin. In July last UIl Y " Ib.·r lit l lo\~ mino r ailw ev tB . pair or swallowe took advantage of Your Money-Is It Ea.rDing S~ '1' I1 1; . ~ " \ " ")"S tu tll ke Chtlwbl11'- ' the open wlrldow 'ot un unoccupied I . . \ I l l.l. \~ ''< <... .I1 '! h H '- ll l1~d'y Il t,ho~ou l!h l y bedroom In a. bouse at Felmersbam ; n ! r. I. . ,) I ~ I rq)II,"tlu ll . (lu ll rId yv u~- Bedfordsllire to begin building their If depos iteJ w ith \I S it w il) beg-ill t o bear ill leres t I . • . : sl' if 0 1. ~ hl' eo lfl n ~ (llliok ly a H I)O"l\t~ l-.nest on the cur tnln rod or the bed, frol'll date, payau k st' lll i-an llu a ll y , assl~ring a profitItl .., . ,_ , ~lo i H re lllltos l8 fo r s~j ~ by \J 11 / The returu bf the owner of the dou J. I , . '!louse and his 0 'cupnt\on of tbe bod able ana con venien t in ve s lm en t, with "Security that His Co nnectIon.. did not l~ the leasl. distu rb or alarm the is Absolute." Writc fo r bo o k let. blrtl s, whi ch completed the nest and Tbe offi ce boy for ~o~ of the largest : brought on: lhr'le nestli ngs wltbln I finan cial bOU S\;3 In New York r ec,entl;;", . seven weeks of the hou ee owner's reo fOUDd a llllckage of valuable I turn . . T hey took nc: tloUce or the oc· I , He prom Dtly returned.,th I eupant of 'the bed when fl yi ng In ano I to Its own er and '\Vas . out Or t he . wlntl'ow feeding their ,OFFI CE IN · OLD ENTERPRISE ~ BoUdlng and Loata Associ~tlon be•.'~(:lIt 11 s ultnlJla ',,:voung; 'u t the heir blrd would fit olr Dayle • Ohio t'~e nest if an y oM ~ntered tbe rOom , And, by the ORGAN ;Z " ~ 1887 ful o'l'l'n ~;, "sball i'tul'lng tho d,(IyUnoe. ' , . ' ' ''SBETS t3,500.000.00. SURPLUS $100,000 .00 at ~? yeais: .i1 1'Ialr ' o~ liwallows 6 North Main, O~pos1to O~d Co~ lJouse .

lin. Ueorp 8orogy II reooverlng

flom an a"aok of tbe grip,







( A~

Tinner and '.Slater, Furnacea, Roofing and 'Spout~n"g, S~~t· .',' . ~.


Gem (Cny


Jobbini,. ~f

I 'I


"rU . ~d~~'~ ".,. Ttt."



~Si~xt~Y~-T~h~ir~d~Y~e~a~r~~~~~~~~~~~~W~A.Y1~N~_E~~~V~IL~L~E~,~O~H~IO~,~W~~~_~~_N~E~~S~D~A~Y~M~~~R~C_H~~6,~ · 19~12~~~~~~~~~~~~W~h~OI~e~N~u~m~b~e~r~3148

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p ersonal Mention Column



-- -

Many of our citizens watched the : : u:.uaual appearlillce ofa double halo 1 The pupi ls of Miss Vandervourt' s : : I : room had a co nt est last \'Veek tha t will be numerous special aFor round the sun Saturday morning . !. " . ................................ -...-~--........... ~ ...- - - - -._._- J' !• was full of intert'st to the contest· d There d several hour. the phenom~na ays urin~thefourweeksth.t "The .. ... ........ .......... .... _ •.- ......... _ .. _ .. _ ............._ ....... _ •• ___ ._........J ants and their friends. The boys at Philip Hopkins Sr. is quihl sick. E. V . Barnhart is in Ci ncinnati carpenter work made curn tes ters. World in Cincinnati" Exposition will :~:~~':n~d::dpo:~~y were the rebe open In Music Hall, Cincinnati U!e Lemmon won firs t a mi Kar l I Chiefamon.. these are the Denomina. An investigation revealed the fact Upshere White i:! a victi m of chick. today . Frye second . The gi rls had a bread. baking ('o n . tional DaYII for the churehes. A that: the double halo was ~used by en pox. . I d ay WI'11 be set aside for each the ICe or snow crystals being hex¥. ' Alfalfa Meal for sale at the test also. Nellie Gard won first apecla of the lar£eat religious denomina. ional in form. Under such circum· B. S. Howell Wall in Cincinnati WSlY1lesville Mills. and Luella and Jeanette Janney ti.onll cooperatinl' with the Expoai- stances I~rg(> ~nd amlill halos, s uch Tuesday. tied for secon" place. The bl:ead S t d Mrs. Geo. Hawke anll son Ronald U d bon. The days which have been as were In eVI ence a ur ay, are was of a high quality aud tht' judges settled upon are: formed. The larger of the halos Alfalfa Meal for sale at the were in Dayton Tuesday. h d it had the zenith for its center and WaynCl8ville Mills. a ard work to decid e which was passed directly through the sun and Harris Mosher, of Cincinnati, spent the best. The conteit was a good March 1', United Brethren Day E. S. Baily was quite sick Sunday, Saturday and Sunday at home. naturetl affair and the pupils are the "mock sum" which oecur at the March 19. Episcopalian Day but is some better at present. hi~hly R'ratified over the result. points where the larl'er and smaller March 21. Presbyterian Day Walter Kilbon has taken a room at March 22, Lutheran Day halos croBBed. Solar condition. of Mrs. E. V. ~lI.rnhart has beEn con· thE! Emley hotel for a abort time. SMITH· HESS March 26, Methodist D.y thill character are said to indicate tined to the house with a very severe March 29. Disciples of Chriat Dav bad weather. cold. On Wettnesday ot last week Mr. Mrs. J . A. Funkey has returned ----George SJJlith. son of Mr. and Mrs. hOlme after a pleasant visi tin ChicBit'o The dates for Baptist, Evangelical WAS REAL BUSY Jas. P. Zell, of Yellow Sprin,s, Cha,q. Smith. of Waynesvill e, was and other days have not yet been spent a couple of days here last Mrs. Byron Hartsock, of Lancas· united in marriage to MiS>! Julia selected. The Xenia Gazette of Saturday h8ll week. ter. Ohiu, is bere the guest of rela- Hess. at the home of the bride's The arrangements for an appro- the followin£ touy in regard to Mr. mother, Mrs. Mandanie Hess. of near priate observance of th~ days. C. G. Williamson: Mrs. J. H. ~mith has recovered tives. Bell brook. by Rev. I-l er:'lhey. of wllich are expected to attract many Mr. C. G, WillialJ\.!lOn, the real ell- su fficiently to be at Iter place of bUllMrs. Harry Cleaver. of Xenia , was Spring Vall ey. visitors belonging to each partj6ilar tate qent of WaynesVille, was in iness. thE! week. end guest of Mr. Ilnd Mrs The bride looked lov ely in a gown denommation, are in hands of Com. Xenia to·day closing up four importC. B. Bentley. of white batiste trimmed in white W. J . Kilbon's sale W8lI well atm.l ttees composed of ministers .nd an t sales he bas made. The firat was satin Tholle present were the im· layman. the James McCann property on East tended Thursday, many stranrers Messrs. Walter McClure and Earl mediate famili es of the bride and Special days for Young People'8 Market IItreet to Mr. M. C. Bailey bei ng present. Conner saw the "Newly Weds" in g room. Socletietl, a Foreign Missionary Day, and wife, who will move into it this The young co uple will go to house· Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge, of Day· Dayton Tuesday. a Home Missionary Day, a German m lnth. The second was the M. C. keepinll at Co llege Hill two miles ~uesta, Sunday, of Mr. and ton. were Mrs. Roi Risinger, of. Eaton, Ohio. D.y and Special State Days for the Bailey home on the other side of east of Waynesville Mrs. Mahlon Ridge. is t he guest of her parenta Mr. and statei' of Kentucky Indiana and Ohio, I East Market street to Mr. Lafe Nich· have also been decided upon, but the ' olson;in exchange for 126 acres of 2000 Locust Fence Posts for 1&1 e Mrs. Elias Oglesbee. B~SKET BALL GAME arran~menta have not 811 yet been land near Waynesville, including at ri~ht prices. Call on W. H. Mad· B. V. Smith and family moved completed and the dat. not yet lie· a good water power and • mill. den & Co., Corwin, Ohio. Mc)nday into the KUbon preperty, The Boys High School Basket Ball Jected. Third, the M. F. Trovilo farm of IB4 where they will be pleased to see Team. in respon!le to a challen~e for All the Saturd.ys beginnin£ with ar.rell near Lebanon, to Mr. Raney, Dr. M. W. Lang, of Rid~eville, has th,eir friends . a game. went to Kinis Milia Friday March 16th will be called Children's of near eNarville, opened a lleComl office in . ni~ht for the contest There could D"., and under a special plan chil. • - • He will be there daily from 12 to 3. Read the ad of the Starr Piano Co. have been but one result and that 4ren of Cincinnati and vicinity. and HAD APPENDICITIS on page 5. Tiley will save you man· was 31- 11 in favor of Kiag's in fact any I.rp number of children ' Mrs. Mattie Bell, of the O. S. & ey on a gC\Qd instrument if you will High Schoel. Kings Mills furnishes trom Sundoy Schools or day Sebools, \ Lee Earnhart. dOn of Mr. and Mrs. a building, equips it. even furnishing S. O. Home at Xeni~, spent Satur· «0 and see them. acoompanied b, adults, will be ad. , Elmer Earnhart, who is attendi"g day and Sunday WIth Mrs. Frank • . the Iiiht and heat for the boys. mitted betw.een nine and twelve the O. S. U, at Columbus, was oper· Fitz~el'al4. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess arr\ved Th . deed • B U t L # ... _ n to Sat rd M ey are f or t una t e, In o'clock in the morning for five centa .ted upon for appendicitis last ....ome......~+'1Y n u ay. r. h d' f 4 . . l' b W l.t are . we OIRI' or th e b..ovs., ellC!b If lIotiee is given aenral days Wed ......, at Mt. Carmel hospital. The Columba Savings and Trust H•• la Improvtn« rapI' d y smce Co . . d' h -.I f M" V II I Waynesvillesurelyneedssuchaplace. inladvance. . Columbus At last accounts he was Co. went to the wall last Thursday. 1D1~ UIC arg.... rom laml a ey , .'h f ' 1..' h . . h h . tal I " Y not urmsN It t us glvmll t e • - • ptting .Ion~ nicely. This is the see· Some of our citizens were victims of OSPI . I youn~ folks the opportunities that WILLlOlVE A. PLAY ond cue of appendicitis in Mr. Earn· thia financial disaster. Morrill Ro~ers. who lives west of rightly belon~ to them? • . hart'a family. • -The pupils of the Harv~lIburg - - -... - ••- - Mr. and Mrll. Newton Retallick, town, haa1aeen lIuffering from lum· THE KINO'S HERALDS BiCh School are preparing a play of Battle Creek. Mich., arrived here ba.go. Mrs. Rogers is slowly recov· SOCIAL AT LYTLE which the; will put OD Friday evening Sunday evening for a few days' visit ering from a bad case of rheum.tim I The regular monthly meeti ng of of Utili week. The play Js entitled There will be a sorial at Lytle hall with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Retallick, of about ten weeks duration. the King's Hera lds of the M. E "Up-To-Date America; or S... eet Girl Saturday evenfn~, M,. rch 9. for the St. Mary's Guild will meet at the church was hald at the home of Miss Graduate's Dream." benefit of tho High School basket Relatives here were notified Tlaursrectory Thu~ay afternoon, at Irma Houl'h on Saturday afternoon. the phl1."promiaea t9 bea&'OOd on~ ball team. Candy, peanuts and other day that Mrs. Mary Emily Cad,qalla· which time in addition to the sewing After the program the children e n· and the pupils bave PUt a great lieal Cood · things tf) eat will be on sale. der had been stricken with paralysis or study on their parts. There will be no admission fee. at the home of her dau£hter, Mrs. done a half hour's inRtruction will joyed a pleasant social hour during It will be &iven in HarveYsbUrg) Waynesville people will be welcomed Dr. Clegg, at Norwootl. Ohio. She be' giveR on "The Church and Her which time refreshments were WaYII." served. as every body is cordially invited. Town hall. is in a critical condition.


: !I

--- -- -- --- @ I -----------r Former Citizens.



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New Burlington - - -.

i,reued by hili brother lIuons here.


1------.: The Ne,ahborhood News

I The mlDY frienda of Mrl. 'fhomill .

-+- - -~-- -

@ ----------L 1-:. Liddy. and family , who have ot'en rtlllk ing their h Qnw at Denver. Ctll. . for aevel'al year>l. have removed to,) Helpe r. Utah, where Mr. Lid dy i'l e mploy ed a !l train di soa ami Rit ) (J rande t' r un tht' Denver railroac1 . Prof. S. A . Hinger. ,)eDennison. Ohio. ill ·tru cLur of the Depa rtment of Comme rce. of Dennison H~h S~hoo l. writes as fo ll ows: Many ar9 the times my mind goes back to the sct!nes and people (Jf Waynt'svi ll e and vicinity; many are the times I wish r mi~ht " step in" for a while and have a chat with my friend s that I shall never forget· no maUer where I be. The days and years spent there we re happy ones for me, I am sure. I n order to know of what's doin£ down there fo r the IICJlt Rix monthll I am I)llcl osing the I)rice of a subscr iption for the Miam i G:izette for that length of tim lJ. I am getting along nicely in Denni!lon Hig h School ul .d am enjoy rng t he wo rk through· out." At Ii meeting' hel d there Fri· day evening, Prof. Rin~e r was elect· ed secretar,v of th~ ca mpai ~ n that is waged in tIL:.'! c\iunty, in thn corn irig Heal Law eled lnn .

- .r- - ----HAD A NICE SNOW Acco rding to the Miami Gazette of last week the cold snap arrived Sat· urday evenin g, when snow com· menced to fall. an:l continued to f ~ Il until Sunday evening, making about four inches downfall. It is to b. hoped, however. that this will be abo'Jt t he last one.

- - -....


... ---

FELt ON THE ICE Mrs. ehas. Rye. while at her house holel duties Monday morning slipped on the ice Ilnd fell, injurjnsr her spine. She is resting comparatively easy at present.

-----_ ...- - MASONIC NOTICE

Stated communication of Waynes. ville Lodge No. 163. will take place Tuesday evening, March 12th. S0journing brethren cordially invited. F . B. Henderson. W. M. E . V. Barnhart, SeC'Y.


-----1- - -+ IWllrd RIOkH, of Wayneaville, attend.


ed shft soolal at Mr . Wm. II'\lne:l' -e Tbursday evening . 14rll. MlIo ltlllti ~'~m e!l. of Dayton, W. R . 8t"" boagh& the fArm ot ConkUn ar" glad \0 know lba.' .be · 'belate W.I&on Uomp\on, a'pubUo isimprovtDg Dioiely afteranopera· i+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - .-. Is villiting hilr:' ilieter, ,\ lrl. Mary I8la, of l.a' 'Week, .. 170 per tion reoeD"y pe;tormed ai tbe ntght. Wbtle trying to nleaa., hili II Harveysburg. Spring Valley Haverstiok who hilS been very elok aore. lIoL'leilan BOIIpUal, Xenia. borlle, wblob 'Wal faat i~ 'he atable. with pnenmonill Cbaa. Mendenhall ball moved &0 •- • he w.lIstraok in the faoe. Bt..!' n088 'l'he Harveysburg Higb Mohool Mr. And Mr8. Nowton Moore en· MrK. 'j'bomllll Berryhill who · haR hllDew farm two and one balf wiles Lytle 'Wal broken .nd bill faoe badly onto pla]r will be giYen on Friday even. ~ertl"'ned Sunday .Mr. IlDd l4rs. Ed been very low with double pneumo. Dorlb of bere, on the Xenl • . pike I . Mr, aDd Mrs. Elmer Earnbart fn o "aroh 8th Eyer and danghter, of Dear 8prlng · nia died at ber homa 80uth of to-wn 11 y . ~&1.11 Zilla Gitbea. vi81~ Leba· IIVODt moet of last week i D "1 ..lila,. nnll Mrs. Cha8 Gordon are boro, an d ... .. r. an d" ThII ._. _ 0h erl 0 f.... apr Ins V.... ,,0 a D.... rs '-'ueo. Ve ttere, ias' Wednesllay night. She leave. to towD.hlp beld an .lIrlonltoral meet. DOD on Wednesday. bUll. niOl,ly' established In their new home of tbls plaoe. mourn he r loss, Ii and f"n Mn, ErD.' IIrowD, of Oay,on, ' Mr... William uvrgda D_ 11 IU~ d d aug· h nort.h . a0, ID.·be Hi, b OL.h nu 00I room. bel ar. ot town Mr. WUlon Oompton Ilnd Mra. ohlldron und WtU al80 a promlnen _A .. . I al ,h. home ' . OD Tb ar_ay.UeraooD. ...n exoe . apen' Toeaday . . of Mr.. ter, Uladys weDt \0 Dayton H&'nr · Mr lind Mr,fl Ben \VMks villited Ehzabeth Neeld both reWfun about member of t.he Presbyterian ohuroh leD' prOll'l'm watt rendered 8upt and lin. Slmeo. BrOWD. d I pend a few day8 l'Ub I4r . . the saDIe of this pill-oo . The fnneral 'WIUI r La"d J 8' Lea' IIr. aDd Mn. Charlel Olark were ay 0 II b . their daughter. Mrl! . Pllrk Hadl(lY" . ' . • nb" to non:ban · · m · 10 tbe Gem Qtt., OD "Iurday. aud Mrs. Smit . Doar O~ldand on Sa'arday. MIS8 Ah~e E~frbl\rdt, of Xenill, held from ho! late home last klalnr aD, II nl among. e lpea k en. • _ • HI' Ed MoFarland walla bUHln8l8 spent 8undRY WIth Mr. and Mrll. day afternoon. Ju MoIntire aod famtly have P"ot L. 1:. Carey lpen' Matur. . . d II h R Tbe K . of P. Lodge will oelebra'e .... 6b t t l .. day aDd 8UDU., wlUl bill brother at Corwin. vl8itor to WayneSVille on ~'nr a y.! . 0 n eevelt. . mOT_SO. e arm 0 . .60 .. v.Da, )jlrl!. lI'r.ok I:)bldalter mited Mrs. ' Mrs. Lanrll. Lister hilS aooepted their Ninth Annlvllreary ID tbe wed of &oWD. Wei' AloaDd_ri.. \ T H II'f d I" h 11- JaDe D-ke bad tor hergo8ltl John Zen aDd family ha.e moved Gscnge DenDY on Friday. '8. position In Du.ytou. own a nes Iloy oven ns, ...aro . b IIr aDdllrs, ••. , lIelllam.. .. ....·b · Th nrs day . .. Ed t!teddom ave OD TQMd&y Luo, Dyke from GranvUle 10&0 their property £ e SOOII a g Iven I 118. Pblllp B" wka and WIfe of near litb ,wlth~bl'gsupper Q . ,, !" " er-blob-n ~ ~ movecllnto tbe propedy vaoated by And o1atldre~ Adra Lawi. and son noated by Ellia 8pray . We are eveninK by the ladles of tbe .p'ill Harveysburg !!peDS SnndRY with interelltingpro/i!l'am n-1l1 be rendered (Jbu..... eodeob.lI. ' b t th e 8 IeRan.• h om ..... a f _r. "w I ' "hal Bo-le Dnd family nortb of Lo.lla and. 81aDoh. Graham and gl.d \0 weloome Ihem back .ner aD' 0 h oro. ber pareD til. v . .. .. II .... p . F. Comp&on and Mn. , andl l4ra Wm A Balnea wal town will move this week on the a E J.nel were Oa1toD IIbopperl daugbter. abllenoo of foor years. . Abo' t b Prot. Ed. Van Winkls WIlS in onr Fogarty farm eon'b of town, Berl Rl&o1 aDd Lee,-" Kenrlok W. J. Kill)On'II181e was a SUoo8118, a great 8nOOel8. u on. nn. III "" d , . .' I'riuy. . . drecl and fifty gUlfllt!I were pretlent. v age oa ur ay . Mrs .Olaude .lUrls, of DaytoD. IIt.1'I01'eDOe ~ayooolt bal been a buln... 'rip to Beaver'own aDd drew. large orowd of ?eople. C I It d I h I 1£1 ff M.ra. Vern (Jopsey visited Thurs- I visited her mother Mrs .John Brown r Id " h I I h c en II&n woes, p 0 ell, 00 ee d the IGeI' of Ilf. and 111'1 Ba,mond r ... . Ally Dora S,1188 waa I opp nil n anti calte were served . day with Bellbrook frlen S. jlas' TbarsdRY· ~1, ot lJayton . IIr. aDd lin. O. B. Lamb bad tor day 1&111 week. 01'.1 N . Seal i8 qnite ill at hi. A number from . here IIttended the A qaiet wedding took placelall' i'rallkReev" b . . .lgned ... 000- tbetr SIlDda., IU8IU. lire. 11:. R. Mn. Dr.CI~IJ8U lpen' Thurlll&T ' 1aoIDeon~eoond street. revhaillenice Friday evenID g at Wedlle8d&Y evening at 6:30at'be tnot ',) pia., a trombone tD 'he R.Ddelpb aDd IOD, t!&aoy and 8&an. wl'h lin Altoe MoKioleY. I Ii. R t RI i ..... IIi lit . 1I01ly . bllme of Mrs. ~ J. D. B8IIs wben her . Ie lAmb of o.y'oo • I ra. I) s nger .n.....11 ...1', al Roblnlon y.. ..... Mrl. F. Graef "illited relative. 10 JOIepbln8 O,de!!bee were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Ed Qelt han woved daughter Mi~ Julia wlla 'untted io d_ Lee Ilarnhan wbo wu r.por..W alter B aoae1 b 118 mov.... 0 UIII'· . , DaywDl., week, frlElnda In Har'VeYllbur, tlalnrday to Xenia. mlirrillge to •• Mr. Ueorge ~mltb, of _ L"tle'. farm on Bnok ROD !liok week. WM operated 00 a' , Weill JU8t UUI Imme .".. .. ~Xenl. Ibe)l'. Oarmel hoeplMI at Colum. Mrl. Delmo.elmll'-"ler, .otLtma, af~arDOOD. • The Jr. 0 U. A. M. hl'verecont- ne~r ayn IV e. . . • )t•. rrtid lIoKtDDey. ot DBa b bOlo.. WeclD8Ida., 'be 18tb for apo 1.lpendiDjf ••Teral day. wltb ber Milia Annie M. Madd_ baa beeo Iy added ten new members to tbelr diate friends of tbe family wltneiiled II lpeodlDI lenral da.,. wi,b er adlot'. Bell ..-"nR .I~O' Dloe- pueote, IIr. .Dd IIr.. CharI. . .derlo. with ItmsiltU ••t her home order and will oon'lnoetG bave work 'bo ceremony after whiob· aD el. f.tb~r aDd .llter. o.vid 'fllrDet aDd . Wenta. on tbe aveDoe. nery Tboraday nlgbt for awhile. gant rep'lst· W!l8 8l1rved. They ,rUI dao,b"~, SkOJ Tlelied aD Dayton Ill.. Alma Wa'-'rbollle .peD' l.. t The maDY frt.enda ot Mr. Ralph Wm.'. :opeey and Lee Pe&ei'lon reside on ti. f.rm OWDed by the groom ~r. a~d )In. 1aM0 IIvalll were and BaDday. IJaturdt.., tD LabltDOD. Brookl are glad $I) Me blJn ...II"DI were Dar&on villtora 'l'hurlday. neal' Wayn~Avltie . . .. . . . of bODor at a baDqa,~~:o ¥r: ,and lin. Leeter KeDriok IIr. aDdiln. Dbarlea BroWliand tD Madden'l .tore apln. . lira. Willenburg mOTed to Da,. MINI ' of ' ~ l!~ '~e . . . ., IUda7 ."be bopte of .Carl· oblldreD TialM4 n!a"yea tn. Bell. Ilr. BeD Weekut"D4edlhe I . O. toD 'bill .week. f::\aC1.el~' ~t~b '.' ~!~.b~ .~o, . Anchrtf••' ~serviUe. bftlok 8UDClay.. O. r. ~T8Dtion at W~bIItDR'on . . ~.. ~:Of . Joabaa'ObanoweUl me' .wi,h "· 8 .. ikD1Ua moTecllloD~J tD'O tbe.. ~0I.a.1. II.ra. (jeat Visited wl'b trieoda .. ..,~~~~.. :,~.....~ :~ • .J" 1q1~: prope~:.. .14'-'8.. ""~1Do• ."04 )I!. Eel ~e" Frld~y, ..









I l

I j







....-----..--... IFIFTY CENTS.DID WHAT Practical FashIons



Brooklyn Man Discove rs He Could .'avo Saved $n9.50 on In· Jured Leg.






I tbe

ult lm:1te desrl nallon o f Ihe fugl· rives . I( "i th yl'l tlure no t ve nt ure aD I I l rt' s s l111~ forwar tl tllt rln g \,.b e n lg bt. rhua JA C"'k K~ lth . • \ 'lrJ(1nl1'\n nnw rl h ('l r ~ 1'(I ~" l b l )' 10. lng t bo t rlU l u nd belllll d f'r plnln~ mnn '''' l unkln,., (t, r rU1l mlt\~ \ h t r I prut l" 1! o r ~1I\Ml.\I ' ft HI ' St!'~M Jl \\,Il~ ~tn \I'lIrn I "" ttl!' lreLl to r e trn~e theI r st e ps . It at (,J11 I;Hl iop p unHu'" h y 111 1' n o n [J( )lIlf.:s j W h t"n I" ' hh n~J\ ...' hns t h e \\' u~ l )n t he ,'llhl · "nR !Jl'ller to Ilroc"l' li s lo w and su re erR II U V (' nIH"Mh ' r t>J t W ll I lIt' li HIHt dt.~ · 11l!>I(('H, Ju d !;1 1l 1; fro m ~ h e (1(lncl ltl fln Cot p a r ti 'd H t! Rt ' llrdlt'8 l tlt· \' ''' l t I H~ r\l1 l l1 o)f »11 , \("'1 nnl.1 It hH'kt't with n W /lI1 U\Il' ~ p " r · 11 " 'lr (IW Il !.Jor. '~. Ih .,. p ursued wau l.. trult. h: "l l h I . 8. r r(>l:fI ~d ul 'u niqU l ' II Y . 1 II ' COtll fl tJl le d to hlli t SUlI1eW llere ~ ~h urUf" d w ith I he IlIlITel 'r, 1118 I h .' L' lI!olI ' r 111" I "" " t tll,)lr Sloc lt II Iso .' T he Ir t ra il e vell Ina.; a r u (tlll u II lllnt'd B h l t' k H urt . A Il l! "ro " OII1 PIII1IOI1 til IIIH l 'e ll IU-lITI e LJ ~d ) II li s hi m rl"\·,·,,1 tl rbo fll rl that t hey were traY' t !'tul h (o knew t htl I{ Cl thlll In \"lrJr.: l lltlL ~ . · l . .· U ~ O ll~ o r t h u murdf'n,, 1 nll~ n WH ::t .I oh n 1,' li"g ra r l e~6 m pld ly th nn at flrll t . ... Slhlt' ~' , t nt' o t lh' r lh.' n. \\" 11 11'0 \V n lh' , ( tl rt" , I lh'llIf; h ev ltll' tllI y IOll kln g evc ry e lTor! .. r ly u C'o n rr rl.' r :l t e (lrt-l<·~. r . 1' h\' IJ lll hl "iIWl n a ntI l\:(1lJ l')U'apU, lino l utf'r t h ~ ru~it\l.· '· 8 to co".,r Ih t! g r ea t cs t poss Ible dl IJ( Olll(> u pon u ('u bln g n d nnd It s ('I ' cU l-Hlnl lalll'e be fo re Slopping. JuSl as lila t o be .u young g! !"! w h om Kt' l l h t hlllk~ he tie \\" a t ('orso n d ty . Th e Il lrl ~. p la l n. "usk shu t In cl ose ahout th e m tbe, t hAI she: 18 I n !JA Rre h 0 1 n h ro1i'w r. Wll 0 rode down In to t h e vall e y of Shaw· h ad df·.8(> rt ~d (rom th e ft rnH' . und t hat n M r ll u w h~ y t ntt u c t."d hf' r t o (" 001 6 t o t he I nce Fork. and d isco ve r ed s lgull of a T he Ilo pular sa il or r1r f'S9 Is one of ~u. b t n wh l l h e tJolJlot ll t h e r brrtl h ('r. H u\\" recllllt ca m p nt th e ed ge of the s tr e am, If )" up ~wa r8 . a nd IC e ll h III h "lIn!: r F ~ng· the lI\qst c harmin g s l yle e ve r d e vIsed nl ~f'-8 h h n as Bt Clck [tlt r l. T here i. 11 f c r · Here. npporc n l ly. Jud g In g from tb. for th e· s m a ll ~ 11"i . Th o ruod e l IlIus· tUle b n 1tle In lhft diL r h~rw d r ou m In w hich calIJ p-fi r e asb es, and the trample4 X .. l1h 15 \'IClor. H orR~H tl r f;' n p p r Oprln l f' d . trar ed he re h us Ihe r e~ lIl a tl o n hlous e an.:! th e Mtrl who lut\'~ l ha t h e r nnt l1f1 I" g ra ss a l on~ the Fork, tb o party mull wIth la r ge s a Ilo r coll a r. e trl'ctvely R Olle. joins In th e ~.~a p e . I{ ulth ".plulns ho ve halted for s everal bours. H, hi • • ttu fil1o n a nd l hl" fUJ:1tI Vt' 8 l1ln.k ., ( o r truDmed wl t b br aid. Th e us ua l 11111 It · F ort Lnrn ....l. wh <: r ~ I h~ girl I. loft wh h li g hting matcbes K e hh and Brl s t04l c d £klrl Is e mpl oyed with th e front ~e hOlel landlad)" MI•• lI ope lell. th ll t discerne d whe re s ome among th~1D cent e r bo x· pin It In pa ne l .. !T ee t and lin jibe I. Ihe dau,; hl er 0 1 Gene rlll W RIte. lKelth and N ob d rift Into Sher ida n. where had lal4 down to slee p, und . thl'O\1oI:lI Inv e rted box·p la lt a t Ih e bac k. It Is K ellh mept8 0 11 old Irt",..I. Dr. I'""trba ln. "arloU8 s lgnB, d ec id ed thoy must hl\ve /lU nched to nn und e r ,..a lgl to \\' blch Keith m"et. I he brot he r o f H o pe Wolte. under the IUlB um ~tl nil me 0 1 Fred WIl. agai n departed some fiv e or Mix hOllri the yoll e a nd Btnndlng r oll nr a r e a ls o loug bbr, and b e<'orne.! co n\' ln ced t h at prevloUiB. one oC th eir ~e9 IImjYtDS attachod . Se rge Is a good . u gge~ tlon lJlack Bart haN 8u m " plo l Im'olvlnll t he two. HOlle loarn. thol Gen. Walle. who Il S If lame. The tired pUnlu" rs w ent for a d esig n of I hi s charac te r. thoug h W8J!I th ought mur de r ~d . Is (\I Sheridan. Int<;l c am)) at the lIame s pot. hut Vllth· and of th e nPllroprl u le was h m a t e rials a n d g oe& the rf'. wh ert.~ s h ~ 18 mi s tak e n fo r Ch risti e Maela,l rc. I he Cn rHo n Ity si nge r. o ut venturing to IIgbt any lire. merel, m ay be utll 17.e d It> ntlvnlltage. K e ith rn p~ l . the real Chris ti e Mltc la lre s nlltchlllg a cold lJit e. ontl dropplnll anti nnd. tha t Black BArl lI o.s eo m' ln ~ed The pa ttern ( 567H Is cut In ~ I%e g be r tbat there Is .. my'to ry In hor lifo 0 1T to slee p with h ead y plllo'wed upOD from 6 to 12 ye ars . To LUnl( e the dress '" hleb hn I. goIng 10 turn 10 her Rdv Rn · Lhe lr ~" ddl e s . 1age. The plain s man t HIIA H o pe "~tn It 8 or In the m e dIum size will require 3% h e r Tf!s e mbla lll'e t u C hrll'ltJc M uc1ul rt1. Th e y we re u pon tile trail again 11110. yard s of 36 In c b m ale rl a l and 4 1/. 'rhey ,Iecldo lha l F red Wl llou,;II"y ma y the fi rs t tllmn ess of th e gruy dl\ wn, yard s of bml<l to trim . a s pI c t u r ed . hold th e key to the .IIUI1 t1 0n, I,,", tll fl nd s \Vllie ugh by ohot dend. Hope Is lold 0 1 wadin g th e wal e r s o f the ,"'ark. and the dealh oC her brolhe r. K,'lth fal ls 10 '1'0 PTDeU", thll pnnern .enll to cenU 8t rlklu g (ortb across the dull level at Ipa rn' wh"l rC J)rccsn l n tl ~ n. Blne k I1n rt to '·Pattern De pllrtm en t." o f tnt! pa~r . bas made to Ch r is ti e M"l"hllrc. I lope brown prairi e and while alkali toWrite name and a L1d r ess pla l nly. nnd be l 8uggeS'l 8 t hn t tn o r dt!T lo lea rn t ho s ec r et ward tbe Arknn sas. The y eaw nolblnB aura to vive .1&e and Dumber or pauern. .. he must briefly ImperSO n(l(B Ihe s tn,;e IIlnger . D r Fnl r bul n is In l ov o \v llh all d a y movIng In that w Ide villa ChrIs tie Maclalre a nd " elth Inducea him abo ut l h em. but rod e steadily, 8('arO:8to detai n her Crom the 81tlltB whll" !l o pp S[ZE . . . . .. .. ... •, .. . NO. 5674. -/ I'oee to the the l\tf'r w lJ e n~ Hhe m e ets Iy exch a ug lng a word, de t e, Black Ba rt. who. th u. c1 e(·ch·NI. tell s NAMEl . .•• •. . .• •• .• . ••••• •••• . ••. ... . • .. . •. • • grim. n e ve r s we rving a yard from th. H ope th a t Oene ra l W " lle hus Mu.peet ed hi. pla ns a nd th a t they mllst II)". Hup,·. faInt trail . The pursued' were mnvlnc TOWN .•• . ..•. . ......... .. •. . . .... ... .. . . •. . . Irl"flally alarm ed. demurs. Geneml Wul tc slower. hamp e r e d. no doubt, by their aJlpeara and saya Black n a rt h "~ s tole n paper. from him regarding nn Inh crl; lame horse, but were still well hi ad· STREET A ..... D NO . ... . .• . •. .. . . . . •.. . .. . . l a nl'e. K eith 18 Intormcd Ihut Ch rl . tI ~ va nce. More ove r . tbe strain or the Haclal",·. relll namo 18 Ph yl lis r. 1l 1 ~ Rnd STATE . ..•... .. . .. • . . •• • ... . . . ... ••.... . . . .. that 8h" 18 the hllif Ris ter of Hope. Th e s addle WIUI already beginnIng to teU Jatter hall been carried a wu.y by Bl llc'k seve r e ly on Walte, w Cfl k e ned som.,wbal ).Iart ant! bla gang. Dr. Fulrbaln ,<vow. nls love tor Phyllis and s he accepla him. by years . and th e pursuers were ()f)lJ)o ."MEN'S PAJAMAS. pe lled to halt oflener on bls &Co':ount. CHAPTER XXXIII. The ' e nd of th e lIe co nd day found th"m approacblng the broken land b()I 'd~ Following the Trail. Ing the Arkansas valley, and just bfloo Keith Bent Over to Study the Tracb. for e nightfall th e y plc~ed tip a lame T"ne withdrawal of the sbe rlff mereborse. e vidently discard e d by tbe ly stimulated Keith to greater activity. . It ,.as cl early evident the fugitives plaus for a fortune overturned. Keith ree, the whole damned Injun ouUlt party abead. (TO BEl CON1'Il"IU~!:>.J wltb all rapIdity fully realized Hope's peril, and bl. jumped ·em. From all I h eerd. thar posslbls to get beyond where the hand own b elpleseness lo serve ber In thle must n hln nIgh onto three. thousan ' Tile King's "Easy Money." ot law could reach them-tbelr trail e mergeDcy was agony . As Lhey bur- 0' the varmints. dropplu' on 'em 011 at Tbe '~ \IrIOU8 powers and dutlee 01 atrlklng directly acroee tbe plains Into rle d back to the town. be brleny roo oncel. hell·hent·Ce r·el eetlo n. with ai' tha barren southwest was proof of this viewed these conclUSions wllb Wolte Roman Nooo a Icadln' ·e m . It Willi the coroner. under traditional law. are JlUrpose. Yet It was scarcely likely and Falrbaln. all alike agreeing there shore a good tlgbt. re r th e scouts got lIIuRtrated by a recent Incident at they would proceed very far In tbat was nothing remaining for th e m to do onto an Is land on' stopped lhe hucks. Southga t e. England. says the New dIrection. as suc h a course would except to take up the trail. Tile fugl· Two of the rellers got through to York Sun. S omo workmen digging IQ bring them straIght Into the heart at tlves bad already galned too groat an Wallace ylst'day. an' a courier hrougbt the Am be rl e y road found a large num· the Indian country. Into greater 'dan· advantage lo be overhauled, but thay the news In ter Hays. The Injuna had ber of a nc ie nt colna. ImmedlatnlY the ger than that from whlcb they ned. might be tra ced to whateve r polllt them boys cooped up lhar Cer elg bt corone r was called and he ImpUleled Keith felt no doubt that Hawley In· they were h eading for. In spite of \be days before them fellers got out. an ' I a jury . An expert numlBmatillt testl· tended making (or Carson CIty. where s la rt being so far to the west, KeIth reckon It'll be two or three days more Hed that Ih e coins were "Lons CI'OSII~ lae could securely hide the girl. and WBe firmly convinced that Ihe lr dest.l.n· '(are tbe nigge r sog e rs the y sent out pe tln les of tbe reign of Henr, III. 1\'bere he posaessed frlonds to rally atlon would prove lo be Cllr~on CllY· l e r ljelp ever glt thar. So thsr won 't 1207 to 1272. The Jury th e n found • to his defence. even an Influence over Procuring hors es at the corral. tbelr be no InJuns 'long this route we ' re verdict that the coins were U1c1eD.1 the officers of the law. The one thing forces augmented by two volunte ers- tru"elln' , fer the whole kit an' ca. I hat t hoy had been concealed aud tbat which puzzl ed him most was Ibe both m e n of e xpe rie nce-Keith. WalLe. boodle are liP lhar :vlt afte r 'Sandy.' '' their d e po s llo~ wna unknown. "'Tbell man's object in atte mpting eo des.,e r· Falrbaln und Ne b departed without ""And you s uppose Hawley knew I seize the coIns a8 the kIng', treu ure tr(lve," said the coroner- ·and h. ate a v e nlure. Did b e know hIs prls· de lay, not e ve n pausing to cat hut about this ?" did. ~I!.V ~a~ H? P8 Wait e ? or dId he stilI takIn g th e n t"es sar y food with them. ""\Vby not. Ca p ? He w a s bang'n' Buppose h e was running off wilh Chris· The s un had bare ly ri sen wh en they 'rountl till a fte r t e n o'cl oc k las ' n lgllt, T he pajamas here s hown s r e COlD · Paper Bottles for Milk. Ue Moclalre ? COllld some rumor or took up t he trail. K e ith. and a m a n an' It was all ove r town by tll e n. fort a bl e nnd good looki ng . The coat Som e of the milk cowpa nles 'are try. Walr e's appeal to the courts hav e nam e d Br ls loe . slig htly In ndvan ce . 'T a ln't lik e ly he's got an outfit 'loug ha s h ig h n eck with s tan tl lng 'o r rollln~ r eaelled th e ga mbler. frightened him , t he ir kee n eyes markin g e very s ligbt with hIm t he l 's los t nny InJuns. I Ing o ut n e w pn per bottles. IItilTened collar or It Dl a y have low ne ck wltb and m a d e nlr and milk tlgbt ~· It..b r l.'· and ca used h Im to atte mp t IhlR d e. · Gign le (t for I'uldanc e a ct'OSs th e bare don't know wh a r th(' y'r e hound, no stole ba nd . Around the lI eck II lId pe r a t e effort ot esca pe? and dId he pl aia. It W it S u compo.rat.l vely easy mor'n you do . but I rec kon Ih ey' re Hned "uraOin . whil e IVn.1. Puper 1m· down tbe fr ont Is a Ir lmmlng of con · bear :\-l1s s I\lacla lr c with him, bOiling trail to loll ow. len d Ing dlre cUy IDto I c:lsollo.bly s ure tb e y' ve go t a cla r pregnn lc <i wIth purnllin look s and tr" ~ tl n[; m a t l' r lal B rn ld fa stp ne rs fee "" a ll y and greas y. but bandle r s of mak e iI nr e llY IInl s h . to k eep he r safe ly concen lecl \lnW t he HOllthw es t . lb e pony tra cks cuttin g I" n;1.4I " s uc h paraffined pn pcr need bave no be wa s be lt e r prepa r ed to cOUl e out In Into th e s od >IS t hol tgh th e reckle ss Tho pu ll e rn ( 5679 ) Is ';lI t III s l7.(! 8 They pulled up on the hnnl(s or a ope n fi gbt? tr IllI s was th e actua l ride r s bad bllllchNI t Oget.hfl r. th e ir ~ l1l u ll ~ t re :1f1l 10 \lute r UHlir h n rse~ . leR r of ~ et l.lng gr ease even on tho frOD1 34 10 42 Incil. breast m NIS lIrf! 6tate of affa irs th ~n it wo uld ac count hor ses tr oll Ing r a~ ltl l y . E vide ntly no illid u t e billitll y. Tbe t rail Ic d dl· II1n~ t deli ca te f~brlc . Of course . I' To - mak e th e pnJnnllls In til e m E'd lllm for much o t b e t"\yl~e hnr d 10 ex plai n . alte mpt lI ncl li ce'" III nd e lIt con ceal· rec tly ac rOHS . n nt! wltb onl y t hp ~l l g llt · pn ratnn Is heat e d Rnd melt ed cloth size will re'lulre 5 '12 ya rd s of 3(; In c ll 'J' h e aeU'ess wo ul d pro ll:.! I,ly no t ba " e m el1 t. :l nd I b IH se r vc' d to co n \" I n ce !be " fi t poss ible de lay th ey for ded t h o wIll t a ke It np . and then It III dlllicull m a t e rial. Fla nn ele ll e Is 8 go od Sllg . be('n UliB s etJ. or. at le:lsi.. ~('r l o\l ~ ly pu rs uers tbal [ la wl e y 8tlll he ll e vt' d ~ b a l low wa tl!r, alltl rn Olln l e tJ tile op· 10 ~ e t o uL NOlhin g Is cleaner or freer g es tlon. 1I0ug hl a ft er, until . hl! fu il ed to up· b ls c ap t iv e 10 he 1I-I bs l\Ia ci a ire. and pos lte bank. A h unrl recl rR rrl ~ I" a rtll ' r Irom ge rm~ , tbttn llure pa raffin. and It To proc ure thlA pnft r rn Ff"n rJ 10 rpntfl p ear li t Ihe th e n lcr Ihe ro ll o w l ll ~ " v,·n· that b e r dl HUfl l,cu ran ce would not be o n fl rlalo e rel ue d u p Gudde nl y, polnl· may. be InJecl ed rl!';ht u.nder· a man'. "Pall ern O f! " ll rlml ~nt." n ( l h l~ I ld {l t;' r . . kln without canelng any trouble.- to lu g . Th l~ del a y wOll ld gi ve t h u fll ' s us pe c ll'd II llUI aft e r nl g hU a l1. In I ng down nt th, ' I nei l. Write nnmo a nd aUdrt:s9 p la inl y . n nd b& sure L.o e l v a IIlzc a.nd numbt! r or p a ttern. New York Press. gltlv es a Bta r t of twe nty ho ur s . or that case t be trail could \J o t be dis· " One hess lef t th u bunc h h e r e, " he even mo re, an d pra cll ca lly ass ure ('ov e r e' d b efore t!.J e fo llowing mo r o· Was Samson 80 Mean? th e Ir Ea.rp l y. Hpsld es. In t he li g ht o f ln g. und wit h su ch a start. pu rs uit tiec lare tl I' osllive ly. K cl th Bwung blm· NO. 5679. SIZ!!; .•...•.•. .. ••• •. Samso n was one at thlt early strofll) Walt",'s appli cation t o th e s lHl rlfr for would be II S( less. TIrel ess . s teatllly , ~e ll' alit of th e sa thll e, nn cl uent over NAllE .. ••.• •.••. , •••.•• ' .••. . ..•...•.. .. .. ' I ."sls tance. It was co mp a r a tive ly eas y scar ce ly ~ p c ail ing exc(' pt UPOn the I to HUldy th e tmck s . The r e was 110 men. l'I e had 80 mucb mas~le that oe to con ceive of a vl1lltl re:l~ OtJ why I business In band. tb e pUrAUeI" ti pres se d I d o uutlng tllf' e VId e n ce- it s ingle horse bad to play prsctlcal 'okes all tbe TOWN Hawley sho uld va n ish . lind <)es lre. forward a t an l'as y lro t. KeI th. In s pl le , - Ih e o nly Oll e hhod In th e huncb- tIlDe No doubt, like ot!,flr busky folll of Int e nse a nxiClY . Il" ILb tho remem·1 wl l h a rltl e r o n Its ba c k. Judging (rom be had tbe Idea that It ""liS bumrl"oul lI\1ewl6e, 10 take ;\Jl ss I\l>tc lalre wltb STREET AND NO •. .•..• . •. . . . ••••.•.•... him. But th pr e was no a pllll r<: nt oc· bronce of old cava lry dnY M to guId e tho dee p Inlp r lnt o f the hoofs. ha4 to slip up beblnd 8 frlell.l Rnd hit bill> STATE •.•• ' .. .. ............ . . . .... . ........ . hIm. l.ns.ISlln g II po n fiParlng t h e h or Mes s \\" e rY ed ~ h:tr}lly to th e left of tile bet ween t he shoulder t>ludes BO har!' r.o. ~ l o n fo r h is for ci ble a htl uc tl on 01 Hope. Of cour se . h(' m Ig ht hav e done Bs mil c h a s p o~sl bl e . ThI s was to be m o ln hotl y. headIng dlrecll) Into UI.8 that he couldn't breath" for a week The plain sman mn f(lt·· Or be would gt'p tbe frlend's han4 ao from l:L 8udtl e nly n l"Ous('d III of all' a SH' rn c ha se and a 10llg on e, and It s outb ea s t. Not a Regular Child. ger nt some dl sco\'e r y th e g Irl ha d wa s Imposslllle to t e ll wh"n Ih e, could ward for a hundre d yard s to MSUro nnd squeeze Il cntll the fingers were A smoll Norwegian lad presented Like sa nlJl made. ye t e ve ry thIng Ilolntetl rath e r procure r e mOlltlls. The co ns utnt s werv ' him self t be mnn had not circled hacki glued together In pain. to a deliberate pla n . Bo th bo r ses aud Ing of the trail wes tward see med to at that point the animal bad been be strolled about the "treete In hll him self b efore a MInne sota s chool teacher. who Hrst asked him hIs n a me thE'ory, and. spurred Into a lopo. Keith re~lJlne(J track Bttlit every cbanc. be got. men we r e ce r t ainly walUng the re un· shatler bls carll e r I " Pote Pete r sen .. ' be replletJ. der orders. Hawley's adh e re nts In brought blm gTe ater uneasIn ess . F·ln· the alb e rs . HAnd how old are YOI1?" the teacber "Must bave been about <lllyllgbt' Wgman Ente,.. Polloe Schoel. charge: and every arrange ment per· ally he spoke Df it to the old plaIns· Itbe y rea chl' d here," he sold, picking One of the two pollcewomen recent· asked next. fected In advan ce . Clearly enougb man oosld e h im . ""Wba t do y ou suppos e t hos e fe llow8 up hi s dn ngilng re in. and looklltg Into Iy appointed for Christiania, Norwarc " 1 don't know how old 1 bane." said the gambler had plann ed It 011 out berore he ever we nt to the Troea· are b e adin g 80 fur west for. Ben! the Ques tioning faces about him. "'Tbe haa entlered the pollce Bchool Durin. the Ind. "'We ll. when wore yoU born?" can· dero--no douLt th e completion or Tbey are taking 0. big rIsk of running fellow that rode out yonder alone wu her two months' counle sbe will... h eading s traight toward Carson City. celve Instructlon In such lawa as po Unued the tea c her. these final arrange m e nts was what de- Inlo hos Ules .. · ""Oh. I dOD't kno"." r eturned the He Is going for fresh horses, I Ilgure lice omcers are required to be ao "I not born at all; I got stepmother," lay ed his ap pelirn.nce al th e botel. If this was al l true. thell It muSt bave ' other grave ly. IIftJng his eyes to the It. and will rejoin the bunch some Qualnted wltb, In general police duo -Metropolitan MagazlDe. been C hris tie, Ilnd nat Hope. he pur· far-off sky line. "I reckon · from tile place down on the Arka nsD.8. Tbe \Jes and in writing report II. After sb. W.rl\ful. pose d bea rlll g away w1th .hlm. and "the news th e t come In last night from others Intend to keep farther west. begIns active service IIbe will ban Instead at tbe- . uiual Just before latte r was merely a victim of ber mas· Hays. thar oln't no Injuns a r~_ngill' where the y won't be seeD. Wbal do charge ot the Boclal purity departmenl tbet way Jist now. Th e y're too blame you s oy, Ben?" ot the force. Christmas letter, to · filsnta Clau. RobQue rade. , "Thet's the way It looms up ter me. bl~ wrote a pray,er 1\~ter to Gael After What would result when the man busy out on the Arlckaree. Maybe . True Economy, enumer~Ung .., th, ,~ny and Tart... discovered his mi stake? Such a dis· them fell e rs hoord th e same story. an' Cap; most likely 'twas tho bot's him. !'elf." A Selrvlan member at parllamen" presents .be "'Iant4l.d "very mucb he COD· covery could not be delayed long. a1. tbet's what makes 'em so b.old ." "What story? I've heard nothlnSo"' . "Well. wboever It was. the girl 18 haa discovered the pOsslb'm Ues 01 eluded '/fit'll: ', '~\bj,ihember. God, the, thougb the girl was qulck·wltted. and "Why. U's like ' this. Cap," drawling stili with the ·others. ant! their trail treo trBvelllll. He 'I paId a aalar,. for Lqrd lo,eth & cbeertul c1ver,"-&lnr7. would surely realize tbat b"r personal 'i: ' . e •• • arety depended upon keeVlng ' up the out the v:ords, "leJUltways, thet'iI bow Is the eaSiest to foUow, We'll Ileep atten'da:ne~4--bt---llas' a ' ~wy bodl·~. " pap, So why pay a hotel<!or a bel, ' decep?On to the lut poSSIble moment. It come Inter Sheridan; 'Sandy' For- after them." They puabeiJ. on bour after hour, 'u At e.,.ElUde he, atell. Into We e.preas ., H'er Crownlnli Glory. . ,., Yet the discovery mWlt 1Inally occur, .ythe an' hhJ ouUlt, mosU)' plB.Jnsmen. and hl4;r. waa ' 110 CU. .alna wl1at !<Jrm started a while ago acroas Solomon long as dayllght luted r they could !1'OlQ ~ Belg'ra~e. ~ . LapoYO and aI_PI • Yeut,.....Dld your w~~.. le.t W ·tIm II&wleT~s ra,e ltould . .aume wben ,he ruYer lUI' down Beaver Crlek.' be8.dln· perceive the !&iDtest trace to ron,o w. , t~1Y ' Rlid well JI1,' ~' 1119pilllJ ", ...~~~t n~w hat of ; lIe l'l1 • ,' fHad blaw.u - bamed. and ~ ..... fer Fen Wallacl'. Over on .t,he Arlcka· AJ~ady balr-co~nnced that he ImIw eomea .Ito ~Ij · du~. . ..b7.:C.b' uj~~ '. _...~.ndlll80\Dbo~-NO, bD~t ')CM:ID"U I









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lmllg lne s pe ndin g One Hundrod Dol. tor preparation s to heal u wound on the l eg, and th e n fin d ing tha t a OftY-c ent j ll r of Reslnol did the trick! Tb a t Is ju s t what C. M. W aggon e r, of Br ooklyn. N. Y .• did. H e t f' lIs bri e fly bl s ex pe ri e nce In th o fo ll o wIng le lte r: "A fOw y eurs ago I se r lollsly In jured my leg. and 1I'l ed e ve r ythI ng I snw adve r ll sed . F In a ll y. I was advI sed to try R('s lllol ,Oln t m e nt. a nd In 0. ve r y s ho r t tl llI e the wound wa s co m nle t e ly bellI ed . ODe KllIs ll jar of R cs lu o l OI ntme nt did wba t OD e hllndre d do lla rs' \vortb of oth e r rem ed leR had fa ll (ld to do. C. M. W M i G O ;o.l 1m. ""nroo kl y tl. N . Y." Reslnol Ointm en t tn s l n utly r e li e ve s ec ze ma, scolds a n d burns , te t/ er, milk crust. ringworm, b a rbe r's Itc h. 11 11 eru ptIons nnd Iritatlo ns of the skin; pimpl es, Itc hin g . blacl(h en ds. bo ll s, chilblains, chllpe. et c. Try a tH t y. ceI.t jar at Reillnol Oint ment. t o be gotten from your dru ggis t, and yo u will be more than 8atls fi e d with the expenditure. Free s ample can be h ut.! by writing to Depa.rtm e nt 83, R es ina! Chemical Co.• Holllmoni. tilt!. At the Bank. "Your hu s bRnd b as Bt o ppe d pa ym ent on your nllmony cbe c k." "I know It; he no long e r loves me."

Dr. P ierce'. Pellel • • om. 11. l ult~r,cM I < rl. eu y to tak e na ',andy. reg ul ate anLl in vl i ' or8te .loms cb. liver and bowel. and cure coWitipation.


It la aald Ihat conte ntme nt I. b e t· ter than great rlchell~but most pC<)... pIe are willIng to take chances with the Irrest ri ches. "BRo~ro

ONLY ONlli O U ININIC. " ft., I. J,AXA'rl\' !II IIIIU)1O OITi NI NK. 1..001< r ol Lh ••• .. e K. W . ,:Hn v'"'b:. l : ae<t L.b. Wor14 'in.tll r ~

O'lerto Curoa. c.;oldtD u De1Jo. T. 2OO.

Only a tool ever att e mp t8 to con· vince a man th a t h. IlIn 't as clever as he thlnke he Is.

Always Leap Year. ''It'8 leap year ever y year in Papua." said an ethnologist. "'Tbe r ens on Isn't that tbe "Women are th e hosses tbere. No. Quite the contrary. The reuon Is tbat love-making Is eupposed to be a thing beneath tbe notice oC the Pa· puan mole. "'All women look alike to him. So the matrimonial poufparlers all Call 011 tbe femnle s e x. "If a man accepts a girl's proposa.i, the fact tbat be 18 engaged III chalked on his back. But on th e girl's back , the enga gement Is branded wIth a red· hot Iron ."

'" . ~ .1

Waate Paper In Pari •• Parla police gin. s trict attention to rhe act aga}nst throwing waste paper and reCuse upon the streets. An ab· s ent·mJnd ed old gentl e man carelessly <\ropped a bundr",d ·franc nOle tram hI\> waistcoat pocke t, wb e renpon & sharlHlYe d policeman reqnested tbe old gentleman to give him his name and address or submIt to arrest. But when the offender reached Into the gutter and picked liP the waste paper Rnd ovened It berMe the policeman'lI ayes he was le t olT wltb an apology !lI1d a profound bow. Style. In AllmenU. "\Vell . h e re I am."' announced th. fashionabl e phYSicia n In bls breez)o WaYI "And now what do yoU lhln~ Is the mo.lter ~' Ith you 1" "Doc tot·, I bartlly know," r epli ed tha fashIonabl e pot lent. "What Is new 1" Needed Reform, Henllam - We ue ed a reform In our bnnl(lng sys t(! m . Mrs. R e nhmn - Ycs; It 'g a shame tiiat ,. 1\ wife ca n't o ve rdr a w her hu ... band 's accoun-: !-Judge. A s elf·m one man h e nrly alwaye ....··k e s a play for a tallor·mode wife. ,.HE DOC~lJr( HABIT And How She Overcame It. When well selected food hOB helped the hones\ physician place his patient In. sturdy health and tree from the "dootor habit." It Is a Bource ot Batis· (action to all parties; A Cblcago WOIll. an says: "We have not had a doctor In til~ouso during all the 6 years that we l.ave been uBlng Grape-Nuls food. B. lore we began. bowever, we had 'the doctor habll,' and scarcely a week went by wIthout a call on our physician. "When our youngest hoy arrived. I years agO. I was very mucb run dowll and nervous. Buffering tram Indlge... tlon and almost continuous beadachea. I was not able to attend to my ordinary domestlo duties and waa so nervou. that I could scarcely control myself, Under advJce 1 took to Grape!Nut8, "I am no~. and have been ev~r,: alnc. we began to use Grape-Nut. fo{)il. abl. to do all my own work. The dyapep. .ta. headaches, nervousneBS anll ·rbeu. matislll wblch_u!(ed to dr"ve me_~ll wild. have entirely 4laappeared. ; ...• .'.• . , "147 husband flnda that In the nlsht work tn 1\'hich lae Is enpSed. Gra~ . , ~uts Jood suppUea him ~e IIW.I.\. whol. ". .~e, Itrengthelllns and aattatilna ,. lUDell be '!YV to!)k WIth htm." NlUIle lIy. by ,l'OItum 'CreeIro , :. ~





tb. ,.



eo.., 'Datu. ..

I;. ~


'. . , . ".~






Read About These Three Girls.

How Sick They Were and How Their Health Was Restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

80 much hll8 b8en written regardllig the great- amount or money made l'ut j)t growing whe llt In th e prairie PWyHAVE B~nt II.n ces ot lItanlLOba. Sas ltatchewao lind (!;ood many weoka. ,~Ib ertn, ' Vestem ('nnnrlu , thut mnny even montha, at a .~ther l)1'Otlul'lS or th e farms nro o,ertim e, In tbe varilooked, Theso provlnC'(ls wIll a l ways ous rangl'8 or tbe grow large nrells ot wbea t - both black bea r. Bnd Ilpdng and ",Iute r - ond the yi elds will mlgbt really 8ay Appleton, Wi ~.-" I tfikc pl CfiSllr6 in wl'iL'm g you conUnue to be larl:e. alld tbe gcnem! , with trutb thaI an Ilt'ctl lilli of Ill y s i kllt's!l. I to ld a frie lld of mine average grenter than In any other ~ " '0 ba vo practicalbllw I ft:lt !lnd !:l be Rll id I bad fe male trouble and vortiou ot th e cOlltlnent. Twenty, tblr- , ly liv ed together ul l viseci me t,o lis e Lydill E. Pinkha m's Vegetable forty, and ns hlgb liS flrty bus he ls ( y, aide by s ide . CuoIJx 1uIHI, 11.3 ~ h e b a c! \.ak 'n it herself for the same per acre at wh e at to the Rcre--yl e ld~ Sometimes just a trnttL,le with wIllitI e rfili T't'H ul t.~ . I bad been ,sickly unusual In othe r pnrts or the wheut I little ridge mlcht buve separated ua, for \.\\'0 r ean; a ud ovc\,\\'llI'l(cd roysr lf and h ad suell Ig rowlng portions or th.., cOlltlue lltwhere 1 could see. possibly the neltt bud f(' e llll gs evel'Y roolllh tlillt I could hardly ";valle bave attrn cted world-wIde ntteutlon, morning ufter. thnt he hud beea bllV' j ful' p:tin. I \I"~S ve ry lIt'n'ous and easily tired out 'bu t what ot onts, whIch yie ld forty, Ing n tine feast In a blueborry ptltcb, , ILlHl ('fllll(lllll t t;!I!l'tJ lIiKhts. llmd djzzy spells, and :firty Rnd a9 high ns on e bundred nnd One nlgbt \VII were a little more 8Qo ~ .. ' pilll\lIt',,; ('n nle on my f,u·r. But I have taken your t e n bush pls per hcro unLi r arry otT the dable. I bad jUel removed tbe pelt L) dill E. I'inkbaill 's VI'I{ tahle Compound nnd it hB.i world 's prize, wt.lch, by tho way, WnII from D coyote, and had Intended car· re~tored my hea lth_ 1 tll ink it is the 1)t'I'L m edicine in existence."Rl so done by 'wbeat raI sed In S>lSrylng the carcass away rr~m camp the Miss ' E GILlA M. BAt-EIt, lI til LaWl'c n co til., Appleton, Wis. ror some wel'ks on kHtchewan during la st November at next day, but left It tbat night n rew A S(;1I00L TEACIJEIt'S GRATITUDF.: a wild cn uY'>n Ihe Ne w Yorl( LRnd Show. And then. feet rrom my t ent. During the night Gene va, 10wlI.. -" I ha \'0 h('o n t •. ,}ch ill g sch ool fnr Rome'!l Ilnd I through wh lcb rau th e re Is tho barley, wIth Its big yie ld s , my rrl e nd (who, by tbe way, alwaYIl have Ilrg ll' ' tell illY h ('lIlt II ! )(" 'aJU U I W !l ~ t no bll.~y with my work to rl\'er, and Its excellent sllmples . Anothe r , a IIlIlall remInds me ot a good·natured boy attend to lJIyse lf prope rl y . I I' lIlfc ,rd greaLly every mouth find \vn3 Along tbe banks money-mnke r, and a hiS one Is Oax. 'I wltb 0 Cur overcoat all). came down on th e vc rgl' nf II. lit' I'\'() I ~ hrell.kdo \ ·11_ g r ... W l1umerous The growing of flllx Is extells lvely c nrand sDved mn tbe trollble by carrying .. I wrutc to yon ah'" lt IllY co tllii(! l1n linn took I_ydla E. Pinkbam'8 Junipe r t rees Rnd rl ed on In " 'l'stern Cilnada. 'fhe It away tor me. I did not bear him V ege table U. 11ll1~lIl1lll 111111 the Blfl()d l'uriU(!r QA y u u recommended. ror severnl miles I wrIter bas before him a clre-ular laarrive, for I believe I WIUI asleeP, but Th ese re ll lCdi es have (Illne WOIlt! 'rll fllr m o anct I call hig hly and could see where alled hy a prominent rarmer ut Saskathe telltale trnck8 were enough to wi(ldy rcCClIllIlli'lId t hem to eve ry !<lIffe ring wflIlI:m,"-lH.iss MtNNDI tbe bran cbes bad toon. Tbe circular deals with the COnvince me In tbe morning. And so Sl1A\' EH, H. l!' . D_ No.1, GClle vll., 10\ya., c/o Dam Eri.ckson. been li te rally &II treatm en t or seed flax, Ihe seedln&' by bavlng lived with blm In his own pulled do wn by and harves ting, and attrIbutes yi e lds A COLOUADO GIRL'S CASE: bome, watcbed, photographed, and bear! In pursuIt of ot less than 20 bush els per acre. to Montroso, Col.-" I was I rn nhlcd very much with irregular perloda. .tudled biB waYI, I can set down for the sweet juniper later seeding, Imperfect and Illy-preSometimes t \vo mnnths would e lapse. I 6uif(' red severe h eadache. those who may be Interes ted, lume or herrles . I do not pared seed. He sowed twenty·five was well.k ann ne rVOlI>l COli III cat sca rcely anything. Ills characteristics and hatilts. think 1- have ever pounds ot seed per acre and had 8. "I took h,)th Lydia, I'inkham'd Vegt·tnlJlc O)mpol1nd and Blood The range of 'the black bear exseen 60 mu cb bear yield or twenty-nine bushels per a cre. Purifle l' and the t'(\sul t. was woml e rful. I feel like anotber person_ tends from Mexico to Alaska. and sIgn; It look ed a.a This will probably dispose of at $2.50 "I think your rt'IlH.. di ('~ are tho hes t on earth and cannot expres8 they have heon met with In Dearly It all th e bear In Per acre. Speaking ot proper vrepamy thankfLllll es~ to rOil for what th py haye done to mo. I h elp my every state and territory withIn the tbe country had raUon Of seed aud cultlvutlon of soil n ci&,!1hors whl' ll th e r 1\1'0 ~i r k. anti I slln.ll alwnYR relommend your United States; also Labrador, Province beenln on the grent and opportune sowing, In tbe circula r IDeuicines."-Miss ll:LLA. MCCANDLESS, Monl rose, Col. at Quebec, Alberta and .ASSIUlbola'l reast. I t was the spoken of there Is cited the case of a British ColumbIa, nod tbe MackenzIe Is it not re3 onablc to su ppose that a medicine that did latte r pa rt of De- Mr. White, !lying tonrteen miles River hall In.. All black bears hibernate so much for th ese ~ir l s will benefit any other girl who is cember nnd tbey lIouth ot Ro setown, "who had fifteen during the winter montha. Thore are, bad ju st recently acres of summer tallow a year ago however. woodllmen In the south who suffering with the same troubles? gone Into winter last summer, upon which he produced 1I1l1a~ree ,,'Itb me on this point, saying Does it not seem the only sensible thing to give such a or we tblrty-tbree bushels to the n re, when they bave seen their ' tracka during medicine at least a tJ;al? You may be sure that it can do certainly w 0 u 1 d many In the dI s trict hllrv es ted for every month of tbe winter, and the have been able to want of crop. Now, there cao be no you no hann. and there are lots of proof that it will do mild Climate does not foree tbem to make a r ecord au vrope r r eason advanced why Buch a lay up lu a cave or den DB It would In you much good. bears If we , had crop should not have bee n ' produce'd the more severe weat ber ot northern For 30 Yf"l\r!l T,Yflla F.. Plnk.hnm'!! Vegetablo cared to, Tbere Is on all the lauds or the sarno Quality latltllde8, I have myself seen bear Compound hllll been tile s tandard rem('dy for feanoth er rerl berry In the adjarent district. provIded thoy ' trackll during tbe winter montbll, and ~hat g roWR tn tbat ba d been worked ond cu reLi for In the .. m ille IJl s. No 011 " s lele ,,' Ith \V()nmn'~ Ililmcots even In tile deep snoW of the nortbern dol'S justice to IlCr~f'l l f who will lIot try this fathe bear lIamo manner. ThIs year 0911) the' atate. But this IB the exception, and D1nu~ 1ll0dloiDP.. mucin frum ruots and l,erb~ It are vl' ry fond of, same man h ad one hundr ed a c res or I bave no doubt tbnt these bears are has re!!tol'cd so mnny , ufferinl:womcn to health. I think the name . !>ummer fnllow, hlld some thing over simply shirting to anot.ber sleeping , WrltetoJ,YUIA F.. I'INKIIUI MIWICINECO. It Is I, a .800 bll ~b el s of whont. He also had Is mal1acea (CO Xf'IllE:"\TLAI,) LVl'il'i, !IASS" forlldvlce. 1118ce, bRvlng been driven out for one nul' I('ttf'r will be o(lcnl'd, rNul ' nnflnnswcrcd reason or anotber. Tbelr dens may any; you will have to' ask him. Wben a low-g rowIng trce and th e bears are ! 1.800 b,~shels of oats nnd 300 busbels by n WOIlUlIl and held in strict. coDJ1dcncc. Dot have been well chosen, and they J saT this I bave In mind the lollow- otten given to sunnIng tb e mselves In , ot fl ax. There are the cattle, the borses, tb e possluly became lenk)', or exposed to Ing case that W8.l! brouGbt to my no- these trees. The black benr pr.efera bls meot I:'oots IlDd the vegetablo produets or tho wInds. or so mo huntor might pillS tlee: - A young cub, only a few weeks that way with a keen noae and an In- old, was caugbt one spring and fed on well taInted, and. In [act, I do not he· Weste rn Canada farms, ull of whlcb Quisitive cRQln'e Ibat would cause blm milk. He W8.l! kept In camp until tbe !leve It can ue toO strong ror blm . In dIv Id ua lly and collectively deserve '3.50,~4 to roJl out (n a hurry. It 1'8 safe to followIng fall when tl\ ey moved camp Uullke the grlz:lly be does not cover special mention. and they nre tre ated All Stylea, All Leather.. All Sizea and Width •• 88y all black bears den up both nortb down on some boltom lands. Here. liver or bury a carcass, but tbls again ol In the literatur e sent out on app llfor Men, Women and Boya. and soutb. Bometlme between Novem· wbUe running ahout, be would sud. Is only characterl81lc of him, for be caUon by the Government ngenls, TH E ST A 'I Il A R. n 11(0' QU A Lt TV ber I and January I, depent[lng on denly stop, dIg up some roota and <lit- do es not feed, or In ract do anytblng FOR OYER 30 YEARS Hadn't Broueht It. tbe altltudo, weatber and latitude, vour them with a rellsb. He seemed as systematically or as se rious ly as THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES Tetl cher (dlsgIJsledly )-My boy, my Tbey emerge In tbe spring, usuallY to be as fully prepared to rorage ror the grizzly-much prefe rrIng a little give W.L Douglas shoes a trial. W. L. from tbo ftrn.. part of April to the mid- blmself as tr be had been ta!<lng le.-_ IMIII_ 1 to 'Y.Q.l"k, alltl her e again we boy, where Is your IntuItion? Douglaa name stamped on a shoe guarBoy-I ain't got 8ny. l'm only bere dle of May, according to conditions, SODS from bls mother all Bummer. see him the buppy·go-Iucky rellow. I antees lupenor quality and more value the males often appearing 80me two Another much mistaken Idea about cannot take 81lace to mention all the. a few da ys , nnd I dlLln't know what I for the money than other makes. His weeks befMe the terri ales. It Is at tbe blll(lk bear _18 that he emerges fancIes of his appetite, but tbls gives bad to giL-Judge. this time In the spring, just artor they from bls winter Quarters very tbln a very good general Idea of his diet, name and price Itamped on the bottom have left their winter Quarters, thnt a and emaelatl'd (thIs 110 far, Iii true); I must not omit to say, however, be protect. the wearer againat high prices .,.ar'a pelt Is In, Ita prime. _ During that he Is desperately hungry after Is sometblng at a fisherman, both tor t'ry Horlne E"e Remedy. NoSml\n.lntr-FII!!f'!la l and infenor Ihoe&. Insist upon having hibernation. as no focid Is laId up, bls long fast; or Is terrlhly teroclous, game and for sport, and wltb a QuIck Floe-A"'tlt Qulck)y. Tr,. It lor It(·d. ,\,.on,h, 1IIfI!" the genuine W. L. Douglas Ihoea_ Wate ry E YH Gnd OrDlIlIlalf"d Eyelid • . 1l1ua· the.\'. of course. do not eat. nor do and Inclined to attack anything on stroke ot bls pow. send8 many an tr..ted Book In ello<'h PI1C'kf\ae . !Unri uf"' 1. Take no aubstitute. Y::!f."1:[..f.~:::. mJ)9oQd d by oar OcQlI' ~ - lJl, 1 B "Put eDlo MM!· they drink, ,unless they make ulle of sight, man Included. Thla Is not 60, unsuspecting fish burtllng tbrough the oo Al HOW TO OlUlEn liT llilAIL BhOM Bent Everywhere - All Chargee Prepaid. lclne"- bnt. ua ed: In .U CCHM" rnl Ph ,Ah'lnn,'I'motor DIan, Irnn. Nil'" ~f'dICiLlOO tu tho P\lbflY IfW .1..DOII.d •• phll"""~ 1101 ",o ld In Jul'lrto"n, Mod dlfl'CI 10 radar,.. 'J'"tc lllea.urenl~n&a \he snow that bas fallen aboul tbem. althOUgh J have often board It eo air to land well up on tbe bank, where 11li ce 0 and lold by Uru.c"I £LI nt Z6c. I'lnd 6(k: per Bottle. ot tOO\'" Ihowo tn l... ith·l: IIt.aLe 8t),lfd •• lrM: .. b." "nil WI(1111 ".,U\lll wnm : pl&1n. Contrary to the general supposition, stated, Not even a black bear wltb be CRn ollce more vleaee bls palate, Morlo" aye 8&11'810 A lf' pllo Tube •• 25u AUa bOlL :~!f~~~'!:~!J;,!nri{~~'L!!~:~~'p~ ,/,~Ch~~o\1'lt,;.~~ tbey are not In a deep coma or hazy bls enviable dlgesuve apparatus can i bave orten heard of 8even bundred MurIne Eye Remedy Co •• ChloBILO condition, for they are easily aroused , or does Indulge In a bearty meal arter pound black bears; there are none. Oe, Feline. Jt Ii true tbat they eleep, but are BO ' Iong a fut. The organs of a bear tween rour and five hundred pounds Lou-I would rather a man would quick to detect danger and fully equa.l are no dltreront from those of a man are as beavy as tbey will ever tip the to tbe occasIon or ma.klng oft and In this reeD,ect, and ",fter theIr long scales. Bears are very rarely weighed call me a tool thun a knave. Sure--Of course. It'. truth tbat looking up other Quarters If dl.- disuse are only capable at a8s lmllat· by bunters. and tbe estimates gIven or Ing the dalnllest morsels of tood- th e ir welgbt Ol'e very often much to hurt8.-Toledo Blude. turbed. . The cunning IItlle cubs (for wbat such as grass sbOOlti, tender roote and excess. but, of cours e, [lot always Important to Mothers deaenes the name more tbsD a lltUe tbelr like. In fact. at first tbey ahow purposely 80. Broadly speaking, I Examine caretully every bottle of woolly, back cub?) are brought fortb little or no desire to eat, but after a would Bay that the averag e weight 01 CASTORIA, a safe and sure rem edy for .--~ tbem during hlbarnlJtlon. usually between few daya they commence ~partake the a children, and see that It February 1 and March I, and It's again of protty much everything. I as yO\l hapven to find them, '1'011 ~/~ , WITH THE NEW REMEDY • I18veral weeks berore they are able to eay this because a boar IB omnlvoroue, approxImately one hundred and firty 61 gnn t ureol~~ I . leave the deD with theIr mother. From wblch means that he eats Quito gener- pounds. I am not sJleaklng or full· ' In Sukalchewan (Western Canade) ono to fonr cubs may be born-l a.lly everytblng-botb vegetablos and, grown bears, as one Is likely to kill rn Use For Over 30 Yea rs. • 800 B~?~I?~!\ ~~!":h~?'::'~~~~ would say two or three Is the aver- meat. They are not as carnivorous as several1!nrtly-grown Ilenrs to one full Chiluren Cry for ~'letcher's Castoria age; four Ia 'rare, but throe Is orten generallT supposed, usually beIng con· grown. A full .grown bear In the spring Only to lind our duty certainly. and mat wltb ~ and a she·bear rollowed bT tented with aucb email Bnlmals ae may weigh but a little over two hun, OD't,"cub doea not always Indicate that grounc1 aQulrrels and field mice. but, dred, and the same bear In tbe rail sornt!wh ere, somehow, to do It rnlth other dl at rlct. yielcl· cd (rom 25 to 35 butho young hopeful had no brotbers still, wben the oPpOrtunity offers. they mIght easily be close to a rour huo· tulIy, mukes liS good, strong, happy , .heta of wheat to the IlDd userul men.-Phlllips Brooks. or slsterl: D8 they max not have BUr- have a gTeat propensity for sl Baling dred pounder. Rc re. Other "ralnt in proportion. How ma'ny of U8 bave gone Into vlved aJl tbe dRngers of cuMom. At down ever 80 caretully to a nenr,by Wlnsl"",'s I!iootbtn/f Byrnp for ElhUnren I A.k Jour drulrlrl"t for free •• mple blrlb they are ridiculouslY farm and oarrylng oft 1\ fat Uttle the woods In our early hunting dHya HM!. LARGE PROFITS t.ef!thlDR' . 8ufl 4'UM tue j("Hnt~. r .. dll("el4 l ot1nmll1N. or w .,lte are Ibus ... pared wltb the size or tbe mother, shant. T~ey, too. bave a great weak- and looked around wondering whlcb UOu,&J1al a P&ln,OUl'U .. Iud cull.,::5c .. botU" ; 8 how tbe I"REI'I and weigh but a few ounces. I have neS8 fOr sheep, and It Is hardly necee' \ would really be the aafest tree to shIll HOMt:STEAU tANDS WellterD Cen"tle. Absent-Minded. I EATON RAPIDS, MICHIGAN P"':'"",,,II'JIlSU...J uf'l'hl8 Dever weighed one, but underlltand sary tor me to menlton honey and up In caee an old blnck hear should L"6llfln llJlJu"lnr prlcl'5 1.•.1.11(1 that Dr. Hornaday, director ot the ,sweetl, for here we see b}m agaIn bave deslgl)s on us. Now tbat IIIlIEI "I want a dog-collar, please." aho ulC1 New York Zoological park. .has, and like • gOOd-natured, mischievolls boy, sapling over !bere looks good , They C.• rul "Yes'm_ What size shirt does he Abou\. "he f!oJbe ot your tSbOt'K, yo u Cn.1I wenr n. their weight runa from 1I to 18 ounces, The various I,Dsects form a long list say a 8lim tree wit h ' no branche~i wear?':-Llfe_ .1 1.ft 8nlll.ll~r b y "hah Ing ABuu'" YUfll - l!:Q I1e, che depen!1lng , on tbe nu'mb~r In the JI~­ of goodies tor them. and they spend Is lhe best to nest In on an occRslon "'l1t ~ep llc! pO\l,·der,lI11oth"ln .•hu4.1lhethln c tor tel'_ Their eyes are cloRed-they have much of their time overturning stone8. like this, But for those wbo do oot: Wealth may not bring a man happl, Dau(!I r"( Partt~HBud lurUren kluloC IIIl"j' \\'~lI l)f"H , ~~~."'-I DO teeth, nor have tbey their little prying open old !tt.tmPB and loge, pok- already know , we will settle lJlat Ques- round, but It 8eems to make a lot of Glvefll ut4Lu.nlrellcft.oCoruHnnd fJuni u lltl. Hnm pIC~lI.K8 . AJdrea8 AUra S. OI Ulril..:U, Lc lluy, !\ Y fum ' jacket as yet. The reuon ad- Ing theil' nOle afld IInlffing at every Uon right here. It does not ma tter In people giddy. ••Deed for bears being so unusually ttny bole or cr~vlce for such dainty the least wbat tree you select, wbeth..... " rrl~IIH U ~'Q.u_d 8lHOMPSON'S 9"101<1,."11 as grubl, caterpillars, er It Is one Bome two or three feet In amall at 'bIrth, Is that the -old hear moraels ~ ."1I nd.d "I.. , klr. .unt ,". or ~ bavlDg, remained all winter without crickets, and anti. Tbe block bear dIameter, or just that little IIHpllng; "OUN L- THOMPSON SUNS ClJ .. Tru,. N. Y tood/ and not being able to forage for leems tP. I!lutake at such a variety of It Is IIBte to aay If YOll can get up" - lobie weeks atter .tho young ore bol'D. food that It II bard to say jnst which so can tbe bear. Bllt this 18 tho point; The up-to.dato a SUNNY 8EORGIA LANDS 1':~~",.:'~.~\t't~~ chi waitress wears en. h, bnl"nco It nne. t'lnoK toull nnA"... ,,,,,,,, Fu, It would naturally be a -~at draiU tie enjoys tile moat. Ants , are one of be won't corne, ' No black benr, wbenl O l_~.:I\.o.:.':.a<I;:..:Ii.:..,.:1lI.:.J_'~_'_"_k_ln_.._+n_"'_V,_. ,_.. . :.'I'~~I~'n_"_II_,G_,a, '-_ to _n'ul'll. cubs that w'e lghed aeveral ~I., ~(l.or:lte dlshel, and J have nO given such a One opportunity to gel: ~.:t:, ~n:g=c:o:s:tl:tm=e:'========:::::..f.:..U.:.II_d_ POUlldl. 80 Nature baa thus provided 40u~t , tbat , tbey -.oonlume as many of away, will stldk around. Tbelr claws, . In this wa.y. tbese as , I,?me Of the ant-eaters of whIch are very unlike tbos'e at tbt! C'J. ,f-. _..1 ut~ tUUU lJnllke the- grllIl)" ih~' black bean 80litb ~J!lerlca, One ot their favorite grIzzly, are especla.lly adapted tal' . mate . every ' year. or nearly Ort.·. methodl of catching a certain 8pecles climbing. while the front paws ot ~I of ante, wllich at:'e very -vicious little grizzly are es»Cclally' adapted (or dig· ,l ilys may be pu* down ' for about ' . t.· to thruRt , a paw tn th,e glng, being long, aed from four to six other yur_ when the · eJlba MUtlb .Iaknen .tartl witb weak atomaab, and oonaeque.n t 'mldit 'It one , ot;-~el,r btlll!, alld a8 Inches In lengtb, and nearly stralgbt. allt to ~Igbt weeki OItI"',llD@IY poor, impoverilbed blood. Nervou. and palo-people tbe,. I!warm over ~e b,ar'lI paw with GrJzzlieB do not and cannot c;lfmb to theil" ~, rich. red blood. Their atomsoha need invi,oratini ' the ' ~~ae of at.t~~lrIng :tbelr enemy. t~ees. On th.e otp~r hllDd, the bla'clt 8UD~~PUlr: aU lor, after all, a me CUI be DO atro~er than hi. Itomacb. the aJ18 lapped up. bear's claws are 8h~rter, more curved, A remedy that make. the atOmsch atroDi and tbo Iiv.. r THlt'HOMESEEKERS' BESTCHANCB ell,ive. mak.. rich red blood ad 0'1"81'00_ eod drivel Par OfBclal In(ormaUon. writ. to ' picture of content- and thl~ker at the base, 'whlch enablel! 6IIt di _ _ prodlllliq bacteria 8JId eures a wbolo mulei.BUREAU" AQRJCULTURK,HBLKNA.~ONT. ' ·plie ) ll~l~g!i;I~ tbali a bear In them to go up a hl!ge tr,e e very ' mlletl audil o'~. ? . Sltt'ln~ &8 a oat or a ' ",ould, allljl lo(jd-.ltaI!f!I Ge' PI'" .to.aell W....... aad :ellu1 .oae. eDouclJ to all,i. ClJR/R/Qff' 6T raJD JMJ







w. L. DOUCLAS '2.25, '2,50, '3, &'5 SHOES


VVhen Your Eyes Need Care



Stop That Backache Splendid






25 and 50 Cents

The Derby Me dI cin








cI an Llver T..rau.b''les




,.~elt ·

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-., 01

••flle", DI.ooF!l;" ~'~r.~r~~~;~~~~~:"Id'" co..... 'Beato.tlre. ·Llre# e! '~


....!I.lclilt8 of



•• y




" " " " " " ' _ ... - . ....

wwwww • • • _ _ _ _ • •

Common Pleas Court. New SuIt. E . Stevenl

Ed I filed loit wn _1f1i \nMt Cbllrlea Ford lind Uarl\1ine Ford to reqolre defendants to fihow t.h~lr interest In certain property tn !hlneYIPe. ~or,e E. Yo nDg II f I i UI attorney or p $ a l . Modern lrhuloleum Coo8tru'ltlon (j" .. filed MultagalDst Punt Winl etloh c1 ' inK businesl ae tbe Dtl.Y~oo An HI" Co and John B Mlller aalt. .., • I!I ~ "jodgment of 1100 for thl' re on lTerv at 06rtain dM,rlhed ohattela. iJ. B. Dechant Is attorney for lbe pi dn~tlJ




Abient-Minded Man H/J' Some Dlrtl·


Gre~n, lot io Sooth Lebanon \ 1 !lnd I oUlty at t~~O G~:~MI~tore and otber conilid erllti o ns. , _ _ ElIztI. Brown to Ulara Brow n 3:.1: I As the little man walked absent. aores in Warren Co unty Illld 17 ml ndedly along the slde~alk he sud· "'aGO ' denly stopped In rront of a bookstore. ,. aorea In Uhoton oount y .. . It recalled to him the mcanlnl/: of that 'r. O. Cbrlst·le to Cblir loH W . Gar I pl~ e of string on bi B fin ger. and with suob, lot In Lebanon, lind oth er ,. brlgbtened face he entf'rcd . . OODlliderations "JuBt Il minute," ho sRiel to the I Charle8 W . Gorsuch to Raymoud elerk. "My wife ""an ted me to g~t ,. . . a book for ber- a certol n uovel ghe s I Weaver and NelU e W ea ver, traot 11\ heard a good den I Rbout. I must find : Turtleoreek towllship I I " nd other the memorandum ~ h e gave me. Sho oonliderdlon8. wrote the name on 8 slip Or po per, A'well McUr ...? t o M.. muel A . and I put It In my Jlocket ." After conlliderable f\lmbll ng he proMoCray, quit ola im 0 0 125 38 acres dueed a IImall bit or paller. and layi ng In Wal!blBgton to wrlllbip 11 and It on the, counter. toOk 0111 his s lloo. 1 other oonllderl4t1 uua taoleR and adju sted tll"m on hi s n080. Samuel MoCray ioAtwell McCray, "Hero'a tbe nnme-Cobh's Co rna' t ..'"I an d 0 tller tine. Yell, Rfrald tbat's It." i• a Ia I qll. m ontrao, "J.- I'm T don't know the

Great Removal Sale of Hig h Grade Pianos




W MoClnn~ filed lui' al("lol' Mary E . Emmonll at al to ooallderAtlonli. t .. ve a petition of certalo proper~y W. J . HohaefM and Jennie ~ obae · nude. t:!tanley & Stanley are at ter to Tr'Q8teeA of Clearoreek ~own Ihip, traot In (jlouoreek township , ,·roeYI for plaln'llf, t I' and other oOllsiderdions. \ Common Pleat Proceedlnlll Village of Franklin to Franklin I.oull F. Uolem Ln II! appoln\e d C J ated Paper Co, traot In Lrrnllklin jluardlan ad litem of tbe minor de. 186 ~, La Alloe Lawlton ~o U18~ A UrRreudantl tn 'be 08l1e of Be Dj ami a Yuuog VI!, James Young eta!. hlw, trlot In Clearoreek towns l.JilJ , (jonr'dlatrlbQte!I prooeede of sale Ii Ind other oODsidtlratioll8 f 01 proper~y In'YolvfOd In .. se 0 Commllllooers' ProceedlniS, Wiadllotl MuldhllUler Vt4, Emma MoFarlane 0'-'1re. Billp-James Follon, t:ir ., 8alary, 10 'be ca.e of Cbarlotte J . .Ha80r J 160; R tillrshbarger, BILIary, t40; V8 . Gny BHor. tb. court orders W . C . Turton . ooal, 127 99 ; Walter til " the deteDdltnt pay Sb l) plll.lutilf MoClure' borial of Bllzll betb Wise, 1'2 eacb week during the oontlna- 175; George B . Andflrson, burl ILl of ILnee of 'bls lio.t ion land '26 t l) J . O. UYflls Hamilton, 176; I!' rank Wat MIller 'be attorney within 10 days .. klnll, burial of !Mlirv Smith, 175; Job a

_ r '.

We are moving to the Schwind Building ahout April 1. ~o get in quarters of a mple' size to hand le our fast-in creasing' bu siness. To fnclhtatc the work attendan t upon getting into our new home, it it necessary that we redl~ce ,?ur p~e ent stock of exchangl..!u a nd user! pia nos, Player-Pl~nos, Organs, 1~km.g Machines, Stools, Bench es and Pln.yer Music, Our one-pnce system assures thiS to be one of th e la rges t bon a- fid e s~t1 es of high-grade pin nos everoff~ed in Dayton.

for the Next 10 Days

book . sir," aald the clerk n 1l0logeUcalwe wi1l offer exceptional valu s in all lim's. These are a few of the many bargains Iy, "but I'll Jook tbrough the· list of I new onee." And be ro n bls eye over O ne UNIVERSAL mahogany, in fine U ne TRA YSER, returned from the li st on tho wall . "No, I'm sorry condition ............... ..... . rell t. . . . . .. . , .•.. , ... , . . ... , . to Bay I oan't find It here. You are Two TRA \'SERS, large art style, masure of the nom e?" O ne VICTOR, mahogaJlY, la rge case, "Yes, It'a rlgbt here on this vt~e hogany. tlsed concert work, each refinished, fine condition .. ... ,' . : of "a""r." .. "" O ne RICH,\\OND, fine . mahoga,ny case, exO ne HI\RV.o\RD, rebu ilt , fine It "Well, then." I'm a frRld We haven't got conditi on . . . , . , ..... . .. .. . . .. . , , .. "Sut- but I don't dare to ~o bome I O ne REMINGTON, ma hogany, fin e to my wlfo wltbout It . I promlBed to Une RICH,\\OND, fine walnut case, condition. I e turned from rent . .. set It tor ller." I'clurued from rent, good as new. . Tbe olerk called to anotber In the baok of the Btore, who aame fo rward. The following STARR P IANOS were taken from the CINCINNATI CONTo tbe other he sai d: "Say. Sill, do SERVATORY OF MUSIC in exchange for Starr Parlor Grands. you know or a bock oalled Co:rnaUne, by a tellow named CO~l" 2 Starr Gold Medal, Purita n models; when new $350. On sale .. . .. . .... $250 "What'll that!" he ..ked 'In 1IurprlBe. 1 Starr Style "R"; when n w $425_ On sale . . .. . . .. .... ... .. . .... ... . $325 The old gentleman broke iD: 1 L h atr Style "M" i wh ell n ew $500. 011 sa le . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . _... . .. $300 "Cobb's Cornatlne. Here, lee tor 10 Square Pianos from . . ... .. ... .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .... . . .. . .. ' . .. $10 to $25 yourselt." 500 Rolls of 65-JiQte player music, per roll . ... . .. . ... . . ..... ...... . . . .. , 2lic "I'm afraId you've thade a mistake," aald the new arrIval with a twInkle. Chl4rlee Tbomas ooavloled of.1I Perry Earnhart, viewer on Kelly "Cobb'a Cornatlne is a now breakfast .. " n It upon a nine-year-old girl WQI road, '4 ; Oscar KeeTel:', same, '4; lood." • I t'n tell0e4 &0 tb8'Obio Btate . ~eform William O'Neall, ob'a!r'man Kelly "Ah, now 1 see why tbe ,racer .torya, ".neneld. road, 12; BarvAY Bllrnett,obairman didn't understand mo when ]1 Baked Kelly road, " ; William E. Wbltaort' hIm for a package of Ql1eed ," remark· Probat. Co~ brtdue lomber, 12a9.~!l ; . Perry .d the customer In mllnlfest. relief. Dayton's. One Price Piano House • -G. Kaemmerllng In Puck. Wolfe, bridge repairH, '3; William __ - - J. D. Mtller, admlnlltrawr (II '~e ee&llle 01 Cornelia Bopkln~, de P . Bay, bridge repairs, 1226; Wi! You jur1ge II IlIBD not by \\Iuat he cealed flied bitt lnvenaory aud.p lIam D. Booth, brt.1ge repairs, ,.'60 proUlillt!s to do, but by whut he hal' EASY PAYMENT ARRANCED STORE OPEN EVENINC8 DURINQ 8ALE prlt IlemeDa. A general con&raot walt eotered j n D r1 l" llit 18 the only trno teat · lOa __L, 8allbll8r, Kuardl.n of ~b8 tD~w"bWill~mD . Bo~b fur~ Uhamberluin~ Cough Remedy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,_~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ellt... Of· ·wm.rd F. • nd aarold L. p Ir of bridges around Greon Tre4' jad ged bv thl " lttandard halt no so - -~ --~~~~-~~~~ .-~~~ "~ ._~.~ . ~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5?~~~~~ __ a ~rlor Peopl e everv whertl 8peak ~~ 8a,ebl..r, mtDore 11184 ber firat and 10 Tortleoroek township when tbe of It In the btgbeij t t8 rm ~ o f praise. fioal AOOOant . . ooat of sooh repalr8 on anyone For 1U1o oy .11 ,dealArli "LONG TIME" DEFINEIJ' Colonist Low Fares A. .. - - - - - Flora Loop'reet, ueoatrll: of ,he bridge at any ODe t.ilDe In IU) y one Remark of Govornor of North Caro· U I t k d E hal r _tUe of doJln M, LoDIlI'reet, de reu c1oe~ not tlJ:olled 110. OLDEST TREE IS ON COS IIna to Governor of South CaroIn March and 0( er a e~~ ~~ "m ml'!, - -QeIlI!8d, ·tlled hta eale blll. IIna Brought Into Court. i Will hll fuoll" I', I.h~ "111 Repels Attack of Death Norman L, Bloh maud , admlllill . It Moaluree 30 Feet In Ciroumferenoe Bot,,,, BUII.JlIII< The oft-quoli>4 "i> mnrk or t he Gov· 'Ia .. Nut.iunlll B.. "k and II More TtI &r1 2,000 'rator of tbe eetale of B&rl G. Wil ., FI ve yearll ago two dootora told Youe Old. ernor of North Cs rollna t o thn Gov~ ~ 'l'elll)lhnne 1n hl)u. ~" '\1 .. 1 l1'ge. " lon, deoeued, filed bill Inventory me 1 h lld only two years . ernor or South Carolina has at la8t flne I I here I I"L~' I,,, '~11I .... Btartllng 8tateltlt!nt wall ru"dp Thill aDd appratnment. .111 .9 .. r ,"gb t. The tallest trees In the world are been brougbt Into court, carefully by StUlmtlll th"OIl , Malaoblte, Col Ell. De&ok Lake eJ:60u'rlx 01 "TbRy lotd me 1 ,"o,.fd die wUh O')n. tbe Australian eucalypti . wh ich attn ln construed, and found not to be 80 V,t1h'y l-bnnl> I ~". ·'he ."'e Qr Samuel OaDlond, de- lIumption . It wa<l up to llIe tben to an alUtude at 480 toet. The biggest long as lIome other times. It Is prob· are the mammoth tl't'i"flot Caliror nill. able ~at It was the exceeding IMa.n Street. ~IIVm. , Ohio ' oe.... .filed bll IDventory and ap try the l>e8t IQol( medicine aDd I bl! droughtiness at tbe tn terval ' whIch gan to nile Dr . Klnf{'s Nt'w Dil:l('oY some of wblch are 276 to 373 tect ill mll de It seem long. In a prosecution prallemen •. belght, and lOS feet In circu m rerenee Full particulan free at W, Law Roblaon wal! appoluted ery. It WI!! well I did, for ' :day I at th ~ baee. From measuremenlS at for the Il)ega.l 8ale of whisky In Ala· am workluK and believe 1091'/1 my any Ticket Office of aeGaior ot ,be elta&8 of W. Pearl Ufe to 'bls groat tbrOllt land lnD~ the rlu gs It Is believed that certa in b:tma. a wltnoss testIfied that he had bought a pint of liquor of the acRobltton deoeaeed. oure that bas oheatA(1 the grave 0 of the se tre e~ are from 2,000 to 2,500 PENNSYLVANIA cl1sed "a short tIme" before the gra nd yell1's old. The ai riest tree In tbe An IDlhument. purpor'tng tn be ano'her vlotion." Its folly tu IID1hr (1). ••• ) LI N EI9 j 1lr y rcturned t he IndJctment against THIOIIATUT Ibe ..... will and tMtament or Rol> with ooollhll, ooids or other throat world )s said to exist on the Island at him . It was objected tbat this eVI- 1 anll long troubles nl)w . tbe Cos ort th l' coost of ASia Minor. It Is' _..--..,...., _ ="""" _"" _ =--"'_~="."_"""_=-:=== .r'Sbur",la'e of Union to"neblp oure t·hat'll !lafest Prloe 60 oents aeveral thousand years old, but Ju st dence did n ot sbow that t.he proae· = cullon bad been begun withIn 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 • u tiled aDd ....roh 6th lie' 'or aad Ii OU. Trial batHe free at all how mllny no one has dared to Sll}, . IN TH. WORLD The tree Is carefully preservod by a montbs . after tbe sale at thi whlaky, . I'OBI.ISII!D WEEIlT. $4-00 nil 'lUI b..rtal(, drugglst8. --wall ot masonry around It, lind tho the ti me limited by statute or begin· DR. E. H. COSNER, I HOTI..&.a, DIlUOc.m. a..otAL..,.., Copy or tbe wlll 01 J!'J1 ward F 00 a TUM I" a, T" A ... ., I., 0 A a trunk I. thirty teet In clrcumlrerence. Ding a prosecution. In dlBculIBlng Terry ",u prodaced In ooor' and or· AIID 'aua ••R"IO. OA. NO•• • CHINAMAN WAS TOO CUTE f1ut there are parts of treeSI In the t bis objection, the Supreme court, In ••red 1Iled . Ie av UIIMO m ADu"nIINO COLU .... a torm of uBetul tlmbor wblch aro even Wilson versus State, 66 Southern '. 8AMPLE COpy FREE IUlploloua of We.ddln, Caka 8.nt HIm older, probably, than any on the Reporter, 114, after boldlng tbat ". ~ Y,llClan Addleee MIIW YOiU' OLIPP•• by an,nlhman W"o Ow.d Btump. Beams In old bulldlllgR are short time" might be taken In the oon· _ . _ v~. N. v, Him MonlY. preserved today, whlcb are known to nectlon In which It waB used to re1'...Dk Y. Ford, 13, fireman at ter a period lesa than 12 montb8, 912 Relbold BuUdfol. ' _ he over a thousand years old . Piles said, by way of illustration: . The aD4 dalle B, Bolonger. All lIInlllahmu wl:\p wu appointed drIven by tbe Romans prior to the expressIon ' n long time' would retor Dayton. • . • Ohio 18, .f KlDP Mml. to u tmpo~t POlt ID ChlDa JOt mar- Chrlsl:!an era are perfectly Bound to- to a very different perIod ot duration HATHAWAY AmODC the reclplentl day. and It Is known that they have J. JC. ,Reml.y, V, laborer of 140n rlee! loon and haVe a widely dIfferent meaalng . WA) Qeerille'l LeadlD,. DeDtIIq ~. a~d ....l1d. L Wllbelm, 21, or of the UlUal IIttl. oard boxes .:ontalo. been Immersed In water for upward of In me8Burlng tlmo wben used· by an GradUfl~ American School. Kirlalvllle, Mo Oflloe' in Key. Bid'". 1l.1~ jo4 Ins a pl_ of w.d4m. cake wal a two thousand yeare. ~ nrchaeoloatst bavlng referenoe~ to the .. Wa,Denille. ChIn•• m.rchant with whom the Bome woods have remarkaltlly dur- period of exletence of the Egyptian - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Bd ...,4 o. COfwln, 2', farmer of brldacroom bad an outltandlnc ao> able propertleB when Imme1'8ed In wa. pyraml(!s, than when uRed by Caro!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alaDobel"r and 'rene Whltaore, 21, count for' &oodl lupplled. ter. They decay rapIdly on tho stump, Hna Governors with reference to tbe Arter til. honeymoon. one of the many rotting In trom nve to ten tIme between drInks." The court I of lIorrow . BARNHART. 'l'bomu M. Mar&ln, ~7, maohlnll' nrtt perlOnl the newly wedded bu. yearll, but when Immersed lu water may be right, but probably the Gov. band met wal hla Celeatla} credItor, tbey last longer than Iron or steol. ernor of Nortb Carolina measured Barbed Wire 01 and Mary B. Bender. Notary Public "And how did you like the cue'" An effort bas been made by our gov. time as recommended by the ' poet eoD. 110, of lIalOD . aald tbe Engllsbman, laushIDa, after ornment to presel'\'O woods Indefinlte- wbo said : "We live • • • In feelings, All klllll8 of No&ary WOlll ~~en"on BenfY N. 8mUll, 36, railroader of the uBual congratulationB. Iy by treatlng ~m with Oils and tar not In fi~rea on the dIal."~uter&', Work .. ~peolalty. ." GUARANTEED-to beal without leav· "Ah, ah," returned the ChInaman. products. Already telegrapb poles and MDrrow at:d Edna M, Bar,ner 23, of ing .8 ·blcmiab, or MONEY REFUNDED_ ~_:;:;!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ with a cunnIng leer, "me no luch big railway ties have bad their average 500 and f1.00 sizes for freah wounds. ~ _ tlorrow. Oftar. fool to est hIm, sah. Me put cakee In lite e:rtended from five to ten years old Borell, sore backs and sboulden£!lurna It was a poUtlcal m"t1n. In the ana bruises. 260 llize for Family uee. fire. Burn him up. He. he!" by this proc ess.-Harper's. bII EUte Tnuulfera, _DR: J. W. MILLER, _ _ _ _ ____ _ "Oh. tbat'. too bad," Aid tbe Engeast end, .aD'd the M. P.. an escel):' DR. COX'S PAlNLE$S BLISTER popular man, w.. acidrellslo~ Is pninlees and gulrlUl&eed to cure . w. C. 'l'toheuor to Mrll. Nettle Ulhryan, very much hurt. "You might Many 8uf\'Brflrs fr om rlwUlI\lltism tlonallf his consutuenta. The politIcian In Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, 8weenYl Splint, ' .• DENTIST•.• Ayree, '~JX aores lu Wa8biQ~ton have talted It, at leaat, out of com· have bflel1 Imrpdsud l,nd (Ie ligbted Qu_Uon rejoices In a..1uxurlant crop PUffs or any cnlargement of Done or pllment to my wlte and mY.elf. Why witb the prompt roliflf 't.ll'olrdlJd by towDMblp, II· and other oon.ldera · dIdn't youY" omes III Ilppl.vlolC Chamilerlllln"'" Lilliment.. of · balr, Tbe . nudlence was Iympa- tnusoio, or moncy refunded, Price 600. FOR SALE av ALI. DIIUOCl.ITS Natlooal naok Bille, Waynesville. 0 .IODI "Me too clute, sah." laId the Celes· Nat one O'llIe of rheum"tiltm In ~en thetlc for the most part; but tbere J. W. Ledford to Myra Hlye trl40t tlat, with the aame wInning am lie, req niro/! lin v int.erno.l tre .trQont wall one man In tbe front row of the !!!!L audience wbo made Dumerous InterID IiaDlllton \Jwnsblp fl and othllr "You owe mo monee. Bah; sllndee pol· whdever. I'hi8 IinlDll)n~ Iii for Bale Eon cakee; I eat hIm; I die; you no by all d Halllrs. -ruptloDa He had Wij8 but iL coal·hea.ver, apo -=:::;::====·~ · L S~======al oona1der"llonl. _. _ ._ .. ____ _ _ Ilayea up. Houp,la! He, he, hel 1 parently.. •and recently beep 1(. KlizabeCh J . Oreen to H'tnford U. know ;you lncleelh!" beavlng coals. " Being prepared frOID Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the When the Worm Turned. "Get your hair cut!" he !lhoutecl System and. P1~nfy the . moo~, and Tone the System, and thus._._ "No power on earth Ihall make me dl\rlDg a moet' patbetlo pUlage In the . .

$100 $125 $]45 $185


$190 $200

~:,~~~~~ .f~~.~~~~r. :~~:~~.,.

$225 $235

The S a rr Piano Company


Fourth and' Ludlow Sts.

Dayton, Ohio


.. -.







i I







---_.- ..

0 steopath. Ph ..










~;~2:~i:~I~:I!::~:~e;~ri:'s~:~r:ei.:~ ::~~:~*~:~::d~~I~~:~o:: ·P;e::~,-.t:".·S---,E-- ""· ·1-·0-"·U"""S"" .. sicbe~. R W


and "Absolute Sectuity"

make an t:xn; llent ill\· e~: tlllC"!lt. l )ur "Ahr.l) llIl e S ec urity c'-'ll ,;·i~ts of TI ll (' e :ll1d n lll'-h :J ]f Illillinll <l n l· lars o f can'fully ~;dl· '·'t d lir;;1 1I" ' rt)..'. :I'::'?:'; (' II l'l1 o nl gomery O,unly Rf':J1 I ·. ~ t :l l e, fnrlh e r ;.:·.l:I r :I III('('t! b a· Surp/ll s FIII1/1 o f Il \ ' er $ 1no I.non.oo. \ \' ri t i i ll" boolelet describing our 57-, Di \' id.:nd AceountB.

Gem City BuDding and.l ,oan Association Da),l d!ll.• 01110 , OR'QAi<;I Z""O 1887

"'. . ET.a .,,&00,000.00: -.;

~ Hortblllnfn. O}Jpo:;itt





, aURFI1,U8 t1O&;600;OC)

.old .Oourt 'Houae .. ~ .... ;:., ' \,


"You shall do It! However ;you dlenlle la~he4; dread It, It mUBt be dODel Y,OU hear Blit ..the ·M. P. was- equal to the eO> ..... - - .....,. ..... _ .. - . . . . '••• -......·····7!' . •. • me?" culon. -. ' ) LIVERI1'ES-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic CO~. "I reruse utterly! Suoh a tblng III "I will make a barpln with tha' stip"tion, :Liver and Kidney Troubles, Ask .your Orocer for. It .. unworthy tor II mlln of pride and hon- 8entlema~" be aald, "I will itt " r or to undertakel" he repeated, draw- hair ou j( . be ~Ill . le~ hll race I Manuf.tured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO•• · ~ .",10 lng back from her 81 from II whip- waahed," . OI~;::::===1 lash. . " ' no mo~ lJlt.r~ Quickly she ' WBB at hla l lldB agalD, . . . .. . -, '. • . ' .. .. gripping his arm with Jlngert aUm, but hardallateel. . ..~~__~~~~~~~~~~__,~~~~__~__~~________~______~~. .~~~~__~~~~~ She aUpped a amall knlf. tnto 'hll !, hand-a thin, Iharp-polnted piece of IteeL "Thtrel" Ihe laId. HIIIObIU: DaC, was momentarily 'drfvlol!f ber' de.pentlon. . , . Her voIce 'brokt ;,lth paillcm;' ~ aO'd 'Ihe crle4;1n a loud, ao8l'1tonc~: ,I,m ·1omkl.o,i" tt. 70u" don~t . -eaT IUld ,so· ~ thPM. d·' ~tJl!~"'~. ,a,toe.'. )'oli'O' «0 to bed ' :Wlttl101Ilt':;. .,..~ 'cIbul'irI .....,.;PQoJt;"· , :/ 1' .. ": .:,. . .

i~~5!~5$~=~~~~~~~5~~~5~~;;;:3~' ~I

11)1', .

I1:==:::;==LlVERITES 001'y ('1 .

. ~-::f;~~~~~


MIAMI PubiLehed ' Weekly

at Wc.yullIvlUe. Ohio New York Truck Driver Fought Vlo10UI NewfouruUand and Savod • • MAIN STREE'r 81vlral 8c.hool Children.

------- -------OFFIOE

WIth hIs bare hands. Harry Edlse. 17 yeara old, tought and choked to death a Newfoundland dog. wblch hnd D. L. 'CKANE,--Editor' and Manager B.ttackod several school children. Only tbe heroIc work ot Edlse saved the children trom beIng mangled by tbe Rates of Sub8criptlon One Year (Itrlctly In advauce) .. .. ... . 11.00 snvage anImal. but be hlmBelf wna S1D&le Copy . .... . . .... .. . .. .. ... .... .06 badly bItten. Edlee II a truck driver. He was d I'\vlng In HlnBdale street when he Rates of Advertising B:l W a group ot children on theIr way Rea4\Djr LoealI, I)Clr llDe .•.• . ...... .. . ~ from achool at tbe nOOD hour. 'run· ReacUna Local •• black face. per Une ... . 10(' n :ng od acreamlng. FoUowlng them OLa..l1led AdM. not to OltC~ live lin.,. \l'l18 a great blaclt dog, ' snapping at Three ~loDl ..•. .. .... .. .. 2~ t1~ e little onea, but fortunately failing Obl~uane., live laches tree; over live totfasten hlB teeth In any of them. , luclllll, per Uno ...... ....... .. 6c Edlae was without a weapon of any 01 thanke .... . ... ...... ... .. ... . 26c Reeolu'IoDI .. . . ••.... . ..••..•••.••. . • DOe kind. but he leaped trom ble truck. 80claJa etc:. whera cbarp Ia Dlade • .. •••• 26c rlln at tbe dog and klcted hIm. Tbe Dlaplay AdvertJslDa per Inch .••.... .. , . 10e brute Immedlatel, turned Ita attention Dl8cOunta Iven on contn.ct. to Ita assailant and leaping at Edlae r fRl tened ItB teeth In his lett arm. EdlBe 8ucceedecl In breaking. the hold MAROB 6. JIll. when the 401 agaIn Belled him, tbl. tI me catchlll8' the flUgera of his left band. apare the Rod. With hll tree hand Edlse grabbed PueDtA take DOUoe. The ad,.ocat.. of Whlpplq .. a the dog by the throat and deaplte Itt mUD. of dl.clplJne are aecUltomed to strugglSB. held on. The cholt1ng Quote KlDI Bolomol! aa lIylnl: "Spare forced the anImal to release Us grip thl 1'Od and 111011 the . cblld." Wbat on the left hand of Ed 1118, and he 8010mon 141d ..,. wal: "He that .p.... threw the beBlt to the sIdewalk. knelt eth the rod hatetb bla lao.. But the on It to prevent It squIrming 10088. ..ord "Tocl" In that CODneetJOD 4011 and whIle' a great crowd gathered Ilert IUIOeIIIrI17 mean corporal PUDlab. nnd .toed helpless be choked the meDt. - It limply meaD. pare1lta! au. anImal to deatb.-New York Globe. tbortb' and IUldaDCI. The aame H. ....... Ia ueed In Plalml. DIll, You oan II!:., goodbye .W OODstila· ....... DaYld la,l: "The Lord III my tiue with 11 clellr oJDolenpa if you IIllplleid: I Ihall .at waDt; bll rod ulle CII~mherlllln'8 'I'lIble's Many aDd bs. 1ta1l oomtort me." TIle hll ve been permlm eotly onr ad by · rocJ waa the 87mbol or authorlt, aDd Ihelr ulle For 8"le by lin dealers "power, DOt a rawhlele, a ruler or a II1GbI'J' atSck.-lbohan...


,I.'•.. .








---_e_.e-- -


---_.- ...---

, Nlne~._~Uel a ' Second Without a ju, .. lJook or dtllt.rbaoGe, te th, awtul ""ned of our eartb ~roDgb I p . We- wonder a'imoh eaee of Dature·. movemeDt, and 10. do thoB" wbo Lake Dr. Kiug '" New Life Pill" ~ 0 "riving, no dls'rees, JOB' lborough .. ork that brtnp good heal'b and tlud ttl8IiIlj{B ~lio a' a)l · .trucelltlt. --~----.---Plea for Prop•• Rduoatlon. Sir :JobD' Gout II trrlDl to rou.e the Brltlab miDd to a MnM of the fu· IUltJ_ytn to the "lcilou'Des~t an e4uoaUoIlllI 1,ltem whlcb beare relatlODlhlp to"'the practical need. of . th time. ·· Bla IDdlctment II Dot lack· tile ID dlrectn.... "A ataned and "pled race," be ..,.1, Hla be1Dc al· lowed to lrow up .. l...c7' for the n¢ aeneratioD to deal wltb, lor In , moat "ementarJ echooll clllldren are oply ct.rlll~. Dot educated." Apln, .~~ bJlher .aDd · uolvenltJ schooll .are I~II fetteted .by me~!lae" s;nteml _Ieb' mall.. the acqulllUOD of leam· ilia to,' be pr04uoeel at elIamIDado•• the maio. . wcrk of the ItudeDte.H It ~t4- Neal'that our Amlrlcan IY. "~.& not the ouly OM whleb neech


-. ----

WORKING HOURS OF WOMEN Several Stat.. Have Pa ..ed La_ Limiting Them to 81xty Houra Of' Le.. a Week.



Coming Public Sales

•• ••

•• ~=================r-\===============================~==Tt ••

1:lttViD~ /I Id my farm, I will offllr All 1 b"ve decided 10 quit tumlng I wlll oft'fl r at Publlo ~Ille 00 tbe a~ P ubllo ~"Ia..t my reilldenoe, AilOR CbenoweUI furm 3 milell nort,b mi lflrl from H"rveYRburg ~nd ~ mll tl::! of Wllvnfl"vlllp, l X' milclI 15out.balt8t ' r el/u Oregonlll, on the HII,rve'9sburg . .of Fer ry 8nd iiX' 11111 1":< Ilunth of BI'II. I1nd 0, f'gunifl Pikl-l, on bl'ook on 'hI! L'l ll"nowflt ll ROlli} 011 Wednesday, March 6, 1912 TUBsday, March 12, 1912 Bpg inu\I ) ~ ut, 10 0'010011: tb e 'l'l· Hurst)- l:)orte J CommttDoing Ilt· 10 o'~)ook , CO LI Jowillg Vlnptlrty: !!11It\ul! of tuo full1lwln!( prOl lfll't.y : H 'nde 12 Vtll' rll old, gool} worker I:l nll~-t_ lIt' fill '" Br" uu l4"w . 1m . ::I ti .. ud Ho'fl Uuy l\tllrl'. IU ~ \l " " . /I l1"tod b,' ~ t'l1l .. '" r llm c lit· fnll pig \ RIIT" olrl, w"i lih l 1:l!iO It·!' ~~ ~OlJ "' gllud .l'lmolh .v hay, lot " l.l uuLle IJl u~e , ~u u u Ilu.,. !>uu driver; 1 Browll HOrtle, 6 yrll old, of tllP fodder III mow. fenolng WII· weiji(ht l ~ OU Ib,. lI ingle or double oh inti . Jlllplelllent!-One :! horse WBg OIl , broke, goou lieu "nu i1'iver AllY hilly oan driv l1 olther. 1 '5potttlci t Vl! buggy , breuhlng plow, do~bl e Horse comlnK 3 ' ''l/lTti old. 81ntrle or shovel pl ow, tousoco plo~', bllrro w. llouble bro kf! Ii Ue "d Cattle: iJue 1 h urs e coru urill, 2 iron ktlttll!lI. Ro,l Poll Vow, WIlY bo fresb boX (lay I!:IIIIJ. atone, ()r ',\\ bllr, pl()k, g l'ubbing of sRle; herefolll (Jow, oomlng 3 yrs boe, shoy"I!', h oes , fork s, Aoytha8 , olJ, oarrying seoll lld o~Jt, .. yellrlieg 11" .. ebalu, Oro~8 oulllaw, haud saw~, ,ler8ey Helfor , n Jorsey milk Cow, p,o st auger au,] spud , norn sheller, 11 Jersey Bull, 9 montU8 old. ~beep 16 tt lander, mull box, 0011,01 and -4 bend of l;hsev, all ewes and ml1Y w ~ dgell, aXtlS, eledge, etoDe bammar, be lambing by day of 881e . HoglI- 2 sets work harDeRa, 28etll buglty I JerBey Brood Sow with ri~ 4 hll rness. II nell, 001larll, bridles, pads, Houlehold Uoods-Une DeW ooal Pigs, a bout fl ve monthll old .Fllrmin~ Impleme9t8- R J8U wIg heating stove. 1 two burner 00111 oil Otl, bll.Y Illdder!l, e-ratel b ed. spri"g . oolt .tove, bedllteads, tal ,le, cup· wagon, buggy, oUlter sleigh nnd board, diBhes, ooolliug utenllil8, belltl, Oliver cbUled breaking plow bucke tB, jurI',. 2 O.flB lard, walnut jointer. 150 tootb harrow, neltrlv 'V1ritiug delk, ohllirs and Blot 01 uew, DI8k harrow, MoCormiok mow bOKU. er. Tlllel ridinll ooru plow, Challeuge Term8-All BUW8 of " aod under, <;lllrn planter, Buokeye wbellt drill, OBI'li. All 8ums over 16 a oreuit 01 2 borse Farlller'l! Friend whaut drill 6 monthB will btl gIven, pnrohlup r 1 horle hay fork, rope IInJ \lulloYII, gl VlIlg bank" ble note Geo. ~lIIlel'. bod "led. double shovel plo'l\', or088 outSIIW, whef'lbarrow, wedges, axes, C l' HIlWkp, Auot 8h ovels, pltobfl)rk!', hoell, lIome 08r. - - - .- - p ~ Dter's tools, blook and t.aokle, 'bawberlsln'!! Cough Rem ed.Y I'llI' ohlokeD orate, bog orate, olevioes. won Its great repattltion Ilod I'den. ohllins, soytbes, eto. sive 8a)e by Its lemarkablR ourBA of Hune8s- 3 sste work harness, 2 eonght', ooId s and (,IOUp. It can be sets buggy barness, double barnslI", dupended upon. Try It. t:\() lcl tJy baltt'rll, bridlllB, oolllln, horae hlank all dealers. __ ... et8, 3 set8 work fly nets, bnggy n " tl, I will sell at PubIlO- t:)a' -Itl- OD wy robes eto Une·half of 10 aores elf wht'a' In the jlround. Household flum, one mile north of Lytle, on and· Kitchen-All ne'l\ And In g')od the B'erry Pike, on oonditlon, Kltcben Cabinet, lIt-bole Thursday, March 7, 1912 BllS!! rangt', eztenBlon table, kltob · Beglunin'l at lU o'clook fol. en ohairs, obalrs, Jowing property: tubalaroream 8epatator. 3 berlsteadl! 4 tior88s-2 good WOI k horses, 2 '" Ith ma'tressell, springe aDd baJ colt:! one 2-ye~r.old and I yearling, nl othSlI, wBlh stan.l, dresBer,2 belit bot.t. mue COUll and full BiB~ers. iUII: "tovetl, roolrJng ohulr. oouoh , 10 Cattle-7 Mlloh COWl, 2 Janey ot'nter lit ,nd, cured meat and lard, I htllfers, 1 Bolt<t.ein bull, registered rnitoan8, OIttlned fruit and so UIl\ge, 'rhell COWII &1 e all good onBfl ~nd 2 gal apple bntter, hou8ebold lIoale!', I yonng, tbree of tbese to be fresll cooking ut6nlihl, dllhes, eto, eto. soon . St\oat.-3, tlhoatl, 1 male Terms-t1um8 of t5.00 and under, hOR and 2 brood 110'11'8 08l1h. 8am. over Iii 00 a oredit If Farmillg lwplemeut.-2 farm G ffion,bs wtll be given on a b!l.uka. wagonl, ouealmoatnew, lone.hoflle ble note Edw . G . Bllrtllook jolt wagon, ' long-llhaft break oart, Tom Dill, Ano~ . wheat drill, PlaDo BIDder, Bemie A B. ~Ide". Clerk tobacco setter, 1ron Age ()l)rB plow, . - -.. Kratz plow, breaklDRplaw, l ' 5-hoed Glorious News cultivator, Deering mowlnK LIlaohlne oomell from Dr J . T . Curti88, field rolll'r, 14011ne corn plaoter. 110. Dwtgb., Klin. lie writei: "I no' ooth dlso harrow, pair hay ladder8, only oured bad oasell of ecz" gravel bed, gardeD plow bay rake, 0 .\11 In my pllt!ents with Elf'ohlo B·t lobaooo preR., platformloales, 1000; torI! but ,dl!o oured myself b v th l1'l1 lb, oapaony, lard preas. sauBBg of ~'he 8ame dlseu8e 1 leel !"lI't\ g'rinder, lot tobacco ('an vas, water they will benefit /lny 08a. of eC~ll il~nlr, wheelbarrow, 8 seUl of work ma ·" 'l'hll IhoWII wha' thoUS.. llds --iNn'flelll'l aod mllny oiher artiolel lIOt bave proved. tha. Eleotrlo . Bi"ere Ulen~loned . Is,. m08' effeo~iv!l blood purifier. Terms-AlIlumll of Iii and under, Itt! all excellent remedy for eczema, OIllb. All 8uml over t/j a oredH of tetter, ..It rbeum"glcers. boil! and 9 month. will be given, purohaler running 80rp.8. U ,,'I mula. ltver, glvlug bankable note. kidneys a"ld bowell expell polB9DII'l . Mllok Plokerlng. helps digestion bulld, up 'h. C. '1'. Rr.wke, Auot. strengtb Price Ot8. Salilfao&ion Keoriok, Clerk, Rl1ara.u~ed b11011 drollil.". Lunoh by Lytle Ladlell' AId ~ooie\y


Now is Your Chance



f ONLY $1.50




'I McCaU's Magazine ,


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This is an Opportu'1it:v Fo r you to sec ure the Miami Ga7.ette ab so ilitely Ill< E E for one year by merely slIhseri b ing to McCall'~ :\Iagazine for three years at the rate of 50 ce n ts a year. In ad dition yo u receive three I !it: McCall Pattcrns FREE. The force Patterns arc ordf>red by P ()~ l , c:l rcl from Ne w York City and can be used any time you need on c. Thi s offer is a vailable to anyone who subsc ribes, renews or extends hi s time 00 the Miami (',azetlc. The only perqui· site is that you "pay in advance." See belo w what




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... ..-----



During their laIt 881.lon the lel1l1... Total Value •.•..... , , $2.95 turel of le,.eral Btates paslled new , 1\ lnw. re((Ulatlq the number ot work· Inl houra for women. Bouth Carolina paesecl a law limiting them to 60 per = week tD mercaDtile houses aed the \ textUe mill., ot which there are 80 many In the .tate. In Oblo and Massachueettl a 114WAYNESVILLE. CliURCHES hour bill hu been enacted. The OhIo bill appliel to' everythlDI' excepting hotel. and mercalltUe eatabUlhmentll. .............. Methodist Episcopal Churell. Utah and IIlalOuri have also pallBed Rov. c. S. Gruusor. P""tor. nIne-hour Jaw.. 1&1a Health Culture. AWl will be InlCrLcd umlor Ibl. for SUIlLIny Schoul. II : 10 a. m. Mo rnln ll: ocr twentY' llve ce nt. l or Ibree Inoorllon. \·Iue. 10 :80 :I . m. \,;""nln~ Benlec. 17 : 00 p The ten·hour law whlcb the lel1.1a· wben Wllug Dot more tban Dve lIueN . m . Mltlw ~c k Pr ,yer t.leetlnK. 7 p. m. ture of tnlDola enaoted In 1909 II en· large4 10 as to Include practically SI, Augustine's Catholic Chureb. "W every Idnd of eatabUabment wbere FUliler lAluls Yau. womeD are employed. FOR IiiIIMoE M".. ev.r, .ccond Sundu}' uf lhe mnh tb a' ~J :00 a. w. • WlecoDBln hal establlBhed a 65hour ..eek, elIceptlng nlsht work. . ; St. Mary's Episcopal Churdl • wblch II le.l. M1nneeota hal .trength· URKEY 1'oms for 1181e or trli~e' l !lcv . J . 1". t:adwall nllcr. I(nct." . ened Ita ten·bour law by eztendlng the InqUire 01 N"tban AudIO, Sun d ay Sohool. n :3U n. m Morn lDg Re r peD&lty for vlolaUon 10 as to Include vice. 1U : ~0 a . Ill . Holy Comm uDlolllhe Hrat R. D. 1, Waynesville, Ohio. ml:! manufacturing and mechanical eatab' Huuday vf each month. IIBhmenla. The .tatea of WIlllhlngton Ilnd C&lUomla ban paased elght·hour o to Win P . Zel1, for Tobaooo Christian Church. O!~.. Boxes, mllde of striotlv dry dny lawl tor womeD: The law of Rov. L. O. ThODlJlliQD, Pastoa. .. --'--Wa.hlDgton appllel to ' the ulUal me~ lomber an d k ept uOuer oover. lllbio School. 9: 30 a. m. !octal meetLDa. <J.blldrea !\rb IlIUIIU wore Ullel, t. ml3 10: 30 a. m. Obrlaltau Eudeavor. 7;00 p. DI. cantlIe and mechanical a.tabU.b· Sormon by pasl.or overy calLcrna~ BUDd.,. at oonl..", tb 'l o'llItagioB' "laoea~ I reltauranta. hotels and launNE Milk Cow, fresh nn Febru I 10:80 ro. m. aDd 7:30 p " m. · _Jken Ibey bU'e o,lId8 Wboopla" drlee. but the California act awUea 8ry 1st. Luge h eifer oslf t'loDlh, dlpbtberJlI, lIOulet 'ever and • 110 to te1erraDh, telephone, upreaa Hid<site Priends Chura • Apply to Mrs E Stioson, HarveY8· oouumpawD, are diaaeuea *b", are aDd tnDIportatlon omc8l. Flrnt Ua) M uc t1I\~. II :00 Il. w. FIr•• Dar burg. PlIoDe .7-:1. rn6 ol&eD OOIlh'aoted wben .. he ohlld ball ~" hool . II :op a . m. Fuunh Day Meetlrlg To Motben-.:."\nd Olhers 10 :00 a. m. a _Id .. Tb·a. Is wby ,II medtcal authorlalel la, beware of oolell. 'You • • 1118 BuckleD'1I Atnlla EED Oat.rl-A bont lliO bUlhels of Ortbodox Friends Churc• . ''''' 'he. q~tot oure of ooldl rou will Salve &coare cbUdraD of eczem~, HOV: DOLD PENS ARE MADE , Proper Thlngl to hy, ~ ,ad OIllR. Inquire of Nst,ban !In. Ruth Murray. Pastor llDd.llolllIDI 'beUer thao Chamber ralbe,. &etter, oblfiu!(II, lIollly and To a YOUDg woman. wbo hu lor- Gray, R. D. :!, Wayne!!ville, Ohio . Sabbalh School. \1:aU a. m . HCJ(ular "hureb •. 1,dO'·• .Oo\1Kh Bem'ed1 Ie oan , al lI'UI*ed humor~, aa well .. tbelr .RO ,Metal I. lIolled 1M. • AI*" aA4 I,llaken Ichool teaoblnc for matrlmCDY mtJ Rcrvlcc, 10 ·q() a . w . CbrlHUan gnCloa vor. ~"j. tMt clepeDded apon Rnd Is pi ...· oldenta1lnjuriea-oaY, burnl, brnis. 7 :ao p _ PM ........ Ale CtIt o.e _ ,Ilnd houselleeplng: "Don't 'OU feel .aDa,aDd ' &0 wile. For 11,,18 b1 ea, .ao .• wlab perfe'!t latel, No'b • .........P)'. Ilost without anythIng to 40'" Pigs for Bale, 1111 of thorn goon .U'd.,e,.• . IDS el.. baal. .o q laicltly. For bollI', I To a motorman: "DQn't 'OU 10m .. Inquire of Frllnk Cook , R. D. ~----~,------uloen, old, raDnlng or fever sore8 dDJ' dp of ;'bI,-.metaI .... aD IUems &et tired of Itopplng for peo- '&. Waynellville, Uhio. m Ii or pUN it hal 00 eqUIll. 21> cle at the ;. ' l~ . ·~I~roe4. b)' candl .. 814. of th.' poInt of a pl' ,pie!" I . U .~~ IJDar!1*le 70~ rella UDcou;t- ,,11 droggla": pall ...,. be of plaUnum, but It la mOre I To a doctor: "I should thInk 7'our ftldaMr a 1kH'lHIe ,couple, a 41Pnroell Colt foor yeRrH old , Hud · ------.~-11ulT to be 1rt4lum. rJt4lum" a ntrJ' IlrregulaJ' hourI would almoBt kill you." Funeral Oiret:tor. ~ .aroe sUI·be 4I11\okl1 aDd IDupJn.l.,. Mon and Wo....". die horsEl, will dTi \16 si n g III or bard metal aDd It II eZpeIIllve; It I To a Dewapaper man: "Bllt of 1, obtaJDild• .w'th Il 'bIt ot excltemeDt AI Um!!1 10 on we have the two ... '_la about four ttme. .. much .. I ()OllrSe, I Bever believe more tbaD half double, will sell or tmdA for ~ood work hurse. Apply to O . !:! . RiokP, .' ,~"il..IIl: ~UI. , RUIUDd aDd wife 'Ultl to be anticipated. Men reach ·pld. Tbe PWpoH 01 the Iridium dp . that I read In tbe papers." 'I'el0l'houll day 01 nigbt.. m 6 ,'" ~4j,e~'ib&t !lte apart- would preaeDt the poIDt-u.uaU; early ID. lIie-where 11, 01 GOUI'M; to lI,.e the peD a more To a postlUan: "Don't )'our fest WAyneBville, Ollin. Valley 'pbone No.~. IA>DJ( ...... qbtnu, the wife COIl out and buslne.1 or polltlca absorb. their durable UP. . I"che by night 1" ~. p1iro~ two .• mAll caDel .... made ... whole attention, and they hue Uttle Distllllce N,). 011-9". The cold pen m6er buy. Jil. lold No I Fllrlll for r e nt· Cull ot To a librarian : "You must eojoy ... ~y for I",oh 0008110111. Th_ can.- time. Itrengtb. or Interelt left for the at th. a . .,. Omo.-tD t.n 01 pu!" U 'reading the new novele ahead of ev· thlB office for : urtuer infollDlt. 4l_ '~ daatl, the Ame .I..~ but ill'oader ' culture and tbe amenltles of karat I'Olel. whIch he melta Ind aUoys (lrybody. else In tow l."-Newnrk News. tion.i12 WAVNESVILLE, OHIO 1IIOh. ii.. ~•• ..dllt1DguJlhIDC ~mark. life, while wonfen are- prone to be too with hli IIlver and copper to the de_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _' _ . ______ _ __ _ ___ oM ' lIehie IDteDded to· repreleDt the much preoccupIed with theae thlDgI, lJI'ee 01 flllen ..1 required. Gold of U ------~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Branch Office. Harvcynburc. O. u.. otiIer tN womaa. At enet· to the Injury of the home-not, per. karata Ie ulled In tbe manufacture of IF. tile ' .IQOmdt ttie candl" are bap.. In It I Imooth running, for In 't he beet AmerIcan lold pens. th~t beItlbte~ ,u!l th~ u~JlaPPT' eouple UlZ· the average American bome the Inl the degree , of ftnBnels 4eemed ' fOully watches them bUrD. Whea On.8 wheel, of Ita macblnery do ullually moat aultable for pen u.e; but &,ood ClaDdl~, ~ :out, the dl9OC'Ce ia ~- rwi IImootlily. tb'ough at great ezpense penl' made In tbla oountry fQl" sale In II II ~" ....b"t ~.1th one ooDditloD-the and to the t~ury of the' home spirit. ' France are made of Ui karatll. the .crirUr'.'ot tIM( c.luUe ..hlch hal lOne 1t the two could be aVeraged we French goverDment requIring tbat all wi .'Ua" once' ieave the boUII ..uli 8boule! more nearly ..,~ach tbe Ideal. articles exp08ed for aale In that C'oun· ~Oth~. ~lIt 'olothae, the Men. oeecl more relaxation. :more relt, t." as lold Bhall be of' not lelll than. ~.~l ''J'Iie' otber part~ more variety, el~cilall;: ·al they ad. 18 karatl. '01 the bcNM andlUl~ UI....IWL \'allee In Ufe. 'Women' nee d ·m ore con. The ,old from wblch the pella are .~'~'rt:~:'~"!!!"~-~l~!!!"!!'!!'~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I ceatratlon, more deftlllten9aa III their to be made la rolled and rerolJed until work, &ad eBpeclally·more IDtere.t and what wa. orlglDally a thIck, heavy bar a dHrer8l1t klDd of ld4!alln. theIr hom&- of "old hall been rolJed Into a thIn lIlaldnc....M.nI. N. D. BUlla 10. the &'old ribbon about threE feet In length American.. WomaD and Her Home. by ' four Inchea wide. Then thla gold I ribbon .. put into a macblne which I llltampa out of It pen shapes, all stili . Th. Roth.chlld.. flat. . Then on the Up of each of theBe What cblefb- ItrUj:k one 'at fa· pen. ·11 fused tbe IrIdium poInt, and Deral 01 the la~e Bar~n Guetave de ,the~ th~ I~pel go to a aJlttlng mao RothechUd the . Ireat. multlpllolty' chiDe, which cut the IIllt In the pen. of relatlvea elelcended from hll ~ath· From tbll aUtUnl ' maohlDe tbe pens Since 1847, the year Rogers Bros. originated electrO-Inver er. the Gnt Baron Jame." the .hrew~ CO thrOuirh another, whlcb I1ves tbem . plating,silverware beariD~ the trade mark "00 ROBERS BRos.est and mOlt fa11llll1 humor.oul mem· their rouDded, familiar pen form, and hal been renowned for quality, wC&rllbility and beauty. ber the Parli Malleh ·.oqhe .Ro~, "then the penl are If'OUDd and polleh. ,




A Wonderful



Silver Plate that' Wears







childl. that he rounded. AmODC th.~ 'e4 aDd .8nIIhecl ready tor UM. I deeceDdanla 'l!ere a a~D, IrIlIdIOUf·. • .. Amerl~ laId 'pe~. ID fOUDtaln pella ~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~: lJI'eat- and lI'6at'lJI'eat'll'lD!l80D~ ~.or lold ID everr Rothecblldll, Lamberti, ti'7 aa dip ciompeUtloD withCoUD' pen.


rull.. '!-h87, .

I of. '

of , German manuf.cture, competition they../ the wortd, In .Iapan. 0Ja1Jla,




&erving pieces it • workmamhip -..,.••.:-c-

liJV:erlllr~~ .ml1·~'


'!~t.!l~.!~~_!I~e~~rvice. An, m~1 be



The Miami Gazette ~m_ o.

L. CRANE, Publish er,

011 10 WA YNE!" 11.1.1-: . Ie COM :ERCIAL AVIATION.


CarryIng passf'ngers and trelght hI aJrsblps 88 8 def1 nlte tran8portatlon enterprise Is perbaps a long way at!, but slgnl fica nl of tlle faith of men In ih e p080lbilltlllR of commercIal avla'lion 1ft th e rormn.l Incorporation of a company In Ne w Jersey for thIs pur.,08e, 81lYS the WashIngton Herald . "J'he eXJlNlssed Inlentlon of tbe Incor]lOr8t ora Bet fOr1h In tbe artIcles of 'ncoratlon \I the "buildIng and operation of nnd the carrIage of passengerl and freIght In aeroplan es." As fr&Quent ly poln(ed out, tbe eclenoo and practice of avIation II milking remark· IIble progress. Dy means of the dlrl&lble airshIp and the b}'dro'oeroplane uperts have hegun to lee that It wl\l be p' ,sIble 1I0me time to Ulle tbe aIr . . a meana of transIt, much aa the ear1b I!t now employed for that purpose. AI bear1ng upon the Question of renll:r:lng this end, It II only necec.· aary to .consider that the evolution of the locomotive and IIteam,hlp b811 been alow; that It haa taken many yean to bring tbe trolley car to perfection, IUld that the automobile IB at lealt a quarter of a century old aa a practical road macblne. Faat 81 the a.irmen bllve progrelllled wIth theIr Inventlona and experlmentll, we need not expeot mucb greater advancement In a lellll period ot lime tban ha. been the CBBe with vehIcles running on land ud through the Bea•.

Ghosts ,. For ,. ,.

II:. is More Important That Fattening Animals be Kept Com·

By JOHN PHILIP ORTH Tbere was MIss KItty Vernon, visIt· Ing he r married sIster at Keith Hall. far out In the country, ond there Willi Mr. J ack St. ClaIr, stoppIng at hIs brother's place, Ihree mil es from KeIth Hall, ror tbe ral l buotlng and .hootlng. Onl y three miles apart. and MIss Kitty gRlloplng over lhe hl gtl ways on he r pony, and Ja c k roamIng about on foot, and ye t three long wee ks bnd passed ond th e two had not caugb t slgbt of eaoh other. Tbere Is much talk Rbout magnetic attrnctlon, but the weatber Is 80me· tImes Rgalnst It, or there Is a range or hills to carry the current of! at a tangent. Jack Sl Clair was a poor shot and a worse fisberman . It Is just Buch fel ·. lows that go Iloshlng around and spall the fun for others. When a anlpe hOB been shot at 40 or 50 tlmea without helng even grazed he IIIe8 "way to Canada for a relit, and the !lsh who bas been permitted to eat all tbe baIt off a book time after time wIthout beIng caugbt tlnaU,. seeks otber waters where there Is aomethIng dolng. Wben Jack came home from hIs all day excursIons wIthout 80 much as a blrd's lalHeather or the IIcale of a flah hll slater·ln-Iaw would aay to hIm : "Wby not ~ve It up?" "Why sbould 11" "GIve It up and spend your time lookIng for a wIfe. You are twenty· five years old, faIrly wealtby, and It's time you settled down." "But I am looking. That's dne good thIng about the country-you can look for snIpe, flsh and" wIfe at tbe 8ame time. No lost hours. If you don't get snIpe you· may get fisb. U You don't get fish you may meet a dam sel In distress nnd rescue her and wa rry her." MIas KItty Vernon was not much of a borsewomn n. When ri ding In the cIty pnrk her horse Was used to tbe potbs and sights and cnntere d along balf asleep and ·as steady 08 n clock. Her s ister's country pony \Vould shy at stumps, rabbIts and geese, and wben meeting with a faWler carry ing

fortable and Quiet Than That They be

\' ernon dt'<:I <l ed to s It on the porcb wIth a mlll·coa t on and wutch ror the

Protected From the Cold.


, ·TIN YEARS OP. IUFFERING. " ..t~i"ed at Lalt to Perfect Health It" DOln'a Kidney Plllt, lIiIra. Narclsla Waggoner, Cartel'YUle; m., says: "Over ten yean I lut· fered terribly wIth bacllache, beadache nervousness and dlzzlness_ 'l'b. , kidney socretlons were unnatural ond gave m& great troul\le. On. day I 8udde n Iy fell t~ the floor, wMre I la,. for a lon g tlme unconscIous. Throe doctors who tren ted roe, dlag1106ed wy cnB8 as paralysis, and aaltS they could do nothIng tor me, I began usIng Doan's Kidney Pills and waa permanently cure d. } am stl'QJlger than before In years. "When Your Blick Is Lame, Remember the Name-DOAN'S . 600. 0 11 storea. Foster-Milburn Co., Bu\Is lo, N. X,

(H, Ill. Evans, College of Agriculture, Ohio State University.) Noon nnd no rllln yet! The wheel· borrow wouldn 't wheel. The nuto lst - lbe only "U ll tbat ca:Ine along- W 811 all old cllrllllld~t'O Il wbo WliS la a hurry to g e t somewhere, and be never looked at th u .:Irl o n tb e porch and there wos no exp los ion . Tw o o·clo('k nnll no rain! Mr . Jock yawned nud swore. lind MIllS Kitty yawn ed anI' dldo 't swenr. Three o'cloc k- four o'cloell! Same Creature of Habit , "Man," dIdactI cally began Protel ~ Or overcast sky -s ame cluckIng bens and Twiggs during a recent ses810n of tb. Quackin g duck s, bul th e first drop 01 Boc Et Tu Urn club, '·Iij a creature of rain bad yet to fall. ·'Hang It, but thIs Is the ver y best habit." "Eb.yab!" ilrunted Old Codger. sort of sn Ipe wenthpr'" excla Imed , 'Te nnyrate, my neph ew. ('ooute J . Mr. Jack 89 he sho uld e red hIs Kun Babson seems to be. Hs had been. ond set oul run ov'er by thfl same nutomoblle " I've got a lette r to mnll. and I'll twIce, But th en anu te alwoys come II canter to th e vllllJ.l:l e and back,'· said bome down tbe somo lone lIhout t.beo Miss Kilty £1S 'sh o ordered tbe man same bour In the e venIng, nfter b. to saddle the pony . haa partaken of abollt tbe aame Fate was plannIng. A snipe or amlJunt of hard c lder." - Puck. 80me oth er bIrd- one Is not over· par· tlcular about tbe specIes-led Mr. Jack a t wo-mile chase. It dId 80 by " '" LAWYER CURED OF ECZEM~ of!erlng him nuout fitly fair shots, an d Itl 18 Important. "T nal ...noDI1111 ~attlo 110 ""pt ,",umlurtao".... ,u ... 10 at course everyone of them wall a The re has been some difference of the lo t fed In the barn W88 $11 .06, "While attending acbool at Lebanon. mls8. He had just n1med for bla opInIon among cattle-feede rs as to the The cnst of producing 100 POUDlts flrty -first mi ss when a drop of raIn relative merIts of open shed fe eding gain in the 101 fe d In an open shed OhIo, in 1882, I became aWlcted with bolls, which lasted tor aboul twC) bit hIm on the noso and the IQng-de- nnd feeding In encloled quarte rs. \\'as $10.03. ,ears, wtlen the aWlction assumed the fer red downrall be gan to get busy. SODle of tb e lead!t.g experIment sta· We may conclude from these ox· The old Parsona house WDB the near- tlons of the country have recently peflmenl~ that it Is not necessary to form of an eczema 011 my face, tile lower part of my face beIng Inflamed est shelter. and he made for It. conducted experiments along this liue. teed cUllle In e nclosed quarters. Tbe pony was galloped Into the vl1- At tho Missouri station steers fed in Th ere Is lIutncl .m t h ent gen<lrnted In most ot tbe time. Tbere would be lage and the letter moiled , and abe a u-n made a dClly gaIn of 1.7 the animaI'll body in the processes or water-hllstera rise up and open, and The entire proper1" of IllinoIs III reheaded for hom". Halt a mile from pounds, while auothe r ·I ol of tbe same mas tication, tl igestion nnd aaslmlla· wberever the water would touah , .. ported to be 12,318,333,241. If that the Parsons hou se. li nd just as It be- a ge and breed fed In an open shed tlon to maintaIn l he proper body tern· would bum and cause another one to were divided among the people each gnn to mIn . tbe pony caught slgbt of made a dully galll of 1,9 pounlio. The peraturc, A rensonable amount ot rIse, Alte~ the blis ter would open~ the place would scab over, and would a log bes ide the road he bad pa8sed same lots· of steers gained . t>,2 pounds cold Is a be nefit to s uch anlmale one would lIet U11.11. Where In ten burn and Itch so as to 1le almost Ull~ a hundred tImes nnd shIed at It. Out d£1lly for each busbe l of com wben rnthe r tiJau u de trIm e nt. All tbal rean from now would that per capIta bearabh! at times. In this way the gf tb e saddle went Miss Kitty. and beT It would undoubtedly undergo ted In an open . shed aud only 4.9 (attenln" cntLl e n ed In the way 01 aores would spread trom one place to nway ror home galloPed tho pony. No.. pounds when fed In tile barn. Tbe sh elte r IS lin open s hed to protoct another. back nnd fortb over lh • . I. groeat cbange. A few men would bon es brok(>11 anti uo skulls fractured, steers ted III th e ope n shed ate 10.3 them £r-.lm ruin ond snow. If the whole of my upper lip and cbln, and have $500,000 of It, a few more '100,but no one ('''n l ake a fiop or the sort poundll of dIgestible mntter per pound skin nnel haIr are wet, h eat Is rad iated at tlmell tbe whole lower part ot mr 000 of It: many more $t>0,000, and 110 I\!thout 0 few uumps and being muss· of gaIn, while tile barn-Ced Bloers ate from th o body va l'y rallidly and ofte n face would be a solid sore, TWs conon until we get to tbe point where ed UD more or less. 1l.3 pounds of digestIble matter per In exc ci B of th e amount produced by dition continued for tour or five ye~rs very many men wouldn't have 111 Th e raIn WAS mal,lng Ilorrldge or pound gain. th q di gestion und assimilation of wIthout getting any boLler. and In lact. centa. How can we account for thla tb e dust when tho un sea ted and very At tbe P e nnsylvania station a com- (ood . got worse all the time, so much 8 ... Rng ry maId s turl ed fo r old f,larl son of barn and open sh ed feed wonderfUl change 7 For various rea· Jt Is more Important that fattenln/! that my wife becamo alarmed lest it I bouse. Shs d Idn 't Intend to eUler, but Ing haa been mnde. Both lots of nnlmalH lie dowl1 regularly lind dul' aons, 80me men are smarter thon to Btand around until the ralll cea~d . s:teel'a were f ed shelled corti and corn ing a I r ge portio n of the time, thnn prove fatal. others, some more· diligent, aome more "Du.rlng all thIs tlllle of bolls and: She reoched It to fiod that she must Elllage to the limIt or th e Ir capacity, that. thtly be protected from the cold . frugal, lome more temperate. TheBe eczema, I doctored with tbe best pbyat leost step Into the hall to get any T h.'! barn· fed lot madll an average A ?Ie ullful SUpply or fre8h aIr and slclan. ot this part of the country, but; faots can uplaln why thIs $411 per s helter ot al l. It was not yet so dark dally gaIn for five months or 2.13 s un sbln!!, a comfortable place In to no avail. FInally I decided to trr capita bne dIsappeared. Wbllo tbe that ~ he couldn·t see be r way, but pounds, as compUred with 2.36 pOl>nda whlch 1.0 lie and freedom from dis- CuUcura RemedIes, wbl ch 1 dId, ta}(~ cIrcumstances, the emrlronment, the ret "a rk enough for ghosts to turn on for the lot fed In an open shed. Tbeo turbance are Ideal · conditions for fnt.. Ing'· the Cutlcur1l Rosolve nt, applying: 'VlclBllltude may account for Bome of tbe current and Ol)en sbop. cost ~f producing 100 pounds gal n In tenlng cattle. the Cutlcura OIntm ent to the soresp the change, mOllt of the change can be Mr. SInclaIr had reached lhe house and using tbe Cutlcura Soap tor waa~· referred to the man blmseJf-bJs cbarflfteen mInutes ahead of the .glrl, and lng, In a ve ry short time I beglUl· to acler, bls habIt, hIs dIsposItion, his had taken a sent on tbe rottlng floor notice Improveme nt, and con,l'l1u~'.to of whiil had been the parlor. FIve appell~under the ' Infiuences of USB the Cutlcura-Remedlee until I w...: minutes before her arrlvai he had whlcb, It bad, that $411 vwabes snd well agaIn, and have not had a' reo- . heard II Queer Bound ups taIrs, but sev· reappears In tbe huds of tbe man currence of the trouble sInce, whIch , .. eral of tbe stair steps were gone and over twenty years. I have recom·· wbo bas heen sober, dilIgent, frug&! be could not have Inves ttga ttod It be mended Cutlcura Rem edies to others and wIde awake. had wished. He beard rath.!l' than ever since, and bn ve great faIth 10. saw Miss KItty tImorously enter the tbem as remedies for skIn dlsease8.'· hall, and he could not mnke out what GossIp In Oreat BritaIn contlnues to (Signed) A. C. Brandon, Attorne,.-at.waR goIng a ll. "Vag Its tongue over the reported coolLaw. Greenville, 0., Jon . 17, 1911, , A growling from upstalrs-a patternesB between KIng George and the Although Cutlcura Soap and Oint,. Ing across tbe (loor-a bUID»ety ment are sold everywhere, a Bampl., Gaekwar of Baroda. The atory J)ilrbump! Ghos ts tor two! The real ot each, with 32-page boole, will ba. alstll that at the durbar everyone waa tblng and no dIscount! mailed froe on application to "Outl aatonlsht'd at the Gaekwar's appear· MIss KItty screamed out and fell cura," Dept. L. Boston, ance In a blnck frock coat, while the Mr. Slndalr down th e front s te ps. other prInces wore theIr native robeB . exclolmed, '·The devil!" and also Mean People. and marvelous gems. The Queen, It nlade for alit of doors! He snw someHenr), Russell, the head or Ibe BosIB 8£1ld, gave the Gaekwar a frozen tblng flyIng towllrds the hlghwllY and ton opera, was describIng his rorelgllo IItare and the kIng merely 'lodded_ he UI) with hIs gun and fired . He tour In .search of talenL ' mIssed . ot course. but tbere WIlS a The Goekwar responded wIth a curter · "They nre mean people," he IBlct scream and the somet hIng fell down, Dod, turned his back and made a dll' of· the slogers or 1\ certain eH)'. '" and the hurldle was under hIs tflet could do no busIness with tbem, Tbey· tinct grImace. It II asserted that bll before he made out that It was a girt thought only of money." punIshment. asIde from forcing an In rulu·wet and clingIng garments Mr. RU!lfiell smiled . opology, will be that ot cutting down eggs to tbe village be would etand up "Oh. Mr. GhORI!" from the bundle "They were as bad a8 the man wbl> bls royal Rolute of twenty-one aunl on his hind legs and paw the air. Sucb "Who is It! What Is It!" discovered the Blllnk tb eater Ilre, nnd classing hIm as a second-rate conduct had Its embarrassing side. "SIr. bow dare you!" "The Ilrst Intimation the box omc", nller, Anglo·lndlanl consIder tbls And then . when she had been to the "You hId tbere on purpose!" bad of thIs fire came, at the end or dangerou8, and believe the inCident village three times and galloped over "" nd you came on pu rrose!" tbe thIrd act, from a tat man wh~ Th ere was a moment's sIlence, and lWould beller hav8 been Ignored, on the hIghways so otten the scenery lost bounded down the ga llery etalu Its appeal, ahe would ret\lrn from a then hoth laug hed hea rt ily and even IIlultratlon of Different Klndl of Cutt lng, On the Left Are ooeGeberr)' Cut. 8ccount at tbe Oaekwar's great wealth atuck bls face iii at the tIcket wIndow tlngl; In Centar, GeranIum, ~nd on the Right, Alternathe •• rIde looking unythlng but 8othul<Iastic in th e pOllrlng min explanations werlll and ohouted breatblessly: IUld popularity among b~s subjects, nod her sIster would suy: ente red In to. "'Theater's afi re ! Glmme ble monThe currant, gooseberry, grape and gro\vlng poln·ts. Roots rarely spring "Why not giVe It up?" "lIut tbere was Burely a ghost up· lilac Ilre readily _ propagated from from the tubers themselves, but from ey back!" "And do what?" Urotropln Is the name of the drug stairs." pro tested the ~rl. hard-wood cuttings. Tbese should be the bue ot the new shoots. . "SIt on the porch." Newlpaper II the Medium. 'I'Ohlcb Dr. SImon F1exner of tbe Rock· "And I will come bere tomorrow talten 1n late fall or early winter, tied shoots may be removed and trans"And why that?" "The Importance of thIs wbole que8 ~ efeller Institute of \\fedlcal Research and rout It ou t" planted, and new ones will arise "A young man may come along In Haml In hand. througb rnln and In bundles of convenient size, and from the tUber, Three or four crops tlon ot publicIty to the cons umer t~ . declares to be an antidote tor Infan, an auto a oy hour aod bust a tire and mud ' ond darkn ess, Mr. SinclaIr final· s\.<lred In a cool, moist cellar or of sprouts may be obtaIned from vowIng on tbe manufn ct urer, a. tile paralysll. Tbe dread dlsea,e bal have tn ask for tools to rellalr It. burled In the soU below the frost the Bame tuber. Thill Ie tb·" common eees hlB compell1or or some UlaD In. carrIed of! thoullanda of victims, and Just 8uch an event haa brought about Iy delive red hlB charge Into ber III. line. They should be (rom 6 to 10 method used In propagating the another line turnIng the tl·lok of pubter's care and then went hIs turtber H Dr. Flexner's cure proves to be all scores at marrIages." way. lncbes In length, In the sprIng tilDe sweet potato. The tubers are placed licity and he sits up and thInks. HII ,'" that Is claImed for It, tbat alone will "Humph! It will be something ··Now, then, MIss KItty, you have tbey may be placed In the green- In the hotbed wbole, or are cut once gradunlly reallzlog tbat localized, 4lntltle tbe doctor and the Rockefeller more romantic than a busted tire tbat bad an adventure!" accused her sll' house, the h'Otbed or outdoors in 11 the long' way and placed In the soli cryatallle<J publicIty In the borne lID tns tltute to be ramoua tor all time to will Interest mel In ridIng around ter. rich, loose soli, It Is u8ually best to with the fiat. s.W.e down, Shoots arise what paya best and that he cao only the country I may come across a young com&. "I have." rub off the buds with th.e exception trom the skin ~ the tuber at almost g~t that tbrough tbe newspaper.'·~ · man caugbt In a barbed-wIre fence-"And I demand to--" of one or two ' at tbe top" otherwise any point. Cuttings from the stems The Dally Club. one about to hang hImself tor unre"Oh . you needn't. bave been more than one stem may be secured. of tuber-producing plants 10111 often A dramatic aoclety II Bdvertlalnll quItted love-.:--one who has boon driven No Slla, tbe revival of blsslng In the theaters to the top of a haystack by a sa vage bucked oIT by the pony, rolled In tbe ThIs Is especlally true of ahrubbJ produce tubers Instead of roots, These "Hill .ork?" replied the demoamud , raIned on, vI sIt ed a baunted plants, lIucb as t_he currant . and tubers must then be planted to se8.11 a mark of dIsapprobation ot playa. bull and needs my help to get down. atrator, after Stlgglns had lnapect.ect bouse, hellrd a ghost and met the mon gooseberry, The cutting should be cu\'e a new plant, But the present deadly silence of dl. I sball continue to go about until I am to ma rry. Tba t's all'" placed In an upright or slantlI!g poslAll cuttings require a moIst, warm the new car carerully, "Hili work" . , approval Ie more signIficant thiln any somethIng happenll." And next dRY, when Mr. Slnclalr Uon In the soli and only one or two atmosphere and a porous soU, whIch, Why, that's our strong point, Mr, SUIHalt·way between the vIllage and .amount of blsslng, besIdes much more visIted the Pa rsons houSB be tbund buds allowed to show above ground, In 80me case., must be warr,ner t.~an glnl: ThIs car can climb n tree." Keith Hall, makIng It a mile nnd a "Ha! bum I" demurred St\lgglll'~ -clv\l and civIlized. CertaIn plante are frequently prop- tbe air above It. The degr~e of heat upstairs an old cat wIth her tall half each wny, was the · old abandoned caught In a crllck In the floor, and be agated by rool outtlnga, whl(',h should Imd the amount at JtI('lsture neces- "Then I JUes!! I'll look elsewhere, • Parsons house. There were sIx acres be about the sIze ot II. lead pe ncil. sary to Induce root formation . from never law a car yet ttlat climbed tree • •-:, A noble earl of England hae put hla of land around I t grown up to bus h blessed ber and Bet her at liberty, are taken In the fall after cuttings vary greatly for dlfferen that Willi any lood atterward."-l:Iar- ' '. TheBe email boy In a Boston prIvate achool and weed, and tbe house Itself had per'l Weekly. " Women AId Good Roadl, growth ceases, cut up Into pieces plants. Many hardwood dormant cut· One tbought at becauAe he wanta hIm brought up gone to wreck. . from 1 to 9 lnches long, and packed tlngs will grow readlly out o( doors, alllong people who have no particular spookB when vIewIng It, even by dAY· Iraaclblllty Explilned, PromInent women In Mlssour!, In boxes wIth alternate ,ll\J7ers of but cuttings or most plants, strIke root "Isn't "our busbaQd getting a feaJoi- \·' respect for a tItle. We hope he haa light, and It was strange that It was many or tbem motorIsts, bave shown moillt sand, The boxe' are Iltored In better . If the aIr can be "kept, cool and' made no mIstake In plcklnl out the 1I0t down on the list at haunted membe rs or tbelr sex In other statell a cool, moIst cellar until spring, when tho aoU warm, wIth pl~ntY of ~o,~ tully ba~ dlapoaltlon7" asked MrL~,· houses. MIss Kitty Vernon had passed th at, tbougl! they haven't got the bal. , the roots are placed In the pronagat- ture In both un~ll tJ~ rootl form, Bhortloot. . place. It many a time, ·nnd Mr. Jack SInclaIr lot, theIr persistence In petitioning the Ing bed or sometimes In a well-pre·'No:' replied MI'I. Leedout. y, RDA YlS, · bad spent half an hour Investigating governor ami tb e leglillature hal ald- paired SIlU out of doors In furrows ColII'ge ot. Agrlculnre, . Qhlo State hal read iomewber. that bra.,kry A cIgarette manufacturer tell a UII tbe InterIor. are alway. cranka .and he'. U'71nc· ed the good roads movement. Mle· about I ' tOr 11 Inches deep, Botb roots UnIversity. Fate sometimes gets a Juy atreak sourl women hove sent h~ndr~ds Of and lea'VM ,s~art· from ~ese. small .et a reputation." , , tbat tb e re are two millIon women In J . blaclberr$ Is orten the United States wbo smoke. All ot on, Bnd then tblngs move. as slow as letters to tbe capItal on that lubject, plt~<!eB, wblch goe. to show tbat the faIr dame. molasses creepIng across tb e kltcben IndIca ting not only zeal for floor. Young m·an and malden hlld hIghways, but In sIght Into the .pos", !lave devIous way~ of burnlng up theIr somehow dodge<! each .other for tour bllItles of road betterm~nt. busbands' 8alarl!!I, whole weeks wben Fate · woke up. - - - - - - -.7";Theil came a mornIng wheo· tbe chlckDllparlty, Man, Ilceordlog to tbe realllta of ID enll aild ' ducks saId It was goIng to .~~~:'cii~-~~~f~* · tlg tl 011 of the .sbclete' Jerti&!1Ie. ,raln~ They. beat the weather bureau benvy damnges .from :~; ....a a 0 _. Ii' . at-. that sort of bUlllness, Mr. Sinclair threw, a lamp at It, "Queer, wasn't hundred ~ou8an y.ea~ Ol.~. dedJded not ·'to ·· go gUbnlng al\d · flah"Wby were alter., ~ har~'. ~~: Jbg ,but 1.0 trr hIs band Ilt a ~oy whee~, "Because 'It. ''''UiI.DllIat: r '~ ltlle . • ate of 'the , ef~."'.." baI:row -fOr ·Illa i.lW! ·..utece, ud IIi.tA ~ 'lIi~t<aa.aUlt. . • 11;:1. ~ .• ~"&e of R. . , . _. , ., . ..








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Ner"oUII· Dr 8M, Slet"pl f' A811e'W and a.r e u n tnttl lilble cu te

To do

l hl !l J am wll lll..c to Il1Tft m1l 1lu llH of r re.a pack... &"e. . 1 ,,- I I tll e ria ", Bold by tlruIlIlI_,-Eur:!b C"llt~ '" .,Ia.t. For rrea plwk''''lC add rea ..


Pro!. Mun,o", &3,d 6 Jefferson 51"-- Phlladal Dhlo. PL

A Slight Mistake, When tbe One Hundred sod TenU! Pennsylvania moved from WInchester. towards Fredericksburg In MaJ', 1862, tbey passed a nice-looking farm, where 11 couple of calves scampered across the meadow beside the rOBd_ "What poorty Ill' cowleta," aald one In bahylsh accents_ "Ye air mlstooken," came from a proBatc Individual In tbe ranks behind him; "them alr bullets_"

th,. y P ()fd ll vel, cure tu· dl~eK~I()n.

f or("n Jl ltU oO.


Rei ('aRe of a IlIrgc 1I1 .mber of prleon e rs from I h" r'ol ton warehouse prison at en l.u lia. Ala .. WQij IUl'c\old by 1\ slee ping northc "n cr III th e hearing or st!veral of his ft'liow I>rI H Dn ~ rs . accordlllg 10 L. Q . Jd!'ri'>B, wil o r('~,<,IVNI Ili s [te l'd nrn I wo weeks be fort! Loo's surrelJuer al A ppomllttox . Mr . Jeffries' a cco unt of Ihe w~ l rtl h lqJ !\ t'nl n ,; lti glv ('n here as he hlfllS('1f ha. "rltt eu It; aft er telling ot earlkr eX I)" rlenccs Ilt Cnhnlla . -' Tll o ,\ l:lhnma ril'er o"~r n uwcd ann th e Wili e r beenrno of th o average de pil. of one f O ~lt in tL u prtson, li nd In on e e nd It Wl\ 8 waist u ee p. W e Blaye d In tbl s water for eigllt dRYS, b,,('a us e III I aVllllable boal H were u sed In transpOrti ng Confederllt.. troops to relnrorc e Mobil e. "Scven of us formed a meSB. "-'e were known BS the hymn -slnglug mess. REE.L "'NO aud a few times we weN} aroused Ily a gunrd from our sleep on tb e ground In th e co rner wh e re th e water became the d eepein to sl u g to him . This w"e did to I he nnnoyn nce of others Ihereby awa ken ed . who told U8 to sb l1t lip. "HarrIson of our mess WI1S In a way a somnambu li s t. beca use ot our Burro undlngs. lind be ke llt us awake al most nightly by Imagin ing he command ed a batlery. He would square MAK~~ 'T1o\E- GA~01.'..n; himself around a nd at his co mma nd . .5TOVII u:~ CI:.ADL'( ' Plr,," would kick us tn th e back_ We hnd to sleep -s poon fasbtoo' so that Trouble Savers on the Farm and In the Home, one gray blanket might cOYe r us all. but wben Harrlsou 'walke d' be bad WbU p. th e motor _car Is takin g th e at b)' the mnnufactllrers In the first th e blanket. plnce ot the horse In the citi es the Il1s11Ulce_ It Is tho se uda\ltatlon s that -'On e day a black·rln ged dove galn gasoline engine Is accomplish in g mucb have pfTected thA hrfcaler flart ot tb e en 8n cn lran cll through the roof venchnnges to powe r equipment for farm tilator and perch ed Itself on the the sanltl result In t he coulltr~' . MaImil leme nts. cblne pow"r COlnes very near b ~ lng the benms. One ot the guards salt! be The gasoli ne engine has b ee n a most Importnnt factor In succl'ssful, scle ntlfi e agriculture today, and while blessing particularly to the farmer's motor o r steam haullu g ha s been gen- wife , who bas been reli ev ed of much erally adopt e J. on ly b y large planters , ot th l' h ea \-y worl, o f hou se k eeping 11\ practically ev('ry mod e rn farm er uses th e country hy tbe application of the th e gas oline engine ror drl\-Ing mllchln- fo rce In p(> r!ormin g tbe drudgery of e ry and dOing the bulk of the beavy th e kJtcben, the laundry and th e dalr y_ It Is a very Incons ld erato farm busdrudger y on I h e farm_ That machine Jlower rap idly Is tak- band wbo t oday tl oe8 not le nd I hE' UHe Ing tbe place of horse or mule power at I he gasolin e e ng ine to o \l ~ r ute Is s hown by tbe fact th at almost all pumps, washing lllachin es , churns, tbe Impl ements shown b y ' manufactur- cream separators, sausage gr lnllere ers and wholesalers at a conv ention of an,1 eve n sewing machln As anll knlte Implement d en iers In KansM City sharpen er s . And the farm wife rewere equipp ed with altachments for lieved of such work Is b elter olt than operating them by ellglne Jlower_ Dlall), of her city slBters_ In farming ope rations th e gasoline That Is true particularly of the heavIer farm machin e ry, some of whlcb e ngine bas done much to promote the now Is BO ponderous that It scarcely adoJltlon of more car eful and sclelltlflc could be moveLl by the numb er of methods or crot> growing. By the aphorses that conveniently could be plication of Its power and speed to the operntion of hulling, cleanlng and seed hitched to It. The JPOlnts that recommend the grading machines It bas relieved tbe gaso linE! engine to ·the farmer are Its plrul ter of practically nil ot tbe laboriwide t1~lllt y lind th e fact tbat Its ous and time consuming task of s e lectdiet of gasoline Is less costly tban Ing carefully his seed grain. one of the tbe draught anlmal 's di e t ot corn, oats moln essentials at In cr eased crop and hay_ Since th e farm er has come yields. In 611 [arm Implement displays accept the engine as a tarm Implement and to und erstand Its operation, days the gasoline e ngl ne Is Ihe most "We Were Known aa the Hymn-Sing- be has applied Its power In many In- conspicuous and most numerously rep· Ing Mes.," genl~u8 ways probably never dreamed resented_ was going to shoot It_ Some of tbe pris oners tbreatened to burt blm It be did, and so tbe next day all loose etones were picked up and taken away, That nl gbt Harrison bad anotber 'walk: but be was dece nt about It that time, He got us all awake, I lay next to h im and got a hard kick In tbe back. Quieting down, be began to mutter und then tQ talk, saying, 'Pretty birdie ! Got a letter-and for me?' Hie hands moved as If receivIng nnd o),\(,nlng a le t ter_ 'Written In blood ! In six dnys you will be out o f bondage.' H e ~Igheo\ , turu ed over and was soo n aslee fJ , llDd so were we_ "Te n da ys a fter wa rd we were out of tbat prison and on our way to God 's country to Union Iin c s . We were tak e n by boats to the barrac ks at Selma, from th ere by trllin and boats to Ja ckso n, 1\Ilss., and a ll foot through Tllack River swamp In a henvy rain and h ell\'Y Ihundersto rm, wading d eep water for five mUes across [llack river on Il pontoon brldl:e, then · by train to Camp F iske, 16 mil es tram Vicksburg, wbere were 6,000 paroled 'Union prisoners guarded by United States co lored troo(ls. -'Several years ago In the west ] told this dove star}, to nn audlellce at a stale encampment or the Grand A rmy , A f~w weeks lat('r I received a postal card from a com rnde w bo bad beard me telI It, Baying, 'Say, tbat's a good dove story, all rlgb L I'm a pretty good liar myselt and I can't bent It.' ] was there. I snw the dove with the black ring arollnd Its neck, saw the sleeper and heard bls words and was on my way to freedom len days later, Marcb 21, 1865."


&,,'h or )he r a.llment te tiC-IIIJ tor n. t~r",p o( my V'J.W · l"Rw Pili ... J want t o proT C) lh.,

Liquid Dlet of MachiDe Costs Less ThaD Oats aDd CorD (or Allrbnals and They ore More Versatil e-Becoming Most Important Factor tn Successful Agriculture o{ Today.

Somn .t mbulist Foretells Removal .or Many U nlC'n Prl ao ners From Prison at Cahaba.

at modern war- Is lakcn Into th e nitration building, tare baa been tO lVard the wbere nitric acid and sulphuric acid • adoption of tbose Instruments a re added . The mixture Is wblrled , which nccompltsh Itli purpose around In huge tub-like machines co vwltb a8 little risk to the UBerB e~ed wltb a bood and a steam je t to .al8 posslhle_ This la eXll)"lIpll lle,1 cn rry orr th e acid fumes. Wben tbls tiome'wbat In tb e tise of smok e less Is completed tbe cotton Is wasbed In powder, the manufacture of which Is fr es h water and dried by a wringer, attended with much lesf! dnngel', and nnd unless tbls work Is very tborOugh its transfer froUl 1)lace to plnce re- Iher(,l Is risk of spontaneous decompo · smits In tewe r nccldc!lts as compared sltlon . It Is now gu n-cotto n and Is with tbe production of gunpowder. It. pla ced In Cllrs an d pusbed to th e boilcan be handled wltb perfec t Silfe l y In g vats wbere Is undergoes anotber a nd even set on tlre . ln th e open air s l.ate ot purification. Tbe ,pulper, a wltbout causing an explosion or oc- macblne ve ry much like tbe aile used In papermak!IlIt, nex t comes Into pray. -ca slonlng the least lUll: le ty . At Indian Head, whi ch Is aiDe tbe He re the gun-cotton Is cbopped up by navy proving ground , th e re Is 8 plaut kni ves DO Il~ to give Ibe fib ers a tborfor tbe mnnursl'lure of th is p(\wuer ough cleansing. From bere It go~s to wblcb Is owned and operated by the th e poacblng bOllse, wbl ch conslsl s of 'U nite d Siaies govern ment ann the cn- a se ri es or la rge tub s III wb lch tbe Ure output ot the factory, "hleb last py roceJlus, as the mate rIal Is now year amounted to over a million Itnd a ca lle(l . goes tbro\l&b a further clennbait pounds, Is li sen by our navy . Ing proceS8 at h ot a nd co ld washings . Sbould occasion ever require, tb e pow- It Is then dried by a wringe r sim ider will also be used nt Uncle Sam's lar to a printing mn c hln p and s8 nt to many big fortifications . the accl;>m - tbe vress bou se. wbere the water Is panylng lI\ustrnUon, sbowlug 6 por- sQlleezed out ullder great pre Bure. tion of one, Fort Wadswortb, near Atter a tew minut es In th e macbln .. the mixture comes ou t rese mbling 11 New York city . . About 26 buildings are used In the huge white cbeese. II Is we lgh ell and process of Its mlUlutacture_ Tbey are se nt to the mixing b ouse, wb ere tbere ti ltuated In that portion of tbe govern- are Il)l'truments slIch a s are used In ment , reservation fnrtber (rom the maklllg bread by macblnery and wblcb river '9.nd scattered over 1\ large area. !,re known as kueadlng machines. Tbe 'b9lng about 400 feel npart. Explos}ons pyrOceJlu8 Is bere milled wltb a solvwill 80metlmes occur no matter boW ent, tbe naIDe or wblch the governgreat the precautlillis used. ror tbe me nt prefers to keep a aecret. Tbe materials whlcb go to make up tbe resultant mlllerial Is a thick, yellow manufacture of powder are necessari- gelatinous mass re sembJlng taffY, ly comblAUllte, 80 tbe wlBdom of tbls The slage ot amokeles8 powder bas 'provtSlon oil tbe part of the gove~n­ now been reacbed snd tbe mixture Is ment 'may be understood, (or If one once more put tbrough a macblne by building IIhould accidentally be blown bydrauJlc presaure_ It Is thell wrapped up-tbe otbers would not SUfft'f tberlf' around ree l,,' and drl e'd by sleam so as by. Tbe greatest secrecy Is malntaln- 10 eva porate tbe Bol ven t. It Is pressed ~d as to 1I0me parts of the chemlcnl Into proper grain Imitable to the process, and few of the tbree or (our different calibers or guna alld at tble hundred - men employed really know stnge It bears a strikIng resemblance the elltlre comblnatlc)Il of the cbemlcal to boarhound candy, sa It Is Identical 1ngredlents uled In the smokeless pow- wll h that botb In shape and color. (ler maklng_ The efforts of tb e pow- Then comes tbe cutting Into proper der board and the directors of tbe lengtbs, nnd tbls Is done by band and powder factory are constantly directed the use ot a sharp Instrument very 't.Qward tbe Improvement at the Quali- much like a meat cbopper_ Two men ty of tbe output, and recently two spe- do this .... ork and tbey are espeCially -:Ial paint ... bave been aimed at : FIrst. cnreful to get the powder the exact to Insure tile che mi cal sta!Jlllty of tbe le ngth . Tbe cut powder Is carried to 1lOwder for a8 loog a perIod nB pos- allot her table, where a mlln goes over sible; second, to secure 6 degree of eacb piece and tbe defective pieces The Insllector Is par~u1formlty wblch wn! - 11l8ure· wbat Is Ilre thrown out. ~Ied "ballastlc slnblllly" of Ihe pow· ti cular tbat only perfect powder Is der--tbat Is to say, n permallence or sent ouL Rece ntly a plant has been rec led to work over tbls defective velocities and press ure throughout prolonged periods IInder varying can· powder, and so successful has tbl s dltions of temperature , mo is ture. etc. process been tha t tbe powder which m-,bort,..;o. have the powder work as R few year~ altO would have been a well In IlIlY Pllrt of t he world lUI II total loss. Is now r e made In such Il l1laun e r liS to be the equal of the best does on the provlllg grounds. Tllere Is a big labor atory nttachen of the ne w product. Th o next st e p In the process Is dryto the fa ctory s tnndlng some dis tan ce away from the otber bulldlngs _ and Ing lind the green Ilowd e r Is sent to ber., at least a dozen ex pert chemists the drying house In covered cans , beHre always at work and th roug b tbelr Ing wht' e le d tb ere on trucks \Jusbed -eXPeriments a Ilew stabIlizer bas Ileen nlong th e trn cks wblcb are laid I,erec"'ll11y Introduced Into tb e powder- tw e!'n th p buildings. A colored man millrJng form ula, and from the repo rts furnishes the moLive power. Tbe dl'y, <If tbe' officers of our battles hips In va· Ing bOllse Is a verltuble mounlaln 01 rloll8 parts ot the world the . r eSu lla e xplosives. for grent st Acks of pOWder have been most sntlsfactory. Tb e Ilro I'll I'd up everywbere. It must be whole powder mnklng plant Is wonder- prote cted eve n from the rays at the tully InterestIng even to a layman s un and Ihe windows are covered Few people, however, are permitted with cllnvlls. Here It Is branded and to ree Its workings, ror powder mak- prepared for shll)ment. The actual Ing, like gun testing, Is conducted testing of tbe powder takes place away froto the public gaze_ when It Is used to fire tbe big guns Smoking 18 not permitted on the down In the valley aD tile proving «rounds, and so carerully do the au- groutld~. thor1tIes guard against accidents tbat th'e workmen are not even permlrted Profound Linguist. to carry matches. All the buildings are Tbere bad been a fatal aCCident at well ventIlated, aa the fumes of tbe tbe rallroad crossing In a little Pennc:bemlcals used are apt to bring on sylvania town, Bays -the Phlladelpbla heart trouble. Cblmneys are arranged Record, and the coroner, a pompous to carry olf tbe poisonous gases, C()Uold fellow, who magnified conscien&eQuently tbere 18 little Illness among tiously both his omce and Its Incum. the men_ There are taclUtlee ror a bent, had Impaneled a jury for the Inrapid opl\>ut In 'Case of neces8lty-a matter wblch would be of vital Im- Quest. There WIl.8 only one witness or the portance tn time ot war, Tbere Is accident, an lIljterate Slav from the also a reserve supply whlcb Is conon the mcrease aa our navy coal mines wbo could understand no English. With him the coroner becan pows ' larger, to atruggle_ The cotton ueed Sa ahlpped to In· "Can you aJJeak German 1" he ukec1. cHari Head m large balea and ,tored IIn bulldlqg erected tor that pur palle_ The man sbook his head_ "Can you speak Italian?" continued . it 'Ia purchased In large quantities and l;Duat' be,.ot -a special grade, The lee- the omclal, Again the man Ihook hit ~1id stage . of the work beginll wben head, . "Can you speak HUIIgal'~aa,", cc:i~~ l' g~ to the piCking rOOm_ colored men open up the baIfi same relpanse, "Can you speak the l' apart.. After the cotton la ' uked the coroJler. hti head, w"ere It


who I .. bllloU8. c.olla't.t .. put.-ed or hilS All)' stCIr

0 ·'


HE tenden~y

1 .... not

LIVE STOCK IN COLD WEATHER .A..alllDala Muat be Fed'and Watered RBsrularlY and DallY Wanta

Supplied - Need Some Ex"rc:lac.

To k.?ep th e slock In good, thrltty _ondltlon they mu s t be f ed and walere d at regular hours and be given regular ex e rcise. Tb eir d a lly wnnls nill st bl(' s upplied. aud thllse vary, acco r dIn g to th e wcatber_ It Is :here Ihat tI,e Inte Iil ge nce, proDlptness and expe rl enee of the farmer co me Inlo play. \Vh e re th erEl Is mUl'h s to cle to attend to nnd only two perso n s 10 do the work, It Is Important to know what to do fir s t. This will vary according to cll'cum s lances. In Ollr own ca~ e , commencing at 5 o'clock In tbe morning, the cows and horses Dre firs t fed, says a writ e r In the Baltimore Am erlcall. While th e ('ows ifre eu tlng , their mixed teed the stables are cleaned, the udders wllsbed and wiped dry nnd tben mllked_ The milk Is strained Into ("oolers nQd as soon a s tull carried to tbe stone dairy nnd Bet In a tank of running water, Then breakfast. The first thlog after breakfast. or about e;unrlse, Is to Bend off tbe mllk to Ihe railroad statlon_ In winter the nlghl's and morning's milk Is seot once a day; In summer the milk Is sblpped morning and evening. Arter tbe milk Is sent orr the farmer or his helt> gives tbe cows a feed of 10llg mixed hay _ The cows are then corded and brushed down, and as soon as the bay Is eaten the cows are turned out tor exercise and to drink. The borses are then curried and watered and the stables cleaned _ The pigs are given warm mill-feed slop, Bnd Ihe bens get a lit· tie mbed grnln which III scattered through the CuL straw of th~ feeding pen. The hay ' and paiD for t,be mllk cows III cold are tbrown Into a IllrgEI f~ox which la t.. ~tened fu low Iroli whel. which run on an Iron . track_ After t4e, feed .fa ml.x ed It Is coverall over wfth :' C&ln;all '. to coot. By mixing wlth '.b61Ug -...ter .eve~l

IUId of good Havor, and every pnrllcle Is enten with avidity . Give so we Ilnd pigs warm mllIfeed ond bran slop, a (ew sliced carrots to tbe borsos, grated turnips to tbe ewes and lambs and pulped mangels to the milk cows. The Dlornlng's rations s h ould n. lwaye be prepare d the en' lll ng !J eror e. All th e reeolng and most of the cleaning of I he Rtallies should be done before breallfnst , an(l thi s co n be readily d one provided everything Is r eady t6 your ha nd .

WOOD BOX IS LABOR SAVING Es.c:eUent PIon To Avoid Dower and ReBultlo5l' MUBB by C ...rryln8' Fuel Into I(,tl.c:hen.

Th e uothcr and r esu lting muss ot ca rr)'ln g wood, coal or similar fuel Into tile kll che n to rill tbe wood box, may be 11\'o ided by constructing th e box with one-buH Its size built In tbe kll c lJ.e n lind th e other half to project thr ougb the partlllon, as Indi ca ted by dott t!d lines In drawing. upon the wood-sb ed s ide , says the Homestead, Where tbe tu el supply Is kept In an nttacbed building next to tbe

Itipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRIG&. Genuine must bear SignatUre

~zt: 11\ A . IN 1l'1.IfMINQ 00" KY .; e A . OOLT" ALL Ll llnble; e r. boa"e. bam. frUllli. 'toell, eLc..t ~ OUUlJL1 aca"- LAUOULLN. 110 & tU~ 8blcaao..

Plans for TUberculosis Day. S ermons on tbe prevention at con· sumptlon will be prellcbed In thous ands of cburches on April 28, wblch the National Association for tbe Study and Prev ention ot Tuberculosis haa setas ld e as Tuberculosis day. Last year out of 200,000 cburcbt"8 10 tbe Unlte4 StateR. over 60.000 ob served Tuberculos is day, and millions of churcbgoera Were told about tbls disease from tbe pulpit. This year will be the tblrd observation at Tuberculosis day. Plans are being made to have tbe gospel ot healtb prencbed more widely ' tban ever before . The movement will be flushed tbrough the 600 anti -tuberculosis associations allie d with tbe na.1I0nai a ssociation and througb - tb. boards of healtb, women's cluba &Dd ot.her organizations III hundreds of cities and tnwns throughout tbe COUDtry . Tbrougb tbese various bodies tbe churches will be reached and Inte r ested In tbe tuberculosIs campalgn_ But Mamma Didn't, Little Mabe l was always tumbllns down Dud geltlng hurt, but Il.8 SOOO aa ber mother k.lssed the bumped forehea4, Mabel would belie ve It cured Il ud cease crylng_ One day she accom· panled he r motber to tbe Union depot. and while tbey were seated In tbe crowder! waiting room an Intoxicated man en tered the door. trIPped over a suitcase, and fell sp rawling on the noor. The atteutlon of everyone waa attra cled to tb e Incident, and In the sudde n s ilence following the tall. Ma.bel called out: "Don't cry, man . Mnmma'lI kIn 00, Bnd 'en 00'11 be all rlght." -Llpplncou's Magazine. Love II1IlY not bring a man bapp!· ne bs, but It su rrounds him with & mul titud e of would ·be frlends_ Mnny people Buffer Intensely over Ima glnnry InJur\ t>8.


Our Ovens To

Your Table Untouched handa-



Post Toasties to-Serve fooda. A table dainty, made of white Indian corn-presenting delicioul f1a vour and wholesome nourishment in new and appetizing form. The steadily increasing sa10 of this food I peaks volume. in behalf of it. excellence.

A Labor.Savlng Wood Box.

:!ta .. ia J~t~~ea UA .~~"I pJ"~ppkam!~!, ter:·. ~nd ~~ ~ ~ .. , ...~~, It. ,._ '~\~'~" ~~ ," /" ~ . ';~~~ :,'M::\.:_ :t.;.:. '''.. 1


Your Liver Is Clogged Up

-the ariatocrat of Ready.

kitchen, as Is usual. lbls Is easily 1lO9sible, and to 1m the box you have only Too Quick. to raise tbe cover on the abed IIlde A eavalryman who stuttered losl ot box and pile tbe fuel Into sam~ , In bJa ' Colt's. ancLtoJd a comrade l1e using, the housewife removes It from bU1 ODe or bJe, . the kltcheD side of bolt al SbOWD In "Hll>w .,mtIC!.ll will giv~f" drawIng . . This bu al~ the advantace .of _taklng up leu apace In the IdteheD ho~r. 111.;.!ld~'c. · t1~~:'h~)' - &oiqocld.'er as w:ell .u bel~ Ja:n~ and eaYiDS 11t:



-l'J ,~ ~



An order for a paekaae of Post Toaatie. from your Ifoeer will provide a treat for tbe whole family. ,.

wl1ae MetllOTY



,.---II!!fi••----.....PRICES --IIIII!.--------.....-..



~chools for Month Ending Feb. 23 , 1912. 1.10- - - - - - - - - , - i- -i'- --- ,- - 1' - ~· IPersonal Mention

Report of Wayne Township

-.- -




-' - : -:'

N \ NO. iNll' lt': ('. No I No Nu Nn Ii I ~ : 1() I ~ 7 l:~ 1

~ ~ = ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ j


.. Wi

............................ . .



.... _


~' .


iI:.g· ;t;







' l,:,ib::~"~;~~:l,h~


>. IJ t

.... .

t:ll t oliment .... ..... . ..... .. .......... , I

Marscher·s. They're mivhty finc . We're slicing them again. Buy a l'l lce. ano you' ll bu y t wo next l i l'1e. We've gol Wieners. BaI "U and Bologna to match .

~ \I


I. )

Rank in enrollm l: nl .... .. .. . ... .... . , 2






Neither ahsent nnr lanly ........ 1 7

A fine new tub. lOe each. 3 for 2& I , Number of pupilHturJy .... .. 7 WH ITE FI5IH, either in kits or in I Lllk. Huy tht'm now. Per cent of alielldanee ... ... ! 90

IVi»its ~f SUP~~i~en~611~ ..: ...:...

Dried Fruits Prunes. per Ib ... ·... .. ]O. 12" ; . Peaches. per Ib .. .. ............. lO. Figs. per Ib .. .... ..... .. .... .... 10, ~i lver Prunes ........... . ...... ... .. cots ... .. ... .. .... .. .. . ... ... ~O. Mism,s. per lb .. ...... ... .......... Cu rrants. per lb ..... .... ...... ...

15c 15c 20c 20c 25c 10c 16c




85 ; !i6 1 !i8 3


13 , 2fi




.. I ::


Dusta~ay Prevents dust when sweeping. Per package .. ... ......... .. .. .... . 10c ".

Oysters Fresh ...... ... .. pint. 2Oc; quart, 40c



81 g




17!J ·Ii.... ..


Chewing Gum




Br uneI' ,\


t'r~, l

$71J ru t Ford Model T Touring Car $610 for Ford Model T Commercial Roadster

$710 Ford MQdel T Touring Car

3 I 26

Red Oak



-;~ IIrday .

MillS Mary F. Brown hu returned from a very pleasant villit at Wilmington . Mr . and Mrs J. J. Edingfield, of Mason, are guests of Mr. and Mrll. C, A. Bruller.

Harmony (Jrove Annie Burge Harold Burge Clemen t Harn er Alice Gons SUl(ar Grove Mabel Stanley Rhodes Bunnel Burnelt Butterworth Russel Stanley R o~coe Furnas Ernest Shutts Paul Stokp.s Lowell Thomas Harold Earnhart Lowell Hill Everett Thomas Marie Surface Helen Harris Joseph Snutts Eva Prater Harry Roland Ethel Simpkins Russel Surface Opal Gray I Green Briar Madison Earnhart Mt. Holly 1\Hpeer Ross Catharine Burnet Pauline Marlatt Albert Marlatt Lena Marlatt Edna Dill College Hill Joseph Haines Margaret Marlatt I Leona F. ... ans Ellis Smith Velma Marlatt . F . C. Gilmour, Supt.



11 I 33 ' 30 Dr. C. A. Henderson and family 4 I 0 are moving to their country home 38 today.

Pupils neither ausent nor tardy Spring Branch for February. 1912. Clara Bt!rryhill Harry Lat'y

A full line. Some nice hoxed goods


vi, j ..• rs

Mr~ . Pearl Fauche is the gueat.f her p.arents Mr. and Mra. J . H. Opp




- - - _._ --- - _.-


E "ie L;u s..ill wa~ very sick last week but has entirely reco,!ered.

I .0

o o




12 , 2


~_~_ 2



I I 23 ! 56

Ca!'les of lardines..'l.. .... ... ... ... ... 20



Pe r cent of enrol lllle nt neit her, ' a bsent nor tardy ... .. ... · .... .. ... ;l() 3!<




" L-

f More astounding than the manu acture of 75,000 cars in the one year pu,;,,,,. , is the reduction in price. i

• •

F'r('o Hawke is in Cincinn at i on 1 lltlsiness today . I

.,; :. alid



+ ____ - - _ - - - - -


HH fJ ~~ n~( " ~: :: }'




Pt~l'ry Alexan ller, of Spring Valley, was in town Thursday. atttendin", the KUbon Sale.

Mrs. McGuinn. mother of T . F. McGuinn ~ear Harveysburg, is very low with little hopes of recovery· Mr. and Mrs. Roi Risinger returned to Eaton today Wednesday and will on the 12th, return to New Dayton. Canada. Mrs. Agnes Wright and daughter. Susan, were called to Norwood Friday on ac'!ount or the serious illness of Mrs. Mary Cadwallader' They returne!i home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Earnhart were in Columbus last week where thl~y were called on account of the illness of their son, Lee. w~o was operated upon for appendicitis. Mr. Ea.rnhart went back Monday nill'ht for a short stay with hie IOn.

These , prices are po.slble by reason of the large production . and the splendid efficiency of ~he great Ford Factory. .

Standard Equipment Windshield, Speedometer, Gu Lamps, GeJ\3rator, S Oil Lamps, Tubular Hom, Top and Tools. . A.fora DemOllltraUOD


Acceuor ... a.~

Sub Agent, · Corwin, O.


ZIMMERMAN'S New Goods We are receivinl' New Goods every day~alwa,s somethln" new. Thi, week we offer . atar Mol..... :Horee P .... The Grain. Alfalfa. Molaaaea Ra· tion- Ask the Rural Mail Carrie~ about it. They all uae It. At our lpecial price it is as cheap as h, anj only $1.66 per 100 Ibto.

al Mak.. Tlr e~

A.II persona who Jrot gravel from the Beckett pit between March I, 1911 ud March I, 1912, and who have not already llettled for lUne will pleue call at Cary'l harness aho P not later than Saturd." March 2nd and settle. W. E O'Nean.



ahortlngton Find, That Thlngl onea l A small runaway took place during - - -... Bemoanld 'May Prova GreatKilbon's sale Thursd,ay. A man by the ..t BI ..alng. name of Ballinger had hitched his ..... ~ h i t horse on the avenue. An auto com· ~ ou ~now ow oppos teB are a· . . The Wayn.ville Cannirlll' Company tracted." .ald Hr. Sbortlngton. mg up scared the horse which breakIn blk. ~er lb .... ..... ...... ...... 26c , ''When I w.. & younger man my ing loose ran into a tree near the is now ready to contract for com at Rlit Annlh..tor very par\1cular fnend and chum wa. Little Uridge. The bUigy was heir office in Waynesville, Ohio. AGENT FOR FORD AUTO Kills and completely consumes .. chap who W&8 1:1: feet four. whlle partly demolished but the horse J . F. Snook. Gen. Mill'. the body, leavinll' no reaultant I walln't much mor. than tour feet . ed ' • Roy Irona. AII't. Ray Mills. hail taken the sub·agen· In our dl. conti nu Iota town. where Orange Ilx. DespIte the dlilparlty odor. It reaJll'.doee what othe... Scratch. bag ....... .. .. ............ $1.90 claim to do. Well'uaranteeit to menlloDs we were the closest of Raper stopped it. Not much dam· cy for the Ford Auto. As Mr. Chick. bag .......... ..... .... .. ... .. $2'00 friends. and 88 far aa I waa concern· aR"e was done howe ver , except to ill a machinist and knows every part do the workj harmlesato handle. Oyster Shell, bag... .. . ...... ..... 76 eli there was only one tblng that the buggy . of a machine, he kltOWB that the Ford Maptelne and MeIOrene - --- - - --marred my otberwille complete bappl. is the coming machine. The Maple Syrup crop will be neal and tbat W8a that I could not /\tARRIED IN COVINOTON short this year. but you can make Heintends to esta~lish a livery iu be 811 tall 88 he. But the time came your own Maple Syrup at about when I thought differently about that. connection witb his agency. and ~auman'8 ........... 0 loaves for 25c one half t' had Pllrties wiljhing to go to Dayton, and wben In fact. he. Instead of be- Th M d C" , the cost. Try a boltle. Ing proud of hlB altitude, wlBbed only e o~ ay memna I papers "apan RIce that he had been bullt on my more the followmg: .. Early Barnard and Xenia, Lehanen, or anv other pointa. We offer 1000 pounds fancy Jap limited BeRle. and that waB when In Ethel Barnard. both of Waynesville, will do well te confer with him. The Riee at 5c a Jlound. . Try Manilla Sticka. Also all kinds out later lite we had both come to were married in Covington. Ky .• to- prices will be reuena~le. be atftlcted with rheuJhatlBm. day ." Mr. Mills also Bells acce880ries to ef Tobacco. EV8POrIIted Sweet COm "Then when) looked at blm. racked machinea. See his ad in another colIn lIUlitary pacl(agea only IOc wIth pain througbout hIs tall trame. MOVED INTO NEW HOUSE umn. I was glad that I WOII not WI but _ We are paying the New Lake tIerrtnII sbort; and wben he reflected on the M. E. CHURCH New goods. only 40e a kit. ne8rly two teet more of space In hIm· Mr . . and Mrs. John WillIOn. who Highest Cash Price Our Twisted Stick Candy. 1t"s fine. self tbat the rheum atism had to roam lost their home by fire last fall I!IWmeI W .... Sunday School, 9:16 a. m. .. ' over he used to gronn nnd wIsh that for Hop, for shipping have moved mto th eIr Ilew house be had been built short like me. AB we tlX.P8Ct a new and complete Preaching by the paltor morn"len't It sIngular how thlngB come which haa just been finished. purposes. Call us up ing and evenlnlr. Subject of mom- line of Enamel Ware in a few da,a, we will clean up the odd. r The thlnga that at one time • • about Van Camp's Milk .... .. ... 5 and 10e ing llermon, "Claiming God'. Promand enU we have on hand SaturYo'e may mOlt bemoan may prove In and we wiD quote you IMARKET ises." Subject of evening aermoo. day at ahaut half reaular prieee. tM 8114 our cnatelt bl.llln,." TOP PRICES. The ladies of the Christian church "A New Route to Heaven." It· .-,. to trade at not millS these services. A eorWlfa Wlna, aa Ulual. will hold a market in the Township Young Hyson, per lb ... ... ... .. . 80c "or course. one can never win an House, Saturday. March 16. at 9 a. m. dial invitation is extended to all who have no Church affiliation te attend argument with one', wJfe." remarked Every thing good to eat. a broker the other day. "Even If one this Church. IB perfectly right In hI, contention. Clarence S. Grauser. Pastor. the fateB, or the pOlltoft!ee department LATE CLASSIFIED ADS Per can ........... .... ....... 10 and 15c or A CLEVER ROBBERY lomethln« elee 11'111 tum up to sr. MARY'S CHU~CH make It appear tbat the man 111 wrong. GGS fro. pure raWD aDd Wblte For fnlltanee. a few 4aYII ago· my wIfe Edward Ludlum. of Elmwood Lent is a privilege. full of rich exludla Rnnuer doolle, obolce remarked that a letter In a plain an· Place and D. W. Winnes. of Winton 60 per l18'tlng at •• lperiences. inspiring thougltta, no~ler lo,amtn . velope dropped In a letter bOI would Place. conductor and mrakeman, reThe good cake, ~er lb ........... 18c Waynesville, Ohio occupations, deep devotion. Pme M. D. BeDkl,e, R . R. 6, W_;' delivered even If It had no at amp. . I f or COUrBe I knew better. and told her spectlVe ~. 0 so~thbound extra C. H. .' '1 d ' th ville, 0., UeDlervlllf', PhOD. 72i m22 • la, but Ihe wall obatlnate. Just to & D. freight tram No. 2521 on Feb· your pnvl egel! an enJo, em. VaUe, PhoDe 115 The Third Sunday In Lent. March .. - . - - prove my contention when I wal at ruary 28th. who were arrested at 10th-Sunday School at 9.10 a. m.; The kind of Potatoes that will tbe omce the neltt day I drew a plo- Dayton Thursday night by Detectives Morninll' Prayer and sermon at 10:30; ture of & goolle on a aheet at paper. Hendrickson and Gugel of the local &ook; per peck......... ... ......... 35c Underneath the llkeueae 1 wrote: . . Evening Prayer and sermon at "Dear Madam: tr you pay two centl department. and DetectIVes J. H. to get thIs you are a goolle.' I put Woodward and Calvin Nutter. rail- 7 p. m.; subject for eveninll'. The Subtlcribe for the Gazette DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN the aheet In a plain envelope and ad· road operatives, were taken before Purpose ef Life. Friliay eveninll' Litany, Penitendresaed It to my wife. The nellt Magistrate Vail in Franklin FridllY Intamal and , ....... PIIII. . morning tbe doorbell rang furlouBIJ while I wall BtIIl In bed. I waited tor evenmg and arran~ed on burglarv tial Office and address at 7 p. m .• the wlte or tbe maId to respond. but and larceny charges. They waived spbject. The Gathering of the Forces both had gone out. FInally I went tc examination. and were helrl to the for the Conquest of the Continent. I" Oranges. Grape Fruit. Apple!!, the door myself. There was a fool grand jury under $1.000 bail each. You are invited to these services. fancy eating and cooking. Ba----.- - - nanas, big Changuinola. per letter carrier wIth that crazy letter. They al'e now in J'aH at Leb and I had to dIg down and pay t h e . anon. dozen ...... ..... ....... ... ... .. .... 20c two cents postage due. It I hod glvelJ Accordmg to Detective Woodward OOT ICE WITHOUT CUTTINO l the leUer to my wIfe ahe would haVE the accused men pulled off one of the ---been It111 more ftrmly convinced that smoothest jobs of robbing a box car The Times·Star of Monlia.v ays: 'he WIUI rlgbt." on theil' own train that evo!r came to The Kanawha river i8 furnilhinll' Sweet Potatoes Ohio Onions his attention, and but for the fact Cincinnati with free ice. That is. Cabbage J:astern Kale that a railroad operative witnesoaed those having the temerity eould put What He Remembered. Berauda Onions Lettuce Wilen a prospective voter In one 01 the transaction from a vantall'e point out in a boAt Sunday and pluck from RadiBhe!! , . d h f . th t f th Oh' . I Chlcago's election dlstrlctl waa aaked the date ot hll naturallutlon be re un ~r t e plat orm of the station at e s ream 0 e 10 nver a~ plied that he had taken out hll pa. Carhsle, where he apparently sought blocks of ice clear as crystal, whieh pers ao long before that he could not refuge, the matter mhrht yet be had traveled from the head,watets Spouting,Sbeet~ebd remember just wben he had become a puzzle. It is claimed the accllaed of the Kanawha. The foot ef WalBrinll'it to UII . We pay the higltan American. ' the lIIerchandise dron 8 t Teet• '10 th e "'--t 1!1118 End • was men b urgIarlzed est price for Butter and Egll8. The omcer to whom thIs Itatemenl 'th t . I h he ·~ene of a-"t activity SUndliV AmlOn,f1' 11'88 made wall elltreme)y thoughtful car WI aU even tampenng w t t.... a'-;, ., for a moment. Tbeil he added: seal en the door, simply removin" the ice-pickers. AlmOllt everybod, "CaD you remember wbo wal the the iroD shoes that held the door, livlnll' near the dver acquired a lOpRepublican candidate tor preBldenl in place and Bwinging the same aside, ply of Ice that: will last them throup Trade at OFFICE IN 01.0 ENTERPRISE , th!~ year: d 't b then crawling within. Five pairs.f the 8ummer. Tona of iee were I runnr::' tor o~~~:~~ -:~8w~~e 11':'; shoes. 30 petticoats and 72 .8uits hauled ~ sleds and WIlODI 'to ~e aponle, "but It wal the ~ame Yea' underw~ were stolen, atf~· aU vanilU8 l~~usel. ~cn:ar-th~ that Stuft3: McGIDnllwaa appomtM said to have been quiCJcly took advantage of . A d 8 M Do, nro,,:,nder." . ' . from. the accuaed' m. (,tiie ' ea~ abort tim~ ~~ti~~~',,'_" ~~.~.~~·~~....;,..!IS\lbSCJ:i~for the Miami. G~~~·.no~.·ld~~,~~·?uu,~ ot!. ",.. " Chewing Gum of every kin d



Notice to Farmers

Chicken Feed





.. -


Condensed Milk






----- ..---




Cocoanut Dainties





Onion Setts







A. Grant,


and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and

Country Produce

Jobbina of aU kinda.




\Y. iAWKf'S

n ' . av,



. '. " :' • - • ' ;"" .


fam -·' r ··-,


Sixty-Third Year,




Whole Number 3149





. ..

Sunday School, 9115 a. m. Preaching 8ervic~s both morning and evening. Subject of morninc , serlnon, "Our Forward Mavement." , Let no member of the church miB8 ' thi" service and sermon. III the evening the pastor 'will preach on .. Lo8t Opportunities." All peeple without a church home are invited to worship with us 011 the Sabbath. " Clarence S. Grauser, Pastor. ":,', ,~ I

-----.. ..-----A LITTLE ~UNAWA\, ~


Harvey Rye's, horae, while ina in front of Ralph Miller's. ll'Ilitb ehop unhitched, h ...anh>oi to go home, ~d kept on ' front ' t9.\1rn81~ip


~-----~----~--~ .---------------~ I




'Practical Fashions LADY'S FOUR·GORED SKIRT.

SAVED ,FROM AN OPERATION 11aw.Mn. Reed-of Peoria, DL, Eacaped Th" Surleon'. Knife. Peoria. III. -" I wish to let eve r? 011' bow whatL)'dJa E.Pinkham' s Vegetable

<Copyrll ht. A. Co KcClura ., Co.. m Oo)


Compound h BS dooe f or me. Fortwoyell1'll I su ffered. The doctor !laid I had t\ tumor and the 0 1O!y r emedy w as tb e 8urgqon'II knife. My mother bough t me Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta· ble Componnd. and toda y I am a we ll and h enlthy womnn.. For ~:-.-~~ m 0 nth s I s uffered from Inflammation, and your Sanative Wash relieved me. I am g lad to tell anyone what your m edicinel! have don. f or me. You ca n use m y tes timonial ia any way you wish, and I w ill be glad to answer let ters." - M I"S. CJiJUSTINA REED, 105 Mound St.. P eoria, III

ll rlst oe. creppl ng ahou t on ba nd s onll Fork, l'ow . angry wl t b bamed a m bl· Ulore bo r rl ble by It s lIem bla nct' to v,'a· SYNOPSIS. kn ues. studied tile s igns wltb t he e yes tlon . and a vi ctim of her tri cker y. tel'. ye t neve r tem pllng them to s tray J ilek K~th . • Vlrtrln l ~". now .. bor. of "R~ Indian. ' . there 'II a! no guesll~ng to wbot ex· (Is lde. After the fi rs t w ile conversa· lIer I'lnloo," ,,". Is look.,,;( (or Naming ",ur 'I! OU 1, In 6CO tho d lff re nce yore tromes _'H! dss(ler ado mig ht r eaorL tl on ceased. t he lUen ridi ng gr im lY. purl l,,. of .""Ullea H - .,·es a \\,2f' 0n tP"rn wbnr tbe ground Is s oft. CoP." be said. Tbe possibilities of sucb a sl tua tlon silently fo rw a rd. Inten t o nly on co v· at Cu II iU.ll o P pu r !il u ~ d by men on p on tea . . WMn K,'lth r~Il1' hu Ihe Wli,Kl1 11 , h. nl"l· pointing to some tra c ks plaine r tb nn made the HlI gh,es t d elay In reac ue an e r lng a ll tb e d Is tan ce possible. La te era have mlls8Il cr"d Iwo men unci de· the others. "Thl l5 yere boss had a agony a lmost unbearab le. Reac blng tblll nIgh t th ey camped at tbe p urted. H~ 8e Hrch~1!I the vil: tlm8 nnd l n" . pu!><' r. nl1tl .. 10('k" l wllh a won","' . ~ur· ride r. but tbo re s t o f e m WBS led; Carson City. a nd perrectl y r e ckleaB as bole, s lee ping ' IUl bcst tbey cou.ld. Ir ...II. I< .. tlh ,. arre.'cJ III Cur.un Hy . the t's why Iboy've bu nr;led up tbe r to bill own safety there from a r res t. sC'~lIrged by the cblll wind w hich ch a rged with t he m urde r. h lB nccuser h ~· Ing u rtJ!lIun "" "" ." B lnc k lIart. A np~r" t rail 8 0 . An It wa n t tb er aa m e t he pla lnsmnn lost no time pe r rpct· t\wept over th e m a nd lasbed grit Into co,np1u,fon In h, . ce ll named Ne b lell. ",ltn bu ncb tbll t wen t back eaat w bat come Ing a r rangeme nts for pus blng ror' exposed taces . Wlt b tb e firs t gr n y of t hnt h p kn t! w t ht' Kl· lthM t il Vlr.rl n la... Ncb I ad). " t l~ "I C tile mu"J .n'd m~n wnH John from th a r-see t he t s pli t boof . Ibn r ward . Horaes and prov is ion!! w re pro· da \V n the y swung slilfened fo rm s Into Stl>lcy. Ih. ol her G.n. Willi. W"II. , (orm · al n't no spli t boor p'lntlng the r otbe r cured • a nd he ve ry rortuna te ly dlscov· l bH saddle s nnd rod e on. slra lg bt aa erly u Con rrd,'rlue nUker. The p la lmnnlln and N b eaC'lllle. llnd Inler the (1l1,-1tl veo way-but yere Is th e mark of tbe cr lt· , ered In low n t wo cowboY8 be long ing the crow nl es. for the Salt Fork. T be,. .. J 5705 ~mbe" uJ'°;o~n~"~\t: I."~\~h~,~d ~':lt~"Ct~V~~~ ler tb ot p u te be r foot down 80 fur 110 t be "Bar X" outfit. t heir work th ere attsJne d that stream a t lIundown. &r a, .,.1 h e eaw a l Canon CII Y. The KIl'l ex plllins ou tside th et we've been a trallln' from accom plls be d a nd aboul rea dy t o reo wl tlt Band dust. t belr fac e I str eakeO Mrs. Lynch A llio A voided thadI dC8C1rted ahe I. In oeBrch o r n bro' her. who Sbe rlda n an ' s he's p' lotJn. ea s t ao' tum to th~ ranc" on tb e Ca na dlBn feelln. u tbou gb Opo ration. Crolll th o tin ny. and thll t a ' ... .. . rrom per»nlratlon. I' ha An attrac tiv e sk irt · mod e l Is out· Mr. Hnwle)' I ntl u,,~d her 10 co me to the beIng led. Now . let'l Bee "bar the Who g ililll)' allied tb emselves with hla t h 4! lun raya bad burned their b ralna. JessuP. Pa. -" After the birth of 1111 lined In tbls lIIustra tion. Tbe ski rt III 1cll bln ", hll. he eoulltlt her IJrother. Haw · bu nch went f rom yere with thet Ipll t party looking ror ward to the pOIIIII· witb horsel fairly reellnl und e r the m: e ) ' apllea .... and Ke ith In hldln« I'<><'og· composed ot fo ur g orell I nd can be fourth child, I blld seve re organic Inftamn,,""8 hltll ~ Bla ck I~ .. rt. There I .. a ter. hoof. " blUties of a Ilg bt with keen antlclpa· Ac:cordln, to Kel th'a calculation Lh la m a tion. I woold have BUeh terrible palna r l. In the dB rk~ned room In whic h Thill W illi not s o easily acoom· li on Keith waa more than ever de- cnUlt~·!ord muat .. - fullw ten mUe. be- made with tbo elevated or regular that It did not seem as thou g h I could K ftelcthbatt. I. \,!c tor. Hor.... a .... llppropr1ated. "1l1 !!t lin e. The narrow lines are p~ ~nd the I1l rl who allY. that h~ r nnm. I. pUahed o w lnl to th e na tuN of the Itgbt.ed "Ith add Inc th ese to hili outtlt. low wbere the ca bIn BOt13ht waa Iltu· .erv ed but the lower edge Is wldeD· ltand it. 'l'b ia k ept up for three long n. Ina the po. Kel lh expl ains .round hl °PttI a • t JoI uatlon nd .,.ca the fu&l llve. fa. " • but at las t the searchers when . on the fin a l ar r iva l of the oth· a t.!d ·. two hours' relit. with water' and eel by th e pla it at ~ach aIde-front months, until two doctors decided that wh ere Iho &1rl t. left wlL'l IItumbled onto tracks ~ loae ID under e ra. the extra man brought from Bbe r- food, would put both boraea and meo tl"h0r-t Lal'ned. l.dy. rMlu Hope that t b e b a n k . an d one 0 r t h e .e reveal ed , uRn -' " f4: a ln In condition, and tbe trave II nc seam. The po pula r panel back la ef· an operation w u needed. .. he~ hotel \.I theItUld dllu/Chte of Ge neratella l Waite. announce d th a t b e h a d bau "Then one of my friends ~mmended .reet ed. tbe clos ing being Invisible un· Ke'lth lh a l1 d Neb drift Into Sh~r ldlln. where lbe a l'Ut hoot. enou&h, and wall going to remain was easier alon g the bank of the Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cpmder tbl. PRne l. This mode l Ie well ]te Crlend. Falrb"l "Tb a t m a k e s It c Iear. B d c 1nc b ea .-e~ Keith mceu. mHl. an the old brother oCDr. Rnpe Walt.n. en." ex' t h e re. N0 e ff or t s ma de re vea ie d any Fo rk. With this In min. pound and after taking It for two monthl r the auu n,ed name at Fred WII: claimed Keltb. deCidedly. IItarlnl out kno wle dge of Ha wle y's prellence In lo()sene d , t he anlmalll turned ODt to adapte d for wear with dressy bloulel . I waa a well woman. "-Mrs. JOSEPH Ii. Illndeh The des ign baa no appiled decora· oUI b,.. .nd be,·o..,,,,, convinced t hat . th I th hi d C Cit · Itb h h d he Black Ba rt hu . ome plot IQvo" i n. t be c.c!rolll e r ver at e w te lIan · arson y. e e r e a not en gTilLZe. and th e m en , IInatcblne a but.:)' tlons. Ita (trlgneBs) . helnl accom· LYNCB, J~p,PL !!.'!- li opehl .... rna tha I Oen. Wal le. who hUll. "Tbey ba1'e kept on tbe edle of the r e. or elae hll friends were very bite . ftung' them. elvel "earlly 011 Women wbo IOffe r from · feDiale pUl hed by Ita lOod linea. All a wuh ~- .. ,OU I t mu rd ~ red I. at Sherl4&n. th aDd UJere whe re she Ia mlalaken (or e water, makJ ng f or th e fo~d , whlcb c a re f u11 y concea11 ng t b e f act. Tb e ut· . ground. skirt, IIne o, repp or popUn can be Ihould try LJdla E. Pinkham'lI Vee-etaW'eJ1f.lIe Alaelal.... the Car.on clt~ ••r. .. yonder at the hend. Tbey are out ter absence of any tra ce, bowever. led ,All but Falrbaln were aeleep wb•• ,Ul ed. Serge - I. adaptable. or. In facto ble Compound, one of the m eet 1UCCe8Iand nn~'~&tt'l!la~IlIB~~r::~e convl~-':: In the sand des ert by tblll Ume riding Keith to be lleY!! 'that the cambler ball Kllltb arouled tbe m once mure, a 1Il(l. au,' approprllte ' woolen material tul remediea the world bas ever kDOWJl, !''i:'t hh ~t there I. a my. tery In he• . Ufe for tbe S a lt Fork. Wboever be WBII. gone elsewbe r e-probably to Fort before nIne. uDable in hili lmpatJencll The pa tteI'D (5705) Is cut 10 Ille, before IlUhmftdoS w a surP:aI 0peratac'!: T~e t~l:r~~ ..~ t~~r: ~~~e~!1~a:t the fellow broulht them be bouell. Larned-for hll new outllt. a nd tbl& to brook loncer delay. Within ten min· tion. bTehr """d tlm ldblllnce to CbrleUe Maolalre. and the ftv e old oneil were taken e ut be llflf lett blm more fully convUlced ut,ell borsel were lIaddled. · weaponl from 2% to 30 Inch wallt mealure. To cy I!C e Ih nt F red WllIoul'lIby ma y b I' make tbe I klrt In the lIledlum aile hold the key to the sltuaUon. Keith nnd.. a&aln on the traIl. Tbe girl la stili than e ve r of t e tel ow. .lIorta to 104)ked to carefully. ~d the little party wUl require Ii 1arda of 36 Inch mateWtblllodujJbhb Y IIhot dead. Hope Ia t oto. of with the party. and . we'lI go Into Car- conceal bls trail. be gan their ndvance tbl'CJuCb the dark· rial . e e'll of her brol her. Keith talh. to fi .. Th rtJ W I t h learn what r epreacnt8l1ona Black Bart s on City and reout t. f\ part,. eacq nr; a te reacbell ness. moving eautloUlly over e uo· l11t adte.. to Christie M acJall'l!. Hop. the town In the 6venlng. and tn the e V'e n gf'ound, usls ted areatl1 by tile ~ proeun tbl. ~tt.m _4 to C81>ta •bu" awes.. In order 10 learn the MC ... t . brlen" Impersonata tbe Irtace CHAPTER XXXIV. follow Inl Ira y d awn t h ead nn t urers b right d esert sta rs gleamlne d OWll up to "Pa ttern Depan!Jleat," of tb18 paper. ehe IIlUal n'll Write and addw:eu plainly, anll be e1a su:·, M Falrbaln III In love " lt h forded the ri ver. and mounted on fresb on them from the cloudles. IIkY oyer- 'I0Il" &.doam. live .1&8 BAd D_lIar or pau"... Cb rl• I e Ol'. aelalre anll Keith Inlluce. hIm b d r II I d b ed b I to detain ber froDJ the .up WhUe Hope Again at the Cabin. orses an u y eQu ppe, ended he ad, The di s tance prov lomew a a:oea .. tob~ !'..e tl1ea.ler " bere 'lIbe mlletll They were two weary daya reach· forth Into the sand bHle. Tbe little lells than bad bee n antlelpated , aDd la SlZE. .. ........... _ B c.. t ....... who. thu ' deeel\'ed. t e lla Inl Carllon C1 ty, trave II ne Q Iong the company now cons lII t e d 0 f K e Itb ..... ..... 1r· K 4~It b' swat ch was not ye tat l Sloan's Lini ment is au ex1'10. 5705.• Hope hat o-eraJ Walta hall l uapected e even. cellent'remedy for chest and hi. plan I a and tbal the" muat fly. Hope. open tra il yet meetlns w ith no one. baln. who, In aplta of his rotundity wben bls eyes re vealed the tact .that NAME .. ..... .. ...... .... ... ... .... ... .. . ... . crea t " aiD.m Qenera.1 t e not e1'en a man coacb paaaing the m. 0 f f o~ b a d pr01'eh hi mse If h ard an d t b le y b a d r ea ch e d t h e near v lel 0 It y 0 f throat affections. It·quickly ap.,..n an4 ted. ~.demura. Black Bart Itu ..Wal to len TOWN ; . ...... ... . ... .... . .. . . ... . .... .. .... . papera t rom 'hlm rea.rdlD&' an ' Inherl· the lone ly Is land on whlcb the cabl1l relieves congestion aud in~fatre~e~~~J 1:u.:!or:~yU'.:tG~::'rI:~~ s t,ood. Reinin g In his horse sharply, ftwprnation. A f ew drops ~EET A N D NO . .. ; .. ... .. ...... .. .. .. . ~t ahe I. tbe ball ~tat' of Hopp. The hel swung '0 the cround, tbe others In· in wa~er used as a gargle is Bar'i.r.~-: ht-:'~:~~r.~;Zb~rn ~..g~~ etlwtly following bla example. reaUli' STATE . ...... .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . ......... . . . ..• anJ iseptic an\i healing. }!fa love for P hy1lla and she accepts him. Illig they hnd {eached tbe e nd of the BI~M: ~hla frlllD~ atrUte the trail of route H a nds Ins tlnctJve ly loosened' ---:. re volvers In readiness for acUon. the . "I loa........ Slou'a ~ for NEAT DR ~8SING SACK. .CHAPTER XXXIll_(Contlnued.~ yo unger of the "Bar X" men whlsUI~ ~ .'141 QJI ta ' iI, 10 III """tkrfgJ ~. l ha". ..... 1\ Ioroo~ thtoaI. softly In an e llort to appear uncon· _p, .....e bock aDd n.-riIaI &Dtl . . . ...,. caM II p •• lutul ~." By un. Urne K e Ith bad r eached a cerned. Keith. with a gesture, gatherREB ECCA. JANE lSAA.CSl CSellnJte d e cision ~ to bla course. tr ed! the m more clos ely about h1m. =::Y-"II-tl--II>'\-I-I. . _ Lucy. the fucttl . .a recelncl a fresh relay " If Hawley Is b 4!re himself." be aald of hol'8ell doWD there lomewhere. and Quietly, watchln& their fncell In tbG oroased the Arkana... he felt posltlv.. Iltarllght. "be wll1 certainly ba1'e a 17 sure . . to their deatJnatJon. But It g Ulard set. and there mtU' be one aDJ· would be 'illIele~ pUlblns on after 4(1'11'. We can't allord to take cban~ them III the preaent ahape of bia party for tbere will be live men. at leut. on , ....'thelr horaee wom out, and Walte th.e Island. and possibly several more. is excellent for sprains and reetini I1ddl\y In the aaddle. It Haw· U they are looklnr; for trouble they JeT" outfit croased the upper ford. towm naturally expect It' to come from bruises. It stops the pain ward which they were evidently head· the north-conseQuenUy we'lI mUe at once and reduces swell· tn•• and .trnck through the I! and bills . our attack from tbe opposite cUreetion. ing very quickly. then they were makln. for the refuge aiid creep In on them under the ahad· Sold by all dealers. . of that lone cabin on Salt Fork. ow of tbe oorral. The Ilrst thine J BbouJd th1s p!'Ove true. then It WIUI w,a nt to do Is to locate Mias Walte so 2110., 800., • probable the gambler bad not even sbe wlll be In no danger of &ettln. Sloan'• . Jet discovered t.he Identity or Hope. hllrt In the mela.... You boy. bold your Treatise for if he had. he "ould s~rcely ven· fil:e unUI I let 1008e or elve the "ord. on the ture upon taking her there, knowing No", Doctor. I want you and Neb to Hone tbat Keltb would naturally lIuspect eloeep up this bank until you are cIJ. 8entftee. the s poi. But Keith would not be likerElctly opposite tbe cabtn-be'U bow A~ ly to personally take up the trail In the epot-and 1Ie there out at for Cbrlstle Maclaire. It muat until we begin the abootitlg. Tllen baTe been Hawley then wbo ha d leU both aall 10 u faat a. you e&D. I·U The sblrt waist dre.llnc aack Is eK' the ,party and ridden eaat. and up to take Brlstoe and ' you two "Bar X" mell that Ume be had not found out bl8 a iong with me. and "ben we tunl eellent for the tall and " ,,~, mtatake. Yet If be brought out tbe loole with our ahootitls iron. you call the 100' Ileevea and blgb Ileell belns Madraa. cambric. rrelb animals tbe ebancell were tbat all reckon the ftr;bt la on. Any or 7011 yery aa:eeptable. foulard . or meuallne will make iirettT Hope's identity would be re\'ealed . &Ill QUe&tlonll to uk!" Brlstoe. who had turned 8lIide to ex· No one said anytblng. the alienee &e- wal.ts land these and &1'0 erepe, amine the atraylng horse. came trot· --cc'3nted by the desert wlnd bo"l1ne sateen} etc.• .-U1 he pretty for a dreutlng up. mlOurnfully In the branchea of near·b, In&, I13C~. The pattern (4361) 18 cut In allea "Belonged to their outfit all right. CtJttonwood. Cap." be reported. " carries tbe double "All rl&ht then, boYII. don't eet g, 31 to 44 Incbea bUlt meaaure. MecrOBB brand and that ahebang la dted and 110 off half coeked: be elUl7 dium size reQull'el 1% ,ard. of 31 upon the Smokey; saddle galls aUII OD your trlger ftnsera. Come alone, Inch matllrlal bleeding." Y'OU tellowlI wbo are traTelln, wttll To' procure thll pIlttem send 10 eetlta Wrute was now aufferlng so acute\ I. lIle." to "Pattern DepaJ tment,'· oC tbla p.~. Are 1011 bard... "" and he14 oapU .. ..,. Tbe tour erosMd tb. atream, wadin, WrIte name and add ..... pl.lnly. alld be Iy they w e re obliged to h a lt be rore "ItIJIIII In the loin..... brtll_ . t pralDi, gaining sight ot tbe rive r. fintllng. ror· to their wal.ta In the "ater. thell Are &0 .Iv. alae aD4 Dumber of pau_ lAm.e ueu and pal ... In tbe corda ""I m .... al..,. Ut~:j;.nl,n•• thenlueof1'v.ttWa tunately. a water·bole fed by a s pring. """'" borles left buncbed on the south _ban"Family aa thooJ&Jlda 01 kuow A8 soon as the sick m a n could be ~ and ftnally crawled out Into a bund 4361. SIZE . •••••••••• ••••• I~lf ,ou could,. tal .. with tb_ .Ilo ha.e beneBled b, Ita ooe 111 tbe p..t IIfty made comfortable. Keltb gave to tbe - . fl. of mesquite. As they crept aloll8 ,._,ou .onld Ie' • botlle a& _ I f a olbers bls conclUSions, and listened to .; .... tJ~rough the darkneu, wbatever doubt. NAKE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ foW' tlmu lb, price. ,';" wbat they bad to say, Brls toe favor· I li~eltb might hal'e prel'lo\isly felt re TOWN .... .................... . ...... . ...... . ed cling Ing to th e trail. eve n tbougb gardlng the preBenCe on the Island of STREET AND NO .. . ............. , ....... they m us t tra ve l slowly, but Falrbalu The Four Croased the . Stream. Wad Inll to Their Wailltl In the \\(atlr. tbe party BOugbt were dlaslpated by Insisted that Wa ite must be ta ke n to unmistakable noise mad. by numer IITATE ~....................... .... .. . . ...... . lIome town whe re he could be gi ven _. - - - - .. OUII horaes In tbe corral. 810wly., turr at-Iutel,. r.U" .es pain and nlnlo'''' the o.ute. neces~ a ry care. Ke ith finally decid ed Il:vld e nUy tb e Indians were so troD- fit, Neb, having cbarge of the lingle Il~g each s tep as they ad"Anoed. IIO-II~ I're.enl, t he lIIul olea the ma tte r . hlesome 8JI to Interrupt all tramc with pack·horse. the scout Brilltoe; and the sound Ibould betray thelJl. the foil'.. froID IIlffeulrl'l wanlII olr chU .., proou.... a "None can be more anxious to reac h I ~Bnl a Fe and the more western torts. two cowboys of tb'e "Bar X." l'CJugb. men reached the sbelter of the ' s~ , Tortol•• Had. Cinch. qolokA!>eed1 Md ~ rlU n­ tbose fellow s th a t I am," he dec lared Tbe slowness of tbelr progre se WlUI wiry fellow. accustomed to expo- ade. The older of the "Rar X" I:&A ''Y~' have read, of course, about De1lt re\1 6( rrolD rbeu ma.' tlam eold,o, ION th roll'"but I know that country out BOUtt.: Gil accoun t of th e General. whose con· sure and peril It Willi empbatlcally a lifted hlmaelf by . h1a banda. IUlf tbe ' bare apriln •• l.m.D.... lOrepalna. ohllblaln. and we'l1 never get througb to thf. , tlltlon beca me worse In Bplte of Fair- fighting outfit. and to he truated 111 peeted cautlo\1llly over. ADd the · tortoise-the tale II old&oath ...h•• lomb• • !I~ Salt Fork wltbout fre sb horses . B"- I baln's a s siduous attentions. Wltb no emergency. do BJJl CONTJ~EO:) Bow the1 raJa a ra~lt counts not man10'h.rllmll.. dr~"· llaokl that dep.',e lOll sides. as the doctor 8ays. we've got to I flledl clne the doctor could do but little Tbey tollowed the cattle traD south wher.of .oad health. take care of Wa ite. It we. find I.bltsg s to relieve tbe sullerlngs of the older toward the Salt Fork, al thla coune AbCl tbe : tortol.. won, "e're told. OIlIllU" GIlGer tM aa 1 ex pe ct we 'll ride tor CarSOn City. wan. a lthougb he declared that bls would a llord them a camp ' a~ the oJilT The. bare :WU nR be bad time to hn .)'OO!I ~_. and re-outtlt th ere. What's more. we IIlnes8 WBS no a serloW! one. and water-hole in all that wide 'desert I,.· ' pause ' , . Ooin~of 110l'1li.011, won' t lost much tlme-It'1I a sllorter would yield Quickly to proper medical tng between: WIth thla .certainty of to broWlie about . aDd play, , ~.,~,.~:bl"ltU~~-:'~, . ride from there to the cabJp tban trom treatment. They constructed ~ rude water, they nntured to ' p~e'l their the rac. becaUH feaU,. ci ..... be tal:e!l bI&..11&11)' u ..... n u ttaM ut6m.II, . ,;here." :' ' . travols from "mbs of the cottonwood, 1Ul1mali to swirter . althoua.h ' t~· \P'II.Jl~tIK.·awat ... I)M .. . . . . _ _ . . .... By mOrnl1l!: the Ge nera was a ble to and securely strapped him thereon. ean'd made traveltnc be&\'y, and Ule WaterJllIIL ~~~~~~ .:~..:r.~'.r lilt biB saddle ogaln', ' aDd>: le aving bJm one man leadIng the horse. wblle the tra11 ltaelf wu lcarcely dlscemlble. ,..' ~.'iId7i ............. " ... botU-. .... _ .... If.I~ . . . ·_ ....... , \ala. with Neb to follow IIlowl y, the ouier s · d bctdr tramped behind. ., It wu a hard. wearhiollile ride: ' houf 1:tIltIe', EIIdf.c.., 17 IMI1J ·1t.. 1Iott.. ..... . I))urred forward, c!iacovereb ouuet ~elth . fretting' more IUld more OTe'r after .' hour ' the'


lO b''''








I . I .

.... .




Chest Pains and,· S'prains

Here'. Proof



LINIMENT ""10#1,




Stop Tbat Elerlastlng Pain









Tuttle's Family. Elixir


hal"8lI_ ...




throulJh the bluff tnto the- Santa Fe Ilot eas, to dJaco'fer ' had pass ed


. . thJi necessary deia.r. and now '~ ob- dr.earyy eJ~:~:':~~ ' '.w lth the. thouabt' that Haw.!ey " ' 1'1 . r ejolDe4 ilia; part, - . the .'~l~ ;,<"'J~", tD'~I.


~.tllet";"·1.e ·'~~;~~:l¥~t~~~~~.\::~£"~~;l~~i ~"

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'--Ti'U"ln Alone Not Sufficient. JUBt consider for a nlOment bow rtdJculou8 it would be for a lawyer to attempt to win 11 clIse on bta cli ent's bare a88cr Uon a8 to the rllcts. The GOU~8 facts Il.8 s tat ed , mlgbt be true, but t ruth alone Is not ~"mcle nt either In Although Western Canada. Buffered. law or In adve l'llslng-there must be as did ma ny other portions of tile proof positive or III lelLSt e" ldcnce . west, from unloward contlltlon~ wb-;I"C "", hct-'",r,., el!csonB) 8ufllc lently good to convince turned one of the most promising tbe jury or th e judge tbat lhe nssercrops ever seen 1n that country, into tiona made Bre probably l ru e.- John BUY YOU RSELF A FARM OR RANOlJt~ 1Jnwoe Qc..ID1" Ncb,.IlIlf)"","llie YAnG of 11>4epeD. but little more t ban an averagb j'~'3!d E. Kennody In Printers' Inl! . dtln r u"ond b~ ll1d apeD'2tml. 1I1lnn•• 'OvR' ltanCb" f1 u p . Incre .... o In '¥a.lulL"loo alouo "I at ail grains, t here Is lett In : h. rt ah. lJ.lcelhmc. flh.a.'e. "at.r OIU.t aoU, \Vrtt..a fo' farmers' bands, 111 tilg margin 0 ': t1root. Tbero'll no fool like a bold foo l. t .... book "r ONcrtptlUD' Oil?, prt_ ana a' ......... p. _ _ _-= ~_ t.._ BU_1J.~.~~~O~" ~rd. ~tla.M ()O. , ble.. Of course there were many fl\rmers , ,' .t . . .,' . . , • wbo were fortun ate enougb to harves t and lllorliet a big yield, und with t he prices that wore. secured made handsome r cturns. From wheat, oats, balley a nd flax m urllcted to the 1st or J anuary. 1 912. th ere was a gross revellue or S~~ ,3S4.000. T h e cattle , bogs, poultry an d dairy proceeds broubbt F one would learn the In· IfllI'U 1'llIl1dUIIUuu.uu"nU,II,UII,nUllu."nUI',UItII For Infants a.nd Children. th is up to $101,62 0,000 or 21 million tlermollt sccreta of the dollars In e:tress of 1910. T here wns wild ne ighbors about him. sti ll In the ta rm ers' banda at that let blm go forth Into tim e abo'.!t 95 million bushe ls o( Wheat '~ 00d8 and fields nrte r the worth a t lenst another si Kty·flve mil· IIrst snowstorm ba8 covlion doll ars (a llo\\"!n g (or Inte rior ered the earth with an "'H •• UIIUlt'.UIIIII., ..'".I."I~ grudes) , bef: ldes nuout 100 mUllon fI'7'-I,....,,--... Immaculate mantle of ALCOHOL-3 PER CE NT bu shels of oa l:; to say notblng of barglistening w bite n e s 8. A\\>itlobll' Preparation rar As· ley und fla x, whi ch won ld 'Ull Into sev· Tbere he will find re~imil11ling the food and R~ula ­ e ra l mlllle n of do lla rs . corded a true and exbaus· , rht" SIOllilChs and Bowels Df T bere Is a great Inrusb or settle rs Uve accouut of outdoor to occupy the ,'acanl la nds thro ugb· bappen Ings of the past out Manitoba, 8uskatche wan aud AI· tw en ty-four bours. berta. Tbe reports from the Govern· Across the snow-i;overed Ileld at tbe Promotes Digeslion,Chetrful ' m ent sbow tba t d uring tbo past year edge of th e wood s )'OU trail t be faness and Rest Conlains neither upwa rds of 131 ,000 Ameri cans croB.'!ed .mlltar tracks at the little cottontail Opium, Morphine nor Mineral the border Into Canada. A great many rabblL By their IIlde, and occaslonalNOT NARC OTIC of these took Ull' farms, over t on thou· 17 joining and oblite rating tbem, are 6and bavlng' homesteaded, In lact tbe tbe accullng toot-prints of tbat mlsrecord~ s bow that eve ry state In tho cblerous poInter pup, wbo sb.ould Union con t rlb utod. A larger number, bue been tied up In the barn. About not caring to 8 :0 BO far away us t bG a ,mall clump or IIwaylug weed·,talks b omesteadlng IIrea. h !n ' e purchased _are tbe ' four·barred prints or Buch lands at from lMteen doHllI'S an aCNJ bardy bird s as juncos, red'l)OlIs, and to twenty·flve dollars IUl acre. The tbe larger blue-juys and crowl. A powprospects for " load crop for 19111 c1ery mOI!ll of loo6ened Inow comes Aperfect Remedy forConslipa. are as satisfactory 1111 for mnny yeara. .Iftlnt! down from tbe topmost bougb lion. Sour Swmach,DiarrhOta, The land blla had Bufficlent moIsture, of an evergreen at the forest edge, as and w1th. a r easonably ear ly IIprlng, It Worms,,1r a large Inow;,,-uwl Olea nolaele8llly is safe to predict a record crop. back Into the s\Jein woodB. Driven ness and Loss Of SLEEP. Tbose who bove not bad tbe latest .. .trom his summer hunting grounds at fat Simi\( S;gnaluff literature sent lo ut by tbe Goverument the far north, by the Icy hand of winagents Bbould " end to the one Dearest. ter, be will levy toll from squirrels: ~ crouse and rabbits, before taking bls mouse. and, judged b, tbe Imprinl•. and secure a copy. .. departure . for more con~enlal climes hall millcalculated the distance and at the coming of s pring. His bunUng missed bls Quarry. Two or tbree play· Rubbing It In. II metbodlcal Dud constant. Wltb Ict, ful boundt mark the ascent of bls trail The sad-IOoliil n,; man app roacbed allent, wings, he swoops lIuddenly dO""n to hlgber ground, wbere, reaching tbe city editor., UPOII bls victim, IIl1e some great more open country It leads olt to tbe ". was sent up here to whIp yoli," wblte specter of the toreat. Little along both wborea of the stream ' [or rIght, tbe tracks sbowlng be has bra- stated tbe vls:ltor. ns be produced a round pellets of balr, felilheTII nnd the mInk In bit huutlng crosaes' and Il(en Into a hurried trot for paru; un: clip pI ng. "Sell wbat you saI d about bones tound on tbe snow beneaU, bls recrosses on the Ice msny tlplel in known. my wife this [corning." Exact Copy oC Wrapper. "Me .eNTAU. OO.~A"'f' ...... ..-0"" ••• " . 'avorlte perch, Indicate the fate or his the course of Q mile. Keenly alort, be On tbe creBt of a neighboring bardTh e city editor read: "Mrs. Grlmn unfortunate prey , Fierce , rapaclollli travels s wiftly along. Watchful ror wood ridge 18 the trail of a noble servpd a dirty luncheon." and ·Insatlable. be lllea ove r the 6eldB, onythlng with Which be may .eatlate white-tali buck. Dllterlng from the "The word was 'dlllnty,' sIr, wben and tbrough the rorelt, ever Teady to the pangs of hu~r. A dllabled or trail of the doe. by tbe larger tracks, my wife wroto · lt." explained tbe ViS· fall like a meteor on Borne unBuspect· .carelels grOUBe, a trout, trapped 10 more rounded toes. great~r length or I Itor. "N ow Iread furtb e r." . Ing blrd or ma mmal. Unlike most of · BOme 8ballow. Illolated pool an unwary stride between prints and drag on the I The city editor read : "Mrs. GrUbl. kind, tbls bold auaasln from the muskrat, a TentureBome wood mou.., snow before and after each particular fin 'wae gowned In aBdarfolQafgwarltgf arctic doell Dot conOne bill buntlnl ex. abroad from Ita sbelter. or eyen . the footprint, the tl1Ptcks are sufficiently balufrflunwmyoS90tarmana· Ujpjafmo Somethlq that will " " ,oar rouch, .oft "oocllloon llle .ppearcUralVDs' to the n,lght' time a1onlt.' but . remalns left from tbe repas t Inte resting to follow. From tbe trail "Now ," saId tbe visitor. ''my wlte ance of the tI....t 0'" 00... 40.".,1rilll .mes abroad duriDg certain bours of more tortunate or' powerful marauder. It mny be pthefed tbat the animal doe8 not mind th e luault passed upon IJllUoltuy carpehl. Ualltea lI_worll, ...... • beeutllul ........ DIiq. III fact lie da,. lUI well; tbereby pro"llr even will luftlce In hli time of ,Deed. Up bas walked lels'nely aiong np-wlnd, ·the luncheon, but you mUlSt retract ebeup aD 014 bllUM lato . . .w oa••04 more destructive and dangeroul thaD Into tile wInd I:cell tbe slim, pol~bld browsing on laurel. blrcb twlga, and that libel un her gown." ",t be within ..., ruell. of entJMQ'1 '1111 ally In crim.. the' northern 10" head, with the Utile bead.lLke eyaa: smaller bUlbel. He bas carefully - -'- - - - pocketbook. a.a.,lt_ the' tiD,. nose twltcbe•• apprehenslvel,. walked a log to CroSI a brook, and No True Friend. ThInk of I~ ptrrfod .",uaNo.. 01 ~, 'l"'de or mat4rla1. .. dunbl. lUI Over t~ WhItened aisles of tbe for- at some soont borne on the uncertain Itood drinking of tbe clear, cold wa· Tlle re's a Hugb Ford and a Harry troll and plU 1IP ID IO!IIs a'. moderate eai wind tile ' beauUrul, 4ellcately breeze. EYery nook and crevIce be- ter. Occallonally be baa IItOPped to Ford at the llew tbeater. Tbe simi·







~ 1m' tJ 1m 4')

t~~ f .....

The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature




For Over Thirty Years

--- ---0' --- ---





traeed traUS or the UtUe wood.mice. neath the ebelTlng banks 18 tborough· \laten and look back on hts trl\lI fu Nibbling datnm)' at dried grasa and ly explored: Into cach alr-bole of the the detection Qt any harmful follower. larger weed.slalk., tbey wander Ico-<:oated sttll4..m , III thrust the rat· He ball nothtng to fear from the front, about dUrlrig th~ coldest . weather. like head. to ~r Intently Into the for bla aenslU", muule ,,'ould detect WbeD the thermometer slanda tar be- depth!! of the black pool beneath . the warning taint on the .breeze, long low zero and IItarvatlon often tbreat. Tbrough one of these openlngs the before tbe enemy Itself bove In sight. ens them. thele little mice, when In long, slender, brown body altp8. to turn In Beveral places be bas pawed the the ..lclnJty qf farma. malte tbelr ",ay and twist wIth Ilgblnlng-Ilke rapidity enow clear tor considerable spaces, to the ~Qnarles ' and barnll, In .earch In the loy current. Emerging from evIdently In s.arch of lIome Winter of food . Wlien wanperlng about the the cbllling water, Ita wet.coat glisten. delicacy beneatb the glimmering crys· 1r~c1I1. they otten come upon tbe tng. Its eyes Hashing trlumpbantly, talll. ahed antler . of a ,deer or moose; they Ilhe agile little animal ball It. Jaw. AnQtber buck track BtllI larger than ~t 'once start ,to Dibble · aDd gnaw at fsstened acrOBS the body of a luckles. the first. which It joins. promlaes In· ~e bard sub.lance, until the,. Bnally trout. Beneath tbe abelter of a fallen terestlng developments turther along. • nUrel,. deatrOY. lt In man,. Instancea pine, the prIze 18 placed and c1osel,. For BOme distance it rollowl Ita rival tbelr ~ndlnc traJI. elIuppear beneath guarded by the lusplclous mink. Alt· at a walk, then Impatience III shown ttHI Ino",'- oo reappe\r l ome little dla- er llIaDY little patroll about tbe near 1n the recorded tracks left by the trot· •tatr..)ti turtbl!i' on. emeralng from a dn,. vIcinIty. made for the purPoae of dl.· ling animal. Thls lecond buck one tunnel wblcb tbe,. bay. due In _rch covering any hJdden foe, It lIuch there would Judge to be the blgeer animal. ., hl1lden _dl. be, tbe craft,. bunter baa partaken of from Ita laraer track8, althoulh tbl. At ·tbe bale of lome fOTeat tree I. bill well-eamed meal. Some 'telltAle need n<?t elMnttally follow. At any =y.eeordett- the jump of tbe P1lY Iqul!' evIdence a left behind on tbe trampled rate lie II evidently In a great burry 'NI. In 10111, uDdulaUng ll9unda. he IInow J1rOclal~ all this, and tben tbe to overtake alld challenge hi. prectem.kel his way over tbe .no-. Ort-n· track. lead on down tbe stream. cossor, judgln. from hla tracka. "'bleb .. a , Uma be JlOkel hJ. nOlle beneath the At some elI.tance · from the brook. show , t he haa broken Into a graceful lurfat!e 'lid 11\l.b~1I and roota in search bed. farther back In the forest, wlndl can er. er aCOrnB or nuts, 'wblch he kno", are the clear·cut, well-del\ned tracks of the I Fartber on the anow recorda the prelomewhere ."beneatb tbat ,cold w,hlte red tax. dllUngulsh- lImlnarlel of battle gone tbrougll by CIoverlns. Some blue-Jay. 'Cream, and, able from tbo'a e of tbe ' lynx even at both buck. at Bight of eacb other. aDwllllntc to betray his storehouBe, be first glance. The Imprint. tbemselvea Each has pawed and .tamped the runll qulckl, to a nearb,. trunk and as- are narrower. and placed ' more nearly snow In a cIrcle of considerable area. ' ~nc!a to tbe llrat limbs, ' wb~ be alts In a stral8ht line: while the stride, Both hue broken small busbel nnd ..oclikoualy , acoIdlng the nol., Intm· frem the track to track. III half again rubbed tbe bark fr('~ Bapllnp wltb den. : " os long III In the wider lynx trail. Tbe tbelr anti en. One has trotted forward 8eneatlr tbe Inow·laden brapcbetl of drag of tbe bushy talliB duly recorded. challenglngl,. tor a ehort distance, g\T' tbe bal.llftms.. ~he round cat·)lke 1m. as the sharply outUned footprints lead en Do few buck Jumps and retreated to prints pf ' tbe lY.JUi sbow., Jortb: Bold up to and over the brow of a 1il1I. again ~ent hIs wratb on boab nnd and prominent. they form an easily· From tbe clean, sharp traCks left on tree. follc-"ed .trall ttu-,o~,b the Woods. The lhe anow. -one can readily_Imagine the At IRllt they .. Iosed with a rush: half.burl~d top Of~ fallen tree. a aly. red fellow daintily placIng those both. from the evidence ret;orded aJ)ca"ty.left by the la of an upturned tireless blar.k feet. The trail leads ):arently having lM:>en co rrle d to tbel r' .tump, a thlck·gr wn ~1I81! of rh~o. Into an old , wood road . along ..blcb knees by the force of the Impact. RIB· denrons. baye all lM!en carefully .x· the fox hal trotted. At one' place evl. lng, they pustled, retreated and amlned by tbls "s ft-footed prowler In dently frigbtened by Bomethlng h~ has cl).arged, until tbe snow was entlrcly bll relentless sea b for fqed. Sllgbt· Jumped far to one Iide. then gone on cleaTed from the arenl.\ . Several times Jy further on: bls t1'all Joins that of the at a mild gallop. Down to the edge one or the otber bal beell thrown Tsrylnr; " bare. or " white rabbit," and of an 'lC&covered, .8now~at~d IIPnd . peavlly to eartb; the Imprints le!t by bls ,tread becomel measured and care. tbe tracltl lee.d. B)yldently' recovered their bodieS being plaInly vlslble_ Bite ful.. aa he creeps forward on the bot from ht. s unexplaina ble panic, he steals of hide. long course balrs and alarmscent 'or 'ilia Inblnded l lcUm. ' About IIbla.Jthl1,. to the .cover: of the busb.s Ing blotchee or rert, prove the Oeree· the edge of a dlama' swamp tbl!' dis· that fringe tbe frozen lake. His trail ness of the battle for supremacy. . turlled )lDOW ibow. ~here, comlag on proceeds to the outsklrtll ot a frollen As til InevItably the case, the weall' the unwary hare. be .bas made bl. leap marah, along wblcb It folio",.. at last p;Bve wa,.: lila blood·stalned ancl,·~red his pr.lze. The line b,. aeTe~al ·mu.krat houle8'> hll/ trail leading off In a seriel of great U1~ .lde of Ilia $.I'&U lIIarkll the dral footpiints -OlIe boundl down the blllside. For aome .of"hllt PNlY 9a' tlle an2" as be' bas car. dome-Ihaped > ' the ' tbe second trail accompanied " riel! If ·to t~ t~.' 9f '~II OpeD knoll f01l: lillit .the·· snow It. but Bnally brancbed orr Into a dense HeN a1'!l1e,,' ..U t~e 4!vldeuoea !et;mlng;y to ' .cratc" lilt of forest, tbe victor evidently ICek· , of ,t1I.~ . r.ut. ,. lMvtnl . latlIlBM tbroug~ the 1m 'mal. Inc.. the ab.e lter and solitude t'Jr reeu· ~ed about aDd composing tbe frpm hil .oWn 1I'9Unds Q~d " bls ' to PQlnt ·' caused the tel'-rt1!IC!il 1~ID.I~e, • ..:; ." ,,'>.l<'_ Thrall_i. bo!IIl"[nA'ildIIDiII~ e'II!1'atloill. tl\e ' ' ..11110,,,. colnet! lteallng OTer the ;:'~ipCltt::! to plun 'ob!~teratln, ' dI s! c1~lng In. ·In , a craduaJly , b8n ~1! .bill circle, mallY_ lither . Inte.r· and tl$UI. datI 'are .1I9rt

are '


larlt)' or In\lllaia sometlmeB makes trouble. The otller dny a pertumed no te cam e for "H. Ford," and Hugh Ford, openIng It. round It wae from a woman. 'l'hll next day Harry Ford opened a h, tter arld reased to ·"H. Ford." Tben he passed over to Hu gh he bill marlled "duo and payable," wblch It conudned. "You' re no true f,lend," said Hugh Ford. "You mIght bave paid my bill for me: I kept your date."-New Yorl! Letter to the CIncinnati Times-Star.


OAl-VA-NITE fLOORI'NO ]a made of Bn indestructible relt. bass beautifully 001orcd and grained by a special prooeee, possible by a recent discovery. It is proteoted with a triplo coating of varnish which receives the brunt of the WCIl!'.

Gal-va-nite FloorinC is easy to keep clean, and will not crack, peel or blister, Is absolutely damp-proof, vermin-proof, odorless and sanitary . Makes warm floors in winter and sDl8Jler fuel bills . Put up in ro1lll 8S inches wide. Sold in any quantity by all IirsL cta.a:s denlors. Aek your deru:lr for Gal-v....n.ite Flooring OJ' Bend to WI for samplOll and • beautHulIy illustrated booklet.

Good S ign.

MTB. Knlcker-Jobn never remem· bers to mall my letters. Mts. Boclrer-Porbape be Is cut out for a statesman.


Dosal.·. Croup nom.dy \.be old .. Unb le Ure ••• ru (c blldrvu- II"" ·'OU,.l'Il .uIIWIlI". NUupluw -DO nau",oa. GU&NnUlftG b1 .. . ... DUX-Ilo • .u ":!IIn~ He Ie a bnve man who wIll face he parson w:ltb a sbort·halred woman.

II,.. Whlalo..••

. . . . . .1.


DEFIIICE Cold 'WaterStarch

mllkoa lauA4r, work a pleuure. 10 OL 1'11&. lOCI. 1ioo'lIln. B7"1P ~or ObUO ......

t.f!et.blnK. 80 fleD M lb e gil,"". recSuc-ee loRnmma .&011 • VAlu, aur8 .. wiud c~Uc. ~ a bQnl• .


Many a hlg;h Oye r b88 no knowledge or aerial navlgntlOlL

=======================;TI Tomen ff (

___g . Ue'~ f.J.h~ ..:JI.Tvl ,_ ~1.~ utl.. C~"'

If. woman i. Itroll4 eod h~lthy In II womanly w • ." moth. erbood mean. but httle luJfcrinl!. The trouble liell in the fnct thatto thebet Ulany womea .uffer from weakaeSl and dile1lse of the distinctly feminine or.aniam and era UAfitlid for moChorlllood. Thil Cl8Il be remedied.

Dr. Pierc-e's favorite Prescription Corea dit.....eak._ _• 'lIorde ... of wOlDea. ]t aet. cIir""tJ,. - ' tile detioate aod importaat

or~laa j~Doeruecl fa ...,tberhood. them ItI'OIIC. ~oro... -ririJo lDakiuC _d claatio.


"Favorito Prftorlptioa·· "'oiu- the Indispolition. of the period of ezpootllDey . .d awltea baby'. _dvent eolY aad a1most/ pl.,al_. , It qalok_ IIIld vitalizct tbe feminine or&'!'I., ..d iDB~ • Mal_ 'ad robUl' baby. Tho_de tuti6ed tOI ita msn.a- -te.. II Malt. W~ WIMIICIJ ~_ Ii Md-a SIck W_~a WeD• Ho_~. dnaul~ ..... 'Ublbtat4ll, and urp them upon )'0\1 /vat a. 'Pfd' ~ . _I"fIII lD place of 11111 Na'/IMf'" It CODtai... DOt a or babil:ronnin& o~ injudo ... dna£s. I.·. American r?Otl,

a. " "'Dled.,.

.1 bl'l · BrowD ..... ........ Cl e&ro~!!ek. ~ p E lli:t Oow~n .... .... : ...Turtloore'ek . Tp F., Ol\ ~tlo, t A O. Barbaugb .. .... C1eAr.or oek 'l'p'. R,Iy ruonti .DuDhAm , .... .. :U,ZI~ II Tp': Pilul V . ~ ~ ~ n' " r , 22 . fa r m,· r. of E ' J Biie Ie ...~.-:.... . ....... ulon 'rV C!lrlislll,lln d ::iamh K . ·Wyk :> if . :?I, Ue? rge A. Jilrtel.. .......... B~r}"o '£p. ot 0lirliHIe William Lttiobt.y: .. .... Clearcrt'lek 'l'p. Ueorl(e H Ulth!! Arldi" , 24 . fUl'mer. J . W . Monger ...... ... .. Franklin T p . o f P u t)erv:!l "" tlu d E lbltl Jon e B.u~ h t:lil<U1 n . KesDllD .....Washi ogtuo 'l'p. 21, of N uw BOil" \)bnrles Cook .... ..... ........ Massle Tp Jnhn U. Butt .. ............. Frt\n kl!n l'p. Real Estate :·ranlllers. Fr'I'l k Riokard ......... Clellrcreek Tp . . Cal vln ' .... D ou t zu h 11 t 0 M ".rI ,lOB 8! U Z, In ," 's Vandervoort .. .. .. W~yne 1.' p qUl.~n\lDlo .• I ' . M HI' k ,n'tWlt rIll.1 ( .onu f Cb ' rlea E. Kellley .. ,, <.:I.l4roreek '!'p. Frtlnklin; n tind utller ouns ider" . Jolin Barding ............ .....U o loo Tp. tl ·)IIS.

Petit Jurors.


Marian n a Botz to t h e 8tandllrd G p 'rge O. BartSook ...... W u.y lie rp . 011 Company, lot In 1i'r£II:klin, IS30 . Ed .~ard ·L. Daly ......... Deertield !'p. ' Lafayet~e Nioll'lls on Rnd MIlllsS8 N A. Gllbert ..... ; .. Watlhiogton Tp. I A . Nioholaon t') M. U 8 a lley, tracts Ed Woodward ......... Clollroreek Tp. in oounty ; $4,000 John H. COnley ......... B'rankIiD Tp. Ama nda Ou ~ti o to 8vlvao A. WUllam F. Graham ...... Wayoe 'Cp. Lewl!! ot ai, t r llote In Tnrtleoreek 6t'orge Beok ......... .. Clearoreek Tp. town ship: ' 1 alld other oon!lldera Albert D. 800d .......... F·ranklln Tp tlOD8 MOtlM Bee!. ............... F raDkltn Tp ClllvlD E Rowlln t.o Annu. A. W J. Vanderveer ... ".Franklin T p . Rowan trAot in Frl>nkltn ; li75. Newtfln 1.. Dear'h ...... Frankli'n Tp . Irvin HDOOk to R. D . ~nook, traot John P. Harkrader Turtleoteek Tp . In Bamll to ll towDsbip. at and pther William U. l;orwln, ·Jr. ~ .. Balem Tp' con siderations Boae RobertlOl1 ..... Waehing$on Tp Burv E. Cowa n to Albi!\rt A . G eorge {Joopet ............... U nian T p. Iron8, 50 aores in Tar tleoreek 'own B Ul uer Bolora ft, ..... Turt·leoreok 'rp. 8b ip, anll otber oonslderatloDs . ti moville Tnllis ...'·: ..... Fnnklln '.rp Sophll\ Doll , John a. Doll Bnd fred P.OlllOk ......... ...... Fran klin Tp AnnIe Slnlier to Carlsta Wbitenltok , Frllnk M. Jl'ox ...... ...... Irrunltlln Tp traot In Barlan towDsMp, 11,600. .Riley Grah a m and Lizzie 6rahl\m to .(>heba A. Wires, lot in Cozadd~le, Common Pleas Court. $400. New Suit. 6eorge H . Suplngor to Thomas , Tbe People's Bl1llding, lArlD and U . Ohrlstle, ~raot in Washington Savinge 00. of LebAnon filed 8o it' townshlp,11 and other oonsidera ,,,&;ulns$ the Dr. 0urtV ' :ancer Core tlons, William D. Wbite and Zoerratha O~ , th~ Cedar Bill Sanitarium Co., .R White to John F oley. 'raot j n E. W.' Ramsey aDd R. Wilds WI• chrillt recover 17,500 on (l p rn mis Tnrtleoreek township, $12.000. JIIary J . Clark to Hawley. N IOry 'nOk. ,·Brandon & Ivin . (\re Clark and Lulu 8. Olark, lot lu sUoI'De,. f6r the plalntlft'. 'Willtarp _R·. Randall flied s al t Booth 'L ebanon,,1 and othtp" con. . .aiDa' 1Ae R. BanaaU HOOver siderations, fl OO oh 'promtUOl'Y h ote. Stanley Alice LB'Wson to Lool!!1\ A. ~ra. anil, ~i6J: ~ aUomeya for the haM, traot tn Clearcreek township, II aLatiff. j \ ... -... ". ... . - , .' II arid othel; oonsiderationll. Perry Bordl'!u to Flore no \} B ,'\' ijolllDlOa.· Pleat. ProceecIlnp t!9:")' • , \ 1 . ' : . '. Wright trllots 10 Olearoreek tnwu. ':~Ii~J~ fonnd . 'verdiot 01 .'''08 ship, II an(j other oonsld atione.




f·9." platp~

W~Ill~~D" viii . The '\~oCll,otlo


'. .

ta tb\l ~e ~of '~~dr!,?w

~~11~,~tr~w~c~ fA. : ~.,: ' It' ~"Oi(h ~~ker~I't.aID porHC?nl ()~~,ur,...'pe~ltt~.Ji more 'e~ltcl'


RepelJ Attack of Deatb ,.





... - ...- - -





--~ ." . " ' ~~!'~


for the Next few' Days \

we will offer exceptional values in all lines. These are a few ,of the many bargains

O~~~~~~~.~'. r~~~~~ .f~~~. . . .. One VICTOR, mahogany, large case,

refinished, fiDe condition ....... . $125 One H I\RVARO, rebuilt,' fine conditioD .................. . . . $145 One REMINOTON, mahogany, fine condition. leturned from rent. :. $185

Two TRA YSERS, large, rna·

$225 $235

The sta.rr ' Company Dayton'. One Price Plano House

Fourth and Ludlow.:Sta.

'. M




BARNHART, Notary Public

Colonist Low Fares In March and April

An lI·ludli of Notary Work.:PenltoD



FARMERS' SONS LEAD . ' ' O j CIlJltlt,ion l'It8,tlsti08 of p!l. rAnts

pf student.s registered at tho Ohio State U 'IlveraHy for ·the y elir 191t: 12, sbl)'" t bnt, tb'e students raleed un 'he .'af,ru Ilfe g r !!atly in the Ittad. ~e' .cht1~ren '. , O!~:mg~~~nt.ti '<" 'a... seconei'. l\lall~I;t;t,lr~'are·:()s: .lIA'·':'''''-~· 1 'o oollpatloni ' Uste:d·, tba' oome )




tm':' and marrona ,lace are a t&yo~ afteNtlnner morae} at aU the lar... er hotela, yet few penolll reaU.. that 'Wllille pi1ma~ly a cluaert d-Ue&c7. m la rronl are an ezcee4inab' wbol. 801M &D4 valuable f004. 1t Ie not Slln erally lllJOWD that the flUlt of the ch.8ItDut ~ II near17 .....aluable . . b~d and lDore "aluabl. ~ pe>t,atoel al a tood. being rich In ltardl end fat.", In 'lIome ' dlltr1cta of Pe1UII,lnnla







<-.., .


-- - __., T081 GUPPEl


J' E"


=~g~:e:::::~ ~t~:t bn:~ ~~ fo~::t.i:k.=a

Work a Hpeolll}ty.

W~TWi!§E .

Preaerve Your O:;J i1lty. In Fr.anoe ·much a ttention la The way to ward olf old age Is not to the prop8gaUngof the chestnut. ~ to fear ft, not to allow one's salt to be ! and the fruit II or with 4!Ilthuoppressed by the dread of advanClnglllllSm and respect• . In French lite.... , yenrs . . TIse only legitimate preven. tura. eapeclalJy In It~riea for cbUdren, Uvea and avoId trying experimentll ·tbe chell,tnut tree II Quite sa Impo~ with preparations not indorsed by tant a feature as the plumtree In the *'THW'EST~' phYBlolanB. Do not wear tolletteB In. polltlca at thta couutr1;,,--wner-e- Wl U tel1ded for young r:\rla. tlM!ly only add Ipeak lIshtly of the cb..tDut and , years to the appearanoo. Keep up th'eD pay at tbe rate of ' U ,.Lbulhel FuD puticulan f ....t your interest In the young, but do not for them. The Imall French chestnut ;. any Tscbt- ~ 01 envy them. Retire with dignity tram Ie called the "chatalPHI," but the fP.BNNSYLVANI ·.A,' the atruggle, do not """"'" ""'~ as Jyour lalrge or T giant chestnut II the ''JDarIo LINJDS daughter's rival Above all, surround ron,'" be marron la oultlnted ex· your life wIth sweet, true alfectlons te:llAlvely In France aDd Italy. where ' ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J which preyent the heart from growing It .. ueed In large quanUtleL b!tter. Do not lose Interest In the ".mvel'7 loda fountaln men," ~ - - -- -



bogany, used conce,t work, each One RICHMOND, fine mabogany case, ex· changed for Starr l'layer PilUlo.,_ •.••...• • . , ....•....•. ' One RICHMOND, fme walnut case, returned from rent, good all new.

500 Rol~note player music, per roll. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2fie

"So I lent out Ionel bo~t be pounds of Bteak. and I brolled It over an open fire and the dog and me eat EASY PAYMENT ARRANCKD the whole worb. The tragrance 01 the broiling brought Upple out of his tent. He etood there looking at UI. with tean In h1a eyes and water OD. hla lIPI. '):11 gocxlneal,' IlAJ"B Upple. '1 .,.1 FOOD VALUE OF CHESTNUTS Uey. rm getting hUJlgl1",' "'Good,' aaye L ·Ray. a tomato, Are Rich In Surch ant! Fat, Better Than Potato" and Almolt a. TIppie.' .. - - -•• _ ••- -Oood .. Bread.



The following STARR PIANOS were taken from the CINCINNATI CON· SERVATORY OF MUSlein exchange'for Starr Parlor Grands. ' 2 Starr Gold Medal, Puritan models; when new $350. Oa sale .... . ... '. . $250 1 Starr Style "R"; when new $425. On sale ..• ~ ..................... $325 1 Starr St~le "M"; when ~ $500. On sale ........•.... , ....... ... . $300 10 Square ianos from .............. , .......... , . ........ ... .. $10 to $25

a feast..'


:An account with us is a very conveni'e nt investment-any amount can be deposited at anY' time and w,il1. bear in~erest from date.• If preferred, your depOSIts can ;be' bandIed by mall ' and will receive prompt and cartful 'attention .,. W rite for booklet describing our· 5% Dividends .withl ~'$equrjt.Y.' that .,' \ - .is.Absolute." . ." ., .. ,

W,e are moving to 'the SCh:"'ind Building ~b~ut April"1 to get in quarters of ample size to handle our fast-increasing business. To facilitate the work attendant upon getting into our new home, it it necessary that we reduce our p~esel~t stock of exchanged and used pianos, Player-Pianos, Organs, Talking . Machines, Stools, Benches and Player Music. Our one-price system assures this lo be one of the largest bona· fide sales of high-grade pianos ever offered in Dayton.


I~~~~~~ 5~."I aa. Coavenieace

', o'f'~igh " Grad'~~iarios .,

needs to be, In9sDlu cll as be Is Upton Sin clalr's fnlb er:ln· law. He lui· min's Sinclair, the Clncln nutl TimesStn r's New York correspondent writ es, nnd has no crltlolsm wh:\tever to 1 ma ke on the differences whlc b bave Ileveloped between bl s daug hte r and Ihe you ng writer. "They 're both high. brows." says Fuller, "and Heaven knows that t wo highbrows can't get along. WhY . even one blgbbrow can't get a long." I But be doesn·t approve or SinCl air' S d14tary IdeaB. "I never 1aI0w," said be, "when 1 take a meal with Upple, 1 wheth er he wi ll declare that the onlT Bane dIet 18 to chew a prune 400 times : nnd then rub the etone In the balr, or ' Whether he will want rorty pound8 or 1 raw meat and a oouple at uncooked cabbages. He doesn't run true to form. : one mIght say. He never hoe the same Idea about food twIce In BuCCetr I sIa n. Once I visited blm at Arden. Where be had planned a 80rt of aoclallatlc Garden of Eden. By and bT I I began to aeed my fodder. I .. 'When do we eat?· I asked Upple. · .. 'There,' aald he. 'Is a loaf ot whole ' wheat bread, and tbe eprlng IB Ollly I 200 yards awlQ'.' He betran to teU me that this 1Ort. of cold poultice was au . my stomach needed. .. 'That may be all ~ht for your stomach..' laid L 'but my ltomach hall been pampered. When.toea the nut traIn leneT' .. 'In whIch direction r asked Upple. "'Any dlrectlon: .ald l "But before 1 left I cUd one good deed. I'd notlCf!d a peaked k1n4 of a pup leanlD« againet the waU of Upple's sback. The colored maid I&1d the dog was 'Itubbohn: "'He Jea' won't eat h1I tomatt0e8: IUB th1e cUqe. 'An' Mtatab Slnc.la1r lAYS tomattoea fa a pu1reot food for a dog.' "'1 ruen that'a rl&ht.' L 'That'a all tbe7're ftt tor. But before J go me and the dog are ~lnc to have


" Flve year8 ago two dooto" told me I had only two years live." Tbis 8t&riling staieUlIlDt was made ne~iDed ' iD the ~I,~ 'o f George by Sttllman 6reen, Malaohite, Col P. Do",.,,.:,, va. The 0.. L & C. '''ThAY told mfl 1 wo"ld die wIth cop. sumptlon . It waf< up to nle tben to h i t.. " ,•• Co. ' try the be!!t lung medloine and 1 be ~;im~t;T~~~~~~'::::-=--::a~. J . uatrow vs gan. lo ulle Dr. King's New Dillcov. '!!!.~!1}~~ .'"~p'-'~~.J !i(JID BS ~1, 'the .oonrt "ry. h .1!fos w~n. t d id 'o~ t I~ay 1 of pr operty ,,~ w,orkl,bg ' and :helteve lowe my Itfe to thla great throat aUld lnnl! oore tba' hae cheated t,he grave or,her vioUID." lts.fqll.f to sofler Coli with ooughs, ooids or other thr6ll$ and llln8' troubles lIOW . TIlk:e the ourtt , ~at'8 Raf6ftt ! Prioe 50 .c en ts Bnd II 'OU. Trial hattIe free all other 8nd bli~ter days. To tholle Who come to you for advice be always druggiat",. ~-kind ·and Bympathetlc. As YOO ad· vance ' In yeare preserve carefully ZunL your pel'llonal appearance, for onoe It III 8tated that no matter what lost If m·ay not be regaIned IBn by clua ·of animal 11 brought to Jerez strennoua effort. Your coBtumes de 1& Frontera. 8paln. In two genera. should be simple 8nd unpretentloulI, tiona It acquires remarka~le tough·, graceful. T!teae rulee, carefullYI neal and.end\lrance;· This II attrtbuted yet and lIenBlbly followed, will keep YOU partly to tile 'cllmate, but principally 'Young and attractlYe. to tIlelr feeding on a rloh, wUd clov· er ca1led ".ulla," found only In tbe ~4J~Ht-lt;--Bleifkl"""Hlila,D of tbe ' pro'Y1nce of Cadiz, which p'oople there Th, RemInder. ""iac.l.or Beder Gerrard, i_beeUe, say 11\ th~ best food In the world Frederick TOWl1llend Martin, aprofiled firet and final aooollnt for hand: . pos at the extravagances at the Idle ;1;';,iIII1bUll' Jackson _ ~ i i.:"', ' . The IUlla fa ...ery rI~ In' lIuBtenance rich. anld at a dinner In Ne w York: •• -, o;oum n ...... or aDd IP'OWI 'to three 'or rour feet In ''It Is bad enou!!ih for the rioh. who of the ..tate of J. M. Jaokson, de ' hel,bt, and with more luxuriance In can alford It, to be extravagant. but l ~1,l1~ ti18 &ale bpl. " , . chalky. clayey loh, alioh as la' 'founa what or the extravaganoo of the mere· '~' s-le "oI prOperty In maUer of .88. hsre In the ylneyards which produce Iy well to do, who can't' ' tate of Da~tel B. Leer Is confirmed. the famoull Jerel wine or sherry.. 1t "How many a . poor. strnA'gllng bro. , la neyer IOWD or cultivated. as It ker or lawyer or promoter slayes him· . ~ale ef proj)erty ordered In tbe et\. leema to grow best wild. self Into ne"OUB prostration In order (tate of Earl G. WIlSOD, deceased. to gratlt)' the extravagant taBtea of , . ~porl ~r private Rale'of p,roped.f, bl8 wife! I DItNr.nce of Decree. "1 beard of a case In poInt yester· i"'a'" o~ Eatsl Snell, dOOflllIud. !,'p "What I~ the dllference," aaked a proved' "'FInal aooount · filed by dear and ttultlng aliter .of Deacon day. The wlte or an overworked prosaId at breakfaet: ' Geor~e E Frybllrger, admlnistt'ator . Philander : ~t O.borne the other dlQ', moter "'WIlI you post thIII letter for me. "between t~e ,probate judge and the L . 8lmonton, ell:8otit01l or tbe ell· dear' It:a to· tbe fnrrler counterdl8trlct Jndge 1" late of a.nnah Simonton, fillKl his mandIng my order for that $900 sable "W~lI:' replled old Philander. with and ermIne ltole. You'll be BUre to arst aooount . one of his rare smiles, "YOU tell the Bow'lrd B. Anderson oppolnted pro~ate Judge you can't live without remember1' "The tired . eyell of the harassed. admlnif'trator of the eAtote of' .Jllne ber and you t ell' the dIstrict Judge Bbabby promoter lit up with JOY. Ho can't , live with he r."-New 0J'0 you , 8 Ander.on, deceased . . eelsed a s\dpplng rope that lay with leana t'''' DVnn,p I a. heap of dolls and toYI In a corner, and. going to hIs wife. he said: "·Here. tle my right hand to my left toot 80 I won't forget,"


RemovaF:,: <:~Sale ;


"13111" Fuller Is a philosop he r, whlob

HOULe. DRUOOiiTi. ....CIAL'.,...

... o. TV .. - - . T'" ..A . . . . . . . aAB AHD 'BU. ..RY'C. CA. PttOFi' ay V.'IlO '1'8 ADURTII'Na COLVMNe




Il" YOR" OU"".R N_


DR •...:E. H. COSNER,

0 I t eopath-Ie ' Ph. YUCIan. 912 Relbolel BuUcl19i.


.-.--"...-.-,.....,- -

to'-·~"'-II :::==========:IIe:J~~~~'~~~!~~i!~~fi~'

Rlantlnl ,of eheltout There are much attention II tree.. llYen' lIe,v erai hill counU. In Indiana. l U t e l ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Browp. Monro. and Mol'PD. where the marron and the Imaller IIHd chestnut. could be made a JIOUJ'Oe .pr'Ofit.



Relic. of Palt Orace. Nothing tl too queer to bapl)ell III lIome corner of New ' York, aa,. the preas of that city. The .other da1 • bUllne.. 'Women took a room at what appe~d to be an . ordInary. Imall, A Quiet l1y hotel OIl Weat ForQ-. fourth a reet. The morDlng after her Barbed Wire arrival Ibe notlved a little old maD II... t\llg In t11e long ball whIch ran bi the . . ..... &.W&&AI... '" '" _ ' d~lUble parlors. Another man came GUAllANTEED &0 beal wlth01lUeav. dt,wnatBlra and the little old chap m. a blibnlah,or MONEY REFUNDED. jumped up and JoIned him. 'and topth. 11!!~55~l~~;~~=~ 'Mo and 11.(10 llsea for fft!llb ~ound8. er they went fDto "the back parlor. old IONblOkundlhOUlderlijbU!'JlI Stroll\J;lg down the ball. '&he h a p P e D . . l1ie lor FamOy ..; . eel to gtance through the open door of '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I' PAIlfLEU tlie back parlor. the two men on ttJelr There kneell she at a coilch, I Dw''''m.... fervently praying aloud. The bualneU DR. BELL'S ANTI.pAIN willman paaacli her band acroBB her FOI' Into...... an4 Extarnal PIlI-. brow. "Have T got 'em'" ahe Diu~ mured. "or have I got Into .the foOill~ !!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P!!!I house?" . \ ' • . . Lnter abe dlBCOyer~ ~hat the hotel You Oet All the News Through the' Mlaml bald In for~er ,earl. b~Ji . a "h~me" I . ' . '. , . ' ... co,nnected wIth R church'J~Dd 'that al. thougb j.t long Iinee palla'e4 un4er . • nl,a r manqement lOme of the OI~I.t1laael.~========I~ 'R" br~thren Ith;l h.a~nt·; ~.t. .," . 'a ~=::;=;:====:I ' HI. Connect...... prepared Pu~" N.ti~ · 'Herbs.

DR. 'CO.'S'





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D.~r"lWllk'l('IUl~~~I§I~~~il!~~!~~~&~i ~


I "Y\'·E'" . I!T E .

ftool '

, ~stem , and PUfif~. ~e-!~'. ~d·. ~~eibe ~'"it_ ~~.......- ......-~r:::~~~ ~~~tt~=~~-:.~~-.~~ll, ,! • ., . Pr~ventl' '. r·••~


.' ! '

.. .... ..

. , V...... ·.. i..l OWo at" W',toJllM

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Ohio tor 100 d~y8, t o lb'o1R"tb\, needl ',' 9 J,Pl'lOE • ,;, ". • " H AlN STREET of 'be 8~&.'8. an~ . tq, ~~pha"l~ as po ..(bjJt~I.' an~ r,lie Ii- om, , htjre " VALLEY TELEP HONE-OALL N fnr Im pro"ement' 'aDd fnoreased yields. Everything Is hee. ~ o th . ,~. CRANE, Editor and Manag~r Inlf will buold .) NQ'hlng allvert.ised but \he t:ltl'te of Obio. 'J'qe car wil~ Rates of Subeeription bu oonduoted by the Stllte Boanl of Ooe Y ear (I trlctly In adv/UlCB) •• , • • •.• 11.00 Agr,oul&ure, tbe College of Agrlou l • SIOIIe OOpy .... . ... . . . , ..•• ·...... . . .O~ ,ureaDd the Oblo Experiment A~ tl In. The Nfl w York Centrl11 Lines Rates of Advertisinc furnish and move the oar tree o r ReadlOI Locala, per Une .. ....... , ... . lkOc 0/1l1 r8e at 'he requel' ot the 8tate, ' Ret.diOl Loea1a. blacll: face. per Une , , . . . CIaMUIed Ada. 00' to exceed the Un. • .. Ever,..,ody from olty and coun'ry Th{'ee IllMJ"tIona ..... . .. ...... Uc will viii' tht8-'he tinelt Exhibl' Obltuaa1e1, Ive Jocbe8 me ; over live Ineb., per line . . . , • _ • • . •. . . • , lie C ~ r evel run In Ollio. Long l top8, Oud of UIaW .. .. . .. . .. .. ......... .. 2k (i "od Inltraotorl, (iood lItsratore, R_lu'loll/l • • • , . .. . . , , .. , •• .•.•• . , '" ODe Gooll "al81 by:ocmlng. 8oc1aIa e~_ whllftl chlfll'1lB p made. . . . . . . 2k . ..,






-L bu t net eUB f -~,

• • 800dbye houeekee,i~ is apt to make heavy bread, Yon oan 110,. ~ cons'lpa "on wUh ill olMr oolioienoa it you 11M Cbamberlalo'e Tabletl, MaDY ba.. beeD permanently oored by their uae. For lale by ,,11 dealer.,

The bletory of the ~vllrace man Jarael, foot n,te8.


• • Chamberlalu'l Cougb -Remedy bu

. It II much easier to writ.. & note ~ it ia to ~g one.


1M lrea' repotatlon and exwn. etTa ..llIlIy ttl remarkable ourea of «Ill,b•• coldl anel oroup. U oan be depeDded upon, Tr, It, 8o1d by alld_lerl WOQ


~ Tbe

rent in the clothes will not pay th' tent of the hou.e, ,

A pqliticaJ rooeter is of little aCo c:GoJit,in the poultry buliness.


Yoo judp.a man Dot by wbat be prom. . . to do, but by wbM be ball don.. T,laal l the oaly true tell' Ub!'iDberl"tll's COUlb &emed~ J~d "ed b., tbill 8,,,04... rd. hll DU IIU ' .perlor P-sople ever, where epeak of ., 10 tbe btttfb~' ~rrotl- or pr",tae, ror 1I'1e b,.U d6tller. ·~-i! ; .. Whether a miaa i8 88 aa a mile depends ilie misa.

• >





, There i. a big differenC4! between • but terft; ~nd a fly ~n the butter. • Cl\tldreD Uti muohmore Ubly 'c:. .oon,no" · th" ooataaioo t , t1nsealea -Jl,ftIl thlY , ha'Ye ooldl WhoopIng 'OO1lIh: dlpb'berla, lOarle' ruer and oOuumP',o~ .. re illlI6Uee ,h.t are on. oOt;l'Note4 wben 'he ohUd' ball .. 0.14 Tb,,' II ~by 811 medleal ..IlUlotl.... ..y beware of 00141 ·. or ,be qotct >Oar. of ooldl JOU wtll Gael DO'bl" beUer _ban Chamber 1&Ia '. 'Coqh Remedy. U oat "I. ,Waye be dapen4ed apon and II pie••. alld ...,. to talte. For 1.1. by .. all d~lftIi ,

'. A'


•. J.~.

I. . .

'. ; Some fol~ force

ahead and 80me ,. ~ thenileiveji .into the penitentl.· -~




1). •

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"A larmer does not need. medieal diploma ,in ofClar to be able to cure

" ~~'•







, ~,nfr,r.r.


from , rh,umaUIIIl , ., - bi.e.1MieD .urptiled loud ,deUgbted .. ~.~.. tRr:opl'" I~e,1t;ef l .ffor4ec1 by '.Wbl•• Oh.mberlAlo'. Liniment, No' ODe CI~ of" rbe11m.""m ID teD , h'\

reqqtijitlDT' whll~Clte, "

ID'er~~I ' 're'~mln'

rb18 J~.,tm'eD' I. for ale "~ t ~1.' aIJ)~eal~"'f, ' . ""



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" ' , ~e NlkJ Miend Iio much time in : " ~ to, p'~rv~,ttJelr, dlanity that ·'(ih~n.v.' little leliNN for any thing ''OJ'


'.. . \.'ei~· . .


-XV" - .' .

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TUESDAY, MARCH 19th W e op~en the doors of ou r New R ,e tail Stor(~ f,o r a P ublic Reception and Inspection



H AROH tI, 1812, OUt



1 /

DIII07 Advenlalnc per lacb." . . • • .• " Dl8eounta IveD 00 CODtne'.

We want the ~k.

. ".;.;.·...;,; ;. ··-

CAR . -~~~--...;.....,;....:... ' ,, , t The Oh io Exhib1t,.~a~ . fllil tr~v i i I ' .\ FREE '6HlO"EXHlBi


by .,Vinal

~mplea ot clover", alfalfa, lOY belln., oo"pea., ~' et~ hes, eto, An exhlb" sbowlng tbe oomparatlve yteld of 20 varletlee of ~t., Tbe Ibrlnbge In corn grown from weat Ull or loathern lleed, al oompardCi wltb home grown seed. Variation .. In type and color of tbe soybpana plant de8t1ned to occupy a very large plaCe In Oblo's .. grlou\&ure. , Tbe dlft'erence in yield of corn per acre at the end of H; yean ' oontinn OUII oul&ure wlthoot manure on tbe one hlUld and a like pertod 0 ' rota 'ion oropplng with pho81?hded 1118.. ou~e. A companIOn ot dlft'erent feeds, Inolud1nll tankage, for taUen· iDle piil. Feedlnl pi,l In dry lots and on 10YOOaD and rape pltl'ure how to Illve &hA oorn and at tbe 811me ttme to make more and cheap. er port. aatlonl tor · faUening Illlnbe and 'h. quantity of feed re q Illred to make a pound of gain. V!torta\ton In e,g yielci8 from hen a of the ume age and breeding-one 1..,ing liS egp In her flrs' year and another only 31. Many speoimell8 of troableeome weed!! by whloh the wlleds olthe farm mey he Identified. The dift'erent sorts of ellor oorn Ibowlng how to dlstlnguilh tbe ne"; o Ib rot, Killing pOilon tvy with spray. Urcbard treatment, i h ld Ibow nil ow 0 orohardll 'ha~ had baeD OOndflp.llled to 'he ax have be ~n reju vena&ed and mad" to yield 40·) per aore and upward. Insects pe:lta, abo ",InK bow to dlaUngolab th8 du truotive Idndl and how to pr8ven' tbeir ravages, Sbowlng b" Wforeat treea Rve 'he loll. and how toferlor timber may be treated \ , III '0 triple Its dureblU,t y to tbe IIn1. !:Ihowtng ho'Gf nearly 1400 worth of timber may be , rown on an .. are In !2 yeart' time, ShowlnK tbe "rong meth~,d of 'ree growing metbod to ·be .volded. tilho"' ~ inl how the value of awn of manore may be broagM up t/) nearly five


dlalVlU'l'&IIrtMt_ I wa.

try VI-

==Opening All Week==


a .... _ ..........""a. . a .. . a ................. a ........... a .... a .... a .... a .... a .... a _ a.................... ,..

A. ·




.. ..------

A Wonderful Offer!


Now is Your Chance


.-_ ....






_...- ----


I I I 1-!!~--1





.---th':am~'tt'! 1 .......... ..............

.. - ..----

This is an Opportunity

- ..--- -

..,J. t!.:,



DR. J. W. MILLER, Glorious News r Clas:s iBad .A.ds WALTER MCnLURE, oomo from Dr. J. T . CurtiSS, I DWight, Kan. H.e wri$68: "I not w.... .• DENTIST•.• only have oured bad oall88 uf eoze Puneral Dire':tor. rna In Ply PI"fenta with Electrlo Bit AdIt will be ID~ r tcd u nder Lbl. h ead (or OlJlce In I wen ty·llve ce nts ror three In86rtloo. Waynesville. 0 'era, but allo oured mYlelt by tbem NatloDai Bank Billa. wben ualnlr Dol more lh a n li ve lines. of the dllease , 1 teei lure Telephone day oe lltght. they will benefit any ca... of Boze Va.lley pbone No.1. rADII: mB ." Tht. ebows what &houhnds Dista.nOB No 69-9~. MAFFI1~. FOR MLE b~'fe proved, tha' Electrlo Bitlu8 Is amos'· effeotlve blood pnrlfi6r. OHIO . IUndertaker and Embalmer, WAYNESVILLE, • Ul! ~n excellen' remedy for eozema, tetter, I8It rbeum, uloars, boil ~ BnG Will be found In tbe old Draneh Offiee, Ha"e,'rtb1ll'l', O. mnning eores. U fltlmnl ..tes liver, GH8 for hatohlng-Rose Oom b Sftnk Building, oppoidle Rbode IslAnd Rede 750 and kidneYI a"ld bowels, expels poillon", t:be NatioDal Bank. belps dlgee'ion, build. np the 11,50 per Hi. J. C, Bifley, a1 7 Telephooe in h ouse and otl.t. HATBAWA".. e&rength, P.rloe 60 ots. tlatl8faotion floe where J ('An be caned no IlQaran&eed by all draRgllte, day or night, GGS-rure Plymouth Rook eglJI Vlt.lley Phone 14-2, ' WR ,y neeville'a Leadln" DeD_ 500 pe~ letltog. lnqD1re of CLEAN YOUR WHEAT · Stree, t WaynesVJ'IIe. Oh'10 Office tn Keys Bldg, lI.atn 8t Oren tltTawlD. R. D. 4, Waynesville, MaIR Uhio, m27 Millers alld ,rain dealerl both agree that dirt !tond weed seeds in dollare. wllea', tend lower the prloe fixed ARGR Loonst Fenoe Poate, 7 felt THI: OHIO BOOSTER OAR • In., a lso End POl!ts, 9X ft.. for a commuDlty . Thl good quallty ,/ P. Cummings, R . D. 3, Waynes. Bohedule of time th . 'raiD wU1 etop mixed with poor q l1amy blinge the ville, Ohio. m27 price down '0 flt the poorer qualUy. oe.r the OinoiDna" B, Nortbern ------ -. R. R , Depot .., tha following nearb, GGS froD pur8 P'awD and White 8",,10l1li : TWO BOYS FROM COUNTY India R:uDner duoks, oboioe lay • Franklin, liaroh 21", from 10 :00 Ing I$ratn . t1 GO per lIeUlngof II Tbe Obio State Fair will pay the • . m to 12. 'Ii D. m, 8. D. Henkle, R. R. G, \\"aynel. . .aerm Ultown~ :)laroh t1~', trom eXpBnHB of two boy. from eaob ville, 0, OentervUle, PbOll' 725. couu'y to the Fair thts year. ' The 1822 ~ :17 p" 1Il, to ~:II p. m. boYII will be 861eoted muob the lame .. 'hey were 1&8' year, .. To Motbert-Aad Others URKEY Torns for lIale or trade . ......-.-..-.. -------.~.~.-----Inquire of NlLtban AUlltin, YOQ 0&11 1118 BuokleD's Arnica R. D. 1. Waynesville, Ohio, m13 RAISE YELLOW CORN 8.alve to oare cblldreD of eczema, BEST OFFER , ONLY $1.50 rubel', tester, ohaOulI, lOaly aod Botb miJlerll and graln dealere This is the best JrQlted hamori, as well u their AO. Magazine, o to Wm . P. Zell, for Tobaooo ,• isMcCaU's oldentallDJantl8-01lte. bllrnll, brula· llgree that yellow oorn ill preferred offer we have ever positively worth 8ox81, made of Itriotlv dry till, .to" wlUl perfe~' lafe'y, Nothmade. Send us your $ 1.00 a year, Sub' to whiM tor roUling, and lnmher lind kept under OOVllr . Ins «tIle h.,.lllo q utoltlX' I'or bollI, name accompanied cribe now and get prioa II from 1 to .5 oente hlgber per mlS ulcere, old, ralinlng fever lorel with the money or pUtIIIlt b.1 no equat 26 Otl a' bUBhel. ---... .11 dr1jlgtete, APKIN8-A new "took of nap. ------~.~--It is a good thing that a man can kiD!! jlJ~t In. Seven deelg!]s to .......FARM BOOKKEEPING chance Ilia Mind without .beinlr I iok from. GllzeUe office. " obliced to change his clothes. U may be Inte.....lrii to many ----people of t.he late ~ koow tbat tbe All careful poultryMen stamp WAVNESiVlLLB CHURCHES Oollege of Agrioulture, Obi., 8"te their eggs, but that dces not elJtitle UalveraUy. ,tvo. a O,HlrSe 10 keep them to the privileges of the mails. Methodllt Eplacopal Churdl. In, f.rm aQ.)()an&8 and renords ---- ... For you to secure the Miami Gazette absolutely FREE for ReT. O. 8. Grauar, Putor, T~ lnlaruoMan abmel andll) the Hena are great thieves, they are SUDd"y S choo l, 0:15 a, m. Morolnll' aer one year by merely subscribing t o MI.-cal\'s Magazine for department of, raral eo,oopmioa and · th i b vice, 10 :30 a. to. ltve nlllg service 1" ' 00 p three years at the rate of 50 cents a year, In addition you constantly stealing e r nesls; ut m. Mldw",,1r Pnyer "ee~ln g, '1 p. 'm • . OODllllt. of leo~nree and praotloe ~ive three ISc McCall Patterns FREE, work dealing "Ub &be" .Deral prla· then the housewife steals their eggl St, AugustJa"e" Catbollc Cbu~. The Free 'Patterns are ordrred by post-card from New and tberelty seta a bad example, Pa,th,,, La u.. " .Y aua York City and can be used any time you need one. MUI e .... r' 1I00olld Suoday of lhe ae of &0 aOlOan". anl1\ 'bell' ap 'P1lor."on farm .hieu. Sy.teml J, P. Morpn cafl raise $10,000,000 V:00 a. 111 . This offer is available to anyone who subscribes, renews of lI.,ephig fum reoorde 'hat are on his check any minute; but the OT extends his time. on the Miami Gazette. The only perqui· St. Mary"s Episcopal Cburc:la. bee' adapt~ to dlftar4'lnt metbods of man who ia raising a large family on site is tha t you "pay in advance." Rev. J . ~'. Cadw. llader. Rector. farminl ara .'Il!Jfed. ·· 'l'bll ii' a vaty $9 a week is a greater financier than Bun day School, 9 :80 fl, III Morolng .er See below what you w.i1l save on this extraordinary offer. t'n~r"'n' the ;ar~er~1 84u vice, 10 :110 L tn . Holy Commnnlon lhe lint oatlb~. ' • . \': ". - ' Morgan. Bund. ,. ot eac b moo,h,


~~l1~~=~i~~5~cl~wae:~Dltro,c::: ot~lel . 10 IDQf



... . N~~_, ,M!""'~ ~a ',- ,


jar, Ih9Qk1;r..dll'.rbanoe, il the awful .peed' of ' I OUI'. ear&h 'bronlb apace. ·We ,,'nch , of' Oa'ure'. ..10 ·wbo

· _.

Chrilltiaa Cburdl • . Re~~ ' O.T~~.~.

We Will Cive You Mla~i Gazette I year ••••• $1.00 McCall'. Magazine 3 years, $1.50

3 Free"PSc McCall's Patternl


... " ,. \ . ~.. ,.:t .. ". " TotaI'.Value, . .. . .... ~ .'' . . " ....." ~.l~' ','

rt , •

Th~~:::~~~~tte l c8 I




\~\,Ay=r-;)<;S=: :=l: ~EA=CRa.=O="'O. HE= History of. ~ Handbag w.II_Ma~~~C~~ ~~d.~X~~~~I~~di!~SS~~~~~ Recently tbere hll~ bet'n much dis, C!ussJon In edu('aUonll.l cIrcles cr the need or m en teachera In tlie hIgher I!'rlldee. and 8 0 1116 etrort hilS bee n mad. t o attIac t them to the work . wilho nl any npp reclable res ults Tiler'" 01 " , 1 . , be somethIng about the calling or tbe ' t ea cher---<) Ithe r Ita lli'ClJn lllry rewards or Its run ge or OllllClrllln ltl tls - t hat Is In ndeQunte to attra ci IIntl hold mel! ,.' bo might t a l' e up tbls call ing U 8 t He worlL The average mon leacber usee hIs pos ItIon 8A a mO\; (,Hhlft, a IIteppl ng.s ton .. and meDus o r li velihood ..'hlle he studies for the Inw , th e med l, cille or S<lme other profession, 80yS tbe St. Pall l Pionee r Pr~e" , Usu sll,. th o mall teac her Ipa ves at the earlIest OllPortllnlty for more nnt tering and lucrative fieldS or endenvor. It would


sel'IU that te achIng •• ou ld be th~ ooe! enjoyable work for t he stude nt of books and or huma n nature. but th e rnet remolns th aI men a8 a rula do not eo N!gard It It mll! t be admlttt><l thnt th e profee610n or [pa chlng doe' o ot bold the flnl>::Jdal attrac tions or m en that are olte red In oth e r prores· slons. The yean or prepa ra tl on re o Qulred, the coo!tant IItudy neceulU'Y, the Investmen t In booke nnd other ex· ponaes m ake a !levero drain on tbe teache r 's Income. "'hleb II small at ~)est It It be true tbat tbere Is a real demand fo r more meu ~Ilcb.rll, tbe cbances are tha t tbe d e mand w1ll be aupplled .... hen the compensatIon 18 made cornmen'B urate with tbe icnice. rendered. Tbe . tatlatlcs or the nre de~artment of New York sbow tbat at leaat 25 per cent of tbe tlras In tbat cIty are caused by tbe carelesl ule of matcbe. and of lighted clgara and clgnrettea. r. It not time that tbls awful rllk to otbers by carelellll BmokerB Ibould bl tnken account of by tbe la" T It II Dot a trivial mstter. Tbe tOIl.I~ aalde ot 11gb ted matcbea and clear \utts wltbout leoloK wberll tbey laDd Ibould be a. much of a penal otreDle &II bomb·throwlng or Incendlarlam. A careless cigarette, aa far al known, cauled the great 1Ire In Bl!ltlmore, one or tbe biggest In the world's hlltory and wbolly preventable. A carele•• match caused tbe recent fire ID New York. with Ita lOll of yalulble Ufe aud mtlcb lOll of propertY-41ao 'Wbolly preyentable. Tbe carelul uler of a lpark of tire I"an eDemy of tbe public weUare and ougbt to b. treated .. ncb. We are as Jet prlmJtln lu out outlook upon Yltal facta.

!ly ELLA RANDALL PEARCE tbls one." said Bruce Bo ... le. r IItting rrom the counte *be re aa dha nd-bag n I Id oze or more were a ou t for Inrwec tlt>D "('uu you put It In a b ox f or Ole 'J, '" "1.' 11


I Carlton ,

from 12 to 15 Per Cent of Moisture', in Immature Grain There Is Much Moro.

1,;1'1(1 . 1 stoie your hund· hag-ror sUlIleth lng te lls me It Is r ours-n nd now I sha ll Beo you ." :-\ s tbcLiI h 1I d 1'111

. (By O. LIvIngston, College of

e);pecte brother woult! go ut once t that th t her or!' whe re h " Ilil tI Illud e bls. u nUusutle lII pll rch as e. lI nt!. bayln g r(' tu r n,otl th e bag, 010110 olloth(' r eele tlo n In honor of tbe day. Fon~et rul or uatal dayS and pro mls('d fll vors . howe'v e r. Bruce nowle wait ed until be had linlij bed h Is work Ilt the oflko. Bnd then mad e bl s way to II ce rtai n address co rreRpondlng wltb the one w~ltten 011 the letter In th e bang·bag, Miss Rita Carltou was al borne. be learned, and the elevator HI.! <lOlly brought him to tbe d oor (lr h er apart· ment. Wlth no little tre'pldatlon be found bllD Selr u sh ered Into a ti ny' reo ccption roo m , all gree n and goh\ . wltll a greB t clu ste r or cr Imson rose.. glOW· h lg on t.he ce nter ta ble , au d dIm lIgt.t!I twIn kllng from tbe sbnded sconces. A s" ' ls hlng of so It s lllleu s ll irts an· nounced MIss Ca rlton 's comi ng, and Flruce t urn ed wl tb a s '!Brcely COli' cealed eager nes lI. \Voulll sbe appcarj al!l lovely B8 h er p hotograph'! For an Ins tant, his bea rt seemed to cenae beatlng, and a stran ge cblll ,

"s Ilre , " sm ' ile d t he oblIging sa les· woman. for young kow lo W,\ S goo,1 to look IIpon and hl s 'lIolce Tanil pl e :liHl nt· Iy. He waB 100 ~ l ng at>l!trac t edly over Ule :OP of her elaiJortl te blond call · ture, bowev or; 60 Mhe swltl'hed d ow n B. whIte pusteboard box. drotJpell tbe lmnd bug wIthi n. und . snapp i ng on the 00 , paslled It up to the wrapp c r at the pud or tbe couute l . As 800n as he hud r ec Iyed bls Ilackag e, Dru ce hl\steued away. IIncou.clou~ or tbe fo ll owIng gllmcea of th e prelly and somewhat uettl ed young SAleswoman. "Ht"s got a GWE'etbenr t Bnd tbat's a present for he r." rn e ota lfy commented the gi rl bpblud tho coun t er; and 8S th e broad sboulders and e rect darlt bead or her tate customer ~ 1 8ap peared tn t he crowd , s he became consclou8 of a hlib , agita ted voIce beIng dlrecte<l at her ac r OBS ber wares. "M iss, haTe you seen anytblng or IllY ha nd -bag? 1 left lt b ere n rew moments ago.


-Iculton, Oh io State University.)

A Corn Moisture Teater Complete for Maklnll Six Determlnatlona at Once,




Ing wIth a feeling tllat somebow lUe bad suddenly grown gra,y and empty, Tbe re was notblng tbat 11e could tblnk

of tbnt be w lsbed to do; no place wh ere he cared to go. A strange apa tby seemed to bave fallen upon him, and robbed him of all de llire and am blUon, As he s tood tbere, the tront door opened and a blast of cblll nenlug air rushed In and mnd,! blm sblver. Tben be relt tbe blood courslng warm. Iy and wildly throug.b bls .YelDs. Tbere, berore blm, like an apparItion . or the paet, stood "Rita,''' younl, beau, tltul. blooming, wltb bElr dUlky eyeB starlne c bldlsbly at him, and her 80ft scarlet Ipe parted. Tbey both stood bought It down town. 'Cook It otr tbe sl1ently gadne Into eacll otber'i eyea CIOunter myself-cirl put It In a box, ror a filII moment: tbe", Bruce real, How could It be anybody's?" Ized ~hat sbe WIlS waltluK for blm to " I 'don't know how It bappened," step aBIde and allow ber to pa~I, Profellsor yon W ... erman ba. In- talled back NatbaUe. "But It's got pa. "I ber; your pardon, Mise Hlm:' bc formed the Berlin Medical SocIety of pers In-aod emelllnr salts- 'and a said gently, amazIngly succentul experleoce 'in lovely picture, a Ilrl'a plcture-and I She walked slowly toward tbe eleo U'eatlng cancerou. ulcer. In mIce ... Uh .om. moneY. Sball I send It back to vator and look cd back as she WII8 caflo Injectlonll ot a preparation contalnlnft your 01llce1 0, you dear, of course 1 rle d alort, Tbe young man stood just know you' ll make It all rlgbt wltb me. withIn ' tbe door. bls bll.t In bls band coeln, telllurium and selenlulm . He Get one as near Ilke It as you can- a nd his upraised eyesl solemn and says tbat after tbe fourth Injection ul. and an empty 'one tbls time." s hinIng. Her own wonderIng, tntent cerous IItrectlon" almost entirely dIs· Natballe's laugb rang merr Uy over gaze held bls until the car bore be' appeared. and at the end of ten daya tbe wIre, and ' Bruce was sm1llng as be out or sIght. some of tile anlmalll were enUrel7 bung up the receIver ; but bls brows • • • • _\ cur ed , But b .. III not csrtaln. he says. drew together In a perplexed rr w a 0 F our day s later, ' Bruce Bowie that similar resulta would be attaln, all he opened the band·bag balf an throug h the co urt esy 'or a muttlai able In lbe case of human belnel, bour late r and looked over the cou· frIend who was dls coyered atter an lentil, a rduous campaign among bls aCQualnt. Tbe papers were Important legal an c es In town. was presented formnlly A Ha r Tnrd protenor .aYI that dl, yorce III eymptomallc of a dlHaee document. of Bome kind- and tll ero to MIss Rita Cnrlton ,and her cbarm· wblch be calli Amerlcanltls and bna W&1I a lotter addreased to "Miss lUta I In ~ nIece and nam esake wbo waa visit. Carlton." On the back of tb e picture l ing ber for tbe wInter season. Jl'our fiom ethlng to do wltb ner .. l , He II ~hkb "Nathalie bad de81gnated as month s later, young nltn wa. b~ Drobably right, for tbere III neTer II .loyelY wal written In a gl:,IISb band, trotb ed to young BowIe ; and 011 tbe dI vorce unle .. on. party cets on the 'WIth fondeet love of RIta. ' day 'lr ber marrIage, ellrly In tbe (01. nerves of the other. Bruce looked at tbe pIctured face lowlug May, the elder Miss Carlton long and earnestly. SomethIng In the pre set.ted her wltb a band·bag-tbe If. as a Francb physlclaD charles, a wide. dark eye8 lIerloulI under theIr on e whi ch hsd brougbt: about tbe' roman can r;et rid of bls luperftuous 1Ieah leyel brows, and In the contradIctory mantl e turn of atralrs. " I know you '11'111 pl1ze tbls for Ita by eaUnl he liberal meall per day, cu"e of' the mutlnoua lips faSCinated him. ~ Tile balr was parted and rip- assocIations, RIta," she satd. "Anct are we to Infer thllt an .maclated per· pled I.Ow over tbe I.rene brow, and a Inside I bave put a part of tbe legacy IOn cau make blm.elf. fat br atamD,' pair of graceful Iliouldere rose out O( wblch was to haye been 70urs lomaa folda ot material fa~tened by a sIngle dRY." Bruce placed a (ond arm A woman In a western ctty jumped l'OIIe, Tbe young man laId down the pbo- tbe girl. upon tbe Btage In a moylnc picture "Dear IndY," he ans,vered tenderly, sbow and by .Ioglnl .topped a P!lnlo tograpb. then picked It up again, sll6kIn tbe andlence. Tbere 11M lOme In8 to analyze ijle partlcular cbn~m It "we allIlreclit~ your goodness-botJ1 .eemed to possees tor blm. Waa lt of us-but nothlng that bag can eYer thlnp more atarUIn. than all IlIum hi the eyes, deep, appe~l~n~ and bon- bold will bli' as yaluable to lOe /til the of fire. eltt Was 'It ,· In the BmUlng, ' saucy. article 1 ndw 'c oil-feu t,~ huln. stoleQ , ,.' , Ilpe-ar In the tI e polse of the a e n: tram It-tbls,I. ; . ;ate '! In Q~!c~!f~'l l1l , , ~~! nbOuld~~S7 , .... : .dellt: . .. , ., et, b4t arew ' out .. tbe ..! mUl' ;,_:. B!opo DeceJl?W ~I ' <£~J ~1 _ J(r,e,._ '.I~ II, .. a , ~c~; never left thaD,;.~n. if rut&-:::jijle. na.!D. wlta II~., ", to ·'fa.W. ,JI(~.'lI.'$~'iUiI.".:"r. t~~wjjJ m~ '~ '8Jtl Hhe ,tlll&'i an4 ..aJ,f'(~IINID. :j ilAe....a4 OtU',. ;··; '&tr.iDle ~th ~cli ~'~. aDd, .1"....3', .. ;;'" <, " .WI 'r~,:wrtth . \b6le ~"t1" ~ ~ • ' , t f'.' :I



r.~· throat. ,ab,!~e th~

SectIonal vlsw of teater properly connected for UI., A, dlatlllatlon ft •• k In pOlltlon; ·S. flnk In wooden rack, und only durlnll filling. com with 12 per cent of moistnre there are 12 pounds of water aDd 88 pounda of dry mntter, and each pound of ery matter Is worth 1-88 of 60, or .5679 cent. If another. 100 pounds has 20 per cent of moisture, It menns 'only 80 poundR of dry matter, and at the above rate eacb one pound Is ..otth .5679 cent, the value ~er bushel 18 40,-5 cents. Wltb 26 per cent of mala· ture It Is only worth 42.62 cents per bUl>he l. If corn l~sel1l?g at 60 centll pel' bushel, calcula~d.n the same wal', %0 per cent ot'molr;ture cora Is RECEIPT FOR WHITE OR CREAM SAUCE. No. 1. One cup ot milk, 1~ tnbl~ speon butter, tablespoon flour. No.2. One cup milk, 1 tabillspoon butter, 1 tablellpoon 1Iour. No.3. One cup m!lk, 2 tabl~ spoons butter•• tablespoons tlour. No , f . Three CUPI milk, 3 tablelpaons butter•• 't ableSPoons tlour. Wblte or cream sauc. Illustrates the thickening P9'W8r ,01 starch. . ne white sauce ) n Ita Y~lng ,J)l"Oporttoti Is tbe bnsls ' ot man1' -of ' our common dlsnes. No. 1 Ii iii ,,'u tta,ble J)roportlon, for BOUp. No.. ·11 and a are .lultabJe for cream toast. Tege~bl~s and m ,e ata.


bUildllll' Dr~~Di~rll.:.',



worth 64 .54 cents and 25 per ceDt, 61.14 ceLts. . Taking a concrete example: A farm· er bUYII 100 bus be ls at corn wltb 20 pet cent of moist ur e, at 60 centll pel bUl;hel, whIch COBts blm $60, By con· s uIrlng th e table referred to above, we find that Ir co rn with 12 per cent of moisture can b e bought at the lIame prrce, 60 cents , th e corn costing $~O \Vlth 20 pe r rent of molstll re Is actual Iy worth $64.54, or $5.46 les8 than the cost price. Iu tb e above cnse, If tbE farmer had purchased corn w!th 12 pe r c ent of moisture he would have receIved $6.46 worth of t eed more thll n be did when buyi ng the corn with 20 cent mois ture. Tbe amount of water In com 04UI be very quickly and accurately dl!terminated by the use of th e Brown· DU\'el Moisture Tester, Weigh up 10 kernels of corn from a composite sample representing the av ernge con· dIllon of the corn to be tested. and pbce In the large fiask A, shown II. t be accompanying Illustration. Then add 150 c. C. of bl gh grade machine 011 wil.h a flashing point above 400 degr<:f'S F. Tbe nasb should tben ba placed In posl·.Ion as Sbown ln the Illustration, the thermometer Inserted thr;:)Ugh a rubber atopper, the outlet connected with a tube ' running tbrc>ugh tbe cold water tank Into the graduated measure below. Heat Is applied b,. the burner to the wl,e gauze beiow na.k A. The ftame sbould be 10 reaulated B1I to require about 20 mlnut .. for the thermometer to reacb 190 decrel\ll C, or 392 degrees F.. at whlcb tlm'e tbe fire Is turned out and the ftalk allowed to remain In pall· tlon until tbe water atops drIppIng In the KJ'&duate<l measure. ThIll unaU, requlrel four or five minutes. 70 aacertaln tbe per cent ot mols· ture, read tbe graduate at the top of the water and below the smaU quanlily of all. This g ives the per cent of moIsture In the original Bllmple of corn. Thus, If the readln, ·Is 16, thl. mEmnl!l that there la 16 per eent, dr · lI pounds of water In every 100 poundl of Ibe orlglnnl com. The determInation of molature bJ tblll process Is dUll to the fact that oil haa a hlgber boiling point than water. \"be moiature In the corn Is drawn 011 In, the form of steam by appl1'lnl heat. Tb,! IIteam paBslng through the outlet' anll down the tube leadlnlJ through the cold water tank, IB condeneed 'into water which runs Into the graduate beloW' and can be read dIrectly Into the per cent of moisture In th'~ ' oriel· nal sam pl•. Every farmer should be Inte~ted In knowing the amount of wate r In the corn be Is purchaalne for teell. Tt I. also Important that he know 80m. t1>lng about the moisture It contaIn I wben be. Belli hlB corn. The determl, nation I are aD eallly made, It would lIeem ad.vlsable for the tarmers In a community to purchase a tMter like tbe one dell.c rlbed above and Install It In the «rance ball, or some other place wbere It could be uled b,. all ooncerned,


"'I think tbe Cutlcura remedies aro the best r emedIe s for eczema 1 bav& ner heard of. My motbgr bad a child wbo had a rash on Its hcnd " 'ben It WIUl real young. Doctor ca lled It baby raeh. He gave U II medlclno, but It did no good. In a few duys tbe bead wa .. a solid maSlI, a run n l.n g sore. It. wall swful; tbe child crie d contlnunll" W& had to hold blm and watch , him to keep him trom I!Icrlltchlng the sort!. His Butrering was dr eadful. At las t we remembe red CutlCUT!\ Remedl88We got a dollar bottle of Cutlcura Reo lolvent, a bOlt of Cutlcur a Oll1tment. and a bar of CuUcura Soap. We gave the Resolvent as directed, washed the heod with tbe Cutlcura Sonp, and ap.plied the Cutlcura O lDtment. We bad not. ulled balf before the cblld's healS 'Was clear and free trom ec~em a. anI! I It hae never come back agnlu. HI. hesd Willi henlthy and be had B bea~ Hful head of htllr. I think the CutJ. eora OIntment Yery good for Ute- balr. It makes the haIr grow aDd prevent. . '1I1l111g bnlr." . (Slgoed) Mrs. FrancIa Lund. Plain City, Utah. Sept, 19. 1910. Although Cutlcura Bonp and otDtment.are lold everywbere. a aampJ& of eacb. 'WIth 32·page bock. will " ' mailed free 011 application to "CUt" cur.... Dept. 4 BOlton, When Mamma Failed to Be."";' A little Klrl ~ wb.o.-attracted the paeeengen on the tram wltla ber singular lI1Yeetnelll, WQB asked by ' a Indy who lint next to her: "And dIet Sant'a Clolla bring you a doU, a~ Cbrilltmas?" "Yes. Indeed," eald tbe little girl. and all the pasllen gers smiled, while Ihe motber beamed at the attention her c hild was recelvl!lg. ''lIt! brollc1-rt me two 'dolls," continued the child to the strange lady. "and. do you know, the hall' on Due ·o f my, doUs' beads comes rIght olI- Jul!lt Hke mamma's." ,.-' And every one smiled again, but th e mother dId not beam .





Dr. Pierce'. Pltu.~nt P ellet. regulate

anri invigorate .• tomacb, liver alld bOweia. Supr·cQlLt.od, tmy IIl'1lnull!" ea.y w take. n.. not anpe. •

1'o~0:n'~8 haa:~~ ~~In:lt':: t~~v~h:: b~1




TO ClTBB A ()OLD IN ONE DAY , Mlet.. '<> II. W

L~ATIY1I BnOIlO ~_I"'.... ta •• _""., If I, f.ll. ..,v.'tIllaa...... I.o.~c.boI.


16c. ,

The mIcrobe of Jove iS~D destro),by the germ of riullplclon. .


TIle Wretcb~neal of Constipation · Can quickly be overcome ' CARTER'S urn.! UVEa PILLS. P,urcly

veB"ftible '

-act surely and nntly' on the Ilver. Cure Bilio~eea.


Iche. Dlul·

and IndigestlOlL They do:thelrcfuq,~ PILL. SMALL DOSE, mALi; PRie&.



'lhe 100 so smut on oats can be veuted by treating the seed oats beo fore seeding, with a formalln solution. Take a pauid of forman" (fOrma14~ hyde 40 p • •ent.). dissolve It In' ftn1gallona of wnter, Ipread the oats on a clean tloor. and wet them thol' oughl1' with the solution, ualng three Quarts to _ a galloD ' , bushel of the grain. ne be done easil1' and .' pe~IoD ahovels the oats another appUes th(o, 801Iutioill Iprlnllllng can. In Ii .pll, or Ill. '

theM .wlth 'tum, . acarpets , to remain'

'_ ~\I.,~ " U:I,"I~i~e


....".,.. : . .

A we ll-known e ducator tells or • ac hool of udvnnced Id eas In Bos ton, wb l!rnlo no pupil Is ever punished III an y WIlY, tho Indlvl dua llty or eyery s:)Itld being he ld too tlncre d for r eVres· alan. , One d ay, It appears, soon afte r her entrance In to thl. s cbool, one I1ttl e girl came h ome wIth a face- wet w i til t ears aud h er moutb covel'ed wltb blood. The moth'r was greatly a larmed . and, taking th e ,('hll d InW \Jer arm iS . asked wbat b ad hllpp ,l. Tbe atory of whal bad happeu ed 'W as Bobbed out to tho sym \lIlthetl c mother. Oue ~anlllJY Park er , It seomed, had utrllck th e lit t Ie gIr l and Imocked out a COli pIe ot tec th. Wh E'n the unforlu uate youngder bad been r es tored to equanimIty hcr fa ther , who bud In I hI) me an lime put In a.n appearance, na turally enongh wantto kno,\' how tho tellcher bsd d enlt with SamlllY, " S h e dlol n't do an y thln ~ , " "We ll . what did s be say '{ " "Sbe> called Summy to her desk Wilt snit! : 'Sawue l, don· t you Imow thut was ve r y antisocIal?' "-Burper's Mug· u ln e.






,swept over blm . A dl l~nltted little To most I'eople a bushel of corn II woman , pale, gray-haIred. with brlgbt e lm ply a busb ol o f co rn , It Is usua lly black eyes su nk e n beneath stralgbt. tak e n tor grant ed that one bu shel wlll browlI was Btandl ng before him , make a s many pounds of beof or pork "You wlsbed to Ilee me?" asked a s any otb er hush el. Littl e consider· Miss Cllrlton, In tbln, polite tones . attt-ll Is given the fact that th e dry "I-,.es-that Is ." Bru cll !lulled hIm, matte r Is the part valunble a ll a feed self toge ther. "I cnlled to see Mls9 ' and tbnt water Is not worth corn Rita Carlton.... p r;l:es. Tbe moisture In corn yarles :'That Is my name." trom 12 to a B mllcb all 30 pe r cent. 'Then, I think I h ave YO'J r propert, "-e l. matul ed corn und er normal con· bere lD thle box . A han cl ·bng-" dlt lons co ntains from 12 to 16 p er "Ob, bow fortunate! Let me see. cent. Immature corn u sually can· I am Indeed glad, Mr.- '· talns a grea t er amollnt, varyIng tram "My naOl e Is Bruce BowIe." 15 to 90 per cent, depending upon th e "Ob, \IIr. Bowle , bow Clln I th All k maturity. . you? You See som e of tb ese tblngsl Th e feedIng valu e of 100 pounds of a re vnlilable. How did It fnll In you' coru with 15 per ce nt or 15 pounds of ba n ds, I wonde r '!" water Is g reater than 100 pounds of Bruce told bls story wblle s/1e coru with 25 pounds of water. In Clr· look ed oyer h e r papers c ular 55, Bureau of Plant Intluslry, U. " Ycs. they a r e a ll ri g ht - but where S. Departme nt of Ag riculture, appearl!l Is my picture? Why. I was sure I a lable showing tbe value In cents 'bad tbat pIcture In It-but perhaps- per bUShe l of corn with varying now, I mlgbt have left III somewbere. amounts of moIsture at prices ranging You didn't see a plct.ue-but or from 40 cents to $1.00 per bu shel. By cours e not. Well, I'm ve ry mucb , tbls. tnble we lind that wben corn Is obUged, I'm aure, Mr. Bowie. Good. Bolhug fur 50 cents per bushel. If It day. " bas 12 per cent of moisture .. each 1 Bruce desce nded In the ele1ator per cent at dry matter Is worth .aG wIth his spirIts fallen to zero. 'l'he oent. That la. tn every 100 pound. Qr picture-the lovely face that hsd en. thralled blm. was that Oof an old.Ume -I--04!.alJ>i!l';-lI~w faded Dod -llIIed b, the relentless hand of time, Unly tbe darlt eyea ablnlng out of tbe wblte elderly face spoke of lovellnesa that bad graced tbe youth ot Min RIta Carlton. I 'rb e young man was surprlsed at tbe II hock of bls ow dlls apllolntment, tbe bltt.erness of tbe mood whlcb bad taken possessIon of blln , He Itood Irresolute In tbe doo rway of tbe build.

Tbe s aleswomnn IIwept a hurrIe d ,lance over Ule assortment of balrs before bel'; Ulen ber face crlmBoned. Bhe made a pretense of lookIng over the Koodll, and ber beart beat wildly a:l IIbe conBldere<l Lbe possIble consequence s ot her own Inattention. "Your bag- Isn't be re," abe faltered. "1-t don't know anytblng about It:. Better make a complaint at tbe d.esk. aud leaye your name," MeaDwblle, as the agttated sJlee. woman suspected, young Bowie was carryll1! 011 the property. The tlret Intlma"on be bad or tbe trutb, was In a tel.~one call trom bls married slster, ten minutes atter sbe bad rec e iv ed a package delivered by a m esse nger on Ihe morning of her blrtbday. " Bruce, II tbla you? Wbat does It mean-that bag yoU Bent me ?" "Wbat'. the matter--don't you like itT You wanted on8 of those JI'9anelle tIlJnp on a cord, s,o 1 bought-" "BuuChtT Why, Bruce, It Isn't a new baa at all. It's somebodY'sdon't YOU understand r' "What'" shouted Bruce Cben "Na. thaUe, you !pUllt be mlst~ken . 'I jus t .

A yery pleuant predlcUon !In bee1l made b7 a college IIOcloloc1st that tb. United State. Ie due tor war lD 1930 nnd tbat thIs nation will be In th. wrong, 811 probabl,. b, reuon of Ita wealth and Importance, It will bu. become an Internlltlonal bully. H. bases this u8ertJon on tbe eTldenee of hIstory. But to otrset tbll are tbe facts that the direct rule of tbe people la becomlnl mo~e and more tbe n .. tlonal Ideal of conrnment, and that 'WIth tbe people a. a wbole ,1taJly In control, tbe peace aentlment w111 be atronge? than eTer. It II upon the mllues. not the clasle., tbat the barrors ot ·,war chleny tall, and tbe , . ment of lIelt-lote,...t will tbeD be mol" engqed In tbe presenation of ~ce than eye? before In tbe hlsto'7 of the world. In th. meanUme, potential academic wa... nee4 not sel1oua17 af(eet the _tlonal peace of mind.



A.a '

Rebuke of Boaton Teacher Must "I • . mod Have Broken the Hurt ", Little Sammy Parker,

~,(,:~uine m~ ~ Si~~


' ~i~1~~~j~~$~~~!II~iiit~~~I~'III~J'!f~1





SAM ,b1l8 lound time to look Into tbe ugrlcultural pn~­ slblllties or the ellnal 20nll, IlDd bo proposes to turn tbo tlve-mlle .I.rln of laud on eueb side 01 the canal Into one big ve&otahIe garden. He Intend s to lIee thllt the tbou8ands of veesel8 tram all over the 11' rid paselng througb the canlll will· be IIble to r e plenish theIr atock of tre.11 meats and vegetablu wbeo lbe1 teacb the 1&thmus wIthout th. IOS8 of a minute In traveli ng time. At , present v~BBeIB lellvlng New Yorll: for a trip_ down the coast 1U17 great dlatl1nce muat atop at Olle or two pla'ce~ for Cresb meat and Yegetnbl .. before reaching their filial des tination . Unci_ Sam had his eiplorera- examine e'ery foot or ground Within tile ten~t1e Jllllit of the llano. rrom tile Pael1lo to .tlle Atlantic, Includlnr; a POrtIOD ' or Costa RiclI on one Bide, and ' , Dama oli the · otber. Tbe In· veattia,Uoll.bu now reacbed thJ) Btage w<l!er~ "It c~ be SOrely IltIBerted there .are e~8dlngly bright prospect. ror ~e buildIng up of a lucrative agrlcul.tura/t and IItoQk ratelng InduBtry alonl ' tJje , l'atlJlRUl canal, ln 'U4ltton to tbe gr(>ot QuantitleB of tres'h meats and' vegetables required for: ,~te~mers plLaslng througb tbe cnnal, ti l\2us. ' be remembered, tnere wlll at 8YB be a great ' number or canal , empl",u living, along tbe Jlne :or Ibe eanal!-' ' The majority of tbese emplOYO will undoubtedly be lU'arrled, 'Wrt~. faintl les and cblldrcn. and all ~eil! ' IllAA,tF,.a wI 1.1 , requIre veg~tables to tOI them, Also a ' number of mindr .Ddu.tr1~ mar be b lit up alqng the -"""'''''·ii,i.1 :wblcll ~U1 l'eQulre Its Quota .humab belUla, who will allo require .' Jee4lq, aut a81de, rro~ , tbese mlno~ CODslderatlol).s are the Vilst number of ___ ahJpa ' expected to pass throngb tha waterway-some auUiorltie. c1almln, tbe tramc ,;WlU be BO heavy aa -to be one ' C"tfnllO;UB Une or ebios from one end aT the eanM /~ the other dUNDI the entire '24 hour•. ;A:boiit' a year a,o the Investigation wa, 8t~e:ct ,bY the Bureau of !:loll. and til!" :nlJr~u or Plant InduBtry "'orklh~ ·tq,elber. Hugh H . Bennett and William' A. Taylor, two of Uncle , (lam's IcJenUftc explorerB In the de· partment, were the man detailed to malee Investigation. In Ipeaklng or 'the farming ali the canal and It. . :., PO.~lblHH4I~,JD the tuture, Hr. 'Eaylor . ... I~ ; .. '"'' . " .Tbough "thCi I.tbmua of Panama baa "been for tour ceDturieB the mOlt '~lIIl'OrtIW~ J.lortale of, th, western Ilem. lap~ere tb, 'Ianlk' through wblcb BUCce.IIIV. :routOli 01 t-nvel bave pasled It 8how little agricultural de,el4~p.meE' 4I'l1Pn ImpreS8 on tbe COllnttl, ~.seept In the Immediate Tt, .eln~t1 , Of':' thiS Panama _rallroad-com, 1ltlitelt' ~D "1851-8l1d tlle canal roll te, , 'W!I~'Cb 1l ~8 close to tho railroad thrOu,h:t lnoat of tta length, ta chl~ny ap~are~!,, ~h' tbe de.truetlon ot . :_p~e,tlc,.' Illl Uie ' ~, valUable Um· , ,~ee. lI . :it :d'ade up the , orletDal 'or8llf.", " <




well-nIgh. or QuIt.. Impassable Inr 110rllcH. "Tbere la Illen ty of roo m for 1!1I . tllUsl on an d Improvement of the stOckralli ing Industry . Upon 8 large proportloD or Bteep,blll land Bulled only tor roreBtry lIud pe rbaps the production 01 ce rta lll truits. sucll as ptneaL»pies, man goes . etc .. good grll:r;lni csn be secured through tbe es ta bllllhment or guinea grasB pastures. A number of native grasses, Buch as tboBe whtcb ftourh;h lipan the savanna landi, af· ford good grltZlng, whUe Para and Bermuda grass, cowpeas,' velvet beana, corn, tb e 60rgbum known 1111 'Gulnea corn: sugar cvne, and peanuts do upon th e lower-slope SOIlB and con~l1tUle excelle nt forage ' crops, AnoUler good stock load Ie cussava, a crop tbat gives large yield with a minimum Of atte ntion . It mtgbt be well to lIBY bere tllat flne cattle. p&rtlcularly tbe large, etrong oxen I1tI draft anlmall In portions oC Costa Rica, lire fed aimoet exclusIvely upon chOI)ped stalkll or plantlan. banana and sugar cane. " In tb e latter part 'o! tbe dry seaso~ the grasses of WI! cana l zoue are generally so purcbed that very little sustenance can . be secured trolD po.9turea. But stored rorage aod crops like cassava, sugar cane, sorghum. bnn6.uu stalke. etc., could be depended upon to carry stocll. tDrougll tile dry montbs to tbe rlliny seaaontbe SOBson Of greeO grllBs and oUler tend er vegetation. " With sucb 1IOsslblllUas ror tile ·Iocal production ot torage crops tbere is no necessity for the present rel9.Uvely large iDlportationa at ,hlt.h prices 01. grain, llay anlt other reeds by the few who are oper· atlng Btock and dairy tarma. At tile time or tl!ls 8urVey tbe price of Bhelled native corn waB $2 gold per tiO·pound Back, white bran waB bringing $:.1.60 per 100 pounds. It '1. not at 1111 Bur· prls lng under sucb conditione tbat tbe demand tor mtlk Is BO muc!! grentflr U:an the supply and tbat tbe prlC4jB are excoptlooally blgb, Milk trom dairy ''!Emll oj;, tbe savannab section Is laid ' In the clly oC Panama at 2f cente per bottle containing one·nelll or a gillian, less than ~ Quart. "Very eew hogs and cOate are rlllsed In the canal zone. A conBlderable number of bocs and goats al'e .Imported Cram polo t;; !tlong the Pac lite coast, and hogs principally I rom the Province ot Chlrlque, In the high northern par· tlons or tbe Republic or Panama. Some' poultry Is rallied by native anl1 canal employes. In view or the ruling high ' prices there Is unquestionably a good opening ror raising both pork and poultry. 'Away rrom tbo n018)' activities ot ennal constTuetion tbe depredations ot wild animals lucll al the tiger CRt and Jaguar would likely entaH Bome loss to tbele Inl1uslrlea. "Small tarmlne, Including the pro. ductlon of vegetables and cholce trap. Ical I rultB. sucb as tbe avocado, mango, papaya, pineapple, orange, guava, anona. etc., can be ~rrted on prollt ably with the application of Intenilive methods, coupled with proper Clll'. In the seloctlon at \ crop varieties and Boll. '''Such a '. variety of orDamentaJ plants tllrlve on tbls soli that there little doubt that many ot these could be Ntem.lvely and protltnbly groWt\ Jar ablpment to tbe United Statea and otber northero countries."


For Vlblent Tranalt. A recent book by MI'. fjidwln J . Dlogle, entitled "Acro.s' China on Foot," co!).talns a bit ot prabUcal allvice about the munner In whlcn American goods sbould be packed for transportation In tbe Interior of China.




rr~eild.~ Q~ed. '

Hl!:RE 18 nothing more lerrlble In tbe Rlble. or out or It, tbao our Lord's rep eated warnl ogs Wat many persons w 111 meet wltb an awful disappointment ut ler tbls liCe 15 ove r. They will lind fba.t they hllve boen living In a fal £e secnrlty. beca use lhey uld not Beek to k now and do wb a t God required of them, but only to (allow out tbelr own Id('as 8S to wbat 18 rlgbt and proper. Tbere are lots of well ·moanlng. and In mnny waYs well ·dolng, persons In tbfJ world lodny wbo bllve never acknowledged e ven to themselves tbe s inful· ness of their own hearts and tbeir ne ed of Cbrlst a8 a Saviour from s lo, and who reJeot either wltb IDdllTerenee or ""\tb dl sd llln the IIl0nemeat for sin wblch WIIB provIded at tbe cost of '0 awful a sacrifIce on God's part. Wbat right bave lIucb persons to expect favor or forgiveness tram God after tbey have deliberately reCused to avail tltemllelves of his offer of mercy aa and through Christ! "Ye must he bOI-n Dgaln," Jesul! 1&ld. "Tbot which Is born 01 the fi esb 18 lIeab, and that wblch I" born of tbn Spirit Is IIplrlt." Tb. New 'l)!tJlament teacbell very platal, and Iii very many different form of ellipression tbat man can· not b. saved b7 his own 10odn ~ lIs, but only tbro~h the atonement for lin made by God blmsel.t III the perllOo 01 bls 1I0D, and that tlMlrefore all true rlgbteou8tleas begins with faith In Chrl!!t; that Is wltb the acceptance by UB of God'lI orrer o( merc)' throu.:b Cbrllt. Lovlr)g and ServIng, True Calt,ll In Chrlllt wUl Impel UB to love blm, and true love for Christ will Impel UB to lIerve him. Faltb tbat doea not lead to loving service 18 therefore not true ralth. As Ja.mes lays, that sort or CaIth "is dead In Itselt." But good worka that are not born of Caith and love and obedience are not good at all In God'lI slebL "Tbls Is the work of God," JeBus Bald. "that ,.e helleve on blm whom he hath sent." In other words. subm\68loo to the wl11 of God by acceptance of God'B terms and recelvlag paruon as a free gift In Cbrlst's name III the beginning of a right relation between tbe sinner and God. And no man can please God UDtU he haa placed bJmaelt In a rlgbt attitude toward God. Many 11'111 any to me In tbat day, "Lord, Lord. ded we not prophesy by thy name, and by thy nome casl out devUlI, and by thy name do many mlgbty worka! And then will I profess unto tbem. I never knew Y(IlI: depart from me, ye that work InQulty." Over and again. Jesus repeated tbe warning that maDY who thougbt while OD earth tbat tbey were Itvlng right and even doing speda.! work for blm wlll be grievously dlsapp01nted In the end. How Is It wltb UB Indlvldunlly? Have we each made our peace with God In Chrillt, and accepted Cbrlst as our SavIour tram sin Itself as well 118 from tbe condemnation due to UB for sln7 Or, are we preparing for our· selves the dIsappointment of find IDe when It Is too late tbat we 'have been truBtlng In a false Idea.

BEST DAY IS THE PRESENl The TIme That II With UI Now II the Time AppoInted for the DoIng of Good Deedl.


the Several Methods ot Preservtn~ Posts and Ra.lls Dlpplns in Creosote Is Considered SuperlorNatUFal-ly-l)u~o.ble-Woods Compel Vse ~{ IDt'erlor Produc:t.

CDy c . P. WJLI~ IS, I The amount of wood used on the farmB or tb e country and e xposed to rapid decay Is enor mo us. It Is estl mated that on e million fe nc e pos ts and ralla, th c equlvul e nt of s ix bill Ion hoard feet, are req u lrc d ea ch y ear. For this c lnso oC ma terl al ··durabillty Is the fi rs t requ isi te. Th e nutu ra lly dunble wood s were forme rly pl e nrtr~1 over large arens, but III many sectlons tb ~ y hove now ueCODlC too scnrce and dear to use . Tb ere ramLdns, how eve r , uu abunda.nco of Infertor woods which. WIlen pre ~e r v e d trom deCBY, are enllrely s atisfac tory subst 11 utes. Decay conBl sts In the des lru ctlon of th'9 wood tl Bsues by low form R of plant Ute. Theso organism s we te rm f ungi.

DRAINAGE OF MARSH LANDS Fire Rapid Prosr.... DI ~Icuttur. WUI Sooa Make U De.u. able to D.v.lop W . . teSotJa. It Is pOBBlble that bacteria mny be as· soclated in some cases, but ns yet we hl~ye no positive proof oC It, It fol- (By A. n. WHITSON and F. J. SIn:V. I;;RS. Wlsconaln.) Iowa that the object ot all preservu· 'Whlle Bome use bUB been made or Uve treatment Is to prevent the marsh lands tor erowlns wild hay aDd d'BVelopmeot or th elle organisms, and for paBtUI'e In connectlon with the that the most effeotlve treatment Is rannlng ot upland lIolla, relatively lit· the one that accompllshcs this for the tie effort toward the Improvement at longeBt pertod. such lunda bas been made. Tbe hlgb Fungi require for tbelr best develop- price at fllnn lands and the rapid IIlent a certlllo balance between tbe progress of agriculture wtll soon make air and tbe moIsture con tent at the It deSirable to dev(!lop these waste '\II'ood, and a fa vora hIe temperature. landa to tbe greateBt elItent. The use T'horougb seasoning, on the one band, of marsh lunds for pasturage and for or thorough saluratlon with moisture wild hay IB not a very prolltable pracon the otber, alters thla balance to tice one sbould give way aB rapidly a9 Buch an extent tha t the, growtb of possible to II better method of banthe organism Is either retarded or dllng them . problblted _ Air seusoning only reMarsh sollB nllve certain drawbacks, tJards tl!e growth. but alBO some very Important advan· There are several me thods by wblcb tages lUI compared with upland Bolls. Umbers may be given more tborough p,r eservaUve treatment. The sutillce of tbe wood may be Boaked with paint or some slmUar Bubstllnce. Such a coating keeps the wood dry, and more or 1esl eftectually OI:cludes the en· trance or the decay-producing organIsmB. Such coatings, howe ver, would be tlErIllle«r "Untrto terlal, elnce tbey 1lI1l1 also tend· to retard tbe escape of such moisture lUI D~IlY be already within the timber_ A Drainage Ditch Uled to Lower the Belter preservatlves are the products Water Table In a Dry 8eason. of the dlstlllaUon at coal tar lind When Dammed It Witt Ralae the petroleum tar, wblch, In addition to Water Table In the Adjoining poslleslling the advantages or paint, Marsh, Producing Sublrrlgatlon. a,re IUItlsepUcs and poisonous to tungl. 'Fhe deeper such antiseptics penetrate WJ1en they occur In considerable ureas the wood tbe more lasting- Is their they are more ealll1y clured than cut· over timber Illnd, and being bee from Elrrect. It Is well known that wool decays s tone, can be brought under cultlva· JOOBt rapidly when placed In contact tlon at much leSB expense than th, 1!7lth the surface of tbe ground, upland BOils, even tbougb drainage II llecauae the wood-deBtroylog organ- necesslll'Y. The tlrst step In the deyelopment ot IsmB find there more uniform cond!o 1:Ions of beat and moisture to eocour- any marsh land 18 to draIn It , In the uge theIr developmenL For thIs rea- case ot large areas thll 11'111 reQulro lion the ground ltne or a peat mUBt be tbe construction of large main ditches, 1tItorougbly treated. wbereas portions requiring tbe use of a dredge, and co· of the poat above and below this point OPflration among tbe adjoining owners eltber b organizing a draluage dis· trlct or by havIng tbe town or county omcarB take cbarge of the work. lD tbe CUe of smaller IIreaa thlB can frequently be done by mutual agreement between two or tl!ree adjoining owners. Two kinds at drslnage must be provided for; first, lurface drainage, and second, Bubsurface drainage. It IB occasionally true that the conBtructlon at ditches around the edge of a marsh tract In such a way as to carry ort Barrel Outfit for DIppIng In Creolote, most of tbe water from tbe Burroundlng higher land without letting It onto requlre leSB treatment. The climate the marsh will reduce the wetness or lOt the locality should aleo be con s ld· the marsh land to such an eUent that ered. In the warm Gulf Bta tes or In crops can be grown without further a moisture-laden atmospb ere posta re- ditchIng. Ordinarily, however, dltcbee quire more thorough treatment tbnn on the Olursh Itselt are ' necessary, in a cooler northern climate or on th e :a rld plains. Englillh Workmen, It what Rid e r Haggurd writes Is tru~ The Impregnation ot fence posts with creosote Is best accompllsbod by the conultion of farm workmen In Eng· the so-called "open-tan"" process_ land Is u Mad OOC. He doscrlb e~ SODlO This conSists of beating the wood for of tbe places where men are compelled a. certain period and the n cooling It In to ltve IlB "vile and not om for Il buthe preservative. Tbe prlnclpl o is mall being." At one place ho found simple: DurIng tl!e heating the hi gh 20 men worldng on a flll'm bul could temperature causes tbe air and wuter see no cottages. There was one long contained In the wood cells to expand, low butldlllg on the place. It looked so that a portion of tbls aIr aod water like n wngon-bouse. It bad no win· Is forced out. Tb. rest contr:I.Cts as dows, Sacks were lllld on the floor the subsequent CONing progresses, and anll th e re tho 20 men Blept. A hun a 'Pilrtlal vacuum Is tanned Into which tired yards away was an elm trce on lltmospheflc pressure forces tbe cool a hJll, and there be found the asbos preservative. of a fire I\IId a rod to hold a pot. This Tho open-tank principle msy be was tbe dv.'elllng place-the kltcben variously applied 1D the t reatment- ot and the parlor of tho 20 men. Winter IIOStB. The best way to hent tbe posts and summer tbey did their cooking la to ImmerSe tbelr butts In -,'reolote ond spent their Sundays under the tree. malntaJiled at a lemperatu'l'e ' 220 degrees F Heavy Iron Tank Heated Undernl!ath.

You will never find It wltb a tel, escope, no malter how earnestly YOU look back luto the P8st, or forward Into tbe future; It I" bere now. and we do not see It because wo are all too far'llghted! Today Is Ibe best day for the purpose of today . Tberl' bave been a good many hest d81s lIB they seemed to us all through the , gone, nnd tbey were best In tbolr time, but tbey would no more fit our present tlllln OUf o ld baby plna-' fore would Ot tbe grown man or wornnn. Tbere are golllg to be n great mallY best duys In the tl n:e to come. but to try to adapt th em to wllat we now are and wbere we nolY arc. will be about like picking gooseberries before' they nre ripe and trying to D)alte believe tbey are strawbe rries! Sunday is the bes t day In nil the week for Sunday. 'but It Is a mighty poor day 'wben we Iry to make Mon· day or any otber dny of I he. week out of It. l Each day as It comes along is t;he best day, unlesB we are way be· bind In our use or days anti so are trying to live a day thllt belongs In last week or last month or I:lBt Tsar 1D tt. Eacb dsy Is full or tl!e best t)llnga If we but look tor tbem , or, for that matter. or Ihe worst tblngs, If *e ,ook tor tbem '! That !s, the day. &1& Dot ' perlodll of Ume with fixed oharacterl to which we come; . tbtU' tlmo with capaclt)' to and 011 tbern from our They are all In JOUI' day can be Ibe ' best to: maJte~ If IIO_':'YDI: .' , Tbe" JI\lmpll~.t . ,- .' I:C01IlslstB j)Jaw~~ ,er.Eloeote



s hielded fro..n the dlrpct h ea t of the fire , In some res pects the barrel tanks are not sotis Ca. tory on acco un t or tbern 1~8k l ng. whic h Is almost s ur e to occur a fter a (ew ti a ys' usc. Nc\·er· th e less , the barrel outfit wlll sliffice whe n only a rew po s t s are to be treatcd and wh e n. In const" Qu e nce, the treatme nt s are few and short. T horough seasoning shoul d always precede ImpregnatIon . Ev en air-dry wood is unlit for treatment aller a h euv y rn ln and when thu B saturat ed sho uld ue pe rmitted to dry tor at least threo da ys, n a rk r etards or pr events tile penetratlon of th e preservative Into the wood. It al80 use lessly Inc the cos t of treatm e nt by IlseH absorbIng 011. Peeltng Ihe post s be fore tr e atment Is, thererore. necess ary. Even Ihe paper Ilin e r bark sbould be careCully removed . Tbe lOp S of pos ts sbould be cut obliquely 10 s bed rain water. A be ve l made with an ax Is preferable to one made with a sa.w, becauBc It IB smootber. Devellng Is particularly Important Ir tbe tops of tbe postll are not to be treated .

...... _.........


GEN. CUSTER'S LAST BATTLe Member of Newt o n (M a.",) Po lice Force for M a ny Years, Telts of FIght of Little Big Horn.

C'apia ln Jo h n H ya n . lor th lrty·ro ur year a me mber or Ih<' :'\,'wlo n ( ~l ags . ) ~o ll ('e de partm e nt and veteran or the CIv il and Ind ia n w nrs. was a tlrs t se rg ea nt of M Troop, ,th 11. S. Cav· aIry, und er Gene ra l ('" s l e r's comma nd . aJl d bas Bub, t"ntlatell hI s claIm or be Ing tb e m ll n to nre the fi rs t llnd Ill s t shots in t he tmu le or the LillIe jJlg liorn , In 187. the 7th CS\"lllry un ller co mm'\nd of General Custe r. conducted the Black HI!IB expf'dltlon . ro r t he .l'ur· pose or de termining If gold existed In the billa. as the Indians had reo porte d. WIth tbe troop8 were many mlnln!; experts and profes"orll from several or tile large univerSities. The1 explored tbe htlls for nlnet1 da ys . The rocky nature of tbe ground made It yery bard on the horses , On one or these prospecting trlpl Ryan's horBe lost. sboe, Under tbe rules, If his horse became lame be would be forced to dis mount and continue on foot. The blaclumlth was at the main camp. but Sergeant Ryan'lI InleDulty hit upo.n a sc heme. He hlld a new cavalrr oyercoat whlcb bad eOlt blm .... Cutllns art on•• ll!eTe, be sewed up tbo bottom. placed beaT1 pad. In



Explored the HIIII for Nlnl!ty Day.. It. and then drew It up over the horSCB'. hoot, Becuring It above the fetlock. In this man ner the animal was kept from lamenesB. The horse oC another member of tbe detachment Ifave out, and It had to be IIbot. III unfortunate rider "'lIB forced to walk. but Ryan made cood use of the calamlt1 by removlog a shoe_ With the aid of a geologl.t's hammer he fBstened the shoe OD bill mount, and wae able to rIde a,alQ throueb the remainder ot tbe aummer. He rode th II horlle, an lin telllgent Kentuck1 ba" tor 10 ,ears, he tween November, 1866, and December, 1876, OD all of Custer'1 marches and en· gagementl, IUId he declares that the animal undoubtedly laved hts Ut. an Custer's last fight. "On many occasions," '/laid Captain Ryan, "I have ahared UlJ' ratlODI wltb my horse, and bave eveD crept around In tbe Dlgbt to ptlfer a little fOrlle for blm." Captain R1an aerved tbree 1eers In Co. ' C, 28th MaBs., and one year In Co, K. 61st MilliS., In the Civil war, and ten years with Oeneral CUBter In Troop M. 7th U. S. Cavalry. and bad charge of the detat) tbat burled Oen. eral CUBter, his brolher, Captatn T. W, CUBter, &nd First Lleutenaut W. W, Cook, Bdjutant, 7th U. S. Cavalry, and two otber commlesloned officers anll men. His o ..... n company (M) entered that engagement wltb forty·flve men aod bonel!, of wbom fourteen enUlted men and one second lieutenant were killed, ten men wounded and all tbelr borses but nine killed . He 18 tbe man who Identified Captain Thomaa W, Custer, whose bod, was 80 terribly mutilated by the Indians, 1S Captain CUBter ~aa the first lieutenant or Cap. taln RJ an's company for sbout foul' years before CUBter wns promoted to captain of anotber company. Capt. .Ryan wns wounded foul' times during tbe Civil war, at the bat. tle Qf Ream's stall on, Va., 00 the Wei. don railroad, In Cront of Peteraburg. He was wounded while repulSing a Confederate charge on August 25. 1864, which was hla .nlneteenth birth. day, whtle a member or Gen. T. F, Mealher'. IrIsh brl,ade, known as tbe Becond brigade, Flret 'dlvl!llon, Second ,co,f pa, Army of the Potomac.

A Sattle, "Sca,..d" VeL . "Well, wbat was tbe blOol1leetl bat> de you . were ever In 7 Where 414 ttle balla .taU tlllckesU'" , , ,~, . . ' "GettYsburl, , 8Ir~:PI~!Ir.. H'i~·' ",!II~• •,,~., The' balla lIew lUte llatl.tAlDe.: , didn't ·,QU' . ;, . . ....:;..'. . .. . . .


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V . \.RNT1':(} I rom the


1 il i l~ ;:I1 ,d r 0 01 ,1 111 h : iutll I

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T he Oh io In IT lu rbld s ~h a 8,,1& u r Ol !"rhl~ lor o r CgJrl un lit 'or b UDlun ruud . To iHUh. t h o



Wil l Hai nes, uf HarveySburg, was in Waynesvil le Tuesday.

A Lis t of Sugges tions tu F arme rs Pro vid e pleuty

( I'

d ean. d ry

D CSts

fur ) "


I F. M. Cun niugha m, or Lebanoll , . ' ' W.ll3 in town, Monday. I

penn l ~lo:I u nclor I,h ,) ' '' ... . nil ",,""" U8 ure roqUtll!too \.0 r a nd 10 nil Ol<Kb "o ld o r "fre ...oc.I lor .a1u 0 11 UIIO at' " r ~l llrch I , 1111 '1.



M i ~.'!

V o n ' t. Holl e-KKt) wh ic h have bt.~ n In a u i W' lI hut,Of. Mark o l. Sou r oG:J(S d a ll y. if 1'u8...... ll)h' . If JIl l{

o very

o~h or

,l oy.

"h om tu to w D,

Dou ' t. k et)p el(f,1!I n oar 01 1. ulIlqn •. Ol


utI ' , l~:;

t lll ' Y

S t . Mary,s Guild will meet ut the home of Mra. Ge'o, Hartsock Th urs· day afternuoll .

Fresh E ggs always W a nte d at the Hig h est Marke t Price. at



The kind that grow-Dunkirk'. and Ferry's;' everyb~y

Mis.'l Marth a O'Neall came, home F r iday a fter a pleasan t t wo weeks' visit wit h Miss Edi th Crane , of Pekin .

New ,~urllngton

1 l

Table Potatoes "ersey .weet Potatoes New York Danish Cabbag. Eastern Brocoll Kale Ohio Onions Large Valencia Onions Curly Lettuce Radlsh.s Cocoanuts

30c IBc


2000 Locust Fence Poets f OJ' sale a t riiht prices. Call on W. H. Mad· de n & Co., Corwin , Ohio.



Apples, pe r pk .. '" . . , . .. .. . !lSc SOc Malaga Grapes, pe r lb, . . .. , . , , . .. , 20c P ineapples, large, each . . . , . . . . . , . . !ZOC

130rn - To Mr. and Mrs . Ennis T ho mpson, of route 2, a da ughter.

IJOn '" lieU o~n('tI w lil eh wpre fOll u t! Iu U Sl oll' l l lIost . I( oop LlJtI O{CKfi vu e. o f t.u e Rilil "ht!1I Ink Jm::

r e ad il y alAur b

Sy bi l Hawke , of De lawllrc, o ver Sunday .

Wll.~ h U lll e


Cal Navel Oranges, per doz . . ... . .. Tangerines, per dO l , .• , • ' .. , . • • . . . Grape i"ru it, each ..... . .. . . . ... . , Lemons , per doz . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

SOc ilwana!! , per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . I Bc 20c Cra nberries, per qt, , , . ... , . . .. . , .. IOc

11"11 :>0.

Iu r

( iatber the f'~J(tf .ta ily i ll cu ol woa l lll' r u ud f\ d a y i ll hot. o r ra iny we at ht' r. 1\ 1')01l (lK ~" in 8. ,~ool. d r y 1,I&co, \\' h k h 1:-- r l'\ ' l '





'i6 ) U


knows them; in packages and in bulk.

J uhn Lemmon, of Antioch coillege , Yellow Springs, was home from Frid ay evening unt il Sunday e ven· Mr8. Roy earl' and Mhlli .l osePhine l MrR, AI .10. Ketterman , ot Dayton, ing . Red River Early Ohlos, Early R 1eV8il en'flr talDed Hlltn,day aft sr hil S been spending the past week WHITE n'lon\ for MlsR 140ry e arl', .... ho is to , With Mrd, Lydia Coleman , Triumph, Round Rose,Long The Ladie!!' Aid Society of tbe M. and b(l m ~l rled on Thursday of next. ~ re . A li (16 Ebright . of I:!pringfleld, E . ~hurch are having an all· day &eWRose, Early Six Weeks, He,' week to MI'. Ch"8 , Fetz. of near ' Ilpent MODdllY witb Mr. nnd Mrs ing today a t the home of MB. J . T. bo rns. Kings. YELLOW Xenl" , W a ltor Keoriok . ElI i ~ . Mrs Cora 0111, of Centerville, . , T. Y. Barlao, of Mla millburll, spent s6.verat days last week wit h Bryon Prendergast, of JacksonW &!I" bU8inEltls visitor here the lntter IIr, lnd Mrl!. Berne J ones . Bring your proville , F la ., remembered eever:al of WayDeBViUe, '. .B , _. U "'-' I tl.r k I e ft on Th urs d ay on prtr' . of la8t week. his friends here Morlday. lIy Bending duce to Main 8~ Oavid and &rab I,e.b~r have soll1 a bU8i nssM t r ip t o Uanton in compa them post · cards. , '. ,', .............- - tbllir property to Wm . 80 188 n y ",tth Rober ' Pine and others ~. D. Farquahr, who broag llt the 'l'hey ret urned &tnrday f'vening. WEATHER REPORT r em" lns his fat her from Okla ho. Albsrt Stacy ana wife and Elmer m a for burial re~urDed' ) bis home, Earnbart went to Middletown on Weather Repor t for January and LATI! Cl.A5sIFIED WARREN TEACHERS' AS$'N. Spring Branch IllS' '.l'hursday after It, burrled visit '3atur.1&y. a nd r emained until Sun. February. 1912. w ith rela"vea in 011ntoo and Greene day evenlDg, to aee tbelr rtlster, Mr!! . The rainfall in Januaryamounted Mr . and MI'!! Nllt haD Austin and The procram ot the Warrell CounIlO1llltl.. William LackE'Y, wb o ill very Ill. to 1.30 inches, while the average for d aughter entertBi nod Elder Gao A ty Teaehers' Auoelatton UftlversitJ George Boaier ' b.. bought the IIr8, Ber*ha Woolley a nd ohildre n, the month is 2.98 inches. The Feb· Bretz la~ L Sat.udliY evening. Chapel. LebanCin, Oblo, Satu~. Beu&l8Y propert,. adjOIning tbe of Dayton, have been s pendl n ~ t he ruary rainfall ameunted to 2.04 Mr. and Mrs ThomBIL Ltl.oy and March 18, 1~12. brld'ge io South Burlington. past two weelre bere eRrin g fo r h'er inches . while the average is 2.67 laullly sntertaiued Mr . Waller &..Bcy 10:00 • . m. .Revival .ar'li088 are in. progr6118 mother, Mrs. William Brown wh o tnchltes · These Th amoun ts ind~da1~l and 'beir son, Charles Laoy, of Da, Devotional Exe=.~ at; Cuear'. ~"'eek meetinl.bonae has been siok . me e d snow. ere was a snow ton, los t Sune ay. .. .. .. ...... ... ...... Rey. C. S. GRUNr 'L D . ftp 11'- 0 V_Id 80uth of'&own. Mr. and· . Harry Kenri ok and of 8 inches in January and 9X inches Mrs . Ida MoAdams, of Da yton, J(uac - • ~ ,"a,..." ... . .• - JI Mr. and Mre, U. F . Viokefl have dl\ug h ter , Ru ~ h s pent. l'burfld ay tlt. in Ft!bruary. WAS the g uest 01 MI8R Altoe Cheno. "The MiSfllon of the !J'eacher'·...... ~ll.,'~" moved 'to tJle tenant. bouse 00 18aac th8 home of LeRter Kenriok nO ll The minimum temperature o,f the weth • f.,w d ays Jast week. .. .. ... .. ......... Supt. C. W. Coobon ~'!!!!!!!'!!!!!! 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!:!!'. Evana ' fa rm, D e lLI' R oltan J)a . wife. winter 'was r ecorded on the 13th Of Mn J .>hn Conner en\er.'ne4 .. Froebel" -Ste=tieon IActure. 'Ji,."W, 1Iiou1. r-d .tW~Q._l.:.:~ O"vld Noggle t he pork hutoher Barry Uorotlll a nd f~ lDlIy a r ri ved January, when the thermometer Mrs W.lter Dakin and 100, Barry. MiM Anna Law., Cincinnati Public . . • bas botohered Illor~ tho. n 480 hoge ~Elre on Th u'r sdBY ovenlog o fter 'a n r egis tered' 16 belew. This wa8 the Thureday afternooo. School•. thi s "SOD. . .~ bgence of oliN mon t hs 'spent 10 coldest since· February 1899 wben it Min Aile!, CheDowetb eo\eruloed Music -Noon adjournment was 23 degrees below. The COIldest Mead.mea Rachel Aulin,Ida MoAd1:00 P. m.


Onion Seta

Seed Potatoes


G-e W. Hawke-



. . . . . . .... .

,..-----------------------~"'--I in

THE BEST SALT IN THE ' WORLD And guaranteed not to get hard. That's what the manufacturers say about the car of



Due the first of the week. PRICJ~ AT CAR.


J. W. WHITE -;;;=;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;: ~ ~111!1________________________•


· than t he manuf acMore astoundIng ture of 75,000 cars in the one year i. the reduction in price. .

February was 12 d egrees 011 the 4t h. The maximum temperature for J an uary was 45 degrees, for February was 56 dearrees. During the winter we have laud 18 day. with the temperature do~m to zero or below. in January it wss below zero every day but two f rom the 4th to the 16th. C. E. Michener.

am!!. LindA ~mlth 'Ind liar, Hawee JRlIt Tuelday "nernoon. Mr. '.l'hoDlaa Laoy and family ea tartaloed hls alster, ~h •• J. B. Uhenoweth and E&hel Chenoweth to dluner Saturday. Mi. Ali08 Chenoweth and II.... J. B. Chenoweth were 01 Mr. and M.... Frank ~1Jl8 aud fam. ily at dloner ~uoday. Mr. and Mre. Braak BawEltl enter. talned their dangb\er and huaband l1r . aod IIr ~ , .lerry Rol'lUcltoIooday afternoon . Mlsa Lena Conuer went to Da,ton lllst 8 u n,la, to help take care of her g randmother ,

Pueblo, Colorado. Tbeir 1100 Car· m"n ie muob Improved In health. Wllbur UI"rk Bod famlly spen t Sunday with Mr. and Mrll. WilltuUl Carmony . All report a pleailRn' t.lme at t,b~ 1 eocilllon Saturday evenlug and tho ' B"skEt Boll Team IUS pletl.8ed 1V~thj




"The:;~d Hia Mother," P~f. C. W~ Cooklon. Supt. of School., Tro1. O. Muaie furnllhed b, WQne8'f'ille Hip School will COMIat of 10108. duet., quarteta and ehom. <work. G. F. Franz, PreaJdent Alice Cooke. SecNtary Arldre38,

C. W. Willfama


~: ~: : : : : ~

- - -........_~._.... )--

CooklNO DEMONS1RATIONS Throuah the .t Dr. Mary L. Ceok, a four d&JI Doaa..tic Sci.nee Scheel will be held at'BarveYllbura during ttt. week of April 2-6. Prof. Graham, of the kricultura! Exte.won Dept•• of the 0,8. U., prom_ to send the, ameln-


the p~ooeed8 , Mra. Jonathan Morris ha. been structors that conducted a atmUar A a reat deal of sicknellll in the fI, vlaltor to onr town for th. put school at Warneavllle lut' A,rll m of " grip" prevails In our ClolD · 1week. . The ladies of thi, commuDity can .J. . mnnUy at thill ume. Some 011 t bs ' Mr, Ed Dakin h .. OOfoa qui&e III deeci co~ratulate u.rve,lbul1r on victims Bre : ' Mrl!. Berue Jon811, 1with acold during ahe week. .II their ·.ood fOmDeln baviq Ul opo , . '. I:) H . Haloes Imd Mr. and lire . MI8S Marla Stont IlpeO& 'be week. portuility 'to meet '¥iaIJea Eejm.ncla • " . I, ..., H. K. SiUIII . enu with Ik ad Yrs Seal. and JGft'e~. Tbefr talks ' are u~ Arthur Walkins and family. of 'l'he "Sweet atrl Graduat.'. ceedfqJy ~eI,flll and thorouab\, .Wayne.vUle, ~.b.!'O·\: ne"r Centerville, wsre Sunday" gi~eo by tbe B. If. 8. practical, whUe' the daily demon., PIlo•• '115 guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Clark. , Friday nening wea well a&&ended. ~trati.ns in co:okina' add mueh to thel Arthu r Wat kin8 Bnd family, of Exoellent lDatlO W&I!J r ..rnlahed by lOterat and vatu••f eMdI __ oo. 11• • •__. . . . . . .. . ,1 near Centerville were I:)unkay gnefts the orobeetra. oomvoeed . of 141.. ""!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! ' '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!III!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!'!!1!!!!!!!!I1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JI!!!~~~~~~:";'~:'~:>& Mr, oud Mrs. B. Y . Ulark , Llaa81gony, Mr. 0, M. Roudebub, I-,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _~------~~~~ The following members were reo Mr. George Edwardl.aci IIr. Jiow- I by let ter Into tbe churoh on Brd Mears. Mill. i (oramoa4 Reed tlundll.f' by Rev. S . W , Campbell: wa8a charmiDIf "sweet airl paclaMrs . Adda Kenriok and Mr. and Ilte,"whlletbe minor part. were MrA Allen B ole. aleo well aoted. The pIa,. WU ID Mr, Mouser, while moving to Wli. every' way a .uooeea. Duke's f"rlD Dfl ar Lytlo on Mr. Cbaa. Oook t. tbe OWDer or .', . It Ipleudid new automobile wedne~r·lIlY' met with ahbad acolMu. Rebeooa Merrltt ·t. ",nin"lft .• 1I he wagon whioh 8 WIUI on n. visit io Jndiao. ' . > upset throwing bim into the ~&oh, YlIl Mary Lono, hu for l\lll~IOC)ating bis shoo.I der and br4i,t. time been the IU-~ of her .....r. bls coUar bODe. '!'be aooiden& Mrs. Ira B,nYoct, qf Da1&on. r' IIn, lI¥'7 Welcb .od daDlb"r. happe4etl aUer dark nt'l&l' Sprlb,. . ilelen were &lckor~""U....I"~ bora, ' " ' Many folb are 00 tbe move, &i'll Lacy 8pen' 8nDeIa, witb usuai <tnrllig 'he aprlag of l lie ,~~~:!;:~:.mlotl'er•. Mr•• William., .01 L1.l ,. • ,. ; 1 ' 0 year. Everaf.t Early aDel moved on Monday i'lto the by WtlUam Day • OFFICE IN form . ,Fr ank

CBBfNTLfY·· .vaUe,.

$710 for Ford Model T Touring Car

$610 for Ford Model T Commercial Roadster


,TinDer and Slater, Rooijag and

$710 Ford Model T Touring Car

These prlce8 are possible by re-a8on of the large production and the splendid efficiency of the great Ford Factory.



Windshield,' Speedometer, Il~~. Oil Lamps, Tubular Hor~,

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Whole Number 3150


Sixty-Third Year

----------~::~R~o:::oB::::~use rY::::~~:::~===-I"=-M·:=="'t" ~~~-:::-·C·=l==:::::::=::::·::::·::::l-·II D." ~:;: ;:E:,:p~:;n: ;, r What We Hear I i C-ersona 4en Ion umn i -

~~~~~ --~ ~ - -~ - ~~~-~~-~~



Colds and Prevention



-~--- ,. - . Qupied by the Wt'iserLeaf Tobacco The I t ron&,es t racea 0 f m en II'v e I'n climates where there fa a conlidera. th Th' bl f Id e amount 0 co wea er. 18 imiicates thjit c01d weather II not un. tavorable to the he&lth of the aver-




---...............-...- ...............


.....- - -.••.•.•......


1 first leap year bride in Warren

c -------~-----o

I co mpany F ran kl'm. Oh'10. was d e- I ~ ~...... stroyed ~y fire Sunday about mid. ~ ............._ ••_ _ .... _ _ _ ••.• _ ........._ ...... _ ...... _ .............. J . h h bl h . d h n\ll t. t e aze avmg game suc Ray Law of Lebanon was in town Dr. Clayton was q uite sick last Ilrtlat headway before belnc discov. Monday , , ered that the firemen were u n a b l e ' week.

county for this year, and a romance that reads like a rfal Hovel i ~ shat· tilled after a month'~ honeym oon . The Warrell Cuullty·s As0 I , . f M tl suciation !t Iel at l.eball"l1 ~hturday . e mar Cram, 0 as,m. le twenty-year-old husband of but a and a ll 1'l'(l IH t. an enlhu:;iastic meet aft hl' m bride of 70 ill". TIlt' 11111 ~ ic \\' ,L~ fllrni:;hed by -are maa under moral conditioll.l. It to control the situation. The build· W. H. Allen \vas I'n CI'ncl'nnat l', Mrs. Ray Smith was in Dayton. on few week!. dh8.11 le"" to pa ,,rts unknown ' ., Lne Waynesl'ille H ig-il School. and all Itimul.ates appetite and dll'estlon. in&' il a complete loss. while the con- Tuesday. TUl'sday. summers an gon . '11 be remembered tll't the prl:'scllt 1\'('1'\' Il) ud ill Iheir p rni~e of It WI Exercise " ., be taken more agreeably tentll owned by ~arious tobacco d 'd M R '11 W'tl it Th uH ,· whll ~ . !HI' we!'e: MrH. J . and with I_exhaustion. Bothmind &,rowera was also destroyed. Correct Easter Hats at Grace LiinMiss Martha O'Neall was in Day. age WI ow. r~. OCI a 1 lam, If d $500 f or a h LI S IIII n u·1 a ll!\ tllat I J. Linto lJ. 1\'Ir. alld \1 rs C A. Brun · and body are braced for healthful The loss to th~ tob~cco company coin Smith's. ton. Tuesday. 0 ere activity. will be about :$20,000, it is stated. Crain was the vic'li m. They were el'. Mr. ErIl l;:;l ,\ :ll\', Misses Edna 't . C" t' J W Wh If there be an Incrpase .f certain A B. Landis, of Dayton. is the own. Mr sF. .B. H en d erson h as b een on . . I .e was In mcmna I secre t ly marrl'ed I'll Newpurt . Ky " J ann r.y . Ru th Ha rL'illl·k. Marie Mill er dilleaaes of the respiratorY or&,ana er of the bui1~ing. It is und~rstood the sick list. Tuesday on business. February 6, and when they returned and Ruth ZlIllll le l'lll a n . durin&' the colder months. the reason that the building and eontents wt're to their home in Mason the bride' J Rev . C. S. Grallser It'd the de · ta that we are livin&, under more covered by insurance. The Wei ser B. S. HO'NeIl waa a business visitor Mrs. W, H. Allen was a Cincinnati children became indignant lind took votiollal t'xerci~')l:; and MI' . F. C. in Cincinnati, Tuesday. visitor. last Thursday . th tt r to cou rt having guard Gilmour presided at th e mee t ing. crowded and artificial conditions. people have a number of warehouses e rna e . . __ . _ With cloeed doora and windowlI in this section, and elllploy many E H FI dN I i Ins appointed for their mother. 51'. A\ARY'~ CHURCH J. H. Coleman W"" a bU"in4ess aater als. owen an OV(lI " h . 'bl 1' _ there ia not likely to be a 8ufflcient personl._ .... " t' M G L' IS' h c almmg s e was Irrespowu e . _ ~_. _ • visitor to Cincinnati Monday. les at rs. . mco n Inlt 's, Th' k h d' d ventilation. Thelvstem beeometen. IS wee t e groom Isappeare. Sf'l' vices at St. Mary's ch urch we re " ST. MARY'S CHURCH d b h' d Th .J t.bled thereby and illeas able to reo MiBB Katherine Alexander was the Seth Cook WIUI up town Monday lea ving no wo r e in. e age .. ellpt:cially inflp irin g 8n Sunday . At aiat the attacks of diaeue. The Fifth Sunday (Puden) in gupst of relatives in Dayton Sund~~y. for the first timll since his accident. bride is now shrouded in Crief and the morning service the rite of Holy the first leap year match in the Baptism was arlmini8tered to two CATCHING COLD Lent-Lent is a time of spiritual raf I W • . . freehment at the banda of the Lord. Mrs. W. H. Allen has been con· Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph county for years is a ai ure elIt· adults Mrs. Verna Ke lley . or Springfield and Mrs .' W. S. Graham. lIulUtudet of people dur1JlC cold If we 10 desire, 80 than it be. a time fined to the house with a very severe EvaDs. Saturday. March 16th a em Star. ... _ +- _ _ _ fhe rector preach ed splendid ser· w..ther.8uffer frpm colds and other of spiritual feastin&" the time when cold. daughter. INCORRECT STATEMENT mons at both morn in \: and eVo:lninl{ IUD&' dJaeIlell. We feel a ludden we draw nil{h unto God that He . . • d • h to ti h Mlsa Mabel Hadley, of Spnn&,bol'e, Mrs. Verna Kelley of Springfield. chill and say that thil is the cauae of services. - -- --- our takill&' co14. Now tbil chill (in .. ay ra~hm~ un f WI; a hme; e: was the lrIlest of MiBl Hazel Gnstin. Ohio, was the «uel;t of Miss Mame We clipped an article from the KILBON-:WRA Y the medleal aenae of the word) is n~t ~:.:e~e ;h~ruoa :~~om~ Sunday. Brown Sunday . Xenia Gazette Ia.<t week in regard the cause but the effect. When tllIl S d Bel.. I 9'80 .M to Earle Steele, which seems to be Wtllter J. Kilbon and Mrs. Lena chill oeellN'the diseaae -haa already un ay aOO at. a. m. ernMI88 Myra Rogera, .f Lebanon, lit- '4r. and Mrs. A. Mafflt spent Sun-I incorrect. Accordizlg to our latest been eont~ted It i. one of the. ina' Praye~ and sermon at 10:30 tended service at St. Mary's cburc:h, day with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. LI.>yd, information h<.' met with his accident Spray were married in N(~wport. II t &. t f . .. m.; EvenlD&' Prayer and sermon at S mday mominl'. near Harveysbur2. in November which injured his spine Ky .• Thursday. Mr. and Mrs . Kil· e&br ~.ti' 8Y. ftP'lIM°clpnorethumoDl&m · '7:00p.m.Subjectforevenin&" · andhewal in the hoslJ;tal for several bon returned here Sat urdav and are roD,;!" t~? uenza. an e CO - The Life beyond the Grave. Mrs. -Mary Caakey, of Lebanon, Mrs. Israel Satterthwaite and weeks. He is in perfect healtb now, recelvlllg th e c01Jgratulations of m;:. co~. '1 h'-'I- • Tb,e public ia invited to these aer- was the week·end &'\lest of Mr. and djiugbter. Margaret are visitin&, rei- havin&, entirely recovered. their friends . eee ~ prelvaJ e h ..."bln Vices. . Mra. J. H. Coleman. otives ill Springfield. . They will soon remove to Califor· winter, beeauae poop e are brou&, t • _ • We are very I'lad to make this annia. where they in tend to make thei r into more contin. relationa, and the DOMESTIC SCIENCE SCHOOL Mrs. Gordon Joy .pent several Mrs. Lina Devitt, who haa been nouncement, and to co.nllratulate future home. tranam~~ of til.. diaeues be. . days with relatives aDd friends in vifiting relatives in Indianapolia, Mr. Steele upon his recovery. com_mere ~y and frequent. The Harveysbul'&' ladles haY1n~ Clermont County la. week. will arrive home Thursday. - - -...._ ...- -P & D ASSOCIATION They affect chiefly those of indoor charee of the four daY8' DO.Mtic ' M. E. CHURCH There will be a special meeting of Uf. aDd oeeupatlon. ThOBe Beien~ School to be held April2nd Mrs. J. VanHarlinpn. of Beaver- M~ Flo Dyke and Mias Pearl moatexpcieed to the weather are least to 5th, wish to urge every woman of lown baa been the &'\lMt uf Mr. ani Carey. of Dayton. were week·end Sunday School. 9:16 a, m. It is importance to all memb ers of the mlel7 to hav~ tne., Therefore it is the colDDlunlty to attend. The in· Mrs. 'U. M. White for several days. guest. of Mr. and Mra. F. C. Carey.lerowin&,. Come snd see. Protective and Detective Association important not .to Itruthe the air Itruetors are eent out by. and at the . The pastor will preach at both lIer· at the TOONnship house Saturday eve.bich ~ be vitiated bJ pehOIUI expenae of the State UniveraitJ. Mia Mary ialiabury. who waa op· Rev .. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader vicea on Sunday. Both sermons will ning at 7:30 . • boareaufferina'from th. . iiMuel The,c:urrent expenaes will be met by erated upon lut week, i, improving. were an Cincinnati ,~eaday and be on the love of God for lnen SubLytle Colda run throueb acbooia and fam- voluntary contributors, and no ad- and her many friend I bopeto see her ~~_~y,~ttendin&' The World in jectof mom in&' sermon, "God's Love ill.. Ill ...... "ua!da" are'~ 'miIaIoD tee will be cbarpd. .No wo- .out..a. nuU. and Christ's Sa~ficet' 'Sublect bf inIr:' If < wen DO aIda to man am.dord to mu. this ofporIlia ~t ZelJera • eti h evenin&' &ermon, "The Greatest' Vball, F . Vlark ,"lide It. bUline8s .. tch" ....:... ' Itt t be" ..- t " tunil7 and it is hoped that MCb one .Jamea Sat. baa been drawn for . ' NtJ&'fl er. Thine in the World." If you have \rtp to Dayton on Moncl"y. ea _ cou no ea_u • . ' __ .I tbe United Statea .........d l'U1'V at Cin- poeltion in tile Telephone exchana'e eel B t f n t t De not ~t thoR ~bo an autre~ wdl C?nlid,r .heneJf personally.-m& cillD&tI and will -'::::n h~ duties here and went to Centerville MoDd ' no church home we extend a cordial AUr Il nes. 0 ~ny on, Ipen . . frona ~I_. . of the napira~1'1 eapeeially in.a~ ~ .attend; on Ap,'il2nd. -a' where abe hal accepted a poaitionar~ i invitation to you to worahip with us Wednesday with his pIlrent& Ur, ol'JraU, ~ JOu can be of .rYlce. HAS OPENED RESTAURANT the e-A~a_-e. Mise MAo-me will be~ on the Sabbath. Come apd be helped. HDd Mrs. 8. B. Hiltoes. -"'~ ,. " " ............ _.. I CI S G auser Past r Mesdames Emma Fonlkll. Mollie ~ "'TION HenleJv Kendall, of NewcutJe, Iud. miaaed by the "hellOll" here, u rha I 8renc~ . r , 0 • V........... Davis and Jesste Longncre vi8ited Good .. tilation is an ~ Mrs. Ftank Pratt baa opened a nil- who hal been the peat of Chu. was an accommodat1n« and oltligin&'i •- • Mrs. John Fite tn Lebti.noa, Wed· "a. ven of - ti ~ taurant in the room formerly oeeu- Sherwood and faaily returned to hiajOP8rator. and may eood lucj( follow ' Leroy Irons. of Dayton, was in _n- p ...ven OD. JlUWy ..\._ .,. .a h • 1 d' I t __1. h ed esd nelldllY· pencma wotald ... mocked at the ~ied ~J ww Durt.n restaurant, ana ome an n lana .. w_. er. : WaynesviJIe W nay. Wayne Temple will Dave worll OD tboapt of ltathinl'in water that lB ready meals and lunch. I next Friday evening. All m,mbers bad been daecl by a1l0ther, but fill Mt'I. Pratt 8~uld have the patronrequested to he present their 'Iunca' freely with air that ia acre.f tbe peo,le ~ Waynesville. as Mi@& Zl\Ia Githeus spent several lOIId84.wi filth and diMues trom ~e is an ~l1ent co~k. The pl~ day811l:1t week in OilY ton, the gnelt DWl7 peraona In a PII~lic hall or con- has heeD enhanced Wlt" ne~ ~u.rnaof lnl~1I Reva Williamllon. veylUlee with no feelin&, of repu&", ture, dlahes etc., and ~ooks IDVltml'. Lee Earnhart has muoh improved • Tbls restaurant WIll al90 handl. I\nd WIIB abl e to 00 oe home on Tuel nan~~isfar moredan&,er i~ breath- eandlea, cigars and . tobacco.," Give day of lo st . week. 1I000lDpallied by t.... bad air than in :bathin&' the akin her a call and you wJ111'O agam. Aa Warren County was myoId trout: deer are plentiful and bear. but you feel as ~Ilood as inside the Mrs Earnhart who rembined in /Jolin aoDed water _ . ~ -:-. home I feel ita pleasure to write a partridges and some quails, all walls of mansions. One would not umba ~ (Iurill ~ his tltllY bt tbe B08 Poor ,entiladon II the direct cause ' MADe GOOD ~EI.ECnON pillce tor the paper. .Giving uP. the kinds of small game and furs. think close home that there was so pitn!. of • laree proportion of diaeal8ll. ' Milll Martha O'Neall was offered farm 1~ !ears ago, ~elDg called m!o The roaGs are fine, 10 · miles west much land idle. While we have the Ltlster Kenriok lIud Wife took diu · The ofre-1ve ameli ot a vitilltlKi atd h t-.:I th ' ·ti ' the mmlstry, labormg 6 years m of Lake Huron the roads are old forest fires one is almost as safe here ner 8UIltiliV lit the uo uotry home of ."" aa accep. 'IN th e W post on '1as . . k 1IT&7ay '--n,.. to Oh' '1 d bed sand Iog rnad s. Th'IS as esew I h ere, . _,h~iian iadieaUonofit.adan_ -an ......1 C'ty I mJl5IJlonwor n,IO, ralroa Mr IIUlI MrH Jo~ephCh"mllion. oookkeeper m e aynesva e and a few years in Warren COUlrtty has been the coldest winter exper- . I preached in the First Baptist Mr . lind Mr8. U E Johnl hl\d for .er. (Continued on p8&'e 4) Na~ion~~ Ban~Mlet~ v~~ by:e in the Ohio Yearly Meetin&,. I was ienced for quite awhile. I averaged Ichurch in Ostoda. the Twin City. their ~ uesh 00 '1'hurlll1'IY Mrs AnDa rPSlgna Ion 0 r . . . ,~rw • then called to what is known as one hundred miles per week while that was burned. It wall a fire trap <":ook, MAry 110d Perry <":ook, of WILL HOLD ELECTION who ~oea to the Citizens . Alpina ABBOciation Michi&,an in the thermometer registered as low and it nlade a complete clean up Wbyuellvi lle b,:"k I~ Leb~on, the ~rst of..AprJl. northern Michigan where 1 spent as 30 below. I found out it was not one w:mld or could not feel and Mr . aocl Mrs. Ralpb Lewil! Ipent WUliam Jf!Ilninlili Bryan will apeak Map 0 ~ea1111 many fnend8are con· one year. I have found thousands as bad as zero weather in the warm· sympathize with the people unless SnndJ1Y in Dayton with Mrs. Clara at Sprina'fleld, in Clark County in the I'ratulatmg her upon her good for_ i.of fertile acres of land lying idle er climates. The winters are ('old we stoo,d lty them. With a fine Lewis lind family . mtereetof the "drys" on Ea&ater8un· tune. • _ _ The settlements from 8 to 20 and dry. The snow 19 worse to con· church and fine homes, everybody Albert l:itnoy and wife were Lab. day. The campai~n il to be opened McCOY RENTS LAROE TO- miles .apart; but each settle.ent has tend with In driftin&'. I waa 6 heurs prospering the next week see the city flDon visitor8 on Sa'nrday. by thedrya this week. A series, ot BACCO SHED schools and a fewplacea travelillg 12 miles . . We have to in aahesand the people penniless and . bllrry MoUinni8 aud Walter KeD. meeti~ will be held throuehout have churches built. Thia is onflof break the roads at times but gen- homeless and without food. and riok wert! in the Oem City, on Fri• ., til. county. No date hal been set Dr. McCoy, the Veteri~an, has the greatest countries for a chance eral\y the commisaioners get the from rlic" homE'S into two rooms un· dILY. . . forthe election, but it will be held rented thelar&,e toltaeco med o~ the for a man to I'et a home. This hmd men out. \ finished. The moet of the houses Allen Emriolc B' (1 family spent ' about April!1. The county is drt. Fur .tate Dear the stancipipe, is almost all bard wood land. MOl!Uy The work of the ehurch we have are rough; lumber heavy , tar paper l:iunday with Mrs. !\J.I\Uda Emriok - - -•• - -- .where Ilia fine bred stalllons will all the timber lumbered is beaLeh, i. school houses and town halls. I on the outside and heavy paper on Horllce Whbrton lIod family, 0 FELL I~TO Tt.E CELLAR kept for the aeaaon. aupr, maple, hemlock and ' pline. have three churches and seven .p- the inside. The chimneys of many Da.yton, were c:sundsv guetlu of Mr, -- • 1 have seen in lumber. eampal00 to pointment.a. 1 am buildln&, two houses are only common stove pipe Ilnd Mrs. Vlylle WhllrtIJu . Geo. Barttoek met with rather a MASONIC , 300 men, it is quite a li&'ht to Bee churehea, the people 'are ready to but whenever a home is burned the Leslie E. Vuey "pent! I'rtday serious accident Thursday, · while Speeial.communleation of Waynes- ~he~ lumberin&,: They d~ the work answer to the call. One church will people are ready to divide up. One evening and BHoturclay in Lab.DOD, ,!orkiq OD thehoull8. which il bein&' '11 Lod No 163 will tak place 1ft wanter on s1eaehs and m aummer cost $1800 and is airpoSt completed family of 8 children all under 15 'he guslt of P,of. J. Rloe . :owl\n. '., remodeled. on the Dr. Ellis fann. ~ ~ 0 ~ I' h 28the T on hi&'h wheeled wqona. We have without a cent of debt. While years, everything burnee on Sunday More fulks III'e 00 the move: · . He 'hM ,laCed a bo.ard oyer an 11 dlda~~v:n Il&'th' M&re d ' . ~Io in tbisstate nea~ here tae greateet lnODeJ is scarce the farmer il clear- morning and by WlKinesday nillht Willibm Brown Ilud wl.fe . ' d w~ caD ..- 1I0r e · U1' SIrna openlll&' :in~ th" e, aD be I .tiatecl So. b thWI dams in the world. partly btlllt. in .. up hiB land. The ladies have they were in a house of plenty. I tuto their property In Lytlo, standlitc 'on it when it broke• . He !la.: Joum al&, re ren which' will be uaed for power that &,iven the 81MB that the hena lay on worked one day solicitin&, and reo- Wednesday i Levi Liloy 1lI.."W1D<... , tell onto a box wbich struck him cordaally m;~B d W II will run all tllectric road. and lilian· Sunday' and the fanners donate ceived 500 Ibs. of flour and every- boaghC rb e Willilim UlrmODY dlr..ctly &ClOI8 the abdomen He is ·E.'V enBarnerBOnt' ...:..,. ufactoriee that would settle ~ the pain. I pther the BfCP up which thing that they needed . I find out \ook pOlilletllllon of it last h colia'derably br'Uiled ~~,~4tD up. . ~'. , . " ar ,.,.,.; y. State. amount.d as hi&'h &II 80 dozen per that it il the social and brutherly ward LODKe.ore Ilnd lamily . :_. F-LBirrt '!i~ .A· '·~RD.'Y 'This land wUl produce 40uble trip. The farmers pve from 6 to love after all that makes this lite tn with Mrs. &illrth" ,~, I( a"", . what the land in Ohio will. 10 buahela of wheat and by Use help worth livinlr. I would be glad if t:!a'nrd"y". who do not know what t.rtllIIer II of Jouna pt'Opte we wlli"complete an any reader that is 8tru~K1inK to Iret Mr. &Dd Mra. Allen seen 58 bUlbe1a ~f wheat' to tM- ,18QO eburch without a ceDt of debt a home will write me in reeards to ,.1Ded OD ~nnday 'he AI,1 kln4 of ero,. are ~wD! tbt8 Iprln'ir. The ·lCboel ho~ and land and hOU8e8. . Ruet"! Mr. and Mrl.

.. - ...



.-.- --




Interesting Letter from Former Citizen R d esi iog in Michigan

--_e _ •




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l~lilll~li~~iii=liillll~~I~i~~.~~ ·. ~~~b~~~~~_~ ~Md~~ a.·~re~~~~~~da_~~' m~~ tbei.. i, ~ .• ",.rmo· alnce the lumber unl.·

c~'I"_P~' ~bICb"


l,~ii~~;;I.~!J..little. bnbCh ':-~'_'.

\. " 1·~.. ~(1'


that ·,·the old ancient .onder kind8 of wild fruits. 'boUie opU .and YOD . , , Rev. W. Baitey. to' "1eel weli;:Ohi__ '.l'be First I3pt;1at ~~h~ aU ·Oftl' tile bed atn~t, Kill~rf .~eIi.· " --:. ~ . -, '~. ~

kina aDd family, of Da~r t

~ _._-!..l.O:ro.,;'~;

,BalJ, bll1lteriDI




The Miami Gazette {I."",.....I~OO~D;;;:O;;; OO;;;o;;;,oo;;o;;;o;;; oo;;o;;;o;;;;oo;;:;;o;;-1...........

\vAYN:S~;::'~"" P""""·omo. His Mother's Valentine .. .. ..




Why should any avIator at t bll • tage talk flyIng a crosl th e Atlantic dn 30 or Itny n um ber of hourI' If be feels Impe lled to t r y a 8,OOO-m llo lllcb t ! n a dl rlgt ble or a n aerop la no, w by Cl oes he not tu rn west ward, where r e Is ple nty of s olid Sllrl b ' a land on Y Tbere m ay be men lom.wha t f ool bardy e noug b to a tte m pt t be HIg ht t rom New ro und land t o Ire lan d. It II • aure and eas), way of acblev lng pasttIng noto r let)' a nd Inclde n tall y of com · mlttlng lIulc lde by d rowni ng, lIay. tbe N ew Yor k World. T bere w ill be ti me e no ug b to tal k of cr08sln'g the ocea n tn on a e roplane when thlB contin ent b aa been trn,v erled by ai r wltbout all gbtlng. Back of thll non&enlle abou t fly ing across the Atla nti c III the ml.fortun e th at th e busIness of avIation ball ra llen s o la rge ly Into tbe lIonda of s how men. Tbe), are In te rested cble fl y In doing "stunts" fo r the .alte ot the ad vertiSin g Bnd future gate reoe lpta. It I, becom Ing a Que l lion whetbe r practical advancel will be mad e In the science of a vIati on In th is coun try except the goverlUIlent take It up se r touoly tor mllltary purposes, a. bBS bee n do ne In France.



lOll ,




b, AJIIOClated LJtorarp I' r ....)


T e ll l Wonde rful Secret of Sucoessful E)( pe rionce Healing Sorel. Wh at cou ld b e [nore con vl nclnll than 11Ie letter o f a nurse, lu whl cit she tells of the woncle n s be has ac, complished with Resl no l ? It th e eura tl"o proportles Of Reslno, lire r ecognized as exce ptional by 0. per· son con ti nu a lly conn ected with skin rll8en8ea at eve ry sort , yo u, a 8 au Ind v d u a ' certai nl y ollgbt to heed ber 'Words ot experience a nd advice. R ead wbat s h e says : . "Reslnal Oi nt ment Is excelle nt for t he \' a r lollS skin eru ptlon o that c hil dhood Is h ell' to. I h ave bealed a great mn ny Bores 00 tb e little tot a wlta Res lJJol Om tmo nt. a ud r ecomm end Ita good qlln ll tle8 wb enever I find a u opportunit y, "MISS M. SCHOFIE LD, Dl8 tr lot N urse. "Chicago, Ill." Reslnol Oin t ment ca n be applied tl) tbe raw ski n of tho youngest t.n fant wIthout Ir r itatio n or s marting, and s h 'es Inst lwt I' lIet. Res lnol Ointme nt Is lin eJTeetunl nnd r e liable r emed y In. all to rms at Inft a m mallo n. e rupUoll and Irrltallon ot tb e s kin. It Is a u Im med iat e remedy for Itc hin g or Influmell plies Pllel a grent cur atlve a p· plica tio n for pczemn. t olter , milk c rust , Ilim ples, blac l,heaus, s cnlds, burns. c hilb la ins. bol1~, 1 lOllS, c uls Ilnd all In named nnd Irritaled s kin surfa ces. Reslnol SOil P. by Its a n t Iseptlc an d heali ng propcrti cR. uaslste th e work of Resillol 0 1111 m l' JI I. Your dru ggist lmows t l1e valu o lind reputatloll o r Roslnol Ointm ent, nnd lIrs It for sale In fifty·ceut and olle·dollo r slzeB. Free t rial sample will be s ont YOll u pon application to Dl' lJRrtment 82, Reslnot Chemical Co., BoJl1mor., M d.

V. J . W88 R valen tin e. T here co uld you lh In bl s toens, of wh ic h a flUll ldl. be no dou bt a bou t tbl 8. He wus born OUB I'e gllrd ror dross /lnd a sent!. on t he 1 H b 01 February; biB motb er men tal pose were co ns picuous fila. bud named him Va le nti ne. and he tun's. 1I 0w d ellgbted b ls mother bad Catoetl l ' nprofl table COWl . Condemns Whe n Pla nte d Thla Kind of Corn H .. 0' Pra llel the Separ~ tor a nd U" bore the outward semblallce 01 one- bee n wlill thIs partIcula r va le ntine ! • T e nd ency to Break ,. one, moreover, at tbo.t orTenslve type ('ou ld any otber woman, be ask ,ed 8howl EfficIency of I nto Seve ral popular ly k nown as comIc. blmse lf. ever over look his detfc t s aB Churning. Types. No one knew what V. J . Vlncenl, a ll sbe hnd ,lone? be Invariably signed hImself, bad BU tHe arosE' nnd wlllked to a .nlrror. Tt.e Babcook mil k test er Is • valu · We III1\'e In Ohio a t ype of corn tered tram tbls combi nation of cl r cum- "It·s a t reak of n face." be de'flared. l ble aSBet t o t he dairy Ind ustry. When s tanCes. Hair of unmltlgaled red, a surveyIng his r eneCt/ on s te rnly all cl prl" )Ierl y u sed In oo nn ectlon w ith l he wb lc b, ulthou gh 01 no commerc ial 1m· 110se of un con ven tiona l le ng th. In Qulr. crlLl ca lly. " It loo\(s," .b e BAld, "as It lIeal es, It rev eal s t he profi table a OlI porlance. la 0( cOlls ld erab le i nter est In Ing a nd a d imp le d obln were. be It had rep(>nted at t be last an d t rl ,~d u n jJro fl ta ble cows ; It co n de mns 01' thllt It r ('prese nts what Is thought to told bl mso lf, heavy enoug h burde nll to to do BOIlll'thlng In the beaut y II Ole. pra ises th e work o f the se pa rat.o r and be t he l)'PO fro m wh lc b all othere bear, witho ut tb e necesolty at emllln g Could any t hi ng he more ba r N)w ln g shows t he efficiency of c huru lng by ha I' develufJ NI. Th l8 18 the pod corn. No sa n ~ gl.rl r oveallng th e 108S of fat In th e s kIm 80 na med becn u8e t be ear Is not only c beerfu ll y - at tbe e nd less Jokes to a nd Inbarmonlous ! wb lcb be submItte d on each r ecurring cou ld ever brIng be reel! to the ~..(JI :llt m il k or butt erm ilk . It ma kes It P08' enclosod In a hus k. bul each kernel 14th at Fe bru a ry. He had, learn ed to of accep ti ng t be wearer of sllcb a s ible 10 s ell m il k on Ito fa t con ten t, Is Burroun ded by a n IndIv idual hus k accep t Ihe ba lr an d e a rs and nose fl\.ce." He wou ld n ever ma ke a fo ol tb tl o nly tair wa y to se ll It. No dal ry- or pod . No dou bt, many at our r ead· wIth reslgn atl on . bu t the dImpl es. pe r· of ' hl mself by ask Ing It. No ! Tile man'8 equipm e nt Is compl e te w itbo ut err. ure f,lml llar wIth this kind of corn. Ever y once 10 a while, s omeone an· peluaJ ly laugblug Rt tbe rest ot bls maltar waM ijettled defi nIt e ly, finally tbl s InsU·ument. A tour· bo ttle Bab. face, we re stili a se ns iti ve poin t; Bnd Rnd lorever, be dec lared. cock t est r com pl ete can b e b ad tor n(lu nces that he bas dlsoove r ed a n ew In a beard less era wb en fash ton de· The ro lo be Wll8 10 play hencerorth fi ve o r six dollars. Large r tes te ra t ypl' at corn, o ne In whi ch there II bu t II tlle cob a nd ea c h kerne l Is s urmlUl ded glarIng bon esty In ch ins, 1\ seemed. howe ve r , 8. tnme and colo'r- CUEt lUore. co nsllic uous o ne. H e coul d on ly ra ll le8s one as b e sat l bnt even Ing t o lhe T be Babcock t oot II a si m ple. qui ck, baok on BIl un faili ng senile at bumor lIIerrll l li brary t a lkI ng to Ma r cIa. HI! ~ h ea p and I'ellabl e method of det.ermtor support. delayed tnk l ug up the book they we r e 111101; th e llcrcentage o t b utter tat In mil k , cr eam , s kim m ilk, b ut.term llk , V. J .'s name WB8 appropr iate In r ading togel h er. It had Leen R dangerous tJl per·t· etc. Genem l r ul es for making th e mor e th on one r es pect. III t be Io.cetest are as fo llows: T he equI pmen t T be suggesti on at Prof. George D. trimmed, Cupid-adorned creatio ns d iS- I ment. tbe rend ing of tb nt boo k. An n eeded to r mak ing t h e test Is: T ho played In Febr uary, tbere Is usultll y Int e ref't In II b ad led to regu la r mel'!' lIake r, ot Ha rva rd, hea d of the Dram a fo un d, b idden under a beart-shaped , Ings, durIng whicb Prop Inquity bael te nt!3 f , whIch consists or a centrifuge, League, of Boston, tb nt Ame rican leat, a li ttle apartment wllrm wllh hl!en bllsy aft r the manner of thut c/t'Jer open or covered; Ii nu mber of a ud iences sbould fndl cate t b elr dlBBP- lIenUm ent. In V. J.'s be Ing. the re was em,' lellt ally of ' CupId . test bottles. a p ipette, a bottle or " rova l or plays and player. by hISSing, a similar recese, but 80 cunnIng ly can· In V. J.'R case Ule mIschIef had sulph ur ic aci d a n d g rad uated measure I . rece ived by prod uce rs w It h disap- cealed tbat tew BU8pected Its exIst· been dOIlE' before be reach ed c hnpter a ~'al r of dividers. Genernl r u les to; Wash proval, naturally, a nd II not like ly to e nce. three. This was Inevitab le. Marchi t es tl ug mil k are as to llows: wIn m ucb fa vor with the pl nygoe r. Its senti me nt W1l8 , bowever, bub· was prC'tty . She bad a Illerr y f ac.~ . Al i glassware c1eall with a atrong a lm'n g ' little ka li solu tlon nn d rl n8e with clean waT be Qua lifications ot t be one wbo bll ng up on th Is parUcul o.r mornI ng ~vlth nil 80rts or cbarO Didn't Surprise Mr• . Flynn, t er berore making th e test. T h e s amDellnls F'Iynn, whi le retu rn ing from hisses m us t be exam ined be tore we at tbe H tb of Februa r y as be passed curves plllying over It; and bla bear t ple to be tested shOUld be a r epresentwork, look refu ge lind r a tree du rIng: ,,'m grant him the prIv ilege, and not th e Merr ill bome, bou nd officewa rd. lea ped Otlt townrd th e oellse ot bll100·r a ti ve ot t he whole lot tro m Whic h It iB a tbunder storm . Thc tree WIIS etruck even a certll1cate t ram tbe Drama He b ad hoped to see Marcia Dillon It Ind lca tE'd. Theu n o one could look tallen. A t urnperature a round 70 at th e window . Instead, be caugbt a at he r nlouth and ch In an t! not gR l u by IIgbtnl ng Ilnd De nnis Was blowDt League tbat 8uch and s uch perllon. smile from ber you'ng cousin. Dano. a blnt liS to he r cbarR.c ter. SUO(!, deg~ees' F. 10 bes t for mak ing the 80me twenty reel IIw\l.y by the concuaare equIpped wit h crlUoal Jud gment Merrill. ).'ortunate ly, be dId not sw ee l nll d senHlble were the adje,:· tos t. A 17.6 c. c . pIpette Is used to slon anll budly stunued. A ne igh bo r' t b e r equ ired a m ou nt ot meaeure and are able to r eacb lIate an d Bound catcb tbe r emark tbnt followed It : tiHlS tho se feutll rf' s spelllld. Out fOlln,1 De nnI s alltl began the work at' m il k a n" t o deposi t It In tbe test opl n l o~s w ill 00 8u1llcle nt warrant tor " Doedn't Va l Vln oen t look like a V . J . IIndl'rslood. For hIm tbere COuld resuscltallon: anolh e r hurried to the bO ltl e. Car e m u st b e e xer. c lsed t o see eo comm iss io n to bl ss. It II ImagJn. co rni e valenti ne?" be on ly frnnk rr le nds hlp. He r e60bo me Of De nni s 10 Inform IIl rs. F lynn Able that t be Urec:t bU81nes s man "H Is face 18 rathe r an Intellige nt lutely pI cked up the book for the C108' t hn t tbe work Is don e accurat ely. If ot tbo accident. Mrs. Flynn lIatened\tb(' t est bottle Is h eld at a little In. mlgbt fin d malt ea rnest a nd sIncere on e for a com Ic va lent ine," r e- Ing rbl1ptcrs. to the nelgbbo r's nccount of tbe acciAnd just then Dnnll open ed tb e cline Inst ead ot vertically th e m ilk dent wllb ming led ter rpr lind joy, and objection t o a play wblch was giving sponde ti Marc ia. "He b as good eyes." "Oh, yes, but eye·glasses are not door and tosse d Into Marala's la p a from the p ipette 1Iows down the side wben la id that her hnsbllud was no the Drama League keen IntellectuaJ becClmlng. I wond er If anyt bln g large ell\'e lope. " It crune thi s a rter· mucb burt an d wou ld 800n be home~ enJoYment. s aY8 tbe Chicago TrIbune. by a busk. Within tho lall t rounde<1 would be very becoming to Va l?" n ool! wbll e you we r e out," sbe exber pleas ure Wl18 gratifying to bebold. U might be dangeroul to commiss ion three yenrs a t least two suc h "d iscov- "An ' Dlnnls was tw lnty tllt e a ....ay. laugb ed Dana. plal ned. " I tbough l you had It." th em to hi ss, and It the Drama League eries" h ave been bemlded through ~ be did ·ye7. aay?" "He b as a fine fore he nd." MarcIa " Who In t he world Is se nding m e "About tIIat. yell.' " prt:I1os of tb e country, but In ea c se "Ocb, my Dennis ruways wal Qulok Olb IIlssed a pla y whlcb the tired buslne'ss spoke In tbe manne r of one de te r- I\. valent Ine or t bls sort 1" excl a Imed a \lttle Investigation s howed that in. man was enJOYing, It probably wouI'd mi ned to see Justice done to an un· Marcia, pIckIn g up tbe' film ay; fa ncy bls fate, " sold' Mrs. F lynn, with a. Btead ot so mething n ew It wos only proud sbake of ber head. IIInd Its elf on Ita bea d outside tbe maln promis Ing s ubj ect. e nvelope. " Ob. I know. It'a Dicke y, our old frI end, th e pod corn. tbat had door. T be hiss will not belp the "It's a hlgb one, ce rtainly, and 1m· Mrs. Ash ton 's li ttl e boy. I was ove r come to notIc e a nd s omeo ne's dream drama uplift. E mpty sea t s are the provin g rl gbt e.Iong. Act ually, Ma rla, t bere yesterd ay, and' b e wall vale nUno RevIl ed 'verllon, of a fo r tune went glimmer ing. . cra zy. Don't you wan t to lIe~ tt?" Senator Ban kbead, d iscussIng a n elobest protes ts agaInst u~deeJrable~ bad There a re seve ra l ' r easons wby pod V. J . len ned over as Marcia. drew or banal playe. qu en t speec b th at h ad been rnlh er- ' Corn Is t hought to be t he ·orlg illal type. out the vale ntin e ; and then th ere tell poorly reported, said: Thl' fir ot 'Is t hat, wh en ' planted, ' it a thI ck Bud s udd en allence. From n "Tbe r e port epon ed t l;le s peo b, I t If tbe army gets more aeroplanel-It u(\WS a .tendenoy to break up \ntQ se ttin g of lace paper, rose-bued heartll sev er~1 t ypes. To ll1us(TBte: 40t was like old Hll'O m Earwl g'e accou nt WIll have to call th em alrplanel. At and plump cuprds. tbe re lookoolij) .a t yea r severa l rows of pod corn were ot Dani el Webs ter'8 rnst words. W ebleast the approprlaUon bill reported hlrn bls own tace. the fa miliar collegEI planted''.on the UnI versity farm atid, ster, YOIl know, 118 be 'Ia y dy ing, u tby the bouse committee on mllltary ca rI ca ture , be neath wblch 10 letterl! A S ix-Bottle Bsbcock Telter Suitable a t harvest tim e. It was found that, te red t he profound nnd ' olgnlfi can t .dl'lIl1'1 calls the thlnss alrplanea. and w bl ch seemed clanlOrlng to be r ead, sen tence, 'I 8tlll live.' W ell Hiram for Farm UIC. wb!le mpst of ,t be crop was ' ,podded. were tb e words : . alrplanee, tberefore, are the only Earwig ot Skeeter ~each s~ld to 11 some \lays w ~re qnly partly podde!l " I a m your va le ntine. of t be n eck of the bottie 'and the air and some e arll were, epUrely )lare. the vis itor trom ' 1.'h e clt,.:- • things that can pull Dloney awB)' from Will yo u, ·swee t malden, not bQI In the bot tle can readily ellCapo. Blow tbe publlo trea.ury-unleslI congrES8 k ernel hUBkB bavlng decreaeed to sncb ~ " Yaw p, ltte 's o n.8 artln; _ Wot wuz It Dl lne?" Ln the pipe tte to get the last drop out. an e xtent aB to be mer. scales, 11m I- that th a r New E nglander sald-Webalters the wording of the bill. It ap's ter, I tblnk ? Yaw p, It wuz GOllera) Marcia 's face was flu she d li nd an· P o ur Into the acid m easure 17.6 c. c. pears that a lenBltlv. representatlve gry. "Tbose s ill y g irls!" 8he ex· of commercial sulphuric acid wIth a Dan W ebste r. He got oft' a goo4 t blng from Texas objectl to the word "ae roJ us t afo re be di e d. H e rlz up In beet c lalmed. " I do not thInk gIrls of that apeclHc gravity at 1.82-1.83. Then plane," and will not be satlsfied wltb an' snY8, say s he: age- " aoo acid to tbe milk In the same m a nanythIng les. tban "airplane," wblch "'1 aln 't dea d ylt! ' "- Baltimore SUI1,. Her voice broke as sh e be gan to re- ne r In whlcb the milk was de posited he saYII means the lIame tblng. In the In tb e bottle. The milk and acId pla ce th e vale ntine In Its env elolle. V. J . put o ut a restraining band andl shot:ld be mIxed tboroughl;y by glvlntereets of the simple lite, b;y all Fortl • .,mo. took tb e picture. "It 100k8 to me,'" In~ the bottle a gentle rotary mdUon. Whe:l a certaIn Baltimore matroD. meane call the tblnge airplane.. After thoroughly mixIng the milt{ r eturnert bome one afternoon not 100 be observed, "as It St. Valentine ball and acId, the test bottles should be ome odds and ends le tt when long ago tile first eig ht ber e )'etl bebat! s France Is soon to bave the fll'llt aerho finls be d bls ye arly assortmen t and lliaced In the t eBt er and wb lrled at he ld was a badly dlullaged 3'ounp~er- ' Ial regim e nt eve r organized. Not all ha d tbrown tb em tog eth er to save the tbe right speed for 11 ve minutes In a. of hers. LIUle Bobby'lI forehead bore tbe member8 can , tor the present, take scraps. An old re llow of bls e xperl. room where tbe surroundIng temporail bump almost tbe s ls e of a cfoor~ob, - - the air at once, but an appropriation ~t:, • /r~a;' d . '4(1'#, '.' en ce 'oug bt to know that an Incon· ture Is not less than 60 degre es F., "Henvens!" eXolalme d tbe motber. ",. <iet:YlVt:'d I. to be aaked for buying enough aero"What blUl hallpened to Bob/ly1" gruou8 mi xture of the comic and lbe nnlesa bot 'Water or heat Is applRld to tbe t ester. Thle can b e done by putplanes to bring tbe total up to 1,000, I helleve VaJ Vincent 10 ge tting bald. se ntimental Is never successtul." " Nutbln' mllob, mum," explained the But Ma rclb.., dld not laugh. "I know· ting bot wate r around tbe bottles In new nurse. "You tr'd m e, mum, be of four different sorts. The yearly and he len'l so awfully old eitheryulatlonl of Type Secured When Pod mlgbt pla7 on tbe planner It be wanted all about thB t picture," sbe Bald In'- tb(> pockets In wblch they are h e ld coat or keeping thIs &ervlce efficient III not ne ar thirty 1et." Corn 18 Planted. MarcIa looked up with the amused cllg na ntly. " Mrs. Asbton told me yes .. or In the base of tbe tester. Then the to Well, mum, wanet wblle be waa I Ud-estimated at ",000,000; tbe colt In and tol e rant glance of twenty·flve te rd ay bow bappy It ma de your tat Is brought up to tbe neck of tbe lar to those found at tbe baSes at the Ing on the tOl', be alld a ' bit too far, liTes Is not so easy to reckon. nlrected toward sixtee n. moth er on e Valo nll ne' B day. Gwell test bottle by the addition or boiled kernels of our common COI'1L It Is mum; an' th~t accounts for lbe bump Dllna ran on IIgbtly. " Ot course, s hould be tborougbly asbamed of he r· water or a temperature of not less very easy tor one to conclude that by ye see, mum," That St. P ete reburg Is rapidly grOw. no one could be lp liking Val. He's self!" tbac 14.0 degreee F. at the time of ca:-efnl selection and breeding an 1m. Ing In population 18 evidenced b)' the brlgbt an d wItty, and as good as he A WOMAN DOCTOR To V. J . tb ere wa s s ome thing won · addin g. The bottles sbould then be pro~ed type could be dev eloped trom census t ake n In December, 1910, whIch Is funny looking. He was devoted to de r full y swee t and Intimate In this whIrled for three minutes and more thi!] corn. Wal QuIck to 8e. That Coffee PoliO" showed the population, IncludIng cer- bls moth er, and I'd 00 willin g to h a ve mention of bls mother by Marcia. hot water add ed bringing tbe tat well w •• · Doing the Mischief, '1he pod corn plant suckerl abund. tain auburban vllagea formerly not a comic ,'a1en tine for a broth e r m),- Certa in r esolutions melted In Its up Into tire neck of tbe bottle. antly, Is very leafy and bas a ten. wbirl agaIn for ' two minutes, rem ~overed, to 00 1,907,708. It lip.... self, It he'd treat me as Val does that warmth. There WIUI a moment's sl. A lady tell a ot a bad case of OI)le& de.lcy to prodUce k ern els In the taseminently an "office town" and also a harum·scarum Owen. Bbe has two lence. Then, " I am waIting," he reo tbe bottles, place tbem In a hot 'Water sel. Every farm er knows that ordl. poisoning, and tells It In a way .10- aim. bath deep enough to come to the top Maport for sl:l: or elgbt months of tbe girls visIting bel' now, and the wbole mInded . nary corn occaSionally produces ' s pie and Ilralgbtforward that UteriuT bunoh dep end on blm to entertain· . Marc ia looked up Inquiringly. I'freak" stalk or ear. It ' may take the yll1 could nbt Improve It. year, The principal IlIdultry Ie the them, as If he were of blgb ocbool age " There Is a Question, you kno~. form of kernels In tbe tassel, earl . "I bad neuralglo headaches for tit manufacture of cotton textlles, al. too. The girll all Uke blm, eVen If more or ,les8 podded, oddly-sbaped rear.... · abe laYI, "and hav~ 'Infrered thougb Its advantage 'all a POrt of en. they do regard him lUI BOrt of a joke. I couldn't ask It myself, but this young (ellow bas had tbe audacity to eals, or stalks brancblng and . ire. u~told agony. When I lIr.t began . to. try for the Interior Is gainIng recog- I'm glad you're such a good friend to ask It tor me. You baven't answered like. Tbese are all COD'!idered to · be' haVe tbem I weighed \ «0 potiQdl,' but. ' nItlon. A line of steamer. hal been him, MarcIa." It yet." \. reversions back to an original t-;.pe, they .b rougbt me down to 110; " • , eBtabllshed to Llbau, connectlng there "He's by ta r the cleverest man I've "1 went to ' m~T doctorl an4 ther And the answer muot have b<len wht(1h answers pretty weil the d. WIth a trans·Atlantlc line to New York.. met here, " asserted MarcIn. cave me on1)' teu:iJ)Orary relief. 80 I satisfactory, tor· V. J . never, as be had IIcrlptlon of poe! corn, . .' ." Ob, he ball bralns. all rlaht," agreed 8WOl'Il to do, d es~royed bls -Dloth!L. Thli enablel AmerlCBD ablppere to Pod corn Is grown only al' a curto. auftered on, Ull abe day,' a woman. . valentine. Sometblng tn a nature trill doctor adrue4 me to dr!Dk Postill!.. send «<>oda direct to tbll port without Dana. Ity or tor educational purposel. Could V. J. have beard Marcla's ot sentiment forbade doing so. the dela:rs or lrans-sblpment III forelp has no place on tbe average farm ane She said I looked tiki I 'waa ·cole. . defense, It might bave sugar-coated porta. It I. brought to notice here only ~. pOisoned. ,. the annual dose of wltticlsm8 be was :'80 I beg!lJ1 to drink Po.tum,Ja.nd: ·. Supply of 8ab.le Cut 0", caU Ee of tbe Interesting part It ' probcalled upon to swallow. As It wa8 a Tb e true Russian sable being .In ably has played in tbe development of I8ll1ed ,1!i- pound8 In . tbe. tint few- ,.;. ". A Kanaas professor thlllka that growing convIction that be bad b~en we.eks and. .BD;l,JItltl plnlng, but not ~ .. . ' our Improved types of .com. • dan ger of complete extermination, the A Part or--the ·Needed for conrsell on cblld·rearlng should be In. Indulging In some very foolish d uma has passed a bill prohIbiting the ~. .t .18, at Ant, M;y headaches ~ " T . L. WHEIDLJDR. I Tlllting Mille and Cream. troduced Into our colleges. He 18 quite dreams of late, WB8 empbaslzed by tra pping of sable trom February U. College of Agrlcultur.~ o.hlo Stat. to leave JIl8 -after I had ' Wled 'P 611ilJlll ~ IJ'Ight In his criticIsm that, wblle we the light jestll. Univerllity. , r _ "'. ' two week"-longenoug~;· t. e't-· , 1915. till Octobe r 29 ~ 1918. Hltberto the fat columns.-' Leave them there He sat In biB office III tbe after. tbere ba8 not been even a closed sea, ·ror ·t wo minutes and then r ead. 1J)8)' a groat deal of· atlentlon to tbe ~~o ' get .-tli,e f 01tee. poJs~n oii~! ot;.' 'breeding of live Btock, we elve pracU. noon, smiling rather wanly at a son, nnd sable bave be en caugbt wbllD . To ~~d a test use the dJvlllers by ~ .~ ' t~w mODtbB ·hl\~e ~J)ia.J :' ca1l7 none to tbe more ImPOrtant mat- teeble 'oke trom tbe offlce boy that mq ultlng and wltb young In sucb a placing tbe pointe at the extreme blnged on bls unfortunate cognomen reckless fo sblon , es peCially In the Ya· \Ivper and Ibwet' limIts of tbe fnt col. b~n to use Pastum. I Om ,_ .. ter ot breeding children:"He 18i! 't e xactly an Apollo hlmselt,': koo lak , ' Lenn a nd Amoor dlstrlctll, umJl. Then the lower 1I0lJlt should. that I never· lrno;W whaC L ' be thougbt lIB h e Watched tbe lank, th at tbelr numbers bave been steadily be placed oil.· ,t he zero ' marl[ and the head&che !11 IIke, anT more~,., A f100k of wUd gees e rsced a fast grinning boy wl tbdraw from the not~ln~but . Postuin thatt· \ decreasIng for years. T)le sable I. upper o~e In,!lt.cafes.: tbe; per cent of IPass enge r train In Tennessee ane! room. Then, "Confound the name, th e true marten, a variety of the ' reJ.1e1red· :~": ~," .:::....~ :t' In ~e IlAmpfe t .e atedi ' 'the smaD 1OBUl. out Winners. They went Into BDTWRyl" he exclaimed. 1,,:... ln .....•· ot~th~ equti1 d~o.tenthi marten, and the size of the akin . ~~~~~f'1,~~~~ "I~ used . -Poatum " 1 '.. If V. J . ever wavered In a deep exceedll elgbt Incbes by L'W,,,mr.v , ·In~ln ..... a uch a contest mainly, perbape, b. cent' ad the , ttrg~: dti llloii. ·....'U.,v..,'II. per .centz··· ' • ,; ' . . o<IIWlI. tbey were geose, 1et the;y had lentiment ot reverence for hls .Jll,other The ' blulllh tint of' the Jill:' tbe' softnes. of the . reB son on their Iide than tIIa it Will' When be thought of tile she bad . gIven him. At home reap~!lm the ; llIIlltIIlUcl.n variety of tbelr kind. WU • lerlei of ·valentlnes. Plcltures • ~ken 'o Uhls euc~lijve .'




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m 11JLl1m iI2Jy ~W , IP



Practical Fashions LADY'S 8IX-GO RED SKIRT.


Lydia E. Pinkh am'. Vege ta-

Peace Not Always Indicative


hie Compound Restored Mra. Gre~n's Heal thHer Own Statement.

of Prosperity

LONO tbe bouleva rds between the MadeleI ne and the Place de la Repube=== IIQue, along the Cham pB Covingt on. Mo. - "Your medicin e hu to Arch the from Ellyaees EACJo: Is a good tllllll\, ,but Deac e done me more good than all the docIn the ordluar y Bense or the the Obelisk , In little bras· tor'lI medicin es. At sertes along the Bolne, In word III not tbe Bummu m boevery monthly period num or human haDplnell8 or the so-eallo d "Ameri can I had to stay in bed usefuln ess, Rest and freedom bars" of the Ollera Quarfour days because or ter, In tbe pastry shalla hemorrh ages, and from pain ore comtort Lng to tile alck, a long tho Rue de Fau· my back waa so weak and may be signs of Ilpproac hlng dis· 5 716 1 could hardly Walk. bourg Bt. Honore, at the solution . Peace In a commun ity may "lJ"I" ,'~- . prill IIxe I have been t.akin~ Indl cllte prosper ity, or It may bo In' .. J '.,~ with :VOU, Bnd seelDB to bave been senslibl lity to duty and Indltrer enoo III Lydia E. Pinkham '. \ , til 11 I e a we ll aCQua.l nted wherev er you went. fraud and politica l corrup tion. A the V E' get a b I e Comalone .s'hota You are conllde nt that h e hall Baved man freezing to deatb or under th e pound and now 1 can lloul' Mlcb of the you money, and naturall y YOU feel Intluenc e of some pol8on needs to be Btay up ami do my LaUn Quarter - In Jwork. I think it i. ...:..L"-,-.. · _ _ com grateful toward him. Some L--1-~ . mavins kept tact, In almaet any and roused be thnt III er matt tbe at fact earth for women... on to Tbe e a9 medicin much so beat aronthe or the tw enty munltle s need nothing has been driven all over the city at be waked up and for ced to fig ht for within -Mrs. J ENNI!l GREEN, Covingt on. MOo dJsseme n.ta your ex pense; h e bas lunc he d and good governm enL the IIrty-e1:x gales of How !Irs. Cline Avoide d wltb you. to say notllln!; of the dIned capital, French tho Peace In the churc h may meau Operat ion. and Weber; Cllfe the at bite t midnigh In n writte Is w ill be found the prollPer lty or decay . It 200 of m 8u Ind. - " I can Bay that the ille. spent Brownsv have you It Amerl. ubiquIto us the Acts : "Then had the churche s As pa rt at " comple te costume or Lydia E, Pinkham 's Vegetab le Compou nd frllncs durIng til e afternoo n ' and eve- retlt,'" "and walking In the fear of c an grafter. desIgn bere has done me more good than anythin g ning you Ulay rest aSBured that gold tbe Lord and In the comfort of the 's a separat e skirt, the iate. It else, One doctor Baid I must be operaAttracte d to you aDlount ing to some 80 or Holy Ghost were multipli ed." Tills present ed Is eQually appropr allver Rnd by ellher the AmeriEmpIre model with panel t ed upon for a s erious femalo troubl& popular a 18 tr-anclI~nce yours- 18 sate In one :roo was after a per Iod of persecu tion and The garmen t Is cut can roll to the brim ot the poc kel! of the guide's fasblon · steadfa st conlent lon for the faith . froat and back. over tbe blps In acr, and that nothing' could h elp me but an or your derby or y smoothl fft to operatio n. even ~rve to get ably cut trOUlers . Tbere haVe been othe r times ",' hen with tbe prevaili ng mode. your Brockto n made ahoe, ho will un- Bcilool French might .. I had h emorrha gell and at time. It WIlS one tbe prIvileg e of t he wMt· the church had rest because It Willi cordnnc e agaln back and les Versail to hIm In fellow· a much as so out lines you t stralgb the errlngly Single and In8plr"ld e not get any medicin o to stop th em, absinth could the to IlIlIen to or extruord l- er p to Its duty. For making I got in 8uch a weak condi tion that I would vogue i re preserve d. countrY man a~roa~ OQ pleasur e be llt, wIthout serloua mishap or Amerlc .n a s lee number a or nces confide all nearly But ture. expendI Righteo uane8a Firat. tbe skirt panama , serge or broadcl otb have died if I had not got relief soon. therefo re nsb for hla nel. He may be nary both male and re- ·'guldes " and panhand lers. A young Tbe comman d to "conten d earnest- may be used. working on one or tho three com- Amertc an visItors . well and .. Several women who had taken your cant ck fro a w.,arlng mlm to In theIr lives pattern (6716) 18 cut In sizes Compou nd, told me to try It and I did th e fait h once delivere d to tbe r to The ly moner '''lays'' -tbe "touch, " the "loan" msle, desIre for once the lled aPllroac topper silk ed . near-na ughti- Ironsd saInte" does nut Indicate that Chris· from 22 to 30 Inch waIst measur e. To and found it to be the right medicin e to or ~he "guide." ' In othe r wordll, he wItness tlle (ar-tam haud, and that table and begged tor tbe privileg e of tlans In B world of s In aTe to expect the skIrt In tbe medium sbe build up the 8ystem and overco me may brnr:enl y ask yOU for a IImall sum ness of Parlll at first a few words wltb me. His linen was In. ot monE'Y With wblcb ' I:\e may ,obtaIn Is wbere tbe guIde cames , or be satlstl·,d wltb peace until will reQulro 7 Yllrds of 24 Inch mate- female troubles , l1awless seemed story 8-hls spotles Versaill es, the Bol~ de Boulogn e. tbe In rlgbteou sneRa Is establis hed , So long rial tood or lodging , be ma>'te ll you a •• I am now in great deal better health tbe Cllfe de Parts, He had, so he said. bee n robbed I hard luck Btory about a mytblca l de- Louvre, a dluner at a as God baa a controvE 'ray wltb men. town the seelllg .end H) cent. than I ever expecte d to be. ' 80 1 think While artre 'plltlern thl. Montm I)1'OCUI'tl To BerFolies the at contrnv ersy 18 the dllty of tbe cburcfl.. to "Pattern Oepllrtm e nt :' of Ihl. paper. ought to thank you for it. " -MI'II. O. M. layed drntt and ask YOU for a lonn to followed by a night tor cabled had He betore. blKhte few of and be small minorit y Wrtte name and adelre .s plllinly, pallu had So long as Immora lIty and Infidelit y aure tide hJm over. or be mny airel' to gere, mIght suit e. ... CLINE, S. Main St., Browns ville, Ind. ... elYe .118 and number of , and a few of funds, but a heartleBII landlord sion to opmIs a bas cburcb ths lilt, ex and guIde you around --and about Paris the AmerIca n villJtors clothing at suits ten hIs up locked glove cheap a after talk, the women Itll greates t need .at 10 much an hour or a dny, him Into the streot. Would I pOse them. Often In the dresllma k· tUl'O ed liIizs...... ......• _.. 67 16. NO. wIth a Bmall Is Iror some one to stAnd. as did tbe relief bls Grafter s workIng tho "toucb" plan bunting trip. a day 'to come kindly In the Rue de 10 until the arrival prophet of old, aDd call men to line days few are easily got rid ot. A Bm!lll piece Ing est.ablls hmenta a for loan . • Nil. MI!:, . •• .• " ,. , •..• " •• •. . " • •• _. , • ••••• ye ne at one of the eXhlb!te d a typewrl t. up. "Choose re this day wbom e H of sliver and 0 decided refusal to gIve Palx and a grenndl draft? his at along the Bouleca ll Is beard TOWN . .. . ,. , . • " . . . ..... . . . .• ... ,. __ ._ . . ... . more wtll usulllly RUmce to send thE'm marble topped tables mess&g e which looked prom· will lIerve." When tbls for that they have ten cable tears· came to my eyea \bAre are a lways some to plead the on their way, althoug h your name and vard des ltallens . feel and IlIlng, 8TRltE T AND NO ... . ...•...... . . _. . .... . to see of Paris. he that trouble st Colonist Tickets on laic daily March ut to t empora ry address will be paned' seen all lbnt Is Ilt I thought of bls predlca meut and peace. "Art thou as magreat trouble e tb who with r, men the , howeve _ No. BO, •••••• Not •••••. , Israel?" with ..•••••. , r •.. il 15th. .. . . . Apr togethe r, •.•..•. . late or ITATIII pered my bouillon around moaner alike clamor overpep tbose wbo pro· • The G~at Northern Railway will place ia a "tip" as' to tbe amount you gave the Jorlty. Male and femnleth e Bal Tara· "I'm sorry I can't help you out," ) the Israel of God are and Infidelit y, wbo for tbe Moullu Rouge. elTret on March 1St. a special One" .. y Col. tint begging country man. told bIOI. "You see, thIs happens to mote Immora lity a.nd deny the Tavern God , of the , DRESS word onisl fare of ~33.oo, from Chicago to poinu ia the Maxim's . GIRL'S beUttle Abbaye the I'v. rln. and Paris, "loan" a to atter vlalt tblrd tbose be my The pleas of often very t he Greal Northwest, and continue same daily and and grace; Mort of '8 Rat the doo:trlnE S8. .... Red lands the of heartles heard all about these ,are In many casea botb heartre ndln, y e tb, April 15th. when to ," pPl\ce They "Pellce, repute. r.ry lesuer thf!sE' of lords and delayed draftB before. Those .and plausibl e, A cnble messag e II other resorts This fare will en.ble everybody who hal streets or sleeve buttons of yours ougbt to flitch tbllmse lves are disturbi ng the peace. narrow tbe comb to seek "Sor. : read may which ll¥ed often dl8p l been convinced of the great opportunities that they may see enough at tbe Mont de Plete to tide Wben men In the churcb deny God ry de lay. Draft tor thousan d first tbe Lntln Quarter awa iting them in the Golden Grea t Northera God, Is Christ They that or eyes. tor, own Crea t.he thel~ 8B with you ia should 1J0bem t you over for a few days mall." WIIo could refuse a olean-cu Su les to reach the goal of his deail'1!l ecosaca as. Domo Calvary the on at died ~'Ine he buy that to or be au the level." young fellow from Milwau kee are anxious nomically and tbe from they rose and pose; ell The man In the trock coat was rifice for sInners he had told you or the clothing locked tor mod e ls wbo sometlm Three daily trains will Cury the Colonists . In· are bave viSited the or that the ScrIptu res the principal gateway a-St. Paul. \11' at his hotel, of two sleeplee a nIghts do not rest until they five contine nts. about to slink away. when I asked hIm dead, est-from .... church baR a on Chicago. and Kausas City-an d olis. to JoIn lIle and have an aperm! . Over spired anil true. the Minneap pBBsed In walking the ItreetB of Bal Bullier. tamous tor It Is an. eaaler an abshitbe -au-suc re he waxed conll· controv ersy wIth them, and woe be to .pecia l prepara tions are being made for the Pari,,? Wltb tean In bl' eyes he 811. Hence the guideillionaIr e to get dentliU and told me bl. atory. ' It It. througb fear ot man or love of comfort and accommodatioa of passengera, '!lures you that not a moreel of ,food malter for a multi-m Ibrlnks It red'' cause, ''unstee other an any for for or than e8111e Peter surSl. he by a he, forty and sal!! t " "You're wise. The fare from St. Paul. Minneapolis1 Kanbill be Bwaltow ed In eigh of these elltab- veyed the opalesc ent content s of lils trom Its duty. Ia' City, Duluth and Superior will be ~25 .00. hours; then be exhibits the cable mel. strange r to find aome Dinger of the Church . glaBs, "There sure Is a bunch of Tickets will be aold to nearly al\ poiats ill lIIage, and you -part , w1th 60 or 100 Ullbmentll. airel'll man young obliging an baring When t danger of the church bere greates over The gratters . Idnho, Washington, Ol'1!gon Ind agaIn, It an lee MontanA Americ I.ranc&----never to any without to ·ahow you around town Columbia. including Helena, Bune, Ume. I've only been III, ItII Inlenslb l1lty to tbe begInnI ngs Britilh Boft pretty a natmore Is wbat . Great Falla, Havre and KAllape.ll, Monua l. 'rJle beggal'1l are ',a nuIsanc e, the bor· oltpEln~ , to yourself but tloetl'lne , It credits- loose to , accept such a over here two months. Spokane. Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Bellinsyears." ~achel"tl with beIng beUer than they r owerll are a pest. but the so.calle d ural than tor you for here been have push tbe " "" ham, Vancouver. Victoria and Portland. r te. Americ an "guldes " of tbe great B'rench killd olrer. ' minIste a cigaret all my them, to of saYII blm~1f It helped Boem. He Aavlng accepte d the gratultp uB otEvery town in the east will enjoy the benefit eny d to cIty are mOIl'- unquest ionably ' the seemed who ' IInld of a student - guide. you map and can tinued : of this rate. and through tickets can be purA tile atonem ent, "He does not mean It, hi. n.e worsr of the lot. In that their dealing s fer of the Amerlc an to place cheap a Is "ParIs , rnoon and evechased at low figur<:8. In planning your trip wIth Americ an vlBltorll. wblle appal" out a tour for tbc..afte costs very little, The and. at any rate, he will get over It Singula rly enougb. Pt'rfect (jlnner to the Golden Great Northern Statet. write .tralns It wbat half ~nUy straight forward . are aa crooked nJns. we. will BaY: work." to about Is get8 room be nIce 'ben a 'W for free copy of Colonist Folder and COlt of guIde 18 nor aatlsfte d wltli the rent of poInt. le81 e York, scriptur :aft tbe proverb Ial I'IIm's hom. ,. Graft. your the New In It,s charity beyond through ticket from your town to, ha . whip a.nd you have to pay , acu ,whoccr Cocbe tlrllt en· r aka. cia lt of dlf{'ercl, tion l\nd lUnder a thou! tban that once you can speak Frencb It does not heed the exhorta needs ge--he patrona your soUclta They tions. tEl'S Iota tbelr proposI to make a bargain . Jobn, the apostle , of love and peace : W. E. HUNT. C_ AaeDt. line and pick out lind know how toll ndt. nor do they spin, yet few must go down tbe of the beet lIort can be had "If there come I\ny unto you a.nd 411 T ..etJ_ Buildlaa. g Clothin drlver_ fOUri8tl eat better toad, drink better a certain Cinclnn.l~ 0 ..... B liang. and a two-hor se carriag e bring not this doctrIne , recehe blm tor hl8 with "Thl8 feller'. on tbe level twIce the prIce not." -wlue or wear more fllllbion able attire about for hired be can eJ:plaln 8 aa you tban do these buccane ers of thll ~ule- . Cha1'gell,'O:, tb.e guide A writer. descrIb Ing a visIt to tbe of a carfare In the states, him tor' a IIQuaNl know "I ' ·olr: drive ~' '-' gs are good during the tau ..... home at Henry Ward Beecher , IIpeaka vardll. "Pickin , would otbers Tbey pounoe upon you aa you leave cachero ·S ome or the 1st season, and the only kick that Ibe of a pain ling wblch Mr. Beeche r you air tnto aome huge your train at the Gan St. Lazare: most, likely drive boys have Is on the Frencb shoes and 8howed blm, represe nting " the Apache s would cigarett es. Several of the bunch Im- lI~astllr asleep near lIometh lng he bad they .can the columna of tbe lIewBpa- side IItreet where A practIca l dreslI for the scbool elrl I. Crowin , Smaller E..ry Day. you up and split wltll hIm." 1)01'11 IQr the namell and addrelB ell at hold port tbelr own smokel. Of c.ourae, b,een left to guard, and a laJH10e bere Illus trated. It close8 lit the CARTER'S LITTLE Ie ion "That," your away. at It an arrived Americ drawing Having tbe Is Quietly theY the favorite graft tbe newly arrIved Americ ans; -:1' 1 sIde at tbe front, which Is an ad- LIVER PILLS are left "III maatllr. hothe Is to Grand and lIald be, pointing baunt tbe vlelnl\g e of the leave tbe by a more or less c rcultou s route} you tourlsL He always baa money, to older girls. Berge, chal- reepon sible- they vantage 18 dog tel; thei hall you as you pay the driver a sum whlcb 8eema over here to spend It and have a gN)d Orthodo xy, and the little . lis, cbevlot , ·cashme re. are appropr iate not only give relief dnve a church ith w , the ed ever compar It wben abuut oxy." cbeap yarn Hetel'od good dratt; a a spin we cashing 1f time. '~dlt Lyonna ls ~ter - they permaIn the State8, and hard luck It's pretty easy to make a needed to be Rwake :«Ts now._H er-T1Iaa lterlals. • 'b ut p08llbly of all-plac es theIr favor· of the same lengtb The pattern (4784) Is cut In IIIze8 6. the along Is 'most any aid and Presbyt er. Rnd louIs, a for lie stainpln g ground "touch" tlmell three sIze or year twice 8. 10 and 12 yearl, EIght ~orthem BIde at th·e Bouleva rd des yet It III u8ually New Yorker will fall for a live-fran c amount of the legal fare, to You requIres a%. yards of 36 Inch mat. Copucln es. Hel'S. UPOI1 every band. the be seemll for guide Look the tbat Don't notice ple~ . " them for rial. that ane! drIver the with In In trlendly books of failures very set n own a BiliouDell, "I used to keep A large part of our »I\rtlcu larly during , the. late afternoo sbakes he cabby the Sick H••helle, Sallaw sa.. grafter Clevelan d." another Americ an life comes tram seeing flaws and tall· To procu", tht. p/lttern .end 10 ceoftts }lldi... und evenIng . you ",111 encoun ter the when you' dlBmis8 , paper thl. of thlll t." In(le'ed. De partmen guIde, the "Pouter\> to "Bar· to wIth n need SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRlCL Algeria h'ands not of do PILL, hIli We g glllss a SMALL tbat swIngin over me others aIrily In told ures "guide" .Am~rlcan Write name nnd a.ddrell8 plainly , a.nd be es through out the del\\Ix" In a li ttle brasser ie In the Rue llee at all. Tbe keen-slg bted pesslm l.t .ur. to £Ivo Ilae and number o r p~llern. must bear Signature e rattan stick. hla shltty eyes lookIng handsha king contInu Genuin entire evenIng , tor no mattEr where VlgnOll. "I'd saved a hit of money al'i- does a great deal more barm than 10r the telltale AmerIc an derby. the longgaze eat or felt too strong to puah a pen IIny ,e ven the easily fooled, otten mistake n Natural ly. It It he your ftr8~ vIsit you stop to drink or srzE .. ......... __ .. . shake hands wltb ar. so I came ove r here to take In the optimIs t. For tbe man who looks for [, NO. 4784. to Parle, you dellire to see ,,11 Parts. proprlet ol's always NAME •. _.• __ •• __ •. . .••• __ .... _...• . _•••. _•• ly at the momen t Ilgbt8. I went broke the third day fiaW1l In otber people'! lives uaually both before and after dark. He wtl\ the guide-I nvariab arter my arrIval. and as I found so loaves tboae flaWB worse than when he help you. y,ou han wltb !!ellght the you take your leave. TOWN ••_ ••• •.• •.•.. , .••.• .• .•... _•• __.•.•. __ It seems quite unneces ary to add many people willIng to belp me I've found them, by tbe notice and "Uen· comlug of the Interpre ter-guid e who &':.~t!~ ~.ollen t you enter a ,re- IItayed here ever since. Paris Is ai' tlon that be gives to tbem; and thl. STREE T AND NO .. •• •.. . : ... . .. . ....... _ :f"Urt.oou ., 111cerat.o d, d. speaks your languag e, for are not tbe tbat from the momen awhl1~ here your at lived kept The I. you've Belt, after rlgbt leaveB hIm woree oft him slgbtll and mysten.ell of Pari II all an lort a caretul account :t:.dE~eep~;.:U!~t~fl J~~~:'~ ...... . .. ...... .. - •. • expend itures. and at , tbe momen t of Rnd know the ropes. I'm here going man wbo IIvel 10 much In the sun. I STATE __ . • , .. . .......... open book to hIm 7 !~?::l~~lr~!~:' ~ooro:.,: ~8 ~I:::::'~ to Blon vary- on lIeven yearl now, and I expect IIhlne that be 'Won·t _ other people' . I"edUC4"-" Lbo s ,...,mnf' aradually f'CItOf'"' HI. rates aM anI; a louIs a day and your lellveta king a commll lite," my or and relt tbt! die, cent. to here per e v lI· 60 flawl to those cent, per belps 26 flaw8 tram Ing ~AiiHOKL'1N~'"!'J·.td ra~ be can ~~r!~~e. lIum tbl8 .s. even' Legll Clearne e1:pen" s. but 1D1IcS, UAte. "lelLaant. &nWaepUo ~1D1to another . It gathers new lunehln e and Itrengtb In woman, " sald the learned good IIbaded IIbould YOu plead' your Ineblt- pane8 trom one palm "My :~.~=:O In tbe re80rn " ~.::~~ :::~l~e:~dle~~~D~rJl: 80 dolne· ' tty to dord that 8um. Should yOU be 0 III usually 60 per cent. Judge. "you must give an answer. In .,letel, Jewel. Clo ..l)' Guarded , and perwlIonon tly eurro. JI'lMlL 1aw appU... uie Inner man, a. /10 throup the fewest possible words In which C&tlon. or AU80KU J Nt;• .J R.!, "III .ITe ....lIef ,ou . . ", .. lSI for look "!)Gn't unable to afrord.'a halNouJ lI, or even a I w)ltch appeal to .. and proT" Ita Dlt"rit. 11.00 and IlI.DO per bottle The Bale of Abdul Hamid' s Jewell places an!! caba, • Itf,,; l1t~ or d eH .. ored. 1>et&U~ 4lrect.loD!II, repor\l measly Ilv&-t!,&nc . piece. It II more t well as at the ebow you are capable , to the plain and 81m- dru8111 Parll contem porary to refer tn a lead. th"m. find you r ocf'loL ca.aDS and BooAl 6 () fr •• on reqll. .'OD when even rtre. An" Montma at N!tl were yawn, you thsn likely that · ~e guide wtll ., r,l'OVIII. r. D. r .. 1I0T_."S~"""""_ the v"luabl e8 ot, "TI. wile and Idnd to "- .om .... hat hI nd. pie Question wbetbe r wben Even abould you venture Into a tlie way In whlob crossing tbe street with the baby on pie up and down the bouleva rd. and and We . guarded are gn. soverei other l1y guide 18 peraona Look tor the virtu ... behInd them." your arm and the omnibu l wu com- THE RAM'S HORN then deltver blmHlt sub8tan Ually as place' where your tbat the JtJWel.' ot the RUlIslan unltnow n to the manll«e ment he .tlll learn Ing down on the right side and the cab enol" folloWI : Iln of are ndIDB: whlc~ v1rtue-ft Vlrtue-: huntlnB meanB HAS "COME BACK " When YOU r01al tamily. tor slon, commlll hie tbe left and the brougba m wu obtain. on pretty are o:rtme. . BOrry. I'm Kremlin tbe "Well, and the rlgbt thlnp tbat we bunt tOT trying to llaS8 tbe omnibu s, you BAW to mous value, are kept In whisper to Is move lI.r.t s l h' enter bU8Y. very not I'm .after by 160 moat elll;erly we add const.alJ tly to ouralow here and r thetle four l"bere they are looked the plalntltr between the brougba m But look a-here- I1l tel1 you wb"t I'll the proprie tor or manage offioera who have retired from the aelves. But the best part of thIs ..... prete." r I'lnte, lIula "Je and tbe cab. or whethe r and wbeD- you are Jewels rown c ' at do: I've notb,~n .. 9n today or tonlgbt, magio WOrdl: Italian lntereat Ung! t. that It ,. -.1 In tbe to the price. army. Tbe aMea is lllon saw him at all, and whetber or not commlS The Old Little from on r YOl1~N! that cbambe 8nc1lM!elng otheTa. r&- guarded In a lubterra nean or IIhoPI ,the 8.I"6 Indeed near' the brougha m, cab and omnlbul l. rare and Ihow 'll town-I New York-m y home mUe leland 1n the Tiber, The crown "worth It m"ke not do or either. or any two, and which or which lorn Y(lU arOun!! for no~htng .. lUllt tor the Austrl,, · are In the cu.· E~erybody likes to throw mud at them respact ivelY-i lr bow waa IU" wbo accomp anlel treasure s of AU8· Tbe bank. sake of passIng away the time. . You wblle" for the man l Imperia tody at the the man ",' ''n I.. round nllt pay the cab farl;ll. tbe IUDCh. tbe IUP- you. tr~an , jewell , are of gl'8at value, but at led The Ea.y Way, self-aty tlJele at eome lodee.d. ing per. and I'll Ihow » ou everyth thOle of German y the eame catino. realofficer. tbere·. II riot Wolves. been -Bay, HU!'!t ba.,e • to' Cluzen ... e e Organiz tel"guld Interpre .. that'l to be seen. ·'1'11 ..'Ve you money be iald, Theile are Ilia In the cuBtOd ' ' ttllenl l bere bav" going on In the 6&t buUdlll . over tor ' Mlch,-c k, Hancoc It'll '~~ed, beln, jewell, from an you Bulgari keep and ot a tlank. Tlie ed mutual protecti on socIetie s. theN!. ""bOlt lOU les8 , ~ I tall'e you '''aro\ln d valuoo .at :S3;dOO,oOO. are kept at a ca .. orpnlll l Olftcer. -That·1I notblnc , It·s only l11.bers will bunt Umber wOIVel e m' 'aet The ... hied thm' It would ' It tie on tbe banks of ~e DanUbe . )(0111 perof lives Installm ent man collectl nc tbe 80me ng .metlacl are whIch . ,around 'l"alon~d take. It .~iD m~, of the French I\tate 'ewliJ. have been the outskir ts or ea8Y p8.)'menU on the furniture .. ·on ",nlin'ilta a"Dd· tlons prett):, bad Ulil &fe, mUG the great at dllPers ed; but' aome . ' town., ' .,an , . and to be !MIen at tlIe' Loune. l';:~~:I!~~~;:I~;;~~~~~~~~~;; " '" 0" 1 At Our Church, " 1 :1', . .,; :;.:" •. ptlr~.., 1 "'It lB an edlfyina Ipectacl tl to lee • _, guide 1D~1'I'ODlllr. pu. the co~tloD plat• f;, '.11 • .... ao/ but It 11 a~·' much mo ... ."1 ' hate "W·,~D~ar'·, I" , II:I&il· tbe oateut&.pactflo le to walto · whJch he d'onatAA · 10 ",~04ii~:1DI1.I




Great Northern Ry

Makes Low Fares West


The Arm y of Constipation




Varicose Veins



,ott '




• • ~ ..





","I. ~




• • ....4




Gem City


Bulldlng and Loan AssoclaHon Day10a. Oblo ORGANIZED 1887 ASSETS $3.500.000.00. SURPLUS '100.000.00

£ .

COUNTY COURT NEWS ... ........ ........ ............ ....,. "'"

. ...



.. ,.......


six per8ons. . C . Bd O'Fallon., beU., 'han In f\V\:!J y .Ieeplng room the wln• ev... "rUe 01' phone '01' dow 81111h ~h oold ba lo\vfred at the prloee b:v the eltU.g or 101. B. V. top und ru.i!!ed at the bottom II. HUle 1:: .1.... B")x 76, Phone 71-4. Corwin, du rin g the s leeplnll hours . 81eep i8 Ohio . . as most refr ashing In n 0001 room. A G G8-R C R I . Red Pen of aloMe room III dan~t\rl)u!! bl eh soerlng Femalee mattld to Many persa os kaop their hou_as a oookerel from Tottle loorlog 'SX too hot. A lu xurious heat of 80 GO for 15; utility egg •• 83 per hu~. degrees F. is enervating . A tem. dred &1rll. Matt Ander.on, WU. RefiDishing F100n and Furniture will bring you more perature of 08 79 dflgrees F. sb ould mln,ton. Ohio. as plea.ure and abiding happmeaa in your home thaD mytbiq be IlUffiuient for UlOst people. I t tb. you can do about the horne for which you will spend any wch- .... ORTS-Looust Fllnoe Peats 10_ Illr lit Aulfioiently m oll't. amount in time and money u will be the espenditure in tbia work. quire of John U. Woolla~d, 1C • l'he 11.11' In houses belltel by hot D. 4, Wavnesville, O. m27 air furnaae8. by h ot water or steam, "00 YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU iCAN ACCOMPusm" become!! too dry. It 8h ould be moistened by the eTllporlllion of POTATOES-Seed and EaUng Po. tatoe., Carmen No.2, Earl,. wa.ter in the furoaoe, and in a dleh Ohio, Mlohlgan Wbl&e. Rural New !lilt near the regls'er. Thill will Yorker. Addre!!. U. D . Burfaoe. tend to preveot Injury to the mu &. D. 4, WayntoBvllle, 0 .. Villey O~ UII membrano lining tile organll of phone 12 3y' . . resplrBtlon . . Is pennmenl in ita color, never facia. poIiIively durable becau.e it it made GU8 for ha'ohID,-Rose Coa; b 01 best materiaJ.. O&d paioted 800n made to look like new in aD beautiful . An opfln fireplace ill an admirable ! Rhode 'leland Red. 760 anel sbedes. such IS Mabopny, Antiq\le Oak, etc. MakeI old woodwork aDd a17 vaotilHotur. If thl8 be ont of 'he Il IIQ per 111. J. O. Bble,.. old furniture a. aood as new. "IS THIS a.EAR TO YOUrquestl JO, the "oo@tle811 ventilator" po. UL• •v way be used. This 00nai8Y of a EGGS-Pure Plymouth Rook eg.e strip or board three or foul' iDobe8 1i00 pel' ee'UDIr. InqQ1re of wid A and extending the width ot the Or.n ~tTawD, R. D. t. WaYDeevtlle, window. If this be , plaoed eo tha~ Ohio. m27 ._~_• • • • • • • • • • •_ • • •_ • • • •_ _ _• the lo wer sllah of the window oaD I :::z::s ,be s hut down olosely UpOD it. there ABO. Looust FilUM POI., 7 feet will be Ii current of liir between the tin., also .End Poeta, 9~ n. P . Ohio. Commings. R D. S. WaJ'Dea. ~1I ~ hes , This greatly h l1lps t he ven .1. ville, m27 .• ~ihltlo n und at the some time does Beiug prepued from Pure Native Herbl, they Cleanse the not oause u disngreellble draft. EGOS froUl pure !'awn and Whl&e System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System, and thul Tbe s kiu III Ii vital organ lintl plays India RUDner duoks, oboloe la,-

E 'I.

6 North Main, Opposite Old Oourt Bouse




RUo.rDS ond bedding 8hoold be Aol8 will be InKrIed \lDder 'bl. bud for aired IhoroulJhly every day . t"'~otJ' · lIve cents for tbree In.rUoae Roomll that 1\ "e warmed by a ~II wben \I.Iln. not mon tban !lv.Up", or 011 ftove nl'ed IIpeoilll "ttentloo .,..... .... _.. .............. .... .... .. ...... tor their proper veotilllti on . FOR IiIW.E One Hg h ted lamp or gas jet hi a roum spoils more air thl1n five or

Our claim of "Security t hat is Absolute" is ba sed on our experience c.xtending over a Quarte r o f a Century. durin g whi c h we have made o ver E ig-ht 1illio n Dolla rs o f R ea l E ' Ia t e L oan s, and bl·sid e,.; p aying- our rcg-ul ar dividend ,; have aCClt1lll1lateu a Surpllt s ] : ul1d o f o\'cr $ IOO,CXXlOO. Write for b uo klet describing OUT S'Y., Di\·idenU Accounts.


01.B.IB.d 'A da ~

The Test of Time


Colds and Thei~ Preventionl





B . Wood. lot In Unlverf>Uy Heights; 1100. Annl\ Thumpson filed gait I\gllinst .Jobn T. Uu onin~bRm and BIRnohe J ""eI' U W . ']'nom»!<on for divoroe. E. Cunnin gha m to Fronie Wilson olu lmi ng her husbl\nd is guilty of C b e~ ue y. lot In Mallon; 1850 h Hbl l uul drunkennea8 J nd dit!l'egardll Alfred Miller Borlsoh to AlM Y hi ~ II arital duty . T C. Christ ie III June Uruke, lot In Leban on i II Bnd attor oey for ph.ln tilT. other cool'lrlerat.ions , Heory L Beokmun Imd Mary U. Common Pleas Proceedings Beokman to F . E. Wlilillmllon und JUI'Y Hods that there ill due from . Mary li\ Williamson, lot in Million; defendants to the plaintiffs Ibe sum II Bod other considerations. of i :\36 60 10 the oase of First Nit Martha A. Mahon to Benry ... tlou " l Bllnk of Loveland vs Frank Beckman . lot In Maso n ;11 and otber 8tor key et ul. oonslderatlons Jury flndd there ill dne from do• Mluy E . Wond t·o MagglA M . 'end",nt '232. 50 i!l the oase of tSam oel Young, ~i 46 aorell In Turtlooreek D. DI\WIOn vs. Villllge of .I!'ranklln . township; 8.nd other conl'idera. II J . Hut ohioson was aPPolnted tion8. sell property involved in the case Elmer C Ford Bt.:d Ida Ford to I. of 'he American t;eourlay & 'l;rust J. EvaDs, 'rl\ot in BtimiUon towooompany VS . Eornle I . Wood et a1. ehip; aDd other oODl'iderattons. • ...... Floreooe B. Wright to Jes~e :e::I: Probate Coli rtf Meo''', 60 aores; and other oon- It throws off, through the pores, a m22 _ T tle will of the laie Kate Jobnson, 8lderatlone. OOn8iderl1ble qua.tlty of wa8te mat.." -" • ... t·· •••• .. .. -- ... of Lebanon, was filed for prnbde Fannie L\dlll .by 8heriff '0 Martha tar, two p,o uods or more' every day. NAPKINS-A new "took of nap. LIVERITES-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic Con· and recorded. Neville, lot 10 Lebanon. 11,681:13. If tlli s, woste matter Rere not re tin I jUllt in. Haveu dni,ns \0 stipatioD. Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it. Ge01'le B . .lohllSon was appOinted Owen C n rOIl. and Cora Gr0ll8 to mov ed, onr bodies would be killed piok trom. Gazette office. MMtufatuNd bY ALPHA CHEMICAL CO•• 8Pt1n11f1ek1. Ohio ueoator of 'heeetate of Kate Joho. Maud C. Monger. t1'aot8' in Fronk. IOn, deoeued. bv their own poieonll , ThereforA ~~~~~~~~~~ 10'~===:1 lID f4>wneblp; 81 Iud other oonllid· keeping the 'tIkln olean beoomee a .'" Cour' ordt'rl sale of re,,) ee&at. at eralloD8 highly impormnt maUer. Woman'. a..... of Honor. prlva&e sale in 'he QUe of Eva E . Luella Bocer to Elmllr E . Shee"', If the olothing damp Muck hi. be.n done b1 our ow. WUliatlll, admlnt.'rator of the ea. lot in Bldaevtlle; II 8n\\ other 0011I • through exposure to rlln or .DOW ·blper edueation and widenbll bit S. V. BARNHART, ·'IA.... . $ate of Sylvan A. WilUaml VI. Eva alderatloDIl ohange every I'r'lolo all 1I00D •• poe. of work. and a woman DOW cl..ptMe E . Wllllama et; al. • I what uaed to b. b1 r.pute h.r mOlt Notary Public J . B MoKenzle e' al to FraDk W. C. PhiliPS. ezeou'or of tbe sa. Kellis, traot an Warren and Clintc.n 8lble. Keap moving . 0., no' ait or . IOl'll1ldabl. weapon.-. Ue. tean u.d etand In damp olothed . a ~lful appeal to the 'YwtJ of JIlID. AU. kiuda of NO$ary Work.:Peulun ta~ of Benjamin B. PhUUPI, d~ ooonties; 11 and olher oonlldera. , Th. writer hae ott_ noUcecl the Work a Hpeo1al'y. oeued, filed hi. . .Ie bill. markedl,. areater braaddL 01 'YIft ..4 &Ion•. TOil: OARII: or TOE rEICT Cedar Bill BaDl&arlam company ,the truer .. of hOllOr am. . tJae ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!~!!II!!!III!!!!!!1!!~ B. D. CrAmer and Margare' mu.e ...Ignmu' to Bobert J. er.m.~ to Alloe II. Dixon. 'rao& In Particular at&entlon .bonld be Pre8eut-4i1l1' pi etuct.atl eom,..... .D~. _ J • . W • . MILLER, .tth thlt wblob obta1aa4 wMB ..... HhawbaD, who i. appoiateclulllp.. aarlan townallip; lli,IIIO. paid '0 the pro'eotton of the fe8t in wu a wlllck .. a' a bond of B. L. Fry. aDd Cbrietine Y. Frye oold wa'hell. 116O&nee the fee' are eWI IaraeI)' that of 'WOaMD CIt . . .u.DENTIST••• .101m W. Oox aooep'" appointment to Mary U. Keever, vllIatre of Muon;' often In contact with oold aurfaoee, own ate today. Ai eftii more 1tJIID. -:;:+-..'or of tbe "'-$0 of II ..nd other oon.icl.ration.. 01ltc. III U {s important to wear thlok aoled, ID, fact I. that the maJortt7 of mea Baluaah Oox, deoeued. oomfortably fltUog IIhoes and warm 40 not .eem to ezpect AI IEeea a . . . . Nau.aal BUlk Bide. , honor from wom.. AI &he7 40 froa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I'nnk T .lanK, KUBrdtan of &he 88Qlmml'llOMr.' ProceedJnII. etockln,a. rbe teet ot both children ot themlel.,eL Thta mntal ataoa...... . .... 01 Neva Young e' al, . min0l8, I and adul'" 8hould be kept warm hu eurelT a cletenat • • • QOIl tile DR. BELL'S ANTI-PAIN lied bil four'b llOOOun& . . Bille-F. B, Cart'y. repairing and dry. Bathing and robbiog 'he Ircl1rtla of thet ..... -A:w... J :. W1l1 :.f· the late Roben Sbur'" olock, 11.1i0. F. P. Forgy. board feet daily are eIosllen'measur88 for ~, Is I..oIwIDa ____• WM adml"ed to probate aDd O. • . and waeblDg for prisoDers, '107.61. keeping them 10 Kood oondl&ton DeohaiaUa appointed exeoutor. J 'o bn SaokeU, senicetl on bnrlal Tbe underolothlD,.bould be ohang oommlUee, IS. Barre_t Broe. ed and aired on reUring ., nigh' . blanks. 8'.76. The 'l'lmee. . 8tation. Seth,A. Trlloey, 21, barber. of "l'Y for Recorder, 126. John Sill, A OOLD IN THill HEAD J'rankUD, and Rope C. 8exau~r, ~', servlolll on burl.' committee, Ii The irrlidlng dU8tll of oivilization o. Frankltn. J . R. kraoter, services as olaaplalo WlllIam E . 8'roud, '0&, farmer, of at Infirmary, 137.60. Warren Co. are the Indhect eau!es of "oolda." Wayn8llvtlle, an·' Elale M. aartsook, Appeal, road notioes, 814 60; sup. 008\ laden wind8 aooh as we often 21, of WayD8IIvtlle. plie. for prob.'e judge, 81~. J . (;. faoe duriog oold weather ar8 daD· Lam.noe W . UrtoD, '2, powder Trovillo, 8er'l"t068 on borial com· ReroD8 . 'l'he muooo. membrane 'maker,ol Wlhi,ove, and Olto KeD_ mlttee. 86. TrD8tee. ot Pnbllo A'. lining the uasal ie a htghly der, 2e, of Morro~ . fairs,lIgbt and water 148 81. Li.go organill8d struoture. U Ie abuoWe are moving to the Schwind Building about April 1 to get in quarters of Earl Leroy KIrk, 22, farmer, ot & Blair, !!applles, 16 70. Xftnla Ui ty dantly 8upplled with blood ve8l1el8. ample size to handle our fast-increasing business. · To facilitate the work at-uebllonOD, aDd Nona Ray illmkios, Work Bouse, boarding prlaonars, aod hll.8 ma.ny foldlngll 110 &ha' the ' tendant upon getting into our new home, it it necessary that we reduce our 18, of LebanoD . 11890. Valley 'l'elephone Co • rent. all' that III brea\hed may be properly P!eset;tt stock of exchanged and used pianos, Player-Pianos, Organs, Talking and to1l8, 830 80. Lebanon .0088, mol8teoed before entering tbe longs Ma-chmes, Stools, Benches and Player Music. Our one-price system assures this Thl8 delioate mem brane of tbe meal8 for jurors, 110.40. Stlte of to be one Qf the largest bona· fide sales of high-grade pianos ~veroffered in Dayton. OacIar D. Whitten to Willla1ll ,\V. Ohi\> n. Wl1l1R.m U\ark and Cyril tht:oat and nose becomes irritated Whit".,lo, in Maineville i II Bnd Eberlt, c08h. 116 3G. Bta'e of Ohio by dust8 lind makee a eol1 8u80ep. other ooneiderdlon.. VII . Howard Wilker80n, coats, 11.05. 'Ible to the !Creat number ot germl .fames 11. Crair to A. J . t:l"unier, '3tate of Ohio VB Roy Uamp, oosts, whloh Bre oaught on the moll', 9.Gt a.r88 In Barlan township; 1145 . _ warm 8urfaoe aDd Shrive ·.her•. 8',0". A oontraot WIl8 entered Into with Ca'arrha.1 oold8 are dne to theee :we will offer exceptional values in aU lines. These. are a few of the many bargains It. Wilds Ullohrlst aDd Ecna O. ~he VulO1\nite . Roofing Co. for oon germe. and If notoheoked tbey may Gllchriet to Katberin. P. Gllohrl8t, orete repatr work on abutment to beoome dangeroull. oanal bridge at south end of Frank. Avoid . du.ty plaoes. Breathft 160 tioree iQ Franklin townabip; .••.. and other oon.lderatio08. Itn corporation In Franklin town. through the n088 . Keep the month Two TRA VSERS, '-rge art style, maOne VICTOR, mahogany, large case, Fllnule E. Magnet and SIlBa B. ship &t the estimate, I. 27. IIhut. The nOlle 18 provided wi&h a hogany. u~ concert work, each refinished, fine condition. • • . • • • • . lIagnu' to Elder R . Brewllr. lot In • _ • straining apparatus that Is very ffOne RICHMOND, fine mahogany cue. ex· Lebanen ; '3,600. ~epel8 Attack of DeaCh flalent. changed for Starr Player ...... "eor .... H .., I' d Th a Keep the nostrils olein 80 tha.t Pillllo ••. , ••••••.•.••.•••..••• '" .- . ",up nger an om iii "Five years ago two dootors told O. Cbrlstie to HUBBell C . Ferrlll,73 me I hlld only two YSllrs to live. " they may do their work. One ~EMINOTON, mahogany, fiDe One RICHMOND, fine walnut case, . condition. retumed from rent z. : aor68lo Wa8hlngton town9hlp; II This startling 8ta&e\l1lmt WfUI made In the houee, If the dDS' mUllt be retumed from ~ent, good as new. and other 00n8lderatlon8. by Btillman (Jrflen, Mall1ohlte. Col rai .. ed ill oleanlnlr. tie a olaOOfJe olotb Ursola 'InDis to Ernest l{lrby. "ThAY told mfl 1 .volllrt die wUh oon. over the n08e aud mouth. Do no~ The following STARR PIANOS were taken froID the CINCINNATI CON. sumjltlon. It W811 up to rue then to f th d .d tr..ct In HamUton town8hip ; II tind try the be!Jt lung medlolne and I be. 088 a 8a sr n • ..,r; ulle B alllP . SERVATORY OF MUSIC in exchange for Starr Parlor Granda. other ooD8ideratloD'. gUll to U8e Dr. King's New Discov. oloth insteod for removlDg .he dOlt 2 Starr Gold Medal, Puritan models; when new $350, On sale ... . '..... '. J088ph Corrin,ton and Jenle R ery . It wal well I did, for t )day I The piltent nOlltrnms that are StYIe 14R'" ,whennew ,1CA26 0 nsale .................. -"5 Corringkm to Jamea MoDermoU am worklDI/: and belieTe lowe my loudly advertised 0.8 ' !Jure cure8 tor 11 Starr S S P'-" ~ ~Dd Cella Yot>erDJot&, 81 .60 aore. in life to thill great thrba't and 1u08' ooids are u8flless tarr t~ I4M~~; when new .$500. On sale ............. ~ ... -...•... ' . oure that hilS oheated the grave or . nOI from .................................. , ..... $10 .t o $25 10 Square Deedleld town8hip: " and other anotber" Its folly to satreI' Catll.rrb sl1uffs and powders are .~. oonllderations. with OOnlrhll. oolda or other throat to be aVoided. 500 Rolls of 65-note player musi~, per roll ............•..... ; ..... ... : ... '2Ge O. D. Corrln,ton and Ellnora and 10Dg troobl811 now. Tilke the -Adapted from : Bulletin of Contn..lon to JotI8ph CorrtD"'on, onre t.hat·s lafellt. 'P rloe 60 oeDtII Boaton HeaUh.Eduoatlon LeagDe by ~ .. ... .. and 81 00. . Trial bottle free at all

New Suits

"Hanna's Lustio Finish" "Made To Walk On"


J. E. Janney, Waynesville, Ohio





II========.L I V E R IT E S"'::1:=====:=j1

P . . .r..·.~..-v..-·..~...·.~.. .~-."'.""'. .·s..".'"."'E."'....·.R"'. ...'..·I·.·..·O·..·. .·.·U·.. .·. . . .S·-"-' . .S. . .i. . . . ". ."~-. . .;..

i:;~~~~:nln:U::hl:r :~:Il:::~ ~:~lfr~~~k~:::!~:I~e,~:';:?n?;;::


·r·· . ...



---t. ...


'or .............. _. . ,.., .....

Great Removal Sale

of High Q-rade Pianos

for the Next few Days

On~~~!~:~~~.~~~~~,.i~. ~~~ $100



; I


·o~!!t~~~~~,~,. ~~?~,..~i~~

Onr:n~~~~.~'. ~~~~~ .f~~

$190 $200


$225 $235




50 acr.s In Deerfleld townahlp; drugglsta, • _.. Boraae Stubbe &0 Lennie Wh" Home tbill,. 8mell wone tbe more lind other ooDlld~r.. yoa stir them One of thelle in polecat. another 'ta a neighborhood to Car.rie Keuter, quarrel. The po~eo . d ' yoa ..~a,. TunIIMll'IIMIilr: toWll.hlp; Mmetlmlll! bave t.o tackle; bat .teer ·_ l I il)lUI!IlI' o~~dln.•,ilOIl'.. \ . clear of tbe ou..r &bb:ij;TI,oi1b&ve W._.~WClOd~ tirII......·. to.BeI to nan for d ....·tU.. ' ". '.

,1 J





:ea:.~~;d~::tiO:~~~;~:tee, .!:!'~~~

Th St n .. '. ',e . .a.r r ~. ·~,·. ..i.an0.. .

'C.! "

ioan Medical Auoclation. • - • An excell.nt epring toolO, ."er eevel'!'l month. of hoverin,ar ~und f.' 'b. fireeide, .1. a .. gooc} ..~• •~~W41·..L.'-,....,}·· sharp .taw.and a p.ile of . .We bow it for ,w. hate

Dajt~n·.'. .

Fourth and .,•




' ••



' ...... . ·'~··'!••'9:\~~iJIi~

-aty ~..





,0, ';,


m. :'p a,



'17... J ,

" .


~Il~ , Wlllld7

To rhee, My M"'er, I Offer My Prayer: OUI08 • • • • • )fAIN STREET 'eed Ole, water and care' fen ml, and wben Uao daY'1 work II done T'ALI&Y., TEI&PBONE-<lALL N I~ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ provide ml wt&la IIhel'er, a oleaD, D L C Ed' to d M dry bed and a nall Wide eDougb for • • ~E. 1 r an anager me to lie down ID oomfor', Talk to i C lIle. Yonr volO8 O'&eD aeu8 ... Rata of 8ubec:ription muoh to me al 'be relnl. 0 ... YMI' (.vtlrtl7 III ad ...IUIOII) .• •••. .. 11, 00 Pea 8 &I $h t 1 IllQlIe Oop,.-:- .......... ..... .... ..... OD 10 lome mee, a ma,. lene YOIl the more Iladl,. and Ilarn '0 love you. Rate. of Advertillnl 1)0 no' jerk the relol ••nd do no. ReII4IaI ~_~....... .. .. ... 5c whip me wbeD gOiDg up hill.


at WaJD_viUe. Ohio

" -- .


....... .

11. . ..,..,

........ ' - . per lliIe . . • , lOt:

.\48.110"0 u.-s he lIDee • It

Ot/Ataarl-.,on.r::.' ~~~. ~~ 'd;~ " 1DcbII. per 1IDe • •• • •• • • • • • , ••.

== <lMI

o. ~ .. ..... .. ..............

NneI' Itnlte, beat or klok me 25c WJeD I do DO' nndln~and wbat you 5c w ~Dt, but gl VI mtl a obanoe io un . 211c: dern-Dd yuu, Wa&oh me, aDd If I

~~'~ j,; ~.;d~::: ~::: ::


::*****************************************************:: .* :* •. ** • * * .-

PUBLIC SALES : * 1 will offer ., Publlo tlale at my reeldeDoe koown al tbe 8urfaoe lUook farm, • mUet ~..t of Wa,.. Deevill., at ihe ora'l road., 2mllel ••t- of Ridgeville and 2 mU.. 1!000li or Ly&1e. THU~SDAY, MA~CH 28, 1912 BegiDoing d g :80 a. m . ihe fol. lowing dellOribed aha".ll : 8 Boreell-Inoluding my '190 hand. lome Pnroell 8e-lliooll: Bury Par oell (39763) reoord 2 :'3~, &rtal 2 :24 WiDoer ot over 300 premium. 10 'he Ihow rlDg, two flnll d 'he Oblo ~tate i'air. before UIIiog him fo .. a Ihow hol'8e darted In g raoel and never behind the money bui once,



* .**'



:• •* :

.. •t :*'

*** ****.** ...**•• *********.****'******.***~* !


You Have T ned the Miami Gazette's : . Classified Ads, Haven't You? They :* Gave Results, Too, Didn't They? Better Try It Again. It Will Pay.





: ~

:. : !*





t * t* ****.*********'***********.**** ~*.****** ** ** :l~~ :~n~: ~:~~!~~~~7~~~: ~::: ~ •t· **** *. *

:* :

fill do your bidding, lee If lome tblog i. no' WrQDg with my baraoal and a premium wiDDer In 'he Ihow *" or my feet. rllll' 1 bay muro, 10 yeare old, Examlol my ~f'e'h whe. r do not I&'Ddard bred i lilred by SUDland may II : 15~ . ou~ of tbe dam of 0 , B. KA80B 20. lin. ..t, I lOa, han an ul08r_ted tooth. Puroell 2 : lg~ , louod, 'he bes' road aDd &ha&, you know, la very painful. mare iu the ooun&ry . 1 yearliog 00 no' tie my head lD au lln· Stallion. oat of 'bia mare aired bv "A 1'.1. a~oll" 'be 'r88ll, - - ------- -- - aatura) pOlitlon, or take a"'BY my Baroo Premier, \I yeare old. 2 ;21y' .. beDdlDI( of pine aDd laroh ; feed pen. "barplels oream leparak)r DUlon 2 :12. Rood enough &0 head Bom.'bln, more ,haD a brene- beat defenle from 11lee and mOllqut aby Itooll farm . 1 It'neral purpoa8 and lIome houllehold goodll, elO. Thll til tbe mOD'b of lIarob, .. toel b.,. ouUlng off my tall, or 11m" horae, 6 yearl old, a eood worker R.l,rne811-\I lets work barDell. 3 10., raDgI of VllioD by bllnderl, 10 any pll\ce~ oan atep a 40 olip, with aet double carriage harDeslI. rubber that I am frlgh'eDeci by what I OaB. &c*1on, 1 lorrel GeldlDe 3 yeal'l mounted, 0108ed wagon. lIurrey. Ge' 'hi oab In early. DO'lee. old, by C. B . Parcell, 2 :l'~ lit buggy. spring wagon . Term_~um8 0' 15.00 aod uodsr, dam by 10D of Nobleaee, \I :18~. 2nd A.nd flnally, 0 my m .. ter, wbla dam by glalmln', 1I :UX-. 3d dam, oash. 1:4 am II over " 5.00 a ored" of &all, blDl$lrloa March I 0, DO, my youthful atrength II goue, do Fanny C" dam of 'wo in the 1I.t, a II monebs will be Iriven. purdoD" f aot turn me out to iliaI've or free18, good prollpeot. 1 1.)I'rel mare,' ohalElf Itlvlng- bankllble note. Varl & Stella Shee'lI, • or 1811 ~e io lOme cr••1 owner &0 yean old, Ilred by Legal dontall Y01JoaD _,. loodb,.e io oonltipa be Ilowly tortured .nd I"ned to \I .1 8~ . ODe good work mare, A, A. McNeil. Auot . J . E . Himes, Clerk . tIoa wt.'b a 01..1' OODol.DOI if yoa weigbi 1400 lbe, Lunch at the houtle ... OIIamberlalD'1 Table.. , Maoy de.. th; bat do thou, my muier, tall.. 06,,18-1 Jerley oow frllb by day bee_ permaneDtl, oared by m111fe In '''e kindell' way, aDd your of lIale, 8 yeare old, a 1(0 . 1 ; 1 Jer.av Qelr a.e. ror .ale by ,,11 dealei'll. 6041 wlll reward you here aDd here. cow oan be pedtgreed, be freeh about after May, a @'ond one; 1 Regl,,'er. I ,1 er. • • Bey oow fre, b, helret' oalf by .ide, 8 Colonist Fares Y co will 00' conlld"r we Irrever weekll old ailio rlgiawre<'l ; • 801.'elo It 'I tMttkr '<) • •U wbat you OlD ID'1f I uk 'hill In the Dame of Him beifer, \I years 0111, In fine IIbape . ~r~h ao' eat 'ban &0 eat wba' you oaa who •• , ' boro tn" atl6ble. Amen. 16 BI'gI-~lz brood aowlI, 10 abosH Dol ..l1. -Aa'hor UqkDOWD, .rain-200 bu. oorn. 100 bu. good l"e<'I oats, abou' 7' bu potatoe", B OFFICE IN O'.D ENTERPRISE BUILDING ( ornmlln woulll do well by cUp IColrlv Ohio, Early 'l'rlumpb, (Aumao If ,.oa ,.rfl au dO'lbt a. io wbeUlel' piDI( 'bill prllyer "nd tao king I'to No J aud Miohl,an Whit.ell. 10D ba.1 reUllion or uot, Ilk your 'he oaH biD lIil ) FIlrm Imp\emeat8-Broad 're"d ..Ue; lbe .know •. • - • wagoD pipe az·llO, 1I riding oulti vaton, To Mothers-And Others br8llki_1 plow !food a. new. mower truod al new; Bookeye fel 'iltzer dh.o Valley Phone 113 Obam bfrlalll·. CuutCh IWmed, b-. YOIl CIaO ~ BuokleD'. A.rntca drill new, ~ol:4herry &ob.oco plow,er "00 ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' NIJGlattoD .nd UND. Salve &0 ollre oblldren of eozema. In.ood .halM', 1 60.t-oolh harro\v, Full puticulan free at . " . II)• •,1" remarkable oaree of lIabe_, &eUer, obaflngl. ecaly and j(nod III oelll", 1 40-lootb harrow. hay Tackee Odice of OQ)eb ad croDp. It oan be lI'tlIIted... humor~, a. well al 'belr 80 fork, r<>pe and pulley .. orOil oat .. JcJepieDd~ ; lIPOD. Try". 80ld b,. 0Iden&aI .l njurI8l-()aA, burDi, brull . . . w, bOM. orow barll. ebo"lll. (or••• S y'LV I A'. • Ud_I,.-.. -, ItO .• wl&b perfe'J' eafe'Y . Notb. blllokimltb tooll: oarpeDter t.ool., <-> to WALTER MoflLURB • Ln,,' •• IIllelM healllOqulokly , ror lK>1I., poa'dlttcer, ohaiDi an. other artl. DR. E. H. COSNER; aloen. old. ranDlo. ur fever lor.. 01.. 2 lar.. water "nit barrell, Funeral DI",,:tor. . o.tDea can Mldom be cured. Jet or pUN" .... DO equal. ICI Otl a. BarnHl-2.... work baruNII, 6 aU dru~I'" Ie" IIDgle hrn .... '" doub)e bar WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES maD .. his Itearinal. the pall c:. • - • neet, .., I'.bt b...... moan"d bar. eeurt. ," Telephone day or nlll1&. TO TEACH SUMMER SCHOOLS n... for ~llbt drlT1q .• how riD, or Methodilt EnI--1 Cburda. raolal. toe wellh .. and ~H of IV ..-.-. VaUey phone No. 9'. rADII After .all. the crank ktepe thinee -Mra"on 10 .... , ••--'00 d, Ilr, iriDaland m.lre. BeY. 0. S. Gra_. l'Mklr. I 912 Relbold BulldlaL DlI&aOoe No. 1It-'~. . . . . . .. . . V h'-' ... b...... I Buda, 8c1lool ... : 11 ~ III. 1101'11101( I n IMY'iDa' wbetbir In the lUCbint mop e l U I _ A ru ..... t re ...Ioe. 10:80 a. 10. ~"'.Dble "nice, 17:10 p _r'tm,.nt 0 f ,b. 00lWIe ot AlriODl hoa: ba'I7, nllber tire pbae&on. ., 1114" PM,et' lleeUIIIr. 7 p. IlL ·... In .: ,~ ., . Dayton, • Ohio WAYNESVILLE, • OHI'o i.'" ...-.~.' '" • 'UN .... In 41_4 .. ",obll'ii of aubont.... rubber tire wbllla for ap10altiin a' thl I U _ Mhoon ReD Iood .. new. 1181 an)w St. JUaputtne'. Catholic: CIIurcIa.·· BraDS llarva,,,bnq. of .... ".rluU.I . Ohio ednaatioDal In .11~aIIlIllIIlD·1II for boaRY or carmie, hI!Jer Loula Y Gnd1iMe AmIIrSeua 1Iebool. ~. Ko . .mODI *h0ll who hr..1I'~ Iprllli ... ~on, 1 tire bUAl~·r*-tn-:'II~~Jnr.J - " " 8110"" .t ~-1IHIIMa__H ."'IIHo¥lI.b. bllb wblll.... .ult,. DIW bike. 1:00 L.. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ma41 della Ice .... rlme ... for *he nlver bien UNd. . St Mary' E... _ I CburcL HATH A.W AT oolDlal :· an Prof. A. B .ollllboid Goode-bra.. bed,lroD • • r-rL._ b ........ -L.a· _.. d r 0"-'B ..... 1. ". ca4waUader. Beetor. W 0 wlU lpeDd hro wllb - , G 111 ...'" WllyaMriUe'1 LeadlD, ne.... ... dl h J.-&, eto . _ , ...... a_U04111 8011001. • :10 a. 111.. lIonlloe"r at ADt4~ ; 0011..-, two weeki at ~~::II al~1 ~f '11.00 an.! bD. :!~ a~:ia ::':t.IIC;OlllIDuaIOD &11. lint IIood for' Nothinc but the .... OfIloe III KeYI Bldg. MaiD B' U&llIIrlilMD thllnnUy aDd onl .eet der .Ib,o"er tba' amoena, a oncI1t a' W . . . UDtve,a"r, wltb oonlld· or ODe' year to paroballr IlriD. CbrfItIan CInIrcb. 'nble additional &lIDe at teachen' bankable no•. ....L.O.~ ....... BIbIa kIIooI. .:11 .... 8oCIIaI ....... h"t".", ; M A Baohtell C. B. liar..... 10:11 . . . . ~ " ' _ . 7:" Po ... wbo ~l . n 4 Ibree w~k. a' W. It O'N.. ll, Clull. . . . . bJ'~~ .. . . . . . 11uIdq_ 10:., . . . . U4 f:1I p .•• ,. O. T. } Seldllb.fl'l l Uninnity; aad P·ofl. W. II. IIUIe AIIOI. Hk:kIIte FrleDds CIIurca.l O. II. JOlaD8oD, B. 11: EnDI, J. B. A, A. lIoN..1 I'tnt DQ lleetllll(. 0 :00 L III. nn, Da, Goarll" O. 01 . OraDt. and W. B Lunob l&and neenlld. 8ollool. 11:10 a 111. J'Ollnll D&,7 lIeetla« 10:00 a,. •. Dartt.. who will be lb. talkuotol'l • - • at *h' IDllUDlr eohool of the Ohio OIOOou . New. Ortbodox Friends fCllun:a. 0010111 from Dr. .1. T. Oartlu. ' .... U.I.....",.. JiIn.. BRUt K1IIft7. PuIor Dwtght, Xan. lie wrl_: "I DO' Sallbll'll SCllool, 11:80 a. m. Rel(1l1ar G1Ianll ooly ha"8 oured bad 018811 of eoze. ..nice. 10 " 0 a... mn.uaII ltJJdA....r. Nineteen Mila • Sec.oad ma in my pasten .. with Electrlo BI' 7:10 II •• wI,boa' a jar. Rook or ~ubaDoe. ten, but allO oured m,lear by them ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~ II the awful lpeed of onr .....h of 'be dla.H, 1 teel lare .-_~. 'br011lb Ipr.oe. We wonder a' 11IOh they will. beDefit aDY oall of eoze. BEST OFFER ea4111 of nature'l movement, and .0 ma o.. Thll Ihowe wbaa 'hOIllaDcl8 ONLY $1.50 do tbOlf wbo"b Dr. Kina" New have proved. tha' Jl:leotrio BIUers Undertaker and Embalmer, This is the best M~'s Magazine III a 1008' effeotive blood purifier, WOQld leAd a OODtented Ufe PilI.. No RriplDK, DO dla,,.I, UII aD eXOIUln' remedy for eczema, offer we have ever is po.itively worth jo.' 'bo.r oolb work that brlDPIoocl Wilt be foud In the 0111 nc.. be .ieep on ,he bel, of health made. SeDd us your $1.00 a year. aDd fin. feellDI'. alSo a' aU tetter, salt rheum, uloen. botlll aDd Sub· Iliank BalldlJl.. oppoel" name accompanied ....... with bte lioIueb, ble 00II. drUCll.... runnlnR lIoree. U e'hJlula'81 ltver, cribe now and get tbe NatioDal Bank . kldneYI.ud bowell upel. pollon" with the mODey . . . . . 'illId hli wife. r tbe:Miami Gazette TelephoDe ID hoUll8 and of. hel.,. dlgeetion, Dutldl ap tile OETS MORE LIVE STOCK floe where I oa.n be oalJlIl ItreDgih. Prloe 110 Ol8. Sa&l8faotioD ';lay or Dilht. " ~~ ............lof *helOod 0140.... The CoIl'I" of A.rtOilltare, Ohio luamnwed by ~I~r.a.ctl'" Valley PbOlle 1'-1. . . , uf'. ·ooOpenU.... kUUn, or lief' .& J h .Y9 d eoIde d'oquit f armi D" Main Street, __ 1" lit.te Ujalvlrltty del b.1 reoeDtly pur ... 11 Old. _ , ....., amoDi Dellbbon WOO u obeeec1 ~e a . "Iooal UTe IkKlk &0 1 will offer at PnbUo Bale a' my II). ou'of '-' ,of &be bllrb be aNd In 01.. room work. Thl reeidfln08 aD 'be Wayueevll)1 aDd ,_to'r.lyiDl,IIO lar aa f~" an IlIW parobult oonlle.. ~f twaDty. SprlD,boro plk., lY. IoU.. Dortb of ,. eoDOIftllct. ·' _. ODe bead 01 wetber I.mbe' five Ox. y. WIlt of 'he Day: !!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! forela, iv~:ObeTlo'" 10 Ill' 'Done... ton & Lebanon pike, on For ),ou to secure the Miami Gazette absolutely FREE ' for fi.,. ~lI~lIjiIownl, aDIl two ,radeP. TUESDAY, MA~CH 26, 1912 ODe year by merely subscribing to McCall's Mag~~iDe for ', II~ II_~ l.'wo ~lk.lre aDd IWO Duroo Jer B' lPanlDIJ al 10 o'olOOk, &be fol· tkt~ years at the rate of 50 cents a year. In additioo you I ~'. ' 8 _ _" ae, M,. __ ve allN) been p1ll'ohued 10wIDg properly, &0 wa': rilC:eive three 15c McCall Pattern. F~EE. t OlllUll to be n .... 'for breedln, purpoeee I Bo~""'1 borle,.ood liner, __ 0 • , ,- - . _ • 'II ork aD,.wherl ; 1 blao., '1f)OCl Walk. The Free Patterns are ord~r~ by post-card from New er and famtly broke. 'rbere will be btiDdNcla of wom.. In York City and caD be used any time you need one. 'Ykllldltt•. ~' wMIr. tbID, "1D~c)1r... UbUdren ..... maob mor.Uklly ,,, another born and ooltl. aI.o lOme This offer is available to anyone who subscribes. renews ",BlirftlM. 8J1oh WOID_ oODtnot tb., oont. .loD4 dltiealee caUle pa' up thle eale. 'VI~"" "'III.II' . . . 414 II...' .ben thl,. have ooleb. WbooPID, Oow and Sop-l ROOd milk eow, or exteDds his time on the Miami Gazette. The oaly perqui· . a d vance. " R"ftwalP'll .trelt. OOD~. diphthlrla. 8O&1'1e& and ,relb b, Aprll 1.'. 8 be..clllOl" 1 site is that you "pay In DItIpia, Adnnlalq per 1Dch•• ••• . • •.•• lOe: DluluDta Ina aD 00Il1ncC.


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Tinner and ' Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of all kinds.



Low and April


Waynesville, Ohio



'aD)',_ JI!lDN~





O.teopathic Phy.ician





DR. H.E.

w_ .

aDoUln UILE EYE Ill"




A Wonderful Offer! . Now is Your Chance





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This is an Opportun~ty

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ooD~pttQa are when 4...... th.' ball., a" lOWand wi'h pl~, a will April on .. OOD' ,b. ohU4 3 hy ,April Il1tb,f.~JOw a IOod Po. !~!~!!5!~~~~~~ ~ oold

That,ia wby all medloll .1l*horltiee _y beware of ooldl. fOr abe ,010)- oare 01 ooleb YOD will tind DoUlID': be'ter' ,han Chambel' IatD'a doqb "~t'. I& oaD al. . .,.. be ~I'~ed u~ aDd te pI.... . r l ~ ...... I'or _11 b,. a" ~cIea. . ,, ( '


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laod OhiDa a.oa.r, obIMenl and I ....~: Implementa-IMrtDl biDder al.' , moat De•• e&eel rqUlr. Bemle tobee00 "'ter. _y nit.. MoMcer WIt.., · drill, Job. Deere rldlDIT oattl.tor. . : • MeaklDI plow., pall' 40Dla . rJ .. Ill. . plo.,., 000 bo.... • • plow; 'Ptm-.I I doabt"ho"el alld to\aeeo, plow IDQA ioDlDel. . Dlao barrow UO tOO'b . .to"er. bDI~_i


."tl,. ,


see betow what you will save on this extraordinary offer.


. .

OUA~"~ '. DCD

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We WI .. Olve You year •• , •• $1.00 McCall'. Magazine 3 years. '1.50 Miami Ooette I

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Te4Ira of • Rival Attorney- Were Ell· plalned, Not In Too Friendly a Fashion.


flne8s lng :tJ:llln s l h Is fo r r hea d. nnd to hea r a sl.- rn yuke SIIY o nl lllOu8ly. ";-':ot II IllOV t' • .I o llr,II Y; res, Ibnr a 8 gll n; now ge t up q ul e ll y . an d stll p out lI" re'" H('"I ~ ttUJ(·e W I\ S II sp less. Illld I be ro ve . re nd. ·red w('allo n j, 'ss. were he n l,·u IlIw k lownrd t h e l·orr,,1. T iley >I II lJl' lolI l;l'li 10 1111 wley·s oll llll ; one . M bl llr k · wh l ~ k n'li ~ 1Ir1 \. brll l e 11.· I ~tu .


J ilek Kr>Uh. a Vlr ~ln t n n , n nw R hilT d e r pl fi I mUll II 11. 1!11 l OIl~dl1 J.: ( o r rll ull1 lH ~ \\111 p artl f08 IIf 1oI.1I\' UI;"8

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erly II ("oJ1h~ (lt ' r " t e orf\Ct' r , Til l' pl nlm'nl!l n .. n d Npb .~ s('npf' . fln l! In tl"l' I h.· (1I ...:1 , 1\·(.' tt c a n lt! upon fl I~ ubl n I1l1d nuc1 \ 1,.. (\C~ lIl l1 l nl

1, ,·ltb Il dnl-t !'l Th p J'lrl , ·)ro. P' HII\~

1111 111

th at shf" t ~ In 1'1 (>11 1'" .-11 il t fl h r tlw r . ", ho h od d e"er tf'd fro m t h l' 11r m y . 11 11 " Ihnl n M r . 1-1 (\\\'1 (')' tnt1ul ' f>f1 h,- " 10 "o me t il th·· cnb ln whllt' hl" snu.::h l h~r hr m ~Wf II nw l ey llv rnm r s . n nd T\ £·IIII In 1," lInJi! n ·! 'f\ IZ · n lzc!I him fI ~ nhtl' k nHf l T h .. r'· I ~ n 1,' r · r l n ba ule In the d a rk "IH' " f, lOIll III w hi t' " K e i th Is \' II~ l t I T H orl'tc" nr .... r'lQlfo prt n 'I't1 . en d tho glr\ w h o filbY ' th a t h ,. r l1 ittn l" I~ Hop e. Jolnl'l In t h~ ,,",' l." no~ K r llh f.>:-I l'I Hl nM hi" sl tu lltlon n il ,' Iht, fll,.:.: h h ' t'N I nn),!' ( n r F ort La r ned , wh f>rc tho-' ~Ir l lJi I.,n wtt h t he h ot el IU fl<1 l n d)'. Mt~fI H f' , l(O t.' II !o1 thllt • h e 18 th e d H lu.~hf ... r r; " "f'rn\ \ \' nI I P


a nd N c h drl tL Into Rh,.rt tl n n , \\' I1f'T~ mee t" 1\ n old ( rtf' fl li , I1r . F' nlrhlli n . m l"e t s t hf" bro l h ~r o f J""po' \\" u I I P . t he BSAlIm,.,1 nnm e or Prp..1 \Y \I · Jough by, an d b r <'o m PR convilwf' ct thai

K e it h lC e lt h K e ith und e r

B lack Barl h"8 tw o .

Bo rn e

plot Invn lvlng Ihe

H o p e It'u r nH t hA t G t" n . W n l t ~ . whn

w as t hough t

m u r t"i(' r el1.

I f' nl

Stu"l r " '" n .

and goes tJH" re w lw ·r c 8h,. 111 mltunKf'n (or C hri s ll e l.l acill ire, t h~ Carson Ci l~' fll uRf'r

K e ith m eets t he ':'(>61 t:hrlll tl f4 Mnrl Rl rro and n nds t ha t B1 ack Bn rt hns ('o n vtrH' p{1

th ll l th er f- I s [l myst ry In ' IP f l\fe whi ch h e 18 g o i ng t o t urn t n hrr Ildv u n·

h er

ta s . The plul n srn nn t (> ll~ JI npe \\' H.II(' o f h er r cst.' mlJ l unru t o C'll rhHl 0 l\bll'ln I r l" ,

They Ilecldo Iho. t Freel WlllolIghLJv lIIay holll th e key 10 the Bllllnlinn. " pil I, " " d. W Ulough by 8hol delld . U up,· IR 11.1.1 o ( th ~ d e n l h of h ~ r hrOlh PT"

h: ,. . l tll f[\.1 I ~ 10

Jearn \~ h 8 t r C{l r eK€' n t allo ns n l nc' k Run b aft m ade to Ch r is ti e: ~ l ll t · IJ1lr~. Il up c au S'geRt s t hot In ordt' r to h -urn till" !l1'l'rel "he mus l b r ie Hy Irn p e r~ollu t e l ltt· H 1H"'''~ e lnger, Dr. Fnl r bfLin 18 In 10\' (' w it h Chrls Ue M a c l atrc Rnrt 1( p.11 h Inl l ut '('s h im to d e taJn h er tro m t llo SHUle w h ile lI op(' g oes



«h ea t e r \\, )lI' r ~ Ntu' IIU' t'tl'l wh o . tl lU~ (I f'(' e h '-t' d , II· tl fI

Bln ck Barl. H o pe t hn t G nt-l r n. 1 \ V Alte t1llle RlISPP(·h.'d

his p lans a n d t ha t t hey

I IlU R l

fly .


gren tl y n l armed. demurH. G en(' r u l ,\Yn I t£, appell rs n n d 8U Y" , Sine k Bart 1m!! "'Io lp n p u p ura !ru m him rega r d i ng nn. In hE'T'I ~

tance. " ~ Ith 18 Int or m ~d t hnt ChrIs ti e MnclnJ r. ·. rM I lIam. Is Phyili. Oale lInd thol 8h o I. t he hal t glster o t H ope . T "~ l a tt e r h uft bee n c ur r ied ow u y b y BlJu'k Dart a n d 1118 g ft. ng . nr. Jf"nl rbHjn n \,o W H

~:I~~ \·: n~orhr.h ~~:~,~, J.n'~t~l~e nl~~:Ptt~n ~ ~~'i

Blac k Bnr L

ken b ac,k

Th r~'

11",1 Hopo h"" been

to th e o lt l


f' U lli n.

CHAPTIi:R XXXIV.- (Continued.) Riling to HI. Kneel. he Saw a Man Already Hal' Aero .. the Stream.

I (



; I • t; ~

. I


"Elgbt hos ses In thar,'· he an· ll1lced BOberly· the n turned to Keith. ··Say, Jack, wbat do you figure this sbebang to be. anybow? \:ou don'tl"ectton tt's old Sancbez·s outnt. do ye r?'" ··Llkely as not. Joe. thoUgb I n ever .aw blm around bere." Joe Oiled bls cheek with · tobacco. .tarlng about through · tbe darkn ess. ··Well , If that 01' cuss Is ye r e now ".,·uns hi s ure In fer a fight," be commented posltb·ely , They rounded the corral fe nce on hands and kn ees . c rawl e d Into a buncb of busbes somewhat 10 tbe rear or the silent. desolate·appe arln g cabin. Hnd lay down lIat ~ehlnd a pile of sadd les, trom whlcb position th ey could plainly discern the rear door. "Had th e ir camp over there In the corner of the corral wb en I .was be re before," he s aid In a whlsrJe r. "Wbe re do you suppose th ey can be now?" The wary 6COllt lifted his head , sniffing InOO tbe dlU·kn ess like a point· er dog. '·W est 0' the r cabin thar . Ollt o· tb e r wtnd . mo st likely . I Bm.·11 tobacco." Ev en a s the word R · leH hi s lips a m a n came sauntering s lowly around tbe ea s te rn corner. his outlln e~ barelY "18Ihl e . iJ.ut th e red glow of a pIp e bowl s how ing plainl y. li e s topped. dl· r ecll y fn ci ng th e m. yawning sl ee pily. and th cn t tV"n C'd t he oth er co rll e l·. Anotber mo m en t nnd they d ls lln c tly b ea r d a "olee : ··lJlI stle u p t har no\\'. Mnntl e l, an· turn o ut; It·s YO\lI' watr h ; wake. UP. dnm y ~ r- m n ybc tharl! lJrln g yet t e r life: · . Till' re m e dy n pll ll e u to th e s leeper mu st hav e been ,'mcnclou s . a s, an· In· stallt la t e r. Illloth e r fi g ure slollch ed l11tO vi e w. lhe lIe w arrival rubbing hi s e yes w itb oll e hand , t.he. other clut ching n sbort-llIl rre lle d gun. From tb e high peak 01' bls bat It was evl· dent t lli a new gun rd wa s a Mexlcau . He walked to th e corn e r, gl a nced along I be eas t RIde wull toward the front of tb e cnLIII. allu theil, appa rently sati sfi ed th e ~ o as t was "lear, s tllrt· ed toward th e Rtroam . s humlng along wlt.bln a foot of wh ", r e Ke ith la y nat on tb e ground. ... mo nl en t la ter I he men h e ard him Rl,las blng 80ftly In the wa· ter. and Ke ith rolle d oye r, his Ups at llrl stoe· s ear. ··S lIp down there. Be n." h e whls· pered. ··and qul H that fe llow . 1"11 Hnd out how man y lire on th e west aide. Do tbe job without any no ise:' He wai ted until th e scout bad dis· appe are d like a sllake . not evet! a ru s tli ng leaf tellin g of bl s pa ssage, an d th en silently cr e llt forward blmself, yet with less cauti on. until be was able to peer ·'aho ut tb e corner o r the calJln and dimly dl s tlngul s b Ule blanke ted forms of severnl Ole n ·Iying clC1se In against. tbe · Side wall . They rested 60 near ly togetbe r It was dUH· cult to separate th em In that darkneBS, s tara givin g t h e only I ~ght, but . be Dnally de teT!ll lued Che lr ·Ilu·mber at .;. !ll'e., , .ti'1M;::,l.he.,l,I1ex\call- would mak~ ': .• \x, IU1d ' thel'e wou1d su rely- be an9ther cuard ""pos ted' out In fl'Oll.t -;iel'en. liut Oi'Ire ..ere e~l;lt ·horlHlli dO~D

S\n~ lli nK. l: tc.

IStopS. . ra in

in th e Bbdder. 1 Hack.

h f( ll1 cy~~



l' P II U' lllht." I' C' t.1 h aving ~e~ n In ghel'id nn .

"hIe)". t h e n1hp r O.- n " '11111" ~·H. " I· . (p rill -

t o b e II ~' o unJ,C I,{ld . \\ h e lI a w al CUr- SO il ('\I~'

At the trial of H or ne T ooke. Lord Eldon, s pe ak log of hl ti OWI\ 0 e \lu ta tloll, 8uld : ·· It III th e IIt1.1 e Inh e rll:lli ce I h ave to leuve m y " hll .lre ll. a nd by Ood ·s he lp. I will lea ve It un impaire d : ' He re he s he d tea rs . lI nd to th e A Stoni s hme n t of those pre se nt, Mttford , tu p Jl tt o rn e y ge nera l lJegan to weep. ··.II1Mt look at Mi lfo rd ,, · slLld a by· It a llder lo Ho rne T oo ke. "what on e arth Is h~ c rying for T· T oo ke r pli ed : . ·· 11, Is (·ryln g 10 Ihlnk wh a t a s m a ll Inh e r lta m·e Eldon's (' hlldre n are like to ger:·

R e lieves U rin ary a n.d 1~i .dne1 Trou b les Ha kache , !) Ira llilni.

ther e In tbe corral. Tben the e lghtb stack of saddles. Sbe was not crytng mnn- Hawley, wltbout doubl- must any more, JUHt clinging to biOI, as he In tbe cabin. At the thougbt tb oug b s be could n eve r again hear to Kellh·s teetb clin ched, a od be had to le t blm go. s Lrugg·l e to cont. r ol bls passloo. Hut ··011, Jack, It Is s o good Ju s t lo feel no: that would never do: he must di s· yon n ear agal!): ' cover fir s t e xac tly whe re th e gl rl was '·Yes, dear:· sootblngly. ··and It 1. located: after that tbey would attend good to bear YOll say Jack. but teU to the curs. Hefore cree ping bac,k to me one thing- Is anyone elae In tbe the othe rs. he made quIck examina- cabin? Is Hawley here?·' "No, no! He le ft UB early the Hrst tion along tb e rear or tbe c\lbln. but co uld find no v is ible poInt of weak- morning. I have n't either Been or ness. H e Irl ed to re call from m e mory beard at him s ince . Tbe men ha ve the nature of th e loc k on tbat back lett me aloo e since we got bere: bave door, but could re member .o otblnc ex· had tbe ca blo all to myself until toce pt an ordInary wood en latch,.1 If night. I ha" e not Buttered, only he could Inse rt a knife Into tb e Crack mentally-from dread ot what , theY that might very easil y be dislodged. Intende d doing with m_untll to1·l e drew bls hunting knife for the at· night. Three men rode In here just tempt, and . IIrs t gl a ncIn g about. per· before s undown-two Mexicans and an celv ed a man cree ping toward bim. It Indian . One of the m waR an awful looking old man. with a scar 011 biB proved to be Hrlstoe. ·' FIKe d the greaser all right, cap, cbeek. and a race that made me sbud· Rnd I r ec kon he'll be quiet fpr an hour de r. He dldn 'l see me. but I 8aw blm or two. Look whar be s las h ed me: th r ough the window. and he had auch Mtrll c k u pacle 0' playln · keerds, er I·d s trange e yes. All the men acted as n got my ti cket: · Tbe front of his thougb the y were afraid of blm, and blou Re was .:ut wId e ope n, and KelUl I heard him say be didn't care wbat tbou g ht b e per ceive d a s tain of blood . Hawl e y·s orders were , be was going to ··Prlcke d you ae 11 wu s . <lldn·t h e T' slee p Inside; If th e girl dldo·t like It I ··Open e d ule s kin . Thought th e CUS8 s be. could take tb e otbe r room. had given lip . an · f': o t ·are less. Wbat ·s didn't know ·wbat to d o-oh. I wns so afraid of hIm; but what he said gave ·rollnrl 10 Ibe WP.A t. ?" · I, ell h' s lips closed . bls hnnd sbut- l11e a n Id ea, and I went Iota Ihe buck room. and put up a bar across the tln g ha rd on tb e knife. '· I·'lv e. a nu another out, In front; door. When be cnme In he tried tbe tbat 1.' llv es tbe e ighth man InsIde. door ; tb e n be s poke tbrougb It. but I Br in g o ur fell o ws u p clos er. and pos t never an s we r ed ; and finally he lay Ih e m wh e re Ih ey cun <:o ver thoHe rel- down and we nt to ~le e p. I sat there lows a s le" ", whll l! I make an ellor!. at In the ·dark 8 0 long. and when I heard ),011- 1-1 tboughl It must be some ot hrea kln g In he re:· IIrls l oe craw led back like B snnll , th e alb e rs." li e s treK ed he r hair, whIspering a nd conll<l f' fl l l he olher s would do the Ir Jl url , K e lth ·lhrtls t hl ~ knife IIlade dee p word s of e n couragement. . ··Tba t Is all done with now: Hope. Inlo the lJarro~' crac k nnd be gan prob· In g aft er Ihe latc h. In " pil e of all cau· and we 'll have those fellows at our li o n Ihl s eITort cn us ed a sllgbt oolse. m ercy 10 another half·hour. I can and sli dd e nly he fi la r lell back at tbe trust you to remain right here.? " sound of a WOIllf1I1 · ~ \'ol ce : ··Yes." He was bending o~r, and ··Wha t d o YOII want? I am armed , he r eyes were upon his face. Suddenand will flt·e througb the door it )'ou ly he Insp ed b er to him. do n ot g o aw ay !" ··Sweetheart," he whI s pered Bottly. Ill ~ he art leaping wi t h e Xliltatlon. He could not hear ,her answer, but Ke ith put hl ~ liP!! close 10 the crack. h&r arms were I\hout his neck. .. Hope:· be exclalm e u a s loudly a8 he d ur e d . ··Thls Is Keith ; open tbe CHAPTER XX~V. door:· Jl e could bear·a little smoth ered cry The Cabin Taken. breuk from be r lips, and th e n tbe Ills heart beating 'I\·lth new bappl· sound or a Imr being hastily remov ed. n e~ s, yet conscious of the stern duty An Ins tant, a ud th e door o pe ne d HI· s tili confronting him. Keith joined the Icn tly , jus t wide e nough to permit he r others. giving them. In a whlspsr. a slende r figure to s lip through. Sbe hurried account of Hope'. release gra s ped him with her bands , turning from the cabin. and of what she had hi s face to th e light of the stars. and to report. . • . he cou ld feel ber form tremhl e. ··It'a old Juan Sanchez tn· the front ··Ob. I knew you would come! room. boys." he added soberly" "and Imew you would corne'" she sobbed. there Is ten thousand dollarll reward lbe word s hare ly audible. . • out for blm, dead or allv-e." Tbe man 's lips se t. firmly. ·· yet be Joe at tbe "Bar X" drew to bJa held h e r ·c1oRe to Mm, begging ber breath· sharply. _ , '.,. not to break dO'Y1l now. ~ ,t'll sure be dead then," ,he " 1t"1I all rlebt. little girl." be said teredo "that CUB. wlU Hver b. plea dingly, "we ve go~ you saCe , but no otber way! " ••.,. tbere Is a flgbt, to -be a.ttended 00. They ' went at -tt an ,Uw ' ",-~" .,,,:,-. ColI!e wltb .me; I mUBt ask you.. a ·Quea· manner ot tlle' West. ··. wH~.:~'~~t tlou or two.'" . I.!", £i ' ·iiln~; . . ... . - H~ d·rew ber baclt ,I9to <~he. fJ1ng~· or tlie un~n8d~~ '1IIfien.!n1 bta,hell, placing hel'. Bateit' bel11Dci. tae each walUnl' ,




" " .

!Ito, \.

Th C'r t' WI' S 11 (1 Iltllt' t u <I "nl wl l b lb e ..... Ib e ll . n.n d a ··I:lur X'· Dla ll was pl >lced Ilil Kuurd . \\1111 o n lf'rs 10 s hOO I a l the Rlig htes t slI oplcl(J\l S 1110v e !ll ~ n L T be Indla u , Ihen , wo uld Le gllll rcl lnll Ihe fro m of I II ... hOtlRe. a nd :;IW Cll t'Z " j,~ .. plll g IlI si d ·. \\" 1' 11 , tbe r orlUe~ cou ld ue left u lo np.; 11 15 c hunce of' es· ra pe wO li ld 101" " 11111 11 ello ug h wIt h ~'nlr· ba ln a nd ;-\ .. lI 0 11 th e OP fJOS l1e hnn ltOld · S lI nd lez IY II S th o vlll a lll they wlUlt ed - delld o r a liv e . "\"I lh IlI td In \·Ie w. and an xloll K l o m fl ke 1\ quI ck Job of It. t he three e n te r e d the bac k roo m . a nd. r e vol" ers In b a nd. grop eO t bel r w ay acro~s 10 tb e co nn e t'tlng d oor. As Ho pe ho d descri bed, thl. ItJld boo n Recurel y fa s te ne d by n s tout woode n bnr . Hrl s loe for ced It (rom tb e soc kels. not wllhollt Bo me s li g ht nOise . a nd I< ~ lth , cr o uching dowl! at a ile s lll e. lifted lhe la l e b. "K eep d ow n lo w. b oys : · he ca u· tlon ed , ··wh e re he can ·t hit you: ' With Qu e q uick pu s b b e Hun g th. dlOor wIde o pe n , nnd a r ed !las h lit tb. room. Tbe r e we r e tw o s ha rp r e ports. Ih e bull et s crM hlng Into the wall bebind the m , t he s udd e n bl a ze o ( name r'3V a llns t b o froll t door ope n, and wltb It Ihe lJlack outlin e of a man'. tl gure. Two ot Ib e m en Hred In In· s tant respon se, leapin g reckl ess lv for· word. but we re as I]ul ckly left botIhlnd In th e d a rkn ess. th e oute r door s lamme d In th e ir fnce s. Out ~ td8 t he r e was 11 s n nrl of r age. anotber s bot, a Deree cu rse In Spa nlab ; theD Ke ltb flun g th e door wide open . a.nd I.~ ap e d down th e s te p . As he did so be did s o be s tru ck a body and fell fo rward, bts r e volve r knock ed from bls hand . Ri sing to his knees. tbt dim IIgb t of th e stars r e vealed a man already h a lt across the stream. Sud· d e nly two s pa r!tB of fire leaped tortb from the blackn ess of the opposlt. bank; tb e man flung up bls hand. sta~ gered . then went stumbllog ;JP tbl! BtTl!Rm. knee d ee p In water. He made !L dozen yard s: reeling as tbougb. drunk. a nd fell forward. fare dOWD [lcross a s pit of sand . Keith stared out at the black. motionless sbape, I'e lt along th e ground ror hla lost gun. flnd arose to bls fe e t. BrlPloe bad t urned over the dead body al the I:oot of tbe !lte ps . and wa. peurln. down Into tbe upturned race. ("[ 0

A Beautllul lJilcline . Ollie Jall1 eH , th e g iganti c Il nd ge'l!al cong r essDlan and sCDato r·elet' l from Kentur!I Y. was In coo versat lon tbe o th er dllY w ith a Was hin gtonian when I be Intl e r m ode cer t liin Inq uiries with r e(p r ent·e to a mlltual fr ien d w bom h. uad nol se n fo r a nnmUc r of years. "A nd ho w <l oeR Col. Prescott apen. bls de()linlng yea rs ?. he a s ked . "lI ellll tl fully . s ir ; bea ull fully r · aoswered JILm es. " He hil S a One tarm • s ir. A s trin g of troll e rs . sir . And a barr I of wb ls ky )6 ypu r s old- Ilnd a wlte of thel s ume IIgo. slr l" Scr ibble r- Wh at 's lbe hes t wa y to becolll e a great poet? Ruy te r - Writ e a b unc b of Junk tbat no one ca n unders ta nd .

Loveliness of charac te r Is nothlnc hut s tea d y lo ve or good a nd 8teady , f& f'orn of ev ll. -Fro ud e ,

When Your Eyes Need Care

)' u rlll f!' ltve J{ rllll'dy . No ~Rl artt n l:-F~f'~ . li' h l,, - A,'u ~ ulo''' l.Y Try It h , r It rll,"' t." ... . , :....:;,~~~~.;.;.~~~~~~_~~~~ W Aft' r 1 E " e~ nllll ('rL\nutal4'd lo: yelld ll . IIItH.' · - ~.l ra t!;" ,1 n (;o k I n ent ' h rnl ' k"jff' , ~f \lrhle Iii ,



An Antl·Sulclde Fenc •. One or the strangfisl fe~c e s OD reo ord Is tbat whtch the common council of Yopkers. N. Y.• has just orde red built. It wll~ be a fence to IIfleP sui· cldes away . Several times In rec~n ' yearB delt poitdent persons have Bhumed orr Ihll mortal coli by leaping Into the Foort Flelcl reservoir. one of the rese rvo\ta Bupplyln!1: Yo .kers with wnter. Sometimes tbe bodtes ba : e been recm·ered quickly. but on A few occ8slons the corpses were In Ihe wat er for a day or 110. The lOllS of water In dralnlna the reservoir Is a bll! Item and Is es· peclally to be guarded against since tbe city fouod It nece8l!ary to bunband every drop of Its 8upply. So the council has appropriated 14,000 to build II wire netting fence around thl! reservoir W :,en It Ie compteted any one on ~ulclde bent will Hnd a barrier nine feet hlgb between blm anet eter nlty_

PI1..Jl:8 C{'1tF.D 1 N II TO 14 D"'~" . t"o1Jrd ruatllllac. ,, 11\ ru t u nG 1.1.IIJ lhtl I f PA W (,.IIlfTM ~Jrf'r f,,,n. hI ou rn a u T. (,11M' ot Jlc h lna. B IlD4. lUtJe4l1W ur l"rultul1\ Q·trI I I '(ilia ~D t5 W 1.. 1lAJ1. 6Qa.

oo Ul pt tu n(\ r d by Q\lr \).' 111,,,,... - Ih l l l' " Pnlf' n l M,.(I · I ll lnC"" - bu t " !tNt In :' U\'(, ' ·l' .. rnl I'h ,,, lel nn. ' .·nll'· IJ Cft f u r Ul an,. ,,.nt"ll. N",,· ""t1It'alelt W 'h ~ li e end sct ltl IH' IIrlJlI K: ll't" "t ~:-.., nntl We per I\,,"I,..

ParticularIy the Ladi...'




Not only pleasant

__ L!-


refreamnl 10 Mar lo f' It, 8 Sm.lf" I n A·"·pt "· 'l' ulle_. Zc a nd Mr · ..L b t! d .. __ .1 Murine Eye Remedy Co .• Chlcogo me wle, ut gen y eanJUlglWU sweetening to the system. Syrup 01 F'. and ana

Modern Methed.. Elixir of Senna it partic:ularfy adapted T he lale A. T "nn\·so n J)\ cken s, d uro to ladiea and children, and b~ ill In g a n Inl er vl ew 111 Chl cllgo, co nd e lDn· I all c:asea in which a whol~ ~ ed" th e w8 r ..'n Tri poli vc he m e ntly_ enina and elfective laxative. he.. Sla very . be sa id . wltb a bitter ___ .1. It is rfeet! tale at aD times ud Y emil e. "Is now abo lis he d, W e no long· ~_'dpe h dach __ .1.L ' . • er 8t eal a people and se ll lb e m loto woyCJa col.s, . ea. C8 IIIIQ ~e.pam bondag e . No, no, Illdeed. We juet caued by mdigesbon and COOIbp&boCllO 8teal t be lr co un try l\Dd c barge tbe m pronapt!y and elfectively that it. aGe so muc b fo r go verning It th a t tbey {>erfect familr.laxative which 8iv~ ..... ' • hav e to ~.. o r k tw ice as ua rd as sla\·ea fachoo to all and is rec:ommeoded to pay Ibelr t nes .. · miIliOM of families who have u.ed it aod who have penonal bowJedce d ita Go Elegant Language. cel1ence. ,. " . r __ oi L , "A poet speaks of blmself b~~e~ Its wondeduI L~. ~ _."' ......~........... 'bllnd voyage r acrOll8 tbe led, untCfUpuloui dealeri to oIfer ~ &ens.' .,

.b0uld tfws



. cttWy. 'There-


"Perhaps nn o-v('1'!ndlllgt'nce-1n-fJm food bas gll·cn him nn a cute sensa· fore. wheD b~1o to get ill benl!6cill dfecta, .twayw n~ Ihe full time qf.1b4t tlon of mal de mer:' ~paitr:-~ot!Ua ' F'18 ~~~ Out of Date. plainly pnnred on · the frcat of ~ . .,. '·E ve ry time he o lie II!! hi s mouth.he package of Ihe genuine 'Syiup pu ts hi s root In It:· and EIWr of Senna. '\ . , "Thnt·R a !!ireat pit y. Con tortionists. Foraaleby.uleaiJing~ ~ • no longe r In d ema nd a s v~udevllle 50 II boa! . • " .•• .:' \ nuraction s. " . " . ' .ceo per c. , ,\ " . ,

SJiUP .... ":., _ ofT.,. . ,

Importont tc. Mother. EXllmlne carefully e very bottle ot CASTOHlA, ii safe and sure remedy tor Infants and cblldren, and BeG thaC it


In Use For Over 30 Y~arB. Children Cry for Fl etcher's



l'lt.~ontalned :Ioller



F'oar ', Ill


The Reason. "Thi s purse Is real ullIgator IIkln." "I 811)JIJOse thnt Is why It bas sucb snap." .



Tbe Paxton Toilet Co. or Boston, Mass., will send a la rge trial box of Paxtlne Antise pti c. a de llgbUul 01e1Ol 8· Ing a nd I!e rml cldal toile t preparation, to any woman. free. upon request. Chee rfuln ess· keeps up a kind of sun· In th e soul . and Hils It with a .,:elldy and I/Crpetunl serenlty.- Ad41son. ~h Ine

(larfiplrl T ~a, tnken reguTIlrly, will correct both li\cl· nnd kiolncy di80rdef1l.

A roller nou~ milt that m ..... lit bblB. 6. the beM pate ,,' 1I01lr »er lI"y. On. one mao, alld an 8 H"P IlRBOllne finglne ruD It. No p ..... IOUB lIoowlellge of ml1llJllr De~ell8""' . Oper .. tlt'lf UpeD"". 1'e411C<!4

t,,·.,.thlrds. Nu otller nour mUl caD ' Ifl ... B"cb pl'Onl8. A"""tutel,. tbe jfNate,,, proG' Two bellds are better than on&-In When I, an Old Maid? e.rner ev,," onenic1 tbe . maa of moder.1e . "Some day the marriageable a~e fIJI 1:'. ~~Lbbage pRtch . mean.. WrIte for ow: catalop.. "'l'b. .-~ - ~~~ women will be advanced from 20 to -~.~~~~ Story of • WODderful noDI' MIll_" .. , • I · 80. and tbe old mal'! line wl\l be Th.Analo-....rtollft Mill Co., . . . ct. ..........,. , 4 cbanged from 30 to 40. Wben tbal o time comes tbere will be 8urprlslnl{l, few divorces. The bus,>and 0' wbom TH. NIEW FRENCH R.M.O .... IIo.l."..... " ... we I1ream at 20 Is not at aU the t1pII !.h:al~tbrJ:~. ro:.~r. ~=:~~' J. pated or bu.. &01· OkKATKu n c, OVl'K8 PH.ItS, kIDNItT . "c. . . nD.~i of man wbo attracta U8 a~ 80. The &eh 01' the!" aliment to ~~u.:.~~!O:~.Q, ~ O·f~' ~~~'!",8~ ~ man I married at 20 was Il brllll.,.nt _ent! for· . free .. ge co .. B.. vall8~ . . It ID.. aAlfPH.. n. Lol.oo~. .' morbid. handsome. aDnormal creature. of my P .....·P.... Pili.. rI "ant. to prove ' tbal willi magnlOcent eye8 and very wblte tbey posltl""ly tlure In· teetb and no particular appetite at dige.lioD, Sour .lt , • " . ,'!"'+ I .~l', Belcl,la!!, WInd, THEHOMEB£EKER8'BiUn'I'U ...... meal time. Tlie man whom 1 co"ld He.6--&ebe, ··N ervoult~ care tor would be the' normal, 8aft, ne.. , eIHpl"88n~ .... snd POl' 0IIIcb!l Ia~lJlII"'0110 writ. to : : , ,. " !Lre An InfallllGe eure ' BUREAU" AOR1CULTtitlt,HaUN.t..IIORT. j and substantial 80rt who would com. 10rCoaotlp .. tloD. 'fbtlo ' . . . In at 6 o'clock. kiss me once. snlft th. ~ I &ID willing to If\n mUllon. of free ·fl llck8TART FACTOJiI.'f;5 ·~ 1 .. . I \aile ,,11 tbe rl8k. Bold by druRLrlal.& tor free buo.. ' -.. \01 e\ ........ . .. air Iwlce. and aay. 'Mm !Wbat', that _ lor lIII (!tint. a vial. I'or f,-etO packall.,~dr"... . Pa",nt _uNCI or f~ lei.. . l :! smella so good, old girl T I'm as hUD Prof. Munron.lI3r' a Jellaraon '1.. , PIIU.d.lplll...... 8d_ .. eo.......,......- ,•• W_hla. . . .q. Go · .". gr1 a8 a bear. Trot I' out. When are· tbe kids'?' "-From NOe.W. O'Hara," by Edna IJrber.








Cold Comfort. D6nglaa Jerrold's wlt' made It dl1f11 oUlt tor hIm to be the "ministering ao gel'" !bat a mao of leas .bumor lDlSbl" bave been to lr1ends tD trouble. .Tb, . 1I111ter: George BoddIe. went to Jet' rold ono day to tell blm of dlml!u&' 11,8 tnto whlcb be b.a d fallen. ~ "WaDt you ·to "Tilt

.r,· "

AEiA ' . . -, cB:





~ctlc:a1 Plaa (d ButldtoS Suitable ~or Farmer or Villas... Wbella ComparatiVely Small Number of- Birds ..... to be Kept-C~>Dcrete Plays Impo ..taQ~

Then Your Kidneys May Be Weak and in Need of Quick Attention

Part tn Consc. .. uction.

Backache is enough cause to suspect the kidneys. The kidneys are in the small of the back. Congested kidneys swell and throb. The back naturally a ches. It hurts to Lend or stoop ·or to sit down. Kidney trouble may ccme on all un noticed. A cold, a chill, a fever, a strain or irregular habits may start it. While sic\{ kidneys can be cured in the beg innin g, it is a serious matter when dropsy, gravel or l3right's disease sets in. Doan's Ki.dn ey Pills have made a rep ut ation in the cure of backache, and kidney and bladder ill s. ' Th e best proof is the testimony of the users. Here are two typica l testim onia ls. Thirty thousand others are bein g publi shed in t he news pape r s. A postage sta mp will brin g you reports of case's neare r horne. 1£ you su spect your kidneys, get th e 1 cs t-recom me nded kidn ey remedy.

UEuery Picture r.ll. a Story"

.. . 0..,

t . .,

ero.. 9eotlon of Laying HOUle 18 by 40 Feet, Showing Partition, Door, FrlmC!, Windows, Cement Floor, Nests, Rooats, Dropplng· Board, Etc,

The poultry 'bouse Bhown In' the II· lustratlon Is planned for lhe farm er or- yillager at moderate meana, who .wlllbes" to keep one or t wo fOlr·s lzell ftpcke of fowl8. Should a bouse wit h a larger caPllclty be desired lhe build· inl could be made longer, The foundation wall II}- of conc rete. 18 Incbes high. It eXlend s ten In ches below the s urface of the g ro un d, where It Is eight Inches tlrl cl{ nnd eight in'cbes above the g rou nd. wh e re ft ·Is. Iii Inc1res thi nk. In mi xi ng I ho concrete, one Ilrt of cement WIlS used , to parts of sand. The fIpor Is 18 by 40 feet, a nd co n· t~I~BJ~O ,sllU8r e teet or Bpace, d Ivlde,l into two equal pens. lC Leghorns lIore to be housed, the s tructure will s be l· , ter 180 blTds , 90 In a p e n. with an 01 · IoWIUl,!lQ of foOl"- sd'uare- fecl to e ll<: h. '. Of ; ,Plymoutb Ro oks, 164 m ol' lJe . haUle d, allowing 4'h 'Squa re feet to "each. . • The' studdIng lil scv'ijn feet hi g h In --4ront 'and fll.t feet In 'the r ear. The .fOOf Is of the comblnatlon ty pe , rl s· • ·tnJl 'tO , a,:' il:elgbt o f nine feet - at the 'p~ It•. ratters lIre at 2 by 6 lu m· . tier,. i. leet long on the rear and leven feet "Jong on the front s lope. _~. ~ • .Ued by..a 1 by. 4 board run· nmg trOm the to or the plate In tront -t<i U.e 14 toot . r!lfter , running Cram .



peak to real' a nd high e wu gh not to In commode th e atlendanL With the raf te r s I hU B tf ed . sup ports are not needed In the ceDl e l'. UPOll the raft· e rs are laId the roof boards and roof· In!;, In detail the 811me aa In tbe house of hollow til e described above. All s ides ot t he [JUlId lng are of ?-\o. 1 s lx·lnch drOll siding. In each end I he re Is a door, sw ingIng out ward, nnd place d >LS near th e ce nter as pos· 61ble, th UB ma king It hondy to 01 1bel' wlndoll' , nests or roos ls. Th e PIlT'lI l lon bet wee n th e two pens Is m otched lum ber for t be f!r ~t tbree fee t from the flo or . I\nd of m us, lin tb ence to tbe ceiling, F or five feol from .the nor'th wall ltround the uroody coop It Is tlgbtly boarded . to protect th e fo\\'ls ngalns t an y poss ible drnugh t wb lle r oosllng . Tbe portltlon dC''lt Is hung In m iddle. on dou ble·ac tln g hlugell, s wl llg~ ellhe r wu y, T he drOI)pln g lJonl'd s. roos ts broody- coops Are locat ecl on tli e north s id e. The y a re s urround ed lJy douule ~allB to guard . agains t drau ght s. The n os ts are built In sec ti ons of six. - Tbe bottoms are or 'one·lncb diamond mesh poultry renclng, a nd .are selt·cleanln g. The fowl s ent r tram the rear and the eggs are taken out from the front.



Who Resides at 1700 Burling Chicago, Ill .


Made Well Afte r Bei ng Al mos l H e lp· less from Wast ing Ki dn ey Troubl es. "I hud awful paIns throug b my hips," says Mrs. Ho wes , "Ilrfd fr e· quently wls bed I ba d n e ve r b ee n born . 1 SCf' U ell t o ba ve los t all In le res t In li fe. I doctored for f e m n l e tro u b l o t b lll \{ing wy co utll~ lio n WlIS du e to s ome dC flln gcDl('nt of l bRt na ture, but got no belt er . " Fi nnlly I hega n tTsln g Doan 's Ki d· n e y Pill s nnd to my surprise I began to Impro ve. T hey not only correcTed the ki dney nelloD . but s topped lhe puln and slc l, D e~B I had tbougbt was due to t e male trOll, ble."


A Resident of Camden , O.

Cur ed After n ~lng Confin e d to Ded for S ve o W ee ks. "I was In bed seven weelts wll h Jddn ey tr oub le ." sal ll Mr . \)('arth , "and gre w wo r~e In s pli e of 011 t he docCor could do, ((t d · lley sec r e llon!l wero In t er rib le cou d il ion. If left sta odl llg they tb lck e ned Ilite glu· COS'l fi nd hnd to be r emn l'cd wit h a lrolfe. "lily o\\' n d octor gnv'l m o liP , I then ca ll ed In a s pecl a ll til who said I was be· r a nd r e(,OVf' ry , 1 h ad los t ove r 20 pounlls find was bl! a sh ndo\\' of IllY fOl'll1el' self. I used ooe box of DoaD's K lc!n<,y P il ls an d eoon Ce lt bel t ' r . CO[J llull lng I 'w as cure d fl n!1 have not hod l he sll gb tes t tro ubl e s lu cc,"





Obliged hn,/way. Papa'. Past. "Tbe wr iter ," s ays Seualor J. IJ. Little Helen's mamma was discuss· Ing tho drink Question wIth a visitor Bmdy, "wa.~ complime nted hi g hly th e aud the child IIsleued gravely to the etbe r da y, He r eceived a bookl e t ca ll· ed 'Santa Fe De -Luxe: mllrked per· cOnversation , "Papa used to drink," she volun· sonal and th e words tbreo limes un· de rllned , It was a description of the Pracuca1Meth04Rc.uutly DeIDOD· teered s\lddenly: .&rated by Me_ber o(New Tbe visitor turned her head to can· new eXIra fure train. There wa s once Jersey ExperUneut ceal a smile. and mamma frowned au old colore d man who was as ked Statton. to change u $10 blli. ' J canr:ot do It: and shook her head at the lIule one. "Well, t.hen," demand ed Helen, he repli ed, 'but J a m obliged to you '(By S. C: MILLER;) Those who use lime bave found "what wa.s It Ile ' used to do?"-Ll ppln· for the su sp icion.' '' ,1.M,lll1liolil, ·l ack at 80elety and utler Iltmus paper useful In determining cott's Ma azlne. Pos itively Brilliant. "C"-:-""-"~~I\~l~B,, ~n,.. ",n.'_ &reat caT,l1les of the so\l Is !lcld or sour, and, tarm life ' present tberefore, In need or lime, SIlYS the ~ANDS WOULD CRACK OPEN "'Dld you be al' young Pounde rs pla y· __ ' l Ing on the plano just now?" 'cl11I1tc\llt problem-If it Is Farmer, ' But tbere Is otlen BOme un· "Yea, I consIder him a remarkllhle -~-"'.1"~J ·>Io-- 'nr"bl ..,., at all. It 18 a rather certainty aa to the result, because "About two months ago my hands I pe rtorm er.'· unpleasant condlUan when used In tbe usual manner at "How Is lhat?" ~ ;relleved In one way placing the pllper In a sample or soli started lo crack open and LJeed , the akin would scale olf, and the good " He can bit more wrong I<eys In 7~1ij~~:~~Il~~.:e;~~~~. Tbe ' only cu--<"i-fl'ntl- pressing the BO\l particles ..~ ~ I. ' COmpany. /1s long as agillnst It, Ule paPer would often be flesh would burn and Itch dreadfully, lee,s time than allY other person 1 ever are wIdely Bepllratell as so much staIned " by the soli tbat It When my hands first started to get sa'~'. " Bore, there were small blisters like wa~C·._~_.· __ farm .folk wl\l conUnue would be dlfflcult to tell whethel h ter bllBters which formed . They ~t"nT CblJdrt!D Ar" Slek ty. "a "'''''0'''''' ,and sutrer all the dlBtress had turned red or not. M ot.b or Urn1 ',.. SwC'ut Powde rs f u r Children llre.all The telephone bas helped At a recent farmers' Institute Mr. Itched' dreadfully, 1~ just seemed B.9 tip 0,1<11 In ~ bUDn. re ll uYo "'oven hhoNifl . U UQd~ though I could tear the skin all orr, I u c h u. 8 lomR ch Tro ublNl. Teot.b log JJlaoro Ofts . DIU'YO ;~~~~~~!~R~~~t !lnd nelchbors enn Blair, of the New JerBey experiment nnd ~guln.lU llln bow o ls. and I.kJUru, WOnDM . Thry voices at all tlIllils slation, showed a. beUer method. A would IIcratch th em and the ski n would ~ o p\ .nt. to U\kn chllil ren H)l:e tborn. U led b1 peel off, !lnd the flesh would be all llJo.~o ra for:tl , e nrs. At all d.rugg1l1 l . 26c. Sumple 'e~en 1t they can. pIece or blue litmus paper wns placed ' taces. It Caelil. 10 the bottom of a glass, tben coy· red and crack epen and bleed. It wor· lWLlTodIl'R"". Addre.. , A.II. OhDlllc<l, LeRoy,N .Y , rled me very much, as I had never tr,nlllu:ulon ' of huslbesl erecfwltb wblte filter paper. Tbe soli Good Advice. !lad anything the matler with. my skin. '~~~~~1~~.~~i~~:rt~~~~~ aDd the market placea; to be tested was placed above tbls 1 was 80 afraid 1 would have to give -"I will have my I)Ound at flesh ." ;; ;'l'e'D4~ct ,i t may be ' Ques. ond a small qu'antlty of pure wster " Be a ve getarian Instead, and take up my employment. ~t2~.:~~i~!~t'.w:.Ij,~lt:I!elr: not In a way poured over It. The Boll uBed In this a peck of potatoes." "My doclor said he didn't tblnk It farm lite be- CBse was known to be acid or Bour, 'tbe ' necesslty and the "\\fater"carrled a. portion o( the wltUld amount to anything. But It kept getting worse. -A-rm--m.tT-h!1M'IHt-m:e-ee--T- Ur. PIC"''' sl'eJleh •• mall , 111lJ('lr·co~'ed, :~~l1~~ri~t~~m~~ ' lind' this .pe~ acid through t/:l e filter paper and turn· In one of the papers about a lady who eft s.)' lo take n8 candy. regulate and invi~or. .intercourse ,be- ed the 'litmus paper red, as could eall' ate, Ii-'cr and bowel •. Do noL "np". and merchants BO lly be ' seen through tbe bottom of the had the same trouble with her bands. She had used cutlcura Soap lInd Oint· reUeve m'Onotony and glasB vessel. The'" filter psper k-ept Fairy Story. the BOI\ tram coming In direct can· ment and was cured. I decIded to try "'They married and lived happily toward contentment. .)...;;<V", ... ,.~ .,y, lact with the litmus paper, and there them, and my hands were ' 011 healed ever niter," tbe telephone waa no staining. Boll not Bour, and, berore I ' had used one colee of Cut!· "You forget tbat you are talking automobile therefore, not In need of lime, treat-ed eura Ointment. I am tru ly thankful abcJUt two people on the stage." these factors UTe \lame way does not turn tho blue ror the good reBults from the Cutlcura begin to cure paper rrom its orlgfnal color., Both Soap and Olntwent, ror tbanks to them The Remedy thllt l'evolutionilea 8ml reo filt4U" paper and Utmus paper can be I was cured, and did not have to lose grn ernte8 tho victim of con.tipa~ion is "·,.,·~y., .",,, Jl~~~I..s~lggte8tE!d that tbe farm· secured for a tew cents at drug storas. a day fro'm work. , I bave had no reo Gnficld Tea, a herb combination. turn of the skin tronble." (Signed) IIve In vl11n~es Mrs. Mary E. Drelg, 2522 Brown 'to tholr ~out1Y lng A man feels as 111 at ease In a dry Street, Philadelphia. Pa .• Jan. 12, 1911. gOlllds store as a woman does In a toJ"~~~~~~~~~~L~~~!~I~~: retumlnJ o.n1y Although Cuticllra Soap and Oint· bllcco shop. ~., work Is done. ment are sold everywhere, II. sample :;~.~4;1i Jiq}·h tnr' ~tDprJacu.canle In this of each, with 32·page book, will be M... Wln.lo..... ~tb'nll 8ynJp 10.. Chll~",," It. may be mailed free on application to "Cut!· t.e-et.btng. AOflenl\ the gua\t~. reduces InOummit. UOD,••116711 p .. wind collc 16e. bottle ~~ M.,.-be ~Wbea cura." Dept. L. Boston . , ,!;»dU ~eh_ to 00. Slele Evidence. Occasionally we meet II man whoso byMtat.rar. otc.-~ . IUa4 StooDe. "What makes you thInk our grellt train of thought reminds us of a ro w



Why buy cheaply made, Inferior \roofings 'that must be frequently painted and repaired whea your local dealer sells

GAL-V A-NlTE ROOFING "TRIPLE ASPHALT COATED, MICA PLATED" NEEDS NO PAINT-NO AFTER ATTENTION FLRST COST-LAST COST Roofln~ is the cheapest in the long run because it ia IIlAdll to atnmI tho wear and tear of tho elements without after trouble or expense. It is 15 pounds heavier than the standard weight and is constructed ouly of the bes t of materials. Its unUlluai weigl It makes it proof against heavy winds and hail storms. 'Gal-va-nlte Rooflall 11M been approved by the Nstional Board of Fire Underwritcrs and t.a kes a low rate of ins urance. I t is Ilnoo-conductor of ~~~ hca.t and electricity or lightning. Attractive in appco.rnncc, easy to lay, suitable for either steep or flnt roofs, Gal-va-nlte is the idcnI r()ofing for any kind of 1\ bllildiul-: in Ilny kind of a climate. It has stoqd the "1'c~t of Time." C.l ...... nltCl 1" p u t. UJ) 10 r ollan t 108 flQUATtneet. CXl mpl (' l(, wll h zlno coated. aalvan .. ked DAlia. l.'tHncnl untlillutltr:l lcd directi on sheet... Mude In 3 wt:lu h 18.

Ask your o cnler fnr Gal-va-nlte Or wri te u ~ Cor samples and booklet~, "GalvLlnite QUAlitics" and "The lnside of an Oul.aidc Proposition."




public men don't work as bar'll as . Wben a IIlanting rock Is struck in they used lor' boring a W"ell, the dr1l1 '- will pusu to "By the photograpbs," replied 'one 'sIde and not enter the rock Oil a Fa.r mer Corn tassel. "Wben I was B straight line, says a writer In the young feller the bIg men In politic. PoPular Mechanics. '1'bls trouble can didn't take near as much lime to glt be overco}lle ~Y mixing lIome cement shaved and have theIr hall' cut." ONLY ONE "DROIIIO OUTNINE:' •

Th.ll.I,J,XATIVB nnovo UIJiMINJo:. Look lor tb l) ..1PAturft at B . ,,~ . GltOV19. UICl1 UID \VorhJ. o.el tv Cu.ra a()o!41n Olle Dal t & .

Hard to Flnd. _ are some ver$s eD,tllled, '' Road to Arcndy.' :· , "Pshaw! Almost any poet can tell the waf to Aroady, but .none of them ever gets tbere." . ' ~Bere




DISTEMPER SALE HORSE Y o u know wli a t yo u St"' l l hll Y tlir l) u g h s al c H hn R ah o ut tl1 ~


on foc \ 'h n n r.e In (\fty In t·~t' ap (~ ~A LI '~ !=;TABLE OfR' ('I'J:\tPEH . "Si'O J-{:,\ ' ~ " 110( YO UI' tru f' p rHU' t' t illll . yU H" n uly 8u(cgu u r d . for ns ' UT t ' HI" yu u tl' (> n t ull r u llr hll rii f ' R w lt ll It, y o u w i ll ij" OOIl

b f' rlrl nf th e- dl scUHC. I t IH' I Ii 1I ~ a sur e p r pv enllv c n o mnt t l' r ho w thf 'Y u.r~ " ,·xp ":-lc d." (,0 c e lll H und 11 n. bo ttl e: Sf) n n d $10 dll zC" n bllttl('s, ; l l n il ~n nd llru J;J,C ls ts. horse goodY h IH1Hl'H. or <.l ,· lI ve r ed b y t he rn n nu fn c ture r s.




;lPOHN MEOTCAL CO .• Cheml". and Baot.,lologl, ta. GOSHEN. IND., U. S. A.

AI WliYS hold fust to lo ve ; IV a win by tcnd c rn(!Ss and conquer by tor· glveness - F , W . Roberls on, For Ih'er nnd ld.lne,V I ro l1hl~R. M lhing iij qui ll' " 0 milol , pleasant and clTccLi \' c as Garneld Tea. If lov e Is renlly blind how Is It tbat

0:t:I:~a:t=c:a:r8:'============I:o:ve~c~lI~n:..:nIWa )'_ S_ flr:d _~~ ay.2.. _

Do You Feel This Way?

DQ you feel all tired out? Do you sometimes

think you jUlt can't work away at your prole •• .Ioll or trade IIDY lonter? Do you have a poor ape. tite, and lay a .... ake at nights uoable to .Icep? .'. ro .your nerves .U gone, ond. your stomach, too f' Ha. am· .I!i0a to forge .bead ia the world left you f' If so, you Ilught •• well put. atop to your misery. You ca.n do it if ,.ou will. ,Dr. Pierce'. Gelden Medical Discovery will make ,.OU • different individua.l. It ",ill let your lazy liver to work. It "ill 'set thing_ right in your stomllch, and .YO'll' 'appetite will come back. It ",ill purify your blood. U tbete," tend~ncy in your family toward consumption, It will keep thllt dread destroycr away, Bven alter conrc~~:~?~ li,ae aim oat gained a foothold In the form of • lJial~~l.c~~. .. bleedinj at the lungs, it will bring about . • It ia .: remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce. 'a11 whO .... ish to writel him. Hia



into toking ihfe'rior aub.tivaried pnactice. be "just u -,ood." Dr. every ingredient printed Contain DO habit' N ~ Y.

The Farmer's Son's

Great Opportunity


Wby"all for the old Jour I n her'




" . ....

...... " .~""~ -'

,,,,~~ ---~--'~ Personal ,Mentlon


$ ,.

---. . .,. . .

.. $



Just receind a nice line of


M1'11. Edith Harris was in Cincin-


nati. last week. Go to the Pratt restaurant for a


arqp<\ meal or lunch.

S h oes, D ry G 00d S ~ ~ $ and N 0 ti 0 I) s. $TU::t:Y. ~::::::BS ~





F . C. Carey was in Cincinnati,


~ Salurday on business



$ ~



A full line of

Staple and

Fancy Groceries,



$ ~

~ ,


v. SMiTH.





Grefln Gage Plums • - • · · · · ·


Miss Clara, were in Dayton. Tuesd ay .



Hawke and Ralph ' were in Lebanon last week

i ,.~t':'.;:i.j;,~;::";':~,,:::~:,~~

Leave your order for Seeds with u ••

Genuine Red River Early Ohio Wisconsin Round Ro.e Minnesota Red Triumph (very early) E,rly Six Week. HebroDl New York State, long, Early Rose New York State King_, early yield Chicago Markets Iriah Cobbler. York State White St....


Messrs. J . O. Cartwright and El· ~ mer Keever , were in Springfield



Mrs. Alethia Alexander was the guest of her son. Dr. Alexander. of


: Th. Women's Foreign Mi88ionary Dayton, laEt week. lOCiety of tite Methodist church held St. Mary's Guild will meet at the their monthly meetin~ at the home h orne a f M'ISS Emrna II elg . h Wa'l o f ~1'8. C. T. Hawke, last Friday Thuasdav afternoon. everuntt. A good program Wall rendeled an. ice cream, cake and coffee 2000 Locust Fence Poata for sale were served. at riKht prices. Calion W. H. Mad, den & Co., Corwin, Ohio.


Seed Potatoea

money. Onion Seta. Ga.-den Seedl!, Flow. er Seeds, Bulk Sweet Pea Seed.

New Lake Herring Small Pails ........ ...... .......... 40c Large Ii ~ounq P.ils ......•... .. $l

Canoed Sweet Potatoes Special Large Cans ..... .... ... 12y' c

Seleclyour E~ster hat now. Pretty styles and reasonable prices

OYST~RS-The season

will Boon

be over, we still have them in . sanitary cans. Fresh Crisp Lettuce, New Florida Cabbage Jersey Sweet Po, tatoes. New York BaldwinAp,lea, Sweet Florid. Orange." Bellflower Apples '


Mrs. Grace Lincoln Smith's

Extra Special Green &



.Graham Wafers "The kind children like" special price in these fine go~s.

10c a pound Aak for a sample.



Bring us your Eggs,· it will pay you to find out what we are paying before ~ ou sell.


Mrs. Frank Pratt is ready toaerve the public with meals and lunch at


'* * '*' ***'*' ' ' ' '. . . . . . . ' ' '. . ' ' ' ' ' ' '

. Waynesville, Ohio Vallet Pho... laG


Frank C. Anderson ~MMISSIONERS

.J. C. Hawke

0;. ""Ie





1-' I."t-

mora I

!- ......... #





. ' .,'



M~!row. d II A' • D ,. . ... r. an re mOIl Van oren spent tfuodllY ,,""rDGOD "Ith lllu , . ._ _ _ _ _• •I1!1...~. . . . . . .~~~~• •i Laar:"Ward. • Rev. aod Mr•. -A K. Bu,en' eD. ., &ertaioed .t dloDer ODe day l ..t . ' '. . week MiM AnDe Dolter aD4 M...n . Uluenoe CJ84Y8r and Berbert Dol· t o h tar. . ... ~ -

positioR at the Exchange made v..• . t' f M' M a t b th c n y e reslgna Ion 0 llli argaret Zellers.. . M d M J J Ed' fi ld 1Ia r. an rs... II1K e ve I' returned to their h.ome in Mason after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner.

.p' "R '1' CE o .8

N-e-w-B ...·;ilnp,n

Chas. Lewis gavea chicken roast


T ft

f D


Sunday, St. Patrick's Day, was the moved to Xenia. 4th birthday anniversary of little Mn Roy Carr was oalled &0 the Rhea Janet Cartwright, daughter of Oedelde of her mother, lin. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 Cartwright•. Chenowetb. 6t DHr Eleaser, Ian Those who .were invited to enjoy the week. Ibe lae ••nproul, 1II boS day with her were Mi'J8e8 Kathryn i8 a gnat deal betler a' preteD'. and Esther Henderson and Louise Mt .. Emm.. yeo .... been via. Smith. rel.tiveeln _ . .


1 Oat.! Srpouter. . . ' 1 Automatic Chicken reeder. These goods mult be aold · I and th week lure Cal , Walter ' • KJlbo


... enl. . .-.


DdIiaoUMr<'~ ~


pelt of her .... . ... . Mn. ....ry UPP. of Wa,.lInUle, 11_. . . . . . While b .....tarMC! Io.):tpil. '. '. ". ,.' ," .• ~~'l."j~:-1 baa beea h f II Llal ... IA __ Wal ' . I';': - ' • e BDea' 0 n. • from '. w ..k'i TIIl& ta wn....aoa.~.,. ~ M~. and Mrs. Frank Zall attended Bean. I lin. Bo".reI tbne !IObooll'OlllD " " ' " .. . . . .~! . ,. the.fu~eral of Mi!l8: Mollie White. fo Rev. and II .... A. K. Bar,e.' eD· d&~Ih~'" .re "fl1l'la. MI' paNa" .... ~ Cuper Krq .. ~~~; " Ia WhIte I Comer, Wednesday. .J oyed ,. trtp to <-'fDoiDa.U dariaa III' .•aCtIl.... T.o.... llI4.lJttoa. . ClaUUoo&1ae. ~ \ .. ., " ' . . 'he pae' .eek. Clift Bakel' u4 wife til. par. ~~~ Hood .... wlf~ of t "'.,,<.... The l:ctul~e~~h;:r~sti~ churc:h lin. Mildred II&Ile h .. been vial'· en&l iOD. · I"'~>;;" Ofti' 8~)' qI ....I~~ nbo t~he a bn .l'd on ay efveln , tng her deqht.r IIrl. Wrteh'•.of WbUeoa .. TlalUO bel''''&8I' Mn.·I.. ...,·. . <'" • mg, . u 'I: OBe W 0 wI go were u lY WllmlDI&oD, for the put . . ..It. A a~,_.~._~ ..1_--"' ,-..:..._ .. r...... . . ' ,' . I'. ' re~d ~ ~,_n . '. lltee Llda BIgooy epeat t5a~atdlY Oblo, fen dead, WedDeeda,. J :,~ .., . 'dd f D . with ber partlD" to l..el»DOD. la •. aer bod" . . . .htp....A to her . LATE CLASSlPI.·J ~ J • T . L I 'i, 0 ayton, In .. ..... CI .. ~ .... b.. ' " ' · f h wa'5 M _1'1...... ar .. ao d ... au a' ....J "aklo... . . . ' . ~ t ow~ W.ed nesday •. H IS at er, • lIaoDooalcieater'alDedoaSaturday _ . 0.& . 1; W ....: C. ~I~dy, ac~ompamed him home for af~rDOOD the toemberl of 'be EMt Tbe little lOll of III'. ~ Iln. drew. aDd .Tdn::t~~~l~:~?1:':~~[;::=~ a VISIt. era Btu L Idgll a' the home of lin, Wm. Alexaadllr II aerlodtl)' 1.\1 ,,:Ith Ii: O. 8rQwa IDd I, paeD_oDle. • All .... 71 • • for 11. Mr. GeorK~ limlth ta Tery alok ~et, loaUl ,-,baDOD, . . Prof. Cr?mley , of Wooster Expe~- MaoDonald. A eplrtMd ooatest WaR Iment ~tatJon , was the eO'neat of hia eDjoTed, 'be prizesd beiDC awarded lOb pae11lDoIIIa . :' ." t II ~. 10 II •.1 d · · . :~ . J • cousin, Mrs. Edith Harris, the first 0 I'll...... Y an rl. ",or 00. Mr. lad lin. Traoey are gt.l a a' o. &. I. Bad .1 UI for~' I:t~I: of the week DeJtoloaa refrahmeo . . .ere ..ned. . . . . . .QQ04 "oot,) PftOe'71 D • • ·.·T., ...~!lh~l . Mlu ADIlA ~toope... tbe week...riM of MmperaDoe leota,... Illaa. ., lib; lDqaln ' of Miss Mary Gray has accepted the eDd laee' of Kiee Addle lladdtm! of 'rated by PIO&Drea, In the to.D.Ia.l1~ kI~ -W;;,.."flIJ~ O~lo, •. a ,

I Philo Coop.

Martin A. Jameson


the old BurtoD restaurant.

............" ............... +





'*'**'' *'*' '*'


!!"!'!!!!'!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~==~========~~~~~========~:' " . '"r Harve1Sblll'lr. " Sprinc Valley ~TbeI.,.Holls"".. U.".u. ....

· th he receD,ly parch. led of tile Walton I ran a. 0 ay on, was . e Compton heire. g uest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. WhIte M d U G S .. h ~~~~~~~~~~~~" r . an' lUre. . . neeves ave _ •.,un d ay. Mrs . T a f t returned to Day- - - ton with him. after a l)leasant visit :~is°Vedtfhrol? Roxan~~ to .. part of ~'*""',,' ' ds h ere. u mo er 8 properoy. .+ .... +'+"./"0'''11, ,'1\o++,*,*, among frlen Isaiah Beotley aDd fllmily


Ferry'. 8ee·d .


Northem White seed oattl thls week. Special prices off the car. .


. . , ...,,'........ ,,'. . ,,'. . ,,'. . , '. .


erTRY A 8LICE OF MARSCH URI. SMOKED 1________________________• • • •_ • •_ ......

Corwin Elevator will h:lVe a car of

his sugar camp last week. Several I"Iatco uples were present and enjoyed Frank Lesher _nd family have ZIMMERMAN'S :th emselvel! until a late hour. moved Wm . Htd"1 faMll, wbloh





It always pnys to trade at

'*+!-*' *':t'*' Ca'. '*' 't'

We are paying the lliahest '~ash Price for Hop, V'eal Calves and Lambs for shipping purposes. us upand we will quote you TOP PRICES.

Dunklrkl •

All klads ofPrult. . .d V •••tabl. . til ••••0... Blp..:. est lII.a.k.t prio. paid I"or Ocnuab7 ~dllO., at

I will have no fonaal openina, handsome trimm. -Hats on dilplay now. Grace Lincoln Smith.


Pure Seed Northern Grown. Early Ohios, Early' Rose, Red Triumphs, Burbanks. Chicaao Market, Kinas. • Seed stock ia advancing fast so buy your seed now and save


Seeds and Seed Potatoes

MessN! . Fred

~ Smith

""''''~"~'''''~''''''~ "~~r~d i~~i~~~~:~" a~~:;: :::

. Easter Sunday come$ early this year. It faO- on April 7th.


'Buy a can or a dozen of this fancy grade goods at thiI LOW PRICE.

Mrs. C. A. Purry 'unu Mrs. A. B. , Siu es wert' Dayton visito rs. 'ruesday. '

• .............."" ••••• _.....,. __ •

~ou Jinow


Mr. J . C. Hn~ke and daugh~r. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Highest Price Paid for good Butter, Eggs and Poultry_


Mes'! rs . Ray and Karl Hawke. of

Mrs. G race Lincoln Smith was in Dayton Thursday on b usiness.


; ,


George Zcll is out sa-lUn. after an illness (,f nearly two weeks.

Dayton, \vere at home. Sunday.

Fruits a nd Vegetables, Garden Seeds and Seed Potatoes


Lemon Cling Peaches,-. sliced. r Lemon Cling Peaches, halves Yellow Free Peaches, halves. ~ A CAN .I Apricots .• ___ • ___ •••..• - I

in Lebanon

!.'. .

More .-tou·ndl-nll! '_ an the ture of 75,000 Cati in ·the one ~Y~.f=. is th~ reduction in 'price.

Mrl. Ma~ IIlIlerj who ·...ldea with her .d.nlbler .lIr•. 8. P.OO" sODtb o~ &Qwa, r80eDU,. "brateel. • ' •• rlil'. her ~1J'b bidhd.,..: .J»oa& tbt,,,

re"&lv~ ·.n4.frteiula ." .... pr~t l,!io1~dlnl. • .b.t o'h. , fl'Olla. W. Va.,


.' -

'h~~ .. ·W •. , of Y:o., 8. ~.,

aDd r ..• 01

., otI.~'




S7l0 for Ford MbcIel T .T oarin. $610 for Fo,rd MOdel T €O~reiat KCI"'.1tI1fc . . ' '.



Sixty-Third Year


Poo r Old. Belle

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Whole Number 3151


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Social Events

At the pleasan t co untry home of Mr. Inti Mrs. Maurice Silver the -..-.~-..-.~ Wayne Townsh ip Farmers' Club held ......._ ............ ,..........................-!-............................................. At Dodd ~, Saturda y evening . Mr. its mel!'tting March 14, 1'12 The and Mrt!. Patsy Cu rran enterta ined March SO- Edward Elliott. houRe was tiecora ted in green in hon· Ma rch SO- Edward Elliott. very pleasa.ltl y q ui te a large numbe r or I)f St. Patrick 'lI tlay and the natEdwin Furnll.~ was in Lebano n, of friends, Dan cin~and catds were A. MartH was In Dayton Thursd ay u ral green of the many and varied Monday. un busi ne~s. plants that filled the window s . added IIldul ged illl \t nti l a lute hour. a ,Pleasillg charm . A social hour was ~r~.~ Dakin is visiting rela .. Little K:lther Hender son Is sick enjctyed befere dinner and at noon Mr. anu Mrs. F. B. Sherwood · t i v r uuyton . with londillitb,\ . the g ut-sts were told 1.0 till the tables MilS Dorothy an,1 Master Cha'me r Dr and Mrs. A. T. Wrigh were ~1 i ~ Donna Hawke was shop ping a rranged ab.,ut the rooms. And Sherwo od ;and Miss Emma Heigh. such a dinner a~ it was! Every thinll in Daylon Wednesday. ill 'i ncinna li , Satllrd ay. W!lY wert: entertai ned at the pleas· that one cou ld wi~h for and t.o the ant. home of Mr. and Mra. S. L. George Harlllock is able to be Dub Sh~'r ifr F01'g'Y, of Leban<>n, was in delight of all, th e hostess had pre- Cartwr ight , last Thursd ay evening . pared elegan t bakeo.l fish which was again. but is not doing ll ny W J rk. r town j'/ iday. on busines L th orou g hly enjoyed Mrs. Silver Born- To Mr. anrl Mrs. W. N : MI' . at1~ .Mrs , N. L. Bu nnell were was aidp.d in ser ving by Mr!l. Chas. Mrs. I. E, Keys found great plu&Sears, Thursday , Marc h 2b;t.. , Day tOil Vl ~l tOl'S , 'atu rday. Hawke, Mrs. Chas. Hou&'h and MiSil ure on the twentie th, in serving a daught er. Blanche Riley. Afte r dinner an in. bountif ul dinner to Mrs. Hannah M I'. amI M r8 . F. B. Sherw ood tereR ting progra m was rendere d. Rogers , Mr. and Mrs. S. L .. CartLawrence Sherwood i;; the guest we l'~ in Lebano n Th ursdav . At the sugges tion of the hostess the wrigh t . Misses Emma Cartwr , ij[ht, of hi s parents , Dr. and MI'!;. T. meet ing was opened by the. singing Martha oumet and Rhea Janet Poor old Belle', t f d Cart. Sherwo od. Mrs. J onatha n Haines , and son. of t he Doxology in . I wen to ee her, she was lying 'nl '''11'Ie, aresu Ifel'ing with the mumps . P 'd t M C 11) khonorhof hthe wright . Belle was the familia r old hOl'l!e down in her stall, and was so weak d Mrs. Lou Tennan t, of Newpo rt, - -- - _ . that belonge d to U. W. Meeks, and Ishe could not get up, and in resl en, r. ar u e, w 0 a NICE BUNCH OF tJ.OOS ... this con. Ky ., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, D. H. Hocl(et t and wife and Nao- just recover ed from a critical illness. for eleven Yl'ars walked' ds, dition IIhe remain ed until her death George Hamilt on. mi Hocket t were Day ton vi~itors The minute s of the last . nay thQusamls of miles serving the ! Monday evening . Sh8 meetin g The beEt Bunch of hogs bNJugh served her FridLLY. were read and adopted anQ the roll to the local market . was shipped t p.tronl lofthe Waynesville PJlJteffice. l maBter faithful1y, and Web is brokby Mrs. Dora Ward, of Dayton , came Year aftet'-y ear, throug h all kinds of l En-hea rted over her demise call w as answer ed hy quotati ons. all C~ B. Bentley Saturd ay, dow n Friday to be present at the and were MrlS. W. C. P hilli ps was quite in- respond ing except Mr. and Mrs. purcha Md frem weathe r and all conditi ens Belle i It would be an interes tin~ Oren Strawn . The matter New Centur y Club . ' disposed la>lL week, but is much bet- J . T. Ellis who were absent. pulled her load of letters and papers I of history to know evactly Mr . bunch- of 113 'hogs ei~hed 26,9&0 how far ter now. to and fro. S. L. Cartwr ight read an interes t- pounds , averag inll230 poundll Me travele d 'd uring her .. lev en years .Mrs. G. W. Hawke and . The daugh~er, . . ing and instruc t ive paper telling of breed was the Poland -China But her endura nce could not last of work in thtl majl service . and not. ~1S9 Em~l, were guests of relatIVe s The Misses Ruth and MUle Miller the Orphan s' Home at Lebano n. only were they forever .:Mon day mornin g, as Web Peace be to her ashes! lound an. good but m Lesanctn, IRlI t week. , were guests of Day ton relative s, Mr. Chas. Hough opened a discussion they brough t the highest price of . . Sal urday en deep ~~d shal~ow plowin g which any hogs this year, $7 .25 per hun ·, MISses Jessie Marlat t, Lu ell a Cor; was particip ated In by several . Mrs d 'ed NEW CENTU ~Y CLUB nell and Mr. C. M. Hobitz er were in DEATH RESULTS FItOM FALL ~1I-" b llli Mr/! . Ei Rhop son. Alfred Swain added lJluch to the pro· ___ . ' Dayton Friday attend ing the theater . of Mormw . wt:re guetts Wilker - - ••- - of frienda gram by bringin g to mind the CurN9T SO IN As Mrs. Jonath an Smith 8ta~ The New Centur y Club held LOCALITY h er!! Sunday . down stairs at her home. let delight ful meetin e at the cosy a very . rent Events. The names of Edwin home MiSl! Edna Sattert hwaite is horne . . ,ChanQler anj family were offered aa her foot acciden tally of Mrs. J. E. Janney on last Friday for On March 13th we pUblish.eel . a week from Springf ield during Mrv . Harry WIII.lam80n Bnd caught on the upper stair step and afterno on. After pleasan t \ candidatel! . for membe rship. The followl ne taken from the greetin gs the spring vacatio n of the schools Iter, Grace, (*ppm p m Dayton Friday . meetin g then'uj ourned to meet 'a t' Hnt ehe fell beadlo nl' down the steps. ; the ladiea were called to UI\ from the Agricu ltural (}Qlorder by there. ?race Will stay for an .extend - the home of Mr. and Mrs. She waa able to get up and wcmt to the preside nt. At roll ean Iltge, but C. M. Robitze r, our loCal responSeB ed VISit. the ho.. e of Mn R A CrOl8 and were given from Whitti er Hough in April. . ( .! " iller, says it is not true of our A vocal Born-T . o • Mr ... ' t" · d h h Hilt t h h and MI'II. Frank F r ed Barnar The invited guests of the h08t.e1it ity. The g was: "Both told them about it. Rhe continu ed 801e, "Barba ra Fritchi e,"• . w 0 as been w. milby Mn. am. on, '1 ate d ome of . d 1 Mr. George :J • . 'N. th White for sever al yean, h .. were Mr. and Mrs. Lindley . to KfO. worse, and a eli- era an gr.-In eaers . .ree a t thoroug hly enjoyed Hamilt on, Thursd ay, March 21st.: the resigna tion to take -tor .......aUed; L."'(j '" C -"'ui8 r ted 0 repeat com II IHW it daught er. ... for .. .., " prl'1 1s. t , III ace ... eat about the head, the right wrist" hich me did during Mr. ana M'rs.H arvey umat r miUml'pfiurpo!M!!II,h'and the lOcial hour. prle8 bis ·from ,. h hI" hroken • . tile tongue badly cut, and ' An excelle nt paper on "The and Mrs. Will Stroud , Rev_ anei Mrs. one to ve cents 11{ er per Quaker WI e. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Saturd ay night, March 30th, will C. S. Grause r, M18. Wallace h.r body badly bruised . Tibbals, . Mr. Poet's Home and Life" was read by Saturd ay fQr B,oweravllle, o!t. OhIO. be the last numbe r of the....lecture Mr. Warren Keys, and Mrs. Smith' . conditi on, howeve r, Mill Elizabe th Carroll . Mrs. MiBMB tImes a vremlu m J8 P?t on white Barr.- where Hawee! -brothe r is.' c,ourse for this y('ar. Make it a eood Mayme Brown, Flora Tibbals and did not Improv e until when hart, read in a 1II0llt pleisin&, manne r at the pomt of corn, of from four to SIX centll, beThey WIll be one .•y hearing Edward Elliott, the Lilly Nedry_ ahe seemed a little better, but that Whittie r's "Snow Bound ." cause the farmer s mOltly go to Mrs. C. gone several days_ monologllillt. night me became worse, and contino T. Hawke followed ,\ith veri • - _ -L-low cern. W. are glad to make inter.. . ued 80 until TueedllY mornin g .bout eating remark ! on BOmeof Whittie BEARI !RS correct ion, as Mr. Rebitze r n,ya r's The canchd ates have .8gun to MISS Stella Lemmo n was in Cin1:30, when death came and ~lieyed oo.t writin p. DUI ing the many farmer s would want a ~rempleasan t come, and . althoug h the primar ies' cinnati Friday and Saturd ay, of lut b.r of her sufferin g. Mi!l8e8 Edith and Rachel Sheeha n iUDl on yellow com when white eocial hour the hoste.i8 aaaiate4 by are about seven wee~s away, com the I' week, atten.i ng "The World in Cin· were hosteeaes at their Mr. and Mrs. Smith had but recent- M~. White, and her four daught beautif ul woultl be preferr ed. ers baWe has sta~ted to w~ge, and by I ci: ~nati." She met her chum, Miss country nome to the Standa rd Bear· Iy moved into town, from the farm, the Mis18e8Janney served • _ .....-- delicious the end of thlB week the Thorne ,. who carr,te from ers, on Saturd ay afterne on . having boul'ht the ~r08a proper ty refresh ments. MeadamM WILL MAKE THE RUN Colema n,, a~d the blue birds w~lst1e l LHxmg ton, Ky., With 120pu,t1I1, from on Main street, and were preparin&, Crane, Howell, Clay ten, Eiehtee n lIIembers reapon .ee bl Dr. Fess who is now reprelN ltinl' GrauBer, agam) thIS ~nd of the .woods WIll be l th~~ch oo l there, to the great l'oll-call and one accession was mad. to spend the remaiu der of their lives MiBSe8 Baird, Hadtlen and ::;tew~rt Greene county in the Ohio Conatitufull of candIda tes. I m lS~lOtJlI.ry play at Cmcmn ati. · to the numbe r. The following offic· tional Convea tion, says the in rest and quietude. were invited Kueats of the hostess . Xenla Ga-. _ ~ ---,_ _ '__ 1Qtis acciden t and the result of it en were electe4 for the next six zette, baa decided to Hcome • - • an months : Mary Davis, pra; Clara active candid ate for the h .. abocked our commu nity beyond ST. MAlty 'S CHURC Repulll H iall words. Hawke , vic~ pres.; Louisa Stokes, can numina tion for CoDgreB 8 in the sec'y and Ethel HOllier, treasur er. The funeral of Mrs~ Smith will Sixth Distric t, and plecl&'ft himself . Leat comell each year to teach us take place at her late home Thunl- how to "just . It pleads for After the devotio nal exereia es an if honore d WIth such nomina tion to jultice day aflemO on at 1:30 p. m. Inter- to God, to our neighh or, to ourselv interes ting progra m, consiat ing of use his best effort to lIecure his eltces. =ment -will be- made in Miami Cern.. The Sixth Sunday (Palm) in rwin p and musical selections, was tion and the 8UCCe8l! of tile Lent, Republ itery. rendere d. Everyb ody listened with can party. ~uch .an announ March 31at. Mornin g Prayer an. ceMent interel t to a letter w'ritten by a mis· on the part or Dr. Fea, MIS~ION ~RV MEETINO sermon at 10:30 B. m.; Evenin g who baa Prayer and sermon at 7:00 p. m. sionary in China to Mra. Grause r. been recogni zed for BOme as T~e !lirls are very entlJusiastic in ~he a recepti ve candid ate for thetime Sunday School at 9:30. nomi,\ miSSIon work On laat Thursd ay Mesdames J . W. and are now laymg nation will be receive d with' much Aa.nex t Sunday will be Palm' Sun8O~e plans for the near future. wh.ich 'II8tisfa'ction by his friends White, Murray , Hosier, Houah , day, special music will be rendere throul' hd; WIll be a benefit to .the orgamzatl~n out Greene county and the Funkey , Hathaw~y, Bruner , Grause r in the mornin&" a 8010 by Mi~ Lucy diatrict , " anti are also Jlla~nmg slime lI,eclal it beine the genera l opinion that and Farr attende d a very interelt ing. Emley, in the evenin g MI'!!, A . T. Dr. work ~or the co~mg year. and instruc tive Miasionary Thank- Wright will sing "rhe Palms." . . Fess is tho only availallie' man who Durmg the SOCial hour a deliCIOUS can rescue the district from til. off.rin&, meetin g at Spring Valley. Friday evening , Litany, Peniten Demtwo course lunch, such as can only oerat8 who for three There were quite a numbe r of tial office and address an 7 o'clock suec8lllive . be prepare d by our charmi ng Ilostess- terms' have succeed ed in Xenia ladi~ present_ The speake r Next week, Holy Week, there will electinl i Mrs. Thoma s WIIS from Walnu t Hills be service every evening at 7 o'clock es was served. Mathew R. Denver , the ,resen t f'eoo . Cincinn ati. She is a very able and The guests of the hostess were present ative of the diatrict You are -cordia lly invited to all b. Con· enthus lutic speake r. MrR. Herr, of these service s. Misses Ruth Zimme rman, Hazel Gus- grellS. tin, Blanche and Reva Sheeha n and Springf ield. and Mrs. Grause r, of • ... • Dr. Fesa' formal announ cement of Edna Satterthwait~. E. J. Wayneaville, furnish ed several vocal his candid" ey is u follows: POMONI\ ORANGE MEETS 801os. Mrs. J. A. Funkey had charge --- • "To the Republ icans of the .Sixta WILL BE A WINNE~ of the devotio nal exerclaea In the afDilltrict: temoon . Warren County PomoDa / In accorda nce with the wiahel of Way'n e Townsh ip has not lteen many friend. and in obeciieD ASUlllptllouS .dinner and supper IWti~1 meet htedre SabturdaY afternoh C8 to Mr. EIlI'ot,t inaugu rates hl's twnn wereae rv.e d by·theS prlng Valley fa· 'tl ' . . Iscxpe ce to e a Iargega t on. reprelle nted in a county office for a well·defint.1(j amltiU .n to eraery. " WI the lanartl !ll diesiu their spaciol1!! ch~rch dining ing .from al~ over .the COUI~ty. atle6ni teness several years. but this year looks as public in a represe ntative caPacit y,' t~ethfyear inhbis art of e~acting slo- of purpo!lc and~ inumty, an l\tmo!pher~ imball under.t he efficient leaders hi .ef '!JX.'Clal occasIon bemg the though she "ould have a, I have decided to ask the tn9tall~- rle9 rom t e stage. rhese. year!l possihle in any stage perform RepubU-' ance. cantlid their paator' 8 wife' Mrs, Hera~ ' . . of officers . Warren Ke)'s wlll hav~ been ~evoted wholly to hI' ate in J. C. Hawke , for com· cana of my dilltrict to give me their. pro· No press nor persona l notices are ' The Spring Valley J~ies entertain~ be mstalle d III Master , and missien er. a good fesslon -a life work :-an~ to·day he Iriven here . Where confidence 88 thei; reprea entatin in , Mr. Elliott haa the luies in a most e l e t st I d . ' haa been prepared for the stands 88. an exemp~lficatlOn_ 2f the been heard is sufficie "t ."iden! !e of .Mr. Hawke is thoroug hly compa- Congre ss. cleaen 1 ts f . gaD y e aD oeClJion best attamm ents, highes t 81ms, and his standin g and attainm ''In announ cing this deewon , I de~ ' , ents. and a wnt for this poaition, 88 h. has , e 0 ~ ~~. I NI is in re~diness and the local most lastin&, success of the Ly. few places are s ubmitt ed merely to served as trustee In Wayne and lire to assure tit.. Jt80ple of ~e diS- .~~ GAVE I:IIM P9~T.c"RD SHOW Eltgra nge has mado. big . prepllr atior.s ceum. . .show tlie clasS and range of his Clearcr eek townsh ips, and ia • prac:- trict that if I am honora d witJa ·'."'~:1!Ii"J, Th fri' ~~ f ' ..'. . for !t. The glange rs 'THire will miB.'! Mr. Elliott takes some play that cliente le. With but few excepti ens tical man. He enjoYI a wide ac- nomim~tion, 1 abaH UN IQ', __" ,.,u-", e ,e,lua 0 ~~ ,ve~eraele if theY'do n't attend. ' hu been a great success and credit he haa appear ed in eB('h deavor s to Neure an election , • .,....- ...""" plaee not quainta nceihip , and is almost aure : "!Ileimh~d )bim on " . • • to the stage and arrang es 'it into less :than three' times. beiog a winner . elected , it ,wll niY by . E~9! S. ~e'i~OME _ _ _... _ • , PAPER cencise stQry wId by the charact ers. . Mr.' EIUott 'will ~ppear at ~ honora bli·repr eaeiit a11\,0\.n~~D"~~ School ...;.,.......,,.-_'-:.;:...~_ clharaet:ers are a"ted out;· ~ade H"ll" TRUSTa~S MEET ' •March SOtho o(thediatrjet' ~ :' . Scenery !:rhie is . of. the . ·e m:Dlo'lred. fot tile a11 · -.. . ·.. _'"


................J ! :J











d~ H~well ~ ,,:~. ~80 ~~





-I ~'I ~awes I~ft





ha,~I, ~r: an~ Mr~. ~




p~~erred:t~ ~hite

Robit~r c~aima tha~ '





s~ow l MII~red

Ed d w£r Elliott, Monologist




..... But t~ wu aotllrn ... HI, tone wu fuJI of goo(! ,umor, ... eDClJ lJ' leemJns that 1 --Ju. nothln, ebe w and bJIl UPII "mlling . yet 80meho cIrcled by the blu1D1 relt ber heart Blnk. an In explica ble Btretcb 01 Band. sky. the wInd swee pIng Its surfa(. rear Ondlng ellprcas lon III ber eyes, soundJe s8 and hot. BII tbough from UI. g01 to necd you do why "Uut-b ut COMBI NATION SUIT. pltll or bell; no Btlr. uo motion, 110 " Couldn' t Bome 01 the othersT lit o· animate g anythIn or Dt moveme ex· ""There 18 a reallOD wblcb I will tbe awful monoto n, plain la. er. "" he ~n ld. 1lI0re gravely . '(ln lmate ' lo break everyw ber", bl. deatb was 'It Death! and Hope. me. trust can "Bure ly you on nothlnlW but rested eyes ucblng It' wbllt reel that I am o n ly dolog of death, Even UlII seems absolute ly necessa ry ror me to wbat Wl18 typical fantasti c. gro do ?" He be nt down and kl8sed ber. beat waves seemed l forms . spectra g assumin tesQue, aod bours. rew a {or .. It will be only advanc e thtl of etep ever)' With now. no cause for worry . Good·by e seemed more pr\)o until we meet to-1IIgbt at tbe water· broo dlul~ slitlUce Scottvil le, Mich. - " I want to tell yOll found. moro ueathllk e. He got tlf RAND ALL DADI 1ISH" hol e"" va' bow much good Lydia E. Pinkham 's \'e~· IIlIgbt the ridges. saud the ~: lu Wllrk day· ing Or· My LADY 0f THE .sOUTH: com wltb T.he east .... 88 gray etableC ompoun d and to the brlJJn. LDERNE~O WAO KING: [rc.JTt IIgbt A8 he rou e splashin g across tbe t'latlOIl5 giVing play Sanativ e Wash have a ot .· mIrage the Mr:LVII.1 was AN Idt he DEAADQ l 8y If)N~ stream Bod up tb o opposi te bank. !:lhe oIT to me. I live on a done ha4 be thaI eal T so watch .. d biOI, ruLJl>log tbe blindIng Illke . IIpparen tly rrom hlmso lr to keep mist from ber e y{'s. until hors e and to ballie wltb very hard. I am H e dropped forward lines. As be ended he cru s bed tbe !DIlO becllOle a mere dark spec It. flnal · turDlng 1l"ldtl. SYNOP SIS. forty· five year!! old, lOW. hangIng ead b bls saudle. e paper bet.... eeo hili Ullg ero . and wsJk"d Iy fading away comp letely In to lbe 11 11 th and am the motlJer glara sun t " 0 bllolJcd by the In .· ,' ssan or th e co rral. He dull plain or the dooe rL 'adt X.'th. a V'r"itinlnn. no~ n. bnr· away to tb e end at tlJirteen children . oC gUtter the buar longer Ide ec no d to uld co ne thInk. ID Illone. 4Ic.r ptaJnftm a n. '- lOOk ing for ronmln.&: war be to wa nted Many people think WOO' ,*"r"M ot aAY8na. H e !l ees 1\ WI\Kon l N un It sand. or n do. ocea ID e ougbt hurr1bl be Ihnt what CHAPT ER XXXVI. at tun ~Jl o p pursuN b y mPfl on p o nh-• . deUnlte ly u pon it strange tlJat I am , rid beel! bad raM· e e h th !lnd ule n. wagon ~ uoo 11 00 0 oow W'hen K ei th ren c h~. th Hawl ey . nccor(lI n g to Ih e Bcbed not broken dow n .. ,.. h.ave mfu~"' (" red 1w(') m f'l n nnd 11('Ulougbt IlIg s te.l\dlly SO\'eo boura. Tbe The Duel In the Dese n. .. Ju s t r .. nd. IJllI st h U\'e le rt Lnrned alone bard work and parted. HI! . eRr -!h e8 the vh.' tlm" flnf1ln with pa pers lind. loc,,¥ t with R W(lnlRn ' S por - early the dllY before; this nlgbt be Keith rod e 8trB.lght rorward Into tbe brou e;bl bl. blurrod eyea agu.1o to lb. my tam· CIIY. ....~-'-.;..l.UO'"'-t.....<oIW the care maa the traIt. K~lth 10 Of ..."otNl athi "Cnroon be. he could ole; Where borse water.b . his lzuLl the g r ho lit would be ('amlled snndy desolati on. Mpurrln ft.CC')~f'r b~ ­ ebarKtH! wtth the murf1 ... r . my good friend, of them tell I but Ily, soil· tbls 01 rt cc.rrt} ea n b A the resume In.. a rutflB.n na~ftd BlaC'k Unrt. with daybre ak he pxpecte d to IrHo Ii awlrt troL Arter o ne glaoc" be Bougbt In Lydia E. Pinkha m'l Vegetab le Com· rompnnt on In hi. eel) n"m ~t1 N p b t el18 him .., Neb bla lonely Journey across th e d esert l>ackwn rd n8 they clnmber ed UI' tbe tUde '! Surely be s hould be bere thai he knew the Keith. In Vtrarlnl pound. and that there will " e no back· at •• Y. onft ot the mu rdt!red m P n Wfllt John 10 t h e Snll Fork. For years Keltb had steep baok. a glance wb lch revealed DOW. If be had lett the water·h ole form · sche and bearing down pains for them If longl'r 8lbley. the olh. r O~n . WIlli. Wolte. tbe gooe bave be door. cabIn Could the lIome da WD. ln lived a prIm itive lite. and In Hope's s lender rorm In erly Il. Confede rnte nrn C"er. Th e DlI,lnftml they will take it lUll have. J IIlm scarcely pos.l· Tbe .... . tturttlv Fork? and Neb ellC'apu. and l ah' r tht! ways hIs tbougbt bad growo prlml· hS. eyes ne ver turned again tbat way ro uto. sou th to the t occupA.n without it In the house. It" find ever ant1 ca.bln a upon come Ihlnk. Uve. HIs code or bonor wM that or He had a man's stern work 1.0 do out blll ty o r such a thlna s"ared througb to be a >'oung Iflrl, whnm KeItheXDll\lnl will say also that I think there II I .. dul~ the drIvIng ue Iron. Iflr! e bot not Th a SouUl ke ! the could lI City, or blm that ClIl"1Ion purposs by at his aaw he yonder. and tbe border. tinged medicin e to be tound tor young better no from y that .hf!l I,. In aea r ch of R brother, who letharg the aDd brain. s band hI elllst· or ness from Iwerved . his firwn ess and thaI " before tbe war. The antagon Ism had de.... n ed from th" army, eldest daughte r has taken My girls. nevar e could th to Fate Mr. Hawley Indu c~d her to ~om . H",..· Ing between blm and thIs gamble r wae k eenn es8 of eye arrected . by any bls limb s. God! no! Lydia E. Pinkha m'. Vegetab le Com· Tbe that! cabIn whUe he BOUlt'hl her broth e r. r. rn,,· a.s trick ssed. urvy sc a comp,·e h lips ~uc af· His play an ber. -not of deadly . tbougbt e )ey appea..., Rnd K.llh In hldlnlt"t. 0. 1 er · persona l. ·prlvat pound for palntul period. and Irregnla rrs-to med· his finger8 gripping the reIn. he drove milo must ba\'e beeD delayed ; bad nlse, htm &I Blnck BRrf. Th ft-rf' ch fair ror any others- outslde and it baa belped ber. Ity, om. rtno battle In the ~"rk . n ed room In whi early_ mInd. camp hlB leave rrom railed to He could walt bere. and all regretf ul memory KeIth fa vtctor. H'OnlP8 ftre Rporopr hu edI.. die with. hlue am always ready and willing tA) I the .. d wbere ahead. yonder where "nd the gIrl w1lo onyo th llt her name permit Hawley to be mllde captive ; until every nerve within blm tbrobbe eocall<!. Keith explain. and . a good word for Lydia E. Plnlc· sand or purpose apeak Hhope, 'olnll In nt unIon prese tbe his marked with baze unison In cUngly th ~ fugltlv ... milk. ror could watcb hIm rIde unsuspe 10 "I"atlo n. le Compou nd. I tell every balf Vegetab rIght ridIng ham'l was he ",lIh cornIng. w ft e •• ly e kn • t r su he g1rl ht; was tho rig he e'e was • .ky. Fort Larn.d . who appreci ates nIce Ull· one I meet that lowe my health and th at Into the power ot these armed men. He woman The the hotel laMI,.,sv , Mta. Hot>~ tell_ . s~ddle. revenge the In g even dead . and droopin •. and theD turo hIm over to the law to be It was not hate. not ahe la Ih e d.. lI!<hter of Gpn~TAI . W"It derwear wl\1 enjoy making them ber- bapplnel !8 to your wonder ful medicin e ... ..-h .. r.. dealt wIth. The very tbougbt naus&- whIch had set hIm ror th. leav Ing love Aga.ln I{ elth rose In ble sUrru.'\l " K eith an' ~ .. b <lMlt Into 8h .. Mdlln Here Is Illustra ted one of the -Mrs. J. G. JOHNSO N, Scottvil le. Mich., . T"nlrhnln nr. 'rl"l>II, the rubbing the mist out of hla ey_ tbat self, !Selt., mp.,. an olA That would be a coward 's behInd. but booor- the b onor or ","~I th m""tII tho brother of llope W"lte, ated him. lea sons newes t com blnatlon suits of R.F.D. S. n· .tare4 Il bls aoa or . r. WI!· cleare rrontier e T"red see th ot of mlgbt and be ,.,nd.r the 88aumed name act. leav ing a stain never to be e radl· South. drawers . and will be ,ouahby : nne! bo~nmell conv1nN!!r1 t h llt - bonor thnt ahead.. What was that away out yon· corset cnver and Lydia E. Pinkham 'a Vege table Com· No. he mUMt meet thIs as ccstry and bls tralnlng B Inck Bart h411 aome p'nl In" olvtng th e cated. satisfac tory. It sbould be very found berore made from nlltiv8 roota and herbs, pound, der? a shadow 7 a epot dancing two, Motte learn .. thnt Gen. Wolte . who. crosa long cloth or . II.· made of nainsoo k. movIng a 'Waa I houlrtt I murdere d. I. '" Rhorldftn s no narcotic s or harmful drugs, or contain vIsion? tortured bls bar muslin and E"labora ted with trim· and today holds the record of being the anet Itoe. there, where 8he 18 mI8tt\k ~ n f or Bawl actually he whIch r ing Inl<'. . City someth Ing CKhrt.Ue Marlah·e. I h o Cnraon .. )llndAI .. mlng In nny way persona l fa ncy dlo- most sllcCB88ful remedy for woman' s Hia elth meet. lhe Peal ehrl.lI Hu cou ld not tell, be co uld not b. tates. .. d and nnda that BI"'uk Bart hM Inconv'nr known. h ~r 11'. sure. j'et he stru.1gh tened up expecther that there Ie a myetery The pattern (3696) Is cut 10 sIzes 32 'Which he I. gatnR to turn 10 h.r ndva n· . antly. shading hi s eyes. and neve .. to 46 loches bus t meusur e. MedIum Acme of Lazlnel•. talfe. The n t ~l1. Hnpe Walt. ot. Mao'nlre loslug sig ht or the object It moved. Blze require s 2~ ya rds o{ 36 Inc b mao her r ..aemblan "" to" Is told or II. msn who held story A t real-ye The), decIde thllt T"red Wliioulrhhy may more grew large r. darker. tlnel. lerlal record for lazIness , As b. Kansas the h"ld the k ey to thoe .Ituntl,," . Kellh I. ' 0 1<1 or how It crawl ed. crawled . crawled tl>" Wl110uShby ahol "ead. Hop. ith to do anythin g at all. bls lazy too was o t fall s 10 "el\U the death of h e~ broU, er. R e To proeure thl8 pl\ttern eend ward him. It seemed 118 If the vague. ent. "' of thll pftper . neIghbo rs tlnally decIded to bury him Jearn whnt rep" e8 pntnllon a SIRek Bnrt Depl1rtm "'Pa.ttern to take Dever would thIng . H ope sbape less hila made to Ct,rlatle Maclalre Write name and addresil plalnly, and b. alive. They laid him In the bottom of rei aUReate that In order tn learn th e ace form. never staud out reveale d ngall1ll& .ur. \0 ,tve II so and number of pauor... tbe wagon and st. ,rted for the cem o· alalf' • he muat brlen.l· Impel"1lonat .. ·the tbe sky so he could determi ne the .lngP.r Dr. JT"nlrbaln 10 In love wIth tery. On tbe way they were met by hIm ChrIstie l4ac'al, .. 4Ind Keith Indur.ce truth. He bad rorgotte n all e ls&--tbe Hope while atage a man wbo ask e d what th ey were th" SIZE .... .. ...... .. to detaIn ber trr.rn 3696. NO. tbe eUD. blnzlng the t. eser d silent meet. ~ea t o th.. theat"r where she wIth tbat maD. doing . .. . .. ... ...... . ..... ... ell. l .... . .......... . deceIved BIRck "'art, wllo. thuB burning wlnd-s ll his s ou) concen· , NAME won't work. and be has nothing d "He oU'Decte hao Waite Gen~ral t"at Hnl>'\ trntE,d on tbat spec k yonder. Sudden· , Hope . . ... . . .. hi. plan. a nd Ihnt 'hoy mu~l ny. Walt~ ...... .. so we are takIng hIm to tbe . . .. . eat. ..... to ... .... ..... . TOWN . ,.. atly alanned . dentUre. General Iy It disa ppe ared-a swa"le In the sRnd cemete ry to bury blm alive." was tbe Btolen appearw and lays nlack Rurt has Inh vIew Into roae It .. probab ly-and. wben erl· STREIi: T AND NO ........ .... .... ...... papel'll tram hIm regardIn g Iln Chrtstle reply. tan ",," Keith I. Inform ed that Gale and again. b e uttered a cry of joy-It W81 Touclle d wIth pity. the strange r Phyl11. ~ I nam~ real a · J4l\.cla.\r~ STAl"E .. ..... .... .. , ... ... ..... ........ . ... _ rider! and horse a The tbat ahe I. th .. h •.lr .dater of Hope. said: LI,tlle Oy IItt!"e they drew nel\rer laUer ha. bee.. cRrrl~d a ,vay by Black "Friend s, I have a sack of corn BUt and hl~ mnl(. Dr. F"alrhaln IlVOWS another . two hlack speckJI In tbat one him. accep18 he . And Pb~lII. bere tbat he Is welcom e to." • love tor vast. ocean of sand. the only movlog. elth and hla <Tlend. s trIke th. trnll or HearIng tbls. tbe lazy man raIled LADV'S SHIRT WAIST . lack Ba,L "I'bey Ilnd Hope hM bee n ta· living thIngs under the braze n cl.l'ole ,88 hlB bead long enough to InquIre: ken bAOk ~,' tho c.ld cabIn. The wlldernP of the sky. Keith was ready now. biB cRbln I. IIle ."",ne of a nlht In whIch "(s It ahelled? " Outlow enonl... revc>lv. r cocked eye a brlgbt. tbe "No. It Isn·t, but--" grl(lPed hard ID hIs band. Tbe svace "Drive on." Interrup ted the doomed CHAP't 't!tt ltXXV. .-(Cont lnued.) between th e m narrowe d. and Hawle, man. BII hlB head 41aappe ared trolD saw him. caught a glimpse of the face view. -It'a tlJe badlan," he laId grImly. under the broad bat hrlm. the burn· fer blm ·Sancll ea mUllt 'a' mistook The Blbllcel Injuncti on. Ing eyes aurveyl ng hIm. Wltb an oaUi one of us , and abot the poor devil." g at bll draggin horse. his gton clergym an made a stopped Washin he A And SlI\Qcbez blmaelf la out yonder tion upon a woman wllo surprIse d. ' dazed. yet Inst ... uUy consola gU[I. o'f call ; pointed KeIth and ," 011 that land·plt Keith alllo halted. and sad bereave ment. "( andIng. a underst suffered had carl")' It t.b.en Uftad bla voice .ID mllke tbe eY81 deeert ning pastor, "tbat In your Interve the the saId across bope." 1IIIl1'0.. ,Ile .tream. MCome on over. of the two men met In grIm dellaDCe. bItter trial yoll bave found some ray the got We've Neb. 8Ild 70U Dbctor, of comtor t (rom the Scriptu res." ITO BE CONTIN UED.) I Bang, )'Jrlng that body out there "Indeed I have. sir." was tile conti· &long "'th yon." e. thougb fearful reply. Luggag dent Heavy Tb. "Bar X" man waded out to and IQua,el "'That·s grand. sIster." was tbe sym· squares tramp I!:very We laId r togetbe three tbe u.s belp. patlJetlc observa tion of the mIniste r. with a beavy bag or Bult C!8Be II. JOur dead MNrlcau outlaw OD tlJe bank. be1 ask what passsge or tbe Good Ipcrea. tly "May apparen weIght he In halild-t down aIde the Indian he bad sbot you most?" belped Book oer.&tryIng. It'. In~: e.ery mInute? hJa elrort to escape. KeIth stood for "'OrIn and hear It." ortable. uncl)mf ly decIded and king curl· rae look to low llendlng . t, a momen ISIII't It? People wbo have experie nced oualy Into the dead face-wr lnkJed. Romanc e of the Rail. thIs will surely call down bleSslng B acarred . sUII featurin s cruelt)<. tbe lt waa In a Pullman car. The man upon the bead ot the In.ento~ nf rat· thin lip. drawD back In a Bnarl. Wbat wbo traveled tor gents' rurnlsb lng. talD or straw bags and suIt caBes. Tbey .ceDea of hotror thoae eye8 had gazed bad lIucceed ed In 'WorkIng up a con· II coat the ru:d weight Iltlle 110 crime; of bs,ve yeara uPQn durin" Ilfty versatlo n wltb . the lonesom &-Iookl ng wbo ruan or gIrl every that ao slight wbat sufferln fl of me~. women, cbU· a foung woman. He leaned over her wbere trIp. goea away for ahort dren; what deeda or rapine; wbat ex· regu· and breatbe d 10 ber ear: . 'bere the the and on ry cut Is neceasa Is waIst Juan case sblrt Imall hate. Tbls ss mercile of amplee " Peaches . I'm takiDg a little trtp to by hand latlon mannIsh type with standin g col. luggage must be carrIed SaDche z!-the very .ound of the name York. Don't yOU want to go New of t sensible thelle garmen A of one tn sleeves. • bould Invest lar and long made the blood run cold. "Dead or along?" el' taste luggage carrIers. tbls style la always In good alive!" Well. they bad him at last"Blr." ahe said. angrily. "you are go· lIeclally for bUill ness wear or for dress· dJl&d; and the plalnam an sbudder e4. e. Deftanc In Met Two the 01 Ing too far ! "' The Eyel Madras. VorlL New house. tern the .. W In around Neat up :ng Eagle U be turned away. Out she dldn' t object to accomp any· An eagle 's serle. with five little linen. sateen. or Oannele tte can be Taking F rdrbaln wltb blm and haa· him IloII far as Sche nectady . Ing tb. fn used effectiv ely. tlly revJewl ng late occurre nces to blm, becnme a man. snd now. now before drove blm now to meet Hawley race eagleta. Is 00 tbe Davis rarm county. C·D The patlern (4047) Is cut In sIze. Keltb crossed over to ' the corral. real· Hope so much as dreame d of bls PUI"" to race. maD to man. to settle the feUd . town or Somers et. NIagara Tbe easIer It Is to r eform a man the 32 to 44 Inches bust mea.sure . MedIum oftener you'lI have to do It. ulng tbat theIr work-h is work-w as pose-B Ye. Bnd before be spoke aD· hetween them for all time. And ne the sbores or Lake OntarIo . For many seasoos past two All... " size requIres 3% yards of 27 Incb manot wbolly done until Hawley bad other word of love to Hope. He rode smiling . gladly. 88 to a tryst, Cree eagles bave made their beadQ ' ~r· terial. alone, lean last at was he tbat now ble b~n loeatE'd. Wltb this Quest In mInd wbeeled about fully decided on the Davis farm. but never un· ard· at ters black·be the to be strode Htralght course. bls duty. and met Falrbal n In tbe deeert To prGeure thll pattem ..nd 10 eenll Bun rising til thla season did tbey nest, anlt so to "Pattern Departm ent,"" or ttll. paper. the ed giant Who bad guarded Hope from passed. bours Tbe race. to face that time tlrst the Is It WrIte name and addre.. plainly. and bl SherldlU l. blue of the skY; rar as known "Jack." tbe Inlter said earnesl ly. hIgher 10 the blazIng In NIagara (I.,'ln· .url \0 ,Ivi Ilze anll number of panern. built been has neBt a "What I. your nam e?" he asked t constan the by '" read the note over your sboulde r. tbe horse. wearied carerull y guarded 'barply . bad long since slowed ty . The eagletl! are and of course I know what you mean pull of the sand. g. scowlin up looked man by tbe old bIrd!! S8 well 81 by fhe The or blur SIZE. .......... .... . dIm t las NO. 4047. the walk; a to down could to do. A Soutber n gentlem an ·Davla ramlly. Hunt, "Hatch ett ." he aDswere d gruffiy. ooda along the Fork bad member a or tbe cottonw the come I've Out •••••••• _ ••••••••• se. •••••••••• otherwi •••••••• Ih. choose AMl!l N not abor.t to Bsk "Well. Hatchel l. I am going to In era are forbIdde n by law to let me bave the dlsDvpe ared; and tbe rIder swayed . Ellpress I'ost er ocbest blrds.-R you. a Question OT two. D.Dd a dvise you h e re to beg you TOWN . .......... .......... . _ ••••••..•• •.•• the sadd le. th e d ead IIrelessn es9 oC to reply JU8t about as stralgb t as yoU cbance ." A lingle dish of sky and desert dulling hIs braIn. Yet curtous. and d surprIse "You?" to.nlgbt Sponge. a mood no ' With Paintin g STREE T AND NO .......... ........ _ •••• \ know ho". I am In not rorgotte n bls errand- rous· had he 's fellow that on claim greater "What color 'Black An artIst whose work In water for any fooll 9hlles8. Where Is Ing constan tly rrom lethargy ID awee p STAT&. .••.•• ~ .......... .......... ........ . IUe have you thao JT" . Bart' Hawle y"" Is describ ed In the StudIo saYII that rouoded the about eyee shaded bls doctor tbe of ' The pudgy banda too are brushes sable the "How In .lell enould r know?" because horizon. keenly marking the ,lighte st lln's sboulde rs. ses for certaIn Bweepln 8 uYou do know. luyt the same. Per. graHped tbe plalnsD1 s hadow ncross the sands. takIng ad· sma ll. ~be u ed explain be ." ChrIstIe ror "It'e but HumorI st's Talk on Gramm ar. e. mil aod shade 00 'b_ light or haps not tn an In ch. or a effects him give to drltt waR the one be tried vantage of every Ade. at a dInner In Cblcago . Thll Oeorge sponge. a e. eXlIJIlpl for . ydu know near enough where be Is. broken ly. "She ·dresses sUrrups 'iou-yo u know wIder ViewpO int. rising In hIs an amusIng little address on d ('01· delivere water usIng as ed c1e~crlb and wbere be has been eloc;! vou leCt to run away w\lb, Is to scaD the leagues or de solation luttst reel." 1 bow un. " Don·t." he besa n. " don't r. IImltati gramma oarrow the Sberlda n." drew hla revolve r ol's. not within "Sure. I know." shai!lng the otber abead. TwIce he Inill·· say. 'Maml e and me have been to an as but ed. prescrtb '1t I do. Z'm damn ed Ir I'll tell vou." usually and It. tealed . "But It bappen· from out Ita sheath. Sb* church. " when you mean 'Mamle and ' ~'No? \Ve ll now. Hatcbet t. \lst~n to orr. yet not roughly vidual means of express ion. with Cream. be tOOk. and so slipped In a fresh cartrIdg e. return· tbtl have been to cburcb. ' Wby, tbough. of pieces tlJree joins es me." and Kelth'a voice had In It the et1 to be MIss Walte aometlm Its to IIghUy more weapon the Ing {'ve . Besides . use the click of a steel trap. "You'll either LOIs Is my job. Falrbaln turned water color board togetbe r to make lie about It at all? Don't score to settle wltb Il.Im:· place. the !lap of tho hoS.t.r to produce lIP word 'got' too mucb , It Is Inelegan t. likes sbe pictures an8~er. and answer stralgbt . or we'U &ot another tbe Tbe leg. bl. by open He wasted little time UpOD prepara · back and held 'I bave got a million' I" not nearly 80 bang you to that cottonw ood In about or lire, thIs medium . brief words or Instruo- sun beat upon hIm like a ball rew tlons-a chaoce a want refined &S .( have a millIon. ' From you It . minutes five back a requeet to £he doc- Ule hot eand Olnglng the blaze Waated . whom you got'lt Is. after all. nohody 's Tim. No (or your mlserah le life you answer Uon to Brlstoe; the back pUllbe4 He face. bls Hope alone: the ex· Into but your own." mlllln.." a In affair worklnB Larson. me. We have our way of trea llog your tor not to leave Olaf a drank and shlrt bla from the two upper part of elentOf . a~ Into baCKed se. kind out- In thIs country . SIt UP. you trncUng of a promlae warehou can· a to return t4 Larned swaIJow of tepid water from Spring Trainin g. brute I Now where dId Hawley go att· "Bar X" men HI. Ibalt and fell down ftv• • torlel -Ith a rs. Theo be roped teen .trappe d behind the. saddle. prlaone the wIth Aggress Ive Manag er-Here . you! HorroT- strlcken , the youT" boxes: _ he len' of load be unUI alare. the wIth acbed eyei the beet horae In the corral. saddled UUI Get out on the coachIn g lines and MTo Fort Larned. " and 7ellow abapee otber elllploy ea rusbed dOWD and brIdled blm. an4 went Into . tbe aaw fantasti c red himpIcking him ftnJl tea.cb lIome 0' them youngs terl the to only -After those freBh bOTaes '" ltalr., The before blm. cabin. ' Sbe bad a light burning . ' and danclqg dl:u:ll)' . rubbllb tile of • IiUslnes s! out ed "YOI." unbarm wearlne aa Of tlJ. Ion, nlsl1t preoea .elf ' Star Player -What? AD' apoll m jDadr' 'he whlapet ed baSil NBe dJda't bring them to you; J met hIm at the door. de ''Els ' StralD the ~elt be a; eye-ball hJe .~ M~mo.., . "I tbought you would Dever come. upon Ay bad to COCIMJ .010e for tbe vaudevi lle atage? 'em "'tal' Yibere ~~be been II,?-cer · .I),. cautlou ' DOW food, of lack tbIt , bOUrl, of the put · unhurt.' were 'Jou me 'told the), but ... ~~.......... and . Leaven worth," . n for . Dalla ' aorwv ."-8_ucceu pesl nIx I-Puck . HI; IMad-tI odded,"Not a acratCb , ..1Ittle girl; we bave ~Deed or-rillt -: en. , Jt)u know?" aga.ID Ut. to' ,. SoId b,.Crqc 'b1inae1r bro~bt he and 4, haye~,ba I , , a lIot. the boaa laerder I1Mn a lucQ' lIun!lb • . ·But .. , '. ' , star: r4. o w. 4 mutfVe a aD4 1erk wltlu. ' a l1'.at dOlI to loOk. atter. ' i Noir, I • ".'A more ,Iortoua . , .ti~"wreok . " ' .: . 'the ' illm, . fomaI... . .... ' . ::,. _ball I!e Obll,ecs. " ~ ri~,. ~~a4 ~:,re.r I~ I out -ha~ • ' over tUn e "plued .. sater . Is It "tbat. , ~ . ,', ~ tJw'e. wu oD1J' 10m. , .J!' I. that ',when the of paPer ... the ' w"Ulf:bCl)e;~~cl ~t 70tl ·~ID.· I'.~IIee• . ~rd : 'I aome~· .... ,cowel ,"'/!htp"fr~l;k~cl . oa . we OC8all ~ . pUt -lbe .. klDdne u W!th ·,tl[8 (lUken "a Uttle. ~t"" ~r tbIDI · IiUJYhlS ~tIop upon; ' ~ ,Is .t o ·be a pUPD••r ID· .', ~~ _ NJ~~=:~1~~.ll~ rrot;a. IiW, Ut ° mat4lti~ . ·7011 ,set b~f. YOII·CI IIi.,.... _ , coD~~~, otlOla! ,~ ~-Tllt PI ~,' .;. ~ i. -~ ~ej";~., ; ~ ~.

IPractical FasbioniJ

""·' TH E


Ten. How She Keeps Her Healt h - Happinesa For Those Who Take Her Advice.


or rur PLAINS








Convincing Argument-

Post Toasties

Delicious Wholesome Convenient LIDam."




It" _~~.... ~ &t.w,, ~qu""· ciaD't.1.~f" · . '. _.' ~ ~~.J'e



HumorO UI Thruat.


UHow _· "

'l'he savage chler held II glitterIn g 8J)enr n e al' the captive mission ary, "- do you IIke ·thls?" H is ton(' WRS n ot tacetlou s. but the cllptlve W1l 6 und isma yed . "W~ ll, If you M-k Ul e-~ H e g lan ced at the weapon . tht' pro· Ud~-h""""""'i"" or whl cl1 \\ias not com forti ng. " - I t ~oes again st my s tomach ~.. l 1n(orl ullatel}', h u we ve r, the cap. t lve wna In II locality wh~' re tb ere Is no mnrket for humor, uud t bo e nd Da Dl e soon.

HE s tude nt. even In tbeBe modern tlwes , Is a cbaracte rlstlc lIgure In the Fatherla nd. His dres8 1& no longer distinc tive, tbat la to say In the large towns .and In everyday lite, but as a ty p e he la unmlstn kable. "Frel Its de l' burach" Is his proud bon.s t. IUld bls general RPI>ea r 8.lJce Is sn assertio n o t thi s claIm to liberty. Tbe treedom that tbe German stude nt e njoys Is as a mal tel' o{ tact very real In this countcY univ ersity life Is a continu ance on a w ider bas li o{ publlo acbool lite, but such Is not tbe CMe In German y, He r e thG pupil I n th e gymnas ium , Is su bjected \.0 st rict 8cbool and borne disciplin e until be pa8ses bls leaving examln aUon. He r e mains a sc boolboy In every sense of the word, and only bi B Intellec t Is trained 80 tbat It may benefit rrolD the fuller In 8trucll~n of the u nlve r~ lty . Tbe moment he flnlsbes hiB s cboo l eareer. bow ever, an abs olutel y new Ilfe suddenl y open s up for blm. Tile leaving oertillca te given blm by bls teacb ers lit th e gyulllas ium enUtle8 him to enter as II student at nny German univers ity Without furtber ado. and tbe fa ot may be mention ed tbat German s contend tbat this leaving cutUlo ate Is eq uivalen t not to our matrlcu laUon but to the B.A. degTee


I A BOOD to Housewives

E vc ryonc cun en joy tho lux uries of a haruwoo d floor at small expense by tbe use of this wonderf ul new p roduct. Docs away willi 1J1'18a n~ tory carpeiS- permit8 1M u...c 01 la ryc or 8ma U nlg8 . Mllkes old h omes n ow-lJlll kes ne w h omes marc comrortable . ILt,tmcti \'e and SRnitary .



"There Is nothing , tbe ma tter wltb ' ~ .......... m y skin, and I thought Cuticura . Soap " Wh y doe s n 't h e look liP his fam ily was only for sklu troubl es. " T rue , It Is for sk in troubles , but Its great 11118- tree ?.. " Afra id he It tll':ht RC'e Hon te> nlon\(cy~ ~ Ion Is to preve nt s kin troub les. For II1me I ha n a general iO Il Its d e llen te hanging front tll e brancbe o." e01ollll"t11. and III·O I, lty l.. ·tl c p roperti e s W . II W ~ l lkf ·r. r it 1~""ro.::h , 1't\ .,lrmkf'O \·f' r r.oo have re nd c rcll it the .lH ndard for tbls •1a ily&hIl1l.,, 'hlll11 lIt ' I "'~bl th' l1 alld ,.,·11 IlIrlf"" 11) licn uliCl1l1y l;min od- Highly Poli.8bed . purpo s<" wh ile Its eX lre me JlUrlly nnd Utili! tofu," I' h: ~'~\'cr,\' wtU ' I ' t.' ,~ " d IIJ.! luidtll"ILH ' II ' " F'or I' loor s a n d Wainsc oting pruIU a;. . 1\,>"'''''1:1 nntt ~ · ''( P ' ' I1 Jo1 t·'' alit! 10 .· u hH'lII rq· ... r('freshl ng frngra tl<'l' give to It a ll th e tl,,"y ~h'" (·luthlll~. flll' l dtl l1" ', !'le . • Durohl e. ,\ ttrnclivc. tn "xP ,"nl'! lve. ",'prefott' lIt lllJ: V,,: rmlu · PrUII!. ( dollt·'S8 lo u l ~lIn­ nd vantllgt' 9 o f th e hl's t of toil e t SORpS. til,· JoIu\lin,.,..- S:.! I n valUe h)r If l. Wrlle t or 2:!-1' • p ,qlc t'n l al illotu'" N'. 1. I&. YUlI ("no h ," ~f't· r (' tl\. r y i U\r)'. Put lip I H ' tJIlJ :Jli ttUh~J It Is u lso Inva luab le In k(.o cplng the lI f a ,,' a lll,p'l' C',, ' ul't ' rllth(' t lut.. LI'iLru b u\\ ' . • t .... dt - JDJJ by the ra td , hantlB so ft a nd whiLO , t he hall' li ve )f )'O \lf ch 'u h' r ,lo('t lell Gnlvu- nl W Floo ri ng FH'lId f o r !Ump i l.'5 lin d g lossy. lind th e 6c'a lp free trolU Pln lon;" frl('nrl ship II IItI pe rt}Pltta: I .nJ our Uoautiful ly iIl ustruted ' andrutr and Ir ritation . boul"ot. moti on ar' a ll rig ht th e oretical ly, but FORD MFG. CO. Wblle Its fl rst COBt Is a few cen ts t lt " y re ru se to work. St. P . ul St. LouJa bave tb elr c orp ~ , be ve r n l of wbl ch al· more thun that or orcll nary toilet Cbl.ogo mOsl compar e In organiz ation and "oaps , It Ie pre pared With s uch care Omob. Tbe wOlUau K.D ... City wh o cures lor clean. d whole some mouth , an d sweet n.breath, ma nage m e nt wit b tbe exc lus ive L on an of 8u ch m ate rials, that It wen rs w ill Und Pnxt ine Antis evllc a joy {or40ll c lubs . It Is In tbese co rps tbat to a wafer , ofte n ou t lasLl ng se veral ever. At druggis ts, 2&c a box. tb e st udents' du e l8 a re fought. cakes of oth e r BOUp. ancl mRklng Its The s tudents are jealous of their use. In practice, mOMt eco nomica l. Ma n m ny be the noblest work of liberty, a n cl 1111 academ ic a nd other CuLlcnr a Soap Is sold by dru ggists and God, but only blind love ca n mnke a law s have railed to put down du e lling dea lers ever)' where, but the trulh at , woman think he loo ks lik e tbat. among lbe m. Th e German s tud e nt Is these claims ma y be dem onstrate d : 811 keen In learning to be proOt:le without cost by sending to "Cutl eura," I nt To D}'spept ic", OtherB have In the use of the rapier as bls Eng· Dept. L . nos ton, for a liberAl sam1\ .tenn. ('our.c of Onrn"I.1 T~n a found plea.nnt On e-half dozen G e r man Silver Tea lIs h confre re Is to ' become a first-cla ss ple cake . toget he r wltb a thirty-tw o Illea".,· of rcgn ininlO hea lt h. \\' ily not you ~ Spoo ns, ROGE RS make. Guarspor tsma n . and tbe 8u t b orlll es recog· paKe hook on the skin and hair. anteed for ten years. Sent pos tpaid nl ze bow valuable th e "mensu r" Is In 1.1 any ropulatl ons b low up whe n a accustoml~g th e du e ll is t t o look bls for 50 cent s , We make this special MI Me d the O rders. politi ca l ca mp a ign Is In full billst. Oppone nt fea rl ess ly In tile e ye , to co lA lo ~al doctor nnce ' se nt h is mnn offer so w e get your name to send lect a ll the force or his wl\1, and to w ith 1\ box o( pills 10 a p utl ~ nt . nnd a you FREE our large catalog ue of , control his fncu ltl cs. They reali ze ha mp er cont:lln ln g s ix liv e pulle ts to househ o ld and other necess ities. tb8t It h e lps tb e formatio n ot cb a.rnc· be lE' ft at the hOIl c of II fr lcn d. Un· ter and prepa re s the etude nt fo r a luc kily the nt P"senge r blln g lc d o\' er Hager ME'e. Co., Aubur n, N. Y. Offering to b el tb at yo u a re right Is I courage ou s battle with li fe. The eode his e rrand, and took tbe hamper to ~ W . N, U., CINCIN NATI. NO , 11-1912, or ho nor among tbe m e mb e rs or t b e se the nt and Ihe plls to bls m Sll- a pon r kind or argum ent. $125, accordi ng t~ tbe faculty, Is paJd corps 15 very strict. and an In fringe- ter'lI f l'l!lnd . Imagine tu o con s ter na · by t be stUden t on obtainin g bls doo- ment of It can b e wiped out only w ltb tlon of th e patie nt 011 receivi n g along tor's degree. It Is stated tbat a stu- blood . Tb at tbe du e ls are fou ght ac- with the fowls t he fo llowing presc rll>dent cnn liVe on $300 a year, e:Icept In cord ing t o the most ri gid rul es goes lion: Is only 0"11 of many ,ymptom s whicb . ome ..omen eoclUes like Berlin. It h e spends hi s va- wlthbut sayin g, and " Two of th ese 10 be swallow ed every cafE; Is duro throuth .. eakne.. or d i.placem ent of the womanl , f caUonf!', at borne a nd Is provide d by taken tb at the ,-Ita l parts are 'pro- eve ry bait bour." orgaDs. Mnt, Lizzie White of Mempbi • • Tenn _, wrote bls parents wltb clotbes Rnd lin en. It tected . It requires courage , bowe~er , mUlt be add ed . bow ever, that each un- not to flinch or Dr. R. V. Pierce, a. lollowa : to mov e an ey,e lld Retort to the Point, IVeraity student costs the Illate about wblle tbe cbeek or Dr. Mary Wa lk er. wh o long dressed .. At timea I wal hordl,. able to be on my t be cbln Is bEllog '150 a year. s lit or tbe e nd of the nose cut otr by In men' s aU Ire, had bee n lecturin g In I believe I b.d eyer,. pain and acb. a woman Tbe' nUlDber of stutle nts at tbe :n an oppone nt's r apie could have. Bad • .,er1' had CaH. late""" a l'ertllin s mall cou ntry town. As she r. oreana were 'ver,. much eIi,ease d and Gilrman univers ities wall lIumme r back Doctors are a.lways In attenda nce! to wal ked dow n Ib e main street one altwa, .,er,. weak. I autTered e ,reat d.aI with jnat OVer 67,000. at wbom about 2,600 bInd up the wounds, ernoon a n Impud ent urchin call ed aftand a etudent nenou. he.d.cb •• , In faot, I luWered aU ov.r. are wOlDen; and, It may be mention ed wltb yards at lint round his h ead . eov· cr h er : Thia waa m,. conditio n wben I ......ot. to you for that In 1871 t be number was barely e rlng up almoet "Say , are you Ihe Mary that bad II every feature, It~ a. .d"ioe. After takin' ,.our • F • .,orit. Pre.orip 13,000. Berlin univers ity had last common IIlgbt In tion' for about ,.bree mootha QIID . .y that mF the streets or the IIltle lamb?" summe r 8,425 (n&le and 777 temale univers ity towns. be.lth .... Do"er beuor." " No." an s wered Dr. Wa lker. "but Tbe scars left on lltudent s; 613 ot the latte r study In lbe face a8 the r esult o r tbese duels your mother hnd a little jac kass."the phllosop hlcal faculty. 152 In tbe are the life-long pride ot their owner. Lippinc ott's Magazin e. medical . 10 are studyin g jurlBPru dence Tbe empero r In bls II I positive cure lor weakne •• BOd di.e .. e 01 the fea:.iDine or«wslD recent speecb \.0 . It IlIa,. and 2 theology . Tbe German IItudent tbe PUpllB o{ th e i"llamm ltioD, heal. uloeratio n and loothe. pain. Tone. IIJld builds upper class of bls up tb. nervea. FARME RS' does not retoaln at one universi ty, be old gy1lIDa5lum at CANNI NG Do oot FACTO permit RY a dilhoneat dealer to lubltitu te for thi. medioin s ..hloh b .... CasstH again achoTboa. M. Brown record of .0 yelln of curea' .. No, thaok you, I wiant ... hat Illek la eVeD encoura ged by the edueatto n- vacated tralnlng-tll for." the USB orthe wantll to place a of SprJngf ield. Mo .• Farmer al authori ties \.0 sit under .,arlOUI pro- rapier tor t he above-m s' Canning Dr, Plc_·. P I _ t Allelll lad".:. mild ,..t"rld bowel mo ...lIHat entioned rell- Factory within 8 or 10 miles of every aal» • .dieT. (esBors In order tbat bIll knOWle dge son II. His majesty als o warned bls town of 1,600 or more popu lation In and Judgme nt mlly be wldened _ There bearel'll against over-Ind ulgence In tll Is part of tbe S!ate, He ma kes 15 are. of course. rlcb student s and poor beer drlnklng _ Tbls CATlIRR HIlL •~ prna PINKtV( !J touch ed a vC3ry sizes for th e tarm, t be [I e lghborh ood SHIPPIN G IItudent s, thougb no distinct ion Is sore point, tor tbe prvrR, ~PIZOOTlC: or large commu nlty_ Tbe smalles t Is beer mug Is as dear And a ll dlsenses of th e horse a/'feetln g his throat, speedilY made In the lecture rooms, in their to the German $85. The farm si zes will make Its o wn cured; colts nnd horses III same Btable k ept from havIng student as are bls ' non-aca demlc lifo, howeve r, they rare- books; otten more t hem by usIn g SPOHN' S DISTEM PER AND COUGH CURE. 110. Every COt-PIi e r tram $25 to $76 a day_ Will sen to 3 to 6 d oses often cu r e_ One bottle guarant eed to cure honorab le. Industri ous farmers on payI,. atl80cla te. German Itudent a bave and a ssodatl on bae one Its special recta u- ments ca~e_ Safe for brood m n rCII, babY eolt8, or for 1& pe r s-nil alwlI),s belonge d to assoclat lona e. rant In every universI and conditio ns. Most s klllful ' lIolentifl ostallion ty town, a.nd until pnld out. Any cent of tbe pac k compou nd. GOo , . f a rmer can grow tnbl1Bbed among themsel ves. 1D earl-- here the student s BOTTLE . $6 DOZ. Any druggis t, or delivere d by manufa oassemb le at Itat:ed at lesst 3 to 10 a cres tomatoe turera. SPOHN MIEDIC AL CO., GOSHE N, INDIAN A s eacb ler Umes theBe bad a politica l object. Umes of the day, general ly In tbe lr yea.r In addition to his otber crops • nowadll 1's their object 18 soolal or ed- cap. and colors, to enjoy tbelr lib- and make $600 to $1,200 by canning ucaUon al. or the enooura gement of erty under specIal rules and regula- th em. whetb er he owns bls fa rm or athletic . ed sport. The . upper classes tlons, r ents one. It you Ilre Intere sted write ' I blm tor booklet . Show. this to nelgb' ;;; ..... ;;; ... bar.



Sp eci al Of fer

For 30 Day s Onl y

._ =

I l

Ba ck ac he


our uniTersl Ue8_ Tbe German Itudent. therefor e. In the opInIon or the educati onalist. of bls country bel1D1 wbere many of our student a flnlsb. From the momen t 'that be receive s hla leanns certillea te the German youUl Ia a man. He Is freed from domellt ic oontrol, be entel'll bll name as II atudent m any unlvera lty be Choosell, I . lecta bla faculty and coune of ltudles, ed attends lectur" or not JUBt aa be r..lIt dllpose d. All the German unlversl t161 are nonrealden Ual, 10 the student , linda a lodl1n. In a prtvate bouse, wbere lie II InbJect to no control wbatev er. Expenae II no bar to a unlvel'lllt,y career In aemwi,., Tbe tees paid by a theoloilf c&l Itu4etlt amount to only about 1126; In the other 'awlth;. they are slightly blgber. and the blgheet-nam ely. about U75-a re paid by medIcal student s. Books and lutrumenta C9st vert UUle .all they can ... Uy be obtaine d from the unh'en! Ues or other Inlltitut ionl. An ellalD\naUon fee. boweve r. of from 176 to


Dr. Pierce's· Favorite Prescription


--. . Never Again the Han dca r

Unfortu nate Experls nos H.. PreJu- animal went by OD tbe maIn track diced fotl .. Amy AgBln.t Ita U.. licketty larrup. tor Joy Riding. It were a close call, and MilS PrIDKle'l rat turned gray from frtgbt, 'l'be '!'bonO a;' eTenlDS lallt Station bull didn't slow down and lIet tbe Agent Ren Purdy took MIss Am,. alr brakes ou till be was passing Prtngle . proprie tor ot our milliner y throu.b Weat Hickeyv llle. Hen saya ~mJlOrium. out rIding on bls handear . it he badn't happene d to baTe ,bls There waa on I,. one slilbl acolden t to switch lIey along with him It would mar the pleaslll' e of tbe occasion . H.oJ' ba.,e been all 011' wltb him. Renfred 's male bo.,loe caught slgbt or Am,. 1IIl)'l sbe prefeTl to do ber joy Amy's red sblrtwa llt and challed ber rldln. In an alrsblp In tbe tuture_ and Ren baH way to lUoke1'l 'llle, Judge. It was uPlJl'.Bde moat of the way. anO Ren bad to pump like aU gtt out. _ High Co.t of Llvlng_ lie puftlng and psntlng and about There Is a little girl In Wasbln gton read, to ct,.e up wben be cot an laea. wbo ' bae very decided notlonll wlt b refand bollered : "Put your jacket on. erence to tbe "blgb cost of liVing." Am,.!n whereo f we bear 80 mucb. "Haln't 1I0t no Jaeket WIth me," Tbls child baa a weekly allowan ce ..,.. Am" _ whlcb her motber employs . rather 10"00 bome and gtt It," 811;1s Ken. genlOl1s1y, al a mesns of correctl on_ That was a happ,. Idee. but Amy ~r every little naugbtl nel8 the culft,.ent jump otr and cut Croll lOti. prlt Is ftned-I n otber words. her a1becaul . 'tbe crttter wal qnl,. about lowance II diminis hed. two rods behind and caJn.1n. etery ODe mqmlng tbe child was In a pemmote. Ren ,anked hll own ~t cullarl,. contrary mood. She did lomeol! and p.,e It to 'to put OD. thing out ot the wa)' and was lined Ren foraot that be oDl,. bad Ill. reel a oent. In a few minutes she erred lIannel .blrt ', on ilDder hll coat: Wilen ,...ID, aDd a lecond tine wss Impoled . AmT 'CO'fered' up ber reel, Ihlrtwa tlt. For the thlrd time the oll'enae wss th. bull .toppeel for a mJnut.i but 1141 commit ted, ' , caupt I1Jlit of ~.n·1 flannel iablrt "Now. Marte." ..Id the mother. "I .and ~me on _atn,. fUll tilt. Tbe last iliaD flue 'YOU two cents this time. and !lope w~e about 'OD~ when ReD apled., ~r ' ,.ou dllObe,. qaIn I ahall make It the brtclqa rd sldtlia, ae ,ot 011'. foG'r Il4IIlta." , tunled ' the eel run ,~d, ; me," slgbed Marte. "1 tblnk . ea~ on th., l!dIn,• ._TileD Ii. throw" , ~\a, . ,nt~ "lleul ,e place to Uve the eWltch baett ad ~ lI~turtattcl lD."







- rlc Flnda In Turkeat an. Paul Pel1\ot, tbe ,oung French Illlplorer at Chlnelle Turkest an, baa fOllAld In caverna at Tusn JIuanK, silk rolla wblcb are Cblnese msnusc rlpts. soms of them embroid ered b), artists, wllo aeem to have IItepped out o{ The Arabian Nlgbts. Tbese rolls bave been Immure d In tbese gTottos for 900 yesJ'8, and when de c lpbered and translat. ~ d will tell the Story ot a civilizat iOn that tlourlsb ed over a tbousan d years al~O and III d ead. Tbe ex plorer brouglbt bnck 6,000 rolls. but as there are 600 grotto. be believes many more libra.. .eles wl11 be found. In the IlIlIt few yeara archaeo logists at work In tbe MedIter ranean Isl and of Crete bave unearthed ruln8 and pottery wblch I rOlre . tbat civilized people Inhabite d Gree(:e as far back as 2600 B. C. Tbe systelD of draInag e In the prehisto ric city .)f Ono88u I, In Crete. Is more sanllarv than any found In any blstorlc age anywbe re on eartb until Ille nln,&teenth centul'f . The lite of tb e bllrna.n race upon tbls planet Is being trace d fartber and rarther back. The earltel!t known cIviliza tion Is being found 10 have been precede d b¥ one stili eorlle.•. One curtaIn at tbe Plls t upraise d rt~ veall anotber cut taln wblcb tbe sclel)tistl are certain conceals 8tl\l mar'S secreta_ She Knew It, MOho dear. 1 thInk I've sat on YOUir ball" "You thInk you've sat on It r My dear madam, you must be thoroug bly convinc ed you've sat on \tln-Ha rper'a


Unrealiz ed Idyl of a King. King Artbur had just Invente d the round table. "Can YPU Invent a bureau tbat a mal)'s wife w\l1 let him bave two drawers of?" We -B8ke d . cnERO KEE WHIT!!: J.EonO RN FARM

Wbe re~a. I I t.J'come. be6!!rnQuUtlUl", UI~e" tt.b'nR

~o~ hb~ Ba:t~ito~h· ~'d Wot: . ' ~~rDn1~lr altW:rr.? J'hlladel l, hhL,. Balt imore At la.-nta, W'lrmln4h aw:' MODtaoWO f1. Okl B.hOQ1& vh,. Jo cksoDvl l le. Florida: ~pfll0. Miss.

Dnlor \00111.


Your Ordfl1"8 nl1r·d r('r.c l" ed . tb-OO IIOUIDjl. MaUoS lilt,

~1I8 ~.1lO to

A woman doesn't Cllro what her husband earns ; It's wbat she gelll out of It that counts. ETcrytbl ng yml n~t'(' offe red tree. Bycondu ct· tng ~ Walker (}o·opero.t.h'e Club yo u can gel

c lot.ubJR 1\11\1 rurniture and almost anythlug ' els6 without. coat.. 3.000 a r t icles.. 224- pll. ge O&t&Iogue N o. 14 up l&lne ev.rytbln ",. Write t.odar for 1t. ''' . .. H, 'Valk e r, Pitts l.m.rgb. Pa.

Occllslo nally a bachelo r thinks he vlll marry 'a certain gi rl until he dlR ~ov ers that she thinks likew ise, a180. 1.1'. ; Wttlalow 's I'Iootblnll 81M'l> for Childree t.r.eLblut: , so ft e.o 8 the J\um". r educes lnnllmmn. Uoa. &Ua.ra pain. cu.r ea wLnd Qoltc. 26c • bun·le.

Some men make matters worse If tbey try to ExplaIn It.

A man never forgives bla enemle l unlll be wIshes tbem prollper lty. MoRt h"m ..n maladies uise from 1ITOnf. dietinll. Garfield Tea gives immediat&rclie . A woman 's mInd Is Uke s bed-It mUllt be made up occaalo nally.



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Rheumatism Try Sloan' s Linime nt for your rheumatism - don 't frub - just lay it on lightly, It goes str:\ig hl to the sore spot, quicken s the blood, limbers up the muscles and joints and stops the pain_

Here's Proof Mrs. J U LIA THOMAS of Jackson, Cil l.. wril eR: "I have used your Llolmenl for rh eumatism with' much suc·


M ARTIN J. TUNIS, If){} 16th. Ave., Palersp n, N. J.• writeS: - "I cripple witb rheumatism for two years and I could nnt move at all;was ... to be carried from pl ace to place. I tri ed remedies and could not get had ter, until I lried Sioan 's Liniment. One oollie fixed me up in good belshaps and now I always have a oollie in Ihe house for my wife and children. "



kills any kind of pain, . Good for Neuralgia, Toothac he, Lumbag o and Chest Pains. Sold by all dealer., Price 25c., SOc. Gnd $1.00. Sloan', book OD Hor.... Caul•• HOJlIlD<l Pollltry leat ,_. Acidreu DR. EAR.L S. SLOA N Boston . M .....

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In She April Womal l 'lI f.{nrne Coruva utull t1Hlr'!I III lin intere:s tiol( dh.011l1l1il' lI or th" p rob lem . "l:1fUl lo~ i'lll' r t! ,u·t' Rlll of ritA I-!uu " n Fiv . " ~I.t .. rioo~ .,~ • 1 ' pr'l.Ctl<~ f o l' " ' ,,rodJt' • r Ih .. I" llO)' "'cl 'J! r bn lh nU " 1\1111 1 (1"1J \ 1,,1iJ;1l 1,11 P .. J .,' m llll .. " g" \n,'t. t lt f' fl .\' . J1' O l l owir ll~ II< " rC' UUII. tr Ollt U\J \)hi, . lown . I I .. , l\1'J\'~ "~: " rl v III ..111 1\' . 1\1 11 pap., r III " lit' viII"!!,, td.., kl..d Ihe lIf ,I t I I II'HI,I " 1Il f.,,' thi ll. L'lIuIIl1 unlt.y

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1100.00 0.00

Killed In One Day.

~ 10 do Uf painting. yo. ue interat ed-you .bould be--in the the pamt to he wed. ts practically two-thirds• ' materia) ~dllDlhY a;ven job .of painting, labor represen e cost. one- thir qu~ity · lt .~ to. reuo.u~ that with 10 much expense in labor. the enduri ng unpor tanL o f lb e pamlt .. 'b I:... of th Why ha've the painting dooe UDIeu the Protectioo and durab:.... . e JO r u aouaht ~ ded be d How ia ~~ to determine the true value and obtain paint that epeSl upon for durahility ~ H~NA'S CREEN SEAL PAINT IS NOT A SECRET. Thia paiat bat • the .,rmte d fonnu la on every packa ce. public The ~~,ers have C?nfideoce and take pride in the quality and leD the . '. th e compollbon of the pamt. _I:!! you

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t he c1".v uPlJoio t l'd t hr (j" l, h llll~lI nct IS THIS OF ANY YALVE TO YOU 7 IT OUGHT TO IE. 1) ( t hem hlid btleu tllfl tribul ed PO. aAL. av • • •• •• . . Boys lind girls were enoo urn gt>d • • In ridd In g the oo mtll UIII ty ..' ' ' ',. , -,..".....•..........., ....., .....,""..""..""w...._ _.. _ .._w....w....w....w......- - - - - " " " '...................._ _ _ _ to fl!lslRt ~"''''''''''''''''''''''.''''''''''''4"'''._ pril'les 00 K. E . LongllOrf' 10 Edwin B . Long. or Ill es b.y the offtl rln~ of New Sulta whe n lIod , ocuoern lll re, truot the p"rt ot th Anna B . Smith flIed sul& 1l~llln8t aore lind .let!81El_M. Longao more gont!, Ilnd come bad day and other the .Iohn 0 .' Hmith, for divorce oherg. In W Ilyne towfllh ip. Il , DU.H .E.H A'fH AWA Y Cla ssif ied Ads fiieB d thousan d hundre one Ull th 8. eratlon oonsid of guUty i8 ant In(( that the defend .,........""'_"""......._ ..."".................,.."..........................._ _ _........ oll. 8 . R. Robin son 111Id Armlnd li.1. btid been Alain In Hllmllt w ..... Unde rtake r and Embalmer, ' .'Va;, ·.iesv1lle'l Lead1ol11 De....... IIquandllrinK bil money . She prays d preoede Which duys tbe g "Durin 116 traot. , IJn 8t Brown C. . C to nllon I OIfi08 in KeY8 Bldg, for oowple te .Uvoroe , alimon yaod Robi tbl. 1" " ,,1 for designa ted, educatl ooal flr Ads will b. InscrL(',1 unclerthrec dl>Y he t M. oHI the Ethel In to nnd fo Beller be K. Will Nanoy ooo lo.orll lw en ty·II,·c c" nb rortllan """ lio eH. reator.Uon of her maiden the town B k B I ' ~~~~~~~~~~ whe n u.lnv. nOI\morc Hlit hawa y RDd Ca rroll Bathllw ay, tiole8 were olirrled by u\ ding. oPpo8h b ftn Bnnq on & Ivlll8 are .&torneYII for St, lacretl . 1 1 aud otb er conside rll- paper. The coopera tion of the olty Te\~;~~~oi~Il~::ek~ull of. w .-WAL TER MC(1 LUR E, anthori Heil. a nd espl.'olally the _ ..... - w ... call84 bE' can I where fioe _~~::~:'~ven8 filed so1t ag.lnll ' tionll . FOR ~ for' FIT Ellery F . Bellf'r to Etbel M Hath. h eulth ollioer, was Reoured day or night. Jobn i:J&evenll for divorce on the at forth po' were Fune ral Direr.tor. efforts RDd ay, traotll OilY' I I Phone 1'-2, Valley poo odl of wilful abuooe . Patriok Boway lind Carroll B.\bllw ent perman tbe to ng looili e tim ~hllt aD~ 'I ip, 10 TDI t1eorellk towDllh Wayne sville Ohio ' Gayno r attoroe y for plalotlf f. work bOl'seb for I8le 'Hain Street. cleAning DJ> of 1)1 "C~8 where fi le. GOOD , ohonp • other oonslde r " tionll. a In blugaln a ant "" u yu If B Teleph one day a. nisht. . , G Ibbl' to R"lph L . (;hhba could breed . 'F Iy [) lAy In Rmll ton good work horse , call on A MoVm M "IngCommon Plea Proc-ary L ." A:u Valley phone, No. f, Lolli ' In Union W [tS genera lly oonoed ed to have Corwin , Ohio Di8tanc e No. 611-'''. COllr' r.rules a new trial In 'be and Rnby C. Gibbs. traot oonlitd era. beoll verY!luoce!!sful. 'fhar e wat! 00 ...e .nf Ub.rle s liuSm .n VS . Joseph &Ownlll1lp, 11 and other An. tbe of egg" Reu 1. R C. Affort mad fl , or cuurl'e . to allt!olntely OHIO • • WAYN ESVIL LE, 'Ionl. ft, Lilub. y_ bl'OaOR fI suob n . • draws Ilnll Tompk lUS strain y. fl e tb inRte exterm Lowry A Mary to Lowry John A. ( ~oun orders pherlfr '<> sel) prop. U. Brown and Buff Leghur n eggll' Branch Office, Hanrey nbwa. 0. lt WU Ij ref~\ized to be Jil t of t he S. All f'l\gs 76 ot.@. for 15. -Mrs Roth ~'1. ID.o....84 tn 08. . of J eonle G . ~wo traote in Union townsb ip, a1 resu u3 Ouio. , non Lebll .80nth rer, COll ils ~ O 01 .. 1J per pa question , hut thiR 8rDbak er et a1 VII . Samue l Rook e' aod other l,lonsl.1 aratlon 8. Lavina A. a im , SImply . t.o Io(lvlI \ be 1" "' lIle 11 n Roaoh, . B th ElIltlbe . al)' UR. ~ J. W. MILL ER • R I }-ted eggs for hlltchin g. natl, C bi. ill ell of h "W fill' Ihey ooull go ill Ulnoin rg, Pittsbu to Peok CoUrt. Piobete t • Good "t",ok. Prioe 750 per 15. oompa ny, ~olvll1g t.h e fl .v pr liblf'm If 1 hllY 111 1 :f.1 per 100 . luqoirEl of R. E. 8im. ~.AooounY were approv ed, aUowed cago & lilt. Louill railway ••• DEN TIST••• that to (,on sld-' got. togllthtlr au,1 worked li l1l8, 'iV" j' lIeavll le, Ohio, R 3 a 3 'and oonlirm ed fa tbe followi ng os lot tn Morrow , 11 and other .'· nnd ~ ou !. eration! _. _ _ _ .. _ ' af . Wayne sville, 0 ...tes :-Char lee Fel'8us on, deoel~sed, C 8nfT " rJ~'n!~ , better than ne Way to Cowan K. oth '.1'ioh'~.or, .eoel"l! et , Amelia J!:hzo.o .( ' < 1M Others bone p or s-And e rit ' 1 \ ' Mother To vor f' • ip. townsh ld deoeaH d C LellIe Bolmer Sburt@, t raot In Deerfie Y Oil ciln U,UI Bnc k le n ' ~ ArnH' U prH'f"~ ltv t hf' . or 1011. B. V. ' l A. ~"bamber.• • ....,00 I -.t.Vor wln, "',' , mtDon . 8.mae lvtcl to e nrt ('h ildrf'II l,f (·{"I." lll I , ..;",j lb, 13)" 7.j. P tJ une71 ll : L rUlie William s aou BlArvey .3 DR. BEL L'S ANT I.PA IN Uh 1 Y :o UIi I II' U IV .. ~" . g" Rfiu Oh , llttCl' ru!' bll ~, t no OUJI It, minor, Willi it' 1.1{ u" t r .. teoeue li p ", all OI", UOI h l'd t ,'~I"~,,9,I.'1'..:.._ .:.~·..•·....D. lrn~ ' s trllot POI' Intel'nl l an4 iEJdam ai Pu. or, amB tf) W. C. Tiohen d, Kittle Cll!lm. nu, of hrl1l~ burop, , .. , f'>l-cnt I j(-li5- R t' R l. ~rl Pen iojnri l enta oicl l a ips, ownsb t Wayne ond Ma~8le deoe..o d, sarlh C. Allen, io hl jo(u ,",cori UI{ FtHnb lfll' UlRtl' n to es, etc. with p I' f tl': t ~llf6t:v N 0111. ~':~i!"-ICIei~"",.Luoretla Benry, deoe&lMld, and otber oon8Iderat.ions 1 h ' LII 'l'nttla HcorloK !lax O{)kAf'.; (·' " boil~, For 10 K .,I ... e h OlL Is HO qlli r:kl.v 8. V.a .ora, tmbeo lle,lI.a o Anna. llonnt to Frook U.rolls, t.ract If, 1.;;0 for 15 ; uti lity Hgg !! . ,3 per htl:'. ' n Ro r ~''Vf' 01' g runnin old. E . Tho... p in Frankl in townRh lp, II and otUflr uorloers. pillls lth lts no (1(1 ,,, 1 ?i, (: I ~,,1 " Irc~cl MrR. M"t.t Anders on WH . , ...n .., ........ .uA, ~-Ipb ,J ~... u ' ,,3 .,. the lU iog t,on . Uhio. ggi8ts. drn lill Being prepare d from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleans e ...., mlDOI' Emma KniPP in..n • . oonsid eratlon a . -thus and . ... System -the Tone and Grolls :Ortl Blood, . to the d Purify Kiodre P. s and Thoma System · .t~Dn ord81a lionoe J. Whisao re POAT B-Loo u'!t F.,noe POlite. laRAILW AY WIT w. .. wn . . . . . . . . . . . . . ol.I A . 8urfac e for canl- 30.62 aorea in Frankl in ~ownsbip, le. rd. Woolla 0. ,John of quire l. era'lpn oonlid otber and 'I on Anden t Berber ef m27 . "'.,.......... 4_&h The .ft-quo ted F1nneg an, whose 0, 4, Wavoe llville, 0. Mery E . LaDe &0 M.ry E , Shaw, of 1115. now ag'ln," on ag'ln, train waa "('if . ~l--Selltl and 1Il.'iDg Poot tract in FranJrJ tn, .s50. :" admioll~...torde. a rival In Pllt Dooohu e, B. & O. P ()TATOE ~~~"::t:~I: has , Bercaw P. Drn to Bercaw Carme n No.-~;-Enl M. 0, tatoe" of ....Dn. II, t!aaue t, z.' til- W. freight condno tor, wholle train Obio. Miohl~BD Wblle. Rural New LlVER ITES- A purely vegeta ble Laxati ve, cures Chroni c Conoonlldother and '1 MuoD, In 10' it. ~f!.i(·..~~:altld bta In' aooDDDt. , o stipatio n, Liver and KidDey Troubl es. Ask your Grocer for Buffered 0. breakd own near Hamde Yorker . A<l:drell8 U B . Surfao e. .,.Uon l. V.lley 0., vU1e, Waynes sent ue 4. D. Douo1a R. MuloD 1'. Tro.Ul o '<> J. W. Raney Ohio, the other day, Manuf atured by ALPHA CHEM ICAL CO., Iprtrt8fleld. Ohio MarrIa p e to Train DII· phone 12 meas.g ng U followi .od 'h~ Salem ID aorel 10 .. IS al. et of farmer ~'.~I ..A. MU.n, '.11, p.tohe r Straigh t a' ChiJltt)o the j ladta 01. P1atlllpa. Ie, nlon &ownlhipll,' ,e301. , GU8 fQr hatohi nlf-Ro ae Coo: b Yay "'l'wO- tNenty- two ha.l bUlle d. Llly .nd Dyohe 6. I'reder1oJr Rhode Island Red8 750 and . ue." DODah a17 do? I will 10& What l. l1ue. Tibbal A. per 16. J. C. Billey. de 1~.5t Gertru to L., . )[tbhey~ 20, tum.r of Dyoh. ring slumbe tbe ed awaken era. Thll ooDlid other lind 'I n, Lebano In of .~ raJ' L. Malfor d, 18. Rook egrJI j" mnae in the &elegrapb .moe, .nd 'he EGGS -Pure Plymo uth ,10Dl. "1lD4m :lle. of InqUIre , "tt1ng pe.r 500 r.n: Zabell l. B.thaw ay to Edwar d B. reply .... EllUl T...... ... svllle, Wayoe " D. R. l, t4t't'llWIl Oren wlU ", TwO-tw enty-el ghl 80,81"1, 'r.o' In county , f1 and m27 yonr Ireigh&. .. I . •. Straigh t," Obio. take l. eraaton ooDaid Daher to BloDg ,,:.. Juq farJdll Jad Ne'tie who people And' still thllre are ARO. L()ou8t F'lnoe ~08tS. 7 feet -BpJ' OenaeUeDcI Leoaarcl K. PeDDY, , 10., 111180 Eod Poets. IIX' ft. think life on the s,08I ralll 111 all ta · peedl.1 d &oWlllbip, 'I and Onmm ings, R D. 3, WayoN - . , p . J u. ·DOMI den.1Io ll no poe\ry . vllJe. Obio, contaln aud m27 prOle hard bl"nk~ rl, Bro&he t -"rret FUlR · po' ..... 'arotinl to Clara' E. Browo - Southw .stern Book. • _ .. e, .or Probat e Judi", ".50, Lewis _ .Ontll . ft, Brown , 10Un APKlN 8-A new stook of nap. Miles a Second n Ninetee bouse oollrt for ooal Co. & .!! Brolhe . nUoDa klns Jtllst In. Beven designll tu oooslde " ... 4 .... • 'I, ok .nd It . '1667. Leban) D loe & Uoal Co.• withou t a jar, shook or dIBtsrb an08, pick from. Gazett e Offi08. Bolbre Geh1Jl ' , . . The 18 the awful llpeed of our earth "bel' ~ol"rook " o N.'iou al Norma l ooal tor oonrt house, '15 S8. road throug h IIploe. We wonder at lIuoh ----e e---• Kelly UalYe nlb. traoy iD Lebano n, Wester n Star PQbltahlnlr _od so BEST OFFER notice, '2687. W. R Stan age &. ea~ of nature 's movem eot, ONLY $1.50 : After paying for the coat of prepar · tJ8010 . New Klng'lI Dr. take who ose th do er, 50 This is the best Lo1lle .Qray to Willia . L. Brown , Vo ., oalend ar pad for Reoord IMe Pi!)!!. No griping , no dllSrOls. atioD there wos left n5.74 per aore. I McCall 's Magazi ne brings good tbe largeRt I1et r!lturo of aoy method tbat work gh t.horou jnst we bave ever for offer brooms t, Hocket & Reed i is positiv ely worth aDd Ella A Browd , 80.76. I\Ore8, cents. Send us your he"Ith aod fine feeling s. 250 at "II nnder trial. made. , Vonkltn S Ed. a6. house, oonrt , . $1.00 a year. SUb' 11001. anied accomp t8. name drnggi8 ta I:!takal a5 cribe now and get · Kay JC. Anders on to Ii. L. Beok- 8tamps tor auditor . mnoh more 11 kely tc.. ar'; o money lihlldre the with e 110.110. Gazett , the~Miami DIan, 4 77 .orel io Deerfield lowo. Pen Co ,penoilM tor andltorCo cIlI. oontrRo t til" oontligiou~ dlt4eRSee Interes ting Wheat Experim ent Ohio Corrug ated Culver ' alsip, II .Dd oshel' oonaide ratlon8 . Ing Whoop oold9 have te An looreas e in whel\t yield frollt whenh they d 1~ f I ' ht.h d Ip B. L. )'rye _Dd 'O hrlltlne B . Frye vert pipe, 141112. Patent Vulo~Dl . er a, soar e_ ever an , aoug -.~..-....-... Joseph ._ ' a_ 17. '4 t, are oontrao thllt 00., 9 Roufing I dilleaac In are lot ' ption Killer. co08um RumaD aore. ~ ...moel 4y' bashels to :l8X bnsbelll per hae ohild the NI h I when o~ed d oontrll otten s '1 d ~h method in lila oes c. SOD, ref under of tax, 13 31 . due wholll to dlfferen an o. er oonlll er.tioD s. lOll, a cold. That Is wily all medloa l L. Bouse, refund er on chattel s ' of prepul ng tbe land before leedlng , . V ~'ark. Frank lo Clark ThOlDU · ities /lay beware of oolde. author B . _.. Irene Vrane, r B_ qniok oure of ooids yon will .....0.1. .mlUol l townlh ip, II and 98 oentll. Emma oents. the For but nary laallO Wi!_ oertaln ly leeDlS extr,~rdt tunder of, 48 ~h_ ooulde nttool . hatter tban Chamb er 'hlng fiodno an 10 done WI8 what Dec. that Ie exaotly Jamea M. Combs to Bertb. 1ii"lg, 800, ret under of tlU, II. Fred :~;~ ~~~:~U(~~mue:!~ a!~ i~";ie~~: 12 J, A. ~::~~e~~p~r~::e~:st Jt:~~o:t For you to secure tbe Miami Gazett e absolu tely FREE for geli, uaot In W.yoe townllb ip. t6 han', rlfnnd er of lu, to.) take. For ~le by 80.fe and ant forme Il Call E. J.J. or Profesa L A. one year ' by merely subscri bing to McCall 's Magaz ine for Ruova n, refnnd er, UI 06. "Dd other ooulld erltloo s . , r all dealers . 00 )r retlludf t. Bennet Maggie V.lond three years at the rate of 50 cents Ii year. ID additio n you - - - . . - .••- - Marpr e' M. Reed to James l Agricu of College t·be of \e gradua er refnnd p. 8heeha L. J receive three 15c McCall Pattern s FR.EE. Hankln lOO, lot in I'raokl in ~own- tax, a2. ity The SEED CORN IN POOR. CONDITION on tax, IS g5. Granvl Jle & Lyda ture, Oblo titlite Univen Ihip, 'Ill 84 .. The Free Pattern s are ordtred by post-ca rd from New . experim ent should ~ thl8 of ults res AI.12 '1 tax, the on of er advice refund , the Deoker re' orating Corrob ~ oeeph D. Reed e~ al to Marga York City and can be used any time you Deed one. of inter etlt to e',ery farmer in Ohio. it pays th~t lture, Agricu of College ,oollt plo"ed not but dlsked, er on tllX,16 Land This offer is avai1abl~ to anyon e who subscri bes, renews Reed, tot In Fl'1Inltll lJ, 'I and bert L . Snoot, refund 10ent8. B. N. I::!ettlemyer, refund er II 115 per aOl'e (Or preplir atlon nnd to teat Beei~ corn. H. B. B,.ker. of s his time on the Miami Gazett e. The only perquitxtend or ,..\.~J1\'!lff.:.,..• .... ' OODlid eratlonl , 0" has just made;a n county Seneca per wheat. of bushels 4X ed prodnc Koogle F sit~ is tba~ you "p~y in advanc e." on '" x, 16 oeote . Stephe n intereS ting test of some corD that iu~hea throe plf)wed Lund Rcre s Chllrle eentll. liS tax, retund er 00 See below what you will save on this extrao rdinary offer. Glanl)Y, re{und er 00 t llX, 124:1 deel', liiepteml18r Iii, R ylAld uf was selecte d for this year"s plantin g. OIorloua News 'I'. lIIounta, refund picked out at :' ~lD. from Dr. J . T . CurtiN , Harrie t aod W. Elhon 16% bmlbels Lund double dl~ked The corn .had been up over~ .. '!'D,wig h', X.D. He W"&ell: "I Dot er 00 t&x, '1.75 . William thrown and time ~ centll J oh~ J ulv Hi, t.o 8 1L ve m oid tnre II nd pl ow huskin the corn crib. Mr. Baker ",,,,pDly b ••• oured bad OlUlflS uf eoze. I refnnd er on tlU 18 in head 15. bor . We Will Clve You 8ept·ern deep, l i a' Inch .-d !leven . , .: lJla ,ln my pa&feDlI wUh Eleotrl o Bit I ' one I(ernpl from ' each of the 1\ vle ld of 237,; bU!lh but took gRVA cents, 18 tax, 00 er refnnd ter.., bot &110 onred mYIIEllr by them Niohols on, Tilton, retund er on tax. Miami Gazette 1 year ••••• $1.00 Augus 16 109 ears 8JlId placed them in a ~ernJ_he dlseale . 1 leel 8ure o;;ylv6ster no d" was g plowin when er rofand rt Eberha Elbon s 109 Rrew . , wil1 benefit any Da N!' of ecce. 100eot ~cCall" Magazine, J year, ! *1.50 e lind worl:{'tj llllffi~i e lltl:"., to 1)1'1 SAl VO inator. 0, :nly 37 out of the • . d I .. t ". ......1 Iho"'. w .. .. look~ood lly unusua cme centll. d 63 tux, ~electe ·.ID He I S yield 10 e ~OUI"O ,~v @ .... l)r t ~h fl reRf .45 . ~U. mulch Pattern soli ', a McClll ._ 15c Free .. J '_ the scales, tilf"el··D'i~.e.ll. lha, ' £Ieotrio Bttlers of 27X bllshels per ROTe Laud ' in&' ear and , 'Putlin g -it on blood purifier . . ·ounces . ! 11 IJ weig}:le it . thllLt founa' Total Value, ••••• •• , • p.95 dou~le d\sked July 15, to s ve 'uwlll for •.~!"'L'."' • .lIlDIledy tor ecsemfl" 'l'he tonri~~ who after mooy dhoorE heat clal inartiji drying ~ter Vflll q~ 15, u!!t ng A plowed bOlJlIlI lId , of tut1lOme ollmblo g renohe tbe t nre'&rld , 1 '1·t'.&0' Ail . J30ul\e es. He _ 8. fo ur deep. produc ed 84% '1:mahe.1 I' ,'. " looked 1nqutr Inobes from . ill, 8 '. '·~erDeI Pike's of top hen t p.I~'W' . . wa ll n llt' the Whfln' 1;6. 0 a . ln81y .around Bod de~IID~:ed: T. Yow per olieof an'd !>ruy e~ .., • • 'f t!~.\! UII what tbj!l oiaJf ~e peeked ed July 15. i:~~'.\" !!F.=::::=r:;:=;;:~=t=~==::;;:::::::;;::::z::;::;it:i:::::tia:::~~::::....,;;~~.;,,;;.~#~.... ". '. ',' the .' ~~ . vlel~ .. -...,!>or ..~ ;;-;;}~ ~/: , .. ' .'


J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio. A. MA FFI i,





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I== == LIV ER IT E5 ,= == 1


i-.,. .......

Pre ven u




'. JIaot



. . . .


• • •




: :== 1 II== =U VE RIT ES Onl y lOcc;


A Wonderful Offer! Now is You r Cba nce


-- ------




....I FR EE I

mo w

This is an Opp ortu nity,







. ~.


·10• •








SERIOUS ,Siclme..


• • ""









Lytle '"




OFFlOlC ' , • , ' .

.t. Wa1»81vllh§,




D. L.


_ __=._


Editor and Manager

Rates of SubeeriptioOOue Year (atrlctl:r 10 advance) . , ...... 11 ,00 stulle OoPy ... .. I . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . 00 ·~te8 of Advertising ~. per u.n. .... ... ..... . . l!eaillOI Locall. black feee. per Une .. . ClueUled i\ dl. DO' to exceed live lIneo ThnMI IlUMlt1lOIUI. • •••••• • • •••• Obltu.rteo. ft ve InclUlll free: over live Inebel. per llue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0U'd of &haukl , •• • . . . ... • ... , .. .. .... lleadlDl

' 1'><,

lOe ,~

36c 6c ~6c

8.olu'IoIlll . .. . .... .. . . . ... . . .. .. , .. . OOC soclall e~• .,here chU'l'll II mWe .. .... . ~6c DIIPI., A.4'\1ert~ per Inch . . . . ... . . . . IOC Dl.aolUlta IVIIII OD CODtract. ~7.



of a. like tbe tolkl wbo flDd



U i. more dUlloD" to ,boe a horlle tbaD It 18 SO .hoo a beD.


YOIl GAD",Y ,oodbye kl oons'ipa. tioli wltb a olear oonoleno. if yon oM (''hamberiale '. Tablet.. Many ba.,. beeD permaDeotly oared by 'heir ue, ror 8ale by ,\11 dealers.

.A. bold fron' will not hold 00' .Iry lODI wiShoD' rood baoklng.

Cbablberlato'l Contrh ReDleclj ball woo ,,,'Ireal repatatloD aDd eX'loaln .le " 1&8 remarkable ouree of eoqu,oolcleand oroop. U can be depeD4ed apoll. Try It. 80ld by

Wtlltnm Dnkl', of ChlC'IlRO, Ilrr ived 'In turdllY t.') ~ p e od 11 fuw weElk~ with h lJm e f"lks . M r~. 8. n . Hllines it! on I,he "iok ltllt ,

Harveysburg ~

111. . I... wide differlnoe between • drlYiDI nlD and .. drhlna rein.

*************- ******************************************* ** ***. Rpv "tid A . K . Sargent * * * * . • * spellt Bnd l:llilurday in Wa.y. * * *, ! * *' n esvi lle Mrs. Lemmoo and * * * • db l\1iSB Stelln '* **"", * '*** Mnbel I:llluley w"s tit her '* '* ~* '* Mr ~

~" r lut\y

v i ~itlo g

IJ/{b t~






Uttle .lobular vi.1 tlDg bit releU.... OIl 'h~ b ..~d • crp" t, deal of "'lk aboat _ _or.mJI, IlBIH why


do yOO "~il'. 'helD?" ' be .IIkflld . " ·W.Ia,. clbn',I.yOIi 1811 'em whold" ..{,. . ",. 1 .

Bow d~h 'be 'IlUle busy bile

~I(f~, ',;:,liuike a '101.", ' And '' ' ' ' ' bi.. buz .To' friarb~DIt"le boy., I

TIi\. ~1... ~ido. and papel'.


lIocBt,., aod

ooolitiep oooJti.g _ , ~· all ."'llrbt l~ ' 'belr pl&oe. hn'


$b" bofil.nDe up to tblt kiDd of ooe1il~~ ,.tlaI ~~ber u,ed t~ do. ....,



E i~










p~lrent.l Mr . Rna Mrs.

1, " 11 ~, .

rhOllll18 L ncy lie" I ' · ~

a ud rllmily , Mr, Ilnd Mrs. Uscar Mowrey Rpe nt Suuday with their oousl08 Mr. and Mr8 Frank Austin. , Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Aus tio and ... d I A d ,ng h' or "De n t ."un IH' WIt I UDt Lydia Austin. Edna Laoy wal! ont of " Jbool a c ouple of days wit.h a severe swoll en


wltllibe .Pf9IDp&.. l'eUllf afforded by Mia MoHI@ Wb"tl, wbose death a"I,... Cham1;l8~"tD '. Liniment. OOOllrred la.l MOD day night a' b"r No'· ~i.O~'.4Ufj, rheQ1Da".m ID &eD reqal"!!lil .a~ . .iul...rDal 'rtu'men' home W6l5 ot towo, Willi buried at wh......... .: . .. UDlmeD' Is tvl' ...11 'bl. plaoe. III' Tbursday afternoon,




New Burllniton

~ . '. \-1 " . lIao,·iuirer... f~m rbeam.ttllD bay. .. . . .~ .orpriled .ad deUahw.d











~:< 'l~ ,* *1/: '* *' *****'-*:;.,~*~:~* ** ****'*,¥ * '* ~~ '1'1: **,*;J.< **'* 'l'f: * * f~ You 'Have' Tried the Miami Gazette's ~ ; Classified Ads. Haven't You? They . :~: .;; Gave Results, Too, Didn't They? ;:;. Better Try It Again. It Will Pay, ;





Mill Sarah Bradford is spending l8.eral weeks ILt her bOlDe io Sooth 101 and ',"eDla, Sua 'bl)allbt tor CharlHwn. fOo4: '~" lira. A . ·r. was the Illest You lDd,. ~ JDaD DO' b1 wbat he of WUmililtoD relatives lut week . prom.... to do. bla' by wba' be bat 11118 Berolae H.wklnl was home clODe,. Tun. the oaly 11'l1li 'III' from Wllminlwn College lut \\ eek, Obam6ed.• tD'1 Coal.b aemed1 I, beiog spring vao.'ion, jaeSted bj jbl. .taadard bu DO IU Wm. Harlan II a' bome from perior. , ~e I r,r.wJa~ , 1IM1Ia.~1 EarUiam for iprlug ,.;.. ... ,'Ion of it in , . . bllb.. I'IDI of Y-'ror eal..b,aO _dealen. WUUem Oomp'.l\fell on aoement • walk ooe d.y la8t reoeivlng s painful ho' no' Beriou. iojurv aboD' Tbe... an - . haabaDda who are bll head, luoh ~idln tbat tIley ClaD A pl~ ,nt lurpriae wal tendered DO' 'arD,1k '.en aD IXOU... Rev. aDd Mu , Jetle BawkiDS Thnfl t , .' day of l ...t week, U beiDa 'he bidh I "Th!e Ie w"e~ I,e' off." obeened day aDniveHIU'Y of the former the .~_...fd rl4lr, wbeD ba. bone ,Aboot flft)' frleoJII were prellent pre! ~'to do lOme flo01 buoJdol· aod eoj01ed a 6nedlooer Iiod good • f ~ .... " &lme,




Ilobett. Plo.i , of Ceotl'lrv ill e, visi ted Mrs . LydiA Pine !Iod ftt lllily, 00 " ~ :~" F, irla:v. ~lhlM E~ta tlt-ucy aDd Ern el!t E~rD . h n rlo atteDded the wedrlifl ~ of ~V Jl I tl' l'1i:nrnhprt und MiJS t;lullh Gnt· wry at the brirles h owa , UOllr .•eb. an ,m, OD Wedne5dRY , Mr. Margaret J ohn" WIlS ~hop­ plllg io the Gem City, on FrldAV . Lee Earnhart 'pent HandilY wHh Al bert ~taoy and fawlly , Yr . and Mrs . P . E Kenriok Ilnd dlugbter Bertha look diDner 00 ~und"y with \Ir . Ilnd Mrs . Leste r MlslI Lutle Va n,]'on ',II l)· t " l l tf'r K enriok . CI1tt.le- l Jt'rl' u.,' oow t fftl:!h by (IllY WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES I f, t sale. II yea. rll 01,1, R Nil ) : I , Ier~ov I1tt e nded the tain ed at tlin ' ,r TLW"UU',' :'lln; 1I 1l1' Prof . L . E . Carey "O W CliO be pe,lIgreeol , b ll f're~h IIlluut ' 'Snpt Roond Table" iD OuytOD, on riet AtiblJllJra 111)(1 ~ l r . W"IT , 1I1 MethodIst Episcopal enUreD. '- , "y, II ~O , tl Otl Q ; 1 Rl'ltil'to re I .1 e rt:!mit-h . tnl'day, _!'Y now f r ,,~ h , !tHlfHr enlf by !lidt', tl . I,.ev . c . S, I;mu,cr. Po. tor . Ml' C. M . R(J ull e b '.I~h ~ p,' '' 1 Hll t"f'A k" o ld " I,.u rtlIP"'t'ro:1 . l I:lol!l~ei II SUlld~.\· ,;r~"" 1. " . I ~ :t . 10 . \ I"rll l~~ " or Mr. and Mrs . E J . Hmith Ilnd t .vi\1 II1Y )r /l, ~ l) \ l ') ~ h' .." tt' a r IUV ' i) ' , . ' , h.: e. I U lIU , l. m. ", \"tl tn J,: ricr\,h'(', , ' on 1) Walter LeVl-IR, of Wilmington, spent uru IIY u.t h iS bOIl1 t1 iu Il' IILn II 1111 rlh ld ,,11( ' " o n "" lIt lll'\'III " lind \VU.I" 1.VI I!' r, ~ YI-'Ilr" n ltl, 10 fioe Rbn pe ru . ,Ilhl",,",· I ' r 'I" " ."' ·" ll,,~. " p . m . Tho t onrt.1I nnlll hf' r of flIt' Ipe tur f' IW'I'I ' I , 'r"H . 1 4 ' ~ IIlI : , "' ''l\ l lh o ll ~ t"f l 1t',."g 1:I ~ - I"'llI: ,.u ru n ! I >l ll W!l, lU BIioas t l !i!a torday a.nd Suod"y wi t h C. E - -, - course w,, ~ giv,' 1J ,t t h " 1 .. ·..; 11 h!! 11 I;, ' 1111'1'\' 1111'. :! ;Il l t,,~ ""1'1 ,, u f Ly th ' {jrtllll'-~UU it ll CO rD, 100 b u /lood St. Auguitlne s Catholic Churcb. J"hns and fltmily. W udn f1sl 1ll Y tl \' (~ nltl !. .{ A 111 J\~~ I I ' i ~ 1l 1 I lIl1t~ n .. rtu W t ':jl. o f F"rr .." li n , ! ~ : I' d uut~. UU ' Hl t 7 b l ) u. PUL,-l108N, ' ]·"o.thcr Lc.ltJis Y llUS Mrs. Alioe Clark and Albert Stuoy I I!: .. rlv Ulli o , E ;\I'I.v J'nulIlpb, Carmllo MM" ev<'rY . CIlO JlJ b ',bd "I' o f the lUO_\h ~ I'llUrsday, i\l'ril 4, IlJI 2 ! N cy 2 ftn d MlChlgllll Whit.•" .. 9 : \10 a . w . _ _. _ _ lind wife were ,. Dayton visitors on of I.Ibllll.y t'n tfJrlll iut'tl t1JLJ~" H ltr ' ll tliU f; 10 ~ p i t ' l .. I' " t '.lI un· w ,·ut!l '· r. Sltturday, Bpg lll n'og III I U p'ul",; I; Ilt tl r 1. '' I,' 111'111 1IIII' I.. mtHlt~- Hr Oil d t r o ll. d St 111ft"'" E ' 1 Chun:b I pW IIl J.( pl.,.p ,.• ty t .. lI'i l : u : Wtll,;"lI lIipf'uxll',2 r Hlin J.( oultiva.torp, • n"""J S plscopa • Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Lllmb e nter. ql1lte U UIHJl ll r' r 1\'('1''' pr e!<cnt, _ __ .. _-. - - - (" H " I'~ !!-!1,;y 11I '.f!' .... " r'lll' ,,1 ,1 ! brt"'rlklU l:: PIO\\S' I! ()ud tl~ Ol'w'. llIower Hav . .J. F'. Cndwall uller. Hee\"1. tained 00 8uoday, Earl Randolph . , , "' 00 II~ L1 e w wit e f till e d1 SlIlI<1ay Sollool. 0 : ;1011. m Mornln, orr Spring Branch HII I, 'd I!'J, ' d ", " rkJ'I'; ~'r "\' III:!r" I '" , ; , I , 1I,V ar z r so I'\ co . lO ::lO a. DI . H oly CommunIon th e Hut and family, t:;t.aoy und t:;tn.nlev Lum b I" 'ld 'I I , dnll n e w, ... c:;lwrn' tuhucco plllnte r Hund"y_ uf each lUonth . 'i l'ltr~ , . . g"''' , \\' ".t ' ·r .".. 10 .. 1': III . ,)('U .halJH 1 c,l l.looth barrow of Dayton . IHI.I· Il1 ',r , · , I~ Y ' · ' I'· ." , ·I . ;': ''' 'lJ\\' rk nf " ' l 1' .jU t h h h' - -- 'rbe D. L . & C, will run a n f x (Uelayod ) 1I!1(1 II' P' ; " ,, ~. ~ ''' tllu~ 1:.1 y"" ,.; old . '! III>~ "1'I new, I ' ootl' nrrow, ;;.y Chrlatlan Church. TC Mrs . J , H . C!lIlUowet.h s pent Ho ll - I: 'J' 1""1'1;" ' ''lId dl l ':(Jr 'all Y III,h ' )f . ' b ' Pfl IIUC , U' l II Y tI, 0lrof"Ij~"t Rev.L. O.Thomp90D.Pulhl. our8ion to Cinolnntvtl next t:!lIt urd ay la r WIth Ml'. liod Mr!i . Uuy CIJ · n1 ' I \ I' . -fl..... O., S . CI'OW 1,,1" 8 h UVl' EO or "s Bible School. 9:30 a. m. Social meetln• . or , 'I 1' ,11 rlV (l 111 '1 ; jl 'JlI IIIJ ,: l llh t;' '' tl llIitb In ') II. (:urp"Dler'toolll' 10:30a.m, Chrl.thmEudoavor,7:0Up. m. for the bt'onofit of tbO RII who wllnt t tl . clrlt !t. .· til , lUi\; I ,H,d 0ull, ~ l rlJd l td ' l " I' th . ' Sermon by pll8torovory alwDBI<l Sunda:r" end "The World 10 Clncinnut.1 " owoth Ai G Id ' '1:1 t M r'lJ ,. I 10~ 1f,tItAr, tJ 1111111'1 II n, () e r artl 10: 30 a . lB ..... t1 7 :3 0 p . m. , .rs . n le.,ur BO OK , n; .~ . ar u~·., {, ' \ II 11 lilH 01:1 , . ;G I " ~:.l llirge wutl'l' tllok barrol,,- - -The train )e"ves Lytle at \) Ii m . .. ( ,." .- II!,sl'lllil l'lI W. I-:,,, ,UlJJl lk .. r; 1 Harnl'!i,,-2 Hl't,.. " ",·k hllro esA,o Hicksitc Friends Chura. h o!:iUllt.hunrlFl o r ellce ,-,a oy vpnt ",1 and ret.orolng le'lve!' ClnolnllaU at ~r . aod Mr.!! . Willium (; heOOWe lh'll r .1 \' . ": II ~ 1"'1f''", loll-! .II"'!;"}' (: IJ W, I , ('h /lllIgll' I u n",,,,,, "JJt double har. l' irM \) ,,~ Mcd ",,·, lJ .OOIl m . F'IT8~DaJ 11 30 p. m . FlIre 'I 00 round trip Sun tlll.y , \\' 111 I .,' I ~ ,,<It \J . tI ll,v "r sal", no:;~, /let I' ~ h t, \J)"l~~ m ou nted bar- ~cbool . II :0 (' ,l til • j>' .. unb Da} MeeUnK ~"\ _ - - II , hh oll tl:l, ~ hr.' o,l !!()WiI . nllSR f or ligh t drI ving show l in g I)r 1 1000 a . m Walter K"orlok and wife ap ent. Mrs. Guy Cheno w a th s pe~lt Mon \\,11 1 ' 0: " . ' .v ~>J m " flmu III A pnl ruCl og, toe wei g htH /lnu ~oO t8 uf ev ' . MondllY evening and Tnesday io llHY with Mr , anu Mrs. 1'bu1I111 8 Ite ~ HI 'I ~ I rrll I, ) : r, 1', "0 .~· por,; ,)Id II r .1' kind aQd Orthodox Fneolls CnUf(;., UtlVtOD with J . M . Staoy and famil y . Lacy and ' umil y , l".r ll "·'.~ I ' 1 [J I!' rn l!Dt!l-~loUor- \ Vehicle~-A rubber tire plano. I M~. Ruth Murray. I'lUItor --... .0 0 k called 00 h~r I,l1l '" lJlI"l, ", IAI IJlost I III' W, tobuoc u hox buggy , ruhber tire "haeton liiabba~h :o;ch ool. IJ :30 ".'ll. I1c~ula r ohureb fl . ran.. I . 1" ""nice 10 ··0 II. Ill . ClutftLlan ~~ ndea\' or, M F


b,.n 4eali.


h Onl e IU \Villl1inl!'tn o ove l' !:i Ihll'du .V . .\1 ... "nd Mr ~ . W . C . \VAk h, 1111 r· t!lil.lflrl with " Ill t' rry 1'111'1,.,- '1'" I: ' S dt<yev e nin " in honor df I.h, ' 1,;1; I, d"y or tbf'lir rlllugh lM Mi ~ 1",,1 I n MrH . ChllH ."; hI(IJd(I' r ~II ' ).: TI, e P!l ;l t IHIf'k n . 1,(· 1, , 111 111 \\'i l ll ,\1 1 • • Br rn il ' ::;b l,II.I(\·1' \\'1.11 h ,, ~ T,.. ,,, '11:1 , ,, ill The LUll i('" AI,I ~,l(: i<'t y o f till' ~ l ·

J'~ for &hOOfh' I. more ,,'''fy·




We do DO' alwal' meet ml.for. 'UDe i qaUe ... orteD " DS,


I will be I{lad to lee 1l0Y lind all

of myoid fri ends and their friendl! anY'lwe they ' ore In Lehanon and I, bltve \hem mllke my tlh)p h Ulld· qn'lrtArli . Ruohel E Llloe







Mr. and Mr •• Oba•. en iertalned lira, Barry Weaver, of Daywn, and Min Nellie Cunoing biro, of GrloDville, I••, Thnrsday. Min lna Oebarr bu pnrohased a new Mltobell piaoo, Mr. Olear Gibbons bas gone to (landa on a vi"n. IIr. aDd Mrs. Laoy PeterRon are vlsitloll relatt . ." Ilt ,hia IIlace. J'UII6I Davis, of Pleasant Bill, .ial'ecl hil f.'ber at thll plaoe, last tlnoday . Iill •• Nellie Cqnnlngllllm, who formerly lived b ere, but no w o f Grelnville, was married last we~ lt Mr. Jo"eph Zea, of Centerville, Iod. Toey will go to honee k lll1 plnl/: io Cel terville, Ind .. w here the gro, 'm "' 'aonneot~ with tbe Pan lilindl l.l railroad. Fred Boyle, of tlooth of town, i .. veory'l(\w with .double pneumooia . a.!rs. g8'o m Earnbar, bae l'etnrn Ed bOID'I after spending , 8 few days wISh ber daughter in Oayton. The KI1888 Floreoo!} Myer8 and M lude Eli V8Y ware ViRI Unit r e hl.t-ivol! io Xenia I .. st. 81\turdltJ /lll,j !"Iuuda y ' __.~ _ ... .-_ _ _

juw. Mrs. Guy Chenoweth ~ pent 'Fri_ day with MrIl. tJasao H"lne8. Mr. and Mrl Elzsy t:;oot\ sod tam.

lly are staying with the latter'~ parents for the present. • _ •

fI ,,," , " "rI L 1 1I ~co rnpow ,

r nDnb o nt,setrubberiire~heelsfor 7:30p'_

light bu~gy good as new, !let SU)W I tt ~ " '" , I." " ;,'" o n " .. WI!;e 1 , ~elLk nH~ch m entR f or buggy or oarriage, 111M 1,1,, \\ . • , IU I l l ' nt :<u h il i r ow. prIOR wa~oo, stile I t.ire buggy,l £:ko~It·~ ,:, jrn IJI IIIlI.\j I·, Ix t·.1' 1.)IItb \ light high wheel Rulky, new bik e, u ll rro \\. Irull rull t, r . HrOWD Wtlg'ln, , never bee o U8f\d . g uud us U8 w,:l so ts of lIuy lud ders' l Ido .!\ehuld Goods-bra81 bei, Iron g ra vel b(l(l. had wtl lnut beel dresser ohairs B I Lrn t!~" - .," 80 1!j O .C ..... or..,- h u.rn~>lS , d i!lll' etl, caDI!, jars, . , eto. , . nOllr lv nnw . . TerUl s-AIl AOIDS I)f $5.()0 It.n.1 UD · Onfl 120 (lgg, New Me th od Inou. ' dOf ctl8b,ovl'f t hat amo.nt,a· credit ba.tor aor! hroode r, good IlS nnw. 000 ye l. r to purobneer giving Ttll ill\! :-Huws of "5 00 /In.] under bunklt ble note. oush, s um " uve r $5.008. orEd ,t of 9 C. B. Snrface. months . "l'i ll be givetl, purohllser I W. E. O'Neull. Clerk:. gi vin g bllnkubl e note, ·1 lJer oeot C. T. HaWke} dl ~coDnt fo r Cll tlh • W. M. MllIs Auot. Ch lls . P . ThomDs A A. MoNllal R C. HAineR, Allot. Luooh stand re8erved. Wa lter K enrick. Cle rk . Lunoh II.t; t.b e house. \,,, ' " ' 0" ' ; H UUlI lI II:1 w llik .


---_.- .... - - -



Osteopathic Physician 912 Relbold Building.


Dayton, ~ Amerlc~

E. v. . •



., "







ing a blemish, or MONEY HEFUNDED. 60C IUld $1.00 sizes for frash wounds, old Borea, sore backs and shouldersl.!>urne and bruises. 25c size for }o' amily use.

Wife Win., 81 Ulual, B n ~ ill nl ng tit 9:30 " . Ill . the f ol· "or course, one can never win an I lwinl; tlfSOI i\Ject cliltttels: a lI o r,.e,,-lnc:I ndi II!; my I·wo h lLUd. argument with one's wife," remarked a broker Ule ·other day. "Even If aDe ,,'HIII' l'n l' o\-' IJ tll,ltllious: E:i \TI'V PUl' is perfectly rI ght In his content.loo, 010111 (:l9 7ll :-l) r,·o.' rd 2 :43){, trial 2 :2!l the fntes , or the postoffice depa rtment Winn er III over 300 premIUms in tbe or something else wUl turn up to sll uw rin[J, two firRts ut the Ohio ma ke It appear tha t the man Is wrong. ~ttlt" ~-1\l1', beto re us in g him fo ,' " For instance, 110 tew da ys ago my wife " h o w h ,'''.-!' I!tu rted iu 9 rdoes !lnd remarked t hat a letter In Ii. plain en' n (l VI'r lopb lnrl t.hA WIlner but (l U OIl , W 11. Pu r er ll (:3\J7tl.J) I> yell r:! velope dropped in a letter box would he deliver pd even If It had no stamp. Q\t1, ~ " llJlrl. lllllJ[h'lIlw, h l~ l1 notioo or course I knew better, and told her And It )J TI' ll1 inlll WIIl IH'r itl the "hllIV ) ["11' IIl 'H'·, . 10 yenr" lIi d ' l so, but she was obstinate. Ju st to r inlo: prove my contention when I WIlS at ~ t..1. ncllll II IIl·... d; . iTl ,d by !:\Ul1 IoLo 11 \ th e office t.he next day 1 drew a pic· Ul",v, 2 : l :;J;; "n l ,· 1 \ lit! d ,w \ of U. I:l D12DnRT ture of a goose on a eheet of paper, P urt"lI J :! : 1\);<1' !l1' U llrI , I ho be~t l'olld 1 YBMhn.: ____ v ' ON SALB , 'Underneath the likeness I w rote : m n)'., in thl' r:Qllllt r y . " "Dcar Madam: · If you pay two ceotE ~t llll i llti . tl llr 0 1' h ill m are I'i rt'd b ~' J. Co Qadwa1lacier, administrator I to gel lhls you are ' a goose,' I put Hnr oa PI' PllI i!' I', 2 Yt'l1 rs olll , '.! ;21X . Dora Co. GIll~r. 'former the sh eet in a philn envelope and ad· b)' I, 11 I <J ~) _: 12 :,tODd !JHoogh to b UIIO ~t o ck rfl rlll . l gt'n6l'ul purpose tNuurer.of theHQDte,fodncutablea I dresBed It to my wife. The next ahnr!!e, 6 ' :>,Pll rs 'old, II g(~od worker . . " morning 'the doorbell rang furlous)y \:i1,lcIUlllln. , rl:pOI"' tlU 1.0 ~n';l. t'ruOalt~ while I was still In bed~ : I waJted tOI 80 . plncc, 01111 .fl te p a 40 olip, wi t h ~urt Monday that the receIpts from the wlte or · the maid to respoDd. bul aot,lon 1. sorrel Geldiog 3 yell rs I, 2: l ltX 1st die sale of her ho~old . ' goods both had gone out. Froidly I went to old, by (.; B 2 :18X . 2n d to $102.14,' This show8 tbe door· my.elI. There was ~ ,tool dam by SOil Of ,3d' dam. of . JetteI' earrier with tha~ crazy letter, d llm by CJal[n eut., f.he Jist, 11 . I bad to dig dowq- and )lay the Fanny (! , d Am of 1 "mare, 4 P9stage due, It I had ·g1veD good dontall ,~llnt~~~:~"rtd.~~.:f:.~t"d.0I1~i;f~J~;I'~it~leti~): to toY.wlfe lb. woul~ ,have




Ie painl ess and gUILTIlnte!.'d to cure Spavin, Ringbon e, Curb , SweenYl Splint, PuUs t or all Y enlargement of none or uBcle, or u',oncy refun ded . Price 6Oc .








Bert Ae (}rant, •

Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of · all kinds.








W ork .. Hpeoll1lt.l' .



more'Arml7' cOil.tnced.,tli.1 I 'IWI,"~· _l~ t-: ~ . :~ 1.1V·ei~tbt.



Barbed Wire

bi ){ hreak "Whllt WIlS

it. fl blmk. N o ; It Wit!! tb e break of d :l:V " - - - • . - ... 1 ·\·t d (,n e r .. t l-'nh h c :"\Il l ~ Itt my 1'''~ it ' >le k ' \"\v~ f1- 1'1" ~llrfliOe ~ t JO('" I" r1 11, .\ lIl i l,· ~ \\ "r. rof ""IlY n IiVlll " !I I· th,~ t' ro s~ ml&ds, 2 miles ,. 1 ~ 1 101 l:tidgcvill El !I u d 2 wilet< !'outh


All kindR of Notary Work . PeosloD

- --

,lllg~ t' r!'l : "I ~I\W 1\ ,,~ ,""V thi s ll1oruln~."

School. KIrlavlUe,

Notary Public

THURSDAY, "'lARCH 28,1912

': '.


Subscribe for the Gazette

Attack of Death

"Five yeLLrB ngo two doctors told t,wo years to Ii ve. to Tb ill sta rUinj! Ilt>lte llltlD twas mude b Y ~ t, llJmall (iTHeo , Maluohite, Col " T h "y to ld lIlfl J "uu ld die with oon. ~ll rm . It wn ~ up to ul e th eo to t r5' the bl-'t!t Illo g m od loio o /I li d I be· gu ll tn nile Dr. King's New Di~('ov. MY , It. WD!'I weill 1 did, for t ,day f " III working find he liElv e lowe my Ilf" to t bl'" !!Telll; throut Ilod luil @ onr e tba t hns clJiea ted the g r ~ve or Il nnt her victi m. " Its fo ll y tlJ s offer w Uh Ill1 l1ghR, ooi ds or othflr thront lillll I Ullg trouble~ un w Tllk e tue Ill lI' e ' ha t 'fl flllfsflt Prioe ~o oen t,!! und U Ot! , Trio} bottle free nt 1111 rl rUL(gl~ts

over he used to groan and wish that he had he en built aho'rt like me. . "Isn't It slnglilar how tblngs come about? The things that at one time we may most bemoan may prove In the end our greatest bt'esslng."


Good for Nothing but tho I.y. .

DIe 1 hJld onl y

self thnt t.ho rheumatis m had to roam




"You know bow OppoaltSII are at· tra.eted." laid Mr. Sbortlngton. "Wben I Wall a younger man mY very particular friend and chum wal a chap wh.o WIUI IIlx teet four, whlle I waso'tmuch more than four teat Ilx. Despite the dillparity In our dl. menslon8 we were the closest ot friends, and aa far all I was concern· ed there was only on e thtng that marred my otherwIse complete hllpplDess ansI that was that I could not be as tall a8 he. But the t ime came when I tho)lght differently about thnt, and when In tact. be, loatead of beIns proud ot bls altitude, wished only that he had been built on my more limited scale, and tha t was when ID our later life "'e bad both come to be attllcted wIth rh eumatism.' "Then when I looked at blm. rocked with pain throughout his tall t t;am e, I was glad that I was not t all but short. and when be refl ected on Ibe n en rl~ two teet more of spnee in hIm·

I _ ": • •






Valley Phone 113

Waynetville, Ohio \






- -'-The Miami Gazette o.

L. CRANE, Publisher.

\\. ;\ \' f'\ E VILLE.


~:~.;;::m~:~.~:m-==: =::.:m~:~.;:::: :::::=:='

The Perfect


FAITH FU L WORK, The expreas lon, "Fnllhful wnrk II alwftY8 of th e 8 1\010 s ize," appenred III .. recently published arti c le. It opella a world of tbou ~1Il to th ose wbo pause ~on. enough to consider Bueb mattors, beald ee otTerln« a ge nerous shnre 01 Clomfort and encouragem e nl to thoae 'Who some tIm es grow dlsbeartened at the apparent r suit of the Ir etror ta. ilt II tru e that tb e world Is n ot n.Jways ... npprec alive 1\.8 It mlghl be, but Tlthen while the world h as a big hea rt 6Ild, 08 0 r u le, a kindly dI s position, It d oee not Illwa711 Iho w Its apprllclallon lit tbe moment. lIays tbe Charleston News IUld Courier. It Is ju st thlll ap. parent lock of enco u ragem e nt tb at makes us lose herll-! at ti mes and wonder wbether after all It II wortb whl ll to do our helt. Tbe big tblngs In IIrs . . .m to take up 10 much room In the lIubllo ~ye tbat thG IImaller and JUBt aa wortby matten are crowded out. IAt lean that Is tbe Imp r ession wb lcb lIlany persons form wbo lee the eftecta of large etrorts, whether tbe, be ..Ionr eonltructlve, or cbarltable or edIIIcaUonal linea. In a way tbeae efr.otl are spectacular; Indeed tber. II • large proportion of mankind wbo r&quire brilliant ell'ecte to make tbem dllpla, Interelt In pa8lllnif ennte. Tbe quIet, unobtrus ive worker Intent UPOI1 reaultl he IlCcompllBbea more thsn up. on the Impre sBlon be creates In overlooked many times, and. arter a while the want of attenllon given hIm and the Jack of encouragement offered him ftncl ex prel810n In bls attitude at crowtn. discontent towards lICe.. Engl,l Bh COl1lemporatell may be atI· l ure d that the king will have a cordlaJ welcome Ihould be co me to AmerIca. but to t hose who prof~ss to he lleve that America lost Its bead, so to speak. 4n the presence of the klng's u llcle we ibeg to lIay that the visit of the royal Governor of Canada '11'88 met with a recepUon tllat was dlgnilled, but not exce.. lve, lIa,,~ tbe New York Heqlld. The reports that were lent to Eng· lUsh papers were nearly all fo.lse, and .l..otlliDC In tile duke's reception could . dn any way be compared wll-b the ibootllcldng and oily homage that II ••en dally In London whenever any member of the royal family appears In ,p ublic.

By ANNIE IDNRICRSEN (Copyrichl. au. by .A.aoclat ed LllerlU')' ... r .... ) "1)0 YOU ren.Jly m ean tbat yo u will give me no explanaUon!" "I can not ell pln.Jn, Katherin e," Carter proteatoo. "My rea&On Is an ~cel1ent one. Some time I ca n give It to you . I IUIk you to trust me' until that time." "We have been the beet of good. fri ends, Doane. Before th e legislat ure convened you came often fro m yo ur ho me In JobUBlTllle to Uenton to !lee me. II. distance of seventy mllee . Alter the legislature llBBCmbled and you were In Capital City, ten mllea from my home. you came onoe to Benton. Then you wrote me tbat you could not come agaln for Dlany weeks, probably not until the legilllature ad Journ a. You said thero Is a re8llOU wblch some time I sball understand and~ you 88k.ed me to--


"To lo.e me n.nd trust me." Carter bn>ke In. "You did not answer my letter. " "Of couree, I did nol When a man tella a girl he doee not Intend to see her a&Aln Ibe knows It Is becaulMI he dDeli not want to. I come to CapItal Cit,. every f_ days to __ my sillter, Who Is In a hoapltaJ here. Today I meet YOU by cbanoe, and you uk me to believe tha.t. TOIl care for me!" "You know I love you, ~atberlne . Wlll you not trust me a tew weeks f Will you not believe tbat my reason II a good. one and an bonorable onet.. "Then why not tell me? " "I n't, dear, yet." "III It becauae you can not trullt me with the reason or- becaullO there Is no reaBon exce pt your d etllre to end our friendsblp?" "I am not a cad, altbough you aeem to tblnk I am . I could trust you wIth lUlythlng In tbe world tbal I could In bonor sbare with you. But I can not tell you thla." "YOu need not ." Katherlne:a voIce had become s uspiciously graolous. uYour &tralrs are no ooncero o f mine.

Thro~lng awa, .lI&bted matchel, cl· prs and cigarettes II now a misdemeanor In New York, and olrendera wUl be pro.ecuted. The careleasneea of thll prActice, trivIal aa It III regardoed, started one of the biggest llreB 4n the hilltory ot tbe world In thl. cIty, 'lIU!d II responalble for the recent trag~ e lIre In New York, In which one of the price. paid was the Itte of a brave lire chief. Casualtles and tragedlell 10 _ully prevented amount to crimell, and tbl. III the first step toward treat. them aa Bucb.


, By tbe expenditure of a million dol, lars It I. planned to arrange mattera .0 that no sblp of tbe American navy "11'111 bf out of hearlnK of Wasblngton. By establlshlnr wlrelen stations la Canal Zone, at San FrilDclaco, In liawail, In Snmon, In the Philippine. and at Guam, tbe fteets would bi wIthin ran«e of me8sages anywbere 'Wltbln the Eone of AmertclUl In· tereats. No nanl battle would be fougbt wIthout Washington's knowlnll the details at tbe moment. What an advance alnce tb e Spanlsb warl A New ,York butcber b88 been lIent to jail for a particularly mean method of cbeatlng. It was bl s practice when lIelllng poultry to we igh It wltb a lead • Inker concealed Inside, tbe linker belug provId ed wllb string by wblch he pulled It out before bandIng tlIe bird to lhe custome r. But a sharp ocutitomer seized biB bird before tbe 'butcber tODd It from the scale to wrap it up, and, s~e lng tbe IItrlng. pulled. It (lut and found lbe sinker and "had tbe Qaw" of tbe bU lcher. On Investigation other Ilmllarly loaded. poultry WIUI ~ound l}l tbe abop.


At a meeting lately of a fire-protec1..I0n aa.oolatlon It was etated tbat fire Pin the United States COllt $500 a min'ute. Also, that the annual life 10Btl Wal 1,600 people, and that 5,000 are -annually Injured. Tbll .howlng Is a (tlscrace to civilization. The vast majority both ot life and property 10" II ~reventable, and the bIg mistake ot <tbe age Is In treating 8ucb los8 under the head of accldentl. A western man advertises for a wife and stipula tes thllt IIhe must be the widow of ,a man wbo was banged. We IIhould thInk tbat tbe widow' of • man who was banged would tl\k. no lIlore chancel. Theatrical booking agenll have


. Dlncl to qul~ sivlng encourqement to

-41iar...uuCk ,.bun, gtrla who han ~

. .rrolll .. ~o~e, ?hls ill.. lIkely €a, . 'Ja"~ . oo~,.~~ . ~ UPuttI:Dl . ~I , -...... - . ~. ' '. . " .

. ' .wal.:







lIec ur ed , stood he tl ldtl her. lie drew her In to a <' room and cloSOOI th e donr agaJnBt a c lamoring mob 01' a dm ire r s . " You know now why I coula nol. come to see you." HI" \'0100 WIl.I3 <'-old . I-Ie spoke hurri e dly lUI If In bfUlt.e to dispose 01 nn unpleasant topIc. "You r uDcl e , It waR kuown, was us in g eve ry menn R to aecure th oae !l ve vol.(JS. The Ill' c CRndldltte was ,dw do ln ll bls bes t to go t t.h e lll . Oath tlI(,1l i re grafte rs and bribers. We flv., ~tllo(1 Oll t tOi elect n good mR.n. I \\'a" mnrto cha.Jr.. man ot ou r bfu , d. r;v e ry IICl of m Ill e was watr.bed hy lb., Rpll'R of each s id e. Had It been known that r was going to Renton , She rrill VallO'S b orne, to see his nlo,.., I s hou ld h ave been suspected or Recr e lly favoring bls candidacy , I ('ou lel not have made anyone und er stand that he and your father aro blUer c nem les because your father despIses hi s poli ti cal method s . My eOll nection with hl R, family would bave marta my me n suspicloue of my Bln oorl ty and they might b ave been won by a ile or the other facti on. "Tbe re W88 more at stake thlUl a little g lory for ou rsclvos. 'Ve we re fighting to compel t he I\ssem hly to e lect a great mall Instelld of a hoodler. La8t nigh t th e DemocratJc lead· era agreed . 81nce they could not elect their cand ida te, to sbare with liB the bonor of elec tin g Allerton. " Now you understand my renson. When I ref used to tell rou and yo u retused to trusl me, tb e clUld ldates b ad not been nomlnnted, aud ou r plan8 to refuse toO support Van e, If he s bould be nominat ed, were st ili secret. [ could not In bailor tell yo u the plans of my flll Poclates ." "[ undersland , Doalle, anrl I run sorry- I ~~ID't tell you bow sorry I am-how mucb I reg-re t my unk1n.!ness. It you were to ask me again to trust y.o u- " "r s ball not. Since I bave been proved honorable you are willing to trust me. I have given ynu the explanaUon I promised you . 1 do not ask yon to love me. What sort of wlfe would you be! A woman who would have no confidence In h er husband, wbo would not bel1eve his word ot honor unless It '11'88 supported by aftIdavlts." He opened the door to allow her to pass out. "Good mornIng," he Bald curtly. In the rotunda she m et bjl1' un ole, the defeated candidate. For the first time In ber Ule he spoke to ber. "Doane Carter Bold out for a price," he said deliberately . "His price wsa Allerton'8 daughter. He expects to marry her. Sbe Is tbe reason he formed an Insurgent ba.nd and elected her father." "That Is not true." There was conviction In Katherine's voice. "He elected Mr. Allerton because he was a great mlUl, an !wnor to the atate and not a boodling politician. Doane Carter Is a man whom no price o&Il buy." "Good for you," laughed Carter bebJnd ber.· ") humed aft~ "ou," be went on when her unCle wall out of hearing, " to ask you to forgive me for being such a brute and to Jove me it you can. I've loved you all the time, Kate, dear, but my pride had been awfully hurt by your lack of confidence In me." , "Lack at confidence? Did I not prove that my trust In you Ie absolute when Uncle Sherrill could not make me auspicious or jeo.louB by saying you loved . anotber wome.D~' Have I not lltood tbe perfect test,' Aren't you 8ure now that I trust ),OUI and-and love you 7"

You and I enjoyed tor & time a plea. ant fri e ndship. You bave ended It. Will you pl6&le leave m e? I do not care to walk with a stranger." Carter'lI perplexed, IUlgry eyes met her .caIm oneil. Then he lifted hI. bat and walked rapidly away. For lIeversl weeks tbe general aslembly bad been d eadlocked. over the election at a UnIted States senator, There were ninety-three Republican members and elgbty~lgbt Democratic ones. The RepublIcans had nominated Sherrill Vane. Tbe Democratic candidate was James Brown. As the Republicans had a majorIty of five It was expected that th eir candidate would be elected on the first ballot. But when tbe Republicans met In caucus and chose tbelr candl. date. five ot the youngflr members of tbe party rebelled, refused to support Sberrill Vane and d emanded the e lection of Geo rge Alle rton. Allerton had Dever been amllated with eltber party. He WllB the leadIng lawyer of tbe lltate, a man of Incorruptible bonor "'nd national tame. The five Insurgents opeo1y declaretl their hosUllty to Sl;)e rrlll Vane. the ~publlcan candidate, and announced that the dea.dlock would remaIn un,t li George Allerton was elected. The leader of tbe Insurgents was Doane Carter. Around the Inlurgent ba.nd raged the political battle. The Republican party used every weapon and every IItrategy at their command to compel the five to support the party candIdate. The DeIll()(lrats fougbt as fierooIy to win them tor the Democratic candidate. Day arter day tor many weeks the ballot remained the lIame : Sherrill Vane, 88; James Brown, 88; George Allerton, 6. • One mornIng Katherine Vane I8t In the gallery of the house of representatJves. Tbe balloting began. Amidst the wildest bedlAm the old hall had ever helli, George AIl ~rton received the v6te of the entire Dem~ cratlc fact10ll and of the Inllurgent ba.nd and-wae declared the sucee8llful candidate for the. ~n.ate, _ I KatherIne ' pushed her way '~h the crowd toward ~ ;. tll4!va.t:~r. . A. hand touched .her anp :~~ ,~ -- Car< . ter, the leader or·"the::1D.ur&~t_ban4,' almost as great In t¥(. boW; I ...· &he man.. whoM •., elecuoD M ~






Good Meal Won Hu.bilnd. Newspapers from Canton, Ohio, r& po.t a romantic wedding of a poor Norwegian cook to a local millionaire Mr. Edward Langenbach. Tbe cook, wilose name Is Rosa ,Jansen, won he' husblUld througb ber skill In the culInary art. Mr. Langenbach engaged MIn Jansen WI cook, and was so deIIgbted wIth tbe ftrst meal she pre' pared that he propotted to ber on tb~, llPOt. Tbe n e w cook was consl"el" ably astonlsh cd. but accepted blml wltb equai promptitude. Tbe millIon' alre lost no time, but Immedlatel,. took out a marriage lice nse, and the ceremony was perform e d an bour atter the satisfactory meal bad been placed on bls table.-Exchange. No Deaths Among p ••teur Patient.. For the first time since tbe establish.. ment of tbe Pasteur Instllute of PartJ! In 1886, a whole year bas p88seel (lO1O) without a sIngle case of deatbl among tholle vacdnated agalnllt hydro, phoblfL Tbe total number treated thul year was 401, of wbom 11 were foreign,; ers. T.,ls, Is a marked decline from the· number treated In tbe first year tbe Instltnte's work, 2,671. The r .... son for the decrease Is found In the tact that IIlmllar Instltlltes have bd!n established In otber parts ot France, as well 88 In other countrlea~~ per's Weekly. .

Interesting Story of What Jim Noble and His Chum Learned About Judging Hogs While on a Visit to the State Univ ersity,

,,' 1.)' BufTer undcr t he .. " n;~ of. ~Y8pep ". "hen Garlida '[M en n remove It. Ornam e ntal pe nm a nshi p Is also .. flourish ing Industry. Ta'tII

TO ('tmE A (,OLO I N O NE DAr " ' u\XA'J' IV H: I\!iO JU t,Jutnln. ~,,~ew

l)r\J~Ulh.u rorund uwnn,. I r I\. to. ll . 10 ,(lu", (;ilLu\~ .u: ' ~ Ala:unlurul ... .... n o." b 00 • . 200. •

A mnrrl ed wOlllan 's doscnptlo n (I t II.n Idea l man seldum IIt 9 ber husband .


- __ -

fam,ly llll:at,ve. .....

- - -

Rather Rough. "Wh y Is It I hal th~y can 't lind 00 'whi le 'hollo' mn ?" " Because Ih ey IIrgt have to lind e, m an who Is while."

Importa nt


Mothers .

Examine carefull y tlVl! ry hottle at CA STO ItIA , II Sllft~ a ud s ure remedy fo r Infant s nnd childre n, and lIee that It.


Bearstlle //~ Slgnut urcof~~ In l Tse For O"e r 30 Yen rs.

CbilJl'cn Cry for Fl ekh cl"s Castori$. St ingy Th ing. Sh e-O h. I haH! no douhl you loveme; but your lo y lu cks the, supremetou ch -un ~ l tlshll ess. He-W hat m a kes you 8ay that? Sh e- You ad mit It. You wan t m. for yourself Rlone , yo u tillY· No Chanc e About It. "I'm awflllly 80l'ry II happened," apologized th e abjec t )' uung man, atter the stolen k 181!. (Conc lud ed. ) ~ necks and h eads and long legs, "Hnppened!" sh exclaims. "Haps ince Ul ey are 1I0t ... a lllabl e and r ep· pened! Tbal Is worse tban tbe kiss! The man wh o k eeps ~ProfelBor," .al'd J im, " I h eard Mr. r cs<'nt wasle. It you didn 't bave It In m ind wben yo~ W!lson lIay once, 'a pig wilsn't good tb eFe poluts In mind ie the one who asked me to I!troll away back here In. sell l! his boge tor the most mone y a e on bls fee l.' What dId he mean? " thlA qui et ('orner of the conservatorY' "Do yo U 8ee tbat pig- ther e? Now a rule." I sball be atte nd ed. aCter all ,"-Judge. noti ce that ebe do es 1Iol st and up on th e tip of be r toes. S he s tllnus all her H Is Prefe rence. t oe'l trom tb e end back to th e littl e Wlnkleby gnzed III th e n ew trlpletlllo cla ws, which we cu ll dew claws. She with fatherly pride, but not a IIttllt' hns a bad Len d III the lower pa rt at appreb e ns lon III Ills eye. nevertbeless. tbe leg. Th e hend cornell a t what Is "Wbnt Ilre you tblnklng, dellrY" askcallerl th e past ern , n ahort bone beed lI1rs. Wlnkleby, softly. t wee n th e to O!! and the ankles. It a "N ot hin g, d eal', nothing." be sala ~ pig stands up we ll, tbls pas tern Is felterln g ly. "only don't you tblnk the quite straight up, but If she sta nd s It would be wis er tor us beroafter te» badl y. th e foo t Is away down nnd lhe build up onr little family on the in pastern III not well carried. Thal stallm e nt plan ?"-Harper's Weekly. m pans a wenk leg and it cannot su pport a h eavy weight. In early daYB "She Doe. Not Stand Up on the Tip of Her Toe . ... How He Waa Hurt. when tb e peop le had to drive tbelr Sunday Scbool Tencber-And whew pIgs to market, sometimes long d isThl8 ended th e little less on, whlcb t he prodigal 80n ca me hom e, what. tances, s trong legs and bonea we re th o two boye enjoy ed very much. It very Impo rtant . Now-a-days It Is dlf· a ll seom d plain enough anti they bappened , T ommy! Tommy- Hi s rather ran 0 meet ferent. We do not want lo ng legs at , wls bed tb elr falb ers bad b een with an y tln:Ie, but we do want stro ng short them , Th ey saw many fine animals, him and burt hIm self. Sunday School Teacher - WbY.. legs and ::ood fe et, so the pig can BUP- not only Ilmong the bogs, but also wbere .dld you get that? port Its w elgnt well and move about among th e cattle, ho rses and s b eep . Tomm y-It sald bls fatber ra!! a nct ea sl!y and actively." Th ey visited tbe spacious barDS and "Finally," said lbe pro fessor, "tb e judging pavilion where th ey saw stu· te ll on bls neck. I bet It would hurt farmer sbould k eep the kinds that dents judging stock. and otter 'a pleas- you ~ o fall on your neak! make the most m eat and tbe least ant stroll over the beautiful campua, Father Now In 8eoond Pla ce. , w ast e In tbe short est time. Remem- th ey slarted bnck borne more than She was a prim mls8 of Wrtee~ ber what ! said about tlie value a satisfied with the lesllons of the day, who stood before therectnr of ~ .well- . tblck backs and hams and deep sId es. wlt11 tbe ambition In 'tb elr minds to known New York Et\lscopnl churc~ ' R em e mber, aleo, that the butcher pre- be some day students In tbe agrlcul, and looked blm s quare ly In, the eYe; ters tbesl) becauae p eople want tb ese tural college , at Columbus. "Plealle repeat tbat fiftb cOIDlI1anclpa rts to toat; h e does not care ror long (Tbe End.) ment again," he said, 10r be "'ail cat8chlslng her wltb regard to ber eo"I·- · edge at tbe ScrIptures apropoi of th. coming conJlrmatloba. "Honor" ~y motber and thy fatber, that thy· da,.. may 'be long , In tbe ' Iand w hich ' the< The subject of frost protection bas 60 of thElll1 are ueed for each acre, Lord thy God giveth thee," wu th . .. attracted a gr en t deal of attent10n Tbese heaters are placed In the or· response, "Hollor thy mother and " dnrlng the past two or thr. . years. chard BOIDe time before damage from thy rather," musl!li the ",otor, :Wh~ Tbree years a go there was a good frost may be ex pecte d and sbould be taught you that?" uMother," . . . th. deal of criticism of heating "all out r ea;\y for lighting at a mom ent'll no- response. "Thes e are certainly auf-. of doors," as 1t was called, but the tic e. Th eir us e In the early Iprlng fragist da.YB upon which we have '·ral~· eX\Jerlence of a great number of prac- may prevent considerable lOllS from en," remarked the mluillter. "",thee" . :. ~ tical me n hall demonstrated that the frost. used to come first." , i usc of orchard b eaters Is practi cal and tbat th e ir uee a cheap Insur· 'FROM THI!! NORTH CdUNTRVo an~e against damage by frost. 'Ve Where the Winters Are Cold ~ .nd 'th. ha\'!." s pace h e re to little more tban ~now. Deep, " mention the subject. However, we '. J' may state brlefty tbat all beaters are Writing trom the 'Vlnlnlty.. Di,'fIcl cor.sldered to be prefe rabl e to coal Harum made famou8,· a man ' sG .. tIiaL for the r eason that tbey can be more he. waa an habitual coffee drl~r; aDd~ . readily started a s well as refilled, and An Orchard Huter In Which Crude altbough he knew It wal dotilc 111m. so may b e more emclent. harm, wall too obstinate to give It . u~_ 011 I. Uaed, The cost of equipping an orcbard ,~ till all, at 'oz:lce he went to- JI!~cel , W,lth, Arrang'lments can usually be made nervousness and Insomnia, lou' o tv a.,. wl~h oil heaters ehouh.\ be about $25 per acre, It 011 II used a reservoir with the local weatber ' bureau to bels: petite, weakness, and' " ·generaUr In forecastlng frosta. Durlnc thlll used-up teeling, whioh pracUean,.,~ . period the orchard maD mUllt be on lItted :hlm lor his arduous ~CU"tl~'n.:·, tb e alert and when the, tbermo'!leter and kept · him on a couch;- at ~ IiOJD" gets down to near the fre ezing point wh'e n his duty did not call ~ out.· thp ftre sbould be started. Sometimes "While 1D this condition. Orapea p p.rlod of frost does not last for .a Nuts tood was suggeatoo' to me. and L great length of time and hy carefully began to use It, Although, It 'w .. In. watchIng thelle changes a great sav· tbe middle ot wJn t~r. and the ..~__ Ing In fuel may be made, particularly mometer was often.. below zel'O'" l!lm08t • j:rude 011 to Be' Plaoed In Large Can, It ell III uBed, After the frailty lea· my entire living tor about sIx weeks. son Is over the heaters IIhould be of Severe expOBure was on GI'IiJ;ie.Nu~s" "tank must be supplied, usually In the collected. gl'fen a coating of all and food with l\ little bread and butter and. form ot a cement cIstern which will stacked away In • dry place tor the a cup of hot water, till i was-··."'JB.• ~ cost not to exceed $7,60 an acre, Tbe next season's use. It carefully handled enough to make Postum my table~.,- - I larger rellervoir 011 heaters, whleh In this way tliere Is no reason why erage. . . 'to, • :.~' • :. should contain at leaet 10 Quarts, and they should not lallt for Bsveral rean, "After the flret two week~ I '''el~' under ordinary conditions will burn a WENDELL PADDOCK, to teel better and during tli.~ w)1Qi6, qua.rt of fuel per hour should cost In the Professor Of Horticulture, Ohio State winter I never 'lost a tt'lp on ~ ]liat ' ., , . neighborhood at 60 Cent!;! apIece, and University. route, frequently being on the .io~ i f .7 or 8 houn ot a time. . ':. :', ' '\, HEMMING ON A PATCH, square, beIng careful to match lI«nres "The constant marvel to or stripes accura~ely and bavlng warp how a person could do. the a~LO~D~ on a Iquare patch, and woof of patch running In same ,dl. work and endure the fatigue """" .~..,. : merk olr carefully a square on tbe rer-tlon as In the garment. . IbJp as I did, on so small 11Il,:.~~~lilal~: garment to be mended and cut bY' a Baste ' patch to · under sIde of the of food. But I found Dl1 .n'lw,:~o/..9IIlIIt. thread, Cut dIagonally one-quarter garment, then hem down around the so perfectly latlsfactory edge at the ' told on the right side, continued them.-1lBing making very small, ~ea; stltchee. , On and Grape-Nuts at tbt! wrong BIde turn In the raw edge orten ,they comprtlle one·Quarter Inch and hem down flat, "AU mT ne:rv(]'UIiDellll•.Ilrrl,tij~JJl~; allowing stitches to shoW' as little &s inSomnia bave d\(lall,pear~!d.I~I~~.~"~{~ posilible on rlgh~ aide. J . • natural sleep has . A. round patch IB made In t~e .s"m!, way as the s quare patch, except that est surprise But wha't has to been the opening and patch are cut round with the, beneflt tD.stead of square, ' ~aa , com::e~a~~~~i~I'~'~~~~~~ ANNA FRANCES BLuHM. College of Agriculture, ', o~o . .Unlverslty, . '.,' I ~. ',;

.more. e~r!uL~~ FaJt'J'lJiLlrU'D.~;:''''''~-1 I--

A woman's Iclea or'he aven III I place Where eVery d ay' 18 a bargaIn day.

Constipntion cnU ke. nllt! npgmvBte<l T':t~Y aerioll s Ili:,cn H~" . It itt t l, on,lUl{h l,y. cure (,:... Dr. Pierr e'. l' I~8 Mflllt l'ellet•. 'lbe fDoV

(By C. !II. Plumb, College uf AgT e lculture, Ohio Slat e Unlvl'rslty.)

"Remember What I Said About the Va lue of Thick a_ekl _nd De ep S Idel,"

Ha m.





II hem~ing

CultIvate Cheerfulnel'" 1t:eeplng up one's courage -lagreat extent a matter of habit. o't me~ " ~ cllro~~aJIY down ' mou~ ju: t JI~use they . h,are IOI~'~o. th6 1i~bl~ Rlgbt- bealde . such " ~;;:]::;ii~~~~~ 'YQu'~ 1f~J1 ,find ·q.the~ ·.lIft,. , ~er "" 1lUt'1l,'llai'fbil" ' UI,an; ' :w.or'll8~on: ,a Dd .a ' !tundred pel' • •






An Essential Part

of Religion


Poultryman Must. Have Fixed in His Mind Line He Wlsbes to Follow and Thea Bend Every Effort to Curl y " Oglo-Several Little Things That Need


Counteo"felter Get. Stiff Ssntene .. W illiam Fink. & Brooklyn. N. Y .• de.l.. In drug •. 1\' ''0 Rent en ced by th e Ne .. York Court ot Speclat 6.· •• 1o n.. to Imprt.onmflnt In U l e p p nlte nfln r y at h a rd labor. f ur t/'l Uf tnorlths. T h~ dlll r6l'. w all count "r rt~ l t1ng th e trade-mR rk ( o r ('arttor'lI Llt-

II . LI ver Pills. In vl " IHlion law.


the p"n&1

Th e C Il rtf'r M~r1lrlnp Com pR n y rl et e c ht4

fh.- r OUllt t;' r (rl t b l' ( o r a nny Qun fltlty o f the Sp ll rt OIJ.R I;0ocl " h o d b~t,'n plU l'cd upo n tb.

morkpt .

I n e ""ntfln " lnlf F' lnk. J uuRt! neuel

hald Hp,.rl n l AI r f"':i5 u p n n tb. Injur y d on e t.:. t he p ubli C' wh .. n H. Tt!mflldy 8 0 wf'll known. n it C'R rtf' r'", I.ltt ll· Lh· .. r PII1Ji 18 countflrfrll"!1 nnrl pllt on t he n l,tket. He 1m .. p ose'rt t hf\ PI(lnte n t',.. n('lt only a. the proper punhth m c nt o f F i nk 1 1 11\I A.~ lt . hut In or. df"r fo d"!I"' r o t ht'rs fr n rTl the ( ~um mt s8 loll ''It li ke (rl1~J(' t'I I n t hf' tU l u r e,

LRpland i" a Ilr(,llt "ounll'y ror small be a Cbrls tian Is to lie a 101· ,' blldren. lo wer ot Cbrlst. And tbe mall who wants to be a fo ll owe r ot Tnr .i mr1r lifr i. h.. l.. r ", t ,0"1' onl,. e h rl st must sludy tbe chara c· :TI ,.d ll·lfU" lll- (J nrtlft1 ,l ·reft. lhe pure a.n<l 11I'1\' f'1l n"fl)("d y . All d r u gg l .. t • . tel' or Chr ist that h e Ul ny Ulake It hi s own . PolI,"' s 1II1~llt !lOI bp so bfld but ror J ee u9 d e Mll e d bl8 owo charncter In ~ n m(> or Ihe IIP""I ,· In I ver y plain worda. "The SOli of Dlau I~ come n ot to he s e rv ed. bu t to serve. and to gIve ." To serve uud to gIve must lJo our m o tto Ir we wlsb to be foll o wers 01 J es us . H e Sile nt bls life In se n ' lce , sayi ng " I lUll com o down fro lll Ileaven not to do my owo will. lou t th e will or hIm tha t sent Ill ('." aud aft e r he bad finish ed tb e wo rk which God bad given blm to do (J ohn 17:4) he gave hi s life a ransom for many. HE Nli:ent sinking of lhe Brltillb In tbat quantlty or wa.ter In a tew Giving Is tberelore an essential lubmarlne A3 and tbe drown· moments. It overrun and pierced by part of rollowtng Jesus. a 8 mll c b 80 &8 y 0\1 c~n hav e the pretoIng of everyone on bourd a BUrCa(:e craft the submarine would Bervlce Is. And It Is tb e duty ot every liest wall. in your to""'o again caUs attention to the be sent to the bottom like the load e d. eb rlstlilll to consid er cllrerull Y and .t the coot. OUl' expert duign"ro .. 111 hazards fa«ld In crart of tb Is pertorated uncorksd bot Ue. Tbls la prayerfully wbat he can and .hould plan the work for you eort. Compared with the total num · Just what happen ed the other day to give, and tben to study tbe dltte rent FREE . ber of UDder water boaUt built and In the A3 . This brief outline or tbe gen· ways 10 which be can serve God ettec, lIervlce toda,. tbe I09S of life Incl· eral I)rlnclple upon wblch an under tlvely for bls gtfts . Most persons Get Thia Book 4ent to the deve lopment ot tbese ves· wat e r bo at Is made r eady to submerge seem to begin at tbe wrong e nd by 20 Pretty Room. eell II perhaps not so great. but the and Is cont ro lled below the su rfac e waiting till some special appeal Is - ~ wlll .wI rou • (ePJ rr-. clrcum.tances surrounding death In ma kes It el18Y to understand some ot mad e. and tben gIving under tbe 1m· It leU, how 10 b u., tbe bat ..... a lubmarlne are lucb lUI to mak.e a the a cc id ents lhat have bappened to pulse 01 tbat RPJHlal without bavlng r.d nr II Ie-." C'OIt.lI tun 01 U'W c-alo r Kbema u ' abc . . lUI... Rhode Island Reds Good Layers and Weigh H~avlly. 4eep Impresalon. subwa. rlnes. vI lb ••• qulw. AI..a..buu.c ~ formed any dennlte purpose a.a to tbe Much haa been done to mak e the 'am o u I #Of tJH::U ~ The Ameri can n avy has been fortu· total aDlou nt to b e cfv en In the course Qulld ... (By A. O. PJ-III.I.I Pti. 1,.,,"",.) mukes tbl' bs(' k 8f1pNlr so m ew hat aubmarlne aaffr than It W83 15 yea r s lIate 80 tar In Ita experience with 01 n yeBr. And It Is r e asonably safe 'To insur, e th e be st HUcrf'SB In this nurrower. gl \'l ng Ihe body a V·sh UI>ed .ngo. but the Ingenuity of man may Bubwarlne boats. althougb the re hall to suy that most of those who giv e never lucceed In making the se boat" been more than on e narrow escape only In thi s way give a mu cb emaller wor k . th .. Il0ultrYUluIl mu s l lirsl ha " " ap Jlf'uraIH'(' rrOIn th .... buck downwurd at reaaonabl,y Becure from Budden d&- trom disas ter . Tb e most thrilling at proportion of their tota l IncoUle tbaD tlx ed In his mind tile Iiue he wi s hes 011 the 1;1<1(' s a ~ vlew.'d frOID tb e r e ul' . to roll ow find th en bell.1 e\'cry e ITurt ThuS . Il bod y \ ··s hapE'd In three dl 8lructlon at other vellsllis. The near· these WBS tb e case or the PorpoI se . they slIPPQ8e. Th. B.,aatihl Wall Tuat to cnrry !t oul. H h e wls h t)s to breed re.·tlons In dl clI l l'ij Illrg e Ilrodu cllve eet approacb to a -submarine In whIc h went to the bollom In 120 reet I mo,. III ..ope tQ modern SystematIc Glvtng. he n" for t· ggs. th e Jlr Rt Ib ll1g h .. Inllsl po wer . ; . strength of hull Is tbe battlesh ip, a nd of wat e r o rr Ne wport In August . 1904 . rhan waU ,..per or paiOt I, A ~ood laYf'r Is lo nger In ho dy. nc r'k '&I leN.. All uao01lne I Syst ~ malt c gh' ln g Is th e only true do Is tu &F lect hi s stock wit h th at obthe very lize of tbe battleship mak es Structurally sh e was not designe d , .nb and " ,ude betide and Ie,," thull U lll l'lll ' prod uc lllg he n . 'I nti. Att.u luld , .. nltary, l Oti It posllble to minimize the conse· tor a sUDlbe r!;en ce oC thi s cb aract e r . wa y: ror It 18 th e only way that Is jeet In vi",\\,. A rllrtne r who t E'PtJs 8 tN' I' ~ ro r be<' r S I\(' s land" up ..... rll and has n well ftn{.doa 001 chi", pnl or rub quences ot damage by aubdh'lslon or and her touks. Bome of her plp- based on a Crank recogllatlon oC God's 10 U~lult wh _ lib the ship's, Interior, especially the lu g and otb er parts 01 th e boat leak - claims and an honest e rrort to mee t procJuC' tl,m picks OUI IntJ I\'i<lual : wllkh spreu d \all. ObKl' r\'atlo n h as sho wn .uer and put em. OIrcctloru th a t iI I' ln.'h·Ii.ll ed Lf' g horn Is not ,acb pacnae. Full J.1b.. DKkqL th em . The Nushville Christian AdvoconCaI'm' l os '!~ l to th e t)'P" of anima l space Iynlg between the oul er and ed. For nearly lbree-quarters or nn Wb llo sUe. RquW Tln .. SSc. the Inner skins. In a submarine. how- hOllr her erew struggled with the cate mnkes tbe foll ow i ng se ns ible reo whi r' lI hI' (·on.Jdr-rs \\'o ili d 11I 11 1(e t ho g "II(, 1'" II)' us goo d 11 laye r as Is a fall ' tull ed on e. marks on this subj ect : be st C epd .. r . 'fhi s t y \> .. Is (' n ll re ly <l1f· ~yer. an outer and an Inner bottom . hand pump. and On ~l1y obtained a Th e ch" ra" !('r of the I)pad '"rnI Mh. "Tbo us ands u pon tb o uslinds have (.. re nt [ro m Ih e on!' a dairyman wou ld wIth Inte"4}nlng alr space. would Im- buoyancy or someth ing like 100 In~s Is 1111 Intll C'at lon of t he hen'!1 In yadopted tb e tltblng system. nnd It sp ler t for hI s dlllry hf'reJ. Th e m Ull JIOI8 conditions whlcb would serious ly (>ounde. which lilt ed tbe bow. At cripple the emclency 01 tbe craft. In on re tbe electrIc mo lo r WIlS s tarted sbould ue no matte r or s urprh.e to wh .. ~p l ec l ~ n hor ~e to lis e on n. b eu\')' In g co n .litl oll . Wll f' n a be ll Is In full layin g her ('omb I ~ full and brig ht ~ftect there are double hull s In boats 11I1d the boat driven to ·tb e surCace : those wbo beHeve In Cod and his word dr nl!: WH~on hUllt" for on" will e h he oOt this delcrlptJon, but the steel skins Tbut accIdent made naval officers cau- tbat tb e se thoussnds upon thousands Ihln\c5 (an h.",t do t hut work . whll (' r ed. Somf' Pl y moutb Ro dcs whe n l uy ln ~ h",,\'lI y wIll have lo pped ro mh R. form the boundlug walls or ballast IloilS. and tor se ve ra l years afterward are womlertu!ly blessed In their SPI!'- I t he 1n ,11I ",· I".· tln/l: U I'U 'f' h orse woul" and th" rC'lor e IH~ ( 'O ITH! dl s'Julllltle.1 as tan'luI Into Which water Is admitted to Am e ri c an s ubmarines were somewhat !tual lire and In theIr material attain. ph' k OUI! 0 1 un e ntire ly dlrre l·e nt. can· and be compel1rd to pay to your 'andlord mod show bird s. WIl e n hcnij n,e m o lting rJ )lour h.rd-earn~d proft' J.~ Own your owo Increalle the dead welgbt 01 tb e yes· r.octdl ed. Today Ameri can under wa- Yet th e re may be a misleading tnllu. ro~~noll o ll . f arm . 8~cur. . . Free H o me.l~ad tn I hU 8. III IlI te \1l g!' lIt Re le t·tlOI.1 of o~r the y IU"6 a ll th ei r c'olor In { ~r" a nd Manitoba, Sn.,.,.tc:hewan Of and to caule them to 108e JU8 t 80 ter craft are vastly Improved and tbey ence In the m eaning ord inarily lltco mb II nJ the .I::e of theIr co'lnbs be· Alberta, or pu rcha •• 'acbed to the word s. ' 1 gIv e n tenth to liv E' ti loel, I h e IHlqlose for Wlll Ch It lS much buoysncy. To be eure when run· are being exercised with much BUClan4 In one of theM come \'ery s nlllll. bu t as soon a8 taylng God.' Tbere Is danger that people to ~ us':" I. flr"t determln ed . III a p· dlotrlch .n4 b •• k • nlng In surface trim tbe ballast tanks cess . commenC'es. the ,l'ombs en laq;e alld !!rallt of S I 0.00 a. From the very begtnnlng service In will tblnk that we may give nine- pi ) Ing lolls prlm'lple In th e poultry are.a factor of safety. and II damaged SI2.00 • • • 0'. th e color r pt urns . !11 a ny Ins tu!:: ces in that condition the subma rin e Is as eubmarlnes has been voluntary. No tentbs to ourselves as loog as w. \ bU Rlncss . t he re are several thin gs evary ~ •• r" have bee n not ed wltb Legborns and Land purcbaa.d a gtve one-tenth .to hIm . whlr'h M h ou ld be co ns id e r ed In Belect· weU olr a8 any ordInary craft ot slm· man Is orde red to duty aboard one ,.Hr. aco . t '10.00 an Mlnorcas whicb Indlclilto t hat the In g h('n .. to r hl)·e rs. " ~w.. a er e haa recent1, liar seaworthiness. Untortunately a l\ 01 the m unl ess he asks tor sucb a deGod demande the l e n·tenths. He lelle Th •• Itrs t thlllg to noth' e concerning birds wttc the largest Rnd r eddest c han 8' .4 hand, at the acetdents that have happened to tail. and In this manner alono Is the u. tbat In supporting ourselves and. . 125.00 an acre. Th. our tamlllesa and In supplying tbe the Sh a pE! Is , as to whethe r or not th e combs ure In hea vy·laylng condition. crop'lrown on th ••• 8ubm.a itnel have occurred When these eervlce recrul ted . A laying hen works and hunt s Cor . he n Is rullgy or boc·k y. A borky he n 1. n d. warrllDt the boata were either running Bubmerged adyam:e' l YO\l can social. c ivic. mental and spiritual de- Indicates a ment produce r. while tbe food a ll dar. Is the first orr of tbe or were being' trimmed. that Is, taking WIFELY DUTIES OF WOMEN mande of our natures. we are truly glvlllg to blm . It would 'be mucb bet- m ore rangy on e Indicates the produc· roost ancl the In s t to go to roo st. CI'~r ballaat aboard for unde r water Some claim the pelvic bone test to lion ot eggs . Sinee the d c ve lollment worll or when they were deO clent In Mme. Maeterllnck Set. Out Ten Rul •• t er to aay w b en Iay Ing as Ide t a b t tentb which I r G d : 'W bll w or tbe egg to a large extent. takE'S be fln'lll and conc lu s ive. Imme diat e lY r8serve buoyanc,. for the GuIdance of Her Mar8 or 0 e e pla ce In tbe region of the bod\' b elow b elow the tall at tbe e nd 01 s ide Like. Corked Bottle. ried SI.te .... teel that we sbould give nil to God. the broad part ot tbe ba ck . that part pieces of the back are two som pwhat Take a bottle and put Born'! shot Into we are giving this one-tenth to blm of th e body should be bronder than bony protub, I'a n,'es . These are called tt, jUit enough to make It Ooat upApropos 01 ber Orst Visit to Amanca for t be support or his churCh and his the fore \l8rt. This gl\'es to tbe body the pelvic or "lay " bone s. Rnd are 'I'1lht. and then cork It. It will never tbe tollowlng philosophical decalogue little ones who tbrong tbe hl~hwaye a V.sha ped appearunC'e as viewed ju st abo\'(' the \'ent tbrough which alnk unlels It II punctured so tbat en· Is of special Intereet aa revealing the and the byways of the world. This from th e top the email part of the the eggs must pasR. \Vhen an e gg terlng water can expel the buoyant· atUtu.Je taken by Mme. Georgette Is tbe idea which establlehes tbe V lying tl\w~rd the Iront. When a Is laid , these bones must be forced air. It ,"OU made a .mall bole In tbe Lablance Maeterllnck. wile of tbe Bel· proper ratio between wbat belonge to ben Is in beavy laying condition. her apart t o allow Its free passage. Wh e n under alde of 11\e bottle. ' tbe aaak glan Shakespeare. toward tbe wifely one part ot God's work Ilnd wbat be- abdomen Is lower than th e breast line. t hese bone s are soft and pliable. and ",oUld link d~eper. but 1l would not dutle8 01 women: longs to anotber part. Tbls gtves the body tbe anpe arnnce sprelid 8u ffl c lent to allow tbree fingers 80 .to the bottom. It would be more 1. Remember always tbat the true RecognItion of God'. Gift.. ot being V·sbaped . IlB viewed from to be placed between tbem. It Is an H, •• WIUIA •• alug,lah In relponle to surface dis· wife Is tbe Inseparable halt of the "One-tentb of what we reoelve from tbe side along the top and bottom Intilcatlon that the be n Is laying. II 413 a.... ne' Btd,., Tolodo. otIle turbances, In fact leam less disposed only complete human unll. In which tbey are bard and bony , and close PI--. wrl\41 to tb ...... t"_Nd ,.._ God- aud we receive from no other lines. wltb the sUlall jlBrt 01 the V than ever to capsize. two small and Imperfect indlvlduall· band-Is Burely not too much to gt,.. toward tbe front. This enlarg ement together. tbe hen would not be con· 8UllPD18 nOw on the other hand that lisa bave become merged klto a larae to blm lu carryIng out his purpOR" of the body In the abdominal r egion sldered as laying at that time. YOU looien the cork .0 that air may and perfect one. • • • ~-.~~--~~---"""'.....:...--~---~---~~--~eacape then the nuk will flU Quick· 2. Each half of the wedded whole througb his cburcb. Some people tblnk ly and it will be only a .hort while be- retains special fUllctions; yourS are tbat It IB too little. One thing Is cer· all and In addItion nitrate of 80da aptONI the bottle dl,appears. In a gen- tD dlsoern. to antlclpa.te. to yield. to taln : no Bacrlfiee for Ood has ever plie d broadcas t In tbi-eo or lour ap· Nine times in ten when the liver .. eral way this Is parallel to the func- cheer, pllcatlons durIng tbe growing 8e1180n. to BOotb&-and tbus to made the maker unhappy or les8 pros· right the stomach and bowels are right. perou . ... tion Dt filling the ballast tanka at Iltrengthen. Wood ashes conijtltute one of tbe . a suli'mii'file, water taking tbe part b est forms of Ilotallh lertlllzers and CARTER'S LlTILE 3. Never trust to blrellngB tbe eB"He that Bowetb sparingly shall there or shot tn the bottle. and the ee.nllals ot your hWlband 'e physical should be carefully kept unde r sbelter UVER PILLS I!'entlybut firmly puncture being a duplicate ot tbe we ll being; ulld erstand and frequent· reall also sparingly: and be that BOW- Plant 'F lourlshes In Rich. WeU. away from raIns. pel a lazy liver Dral neel Loaaa-Avolcl HtUval,.el which a submarine opens to 11' practice tbe art of selecting and etb bountllully shall reap also boun· It 18 well to bear In mInd that it do its duty. 8Ilel~8, Heavy Clay anel tllully. Let each man do according as allow water to pall! similarly upward preparing bls tood. COlts Just B.8 m llC b to seed and cu ItI· Cures ConStoDe.. into the ba1l~t tanks. But not e nougb 4. De sure eac b .Ia) that bls gar- be hath purposed In bls heart: not vato a crop of onIons that yi elds 300 atip&tion. I.grudgingly, or of necessity : for God water from the 88& would enter the m ents ar e wbole. cle an and suited to bushels to the acre as It does to grow ~.e.tlon, loveth a cbeerful giver. And God I. Tbe Ibes, soli for onions Is a rich. a crop yIeldIng 800 1.0 1.0 00 bush els . ~ick tankl It all' were not permitted to es- the seallon . cape from them, a.nd BO vents are onen· 6. COllsllWte yourselt on Infallible able to make nil grace abound unto well·dra.lnf ,l loam . H ..avy c lays. hl\l· and Oiotr... After Eatin •• ed In the tops of the tanks. nnd the barom ete r whereby to fore cast and you: thnt ye having nlways all sum- sides a.ud stony land should be avoid· SMALL PILI" SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRlCI.;· Q]lelled all' generally mingles wltb re nd e r barmle Rs those electrical dis· clency lu everything, may abound unto cd. Onion soli cannot be too ri ch . Exce ll ent crops are grown on deep, Genuine must bear Signature 'tbat In the free space Inside of the turban ces peculiar to the married every good work." rlcb. mucl lands that hav e bee n un· veliel. Of course tble produces I a state. 6. Be to your husband's dark moods PERFECT PATIERN OF CHRIST ~ er cultivation for three or four resrs. 811&'h't atmospheric pressure. but It Is Sucb lu nd:! should contaiu a fair mix· not objectionable. t he s ubtle . unsu s pected antkiote; to So tar tbe submarine Is I1k e the hill joyous mood tile companion spirit Rational C~ltlcl.m Unable to Take ture of slInd . New, raw muck lands Wetsht. as Show-D tu ilie Illust.ra, UOD. Holds ilie Sack tu gl\'6 IIoor returnH. (:orked bottle, all ot ber hatches b&- of joy. MOTHER 'GRlYIS SWEET Away DivIne Attributes of the PosluonWhtle It 18 The grO llDd tor onions should have 7. Save your caresses until you pe r· tn, Bealed. Now tn order to bring tbe ~ POWDERS FOR OHILDREI Belnlr Filled. Son of God. been "lao ted to some h ea vily manur ed under water boat down deeper In tbe celve that his dinn e r bns been wltb· R('lleve Jl('y ~ ri 5 hne,qt, Co aatipa.. tion ,Cold ~n ud ('ort'f" c l d;sor"'('rsol out a Maw: kisses to II. hungry IUIiU hoed cron th e Ilreced lng ye ar ·nud uo water. 90 as to make her responsive th e !' lomQc h LUHt bowtls. Uud 6, Thle illu s tration explul n s the con · It Ie Christ rath!!r than God whom practically free from weed seed. It to her diving rudders when she Is In are lik e troth to a parcbed to ngu e . ftfn lh(t J/o " 2~j t"a"J. At all Om .... . v L:t lS ·: .Cje. ~f\ m fll (" mnilffi PRKIt. 8. Your tongue for aS8e nt : Cor argu- Cbrlstlanlty bas beld up · to bellevera Ie a great m ls takn to g row onions Oil s trll c tl oll or a ('oll\' e l1lent b ag·h cld f' r. matlon. more water Is admitted to a TLtoDK _.4ILI:. AoJlIr('." A. 5. Olm.t.tI. L.It••• N. V. The welg llt, hung as s hown. r este us the pattern of llerCection for humliln- weedy or ruu -.lowu laud. tlpeolal tank, and the cork of this ment use only your eyes. 9. When your husband hll8 an at- Ity. It Is tbe God Incarnate. rather Th e followln!' wbl('h rflslps to oni on tank Is drawn, tbe air escapIng. but the hatches etlIl remain tighl As a tnck or go ut. depr ecIate th e art ot th,W the God of the J ews or of nature growing on tL large scale al so applie s who, being Idealized. uae taken e,' to gard en growIn g. result the little craft has sUII .a buoy. dancing. 10. If you would conv ince you r hilS , great and salutary a hold on tbe mod ant margin which holds her at the surA rather firm !;eedbed whic h resllitR face; , two or three hundred pounds ndd- bllnd thut you are a bett e r actr ess ern mind. And, whateyer else mar from fall plowin g Is d es lra hl e an.1 ed weight would make her elnk and It than Bernhnrdt. a better dnnC'e r than be taken away trom UB by rational gl\'es best resul t.a. A second (' ron II the commanding officer'e particular Pavlown. prove to him thnt ),ou are a criticism. Christ Is stili left: a unique of clover. heavil y ferUllz ed with barn figure, not more unlike all his precur· yard manure and turn ed und er In th e (l' to .ee thdt leakage does not de- better coo It than M. Escof!l e r. sors tban all his followers. even thole tall followed by polatons the n e xt ye ar 1!Itroy this retlerve. The Gentler. Sex. wbo bad the direct beneHt of bls per· makes 8.n exce llent IlreparntJon for How They DIYe. They were tal1ling of war. and t.he lonal teaching. It Is of no USB to eay onions the Becond year. The dl1'lng ruddel'll compel the craft to ~ ~der .w atel' agalnBt an Impulse young man mentioned that one of hie tbat Christ. as exhibited In the gos· A h eavy top dress ing or well·rotted of qnI7, a (ew: hundred poundB of buoy. anl-'Eletors vias killed during the revo, pele, Le not historical. and that w. barnyard manure or compost ebould -q;' and !hIli buoyancy II alwllJ's ez. lutlon. "He was a brave man." be know not bow much of wbat Is ad· be applied In tbe spring. and well ertlnj a IINnl ·force to bring the 1'e1l- said. "and we are all very proud of his mlrable has been superseded by the worked Into the soli. After this a com· ~ I'u , ""Uef BroocbJt1. and AIUlma. No opl.toe. t:'~rupl0 free. 10•• I. Sao.a .. SO., BoMoD. MMe. Who plete commercIal fertilizer analyzing ~I te;. ~e . lUJ'face · When the englns record." The young woman looked traditions of hla followers. among hla disciple. or amono ' their ..~ .... To : lncteaee, the meaaure of pensive. 4 per cent. nitrogen, 8 per cent. availA Bag·Holdel". "I had an uncle wbo was killed In prollelytes was capable of InventlDl ~1;~etY u;t~ that thl able phosphoric and 10 per cent. POtthe 011'11 WlU' the very first battle be the BaylngB ascribed to Jeaua. or of . :d1~~ ba~e to be aet ash Ihould be applied . against th e back of tbe uprIght POBt . at to drlve the boat ever went Into." she eald. "He waB Imagining the me and character ~ Thltl fertilizer formul& II very popu· and bolds the bag at tbe desired ~eep !.1f!r under the onl7:. a p~,.at., eo he hadn't made anT ve&led In tbe COBpel~ T Certainly not lar with large onion growers, and It belght. Jo' explanation I, un· . the fishermen of Oa1\1e,; a. certainly of the pOwer ot the record." . ':"That "'AI bard," said the ,oung not 8t. Paul, wbole \,iharacter od .houltl be put On broadcast and thick . neceesary. . ID ~T~OMP'ON'I~~·'I:t..:a= If t.he ground Ie In a hleh state of ~E E!'~~"'''­ fol'WUd' ~, "to be Dot clown In hla Int en'\ldloaynCraale. wer~ of & totall,. 41r- eultlvation Guarding Agaln.t 8cretche •. ~O~ L . 1 f eolll.~~ T. the commercial fertiliser p.~~at" _ : . . ferent IOn; sWl 1...· the early Chrla:-One ot tbe belt preventive. of mil, _ In p~, tile · barnyard ,}~ ~~. ~~. ',doW'll," MId the Uan writer., IIi "hom notlllnlf la mo~. Icratchea 10 borlel II to keep tbe ~_ wo-. > '~• • ·tel;! " and ~, bro_ , endellt than that ~. 1004 w~lch . . . manure. A top' drelalul or ubel and feet cleaJ\, If mud II permItted to Ifeil 1I~"ar. mtcht allo replace III part ... " .......b. . II. .. ... ,rGJUllq «oft· III them ft. all d4irtnd, .. a .. dry on the f.Uocb In1ta&1oa ·l. Uk., . bill; .1 daIDi: {.....fa a1rtlil .eruel. 4oIa1 ,..,. prof....4'lt w.., froDi til. IaJM; the co"...ete1al fert1l1sers. ' n __fbl-. 'wer. . . . . • them to eJliue. "l','-YOjalll'. o.a~ ~ .....,.Job IitiIut. _ . ' 1 \ . ~-



Free Color Plans

for any rooms you want to decorate


-",,- -




Why Rant a Farm

'" II


Make the Liver

Do its







Brown's Bronchial Truches 'D








,. .. "• , •





l. -:..."':""":'-:,~




_.. t

... ~.i


_ _ .___ !!S!_ 2E!L _ _

, ~pray Save


Your rrrees


Frui~" ... I ncreasc the Y ie ld very ::lick .



Mill:le~ Edna e.nd Fnll1ces Janney hav p. lite 11l1lIllp ~ .

The U. S. lime Sulphur Solution

Mrs . .J . 1-'. CnJwallader ill spending

At 25c per gallon. Diluted


10 to 50



. per lb., 5 cents

For Saturday Only

thn day in Xenia.

In answer to many inquiries re:'v1r . H. Dakin, of Ha rve}s uurg, ~ard in g Wellare Work and factory wa~ ill tuwn today ,lectures, the National Cash Register ,' Company, of Day ton. announces that Mr. and Mrs. J . 13 . Chapman were " Ieven illust rated lectures are given in Sprinl,.rilol'o. Monu llY · weekly in the N . C. R. Hall for In.

\\ah'r. So ld a I,

gallons of

S('al('~ and In~cds .

N. C. R. Co. AnMwers Question8 By Stereopticon Slides and Moving Pitture8 in Natural (;olor.

~;mley .

Fancy Hand Picked Navy Beans


Seed Potatoes and Onion Sets

Mi s,; Ella of Lebanon , lI ust l'ial ucati on at Dayto n. T h ,ese I ustrated talks, free to all L' '. ' "rlu ay WI II I re Ia t'l h' ~s - Ilere ' . ' . . Ili tereRted, are gwen tWi ce dally on Lk M. W . Lang. of l{idgeville, !\londuy . Tuesday, Wednesday. Everything indicates high er prices for Seed h:l ~ \lllrc hl\~ed a Foni rlln auoul. Thursday and Friday at 10:00 a. m. Call and !'ice th I:1tnt and hest ,'pray Pump Potatoes and Onion Spts . Our seed is all and la.;tinR' until 11 :30, and at 3:1)0 II I r~ . !\lamil' CUl1Illlings. II f Xeni a I p , Ill. and la~linr: ulltil 'l::m. On Northern g rown and has been selected in every W ;I,; the gut'~t of rl'lat lve~ Tu t·!lday. ; ~atul"day ollly one lecture ill civt'n, case for quality. Lf'aveo your order with us. al \(1:1)0 a . rn ., 1\IIlIIasling ulitilll ::JO, '1 .\II s.~ Clar;1 lI awlle. I'; III I layton, E.\\'': RC iG\ ( \, li AV l J '~ ~, ,..... ,. " ... ,." ,..' ,..,,., ,.',., ,..,,,, ±"""'''''''~t'l!." . 11 ,'1.I Uise lht' fa clo/,y c losell at noon. , ; -1'- -i'- 'Yt ':if: '0- .J'- -T- -, ..or- -'r- "i'" T t hl' ),[lIe,;t of her ~I st",r, Irs. J uhn Cenuine Red River Early Ohios, Red TriThese lect ure,; a nswer nlany quei:l'1 l (-' geul ·{",d r. , : ' Ul't' n t umph (very early ), Round Rose, Hebrons, r·I,,· t'r ~ Frll ll1111 ti on!:>, daily asked of the Com pany I-'~' I IUJ! 01 H ,\ (III" H ~l \, 1: . ,:] . , fy ..I Early Six Weeks, Long Early Rose, Kings aTid its emp loyE'S, co ncerning iL'I hi s" 1 'el , -{ .:. ~.::, c. (; . Williamson ha~ returned tllry and mt'thod.;. Ib ,· ~'-' nrli t ' l I' 1' 1 h " .I· ~c" r Carmens, Irish Cobblers, fancy table po· JI II\' f\xis t ~ . :1r.,\ " ' Ill r·\·, ll r '-1\1l ,I ".~~ hOIlH' afler a trip thro ugh Alabama The lectu rt' is enlitled "From "" ; : . ~ UIUECT TO TilE I{E I'UB~,~ d 1\\ ' . . . 1.1,, tatoes. 1n J: H.0Y cr tl p rn t~ lti OIl "" I .~ .""'. un IHSISllllJPI. SliJertown to So uth Pa rk." It tells ~llb tHaw t" r the ('lu~ " 1 . ' I' /lll -:!: L1 CAN 1'~ It\\AR\'. tllr . and Mrs. Wm. Phillips, of how the co-operation of the peoplf'! !In ' IU 'Jll -.~~-a. rr~ .................... :~:' i\lA \' 21, 191:! Cente rville, wcre in town Tuesday, of a neighborhood changed unkf'!m pt. ~ . ,r IOROY .Y'!ll r ~ t hn I II :x p t' T! - ,.'~ un tiay and unsatisfactory conditions (ht' g UI'sL lIf fri end s. .JJIIt ; JU A, t .';tll tion hll!l n~. ,, 1 I h · ~I yhf 'an .:.... to ilea utifu l su rro undings. Valuaule . r II b : n 1:,:' '.11' ~': 1.: "" .." :, 1.:,.!t-i" , '" .~ . .." -J1\. ",if: 11M ' Joll II Mnll-Il t It" • . · 11 · Mrs. Sue lI awke inspected the hi n·,:! !:Lre given in landscape garden! plullt lire: ~!og IlpjJr pc\l\!.lUn of Eastern Sta r Cha pter at LeesL urg, ing and nf'!ig-hborhood improvement .J , I,a 11... I v ol'y VII IllIll,le 'H td I n . AUDITOR work . I";ll "'r id ay night. Ohio, ra~ ' tlrOtlS 01 I bo \ lhio e.. Tf , r Bill ., f"r:1I1k n. Forgy The hall in which the lecture is I tl I ~a7 ,If t.tHB ~t"tiOIl , n 10 11.11 I ~ooo Locust Fence Posts for sale given. has just been completed, seata \Vill R. I.cwis J.lrt, ~ ". i,:lvei:l full LInt li l~ " ; ,1 t uo at rig-ht prices. Call on W. H. Mad ::;00 peol'll ., and is the most modern Highest milrket price paid for country produce. ,vi II iJH oullure of I,ho Ho yt. ~ nn. " den & Co , Co r win . Ohio. of its kind. The most up-to -date Bon , frll8to fin .v fl1rllltl r 11'1 1 n Il ntl~ L~ I CO,\\M ISSIONE RS moving pi ctures are shown, includit Corwin Elevator will have a car of ing plant life, pictures in KinemllJ. C. Haw\,e Another reenfOrC8IUf'nt Ilf t he bay Northe rn Whi te seed oats this week. co lor, flowers, etc. by means of the S. L. Irons "up~ly i8 110 mixture of tIll' ( ·.Intl ,ln Sper ial p r :ce~ off the car. most modern ap paratus , microscopic I F o r SU~ ' n Dd Ttl rm } flelu pea aDd Olitll. Tbi ~ oro!, lIIay and otherwIse . Frank D. Miller i\11'. and Mrs . John Stanton, of I . hI) ~ rown eucf'(lsRfully Il')rt h olf Llie ~ I' or Set'Olld TI,rl11) . k d ts t A I w ho care to mspec t the factory la.'itude of Golumbus, I\dd if pr oper F . S. Simpson Frank li n. were wee ·.en. gues 0 will be escorted by competent men ly handled may be ml1da into bllY ( Fur SL'('ourt Ttlrl1l 1 Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Meeks d!'! tailea for that purpose . Visitors ._ _ of very 8::toelient quality . A good Misses Blanc he and Reva Sh~ehan are welcome at any time between way of 8eeding ill to BOW the pells PROSECUTI NG AHORNEY were the we-ek-end g uests of Misses 8:00 o',clock in the morning and 5:15 with 'he grain dJ i11,settln~ &he drill Edith and Rachel Sheehan. o'clock in the afternoon. Elderly Frank C. Anderson 80 al to put the leed three or four people will be furnished wheel chairs Pure Northern Grown Inoh08 deep. and lowing 'he oats In Ernest Rosnagle, of Columbus Should you desire further informa: PROBATE JUDGE front of t.he drill, thus giving the was the Saturday and Su ndayeuest tion, address J. C. Hale. Welfare oots a shallow covering About II Martin A. Jameson of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway. Department, The National Cash Re · Fancy Yellow and White buahel and a half el\oh of the oats gister Co., Dayton, Ohio, Corwin Drake and pells should be sown per aore. You are cordially invited to attend --The Canada pea may be prooured of the Spring Millinery Opening, at REPRESENTATIVE DENIES FALSE REPORT aeed lIou88s In 'l'or0'\!i0, Cleveland, Bulk and Packaee We are paying,!the THE LANE HAT SHOP, in Lelllanon, Garden and Flower Seeds Columbus, Toledo and' Detroit. J. M. Mulford Saturday, March 30th . The Canada pea will endure oold PersIstent rumors are prevalent in J-I-_~B:.U:.I::~~S:..w~ee.:.:.:t.:P..;e...a_Seed ';""''''''''''''''.-ftlr-~ Highest Cash Price ... -wall AI ea'e, bQt~ the Soy bel1n 1M John Everhart arrived hom .. Satcertain parts of the lltate to the ef. New Salt Fiala. New Cabblllre, for Hogs, Veal Calves TREASURER urday night after a six months visit feet that lO.e one purporting to be Jersey Sweet Potatoes, Apples • hoi waather plan'. aDd sboold not Byron C. Howell, Jr. Onions, Lettuce. and Lambs for shipin Los An~eles, Cal., and other connected with th~ College of Aeribe sown before tbe latter pllrt of llay or first of June . It would be points, He says he had a ilood time culture, Ohio State University. Is Ask for a sample of our crisp ping purposes. Call ql1ite po!illt.le to grow" orop of oat while away. makinQi the statement that the doora Grahana Wafer8. Speci~1 price Democratic Ticket of the Colleile will Ite closed to any per pound ....... .. ........... .... lOc U8 up and we will quote}' , STATE SENATOR Lee Earnhart, who was operated additional students because of the Ko-Ko Krlsps on for appendicitis at Columbus re- present overcrowded condition. A .iaintylittIecake 110 for ...... lOc you TOP PRICES. John E. Holden cently. is eettinil well rapidly at the Professor Alfred Vivian. Actine (W "rroll Co.) White Clover Cakes 8 for ...... 6c home of his parents, Mr. an d Mrs. Dean, announces that these reportE Elmer Ellrnhart. are without authority and could not OYSTERS aa-ain this week Cranberri~, Heinz Pickles. h ed f I d a v e emanat rom anyone con· aDd pea hay lind follow this wit.h Corwin, Ohio. B. 8. Howell spent sever.a aye nected with the Coilea-e. While it iB Quart Jar Sweet Pickles ...... 15c Soybeans during the same Ileason. last week in and aro~nd Mobll~, Ala. a fact that the work of teachine iB Qt. Jar Prepared Mustard ... lOc Otber suhstltute h BY orops a ro Mr. Howell was delighted WIth ~he greatly hampered by lack of room German millet I1nd hunJ{lll'illO gfa,,!!. r t th thermometer rana-me Brine us your Butter and .Eggs . e and equipment, the College authorIt wiII pay you; we p.y h1ilhest 'rheMe are hot wOllther OTOP ~. and c Ima e, itie8 do not feel that they have the priceH cash or trade. By day or week -- the sho u\cl nol be pown until the I~ttf'r froll'! 75 to 80 degrees . Waynesville, Ohio Supt. C. A. Bruner was in Dayton ri~ht ~I refuse admission to a~y apb uH of MIiY If they lire hal vested best 0," service. Valley Phone 135 ",bilA in bloom thllro will be very Saturday, attending a teacher's pllcant an~ all who come Will be I' the Phillins houie. He gladly receIVed and be as well cared · t Iitll ", if li ll Y, d/\O ge r of unf~. o r!lbl a mee t mg a t' f .. th f '1" f h Livery and Feed S table result!l freml ' eellin g tbeTn to borse:'!. was honored by beina- the superin- or.~ e. preseD~ aClltles 0 t e in ~onnectiol _ College will permit. A bout t.hree peoK~ of IIlIod if! r equil'- tendent of the Round Table. eu Iw r II ur I' !lOll it !:! huulrl be oove r all ------- LA,TE CLASSIFIED ADS Mess l·s. Chas. Burnett, Herbel·t in with h Ii f.t h t. h rnrtlwing. Further Edward s, Mor:-is Graham, Chas. info r mnt,io u 011 t.1 1t' I:!O nnll oMler for Zimmerman, Fred Hawke, Ralph WBrrE RU81'illn Sefid Oa" In. cro,,~ iH "i VI' " ill Bulletin 70 o f qUire of ElvBn Fire'", Phone Wanted of all '<. i nds "I h.:e Ohi a10 .. b:x l" ',ri lu o:m t ~t"tion . Ad SmIth and Miss Emma Hawke at- 831 L I~; - - I .. (hUllS, EX]1l1rililimt Hta ti c n. Wooster , tend ed a dance at Lebanon, Friday $710 for Ford Model T Touring Car evening . - ~,~"~ Mea" It. (1hlo $610 for Torpedo Runabout ~ d f .M d Chules D, ~llG" MCretary to the • it IS I\l l) re tl illir.oH t o Mhot' IL h or~ e . I' . B. Sherwo~ II' ~ on ay m~:n- preSident, telll WI on Gus J. Karger, ! Proprietor InK' to ap~ume hl~ G\'; ' les a' the vl t! tbe WallbtngtoD Dewspaper maD. Kar. tllllTl it j,; tr) !lIi ,)o u jwn . izens bank, at Leban on. On account r;er Is •. Hebrew, and a wit, 110 Hillel I ,....---.--~.-~~~~~_~ _ ""'!"'~~~~~ ., of different arrangements, Mr , Sher- Is llafeln clreulaUnc this slander. It wood leaves a week earlier than be attpears that when the pftl81denUal l>llJOtY villted the home town or Maj. ! Arahle Butt. the preaJdent's aide. they : - -- ~ expected to. / ntteooo(l church where Butt, aa a I{aymond Conn er came home from )'outh. 1ft8 a wonhlper. The Prell. Ih vton ~aturday with the mum p~ . dent and Karcer ..t In a pew IM&r Mr. Conner had been there for a .'t he tront, and wlHm: the .Bttrrlns wOIck or more clerking in the Kroger 1171DD, "Onward Chrtltlan 80141el'lll'' I lj -II tak T 'th was given out, the pl'IHldent, aa usual, stor es. [e WI c a POSI Ion WI llfte4 111. hll voIce In aong. The boys IJ. W. White the 1st of April. looked lit Karger, an4 to their e,ltonIBhment noted that be wal caroling $710 Ford Model T Touring Car ·- A T TH ~ - Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright away cla.eerlully aloDptde the p~l. wC're in Lebanon Wednesday evening dent. "aut I looked oyer,'· 11&78 Hill•• These prices' are pOssible by reason of the and aU('nderl the Dr. ColledJre lee- "and lIa11' that ICarl8l' bad bll bands large production and the splendid efficiency ture. The doctor is a neighbor and OD the "~p of the pew,ln front ot him. of the great Ford Factory., . a good friend of Mr. and Mrs. C with ha 8n&era croll884.ICartwright, of Evanston, Ind. . Successor to Anna Burke


~Jll' nt


' an d ates Cd


*' ""-: *'*'


'* '* *'*





Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds








---_.- ..


Seed Potatoes


Onion Sets


Pan Handle House

C. B. BfNTLfY,



.--...- - -

Buy a Ford because it is a Better Car, not because it is Cheaper.










Satu da y, \March 30

Lane atShop


- - -... -



CIatfteta for •• Itdp• .,. .... wbeD the ,a Ilmple aDd IOYel,. ltone. ,... NI1U'd' led aa preclOWl .nd WOI'Il ~ hi

0ra:D4s- reoollect.

Standa1-d Equlpm.ent

Windshield, Speedometer, Gas Lamps, Generator, 3 Oil Lamps, Tubular Hom, Top and Tools. -. d '11 t b .. . , t I.Ie un d ersll,"lle • WI no e re- jlMautUaJ" olcWaahloD8Cl Je1Nb7. Grand. spGn slble fo r debts contracted l)y my jmA'••tttr. .,..aa not comD'" without Uee Valvollne 011 for your Moto,.-makeelt laat Mrs. Lane, nee Rachel Elliott, formerly wife, Goldie Hartsock, after thiB ithe ~ ~pIn, rial 01' aurtJlII . longer arid pull better_ .. . lived in WayneSVille, and cordially invites you I date the 27th of March, IWhJch 1M... 4aaabtON ..... .,.. . ~ to call and inspect her line of POPULAR \ Edward G. Hartsock. :10 boftoW Ul4 ball,. to 1DMrIt. ~cnr • - • itAe ..""~ baa beeoma ao,OOIIUDcm u4 Atk for-a' pmCED MILLINERY. Th h b d h ~ .... tIIeN ,, 1a to f t - - __ ( - - ~ere ar~ Bom.., 118 an 8 '" '1 are .d·lt ... . r~~e: ~M""• • UWluvul r. (10n ..... "U ~~_ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~v-> ... not fornlsh even ~ axol1.e. ~"' " '. ~I ~. ttr. ';' ~;: . •_- - ·t-· .-• -~. . .--: ,~ ," ,',. -" ,~ I it' ~

I 38 E. Mulberry St.,

Lebanon, O.


I ~~---~--~----------------~~I~~~~~.W~~~~Q~

~ ~.~~ '

..• ~~~;~=~;~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~! .qP

.• .,. '.



Whole N umber',3152


Sixty-Third Year

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ r-~~~~~~'~~~~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Fo;;;; Citiz~;;·l "r~:::A~L'::PI:::I~Ew~~~~: i:::::~:::p'" ..,....,:-:-·+--.":':M:: :.~:~::\" ~' .,:00' 'c":::'I'~" ::::::~::::'::::::':ll





rSo~i~i E;~t~

ersona e bon um). 0+._._ .. ___ ." ':".," ......O++o._................ _._..

bt' heardonthelocaldiamond . The 0 I I H0 Iy Wee k - Servlce . We d ne:;d ay , oto-- - - - - - - - - J' (ans ~d players met last .w,*:k an~ ! i _..._ ..... J i Thu rsday and Friday at 7 p . m Su pt. and Mrs. Gilmour entertain~r~aniud and the orSlamzatlo~ 18 L .. _ _________----.--~-.---....... ---.-.. --l Saturuay, Easter E.ven, servic e at 4 eel Rev and Mrs. Grauser and son aRId to be better than ever. EigltMrs. Cynthia Evans WRil in CinMrs. Edith Harris was in Cincm- p. m. E&ster Day':' Holy Com mu- 011 Thursday ev enin).{ to supper. teen meD adre under cont~lltbforhthde cinnati, Monday. nati Saturday and Sunday. nion at 7 a. m .; Sunday School at season. an .a try-o~t WI e a 9' 30; Mornina- Prayer, sermon and The Mi s.~es L':mily and Esther Bersome tIme thllj week If the weather Mrs. Grace L. S:llith was a Dayton ' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney were Holy Com munion at 10.30. ryh ill , of Il eal' ~l' l l b r ook, had as pe~n~its. . visitor, Tuesday. in Cincinnati Monday, seeing "The The Easter music will be rendered e has. St.tnllber.rv, the effiCient . World." at the Hl:30 service. Mr. T, Roy theil' g uc~ r~ at a slumber t)art,y Salmanager of last year, was selected Mr~ .. E. V. ~amhart was a Day· Inness, the noted " Boy Soprano," of urday ev'ening- th e ~iI iS$e:-l Mabel and as mana.ger, and he ho~es to have a ton VISItor, Friday. Mrs. George Smith spent Saturday Lebanon, will assist the choir and Surah ~alterlhwaite. team t~l~ Yhea~ that w~1l be able to Carroll Eulass, of Lebanon. was a and Sumlay with her daughters in :ling tb~ offertory .solo. . business visitor here Monday. cope Wit : e eat 0 f .t em" Cincinnati. You are illvitert to all these sllrM1"8. Henry Satter thwaite, of the The spring practice WI 1I b e g m ' vices. Bellbrook road , entertained Wednes· . . ~it~ run~inlf' passing the ball, a~d F. C. Q,i1mour and family spent Smlllrt milli r.ery at wonderful day at . dinner the following guests: ,W. G. Rich, of Ceda: Rapids, Io~a. It~h batting. Sore armll and bodies Saturaay in Lebanon visiting rela- values in ElI.8ter hats a t Mfa. Grace Je~lUs Christ i8 Risen Today ... Worian Mesdames E. b. Bllily . J . B. Chapwrite. us the tollowm~ interestmg will probably folbw, but the prac- tives. Lincoln Smith's. Christ Our Passover ........ ..... Cramer man. I. Sattert.hwalt··, Lina Devitt letter. He BayS: Enclosed find a tice will necessarily be light at first, , . Gloria Patri .. ... .... .... .. ........... . Elvey and Misses Edna Satterthwaite and clip~inSl·fro. Cedar Rapids Gazette and by the 20th of this month, the Frank Holmes, of Dayton, was in MIS..'! India Ranker,of Le.anon,was Te Deum Lsudamu!! .. .. ..... . : .. .. .. Karl Mildred Riden~u r . of !:ipringtield. about tbe ~ood we are havinSl out team will be in flt condition. town Friday and Saturday calling on the guest of M~. and Mrs. C. A. Jubilate Deo ...... ...... .. ...... ..C Nevin h,re. The Ice is two feet thiQk and Already pmes are beinSl ba.ked old friends. Perry for a few ays. Anthem-Christ is Risen ... Minshall POMONA GRANGE I saw the Srd Ave. bridSle SlO down. with Dayton, Sprinl"field and nearby ' _ Hendley Corron of West Leipsic, Kyrie ...... ..................... Tuckerman and da·havebeen arranaed H. .Farrr"attenaed I"The. . T'b' Froln early Saturday marnl·nO'. We are havin'" • nice weather here, towns, " . WMrs. Id 'F. C' f is here. an d h e 'eXI'ect·s t) make GIorla I 1 · .. · .. ·•· . ...... .. .... . . . . Paxton .. but havn't had any rain Bince lut far enough ahead to run the season d or I In I~mna I a coup e 0 WaYD!!sville his future home. Hymn - Angels Roll the Rock March 30th. until evening, Waynes· fall. We had Iota of snow, but nearly to July. The managem~t is ays ast wee . Away ........ .... : ... .... .. .... .. .... Roper ville was the gathering point 01 it it all gone now. There Is Iota of trying to book IIOlIIe week-day Kames, Mrs . Schuyler Matthews, of Hyde Edwartl Elliotl, the monologist, Gloria Patri ... . ....... ...... .... Robinson Warren County Pomona Grange, work out here and good. WISles. I I&lId it is poasible that lOme big Park, was the guest of Mrs. R. A .w~. the guest of his cousin Dr . A. Offertory Solo- Alldulia .. Humphries which was largely represented by have ~ur!!t out a ahare in a plumb· pm. can De arranged. Cross. Thursday. T. Wrigh t and family, ove r Sunday. T. Roy Innes delegates from Clarksville, Morrow, l~ and heatinc '-tore, we are buily. . The club officera are as follows: Offertory Sentence ......... .... .. .. Anon Mason and Lebanon Granges, besides Chas. Stanlberry, mgr.; W. O. A t.c'emendous crowd attended the Editor J. M. Mulford. of Lebanon, Sanctus .. .......... , .. .... .......... Garrett lhe Waynesville members, lind from all the time at $2.76 a day. R4per, cor. mgr.; Herbert Edward., Surface sale Thursday, many from a WM in town Monday looking ov ~ r Communion Hym n .... .... .... .. Brown appearances, the Patrons are not MilS Helen Kelsey, of Norwood, treas.; Jeae Lewis. umpire . distanc~ beine present, the fie\d, and maoe us a very pleas- Gloria in Excelsis ... .... ..... .... . Zeuner suffering from the high cost of living. wishes through the Gazette tAl thank •- • ant callI. Nunc Dimittis .. ...... ..... ,,,, ...... Barry At 10 o'clock the meeting was her ..any frienda, who remembered DO~ESTIC SCIENCE MEETINO Misa Mildred Ridenour, of Spri~. Recessional .. ............ Organ PostlUde called to order and t he work'of th'e her -I'th a Bhower of post cards and . . field. Ohio, was thp week Kuest of Mr. and Mrs. M. •A. Cornell and Organist .- ... .....Mrs . F. B. Sherwood day began, which consisted chiefly .n A four·day domestic science tnstl. letter'll upon ~er birthday a few daYIl d H . 'b Mr. and Mrs. 1. SatterthwaIte. daugh ter Velma attended Poml>na in conferri nJC lhe Mh dei:r ee upon ~ . . tute will be hel at arveya urg, 'd ~o. Misa Kelsey haa been I~l all Ohio, April 2 to 5, by Misses Mary Mr. and Mr.. Chauncey Manhall Grangle Saturday and were guests of METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH c'i1lSS of ten. fo t' which- the 10 ge wmter and unable to communteate "'.. .. d Er b th J ff f d f '1 f Ci' . th Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell. room had been tastefully decorated. 'th h f ' d d th'f ta III'lmon..s an lza e e erBOn 0 an ami y. 0 ncmnatl, are e Sunday School 9.15 a. m , We At the close of the work, the' c~WI er nen s, an IS manl ea • the Colle"'e of A"'riculture Ohio ... f M d M J E ' 't "Th . t' . t' Slues .... 0 r. an rs. os. vana.· ~ 'J. H. Marshall arrhred home from waRt a large attendance. pany repaired to the dining hall, tion of affection from them is high- St t U j" . tAd "d a e n versl y. e , Ins ruc Ion Alabarna Frl'da Mr Marshalll's a8 Preachl'ng by pastor at 10 30 a m h db --.I h aa Iy apPreCla1 ~y the mvall.. will consist of lectures and demon. Raymond Conner retumed to· DayY' . . . , where a feast a een IIpr ___ w 0.., MiM KeMY m a.letter a f~end atrations. Some of the Ilubjects to ton Sunday evening, where he will brown , aa a berry, . but ,hIS general and 7 P;, m. Subjec.t o~ morni.n~ quality can never be excelled, e~en tella of a v6"tf rlous acCident that be discussed lire: .BreakfaatSugges- remain for a week in the Kroger health IS not much Impnved. sermon. The World m ClDcinnatJ. in Warren County , and wh"se quanThe offering for rdissions Will be tl'ty was sufficient for many timeS -L.and Mr N 0 befel her niece a h ..\AMI • • • • tions' Deaertll· Nutritive Value of groceries thare . • . "'" ' , ' . M. C. Liddy arrlV"", home from taken in the morning. more than were present to partake, H It C. b also k. nown here. J ust as h • Foods; Vestetable Foods; Salads; Bat· ! > f "Tb alighted from a street car in Mem· d D hi' M'lk dE' Messrs, Frank· Anderson, M. A. Dayton Monday evem1\g, a ter a Subject of evening sermon, e About 130 sa~ down to dinner. · T h h d h'IB ters anu".. •.oug, ' n, L . M . plUBaltlt visit The a f ternooQ ' . was ·1·nteD ..... .... ~hIS. ennel88e. w ere e an Brese' ll'oM lor1 thean Sick' sll'8, Pre- ameaon, W• ..C. Tu . r to ~ ___. ' . with relatives.there . ' Easter . .Messa"'e " '-.. . -t- ; . ~sesBlo.n. famUy,.veicdoumina' .bewu ItruelC .' - . t. ~{=~' . 'T ' ' h 'Scefield Victor S Loer John and He reports hIS son, John, Sick ... Ith SpeCial Eas~er musIc Will be a part Iy interestin&", as at thiB time the~ . ' . . .. . . . .' "entlon 0 DlSeuea: Woman and t e ' . ., al f th II d ' t th i by an automobile and e&~ned. ~50 Home. The Co1l8lO of Agriculture Harvey Linder, of Lebanon, attend· m al'1la. . 0 ese serviCes. new officera were iusta 8 In 0 e r f t on the hood and received IDJU . ed the K P lodge Wednesday even Vocal 11010 by 14isa Sybil Hawke. duties, Mr. Maurice Cornell•. Mise .. ".-., .Earle Hockett ...... in CI'ncl'nOffertoliY bY Mrs. C. S . Grauser. Lucile Cornell and Mr. Frank - A. • ee . r ' "_- . hi h h . . till if . g - Bendl. the iDatructors (ree of charSle . JUnt "DO rlea ro~ w e e II s IIU enn , and the people of Harveyaburg atand I 109, · natl a·,turdav and Sunday the .,u-t A th b th h i ' th ' . but hl8 f".ends are hoping tlaat he h local h' h . I ' . , . . . .... n an em l e cor In e Hartsock, performinSl that part of , reeover entirely. t;. '1 expe~, w I~II ~ h ~l l Mias Katherine Prenderpat. who of her aunt Mrs. ' A. L. E1cook, of morning. the exercises: will • -. . • _ • . Iml ar mee np WI. . e a , baa been a compoeitor on the Miami Walnut Hills and while there attend· In the evening Prof. Amy will sing, 'Warren Keys, who is Muter of -; DEATHS . other pJacea upon a,~he&tJon. All : Gazette for the Jut four years, re- ed "The World." "The Green Hills Far Away," and the local Grange, was niade Muter ,,; requests for BUch meetlDl'8 ~ollid be ' I!igned her position Saturday even· an anthem will be givt!n by the choir. of Pomona, his first aCt bein, the After an illness of three . to A. B. .Graham , ~lIeSl.e ing. Mise Prenderpat baa been a Mildred'; the dau"hter of Mr and - - delivery_.f his speezh of aeeep,tance, duritlt which time she suffered from of ASlriculture, OhiO State UnlVenn- faithful employee, and we wish her M., F'red Hartsock, of Cincinnati, WILL PREACH EASTER DAY which was greeted with heartyalt- , spinaf-m.mnlritis, Mise Mabel Pine, ty, Columbua, 0. . . . the' best luck in the world. She in. was eperated on at the Vail hospital I ' . • - .. I tenlis to go to the country, to keep in Cincinnati, saturday. The operaflev. Levi Mills wi~1 preach an p ;;'S:~ther offi~1'8 are Mias Marie. 18, da~1rbt.r of Mr. and Mrs. Lewi' Pine, ProJt.inent·reeidenta of the vi, FANCY PASTRIES AT BAKERY bouae for her brethera. who have tion Wl\ll a auccessful one, and little Easter serman at the Friend's c~urch Benham, overseer; MrS. Laura' Dun~' , cinity 01 Centerville, died Wedn~ The d·J8pl." of fancy pastries at rented around on the W. E . O'Neall ' Mildred is getting alo.nSl nicely, an4 at Harveysburg Sunday .mom.m g. at TAb h l' M W t . . . . . . All d all ted ham,. ,.." anon, c ap am; rs. -" ,. d.., afternoon at the home of h.~ the White bakery is enough to make place. Misa Lucy Emley baa taken , it is poesible that nhe will retum to 10:30 a. m. are cor I y mVl Clarkaville, lecturer; 'IJewa:~, .pa~". one's mouth water. See them. her place in the emce. hel' homElj by Saturd..,. to come. Lebanon, secretary; . Mrs. Mia' -Pine was very popular in ~~~~~' ~ . ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~~~~!!.. Genter\rtJie. . The funeral wu held -= Lebanon ' larl"vj!!Ie,_.~:,:~EI"I')';~,.:J.iJ~~;" C FridaJl; at 10. a. m. atthe bome, REPORT OF WAYNE TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS FOR MONTH OF MARCH ~~l;~~l$~ Burial hi ~Qen~rviUe cemetery , Sugar Grove very close to the same Friday of this week is Arber ·Da>:. Snook, Lady liu.iBt8.ftt . IIt~;'Atif~ Slae ill' iu"ivoo b, her pal'entB, four ~ I dsof this Town• Conller, "~ - b anon, ·, pl:ekle.ell~r: ~_ 1.._.l..e-. --"'o'ne al-ter. No. No. No. No. ·No. No. . . -We regret to Dote two n th . e .Beh 00 I groun - . . ~ ... IIIW. " UI . 6 8 10 2 7 · 13 5 " 1 ' schools below the 8096 m.rk which ahip 'Where protected by a fence (and FAina IroDii;' pianist, . B: Ii:: ~ ~ !!: a::: ~ is indeed poor.- Look and tee if they all should be) effQrta will be . The musiddUflnl' tbe-l8Cl~e'~I~~~~)~~~ Mr., Eliza Haines, after ' a brief ai" _. ~ i' ... ii' en if i ' !f [your school Is one, if 80 help to raise made to m~e the, IIChool grounds fumished by M'r.; Irona, t:1 ~; ~~ cn-g. ~c:') a::~ en the recorli. . more attractive by c1ean.inSl up and tionall, pleaaini; as was illn. ., died Monday. eveniDSl at 8:30 o'clock, at ber home on Third Btreel. ~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ Q~ ~ ~ - -'Iby pHmting trees, Ibrubbery and full)' prepared -'paper . Mrs. Hain.; although not being ~ .' '1 S'ID ID !Ii III ::r = c:: fQ ... l!. NOTJ':S ftoW8rs. Why should, not thes.e Dunham, of Ne'!Ytown~ ,- in ~ health fer ;reara, had been ~ [~ ~ :::::~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ During the past week the Suporin· school yards be as ~tttactive' .. ine being "Sunshine" an~L Nhlllllnwr '. aclive, ~d bad only taken to her .or n; ~ ~ !} ~ == p;tendent called on ~ busin. . men yarQs of the farmer. in the neigh. Farm Life," and ' from ,the aU""I.·'/;: 'bed aahort ,time. --- -- - of Waynesville to by to intereat borhood? Why Bhould :' t\~t .. our pointo( the wi'iter \·there.·a.~.'Y'..oy.~~'.f'M 'the fune.rat will be hel. at her 20 19 12 21 16 7 18 5 117 them In our Townl!hip School Day .to school rooms be· lII~re. attractiye! , ,fe.w. shadows me~ With on" ~ mt.. - . I alte t 2 Enrollment .... ·... ·• ......... ......... L. h II T _.I M 9th Th ._'.1 f 1ate hOlDe" AIlUnou&y moon, a I .e e C Ilu.n"ay, ay • e TheCivic League of ~banon .haa ula~ pro~~rou!l arm, ... o·cloek. "'. Rank in enrollment ....... ······· ;·· 2 3 6 1 5 7 4 8 l'e8ult was hIghly pleasing, the fol- ff ' ed $75 . to be given to ~fi18 J~k read a humoroti8< A more extended notice will be 6 8 7 2 7 0 87 lo~ing contrl~uting by o1!erin g ~h:~hools ~:i~:ec 'eek To~~ip tion. fit:a m~~er lI:hfcb' "llh¥18 giveQ next wee~. Neither absent nor tardy........ 3 4 Pll~el! or premiums to pupllil for for beautifyinSl the school- grounds p.f~on that her tal:eQ1~,.'~:",,~g~ J · and iftlerior of schoOl.rooms. Wa1n~ the Y9Ung l~ te BAKERV Per cent of enrollment neither tEheJlr efrorta , °A· to' the IIChoo.IS: L f U~~~ ,IIle.etl~!lS, absentnortardy .................. 15 37 . ,38 88 47 29 39 0 32 • annlPYi L. . Z.lmm~rman, D • . haS"butone ' modelschooJ' -----------Mr. and Mrs. Jacob I acy entertained very pleasantly last Frida, evening a number of their friends and neiKbOOrs at their home, 60, in honor of Ernest and Bemard Finke two brothers who' are talented musician II. Their play· ina- during the evening was the e&UBe of much enthusiasIII Supper was aerved, and the remainder of the eveni~ was happily spent in music ud g1U1lea.-Deyton HErald.



- .. ---






a:: a:: a::r--







11 CAra!e; FS·'dC.~reRi~d'; B,~Wsltte}~roBcerYSi ./ D. I 68, ~ . UalO, • • 0 '.3 1 2 '0 0 0 1 8 Howell; C. M•. ~ob~er; F.· ~. Farr; F, E .. Sherwood, J .," : White;. Hawke Per cent of attendance. .. :...... 7S 87 91 92 93 78 85 88 ...... & Lewi!!;. W&11l~:nne ~atiqnat: B~nk: .. " s 3' 4 4 .. <S S 4 ~ EI'~', J~~~h~t, \Ira. G. L. Smith, Vmts of IU rintendent......... ._ T:'J. 'SrDlth: CroBJ Bros.; J. H.:Cole,. • . m!lnj Wal~r )t~Cl~re~ These·offers The fo1Jo~nl" puplll were not SlIIlr Or:o~e willamount ·to· more .than $20. on.b~.tal~~'tim~toaee ~~the ~~ynor~t~urlnSlMareh. ' BumettButt;erworth .Ma1'Y these ' areTlo~arHngedutfiey ...,.nt.9fiheirc~tomeraarelTatifteci . oieeo Briar . p"aulStolcea M~rleSurfaee .. wjU; iw ' ... ' cannot ' show the , ,'aDd . eJ'deni for . ~ti. . ' . - EVa Ptater ~ M.adoon Eamhart . 'wtUit ' .. ' . . .':. ~"k"" . ,w,Ntaker E,lSle~la "hitaker Ru~i Surface Oju Gray ;U, M. 'White hu purcbued the rerl'7. · bakerY. and took po8&e118lon MoH~. He has I8C\lred. the aer· vices of. fine bakerfrom ClOcinnati, The motto of ·thiS bakery will not o1\IY';~ upli~ld, but will aurpaaaita ~t. re'pUtation-f;itat of having the tMt'all the thne. ·. . M . d iii ' U M White 'Il 'be



' ' Cases of tardiness ........... · ..... • Number of pupils taniy .... :-.:..

. ~ •L.oweJt .HUI

, Helen 'Hams . Fred Simkins












ground In ' the townshipan4.' that I .'T~~ . h . understand is due to the tltnught times ·in t e . 1!001t'8.IP!(J,'E~.raear. and foresight oHwo ofthe r88ide~tIlI· are looked fO.l;W8~rG" :'.1;'41.;, th . hOO h d . as they. of a.t n~11" ,r .oo . a ' soci!,'



The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE, Publisher. \'IT A YNESVD..LE,





eVeD HIlLlroxl m nt;)Iy I ~" nUI1l~e r DC lollllbllnllts In t he Vll~ t Cllln~se dom ain . 60. iler ha ps . 110bOdy ciln bny <Ie:lnll .. ly Ilnd "u~ : tI\'el)' how IIIIIOy oJls t ll!el d lale cl . lir e "pok eo uy Ibt! p.opll'o of Ibe dl rT er{' I) I I,r,,· A~

nubody know.


re ('(-' Ilt

aU I LJorlty

puts the

ulIlO lJc' r u t

· '(H e r ; \


So wide

\ "IU Ct' ti

Ir dl fT .. rlng III lon ny r "s~e c l8 Il l''' Dla ll) of Iht' se •.lJal t' ts thal Wey ('0051 1IU l. prnct lc llily d"lillCI lan gu ages. To en· d(' nvor to grouP. cOlll llloe and s tall da rl zc t hese Il1nb uRges Inlo one com· mon spe ~ <:b r o ~ the "' llole emplr!' would be a \' ork of mllny ye a r s ,. 1111 of 101Dl (, II Se dltN('ultles. In facl . It " ,, "ld ~eelll to h o an IInde rta klng In vo l vln ~ grenter dl mc ulJl ps tban th e Introduc tlo n ol a co mplete new tongue And It must be reme mbered tbat tbe 0 1· ncllli nnd ~ducated ChlSSl'S a re fam ilia r already wllb Engltsb . Tlle lungu age 18 taught In tbe llDlversltles and mllny 0: the ecbool~ . It Is tbe common me· dlum of omclal commun lcallo n wltb o t her governments. At lbe lIurne time. tbe leaden of the new movement are enthUSiastic fri e nds or our country. If tlIe republican movement mball suc· ceed. tbat success may be followed b)' the transfo~matlon or the Cblneae Into to' an &!.ngIl J b·:spea klng people. It WDS noted In these columns recently tbat tbe prIce 01 platinum In


tlIe New York market had risen to tbe hlcbest figure ever reacbed- over sey· eI.1 bundred dollars a pound. All over tl!e world tbe de maed io' platinum arlBlyg from tbe use or the metal In electrical appliances bas m ade It blgh. I~ prized. In cODnectlon with thl. s ub· ject a curlou3 atory comes from Pa rls. It Is Bald that a number of twenty· franc gold pieces Corged tn lbo reign ' or Napoleon 111., have been tound w be worth at leaat .dou blo tb e t r fnce value. Tbls Is dUR to tbo fact that In tbe alloy ot which thes" forg ed eoln8 were made platInum 11.'88 used. At tbat time platInum was cbeap. A pound weight of It could be bought for a. few 80verelgns The spurloull twen· t1·tranc pieces' contaIn about six crnmme, ot platinum each, and today "belle 8i£ grammes .. re worth about

Only Practical Way of Insuring Good Strong Germination Is to Test a Few Kernels From Each Ear Before Planting Time. (By


It'l 1I'ell to be clealf. but If you wasb ,.our iugs wltb gasoline. be csrelul. A Springllerd, Man., merchant, wbo Is futldlous. bad hll omce rug~ ecrubbed wIth gasoline and tben gone oYer ' with a vscuum cleaner operated b, electrlclt,. The cleaner collected paollne fumell wblch were Ignited b, electric IIPark. wbereupon there wall an explos ion and it blaze necessltaltng • call on the Ore departmenL


That collhllon betwecn a slenmshlp In tlIe merchant service' Rod a United States armored cruiser In the harbor ')r Hoaolulu. In wblcb the cruiser was so hadly uawagcd all to neceSSitate 1m. l1:edlate retIrement for repairs. wblle tile' merchant ship ateamed off allpa· Tently unlnjurl'd. mlgbt be cited as II. IUlltrating Kipling's assertion to tbe etrect t hat the "weaker vessel" Is the deadUer of lbe two. PrOf. Worthlm:ton told a London au· dlence tbat In order ~ ohtaln pictures of wbat happen cit When a drop of wa. ter fell Into a vessel containing water be bad taken photograpbs by an elec· trlc spa rk of the duration of tbreem!lllontbs of 11 second. Some day, perhaps. Prof. Wortblngton will be able to take a photograph of tbe drug .tore soda· fountain wink. One 01 tbe baseball umpires an· nounces tbat It 18 not wIlle to see too mucb while umpiring., It Isn't what an umpire Bces. but wbat be hearll or feels tbat makes bls tBllk a beavy one.

, ,'.

It Ie proposed In Spokane to make DO policeman out of appltcanta wbole ' ",alst8 are greater than their cbeste. H01!'ever, rotun.d lty will come with p0lice, lervlce. as 01 old.

flormlnatlon BOil: for- Testing Seed Corn, Show,ng Manner- of Plaalng K_ nel. and Covering. l'> eed corn In many pnrt!! of OhIo Is naile two In ches IIpaTl to tnke the In a worse condition thaD It has been place of the ijlots. String light wlrt for several years. Even where a pe. on tbe calls. To u sc elt hllr t ester . fill two Incbel clal care haa b een taken In stomgo. dee p with a Dlolst Inlxtur-v of 8IUld much of the seed will not grow. A and loam . em'er t.bls with on~ Now full stand and good crop are to a thickn ess of cheese cloth. IItrln" cord In tbe 810ts or drop In the g reat ext(>nt dependant upon the vi· .. tray. By either me thod we have ths lallty of tlIe lIeed ueed. For theee c loth marked olt Into 144 squares. reasons it Is wortb while this SI)rlng Number lb e "dge of the ball on one to te8t all lIoed corn for germination, 81de from "I" to "12." and on betore plllllting. Ample pay for the tb e adjoining s id e lette r It trom "A" tlm(> required will co me In tlIe In. to "L." Now mark each e&r, &11 At, A2, Bl, etc. Place 11:1: kernela from creo3ed crop. (,Bcb etlr, ge rm side up, In the COl'Seed corn testers &re on tlIe mar· responding square. "''lien the box II

' . \


de~t of New" r~rk lslarrer thlD ' nation. Bllt tben :Ne.. mOii~ -".· .~-




the Penitential

Needa No Paint

No AfterTrouhle or hpenae Fint Co.t - Lut Colt


When you want a dura ble, attmo-

HE worsblp of tbe modern chul'cb II a many ·toned lIym· pbouy, but In IlInny ca~es one cbord Is lackln~-tb e penlten · tlal note. Tbe Cbrlstlanlty at ma ny people III a complacenl cuntem · platlon- not a Borrow for aln und a n agony of moral asplratl on . Th e creed of the multltude Is : "God Is In hia ,' leaven. all'! right wltb the world amI ~B . " ThIs mood of superficial can· tentment II~ not tbllt wltb which "god· IIn e8S" Is :lolned In tbe bea titude and declared t·o be great "gain," but 18 redly a IItate of IndltTerence wltb reo aped to queb Ideas as atoncm(>nt and reg eneration . Hen ce we lind that. wbll e crowds joatte one anoth er On the lunny way to tbe haUs of Cals· pbas. or e'ven tbe Temple courts. tbe PIlthway to dark Oetbeemane tempts but lew-heN! and tbere a Magdalene or a contrite publlcaD .",bolle vital powers have burned almOlit to the socket- snd ' yet Jellull ChrIst Bpent more tlmEI. at leaet more congenial bours. with publlcana than be dId with Pbarlsees. and bardly ev er reterred to tbe Sadducees excepl 'a ex · pOlle tbelr IIhallow phllollopby nnd t.belr etlll sballow(>r beart8. Snmeho-.r tbe Dible does atrlke the penlte ntlnl note--80n:ebow Itll promisee a re mOllt · IT to humble nnd contrite louis. It Is wortby to note tbat two reo nowned preacbers, both Englishmen It happellll, have lately Bounded s warning a.guln st the "piTH of smug Pharl 8RIsIII wblob seems to Ilossess large at the modern church . Th ue Dr. J . H . .1owett saye : "Ev e ry· thing Is nllt right among us. We are bu sy, bul we are not ImprcRslvc. We may Inte rest. but we do not can · strain. We may tickle men's pa lates, but we de) not them feel the bitterne89 at sin." So Re v. Charles Brown r e bukes tb e modern chll~cb for 1t8 s elt.rlghteau sness and "unct noull rectitude." for It has no out·golngs at self-denying and self'giv lng se rvice to the peoplel wltbout wbo need help. "There ar,~ churches absolute!>' dest! · tute of any passion In tblll dlrec:tlon," lIe declares. "There Are multl t udp.s of our cburcb members who do not care. TbE!y never gIve a tbougbt to tile subject. Tbey belpng to n church u they b,~long to ' a club. Tbey pay tbelr lIeat subscriptions, tbe, expect tbelr resell'Ved place. they to hear tbelr favorite preacher; and It endll


The Klrnell at the End of the Teat. The Onn Showing Weak Germlna· tlon Indicate low vitality. ket In a . .rlety of forms, but one of the belt ones can be made at homeIn n rew mlnuteB. Simply make a box two feet square and tbree Inches deep, Inside melUlurements. ThreeQuarter Inch material 18 best; heav· ler will do, but Is Inconvenient to handle. Now mark off two-Inch 8paces all around the top of the Iides. At each mark saw straight down, making a narrow slot one Inch deep. Tbls completes a almple Corm of tester. It a more permanent t es ter Is de-tired, make the bolt 25%, Inches sQuare Inside and fit In a tray. The tray IIbould be 01 the same materIal, fitted Just Inside the bolt and one Inch deep. On the edgos at the sides drive

tull, . cover with another tblckneaa rl cheese cloth and fill up with more moist sand and loam. Field conditions are more nearl) approached when the box la not kept too warm. An examination of the sprouts should be made within I tew daY8 and betore they get long. II this way lell dlmeulty will be found In making a correct record of the re suIts. Discard the seed ean. thl kernel8 of wblch 8how weak germl nation. A mixture of loam and nnt Is best tor the bolt, because It holdl moisture bettor thnn sand alone and because It Is more conyenlent te handle than loam alone. The te8t61 d escribed above wlll hold kernel! enough to teat the seed tor 10 acrea Keep the box moist.

THE COB · ROT DISEASE OF CORN A new disease, known as Cab-rot,., stages of the disease the cob splits bas recently made Its appearance In lengtbwlse and tben easily falln tb c cornfleld8 of Ohio and the neigh. apart Into narrow strips. The Infeo boring slates. The spread of the tlon Is also Indicated by tbe preae nce of. a tufJ. 01 fibers projecte<l disCII8e hae been so rapId and BO (rom the e~d at tbe cob at the polnl alarming as to cause tbe state of attachment of the shank. emergency board of Ohio to set aside Altbough the lite hIstory ot the U,OOO for Immediate use In studying disease has not been worked out, \I th Il(>ems QuIte certain that the spore8 e life bliitor, at tbe fungus · IIlld de- live OVtlr In the stalk and the ear. vising means for Its control. nn,1 probably In the soll. Reports from tbe dltrerent 8ectton8 of the atate Indicate that the feedinG of the coru alrected with cob.rot causes serloU8 dlsturbanCf;s In the dl. gestlve tract of the animals. Anum. ber of deaths among horses haa beeD attributed to the feedll,g of diseased corQ and In a tew ca8es the slcknes. among cattle has resulted fatally. In view of the serious aspect of the dlsea8e at the present time. It would seem Wise for the corn ·grow. ers of the state to take Bome precaa tlons foJ' tbe coming seaaon. Until more dennlte information avail. able the following Is Buggellted : 1. Examine ' all Beed ears car. fully and dllcard all tnol. that Ilh Ea,. of Corn I "Jured by the Cob Infected. Rot. Thll dlleale Caules the 'Cob -tel Split LengthwllO and Fall Ap·art.

~ Cbl.c ago man lIa,. Tagtlme Is AI - A8 the sporea of thlll dlsea~e dedaDallrClus' as w blskt,' -A'nd just81eft.. ,clop they :e~ minute thread~ (\111 -":~Ibte ~o take. . . . through the (loll and ' ITaina. • Tb_ I


t.i ve &lid ineltpenaive roofing that will protect your buildings from th& at.In, min, 81I0W, hail, wirld, fire and liglUni~mething different from the ordinary prepared roofing tha\


A crnaade on "lads and Irlllll" In tbe


Lack of

8 . Wheeler, College of Allrlcu lIJ1··'" 1)1I ln ~tnte Unl""lt1.•

'9. publlo Icbools ot tbe cl~ Is to be etart· ed In Ne" York, with more lboroll8b. lIft8 and leu experimentation 08 It. IIlogan. Everywbere tbere seeme stIr· rlna tbls revolt agaInst the ncenln I!7ltem of experiment to wblch tbe ecbools bave been subjected, with cor· J'elIpondlng 1088 at tborough grounding fn enenbill. The educational tbeoriel of the present seem to llhare the promlaent .Amerlcan crcze tor speed. more or leIS reprdlell of the risks fn"ol"ed In attalnJng It. The agltatlon. wbJch appears to be ceneral, will c!oubtlels result In restorlnc the pen. 'lJulum, wblch bu Iwunc too far In bot!! dlrectfons ot conBervatislD IDO prove.. , to Itll norJlal Iwa,lne.

Practical Fashions


Warning Worth Heodlng, Thllse '\Ii'arnlngs are needed. though the tndlctment ma1 easily be made more severre than tbe tacbJ warrant. It behoov.!s UII not to berate othere In respect of lIelf·rlgbteousnelli and "elder brother" unconcern for the prodlraIs, ' whether returning or unre· turned, but to look Into our OWD beartl to Ie whether they are lIepul. chrel of pride Instead of Banctuariell of penitence. Yet we mUllt not be un· mindful of certain drIfts of the times, fn which the leaderl of the church are In dancer of being caught. It may be. Bl! the Cbrtstlan World (LoDe dOll) thlnl,s, that preachers "bave lowed tbeir personal and profeulonal Interest III tbe tasclnatlng Intellectual problems of theolou and criticIsm to deflect th.!m too much from tbe IIDe of preachlng dIrectly to the beart and mInd of Ilverace modern congrega· tlons," It Is not fair to blame onl1 the preachers for such lOllS f the unc" tlon ot a prophetic message, for the churchell In the long run, and for tbe most part, have just such preacbers as they want and 1\9 I tbey m~ke, and none otbors. It Is a time! not tor mutual millunderlta~dlng, much' leBl for mutual reCrimination, between clergy and laity, but for a general learchlng of beart, for prolltratlon befor the crOS8 of Christ, tor ConfeBslon of lin as well a8 confelBlon of faith, and for the taking of lIuch a docile and teachable attitude before tbe ft{a8ter of UII all all wlll prellerve the churoh from either Pbarlsalc herell1 or Sadducean aeU·lndulgence.-Zlori'l Herald, Boaton, Masl.


'The Supreme Aim. To be what God wlllll us to be, and because he willa it-thl8 IbouJd be our lupreme tbought lind aim, and the mainspring of our .C brI8t1an Ufe. The .anctilled Instinct which leadll us to uk, not tlrst of all ror our dally' bread, or the forgiveness of our trespaS8eB, or the avoidance of temptation even, but whlcb places In the forefront of our mOllt pall8tonate lonclnge an!! pleadIngs "Tb, n&me be h&l1owed, lrtng40m come, thy will be done on lIarth as It II In beaven"-tbe luppll. cation whloh puta the DIvine will "in the beginnlnr," will lead to the purelt and loftiest expertence poaalble to man on the ear4 --~---

Succ:e... "The au:reat ,· teat of Ii. man's "ell. being an!! pl'oaTe.. fs lnai ·t he oppo' .I~ ot what ile- baa accumulated. It t,a what ~ ,left bellJJld? Wbat can be· . Wbat hal be out· . .tlonaI1EII" .l'Il'OC)Jr;IYJIl.



requires frequent and repairing,


NotblnG coutd be n ea t er tbnn tbll 1.,llgo. Tbe dres8 Is nlIIde In oblrt waist fasblon. Tbe neck bas 8 removable Dutcb collar. The skirt Is !;ored and fastened at Ibe left 8lde. Such materials as cballls, callbmere. 'llbatross nnd the various wasb fabrics for house dres ses nnd tbose that ~ nn be wnsbed or cleaned In some wny ire tbe bes t If tbe wearer Is actively engaged In bou se work. The pattern (469'5) III cut In sIzes J2 to 42 Incbes bust measure. Medium size requires 9 1,4 yards of 36 Incb ma· terlal.

Altonl~lI(J hUlb.nd. De Wolfe Hopper teUa II l500d IItOry a bout tbe domelltic unhappiness or l1li' other actor. The hero of tbe Joke \VlI a mllll who had married becaus e t he woman bad much money, allbougb no . beauty. Naturall y, aCter tbe weddlnl': ceremony and th e acquisition of the brlde'8 financIal resources. tbe bus' band " '8S never very attenllve to bel'. Another member of tbe company In whlcb the couple we ro appellrlng was, however, far more appr eciative of tba ladY'1I cbarms, and proceeded to make To procure thIs pBctl'rn •• nd 10 t'entll love to ber In l1li ard e nt but stealth)' to "Pallern Dcpllrtmenl." or Ihls p ape r. manner. Tbe grand final e came one Write name and addrnsl pla inly. nnd be .ure to elvo IUR AAd pUlIlbor 01 PAu.ern. evening wh en tbe actor discovered theotbel' man kI ssi ng his wHe. TM rand lover stood petrifi ed with fear. ' NO. 4695. ' SIZE ...... .... . ... .. and ellpected to be sllot !lawn tbe I ., next moment. I NAME ...................... . ... .... .. ... ... . No sucb tblng happened. The out· I TOWN . .... .. ............... _. .. . . .. .. ... .. . . raged bUlJband only lifte d bls hands toward tbe cenlag with a gesture ot STREET AND NO ......... .. .. .. .... . . .. . Intenee lIurprlll8, and 8:tCI9Imed: STATE ...... .... ... . ... .. . . ........... .. .... . "Merciful beavens! And he !!Idn't , even have to!"


Not That Kind. "It would save a lot of trouble," lIalet a. • newlpaper man the other da1 to Repre.entati've Slayden of Texu, &ft. er the Demooratlc CUCUI on the Henry resolution to Inveltlpte the "mane, trust," "If you would allow us to attend tbe caUCU8." "On the contrary," replied Mr. Sla1' den, with a twinkle In bill ele, "I tboucht It would make a lot of trOUble." "Well, can't you etve me B.D 1. \ tervlew on It, now that the flgbt I.

over!" wNo," &Dswered Mr. SlaYden, "it would be al&1nBt m1 prlDclples. I nev~r 'kl .. and telll"

.. 'r

Nata II)'. ,. Robert;; at tlIe age of twelve, WU lDuch pUIII.!! over one que8t1on In hla uamlnatlon paper on cIYICII. It ran, "If the preat!!ent, vice-presIdent, and &11 the member8 of tlIe cabtDet Ihould die, who would omcl.te?" Rack· In« hIs braIn In vain to re{:pember the ord& ot suoces810n, a batypy tlIouaht came to him, IDd he wrote: . "Tbe undertaker,"-WomaD's Rome Companion.

Jt 1~, ;111JPortant' to keep. little gtrla warm \ during wfnter weather an4 a good protectlon again lit cold and wet will be found In the CO&t Illustrated. ThIs III double breuted, hl«h In tbe neck and provided wltb a Bboulder HARD TO DROP cape which can be' used or omItted as Bllt Many Drop It. preferred. Reverelble c1otb, Berge. t wed IIIId similar fabrlc8 are BuJtable A 10ung Calif. wife talki about for this garment. colree: Tbe pattern (4824) Is cut In slzell "It was hard to drop Mocha and 'nI. I, 8 and 5 years. Medium size re- .Java and give poatum a trial, bllt m1 qulros 2 yards of 44 Incb material. De"es were 10 8h&ttered that 1 waa .To J)I'OCure thl. patlern 'lm4 10 eentll • nervous wreck and of courae tlIat to "PaUern Department." 01 thl. poper. meBns all klnd8 at Ills. Write name &I1d addre .. plainly. and be "At first 1 thought bicycle rldlns I""e 10 ..tve 81.., and Awnber 01 paUefA. caused It and 1 gave It up, but my con· dltlon remaIned unchanged. I did not NO. 4824. 81ZB:............... 1 want to acknowledge coffee caused the NAIIII............................................ ' trouble tor 1 was Yery fond of It. "About that time a friend came to TOWN ...................................... . live with us. and I noticed that after 8TRIIIIil'l" AND NO ........................ . be had been with ua a week he would not drink hie cofree any more. I aeked ·&TATID ...................................... him the reaBOn. He replled, 'I ha". not had a headache 81nce I left oli ~rinklng cofree, lome months ago. tW Navel Orange From Brazil. lut week, wben J began again, her. at The navel orange was first dlacov· Jour table. I don't see bow an10lle ered In Bahia, Brazil, whence It wall can like coffee, anyway. after drink. carried to Australia, but tbere Ute Ing P08tum'r slips did nQt tbrlve. Tbe botanical de"I IBid' nothing, but at once ordered' partment. at Wublngton, D. C., sent ., lIackageof Postum. That ·WIUI 1lY. ror some slips, IIIId on receiVing tlIem ago. and we bave drank DO sent them to an orance grower of Los colfee Blnoe, e:leapt on two oocaslODII AnCeles. In due 't lme ,he trees grew when we had company, and tbe result and produced. fruit, and 'this was nam· eacb Ume was that my husband could . ed the WlUlblngton Davel orange In not Ileep, but lay ~wake aDd tosle4 compliment to the department at the and talked halt the nlaht. We we,.. capital. eonvinced that cofree cau8ed hll ferlng, 10 we returped to POltum, co.... Prepoater-oul. ylnced that the cofree · ~aa· an:.tPeIilT/ P&tJent , (teebly)-Dootor, my wife lallead of a trl&nd, IDd he ,Iii ~oubJ,ecl 8M'S that 10U )l1ve chl!-rged me too 110 more by InsolllDtL· · ' . . mucb for operattrtg on me. "I, mJ.selt. Pined', 8 pppDda .1D Tbe Doetor-+But, 'm y dear Ilr, .~~. ·to dOn't mean to ·tell metbatyou would ·teI"Qdlt .take y;our , w "re:a..' o~IO~D;" IlS tq ,Tourvalue,' -We" '.f',.1 •










Cblet NKes stty to Impro vtns Dulry Condi tions Is to Give


- ' . ~, )'


ProcIu c;(.r Rlsrbt Know lednB {.:»r HandU ng Produ c::tFacto r of l~portBDc;e Is the Sanit ary Condl tlon of tbe ~~rd_

Mr. Benjam in HolbrOOk. of th e firm of U. Holbroo k & Uomllan y . Job be r s. bad been abscnt from hl~ bUHlnetl M f"r three weeka. amI th llr for elltered his office r esolved to gl"l back 1111,) hlll'IIB HlI liS spce.lIly as Ilossible . Aftor WildIng througb a mass of accumu· late d corresp ondence . be rang for ilia c onfiden tial stenogra Llher. Sbe ra iled to allpear. A secoud and Ii thJrtl ring Wtlr6 equally barren or results. Mr. Holhroo k grew IlIdlgna nt. With a sav· a!;e Jab, he touched anotber button 011 hill desk. 8n.1 In a momelV- Wat· lion . his cbl ef c lerk. IItood at hili e l· bow. "Wat~on." be demand e ,1. "wby .Iocao·t II1lss Gay ley res pond to lI e r c all?" " Miss Gnyley was married wlllle you were away." "An omce romanc e7" "Yes," res pond ed Watsou .... lth a SOllie. "Smlth,> rs. ono or Ihe book· 1<"eper8 . Is tbe other gullty party ." " Well. be got a sensibl e wire. con · f blm. Olve blm 11 ton per cent. ralso. At 'the same tlm ll be robhed me of a good stenogr apher just when fihe had hecome efficien t and va luable. It strike s me theM e cases are becom· Ing Ilrl' tty frequen t In this olllce. aren·t they. Watsou ." "ThIs Is the fourth In three yoars." "Exactl y." . agreed Mr. Holbroo k. ....' our In tbree years, or wblcb your own CMe was tbe first . Matrim ony Is n noble Institut ion. ·WatsOn, but It can· not. be allowed to play bob with thIs busin ess tbe way It hlUl been doing. I propose now to get a stenogr apher who will Nlglird this office as IIOmething mora -than a ateppln g·stone to marriag e. MlsB Gayley·. succesllor mMt be ot leRllt I hlrty·fiv e year8 old. You will advertls o al once for a lady

For Infan ts and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought

" I am able 10 mee t that conditIo n. " "' lUI t he calm re pl), . Th o hont! of th e Orm WRlI forcM to . ALCOH OL-J PER CENT confe~H to him se lf lbat sbe did not A\~t table Prepara lion for As · look It. ~imilarll1g lbe FOOdnndR e~tlla · " Have you hll ol any exp~r11tn ~ e In hng fhr 510lllilchs and Bo",~l~ or lhl s capacIty '!" he RRlled. "Non o. what e ve r ." ~h e nnHwer eJ. INFANJ~/ Q!!LDIU:N " " But i hnv.! a good educatio n aud bave fltle J mysplt r. arpfully for sucll Promotes Digeslio n,Cl1eerrul ' a position . and I t eel I ClUl llIeet all ness and Resl .Conlains neilher t.lJe requirem ents set torth In your Opium . Morphine nor Mineral somewh at uuus ual advertis ement." NOT NARC OTIC " It was a IIltle out of the (\rdlnu.ry, wasn't It?" " Yes," " But I here wail & relUlou ror It. flurlng the last three years llave lost no I.,ss than four sWDogrllllilers tbrough matrimo ny , It wil. a ,Ieslre to secure some one wbo would view busines s IlB olber than a stllllplllg· AperfeCI Remedy for ~omlip'" stone to ularrlag e that IlrODlI,ted that '. l.6 lion . SOllr Stomach .DlarrhO ell, ad ," Worms .Convulsions. hveri5h "I can safely say that there Iy 110 Great Scott'a Champi on, Premie r Jeraey Cow of the World ness and Loss OF SLEEP . prospec t of my making such ulle or It," replied Miss Holmes , (By W, M , KELLE Y , N~w York , ) the co\\'s or wbethe r It is best to walt fac Simi~ S.gnatuN' or A trial Bhowed that 81l1l was well In t.h.e llroduct ion of cream tbat will uutll It Is COOled and again brought equippe d ror tb e position . Mr. Hoi· meet the demand s ~ of brook re flected, also. tbat he had trade tbe care of the a fnncy city to the rlgbt tempera ture berore being milk lind Ih e separat ed . On the majority of farms ntl ver recogniz ed s o lIIany goo.1 Quail· sanitary method s of ba ndllng tbe wbere fan~y ('r ellm Is produce d. con· ties In an appllcal lt berore. He th ere- cows are tbe most e][actln g phases of slderab le or the supply Is brougbt fore engaged her, and In a few weeks bUSiness. Many people, wben h8.n · from otber farm ers and for tllat rea· found reas on to eongra.t u late hlmselr ; dUng milk. forget that tbey are deal· son It Is best to have tbe s eparatin g for sbe de veloped an efficiency even Ing with a food product . If Illtb Is al· done at ollce. tbus Insuring a more above tbat of her very effiCient pre- lowed to get Into the milk 0.1 any uniform quality of ('ream . decesBors. In a rew months be began point of product ion . no amonnt of cAre Walth a l !the utensils after using. to regard her as Indispen sable. anll atterwa rd can mako Exact Copy of Wrapper :. amends for this Wash Orst wltb warm water to r~ found himself regretti ng that sbe waa difficult y. move' the milk, then with hot wat er, near blm In omce bours only. Tbe eblef necessI ty In ImprovI ng Boap or wasblng prepara tion. Sterilize And then It came. He was dlctat· daIry condItio ns Is to HAD THE HABIT. gIve the pro- cans and palls at least twIce a JEW SCORED ON ARtSTOCRAT 11t8 to her one day , he on tbe one side ducer sucb knowled ge or tbe rlgbt week . Leave tbe cane open so tbat or tbe bIg, flat omce table, and sbe method s of handlin g aud caring for the air and sun can do tbelr worl< III·Bred Remark Brough t Olacom fltur. on the other. facing blm . While the milk tbat he w1l1 see tbe necessI ty killing bacteria germs. The wbole soon Duke of Westmi nster _nit grBspln g for SOUle solution to a for such method s and know how to ('ret of s uccess Is cleanlin ess from the HIs Compan ion. knotty buslnes~ problem . h e allowed manage bls wor~ to accomp llsb tbe time tbe cows are milked until IbE bls m ind to wander . Tbe plainly desired results. cream goes onto tbe table for the A frIend of mIne wbo I., h. Cairo furnlsbe d omce faded from hla vision . In selectln g cows for producI ng consum er. jllst nOIT told me a good story In • The table became a dlnlug table. cov- cream It Is to our best Interest to BeAvoid sudden changes In the line of recent letter of an old Jew of that !Ired with snowy I~nen upon which lect anImals (ram breeds i:hat hsve feeding city wbo scored ort the youug d!1ke of . A change of food many tlmel silver gleamed and crys tal sparkle d- an inherite d tendenc y to produce a derange s U,e COW'II system to such an Westmi nster and his Insep.r able comBueh a <lllling table as one seea In a large amount of butter rat at the low· extent Il!l to give the milk a bad odor. panIon. Lord Rlckeav nge, whell tbey home; but Miss Holmes faded from cst co lit and for tbat rea &on Jerseys Never teed turnips. cabbage or vegewere tbere a few wee1l:. ago. They the picture not at all. In bls reverie and Guernse ys stand at the bead of tables because tbere Is always dan· were buyIng 80me Jowelry In tb. ba· ~e Baw her sitting opposIt e blm at the the list as econom ic cream produce rs . ger of ruIning the quality of zar there, and tbe duke remark ed aud· tbe prO' dream tahle--a nd then Benjam in HOI· Tbe (actor of Importa nce 18 the san· dnctlon . Roots are excellen Ibly to his friend: t. Whell brook. bachelo r, aged forty. came Itary conditio ns Burronn dlng the herd . feeding ensilage , plan to feed It atter "The fool doesn't speak English of back to enth wltb 8. rusb . He was In To produce clean. wholeso me cream milking so tbat the odor will not af course." But tbe fool UlIdenlt ood we\l love. He wall certain oC It. des pltc the we must bave clean stablee, clean reet title cream . enough. novelty or tbe sensatio n. yards. clean and wboleso me feeds and "Do you splk Itallan! " he asUd E'I'ery daIry room or cream skIm· Mr. Holbroo k was accusto m ed to dl· clean attenda nts. them. mlng to wblch they repllecl In t he room sbould bave good drains, reet methods . The cows must be kept comfort · cement floors and walls tbat are tlgbt. He (nervou sly)-W bat wll\ your fa.- negativE>. "1\I1S8 Holme8. can you s tili safely able at all times. This "Do you s plk GrlkT" say tbat thero Is no llrospec t or your warm stable with pleoty requires a The floor should bave enough slope te ther say when 1 tell bJm we're enof IIgbt aud carry ott tbe water to the drains "No." JlIakJllg busI ness a steppIn g stone to annl!bln e. Pure aIr gaged" Itl fu lly \Hi essen- Sanitar y method s do not meau ex· "Do you splk Turk!" She--H e'n be deUghted, OOIU'. He marrlage~" be asked sudden ly. tlal as pure food and no man can pro- J)ensh'e method s, but that all of tbe alwaya 1a. Miss Bolmes was also In a reverie. duce fine flavored cream If bill stable buildIng s. tools, and men employe d "Do you &plk Russian ?" She came out of It In confusio n . Is contam inated with foul aIr. A num- must be kept neat ·'No." and clean. Some "1-1 thInk so," sbe manage d to ber of Ruth.orltles Cold Welcom e. bave said a great ot tbe best and most BDnltary equip "Me one time fool," saId the old gasp. Sad Excuae. deal about how mucb cubIc alr spnce mente are the leas t mn.n after a short but eloquen t paule; expJillIDve. They were twItting "Theo tbere Is a doubt'!" a (rlend who each BOW should have, but--I- beHmt t "you five times fool!" And the duke Thene xt" step Ie marketi og the .tuttere d upon the fact "Yes ; th ere Is a doubt." she ad· Is more Importa nt tban that he had and bls we provide a cream . nnd right here, let me say uevcr been frIend rellred dlscom flted.mltted. married . plan to cbange the aIr frequeT ltly that the main point Is to put up tbe "J kn·kn ·know, boys. that I've never Exchan ge. "I Il.Sk you to g1ve mo the bellE'llt or rather than Ogure 00 the basis of so right kind ot artlcle-- -Qne that the con b-b·been married , but I was pre·pre· It." \ mucb air space. sumers know Is produce d under good pretty near It once." SummIn g It Up.. "Ob. I SOl not thinkin g or resign' To be sweet and clean It Is almost conditIo ns and that Is always uniform He Allowed HI. Mind to Wander . "Was tbe charlty ball a sucee811'?" "How ",as that?" they Inquired. Ing:' sbe proteste d . nccessa ry thllt tbe stable be wblte· In quality. There Is not a city of 30 .. "Well. you SOO. I ask·ask ·asked n "Ob, rea. Indeed. .> "I am Tbey say the not asklug you to give the wasbed frequen tly . ThIs makes a 000 In babltan ts In tb e country but gtrl to bav·hav·bavD me. and (X)nfess lng to that mnllY summe rs. If bU8lnes~ tbe benefit sbe sale! gowns must bave cost a hart mUHoll of tbo doubt. cheap and effectl'/ e disInfec tant and It that you cannot find ber. I'll have to get a MIss Holmes ; I am oilers excellen t Inducem ents te that she'd rathor be ex·ex·ex cused. aDd Ilt least." askIng you to gtve Is easily applied wltb a spray pump. a man mall-b ut I pl'efer tlje woman. tr she It to me. I desire you "And bow much was raised fot to res ign . Can ·t It should be well mIxed and free from trade wbo will start a fnncy cream 'i was such a fo·Co·fool. I ex-ex-ex cnsed and pay more for bls produch ber." exIsts." charity !" you see what 1 am getting at? I love lumps before usIng to prevent the n<n· than the COUlmon dealers Benjam in Holbroo k had ne,'er bcon you, I want you to be "Why, nearly $700. Wasn·t that my wlfo." zle ot the sprayer from getting clog· for. I.f yO\J are s ellIng are sellln~ married . At the age whon other men 24 per eenl fine?" "Wo{lld n't t hat be playing boh wIth ged. Cement floors are A Diplom at. tbe best be- cream keel? your product up to thaI take unto themsel ves WIves. he had tbe bllsln ess ?. she "Don't as k a g1 rl for a kIn uo· as ked after a cause they ore easy to keep clean. test and If your trade demand s a 4( less- " been tOO busy smooth ing tbe path or pause. smlllng ·tbrough ber blushes . 'Vltb cement Ooors and liberal use of per cent cream do the newly establls bed firm of B. Hal· not try and palm "Unless you want one?" Mr. Holbroo k rose from his cbalr straw and other absorbe nts It Is not orr a lower test If you are a little brook '" 00. over the tborny ways and started toward "No. unless you don 't ." her. She fled to difficult to keep stables neat and short. Always sell what you adver· whIch Infant Industri es must travel. tbe door In a panic In Sa.katDhewa. (Wlltern CaRada) and paused wIth clean. else and ask a price that will leave MatrIm ony. b~ , had reasol)e d, muat her band on tbe knob. MaD7 Cblld .... a A .... S lckt7. 800 au.he l. from 20 aoree Many disagre e as to .... 'hether tbe you walt upon success . Success be bad enough profit to malntal n an )(utber Ora, '8 Sweat. Powders tor CbU4ren Break 01 wbeat wu the threeher -. "The busines s Is Inured to such ex· mJlk should be separat .p Oulda In t4 buurB. ed rnlUD fro... a 1.Ioy IIf fresh oli n" . lfo'fcnabn cSi. Dead· from article of hlgb quality. finally achIeve d . and now It waited l~n"rIAn,"eS by tbl8 time," acbo. 8t.mJ\II.eb Trol1hl p&. 1'ocLhl ... DtlilOrdon , moyo be r..rm lautbed . tb. upon matrimo ny. [f qu estioned , be stili going toward ber. ~ and rol'U10le the bowol s. a nd Oeetro, WOrml. Tho, - " oll910. "You must reare su ptell.1'tant.lO taka abl ld ron 1IIlo them4 need by IIcld.1D that u_eU ... would not bave been able to say membe r that my own W\ot.hora for 7'J otber dI.trlct. yield· rOlDance bas a .At aU drui,'lu. t6c. 8&mplQ ~h:i!t1rl3r bo-bM ' e luded matrIm ony or ' Quartet of precede and thf' width sbould be the same B! 1Ii>l1e4~'I1IllIS. ,Oll"A4d"'" ..... 8. Ol_tod. LeRoJ,N. T, J5 t .. 1I5 bu· nta rlgb t. here In the .h_t to· the the length ot the sash. 6 feet. Tbt matrIm ony tiad eluded him. hut now, omee. Howeve r, 1t shall be tbe last; er..... '" plank trame. or brick work ot the p\l at the age of forty. he was forced to for my lIellt confide It'll Nature. ntial stenogr al)her confess to biB friends tbat while It shall be a mnn." may be extende d above the surface 01 "Does anybod y ever win at a tea WIUI sUlI po8slble 10 hili ('ase. It dId tbe gro'und sufficie ntly to allow fOI flgbt 1" MIss Holmes covered ber face wltb not seem very probabl e. "Of course not. It Is Il drawn bat· 'PcnnlU leDt Act'atr Should Be Con- placing the Bash upon th e frame. her hnnds as be reacbed for her. Being a bachelo r, he bad never Hotbfld sash should be constru cted tle.'· atruc:t ed to Be Heated by " If that Is tbe case, B-Denj amln: of whIte pine or cypress . and tbe sasb been ablo to fathom the mental she murmur ed. "you Manar e or R ...4l&t· might begtn to process es whlcb led a girl to aball.lon look around fot tbe .... Plpea. PIl.E8 CURED Il' II TO 1& nh, 1'8 bars should run In one dIrectio n only, "I'O'DTlll"Ulll man ." rulllnd. m ODO, U PAZO OINT. a comforl able salary In his office for and tbat lenglhw lse of the sasb. Tbe ,,':N'r falliCl..s~tA Will t c urn ~ nl CA ~ of ltehlnll. 1:JUD4. B!ucdu:lM: &-rvt.rudhl4 : 1 1l0il to G....", UI" We. \be purpose of shllrlng the salary c! barB may be braced through tbe mid· (By C. P. HARTL E\". United States DeDog a Volunte er pollcem an. a male worker In the same omce, and partm ent of A"rlcull ure.) dIe by a transve rse bar placed In every ncllon. rel'\ect nllon tbe Membe rs of the Liverpo ol (Eng., po In much les8 degree bael he been able A perman ent hotbed should be so tbrough the long bill'S below tbe glasa. to underst and the 1I0e of reasonI ng lice force attacbed ' to the Breck road constru cted as to be beated eIther with The two ends of tIle sasb should be end. li nd In your underta king It con· sill er wby yon do It .-Jerem y 'I'aylor. whlcb led the aforesaI d male worker dIstrict have the assistan ce of a vol· ;'erment ln g manure or by radiatin g made oit' sound timber. 8 Inc bes wide unteer police dog, which belongs to a .,Ipes from t he dwellin g or green at . tbe ,t op to persuad e her to do so. and 4 Inches wide at A. a (\orrcctJ, o for Inellg",l.I on onel Cl regn • In employi ng office helll. the be~d local publi ca n. Regular ly every nlgbt nouse beating plant. For a perman ent bottom end . mort.lse d to receIVe tbe lntor of tho fCYh le m , no rt'nwcJ ,v CUll uxcul 1n the tbe dog. a large retrle\·e r. Willits Into bed. In whlcb manure Is to supply of tbe firm was able to discern merit pUl'ity ClOel cmcl~o cy U.rfiehl Tea. ends of tbe sash bars. a nd with a tell' the at a glnnce. All bls male subordI - the police sl atton, JUBt as the nlgbt heat. a pIt 2 by 2'>2 feet deep, accord- on at the ends to pass through tbe are goIng on duty. and takell up Ing to thc lalltude In .w hlch tbe nates had good Qunlltle s. The four Som e pe op!c love to fell the truth work I>lde pleccs. which sbonld be 2Y.J. wonien who had rei gned In brie r sue· the patrol wIth one of tbe uniform ed Is to be done , should be provIde d. The Inche8 wide. when tbe y think It will burt. cessIon In the oftlce were all well en· constab les. It will have nothIng to do sIdes and ends may be support ed by Whl' n bnbJ baa t.h n Ctt.H1P PI\' o III)X 8 10· . ()rou ,. dowed In this r espect- so well en· with an officer In plain clotbes. ' On a linIng of plank suppo rted by . posts A New Apple Co~n try. ~l~~~1~lt b"u~~~~~~"'~, ~I {.~ il:~~:,':::U ~c~~~: dower!. Indeed, tbat four of tbe malo several occasIo ns the dog has proved " .feet apart. or. whnt Is better stllr. a The nr(lvlnc e of New Brunsw ick. Is Buhor.i lnates had dIscern ed t belr merit exoeedi ngly tactful and useful. When brick wall 9 Inches thIck may be used. ... STAnT FIlCTOl 80.,. fur rroo book. 00\'1 t o tJE8. y:tlt ....ten\a. Bad lu cll Is often but snotbllr nalDD even better than the b08s, with the the officer comes art dllty In the mom· .fn either case tbe pIt lining should a. newcom er In tbe apple-ra IsIng COI11. I'"..,n, . ",,"Nld ur roo ""u",.... S-.ACO w ....Il1.~W ....hlDgtoD result tbat for the flftb IJme In tbree Ing the .log runs away home. but come flush with the surface of tbe petillo , At . ,D.o. a rec~nt P1>;'" f'::'r=p= show Now Brnnswl c\< Canadia bad on nexa hlbl· years that ~ent1eman, wIth .all a when tbe hour for resumIn g In the soli. -_ o=o=r~m~a:n:a:g:e'Ill=e:n:t:.==::==:=::====:=====;========? evening arrives he 18 at tbe pollee bacbelo r'8 dIslike for chango ' ln The slte. for tbe pit sbould be on lion 60 barrels. 656 boxes amI 1.422 plates or the leading market varIetie s. existing .order of things, faced tbe dis· station to tbe mInute .to go Ullon hI. natunlU y well draIned laud, and ~OO a. tile Until lately agreea)J le prospec t oC becomI ng ac· beat. the apple Industr y has reOr • little weter from the human syatem when celved little attentio n In the provinc e. cnstome d to II. new stenogr apher. It thoroughly teated by the chief chemist at Dr. but the .iepartm eot ot agrIcul ture hila was this fact, coupled with tho knowl· The English as Klaw Sees Them . PierOe'. Invalid, ' HOlel, Bul1'aIo, N. Y., tella Ih" taken Improve d metbod s ot culUva· edge that there were 'yet soveral unetory of impoveriahed blood-aervou~ ex!-uati on Mr. 1I1arc Klaw, the Amerlcli.n tbeatlion. and It Is now predIcte d that married men In the omce, all with rlcal manage r. wbo was quoted a8 or lOme kidney trouble. Such eXllmlaaUOM N B msde without O<Ht and is only a amall part of Ibe socid :qulllitl es, . that led blm to tssuo sayIng that tbe English "ure just ew nml!wlc k will become a great work of the Italf 01 physioiana aDd sur,cona under bls edIct concern ing. 'the age of the about a8 emotion al as a LImbur ger apple country . There Is an Immens e the directio n of Dr. R. V. Piette ~vinll tbe beat ~!!!~I\. area of ,c beap lond. and tbe climate ' next' woman 'wbo should lJ1'ace hla ell- cheese, " wdtee thst what be really medical advice poaaible "ithout 008t to thOIO seemB to be tavorab le for the fall and tabUlbm ent. ," . said was: "The EngliBh are a warm· who wish to write .nd make. full stateme nt of winter v, a rletlM Watson 's ' adverti sement . brough t ne:ar'~1:ea groyn lD New Eng· IJ'IIIptoml. An imitAtion of aaturol method of but are usually about laud and the mIddle atatel. 'but 'one apPltca nt to :Mr. 'Holbl'OC!kreatorinll of tiune .ad Impoveriahmont of dl!lD,ellstlr&tIIVe as tfornag e de Brie" the blood and nervous force I. uaed "hea YOII a hand80m e. lOinewh at, SIUHllCEld Croll SectIon Hotbed. take e alterativ e aOlI Illyoerio entraot of fOOt., an. whoeo gown of black bCiC8.l.e without tho uao of .alcohol, such as , tu' alen'1ler plumpne8~of '-"1 am MIP Holmes ," "mplt., , "L ,bave come In .ad.~~t1lemei1t .

Bears the Signature





For Over Thirty Years





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Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical

Your. Mon ey-Is It Eata ill.


If deposi ted with us it will begin to hear

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from date, pa yab le ~ (,l11i-anlll\ally, a ." IIt'il1g a profi table and COllY nicn il1\'l· ~ t ll1CI1 I. ",ith " ~('curity th at i s . Ab ~o l u tc. " \\' ritc fo r bouklr t.

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It is a goad idea to learn the composition of Ole paint you intend to use. There ia a differe nce.

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The print ed form ula appe ars on ever y pack age t. Hann a's Gree n Seal Pain~ of -----~~~~~~~~~~

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6 North Main, Opposi te Old Court HOUlle




with the Has .toad the teat of time and has heeD improl'ed in quo~ty .. passinl~ years. is nol Many brand. of paint are offered for sale and quite often careful scrutiny used. be to paint the of quality the to e referenc with subject the Riven



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Gem City



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H:anna's G re en Se al

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'TlU. i. an evidence of sood faith and attetb the conJideuce the makers ha¥e

in their product.



J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio. ;;;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;; _ ::::::::::~ ______~:: ___ - -=-:::'=-=-~~====:::='=-~---~-~==--~-~-::-':' A. MA FFI 'I,


Cla ssif ied Ads pll r lo&r8hl p filed suit I1galnst Ro Ruuyu n , trllr.t iu Tnrtl eorAl' k lown· 11 0 11 nnd ~ee Ill e tomb of Wu tl uiug , ............... b .. r t Koiiht olaimin lt thGt t hey Ilre sb ip, J1 licd oth er c o npid "l'Illit) n ~ /"",nk ill upou CongrE'I:IS tbe Unde rtake r and Embalmer, WIlY'.learille's Lell.<llnj1f Deo"" t Oil 8t _ Main '1111 DIlCl(l~ to Bldg. tbe rightfu l owners of one blaok Kiruy Keys A. In th . Office Il:liz,.be fi r"t ,) r se~un d WE'f' K In lJecem uer J\ J.:; will he III !lh: rLt ~ tt lIlI'l e r Lh lN hai\d f o r Will be · fuund io the old h or/je whioh they uk the oo urt $0 nll1~ Co., t·TlI et in (:I('(,r('roHk tOWII- 'I'llI' :--;1 11 111 BUllnl ot' Agricu ltu re wi ll t wl'ntL)' 11, I' C cn l ~ ror Lh r ~c Inse r tion. \\ IWII IIslllJ.t litH wore tha.n llve Iln cs . Bank Buildin g. oppos.h " r O!ltore to t.hem . Un.tnilt on & Bh ip, $ 1 lI.nll OIIt" T I'rtmidt-lrtl Lion !! . urmngp detni! s of · tfllvel 111111 si!{ht. Nation al Bank . the plain 'htl for y&k_ Beo attorne . I\: Bro \vo are ... AIk c A:I. Biull I I) /<; tl il h one in house lind of . l!111Ul{ a nd oomiol( . Teleph WAL TER MC(1 LURK , 6P"lng . tiff . called be wit h ,wd .l joul:lb V bl,' n. lot in can J to where voted fice have uoarlls Ftlir ~e\'f\l' IlJ FOR~E . Comm on Pleas Court. daI or nigh t. Lo h.UlOU, '10, 1 ' IndlV boy. olle of be petl UX Fune ral Direr.tor. tlw 1'·lY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ K _ I _ _ ..;;' ;; _ _ tl senlll1 B to hiM I\greed 1'-2. E have dePhone tile hanks of Valley HII1I1I . f"vor in U6 C.1urt deoided . tt 1I1jo':JJ' I II ,lItU t e ~ Dn vi~ , t ract In Wayne sville, Ohio I E GUS from pure Fawn fl nd Whtt.e Maio Street. fe" d"nt In the olllle of I::Ienjam in DavlR Ilcd Addle ip. *1 1l1luut.lll'r uoy. OLbor !lnnk!' Wi ll clubllntogHth IllY choice duck". er uun F ndlll l lnll d y"uug VI James Young The 'furlleo reek townsh Teleph one day 01 night. cletllers rr lind (lily. thRill I o f 1l! . '"I u~O per settng t · l' .. ., D ngsrlll . n,luc oll~ pr &i e rfl inoreuM oonRlde .0 · 1 ~ fur VaUe7 ph008 No. r. J..oag '''nxion n.ppeBl of IC'rR"r, no'ice pillinti ft gave S D l:l enklH. R. R r" W"yne nille. j Mary J . Morri. no(! 1~, lwi n M. Dl8tano e No. 61l-~. 29 ma 721. PboDe e, ll vi Dtshin ga bobdo f ,SOO. in thtl gume. (). Cant.tll' n ll, Gli '/[, 11 ,' n unel ba\'e jOlUf\d Ccpu" ordere d 'tha' a wr it of pllr. Morris t .. Lucy P"tl'l\r~ Hrun !-;e!< Il re vol.wg t o gi ve the boys OHIO lp, U • WAYN ESVIL LE, C H l. Red EgII;8 Best atr~io tltion be tllMled to 'be 088e of' How. "ores in WIl~hingtl)n tOlVn~h of the Capltlil the He" to cllfloce a . rlltlons l, oonside wlnnerl ot.her • of Illyers and prize ~d '... TUleY VI . Ella 'ransey et aDd nati on . High.w n ter m"r k in coru Branch Office, Bane,n bul'lr. O. · 75 cts. per setting of 1&. Cut rates otloh in nCTe one n 'o tIOn al. produc Mrs ClinS Ross. X miles on ~ 1 0 0 . .< is the main objeot. ·The ell!lt of Dodds, Lobano n. Ohio coaoty , UlVOJ'Oe gra.te d la Allison L . ., Bills-P ure Food lirocer y Co p. vertl!;;e 'Jhlo yield must be raised. Pbon H -lOll 4 a 17 Bpeooe from lAura Spence on t.he DR. ~J. W. MILL ER. Frankll D ·l8 .. jail, for 8 supplie e. abeeoo aged. wlllfnl !.f arouo& 1J0Yl! OI1U do it if euoour Tho judge. lIo'ion for Dew trial III overrul ed Chroni cle, bla uk ", t or probate h uh) t,hem to stay on the BABY BUGGIE~-one Folding , .•• DEN TIST••• Mfg. It will Book BhLllk bus Colum 17. to ohance !lnd botb are in ~ood shllpe': In_ a aDd .lobo B. IIlJler and ' Alber' boy he t ve Oi m. ftl. 15 10. offioe for infolm ation . Spohr are ordere d la pay a fiDe of Co.. blanu for prohllte judge, 011100 In Wi D 11 victcry and watoh him grow quire at this ;Wayne svllle, 0 a 17 for ork w dental e, Relek NatloDal BaDk Bld&, Fred I,)r, oourt. of p' oonkm t10 &D4 ~ta for doicg it. Two hundre d boys wbile rep"irs Burke, A. XeUoD ' for Dew 'rial overru led prisone r. '2 _ M. ride on the Buokey e traIn to AVREt:! of good leVi'll land in r, salary, CRn Southe rn A,.kan8all for lIale should andl eour. orden ~he village ot at jail, I' R I::hrs hburge oounly Every Washin gton. !>/llary. 150 Clo88 to oounty lea', on 8 trade. DR. BELL 'S ANT I.PA IN or v"lue io rr.otJ lo to pIl7 ,'S2,50 to Samue l '4~. James Foil en Sr" eoonom The . esented be repr ed; Improv in well y; Frankl highwa repa.irs publlo Bond, D. Albert wUh anoe aooord for Internal ..... External PaInt. D. IM.....,D 'to bln g effects of this oon. cburoh God sohool on "lCd. For r Co., and far-reao Lnmbe MaSOD . $9 ip. townsh · ~lo'. jOt7'. test in every county will be appre pnrtlon lllrs addre8 s A. Wilson , R " 17 ~tOD for new trial overru hd 124.20 . ...- -clated and approv ed by thongh tful D. 2, Vvaynellvllle, Ohio. to d of ordere way is ~l an praoti a Bartm . is It .aDd Obarl citizens . The Danger After Grip WH1 rE RUSilian Seed Oat8 Innoo'rii- 170 from JOI8ph It. Llndllay HOO~1'lNG OHIO. . system wn run·do II. In often lies . quire of Elvan Fire'", Phone verdlo& u nIIlat, of jury the For inform ation anll ~ agge8tloDB Being prepar ed from 'Pure Native Herbs, they Cleans e WeakDess. ner'lous ne!ll!, laok of Gp· u.]O 1LJlf:; !83 l Asrion of thus and , System the Tone ~d ambitio n, with write to the Depart ment Blood, and the energy Purify petite, and System Probate COurt. disorde red liTer and kIdney s often \ure, Uolumb us, Ohi o. orlale orselil workh chea.p , ed GOOD wretoh BAND LE8 ~eort!tary A Bober. J . Shawh an u &8I1~nl!8 follow sn attl1ek of this If you ~ ant "barga in In a . • _ • ' .. . l'he gre!lt-tl~t Deed then is or the Oed.r SUI /3allita rlum Co. disealle lvork hor8e, call on A MoCray, good Eleo~rlo Bittsra . ,(~e gloriou s tonio, a10 " Late 8184 hll ioveot ory and apprata e: blood Was , Ohio. He Corwin Why of or rerulat Jlurlfie r and Tbous. kidney IBte?·" and so "What made you . . ., 84 .leo bl. IOhedu le of deb&8 stomao h, liver " I met omiths on," c. R , 1. Red eggs of the AD· sandll hllV8 proved that they wonLlVER ITES- A purely vegetab le Laxati ve, cures Chroni c Con· ~ lI&hiU& I.. yon ~by on it. straiD, reus , loB no is nerves Tompk that the and Well hen " drewe • l stipatio n, Liver and Kidney Troubl es. Ask your Grocer for .Alben a.laD flied proof of pub. der rully strengt Illte getting h ome ~ . C. Brown and Buff Leghor n eggs huur I\n be to should reslore nd .a sYllte~ the np baUd t. appolo Ual10 a of &he DO"oe of hi. ' Manuf atured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., 8prtn8f )eId, Ohio All 68gs 75 otl!. for 15. Mrs. RaSh at- to supper ," hea.lth and goed SPlrlts flf~rg,an try Il180' .1 admlob Jbator of t.he esta&e taok "1 know , bu' 1 ask ed bim how he OOOre'T, Sollth Lebano n, Ohio. 1103 of Grip. J r sulIerin them. Unly 50 oents. !:lold Gnd was feelin g, Ilncl he insisSed on tell: or S ..... lau aMicn , decease d . perfect IIlttlsfaotlon guamn teed by ing me about his stomllo h trouble ." Paull, 8. Mary of '" (! R I. Red eggs for hatohin g . . .......·(0 . . ., Old yo u t ell him to tu.k!! Cbllm sts , druggi Good ~ took. Prioe 750 per 15. • • 'IIed, 'Were reporte d by William all 's '1'0 blett! ?" berlain 100, lnqulrl l of R. E. Slm, per' '4 ---,. J. Bolalli rer. admin lltrato r and ap· "Sure, that is wbat he needs" kins, Wayne sville, OhiO, R . 3. a3 Y SOCIET T VEMEN IMPRO L RURA proTed , ~old by all dealers . ------ - ...------ · OODrt aooep~ the repol t of George C. BulI Or,IDg tons, bette. than Five yellrs u.go in southea stern B. Youq and OllCBr W. Rilev as IFY HlGHW A YS BEAUT ever "rite or phoue lor • formCld examlD er. of tbe coun'v tre9sur y Obio. twenty marrio d IBdies prioe!.· b.v the slttlaJl: or 10.. B V. " . Sooiety Improv ement 1'he Ohiu Depart ment of Agriou l- l:', B)x 75. Phone 71-', CorwiD, ....d orden ." publilh ed in the Leb "The Rural Thl s S 00Ie,y h I1S set out over fiv e a3 Pub Ohio. anoo Patrlo ' and Frankl in Chrou. hundre d trees arcond their homes ture is w"glng war on weeds. lele. . fur,nieh lic roadB I1nd r&llroads often h . d 1 Ea oh , breedIn GOB- R URI . Red Pen of g ground for weed eeeds . a I'raooe s T . Lewis , •auardla n of the an ab ong t e public rondll. hi/tjb Ao.ring Femllie s mated to treo Farme rs taking morEl pride in Il oooker elfrom Tuttle soorlng 93X' • tate of Henry 1rI. Bun', Imbeoile, m1em erh sets out one apple her home. the IIp}:6arance of 'belr h omes a nd $1 .50 tor 15; utility eggs . ,3 per bu •. filed ber 'lIIOond aud tinal IlcooUUt. a ong t e road neBr frefl ly fields . bot Bre ofteu disooar aJ;ed by (Ired ' Mrs ..Matt Andera on, Wil. partake can puhl10 tilt! Erank B. Hoovel ' and Eme Fan.j where f . 03 f oome. to n. OhIO. years the in rult its 0 nOD were ordered Bent to t he Ohio E the n egleot of offioiBls t.o destroy mingto h I I d h tlr home a very II y liB g ven printed 1nI~lta"OD for feeble .• inded youth. pretty ancl IlAeds along railwa ys and highwa ys name, whi -:b is OT A1'OES- Seetl and Eating Po. BEST OFFER t he ::ltagna nt pools unsiR;htly 81 rl by n see he o.m it plnced where tatoe" Carmen No. 2, EIlJ:'ly MUria p Uceole ll. es osqaito . sBase. di trI ee tll ncubfLtors of ~ocillty This is the best l"1 8s(uby . 'f he Ohio, MiobiJl:nn White. Rural New Magazi ne nOll mnlilri a tQrive there. DilllJlid \'or~rer. Addrel 's C 8. 8urfno e. I McCall 's ely . d t . we have ever ' offer d montll armer f ' 21, rt., worth ",prIng, uu EarDha er Lee positiv is Win i Walter orlng l .v of 1\.. D. 4, Wa yn(' sville, 0 .• Valley will good no pire inA fenne9 Gt-Cld . It Send usyour made. t f d t .., $1.00 II year. Subo f Leb&non and Sarab Elizabe th 0 n I\. "It 111 IL tbe )IHople toward men whose dnty phone l a 3X. ur uy a ·tlmoon . anied accomp Dame 19 of lAb ..non. Gutta get and now cribe splenoi d flxlJtople for man 1·0 follow . it Is to k.,ep th em iu repair. Eye ~H' , with the money e Gazett ami the:Mi J o 0 . Benry, 24, powder mrlk er W,lRJi'tn fI rll b vo oftnn progres si OUS for blAt chi nil-Ro se Coa tCld along al\ ro sore!! IIh ould be elimina Rhode Island Reds 760 and =.!:~l' and Emma Kllmbl e, 19, of onongb t,o do t,lle votiu /? Men ll routos of t-rIIvel. Vivic priue ought 0.17 per 15. J. C. Hilley. l,IlO f neg-to It.B flot inuilJor 8f, 80met'rue~ Publio . eforms r tbette to lel1d to of Eugene C. Smith, 21l, f"rlDer loct t.o VOt,ll lind fuil to pe rform pub. rel" tect to Apirlt i!1 a viltue tbat ought to bloss APKIN S-A new IItook of nap. Morrow , and Ketur" b Carter, :t!<1: of Iic duty. Civic pride is way offioial s aud townsh ip trus rtt11 klns jUI't in. Bevan desigDs Morrew . trees religion . Proper ly seleoted teeA. Wo "hould be good withou t Viok from. Gnzett e offioe. rou.cI the fllong !lhruhs nnd pl RDtS Real Estate Transfe rs. the III w making ns good . !:lome be and lit·tle but QOllt would siue C'lvoIt W Am'l8 Sala&htel Lee to rllilroadR have belAutified their stll Why . unity comm a to muob worth HalDilin Sraot Cavolt, and BaUle tion g rouu(ls with shrubs and flow , For you to s~eure the Miami Gazett e absolut ely FREE for not ntl(~ Jn th~ schoo l lind ,chu roh , _ ton townllb ip, '3115 . fllilr oR dH lire Improving SPECIA L TR,AINSBR,INO RESUL.TS Macy erR. one year by merely subscri biDg to McCall 's Magaz ine for S ornn. the Il ppearan oe of the right-o t-way Carl B. ·Haag, to M"ry F . Cretlmor Iya rd '," 1Ih som e of ullt,ure three years at the rate of 50 cents a year. In additio n you lt woul d b" hAtt er . D11rlng the ))!lS' five or lix years ft:lt in Damilt on townsh ip, ' 1 (lnd mentA? The r esu Wfled~ Hnd gr dfl u soum poo lll lue receive three 15c McCall Pattern s FREE. es. church bettor Ohio and lture, schools Agrion of College s. the . eration palDted . other oell8ld olimloh ted, I1 ntl fence~ The Free Pattern s are ordered by post-ca rd from New a numbe r • =- • lIJuro Rbru u!! and flo wel s onght to be Rtate Univer sity, hls rUD Georl8 W . Barri@ and ld!\ L. BarYork City and can be used any time you need one. special h r. rticultn ral 'rains ASK FOR NEW BUILDING groWLl . R,lilrlll .d .. wo uld 100ft good of ria to '3aIaue l T. ElJllloll Ilnd Mary This offer is availab le to anyon e who subscri bes, renews A thing of belluty thro,ug h the soutbe rn par' of Ohio, I\. ne w cit-eElIl in . L. illlt80D, ] O. 6 aorell In Deerfie ld or extend s his time on the Miami Gazett e. The only perquiA '1peo1~1 OOw':Dlttee, from t he IS nlwllYS appreo iated . '1'he travel· prinolp ally over th • . Baltlm ore & tewnsb lp, 'I aDd other co'osldera e." Society . advanc in \tnTfl! "pay IiortlCu you that State is site Ohio tralDs in tiOD. iog putlio would appllln d. Ftl.riners 6hio railroa d. On 'hMe See below what you will save on this extraor dinary ofter. II"~ G. CroBII to Elizabe th 8 . lmet wit.b .the ~rustees of the 0.10 should insist that road superv isors struott on ill prunin g, and spraylD S d. di to week last SIty ement Univer manag d iStlito orohar d Sml&h, lot lu·WaYDl1IIvtlle. f2500. be dil igent in ttlklDg oare of the fruit treellaQ f OU8MId ' plans for 1\ new hortiou lturul • - 0 .... B W i h.., WIlS given. Tho result of this in. b ' 0 rORIls. 1'10...... g r • Wblte sity. Univer t~e at .tog ul on has been &n looreal e in Thome struoti I:hmon to Perr, IIorden - -- . - - - We Will Clve You , nothing deliOlte Wtl.S deoided upon . tion of frul' and a grea ... produo the Crime A like Looks It com mit tee ex!!!!!!!!!\!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~ the lD embers of the Miami (Joette I year ••••• $1.00 boy from a box of er illteres t to orohar oing all aloos ~ l)re8sed themse lves 88 pleased with to sepdrat e a . the line. 1'1, O. I:farbel l, Indussr ial l Eli8 !:laIn. Arnl;m n's Baokle McCall'. Magazlae .1 years. ,1.50 the prospeo ts of seourln g the D.lQoh. ore & Ohio rail. PUb End To Bad Itabit s, boil",. Boratohe8, knnoks , A&e,n&, of the B~Utln pimple , The com · sprains and bruises deman d it, and 3 Free 15c McC.U'. Patterns .45 :.I:\II'.U.~ Dever look brlgh& ic one . needeil Dew bundln g, for burns, soaldll or rval1, writes: ' From tnfJl'm ation 1I relief by, 8el .. qulok D ItEl A. of liP made was ttee I m , the one to reo . b111... right. Keep hl\Ddy for I ha,ve receive d from ou~arion8 dl. Total Value ••• '••••• , • $1.95 • a .loggli ll llver, fililog b.;tanis t at Ohio Experi ment 8'a ootl Is hi" ' Healll everyt hing villion frelgh' aputl, I am ioform ed girls also boys, aDd orchard ohlef Shaw, E. N. tion; tbat n durlDg , ~....~ whh lJUi01lll pollOn, healalli e imd · d 'l e! . I~, q?,iok. Un- th~t 00 o~r NewaT k dlTlaio' S: N.e wLife1 i'lUs would-8 wu . hit &be joy of I DUllery iDlpect or i Jobn U: Cunnin g. equaled for pilee. ODIY:_~6 O'lnts at the palt year there . a:bou.& 260 oarloa~ fr,olh. _aIlUlS OhiO Farme r; L . D. all druggis ts. • _ • blues" ! bl~m" edlter, li~~~==~E~ "'he PhIlip .u4 kidDeys, E'l'on, of Prootor vtlJe, and ' Everybody mould read the Gazett.e , .GO 0&... in li10:" " : ' . V.~n Rall8elle,ar, ~f ,Por'~lID'oO. .

_........................ .






F== === =LI VE RIT ESI === === =I



. .

SERIOUS . ..... .... ness . ft...Sick

.Preven .... .....ts"".....,.-,........



II= =U VE RIT ES Only lOc === ='




A Wonderful Offer!


Now is Your Chance




I i I 1-~~~-1





This is an Opportunity










JUI .'o*,- '1.8 0 -


.., .....


---Lytle '

GA~ETTh WlleIcly


lit - wIlYIlIlA"iuo.






- - - --- ---



0 : L. CltANE, Editor and Manage r

-,-- ---_ ._ ---- -- -


Rates of Subscr iption Ono \'ollr (HLric lly ill IU]VI1Ucu) .. . ..... $I .UU Slllgio UOI'Y " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . U~ nates of Advert ising



Hulda Burn ett &.Llt! Luu), Oyko were In the Gem City , slJ ,ppiug, on Tuelldtt y. ~Ir. Lon Simont ou, of Lebano n. sj) 1 nt W"llnes dllY In uur v.i1111 ge. \Vl' II rA I'orr.v to report t hll.t Lee l!:/l. "lIbu rt I~ qlllte t!lok ug~l u, .\1r~, Lydia Menden ball, of OilY ~'h"l. w,,~ th o gueHtof ber llil:!ter Mrs v I•. Clll rk lIeYer"1 d !lYs lallt Wl'llk iJr, Ilnu Mrs. ,T , Bllrne Jonesa t" t""dild the wp.dlling of Mr , FrIlok Kll'ltv IIDd Mj~s Mile Miller !It t,be ho"e of thtl hri,j/l'" frt iller, Mr , JlHlJ pl\ Miller ue" .. b priuguo ru.olI W,l(]nelldnv VIr>! . Rocll e l Lunt', uf L"bR non, \V . I< ( :!ll tlll~ "n fnwntls b fo rll Wntlnt'< I _ d"'- "l1rt tu,k IllIIUlIr WI'b ~r . Ilnd M "n, W"ltur Cltl.l'k .'d lAH !:II/lUCil e! UOflJeli apent'I 'hursdU ,IT in DIl.vtoD , l~ulte 1\ numbe r from b ere "IIIitell "rile Wl)rl (1 iu Clnuiuu llt\" OIl t-iat urlhv tlnd report It tine , iI1r. and Mrll . .1. M, tltucy, of Day . ton , wei e tlnndllY gUHI;t8 of AIlJert :::it" cy anti family. beeD Mra , Frwn'- Burnet t hBs " " " 4 1l1 te III the ptl.rt WI/sir.



Mr ~"rl Mr,.. Wm. A. Baines eDtertlii n etl I1t dinner laBt Thurs\J IlY Rev , A . K , :Sllrgen t and wife. Missell Mabel Badley . CltlOmlne Mull, BeleD Welch ond MessrA , derbl'r r. Carr lind Clifford BnslCk IIttonde d "The World in Cincln nbti" l:iaturd ay , Mr~. Hornoe B"ttm hll8 r etol'lll'd from 11 "isH with rt'\lltlvllli h Un olDnati . A Dowl".' r of I,be young jlEll'pll> fr olTn bl'.-s e nj oyed Ih e Box 1'01' IIi I

*'***'********** ***.*********** **** **** **** '*** *'** ~~** ***' *l** *'**' *' i* . ; *'*' :-• * ' '* ! '* *' * * *' ",-* '**'' '* ! *' '*' ** ~f*** * '*, ** ** i\~ ,**,* ** **** ***,****** >:< ~Y: * * * **** Hav e Tried the Miami Gazette's ~.: 'm * :; You *-











Classified Ads. Hav en't You? ' TIley? Gave ' Resu Its, T 00, O'd 1 nt Better Try It Agai n. It Will Pay_











.: ,.

'* '* :



'1,1: .::~ lit Flllt b'u,' I<, i<'rl(lllv eve nl[1~:: :\lr Hnd Mr~ , B L, 1JIIlIIU !I\)enl. :. ~i: IfI~t. WeLluAAdllY in WnYlwsvllI l', I:<{X-i\~* >~"'~'iiH'~ * * ** ******** -* *~ **** ** ¥* *~. * <~ :,:< th e gueit~ of fr l ' IDtl ~, ~ ,;~ -f ¥ Mr . lIud l\Jr~. 'VIII H.lrVAY en j oy. '1'« ;;)< ReIOluLioDi . ...: .. , ... , . . , . , . ..... , ... 6Uc , lflstw eek innllti r. ~inCII1 v , dtwoda Il nx: " . . 8oc1a1a oW. whote Chllrg8 Is mad • ... 7t< Dr J (j MII(' Y ill !It howe this :; , Display ing per IDCh . , ., , . . . , . ' 10e -;;~ D1Bo!luntll lYon ou Contf'llCI.. week •• Mr , Hwl Airs Eddie Clu r, who APRIL :I. Igl~. were recentl v marril' d are at the -i,~* ** *.* ,:~ '~'Hh,:- ~k '~' 'i: :~ * ;;):-* :~~ ** ****** -********'~* . *** * * ?"Hll''li< * * * ''~7~'::- *':\'H¥: ~:O~ _ bOUl e of hi .. parent! ', nellr berll. A tlerip.1I of meetin g WI'lre helullt If there hi II. hll.rv6lIt Ilbe~d -even JunAh' s Rno Bl1ptist oh uroh the \VA'iN ESV ILLE OtIURCHES is thongh it be II disttl.nt, onll- It the ltev . J . EO UCA TING BOYS FOR. THE FA RM ' by ted conduo week, Itll't your with poor 'hrltt to he atiJ;lgy Method ist Epi!ICopal ChurcD , C, Tl1ylor . of BBthel, Ollio, Clu lyle. s fire not edlead . "Agri cultn!'l tl oollege 1 II., • . C. S , I; rall""r. Paslor. f V I III 'It ' t e LI :-; ': " ll were Pull ,will ulr ur IL~ Mr . Hoy Weeks anti family u<'," lUI{ 'OYIi "w a.y 'rom the farm, .. I Wu,\" : !'I" hh,)' !'I' II",,1. I' I~ 4 III 'I " rnl"~ ' c' IInci MvII16 C,ent n li .eDc~ re"lIi I Ilcting Vivian, lfred I\ ol!' 1',1"11\ "': 'crYl,·c . 7 OU P l'Ii'e , II' a" a 11\ t; und" y guests of Mr. and Mrs Ben ",lid Prufe,..~ J!'or rheama tism you will dDd lll e .rolld 4 ,:.<J mll tt" liolll ht....I st Iof Ul 'Y'" _M'''l dello of t,he ColJeg. of Agrl' oulture ' I n,('~V .\Jltlw,,",k 1' ,. __ f .~, t e, I _ lng , 7 I' · m , ' ml Iell norr.l C eut.e rn II nothin i beatlft' tblln Chamb e rillin 's 0 AileD Emrlok , wife Ilnrl d" Weeki> (l,:" . U !:) ' Oh b of b Smith. I W. " t ed iDS pr Ilg oroMlltuJ:,' St • Augus t"me s Ca tl 10I'Ie Ch urc, Mr . lIud ldrl! . H . LlIIime nt. Try It aDd HIle trow GI Il d ys Vl81 11lVBrSlt.y, when 6~k ed 1 mile norlh WOtl t of ~'err .y Oil 10 tllte quiokly it ilvel relief. Fot· lillie by dnv, with Clyde Konnt and tllrnllY OILkllln (~, were Ilt I he homB of Mr ... buut tbe oft beud oriticiwm thll.tFalher /"'IlII. Ya •• Thursd ay, April -t, 1912 aU dealerll . '111 u Jr ricultul'111 ed uontlon unfil " i\lu'iJoi cVt'rv ~cco nJ liulIti !,y 01 toe' mop \h a:t'ol Y, undll S Hmltb, EdwiD April be U .;:J will g Meetin U rly , (~u&rt8 \I IlU a m ~ III life , ''In . I Beginnln~ ft t 18 o:oluck the ill b h Id a t" I "th It w - ._ MI81l Ettll Arllold , former ly of boy tnr prtl.Olicul t'urru ",enter v e ee 1111{ Jlrt'lJf'r t.v tu wit : low I ' Bow alfalfa by itself; It doean't ~. St. Mary's Episcop al Churdl . this place. but Dew living in Day. g youog men IUIU' Il, H ytlill Mold , I311Y time. HorsellIi tblll fithln ~f DI tbey . ~telld Dfed any Duree orop. ,lcr, Rccth,'. Ilcv J , I" , "",lwa"" Ollr oommu nlty was shooke d to ton, is very ill fo"I, good worker ; gru.y mare " v 0 m ore lUto Igent y till t be IIO il l ..... ith . U ::10 II , UI Moralng Me. ~"IIOOI B SUII,Iay II. r: f line .h lind d ... worker Ililyton good of ulrl: years Wilson 12 · de more Mr . Frallk fe li y afrY oountr rs. b ear 0 t •• e ea. 0 tnllke to lind ~1Ic Urn ion ' Commun , h bay m'\rH, I::! yetlr!l old, Kood worker "Icc. IU ;\1). , II I. 1I0lv I k O.he two or three plolV .)X>lntB on K " nr 0 , w loh ocourre d a' the wu s a busines 8 visit or to our tOWll, !llruhlc " contin u!;d t,he PI'ofe"9 0r, I I~nd hn er; bllY geltlln~, 12 yellTtI old. tiuuuay v, each "'"lIlb. ' h ' n "1' h ' Ilnd driver, Ilny lurlJ band 'ready tor tbe time of need . MIllml Valley Bo~pita.l, ellrJy Wed 1/l.8t week . 08 ow t " In Uel1(ltl lit 8n ugrl. good worker Christi an Church • T drive h irn: Y6ItrIi Df7 Willi I or child ol\n life futuTl) thtl on n6~day wernin g. 'I'he fuoeral IUU pducll~ l uulfnrll e " . he ladi es of our oommo Dity!\r L. 0 , TbompllOR, Pu"" nov, ·' g WI·th muoh p I easure tb e of II b 1\', \uke our own College of draft oolt , ye .. rlilll,; , olul Do lt, !lired the Center vllle ohuJ'oh on aD tl 0I at I:lchool. 9:ao a . m . ene/al m eetln •. ule beld lII pa.lD severe very a had 80n listie "My ' 10:30 a. m. ChrltlLlau Endeavor. 7:0U p. ID. Id hi h two I k' i\gri cu ltllro, fo r instllDc e , All t hl} by Ralph Buros, ales 000 lUg e8SODS w 0 ~rmoD by pnslo r e \'ery iLle S unday" r; i1ke oold I was reoomm eDded to try Friday afterno oD . ~o(ldU\ , rt'<IC1C1w -BiJ! 3Cowtl lo:ao 11, w. Iwd 7 :3 0 p , m, I. thv winter OO lll'sn lind two vear oourso Ohamb erla 0'11 ' Congh Remed y, and Mre.lII arguret Johns entertl lined from ColumbllB, vo.iIl give H-, hlle( .Ierstly cow, "tml cnt,; IIn 'l fifty per ~ent of tho red yearJlu K b fl lflllL,V before a amall bottlo was- finished on TUt;sday, Mesdam os Jane Dvke, Town Ball this week. .. t lIale Hidu;it c fricnds Chure& . ' Wi ll he fre"h by ---~... _.. he waa al well 11.1 ever. " writes MI'!!, N~~' l e t:!hee's, Adra Lewl!!, Lelia o hileR ! .J/i H O~8 - .JlJ tlhlllltt!. tl lirood sows, .\'\' "1' cn ur~e student l't:: fOllr IJa) M,·ctl" • . \1 ; (10 n In, I"Ir81113 1 l'i"l II . V il Apr 8ydney in B, RlIke, 29 Dowlin g ~treet, 8 I S . V""rLh Oay Mce,lnl( to th o fllrm. Forty. five per oent will farrow tlom ., tIme ~ cho,,1. II :01 ' .. OJ pring a ey Glenn&. Kelsey AUtira lia. This remedy is foe llile 'J ig er, Merle Early, .. __ _ , 10 · 00 & , w , ~hl yearl<! two bJllr, weu Vaden red ers, RegIste al daught practic and lola Wade and . by aU dealers . . Mr!!. Newto n Moore ill! confine d of tb o~e "",bOo do not go into Implem ontll-M oCor. g !\ocl Gullda •• IAgllroJt.nre, IlI'H in f\~ricultnrlll work \ r"rmlD Churc . Frlcnds ox qUiDSY Orthod with home coo her toba to , new almost milk bIDder, _ _ _ ___ ' i '. I" , ~~ .. , Airs. Hutll ~Iurrny . Pll8tor s, U . I pltl.D'er. Bllmilt oD riding oorD plow , I Leave DO long Dllile stiokln g up MillS Et·hs l Zlmtme yer, of Joliet. n lJ I g .. , <.xlJHllm eut illation l:'choul . \I ;au a, m, I<eltular cbureb lh Sabb& I walk. on Bllmiit ]ture, tttc ' l oew las t ~ummer i New Burli ngton out ot fallen ralls , or pod. 'In the ville, Ind , was the week.e nd guest ::;, lIepIHIIII ':IJ!, " I' uj,trion e~'·I IlC . 10 "0 ... tn , <.:brl.tlan I, ulloavor, • . break horse two one plow, corD g In into get Oolv "b" lI L tiv e pt'r c,eDt 7 :.10 p h d' 'l'h I uf Mr. and Mrs . Ray Eat>!e, pasture . arrow, .....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ., ISO omas /, lDJ'{ pow, lluro,,, Ilgricu C.mpto n villi ted o t uDa .. 1()'''Ij{.o Mtt.rI II)"~ Mist! "CCUpHI tootb Mrs, sixty , aud n planter Compto oorn Hoosie r Mr. Wilson • _. ____ .. _ .. ./ ! lHlnow , Iron roller . Brown wllgon, What hi finer thaD an old.fas h. Ii ('be World in ~CiDolnnati," ThursARD STAND OLEO FIX TO y alightl both Neeld th Elizabe of )&IIt week. Igood as uew, 2 sets of hllY l~dders, Good for Nothing but the Epa ionod' eprhlg aUer an old.tlu bloned day and i'riday, .awkiD s ellterta ined Improv ed. Jeslle . Rev ~rllvel bfld. the of whaMr ? Profe~Bor O~car Ed b elLe Oliver Griffy has been OOD8eta of work hunes B, = . _ . _ __ _ I Bllrnes8-3 ', bl~ 8uud .. y !;obool olass Monda y fi Mr. ' k I ne w. b ' Ilearlv ) of d t h IS College the of ment t depar dairy II wee 8evera ome 0 ne . One 120 egg, New Method IncuDon't be lIurprle ed If you bave an nlglJt. of last week Agricu lture, Ohio State Univer sity. ,riP. with buy to ng spring prepari are this s Subscribe for the Gaze tte &ism Friend The rheuma .'taok of and brooder ,lEood a8 n~w. bat,or , l Agriou the by ted Mr. and Mr!! , Perry Alexan der blls beeD ItPl-loin JUI rub 'he affeote d part. treely new 8eatll for the churoh , aillo reunder Rnd '(;,00 of ll :-Hum m8 Tel l!l a8 1\ 9 wt11lea ve Tuesdl\ y for New Mexico tural Comm lt,tee tlt Uongrel wi&h Obamb erlaln 'a LiDime Dt and p'lint the walls , cash, sumll oyer 16.00 a credit of . there. g IQolltin or g thinklD all are by Tbey !:;old . ar l will be given, puroho ser disappe monthl , 11000 dve of "will lttee b·oomm su .. of r membe P , M the of Aid Tbe Ladlea . " per aent The W. F. M. M. met with Mrs , dealerl . to help estu.bltsl1 a color IItanda rd giv,lng bankab le note, , casb for A W. Reevel , Saturd ay afterno on . t; dlsooun says law The . E.l8t,er for oleomu rgarine DR. E. H. COSN ER, (i'rlend s of Mill M&o MUler, who ohuroh will bf'!d tbelr annnal Chall. P . Thoma s DeePII8 not 'he day or tbe one · even. t.bllt oleoma rgarine mnst be white ay , Saturd supper Bnd t mBrke ssveral for but Aoot. , here Baine!! C. raised R ' WIIS two a to hone farmer , for I~ )ellds Ing In the Town Ball. he~rlDgs before COD · Walter Kenrio k , Clerk rec"nt ID bnt yellrs hall lived near Spring boro, LODOh at the bouse , horae kAm. Lever Mrs. Wm . Finlev and Mrll. L. C. gress, iD conDeo tion with the reoelve d Invltat lons to her weddin g oon· s loturer Rartllo ok gave a mi80ellaneoulil BIJI, thll Qleo manufl -we Ihould DO' oompla ln wben we wblch oocurre d last, week. iii iiol illollolJ tor there that; tend6d I£.t g; eve.ln y Tue8da lut , Ibower Corr aDd 80roglY hatche rl, have 'hlnk 'he other fellow hall ~ blUer they cOllld 912 Reibold Building, the home of \lisl M... ud Poston , in liS pu~e white and tbat In a line of IlrOcerles put rl'joloe os Ie' oomply with the I~w, This led I Dot Job 'haa we i rather will who ClIae, Pe&rl MIs8 or houor • __ ____ Ohio Dayt on, III leadlog he marrie d thIS month to Mr. Fre) the Dairy Union which Creek r's Caesa oolored of 8ale ~he the figM agll.inst Yoo win look a Rood while lJefor~ Carter. (If Dayton . you BDd a beUer medlol ne fo r ole,,, to r~que'" Congre lls to IlPPoint; and son Graduat e America n School. KlrkavllIe. Mo Fulker e Glareno , Mrs Mrs . WllbDr Ruddoo k villit"d rei rd ooagha and ooldl thaD Chamb erstaDda a h establis to lttee "Collim Inin Ruth are visitIng lata'. Oouacb Remed y. h DO' ouly atlvea \n Dayton , J:iatordl\,. and dll.llgb ter . , I white t :,I. L cunld be Uled by the dtIlDapo1is. Ii... reller- It oorel. ' Try a when !Junday . eleo lIIauuf llctnrer s . The membe rll you lec~ure and tbe oold, of or r oough numbe a e • llillt . ba be '1 :V0ll the or II revlv 8ful 80oo811 very A Geo , L Flanthe with pleased be are certala '0 BARN HART , oour!le, a Ladles ' Quarte tte, will be of tbe Comm ittee 1I re -promp t .Clilre whiob it Rill effeot. Caeaar 'a Creek ohu.oh , has just, held in the Town H ...lI . WedDe sd"y darB. of Nflw York i M. P Holl, of FoZ; ..Jj by aU dealel'l . Nota ry Publi c olosed. It Will oondDo ed by Misil Dight, April 3rd . Michig aD; Geo. M. Whitta ker, of d aBlliate pOlis, ,-~Indiana of er, MprlDR WaMhingto D, D. C i G. L. MoKay , All kinds of Notary Work . Pensio n by Mlal Ettie MiDeh ar', of Colum'.. h OhiO Branc of g Ert, Work .. I3peohl1ty. Sprin 08car and ; lIIinoh! tland. of the 'for month t;be . l'b18 I 30 IOU)S bowed at than Mne hus. fxperlthe l'roftllOBor Ed is doing roller, If the eadh i. dry enonRh , Mr , aDd Mrs Osou Mower y IIpllnt meut,,1 wo,rk for the Commi ttee. PueJp t;he root. in lIood and ont tile altar .ad wers bleaaed. II.Dd .-. heen Munday attern ,lon ~iI. h Mr. htl.1I l Bunnel a Rhoade it. r'lr p~y to mene grail qllite 8iolr, aufferi ng with mea8le8 , Mrs. Thomal l.J, lev lIud famil y , rOUL T~Y INSTITUTE, AP~IL 10 ·. vi"l l'el l hi" frillnd Bobli Forest Kener . tism Barb ed Wire ll and rheuma A poultry institlu e, under the ~r:Q~;~'her';-;'rliits otten ruIn tvnsillt THE OR.AT. ST B ()ke ball 1l1so heen laid up with a WllrreD Laoy , !'so,mtl v Sta e Mr. and J.I .- !< (j Il y CI'flu owt't h jOlu t auspice " ot I bo Ohio bllllDtl ee!l-lra ndaoa yeara atter hll oold. I'4r t! Uoiver sHy, Ohio ~ ' Ilte Poultry As GUARANTEED to hral without leRV· blml8U ' ia dflad. Wba' kind ( f Mrs. Robert Stanley haH been euf 'peDt Sunday ",ph :\Ir nun IN THI[ WORLD of inK R blemish, or MOl' EY I{ EFUNDED. Board Ht·/l.te UblO e I.h d un ioll t ilu ~ '<1lh want? gdndlO 1!8 do yoo fering wjth tbe Denralp;lll. and her William Cheno" woulld~, WIEKL Y. $4.00 PER YEn D fr£'sh for PUBLISHE .ai7.l·s ~I.OO and 600 ,. the in helel be Miss Floreuo ,", I_"cy "P' Jot "I"'T' A~ric nltur H. \\'111 surc b!lcks !lllii shl ,uld£'rs, bu rllS HOTI[LS. DRUCOl8T8, 8PI[OlALISTS, sores, old sister, Mi98 Ethel Compto n, WII8 Au di t ori uw, nod bruises. 25c si7.e fur Family Usc. ) 'l'he ten cent oot-ton or oonva 1 with her" part of last week , of ~uuday aftl'l'n" '.,n wlt,1I ...Ir " lid Chflmh ... l· \.If <: '" ' m ree 00 8 TUM I[ RS, T It A N8 If IE R, 0 A B lOA 0 e x I t,d A , Uhi lin", by CdinDl worn I ' COX'S P.A.INLESS BLISTE R CAN PROF'\' DR, Htb. Chenllw AND 'BUS SERVICE gJoves 'hat are 110 largelY William , Mrs Horaoe and wife aDd Zimri Hainel gUlIr!llIteed to cure BY UIINO ITII ADVIi:ltTISINQ OOL.UMNS nnd pllinll'sB ed is IlrraDg ;'E,:D "s h ~I'''U\ ' by PI' ~"!, ll p (, proofed SUII water. nt be a ~" b farin~ra may Mr . Jo~if\h Ch"no wl't Ctlmpt cn wer;e In Wilmin g'on ·MonSpavin, H.ingholll' , Curb, SwccllY/ Splint, ng lludressIl6 l'uflB, SAMP LE COpy FREE or allY 1'lIlllrg('m r llt of Done or dipplll ' tl1ena In melted paraffin e. day forenoo u with hl~ brot.he r IIDd for Ib " Iu·o"tli on. includi s. bU8ines on d.y NEW YORK OLIPPER l ,. ..... 6Oc' r"islng Add Price I. poultry of rcfundN pSel' on vllrioutj Ilh muscle, or JlI uney N.w York. N. y~ Mr. and Mrs, John Beaoh were wife, Mr . Ilnd Mrt! . William Chen. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUQGISTS method s of of tlons If yo1tdo n 't waut thlngll, clon't bid vi dUng oDHtrll em li lind wetb. o n. Bdma Ed , her 8ister Morl i the ou tbem at a. anotlon . FIn' 'hinll Mr . Uuy Chol1o wet tl ctt.l1ed on killing Iwd pluokin g poultry 8o'h Hr. and Mrll. Buff . Snnda.y and YOUN, stuft'. ng, debonl i fowll.l :vou know they wUj be of g trusElin Sundl\Y I Lacy s Kr, and Mrs. fhomll m,1' are in poor health. :vOb wlil have '0 pay for them ing, carving anll preplui ng poultry arterno on. over home wall lJarner "arie IIIlall Improp er whe&luir yoa waDt them or' not;. Mr. Josiah CIl'lDBwetb took din- for the table; pr.'per and . .' '$ ~ 8Iln4~y· 8es etc. egRII, g oookin of !! metbod! Mra. Maud Lytle and Daisy nor with Thom .. s Lllcy Rnll family, D, forenoo the in lipId be will ous si "dnel ware shoppi ng In Xenia, i::;unday. meet· The g. evenin and OD a.fterDo ROBDt sth Cheoow 8 ,Mr.• 'l'homli Saturda y_ eth log will be purely eduoati onaJ in aUlla Mari~aa Compti on Bp6D' MODday with Mrs. Guy Ubenow benefit of Mr. Frank Dakin entsrhi Doo his o'lorao ter and i8 for the three daYII the paa' week .1IIi&iDR You Only Feel Old l)o,ultry . in s~ed .. "r t In " perllul) all line ng "The, WOJ'ld In Cinoin natl." Sbe friend. to a W);)<1 ohoppl ,~d mission ohtt.rge s nil bA \vill tl er TlJ . report ' !I. good time, and gave II. very afterno on lI,st w eek Illld Ev,or J OIl'! j. i!lvitad For protnteroll tiDl' report to the C. E . So. grflm~ nnd furth(',: plHticu lllrll, adAlmost A Miracle oiety at New Burling ton, 8und'lY Ohio ! One of the m08t !'Iurtlin g ohllngef dress Pr o l e~tI ()r C, b Plumb, eveDin g. lng to St.ats Univtlrllit,v, Colu mhus, 0 , licoord mlto, any in 88en ever Jell8e H,liuell flnd family visited W B , Holsola w, CllLrendou, Tax, a4rll. BaiDell ' I!il-'er lIellr Port wn wall efftloted years al!to in his brotbAn unfortu n .. tl' man whose name er. ··Be had lI110b &. dr'!adf ul ill E. Z. MODey hal petlt.lo ned the Wo oough, " he writes, "that Illl our Leg 'slatnre to oh:\DRe hi8 name be , family though t he Wll8 golf'g into he can not Jive ap to it. cause nse to consum ptIon, but he began Saphe~ld, living In the city, wrote Dr. Klog's New l)illcove ry, und Wll8 OFFI CE IN OLD ENTE RPRI SE BUIL DINO oomple tely ourf'd hy wn bottles to 8 farmer st,a ttr' lr that havIng arNow be i8 Bound and WE'll and rauged to spend the eumme r In the welgh8 218 pouudM , 'or DlHn! COQDtry, he desired '0 porobo le aD yeura our r~mUy btt.lI used 'hill won ol)w, The farmer replied derful remedy for ConlChll and COlda ice ore!l.'tll mail, .ylDg that he Valley Phone 113 noxt tbe quiok, by 1t'lII with exoello n, reault ." and , RQaran teed. bad a n'\oe oream DOW 'hat wOllld .fe, reliable Prioe 58 oea. and fl . 00:' Trl~l bot· ;, ut suit hIm . 'Ie fre.e ., aU RelltJlng LoctJa. per Hllo ... ... .. , . , . . , a,' Iteadl,," Local• . black I"",e, per 11110 , ' . I U(' ClaaslOe<1 Ad •• DOt to ox cOO<! live II~ , Three In... rUo1l8 " . , . . , .. . , . " 25<; ObUulU'les~ IIvo luclies lroo: over Ovo Inelllls. poll' lIue , , , . , .. , . , . , • . , 5<; Ow or tbank•. . . " . . " . . '. , .. ', . ... l5<;

:; .,;~

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Pub lic Sale












Oste opa thic Physician

E. V.

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Be rt Ae G ra nt , Tin ner and Slat er, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, She et Met al Jobb ing of all kinds.

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Waynesville, Ohio




a '"c--k

Colds, chUla and grip strain tho 1l1dneYI and atart backach e, urInary dl sordera .. nd uric acid ~uble •. Doan's Kidney P1l18 are very u seful In the raw r....orrrmrJ/Ir spring montbs . r~II.JR.JlDJ7 Th ey stop backache IUld u r In a r y dls orderl. keep the kidneys well and pre veut colds from settling on t h . kidne ys. Capt. Nichola s W, New. 323 E. First St" McPher son. Knn s_. sllye : "Whe n ( began takIng Doon's Kidney Pills. I h a d Just gotten ov er nn attack or grip wbleh hnd w eakened my kidney •. My back ached continul llly and the kidney aecr&tlons ca used grpnt discomf ort . Doan's Kidney Pilla cured me entirely and I bave hod no kIdney trouble since" "When Your Bnc k 18 Lame, Remem ber the Name-D OAN·S ." 60c_. all stores. Foetllr- Mllburn Ctl .• Bulfnlo, N. Y .

8VNOP SIS, Kt'lth . •

VtrK1 n ln n . n (l", "

wltb closed oy'e s . over tbe wblter fa~ res lln g on her lap. her lips tre mblln. wltb Ole one prayer. "Ob. Ood ! Ob. God! " How iong h.. WI.8 at It. or what he did. sbe scarcely knew - ene heard the 8111allh of water ; caugbt Ibe Oaab of the eun on the probe ; lelt tile hnH C'ons"lo ua sbudder 01 tlle wound· ed man. ""bOll" <lead . . . In ber lap. the deft. Quick moveme ntll 01 Fair' baln. lind th enCholly -'\' hul'a tbe tim'), old cba~' Hli Only Compla int. "That's It - I've got It- missed tbe I've an Invltntio ll to dinner at seveD. Senator 13m'e rldge . Ilt a luncheo n In and my watch Isn·t going. lung by a bnlr- ·da rnll me I'm proud 01 New Yorlt. was Islklng about the cblld tbat lob- you 're Il good gIrl." Ouaale- -Why, wnsn·t your ....atch Sbe looked 81 him. BCllrce able [0 Ia.bor p robl e m . Invited. too. deah boyt "Chlldr&D ore eo plucky and 80 see. h e r e yes bllndod w ilh tears _ "WIlI- wlll he live? Oh. tC' il mel" cheerfu l." be 8111d . ""'e don·t reall::e "Live! Why ~bouldn't be?-no Olln. bow horribly ovo rworked they are till PH YSICIAN SAID ECZEMA but n hole to dose up--nat u re' ll do It's too lato-tl\ l th eir bodie s and CAME FROM TEETHING that. w ith a bit of nurslng -bere. now mind s are stunte d Irretrio ... bly. • "I waa OD ce talking to a Un, errand don 't YOII kee l over- giva me tbe re&t "When my little girl was nhou. boy at tbe helcht of tbe Cbrletw as of thnt skirt." He bandage d tbe wound. 'bl.'D Bhoppln g BealhJB. He waa working . i eight months old . Bhe was taken with kne w. 17 hours a da ,.. As he walked 11 ve ry Irritatin g breakin g out, which g lan cod nbout sliddenl y. s turdily along with a mount.n ln of psr- COIDO on h er fac e . neCK and back. "\-In"·8 tbe olbe r rellow!" "Ptlad." re lurn ed Brlstoe. "lIbot cels plied on hi s thin. narrow shoul- Wben she Drst carne down wltb It, It came In littl e watery -like fester. under ders . I sald to blm : t~rousb the he urt." her ·e y es. and on her chiao th ,'n after " '00 you lIIee your Job~' " Though t so-- ha v<, seen Ke ith sboot "·Yos. sir: be said; '1 like It fine . a fe w dnys it would dry down Is; lealf. beforc- -I wonde r ho w th e cuas ever white scnbs. III the dayUml) Ibe wu On ly-' man aged to g"t him ." " \-l o re he grlDn ed up at me gayl1 Quite worryso me and would dig and A s he arose to HIS fe e t. bls red taee scratch hel' tace n early all the time. g liste ning with perspirA tion . and be- from beneath his load . .. 'Only I'm nfrald I'm doing nn auglln I'traPllln g bls lentber caae. the "I consulte d our physicia n and found others rod e UP. and Brlstoe . explatn lnc tomobil e Iruck out of a job." sbe wns s'ltrerln g from eczema, Which t be slluallo n. set the Ulen to mllkln, he sald came from her teethlq . I No Wonder St,e Blu.hod . preparat ioWl for pushing on to the used tbe ointmen t be gave me and Two of the Univers Ity of Pennsyl - wltbcut anj' rell ~r at all. \Vnter-h ole. Blankets were swunlt beThen I tween ponl ee. and t he bodies or Ibe vania track runner. passed a learned wrote for n book on CuUcur a nnd IIU,.. d end nnd wOllnd e d deposite d thpreln, and Jlreoccu pled profesa or ehowlng • chased sonle Cutlcur a Soap and Ol.t· Ilrm hands on Ih e bridles . Hope rode young woman vis Itor tbrougb tbe ment at the drug store. I did I l: lose beside K eith. stt:uggl lng \.0 keep ..Garden . ... found directio ns In the Cutlcur a BOGk· WIth a dainty IIhlver. the g\rl re- let. and whon she wae bacl, lbe tears . as she' -watche d blm one ·year old. lying motionl ess. unconsc lDu8. Bcarce- marked : she woe enlirely (lured. Now she .. Iy breathin g. So, under the earl, gloW dreadfu lly cold- lsD't It-to be tlIree ,.eors and four monilia, and Ihe of Ole d8llert 8tars. they came to tbe wlthd'ut stocklng ll?" baa never been trOUbled witb ecsema The profeslo r's mlqd turued for a since abe water-b ole. and halted. was cured by the Cutlo~ Tbe wounde d man opened bIll eye •• momen t from contem plation of the Soap and CuUcur n Olntm~lIlt" (Strn'04 ." ·rr l, .,d abollt hIm unable tu com· fourtb dimensi on . Mrs. Freema n Craver. 311 Lewis St.. "Then wby did you leave tbem olfT" pre bend. _\ '. _:~ st all was dark. 8l1ent~ Syracus e, N. Y.. May 6, 1911. th e n ho saw the stars o~ erhead. and. be IUlk ed.- Llppinc ott's Magazl M. Althollg b Cutlcur a Soap and Ohl~ hreatb of air fanned tbe n ear-by Hr •• meut are sold everyw bere, a lampl. tbe ruddy glow of flame ftaBhlnl Up to the Minute. acr08S his face_ , He heard voice. "Well, she has succeed ed In doing of each, With 32-!loge book, wUl be matled froE. on applleaU on to HCJtata. fa intly. and thUII. little by little, cOD- tbe latest thIng. anyhow ." ~ura." Dept L, Boston. s clousne ss asserted Itsolf and memol') "Wbat'l l thaU" etruggle d back Into his bewllder el1 "Eloped with ber father's aviator." In tbls present world thor fa oat, braln. The dese rt-tbe loneiy league. one thing wblcb wlll content it. of 6a nd-b\s fingers grippe d a8 If the, .l 10DIr lit.. aDd .. merrr one may be eJ:fe it tbe stock 01 a gun - yet that wa~ peote<l by LIl""" , uae Gartleld Tilt., lbe that is musIc which slghll tor ' the DalunLi he'r b rcgw.lOr_ For .. all over- he was not there-b ut be .\.orca. aU drua Idenl.-P aacnrel . . v,'a8 s()mewh ere-an d alive. alive. 11 Some men try to avoid PaJ-111& . as hurt him to move. to breathe eVIlD. Uaually & Dian Ie a poor Jud,e of the y go b ecauall they don·t expect to and after one ettorrlt~t~o~tu ______ ____~c~o~m~~e~b lay perfectl y -stm-;- ii a~c:k~.~__~~:= ~~..up , black arch of sky. endeavo ring to tblnk. to tlllders tand-w here wns he1 How had he come there? Was Haw· le y alive also? A race bent over nllO, ~~U:l.L the featul'es faintly vis Ible In the nub . i '. of fire light. · His dull eyea lit up In sudden recollec llon. "Ooc! Is that you!" " Sure. old wnn." the pudgy Hngen


tleor pl.o.l(UlflU tn. t. look '" " t o r r OCl,m ln J:: ,,'a. r ' 'P"rtl ea (tf Aa VIlKflll H e 1t!{>M a ,,' n,;:on tl" a ln at fu11 ga11 00 purfl u cd by m t"n on p o nl t"d" '


When K eit h rea c h es lho WIlJ: on th t' rBl fore have m ." • .ft (°N'd tw o m e n nnd de-- , parted H'~ eearc h01l lll p ,'k lima nm1 1nll'

,'ape" on., n l o-ck .. t with Q v.'o m n n's port .. tt . !(ftllb I. ar~e.tNl al Caroon ('lt y.

c lUlflrftd with ttlt!! m Ul"d e r . hi. ft ccuaer ~1nB .. rurftlln named Dlark R a rt. A n e RTO ~ on-,Pl\nlon In ht. ce ll n "n1f'd N e b tetl . him that he knew the K e ith. In Vl rtttn tJ\. N@b fl U)' . o n e of the murdert- d m f'n , .. all John fl lhl~y . the other O en Willi . \V~lte . fo~m ­ f' rl,.· " Cont~~rRte OrnCftor. ThfO p\ nlns m&n lind Ncb <>aeao". Il n<1 lat~r thp r\l!{lllv." ('orne upon a cab1" n nd find It. oc~uP.~t 10 be a you ... !{Irl. wh om K . Ith thIn I

he ... ,. .t CaMlon City . The Klrt e"plalno that 01). I. III !teAreh of a broth ... .. ho "nd d~"rt~d froln th .. ,,<mY . nnd that a if r Ha ... I~y Indu o"", her to r ome 10 ('abl" while ho aou"ht ber broth e r. H ..the ", I ... ,. appear•. Itnd Keith In hldln" recO Il-"I".,. him DO Black Bart. There I... ter rlfte battle In the dllrk-ened room In ",hleh 1<"lth II victor. Horoel are 1\I)l> rol>"'''l and the rr1rl who ... ,.. 11'Iat her name od'". Hope, foln. In the "acllpe. K eith ~" l nl IIle .ltuaUon and the lu!{ltlve. makpla F'or( Larned. where the "Irl I. 'eft e..rlohr t the hOlel landlallv MI .. Hoo .. ten. that ~he I. the dl\u!I';,ier of Gpn. ral Wait e. Keith an<l Neb <lrlft Into Sher1dan . .. he~. KeIth meeta Ill' old IrI .. nll_ Or Flllrbaln TCelth meet. the broth e~ of Hope Wolte,'. ul\4ef the a"" n .. me of !"Te<l WI IOUlrhbl'. and b1Icomea convince d tbat mack 1Iart aome olot Involv1n .. the two_ Hoo. thlll Gen. W .. lle. who ..... thpu"ht murde ....d . I. at _ lind ..oeo Ihe,..,. ","ere eho I. ml. Sherldan taken Cbrwtle Yaclal .... the Canon City .In ..for er. Keith m,.ete lbe real Christie Maelal anti flnll. ",at Btack 8Brl haa eonvleee... ll her that the,.. I. a mystery In her IIf. wblch he f. JII'Oln .. to turn to her allvantan_ Th .. Rlaln.m an tell. Hope Willie of her ..... mtllanee to Cbrl.tlo Maclalre . The, decille "'at F'M!d Wlllou" hby mllY hold the ke" to the altuatlon . Keith ftncto WlnoUlI'hby ahot dead. Hope I. tolc! or t1'l .. doath of her brother. Keith talla to learn "bat ftpre"en tat\on. BIRCk Bart ha. made to ChrlaUe Maclalre . Hope IUlrPata that In orde~ to learn the ."eret ohe must brlefty hup"non at. th e "tRII'O Dr. ll'alrbaJn I. In love .... Ith "aelalre end Keith Induces him to detain tier from the slllll'e "bile H OPO II'OfIa to til.. tbeate. ..he... ahe mee '" JJ'aok ' Bdrt, thu. "<!Colved . 1~ 1I~ JfOOll that Oeneral WllIte hila ..u.peeted hla <plan.. and th.t they Dluat ny. Hope. dlanned . "ernul'll. Oeneral W.lto aplM!An an<l ..y. Black Barl hll' atol .. n papen fnim him ""lrardln an Inherltant'e. IOIlth I. Informed ll'that Chrl.tlo 14••cl...·..•• f'Oal nam .. I. Phyllla Oal. and tbat "b,. ,. th" half al.ter of Hope_ The latter "a. been canled a"ay Black JJarl and hi. pnl'. Dr. Falrba n IlVO ... for Phy"'. fln<1 .he accepUo him. "Hope- HopeI" Kelth and " .. friend• •trlke the trail of BI*ck Bart. Th~y nnd Hope hu been ta- ~.----.---.~ ken baell CU the old ca.bln. The "lIdern ul cabin to the .eene of a nsht In which Keith lying flat. his fnce In the crook der I'd like tel' take a 1001. a t. an ' I Keith and hi. p.rtnera ovorcom e their at an arm wboBe hand BUll gripped a reckon you belter go ·Iong. The outla" eneml.... Black IIl1rt I1nd n lg· revolve r. There plainsm an meet In a duel for nnal the Willi a grIm .mlle on ger kin com' Ull aboad yere with MIss aceouutln« . his IIplI. If. as he pitcbed forward . WaIte." be knew that. alt e r be had been 8hot CHAPT ER XXXVI .-(Cont inued.) She struck be r bOl"lle. a nd be to death, he had gotten hIs man. Tbe plunged forward . bringing her [lice Keith wet hi. dr, lIPI aDd IIPoke rlderles~ horses gazed at the two tlg- to face with Brlstoe_ ures and drifted away. slowly, fearmortl)' : "What Is It? Tell me. what 18 It?" Cull;. sUlI held In mute subjecti on to "I reckon you know "Nothln ' but a loose hoss . Miss." ... what thl8 means, Hawley , and "hy 1 am here. their dead maat.era by danglin g relnlf_ "A borse! bere Ob the desert_ We're Souther ners both of ue. and The sun blazed down from dIrectly lookIng about. her eyes dark wlUl liOi' overbea d tbe heat wavea rIsing and ror_ " But bow could lhal be ? we selUe our own persona l alfalr8. Could You've got to fight me now. man to falling. 'Ole dead, desolat e desEtrt -could It be Captain Kelth's !" stretchi ng to the sky. An hour, two ~n." Brlstoe casl an appealin g glance at Tbe gamble r glanced about blm. and passed. The horsell were now a hun- Falrbaln . moppin g hl B fa ce vigorou sly, odown at his horae. It he thought 01 dred yards awny, nose to n08e; all not knowin g .what to say. and the otbtUght It was ueelesll. His lip curled else was changel ess. Tben Into tbe er att e mpted to turn the tla e_ far norther n sky there rose a black with contem pt. "Not likely- not likely at all - no uDamn your talking. Keith." he re- speck. growing larger 1Ule!. larger; oth- reason wby It sbould be--pro bnhly turned savagel y. "Let·s have It over ere came (rom the east and west, beat· just a stray borse-y ou BIUY boele with." and s purl'('d his ho rse_ 'rbe Ing the air wltb widely outspre nd here. I\.IIs8 Hope- Be u Bnd I will lind feeling bls pulse. the gray eyes twlnl!:wings. gre at beaks stretche d forward . out. and le t you !lng. " Narrow squesk gun of the ether como up. 9 you had- IJ'>know." I Out nil' to from pull lbelr tbrough nests a\l right. thouglt of foulness tbe "No. I'w going." IIbe cried. BUnlng a "Wait!" and Hawle y ~au8e d. dragClng at hIs rein. "One of us most like- desert scaveng ers were comlna lor sob In bel' throat. "It would kl1l me tlO sign of fever." "Where am- I?" to walt here ." I" Is 1Iolng to clIe here; perhA~s both. their spall. " At the water-h ole; slln&' you In • Sbe was lIut If either survive s ho'll need a ott before eilber mlgbt CHAPT ER XXXViL raise hand or voice In protest. and blsnket . and ,et you !nlo l.arned U)o borse to get out of tbls allve_ DIs• they could only urge their horRes In morrow ." mount; ('\I do the 8awe; ate p awny There was At the "".ter-H ole. a momen t 8 ailen". etrort to overtak e her. the tbree raeo the borsea are out of range. and Keith nndlng It bard to speak. Up from tbe far. dim soutbw est clng forward fetlock then we'll fight It out-Is tbat deep In sand. "How1 ey-1" he whlaper ed at laBt the y rQdo slowly. silently . wearied Mounte d upon a eQuare '" swirter anImal Fair· "Oh. don't worry; you got him ILtl Withou t a word, his eyes gleamin g Btlll by the exerUon s of the put nlgbt. baln forg ed ahead; he CQuld see thO right. Say," hie voice 80berln g. "may· with cunning hatred. the gamble r aod burnod by the fierce rays of tho two borses now plainly. their heads bo It wae just a8 weil you took tut 00 NOT LET ANY DEA LER desert sun. No wind of sufficie nt force uplifted , tholr swung down from his saddle onto the reins danglln g_ WltbJob. If It had been me ( would ba•• tiand. hlB horse Interpos ed between bad blown since KeIth passed that out perceIv ing more be knew already b,e en In bad." way, and they could easily follow the what was waiting him and tbe otber. Keith did tbe there on the sand. The wounde d man'8 eyes quesUon Ql! hoof prints of hIs horse acrOS8 tbe and swore nercely &ame.-l i1i" eyes peering across tbe . spUrring bls horse "It's a bad mIX-liP. Keith. Walta snlld wasto_ Brlstoe WIUI ah ead. hat mercile ssly. forgetfu IYJIUP or fICS AND aJlUa ~ IIJINA IfAS CIYII'I back of his animal. l of all else. eveu never told us all of It. I reckon lie brim drawn low. scannin g the borlzon llle girl. tn his Inlenle tlNlVEllS ALSA'lDF AC'IDf FOR . . . . 'I'HAN'rHlRTY YEARS ".Now." he said steadily . "wben I desIre to reacb dldn't wallt ber \.0 know, and stl. line un"ea s lngly _ Somewh ere out In and touch the bodle PAST. AND m WOIWPI fUI. ,IUCCI3I IfAS LID UNb. He had begged coubt three drive your ho rse IUIlde. ne vor IIhn11. H I can belp It. I've betln the midst of tbllt mystery was hidden to do this himself. SCIU/PU1.OUS MANUFAC'IUIIDS 0IIIIITA1IOICS TOOIfU ( and let go-are yOU ready?" to be prlvllt9;: od looking tragedy ove , aud ho dreaded the knowl- to seek this man Hawley r some pnpere In his poelt· INFUIOII 'REPARATIONS UNIlUI UMILAIt NAMES "Damn you-ye s!" . to kill hlm- ot edgo of Its trutb. Bc blnd hIm F'alr- hut no,", he was be'd likely been after them tb1s COS'MG 1111 DULEIl ~ 'III£UfO U, WII!H IIUYIHC. tb e physicia n, with no "Then look out-<Jn e! two! three !" trip-an d hIs nam e aln't Hawley . He'. ba in and HOll e rode togethe r. their lipS other thought except a h ope to " five. The plainsm an struck his horse long llllrtlett Oale. Chrlstle 's father." sluco grown silent. tbe man ever 1.Iefor. bls horse had evcn stopped b3 with the quirt In bls left hand Ilnd glancin g uneas ily aside at her. tbe lIung himse lf from Keith could not aeem to grasp lbe the saddle. r fl n 6prllng IIwlfUy aside so as to clear tb e thougbt . hIs eyes half-clos ed_ !;Irl droopin g slightly In tbe laddie. forward and droPlled on bls knees beflank of the animal. bls shooti ng arm with "H e r-her falher!" be Questio ned . pulo face and heavy eyes. ~'1ve side ({elth. be ndin g I'IlINTID SI1WGHI' -ACIIOSS,1I!AJl ~ ~ AHD ... IIJ:( his ear to the tlJng out. TheJ-e was a Bas b of fiame ...~~ weakly. "Do you I<uppose he knewT ' prisone rs . ios bed togethe r. tho blnd- chest, gra s ping th " wrist In his nn· '111£ CI~lttAa 1HK 1OP '0. IlVbt\' 'ACKAC E.OF'nII cross Hawley '" saddle. a s h ar p re- Ing rOl>e "No; not at first. anyhow ; not at fa stened to the pommel s or ge l'S. As the olhers upproac GlNUINE. ar.cULAlt I'IUCa . . I'EJl IOITU4 Ort& SIZl hed. be SllIerlda Ilort, and Keith re.e led bac kw a rd . the two " n. He was too Intere8t ed In Bar X" men's saddl es. were glanced uP. no concnpl lon OH1.Y, fOIl SAL& lIT ALL UADIItG DaUGGlSl'S. now or droppin g to hi s kn ees . oue bnn d clutch- ulIllched hIll sch(!me to e ven suspIcio n he bad wgethe r. and behind all came a ug ht save hl.o nown professi onal wor~. actually Ing at the slInd. Again Hawl e y Ilrcd. ;\I ~ aY1IUP OF I'ICS AND ~ !DINA IS 1111 MOST PLEASAN b . bls black face allst e nlng In tbe stumble d onto Ihe reai alrL T. WItOLIo "Water. Brlstoe. · he cxclalru el! but t.he h o rse. stllr t led by th e double iOiii AND un.c::tJV& IIUIIIIJ1' I'OR STOMACH I think 11lOU8US, hoal. he jUllt found out." IS Bharply . "Dash Bome brandy In n . AND IIIUOUS IIaI ow TO CONS11PA1ION. AJIID TO GEr' m ,HlADACH rellort. leaped asid e. and the ball we nt IIIRnCIA L A oeyote howled somewb ere In lbe ::Jueldenly Brlstoe drew rein. and Quick now . There. that's It; bold his dorkne3 Wild . Keith wheeled about. s te ndylng r ose to unc:n II' • rta:I!SARY TO IllY THE OIQGDW. ONLY GI.MUINI. ,. _.• s. a melanch oly cborus jolnlOl the full tengtb In tbe s tirrup •• I head up--llig her. Yes. you WHIaI • IWNPAC I'UlIID lIT 1111 do It, Miss In the blm£e lt with bls outs tr" tc h(',1 bun d. s bndlng . . wltb long-dra wn cadenco _ A Ills eyes from th e sun 's glare. Hope ; tore . l:Ion. lake this. aDd pry Sblldow and le t drive, llr t'Js ln g ttw tri gg e r. IIn - as he s t ared swept Into tbe radius of daDO· nh ead. Two motlonl es8 his t ee tb ope n - well. he got a swalluw til. Ibrou g b tb e h tlze ov er nl s '-' yel<. no blac k s pt!Cls In~ flrellgbt . were visi ble- yet were nnyhow . Hold him Just as he Is-clln 1;11 .... lI aw ley go stumuil ng dowli. 6tl OO I- Ibpy mo ti on less? or was It the h eat you st:lnd "Is he cOllsclo us. Doctor! " ItT I've got to flnel w.bere lug wildly as b e fell. Tbe Dla D uever \\' a vos wb ich seem ll'alrbnl n drew back silently . and IIllf ed to yi e ld them be was blL" mov ed . aud Ke ith e nd ea vort' d [0 ge t mov e menl ? H e drov e In hl8 8purs. "Yes-y es." she answer ed. "dcn 't - droJlPed on bel' knees at Kelth's side u~. his gun stili h e ld ready. Ib e s moke tl r lvlll!; his Every bending low to look Into !>ols face. Rlartled borse to tbe don't mind me." circling about th orn . 110 bad beeu RUlnmll or a "Hope- Hope." lo w s and ridge, aod agaIn He tore open tbe woolen s blrt. tibot Irea d :.orou s ly . as a c owa rdly c ur ha il ed . !;uzlng "Ye ~ . dear. and you ar~ going tAt Inte ntly forward _ He soaked with blood III ready haJ'()'mt ng. live now-ll mIght B h o tJ~. and he could uot clear wa s not rnlst.ak ve for me." '!II-they we re aor808. felt within with s kill ed fingers. hili bl" mind 01 Ihe Ihought tbat thi s "19\ Know i ng Ills lantly 'V~" ia die purest, .impIst . He found her hand. and held '" wbat It meaot - eyes Keen. his \IllS mutteri ng unconhome remedy ./let hl!l tre llch e ry Ulso Uut h e could tbose rld e rlc Bs clal;ped within his own . his eyes wldl bown. "nlmnls drifting dere- sclou s ly . Ph}'BiciaDI everywh ere recommeud it far III (lol rai se blmsc tr. could not stalld; red !le t In th e softening and healing qualitiea. bear! or th o desert- bls "Quarte r of an Inch - quarter of ar. open . . ond blsck s badows da llced be l ore 1119 tbroat dry " I ha\'e n e ver told you." he said. with fear, the 8COut In c b tl)o high-sc raped tb e NOLhlug eo I(ood . . "V_II", ," tor all affectton . 0' the Iklo, luug- sofUy. "bow cyes; he believed be su w tb e arm or wh eeled. and sp ecrat.ehH , &ores, etc. 'rakeD internall ,. NIleWR cold.. aDd much I love you. " urred back 10 bla Lord . If I can only get It out- got eoU,8h.. I'or ...Ie ever)'Wlle re I... urae".,.. . . . . bo&tlea. 10 the oth e r mov e. Lik e It s nak e Ill' pal·ty. Ilulcitly resolvin g on a course S:b" bent lower until ber cbeel! do it now-ca n't waltho re. Drlstoe. " - I t _"JnllJ _ lor ""'_1i1W " cre pt rDrw tl rd . balding blm self up with of action. tom:hed bls. Hnwi ey and Keith bad tbot leather case on Iny saddle -run, loIH one hand. hil heud dizzily roc llng. but met; both had "" -IIF";' _bl"" ••Oar·_"V " ......." _"Boo ____ "No. Jack. but you rna,. now... I C07tolll ..... WrIM ror:rour " la 1odo.J. (alien. either dead or damn you-we ' II 6ave hJm yet. glrlIlls gnu b e ld steadily on that black. wound ed . A THE END. momeut ·s deJay now tbere. drop bls head In your iap--ye •• fihallele sa object lying on the sand. mlgbt cost a life: CollDpany he would need FaIr· ' cry If you want to-only hold Itll1I! State 5 ....." Tbe ll Ib e revolv e r nnnd b e ~nn to Indo, but he mus t keep (Cal'l II~,."") the . girl haelt:. open the case. will ro~-do'fl"n here. Spoken by the Card. .q,,1 \'Ii~. 10 s hake. to make Oll d cI r eles; if possIble. But could be?' Sbe where I can reach It-now Wat~r-all Wben women call they lean lbllir 1h6 ~ ....;c.l n ·t Bee: it was nli b lnc k. all straight ened up In the saddle a8 he our canteen s-Hope . tear me olf a cardis. Wbon 'men call thllY are al'l 1l0tblng n C'ss. Sudr1 e ul~ be wen t down came spurrIng toward them; ber' eyes s trIp of your under-s klrt-wb at am 1 to h~a.e their chiPS. face flrs l Into tho so nd. wIde ope n. on e band clutchin g at ber going ti) dO?~lCt ract tbe .ball-,o t to Th ey both lay motionl ess. tbe t hirs- throst. ·do. It-bloo d polson In sun:' No wr.rth,. enterprl lle can be sn nd dtlrldng In t h ~ l r lif e blood. "Doc lor." be called a8 soon a.a be ' I' Sbe rIpped bl.\!' skIrt. ba.nd1D«-l~.o '--W lth~tlnual ploddlJl I' Hawley hntl"l ed upon his left sl <1e. Ill s was- near onougb. his horae ClrCllng ' l blm without Il WOrd; then 1ropped b. er wearlao mene .. to our abWtJM , Pi !tJ11 al,ad1tJ, the il ttzlnc eyell, "tbar Is sometb ln' showln' out you- wbite face lD ber baudl, beDclIq , lOA . .

'"a. eArn.



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Marc a nd mor,c are th e wonders of Resln o!. No ItcbtrrtrllUTface but what II re llev pd In sta ntly by Its us e. and the Il ij t of di se ases wbf<ob arc pe rman· entl y bene tlt ed 18 gTowlo g dnll y In numbpr s and c a~;es . Th is denti s t sa)' s It Is the r eal th in g. Gloll re o vcr 'wha t he aass: "I hav e given Rcsl nol Ointmen t to patie nt s tro u hl ed wllh E czema a nt! It al wa ys wnrke d lI\w mu glc, On e Ind y aft e r s pend ing :11 00 In various wa ys was cured by th e use of a 50·ce nt ja r of Resl nol Olntl1le nt. It Is til e re al thin g for Ec zem'l and a.1I itching erul>tl ol1 s. " l~ . M. S'fEVE :"\ S. D.D. S .. Dover .N.lI ." Res in ol Olntrn (>nl Is an efr ec tu ul and re llllhie r em ccly In nil torm s of 111011111matlo lJ . eru pti on nnd Irrit a ti on or Ihe skin . It If< an Imrn E"d lat e r e ll1 edy fo r Itching or Infla me d plies an d a. S'rcat c urati ve a ppli cation tor ('cze ma, t ett er. milk c rlll;t. pimples. scalds. burne. chll· bla in s . cha pped bands, boll s . fe lolls. (' uta and all In fla med nnd Irrlt ntf! r\ Hkln surfaces, Reslnol Soap by ItI antl Re ptlc 8THI bealing properti es ass is ts the work or Rellinol Ointm ent. Try a fift y·cent :Iar of Otntment. to be gotlen from your druggist. and you 'Will be Dlore than sntis tled wltb lhe expe nditure. Free s ampl e can be hut! by writing to De partment 8 5. Res lnol Chemical Co .• Elaltlmore. Md.





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BIJ ut l t\t.·h ~. 'N p r"tllI Y" 11eH B , 8 l .. e l ~ t ~ MMU"tut niH} u. n In CIl Jll b l e (' u ro fnr (;u n ",tt}ln U n li. 'r,) ,trJ



t hlM Jam \\' It li n 5f tel rnll Uul1 " o f t.-.", 11,...,'k ft. KC 8 . ] t nke ,,11 t bt~ rl e k . 80l d h y l h ' H 6t'Il" " L ~ f o r 2.'" Cf'lll H l'1 vi ll I. F,.)r r r~ p n ckulZ'<' a.,hlrf'e~

Prot. Munlon. 63rd 61 etlerson SII.. Phlladelphl .. PL 1-

Don't Persecute :Your Bowels Cut out cnth:u tics nnd VU!I'IW'"'" "W'ho says tb e re are no 'Wom en I brutal. harsh. ""'".c,....ary . hUUlorlsts ?" CARTER'S UTILE "I don't know. Why?" " Illy t y pewrite r s pe ll s as fun nil y LIVER PILLS as Arte mus ' Yard In his Illl lm lt3 t d ays."

When Your Eyes Need Care Tr y Mu rtue 1£,. .. Ile m e llv. No 8 mnr\ln ~ -"fOoe l h Fl oe-- Ac tR Qtlh'lt l ~ . ' ITy I L rut· Reo, W e ak, Wa.t e ry E .r fl lil A ll ll (,ra!d E ytlld ... 11IU8' U li.lcd Book In e Ac h Pa.clu"are. )t u rl ne lit oo m po uDc.1.ed by uor OouU". - n u\. a. ·' Pu Lfl n 1. Mf"d · h ' l Do" - but Oled In lu(."o • • ful Pb 111C llilJ.' J f1l C' LI eD for No w ciedl catfKl \0 tbe Pub-

rua.n, u."'.


m etn br an e bo wel. C u COD.lipaUon, Billoulaell, Sick It• ••-

ach. '0' 10.1,... loD. . .

~t ~~~ .~~~ ~l.~r~I~::p~Ll~~'t~.~~~:'d't~


Murine Eye Remedy Co .. Chloago Probably No E:,)(clrptlon. " Jon es bus Inve nted an alnhlp ," " The n It·s bound to be a s uccess ." "Why so?" .. A II his other sc be mes goo(> up,"

'DO ••

SMALL PILI.., SMAlL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature

ABSORBINE. wlH r .. m~)" " th e m Ilild \~ LL"' C h l) bJfilw14 h elf. C tt ~ an, pott .wellln¥. Doc . Dot bUe1er o r rum~"' e lb" hair. 1:10rMI CIID be


"orlNt . C'l.CU pe r boaJe (tol h e reQ. Book 6 E fr ee,

..: . JR . • lIn1me Dt A very 8ucce8sful rem e dy for pelvic t orAllljOIHIlN ullw ,lnd. f4'ur Uulla . Bruta • • catarrh Is hot douches of Paxtine An- Old f'cl n ''' , S"" lIln p, Uoi Lle , V.rleaao tiseptic. at d r uggis ts . 2!;c a bOlo; or Ilent ~~II~~11 V:~~Cii"!Ctout~~r8d~:;a.. or detlTer.-L postpaid on re ceipt of price b y Tbe Wlll ta lllJtorc 11 , " U " ,It f', Manufa c\urec:lulll, br 'N. F. YOUNG.P.D.F,,3ID Tempte SL.Sprtnllleld."u.. Paston TOile t, Co., Bos ton, Mas •.


"Lovable L.lttle Chap" Probabty Would Not Have Minded a Succeslion 01 Tunnell.

THI[ NI[W FRENCH REMEDY. Jlo.l.)lo.a.Jlo.S~

The mnn wbo makes hay whe n tb e Being Sund a y evening . Rnd the races Blln shines doesn 't bave to borro w sa , CIJ RotH O ULCH Jl H. 8K \!1 HRlTPTI ON8- .''l''BI R Ba IC hal' lng taken place tba t aft ernoon. the bls neigbbor's umbrella wh en It rnln~. PII. &.llIt ..1It,,,... f'(l¥ - I"rwr fnr ,.n t< ~ ~' ''' t 1110 DR . I.C l.... nC). " S o . cu ., 11 AT'I,,", STOCK RD •• IL\)tp8TU O. L.UI'tDOl'C. _"0. tralrls we re nn c llOd. In one comn art · Wbe n tho Mil le nnIum c..rnes OnrO"ld T t14 me n t a lilLI e bo y had be e n slaudln g nil . '0 1< S A l.l' - ~20 A,. UAI.IIWI N CO .• •&I,A . ; IZIJo .he way. but b'efore the journ ey had and Hul y ( 'hurclt will nut Lc 10nICer n eeded. • . (' ult .; 1.400 (rill I tN"l'1'. C\ r. hon"", 2 b"ra a,. I t oc k, m ac· h., t~ h' _ O AYLO nn, Sol 910. Cbl(."al l). proceeded mu ch far the r Mr s. J ones A sermon Ie eltb er b ase d on u text =- ----- -- --:-"-. kindl y took hIm on be r kn ee. W . N. U ., CINCINNATI, NO. 12- 1912.. or a pre text. " We re yo u vc ry frigh te ned. dear. as we passe d throu ght the tunn e l'/" the ge ntl e la tl y nak ed. " l'o t D1 u(!h. " replie d the littl e Loy sb yly. "But I th oug ht you t r e mbled n little as ) ki ssed YO U," r e marke d Mrs. Jones. wbo WII S not eve n middle-ag ed. ye t. "And wh a t's yo'u r name?" "Ton y." cam e lbe ans wer . Then you 're a very lovable little chap ! An d ho w old are ycu?" '. "Twent y·fiv e. ma ·tun." And Tony S:purs. the IIgbtw e lght jockey. s lid to the noor to the accom· pan lment or a piercing scream .-AnBll'c r s.

!!1~B. APsK'o2~A~ml~~~~:.



~e aprlnl a younc man'l Caney II c h tl y tums to tboughts of lovs." whUe tbat of hi ... latera and all the rea' of hll femlDlne re1aUoDi enpg.. wlta l"nDI attire.' Th. affalr 01 tile bat,eapsclaUy 11 of tb. 8rs& lalportanoe, and' 'a quite Ulleiy to mixed up 'with that 01 the :r~ 'iDaD'a tanCY. Aside Crom thll . "";~, PI'Otlpeet, aDd .,en when , • roaq-JUD, IIcur. tD the csa. Dot '. ,u,''lb. 'choIce at th. Eaater bat III '& m ... -1oI:: ....-.imt 'Whlcil It I. well --:JIII'l"""' ~~ ,;:o-y.'WCittll ~ ~e~ , to .con_lder before a · ~l.1Da4" , AU one wbo bas • "'T'" ~ied~ .D...• lIaolUallJ b~m­ ID, , +~ c1IICOTered bo~ much her , ' aood d~~ , ' .... JII~aneed b,. a hat . ~: _lted ,to _ ~ own aU,.e ID ,ahaJe, In h1mmJn& od oolorlnl. Bhe ;.m ~t,e~ :.ner. C1Ye the 161e«lon of 'the proper attelltloll; . :1 d.JO~ ~ "~t and time tbereto. and .11••.. ii~·ttO ~_,lJld axiom. of th. mU· lh!~ .'~~bl!lh / II.that every woman dould' Jciok better In ber hat lban , ( wlt!l~t~ i lt Manufacturera of blt....pes'.,dd forma ha.e made luch p~ i. tba.t there hi a cracetul abape' 'to r'- e,ery tjpe of 'aoe and ftS~ ~~.' cboa.e models from all nat10DI ' and' an,. period or time In 1IS*tor1. ' . drawtq InlptratJon from beact~,~. .. of all the. world. Tbe1 1I1~11l . ~til~ and Improve. to nolTe' .tlle:~' lnllnmerable varieties of aha.... ~1Ie4-· tor · seaaon. ,l"" .. . 1Jl· ~~,. ~ ot bats sbown bere for QrIJiC, ,ar.. tout!types of ~htch man1 'Wart.' ", to ;be tOQud In the mil· ~. ,.... .IWa~Dta. Tbe "RemtIrU~.., tou~ cloee!y the lInel ~ the 'o~l .m.od.l; a W&llllni bat. .........P.,.. .buOt uPOD the IInel of • . mOdlft8d I a cap-Jllle m.ny vanetlea of




1IeOom-. \

.., '· "Ula.'


~~~~e!r:;~~I)u~tch~~ and with; bonnet, brim partl7 to' best

prl,enltaJ turbanl .."."..' ,.."._.,...".- I'lUroar--W1I1 be a (~fi;!>~ tI~

In a creat nnmber of comblnllUoDa. and Is often msde of hair braid or other pliable braid. The upturned rever Is omitted and tbe bat ftnlshed with & band of beaVY lace. applied to the braid. In .some of tbe bandlOmeat mOOela. It Is beauutully developed In..1lne b~ hemp or balr braid, with the upturn ~ered with cream satin. U! whlcb appllQne lace la mounted. or 11Im.a of be. Tery narrow Val lace are applJed. Btandln& .pra,.. of towera ealled "stick-up" effects, cockadell and fealber stlcll·ups ILNI uled for trlmmtnc. This Is a cbarmlng hat 1Ind haa been made of all Borts or material.. A French pattern In thlll shape II made of flne Mllall braid In brollM and trimmed with • wreath of roae8 In a.eTeral oolon, lewed fiat to the band about the head. Thll b a bat for maldl and the younger matrOll&. The waUtlnl bat pictured here II made of a sort mixed braid. over a frame. Beveral colora appear In the braid: with a Itrong blue predominating. IIhowlng gilntl or red. brown. purple and nattier blue; a Ion of dark mother-of·pearl colorlog called "macre," whlcb appears In aD many braldll this 8prtnll. ThIs bra1d la iewed, ro" on row. to tbe upper and under brim. The crown I. a pbtean of the braid sewed sepa· ratel,. and afterward draped over the frame. Thill II one of the bots tbat mu be suceeasfully made at home If one ltar1.I b,. lelectlng the right fram.. It 18 trimmed with a large r0lette. aewed , ftat to the crown . Tbe roseUe 111 made of changeable blue and hlack' taffeta ribbon with a larce cabochon In bllc~ at the conter. A rollette of wide ribbon, made of Iide plaits. arranged about a caboell9n at the center. makes a handaollle tlnlah for thlll model. The . l&Dle hat made In lighter braids, 18 trimmed wtth tlowera In wreath. rOlleUe or . slaDdlng Ipra,.l. Thll 8hape Is &lmOlt unlveraall1 b&comm. and II to be worn well down over the bead; It 18 one at the belt models to choole for "all·round" wear. No bat. aa a matter of fact, 11 exactly lult,ed to all occaeloD8, but this one will be appropriate for all ordinary requirements and I. aulted to' 'Ill age. of 1TO'tI'1I-aPl· 'fh4j. derb,. bat ID liraW, followl clo~ the linea or meD'a derb1'lI. and finda .maD,. admirers I.n the dU.., " I t " wOrD with the "tailorIt III trimmed with a Cl9<DklLGe '01' brulh, and worn far head. f "-



.' "


What 'III In I Name? A Chicago man who hardly knew ant' tune from another made the mistake of taking a knowing woman to a concert at Orchestra hall. The s ecrown Is lenglhened and tlntsbed witb lectlonB were appa rently familiar to an upturn. covered wltb Bilk. ...,,,,,,Trll-trn...-. -tm-~lr-rnil "We ddlng- MnrCh" the sIdes and back. This silk la a of Mendels s ohn wa s being playe d h e changeable amethyat and rose taffeta. began to evince some Interest. The hat 18 finIshed with a large clUB' " Tbat sounds ramUlar." he said. "I ter of locullt blossoms In light arne- am not 8trong on these classical thYllt. blue and pink colorIngs. wblch things. but tbat's a good on8. Wbat 18 pOled at the back. la It." There are ruany developmentll of "That." gra vely replied the woman. the Qua1nt Wilhelmina bonnet. .Iells "Is the 'Malden's Prayer.''' extreme tban tbe smart model sbown here. Lace and tlowers trim tbem and Summer Wear. they are bewitchingly pretty and Patrick wor~ted for a notorloual, feminine lookIng. Almoat any face Itlngy bOIS aDld 10 at JlO cbance to may lind the particular variety of thla let tbe fact be known. Once a wagsbape which la becomlD3 and novel I ,Ish friend. wishing to twit blm, r. combination to be noted when one marked: takea up the selection of the Ealter "Pat. I bear your boSI JUBt ,ave hat. you a brand·new lult of clothea." The mOllt beautiful and becoming "No." said Pat. "only par-rt of a of all bata Is the wide-brimmed pic' lull." ture hat. It may be worn by ani one "Wbat part 1" on tbe sunny 81de at sixty. or on the "The sleeves Iv the velt I" other aide. for that matter, by those whose lookl and bearing belle the The R.eaBon For It. years. 11 III made of all 60rta of "Tbat candidate certainly hall a s trow-braids ; chip. Milan. bemp. leg· Ikillful way olr working 0.0 people's horn. hair Tuscan. etc" and of nets or fe e lings:" laces or ' chilton. In f,act, every mil , "Hut. then. l/OU know. he's a denIInery fabric 18 broul!bt Into uae for Us t ... the picture bat. This year many ot tbe 8bapes are Small Encouragement. manufactured with a black velTet Kate-They Bay a woman III as old nange or border on the under brim. as she looks. or the entire under brim Is taced with Moud- Never mind. dear; we all black velvet. The hemPti. chi ps ant! know you are only twenty·slx , ~lIIans are dyed In many co lor •• Mal· Uer and IIgbt blue. rose and belloDr. Pierce's 1'le8l1lnt Pellels first put tl'Ope belne the favorites. ThoBC up 40 years nllo. They regulate and invigorate .(omnch, 'liver and bowels. Sugarshapel that are faced or bound wIth velTet provide the easiest and most con ted tiny tp1Inulcs. satisfactory selection for tbe amateur The young man who marries an milliner. Such · bata are trimmed heiress may not have to walt 60 years with quanltles of fiowerc. and both In order to celebrate his golden wedsilk and Tel vet ribbon help out In ding. their decoration. A flne Milan. In the natural Itraw-eolor. trimmed with ONL1! ONE "BROMO QUINlNE." , rosea In their natural colorlngl and Tbat to Lo\XATIVIll DRO)lO QUININE. Look fot tbo ailmOlorO of H. W. (lItU". u-s th. Wor.d with -black IlIk or velvet rlblio n . oyer \.0 Cure. Col4 III ODe Jlt.1. 26c. mues a combination 'alwaYB beautl· ful. The same Is true of othl!r braid s. Doing la thEI great thing. For If, The Panama baa entered the field of resolutely. people do what Is rIght. In the plclure hat alia. It 18 now manu· tlnle they COrnEl to like dOing It.- Rusfactured In shapes with wide brlmll. kin. It remllnll to be aeen whether or not this Incomparably beau;Wul braId will II... Whurt...... r9<1XIUl11l1 811"D1' for Oblldl'Ml redueeo Innamm.· strike the rlCht note- In a fioweT &eetbln*. "oftell8tll e UO... au..ra pata."....... tad "oU .., I6c • bo'Ue. trimmed Picture bat. Amqnl these varioul hats there Is U often happens that" wben a mlln one (or every woman. Let her not knows his duty he tries to stave It underrate the Importance of IIndlng Iff by leekln, advice. her own. nor for«et the charm 01 fiowera. Now that they are 110 fash· Every one Ie liable to a bilious attack. Be lonable let eacb one do IIOmethlng to- forearmed with II paokllge 01 G~eld Tea • . ward the -brlBbtn,.. of Easter by Love laugbs at locksmltba. but It wearln, them. SinCe the dan of the f1ower.laden "M:el'l'J' Widow." sucb IIOmetimes crle8 spilled milk. adorable hata bave DOt been abown ..:.~ ~~ ••• d ......... lb. SprlDl" ,.. those which have . ·arrlved with •• ~ KuriDe __ :a..ecI, for Bdlatile lleUet. ·rear. 'There 110 .f!IAIOn why ..-'-'-~---A. woQ'Wa I14tldom eats if there 18 I.ttled' to 6.~~r.. ia~~1I.. anytblq- ~!le 1:9 r ·ber to do •







• "dNt!

atralr of ' ElUter . Athe R~ ' bat should ' not "You 1&1 ,b. ··II' • ,fttlt ''''..... " • . ' the 4lDDer '"Do01tt:~14••'" -1





When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured many cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible womim conclude that the sam~ remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble? Here are five letters,from southern women which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. LETTER



Elliston, Va.-"I feel it my duty to express my thanks to you and your great medicine. I was A sulferer from femAle troublea and had heeD conlined i n bed over one third of my time for ten month.. I collld not do my hOllsework and had falntiDI; speU s so that my husband could not leave me ..lone for five minutea at a tIlDe_ .. Now lowe my health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier . Whenever I see .. suftOering womnn I want to tell her what tbese medic ines have dOlle for me and I 1'1'111 AlWAYS Ipenk a good word for them."-Mrs. RODDRT BUlCKy.N8utP, Ellis ton, Montgomery Co., Va..

LE'M'ER FROM LOUISIANA New Orleans. La.-" I was passing through the Change at Life aDd bnfore I took Lydia E. l'l nhhnm's Vcgetable Compound I was trollbled with hot tlaahes. weak and dizzy feelings, backache and Irregularities. I would get up in the morning feeling tired out and Dot tit to do anything. .. 8IDce I hnve been taking your Compound Rnd Blood Purifier J feel 11.11 right. Your medicines a re worth their weight in gold." - M .... OA8TOK BLOI'IDBAU, J5U Polymnia St., New Orleans, La.

LETTER FROII FLORIDA. Wauchula, Fla.- " Some time ago I wrote to you giving you my symptoms, headache, bo.cko.che, bearing·down, and d iscomfort in walhing. caused by female troubl es. .. I got two bottlell of LydiA E PInkham's Vegetable Compound and a paclcageof San .. ti~e Wash and th .. t WIL S ILII 1 useel to make me a well wOmnD . .. I am I>Iltlslled that If I had done like R guod mnny women , nod had not taken ~ our remedies. I would have b een n great suffere r nut I started In timo WIth the rIght ml.'di(~ i ne and g ot w e ll. It dirl no t cos t very much. eithel'_ I feel that YOll are a friend to all women and I would rather IUI8your remedies thAn hav.. a doc tor."- Mrs- MATTIE 1l00INOT. Bo% 406, Wauchula, Florida.

LETTElt FROM WEST VIRGINIA. 'Martinsburg. W. Va. - "I :lIn gla.d to say that Lydia 1<~. Piultbam's Vegetable Compound has done w onders for my moth e r. daughte r and myself. "I h4ve told d07.('ns o f JX!ople about it I1n(l m y dAUghter !lays that when she h ears a girl complaining with ern.mpR. she t ells h er tv take your Com· pouod."-Mrs. MABY A.lloCKKNBERRY, 712 N. 8rd St., Martinsburll', W. Va_

ANOTHER LETTER l"ROM l'IRGINIA. Newport News. VIL-"About fI ve years ago I wall troubled with such pains and bloating (~ very month thot 1 wouid have to go to bed_ "A friend told me to take L;vdia li:. Pinlch3.lD'R Vegetable CompollDd anell I BOOn found l'e1\('1. '.rhe meclleinc r;trcDgtbene<l me 10 every way and my doctor approved of my tnkin!," it. .. I will be glad it my t es timollY will he lp IIOme one who is adering from tema.le wealroeaa. "-Mrs. W.J. Burros, 10211 BlUIlpton Ave., New~rt News, Va, l

Why don't you try this-reliable remedy?


- - -

'2.26 '2.50 '3.00 '3.50 '400 & '5.00 For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS THE STANDARD OF .QUALITV


THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOFS live W.L Doullas .hoeS a trial. W. L Dougla. name .tamp'eeI on a .hoe IWlr-

antees Iuperior quality and more value for the money than other makea. Hil name aDd price .tamped on the bottom protects the wearer apinlt high pric:el and inferior .hoe.. lnaiat upon haViq thepnuine W.~ Doug....1loea. .Take


---~DWARD WRIOHT J\\ON~~IST ~=--'-~=-':"-~":"~:=-~;\ HENRY KUNKER 1. . .'ZIMMERMAN"S I EdvHrd V.;ri~ht~t)1l 01()gi~t.\\':\.... IPersonal Me'n bonl !Breeder of \ the last nllm ber or the Il'r tllr ' +--- ---------+i I BlIY vour I ~or this yt':u, and wry ,).Co(lll ('nu " ~Ii,;~ I. il.l. il I la , I" i,; alaflJlillgly il l. . Barred Plymouth Seed Potato es 1 1II ~' of t h,' r uurse. Mr . Lillol l tool; . R k and pl av, " Th,! Fol'lune HU ll te r, " I :\ Ir~. J . \\" Wh ile is \'i ~ illllg IJ;ly, 1 OC S Onion Sets , for hi s elllt:rt ni ll'tll enl. 'lil d alth oug h It"n fr iC'" d , ( Pure Rillglet Strain ) =- - - --


' _ - .'

C':>U I'St!



N .\\' and save lllunt'y - ::.1(Irk i ~ · \1 ' ~ el t m ~ RC;\ I·ce. .. P ,,1',' ' ;1"' I': ng t 'wm thiSW!!..)(at l E'~ ll " ' : ; .I"l'S' ,· It who lt'sRle P rl Cf'S . I' ,,"!l I .nll' led. t.'Im p on Iy \~ .. :\' \.'" ':(' I'I h.ed RI ver Earl .v O h iO :'''t'rl at ~..! a bu . Paney 11'1,,/1 I " ol. ler ~ecd at $2 a b u. I{e.) l' ll~ E a r ll'

I':use Seed at $1 ";,:; a I·u Hl i ..:,,", 'l' ri umph ~. ,'xt ra t'!l rl~' . a t $ ~, i;, ;\ bu~ Chica b 1(~" ' i\lar , . he t1 :.; ., .,j -at . 1 7" a u , tnll' ~ ::5el'( a 1 ~ 1. ,:, "h u.

F:IIH'Y Ye ll ow II IHI Whi ll' sd ~ , Ilic a l\ ua rt. 13u lk and Pack:Jge Cflrci l' ll :'l'ed ~ .


S \v l'el


r\ ,!W Florid a Cab ba j.!'e. l'u )'(',jl'1" ~ (' Y Sweet I \,talu ('s. Frl' :, h Crisp i.l'lI UI:l' .

, I .


.. _ .. -

I"; . p 's IIA \ I: B Hi -11 ,\\1:: I

.. - ...

Eve rything good to eat untl at th e right prices at


\1 1'. lI " ward II " plil Il R. u f IJayl(\Il. I , 'I' Ul'" lIay . \ ~ I ~ IIl' r e I" " ('r I' 'I:' ll l' ,ll!!!'



c, A .

Pe rry . tPf' I'ptirillg' hak eI' , wi shes to thank hi ~ ma ll Y I'II<;lIlI1lCr' f or th eir p a \ n lll age du r i ll ~ lhe lIlall ~ year s he hag !IeI'll hflre W I' an ' sorry to In ~e Mr . and rtl r~ . I'e r ry all ,[ their intel'esli l'l,S fa ill ily fr lllll UU I' ' mid s t. but wish them tht! bc~t or Iuck in the ir new lucati on .Il L .. ba no n ,


111'.1' tw o or thr(>6 p l"w jll) illt H 0 )' SubacribefortheMiamiGaze Uc now. hsnd r eady f o r fli p t ill)" " f n f'(:d ,


\1 11 . I ., I' ran i' Ila s l ll'en 'III' I Wh e reas, I)ealh has agai n entered ,1'''. 11'111 lo" "illiti :1 . hU l i" 1I1uch uctlel' a t l Wa rrell Cou nty Pomona G r ,m ge, l ".l l·~" IIt. a nd call ed therefro m our beloved I br ot her . Eli D. Burnet, a faithful :\1 r . N. I.. I :U II nel l is 'I ui tt' i II wi lh worker who~c chee rful face and ' a ll a t tar'k "I' I\ l' lIro l gi~ 1 uf l he fri l:'rldl y greetings always added S l fJ lnaL' ll st rength to our m eetings. T h"re'

Will , have a car of Prairie Hay in a few days. Special low price from car. Clover Hay, 90c per bale; SSc in ten-bale lots.

This is a bargain.

New car just received, medium coarse. Guaranteeu not to get. hard. The kind to feed your stock . They need it.

Seed Potatoes and ,'S eeds


Fruits and Veg'etables Of all kinds. Our Spring New Golden Yellow Chanquinola Bananas fill the bill.

has accept ed a pllsi, ~l. , will take place Tuesday evening, Lion wilh the Kroger gror.e ries, alld April 9th. Sojourning brethren cor, d ia lly invited to be present. h a~ ren ted lh e flat in t he Pence F. B Henderson, W. M. b uilding . and will make \\'ay nesvill(' E. V. Barnhart, See'y. Ili s headquarters for a lime at leas l. Despise not thll day of the one HA D SPEC IAL MUSIC horse farmer, for it le .. d8 to a two h u rse t eam A feature of last Sund: :y even ing's >I se r vice at th e Method i ~ l church was the singing of "The Palms" by Prof. Amy. The Men's Chorus, by a very beauti fu l song. r ende red the ser vice more effecti ve a nd att ractive. These were greatly appreciated by quite 11 large congregation.

-- ..

Hawke's Grocery


- --

Dyutun ite ol1n be u~ed for ver y ml1n y pu rpo"6!' Oil t·1l e fll rm, hilt you " h oulu know how te. u!;o it· If it pxp l o <1"~, d uu ' t bll1l1 te th e uy DEl DJl te . Th llt 'a whu t it .. t :)r ,



........ ......



CORN-A orib of good tell'SEED eel Leamlog .eed oom-a oorn tbat wUl,row. Inquire ot Nathan Wavoe.ville. Ohio.


BQ.arding Only four days more so don't delay the selection of your new Easter Hat. See the nice display .at

Fine Enamelware


Ju st rece ived, and we will gi ve it free 10


o ur t:Hstu llItrs.

Onyx Tri ple coated, ri ch bro\> 11 . Turquoise Trip i. ~'()a ted, hlue Trip!. l'oated , all white .

with ear h aoh sille, Sal'. tla'se chel'ks and secure so me of Ihis h"e ware free . There is ahollt 1500' pieces in this I"t and we wallt



By day or week--the best of se"lce. '

Livery and Feed. Statile


t:lclt one

'0 get

so , era l piec es. It pays 10 Irad e i1t


AUDITOR Frank B. Forgy Will R. Lewis

Mrs. G. Lincoln Smith's.




To all nearby points at reasoha ble prices.



Accessories and all Makes :rlres

COMMISSIONERS J. C. Hawke S. l. Irons Sylvan A. lewis Frank D. Miller

A Black Percheron

Stallion by Pilon

J. C. Simmons 2.22:1-

PROBA T.E JUOOE Martin A. JamlllOn Corwin Drake

SURYEYOR Sam D• .Henkle

Fine bred Trotting Stallion, sired by Geo;' Simmons.


TREASURER Byron C. Howell, Jr.

Foaled 1909. Undefeated Show Colt These th ree horses will make the season at the Farr Tobacco Shed near the Stand Pipe. You are al w 8yscordially welcomed at the bam. Come and look at the horses, and get a printed pedigree.

,~y!~yn~8vn~~~, O. I •

. .

. L


Kinds .

McCRAY, Propr~etor

F. S. Simpson Ed. C. Jeffery

REPRESENTATIVE J. M. MuHord ; Victor S. Loer


Dr. J. A. McCoy,

Wanted of all



These prices are possible by reaso n of the large production and the splendid efficiency of the great Ford Factory.



\Vc g ive a che,' k

$710 Fn rd i\1 odel T Tou ring- Cal'

Windshield, Speedometer, Gas Lamps, Generator, 3 Oil Lamps, Tubular Horn, Top and Tools.

Corwin. ~Ohio.



Standard Equipment

Pan-Handle HOise



$710 for Ford Model T Touring Cal' $610 for Torpedo Runabout


Bring youl'" produce to

r--------------"""I. (!easter ~unba!,


Buy a Ford because it is a Better Car, not because it is Cheaper.


- - --.---

alld whIte.

- -- -.- --- -- --- ~



.~ .

$500.00 worth of I

- - - - -- , - - , -

Better lay in a supply.


iore , ue it . Reso lved. T hat in the death of our wu rt hy brother. t!-:is Order haa lost an honored memLer: hi s wife a true ul lLi lo ving hus band and his c hildren a faithf ul parent. I , I { e~() lverl . That in his puri ty of lite and virtu olls Christian exam\9le we :\1 1' ~ t· . !\O l , '",' h ite IV:!S the I-:' ha ve a pattern worthy of our emula· llf he r i'dl'l' lll,;, ~II·. a ll .! 1\ lrs. \ an- Liun . Il arl ill g,·Il . 0 1 I It'al' , Uhi". ~·~Ilu)'(] ay . 1{l:'solved. That the members of thi s G ran l/;t' lender their heartfelt 1\1 r . lUll I i\lrs, " /\. I' erry alld sY lll pathips to the bereaved family ~ a1l1il~' lef l l",J ay for J.l, ua null, Iv ill thi s th e ir sad hour of affliction . Infll,<, that pl aLL' I hl'il' future hUIlll" 1 H e~o lv ed, T hat a ::O PY of these I rl'SIIl lI t ions be . ent ered UpOR the Mi ~ ... Ed ith ~I ,,~ h e r arrived hOllle I Gr !1j!e minutes , a copy presented f r(llll l'h il' a ~O) T lIl·sday evelling , ll' Lhe family o f the d eceased and wh(·),(· ~i1 ,. ha" Ill'I'1l the g ues t uf i\lr. lI lH! t o uu r village puper for p ublica, II lI d ~ Irs , Frank T ily lol', for II ~ (I l1Jll e lio ll. Warren H. Keys Com , Marie Benham Alma Harris Ht'\, . and i\1 r~. C, S, (;rau :<el' <1m] ,un Cha l'l l'~ , were in atte nu ancl) at J\\I\SONIC NOTICE " The W(lr ltl in Cincinnati " Friday aDd S,lturrla y , alld al so \'i si tpd man y The regul ar communication.f fri end s I her e. Wa.ynesv ille Lod~e, No. 163. F. & A.





Wayn esv ille (that go(,d Corn):as many as yo u want. A can . . . ..

w. .r . I\ ilhon

Baled Hay for Sale



(;" t n t he Whil l' llakel'Y an d leave T h,' hlli ;! I' I,; 1,/' i', t ili ,l:! lod;:re ha.! yuu r urd er fur all t:a~ t " r I:ake . 1\', ,·k \\' ( 'dll "~lhy " \'t'!1ill~ . TIIP I·:", q ll il'" f\ allk was 1:" III'''l' rcd . ami tlw ~ t)()O LU C ll ~1 (-'l'rH'l' I ', ,~ t s fo r saIl' \\ I 1'1. \\' ;I~ \\'i lll ('ss,·d liy, a lar!!c nllm bl'I' IIf lh .. r~ . :\ g- r eat man y vi ~ a t r i~hl pr i,' (·": . Call1lll W , II . i\lau ito!'>! \\',')',' pr('sent fr om Lt' ua ll on . ti l'll "" ell , 'u rwin, OhIO.


Milk- -- Milk

I I -'----~~~~~~~~~ IN ""tE',,\0 RIA J\\ I


rl n ral' lt' r:; . -<Il li hi - "l'rJ liil ivll "I' ll I W ; l :-- 1''" 11 11 1 and h: , . 111 !!t' th'\. \\, :,:-: " rr~ " \I·I1t' li l h, ' lilla 1 ,·,,,,d I,;;.: ilt ' :II Il C T I-Ic' 1,1 .'1)' 'Ill 1'1.,,·1 1' 1_ "Il l' (I !' li''''' ' I I whule sIl111c. 1' \ ' ('1'\ ·lia: II ; 11' - I , a l re:Jl' h l he hl'ar t. ;",, 1 h: , IJllr l ra .,·;1i ,II it ('\ ( ' 11 t " llll' I",,, III I,'" L!,i '" ,- ' wa. )I' ll" t II Ii fe , ~ 1 r 1:11 i.. : t ,'a ll ,· ,,111 (' ag>li ll to) " ur "il\·. <I , ,,j I.e \\"' k " lIH'd




. I fl" Stock and eggs for sale. Eggs tor I, ;\'I r. \", a IIl' r :-;11111 I I' ~ u ~ rlf1 g Ilatchlllg ' f rom /irst prize winning ; 1 bl't t~ r _ I ' l erlSed h i~ ~:U dI V I )(,C he re . a~ wll h the 11I 11I1IPS pen , $<! per 15: o lher pens $1.60 per l :'I'\" 'ra l " f lIur IU \\I I~ 1l 1l 1l had ~t' l'I l I:) . Valley phone 9,4 ; ~ . R. D. 3 .\lr:;"J " \ , I)(\ Il~ ,,,f: ) ,lvt " Il ,i "lh e II : ' play , ~I " ",i"'11 I•.\' II ,',,:;t. " \1' 1-'11 ," 1' ,, ' lc. d -ix "11,,'''' ' 111 g''' ,',- I "f "'I-:ti ,'c's h('rL' , Morrow, Ohio.

~ I" rrilw, Ilal'\·t' ~ ·~l l u l'j.! and Spri ngWe now ha ndle I)lI re J er:'I'Y }f ilk \ ·a lley. in pint anJ ~ uarl but ll e,; , I{l" J I ,\ ft e r till' IVilrk was Il u l' a ni cl' ('eived· fr egh every morn ing we keep it on ice so you call g-et I 11Inl' ilc0I1 \Va" ,,"rv ed, alld a ll pI'esell1 I. lI ice fresh milk an y t i 'il e ) U Ll , had II I-:"\II( I ti. m ' . want it. Our pri ce onl y tit a q t, - -

J IIsl rece iv(,d i!:', Tin :, F n> ~h (; ra' ham Wafers, th e k in d lilC! chil · d ren lik e , :Special I'r icp on ly JOe a pound .

- -- - -



Try Krunkl e Co rn Flak e~ , ::i,· II, ing t he largl:' I:,,' ~' l ZI' Ild ,_ week al 10r .


it i.. ; hi=-, latt;o;t, he ,:tl'lld not IJ u\' tJ ' ..."i . 1:11 ''jl'll'. thill .. " el. s(> l, hal \ . " uIJ 1,.1 "(" I





. ,.Jobp~E..HOIden '1










We are paying}the Highest Cash ' Pric:e for Hogs, Veal Calves and Lambs for shipplnl' purposes. ~I ! U8 up and we will quote ,\ you TOP PRICES.


Sixty-Third Year



Whole Number 3153

~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ -~~,




Mr. Wm . Thompson . Ioofter read Easter Day was appropriately ob· ing an article on "Com Testin"!''' in FOR BRIDGES AND CUI VERTS IN ]~l1-~ORE served at the several churches. At St. Mary's church the Holy the Miami Gazette. made the experiMONf1:V SHOULD BE USED ON PUBLIC Communion was celebrated at 7 ment with the following results: Out of 100 grains of corn. I picked ROADS AND LESS ON BRIDGES, o'clock. At the 10:30 service Mornout or the- crib and put in a box in ing Prayer and Holy Communien. THINKS COUNTY AUDITOR The choir assisted by Mr. Roy Innes, the house, 84 &,rew. I also planted of Lebanon, and MillS Lucy Emley 40 out in the !rround. 32 of thos/'! came up. I used Leaminl' corn. Am It is prettv gent' rally known throughout the county t.hat the County rendered good music. Mr. Innes, now going to test my seed corn. Commiuioners and County Auditor have been dilllllrreeing upon the ex. who is kn.wn as the "boy soprano" - -_ ,endlture of the County funds, es~cially the Bridge fund . sang for the offertory solo. "Allelu· BOXWELL EXAMINATIONS I feel it my duty to confess our differences to the public ana allow Iia" by Humphries. His voice isa Boxwell Examinations will be held them to pMl 'jud&,ment upon the facts. I took it upon myself at different clear, sweet !loprano and his renditimeslut year to advise the Commissionere to be IIparing upon the Bridge tion of the selection was fine. 011 the Third Saturdays of April and fund because of the one-per-ceot law which would become operative in The church was decorated with May at Lebanon School Building. 19J2. This rdvice became offenldve anB the scrap began. At one of the cut flo\~e~ an~ potted plantll and beginning at 7 a, m. All pupils of meetinp 1 Baid that I was out of humor at their conduct and one of the never. 1,\ Ita hIstory, looked mor!! grflmmar grald es in villages M well members remarked, "What difference does it make to you how we expend beautiful. Three memorials have as rural schools may tak e these ex· eur funds?',' Mr. Tax Payer, it will matter to me as long as I am your been place!! in the chancel. On the aminations. A.uciitor. alter a br3!lll cross, to the memory of Boxwell graduates may attend any Now, let us aee wbat hap,ened the Bridge fund in 1911. the year John H . Caskey, and a pair of brass high school in the lltate, Tuition that economy should have been practict'd . vases. to tr.e memory of Mrs. T J. free C. E. Bratten . a Brown , In the notrh aide of th e • - • Balance on hand January 1. 1911.. ..... . .. ..... .. .. ....... ...... ... ..... .. .. $10870.0 chancel a window to the memory of MASONIC NOTICE AmA ount collected in taxes, etc., 1911.. ...... ......... ........ . .. .. .. .. .. .. 26468 Geo. and Harriet O'Neall. , . The annual inspection of Wayn es. mount borrowed and expended. 19H ... .. .. .. ......... .... .. ... ........ . 3121 u.. __ Rev. J. F. Cadwallader p8Jd a fit- ville Lodge No. 163. F. & A. M., will Total expended Bridge Fund, 1911 ....... .. .. ......... .............. $39960.27 ting tribu~e to those in whose mem· ;take place Tuesday evening, April 1\Inount to tl\n ~ood. January 1. 1911....... ..... ......... ...... ... .. .. .. $10370.'3 ory the gIfts were made. He also 1lith . Sojourning brethren and vis812160 preached a .plendl·d r..., G'oate r sennon. Iitor:! c1lrdially invited. Bro. G. L. Amount to the bad at end of year ...... .. · ........... .................. ... . Thill w~ only a normal year when no larlre brid&,es were built and ·the Eiulter offerin&' trom the Suno l Coleman. will be the inspecting ofthere were no floods. Wby snch alar&,e expenditure? day School was $17, the church offer- Iticer. F . B. Henderson. W. M. One year al'otoday we had to the credit of the Brid&,e fund, $16604.12 ing was $345, making a total of $862. 1 E. V. Barnhart. Sec 'y. Today, April 8t.h, we have to the credit of the Bridl'e fund $2954.50 =~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~~======~===:=!: which must tide over until the Au&,ust settlement. The Attorney-General .- - - - -

.. ----

·. L

rr:=......:. . ~ ". : : . .:. . "::::::::=~:::::::::~:::::::::::~:::jl :I L Personal Mention Column

th;!:h:-,:h~~a~i~o ~~reth~;r;~i~!fiO!::d:t the end of 1911 arose f~om the o~.per-cent Jaw . . Thill i8 not so. ~auae the one-per-cent taxes! did not be&'in to operate unttl March let of thl8 year. i


Mr. Tax Payer, do you not think it would be bett.r for the Commi8sioners to expend leu from the Bridlre fund and alld a little more to our


t L. "." .........


, .. ,.. , ." ........._

TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DAY IN I. O. O. F. HALL, MAY 9, 1912 -LIST OF pRn"~t : TO BE GIVEN AT THIS EXHIBITION ·~':·j!~I~o\'!" AND THEIR nONERS The following nalDed pri ze8 will be For larl-(est diHplay by anyon e !riven on Township School Day. ~('h oo l - Totl\\ $~ by T . J , Smith and Thurllday. May 9. 191 2, Th e exhibi- I E V. Barn hart. tion will be held at I. O. a F . hall : Fo r best t'x hibi l by any one IIchool Best Beed tester - 1st. prize, ball - Total $2 b.l· J . FL Coleman and and bat. F. C. Carey: 2nd . pri ze. C,'\lSS Bros. For best exhibit of manuscriptll book. J. E . Janney. Best embroidery - 1st prize. $1 I- Total $2 by Supe rintendant. ca.: h. ~awke's Grocery ; 2nd. prize. \ F:or ench sehoul making exhibit. paIr Ket'n Ku t t~r shears. A. B. 1 11,,·t u re- D L. Crane. Sid es . In competing for prizes the work Plain sewing-- lsl. prize. 1 dozen done ou tside of school 1'oom shall be ph otos. Ridge Studio; 2nd. prize , :P l under the direction of the teacher in cash. H ~'- Howel!. and the teacher should be able to Best loaf of bread- lsL prize by say whether the work is the chi~d'8 Mr. C. M. Robilzer; 2nd. prize. book. [or r.ot. J . E. Janney. The con tests are open only t. the Best cake- lsl. prize- cash $1 , L. ! putJils of the township s~hools who A. Zimmerman; 2nd. prize-cash. 50c are enrolled or have been enrolled the greater part of the past school Hawke and Lewis. For IIchool hllvinll best exhibit of year in the country schoo ls. Free Hand Drawing- Total ot $2 by F. PI. Farr and F. E . Sherwood. Arrangements will be made to FGr school having best exhibit have the Masonic banquet room open Busy Work-Total of $2 by J . W . where bMket.! can be left and dinner White and Walter McClure. held in this room. A lady from each For Bchool having best exhibit of scbool district will be named to act Reed and Haffia Work- Total $2 by on a committee to see that the Mrs. G. L. Smith and Waynesville people of their neighborhood are National Bank. provided for .




- - - - - - - -..-..- . - - - i t ......... _ ......................................J



Candidate for

COMMON PLEAS JUDGE public roads? : . . Misa Sarah S. frown is critically Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides wire in He giveth his beloved sleep. EnIn 1910 thmp seemed to be runmn&, pretty 811l.othly, but in 1911 ill. ' Da~yt.n, Thursday. tered into eternal rest at her home the botte.. dropped out. MI'I. Harry Murray was in Day· Hugh Rid&'e was in Dilyton on in Waynesville. Ohio, April 1st. 1912, Eliza F. Haines, aged 83 yeaN, 2 Fund. 1910........ .. ...... ...... ......... ...... $17""" 22 t F'd b Amount expended Bri~-e .... Fund, 1911............ ...... ..... .. ........... . .,.,.,.... <.J':::","" on. n ay. usiness, Iast week. A.ouat expended Bridre ~I months and 14 days DllUghter Expended fai:. Lumber, 1910.. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .... ......... ............... ..... . $ 100&1.19 J. W. White was in Cincinnati Ia.~t ! Mr. Karl Hawke, of Dayton, 'pent Griffith and Mary B. ·Hinchman. she W8B born at Coshocton, N. Y. JanExpended for Lumber.l~ll...... ......... ........ ......... .. ................ 4611.56 week. on bulliness. \ Es~ter with home folks. uary 17, 1829. [n 1832 her parenti Expended for £ewer, uno...... ......... ......... ...... ......... ...... ........ $ 1022 20 Mias E h I H • h b .. ' 3942:29. . t ~ osIer aI! een vuutCbas. Stanlbeny wu in Dayton. came from Gloucester Co. N. J. and Expended for Sewer. 1911 .................. .. ........................ :.:.:.~.... _ _ .. ' " _ • _ ~_ l __ ......- _ . • ....... , _. • I~ fnends In Dayton. Thursday, on bUllineas. settled in Warren Co., Ohio. where Because of the IIl~oI expen4liture for sewel'll in 1911 I lOt busy on the the deceased grew to womanhood Mwer ,ropoSition and wrote to the Auditor at CeUna. Mereer Co. Up there Mia Maga-ie Zellei'll. of CenterWm. Thorpe. of Belmont. Ohio. and spent her entire life. _ the Commiuioners advertised for bids before contractinll'. Down here it ville, spent Eater 4ay at home. Will towD,' Thursday. On June I, 1847. she was married ill 1I0t 40ne that way. Our Commiuioners contract with two cllmpanies to Seth S. Haines and of this union. at market prices without competitive bidding. Here i» what the Auditor Mr. and Mrs. ~'. Gray and Miss Kenneth Hough. of tile O. S. U. on February 16,1849 a son Wal! born, of Mercer County says in hi. letter: Opal were Dayton VI8ltorsThureciay. was at home Eut.r day. James W. Haines. who died July 16, "The Bo-:rd of ~unt.v ~mmisBIon~1'II contracted with the Galion Mr. and Mra. Carl Servis, of LeltR. A. Cr088 W&l a business visitor 1898. Iron Wo"ks. Gahon. OhIO. for theIr sewer PIpe for last year (1!l11) at the anon spent Euter day witb relatives in !Cincinnati, last week. On February 11, 1895, less than followlne prices per foot. F. O. B., Celina. Ohio. here: two yeare after the death of the son, "For 'corru&,ated metal sewer: Mr. and Mrs. GeoTlre Hartsock ~Re hU8band ahd father crb!llled the Mrs. Mollie Edwards, of Dayton, we: r e in Lebanon, Tuemay. Great Divide, eavinlr his consort 10 in .... .. ............... ... ................. ................ .................. . 49c per f 00 t • • 't' her son. OJ Ed wa rd s 6Se per foot IS VISI mg . . throu&'h nearly hslf a century of 12 in...... ...... ...... .. .... ...... ...... ......... ...... .. ..... ...... ... .. .... .. Mr. John Lemmon wu hoae from lIunshine and storm, · a widow and 14 in .......... ................. ................................................ .. sac per foot and family. Antioch Coll.lre to spend Euter. 16 in ........................................................................... .. 70c per foot childless. Iii In .. ......................................................................... .. SOX'c per foot Mrs. Mary Cakey. of Lebanon. Alone. yet no murmurs or comZO in ...... ...................................................... :............. .. 94X'c I)8r foot was thelf\lest ef Mr. and Mre. S L Syl Thackers, of Sprin&,boro, was plaininge marred her life, but she Young 24 in .... ......... ............... .. ........ · .. · .......................... ......... $1.12 per foot Cartwrilrht Easter Day. in town Saturday, callin&' on friends. bore her lturdens and sorrows 80 in .................. .. .......................... ............................. .. un per foot ' 36 in ................................... ....................................... .. 2.20 per foot i • ct' ,. ~ Mrs. C. T. Hawke and 'daul'hter through life's changes and F B• Hen d erson. ~n d d aug h ter 2.10 per foot 42 in .....• ,..........•...•........ . with a courage an~ submission. that Having ~eceived much encoul'Bl'e- . MielS Sybil, were Dayton shoppers,' .s in ................; .... ·..................................................... . a.50 per foot Kathryn are recovermg f rom a Fridu...were beautiful' indeed. merit and after due consitieration severe attack of tonsillitis. She was a devotH wife. always a GeOrge E. '¥'oung becomes a candi'-- _. -Warren County Cemmiuioners Journal Vel. 23, page .»4, 4a. ted OJt. 16, 1911, read. as followlI: . ) Mre. Inne!! and Mr. Roy Innes, of Miu Mary Goode. of Xenia, ia tlae loving mother. and from her home date for Common Pleas Juda-e in the A generlll contract was entered into with the Galion Iron Works Co. Lebabon, were ll'Uests of Rev. and Jl'UEst of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cad. has el'er ' radiated thOle ideals that Third. Subdivision of the Second J,aar. the inevitable resUlt of Dis,trict of. Ohio. He will ask for corrupted sewer pipe at prices as follows to be f"mished u ordered Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader, Sunday. wallade~. and refinement. the at the hands of from tiae to time by the county. Valii until September 22,1912. Miss Sybil Hawke, ef Delaware. Eliza Haines, lived Ion&, Judicial convention L. A. Zimmerman was at "The speRt the Easter vacation with her Good to the needy and Dayton, June 12, Diameter Price per ft. Dia1l1eter Price per ft World in Cincinnati" one day last parents here. her Bympathi e always 10 in............ ......... .. .... ' 70c Z4 in...... ......... ...... ...... $1.&0 week. eombining pleasure with 12 In .... ........ ........ · ..... · 80c life, and her oft 80 in...... ......... ........... $2.30 business. Miss Blanche Wheelan. of MasoD, less fortu 1. in ·........ .. ....... ........ 90c sa in........................... I. W8l!1 the guest of Mr. and Mre. C. A. IltoWed ndnesses, unknown 16 In .. . ...... ......... ......... 96c 4 '00 42 in...... ...... ...... ......... 6 MI'8B Annl'e Brown, f h 0 S & B runer, E aster S lind 8l. ally but to the recipients, live '8 in...... ...... ............... 0 t e .. 18 in.................. ......... $1.00 in many loving and grateful · .• -... ...... ............ ... ':60 S. O. Home. at Xenia, iB home for 60 in 18 in........................... 1.16 2t[)OO Locust Fence 'Posts for sale A birthright member c,f the . .. .• 20 in ......... ...... ...... .•.... 1.35 72 in......... ......... ......... 7.50 a week durinlr the spring vaeation at lI'ilrht prices. Call on W. H. Mad ciety of Friends. she remained gates"W' chosen ,.atCGunty ~n-' " of the schools. Vote-Yea, Irons. Miller. Simpson. den & Co , Corwin, Ohio. to her Meeting to life's close. 1ventions held In '.cll _ot these counFor cenvenienee the prices are put here side by side, both from the Geo. Waterhouse. Bof Delaware. In her p&88in~ away. our com· t1es which conventions will be made Miss Emma Moody, of Dayton. b th ' ( lI&Dle company. There cannot lte much difference in frei&'ht rates for the eame home Wednesday evening. and was the guest cif Mr. and Mn. E. V. munity has lost ene fi its noblest up of delegates chosen y the vote,... '~: dlstanc. are nearly the same, spent the Easter vacation with his women, but she has Ie! , tan exa.m~le at the May primary; thus e vote'ta· ' : Barnhart several days of last week. of loving devotion, willing 81crific~ will, indirectly make the nomina~iol\' ): mother and lIister. Mercer County. Warren County .Mr. Carl Cleaver, of Daytoa. and and service. that will last here for this office. Three ,vacancies a,,;_: 10Iin ............ 49c per foot 70c per foot Miss Grace Williamson returned Clalrence Cleave~, of Harvt'ysburg. yond the U~es of all to' be filled this year in:thill SubQi~" 12~n .................'.: . .. ....... ....... .. .Q6c .per foot SOc per foot home Th.ursday after a very pleasant were Saturday '''e vening peats of vision. ORe in Warron County &net. .. .............. . 6Sc per flOt 14"in.................. 1~::: l:~ visit of two weeks with her sister, Cnu Gray and familv. two in Montgomery County: ~, . 18 in............ ..... .:............. .. \8OY.c per foot The funeral took place at laer late Mr. Younlr is well and fa"o'lral,lv. l.ali per foot Mrs. L T. Cooper. of Dayton. 20 In .............. . 9.y'c per foot 1.60 per fool Messrs. Hersehol Bunnel and LY- home on Thh~jl street Thursday kn'own to the voters of Warren 24 in .............. / '1.]2 per foot 80 in ............ .. 2.30 per foot MeBlJre. J. D. Marlatt and Jacob marl Silvers, who are attendilllf Ohio aftemoon, an~ a large concourse ~)l having served two terms ~ t'.,,.';j.\j; 1.11 per foot sa in ........... . 1.20 per foot 8.16 per Hiseyarrived home from Washinlr- Staae University, spent the Easter pthered to p8)' their last re- cuting attorney from JU ' luaJo:Y. 42 in ............. ! 2.80 per foot ~.~::~ ton Friday noon. They are both vacaltlon with,.thllir parents: aPect ~ ~~ noole .. woman •. . The 1902' to., Januar~ I, 1909 •. &'j;i~~;I~W;i 481ft ......... .. 3.50 Per foot • loold", well, and have enjoyed the .Rev. J. F. ~u",allader. 0ffi,clated. ~putatiOn for ability &I a ....,v..r. • ftpn on a 48 in. sewer ~ feet Ion&, and ,you will montha' spent · 011 the coast verI Capt. C. H. Smith arrived hOI1\~ J~terlRent .w88 made iii Ml&ml ~.- Honesty an~ fair dealin&' li n difr.l'e.n'c~e ef • •00. If Warren Count, would .lu!.ve. had the Mercer mucb. from Jobnstown. Pa., tat Wedn88- e~. The paJl bearers w~r~ J. E.. wbi~h hu not often CotllDt;y..c8ll1n~ettn 1911 would haveeav@datleaaton "wel'll aIone$~OOO " . . . . " ' avenine. He ,~.iil the, J>tl ~'J.;' T. • ani official in that tryi~r:' ,. M~ ",elilla Redfern, Mra. Row- 88V~ ,,!~ke~' ;~!1 ruelt of hit IOn. P}Wldle~, P~t., ~" J. :>,. . ",.'\ ?.£l'tmilD ad Mr. and Mrs. Ch&l. aJ.ld .lukI."~ ~ery pleuant visit. . R..Al1en: ~ Qlahdlt!t. f ...... . .................................... .


:.1......................... ..






., MiIIII!t:B..,J. Eo' ~~nnef. L. 1J!~1 ' . . - ''0• .


er's voi ce was fainter an d faint er and " Dun can and Danvers ." he said, In ('rror shook lJnml~tnkably In It . tb o m et allic volco whi ch Is blH battlo W o botb tllrn e(j toward I1 nlld 111 time cry, "YOII seo tbat tbls bnll 18 pan · 10 tice l ba palo lady cas t o no look a t e led?" him, be"o me p:Ile l' I ban beforo anCl .. Y<'8 ." we breathe d hll Ck, Som o' g"11l ly ~ag down In h<'l' chair. I sprang thin g In b l. lone InIt I liS th n t we stooll to illY ( eet. but yOllllg Oum'l' r. h uct a l· In grave \l orll. rPll(iy cnug ht his lIlolb e r and was huld· " Yo u SOU Ille gar, je'l , .. In~ liN u P. his (ace Oiled with dl ~ · " Yes . Yl'~- " "COU llt tlH Pl' ranel" nway from th e " ll"Il't lip al artnl' lI. " It:lnd sa id III us . g:l ~ Je t - wb ere d o<,~ tbut "ring yo u T ' "~I1<' will soon r<,\' lv('. l:lv,\ he r u " \YlIllln 111' 0 )'llln('ls or you ," dr lilk or waler. ~fl ~~ Danv f'rs . nnd " YI' K.. !\low, whil e ( alten d to some· Iw"o:: n b .. r d f!' tiS a 11 ti e, T Oil '. " a s tbo I hittg, rou , Dlln cn n. eover tllo door and ull;' Siou x cafl lO Hortly tbro ugh tbo \\ Indo ws at th o other en d of tbe pas· donI'. "carry ~lrs . Dnnr e r s to be r r 00 m ~n"l': Danv .. I' ~ . t urll Yotlr hack to an d s tny with her , pl eose , Miss Da n· DlIn cn n an d wateb tbe o ther way. I" rs , pl eas e precede hi m. Ill ake your An yon e who lij frI end ly to you will III 01b ~ r co mfortn.b l e. a nd <1 0 N a ctl y ha r e II uniform on , Sboot a nyone else us T o m te ll s you ," ~' O ll seo ' Reme mb e r-If anythin g hap. " You rrlght e n me," tbe youn !f girl p pn~ to U1e -~ec at once to Mrs. Dan· said. "Wb a t Is all tbl s nhout'! Wbat v crs alld-" d id you do t e frlg b len my mothe r ?" "Ve ~ ' Yes !" I sni d. " Not blng se rIou s, 1 ns ~ ure you. l\Il ~s Danvl~ r", good boy. quietly turned Da nv ers. I OI e rely ebowed 11 <> 1' tbllt I hIs Mell t o III 1', a nd 1 s htrted my Iland und e rs tOOd samet bIng ",blrb s il o bad so th at my pIs to L lay JUBt free of my thout;ht a s('c rel. Pl clls!) go wltb her poc ke't. Rand nodded with satlsfBc, aud tru st me, " tl on. then be turned his head back· l1aurl m oved easily to tbo door ail ward and saId sbarply . "All rlgbt!" tbey we nt. und cootl nu('d to s tand In In s tinctive ly J knew that It was a the donr way until wo could h ear that signal. but to whom I could not Imatbey had p:lsacd Into tb e room abOVe gIne . 'fb en ho turned toward th o and sbut the doo r , "We ll." said h e. ""all agaIn nnd spoke, to my astonlsl ,. comIng back. "now tb a t th e ladles nre ment. In Itl\lIan . gone . I~t UB go and vI s it tb e hall. You "Allora -Presto -Vennl a me!" know, I have n't seen tb e shadow yet. .. There 'I118S no answ er. but I could He slowly meas ured young Danyer s have ~worn t.bat thero was a confuse d with hIs keen , clear e)'e. and tben move ment outs ide tbe window . A see. QuIetly drew a pIstol from his pocllet ond there was silence, during whlcb,

"Oet blm all\'('. Ir YOII run. Dlln~a n !" har! evidentl y bee n con structed :eyolled Rund 's voice, Itl lJlItld obedl· I'ontly ror tb ll t very pur poHc, Tlw ,'Ian· ence. I wr e~ t1 "rt with a n tlprul ~e d c lin g bod been very s l(l\I'ully tY ~ away hllnd whi ch beld a Imlfo, and a low· Jlls t beyo nd th e gas je t. n~d he nvy .. red all>' . whl<-h J,:ripPPII 1\ pl"to l. fin d b!lIJZe SU bstitute d, 8 tr c n ~: th (! tl e d \\'Itll th e l a~t I re cn emb t' r Is thul YUllnt: Dan· boards at tb e ba cll uud pa int ed no ex' vcrs rPR cll('d..,o\'er nnd Im(lc ll ec1 th p. act ('opy of lh e real woud , Ly In g I h erf· . 1\Dlre away 11110.1 Ih at ~ om e thillg hIt m o t he m a n could dimly >eo Inl O lh .. ha ll, 1\ s lln gltlg blow o n t lltl , tw lI ld pr. but owIn g to th e gauze " clng right \\,h oll I rPtlirn ed t o (, o ll ~ cIOllH n eSA ba cle of th e gas jet it wa g Imposs ible I1nnd and n:'Inv pr s we n ' b~ lIdln): ol· .. r ror tbose whu pa ~Rl· d by to s ... e any· me. "lid a poli ceIn li n W Il " ISld ll rll lly t hi ng sus plcilJlJH . IInl ('s~ th,'y were ...- - - _ . O:-;F'Ol·N D it. Dun ca n;' " What did yo u Nay tho luo lll e r waS ba ndaging my woun d , particul arly luollin g for It. sa id n a nd, "what do YO II lIke?" "Ho'll do ni ce ly now. ~ ir. 1111 tllo S ill'· "The man s Im ply lay tb C f(~ and th'lnk tha t 1 olll . unyway ? " I dldn ·t 611:1. " 1 retort('d. "Iell.;f'd to g('on co Illes." ~a lel the poli<'c lllnn , ('hose bl s own tim e for throwlll g tbut Tul(e your spoo k s tories cate b Han d Ilt one or h lH lrlel(s "Tllat's goorl:' re pl lpo.\ HUIiII h ... :lrtl ly , ~ hadow on th e wall. Tlie !;a uze a t 0 11 0 somow be ro el Be, \\'b at "/'io ? We ll . tbon. 1 will. S he Is n "W e\!. 'Dun ca n. old uOY. I' m su rry th ut s tllall poInt was tbat ve ry. ve ry thin . tho h y~ t e r l a l fnmlly pal l' blond e. wl tb Ds h·co lo re" hair, brute wIng ed you. bu t you havc nil box was shoved ne ds Is a doctor. not a rulher IOllg. !,o l;] le" teetb . a la u p Ila t ngnln st I'.. and ll, grat.:(!the g lory of havIn g cllpturf'l1 olle or the s hadow R(lpell detectiv e," rL'd on tb e opposit e ful fl gur .. , nn a'lullln (' u os o an d l\ th e m08t despe rut(' c rlmi ll:t l ~ all"", lYall, being IIg b t or beavy acco r<1 inl': "Do !ls t en. Ranel." J fn cl' whi ch may IHl I'O o nc bee n ('olll· bes ides neatly pickIng orr I \\'0 otb o r ~ , " to the time or [Iuy. urged , "When you b ave I, bea utiful." and acco rdin g \I) YOllng Dhn\'cr :;. who und left Ib e wh e lher the ga s wa s on rull .... bea rd me out yo u can or .tOI. " You lw ow be r !" ( clla rgOi'tl . rese nt· roo III fo r a mOlll ent. f(· t urn ed and lul ll Th e man who arrange d tha t 111 ie ap, ." reruse the case Ju s t U8 fully. Hand that Mr s, Dt1nl'(~ r ~ \\' a~ r('s flll g paratus mu st hove been a gelllu s , In I" en ~ l1y as yOU can now. nl take only "No. I ne l'cr sa w bor In my life ," quietly. atte r he r frl g.,t of hea rin g hIs own way , Tbe Idea, of coursl', ~ . a minute or two of your ti me," Wile Ran d's Rllll le I s oft n frun k nnd 11Ind. s uch a di st urban ce, and th at .·h e to rrlghten everyon e from tbe bou se , "Well. get on wltb It. th ea . But but when J am trying to folio II' hIm wls bed tho great de tec tiv e 10 Imow and then to buy In tb o place for tbo you know- " through on e of bl s bamlllg ca lculatio ns that she was thankfu l t but th e wllol e society. " ' I' "I know thnt you haven't a supe rs t!, -deduc ed, a s In tho I>rese nt case. thing was ex posed at lnst. "Wbal sbe Young Dnnver s drew a long brea th , . Of tlous cell III your brain. and I th ought from the vcry thIngs that hIs Informe r moans by lhat 1 don "t know. s ir." can· He had stood " I badn't eltber, but whe n I te ll you does not know- f fe el tbat smile motionl ess during Rnnd 'R to cluded tbe boy, "but a he s nld tlillt ll er· re velntlon of his fath e I, thal I saw-" r 's crlmlnll llt l' . be a very exasper ating oue . He ga ve baps you would tell me ," but now he pulled hImself tog e th e r Rand smiles In tbat Ironical way of no beed to my protes ting "O h. como Rand gav e the littl e short nod whl c ll sbarply . his, and I bastlly began anotb er sen· now, Rand!" but wllls tl ed s oftly as be Is hI s sign of cOllulle ndation a s h u lit tence. "I thank you. sir," ho said . "for tell. stepped about, ge tllng Into hIs coat. an oth e r cigarett e, Ing me tho truth. H you will excuse "You'l\ take tbe case?" I ha7.arde d, .. "You know," I said, "that I kn ew . In "Mr. Danvers ," he sil ld. "I will to ll Ole now I will re watchin g him . turn to my mother II • general way wbo tbe Dnnvcrs wore. sll that I kn ow as brie fly Ul possl ble. and sister." Ho turned away. but ul· "Yes. " because my moth er lives wltbln a few J mIght as well . Tom!" be Your fatber called himself by the most Immedi ately C,llIDe back to us l: , jblock ot tbelr bouse. Howeve r, they called out to the tall S ioux who Is bls name wblch you now use, but It was with an anxious r have not occupIe d It for a. long time, cook, bodygu ard, cbauffe u r and fri end. race: really Danelll. " He nodded u ~se ntlng. safe t or us to continu "Do you tblnll It e living be re, !\Ir. " because Mr. Danver s stayed In Europe and who Is nev er fllr away. "Tom, just ly at the exclama tion wblcb brolle Hand?" .. for many years, as mos t of his Inle r· run out and buy halt a dozen sulphur from us both. "Yes. he was nn italian. "No." replied Rund, "for as long a" >fe.a ts were there. There Is a caretak er candle s-tbe kind you u se for fumlgat · but his mother wns nn, Engllsb WalDon, a membe r of tbe SOCiety Is left allv o who has a cottage In the grounds . and lng, you know. And Tom-g et out t h e and for rea sons of bls own lie nc ver all the servant s have been retslned , car. We·re . golng to-wbe re dId YOU tbey will watcb tbl s l.lnco and try 10 acknow ledged hla paternit y. He !Ullr· get roveng e tor what they will prob· .80 that the place Is beautJru lly kept say the place Is?" rled your mother. wbo wlla a Ne w Eng· "2016 Old Boston road ." uhly regard as an act of treacb ery on up. Mr. Danvers dIed suddenl y Of land 8chool tench e r. und e r t he na me I knew that tbe Whole Danv ers fam. the part of your mothe r . Th e bouse Is some trouble wblch no on e nnd ers tood of Danver s, and J fancy that \lnt ll late· heavily and W88 burled on tbe other side-In \ly felt a dI stinct ijense or dl sallpoln tguarded tonIght, but I s hould ly she bad no s us picion that It was not advise you to go quietly away lu tbe Ital,., I believe . 1:he mother and Miss ment In tile "frIend" .... boso sllrcwd· his right nam e. early morning ," ,:, DanYer.a, 1{~' Is about . twenty, and ness I had recomm ended, but wbom "Your father was tho hend o f n seI her brother" wbo Is a year younger , they did not know as th o great d e tec· WheD he had gone I wblsper ctl to cret society. making Its headq uarters '.Jwa.)lav e jUllt returned to Americ a, with tlve, for Rond seldom wallted hIs per· Rand: In Italy. and durIng the years tbllt 't he Intentio n of JIving In the spaciou s sonallty exploite d. "Cnmor ra?" you were abroad be used thIs bouse as old h.o\1se where both of the children The long hall' where 1 bad witness ed "Yes" a place of deposit for tbe mos t vnlua· were born. the ghostly apparltt on of the nlg11t he"Rand? " ble papers and propert y of t ho socle· "What? " ,"As ,.ou know, I went tbere to c!(ll fore was, of course, the fir s t tblng to ty, of WhIch tbe servant s we re all "You know what-h ow did you last night. They were evident ly glad which we gave attentio n , Rand walked sworn m e mbers. The pluce WIlS a gatbknow?" to renew the acquain tance and tried Ita length twice, had us te ll blm ex· erlng ground fpr eyery one of the to make me feel veTT much at home, actly wbere the shadow was always "I dldn·t. but there was jus t one member R who cam e over he re." but I Boon Baw tbat they were all seen, and Ilslted to be s bown the rooms thing I was sure of when you finI shed "But-h ow could they-ab out dedreadfu ly nervous . Sudden ly there and passage s over It. l"rom tbere be positing things bere, you Imo\\' ? Tbe re your lale of the sbadow and tb at was as-a-eho klnpj-ki nd-of a scream from went to the laund ry. which exte nde d Isn·t a place In ' tbe house wb ere Ilny- tbat It muet be thrown from tlie otber the back of the house. Dllnver s and 1 under the whole back of the hou~e. but th ing could be hidden. " Young Dan- wall, nnd as there was absolut ely notb· , rushed out, follOWIng the Bound. I-Ie declin ed to let any of us sa\'e Tom ' Ing to be seen on the opposit e wall. It yers looked Incredu lous. ! seemed to know what to etpect, for 1 accomp any hIm . must be that some one was workIng For answe r Rund walked across to the thing Dinner wus announ ced s oon. but It , hearl! him mutter: "My God-Ilg sln!" from behi nd tb e wall. Just the fireplac e. fumbled about a IIltl e. atl<t fle led me to a small h all back of was an utter failure . Mrs. Danvers us a matter of Interes t look ed up and suddenl y swung the whol e mantol· could not eat, young Danvera looked the staIrcas e, meeting . on our way, a the r ecord of some famous itAlian piece out toward us. Back of It wore maid who gibbere d out her terror at too serious tor such a young rellow, rows and rows of drawers , neatly la- crlmlnll ls. for I was Bure tllnt somb and even Rand looked gruver thun 1 118 and then ran on. Itallnn blood lay there. If you wtll be led. rememb er our convers ation, you will "You can smile, Rand, all you had ever s een hIm . llappe ning to We were too as ton lshed to sn v n see why." pleast!l, bllt J tell you what I saw-ac · glance out Into the hall. (rom whlcb word, and, Rand walked about . the ~Illly Da", In tbat common place back the dining room ope !l ed, J SIlW Tom's 1 shook my head , room. touchIn g this and tha t piece of baH-w ould take that smile alI or your tall flguro 10llngl ng among tbo shad· "Well, Miss Danver s' type Is tho w90dwo rk or cnrving : ows. and at Evident eacb ly we were k eeping close face. At first. It just seemed to me touch roveal1n g the same tbing-l lnea ItaUan type. J kn ew th a t you espethat there was a very Queer arrnnge - formati on. upon I1nes of drllwers QuIetly repos ing cially admired Italian gIrls. How orte n "I wnnt mamma to leave here at - mont of shadow s along the fioor and there, back of the apparen tly blank have I teased you wh en you bavo once." Miss Danver s told me. und e r on the wall-a nd tben 1 saw that looked atter some black·ey ed little wall. those sbadow s moved, and that they cover of some light convers ation which sweatsh worker? Then, tbe boy "You see;' he said to UB, coming havIng op made the figure of a tall, thIn man. , t bad arisen between her mothor and light eyes and hair and a back ftom tbls Rand demons . tration. ··tbe Bwarth, . akin; you'll hardly find any .couldn 't make out what tho motion wbole house Is like that. We round a race but italians "Wbere will you go?" J asked. was like until the sbadow seemed and negroes In comple te plan of tbe place, with all of wblch the coloring 8he sbrugge d ber shoulde rs wearll,. . iludden l, to -Intensl f,.; both Danver s of the sldn persIsts the hiding places marked , on tb e body after hair and eyea jIlnd I backed out or that hall, and we "Bac1r. to EllTqpe, 1 suppose . Mntthew ha.,e had a north,ot the man who poses as your butler. ern stamp. Eugenlc lI, were cold with fear, Rand-a ay what and 1 Were wild to return to Americ a ,ou see. Mr. Danver s never intende d tbat you 'lOU like ~o me, but I tell you I don't and to this house . You know we lived or )fat.": mother IIhould return here 1 "Now, who la mOllt superst itious vant to see thnt shadow again, cut- here when we were chlldren , and It gue8s, IJlt In such a , society a man ' ll! among the naUona of Europe ? 'the ting Ita own throat with a long. ugl,. was the happies t time of our lives. neTer sure of carryin g out his plans. italians . Who WOUld, Inost probabl y, were always talklug about AIDerl· looking knlfe-- ugh!" D,.lng as suddenl Y ns he did, he did have the Imagina tion and to wanting ",volve such a to r eturn, but-rat her • "I. It always In the same place?" not know tbat he had been depose d piece of deviltry all tbat shadow ! Idn't care for It, Ilnd would never ··Yes." and that people. Inimica l to his Inter- Italians . Who manage low us to talk aboul il." S t.o 11:111 olr obTHERE THE SHADO W WAS, MON STROU S, DISTIN "How Is tbe ball Jlghted !" ellta, were put In hi s place. Tho whole noxious people suddenl CT, She contInu ed to talk of Europe. y, so that the,. etrort, of course, was to frlgbten you appear to die natural "WI~ IIlnr:te gas jet." but I roplled abse ntly, ror. In reality. and gave Il to the dealhs? Hush! boy, "I can't stop faintly. ever so faintly, a step crept Into leaving the place and "Wa e gas lit when you saw ute I 'WIlS listenin g to a convers selling It. Yes, I'm afraid 80. Well, aren·t SIaUon be- to explain now," h e said, "but tbere down the front stair. It was gOod to No doubt, you had olfers for It berore clUans famous Is ~w!" tween Rand and Mrs , Danver s, and are reasons why I for that~ And where 18 feel Danver am s' glad strong you young aro so body "Yell, but It was turned low ." you came over?" • the thread or connect ion wblcb ran strong a fellow. th'e stampln ., ground of the most InlsUlren Perhaps as he. too, you listened . Then Rand will , "Vlhere does the sbadow appear -I through It tensed "We did?" said Danver s; "a man In Qultous and formlda hle me. secret society? trust me When 1 telt you that m,. did the las t thing In the world wblch Italy mean wberc, In relation to tbe posl· Bald his brother had become In Sicily. And Isn't Italy Was Mr. Danveri j English 1 Ah. name Is Rand." getting too I expec~ed; he suddenl y drew a very wealthy as a contrac tlon of the gas jet?" tor over here and hot for them 1 And where would be the Welsh. That no doubl, account ed for "Not-L awrenc stout knife e Rand from 7" his sleeve • "Beyon d It as you look In from the tbe type and drove wanted It for his home." best place to transfe r their most 1m· or b~auty to wbich MIss Dan. "That's my name." It Into the wall, which gave, wltb ' a front entranc e--dow n the hallway ." "Of course you told him that you portant docume nts and vers belonge d. Mrs. Danver s "sup· possess Ions ? "The Lawren ce Rand'" I;!oylsh hero ripping, tearIng noise. • "Does It ever appear wben the gas posed so" In Be alllo wanted It for the very same To a new country , Caint and dIshear ten ed worship rang In tbe excIted voice, Wh08e governm ent At that everyth ing seemed and to hapthing?" I.e not lit?" a tone that I felt sorry for her. but Rand turned awey, Is sucll a fool that It does not rigIdly smiling a llttle. pen at once . A slinking , crouchi ng "Yes, we did." ~ "N' no, I think not." Rand went 00, praisIng tbe old bouse. Even he was not Inspect all comers? Eh? Well. tbere proot agaInst that figure Hung Itself headlon g rrom the "How many servant s b'ave the Dan- Jlow rortuna te to "And t~e word was passed on, 110 you have the train of have servunt s so unfeIgn ed admirat ion and awe. reasoni ng," door leading to the servant s' Quarter s. that the *tle entertai -'vel'll ?" nment which faithful that they would remaIn with "And the candles . RandT What were "Come on. then: all It either had no of untrorm you , so 1 shot. It crum- really shook aU our nerves was arf' "Five or sIx, I tblnk." a dese rted house for-how many- have to do Is to follow they forT" me and do pled up and lay twitchin g. Rand. ranged for." ! "Beside s the caretak er?" years? Fifteen, perhap s ? Yes. It was what 1 tell you. If "Why, don't you BeeT J tad mado up by any without chance even -I looking over his shouder , 1. "Yes!' "Good heavenl l!" exclaim ed Danvers , my mind that somebo flfteen, corrobo rated Mrs. Danvers , should not be with d)' hehlnd tbe you-se e continu to Mrs. ed to cut and slash the sway- "I had forgotte n all about thatsha dow. wall "Seven or eIght, In all. Quite a agaIn faintly. was castins and Miss Danvers ." IIhadow, nnd I Ing wall, which suddenl ,. debouch ed Wbat was-7" ~et1nue for a small family. Did you or course she would advIse with the ,amoked him and I lit those Somew here In the upper regions a upon him t he limp body of a man and any 11.11 the servant s wero retained dur- fam!!y lawyer before dlsp081 Rand reached out to the table for a candles , afte-r ng or the door opened. very, very soTtly. J no- a stifling odor of sulphur discove red tbe , and thrOugh little black wooden Lox which was Ing the years that tbe family were In propert y, as, no doubt. -tIttle place In she had !lcter- tlced that Rand had his wall wbere It all tbe shadow lay upon the wall! Europe ?" Ing there., On one III de of It was a ' he got Into mined on doing-Y es. It was Indeed a right hand coat pocket, hand In bls we opened and 1 knew Rand wa,s stoopin g swUUy over the "Yes, they were." small opening , which he turned toward that place, put pity that he was so far away, How what It rested (In there. In and body whlcll had fallen from the panel- the opposit e wall, 1 showeO the and Instantl y the wedged a piece ''Wha t was the natlona llty .of Dan- did It happen that Mr. Danver s had all boy, nnd he and pokerJ did the same. Tbe hint lng, and at the 'fateful lower door an- dread shadow sprang Into Ufe there. of his busInes s Interest s represe nted that Rand had ginn Ters?" a piece of Iron body of danger tl) him- other tlgur,e was creepin g out. I ree"There Is your ghost," satd Rand. and two Inches f "Englis h or AmerIc an, I suppos e" by an Italian? She hadn't said that It selt sW; rang In my the little ea,s, and ogplzed I found It !BS the butler, susplclo ned a He opened • "You suppose , eh? Where' dld you was by an Italian! She hadn·t? How that 1 was looking the top of the box snd took space between wherl' the at tbe well·kn own w eapon In his conceal ed right hand out a little mannik In. A strlllg hung 'person who had l ' py he dIed?" odd I Then, of course, he must bave outline before me with I a suddenl y sick and fired . from It's back which, when pulled, and out. ' You get the r I "He Is burled In Italy, but t don't kuown it in some way: one hears all feeling. "This way!" shouted Rand, leaping made one hand sorta of Informa tion. ~trange . thougb, up and saw at the up above could not get , ' FOW where he died ... · At the door to tbe passage Rand toward the front hall, and '\ I followe d throat with the wooden knife It out the . "Mias Danver s Is & dark. tropl\::a1 wasn't It! Mr. Danver s must bave paused, and, prepllre d as I was for candles and In him, turning It. for a last shot at the 'clutche d. had some strong pnrUall ly for Italians I could no more belp 'ilort oC a looking gIrl, Isn' she1" ' he would be sutrocat ed, the start I gave three figures who clogged the hall. . "Inside here," continu ed Rand, "Is a the nerve ,t o call out -even tho servant s were italians and than I COuld help or '~, ~ • "Wby- yes; but hO~" breathin g. for the ''What- what?' ' I Implore d of' him, tinT, bleh process dynamo Sicilian s. at that. Oli , ' but Mrs. Dan- IIhadow was {liere, . This little had, the w~()le house monstro us, distinct , 88 we ran, but before he could ans~er , . ,: "'It's tbe sort i 'iLlwBYS admire, ver!' must know thnt tQose ftlllre was hung on delicate ly alijuste d him and hili life Engllsb but still, arrested In the very ,midst ot we ha", pushed out Into the thl~ ' of a naines dId not 'm ean anythin g. All the Its horrIble gesture '. . Young Danver s atrugtll ng, cursing , screalnl ng" hoot- wire. In tront, of thl!! dynamo ; this lit.' saved. I was eXl:lect in' tIe leTer turned on 'tJle power the momen t. We It1'lul~Ia1 servnnll ; wore Itallan~h, yes, he ilmothe red an exclama 117Iiirat Uon and grlppel! Ing' mass that deftcs detlcr~p.!!pn.: om, ~. IIhutter In front fOCUBed tb,~ ~en ;lnto the house, llIjltllle knew Italians well. my arm, and so wo three stood, for as the Sioux, 15tandln d g ob.. the .Oil ite" thlng_~d there you are. All t~e opo cornerll 1 knew that MIs8 Danver s must n[)o much as twenty seconds around ~e , etarlng at of ~l1e stall!', _toWllr~ q~~.' Ilah~ , .~I'altor bad to do 'was to pull the 1Itt1!li' kept hla tlce my abstrac tion IUId she, In her the Incredib le thing. eye. ateadlly tirl,nr: Into· the JIl&U' below, occasio n all, and produce began to listen to the one-Side d a ftrst-claB8 llUarded tbe AM'••••• A · . . . . Sudden ly Rand moved resolute ly 'Bnd I caugbt ,a .~lImps. · 8 era. 'PO-, lpook ' The bun was operate d ',r,y,'a 80und , ,of Utter perplex ity cloud· forward 'n nd stood dIrectly opposit I a e It. , lice helmets l, 'and then l: ,111! led wWl man' who'lres a8 s~e listened , 4lnd tlnally T~en he turned, lay conceal ed back of ' tbe rushll4. 1n." . f~cll!g ",I, and Ieanetl Tlc,l oUI lI~~e ~~ar~ '~ .:, . 1DIlflI~Uo!1. Gll Eld them. {or her moth- nga1nat lI~el ,of ··tbe .¥I1: ". H. · JOt up., there the',opp osite' wall.. ;~~~::~f~~:~~,~~: at me like ' a'"~ riak thrO~'h ' a pla!)e , In. ~(! l&~nd'7 '!h1«!l. ,,~t a! .~

Th e My ste ry of the Sh ad ow on the Wa ll





















: ,; ' "


'. .

. ",.






ANNUAL FA OS IN PHOTOGRAPHY Innovation of Having One's Likeness T a ken In Bed Probably Reviv a l of Style Centur ... Ago.

We have secured for our next

Serial Story


P :..rl s, Frnncc.- Ye t t he y come! Wha t? Why. the phOl ogrllphlc fad s . One season e very bod y Is photograph· pd with a b a hy. Au other . It's d ogs . Last yea r pbotogrn ph a ble f o ll~ we ro pron e to s t a nd befo re w ind ows Int o wbl c h t he II g ll t at renme d , Ili id . In · deed . t hnl fa scinatin g fa d ho lds yet. I\1lnor tc nd e nc leH. su c h us bu c k views. p rofll e vll: \\,s. or full fare , ('o m e un d go . Nalurall y ph o tog r ap h ing peo ple dlv ld eH Itself Into tw o ~ort J;; t hose

The Glow


P hotog ra phed In Bed.

) I

the Rubies By


This little comedy is a guaranteed grin gr.ower on any countenance

We warn you in advance that it really never happened. It's an ~'Arabian Nights" tale I

th~ .first

.and get



:Es,cdlenl Methods o( ~ulIdlnB H[IBh'WBYs of Earth, Clo y , Saud and Gravelos Recommende d by Gov e rnm ent Experts Are GIVen In Deloil-ElImlna ti o n o( Hills AssIst s Horses.

'T ve com e t o see Ilbo ut !lIe IlI nn tl 1'9. Mi s s ," "0 . yes. I'm 6 0 gla d r Oil hav e C:O tlll! AO Bo nn ; will ~ UII s lep 1111 0 tIll) d l' ll w Ing r ou m 7" T he l' O II Il ~ miln e te [l [)Cd; be waB pll':t8(' <\ wl t ll his plellRll nt 1' ~' < · c Jl t loll . Af le-r awh il e mil ca fJIe In ll nrl slI ld : "!l ow do'!" So EOrry to II'"ub le hi ll1 , h ut wo u ld Ill' mi nd If IIl ('y Irl od t li e mn n ti (' 3 o n '! lI e r daugh ter's was a Irl fl e !OO fil II . lin d he r o wn a trine too lOll S. s ll e Ih OUl:ht. r " rhnL) B he wuu ld be g()od e uoug h 10 se(' . T he )'Oll llg lfJ Rn said he wo u ld h e 011 1)' 10 0 deli g hted . T h e t wo el('g.l nt manll (>s In I he tUI eS I sty le whit-II w cr(' lyi ng 'j(' ro 's till' ba (' k o f til e s ofn were lh e ll cl" tl m ·d . li nd th e youn g m an allid h,' 11I"" l! ht l th e y Inoll ed ('hn rm ing. Yp • . l' er h" I" 11 I II t t'le II ll<'l"a tl o n W II S re(:lll rl·c1 . IJl Il - 1f Ihey wou ld eX (' U60 him I II' wWll d h I' g ill ci if t h pJ would 10 1 h im I:(' t "n wit h hi s work an d sh ow h im t he ga s ·h ll rn .. rs Ihat w"r(' r C'Q u lrlng fr es h m alitl eR Why! W Ulln 't he fr om J igg ll1 R & .1 iggln '; t'B 7 H e " ' ns t he YOll ng ma n O. no! t hnt aU e lJ,led to th e lIw nt l('s fro m th e gn ~ C' o m pII IIY! - Hl' hou o t b S"nd a y H e r a ld .

The cos! of h a u lln ~ ove r co un t ry ro ad s Is lurl':e ly d ~ t l' r ll1 l ll"d by t he size of the lond Ihnt C IlII U8 halli ed, tbe nu nlhc r of lrips t hlll (,IlU bo mud e In u da y a nd t hl' W ar an d te llr on te llm s an d e q ulpm (' nt. Rt .,(' p gradQ8 UD well nil TIl! 8 an d Dlud bo l.. s Ber ye to de c rea lle bOI b t he s peed and t ho I,lad. O n t h e p rin c lv le tll a t " a ('h a ln Is no s tro ng e r th un Its Wl'lJ k.' s t II l1 k, " Ihe m ax im um lou d Ih a t II l .. a m clln d r;. w Is th e loa d Ih llt It cil n drs w lIlJ th e s te(.'[le s l hili o r th rough the d ep :)· eu t mud holo o n l hlll r cm d. , \T here ve r Il os o; l\)II' , rouds s ho uld be loe a led o n s trulgh t 1111<'8. In a hil ly or m ou n t ain o us countr y. h u w(O ve r, atra igh l neS8 o rte n <'u us(>s hea ,. y e- ra d I'8. Slrnl g h\! H '~S a ll d grad e m ll s t, th e re fo re, b e hll nd l('d log e th r . T h(' b est lo('at lo n Is o n e whlth is ntnl ght In p ' nll'U l d irec tion s, 13 (r e I' fr o lll s teel] g rad es, Is ov e r so lid gro ulld , nnd se r n s t be Inrgest pos ~ ib l " n umb~ r of [l (>o ple. III studyin g t li e re lations of I; r,[(]c to d isl a nce . t he (o 1\ o wlll l: prin l'lpl., s hou ld I ll! ulIl'll e in mi nd: To lifo n t o n o n e fo ot hl~h r t'!1I1lrl' s 2,(1110 foot ·poun d s or e n e r gy ; on n road. th e Gurfa ce of wh ic h o ff" I's 1(10 1 )(l\I I I" ~ uf I rae t h 'e r eR ls tan ce pel' t o n , l li ' sa l/l e e n e rgy wo uld r oll the ton u 11Ill'lzOI li a l dl s lance of 20 feeL T o sa ve one fOOL o( g ra de Ih e mud m uy t \J !'fc for e b ~' le ngth e n ed 20 fe e t. T he e li m ination of o ne o r I WO Sl{"'~' h ills o n a line of roa d wi ll fre qu c li l ly e nable b Orij(·s to draw t li r e c u r f" lI l' t1 m(! B n s mll c h ns t h e y co ul d draw o n t he o ld roa ll . It t a ke s a ppro xlm ul f' ly to ur tim es a s mu c h pn ,,'e r to draw loads u p t en pe r ce nt. g rn ll ~ ~ a s on a len:\, but on n fOU l' p" r ('<'n l. o r Ii W ' p e r cell t. g r llde R ho r so ca n u Bua !ly draw <ror a s ho rt lim e ) as m uc b a s h e can dra w on a Ipr e l. A four [)(' r ce nt. o r fho p e r ('(' nL gra de Is tll(, l'c fore con s idered Il le m a x Imum on roa ds s ubJect E'd t o 11(' uv)" h a uling. S t cep g ra dcs m ay oft e ll b c

wh o d(' slro n s l'nslb le . ordi na r.v li keness lI ud t hose who. be ill l; pho t o· gra llhed oCte n, go In for mo r e o r le >8 fa n cy e trect R. thn t Is . fo ll o w t he fa d of the d ny , a nd . m ayhu li. go in for c rea t in g fa ds. T he la te s t fQ,d Is to b e "ta llen " In be d . Jt b(Ogll n a ye nr 1l~0 In Pa ri H. s e " e rnl sre n('s in s uc ('('s Hf ul 1)la)'s s howin g th e he roi ne. fe tch ltl !; IY go t ten Ull . on he r ~o ll c h . Or, It mllY be a r ev iva l da llng from /I r enltlry ogo. w he n Fre n ch be~lt' fI ('s , h av ing bee n powde re d ()tl r lcd n l Hj l>c d ·J a(' k c ~d w it hin un In <"ll o f t he ir Ih·c s . n 'c(' lvp d t he ir fri ends a nd po sed a n d tII r t ed to tb olr he ll rt s ' con te n t In II da y when m ll n· n e r-s we r e lit the Ir ze nith, n nel t h I' pe r· (Oct cou rt\!' r wus the he ro nmong m en . W e s h o ll h n rd l,y t o \te t o rc r e ivln g in bed . One ve r y good reas on Is t 11:1 1 m os t of th(' m e n o ro engaged In the morn in g . e it h e r pro fe ss io n a ll y or In bus in es s . Anoth e r Is th a t Ih o g irl of avoide d by lo cating tbe r oad around loday Is a doe r rn tll e r t)m n a pose r . Ins t ead' o( m 'e r the hili, wi t hout m a ' Happil y, she pre fo rs to be u p a n d do· terlall y In c r ea s in g the dl s tn n ce. The e arth road should ha ve at INISt tng. golfin g, motortn g or wo rilin g for some cau se, r a the r thnn la n g uidl y po s· s ix hours of s u nshin e each day. S uc h Ing In silks a nd la ('e~ , wbll e he r brus h and t roes us impede t he dr ying fri e n ds com e In II I1lI pll y se n ti me n ta l uc t lOD or th e sun a nd wind s houl d b e compliments. B ll t e"en thi s will not Te mov l' d. With gra" e l and s t o ne r oad s pl'(' vent re mlnln ll y rro m Ul klng u lit· this Is n o t n e ces sary, as a ce r til in ti e fl ye r thith e rw n rd. and bd ng photo- amoun t of m oistur e is n CI' <i ed o n s uc h graphe d tn he r m os t flisc\ n ating noc· roads, e 81X'eia lly durin g the 8umrn(O r . Re loca ti ng r oads is not nn e n ~d n ('(' r· t um a l get·up. Ing pro bl em al one. One mu s t a lso conside r Ihe e ff ect of l be road on TRIBE HAS ADOPTION DANCE tho se who now live upon it. Man y d is · like to hllve l b(! road pl uced ba ck of Writer Tells of Curious Ceremonial of th eIr hou se s, or out of s lg \1t o r i t. It Taklne a Child Into Shawnee requires ta c t and good ju d,; m e nt 10 Family. s ecure a sultnbl e loca tio n wit ho u t arousing h a r sh anta go nism. New York.-Th e adoption dan eo Is The e arth road can b est be crow ned me of the ce remon ial d a nces of the nnd ditched 'With 1\ 3hnwn ees. This Is Quite differen t from grader. Pi cks, shOV E-Is , Bc: OOPS a nd m y one of th e f estiv e d a nces . '('h e y plows should not be u sed for t bis [lur, com e IO s ny mil e s RrOllnd and co.rop; pOBe. One road mllc hln e, with s lli t· heir fllce s are painted and th eir per· able power and operator, will do th e sons are decora t ed with b l'a ds. wo ..k of ronny m e n wllh pic ks a nd They dance all day li nd night wllh, IIbo,'e ls, nnd do It be tte r. ~ut eating. A bo ntlre Is b u ilt In the In order to di s pose of storm wat e r ce nter o f th e camp Rnd Ih e y danee Quickly bofo re It hil S time to p e ne · lround tbl s. The fir e Is kept burning trate dee ply In to t he surfu ce, the roud ,boul the sam e 11 11 the time. Tbls should b e properly c rown ed. F o r nn ~erve s als o ns their 1lgbt. earth road which IB 24 teet wid e , th e Tbe adoption dan ce Is rath or Quiet, ce nter should be not less tban sIx . nore 110 than tbe other d a nces. The .. o m e n do mos t of th e s inging, says a . rlter In the R ed l\Ian, and s ing very low, Th e y danc e around In I\. circle In twos. The m e n da nce togetber In front, and the women toge ther In the ren r . Tbe t. wo lenders In front ar!' us ually the ones who arc adopting the child. ih e y carry tin pallg : in tb ese sre rub. ber balls, whi c h bounce and keep time with the drumm e r s. This Is all tho Well Drained Earth Road. ' music th e y have to dnn ('e by. If a large erowd ts a sse mbled tbey may Inches nor more than twelve IncheB have two or three drums. hi g her th a n tbe oth e r ed ge of tbe At th ese da nces good orde r Is kept . shoulders. The total fall of grade from N o drunke nness Is allow ed . The dance center to sIde dILch sh ould be about. an Is tn a grove, and tt on e does not be- Inch to the foot . OrdinarilY, the only h a ve decently they tie him 10 a tree dllc hes n eed ed are those malle with for the r es t of tbe dance. After the the road g rade r, wbi ch are w id e and danc e th e y have a great fe ast whlcb shallow . Deep ditc hes Bhould be pro· lasts all day, a nd visitors, a nd all otb, vlded If the road 1s a bo ut level, but ers who alte nd th e dance, are Invited luch ditches wa s h rapi dl y ·on stee p to pa rtake ot th e feast, .Iopes and are dan g(Orou6 beside. Wood or tErra co tt n til e do not make s a ti s factory culve rts; the first Prince Recltol Shakespeare, London .-In tbe hO lle of making I wtll soon rot and the lal t e r Is liable good public spenllel' out of bls heir, to break, Stone or con cl'ete culv e r ts J{ln g George h a B ord ered the prince of nre the b est a nd c he ap est In the long Wales to r ecite portions of Sha ke- run, Boe ause of It.. simplicity, Its em· s penre's plays to his mo ther. wencl' and cheapuess, the spllt·log d rag IB an excellent device lor maintain ing Operate Twice on Girl •. Baltimore , Md.-Elizabe th Qulml, eartb And gravel roads. Th.llesl reaults have heen obtained aged IS months, hns undergone t wo' opo e rntlons for appendlclUs during tb,e' by drngglng oiJoo eDeh wsy £olle r each last six days. . ,: beavy J'IIln. In Bome "eaaes; howe ver, dr.a'lIlP.n-g , evru-y tb·ree , or tour '. \" .,........-..:.~--~............! bad to

fe r r" d. A p ro p" r m tx tu r e w ill p rodu c~3 a har d sur(ac' c, wh ic h In mild (' lImat e s and fo r II gh l tranl c w ill no t ll('c(l!:le lonee wh e n d r y nor sti c ky w h pn we t. Or di naril y fro m 10 t o 15 pc r <'4' lIt . of cla y un d (ro m 85 to ~O pe r (· Pllt. uf s un d co nst it u te t b e Il rOI' (> r nllxture . It t h e r uad tn he I rf'u t I' d Is slI lI dy , t he s lI rfuce IB il ra l "'ve led off lind c r owned 1\' 1t h t he r oad gra der. T he

Relieves Backache Instantly

Exhi b ition on "Mantlea'· Most Pl ea sura ble, Only Young Ma n Had Othe r Bu&in e&~ to Atten d T o.



Sloa n 's J.inil1l Cllt is a great

remedy for b a t kac ne. It pene trat e s and rei ieves t he p a in in s t a nll y 2 no rubb ing n et:cs~ :If)1- just lay


. Here's Proet "I had Ill y b. \ k hu r t ill ehe (toer Wu i n S.. n 1-'1.111«:1:104 0 1W I", yea" Ol g a I wa.. hi l UV~ Sh ee t CAr in tin: umc p lace. J Irled al l k lud. o f d u,JI: wi thout au,,", cc~. 1'''' 0 ""ccks alt u I saw ytKlr ' \nlm cnt in .. d rug ~1 1J 1' t: .. nd Kill a. t..l tll~ to tr y. The fi u l J. p pitCllion u U.lcd lns l:m t rell d . And nuw u('rpr for , little . tiff. Deu., , am .timo, ' we ll. " . ~· L KTC t! I!;R N ORMA N

Whluicr, l:JU.


A Countr y Roa d In Marc h .

cl:ty Is 1111' 11 dum !l ,'d o n t he s urra ~ :t nd sp r(,lId to a de {ll h of fr o m six to (' Ight In (' \1(,6 ti l t lie ('Nit e r, li nd g ra d· ua ll y d C'l'I'!' a~ ln g In d (' IHh t owa r d Ih" Ride s . A IDYf' r of cle lln s Ollcl I s t hell a dcl r d. wh ich Is I iJ uro ll g hl y m ixe d wi th t he cla y, e ilh (O r by l mlll e 0 1· [J1' l' feru h lr by nw a n s of plo ws li nd di s k o r l uo th ha r r ows. Th e s an d·cl a y ro~ d . lif t er r Olll pll'· tl nn, s h o ul d be ca re fu ll y m a int a ined until the s u r fa ce b('('om es fir m an cl s mooth . T h e co ns t ru c t Ion of t his t yp e uf rotLd Is b y DO m e ans a qui c k ope ru llon. Th e re n re so m an y k in d s o f g rav el th a t It Is al most Im poss ible t o la y prlnciplt's -of co nsl ru c tion whl cb will h'o ld go od In !I ll cus es. The fo ll o win g a r e th e prlncl lHl I ca uSES o f (a llur(' in g rnv(!1 roads: First, po o r l\1al <.> rlal ;. r o u nd w a t e r· worn grnv~ l; t oo li tt le bind e r or too mu ch su nd , enrt h o r c lay. Seco nd . un s t a bl e fo und a ti o n": p l a(~· In g grn \·el o u s ur fa ces nll .,cl wllh 1'11tS and holes. Thi r d, poor cl rn in ngl' ; too n:1t, or too hi gh In t he m ld dlc , s id e cJi t(' hC' s

b est re med y


n e u r a lg ia,

sore throat and sp rains. MI ~5 ~. Il l>! of Brooklyn, N .Y ., wr i t C"~ : ·' !-')'! J.l nt llu"nt i , t he best fo r r hcu rn:ati:sm. ) h" ,re used 5 11 bot,.. t le. of It ' lid It '" I"nd.'·

Sold by all Dealers, Price, 2So., SOc,. and 51.00.



th e

rh cultl ati' m,

" I ca ll tr ut u fu ll y say Cutl c ura. HC'm· ed.ll's hl1 ve c u re d me of f\J 1l1' lo ug ~'e ar s or ec·z{' m J . Au uu t fOll l' y" 'U S a go I no liced s om e lilli e pi mp lc s co min g o n my lilli e fln ,w r , an d nut g iv ing It a ny nt t(,lIlIon . It SUOC I beca mc WOrF e fi nd "prea d 1111 o " e r I ll Y li a mill . If I wOlil d l\;J\' e th el ll in Wil ie r fo r 11 10 1l t; tllII e . th e y w Oli ld b u rn 11110 flrQ a nd Inrge c radcs wo ul d l ·0 1l1o' . I cO lllc l . lay a pin In t hNn . A fle r (I si n g a ll t he 811 1\'os 1 ('ould t hlult: o f. I w (Ont to t h r eo d in'erent doc t ors , but nil d id


00 lig htly.


No Lame Horses' ~~~~!I!!I!_!I!!I!III!I~~!!!!!!I!!I!IJII!I!IIJII!I!II!IIL


'The on ly r e ll cr I g ot WII S " So ufl c r h(' arlng so m il ch a bo ll t th <l . wonde r f ul Cut\ (' u ra He m edl es . I pllr· chas f' d on e complete set. nnd af te r U Vou ' Will Use us ing th (' m three da ys m y ha nd s w e ro mu ch bel le r. T oday my Il a ntl s Ilro entire ly w II , o ne set hel n g a liI uRe d." . rSl g lI l' d) ~Ii s s E tta l" nr lJ(1l'. n . F . D. 2, S\lrln g La l' e . 1IIl c h ., S" Il t. ~G, 19 10. I Altll ou t; h Cllt lcllrll. S o a p nn cl Oint· I m ent are 50ld c ve r yw he re. a ~ a llli lle , of I' a r li . w it h ge boo ll . wi ll be Don ' t n f' ~ l cr t lbD lnme or m a il ed free o n Ilp pl kutio n to " Cull· 1 :~el~~,~~I~~~~'h e~}~II,\~,f~'i I~~:: cur ll," Depl . L, \3os lo n .. f ull ed. WI WII rOH " toi l ttl tlllil k


Tuttle's Elixir

------, IIIIlLthp.n ! llI"rlilln.

d rell Ao t t houM IHSI ,If h nrse. IIi AI hl\" " 1",,,11 m a d o IOl1 nl1l\:,11 are ke pt. s Oll ml. k,.,Jt ILt. t..h ~ l r h ard \" ark d llJ I n o,mi ll " y IIlIL- th fLl tlal t o 'l' uttl("s EU.llr- lhe n y ou \dU re lt.lI ;te l ila" IL " LUlII' you tIi~d U.• &.00. .Let u.a proTe t o YIlU l lJat

Spendthrift . Un c le Ez ra - Do y o u th in k tbe mon ey yo un g I ': ph Hos ki ns ma de cl own In :\ e w Yo r k will Ills t h im lo ng? P ll cle i': bCIl- Yo ll be t It wo n't! He's go in g a t an II Wfll 1 pa co. I was do wn In tb e g f' o e ra l s t ore la s t Tl I!; llt. and r oun g Epb wns wr iti ng $1 00 c bec kB Rnd ligh t ing h ie c igars with t h e m.Puc k .


== CURE8=~ ~'urb. "pllnlo, Rp .. ln L.mnnon, RID!f. .~~., Knotl"d forti . , Corltl. Joint., 8pr~ 1 DO, BOD Tel ""lTt.b.,II".


1I01l0.Dd found or ,DI.tompH and (',olio

Memories. n ews boy on (' c"· "A ll' , wha t (' ba l r y h l' to do - git m e do wn hearted 1" "M y Inrt. I

~ 'I - P'\OF;


MF. RC' H AKf) ISE I\\) () J{ NO.

14 .\ f ree ~ h o \\' l n lf ov~ r I lIr("() t l1ull sa l1l1 nr· t l d i?s of t'lu th l n(. fundtllr e, H e. , gi v e n fr(!o w 1t h o r d(' r H ro r 4'l \Cl I I ' ~! o f t)ver fi v l~ h u nctrflfl Ih lll )' lloll }!t" l w ld IW(,(~ HH It I(· !t. \V .

&: lJ. \ Vu lh c r , I' ll ts LJurJ.;. P u .

Nothin g dl sn po illts s om e wom~ mo r e th lln to 1101 be dl ~ app o lflt e ~ III' " too d('e p or not d c('p enou~h. c ulverts ne w nelgbh o r. wb lch ure t oo s m a ll, or wb lc h are Fur ('UnFotlpaUon \18ft a nftlurnl rem rd., . lul d 8 0 nat th at th e y ure s oon fill ed (1.'11,,1,1 Tea Is " "nl p o s e" of ca rulul ly bcleer.with silt or trnsh. e<! b~r bs ouly. At aU <1,·U ".",""8. \ FOllr ! h , sp r endlng gravel In dry Kee p your troub/f's to YO llrs:) \C aod we athe r, dumplug It In p iles u nd leav· they w ill not expnnd . ing It for th e traffic to sllr e ud. Firth , mnklng the road too narrow ('t;RR A COLO tN ()N.~ HAV to a ccommod ll t~ the tramc . or so DOr- T:lko TO LAXATIV )t lIn.ulf O Ou l nln u rta ble1 a. rnw thut wago n s will track nnd 1I00n llnIIKh,l" rr fuo d n w n .. , I r I t f!t\l 1S ""I .,urt' . lC. w. QlLO Y " 'to' &l anoturo h i uO ea c h lIo s . c ut the surface Into rut s. Sixth, fall · ure to k e ep ruts ond hO~8 fill e d with Th e way to s e l h r e Jllltll tlon for gravel. goodn es s Is 'to h e good. Wltb good binding or cementing g~"el, satisfa c tory roads m a y 00 "Pink Eyr"la Hpl,lemle In the Bpr'n&" Try }lurlu. Eye Remedy for ttelln.ble Re Uet. made by s urfll ci ng th e pre pured BUbgrade w ith one or two lay(!rs of this Som e men haven't s PIIse e no ug h to mat e ri a l. The earth foundation Is first '> top borrowing wh e n t hey st rik e 011. shaped wit h n road grad e r, and If possible" roll e d with an d gbt or ~en· ('oo. Upatioo CRD bo cun .. 1 w II II " tI I rJru lfS. ton roll-er. Nature's own remedy is U ;Hlil :ld T t;ll. The earth foundation shoul6 be Th ere's room at tl1<' to p crowned but sli g htly. Tbe m a terial IB spread In one, two or threo layers lomehody Is alwliY s ~ olll i n g do wlL to a total de pth of from eight to lwelve Inch e s in th e cent e r, "and from ~':.~~I:):~ t~l~8!~?tr.~~:u~1l u "r°L~.: ~nJI~~~~. ~lk~ fOllr to s ix in (' hes nt th e Sid e s , gradual· o plum- DU rlliUIIj(!a bO COII l..'!t . Iy diminishin g h~ d e pth to a feather· A void the fa ce course It edge toward tb e side dItches. lI.e ep 00 the right tmc k. Tho g ravel road ought to have a lillIe at tention throughout the year Poorly Built Gravel Road .




._----- -

BRUTAL TYRAIIY :r I:'::: n ~!-.~~I .!!!' OF C·O·STIPATIOI ACHE, RHEUMAnSlI, REURALGII, BEIrut. DOlun, nr~ ...

DEFECTIYE ClRCUUnOIl, URYODS PIIasTUTJOI, 11111 ,FAG, IXSOII"IA, ASTHIIA, HEAIIT WEAK_Ell. Ell:., ETC., LearD; FIl EII OP ellA ROB , how to eat well, work well , slee p well , be lIoppy and 8ucce..rul. 1'1' D1XCTB I\ MCSC I.II EX"AN!IION DOES ITI Hoo" nlRIl p.u OD l't.'qU C6L. R, II. llAOIIOlI,$peCl1IId ~IB. Bulletla Bldg., PIIlIatlelflhI.. PI. . elln be cured 'Withoul drllgl 0" "odo,.l.


Womm.l s Power , er ..,..-. . . . 00 1.. -.,


mo.t ~ori:u. endowment i. tbe power to .w:. ken Qod bold the pure ond hoaest love ot a w~rtby..m8D. Wbera .he lose, it ood . till loves 00, ao ODe la' tbe wille world oan koo ... the heart agooy .h,eodulW. The womllO who aufl'en from weak· - mea. eel deraa.gem~t of bet speoiill womanly or,.oqm 1000 loees the power to .....y the beart of He, .oem hCliltb .ufl'ers .lJld ahe her ~ loop ~ ber •.t&taclivencsa, ber 8D1lial,ility · IIDd bet>pcnnr ad pra61le lIS a woman, Dr,






the atalf' cd able t!lctlJll~ll! '01·1t'bmell.: Ho laa. devi5ed a _Pierce'.









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C ' J IfI , .tll . I J:.i, \ '

Cornl11 is.~loncrs' ProtCi;.d!ni:!S.

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o ll e Far by [He re ly stllJ,.-c riiJinl; t o McCall 's 1\lag~z ine fo r three years a l l he ra te uf 50 cen ts a yea r. 1n add itIOn y ou receive t!lrce: ISc :', h:Call Patte rn s FREE.

tt 'j '

;\\<: " 1' 1\'. 111 0

T he Fre e I\\ !lti.rlls are orll (' ~ed by r ost,c\lrd from , New York City allJ eau be lI sed auy tIIne you n eed 1'hi$ off er is a vailahl e to any one who SUb sc lND es . or cxtend s hi" li lll C 0 11 lite ~Iia;lt i Gazctte . T he si t e j ,; th a t YO Il "pay in advanc e." !:iee belo w wha t 'yo u win save on


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E bnrl e, lo t in B' rHll k Jiu ; $2,:1'. 0 .':~ _ ___ flJr· ,,1,,1 ,1 II: ' - ,-tTl ' ' ' ' ' ' t-"-:-ht~ ~ <' I'''\\' ( ' n l th'ate,l' , 1I IJ arl y n LHV, - ~ j 10 W I!III.W h' i .. )101.' , I, ("11/1: :,,;, oJ" fit JI , IUl" !!".,rl w l !'l; lnquirt , 01 r" f ',I-<I' '\ i : ('j .'ilOo lv , 11ft ill ,;, ,,'I,",,~ " ,hi,,·,: ;:'Xtl . B ' 'O " " 1"111' I' I," \\-lIv [j L sviJ lt' I:)~ 1l.t .l!.",Il-.J;o ., _. • ' BARN HART , , .. ·'1lJrll, lit ,r ,- \';/.;.\<. I", I,'~ • ", euOfet a I l B'ru u k Ji n ; ,6&0 ,., " ' . ' , " , " "olel " I,y ~II r!,!I !, 'I" ') ' Clood fol' Notlll ~'.; bu t il e l!ves perty ~n oase 'I :0'\, pl"'Jlf~ I,J3 ,~/" , Phoebe W . Tyso n t,O) J ohll ,) , 'I ll_-l ______ .. _ _ _ .'_ . J Nota ry P ublic .. V8 . Ch ar1as e rooy W ooJl u r d . t r (w l in VI tt y no f,o\\'n~ b If) ; 1HIGH PI)I"E' " I~j\ 0 ' .. , it; '~ -.- l lHl [ III ltll JltH'r Uu ('k fl~~R FOP J 'O [;,\ CCO \ d '''' " , "'-' ': Il,d ,\t r " I (1, 7~)n P C' L' .. rott1!lf!- S U b r.!~ ('t"l·he fQ"~ t he Gaze tte All k iULI" i)f N ,. n r.v \VIllI" PeD ~i on 801 vo.a800 Dfirme . '1,700 \V'Jrk L> Hl' pcillJt,v. " " Harold Hurdio 6n d C lurHo L anr• · ' lt1t t'" 1)( F Ha t IJ HwIl Y, t'eor g,· tow u. BI·" .~l1 (" " 1,\', ;, ___ _.... II:!.J ~..:: .. _ • diD to I . Q. .Jor d a n , 28_24 uor oll; ~ 1 II lJocn m t nl! q 111 t >l n ot u([ /", I ' l hD. jill ,I "~ ;~ , ': 'J I o,,'ln fl! eil\, Bolt , liod other OODsid6 1'11t.iuw; , " t ro \J ,/Cc;" 11Wrlwt 'LU<\ ,\ I tl Ci:t1 j ,· r, '. : U ) j 'OH N-A erlll of gl)o(1 In;;( - I' agai08t Charles ) ==--=--=--:.-=.:.:. I:)l1rfllO B ' for Marg n.r At A , Bu tt and Mnr,V If t ill' PI'IO". IIII L "I" iJ 'll!:.( l' " ,1 r", 1:'" , d j-l"' rr llll~ ~" Nl r;o rn-n O') l'n , tlO,OOOdllmo.geB him With \ Butt t o Willia m IJeiolJty , trllo~ in ~() U1U " l 1II";,1;J,,1 "'''oJ 0,1 ' I" ,: , ". , " ," \\1 11 !,(r .. I' , J lIq ll ir o1 of alienat ing the NllltH fl 1 · WIf e C!ellr or eek t o wDab ip; $I und ) f I118. oth rJ1' , t ll'lt p l'lt,;d Ll~', w ,' i ,oi l ,' I T " ' , " ". \ "a Y t,,;:; dIH' , Oh l'J , ali' I, Duwn Noah flied for d lvor~e oonside ratioD H. il),,(lIll;, 2:.l el ' , t" i.,a' i""lIl il . wb,i, ' E'-lU :-' l' rOll1 1'111' against Panl Noah . 0 FuloVn li nd Vi'lli le : he 18 RllubeJ t A . H uff t o Al br ed H , ill I,his MO p th ll r .. w,,~., iJo:lIlh lnf\ JIl "~ lj UIJ(!1 dUl' k " , <.: il Cllcn In v gollty of wilful negleot Comptb~ , traot i}l Uni oo t (1wosh i P; 01 'IUtl( to (' I I U 'l OC " I ll" I u:' Ii;,' I' ll" ,.,of 1I ",:.: Ftt'll in, $1 f,O ]Jll)' >IntI ~ n l! 0 r ill . Thomp son are f or otfier oo n side rat ions 0 ~rd urin " il1 1; ~l \I p,1Ulld .' • . f. I I \\ "'!~' IJ H'Htld. ' , [{P' IH. ii, ~~!' YLl(JS V11l21'9' ' ,X plalDtif . ' •• "'i,. .. V IS '" I 01 ltt,e Vogel_ to 6t1orgt:t ~oDgen . th e ,opinilJl I IJI~ bll.Y(\!'>i p, ""J1'jI( I , Ctl l1lo:l'v \!l;' , I "~I (J ,:"11 , !U n . brull oel-' p.nd Delilah tl lut n q UllD II \Y of th ,· C It I H',1 John D. I:!mith for money ol nhned Der, ' t ruil)1l BH lI1 ---.----~~ ;!ton t own ship; bncc o wlll1lL1, Wh' 111 liurl,,), ,hI''.\' til" • 1,1 11\'y(' r~ " nil l ,n >:(J Willtl l'\'H to be due on promis sory n otes , ' lll Dd ot tilir con~ill erat'oll!'l', !\ n~U1b()r uf I) llIud~ "I Iii" .;\1 t, I'ts IHlr ,,"lIi ll g of 15. Cn L I' II' tI~ Probat e Court. W ilJ lfI:n H . ',L oich l,y 1111(1 C6ra b 'w)J ~Il it g "'!:j t "·ll ,, . I ll .. \ I I " l i l u ~'It·~ ,' 1I 'lt ItlO"~, ,> 1/ ,nl'tl I "~ I ('~ ---, ONL~ ---.--- '"I. ~ -....-..-@ ----.........-.. , .I I ' Leichty 10 ' ViIl l:loo W i'i1~t f1r :=; '111"1',,, k~' ... 1 I ,~, p,~ " "'J .!'.)11, .1'''111' '<I],,1(:0l ! 0'",\1 (,\ III Il<) 'l. , 110 , ~l ' GO I' . ' .n'u f,liN ')" v1 .p 1 Luoy. A • . Naylor , a<looloi stratr ix loi s in pprilll-; u'lr o, 1\ .Ii' It . ~ ~~ lI '1d (ltlll' !' whv Iht ilv i ll l( ,b,1""'1 I:' "'.,,, ... I ' ':" BEST OFFE R "f . McCalr '; Magaztnc of theeBt ata of Ohallas Nu y lor, deI ,,': Il "'.tl (l l l , ' "7' i)I\H\' I. ll-l I' lll';"; -IlI,, ' 1;'JIltn!" ' j' I S l'o'illl' .'c1y \\,'!r Lh T his is lh e besl ' ' , Hn rr,l' l~~ 11\ ", 1" Will ' till I "I (," \ ;,,' "" Ilut-y H,W, I,., Il Ill, ,,~(' , I,t...: "'. d !"Il II" n' III , oooJ d ,..It, p , ]11 - ' $l.ot ' a ) ca r. Su h. olIer we ha ve ever Ph i Ilip'" I r B<:t 111 .. y' ) .. ;,' til :IH h II.' , ;\[ ,v . <I II , ,. I, ,1IqCCO h i " '0\' , ; i 11 ,U I, q II!' ,I :' r Illl" , III 'f' 'l) HI hI 10:,<1 J • II made. ::;end usyou r c riL l' :,:,) ',r and ge t jl lJ y - 1"'1 If ; 't.,;, \) "'i "'( 'Il:, '" "" hlJ.uI(~tl t.J I'( '. " " I n a me accompanied ,,1. the :'t!t.ll1l1 Gazette ! D"" d Cll ,'l n\J,' \ Ih t 'l Fr!l .', t, II~ i',: '.(,- ,\". I' . I ~'te' II1Cu l \'" ,) I ' 'with the money

wait"rl lonted

lonvet ofi le .I urry Spriuk! e IlDIiIl'b&AdP~tt'ioni~!.olls~of DorIlN iOoJ Y und An nH



DR. J. W . MILL ER •

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A. (}r an t,


Tin ner and Slat er, Fur naces, Roo fing and Spo utin g, She et Met al Job bing of all kind s.








yal.leyPho.oe '113

W ~ynesvine, Ohi9 ',f"





The Miami Gazette



D. L. CRAN E, Publl:hcr. \\, A

Y:-I ES Vl LL I..:.

(lI IIO.

DOCTORS IN UNITED STATES. To on e w bo obsenes tbe considerab le number of pbyslclans' sIgns In t be average city or large town the report of tbe last census Ulat Ulera a re In tbe Unlled states only l~U,oUU physician s, In cluding osteopaths, psy· cbopa th s , bydropaUls a nd doctors 0 1 e very de s c ription . may come as a rev e lation and a surprlae. Tbe additiona l loformatlon, Btrorded by Ule cen· 8 US, tb at thIs coun try h ll8 only one <locto r to e very 650 Of Ita populatklD lij not like ly to relieve Ule observer's ~' onde rm ent unUl be r e!! ects that a p byslclan to every 650 people Is, arte r a ll , a faIrly It be ral 8afeguard to tbe p ublic health, 80ya tbe Mancbester I ' nlon. Tbe tlgures. of courlle, repr& ~ ent tb e ave rage tbe countr, over, Ilome se ctions of communIties bavlns (e wer dacton In proportion to Ulelr popula Uon and some baYing more. Mancbeste r, for In stance, on the basIl of tbe census figures. would bave 101 or 108 p byslclans. Tbe city directory gi ves 98. Tbe cens us report all tbe matt er -Is not Incredible, yet a person t raveling along the streets of almost a ny New England cIty a nd remR rk~ tbe num erous doctors' " s blngles" would have bee n almos t cer ta In to e sUmate th e percen ta ge of doctors hlgber t ha n thnt given by the census.

I Practical Fashions I

Healure the i1eptb of tho rOTe wakIng your dlvo_




Joy. of Christ



His Sinless Nature and Infinite Love

Wtnalow"a tloo\bln. SJ1'Ul>


~or Oblt4rtY


wa rtC\Ut ~ h c: ,rums. reduces lnft.QUIII,. You, aUa.ya paLn. cu r 9 w lnd eoUc. IGa ,. OOUl

Friendship and ~onfideuce ar~ pin of s low growth. .

5746 .


Even a wise man never gete over t: Ing a fool to a certain extent. II ....

-INSPECTION IS IMPORTANT TWO GROUPS OF PARASITES F'armer Should Caref ully Ex · Codling Moth& Can Be ContrGlled by Spray ing Tree. Tw ice a Year a m loe All Sma ll Seed. W ith Ar.e nate of Before Pure hawl ng Lead. Same.


Thc1'1l Ie DO exculIC for tho dJapeJltlo, . Garlleld TOIl .OOO6&I1>le at O'lUI')' dl'lllrilote, \




m e TO 1& DAD

dn,",atwnr -rOfund Dloner it P~ol'"


.NT to onto an!. CQMl of Ilcbt DI, BllD IIERE Is a prH:tlent ml scoo· _ .... uf rroU'U<l\Jut 1 lleo 10 0 10 1" _ IIGa. . ceptlon concerl1 11:g tbe d a lly lire alld experleuc ea at Ibe Poverty does not destroy Vlrtue, ( Lord J ellus when be \TUS wltb do cs wealth bestow 1t. ..Yrlarte. u ~. We tblnk of him as the "Man or sor rows." Slid rightly. "He Dr. Pierce's Plea. ant Pelleh "'IU Mucb of tbe clol·c r. alfuUa Rnd g rass Thrr o a re two great /;roups 01 CArried blo Borrows;" the burden of ami invigorate . lo ",~ch, liver aud bOw ~ e t!d on the lnllrkl'l lOu"y co[)talns a 8u gllr- ~oatcd , tillY K\"(1nu lca. Euy \0 !.all cnc es o r para sit es whl c b attn'c k g uilt wss upon him .• li e was 110 In ... candy. Il l,.; perc elltage of we ed ~ e eJ aull Ollr ('ult il'a l<'(] c rop s- Ins ects and dl a· sympathy with IDen t bat tbelr burdens otll e r adulte rants. Tbe flltm e r un · £> a s !'H. irl SPcts are In turn divid e d lind sorrows became bls. Tboe Incom· It doesn't require much Inventive Iin owlll g l), or ca rel phs ly bu ),s this 1111 0 two ~ I'f' at groups- biting and pletenesA of character, the bypocrls, ~enluM for a mnn to make a fool of se t'" II lId 80 ll'S on hi s farm PE'll t R th u t ~ u c kln g . Th e membe rs of o n(' g roup !lnd deceit wblcb met him every wbe re , blmselr. n et'''~ s ltul l' ypars of harll lab o r snd put th e 1.Hlrt.; of till! plan t attac ke d, Ihe tbousand for m s of In iQuity wh ich un cea s in g wat chflllll cs!! to eradl cal e. filled the world, ollr gu il t laid u pon W . &. H. WALK E R, PITTSBURGH. ~I a n y of a u I' mo. t obno xi o us weell A wh ile til .. II IPlIliJ r r s of tbe othe r Buck Pu. , llr~ IS8ulng a. IIl1e 224 -1'1180 Book No. I1s\'1' bce n Inlrotlu cp(1 in this way. th e s ail fro m th u ti ssu es. When tb e bls so ul, did Indeed flll him wltb sor· itA .howl"" h o w a milli on fam ilIes Ilnl ng $~. OO worth of t oorls. 80apa, <llothI'robflb ly, u Halfa Is 111 0 1' 0 ortf' n adul- purt s a t l'aCkl>rl can bo eas ily reacae d, row; there was no sc rrow li ke his. SOlUe of tbe best features 01 the sea. getti In g. tllrn lture . clr .. for $1.00. Over th1rtyIt wlis a deep undercurrent that beterat ,," tlHII1 any of t1w stllall s ee ds. the bit lll g in secta can us unlly be lon' s styl es,8s Ihe new set-In sleeve. 11 , ·" hundred u r l lc lu. Write (or tree copy \t ed (·lo l·cr. a ~!l o. Is a COlU lllo n cur · readlly d pgtror ed by placlug some ac· cume greater a s be approached th e and th e c le ver front clos ing, are . em- lullll), . end. E\'en when all wou ld seem to 1>e ri er o f wl' l' d~ su ch a s dodder, buc ktlve po lso n over tbe parts being far removed from t h Is. wben th e llIul· bodied In this mod e l. The chem laette . Most of 'Em Do, ho rn , wild ca rrot, a nd oth e rs with Is removab le aud th e s leeves DIRT be· we r e abou t him seeki ng bls mad e Ie tbe long or short lengt b. Sal· "You certaInly s tarted out wIth Gne ~ ('(' d ~ about the s nm e s ize as the bl e ssIng. w ~ hear blm say : "My s ou l In, cas hmere or Ulohllir can bo use d, proSI)ects. You r cl'ed lt WIlS good ev· ('l r) l· pr . Tbls Adu lteration may be Is exceedin g ly s orrowf ul, even unlO and th e des ign may be developed as B erywhere In low II . " acciden tal or Inteutional l' lth!' r dea th." "Tbat's wby I failed ." se pa rll ie wn ls t or a s pa rt or a comt1H'ro he lng som e dealers who pal~ But with all thIs h l8 beart was full plet e cos t ume In cO[Jlbloa tlon wltb an ott on th e ullsuspectlng farm er a lInstead of liquid antleelltlce, tabletl sor row, but th e re b:mp lr e s kirt. of Joy. Th ere mos t any kind of B mixture u nd e r the W1IS no slidn ess; t here WBI a burdell, Th e pnllern (5746) Is cut tn s lzea and peroxide, f(Ir tOil et and medIcInal lIal11 e of g rlls s 6eed. It Is a common ses, many people prefer p axttq. but there was no dlsappolntmeut; 32 to 42 Inche s b ust Dleasure. M&o u practice for ce rtal l) \ un Rc rU(mi OUB ~hlcb Is cheape r snd b etter. At drug: - th re was tile Il ee n 8l'nHe oC tbe gui lt dlulll size r O Qulres 2!% ya rds of 30 dl'a le rs to mix ch l'll l), poor 8l'ed wltb r;lsts. 25c a box or sent postpald on reof s in and at the agony of the a t one- Inc b mate rt a l. % ya r d of all-over and ceipt o f prIce by Tbe PlUtou ' TOilet {;ood seed and sell the m lxtur:J at the ment, but th e r e was no hesllatlou. ~ of a yard of edging: Co., Boston. Mass. Surprise III frequenUy expressed be- price of good lIeed. We liee the tum ult. but be spea ks of To pro~ ure thl_ pattern _end 10 cen ts cause th e r e are s o many scbool cbJl· his o~n p'H' ullhr to "Pattern De par tme nt, " or thi s p u p er. " nlY pence," The Raault. d ren who are bad spe llenl. b\:t there pea ce: we s oe tn tl Bulferln g. but Write name and nddre.s plaI n ly. nnd b. Mrs. HOWR1'd - lJld you gl:ve Jobnny , Th e Codling . Moth. .ura lo Illye BllO Ilnd numbe r or po.uern, Is a substantial reas on for It. in bls h igh e s t wi s h for his disciples nn unbre akable toy? Kansas very few of a s bo rt list of eaten. Su cl(ing in sects are des troyed waa that " my Joy might remain In Mrs. Darker-Ycs, bu t the trouble wordlf were spelled correctly by 11l! by a conlart \J o lso n; thllt Is , some, you, and thll t rour JOY might bll SIZE .. . ....... ..... . Is that be bas broken everytblnr elIo 1"0_ 5746. \ wIth It.-Harper·s Bazar. cnu s llc or pCII N rating mate rial whi c h full." s chool and college stud ents. Now l': A :\I E . .......... ... .. . .. ..... . ..... . _. ... . .. wi ll kill by direct contnct. I[J both tbese pupils are not taugbt tbe way LIfe's Suffe ring aod HapP.lneu. Important ~Co ~otnera - . T OWS . . . . ... .. _. .. . . ... . ..... .. __ _._ . _. __ _.. tbel; fathen and mothers were, says g-roIlPS of In, eets exce ption:;. occur In Sutrerlng lind bapl)lne s s are not E;;amlne ca refully every botUe ot the Boston Oibbe. Und er tbe old pu\). whlclJ specia l m etbods of ce ntral Incomllatlbl,,; sorrow and joy are not ST R E E:T A.."D NO .. _._ ........... _.. ... _. CASTORLA, a s"fe a nd sure r emed)' for mus t be e mp lo ye d, d e pe nd ing on tlJe so 811tag Olllstl c lie scbool system tbe re were spelling tbat they may infants and children, and see tIIat It STATE ..... . ... . . ... . . .. . _" . __ _.. .... ...... . bees In the schools and tb e pu r-lis nature and habits of the Insect In not d we ll In th e same bear t. Tbere Bearetbe~~ Question. Any material used to de- Is. Ii grace whi c h ri ses above Ibe Buf· took pride In excellI ng. Under the Signature of s pelling bee system cb lldren between s troy Inscc ts Is called an Ins ecticide. ferlng. ond mak e s It mi nist er to joy. In Use For Over SO Years. GIRL'S DRESS. It Is one at th e wonderful t blngs of tbe ages of e lgbt and t welve can acChildren Cry fo r F letcher's Caatoria Codling Moth or Apple Worm. g race tba t It so lift s us up out ot our Pour a Sample of the Seed Out on quire quite a large vacn bulary by tbe ,sul'roundlngs and ou t of ourse lves, This In sect doubtl ess callses gr en t .. a Sheet of Paper and Examine It practice of spelling words of seve ral No End to Hi s Bad Luck. er lo sse s to grow e rs of app les , pears' thut tbere III perfect peace eVBn wb en John D. Sboop at an AnU·ulgaijette liylables. Tbe rts lng generation la full With a Magnifying Glau. rrering Is grelltest. We hllve th e s u a nd quinc es than au y other. It lSi lengue banquet. explained ble Ceeunce 'Df poor spellertl, but It is Dot theIr Tbe only way for the farm er to seen the victim o r dlseaae racked In tbe' story of tb e colored man. l ault, for little attention Is paid to know that he Is ge tting pure seed Is usuall)' t IVa brood l'd. Th e la rvae Ii VEl with pain whose face beamed wltb "How a re you getting a long, UuI. o v r w int er In cocoons wbl ch they that accomplishment. It would be well for him to examine or hllve examined loy . and wbose words were ao ngs ot atUs?" a s ked bls master. InterestedJy. s pin around th em selv es und e r the hy someone wbo IlD0ws. the s e ed he praise. The martyrs sang aa thel' fo r a ll teachers to put the Ir pupils "I gets along poorly." replied Lasthrough a course of spelllng every few proposes to purchase. He sbould scaly bark or 1n any other conveni e nt burned. So \\'Ith J esus; at tb e very arus. who complained o f bls mlsforh iding pla ce. Iu the early !lpring tbel' time wb e n his cup was Oiled to the securo a sample or th e seed, pou r It d ays, -and also to teacb them to read tune at length. " Master Jobn, 1 baa out on a s h eet of white pape r and cbange , first Into tbe pupa fo rm and bls aloud. Reading, writing and spallin, tb en with tbe aId of a m agnlfylllg Ih An inln fh " Ilrlult. mOlh . whIch hR· overflowIng. be tolked with Bu cb bad luck ," saye he, ~ Ilen I dIsciples out of a heart pe r fec tly at s hould go band In hand. Those lack· glas s and a pocket knife tbe we eJs. gins to appear about blooming tlm o dies and Is lu ld -a~~~I!-.,\;Il.J;.nIl"~~~~~_:_.j rest. th e good Lord says to me, Ing these nccompllshments are not far seeds and dIrt can be se~ara t e d and and continues to come out for tbr el! There was to J es us the joy or bls come fortb: 1 know I ia s bo"to come removed from the illiterate class. th e per centa p:e d etermin ed . A s ma ll or (olir weeks. Th e moths la y tb e hr sInless nature. We cannot · measure fifth." magnifyIng g laes Is Inex pe nsive a ud eggs on or In tbe v Icinity at tbl! tbat, but we mny some times have a > fruit. chlefty on tbe new leaves. In foretaste of It ; there may be such a fa rm er s hould have one. ever y Oeorge Webler, director of pbyslcal HIS Comlf,g Out. . If olle does not care to make the a rew days th e eggs batcb Into th(~ Be nse oC pardon and at DivIne love e ducation at the University of Wiscon- examination blmself b e can send the A fond Cb.!cago mother Is to give 8 that we .ce as In the presence of comlng-out party for her Bon. .or sI n, has Instituted rest claSII8I! for sample to tbe state experIment staGod, but our blg hest short experl· course, we have no means ot GOWfi dgety girls wbose nervous systems tion. or to tbe seed laboratory, ence Is tar below tbe blessednesll Ing tho youtb, but we fancy he mull "go to pieces" under the tatlgue fol. enited States departm e nt or a gr iculwhIch was perpetual In tbe lI"ul of be exactly that kind or Bon-and " . lowing undue exertion. In a report tur e, Washington, D. C ., and bave It J esus. To hIm tb ere waS the JOY of await with bated a n xIety a full deexamined free of charge. to th e United States Bureau or EducaInfinite love. He gave him self for scription of bls comlng·out costume. The metbod of cleanIng red clover tion be says : Wo do not go on the btbers, and In tbelr slllvatlon bls Joy What will bo done with tbe 'c entle seed recomm ended by tbe d epart· was aho ve all Buttering. Tbe prayer tbeory that tbe gymnasIum Is good for youtb nfter this severe social ordeal t·t th e penitent thi ef was to blm the e veryone, and. tb ererore, eve ry one ment of agriculture cons ists at put· Isn't stated, bllt It CDn be believe!! ' joy of lov e pre vail In /;. even over tbe tbat he IS to be rusb ed aroun~ to all m ust take gymnastics. The purpose thorns and tbe nllii s. There to biro sorts at society functions-r1Dd, of of thes e classes In rest Is to teach was the c onsciousness or his Fathe r', c:aurae, carefully guar ded against: ·the g Ir ls wbo are restless from tbe per· love and s upport . He dwelt on that matrImonial desIgns or fortune-~uDt. A cle \' er little design for a school fo rmance ot tasks tba t ought not to love. Even wltb the crosa before frock t9 here sbo wn_ log femalea. . A teature ot produce fatigue bow to acquire conblm, In the commmunion of the boly the garment Is the pretty collar which l"RIid cloy.. 02T l'efoa 3 cll~'&claat\l I ro l over tb elr own nervous Bystems _ fe llowshIp bls very garments sbone utends In dee p points on e ac h side of HappIness Pwstponed: P utting everyone-girls as well as with tbe glory or God. He WB!! the front anti Is kercblef sbape at tbe An awkward predicament tn wllicb mocked and scorned, but alr tbe back. bo ys-through a stItr regimen of gym. The kImono sleeves are Iln- a sailor bridegroom and hIs bride "'ere When to Spray for Codling Moth. tIme be saw his work prevail- Isbed wltb a pointed cua to corre- placed In St. Mary Major's chu,"ch nas lum worJ, bas bad bad results In In g. spond. The skIrt Is the popular kilt· Exetor, DevonshIre. England, recent: m ll ny Instances, Rnd Is a thing to be larvae or worms. tbe majority o[ All Typical of Hla Love. ed etyle and tbe dres s buttons dOWD Iy, caused tbe postponemen't of (heIr " voide d. If tbe director of pbyslcal which crn",1 Into the oy') or calyx end Glngbam. .weddlng. Tbe banns had beeD' ~Ill,. c ulture In tb e U niversIty of Wlscon. Tbe lame man walkIng. the dumb tbe center of tbe front. of tbe appl es and enter the frullt madras or chambray can be ulled with called at the churcb, but 'Wben" the man sIngIng the praise at God. the ~ In makes allowance for constitutional tb ere. Th ey remain In the trult rrolD tbe collar and cUtt3 of plain contraat- parties presented tbemselves at~ the c1llYerencoa students not built to en· 20 to 30 days, during which time tbe dead man coming back to lire, were Ing mate,lal altar tbe brIdeg room. 'Wllo had. beelll ,IIl Te ove rstrain will bave reason to trult usually drops from the trel!. typical of a greater work of love In Tbe pattern (61061 Is cut In Ilzel recently paId off from hll shIp at tbe aalvatlon of m en . He thougbt of 11 lnnk the good fo rtune wblcb mllde Atter this time tbey leave the rruit tbe . man wbose sIn a were forgiv- from 6 to 12 years. Medium size wIU Portsmoutb, was unable to pJ:olluce .C\r~U and crawl under some protective coy· 11 1m arbiter of theIr pbyslcal destinIes. require ~ ~ yard!! of 44 Inch material tbe necessary permIssion (rom - bJ. en as otle saved, and not limply e rlng and at once pass Into the dol' commander. Tbe bride Iw09necS, ' and The world redl!emed W88 To procure'thl. pattern Rlld 10 eetlts mant stage. The second brood of the bealed. San FtIlnclsco custom bouse om· to "Pattern Department." ot thl. paper. eventually returned bome • .:e;hlle. the not preaent to him. How great tbe ndult moths nppear about elgbt or Write name and addre .. plainly. anlS b, brId egroom left for Plymouth.·''o. cet ('\n Is have jus t made tbe first arrest . . nine weeks alter tbe blossoms tall, joy at tbat hour as he prayed. " HolY 8111'e lo elv• •1.tIe anlS oWDber or p&UUo. tbe requIred document. e\'e r recorded at thnt port tor the of. and again lay their eggs on or In the Fatber. keep those wbom thou baat ((:nse of sm uggllnK diamonds-and tbe vicinity of tbe fruit. Tbe young gIven me!" We can know but little SIZE . ........ __ .... . NO. 5708. d iamo nds In tbe case we re valued at worms at thlll time are not as partlclU- of tbat blgber world In wblch Jesul NAME ....... _. .. .... _...... _. . _. ___ .. .. .... . <Jnly $417 .50. Wbeu the New York lar as the first brood as to tbe pla(le lived. [or It Is tbe world of perrect ('lIstom house Jooks at tbe San Fran. they enter the fruit, and tbe hole 'Is holiness and Infinite love. but we TOWN ........ , ..... _....... . .............. .. quite as likely to start from tbe side see sometblng of It; we bave 1I0mel'isco custom house It w11l bave to tblng In common wltb him. so tbat 9.S from the blossom end. This Is STREET AND NO ... _. . ................ ~ laugh. th e brood r es ponslhle tor the ma- we can enter Into bls Joy sumclenUy STATE.'. ...... _: ............................ . tured. wormy appleo. Tbe worm to know that It crowned all labor The assertion tbat caviare bas IIUp. and sweetened all sorrow. Tbe • 'oJ p lanted tbe oyster as tbe appetlzlng Red Clover Seed and Some of the finally leaves the fruit. hibernates in "Man of sorrows let blm ever be Seeds Found In It, some out·ot-the-way place over wIn· Breakfast. (,penlng of banquet menus may be pre· A. • Laat Resort. ter and appears the next sprIng aa us, but also we should open our "00 FOU tbJnk any gIrl ever prom ature. Hotel managers may prefer Ung tbe seed tbrou gh a. wire cloth the adult mnth. During the bloomIng bearts to receive tbe lufiowlng of bla Lunch or I he nusslan dellcacy, but It will be I!'I\· .. contaIning 20 m esh es to the peri od and for a few days atter tbe P(~t· ever-present, unhounded joy. -Unlted poses In leap year. as they IllY. Jen· nle?" be ssked. w ell to bear from "the general" be- l\ncar Incb . Most of the clover aeeds als fall, the calyx of the little apple Presbyterian. "Not unles8 she Is obliged to," an· r" re taking eve rytblng for granted . Of medIum slzc are b e ld back by Bucb stands very open. Successful sprayIwered tbe malden. Joy of the Lord. ,\merlcan blue poInts on tbe balf sbell a se lve and prac ti cally all at the Ing depel).ds on getting some polson "H'ml I hadn't thought or that," Sorrow for sin Is tbe road to tbe smaller 1!eeds pass through. The true Into thlB open calyx CliP betore It r, re very good. clov er dodrl er Is e ffectively r e mov ed closes and before the worm gets Into joy or ealvatloD. As wltb the people he laid. after a pause. "But. Oeorge," sbe said, laylnl her of lsrnel of old, tbe terrors of tbe law A poultry paper tells us that ben! in tbls way. Most of the sceds of the It. As the little worm attempts to fteld dodd er are also r emoved. Seed '\at Its way Into tbe fruIt It gets sonne are only the reve rse side of tbe glory band atrecUonately upon bla arm and rt op laying In cold weather because at the hu ckborn, wild carrot, wild of th e polson and .-\s destroyed. of the gospel; the warnIngs are onl, lookIng Into hill eyes, "you. I am sure. I hey cannot lay eggs and grr IV fe ath · r. hl ckor y, l hi stles and othe rs of similar Spra ying nfter this stage Is passe d IIbadows of the promIses. So Ezra will never torce me to that bumllla· .,rs at the ss me time. As yet no In· size are mostly b eld' buc k by tbe selve. Is simply a waste of time and rna· 6poke warde of consolation to tbe tlon." "No--er-that III to l5a;y-of courlll w'nlolls poultry raiser bas tried the The m e th od at separating buck. terlal. Th e n ecessity ot s prayIng fOI weeping people assem bled to b'e ar ( :qlerlment of fitting out bls bens In born seed from clover consIsts of tbe second brood wlll largely depend from bls lips God'8 message to them. not. [-" direct Tbe Ice was broken, and tllree min· m lx h)g ."dth tb e seed containing tbe upon how t1loroughly the flrst spray· "Thls day Is boly unto Jehovab your 1 he fall wIth warm red flannel over· utel later Oeorge was JennIe'. acage cream. buckhorn thorou gbly w e tt ed BBwdust, Ing b as b een don e, but tor the beet Ood; mourn not nor weep. for the "oa ts: c:epted.-Tlt·Blta•. joy of Jehovah Ie your strengtb-" ':,'he bucldwfIl seed becomes sticky on res ults It atould always be given. 1'he joy that gives strength Ie a The trea t ment . consIsts of spra,y· A New York woman call ed a police- ~i?lllg w e t and r eatl ily attacheB It. Not Too Many VI.lts. ~elf to th e sawdust. The e.n Ure mUB Ing wIth nn.e nate at lea.!, two to lin dIvine joy, It Is called "tbe joy of J(to n a n ·w)le n a man proposed to ber on Mrs. BankB-Why do you h:1ve Dr 111 tb en Imme dIately screened wben pounds diluted to 60 gallo1ls ot' wu hovab ." For pain and rapture ' mest th e street. Perbaps sbe merely want· ~ne larger particles of sawdust wIth ter, just as the bloAs ome have faIlE!p. In tbl' IIIe of God. He, too, feels . An· X 'for your pbyslclan. Instead. ot Dr' Y! . ('d blm beld until tb e Massacbusetts ~!le buckhorn attached are readily Tbere wlll be only tram n'e to seven $lIlsh for the broken iaw aB be leea It : MJIIB ' Burk~EcoumiL Dr. X'. s ;Jlnstera could ge t out a requIsiti on .~~arated from the clover seed . This days .for eacb. varIety tft'W blch eff(!C In tbe broken lives of II..· 'cblldren, Ie 10 Jealo~ . be' hail to get me ""ark should be done Imm edla! lIy be- tlve. work can bs 'dene: The second a.hd he. lienrlng the burden ' of . f or hUn. 11; to keep peacs. world;s agony .. II,l llthnJng. :!'re ,!owing the clnver seed wblch sprayIng 'for the lI~cotid brood sbou!ld , : order , touohes die. 1..1...... ·I.ln .,lth. tb e small partJclell of sawdus t be the same a s the.: ftrn t. given ' Instances are, iaultlPI~ .111 Which ,oy througb «lail, ·tatal .'fIr.• , ba,ebeeil 'trftced to t'llat pass the screen need to -te dried or nine ",,'eeks after tho 1>1.o s80·mll only BuMclently to . enab~ 'he see4.\ " .' . . ". ~ H. nAns.'· he lees of • . t·1U'tle.~D~· 1I:1t)l !1&.\l~ :¥.I'ettea or Ill, to take place !Elld111. . '. O~nege ' of Olill) ' SIIot« . m a tcb_ It Ilfould be , .a minot .T. ~ .WHB~ . . UnIversIty. ' . . ,. . . , • 4~ 01 anon··lor- .t he ~Iea. CoU.,e 'of Atrlclllture, Q. S, t7. ~ f (To. Be : ,~. f4' Are ID ~ ~-- : '




- - ----


,D~~"-. ~f!: ,9 fla~~


•• ..


Something '

Extra GoOd









leAL TIME . srOR-=-I~_t lOMAN'S UFEC~P


Grand Duchess Marie Succeeds Father on Throne.


enjoyfn~ better Intereetlng Tales of Famous Charac. I have for 20 years. and I ter While on Land and at Seabelleve I can safely Platol Savea Leg •. lay now that I am a 'wel1 woman. I Wall "FlgbtlnS Bob" Evans was f ent tc) reared on,a farm and Valpara Iso. Chile , In 1891, wltlt the had all kinds of heavy littl e cruIse r Yo rlll own to protect

No other medicine for woman's 1111 bll8 recelyed such wide-epread and unqualified eudoraement. We know of no other medicine. which baa lIuch • record of II1;I.CCa8 . bls Lydia E. PinkhlUIl's Vege~le Compound. For more than 80 lean It ~ ~en the atandard remedy - JfOr.WOIIlaD II



70.11' have •.he

ellebtest dOUbt

tbBtLydia E. Plnk.Iulm'. Vea-etable OOlD~nd win help you. ,,,rite to L~l!l.PlDkbam Medicine Co. (oollddenttal) Lynn, Masl.. for T ..... letter Wfl1 be opened.

ftad and. _Bwer~ b)' a woman, and held in .tr1ct (lOD]loonoe.



.. . ~l!!!~. !~I~~~~



.' tloa,OcII.s..,ndc:ol'ftOtdl.omera01 tb~ do....cb and bQ"cb. V,tti by MoIlur,/~, 112 ,.,. ..: At all D~· . rai. ta Z5c. Samp\<: .... 1IN! FR I! I'~ 01_.... v.

. . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . .


TH~""; ••"CH ita"RDy. 110..1."

I!tIB.6f'a'D2~Jm~T.~~~ ltImnRU

Ame rI can Interests. He Encounte red hos lllil y fr om th e s t a rt. The re hall boe u Il II In s urre ction and ce rtaIn pC}Htlcill r etu g('es found a s ylum Oil the Yorkt own . Th e Chlleall governm e nt rl emllnded th eIr s urrEnder Il nd Evans rcfuse<l 10 gl,·(> the m Ull . ' Vbllt happe ned was lold aft e rw a rd hy E vans In 11 11 Int ervl (>w. "Th o c.otnlllo n<lln g offic e r at Valpa· ralso or tilt' Cililflan fo r ces reques ted U 10 admi ra l co mmn nOlng one of the ~: lIro l> e lln 6(J uarlro ns on th a t s lotlon to ijay to In c Iba t unless tb ese refugees We r e s urre ndere d they would follow my shill 10 sea wltb tbree c rul8ere an d an Ironclad n<-arl y fOllr tlm e N her slzo and as SOO n ns we got outsldo th e marllle leng uo tlH' y would heave to and de ma nd the s urrl'nder of the fugl! IV CR . "I lold the admiral T 'W o uld not sur· re nder th e mell . He In fo rm ed mo It Ih e three hl g Cblle an s hIps attacked m e my little Yorlltown wo uld not last tblrty mInu tes . In re ply I requellted tbe admIral to s ay to th e officer com· man ding tbe ChtlelUl IIQuadron that "'btle my ItltJe ehlp mlgbt not last more tban I blrty minutes. 'she will make a lot o( trouble while sbe III an oat: I steam ed 0111 of Valparaiso bay tho next noon with a ll my refu gees on board and no s hIp of tbe Chilean eQuadron fO'lIowed me." The Yorktown was mad e tb e target for CbUean torpedo prsctice Rnd EvAn a hllUse lf WM nearl y mobbed wben he went a Bhore. He cleared bls sblp for action nnd notlfl ed th e allthorlties that If they dldn't protec t blm be would protect hlmaelt. They protect· ed hIm. How l;:Vans gaIned the sobrlql1et of "FJgbtlng Dob" Is a ' mooted queatloO .

PILII; CIlIlOll'lOIllAlll"oYJX &ftIlP'l'IOHII-



....... n .......... rut ......... ,.. ,. Pk. LI CLtR o-

"aD. oo..l!:4T1U!OO,.aO..


BrO~'I· BroDChialTroChes e&eeIa l'oIIIq ___ fINe

Ull. Oo,..b limned,. No opiAte.. JOIUf L BMW'll .. Sow,,lIooLo!l. HoM.

W. "', W.,.CINCINNATI, NO. 13-1912.

dl.cover a gIrl wbo

P~..lbIY Willl"g to A .. lat '&t a Uttle 'party John T. MC\';l!l,OIt' eOD cOllBei1t~ to do a little ' mn"t,m,i: tu chalk talldnl. WIth . tbe presIdential PoBIIlblllties foi' illS subj ect. Me()utcheon bad made s everal Illts. One oJ t1ie p\U'~y. chuckling, leaned over to 8nQUlel', a Democrat. ' .. Pre tty good, Isll:t ~t r': be asked. "Wbat do you tblntt" of hlp e~ecutlonT '" think It · would be a darned gOO4 tblng,': 'replied the Domoorat. AT POKER,

Evans One wrIter bas dug up a story of his Annapolis days, whIch credits hIm with hnvlng gained the nickname tben. According to this versIon, wben the youth entered the academy he took wltb blm a framed copy ot the Lord', -.:--t-"..,..,VAI,.. a gm of his mother, who told him to hang It over hili' bed. Rules forbade decorations fn the rooms. Ev· ane calmnly Ignored the rules. An Inspector told him to take down the p"rayer. Evans promptly swore he would IImMb tho faoe of tbe first man wbo touched It. Tbe Inspector re. (erred tbe matter to the commandant, wbo took It up with tbe secretary ot the navy. Evans wrote home about It. It got In the papers, An Indignation meeting was beld In the town. A special order allowIng the prayer to rea good bluffer' he ceta a main was the reault. And It wall "F1ghtlng Bob" after that. aphacle he 'IDI.t a IC)D hli hand.. Evans, In the Clvl) war, led II ' ;.. . cbarge of marlnea on Fort Flsber. ae " ·~,~O WORDe WASTED WI\8 wounded In both legs lind left dyA aWlft' Tta~rm.tAon Briefly ' .- .', ecrlbed. Ing on the beach wltbin range of tbe Confederato guns. He asked a eom. About · t~,~ the followm, brief but panlon. biding behInd a eand dune, to • mphatic Jetter. from .. Georgia wom- drag him to Bafety. The companion Evans an _ '.tnIS.~~ .to the point and Ia declined to risk his lite. whIpped out a revolver. The marIne oonvtDciq, "lit' ~""'\lent attacks of .lndlce,Uon took the lesser of the risks, Next day tbe doctor decided to amp. and . ~pn.tton of Ule heart cuiud de.perate m- utate bl8 legs. Evans again brought enC.ebled In the revolver Into p\ay and tbe su~ The doctor advised leon cbanged bls mind. What Evans told the surgeon' II decereals• . but' Ilone ot me utU t .. tried clared to have been a clualc In Ita line. Poltum, He concluded by eaylng: . t!lem the more "ThoBe are my legs and by the gJ'eat tho), were JUlt .. " Ihort Ume horn spoon, I'm going to keep Ulem." He did. ti'(lubJea dlaal!woman of me. FIxIng It, :'r!'~~.., .ud my mind "Ob, dear, do you have to 10 to " ' ~!'tIal' .. It eYer war? Maybe the 'enemy' wl\l kUI you," qld a tearful. .wee~ea~ at





. '

"I'll llx that, ~ove;

lOy!' .


n e rltn .- Dy th e nea t h of Willia m Alexa nd er. Gran d Duile of Luxe m. bourg, tb e crown of the littl e p r in . c lpallt y IJaS6Cij to hI s e ldes t da ug h ter. t h e Orall d Duchess Mar Ie, 11 gir l WIIO h us not yet rcache<l th e e Ightee nth annI versa r y of h e r blrt b. 'fhl H you ng gi rl rnay In th e nea r fut ure ha ve h ) wrestle wll b sO lU e vcr' Y coulpll .:'ll'ted Intern Ul lo na l 1"'o IJleID8 of th e g r ea t e~ t IlIl po rt ance. '1'1", yoars or he r c hild hood ha ve bee n g loolu )' , and It canllot h e sul d that the outloo t, Is \'cr y brlgbt t Oi' L uxembourg a ~ a no.· tio n. For Ibo las t t en yeal'll the grail d du c hcss 'H fa tb er, Wi lhe lm Alexan dp. r, bad been tin In va li d. A fe w wee ks after Ill s a cceSS io n 10 th e tIIrone h e wa s s trlc ke u wl l h apoplexy. \"or tl ve yea rs he Ilad s eld om be en remove d from hI s bed and bl s wIfe. th o Prln · cess Marla Anna, Infnnta of Portuga l, a nd hla dau ghters bardly e ve r l e ft th e castle of Ho lle nb er g In upper Davsrl a , Wh ere In t il e peace or tlJc moun ta in s ond fore sts phy sIcIans we re tryin g t o sllVe hIm trom bl s fate. In the city of Lux enboll rg a s well 88 In Bertin. MunIch nnd Vienna the gmnd duclle8 s and b er cblldren were strangers . They could not with propriety attena any s ocIal (unction s. The grand duke. too weak to be brought back to his own country. found hlmselr to all purposes an exile In Baval·la. '1'h18 Is why. except th e ract ~at !he Is a rather gtrted mU81ctan, ~l1ttle [S HERD OF REINDEER. ' known concernIng the personality or H.E herding and breeding of do- landor8 ta ke a loan of deer for fiye the young du ches8. For the first time In Ita blstory mesticated reIndeer. Intro- years trom the government, and give duced a8 a n e xperIment a th e Ir servIces as Instructors for that Luxembourg 11'111 have a. ruler born number of years ago with ani- perIod. At the end ot five yoars th e on Its own soiL Grand Duchess Marie mals ImllOrte d from Siberill Lapp returns the 100 deer and be- was born In the capItal on June 14, by the governm ent. bas now become comes nn Independent berd e r blm&elf 1894 . One or tbe smallest Independtbe most promInent Ceature of tbe In- wIth the large Increa8e o( reindeer be ent nations In the world, Monaco alOD8 dustrial educa tion ot tb e EskImo and has obtaIned f!'om the herd. The Lapp bavlng a smalier area, Luxembourg Ib e maIn activity or many native vU· berde rs are not Intere8te d In the ea. bad always been ruled by foreign lages ot Arcllc Alallka. writes W . L. ten sIon of the Irelndeer among tbe ne. princes. Strangely enough tbe national anlle88ly In Scientific AmerIca. The tives. Some of the largest owners of progresa In civIlization that has been dee r are Lappa, Borne half a dozen tbem of the grand ducby begins wltb made by Ilftlng up tbe natives former· of tbese men having accumulated the words, "We'lI always remain wba' ly living as savage s and eking out Ii herda of from five to nearly eight hunprecarIous exi s t ence by bunting. with dred . In IntroducIng the reindeer a s no otber domes tic anImal than the a means to promote the IndustrIal dog, to the estate of cl vllized, selr· life and to prov Ide a permanent livesupporting he rdsmen. as ac compllsbed' lihood for the Esk.lmo, It has been tbrough the reindeer Industry, Is are· found necessary by the government to ma rkoble educational achIeveme nt. put the younlt natlve8 through a Tho Alaska Reindeer Service has now course of training. Tbose Who ~t reached Its most successful stage. as the Ir deer dlreotly from tbe governIt marks tbe begtnnlng of tbe pe rIod ment, serve an apprenticeship ot five of full utlllzatlon or all tbe reIndeer Years. tl"'ne d by t be government for tbe bene· Mark to Deelgnate. fit of the native population. At the present tim e tbere Is bardly a 8urplus In tbe ear of eacb government deer government reindeer north of the KU8' a little alumlnllm button Is fastened IlOwln riv9r. ThI s has been made pos· s ecurely. and all prIvate own ers and sible by the establl s bment of n e w rein· herders have a mark Which mu at be deer stations . th e e mplo yment of more r egistered with the local superlntennatives as chief herders. by accepting dent of the reindeer atatlon and als o t he la rge st practIcal nl!mber of ap· at ' '''nablngton . Bes Ides bolng taught pr(' nti ces. amI by transferring reindeer the art of ' deerm"ansblp. the npprento both chlet berders and apprentice s. tlees are inlltructed In keeping acIn Heu of salary or s upplies, the c blef counts. the methods ot marketing roln. RIm and fundamental polley .of the door. and In ot.her practical matters government being to turn the r eIndeer conn ected wIth tbe Industry. No apOVer to the natives as rapidly as they prentice can become a herder unleaa learn the Industry and apprecIate its he ill proficient li n the brancbes of elevalue. mentary reading', arithmetic and writThe total number of reindeer In Ing. At the endl of bls apprenticeship Grand Ouchaa. Marie. Alaska at tbe last census was nearly the young EakllDO native Is allotted a I I t I "'- of deer by the governlJ),ent. eln_" we ~re" "Mir b e hour we wa m I 23,000, and of tbls number, over 11,000 num""r Every daywelle at tbe ot noon


in this


~~ £R-.EE


AlthoU9h Luxembourg'lI New Sovereign HaG Not a s Yet Reached Hor Eighteenth Birthday She II to Head Smallest Nation. ~don't

Va.: - "I am

}.... HOLLOWAY. Odd, Va.



40 to so Yean of Ie. How It May Be PaNed 'r" in Safety. STORIES OF "FIGHTING BOB"

work to do which cauaed th e troubles that came on me later. For five years during the Chango ot Life I Will not &bIll to lift. pail of wa..........._ _ _--J ter. I had hemorwblch would last for weeks and I wu not able to sit up in bed. I 8uffered • great deal. with my back end was eo nervous t could scarcely sleep at night. and I did not do any Housework for three Jeal'!!. "Now I can do 88 much work as any woman of my age in the county, thanks to the benefit I llave received :frotP Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I recomme nd your r emedies to all suffering women." - Mrs. MAalli4

20 Pretty


you want to see them?

P<"cp int n o ther jlC'opl e'lI new h OO1 l"sanJ '-ie' the l atc ~ t idc.1S fur your O~J..·" (leCf)rati Tl(,!'. OUI \)oJ \; 1<1 1, at" '"l 11> < F R I':E ( '" Ior PI.II. our e:c prn d ~5ign cr s wil l sc ud r n u fo r an y rOll m, y"" ,. i. 11 10 d UorJ le. Y"u ",ill he I: I ~ d 10

u.ow m o re

ahou r


The Beautiful Wall Tint

u "', qul u cc I. col ... , lind Qualll J It lu \lKlf ,. Ik . . . 'Vt"IU It'1'" tno,k rn h uuu:1I [I. Il.:b tt C't)ell r:tr k-u I..h.a.b ..'~ I' p~ lJ f'r IW" poLIn . . ':a' ", m:fl(: ml " , . _"rn r Iu ,..b . "J r 'uJe bt "l e II•• ' 0'1 l'o.I C' .t A I ~ III.uu,,: ttnt:t (.MI 1i/lhCM O U I t,t" wa H • .Il1d It r";Uu'" f O O M" . "ull dlfrt[' unJ uQ C't'rrr p.l t' k t. ~(' - ~ 1 1'Tl~lY ml:r . ,Ib ('o lt! W'ftrr II),! pl.t l on. 0...".. I, ,I 1'11111 , O) ('rI ur r \lll 011 16 D .lI ulu \

t.:... l ou

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Wi,h ou.. Color PlanJ YOU



ha v I


mOll (Jrtil t u AOMI i ll y our

ntl/(hborhoDJ. Seed f • ..,r fREE BOOK Pu ll SIb.


W hu. SOc..

•••-.-.-.•-:a--ili. Rt,ba ,,!&(stine Tin" Ala

'Company ~c:. 1~li~J!

II 6, _ I .... Q"n4 . ...... MIr'IIcw ,'" Olr. Dtit I. 101 • •1<1 ~


rointed Argument

1.1·"..tI. INti .. Ie tb. cheapeoe In tb. lauK nID for {\ nev" twec.ia





i'lm CoOL- LaaL Cod. 1\ fa _kTllroole<! "HIl • "triple .. pb a l~ eo&~n&" IIDCI "oatbe?!roololl bo'b alcIM wtU> AD ·ar ...... plati",.



Givee Ptotootioo

1!!!iJ!EI B ... ot.Ood u.e ''Teall of Tlmo." h II pU$ up I" roll. of 108 ~ fll. witb .,nCKlO &t",J, p l _ bed nAliJJ, cement and IIIuatratcd di rcctiaa .bee.. Alik ~ dealer far Gal• ....Olte RooOol or _04

t:~P6e:1 ~:.~t!Qu.Utl.... " "The

lnalde or aD OU,,", lId.



'er.! Mf,. c:e.


SL [.oul. Omaha

Ko.,.., CUy

F.P:Q.';;'i Made

ot . _ quaUly

."'Ilm Ihl'vnk coaW tbn.t. wl11 Dot .t.retcb. Aatowatlo Do n loa .

warmoted Dot to break tor a ,ear. B unl's oon &tructod with Do

p aV' ntt"d

.JlJ tem 11lIdlna

autmn a.Ll o

that. I'yea • DlOTODlonl 'n

!>eMI"". dllt.rlbuUnl the .traID, aDd maltln&, tbam ImpoI.lble «> b .....k.


are owned by the natives. One of the and with the Inerease obtained during the chimes ot the Luxembourg CatheAT DE.lU:U . most strIking and gratl,tylog featurell the Interval of Ills five years' service, I r I !r dral repeat th s re ra n. II the larle Income which the natlve8 each apprentice 11'111 haTe, 00 an averNevertheless, ~llItory tells us thaI derive trom the sale 'of reindeer pro- a,e, a herd ot 60 !'elndear. ~.lLIJ~mli)o!1q!;.....JIl'A~awCClUIBu..~-:!,Ip:II~tt-239cfilf'l'tf-.,rotu:r,IIIt'W' duct•• theIr ahare tor the past fiscal As this berd ,,111 doabllntmr leb, Austrian, French, German. Dutch, year t1avlng bean '18,000 and over. three yearl, th~1 Jfl'aduate apprentice BeIliu and wbat not1 SInce th 'The amount does not Include the will have a herd Which will afford and tenth century, when Charlemagne' value of the reindeer skins used tor aBSU!'e a selt-supportlng Income quite dominions were dlamembered ant clothing, nor that ot tbe meat con- enough to satisry the economic wanta when some robber baron Intrenched sumed ae tqpd. These materIal benehJmself and family In tbe tuture. on the rocky hl\ls of Brock called flta and tbe Yery conlliderable Income He Is thUII establlsbed In buslnell by himself Sire oC Luxembourg, the lit. thull derived demonstrates the taet the government and Is given tree pas- tie country has been a pawn on the tbat the reindeer Industry bas become turage tbereafter. The reindeer pro- European cbessboard, belnS' Included one ot the most promInent factors In ducea one tawnl In tbe aprlng each In the Vlctor's plunder after every bIg tbe economIc life of the Eskimo. Tbe year for 10 year's. Among the useful battle. total number of Alaskan reindeer III and profitable products of the reindeer distributed In herda among 28 stations, are the .klns tClr clothing. Of these 18 of these being owned by the gOT- pelt. mOlt varied use la made. From CHURCH OF HIDDEN TREASURE ernment Ind 10 by cburcb mlsBlons. them are fasbloned the tlght-flttlng Tbe Lapps o'Yn over three tbousand. trousers and that wondertlll ouler gar- Wall. of Thla EdIfice Said to ContaIn • Cheat Full Gf Money and The natives are very anxloull to get ment, tbe "parka," universally worn In Jewel •. .deer, and look upon them as a safe winter by botb male and female n.Investment for their earnings. and Uves and by many whftes. The "parka" Barelu N, M.-A small building ulually take deer In preterence to extendll to tbe knees and bu a clol8callb tor services, when an opportun· Ilttlng bood . wh1c:h keeps tbe head and popularly' known as "The Churcb of Ity Is offered. The government does _houlders comfortably warm even In Hidden Treasure," stands In thIs lit· During the Mexican war not sell deer; this III done by natlvell the I8vereat weather. These reindeer tle town. aDlI missions alone. The various mis- garmentll are remarkable for their ex- many at the richest families In the slonl are furnished a herd of 100 deer cellent qualltlea ot relillting moisture nelgbborhood had their gold and valu• on loim tor a period of five years by and cold. A elolle examInation of tbe abies In all sorts of curious places. the government. balr ot the reindeer furnishes an 'e x- • Senor sandoval, a very rich land· . MI .. lon Keeps InoreBie. planation of It. peculiar value. Tbe owner, cbose tbe tblck walls of tbe At the end of thJs time the orlgtnal hair la not me1'181)' a holJow tubular vUlage churcb as his treasure vault, number muat be returned. Tbe ml... Btructure, with a cavity extendlD.&' according to a writer III the Wide ilion keeps the IncreBM of fawne, througbout Its entl!'e Jensth, but t. dl. World, and traditIon says tbat tbe prewhich amount to several hundred, de- vlded, or partlU(lDed 'off, Into exceed- cious hoard bas never been re. rived from the government loan. The Ing17 numerous 08111, like moved. Only .. few years ago several groups Moravian mlllllion of Bethel·has one of compartmentB. These are filled with the largest herdl, nearly three thoW!- aIr and tbelr wanl are 10 elastic and of men, armed with pickaxes, crow· , and. Otbor mllslons having over one at the slme time of luch Itrong resla- bars and otber Implements, besieged the place In aearch of tbe fa.bulou. ~o~~~Q.!>_t! tbousand deer, all In Arctic Alalka. tanoo that they a:~ not broken up elthnorth of the Yukon, are located at ' er during th. procell of manufacture wealth said to be concealed some . , '.\ h:'.i't1f'II'''t I" lHl,tlO" Lilli., •. ~, Go)ovln, Kotzebue, Shishmaref and or by Iwellinc wben wet. The cells wbere on the premises. Tbe treasur, A.. IS 1>1NWIDDIm co. , VA., Cape Walea. At Barrow, latitude 71 expand In water and thus It happens 18 beUeved to be contaIned In a large FOilr SAL&-USIf, f'ute ...but&; 00 I. ('WI . ; 7 r. b., OUlbl4p,\ de,. 26 min., tbe mOlt northern point that a person eompletely In garments wooden chest, lIuch as most ot tIle Dea 120 Ipple t~"1 atOC'k'. macb., poolt:l'1'. _I_e.; wU on the American continent, Ulere I. a made of relndeel' wool does not .Ink weailth7 Mexicans formerly possessed, ..orltlc.. F . 8. MORRISON. Su'IMrla"4, Va. herd of 300. w~en 'In water, because he la buoyed It Is clalmed that the box contalDe4 POUR BUNDRED A()RES ,wo ba ..e1rea """_ . . The total population here fs about up by the alr oontatned In the hun- thoulsnda ot dollars In cold, beside. "ell IIDProucl. "ell ".terea. W~ ~.J.\al~ tie the ~ :=It':r..·~bi:.i'::O=Dc..ll: 40G-men women and chlldrenl (jn~ dreds of tl!ouaanda of haIr ceUI. AI emeralds, dlamQnds and pearls. nUn, T~kPU~ Is collBldere!l .-.e rlcIi· ' the mineraI Indultry col\.t1n~.. ,t o " The Sandoval famUy, however.lUard est man pf. that region, 81 he OWDB a glQJV In Aluka the natly_. and sraclli- the place most carefully, while they in are )ealous1y :watched to lee that 'lid of ;ts:r ·relndeer.. The .ml~ilOIl.a~ _a~p!'en~oea '(:an. earn h!.~ wal81 t\U1l . ilapport ud educate. a number .'of al tAlamaters haullna IUPv]J. . and ~ they do not disturb the church ,propel". '. Bold ' lUld,.'ctarlnl plaDII ,ue . aom. aPJ~IUc" ·' herden. Thenaadve' ntahJn& tr.-h l'eIn4~r .m ..~ I&IIl. but nothlq leem. 10 4 ;lililftle" take 'OU apPNntlcel \'aJlcl ',til tbe, 'nte~r, at -.!~:~.,.:;iarul the Delent ,buU41D& m ,a pQo- ~. ' fJ'01Il ri.lI~~ aai4 ,

44 Bu. to Ih. Acre



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..rno&; rill '





~ec:lou I

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Hcnl .~


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The Ford is the Best on the Market today

The Best Car because it is the Cheapest




Livery Service to Ell nearby points a t rea ~on ~ ble pricc~'

S ub A

I Th e !:itandal'u C:lIuipl1ltlnt for these cars c~mtain Windshielu, SpccUur}lClOr, Ga:; Lamps, Gtlner<l lor, 3 0 11 Lampi:l , Tubular Hoi'll , lop ami Tools.

Ask for a Demonstration. AU makes of Tires, etc.



IN MEMORIAM A'I I ,'are to .·a~ f,</' ll\y~;t'lf i~ t hat I my pred .. .:es...;o )',; h.·ld thl' "l1 i.·~ for at l ea!~ t six y ea rs N"I\" if I h'Iv,' Lit tle JeaU!1e tte, youngest daug h. :>low . MI'. Ta..x Payer, th ings do done mv duty alld ha ve marie an te l' of :'..1r. and Mrs. Oliver Uavi~, nOl occur that way down here in avcrag-e 'Auditor I ~ llOU l rl li ke t o be wa::; bol'll in Corwin, Oh io, January WHrr'en Cou nty. Wonder why? lelected for lWo Illll rl' Y lar~ so that 1' 14, 1!)07, and di ed F riday, April 5. There were 34 con tracts let tu T he can have 5ix years tuu. 11912. :l~cd ri yt>ars, 2 months and 22 Oregonia Bridge Company in t his adv T. C. PATTERSON . da.v~ . County in 1911. a ll without compeli . - - - . - - -Always of a kind and pleasant dispos iti on she was loved by all she met , t ion, except one. I. have been in the Audi tor's Ofli ce amI wil l be Rauly missed by rge ' a IltLle less than t wo and one-half clrcl.e of ~rlends and he: place In t he ye:lr,.; and in this lim.' Th e Oreg-lini a famtly WIll be hard to fi ll. Mr~ Sue Th ackE>ra l'Ilull , of BethBCRid('s he r fa ther and mother she Bridge Com pany has had l" jmpeli. t ion only on two jobs . One t hey got any , Ohi.?, is th~ Illother of a fine i!; !;u r9iveu Uy four Ris lers and t wo and the other t hey lost. 1 .\c>I , n~ uallght"r , "".hich .ar ri ved t he re Urothers. , The one t hey lost was for piling rc,·.' nlly. .\11'''. ;,yl 1hack<:>r<l. has . • prot.-cllon along the Grear Miami t.uel'll \\,'1t h Iler f01' >;. m e t'Illle. .CAR D OF THANKS River in- Fr anklin Townsh ip nea r th e ! We del'.lre to t hank Rev . CadwalJaDech ant far m de r for hIS kmd woras, Mrs. Howell .. MI ~s MlIl nle Duke, formerly of rCJr the singing the lit tle gi rls that " .. I he followlnl< a re th e . hl ,IQ- Co'J m·. '' LY 1I e . Ilas ncc~p t e( I ',1 P0 51·· t·Ion as acted as !Jail. bear~ • rs , a lso the neigh. . " .• DlrSlOners Journal No . ~. ) page _·If.i. : bouk·keeper WIth Th e ))'ly lnn Ice b dr''> f' . . . B'd C I ' ori! an r'l enllS or theIr kIndness O re 3.,. 0ma rl Ire olllpany: I ere'lI n and Uairy c" f . Hill ed from a n d IlCpuu I . 1 nng ' ' I ' ., t h etlme o f our b ey . r eavement. P iling S8c . pel' lin ea l foot. The F amily. i a Iller~e l' of three wel l kno \~n Sto ne and b r u ~ h $2.Sg per cu . yd. in I to n fIrm. J L. Laymon & ~ons • - • p illce Creamery, M. J . Beeg hly Co . a nd Wh l t~ oak lumber $34.00 per 1000 B. , th e Conove r' [ c~ Cream Co . The new M. In place h ' r Or \I 'e will put in stone and bru sh at • cor:np~n y are avtng a lnl" . new cost plus 15 % add it ional. buddtng erected on South MRm St . When com pletPd, this will be a model , Horace Shieldsplant of its kind in the Middle West. - - 'Pilipg 52c, per lineal foot White oak lumber per 100 It. $3.00 L ··B. M.· Improve the Appearance of Stone, gravel and brush fill per cu. OCla I Your Home and You will .yd . 99c• .

Enor mous Expenditure

0--------- -0

Form er Citizens I 0I---------- -0



. .




Proper·ty Made


----_ .. .---------+

'1 S

More Valuable.

· 1 Events '


Make It Worth More


Baled Hay for Sale

Pure Northern Grown

Seed Potatoes Pure Je rsey Seed Sweet Pota· toes. Yellow and White Onion Sets, Bulk Sweet Pea Seed, Bulk Radish , Lettuce, Beet Seed.

Will have a car of Prairie Hay in a few days. Special low price from car. Clover Hay, 90c per bale; SSe in ten-bale lots.

New Cabbage. Bermuda Onions, Celery, Cran berries, Lettuce, Green Onions, Radishes, Lemons, Ora ng es , Bananas.

SPECIAL IN CAKES The ne w cake, " Honeysuckle." 2 ba rrels j ust in. 8 f or 5c. Cri sp Graham Wafers , 10c a lb . Have you seen our Enamelware? All Colors. Seamless and with ename l li ds. Leave-your orders for Milk. We receive it fresh twi~e a day. Bring us your Eggs. Highest price paid, Caah or Trade


pa~' 8

to trarle at




The statement shows that the folM J W Wh' t d F d owine materials were used on the r.. . I e an son 're, LOSES FINE HORSE , job~ wer e the g uests of ~ir. and Mrs. F . . Visitors to Dayton would do well. __________ Edwin Furnas lost bil.fine drivi~ ,. H, Farr, at East er dmnet'. to attend the Lecture which i'}:g iven Hambletonian, Sunday ni&'ht, The Pih~ ...... ...... .......... ..... ...4480 feet , . daily at t he N . C. R. Hall for Indu shoree w~ sick onl)' 8 few holirs. ~~~:dk~~~~~~::::::::::::.~~.~~t.l;d: Miss Emma Heighway was the tMri al Ed ucation. at 10 A. M . and 3 P. Mrs. Earle Conner has the mumps. guest of Misses Annie and Ma mt:J . Mrs. J. H. Coleman is on the sick Figufe lor yourself using the dif- Brown, at , Sunday. . This lecture is f ree and i-l of s pecial list. ferent bide and the materials used ___ 'I interest to propet"ty owners and E. V. Barnhart wasin Cincinnilti and you will find that it makes a dif. . . peopl e interested in neig hborhoodi Tuesoay • ference of $1955.21 in favor of Mr. and Mrs. N,~, Rich ent~rtam- l improvement work and civic better ,. . Shielcla. This Willi only on one job ed to an elegant dtnner on Sunday. ment of all K.inds. . Mrs, F. B. Sherwood waslhoppinr and I understand that the work was Those preaent v.: ere W T. Jo :-dan The way a certain seCtion of a city m Dayton~Tuesday. . and daughter VIOla, Mr. anli Mrs . d th . h . weIllwil~olnhae. nf '1 f . Chas. Gray and daughters, Mrs an t ebProhPertYed In dt . at Secedtlo~ Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mra. ve to co ess gUl t or thIS M d Cl d h' ld d M came 0 e c ang an Improv 19 F. C. Carey is aeriouslyeick eompetition for it wu I who wrote au eaver an c I ren an r . broug ht out forcibly in the lecture. • Mr. Shieldl ukin&' him to bid . . I am Car l Cleaver, of.~y!on. It tells how the co-operation of the Mr, and Mrs. B, S, Howell perfectly latisfied that;. the County AT M. E CHURCH people of a neigl,borho()d, workinl~ Cincinnati visitora, T~esday. Maul. have' this ~l955.~n. if you. ~r. together and with "the assiatance of Mrs, Maud Crane. of Bethel, Ohio Taxpayer, are satisfied w1th my usmg Services at M, E. church Sunday flowers, shrubs and ~reen gra,ss is the guest of relatives here. a two cent stamp. . as usual. In thu evening Dr. Frank changed unkempt. untidy and dl~l. . , AUDITOR Some wh.o read this article will say H La b f C' . t' '\1' agreeable surroundings into a bealli. Mr. and Mrs, H. H. King V181ted Frank B. FOI'IY that it sHould have been written ' m, 0 mctamlnka I, wl"pglvbel.a tiful tesidential die.trict Dayton friends. Saturday anj Sun. c:>mmon sense on U IC B • day Will R. Lew sooner, b ut atop and think if this is Health" Dr Lamb comes under y means of slides and moving , Cbarles Madden . Dot the o~,portune time: the aus~ic6!S ~f the Warren County pictures, th; wo~k is ~xplained and Mrs. Ollie Davis, of Corwin. bad SoMe ~II ~1 that 1t sho~l~ not Medical Society and the Public valuabl.e htnts glv 3n In landscaple an attack of heart trouble TUB., T. C. Patterson hay. !teen wrItten at all and crltlcise. Health Education Committee and is gardemng, The property In that nieht. Mark that tell ow and find out if the well worth hearing. This ~ervice part of Dayton which is now South . CLERK OF COURTS moe is not piD~hing. will be a union service and a special Pal'k has been more than t rebled in .fhe Guild of St. Mary's church Some will say that Patterson has musical service will be' render~d. value since the citizens in that sec. will meet at tb. rectory '""'1 PAd.,. 1 Dan P. Bone metliiSpoliticaJ-Waterloo. If that • _ • tion took up in earnest the question afternoon . . I.e true I. ~a~e ~~t it fighting for LATE CLASSIFIEADSD of Lanftsc~pe Gardening. . Mj~ Dlllnche and Rachel' SheeCOMMISSION ERS what I thmk IS n«ht. • The NatlOnal Cash Register Com- han were euests of f' d . of R U Rhod e Is h~od Reds ; pany was forced to advocate the cinnati last wePk nen 8 In - - -- - -- Some will say ether -thi ngs, ,NevJ. C, Hawke ertheless what I have given YOI,l is 10 hens, 1 okl, Inquire of J, landscap p. garden work because of ' • S. L Irons true. R. t1isey. J iorwin, Ohio. 1\ 11 4 the unsavory condition of the neigh· Mr. and Mrs. A. Maffit attended Sylvan A. lewis A part of the Commi ssioners have PlymoDth Roele b en~, good borhood, Employes would not hlllY Ule inspection of Harveysburg Pyth· Frank D. Miller declare4 war on the Auditor's Office ones Inquire of Rl1luh M.II land in Slidertown, as it was then ian Sisters Tuesday .everung. and say that it must be cleaned out. ler, Waynesvill e, Uhi o a 24 culled , because property was steadily B T M ' d M U ard F. S. Simpson ' . f h . d . . I Th' h orn- 0 r. an 1'8. ~ow TllIS 1S a matter or t e pubhc and ... - .. ecreasmg In va ue. IS as 1111 '"'-II' tt . f W'I • t S d Ed. C. Jeffery " . b h ed d t d h t \.JO e ,0 1 mlOg on, un ay, no t th e Co mmlSSloners. Subscribe for t he Miami Gazette now, ~enc ang an 0 ay. w .a WWl A ril7th at Lebanon ada h , u & ' ter. Shdertown a few years ago, IS now J l , COUNTY ~ECOlWeR one of the mest beautiful residential F . J, Sherwood has arrived home sections of the city and property is from PennsylvanIa, where he has JQsiah Holb~_ increasing in value every year, been spending the winter with hia This is a lesson that every house son. PROSECUTINO ATTORNEY holder an<i propert~ owner ,~hould Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Piper, (nee Frank C.~Andenon , take horne because 1t has a dollar Katharine Frame) of PaSedena Cal an d c~nts" value •. which ca~ hardly arrived here Sat~rday cveiiin~, and PROBATE JUOOE be esttma,ted until you iee In Sou th will make Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Frame Par k, the tangible results. an extended visit. Martin A. JamlIOIl These lectures answer many QUE!8' Corwin Drake tiol:s dailY" allked of the Company Messrs. Terrel~ M'acy and Bryon and its employes of its histGr.V' alld Prende~ast Ilrrlved home f~om methods, and tell in detail of its Jacksonville, ~Ia , .Mon~ay evemnlC. REPRESENTATIVE W ~lfare Work. It g oell further a nd Both boys are~mg .tine, but are J. M. MuHord : demonstrates that Welfare Work is glad to be at home aplO. VictorS. Loer . A Black Percheron not a phil anthropic idea-its a mlltOBITUARY t el' of business and is a paying in_ __ .Stallion by Pilon SHERIFF vestment. Lydia Haines was born December (54438) J~es Fol,en There is no doubt but whlltlhany 16, 1887 and died March 16, 1912. othel' manufactur~rs eould apply 'She wall married to James Master.. certain Welfare ideas which are in i on in March 1865. who died in April SURVEYOR.. ue at The N, C, R. to the Bettflr. 1866. : There was born to this union Fine bred Trotting StaJlion, sired by Geo . ~immon8, vog A. M, BoWer ment of t heir own business, one son, who died at the ~e of two Sam D. Henkle ' As stated befoN. these lectures and ohe half years. are given daily at 10 A. M': and 3 P. She waa married again to laue . TRBAS~R£R ~ M , .except on Saturday, when the Auati!l' JanuarY 28,1886. He de;.n.. Foaled 1909. U~df.feated S .ow Colt lecture is g iven enly in the morning ed th1Ilif~· May~. 1896. ",., , B1~ , ~. flo-", Jr. , Tb th h " 11 ' . . . , Slte un1ted WI Pri*itive eee ree orses WI make t ht' season at the Farr Tobacco Shed The offire.'! open at 8 A:, M. ,and.close Baptist church Ilt Run, Ju"e near the Stand Pipe. You are al "'HY:3 cordially welcomed at the barn. at 5;15 P. M., .and dUrIng the ,mter. 1. lase. 'anel • faitbiDt Come and look at the horses, and IS'!!· a printed. pedjgr~. ", veniIlg hours visitors are' eonducted ' ".'


Corwin, Ohlo.:'~.

By day or

best of _ ......·.·r·l.





-Horses F. PILON


J. C. Simmons 2.22 t McBogun

, .•,



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Edwin Furn a~ lost his fllle drivinc Hamble ton ian . :->unday fl ight . The ~lr ~ .EarleCo fl lll'rha~them u mps. horse was sick linly a f ew hours. \1 f''; . .l. I I. ("olemall is Ull the ~ i ck

l i ,~ .

'y' .

Cand dates

'*' *' Morrow, Ohio. '*' '*' '*' '*' {~.,*,,*,,*,,*,*,*, *'*' **'*''*' Pan Handle House



v:"rk inl-!: l 'illl"i nliali \" i-;ito rs, Tuestlay .





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'-1" 1 ;I :;. { i' 1·!IJ",n.l· ...I" llcr >lh" ,tld I I 'd,,' It ' dIP '. 1"'1" ;(11 ": " il. ha, if " <I"llar I :Ii: I ," "I t, ':.ti ll'·. \\"h l(, 1i '·.UI h ardly ~,. Illl'tOo I IIl1td .\ " ~ I ~" I' ill :--;vlllil J1 1' 1" ',,, ·hll):i : ' I'r' ·: II:l'. r I .,' ,, ' I:ll lI t' , all ~" t'l' II I , tll \ Iju e:-;~ ~i;'::;;'? c:t. ',;;,,' iJi;~ A~ . -:1Iil1A t '. • Ii" ,j ,ii ' iI:-I,,·.! •. f Il ll' I tl llli';(II Y J j I', i ; I ( !: I i I!I '." ( '" f I:," f l i...: t " I' :1 :)1 i 1.,,··,,· 1-:. ;l lId I " !I ill d,ia il " I" i t:-. I ,I.. ;. •. " \\'. ,1':; I t l: ""~ (ur th t' 1" and ' " , ". '1,1 '-.1 '" , Ih.1 ,':,·I I":II"C' \V "r 1; is t:! a d, j 'I ' reh l' rOil I .' I I'~'I ' l'lt ~l r 'IIi, ' j,I··· l it :-: :Jl Il\ a t. •t ; ': . r \., "." ", ,, I I ;t l'aY l lI l~ il ,~t,lililill j,y Pi loll ~5:.l· ·lUZ~~"S


j 1 (lJ_S \;S\ !I':t. ,-' !






\ ;) I I:!. I



:~ inHTlOnS

2,22 :

rim' bred Tro fti nf, ....:I allio l), ~ j r l'd by

(; l'O

Foaled 1~O~.

l ~ ndd

Thc~C' lit r !'c: il' '''~' ':i I; il l ,, ;a!., · nca r the tita ll d Pipe . ) L' U ar e: >I . Come and lou!; at the hurH';<. alld :....

Dr. J. A. McCoy Q 4(

Frank B. forgy Will




Charles Madden T. C. Patterson CLERK OF COURTS

Dan P. Bone

By day or week--the best of servi,e. Livery and Feed Stable in ,onne,tion.

CO ,\ \M ISSIO:'-l ERS


J. C. Hawl<c

Wanted of all

S. L. Irons

S) Ivall A. Lewis

Frallk D.

," iller

F. S. Simpson Ed. C. Jeffery



McCRAY, Proprietor


... ated Show Colt .- , ';1 " n "I lill' 1··: 1I ... '!'"I ':ll""" Slwrl : " "I" r1iall .1" \\·Plt.:olllt,d at tht ~ barn. a pl"I llt eti pelli),!TI'C.

Waynesville, O.




:vIr. and Mrs. Har vey Piper, (nee ! Katharill e 1·' r alllC!.) of Pasedtlna. Cal.. I ar ri n'cliterC' S'It urJa y ~ v.ming. and w ill make:'vlr.all d !\I rs . W. T . frame

; tne:<:Le ll ded \· i ~it.

, M,'';S I'S. Tf'tTell Mary and Bryon ! F r cn ri erg- ast ,H fI Vl"d home from .Jac:' .; o!1 l·illll. J-"I a . .\ ! " Ilday e\"en in~. B"lIl I ",y~ an' :tl oking- line, hut are ~ I:.:d I II I 'e at hUll1c a)!ai n .


- ...



frank C,:Anderson



Martin A. Jameson Corwin Drake REPRESENTATIVE

.I. 1"11. Mulford:

VictorS. Locr


SHERIfF L yd ia lIainl'~ ·.. as uorn December .James Follcn 'I'll,"'., I ~ :t. Ill ·.tid hilI \\"hat i11at1y Iii. l ~ il7 and di t'd ~Iareh !6. 191 2. :' ' : I' rrl'lllllfa,' I ' II'I'r': could apply , !"-1he I\"a~ marr i,~d t, l James Ma~ter- I ,., 11 ':-1 \ \' .· 11";11"" id, ·:l.' wh i l'h ar,~ in SOil 111 !\tarch IIlGI . who dIed In Apri l ! SURVEYOR ':" '.' 11" 'I: p ". 1\. I ' . Ie III tl ll ·l. elt ,·r- 1866. fh ere wa.'; born to this uni on A. 1't1. Bower I m t'n l .. r . iwil' Oll" il hll -;i ne:s~. " ne "un, who died at th e age of tw u : Sam D. Henkle , .\ -;' 1:11 ,'·01 Ile f ur ··. th!',,!' Ir'et' lres an d one half years . 1 arl' ::i . : " .}ai l \· ill \0 :\ . M . and :: 1'. She was marri ed agoain to Isaac TREASURER . ~1 . "", IJ t U il S,tI III'd3Y, Wlt P:1 t he Aust in . .T anuary l'~ . 18R5 . He depart. !!"/" ,'1111 " 1- '-' 11" 'lI olll~ , III the Illllrilill ~" . eli Slw ~hi!5 life May 2(1 . 1896. .. . II Byron C. Howell, Jr. united With the l'rlftlltlve 1 I h~ "~I'I ')" \ (I) Jll'1I alt d:-; ' \ M andl'lu'<c Haptl st church at Mi ddle Run, June I at .). 1. , . •' . am u r tn~ thel 'l l er - I. 18tl6, and remained a raithfUI~ \'!'J1il lg hl,urR \'isitor s arC' co ndu ctt!d member until deat h . . Democratic Ticket thruug-h th ' plant uy expe r ienef'd es- h Onhe ~rolther. one. sister. one STATE SENATOD .t \0\'1 I 'h···· • ·'d I r ot er-In- aw, one slqter-ln-law. . "" ~ O l S. lee -c ,III " are prOl 1 e( : Rev eral nephews and ll:eces are left John E. Holden l or eluerly p eople. to mourn her death. (W~ Co.)




Corwin, Ohio.


__. . . . . _ . . . . I

II I .., I..; it




Ite t r ue I ha v e ' \let it fig htin g- for I LATE CL '\' ::' ll'l b\\)S () IIf I.a lld., cal'e I ;a f",j l'nin" I ~I" . HI· h anll I{achel Sheew hat I th inK is r it~t ' T he \ ;l l i"11;I1 ( ·a .;11 I:,·"i , t ... r \ " III1. l h , 1!'lHP t "net t' f . ,., . -' - . - . . " an were gu C's S (J friellds in CinS.. me w ill sa.v "th er tl nn,:: . :\ ,,,: - p l';:-; " r I( ( . j{ ',,, \" 1. 1111 " I:. '''':. 1'." 1." \ \ '; 1., 1· ,1'.·.·,1 10 :I,II·" ,·at ." lhl' I ~in ll ati, last we"'\;' ert h .. I"s9 WIl:l L I lr ll"~ :;1 1' 11~' u u i ." II) I, .·fl .". I ,'!, 1"'I 'll n· .. I .I . I:III ,} "",, , g"1I'rll!n \\ " r1, 1'(OI":llI s" lI f tnl' . I : ,':- ,'\' . .1 " ("\1 ' " ,l il ' ''. " ~I . 1" . IIfl ~: I\· "r~· !·I\I,..! ;t i,.1l (,I' I h,' IIr. jg-h·1 :'Ilr . alld .1\lrs. A. l\1aflit allellded' A ~an!lf I I' "'(' " II II ,i .,.- I 'II ' r II :l I'L' 1' ,I I\ ,,,tr 'l, I : .,, 1; Ii .' '' - . h ,.,11 I h.. lI,,,,, ,1. 1 · .III IJI " _\"l · ~ 1I."u l,J Ilol buy I th e II1 spe" Uofl nf lI arveysLurg I'y t hd~cI.Het:l \\"a r ', 11 I :'. ' AII.! il' ,', II;l iL'" '11 '" 1" 1,;: , ,· .. 1 H , II,)I .\ 11: I !:lflol i i, ~I i dl'rl"wll. "" il w as I h"n l ian Si:'ter,; T lIe~ day even ing. , I I l' a nti -iayt I1:tt l : I I1 ;3t h t ~ ,1, :l' I.· d o· ,l. !I' r \ ..\ ' 1\ ( ' 1 ' . \ \. " ' , (1 1 \ a . , ~( ·; .,, ~t . )1"';\ l iSt ' l'l'q pt·r IY\\' ;ls..; t'l';) ,J!y , I' . T ~ I . ) T !,is i~ ;: l 'l:lttl'l' ;', )1' Ih, · I .I,'i,· :,11 _1 __ ~ '1 .1,.. ",. " :ilw i:1 \·;d lll:. Tll i" ha" all Ie 11,0rl1--- fO '\', .r · all! M~. Ho w ard '. I .... ·1· ." i · I 1. . . II ell. u , I111l1l1){ton. sundaY' 1 . . nl/ t · I ll ·C" IIII ': "i" " "f .- . ::; .. ,- r d". r,:· · I. ·\I I,·,I ,\Il l 1111.1.\. \\\\ .l ' l :, 111"1'17 t 11. at 11 d aug h ter. . . (,rL"i ' " i, · II.,\I· .. '' f,' .. 'l. lI l~ " . f! Janon. a ~ ~~ >1! " I' rtll ..... · ~ 1 a f.·\\' .\("ill· " a g-! I, I ~~ no \\' I ......----------. '''11' uf IIII::' I1 l0:--:t lH 'i ll lt iflJ! resi dp lltia l ! F. J, She r,,'oou has arrived h ome ------------~- •• - - - - - - - - ; .', ' ,: : " oil" [If I I1\' [' it)· :w d prolwl' ly i" I f r lllll l 'elll1sy l \"a nla. where he ha~ 111'.: " .:1" 1Ill!" II I ,·al·, ., l' \, ·r.\· yvar. heen ti pend i n~ tl1(' winter with his 00

Barred Plymouth Rocks

I ~arnha l- t



Breeder or

- -- ----( Pure Rilll(l.t Slrain ) _ ~,... ", I!to ..."I',,.. ...JlI.".. ,,..,,,,,, ...'JI.' tA ,,· a.ill (·i llci nn-l t i. ""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. ""JlI.--""'- + JlI..r.-.jIt. JlI.... ''"'I" .. ...,,.. ...tA Stuck and eggs for sal e. Eg2" fot' I l,, ·~. ,ay. "I'-+. hatching from first ",rize winning ...,... .\ Ir s. F . H. Sherwull J was lIho"'llin""I'I' "l'- pen, $~ per 15; other penR $1.£>0 per ... .. ...tA ro&o 15. Valleyphone9-4 t ., . R.D .3 III I Jay'ltll" T llt·sday. 'J!!,' "'l'SUBJECT TO THE ,REPUB,\ 1'I"". daug-h ler o f M r. anJ Mrs. 1--. C. Car ey i ~ ::leri ou,;ly sick. LlCAN PRIMARY, A :'I(r and iI.;'lr".·. I' . ". fA "lAY 21, 1912 .... -U H O\\'ell \v er .,.;; ... ...",. IT .~. I.'





IIhoulli have t his $ 19i,.'i. ~ 1 i r \" "1 1. ,\1 f'. . I "P" It"r anJ II It Ii Llll~ a~s, ~tall l' e "f I .\ ll"s. 1\1 aud CrailI'. o f Bet hel. Ohiu Taxpayer. arc sati~lietl wi th ~lY u :'i l' '':- ! ~1 'I"I' i ce-; at \1 . I·: clillrch ~lInday 1I1I\\",' r ~. , itrub" <Inri g-r .'cn g-ra, " , IS t ite g uest uf relati ves h ere. I a two cent stamp . : a~ u:lual. I II I h., l' \' e ni'l~· Dr . frank C!::lllg t',j un k,·fI) i'l. u nllril and 011 ... · 1 Some wh o r ead lhi,; artie ;,· will say 111. La rnll. ,If I'ilw illnati, \\.i ll g-i\'" a agTt" :t1Jle s lIrl"l ' lIll,Jing'~ i lll .. a L,,:IIl- : :'I1r . an d !\lrs. II. H . Kin g vi si teJ that it <!houl ·1 ·Isve b ' t tCl ' t i f ll l r" " i,J" nt ia l di >l r kl. I I lay tu n friends, Saturday anti SunU I ee n wn I C'J ll1nllln s.. lIse tall, ')11 "P ulJli c . . . sooner. but st o p amI thin k if l hi" is H eall h." I II'. Lallti, l"Ofn ,'~ u nde r . Ilv 11 i':an s of "I id es and 1II" I· in).!" . d,I Y. not the op.purt une time: I lhe auspic.!~ of I h, . \\'a rr ell l'uunt y jJtrl ll rp". l hl' wu,:k is eXl'laill,' d and i 1\Irs. t)ll ie lJavi~, uf Corwin. had Some WIll say tha l It ~houl rl lIot M~di ~al Sucicty and the I' uhlir I val ll:d,J,.' 1-.ll lls gl\"n III lanrl ,.;ca lJe Ian attack of hear t truuble Tuesday have Deen written at all :.nd Cl' itici,;c. I ll eal l h Edllral ion Com mi ttee. :1lI,j is gaf"d l·lIiflJ.~·. T he prol't"rly in th at ~ ni1.4ht. Mark that f ell ow alit! lilidolili fth e l we il \\"I,nh Ilt'aring-. Th i" "pn-il.,, ! PIf"1 ,. ' I );I ::tllll II"hi,' h i., 11,, '.1 S"ul h , . '. . I ' I I 'al I, II:b 1" " '1l 111" 1'(' I hiPl 11·, ·Itlt·,j in I I he Gu ild of Sl. Mary's chu rch I '1 / I . shoe is not pinchi ng-. WI II ' a lIll l'l lt ,~ (I r \ d ,"-' , : tll~ a ~:' j)I ·''' la . . I ' 11 I Some will say tint Plltt f'r"~. "11 In .; nn..l :'; .II'(l I .... t·' · \· II· .. W I'11 L' H' nO,, 1 I e l'r , I \';lIu !' Lill I" ·' I hl' ,·illY-l·ns III t haL spc - WI Inf'et at t l e rectory Thursday . ' I m el his po liti cal Wat erlull If tlut . ____ .. __ - _.lI "1I I t) d, Ill' in ,':Ir ne" Iii,· '1111',.; ti oll , afternoon. '

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . ._·I

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fl,· i ~l lu , 'rli ,,,)jI .


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ol .. . :\ :,! tlll" ', I'. I: Il a.1 1"1" I, ,j ,_ . 111 ,· !·.. I,·I 'i ''''. ;lI!ll :\ \ 1 ... ,.1': 1'.

. pr'UI, ll' II I a

\" '.1' " y·, ur "I'd, r" fll !" \\ t1 I-. . We I'''' '' 'i \ l' II f rt·; h IWI,·,· a Jay .

Itl"'.'· ~I"l rad"al II ZIMMERMAN'S I I --- ----------

'lal,(' JI Worth Mon'

l-: a~l t'r

.\T :" . E

' !'

-: 11' " lh a t Ill" IH'nd, .

11I1\1rU\\' Y' Ill I' II \I111\' me .\p)H'aralll"(' a II d Yuti \\" i IIuf)

.\ 1, .1. \\. \\ J. i ;"' .1 .... : ... .,j 11 ' 1',' I i ,, ' )."I ' ~t.- of \I !·. :11 '! \ 1,' I ' 11 . 1 ,11'1' . al d ' fl!I\"!". '

perfectly sati sfi ed tha t the ('"Ullly i

" I ; :' I:


I +-----------_.

Piling , ..... 11... 0 f "<:1 1 Wh iteoak l ufllbl'f' ... .. . ..... . II1'; 1I"ePl \1 " I' 11 ' 1 Stone anu bru sh .... ..... ... ...... .:;:, I·J . - I.. . ·.I I"I,a "I)! 111":1\ .v :\. tl, . . I )UI"~I " I' " i-\~ ,' " \ llII i<: :t 1l.1 .\ 1.1 :t .· Fig ure fur y ours"l f ll ~ i ll g t hL' d i f -I' 1; l'\l\\,l l . :II d i fl" "!" . ...,un.}al. fer cnl bid ~ and Ilw ll1atvrial" ll.-ed and you will fi nd lhat i L Illak('~ a d i f , 1\1 \ I' I" I I .,11' , alII. 1".' . . . '. ,It" 1 .'IlI'·I·I :lIll · . f erence of $1~I.~;j . ~ 1 In 1:.I1·,)r tlf ' Id S. 'rh-I,; wa,; ull Iy ,m l'll l! I" I) .i 1;'01 l " al l ,·11-').:',,,, 1 01 1' '' .,·1' ,, " ";' II"\.IY Sh IC antl I unde"~lall rl tha t t h,' w" l"I, ~la,; ' Th "~, · I'rc,wl li wen' IV r .1, ,:·ri ;J I' well done. i and dall l-!:hkr \" i"l a.I :'11'I . an ,l ' 1 I ti ll J (au)!,ll .. r" . ., r~ I WI'llh av e t 0 COil f e' sg-1I1' 1I f "I' tl'II~ I ( ·la~. I;n\\' ' competition f or it was I ""1 ;" Wl"lI te i \.Ia ud ,1'1"iI \'I"I' ;:'1<1 I'hildr"11 and ~Ir . ' Id Bas k I' n K' h'1m t 01]( I i I (Itn I al'l ( lea l·N. III IIavL'll!. . Mr. Sh Ie

SPELlr\!. I" C 'h.ES " ill" fl .·" ,': <1" .. " lJ unt·l·sucklc." .: 1,:11n' ! ~ jl l"t Ill . i:l j'ur 5t'. I ' , ' '' !J ' ;,-al l,lI11 \\" If .. r ". Iil,' a II, .

Property Made More Valuablei

; I t '\\

,I 40----·--------+ Social Events :

I. U. M. !, 1',1-It



lli ti

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Wit .· L' " ak 1, "11 1,.·, StUflL' . gra\'cl yd . \!!ll' .

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... ·'If. k I:, " ·,01" ;t1J: I - . ,I '.\ ,r oi " . .\ 11' 11 ,1\",,1 1

.. i •

• I'

Will have a car of Prairie Hay in a few days. Special low price from car. Clover Hay, 90c per bale; S5e in ten-bale lots.

:\ "" La ul'"g". H"rlf,uJa U l\i un~ . 1·,·I ··,·y . 1·,-.lI iI ... n·\(·, . LI-!t llt'L·.

', .•

~ ; ... ' ·.... \1 ~) I :' lfl"; , I: :tdl~ ht' ~. ' '' lS , ()r a l l)..: l' ~ , Hall:l ll a:-l ,

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, I

Seed Potatoes

11 1 ~ 1

', I ' !

Baled Hay for Sale \

I'll n' :\ orthc.'rn (;rown

! .11 1, 1 1'·,·: h .1'11 .1 , .. ',!

I· . .,1


\V, .

J; L !' ~


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F ornler Citizens: '

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I'm a Dc.'llwnstratio n.

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I ' ' lOl"IHl) lI ... l·. \. pl·nd · i III


t he


$710 FOR r ( H:O MOflEL T TOURINe C $61 U FOH T . . .If~PF.:DO RUI'L.\ BC;JT

i.i\l·ry .


We are paying.f.the Highest Cash Price for Hogs, Veal Calves and La~bs for shipping purposes. Call us upand we will quote you TOP PRICES.


C. B. BENTLEY, Waynesvllle.~


Valler Phone 135







, Whole Number 3154 WAY NESVIL LE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY APRIL 17, 1912 ~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~-,----~~~.----.-~~~------~~--.-----~~--~ '---~ --~(-------------MASONIC INSPECTION

r~:: ::::::: ::: :: : :: :::::=::::::::~=:::=::::::::::::=~::::::::::::::::::::::

Waynesville Lodge, No. ](i3, F. & A. M., had its annual inspection Tuesday evening. Bro. G. L. Colema n, of the Dayton District, was thu inspecting officer. He found the lodge in line conditi on and growing rapidly, and expressed himself as being well pleased with the showing. A very pleasant surprise WBS given by the firm of George Dodds & Bros. Co., of Xenia, who presented to the lodge three beautiful marble slabs to decorate the pedestals. Mr. Charles Dodds, a member uf the firm, was present and made a happy speech. One candirlate WllS received and the Entered Apprentice degrt'e special feature of the work was a mixed quartette, who sang t hree beautiful selections. After the work. was completed, thlil brothers repaired to the ban · QuJt hall, where the Eastern Star ledge had prepared an elegant s upper: The menu was as follow s: Beefs teak a la Swiss Salad Mashed Potatoes Deviled Eggs Pickles Bread and Butter Jelly. Ice 'Cream Strawberri~s White Cake . Coffee

that it would be a good lor each school ~yard gate to be locked with 'padloek, and chain and the koJC held 'iiy; tbe 10l'al manager of ",, ~i property during the vacation -.~. ' This would do away with tire .use of the school ~~ound by At the Masonic banquet rool11 FrigypsIes, and persons p8l!turmg stock d ay evening. . A prl'1 19th ,gl'V . en by the m them, for as long as lltock run at M E Ch h if ;ou ~~~e 'not received a sock it will no trees can be started and ~rown. will be supplied at the door . All The final exalllinatioll in the schools are cordia 111 invi ted.



..... - ..................... -


Menf Ion C0 Iumn

...........~- .................................. ~ ......... ~...ll

L. A. Zimmerman is in Cincin-





nati, t oday.

1". E. Sh e rwood was in Lebanon, Thursday, on bu!\iness. Mrs. Ali ce McKinsey was the guest of relatives in Dayton, las t week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bentley spent Sunday with relatives in Bellbrook. Miss Myrtle Lntz, of Dayton, wal th e week·end ~ue s t of Miss Clara Hawke. Carl and Ray Hawke, of Dayton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs . J. C. Hawke.




. MISS Ke7.Ja~ MerrItt a rrI ved home S~ ~day eve~lng. after an extended VISit to rela tIv es In Kansas.


.:'~;~ ::~ :;isdo~;~~~~e;:tt:!



Mrs. A.ira Lewis and son, spent Thureuay with Mr . and Mrs. W. N. Rogers and family, in Lebanon . .



.. -

N. L. Bunnell had t he pleasure of bein.r on the Bryan Ohio Tour from Col umhus 10 Circleville via Morrow, where he introduced Mr. Bryan to thE! Warren County people.

__ _.._..._..- _........................_--....................... -



H. E. Stokes is going to have another pure Jersey cattle sale. This will be the largest ~ale he has at· tempted and it will attract hundreds of outside buyers t o WaynesviHe. The stock to be sold includes all classes of Jersey. cattle, and anyone wanting a high-grad t> cow Hhou1d not miss this sale. See ad in another column fur par· ticulars.





Commissioner Frank D . MOIl I er I'"epI'les to A Ud'Itor Patterson

L_.:..____.................._.. ~ ................._.............. ~.~..~-_.................__ ....__._........... _..... _._........... _..... _............._~..,..-"'.e.. . - ••

at this time than next fall ~~hen Mr. T. C. Patterson. candidate for October 9th we made a contrac t .~ilh!l'sun .. I have in my pOflSession Mr. ShIelds three months has been allow for Auditor for his third term, who also the Ohio Corrugated Culvert Gom· the correcteu lilit loade out by Mr. in regard to forgetting conditions 88 they e sted served two terms as Sheriff imme. pany of Middletown at th e foil Jwing Patterson himself. I understand and myself durIng the present year. / diattly before taking t"'e office as pr ice.. and this firm has never that the Galion people make several the credit of saving' Auditor hloS seen fit to attack me as offered pipe to any county unde r di A:'erent graues of pipe which may the sum of $1965·~t and . t f ttl \.rtf ., at cost the county even a "two n'::'o not- 'forget Towll~' p Day, county commissioner ,which office l ' this price. . _ an·o un. o.r_ e I erence In pncelS. t Id th t LlU "~ 1\1r . r axpayer, - [ have not the atamp." I have been 0 a have held less than saven months. a . Thursday, May 9th. took my seat as county commissioner " H. inch .. .... ..... . ...... . : ......... " " $ . 52 time to inve~l1gllte t~e sale of co . Patlerso~ has made the .state. F._C_.G~~ ~_~_~i~ten,lent. on the 18th day of September 19i1. 10 •• .. .......... . .. ; .. "'~' ''~''' j .: 68 ru g ated sewer pl'lle III all the , ment t ha t thmgs are rottener In the ___ _ _ The first few weeks that I was in of- 12 " ... .... ... ·· · 'V!'~~:-; ..· :'. ·· fl6 ties of t he s t.ate (as-the county does War. ren CoUYlty Court House toda~ .. '. '''2 f . h th ecomnu~~flers .;,..,. del )- t h all th ey were in the dllYs of Charhe HAD LAROE AU lEN C "' ~ fice I put in most of the time as a l v~ .. .. .. • .... · - .,\,,:, ,J ,:. " ... ... ...... . .,. not urms a .. . membtlr of the Board of IWvision 18 " ......... .. ; ..... !.~l •.' ,'. .. .. .. .... I 04 uty, who teaches schoo., pra~ti~es I Coleman and AI. Graham. Now Mr. Dr. Frank Lamb, of Cmcmnata, and therefore I did not get over the 20 .. .. .. .......:. , +~. .... ..... ........ I 32 law . look s after a couple ill bUlldmg \ Patterson ougHt to kno:" because delivered his lecture ' on "Public county much last fall to look after 24 .... ...... ...... .,~~ ~ .. .. .. : ........ 1 56 loan aR~ociatio l1s, spends a reat tieal his chief deputy. Mr . LoUl.s Health" at the M. E. \~hurch. Sun- bridges and culverts. eut it was 30 .. ... ...... ... : .;';1:' f.. ...... ... , .... r2 32 of t ime walkin~ the streets who ! was a deputy . unde~ ~IS day eveninlf.tO a large ,udience. riot necessary for me to do it as my 36 .. .... ..... ~ ..., .t(l'~I........ .. .. ~: .. .,3 12 i" a!!\.) a "Wi'l.ard with figo ' and ICharles Cpl~i~l\~. and IS In The m:etm g was .0pened.bY a predecessor in office, Mr. Keever 40" .. .. ....... ' : ...... .. ................. .3 8l:l l draW~"'l arge"alarYfrOm~h" Itoknow;but <lt'ms 11rect then It woulol soni'servlC:e by a umon chOIr Rnli had looked after the bridges and 48 to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . : ;:.. : .. . '·4 ·1-1 l}'tea~llry as I )(' Pll ty ~ud.lto r) ~rs. Maude Murray made.t~e open- culverts amply. for there ill still some 60 " ; ........ .,:i.. ·.;-.i ~....•~1 ... ~ ... 5 7:L h llo~t:. I11<1d,~ all .1llvesllgatlOrt t~e i·Mr. Patters?n and Ingprayer.AfterasolobyMIIISL~cy work to be done that was ordered 72 " ......... ...::. ...: .. :, ...... , ..... 6 9 ~ <IIIJeIIlIIII{ COUnlles. and ~ml m \ to~oseno : lI11 e Emley Rev. Grauser . made ·a !ew In done by him. About aliI have done .' ~. none of t he m 15 pIpe being . guJlty partIes. tl'oductory remarks .mtrodu,clnll D\,. since I have been in office was to On the 16th dl:1,¥ ~qf O~tober a. con· an y cheaper than Warren County \ Why dId Mr. Lamb. Dr. Lamb IS a good talker vote for bills that were contracteu tract was .pte!ijl"~!} fe ~~ .•from th e g'~ltmg them. and allow th~ and told ma~y truths ) n ~~ard to for before I went in office. I will Galion p~ople ...,· .' od~ed 'imln ediNow Mr. Taxpayer in rega r'd in $40,000 how di~u~s may b~ :~r~ ented\fi~st admit that I signed bills and clm . ately that th~ r l' • . ~ere higl1l'l' the bidding 0 11 bridges 1 don't know those ~i1l8 by samtatlon, pu~me, i'ood aIr, tracts for work done and material than Middlet.own.~'~~ thu~ n· fuseJ III uch Rbollt that as we hav e not Why dId and then by qua tine and &,ood furnished before i went in office. 1 to sign it. ~nt ou'r·· counly en!{inee r blJ i1t but (,ne since I have been in ofuty t, nursinl'. knew that the work had been done tola u~ tl)~~ h~(l been some pipe or· fi ee That one was built nt:lr Frank· After a 80n\r by the choir Mn. and the material had been furnished dered ~~ ':' t\'" firm and we co uld lin and built I aln glad to ~ay by Murray di.s~issed the audience with and I felt as though the parti~ ,9 0t:l;lIlWf?t-theln .unt il we s igneu th" home concern,. the Oregoni? Bridge the benedIction. should be paid;pillfl are still comiq~ coritract/"so we Signed the contract Company . It IS a steel bridge With ----. -I in for work ancl material which "'-'~. pith the uns ta?din g that th~re wo uld · concr~oIe floor about ,30 x 16 feet and A SWELL DANCE~ ordered by Mr. Keever and as long be no more pIpe hought und e r the co st $ 1 ~3. . . as these bills are all right [expect contract, but [find there W8.:f a few Now as ttl that piling job, \rIven by M . to vote to pay them. 1 will also ad. purchased on O~tober 31st ~y the great and only T. C. Fred Hawke a d mit that Mr. Patterson has advised . Simpson tor HamIlton Towno;hlp 81flved the county $1965.21. ' to $47 .70. Neither Mr. WIS let over a . was us about ij',me things-but is pres- an official in the court house or in · Irons nor myself hav~ bOullht a pipe seat. as i"UU""Y :.rlihuriJlO" roo Har.· , township or COJ:poratiQn in them since I have been in office. want to say New COUllty that he has not adWe immediately wrote to the firm Tony l .vtIl8(l1 .....ancl· 'hili .his . Ildv .a\.\~ays their



"i; ..'






!VI )'s. I·:. \'. Barnh ar t. Mr. and .J. 1I . C"I', ma n nnd Miss Emma lIt'ig'\lw<lY \'1'1'1' gU!!:\ts of Mr. and Mrs. fJ. I. . Crlllle, al SllllIJe r, Friday e\','nillg .


Mr. and Mrs Harry Hamilton and daughter, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Anyone having a claim against Frank Andrews, and Mr. Frank Hamilton, of Lebanon, were guests the estate of Mrs. Ellen Slides, deof Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, ceased, will please present the same at once to Ma'dieon McKinsey, execu. Su nday . tor of the estate .

_...._...... - _..................

Born NO\'ember 7. ! )'ijU. of BeltJa·



NNUA~ 'MEETINO OF K. OF P's ' Walter McClure received a lett~r examination was put the week b~lfol'~~~ _ _ .' \ from his son James McClure, In the close of the 8chool term in order The Warren County K. of P's will which he says he is laid up for a few to aive the follvwing week te grad- hold their annual County meeting at ,days, the result of a gas·pipe explo. ing papers, promotions, and achool Lctbanon, Thursday evening, Apri ' sion. He had several severe burns, work 80 necessary in startin&, the 25. All Knights cordially invited . I but will be able to be at work soon . f~llowing year's work 8ucc~lfully. The Superintendant will ' vigit t:ach ....-... ........... ... . .. school during this week for promo· r-"'~-final reports and ar· I • • .,ltions, -an~ngmaking next year's program. It I




P h ' lI h b d and Sarah Brow n , on a farm I S~ , ora. ,erry I as ! 'len ma e lwo miles west of Lytl e, wher e :lhe an US8 lstant 111 t he post OtlICf' . t spen t h e f'IrR t fi ve years 0 f h ~r I'f I e, Messr~. Chas Cornell and J. q :she came with the family to Way nes· Haw ke were in Leballflll, Thur~day . , ville in IR3f) Ilnd settled on the beautiful farm at the north co rner Mrs . J. E. Janney a nd daughter, of thp \'ill age, where she w ew from Mi ss Edna, were in Dayton, Satu r· chdclhooJ tl! youn g' j:(irlh ood. t hen d&y. pas~ecl into \\'omal1ho 'Jd. a nd tinally l ~pe nt hpl' Yl',H ~ of qui et and ppaC'eJesse Thomas saw the opening of ('ul old a~e wilhill th e sa mc walls the base ball season in Cincinna'.i. that had "helt L, rt·rI hc l' loved ones Thursday . for so manv year!>. which W;~'l lhe fond est wisr, of he r d ec lil1in ~ days. Frank A. Kindle, of Dayton, spent Of the fivec hildrcn of hp. r pare nt..~ . Sunday '\ ith his father S, P. Kindle, Hho wa" one uf th(· youn~est, and th e who is very ill. last sur vivor. he r twin brother Benjamin, hav ing flieu a t t he age of F. A Wheelihan, of Chicago, was el .3ven years. th e bUHineS8 gue~t of C. G . WilliamEarly in life she taught s~hool in son . last Thursday . what i ~ known as ehe l{j ~ey district, a na those of her pupil» who su rvive Dr and Ml s . J . W. Ward return. still r herish an affectionate reverence ed to their (' o\lntry home T,ear Har- for htlr. Her heart went out to vey~;b urg, Mo nday evenin g' . youn~ people , an cl she fu und pl easure in having them about htl r. which she l{ev. Gard. of Lo)·al. Ind .. will did for manv year~ hy giving a home to a number of ,Youths in order that prt'ac~ at the Chrifl tian church. Fri they migh t have the privilege of day evening. Everyb'luy in vited. attending' Waynesv ille scho.,hi. Sarah Prown was a loyal adherent J os. Marshall lef t Tuesday mornto the prin ciples of the Soci ety of inJ,r fur Bellhrook. where he will s pen u some timewith relatives there . Friends. and enjoyed the meetings and entertain ing viti iting Friends as long as her health and Iltrength perRaym ond Willi amson, who has mitted . M. b ee n traveling in the East, is "pend- -...- - ing a few days with his parents Mr. BIG CATTLE SALE and Mrs. Harry Williamson . M'

----- ..

~_ _ _ _..l¥.I,U..~.U':lIloU:)"'W.... afi. and..25th •


..._ - - - - - - - -, - - +

OB rr UA 1("

Social Ev~ts ! I A long and use fu l life is ended. +---------------+ i I Sarah S. ihown ha~ gOlle to Iter n :t.._. __ ........ ......... _._ •••• __ •• _ .... _ •••• _ . ......... ~ ...... _ ••••••• ~_•• _ ........., I ward. . . Dr. and l\Ir~ . A. T . Wright, Mr •

!i !

l i e . sona

Mrs. Chns . Meore and daughter, Margal'etta. of Washington, D . C., After supper was over a general good time was enjoyed un til a lat e were guests of relatives !lere last hour. Many visitors were present week . from Lebanon , Dayton. Harveys· M ~s Emma Dakin arrived home burg, Centerville, Xenia, Morruw, 'Saturday, after a two week's visit and Miamisburg. WIth her son. Guy Dakin and family, ,- -of near Dayton. SOCK SOCIAL


. . :::;-1

;\l)'~ .

Mi ~3

Luella \ :u I'Ilcl I wa~ hosres9 at party Thu rHday evenin .~ in hunor "f M iss Whe lan, Th os~ pr (;'sent werl\ tilt> Mi!i.o.;e;r Whelan, J p"sie ;\'1arlat t , Slella Lem mon, Donna llawke , Katherine Alexander a nd MI'~. C. /\ . H,ru ner . ~ hafing·di!lR

OEATHI) Gail W. Stacy. aged 22, the son of W . H. Stacy, owner of the Slacy apartm ents on South Perry IItreet, di !!d a t !J:30 Friday moming. He had been ill since last October. G'liI Stacy was one · of the most , po pular youn~ men in this city. He was born in Dayton and received his t-ducation in the public schools of this city. He attended the Central district, and later spent a year at Miami Military Germantown. He belonged church and took an the Y. A, his parentS, "'............:::jO'I Stacy, and one Funeral servicell,: ton Sunday and ' brought here hurial. Chapel, Rev. tin\r.

M'. '"



" DelllY bas been en countered In ea· itabll$lng the 8cbool of journalism IProvlded Cor In th e will or We lale \Josepii' PUlitzer. because or th e lanbU· dty of $be "e'1l~Q\'8 aud . ~ be Colum· bla unlveralty autborltles to agree upon: p'r oper methods of tnstructlon. .861S the OInclnDaU Tlme8-~lar" "l'be .forme r favor 4 everely practical train· $ng; wblte-<ttle"iatterwDuld -taY- I!'J'eBt· or "treas upon the teacblng of uDd el'~ylng theories, It ~s known that Mr. Pull~_" \ Wlshi!1l to nave theory " and' IlraC'tlc. COmblned. but It, 1"Ald -nothinBl as to the proportIon ot ,eIlch In ·tbe ooblblnatloll. He , lert that problem to tie worked out by otn· era. . While It wUl hne to be admItted tbat there would have been little real ...' . .. '", JI~!lM .t~t. wor.\4 \.ot oura bad 1t 1I0~ . ,~p toc , tJlp· the,odllts •. moat .p\lr· .,nl"" HU :wtll b&" ••InclJnet( to the bellet I ~ ~ ~ tba . an ounce of pracUce Is worth a • ; po~iia '·of 'iheori' ~ ~OBt or'the BcliTI· ' tiee Esp'iCtilllJ would this ' tie e cUe ')'Vlth .a lichbol ot jobI'naJ1Am. here It la .,ropoiled to educate young :-:;m en,for - -ne;rsplfper . pareen. That ~.,. I¥UI~' be 'Something or fqndim.e ntal or Journal· be 'doubt,' but unlesll




H . ,Dar,t,

(,o ll e~e

or' A g ri cullul'll,

Oh io State Unll·crs lty.)


,Practical Fashions

tlon Acknawledg. Debt In Fight Agalnlt Dread Disease .


Pllhlic lty In''' newspaper s a ncl lll Rga· zin cs t o the Ilmount of 1.500.000 I lI c ht's Ii ypur Ott tllbercu los ls IltHI It s IlI'ov{'n· Il nll Is being gln' n by th e preBS of lh e Pnit ed S tllles. nc('ordln g to 1111 est l· 10111 0 ISHll ed rece ntl y hy th e NIII ional " sHo"lutloll ror the St udy a nd Preven· tin" or TlilIe r<' ul oa1a.. _ If -aI~ . tu.o Ilw... lIt'lty on tuberculOSis glvpn by th e pr~" H or til Is country gal he Iialle r, (t,e NlI,lional A III IL It's It would make 6.2r.0 p'3g el!. . I n tgSl <i ur i ll~ which time ""IIl IIHlgn hilS b l':at lonal .

OnlY' Suc:cess-Thm-tsin the Sight of CP'l TRUTH, UPRIGHTNESS. LOVE


Officers CIt Anti :f.ubereuloala A .. oe



\'I~' G'

1I0mce Gree lE'Y said. III 11 vupor, 1l"J'lularlty 3n ac(; ld enl . ri ches la k~ wings: t llo"<) who cheer today will ('lII'se tomorrow . ollly on" thlu R 1.' lHllIl'eS a llli Ihllt is chnrllcler." Llfe's olle grea t la s k Is th e OI nking or (·hametcl'. the maklns of fln e man , hood . aliI' tV .Id Is 1\ cb ll ege. We all go throllgh It. bllt only some get mu('h out or Ih e eQU I'se of instruction . In this co llege e vents "are' tb e tell('hers . nnd t'hn racle r 18 the diploma wh lc b God gh'es man when he has earn ed It. There 'I re ,mllnr rorc es thllt help 10 Inf'l'ellSe happiness In this world, 6uch as frlt!nds a nd position, lind mon ey: but one thing is abso lut e l)' Indl spensllble. to suoce88, nnd that· Is rharacler. SUC('e85, In th ese days, Is a word tu conju·r e with. It Is echoed on all sldel ,A Field of Toblcco .t the ca.r.mantown Experiment Station., . lis the one object of exlslen<.~ . and ". <- .' Tbe tlm'e ' ball com e" to tblnl( of tnls Tohacco beds should be spaded or m en are m e8t~u r"! d ' by Its' suntlard8. · Jear's tobacco beds. Were you SM·' plowed in th e fall or the year, then We fall over each other In 'ouT" burry 'sOed witb .your last year's beds? Old covere.d with .manure 0~6r th e "dn, to pay i1oma!re to tbe man who h89 )'ou have all tbe plants or the rlg'l t te r. 'i'hc manure ti hould be rak eli off won sll ccess In the world 's Judgment. kind when you wan led tbeal? "it ·not. in tbe late winter to allow the IIOli to' 'B ut are we not under a de lu sion as to ~hY ' n(jtf ,.. " .. ., .. PllTly In tb e sllrlng. The ground what we rea lly adinlre?' , In ·selecting oIL lIte for ' tobacco ~bed s 9hould be r etililkled -or r eplowed at Hvo Worahi p Telll Muoh·. It ~ well to , k.~ep In., mln4. at least . the.. nrst l'"po.r~llnlty . As the sllll Is Jf 1 kn ew wbat you admire and wbo tlve., ~ss!lntlal s..: ., ql .. ConvE\',1lenc~ of being tltted, It I~ well to .'!'I0rk Into It l;Your hero. I would know what sort beds to the borne. (2) proper expo· a s ma ll qu antity or cblcken manure, or a man ·yqu are.. Thls mounUlln of Bfr4; tb the sud; ' (3)' t eXture and fer: as lhis I" ge nera lly free of weed seed . flesb and bon~l. whIch hilS 1:j en traln.e!,! ~\lIl!yl ' ot the B01l, (4) weed seeds ' in 'l'b18 manure Is low In humus and aa an ox for th e prIze rIng? Of all mllU<6I1·'·+ble ." oU •• ,6) .pr,esene9 . of {nacets, and high in p1l\n.t top(l Vialdng .It . the vapid and vacant countennnces, tunlf}ls , ~iSe\\BeB. ::rhe bed s ,., !,hRllld" ,best to use j ust be~ol'e Bo'~lng t~e nothIn g can equal tbat frate rn·lty. Or 'be placed near tbe farm buildings, seed. ' 'perbaps ' you admire thla man .... bo blUI close enougli ' 0 the 1\6n\e t o" b~ Comm c; rclal FertilIzers. cre8~ed .an. ex,!.enslve b}lslness and ~Jlnd y' to water" and enaIlY ' 'Car ed. for Commerci a l rertillzer Is by tar tbto am8ssed a rortune, or attained hlgb lit all ~Imes, T.q.bac~ plant", ·do · bet.- best form In which to apply Illant lIoclal position . ' But docs It not make ter ,wh ell" .,'I lIotected ,. In ... somll w40:t food dlre'c Uy' to ' th !leds. By using a d ilTeren ce Iilow these Ullngs were eltber . by 8. buifdlng on the nortb or thla form' " 'ff are abl e t'o Sllpply read· 'attalned? Or perhaps your bero may Wesl ' 'Wh'e n ' Ioca(ed on a " sll,;ht liy available pla nt rood without In· be a m8,ll ,wbo' haa" reached .hlgh po· ,1Ml1'iftlge:r', .,•••,.I .l~ulU1erl~ · !lIb'p'e. " B!!i1s placed '!l0' 8s ' to -troduclng weed seed or injuriou8 IIttcal rapt. l~e pr. IIldenc,. of tbe J he advantage of the earl y (uogn~ ~ I,seascs ~ At the Germ an. United Stales. \But does It not make aun often produce planta a town experIm ent station the best fe r, a dllTsre nce whether he was sQ·uee7.ed earller_ than -tltlua.l. . tlllzcrs 'e ver aflPl1ed to "tbe . beirS . Is fn by party politics. or whether he baa The ph ysical c haracter ot the soli made up and ' IIOWI\' as fo llows: Equal en by his own Intrln alc worth, apt! • hould be Buch that-tt will not bake parts ot ta nkage a nd ac l~1 phosphate. la tbe. choice of ilie people ? after wetting. ClaYII,· as a ru le. are To e very puu ud of this mixture add Su~.c.~/IS li es not so mu c h In ac blev· tor . tf;llll , r e~lIOn, .• !he , one pound of nitra te of soda and Ing what you aim at. hS In· aiming at rk, sandy loam soils. etghf 'pound s of muriate of potash'. wbat you ought to Bchleve.· Your one inn " Ir'gln lands 'ine 1' hls "ls applied ·'to· the' b eds Bt ' the I' ~r.. ,... · ilhoul'd be to pitch the sca le 01 "toJl " tubacco beds: ' Solll! la·c k· . mte ot .three ,pounds pel' aquare life 80 low t hat you ca.n ottal n perf",'. --'.....~_ ...........uL- bUIlW8 become too , hard a·fter, of sllrtace. 1'h is fertll Izer . is, aPoplle,d i".!ccesa therein. 1'(ater},n" " pr~;v ell\• . rQ~t . , c\~ before sO'll'mg the seed and II rake4 ' Thet'e Is a success whIch Is failure. ,eI~.p'.m .I.L~J~~.,.~f~~e.. _J_o.!l. .~~ ~!anta: If .!~ In. What ctrect hOB S'ICCflSS had upon thl8 _. _...... . Or tbat man? .. Has ' rt m a de blm a bel·' ter man . :'It/bie r and' kfnder; or has It mRd~ him hard and unfeeling : and r~ga D,t.? If, I\Q! . •tllcn . hls, SUJ:C8SS has. been a fall ure. [could not congratu· ~ate' ')'011 If 'yoti Ii'a d ' s u c~eedea I~ mak· Ing n fir e hy burning' up Ii price less paIntIng, n ~ r "ca.n 1 ndmlre .a "l1Jan who !tas destI'oyM his cbaracte r and 80ul In maldng' a rortune or attainIng a posi tion. Th o t mnn hal!! made a most terrible (allllr; ot hili life. S,,,, cese I.n hIlRlnE'Ss, literature, Boclety, pOli t ics, Is often purcbase" by a aub· tr6 ilnd sini s t e r compromise ' wltb Satan. H e takes 4s · np OD : a hlgb . t.!lyu ~! !Iln . and , show~ W\.~\1 the glltler .:if the world. And says : " Ail thelle will r g l'1e ·tbee If' thou 'wllt 'rAil do\\iD' and' I


Should Be Placed Conveniently 'on a Slight Southern Slope and Protected in Some Way---Well-Drained Sandy Loam Soil Is Best.


" FRIll'~


h. OO

or l; rf'88 heen publ "Publi city ~'I III~nLlol)a.l ,

'·lIlo ~ l s. :; , 8:1

th e exec llt

a8~dc lall I n I ." •





No m~r'o' gTac~ru l m'od~ l for II tllcked .blrt 'wnls "'coUld ' be' Inlligl ned 'tban this 'dn lgn, 'w1Ilcb tuns IUto IlI rge BrEel BDd dulrablo fof. atout .womelL Lawn, madras. lIoen or any Of tp e wanted wash materials can be us ed. '. • The pattern (6741) lEi-c\it Iti' stzes' :lt to 46 Incbes bust mellaOTe. ,. Medium size requlrea 3.IAt yards ot ,21 Incb. ,materia) . , .. ,"



TO" proCuNh th18 opalterll ·..,nd 18


10 "Pallern Department." of thle paper. Wl'lte name and add ...... platnly, and ba 11&1'8 Co IIlv••IM IULd DumDer of paUUa...


Bx.& ......... ~ ••••


NA.MJ!l ...

~ - . ............... ..... ; ~........ .

,', ,", . ' TOWN . .. .. ... . ............ . _....... . . .. . . . . . STREET AND' NO .• . ,' ......... ... ...... .. STA.TE .. ...... . .. .... ................. .. .... .

LlAOY'. · EMPI~E ·. DRESS. , .... ~hlhlne'. Su rround lbo" cblldren II wlthpOBSlblp\\,,*~er, ".- . . , ' Smiles , and' . · · laugtVl)f..cp~ t •.QOlbl}lg. ' , ' " , .. L\ll ~1t . children havo music. let them hav & Pictures, let 'tbem' ha,'e laugh ter, fel ' 4' them' · lI ~obd time, noe ' an Idle time., ..hnt ! ul l..ot., cheerCul occupa· .... . tlon., ,~\lI'T,O.t,lIld, ,~hlt4l1- , w'Jh , .all ,IJIP' beavtlful things you ca n. Plant S' ahoufd' be t'ivi!n' !lUn tiil,!' alr"ahd l\ie " blue Ilk,.. Olve th e m to your boys .dlld·' - " girls. I do not mean ror Il d ay or a. . all · thtrYeaT9. We cant . ,tendet);y OIW, day can_nQt

:- .


\vorsb1p 1J1e,"



, 'I - " ', ' . , SUclt · t_ tIn.. · ,. .. .. ,... .. ' .' DQgan~Oh .. m y••ob ..M! .~sn'.t OWleT lin ,',! .on .~·r!':I!cI .!l it;91 w!d .b L9ft~~\V ,'}.UI>:.~ mobIle? Ali" over in t he ould counthry I daill BaY' lie' we·nt / blLi'tlflltfea. ' ....... ' , .. ' RF&D-~~Ilt llvt ... be ,· bl8t., O'WU 00-" ' " counU! . .• .J-le , II&Y/! .,-lte ,4/ld 8-. !.4rnout .. overt th ~r,~, I,~O.~ . a~~hr,,~~,~e d , . fir~a L ,a'--... .. tint oh . . oU!r.ln"-"AV" e6orS'e; 'hli e1(c110n al:.. ... waylt,does. r' ~' Ul ' I I • ", - ~, ,I' """,,-,, .~

.~ ' "




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" ' "

',' Failure Sometime. MlsJudgecl. " " There Is .failure whic h Is success. we learn th is leason of buman , I ., r and It Is one of Ita Important les~r~1:\ -~ sons, that IiVf'8 which aim at low endll 'i;bJe 'dellen IIbowa a ~reU7 ' eDlIOU~ '" 8re often redee med by failure- ·to ai: form or taln tllem. Many men owe theIr 90ul 's' dreB. , with the, cloe'!llb E;Ifec.~•. at ,. ~p sed . alone wilh' II&lv&Uon to their failures. Mlscbance ~ront a!l~ ~~e waist It!}e ,ll~.:I}t1:1'l~.ed; itl . may be allpll~ d 'h~s sba.H ered tllelr rlans, and th ey. The gowh · Ia of aim pie cohltructlOD .. time. have been aRvEld trom careers which and ' (h'e ' hblbe iieamfltresl can " belll. troubl.h ,satin, 8e.'~lln~"and later on ~'ould have le<l to th eir Tllln. Man,. a the 'dellian ' ,wIth- DO lack 01· growth wltb a man whom the world counts a failure serge, . mobale .pr . aQ.,of.,.tbA!, . .pJla~l.. . ' ,Dissolving .. handful bas attained good success, He may wall~ .~!lbrlcB ~fe all~~f?IIr:\!-~I. , . >, "' . The pattern (6739) III cui In .I~eiJ ail 60da Into •__ two.gallon not have much evidence or It In the using on a bundred bank. but he beare nbout with him the to 42 ·tbt:hes tiutit mellsui'e.' T'o"t'iYiani s urtace will give very tnarka or success, In his hody In clean' the 'dreBB' In th. medium' stl. ",IU~ ... lt thlll solution' Is ap.• ·"'v,,.... In A cultured mind. and In aD' quire . 6~ yude , ot, . 3S ,nch , mal...tal, " ot ~ yar~ o~ 8,Il1!Ter !'D.d ,2.1' 1~t4!1 I, plants It should ' b upright soul. bi sprinkling again ,wit'! " One ot the most slIccesstui lIvec of braid, M It may harm +he ever · lived was lhat of St. Paul and ~ 00 ,.. . ' yei at tbe end or his life what d'id be bave to allow t(ir It? 'LYing hi' a 'd un: In Rome It doell not take' ' hlm ,I,o .count \l iP hia. lUIaete. He says,. .,' \, r~' lifO. 5739. 8IZ1I •••••••• "I , be~r. II!, mr .body ~he ~/Ir.~a of the, • t'" , • . t..ord JeslIs." He had lived a wonder. \IIA.IIB ........ . ,.,. ••• '<II 1 ~' ••••• -, ••• ..,.. ·. " ,.· , . ~~l tttl lite, anil tbat ""aa a\)' 'he bad "to IIbow. ' . I nope you are "makln~ a II~CCi!S8 of fOUl: lite. _ I 40 .. nllt ,wa'll, to know ~bat )'our . ba~k. BClio'!nt III,.. nor wh,\\t po~ltlon you bold. But I wolit to kDOW' what m'a rks ' aTe belng" 8taDlPbCt Upon your. body · ,and , BOul. AI'&" t"-r -'tht" /Darks of Inllull~e.rt0e, or. .·;uncODt1'ttIl~ . " ,1l(01~1~\&. 1 temp,e r, ot so'!)(J besettlng all1. ',qt III\YJ' and avarice, and ~n evil mind; Or la ,·_......__ ,·¥our ' IIfb ' gi'owl'tJlt sweeter anil' "iroilg. ,sultlU~lenlll.'l er' !is lIOU . grow 'older? ~te ·Yo.U ! 1ti'O.~~· In truth ~nJ.l uprlghtnelB 'A'nt1! l lbt~r;t~~ ?lfsnth ' " ," I . r,o ... $,9succ wlilch

.,.,. ,..,,, .~






,. "


oe4ee caused" my , uently, lIal~.l Uke,d." ' . ""'_'" hot q,nlt drinking It,





~·as " 'a'"

hllll'rE' trlfutillr

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..,/./ . : ~...


'Sut Limit to E)Clstcnoe of Impecunioul Grandee Waa Not Set by God of Love.


Rep"esentatlve Henry ot Texas, c ontinuing his campulgn against Int el'natlonal marriages, suld at a dinllet· 1J;l _Wn8h l ~ton: "O ld Gobss Gold e's daught er. Lotta Golde. the he lres8, W8S courted tery at t· nuously laBt month at Monf.e 'Carlo by 1\ Spnnl sh gr andee . . . "\-Vherllv6 1' ahe went- walk ing on the terrace. lun cl.\ng at Irn·s. piIlY' lug In the Casi no- tile gra nd ee , 1111 mncHlnte.l n his Poole cloth es, was ot hel' elbow. "The man said to her olle even ing , bptween th e aC~8 of DejanlrQ. In tbe beuutlful Salle Garnier : " 'Mees Goldcr-l..ottu- wl zout )'ou I a ll not ex ist but one for tnight more!'" "'You can only exist ano t her fort· night. Don Guzman? nul till! me . cried th ,beauti ful glrl- 'tell me bow yon 1.'11 18peclty a de l1nlte lim e like that·· "' Hef S. Mees Golde.' ssld t he Span· - ;',';:, ·tard . 'It ~ not J. It Is my cred itors, '.... : ho do Z!l specHylng.' ''

When Wen Fen~ed and Dlvided Into Convenient Fie lds and Lots $10 Per Ac.r e Is 'Added to Value of Property but the Very Best o{ Material Should be U sed. (By H. F . GRINSTEA D.)

Any fa rm Is worth $10 per acre more wbeu It Is well fe nced lind dl· vlded Inlo convenient tl el d~ and loIs. As there 18 more or less work and ex· pense entailed In getting a good hog. tight fence In place. on e s hould get only the best mEttorlnl. }lnd spend more time In setting lind stretchi ng than when t he common barbed wire u used. Wo\'en w ire. even of the 26·lnch IVldth . exerts several t imes th e strain as thnt of the th ree's tran d barbed wire. nnd lhe corn er· posts must be or good s ize , and well braced. Posts cnt In t h e winter and allowed to season tlli t he su mmer before being set will be more sal1sfactory. but this pla n Is not a lways prac ticnble . We have used po sta a rod apart 011 SO BADLY ou r fa rm. bu t I hav e learned from ex· perlence that tbat Is too far and now ' I COUI,.DN'T STAND IT." ( am putting them 12 f-eet apar t. Set tbe coroer or end posts firllt, then drive th e others In line between :for about six months, beglnnlnl ·bl tbem by stretching a wire 011 t be tie pimples breaking out. • I . ""I~"' I"" I ground. Tbl s wire must be s tretched tight; and In driving do not le t the lIcratchlng till the blood came. ge tting worse, 1 couldn't ltieep It "',,!~\,.,: t.jJEs[§~§i§~~~~~~==~~==~========~==ml POSt touch the wire, as It wou ld push 'any 'more_ It kept Itching for about It Olt t of line. month, then 1 went to a doct<;lr , and The work of "getting read y" Is the ,got s~me liquid to lake. It lI!!e~M LMOS T every minerai region wh ether h e was deranged by thirst moel Importsnt ite m In maki ng this 8S It 1 wall going to g6t better. The .' has Ita stortes of 108t mines, and hn.rUsblpB and re n lind Injured kind ot fence. s ince a Quarter or a ,Itching stopped tor about t1u~e ~!l7S , but there Is no pl~ce where hlmselr, or as he belleved, he Wall Bet _but wben It started again. was ~ vep. here exists a better excuse upon by Indians. Wben ultimately 'Woree tban before. The eczema Itched for tbem than the great Ame ri- .reach lng the settlementll he wa l~ .0 badly I couldn't sland It any more, can desert. It Is the lure. of lost bl'ulsed and hewlld~re d bu t stili car'"I went to a doctor and he gave me mines that has cautl@d agrest deal ot Med the wondrous speCimens, rlcb 'aome medicine, but dldn't,..dci ~ny good. the prospectln« \lnd eXploration of lbe wltb gold. We bave be-en bavlng Cutlouta ~m- ' desertll In recent years, and In one Breyfogle made numerous re@rnll -edWI In tbe bouse, 10 I decided to try OlanDer or other you will !lnd that a to the locality of bls find, but conld "them. I bad been ulIlng Cutlcura tradition of a lost mine Is at the pot· never again locate the coveted spot_ Soap, eo' I got me a box' ot CuUcur" tom ot almost every Importaut dIs· In protrac te d ellorts to find tbeso -OIntment, and wasbed olr the all~ted covery_ treasureB be enllsted ~ the aid olt rt ~ th Cutteura Soap three timell a The fame of' Death Valley hall been severnl of his fr lendB who weN! prom· da7, and'- ~ piif'~ 'JuUcura Oint· largely due to the fRet that a num- Inent frontie rs men of those da ?" , :ment on. Tbe first day 'l'~t It on, It ber of glowing stories of loat treas u re but all to, no avail. r eUeved me of Itcblng 110 I caCl\d Ileep have centered about It slnee tbe eal'Lure of "The LOlt Gun-Sight." all that night. It took about a "'/lCIk, lIer daYB of the first explorers who At a time whi!n Death Valley WBJI 'tben I could llee the scab oome oft. '-1 crolsed itB vast a nd mysterfouB aB ilttle known 'to tbe prospector as lit "kept tbe treatment up for three weeks, "'i8I1tel. Corner POlt Anchored, still Is to t,he public t he re was a man 'And my eczema was cured. ,~~re Is tbe well authenticated named BenAett who waB ot a party ol~ "tofy brother got hIs face burued atory ~tbe " Lost Breyfogle Mille," immlgrant_, making their way west- mile may be Btretcbed- and atapled by 'WIth gun-powder, and he uaed Cuti cuta whIch Is '\qJown to many Old-timers, ward t.brough tliat' region. He ba(1 two mlln after everythIng IIi In place 801\11 and Ointment. The people aU and ' the golde~ lure of which has bee~ 'straggled In ' advance of his COQl-' and the poals set. 'thought be would bave s oarll, but 70U a conatant lnct. Uve to prollpecton Set corner postll at least tbr." leet panlona. and being· almost famished can't tIeS that be ever had bll face [or bale a cent ' Then ' there Is tor water he found what Is known all in \.be ground. and brace to .overCome burned . . It was simply awful to look " The Lol t Gun·sl t," tbe Btory of "Bennett's Hole," this being on th41 tbe direct tenillon of tbe wire as well .at before tbe Cutlcura R'emeal~1 whlcb baa . apreaa r· and Wide and western bars of Death Valley. Ben- as tbe tendency t o pull up . (SOI\1> and Ointment) cured It." has become onli' IIf he permanent nett afterward made his way Inttl Eight or ten fee t. 'f rom the .comer (Signed) ltisl Elizabeth GehrkJ. For- legends of t he wellt~tu Inlng world. the -footbllls ot ·the Panamint moun,· posts set tl;te stl''' post. against which rest City, Ar~. , Oct. l.6, 1919. A1tholUtb The "Lo'at AJyord," _s'Qm ' wh, re In talns, lome 20 miles to the westward. the corner post Is J9 be braced_ Cut a oC uticura Soap and OIntment are sold lhe western 'verK'!~ of Deal.'oP Valley, Rere he found a Bprlng ot good watelr big square notch In tbls post a foot by drugglstll and dealerll everywbere, haa about it a tang of' l'OInqce like aud camped, as' best he could. to M e from the grounq, to' rec~l~e t~e end of .. lIample of eacb, with 32-page book, that of 'the : Bpan(sh ' u(a:."ures> And cuperate. He was not a prospectolr t be brace, Bnd a ·slmllar' notcti -should will be maUd tree application to there II "till an<?ther :treasure but waB attracte d - by the metalll'~ be cut til the eorller post three 'feet ·'Cuilcurll.," Dept. L , BOllton. pertaIning J o the dlsco:!tery Quality· ot cropplngll that were III from the grdunci to receive the other ....... ' ,- ~. ' taln 'ot Bolld black sullphu~~ta:_ of great ty about tbe spring anll· end. Means to Enjoy· Closing Yellra, ver. soinewhel:e In This wf\l a large part of the Hay ing made a million dollars by Panamlnta, by a ' I t nggJlng ' Pl!orty 01 ; strain' on post, but In order t he p~actlc e of law alnce be quit poll· Immlc:rants, wh'o made their'" way_ Bennett. atter great burd- to muka ellectlve, and overtlclI, former Congressman and Gover- through that regjoD' hi 185<1. , .. and wandering, tlnally mado come tbe to vull up ....'ard· on :nor Fr,.nk 8. Black, aged ftfty-elght, TheBe 8tol'Ies all gtve to that region out to settlements In tbe fartbe corn~r e. double IItr~a of .baa confirmed tbe reports tbat , he. h'a s a coloring' and allurel!l~nt 'tbat D:\~e. oe CaUtornla he stili car- smootb Np. 10 Is put ~ r.oulld botl! 'roUred. - "Arter a certain point ~ It wortb wblle to h ere 'relate them. lJe'"lUltm of t.bls heavy, sllve..,v posts from 't he of tbe strliy POSL ip ' reached It iBn' t money a man IIboU~d .. . Tile . Breyfogle. . later obtaining a gun thu to tb~ 1!ott~n1 the corner' poat, or • 'W~ork for, hut time. You, can't deb It wal somewhere back In the early a sight, Bennett took th e gun \luman nature," he s.a18. sixties when. aU - l be southwelt wiaS th. ~ ore to a blacksmith shop IIn~1 an '.·arld · and sparsely settled had ~ Eight fashioned out ql this. met-T.o reFLOre a nonnal action to IJver, Kid- ItUi " neya, Swmaob alld 80"0118, tftke ,Garfield country, that an 'early pioneer of the ai, whlt b tbe blackBml th told him wafl 1'.... ~e mild herb luaU,.. All drul:irlata, detl@rt tilountalns, namely James sliver, a'ld hence the story of the "Los1t. Dr_yfogle, • . prollpec~or roB,de bls- way Gun.-slgi4t mine," whlch ' Beunef! a.M On thl Tr~lI. Into tbe, nea~ Valley-·reglon, .and :witb liis fjo~eillis atterwafd searcbed fOlr "poe I ' your , fiance kno", your (he of a burro, 'tIa,,': explorlng alld ln l vain" and ~ores have lost tbeh~ Lotta 1'" . , the ~ fWieral ~OUhtaIDS, lives (l'7.1i1g ~o Ilnd. . ·!WelJl-patUY.~':-Fllegende .eas~l'tl . verge" e' or' the' ;-great, ' , J?eg·lek·~lne" Bomewhere In d.esola.r.." ' [Ul4;\ Vla,-, s<?uthe.ast4!t,n (~all1.o,rnll\! 'I,a one of tlMt !'! But I;>Ur-rOB,' ,then , b elt au~hentl~ateCf1: and ,most famOul. . . , ,o t t be desert. 0( a1l lo'st

In the aam e way at th e surface or the ground . A m odification of tbe Illl chor bru ce Is made by rllnn i ng tbe wire from the top of the s eco ur! 01' stay post to the h.ol lom or th e ('OruCI- post, I hen set· ling horizon tal bl'nce bet ween tbe ' IJO!lt~ Ile ur th e lOp. ['01' a good fell r.e ( pref cr to have th e PO:;tll sct In the enrly s prin g all d

'~:"',:i}~CZEMA ITC~ED




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~DESPO , ,


Lord: Ro'~b'!·~ ;:'R'hra;e~~."':. .~. ; LOrd lt~ebei'y.. a- m~ter 1!hrl!lIe'!lak. er, baa ,credit . for : a:. phrase wblpb . b~t 'never orlrl"bat.,d. ,,"When ~beJ'adli~e68e(1 'tJi'e ~dlUlra ,o.t ~be, 'eD\P\r~tpi '~he. ~ltll Clty:1n J,une 6, ',19q4), b.e ·' W&ll ' reported ' ne,\r.os HPl!r' .'to have ·a,-,d tha1t "rllttllng Into' 'barbarism'!' DnraIU',, ' word ';ratti1blJ~' :~ j~:~t~~· t::~~:i~tI8~:;;~"D:: and mill . . . . .'

Anchor Brace. stretch the wire a month later, MtBI' the posts ba ve settle d, and the weather becom es warm. Tb ere cou slderable contraction and expa~slon d ue to heat a nd cold, so a fence stre tcbed In mIdsummer h! more . likely to re main tlgbt. In stretcblng the wire. always 'asten the 8tretche r to t he e nd or corner post, lind not to Borne object beyond. just because It Is mOI'e con venie nt. I have tried t his and know that unles8 Ihe end poats r eceive the tens ion when atretchlng. they will give as Boon at! the stretcher Is removed. A stretcher wlt b two levers, one at the top and aoothe r at the bottom Is Ihe best type. since on uneve n ground tbe wire may be s tretch ed to conform to the Burrac;e. Tho mOSl Important thing In thD co nstru ction ot Ii fence Is bavlng posta IV.ell set. fo,- without tbls It Is ImpossIble -to IItretell heavy ,,,oven wire. Never try to stretch more tban to rod s a t once. and it tbl8 Is tour·t oot wire It wUl r equire eo01'lnou8 tensIon, A part tbe crlnw should · be drawn out· of the wires_ Nail to every



We have for our

Seri Stor

l·he Glow of


Ua,ro l ine S, Burn!! W ll" npp(.int Po guard ion of til " ... ! .. n III h:\l " tll d ~ B Ir' H... mi ll I)r .

and Conveaience

Green Seal

Rcal E:;!at .) -:·r.ln>icrs ,

An accoun t w ith li S is a very conven icnt invcl'tment- any amoun t can be deposi t ed at a llY time al\4 will bea r in terest from date. If preferr ed, y our d eposits ca n be h an dled by mail a nd w ill rCLcivc promp l and careful attenti on. W rite for boo klet describ ing ou r 5'J., Di vid elld s with ·' Security. that is Absolu te."

\Villlllll l \V . A rnul d t." -\, !Ul1 lrOIlIl Mo l~ rll Y lu t III COI IV! ll . • 1 " lid " 11l ,, r

o lI H&l ch,rul tn ,, !'ol I) •• IIi ", ) l;lr .) !'~

Chu, " I"" !1I 111

G 2:1 " ,·r,''''





j<'rankll ll tow n·

ship, 1;!\211 " " .

-to-Wear Paint"


Charltl8 N . DiI .. tD ~ h I " .I ,Il u \V 1!:It) 5:1 ,,,: rr , '1 11 1101 II LIlIH'

Gem City

.. & ...' . "


H hll. wh~D,

BuDd iag aDd Loan Asso clado n

0 ') 08 Id ... rlltioo s .

Does This Mea n Anyt hing to You ?

Chtl rlcl< 1:1, UII menll< !I nri Auotlt ltl B . Clem eots to Frall l! Br"dd,, (l k I\nei

Da)'1O D. Ohio

ORCAN IZED 1887 AS8ETS " .500.000.QO. SURPLU S $105 ,000 .00

Jeao l'" Brnd dock , I rn ot ! n W "y ne II eltpreues the maker'. faith in the produd. towuRb i P. f7UUU, Labor it the principle toat Edward ~Dook ",HI Cll thnrlr! t' ... in paintiDg. The material .hould be-the best. I:In'Jo k to J . F . Suollk, Imet In Uum I1 l0U tow n!lhip , ~ t .\IJd other oon YOU CANNOT AFFORD ANY OTHER KIND. -"!'!!!'~~~~~~~!!!'"'~~~~"""'~ ~~~~-----~~~=- sid orlltloD !I po. aALa BY . W tlfon] C .811111111 11 alld R Hudllon VI! George G. Rook, lots io Frankl in. f:12i UO We want to put An oll Wull ill g' li ollUer to .J e nni e Brnbllk ur, lot ill b' ruu l! hn , 100 Aliae II.: Whit non! to G nice Win. ., nett. traot in Olellre reek towo llhi p. It Is "pUy IIhat 110 muoh ex'ra It Will start bU S IWAYNESVilLE O"UR~HES. ness for us. We offer 1910 Stodda rd-Day ton . 30 h. p. Runabou t. f lllnd otber aonslderlLti oD8. work Ilooompanies the beautif ul fully DR.H .E.H ATH AWA Y equipJHld. in excelle nt conditi on. for $660, N, J. CntfUw et III t o MaSiida !\pr ln~ d"YIj. We oould eDjoy , them We have 5 more Stodda rds of difftlrWlt sizes . also RepuiJlics. SpeedMethod ist Episcop al Chur 4 BamilLou lI.od J. M" Hamilt on by bHtter if WI! bad more Wayue eviUe'. Leadln jl DenUd wells. Cadillacs, HupPl!, Parrys and Ov erlands , time, and It ReT. 0 . 8. GraulI8r, Pastor. sheriff, lot iu F ra.klin , '17:17 50 . undal' Sebool. I): 15 a. m. Mornlngber Office in Keys Bldg. the !Opring We can 8uit your requ iresewing , houseo leaning Malo Bt , Ohio Automobile Co. v ice. 10 ISO a . m. l!:volJllJ g '"Tvlc", ,";: 0 p menta. Come and see us at lieo rlle 13. -Mon'g omHry to Wil- 8"rd eni og, flitti ng .bens and batch. m . Mld"tIIIlr Prlyer lIIeeJ.l ng. 7 p , m. ,o!,ce , u they will go rapidly . 14 N . ]cfferaon St . liam E . Dare, trbo~ in Wflsllin gton i OK ohloken s, were Dal' IOn, Ohio. n ot 1111 needin g St. AugustJne's Catholi c Church . , ow o s hlp, $1 anJ other oODl!ide ra "t.ten t ioD at onoe. Father LouJa Y!1I18 tioos, A;LTE R M()flLU~B, MilOS " ver, "cooo<l Sunllny of til e wuulb a8 HI. Oonnsotlon .. MI~r.v E . . L'lne to W, il , Berger. U : OU a. III. , The omoe boy trOI' ODe ot the larpet • lot In Fmnkl lo, '1975. ~ Fune ral Dlrer.tor. financial house. I.D New York recentlY •• • a~rrj' St. Mary's Episcopal Chu~• _ _..:..._ _ _ _ _......_ _ _ _........,..._ _ _ _......"""'vv Sou tha rd to Fred Bra Dt found a pacta. . 0( _ _ _ _ _,..,.,,.,... und Ollila Brant. valuable papen. lot iu Llluunon. It Rev, J. 11'. Oadwalla der. lwe tol' , , He promptl y ret\U'De4 the propert J' Sunday Scbool, U:30 n , m Teleph one day or nigbt. New ',Suit. J . A. HUQy~n exeoutor of 'he os lind otber oonsttl e n !l. 10 Ita owner and wu tcld he waul. \'1ce. 10 :3 0 a , m . BoIs CommunMor91n g se. : Ion tho Unt I Valley phone No. 'I. f.oUR SUlldllY ot encb monLh N wtoll'- L. Bunnel l filed 8Qit tate of H lin n aa ~rl\bllm, deoease be ~Dt . a .u1tabh . reward. I James Consta ble to William Ga r d. "And, b,. the 1r&,.," ...d the v-at.. I Dietanoe No. 69-9~. Lewis Stewar d praylnj{ that filed hie iDvento ry lind apprais e. riD ger. traot, $1 and other oon~id. rut o1'ner, ... baU I Hud It to fOU, eAl'e Chriltl an Church . , • reo'"I",,1' be appoin ted for t he part. ment. eration s. Rev. L. O. TIIompeon. Putot. or - ,.. Mention fnc the Dame of ~ . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO • ", ~J8hip of' JJounaU and Stewar d, Bible SCbool. 11:10 a. m. l50clal moetlq• 'rheodo re T , Matthe ws to E'hel arm. Cb arles E Lewis. II.dmlDlfl t ra tor 10:10 .. m. OhrIathll l Endeavo : " that the r. 1:0U p. m. 1 Bnneh .,. lold a nd pro. ef the eat~tli of Henry Runt . de. M. 'Hathaw ay, 34 1 aore8, 11 and om....... .HarYe"Na"," aid the bor: "lad It ear9 Bermon bT pastor eve!')' al~rJlllto sunda) ''' lIb""'" 0 1 ...." -.. • of the Dam.. DoNn 80cial club, No.. 10:10 a, m. and 7:80 p . m. Willar d J. Wrigh t cealed, fileo his Invento ry and a p other oon!!lcte ra'ions . (; c~· • ,0 ...., .), llut ~~ .u..t.praiBemen t . HidcSt e Friends Churct .. i , /-' Comml6!ll0ners' Proceediolt!l. S&mlJel;~;t_ 8111l1'1I ruedsu lt agalDs t 1 Jobn W . Cox, adm Firat D~ Mee ting:. 0 :00 n. m. F lnt Da, I lDls trator of DR. "'.J: MILL ER, Sobool. 11 ;11" a m . Four&h Day Meeting r BlllsLebtlno n los & l'Jool Co., aDll15IIL" 'I,;,.ora:' ~~ney, Nn. Hanna h Cox, , ",A. deoealJed, filed hie a f. 10:00 a . m. I ' / ooal for court house, 110,52 , yv. C. ~8DUUl, .RoY, 8mUh tldllVit of final setUem eot. Tartoo ,' oement and ooa1. 117,60 . • • • ..-... ...... ... DEN TIST•.• ~. IU~ , »a,be ~o" 't ~.rtit1on ' or Orthod ox Friend _ ••••• s Chura .. , Mar,. V . Wilson , guardia n of E ffie .i' Ed. S, Conklin . stamp!!, '5. .~t7) . lRObe.-t 'J. 8hawb an i8 at- Fannon , minor, Mra. Ruth M~)'. Putor Lebll Ads will be iDl!crLe.l un<1er 'bl ,. OlIlce 1D filed her flrst aod , 0 s head for 8abbath Sohool. Il :all a . m . R"j(Ulilr ohun!h ', Natlon~ Bank non P atriot, llUblisb ing examin ation twenty · five cenls , to. three ID sortlOIl.l servl00. 1.tol'Jl~1' f()r ~e .p~t",tlft . . BI~. ! ,Waynesville, floal aoooun t , 111 , qo '" ' III , CbrlJlUa n .E1I4oavO T. ,,:1100 using oot moro than five 1I0es. 7:30p _ of t reasun . 132114. A. D. Mtriokl Ar, ~ .•t.'J.'~" . ,. . '(•. " ," ;'.. ~ SamulII P . IiImith was appol. ted service s as Inflrma ,";;!.~IK~:I:I..·>.\.,· '~1DIDOa PIe.. ,P roceed lnp r.Y dlreoto ra, ---..-.. w"w._.. ,......,. ................... .............. .dminl ltrawr of the estate of M~r y 155.90, Bam D Heulde , feel and ~" '.... ~~ tliat :'Ii~ 'h~ri1f Ann Smith ~t " bond of '1000 FOR MLE expens es . I8D. IO. Charle8 J. :...' "Ulli preilllla4. ;., ~e Or. ,(,JnJr;r . 'l'h~ wUl ot the lute Minnie C Sohwa rtz, maps. 13 . l.ingo & Blair la Orier to pa,... ~aok80n. of Frankl in lp w \11 repalre for jail range, . ,. . F. P. E~GB-White Flymo ut·h . ~ '~e PeGP.le'. Rock to probat e, Forgy, bo"rd and Wt\t!h:D g, ' 43.54. egge, addres ! Adra. G. Lewts, Oomp h,.; I' '\V ",Law .Robla .n executo r, ot the Xenia City Work bouse, bo~rdlng phone 69 2, Wayne svllle, Ohio, Aana. R. IiImlth T~ 8I,$81e of ~. Pe-arl Robillon, deoe/lll~l~;itS b;o;it()Nj~y withont leavprll! onl'rs, '21 GO. OhlOji i' o ' r rulated .• REFUNDED. . ,lie "ooon ordere d a 24 ~Ied hili invento ry and apprais e· sizes for fresh woundB. Culver t Uo,.· oulver t _ pi I, '20 80. . B:N f.R c-:snoo Q~~~'~;$ef'~"!LC ; Pi.:f IG ~r -""k ment. ' ,t ~ackl and lIbonldeTlijbnma. 0 2Iio alie for Family Ie" 10 Jle~e, . 1 IOJd~ Inquire of J. iait~~~';lIq~l'7,'~t"hl••ai. for . J"mea W. · ~81well, exoout or 01 F. II, Oolline, brld~e r,!p rs, ,17 30 Inques t over body 0!t. lda Miller R·. lileey, Corwin , Ohio. PAmLE 8S IILISTE R estate' of Sarab J. Creewe li, filed Jamee, 18 25. guaranteed to emre ~ M1ller, reo a lila Invent ory .ad' apprai semen t . funder of tax, '4Frauk Curb, Sweeny,8pUn&.. oePt~f James. Ber Plymo uth Rock benll, ,"fV!",,~lI!JII~ JOl8lllh:.l, . .'~.'Ipp Qn.the . Jam •• L, Rlohar da, 'pardil of pone or ln of cr.w, refund er of IIUlIBCIIB. or money ones. Inquire of Ralph . Price GOO. ~Qt~;&'JrJlllJul I.'bHllloe. - '8b~ ,he 8I~te of Barnha rt Smean , 1m• Johu Terwil leger, tlJx, 21 cents. r~. under. ou tax, ler, WaYDe lville, Ohio fOR ~ II'( ALL DIN_ IS a . ohll. ~le. filed' ~I.· first aOoouo& . 60 oen&s. WOllam, . Yandev ee!, GANG PT,oW l.n ,ood WUlIr.m ebB-no,. wa'Ii ' appoin ted rsfund er oD tu, ." Benry Os&ion. Inquire of 1'. 0 : .... . ' _ )....!I~OK.\lltleJ'luaiKlllee or , Carolin e Vier lin, at a for the Gazette borne. rerund er pf ~'U:, 11.15. Ed. 8" U. ~, Wayne svlUe, .OJaio, ," .... ~ad 'or t3QOO. ward T. Heeton , of tax, e5.3Ya. ' J W. Ward W&I appoin&ed ad. 6' oents. Olalk J and Sarah J. :er,hill\111.1rrar~r of tlie estale of Samuel ll row CnUlv ator, Bennet t. I centa. ' Laura dOes llood 'Work. A:.. D. Kibbey , of 'lilt, 28 F. O. lawln, R. 1>, I, W,II..lllfNIYlII18. admint .traaor of Oente. Ohio, pholle 61 S%. LiUleto n, ~ uQ~~no final ac. After GrJp J:.GG8-I ndlan Runne r Duok ell~· run· down system . good .train, 760 per leUln, ~:~~:~~ r~:~~n~ ::'bl~lao~ !k of a.p- Inquire of F . Bldhaw ay, WayDe e" I) , with v.1lle, Ohio. al4 ; and kidney e often . , attaok of·: thll wretch ed CORN -A orib or good-te et- \1.._ _ _ _ _ _ __ :1'he greAM st '_D~ then is ad Leamln g lleed oorn- a com !r.1'_oI..... Bitters . the IIlorlon8 tonlo, wUl IIrow. Inquire of Nathan. -----------. and re,ula, or of Jone". Wayne 8ville. Ohio. 11017 and kidney s. Thou. " . . that they wonfrom pure Fawn and White 8tr'en!~blen the nerves , India Runner·duoka, choloe lay· ONLY $1.50 p4..rIlIl~pre to. j ng strAin. II 50 P!'lr BEST OFFER • of 12. -llprHts after aq at- £ D. Benkle , R. R . 6, W'~VIIl'e81'rillle. McCall 's Magazi ne This is the best It . sutTerl ug, &r,Y 0 " Centerv ille, Phone 721. " is ,positively worth oeotp. l:Jold arid offer. we have.ever ' .• U;1Eh:fi&"8~ j;UI.[U.ll'j;lllID ~ guaran teed by s~.oo year. Sub· inade. Send ,Us your C. R. 1. Red Eg~8 , BeB' stralo . cribe anow and get name accotn~ied • . of layers and prize' wIDne~lI. ~--... --the~Miami, Gazette 75 ote. per setting or 16. , OU' ra~ with the motley : on 100. Mre 1J1Iu$ Ross, X' mil,e8 ,. l" I I th t whloh flllst of Do-lds, Lubllonon. Ohto v(& Ilorn a S e on Iy S.:.. __ - • ...;_1- _. ... ·8 P hontl 409 4. a 17 wakes 11 oomme roial pr<?duoUon 'of . I. BDnu~1l1· rhe out.u~ · for. BA8Y BUGG IEt3-on e JI'~ldiDg; LO Ilooerding to the Unlt~ . Statell and both ill, ~ood shape •..,.''' .... U'1t'~ , Surve,. was 4».3G7 ~hert q uire at thi. 9ffio~ for lnrorm . . :.l~. aijon. ton90, vH.lued ut '1,201.842. :Leas . ,. ,1.7' than 4 ton~ was import ed .. About . . OOIl haIr of the boru' oonllum ed Is A8~!~h~~! 1~0..~~~v"J used ib the enum.eU ng ipdustl' Y for or 'rade. Close to n""nt." m~ktng kitohen and s H.llitary wars. publio bighwa y i I.... ri../,v,,", Eaoh yellr some ne", ulle is fouud churoh a Dd sohOOiI ~tl.te:n:lb~ted~ .type ~rid addrei s ...·A. for th.s _ mlDerll l _ • _ __ 2, Wayn8 llvllle, Outo. .. 111"'h-(~Il!;g Shetlan d Why He W . . Lat. .t-r..... tl ..H·...... ' Childre n to t • C. :~ ui! Orp,ln~:ton8, bell.t fe.,1jP,aita'I,1I •. Wbat mude you eo, late..?" to the hi~h . e.... , 'hUe or "I met t5miths on.!' , p't1:>fttCti,on whatev er bY' the ~i Uiug or . " ,Well, that Is no reason :wlly you Bqx 7~, Pbo:De shOuld b" 1m hour )atUrge ttin'g home to ' :

6 Norlh Mabl, OppOBite Old Oourt Howe



Buys an Automobile ~~~J:~fo~~~ f 1000 Buys a Better One ~~~~[~fi!,~;;;

J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio.




-----_ ...- - -







Ola sslB ed Ads

/ "".. r






A Wonderful Offer!


Now is _You r Cha nce





e-I -eo-r--.I











Honest Joe M t.U~


Editor and Manager

lu ....IVIluce) . . • .... . 51.0U • O~


1~ .. illl4iJ'~~ODS ... .. . ........ 30c

Oc aOc DOe


l Oe




Ahs _ IIhrgllret J ohn alld Mi~/I Zoe W. V. Lackev has disposed of his Dulle were Gem City villtor8 , on old antomobile and purohased a W ea Desdoy. IUlfer OUII. Mn. t:t.nDllh Lewlll !lnd dllug h ter Mi./I Lavi Da Bootil, who Ifill eev. .\lrll . MiDnie Bloomerlhlne. of Day eral dllV s ago a nd injurad b er hip II! tOll,tlpent Tnellday with lir.lI.nd 8t-i11 uonfined to. bel' bed. wltll lt tt le Mrs . Walter .lanney. improv ement. ::;. fi. B .. llleH Ilod fAmily vlp.itf'd adO~"8 Fred, of OilY tOil , WUII call Mr . and Mrs. P. Ie Penol' I\t· 8pring lu g ou uld trlfmcill be l'e 1 8i1~ wt'elr.; b" ro. on 'rnellday. h e il! tn tlte iu su rnuoe bUt:llnet>t:I. Wllunr CltUk and family motored The (uDu ly 01 l'llU!I. U. U .. ydllok to Lehflnon, on , Slltllrdqy. gave him 11 plt' ... ~l\ tl\ birt.hdav sur. Mrs. U. JoI, Lll.w b wa" ca lled to pri~e 0 11 8uodll.)·. t aytou 00 ~'rld" y au KOOOou t or tl e Mis8 Ethel Hu"ldnll. of Ubelltor , dll ,th of h Al' nephew. HAil I"ttlo,V. ga ve au .. ddre~s lit th e Cnristian ."r. "nd Mrs. L4I~t,er Keuriok and Eudellvor meetin j1; 80 nol1Y oytmiug Mr. II.nd MI'I. J . B. Th utlltlS II.tteDd Miss t:lu.rllilliu) Uuok WII.. the Kue!lt ad the K. of p, Banque t at ()enter of {rlt'ods iu liarve,} II burg la~t week. Ville, on Frid~y evaoln~. adr. I1nu Mrs, lill.rvey Mills, of Mesdames Matih.lll Em rlok and (JOIUUl\)U~, were vi8iUng among rel~. CuRllie Cox were In o l\y ton shop Uve8 b6rtt the latt Jr put of I .. llt pi II 61; on Tuesday. wee k. Milll! Zilla Glth"ns i6 on the slok Mrs. VirKinia Rooney ball !Je6n \l et. Allo Ain. Fran~ BurDeU has very slok wlth tonsilliti•. Mra. Ellzabetl,1 Fle'oher Is oonfiDed b.. en mlloh worse the Pallt week but I. sowewhllt Improved as thi. time. hal' hOOle by illnM!!. Frank Woolley and famlly, a1 Ma!iter Robert. Mendenball hili O"yton, were Blladay guelll8 ot Mr . been having a lIevere attaok of and Mre. WllIiam Brown . rheumatism . Harry Kenrick and children and Mill!! Emmll. Yeo hilS gone '0 Xenl .. C. B. Kenrlok, of Centerville, Ipen' t. make bel' howe wi\h a !!Iillter, Sunday with Mr. aDd Mrs. LeIter Mrs . Antram . Konrick . Mr. and Mrs. Horace Collett en Mr. and Mrs . J . R . FensSermaker tertained n. large numbllr of friends motored trom Dayton on Friday Friday in bonor ot Mr. Uol\e~ '1i aDd .penS a oouple of daY8 'Iltb JJr. birthdAY. Lt. C.tI. Brock aud family. Bert Graham aDd family, of Day Almost A Miracle tOD, lpens HatllrdllY evenlDg and ODe of th e m ost "tarUing ohllDgell Bunday with his parent. here . ever seen io aoy man. accordiDI to Mr. and Mrs. WllliaUl CreigMon, W B . Holsolaw, Clarendou, Tex ., of Dayton, .pent ~Ilnday in our was efftloted year!! ago in his brother. " He b ad s uoh a dreadful yll18le . Qnite a nOIDber of rel .. tivea and oougb ," he - writes, "tha t all onr famIly thought be Will geinl into friends from bere attellded 'he tu consumptlon. bnt he beg' n to ule noral 01 Gall Stacy f\t Miami Cbepel, Dr. King's New OI.oovery, and waa completely ollred by ten bottles . Oorwln, oa Mondav morolng Now he is lIollnd Itond well and Don 't be tlorprlled If you ba.,e an weighs 218 poundl. For many attaok of rheoma'ism this spring. yetire our family haa uled tbls wonJust rob ,he affeoted partl freely derful remedy tor COUihll and Colli. with Chamberlaio'. Liniment and wUh exoellent reBult.," It's quick, and guaranteed. It will lloon diuppear. !:Iold by .. ll iAIe, reliable Price 5G centll and 11.08. Trial 'bot· del1ler •. Sle free at all druggist!!.


YOO' wUl find tban Uhamberlaill's it; -.nd -see how , rellet . For sale by

methoda of "break. liiliill'''iJ~ Ill.'''' "from .ittine are or081, the innooeot ... . .nlrllo a&'I.....'''_ 'to blame for their tlnUeet way Is tbe . i, il! neoeuary so - =:r..:....-. ~'~~~'101lIi· place the ben COOPi alone, with al t--,tbe freM meat Fo:W'. ',Il_lbl... .I.hb ,,"Ji _S .... The IDeat bl~re.... 'he egg whUe the hen ia





- ..- - -



~ iet e'oveplpe rilM. Tell you we take 'he nery leneth ·ohalk. Do It do'YD and there


'0 od 'be ilJi.I!~ltb, liver, fillln, !J<~lJJ"n'.. !JU".U'., 'bat

Mi.. Sarah Itforrta il Iytnl Tery dtlD--'Uiiy ' m a' 'he home of her KVq> Tbe ~ooial given Tbur8day nen nephlw Walter MQrtil, 8&11' of town . In, by the LaIllea' Aid wall quit ell The C. E. tJooi.'y of tbe Preaby· Inooeu, the reoelpts beiug over terl~n obureb gave a supper in the 145. IIlls Annie Madden wes thll TowD t:lall, laat Friday evealng. fortuoat9 reolpient of the quti'. Mrs. 8en'TbolDU, lof Spring Val· Dr. Jbria lit. Itomine enEertalned Ie,., wbo is weU known around here at dlaner Sunday Mr. aod Mr•• la very low a' thll wri*fD~. Joele Underwood and. litUe daua h Mr. C. V. MallOD ha. 'p otohased ter. 'he Turnboll property on Willi' Mr. Tom Welob Is the gnlllt of FrankJtn and Ii. D. Smith, of Day· relatlv. in Iowa. ton, hall alAo purohased the Josepb IIr. Carl ihldaker attended the Rna' preperty, north of town danM at WaynMvilll, Wriday niaht. Mayor Wa'ion aDd John Weaver YI.. Sara Baydeot vlaU.d Mi811 were tranlloC1nl bUliness in Xenls, BeleD Barril, . last week. la" Sa'urday. Zephie Underwood motored Chas. Ryan and famUyattended to Xenia Satnrday,. rltnrnln~ h ome 'he funeral of hta aliter In Dayton, Sunday. last Friday. Tbe Iaa' number of the leotore Fred .oyl. II impro.,ing slowly. collr.. il ven Friday 8nnin. by Mr. Mn. Wm. 0111, of 8elmoa', vieitad Blanohe Willi I Thomp.oo, w... her mo'her· Mn, Oema Dill, much enjoyed . Added iu'erellt wall lu' &turday. tabn tD Mre .. 'J'br)wpson beeanee or Ohu. Frown and iamlly, of Cor. lIer belot( a rllh.ive to Rev. A K . .. in • .,lalted relati,..,. here lut 8un· 8arrent, of 'hil P],lOfl . day. ' . Mn . •enry :.tnrphy and ohlldren, Laoy Peterson and wife, of Day. or Morrew. wire entertalne,) at. tbe toD, attended tbe ltlrthday surpri... I ho'epUabl' hom" fir III'. and Mrs. whloh wal liTeQ for hili father J , Wm. Baney. dnriDg 1111$ "'flek II. PetereoD, la.' Suoelay, 11111 Olara Bl1tton. of Clncinn ,ti, Roy MarlhaU, wife and baby, of apent tbe week.end wish her p"r XeDia, vilite,l •• ... Jamel and ' ent. a' 'heir hOUle in the country . wife, 1a.t Suoday, Drl. lIaria M. Romi •• and Mary •- • Leah Cook attendeil the Warren You win look 'a ROod wbtle before u.un'y Medioal Sooietyat Lebanon yoo 8nd a beUer medioloe for coogh. and oolda 'han Ubamber. on TU8Iday. They tlnjeyed a talk \tllo'l Conab Remedy. It no, only on Nephrltl8 by Dr. Martin FiBher, givee reUef-i' ooree. Try It wben of Oiooinna'i, ",boBe researcb il as. you bave a OOUlb or cold, and yon treotinl moob "Uent-Ion . are certain to be plealed with the prompt curt! whioh it ,ovlll e1leot. For sale by all -dealers. It Looks Like A Crime I --~-~-~.-----to .eparate a boy from a box of . Corwin. B.oklen's Arn!"" t:;olvt) hit:! J pimples, bolla. scratohes, knook", 1151'1. AUoe MoKInaey haa been Ispralnl and bruises demand it, "nd • iaitID. ~er dallghkr In Day'on, ,Its quiok rellef for burns. I'cilids or the paet week: outs i8 his rl~ht . Kepp it bandy for I Millll nora BUlea wal shopping In boya, al80 girl. Heals everyt.blng . helllaltle Bnd d Jell ~ It quiok . Uo· Xeoia. I.. , Wedneeday. tqoaled for piles Only ~6 cqntll at Mr. J. W ••y WN a ~und ..y vi.itor aU druggists. ., the home ~, J 01. Bt.ey. - - -........--~----A. M ..: 'Zen O! ~n, Grlloville on NOT SO WITH US



th.' hu been mother kJ be keepe YOIl as DieM, gin "flIl of warmed JUII of hot w~k. . - and ·he. wHl l~ 00o&8a"'411




.- .


Wi ll mak e the season of HI! :2 at J. K. Spen cer'~ [arm, near Turtle C'C'ek Church, I ' ~ mil es Irottl Orl'g,)Jlia, '1111il e~ from \Vaynes\'ille, O hio .


Harry Purcell Having bou~ht Harry Pu rcell :l\-J7ti:l, of C. H . Surface, he wi ll mak e t he season of 1912 at my stables.

TERMS $Hi.OO to ins ure a living colt to stand and suck. Care taken to prevf'nt accidents. Season due when mare is parted with.



\V~ sired by O hio 's grt·a tes t spl'ed 1101',(" Jlobh\' Burns, a nd has plenty of size, lI'eight 12()O p(Junc\ s, a nd a perfect di sposi tion . Com petent judges ha ve p ro n!)ullced him to be nil e !)f th e very best ind ividuals uf the gel lOf his n1ltecl sire. Havi ng buth a produ cin g sire a nd dam, tugethe r with hill individuality makes him one of the best stOt'k ho rses in Southern Ohio, s tandin~ at so nom ina l a fee.


!.-----.---------_z::=::_ _ _ _ -

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Tbe followin g r e port, refer aDoeto wheat nnd o't h er orops , is oompiled from fet urn!! reoel VAj from . ffiolll 1 corres pond cntfl of thll! Ol'partment:

TERMS $ !5.00 to in sure a liv ing colt. failing to a ttend season regularly or parting with mare before con dition is known, forfeits the insurance fee . Care will be tak en to prevent acciden ts. but no responsibility should any oct: ur.

Wh ellt-Cnnrlltlon com pl1red with ......... .. ....... l\1 por oent . Wint e r 13 Lr illy-Conriitiou oom I)IlTed wi I h n Vtlru v e ...... 70 "er ocnt . Rye-Uontii ti on oo mp" r ed wit·h Ilv 3r8gc .. ...... ..... ..... .. .... 74 pil I: cent. Corn-Co ndi tfon in crib compllred wit·h fl verlli 9 .. .. ....... .... 78 par cen1 Frnit- Prollpeot campti red wiSh norrunl yin ld .. .... " ..... " , .. 67 per cent .

averu ~e ......

Zain Valley Phone

Tbe a"!lr,,!~e prlOeK r f Kr .. IIl are a. follo\vs; Whe nt , 960 p er bu i oor., 700 pel' bu. i barl ey . 520 per bu. i Ollti , 550 per bn . i r .y@, 870 pAr bn i p O\Atoes , n.34 pill' bu; hay, $13 per son. Preser.t ·oonjitlOn of Ohio's1Vbeat\ OI'Op is poor. (Jul'respondents estl . ma'e It Itot 6 L per oent oompared wltb lin an:uge . In IOlltbeal,ero saotlon plant. appeors to have luft'er. ed Irem Inillmolent IInow protection &nd has been further damaied dur. log past mOltl'h by alternAte thaw-


237·3 ~



.======LIVERITESI======~ Being prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they £Ieanse the System and Purify the BIQod, and Tone the System, and thus

LIVERITES--A pureiy vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic Con· stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it. ' Manufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., 8prinKfleld, Ohio



II:====UVERI ES On y 10cc====1

Inlf free.lng Reportl lDdioate thatind many aorell. will be plowed up ,nd the fields Pllt &0 other orope. The condlUon of oornin crib itl es.


*'**********************_************* *'* '*~ YOU Have T ne. d the M'law. Gazett'e S :* *t Classified Ads. Haven't You? They t. Results, Too, Didn't They? ;. ''** Gave . It W'll1 Pay.!• Better Try I t AgaIn.

'Imated at '18 J)er oen, compared wit. an average . The crop 19M In poor oondltiotn fer orlbbing, owinl :: to colttlnued wet weather, Rep.>rte of 1ll01d and rot wert! very 'leneral at husk'ug time. Dnrlng the win




l******** ****************************

till' tbe corn suffered damage to tbe e.deut of 22 per ce1lt. ~,!!!~~~~~,!!!~~~~~~~~~,!!!,!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~. Tbe baolnnrd seal on has made It ImlXlll1ble to ajXIurately estimate -------------~ fruit proepeot. Reportl of damage . DR. E. H. COSNER, refer almo.t wholJy to path crop~ AD nnulually ll\rce number of eoI" re'pondent. .report epraying and pntnlng In p'rogr13l1!. 'The awaken. iog to the proper oare of 'he orohards 18 aUrlbuted to 'he teach • 912 Reibold Building, inel garnerec'1 'from the recent visit Dayton, Ohio of the Booster 'Cral1l over the lace, orohard demonitl',,*fons by the varlonillgrioultnral institulio"Jl and Gra(1uat.e American School. Klrk.vUlo. Mo f'lxblblt. by thSde laUet at oountT •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

Osteopathic Physician

falra. The prfJlleut SAnaon Is the mo~' baokwar!1 in YAa fS . Plowing and E. V. BARNHART, .pring wor.k ItJ"v8 been re~rded b;, 'be unfavorable weather oonditions. Notary Public In mlirked (lontrast III the prellent All kinds of Notary Work . Pension tress. season COQlP •.red with oae year ago . Wor k & Hpeolalty. J

CROUP ir~~t~~::f~~1:

MAFFI~, UndertakE~r and Embalmer,

1M' ~,II Ru rc1y pro> ... 1' 0 . O "'ltlD~,!!:: A 811'" ""dpleas ings),"Up-(JOo.


Will be found in the old Bank lBuilding, opposi&e t.he Nut&ional Bank . Telephone in hOllse and of· fice wharf' I can be caDed dl\Y 'lr


V .. lley Filonn 1'-2., Main Street. Waynesvill•• Ohio



blifllne ..' 'Brow'oi'nnct!llml}y r, ... ~~'.. .... Chae. ''''lfre It Is no' namral for o~1Jdren '0 . Rlltlit. of Q&llhr()o. ret.. veil , Sun .aore; if lbeT " ','. ;, . do so, them to a . da,...,. . . doctor to,learn tbe oallse ot tbe ob- ';MtU e'truo"o~, t~\be 'free patllqe of air A.~I~'~fi~~~~:~.~'; "'I.!lII!bJr.1 from ·'n0e8 tQ ' ~tl.roa' ~nlne (, be . eI!lU.~gtt~.



$10.00 to in sure a li v: llj{ t:ol t to stand and Huck . Car\! talw n lO prevent accid ents_ eason uue when mare is pllrt~d wi th .



Clay Bultns

"H onest Joe" is a splendid. big', Spanis h J tlck, is Kentucky 'rared, 14 X hands hil{h. He is a good actor , has gooti style and a sure foal . colts can be seen at my place. "Honest J oe" will make the BeMOn of 1912 at my stables on the B. Hathaway farm, 1 mile so utheast of Ridgev.ill e, on th e Crane road .





,:pt,A ~ER

Al ~ .,'

Bert A. Grant, Tinner and Slater, Furilaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of all kinds.



of 1be~~antafe

_J¥j __o"ll1IIJ5



Toys Are of Gre at Variety, Bot h In Size and Conatructlon and Are Cleverly Handled.


II fo: Santa Fe Trail


th e llIukC'f of lIlell 8S " II :I~ the mnker of SIH l nt;

Oilly r,:.ul


l1I ~ n

Ihp Il n n~ e f8 IIlId I wnlsl1lp~ of tho trnll, um real nw tt grew In st rcll J; th and Btlltun' hN:nll se of h(lrdah' p~ a nd t he dll n· gers. T hE' ~ h:\m p r· Ished In the clesert. but the genuine mur"h· ed tbe Irllll unh ll rt. The SlOr), of the trail Is tb e story of grllllt froo t lersmen. There we rc giants In those days. Strong Ulen nOli v.'ea kllngs were attract ed by Ihe pot of gold whIch tbe rainbow s lorle8 or the tmll 10' cated In Santn Fe, th e nd of t he trnll . wbere tbe ralnhow touched the groun d . The wea klings fell by tlte wea r), wny · aIde or fled back to the si lken com · forts of civilization. The strong stay· ed. Courage was a cbaracterlstlc. to the frontiersme n. Fear \\'8S forel"n <> They kne w how LO Ogbt. 10 !lgh t a t ~. Ioae rallge. and to I1gitl ha rd , They " did not know muoh abollt books. but - - - tbey knew of m(ln and tbe open sky and the trail. Tbey lived alit of doorll. They were bon est "Hide my ~ l1"\'lv (' d

cold!" so ld one old-timer talking over bls yesterdsys, '" n ever hId my go ld , No thieves traveled In tbe caravans." They were bospltable. Tbey wonld sbare the lallt pipeful of tobacco. Dan· gerous aa was tbe lite tbe early travd elers upo ntbe trail neces8rlly Ie, they fouud tasolnatlolt In tbe very dan· cer. " I would Ilke to go again," said Judge Jobn D. Turley, one of tbe IndIan flgbters of yesterday, rlBlng trom bla chaIr and tappln(! wltb his cano the e lm under wblcb we bad been lIeated. He seemed 30 years young In· atead o~ 86 yeara old. "I certaInly would g9 again It tbe railroad bad not taken away the danger and 8polled thtl fun." Tbe moat conllplcuoua II.gure amonl the frontiersmen on the trail wall Kit ·Carson-"Oen. carson," all he Is lpok. en of, almoBt wltb reverence, by Daniel L. Taylor, Ita tImes mayor at Trinidad, COlo., wbo bOB gl"en '6,000 to erect a lltatue to Carson In Uat bustling border town. Kit Carson lived and died upon tbe tratl and was tbere burled. Tbe automobile traveler., tollowlng tbe old trsll, fou!1d reminders of IblB foremost frontiersman from Franklin, Mo .• to Taos. N. M. Ready and wUllng to talk of Kit Caraon "Were tbe old·tlmera wbo had known him. "Of all.tbe grent men on the trail," saId Mayor Taylor, who Imew hIm IlItlmately for years, "Gen, 'C arson was \ tbe chlet.. Not all tbe old.Umers agred wltb Mayor Taylor. "Kit Carson was not an extraordInary man," 8aid Capt, Smith H. Simpson of Taos. ','Tbere were many others wbo were better and older Indian flgbters . lt waa Gen. Jobn C. Fremont's re'Porta that made KIt Carson's reputa· tlon." It Is not 'strange that the trail abounda wIth 8torles or Kit Carson and his adventures. In Howard coun. ty , Missouri. where the trail really began, be lived 81 a lad, At Pawnee Rock he bad bls first flgbt wltb tbe Indians. At varIous posts on tbe trail he was stationed as Indian agent. He married on tbe trail, HII body, burled Lyon on the trail, His body, burled first at Las Animas, on tbe troll. wal ADd In & cemetery In tills quaint Span· Isb town In the mountains now r ests. Kit Carson was part and parcel ot tbe old trail and muoh at the romance of tbe trail Is Interwoven wltb bls name. He was only 17 years old when be left hIli father 's home In Howard coun. ty, Misbourl, to join a Santa Fe Cara· Tan. From tbat ti me until his deatb on tbe Arkansas riv er In 1868 the S8.O. ta Fe trall was hi s home. Many Btorles are told of Carson , some of whIch are doubtless apocrypbal, but all 1\. IUlltrate tbe cbaracter. At Great Bend, on tbe Arkanllas riv er, toe amputated a man's arm to eave bls life. using aa InBtrumenll all that were available. a rszor, a saw and tbe king bolt or a wagon. At Bent's For t he was tbe cblef hunter for eight years, provld· Ing game tor food fo r rbe 40 men In tbe tort. He waa on Inllmate terms wltb tbe Jodl a n8, who admired . raepectl'd and feared him. He could make peace as well as war. "Tbe Sioux, one or tbe most num l'rous and warJlke tribes." relates Mayor Tay. lor. "bad encrollched upoo tbe bunt. log grounds ot the soutbern Indians, and tbe latter bad maoy a skirmIsh wltb them on the banks of tbe Arkan· SBII rIver along tbe trail . Carson, wbo was lu th e upper va lley of tbe river, 'Was sent tor to come down to help tbem dri,e the obnoxIous Sioux back LO their own stamping ground. He left Fort Beod lind went with tbe party of Comancbe messengers to the main camp of that tribe and tbe Arapaboes, with wb.o m tbey ha d united. Upon hlB arrtval he was told

Very Simple and Safe El<perlment Will Afford Much Amu se ment and Set One to Thinking. T nko .Il pll't'e of puper-ordlnnr y writing pape r will tio-nnd fo ld It so UH to m il lIe a box , fl nd as you hl'lng th o (:o rll ~ rs round , fllst e n a plecl' of string In each cornN sec urely. This will 114'111 to ke p the co rn e rs In pln ce und will "erve to b a ng It wit h O\'e r the IInma or th e tlr.. . When It 18 mude , put some wn te r In- th e Quality need on Iy be go \'e rnf'd b)' t be stron!;t h of I he box- hlln g It over a flre, and It w ns on .. reason for their lack of the wil l not bo lo ng befo" e It will be boll· "ducatlon which the school glv"B. I n~. An II I<:o hol lam p Is best b eclluse They bad U,t! Iralnlng or the west. yo u ca n se t It o n th e t3b ls aod hold wh lcL gave tb elll rough. uncouth t!J ' terlorH aud uns e lOs h be arts. J 1m or thllt the Sluu\t had 1.000 warrlorl and Mllj. Rrldger, born In Wasblngton I1Inn>' ,ifl l's , lind the Co maJl c he s 00 d City , left tbe n u tl on's ca pital to trav· e l "out W('st" nnd be<:o me gui de, Arnl)uhoes we re afraid of them on ac· count of thei r grea t dis parIty of Dum· Bcon l, Olnp maker through tbe Rocky ntouLluln s. Brldger'd pa5s 10 thl! bel'S, bllt thnt Ir be would go wltb Rocky wounta ln s bears his name. Ji m them on th e warpatb they felt aBo Bridger, It Is clalrned. firllt amoog tha Bured th ey could OTe rCOlD e Ulelr e ne- w blte men of Arnerlca, saw Salt Lake mles. Ca rson, however. 10lltead of en- In tbe wloter of 1824-6. Bridge r was co url1 g ln g the Comanches and Arap6.· lin the emplo or tbe United Stn'~9 hoes to flgbt , induced them to negoy "'" Llate wltb the SIOUll. He was lIen t government ror 80me years aDd Berved as medlstor and ao successfull y did under Gen. John C. Fremont as 8 ho accomplls b hl8 ml.slon tbal tbe In- IICOut. He also gave vlUuable assl»ttru dln, trlb t d t 1 tb ance to tbe su rv eyors of lbe Union 0 e av e e Pacific railroad . e conae n e huotlng grounds or the Comanches 8S r sooo as the bufl'alo season was over. The Bents, St. Vrain. Mnwell, JIm Paper Will Not Burn... wblch they dId. and tbere was no more Baker, the Coopers. tbe GeDtry •. Jam es trouble. P . Beckworth, Bill WllIlam8. Tom To- t be hox above It. and all present may bin. James Hobbs- these are among ~.atcb tbe proceedlJlg. ThIll Is a very In tbe adobe dwelling house at Old tbe famou e soldIers. traden, trappers sllmple ond safe experIment. and It Fort Lyon. where Kit Carson dled- and frontlerllmen whose namea are will offord mucb amusement and aet uow part or .tbe United States Naval IntImately associated with tbe ro~'ou tblnklng, too, bow wondertul it bospltal Dear Las Animas- Luke Co. mance Bnd history or tbe Santa Fe 18. Wbat Is tbe reason wby tbe pape r bill, tbe ooly person now IIvlug wbo Trail. Near Arrow Rock. SI\Une dloell not burn T The reason III that law tbe great frontiersman dIe, told county, MissourI, yet resides John D. tbe story of his deatb. ..It was on Turley, 86 yearB old, who was a h. the heat at tbe flame Is absorbed by the water so tast tbat It keeps tbe May 22, 1868," snld CahHl, "tbat Gen. mous trader on the Trail, as 11'88 bla temperature of the paper below the Car80n died bere. His head r ellted fatber before blm. The lifetime of llOlnt where It can take fire. Virtual· near tblB window and be had been fatber aUd &on covers the e ntire peIy the aame principle la used In tbe looking out througb tbe window Ilt tbe rlod of tbe Old Trail. Judge Turley's biggest steam boilers. So long as world outside. He semed to want last trIp was In 1851. wben the TraU there Is plenty ot water In tbe boiler to get out of doors. He had been 1Il wall yet In large use. tire will not hurt It, but let tbe acroBl the Arkanllllll river, where be "We fougbt Indlalls acrOl1l tbe en· water get too low and the beat will bad been living tor a time. All he grew Ure contine nt and carried on a moet .teadlly worse tbe fort physicIan, Dr. protitnble trade In mercbandl" 'wlth t~ absorbed by tbe baUe r and there 1'{1I1 be an explollon . Tilton. and others ot bls friend s had tbe Mexicans," slIld Judge Turley. persuaded him to permit blmself to "We bougbt whisky from the dIstilbe brou~b t to tbe fort tor medIcal lerles In MissourI at 16 to 40 c entll a IPAR4CHUTE TOY IS AMUSING treatment and bospltal attendance. He gailon, and sold It In Taos at a had come very reluctantly, All was gallon, It was terrIble stufl'. too. We Indiana Man Inventa New PlaythIng Conalatlng of Globular Cuing. done for hIm thnt could be done, but diluted It wltb water. making two galHeld CIONd by Catch. It:was no UBe. H e grew steadily worse. lana out of every gallon, but e"en tben ~ There ...aa a smile on his face as. with It waa terrible. The ox teams had An amusIng toy baa been devIlled by hla band In my hand, be looked out alx yoke of oaen and tbe ordinary o f tbe window at the glowing lIunBblne load for a wagon was 7,200 rounda. A two Indiana men , It conslats of a and died. Wben he dIed tbe Inst load or 3.000 pound s 18 a good wagon Idobular casing, blnged 'at one point pa~e of tbe last c b a pter at tbe berolc load now. We took our merebandlse lind beld closed by a catch. InsIde thl ll da):s of the Old Trail was ftnl s hed. to Taoll or Santa Fe, opened a regu· (:aslng Is packed a paracbute, wltb a He was Ihe great ma D of tbe troll." lar store and would sell out our lin- IImall ball for a weight. Tbe catcb 'j'lIe most memorable military expe- tire stock In two or tbree moatbll. Tbe of the receptacle Is beld sbut by a pIn, dltlon up tlle Old Trall-I.ndeed, tbe r emn8.Ots of our last stock my father which Is unwound and allowed to lie mo.t marvelous mllltary ellpecUlIon In traded for Mexican sbeep at $1 a loose on tbe ground so It will payout tbe memory of the U nltea States-was he'Rd took tbe sbeep to Caltfornla and Ireely and tbe ball tbrown liS blgh tbat led by Col. Alexander W . Doni. sold 'tll em at $10 a bllad. I sold' Slls. Into tbe air as It will go . Wben It pha.n. In 1846. Tbe thousand Mis· sarras root at '4 .60 a pound In Tanl. c omes to the eod of tbe cord tbe pin saurians, under Col. Donlpban'a com- We traveled about 25 miles a day. will be j erked out and the 8bell will llIatld, form ed part of the Army of the Tbe last trip took 49 daYB, We met Oy open, Tbls will releRse the -Para· Wellt, under Oen. Stephen W. Kear· on that trip Rose. saId to be tbe band. ney, whlcb lett Fort Leavenworth Homes!, IndIan woman In tbe weill June 26, 1846, over the Old Trall (or My fatber made his Orst trip In 1825 Santa Fe. "ThIs body at me n." wrote and tbe TurleY8 stayed on tbe Trali W\IIlam Cullen Bryant. "conquered the until nearly the openIng of the CITI1 states of New !\texico and Chihuahua war. VarloulI' trIcks were played on and traversed Du rango and New Leon. tbe Mexicans. There was a tarltr 00 tbl s marc b tbey traveled more on every load of gpodll brougbt Into thso 6,000 miles, consuming 12 Mexican territory. Tbe tarlU wall montbll. During all tbls time not one · so much a wagonload. If tbe wagon word or Inrormatlon reac bed them was empty. It Was admItted duty free . from tbe government, nor 8.Oy order Some traders would load tbe goods whatsoever; they neltb er received jUllt outalde tb'e Mexican territory Into any lIupplles of any kind nor one cent halt tbe wagons Rnd drive In wltb balr of pay. TlJ ey lived exclusIvely on tbe caravan.. made up of empty wag. t he country through whlcb tbey pa88- ons thus paying but half the duty The c d and supplied themselves with pow- fandan~o-a kind or publlo d~ce­ de r and ball by capturIng them from . was tbe cbler form of social entertain. the enemy, From Cblbuahua :0 1tata, ment. Tbe Spanlsb gtrla at the fan. moru, a dI stance of 900 mlles, tbey dangoell were sometimes treated to Ice marched 10 46 daYII. bringIng with cream and wbl8ky. It la a devilIsh them 17 pieces or beavy artillery aa comblnatlon _" trOPhies." It wall tblll expedltl.oa. Tbe story of th. Old Santa Fe Trail wblch decided tbat New Mexico aod la the story of Ita Benta. Carsons. Arizon a sbould become IItates of tbe Donlpbans, BrIdges, Woottons. TIlr. New Parachuta Toy. American unIon. leys and the reat. They weNl Rlcbens Lacy Wooton, "Uncle Dick' men cast In berolc mold. Made by cbute and Ule weight of the latter will Wootton, as all trail travelers knew the Trail they wera makerll at the at once stralgbten the little fioater blm, deserves high place 'In any ac· west. ' out. whereupon all wlll' descend gentcount of tbe bl"torle pereonages of -----ly to tbe earth. tbs sbell precedlni: It, th e troll. Col. RIchard Owenby ball Some Mourner. to be ready tor another tbrow. re ~ tor e d n ear Trinidad the Qld Wool,. Down In GeorgIa a negro, wbo bad ton toll hOllse where the frontiersman, hIs life Insured for several bundred A Real Handy Tree. bavlng bullt a road over Raton moun- dollllrs. dIed and left the money to Old you ever hear of a thread and taln. levied tribute upon all wbo tra,,· hIs widow. Sbe Immediately bougbt oeedle treeT It Is ratber a bandy tree eled thereupon. her Belf a \,ery elaborate mourning out- to have growing In the back yard, The Trnll attracted tbe young man. Ot. don't you think? Especlall, wben Kit Carson went west upon the Trail Showing her purchasel t:o ber friend. there are boys In tbe house with butat tbe nge of 17 years; Donlpban and she was very particular In goIng Into tons comIng oU about every otber minbls soldiers wer mere youtbB. Wootton det.all as to prlcel and all Incidental U!4l. was but 18 years of age when be "bIt partlcularll. Her friend was very mucb Tbls 8trang~ tree grows In nearly all tbe Trail, " a.l1d Jam es Drldger. tbe Impressed . and re marked : tropical countriell and In some places foremost mountaIn ee r, wa.s only 16 "Tbem sho 18 t\ne cloee, but, befo' nearer bome where the climate II yellrs old when, under tbe leadersblp Heaven. wbat Is you goln' to do wid warm. It geis ItII naDle by whl~b we of William H. Asbley. the fur mer- all dIs black undflrwear1" know It trom tMI curtou8 .formation at chant, be weot out on tbe TraIL Tbe Its leaveB. At the tip 'of the leal there The bereaved one IIlghed: early age at whlcb the frontiersmen "Chile, wlle.n , mourns I ·mourul."- Is a sharp tbol'p.' !8 ,he n8eiUe. lert hom e for tbe wlldl of the Wellt Harper's MagazIne. It you grallp It ' firmly ~d pilil It oUt. I tbere, you 'are wltb a lIBel\le ' already tbreaded for your lewilil. This , tlber For Compulaory Domeatlc Service. , No Pllt. to Stop.ihr~d la' v~ry atrong l. ed . ,(he C':omplIlsory domelltlc service tor "Wb.n youlIA' Warptng cam& baok cana, uae it for a coarae gi rls and wom en as an equivalent to home . and . told _.hlll father he waa a ~f c~o~' all well all the universal milItary service Incum- roiling 8to~e, wbat did the old gentle, -~::--....-.,..;~- , bent upon men Is a nOTel proposal put man MY?" " , . i" .forward by' FrauleIn :Pauline worner, hll a le'adlng Oerman woman reforll\er.




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. ---.!.h!' .I~§i~ ;:. ' , . . elec' canary. -' ." ••Id, '. the ' '" t cOclan's am a progresslv.e bl td," " In wbat reapecUI'.' maid',. parrot. ··· ,'.

i' "

'~ ~t hue. a wlrelea1 ~e." .










T hos e dfl ft nnd cle ver people. the Jnpnn eee, do a lmos t e ve r)1 hln g th ey K\I emil l we ll. /I n d -=="-.......................""..-rn do be tt e r thlln nny ollll.'r p eople In the Ihat c hed world. Of th e lo tl er sort lop sr,lnnlng In a shower Is one. T he 10P ~ nro of great varie t y. brought tbem Into bOlb 10 s ize 111111 cons tru(·t\on, Tbt' plnced them In the I9t:CB~Jl,Ii~I'!IY lurgeRt Is 11I0re t ha n n foot In d lam· neath' the parr.ot, wbo ......·U.-I. . e ter Dnd proj,o rtionnt e'ly he avy. Some reath el's. He seemed nre solid : OtI1 61'S contain a flo ck of and ';0 zed III t.en tiy at lit t le ones tb nt fl y a li t when tbe toV fol' some tlm e , and I~ li fte d, IIn ci Kpl n I\ WIl)' hy 1Ill'msalvcs. "D---n'd IItlle C'?Ols OtllPrs pull In II spino! or Indde r or s uc· Ing. too." ,,('salVe rop s . 0" .. d.-a \VB UI) Into a lante ra , nod spIllS chee rily In tbnt THINKS RESINOL form . The me th od . of sp tnn lng are a lmost EXCELLE~r_ b"yond 11 08f'l'llItlon \i: ven a ve ry large top Is someti mes I hrow n as U!Ie Mra, O'Brien Could Nol Without It. ; Australian C!lst s tile bocotneranll. 110 So varIed are the usee Ot,(j'."IIIOi" t hnt w hil e It R\I\I('nrs to be goin g that one lustinctlvely tUI'US s tr al~ bt towurd t he hen d or tbe spec· anytblng happeus _ Read tOlllr It ,'et llrns to t he thrower and Is Jobn D. O'Brlen, or La,ll.rli.Dll,Ur,•• "n ll ~ ht on hi s palm . When It arrives says:Ihus th e perronnpr,es It by the " 1 UIl() ResInol s pindl e. avpnrently stop~ It, sets It i'cg ularly, IlDU flnu clown nnd It rel'omm encca. "urn It "very c laim. and could' Reshiol Oln(:l,'~:~ upside dOlYn and It prot'eeds ju st as wltbout tbem. merrily 011 It s Iron·spilled h ead . Tbe our house bold remedy of tb e sklo, Ilnd ita s pinn e rs balnnce It on nn y k Ind of satis factory, We tblnlr n'1"'10WI surface. round or tlat, on the edge of ' excell ent and preter it a fun, th e sl\o rp est J apanese sword. Not only Is Reslnol . a lon g a lhln cord, nnd after 60me mo· [ecllve In removing ments or unconce rn ed s pinning tbere but Reslnol OIntmen t hM , It Is tORse d on the tuble. wit h apparent I'ellevlng eczema, scald.a carelessnesll. wh e n It goes on worklnll. tetter. ringworm, crust, pimples, un exh a ualed aod Ine xbaustlble. chafing, itching, blacl<l~~~,~" On e of the mo st delica t e pe r tor- Dealers everywbere man cell con s lsls 10 sl'lnn ln g a LOp In prepllfatlons; tpe olllmllD~ the le ft band, up the l eft arm, rOlmd llizes at Oity centa and tb e edge of th" lobe at tbe back or tbe soap at twenty·flve cents ....'.,.._. neck and down th e other arm Into sample of each sent o.n the pnlm or the ri ght band , Another dress DepL 2, Reslnol (Jb'~" Md. Is to t06S It spinn In g Into tbe air and BalUmor4l.----.-....~, catch It on the h em or the aleeve, Facetloua Opl.rlltG~~ whe nce It runs down Into the band . A thIrd 18 to !lIng It up and catch It 'Dan, "I lIay. mllter,"the sal enterIng on the bowl of a pipe, pas8 It beblnd "C(\\Jld you trust me for a the back, toss It to tbe front and there want !O lend my wlfll catcb It agaIn. tomorro •. ~ A large, heavy top la sometimell .et "Sorry, sIr.... aaJd the 9P'~,.....~~ In motion by roiling tbe peg In tbe blgbt we are terribly rutlled Wf"'l\UI of a cord, one end being beld In ~ach tbere Iin't a tick hi the hand, tben flung ten or twepty feet In Isn't working overtime u ... ~...,.-.. sir and caught wltb tbe ' 8ame cord. \ler's Weekly. "'-JLjt~~1II' spInning alwaYII. This can be done t .. times In succession. But the moat wonderful dis pIny consists In lIendlng a top spinning up a rope to tbe head of a mast. and then recalling It. Idle .. una, "That man baa HAND CANNOT BE HELD STILL formation ," "Yes," - replied Amusing Little Experiment Will En- "but he can't pUt a "U"'~" "'i." front '01 It and uae 1t ' · ...."'.. " tert~ln Company When Other fund." Thl ngll Begin to L·ag.



Next time you are called upon to amuse the company try tbla little ex· perlment. Borrow a quarter from Borne olle, If they ,w 1\~ trUII,t you wtth


It-or use one of your own If nece. sary_ Tben take a piecil of. tbread about 18 Inches long and fastell one end of It to the coin 'wltb a little' "eai' Ing wax or a pIece of Bomebody's ·gum. Tben get a trlend to reat ber -arm on a foot rule or other IIl1ok ' about 't hat long wIth tbe other end the , tahle. Ha ve ber hold tbe tbread 'lli IIbo"li~ 80 tbat Lbe coin will just reaoh .ll\tO, a glallB on tbe table-'-and , then see It s he can keep tbe coin from hltUns tbe glaas. Sbe will be unable to (do It, for ' the coin will SOOB- I b'egln to IIway back and rorth like a pel~IlI&lU!Dl<1 and tinkle on the glaaB.





Clever Little Trick May Be PerforrJed by the Ule of a Heav,y . '. of Blotting paper. " , \.


Fill a glass full to overtlowlnl water. Place over It a pIece' of lIea.,.,.. bloulng paper. and then a ' IImail plate or a SBucer about tbe I\.~e ot ' the pa. per. Oarefully Invert tbe :Whole, bolit· Ing plate and glass firmly together; .0 no aIr II admitted. In a rew mom~nta••

For KldDey



"noclKuld UIUi oAr, "'r~u.)


Ih e

"" c-

Itb Iron ·gre y bull' ~: ?'II)~ mU ,t\ . of before hint . tI -" .ii'1Iiico did . .fUst ueez· 1.. JuBt till II IH'Z 'Ill. pI'JllreJ~!\ILIIJ'.Ql"'l. Sen t dow n ,I ro n. . behind '.' TrIed "tt .. t/I1· " ~,;,,,;;) .· .. lrnuued 1"01' nrttlllll' a" dll,Y 's w.Ill:k.. Uon'~ Never'lt IWIOU)lt to of bls motber, Call JUtlll; 1&~4 I~:I . d row. It sent 10 buy live ceht.'. worth or cBndy wouldn ' t know bow to ~lf' It. Wbllt havo you go t to !i~J 1ft J. + .J.,r


"~otblng mucll, fnlbel'. I'x('ept aN to the r \fflla.t:!lspl" wa s th e r eply , "1'111 not lI.' tomnn, ' tboltgb I admit to bellil': a gqneraVallure." -' . "Wpuld anybody but a rttHla" b el p to kl.iloap, a proteRsor 811(1 tll en 1'111 0 him atlo.UDd on ... -f!tckil!tf!>¥"· · - "That 8S 'Jullt t~ .college prank . father:" ii. _"Ob. . WB\I~ And greasing the . sending tbe Janitor from Bnd breaklngnls ribs

'idWllig up the professor o! ml!ttl'~I\)UCill with a dynamite mine as

9.I111!!'~ the campus-tbal was an· ,ut~, . ,. prank for a cellt .


IJruuj.:lll huck to Ib e highway tu rest II bi g IlIlI " llrr comlnl,; towards hlw Ih l' JUU11' . • ,_ r ' , All w!l rs . "8 I ~ In, \·ll ah l". gl\' (' rl"(' " .\ 1,,(\ t!Og: " wlJl s pe r erj tile tra'!lp to man y Ilalh " ,I,' iU' ·ide ttI 8. nlill o ur 8ltPl' wa'I~'nn!t ror u n!Olll ent, . II cud JleLd •. l)l g h -r.Gl-'eH · a . .tllilldl ~ h own ( ' j ,,1 1 \\HI" wa s nu (' xcf'pt l o n in grl'eu - s lll \'erln~ at th e mOlltb . 'I'hllse I h is r~ ~ p <' I. tor ' H f t er eV('ry un Itle wl're \I, p tme Rlgns , ' 1,'tif> tmillp stooll came " I or h ·~ o f In d l \'lrlu nl hl ' rol Htn or liP ut.d gl·d s ped Tbe lllOut ' ~ tlck hy sUl'rn" fltl 1II , · t1I<·III'><' R o r 11r~ 10Yll lty whi h h o ,('al'l'llIrt hls , .Qld JjijtcbeJ, over anu d.p ""l lnu to I be Union" Il kh actu· hl ~ Sll :Jl l ld er . Th o ,log cu m " SlrUll;b t nl~d uur slI ltl le l'p 1111 througlr IIr\! cuu· !." Hl. . , . lit hltll . fui'" iii th e ' Ius t HlOli'cllt <h, t' nw l:l ""hul)' Itt ('I <I (, lIt I h:lt 0 (" flwp rv Pfl flNlcle and VH SS l--lI ~J\ . J Iewa ~ h: tlf ·hllnd In hi s ago ny. 4 1H] h I' <' III T f ' rj ; 11" 11' " t ltt· hUlll t.: or t: t· II .\ :-t IJllrt.: Ill ~)' hH\' e tall c n the mUll lor a WII S 11 1(' I\II,litt g o f tl l(> bOll ,v or u sol · di (' I', Ilnhltll tl. ilit'd , \\' 11 ('1 'ta d tn hl ~ (h.. J ad Silltrlow , " (:al o ol'<'n UII(I !;Irl In 11 .P. ham · iUlIl(1 H p lt- Ill rl' n ' vr l ' HP l1 lll1 g 1 1I 1' ~ p ('hi l . m uc k: " whl spf)l'I! d tO e tralllp. " \V I II U 1'4'! l, o i l \\' ill(' h lt ll ' I:'Y 4'8 or lil t, ,bl llg h p 111 I'll III": I f h e .tops Hb e w ill s crC'l\lIl. Ru ld l<-I' had 1",' 11 fu .' I( ' lI ed to Ille In sl 'I'll ,.. I Iii-I III'\.' \\Iltl hrollg h t to Jlh i lu a lld "Ilal tlll'n? I n\ lIi;n'( tulw dr' l lIlI la a lHI th." I'\T('lIl11l)1alH'!'" IIf i l s CIHHH"(" S ~" Th (' 1101; hnct lort )' rods' Ir go IIY fill(lllI ); \\'l d, ·I), :u l v.- rt l s('d In 111 1' nt'WR, th e .,.""ft-;-.lflfl--the- man, by ·leal,lng tilt· p a \l f'I'H o f Ih l' l 'Olllltl' y . A phnl ngrn ptJlr ' r<'nr' " un<l 1l1uklng u sbQrt . ~ ut had (·o P.v Hr II " ,aF! al l'lo III It ()fI, 111 111('" hOlJ'" 0111)' "Iwllt twenty ·lIv e, One Jump and Ihllt b y It s m <'1I 11 8 th t' 1(\(,lIt l l ), of t he h e w aM' ov e;· I h e ('p nce. and tllt!n bo rl(·"d lIalrl ll l wlIlll'd iJ<' II s.·."rta l nprj n ll d the wlJer .. a\)o\tt ~ or Ill s fUlIlll y d lst·ov · Htruck a clnd er·track galt. Th e dog Hlol1ped fo r a fow e&cond s "1' .. <1, "")'" II wrllPl' III th p l'III"III ., IJllllu at tlTe gat!!" and-nfen flIrnl!'lt"!n. ·· .lU8t Enqltlr('r, Th e CIIJlI ('" W P I·'· "hIC('" un toe II the girl sut up In tbe bammock, 8nle !· W ('No! pl!rcba s~' d III (·unKld er · all<l 8et>lng bolll tramp and dog she abl e lIuwbe r s. aB tho IJroceeds. It waR 8"re" 10 I'll , Th o tramp 1"1 out 8uolber II nnOl! need. w er l' to bc utwd lor th e link . and h e wa s at the foot uf I he beneflt of th e chlldr .. n If flley were sl e ps wh en t he DIad beast ('aUle I acl n l? f ()J lOd . flnd f u llin g tha.t. ;"'ere to be !rIven 10 so m .. lWIl f>v·o l" n'f IlIstllut lou up with growl R of agony or on ~ ' for use l stlng so ldlc rs , Wltll a fult s wlns of bls sllc~ tll Th c IJI'ondrnst · publico lion or the trump bowled tb e dog over. and three tocts relative 10 tbe findIng of Ibe Bol · o r I'n llr n,orA lliows Ilnlsbed hIIT' . "What- what 18 It!" d emtlnded the dler aud t,l.Ie r~ IJt'odu c Uon of I he por· trail s of th e children had th e !loped· gIrl.

r on Ii v n t o


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ply all t be dusty outing cap was lUted , dend -and · there's lIothltl&"--1{)" fear." " lIut I wanl to know ." ",IIlRt a mad dog, ~ A nd the I rum p had reache«1 tne gate wb on Judge Horton and bls wife ~ame drlvlnp: uP. and ' the Judge leaped out and seIzed tbe mau by the collar and exclaimed: "Hold ou, here! I want to 1<.now wbat's been going on!" "Don 't Jet him get away, faUter!" cried Edltb as she come runnIng. "What's be done " "Wby: be killed 8 big mad dog that w,as Ilfter me! I want to Imow hlB name nnd make him nccept thanks." "Just a mad dog," replled lhe tramp with B deprecating smile, but tbe trio Insisted maklng , a bero of hIm . The Judge handed blm a '20 ' bill. and when It was refu sed be cast nrouud to give a reward In Bome otb er way . "Look bere," be said after a bit "lbere'II' f<N1" sol\(I acr~ of thlblle~ ovel' there belonging to me. 1 waut 'em cut down nnd rooted out. I'll give you $10 an ~cre to do It. and you ca D get board wIth the farmt'r just helow." · " 'The lie-Xl day the tramp went to work with scytbe and spacte, and It was a twenty·days· job be hnd. Three or. fou,r tlmell. ' tn ~I:tat str.e.Lch Judge l; vls,lle.d- tbo ,l1el4 ~U~ trIed \0. draw the \Yorker out, but be did not succeed very well. On two occas Ion. MI~8 Edith >CIltled hIm to tbe road si de fence to' praise nnd pump, but all tbe Informli'tlon sbe got made n brle! ra-

' it nOI. b(>( 'Utlll'

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D o .. n ·s Rldnoy

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CONVINCING TESTIMONY O. D, K _ ler. 411\1 )( " n.loul . III" MY": "I ~'nUlO

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R, ll. BRAGDON.SpeClallsl 71 tB. Bullelin Bldg,. Philadelphia, Pa. I\, ,, ,k


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.. "lule t :y"'" I ~ E.ll d ,~ III '''' In th f' ..... rill 1%. Trouble. Laid l" ":n·Law." T ry M ur il l~ Ey,' H '·II,,·.ly l o r R", lIalJlt' It ' ' l ld ·'T h .. call ~" IIf m ore thull half ti le I ~I ~ ;\[:\:'I~ ;', ~t'r ~r:;·.IIII. ~! ,I :'I~ ~,~.:: ,\~:'I~ ' ~ ~:: :::;b:,~'I"r?' t',':;;;I~'~~~ ( ' I IH ~ It. :-'lU l l h . \.rund ,Ju lI \' lIun.C.,l.. Ii 1', 11 l , U, •.1 ~Hi, falll il ~' "" I':IPH tltnt are sc rll pped to 1\ I f;01lll' o f I he chllr lt y that Uf'gI Ii S at Illll ~, h ," ~a)'. 1111 ~x .-JlOn ge . "I s t he 'I n· I hom e IS II ' t up to tIle standard W . N . U ., CINCINNATI, NO , 14- 1912. law' A mlln o r R woman marrl!'!! BUlD" on.. IIUSOllitpl y antagpnlstlc to 1111 th e o ther memb er s of Ih e family , If the hlood is poor lind filled with th e poisons from di sea9Cd kidneys or inacand th e ll. PUlt In g tillS' person o n n tive liver. the h e art is not only starved ped e sta l . rl emands Ibllt all shall clo her but pQisoned as w ell . There are many or b ls \\'111 , For th e sa1<e of cOllrlps,-. conditions due to impure blood - such offen ... wbole family " ' 111 yi eld m a ll)' as dropsy. fainting spells, nervous debilI1l1lnt8. and gradually tbe 'In·law· beity or the many scrofulous conditions, ('omes m ore t\.nd m ore Insist en t, and ulcers. "(pver sores," while swelllngs. so things drift along. always the one elc, All can he overcome lind cured by 81de g l \'lng In. until some straw. some lrlOe. wl\l prove tbe drop too much, a nd an pr that the fracns. With Ih e air cleared. 1\ beginning can be mad e This 8upplles pure blood- by uiding digestion, increasing Wlslmllatlon OVel" agalu on a baslB of e qual rights. lind Irnp:lrtln~ tone to the whole drc ulatory system. It's a beart tonic und a great d ea l more. having an alleralive aClion on the liver Dnd or els& all tnter(' ourse ca n cellSE! kldneY8. it h elps to eliminate the poi so n s from the blood. Either way mucb. has b(>en gained ," To enrich the blood and increase th" n ·d blood corpuscles, thereby fcedinl( the n erves on rich r ed blood anu d oi ng Dway with nervous Irrl· Candid Admission. tability. take Dr. Pierce's Goille n M edical Di>lcovery and do not permit "What are your Ideas about reo a dishonest dealer to insult your intelligence wilh the •• just a9 good form '" . kind . " Tbe "DIscovery" has 40 )l eur .• of cures behind It and cootaios no alcohol or narcotic!. Illltrcdi eri ts plainly printed on wrapper. "About tbe same aB ev~ryb o dY'B . " Dr . Pierce's Co mmon Sense Medical Advis .. r is sent fr ee on receipt of replied Senator Sorghum. " I ha,ve a 8tamps to pay expense of wrappinll: and mailing (~"~,,. Send 31 one-cent general ImpressIo n I hllt myself and 8tamps for the French cloth-bound book. AddreS!l: I>r, R. V.I'ierce, Bu£falo. N.Y. my personal iltid po lltl CR I rrlillld's are the only (1~ o pl e who do nOt need ' It,"

Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DiScovery


When Your Eyes Need Care . Wl\lery E .r f's ant.! U"l\II\1 I :L'~41 EJ'tll(I !t. ll l u s· IT nlPd Boo k lu eal ' h Pu.· k Hge . )JlIrlnf" 1M

"2.25 '2,50 '3.00 ·a.50 '40,0 &'5.00

rr\~~!~~~~'<Iuabt.!t nl~t ~~~!~':r;ID~.!II(~:;~~~~9\ r.;.~: Iii's rClr rua.f1' · 1ftlol""

Now Clf'ldIC&le d to the


·~;I ~I~I~ 5H~~ tgalJ;~U.r:I~:~~\i;-CT"u~,?,~~~L~


lIIurlne Eye Remedy C~ •• Chloago



THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES rive W.L'Doqgla•• hoes a trial. W. L Douglaa name .tamped on a .hoe guarantee••uperior quality and more value· for the money than other makes. His name and price .tamped on the bottom protects the wearer again.t high prices and inferior -",hoe.. In.jat upon having the ir~l)uine W. L Douglas .hoes. Take

, Recalling the Fight, "He has' bls fotber's eyes." , "Tba t's q.ueer: , l t!luu,;ht I , WIl8 blackIng his," An old ' loper I s R8tis fl ed If be clln ' Iiee p hfs h end Ilbove wa't er.





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and Its Brood






(~ ~ "'lllp\

T h "r" HI'(' tw o Ihl ul' " ,·,, \l- lI l al" t o UHlk c U U I; U I s llt'fi d b W1r1l 11 I1lt~r r )' · : go·rou uc1 allrt U I1 w rr y w idow

(" ..d Inc Ih" l\l'Xt TllI flV Dav.


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to.I f rum k l. t ul ·Y 'rOu hlo .I \("U8 tlDalJlo t u wm'k (() r wMlke J W u,t; thill. w\ ,rtl Hut nlll l l Jt' I ' \' '' lI~ : 1hf' d o.c: tor'A " " \lld llOt \I t.. lp IJIU n Ul l Uly fri.·l1dbga.",,, 'lp110[~ , A d 1j"IH~ tro-­ f'11 1··!.I l" '.ca u tukll lK DlJu t\ 'joI ~ 1( llw \- P Ili p tm,l Md t .1I u ft •• r fN-~'4Ulj a )(rlln!1 8hlll '~' ·'Lll h.' r 11 11 . (I,

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T h e wOlll a U wh o I"' l 10 W8 h e r t e et h i nnrl 6tl111 eH I " 1'(' u ~o u lI\) l" Ku re to I.It · I \llIn hpr Obi " "! 'II Ul'l, 'l lli',' k('r t hull th o ' Offe r " oll e \ shows IIl'r I (' etl! Mud I( r o\\' I. !

Try Murin e E ye R em edy. r;o Hmartlng-.Fc-cl" Flue - A<' l l" ll"ll·k l y" Try It r or RN), We tt k .




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Do You Earn $100 a Month? no m ;'lttc r \ \ h a t YU lir d isea ~e If )'lIU !-u fJet II (' hulI.rr .. u r Ilud I';cl tl I uoun JUII , \\ . ~ l'lIl1 fil II)' fll'<'PH I'<' h llm l < h t! lI ll1 ;dl~ Jll Wtlk . If yo u sutle r f rom dun g J ot y uu In 0 \\' ~l' kH , S\lrl(J ~ I'IIHh \1 111 "\l{)11 1\ ll lnt:y Tr oubl e . I.' 11ft · :\ \1 rn:l tl c r wbat !l' MI b <'gl ll, Wr ite o r l'u ll to (\:I )' f (11' b"ok · YV LJ buffe r { rl. 1I 11. \\nt ~· t o t:,'~i~cI-l~~"'--:.~~~~¥.~WDllJU~l---rm::",; A\II oln ~ 1\ \I h P H) " \' ~ 1. t · A , fI1U ."'· } ·ON ·S DOCTORS Wb8D you h llve : Auw i:k bo ol. 7 Ii: \\· tlliliti . t'Il1l'i l lllfl t! . U ,

Bod y of Unidentified Soldl~r Found at Gettysburg Holding Picture o f Three Children.



PoUt In th .. back III

l be

or dl.t<....., 11 th tl! t lmoly ,,"umlng I. t )Jur ell. thor. 1fl

• • •



Bure ooli • .- _."Tbe pen 18 mightier than the' 6word ." " lIut the t)'llewrlter putl It aU over tb e pen ,"

1 T

Ey e s ,,'''the ' D>d"'l) SoldIer Had Be'er1 Falltened,.on the ' Picture to the Last.

for r e~ilil . ~lId It \\'~s as certain ed thaI Ib e Boldie r was a sprgennt In the One Hundred and ~'lfty · fourth r e,;lm eut of ·New York Biote' vofunt ee'rs·, · nnin ed Hummiston, who befor-e b-e ~ nllstect hIlt! residetl In Portvill e. N. Y . H IB_ '~ldow r E\c ogni~d I ht< plcl \lH·8. the first · r eliabl e inrormutlon she h nd recelv~d at he r· 'busba·ud·s dca th on" the lI etl eld . \)etlliis of Ills life were "Sal', papll. Yo.!! engerly sou~ht for and it 80011 became Greek?" generl!l~y ,kuQ:wn. that 8,ergeant BUill; " It was Borne rolde?ol --Illte that, miston had be E'n a haroessmaker by be\lev~I. " trade, thf)ugh ' I early in life he liad "Apt· I ,oim \lnderl\:t;aDd./t q~te , b een a sailor. mltklng 'severnl' wballng , and ,Wbat. do Y911 t\l,nl\~': 1 ,. ' ... . voyages to Ihe 'snu1h Pactflc. He en· With "I ( tblnk you can·t." IIs~ed nfle r Ihe rail fo .. '500,000 more "iiid yestercfti'y wtien ' I " was passing volunleers, citizens of 1~ort11.llle assurthe~hlstle-tleld -1- benrd- ' 'Out" ,·tfllmp Ing him that bls family should not sut6Wear~ng In Greek,!I" - , . , fer d"rln,g, .llis ,lIjJa,ence.. ,!:le was 'Vlth "Dfd eh? Then must warn blm bls rei\lment III t,be battle or Cltllpcel. that ali swearIng , d "here must be lor8v/lle" illlil' l\ls eapfaln "teslffled 'to done In Engllsb.' ' his good conducl ; ' '-soldierly " qnalitles It wail 'tl\e' , ' lasT ' da-y 01'1 ht.· ' D'n d courage during the engagement., rolled up InUeed, 1111 wbo knew him In tbJ! arlI\Y_ Job wHen 'a Judge oldn his home town al80 testified to .terltng and lovable .£ ' original pi ct ure was sent to ,mrho1_'- lInd-tlTe- ' t\tOI7 1I'1I1t ng a wide and In the widow and the ,w114. benfn.;lol results


·Important -YO · Mothers EX31lllue ca r ef ully every b ottle or CA S TORIA. a safe' and sure r emedy for Infant s ' and childree, and see that It Bearsthe


no lubstitute.

1r your d""l er ,.,,"not


W.I .. J)o"~11\A

,h o "' •• • Y1t~ W . 1_ llo uvl"" 11 ro('\{1n n. hb.III\., for rara.l flK . fihOf" N"IIL


,.,,,C)'wbcm deHnry chunrea prep",ut. Jl'cut Color Rlletd• ....&d.

SigUature of~~ In llse For Ovor 30 Y1!ars,

:"' h ilUl'C1l Cry for Flel.cher's Castoria His 'Business to Know .' vVlCe !..... Look. ( bought this fur cont ,uday, 1'hey 11'11 me w e aro going t-o baV'o Nery cold weaUler soon . " H ·t sband - Who t o ld you so? Wlre- Tb e furrier.

A Perfect Imitation of Oak for Floors and Interior Finish Mndl' or mAtpri ll ls h mod e ra.te lJ rice.

).''''' 1' . 81Itll'~, you CA.ll W (! Il I- n .!:t lz u tllllulh ' l' b y HIUlking Allen ' f\ F,lnl-!i:tlSl-. lh f" tllltl s ~ lJtI \! powdf"r . . Into· th em . Ju s t th u thltl~ 1.Ju.ncJng rnr~

til e


GAL-FA-NITE FLOORING edgo or lnrgll rUgII IUld for Wu.w8cotiug.



Hoy. N . Y.


Inexpensive ""ld hy 11.0 YRro. Alk your de"l ... lor O,J·"II-nit.• }-Iooringor IICIld for &ampl.. fWd Illu.truted llooklot.


ti l'S und f nl" Bt-t'n klnt;' In ' N e w ShO(\'6. Ol\'o! tnatlLltt rdl e! t (, Corns und Bu nions. Sl:lm pi,. r-n~: 1':. A(hlrc88 Alicn S, Olmgted. Le.

dumble M iron find put up in rollaab

T uke.s the pll\Cf'I o( ttn flnn itnry ("ttrTwt &- makn!l housework S\ ptl!It~ UN'. May hu \J!u~(1 nruWld the

If You Are a TrIfle Sehaitlvll' AbO llt


Pu. up in roll.


~R in ch .. wi"_



- -- - - - -

Gallant 'Blind Man_ ·:,Ah. you're Il prelly Indy." "What's that? I tho~bt you were blind," "In a sense only. I never see the ugly women,"- Journlil ArnU91Lnt.

_'the Paoc.ton Toilet Co, ot Boston. Mass,. will send a large trial box of PIiKtine AntIseptic, a delightful cleanBing and germicidal toilet preparation, to ·any .. wo.wliu, free. IIpon reQuE\st. F'or 'peODle to II ve 'ha pplly together tile' real secret 18 that tbey 8hould not 'liVE' too ,much together .~ Slr Arthur



The best dressIng you cu n !lnd for WOUl lds, biles or Insect>!. abrasion s. etc. The Carbolic Acid b elps to prevellt lufectlon : the ' .. Vaselln .... c1ennses awl ~lO otb eH, Especially vnluabl e wbcre th ere are chllrtr('n , For NIl!tj e\·t'ry wIH; ro III hUlld,\' J,(lu :-:P:I lJ()tI\(:s. He !' U l't~ yo u ~l"

"Y€JSeline . .. I!"'~[ 11~,~I ~:!~I; ;~'''b~('! Inn~"~l?"~' ~:~r~~~,I.nn~. :1\~}t ~II t~ ~ r~l, ('~l~tl,~)1·~lt L~"I,1 :i~I~' I:l'i



al)Uut tbclll.


Ht·pl. IG,

Cheaebrough Manufacturing Company (Con.oUdat~c:I)

17 St ••• Stroet


New York



Curo. the ,.,kln alld urlH a8" prt>H'uth,. fOT othf'rN . 1 hllild Illn~ &1 on the tOO",I1". :-0 .. ft" (or } ,r(lO t1 flUU"f'1i anll nil o tbrrH. Ufo'" kldur y rf'lllt'u y .00 een\8 n.l1d .l.tlJ u. l .. tltI~ ; Ifh OOnnc.1 "10 .1)(1 I.hf'l d01.f ' ll. !3nltl \'S al l drll l·"h:I.Y autl burHe goc.H_I,.. h Otlkt.' tI , u r 8t! UI. t".tVre ¥ tI>, by th e IUQ.Uura <' tur~r ~





TOYI A re of Great Variety. Both SI.n ancl Conatructlon and Ar. Cleverly Handted . Those dMt



lever people. the

I n\lll ll epc. do Rlmos ' eve rything tb ey


III·: Sn nl n Fe T ro ll w I\S l h e llIuk "r or lU a u aa lI" e ll n s Ih " ma ker of S ltl tt' K,



It'a l tH C n I ll ,' ,III 11 I-; ,' r8

"u .. "I\'(:d 1111,1 hardH li li'" of lh o \rn ll, bil l l't~ :\ 1 IlI l' n grew In sl rt'Il )! 11I all ,l @hl.{ ur p

hp ( H ll ~e

Ve ry Simple and Safe Experiment W ill Afford Much Amu sement and Set One to Thinking.


II lld Ihe Coli n gers. T it,· ~ h:l III I'" r Ished In I he de ••' r! . b il l tb E' gt' n lll ll P m ar ch . ed t he Irnll unh lln . Th ,' > I or ~' of th e trail Is th e s tor y of ~ n' u t fro nl ir- .. . · In t il ORe nt E' n. Th er e were )!Ian t ' days. fltrml)! Ill en Rnd we a kllnJ: s " ,' r" Ottrn c I.'d by t he not of go l,l whl c lt th e fnillbow s t ori es (It the t rail 10 ' cated In ~on1fl Fe, Ill" f·nd of t he t rn lt . wbere Ib e rs ill bow to\l,'lI" llll1(' ~ ro und , The "'(la klln gs fell lI~' til e wpa r y Wil l' IIlde or fl e d bar k to the Hllke ll rom · fort s of ch·1I11.nllon Th e stro n!; SIRY' ed . ('ollrn v wu ~ n c·harllrte r ls lle. .. Fear w us for " lgn 10 I he frollil .r _mpo. Tboy knew how to n"ln. 10 11~11I at close r:lII ge. and to t\J;il L h Hrd . Tbey did not know mllch nb o ut bouks , bllt tbey kn e w of men and the op,' n s ky and tbe trail. They II ve d ou t or doors. They were hon est. "Hide m y cold?" sshl ono old -t imer talkin g over bls yes le rdays, "I ne ver hid my gold . No Ihl e ves lraveled In th e caravans." would I bl TI b They werc OBll t a e. lOY abare tbe last Illpctul or tobacco . Oang erou6 as was tbe lite tbe early travelers upo ntbe trail necesa rll y led. they (ouud fas ci nation In tbe ve ry dan· •"er. "I would II.k e to go again." sald Judge Jobn D. Turley. one at tbe 10dian flgbters at yesterday. rising tram biB c hair and tapping wI! b bls cane tbe elm under wblcb we bad been seated . He seemed 30 years young Inatead o~ 86 years old . "I certainly would go a"'aln It the rallroad had I> Dot tallen away tbe danger and spoiled th~ tun." Tbe mOllt conspicuoull figure amoog the rrontiersmen on the trail was Kit Carson-'·Gen . Carson," as he Is lpok . en 0[, almost wltb reverence. by Daniel 1.. Taylor. sll times mayol or Trinidad, Colo., who bas given $6.000 to erect a Btatue to Carson In ttat bustling border town. KIt Caraon lived and died upon the trail aod was there burled. Tbe automobile tl'Bvelera. following the old trail, round ~mlnderB of tbls toremost frontlenman from Franklin , Mo. to Taos, N. M.. Ready and willing to talk at Kit CareoD were the old-timers wbo bad known blm. "Ot all tbe grent men on the trail." said Mayor Taylor. wbo )mew h1m 111Umately for )·ears. "Gen. - - - - --1CeaanI1l1ll0J1nrw·a s the cblef." Not all the old-tlmen agred wltb Mayor Taylor. "Kit C arson was no t an ex t rao rdlnnry ~ . " Id C t 8 Itb H Simpsoo at mao. 110 ap. m . Taos. "There were mnny others wbo were better alld older Indian flgbters. It 'NaB Gen , Jobn C. Fremont's reo n po rts th at m ad e Kit Carson •s r e pu·..... tlon." It 19 Dot strange that tbe trail abounds witb stories at Kit Carson and bls adventures. In Howard co unty, Missou ri, wh e re th e trail really, he lived RB a lad. At Pllwnee Rock he had bls first figbt with the Indians. At various [I08ts on tbe trail be was stationed as Indian agent. He married 011 the traIl. HIli body, burled Lyon on the trsll. Hi s oody. burled first at Las Animas. on the trail, WOI and In a cemetery In tbls Quain I Spanlsb town In tbe mountains now rests. Kit Carson was part and Darce l or tbe old trail and mucb at tbe romnnce or tbe trail Is Interwoven with bls name. He wall only 17 yea rs old wben he left hili tath er's home In Howard COUDty. Misbourl, to join a Santa "~e Cara·un. From tbal IIIDe unlll bls deatb (In tbe Arkansas river In 1868 tb e Saota Fe trail was his home. Many storles are told at Car~on. Home of wblch are doubtless Ilpocryphal. hut all 11_ lustrate the character. At Oreat Bend. on tbe ArkllnBas river, he am[lulated a man's arm to sav e his lite. lining as Instruments all tbat were ava ilable. a razor, a saw and the king bolt of a walOD. At Dent·s Fort he was the cblef huntN for e ight years. [Irovld Ing game tor food for I he 40 men 10 tbe (art. He was on Intlmllte terms wltb tbe Indians. wbo admired . reapectf'd a nd (en re d him . lie could make peace as WE' ll BS war. "The Sioux, on e o f tb e mosl oum ~ rous and warlike trIb e s ." r elates Mayor Tay . lor, "bad encrosched up<Jn the hunt Ing grounds ot tile south ern lodlans, !lnd the latter bad many a skirmish wllb tbem on th e banks or the Arkan · sae river along the trail. Carson. who was In the upper valiey of the river. was sent for to come down to help tbem drl1e th e obnoxIou s Sioux back t o tb elr own st.amplng ground. He left Fort fiend nnd went with tbe party of COlllanc be m essengers to tbe main camp of that , tribe and the Araf1shoeH. with wbolll tbey had united. UPOIl bls arrival h e walJ told hnnlsh~I : S

...."R on .. r f'Il SO II (or their I~ck of th le H lu ('/lii o n which the lichool g1v~ . ThE'Y blld th e trnlnln g at tb e west. wh ir:" gU\' e II1P Dl roug b, un cu utb t:xt ... r lors Rud uuseifl s b bAllrt6, Jim o r r.lnJ. Br idger. born In Wasblngtoll thal Ih e SIOI JX had 1.000 "'1\rrlor8 BDd City, lert Ib e nallon's cnpltlll to tray11 lIli I)' I illt' S, lind Ihe Com}ul c h e~ aud el " out \\" ' 8t" and bel'oOle guide. Aral)!lhlJe~ "He " fnl d of th eDl on ac- S('Olll, IItIlP maker througb tb e Rocky I.'ount ur TII .. lr grV'lt dlripa.rl1y or num - I JJJoliLiains. Urldper'~ paS8 In tho I I I Ir h I·' lib " lers , Jut t Hi t . e WOIl u go W Rocky llJo unta ln s lIears bls nallle. Jim Ihelll 1111 th e war[la th t hE'Y telt as- Bridger, It Is ctalmed, first amoo" tbfl I I Id 1I I e e l t ,J,eY cou h ovprcollle IT I . i t Jed rorenen - wblte m elt of Arnerlr.l1. saw Slllt l..akfl J "s. " arson. owever, us ea - In tb e wluter of 182 "-6. Bridger wall cO ll rngllJg the Cotllanches and Arapn- In tbe e mploy of the United SlAtell hoes to flghl. Induced them to nego-l go,' ernmen'l for some yearB and serv e<! lIat e wll b tbe Siollx . He Wll8 Bent unlle 0 J h C F"" t r eu . o . II • .• emon as ~l as IDe<llator and eo succes sfully did ~COUl. He also gave \'aluable a8sl~t. ho accomp lis h bls mls s lou Ibat tbe In. trudl t Ib t d t 1 ave Ibe an ce 10 the surveyors at tbe Unh)[l ng r e consen e a e Pacific railroad. bunting grOllnds of the omancbes 88 soon a~ Ibe bull'alo seaso n was over . Tbe Be nts . Sl. Vrain. Maxwell . Jim w hi ch tbey did . and tbere was no more naker, Ibe CooPilrs. tb e Gentry • . Jamell trouble. p. Beckworth, Bill Williams. Tom To· bin. James Hobbs- tbese are amOD~; ID tbe adobe dwelling house at Old th e f amoul so Idl ers, tra d era, trapper!! Fort Lyon, wbere Kit Carson dled- an d t ront Iersmen w I106e name, arEI now part or .the Unlled States Naval In tl rna t e Iy aSBOC late d w Itb e th rl)' bospltal near Las Animas- Luke Ca- mance nn d .bl story a t te b S anlA F tl hill. tbe only person now livIng wbo T ra II~ ' A k <0 II . "ear nowR oc. ,,1\ nE' saw the grellt frontiersman die, told couo t y, MI ssour I, yet reB Id es J a b 0 0 . tbe story at bls deatb. "It was on T ur Iey. 8'u years a Id . W b0 was a , ~ May 22. 18C8," said Cahill, "that Gen. mous tr a d er 00 tb e T ra. II as waa h .. Carson di ed here. His head relIed tatber betore bllll. The lifetime or near this window Bnd be had been father and 60n covers tbe entire pelooking out tbrougb tbe window at the rlod ot the Old Trail. Judge Turley's world outside. He semed to want last trip was In 180 i. wben tbe Trail to get out or doors. He bad been III wall yet 10 largo use. across tbe Arkansas river. where be "We taught IndlanB acr08S the enbad been living tor a time. All he grew tire contine nt aDd carried on a moet 8teadlly worse tbe fort pbyslclan. Dr. profitable trade In mercbllndlse witb Tilton. and otbers of bls friends bad tbe Mexicans," RAid Judge Turley. persuaded blm to permit hlmselt to "We bought whisky rrom the dl stll be brou/tb t 10 tbe 'art tor medical lerles III Mtssourl at 16 to ~O centa a treatment and hospital ettendance. He gallon, and sotd It In Taos a t $3 a bad come very reluctantly. All was gallon. It was terrible stull'. too. We done for him that could be done. but diluted It wltb wllter. making two galIt was no use. He grew steadily worse. lonl out of every gallon. but even tben Tbere was a smile OD his face as, wltb It waa terrible. The ox teams bad his band In my band. he looked out 81x yoke of oxen and tbe ordinary tbe at d wllndo~ aht tbe glowling sun8b lne load 'or a wagon was 7.200 roundl . Aan dlel. . .v en be d ed tbe laat load of 3.000 pounds Is a good wagon, palr e or tbe last c11apter at the berolc load now . We took our mercbandlsEI dal's or tbe Old Trail was finished . to Taoe or Santa Fe, opened a regu" He was tbe great rna ' or tb trail" .. . n e . lar ·store. nnd would sell out our en .. I he most memorable military expe- tire stock In two or three mootbs. Tbe, dillon up tile Old Trnll- I.ndeed. tbe remnants of ollr last stock my tathet' mOJt marv e lous military eXtlfldltion In traded for Mexican sheep a'• •-I a. tbe memory at tbe Unltea States-was beud. took the sheep to Calltornla, Ilnd tbat led by Col. Al exander W . Oonl- sold tbem at UO a head. I 80ld supban, In 1846. Tbe tbousand Mls- aatras root at $4.60 0. pound In TllOs. 80urlans. under Col. Donlp11ao's com- We traveled about 26 miles a day. maUd. formed part at tbe Army or tbe The last trip took 49 days. We met WeISt. under Gen. Slephen W . Kear- on that trip Rose. saId to be the bandney, wblcb left Fort Leavenworth somellt lodlan woman In the wesL June 26. 1846. over the Old Trail for My fatber made his first trIp In 1825, Santa Fe. "Tbls body 0' men." wrote and the Turleys stayed on tbe TraU William Culleu Bryant. " conquered tbe until nearly the opening ot tbe Civil. states of New Mexico' and Cblbuahua war. Various trIcks were played 0111 and traversed Durango and New Leon. tbe Mexicans. There 'was a tarlll~ 011 tbls marcb tb ey traveled more on every load of goodll brought Into than 6.000 miles. consuming 12 Mexican terrttory. The tarllr wa!1 montbe. During all tbls lime not one · so much a wagon load. It tbe wagon word ot Information reacbed them was empty, It WIlS admitted duty free. rrom tbe government. nor any order Some traders would load the goods wbatsoever; they neltber received jUllt outside the Mexican territory Into any lIupplies of any kind nor one cent hlllf tbe wagonll and drive In wltb halt. ot pay. Tbey lived exclusively on tbe caravan made LIP of empty wagthe cOllntry Ibrough which tbey pass- ons. thus paying but halt tbe duty. ThEI ed and suppli e d tbemselves with pow- ,andango-a kind of public danee-. der and ball by capturing tbem tram ,was the chief form of social entertalo.. tbe ene my, From Chlhlla11ua : 0 LIata- ment. Tbe Spaolsb glrlll at tbe fan . moras. a dlstanoe or 900 miles. they dangoell were lometlmes treated to ICE' marched In 45 daY8. bringing with cream Ilnd wbllky. It II a dllvllillttt tbem 17 pieces ot beavy artill ery as combination." trophle!! ." It was thIs ezpedltlon, Tbe story of the Old Santa Fe Tral\ wblch decid ed tbat New Mexico aDd I. tbe story of Its Bents, Carsons. Arizona should become etates of tb. Oonillbans. Bridges, Woottons. TurAmerican uolon. leys and the rest. They were Rlcbens l.ncy Wooton , "Uncle Dick' meo CMt In berolc mold. Made by Wootton , as all trail tra~eler9 knew the Trail, tbey were makerl at tbe him, deserves high place In any ac· wes t. count of the blstorlc pel'sonages ot the Irall. Col. Richard Owenby has Some Mourner, re~tored neBr Trinidad tbe old WootDown In Georgia II negro. who badl ton toll house where tbe rrontlersman. his life Insu red for several hundredl havln!; built a roa d over Rutan moun- dollars. died and lert the money to taln. levi ed tribute upon all who trav, his widow . She Immediately boughl~ eled l\JereU[lOn . herself a "ery elaborate mournlng .outTh e Trull attracted the young man. nt. Kit Cal'soc went wes t upon Ihe Trail Sbowing ber purchases to her friend. lit the uge o f 17 yesrs : Donlpblln ond ~he was very particular In going Into bls soldiers wer mere youlhs. Wootton det.all as to priceR and all Incidental was lIut 18 rears of age When be "hit particular!. Her fTleod was very much the Tr~II . " alld JameH Bridger. (he Impressed , and remorked: foremost monntalnee r. was only 16 "Tbem sho Is tine cloell. but: beta·· ye nrs old wi len . und e r the leader8hlp Heaven. '.-,bat Is you gain' to do wldl or William H . Asbley. the fur ' mer- all dis black und'lrwear?" chant. be .went out on Ibe Trail. The The bereaved one sighed : ea rly age at w blcb tbe frontlersmeo "Chile. when I mourns I moum ...._. lef t borne for th e wilds or the wellt Harper's MagazIne.




Tnko .. piece of pnper- o rdln a r y Writing llAJJe r will dO - find raId It so UH to ma l; e a !J us . a nd I1S you bl'lng I he (' orn e rs round, faste n s plec(' of 81rlllg In eOI' h co rOI' r scc u rely. Tbls will tI('11' III keep Ihc ro rn e rs In pln ce and will lIerve to hlln g It wi th O\' e r Wh 0 It Is Ihe flnm l'! or Ih,' tlr" mud " , put 80 l1le wOler In - Ihe Qu ullty n{Je d only txJ go \' erll C'11 h .l' Ih e sll'enj;lh of t!l e box - han !; It 0\'(01' a Ore, Bnd II ~ill 11 01 b o IOllg b .. rol·c IT w ill lw b oll · I II~ . All 11 1<-01001 lal11p I. hes t hpcltu s f' yr. u ca n SCI It all I!l e lab le Bnd bold



rAveR oox

utt mill well. li nd ~ OIn e thin gs th ey cia be ller thnn !llty other [IeOllle -Io the wnr lll. Of th e, la tt er ~Ol't lap spinnIng Is one. The !Op~ lire ot great vari ety. bo lh In s ize uu" co nslru[·lloll. Tbe I" I'geM IH morn t hn II n root In dlam· P, le r nnd prollorllonlllc ir heavy. Some are solid: oth (' rs can tnln a flo cll of lilli e one d Ilull Ily 0 111 whe n tlla top Is lI flNI. a l1ll ij l'ln nwu )' II)' thl'tnsf' lves. Olhers Ilu ll In a ~ t )l r ~ 1 or Indder or 8 UC('<' .sh 'e tops 0 11 1' d I'A W8 up Ill to a lan t rn. uod SphlM c hee rily In tllal fa rill , The m l'th od R at sJlllln lnf; ar e a lm os t blll'ond des r rlllllon , ";vcn a v(lry la rge top Is Fo m etl mc s thrown as ~ ,\t1stralt a n Cllst S th e bo<'me rnn g. 80 Ihllt Willie It Ilp pear8 to be gai ns ~ t n"g h l toward Ille hell d of tbe speclll l" .. It r['lurn s to the thrower and Is t'n nght on bls palm . Wh e n It arrive s t ltns tb e porronn er lulIC s It b y tho ~ \l llId Ie, n Pl'lHl' nlly RtOP~ It. sets It <lowlI llud It rel·omm,,"ces. Turn It u[l slde dOl\'n an d It prol'cerls jU61 lUI m{' rrliy on II s tro n·splked head . The ~Jl lnn e r s hal anr o It on nn y kind of su r ru cc. round or lI a t. on the e dge or a fnn. tb e s hurl1es t Japan ese award, a long :\ thin 1'01'11. nnd atter some mo· m e nts of un conce rn e d s p inning there It III to"se d on Ih e Illb le . with a[lpnren t carele"SnPKs. whpu It goes 00 worklnll. un ex bnusted and In e xhaustible. One at th e mo s t d elicate perfor· mances ron s lsts In s l'lnnlng a top In the le rt baud . up tbe lett arm. round tbe edge ot Ih !' lobe at tb e back of the neck and down th e o the r arm Into the IJaim or tbe rij!'lt' hand. Anotb e r Is to toss It spi nning Into the air and catcb It on t he hem of tbe sleeve, \\,he nce It run s down Into the band. A third III to nlng It up and catcn It on the bowl of a (llpe. pass It beblnd tbe back. tOS8 It to tbe front and there catch It again. A large, beavy top II sometimell lIet In motion by roiling tbe peg In tbe blgbt of a cord, one end beIng beld In each band, tben tltmg ten or twe.n ty feet In air and caugbt wIth the ' 8ame cord. 8plnnlng always. Tbls can be done te. tImes In lIuccesslon. But tbe mod wondertul display consists In sending a top spinning up a rope to tbe bead ot a mast. and then recalling It.


THINKS RESINOL , EXCELLENl Could Not Without It. : So varied are the use. that one IUtltlnctlvely Iin1tblog happens. Jobn D. O 'Brien. o r LaurltJtb~'ii:rl\i~~ ss ys : "I u se Reslnol Soap regularly, and tlnd Mrl.


,,\'a ry clai m , aud could IVlt.llout t11em. Reslnol


ou r house hold remedy of tbe ski D. and its Sullsfllctory. We thlnk eXCellent snd prefer I~ Not only Is Reslnol tectlve In removIng bUl Res lnol Ointment I'ellevlng eczema, t etter. ringworm. llarlH!r '. crust. pimples, chafing, itching, blacKlltl.~~i Dealera everywbere preparations; 4Je llizes at fifty ceotS soap Ilt twenty·flve sample ot each sent {~~~~~:I~ dress Dept. 2. Relmol ( Baltimore, Md, .

- - - - - - - r,

Paper Will Not Burn. "I lIay. mister," 'lIan. entering the the box ahove It. and all present may "«'lIld you trust me to;;r;-~;~~!~~~ watcb tbe proceeding. This la a very want !,o .end m1 wlt~<; simple and sate expe riment. and It tomorrow.· will afford mucb amusement and set "Sorry. Sir," .alcJ the ~!!~~~~ yoU thlnklug. too. how wonderfUl It we are terribly ruelled .......,.,1'1__ Is. What Is the reBson wby tbe pllper I here IlIn't a tlcl[ h" the doe8 not burn T Tbe reason III tbat Isn't working oTertlme a. tbe heat at tbe flame Is absorbed by per's Weekly. tbe water so fast that It keeps tbe temperature at the patlflr below the liN- Whlalo.... ",?,,,•.,I1'!f 1l......F".J_, point wbere It can take fire. VirtualteechlDK. aofteua ly the same prInciple Ie ueed In tbe \IotD, aU.,.. paiD. biggest steam boilers. So long as there la plenty at water In tbe boiler tbe fire will not burt It. but let the water get too low and the heat will HAND CANNOT BE HELD STILL be absorbed by tbe bOiler and there Amusing Little Experiment WIll Enwill be an eX[llolllon. tertaIn Company When Other Thlngl Begin to Lag.


Next time you are called upon to IndIana Man Inventl New Play thin" amuse the company try this little ex· Conilltln" of Globular Callng. perlment. Borrow a Quarter (Tom Held Cloaed by Catch, some one. If ..,tQ ,trnst you with -rAn amusing toy haa been devl&ed by two Indiana men. It consl8tll of a globular cllslng. hinged at one point and held clolled by a catcb. Inside tbla casing Is packed a parachute. wltb 11 small ball for a weight. The catcb ot the receptacle Is b eld sbut by a pin. wblch Is unwound snd aJlowed to lie loose on the ground so It will payout treely Ilod the ball thrown 88 high Into the air S8 It will go. When It cornea to the end at the cord tbe plo it--<Jr use one at your own If nece. will be jerked out and tbe sbell will sary. Then take a piece at- tbread fly open . Tbls will releR&e the para- about 18 Inches long and · fssten ooe ecd of It to tbe coin wltb a little' Ileal· Ing wax or a piece of somebody's kum. Then get a friend to rest ber arm OD a toot rule or otber stick about .tbat long wIth tbe other end _all the. table. Have her bold the thread -as IhoWi!. ~1IO that 't be coin will JUllt reacb .Ioto a glnss on the table-and then se~ It she cao keep tbe ooln trom bitting tbe gl81ls. Sbe will be unable to do It. for ' the coin will SOOI) begin to sway back and forth like :1 pen!lul~ . and tin kle on the glaes. .

HOW. TO LIFT SMALL PU TE Clever Little Trick May Be performed by the Use of a Heavy PIece of Blotting . Paper. Fill a glas8 full to overflOWing ot water. . Place over It a 'pIece of beavy blotting paper, and then a' emall plat. or a saucer about the IIIEe of ' the pa. per. Caretully Invert the wb91e, holdNew Parlchute Toy, Ing plate snd glas. firmly together. 110 chute and the weight of tbe latter will no air I, admitted. In a few moment., at once straighten tbe little floater out. wbereupon all will ' de8cend gently to tb.e eartb. the sbell preceding It. to be ready for another tbrow.

A. Real Handy Tree. Old you ever hear of a thread and needle tree? It la ratber a handy tree to bave growIng In the back yard. don't you tblnk? Especially wben there are boys In the house with butIons cnmlng ott about every other minute. This strange tree grows In nearly all tropIcal countries and In 80me plaCeti . nearer home where tbe climate I. •.1 ...... Llftln,, 's Pt'ate.' warm. Jt geta It I name by wbl~b we " '.' know It from tilt! curlou. formation ot when the ' blottlng paper ba. betome Its leavell. At the tlp_at tbe leaf there damp, you can 11ft tbe glass audc, tb'e Is a sharp thor-n. which I, }he needle. plate will hang"tlghU7lp It. .v.: ..It you grallp It ftrmly IU\,d pull It out. I tbere you -are wltb a ' _Deedle . already \.breaded for your aewlng. ThIll fiber The Finish. For Computlory Domestic Sel'Vice, No Place to Stop, tbread I. very . IItrong : and the Mexl. Pattence--Have you noticed In a cirCompulsory domestic service for "Wb<m youn$ Warping came back cus parade that Lbey always ha ve the girls nnd women as an equIvalent to home and (old -hie tather he Wa8 .. caDS uae It foJ' weavln. a coarse kiniS . ..slliope wagon bring up tbe end of tbe the universal military service Incum- roll1ng stone. what did the 0111 gen tt .. qf cloth as well aa for llewln&. ._"_ line! bent ujJOn men Is a novel proposal put man 8IIy1" . r , Patrice-Yes; that Is to let you ror ..... arll by FrauleIn Pauline Worner,. "He Irnocked the ashes out 'o f ·.hl. )mow that tbe worst 18 ~et to come.. a lead Ing German woman reformer. I pipe 'and told yount: Warping to 00 J'oUlqg," ,. . The Idea • •tt "r am a progressiVe bird," said " the. electrlclan's caoary, . "In what respect 1" alllted the ,old-, lII&ld'l parrot, . . ' , . f . , ' •• '. . "I have a wlrele.. case. ~ ,"

It lhatcbed In a sbower brou ght tbem Into pia 'ett tbem In tbe KJI.,nIBn , ...· neatll tbe parcol. leatbers. He Beemed nn d !fllzed Intenti y at .,~'a.\,~~ ... ,,", (or sOlli e lime. and then " D--n 'd little fools ' Ing. too."





of Thistles


Pnln in the the ItI<llluY.' of dl.t~_ .



br AnooialC=u LiluuuJ .....e ... )

IJrouj(lll hu e k 10 tile IIl gllway to rest a iJll:\ IlIIlHtl1T com lu g towllrc1s 111m • OU th p J UU1 ~, ' " . , . . , " "MIld dOI:\ :" wh is pered Ille tramp ult el' Wa-I ~'I11n'; ror a nlom'e ut. ' ' -B(\D()OI ' . JU IiJ' lIq.ueezlIll. Ileod .IIolo .. blgll -ro),IlIl' 1\ ,.1Iell111 8h 1IJ~~lrJ~~:1'" Sent down ,11'001 ,gl'eclI - s IUI' Il),lng at tile moutD. Those COI1 1l!l:9,I1 : ' beh'lillt" 'frled 'it wc re (h e true signs. "1'!ip t nlihJl 8tOOO eip'e1le'd 'T Or 1'11''''1.111'' 'u l) Il l,a ' gl'll s ped The 'Hwn t. ' stllll\' , by a~ d~'H w,oJ:/{., Uon ' t, ·whi ch he '(,!lnled ' bls , ,Old I!lIlCneJ. .flv e r Never'lI 'amou,nl to_ hi s s b:J ul de r. Tile doll' cnme Strl1il!Dl bls .moUler. 'tin jum\> a t hlll1. (nil'" iii tbe ')'U!!t moiilollt ,r,..., ....,v -row , If sent to buy live 8W('rv<>" tlRlde and pn s ed ~ II . /I e 0[· candy wouldn 't know WD S hal r·hlllld In hl~ agony , a nd ho bow Whot have YOU got to IlI lI)' ha l' e taken the mun lor a say?'" " s ha,low . "NotbJUIf much. tnlllol' , ('xcl'pl U~ to "(; ul o Ol '"n und ~Irl In t,. e hlllO' ~o tlJ1Ba,D.tBfD.. .. wos llle r e ply. ''1'111 mo c k:" whlspored th G Iramp . " Will not a l'oftlan', hough I admIt to bel ng he III I'll I~': If li e dot,S Hhe will sc r e~ l1l, a gsne.raUalluro." " ' • ailtl "hal ' th e n? ( n)n im'( tak e "Would anybody but a ruHl:!n lI elp c h nnc ' e!"i ~" to Irltlnn.\? a professor an(1 then ride '1'1", Ilog lind 10rlY rods' tr go by blm "-\:o'uIJd on11ttcltft_'!" -the ",,,,,t+;-Afld- tb& man, b" , leAt,jn!! I h u , "Tliat as Just ,n .college prank. (e ll ('O and III aklng a il lIQl't , cut lI ud roth r." ,r onl y lIiJoul tw onty -llve. One Jump and "Qb, It W8!1~ And greasing tlte h e WIIH' ove i- Ih e fence, and tll"n he .taIi-!! . and aendJng tbe Janitor t'roOl at ru ck a chlder-track gall. top ttl b(Jttom and breaking "bls rl bs Th e dog s lopped fo r n few s.conOs "IUI' ilAotiler!' - _ . - - . at tire gnu!' nnd"11re n tlJT't)mt- ln. - Just "B~' mad. up. a purse of ,~r.U tIIell tile girl Silt liP In the I1nmmock, tor blm: . Ilnd see ing bot II tramp Ilnd dog slle .. ~~ -1?iOWIUI up the professor or sc reamod. The tramp If't Ollt auother . math~aUcs with a dynaOllte mine as link, and 110 was at tile foot lIr Ihe b, croa.ecl the campus-that was nn- s t eps when Ih e lUad beast caUle ruclng 'QtjIer ' fli e ' ~ltt1e ·prank tor a ceDl, II D wltll growlH of agony 01- anF' It- ! " 'l' ) WltII a fu ll swlnl of bls stlc~ th , 'dl4nlt' gO ' flP over alx feet." tramp bowled tbe dog ov er, alld tllr ee '1t.~ .'lU!n·t: )'our fault thot ' b e dIdn't or fOllr more blows !lnlebed blm, oU've reaclled tbe "Wbat-wbat Is It!" d emanded tile girt. ta,'~""-_ _ _ _ _' ___ _____ -I ._: ' J l!~t. _I.L.lU ~llI~, :' .~!!.s_ Iii! reply lUI t be dusty outing cap was lifted , dend -and --tbere's Dotblll 011



"But I want to IIflOw ." "Just a mad dog.'And the tramp hud reaclled the gate wilen Judge Horton und Ills wife I!ame drlvlnJ! up , Ilnd'tllo Judge leaped out and seIzed tbe man by the collar and exclaimed: "Hold OU, berel I want to what's been going on I" "Don't Jet him gel away, taUer'" cried EJ4lth as sbe came running. "What:!, be done .. "Wb)', be kUled a bIg mad dog that wos atter mol I want to I(now bls name and make blm accept tllanka," "Just a mad dog," replied the tramp wIth a dellrecaUng smile, but tbe trIo InsIsted ou making a bero of him . Tbe Judge banded him a $20 ' bIll, and wilen It WIUl refu sed he cast arouud to gIve a reward In some other way. "Look heni ," be said atter a bll "tbere"lt' fO'ltr 801111 ' ucrlM' or lhl htie b over tbere belonging to me. I want 'em cut down and rooled out . I'll gtVG you 510 an ~c re to do It. lind you can get board with llle (arme r just below." ·-'Tbe lie'x t dAY the tramp went to work with scytlle and spade, and It was a tw e nty·oays· Job he lind. Three or. flJur Urnes, . In ~at str.e~cb Judge l;IQr.n.e r. .llle ,tle14 au~ trIed ~Q draw the worl{er out. but be did nol s ucceed very well. On two occasIons MIss Edltll -oolled him to llle roadsIde fence to 1>l'alse and pump, but all tile Information s be got made a brief ro-

'd l8en",,_

Wben you h"ve T l,nHon

Body of Un ident ified Soldier Found at Gettysburg H oldi ng Picture of Three Children. All wars, fiS 1M IIH ' \' lluble, gll'e rise to man y {lall", l!<- lucidellls, lind our own ('i 1'\1 \\ ar wu s no (' x(' eptl un lu Ihis r", ~ p p(' I . · for ' nlte l' every bu ttle clime s lnri l'S of Indlvlr1uul he roism or 801'1'01\ fu l II1l' III f' IIlO<' ~ of t he loya lty alld dp I'OrlllD to Ibe Un io n whkh UCIU, 81f'd OUI' ~" Itll e r ll . ull th~o ul:h lh e co a1~ "L

On p 111 (' 1:111('1101.1' Int'ld elll Ih:!1 o~· ""rr('11 at'kr lIlt, hlllli e o f (; ('11) ~ IJUrl: was Ih ~ tllHlillg of 111f' bo d y or a sui· tll (' r, Ultlfl cItLiti l'd , wit" hall III I,, " lI ('ad hHll tl >l " kllll'l' l' e IJrt'H('ulillg 111I' ~1' ('llit , Uf<' II, (ttl wltit'h 11 1l! "yes of Ih l' tl ylllJ.: ~ o ldll'T had b(,., 1l fu ;'IE' lIed 10 111(' lu s t. Th .. "I c ltll'<- wn s hl' ou;: ht to I'hil/l' d(' lphia lind ' Ih'e ('lr('UltllllaIH'(' s or lIS t1nd lllJ.: wl<le ' ly ;\(IV fl rliset\ ,jn Ib e n(,II'R ' P"fl Cl'ti or Ih " ,·olllllry . A phOlog l'n pl1k ('''flY (lr II WaR u l ~t) m a de, In Ih e ltoll P. Ihut b~' Its m ('U UH Ih ..: ideilll l Y of Illc (1(' 11<1 1)lI trlol WOllin j." lI;ct'rl uln f' d lind the wbel't'abollts o f his family d lsc ov· e rl'<1, ~II)'S" wrlll'r III Ihp I'hllalit' lph ia Enquire r. The copi cs w e lX' pls('('ri on Bale and W('i'e purcbased In ('on.lderullie numbers, as th e proceeds, It WaR unnounced, werp to be uij<'d for the bc nE'fl t o( the childre n I( tb'ey were found, "lid flliling lhat , ~~re to be ~Iven 10 s om e beneVole nT . Institution for usslstlng sol<1lers. The lnoal1cnst ' publication o( the racts r elative to tbe flllding of tb<l soldier Iln.d (,be r~ p~odu c UQn p( Ih e Jlorfralls of the children had the boped-

t l)

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•'I, n " I III"' . R. H. BRAGDON, Spedaliit , l1IB. Bulletin Bldg., Philadelphia. Pa. 1\, ,, ,I.

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and Its Brood Dllmel, ~rou" IU"JIt.. ~t, r" r' , ,,TIP, ' PILES, OYS· l ild ~ rtluljJ t 11 A ll lltu ":Il I,U; PEPSIA, HEADACHE. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, GENERAl DEBILITY, Tlt ere are two III I ,, ~" ~lIklll alPcl 10 DEFECTIVE CIRtULUIOH. NERVOUS PROSTRAnO~ , BRAIN I I1UlKt.! H 1l1 illl ' ~ ht-'i H I h \\ ' j m " Il merry FAG. INSOMNIA, ASTHMA, HEART WEAKNESS, m ., m.

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0",.0'. K hluay Ptll.. rl jli~,"o w"-'llk •

wllell g, \ "'e n away _

FREE -'C'~?N~ T~T~?K

P_RACA"'''H MFG . CO' , 38·3.d Sr.;

lou,.,,"•. K, .

'\ 1(1'; \ ,.1 ' ISTEttt.:STI·: U I n I\. Ce ll unu lu fruT, .. Ut ter poultry rlll'tll ', If 11' 1l lt r.', ""rllo I " for f ull 11I'",,' rl)1I "' n o J lUI". c,' II "'V'I' n llhl ViII"" I llI .t


I r.',~:: ul:~,,~'t~~!: :It~l~tll,! ;.:.','J~h ~J.~~~I~, ~:','t)i~I; ~II~: II~ '~~ I ~:'~ I~~ ,011) , 11 (1 Ibn IlI lf' rll rl>un, nnd In Ih " tlnl' IH 0'\ 11111\1 . ' In "rl,." f:y ... " I,,. ": .,ld <" III h .. til thl~ "' .. rllll( , Troublos Laid \" Tr y Murhi\! Ey e H t!IIH'.!Y (o r H ~IIld.) Ii.· 1<l"\ l d I ~ll.I~' ;:'t;~\J~~;. ,f~!~N Ilnl'I~I\'~1 ~;~\\I~;' I:~~~,~; I~ ;';:: ~'~'lr~:1 ~,,~~ "Til e ca1l8e uf m or e th ull Itulf tlte \C II I II I ~' \' ~' fl lI III.n.·", I n ftlrlLlnll"D b n:lIJ" ~1 n·(,'r,·ncI''' , fam il y scraps Iltat are I!crflPpecl t o fI , S omp of Ihe rl,nr llY thAI bf'g lllS al t..: l llu A :"tuJItI.l, UmUtJ.luul't lt.J n .l'~l., U. 1' . 1' l. B" x:Jltj., flnI Ah," ~a)' 6 all t'xl'hu npe. ., "I s th e 'In I borne ISIl 't up 10 Ill e Rlanriarri W , N. U .• CINCINNATI, NO . 14- 1912. law' A mun or a woman murrl es 80me one auso lu te ly antaspni s tic to n.1I the oth e r m e mbe rs of th e ramlly, If the blood is poor and filled with the and then, pultlng thi s' pers o n on a poisons from diseased IUdneYII or inactive liveI', the heart ill not only IItarved pedestal. de mands IhHt all shall do her bUI poisonctlas well. There Bre many or bls will. For th e sa'l<e of ('ollrteS)', conditions due to Impure blood-such oft.w ... whole fa~lly .... 111 yield lU a ny as dropsy, fainting Ilpclls, nervous debilpolots, lind gradually the 'In ·ltl\\" beIty or the many scrofulous conditions, comes more and more Insistent, lind ulcers, "fever sores," while swellings, so thing. drift Rlong, al .... ays the one elc. All can be overcome and cured by sld e ' glvlng In. until 80 me straw. 80me trifle, will pro ve lbe drop ton mu ch, and art'~ r that (he rracas. With tht' fill' cl ea red , a lJPglnnlng ran be mad e This aupplles pure blood- by aiding digestion, Increasing assimilation over again on a hllsls of equal rights . Bnd Imparting tone 10 the whole circulatory systom. It·s a beart Ionic Bnd a greal deal more, having an allerative acrion on tho liver and or e lse- all In tercou rse clln ceRse kidneys, It helps to eliminate the poisons from the blood. Either way mu cb, hlU! bpen gained." To enrich the blood and Increase the r e d blood corpuscles, thereby feeding the nerves on rich red blood and doinl;t away with nervous irriCandid Admission, tability, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medlc!!1 Discovery and do not permit "Wbat are yo ur Ideas llbout reo a dishonest dealer to insult your Intelll"ence with the" just BS good form?" ' kl nd." The" Discovery" has 40 years 01 cures behi nd it and contains no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredients plainly printed on wrapper. . "About tbe' 1I1Ime IU! evt'~ybody'B," Dr. Pierce's C ommon Sense Medical Adviser Is sent free on receipt of replied Senator Sorghum. ,"I a. stamps 10 pay ex pense of wrapping and mailing ,,"/y. Send 31 one-cent general Impression that myself and 8tar~1P8 for the French cloth-bound book. Addre$5: Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N,Y. my pe rsonal a'o d poillica l fr'l~nd's are th e only p~otile who do nOl need' It."

Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery


When Your Eyes· Need Cafe ~o 8ntlu'tlng-F' .. .,IA Try It. for Rf"cl. ,Wrnk,

Flote. -A«:'I!4 Qult'k1,f '

Wi\.I.ery Eyrs nOli U rR.ll u la.bed Eyelld 3, tTa t ed


In eal' h


II I U!~ ' ~It1rlnp If:!

'2.25 '2.50 '3.00 '3,50 '400 & -5,00 For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS FOI'. tOYIEA" '3C;-~EAARS

t}'1~(~~~~~U~~ '\C; ~~~!!I:t;lnti_!ll~~I"~~~'~! ~ I¥~~: 111'0 (,'f ruan, ' 1C'an, Nuw df'ldlcat t..'<1 to tho Put.·

'~;~I~'I~ tiH~~ lJla{~~u.r~I~:e~\l:c1~~a~~~:'t~ MurIne EY,e Remedy

C~ ••



, Recalling the F'l ght, "H e bas' ,h is 'otber's eyes." . "Thill's Queer; J tbuul:ot I . WBS aek!ug)ll!.i.'; ___ , _ >'_ A.n old loper Is satisfied If be cnn lieep lirs head abov'e waler. ' Eyes 'b'," the' Dyh't'O SoUlIer Had Be!!tI Fa.toned ' on the PIcture to the Last.


u <"( 'O lll<' 11

tlU~ Pt,..' t

YC'lIlr kl (111I1f8.



c l!ullftl' ur untl g" 1 " no m a t1cr \\ hat r(J ur l! ise'"ge If }'U U ~u lIer 7t1tt. \\ '/, -i'iffl T!!lly PI" ' \, '"l' h o m l<h c: ul1I :db! lI Writc- . If yo u sutle r I rorn yo u In 0 \\'t'l'kd. ~p r l IIg n l_1\ \\ 111 HO(III l\ J( illry T ' Hul ,ic , \\fUt" .su m..tltc r w b at IlItl II )' rill !took· YULl bulle r trtlill. \.\ rae t bf'g ln . \\' rlte IIr 1('1 "A lIloln/; With 1'/> ' " r M . (', A . lI1u .....'}·o ,...... s DOCTORS ; Auto ~etJOol, 7 & \\' Ili n!! I , ('111 .. 1111111 11, O. If n OI,

T ry E." ., netnt<1y ,

ror re;;,It, ';tlld It w~~ 8scc rt a.'iiied thaI the soldiEr was a sergeant In llle Oue Huadred and Flfty-fourtb regiment or ,NEW York slaie- voll llllce'rs·. " nomed Hummlslon, who Qetor.e ~ .,nllsteo bad resided In Portville. N. Y. Hls_ ,\,{Idow re.cog ni~Q the pictUI'f'8, the firs t ' rellable luformation she h a d v~ii at her 'ilUs ba'nd's dealh 'on" lhe le fl e ld, Detang ot bls life were "SAY. PBllll, Yl!u _Itn~w I Bt,udll}d eagerly sought tor nnd it soon became Greek?" gelleral\y ,kl1q~'n , thtlt £,ergellnt HuOl; "It was some foidet'ol--lille that, 1 miston had b e"~ ,a. )lar~essmaker . by bellev~.oo ' trade, Ihnugh I early In lite he hod "~At, I ,OilD \lIlder~nd. ~t Qu,lte . Wel /. , been a sailor, mliItlog 'severar whal1ng and '1at. do f9P tl1)n~~': 1 ,,,. " voyages to the 'soutb ·Pnctflc. He en· oo "I tllink you£n't. 1I~.~ed after Ihe call fOl" ·60t}.OOO mOM " nd yesterd' wlien' '#na passing volunteers, citizens of .P.orWlle aSBurtile hlstta-Held - " beard" "Our ·-tf'amp Ing blm tho t hi s fAmily Bhould not sufswan -Ing In Oreek·!·', - , . . . . -- fer dllrll\s,.}lls .aps.ence" ,1:1e WIlS with "DId eb? Tben I must wa.rn blm hie rel'jlment at tbe battle ot Cballcelthatlali swearing arCl.und ·here must be lorsv/lle " ollo ' fils ' capfaln -lE-stlfted 'to done In Engllsb." , his good conduct~ " 1Ioldlerly " qoaHties ' It ~'-a'ii 't "a' day all ' b1fJo 'ahd cour~a durIng the engage . job' wHen 'a mll~d up lilUeed. all wbo knew him In thl! arJI\Y an bo~r O1'! ' ln his borne town also t~stlt\ed to aterllng Ilnd lovable .cbaracter, original picture was sent to ~mrt1l1:'O'!1- lInd-tlTl!' -t!t ory -,va". a Wide and In the widow and tbe ,wIP), benfP,clai results


IP'I'\'O d 1\ n g O J dl 'f1ps y. 'fnH· '~1. UTW l)tJi~ miJl" ,UI' Brlglll'l



Do You Earn $100 a Monthf


t lme!r gil orerl,

• • •


Sure 000.: "Tbe pen Is mlgbtler tllan the' sword ." "nut the typewriter putl Il all uver tbe pen ."

live W.LDougliul shoeli a trial. W, L Douglas name stamped on a .hoe guarantees superior quality and more value, for the money than other mak~_ Hia name and price stamped on the bottom protects the wearer against high prices and inferior Jll1oea. Inaj.t upon having the g,el)uine W_L Douglasshoea. Take no lubstitute . It rOllr d"l,l e r r "nQo\ linppt, W.I .. llo IlJfIt\a ,hO..8. '.,.1t1l W. l(ro(> k l (III, 'bI."!,,.. fnr ... 'n", 8 110#1 I'tlIIL

' Imp~ptan1"1'O ' Mothers ' E::camlue carefully e l'e ry botlie qr CASTORIA, Il jllife' and sure re medy ~or Inrants ' and chlldreD. and Bee tbat it



t _ llou ~Ju,


Signatureot~~ • In Uso Jo~ or Ovet 30 Years,


1.'I,!.O'whel'ft dl!!Unry IJUu.rIlM vreV&ld. Pu.t CellflY' I l l/Net. ..... ttd.


::': hilul'Cll Cry for Fletcher's Castoria His 'Business to Know. W\fe!.... Look. I bought thIs rur coat l OJIIY. They ·tell me we are going t,Q bave Nery cold weather soo n. ~ H '~ sbund - ~ho told you so? \oI.' lfe- 1'he furrier,

A Perfect Imitation of Oak for Floors and Interior Finish Mnde of mnteri.uls as dum,hlc M iron and put up in rollao.t JL moderaw vnce .

GAL-YA-NI·TE FLOORING T J\kee the pluCfI of \Ul"'fnitllr)' C'DTJwf 8- mnlcc8 houecwork n. plc M ure. Mny ho U~C: ft llfllUDt.I tlJo edge of la rgo ruga tuld for wbio"CCJ liu g,

If You Are a Trifle Senaltl'vll' tlr e sLze or your Sl!Ol'fi. y ou {'n,n w ell !" I,l Kl zl! MllIall,' !' by shllklnJ; Allen'~!. the antlilUf)"~"wd .. f', (tUorn . Ju s t th o thing (or DHncJng 1',11't i e-s nnd (01' Rten'ktng In °New 8ho(o8 , Ol\'os ins t n ll t, rHJ e r to Cornt-J Ilnct l:hlllions. Stun . pit· rr n I!:J~ . Address Alle n S . Ohm-Heel, L t!H OY, N, Y .

Durable, Sanitary, Inexpensive

Abou t

Put up in mlll'1 ~R inch..,. wid p--AOld h)' flu· yttn J. AJlk. your deo.lAr fnr Onj·"H-nitc Flooriugor Bcnd



lampl .. and JIIu. 'rn""t! ll ook l,·t.




. Ga'lIant BII nd Man. ':.Ah, you're 'a r>retty lady," "What's that? I tbought you blind ." "In Ii sense only. I nev'er see ugly women." ......Journal Amllsant.


_'rho Padon Toilet Co. of Boston. Muss., will send a large trial box of Paxtlne Antiseptic, a dellghlful cleansIng and germicidal tollet preparation, to ·any " ,,"OUllln, free • .lIpon request. For 'people to 11 ve 'ba pplly together rill!' real secret Is tbat tbey sbouid not 'IIve 100 .. lOucll togetber.-..-Slr Arthur


The best dressing you cun find ror woullds, bites of Insecl>!, abrasions, ('I c. The Carbolic Acid he lpH to prevent Infec tion: the ' .. Vaeelln .... ('leHDses and soot lies. Especially vltlllable tbere are chlldrpn . For


It! enoryw h cre in hl\lJd y

YU~ , 1J.,.


oot t II 'A,


t-: U" tj .,"UU


u'JIa~feli"e, "

rhll,I~[ 1 1.7,~~'~~~ ;~'ll:;: 1 ~~·~'t~r';YI:~~~I.on~, ~Ituk~t l~ Jrr'~c~~l~II.~\';,tt l.~\'~~J~I:I';

abt,uL tbCllJ,

"BRo1ftO 01J1NINI!:," UROMU otnNlN \I, L<.. k for W , llnuVl!:. C_ tbo Wu.14


.A (l dr" ~ 8

U"pt. g ,

Cheaebrough Manufacturing Company 17 St.t. Street


New York





th~ ",kin am) fLI'IH o,a




f or


[lflUld vl\'~ n Dn

the tongu,. o :Suo f(' fUT tIro!!,! II are,.. anll nil o lbr.rK, 1t .. ,.,1 klduf'Y I'f'rIIt'tl,\' ,flU ceQt" /\lId '1 ,(tI u. hoi I If' : th ,UO 1111 11 1,10.0(1 tb,. Ih' 7.t>-l l. ~Illtl tty III I tirl 1Cl(i l: IH Aod hurt~e IIl loc.l tJ l'OII !'>tt'l, o r fil!Ut ... ~ lJre¥H I Iuh1 . Ly tIl e Ulo.l.I Uf.tlcLur.. r",-,




~~~Irt~,""""L... ber, Two


When You' Paint: L The paint is ;1 sma ll par t of the _".,___ cost. It' s t:1O p:.inting that c;' Llnt:;. ' ? I t cos ts less In Pllt on go od pa mt th an chcap, b cC,! UJ C it's ma de' bet ler. It )'ou use LOWE BROTHERS


you I{ C' ! the besl re~Lllts a t least cost. You\l'illre~'f.:mb erthe hi gh ljua l,(:v lun.! al\(Jr you hR\'e foq:rCtll' n t he cost . G e t color r "rd~ :ldd p:Jr.lpb lct3 at once, For Sale by


.',.*. *. .,-'. . ,'A I *'..... CandOdates *

The followln8 paragraph froID the Wo!:!tern Underwriter or Maroh 21, 11112. should oommand the serioul attention of eyery oltlzea of Ohio, "Firo 10Alle8 III Ohio the weok of Karoh lOth-16th, were DO' 1elll t.haD 1671,000, at ",blob Colu'mbos ,f urnlsbed A. qoota aImed equlil to the oi ty's l!epllrato fire !OUNI lor all of 1910 and ,,11 of J !Ill. Thill SlOpeD " dO llS tobl for se von day. add1 to " now n fire IO!l8flS tor Jauu"ry up prox~ma'ely $900,000; more thlln $400. 000. so rlllr BS known in Febru. ary, ODd Ihe first nine daYIl of the month addell mllterially to the fire 10118 re oord , Tbe lire lOllS for the ye"r, tn RDd Inclndi ng Maroh 16tb, is ahllollt fifty oent" per oapi&ti of the 8tl1te 's popula tl OD." '1'bls i8 all nnder,statement mtuer th"o an eX ll g~e rntioo for IlIl tl r re port,s lune ijweU"d the t011l1 oon· !lifle rb bl.." EUlphB~!I is to be plllcllJ upon th~ o lo~ io~ lIe~ t e n Ctl of the I'acogrftph

PerSOU,,11YJleiDltl4:»l1l1r1 ...- - . - -....- - - - . . . ; . - -. .,. Jeannette Janney haa the





Mrs. J. A. Funkey' was Tuesday.

id Xenia, (

The condition of Alice Careyli! still yery serious.

See What


Dr Mary L. Cook was in Dayt~n on professional busineu lalt Wed· n~Miay. ... Misses Annie U. and Marne Brown were in Dayton Wednet!day and Thursday. 'rhos. J Brown was the ~uest of Esq. J . T. Brown in Centerville. two days last week. Madison McKinsey and Albert Cleaver were in Lebanon on 1elral business. Tuesday.

Oranges.Faocy California Na~ vel, Grape Fruit, Florida LemOD!, FllDcy Calilornia Apples, Roxbury Russets, Malaga Orapes, India ~Iver­ Tomatoes, E~tra Fan c y Florida Celery' Florida Potatoes, Florida Asparagus.


Mrs. Cora Baker and family, of Springfield. were the wt!ek·end ""'~,,' "It ...,,..,,,,.. ,'A ~ tLbove quoted: Lot u~ rf\8d It Iljtllin : WIIo .o1;o-"t- ~ "'''' ~... ~;: "t- "1" -:"''JiC'Ji'.' BURN THE CHINCH. BUG ' fh 0 lire loss for Ihe yonr, to uud Iruests of Mrs. Ida Stokes, ~:.' The wet ann raId weat her of the i 'lol uui n ~ Murch 16t b, iSAlmost fittv 2000 Locust Fence Posts for sale I ~.':'.'' past fall and wint e r has grea tly f,IY' O(1ot Hp!'r oOl)ita of tho stilte's pop. at right prices. Call on W. H. Mad 'J!\,' I ullA tion ," Ge~ uine Easte~ Jersey den & Co,. Corwin. Ohio. • 't.' ....... _'" on" t he 3b"temell t of thl~ ch inch '01;0' SU BJECT "'" l 1 '0 Hut'h ill the r ec lrd for I wo D'l1" , ,_ ,-'-4'..... • , TO TH E RE r UB. :.: lll~ p a::un.HI II 11 hio. an d if fa rm(' rs "' lIt·.h~1t IIII>nt I ii o f 'l\lL2 Fif!."U Mesdames Ch~. Shidaker and ,.,,. llCAN JlRII\\~RY, ·' ... g,' nc l'a Y WI +_ ".. ( 1 t now f b p roceeu h t f) UC~l l'\}Y cru l ~ [)or c .. pittl h)~tI 1'1 .. reater t h" n Frank Harris. hf Harveysburg. were .", 1e remnan a ugtl w ich have ~ur· .. ':~, MAY 21, 1912 \'ivt'u the ' yintpl'. \\'e can rea!lon~l.>IY I,lillt nf ~ermaoy for the euUrot )'(\Itf guests of Mrs. A. Maffitt. Tuesday. ...... -Jt. hope to get lhrll ugh the coming .. I 1!lll. And till" VAst lOllS Is H hl!o. ....~-.J:.l. ..... ,..~"'... . ,,.. -3.,... ,'f\ • """ t ••' • • 'A . I I • lutlj 11/111 \r roo Jver" bl e_ Tbe Sltu , TEMPERANCE LECTURE -CS--"I'.- "r- -T•..,... "1• •~ jiC "r- )lCIJr..Jl!....,;:.. sum mer W i t I ('S~ Uamage thall oc· I curreu laill year. ri m rtl v lli~lell hy th ese fi ~urf<e I" ono Brin~ all Mrs, Gebhart. State Superintend. your AUDITOR Owing Lo the lateness of Lhe whioh slwuld I) llllm lad immediate spring. the bu gs will ha rdly co m. Imu Jl\ 'Ht @eri o u~ o,_msiuerllt!on ,'uot ent of Scientific Temperance In· Produce to mence to fly f reely bef~re th e last 'tllone It th!! hund8 0( iosuranoe men struction will lecture at the M, E. Fr'llDJ< B. Forgy ten days of Apr il, and if farme rs dnd fire <ieplutment a but of lill our church. on Thursday evening, at Will R. I.ewls p, m. A large choir will fur... .. .. generally will practice concerted poopl", Charles Maddea burning over the hibernating reThe fi re IIlftrdhtll'l! offic" In tho nish special music for the occasion , T. C. Patterson treats of the ingects during the com- yeu r 1911 m"de tnonsllnlis of Inapeo· The entire day Thursday will be deing two weeks, many of t he surviv- tio osll1 Ohlu Ilod 'as Ii reilult of or voted by Mrs. G ... bhart to giving in· Albert Stubbs ing insects will be destroyed, Burn d er~ IQt\uetl thousand I of fire 'raps struction in the different departover road side , borders. along old IVAre torn down. und other thou ments of the public schools. CLERK OF COURTS --fence rows, over bramble thickets. st1nds of t'uitdi0l:l" ware rep"ired a tl d M. E.CHURCH 'Dan P. Bone . , along the borders of woods and over olllugtlroull conditlOD8 remedied grassy borders around fiel ds and gar. ~ut l it is mtl.n'1ife~1tly ImpO!!8ible with Sunday School attl:15 a, m. dens - in short burn everything in t I'p " ueceSSBlI y foroo in tbe t t t ' imited t ' if li Preaching on Sunday mornl'ng at the shape of dead ground ,cover that dIn"firi meo th t0 10 t pet) '. rh'"-, /I t- e bnUd 10:30 by Rev. J . A. Story, D. D. The will bum, Persuade all your neig his Del! a 0, " ' depllrtment Communion Service will be held at Iy d epend upon our ol\t I bors to do likewise or your own lVork, :.I.,n~ mus t I'Iu ge tll I '1 I this time. Preaching in the evenin'" no matter how thoroilghly performa 0 , e var ou a ooa itles for • ed. will afford only partial relief and knowledge of ooudltill l' S, WheD at Dr. 7:30.Story will hold the Third h that only for the early part . of the !lny 0011 dltl. on W hiCHI' pears da u 8eason .~H. A. Gossard- in Oh;o Ex- goronA to -any perSOD iD a communi Quarterly Conference on Saturday ' periment Station Bulietin, ty ill oalled t<' the IIttsntion of thtl evening at 7:30. Let all officials be ____~ _.: '.. office it will be given pl'.:lmpt at'en , present. , • , IS CANDIDATE FOI{ CORONER t~on und ahou' the QJ!ly 'pJ'.a.o.. LECTURE AT HARVEYSBURG tlO&ble way in whloh to operAte. Dr, l~. C. Adams. of Clitten, t~. But there are local 8cenole8 whtoh Dr. Lamb, of Cin<-innati, who denounces that he is a candidatn'fbr hne sl.nllar powers who are al80 livered an address here Sunday even· Coroner in Greel'le county. subjeet available to our people. LQoal fire in~on theliUbjectof "Public Health': to the Republican prialar~' electldndepartmenl ohh,rl have p~aotioally will lecture at HarveYlbll~ Suncb.y May .21. Dr. Ada,ms took up th~'he lam_ POW9rt1 al .~e 'qonferr~ eYening, April 21st. on the eame fire martihaJ A~ lI~bjeet. at the M. E. churcb. at practice of th.. WIdely know',' an~ "apoD the Foaled'" popu Jar Dr. D _ E. Spahr at Chfton. , ma~y of 'hem have , ao&ively .teD o'cl_oek. . Evel')'body cordially invited _two ,years aa-o and in ,that tlme"u up ,t,ile,'wort of tnspeo&l.l1g baUdlng. to be p~nt. three ho1'8e8 make """"A.'-•• .~ made many friends especially in his, for,fire . -The ,.G'tnoiDna" denear the Stand Pipe, You are~.lw~ C~~~!:~, ,,, TOWNSHIP S. S. UNION Come and look at the bcSr~,' ana pt a.l ' J)6ItI~Ire.; section of the cOunty. He IS a man p.rtme" ba. recently etar." • of middle age, has been a practi~in~ 'Y8cema~~o ~iilt~tion of 'haa oUy The WaJlle Township Suncb.y physician for a number of years and for fire da geu. ~tx officer. baTe School Union will have ita next meethas been a Re,ub1ican all his Iife.- be3D det~tled for 'be parpoee Ind ing in the M.-. E. church en SUnday.II----.,...--".;-.;;.;..~-...;...,;.~~~~...;.:;~.;.~~~ Xenia Gazette. the dep~rtme~.~;e8peakB for them • • _ • hear&y weloome it, &he h .. nd. of all April 28. at 2 o'clock • Some of the County offlcen will HAD A LAR~§,c,;~ASS Notice of Appointment 'the good people of Cincinnati. be present. Proerama will be ready Chtef Bunker, In addre8.1nlr bit , i f' J. M. Mulford: Wyoming IAdp, Na:' lOl, I, C:),~ Eslate nf Elizabeth H . Smith, Deceased. omoera .aid i "Thie it a camp.tiD for distribution next Sunday. Notice .. heraby ,heD that RoM L. Del'l'YVictorS. Loer N. Edna !tout. See'" F., conferred the d' .' , r'!..I hili bu '-D duly ajlpolDt.ed IUId quaUfled .. of edUcattOB lor the seneral put.1lc. -------.~ AdmlnJltratrlx ot 'he lCIItat.e 01 EUz!lbeth H. You ItnoW', as tr!linM Bre flglltera on four candijates W. Roll SmIth lat.e of Warren CouDty. Oblo, deceased. HIOH SCHOOL BALL Dated thlllOt.h da,. or AJlrll 1912 meetiq laat Tbumay,l!;rlllilnrr. that a big tire may 8tart from • ALKX BOXWELL, ,JudIe 01 the Probate Qourt. small oause Every time the Fire Friday af~emoon the Centenllle ' Warren Oounty, Ohio. ). SHERIFF ,,' Department make!! a run ~O. fire Higb School baseball club eame to ... James Follen ,', Notice of Appointment tUB lives uf the peopleoD the etreet Waynesville and orossed bata with at! well as the lives of the firmen a~~ our eehool hOY8. but were defeated. Emeraon Mason, aJi()thtlu!:i.ii~Jlc Estate oJ Ellt~ F . HIliIl8S, Doeeased. put in perii. We go just a8 fust to the score bein~ 16 to 6 in favor of farmer, while SURV£.iYOR Notl,,. Is hereb)' /lIven Ullit Aun~ 0 0'1\ oull and Aaron n, Cl.andler have baeD a fllJ,ullilt1rm or to a small fire a. ayneeville. ' made tbe d ul y uppoilltod I>lId QutlllHed as Executors 01 A. M. Bower t!,e E8tl>t,o 01 Ell." IF. Hulnes, Into or Warren we do to Il t en·blow . fhat'. why, \;ollnty, OhIo, lioccaaed , Sam D. Henkle If we lossOln the number of ....&rlllll, Dated t bJ. 16th day or April 1912, ALEX JJOXWELL ~e Je.!sen the dtlDger to the people JlId~(J 01 tlte Probate Court Wurren County. uhlo, ' of Cinuinnati ... TREASURER It is to be reg.etted ,thd our 'Byron G:. tlowell, J r. pljopl~ generally are not,welleDou.h ncqllaiDt.ed with their. Fire Chief•. JUDGE MARCUS SHOU P hereby Be uught to be the befit kDown man Breeder of anDouDcl,'S. his candidacy for the in tho commanity "nd every ottl ltepublicarr nom in'ation f or Con· ougbt to fe .?l himself gress in the Sixth Con b' ressional terOI!! with bim. ne bi8tri~t, subject to t he priml.l'Y til u~ s le' you In election in May. fire tLlngers by ( Pure Ring lrt St to you und will Stock and cgg~ f0r sa le. Eg'~ for fully eVtlD De,mocratic Ticket -h9tching from f'irst prize winning put pen. $2 per 15; olh er pens $H;O per STATE SENATOR 15. Va lley phone 9· 4X . R. D. 3 [



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... ---



Dr •JAM C' • • .. c . ~7 :






.. ...---

H ENRY KU NKER Barred Plymouth Rocks

John E. Holden '(WilfreD Co,)

Morrow,Oh r



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LiV'ery Sen :ict'



filll' Lm.'d Trotting- Stallion, sired by Geo , Simmons.

McBogun Undefeated Show Colt

Foaled 1909.

T h c~{' tlm' c hllrS L:S will mal\l' t he sea .;,m at the FaIT T obacco Shell Ilear tilt' ~ t a nd P ip!! You ar~ al way~' corrl iall y welcom ed a t the barn, COll ,e a lld louk a t tl l ~ ho r se~ , alld gel a p r int(',j pedi)o(ree .

:;u m e of the Coun ty utftcere will . ) ., ' h e pres en l. I rUl.!' rams will b~ r eady ,I for dis tri uu tion next S un d ay ,


c. :

J. C. Simmons 2.22 t .

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' II,

:')err,() ~:I ~ .



I:n d ay a f te rnoon t he Center vill e 1" .. , ,1'1 II" ,; I II Ii,,'" :t Tlln 111 ~ h ;';ch IH)1 ha ~ (, u 3 11 c lub c am e t u I': ' I., 1 ,. ' 1"''' 101 " " Il lito _Ir.'~ t . \ \ ': I I' lle ~ vill l' and urosged ua t!! with ', .. ,', I i ". : I,· · I., ~· .. I I i", nll ll ,'" ' I ~ '" 1) '1,. ~(' h o() 1 b ,., y~. hut we re de feated. I' , ' , ; , . , ' \': " ;':'.1 hI , .. " ' "' l u Ih e ~ c (' r e bt:ino: I., t o 6 in f avor o f , I., "" "I: ' r I, " ·,,,,,1 1 iirl ' 'Ui \\·<J _I· n('~\'iIJ I' .


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Dr. J. A. McCoy

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II ,· . I.alltl). of Cinrillll ll. ti, whu de- I I li, \! red all adJres~ her~ Sundav , ' \· ('n · ' ~ 1111' on the~ubjet:lof " I'ul.. li(' H ea l t h" lI' ill lec turt' at Harveysiturg, Sun day 1<'Vt'IlI Il K, AI,ril :! ISI. on t h e >Ia n.l e s ulJj €c t, al th e :-'1. F:. c h'Jrch, at 7:30 o ' l'lock . !-:\'E'ry lJodYI'ordially invitt.'d

Tht ' ('t n Cl n n u t l lle

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COUNT\' V.ECO IWEl~ J osia h H o lhrool,




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G. W. Hawke

And Get t he Top Price

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HAl) A LAROE CLASS Wyoming Lod Kt!, N o .

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F., con rerred t he ini ti ator y d egre e' Oil

fpur ca ndidat e!:! a t the r egular Th urRda y " "ening .

m " l:till ~ la;; t

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I :111 e 1'., "11 l\1a:lUIl, an o ther sc ientitk

Pan Handle Ho Corwin, Ohio.


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~~~~~~_______ _ _ _~~_~~\\'A YN ESY ]J.,Lii:,

ip- 'lfS undav-S .:hool

Oil 10; WEDNIisDAY MAY 1,

A~~~~iatioril ~I.W~·~· S ST~Ol; F~)~ ~l r ,


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ta Wasfiington, Boys

·. I<l l1n"'1, 0 1) Fri .\ay af le rrlllOn. April'2tSt h. • . • , ...............---.,..."""-""'.....--."'.""""'-~~ I" ,' I;,:"rt'';''11 ~il , .t· t " thl' Ge'lI l'ral }!I r~. F. J 1. Fa rr was t he g enial hos. ...... -- u ........ "I '!{t' pa re nt lik e ch il d . " li e ~ ay " , :\ :'::II'm ldy lO s ue<:('I.'( t Mr . 1 .a !l g~)IJ: ' ~ss t, ! the New Cen tury Clll\). H e r e i~ a ,;hai,J('l' f(,r 11 "',HIn U' nla ll i'U~utt.~ ro Lil t! )Jer~tm . fir m o r ~om-.. ~ • • Ill<'L at l l1l' ~ . E. "I )'Jrlt &,pt tu old fo r S\lndar,~(·h",, 1. w a~ in Wayn!'" rll!' 0 11 We dnesday ' U",,;!'Iite·th e \'ery ~tor my weath e r' a in Wa rr ell ~ ·',UfIL.\' (II go to Wa~hiIiK' puny off erl flJ.( the pr i:-.e. , ' ,. . ThO! I:u o r his p·a re n tll . tQ p~y ~1I , J! churc~ . nday_ a ft e rn oon . A very y , un g ,,'Iopl e ar~' look ing- at adu lt "'lllill l{ II p,m hl ~ f riell d ~ , lI t' was a ' m aj() ri ty of the ' mem ber!'! we r e pre~. tO il . ~hak., h"nf'hj with the Pr,,~ i(h·n t. - s midJ au ie llce \\IU" presl lll. And all c1a-;.~e~. " He sj)ok e (,f ad lr "rin g- l o "a ndldalt' rour yt'ar~ ago !l nd was ent and re~pulH l cd to 1',,11 call w ith and ~ee t h')\I ~alltl , .of ~i~hl!; hI' Il la.v <! .\ pt'I, ~e "f III Pa.3 u rilig . huskihi' alld . I.s. b u t 1\1[. Holly in th e ' old ' wa vs and ~ (' tl i ll ~ ill tu " r \Jl ~ . '· d efca tl'd by old y :j :!! v otl;!~. Co n- h" u' " .c lca nlng hin ts. no t be fl hle t il see ngaln'il1 a life time. 't:l' t ify inl! ip were n ' p l'l' 'un I ·u . al\ ' ~ !\~ a r e m t'dy fo r l h i ~ (' ILt',; u~ to t n!ry to t h(. way ~unl e cand idat e, do I Af t" r so m e. dist: uss ion it Wall d e. Wh en t ire D,'partment of A~ r ll'ill. . [-'orm 0" a,'n' t(, II(> rec tan ).(u lar, W l& o\ l' a llecl to o r.!;!r c l a "l~ orgal, iza tioll, II' )!II ~ 11t.' part · h,' ;t(·l·t'pl( ·, 1 lhe situ a tio n Ath good cid ~d to ho ld tne annual rec~ption tllre madl' th i:! kn(t~,·n. t he Wan e~- eilo!ill r\J, I~ .wide a;, ,] .lwen l y ruds ' .:e.'~6~lerl' . :'II I'. C. A . Uruner. ml' nt ~ ar e hf'lp ful: it pay:! ill 111"11." c.:r;!I'e a ml ll: \s IJeen as I yal Re pu iJ. in .June. M r.~. J . W . Whi te kindly vi ll e ' t-; a tiol a ' HaJ1k JZ ' t iJtI~y , a n~ IOIII,l , o r t en wide and ll ixtt:en 19n9 . nd::wJI\it:,opieri,!d wit h I,'o ng r egationa l Wh YS to .k ~41P olle up Ih ' i n ~ II tin an · li c':!11 s inc" t hen a.9 b ' f ur l' . offe red h ,e r ho m e for t h is occa.'l ion 'w r ott' t o thl' ~evo::ral Ilun b uf thl! .. l : n rll hURked on M.:dk, be twee lJ the . Duvo t iO Iy.L1 C:xerc!ses ~ia I airt and intf' r eett< pell pit' to L'U m" 1\1 r , 1\1 1I Ifur d . as i" we ll i no wn . is whic h offe r wlif re adil y a cce p'ted uy COLI n I\'. a ud in con!lCo]lIpnce t h,' \' 01 ,· · Ill' 'ri1i ng of the , ti r~t dav of NlIvem- ' \ ' . toy ,111'., l{uIJ! nsoD, of t n :-i unoaY·'lc h l)ol . alld g't'l s 11 ,,'11 1 t u lh ,' edil"r uf The We:-lern Sta r a)1d . th, club , 1cioeu to ~end a boy f roll' t h i~ ,· i\I II :ty. her alld ~h( · ()\'I'l\l i'l< or tellth d ay 0 .. , I. l ,tn c:nn al I. O. IIturiy the le!l.'\ons . ~1 r , 11"ll gla' "III dUrlllg h i~ liv e Yl'ar:; Url edi to r and I !\1 r~, F. B. S herw!llld r e ad a very I l" Wa...:h ingto n , :\' ·... ·Inb" r 1~ /l 2 . lIl t!eti ng were phwlIi'.ed th t, i~n por t !lll c" II f doilll.!:lmanagl'r he Star has . alwal sstllnd l wl:!ll p re paretl p:iper.h t h e liCe a nd A pari n f tbe' rllll."i" l lt.'r el)~' g-i\l'II. \~orll :rul11 entire a cre to be .; the w o rll: t hat (.nd has for us t il do . fill' th.· highe~t a nd J, e"t i d eal~ in t he ' works of lIelen H unt J ac k!lun . Mr ~ . lind everv )'OY 'in W:\I' /1(' l'l\\'llshilJ WI ·lfi h ... .! III ('ar . • . " 1"i: en f ro m all th e Ti m~ taken f ro m thl' ch urch lal<to~ 11I 1II1t' UIIi I III' the ~tat e. He IS a F:"flns ga v,, 'a ~ho rt tall< o n Ad&la ille I ,q lght to gt' t bl,lAY ' a nd ;;~(' what k e . ()n€ htt'hdrf'd puu nrl~ of co rn ~II ea r . the 'to\iln~h ip ('xre pt t he ~ lIlle from the ca re of l h,,"( · (; uJ I,a!! , tr ung. b r ',w l mindeu IlInn who w ill P rlJcl v r an.l rea, l o lle o f he r PO L' In:!. J' can un. Bla n kll. \ ·:m ue " blai ne(. at "nail be ~~.l ed ....J . ~hdl ~ and w el~h ed t /jchQ~I. there lw lng no l ntr u~te~ to ,o ur ke pi ng, 1'''' prf'''L'nt War r4' n County a cce ptably l Mr;; .lanl l(·Y. who was ~to have, gi ven Wily n~s\' ill e !'JUl innal' hank . a'ia all 1'1 tl~~ Judg~s. :~~ d r~~,ul.t cer.~lfi~d "'IP.I!IIJ!'!!'PI-~,.v··,.. • fr om that Mr. L. r . Amy th e n rendt· r",I. III t he l.. g l ~llltur", If h ' 1:1 I:! I"ctert , u talk Oil Itut h !\t e En e r} Stuart. th .. , b(lY ha~ l o do i ~ to ~h' ho w m llrh un pl ope r. c.'t" tlh ca ttt ,liuch "'111 be glvl'ft We re :' I'm a Pil~r i m .'.' I\l r . . \m y ·s \(li '<! ' ~ll l d itlll"b a~ if he i~ ll'l" I,.g-ical i was lInnb ll:! to be pr etien ~. I Hhellpd co r n ran be rai ~('ll U!I an fur.nish,,(l, " . IIlall f" r the place. I ,\ \'f·ry p lea.~flnt soc ial h o ur wa~ acre. a nd the o Ill' who gr"w8 t h ~ 1 ,1 1)1' :l.~ el l ~J corn . .~ n whole ac!,e t h a t goud 15 a lways a ppreCIated" Ilel~g ates we re IIp pollit ·01 t' , :,l l .. 1I< 1 .• - ~ Ispelil ~ u r i n~ wh ic h ti m e t h e host '~~ l ar~~st all\llUllt. );oes tl) Wa ~h i n l.:' LlIn i wil l be ~lm a~e.'1 from am ount of th e Co unty Co n velltion In li e h " I<I III rb ~ C H E R ~' ASSOCIATION as"i~t cd hy Mrs. Em m a D akin anrl f rct'. . s helled c\>rfl on the , ~O pounds of ear Bu t ll:! rvill e . 0" Ma y ~;I anrl ~~. l ~iI ~: Mr", d. W. W h ile l5erv ed a to o th · KI'LE::: corn , " L ytle - ;\ l rs , Wal ter Kenri ck. ~I I~" T he Warre 'l (""lilly Tf'acher~' As-\soll'l! IUlI l'h ill two cou rSes. , # T he ooy .houl~ ~e\ect ~eed that He rtha CUOII . Mrs. I\h. rg-ard J "hn ~. ~" l' ia lion will nlt'et in Cniversi t y H a ll. The ill\' itt,d g UI!gts wh o ell j"yed I t IS alsu u lldersto" d t hat the wjlll(rOll'n c? rn as well a ll cob. th ~1e mu~1. be RO lile l:aesar 'g C r:('ek · Mr . and :'Ilrs , Lt' I' arioll ...... tun lay . May 11. 1 ~12 . 1 MI'~. I'arr's hos pit ;li ity w ere r. l lS, I (;rangL's and al ~1) tht! g- ra in d eale rs YWl ow. while, o r In ixed co rn may . order llia t t he re may Horace Com pton . F,oIlowing i,; l hl' p l'Illlram : I Va ll II ,m l. "f fli:tSI)II. :'vI 1';:\ . F, C.I \If the (, ~Ullly w ill al~" ~e:ld a boy . be Ilrown. ,:l1~;t.b.iit'8'II5:~llc lile.( H e sa ys that t.h e ~ t. Ma ry ' s- M e!!.\l r~ . W . H . Alle n . II) a, m. IGi lnlOul'. :'1 11'1' . C II , ( . ·a llse r. ~Ir!i, The huy to h~ n ut O \'~r t we n ty The boy g ro~ ing the co rn slum ml!nt and ' the Cradl e O. J . Edw a rcl s and ~: . y . Rfl r nhart . ~ l1!\ i c ! G ~orKe ;-; Ini lh. Mr ~ Em ilia Da ~i n Fa r ij nld 0 11 J an l,ary 1. 191!2 . mak~ , written req:u es t of the Coun t y '" neces.~a ry to the life lIi cks itE' F rie ll d~ -Miss Elizabet h Il" , lIt ill ll:ti Exe rc ises ... .... .. .. ...... .. I a nd ~1 r3. f.) , L. Cra ne . Entries ~J H'U Id be mad!:! n o t late r Com mrasioners .10 appo int the two the ' schoo l; tha t reve rence and Ca rr oll. Mrs .' ( ;e o r g ia Me ntle nh all . .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . . Rc\, . W. E. Spu rr ier - --- - - than Jun ~ I. IHI:! , judge!!, wh'o ~ hall no t b e in any de- ' .pIet.y are ' lesinlC o ut (In a ccllImt of an e! Mi!\S Ma r tha O· Neall. Mu s ic OE <\ TH Boys s hould al'l u all." ' ,10 t he..wurk g ree rel!l ted to the bo~ . or in part. t~r b. o~ life in !lo illl ami b usiness Urthodll x Fri ends·- N , I::.:dnaStout" " The A rtist Beau ti ful " .. ....... .... Mr ~ , Alligai l-:-r ho ma.;. wid.,w uf t h e I ami ~elect thl' se ed . Drai nage may n e rs~ip in ,a~y b usiness with the boy ' .... a~irB. qhilqren s houl d be ta ugh t t o\ MI" B. S , "H u,ye fl , ' and Mr~ , Ma ry .. ....... .. .... .. .. ~,li f*l E lva M . Drake l latl' Ben; . of . prin~ Va lley. I h e done by lanel owner. . . . . or hi S faIntl y : . . ' . oV'e God ; t he l3i b lc. a nd their o wn Fra me" , . , What N exl .. ...... .. .. Prin.J . W Lyle u il'd :1l he r la lL' h"mc q,) e r('. Wt'<i r:lIl1 n tY( ' on lln is~ionersa~p o lllt two The p.erso n!l o lferl~"th e pm~eshal1 . H e dw~· lt at len g th on our ~1t I·l olly (N.ot. r e pr ~l'nt 'd I. MU SIC n e~da.v e ... 'lI in L!;, Th(! f Ullel'a l wa~ r c pu ta lde ciLizens. wh o li ve III t he ?etermllle W~I l!~ b~y has won. but !lthe rs an d tli t' 1 0ve()f ~er.1 Ch ~hlt~an -- "' i . ~t\'a I ~a\' i ". :'I1i ~s Add r ess. I-'. B, p earson . COlum b u s'O' l helc.l Frid ay mllrni llg at !t:: ltlo'clo k . \t l! \\' nsh iJl whe r(' (" 11'11 ' S grown" t o Itl cal!e of. !:!enous .dlg~ute. lUay Graded lessons a re a Wil li Matti e p ook . M.r. l,; h a.~. Shutts. I 1:30 p '. m. Mr!:!. I lcl.Jorah 1.I(J~' d . n fll c ialing . 1 11 ea~Ure l ht' I{round It ' IP:o husk. t~e questu,m tb . ~h~ county com~ls, t t~~ ... :b oy an \1 ~~~.gil'l. kee ping Way nes,v il~c . '. E. - !'.l es!1rs. C .~: MusI c . ~ . I lnte rr}~ \! ll l was mad. a l .Cen te r vi lle \ and me!\~Ure corn ; an d cerltfy t he slOne rso\:otber:d)s1I1Ierested partles . :X'it1I:enl, the cn u~ al adol csce n Br uner, ~ . C . G11110 ur. r.l. [tob lt Atld r t'ss .. F. B. I c arsun Mr ~ l homas wa~ we ll kn o wn he rE! I .5 Train the!:!Q youn g ze r . · .' .' Mu sic ' I a nd was II,TI e~tl'/n aL. le wo nlan. . ~. ' 'l' lle mu ~i c w ill oc furni s hed 9Y I She'l ea ve~ a~ large" circl,,'of r E!la t i \'e;; J)rcparatlon Of Wool For Market i'eo~ usel1 Most buy'en preter t,o 17;,,~tOprtr "\('r lhl'Y are to be ou r s u c· The Round t ab le wall rund uct{!d :'_~~~:ii's:f~'J,llbe work is I. e pt up th ey by J udg e Ilo :'twell. So me p oints , M a.... () tl H igh S{' hClol O rchcstra. · '. an ti friends to m ourn' h e r d e m ~'e . ~1I1V. wool tied up loo(lely on-a tallie, .' . \ . . ~ UiJ~e [\,l\t lons m" rle b y t,be Oh jo or Hoor rather ' tban in & b ox or ' .' Bettel' put this wai f g leaned fro m. these di dc us!lions we r~: I, Gt'or~1! Franz . Pres - - - - - ••- , - -,-~ Expe rln H1D 1 ti tatl o1-' lU 1\ nnriluOr qf other device whiOh compaota 'he Alic e (,ooke. Sec. . . . Ha*olelle Aulo , Soap f or wood . l.t.!I~~ld kef'p them than t o Lesson He lps. should be left f\t h o m '=!: t .. f!llo urinJ.( u l'Lntli. wo rs te(l 1I1111~ 'and fleece iato II. tlg1.t bqndle . urJll)~lloceaflerthetnla te r. th eorderof servi ce3sho u ldbe var ied i-:xl'(' u t i,·e Cumrni t tee C. A. B ru- wo rk,"' ~V.ay ne3vi l le A lito a nd Ma· .¥ l • ,. , ." wool Vl'lHebouses !lhoVl' tba~ tl1Eir~ ts :After IIbearill'", the wool should sin,ing, ).'e fr o m \: ime to time> ; rev erence and I ne r , T , I . l{ og-e rs. C. W. Williams. !Jl!ncry ,C o . .. _.~.,,~~,'~~~_~~.l~i:.e1j_ E1m6r.Doug .;.pufl c l lfalily dho uld 'Be tao gh t ' by ex. ' _ " -.- ' .. < . ' -~ ~i' ' need for ' \MfjvtJv e&lent ·ln the' wep . be st or.eil in 'a. dark, dry place where - . Ilralfon ' o f , thitl lmportlLnt pro'dnot dus~ ~iIl not get t o It Bond ~ here I~ terian churrh., a lll ,lle; and. it. is the pe rs onal work I\ - .' - . -. ~.. ' . Mr. Dougla!i lalked to that cOUp.'i ~. " ;_ ................. .. . . _ ............. -.__ .•.• _ .... _ .. .. .. _-:.·..- :'· .. ·••• .. · .... for rnl>rket. Ob io prop uoes as good can not ·be reaohed by rilts 01' otber older people. his lIub. , Tilt' cl1\lee tio n taken amo un te u to t 1'.. _.... ···· •....•...._ ..··_··....•• .... ·····-_·· .... _ _ .. i wOoll 1> 11 li ne s /ln y country in tbe vermin . I . It' • • • I wo rld bllt .011 IlCO() Unt of t.he poo r , -, - - -•• - u t Bible C las..q and $( 26 : : ! : way i~ whioh mudl of It IS jJo \ up Why Baseball ~Ia.yerll Never Have r lIe spo ke Th e Illeeting the n adj o urned. 1• i~ • , .• . j• II (or markot It d oes Il u. t . alway s (.'o m· n...~1, . .. ' '-'bel Sh' t . ' .. . • r~el:" \ 1' r If !I ...... \rt' ioir'~"t" .. r· .. nci1 t o our SUJlday C. A. Bruner. Pres. : ~- •• - .................. - -........... - ••- .... - ... - .. --~.,.:. •..-.- ...- .... _ _ .....~._' . r ! . . pote a's fuv o rllbly Il H It ~ hOlll ' l ~ith r :. ' .' . . He mane it ljUilj1Clea.r ~a N. Edna St o ul. Sef: 'y. :I . . · · - · · ..· .. · .. · .. · - · · ..· - - - - · - · . .· · . . . . · - - · - . .· · · · · -. . ·-~ .. · · . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80me foreign WOQI. . '-. 'In tha ~IlY Amerloan . M&It&Z~D~,















...,.,. . ,..-




','·- -7' ...... ·.. ·..


Personal Mention Colu'mn


• '



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i!-i~~-!"'.~~~-~~~---'!'~~~~~ --

)) J TEl l' . in Cincinnati to· "N otA Man in theJIou~e "-Sch o ol The fiut etl,e ntilll 10 \h o propor F:I~gh ' ~;, FDllerit,on wt·rttea &DtafrllO ~ r . . .·, IS I ~ ~. ., 'IlII o," ' lnt res lDII! II ories 0 rella> I d.a ~/ . Hall. Friday ev~~io2'. pr epluatibu of w ,ol fo r mllorko\ Is '); , • · ....··iit!:'o b ' b \I to k ~ 9P it f " fr om fo reign matte r plays't,hat tiava.... n .~rellt 886 b At the heaut iful c o untry I1mn e of So lo mo n F red, o f Lebanon , was in II l r . ,. C h a~ . Reed is s uffering with All manore' and dtrty lookll IIhoold gllfflOS , • ~ollowlni 18 ,OD~ or tbe most rprrla.rk !L hle . 8tori~: LeRoy Earnhart , IIPar Ly t le. 1\lr . t o wn. thursday. II(·.(' \·OU:; IJr I)~ t ra l ilJ n . , ~ on re mo,eu from tho fl eeoo be f ore " "1 in . d b tllwarinf,{ be jl;ins. ' Cllr e 'sh ould be I • " ~m'Oag ~he abnoJlmlla_ ~I ~ ..~ tilt , .. . ' , Se t h Sid well Ellis and 1\1 iss El si e I ' In the ear er .. 8"..,v 0 · ,~~.,~ JeJViie Lawren~; e ld est Jane l:arnhart w e re united in mar. HavE' your Lawn Mow e r sh ar pelled ' l .Jia vQle rne Au to f vlip. b est .to wash ex tlr Oisod t.o li:ellp the sh earing fi o$r. that t!lFured '1'. " b '. ' ape. DOIiG I i j;..~l. ~ghter.of Herbert ·~ay,: re ncp. Watl nage uy the Rev, J . F. Cadwallade r . Waynesville Auto and Mach inery Co. harn ess. Waynesv ille Auto a nd sw ept Pol lin o and 1.0 remo.o al I IItraw tile natlool I- ,arne ' ptlr I ' H th ' ' : ' found dead of a~phyxlatlOn . 111 hed ' Mnchinery Co . d.t~~;~ J~ " or 111ft whI ch may adlliH e t,o ~hB a well ~ know~ to " b '1 '. CI ' last Thursday evening. :!:'it h. "1r~ . F'l v nn anci ll e r ~o n J u· e will be " fL ·:8 oar;ing- \p~ae III lIcago a "" J fl eece o r fe at befQre th e shee p iii ona whloll' hll<III!Bn to ., I - ' h1rroh o the rruest •~ .. ~ I ./' , I "1 f 1:he wed~ing was one of Leautiful at School Hall. I·' rl' d~ " uve nin" . "Irs. C. B. Be ntley w· ' p e 01 wee (.s ago. "an), n · Ollr • ~J ~ eo ,. ..., .. , fl 011 t hI' ~t . · Loul'l!l8rounu8, w ell e brougnt to tbo silellrtn g oor , ,. h f • of ~el a li ves in X enia F'rl· da';. , . • W UII ' I> m eDlbe ..~ of'· , t 6 ' ~moU8 ' . ... . elUiers ,will re member her a,r a :simplicity and good tillite in all its " and Sat.'~:.: so. eef, lovnlfle little girl whi le liI' ina' dqtails. Cla renc l:! Mcl' T<lY and f amily. of u l'day . Attent,Ion I!bo uld be gl'f e et.. the '~roi';' nll , ' P oi'haps'! tl !Jan WaD. The bride is the daughter of Le- Ce nterville. we l'L' in tOWII . Thur:;d ay . IllIHHl er In whIch tbo U, ItI. r!I , d e r ed wh y basepal1 plAyerahAve Hoy and Eva Earnhart a"d is one of . . ~ illS Emm a Peacock, of ' Dayton, moved, tl'om t .bfl s hellp I1lf~ .• b enr~ p lllln' ~ll\rt fro~ts. and . wby ao few , ar...Wa,ynes~i\le. If' Waynesville's most substantial and Me.'lsr s. ~ . L. Ca rl\\' I'I l.!'h t a nd ( . the gues t o f Mrs. Belinda R og- or ollppe rl! s b ollld u e kelJt ,~1080 t,o pl uye rH 'h uve breast p6oll~t8. Clift rreader~ lHlve '~poken amiable young ladies. A . \Yillillmeon were in L ·j'an 'Jt1, e rs ·Sunday. the ~o ~y. t'QU8 uv ol,.lIOK ' 8eoood CILN'oll is t ho re ,!on. a~ waf run· ms of th~ beau t i fu 1 Tht' groom is the son of Dr. J . T. Th u rsday . I . out~." wblt.:l{ T e~olt In s mall I>1H ' nlug fot wa rd to take '8 liaS6 bit OD . ~, (o sent,·ment. I'n the art'lc le '\.J Mr .•.· and Annie Taylor. Ellis and '.s a . ' Th e Titme-Frida~ ' evening. ' Th e ., f h d I1 avol en e Au t .. :Suap f o r nil cl ot. h. PI~ ce - Sch o ol H a ll. The Girl-Bring tioll'1I ·J f ,, 001 tlllL t tire o f vory t h e Ur st bound . Tho bllll bouDoed I u ", .'" o • . ~ . A." T' honlpson 1'1) Inot :.eek's·yolln , gman . o sup.enorc ara . deran . "'i value. T11B ~h'ee p ilb o u ld be 80 c r ook ed aUd hit' hiul on ~hlt obes& • . -' rli '\ ~ ,... h If Waynesville Au t ., and Mac hin ery Cn, lhM) all. . ' . ue of the t t'. Ft) lIowin .~ l!i u)J.rtg l I e . hl~ good. ,Juda'me~t hllndled I\!\ t o pr&vl,ut t ll u,ril'g of the kje !trr.bbe(f~t tOil ball jiuL0.1. an4 ~'" ,:p. ' I j , . 1 eXPJ=ession of Re \"- \V . 8, Dakin, bhem g thforol~~hIY exemplttied by hI !! Mrs . Van H nrn . ( If Mason. has The G u ild uf St. Mary's church filleco , A torn fl eeull \t! bllT(l tr~ t Ie liS be o ln tched it,' be IhdV~ U . ,owi "- .,', • . , ~ 0 I um b us. r""I ~ S . : '. c Dice 0 I • Ite companIOn. inte th e hlm d kerohillf pook,et;on bis been the gu est (If I\lr . and ~lrs · l'. l w ill m eet a t t he bo meof Mhs Emma In 1\0utMIlotlve ~&y . . '.,~~.:> ; " '1 cannot refrain from writing I{efre!! Iments of ~ most appt!t lz i~g A. Bruner. Nothing ' exot' pt li ght weig ht , tlb ~ rt fr o u t Til" ruunor,' ./Cw Oar. H eil.:'h wuI·. T h ur"dil,Y afternoon. · t '.. OU .jll ~gard to "Th e Sea iR His ~ haracter and to'~Ult the ~t fa<;ttdstJluo'h ~ lIurf"o 'ld twio 'l ~ llOh ld .bl! rotl,Ll1 gg lo g ~od straiQing to t~ar .... iBl o"-it is a lill' rary j{e m Itnd a se r- IOUS taste we~e served. Th e many Mr. and Mr:<. ChRll. Rye . Mrs . F. ' Miss Osa Ko rdel, of Wavelly, ';ed for tyin'g. Iill/I" V twin e ill un - tb e bal l nu t of t.h o pOc ketandlnut.M" , On at t the same time _I do not presents receIved we re both . Itand· C. Carey and Mr" Walter Mc('l ure : Oh1o 1 is the g uest of Rev and Mrg. -neolalnry. lind it .. use il! 1\11 in j usti ce of ~topl'i bg at fir st. be! 9\)lI'Dted ' I. A 'rh ompson (0 1. d 0 I~) ~()I. . e and useful. Only re latlves of were in Dayto n . Sa turday . :C. S ' G r uuser. t.o t,he ll uy or . l/\ u peoing u . fl e!,Oe, !l.eoonulI'hije .(Jl\rruli. ·!nill tryj. now Cora. . , .' _1. • 'd tl th k f II the contrac tlllg partIes were presen t . · tl eu witl! II. twlU ~ b llving I?08 ,' t1bree dfiUodge 'he' ba ll, rl\ll t~ t ...lie escrve~ 16 all g o a . ' . II. o f t-lu ll1 l11 Y Ro w" !I Hu vol enl! Auto Soap . aid to ho use- on the Aurfll ce It I~ /n\P'HI~lht e t o r e, ,rhe bRUin P'~!I!le.J· · ~ \ <: • '1 ' I)lU It Mr. and Mrs. I.-.llIs wlll be at hom c . ~ ' your read er~. I me t "aJ. cl t'a ni r,&" Wayn <!::I vilie Auto and ~;. " . when he was in Colurl1bLl ~ with Taft tu their man y fr ien d" on t he farlll Sc hoo l Hall, Friday e \'e ning. move snoh twine from the. tleeoe 'urned fvt t.lli r ; \~~ Mac: hin e l'Y Go . , I recently purc hased by Dr. Elli 9 0{ with out HOlm e o f the tibrea adhe ring l'br8uit . AJ(,, -'" {~,~. ~ i . at a reception ~ iven them . Major :'I'1r. F. B. H end e rso n [\I1U M e~ ' 1;; Butt was a Churchman and 8 grad. Mrs . Alice Hawke. the house n uw to t.h e· w ool Ilnd Cllus in!: f\ gfellt lind trled, ~ ' :~ ' 't~V" nam es J . H. Cu le man and D. L Mr . and Mr8. Chas . Co rne ll went 4'~ " unte of ' Suwanee where I ~t " died being improved and maae rea .ly. f o r "waunt of dllml>t,( e t o the cloth mf\de &ud .S.P I~ ~: " '~~::.~ ~~"~'~ C ra ne w e l'e at the Co unty ,.eat . to \Jay ton t oday . Mrs. Cornell will their occu pancy.___ - rheology . " from tllo w ool. ::l1!'III1 \~\ncler tw_lne pllltlj,h ';. .:' . \ . ("i?)J Thllr~day. re mai n t her e fo r several days . -~ Is notoriol1!1ly h lLd in t h'\, ,respecL Chris ' ::.: . ~*/r.iI>\ \ t ' • PARISH · MEETING HONOR GUEST AT DINNER ~. : :~\ Mr. Jame~ McClure and daug h ter, 2()OO Locu!lt Fence Posts for sale _.od r ome fl.rm!i w ill .,00' b~ '~ool " V'I(~8"" t The annual meeting of S t. Mary's M r" . Ida Kelsey, of Bellhrook. we re al righ.t prices. Call on W . H . Mad tIed with !!Iilll.l tWIne ex oe~\\.u,t Bo tri6 • ~;y:~:,.",.,,~: .i'l.'LJ . ', ' Las\; Friday evenin~ at Cincinnl!ti; he"vy jisoount ::' ~u ' g~~~~ · ;?:;:~..~::.~:: ::~!IE,::··7' Parish will be held at the church, gu est~ of Mr. and Mrs . Walter Mc- d en & Co ,. Co rwin. Ohio. ., ' the .ohio Hi"torical Society gave a 7 Clure, Saturday . In tying the f] uece the (\d1l8~ 1'; ~ ~~Wj!." this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30 . 1C .,;: "clock dinner at the Hu~iness Men's Hon. Alpx Box well. of Red bion, 11.11 loose looke ,; ho.hlr! b e JlI80~' on ~tS ;-;. ." \m!:/i .':· A full attendance of co mmunicant~ . , ) 1~.' 'I ub, in hl\nor of Prof. W . H . Ven· Eest Grade s team cylinder oil. R ev, EI mer D ouStI '. ' as.f0 F ran kl'In, tho inside and the. fleeoe o"r~ru II Y '~ . ,'f: ::: .f~.. ;'.~ il.nd membe rs of th e con g reg atio n is ':", ~. ~. able ~- ,.JNar,r 9 n . Coullty's venerable Wilynetlvill e Auto and Macbinery Co. and Rev. Robin!i~n, of ' Cincihnati, rolled 80 that 1I0thmg .mows cx.~ep~ :~ ' {'t, .. /. f. • '. .IIt' v edq~ator8n. author . Sevel'al people desired. . ----'Th Ph ' II ' , '11 h th f' I attended the unday-school cOllven- the :Jiean whILe side of the ·wodl. . • - p,e 1 IpS WI aVE e orma. S d f ' , .' \.0. " ~ :' f. . Warr~n. eounty were illVited to SAVED AGAIN. . f th ' . \ tlon here un aya ternoon. Not more ~hllu ont! wr~p... pf, ~h" '( openlll\r a elr Ice cream par or, . . < " · '~ tbiS affair, our townllman. Mr. S. L. Satllrda M 4th Goo4 music and ' .. twill'e each· wily•• f o r ~D Q~jn1V'~ ,/ l. C~F,~,~jgh't bjing among those hon· " I wu s 11l'hill,1 \' 0 11 ~tJ lllili g up ille h d y. ay '. . See the- ancIent Mummy of Ram. e\fed flet;loe 1!4 neoel8~rv ; : ~~raJ: ) ', ,' lml(f-iMth stl'cl'l just now.," - aS8c rt c~ 1\1 rB. J el- a an gome 80UV~nlr gIven. . ~~s II. at School Hall, Friday even· e&~lr way mil}' be nemled; for. ~ v"; ', . an . invitation. ELLlS.EAR~HAln









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. NOTICE .. - .... - -

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I\I ~, "und you rubbcred, nt eve r)' pret- W ~ A. Benecke and .family have mg. ill.t ge flleoe . . i'hill iiDl~p~~o,f ~~11\\ .. II, 111;;111), ty ,~oman you p.~..,. moved from the Ch!ls. Brown prop· .; Messrs'. L. A. Zimmerman, J. Co pulle.d 'ul/. t.ightly , and .r~ .~lJ t /1'l" n,

Bt!I~~ woma~\, <iOrt~ct-jerty

into Mrll. Emm~ Dakin's P~oP' ) Hawke, Ray ~iIIs and Geo. Bea~hlWIll preve~t. tall tle~ .frouf.~n. erty. . , attended the County Meeting of the apa.r t In .b_a~~I~~K. a~~ . . . " Kni hts of Pythias. at Leban.n, ittopr~ ... . m~e.. ~,a~t~~ wife, Edith Roland, note of the fbwns, Wlt.h 4 vIeW' to buying .'\'ou a. band some <lne." FUt ered Gasohne for Auto s a.t the,..; g·sd • : . .. . \...eara9~' .t'ball .. m lI.triDIf Ed wl\rd Roland . 'J , W '11 A to d M b' f"~ ;J.hur 8J' evenma, . , ··iI "'1., , • ,. , , And Mrs. JeUua 8, mil . " ed once more. aynesvI e u an ac mery "Y. • . '•• ,: : ' • , 't •. ~ ;." ,., . ~J . • .. .. . . ' .- '\ . ~-'. I f,'f...v-- --.- .~-.~ . .. .. 4t( , .. 1 Ii £

At every

• hereby given that 'I will

~I;>on.Blble for any .d ebts eon- ed

MI:. JeHus.


~s JU~y' ~llklUg







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O. L. CRANE. Publisher.


01110 AS CURATIVe..

Elec tricIty waa form e rly tbe myatlc I'4!me dy of the Quack. but since electncal apparatua haa become 60 eBBe n· lIal for X·ray work. more serious at· , tentlon h:n been given by regular pbys lclans to t be physiological oll'ecta of tbls powerful agent. Among thO! notable results baa bee n an electrIcal me thod of arresting tho dege neration or the orterles so common In premO· ture old Ilie. A new annOuncement' II "hat of Dr. Labordle. a Fren"cb medIcal man. who gIves detaJ1s or a method of treatlnl Iclatlca by tonlzatlon wIth 10dJUlil bypollulpblte. and shows what apPEIartl to be an elfeetlve cure for a paInful dllea8e. The effects are at· trlbuted In tbla' treatment to sulpb ur oxide fJ'pm electrolytIc decompollltlon Inltead or tbe direct action or tb e e1ectrlo curreni Itselt A thick layer of absorbent tislue saturated wltb a 5 per cent· lolutlon of the sodium byp~ lulpblte wah covered over a piece 01 tln as tbe negative electrode. wblch was placed on tbe r ear of the thl~b over the eclatlc n erve. Tbe poslUve pole. wet with water. WIUI put In con· tact with the calf or tbe leg. Tbe pa· tlent had been un able to UM bl8 legs for ten monthl. but after ten slttln.;s or forty mInutes he could walk a mile and recovery leeDIB to bave been com· plete.

Experlment8 at the Pallteur InBti· tute In Paril bave demonstrated that cblckens can thrive without bacterIa, thougb malt vertebrates seem to reQUIre them. Tbe experiments wer. made by Doctot Cobendy at the IUC' Sfl6tJon of Profeslor Metcbnlkolf. Doc· tor Cohendy uled a Itorlllled Incuba· tor. He Introduced three esgl wblch ",ere about hatching. He aterillzc.d them. on the outside, the air apparatul was caretully ftltered and all tbe food wu perfeetly IterlUzed. Several IfItl 01 cblckenl raIled In this WB7 ....ere found alter Ilx weelll to be too bl, for the Incubator and were taketl out and compared wIth chIckens wblcb bad beeD raised In tbe ordInary way. The teltII IIhowed that the Incubator cblcken. were absolutely free of mi· crobes, though after lome bourl of un.terllIzed ute their d1gelUve tubel contained thouliandl of them.

., PhYllclans tell us tbai 65 per cent of the cblJd're'n In the public lehooll of BOlton are phYII~ly ' defective, IIUI tbe BOBton OIobe. The. tnlned DUfiel who attend the puplll ila v'e performed good servIce In correcting tam· porary deCecta. Now It II propoled • erloual,. to DOt onl.y fed the bqry. but to fumllh medicated · bath. for chJ1dl'4!n Buffering from IIkln troublel. It Is alBa urged tbat more attention Ibould be paId to Ichoel cllnloll by tell,obel'l and pal'4!ntl co-operatlnr; fnr that purpoee. A wl'se medical eur;ce8tlon III made that tbere 'ebould be lei! competltlve work In tbe school~nd that the p~plla should be relleftlf of lIome s$JJdies. homfl ' lel80ns abollsbe(! ~~a ..$!illdren promoted .or gj-a'duated ,~·· .... Ith more rc gard to ' tbelr actual men· te,I capacIty as sbown by theIr daUy efforts.


AI the output of rsal gold was $600,· 000,000 In 1911, It leems IItrange that lIome men should oare to buy tbe Iml· tation article In bnckl, lIaYII the Cbl. cago Newll. But .the trouble Is that It theRe men get $25.000 wortb of real sold tbey bave to put up 126,000 for It; wblle t. . . aUe'ged '26,000 of gold bricks can be bnd for a beggarly 1500. Nine people were killed In January and nearly forty maimed by automo. bllea In tbe streets of New York. In every cIty or any IIlIe a toll or 'tIltber . life or' 11mb II demanded as the prIce of' cal'4!lelsneas or IPeed mania on the of mcltor car drlverl. It II time Btnct laws guarded tbe right of of the pedeBtr18n and put tbe b1Jro on tbe vehicle. It II a tolerated In these nod equal rights rew Ihd'IiJd 8J:. be robbed by



Practical" ashions Free MISSES' AND SMALL WOMEN'S 20 Beautiful



tells how you c~Ji J get the very latest

ba woman?


effects on your willis. Contains

I ,.

a sample

of the Color Plolls our '. artists will furni b you, FREE, for any rooms you wish to decorate. " ' -_ _ _ _.;J •

HIILIG H 0 S r; ~ bo rt'cognlze ber bolt th eir bedroom doors. Tb e n they exam ine tb e bolts. It III needl ess: tam· per-Ing wIth bolts Is I "rnt s' " work: nnd Countess lIIaDoln bas abjured a ll mnde CO·Op· era tlon. "Men are poo r creft· tures." she sR ld. on Quitting tbe AlJbe y of Clnlrvaux In the IIlustrolls Vull ey. "Meo Ilre clumsy. noisy . bll;·rn outbed. violent. Impulsive. wltbout patl ellce . wltbout selt·control. Ir YOU want trouble. take n man." None will recognIze ber In Ca Iro. Naplell, Rome. Vienna. Bolzen, St. Morlt::. Como. Lugano. Madrid. T&q' g1ers. The severe e legant, Intellect U· ;low cJH£.HAJ .H1J11/YJIAlJjf19 al great ludy. well on toward middle I~O/'( TiC WffT T'Ol1lel. age. will prom enade h er melancholy bauteur to only sympathetic and ad· mirIng glance8. of tbe male hotel rats who were IIcat· American touristl. beware; death tered or round ed up 'wltb Countess ltalks Invisible besIde her. mYltery. Manalo and Oaron Frandln at Nice In lusplclon, lOll of jewelll, travelera' 1908. Previously they had made a trIp to Algiers. where a well·known cbocks, bank notel and letters of credIt. American millionaire went to bed. Sbe can Itnke at a dlBtance. Arter lo cked and bolted bls door. beard ahe bas left a fashionable resort, rlcb n otblng In the nlgbt. and awoke betourlsta wbo admired her may wake reav ed of rIngs. studs, buttons and of a morn Ins. l&1e In their rooms. and against pIck locke to leave the Itey chains worth $90.000 and $6.000 cash. find they are robbed. Itrlpped. deatl· sticking In. In truth. It permltl the In any case. one night at Nice In· tute. use or the ousUtI pincers. Feeling ber sPectors Henlc. Ben oit and tbe lr men b d In t wo b e d room d oors. fI all' b Let them be bappy that they '1'ake. way delicately with them. the goulne sma se Tbe coulne II out and loose again catcbe8 the key barrel In a grip of ed IIgbts ond discovered Monsieur apon tbe world. Tbe Jlnnoulchll are steel-and tranQuilly. silently. ,ently Bawer In black tights. n rub ber band ,ailed and lcattered; but tb e., lbado'WY unlocks tbe door. over ' bl s moutb. stiletto and eelskln FootstePB In the corridor! Uprlgbt. a t hi B bel t. tI Illng a black 611k sac k fllocheuse de COIiI, the "gUder In the hallway." bas ber cbolr of wIcked vIr- Immobile. sbe presses Into the cor- w Itb j ewe Is and money. The man they i d to s nored on peacefully. HI s -'n o,m . phI to ltay beblnd and do ber ner, wbere fall the black Bhadows. b e onge .~ wUl, while sbe movell on. wIth the Weary guest or sleepy ' chambermaId race I00 k ed Queerly pInk and wblte. paSB and see notblng. Q uIc kl Y Be nD It pu II ed t h e face 0 .. Dew perfume In their bands. . .. ll h 14 NOiselessly she openll the .lcUm·s It was a ch loroform mask. most reck· E b th ey may e ng s . 0 door, sllpa In and abuts It. [II there less and brutal deatb rIsk. In a near. By day, mllids. Frencb blue etccldngs, PI~~n a dIm nIght IJgbt1 Sbe glides to a by bedroom Frandln put liP a terrl!!c drellsed yet with an air of ease, co , fll~kering shadow, listens to the sleep- figbt. laid out a plaln.c lothes man with aloof. yet capable of ~puilive kind· ers breathing. It Is regular; and sbe hIs celaklo (nand bag). jlu.jltsued neneB wheo touched by rrlendslilp glides toward hIm. She has tbe pblal He nlc to a broken arm and almost got for the rich ond Inexperienced. Tbey In ber hand. Even now. oppressed by away by stabbing. wben a botel por. may be pathellc young wldowe. RUB- allen presence, sbould wake and strug· ter knocked blm down. In his room llan or Itallon, seekIng forgetfuinesl gle to a sitting position, she has I were found the gang's utensils. round Casino gambling tables. at con· time to back out. like a IIlmy black· \ eerta, teas. lubscripUon balls and bo- neBS, before be collects bls ' tliough18 I Today tbe brutal males are s tm In tel dancn. wbere ' the mOllt modeat and touches' tbe electrfc ItSht. Sbe : jail ~~ rl~btened out of th~ bUBlnes~. toUriats flash tbelr dIamonds. It an wanta no strugg1e.- She .. no .jJrm. Tbe Ktilk or the Hotel Rats" operat· oble"er. you mlgbt ba Itruck by oUlcb. armed wIth stiletto or eelskin Ing at ~b18 momebt In Parl8ieeml not their eyes. the eyeB of nyctalopB. of sandbag to have done a single job In tbe 18 great or little anImals that see by The ~oulne haa but Jber phial of fashlonablo hotels of tbe American night, the e,ea of mIce. mice. mlcel liquId, and ber ear for rhythmic quarter wbere he made such ncb Tbe great old motber goulne loved breathing. Should the Victim vaguely bauls. But as his sublime sneakIng to rrequent the Villa deB Fleurs at wake she wUl walt In the sbadow or utilizes certain · mechanical effects of NIce or the public room a at Monte the darkness for the sleeping rbythm. the true jlrmoulehs, It Is .Important to Carlo, where .(ortunea are won In an Now she IB close to blm . She brulwet be posted. llesldes. the stalwarts will evening. too late to be banked. Sbe one of bls towels with i1quld from her get back to work one of 'tbese days. moved from table to table, noting the phial. 'She bolds be head Bway trom Tbe male rat laugbs at bolts. He great winners, smllln~ 8S the roulette It In fear. Even th .•• fi ltering veil of trle~ to get a room Dext to bls vIc· mouss eline mIght not pro tect her from lim B. European hoteh) are built wltb ball wblrled . Tben the Countess Manola nods an the fumes ef tbe new perfume. communIcating. doors. that any num· aristocratic good nlgbt. pulls ber Now sbe haB blm Inhaling from tbe ber of rooms may be thrown Into a BabIes about ber, steps Into the auto- wet towel. Bending over tbe vIctim suite. Tbeae doors are kept locked limousine and speeds home to tbe rlcb with tbe vul~ar cblorofortn was the and bolted on botb sides . . Of course. hotel. So tbe baughty English old clumsy jlrmoulch. the male. the hotel of course. Tbe rat's first work Is to gimlet tiny maIds. Bevere French blue-stockings, r rat, always covered hJs mouth wJth a fev erish italian wldowB. with tbelr rubber band. not as self' protectlon peep boles Into a door or partition . It eyes or nyctalops. ngalnst fumes, but not to wake the deCid ed to go on the job from what he Tbey lock t~elr bedroom doqrs and sleeper at tbe critical moment by sees. be unlocks the communIcating ,.,alL Tbe noises cealle. tbe. lIghts go breatblng on his face or neck. Most door when the Victim Is out. jImmIes oul. They; dolt tbelr frou·frou dinner sloepers are . peculiarly sens itive to the InsIde . bolt. InjurIng It as little all ,owns, however sober. crackling pall· s uch a sudden local cbange of temper. posBlble, eoters, ' re moves the screw II. .Iettes, ' tinkllng jet. rustling batiste ature. The mOllse . of IIgbter breath, replaces short acrew tops. puttlea. and stilL They dress agaIn, you would had h er veil Instead of mouth band. palntB tbe dummy bolt al "ahut." and aay ror deep mourning; blaek , stock· and It remained as a pure air hreatb. slips out tbe room door on tbe corrl· tngs, black slipPers, black glovell. Ing sack and partial tllter agalnBt dor. wbere a confederate IB on guard black aklrt and coat of so~teBt wool. fumes wben abe got tbe new perfume to keep tbe COBst clear. and round theIr heads. covering their Into ber wicked bands. In tbe old days. If the rat could not faces, coverIng tbelr moutbs and How did the old motber gouille get get an adjoining room be picked tbe n·o ses. a veil or black mousseline de- bold of Mystery. some say, of old corrIdor lock In the daytime. when IIcendlng below tlie neck and carefully friendship; other pretend that 1\ crim. tbe victim was out. and "fiXed" tbe tied round the sbouldera. Inal figure called "the mage." 1\ IIcl. corndor bolt In the same Wily. warned Is It the Countess ManolaT Is It ntlst perverted by a Sadlc streak, Is by confederates. An accordion was tbe Honorable HelenaT CertaInly no; cynically makIng the bad perfume for the outllde signaL StrikIng up a cerIt II the goulne who turns out tbe Its adepts, wbo must be all women In taln air meant that the victim wal reelectric IIgbt of her bellroom. A feeble black. wbo bave abjured men. as bua. turning. Finally. If Interrupted. there lIgbt Btrusgles through tbe transom bands. brothers. lovers. wall the stiletto-nod the ,Irmoulcb to tbe ceiling like a phospboreBcence. [til effects are more rapId than cblo. knew wbere to strike. GlidIng past tbe long mtrror of the roform; two Indrawn breatbs ~ut die Would yoU not prefer' tbe modern wardrobe, she glances at It and doea sleeper In a sort of coma!" The work ot ladles? The old goulne and not see berself. dampened towel Is spread under bls her choir or vlrglnB In black veils Sattilled. Ibe turns up tbe IIgbt. cbln; and the terrible woman tran. seem almost sympathetle. acatterlng Naugbt Jars In the costume. From quill)' col~ectB the valuables. On quIt. perfume. Yet a8 you slept the dobr ber trunk sbe takes what seeml " tlng tbe room she throws the window swung open as the nail heads quIt curuDg Iron of duU bronzed .teel. open and .replaces tbe towel on the their holes. In slipped tbe stalWBrt. only botb pIncers are convex; and rack. Sbe does not wish the victim garbed In black tlgbts. 88ndbac and then another wl~ the plncera longer. to Buccumb. Sbe dreads the scandal stiletto at hlB belt. Itmllar; and ~-1Itt1e Instrument with or a deatb, wblcb very Beldam hapTo rIse In bed meant death. Iteel . /flke a comb, that pUllb pens. Tbe pure air of the open wIn· To lie stili meant the ' brutal chloroback pressure and IIprlng dow revlvel the stricken one and form mnsk beld . tlght as you woke marYel of mobility and cbasel tbe fslnt. fragrant (umee struggling to tbe sound of deep beJJe "",.,..!!"UB fonDS: and tben three slim away. He awakeB In the mornIng, ringIng In your ears; and then forlet. plc:,ka. Ba If for dentfsts. Bunll,ht heating on bls eyes, and' BBIts fulnesa-perbaps forever. Into Ita compartment or a vel· hlmllelt. IUltonlshed, "Now, bow did I Bolt your room door today, tbe bo'vet bag, not to tinkle or rattle. Fin· leave that window wide open T" . tel mouse '11'111 paB8 you by. Tbe ally, IIhe takes a phIal of IIqul~. II It not belter tban stUetto or mOUae Is all for gentleness and con!!. Sbe turns out tbe IIgbt again and black,'aek If you bappen to lurn In dence. A liolted door already meaDS ltandll betore tbe mirraf'. All Is dark your aleep? Such were the resourcel sUlplclon.

The Beouftj'ul Wall Tint cornel in 16 exquisite linll. More arli~'c than ",all paper or paint at a fraclion 01 the: COlt. Ktli somine colon are harsh and com mon beside the .oft ·hued water color tinu of Ala\?a.tine. Absolulely ':IlIit~- . ea8ie~t and quicken to ul e, fortliest and will not ch ip, l,ed, or rub off • • en DOct~:~ n%'~rOI~.ll~~ t~:~ 1IAl1lll....



r ildlce Pull Sib. r kt. wbur. SUeI rquJar lint... S5c.



- - -- He -Was :ttl-;; ·O-riC. A small boy. wltb a ralher 10 llt and lonellome appearan ce walked Into tbe county clerk's omce at the court house. He gazed nbout blm for a ~me and finally approached Deputy Htht ry Smiley. "Please. air." tb e lad said timidly. "have you ~n anythIng or a lad, around here?" "Wh~ yes. lIonny." an swered Sml· ley, "I've seen severn I." "Well, have you seen any wltbout B little boy?" tbe Ind Bak ed anxIously. "Yes." replied Smiley. , "Well," saId the little cbap. 88 a relieved look crossed bls tace, "I'm tbe little boy. Wbel'4!'s tbe hi'\1 1"D~~rTIm~ •

Tbls design lIulltratcs a clever tnod· el for a seml·prlncesa dress whJch t. suitable for mllseB and swall WJDl ' en. The model c10llell al the back and IB made wIth tbe slightly elented watst line. Tbe dres. may be made with or without round or square yoke. Casbmere, serse. Illk, or any or tbe new cotton tabrlcs may be utilized. . Tbe pattern (11745) Ie cut In abel 14. 16 and 18 yearl. Medium Ilze require. .% yardl ot 38 Inch malsrtal~

A Believer. 'r'o lIfOCure thl. JIIlttem ...n4 to cent. Gilford Plnchot, at bIll br9ther'lI to "PiLttern DeD&tt.tnenl." of thl. paper. Write name and ·&dclre .. plainly. and be houst'. III Park avenue. Ne w York, lis· l1\li'. to elv. aIIO o.nd Dwnber of pa.UWD. te n< Qulzzlclilly to a pollUcal BtOry tllat WIlS ' belng lubmltted to blm for verification by a poll ti cal reporter. . SIZE . .............. . lifO. 5745. Wben the reporter flnldhed bls narNAMI!I . . ... .. ..... .......................... . rutlve 1I1r. Plnchot lauglled and saId: "I'll reply to that as tbe old Italian TOWN ........ .... . ........ .... ...... .. .... . peasanL replied to th e sll1tement tbat STREET AND NO ... ........ .. .. ........ . his fellow·countrymlln lov ed birds too we ll ever to es't them: STATE .. ....... ....... . . ...... ....... ·· · .. .. "'Well, I don't mInd, bellevlnr, that myseU: tbe old m,an saId, 'but there'. LADIES' AND MISSES' COLLARS. a good many that woul~n't.·"



and silent.Is Five minutesManolaT pas I. Ten minutes. It Counteu .Is ~~~~~~~~:::::~:::::~~~~~~:::::~:::::~~~~~~~~~~~~:: ':!"'" •••••• ~ •• -....,.. ~AA It the soft, sorrowing Marche8a? No. certainly; for Ibe beglDI to see ber· Iplf~ quite clearly, In tbs darbell. ~I . • ... .the' ~Irror. It Is the nyc~lop who her room door With n te.roclous A Chlclgo woman brougnt Iult mouse ' wbo glldeB agaInst ber husband for failure to IUp' the ll0rHdof. . port ber. te8fUtl!!1 ~at bls In· .kpowa the w~s mODU!, ~ut ,

Spendthrift Wife Grilled

HOlpltal l!XJ) W!ttt· PhyslclanB Bt-Hahnemnnn bOI5pll[£'.... In Pblladelphla are experlmentinl for tbe removal \ of warts and , dvertlled ror one hundred men and women burde ned wltb the blemishes. Tb,ere b~s been sudh a r usb of the wart·laden {be hospital bids falr to ecome an ImmenFe beauty par1nr. , Markllwomanlhlp. . "1 atn afraId thQ8e m IItant luffrageltes are. going to give ua lerloua . ~rOllble." sald one .London pql}cQman. "Tbey mean buslnesll." , . " Wby,do you think 80?" Inquired the othe r. "A lot or ' them have gult giving pa·' rades and making speeches and are Here Is a set ot collars after whlcb practicIng wltb Quoits and baseballS." any woman can fashloD her neck ac· Fact and Fancy. cesllorles In any deslre~ styli, .. the "Great Scott. Marla. tbat's a dllrlng pattern provides for square. round or polo'ted collan. Anyone of tbese can dress!" "I t" a fancy costume." , be made In a Ibort time and can lie de"Well. If I were you. I would stle.1l veloped In lawn. Ill\-over embrolden a little closer to fact."-Judlle. 0'1' lace. For any IIlze coltar tbe pattern reo rf a slrl really wantl a man's lov:. Quires for tbe square or ruund model ' % or 8 yard of 1S Incb a\l-over or of 86 she returns It. · Incb materIal; for the pointed deslgD COFFEE HURTS ¥.a yard of eltber. For the poInted One in "'hre6. collar Z% yards of Insertion. for tbe • square collar. 1% yardll or Insertion. It la dtmcult to make psople beileve For the former 2 yarde and for tbe lat· that coll'ee Is a polson to at leaat ODe ter 1 ysrds of edgIng Is required. person out or every tbree, but people To' pl'Oeur. thr. ""nun 8en4 10 ftftU are slowly lln~lng It out, althoqb 10 "Pallern Department." of thle paper. thousands or them Bulter terribly beWrite name and addre.a plainly. and .,. aure tof cJve aIIO and Dwnber o( panora rore tbey 'dlscover tbe ract. . A New York hotel man aayl: "Each time after drinkIng coltee ' I became mZE ................ lifO. 5720. restless, nervous and excited, 110 thai I NAME ·· .............. . .... " ............... . was unable to sit five minutes In oDe place, WIlB also_Inclined to vomit and TO'WIIf ..... ... .. ..... ....... .. .............. . Buffer from 10S8 ot lileep, which got 'Worse and worse. STREET AND NO ....... .... ...... ...... . "A lady saJd tbat perhaps coffee waa BTATIJ: .. ...... .. . tbe cause of my trOUble, and suggested tbat I trf POltUtn. I ' laughed at the tbougbt that cofrce hurt me, but abe Peculiar Tranlaction In Court. Inah,Led 10 hard tbat I IInally bali' We BUPpose that Judge S. E . Jonel lom~ Postum made. I bave been UB- . of ttie re'nth judlctal cIrcuIt Itnelllled Ing It In place of colfee eVer alnce, for I one transaction In hlB co ; that III I noticed that all my former nervous. ' . wIthout parallel. In December. 1898. nelS and Irritation dlaappeared. I bewblle the Judge and 8everal lawyens weNl busily engaged In 'tbe triai or gan to IIleep perfectly, and the Postum an equity CRle, Grover Mamman taBted al good or better than the ·olel. ' came Into court wltb a drelsed Opql' coffee, 10 what wal the U88 ot IUcll. BUm aDd Inquired . ror Bill Herpll. The Ing to & beverage that . was Injurbil. " trial was ItoPllf)d until. Bill wal found lDeT "On, day on an excursion np the and the aale of tbe opo8lum· a youn~ lab 1 mated. Bill left wltb bill OpOslum countl7 I remarked and the trfal proceeded.-SbePheJ'Cla. frIend on her greatly1mproved ap~~ &nee. .She explained that. lOme 'I.11IIG vlllle (Ky.) NewII. . ,before abe had quit uIID, eolree &1111 ' taken to Poatum. She ba~LplDed '. P"'lmllm. ~: It alwaYw hapPenl. tbat when a mali Dumber pf pound8 lUll! her . '. ~ haa ..a .new J~!!ggy, and '· wante '. to .abow pltlltkln of the otr,>tJle . we"'r ·tuml bliel·. -l!lln,pona





Gazett,. . .' .... \:7 r .. i~ ,u.. . . . .. ~4


' (.


. ' mmJllEM




or the House Committee HE L PIN ~ FRV IT TR E e;s TO ...Ii.E!::!~f-!-':::.!..:~~-"!..-~---'-'-'-' ,,!:!-'--":"':"=--':':':C!..:-=-h~~:T:"5:-::; V ppears the tallow Ing : BY COMBATTING THEIR 01$· "Canada olIe rs a three-y-ca r bomeEASES AN.D INSECT PESTS. lItead upon good land, easily reclaimed --- , :lnd cultl\-ote d, 'wlth six months' leave .,f obscnce coeh yea r and most lenient I·egulntlons." All ot which Is true and It Is now tlle part of the careful reo der to can· Cann.ot Be Completely E~adleated, Plow Is a Simple Wooden Arrange,Ider the opportunities that e:xlst In But II Eaolly Controlled by me nt Pulled by Oxen-Mallet Western Canada which, hi addition to Spraying With Lime II Use d as a Clod the above, are attrac tive fea tures. 'I'l:ie evidence of thelle Is found In I he Sulphur. jCrus her. loHters contributed by Borne or tbe (OootLDl~e d. ) The Ohio ta,rmer , with his lallol' &~ttlerll. For Instance : A tormer Min· , 'I'hls Is a Bucking Insect and per· saving machin ery and bls up,to·dn'. e noesotan. writing from Warner, South· \ hnps ~ the worst of the group. It at· methods of rurmln g. has little cen· el'n Alberta, ISIlCaks ot that dist rict. taekt1 1111 fI·ult · trees. being least coptlon or \\'ha~ ti lling the so li means but wb llt be eays, applies generally to troubleeome 'Upon the sour cherry. On to th e 1Ioo pl 8 at far·away Ind ia. While all of Somhern Alberta. He saye: "I have see u sl:lt crops, four of tbe m badly, Infected trees It appeal's as a ln Bome sections at that country " '!lre first class, one of them a very dark of couuUeos modern machi nery has been In tro- gcood crop, nnd tbe other II poor crop. duced, most 01' tbe farmin g Is done Guvernment stnti stlcs for the last fifwith th e crud elst kind at Implements. t80m yenrs show that this country h,a s Some Id ea of what farming means averaged about firteen or sixteen fn India can be gRlned by a inl1hos of moisture. In 1910 there was study of the following illustrations, only seven inches, and In 1911 twenty· two inches. The 1909 crop was abo ut which ·are [ronl photograpbs of 1m· aB good aa I have seen In this coun· tr,. and we had abou t twelve Inches of moisture, so that I am thorou ghly con· vlnced that with normal conditions, thJ.t .Is, from twelve to tlrtcen Incbes of moisture. nnd with the natural In· crease ot population and Immigrati on, that Southern Alberta will be one of the very best mIxed farming dis tricts In the world. We have good soli. good ",'s ter, and a good cllmnte, Bnd nltoget her just u desirable a country to live In' as Dakota, Mlnne.ota, Iowa, or Wisconllln." Hundreds of letterll are on file from forDler American settlerl, which gl~ gooll reasons why the Western Can· ada lands are being IMIttled 10 rspldly. numbers of IOBects. While qulte Ful1 pnrtlculars can be had or any Ca· young tbe Insects are yellowish III Crude Farmln" Impleme-nts trf Ina. a. nadr.n Government Agent, who will tho Left a Gran Cutter; I .. On color and may be seen craw Ilnl{ about Center II Clod Crulher, and on turntsh Uterature and give low rate It'untlng .for a fAvorable locatfon In oertlllcf..tea. Excunlona are being run Right II a S,lekle. which to Insert theIr mouth parts dallr. . Into the bark. Once located, each pleme nts presented to th e college at Insect secretes Its scnle and remains Anot~er Vee for Medicine. agriculture. Ohio Stato UniversIty, In Olle pOlIlUon throughout Its lite· Chicago family which employa ae A t ime. The Insect lives over winter by Sam Higgillbottom of Allahabad, Its butler an old·fashloned negro was lnGla. In the adult form and Is usually constantly annoyed by tbe doorbell of throle brooded during a nonnal SBa- Kurpl, or Grlll.·Cuttlng Instrument. the house letting out of order. On son. The temales do not lay eggs. Tbe broad edged tool III what Is several occasions an electrician Who but give birth to living young, often uBed in cutting grass. Tbe men and llIod some lort of white powder all many as 600 at a time. Its very wom en using It take hold of R tutt In his work, bad been called In to fix small siu, together "'Ith Ita rapid of grasa with the- left hand a nd cut the bell. reproduction, makes Ita complete It just under the surface of the Ono evenIng when there were gueBts e.radlcatlon pra.ctlclI.l1y Impo.sible. ground. In a day of nin e hours tram at dinner, one of them complained fifty to one hundred pounds can be of a sore throat. The mlstresB of tbe cut, depending: upon the time of year house turned to the butler and said: "Sam, wben dinner Is over. go to the and the amount of grass to be found. Moat ot the cavalry horses of the (lnlg Itore Bnd get a small bottle or British -=overnment and almost all of Dobell's eolutton." "Berore the Lawd!" exclaimed tho negro In senulne distress . "Is dat do'· bell out of ordah ag'ln?"-Popular Magazlne.




LASKA'S grealeat problem Is WilY Is a.n Important port, but III main. ·trnnsportatlon. And Alaska Iy uBe d In winter OB the at&rting point I1lls probleml of vital Interell for Dawson, wblcb Is 10 Canada, !!ond to every mail In the United not In AI&IIka, as many AmerlCl\ns . States w,ho hopeI! for develop- seem to think. These tbree Beaporta ment or'the country and ror 11 .quare are the natural ' termini (at raUroada deal. People may tuss about the coal to the Interior. and the only places lands, may dispute about sovernment· where the commerce of the countrY al action, may sblver at the thought could be handled cheaply and succes. of lonr. and severe winters, but Iltlll tully. Cordova Is ellBlly tbe railroad tbe real problem before the great Center ot al i Alaska, bllvlng more country of Alaa1m IB lrlttJBportation thaD 200 miles of track conn.cled -oot grart. with the terminals on the couto The ,It Is not every man who blls taken Morgan-Guggenbelm syndicate op· time to conSider Alasm as a pnrt at erate's the road and gi\leS pretty dethe United State9. It Is not every cent service. A man can t,alle bla man wbo bas taken the trouble to camp equlpmept In 24 houn to Inter· tearn that every Alaakan hubor 1I0uth lor points that betore the advent of ot Cook's III let, 00 60 Itewee9 north tbe road requLre d months or unrem1t· laUtude. III Ice-free and open ttl navl, tJog toll to rea~h. . ~tlon the year round. At the snme Wblle rnUroad transportation Is the time It 18 0. well 'known tact that the gre:lt problem In Alaska, the building POrts of Montreal. Quebec. at. Joho, at roads and trails. wagon . Albant", and Buffalo are closed abBo- roads, 18 Of great Importance. In a -~ lutely tC?_:oe..tgatlon during .tM winter coulltry of such magnJllceot cllstnnces ~. s. And the commerce of tbelle as Aln.6ka cialms. where mu'c h of tbe "tUantic and lake ports Is tremen· road·bulldlng must of necessity be In doul When considered with the 8hlp- mountainous districts, the expense of ping of ' the country year In and )lear constructing. highways Is enormous. - out, writes .A. H. Harris In the Los And the system of constructlon so far Angeles Times. As a matter of tRct, employed hIlS been piecemeal Up the only Important ports , or Alaska to date the Alaska road commisIbat 'are closed by the severe weather sion has been handicapped for means ot winter are Nome. St. Michaels and to do the work necessary to meet the Falrbaok9. Ketchikan, Junea.u, Skag· demllnds of settlementa let alone to way, Cordova, Valdez Rnd Seward en · build feeders out into tb.e country joy at lenat a 'w eekly mall service wbere the demand for roods Is strong trom the United States by steomer. and continuous. Alaska. II. oountry rich In minerals, Good Roads Draw People, 'n timber apd In ~rlcultu,ral possl· In the building of roads and trails bUltles, 12 tlmell tbe area ot Ohio, hIlS about '000 miles of r~l1road . operated In Aluka AmerIcans have much to by ' eight companle •. ' Five of the,!e lea.rn tram the CanadlRDs. whose work 1'oads are purely local, catenng to the In the Dawsoo country has put tbe trnfllc at tlle mines In tbelr r~8 pecUve average American road to sbame. territory. The other three. ilie Cop· There \s but little It any diffe rence per River and Northwestern,. , the between country on the American Wblte Pass and Yukon. and the Alos· sld'e of an' Imaginary line and that 00 ka ' Northern. are bluely entitled to the s1de of the Canadtans. yet In the the title of railroads When cOD91rtered roads alone there Is difference enough on the basis of railroads In the United to designate the lIag under which the ~oper. "!'Jie White Pass and work WBS done. On the Canadian Yukon .alone furnishes transportation side there are more people, drawn faclUtle'B .to the Interior ot Alaaka by I'llrgely by the fact that they can traY. 'War at the Yull;on river. partly through e l. than there are on the side at the Canadian t erritory, wltb onli 112 United States'; and on one side Is a well drained. smooth read with mini· miles of traok at told. mum grlldes, ftt fer automobile tramc, 2\8 the Yukon river freezes during while au tbe American side strips or a long ,per,od In , winter. the Wblte mud and rocks and roots are ruinous Paes ro&d can only be used advantage-' to mlln's body and soul. Tho Cana· I)' during the 8ummer months. And dlanl have realized the need 01 per· It may be worth mentioning tn paslI' manent development, while the Amer· tnK that tbls railroad was built with Ican has me'rely t:eached out for ex· London '<capital In an effort to develop that' part of tbe grant north country ploltatlon Bud proftl Wben Americans and the Ulflted uoder the rule of the crOWD. In do· Stales congress get In as close tollch ing" 80 It was necessnry to pass w\t.h Alaska and her needs 8.8 Ita vo tbrough American territory to reacb Canadians and the Canadian parlla· a port 00 the PaclHc ocean. Even meot wltll tlJe needs at Canadian Alas· wltb the handicap of Pllrtlal or com· ka, tben will Come tbe end ot Alaska's plete ' idlenesB during the lavere troll bles. For at the bottom of It nil weath~r of winter. tbe rosd was a 18 Ignorance. Ignorance of Its 1m· tfnanclal succeBS from the beginning mens'll. area; Ignorance of Ita climate, of operation. varl~ and IJecullll.r though It may l1e; UIO. ElectrIc Ca .... Ignorance of Its resources Bslde friGID At Soward a standard gauge road gold and coal; Ignoraoce of Ita 1m· bas been constructed . for 72 miles and portance In the commerce of tbe surieYed for 700 miles. Including world, ed, worst of all, Ignora.nce of branoh lines, through' the very heart ot Ita people, The most widespread and Alaska. This road. the Alnska North· Injurious mlsconceptlone are probably em! gives 'v ery good service with those regarding the climate and the electrIc cars dallY. and with Bteam people, The ' generally accepted nafreIght" tralu '. as deinand re.Qulres. Uon Is that AlaBlla \s a land ot per· , The.' .«imPllD'Y· 'does tiol nttemPt to petual 8now and Ice. inhabited mnlnlY "n.u·.ttA· In ..",Inter. Aloog the rlgbt of by EsJdmo. while the facts are that rO~ .1,' the trail be· n'ot one-tlliril of tII.e are", of American _wa.rn 'all,d , t~e arod ml~ ' Aluka Is within the arctlc circle, and In Win Iia the only th~t ' the 'inR,Jorlty of tlle population Is white, a eturd,1 mixture of the best elements ~e "<?&,!e&Blan race. In other ' people of Aluka of ,t he aa those who . CalifornIa, evet be6ri IilnC41

WHAT WILL CURE MY BACK? Common aense will do more to cure backache than a nything else. 'Twlll teli you whether the kldneya are sore, swoll en and aching. It wl11 t ell you In that case that there is no use trying to cure It with a plaster. If the pa ssages nre scnnt or too fr eQ uont, proof that thero Is kidney trouble Is complete. 'rhen common sense will t ell you to UBO Doan's Kidn ey Pills, th e best recommended tipeclal kidney remedy.

A mrcAI. CASE-+ EdWArd

Pon;che, 1833 Cleveland

Ar C' •• CIoicn!:01 JlI., ""ys : "My eyc8 "'l'rn pliOi'd rurn uroP8Y [lnd my hands fillt! feet terribly swollen. For three mon ths " I wns com· Picture 1,lctcly I II id T. lIs (J lip. Doan' s 1>10'11"

Kidney l 'ills tl'lIcvcd t loo awfuL. ba c k paill8, stop· ped th08woli· ing nnd made me fool ono· hund red pe r . cent better."




Kidney Pilla

Splendid Crops In <W..t.ra Canada) 800 Bushel. from 20 aoree

Ilf ""but ""•• the tbreaber'. retum fTom. LloydInl n-'cr r..nn la lb.

....on or IgIO. M."y 1I.ld, In tha t., well • •

other .dlllriot. yield. ed !'rom 25 to 55 bu. oh"hut to tb.

acr.. Other .raln. In proportion.

_LARIE daD. PROFITS ".rlv." hoa Ih. FREI':

BOMBSTt:AD LANDS 01 W_ta:n C_d••


p~ ~c:J~::D\c!~r!-:a\ ~~::

.~=:oab':"rat~b':::J':::: Jr...::;.1_!D&, _tfl;:......~JI" .... 4 atr7~L.::J"~'" '~II p'oln"bl"........

D" ....

.......... ,~". lIum •• teadaot laO aere. are

~Y.l:io:'4J8 .:!'r'" ~~~'::.! tloa. lit 83.00

p~r a".o ,.. tU:.

10 eertalnar--. School. and oliun>bee '" .very ... ~tla­ mr~t. Gllma... aD_nod, 10 tb. rlcb..,.!; .......1, .. al4l~ an bullcllDS m • ." ... lal ~.n tI tal. a!I





d ... crI~tI.,. lIlu ...... r'''"~b\ot. • 'Last. BMt. WMt.." and olb8t ntun..atlODO;rI .... tosUp'l.ot Imml·

••~~l &"':!Q~m ~~:n.~~~a:.-eDr ~ H. M. MUlA •• 413 Cardner Blda., Toledo, Ollie n-_tototbo_' ......17O'I


OarHelll Toa., for the Ill' "",ullln~ from 1m· puru biOOtI, Is Ii remedy ot t rIed "lUcllay. Drink bolfore .... tlrIDg. -- .~---

Rather than lOBe eut at the last min· nte, the bride will promise to obeybut she always bas her fingers crossed. Its control, however, is a matter ' of comparative ease. On the fruit and youn g branchea It causes a chnrac· terlstlc reddish purple. Treatment : 'I'hB IIme·sulphur wash Is the mOilt satisfactory remedy tor this peBt, althougb kerosene emul· sIan, whale-all soap" and miscible oilS are also uBed to 80me extent. SprayIng should be done 101 the late winter or early spring lus t before grow th begins. It trees are badly Infected they should be sprayed In the tall 1m· tr elilate[y aner the again In the spring.

"PIDtr £7.... 1. Epld.m'.la th" SprIng. Tr7 Murin" Eyo ~med7 tor Rallable Rellet.

The Ox Yoke. the horses of private citizens get no cured hay. bu t: they get the grass cut from day to Clay In this manner and the rule Is, in India, tbat there is one grass cutter to each borse. His wages vary from $1.39 to $2.00 per month . ,rhe Sickle. No reaping

Alwaye rememher to be a gentleman-unless you are a wOlllan.

.A BLOOD MEDICINE WITR01JT ...."""LII'.....~!...

RCOCDtly it baa been debitly proven by experiment. 00 animals thmt _.'u"'.. ~_ Iowen the ,ermioidal power of the body and that alcohol panalyzes the white COI'o .,uaclea of the blood and renders them UIlllble to take up and destroy dillease pna." Diaease ,erml cauoe the death of over oDII-hall of tbe humon race. A blood medicine, made entirely without alcohol, which I. a pure glycerio utract of root., ,ueh as Bloodroot, Queen', root, Golden Senl root, Maadrake ud 8tODO root, b.. been extelUlively lold by druggiltt for the put (arty YlOlln a. Dr. ",.• _,.'. Golden Medical DiICovel'Y. The ref-reahin!l ioftuCIlee oi thi. oxtmet ia like N"bl'''''1 iolluenoc-the blood i. batbed In tbe toruo wblch givee life to the blood-..,,.,,.,.--.""'171'<.-,,,"".......,.,.....+-__ vital fi"" of tbe body bum brighter DJld tbeir increuoG activity coolumea tho . liacue rubbilh wblbb baa accumulated duriq the winter. ot a common file is used In the cutDr. R, V. Pierce, tbe founder of the 10Vllllda' Hotel_ ting the grains, ' whlca are wheat, Surgical loatitute, lod a pbysician of lar,e expcrlenoll ud Scurfy Scale and Oyster She" Bark barley. rIce. oats, 8Ua;!lu- cane, corn, pl'llctice, WIIS the first to make up an :ALTBIlAT'VB EXTIIACT of LOL:I8 . millet and 801:ghum. Harvest wageE root., without a particle of aloohol or DDrootiC. • . The former Is whitish and some- vary from 15 cents for a big, strong .. It te with the ~tcat of "I.....,re, 1!Jat J write to ~ :rou !mow 01 the IIT""t benefit I recclV'Cld frorn the u .. of ,.our modl.l..... ~ MItwhat pear·shaped, wh!1e the latter man to 8 cents for wamen. t.reIItmMlt at bomo,"WTlteo Mas. WII.Hlt'Y1III,of Lady_ltb,B. O. I.uehas the shape of an oyster shell and . tonxl for tb ..... yeara from a runnlDlr lOra. Conlulted tOW' doctor. bat The Plow and the Ox Yoke. tb07 faUed to mend or Irlvo ....lI er. Finally 1 wu told J waa In CDU~ il rraylsh or browIDsh In color. These tlon and would bllVB to cODault a opoclaliit eonccrnlnlr my ....... that In the plow and th" yolte the only I:!ee ... tll frequently <:ause Bome dam· dead boa" muet be cut out berore the wound would bw. A kind advloecl me to write 10 Dr. Pierce, " !lIth J did, and after _ n month8' Iron III that III tho pll)w share. ThiEl .... of the _tment the ION I. healed..! and J ""joy better h_llh tUn I plow does not turn the Boll, but SUi'll _did. 1 droued the .....and with ur. PI."..,.'. AII·Healhur Salvtl aiI4 tool< tbe ·Oold.n lIfodleal Dlo"""",, ' aDd . Plcaant l'elleta"fD1; ,., It tram ,two t() four Inches, and to d :> troublea. I.ball aiWBYlI recommend :rour uuxllcln_ this the soli 1~lust be caught just at Dr. Pierce'. Plealant Pellet. regulate liver Vd tioweIe. the right condition at friability. With the uncertalnlty of the rains this Is otte':lIlUfficult and 1\0 the ground comea up In dads which are broken most comlliol~ly wltb the wooden mallet. The SUD bakes the clods 110 hard that the, ordlnar, Bingle plank clod crusber will not b ~ea k them. ~2.25 ~400 1

w. L. DO U C L-----.. SHOES '2.50 '3.00 '3.50..

& 5.00




You can save money because they economical and sauslraClOIY style, fit and wear than any oU~ermILkef!-~ W. L Douglas name and on the bottom IfWILl'lUltel!lS DI'... t..,1!tA the wearei~r~~~!!*:~:~


age, especially on 70.unl{ tree9, but are ' 'never as pernlcioU8 as the San Jose IIcale. Treatutent: Spray'II;Ig with lime, lulphu.- before ~he leaves come out will ,u auany keep the 110e In check, ot. upon th~ appearance ot the yo~n" 'iIraylng with kerosene emulsion or whale-oll IO.P. . V. H. DAVlS, CoUel~ of Asrlcultu,re, O!llo S~ , University. , ' , . ' (1'0"" , ~?l,~iile~,)

ev trnot- tn Tmtleore k towDeblp, $1 'MId uti 0 1!1t1ldllt:lJnOtlll . Pator 1101801 Itn I 1311rb.. rII flttl · til to .Inll tl T . ()OU{VI\.Y . frllo t j ll HII " " I tN ' t,rH ,.... 1111', ' I /lull otbtlr oo.loMl d . er.ltinop .






WIllIII I,lll l1l1 .. m ll ll/! to Phlll!) U- .~­

hrll. l" t ill

tn W ,lli a m

A handsome blood bay trotting Rtallion. 8 "vein old. 16.3 hands hjgh. weighttllOO lbe., will make the season of .1912 up to the middle bf July, at Corwin .

vroporty in

Terms, SIO to insur" living colt

Hn~kiD " ,·d l o .



10 Willl!1n l


"th .' f " "T> i'll' II I ~I\'nH .

lJ p.ul nh V . Bitll l lu rLn n, l u t. \n

I<'l'lIuk p . Fnrll Y,


;.\0 11 " ",

·!ltll'lott,l .J

Foaled 1909. Uildpfeated Show Colt These three horses will make the seaso':l at the Farr Tobacco Shed n ear the Stand Pipe You are Rlways cor~la lly wel~omed at the barn. Come and look at the holSas, and get a prmted pedIgree.


UhrOlllol , pul,lIshlng report of ex Ilwlni\'ion ot t reasury, fS294. W . El. 8t.anuge & <';0, stlitionery p; record. '9 GO. George W . Larrlok dirt and hauling, $5 10. I:!tiles & Arobdel\()on, sold dnAt and mat,obell, 12.50. John & W~t90n 00., 8Up pites for 8urveyor, '2.50; deed reI? ord, 122 50. The Wester~ srutionery and bar dockets. '62.60. M. H. Oswald, burial of Addie Part er, 1'75. WaUer MoClure, burial of LyClla Lawson, 176. E. C. 'i'hOIl Pson. medi08\ servi088, '14. F. P Forgy &erving venires and expeuee 1277.48. A. M. Parker, bridge r~ pall' " t11 ~5 . Ell Beaohler, )lndge repairs, '13.50. Ollio Corrulated Oalvert Co., culvert pipe, '15.20 Lewis Bro'hers & Co., ~26 . 46, Contraoh-Contract wat! Illade and entered into with .Yorm Snider for of stone oulvert and fill of roadway en Bopllioavl11e and FOllter pike in Hamilton township at the elUmate 111 .611 . Oontract wa.s mlide a nd "entered into with Ed Murrell for pottini in 24.lDoh lewer and Itone headwalls and fill on Sprlne Bill lind Clarksvme pike aear the wate: ing trongh in Washinston township at tbe eatimilt" 128.15 Con'lact .WOI entered Into with Ed Beaohler for repairing tile sewer headwalls and apron on Mans and Dawlon rlOld near the relidenoe of WIIUam Link hI FraDlitlin township at the eaUmate .17.60. Contract was entered into with Oharlea Simpson for puUlog In 000 orete toe to aroh wing and repair of benoh wall with oo.orete on SbawbaD pike near James Holllnphead. 10 Union to"nehip at the estimate t350.

bam Bailey, In te of Stllem town.blp ·BoltiabNevroombmedsuhai.. h~ ~ t was filed for prnb~to . Wmord O. Buds nand Martba R .. Sale of nropertv to puy debts waa RudsoQ tor • oorrectton of title to oonfirmed In ' the o&se of Madison propel"" ~ J'rllpklin reoeatly sqld MoKinleY exeoutor \'8. Harry Cleav· B ,er et'a!. ~ the .def-;d~nh'· r~an A' J. DeBo'lrd filed hts firet Ilnd fa "ttorD.a ,. o~ e II a I I . fino.l aooount in tbe estue of Obrull's Commoa Plea ~fDgs . ", ·Will.ud DeBoard. . . . . .' ABnll Mount, administratrix of .Jur,. ~o~nd Ii. verdlot for the IIe-. the estate of ~eorge C. Moont, detaDdan'la 'he oaae of Sarah Daoh'· oeased filed her Inven&ory and Bp ler v~ ~1M?rt A. MoOutoheon.. pr~i8e~en t sale bill, first and fiDal Ooon dlstdbuted the prooeeds of t' aooouu . _Ie of pll'openy Involved in the Oli. e R40hel 0 . SteveDS, adwinietu~rilt of J'loreDo. N . Jeftery VI. Charlas of the estate of 'rhomaa J. Skun •. B : Shlll'wood a& a1. deceased filed ber inventory and .Jn~ foond a verdlot tl)r the appralse~ent 'platDitif,demand lug tbat the deren. J obn A. Tb~wpeon. adminiBtra tor daD, pay ,1500 In the ease of Bal'- t the es'a~ of Margaret Delph de. ~. lIaler ..... C. B., ad ·~&8e.l. filerl hie finaillocount. ' mIDlat~tor. J . W . Tit08 was appOinted ad , Cue of _Gl~lI!8nl ~a"oI',lAI BankdTB. miDlltrat.or of the es'ate of Cath. ... ~. ~!D' ad~II1Ia'ra~l' was II· ariae Titus, deceased. J . W. Ward, admlnlstraror of 'he , ,~'riok. Ga7.DOr w La appo,inHd CO MYte of. 8amoel Sidrs, decea.ed, defn4 'If. '11, Merrill, the alleged Bled hiR inventory and appralse' foqrer. " • meot . . . .' PnJbate Court. :Jit08a R. Berryhill, adminilltratrix of the ea. Bled her inventory and appraise .. .' tMe of, )laTr IO. Olemenu, deoeased, ment. ,MarrIap Liceote& ,', 81ed Ida .d lavtbu'lva aoooun&. ~~ Brown. guardian of tbe Earl E. Steviok 24 a88embler of • ta of 'JIlJlzabe'h A . . Braden, 1m .. aliamlaborg aDd Pea;' G Tlmmona, , bealla, 1l1ed ht • ...,ond and final 11.0. 21. of FraukUn . oo~,. William Barvey Murray"O, farm ... 8. Pullen, executor of ~be es- er of Frankhn and Anna V. Sharte, tate of _Uncia P~llen. de~e...ed, '3, of Franklin. ' . fUM hi. fira' final 8OO00Dt. Sidwell Ellis, 24, farmer of Way , .~ . I.., and tee\ameD& of nesville and Elale Earnhart, 10, of Escape. An Awful Fate KlJIIa 1'.' late of Wayne Waynenille. A thousJlnd tongue80ould no' 8X admitted l to probate. pre.. the gratUude of Mrl. J . .Ill. purporUng to be RMI Estate Trclllsfera. Cox, of Joliet, 111.. for her wonder and tBlltament of Abra· WlIl O. GastlD to Hannah J. Laok_ fu] deUveraooe from liD IIwful fafe. "Typhoid poeumonia had JeU me with Il dreadful oougb," she writes. "Sometimes I bad lIooh awful coaghIng spell. I thought I would die. I oould get no help from dootor'e PUBLIC SALE OF treatment; or other medicines till 1 ueed Dr. King'8 New Dlsoovery . Bu, lowe my life to thil\ woo.4erfol r emedy for J scaruely cough at all now It Quiok and sale, its the mOlt reliable of a.1l throll' and Inng med iolne'J Every bottle guaranteed . At Wayne Farm, located at Waynesville, Ohio, on . IiOo and 11. Trial bottle free at lilJ dru~gi8..:. t8 _._ _•___ • _ __





.. u

. -.

Registered Jersey Cattle

SATURDAY, MAY 11,1912 Sale will begin p-romptly at 12 o'clock.

80 head will be catalogued, consisting of cattle of . all ages and both sexes, cows in all stages of lac~ation, officially tested cows, butter bred bulls and thelf sons and daughters. . This year's auction, like all . former years, is a veritable Jersey show. only more of It. " : In this sale will be offered the greatest collection of Jersey cattle ever sold in Southern Ohi? N?thing like it has ever before been approached lD thIS part of the country. . 'We have spared neither effort, time or expense i~ the development of this herd , and in the sel«;etion of the cattle of this offering not only have we remembered production but we have also remembered type and beauty, Will also sell four head of high-class Shetland Ponies of good t ype, quiet and gentle for children to handle. 'lws stock will positively be sold to the high est bidder without reserve or 'Bny protection whatever by the owner. bankable note d from date of sal~ Transfers ~iven &t!,em1ent is made. ~ ~CoDveyances meet at Waynesville and Venable on day of count of weather. A all to';come and be ~tli .Fo~ ,ca~ogues and

.TERMS ~g6

pride in the beauty can work wODden with

ALL OUR OWN SALT Mlohlgl\n Is the .eoond aals-pro duolng State in importanoe In t.he Union. being sur paRSed only by New 1l or k. The out-put of 81ll' in the State in 19}0, aocordlng to tbe United Rtttte" Geo\ogioal Survey, was 9.452, 022 barrel!!, · 01' 1 118,283 ton8, valued 8t $2.231,262. Our tOttl\ 8111t produotlon in 1910 waa 80 a05 656 btU'rels. ag~inat only 979306 barrela importe,\, valued at 137~.11I1 . At the IRme time ,we ex ported ",,,a to the value of t320.9.26 . 'rhe indioation8 al',. that the ealt production for 1911 wtll 8how an inCI'erose over the fignree for the pre· oeding yellr.


Now Is the time to get rld of your rheumat.lsllJ You Clan do it by ap· plying Ch&mbeIlaln'e Liniment and wl\i\slIiging the parts fl'eelyat .RN'h lipplioa tlon. For sale by all dealera.







at Corwin.

Term.. 'I] to IDlUrecolt tOl&Kk Both of these honee can be IMn ~ day at the Liver)' Barno!

Old Soon can bere6Diabed in MaLoppy. Antique Oak or aDy color no matter what IW'face .,ou have, if you work .CCOnIiaa to directiooa, which are limple and easily followed. .. :HANNA'S LUSTRO FINISH" is alto uted OIl aD kinde ~ Fumitute aDd Woodwork in the home. Tbie Fmith doe. DOt fade and • abeoIuteJy ' durable, and 00 thia you may de~d. Many of .., deme pIeuure in thia work of beautifyinl their bollia. "WHY DON'T your


A. McCRAY, Corwin,



9 hio•

J. E. Janney, Wayneayille,


Wa,tUMviUe'a L~NUD' DedIt • !!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!~"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I011108 ill K8YI Bldg. IIaIa IJt

alas.IHad -- Ads. _w......" .. • • • . . . ·",


MetbOdlst Epilcopel Cburdl~



n... o. 8. Putor, Ada wlU bt~ Inaerte4 uoller ~b18 bead for SIlll4a7 School, 9: II a. Ill. Wornln.r 8er , twenly .. Ove ceols for ,hree IDllertfou viae, 10:80 a. m. avenlDg lenloe, " : 0 p , when lUtlnlf nol more than live Une•. m. I(1d ..... _ Pn!er Moellne, '1 p. Ill. .... .." ............. _ _ _ ••• ~ ....

Puneral Ofrer.tOl'.

St. AaputfD~" Catholic Cburda.


Nher Loula YaUi 11... eYerT eeooD4.8I1Dda, of the 1ll000tb 11:00 .....

owned and oooupled T SEbyproperty tbe late 1.... BaUleld, JD· 0

qoire of Mre.- A. F. DevlU. 86. WaT.e8vllle, Ohio,

PIloDe m8

nROPEliTY of the l.te N. B. AD. 'hon y, 5th 8'. Good hoWle, barn hen h008I~. pas'ute. Fer plI'tioul.ra see barry MUI ray, alent for E L, Pea cook 140 Linwood st., Uayton,O.




Telephone day 01 DIa" • Valley phoDe N~ f •.LOIII Dla&anoe No. G~~.

St. ' Muy'. E.,ra:op.J Cbun:ll. • -


Ke,.; 1.1'. Cad.,..Uader, Rector.


SUllday Sohool, II :80 a, III Komlnr ,or. ' nee, IU:80 1. ·Ill. Rolr (lOIllIllUnlOIl She lint 'D n_

SwuSa, ot each llloD,h,

ChrIItJan Cburda


a::b!iotirl.iaua \wt..

• • OHIO na.:- .IIarY.,... ..... 0. t




0i::om~'=~ yor. 1:011 p. Da. 1

10:.0 .. IL SermoD bJ'lMII*Ore...,. alCerDa... SUDd.,. .. 10:'0 ..... MIl f: •• p. III.

. HlcksJte Friends ChurQ.


Flnt Da ) Moethur:. 0 :00 a. m. Fir" Da, 8 0 bool, 11 ;00 a m. Founll Day lleellD, 10:00 a. IlL



E'l'WEEN Waynesville aDIl Bar· mony Grove, a good leather haiter. Jr. 0 . Gilmour. m 8

Orthodox Friendl Cburca. lira. Bu~ Mum,.



SabbaUl School. 11 :80 a. m. Relr\llar cbunlll eerviae. 10'.0 a. III • • CIu1R"au- -BIlIIeaTtn'. '1:80 p _

DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN Phaeton Boggy, reoe~,iv pain" ed, and in good 8hape. J'or partfoulara Inqllire a' this oftioe.


' ' - Internal an4 IExtIrnai ........

SubsCribe for the Gazette


Irown late Po p<>TATOEtl-Bome t,dOt", for .eed or ea&lng. In quire of Burton Earnhart. R . O. " Wa:faesville, OhiO, phpna 12.1~ . m15

A Wonderful Offer!,


N DIAN RUDDer Dook .I!ltrgl; (rom whi •••gg a'raID, bee' layer• . 7110 per 88"lnl ; reduced rates on 10. ()harle8 0. StroU8e, Wa,.n88nUe, O. R. R . Ii. J 15

IlDd pigs Poland Ohlna In iOGd oondition. Inquire of 81tm lienltle. R D 5, W{'yneev1lle. m 8 Ohie, Centerville phone.


Now is Your Cbance



ORN--A orlb of yeUow I:!eed ()onl. This oorn grew fine hit year and sproutl well thlil year. For partioultlr8 inquire of 11&60 Kelly or Cbas . Hegemier, on the Kelly farm, WaynBllville. Ohio. m 8

CORN-I.eamlni and UlarOLDidge vltrlety. Inquire of J. H.

_ _I




ONLY $1.50

McCall's Magazine is positively worth $1.00 a year. Subcribe now and get ~e1Miami Gazette



BEST OFFER ThIs is the belt offer we have ever made. Send usyour name accompanied with the moDey



Vandervoort, R . D.,2, W.yneeville, m8 Obio. Phone 33 S. I


smalll, 60al oook stove, 100d

f t one.. For farther partlou.lan oallat. tMa offioe. .

m 8

This is an Opportunity

beUer than S• o.everSufi. OrplDgtonl, Write or phooe for

prlOO8 by the 8itUIIR.OI' lot. B. V. t:!.itll, B)x 75. Phone 71-4,Corwln, Ohio. ~ 8

For you to secure the Miam~ .Guet~ absol~tely FR~E for ' one year by merely subscnbmg to McCall s Magazme for three years at the rate of 50 cents a year. In addition you receive three 15c M~ Patteraa F~EE.

from pure Fawn and White EG~S India Runner dock ... ohploe lay'

The Free Patterns are by post-card from New York City and can be used any time you need one.

Ing strahll, SI 50 per ': setting of 12. S.. D. Belilkle, R. R 6; Waynenille. 0., CJenteniUe, Phone 721. ma 2.9

new of Dap. NAPKINS-A klns jUllt tn, Seven designs &0 8~ock


This offer is available to anyone who subscribei, renew. or extends his time on the Miami Gazette. The only perquisite is that you "pay in advance.'~,

See below what you will save on

this extraordinary offer•

GozeUe oftioe.

We Will alve You DR. J. W. MILLER. I .. '


of the ho....

C;'The Made To Walk on Kind"

TID Is one of the iDlneral, in .... DENTI$T, •• workable delJO'Ua of '~hloll 'be United Htatee Is 1&okinl· .,dol' ., . N~&~~;)i~bk'BI duotion In ,ll\O va.n ... 12.3,"7,' aoioordl ll l :B~atee ,. ; .ueoloJicilf Kil:PftIY ·,,··hlll.


action and .tyle, IP en bone and feet, wei"ht 1900, will make the seuon of 1912


BIllII-B. L. DAkin. stlrvioBII on b urial oowmittee, $3. !i'ranklin

Waynesville, O.

Black draft stallion, withI "odtl

The Wife or Huband whO takee

Commissioners' Proceedlnrs.




d!} l, 10t' le Fr"n~ liD. I I Rod ot,her oonsldern.t.lous. Peter E . t:lparllng and Abbie ~par lin g to '1' • •}. Teaney. tnot In Bl\rlan to'Rnehlp, 13200. O barle ~ E. Roaoh to J . F. Kr!1t.-.or 139 a'lre.i In B'"lIiI~o n township, t~ Rod other oonsldeutioDs .



P.":lm·o· t o Unv Btl-

*1 1\1\(1 ol·her o0 0l'idell\tlons. [J PlIry W . ~ B l1 kllr 1·0 Frf\nk Spei-

Fine bred Trotting Stallion, sired by Geo. Simmons.


~ h oriff

<"u. ,

Bun', qllit t:\"lUl 11 0 lut 10 l<'rau Klio.

J. C. Simmonlt 2.22 ·}

J. A. McCoy


Frunkl ln, H.

A BInd- P{>rt'heron Stalli ,n by Pilon (54438)


' ." tmt.l () Il.IF~ v () .


Mlaml:Ou.e~ I year •• ~ •• 'I~ McCall'. Mal'" 3 y~. , •.so .1 F-. ISp M~~~;,Pa~ , ..t5 "


",; ~·Tot"fV..Ue_. ·; r~





- ,~ ·. ~t3.9( ,"


~ .­

~. , ~, ~ ,,~ . _r



~ w_. , r-"-Tb;:"N~i;hb:'~b~;iN"-"e"';'-~-'----·~lr""1: -'----------'---- .-----------+-----------. BarveYllbur~ Lytle Beech Grove. P .......




We f Prei \'ec\ " letter dated

• • MAIN 8'l'REET


-----:---------D. L. CRANE, Editor and Manager - Ra~ of Su-.aer:lption One Year (drtctlT In ad....WlII) • •• ••• •. 11,00

81D11e Oop), ......... ..... . . ... ... .. 'Y .0&

Ratel of Advertillnc

ReadIDIr LocW, pe; 11De....... .. .. .. . Ie ~ Locala. black face, per llDe .• . . IOC

oa..uIed Ada. no~ to exceed five lWeI • • ThnIe inlertIoJill .• t···· · · ,.. .. Obl\uarMe, five inclIeII free; over lfvo inclIeII. per tine.. .. ....... .... Ie Oll'd of t.hauka ..... . ... ... .. ......... ,Ie s-luUoDa ....•..... . ...• . .. . •..•• . • DOc 8oclaII • • where chuwe IaI made • . . ••• . ,Ie

• D~" Advwu.ana per tnch. , ••.••.•• • 10C

D~unu lven OD contrac\.


MAY I, 1812.

Bluka' hOriM wlllrm11, and brub wen 'h01'Oallhly ol_n and .&lml uJaa. ,'be .tJD.


Look . Oil'

• for

drar~ ander . .d

,hroa,' 'he 000,.. da. won' Idud.

'.L'b81 ar. abou'

LalDe baok ia uDally oaUHd b, I'h.ama".m of ahe. muol.. of 'he baolr, for whioh YOD wlll and noill. lDt Wter 'han OhamberlaiD'. LtD\, m..t ; .o~ ..Ie by aU deal.r.. I

At )eaI' three weeki before oow. .... da. to OIlYe Ih. hea..,. feecl Iboul4 be diIoontlDne4. do~

• lba' D an h.'YY cOati of

halr ~ould be cUpped now fo ... Ule Dew hair .tarte.

ju., be.


PoOl' appetta. 18 a .ore ,11Il or lID~ cUpittOD. A. f.w 4~ of ObaIDberlain '. 81omaob and lAnr Tab1ete w1I1 .'reDllbea dl~ &10D .114 Impro.. JOOf em:r&e. Tlaoaaande han been beDe by tattq 'h.. 'fabl.tI. tIold by all cl.alerl. • Too mach oora hal caued da. Ion




Elmer EarDhar' and "Ife mot.oreB Ch1l8. Kibler, of lireen Briar, to DaytoD, on Tnel!day . transiloted business !tere, on BdMr. aAd Mr!.l. ~. II . Baines at nrday. &ended the foneral of Mr • . Ellen Vernon ... rmltage Ilnd friend, of Fox, a' ~prIDgboro, on MODday . OregonIa, wtlre here o. Mnnday MI. aertha Kenriok, of WaYD6s- afternoon. 'rille, epen' rhursday wl'h Mr!.l. Ed and D S. t:!h"u8h ,m ml1de" I.." -I'.r Kenriok. business tripto WilmIngton, CHoton ~r•. Aliab Randolph lind Ma8ttlr Co . 00 Slitnrdl'Y . R Uliell. of Dayton, splint t:!liturdll.Y I•• D. Cb i l6ll, of Frunklin, spent U M 'r d e\'doiDI( and Sunday with home Wednelld.y witll.... . erryan n. folks . K E Th )mpao N f 0 ._ Franklin Tboma. W . S. or'on, 0 re~n .. , I"a. "'"' returDed tlatur. da, e1'8nlng after .pendinK a week here lut week doing .ome paper ng. fishing'" tit Mar,'s Reaenoir. Wm. kI. 'terry. of Oregonia, called r LebauoD, OU ][ . "..... Tb omptlOD, on Tueada., ' . W. O. Thompeou, 0 . .pea' Kond• ., In our 'Yilla,.. af&ernOOD. Ther• .wlll be Communion 8ervlO8 Kr.. Mamie Bela1ll0k .,.D' at 'h. ohuroh I18z"Snn4a,; al.. re o Thor.y with her home folk. a' oeP"OD of DeW members. Ba"s.,.borir. Meedame. J. R . Jobn. 1100" AlieD Ml.. Lnln BrannoD, of SpriGg· Bole .'teDded th. fnnenl ol'helr a.ld. ia tbellue.' of her bro'hsr ..Dd auot, Mri. Ben Thomaa, a' Sprin, wife. VlIlI.,y, Frida.,. We are glad report Kre. )(aUle MI1I81 Zoe Dak. aDd Zllla C:UtheD. Davl., who haa been .Iok 110 IODIr. were tD DaY'OD, &tarda.,. ..ble to be ont again. .lame. Clener hal .'arted up hi. !.Ir: ..nd Mre. O. E. Joha. dro'Ye to WtlmlDaton on HnadayaDd dined law)D1ll a,ain D. 8. !:thaDahaD h u boag h' tb e wl'b ,hela'·-r'. al.ter, IIr. and Mrll. II. J. HmUb. Unle frame houae on the Will Meeclam. Adela Kenrlok. Lizzie G othrie farm aDn will move 1& Bole"&D. IAUu" KeDriok were iu hi. own farm and nee "aa a teoan' 'he Gem CU." Tneada.,. h011le .. I'IUy or more gU8l11 were pre.enl R. J. lIarray, of Loog V vi,w 8 &00. ., lbe waddln, of MI. &lIle EarD farm w.. here 1..1 weel lookinl harl aad Mr. BldweU Billa OD after fhle honea. Tho*-y auotD" at. 'he bride', Geo. Dnle. wlleaod ,nDd.elaoghbome jOl' lIOu'h of IoWD. We wI.h ter ltUle Roth lI.nnon SPID' Tban. 'hem a long and happy life. cia., afternoon wltb III'rin FII'8II aDd • - • famUy. near Wa1DOIY111e . The DemoDi of the Swamp Mi.. Marie 8l1rr. ear 1Oh001 are mOlqnUOI. tbey niDi Ul'] teaoher, aooompanied .om. 01 her pn' 'deadlY malaria K.rm. In 'be,pnpn. to LebaDon, on saturday, '9 blood. Then follow the loy ohlll. '1'1' th. Boxw.U eumlnaahD. and \he Orea of fever. The appetite V A aelll811 ot BpriD8fteld 0181 aDd 'he .'re.gth fall.; allo . . , , malari. of&eD p. .81 'he way for ~m. dowD one clay lu' week ,deadly typboid. Bnl Eleotrio lilt. .peDd 'he d • ., wUh hle 11'81ldmo&ber &e... ttll aDd 0 . .' ont 'he malaria It.... lIartha W . ThomJIIOD. prma from tb. blood; give yon a Ooe appe'i&e aDd reDew yonr lin. Barry Thompson aDd lin, .' . "'AI&er 10DK eofferiDIr." Ed V.DJIl8ter ".~ .~oppln, tD wrote WID. I'mwe11, of Luoa IDa. OreloDla, on Frld ..., afternoeD. .

of ma.y a '01· pi"11 .WId of&eD ''''e lOR of. ~ . ,lOW . . w.. .. • If a lOW t. rei. . . . or . Juinpl ap whlD 'he pi,..... nnniJllr, uamlne the pip for .har:p ,"th. U aD, are foaDd ftl. ,th.m off. ··.......,. · • It would .urpriae yon &0 tnow of the Ina' lood \ha' I. beinl don. b, ('''bamberlaJo'. Tablell. Dariol DowDey. of Newber, .JnnolloD, N . B., wri'ee, "M., wife hu beeD 11I1D, Chamberlaio '. Table.. aDd IiDd. them 'Yer., effect·11Il 60.1 dotnl 'her loti of loocl." If ,00 ba'Ye any 'ronbl. wtth yoor l$Omaoh or bOwel. gin them a 'rial. For •• le b., .u d.l..... ~. ,



• If a horn .Iobber., bett.r loot '0

bl. _,h. They may be .harp aDd DM ftliDI. ant dOD't do It 7 0 nr· .if, ODIe• .,ou haYe learned bow from..lOJIMbod.,-who toow•.

There Dever was a lime "ben people apprecIated the real merl" of eta.rqberlaiD '. Oonih Remedy more th.D DOW. rhi. f. IIhown by 'h. iDe"'" In Dlee and 'Yolnotary t ...tlDonlal. from perIODS who baye been onreel b., 1& If you or .,oor ohUdreu are troabled ~t'b a OODih or oOld gtyeit a t1'ialaud become 10· quainted with ft, ,ood qualltl... 1'01 ..Ie by aU deal8l'8. . f

'lMade Strong by Vlnol

'l'b'e . . VIDOI







tndIJ. deUoate, It II 10 oomblJlao

wol'140·fU·Ilea ,~

~~• ,•,.i4I~Pl: ~

. •

b04"1nlilld~IlI ' 81 .. U.



Osteopathic Physician


Ondua\e Amer\caD 8chool, B.lrbT1Ilo.


Mr. alDd lira Bowllrd Berryhlll, , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .oath 01 t ,,,n, are 'he proad ·p ar. ents 0 fll iiew girl. -Jaoob A . Soott, of Middle Bno, ia the hllpPY owner of II nt'w anto. Oor townshIp board of trusteell Undertaker and Embalmer, I .pent Sistnrday In Colnmbus, on Will be foaDd iD 'he old bDIIln8l!s. BaDk Bnllding, oppoal •., The W . C. A. of Be1Hirook. hal the Na'ioDal BaDk. organized a lIewlog olan oompolled TelephoDe ID honae aDd of· uiOtlUy of IItt.le glrill. fice wbere J oa.n be (BUell . Mrll .Jos.Jph Bn.' held a pnbllo day or night. Valley PboDe 14-2. esle at her place, Dorth of 'OWII. 'lnd ie now liviDg 1'1 tho Junior LoJ,e Main Street. WaJnetlvill., Ohio Buildiog. . T B 1 f rd f i' tit I ited


Harry' Purcell Having bouliht Harry Purcell 39783, of C. H. Surface, he will _ make the season of 1912 at my



$15.00 to insure a living colt to . stand and suck. Care taken to prevpn~ accidents. Se.uon. due when mare is parted With.





'p;~~:~: ~sE'inoUS"'si;:~';; w... .....


ITES 0 nIy 10(:======1



JOhDD, WII.on aDd family nailed mllde... EX08l1eDt for ' IIloml\oh oiaU,. boUt .tage blgKer ,h ..n a hOD . a' Ztmrt .alD.', 8nDday. liver or kldDey bonblee. 211 Otll at dred ordl.Dary theatr.. U ia ma.e ~

pcr'able 'l o that it can be erec..d iD the matn tent elloh morniDg. Tbi. 'if: Ireu' entl'lrtainmeDt i.glven u . . lntro(1nCI;ory t .. the regular ot~ performftlloe lIud eDtllll. DO &ztn obarge u j[ admitlaton . "Joan or Aro" tells • mll&edal !'tor, trom Freuoh bi.,ory ID a

Classified Ads. Haven't you~ They Gave Results, Too, Dido-t They~ T I A· It W'll PaYe Betterry t gain. 1





*****************_****************** *

ilyandllr.and lire. te. II. COPley were Sunday gU8llti 01 Mr. aod Ur. Philip Bawlle. lIiH Lnlu &Uers visited Tb.4rs day wnh Clayloo tiollefl aDd falD ily. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krug were goeat. of Dayton rellltlv88, &\nrday The ooaameDoemen' ueroltle. of the S,riDg Valley ' B1Kb 8ohool..,1lI be held tn 'he Towo Ball, Bhy 17th. A play will be gtven by 'he ala.., "The KaeoGlo Rioe .. Tbe I . 0 O. F oelebra&ed 'heir aDniv8I'Ial'yat their ~el1, &'Drda., DI,ht. , • --

'hrlllloJ alld dramatio wa., aDd wl.h the wonderfal UluioD of &on• of apeoilll I!oenery and .t.K8 devloes. intbellrEII&tblittleIlOloe'heeodieD08 _ - - - - - - . . : . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I. ht'ld '111!lllbonnd by the realism of the soene, while ah. IDaotmeD' of I the coronldloo of Charle. VII I. be· I YODd que.tion 'he mOlt 'nlDp~no\1. 1 aD ~ In.'IIa log pta,s plo'ore .een,

Bert A. Grant,

--_.-...- - -

Fred ShaDe -and A. O. Blalr are proud pOII..lIOn ef .1lIomobtlu. KeepiJIl the Hands Smooth The M...ODio Lodge eDtertalDed qnite a Dnmber of vieUiDg bie~hreD In theM$Y Woman'lI aome Com. laII~ Tneaclay Dl,h'. Ther. w.. panlon appearll the followlD,: work In ahe Oret dtlgre. aDd. ~Il. "It ie pOllLlble to have .moo'h qn." baDd., e'll'en If oDe'1. a houaekeeper MI.. Beraloe BIlWklDIl !'pen'lhe and dilhwuher. ObtaiD from 'he week end In CiDohl ... e&t. LION OF THE LADIE8. drnat.t five 080t8' worth of ' ..... Mr a"d Mr•. ' ijam'l Brolt<t. (It . . a08o'h. which III en01lflh for a :Fear'. aear Colamha,. WAre hel:!! fur thE' Mn. Morbid-I have called, sir, n,e. Dtlleoh. Il epooufnl 0' 'hll lD InDeralof thllir IIUDt, Mills LavlDa to ofter Bome words of sympathy to 'hl'ee ,1m. . . much .....r. Let BootL ·the unfortunate wife murderer in ."'nd ID " .ooyered &eaoap for 'w.l1's Tb. WoaaeD'~ rorellD lltuionai, 00111001. " . boar.. TheD on theoupwUh water . i'rleocb. ohaiab mIM Prison OfDcial-Take a chair, aDd .,OG lIIfty- apply ,b. 'hin' jelly KiI. A•. B . aarla. madam. As lOOn _. a block of wJafOb i. ma~. rr..l~ to yoar ~. ""W'1!1li. .,.aqa.O!JII~.· 'i ix ia :.e diamiu the afWi' eaCh ....hiDR. " A.few Arope .of ladiee D;c?~,•. ~ciar J.Yonte ~Qal".' : ... ~~1. .' .Ml7o.rtn. ~ ~



* You Have Tried the Miami Gazette's ::*

IIr. aDd II .... C. T. aarDeII w.... drag,..,•.• - .hopplDliD Xenia, J'riday. Spring Valley MI. Sa~ah Bnllford took dinDer w"1l Bonol Oomp'one'. 8aAday. Mr•. BeD TbORlU died Weelnell ' JOMph Leaminl and hia br~ther a"er lIeverl\l weeki Ulnesl were a' Palu&ereVtlle. BnDd.y. BenlON were beld at the hon." alar'ha Oomp,~ eUll remai•• an rial at Oentervllle 'Y8ry .,oorl,.. . Mr. and Nrl!. allY Ea,le and tam


:"·.-'~h: ;;_'J~·,;

Honest Joe



."".,,,, •.



New BurHnlton

., willa I oould iDduce flfftl'J moth· • ""0 baa a .elloate, .iokl,. child, to tr)' jour d.Uotoo. ~ IInr troD tonic. VlooL ..... "'It restored 0111' UtUe daochter to health and .treqtb after .yeqtlalDi elM"bad fanetl. It tutflllO cooa ahe ""' ,~ '~e It-aot a bit of ooclUy. 00·.~JIn. O. "!II. BtuDaP. Oaatoll.



1here" HaiD8I and Karie Barner were home over liaDday. . • r •. FraDk KYDe and baby and "She baa a flower-lib faoe." Kin .. abel Sllrner, of Spring Val. "And a Item-lib fIsuM iD tbat ley, were gneets of Chae. U .. mer'. .:t.l~he!!!;SO!!WD.!!!!!!..!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!!! lone d• ., l..t week. ~ •- •



MI.. Myr'le Baln whoU hu h11·•••t·Bwoee~et~:a.' ~rel:~:rd I~D~ ~ue, \ "'__ te di Ihe .... N. N ....... D at 0 DI( . , .t Leb&DOD. hall oome home &0 IpeDd Mrs. ,I. 0 Barnett haa Rone to her'Ro.llon. Deaver, 001., be with h.r !Jon THII GanTRT Ca~-;' Creek J Lee Ta1mase. who Kot one of who i. 'here for hili health . Itle arma ban .0De ·-dey I.., week .. • - • III THII WO"LD M.... W. E. Bo,an ".. oalled to while breaklDg - a oolt. II geUlng MANY GOING TO CII~CUS I'UIII.JSIII!I) WEElLT. ".00 PEl !Ul ~ellm&n .add.nly )'riday on so- along all weH .. oould be IZpeoted RiDgliog Brother9 ·oiroa. III 81_ HOTI;&.e., D"UGOIm. D..1I0IAU.-n. oount of the IfJrioUl UlDMI of her J all' think oDly 'h.... more week. trao"D, DDoanal I.'erea' thl. aea :::T.~:. ::aV~:.A ~~~I: "pltc:,:~ mother, IlrI WilUIO·Nell. nntU 'he Primary and w, OD~ ba'Y8 IOD 1)iOaQile 0 iii many iii" featnrea av uelNO .ft ADVIIITIIINO cO"UMN~ The Berean'. held a olal. IDOlal .lenD caDdldalei for Ooont,Oom and the lI1ew allJ)8O~ ,iyeD thelh!?-'lf SAMPLE COpy FREE at the 'home of Welden and Frauoie ml8aione!. by 'be .iddUioo of the Ireat llpeo AdcI. .e N. . YO_K cUP ..1It WtllOn, Frida, eveDlrur· After 'be OUff Becke'. of • •r CI.rknlll., ~ole. ";r can of "'ro." The olron. N_ Yo"". If. Y. ba.ID. . meetlnlJ a good aoo1al lime paued tbrongh be... OD Satnrda., wm be aeeD 10 Dayton, oc Friday, !'!!!!!!!'!'~!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'~~!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'~!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!~~ W...DjO.,ed by aU. af~r wbtob UgM wllb a ODe dro'Ye of J"I'I8, O8Ul.. alay leth, and '"l. oity aDd .arrefl'8lhmeDII were ."ned. Seven) from thl. place atteDded rooncUD~r oonD'q will be well repreDr. na&Ober.of WilmtDlIIoD, wbo 'he 8. S. Gen'Y8otlon etJo~b'e RnD, I18D\ed a8" al"I\Y' is when RID8 Being prepared from Pure N ati'llit Herbs, they Cleanse the ie OImpiDg Dear Canby town, at- on BUD day afternoon. !lng""arnl;hers are wlthlD exoaretoD System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System, and thus alra. Pa'ience TbompioD 'JlfI"t di!!\anoe. teAdad obnroh here, Sauda,_ Mr •• nc lin. Barry Lytlo villUed 8nnday with her daa,hter Mrs 'l'be great fOlltal e of 'he ahow is ber brother JalD811 H'. JohD. Snu. ADna M. BNDUOD, at. Charobvtlle of ooarae tbe uewly added.peo~ole, day. BId Sbanahan aDd wile attended "J cao of Aro," with a traloload of A I.w of Onr membell aUeDded ohureh In LebaDon, on ilnD4ay. stJeo1ll1114ll8nery, oos'umee and .tage •••• •••• • • • v • • • • • uv• • • v . . . • • w..wra w. the H. H. ConveD'ioD .t WaYD811 • - • proper'itl' aud a ' of 1,»00 ohar· LIVERITES-A purely vegetable Laxative. cures Chronic Conville, HnDday afterDoen. What Texaal Admire Ilotera 'there III 1101.0 a baUe' of aoo stipatioD, Liver and KidDey Trouhles. Ask your Grocer for it. Boraoe Compton and L ..wrenoe hear'y. vlgorool life, looordlDK clanoln · Ilrle, a oboru. of .00 'Yoloel Manufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., 8prlnSfletd. ,OhIO MitcheDer have almoe' reoovered HaRh TallmaD, of ~"o AntoDio aD<1 aD Il)rohe8tr .. of 100 lIololet.. • k 0 fblood poi IIOD- Ki.,elIDd," wrl,pII. 'lIare "th$t;Y pat Dr from a "'Yere a.&ao ,!)tew htl Lt '81>1118 I. -Illfie greases. dnmatlo an d inff whloh 'be., lIo'h ba •• been .nf· new ilfe aDd energy lD~o a perlon . •peotAoular produotion ever pr",.eD~- !!!!!!'!'!!!!'!''!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!'!''!!!!!!~~~~!!'''!'!~~!!!!'!'~~!!!'!!'!!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! feriol wlUl for thepu' 'hree weeta. Wife aDd 1 belio.e th .., are the 'bee, ed in ....merloa, enao,ed on a .pt'•





N. 0, ",hree boUlee droveanadUI~h' tnalaria myever .yawm. ve had goodfrom health IIIn08." Belt 'or all ..$amaoh. ll'Ver aDd kldD81 ISO at. all droggi.ts.

Where a Jaerd of OOWI wa. ginD 'rolllh~' 'with a oon,'" ••ppl, or water, th. iDoreue in milt .... oae poQad eaob da." OD aD averaKe,


esuoH ~oO PIO ~'90ddO tn-mN 9 M"nduy "fternaan' i 00'000'00" sn'duns 'OO'oOO'OOO'Et 9J.a89'1' tnt JOllt It on the IItreet here. We .l88L 03ZINVOUO olQO '001.(-0 lound the e,nvelape, but the oantentll hart been taken ant. OOD8J30SSV 1180'] pU8 DUJPJlDR If any of our rel\derB ",eDt Il we wo~ld be glad . to hellr from W39 'helD, "nd al80 what the letter oon,::nnlosqv S! lUlU mined . A l !Jn:>~ s .. lP!M ' SlUnO JJ\f PU;)P!A!G CK)') lllO JO S;)2U l M r, A rthllr BaID, of ChllttunOOI(H , -UUApC AUUlU ;)4l 2 u! Q!JJSJ p l;)l>too q J OJ ;)l !J Ao\ hllll bellO vilitlng Yr . and Mr!!. i sso l lSu!u!1e pJ]Jdl Frank ~hldaker . -oJd AIJ ll11 05 QU n OA :U1? IHIU- J:>!1 0 11 l J OI( S lI 0 I! pJ;)U Mr a:nd Mri . Btill W fleb hliva reo PIIl Olls 1\1)'( J! ' J IQ ul!l!,\ lJ '(')U('Illi JIl O{ 5J : AlldlUOJd moved to the Dr . Bllt.ton vropert.y. p !,ed l SJ.1J1 U! lllOA ' I ''; 11l')1lI1 ~ J .\1l! JI1 0A lPl!t\ Mr 811ld MrB Cbarlell Tooker $re reoeivio.g oongr" tulatioDs over the arrival of a flon . Mrs Ira Bl1rtlook, )f Dayton, is 'he iU.S' of her mother. .... • Laura Barlan enter'aln ..... a. dinner Saturday evening IIr. aDd BARNHART,. lin. Charle. Gerdon. Notary Public Mr . Clark Burg8811 waa a bolinNa "Honest Joe" il a splendid. vi.llor 1;0 'his 'own Satnrd ..yafter. All kinds ot'Notary Work . PeDsioD big, Spanish Juck, is Kentucky DOOO. Work a tlpeolility. bred. 14X hands hi",h. He is a The Jouah'. RnD Bap,let oburoh good actor, bas good style and a sure foal getter. Three of his held a oODvention, SaDd • ., . . colts can be stten at my place. .' • _ ••_ - _ "Honest Joe" will make the Helps A Judge In Bad Fix aeason of 1912 at my stablea on DR. E. H. COSNER, Juatloe Eli Cberr,.. of milia KiIlp, the B. Hathaway farm, 1 mile Tenn ., wa. plainly worried. A bad southeast of Ridgeville, on the Crane road. aore on hi. leg had bomed lIennl doo\ors and long realllt.ed all rem-" TERMS ed18ll. "I $hougM it wall a oaDcer, he wrote. •. At last I o.ed Buolll8'l'. $10.00 to insure a living co)t to Arnloa Saln, aDd wu oompletely 912 Relbold Building, stand and suck. Care taken to oured." CureB burns. boila,, prevent act'idents. Season due • Ohio outl, br1111 ••• aod piles. 25 oentl! at . Dayton... when mare is wittr. all dr·og·gi"•. • _ .









~ the .' I

Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, KliAt'ma and Metal Spouting, Jobbing OFFICE IN OLD ' i:J~I]I).'"


to ,~;~~~ . -[- ja~~_.D~1Nf.;..._;......~~~~~ .



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the IJreeze was rIpping and delicIous. and tho dellcate silk or tbe l)ajamas f1o ..... ed In little wavelets all tbe way from my heels to my neck. 1 was jUst about dropping orr. when I beard lIome one burrylng along tbe private haH leMIng rrom tbe bnck, Jenkl~ himself popped Into tbe room. SYNOPSIS. "Did YOU ring, sir?" he Inquired. and adVRflced Quickly. RIchard Lightnut. An American wilh an And then. before I could think about air ctod Ena:llah Ilccen~ nclllvea 0. prtllttnl from a frie nd In China.. The present It to reply. he halted suddenly, almost prove. to be a J)QJr 'of pajo.maa. A lotter pltcbJng forward. Then. wltb a kin" blnt. ,of .urprlee. to th.. wearer. of wheezy bowl, be sprang to the wall. CHAPTER II-(Contlnued), Next Instant. I was blinking tinder th .. And hl! dl4, and seemed to hit the dazzling ele~troller . . squarely. ' "Here. 'say! Sbut off tbat IIghtl" I J knelt on tbe chair apd . craned I remonRtraled, hnlf bllndod. oYer, while .Tenklns stlll held tbe s tick 1 beard a swlft rush across the tJgbt1y at tl;le point where the thing ruga, and the next tblng 1 knew 1 was bad litruck. roug hly jerked from out my chair; "Oet him f" 1 queried, "Where la atrong fingers cl:ltobed my tbroat, and IU" . I found myself glarlns Into a frIght· "Th~t:~ It, Ilr," laid Jenkins In an ened but resolute face. odd volee. "It IiIn't here," "Jen·Jenklns!" 1 tried to gasp, but "Why, Ilash' It. I aaw you Itrlke the only a gurgle came. I1ght, Where you're holding that J wus 80 taken unawares, I knew It must be 80me dashed dream. Per· club.'1 , . " "Mr. ElgbtDut, IIlr"-JepllJnB spolle hapa another minute, and I would • UWe bUllklly and glanced around at wake up. But he gripped me tlghter me queerly-"wtll you Jook under the and shook me like a rag. eucl of this lUck and aee it you lee "Say. who lire YOU r" he hlllse4. what I aee!" "How did you get In berer" . I clJmbed down and examllied call' And then. of couree. I ,knew that he lt0uB!J: waa crallY. Whether he was crazy "~y, h,. ,Jon, It" the Uttle apl· In a dream or cruy with me awake, I ,'I Clu''' ' I excla1med, eur~rI8ed. " couldn't guess. It made very little '!ExacHy', sh.';' what'. left." JenJdn, dllrerence, anyhow, for I knew that In too1t a dee" ."f'Mth, , ' '. ; t. , another minute 1 should bEl either "'rulik 'Jou, slr-WII a peat reltet," clream dead or real dead ;" and (lalh be II&bed. me It y' could' lIee any odds wortb tos'. • ")I!ItT' Ing for In either. you know, , '"l ~ean, Btr, ('m glad I ain't the But Y don't belong to the athletJc one who thought· he saw that club Quite for nothln,. and have man· other. It'l .t ome comrort." • a'ed to pick up a few tricks, ,.ou Juk1Da ..POke IliJoomUy. ' .lmow. So with the declalon to chuck ':TtioUl'ht YOU 1.~1·' r repeat~.. the dream theory, I shot my leg fa", But Jenklnl 'O1ll,. ahoolt hlB head as ward with a mix·up and . twist that Ile' 'gathered up tile remalDl 01 the made JenkIns loosen his clutch and *p1der and c:Qnalll'necl them to & C\ll· atagger backward. -Id or. • ".W hat'a the matter'. wltb your 1 . ... , , "Yo~ mean_~y.. w~at the devU ,~~ gaspel!, advancing toward nlm. "Are Fcfu: 1IIe&ll"" 1 aakecl eIlarpl,., • YO~ trying to lDurder me?" '. ~1it. ,1 . • JenkIns ·Itral,htened . with air .... ~u 80 hOBrse, ~e only word, that ' ~ec~ttl but lolemn. , came out p~lnly was "murder " , "Mr. Llghtnut.·81I,',N he beaatl graY. JenkIns uiter.d ' a howl • ."Help, 14r. Jr, ''thete'. a . party leatut:, • .on . the Il.L..lltnUt! Murd.r! " eorner every nrght, at nIne on 'old tool!" 1 cried. exasperated. . th.' fearful ooDaequenoea or tire drink!" I .qb,It. . ,anp pa._e8 ,arouna ,. blank He was ·comlng. He seIzed a IIgbt .. p).o,el to be, signed. \ I'm ,going to IChalr and 8TIUDC It behind hl8 ,heall. set olle fl....t cbance; and if iou will fl'hen Jle ruehed me with a 8hC;ut. .accept .It. alr.....meanlDC'no,l . "Oh, Mr. Llgbtnutl'" 'WOUld be ,p roud to get' FOU one, 'too:· I "Gone clear ' of( hi' nutt" was m,. I stared at blm IIghalt, lhouiht. All he ewung the ohair, I



HII Work: "An electricIan ought to be a 1I0ciai success." "Why an electricIan especlaJlyf' "Because he Is so well posted on current topiCS."


" I'v e Ju s t had enougb of this, you Cool!" I cried Impatiently. "Here. take n good look at me !" I puahed my Cace closer. "Look lit me. 1 tell you!" By J ove. be shuddered! His eyes. Wide disten ded wltb t er ror, rolled to the ceiling, ' " I caD·t." he wll ispered; "I lust can·t- an}·tblng but that! On ly. pleaso -please don't kill me, lOo." " Kill you!" I snld . frowning sternly DS he gnve a furtive glance. "I cer· talnly wi ll. If you don't take a good look nt me !'" , He gave 0. sort of despslrlng Blgb and closed bls eYell 80 tightly the lashes dI sappeared. "A.II right, then," he saId sull enly; "you mo.y Js.11I mel· T he way with these lunatlos, I thought. Next thi ng. he would be begging and Insletlng tbat I Jdll him. , motione d to the door of my cqeat· room and gave him a push. "In there." I 8ald , "and keep pel'" fectly qulel." And as be shot Inside. , closed the do~ r and locked It. I JUDt had to take the chonce of biB hu rtlng himself against the walls and furniture; 1 didn't believe be was so crao be would undertake the nlx·atory leap .to tho ground. Llltenlng, I heard tomethIng like a sob. Then I caught m,. name. . "Poor Mr. Llghtnut," came Claoldq· Iy: "tbe klndelt, gentlest muter!" And then more aobll and 1111ps" , By Jove, under 'bla Insane deJuatC!n, the poor beggar ",all ~evlni fOJ! me; DOt thinking or,. hlm..11 at ali, '.1OU know. I telt my eyel ITOW " bit moillt, somehow, and all at onqa my heart went~heavy. Thoucht how lonl poor old Jenk1ns bad been with m_ ever alnce t Will out of colle,e, you know-flvo years-and remembered bow devlllsb la.l thful and attaebed be had alwaya been, Poor old Je*1 It was awful his solnS olr WI wayl l rec;alled how he had taken to leeln, things. earlier in the evenlnl, and had made me see them, too. da8h . It! One thing I determined: whateva,. II.a4 to be d6De ,v.1th him, he should han tbe onest of attention, ' Y knew , that 1 ou,ht to telephone to somebody or something. but daehed Jr Y had any Idea who or where: Odcl,l,. enough, not a Boul seetned to havo been rouled by the pistol abot. but I law by the....mtJ. q!oel!; that It ~ cloBe to three-the hour In a bachelor apartment houae when evel'7bod,. I.


Tour d rullCllt wfit refund ruuDul It l~ Ar.U ofN'l\.. ltU:JN'"1' fan, to aure ~nL cuua of l toblnll. BIlD4. BWldIDIl or l'l'OtnllilDa 111_10110 14 11..,.. l\Oo.

log to the operator. '" say, wlU you gIve me, 'Inforn1atlon!'" A loud shant suddenly Bounded from beblnd the closed door. anll thCfe ClIme a, franti c double.poundlng or fists . "Mr. Llgbtnut"'Mr. 1,lgbtnutlsoream~d Jonklnll. "Oh. Mr. ,UgM. .nut. you're back-ypu're allve-:-l cUJ henr .yot~r vOlco! This Is ,Jenkltl •• Mr. Llgbtnut; yes. slr( Je nkins. Tb.y·.. got me .Iocked In!' 1 cla]1lped the receiver on the boole and sprang to the door, unl09klnl It. JenkIns almost tumbled Into m,. ann •. By JOV'3, tor' a second I bung In the wind, 11.0 acted so crazy stili; at least, It seemed so just at first. The rei· -mw tbrew his arm ' bout my . noell and laughed-laughed and crl~d, dasb It- and just ' wrInging my banda B!l1\ carrylnl~ on- Oh, amI! And even when I got bJm Into a chalr, he 'lilt lIat there laughIng and cmng IlIle a Jolly old sUly, patUng my hand. YOU know.:. and , wlplll&' bls eyel, wbat UIIMI they were not devourtng me. "aall he ',oaff, Ilr'''' be papecl hu.. kill'. "Did be J.~p ftom th~ wttl'dow!" But I waved all . qU~IIUoDJ asIde. "After you've bad some lleep," • I~ IIllIted. "T~en rj." teJ.I you . the whol. JoU,. storr." Aild I J.ust I(Ot !!.lm to ' hla room m,..ell, d'e llptte hi,s liisOea4 and protest. C?"er my .~t4!ntlon. • "Tballll!; you, • r, and lood n_t," he nIdi III I lett him. ' A:nci be tlIUI" mured placlcll,., "I suee. we're ' all right now .... But 11 ~.. not 110 lure .. to, 111m. wben I viewed the brok.ll chm and scatteriad ' fragmenta of gJua-omlaoUi ' remlnd,e ra of the Icene throUl'h w1l1c1l I bad plasaed. And 10, thOUI'll. 1 threw 'the 1l1lltol. on . top of a bookoue, I IIpent reat of the nJcht upoll tht ,o[t cUlellloDJ o.f my bl« dlftD"




Je"klnl Declaru the water Wagon. , I: "But thII· II.vage.-Iopk1ll, ClllDamaD Ulat you eaw, Jenklne-ll.ow was Ia. dieslle.! r 1 adopted a care\ell toni o71nqulr7. c · ' . It 'waa bJgh noon, and I w.. t.oyfq

'11;'?~~~ ~~~'~~~i~' ~u~a:r~~I~~ ~:~~~o~. ::edfi~~: ;! ~a:~a:e:~



YOu!!' . . , Jukln.' faoe was eloquent enough, ~;tlr.,~{~~~~':~: .Ir," he ,aId 'sadlY. to Beelng WuClI like hll eyes.' "No more that-" belief la, It'. a warn· tor me. that'. what, a warn· lng-yes, Ing." I collapsed Into a chair. "By Jove, Jenkln.I" I said, trying to go a feeble smUe. "I never felt 60 fit for a corldng stiff hlgbball In my IHe-never! " 1 took a screw on my glass and .tudlea him curious ly. "And I say, you know-better take ode yourself!" I added. CHAPTER III.

I Don the Pajamas, "By Jove. Jllnklns, the y lit like a dream!" 1 twlstod before the glass and sur· Veyed the pajamas wltb much satls· faction . They looked jolly rlgbt from ever! point. Moreover. wltb all tbelr eney 1008ene81. tbere was not an Inch too much . Tbey had a comrortable, personal feel "Lucky thing they weren't malle' originally for Bome· wbale like Juck DlIllngs-eh, Jenltins?" I commented musingly, Behind his hand JenkIns Indulged In ~bnt Is vulgarly known as a sniCKer. "Mr, Billings. sIr, he douldo't get one shoulder In 'em, much less ah·b-Ieg." he chucl!led. "Tbey'd be 10 ribbon:), sIr ~" I yawned ' sleepil y, and J enkins In· stantly sobered to attention. He held Ids finger over tbe light switch as I punched n pillow nn d rolled over on the mattress. "AU right." I 'said; "pu sb tile Jolly thing oul." And wltb a eliel, dark· O"S rell about me , , "Good ulght, sIr." came .T enlUns· voice sOrtiy . "Night." [ murmured fljlntlll and was ott. . Sometime, hours la ter, , with, a devlllsh yearnIng tor a It of ton takell' me that way night. I climbed out In tbe biacknesil my way Into the other r"ln",m1:l'I\rl.d exactly where I had cigarette case w~en we .wlth the pajamas by the ·f ound (t wIthout dll!1culty. tho act : t atooplng for ito" , clutched \.the e(\ge of the 1 r~l! a spOt ylel!! unde,: nr.... iI1~r. of my .~


again In a jUry and daDclng af'me. . "Mr, Ltghtnilt. sir, why don·t you help me?" "Help you-you joUy Idiot?" 1 mut· tered Indlgnantly~ Then my , voice raised: "I've a mind to kill you!" With a yell. be made a kansaroo jump and swung at me again, "He Bays be's going to kill me, Mr. Llghtn1,!t!" be panted aa I dodged agaIn, "Help me-wake up, sir! " WaIte up? Wake up, Indeed. when' I had ne,'er been so devlllsb Wide awake In all my life! I waa IlUre now about that. I moved toward him cautiously. "Stop your row!" I cried angrlJy; "you'll have somebody In. Think 1 want the police up here?" With a glarE! at me. Jenkins darted pnst me to the bedroom 1 had just left. Its light switch clicked , and tben baclt tbrough the brightened doorway be sprang and dasbed for a wall cabInet at the side. 'He began tugging at Its Uttle drawer. And sud· denly I remembered the revolver lhere. an old forly·five from a friend In Denver~ und loaded! My sllrlng to Intercept him was quick. but not quick enougb! Hair· way to blm I pulled up under the compelllng argument of the long blue barrel poInted at my bead. "Here! Look out, you rool-It·s loaded!" I warned, backing away to the window, Jenldns advanced. "What ha\' e you don e with blm?" he DIlnted boarsely. "Wbere Is he?" "Where's who?" I asked savagely. (or I was getting devilish tired of It all. But for tbe puhllclty, I sbould have yelled from lhe wIndow. "Wbere's Mr. Llghtnut 7" he demand ed. "Oh. he's all right." I decided to adopt that soothIng tone that 1 had rllBd somewbere was the proper caper wltb lunatics. "\-Vhere?" Jenkins Inslste(\. pashlng nenrer. And dasbed If , knew wbat to an· awer; for, II 1 made a mletake. It mlgh~ be serious, by Jove! Perhapil Borne jocular reply would be safestmight divert his attention, you know. The open window gave me an Idea. "Why, do you know." I said pleaa. anUy. "I Just chucked him down Into ,be street." ' , It sounded 11ke a cannon cracker, that gun! The shower. of . splintered from ' the picture between the


.The ' Enlest Answer. Teacher-Thirty I!gg~ at 65 cenw a dozen Is what? Pupll- lt'II-U's outrngeous. slr.-. Preachel'-Hcre. lltop fi&!1Ung, little Boston Evening Trauscrltll. boy. , LIttle BOy-What, stoP. lind my girl Ollrfleld Tea inlurel a normal Botlon 01 "tanding on the coruor eyeing IIKI! lIlot on your lUe! She'd think 1 was a ~be liver. quitter. It doesn't seem ,rlght that a woman


8hOuld have two ears for henrlnr The New WIfe. gos.,lp and only Ooe ton gue (01 reo Hubby-My dear, wbn't you se w on ' peatlng It. a. button for me before you go oul? . az:w::w s His New Wlfe-Tbe cook may posotbly do It for you. But pleWle bear In mind you married a typewriter, not a P" '", ~('\Vl f' H''''II: r:q 1 1Ur~'lI !j~ t ,LUI" ~ • ~. s-nvlng machIne.

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Vep~abIe · '~~poancl.

". The "ahange of life It Is a most critical period in a woman."8 , e~ iat8~oe, and the felli by women as it cUaws near is not without reason. •

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When her lIystem is in a de~d condition, she ' may be '

preilLs);loeed to apoplexy, or congestion of .(lome orga.n. . Ali this time, also" CltUlcors and tumors are more liable to form and be'gin thelf destructive work. Such warning IfY.IIlPtoms as 'tense of su.i!ocatioq, hot 1lasbes, O~ (J~ 'OUT OJ!' ~ headaqhea, . backaches, dread of TO PBOl'E OUB'CLA n$ impendllig evil, tbhldity, sounds ' St. kme, IlL-eat-was ,~in . ~ ears, ']llUpito,!tion of the throughtne ~hange of lifo-and 1 heart, sparks befo~ ~ eyes, was a perfect 'Wreck hom femaUe ' Irre . :;""ft-l, H iin cons . tipation 'varl- troubles. I 'had a ·~lace~~ I 6 ........ ·........ .., .and bearing do~ .pams, weak able a1!P6tite, we!llm688 ' and falhtiDg ' llpeJ.Js. dizziness, then inquietude, aiid dizziness" are ,numb and cola fee~gs, Some., I times my feet 'ana· limbe wehl promptly heeded by. l.nte1ltgent s.wollen. I W88 irregularandhad women who Me IPUlProachlng $0 . 'so much backache and headache, riod in lit h t was nervous, irritable and was pe e. w en WOma.D.S despondent. 8ometiines. my aJt great change may be ~xpeoood. petloo was jIOod but more often it , was hob. My , kidndya . troubled These sympipma are Calls from ~e at ~es , and ~ could waJJ[. • for help. The nerves are ,.,oDly·wsIlort'diBtanco. ' . ~-.I';,. ut I assis' ta ' __ ~ the "1 Baw:,youradvertiselDent ina " ""'3 u.qs 0 ,,01' nee twI4 paper and took Lydia E. PiJlh. ' ary ,shollld be ,heeded in time. "ham's V.egetable (.'ompound, an' , '." ,I :was helped from tho first: . At Lydia E. Pinkham's Vtlgetable ' 'the end of two montha the awel. . .Oompound is pre~d .to meet ' ljrig, had gone do~ r was ,hi. /," . lieved of ~ and could. walk ~ n~ of women's sysoom at with eaSe, I continued with the this trying period of her life. It medicine and now I db almoSt'aU invigorates and strengthens the my .housework ,I know your . medicine bas saved me from the f~ orgaIllsm and builds up grave and I am williwt forlon to the weakened nervous system. fcubllsh anything 1 write ~ yon,


It has carried many WOmen safely ...- .. th rough ~W1m Cl'1lll8.

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S~VETHEM WhJ waste' valuable time IUId mOIler on unreliable rooflDp

and buildlng papers when your locaI dNler aeUIOAL-VA-Rl'l'B PRODUCTS whose quality I. ~te.d by reputabla IDIIlUfacturers, the olde., aad largeat In the Ilne,J

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.., . "Triple Aephalt Coated-Mica ' Plated." NeOOe no paintNo after-attention. Firat Coat-Last Cost. Ready to lay-Re'ady . to v.'~. No lIkilIed labor requirOd. Suitable for any kirid of bulldmg. Put up in ro1Is of lOS sq. ft. with plvanUed nai1a cement and directions.. '

Gal-va-nlte Ft~1n4

asleep, If they're going to sleep at all. 1 decided that the best thtDg to do first wae to get Into 80me olothea. And with thIs thought I waa turning away. when It occurred to me ' to lDake an etfort to see it poor Jenkins Beemed more rational now or had lODe to sleep. ' I tapped UPOD the door, '"Ate you asleep'" [ askect 80ruy. ' A howl of polltlve terror cldlle back. ' " , , ' I. "I'm a·keeplng quiet. .. he"crfed, "bu~ d'on't' 'l et me ..bear iYOU~

:e:~~~&i~~r-6~m~l~asi~ecl~~~iii!~~¥4~~~~~!J·~'~, ou~ ~r,

with I~n after lunc.beon, or rather aftel breakfast. ctsar. Jenklnll' bead Bhook dubiouSly. ... just remember Bomethln, blackls~ My, elr, I dldn't have Ume to notlci notbJlnl like clothes !." lJls tone conveyed ' aggrieved 'proteat. He went on: . "Juilt as Tm !elling you, sir, I' !law lOme one there by ' window and blm, ' - It

'was 'h is In

, A perfect mutation of oak ueed 1m!!' old soft wood 600l'll .' giving the appeamnoo of the fin8IIt quartered oak. Tak~ the p~ of unsanitary Carpets-lighterla.hOUBieworJc. Ul!ed around e<fge of 1arge ruga and for interior finish. Durablet..~nitary and lnezpen sive. Put up in rolla 38 incheu,~d ,uy the yard. -

Ga!-ft-nlte Plaster

An ecoi1omica1 aul18tltute





WI~at IShl Wanted, Probabry Made a HIt. A 70ung wotllllln wbo presldel o\"er Before tb,! Are on Cbrlstma. eTe, two old maldl were planning for the one ot the klnllergarlen schools of 1101l~ay, CI\·mbrldge appear ed a t her desk reo ,IS!sler Mallie," laid the younger, cently atUred In a new close-fitting "would a long stocking hold all you skirt. With no thought other than want for a Christmas gift 1" the conducting ot her regular rontlne Parsona! Likins ~or Breed ot Cows DatrymflD Selec:ta aDd . .. saId the older "but a wor4, the tcache went about her du- DO matter what your disea.1e . If yo u sulJ~ Proper Care io BandUos ':them are EI>SIIlnC~il""IO---rii&i~o~f~s~o~ckkis~~~":::':::""'::"::"::c::..:.!--'~I~tncr.iBhe noti ced, no we ver, that one (rom Rheumatism.writlS. II you sulJer from Success - SunllSht. Is Best. D~ , 0 (, her cha rges wa s pay Ing Ilttle at ten - Kidoe y Tro uLle. write. No malter what Obt.ahlable In Barn. PIMPLE~ ON 'FACE 3 YEARS tliln to bl8 wor~, bu t followin g her you suffer from, write to wIth his ey es wherever ahe cbanced to MUNYON 'S DOCTORS go. Approacblng the little tellow with /sSd Dnd J"lronon Sta" Phlladelpbla. PII. the Intention of alce rtalnlng the trou· '1 was trembled with acne for three long years. My face was the only part ble, she saId: "Well, Tommy-" Be rore abe could go any tur ther the a1fect~d, bUlt It caused great dIsfigureOlre~_?~ for~be N ext T~ ir.2'....'?~~. ment, alBo lIufferlng and loss ot Bleep. younlrster shook his boyish bead snd laid : "Say, teacher, tbat's a claasy A.t first there appeared red, hard skirt you' ve got on!"-Boaton Post. pImples which later contaIned white GOO'S GRACE WIll. UPLIFT matter. I suffered a great deal cauaecJ You Are a Trifle Senaltlv. by the nob lng, I was In a state ot AboutIf th HE huma n !loul whi ch Is never e HI ED ot your s hoes, yo u c n n fa Growin. SmaJJer EYer)' Day. perplexity when walking the streets wea r a. elztl smaller b y s hak ing A lie n's conscious ot a desire to be bet· Foot-Euo , the lln tl.epl lc p owd er , Into CARTER'S LITTLE or anywhere before the public. ter tbaD It Is must be shut ot! them. JU 8t the thi ng tor Da n cing Por- LIVER PILLS are "I used plll8 BDcJ other remedIes but tics a nd for Brenldng In New Bh oes. Gi ves responsible • from God. Its· communications - they Inat a nt ~lI et t o Cor ns an d Bunions . Bamthey faUed completely. I thought of pIa l"REE. Addre ss Allen B. Olms led, L.- not only give relief with Its diviD e base ot 0llera· Roy, N. Y. giving up when ·nothlng would help, tloqs, t1"\rougb wblcb It dra ws nil Its - they pennabut something told me to try the Cutlnentlycure Ce.. supplies (or tbe present eonftlcl, must Marie Tempost'. NOIIO, .tipatioD. cura Soap land Ointment, I sent tor b~ In ·ilie bands ot the eaemy, and If At ilie Lenten musical e at the Wal- lions us a Cutlcura Dooklet whlcb I read carebe 15 not succored by the powers ot fully. Then I bougbt some Cutlcura dorf-Astoria a young matron related them tor God's Irrace, he Is loat. But 18 any BilioDJDeu, Soap and Ointment aJU1 by following a bon-mot of Mari e Tempest's. human soul 'so debas-ed and depraved "Miss Te mpes t's Dose Is frightf ully huli,••tiOllo Sick HIMad., Sallow SIda. the directions 1 was rellend In a few that It never looka up with lon gin g days_ I usod Cntlcura !.\oall for wa8b- pug. Isn't It ?" she began. "Well , I met SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. eyes to a blgher Ipbere of acbleveGenuine muat bear Signature Ing my fact!, and appll" the O\ltlcura her at a tea once, nnd IIhe joked about ments than ' any In Its el.perlence? OIntment mornJng and e~enlng. ThIs her nose as tr It had belonged to aomeWho can 88Y that be has known one treatment brought marvelous reBultll one ellie, human creature utterly devoid at that "'When the Creator,' she sBltI, 'W8S so I continued with It for a rew weeks l1e~ve.born· desIre to do better. to ancJ WBS cured completely, I can lookln, for a nose tor me be took. you live more In accordanoe with the law8 truthfully say that the Cutlcura Rem· see, the 1Irst one thBt turnp.d 'IP:" of God, to abIde more constantly by edles Bre not only all, but more than the truth. to advance further towards they clolm to be," (Signed) G. Bau-· To keep arUficlal teeth ond bridgethe center of tbe unIverse, and towork antiseptically clean and tree 1015 W, 20th Place, ChIcago. m., from mel. warde the limIt of buman endeavor' (f odora and disease germa, PBxtino Ma,. 28, 1911, Although Outlcura AntiseptIc II uneQualed. At drugIt ,.ou cannot remember an Instance Soap and Ointment are Bold by drug· gl8ts, 250 a box or aent postpaid on reo of lucb depravity upon whIch to ba•• gilts and dealers everywbere, a lam· celpt of price by The Paxton Toilet the harab bellet In a. bell ';;Ithout bope. pie of each, with 82-page book, wlll Co., Boston. Mas8, and a death without re8urrecUon, be mailed free on application to ·to lour own beart. tor there are the of BOURBON POULTRY cllar Cooking .. an' Art. "CuUcur.." Dept_ L, Boston. seeds at good and evil, wWch, belnl down a clllek'. tllroat cl1J'ea Kapaa. A few dro.,. In til. · Fr08t-What kind of a cook 11 Daw· ~eveloped. make up human life, We c1rColdolr water cure. aDd ber'. wile? are much allke_ We do not dUfer In preveoUt cllolera, dlarrlloe, I If Not beber, and otbercblck dilleallea. ODe Snow-Imprelslonlstlc, the main l'Olnts-Ot. our cbaracfeu a. Copy Reader-Say, thl8 line, "In the GOc bottle malin 12 pilon. of creatur.; but the line "between tbe Clutch ell of .& Loan Shark," II a few mediCine At an ;[rUI"'.ta. Sample aDd booklet 00 :·DI .. , creature and the Creator II well d. letters too long, How can 1 cbange eu,," of FoWl." IeDt WIIqDB. It Champlo" IEnlllah Je... e1. It' aourltOn RlllltiI, Co. ~ 1.1. Night Editor - Perbaps tbe word Owlnl to the careful work , the "Jaw a" would conv.y the Idea JUlt &I (By 3. It FR.\NDSON.) ble to themselvl'8' wllhout bearlne: sn1 Very Far. extra burcJens. wIthout makin" any It fl oertalnly true 1JI. dall'}'lng u tn breeder. In .malntatnlng the tlurlty of "",ll aa "clutches." "That's a pretty rar·fetched stOry." the breeda and tlx1ng" their oharacter· e:r.lJ'1l lacrUlcee, without !lvID~ up au other bUllnesl "that one'l IUCC8l~ "Yel. I got It by long distance tele· tiLES,.: of the IIttiel yanlUel ':whlch bave come tn a. large measure la gauged by his latlca. these breeds Can. In moat cues, Garftald Tea, b1 purl(ying lb. blood, ~­ phone." be ,cpunted on to reproduce theIr It.. Rbeumatlam. Dyapllpwla and Ulany ACII, IlHEUUnSI, _ _ ~IIEIIUTY, to be a part pi' almost. so clolel,. love ancJ Interest of· the bUllne". _ are tbe,. connected ,.Ith living. 10 near It tl generally a conceded fact that daIry quaUttn and their ablllty to ~bI'ODI() ILIl1n"DtIL. 'or Oo!'l""U.eOoltlO, Cronp "nd eo", Tb",ot ,Iy, DmC11n CIlICUUnO,,1IEIIYOIIS PIIOmIlIOI. lUll ' mIT WEAI_ Em. Hoxal •• (Jroup Remedy. It t • •• re• • • ttl and FAG, IISOIIIA. do the)' jie to th.,..prln~ of hlJmloD dall'Jlng yl~ldl a larger profit than produce hutter·fat· tn large quantitles. The average man's way of forgiving u ... Jlo .... ~'" ,6014 1>1 all DrQUI4t. . 60 """la, enD be cored w;u,.1tI tlNlgt w tlleltln, LearD, actlon.: ",Abl" Bays man, "t ahould like can be el.pected from any other It Is larcely for thIs realOn that the an enemy Is meaner than hll refusal 1'811a 01' OIJ.uw1l how to eat weD, 'work to ~e th8!e I,II.d be admItted . loto branch of""la.rmlnlr. :A good cow wID dalryman who deslNII IUC0811 to fol· to do 10_ He wbo lendl money without eecu· woll, .Ieep well, b.; HapP1 ,and Bucoeaful. low bll elrortl 'hould , ltS~k .0108e to the COmpaD1 of the go6d_ I want to ~ually yIeld not much leu than 800 BPIJUfOTZIl lolu8CLJ1 EiP.LN8IOlr DOES IT I rlty borrows trouble, Book mailed on request. .. I.IUIIDOII, _ _ be better, to 40- wbat te rlcbt to advOo pounds of butter whloh at 28 centl a one of the derlry breed I, ..... WIuaIO"tY" Soothl... 8.1ftp tor Chilo!,.. , If wholesome and sanltalT milk II *,blDILj OIO'.·enatbe lrU"'I, 'redoeee lanaallD" cate the truth b1 act and · word." And pound ,. worth '84. Adding to . thle Since ·It 1& wortlt whllo to lJe well, take 1111. IulIttIa Blq., PIIIade/pIIII, PI. atlll be cl1IIp to hia trlfte.. "'What the ".100 of 6,000 Pounda ot aklm to be produced the farmer Ihould real· lIOII, ~l&Ja peJD, emea ...h,,1 60110.150 .. boW. OarHetd TtIa, Nature" MediCIne. Iball ·I cJO'· to be IavedT"f uka lucb a milk at 20 cente p,r 100 pounell, and tze that tbe COWl must be kept· out of Pettir~ Ey(l Salve Many a rDarrled man haa a cbaperon The deservIng poor do not always man 0 Chrlat; anel tbe anner waa: ten dollan, which ou,bt" to be .a fair the mud al much a. pO'llble. Condl· delerve to be. W. N. U•• CIN'C1'NNATI. "Sen aU that tbou baIt, " ~nd dlstl'lb- ~lue for the ca1f, we would- have a tiona ID aD.d -arouncJ the bam can, In n hili wife'. 1Jte unfo the pqor..' UA tJlou thalt h.,.ve ~tal ot ,106. Allowing PO as a ,.,r many cases, be «reat17 Improyed by trealure hi. be&ven; and come, folio." , allowance (or teed cOnsumed, we atlll clralnJng ancJ gradlnc. DraIning II mE'." ' ''And wlleh be heard thla he have P6 as a profit to pay for the not of Itself lumclent. as the tramping v~ry sorrowfUl:' tor he ~aa very labor and Intereat on the Invclltment. of the cattle ll00n· pu~dles the surface, " The ,lwrit .wa, aU Uaat w~ r.. However. tn addition to thl" dIrect tbul practlcall7 preventlng the water .... ( ,. ' e-muat not~fatl to lar atreea from . rU;ch1Dr the tUe8 below. ,. alas, that w..,.waJlUDC. A ~ _..,~~~~f.l.!A~::~, wltb the COlllmand 01 On the fmpor~ce of daIrying al a , , The barJl1&rd ebould have ROod malte man , lUte ·Cbrllll meana of retalnlna the ferUUty of the alope Rcb as will msure COOd lurface self. Qod doea Dot upee,t all , aol1. By fe"dIDg tbe raw znatertali of ,to sell all tl1ey have and dlatrlbute to the farm. .·to the dairy COWl; We are ~:a:. ':~e~~I~L~o;r~l~c~ID~:d~e:r~s.B-:In~m;'an:)'~--7'I"'---SOiM1dDJ~mlJ)B the ~r_ The"re, must be thla dUfer- not oD17 manutacturlng '- <hlgb-prlced. other_N~tio guarantee. ~ .mce between tbe character of Chrtlt products but we ~ are retaining upon and all human loull who beIleYe on \he farm. almOlt the entSre ameunt of blm ancJ call upon hll name: Cbr.llt I.. fertlllltng. matert.i taken ' from _the .boreel not for bllDJlelt. hjad nothing to ~nlie · Il'OwIDI., crop.. do for. bJmlelt. but to do the wlll of Byeelllnr enlJ cream, or butter, God,:"1id to ' eave mankind b)' a ure of ~ny 9~ per cent of the fertIUllng amrimjJaWB I material cantaIDed In the feed 1B reo aacrUlc'e and ,toiL " , _ .. True VlolI( of Charity, " talne4 on tlJe' farm, . One ton ot oats ~e ~anacea.-The Jt has been ob.erved b,. some Brav~ tak@a the 10J} as much fertlllty .wl:lters that charl,tT . never can be U '4,l toni of cream. AI much ferm· overdone, tbough It m!l)' IQmetlmel be Ib- W;ouId 1)6 taken from the soil In led Ibto errol', A man cannot he too ·'2.8 ".'o~ of . ,;~e,at at In 'S~O charItably dispOsed, The· lIel~,.iI!I,pO o! ...oream. , .. M • , " . Inunltary a • ..., limits. and the work ~ , God'1 ,,"ork. ' By dall'1iD1' Only about ,II · per cent < I · Y.e t must a matt' be . ~etul bl>.w be of (ertlUq tl taken 'from the loll, the plaoel thll may Involve a great deal U'~I tb. mel\DI Wlalcb be employ. to balance of the Ant abed p~dQot. beJng of wor~, but Jeven If the gradIng can, I·. made :b7, .plant llfe ltom w.ter, &Jr. not all be , ~one In one, ),ur arrange',efleye) charIty. , Bilt to return to lbe desIre to be IHIt.· an!! 'snn.hl~ a~,d as a relu t. dall'}' .me~ta ah9uld.' be IJ!ade -by whIch at ~d ~e tet, wblcb. In 101Il6 degree, all ' 10ull fann.iI tn lIIuro. . ·,bye,, auccl!~C?4 In lealt part of,' lt .Ia done evei 1,year. We ·bave "'faltie IcJeas of good· malntalnl~ their loli fertility for Toq 'nluch" l treae cannO!. be "laid OD neel aO.tneUJnes, We are apt to Judge .more the 1,000 yearS: wblle· l~e Ute ia'at that we bave no beher dlalnerrp~oouily as to what con.Ututes be- our 'grarn farml han heen' atmOit a· lectant ~hF good, old.fashloned lun. I netche,~ nevolonce and the opposite traIt. A .l1au'te~ In 60 ,,,eel'l!. . I. U,bt. FOr thl. reason In planning our If ODe would be·, IUccelsful In barns much more atoontlon shoulcJ CertaIn physical delicacy at nervell Dr• KahI, of Bu«alo, N. Y., says: ''I baVe used Cutor!a III " lo~e\!nies II called the evidence ot ~al" bUllnel1 ~ muat , he palcJ to · the q\l~It\OJ1 of ~urltig 1111 practice for tile put 216 Jean. I regard it 8/J au u.ceUent medlclDe 'oodn.... In 80me 'parIs of the old ',tin 'With Bucb cOW. I I gtfe a sumclent light. D-,I'}' authorltiel sug, for children. .. . world the people are very careful not icOd foundaUoa stook and trtim W~lcli ,gest that four r(JUare feet of ghlll! Dr. Gustave :A:. ElaeDgraeber, at Se. Paul, Kmn., sa11:· ..t Jiavw uea ' to take anImal lICl. In Egypt the bee· -he can ,grl.duaU,. bnlld up a herd. ,rio .hould be allowed for each cow In tlie ~ C4ator1& repeatedly In my practlco With goed results, and can NCOJIIto ,... retrains from kUling t!l' vermlQ. II.pect to build up a dairy IM~. from barn, Long ·wlndowl reaching well _ 4 It .. an acellent, mUd and harmleaa remedy tor cb.1Jdren." on b_s body, but removes . them .care- anlmall IU~ted ea~lally , for makIn, to the ceUinli have been -found the Dr. m. J. DennJJ, of st. Loul8, Mo.• ..,..: .. , have used and PretlCl'ibe4I rully to the ground_ In ilie sillle beef la beglnqlbg Ule fI"sln4!u 1flth saUstactory. TOur Cutor1& In my sanitarium ancJ outsIde practice for & number of J.e&rII countries human life JI conalderecJ of l .a.,rIIIllA bancJlcap. ' ... an4 Ind It to be an ezcellent remedy lor cbJ1dren." email account. Among UI ·lOme ciano A cOmparlion of the'beet' and' dalr7 not bear to look upon .ufferlng. PaiD, typel of animal II ,petllapI tbe .• oat Dr. I!L A:.Bnchanan. ot PhlladclpbJa, Pa.. says: ". have UIIe4 'Your c... mllery, the slgbt of ·blood affect effectlve ..r. ,. of .howlng· what are the •.....•·...........¥I..... torI& In the cue ot 0wi1. bab7 ancJ 1lnd it. pleasant to take. and haft them; tbey wlll uot tread upon a dIstInct' datI'}' . characterlaUc'ti• .. "l'he obtained ezc:ellent relUlta from Itl ~." worm, But 8uch a perlon may not beef breeds are bloclcT 'tDA QrDS. ~ Dr. J • .lD. S1mP8Ou. of Chicago. nl.. says: "l havo uaecJ your CaatorJa III hesItate to trample upon tbe feellngl heavy and 11ugglsh. while the dairy cuu of coliC 111 chlldren and have found It the ))eat medlclne of Ita k1Ilcl ot a mIserable soul whose angulah tar anImal II Ipare and angular aDd on the market." exceeda that of tbe bod" fined with a soft lind pliable btde Dr. R. m, EakUdsoD. of Omalia, Ne1i., 81.}'11:" "I !lnd your Caatorla to .., • Firat, the Dealre to Be Good. covered with Imooth. 10rt haIr. The .~dard lamll7, remedy. It Is the bost thing for 1n!anta and cbJ1dren Ii The desIre to be good whIch merit. head II lean and a little longer than the promlle of tbe Holy .Splrlt Ie ex· that of lbe beef type. The Deck II have ever known and t recommend It." pressed In ScrIpture by the words hun, long and lean, 'olnlng to the body Dr. L. R. Robinson. of Kanaaa City, Mo.. sa,..: "'Your caatorta certainlY; The teecJlnlJ of catUe depend. upon ger and thirst, tbe meaning of wblcb rather abruptly. The , withers are the age and the future of the anlDiais. baa merit. Ie not Its age. Its continued use by mothers through all thele we caD. In lIome eort understllnd. The sharp, with the Iplllal column proml. \[ ted ror . market a llheral luppl,. of 'Years. and the many attempts to imItate It. eutllc\ent recommor.daUon't Ihlpwrecked mariner, ftoa~lng for daY8 nent and the barrel long and capac- palatsble food Is neceasary. It for :what can a physlclan add? Leave It 'to the mothers... and nlgJl,ta upon the plank which Ie.,. I I Dr. Edwin F. Pardee. of New York CIty, says: "For sevant years I have' aratea ·hlm from death. wlthout"tood or lous, IndIcating good feed ng capac t7, merelY holding througb the 'WInter. The ribs are . aprung dOWD an4 out· reed the coarser, cheaper feedB. Cattle recommended your Cutorta and shall alwa;ya continue to do 110. as It 4rlnk, UOWI wbat I~ la to hunger aDd NarcJ and wIde spaced. the heart and to be grazed durIng the lummer w1l1 Snvarlab17 produced benedclal reaulta." _ • thirst, and when ezhausted nature _lnb to repose be dreame of teut. loin gIrth large and the tall be with ·dO' the heat It not turned on the grRIII Dr. N. B.Slzer, of Brooklyu, N, T .. ...,..:. ·1 object to 'Whae are ""lUcia · bls· loul with agony, a heavy swItch. The form at the too fat. The change of feed ,retardl patent. medlclnell. 'Where maker alone bowa !What 1ngredlenta are put lII. wblcb make blm _ao rav. dairy cow II frequently Ipoken of as tbe growth, The feed; that 1a cOD.llumed them, but 1 know. &he lormul& or "our and adv1ae Its use." the "trIple wedge" form_ . Flrlt, Ihe tQ put on tbl8 SUrplU8 of fat ts lost. not put on, are not ot tbe shows IncNased depth. ot ' bod1 . toCalves should bave the best rough·· oU',..II', ·,T be,. Iprlng from the founda. a.NUIN. ALWAYS · hll ,I\'fe; · they are tbe condl. warda the rear when vIewed from otle nge I!.vallable. There should be luf· Beare Ihe lit. eJ!st.nce. In Uke ' mln, Ilde. SeconcJlT, .be wldenll gradually palatable and nutrtttoul foodl , -must Illue out from the brealt to the ·polnt. of tbe to k~p them at their mUImum ,or It hlp.. . 'down on the growth until the1 are put oil tire II'&8s. ;.aI ..atlloa. , It .,aok dOWD' When the· cnlV81 from 1111: to t8 well twelve months ihould Jlot be fecJ die A. good daily to one and ·for a Calf . ·b all poUnd.. :. ' .





Powers of Good and Evil Within All Men

The Army of Constipation




:~it'' ~!~ ~~:I:e:~eS:°w':::~:' t~:~:







What Is Castoria.


ASTORIA Is a harmless suootltul8 for Castor Oil, ParegorIc, Drops and It Is .pleasant. It contains neither OpiUm, Morphine nor . substancea Its age fa ita It destroys Worms allays Pevetlslmess. For more than thirty years it has been in oonstant use for the relief of Oo~pation, Flatuleno;r. Wm~ ~olic, all Teething Troubles and reguliltes" the Stmnach and :Bowels. the Food, giving healthy d uatura1sleep, Ohildren's Mother's .Friend. .,.... ,. . '. , ·The Kind You Have Always Bought, and whioh has been in use for over ,80 .yEmm, has ·borne the signature of Chas. He Fletoher. and has been made under ·hiS personal supervision since its Infanoy. Allow no one to deoe1ve you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations a.nd ,. Jast-aa-good" are but'Experiments.that'trUie with Emdanger health of Infants and Children-Experience agaiust ExpeJiment.


, Letters from Prominent Ph,y~·iciaos addressed to Chas. H.


.AIbert w.






If '- ' - -



w.;;.;of_ _....

IE~~~e!~~~~~!s]If~~~l~~~~ Mr. Alfred Hay was the host to an Read the ad of the Domestic impromptu dance Tuesday evening Vacuum Cleaner in another column; at ~he Phillips ire cream parlors. . -. ___ Dr. J. T . Ellis al'\d Miss Martha

Automobile .Livery Service

Mrs. Eva J ones entertained at'diD' O'Neall autoed to Dayton, ~onday.

To all nearby towns and cities, a reasonable rates. For particular, call on or phon. to

ner Sunrlay Mr. and Mrs . 0. F. J ones Mrs. Eugene li'oster, of Butter-' Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones, and Mr. worth Station, attended the Elli8' and Mrs. Frank ~11. I Earnhart wedding last Thul'flday. evening.



Rev. anu Mrs. C. S Grauser had

"The Raffir Kids" will playa re

sa their .cuestll at dinner Sunday, turn engagement at School Hall.

Corwin, Ohio

Rev. Robinson, ot Cincinnati, Mr. Friday evening. and Mrs. F. C. Gilmour and daugh. Misses Christine Kelly ani Leah Smith have returned to Cincinnati Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner sliter· a~ter iii pleasant visit with Mr. and . tained at a four·course dinner Satur· Mrs. Geo~ge Smith. day evening in honor of their g uest, ~*,*'.t*~*,*,*~*,*,':t Two solid hours of fun and amuseMrs. Emma Van Horne, of Mason. ment Elt Seh'ool Hall, Friday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gilm our anti daughtel·. HAVE YOU SEEN The rural mail carriers star led on The-large assortment of their summer schedule this morning, THE REPUB. Mr. and MI'8 . F. H, Farr enter their patrons thereby receiving thei r ENAMELWARE LlCAN PRIMARV, I We are giving away free to our tained informally. friday evening at mail alll hou,r earlier every day. their home the following guests: -:1,.." . ~ .MA<Vr'21, 1912 . customel'!;? The largest assort· ment ever shown ,in Warren Mrs. Emma Dakin, MiSlJeS Christine Havolelle Au~ Soap, does not in· . county. Qave your Rf'gister Kelly and Leah Smith, of Cincinnati, jure paint, Waynesville Auto 8n~ Tickets and secnre some of this Jessu~ M~rl att and Luella Cornell. Machinery Co. .. fine ware free. Medsrs Ralph Miller and C M: Ro· This week we have New POUltOes . ~U~ITOR bi ber. Mrs. Ida Lemmon snd t NO daug h· New Cabbage, New Texas OnFrank B. Forgy ters, Mrs. Mary Rin2'ery and Mias ions , Sweet Potatoes, Cucum· Will R. 'l ewis bers, Lettuce. Radishes. Green B, F. J I)nes and wife, of Moores- Bessie Lemmon, of Cincinnati, have Onions, $trawberries, Pine Ap· Charles Madden · Ind, a r.e visiting his brother beer! \tisiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ville, pie!!, Maine Baldwin Apples, Albert Stubbs Nathan Jones, and renewing old ac· Reed • . Navel Oral1ges, Lemons, Fan· quaintances who are heartily glad to cy Bananas. 1he·.e ntertainment at School HaU, meet him again. In honor of him New Cream Cheese, CLERK OF COURTS Friday evening is for thE benefit of New Salt Fish, and his wife and to celeQrate the ·.... Dan . P. Bone l?ried Reef, Bologna. 60t h anniversary of the marriage of the Wosley Club Room, a benefit to James S. Tatom iieed Potat oell and Onion Sets, all Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones. Mr. and the young men of the tnwn. kinds and at low prices. Mrs. Frank Zell on Monday 'e vening Mr. land Mrs. Frank Andrews and MILK-We receive Pure rsey entertained in their attractive home. Milk twice a day and keep it on Frank Hamilton, of Lebanon, Mr. Misses Helen Hawke arid Ethelyn ice. Only 6c a q u~rt Jones assisted Mrs. Zell .ih I'ter duties !lnd Mrs. Harry Hamilton, of Day· Bring us your as hostess and added much"to the ton, were gUel!ts of Mr. and Mrs. Butter a~d E;ggs pleasure and interest of the evening GeorgE! Hamilton, Sund~y. Highest prices paid, cash O'I' trade ' by furnishing music and Miss Jones The Misses Ethel and Mabel La~ey, It pays to trade·at recited in pleasing style, some appro· of Middletown, Ohio, attended the priate selections. wedding of Miss Elsie Earnhart and As the guests bade good night til Mr. iidwell EIIi!, last Thursday the genial host and hostess, it was evening. with the sincerest wish that their guest. of honor, thE' Jones brothers Gasoline Stoves, repa ired. Notify imd their excellent wives might have the Waynesville Auto and Machinery P08TOFFJCP: eUPF>LI ES. more pleasant meeting3 1.1 au"1< earn · Co. amI' t h ey wi II caII f or tern. h All th' r " ed b h munity. I' ! ' e supp Ics ' reqUl~ t e " The guests in addition to those If yl~u want' a ibod dish of ice '(), offi~e,s nre furlU~I~.~ :froI~ :I·-mentioned were Mr. and' Mrs. C. r. ,cream, and a ' souvenir, attend the Waslungion. 1 hey nced SlX tons of H k M d M .....L Co II . Ph'll" . tat' k' d d awe, r, an rs .....aas. me, openmlir at . I IpS Ice cream pary lllg s · IOnery evocr wor d ay an Mr. and Mrs. Jason Sheehan, Mr. ,lors, Sntu~3.Y, M~y ." th. c?nsum~ 25, 00 poun B ow wrap- ana Mrs. Geo. Hawke, Messrs. Hen. pmg twme evc~ week. All of the ry Prater and Isaac Kellv. Mesdames Me.owrs. Chas. Cornell,-C ..!..'F-i"Hawke .: PROBATE JUDoE locka. on ,the m811 bags aTe ch8nge~ Matilda Hosier, Eva Jones, Sarah Frank :Zell, George Zell. Fnmk Elbo~' ,1;1/'1 ;;JOCJfI..... ~ AIt~·. j::.~ Bh,wn once III mght yeafS. A8 fast 8S mail Smith, Annie O'Neall. Misses Anna W;in Salisbury and Hev. C S. Grauaer ,:, ..,.ID' A. JameSon sack!!. wear out tbey.. .are Bcnt ·to and Hannah Kelly, Ethel Hosier and attendE~ the Bryson stock sale near . CorWin,prake Washmgton, where a huud~e4 ,~vom- Lola ZeI1. , ' Xenia, last Thursday . en are constantly e ngage~ ' m mend',' ing them. There is onl.Y one man s .' in the country with whom the 'deci,( I sian' lies as to when. 11 mail snck i8 E. Hoover worn out and shall be used no longer. S.loer ,,' Following is the program of tht Wayne Township Day exercises, t'o M. Mulford: !!!'!"~~~~~~~~~~~~ be held in the I. O. O. F. Hall. Wayp esville, May 9th. The program' is a W. Z. Roll good one, and all lire cordially invit~ to hear the program and , see the ___ l . No. 2220 work of the schools. t

'*' ~

" * Cand~idates ~


.'* ._


You will miss the event of the "e",p\\~ Ifjty~~d.on't go to . i .. ~ n. ,~. \ I

School Hall, FridayMay 3rd . At 8 o'clock p. m., and hear the boys give'








!Wayne T owpshiJ:. School, '



A. M. Bower

Lonns and D1SCOWlt8 . ... .. ... . . 5252.8 05. 12

James Pollen \

: -:l Sam D. Henkle . 1,,: -.. I"

TREASURER Byron C. Howell, Jr. JUDGE MARCUS SHOUP hereby annonDct'S his candidacy for the }(epu1Jlican nomination for Congress in the Sixth Congressional . District, subject ~o the primury , election in May. ,



V .' ~ I iI> •

REPORT Of the Condition of the Waynesville Na~ional,Bank, at Waynes viHe in the State of Ohio, at the close of bUSiness, Aijril ' 18, 1912. RllisounOES.


D,e~ocratic Ticket STATE 'SENATOR John E. Holden (WarreD 00.)

Ovortlrntt... secured IlJ1d untlOOured 1.1 bU.D! U. S. Honds to /iCCurc clrculnUon •• 60.0UO.00 O~"cr bondH to eecure Postul Sa.v· log.. ....... .. ..... . . ..... . 3, 000.00 Boods. securities, et.c.. .. .. .... . . . 112,02~ . 5 0 Danklng bouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t.DOIl. no Due from approved rcS/lrvo ugents 23.{OG . 3~ Nooos at other NIHlollul tillnk.. . .. 280.00 io'rucllonal paper currency. nickels. nnd cenls... . .. . .. ... . .. ... IO. M

Law1u.l Munoy Resorvo In Bank . viz:

Specie ..•. .. •.. ... .. .. . 13.{06 . 20 . Legal-I.onder notes ... ..•. .I'iGOO.OO 14.90 6.20 n06l~mpllon fund wl~b U.S. '00l1li' urer(6% of c.lrculutlon)..... . 2. 500.00

·rot nl ................ . .... . 46~. B 0 9 .ti 2 LIADILI'J'1ES Cnpl l nl "~ocl< paid ill . . . . . . . . . . .. GO.OO O. OO /Surplus rU~llL.. . .. . . .... . . ... . . 76,OOu.UU Ulluivldud profi\.s. IllS!!

OX I )Oll s es

nnd taxes IJlllrl. . . . .. . .. .. . .

17. 046.K l

Natlollal Dunk notfl. outstsmlLug DO.O OO. uo Di\'ldood. ullpllld.. . . . . . .. . . .. .. 10U. 0 0 [udlv lduul dOllOsl\,,. 8Ul>Ject to c ucck .. . • .. . .. ..• 26l. 4SG.57

Oe mnlld co,·tWcutcs . .. o,ao~.u Postlll So"l ngsnollosl!s .... B75. 00 2'72.662. &1 TOlal. • . ..•. : • •.. .•. : . . •• {G4.d09. G2

STAT],; OF OlIJO, 'WAH HEN COUNTY .SS : I. J . O. Cltrtwrlgbt, Cushier of tbe allovo no.mou bauk. tlo so lemnly swcur t lmt tile .. bove "t.. tflmout Is true to tue beNt or m>'

""!!!!!'!!!!!!'!"~!!!'!"!"!!!!!!!!!'!"~!!!"!!~~~~~ I lmow iudge alld bcUef. :: J. U. 6ARl' WRI UllT . Guable r. ~\lh.r. r iho<l aod 8wO,rll l>ofnro m o 1.lus 26t h ti ny "f April. 191 2. Ie. V. Harllhc.rt. liorrocl Att est: lIiotn ry Pulll"" J. W. WH1TE. W . II , ALl.1_N . ~ . LEV: CA .'l'W R 10 liT. , Vlroctofl<.






. . '. By All Devotional-Re~. C. S. Grauser. Song . . ' Anna and Ethel Satterthwaite Reci tation . .. Henry Burge Exercise Thr~ Boys from LoweU Schoof Recitation . . , Opal Gray Dialogue Six ehildren-Spring Branch School Song . . . First History Lesson-SixBoys Recitation, "TeachE'r" Glenna Haley "Johnnie's Conclusion" ; . . . Burnet Butterworth and Everett Thomas . . Recital.ion, "When Sister Graduates" Jennie Warner Recitation . . Nelson Brown Song, "Grown.Up·Land" Four Girls, Mt Holly Schools Recitation . . Alire Gons Recitation, "Aunt Tabitha" , ' . Eugenia Whitaker "Two Little Welcomes" Ernest Shutts and Inez Thomas Song . ~ . • Ellther Curtis !'Vacation Song" Six Girrs~Mt. Holly School Recitation Gordon Weeks Recitation . ; . William Drake !:iong, "Playmates" l;Iazel Salisbur.,nd Carl Squires Recitation t! . .. Anna Burge Recitation .,'. George Smith Recitation I " Helen Harris Exercise Eight Children-Sug:ar Grove School Recitation . Mary Bell Harner Reci tation . . Marie Surface Pantomime Pupils Green Briar School








YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT Tickets on sale at .J anney's, 25c and 15c



Gasoline Stoves ca lied for and reo paired, Waynt!sville Auto and Ma· chinery Co .



Breeder Qf

Barred Plymouth Rocks

Rev. C S. Grauser and F. C. Gil- l attended ~he Massie TO'I¥nship i Sunday· school convention Sunday (Pure Ringlet Strain) afternoon at Jonah's Run church. Rev. Grauser, was tr.e prinCIpal Stock and eggs fOl: sale. Eggs for speaker. .'. hatching from first ])ri:le winning pen, $2 per 15; other pens $1.&0 per Everybody should rea d the Gozette 16.~- Valley·phone 9.4%,'. R •. D. 3 ~our

. ...


Morrow, Ohio: -.. , '.


', ... ~ ' - - . "What"s ' the matter, Jorrocks? Yau look 8S blue as. indigo," said •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ; Whibley; sympllilietically. "I am bhie,~' sighed J orrocks. "I spen~ $30,000 getting 8 divorce from my wife, and after I go it, blest if • abe didn't submit the question to ilie Corwin, Ohio. people, and by n majority of 337 I am still married to her I"-Harper's Weekly.

Pan Handle House



By. day or week-- the . best of service..


E.tate of Elizabeth H. Sml&h. Deceuod. Nol Ie. III horeby gl .. WI tuat no,"" L . B~· hili bM bOOD duly a.ppolntod and qnallned aa Admlllilltratrix 0' the Estate ot EUzabeth H. Smith late of Warren Oo~~y. Ohio. doceued.


and Feed Stable in connection.

Datodthla lltb dc.y of April 1.912




Judge of tbe Probate Oourt, WalTOn County, Ohio.


Notice of Appointment




Wanted of all


A. McCRAY, Proprietor . -~ -

Use the Gazette~s Classified Column

2:00., P. M.

Song, "Red, White and Blue" . . By All Rxer'cise, "Three Little Lad at School"-College Hill School Exercise . . P\1pils Lo~ell Hill School Song, "Our Flag" . . CoII ~ge Hill School Address .. F. C. Anderson. Lebanon. 0 . Report of Judge:{.on Prizes Awardl' d • By All Closing Song, "America" I'

TOWNSHIP SCHOOL NOTES Mrs •. '~innie, Marlatt, Mt. ' HoH)'; o;"IIUlllIL~ Mrs. alU"rY Cor '. C'olIege·lJ!ilf; M.r s. Setp Furnas. Gro:ye; Mrs;-)Oeeph· .



Notice of App.o intment



And other attractions equally


10IO~ · A. M.

Song, "Ohio"


,,. :.'


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